THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation tf 2 H EOUR YEARS GOVERNMENT EXPLORING EXPEDITION; COMMANDED BY CAPTAIN CHARLES WILKES, TO THE ISLAND OF MADEIRA CAPE VERD ISLAND — BRAZIL COAST OF PATAGONIA CHILI PERU PAUMATO GROUP SOCI- ETY ISLANDS NAVIGATOR GROUP AUSTRALIA AN- TARCTIC CONTINENT NEW ZEALAND FRIEND- LY ISLANDS FEJEE GROUP SANDWICH ISLANDS NORTHWEST COAST OF AME- RICA OREGON CALIFORNIA EAST INDIES ST. HELENA, &C.5 &C. IN ONE VOLUME. BY LIEUT. GEO. M. COLVOCORESSES, U. S. Navy, AN OFFICER OF THE EXPEDITION. SECOND EDITION. NEW YORK: '-^< R. T. YOUNG, PUBLISHER, No. 140 Fulton Street. 185 3. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOfia^lA Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862, by CORNISH, LAMPORT & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for tho Southern District of New York. Stereotyped by Vincent Dill, Jr., No. 29 Beelc:nan Street. N. T. PREFACE It may be proper to observe, as affording some guarantee for the correctness of the information contained in this Volume, that it has been compiled from a Journal, or a Diary, which the author kept in obedience to a " General Order'' from the Navy Department, and that the Journal in question was frequently submitted to the Commander-in-Chief of the Expedition for his inspection and perusal. The work will be found to embrace incidents occurring on board the ship. Descriptions of Natural Scenery, Manners and Customs, Government, Religion, and Commerce. By adopting a more diffusive style, I might have exceeded my present limits ; instead of one such volume I might have produced two or three, but the general reader would have gained nothing by this, his main object being to gather in- formation, and the more succinctly it is conveyed to him the more rapidly he will acquire it, and more easily retain it. In short, I have endeavored to furnish a work which should have the merit of being instructive and entertaining, concise and cheap ; and I hope that the present volume will be found to possess all these advantages. G. M. C. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Departure from Norfolk — Weather — Orders to the ** Relief" to proceed to Rio Janeiro — Orders for the remainder of the vessels to rendezvous at Funchal — St. Michael's Island — Vast Fields of Sea Weed — ^Impression they made on Columbus's men — Arrival at Madeira — Beautiful scenery — General Description of the Island — Manufactures — Personal appearance of the Peasantry — Their dress and habitations — Culture of the Grape — Description of Funchal — Monks unpopular with the present Government— Nunneries — The celebrated recluse, Maria Clementina — How the Nuns support themselves — Cheapness of labor — Public Amuse- ments — Portuguese etiquette previous to dancing — Beauty of the En- virons — Ride to the famous Cural — Catholic Burial Ground — Story of Robert Machim and Anna D'Arfet. CHAPTER II. Departure for the Cape de Verde Islands — Phosphorescence of the Ocean — Arrival at St. Jago — Description of the Capital — Passage to Brazil — Arrival at Rio Janeiro — ^^The TJ. States Frigate ** Independence" — Observations on Rio Janeiro and its Commerce with the United States — Passage to Terra del Fuego — The enemies of the flying-fish — Arrival at Good Success and Relief Bays — Orange Harbor — Description of the country in its vicinity — General Observations on the Natives of Terra del Fuego — Departure for Valparaiso — A terrific storm off Noir Island — Loss of all our Anchors and Cables, and narrow escape from Ship- wreck — Arrival at Valparaiso — Obliged to borrow an anchor from H. B. M. Ship ** President." CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. General Description of Chili — Climate — Earthquakes — Valparaiso and its Commerce — Observations on the Inhabitants — Amusements — Religion — Education — The Army and Navy — Newspapers — President Prieto'a visit to Valparaiso — His reception by the citizens — Arrival of the " Peacock," " Vincennes," and " Porpoise"— Splendid ball given by the citizens of Valparaiso in honor of the Victory of Yungai. CHAPTER IV. Arrival at Callao Harbor — Chilian Squadron, and famous Fortress — Ob- servations on the City — Visits to Lima — Description of the peculiar dress of the Liminian ladies — The Theatre — Vice President Lafuente — The country in possession of the Chilians — Deplorable state of affairs — The " Relief" ordered to the United States — Fears are entertained for the safety of the Schooner *' Sea Gull" — Lieutenant Craven goes in search of her. CHAPTER V. Departure for Society Islands — Appearance of the Coral Islands — How they are formed — The Natives of Calermont de Tonerre refuse to let Captain Wilkes land — Obliged to fire blank cartridges at them — Their personal appearance — Alarm fires during the night — Arrival at the Island of Aurora — Remarks on its Inhabitants. CHAPTER VI. Arrival at Tahiti — General Description of the Island— The Governor of Matavi comes on board to engage the washing of the officers — His per- sonal appearance — A stroll in the direction of Papeite — Kind treatment received from the Natives — The Women at Point Venus— Encomiums passed on them by voyagers — Send the Seamen to the Native Chapel to attend Divine Service — Description of the Chapel — Rev. Mr. Wilson, the only survivor of the first Missionaries — Female passion for Singing — The Squadron leaves for Papiete — Objections to its Harbor — Des'^ription of ^he Tahitian Flag — Received a Present from the Queen — A Commercial Treaty— A Native Dance on board the ship— The King-consort break- fasts with Captain Hudson — Character of the Queen — Infueuce of Mr. Pritchard. CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Description of the Navigator Islands — An American citizen murdered by a Native — Apprehension of the Murderer — Sentenced by Captain Hud- son to be hung — The Chiefs object to have the sentence carried into execution on shore — The Criminal is taken away and put on Wallis' Island — The Christian and Devil Parties — Manners and Customs — Departure of the Squadron for Australia — Arrival in Sydney during the night — Remarks of the Press. CHAPTER VIII. Discovery and Settlement of Australia, derived from Chambers's Papers. CHAPTER IX. Commercial and Political Greatness of New South Wales — Character of the Population — Complaints against the Mother Country — Flourishing condition of Sydney — Principal Articles of Export — Interior of the country — Minerals — Several kinds of animated creatures totally unlike those found elsewhere — Observations on the Aboriginal Inhabitants. CHAPTER X. Departure for the South Pole — Kind treatment experienced by us at Sydney — Arrangements for keeping the Ship comfortable — Appearance of Icebergs — A new Continent discovered by the Expedition — Eighty Ice Islands in sight at once — Fired at a Sea Elephant— Captured a King Penguin — His appearance — Aurora Australis — State of the Weather — Sickness among the crew — Filled the Water Tanks with Ice — Left Orders on a Berg for the " Peacock" — Return to Sydney — French Exploring Squadron. CHAPTER XI. Arrival at New Zealand — Observations on the Island, and its Inhabitants — The Chiefs make a Cession of their Lands, Authority and Persons to Queen Victoria— Report of the English bribing the Chiefs — Pomare visits the Ship — His personal appearance, and private character — Arrival of the " Porpoise" from her Southern Cruise. CHAPTER XII. Passage from New Zealand to Tonga Islands — Communicate with an American Whale Ship. Pass a Water Spout— Sail through a large field of Sperm Whale feed— Anchor at Nookualof a— Visited by the CONTENTS. Missionaries — Christian and Heathen Parties at War with each other — Arrival of a War Canoe filled with Christian Warriors — Eight Heathens or Devils killed in a skirmish — Visited by several Heathen Chiefs — Their Complaints against the Christians — Description of Noo- kualofa Town — Manufacture of Tapa — Visits of the two Kings, Josiah and George, at the Observatory — An American Whale Ship wrecked — Preparations for going to Sea — Pilot refuses to take us out of the Harbor — Proceed to Sea — Productions and Climate of Tonga Island — Intercourse with the Fejee Group — Manners — Customs — Government — Religion — Education — Missionaries. CHAPTER XIII. Arrival at the Fejee Islands — Description of Levuka Harbor — Visit from its Head Chief — Visited the Shore — Beautiful Scenery — Witness a Native Female Dance — The Girls beg from us some Paint — King Toanoa arrives from Ambou — His reception — The King and his Chiefs visit the Ship — His alarm at the sound of the guns — He spends on board all the following day — His return to Ambou — Receive a visit from his Queen and eldest Son — The cruel character of the latter— The Peacock cap- tures the Chief Vendovi — An account of his attack on the *' Charles Daggett" — Send officers and men to the Observatory to protect it against a night attack from the Natives — Taboo taken off the Cocoanut trees — Sail for Saver Bay — Hot Springs in its vicinity — Superstition of the Natives — Sail for Sandal Wood Bay— Broils between two brothers Receive from the " Peacock" the prisoner Vendori — The Vincennes' 1st Cutter captured by the Natives — Send an Expedition to punish them and recover the Boat — Mr. Baxter of the Brig " Leonidas" dies from an explosion — Sail for Matawata Bay — Description of the Town — The King's Wives — Our Surveying Signals are stolen by the Natives — The King is compelled to restore them — Two of our Officers are massacred by the Inhabitants of Malolo — Destruction of their Town, and other punishment inflicted on them — Tribute to the Dead by the Chaplain of the Expedition — Meeting of Officers for the purpose of subscribing towards the erection of a Monument in the Cemetery at Mount Auburn — Bid adieu to the Fejee Islands. CHAPTER XIV. Extent of the Fejee Group— Soil and Productions— Description of the Inhabitants— How they wear their Hair — Power of the Chiefs over the common people — Women treated as Slaves — How they carry Messages CONTENTS. — Copiousness of the Language — Circumcision — Polygamy — Cannibal propensities — Courtship — Wives strangled and buried with their Husbands — The Sick killed by their relatives — Form of Government — Religion — Their account of the Origin of Races — Their knowledge of Medicine — Their Weapons — Their Manufactures — Foreign Trade — Value of Whales' Teeth, &c. CHAPTER XV. Arrival at the Sandwich Islands — Description of Honolulu — Foreign Residents — American Enterprise — Personal appearance of the Natives — The Market — -"Two Natives hung for poisoning a Woman — Witness an Examination of 700 Native Children at Mr. Bingham's Church — Their progress and natural abilities — A visit to the famous Pali — Remarks thereon — Horse-racing a favorite amusement of the women — My Horse takes fright — Obliged to go on board the Ship — Sail for Hawaii — Our Success in our Scientific Pursuits while at Oahoo — Immense height of the Mountains of Hawaii — ^Wrestling Match on the Forecastle between two Natives — Arrival at Hilo — A Present from the King's Agent — His personal appearance and behavior. ^ CHAPTER XVI. Surpassing beauty of the Country about Hilo — The Missionaries— Send the Scientific Instruments on shore — Excursion to the top of Mauna Loa — Refusal of Natives, employed to carry the Instruments and Pro- visions, to proceed — Scarcity of Wood and Water — Objects of the Expe- dition — I visit the Shore — Mr. Alden and fifty Seamen go to the assist- ance of the Mauna Loa party — Haul the Seine — The Head-man of Hilo and family, and the King's Agent and his Lady, dine in the Ward- room — How the Ladies dress, &c., &c. CHAPTER XVII. My visit to the Great Volcano — The Mauno Loa Party accomplish its object, and the '* Stars and Stripes" wave upwards of a week over the top of one of the highest mountains in the world — Character of the Mountain — Sufferings of our people from the excessive Cold, and Mountain Sickness — Sail for Maui — Pass the Island Raloolawe — Arrival at Lahaina — Appearance of the Surrounding Country — The King of the Group visits the Ship — His personal appearance and education — My visit to the Town — Beautiful Landscape — The High School — Native Children amusing themselves in the Surf— Apparent danger of the 10 CONTENTS. Amusement — Boats employed Surveying the Harbor — Dangerous situa- tion of Mr. May and Crew — Rescued by Lieutenant Budd — The King's Schooner assists us in our Surveying Duties — Return to Oahoo to fill up with Provisions — Receive an Ofi&cial Visit from the Governor of the Island — His connection with the Royal Family. CHAPTER XVIII. Sail for the Northwest Coast of America — Description of the Villula, or *' little man of war" — Arrive off the Columbia River — Owing to bad weather do not venture to enter — Steer for Puget Sound — Narrow es- cape from Shipwreck — Loss of a Russian vessel near the same spot — Savage Character of the Natives — Enter Puget Sound— Boarded by two Canoes — Description of the Indians living along the Shores — Arrival at Nisqually — Survey Hood's Canal — Celebration of the 4th of July on Shore — Serious Accident — Receive a visit from Doctor McLaughlin Chief Factor and Governor of the Hudson Bay Company— Lieutenant Johnson returns from an excursion in the interior. CHAPTER XIX. Exploration and Survey of Chickelees River — Difficulties with the Indians at Grey's Harbor — Scarcity of Provisions — Obliged to subsist on dead fish picked up on the beach — Arrival of Lieut. De Haven with provi- sions — He communicates to us the loss of the " Peacock" — Arrival at Astoria — Kindness of Mr. Birnie — Character of the Indian Tribes about Astoria — Receive orders from Captain Wilkes to join him at Vancouver — Indian Burial Grounds — Arrival at Vancouver — Observations on the Columbia River — Received orders to join the Overland Expedition to California — Sketch of a life at Vancouver. CHAPTER XX. Early History of Oregon, derived from the most reliable authorities — Cook — Vancouver — McKenzie — Twiss — Greenhow. CHAPTER XXI. Leave Vancouver to join the Overland Party to California encamped, on the Banks of the Willamette River — Rev. Mr. Cone, on his way to Van- couver — His account of our party; — Five Americans building a Schooner —Their account of the Country— The Falls— Indian Superstition— Sal- mon Fishery — Observations on the Scenery and Navigation of the River CONTENTS. 11 — Breakfast with the celebrated Mr. McKoy — His Wheat Crop — Cana- dian Settlement — American Settlement — Observations on the Soil and Produce of the Willamette Valley — Methodist Mission — Divine Service at Mr. Leslie's residence — Break up the Camp — Drawbacks — Mr. Tur- ner's place, and his present to the party — Loss of some of our Horses — A visit from a party of Calipuya Indians — Mr. Emmons leaves for Fort Umpquoa — Unfavorable report regarding the Indians — Mr. Emmons' return to the Camp — Put the Arms in the best fighting condition — Cross the North Fork of the Umpquoa River — Rumors that the Indians are preparing to dispute our passage — Indian Women gathering Roots — Indian Burial Ground — Cross the Umpquoa Mountains — Character of the Country — Klamet Indians — Pass Tootootutnas River — Sickness — Expected Attack from the Shaste Indians — Variety of Game — Indian mode of killing the Antelope — Passage over the Shaste Range — Klamet Valley — Ford the Klamet River — Character of the Indians of this Region — Reach the Head of the Sacramento — Archery of the Indians — Sacramento Valley — Klinka Tribe of Indians — Prairie Butes — Feather River — Captain Sutter's place — Proceed to San Francisco — Brief History of Captain Sutter — His kind treatment of our party — Extent and character of the Sacramento Valley— San Francisco — Bay at the time of our visit, and after the Discovery of Gold. CHAPTER XXII, General Observations on California. CHAPTER XXIII. Conquest of California by the United States. CHAPTER XXIV. Ordered to the Brig *' Oregon'* — Sail for the Sandwich Islands — A man killed on board the '* Vincennes" — Leave Honolulu for the East Indies — Arrival at Singapore — Description of the City — Opium vending and its effects upon the population — Beautiful rides about the City — A Chinese Temple — A Mahommedan Mosque — Malay Character — The Parsees — Their Language, Wealth and Religion — Observations on Com- merce and Currency — Sail for the Island of St. Helena. 12 CONTENTa. CHAPTER XXV Aspect of St. Helena — Discovery and Settlement of the Island — Fortifi- cations — Climate — ^Population — Observations on Jamestown — Visit to Napoleon's Tomb, and Longwood — Interesting particulars relating to the Captivity of the fallen Emperor — His Death and Funeral — Arrival of the Frigate ** Belle Poule" to take away his mortal remains — Exhu- mation of the Body — ^Its embarkation — Departure of the Frigate for France — Sail from St. Heleaa — Arrival at Rio Janeiro — Departure for, and arrival at New York. CHAPTER I. FROM NORFOLK TO MADEIRA, At 3 o'clock P. M., August 18tli, (1838,) the Vincennes made the signal to get under-weigh, and in obedience to the same we weighed anchor in company with the rest of the squadron, namely, " Vincennes,'' " Peacock," " Relief," and the two schooners "Sea Gull" and "Flying Fish." At 5 P. M., we came-to oflF Fort Monroe, on account of its fall- ing calm, and of the tide making against us ; but at 9.20 the breeze sprung up, and we again hove-up the anchor and stood out to sea. At 4.15 P. M., on the 19th, we discharged the pilot, and took our departure. The day was beautiful, the sea smooth, the breeze favoring, and the vessels sailed finely. Indeed, we could not possibly have commenced our cruise under more auspicious circumstances. The day following we received orders, in case of separation, to rendezvous at Funchal, the principal port of Madeira. On the 24th, the "Relief" was ordered to proceed to Rio Janeiro, in consequence of not being able to keep up with the rest of the squadron. At dawn on the 13th of September, we descried the Island of St. Michael, the first land we had seen since bidding adieu to our own shores. This island is of a volcanic origin ; its conical-shaped mountains, and detached basaltic rocks which 14 PATSSAGE TO MADEIRA. line its shores, prove this most conclusively. The northern side, along which we sailed for some time, looked singularly beautiful and romantic. It is one of the Azores,'* or Western Islands, and belongs to the Crown of Portugal. The next object which engrossed our attention was the im- mense fields of sea -weed, so often met with to the west of the group of islands just mentioned. Two great banks of this singular stringy-looking weed are said to occur in the Atlantic ocean. One of them is to the west of the meridian of Fayal, one of the Azores ; but the location of the other has not been correctly ascertained. According to Burnet, it vegetates within forty degrees of latitude on each side of the equator. It was known to the Phoenicians as the Weedy-Sea, and the Spaniards and Portuguese call it Mar de Zaragossa. It is related of Columbus, that the sailors who attended him on his first voyage of discovery to America, on passing through these fields of sea-weed, urged him to proceed no further on the voyage, but to return home again, as they superstitiously believed that this hindrance was designed by God to pat a stop to his wild schemes. This floating fucus is supposed to be detached by storms from the submarine rocks on which it is said to grow ; but that which we fished up presented all the appearance of belonging to a healthy growing plant, nor could I detect any roots which might have induced me to suppose that it had been once attached to the rocky bottom of the ocean. On the morning of the 18th of September, we anchored off * The Azores, or Western Islands, a group of nine islands in the Atlantic, between 26'> and 30*' west longitude, and 37° and 40" north latitude, were discovered in 1439, by Vanderberg, a merchant of Bruges, and received their name from the number of hawks found among them. The climate is favorable to human health, and the soil is in general fertile, abounding in corn, grapes, oranges, lemons, and other fruits, and feeding many oittle, hogs, and sheep. MADEIRA. 15 the city of Funclial, in twenty-five fathoms water. The " Vincennes" and " Sea Gull" came in about sunset, and the " Flying Fish" an hour or two later. The " Peacock " did not arrive until about 10 A. M next day. Shortly after coming to anchor, we were boarded by the health-officer, who, being assured that we had no sickness on board, granted us permission to communicate with the shore. We had heard much about the beauties of Maderia, and now that we had it before our eyes, we were not disappointed ; my own expectations were indeed more than realized. Val- leys and hills, the former adorned with villas, groves, cottages, churches, and convents, the latter covered to their summits with verdure, presented themselves to our view in every direc- tion. The climate is said ^to be among the finest in the world. Properly speaking, there is no winter, and the greatest heat in the summer is never so great as with us. The usual height of the mercury is 67°, and in the greatest extremes seldom sinks or rises 6° above the medium, and hence the excellent health so generally enjoyed by its inhabitants. Another remarkable fact about Maderia is, that it is free from the annoyances and inconveniences that so commonly infest warm climates. There are no snakes or reptiles of any sort. Flowers grow wild along the sides of the roads and in the fields. Water is abundant, and of an excellent quality ; even the streams at the bottom of the ravines, fed by the mountain dews, are never dry in the hottest season, and the height from which they descend enables the inhabitants to tura their course in any direction they please, which accounts for the cultivated parts of the island being so well irrigated. The chief production of Madeira is the grape,* and that * "The vine was introduced in 1425, from the Island of Candia ; but it was not ac- tively cultivated till the early pai';of the sixteenth century. It is propagated from 16 MADEIRA. which grows near the sea-shore is said to make the best wine. The quantity exported last year amounted to 8,450 pipes, of which about 4,000 pipes, valued at 793,000 dollars, went to the United States. There is a great difference in the spots where the vine grows, and some estates produce much better quahty of wine than others, though the kind of grape culti- vated is the samCe After the juice is expressed it is put into casks, undergoes the process of fermentation, is clarified with isinglass, or gypsum, and about three gallons of brandy to a pipe of wine is added. The common Madeira is obtained from a mixture of Verdelho, Bual, and Negro Molle grapes ; the Malmsey and Sercial, from grapes of the same name. The principal manufactures of Madeira are coarse linen, baskets, hats and bonnets, boots and shoes. The latter article is exported in considerable quantity to the East and West Indies ; they are generally well made, but they do not stand wet weather as well as the American shoes, in conse- quence of the leather not being properly tanned. The revenue of the island is stated to be about 210,000 dollars per annum. That portion which is derived from the customs is about one half, or about 110,000 dollars. The remainder is from taxes and tithes. The population is esti- cuttings, planted at a depth of from three to six feet, and there is generally no pro- duce for the first three years. During the second spring they are trained along a net- work of canes, (which is extensively grown, in low, moist situations, for that pur- pose,) and supported by stakes, about three or four feet from the ground. The in- ferior descriptions of wine, after being clarified, are subjected, in stoves, to a tem- perature of 140° to 160° Fahr. for six months, by which process of forcing they as- sume an apparent age, but, at the same time, a dry and smoky flavor, which can never be entirely eradicated. This class of wines is shipped annually, in large quantities, to Hamburgh, where it undergoes a process which changes its character to that of Hock, under which name a large portion of it finds its way into the English and American markets. The wines of Maderia. with the exception of Tinta, should be kept in cellars of a moderate and equable temperature, and should be placed, for a short peMod, at a moderate distance from the fire before decanted, and the decanter heated in like manner.' By One who resided Fifteen Years on the Island. MADEIRA. 17 mated at 115,000. The lower classes are industrious, sober, and honest. They are supposed to be a mixture of Moors, Negroes, and Portuguese. Dark hair, eyes, and complexion are most common. The character of the features is usually a broad face, high cheek-bones, full lips, and good teeth. The men are very muscular, about the middle height, very erect, strongly built, and capable of enduring great fatigue. The women are not good looking, which is no doubt owing, in part, to the hard labor required of them. The men wear loose trowsers, descending to the knee, made of coarse linen cloth manufactured on the island, a shirt, and a jacket of gaudy color. They sometimes wear boots or shoes made of white leather, but generally they go without either. The women are dressed in bodices, with short petticoats of a variety of colors. Both sexes wear a blue cloth cap of very small dimensions, tied under the chin. The houses of the peasantry are little better than huts ; they are constructed of stone, one story high, with a roof rising on all sides to a central pole — are thatched with straw, and beneath the same roof are included the parlor, kitchen, and sleeping-room, without any intervening partitions. The only aperture for light or smoke is the door. Perhaps there is no need for chimneys, as fire is seldom required, and the cook- ing is usually done out in the open air. Funchal is the capital of the island. It is built along the margin of a small bay, the houses in some parts rising one above the other on steep hills, and contains above 20,000 inhabitants, of which 500 are foreign residents. It is inter- sected by three rivers, which are kept in their course by strong thick walls, from ten to thirty feet in height. Most of these streams have pleasant walks along their raised banks, shaded with large overhanging plane-trees, whose branches almost 18 MADEIRA. meet over the centre of the channel. The cathedral has been recently repaired, and makes a fine display ; its steeple is the most conspicuous of any in the town. The other public buildings are hardly deserving of notice. The Governor's palace is situated near the water, and has a commanding view of the harbor, but its architecture is clumsy and tasteless. A few yards from the cathedral is the Praca Constituicas, a very pleasant promenade, shaded by three or four rows of trees, and provided with benches for the repose of the weary. The military band usually plays here during the afternoon of Sundays, and " festas." The native inhabi- tants then appear in all their finery, listening to the airs discoursed by the band. Beyond the Plaza is the market- place, which is very clean, and regularly laid out in streets and stalls. Many of the convents are large and beautifully located, but in consequence of their being neglected by the present govern- ment, they have in a great measure become deserted, and their walls are crumbling down piecemeal. The monks are out of favor with the Queen's government ; the zeal with which they supported the claims of Don Miguel to the throne of Portugal has not been forgotten, and consequently they are looked upon with a suspicious eye, both by the government and the people. During the short reign of the Constitutional Government in Madeira, the nuns were permitted to leave their convents, and a few availed themselves for a time of the privilege, but returned again to their cloisters, after a short enjoyment of the world's gayety. The celebrated Maria Clementina, to whose history Coleridge has imparted such interest, still lives in the convent of St. Clara, among some forty of her sister- hood. She is now somewhat advanced in life, and few, if any, traces remain of that beauty which the poet so warmly MADEIRA. 19 described. These nuns support themselves chiefly by the manufacture and sale of artificial flowers and fruits, with a few other ornamental productions. The former are made of dyed feathers and the fruit of wax, and are prized by many visitors as afibrding a pleasing remembrance of their sojourn in the island. The dwellings are from one to two stories high, and the apartments are large and well lighted, but owing to the material of which they are constructed — stone, and the iron- grated windows of the ground-floor — they have a gloomy, cheerless aspect. Nearly every house has a kind of tiuTct on the top, from which can be had a fine view of the harbor. The principal object of these is, for the inhabitants to look out for vessels ; the first thing to be done in the morning being to mount the turret to see if any strange vessel had arrived in the course of the night. The streets are narrow, and in some parts very steep, but they are kept clean. In the principal streets are some very good stores, kept by Englishmen, who are by far the most numerous of the foreigners that reside on the island. The market is very good. Beef of good quality can be had for eight cents per lb. ; fowls for thirty-seven cents ; eggs for eight cents per dozen ; vegetables and fruits of every descrip- tion also are abundant. Clothing is as cheap as with us^ and boots and shoes considerably cheaper ; and I may here add, that this is the case with everything which is made on the island, and it is to be attributed to the cheapness of labor, the highest wages commanded by mechanics not exceeding twelve dollars per month. In passing through the streets of Funchal, you meet with many of the country people, who have come either to trade or to obtain employment. They are a hardy, athletic race, and 20 MADEIRA. to all appearance remarkably polite and kind-hearted. When- ever we met them, they invariably saluted us. They are extensively employed about the town as carriers, and a stranger is at times apt to be struck with the novel character of their load; when at a distance, he sees them bearing on their shoulders what he supposes to be a live sheep, but on nearer approach he discovers that they are only the skins of that animal filled with wine. These skins are preserved as entire as possible, even the legs being retained; they are kept steady by a band which passes over the forehead and supports a considerable part of the weight. Twenty gallons is con- sidered an ordinary load, and they will carry it to any part of the city for a pistareen. There are few public amusements to be found in Funchal, and strangers very soon complain of monotony. There is no theatre, no cafe, ho resort, in fact, but the billiard-table. The members of the Portuguese Club have a ball, once a month during the season, and very agreeable and pleasing re-unions they are. According to Portuguese etiquette, previous to the commencement of dancing, the ladies sit formally at one end of the room, apart from the gentlemen, and it is customary at two or three o'clock in the morning, to hand around cups con- taining hot chicken broth. The ball seldom breaks up before daylight. Visiting among the ladies of Funchal, is performed in Pa- lanquins, and a kind of vehicle lately introduced, resembling one of our New England sleighs. The latter is generally drawn by oxen, and seems to answer better than a wheel vehicle, on account of the steepness and narrowness of the streets. The rides about Funchal are delightful ; the roads are good, and lined on either hand with vineyards, mingled with groves MADEIRA. 21 of the orange and lemon tree. The most agreeable way of taking these rides is on horseback, horses being plentiful and generally well broken. Their owners invariably accompany them, and it is amusing to see how they manage to keep up when the animal is made by the rider to gallop or run ; they seize the tail with both hands — thus making the horse drag them after him ; and what seems singular is, the animal never gets frightened, and if not urged on by the rider, will soon come to a halt. Every one who visits Madeira should certainly ride out to the Cural.* The road leading to it is one of the most inte- resting on the Island. It ascends gradually, and every now and then you are presented with a magnificent view of Fun- chal, and its bay. After riding some hours you reach a mount of considerable altitude ; on ascending this you find yourself on the edge of the Cural, where the whole scene suddenly bursts upon your view, and its beauty and grandeur fill you with wonder and astonishment. ** Earth has nothing to show more grand ; Dull would be the soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty." In the descent, the road winds along the sides of the pre- cipice, and at every turn new and striking views are brought out, almost surpassing in grandeur the first. When about five hundred feet from the bottom, the path becomes less precipitous, and the country on either side is in a high state of cultivation and sprinkled with cottages, chapels, and con- vents. Few places of sepulture can boast a more delightful prospect than the burial-ground of Funchal. Whilst the » The Cural is supposed to have been a Crater. ANNA D ARFET. dark cypress groves give a saddening effect to the placfe itself, in Harmony with its object, the surrounding scenery pre- sents some of the finest views in the neighborhood of the town. The most prominent object in the distance is the Peak Fort, the principal fortress in Madeira. Its command- ing position renders it a picturesque object from many points of view. The following story relating to the discovery of Madeira, and narrated by a historian may be interesting to the reader. " Anna D'Arfet, the heroine of the tale, was a lady of high family and distinguished beauty. She was beloved by Robert Machim, an English gentleman of great merit, but her infe- rior in rank and wealth ; the attachment, though mutual, was not countenanced by the proud family of D' Arfet, and finding her insensible to their admonitions, a warrant was procured from the King, Edward III., by which Machim was arrested and cast into prison, she being in the meantime compelled to ally herself with one more her equal in station. Machim on his release, determined to spare no means to become possessed of the object of his affections, and by the assistance of a friend, who introduced himself to his mistress in the character of a groom, succeeded in effecting her escape from a castle near Bristol, where her husband resided. Guided by their trusty friend, they embarked in a vessel bound for France ; but in crossing the channel they were driven out of their course by a fearful storm. For thirteen days they were tossed about in the open ocean, where, being without a pilot, they knew not in what direction to steer. At length a faint haze in the horizon indicated their approach to land, and soon, to their infinite joy, they saw before them a beautiful and richly w^ooded island. Machim and his mistress, accompanied ANNA d'aRFET. 23 by some friends, landed under the shade of a venerable cedar, where they found a temporary shelter, there trusting to the genial climate and enchanting scenery. Machim hoped to suc- ceed in administering consolation to the conscience-stricken Anna, but within a day or two of their arrival another storm arose, more terrible than the last, which drove their -unfortu- nate vessel out to sea. Abandoned to despair, the beautiful Anna D'Arfet could not sustain this blow ; she died in the arms of her lover three days after the disappearance of the vessel, and was buried by Machim under the tree which had afforded them shelter. The spirit of Machim now gave way. He survived his mistress but a short time, and was buried at her side by his companions. With his dying breath he en- treated them to place an inscription upon their graves record- ing the fact, and requesting that, should the spot be ever vis- ited by Christians, they would there erect a church. The survivors having punctually followed the last directions of their friend, embarked again in the boat which had brought them from their vessel, with the intention of returning to Eng- land. Borne to the coast of Morocco, they were captured by the Moors and cast into prison. They narrated their story to some fellow captives, amongst whom was the pilot Mo- rales, who, returning from captivity, related the story to Zargo, and an expedition was soon after sent out by the Portuguese government to take formal possession of the island. " The small church now standing near by the cedar tree is said to have been the one erected in compliance with this request. Bowles in his ' Spirit of Discovery, '^ives the fol- lowing poetical version of the inscription, supposed to have been written by Machim on the grave of Anna D'Arfet : — 24 ANNA D'ARFET. < O'er my poor Anna's lowly grave, No dirge shall sound, no knell shall ring. But angels, as the high pines wave. Their half-said Miserere sing. * No flowers of transient bloom at eve The maidens of the turf shall strew. Nor sigh, as the sad spot they leave. Sweets to the sweet, a long adieu.' " FROM MADEIRA TO VALPARAISO, CHILI. 26 CHAPTER IL FROM MADEIRA TO VALPARAISO, CHILI. On the 25th we took our departure, and stood to the south- ward. On the 6th at sunset, being near St. Jago, we hove-to, and continued so until next morning. The early part of the night was quite cloudy, a circumstance which greatly contributed to render the sea in the vicinity of the island appear much more phosphorescent than usual. Its brilliancy was so great that we could almost see to read by it, and we all remained on deck for hours to enjoy the scene. By straining some of the water through a piece of muslin, it was found to contain myriads of animalculae, which in the dark shone as brilliantly as the jfire-fly. At early daylight we filled away, and stood in for Porto Praya, where we arrived at 7 A. M. This harbor may be described as a semicircular bay, of several miles in circumfe- rence, with bold steep shores. The entrance is from the south- west, and is free from all danger. The usual landing is around the bluiF, upon which the fort and town are built. Sometimes a heavy swell sets in the bay, which renders landing very difficult. St. Jago is one of the largest of the Cape de Verde Islands. It extends from the 15th to the 16th degree ^ north lati- tude, and from the 24th to the 25th degree of west longi- tude. The population is estimated at 25,000. There are many fine pastures to be seen in the interior of the island, 26 ST. JAGO CAPE DE VERDE ISLANDS. and here and there a valley of great fertility and beauty, but in general the island is barren and mountainous. The coast is high, especially at the southeast extremity. The hills, rocks, soil, and everything about the surface, bear unmis- takable marks of volcanic origin. The island is subject at intervals to droughts, and during their continuance the inhabitants suffer greatly from want of food and water. The exports are orchilla,* castor oil, beans, salt, hides, and goat-skins ; the former article is a government monopoly, and forty thousand dollars are paid by the company for the yearly crop. The goat-skins are sen. to the United States and sold at a very profitable rate. Porto Praya is the capital of the island ; it is built on a piece of " table land," and looks much more inviting when viewed from the anchorage than when more closely examined. The houses are constructed of a rough stone, without any re- gard to symmetry, and very few are over one story in height. The streets are wide, but are not paved, nor kept clean. A church, a barracks, and a jail, constitute all the princi- pal public buildings. The interior of the dwellings is in perfect keeping with their external appearance ; a few chairs, a table, and a bedstead or two, are all the furniture which any of them can boast of. The stores are very insignificant, for not only are the assort- ments small, but they are composed of the most common ar- ticles. The population is estimated at 3,000, of which num- ber more than two-thirds are negroes. The women are the ugliest we have ever seen. They are fond of gay colors, and their most fashionable head-dress consists of a figured-cotton handkerchief, tied round the head like a Turkish turban. ♦ A species of kelp, or Sea-weed, which, when burned, produces alkaline ashes, used in the manufacture of glass and soap. ST. JAGO — CAPE DE VERDE ISLANDS. 27 The language spoken is a mixture of the Portuguese and the negro dialects. Many of the blacks are slaves, brought from the neighboring coast of Africa, and continue to speak in their mother tongue. They dress in a loose shirt, and sel- dom use a covering of any sort on their heads. Their chil- dren go entirely naked. We have a Consul residing in the town. The climate is not considered healthy for strangers ; it is subject to a fever, similar to that which prevails on the coast of Africa. St. Jago, like the other Cape de Verde Islands, furnishes the Portuguese government with a place of honorable exile for distinguished subjects, whose political opinions maybe adverse to the existing institutions. They are advanced a step or two in rank to repay them, and a poor compensation it is for six years residence in such a miserable place, for they are not allowed to return sooner. During the short time we remained at the Island, our natu- ralists were actively employed, and many specimens were added to our collections in botany, ornithology, and shells. On the Tth of October, we again spread our sails to the breeze, and stood to sea. During the 9th we experienced variable airs, with calms at intervals. At 10 A. M. on the same day, we found ourselves in the midst of a very strong tide-ripple. There can be no doubt that this agitation of the water was caused by a current, for the sea was perfectly smooth only a few minutes before. In the afternoon we were in the position given to Pattey's Overfalls, represented as being so alarming to navigators, but we could see nothing of them. November 4th. The " Vincennes" saw ahead what she sup- posed to be breakers, but upon examining the place it proved to be an ocular deception, produced by the sun's rays throwing 28 PASSAGE TO RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. light upon the verge of the horizon, while it and the interme- diate space between it and the ship, was rendered dark by the shadow of the clouds. Similar appearances caused by the moon, were seen during the night. On the 5th, we crossed the equator, in longitude 17° west. The wind now blew from the southward and eastward. In the course of the afternoon we saw many shoals of flying-fish, and as they sprung unusually high into the air, we concluded that they were chased by other fish. The flying-fish has many enemies ; the boneta, albacore, dolphin, &c., &c., are waging incessant war with them in the sea, and no sooner do they take to flight, than the prowling frigate-bird, or wide-a-wake, is ready to dash down among them, and drive them once more to seek shelter in their own native element. Very frequently, when they are trying to escape from their enemies, they strike against the ship's side, and are instantly killed. The largest of them are not over twelve inches in length, but their fins are much larger in proportion than those of other fish. Sailors sometimes eat them, but they are not considered a good article of diet. An amusing circumstance occurred during the night of the 9th of November. In our course we passed very near a large sail, which, from the night being unusually dark, the officer of the deck mistook for the " Vincennes,'' although sailing on a different course. He immediately followed the vessel, and continued after her until morning, when, to his surprise, he discovered that it was a large Dutch ship. We considered it a capital joke, and during the rest of the passage had many a hearty laugh over it. When the mistake was discovered we resumed our former course, and soon after overtook the squadron again. On the 10th, 11th, 13th, and 14th, we kept watch for the PASSAGE TO RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. 29 periodical showers of stars. Forty were seen in the mid- watch of the ISth, proceeding from the Pleiades, and shooting in a northerly direction. The weather was now delightful, and the southeast trades were wafting us along at the rate of nine or ten knots per hour. The nights recalled to our minds the beautiful description of the illustrious Humboldt : " One expe- riences an indescribable sensation when, as we approach the equator, and especially when passing from one hemisphere to the other, we see the stars, with which we have been familiar from infancy, gradually approach the horizon, and finally disappear. Nothing impresses more vividly on the mind of the traveler the vast distance which separates him from his native country, than the sight of a new firmament. The grouping of the large stars, the scattered nebulae rivaling in lustre the milky-way, together with some spaces remarkable for their extreme darkness, give the southern heavens a peculiar aspect. The sight even strikes the imagination of those who, ignorant of astronomy, find pleasure in contem- plating the celestial vault, as one admires a fine landscape or a majestic site. Without being a botanist, the traveler knows the torrid zone by the mere sight of its vegetation, and without the possession of astronomical knowledge perceives that he is not in Europe, when he sees rising in the horizon the great constellation of the ship, or the phosphorescent clouds of Magellan. In the equinoctial regions, the earth, the sky, and all their garniture, assume an exotic character." About meridian on the 24th, we made the harbor of Rio Janeiro directly ahead. At 4.30 P. M., showed our number together with the rest of the squadron, which was answered by the United States frigate " Independence," the flag-ship of the Brazil station. At 5 we passed Fort St. Cruz, situated at the entrance of the harbor, and in the course of half an 80 RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. hour more arrived off " Rat Island," where we let-go the anchor. We were much disappointed not to find the " Relief" here. The usual passage for vessels bound to Rio from our ports is fifty days, but she had already been out ninety days ; we therefore began to feel anxious about her. There were a great many foreign vessels in the harbor, and not less than fifty or sixty were American, belonging to Balti- more and New York. The trade with the United States has greatly increased. Within the last two or three years from two to three hundred American vessels take and bring cargoes to and from the United States. They bring out flour and cotton goods, and return loaded with sugar, coffee. India- rubber, medicines, and spices of every kind. I visited the city as often as my duties would permit, but it is too well known to require much to be said of it. It is built on the west side of the bay formed by the debouche of the river of Janeiro, and has a very picturesque appearance from the water. It is the largest and one of the most flourishing cities in South America. At the last census Rio Janeiro had 250,000 inhabitants. It contains many rich churches, two hospitals, besides a miserecordia, a college, a museum open twice a week, two theatres, one opera, and several public gardens. The population is perhaps more mixed than that of any other city in the world. It consists of Europeans, mulattoes, mamalucoes, or a mixed caste, between whites and aborigines, free negroes born in Brazil, manumitted Africans, mestizoes or zamboes, between the mamalucoes and negroes, &c., &c. The Imperial Palace fronts the Grand Plaza. It is a large three-story, stone edifice, with a handsome portico in front. The apartments occupied by the royal family are spacious and RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. 31 airy, and furnished with regal splendor. Rio is indebted for many of its public buildings to Don Pedro I. It was his ambition to make the capital of Brazil a second Lisbon. The appearance of the city on Sundays is very much the same as on week days ; the stores do business, and the work- shops are kept open. A few of the inhabitants may be seen to attend divine service on that day, but the greater number spend their time at the billiard-rooms and theatres. Religion, which is Roman Catholic, according to the latest statistical accounts, is in a very depressed condition. The revenues of the church are so small that few respectable persons will undertake its duties ; and those who do officiate are generally ill-instructed. Another circumstance which struck me very forcibly was the immense number of slaves* employed about the streets as carriers of coffee and sugar. They go about almost naked, and bear upon their bodies the distinctive mark of their tribe. They appear to work with cheerfulness, and generally go about in gangs with a leader, who sings while they are carrying their loads. The song usually relates to their native countr}^, and they all join in the chorus. They constitute a large pro- portion of the population of the city. In general, they are kindly treated by their masters, and may purchase their free- ' dom. Their color operates less to their prejudice than with us. When free they vote, and are eligible to a seat in the national legislature, or to any situation in the army and navy. The aqueduct which supplies Rio with water, is a splendid and substantial work. It extends from the city to a reservoir on the summit of Corcovada mountain, distant about twelve miles. This reservoir is supplied by the mountain-vapors ♦ Previous to 1830, the number of slaves annually imported into Brazil amounted to 40,000. Since the prohibition of their importation the numbers have fallen ofl' 11,000. 82 RIO JANEIROj BRAZIL. which the night temperature converts into copious rains. The water is cool, delightful to the taste, and clear as crystal. There is a navy-yard at Rio Janeiro. It presents, how- ever, but little activity ; for the Brazillian navy is now dwindled down to a few vessels ; previous to the abdication of Don Pedro I.* it was large and efficient. The currency is paper, the gold and silver being mere arti- cles of commerce, and consequently subject to great fluctu- ation. On the 26th, the " RelieP' arrived. Her officers stated that the great length of the passage was owing more to calms, and variable winds than bad sailing. There were many days during which she did not make more than a mile on her course. On the 17th, she fell in with the hull of the brig " Nile," of Bath, both masts gone, within a few feet of the partners, and her hold was nearly filled with water. It was evident she had been in this situation for some time ; clusters of shell-fish were fastened to her decks and bulwarks, and long sea-weeds flaunted at her sides. As her bowsprit was still standing in good condition. Captain Long caused it to be cut away, and taken on board the " Relief." Nothing more occurred during her passage worthy of notice. On the morning of the 27th we hauled up to Enxadas ; landed the provisions and stores, and then proceeded to '' smoke ship." We performed this troublesome and disagreeable operation in the hope that we might destroy the roaches, which from the time of our leaving the United States, had been a source of the greatest annoyance to us. Enxadas is also the place where our observatory was ercct- ♦ Don Pedro I. ascended the throne in 18-2-2, unde the title of Emperor of Brazil, After a reign of a few years, the violence of political parties rose to such a height, and became so unmanageable, that the Emperor thought it prudent to abdicate in favor of his son, the present Emperor. H RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. 33 ed. It is a small rocky island, situated opposite Rio, with a large dwelling-house standing at one end of it, and a number of other buildings which were formerly used by shipping as store-houses. It is at present the property of a wealthy French family, residing in Rio Janeiro, but formerly, we were told, it was owned by the church, and the dweihng house above mentioned was a nunnery. December 1st was the anniversary of the Emperor's birth- day, Don Pedro II. The occasion was celebrated with salutes, illuminations, and fireworks. December 10th. I received orders to relieve Mr. C, on board the " Relief," he being obliged to return to the United States on account of ill health. On the 17th, got under-way, and were towed out the har- bor by boats from the " Independence" and " Porpoise," but the wind failing soon after the boats left, we let-go the anchor to prevent our being drifted on shore by the tide. At an early hour next morning the breeze sprung up from the south- ward and eastward, and we hove-up the anchor, and stood down the coast. January 2d. The Barometer was observed to fall from 29, 84. to 29, 52 ; but the weather remained pleasant. During the 4th, many birds were seen ; among others, the albatross (diomedia exulans,) giant petrel, cape pigeon, and a species of gull. On the 10th, we passed Cape St. Joseph. This cape is a rough, rocky headland, about 150 feet in height. A large number of guanacos were seen on a neighboring hill, and a great many birds on the beach. At daylight on the 21st, made the land near the strait of Le Maire. At 9 A. M., passed Staten Land. . The aspect of this island is wild and savage beyond description, or even 3^ COAST OF TERRA DEL FUEGO. imagination. At 11 A. M., found ourselves in the Straits of Le Maire, and as the wind was unfavorable, we ran into the Bay of Good Success, and anchored in thirteen fathoms water. January 22d. Landed in a cove situated near the south- west end of the bay. Saw a stream of fresh water about fifty feet wide, which discharged itself into the bay ; the water was of a dark brown color, but of excellent quality. Ascended the highest hill in the vicinity of the bay ; found the ascent, in consequence of the density of vegetation and looseness of the soil, extremely fatiguing, but on reaching the summit, thought ourselves amply compensated for all our trouble, by the magnificent view afforded us of the surrounding country. Several of our number had taken their guns with them, expecting to find plenty of game, but were disappointed. We saw no living animals of any kind. At daylight we got under way, and stood out of the bay with a light breeze, but it soon died away, and the ship was drifted back into the bay. About 6 o'clock, several natives were seen to come opposite the ship, and, in order to draw our attention, set up a shout. By 8 o'clock, having drifted back to our former berth, we again came to anchor. Soon after this we left the ship in three armed boats, to visit the natives. On our landing they came running toward us, and after welcoming us to their shores, which they did by first placing their hands upon their breasts and then pointing to the ground, they commenced crying out, " cuchillo," " cuchillo." This being the Spanish for knife, and as Wadel in his book states, that they have many Spanish words in their language, we were all under the impression they were asking if we had any knives to sell. We were, how- ever, soon convinced that we had not understood them, for on showing them our knives they still kept crying out '^ cuchillo." TERRA DEL FUEGO. 35 They also repeated the word when we showed them a string of beads, or a looking-glass. In short, although the word was kept up during the whole intercourse, it was impossible to learn its meaning. They were admirable mimics, and would repeat our own words with great accuracy, and even appeared to understand some of them. They seemed to attach great value to iron and steel, and would readily exchange their bows and arrows for a piece of an iron hoop or a few rusty nails. The party consisted of fourteen men, and, with the excep- tion of the headman, or chief, were all young, well-formed, and good-looking. The two sons of the chief were particularly so ; they were full six feet in height, and had very pleasing coun- tenances. They all had their hair cut short on the crown of the head, leaving a narrow border of hair hanging down; over this they wear a kind of a cap, or a band, made from the skin of an albatross. The front teeth of all of them were very much worn, more apparent, however, in the old than in the young. Their faces were painted, or, more properly speaking, smeared with red and white clays Their dress consisted of a single guanaco skin, which covered the body from the shoul- ders down to the knees. All had sore eyes, which we attri- buted to their long winters. None of their women or children were seen, but we thought they had them concealed in a piece of wood not far distant, as they objected to any of us going toward it, and showed much alarm when fire-arms were pointed in that direction. They appeared to have very little curiosity, and nothing seemed to excite their surprise ; their principal characteristic seemed to be jealousy. It would seem that they have had intercourse with Europeans before. The report of our guns did not frighten them in the slightest degree. We also observed on one of them a string of glass beads. 36 TERRA DEL PUEGO. Their food consists principally of shell-fish and fish. Their fishing-apparatus is made of the dorsal-fin of a fish, tied to a slip of whalebone in the form of a barb ; this serves as a hook, and with it they obtain their food. All our endeavors to entice them to come on board by friendly treatment, and the o^ffer of presents, were useless. They shook their heads and pointed to the woods, and then ran some distance from ' the beach, as if they feared that we intended to carry them off by force. On the 24th we quitted Good Success Bay. We expe- rienced during this day a strong current, setting northerly. The coast here may be represented as a succession of peaks ; some of which rise so high as to be covered with perpetual snows. The weather was mild and pleasant. On the 25th the wind came out from the southwest, and blew very fresh at intervals. At 5 P. M., anchored off north-eastern side of New Island. After sunset the weather cleared, and we had a very pleasant night. On the following morning after breakfast, we visited the shore. We saw no human beings, but found near the beach a hut, which bore many traces of being inhabited. It con- tained a large number of muscle-shells, which looked fresh, a part of a seal-skin, and a large heap of ashes. We also observed that the ground about the entrance was hard and destitute of vegetation. The hut was constructed of logs, the lower ends of which were spread round so as to form nearly a perfect circle, while the upper ends leaned against each other. The interstices were filled with earth and grass, ^n the centre was a hole, about two feet in circumference, for the smoke to pass through. The entrance was from the west, and was about three feet in height and two feet wide. We had not time to examine much of the interior of the TERRA DEL FUEGO. 37 island, but that which did come under our observation pre- sented a scene which we did not expect to witness in so high a latitude. There was an abundance of vegetation, and much more advanced than any which was seen at Good Success Bay. On the 26th of January we left New Island, and stood to the westward. It was very provoking to find that our charts so entirely misrepresented this part of the coast and islands, as to destroy our confidence in them. At 11 A. M., saw what was supposed to be Saddle Island. At meridian it was so hazy that we were unable to obtain a meridian observation, which was greatly needed, in order to ascertain our true position. On the 27th, at 2 P. M., we anchored in a small harbor. At first sight we were under the impression that this was Orange Bay, but upon further examination we found that we had been deceived ; and at 7 A. M., Lieutenant Underwood was dispatched to reconnoitre the coast. In the afternoon we took a stroll on shore. The land for some miles back from the beach was low, and the soil ap- peared less fertile than any we had yet seen. It bore in spots a small red berry, which had a pleasant flavor. Visited a hut, in which was found a knife and a piece of Guernsey frock ; the knife was originally a part of an iron-hoop. The hut was not in such good preservation as that found on New Island. The wild goose, the shag duck, and some others of the feathered tribe,, were in great abundance here, and many were killed by the scientific gentlemen, and their skins preserved for the government. Found, by an excellent meridian obser- vation, the latitude of our anchorage to be 55° 20' 30'' south ; longitude by chronometer 67° 37' 00" west. At sunset Mr Underwood returned. 38 TERRA DEL FUEGO. On the following day we quitted the harhor above referred to, and coasted along in search of Orange Bay. Passed a number of islands, which answered the description given of those in the vicinity of Orange Bay by Captain King. At 6 P. M., came-to in a large, beautiful bay ; it was nearly cir- cular in shape, and was bounded on all sides with undulating hills, covered with evergreen foliage, to their very summits. We had scarcely let-go the anchor when a canoe, with five natives ; three men, a woman and child, came alongside. Upon invitation two of the men came on board without mani- festing the slightest hesitation or distrust, and we were not a little surprised to find them so entirely different from those we had seen at Good Success Bay. They spoke an entirely difierent language, were of a low stature, ill-shaped, and wore their hair long. So great, indeed, was the difference that we could no longer doubt that those seen at Good Success were Patagonians, and had in all probability come there in quest of game ; while these were the real Terra del Fuegians. They were not more than five feet high, of light copper- color, which was much concealed by smut and dirt ; indeed, it would be impossible to imagine anything in human nature more filthy and disgusting. They had short faces, narrow foreheads, and high cheek-bones. The hair was long, lank and black, hanging over the face, and was covered with ashes. Their bodies were remarkable, for the great development of the chest and shoulders; their arms were long and out of proportion ; their legs were small and very much bowed. Tine woman was young, but no better-looking than the men. She was seated at one end of the canoe, and appeared to take an equal share with the men in the labors of the paddle. We invited her on board repeatedly, but she would not venture ; doubtless she was afraid of offending the men, who are very TERRA DEL FUEGO, 89 jealous. The child had an interesting countenance, and was, I should judge, about three years of age, though it was still in arms. It was attired in the same manner as the rest ; a piece of seal-skin, about a foot square, tied around its waist, being all the poor little thing had on to protect it against one of the coldest days that we had yet experienced. Our two friends appeared to be much pleased with their visit ; their countenances and manner plainly indicated the pleasure which they felt on seeing so many new objects. When about to leave, we made them some presents in the way of clothes, with which they all appeared to be greatly pleased, and insisted upon giving us in return some bows and arrows. It was very amusing to see them in their new dress ; they moved about with strutting aftectation of dignity, and gave themselves a thousand consequential airs. Their imitation of sounds was truly astonishing ; we tried them with the flute and guitar, and they followed the sounds correctly. They were also found to be great mimics in action ; anything they saw, they would mimic, and with an extraor- dinary degree of accuracy. They were very talkative, and often burst out into a loud laughter when with each other ; but whenever they discovered that we were watching them, they looked as grave as judges, and said but little. We also observed that they spoke to each other in a whisper. Their arms consisted of bows, arrows, and spears. They use the latter for killing the seal, which is found in great abundance in all the bays, and wliich they esteem to be excel- lent food. At an early hour next day another canoe, with seven natives, came alongside, and asked permission to come on board ; but finding it could not be granted so early in the day, they paddled off again, and we saw no more of them. 40 TERRA DEL FUEGO. In the afternoon we visited the shore, and very soon fell in with the natives, who came on board on the day of our arrival. They immediately commenced jumping up and down, which is their mode of expressing friendship. One of them, who had a pair of pantaloons given him, had them tied round his neck, and another had the skirts of his coat cut off; the reason he assigned for doing so was that they were in his way. Their hut was constructed after the manner of that we saw at New Island, and bore quite a neat and comfortable ap- pearance. The ground was swept clean, and in the centre a large fire was burning, over which hung a string of fish. The other articles which it contained were some shells, which were carefully laid upon some clean leaves, and the blanket we had given to the woman on the previous day. They seldom cook their food much. The shell-fish are detached from their shell by heat, and the fish are partly roasted in their skins without being cleaned. It was evident that, notwithstanding our kind treatment to these people, we had not gained their confidence ; for, on seeing us approach the hut, the woman fled with her child, nor could we prevail upon the men to cause her to return. As this harbor was not put down on any of the charts in our possession, we believed it to be a discovery, and named it after our ship. On the 30th, we once more got under-way, and after a further search of a few hours, we succeeded in finding Orange Bay. Our observations placed it in latitude 55° 31' 00'' south, and longtitude 68° 00' 20" west. It is capacious, easy of access, and better protected from the southwest "winds than any place as yet known on the coast of Terra del Fuego. About a mile from the southern shore are two islands, the largest of which is two miles in length, of a moderate height, and called Burnt Island. The land to the southward is rocky TERRA DEL FUEGO. 41 and barren, but that to the northward abounds in wood and water. The trees grow nearly down to the water's edge, and some are from sixty to seventy feet in height, having all their tops bent to the northeast by the prevailing southwest winds. The beach wa"s covered with rocks of trap formation ; it also abounded in shells, especially in the muscle and petela. On the morning after our arrival, a canoe with six natives, five men and one woman, came off to the ship, bringing with them spear-heads and necklaces made of shells, which they readily exchanged for cotton handkerchiefs and pieces of iron. They were invited to come on board, but at first only one would venture ; this was a young man about nineteen years of age, and rather good-looking. They were evidently of the same race as those we had seen at Relief Harbor ; they spoke the same language, and resembled them in their features and dress. The woman was old and extremely ugly, and as mas- cuhne in her appearance as any of the men. She declined coming on board. Her face was painted black and red in vertical lines, and she wore a necklace made of shells ; her posture while she remained in the boat was that of a squat. Their canoe was made of strips of bark sewed together, and strengthened by ribs and gunwale pieces, and was about twenty-five feet long and three feet wide. The blades of the paddles were so narrow as to be of very little use in a sea way. The bottom of the canoe was covered with a layer of clay, upon which a fire was kept burning. It would seem from the great care they appear to take of their fire, that, when extin- guished, it is no easy matter for them to rekindle it. When this party left the ship, they employed themselves for several hours in fishing amongst the kelp, and then they pulled up towards the head of the bay where their hut was located, and which was found to be quite differently constructed from 42 TERRA DEL FUEGO. any we had previously seen. It was built of boughs, leaves, . and earth ; in shape it resembled a bee-hive, and was imper- vious to wind and snow. The entrance was low and oval- shaped. The floor was formed of clay, and in the centre was an excavation which contained the fire. January 31st. Mi«. C. with six seamen, took possession of Burnt Island, for the purpose of making observations on the tide. He met there several of the natives who had visited the ship ; they were out gathering berries, of which one kind grows here in great abundance, and has a very pleasant flavor ; its color is bright red. February 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th, we experienced strong south- west gales, accompanied with heavy rain. On the 5th, the gale subsided, and the weather became mild and pleasant. Mr. C. sent on board a great variety of birds which he shot on Burnt Island, and their skins were preserved for government. February 12th. We experienced more very disagreeable weather. On the 17th, the schooner " Sea Gull " arrived ; she reported the rest of the squadron to be only a few miles ofl*. In the course of February 18th and 19th, the " Vin- cennes," " Peacock," " Porpoise," and " Flying Fish," arrived and anchored. On the morning of the 25th, the " Peacock," " Porpoise," and the two schooners saikd on a cruise to the South Pole. Captain Wilkes took passage in the " Porpoise," and tlie report is that the " Vincennes " will remain here until his return. At 8 A. M., on the 26th, we got under-way, and stood out through the southern passage. About 11, passed False Cape Horn ; and 00.20' P. M., descried the islands of Ildefonsas. STORM OFF CAPE HORN. 43 March 3d. We had fresh breezes from the westward, accompaiiied with rain and a heavy head sea. The barometer was referred to frequently, but was found very fluctuating, and gave no indications of the weather. During the night of the 6th, the wind increased to such a degree as to oblige us to reduce sail to a close-reefed main- topsail and fore-storm staysail. About noon on the 8th, the gale moderated, and we flattered ourselves we should have fine weather once more ; but a little before sunset it began to increase again. During the 10th and 11th, the wind was moderate, but very variable, and accompanied with rain at intervals. In the afternoon of the last mentioned day an albatross was shot, which measured nine feet from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other. We caught several smaller ones with hook and line. To kill these, the region of the brain was pierced with a large sewing needle, which produced instant death. At sunset the coast of Terra del Fuego was reported in sight from aloft. On the morning of the 13th an alarm of fire was given ; but it proved to be the igniting of the alcohol of the lamp belonging to the dispensary, and was soon extinguished without doing any damage. March 18th. Finding the wind was increasing, wore ship and reduced sail. At 1.30 P. M., descried Noir Island under our lee ; and soon after the Tower Rocks, a short distance ahead, and on our lee bow. The wind continued to increase ; the waves rose in mountains, and the ship was rapidly drifting towards the coast of Terra del Fuego. To avoid, therefore, being wrecked, after passing Tower Rocks, we hauled up for the southeast point of Noir Island, and at 4.45 P. M., came- to in seventeen fathoms water with both bower-anchors, 44 STORM OFF CAPE HORN. veering on one cable to 105 fathoms, and on the other to 120 fathoms. The following morning, the gale moderating, we began to hope for a favorable change of weather ; but towards sunset the wind shifting to the southward, all hope of such change vanished. The wind now freshened again, and by midnight blew with such force that we let-go our last anchor, in the hope of keeping the ship off shore till daylight, when perhaps we might make sail and stand out to sea. It Avas so uncom- monly dark, that there was quite as much, and perhaps more danger in attempting to get to sea, than in holding on. At daylight we found that the larboard bower-chain had parted, and the larboard sheet become unshackled at forty- five fathoms ; we also found the ship had dragged so as to be much nearer the reef off Penguin Point. The sky grew more angry as the day declined ; — ** The setting orb in crimson * seem'd to mourn,' Denouncing greater woes at his return ; And adds new horrors to the present doom, By certain fears of evils yet to come." After the sun went down the storm raged with greater vio- lence than at any previous time. Never had we seen it blow so hard before, nor ever beheld such billows. A little after 8 o'clock the ship commenced dragging, and a tremendous wave came over the bows, which dashed a number of the crew against the masts and guns, and completely inundated the berth-deck. Though, about 9 o'clock, the wind changed its direction, so that the ship tailed clear of the above-mentioned reef, yet we were not rescued from the danger of being ship- wrecked. At every moment the water was becoming more and more shoal. In less than half an hour it shoaled six PASSAGE TO VALPARAISO. 46 fathoms, and the storm still raged with unabated fury ; how- ever, to our great delight, about midnight it began perceptibly to moderate. We hailed with joy the ray of comfort Jbhis aiForded us. It was hke the arrival of an old friend, whose presence in the hour of misfortune affords consolation. It was believed that we passed within twenty yards of the reef; and had the storm continued a few moments longer we would inevitably have been lost. At 3.30 A. M., the ship fell-off before the wind, upon which we slipped the remaining cables, made sail, hauled on a wind on the larboard-tack, and stood out to sea. By 7 A. M. the ship was under whole topsails and main-top-gallant sail, and was rapidly increasing her distance from the spot, which, only a few hours before, filled every bosom with so many death-like apprehensions. On the 27th, we fell in with the " Montezuma," a whale-ship, from Talcauanaha, bound to Nantucket. Her captain informed us of the taking of Lima by the Chilian army. He also pre- sented us with a quantity of vegetables, for which he received our warmest thanks. We had not tasted anything of the kind since we left Rio Janeiro. During the night, the breeze became very light. April 4th. We captured with the hook seven albatrosses ; the plumage of two of which was extremely beautiful. This is the best mode of taking them when the ship has but little head-way. Two were prepared for dinner, but they were far from being good eating, the flesh being very tough and fishy. At daylight on the 13th, we made the coast of Chili on our lee bow, and at 7 Mount Quillota bore per compass north 60° east. In the afternoon sent Lieutenant Underwood into Valparaiso to procure an anchor. At an early hour on the 46 ARRIVAL AT VALPARAISO. following morning he returned, and reported there was a chain-cable in the government stores, but no anchors; the only one to be obtained belonged to H. B. M. ship " Presi- dent," which Captain Lock kindly offered us the loan of. Received the anchor on board, and got it ready for letting go. On the 15th, we came-to in the roads of Valparaiso ; — ** Where Valparaiso's cliffs and flowers. In mirror 'd wildness, sweep Their shadows round the mermaid's bower, Our steadfast anchors sleep." On the same day the American ship " Meriposa" from New York, with stores for the squadron, arrived. Her master was kind enough to send us a large file of newspapers, all of which we read with infinite satisfaction. CHILI AND VALPARAISO. 47 CHAPTER III. CHILI AND VALPARAISO. Chili is washed on the west by the Pacific Ocean ; on the east bounded by the Cordilleras ; on the south by Patagonia ; and on the north by Bolivia. Like all other parts of South America, it is subject to earthquakes ; deep ravines may be seen intersecting the surface in all directions. The appear- ance of the coast is far from being inviting, especially in the vicinity of Valparaiso ; but there are in the interior many extensive and fertile valleys. The southern part is admirably adapted to the growth of wheat, of which large quantities are now raised. Chili is also rich in mineral productions ; copper ore is found in the mountains in the greatest abundance. The climate is variable — the southern part being, on account of its higher southern latitude, considerably colder. At Val- paraiso the mean temperature at midday is 65°, in the even- ing and morning 60°. During the winter, which commences the first of May and ends in September, the rains sometimes last for two or three days, and during their continuance the rivers swell to three or four times their usual size. Earthquakes are sometimes very violent — that of 18S5 nearly destroyed the towns of Talcahuana, Aranco, Talca, and Conception. At Valparaiso the sea receded two feet, and the ground was much rent. In order to lessen the destruction of human life, the houses are usually built low and of light material. 48 CHILI AND VALPARAISO. The population of the republic is estimated at one million and a half. The capital is St. Jago, which is situated at the foot of the Cordilleras, and distant about sixty miles from Valparaiso. All of our officers who visited it were delighted with it. A long Hne of turrets, domes, and spires, occasionally screened by intervening trees, planted along its numerous avenues, indicated the city. The population is 60,000. It has a national college, a military academy, various private semi- naries for both sexes, an extensive hospital, and several hand- some churches. Valparaiso is the next largest town in the republic, and is one of the most flourishing places in the Pacific. In 1820 it consisted of fifteen or twenty huts, and now it contains eight or nine thousand buildings, and individual houses fetch an annual rent of more than three thousand dollars. Its principal street runs parallel with the beach — is tolerably wide, and contains many large and commodious shops, well supplied with English goods and various other kinds of merchandise. The remain- ing streets are paved, but are narrow and winding. The public buildings consist of the churches, the Governor's palace, and the custom-house. The dwellings are slightly built, and never more than two stories high, on account of the earthquakes, and in general have a wooden balcony in front. There are many Americans and liglish living in the city, who carry on a lucrative business, thi export trade being mostly monopolized by them. They reside on the hill in the rear of the business part of the town, in neat white cottages, surrounded by flower-gardens. This is the most pleasant part of the city, and commands a fine view of the har- bor. From here may be seen the vessels of the United States, England, France, Holland, Denmark, and Sweden, CHILI AND VALPARAISO. 49 displaying their gay flags and mingling their bright streamers in the brilliant effulgence of a cloudless sky. The police of Valparaiso is celebrated for its efficiency. Good order and decorum prevail everywhere. Crime is rarely heard of, and never suffered to go unpunished. The credit of forming this institution is given to Portales, a man of rare talents and great energy of character. It consists of two distinct bodies, one mounted, and the other on foot; the former patrol the streets on horseback, while the latter watch over a particular ward or district, for which they are held responsible. They wear a uniform and a sword, to distin- guish them from the other citizens. The market is well supphed. Fruits and vegetables are abundant and cheap ; the grapes, peaches and pears are of the best kinds. Beef is as good as we have at home. There is also a great variety of fish* The population is estimated at 34,000, and is rapidly increasing. The principal seaports of Chili are Valdavia, Talcahuano, Copiapo, Coquimbo, Chiloe, and Guasco. Talcahuano and Valdavia we have in particular heard represented as most eligible places for vessels which visit these seas, to touch at. As for Valparaiso, it is not a good seaport; it is entirely exposed to the ocean from the north, so that, when the wind blows with violence from that quarter, which is the case during the winter season, a heavy sea sets into it, and renders the anchorage highly dangerous. It is, however, more frequented than any other harbor. Vessels make it a point to stop ^ere, whatever may Se their destination. The common people of Chili are a mixed race, sprung from bhe anion of the Spaniards with the native Indian women. They are generally well made, of a dark brown complexion, 50 CHILI AND VALPARAISO. and have a healthy look. They bear the best character of any of the South Americans. They are honest, industrious, and brave. The men are good riders, and very skillful in the use of the lasso. The women have very pretty feet and hands. Their habitations are built of reeds, plastered with mud and thatched with straw. The poncho is universally worn by the men ; it is a piece of i loth of a home manufacture, of the shape of an oblong square, with a hole in the middle, through which the head is passed, the longer ends hanging down to the knees before and behind — the shorter at each side falling over the shoulders. Their favorite amusements are the two dances. Fandango and Sama Cueca. The latter is performed in cities and large towns at the Chingano ; the performers are usually a young man and woman, gaudily attired ; they stand on a kind of stage, and begin the dance by facing each other, and flirting handkerchiefs over each other's heads — then they approach and retreat alternately — occasionally they dart off on each side. The whole is well calculated to display the graces of a fine figure to the best advantage. Its moral tendency may be questioned. Some of the gestures are quite lascivious, and may be easily understood by every one who witnesses the scene. The music is executed altogether by females, and consists of the harp, the castanets, and the guitar. They also add to this a national love-song, sung in Spanish, which the audience seem to enjoy more than any other part of the per- formance. The higher classes are of a pure Spanish blood, and are intelligent and courteous ; they pass their evenings in small social assemblies, called Tertulias. The women cannot be said to be beautiful, but they are virtuous and amiable. They are fond of dancing and music, in both of which they excel. CHILI AND VALPARAISO. 61 Nearly every house is furnished with a piano. They dress with much taste, and in the Parisian style. The men have been accused by travelers of being indolent ; no doubt such was the case when they were under the Spanish rule, and had no inducement to be otherwise, but I have been assured by foreign gentlemen, who have resided in the country for the last fifteen years, that such is not their character at the present day ; on the contrary, they are industrious and enterprising. The religion of Chili is the Catholic ; but the government has repudiated the interference of the Pope in the appointment of bishops and arch-bishops. The clergy have great influence over the people, and much political power in the state ; but they are liberal in their notions of government, and encourage the diffusion of knowledge amongst the lower classes. Commerce has more than doubled within the last ten years. According to the statistical accounts of the past year, Val- paraiso alone exports thirty thousand hides. Grain is sent to Peru and Equador in large quantities. Six hundred quintals of wool are shipped annually from Conception. Cop- per, hemp and platina are largely exported. The iron mines are also sources of great wealth, and the miners annually ex- tract vast quantities of the ore ; indeed, there is no doubt that Chili is blest with all the elements necessary to make her a powerful commercial nation. The army which was sent to invade Peru in the war just concluded, is said to have consisted of 8,000 men, and to have been well appointed. The navy is larger, and by far more efficient, than that of any of the other South American States. The prospects of education are bright. There are several good colleges in the republic, and common schools are being established in all the towns for the instruction of the lower f 52 CHILI AND VALPARAISO. classes ; and the system of education introduced into the schools and colleges is said to be superior. The administration of public affairs is better conducted than in any other country in South America. Generally speaking, the magistrates are men of ability and integrity, and nowhere else are life and property better protected. Uni- versal suffrage is granted by the laws of the constitution to every one above twenty-five years of age, and no public measure can be carried which is adverse to the welfare of the masses. On the 28th of April, General Joaquim Prieto, President of Chili, arrived from St. Jago. He was received by the inhabitants with all due respect. The civil authorities and the military went several miles out of the city to receive him ; the batteries saluted, and the streets through w^hich he passed were decorated with flags and evergreens. On the evening of the 30th, we attended a ball given by the citizens of Valparaiso, in honor of the recent victory of Yungai over the Peruvians. It was a brilliant affair, equaling any- thing of the kind we ever witnessed in the United States, or any other part of the world. The place selected for it was a space between two large buildings ; temporary arches were erected over head, and the whole was covered with an awning, lined with blue and studded with stars. The room was brilliantly lighted by handsome chandeliers suspended from the arches over head ; the floor was carpeted, and the pillars which supported the roof were decorated with emblems of the victory and nation. At the upper end there was a transpa- rency of General Bulnes, the hero of Yungai, surrounded with scrolls of his deeds. On the sides were hung paintings and rich mirrors, in which hundreds of lights were reflected, while the national flags, formed into festoons, intermixed with CHILI AND YALPARAISO. 53 wreaths of flowers and evergreens, encircling emblematic de- signs of the nation's glory, produced an effect that was truly beautiful. The president's reception-room and the card-rooms were also very handsomely decorated. The company amounted to five hundred, of whom about one-fourth were ladies ; many native and foreign officers were present, dressed in their uni- forms. At 10 o'clock the ball was opened by the president in person. He was dressed in a richly- embroidered coat, gold epaulettes, and a field-marshal's sash. He is a fine- looking man, about fifty years of age. He danced a minuet with a lady of Valparaiso, after which the dancing became general, consisting of waltzes, contra dances, quadrilles, and the sama cueca. The music was very fine, and many marches and national airs were played during the intervals between the dances. The ball did not break up until 8 o'clock, at which hour the president was escorted home by a procession of the dancers. His unblemished private character, together with the success of his policy toward the Peruvian govern- ment, have rendered him extremely popular with all classes of society. 64 CALLAO AND IJMA. CHAPTER IV. CALLAO AND LIMA. On the 1st of May we sailed for Callao, where we arrived after a passage of twelve days. Nothing of interest occurred during this period. The wind most of the time was favorable, and the weather warm and pleasant. We found in port the United States ship " Lexington/' belonging to the Pacific squadron ; also the Chilian fleet, amounting to ten sail, commanded by Admiral Blanco, an English and a French frigate, and about fifty merchant ves- sels, six of which were American. Callao, the seaport of Lima, is celebrated for its safety and convenience. The island of St. Lorenzo shelters it from the swell of the ocean to the west, and there is no danger from any other direction. The Mole affords every facility for landing goods from the boats. Water is conducted to the Mole by an aqueduct, and a railway conveys the goods to the far-famed fortress,*' which is now converted into a depot. There are a number of sentries stationed on the Mole night and day for the double purpose of preserving order among the boatmen, and to aid the custom-house in preventing smuggling, which, notwithstanding, is carried on to an extent that is ♦ It was here that the last stand of the royalist was made in New Spain ; and it was in the same castle that 'the brave Rodil, with a handful of devoted followers defended themselves with heroic courage against the insurgents in 1826. Surrounded, but not dismayed, they still kept their assailants at bay, until famine stalked before them, and they were forced to yield. History tells us that horse-meat sold among the be- sieged for a gold ounce the pound, and a chicken for its weight in the same pre. cious metal ! CALLAO AND LIMA. 55 hardly credible. This is effected by the owner of the goods bribing the custom-house officials. The town is situated several miles from the site of old Callao,*" and numbers about five thousand inhabitants. It has not much to recommend it. The only well-built houses are those on the main street. The churches and other public buildings are too insignificant to deserve description. The market is held in a large open square. Oranges, apples, figs, grapes, granadillas, and chirimoyas, are abundant in their season. Vegetables of every sort are also to be had. Beef is cut into small pieces to suit the purchasers, and poultry is cut up in a similar manner ; the former is killed in the outskirts of the town, and the hide, head and entrails are left for the buzzards, which are very numerous and pro- tected by law ; the rest of the carcase is brought to market on the backs of donkeys. The inhabitants are addicted to gambling, and pass most of their time at the billiard-rooms and monte-tables. The old castle claimed our attention ; it covers a large ex- tent of ground, and its walls are high and very massive. One of the officers told us that it was capable of quartering ten thousand troops. It was once looked upon as tlie key of the country. Whichever party had it in possession, were con- sidered masters of Peru. As I have already remarked, it is now used as a depot for goods, and is nearly dismantled — only five of the guns remain out of the 140 which it mounted ; the metal of these is brass-, and their proportions are beautiful. The garrison consisted of eight hundred men. I cannot say much for their personal appearance; they were quite short, ♦ Old Callao was destroyed by the memorable earthquake of 1746, In the seme earthquake a first-class frigate, lying in the harbor, was lifted several hundi'ed feet and carried inland a considerable distance, where a monument was erected to com- memorate the event. 66 CALI \.0 AND LIMA. had an awkward gait, and dull, stupid countenances. If they are a fair specimen of the soldiers of the country, it is no won- der that the Chilians have been able to conquer it so easily. The distance from Callao to Lima is about eight miles, and stages run between the two places almost every hour in the day ; the fare is one dollar. The road leads over a plain, but it is not kept in good repair, and is, besides, very du^ty, on account of the extreme dryness of the climate. In this part of Peru, there are heavy dews, but no rain. We had an opportunity of visiting the " City of the Kings"* several times. We went up in the coaches, and always set out at an early hour, that we might avoid the heat of the sun and the dust. During the first ten or fifteen minutes of the ride, we saw nothing to interest us, for we were passing through the filthy streets of Callao, and its still more filthy outskirts. Of all the places we have as yet visited, civilized or uncivilized, Callao has been the most filthy and disgusting. When about two miles out, we passed Bella Vista, which, ever since the revolution, has been in ruins. We next came to the so-called half-way house, where tlie drivers invariably stop to rest the horses, and to regale them- seves with a glass of pisco from its dirty pulperia. This part of the road was formerly infested by banditti, and no one thought of appearing on it without being well armed ; but now this is not necessary, as the police has taken steps to disperse the robbers. Resuming our course, we soon reached a section of country * The name bestowed on the infant capital was Curdad de las Reges, or City of Kings, in honor of the day, being the 6th of January, 1535. the Festival of Epipltany, when it was said to have been founded by Pizarro. But the Castilian nntne ceased to be used even within the fir.=t generation, and was supplanted by that of Lima, into which the original Indian name was corrupted by the SpdLuiards.—Frescott's Conquest of Pent, vol. ii. LIMA. 67 laid out in gardens, filled with all kinds of fruit-trees, shaded walks, lined on either hand with stone seats, and intersected with running streams of water. It is the usual evening-drive of the Limineans, and a delightful one it is. In a few minutes more we found ourselves passing under the great gate of the city. Its aspect is that of rapid decline ; there is no stir or lif^ among the inhabitants ; many of the shops are closed, and hundreds of houses are untenanted, and in a state of decay. The streets are broad and paved, and many of them have a stream of water running through their centre. It is not, how- ever, a clean-looking city, for these streams are used for very disgusting purposes, and buzzards are seen feeding all over the city. The style of building is well adapted to the climate and nature of the country. Most of the dwellings are of two stories, with a spacious court in front ; the main object of these courts, is to afford the inhabitants a place of refuge when the city is threatened with earthquakes, which is a very fre- quent occurrence. The material employed in the construction of the walls, is sun-burnt brick. The roofs are perfectly flat, and the ground-floor is used as store-rooms and stables. The population is estimated at 40,000. In the time of the Viceroys, it is said to have been 70,000. The Grand Plaza contains several acres, and should be visited by the stranger, if he wishes to form a correct idea of a life in Lima. From sunrise till sunset it is filled with people. On two sides of the Plaza stand the portales, or arcades, where all kinds of dry-goods and fancy articles are sold. The cathedral and the arch-bishop's palace occupy the east side of the plaza, and that of the viceroy's the south side ; this last has now become the residence of the presidents, and, although it covers a great extent of ground, there is 58 LIMA. nothing very attractive in its architecture. The fountain in the centre of the plaza is a splendid piece of work, and was erected, according to the inscription, in 1600, by Don Garcia Sarmiento Sotomayer, the then Viceroy, and Captain- General of Peru. In this plaza, the Saya y Manta, or the peculiar dress of the Lima ladies, is seen to the best advantage. It is certainly a very bewitching attire, for it betrays the whole outline of the female figure; neither does it conceal the foot and ankle, which, when prettily shaped, (and those of the Liminean ladies are rarely otherwise,) are a charming sight, especially to bachelors ; but, on the other hand, the Saya y Manta oiBTers strong inducements to carry on a love-intrigue, and for that reason was once put under the ban of a legislative statute. It still survives, however, and is worn by the ladies of the best families. It consists of a kind of hood and a petticoat, both usually made of black satin, with numerous vertical folds. The manta, or upper garment, is fastened at the waist, and is so gathered over the head and shoulders as to conceal every thing but the right eye and the right hand. The disguise is so complete that a husband may meet his wife in the streets, or any of the public places, without being able .to recognize her ; and it is, no doubt, too true, that it has been the means of destroying the peace and happiness of many a Lihiinean family. It is asserted that the original intention of this singu- lar costume, was to enable a lady to go out in the morning to mass, or shopping, before she made her toilet. The Almeda is extensive and handsomely laid out. The walks are lined with rows of willows on each side ; its centre is ornamented with fountains, and artificial streams of wJker run parallel with the walks. Towards evening it is very much resorted to by the ladies and gentlemen, and I have seen LIMA. 59 there some cf the former, who were really beautiful. The women of Lhna are usually handsome, but their minds are neglected, nor are their morals what they should be. There are other sights in Lima well worth seeing ; among the rest, the Convent of St. Francisco, which covers about eight acres of ground. In former times it must have been equal to anything of the kind in the world. Its cloisters are ornamented with fountains and flower-gardens, and the chapels are rich in gilding and carved-work. Part of the con- vent is now occupied as barracks, and the soldiers' muskets are stacked on the altars of several of the chapels. We observed in the church a shrine and an image of St. Benedict, with a jet-black infant Saviour in his arms ! There are but few Friars here at present, but in the days of its prosperity there were four hundred connected with it, and had an income suited to the easy and luxurious style in which they lived. Its collec- tions of paintings have been highly spoken of by connoisseurs. I attended the theatre several times ; it is a spacious, handsome edifice, and seemed to be well supported, although the performances were of a very ordinary character. The acting-president, Lafuente, was present each time, dressed in his uniform ; but he did not appear to receive much attention from the audience, and I was subsequently told that he was not generally popular with the people, as he was in favor of the Chilians, and, in fact, owed his present position to them. He has the Spanish features, and appears to be about fifty years of age. The ladies in the galleries wore the saya and manto, and made great display in ornaments. During our stay in Lima there were no bull-baits, although it is a common and a favorite amusement with all classes of society. The present state of Peru is far from being promising, if 60 PRESENT STATE OF PERU. we may be allowed to judge from what we saw and heard dur- ing our stay in the country. The Chilian army was still quartered in Lima, at the expense of its devoted inhabitants. Public confidence was destroyed, commerce at a stand, the mines were neglected, the people looked discouraged, and war with Bolivia was inevitable, unless Gamara, the present in- cumbent and usurper, placed by force in the Presidential-chair by the Chilians, was removed. The most uncompromising hostility is evinced by the Bolivian government towards the administration of this president ; and we were assured, both by intelligent natives, and foreigners, that until he shall be banished from the country, no reconciliation of aifairs can take place between the two governments. The English, also, were very clamorous, and threatening to sieze upon the revenue of the country, if their claims were not speedily attended to. Indeed, it seemed to have every trouble before it. The people are as yet in infancy as regards self-govern- ment. Instead of taking matters in their own hands, they allow themselves to be governed by a faction of mihtary men, whose only desire is their own self-aggrandizement. A few months since they met to make some new elections, but they allowed Gamara to overthrow them, and by force of arms destroy their ballot-boxes ; and nothing is more common than to hear of officers being exiled, and rich citizens stripped of their wealth, merely for their political opinions. Nor is this all : — The depraved morals of the church are proverbial in Peru ; and there is scarcely a crime perpetrated, of which its members are not guilty. Even on the Sabbath the priests may be seen resorting to the tlieatres, billiard-rooifts and gambling-houses. The public revenue of this fine country is imposed in the most oppressive manner, and impoverishes the people from whom it is collected. The hordes of robbers it LOSS OF THE SEA-GULL. 61 nourished during the revolutionary war, still continue to annoy its peace; and there is, perhaps, no country in the world where murder and robbery are so prevalent. Until a better state of things be brought about, its improvement is hopeless. On the 11th of June, the " Porpoise" arrived from Val- paraiso. She reported that the " Vincennes," " Peacock,'' and " Flying Fish," were to have followed her in a few days. As for the " Sea-Gull," she had not been seen or heard from since the time she was separated from the " Flying Fish" in a storm oiF Cape Horn. On the 19th, the " Peacock" arrived, and the United States ship "Lexington" sailed for the coast of California. The following report was now very current, namely, that as soon as the " Vincennes" arrived, this ship would be detached from the squadron, and ordered to return home. June 20th, the " Vincennes" made her appearance, and anchored near us. We understood she left Lieut. Thomas Craven at Valparaiso, with orders that if the "Sea-Gull"* did not arrive there by a certain time, to charter a vessel and go in search of her. It was the opinion of many of the officers that she was lost. On the 21st, I received orders to report for duty on board the "Peacock," it having been decided that the "Relief" should return to the United States, after taking a cargo of stores for the expedition, to Sydney, New South Wales. ♦ She did not arrive at Valparaiso at the appointed time, and Lieutenant Craven acted agreeably tn his orders ; but he could neither find or hear anything of her. Q ryv\ 62 ISLAND OF CALERMONT TONNERRE. CHAPTER V. FROM CALLAO TO SOCIETY ISLANDS. At 5.30 P. M., July ISth, we quitted Callao, with a light breeze from the southward and westward, " Vincennes," " Por- poise," and " Flying Fish," in company. The day following, it being Sunday, Mr. Elliot, the chaplain of the " Vincennes," came on board and performed divine service. August 5th. During this day the heat was exceedingly oppressive, although the thermometer did not at any time stand higher than 80°. In the evening zodiacal lights were visible until half-past eight. In the course of the night many meteors were observed, some of which were remarkable for their brilliancy. At meridian, the latitude was 18° 08' 30 south, and longitude 122° 25' 45'' west. August 13th. At 1.30 P. M., made the Island of Caler- mont de Tonnerre, bearing west-by-south half-south, and distant about six miles. At first sight the island appeared like a forest growing in the middle of the ocean, so low is the land. It is of coral* * The collective labors of united lithophytes raise their cellular dwellings on the crust of submarine mountains, until after thousands of years the structure reaches the level of the ocean, when the animals which have formed it die, leaving a low, flat coral island. How are the seeds of plants brought so immediately to tjiese new shores ? — by wandering birds, or by the winds and waves of the ocean ? The distance from other coasts makes it difficult to determine this question ; but no sooner is the newly raised islands in direct contact with the atmosphere, than there i5 formed on its surface, in our northern countries, a soft, silky net-work, appearing to the naked eye as colored spots and patches. Some of these patches are bordered by single or PAUMATO GROUP. 63 formation, with an extensive lagoon* in the centre, and is encircled by reefs and rocks, against which the surf beats with great violence. At 5 A. M., tried the current, and found it setting north-west-by-west half-west, one fathom per hour. Wishing to survey the island, we " lay-to'' during the night. August 14th and 15th. At early daylight made all sail and stood for the island we discovered yesterday, and by 10 A. M. were so near it that we could distinguish with the naked eye the natives standing on the beach. These savages walked about in groups, and appeared to be armed. At 11 A. M., we proceeded with the rest of the squadron to take our station for surveying. In the afternoon several of the " Vincennes'' boats effected a landing, but were not very courteously received by the natives. They assembled in considerable numbers on the beach, and commanded our people to return to the ships. double raised lines running round the margins ; other patches are crossed by similar lines traversing them in various directions. Gradually the light color of the patches becomes darker, the bright yellow which was visible at a distance changes to brown, and the bluish-gray of the le})raides becomes a dusty black. The edges of neighbor- ing patches approach and run into each other ; and on the dark ground thus formed there apjiear other lichens of circular shape, and dazzling whiteness. Thus, an or- ganic film or covering, establishes itself by successive layers, and, as mankind in forming settled communities, pass through different stages of civilization, so is the gradual propagation and extension of plants connected with determinate physical laws. — Humboldt. According to another high authority, (Charles Darwin,) the process of formation is the following : — He su|)])Oses a mountainous island, surrounded by a coral reef, (a fringing reef attached to the shore,) to undergo subsidence ; the fringing reef which subsides with the island is continually restored to its level by the tendency of the coral-animals to regain the surface of the sea, and becomes thus, as the island gradu- ally sinks and is reduced in size, first, an "encircling reef," at some distance from the 'included islet, and subsequently when the latter has entirely disappeared, an atolL According to this view, in which islands are regarded as the calumniating points of a submerged land, the relative po.^itions of the different coral-islands would disclose to us that which we could hardly learn by the sounding-line, concerning the configuration of the land, which was above the surface of the sea at an earlier epoch. * Lagoon, is the Spanish word for Lake. 64 PAUMATO GROUP. Finding the order was not heeded, they commenced throwing stones at the boats and brandishing their spears, nor could they be induced to desist until a musket or two, loaded with blank cartridge, had been discharged at them. It was re- marked that these islanders were in general tall and exceed- ingly well-formed. Their complexion was dark-brown, and their hair black and strait. The chiefs had their hair drawn back and tied in a knot behind ; the others had theirs hanging loose. Their bodies were perfectly naked, except around the waist, to which was fastened a small maro made of leaves. No tattooing was observed upon either the men or women. The dress of the latter consisted of a piece of tapa, large enough to cover nearly the whole body. The spear appeared to be the only weapon which they possessed ; these were from ten to fifteen feet long, and pointed at both ends. They understood and spoke the Ta- hitian dialect. Throughout the night we observed a large number of fires burning on the beach, which we concluded were alarm-fires. August 16th. At 9 A. M., filled away, and steered for Serle Island, and by noon came up with it, and commenced surveying operations. This ship had no communication with the island, but the other vessels had, and from them we learn that it has a few inhabitants, and that they are of a more friendly disposition than those found on Calermont de Tonnerre. The island, according to our survey, is seven miles long and one and a quarter in width. It is situated about twenty-five miles to the northward and westward of Calermont de Ton- nerre, and both its formation and vegetation are similar to that island. August 19th. This afternoon made Homden, or Dog Island; landed, and found it covered with trees and shrub- PAUMATO GROUP. 65 bery, and abounding in turtles and birds — the latter being so tame that they allowed themselves to be caught by the hand ; the most conspicuous among them was the frigate-bird. They were seen as they flew oft* inflating their huge pouches, and looking as if they had a large bladder attached to their necks. Immense quantities of fish were also found in the lagoon ; but human beings there were none, or even the traces of any ; neither the remains of huts, nor canoes, nor marks of fire, were anywhere visible. There were a great many sharks both in the lagoon and outside, and they were so ravenous as to bite at the oars of the boats. Large and valuable collections were made in all the scientific departments. Some beautiful specimens of coral were procured here. Our observations placed the island in latitude 14° 56' 00'' south, and longitude 138° 48' 00" west. August 23d. In the morning the barometer began to fall rapidly, the horizon lowered to the southward and eastward, and soon after the wind blew with such violence as to compel us to close-reef the topsails. Towards noon we discovered Disappointment Islands on the lee bow, and in the course of the day frequently observed the natives standing on the beach and cautiously watching our movements. These islands are two in number, called Wytoohee and Otoohoo, and were discovered in 1765. They trended nearly east and west, and are bounded by reefs and rocks. They are well covered with trees of the cocoa-nut and pandanus kinds. About sunset, saw a canoe pulling along the shore. Lay-to during the night, in order to survey the islands next day. August 24th and 25th. At early daylight made all sail, 66 PAUMATO GROUP. and stood in for the land. At 10 A. M., nine canoes, from two to three natives in each, came oiF to the ship. They approached near enough to seize the ropes we threw them to hold on by, but declined coming on board. They were very gay and talkative, and ever} few minutes would entertain us with a song which we supposed to have been made up for the occasion, and to have an allusion to our coming among them. They were a good-sized people, with dark-brown complexions, and lively, interesting countenances. Their hair was black and a little curly. Some had beards and a moustache. Their dress consisted of a piece of matting fastened to the waist. We very much admired their canoes ; they were beautifully shaped, and so ingeniously put together that it was some time before we were able to determine whether they were formed of several pieces or one entire piece. They were made of a number of pieces of cocoa-nut wood sewed together with bark, and each was furnished with an out-rigger. The paddles were from three to four feet long, and the blade on one side was a little curved. These natives knew the use of iron, and coveted its posses- sion so much, that even when we had our eyes upon them they tried to steal all that came within their reach ; two men were seen twisting and pulling away at the main-chain plates, while others tried to draw the bolts out of the ship's side. Their weapons were spears and clubs, several of which were purchased for the government. In the bows of several of tlie canoes were some species of shell-fish, which were intended as food. Towards noon the canoes returned to the shore, and we proceeded to ply to windward, in order to take our station for surveying. PAUMATO GROUP. 67 When this was finished, several of the scientific gentlemen visited the largest of the islands — Wytoohee. They had not been landed long when they encountered seven of the inha- bitants. These at first received them with an air of respect, blended with fear ; but when they were made to understand that they had nothing to apprehend, they smiled, rubbed noses* with the gentlemen, and then invited them to their huts. 'Therf they spread mats for them to sit on, and treated them with the milk of the fresh cocoa-nut, which they found to be .delicious. No women or children were seen, and the gentlemen sup- posed they had been sent off by the men. They were highly pleased with a chisel and some pieces of iron that wtyre given them. Their huts were inferior to those seen about Cape Horn, and their baskets and other articles were suspended on the trees. The scientific gentlemen having returned, we resumed our course. Aug. 29th. This morning we made an island a-head, which is not marked on any of the charts ; considered it a new discovery, and named it after the man who first reported it in sight — King. In the afternoon. Captains Wilkes and Hudson, and Lieu- tenant Emmons and myself, efiected a^ landing on the western side of the island. Near the beach we found the remains of two huts and a canoe. Further on we saw some fish-bones and a large heap of cocoa-nut shells, and also a piece of a fishing-net. Proceeding then in a southeast direction, we soon came to a lagoon, upon the shores of which we found a raft and a large quantity of cocoa-nuts — som3 of which, as might be supposed, we eagerly enough took possession of. The * This is the usual mode of salutedon. 68 PAUMATO GROUP. lagoon was several miles in circumference, and, like all those we had seen before, abounded in curious fish. As it was already late in the day, and the ships " laying- to " a considerable distance from our boats, we did not deem it prudent to continue the examination. We were, however, perfectly satisfied the island was uninhabited, except by birds, turtles, and rats, and that the huts we found near the beach had been erected by the men of some vessel engaged in the pearl fishery.* Though the soil was light, there was no want of vegetation. The cocoa-nut, pandanus, and other subjects of the vege- table kingdom, grew in the greatest abundance in all parts of the island. Fresh water, however, wf saw none, except here and there in pools. The shells found on the beach were the turbo, volutis, venus, and the pearl oyster. At the distance of two hundred yards from the shore we could find no bottom with the hand-lead ; boats may approach very near the beach. Harbors there are none. The whole island is of coral formation, and our observations placed it in latitude 15° 44' 00'' south, and longitude 14° 45' 15" west. August 30th. During this day we had frequent showers of rain. At 6 A. M., when King's Island bore northeast, descried land bearing southwest — steered for it ; it proved to be the Island of Raraka. This island is very narrow, and higher than any we have yet seen. There are a few transient inhabitants on it, left by an English schooner in quest of pearls — one of them is a white man, the others are natives, of Tahati. In other respects it so much resembles the island ♦ The vessels engaged in this fishery belong to foreigners who reside at Tahiti. The mode of taking the oysters is by natives, who are employed as divers for a small com- pensation. PAUMATO GROUP. 69 we discovered yesterday as to render any further description unnecessary. We made the Tahitians several presents, and they in return gave us some hooks made of mother-of-pearl. We observed on the beach two double canoes. Found the position of the island to be, latitude 16° 03' 00'' south, longi- tude 145° 03' 00" west. August 31st. We had scarcely quitted Raraka when another island was descried to the northward and westward, which was not laid down on the charts. It is very long and narrow. In some places it is well clothed with trees and other subjects of the vegetable kingdom; in others it is entirely naked. This is particularly the case towards the northward and westward, where it is so low that the sea washes over it and forms large pools. Here and there on the beach we observed large detached pieces of coral, some of a square shape, others round, and of a color nearly black. This island is destitute of harbors. The lagoon was very extensive and apparently deep, and as far as the eye could reach appeared entirely free from banks and rocks. Noodies and Curlews were the only kind of inhabitants we found on the island. Not a human being was seen anywhere, or even the traces of any. We named the island Vincennes. It is situated in latitude 16° 08' 04" south, and longitude 144° 59' 45" west. September 3d. Having finished the survey of Vincennes Island, we stood for Karlshoif's Island, discovered by the Rus- sians. As we approached we perceived the natives making signals to us to land, which invitation we accepted. They received us kindly, inviting us to their huts, and doing all in their power to render our stay agreeable. They informed us 70 PAUMATO GROUP. that they emigrated from the Chain Islands.* Their houses are little better than sheds, but kept very clean ; the furni- ture consisted of some mats, which were spread over the floor, some half-dozen glass bottles, and a calabash or two, in which they keep their water. We obtained from them several pigs, some cocoa-nuts, and a few shells. Of all the articles we offered them, they gave a decided preference to calico, tobacco, and knives. Looking- glasses, beads, and such like trinkets, they would scarcely receive. On taking leave of our friends, we took a short walk into the interior of the island. It is well covered with trees, among which the cocoa-nut makes a conspicuous appearance. The lagoon is several miles in circumference, and is well stored with fish, which constitutes the principal food of the inhabitants. September 6th. At an early hour commenced surveying Waterland. This island was discovered by the Dutch, and is situated in latitude 14° 26' 65'' south, and longitude 146° 12' 00" west. It is covered with luxuriant vegetation, and has an extensive lagoon. In the afternoon we landed on the western side, and took a series of observations on the dipping-needle. Four men were the only natives we saw here ; they very much resembled those we found at Raraka. One of the boats remained ashore a long time after the signal for her return was made. The officer in charge gave as the cause for this, that he discovered that one of the crew was missing, and he was waiting for him to return. Some supposed that the man strayed from the boat, but I am of the opinion that he deserted. His name is Penny — has ♦ These islands are under the government of Tahiti. The inhabitants were for- merly cannibals ; but now missionaries are established among them, and they have made many advances in civilization. PAUMATO GROUP. 71 been much among the islands engaged in the pearl-fishery, and speaks the Tahitian language well. September 7th. During this day we surveyed and examined another island, not down on the charts. We found it pretty much the same as the rest, with no inhabitants, but bearing evident marks of its being recently visited by pearl-fishermen. The lagoon terminates within a few yards of the sea- shore, and is so shallow that it can be forded. Numbers of cocoa- nut trees were found growing on the margin. Captain Wilkes, with several of the Vincennes officers, landed here to observe the eclipse of the sun, just as we got into our boat to return to the ship. We named the island after our ship — Peacock. It is situated in latitude 14° 32' 00'' south, and longitude 146° 20' 45" west. September 8th. At 7 A. M. made Rurick Island, dis- covered by Captain Kotzbue, of the Russian service. Soon after sent two boats to examine it, but only one succeeded in effecting a landing, on account of the violence of the surf. The place was a small cove, round the shores of which were a number of houses, and hard by a fine cocoa-nut grove. No people were to be found in any of these houses, but the other boat saw plenty along the beach ; they appeared to be a mild, inoffensive people. No arms were seen about them. September 9th. During these twenty-four hours we made a flying survey of Dean's Island. Judging from appearances, (for the weather would not permit our leaving the ship,) the character of this island is similar to those which have been already described. We are now clear of the Coral Islands, and really we are glad of it. They soon ceased to interest us ; nay, towards the last we almost sickened at the very sight of them ; they all seemed to us alike. In vain did we look for a change or 72 ISLAND OF AURORA. variety; they invariably presented the same uniform ap- pearance, the same uniform flatness, the same scenery. September 10th. This morning we found ourselves in sight of the island of Aurora. In many places the coast of this island rises abruptly and precipitately from the sea to the height of six or seven hundred feet ; the interior is diversified with hill and dale, thus forming a pleasing contrast to the dull and monotonous scenes we had been accustomed to for some time past. The soil in the valleys is fertile, and produces abundance of sweet potatoes, yams, and tarro, as also several kinds of fruit. The inhabitants are of a Tahitian extraction, and like them have embraced Christianity, and established schools. All the men we saw, and most of the women, were tattooed. In trading with them, we found that they preferred old clothes and cotton-stuffs to anything else. They took us for mis- sionaries at first, and I believe that many of them are of that opinion still, a circumstance which shows that their intercourse with the whites has been confined to that class of men. In- deed, this can never be very extensive, as the island affords no harbors. When the boats which had been sent ashore to take some observations, returned, we made all sail again, and stood for Tahiti. A, ** Huzza for Otaheite ! was the cry, As stately swept the gallant vessel* by ; The breeze springs up, the lately flapping-sail Extends its arch before the growing gale." ARRIVAL AT TAHITI, 73 CHAPTER VI. FROM ARRIVAL AT TAHITI TO DEPARTURE FOR TUTUILLA, At 5 P. M., September I2th5 we at length reached Tahiti, and anchored in JVlatavai Bay, in fourteen fathoms water. The shores of this island, as far as we could see, were well clothed with the tropical trees peculiar to Polynesia, but the interior appeared very uneven, and was almost destitute of other vegetation than that of grasses. Many of these hills are very curiously shaped — some are conical, some pyramidal, others castellated. A coral-reef, with occasional openings, surrounds the island. Between this and the shore there is a continuous channel for boat-navigation, and on the northern side there are many safe and commodious harbors for large vessels. The fertile portion of the island lies in the valleys, and in the plain which extends from the sea-shore to the base of the mountains. These produce tropical plants in great abunda,nce and luxuriance, and are well watered. The cottages of the natives are to be found in retired and beautiful spots. They are indolent, but are mild and amiable people. We had no sooner let-go the anchor than we were environed with canoes, laden with poultry, pigs, tarro, yams, bananas, cocoa-nuts, via apples and oranges. Yet, notwithstanding this profusion, we found everything very dear. There were from two to three men in each canoe, few only had any women 74 ISLAND OF TAHITI. in them, and these, if we may be allowed to judge from their behavior, were not the most chaste. They wore a loose dress resembling a night-gown, and had their hair decorated with a profusion of flowers. The Tahitian women are very fond of flowers, but the use of them in dress has been dis- couraged by the resident missionaries, who have declared that such vanities are unbecoming Christians. Consequently, when tliey are to appear before their teachers, they dispense with this simple and harmless ornament. The governor of the district of Matavai, Taua, called on us at an early moment. He came alongside in a whale-boat, and it was soon found that his visit was not one of mere cere- mony, but was intended to engage our washing, a business which is monopolized by the chiefs. He is a large, fine-looking man, about 45 years of age. He was dressed in a striped cotton-shirt, nankeen pantaloons, and a round jacket of blue cloth. He has a large establishment near Point Venus, and he invited the officers to come there whenever they visited the shore. About dusk some dozen women, of a character similar to those above alluded to, came alongside, and applied for per- mission to come on board, but finding their request could not be granted they returned to the shore again. Several of these females were certainly not more than twelve or thirteen years of age. Were all visitors to act in like manner, these de- praved females would not be so numerous as they are at present ; but, I regret to say, that the opposite course is usu- ally pursued. It is due to the missionaries to state such facts, for they certainly add very much to th^r other difiiculties, in trying to improve the moral and religious condition of the natives. Who will deny that bad example may not prove even more potent than the most wholesome teachings ? ISLAND OF TAHITI* 76 September 13th. This morning the sick were sent on shore, where they will have more comforts than it is possible for them to receive on board the ship. The climate here is said to be uncommonly salubrious, and invalids coming from other parts rapidly recover their health. After quarters we gave the natives permission to come on board with their merchandise. Some supposed this would have a tendency to make them reduce somewhat their exorbi- tant prices, as it would give rise to competition ; it however produced no such effect. Among other articles they brought on board were several kinds of shells, which we had not seen before. Some of them had also pearls for sale. They pro- cure these when they are employed by European vessels that are engaged in that trade. In the afternoon I took a walk on the road leading to Pa- peite, the capital of the island, situated about seven miles to the westward of Matavai. I found the traveling exceedingly bad, until I reached what is called " One-tree Hill.'' The road, or rather path, difficult thus far from its steepness and ruggedness, was rendered infinitely more so by the recent rains. In some places it was so slippery that I was forced to make use of my hands as well as feet. With the remainder of the walk I was highly delighted. I sauntered along over a broad, level road, lined on either side with groves of the orange and bread-fruit trees, sprinkled with the habitations of the natives, and intersected by numerous streamlets. Indeed, the scene was one of the most beautiful I ever beheld. The houses were all constructed in the primitive style, which consists of an oval-shaped roof, supported by round sticks, from two to three inches in diameter, placed some dis- tance apart, so as to allow a free admission of air. Neat grass paths, fringed with flowers, from the pure white to the 76 ISLAND OF TAHITI. bright red and yellow, and filling the air with their sweet odors, lead from one house to the other through the groves, while the surrounding trees were literally alive with songsters of every plumage imaginable. I entered several of the dwellings, and was received by the inmates in the kindest manner. They treated me with the milk of the fresh cocoa-nut and several varieties of fruits. I did not see any cultivated land besides the little patches attached to each house ; these were planted with sweet pota- toes, yams, and tarro. On returning I called in at our observatory, erected on Point Venus.* There were great numbers of men and women assembled around it — the latter dressed in their best, and evi- dently come to see and to be seen. Though many of them were young, 1 observed none whose looks were deserving of the high encomiums passed on them by the generality of for- mer voyagers. There is a kind of languor about their eyes that may be pleasing to some, and their feet and hands are also small, but their figures are short, and the features are too gross to be called handsome. A large number had their heads decorated with wreaths composed of Cape jasmine and orange flowers. September 15th. It being Sunday to-day, the crew were sent to the native chapel to attend divine service. Our chap- lain performed the service, with the aid of Mr. Pratt, one of the resident missionaries. This chapel is oval in shape and spacious, and plastered, and white-washed on the outside ; the roof is made of plaited reeds, and covered with the leaves of the pandanus. The windows are furnished with blinds, but * It was here that Captain Cook erected his Observatory. It is a low, narrow tongue of land running out northward from the island, and is thickly covered with cocoa-nut trees. ISLAND OF TAHITI. 77 remain unglazed, as free circulation of air is here desirable at all times. The interior is well supplied with benches, ar- ranged in rows, so as to face the pulpit at the side. There is no steeple to it. Near bj the chapel is the residence of the Rev. Mr. Wil- son, the only survivor of the missionaries who first came to the island. Notwithstanding his great age, he continues to enjoy good health, and to watch over the spiritual welfare of his flock, which I understand is large. It is worthy of remark, that although the day has been Sunday with ns, it has been Monday with the people a-shore, a circumstance to be attributed to the first missionaries (who arrived here by the way of the Cape of Good Hope) not having made a proper allowance for the gain of time. September 20th. This morning the "Vincennes" got under- way, and ran up to Papeite. The females here have certainly a very great passion for singing. Every evening they assemble in great numbers down by the water-side, and sing away for hours. Last night it was 2 A. M., ere they ceased. This would be a great annoyance to us were their voices unmusical, but they are not. More soft, rich and clear voices we have never heard in any part of the world. Besides, they do not confine themselves to their national songs, but occasionally, as if they wished that we should share with them in their innocent amusement, strike up some one of our own which they have learned from the whalers, and which seemed to be as familiar to them as to any of us. Papiete, September 24th. We arrived here a little after meridian. When about two miles from the anchorage of Ma- tavai, we passed two white-plastered buildings, shaded with a variety of trees, one of them, we were informed by the pilot, was the house of the queen; the other, the building in 78 ' ISLAND OF TAHITI. which the remains of the Kings Pomare II. and III. were deposited. The next object that attracted our attention was the ruins of the great chapel erected hj Pomare II., after his conversion to Christianity. The original size of this building is said to have been immense. The anchorage of Papiete is much superior to that of Ma- tavai. There, when the wind blows fresh from the seaward, vessels are exposed to a very heavy and dangerous swell; here they lay perfectly protected from both sea and wind. Indeed, there is but one objection to Papiete harbor — its entrance is so very narrow, that unless there be a fair breeze it is not accessible. The town stretches around the curvature of the shore form- ing the harbor, and presents many evidences of civilization. Many of the houses are built in the European style, and the native church is really a fine building. Several of these houses are owned by natives, but they rarely occupy them themselves, as they prefer those constructed in the primitive style, which, indeed, are better adapted to the climate of the island. They keep them to rent out to foreigners. The adjacent country does not differ materially from that about Matavai. In the centre of the harbor there is a charming little island, upon which the Tahitian national standard was waving to the breeze as we entered. This flag displays a white star on a red field, and owes its origin to the missionaries. The people here promise to be less troublesome than those were about Matavai, We have seen but few of them alongside, and none on board. Soon after we came to anchor, we received a present from the queen, consisting of pigs, cocoa-nuts, bananas, and other products of the islands. ISLAND OF TAHITII. 79 I understand that yesterday Captain Wilkes had an inter- view with the principal chiefs, and succeeded in forming a commercial treaty with them, which promised to be highly advantageous to both nations. October 3d. During these past four or five days nothing remarkable has transpired. This evening some dozen natives came on board, and gave us one of their old dances. After they had seated themselves round in a ring, they commenced making a kind of grunt, or noise, made by the throat and nostrils, accompanied with motions of the arms and fingers, by throwing them about in all directions. This they continued for some minutes, when the noise gradually became louder and louder, and the gestures more violent, until at last they wrought themselves to the highest pitch of excitement, and looked as if it was the greatest effort to keep it up ; every blood-vessel was much swollen, and the perspiration ran in streams down tlieir faces. At this time two of the party sprung up into the middle of the ring and began dancing, and making all sorts of grimaces and most violent licentious motions of the body ; the noise still increasing, all the others rose up in the same manner. It now appeared to have attained its highest pitch ; it became by degrees less and less, until it almost died away, when they kicked up their heels and fell on deck, which was the signal that they had finished. October 6th. This afternoon Pomare Taire, or the kiriri:- consort, arrived from Eimeo, where he has been residing for some time past. He came in a small fore-and-aft schooner. When Pomare III., only surviving son of Pomare II., died, , he was succeeded, in the supreme authority of the islands of Tahiti, Eimeo, &c., &c., by the present queen, under the style of Pomare Vahina IV. of Tahiti.^ She is about 28 years of * The Crown is hereditary — descending either to males or females. 80 ISLAND 01 TAHITI. age, and has been twice married — the first time to a young chief of Taha, from whom she was divorced. She was mar- ried to her present husband about two years since, and thus far the union has proved a happy one. She has several chil- dren, one of whom is a son. I have been informed that she possesses many excellent qualities, and is much beloved by her people. October 7th. This morning the king-consort and Mr. Pritchard, H. B. M. consul, came on board, and breakfasted with Captain Hudson. The king is probably 28 years of age, well formed, and rather good-looking. His dress showed no evidence of his rank ; it consisted of a calico shirt, brown drill- ing pantaloons, a black bombazine jacket, and straw hat. He wore no stockings, and his shoes were old and patched, which induced our good purser to make him a present of a new pair. When breakfast was over, he went round to look at the ship, with which he appeared much pleased. Mr. Pritchard was formerly connected with the mission. His house is decidedly the best I have seen on the island ; he owns large tracts of land, and he is said to exercise much influence over the queen and the government.* At 10 o'clock the king left the ship, accompanied by Captain Hudson. ♦ The Government is a Constitutional Monarchy Tahiti now belongs to the French. ARRIVAL AT TUTUILLA. 81 CHAPTER VII. FROM TUTUILLA TO AUSTRALIA, OR NEW SOUTH WALES. At 9 p. M., October 10th, we bade adieu to Tahiti, and steered to the westward. On the 18th we descried land, bearing northwest, which proved to be Tutuilla, one of the Samoan, or Navigator Islands. At meridian kept away for it, and shortly after- ward anchored in the harbor of Pango-Pango. We had no difficulty in entering this port. The principal danger is a large rock, which is situated near the middle of the passage ; but is-easily seen, as the surf breaks upon it at all times. It is a beautiful harbor ; the land all around rises abruptly, some places perpendicularly from the water to the height of a thousand feet or more, and everywhere it is covered with the most luxuriant vegetation ; even the rocks are covered with festoons of creeping-plants. It likewise abounds in fresh water ; several fine streams are visible from our decks. The shores are thickly studded with houses, and they differ materially in shape and construction from any we have before seen. They are circular in form, with a high conical roof coming down to about five feet from the ground — the space between the eves and the ground being shut in by mats, which, when the weather is pleasant, are rolled back, and thus the fresh breeze circulates through every part of the dwelling. There are many runaway sailors, and some Botany Bay convicts, living on this island. 82 ISLAND OF rUTUILLA. October 19th. This day we visited the village, situated at the head of the bay. It contains about forty houses, all con- structed after the manner before described, save that of Mr. Murray, the resident missionary. This is built after the English cottage-style, painted white, and surrounded by a wooden paling. The interior aspect of the native buildings varies according to the circumstances of the owner. If he be rich, the floor is covered with the finest quality of mats, and presents an air of great neatness throughout. If poor, the floor remains uncovered, and but little attention is paid to cleanliness or order. We saw in the Council- House a war-canoe, which was capable of carrying fifty warriors. It is said that every vil- lage on the island has one of these council-houses. They are the places where the chiefs and other principal men meet to discuss all matters concerning the state. The one here stands near the landing, has a circular shape, and is capable of con- taining several thousand people. Curiosity brought crowds of men, women, and children around us. They are not in general as well-formed people as the Tahitians, and we observed that very many of them were afflicted with ophthalmia and elephantiasis. Their dress con- sisted of long, narrow leaves, thickly strung on a piece of bark, long enough to tie round the loins. All of them were tattooed, more or less, about the legs and arms, but ornaments they had none. Both men and wojnen are fond of bathing, and they spend much of their tune in the water. Tliey seemed to have no idea of money, but set great value on every- thing in the way of clothing and iron tools. They eagerly exchanged their largest and finest-wrought mats for a hatchet, or a plain iron ; ink and paper were also sought after by some. AN AMERICAN CITIZEN MURDERED. On the afternoon of the 20th we sailed for the neighbor- ing island, Upolu. A few da.ys after the " Peacock's" arrival here, an American, named Terry, gave information against a native, who had murdered an American seaman that was living on the island some twenty months before. Mr. Baldwin and the master-at-arms J with" several marines, were immediately sent to secure him. After looking for him for some time, he was pointed out to Mr. B., who arrested him and brought him on board the ship, where he was confined and ironed. Some days afterward Captain Hudson demanded an investi- gation of the matter. On the 26th the chiefs assembled from the different parts of the island in the Council-House. The missionaries, Messrs. Williams and Mills, and Mr. Cunning- ham, H. B. M. Vice-Consul for the Samoan Islands, were present, and offered to act as interpreters during the investiga- tion between Captain Hudson and the chiefs. The prisoner was sent for on board the ship, and brought before the assem- bly in charge of an officer, and a file of marines. He owned that he committed the murder, and assigned his reason for doing it. He wanted, he said, to get possession of the white man's property. This admission established the guilt of the prisoner, and Captain Hudson decided that he must die ; but the chiefs expressed great repugnance to this punishment, and proposed buying him off with mats, tappa, &c., according to the Samoan custom. Captain H. told them the Christian custom was to take life for life ; therefore they must punish him with death. After much deliberation the chiefs approved of the sentence, but objected to its being carried into execu- tion on shore. They again asserted that they knew no such laws, and strenuously urged that the criminal should be car- ried on board the ship and executed tluTC. To this it was replied that the execution must take place on shore, in order 84 ISLAND OF UPOLU. that the people might see what they had to expect when they kiljed an American citizen. It was believed by the officers of this ship that the chiefs would have finally complied with all of Captain Hudson's de- mands, had the " Vincennes" kept out of the way, but she now made her appearance, and upon its being reported to Captain Wilkes what was going on, he repaired to the Council- House, and after holding a private interview with Captain Hudson, ordered the prisoner to be returned to the " Peacock,'^ at the same time requesting Mr. Mills to state to the assembly that the criminal would be taken away from Upolu, and left on some uninhabited island. Upolu is one of those islands which, together with Savi, Tutuilla and Manono, constitute that group of islands which go under the cognomen of "Navigator's Group." The soil is, generally speaking, very fertile, being in most parts com- posed of a dark, rich mould, from which spring spontaneously a strong luxuriant vegetation of perpetual verdure. This manifests itself in various species of grass, shrubbery, fruit trees, and forest timber. From the location of the island, almost in the centre of the tropics, it might be inferred that an atmosphere of very high temperature must be the necessary consequence. Such, how- ever, is not the fact. Experience has shown that it is more temperate than many regions beyond the torrid zones. The hour of greatest heat is about 3 o'clock P. M., when the thermometer averages 78° of Fahrenheit. Earthquakes are frequent, though not violent. By far the largest portion of the inhabitants live on the sea-coast, because they have there great facilities for fishing. They construct their houses after the manner of those we saw at Tutuilla. The men only are tattooed, and the part of the ISLAND r-F UPOLU. 85 body thus ornamented is from the waist to the knee. It is very tasfefuUy done, and one would imagine it to have been adopted in imitation of breeches. It does, in fact, somewhat abate the appearance of nakedness, and thus give an air of decency. It is the ceremony of initiation into manhood. Fish is an almost daily article of food with those who live on the coast. They have various ways of catching these ; they use the hook, net, and spear, and for lobsters, &c., a kind of a trap-basket. They construct also a sort of pond, or inclosure of mats and cocoa-nut branches, leaving one end open. A party then spread about, and drive the fish in, and thus often inclose a large number at once. Their manufactures eonsist of mats, cloth, and baskets. This is the work of women ; they make various sorts of mats — some of the strong leaf of the pandanus, in nearly its full breadth, for spreading on the floor — some of the same leaf spht into small shreds for sleeping upon. A much finer mat, the weaving of which will occupy a woman twelve or eighteen months, is woven with the same leaf into very narrow pieces, which are made tough and durable by being baked in an oven, and then soaked in sea-water. The mat is so fine as to be almost as pliable as linen. These are the dresses on special occasions — the common one being like that we saw worn by the people of Tutuilla. They look very rich and elegant, espe- cially when trimmed with red or yellow feathers. The Tapa is made as elsewhere from the Chinese paper- mulberry. This is also in extensive use for clothing and bed- covering. They print some of it in neat patterns, and dye some pieces all black, or brown. It wears better than the cloth made at Taliiti. Nets are nia'''- SANDWICH ISLANDS. 199 In the evening, Mr. Williamson, gunner, reported that he saw on shore, Mr. Sanford and a man named McDonald, who was so lame as scarce to be able to walk. December 24th. This morning Mr. Sanford and McDonald came on board. Mr. Sanford stated that he was obliged to return on account of his suffering from the asthma, after lea>' ing the volcano. In the evening Mr. Elliott arrived with orders to the first Lieutenant, from Captain Wilkes, to keep up a constant communication between the ship and the moun- tain. Mr. Elliott reports that he left the party about fifteen miles, or two days' walk, from the top of the mountain ; that the ascent thus far had been difficult and painful, and that one of the crew named Longly (an excellent man) was found missing. He also tells us that they had suffered a great deal from cold, and want of provisions and water ; the latter article being so scarce, that upwards of two dollars had been paid for a gallon of it. In the course of the afternoon, two white men came on board to say to the Purser, that they had been dispatched by Captain Wilkes to tell him to send two hundred natives up the mountain with wood. These men report that Captain Wilkes, and about half a dozen others had reached the summit. December 26th. At an early hour, one hundred and thirty natives left town with wood and water, for the use of the party on Mauna Loa. The Headman of Hilo went with them, and will hereafter Stay at what is termed the half-way house, and superintend the natives, who are to be constantly kept carrying wood and water up to Mr. Alden's tent. December 27th. We are gratified to learn that Longly has been found. The poor fellow was laying under a rock speechless, and already in a state of delirium preceding a final dissolution ; but he is now doing well. 200 VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. CHAPTER XVII. VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO ARRIVAL AT MAUI — ^-DE- SCRIPTION OF LAHAINA VISIT FROM THE KING. On the morning of the 24th of January, Messrs. M , H 5 and myself, apphed for permission to visit Mount Kilauea. As the permission was granted, we set about making the necessary arrangements for the tour. We directed our steward to put up provisions for six days, and in the afternoon went on shore, and engaged horses from the Headman of Hilo to take us up to the crater. We also engaged a white man, named Smith, to act as guide to the party, and several natives, who were to carry our baggage. We told Smith we should be ready to set out the next day, and should expect him and the natives to meet us at an early hour at the Observatory, that being the starting-point. Ac- cordingly, the following morning, we repaired to the Observa- tory, where we found Smith and the natives ; and by six o'clock, all preparations being made, we took our departure. Pursuing a westerly course, we soon came to the River Wikuea, which we crossed near the Headman's house. In a few minutes after, we reached the road which leads to the volcano. We had only traveled a short distance on this road, when we entered a track of country which was entirely covered with fern, and but thinly inhabited. It was here that I took the resolution to return my horse to the Headman and take to VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. 201 walking. Smith informed me that there were but few horses on the island, and those have been brought over from Oahoo, and are generally old and broken down. At 1 o'clock it commenced to rain, but it turned out to be only a shower. The road now laid through a dense forest, in which we observed growing in great abundance the Teutui- tree, from the nut of which the natives extract an excellent oil. On emerging from this wood, we found ourselves in a country similar to that we passed over before. About 4 o'clock we reached the house where Captain Wilkes and party spent their second night while on their way to the sum- mit of Mouna L')a. It is a large native building, standing a few hundred yards from the road, with some cultivated land around it. We now came to a region of country entirely composed of lava and producing no other vegetation than what grew in the crevices. This lava was of a dark brown color and very hard, and with a surface ruffled like that of the sea at the first springing up of a breeze. It was a highly interest- ing scene both for the geologist and mineralogist. After a walk of between three and four miles over this volcanic re- gion, we passed on our left a cluster of cottages, surrounded apparently by a rich soil, and shortly after reached what is called the " half-way house," where we proposed to spend the night. Upon entering, the inmates immediately retired to one of the out-houses, thus giving us possession of the en- tire building. It appeared to be newly erected and better con- structed than any building we had seen on the way. In the centre of the floor was a cheerful fire, the sight of which we hailed with joy, for we were both wet and cold. Around its gladsome blaze we seated ourselves, enjoyed its genial warmth, dried our clothing, and then proceeded to par- take our repast. When the repast was over we once morp 202 VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO, gathered around the fire, and, after comfortably warming our- selves, retired for the night. January 26th. At 8 o'clock we resumed our journey. It w-as a bright sunny morning, and the neighboring woods were enlivened with songsters of various colors and species. Few birds are to be seen along the shore, but in the interior of the island they are numerous, and the notes of three or four kinds are exceedingly sweet. Between 11 and 12 we reached the two shanties situated about eight miles from the volcano. Here we halted for the baggage men to come up. Scarcely had we got seated when a girl about sixteen years of age, entered, and took a seat by us. Upon inquiry she informed us that she belonged to the opposite side of the island and was going to visit some of her friends who were residing near Hilo. She was evidently one of the lower class, yet her manners were pleasing and even graceful. Perceiving she was without provisions, we offered her some of our own, but she declined the offer, and shortly after rose up and proceeded on her journey. The scantiness of vegetation, the presence of disrupted volcanic masses, and the appearance of columns of steam is- suing from the rents intersecting the ground over which we were passsing, convinced us that we must be near the crater Kiiauea. At length, about 4 o'clock, we came in sight of the mo- narch of all volcanoes — but the light of day, robbed it of much of its splendor ; still the eye of man never beheld a more sublime and terrific scene. Before us was a cavity between six and seven miles in circumference and upwards of a thou- sand feet in depth ; within this were to be seen lakes of varied size and form, filled with burning matter, and emitting columns of flame and vapor. VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. 203 It is remarkable that this crater should present an external aspect so entirely dissimilar to that of Etna and Vesuvius, or any of the volcanoes of South America. Those are characte- rized by an elevated cone, out of which are ejected igneous rocks and ashes. Kilauea, on the contrary, is an immense depression in the midst of a vast plain with ipiothing to warn you of a near approach but the signs which I have before spoken of. We now directed our course toward the cluster of shanties erected on the brim of the crater by Captain Wilkes's party, which we soon reached, and found one occupied by Dr. Pick- ering, who came round by the sea-shore. The remaining shanties were in the possession of about fifty natives, who had come from a town near the coast to take away a large canoe which they had made in the neighboring wood, some time pre- vious. After supper we proceeded in company with Dr. Pickering to a place about half a mile to the eastward of the shanties to obtain a view of a small crater which was represented to be unusually active. We could not possibly have selected a more eligible position. We stood on a pile of rocks which commanded a bird's-eye view of the fiery lake. It was several thousand feet in circumference, and nearly round in form. The color of its burning contents was that of a cherry- red or deep crimson, and it was in a state of terrific ebullition. Sometimes the fiery fluid was ejected many feet into the air, at other times it was seen to overflow the edges on the circumja- cent lava, for many yards distant. We continued to gaze upon the scene about an hour, and then returned to our lodgings, where we soon had opporturnity of observing another phenome- non of a character not less grand and splendid. We were re- clining on our mats, with our eyes directed towards the largest 204 SANIWICH ISLANDS. of the lakes, when a portion of the bank forming one of its sides, was seen to give way and fall into the liquid lava beneath with a frightful crash. The whole surface was in the most vio- lent agitation ; billows were formed as high apparently as any we had ever seen on the ocean, and dashed against the side of the crater with such violence as to throw the fiery spray sixty or seventy feet high. The sight of this spectacle alone would have repaid us for the trouble of coming thus far. When the surface of the fiery stream became quiescent again, we wrapped ourselves in our blankets and sought repose. When breakfast was over, we proceeded to visit the bottom of the crater. After a brief walk in the direction of the Sul- phur Springs, we turned to the left, and suddenly commenced descending by a steep and rugged path ; columns of vapors smelling strongly of sulphur were issuing from crevices and pits lining either side of the road. We estimated some of the latter to be upwards of two hundred feet in depth. After a descent of about one quarter of a mile, we passed on our right a crater which bore unmistakable signs of having long since become extinct ; it was everywhere covered with shrub- bery, and trees of considerable dimensions. Another walk of about fifteen minutes brought us to what is called the '' Ledge." It was not until then that we formed an adequate idea of the magnitude and sublimity of this wonderful crater. On which- soever side we cast our eyes, we beheld a wall of solid lava of a thousand feet, or more, in altitude, and from six to seven miles in circumference. This ledge surrounds the crater ; thus forming a kind of natural gallery several hundred yards in width. The surface is but little broken, and presents a uniform appearance, being of a dark brown or iron color. At length we reached the bottom. The path leading to this was also very abrupt and dangerous ; we were in danger VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. 205 every moment of being killed by the falling of fragments of rocks, or of being precipitated down the fathomless pits. The descent did not exceed four hundred yards, but we were up- wards of twenty minutes in accomplishing it. Dr. Pickering and myself remained at the bottom of the crater upwards of an hour. It varies in its character much ; in some places the surface is so hot as to be painful to the feet, and the gurgling sound of the liquid lava beneath warned us that we were treading on dangerous ground ; in others it was broken and twisted into every imaginable shape ; in others it was thrown up in the wildest confusion, resulting, no doubt, from the sudden cooling and contracting of the lava ; in another place there were lakes of fire and smoke, and in others again it presented a smooth glassy-like surface, and so fragile as to frequently break through, and precipitate us several feet before we gained a sure footing. I received several falls, and bruised my hands and knees dreadfully. We approached within a few yards of the largest of the lakes. It is situated to the northeast, and ranges in a direction nearly east and west, and we estimated its circumference at up- wards of three-quarters of a mile, it being oval in shape ; at the east end the lava flowed in gentle waves — at the west it was in a much higher state of action — it was there boiling and thrown up into the air to the height of hundreds of feet, and then de- scending again in showers of spray. The heat was so intense as to burn our hands and faces many yards distant, and the glare so strong as to be painful to the eyes. Thick black columns of smoke rose from the centre. The wind roared like thunder, as it rushed by us to fill the vacuum produced by the intense heat, while at intervals the bank on which we stood, cracked and shook in the most frightful manner. The idea of falling into some of these fissures was by no 206 SANDWICH ISLANDS. means agreeable, and really, I, for one, felt very much re- lieved when we turned our eyes from the scene to retrace our steps. On our regaining the ledge, we fell in with Mr. H., who had gone to collect some specimens of what is called Pole's hair. He succeeded, and beautiful specimens they were. There seems to be some doubt as to the manner this is pro- duced. My opinion is, that it is formed simply by the sweep- ing of the wind over the surface of the lava while in a liquid state. It is to be found all over the ledge, and on the bushes growing around the brim of the crater ; it very much resembles tufts of fine flax. On the leeward side of the crater, Mr. H. found it so abundant that the ground in places appeared as if covered with cobwebs. Pole, according to the mythology of the natives, is the goddess of Kilauea, and it is behoved that many of them still worship her in secret. It is said that they never approached it previous to tiie introduction of Christianity, without the greatest fear and veneration, and then only to deliver their offering by casting it into the burning lake. When about half way back we met Mr. Lyman, one of the resident missionaries, and Mr. Elliott, our chaplain. At 3 P. M. we reached our lodgings, and, as might be expected, were hungry, thirsty, and very much fatigued. After dinner I accompanied Mr, H. to the Sulphur Banks to procure some specimens, but in this we were disappointed, as we saw none that were worth the trouble of preserving. There were some forming, however, which promised to be very fine. The edges of several of the crevices from which the gases issued that produced the sulphur, were lining with crystals of the most beautiful shape and briUiancy. We estimated the length of these banks to be two hundred yards, and their height from VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. 207 ten to thirty feet. Many caverns and chasms were observable in their vicinity. The ensuing night harmonized well with the glorious scenes witnessed during the day : — *' As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light. When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene : ' Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumber'd gild the glowing pole ; O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed. And tip with silver every mountain's head." January 28th. At an early hour I bade adieu to Kilauea, and set out to return to Hilo, taking the route by which Dr. Pickering had ascended. After a walk of about five miles I overtook the party of Kanakas whom we found at the vol- cano on the evening of our arrival. They were compelled to bear the canoe on their shoulders, as the road was too steep and rugged to allow the use of rollers. At 11 o'clock I came in sight of Mount Popii, and by noon reached the summit, from which I had a view of the crater on the western side. It appears very ancient, as everywhere it is covered with trees and shrubbery. It resembles a funnel in shape, and I estimated its depth to be four hundred feet. Leaving Mount Popii, I turned oif to a path diverging to the left, which soon brought me to another crater. The bottom of this was overflowed with fresh lava ; but it did not materially diifer from the one above mentioned. This lava had doubtless run in during the recent eruption, and worked its way from the crater Kilauea by some subterranean passage ; its color was nearly that of clay, and the surface appeared highly glazed — the aperture through which ii; run in may still 208 SANDWICH ISLANDS. be seen. It bore from where I was standing about northwest, is several feet in circumference, about fifty yards from the top of the crater, and one hundred yards from the bottom. Pursuing the same path I next came to the bed of lava, which owes its origin to the same eruption as that just alluded to ; this presented the most singular spectacle. Many of the trees with which the whole country was formerly covered are ^ still standing, overlooking the scene of desolation. The lava was in that state which it generally assumes after it com- mences to cool. Throughout its whole length and breadth it was split and broken into pieces of various shapes and sizes ; gases were escaping from several of the rents which smelt strongly of sulphur, insomuch that I became aware of their existence an hour or two previous to my reaching them. It was from these fissures that the liquid mass made its appearance. One of them is nearly three feet in width, another two feet, and a third eighteen inches. From the summit of Mount Popii a fine view of the stream may be obtained. It is about three miles long, and from three to five hundred yards wide. The appearance of the surface is uniform, being of a color nearly black, and full of glittering crystals. The average height above the adjacent ground is four feet. No one can see all this, and yet question the theory of the igneous fluidity of the centre of our globe. All combustible causes that we are aquainted with are totally inadequate to produce such an effect. It was my intention to have visited another crater, which I was told to be still larger than any I had seen, except that of Kilauea ; but having missed the path leading to it, and it being also near sunset, I deemed it best to endeavor to reach a house about two miles off*, where Smith said I would find good lodgings, and which I succeeded in reaching about dusk. VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. 209 Smith was right ; we had excellent accommodations, and our sleep was sweet and refreshing. January 29th. The landscape was still glittering with the dews of night when I resumed my journey. The morning is the proper time to travel here, as the air is then cool and delicious. After a short walk I reached a village, containing between twenty and thirty houses. As I passed through, many of the inhabitants came out of their dwellings to inquire where I was going, and from whence I came. The Hawaiians are naturally a very curious and inquisitive people. The land in the vicinity of this village appeared fertile, and was in a high state of cultivation. Among other productions, I observed the coffee-tree and sugar-cane. The average height of full-grown coffee trees is about nine feet ; they arrive at their full growth in four or five years, and continue to bear from ten to fifteen years. The coffee-blossom is a beautiful and highly fragrant little white flower, and the berry, when fully ripe, is of a pale red color. I came next to a field of lava, which, like those I passed yesterday, had been torn and shattered, either by the expansive force of the air underneath at the time the lava was in a semi-fluid state, or by some vio- lent convulsion of nature. The traveling over it was exces- sively fatiguing, as the lava was both very rugged and brittle. Leaving this barren and solitary waste, I soon passed on my left several conical hills, which were once craters, but now are overgrown with bushes and other vegetation. At 3 o'clock I stopped at a shanty, erected by the side of the road, to prepare dinner, and to allow the natives, who car- ried the baggage and specimens, to come up. • Having refreshed ourselves, we pursued our way. The path now lay through an open country, covered witb light yellow soil producing nothing but grasses, and a few whortleberry bushes. 210 SANDWICH ISLANDS. Another two hours' walk brought us to a pool of rain water ; here we filled up our water bags and calabashes. There are but few springs in this part of Hawaii, and no rivers — so that the inhabitants are obliged to have recourse to the method of catching rain-water in calabashes, which they keep suspended in great numbers around the roofs of their habitations at all times. Nature is boundless in her resources, and the more we inquire and examine, the more we are lost in wonder and admiration at the great scheme for carrying on the designs of the Creator. Though some parts of these islands are left for six months together without rain, yet an ample provision has been made to counteract the ill-effects of so long a drought. Vegetation, which, with us, would speedily perish without an abundant supply of rain, is there sufficiently nourished by that moisture, which plants, as they bud and blossom and produce their fruit, have the power of hoarding up and retaining from one rainy season to another, and by the heavy dews that nightly fall upon their large expanded leaves. About sunset, we arrived at Waiiha, where I determined to spend the night. This is a pleasant village, situated within a few miles of the sea-shore. The inhabitants appeared to be in very comfortable circumstances ; their houses were large and well furnished, after the native manner. The dwelling in which I took lodgings, was the property of the principal magistrate of the place. He himself was absent, but his wife ^ gave me a cordial welcome ; she received me with many ex- pressions of kindness, led me into the house, and immediately set about to prepare a repast. We had two dishes, which deserve notice, as I believe they are peculiar to the natives of these islands ; the names under which they are best known, are Poi and Poi-dog — the former is made of boiled taro, pounded up and mixed with water into a paste ; it is served up VISIT TO THE GREAT VOLCANO. 211 in calabashes, and conveyed to the mouth with the fingers, by all ranks and ages. People who live on the sea-coast, eat with it a small fish in a raw state, resembling the sardine. The Poi-dog is not one of our common curs, but a dainty animal, fed entirely on vegetable food, generally on taro made into a poi, and hence the name — (a Hawaiian would no more eat one of our kind of dogs than we would) — the animal is sometimes roasted before the fire just as we roast beef ; but more generally it is " lau-ude,'' that is, after the skin is taken off, the animal is wrapped up in leaves and put into a hole made in the earth, of several feet in circumference, and about two feet in depth ; when in, some more leaves are spread over the animal, hot stones are then placed on the leaves, and a covering of nine or ten inches thick, formed of leaves and earth, is spread over the whole. In this state the animal remains about three-quarters of an hour, when the hole is opened and the animal taken out. The many eulogies passed on the dish by my kind hostess, and my curiosity in the matter, conquered my prejudices against the name, and really had I not known to the contrary, I should have thought I was par- taking of a piece of roast pig. January 31st. At an early hour I took leave of the kind family, with whom I passed the night. The Hawaiians are a hospitable people, and there are many of them who, if they had only one fowl or pig in the world, would cheerfully take it to furnish a repast for a friend or a stranger. After a brief walk I reached the sea- shore, which I found thickly sprinkled with cottages. At 10 o'clock I halted at a house which was deserted, to partake of some breakfast. This house, I was told by the guide, had been the residence of a chief, and was deserted during the recent eruption, when it was believed that it, like many others, would be destroyed by 212 SAND VICH ISLANDS the liquid lava. It was large and well built, and commanded a fine view of the ocean. When breakfast was over, I proceeded to visit the place where the stream of lava run into the sea during the eruption just alluded to, also the three hills, said to have been formed at the same time. The direction of the stream was northeast, and is said to be between twenty and thirty miles in length, and from one to nine thousand yards in width. When first discovered it was supposed that a new crater had been formed ; but it is now ascertained that it worked its way from the old Volcano Kilauea. The depth of the stream, as seen down the rents, was from five to twenty feet. At first it flowed smoothly, and after remaining so for some ten days, broke up into its present rough and confused state. I estimated its breadth, where it run into the sea, to be two thousand feet. The lava, as far as the eye could reach, was of a jet-black color, and excessively brittle. I ascended two of the highest hills ; they stood within a few yards of the beach, and parallel to each other — were formed of sand, scoria, and ashes — and I found their height to be two hundred feet. It is not likely they will remain permanent, as the surf is continually boating against their sides and gradually washing them away. Near these hills were two sand-beaches, which owed their origin to the same eruption. The sand was composed of a substance similar to that of the adjoining lava, and was probably formed by the igneous stream coming in contact with the sea. The lava suddenly cooling, flew into small pieces and particles, and was thrown back upon the land by the agita-ted waters. I now walked along the coast, sometimes keeping so near the edge as to be wet with the spray of the surge which broke violently against it. The houses thickened, and about 4 o'clock I reached a hamlet, consisting of some dozen or fifteen SANDWICH ISLANDS. 213 cottages. After another two hours' walk I arrived at the last village within the district of Puna. The appearance presented by this village was very inviting. The houses were mostly built among shady groves, while the country in the vicinity was beautifully laid out in plantations and gardens. It had an air of freshness and comfort which was very gratifying, especially after coming from the desolate scene above de- scribed. The inhabitants, though not so well dressed, or per- haps not so far advanced in the scale of civilization as those about Hilo, were very kind and hospitable. Many of them invited me to their houses, and made me presents of cocoa- nuts and bananas. After walking a mile or two farther I came to a piece of wood, the traveling through which was exceedingly fatiguing and dangerous, as at almost every step I sank ankle-deep into mud, or fell into some hole, which the darkness of the night rendered invisible. But as I was aware that the wood was of no great extent, and that when through it I should be near my journey's end, I pushed on, and about eight o'clock I had the satisfaction of finding myself in the open country about Hilo. I directed my steps to the Observatory, and on reaching it found there one of our boats, which conveyed me to the ship, and so ended this interesting jaunt. It afforded me both amusement and instruction ; and it is not likely that some of the impres- sions it has left upon my mind will ever be effaced while on this side of the grave. During my absence nothing worthy of particular notice tran- spired, except the return of the expedition which set out to ascend Mauna Loa. Indomitable perseverance eventually over- came all obstacles, and the " Stars and Stripes" waved up- wards of a week over one of the highest mountains in tlie world. The success of the undertaking was as complete as could be 214 SANDWICH ISLANDS. wished. The altitude of the most elevated point of the moun- tain was measured, and found to be 13,500 feet above the level of the ocean. The following observations, extracted from Mr. Eld's journal, will give some idea of the character of the mountain, and of the hardships experienced by our people during their continuance on its summit. He says — " I never in all my life have witnessed so perfect a scene of desolation as the upper region of this mountain presents. There is not a tree on it, nor shrub, nor any other kind of vege- tation, to refresh the eye. You behold nothing but a mass of lava that at one period has been ejected in a liquid state from the terminal crater. To appearance it is of different ages, some of very ancient date, though not yet decomposed. In some places it is smooth, in others it appears in the form of clinkers, which occasionally are raised from five to thirty feet above the surface of the surrounding lava. There are several extinct craters in sight, one of which is even larger than that of Kilauea." " December 25th. This is the most uncomfortable Christ- mas-day I have ever experienced. The only way we had of keeping warm was to wrap ourselves in pea-coats and blankets. We had not wood enough to cook our food, and I had to con- tent myself with some sea-biscuit and a piece of raw pork." '' December 27th. The cold this day to our feelings was intense, although the thermometer did not stand lower than 26°. All our exertions in carrying stone for the wall which is to surround our tents, for the purpose of protecting them from the violent winds, and other exercises, such as running and jumping, could scarcely keep us from freezing. We also found it very difiicult to breathe, on account of the rarified state of the air. On examination it was also found that our pulses SANDWICH ISLANDS. 21S varied, and were very easily excited — mine fluctuated from 80 to 120 beats." " December 28th. This has been a pleasant day for these regions. At sunrise the efiect of horizontal refraction on the sun was very perceptible. It seemed quite small as it ap- peared above the sea, forming a long horizontal ellipse of two and a half diameters, first enlarging on one side and then another." " On the 31st the temperature at noon in the sun was 92°, in the shade at 55°, and after dusk it was as low as 13°. In the afternoon I had an attack of the Mountain Sickness. I was sick at the stomach, and had a severe pain in the head." " The night was favorable for observations, and we made many." On the morning of the 5th of February we got under- way, and shaped our course for Maui. The following day, at 2.45 P. M., the Island of Kaloolawe bore west north-west. This is a small, barren island, and used by the Hawaiian Government as a place of exile for con- victs, who depend on rain-water for drink, and glean a scanty subsistence from potatoes, which they manage to raise on one or two fertile patches. At 4 P. M. we descried the Island of Maui ; it appeared at a distance like two distinct islands. The coast was generally bold and steep, and intersected by numerous valleys, or ravines. Many of these are apparently formed by streams from the mountains which flow through them into the sea. The rocks along the coast were composed of very hard compact lava, or a kind of basalt' The habitations of the natives appeared in clusters at the openings of the valleys, or scattered over the sides of the \mfs. It is a beautiful island. About sunset we came-to off" Lahaina, the principal town. 216 SANDWICH ISLANDS. February 8th. This forenoon we were honored with a visit from his Ha\^ian majesty, Tamahameha III. As we had the chronometers on board we did not salute him, but paid him, however, every other mark of respect. Tamahameha III, or Kamme, as he is familiarly called, is a son of the celebrated Tamahameha I., and a brother of Liho-Liho, during whose reign idolatry and the taboo system were abolished. He is probably twenty-seven years of age, of a middle height, and rather inclined to be corpulent. His complexion is dark olive, his hair of a jet black and straight, and his countenance mild and interesting. In disposition, he is frank, kind and generous. The people always speak of him as a good man. His manners are perfectly free and agreeable. He was edu- cated under the surveillance of the missionaries, and, besides reading and writing his own language, can speak English and Spanish intelligibly. About two years since, he married the daughter* of a chief of the second rank, but, as yet, he has no children. He is generally attended by a number of favor- ites who join in all his amusements and occupations. His dress on state occasions, consists of a blue coat with epaulettes, white pantaloons and vest, a chapeau, and a sword. At other times, he generally appears in a blue jacket and a blue cloth cap with a gold band around it. He is very fond of the sea, and has a schooner belonging to himself, in which he spends much of his time. He is also fond of all kinds of ath- letic exercises, is an excellent rider, and a good shot. He made us a long visit, and examined every part of the ship. He appears to entertain a high opinion of Americans, and I understand he frequently consults them upon matters of state. The Rev. Mr. Richards, who acts as his private secretary, • It is said he married her from love, after the chiefs refused to allow him to marry one of his sisters — a practice which in former times was not considered improper. SANDWICH ISLANDS. 217 and who accompanied him on the present occasion, is a native of New England. February 9th. To-day I visited the town. It is built near the sea-shore, and the principal street is about a mile long. Near the landing-place is a fort in good repair and well adapted for defence. Many of the houses have gardens attached to them, in which are growing taro, plantains, bananas, cabbages, onions, and a great variety of other vegetables. The king's palace is not yet finished, and he resides at pre- sent in a grass house built after the native style. The ma- terial employed in the construction of the new building is coral, brought from the neighboring reefs. The town contains several stores, a chapel, and a reading-room. It has con- siderable trade with whaling vessels. The inhabitants are numerous, and as well-dressed and well- behaved as any we have seen in the group. The surrounding country is very romantic and beautiful. The whole valley in the rear of the town is a perfect garden. The habitations of the natives are seen peeping through the leaves of the trees ; a fine stream takes its course from one end of the valley to the other — in some places flowing along gently and smoothly — at others, rushing down a fall of several feet, and dashing and breaking against the rocks that intercepts its progress ; while the sides of the hills which bound the valley towards the interior, are covered with verdure. An excellent view may be obtained of this charming landscape from the summit of the hill on which the high-school is located. There, as you stand, nearly three hundred feet high, you behold in one view the whole scene in which there are beauties that words cannot describe. " But who can paint Like nature ? Can imagination boast Amidst its gay creation, hues like her's ? 218 SANDWICH ISLANDS. And lay them on so delicately fine, And lose them in each other, as appears In every bud that blows ? If fancy then Unequal, fail beneath the pleasing task, Ah ! what shall language do ?" Want of time prevented my visiting the High-school, but, I understand, it is not in a very flourishing condition. The missionary gentlemen connected with the institution are, it is said, unfitted for the management of its operations. From this school, of late years, have been taken all the native ers, and most of the young men employed on the part of the government. On returning to the beach, I found it thronged with native children, who were amusing themselves in the surf. This seems to be a favorite sport, not only with chil- dren, but men and women, and it is a novel and a beautiful sight to see them coming in on the top of a wave moving with a velocity that would overtake the swiftest of our race- horses. Sometimes they will suddenly disappear, and thus remain until another roller comes along, and dashes them upon the beach. They will not engage in the sport unless the surf is running high. The surf- board which they use is made of some light wood, and is about six feet in length and twenty inches wide. It appeared to me to be a very dangerous amusement, especially for children ; but they seemed not to mind it. I continued to gaze on the scene until our sun-down boat shoved oiF to return to the ship. In the course of the afternoon Messrs. Budd and May left the ship to survey the shoal off the Island of Kaloo- lawe. March 10th. Several boats have been employed to-day in surveying and sounding the harbor, or, more properly, the SANDWICH ISLANDS. * 22 1 roadstead ; the best anchorage is abreast of the King's Flag Staff. March 13th. This afternoon Mr. May and his boat's crew returned in canoes paddled by natives, the boat having gone to pieces at sea the same day he left the ship. It was very fortunate that Mr. Budd was near at hand with his boat. Seeing their situation, he immediately pulled up to them, and conveyed the crew ashore. He then returned to the wreck for the instruments and Mr. May, who he found had drifted, in the meantime, two or three miles out to sea. After landing, they walked some twenty miles before they reached the settlement, where they were hospitably entertained by the chief, and furnished with canoes to bring them back to the ship. Mr. May might have gone ashore with the men, but he generously declined to leave the wreck until the crew were taken off first. In the evening, Mr. Budd arrived with the instruments ; he stated that bad weather had prevented him from carrying out the instructions, in regard to the survey intrusted to his charge. March 15th. At an early hour this morning, Mr. Budd and Mr. Sanford left with two boats to join the king's schooner, the use of which his Majesty had offered to Captain Wilkes until the shoal off Kaloolawe could be sur- veyed. The following day we ascertained by triangulation, the elevation of the highest peak on Maui. It is six thousand three hundred feet above the level of the ocean. At a height of two thousand feet from the base of this mountain, both the climate and soil are said to be well adapted to the growth of wheat and Irish potatoes. 222 SANDWICH ISLANDS. About noon we got under way, and stood over towards Kaloolawe under all sail. We " lay-to " during the greater part of the night, March 17th. At daylight wore ship, and stood in for Kaloolawe, and soon after fell in with the king's schooner. As she had not yet completed her surveying duties, we called away all our boats, and sent them to assist her. About 9 A. M., the boats returned, and we filled away and stood for Oahoo, while the king's schooner stood back for Maui. The shoal here alluded to is situated about two miles from the shore, has two fathoms water on it, at low tide, and is composed of a number of rocks, all within the circumference of three hundred feet. Ships passing through the channel between Hawaii and Maui, intending to anchor in Lahina Roads, must give Kaloolawe a wide berth, and steer for the Peak of Lanai until the High-school of Lahaina bears to the eastward of east northeast, when they may haul in, and steer directly for it. The principal object in returning to Oahoo, is to replenish our stock of provisions and stores. On the morning of the 19th, we anchored in Honolulu harbor. We found our friends and acquaintances all well, and apparently delighted at our return. Received an official visit from the Governor of the island. He was received with all due respect. Governor Kekuanaoa is a noble, intelligent looking man, and possesses great energy of character. He is one of the chiefs who accompanied King Liho-Liho in his visit to England, and speaks the English language quite well. He married the daughter of Tamahameha I., and his son Prince Alexander I., is now the heir to the Hawaiian throne. SANDWICH ISLANDS. 223 On the 22dj Lieutenant Alden, with two boats in charge, left the ship to re-sound, and re-survey the harbor ofiF Pearl River, on account of some doubts being expressed by the inhabitants of Honolulu, as to the accuracy of the former survey. March 25th. This evening. Lieutenant Alden returned from Pearl River, and reported two of his crew as having deserted. He states that he found every part of his former survey correct. 224 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. CHAPTER XVIII. NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. Having completed our surveying and scientific duties at the Sandwich Islands, on the morning of the 5th of April we sailed for the northwest coast of America. As light winds prevailed during this and the following day we did not make much progress on our course. On the evening of the 7th, we passed the Island of Kauie. This is another of the Sandwich Islands ; it is about forty miles in length and twenty-three in breath. The population is estimated at 12,000. Its valleys are fertile, and produce sugar-cane, yams, and taro. On the 19th, we experienced a great change in the weather ; the wind shifted from the southward and eastward to the northwar4, and we had some violent squalls, which compelled us to reduce sail to reefed-topsails. In a few minutes after the wind shifted, there was a very sensible change in the temperature, and we found it necessary to put on our woolen clothing to keep comfortable. At noon our latitude was 33° 12' 00'' north, longitude 152° 28' 00" west. During the 20th, 21st, and 23d, we must have sailed through hundreds of acres covered with the Villula, or little man-of-war, as they are commonly called by sailors, from their resemblance to a vessel under canvas. They all had their little sails expanded, and were steering in the same direction as our ship. Their sail is a thin, semi-transparent membrane, NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. 225 extending diagonally from one side of the animal to the other. When examined in a bucket of water in the open air, it ap- peared to be almost white, but in certain lights, and in its native element, its edges are tinged by the most brilliant blue and crimson reflections. From the body are suspended numer- ous hair-like tentacula, or feelers, that are constantly engaged in entangling the food upon which the animal lives. It was an interesting sight to see these delicate little creatures mount- ing securely over the lofty billows, though a brisk breeze was carrying us along at the rate of eight or nine knots an hour. On the morning of the 28th of April we made Cape Disap- pointment, off the mouth of the Columbia Riyer, but, as the weather was boisterous, and the sea broke with great violence on the bar, we did not deem it prudent to attempt to enter the river. Next morning the prospects of getting in were no better; indeed, the chances seemed to be still more against us, as the wind during the night had hauled round to the southward and westward with increased strength ; we there- fore concluded to stand for Puget Sound, to the northward. About 10 A. M. on the 30th, the "look-outs" reported " breakers a-head" ; immediately all hands were called, and the ship was brought by the wind. After standing a few minutes on this course the weather cleared, and we discovered Destruction Rocks not more than half a mile off, and exactly in the direction where the breakers had been reported to be. It was in fact a very narrow escape from shipwreck and certain destruction, for even if we had succeeded in getting ashore, we should in all probability have been murdered by the savage natives. A few years ago a Russian brig was wrecked near the same place, the vessel went to pieces, but the crew got safely on shore. They were immediately attacked by the natives and massacred. Another time they attacked the boat 226 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. of an American vessel that was engaged in the fur-trade, and killed several of the crew. The savages pretended at first that they had come to trade. Our pilot, who has been much among them, also represents them as being a treacherous and savage set. This circumstance goes to show that we must have been under the influence of a strong current setting to the eastward, for we had been steering all the preceding night northwest, a course which gave the rocks a berth of between thirty and forty miles. At 3 P. M. we passed between the two outer Flattery Rocks, carrying ten fathoms all the way through, and between 4 and 5 o'clock passed Cape Flattery proper. We now sailed close along the starboard-shore, which gave us an opportunity of forming some idea of it. A chain of small islands and rocks run parallel with it some eight or ten miles after passing the Cape. It had but little beach, became high and broken in the interior, and was covered with a dense forest, apparently composed of the fir-tree. A little before sunset several canoes put off from a small bay and pulled toward us, evidently with the intention of paying us a visit, but we had no time to wait for them to get along-side, and after following us some time they turned back. In two of the canoes we observed several women, who seemed to take as active a share in the labors of the paddle as the men. They were all dressed in skins and blankets, and their heads were covered with a green-looking straw-hat of a conical form, with a very broad base, much resembling those which the Chinese are represented in pictures as wearing. The weather during the night was very disagreeable. May 1st. The weather continues cold and rainy. The shore we have passed to-day has been divided into steep chfis NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. 227 and heads, with intermediate beaches. At 9 A. M. a large canoe, paddled by nine Indians, boarded us. They were all small in stature, and far from being good-looking, having broad, flat faces, with high cheek-bones and low foreheads. They were also very dirty about their persons, so much so that it was difiicult to make out the color of their skin. One of them was dressed in corduroy pantaloons, and a jacket made of scarlet cloth, and could speak a httle English. Their own language was harsh and disagreeable, seeming to be made up principally of gutterals, and the sounds cluch and click They wore as ornaments a small silver tube stuck through the partition of the nose, and small brass bells suspended around the rim of their ears. They had with them some eight or ten otter skins, but were unwilling to sell them. It seemed as though they had come merely to look at the ship, she being the largest they had ever seen. They remained on board several hours and then went along-side the " Porpoise." May 2d. This morning another canoe, manned by seven men and one squaw, boarded us. They brought with them some fish, w^hich they readily exchanged for a few pipes and some tobacco. The woman was seated in the bow of the canoe, and was not permitted by the men to come on board. At 3.30 P. M. we passed Point Dungenness, a low, woody tongue of land. After passing this point, our progress was greatly impeded by a very strong ebb-tide. It run between three and four miles an hour. We observed as we sailed along this part of the coast a great number of tall poles, which our pilot informed me, were stuck up by the Indians for the purpose of suspending nets to them, in which they take geese and other wild fowl that frequent these shores at certain sea- sons of the year. About sunset we reached Port Discovery, and anchored for the night. Numbers of men, women and 228 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. children came running down to the beach as soon as we made our entrance, and some of them got into their canoes and came along-side. They were no better looking nor more cleanly than those we had before seen, and we were very glad to purchase the fish they brought for sale, in order to get them out of the ship as soon as possible. This harbor is a superb one, being easy of access, free from rocks or shoals, eight miles long, and from one and a half to two miles wide — possessing the very best kind of bottom, and with sufficient depth of water for the largest vessel to lay within two hundred yards of the shore. The country in the vicinity is not mou,ntainous, but rises into hills of moderate elevation, covered all over with pine and spruce trees of the largest dimensions. May 3d. The following General Order was issued this afternoon, and passed round to be read : — " The undersigned informs the officers and crews under his command, that the duties upon which they are about to enter, will necessarily bring them at times in contact with the savage and treacherous inhabitants of this coast, and he there- fore feels it his duty, to enjoin upon them the necessity of unceasing caution, and a restrictive and mild system in all their intercourse with them. " In my General Orders, of July 13th, 1839, my views are expressed fully, respecting our intercourse with savages, and I expect that the instructions therein contained, will be strictly regarded. " With a knowledge that many of the misfortunes that have befallen previous voyagers on this coast, have arisen from an unrestrained and unguarded intei-course with the natives, he deems it important to order officers in charge of boats, and NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. 229 those having men under their direction, to make it their espe- cial duty to govern them so as to avoid any disputes, or mal- treatment of the Indians ; and that force is never to be resorted to, but in cases of self-defence. "No officer or man will be allowed to visit the shore, without arms ; and boats' crews upon surveying, or other duties, will be furnished with such as are necessary for their protection. " United States ship ' Vincennes,' " Charles Wilkes." We had a grand feast to-day, on fish and clams, which we bought from the natives along-side. The latter are not so large as those found on our own coast, but they are more tender, and much better flavored. They may be obtained in any quantities, any where along the beach. Th^ fish were of the salmon and cod kinds. It is yet rather too early in the season for salmon, but they are very fine notwithstanding, es- pecially when broiled. May 5th. Several of the boats have been employed to-day in surveying the harbor. In the forenoon I visited the shore. The beach abreast the ship was covered with Indian huts ; they were constructed in the rudest manner imaginable, consisting of a few mats and rushes spread out on poles, and ofiering little or no protection against either the wind or rain. The fire was kindled upon the ground near the centre, and the interior of the building was filled with smoke. I was almost blinded by venturing into one of them, and was very glad to get out again into the open air. A mat or two spread on the ground near the fire, was used for sitting and sleeping upon. This was the only furniture to be seen, and the only article which could conduce 230 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. to comfort. The owners of these wretched dwellings called themselves Clalams, and were the most singular looking people we had ever seen. The top of their heads was as flat as a board. This was caused by compression when they were very young. I was surprised to find them so poorly clad, in weather that was almost cold enough to freeze water ; none had on more than one blanket, and some of them were to be seen going about in a state of perfect nudity. I never before had seen a people who seemed to have so little shame. The children seemed to give their mothers but little trouble ; the infants were tied to a piece of bark which hung to a pole, and was kept in motion by a string fastened to the toe of the mother. The little creatures were perfectly naked. I observed the men were well supplied with muskets, fowl- ing pieces, and knives, which they procure from the Hudson's Bay Company in exchange for furs. They had also bows and arrows, and the latter were pointed with iron. The roofs and sides of many of the huts were hung with fish, strung on poles or sticks. There can be no want of food here, as the w^aters abound with excellent fish, and the forest with game of all kinds. Deer and bear-tracks are to be seen in every direction, and the natives have only to go a few yards from their huts, to kill enough to feed on for weeks together. I spent several hours in wandering about in the neighboring woods. They were composed almost exclusively of pines, many of which were of immense diameter and height. I mea- sured several that were twenty- five feet in circumference, and upwards of two hundred feet in height. The underbrush was not thick, and the principal impediment to clear walking was the vast number of fallen trees, over which I was obliged to climb. I saw numerous tracks of quadrupeds and one or two flocks of NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. 231 wild geese. The natives say the proper time for killing deer is early in the morning, at which time they resort to the springs to drink. Occasionally I encountered extensive thickets of rose-bushes, through which some large animal ap- peared but recently to have passed. On returning to the beach I passed a burial-ground. It was surrounded with stakes to prevent the wild beasts from entering it, and the corpses instead of being interred were wrapped in mats, and placed upon the ground in a sitting posture. May 6th. Having completed the survey of the harbor, we again spread our sails to the breeze and stood out into the Sound, followed by a great number of canoes, which had for sale fish, clams, and venison. We laid in a large supply of these ; and the articles preferred in exchange were, as usual, powder, fish-hooks, clothing, and paint. The fish were the largest we had seen of the kind — some of the cod weighing be- tween forty and fifty pounds. Towards evening the wind became so light we could not stem the tide, and so we stood into Port Townsend, and anchored in ten fathoms water. This is another excellent harbor. A short walk from the beach here brings you to a beautiful lawn, ornamented with a great variety of pretty flowers. It extends several miles into the interior, and abounds in small lakes, around which hovered vast numbers of ducks and geese. The wood which skirts the green is composed of the same kind of trees as that about Port Discovery. The Indians inhabiting the surrounding shores are clad in blankets and skins of wild beasts, and appear friendly. They are passionately fond of smoking, and will exchange anything they have for pipes and tobacco. The principal ornament worn by the women is a round piece of white bone, of about 282 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. two inches in length stuck through the cartilage of their noses. May 7th. At 1 P. M. we proceeded to get under-way, but were obliged to come- to again soon after on account of light variable winds. Mounts Reinier and Baker are visible from this point. They both rise to a great altitude, and their sum- mits are covered with perpetual snows. There were no natives to be seen at this place, nor any evidences of any ever having been here. The weather during the night was boisterous, and as the anchorage is not well protected, the ship rolled heavily, so much so that we could scarcely walk the decks. May 8th. Early in the morning we sent the boats out to survey, although the weather w^as by no rpeans favorable for such duties. Several of the boats narrowly escaped being swamped. We finished about noon, when we made sail and beat to the southward and eastward along Admiralty Sound, with a fresh breeze and a heavy head-sea till about 7 P. M., when we again let-go our anchor within a quarter of a mile of the shore. The water here was deep, and the coast on either hand bold and rugged, and apparently uninhabited. We named this place Pilot Cone, from the circumstance of our receiving there two pilots in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company, to take the Squadron up to Nisqually. May 10th. We have enjoyed beautiful weather all this day, and I cannot conceive a more magnificent picture than the Mountains Rainier and Olympus presented as the rising sun illumined their lofty peaks, and dispersed the mists that still floated in fleecy clouds over the tranquil valleys around their bases. The altitude of the latter mountain is stated to be eight thousand feet. At 2.30 P. M. we got under-way. The Sound now became quite narrow, being in some places not more than half a mile wide. Some Indians were observed NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. 233 to day, followed by their dogs, which were small, and had a head and ears strongly resembling those of the wolf. At sunset we came-to under the western shore to wait for day-light. It was a rich treat to behold the sublime prospect around us through all its transitions of sunshine — purple hues, mellow twilight, and evening shades — until there was nothing else to be seen but the dark masses of Rainier and Olympus, uplift- ing themselves against the clear and starry skies of this region. May 11th. At an early hour we were out surveying as usual. When finished we again spread our canvas, and made the best of our way for Nisqually, distant about twelve miles. After running about an hour we reached the narrowest part of the Sound, which, at this point was less than 400 yards wide ; the shores on either side were high and precipitous, and the tide run like a sluice. Just before we arrived at the narrows, above described, we passed on our left what appeared to be a large arm of the Sound. We also passed several small conical- shaped islands. About dusk we at length reached our port, and anchored in twenty-two fathoms water. We found here a steamer belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company, and kept to run about the coast to collect furs from the Indians. The Sound is here divided into a great number of arms, some a mile or two wide,and apparently thirty or forty miles in length. May 12t]i. Hauled-in close to the shore and moored ship, as we are to remain here some weeks, and perhaps months. Sent all the scientific instruments to the Observatory, except the pendulum. Lieutenant Johnson has been temporarily detached from the '' Porpoise," and ordered to take charge of a party that is to examine the interior. Received orders to hold myself in readiness to proceed with Lieutenant Case to Hood's Canal, for the purpose of surveying the same. In the afternoon a large number of natives came on board, among 234 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. them were some women, who were very good-looking and bet- ter dressed than any we have before seen. They came to ex- change some moccasins and baskets for red paint and looking glasses. The moccasins were neatly and even tastefully made, and found ready market among the officers, who wished to preserve them as specimens of Indian ingenuity and taste. July 3d. We reported our return from the so-called Hood's Canal, having been absent from the ship upwards of three weeks ; it was found to be an arm of Puget Sound. Its shores are nowhere more than one hundred feet in height, and are formed of stratified clay, with a light gravelly soil, covered with pine and spruce. At Tskutska Point the Canal divides into two branches — one taking a direction nearly northerly, while the other pursues its course to the southwest. At the southern extremity of the canal there is an extensive inlet, called " Black Creek," by which the Indians communicate with the Columbia and Chickelees Rivers. The water in the centre of the canal is too deep for anchorage, but there are several good harbors, of all of which surveys were made. We fell in with Indians almost every day, and had con- siderable intercourse with them in the way of trade — they sup- plying us with venison and fish, and we giving them in ex- change powder, fish-hooks, red paint, and cotton handker- chiefs. The venison, in particular, was sold very cheap — ^ve of the ordinary musket charges of powder being the price of a whole carcass. Though these Indians seemed to understand each other, they informed us that they belonged to different tribes. One party called themselves Squamish, another Socomish, and a third party Toandos. The Squamish appeared to be the most numerous, and, according to their own account, could muster two hundred fighting men. The Toandos were the best- look- NORTHWEST COAST OF AMI RICA. 235 iiig, and they assured us that they inhabited the mountains, and were now paying a visit to their friends the Socomish. All these tribes, in their habits and manner of living, re- semble those about Nisqually. On leaving the ship we were warned to be on the watch for them, as they were arrant thieves, but I am not aware that they ever attempted to take anything from us, except one of the eye-pieces belonging to the Theodolite. This seemed to excite their attention more than anything else connected with the expedition, and they fre- quently asked us if it could speak, and whether it had not something to do with the " Great Spirit."* The women are not very good-looking, and the whole burden of domestic occu- pation is thrown upon them. They have no permanent settlements ; and there were several families who followed us wherever we went, and became familiar with some of the sailors. The men possess muskets, spears, and bows, and arrows. The bows are short and small, but have great elasticity, and when in their hands will do good execution. The Canal does not terminate where Vancouver's charts w^ould lead one to suppose, but extends ten miles further to the northward and eastward, and approaches within two miles of the waters of the Puget Sound, from which point we communi- cated with the " Vincennes," the second week out, and obtained a fresh supply of bread and other provisions. There is plenty of fresh water along the shore, and we found several streams large enough to turn mills. Generally speaking, the soil is not - rich, and the climate is similar to that experienced at this place. j ' ♦ The eye-piece was finally recovered through the kindness of Mr. Anderson, the 1 principal agent of the Hudson's Bay Company at Nisqually, by threatening the tribe who had it, the Socomish, with the destruction of their villages and canoes, if they did not give it up by a certain day. 286 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. July 5th. Yesterday was the " Glorious Fourth," but being also Sunday, it was very properly agreed that the cele- bration should be postponed until to-day ; accordingly, at an early hour this morning, all was bustle and preparation on board the ship. By nine o'clock all the crew were mustered, in clean white frocks and trowsers, and I was directed to take charge of them for the day. Soon after we landed abreast of the ship, and walked up to the Observatory. Here we formed into a procession, and marched off with drums and fifes play- ing, and the Star-spangled Banner waving, for Fort Nis- qually, Vendovi bringing up the rear. Vendovi was dressed " a-la-Fejee," and appeared to enjoy the occasion quite as much as any one present. On arriving abreast of the fort we halted, and gave three cheers, which were promptly returned by Mr. Anderson and people. We next marched to a piece of open ground, distant about half a mile from the fort. This was the place chosen for the dinner and amusements. There were a great many Indians gathered here, looking at us silently and with much astonishment. At the usual time, dinner was piped by the boatswain and his mates, and we all repaired to partake of the ox which had been purchased from Mr. Anderson, and bar- bacued for the occasion. So far, everything had contributed to make the day a very pleasant one. But as there can be no such thing as perfect happiness in this sublunary world of ours, so now a circum- stance occurred which for a time threw a gloom over the party. When the salute was fired, one of the men, named Whitehorn, had his arm sericiisly injured by the sudden explo- sion of the gun. The wound was dressed as well as it could be, and a litter was made, on which he was conveyed to the ship, under the charge of his messmates. NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. 237 When dinner was over, the amusements of the morning were exchanged for the excitement of horse-racing — the horses having been engaged from the Indians for that pur- pose. Sailors like this sport better than almost any other, though very few are able to ride well ; but, on this occasion, fortunately, no one was hurt, although a good many were thrown by their steeds. All the officers, together with Captain McNeil, Dr. Rich- ards, and Mr. Henderson, dined at the Observatory, with Captain Wilkes. Captain McNeil and Dr. ftichards are native Americans. The Captain came here a number of years since, and engaged in the fur business, and succeeded so well in it, that the Hudson's Bay Company were glad to buy him off. He is now a trader in the Company's service, own- ing stock, and receiving a share of the dividends. He is married to a half-breed, and resides in the fort, with Mr. An- derson. Dr. Richards is attached to the Methodist Mission, and appears to be a kind, gentlemanly man ; his residence is situated near the Observatory, and I called there, in the course of the afternoon, to pay my respects to his lady, who received me very kindly. The doctor informed us that the Mission had but recently been established, and so far, it had not been able to accom- plish much ; and it was his honest opinion that it never would answer the expectations of its friends at home. After the rejoicings were ended, I returned the men on board the ship, in the same good order as they had landed, and, I dare say, it will long be remembered by us all, as one of the most pleasant celebrations we have ever experienced.' July 6th. We received, this morning, a visit from Dr. McLaughlin. The doctor is the Chief Factor and Ggvernor 238 NORTHWEST COAST OF AMERICA. of the Hudson's Bay Company. He left Vancouver about a week since, and he expressed his regrets at not being able to reach Nisqually in time to be present at the celebration of the Fourth ; he lost his way, when about a hundred miles from the fort. He is a tall, dignified-looking man, with a fair com- plexion, and I should judge his age to be nearly seventy. He is of Scotch extraction, but by birth a Canadian. He has been in the employ of the Company upwards of forty years, and is said to be pre-eminently fitted for the situation he occupies, being a man of great energy of character, and much talent. Captain Wilkes conducted him around the ship, and he seemed much pleased. On his leaving, to return to the shore, the yards were manned, and three cheers were given him, in a manner which showed that we appreciated his kindness towards us; they were three very hearty cheers. July 16th. To-day, Mr. Johnson and party returned from the interior. They speak favorably of the country passed over, and of the Indians they fell in with. At a place called Chimikane, they found two missionaries, Messrs. Walker and Eel, whose labors had been attended with remarkable success. Among other duties, they had taught the Indians the art of cultivation, and many of them now subsist entirely on the produce which they raise on their lands. As nothing has yet been heard from the " Peacock," which, on leaving the Sandwich Islands, was ordered to visit the King's Mill Group, and then meet the rest of the squadron at the Columbia River, fears are entertained by many, that she has met with some serious accident. MAKING ARRANGEMENTS. 239 CHAPTER XIX. FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER, BY LAND. July 17th. I received orders to-day, to join Mr. Eld in an expedition, which has for its object, the - exploration and survey of Chickelees River and Grey's Harbor. These orders came rather unexpectedly, and at a very late hour. The ship was already under- way, and I was at my station, when I received them. It seems, that when the expedition was first planned by Captain Wilkes, he designed having Lieu- tenant Johnson take charge of it, and Mr. Eld to accompany him as his assistant ; but Mr. Johnson found fault with his written instructions, whereupon Captain Wilkes took the com- mand from him, and gave it to Mr. Eld, and I am ordered to fill Mr. Eld's former place. As soon as I was able to get together my instruments and bedding, we shoved ofi* from the ship, and landed on the beach at the foot of Nisqually Hill, where we pitched our tents for the night, as it was almost sunset before we left the vessel, and we had considerable to do before we could proceed on our journey. Among other things, it was absolutely necessary we should see Mr. Anderson, as he was to supply us with the " trade" which we required, to make our purchases from the Indians. Indeed, our instructions do not require us to leave Nisqually before the 19th instant. The following are the other individuals composing the party : — Mr. Brackenridge, assistant botanist, sergeant Stearns, two marines, named 240 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS. Dismond and Rogers, two sailors by the names of Brooks and Ford, and a half-breed boy, named Joseph, who is to act as interpreter. About the time we reached the shore, we saw the " Vin- cennes"* weigh her anchor, and stand down the Sound ; the breeze was favorable, and having all sails set, we soon lost sight of her. 8 P. M., we have just seen a Squaw Chief, of the Sachal tribe, who has promised to meet us at the first " Portage," and act as our guide to the Sachal River. , At early daylight Mr. Eld and myself walked up to the fort, and handed Mr. Anderson a list of the articles of trade required, which he at once directed to be put up, and con- veyed to our tents. After this we went, by invitation, on board the Company's schooner, and breakfasted with her com- mander. Captain Scarborough, whom we found to be a very intelligent man, and from whom we received a good deal of information, respecting the Company's affairs. From the schooner, we returned to Nisqually, to take leave of Mr. An- derson and Captain McNeil ; after which, we repaired to the beach, caused the tents to be struck, and in a few minutes more we were on our way to the first Portage. We had not proceeded far, however, before we discovered that both our canoes were leaking in all directions, and in order to prevent their being swamped, it was necessary to keep one man in each, constantly bailing. Everything fore and aft was wet through, and the bread and flour were almost ruined. Owing to this circumstance, which of course, checked our progress, we have not been able to reach the first Portage to-day, as we had hoped doing when we first set out. It is not very probable that we shall have occasion again, to * She left for San Francisco, California. OBSEBVATIONS ON NISQUALLY. 241 return to Nisqually. I will, therefore, here offer all the addi- tional observations which I have to make, regarding it. Its situation is a bad one for trade, as the anchorage is so small that only a few vessels can be accommodated within a proper distance from the shore ; and the long hill which it is neces- sary to ascend, in order to get to the fort, is a serious objec- tion to its becoming a place of deposit for merchandize, as it would very much increase the labor and expense of transporta- tion. Many better places than Nisqually could be found, for a location of a town in the same part of the Sound, and it is a matter of wonder to me, why they were not preferred. The fort is constructed of pickets, inclosing an area of about two hundred an3 fifty feet square, with four corner bas- tions. Within this space are the Agent's stores, and about half-a-dozen log-houses. The fort, when constructed, was thought to be large enough, but since it has become an agri- cultural post, as well as a trading one, it is found too small, and Mr. Anderson thought it would be enlarged in the course of a year or two. I was in the garden several times, and found it to be under good cultivation ; the onions, turnips, peas, &c., &c., all looked very thriving. The surrounding country is said to be very healthy, and the winter to be mild and of short duration. The Indians in the neighborhood are not numerous, perhaps the whole num- ber not exceeding three hundred. They belong to the tribes who compress their heads, and they are vicious and exceed- ingly lazy ; I have frequently gone into their tents in the middle of the day, and found every member of the family asleep. They are also inveterate ga-mblers, carrying the vice to the extent of staking their wives and children, and even themselves, for years of slavery ! their clothing consists of a blanket, a pair c/f skin breeches, and moccasins. ^42 OBSERVATIONS ON NISQUALLY^ They are all of wandering habits, and change their resi- dences in search of their food, which consist, principally, of fish and clams ; the latter may be seen in great quantities in their tents, strung on sticks, upon which they have been pre- served by smoking and drying. They likewise store up for winter use the camass root and smoked salmon ; but generally, however, they are not well fed, as they are too lazy to exert themselves for a supply of food, unless they are in actual want. In the winter several families hve together in lodges con- structed of plank ; when warm weather returns they break up, and resort in small parties to those places where they can obtain their food most easily. They all understand the Che- nook language, but when speaking to eacL other, they use a lan- guage which they call their own, and which differs materially from the Chenook. The mean temperature during our stay was found to be 59°, and during tte same period, the barometer averaged 29.30 inches. The following morning, at the request of Mr. '^Eld, I pro- ceeded to the portage, for the purpose of seeing the Chief Squaw before mentioned, and making arrangements with her for Indians and horses to carry the party across the Portage. I arrived there after a pull of ten or fifteen minutes, and shortly after saw an Indian, who informed me that he had been sent by the chief woman to say, that she could not aflford us the promised assistance that day, but would to-morrow without fail. I requested the Indian to show me to her house, as I imagined that by seeing her in person I could persuade her to change her mind, but he assured me that she was absent, and would not return home until late in the evening. It was vex- atious to meet with so many impediments at the very outset of the expedition FROM NlSQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. 243 On the following day we made an early start, and by 8 o'clock we reached the Portage. The chief woman was there awaiting us, with her horses, five in number ; they were large fine-looking animals, and in excellent condition, which is not generally the case with Indian horses. She also brought with her ten men, who were to assist in carrying the small canoe. The large one, she declared, was too heavy to transport, and if we would let her have it, she would give us a smaller one in return, when we arrived at the Sachal River, which offer we very thankfully accepted. In less than an hour all the ar- rangements had been completed, and we proceeded on our journey, the Indians bringing up the rear. It is due to the Chief Squaw to say, that we owe this dis- patch principally to her ; though her husband was present, she made all the bargains, and gave the Indians their direc- tions. She is a woman of great energy of character, and exercises greater authority over those around her than any man chief I have met with since I have been in the country. She is about fifty years of age, and dresses very neatly for an Indian woman. We were three hours in accomplishing the Portage. It is between four and five miles long, over a gently rising country thickly covered with maple and spruce trees. The soil is com- posed of vegetable mould, and seemed to be entirely free from rocks or stones. Soon after passing the Portage, we came to a small lake, called by the Indians, Sachal, which we examined and found to be three miles in circumference. The soil around it was light brown, sandy loam, and the forest extends down to the water's edge. In the deepest part of the lake, the water appears to have a reddish tinge, but on examining it in a tum- bler, it looked as clear as crystal. The Indians informed us, 244 FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. that there was another lake to the northeast, and next day Mr. Eld and myself set out tc visit it. We arrived there after a walk of several hours, and the supposed lake proved so insignificant as to hardly deserve the name of a pond ; it was not more than one hundred and fifty yards in diame- ter, nor more than four feet deep, and was overspread with water lilies. On our return we struck the tents, and, embarking in our canoes on Lake Sachal, we steered for its southern end, where we entered the river bearing the same name. We now made very slow progress, owing to the sinuosity of the river and a variety of other obstructions. Every few minutes we either came in contact with drift-wood, or became entangled among the branches of trees and bushes, covering the banks of the river, and from which it was impossible to clear ourselves otherwise than by cutting them down with our hatchets. We lost some time also through a trick played us by two Indians, who had been following us for some time in a small canoe, and were anxious to pass us. Having come where the river branched ofi", we were unable to decide which way our course lay. We therefore inquired of the Indians in the canoe,, and they motioned to us to turn oflf to the right ; we did as they directed ; but after pulling for more than an hour, we met other Indians, who assured us that we were steering the wrong way, and offered to accompany us back to the main stream, and put us on the proper course, an ofier which we very gladly accepted. We did not at first like the idea of being thus outwitted by savages, but, after awhile, when all the trouble of getting right again was over, we were willing to admit that it was a capital joke, and perhaps had as many a good laugh over it as the Indians themselves. It was past 9 o'clo ik when we stopped to encamp, and still FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. 246 we found that we were only six miles from where we entered the river. At an early hour the following day we were again under- way. The drift-wood was still very plentiful, so much so, that in one place the stream was completely choked up by it, and we were compelled to land and carry our canoes around the place. On re-embarking, we used poles in lieu of paddles, and found it a more successful mode of navigating the river. About sunset we reached the town belonging to the Sachal tribe of Indians, and we concluded to stop and spend the night with them. After supper, Mr. Eld proceeded to visit the chief of the town. He received him kindly, and gave him considerable in- formation respecting his own people and other Indian tribes. Mr. E. was desirous that he should accompany us down the river, but he declined, giving, as a reason, that we should soon meet the Chenooks who were a " bad people," and he was afraid to go among them. According to the chief's account, the Sachals are not more than forty in number, and live chiefly on the camass root and salmon, which fish they capture in great quantities in the rivers Sachal and Chickelees. They have tents similar to those of the Indians in Puget Sound, but they appeared more cleanly and industrious than the tribes of that region. The country about this town afforded good pasturage, and we observed numbers of horses grazing. At sunrise we re- sumed our course. The river now had more breadth, and the country on each side became quite interesting ; it presented an undulating surface, and was well wooded. In the afternoon we were compelled to make two long portages, in order to pass portions of the river which were filled with rapids and bars. In making these portages we observed several deserted huts. 246 FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. About 5 P. M., we were oertaken and passed by our old friend, the Squaw Chief, and her husband. She informed us that they were going to pay a visit to a sister, who was residing on the banks of the Chapel River. Her canoe was large and handsomely painted, and was paddled by five slaves, two of whom were women. The following night was a pleasant one, and Mr. Eld and I availed ourselves of it to obtain observa- tions for ascertaining our latitude and longitude. ' The next day (25th) we arrived at the point where the Sachal and the Chickelees unite, and we encamped on the banks of the latter stream. The country, as far as we could see, appeared to be well adapted for cultivation, and we observed for the first time since leaving Sachal Lake, some large stones or rocks. About dusk we had a visit from some Chenooks, who had encamped three or four miles further down the river. We ha'd attracted their attention, they said, by the smoke of our fires, and at first supposed us to be some of their own people. They were all young and rather good-looking, and much better dressed than any Indians we had yet met on the route. At early dawn the following day, Mr. Eld, with sergeant Steams, Brooks, and the interpreter, Joe, set out to examine the Chalap, a branch of the Chickelees. They were absent two days and a part of a third, during which time I remained with the rest of the party at the same encampment. The weather continued pleasant, and Mr. Brackenridge made several botanic excursions. He spoke favorably of the country, and thought it well adapted to yield crops of corn and wheat. In the course of the second day several Indian families visited us, and we bought from them a quantity of smoked salmon and some blackberries, which are found in great abundance in the neighboring prairies. These Indians behaved very properly, FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. 247 with the exception of two girls, who could not have been more than fourteen years of age. That they were ladies of easy virtue, no one, I think, could deny, who had an opportunity of witnessing their conduct. Shortly after Mr. Eld took his departure, one of the men who remained with me reported that he had just come in from a short walk, and had found a place where there were a num- ber of Indian images. I repaired to the place with him ; it was a small pine grove, situated not many yards distant from the encampment. The images were six in number, cut out of plank, and painted with a kind of red pigment. Some of the figures had two heads, one above the other, and one appeared to be intended as a representation of the Sun. We had met with nothing of the kind before, and we could learn nothing now on the subject from the Indians who visited us. There is reason, however, to believe that they had something to do with their notions on religion. Mr. Eld found the Sachal to be a small stream, and utterly impenetrable on account of the bushes and a kind of long grass overgrowing it ; he was therefore obliged to leave his canoe and take horses. His guide turned out to be a grand scoundrel, and he caught him in the act of steal- ing a blanket and some other property, belonging to the party. On the first day out he met some Indians of the Squamish tribe, who were anxious that he should encamp with them, but as he saw enough of their character to convince him that they were not to be trusted, he declined the invitation, and went on some distance further. He also kept strict guard during the night. He passed over some flats, but, generally speaking, his route lay through a rough, hilly country, thickly covered with pine, several of which he measured and found to be up- wards of two hundred feet in height, and from twelve to eighteen in circumference. 248 FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. On Mr. Eld's return to the camp, the whole party again embarked, and steered down the Chickelees. After a pull of a few miles, the banks of the river on both sides became higher and so steep as to render it quite diflficult to land. The " log" was thrown frequently to ascertain the strength of the current, which was found to be one-eighth of a mile per hour. We met this day only two Indians. They were Chickelees ; yet, when the interpreter asked them some questions in their tongue, respecting the navigation of the river further down, they pretended not to understand him, and their whole bearing went to show that they were not kindly disposed toward us. We encamped this day on the left bank of the river, and could hear very distinctly the sound of breakers, a circum- stance which convinced us that we must be near the sea-coast. At 9 A. M. the following morning, we resumed our course down the river. For two or three miles the channel was nearly of the same breadth as it was on the preceding day, but after that it became several hundred feet wider. The country, as far as the eye could see, varied in character — that on the left bank was low, with only here and there a tree — that on the right bank, high and well wooded. At length, at 9.30 A. M. we made our entrance into Grey's Harbor. It had been our intention to encamp on the south- eastern shore, that being near the scene of our operations ; but the wind, sea, and tide, all three being against us, it was impossible to make any progress. Indeed, my own canoe came very near swamping, several times. We therefore bore away for the southwest, or lee shore, where we finally succeeded in effecting a landing, but found it an exceedingly uncomfortable position. It was an extensive bed of brush, roots, and half- decayed logs, that had been thrown up by the tides. Not- withstanding this, we wouli have been compelled to remain FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. 249 there, that night at least, had it not been for the Chief Woman I have before so often mentioned. Knowing all the while which way we were bound, she had for some days past been looking out for us, and now that she beheld us in this pitiable situation, she hastened to our assistance. " I come,'' said she, " expressly to convey you to the opposite shore, where you will find a suitable place for encampment, and also be less exposed to the wind.'' We, of course, accepted the offer, and I at once transferred all my things to her canoe, and Mr. Eld did the same with a portion of his baggage ; with this reinforcement, and partly by keeping before the sea, we made very good weather, and at last reached the opposite shore, where we found quite a large encampment of Chickelee Indians. So soon as the tents were erected, Mr. Eld and myself went among the Indians, for the express purpose of nego- tiating for a canoe, to take the party around to the Columbia River. After going about some time, I found an Indian, who said that he had a large canoe, which he would sell me, and take his pay at Fort George, as he wanted to be paid in blan- kets, an article which we had not with us. I went with him to examine it ; it was sufiiciently capacious, and nearly new, and I told him that he might consider the bargain closed, and I proceeded to give directions about having the canoe launched. It had hardly reached the water, however, when he told the interpreter to say that he was not satisfied with my terms, and the canoe could not be taken away unless I would pay for it on the spot. The reason why I could not pay down, was again stated to him, but to no purpose ; and as Mr. Eld had been equally unsuccessful in his negotiations, we concluded to let the matter drop for that day, and return to our encamp- ment. No one who has not had dealings with these people, 250 FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. can form any idea of the degree of patience it requires, to get along with them ; they are as changeable as children, and the word " honor" seems not to be in their vocabulary. After breakfast, next day, I went again to the Indian en- campment, to see about purchasing a canoe, and succeeded, finally, in procuring one from a Chief. I likewise succeeded in engaging six men, who promised to remain with us until we reached Astoria. And to make them still more contented, I gave them leave to take their wives with them. On returning to the camp, I proceeded to get my instru- ments, and then went in search of Mr. Eld, who, I under- stood, had commenced operations at the opposite side of the harbor. Not being able, however, to find him, I went on sur- veying alone ; at length I saw a canoe at a distance, which I supposed to be his. Accordingly, I at once put up the instru- ments, and directed the Indians to pull for the canoe ; instead of doing this, however, they commenced complaining, and finally pulled in for the camp. Here they disembarked, and declared that they would not remain in our employ another minute, if I did not give them some powder and tobacco, which I positively refused to do. The women now commenced to pack up their things, and carry them towards the canoe, a circumstance which induced me to believe that the party intended to take the canoe, and return to their encampment. I therefore directed sergeant Stearns to seize the mens' mus- kets, and put them in one of the tents. This the sergeant did, but the moment we turned our backs to the tents, one of the Indians drew his knife, rushed into them, and brought out the guns, one of which he handed to a woman. After a short Struggle, we succeeded in retaking the muskets, upon which an Indian, who acted as spokesman to the party, came up, and said that they intended to adhere strictly to the bargain which FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. 251 they had made with me in the morning, and were ready to go to work at any moment I thought proper. I told them it was my wish, they should go forthwith ; the order was obeyed, and I directed them to pull for the place, where I thought I had seen Mr. Eld. The canoe, however, had not proceeded more than two hundred yards, when they began to raise new objections — one complained of being sick, another that he was very hungry, and a third said that he had a sister, who was unwell, and he must go and see her before he could go any further. I reminded them of their promises, and even offered to make them a present, if they would go on, but to no pur- pose. They ran down to their encampment, and when abreast of it, stood in. On reaching the beach, they landed, and then hauled up the canoe, and I expected nothing less, than being told that I was to consider myself their prisoner. Such, how- ever, was not the case ; they said nothing about my remaining with them ; and when I remarked that I wished to return to our camp, they even furnished me with a small canoe, to ferry me over the stream, which separated the two encampments. The following day, the owners of the muskets came to the camp, and begged that they might be returned to them, and we finally yielded to their wishes. Owing partly to these troubles with the Indians, and partly to bad weather, we had made but little progress in the survey of the harbor as yet. Some days it stormed so furiously, that we could not venture out at all. On the 6th of August, we shifted our camp about six miles toward the Capes. After staying here a few days we selected another place at the South Head. Our greatest difficulty now was the want of provisions. All our stores had been exhausted, and for some days past we had been living on dead fish we picked up on the beach, and some cammass root which we had 252 FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. bought from the Indians. This state of things lasted until the 13th of August, when Lieutenant De Haven who had been sent by Captain Wilkes to aiFord us relief, arrived with a supply of provisions. This enabled us to go on our usual ration, and in a few days we all regained our strength, and were able to proceed with our' surveying duties. From Mr. De Haven we learned for the first time the loss of the " Peacock'^ on the bar off the mouth of the Columbia River. On the 24th the survey was completed, and we set out for Astoria, where the Squadron was now lying. The soil in the vicinity of Grey's Harbor is of an inferior quality, and the harbor itself seems to offer but few facilities for commercial purposes. The channel is narrow, the width being from one-half to two- thirds of a mile, with dangerous breakers on both sides. The depth of water is from five to seven fathoms. The space after entering is extensive, but the greatest part of it is filled up with mud flats which are bare at low water, and confine the harbor for the anchorage of vessels to a few hundred yards. The River Chickelees before enter- ing into the harbor, increases in width some six or seven hun- dred feet and is navigable for vessels drawing ten or twelve feet of water for several miles above its mouth. Fogs prevail in the summer season, and some days during our stay we found them so dense as to render it impossible for us to proceed with our surveying duties. The tides are irregular and influenced by the winds ; the time of high water at change and full was found to be 11 hours 25 minutes. The Indians, who inhabit the shores of the harbor, call tliem- selves Chickelees, and their number is about two hundred ; they construct their huts after the manner of the Sqnamish FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. 255 tribe, and, like them, live principally by fishing. We found them well supplied with blankets, muskets and knives. They are excessively fond of tobacco, and invariably swallow the smoke, and oftentimes retain it so long in the stomach as to throw them into convulsions. They enjoy high reputation as warriors, for which reason they are much dreaded by their neighbors, the Sachals and Sachaps, who are of a more peace- able character. Their amusements are similar to those of the tribes residing about Nisqually. On the day of our departure (24th) for Astoria, the surf ran very high, and our Indians^ instead of paddling the canoes preferred tracking them along the beach inside of the surf. This is the mode they always adopt when they are journeying along the coast, to prevent accidents from the surf, of which they have great dread. We made very good progress, and at sunset arrived within fifteen miles of Shoal- Water Bay. Near this day's encampment we found a Chickelees Chief who sold us another canoe, and who promised to act as our guide around to the Columbia. About noon next day, we reached Shoal- Water Bay. Here, by reason of not understanding the guide, Mr. Eld and my- self separated, he pursuing the course leading to the eastern Portage, I the one leading to the western, and did not see each other again until we arrived on board the " Flying Fish." The western Portage is the one preferred by the Indians ; it is between four and five miles long, and lays through a flat marshy country. On the 27th, the schooner got under- way and landed us at Astoria, where we received written orders from Captain Wilkes, requiring us to join him at Vancouver. • The day previous to our leaving Grey's Harbor, Mr. Eld succeeded in engaging fix Indians who were to take us as far as Shoal- Water Bay. 256 FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER. At Astoria, we had the pleasure of meeting the " Peacock's'^ officers and crew, who appeared to be in good health and fine spirits, and all spoke of the kind treatment they had received from Mr. Birnie, the agent of the Hudson's Bay Company at Astoria, and I take this occasion to say, that his treatment to Mr. Eld and myself also, was such as to merit our warmest thanks. From what I could learn, both from officers and crew, I inferred, that the loss of the " Peacock" was an una- voidable occurrence, and that through the whole disaster. Cap- tain Hudson's behavior had been that of a good officer and an able seaman. During our stay at Astoria I also had the pleasure of be- coming acquainted with an American missionary and his lady, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They had arrived in the country two years previous with a party which crossed the Rocky Moun- tains, and, for the last fifteen months, had been stationed at a place called Kamia. But the Indians having left there, and the climate not agreeing with Mrs. Smith's health, they had determined to leave the country and proceed to the Sandwich Islands ; they expected to sail in a few days for Oahoo. They both gave very unfavorable accounts of the Indians among whom they had been residing, and deemed it quite useless to send missionaries among them. Astoria is situated on the south bank of the Columbia River, and distant about fifteen miles from Cape Disappoint- ment. The location is a beautiful one ; it forms the crest of a hill which rises some hundred feet above the level of the river, and in pleasant weather, the waters of the Pacific Ocean, Point Ellice, Tongue Point, Katolamet Range, with many other striking objects, are in sight. As for the town, it is a sorry one. Indeed, ever since the period fixed on by the Hudson's Bay Company to make Van- FROM NISQUALLY TO COLUMBIA RIVER, 257 couver the principal trading port, Astoria has been suffered to dechne ; and, now, all it can boast of is some half-dozen log houses, and as many shades, which, of course, is a great falling off, if the accounts of its former size and prosperity be true. There are many Indians hanging round Astoria ; most of them belong to the Clatsop tribe, whose principal town is situated near Point Adams. They have an American mis- sionary among them, by the name of Frost, and I should judge they had need for many more, for certainly they are the most degraded set of beings we have seen since our arrival in the country. They will sell anything they have for rum, and while it lasts they are never sober ; they are likewise much addicted to lying and stealing. It is also said of them that they are very belligerent ; there is scarcely a tribe on the coast with which they are on friendly terms. A white man, however, can travel through any part of their territory quite as safely as he can in any other, for the Hudson's Bay Company are sure to punish all murders, or robberies, with death ; and the severity, as well as the certainty of the punishment, is sufficient to pre- vent the commission of such crimes more frequently than they occur in civilized countries. About a year since, a white man was murdered for his property by a slave belonging to a Chief; the instant the murder was made known to the Company, the slave was seized, and hung in presence of all the tribe. We performed our jaunt to Vancouver in a flat- bottomed barge, furnished by Mr. Birnie. These boats are, from their light draft of water, exceedingly well adapted for the naviga- tion of the river. They are used by the Company to carry freight up and down the river, and are capable of carrying large cargoes, and when well-manned can make quite as much headway as a canoe. The breadth of the river gradually diminishes as you ap- 258 FROM ASTORIA TO VANCOUVER. preach Vancouver, and at the lowest ebb the channel is deep enough for vessels drawing fourteen feet water. The current does not appear to be very strong, and the water as it flows past looks turbid, but when it is taken up, it is perfectly clear. The country on both sides rises gradually to the height of some thousand feet, and is well timbered. We saw on both banks many Indian villages, some of which were at the time without inhabitants. This last feature was attributed to the ravages of the fever and ague, and the appearance of the bury- ing-grounds in the vicinity served to confirm the statement ; they were large, and thickly studded with graves. The first case of the kind occurred in the year 1830, when an European vessel, commanded by Captain Dominis, was lying at anchor in the river, and the Indians have always believed that he brought the disease among them. In the opinion of the phy- sicians of the Hudson's Bay Company, the disease would not prove so fatal if they would adopt the European mode of treating it, but this they will not do ; they prefer their own treatment, which consists in taking a series of cold baths. The manner of disposing of the dead does not appear to be the same at all the burial grounds. In some, the coffins (which were canoes planked over) rested on limbs of trees, while in others they stand in an upright position, with about one- third of their length buried in the ground. The coffins are all painted red, the favorite color, and have hung around them mats, baskets, bows and arrows ; in short, everything supposed to be of use to the departed on their journey to the world of Spirits and future Hunting Grounds. On the third day out, about 4 P. M., we passed the brig " Porpoise," employed in surveying the r^^er, and in about half an hour more we landed at Vancouver, and reported to Captain Wilkes, who congratulated us upon our safe -J LIFE AT VANCOUVER. 259 return, and also complimented us upon the result of our labors. On leaving Captain W. we took a walk in and about the famous fort, and then repaired on board the " Porpoise." September 1st. This morning I received other orders, namely, to be ready to join the Overland Expedition to Cali- fornia, commanded by Lieutenant Emmons. It is already or- ganized and encamped on the banks of the Willamette River, and will, I am informed, consist, besides myself, of the follow- ing individuals : — Lieutenant Emmons, Mr. Eld, Dr. Whittle ; Mr. Peale, naturalist ; Mr. Rich, botanist ; Mr. Dana, geolo- gist ; Mr. A. T. Agate, artist ; Mr. Brackenridge, assistant- botanist ; sergeant Stearns ; corporal Hughes ; privates Smith and Marsh ; seamen Sutton, Doughty, Merza, Walthan ; Batist Guardipee, guide. I understand the object of the Expedition originally was to explore the country as far as the Shaste Mountains, and then return to Vancouver by a different route. Mr. Emmons is here attending to the procuring of stores, and will return to the camp to-morrow. The following sketch of a life at Vancouver, by one who spent some weeks there, may be interesting : — " Fort Vancouver is the depot at which are brought the furs collected west of the Rocky Mountains, and from which they are shipped to England, and also the place at which all the goods for the trade are landed, and from which they are distributed to the various posts of that territory by vessels, batteaux, or pack-animals, as the various routes permit. It was established by Governor Simpson in 1824, as the great centre of all commercial operations in Oregon ; is situated in a beautiful plain on the north bank of the Columbia, ninety miles from the sea, and stands 400 yards from the water's 260 LIFE AT VANCOUVER. side. The noble river before it, is 1670 yards wide, and from five to seven fathoms in depth. The whole surrounding coun- try is covered with forests of pine, cedar, fir, &c., interspersed here and there with small open spots, all overlooked by the vast snowy pyramids of the President's Range, 35 miles in the east. " The fort itself, is an oblong squarCj 250 yards in length, by 150 in breadth, inclosed by pickets, twenty feet in height. The area within is divided into two courts, around which are arranged thirty-five wooden buildings, used as officers' dwell- ings, lodging apartments for clerks, store-houses for furs, goods and grains, and as workshops for carpenters, black- smiths, coopers, turners, wheelwrights, &c. The building near the rear gate, is occupied as a school-house ; and a brick structure as a powder magazine. '' Six hundred yards below the fort, and on the bank of the river, is a village of fifty-three log houses ; in these live the Company's servants ; among them is a Hospital, in which those of them who become diseased, are humanely treated. Back and a little east of the fort, is a barn, containing a mammoth threshing-machine, and near this are a number of long sheds, used for storing grain in the sheaf. And behold the Vancou- rer farm, stretching up and down the river, three thousand acres, fenced into beautiful fields, sprinkled with dairy-houses and herdsmen's and shepherd's cottages ! A busy place is this. The farmer on horseback at break of day, summons one hundred half-breeds and Iriquois Indians from their cabins to the fields; twenty or thirty ploughs tear open the gene- rous soil ; the sowers follow with their seed, and pressing on them, come a dozen harrows to cover it. And thus thirty or forty acres are planted in a day, till the immense farm is under crop. The season passes on, teeming with daily in- LIFE AT VANCOUVER. 261 dustry, until the harvest waves on all these fields. And then sickle and hoe glisten in tireless activity, to gather in the rich reward of this toil — the food of seven hundred people at this post, and of thousands more at the posts on the deserts in the east and north. The saw-mill, too, is a scene of constant toil ; thirty or forty Sandwich Islanders are felling the pines, and dragging them to the mill; sets of hands are playing two gangs of saws by night and day ; three thousand feet of lum- ber per day — 900,000 feet per annum — constantly being shipped to foreign ports. The grist-mill is not idle; it must furnish bread-stuffs for the posts and the Russian market in the northwest ; and its deep music is heard daily and nightly, half the year. " But we will enter the fort. The blacksmith is repairing ploughshares, harrow-teeth, chains, and mill-irons ; the tin- man is making cups for the Indians, and camp-kettles, &c. ; the wheelwright is making wagons, and the wood part of plough 'sand harrows ; the carpenter is repairing houses and building new ones ; the cooper is making barrels, for pickling salmon and packing furs ; the clerks are posting books and preparing the annual returns to the board in London ; the salesmen are receiving beaver, and dealing out goods. But, hear the voices of those children from the school-house ! they are the half-breed offspring of the gentlemen and servants of the Company, educated at the Company's expense, prepara tory to being apprenticed to trades in Canada ; they learn the English language, writing, arithmetic, and geography. The , , gardener, too, is singing out his honest satisfaction, as he sur- |: veys from the north gate, ten acres of apple-trees, laden with fruit, his bowers of grape-vines, his beds of vegetables, , and flowers. .The bell rings for dinner ; we will see the ' hall,' t! and its convivialities. 262 LIFE AT VANCOUVER. ''The dining-hall is a spacious room, on the second floor, ceiied with pine above and at the sides. In the southwest corner of it, is a large close stove sending out sufficient caloric to make it comfortable. " At the end of a table, twenty feet in length, stands Gov- ernor McLaughlin, directing guests and gentlemen from neigh- boring posts, to their places ; and chief- traders, traders, the physician, clerks, and the farmers, slide respectfully to their places, at distances from the Governor, corresponding to the dignity of their rank in the service; thanks are given to God, and all are seated. Roast beef and pork, boiled mutton, baked salmon, boiled ham, beets, carrots, turnips, cabbage and potatoes, and wheaten bread, are tastefully distributed over the table, among a dinner-set of elegant Queen's ware, burnished with glittering glasses, and decanters of various colored Italian wines. Course after course goes round, and the Governor fills to his guests and friends, and each gentle- man in turn vies with him, in diffusing around the board, a most generous allowance of viands, wines, and warm fellow- feeling. The cloth and wines are removed together, cigars are lighted, and a strolling smoke about the premises, en- livened by a courteous discussion of some mooted point of natural history, or politics, closes the ceremonies of the din- ner-hour at Fort Vancouver. These are some of the inci- dents of life at Vancouver." EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. 263 CHAPTER XX. DARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. " Take the wings Oi morning, and the Barcan desert pierce, • lose thyself in the continuous woods Where rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound Save his own dashings." Northwestern America is divided from the other por- tions of the Continent, by the Rocky Mountains, which extend tliroughout its entire length, in a north-westerly direction, in continuation of the Mexican Andes, to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Between this great chain of mountains and the Pacific Ocean, a most ample territory extends, which may be regarded as divided into three great districts. The most southerly of these, of which the northern boundary line was drawn along the parallel of 42°, by the Treaty of Washing- ton, in 1819, belong to Mexico. The most northerly, com- mencing at Behring's Straits, and of which the extreme southern limit was fixed at the southernmost point of Prince of Wales Island, in the parallel of 54° 4(X' north, by treaties concluded between Russia and the United States of America, in 1824, and between Russia and Great Britain, in 1825, forms a part of the dominions of Russia ; whilst the interme- diate country is not as yet under the sovereignty of any power. To this intermediate territory, different names have been assigned. To the portion of the coast, between the parallels 264 EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. of 43° and 48°, the British have applied the name of New Albion. Since the expedition of Sir Francis Drake, in 1578- '80, and the British Government, in the instructions furnished by the Lords of the Admiralty, in 1776, to Captain Cook, directed him to proceed to the coast of New Albion, endea- voring to fall in with it in the latitude of 45°.* At a later period, Vancouver gave the name of New Georgia to the coast between 50° and 54°, whilst to the entire country, north of New Albion, between 48° and 56° 30', from the Rocky Mountains to the sea, British traders have given the name of New Caledonia, ever since the Northwest Company formed an establishment on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, in 1806. The Spanish government, on the other hand, in the course of the negotiations with the British government, which ensued upon the seizure of the British vessels in Nootka Sound, and terminated in the Convention of the Escurial, in 1790, designated the entire territory as " the Coast of Cali- fornia in the South Sea." If we adopt the more extensive use of the term Oregonf ♦ See Cook's Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1782. t The authority for the use of the word Oregon, or Oregan, haa not been clearly ascertained, but the majority of writers agree in referring the introduction of the name to Carver's Travels. Jonathan Carver, a native of Connecticut, set out from Boston, in 1766, soon after the transfer of Canada to Great Britain, on an expedition to the regions of the Upper Mississippi, with the ultimate purpose of ascertaining the breadth of that vast Continent, which extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, in its broadest part, between 45° and 46° of north latitude. Carver did not succeed in penetrating to the Pacific Ocean, but he first made known, or at least established a belief in the existence of a great river, termed, apparently, by the Indian nations in the interior, Oregon, or Oregan, the source of which, he placed not far from the head waters of the river Missouri, "on the other side of the summit of the lands that divide the waters, which run into the Gulf of Mexico, from those which fall into the Pacific Ocean." He was led to infer from the account of the natives, that this *' Great River of the West" emptied itself near the Straits of Anian, although it may be observed, that the situation of the so called Straits of Arian themselves, were not at this time accurately fixed. Carver, however, was misled in this latter respect, but the description of the locality, where he placed the source of the EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. 265 territory, as applied to the entire country, intermediate be- tween the dominions of Russia and Mexico, respectively — its boundaries will be the Rocky Mountains on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the west, the parallel of 54° 40' north lati- tude on the north, and that of 42° north latitude on the south. The entire superficies would thus amount to 501,600 geogra- phical square miles. If, on the other hand, we accept the north-western limit, which Mr. Greenhow has marked out for '^ the Country of the Columbia," namely, the range of moun- tains which stretches north-eastward, from the eastern extre- mity of the Straits of Fuca, about four hundred miles, to the Rocky Mountains; separating the waters of the Columbia from those of Frazer's River, it will include not less than 400,000 square miles in superficial extent, which is nearly half of all the States of the Federal Union. Such are the geographical limits of the Oregon Territory, in its widest and in its narrowest extent. The Indian hunter roamed throughout it, undisturbed by civilized man, till near the conclusion of the last century, when Captain James King, on his return from the expedition, which proved so fatal to Captain Cook, made known the high prices which the fur of the sea-otter commanded, in the markets of China, and, thereby attracted the attention of Europeans to it. The en- terprise of British merchants was in consequence of Captain King's suggestion, directed to the opening of the Fur trade, Oregon, seems to identify it either with the Flatbow, or with the Flathead, or Clark's River, each of which streams, after pursuing a north-western course, from the base of the Rocky Mountains, unites with a great river, coming from the north, which ultimately empties itself into the Pacific Ocean, in latitude 46" 18' O'O'. The name of Oregon has consequently been perpetuated in this main river, as being really the " Great River of the West," and by this name it is best known in Europe ; but in the United States, it is more frequently spoken of as the Columbia River, from the name of the American vessel, the "Columbia," which really first discovered it in ^""M, and anchored off Astoria, distant about ten miles from the mouth of the rivei 266 EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. between the native hunters, along the northwest coast of America, and the Chinese, as early as 1786. The attempt of the Spaniards to suppress this trade, by the seizure of the vessels engaged in it, in 1789, led to the dispute between the Crowns of Spain and Great Britain, in respect to the claim to exclusive sovereignty, asserted by the former power over the Port of Nootka and the adjacent latitudes, which was brought to a close by the Convention of the Escurial, in 1790. The European merchants, however, who engaged in this lucrative branch of commerce, confined their visits to stations on the coasts, where the natives brought from the interior the produce of their hunting expeditions ; and even respecting the coast itself, very little accurate information was possessed by Europeans before Vancouver's survey. Vancouver, as is well known, was dispatched in 1791 by the British Govern- ment to superintend,' on the part of Great Britain, the execu- tion of the Convention of the Escurial, and he was at the same time instructed to survey the coast from 35° to 60°, with a view to ascertain in what parts civilized nations had made settlements, and likewise to determine whether or not any effective water- communication, available for commercial pur- poses, existed in those parts between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A Spanish Expedition, under Galiano and Valdes, was engaged about the same time upon the same object; so that froi^ this period, namely, the concluding decade of the last century, the coast of Oregon may be considered to have been sufficiently well known. The interior, however, of the country had remained hitherto unexplored, and no white man seems ever to have crossed the Rocky Mountains prior to Alexander Mackenzie in 1793. Having ascended the Unjigah, or Peace River, from the At- habaska Lake on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains to EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. 267 one of its sources in 54° 24' OC, Mackenzie embarked upon a river flowing from the western base of the mountains, called by the natives Tacoutche Tesse. This was generally supposed to be the northernmost branch of the Columbia River, till it was traced in 1812 to the Gulf of Georgia, where it empties itself in 49° latitude, and was henceforth named Frazer's River. Mackenzie having descended this river for about 250 miles, struck across the country westward, and reached the sea in 52° 20' 00'', at an inlet which had been surveyed a short time before by Vancouver, and had been named by him Cascade Canal. This was the first expedition of civilized men through the country west of the Rocky Moun- tains. It did not lead to any immediate result in the way of settlement, though it paved the way by contributing, in con- junction with Vancouver's survey, to confirm the conclusion at which Captain Cook had arrived, that the American continent extended in an uninterrupted line north-westward to Behring's Straits. The result of Mackenzie's discoveries was to open a wide field to the westward for the enterprise of British merchants engaged in the fur-trade ; and thus we find a settlement in this extensive district made not long after the publication of his voyage, by the agents of the Northwest Company. , This great association had been growing up since 1784, upon the wreck of the French-Canadian fur- trade, and gradually ab- sorbed into itself all the minor companies. It did not, how- ever, obtain its complete organization till 1805, when it soon became a most formidable rival to the Hudson's Bay Company, which had been chartered as early as 1670, and had all but suc- ceeded in monopolizing the entire fur-trade of North America, after the transfer of Canada to Great Britain. The Hudson's Bay Company, with the characteristic security of a chartered 268 EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. company, tad confined their posts to the shores of the ample- territory which had been granted to them by the Charter of Charles II. , and left the task of procuring furs to the enter- prise of the native hunters. The practice of the hunters was to suspend their chase during the summer months, when the fur is of inferior quality and the animals rear their young, and to descend by the lakes and rivers of the interior to the estab- lished marts of the Company, with the produce of the past winter's campaign. The Northwest Company adopted a totally different system. They dispatched their servants into the very recesses of the wilderness to bargain with the native hunters at their homes. They established " wintering part- ners" in the interior of the country to superintend the inter- course with the various tribes of Indians, and employed at one time not fewer than two thousand voyageurs, or boatmen. The natives being thus no longer called away from their pur- suit of the beaver and other animals, by the necessity of resorting as heretofore to the factories of the Hudson's Bay Company, continued on their hunting-grounds during the whole year, and were tempted to kill the cub and full-grown animal alike, and thus to anticipate the supply of future years. As the nearer hunting-grounds became exhausted, the North- west Company advanced their stations westwardly into regions previously unexplored, and in 1806 they pushed forward a post across the Rocky Mountains, through the passage where the Peace River descends through a deep chasm in the chain, and formed a trading establishment on a lake now called Frazer's Lake, situated in 54° north latitude. It is from this period, according to Mr. Harnon, who was a partner in the com- pany, and superintendent of its trade on the wertern side of the Rocky Mountains, that the name of New Caledonia had been used to designate the northern portion of the Oregon Territory. EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. The United States of America had in the meantime not remained inattentive to their own future commercial interests in this quarter, as they had dispatched from the southern side an exploring party across the Rocky Mountains almost imme- diately after their purchase of Lousiana in 1803. On this oc- casion Mr. Jefferson, then President of the United States, com- missioned Captains Lewis and Clarke " to explore the River Missouri and its principal branches to their sources, and then to seek and trace to its termination in the Pacific, some stream, whether the Columbia, the Oregon, the Colorado, or any other which might offer the most direct and practicable water-communication across the continent for the purpose of commerce." The party succeeded in passing the Rocky Mountains towards the end of September, in 1805, and after following, by the advice of their native guides, the Kooskookee River, which they reached in latitude 43° 34' 00'', to its junction with the principal southern tributary of the Great River of the West, they gave the name of Lewis to this tributary. Having in seven days afterwards reached the main stream, they traced it down to the Pacific Ocean, where it was found to empty itself in latitude 46° 18' 00" north. They thus identified the Oregon, or Great River of the West of Carver, with the river to whose outlet Captain Grey had given the name of his vessel, the Columbia, in 1792, and having passed the winter among the Clatsop Indians in an encampment on the south side of the river, not very far from its mouth, which they called Fort Clatsop, they commenced with the approach of spring the ascent of the Columbia on their return homeward. After reaching the Kooskookee, they pursued a course eastward, till they arrived at a stream, to which they gave the name of Clarke, as considering it to be the upper part of the main river which they had previously called 270 EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON* Clarke at its confluence with the Lewis. Here they separated at about the forty- seventh parallel of latitude. Captain Lewis then struck across the country northward to the Rocky Mountains, and crossed them so as to reach the head-waters of the Maria River, which empties itself into the Missouri, just below the Falls. Captain Clarke, on the other hand, followed the Clarke River towards its source, in a southward direction, and then crossed through a gap in the Rocky Moun- tains, so as to descend the Yellow Stone River to the Missouri. Both parties united once more on the banks of the Missouri, and arrived in safety at St. Louis in September, 1806. The reports of this Expedition seem to have first directed the attention of traders in the United States to the hunting- grounds of Oregon. The Missouri Fur Company was formed in 1808, and Mr. Henry, one of its agents, established a trading post on a branch of the Lewis River, the great southern arm of the Columbia. The hostility, however, of the natives, combined with the difficulty of procuring supplies, compelled Mr. Henry to abandon it in 1810. The Pacific Fur Com- pany was formed about this time at New York, with the object of engaging in the fur commerce between China and the north- west Coast of America. The head of this association was John Jacob Astor. He had already obtained a charter from the Legislature of New York, in 1809, incorporating a Com- pany, under the name of the American Fur Company, to compete with the Mackinaw Company of Canada, within the Atlantic States, of which he was himself the real representa- tive, according to Mr. Washington Irving — his board of Di- rectors being merely a nominal body. Mr. Astor engaged nine partners in his scheme, of whom six were Scotchmen, who had all been in the service of the Northwest Company, and three were citizens of the United States. EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. 271 Having at last arranged his plans, he dispatched in Septem- ber, 1810, four of his partners, with twenty-seven subor- dinate officers and servants, in the ship, *' Tonquin," com- manded by Jonathan Thorne, a lieutenant in the United States Navy, to establish a settlement at the mouth of the Columbia River. They arrived at their destination in March, 1811, and erected a fort and other necessary buildings on the south side of the river, about ten miles from the mouth, to which the name of Astoria was given. The Tonquin proceeded in June on a trading voyage to the northward, and was de- stroyed, with her crew, by the Indians in the Bay of Clyoquot, near the entrance of the Strait of Fuca. In the following month of July, Mr. Thomson, the agent of the Northwest Company, descended the northern branch of the Columbia, and visited the settlement at the mouth of the Co- lumbia, He was received with friendly hospitality by the Superintendent of the Pacific Company, and shortly took his departure again. Mr, Stuart, one of Mr. Astor's partners, accompanied him up the river as far as its junction with the Okinagan, where he remained during the winter, collecting furs from the natives. The Factory at Astoria, in the mean- time, was reinforced in January, 1812, by a further detach- ment of persons in the service of the Pacific Fur Company, who had set out overland early in 1811, and after sufiering extreme hardships, and losing several of their number, at last made their way in separate parties to the mouth of the Colum- bia. A third detachment was brought by the ship " Beaver" in the following May. All the partners of the Company, ex- clusive of Mr. Astor, had now been dispatched to the scene of their future trading operations. Mr. Mackay was alone wanting to their number ; he had unfortunately proceeded northwards with Captain Thorne, in order to make arrange- 272 EARLY HISTORY OF OREGON. ments with the Russians, and was involved in the common fate of the crew of the " Tonquin." The circumstances, however, of this establishment under- went a great change upon the declaration of war by the United States against Great Britain, in 1812. Tidings of this event reached the Factory in January, 1813, through Messrs. McTa- vish and Laroque, partners of the Northwest Company, who visited Astoria with a small detachment of persons in the em- ployment of that Company, and opened negotiations for the dissolution of the Pacific Fur Company, and the abandonment of the estabUshment at Astoria. The Association was, in consequence, dissolved in July, 1813, and on the 16th of October following, an agreement was executed between Messrs. McTavish and Mr. John Stuart, on the part of the Northwest Company, and Messrs. McDougal, McKenzie, David Stuart, and Clarke, on the part of the Pacific Company, by which all the establishments, furs, and stock in hand of the late Pacific Fur Company, were transferred to the Northwest Company, at a given valuation, which produced, according to Mr. Greenhow, a sum total of 58,000 dollars. The bargain had hardly been concluded when the British sloop-of-war, the " Racoon," under the command of Captain Black, entered the Columbia River, with the express purpose of destroying the settlement at Astoria ; but the establishment had previously become the property of the Northwest Com- pany, and was in the hands of their agents. All that remained for Captain Black to perform was to hoist the British Flag over the Factory, the name of which he changed to Fort George. There have been no changes in the Territory since 1813, worthy of particular notice. OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO, 278 CHAPTER XXL FROM VANCOUVER TO SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. At 11 A. M., September 2i, Messrs. Eld, Dana, Brack- enbridge and myself, embarked in a canoe paddled by four Indians, to join the Expedition I have before spoken of. At 2, we reached the mouth of the Willamette River, which we entered. It is here about 800 feet in breadth, and its banks are low and uninteresting. After ascending a few miles we met the Rev. Mr. Cone, who was on his way to Vancouver. He spoke of our party encamped in the valley, and stated that several of the scientific gentlemen were suffering from the at- tacks of the ague. Mr. C. is connected with the Methodist Mission in Oregon. At sunset we encamped near an oak grove on the left bank of the river. At an early hour the following morning, we resumed our journey, and after pulling about eight miles, reached the Klackamus, where we found five Americans building a schooner, in which they intended to engage in the sea-otter trade. They informed us that they had been in Oregon nearly a year, and had crossed the Rocky Mountains. They did not speak fa- vorably of the country, and stated, that they intended to leave for California as soon as they could make a little money in the fur business. The Willamette River is navigable at the lowest stage of water as far as the Klackamus. After ascend- ing another three miles, we arrived at the Falls. As we ap- proached these, the breadth of the river rapidly diminished, 274 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. and the water shoaled ; the banks were -also higher and more precipitious. There is a mission station here under the charge of Mr. Waller. The Hudson's Bay Company have likewise a trading post near by, and pack a great many salmon, which the Indians catch in large quantities. It is said to be the best salmon fishery on the river. The Falls are between twenty and thirty feet in height, and, when the country becomes settled, they will be invaluable for their water-power. An American by the name of Moore, told us, that the western side of the Falls had become his property, he having bought the land on that side of the river from an Indian chief. Our progress now was much slower than before, owing to the strength of the current, and we crossed and re-crossed the river frequently in order to take advantage of the eddies. This part of the Willamette is considered very dangerous when the water is high, and the Indians, in passing, invariably make to it a propitiatory offering of some of their food, that they may have a safe passage. The night was clear and pleasant, and we continued to pull until we reached Champooing village, which was as far as Mr. Eld and myself intended to proceed by water. On the following morning, we breakfasted by invitation, with Mr. McKoy, one of the most noted individuals in this part of the country. Among the trappers, he is the hero of many a tale, and he entertained us during our stay with an ac- count of several of his adventures with the Indians, which certainly showed him to be a man of great nerve and shrewd- ness. He is about forty years of age, tall, and straight, and has a countenance expressive of great firmness and daring of character. His crops had just been gathered, and he in- formed us that the average yield of the wheat would be twenty- five bushels to the acre. His house stands on the margin of OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 275 a small stream, and answers both for a dwelling and a grist- mill. When breakfast was over, our friend furnished us with horses, and we rode on in the direction of the encampment. We passed many farms of from thirty to one hundred acres, belonging to Canadians who had been in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company ; they liked the country, and appeared very comfortable and thriving. We saw a large mumber of cattle, horses, and sheep, grazing in the surrounding fields. From 12 to 1 P.M., we halted, to partake of dinner and rest the horses ; another short ride brought us to the American settle- ment. There were many things here to remind us of home ; among others, a good road, well inclosed fields, a blacksmith- shop, and a school-house. This is the largest and most pros- perous settlement in all Oregon. It is situated on the banks of the Willamette River, on a fertile plain of many miles in extent ; the soil is adapted to the growth of wheat, rye, and Irish potatoes ; horned cattle and sheep also, thrive here admi- rably. The climate of this portion of Oregon is so mild that stock is never kept up during the winter months, and barns are only used for storing the grain. The Methodists have a Mis- sion Station here, and some of the best lands are owned by it. Near the settlement we forded the river, and shortly after we arrived at the encampment of our party. We were glad to find that the sick alluded to by Mr. Cone, had recovered, and in the course of a day or two we should be able to set out on our intended journey. On Sunday, the Rev. Mr. Leslie performed Divine Service at his residence, on the opposite side of the river, and as many of our oj05cers attended as could be spared ; Mr. Leslie is a member of the Methodist Mi&sion established in the valley, and enjoys better reputation among the settlers than most of 276 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. the other mission gentlemen. He is, they say, the only Mis- sionary among them who pays any attention to his proper du- ties ; this statement, if we may judge the tree by its fruit, is not erroneous. Most of these gentleman have turned their attention to farming, and think more about their crops than they do of the great cause which they have been sent out to advance ; the number of Indian children to whom they give instruction does not exceed twenty, and the adult Indians living about the settlement, are entirely neglected. On the 8th of September we bade adieu to the banks of the Willamette. A complete list of the names of the persons who now formed the party, will be found in the Appendix. At first we had our share of drawbacks ; a thousand things were now to be done, which had not been thought of before, nor could they have been foreseen. Many of the pack-saddles were found to be either too large or too small ; the strength of a number of the horses had been overrated, and the packs which it had been intended they should carry, had in consequence to be reduced or exchanged for others which were lighter. Then there was a list to be taken of all the packs and the animals which belonged to the government, and those which did not. All this produced delay and confusion for a time, but, when finally all was right, and the expedition made a start, it moved on at a fine rate, and by 4 o'clock P. M. we reached Mr. Turner's place, where we encamped for the night. Mr. Turner supports himself by supplying the Willamette settlement with beef semi-weekly, and he made us a present of a fine bullock. He is a native of New York, but has been thirteen years in Oregon ; has an Indian woman to keep house for him, and seems perfectly contented. He has been to California several times, and in 1834 he formed one of a party of sixteen settlers, who set out to go there to purchase OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 277 cattle, but they were attacked by the Indians during the night, near the base of the Shaste Mountains, and ten of his com- panions were massacred. Two of the party were killed im- mediately. Turner was seated by the fire when the savages rushed into the camp ; he snatched up a brand and defended himself with it until his Indian woman brought him his rifle, with which he killed four. His surviving companions had now seized their fire-arms, and dealt such destruction among the Indians that they at last retreated, and allowed Turner and his five companions to make good their retreat to the settlement. We were detained at Turner's place all thf^ next day, on account of two of the horses having got astray. In the after- noon I took a stroll, and fell in with an encampment of Cali- poya Indians. There were altogether five families of them, and each had its own fire and tent. They were miserably clad, and their habitations were swarming with vermin. The surrounding country was perfectly level, and produced luxu- riant grasses and some trees. On the 10th we left Mr. Turner's place, and directed our steps to the southward and eastward. We crossed during this day several small streams, which are tributary to the Willamette. The country continued level, but all the vegeta- tion, except the trees, had been destroyed by fire, said to have been kindled by the Prairie Indians, for the purpose of pro- curing a certain species of root, which forms a principal part of their food. We spent the night on the banks of a creek, named Igneas. At 9 o'clock the following day we resumed our march, and shortly after reached Guardepii Lake, which is not more than a mile in circumference. In the course of the afternoon we crossed Lumtumbufi" River, which is a branch of the Willa- 278 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. mette. It is a deep and turbid stream, but is fordable at certain points. During the 13th it was very foggy, and we had much diffi- culty in finding the animals. Owing to this circumstance we advanced this day only two miles on our course. At this encampment we obtained observations, both on the dip and in- tensity needles. About dusk some Calipoya Indians paid us a visit ; they proved to be acquaintances of the guide, and the meeting seemed to be one which afforded mutual pleasure to both parties. He represented them as being a perfectly harmless people, and there was nothing in their appearance to indicate the contrary. They were clothed in deer-skins, with fox-skin caps, or cast-ofi* clothing of the whites. Their arms were bows and arrows ; the latter were pointed with bone, and they carried them in a quiver made of seal-skin. On the morning of the 14th we resumed our journey, and made about ten miles on our course. The soil now was com- posed of white sand, mixed with clay, and produced only prairie grass. I gave this day to one of the scientific gentle- men, Mr. Dana, a beautiful specimen of fresh-water asticusy which I captured in the stream, upon whose banks we encamped for the night. On the 15th our route lay through a broken country, densely covered with pines, spruces, and oaks ; some of the former were upwards of two hundred feet in height, and proportionally large in circumference. At 3.30 P. M. we reached the base of the Elk Mountains, which separate the valley of Willamette from that of Umpquoa. We estimated the greatest elevation of these mountains to be 1500 feet; they are clotlied with trees and underbrush to their summit. We had a severe frost during the night, although the temperature during the day had been as high as 77° in the shade. The EIL The Deer, Th£ Black-tailed Deer. OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 283 H On the 16 th we encamped on the Elk River. This river is SO called because its banks abound in elk ; it is about one- half of the size of the Willamette River, and has considerable current. We had scarcely pitched our tents, when some of the hunters succeeded in killing an elk and a deer. They were brought into camp, and divided among the different messes. The following morning, Messrs. Emmons, Agate, and ser- geant Stearns, with Boileau as a guide, left the camp for Fort Umpquoa, for the double object of examining the country and exchanging several of the pack-horses, which had nearly given out. This fort belongs to the Hudson's Bay Company, and is constructed after the manner of those of Nisqually and Van- couver. It is situated on the Umpquoa River, a fine stream, whicii empties into the ocean. The Superintendent of the establishment, Mr. Gangriere, gave Mr. Emmons a very unfavorable account of the Indians who inhabited this region. He stated that he had long before heard of the intended journey, through the Indians, and that the news had passed on to all the tribes, who were collecting in large numbers, to oppose our passage. He also endeavored to dissuade Mr. Emmons from proceeding any further, by telling him that these Indians were a brave race, consequently in the event of an attack, our party must be destroyed, for he thought it was very small. According to our hunters, the Umpquoa country abounds in beaver, deer, and bears. About dusk Mr. Emmons returned, accompanied by Mesdames Boileau and Gangriere, who wished to see the camp, and consult the doctor. He commu- nicated to the party, what Mr. Gangriere had stated in rela- tion to the Indians, and gave orders for increasing the number of sentries about the camp, to make more cartridges, and to put all the arras in the best fighting condition. 284 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. At an early hour on the ISth, we resumed our inarch. Mesdames Boileau and Grangriere accompanied us for a few miles, and then left, to return to Fort Umpquoa. On the 19th we deviated from the direct road, in order to avoid any chance of an encounter with the Indians. This brought us to the north fork of the Umpquoa, which we forded without any accident, though, before making the attempt, it was reasonably feared that we might meet with many, from the fact that the current was very rapid, and the bottom extremely slippery. The rocks observed in this region, contain fossils, and occasionally exhibit seams of coal. During this day many friendly Indians were seen, who reported that the hos* tile tribes were preparing to dispute our passage. We passed one large party, composed entirely of women, who were out gathering roots. They were all passe, and extremely ugly. One old woman can only be described by Juvenal, — ** Such wrinkles see, As in an Indian forest's solitude, Some old ape scrubs amidst her numerous brood." During the 20th, our route lay through a succession of hills and valleys, intersected by numerous streams. None of the hills are more than four hundred feet in height, and all are susceptible of cultivation, the soil being apparently as good as that in the valleys. We saw, in the course of this day, several grisly bears, and the hunters fired many balls at them ; but they did not succeed in killing any. At sunset we encamped on the south branch cf the Umpquoa River. During the night our rest was much disturbed by the howling of wolves, which are very numerous in these parts. The following day we crossed the Umpquoa River; it is not s^ broad nor so deep as the northern branch. We passed, Thz Common Wolf, The Dusky Wolf, OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 287 during this day's ride, a number of Indian graves ; they were surrounded with poles, one end of which was stuck in the ground, to the other were suspended the goods of the deceased, such as mats, blankets, bows, and arrows. We also met several small parties of Umpquoa Indians, who declared them- selves to be friendly to the whites, and were anxious to obtain powder and balls, but we refused to furnish them. We expected an attack during the night, from the hostile tribes, and had prepared to give them a warm reception ; but none appeared. On the 22d, at an early hour, we commenced to ascend the Umpquoa Mountains. The path was narrow and very steep, so much so, that several of the pack-horses stumbled and were considerably injured. At 11 A. M. we halted, for nearly half an hour, to rest the animals. At 4, having reached the summit of the ridge, we again rested for a few mhiutes, and then commenced descending, and by sunset we arrived at the valley beneath, where we spent the night. We found the greatest elevation of the mountain to be 1750 feet. During the 23d, we remained at the same encampment, in order to give the horses time to recover from the fatigue under- gone, and to aiford Mr. Peale an opportunity of finding his camera-lucida and drawings, which had dropped out of his carpet-bag, while crossing the mountains yesterday. At 3, he returned, and brought with him the camera-lucida ; the other articles he was unable to find. We observed, in the neighborhood of this encampment, a considerable number of the Pinus Lambertiana Douglas. On the 24th we resumed our route. The country looked much less inviting than it did on the other side of the moun- tain. Perhaps the contrast would not have been so striking, had there not been an almost entire destitution of vegetation. 288 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. the fire having destroyed everything but the trees. The rocks are intersected with veins of quartz, and the soil is sandy and generally of a light-red color. In the course of the day, the hunters discovered the fresh foot-prints of Indians, and in searching for the savages, they came upon three squaws, who had been left, when the others fled. It was clear that the savages were closely watching our movements, and only waited for a good opportunity to pounce upon us. At 4 P. M. we arrived, and encamped on the banks of Young's Creek, where we found a party of Klamet Indians ; they looked very innocent, and pretended to be glad to see us ; but the guide represented them as being the most rascally set in all Oregon — ^calling them horse- thieves, robbers, and murderers. During the 25th and 26th, our road lay through an undu- lating country, interspersed with forests of the Pinus Lamber- tiana. I tasted the sugar produced by this singular tree, and found it to be slightly bitter. It is a powerful cathartic, yet I was told that the trappers used it as a substitute for sugar ; the Indian mode of collecting it is to burn a cavity in the tree, whence it exudes in large quantities. We passed, on the last of these days, Tootootutnas River, another beautiful stream, upwards of one hundred yards in width, and abound- ing in salmon and other fish. The land, a few hundred yards from its banks, rises into hills of considerable height, formed principally of granite sand. Several Indians came about the camp and pretended to be friendly, but we placed no confidence in their professions, and sent them away before night came on. They had canoes with which they navigated the neighboring streams, but they were very rude, and dug out square at the extremes. During both these days most of the gentlemen of the party ^ ;;m|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ^ M^m. B y^^^^^^^BB^^^jl^^^^^;l B ^^^^■^ IHB^tt^Hp ^B| w^^^Sm ^3^^^^^S ^E' ^^^^OBK^^^^m ^^^^s^BB^^^^^? ^^^5. ^^^H ^^^^^BJ^^^^p p ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^gl^^^^^^^ T/^ j5wo7i. ^ff ^pf # ^m ^^^tol^ -«g^^^^^^^^^^^ \||B^ HHIH^^IiH^ ^1 ^^^^^HP ^ ^^» -^ The Antelope. OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 291 and several of tlie sailors suffered excessively from attacks of the ague. In my own case, the chills were so violent, that it was impossible to travel while they lasted. On the 27 th, we reached one of those places where it was said the Indians never failed to make their attacks. We had one man in the party who had been twice assaulted at the same place. It was a steep rocky spot, close by the river Tootootutnas. As we passed on, many armed Indians were observed on the opposite side of the stream, and, occasionally, were heard to utter yells, which were absolutely infernal, but they did not attempt to oppose our progress. We were fully prepared for them, and, it was this, no doubt, which prevented their making an assault. Even the wives of the hunters were armed on the occasion. We saw this day a great variety of game, among which was the antelope. It is said the Indians take this animal by ex- citing its curiosity ; for this purpose, they conceal themselves behind a tree, or among the bushes, and making a rustling noise, the attention of the animal is soon attracted, when it is led to advance toward the place of concealment, until the fatal arrow pierces it. The animal strongly resembles the deer, and its flesh is very palatable. According to the hunters, they are found only in the prairies. On the 29th, we crossed the boundary range which separates Oregon from Upper California. The greatest elevation of the range was found to be 2,000 feet. The ascent was steep and tedious, and every moment we expected to be attacked by hostile Indians. The hunter named Tibbats, was one of a large party which was nearly destroyed by the savages three years before. , He flattered himself that he should now have an opportunity to take his revenge on them, but he was not gratified, as not an Indian was to be seen in passing the 292 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. mountain, although they had evidently intended to attack us ; fresh tracks were observable in every direction, and large trees felled across the path to prevent the party from ad- vancing. On arriving at the summit of the range, we obtained a view which more than repaid us for our trouble. The Shaste Mountains with their snowy peaks, were to be seen some fifty miles to the southward, swelling and soaring to the skies, while the Klamet Valley into which we descended, like that in which the poet built his Castle of Indolence, was ** A lonely dale fast by the river side. And was, I ween, a lovely spot of ground." This valley is watered by the Klamet River, and is bounded on all sides with hills of considerable elevation, rising one be- yond the other, and covered with forests of oak, which added materially to the picturesque beauty of the scene. During the 30th, we remained encamped to enable the sick to recover from the fatigue undergone in crossing the moun- tains. Near this camping-place was found an Indian hut constructed of bent twigs ; it was small and extremely low. The temperature in the shade during the day was 100°, at night, it was 32°. No doubt these great and sudden changes in the atmosphere tended to aggravate the ague attacks from which we sufiered during the journey. On the 1st of October the sick were much better, and we pursued our way. At 10 A. M. we forded the Klamet River, where it was about seventy yards broad ; it was between three and four feet deep, with a beautiful pebbly bottom. There were rapids both above and below the ford, and from the appearance of the banks, it is subject to overflow. After crossing the river, masses of volcanic rock were observable in OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 293 all directions, and the soil was dry and barren. At sunset we pitched our tents on a spot of green grass, near the southern branch of the Klamet River, which is likewise a beautiful stream, and abounds in fish. The Indians found here were well disposed and better look- ing than any we had seen before. They supplied us with some salmon which were of a whitish color, and greatly in- ferior in flavor to those taken in the Columbia. They were also willing to sell their bows and arrows, which were neatly made, and several were purchased for the Government. October 2d, 9 A. M., we bade adieu to Klamet River, and directed our steps to the southward. The country was now more undulating, and apparently more fertile, than that we passed over the preceding day. We did not meet with any water till late in the day, in consequence of which, the poor animals suffered excessively from thirst. Large herds of an- telopes and mountain-sheep were seen ; the latter are of a grayish color, have long spreading horns, and are much larger animals than the ordinary sheep. From the 3d and up to the 10th, we were engaged in cross- ing the Shaste Range. These mountains may be represented as being a succession of a range of high hills, separated from each other by narrow valleys, traversed by streams that are fed by the melting snows which cover the tops of the highest peaks. The path was serpentine and dijfficult, and several of the horses broke down before the summit of the last range could be gained. In the valleys the Pinus Lambertiana was seen flourishing in all its glory ; several trees were measured, and found to be three hundred feet in height. The day after we commenced to ascend these mountains, we fell in with the head waters of the Sacramento, which flow to the southward. At this point it was an insignificant 294 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO, stream, being not more than thirty feet broad and two feet deep. The weather, with the exception of that of a single day, was cool, clear and bracing, and we all enjoyed much better health than while traversing the plains. Nor was there any want of game ; indeed, some days our hunters killed more than it was possible for the company to consume. The scientific gentle- men made large collections in their respective departments. We saw many Indians, and as we knew they were friendly ; we permitted them to enter our camp. They are a large, fine-looking race, and of a sociable disposition. They do not compress their heads, and they allow their hair, which is fine and glossy, to hang down to their shoulders in natural ringlets. Their food consists of game, fish, and acorns, which they make into bread. Their huts are small, and devoid of comfort. They have bows and arrows, with which they shoot admirably. An ordinary sized button was set up as a mark thirty yards off", and they hit it three times out of five ; they can also kill birds on the wing. The arrows are nearly three feet long, and feathered frojn six to ten inches. In shooting, the bow is held horizontally, braced by the thumb of the left hand, and drawn by the thumb and three fingers of the right hand ; and to obviate the disadvantage of drawing to the breast, the chest is thrown backwards on discharging the arrow ; they throw out the right leg, and stand on the left. The few women we saw were much inferior in personal ap- pearance to the men, which we attributed to hard work, for they seemed to be constantly employed, while the men did nothing but eat, drink, and amuse themselves. The artist of the party had much difficulty in taking their portraits, as they imagined that he was a medicine-man, and desired to practise some enchantment upon them. The Ruffed Grouse The Pellican. The Black Bear, The Grisky Bear, OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. 299 It was calculated that the width of the range we passed over was one hundred miles. We were allured from height to height by many splendid views of land and water, which open at every turn of the pass ; still we felt quite relieved when we reached the Sacramento Valley on the other side of the mountain, and reflected that the remainder of our journey would be comparatively easy, and devoid of the anxiety caused by the constant anticipation of being assaulted by hostile tribes. On reaching the Sacramento Valley, a material difference was observed in the character of the vegetation. Few pines or firs were now to be seen, while the oak, the sycamore, and the cotton-wood trees were abundant. Most of the plants were also unlike any we had been accustomed to see, and some were found which were not described in any of the botanical works- On the 10th we fell in with several villages belonging to the Kinkla tribe of Indians ; they consisted of a few rude huts constructed of poles — the whole surrounded by a brush- fence, which answered for a stockade. Most of the inhabi- tants were out gathering acrons and wild grapes. Their complexion was quite dark, but their features are more regu- lar than those of the northern tribes. Some were seen who had the Roman nose and oval face. They wore their hair long, but had it tied in a bunch behind. Their ears were bored, and the upper part of each cheek had a triangular figure painted upon it with a blue-black substance. It was also observed that they tattooed their arms. They had nothing to coygr their nakedness, except a piece of deer-skin thrown over their shoulders. Their weapons were bows and arrows, and a forked-spear which they use to kill fish. Within half a mile of one of the villages our hunters killed 800 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO SAN FRANCISCO. two grisly bears. It is said this animal is very numerous in these parts, and not unfrequently enter the Indian villages, and carry off stray children. The soil of this portion of the valley is of an inferior quality, and bears but few trees or plants. On the 12th we forded the Sacramento River, where it was between three and four feet deep and two hundred yards broad. It had been our intention to have disposed of the horses here, and proceed down the river in canoes, but these were not to be had, nor could we find suitable timber from which to make them ourselves. The soil now appeared more fertile, though we saw little vegetation, on account of the country having been run over by fire. Game was very plentiful, and five bears were killed in the course of the afternoon. During the 14th and 15th we traveled over a plain studded with a vast number of crater-shaped hills, which go by the name of Prairie Butes. It is generally believed that each of these has been a volcano. They can be seen at a great dis- tance, as they have an elevation of from five hundred to eighteen hundred feet; the ground about them is strewed with a great quantity of bones of animals that resort here for protection during the season of the freshets, which flood the whole of the level country ; a deposit of considerable thick- ness covered the surface. The rocks forming some of the butes were of a volcanic origin. A great number of wild fowl were seen on both of these days. On the 17th we reached Feather River, which is a tributary to the Sacramento. As we were unable to find a place where it would be safe to ford it, we proceeded down its bank, and at sunset we encamped near its junction with the Sacramento River. It is a more rapid stream than the Sacramento, but CAPTAIN SUTTEr's PLACE, OR NEW HELVATIA. SOI its volume of water is considerably less. Its banks are from ten to fifteen feet high, and fringed with the sycamore and cotton-wood trees. It is navigable for boats. The 18th brought us to Captain Sutter's place, or New Helvatia, where we found the " Vincennes' " launch, in which Messrs. Emmons, Dana, Agate, Dr. Whittle and myself embarked, and proceeded down to San Francisco. The rest of the party set out to reach San Francisco by land. Captain Sutter^ is a native of Switzerland, and has lived a most eventful life. He was a lieutenant in the Swiss Guards in the time of Charles X. Soon after the abdication of that monarch, he resigned his commission, and came over to the United States, and resided several years in St. Charles, Mis- souri. We were most hospitably and kindly received by him ; there was no ostentatious display, no pomp nor ceremony, but an easy and polite demeanor on the part of our host, that made us feel perfectly at home. He has been two years in Califor- nia, and he informed us that he has obtained from the Govern- ment a conditional grant of ninety miles square in the Valley of the Sacramento. The location he has chosen for the erection of his dwelling and fort he has called New Helvatia. It is situated on the east bank of the Sacramento river, and about sixty miles from its mouth ; his buildings are constructed of adobes, and cover a large extent of ground. He has com- menced extensive operations in farming, and the extent of his stock amounts to two thousand sheep, three thousand cattle, and about one thousand horses. As we approached the settlement, we passed the village of Indians who live on the farm and work it, with whose appear- ♦ It is well known that to his enterprise in erecting a mill, the first gold discovery in California was attributed. 802 CAPTAIN Sutter's place, or new helvatia. ance I was much disappointed, in consequence of the filthiness of their looks ; they are amply provided with the necessaries of life by Captain Sutter, but their natural inclination and habits are such as to prevent their advancement in civilized life. Besides farming. Captain Sutter is engaged in trapping, and distilling a kind of liquor resembling Pisco, from the wild grape of the country. On the 19th of October we arrived at San Francisco Bay, where we found the " Vincennes.'' The overland detachment arrived in the afternoon of the 24th. The Valley of Sacramento is one hundred and seventy miles long and from twenty to sixty miles wide. Having heard much of its fruitfulness, we expected, on entering it, to see a perfect garden ; but such was not the case. On the contrary, we saw but little good land ; and as for the landscape, it was extremely uninteresting, being utterly devoid of either beauty or variety. The river is navigable for vessels of sixty tons burthen, as far as New Helvatia, and for boats and canoes, seventy miles farther. The banks are nowhere over twenty feet in height, and are lined with sycamore and cotton-wood trees ; some of which are of large dimensions. San Francisco Bay is an extensive body of water, studded with many islands, which look as fresh and verdant as nature can make them. It communicates with the ocean by a nar- row passage, bounded on either side by rocky cliffs. The name of the principal town is Yerba-buena ; it is located near the entrance, and contains about thirty buildings of one story high, constructed of adobes. The trade is limited to eight or ten vessels ; these lay at their anchors until they retail out their cargoes, by which means part of the duties, which are very onerous on all landed articles, ar'5 saved. CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. 303 Such was San Francisco at the time of our visit ; since then the whole of California has undergone surprising changes, which cannot be better described than in the words of Mr. Walter Colton, author of " Deck and Port," and " Three Years in California." " The Bay of San Francisco resembles a broad inland lake, communicating by a narrow channel with the ocean. This channel, as the tradition of the Aborigines runs, was opened by an earthquake, which a few centuries since convulsed the continent. The town is built on the south bend of the bay, near its communication with the sea. Its site is a succession of barren sand-hills, tumbled up into every variety of shape. No leveling process, on a scale of any magnitude, has been attempted. The buildings roll up and over these sand-ridges like a shoal of porpoises over the swell of a wave, only the fish has much the most order in the disposal of his head and tail. More incongruous combinations in architecture never danced in the dreams of men — brick warehouses, wooden shanties, sheet-iron huts, and shaking-tents, are blended in admirable confusion. " But these grotesque habitations have as much uniformity and sobriety as the habits of those who occupy them. Hazards are made in commercial transactions, and projects of specula- tion that would throw Wall Street into spasms. I have seen merchants purchase cargoes without having even glanced into the invoice. The conditions of the sale were a hundred per cent, profits to the owner, and costs. In one cargo; when tumbled out, were found twenty thousand dollars in the single article of red cotton handkercliiefs ! 'I'll get rid of these among the wild Indians,' said the purchaser, with a shrug of the shoulders. — ' Pve a water lot which I will sell,' cries another. ' Which way does it stretch?' inquire half-a-dozen. 304 CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. ^ Right under the craft there/ is the reply. ' And what do you ask for itV ' Fifteen thousand dollars.' ' I'll take it.' ' Then down with the dust.' So the water lot, which mortal eyes never yet beheld, changes its owners, without changing its fish. " ' I have two shares in a gold-mine,' cries another. 'Where are they?' inquire the crowd. 'Under the south branch of the Yuba River, which we have almost turned,' is the reply. 'And what will you take?' 'Fifteen thousand dollars.' ' I'll give ten.' ' Take it, stranger.' So the two shares of a possibility of gold, under a branch of the Yuba, where the water still rolls, rapid and deep, are sold for ten thousand dollars, paid down. Is there anything in the ' Jira- hian JYights^ that surpasses this ? " But glance at the large wooden building which looks as if the winds had shingled it, and the powers of the air pinned its clapboards in a storm. Enter, and you find a great hall filled with tables, and a motley group gathered around each. Some are laying down hundreds, and others thousands, on the turn of a card. Each has a bag of grain-gold in his hand, which he must double or lose, and is only anxious to reach the table where he can make the experiment. You would advise him at least to purchase a suit of clothes, or repair his old ones, before he loses his all ; but what cares he for his outward garb, when piles of the yellow dust swell and glitter in his excited imagination? Down goes his bag of gold — and is lost ! But does he look around for a rope, or pistol, that he may end his ruin 1 No : the river-bank where he gathered that gold has more ; so he cheers his momentary despondency with a strong glass of brandy, and is off again for the mines. He found the gold by good fortune and has lost it by bad, and now considers himself about even with the world. Such is CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. 305 the moral effect of gold-hunting on a man whose principles are not as fixed and immovable as the rock. It begins in a lottery and ends in a lottery, where the blanks out-number the prizes ten to one. " But you are hungry — want a breakfast — turn into a re- staurant — call for ham, eggs, and coffee — then your bill. Six dollars ! Your high boots, which have never seen a brush since you first put them on, have given out ; you find a pair that can replace them ; they are a tolerable fit ; and now what is the price? Fifty dollars ! Your beard has not felt a razor since you went to the mines ; it must come off, and your frizzled hair be clipped. You find a barber ; his dull shears hang in the knots of your hair, like a sheep-shearer's in a fleece matted with burrs. The razor he straps on the leg of his boot, and then hauls away, starting at every pull some new fountain of tears. You vow you will let the beard go, but then one side is partly off, and you try the agony again to get the other side something like it. And now what is the charge for this torture ? Four dollars ! . Night is approaching, and you must have a place where you can sleep. To inquire for a bed would be as idle as to hunt a pearl in the jungle of a Greenland bear. You look around for the lee of some shanty or tent, and tumble down for the night ; but a thousand fleas dispute the premises with you — the contest is hopeless ; you tumble out as you tumble in, and spend the remainder of the night in finding a place not occupied by these aborigines of the soil. '' But you are not perhaps a gold-digger, as I had supposed. You are a supercargo, and have a valua,ble freight which you wish to land. You have warped your vessel in till her keel rakes, and yet you are several hundred yards off. Some lighter must be found that can skim these shallows — your 80ft CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. own boats will not do. After waiting two or three weeks you get the use of a scow, called a lighter^ for which you pay one hundred and fifty dollars a day. ^' To-morrow you are going to commence unloading, and wake betimes ; but find, that, during the night, every soul of your crew has escaped, and put out for the mines. You rush about on shore to find hands, and collect eight or ten loafers, who will assist you for fifteen dollars a-day each. Your cargo must be landed, and you close the bargain, though your fresh hands are already half-seas over. The scow is shoved from shore, brought along-side, loaded with goods, which are tumbled in as an Irishman dumps a load of dirt, and then with your oar and poles, push for the landing ; but the tide has ebbed too soon ; you are only half-way, and there your scow sticks fast in the midst of a great mud bottom, from which the last rip- ple of water has retreated. You cannot get forward, and you are now too late to get back ; night is setting in, and the rain clouds are gathering fast — down comes a deluge, drenching your goods and filling your open scow. The returning tide will now be of no use — the scow wont float except under water, and that is a sort of floating which don't suit you ; skin for skin — though in this case not dry — what will a man not give for his own life ? So, out you jump, and by crawling and creeping, make your way through the mire to the landing, and bring up against a bin, where another sort of wallower gives you a grunt of welcome. Your loafers must be paid off in the morning and the scow recovered, or its loss will cost you half the profits of your voyage. But the storm last night has driven another brig into yours, and there they both are, like a bear and bull, that have gored and crushed each other. But ' misery loves company,' and you have it. The storm which swamped your scow and stove your brig last night, has been CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. 307 busy on shore. Piles of goods heaped up in every street, are in a condition which requires wreckers, as well as watchmen. But no one here is going to trouble himself about your mis- fortunes, nor much about his own. The reverses of to-day are to be more than repaired by the successes of to-morrow. These are only the broken pick-axes and spades by which the great mine is to be reached. What is the loss of a few thou- sands to one who is so soon to possess millions ? Only a coon back in his hole, while the buffalo remains within rifle shot — only a periwinkle lost, while the whale is beneath the harpoon — only a farthing candle consumed, while the dowered bride, blushing in beauty and bhss, is kneeling at the nuptial altar. But let that pass. " But you are not alone in your destitution and dirt. There are hundreds around you who were quite as daintily reared, and who are doing here what they dodged at home. Do you see that youth in red flannel shirt and coarse brogans, rolling a wheel-barrow 1 He was a clerk in a counting-house in New York, and came here to shovel up gold, as you scoop up sand. He has been to the mines, gathered no gold, and re- turned, but now makes his ten dollars a- day by rolling that wheel-barrow ; it costs him six, however, to live, and the other four he loses at monte. " See you that young man with a long whip ni his hand, cracking it over an ox-team ? He was one of the most learned geologists, for his age, in the United States, and came out here to apply his science to the discovery of gold deposits ; but, somehow, his diving-rods always dipped wrong, and now, he has taken about which there is no mistake, so at least think his cattle. He would accumulate a fortune, did he not lose it as fast as made in some phrenzied speculation. But look yonder — do you see that young gentleman with a string of 808 CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. fish, which he offers for sale ? He was one of the best Greek and Latin scholars of his class in Yale College, and, subse- quently, one of the most promising Members of our Bar. But he exchanged his Blackstone for a pick, and, instead of pick- ing fees out of his clients' pockets, he came here to pick gold out of the mines ; but, the deuce was it, for whenever his pick struck close upon a deposit, it wa^ no longer there ; so he exchanged his pick for a hook and line, and now angles for pike, pickerel, and perch, and can describe each fish by some apt line from Catulus. He would do well at his new pisca- tory profession but for the gilded hook of the gambler. He laughs at the trout for darting at a fictitious fly, and then chases a bait himself equally fanciful and false. " But look again — do you see that pulperia, with its gathered groups of soldiers and sailors, poets and politicians, merchants and mendicants, doctors and draymen, clerks and cobblers, trappers and tinkers ? That little man who stands behind the bar, and deals to each his dram of fire, was once a preacher, and deemed almost a prophet, as he depicted the pangs of that worm which dieth not, but now he has exchanged that worm for another, but preserved his consistency, for his worm, too, distilleth delirium and death. And that thick-set man who stands in the midst of the crowd, with ruby countenance and reveling eye, whose repartee sets the whole pulperia in a roar, and who is now watching the liquor in his glass to see if it stirreth itself aright, once lectured in the west on the tempta- tions of those who tarry late at the wine ; but now his teeto- talism covers all liquors as goodly gifts graciously bestowed. But one brief year, and some dame quickly may describe his pale exit, as that of his delirious prototype. ' I saw him fumble with the sheets, and play with flowers, and smile upon bis fingers' ends.' CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. 309 " And, yet, with all these drawbacks, with all these gamb- ling-tables, grog-shops, shanties, shavers, and fleas, San Francisco is swelling into a town of the highest commercial importance. She commands the trade of the great valleys, through which the Sacramento and San Joaquin, with their numerous tributaries, roll. She gathers to her bosom the pro- duct and manufactures of the United States, of England, China, the shores and islands of the Pacific. But now let us glance at California as she was a few years since, as she is now, and as she is fast becoming. " Three years ago, the white population of California could not have exceeded ten thousand souls. She has now a popula- tion of two hundred thousand, and a resistless tide of emigra- tion rolling in, through the heart of Mexico, over the Isthmus of Panama, around Cape Horn, and over the steeps of the Rocky Mountains. Then the great staple of the country was confined to wild cattle ; now it is found in exhaustless mines of quicksilver and gold. Then, the shipping which frequented her waters, was confined to a few drogers^ that waddled along her coast in quest of hides and tallow ; now, the richest argosies of the commercial world are bound to her ports. " Three years ago, the dwellings of her citizens were reared under the hands of Indians, from sun-baked adobes of mud and straw ; now, a thousand hammers are ringing on rafter and roof, over walls of iron and brick. Then, the plough which furrowed her fields, was the crotch of a tree, which a stone or root might shiver ; now, the shares of the New England farmer glitter in her soil. Then, the wheels of her carts were cut from the butts of trees, with a hole in the centre, for the rude axle ; now, the iron-bound wheel of the finished mechanic, rolls over her hills and valleys. Then, only the canoe of the Indian disturbed the sleeping surface of :| ^ --== ' 810 CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD, her waters ; now, a fleet of steamers plough her ample rivers and bays. Then, not a school-house, public teacher, magazine, or newspaper, could be found in the whole territory ; now, they are met with in most of the larger towns. Then, the tastes and passions of an idle throng rang on the guitar and the fan- dango ; now, the calculations of the busy multitudes turn to the cultured field and productive mine. Then, California was a dependency of Mexico, and subject to revolutions, with the success of every daring military chieftain ; now, she is an independent State, with an enlightened constitution, which guarantees equal rights and privileges to all. Then, she was in arms against our flag ; now, she unrolls it on the breeze, with the star of her own being and pride glowing in the con- stellation which blazes on its folds. '* Three years ago, and San Francisco contained three hun- dred souls ; now she has a population of twenty-seven thou- sand.* Then, a building-lot within her limits cost fifteen dollars ; now, the same lot cannot be purchased at a less sum than fifteen thousand. Then, her commerce was confined to a few Indian blankets, and Mexican reboses and beads ; now, from two to three hundred merchantmen are unloading their costly cargoes on her quay. Then, the famished whaler could hardly find a temporary relief in her markets ; now, she has phrenzied the world with her wealth. Then, Benicia was a pasture, covered with lowing herds ; now, she is a commercial mart, threatening to rival her sister nearer the sea. Then, Stockton and Sacramento City were covered with wild oats, where the elk and deer gamboled at will ; now, they are laced with streets and walled with warehouses, through which the great tide of commerce rolls ofi" into a hundred mountain glens. Then, the banks of the Sacramento and San Joaquin ♦ According to the last accounts, it ha: increased to 42 000. CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. 811 were cheered only by the curling smoke of the Indian's hut ; now, they throw on the eye, at every bend, the cheerful aspect of some new hamlet or town. Then, the silence of the Sierra Nevada was broken only by the voice of its streams ; now, every cavern and cliflf is echoing under the blows of the sturdy miner. The wild horse, startled in his glen, leaves on the hill the clatter of his hoofs, while the huge bear, roused from his patrimonial jungle, grimly retires to some new mountain-fast- ness. " But I must drop this contrast of the past with the present, and glance at a few facts which affect the future. The gold deposits which have hitherto been discovered, are confined, mainly, to the banks and beds of perpetual streams, or the bottoms of ravines, through which roll the waters of the transient freshet. These deposits are the natural results of the law of gravitation ; the treasures which they contain must have been washed from the slopes of the surrounding hills. The elevations, like spendthrifts, seem to have parted entirely with their golden inheritance, except what may linger still in the quartz. And these gold-containing quartz will be found to have their confined localities 5 they will crown the insular peaks of a mountain-ridge, or fret the verge of some extin- guished volcano 5 they have never been found in a continuous range, except in the dreams of enchantment ; you might as well look for a wall of diamonds or a solid bank of pearls. Nature has played off many a prodigal caprice in California, but a mountain of gold is not one of them. The alluvial gold, will, at no distant day, be measurably exhausted, and the miners be driven into the mountains. Here, the work can be sticcessfully prosecuted only by companies, with heavy capi- tals. All the uncertainties which are connected with mining operations, will gather around these enterprises. Wealth will 312 CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD. reward the labors of the fewj whose success was mainly the result of. good fortune, while disappointment will attend the efforts of the many, equally skillful and persevering. These wide inequalities in the proceeds of the miner's labor, have exhibited themselves, wherever a gold deposit has been hunted or found in California. The past is the reliable prophecy of the future. " Not one in ten of the thousands who have gone, or may go to California to hunt for gold, will return with a fortune ; still the great tide for emigration will set there, till her valleys and mountain-glens teem with a hardy enterprising population. As the gold deposits diminish, or become more difficult of access, the quicksilver mines will call forth their unflagging energies. This metal slumbers in her mountain-spurs in massive richness ; the process is simple which converts it into that form, through which the mechanic arts subserve the thousand purposes of science and social refinement, while the medical profession, through its strange abuse, keep up a Car- nival in the Court of Death ; but for this they who mine the ore are not responsible — they will find their reward in the wealth which will follow their labors. It will be in their power to silence the hammers in those mines which have hitherto monopolized the markets of the world. But the enterprise and wealth of California are not confined to her mines. Her ample forests of oak, redwood and pine, only wait the requisite machinery to convert them into elegant residences and strong-ribbed ships. Her exhaustless quarries of granite and marble will yet pillar the domes of metropoli- tan splendor and pride. The hammer and drill will be reUnquished by multitudes for the plough and sickle. Her arable land, stretching through Tier spacious valleys, and along the broad banks of her rivers, will wave with the golden har- =^.v%^.'-:*i^ ■ -^ix::^.rf!C^~i'?\i: CALIFORNIA AFTER THE DISCOVER IT OF GOLD. 815 vest ; the rain-cloud may not visit her in the summer months, but the mountain-stream will he induced to throw its showers over her thirsty plains. " Such was California a few years since — such is she now, and such will she become even before they who now rush to her shores, find their footsteps within the shadows of the pale realm." 316 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER XXII. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON CALIFORNIA. California was discovered by the Spaniards about 1534, and towards the close of the succeeding century, the Jesuits estabUshed themselves in it to convert the natives. The ef- forts of the missionaries have nominally converted about half the natives to Christianity, but the number of the native in- habitants are rapidly decreasing, and they do not number at present more than fourteen thousand. Though divided into many tribes, they are understood to belong to the same family, speaking the same language, and having similar manners and customs. The stature of these people varies with their habits. Those who subsist chiefly on fish, and inhabit the sea- coast, are sel- dom more than five feet and six inches in height, with slender forms, while those who occupy the great valleys in the interior are tall and robust. Their complexion is a shade or two darker than that of the Indians in Oregon and about the Columbia ; their noses are broad and flat ; the hair is black, coarse, and straight, and their lips are thick, like the negro. The forehead is low and contracted ; eyebrows and beard scanty. They have the habit common to all American Indians of extracting the beard and hair of other parts of the body. During the summer months the men seldom conceal their nakedness ; but the females always have a rush or a skin- covering around the waist. The women are also fond of tat- GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON CALIFORNIA. 317 toeing, and ornament their arms and breasts with it. Their habitations are formed of pliable poles, with their butts in- serted into the ground and tied together at the top. These are interwoven with brush and thatched with bulrushes ; the interior of these wigwams is usually very filthy, and contain no furniture, except a few wooden bowls, a small netting-sack in which to put their fruit and seeds, another in the form of a bag to sling on the shoulders, for the purpose of carrying their infants when traveling, one or two fishing-nets, and a sea- shell for dipping water to drink. Among some of the tribes, parentage and other relations of consanguinity are no obstacles to matrimony. A man often marries a whole family, the mother and daughters, and it is said that in such cases no jealousies ever appear among these families of wives. They seem to consider their oiffspring as the property of all, and the husband as their common protector. It is known that those tribes which have not embraced Christianity do nevertheless believe in the control of good and evil spirits, to whom they occasionally offer prayers ; and as a proof of their having some idea of a future state, they inva- riably deposit bows and arrrows, and cooking utensils in the graves of their dead. The part of Upper California inhabited by foreign settlers, is a tract extending five hundred miles along the shore of the Pacific, and bounded inland at an average distance of forty miles from the coast by a range of hills. The most southern portion of this region is torrid and parched, but as we proceed north, the climate becomes more favorable, though the country is subject to long and severe droughts, which occasion great distress. There are many streams in this part of California, which carry oif the water in torrents to the ocean, during the rainy season, and cause the valleys which they water, to afford 818 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON CALIFORNIA. good pasturage for the cattle which are found there in large numbers. There are but two tracts of country capable of sup- porting a large population — one west of Mount San Barnardino, and the other surrounding the Bay of San Francisco and the lower part of the Sacramento. To the east of the California Mountains are the vast sandy plains, of which but little is known ; nor have any attempts been made to explore the more northern portion of this section. The valleys of San Juan and that of Sacramento, are capable of producing great crops of wheat, rye, oats, Indian corn, potatoes, &c., with all the fruits and vegetables of the temperate, and many of the tropical climates. The cultiva- tion of the grape increases yearly, and the vineyards about the Missions yield most abundantly as finely-flavored fruit as there is to be found in any part of the world. All this portion of California is well adapted to the rearing of cattle and sheep ; they can find plenty of nutritious food the whole year round, and they require no watching. The mutton is of very fine flavor, and the usual price for a sheep is from one dollar to one dollar and a half. The Sacramento, and other rivers of Cahfornia abound in salmon, and might be made a source of considerable profit. Many more valuable species are taken in these waters. The white and mixed population of this section is estimated at five thousand. They are robust and tall, and pride them- selves on their horsemanship ; they early become expert and fearless riders, and they have been known to ride upwards of two hundred miles in one day. Descended from the old Spaniards, they are found to have all their vices and scarcely any of their virtues ; they are cowardly, ignorant, lazy, and addicted to gambling and drinking ; very few of them are able to read or write, and know nothing of science or literature. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON CALIFORNIA. 321 nothing of government but its brutal force, nothing of religion but ceremonies of the national ritual. Their amusements are music, cock-fighting, bear-baiting, and horse-racing. Wed- dings generally last for three or four days, and usually end in some quarrel. The ^' cuchillo" is always worn, and is resorted to in all their affrays. The females are very fond of dress, and their propensity for gambling is as great as that of the male portion of the community. 822 CONQUEST OF CALIFORNA CHAPTER XXIII. CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA BY THE UNITED STATES. The Commander-in-Chief of tht Pacific Squadron, Com- modore Sloat, received reliable information, at Mazatlan, on the 7th of June, 1846, that the Mexican troops, six or seven thousand in number, had invaded the territory of the United States, and attacked General Taylor. He was told, that the American Squadron, under Commodore Conner, was blockad- ing the eastern coast, and he immediately sailed for Monterey, where he found the " Cyane" and " Levant." After an examination of the defences of the town, and completing his arrangements for capturing it, he sent Captain Mervine, on the 7th of July, to the governor of the town to demand its surrender, and on his declining to comply with the summons, it was taken by a detachment of two hundred and fifty seamen and marines from the vessels. Masters of the town, they speedily raised the American flag from the Custom-house, amid the cheers from the troops and bystanders, and a national salute from the squadron. A proclamation from the Commodore was then posted up, stating the existence of hostilities between Mexico and the United States, and his in- tention to take possession of all California. It also announced that, although the Commander-in-Chief came in arms, he came as a friend, and all the peaceable inhabitants of the country would be confirmed in the rights they then enjoyed, and have in addition the superior advantages afibrded to the people cq H V ij ju i! 5 BY THE UNITED STATES. 327 by the constitution and laws of the United States, under which they might reasonably hope to advance and improve rapidly, both in commerce and agriculture. Such of the inhabitants as were disposed to live peaceably under the government of the United States, were to be allowed time to dispose of their property, and to leave the country, if they chose, without any restriction, or to remain in it, in the observance of strict neutrality. The civil functionaries were desired to retain their offices, and preserve tranquillity; and the people and clergy were assured of their being unmolested in their pro- perty, rights and j^ossessions. Under the orders of the Com- modore, Captain Montgomery, with seventy sailors and marines of the United States sloop-of-war " Portsmouth," landed at the settlement of Yerba Buena, in the Bay of San Francisco, and took possession of that place. On the 11th of July, Captain Montgomery informed the Commodore that the American flag was flying at Yerba Buena, at Sutter's Fort, at Bodega, and at Sonoura ; and added, that the protection of persons and property, which the American flag promised to the land and the people, was hailed with joy by the people, some of whom had enrolled themselves into a new company, under the auspices of the American officers, styled " The Volunteer Guards of Yerba Buena." On the day on which he sent this communication to the Commodore, a British vessel of twenty-six guns, the " Juno," arrived at San Francisco, and anchored. Captain Montgomery brought all his crew from the shore to the ship, with a view of defending his position, in case the English commander should think proper to interfere. The " Volunteer Guards of Yerba Buena" took upon them- selves the task of defending the flag of the United States, assuring the commander that it should wave while a single man of their body lived to defend it. Don Francisco Sancher, 828 CONQUEST OF CALIFC RNIA the military commander of the district, promptly complied with the requisition of Captain Montgomery, that he should come in and deliver up the arms and public property in his possession. He assured the American commander that he had no public property, but told where several guns were buried. Lieut. Missroon, of the " Portsmouth," went to the Mission of Dolores, but found only a quantity of public documents, which were taken possession of and deposited in the Custom-house. On the 13th of July, at their own request. Commodore Sloat furnished a flag to the foreigners of the Pueblo of San Jose, a place about seventy miles distant from the coast, and about eighty miles from Monterey. He had just completed the organization of a company of thirty-five dragoons, made up of volunteers from the ships and citizens, to reconnoitre the country, and keep open the land -communication between the different places held by the Americans. Purser Fauntleroy was appointed to command this body, and Mr. McLane was appointed first-lieutenant. On the 17th, Mr. Fauntleroy re- connoitered as far as the Mission of St. John's, intending to capture that place and recover ten brass field-pieces, said to have been buried there by the Mexicans some time previously. On his arrival there, he found the gallant Captain Fremont already in possession, and the two returned together to Monterey, the head-quarters of the Commodore. Captain Fremont had left Washington in 1845, to make a third expedition, for scientific purposes, to the regions west of the Rocky Mountains, and his arrangements for the journey contemplated only its legitimate objects. He took no officer or soldier with him ; and the whole company which he led, consisted of only sixty-two men, engaged by himself as se- curity against the Indians, and for assistants in the duties of his mission. He approached the settlements in California, BY THE UNITED STATES. 329 about the beginning of the year 1846 ; and, as he was aware of the difficulties existing between the United States and Mexico, he determined to be very circumspect in his conduct. He left his men on the frontiers, while he advanced alone a hundred miles to Monterey, where he visited the principal offi- cers of the Government, in company with the United States Consul and Navy Agent, Mr. Larkin. He informed them of his expedition, and its purposes, and Governor Castro gave him permission to pass the winter in the Valley of San Joaquin, where was feed for his horses and game for his men. Captain Fremont then returned to his men, and led them leisurely to the place designated, but he had hardly reached it, before he received orders from the Governor to leave the country. He was even threatened with forcible ejection, if he disobeyed the command. After the permission given him in person by Castro, Captain Fremont determined not to obey these uncourteous messages, and the Governor made great preparations to carry his threats into execution. Of these he was informed by Mr. Larkin, whom he answered by a letter, stating, that if Governor Castro brought against him an armed force, he should try to defend himself, though not one of his men had ever been a soldier. He, moreover, informed the Consul that he had hoisted the American flag, and he should keep it flying as the only protection he had to look to. On the 7th of March, and the three following days, he em- ployed himself in fortifying his position, by erecting a breast- work of logs and brush. The position of the Americans was on a high hill, whence they could see with their telescopes the preparations of the Governor, in his camp at the Mission of St. John's. Mr. Larkin now received another letter from Captain Fremont, and at the earnest request of the Alcade, it was immediately translated into Spanish, and sent to the CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA Governor. Here follows a portion of the letter : — " I am making myself as strong as possible, in the intention that, if we are unjustly attacked, we will fight to extremity, and refuse quarter, trusting to our country to avenge our death. No one has reached our camp ; and from the heights we are able to see troops mustering at St. John's, and preparing can- non. I thank you for your kindness and good wishes, and would write more at length, as to my intentions, did I not fear my letter would be intercepted. We have in no-wise done wrong to the people, or the authorities of the country, and if we are hemmed in and assaulted here, we will die, every man of us, under the flag of our country." Castro continued his preparations for an attack against our countrymen, but he took special care not to crowd them too closely. Not wishing, however, to be the cause of embroiling his nation in difficulties, Captain Fremont determined to abandon his mission, and return to the United States, rather than con- tinue it against the opposition of the Mexican authorities. Accordingly, on the 10th of March, he left his encampment, and retired towards Oregon, followed some distance by the forces commanded by the Governor, which amounted to four hundred men. But the valiant General always avoided com- ing to an action, and on the same day returned to Monterey, bringing with him some old clothes and two or three pack- saddles, all thrown away as useless, when our people struck their tents. These were paraded as trophies, and the Gover- nor published a placard, in which he announced, that a band of highwaymen, under Captain Fremont, of the United States army, had come into his department, but that he had chased them out with two hundred patriots, and if they dared to show themselves again about Monterey, he would march out to BY THE UNITED STATES, 831 meet them, and destroy them to a man. About the middle of May, Captain Fremont arrived at the great Hamath Lake, in the Oregon Territory. He intended to return to the United States, by the Columbia and Missouri, through the northern pass in the Rocky Mountains ; but he found his pro- gress stopped by bands of hostile Indians, who had been stirred up against him, particularly the Hamath tribe, who killed and wounded several of his followers, in a night attack. Two days after, he had another fight with the same Indians, and destroyed one or two of their villages. It was in this engagement that Fremont saved Carson's life, as an Indian was about killing him. Captain Fremont now discovered that if he persevered in his route, he would have to fight almost every step of his way, besides marching over mountains on which the snow was still falling, and though he and his men were sufiering from fatigue and famine, he remained for some days deliberating upon the proper course to pursue. From various sources he received information that Governor Castro was assembling troops, with the avowed object of at- tacking his party and all the American settlers, because, he alleged, the Captain had come for the purpose of inciting the settlers to revolt. With these facts before him, he at length determined upon the proper course to pursue, which was to turn back and act the oflfensive. On the 11th of June, he struck the first blow. At day-light on that day he surprised an officer and fourteen men on the way to the Mexican camp, with two hundred horses for Castro's army. The horses were retained, and the officer and the men released. At early dawn on the 15th, the military rendzevous and intended head-quarters was surprised by the Americans, who captured there nine pieces of brass cannon, two hundred and fifty muskets, and other arms and 832 CONQUEST :F CALIFORNIA ammunition, a general, a colonel, and many other officers. The gallant captain left a party of fourteen men here as a gar- rison, and repaired to the Rio de los Americanos, to obtain aid from the American settlers. While there an express arrived from Sonoma, with information of the approach of a large force under General Castro. He therefore immediately set out, with a force of ninety horsemen, armed with rifles, and traveled day and night. He reached Sonoma, after marching eighty miles, at two o'clock on the morning of the 25th of June. On the same morning, a squadron of seventy dragoons, the vanguard of Castro's force, crossed the bay, and were at- tacked and defeated by a party of twenty Americans, with the loss of only two men killed. Two of Captain Fremont's men were taken by the Mexicans, and cut to pieces alive with knives. The Americans retaliated this cruel and cowardly act, by instantly shooting three of the enemy whom they had captured. Having cleared the north side of the bay of San Francisco of the Mexicans, Captain Fremont called the Americans together at Sonoma, addressed them upon the dangers of their situation, and recommended, as their only means of safety, a declaration of independence and war upon Castro and his troops. The independence was declared, and the war followed. A few days afterwards, they heard of the taking of Monterey by the American Squadron, and the existence of the war. The Star-spangled Banner was promptly substituted for that of the Californian revolutionist. The valiant Castro fled south at the head of nearly five hundred men, well armed ; and Captain Fremont, leaving some fifty men in garrisons, pursued him with a hundred and sixty rifle- men. It was at this stage of his proceedings that he met Purser Fauntleroy, and received Commodore Sloat's request that he would repair to Monterey. They arrived there on the BY THE unite: STATES. 19th of July. Soon after Commodore Sloat resigned the com- mand of the naval forces to Commodore Stockton, and sailed for home to recruit his health, which had been enfeebled by long and arduous services.^ This gallant and meritorious officer was highly applauded for his course by the government, having observed the line of conduct prescribed by his instruc- tions, " with such intelligence and fidelity, that no complaint has ever been made of any anauthorized aggression on his part.'' Commodore Stockton commenced his part of the conquest by organizing the " California Battalion of Mounted Rifle- men," appointing their officers, and receiving them into the service of the United States. Captain Fremont was appointed Major, and lieutenant Gillespie, Captain of the battalion. Major Fremont sailed with his battalion, in the United States ship " Cyane," for San Diego, in the hope of getting in ad- vance of General Castro, and cutting off his retreat. He arrived at San Diego on the 29th of July, but the Californians had driven off all the horses, and consequently he was unable to move until the 8th of August, when he resumed his pursuit. Commodore Stockton meanwhile had sailed to San Pedro, where he landed three hundred and sixty of the sailors belong- ing to his ship, the frigate " Congress." With this sailor- army he commenced his march towards the camp of Meza, a strongly-fortified position held by General Castro, three miles from the City of the Angels, and the capital of the Cali- fornians. On the approach of our gallant tars within sight of the Mexican camp, the General shamefully abandoned it and fled. His men followed his example, and ran away in all directions. Major Fremont joined the Commodore on the 13th of August, with eighty mounted riflemen, and the united » forces entered the City of the Angels, and took possession of 834 CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA the Government-house. On the IGth, Major Fremont again set off in pursuit of Castro, but it was soon found that the valiant Governor had made good his -escape towards the cit}'' of Mexico. Most of his officers, however, were captured, and brought to the City of the Angels, where Commodore Stockton had been busy in establishing a civil government. The Commodore directed Major Fremont to increase his force and post it in garrisons in the different places : — Fifty were to be stationed in the City of the Angels under Cap- tain Gillespie, fifty at Monterey, fifty at San Francisco, and twenty-five at Santa Barbara. He embarked for San Francisco to recruit, making, in the meanwhile, a temporary disposition of his forces. He took but forty men with him, and nine of these he left at Santa Barbara, in charge of Lieutenant Talbot. During his absence, on the 23d of September, a Californian army invested the City of the Angels, and by their superior numbers caused Captain Gil- lespie to surrender that place. He returned with his thirty riflemen to San Pedro, and from there sailed for Monterey. The Californian Chief, Manual Gaspar, then led two hun- dred of his men against Santa Barbara, but Lieut. Talbot and his nine men defended themselves with heroic courage. He held the town until he was completely besieged, and then refusing to surrender, fought his way through the enemy to the mountains of the vicinity, where he remained eight days, suffering from cold and hunger. A detachment of forty men advanced to take him, but was driven back. They then offered to permit him to retire, if he would pledge himself and his men to neutrality during the war, but he sent word to the Mexican Chief that he preferred to fight. At length, finding that neither force or persuasion would cause him to leave his posi- BY THE UNITED STATES. 835 tion, they set fire to the grass and brush around him and burned him out. Still determined not to surrender, he com- menced a march of five hundred miles to Monterey a-foot, where his arrival was hailed with the utmost joy by all the Americans. The brave fellows were welcomed by their com- panions as from the grave ; for the enemy had reported that they had all been slain. Major Fremont had made an efibrt to 2:0 from San Fran- cisco to the relief of Captain Gillespie, but he was forced back Jto Monterey by bad weather. A few days after the arrival of Lieutenant Talbot, a party of fifty- seven Americans, under Captains Burrows and Thompson, were attacked by the Californians, eighty in number. Captain Burrows and three Americans were slain. Major Fremont marched to their assistance, and the whole party arrived at San Fernando on the 11th of January, 1847. While these events were passing in California, General Kearney was on his way from the United States, with a force intended to conquer that country. On the 6th of October, he met Carson, with fifteen men, coming as an express from the City of the Angels, with an account of the conquest of that country by Commodore Stockton and Major Fremont. In con- sequence of this intelligence, the General sent back the greater part of his troops. On the 5th of December, he met Captain Gillespie coming with a small party of volunteers, to give him information of the state of the country. Captain Gillespie informed him that there was an armed party of Californians, with a number of extra horses, encamped at San Pasquel, three leagues distant. General Kearney immediately set out to meet them, in the double hope of gaining a victory and a remount for his poor soldiers, who had completely worn out their horses in the march from Santa Fe. The Californians 336 CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA were numerous, and a desperate fight ensued, which at one time Veil nigh proved fatal to the Americans, their line be- coming scattered by the sorry condition of the animals on which some of them were mounted. Captain Johnson made a furious charge upon the enemy with the advance guard. He fell almost in the very commencement of the fight, but the courage of our countrymen did not flag, and the enemy was eventually forced to retreat. Captain Moore led ofi* rapidly in pursuit, but the mules of the dragoons could not keep up with his horses, and the enemy seeing the break in the line, renewed the action, and charged with the lance, in the use of which they are very expert. They fought well, and the American loss was heavy. General Kearney himself was wounded in two places. Captain Gillespie and Lieu- tenant Warner each in three, and Captain Gibson and eleven others were also w^ounded, having from two to ten marks of lances on their bodies. Captain Johnson, Captain Moore, Lieutenant Hammond, two sergeants, two corporals, eleven privates, and a man attached to the topographical de- partment, were slain. The severe wounds of the actors in this fight caused the march of the army to be delayed, and it did not reach San Diego until the 12th of December. When Commodore Stockton heard of the outbreak of the Calif ornians, he dispatched the frigate '' Savannah " to relieve Captain Gillespie, but she arrived too late. Three hundred and twenty of her crew landed and marched towards the City of the Angels, but the Californians met them, well appointed with fine horses and artillery, and though the sailors fought heroically, they were eventually compelled to retire before such an overwhelming superiority of numbers. They lost eleven in killed and wounded. Commodore Stockton came down himself to San Pedro in the '' Congress," and made an- BY THE UNITED STATES. 337 other march upon the City of the Angels with a detachment of sailors, who now took some of the ship's cannons with them, dragged by hand with ropes. At the Rancho Sepulrida, they encountered the enemy, who were decoyed by Commodore Stockton into a favorable position, and then fired upon with the guns which had been concealed from their view. More than a hundred were killed, one hundred and fifty wounded, a hun- dred taken prisoners, and the whole force of the Californians put to flight. Mounted on horses, while the sailors were on foot, the enemy had, hitherto, the advantage of choosing his own time, place, and distance of attack, but the means of transportation were placed by this splendid victory in the hands of the sailors, and as soon as they could be mounted, a series of skirmishes were commenced, in which they displayed the utmost courage and activity. Commodore Stockton found General Kearney at San Diego. This meeting was opportune ; and the two commanders im- mediately proceeded to fix upon a plan for bringing the war to a speedy termination. On the 29th of December, their forces composed of sixty dismounted dragoons, fifty California Vol- unteers, and four hundred sailors and marines, started on the march from San Diego to the City of the Angels. At the Rio San Gabriel they found the enemy in a strong position, with six hundred mounted men and four field pieces, prepared to dispute the passage of the river. The battle was fought on the 8th of January, 1847. The Americans waded through the water under a galling fire, Iragging their guns after them. They reserved their own fire until they reached the opposite side of the river ; here they repelled a charge of the enemy, and then charged up the bank ; and after fighting about one hour became masters of the field. The enemy made another stand on the plains of Mera, in the hope of saving the capital ; 338 CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA but they were again driven from the field, and on the lOth the American army entered the capital in triumph. They had lost one private killed, and thirteen of their number wounded in the two fights. The enemy carried off their dead and wounded, so that the extent of their loss is unknown, but both General Kearney and Commodore Stockton estimate it at between seventy and eighty. The insurgents fled and sur- rendered to Major Fremont, who met them as he was ap- proaching the capital. Major Fremont joined the forces of Kearney and Stockton at the City of the Angels on the 15th of January, and it was here the misunderstanding arose between General Kearney and himself, which for so long a time excited public attention. In January, 1847, Commodore Shubrick arrived at Monterey, and assumed the command of the naval forces on that station. Soon after this Lieutenant-Colonel Cooke joined General Kearney at San Diego with the Mormon battalion, which enabled the General to provide against any reinforcements from the Mexican province of Senoura to the Califomians, by stationing it as a guard and garrison at the Mission of San Luis Rego. Captain Tompkins arrived in the country in February, with his company of U. S. Artillery, and was stationed at Monterey, and the arrival of Colonel Steven- son, with his regiment of New York Volunteers, formed such a force as was considered sufiicient to overawe all disaffec- tion and opposition. In July, three companies of the New York regiment were stationed at La Paz, in Lower California, under Lieu- tenant-Colonel Burton. They numbered about one hundred men, with two pieces of artillery. The United States sloop-of- war " Dale" cruised for some time in the vicinity, and afforded protection to the garrison in La Paz, but Commodore Shu- BY THE UNITED STATES. 841 brick ordered the " Dale'' to Guaymas. This emboldened the enemy, who collected all their disposable force and marched against the little garrison. The battle was begun on the morning of the IGth, at two o'clock ; a loud roll of musketry, followed by shouts, gave the sleeping soldiers the first notice of the enemy's presence. The Americans stood to their posts amid a shower of bullets, although the night was so dark that they were unable to see the foe, except by the flashing of the musketry. They brought their artillery to bear in the direc- tion of the enemy's position, and a few discharges was followed by a complete silence. At day-light the enemy was seen to be posted on a hill near by, waiting until the women and children had been removed from the town to renew the attack. The garrison availed themselves of the pause to fortify the roofs of their quarters with bales of cotton. The enemy gained pos- session of the bushes surrounding the camp, and kept up a heavy fire from eight o'clock until night. All the stratagems of the garrison failed to induce them to come nearer, yet Colonel Burton lost only one man. In the afternoon the enemy entered the town, and destroyed the houses of all who had been favorable to the Americans. On the 20th they dragged a piece of artillery on the most commanding site in the town. A hot fire then commenced on both sides, which resulted in the defeat of the Mexicans. They had six of their number killed and forty-four wounded, while the loss of Colonel Burton was only three men. After this repulse the enemy distributed themselves in the neighbor- hood, to cut oif supplies from the Americans. Meanwhile a force of nearly four hundred of the insurgents marched upon San Jose, where Lieutenant Hey wood of the navy was stationed with twenty men and one nine-pounder. lie was besieged for thirty days, but he refused to surrender, 342 CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA BY THE U. STATES. despite of thirst and famine. On the night of the second day, a grand assault was made. The leader of the Californians, Mejares, led forty men against the front of the post, while more than a hundred men, with scaling-ladders, came upon the rear. The nine-pounder opened upon them, killed Mejares and three of his soldiers, and drove the remainder back in great disorder. A firing was kept up until morning, when two American whalers entered the harbor, the crews of which landed, and with this assistance Lieutenant Heywood soon put the enemy to flight. In the month of October, the frigate " Congress" and the sloop-of-war " Portsmouth" captured the town of Guaymas, which was garrisoned by eight hundred efficient men. The country now became quiet, and by the terms of the treaty of peace between the two governments, the boundary line was made to run along the southern line of New Mexi- co to its westward termination, thence northwardly along the western line of New Mexico until it intersects the first branch of the river Gila, thence down the middle of said branch and of the said river until it empties into the Rio Colorado, follow- ing the division-line between Upper and Lower California to the ocean. Agreeably to this treaty the American forces abandoned the posts they held in Lower California. The discovery of Gold in the waters of the Sacramento and other streams, as also among the rocks and in the mountains, has drawn to the country thousands of emigrants from the United States and other parts of the globe, and it bids fair to become at an early day one of the most populous of the ter- ritories of the United States. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU. 8^ CHAPTER XXIV. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. On the 25th of October I received orders to join the brig " Oregon ;" this vessel was purchased by Captain Wilkes after the loss of the " Peacock " for the sum of 9,000 dollars. She was built in Baltimore, is of 170 tons burthen, was origi- nally named " Thomas Perkins," came out to the Sandwich Islands with an assorted cargo, and when purchased was lying at Astoria taking in a quantity of salmon. In a day or two after having been purchased, she was stripped, and her masts lifted and made several feet shorter, after which she pro- ceeded up to Vancouver, where she underwent some further alterations and repairs. After these changes were made, Captain Hudson repaired on board and took command, and on the 21st of September, she got under- way, in company with the ''Porpoise," and dropped down to Fort George, (Astoria,) where she laid until the 12th of October, when she sailed for San Francisco. Captain Hudson then gave up the command, and repaired to the '' Vincennes," and Lieutenant Overton Carr was ordered in his stead. October 31st. At 3.30 P. M. we got under-way in com- pany with the "Vincennes" and the "Porpoise," and pro- ceeded to sea. The wind being a-head, we were compelled to beat, which afforded us a fine opportunity of seeing the Bay. In one of the stretches we stood on until our jib-boom almost touched the cliff on which the Precidio is situated. This was 344 FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU. built by the Spaniards, and while they retained possession of the country was strongly fortified and well garrisoned. About 7 P. M., the flood- tide begun to make, and we were compelled to let-go the anchor. During the night the weather was thick and disagreeable, and a heavy swell set in from the westward. On the morning of November 1st, we again tripped our anchor. At 11 discovered the " Vincennes" under sail on our starboard quarter, but soon lost sight of her from the density of the fog. Nor did we see anything of her until about 1 o'clock, when we observed both her and the " Porpoise" lying at anchor. We wore ship, and bore down for them, and when close a-board spoke with the " Vincennes." We then hove-to, and continued to remain so until about half-past 4, when both vessels proceeded to sea, ourselves following in their wake. In communicating with the " Vincennes," we learned that she experienced a very uncomfortable night. Having anchored right over the bar, she felt the swell much more than either the " Porpoise" or ourselves. She rolled almost gunwales under, and several seas broke on board, one of which swept away a portion of her bulwarks, and killed one of the crew. It is understood that we are bound to the Sand- wich Islands. On the 6th, the " Vincennes" and " Porpoise" parted company with us. . On the 8th, we passed over the position of Cooper's Island, as given upon Arrowsmith's Chart, but saw no indications of land. At noon our latitude was 25° 45' 55'' north, longitude 132° 16' 15" west. At 11 A. M. on the 19th, we reached Honolulu, where we found the remainder of the squadron. Our principal object in returning to Hon alu was, to fill OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. 345 up with provisions and water. This being accomplished, we again spread our sails, and on the 22d of January we reached Singapore, where we found the United ' States frigate " Constellation," Commodore Kearney, and the sloop-of-war " Boston,'' Captain Long, forming the East India Squadron. We communicated with both vessels, and received some late newspapers from them. The Island of Singapore is twenty- seven miles long, and from five to fifteen miles wide. It is separated from the penin- sula of Malacca by the Strait of Singapore, formerly followed by navigators, instead of the one which is now universally used. We were informed that the interior of the island is infested with tigers, and that it is a common thing for the in- habitants to be destroyed by them within a few miles of the town. Owing to these attacks, the Government has been in- duced to offer a premium of fifty dollars for every tiger that should be killed, and parties have been organized, which fre- quently go out to hunt these ferocious animals. The situation of the town* is low, for which reason it does not appear to advantage from the anchorage. It covers a great extent of ground, and many of the buildings are spacious, and built in the European style. The Governor's dwelling is situ- ated on the summit of a knoll which overlooks the city and harbor. In the rear of the European buildings are the loca- tions of the Malay and Chinese quarters. The houses of the former are built on posts rising four or five feet above the ground. The object of this is to keep the houses dry during the rainy seasons, and to prevent reptiles and other noxious animals from entering them. As for the inhabitants, a more motley crowd in color and ♦ The town bears the same name as the island. 846 OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. costume cannot well be conceived. Tiie language of nearly every Asiatic nation throws its peculiar accents on the ear. The trades, like most of the eastern cities, are carried on in the streets. Some of the streets are exclusively inhabited by castes who work at the same trade. In one may be seen the workmen in brass and copper, which department of trade generally embraces the manufacture of cooking-pans, lamps, and drinking vessels, and similar articles of domestic use ; for all these things are made of copper and brass, and hammered out to the proper size and shape by manual labor. In another street, you see the palankeen builders, house-joiners, cabinet- makers, shoemakers, tailors, blacksmiths, and so on. The money-changers take up their position at the corner of the streets, with their little tables before them ready to transact business at a moment's notice. These men act sometimes in the capacity of pawnbrokers, by lending small sums of money upon the gold and silver ornaments which all here possess in a greater or less degree. The opium vender has also his little table in the public street, with his box and scales upon it, and tempting samples of the " dreamy drug." This fearful species of intoxication is more generally prac- tised among the people of British India, than has been com- monly supposed. The Mohammedans are particularly addicted to its use, and much of the apathy and indifference observable in the native character, may be attributed to this universal evil, which would seem to be daily gaining ground among them. Few can be surprised that 'the Emperor of China is so anxious to prevent the importation of opium* into his do- ♦ The engrossing taste of all ranks and degrees in China, for opium, a drug whose importation has of late years exceeded the aggregate value of every other English import combined, deserves some particular notice, especially in connection with the revenues of British India, of which it forms an important item. The use of this pernicious narcotic has become as extensive as the increasing demand for it was rapid from the &TBt.— Chinese Repository. OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. 347 minions by the English. Well might this monarch regard that potent drug as a curse to a nation, which has already begun to suffer from its dangerous seduction, and which shows for it a decided taste. A single glance of these opium dealers will convince you that they are their own best customers. Their soiled and dis- orderly dress, the palsied hand and pale cheek, the sunken eye and vacant stare of each of these wretched men, show you that they are not themselves. The Chinese Bazaar is filled with goods manufactured in that industrious country. Here you may purchase beautiful Canton shawls, for fifteen or twenty dollars, rich silks and satins, carved ivory-work in chessmen, backgammon boxes, card-cases, grass-cloth handkerchiefs, vases, chimney-piece ornaments, tea-pots, and the familiar little tea-cups and sau- cers so highly esteemed by the ladies. There are also found here camphor-wood trunks, so useful to preserve clothing, books, and furs, from the white ants, which are so destructive to this sort of property. But in trading with the Chinese, it is necessary to be care- ful. They call all Europea,ns " foreign devils,'' and consider them a fair game. But the greatest cheats among them are those who come oflf to the ships to sell their goods, as these not only ask the^highest prices, but invariably give you a bad article. The Chinese are very numerous in Singapore, and all seem to be industrious. They dress after the manner of their country ; and we saw some whose queus almost touched the ground. It is said that they return home as soon as they have acquired something like a competency, though they run the risk of being punished by the Emperor, for having left China. They have a popular saying, " If he, who attains to 848 OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. honors or wealth, never returns to his native place, he is like a finely-dressed person walking in the dark — it is all thrown away." The extent to which they carried gaming, after the regular business hours were over, could not fail to attract our atten- tion. Gaming was going on in all their shops and houses, and their whole soul seemed to be staked with their money. They use cards and dice ; but their games are different from our own. The stake in general was a small copper coin, not larger than a dime. It was also observed, that they are pas- sionately fond of theatrical entertainments. These take place under a temporary shed, which is only large enough to accom- modate the performers. The interior is decorated with silk hangings, and illuminated with many colored lamps. The stage is furnished with a table and chairs, but without scenicai decorations to assist the story, as in our theatres. The actors are magnificently dressed in silk and gold cloth, adorned with jewels. The females are represented by young men. I cannot say much for the acting, or music ; the former appeared stiff, the latter a perfect jargon. One day I visited their principal Josh-house, or temple. It is a very singular-looking edifice ; the roof is surmounted with dragons, and a thousand of other whimsical devices. The columns supporting the front are likewise very curiously sculptured. It has no windows ; and the main entrance, in- stead of being in the centre of the building, is near one of the corners. Its interior may be described as a square court, sur- rounded by a portico filled with niches, containing the wooden images to which adoration is paid. The space in the centre of the court is paved and furnished with seats, which are occupied by the worshipers. All the idols are representations of the human form in its most bulky aspect ; they seemed to OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. 349 have quite as much circumference as height. One of them was a female figure, dressed in silks, and painted, with much tinsel and gilding about the head. In front of each idol w^e altars, on which were Josh-sticks burning, colored wax-candles, flowers, dried fruits, and sugar-plums wrapped up in colored paper. At the time I entered, the priesthood, five in number, were assembled, worshiping, chanting, striking gongs, and frequently prostrating themselves before their wooden-deities. This mummery lasted nearly half an hour, and the priests ap- peared to go through it with devotion. They were all young men, had the crown of their heads shaved, and wore long yellow robes. As soon as the mummery had ceased, they left the temple, retired to their private apartments, and divested themselves of their official robes ; and the gods were left to themselves, with the Josh-sticks burning on the altars. On another day I set out to visit the Mohammedan Mosque, but I found the entrance of this guarded by two or three stupid-looking fellows, who would not allow me admittance, although I offered to take off my shoes before entering. It is a neat, handsome building externally, but only the upper por- tion of it can be seen when viewed from the street, as it stands at the further end of a long court, surrounded by a high stone wall. Its mineret is kept white- washed, and forms a beautiful and a conspicuous object in the landscape. The majority of the Mohammedans at Singapore are Malays and their descendants, and it is universally conceded by travelers that they constitute the most worthless part of the population, being excessively lazy, treacherous, quarrel- some, and addicted to the use of opium. The color of their skin is several shades darker than that of the Chinese, and they usually wear moustaches and beard. Their dress consists of a white turban, a shirt with very 350 OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. ample sleeves, a colored embroidered vest, fitting tight to the body, loose trowsers made of white cotton cloth, and yellow or red slippers. To beautify themselves, they chew the betal- jiut, which causes their teeth to become as black as ebony. They n\^.ke good soldiers, or sepoys, and many of them are employed to act in that capacity by the British East India Government. The women, who are not so much exposed to the rays of the sun, are less tawny than the men ; their coun- tenance is comely, their hair black and fine ; they have a deli- cate hand, brilliant eyes, and a graceful figure. There are many Parsees residing in Singapore, and some of the best shops are kept by them ; they prefer trading in English and French goods, which they have consigned to them, or purchase at the auctions. Some of them have acquired large fortunes, and live in a princely style. They are a hand- some race, and there is an easy grace about all their move- ments. The ladies pass their lives in great seclusion from the world, for they are supposed to lose caste if they appear in public. The Persic language is celebrated for its strength, beauty, and melody, and they write it from the right to the left. The Parsees* do not tolerate polygamy, unless the first wife prove barren, nor do their laws allow concubinage. They cannot eat or drink out of the same vessel with one of a dif- ferent religion, nor are they fond even of using the cup of another, for fear of partaking of his sins. Their religion, however, admits of proselytism. They have no fasts, and re- ject everything of the nature of penance. God, they say, delights in the happiness of his creatures ; and they hold it meritorious to enjoy the best of everything they can obtain. • The Hindoos say the Persees are outcasts of Persia ; but this they indignantly 4eny, though it is supposed many of them were driven out in the eighth century. 351 Birds and beasts of prey, the dog and the hare, are forbidden as food. Their faith inculcates general benevolence, to be honest in bargains, to be kind to one's cattle, and faithful to masters ; to give the priests their due, physicians their fees, and these last are enjoined to try their sanitory experiments on infidels before practising on Par sees. They never willingly throw filth either into fire or water. This reverence for the elements prevents them from being sailors, as in a long voyage they might be forced to defile the sea. When a relation is dying, they recite over him prescribed prayers, and have a dog at hand to drive away the evil spirits that flock around the bed ; after death the body is dressed in old but clean clothes, and conveyed on an iron frame to the tomb on the shoulders of the bearers, who are tied together with a piece of tape, in order to deter the demons, which are supposed to be hovering near, from molesting the corpse. It is well known that they neither burn nor bur}^ their dead. They have circular towers called dockmehs^ in which are con- structed inclined planes, and on these they expose the bodies, courting the fowls of the air to feed upon them. They even draw augeries regarding the happiness or misery of the de- ceased, according as the left eye or the right eye is first picked out by the vultures. There are several pleasant rides about Singapore The sur- rounding country is interspersed with groves and gardens, and the roads are good, and free from dust, for almost every day in the year the island is visited by one or two re- freshing showers. The vehicle most used is the palankeen, which is capable of containing two persons ; it is drawn by a single horse, and the driver, who is usually a Malay, runs by the side of a carriage ; the charge for a whole day is a dollar, and it is customary to give something to the driver. 852 OBSERVATIONS ON SINGAPORE, EAST INDIES. There are good markets in Singapore for the sale of butcher's meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Everything in the shape of food is very cheap, and our mess bill was as small here as at any place we visited in the course of our long cruise. Some idea may be formed of the commerce of Singapore, when it is stated, that, for the last two or three years, it has been valued at $25,000,000. It is a free port ; there are no duties on imports or exports, and every vessel is allowed to come and go when it pleases. There are many articles shipped here which are the products of other places ; among these are opium, nutmegs, cloves, coffee, sugar, teas, and a variety of shells. Business is conducted upon a sure basis ; payment must be made at the delivery of the goods. Accounts are kept in dollars and cents, and almost every thing is sold by weight. On the 25th of February we sailed for St. Helena, where we arrived after a pleasant passage of thirteen days. CHAPTER XXV, FROM ST. HELENA TO THE UNITED STATES. The appearance which St. Helena presents, when viewed from the ocean, is anything but inviting; nearly the whole of its coast is steep and perpendicular like a wall, dotted here and there with miserably stunted trees. The island was discovered by the Portuguese on the 21st of May, in the year 1502, and was called by them St. Helena, from the fact that the same day was the anniversary of the Empress Helena, a Saint in the Roman Catholic calendar. In a valley, where they found a productive soil and abun- dance of excellent water, the discoverers planted a small colony; they also stocked the valley with goats, horses, cattle, and many other animals useful to man, which soon multiplied and spread over the whole island. About the year 1651, the English East India Company took possession of the island, it having been abandoned some time before by the Dutch, who took it from the Portuguese in the early part of the 17th century. The English introduced into the island, as the Portuguese had done before them, horses, sheep, grains and fruits. Tempting inducements were held out to emigrants, and many were induced to settle in its rich and romantic valleys. In 1815, the island became the involuntary residence of Napoleon, a circumstance which has shed over it undying in- terest, and rendered its name in every part of the civilized globe as familiar as a household word. 354 ST. HELENA. The island remained in the hands of the East India Com- pany until 1836, when it was transferred to the British Government. The chmate is salubrious. One old voyager who describes it, informs us that the sick men who had been carried on shore in hammocks, and utterly unable to walk, were cured and made perfect in a week's time, and were soon able to " leap and dance " as well as their companions. All of which wonderful effects were attributed the wholesomeness of the air, and the fresh trade- wind& constantly sweeping over the island, and driving away all distempers. The population is estimated at five thousand, and consists of whites, negroes, mulattoes, and Chinese. The negroes were brought to the island by the East India Company from Mada- gascar, and were treated as slaves until the year 1823 ; they and their descendants now form the largest portion of the population. Vessels going to and from the East Indies usually touch at the island to replenish their stock of water and procure fresh provisions. Jamestown, the capital, is the largest town that the island can boast of, and is a free port. It is situated in a valley, or rather a gorge between two lofty hills, both of which ter- minate abruptly, and form the eastern and western boundaries of the town, as also a small bay in which the vessels anchor that visit the place. The harbor is defended by fortifica- tions, which cover the shore from the water-line to the highest peaks. A ladder, of nearly a perpendicular height, is built up the side of the western mountain, called Ladder Hill. It is said to have five hundred steps in it, and is a conspicuous object from the anchorage. The landing is convenient for visitors and trade ; it is fur- VISIT TO napoleon's TOMB. 356 nished with a stone stairs and a crane for loading and unload- ing boats. From the landing a good road leads toward the town at the mouth of the valley, which is protected from an attack by sea by a ditch and a high massive wall, bristling with guns. There is but one entrance into the town, and that is closed at nightfall. There are also sentinels stationed here at all hours. Just beyond the gateway is the grand parade, around which stand the church, the principal hotel of the place, and the building occupied by Napoleon on his first landing. The houses are from one to two stories in height, and have their walls painted white or yellow. Some of them are also furnished with verandahs. The market is good, but meats and eggs are excessively dear. The price for beef is 20 cents per lb. ; mutton, 18 cents ; eggs, 50 cents per dozen. Of course, before leaving the island, we rode out to Long- wood, and the tomb. Our conveyance was a covered carriage, drawn by a pair of horses, and just large enough to accommo- date two persons comfortably. The road we pursued, and there is no other leading to the tomb from the town, is cut on the side of the eastern hill, which gradually rises to an elevation of upwards of a thousand feet. This afforded us several fine views of Jamestown — We could see all the houses, the gardens, the soldiers' hospital, the barracks, the church, the botanic garden, and the grand parade. After leaving the town we did not fall in with a solitary tree until we reached the head of the valley. Here the soil is capable of cultivation, and we passed many a garden in which were to be seen, besides a great variety of vegetables, trelisses of vines, from which depended clusters of the tempting and 856 ST. HELE^A. delicious fruit, peach, almond and date trees, and patches of flowers, among which the rose and pink were conspicuous. We likewise observed on our right and left, but some miles in the distance, a succession of hills in wood, looking verdant, cool and beautiful. The next object which attracted our attention was the " Briars," a little hamlet, composed of some half-dozen cot- tages, one of which was the residence of the ex-Emperor, until Longwood could be prepared for his reception. It is a small, quaint building, with a high, steep roof, gable ends, and a verandah. The grounds attached to it are also of limited ex- tent, and surrounded by a common stone- wall. Indeed, there is scarcely a New England farmer whose abode is not superior to it in every respect. Yet I was informed by the inhabitants that Napoleon preferred the place to better houses in the town, where he would be annoyed by the curiosity of the populace. The road beyond the " Briars " is winding, and presents a great variety of landscape. In one place it sweeps by thick hedges, inclosing fields in which sheep, cattle, and horses are feeding ; in another, it passes through dark masses of fir and pine ; in another, it runs down into a deep ravine ; and in another again, it traverses a plain overshadowed with trees and sprinkled with cottages, looking so neat and prim that one cannot help envying their owners, and wish that he could share with them the de^hts which such charming abodes must afibrd. Not many yards distant from these sylvan residences, lies a dell, shut in by hills, covered with grass and brambles. At the foot of the most lofty hill stands a lonely cottage, sur- rounded by trees — a little beyond the solitary dwelling, among some weeping willows, and two or three melancholy 357 cypress, is the Tomb. The spot is private property, belonging to the widow lady, Mrs. Talbot, who occupies the cottage, and who furnishes visitors with refreshments. There is a poetic eflfusion in the " Visitors' Book," alluding to the circumstance last mentioned : — " There you will find an excellent cheer, Bread and cheese, and ale and beer ; And while Mrs. T. gives bread and butter. Its my intention never to cut her." One end of the iron railing round the Tomb is open for thf> purpose of admitting visitors. The grave remains uncovered, or just as the French left it when they exhumed the body. " Napoleon 's gone ! the Island Tomb No more his corpse contains ; A prince and noble ship have come. And taken his remains." What remained of the original willows planted by the hand of Madame Bertrand around the Tomb, were carried away by Prince Joinville, as well as the slabs that closed the recess in which the coffin was placed. The Tomb is carried only a few feet above the ground, and is utterly devoid of ornament ; nor does it bear any date, name, or inscription. The location is a very appropriate one, but the tomb itself excites our disgust and indignation, for the inference is, that the enemies of Napoleon sought to gratify their animosity after his death, by insulting his remains, than which nothing can be more despi- cable and unmanly. The slabs taken away by Prince Join- ville formed a part of the kitchen-hearth of the house at Longwood ! Mrs. Talbot resided at the cottage while the Emperor was living, and she informed us that the site of the grave was 358 ST. HELENA. chosen by himself. She also pointed out to us the spring near the cottage, which supplied him with water up to the day of his death. One pleasant afternoon while walking through the grounds. Napoleon observed the spring, admired its beautiful pebbly bottom, dipped up some of the water with his hand, and drank it, found it to be delightfully cool, refreshing, and delicious ; he requested that while he lived he might be allowed to obtain all his water from the same spring, and the favor was granted. Mrs. Talbot hinted to us, as she had done before about the refreshments, that it was customary for visitors to purchase some of the water by way of paying her for seeing the Tomb, and we were not slow in taking the hint. Each of us filled a quart bottle with the precious liquid, for which she received several dollars. We had also to satisfy the demands of the garrulous old sergeant who exhibits the Tomb, so that alto- gether it was expensive sight-seeing. The old fellow's account, rattled oiF as it was by him, amused me much, and I took care to write it down on the spot. The following is a correct copy of the original : — " Misters, how d'ye do ? Fine day to see sights, gentlemen. Well, misters, here's the railing round the ground, and there's the paling round the tomb, eight feet deep, six feet long, and three feet wide. Napoleon was buried in three coflBns, one in another — his head was here — his feet was there ; he was dressed in a green coat, white breeches, and jack-boots — beau- tifully polished, with his cocked hat between his legs, and his heart in a silver pot at his feet. All the island Came to the funeral, and the soldiers fired a royal salute. These are not the willers that have been taken away, but I have got some slips from the real tree in (harge of my good woman — will you 859 come and look at them, misters 1 They are the best that can te had, mister. That's a fine one ; yes, indeed, h 'ill grow — stick him in this bottle ; its worth two shillings, any man's money, but you may have it for one. Hum ! thank you, mis- ter, and God bless you, and all like you. This is the spring, and that's the water; here's a mug to taste; oh! it is cool, just as Napoleon used to drink it, when he came here afore he was buried, to play with Madame Bertrand's chil- dren, and read there where the willers used to stand what are gone now, the present time. Here's the Visitors' Book, what they write their names in — here, this way, in the sentry-box — here's the ink, and there's the pen ; please to write your name, all you gentlemen — A-hem ! — ^it is full of poetry in all kinds of lingoes. See, misters, for yourself. I once could read a little, but now I am very old — A-hem ! — Misters, when you got your names in the book — a-hem ! — please give a trifle for showing ; this way, sir. Thank ye, sir — you are fine gentlemen — ^good day." From the Tomb we proceeded to Longwood, which we reached in less than half an hour. The road is good, and occasionally offers pieces of landscape, which are singularly wild and romantic. On our way we passed " Hut's Gate," which for some time was the residence of General Bertrand. At this retired spot Napoleon passed many a pleasant hour in the society of his faithful friend and family. It is stated that he was very fond of the General's children, and frequently joined them in their sports. On reaching the gate at Longwood we were required to pay an admission fee of fifty cents for each person. A retired army officer has obtained a lease of the place from the government, and by his order the entrance fee is demanded before the gate is opened. 360 ST. HELENA Longwood is a long narrow field, interspersed with clumps of firs and gumwood trees. The house in which the ex-Em- peror spent the last years of his strange and varied life, the stables, the fences, everything is sadly neglected, and, ere another quarter of a century passes away, nothing will be left of the scene but a pile of ruins. The house is built of wood, and was once painted green. It has a small trellised porch before the main entrance, is ascended by one or two wooden steps, almost entirely overgrown with moss and grass, and the sides of the building are covered with names, initials, dates, and lines of poetry. Viewed externally, it appears an exten- sive pile, but many of the buildings now seen on the spot were not there during the life of Napoleon; they were brought from the surrounding country, where they had served, for the soldiers stationed there to watch the Emperor and prevent his escape. He was allowed to walk and ride at almost any hour he pleased, but he could not stir without being seen from some of the numerous observation-towers erected on the neighboring hills. About a mile from Long- wood was a large encampment of soldiers. At dusk they mounted guard, and the place was surrounded by sen- tinels. We looked into the rooms; they are small and badly lighted — the wood-work much decayed — the walls scribbled over, and the floors covered with dust and filth. The room in which the Emperor breathed his last is occupied by a huge winnowing machine, and was strewed with chaff and straw. The apartment in which he laid in state after his death, is now used as a stable. The library serves as a hen-house, and we found it filled with chickens and turkeys. His bed-room, like all the rest, is sadly dilapidated, and the window which lighted it is boarded up. Taken altogether, it is a pile of VISIT TO napoleon's TOMB. 361 universal ruin, doomed, as I have before observed, at no distant time to entirely disappear. There are no traces remaining of the gardens, but the little-fish pond is still in tolerable preservation. It is asserted that before the Emperor's own earthly career was closed, all the fishes sickened and died, and that the incident deeply affected him, for he sought amusement in attending them himself, and watching their gambolings. When the last little favorite was gone, he exclarimed, " Yes, everything I love, everything that belongs to me is immediately struck. Heaven and mankind unite to afflict me." Not many paces distant from the crumbling and deserted building we have been describing, may be seen the new resi- dence built for the use of Napoleon. It is constructed of yellow sand-stone, one story in height, and stands on the de- clivity of a gently sloping hill. The house is much larger and more convenient than the old one ; but he took a strong dislike to it, and would never occupy it. The grounds are rather pretty, and the whole is surrounded with a neat stone- wall, surmounted by an iron-railing. It was the sight of these walls and iron-rails that gave the Emperor such disgust for the new residence ; for, he said they would constantly remind him he was a prisoner-of-war. We found the building occu- pied by Lieutenant Smith, of the Artillery, who had charge of the Magnetic Observatory. It may be interesting to add to this description the follow- ing particulars. Napoleon and his suite arrived at St. Helena on the 15th of October, 1815, under charge of Admiral Cock- burn. It is stated the island was first suggested as a suitable place of confinement for the fallen Emperor by the Duke of Wellington, who had been there himself, and was forcibly impressed with its natural strength. C02 ST. HELENA. Immediately the royal captive was delivered over to Sir Hudson Lowe, who was made responsible for his security. This officer received all his orders relative to the treatment of Napoleon from the ministry, and was not allowed to exer- cise any discretion in the execution of them. On the 5th of May, 1821, the great man departed this life; his body was subjected to a post mortem examination, and it was discovered that he died of cancer of the stomach. He expired amidst a tempest of wind and rain. * Dark was the night, and wild the storm. And loud the torrents roar ; And loud the sea was heard to dash Against the distant shore." Many trees were laid prostrate by the storm, and among the rest his favorite willow, beneath whose shade he often sat reading, or wrapt up in meditation. On the 9th of May, he was buried with military honors. It was his dying wish to repose in France. After a lapse of nearly twenty years his request was complied with ; England then gave her consent to his removal, and the frigate " Belle Poule," under the command of Prince Joinville, was dis- patched to St. Helena by the French Government to fulfill the mission. Among the men that accompanied the Prince, were four who were devoted friends of the Emperor, and lived with him in his captivity — Marchand, Gourgaud, Las Casses, and Bertrand. After the coffin was disinterred, it was conveyed to a tent prepared for its reception. There it was opened, and the mortal remains of Napoleon were found unchanged. He seemed asleep, so perfect were all his features. His old friends beheld him there just as they had placed him some ARRIVAL AT NEW YORK. 363 twenty years before ; and it is almost impossible for language to describe their emotion. They kissed the coflSn again and again, and streams of tears flowed down their cheeks. Amid the roar of guns and other martial honors the body was embarked, and on the 18th of October, 1840, the " Belle Poule " weighed her anchors, and sailed for France. On the arrival of the frigate at Brest, the body was con- veyed to Paris, and there reinterred beneath the Tomb of the Invalides. From St. Helena we proceeded to Rio Janiero. Here we remained several days, during which we replenished our stock of water and provisions. Leaving Rio Janeiro, we shaped our course for New York, where we arrived on the 3d of July, after having been absent from home and friends three years and eleven months. APPENDIX. 867 Commercial Regulations, made by the principal Chiefs of the Samoa Group of Islands, after full consideration in Council, on the 5th day of November, 1839. — Printed at Samoa Group of Islands, 1840. Article 1st. All Consuls duly appointed, and received in Samoa, shall be protected, both in their persons and property, and all foreigners obtaining the consent of the government, and conforming to the laws, shall receive the protection of the government. Article 2d. All foreign vessels shall be received into the ports and harbors of Samoa, for the purpose of obtaining supplies, and for commerce ; and with their oflScers and crews, so long as they comply with these regulations, and behave themselves peaceably, shall secure the protection of the Gov- ernment. Article 3d. The fullest protection shall be given to all foreign ships and vessels which may be wrecked ; and any property saved, shall be taken possession of by the Consul of the country to which the vessel belongs, who will allow a sal- vage, or -portion of the property so saved, to those who may aid in saving, and protecting the same, and no embezzlement wi41 be permitted under any circumstances whatever. The eflfects of all persons deceased, shall be given up to the Consul of the nation to which they may have belonged. 368 APPENDIX. Article 4th. Any person guilty of the crime of murder, upon any foreigner, shall be given up without delay to the Commander of any public vessel of the nation, to which the deceased may have belonged, upon his demanding the same. Article 5th. Every vessel shall pay a Port-charge of five dollars, for anchorage and water, before she will be allowed to receive refreshments on board ; and shall pay for pilotage in and out, the sum of seven dollars before she leaves the harbor ; and pilots shall be appointed, subject to the approval of the Consuls. Article 6th. No work shall be done on shore, nor shall any natives be employed on board vessels on the Sabbath day, under a penalty of ten dollars, unless under circumstances of absolute necessity. Article Tth. All trading in spirituous liquors, or landing the same, is strictly forbidden. Any person offending, shall pay a fine of twenty-five dollars, and the vessel to which he belongs shall receive no more refreshments. Any spirituous liquors found on shore shall be seized and destroyed. Article 8th. All deserters from vessels will be appre- hended, and a reward paid, of five dollars, to the person who apprehends him; and three dollars to the Chief of the dis- trict in which he may be apprehended, shall be paid on his delivery to the proper officer of the vessel. No Master shall refuse to receive such deserter, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars. Deserters taken after the vessel has sailed, shall be delivered up to the Consul, to be dealt with as he may think fit. Any person who entices another to desert, or in any way assists him, shall be subject to a penalty of five dollars, or one month's hard labor on the public roads. Article 9th. No Master shall land a passenger without permission of the Government under a penalty of twenty-five APPENDIX. 869 dollars, and no individual shall be permitted to land or reside on the Samoa Group of Islands, without the special permission of the Government. Any one so landing, shall be compelled to leave by the first opportunity. Article 10th. If a sick person be left on shore from any vessel, for the recovery of his health, he shall be placed under charge of the Consul, who shall be responsible for his sick expenses, and will send him away by the first opportunity after his recovery. Article 11th. Any seaman remaining on shore after 9 o'clock at night, shall be made a prisoner until the next morning, when he shall be sent on board, and shall pay a penalty of five dollars. Article 12th. All fines to be paid in specie, or its equi- valent, or be commuted by the Government, at the rate of one month's hard labor on the public roads for five dollars. Article 13th. Should the Master of any vessel refuse to comply with any of these regulations, a statement of the case shall be furnished to the nation, or the Consul of the nation to which he belongs, and redress sought from thence. Article 14th. All Magistrates, or Chiefs of districts, where vessels or boats may visit, shall enforce the rules and regulations relative to the landing of foreigners and appre- hension of deserters, or pay such fine as the Malo shall impose. Article 15th. For carrying into efiect the foregoing rules and regulations, the Chiefs and tula fale of the respec- tive districts, shall meet and elect one of their number to act as Magistrate or Judge, to execute the laws. Article 16th. These regulations shall be printed, pro- mulgated, and a copy furnished to the master of each vessel visiting these Islands. 370 APPENDIX, Similar regulations were adopted by the Fejee Chiefs, omitting the 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, and 15th Articles, and signed by the following chiefs : — » Their Their Ro X TANOA, Ro X MATANABABA, Ro X TUIDREKETI Ro X VEIBALIYAKI, Philips X Cokanauto, Ro X ligalevu, Ro X NAVUNIVALU, Ro X KALAI, Ro X KOROITIUSAVAU, Ro X VAKACOKAI. Ro X QUARANIGIO, Marks. Marks. Done in Council by the principal Kings and Chiefs of the Fejee Group, this 10th day of June, 1840. The foregoing Rules and Regulations having been signed by the Kings and Chiefs in my presence, and submitted to me, I consider them just and proper, and shall forward to the American Govern- ^ment a copy of the same for the information of all masters of vessels visiting the Fejee Group of Islands. (Signed) Charles Wilkes, Commanding U. States Exploring Expedition. U. S. ship " Vincennes," Harbor of Ban, June 10th, 1840. In presence of Wm. L. Hudson, commanding U. S. ship " Peacock,'' Commander Ringgold, commanding U. S. brig " Porpoise,'^ R. R. Waldron, U. S. Navy, B. Vanderford, Pilot. APPENDIX. 371 Names of the persons composing the Expedition to Alta California : — Lieutenant Emmons, Passed Midshipman Eld, Passed Midshipman Colvocoresses, Assistant- Surgeon Whittle, J. R. Peale, Naturalist, J. D. Dana, Geologist, W. R. Rich, Botanist, A. J. Agate, Artist, J. D. Brackenridge, Assistant-Botanist, Sergeant Stearns, Corporal Hughes, Privates Smith and Marsh, Doughty, Sutton, Merzer, and Waltham^ Seamen, Baptist Guardipi, Guide, TiBBATs, Black, Wood, Warfield, Molan, and Inass, Hunters, Mr. Walker and family, emigrating to California, Mr. Barrows, wife and child, do. do. Mr. Nichols, Mrs. Warfield and child. The whole party numbered thirty-nine, with seventy-sjx animals, thirty- two of which were Government property. POPULAR, USEFUL, AND AMUSING PARLEY'S BOOK OF ANIMALS. HoyallSmo. 320 pp. 200 Illustrations. T. S. ABTHUB'S TALES EOS RICH AND POOS. New Improyed Edition. 18mo, cloth. I Keeping up Appearances. lY. Making Haste to be Rich. IL Riches have Wings. V. Debtor and Creditor. m Rising in the World. VI. Retiring from Business. TOUNGPS FIBST LESSONS IN CIVIL GOVERNMENT. With Appendix, containing Parliamentary Rules. 20th Edition, rerised. CALIFORNIA ILLTJSTRATED, Including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua Routes. By J. M. 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