f PAMPHLET I Ctentng antj Js>ertrice for ^eefe Baps REPRINT FROM THE UNION PRAYER BOOK EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS. NEW YORK: BLOCK PUBLISHING CO., SOLE AGENTS. 1913 COPYKIGHT 1895 BY THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS PRESS OF THE PUBLISHERS PRINTING COMPANY, NEW YORK, V. S. A. Evening Service for Canticle. Bless ye the Lord, ye servants of the Lord, who stand in the house of God by night. Lift up your hands unto the Lord and worship Him in holiness. The Lord * T: ^v** ^ '.^ who made heaven and earth will bless thee out of Zion. The Lord will command His loving- kindness by daytime, ppVtT H^'vOI V and at night His song is with me. I call unto the Lord with my voice ; He will answer me from His holy mountain. I have trusted in Thy mercy, my heart rejoices 1 7Tr"UHt^'3 O 1 ? "W* in Thy salvation. I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath dealt bounti- fully with me. 3 4 EVENING SERVICE Responsive Reading. Minister. T T EAR me, when I call, God of my righteous- * ness ! Thou hast helped me, when I was in distress. Congregation. Truly my soul resteth on God alone ; from Him cometh my salvation. Trust in Him at all times, ye people ; pour out your heart before Him ; God is our refuge* Hear the righteous cause, O Lord ; attend to my cry ; give ear to my prayer from lips without deceit. May my sentence come forth from Thy presence; may Thine eyes behold uprightness. Probest Thou my heart, visitest Thou me in the night, triest Thou me like gold, mayest Thou find nothing evil. My thoughts do not vary from my lips, as to the deeds of men. Through Thy word I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. Support my steps in Thy paths, that my foot may not slip. I call upon Thee, God ! for Thou wilt hear me ; incline Thine ear to me, and listen to my prayer. Show forth Thy loving-kindness, Thou that savest by Thy right hand, those that seek refuge in Thee from their adversaries. FOP. WEEK-DAYS. O Guard me as the apple of the eye ; hide me under the shadow of Thy wings. Stand in awe, and sin no more ; commune with your hearts upon your beds, and be at peace. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. There are many that say, who will show us any good? Lord, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us. Thou puttest gladness in my heart, more than when corn and wine increase. I will lay me down in peace, and sleep ; for Thou, O Lord, makest me dwell in safety. The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He reviveth my soul; He leadeth me in paths of safety, for His name's sake. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy stay and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil ; my cup runneth over, surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 6 EVENING SERVICE (Congregation standing.; Minister : Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due t Congregation : Praised be the Lord from this time forth and forever (Congregation sitting.) Minister : pRAISE be unto Thee, O Eternal, Ruler of the * world, at whose word the shades of evening fall, and by whose will the gates of morn are opened. Thy wisdom established the changes of times and seasons, and ordered the ways of the stars in their heavenly courses. Creator of day and night, Lord of hosts is Thy name. Thou, ever-living God, wilt rule over us forever. Praise be unto Thee, God, for the day and its work and for the night and its rest. Infinite as is Thy power, even so is Thy love. Thou didst manifest it unto Israel, Thy servant. By laws and commandments, by statutes and ordi- nances hast Thou led us into the way of righteous- ness and brought us to the light of truth. Therefore, at our lying down and our rising up, we meditate on Thy teachings and, at all times, rejoice in Tny laws. In them is true life and length of days. Praise be to Thee, O God who hast revealed Thy love unto Israel. FOR WEEK-DAYS. (Congregation standing.) Minister : Congregation : (Congregation sitting.) Minister : naia "KPN . o'Tiyn ^f?o wrf?N' row v -: T ^ r | v |v |" v: T: T - ' nniD - " mm ron** T T : |~ T *?r '-n 1 iJitf D'ps'pi Drr : T: T :(T n nn nnn . njn D : - T: T - | T *YT T ^ : |- n on 5 .njn D'piy 1 ? ^pivwi sjjpwi H?"? 001* mm onai .n>or . : IT T T v : V v T |"T | v I 8 EVENING SERVICE (Congregation standing.) Minister and Congregation : Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His glorious name forever and ever. (Congregation sitting.) Minister : shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them dili- gently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittestin thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Bind them as a sign upon thy hand, and let them be as frontlets between thine eyes. Write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates. To the end that ye may remember to do according to all my commandments and your life be hal- lowed unto the Lord. I am the Lord your God. Congregation : He hath told thee, O man, what is good ; what the Lord doth require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, I am the Lord. FOR WEEK-DAYS. (Congregation standing.) Minister and Congregation nin wfr rnrr (Congregation sitting.) Minister : Dnj*Tn vm rr-ni ? on)|j^ : t npn roDio DQ^'D Congregation : "11 nin nisi . nrj-np DiNt T-irr 10 EVENING SERVICE Responsive Reading. Minister. PATERNAL truth is Thy word unto us: Thou * ' alone art our God, there is none else beside. Congregation. And through Thy power alone has Israel been redeemed from the power of tyrants. Wonders without number hast Thou wrought for us, and hast graciously protected us to this day. Thou hast preserved our soul unto life, and hast not suffered our feet to stumble. Thy love has watched over us in the night of oppres- sion, and Thy mercy has sustained us in the hour of trial. And now that we live in a land of freedom and jus- tice, may we continue to be faithful to Thee and Thy word. May Thy love rule over all Thy children, and Thy truth unite them in the bonds of fellowship. Let the righteous of all nations rejoice in Thy grace, and exult in Thy justice. O God, Thou art our refuge and our hope: we glorify Thy name now, as did our fathers in the ancient days : Minister and Congregation : Who is like unto Thee, O God, among the mighty ? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, ex- tolled in praises, working wonders ? The Lord reigneth for ever and ever. FOR WEEK DAYS 11 Responsive Reading or Chanting: .D'3^0 TO . . pi< ,D\TO nini .onyq? Dp; i; 5 ? : ori j? otr 1 ? nim ina^' .iniia^ vj3 ; : ' r : T r ^?i rwn .orr^j; i^sp : 0^3 now- ..131 nnoir3 T : r : T ; " ; Minister and Congregation : T : *r Minister : *? nr , " v Congregation 12 EVENING SERVICE Minister : As Thou hast redeemed Israel and saved him from arms stronger than his, so mayest Thou send redemption to all people who are oppressed and persecuted, and grant them the blessings of liberty, of justice and of peace. Congregation : Amen. Minister: INTERNAL, our God, and God of our fathers, *-' Almighty Ruler of the universe, who renderest just reward unto all Thy creatures, eternal is Thy love, as Thy might is infinite. Thou sustainest in mercy the living, Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick, freest the imprisoned, and fulfilest Thy gracious promise of immortal life to those who sleep in the dust. Blessed art Thou, God, perfect in justice and holiness. Heavenly Father, who graciously bestowest knowl- edge on man and endowest him with reason, be pleased to send us the light of Thy truth that we may gain an ever clearer insight into the wis- dom of Thy ways. Banish from our hearts every de- sire and thought of evil, that we may truly reverence Thy holy name. Forgive us our sins, pardon our failings, and remove from us suffering and sorrow. May the erring and the wayward be led to know Thy loving-kindness, and to serve Thee in newness of heart; and may those who love virtue and do the right, ever be glad in Thy favor. Bless our land with FOR WEEK DAYS Minister : prn TO f?N;n aprvw rrirr ma D I <" T ' - T ' I ";" " T TT " V Congregation A men wrN nnx TITO r ... T . T . | n:i . npnn irio : tiny rr Congregation ; A men wfttf? ID^OI .nyi DTN^ pin nr v:v " - : ^- - T T : I" T 1:00 "om Aft ^ro n^o .? T |Y T : .nj; 5 n^iy j nnx *D vi my 'rp ^yi mis 14 EVENING SERVICE plenty, and our nation with peace ; may righteousness dwell in our midst and virtue reign among us. Thou, who knowest our needs before we utter them, and ordainest all things for the best, in Thee do we forever put our trust. Congregation : Amen. Silent Prayer: RANT, heavenly Father, that we lie down for our nightly rest with a quiet mind, and rise again in the morning in health and strength, to take up the duties of the new day. May Thy protection be a shield around our homes during our sleeping hours. Preserve us from evil occurrences, from the sword of the foe, from civil troubles, from pestilence, famine and destruction. May we put aside all our cares and surrender our lives and the lives of our loved ones into Thy keeping. May we readily forgive those who wronged us, and seek forgiveness of those whom we have wronged. So shall Thy blessing attend the closing and the opening days, and Thy peace, O God, abide within us. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, Lord, my strength and my redeemer. FOR WEEK-DAYS 15 73frj *&?% oirn Din .irn^ u'rip ypt? pirai 0* .nnx r |r yole> " "I" T: Silent Prayer : 3 pm .^o^" i^p? i^^'im .^s^p roio iom ioi^i : nriN oimi p:n rj 1 nn^.p 01^1 T T:T nin : - :T : |- : T . nni /rr to traj ITS - - T: T rrir :o:win np. . nrnx 16 EVENING SERVICE ADORATION. (Congregation standing.) Minister: T ET us adore the ever-living God, and render *-' praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world : He is our God, and there is none else. We bow our head and bend our knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, the Ever-blest. Choir and Congregation: DHIOI D'lnnqi DT (Congregation sitting.) Minister : TV /T AY the time not be distant, O God, when Thy ^*~ name shall be worshiped over all the earth, when unbelief shall disappear and error be no more. We fervently pray that the day may come upon which all men shall invoke Thy name, when corrup- tion and evil shall give way to purity and goodness ; when superstition shall no longer enslave the minds, nor idolatry blind the eyes, when all inhabitants of the earth shall perceive that to Thee alone every FOR WEEK DAYS. 17 knee must bend and every tongue give homage. may all, created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, so that they, one in spirit and one in fellowship, may be forever united before Thee. Then shall Thy kingdom be established on earth, and the word of Thine ancient seer be fulfilled : The Eternal alone shall rule forever and aye. Congregation : On that day the Eternal shall be One, and His name shall be One. Minister : T3EFORE we separate, we remember those who *-* have finished their earthly course and have been gathered to the eternal home. Though vanished from bodily sight, they have not ceased to be, and it is well with them ; they dwell in safety with the everlasting Spirit. Let those who mourn for them be comforted. Let them submit their aching hearts to God and truly believe that He is just and wise and merciful in all His doings, though no man can comprehend His ways. In the divine order of nature both life and death, joy and sorrow, serve beneficent ends, and in the fulness of time we shall know why we are tried, and why our love brings us sorrows as well as happiness. Wait patiently all ye that mourn, and be ye of good courage; for surely your longing souls shall be satisfied. Rise, now, and in submission to God's inscrutable will, hallow His name, saying : 18 EVENING SERVICE (The mourners standing and speaking with the Minister.) PXTOLLED and hallowed be the name of God *-' throughout the world which He has created, and which He governs according to His righteous will. Just is He in all His ways, and wise are all His decrees. May His kingdom come, and His will be done in all the earth. Congregation : Blessed be the Lord of life and righteous Judge for evermore. Minister : To the departed whom we now remember, may peace and bliss be granted in the world of eternal life. There may they find grace and mercy before the Lord of heaven and earth. May their souls rejoice in that ineffable good which God has laid up for those that fear Him, and may their memory be a blessing unto those that cherish it. Congregation : Amen. Minister : May the Father of peace send peace to all troubled souls, and comfort all the bereaved among us. Congregation : Amen. FOR WEEK DAYS. 19 fjhe mourners standing and speaking with the Minister.) H No^n .sen notf pipm "run* T : ^T : T - -(-;: - now .mp pni ^ya . : : 'I T I ~ : T -r~-: ~ Congregation : Minister : frm DDitnn -: n2srn .NnTtri xronn p x T T : : '-. T T : T T : T I T y : now . T : : T : ^T : I T ~: ~ T T T vt NDW?irf7Nn. ^n^Ni nm;ro r-rrr KD^ T T ; I s " : T T v: v : I T T : ^T morn /HNI NO*?^ w rf? ^ '~ D?m Di nis^r (*> T v ^-:- 20 EVENING SERVICE. Minister : pRESERVE me, O God, for to Thee do I look for help. I have said to the Lord, Thou art my God ; I have no happiness beyond Thee. The holy that are in the land, and the excellent, in them is my delight. They who hasten after false gods have multiplied sorrows. The Lord is my portion and my cup ; Thou wilt maintain my lot. My portion has fallen to me in pleasant places ; yea, I have a goodly inheritance. I will bless the Lord who careth for me ; yea, in the night my heart admonisheth me. I set the Lord before me at all times ; since He is at my right hand, I shall not fall. Therefore my heart is glad, and my spirit rejoiceth ; yea, my flesh dwelleth in security. Thou wilt show me the path of life ; in Thy pres- ence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand are pleasures evermore. [Psalm xvi.l Benediction: The Lord will give His angels charge to guard thee on all thy ways. May the Lord bless our going out and our coming in, from ibis time forth, even forever. Amen. Evening Service at the Ifoouse of Minister : TN whatever place I will cause my name to be * mentioned I will come to thee and bless thee. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon Him; that call upon Him in truth. Offer unto God the sacrifices of righteousness; call upon Him in the day of trouble, and He will deliver thee.. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. Thus saith the Lord, the High and Holy One: I dwell in the high and holy place, yet with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit; to revive the spirit of the humble and to quicken the heart of the contrite. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord, who shall stand in his holy place ? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart ; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing of the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 21 22 EVENING SERVICE AT Responsive Reading : Minister. "OLESS the Lord, my soul, and all that is *-* within me, bless His holy name. Congregation. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. Who forgiveth thine iniquities ; who healeth all thy diseases ; Who redeemeth thy life from the grave ; who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and ten- der mercies. The Lord is merciful and kind, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He hath not dealt with us according to our sins, nor requited us according to our ini- quities. As high as are the heavens above the earth, so great is His mercy to them that fear Him. And as far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame, He remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass ; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. The wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and its place shall know it no more. THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. 23 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, and His righteousness to chil- dren's children. The Lord hath established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom ruleth over all. Bless the Lord, all ye His hosts; ye, His minis- ters, who do His pleasure. Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, my soul ! May the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble : may His love defend thee. He will send thee help from His sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion. May He have regard to all thy offerings, and accept thy sacrifice. He will grant thy heart'? desire, and fulfil all thy purposes, For Thou, Lord, art a God full of compassion and kindness, long-suffering, rich in mercy and truth- Show me a token for good ; because Thou, Lord, helpest and comfortest me. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will I hope in Him. It is good for man to wait patiently for the salva- tion of God. Let us search our hearts and prove our ways, and let us turn to Him, whose compassion fatleth never. 24 EVENING SERVICE AT Meditation : OD is nigh to all that call upon Him in truth ; He answereth those that wait for Him, and sendeth light and rest to the longing heart. Every reverent thought is a blessing ; every act of homage prompted by our sense of His greatness is a bene- diction; no true prayer remains unrewarded. But the purest offering is that prayer which springs from our sympathy with the afflicted and our compassion with the sorrowing and bereaved. For it is free from all selfish motives ; it is inspired by the love of our fellowmen and sanctified by our pity with the suffering. Whilst we are assembled with our friends in the shadow that has fallen on their home, and are entering sincerely into their grief, we will raise our voices together in prayer to the Father above, be- seeching for them His comfort and His strength. They need light in the gloom that has gathered around their hearth ; and whence can it come to them but from the Father of Light? They need fortitude, patience and resignation under the chas- tenings of the Lord. Whence can they receive these gifts save from Him who has laid the burden of suffering on them? Who amongst us has not passed through similar trials and endured like visit- ations ? Some bear fresh wounds in their own hearts, and therefore feel more keenly ths human kin- ship of sorrow. Others whose days of trial are more remote, but who have not yet forgotten them, recall the soothing comfort that fellow-feeling brought to THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. 25 their broken spirits. And those who have not yet tasted of the bitter cup cannot know how soon they may be called upon to drink of it. We are travelers on the same road which leads to the same goal. All that we prize most highly is but lent to us for a time, and we must surrender it when the Power above demands. May we not leave unheeded the lessons which every house of mourning teaches : Number well thy earthly days, Let thy heart to wisdom turn ; Riches go not with us hence. Worldly honors stay behind ; Practice virtue, walk upright, Blissful shall thy end then be. For God regards His servant's soul, Forsaketh not who trusts in Him ! "In the day of prosperity be joyful ; but in the day of adversity consider : God has set the one day over against the other : He has made this as well as that, and no man can find out what follows after it." Ecdesiastes vii, 14- "What? Shall we receive the good at God's hand and shall we not receive evil." The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away; let the name of the Lord be praised forever and aye. Congregation. Amen. 26 EVENING SERVICE AT (Congregation standing.) Minister : Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due ! Congregation : Praised be the Lord from this time forth and forever. (Congregation sitting Minister : pRAISE be unto Thee, O Eternal, Ruler of the *- world, at whose word the shades of evening fall, and by whose will the gates of morn are opened. Thy wisdom established the changes of times and seasons, and ordered the ways of the stars in their heavenly courses. Creator of day and night, Lord of hosts is Thy name. Thou, ever-living God, wilt rule over us forever. Praise be unto Thee, O God, for the day and its work and for the night and its rest. Infinite as is Thy power, even so is Thy love. Thou didst manifest it unto Israel, Thy servant. By laws and commandments, by statutes and ordi- nances hast Thou led us into the way of righteous- ness and brought us to the light of truth. Therefore, at our lying down and our rising up we meditate on Thy teachings and, at all times, rejoice in Thy laws. In them is true life and length of days. O that Thy love may never depart from our hearts. Praise be to Thee, O God, who hast revealed Thy love unto Israel. THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. 27 (Congregation standing.) Minister : JIN i3 Congregation : (Congregation sitting.) Minister : iipii . D|0n 01' Ki.13 . no' Ton opi >n T T| -: T : T: ; p ^ . nip 1 ? ijni^ D^a^pi o'prr n i on .ny?i oov mrri 0.131 .iyp TIKI T : IT T T v v v T FT | v I : 28 EVENING SERVICE AT (Congregation standing.) Minister and Congregation : Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His glorious name forever and ever. (Congregation sitting.) Minister : T^HOU shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy *- heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them dili- gently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittestin thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Bind them as a sign upon thy hand, and let them be as frontlets between thine eyes. Write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates. To the end that ye may remember to do according to all my commandments and your life be hal- lowed unto the Lord. I am the Lord your God. Congregation : He hath told thee, O man, what is good ; what the Lord doth require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, I am the Lord. THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. 29 (Congregation standing.) Minister and Congregation : nn zyh in'o'D -rd? otr (Congregation sitting.) Minister: DN Dnyjrr vni : 01*0 sy nsb'.vrn . onnnpi r Congregation : nin noi . 3io-no -ipn : nirr 30 EVENIKG SERVICE AT Minister : T^TERNAL, our God, and God of our Others, *** Almighty Ruler of the universe, who renderest just reward unto all Thy creatures ; eternal is Thy love, as Thy might is infinite. Thou sustainest in mercy the living, Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick, freest the imprisoned, and fulfilest Thy gracious promise of immortal life to those who sleep in the dust. Blessed art Thou, God, perfect in justice and holiness. Congregation : Amen. In Thy mercy, O God, hear our prayers and be near us when we call upon Thee in the sorrow of our hearts. May the thought of Thine infinite love bring comfort and consolation to all those who mourn. For Thou alone canst heal our wounds and dry our tears. Help us and we shall be helped, heal us and we shall be healed ; for Thou alone art our true helper ; from Thee comes healing of all our ailments and consolation in our sorrows. Congregation : Amen. Silent Prayer: TN the night of sorrow we turn to Thee, O God, * who dwellest with the contrite of heart. At Thy command we have bedded to rest one to whom we clung with all the fibers of our being. Spread over him (her) the sheltering booth of Thy peace. We would not murmur at Thy inscrutable THE HOUSE QF MOURNING. 31 .prnr .: p{0 DW poip .f?# Ti .o^sti IDID .ipna o w n ooi Congregation run DIN 1 ? pin 1" T T : I "7101 .^pni ^n ni .i: Sni ppn Dnn dnv in^n . : npisn niv 20 ^VQI mi9 IT ' T T ... Congregation : Amen. nni nrr : 32 EVENING SERVICE AT decree, but pray Thee for strength to bear what Thou hast put on us. Where can we find sup- port but in Thee? Let us lie down in peace, though our hearts are sorely rent: let, in the night which enshrouds us now, Thy light shine upon us, that we may still find the path of life, and willingly pursue it to the goal which Thou ap- pointest to each of Thy children. We know that every night has its morning : that after the hours of darkness come again the hours of daylight. Grant that we,too,may rise again to do our allotted tasks in peace of soul ; that we, too, may remember that the seed, oft sown in tears, ripens into a harvest to be gathered in joy. We thank Thee for the life which in Thy love Thou hast given, and in Thy wisdom hast taken away. Make us to know Thy ways, that in our love we triumph over selfish woe and grief. Blessed art Thou who lowerest into the grave, but bringest up again, who woundest, and bindest up. Let the balm of Thy assurance be distilled into our troubled spirits, that athwart our tears may arch the rainbow of Thy eternal promise. Praise be to Thee, God, who comfortest the mourners. Amen. THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. 33 rop dTjpp v^ona :ni.v iripn .^ N pnv o ,:$<# nip 1:2 IP ;n^?f rr ; u^jj jj^ ^ W rw -w^rr .n?^ 19^4 ^^ 3 ifi na HD^I .D*n rn> Niy np n'j^D 1 ? o i^;- '01* -n ^^i nyp? avis? .u*39 ^. IQ^D-^^P njjyi ; nni nnx ^in? : rixpn nfi? n^Di3 D^i1trr Congregation : Amen. 34 EVENING SERVICE Silent Prayer: \\J~E remember that we are only pilgrims upon this earth; that it is our duty to walk in Thy ways, to do what is good in Thy sight, to keep our souls pure from sin; and when Thou callest us hence, attain that reward which is prepared for those who have earnestly striven to live in accordance with Thy will. To Thee we look for comfort and strength when one of our beloved is taken from us, and a link broken in the chain of love that binds us together in family union. And when our time conies to walk into the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil, for Thou art with us in death as in life, here and hereafter. Blessed be Thou, O Eternal, our God. in all Thy dispensations; and hallowed shall be Thy name, whatsoever Thou mayest send us. Minister and Congregation: May the words of our lips and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, O God, our Strength and our Deliverer. Thou who pre- servest peace in the heavenly spheres, grant it to us and to all who invoke Thy holy name. Amen. (Adoration and Kaddish page 16.) Service foe Silent Prayers: TV yTY voice wilt Thou hear in the morning-, I will **-* direct my prayer unto Thee and look up to Thee. Satisfy us early with Thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. This I reply to my heart, therefore have I hope, that the mercies of God have not ceased, that His compassion is not ended ; they are new every morn- ing, His faithfulness is everlasting. Hear my cry, O God, attend to my prayer, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Blessed be the God who daily loadeth us with benefits. God, Thou art my God; earnestly do I seek Thee; my soul longeth for Thee, as in a dry, thirsty land. I look toward Thee in Thy sanctuary, to behold Thy power and Thy glory. For Thy loving- kindness is better than life ; therefore my lips shall praise Thee. 1 will praise the Lord as long as I live ; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. 36 MORNING SERVICE My God, the soul which Thou hast given unto me came pure from Thy hands. Thou hast created it; Thou hast formed it; Thou hast breathed it into me ; Thou hast preserved it in this body and, at the appointed time, Thou wilt take it from this earth that it may enter upon the life everlasting. While the soul animates my being I will worship Thee, Sovereign of the world and Lord of all souls. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, in whose hands are the souls of all the living and the spirts of all flesh. May it please Thee to lead us in the way of Thy law, that our hearts may cleave to Thy command- ments. O suffer us not to fall into the power of sin and transgression, help us to overcomo temptation and save us from contempt of Thy ordinances. May Thy good spirit within us always prompt us to do the works of goodness. May not wicked men be our associates, but may we have fellowship with the righteous and the wise who serve Thee in purity of heart. And when we have gone astray and done amiss, may Thine admonitions bring us back to Thee and restore to us the joy of a peaceful conscience. May we live through this day and all the days of our pilgrimage as it behooves those to whom Thou hast revealed the holiness of Thy being and the righteousness of Thy law. FOR WEEK DAYS 37 nrw< ,Nrn rnintp .a OP^ n ?p'i j /r ^ nnisn '3")p3 rnpato nnxi .nrnv nnx .nnx-p ?? : T]ii3;> ND:J ^D 1 ? nrrtrn 1 ? ODD rte 5 ? -rnj; p^n^' for *; nnx rjnn Congregation .- Amen vfjao .t?n T* jnrr ny us D'n TNI .?ia T*? ~ ~ T v|" TV:' r onpn ^pU ;* nnN T]ii3 : 0*510 onprr :vnin. Congregation : Amen. 38 MORNING SERVICE Minister: *"pHOU, God, wast ere the world was created, * and Thou hast been the same since it has been created. Thou art the same in this world as in the world to come. Though all things change and pass away, Thou changest not, and Thy years have no end. that all the inhabitants of the earth might perceive and understand that Thou art God, Thou alone, and that Thine is the dominion over all the kingdoms of the earth. Which among the works of Thy hands above or below can say unto Thee: What doest Thou? Our Father, who art in heaven, deal graciously with us for the sake of Thy great mercy and go not into judgment with Thy servants. Shouldest Thou visit upon us all our sins, Lord, who would be able to stand before Thee, seeing that there is no man that doeth the good always and sinneth not? But there is for- giveness with Thee and long-suffering, and Thou receivest in mercy those who turn to Thee with a repentant heart and earnestly strive to sin not again. Grant us Thy peace, God, that we and all our brethren may indeed sanctify Thy name, and in word and deed glorify Thy memorial in every land whither Thou hast led us. *- Choir : Amen. RESPONSIVE READINGS. (One selection to be read at each service.) FOR WEEK-DAYS 39 ana; N' -# Kin .rrrrr Diya Kin nnx . nrsNi. ppjo Kin nriN ,*an D*?I^? T - T - T ^ T pNn-nN*i DWrrnN rf&y nnx : pNrr- v I v |T T : |- T - T T r - I V[T T oi .oa ' nx tr'ipD ** nn rrna n^ip rraint .v "I - : T: T - | T I' :| --;-: .ninat^'na T | v I v T: , T - .rra njra iniarr .nix^rr IIN .nitninrr . . . . _ n rr zr : Amen. RESPONSIVE READING. (One selection to be read at each service.' 40 MORNING SERVICE Responsive Readings : I. Minister. "OLESSED be He who hath created day and night, *-* and hath suffered us to see this morning. Congregation. Blessed be He who hath given us freedom, that we may serve Him with a willing heart. Blessed be He whose will ruleth over all, and or- daineth our lot as is meet in his wisdom. Blessed be He who hath opened pur eyes to the truth, and gave us the knowledge of His love. Blessed be He who raiseth those that are bowed down ; and is nigh to those who are of a humble spirit. Blessed be He who ordaineth the steps of man, and giveth strength to the weary and vigor to the feeble. Blessed be He who has endowed Israel with power to endure trials and to remain faithful to His covenant. From the rising of the sun even unto the going down thereof the Lord's name shall be praised. We will praise Him in the morning, and in the night time His song shall still be with us. Choir : Blessed be the Lord of Israel who alone doth won- drous things , the whole earth is full of His glory. Hallelujah. (Turn to page 48.) Minister. FOR WEEK-DAYS 41 II. (Psalm xix.) PHE heavens declare the glory of God ; the firmament showeth forth the work of His hands. Congregation. Day uttereth instruction unto day, and night showeth knowledge unto night. There is no speech nor language, and their voice is not heard; Yet their sound goeth forth to all the earth; and their words to the ends of the world. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul ; The precepts of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart ; The commandments of the Lord are pure, en- lightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More precious are they than gold ; yea, than much fine gold ; sweeter than honey and the honey- comb. By them also is thy servant warned, and in keep- ing of them there is great reward. Who knoweth his own errors ? O cleanse Thou me from secret faults. 42 MORNING SERVICE Keep back also thy servant from presumptuous sins ; let them not have dominion over me. Then shall I be upright and free from great trans- gression. Choir : May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. (Tarn to page 48). III. Minister. GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever. Congregation. Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? "Who can show forth His praise? Blessed are they that keep judgment, that do righteousness at all times. Remember us, O Lord, with Thy favor, visit us with Thy salvation; That we may see the good of Thy servants, and re- joice with the gladness of Thy people. All nations shall come and worship before Thee, they shall glorify Thy name. Surely, His salvation is nigh to them that fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth shall meet together, righteous- ness and peace shall kiss each other. FOR WEEK-DAYS. 43 Truth shall spring out of the earth and justice look down from heaven. Show us Thy mercy, God, and let peace dwell in our land. ANTHEM. (Turn to page 43.) IV. Minister. OW lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts I Congregation. My soul longeth, yea, fainteth, for the courts of the Lord ; My heart and my flesh cry aloud for the living God. Happy are they who dwell in Thy house, they will continually praise Thee. Happy are they whose glory is in Thee, in whose hearts are Thy ways. Who go on from strength to strength ; every one of them appeareth before God. For the Lord God is a sun and a shield ; the Lord giveth grace and glory ; No good thing doth He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, happy the man who trusteth in Thee. ANTHEM. (Turn to page 48.) 44 MORNING SERVICE V. Minister. 1 WILL bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Congregation. In the Lord doth my soul boast ; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and de- livered me from my fears. Look up to Him, and ye shall have light; your faces shall never be ashamed. This afflicted man cried, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all his troubles. The angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear Him, and deliver them. taste and see how good is the Lord; happy the man who trusteth in Him. fear the Lord, ye His servants, for to those who fear Him there shall be no want. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. The Lord is near to them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. Choir : The Lord redeemeth the life of His servants, and none that put their trust in Hun shall be condemned. (Turn to page 48.) FOR WEEK-DAYS. 45 VI. Minister. TV/TARVELOUS things of the Lord, our God, *** have we heard, and our fathers have told us. Congregation. Repeat to their children His ancient praise, that the generations may set their hope in God. They that trust in the Lord shall be as His holy hill, which cannot be removed. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord encompasseth them for ever. The secret of "the Lord is with them that fear Him; in the time of trouble He hideth them in His pavilion. In the daytime He leadeth them with a cloud, and in the night with a light of fire. Though they fall, they shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholdeth them with His arm. They shall not be afraid of evil tidings, for their times are in His hands. Because their heart is not haughty, nor their eyes lofty, and they are quiet as a weaned child ; Therefore He lifteth them up and girdeth them with might, though they know it not. Commit thy way unto the Lord, wait patiently for Him, and thou shalt never be forsaken ; He will draw thee out of the dark waters and show thee the path of life. Who is among you that feareth the Lord, yet walk- eth in darkness, and hath no light ? 46 MORNING SERVICE Let him surely trust in the Lord and stay upon his God. Lift up your eyes to the heavena and look upon the earth beneath; The heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment ; And they that dwell therein shall die in like manner ; But the salvation of the Lord shall be for ever, and His righteousness shall not fail. ANTHEM. (Turn to page 48.) VII. Minister. "DLESSED is the nation whose God is the Lord ; the people He hath chosen for His inheri- tance. Congregation. Open ye the gates that the righteous nation may enter in. For when the righteous bear sway,the people rejoice; but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn. Woe to thee, land, when equity can not enter, when judgment is turned backward; Blessed art thou, O land, when thy law is not slackened ; When thou makest thy rulers Righteousness, and thine officers Peace ; FOR WEEK-DAYS. 47 When each despiseth the gain of oppression, and shaketh his hands from holding bribes; And respecteth not the person of the poor, nor honoreth the person of the mighty; But in righteousness serveth the people, and es- tablisheth true judgment in the gates. Then shall violence be no more heard in thy land, nor wasting and destruction within thy borders. Then shall justice roll down as waters, and right- eousness as a mighty stieam. And thou shalt call thy walls Salvation and thy gates Praise. For righteousness exalteth a nation and injustice is a reproach to the people; And in righteousness hath the Lord called thee and given thee for a light to the nations. O God, we have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us, what works Thou didst in their days, and in the times before them. Our lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly heritage. give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever. ANTHEM. (Turn to page 48.) 48 MORNING SERVICE (Congregation standing.) Minister : Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due ! Choir and Congregation: Praised be the Lord from this time forth and forever. (Congregation sitting.) Minister : pRAISE be to Thee, Lord, our God, Ruler of the * world, who in Thy mercy causest light to shine over the caith and all its inhabitants, and daily re- newest the works of creation. How manifold are Thy works, Eternal ; in wisdom hast Thou made them all ; the earth is full of Thy possessions. The heavens declare Thy glory and the firmament showeth Thy handiwork. Thou formest light and darkness, ordainest good out of evil, and bringest harmony into nature, and peace to the heart of man. With love abounding hast Thou guided us, O our God, and with great compassion hast Thou borne with us. Because our fathers believed and trusted in Thee, therefore hast Thou taught them the laws of life, and shown them the way of wisdom. We be- seech Thee, merciful Father, to grant us discernment, that we may understand and fulfil all the teachings of Thy word. Make us gladly obedient to Thy com- mandments and fill our hearts with love and rever- ence for Thee. In Thee we put our trust ; we rejoice and delight in Thy help ; for with Thee alone is sal- vation. Thou hast called us as the teachers of Thy law ; Thou hast chosen us for a holy mission FOR WEEK-DAYS. 49 (Congregation standing.) Minister : 1313 Choir and Congregation : (Congregation sitting.) Minister : jjpg wrfti* nn rpi3 10131 D1W rrfety , no : H03H3 n^on . wrfrN ^ i^n3n nsi T : V I" v: T: IT : - ~: T - T -: - . 1^0 137$ n^jj n^prr ninn p. ST T CT : IT T rrnx nijn? ris , 50 MORNING SERVICE unto mankind ; therefore do we joyfully lift up our voices and proclaim Thy unity. Blessed be Thou, O God, who hast revealed Thy truth through Israel. (Congregation standing.) Minister, then Choir and Congregation : Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be His glorious name forever and ever. (Congregation. sitting.) Minister : ""PHOU shalt love the Lord, Thy God, with all thy * heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligent- ly unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house,when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Bind them as a sign upon thy hand, and let them be as frontlets between thine eyes. Write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates. To the end that ye may remember and do all my commandments and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord your God. Congregation : He hath told thee, O man, what is good ; what the Lord doth require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, I am the Lord. FOR WEEK-DAYS. 51 3 rfrp 'Ti'un :pe^ uroipi rnna 1:51 nriN Tina * nan^a rnn^i ^ nmn 1 ? T: T - |T T -; - : | : v - : I : : (Congregation standing.) Minister, then Choir and Congregation : nirr wrN nirr TV T : |" v: T : njn 0*713^7 inia^o 11^3 otr ^.T T ^ : : - (Congregation sitting.) Minister : n^ nani T : I : T : T : I |v v: T: T : - T : onnnn vm j ^*7 Dn^^'i : riDn'?- 1 ?^ DIM - ~ |v T : T : - : | |VT vm . T' ni orwi : - : ^^. pa Congregation : nin noi . aiD - no npn 52 MORNING SERVICE Responsive Reading or Chanting: Minister. n^RUTH eternal and unchanging is Thy word which Thou hast spoken through Thy pro- phets. Congregation. Thou art the living God, Thy words bring life and light to the soul. Thou art the strength of our life, the rock of our salvation ; Thy kingdom and Thy truth abide for ever. Thou hast been the help of our fathers in time of trouble ; and art our refuge in all generations. Thou humblest the proud and liftest up the lowly; Thou deliverest the contrite of heart when they call upon Thee. Happy the man who hearkeneth to Thy com- mandments and layeth to heart the teachings of Thy word. Thou art the first and the last, and besides Thee there is no redeemer and helper. As Thou hast saved Israel from Egyptian bondage, so mayest Thou send Thy help to all who are oppressed. May Thy love descend upon all Thy children, and Thy truth unite them in the bonds of fellowship. May the righteous of all nations rejoice in Thy power and exult in Thy grace. God. who art our refuge and our hope, we glorify Thy name now, as did our fathers in ancient days. FOR WEEK-DAYS 53 Responsive Reading or Chanting: pa .crp. wi o;p. Ntin -vrn Tin 1 ? :no*. pinx ton nnN} -ptr'Ni Kin nnx DHJJS; rvapi .w'p?^ 7 : iJp?^ or? ' n^r 54 MORNING SERVICE Choir: Who is like unto Thee, God, among the mighty ? Who can be compared unto Thee in holiness, in awe-inspiring power, in deeds of wonder ? The Lord will reign for ever and ever. Minister : O Rock of Israel, be pleased to redeem those that are oppressed, and deliver those that are persecuted. Praise be unto Thee, our redeemer, the holy One of Israel. Congregation : Amen. pRAISE be to Thee, Eternal, our God, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the great, mighty and most high God. Thou bestowest loving-kindness upon all Thy creatures; Thou re- memberest the goodness of the fathers, and Thou sendest redemption to their descendants for the sake of Thy name. Thou art our help, our redeemer and protector. Praise be to Thee, O God, shield of Abraham. Thou art mighty, O Lord ; Thine is the power to save. In Thy kindness Thou sustainest the living, upholdest the falling, healest the sick, and settest captives free. Thou wilt, of a surety, fulfil Thy promise of immortal life unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto Thee, Almighty, author of life and death, source of salvation. Praise be to Thee, God, who hast implanted within us immor- tal life. FOR WEEK DAYS 55 Choir and Congregation : ,-093 >p . o nn^ T T: T - nr .r Minister : noi onpn nn lain .*?bn : on"OK po nn^ T T : - I" T T: T - .o^irr -nDn oi .niiiaj ^a nioa D nsj; u tr' T '. I : ^- - I T T *T ' nosoi .rrnoi noo n^ - |- : - v - : I v | : 0*713; '*n uaina ^.ta 56 MORNING SERVICE SANCTIFICATION. (Congregation standing.) We hallow Thy name on earth, even as it is hallowed in heaven; and with the prophet we say in humble adoration: Choir and Congregation: Holy, hely, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. Minister: God our strength, God our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth. Choir and Congregation: In all places of Thy dominion Thy name is praised and glorified. Minister: Our God is One; He is our Father; he is our King; he is our Helper; and in His mercy He will answer our prayers in the sight of all the living. Choir and Congregation: God will reign forever, thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah! FOR WEEK DAYS 57 (Congregation standing.) ' Dt?a . c nr topi .wrii -r-ty airoa .ono T| T : .( |v : .T - CTioir anti Congregation ; :i"iiaa pxn-^a N^D .nixav trlip eriip crnp : I v l> T T T : T. |T | T T Minister : ^:lDipo M naa nna I : T: : | T CTioir and Congregation: Minister ; Congregation : -rn (Congregation sitting.) Minister : CDTRU nv^i .wnj n^: i'-n : -^npn xn nnx ma IT- " T T: T - | i Choir and Congregation: 58 MORNING SERVICE Prayer : /~\ LORD, our God, Thou hast in Thy grace dis- ^-^ tinguished man from all other beings by endowing him with knowledge and understanding, that he may walk in Thy light and follow Thy precepts in his life. Teach us, O God, the knowl- edge of Thy ways, and enlighten our understand- ing by Thy truth. May Thy law be written on our hearts. May we cheerfully employ our best powers in Thy service. Bless, O Lord, the work of our hands, the fruits of every toil, and may all Thy children be satisfied with Thy goodness. Imbue our hearts with love and compassion toward those who suffer want, and make us cheerful givers to the needy and distressed. Grant, O Lord, that the sound of freedom be heard throughout all lands, and all nations en- joy the blessings of true liberty ; let the reign of wickedness vanish like smoke and all dwellers on earth recognize Thee alone as their King, and all Thy children be united in a covenant of peace and love. Remember, God, in love the just and virtuous of all nations, and strengthen all who sincerely trust in Thee. Help us in our weakness, enlighten our darkness, and arm us against danger and temp- tation. Hear, O Father, the voice of our supplication; receive graciously our prayers and the prayers of FOR WEEK-DAYS 59 all Thy children who come to seek Thee, and may . we ever know how to serve Thee in truth. Praise be to Thee, God, who acceptest in mercy the grateful worship of Thy children. Amen. Silent Prayer: "DEFORE Thee, O my God, lie open the secrets ^-* of every heart. Thou understandest my thoughts afar off and art acquainted with all my ways. Thou knowest how grateful I am for the manifold mercies which Thou hast shown to mo and to my loved ones. They are more than I can number, greater than I can measure, and better than I can understand. When it seemed good to Thee to try me with sorrows and to take from me what was so unspeakably dear to me, Thou didst not leave me comfortless. Thy power sustained me, and I have learned to trust in Thee and to believe truly that all Thy dispensations are meant for good and not evil. Help me, Father, to preserve in my home the blessings of peace and of the sweet inter- course of souls united in the bonds of love. Let me always remember that I must not live to myself only, but to Thee and to my fellow-men, especially the poor and the distressed. Hear the prayers of those who worship with me in this house, who pour out their souls to Thee, and grant them the joy that comes to us whenever we commune with Thee. Let Thy light shine upon us and be gracious unto us, Thy children. Amen. 60 MORNING SERVICE Minister: \ \ 7E render thanks to Thee, O our God, for our * lives, which are in Thy hands, and for our souls, that are in Thy keeping; for the wonders of Thy providence which are manifested to us at all times. Guard our tongues from evil and our lips from speaking guile ; may evil counsels not prevail against us and may we be always ready to forgive those who offend against us. May our nation be exalted through righteousness, and peace and qui- etude reign within our borders. Amen. READING OF SCRIPTURE. HYMN. SERMON. HYMN. (Adoration and Kaddisb page 16.) Various Prayers. I. THOU infinite One, who art in heaven and on earth, and near unto every heart, we worship Thee with all our mind and all our soul. We rever- ence Thee, who art the permanent in things that change, the foundation of what lasts; the wisdom and the justice that hold and "bless this world of matter and of men. We remember before Thee our several wants and conditions of life, and we thank Thee for the happiness that crowns our days, for the success that attends our efforts in our various spheres of activity, for the brightness we gather in our homes, and the love wherein our hearts rejoice. But we remember also in our prayer the sorrows that stain our face with weeping, and fill our souls with sadness and distress. We thank Thee that we know Thine eye pities us in our sorrows ; and that Thy chastenings are meant for good and not for evil. Help us to grow stronger and nobler by this world's changes, and to enlarge our spiritual being by the various events of our mortal life. May we see Thy hand in all that comes upon us, and may that faith endow us with the strength of patience and the com- fort of hope. Amen. W II. E thank Thee, O Lord, for the nation within whose borders the lines of our lot have been 61 62 VARIOUS PRAYERS cast ; we thank Thee for our fathers, men of mighty faith, lifting up valiant hands before Thee ; and for the rights which they have left us for our heritage. We bless Thee for every good institution in our midst, for the unbounded opportunities we have to develop our mental and moral faculties, and to enjoy the inestimable blessing of the liberty of our souls. We thank Thee for the great ideas of our nature, and for the revelation and inspiration which Thou makest therein ; for the knowledge of Thyself and Thine infinite perfection, for the duties which Thou hast imposed upon us and the voice that calls us to obedience and submission. May we strive to be useful in all works that tend towards the improve- ment of our social life, and the lifting up of the lowly, the ignorant and the wayward, and may our daily walk be so ordered that we may make it a perpetual service to Thee, v/ho establishest the works of our hands for us. Amen. III. A 1 TE come into Thy presence, O Lord, our God, * * to commune with Thee, to lift up our souls above worldly cares and worldly interests. We come to seek light from Thy light, wisdom from Thy wisdom, and strength and comfort from our firm trust in Thy love, justice and mercy. When we fail because of our ignorance, teach us, O God, and guide our footsteps aright. When our weak- ness and infirmities master us and enslave us, CARIOUS PRAYERS 63 strengthen, Thou, God, our will and our resolu- tions for the betterment of our lives. Give us purer hearts, nobler minds and grander characters. Teach us to emulate the great men whom Thou in every age sendest to us as examples of righteous- ness. Bless our nation with representative men of integrity. Let our country's leaders ever be im- bued with the true spirit of loyalty to truth and virtue. May they ever recognize Thy providential hand guiding the destinies of nations. Bless all men with a true understanding of Thy sacred law of right. Break down the barriers that separate men from one another. Let all fanaticism be eradicated. Let the scepter of liberty rule over the earth. 0, our Father, we ask Thee to lift the burden from the afflicted soul, dry the tears of the unfor- tunate, turn sorrow into happiness, weeping into smiling, mourning into rejoicing. Lift the clouds from their sad lives, and let the pure rays of heav- enly bliss enter their souls. Let them sing because their cup of joy is filled; let them sound Thy praises in gladness and cheerfulness. Bless, O my soul, the Lord. Amen. IV. TN Thine all-encompassing love, O God, Thou * revealest Thyself to us; Thy majesty and Thy power are everywhere made manifest. To our an- cestors Thou didst give precepts of life; do Thou 64 VARIOUS PRAYERS also unto us extend Thy mercy by making us receptive of them. All-merciful Father, inspire our hearts with affection and earnest zeal for truth and knowledge, that we may lovingly cleave to the teachings of Thy law, understand and esteem, learn and teach them. Enlighten Thou our eyes in Thy law, confirm our hearts in Thy precepts, and let us unite with all our fellow-men in the love of Thee and the reverence of Thy name. Forgive us if we fall into sin, and save us from every ill. Hold sickness and suffering far from us ; and if Thou dost send them, grant us patience and humble submission to Thy will. Grant that the idols of vanity and superstition shall disappear from the earth ; that the light of truth shall spread to every land an.l illumine every nation. Be with all those who labor for the good of their fellow- men, and may Thy gracious spirit ever guide and sustain them. Guard our tongues from evil, and our lips from speaking guile. Grant us calmness towards those who wish us evil, and humility to- wards all men ; and may we never hesitate to forgive those who offend against us. May we shun all ways that are not good in Thy sight, and rejoice to do that which is in accordance with Thy will ; so that we may indeed sanctify Thy name in the eyea of all men. Amen. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 111 921 3