UNIMltv IRARY0A m\Y %3AIN(Hl\^ ^OF-CALI mm I g I \ iRARY^A - v^? /MIH^ II "toiwwi^ &**"*% ^UNIVEWfc. ^VOS-ANGElfr^ ^^ _ Jff Q g s~^& i i l-JC/g 1 .SNUIBRARY0A _i| ^HDNVSOl^ /A ^Gfbat Britain $ Deliverance and Duty; Reprefented in a SERMON R IN G ^O A Hants j M A Y 4, 1746. In grateful Commemoration of the glorious VICTORY obtained over the REBELS near INVERNESS in SCOTLAND, il 1 6, 1746. Publijh'd by Requeft, witb Enlargements. By JOHN HORSEY. Sarbarorum Claudius agmlnd err at a 3 and Princes decree Juftice. What a C 2 de- delightful Scene appears, when we be- hold a numerous Progeny trained up in the View of, and accurately ac- quainted with, the Maxims of Civil and Religious LIBERTY? Again, blefs the Lord for the Prefervation of his Royal Highnefs WILLIAM DUKE of CUMBERLAND, in the late En- gagement. View the MANLY YOUTH leading on his Father's Troops! See the Britijh HERO, whofe Prefence of Mind, whofe known Generality, whofe valiant Behaviour, reflect a pleafing Luftre upon the Dig- nity of his Birth. Behold him at the firft Onfet boldly confronting his Ene- mies in the Centre of his Forces ! Ye Protejlants, behold the Britijh WIL- LIAM exposing his Life for your Sakes ! Follow him, whilft he rides from Troop to Troop, animating his Soldiers by his Prefence, Counfel^ and Example ! May we not look on him as our great Deliverer (under God) and at the fame time cherifh Hopes that Provi- L J Providence referves him to be & further Scourge to the perfidious French ? If To, then let us pay the King of Kings fome fuitable Tribute. As the Gene- ral > fo the Troops under his Com- mand, acquired immortal Reputation : See with what Firmnefs and Conftancy they withftand the impetuous Enemy ; with what Dexterity and Succefs they ply their Arms. Highland Sword and Target are now no longer Proof againft the Englijh Bayonet. Horfe and Foot acted their Parts, as if refolved to be henceforth MEN of RENOWN. Oh then praife the Lord, who taught their Hands to war, and their Fingers to fight. But remember you are not to reft here, for our generous Religion obliges us to render unto all their Dues, and therefore Honour to whom Honour ; fince then the Proteftant Part of thefe Kingdoms in general, during our Commotions, have de- meaned themfelves honourably, let them be mutually affectionate and be- neficent. L 22 J neficent. Should we content ourfelves with this general Hint, it is poffible, we may be wanting in Point of Gra- titude^ to our deferving Fellow-Sub- jects ; we fhall therefore defcend to Particulars. How does the Roll {well whilft we record the Britijb WOR- THIES ! With how much Juftice are GUEST, BLAKENET, and AGNEW commended ? Englijhmen applaud their Fidelity ', Bravery^ and Succefs : Nor dare they overlook LOUDON, CAMP ELL,&c. who (free from Papal and Rebellious Conta- gion) willingly offered themfelves to revenge GREAT BRITAIN** Wrongs. View this brief Catalogue drawn from a long Train of Heroes. And fince Heaven has graced the Mi- litary Character with Merit > let us ge- neroufly reward it with grateful Re- fpeEl. I cannot (without an infuffe- rable Affront both to God and Man) pafs over in Silence the remarkable Harmony which fubfifted between 2 King King GEORGE and his PARLIA- MENT, during our National Dif- tradions ; the one requires, the other chearfully grants ; the one reminds of Danger, whilft the other demonftrates an unufual Zeal, ready Obedience, and unjhaken Loyalty. With thankful Eyes behold, and duly value the Bri- tijh MERCHANTS, who, TRUE PATRIOTS ! retrieved and faved our threatned, finking^ and almoft ex- firing Credit. See the Avenues to King GEORGE daily thronged with Loyal Proteftants of every Denomina- tion, each ready to give his Majefty the ftrongeft Affurances of his firm Attachment to his Perfon and Govern- ment. View the venerable and de- ferving Clergy, engaging to employ their Talents and Influence^ in quelling Sedition, by expofing Popery^ and cultivating the Principles of LIBER- rrand LOYALTY. Lo! the Gen- tlemen of the Long Robe appear, in folemn Cavalcade^ ready to make a Ten- [ H] Tender to their Prince of Wealth and Life. In a word, we may reflect with Pleafure, and Admiration^ whilft we behold all Ranks and Degrees of Pro- tefta?^tS) both in our Colonies abroad, and thefe Kingdoms at Home, concur- ring in this common Resolution, viz. to check Rebellion, to maintain the Sue- cejjion to this Crown in the illuftrious Houfe of HANOVER, and preferve the Proteftant Religion againft Roman Invaders and abjured Pretenders. Hi- ftory may be long ranfacked, before a parallel Inftance occurs, to that we have now before us, wherein Prote- fiants in general fo 'willingly offered themfelves in the Defence of their KING, RELIGION, and LIBERTY. Altho', as poflefled of Humanity^ we compafllonate the jlaughterd and in- human Creatures (the Effect of Prayer and Valour) let us be ever mindful of, and thankful for the fignal Deliverance we now commemorate. Praife ye the Lord, for avenging Britain^ when the People People willingly offered themfelves. And tho' we glory, let us rejoice with Moderation ; and whenever a public Thankfgiving fhall be celebrated, by Royal Authority -, let us guard againft Exceft and Riot, left by Intemperance and Luxury on that Occafion, we draw down frefh) or heavier Judgments on our own Heads, or tranfmit them to Pofterity. Certainly I may be chearful as a Marty without being drunk like a Beaft. I am not obliged by Religion^ or the Rules of Civility ', to fliew my Loyalty by reelmg Noife and Nonfenfe, tho' thefe are (byfotnej efteem'd almojl reputable on public Occaflons.- -With how much Affe&ion and Pity fhould we look on our Fellow- Subj eft s^ who fufFered for their LOYALTY and RELIGION in the late horrid RE- BELLION? How many Families are impoverished by the plundering Mifcreants ? What Inconveniencies from pinching Hunger ? What Hard- fhips from the Inclemency of the Sea- D fon, [ 26] fon have many encounter'd, whilft driven from their Habitations, they took Sanduary in Caves and Moun- tains? Put on then as Men, put on as Englijbthen and Proteftants^ Bowels of Companion towards your Country- men. Remember thofe who have been in Bonds, remember the Exiles ; fhew yourfelves ready to contribute towards the Restoration of their Settlement, Peace and Comfort, whenfoever our Superiors fhall require your Affiftance, We have frnarted hitherto principally by Sympathy ; let us fhew ourielves worthy Members of the Britifi Body^ by bearing our Parts in the LofTes fuf- tained thro' an Attachment to the Bri- tlfh Confti&tfion. And at the fame Time let us be thankful for the Tran- quility of England^ and our Exemp- tion from the Surprize, the Dangers, and Injuries, which were fo fenlibly felt in the North. What Confpira- cies were formed, how great the in- vifible Ruin that threatned us, Time which L 2 7 J which brings fecret Things to Light, may difcover. However, this we know, that our Perfons, our Relatives, our Religion, our Properties were not fecure, whilft Rapine, Murder , Cruelty ^ and OppreJJJon, were rampant in the extreme Parts of thefe Realms. O that we may as much diftinguim our- felves by our Gratitude^ as Heaven has diftinguifhed us by its Mercies ! What tranfporting Pleasures do we feel, what Life is kindled in our Breafts, now we behold the benevolent Anfwers which Heaven grants to our Sighs y Tears, and Prayers ? How are we elated, whilft our Interviews are fweetned by mutual Congratulations ? The Clouds which were Months a gathering, are chaced away : The Sun of Righte- oufnefs arifes with Healing, and Salva- tion under its Wings. May the au- Ipicious Day in fucceeding Years be al- ways welcome to Britons ! May its Name be wrote in golden Capitals, that he that runs may read the grateful D 2 Senfe [ 28 ] Senfe we retain of our happy Delive- rance ! With Gladnefs let us meet the returning Morn, when Liberty, facred LIBERTY, dawned afrejh ! Our L I- BERTY, eminently refcued out of the Hands of Antichriftian Tyrants, let us highly prize, and wifely im- prove. We have now our Bibles in our Hands, tranflated into a Language we underftand, which we may perufe without any Papal ObftrucStions : Let us examine their Contents, with Dili- gence equal to that of the Miner, when he is fearching for hid Treafure. We have not \\\z formidable Arguments of Fire and Faggot laid before us, to con- vince us of the Truth of Popifb Te- nets ; each being left to follow the free Di&ates of his own Confcience. Oh, Sirs, let me befeech you to ft and f aft in that LIBERTY wherewith Chrift has made you free ; never entertain in- different Thoughts about that Yoke of Bondage, which your Fore- fathers found . too heavy for them to bear. As L ^ J As an Antidote againft Supinenefs, and Indolence of this Sort, fiirvey the bloody, monftrous, treacherous, unna- tural, and abfurd Principles of Po- pery : A Scheme, (a Religion I can fcarce call it) calculated to overthrow Civil Society, and to extirpate all true Religion from the World. View i with Abhorrence, and ufe your utmoft Endeavours to make it truly hateful in your refpecJive Families, and throughout the Nation. Prudently inftil the Principles of LIBERTY and HUMANITY into the unculti- vated and tender Minds of Children and Servants, that they may not be- come an eafy Prey to feducing Pa- pifts. From which Practice your De- pendants will not only reap unlpeak- able Advantages, but you yourfelves deferve the Character of loyal Subjects, real Patriots, fencere Proteftants, and grateful Profeflbrs. By uiing our Pri- vileges thus difcreetly and wifely, we fhall have growing Occafion to thank Heaven L 6^ J Heaven for our late Victory. Again, let us guard againft criminal Security, let us always exercife a proper yealoufy towards Papifts^ who are frequently moft fair and beautiful without ^ when they have the blackeft Defigns lodged within. Let us be always ready (a- greeable to our late Refolution) to go into the Field in behalf of a Prote- Jiant King againft any Romijh Confpi- rators. Let the Arms we lately pur- chafed with that laudable Intent (if ne- ceffary) be always in Readinefs upon any Emergency of that Sort. We have Reafon to fufped Popifh Plots, and defperate Attempts "are not entirely ex- tinguifhed. But Thanks be to Hea~ ven for the ProfpeEls of a feafonable Check, whenfbever their Efforts may be renewed. What a pleafant Emo- tion did we feel, when this Society, this Town, this County, when the various Counties in ENGLAND affociated) in order to raile independent Regiments againft the common Enemy ? Were Were any Proteftants undetermined at the late Crifis, halting between our legal KING and an invading PRE- TENDER, let them, in order to eftablifh their Judgments, make the Tour of France, where Poverty, Sla- very, and Difcontent among the Sub- jetts (the bleffed Fruits of Arbitrary Power and Ecclefiaftical "Tyranny) may convince them of their prefent prefe- rable Situation ; and read them a Lec- ture, which fhall filence their Cla- mours, and teach them to acquiefce in the mild and reputable Government of King George. As Praife fhould afcend for Mercies received, fo likewife fhould our daily Prayers for further Succefles. Let us furround the Throne of Grace with our warm Supplications, that the late Indulgence may be the Fore-runner or firft Fruits of a plenti* ful Harveft. With what Ardor fhould we follicite the Continuant of the di- vine Favour ? With what Conftancy and AfFedtion fhould we embrace re- 2 turning C v ] turning Sabbaths and unadulterated Ordinances ? And lince all Bleflings are conveyed to us on the Account of, and thro' the Mediation of Jefus Chrift, let us prize him as God's Ordinance for Salvation, who ever lives to make Interceffion for his People. In fine, fince God has kindly delivered us out of the Hands of our Enemies, let us ferve him without Fear, in Holinefs and Righteoufnefs before him all the Days of our Lives. Amen. FINIS. v ^ I If HIBRARY0A I I"" tt i i .' ^-^ j? ^^ x s> ~*>^-s *^ "^^-^ *^ ^IJONVSOl^ v/MAIfWV ^OJIIVD-JO^ ^OJIWJ-JO^ ^\\EUNIVER% .^lOSANCElfj^ ^OF-CAllFOft^ ^Of-CAUFOR^ --^| |