% ^. miiitv* A HANDBOOK OF THE SWAHILI LANGUAGE, AS SPOKEN AT ZANZIBAR. EDITED FOR THE UNIVERSITIES' MISSION TO CENTRAL AFRICA BY The late EDWARD STEERE, LL.D., MISSIONARY BISHOP FOR CENTRAL AFRICA. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED BY A. C. MADAN, M.A., SENIOR STUDENT AND FORMERLY TUTOR OF CH. CH. OXFORD. LONDON: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, W.C. ; 43, VUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E-C 1894. PEEFACE TO THE FIKST EDITION. There is probably no African language so widely known as the Swabili. It is understood along the coasts of Madagascar and Arabia, it is spoken by the Seedees in India, and is the trade language of a very large part of Central or Intertropical Africa. Zanzibar traders pene- trate sometimes even to the western side of the conti- nent, and they are in the constant habit of traversino- more than half of it with their supplies of Indian and European goods. Throughout this immense district any one really familiar with the Swahili language will generally be able to find some one who can understand him, and serve as an interpreter. This consideration makes it a point of the greatest importance to our Central African Mission that Swahili Bhould be thoroughly examined and well learnt. For if the members of the Mission can go forth from Zan- zibar, or, still better, can leave England already well acquainted with this language, and provided with books and translations adapted to their wants, the}' will carry with them a key that can unlock the secrets of an immense variety of strange dialects, whose very names are as yet unknown to us. For they will not iv fueface. onl}'" be able at once to communicate witb new tribes, but in mastering this really simple and far from difficult language tbey will have learnt how to set about learning and writing all others of the same class, since they agree with Swahili in all the chief respects in which it differs from our European tongues. The work, then, which is here begun is not to be regarded as though its utility were confined to the islands and the narrow strip of coast of which this language is the vernacukir, but much rather as the broad foundation on which our labours in the far inte- rior must for many years be built up. As there is no way by which those inner lands are so ordinarily or can be so easily reached as from Zanzibar and the coast dependent on it, so neither is there any way by which we can make ourselves so readily intelligible, or by 'which the Gospel can be preached so soon or so well as by means of the language of Zanzibar and its dependen- cies, to which this work is intended as an introduction — a language which, through its Arabic relations, has a hold on revealed religion, and even on European thought, while, through its negro structure, it is exactly fitted to serve as an interpreter of that re- ligion and those thoughts to men who have not yet even heard of their existence. When Bishop Tozer arrived in Zanzibar at the end of August 1864, the only guides we had to the language were the grammar and vocabulary of Dr. Krapf, and his translation of part of the Book of Common Prayer. During Bishop Tozer's visit to Mombas in November, he made a copy of a revised vocabulary belonging to FREFACE. V tlie Eev. J. Eebmann. However, although one cannot estimate too highly the diligence and linguistic ability displayed by Dr. Krapf and the patient sagacity of Mr. Eebmann, we soon found that, owing partly to the fact of their collections having been made in the dialect of Mombas, and still more to the confused and inexact style of spelling adopted unfortunately by both, their works were of scarcely any use to a mere beginner. I soon after procured copies of the manuscript voca- bularies collected by Mr. Witt and Mr. Schultz, then representing the firm of O'Swald and Co. in Zanzibar, and with such help as I could procure from any quarter, I began in July 1865 to print the first pages of my col- lections for a " Handbook of Swahili as Spoken in Zanzibar." When I had proceeded as far as page 33, I made the acquaintance of Hamis wa Tani and of his son Mohammed, both of them well acquainted with English and French, and of pure Swahili extraction. To the disinterested kindness of Mohammed, who, while confined to his house by sickness, allowed me to spend every Saturday morning in questioning him about his language, I owe all that is best in my know- ledge of African tongues. With his help and revision I completed the list of substantives, and found my way through the intricacies of the adjectives and pronouns. Of how much importance an accurate guide in these matters would be may be seen from the " Table of Concords," first printed in Zanzibar, in a form sug- gested by Bishop Tozer, and now reprinted as part of this volume. Mohammed's sickness increasing about the time that vi PREFACE. I had begun to print the conjugation of the verb, I was unable to continue my visits, and completed the " Col- lections " from Dr. Krapf, with the help of the voca- bulary collected by the late Baron von der Decken and Dr. Kersten, and of that collected by the Eev. Thomas Wakefield of the United Methodist Free Churches' Mission, both of which I was kindly allowed to copy. After Mohammed's partial recovery I continued my visits to him, and went through the verbs, making first a list of useful EngKsh verbs from a dictionary, and entering all the words contained in the collections of which I had copies. I thus checked and supplemented what others had already done, and obtained a tolerably complete insight into that branch of the vocabulary. Before I could get much beyond this, Mohammed was so far recovered as to be able to sail for Bombay. I have always much pleasure in acknowledging how much I owe to him. Meanwhile I had begun my collection of short tales in Swahili, the first of which were printed in Zanzibar with an interlinear version, under the title of " Speci- mens of Swahili," in March 1866, and reprinted in an early number of " Mission Life." I also began to use my Swahili to a practical purpose by making the collections for a handbook of the Shambala language, the first draft of which was completed in May 1866. These collections were made with a view to the mission since commenced in that country by the Rev. C. A. Alington ; they were revised by the help of another teacher, and printed in Zanzibar in the j^ear 1867. PREFACE. rtt Finding the Swahili tales most valuable as well to myself as to those who were studying with me, I pro- ceeded to print a further collection, with the title " Hadithi za Kiunguja" in Swahili only. For the tales then printed I was mainly indebted to Hamis wa Kayi, a very intelligent young Swahili, who always compre- hended better what a foreigner wanted to know, ami explained more clearly what was difficult, than any one else I met with while in Zanzibar. At the same period I had begun and carried on from time to time the investigation of the Yao or Achowa language, one peculiarly interesting to us, as that of nearly all the released slaves under Bishop Mackenzie's charge, and as having now supplanted the Mang'anja in the country where our Mission was originally settled. From this study I first gained a definite notion of the wonderful effect the letter n has in African languages, and so came to understand the origin of several appa- rent irregularities in Swahili. I had begun even before Mohammed bin Khamis left Zanzibar to make some essays in translation, the best of which are embodied in a pamphlet printed in Zanzibar, with the title " Translations in Swahili : " it was com- pleted in January 1867. I was then getting help from many quarters, and on explaining to some of our native friends our wish to make a complete translation of the Bible into their language, one of them. Sheikh *Abd al 'Aziz, kindly volunteered to translate for me the Arabic Psalter into the best and purest Swahili. I found, before long, that not only did his numerous avocations prevent any rapid viii PREFACE. progress, but that his language was too learned to suit exactly our purpose in making the version ; it did not therefore proceed further than the Sixteenth Psalm. 1 printed these as at once a memorial of his kindness and a specimen of what one of the most learned men in Zanzibar considers the most classical form of his language. I cannot but mention at the same time the name of Sheikh Mohammed bin Ali, a man of the greatest research, to whose kindness I was indebted for a copy, made by his own hand, of some very famous Swahili poetry, with an interlinear Arabic version ; he also revised for me a paraphrase of it in modern language, for which I was chiefly indebted (as for much other help) to Hassan bin Yusuf, whose interest in our doc- trines and teachings has always been most marked. The verses and translation are both printed in the " Swahili Tales." At the end of 1867 I printed a translation of Bishop Forbes' little primary catechism, chosen as being the shortest and clearest I could find to begin upon. Though very imperfect, I am glad to think that it has been found of use. When I had completed the Yao collections, I went on to the Nyamwezi language, as being that of the largest and most central tribe with which there is constant and tolerably safe communication. In November 1867 I lost, by the sadly sudden deaths of the Eev. G. E. Drayton and his wife, most useful helpers, who were beginning to be able to give me sub- stantial assistance. Their places were, however, well PREFACE. in siippKed by the Bev. AV. and Mrs. Lea, wlio arrived opportunely just before the time of our bereavement. I was then engaged in preparing the translations of St. Matthew's Gospel and of the Psalms, as well as in beginning to put in order the materials for the present work. To Mr. Lea I was indebted, amongst other things, for the first version of the 119th Psalm, and to Mrs. Lea for the arrangement of the Swahili-Engiish Vocabulary. The last thing I printed in Zanzibar was a translation of the Easter and Advent Hymns, and of Adeste Fideles, which I had the pleasure of hearing the girls of the Mission Orphanage sing most sweetly to the old tunes just before I left. I ought also to mention that, having been often under great obligations to the French Eomanist Mission, I had the pleasure of printing for them a Catechism in French and Swahili, which was indirectly valuable to me as showing how the great truths we have in common were rendered by a perfectly independent student of the language. I know not how sufficiently to regret that the excellent compiler, Pere Etienne Baur, should have been content to use the jargon (for it is nothing better) commonly employed by Indians and Europeans, and should have adopted an ortho- graphy adapted only to a French pronunciation. Only three weeks before leaving I had the advan- tage of consulting two large manuscript dictionaries compiled by Dr. Krapf, and brought to Zanzibar by the Eev. E. L. Pennell. I was able to examine about half the Swahili-Engiish volume, with the assistance of Hamis wa Kayi, enough to enrich materially my X PREFACE. previous collections, and to show how far even now 1 fall short of my first predecessor in the work of examining and elucidating the languages of Eastern Africa. There remains for some future time or other hand * the examination of the rest of Dr. Krapf 's dictionary, as well as the collation of what will no doubt deserve to be the standard Swahili lexicon, on which the Eev. John Eebmann has been for nearly a quarter of a century labouring unweariedly. Even then there will remain many dialectic variations, and many old and poetical words and inflections, so that for many years one who loves such studies might find employment in this one language. Since my arrival in England, at the end of November 1868, I have been able to superintend the printing of the Gospel of St. Matthew in Swahili, liberally under- taken by the Bible Society, of translations of the Church Catechism and of their Scriptural Eeading Lessons out of the Old Testament, kindly undertaken by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. For the Central African Mission I have carried through the press this work and the collection of Swahili Stories with an English version, published by Messrs. Bell and Sons, of which those previously printed at Zanzibar form a small part, and besides these a number of small pamphlets, including translations of the Books of Euth and Jonah, and some slight specimens of the Gindo, Zaramo, and Ngazidja languages. There remain the Psalms, which the Bible Society has promised to print for us, and the collections in the Yao and Nyam- wezi languages, all which I should like to get through PREFACE. xi the press in the course of this year. I wish there were a chance of the Eev. John Eebmann's Swahili version of St. Luke's Gospel, of which I have seen a large part, being printed at the same time. This handbook is arranged on the principle of sup- plying w^ith each portion of it such rules as are re- quired for the practical use of that portion. In the first part, after some introductory observations. Sub- stantives, Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs have each a separate section, containing first the rules which govern their inflection and employment, and then an alphabetical list of the Swahili equivalents of our English words belonging to each part of speech. For the mere finding of words one general alphabet would perhaps have been more convenient ; but as the object of this work is not merely to tell what the Swahili words are, but also how to employ them correctly, it seems better so to group them as to bring the rules of grammar and the words which they control into as close a connection with one another as possible. The Editor has done what most readers would have had to do — sort out first the word and then the grammatical rules which must be observed in using it. The minor parts of speech are indexed together to avoid a multi- plicity of alphabets, except the Interjections, which cannot be said to have exact equivalents in any other language. The part ends with a section on the forma- tion of words, which may be of use where the other alphabets fail to give a satisfactory rendering, and may also be useful as a guide in turning Swahili into English, in the case of the many words which igno- xii PREFACE. ranee or some oversiglit in preparing tlie second part may have caused to be omitted. The rales and hints prefixed to the second part are intended to enable any- one who sees or hears a Swahili word to ascertain the material part of it, so as to be able to use the dictionary which follows. It is evident that there must be great difficulties at first in either using or arranging an alphabetical list of words which may begin with, in some cases, nine or ten different letters, according to the grammatical position they hold in each case. However, the difficulty is greater in appearance than in practice. The Appendices contain some curious or useful matter which could not well find a place in the body of the work. The first contains a specimen of a curious kind of enigmatical way of writing and speaking called Kinyume. The second gives a specimen of the forms used in letter- writing, both in prose and verse. The third is part of a Swahili tale, with all the prefixes separated and the grammatical forms explained, in- tended as a guide and introduction to the art of reading, and through that of writing the language. The fourth Appendix consists of a small collection of phrases, some of them such as are wanted in ordinary conversation, some of them useful in illustrating the idiom or peculiar constructions used by natives. This collection might have been very much increased had it not been carefully confined to phrases actually met with in conversation with persons reputed to speak correctly. FBEFACE. xiii The name of the language — Swahili — is beyond all doubt a modified form of the Arabic Sawahil, the plural of Sahil, a coast. The natives themselves jestingly derive it from Sawa Mia, which a Zanzibar interpreter would explain as " All same cheat." Little Stee'ping, May 1870. C ^- ) ADVEKTISEMENT TO SECOND EDITION. The First Edition having been at the last sold out with unexpected rapidity, I have not been able to add so much as I should have wished to this. The chief novelty is the omission of what I called the second class of Substantives, which proved to be only the most common instance of the general rule, that Substantives of any and every form denoting animate beings are constructed with Adjectives and Pronouns in the forms proper to the first class. Some words have been added to the Vocabularies and a few mistakes corrected. During the last four years the work of translation and collection has been going steadily forward, Swahili preaching has been going on, and some Elementary School-books printed in Zanzibar for our vernacular schools. The great work of evangelizing Africa seems to grow in magnitude the more one understands what is required for it ; but our hopes still grow with the growth of our knowledge. Edwabd StEEPwE, XiOndoTif January 1875. ADVEETISEMENT TO THIED EDITION. This Edition may be taken to represent substantially the final form whicli the Handbook assumed in the hands of its compiler, the late Bishop Steere. No estimate can be attempted here of his services to philology in general, and the student of African languages in particular, stiJl less of their bearing on the spread of Christianity in Central Africa. What- ever the relative purity of the dialects of Mombasa and Zanzibar, and however great the debt Bishop Steere undoubtedly owed to his distinguished predecessor in their study, Dr. Krapf, the broad fact remains that Bishop Steere took the language as he found it spoken in the capital city of the East Coast, reduced its rules to so lucid and popular a form as not only to make it accessible, but easy to all students, and finally made a great advance towards stereotyping its forms and ex- tending its use by embodying it in copious writings and translations. Some of the last hours of his life were apparently spent in preparing this Handbook for a new edition. Those who were familiar with the many cares and anxieties then pressing on him, will not be surprised that there were signs of haste and pressure in his h xviii PREFACE, revision. With Part I., however, lie seems to have been satisfied. The corrections of the text were few and unimportant, and though the Lists of Words might have been largely added to, he seems to have preferred leaving them as ' they were, in view of the strictly practical purpose of the whole book. With Part II. (the Swahili-EngHsh Vocabulary, &c.) the case is rather different. With the aid of various members of the Mission, the Bishop had made some- what large collections in order to expand and complete it. Probably from the pressure of work before alluded to, he had only prepared a selection of them for this Edition. It has been thought better, however, to in- corporate all the words found in his notes and added with his approval. But it must be remembered that the Bishop never regarded Part II. as ranking as a Dictionary, even in embryo, but rather as a tolerably full list of words to serve as a useful companion to Part I. Even with this reservation, there remain many traces of imperfection in arrangement, spelling, and interpretation of words, which would doubtless have been removed if he had been allowed time to pass the whole list under revision finally. This final revision no one is in a position adequately to supply. Minor corrections and additions have been cautiously and sparingly made. One Appendix (No. Y.), likely to subserve the practical aim of the whole, has been added, with the Ven. Archdeacon Hodgson's ap- proval. There still remain among the Bishop's notes some miscellaneous specimens of Swahili verses, pro- verlis, riddles. l. madude. Such-a-one, a person whose name is not known or is immaterial, fullani. Abasement, unenyekeo. Abhorrence, machukio. Ability, uwezo. Abridgment, muhtasari. Abscess, tumbasi, nasur. Abundance, wingi, ungi (M.), mari- thawa. Abyssinian, Habeshia, pi. Maba- besbia. Acceptance, ukubali. Accident, tukio, pi. matukio. Accounts, besabu. Account book, daftari. Accusation, matuvumu. Accusation (before a judge), msbta- ka, ])l- misbtaka. Ache, maumivu, ucbungu. Action, kitendo, pi. vitendo, amali. Addition (in arithmetic) ^ jumla. Address (of a letter), anwani. Adornment, kipambo, pi. vipambo, pambo, pi. mapambo. Adultery, zaai, uzini, uzinzi. Advantage (profit), fayida. Adversity, mateso, sbidda. Advice, sbauri, pi. mashuuri. Adze, slioka la bapa, sezo. Affair, jambo. Affairs, mambo, sbugbuli, uli- mweugu. Affection, mapenzi, mapendo. Mutual affection, inapendana Affliction, teso, pi. mateso. Age, umri. Old age, uzee. Extreme old age, ukongwe. Equal in age, hirimu moja. Former ages, zamani za kale. Agent, wakili, pi. mawakili. Agreement, maagano, makatibu, mwafaka, mapatano, sbarti. Aim, ebababa. Air, bawa, hewa, upepo. For change of air, kubadili bawa. Almond, lozi, pi. malozi. Alms, sadaka. SUBSTANTIVES. 25 Aloes, subiri, shibiri. Aloes ivood, uudi. Altar, mathbah, inathab.iliu. Alum, shabbu. Ambergris, ambari. Amulet, talasimu, pi. matalasimu. Amusement, mazumgumzo, mao- ngezi. Ancestors, babu, wazee. Anchor, nanga, baura. Ancle (see Anklets), kiwiko cha mguu, ito la guu (A.). Angel, malaika. Anger, hasira, gbathabu. Angle, pembe. Angoxa, Ngoje. Animal, nyama. The young of a domestic animal, ndama. A young she-animal that has not yet home, mtainba,^Z. mitamba. Native animals. See under their several names : — Buku, a very large hind of rat. Toi, a kind of wild goat. Buga (?). Ndezi (?). Xjiri (?). Anklets {see Ancle), mtali, pi. mitali, furungu, pi. mafurungu. Ansii-er, majibu, jawabu. Antelo'pes. See Gazelle. Bara, Heleohagus arundinaceus. Dondoro, Dyker's antelope. Koru, icater buck. Kuguni, haartebeest. Mpofu, pi. Wapofu, eland. Nyumbo, wildebeest. Pardhara. Kulungu. Antimony, wanja y^a. manga. 4?il- mazizi. Caudle made on the occasion of a birth, of rice, sugar, and spice, and given to visitors, fuka. Caulking, khalfati. Cause, sababu, kisa, asili, maana. Cautery and the marks of it, pis' o. Caution, hathari. [_pl. mapisho. Cave, paaiigo, pi. mapaango. Censer, a small vessel to burn inrenfe in, chetezo, pi. vyetezo. mkebe, pi, mikebe. 32 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Centipede^ taandu. Certainty, yakini, kite. Chaff, kapi, pi. makapL (0/ rice), kumvi. (bran and crushed grains), wishwa. Chain, mkufu, pi. mikufu, mnyo- roro, pi. minyororo, silesile, Door chain, riza. Chair, kiti, pi. viti. Chalk, chaki. Chameleon, kinyonga, pi. vinyonga, Chance, nasibu. [lumbwi (?). Chandelier, thurea. Change or changing, geuzi, pi. mageuzi. Chapter, sura, bah. Character, sifa. Characters, herufu. Charcoal, makaa ya tniti. Charm (talisman), talasimu, pi. ma- talasimu. Chatter, upiizi. Chatterer, mpuzi, pi, wapuzi. Cheat, ayari, mjanja, pi,, wajanja. A great cheat, patiala. Cheek (the part over the cheek-hone), kitefute, pi. vitefute. (The part over the teeth), chafu, pi. machafu, tavu (A.), pi. Cheese, jibini. [matavu. Che$s^ sataranji. Chest {of men), kifua, pi. vifua. (of animals or men), kidari. (a large box), kasha, pi. makasha, sanduku. Chicken, faranga, pi, mafaranga, kifaranga, pi. vifaranga. Chief, mfalme, pi. wafalme, jumbe, pi. majumbe, munyi. Chieftainship, ujumbe. Child, mtoto, pi. watoto, kitoto, pl^ vitoto, rawana, pi. waana^ A child tvhich cuts its upper teeth first, and is therefore considered unlu'ky, kigego, pi. vigego. Childhood, utoto. Chimney, dohaan. Chin, kidevu, pi. videvu, kievu (A.), pi. vievu. Ornament hanging from the veil below the chin, jebu, pi. ma- jebu. Chisel, patasi, chembeu. Juba, a mortice cMsel. Uma, a small chisel. Choice, hiari, Myari, ikhtiari, na- tbari. Your choice, upendavyo (as you like). Cholera, tauni, wabba, kipindu- pindu. Church, kanisa, pi. makauisa. Cinders, makaa. Cinnabar, zangefuri. Cinnamon, mdalasini. Cipher (figure of nought), sifuru, zifuri. Circle of a man's affairs, &c., uli- mwengu wake. Circumcision, tobara, kumbi (Mer.) (?). Circumference, kivimba, mzingo. Circumstances, mambo. A circumstance, jambo. Cistern, birika. Citron, balungi, pi. mabalungi. Civet, zabadi. Civet cat, I'ungo, ngawa (a larget animal than the fungo). Civilization, ungwana. Civilized people, wangwana. Clamp for burning lime, tanun. Clap of thunder, radi. Claret, divai. SUBSTANTIVES. 88 Class for study, darasa. Claw, ukucha, p?. kucha. (of a crab), gando, pi. magando. Clay (?), udongo. Clearness, weupe. ClerJi, karani. Clergyman, padre or padiri, pi. ma- padixi, khatibu. Cleverness, hekima. Climate, tabia. Clock, saa. Wliat o'clock is it ? Saa ngapi ? According to the native reckon- ing, noon and midnight are at the sixth hour, saa a sita; six o^clock is saa a f/ienashara. Clod, pumba, pi. mapumba. Cloth (icoollen), joho. {Cotton), nguo. (American sheeting), amerikano. (Blue calico), kauiki. Cloth of gold, zari. A loin cloth of about tico yards, shuka, doti. A loin cloth with a coloured border, kikoi, pi. vikoi. A turban doth, kitambi, pi. vi- tambi. A icoman's cloth, kisuto, pi. vi- suto. A cloth twisted info a kind of rope used as a girdle, and to make the turbans nwrn by the Hindis, ukumbuu, pi. kumbuu. Clothes, nguo, miguo, mavazi, mavao. Cloud, wiugu, p)l- mawingu. Rain cloud, ghubari, pA. maghu- bari. Broken scattered clouds, mavu- ndevunde. Cloreii, garofuu, karofuu. Fruit-stalks, kikonyo,pZ. vikonyo. Club, rungTi. Coals, niakaa. Coast, pwani. Coat, joho (a long open coat of broadcloth worn by the Arabs). Cob of Indian corn, gunzi, pi. ma- gunzi. Cock,}ogoo,pl. majogoo, jogoi, jimbi. A young cockerel, not yet able to crow, pora. A cock's comb, upanga. A cock's wattles, ndefu. Cockles, kombe za pwani (?). Cockroach, mende, mukalalao (Ma- lagazy). Cocoa-nut, nazi. Cocoa-nut tree, mnazi, pi. minazi. Heart of the groicing shoot, used as salad, &c., kichilema, sliaha. Cloth-like envelope of young leaves^ kilifu. Leaf, kuti, pZ. makuti. Midrib of leaf, uchukuti, jfjZ. chukuti. Leaflets, ukuti, pi. kuti. Leaf plaited for making fences, makuti ya kumba. Half leaf plaited together, makuti ya pande. Leaflets made up for thatching, makuti ya viungo. Fart of a leaf plaited into a basket, pakacha, pi. raapakaeha. Woody flower sheath, kuram. Bunch of nuts, tawi la mnazi. Floicer and first forming of nuts, upunga, pi. punga. Small nuts, kidaka, pi. vidaka. Half -grown nut, kitale, pi. vitale. Full-grown nut before the nutty part is formed, dafu, pi. madafu. In this stage the shell 34 SWAEILI HANDBOOK, is perfectly full of the milk or juice (maji), and the nuts are often gathered for drinhing. Half -ripe nut, when the nutty part is formed and the milk begins to wabble in the shell, koroma, pi. makoroma. Ripe nut, nazi. A nut which has grown fidl of a white spongy substance icithout any hollow or milk, joya, pi. majoya. A nut which has dried in the shell so as to rattle in it without f)eing spoilt, mbata. The fibrous case of the nut, cocoa- md fibre, makumbi. Cocoa-nut fibre thoroughly cleaned, usumba. A stick stuck in the ground to rip off the fibre, kifuo, pi. vifuo. The shell, kifuu, pi. vifuu, ki- fufu (M.). Instrument for so-aping the fresh nut for cooking, mbuzi ya ku- kunia nazi. Oily juice squeezed out of the scraped cocoa-nut, tui. A small bag to squeeze out the tui in, kifumbu, pi. vifumbu. The scraped nut after the tui has been pressed out, chicha. Copra,the nut dried and ready to be pressed in the oil mill, nazi kavu. Cocoa-nut oil, mafuta ya nazi. Coffee, kahawa, {plant) nibuni. Goff'ee berries, buni. Coffee pot, mdila, pi. midila. Coin (a coin), sarafu. See Dollar, Rupee, &c. Colander (in basket ivork), Ivunguto, pi. liiukunguto. Cold, baridi. Baricli and upepo are often used to mean wind or cold indiffer- ently. Cold in the head, mafua. I have a cold in the head, siwezi kamasi. Collar-bone, mtulinga,|)L mitulinga. Colour, rangi. Colours are generally described by reference to some known sub- stance : rangi ya kahawa, coffee colour, brown ; rangi ya majani, leaf colour, green; rangi ya makuti, colour of the dry cocoa- nut leaves, grey. Comb, kitana, pi. vitana, shannu, pi. mashanuu (a large wooden comb). A cock's comb, upanga. Comfort, faraja. Comforter, mfariji, pi. wafariji. Coming (arrival), kifiko, pi. vifiko. {Mode of coming), majilio. Coming down or out from, mshuko, pi. mishuko. Command, amri. Commander, jemadari, pi. majema- dari, mkuu wa asikari. Second in command, akida. Commission, agizo, pi. maagizo. Comoro Islands, jMasiwa. Great Comoro, Ngazidja. Comoro men, Waugazidja. Johanna, Anzwaui. Mayotte, Maotwe. Mohilla, Moalli. Companion, mwenzi, pi. wenzi. Company, jamaa. Compass (mariner's), dira. Completeness, itzima, ukamilifu, utimilifu. SUBSTANTIVES, 35 Compliments, salaamu. Composition (of a word), rakibyueo. Cmnposition for a murder, money paid to save ones life, dia. Concealment, maficho. Conclusion, mwisbo, hatima. Concubine, suria, pi. masuria. Born of a concubine, suriyama. Condition (state), hali, jawabu. (A thing necessarily implied)^ kanuni, Confidence, matumaini Confidential servant, msiri, j??. wasiri. Conscience, tbamiri, moyo. Conspiracy, mapatano, mwafaka. Constipation, kufunga choo. Constitution, tabia. Contentment, urathi. Continent, merima. Co'atinuance, maisha. Contract, maagano, sharti. Conversation, mazumgumzo, mao- ngezi, usemi. Convert, mwongofu, pi. waongofu. Cooh, mpishi, pi. wapishi. Cooked grain, especially rice, wall. Cooking pot {metal), sufuria, pi. masufuxia, kisufmia, pi. visu- furia. (earthen), nyungu, chungu, pi. vyungu. mkuRgu, pi. mikungii. (o pot to cook meat in ivith fat, to hraze meat in), kaango, pi. ma- kaango, ukaango, kikaango, pi. vikaango. A pot lid, mkungu wa kufunikia. Three stones to set a pot on over the fire, mafiga, sing, figa, mafya, sing, jifya. Cross pieces put in to keep the meat from touching the bottom of the pot and burning, nyalio. Coolie, hamali, pi. mahamali Copal, sandarusi. Copper, sbaba, sufui'ia. Coral (red), marijani ya fetbaluka (marijani alone does not always mean the true red coral). Fresh coral for building, cut from below high-water mark, matii mbawi. Cord, ugwe, ukambaa (M.), pi. kambaa, kigwe, pi. vigwe. Cork, kizibo, pi. vizibo. Corn, nafaka (formerly used as money). Muhindi, Indian corn. Mtama, millet (the most common grain). Mwere, very small grains growing in an upright head something like the flower of the bulrush. Wimbi. Kimanga. Carrier, pembe. Corner of a cloth, tamvTia, uta- mvua. Corpse, mzoga, pi. mizoga, mayiti. Corpulence, unene. Corruption, uovu, kioza. Cosmetics. Dalia, a yellow composition, Yasi, a yellow powder from India, Liwa, a fragrant wood from Madagascar. Kipaji. Cotton, pamba. Couch, kitanda, pi. vitanda. Cough, kikohozi. Council, baraza, diwani. Councillor, diwani, pi. madiwani. Counsel, shauri. Countenance, uso, pi. nyuso. Country, inclii, nti (M.). The narnea D 2 36 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. of countries are made from the name of the people hy means of the prefix U-. Uuyika, the country of the Wa- nyika. Ugala, the country of the "Wagala. Uzungu, the country of the Wa- zungu, Europe. In the country, masliamba. A country dialect, lugha ya ki- mashamba. Courage, us-hujaa, uthahit, moyo. Course (of a ship), majira. Courtesy, jamala, adabu. Courtyard (enclosure^ ua, pi. nyna, uanda or uanja. Court within a house, behewa,kati. Cousin, mjukuu, pi. wajukuu. Covenant, maagano, sharti. Cover (a lid), kifmiiko. A dish cover made of straw and often profusely ornamented^ kawa» A hooTc cover, jalada. Covetousness, tamaa, bakhili. Cow, ng'ombe mke, pi. ng'ombe wake. Coward, mwoga, pi. waoga. Cowardice, uoga. Cowry, kauri, kete. Crah. kaa. Crack, ufa, pi. nyufa. Cramp, kiharusi. A cramp, gango, pi. magango. Crayfish, kamba. Cream, siagi. Creed, imani. Creek, hori. Crest, sbungi (used also for a icay of dressing the hair in two large masses). Crew, baharia. Crime, taksiri. Crocodile, mamba, mbnlu (?). Crook, kota. Crookedness, kombo. A crooked thing, kikombo. Cross, msalaba, pi. misalaba. Cross roads, njia panda. Crossing place, kivuko, pi. vivuko. Croiv, kunguru. Crowbar, mtaimbo, pi. mitaimbo. Crowd, kundi, pi. makundi, ma- kutano, matangamano, umaati. Croicn, taji. Crown of the head, upaa, utosi. Crumbs, vidogo, sing, kidogo. Crutch for oars, kilete, pi. vilete. Cry, kilio, pi. vilio, ukelele, pi. kelele, ukemi. (^for help), yowe. ( of joy), hoiboi, kigelegele. Cucximber, tango, pi. mataiigo. Cubit (from the tip of the middle finger to the point of the elbow), thiraa, mkono, pi. mikono. (Jrom the point of the elbow to the knuckles when the fist is closed)^ tbiraa konde. Cultivation, kilimo. Cultivator, mkulima, pi. wakulima. Cunning, cherevu, werevu. Cup, kikombe, pi. vikombe. Cupboard, sanduku. Cupper, mumishi, pi. wamnishi Cupping horn, chuku. Curiosity (rarity ^, kioja, pi. vioja, bedaya, tunu. Curlew, sululu, kipila. Current, mkondo wa maji. Curry, mcbuzi, mtuzi (M.). A small seed used in making it, bizari. An acid thing put into it, kiungo. SUBSTANTIVES. 87 Curse, laana, i^l. malaana. Curtain, pazia, pi. mapazia. Curve, kizingo. Cushion, mto, pi. mito. A large cushion, takla, pi. ma- takia. Cuaturd apple, topetope, mstofele, konokono, matomoko. Custom, desturi, mathehebu, ada. Custom-house, fortha. Customs' duties, ashur. Cut, a short cut, njia ya kukata. Cutting (breaking off), kato, pi. makato. Cuttle-fish, pweza. Arms of the cuttle-fish, mnyiriri, pi. minyiriri. Cutwater of a dhow, hanamu. Cypjher. See Cipjher. Cynibals, matoazi, sing. toazL Dagger, jambia (the curved dagger generally v:orn). Damascus, Sl.am. Dance, mchezo, pi. michezo. Names of dances, guugu, msapata, hanzua, kitanga cha pepo, soma. Dandy, malidadi. Mtongozi, pi. watongozi, a man who dresses himself up) to attract women. Danger, hatari, kbofu, kicho. Darkness, kiza, giza (these are only tico ivays of pronouncing the same word, hut the first is some- times treated as though the ki- were a prefix and it belonged to the fourth class, xchile the second is taken as belonging to the fifth ; it is jprobably, however, most correct to refer them both to the fourth). Dark saying, fumbo, pi. mafumbo, maneno ya fuinba. Darling, kipendi, ^Z. vipendi. Dates, tende. Date-tree, mtende, pi. mitende. Daughter, binti, mtoto mke, mwaua, kijana. Daughter-in-law, mkwe, pi. wa- kwe. Dawn, alfajiri, kucha. Day (of twenty-four hours, reckoned from sunset to sunset), sikn. (time of daylight), mchana, mtana (M.). All day, mchana kutwa. Day labourer, kibarua, pi. vibarua (so called from the ticket given to workpeople, which they give up again when paid). Daylight, mcliaua, mtaua (11.). Dazzle, kiwi. Deal (icood), sunobari. Death, kufa (dying), mauti, ufu, mafu. Debt, deni. Deceit, hila, madanganya, udanga- nifu, hadaa, uwongo. Deck, sitatia, dari. Deep ivater, kilindi, pi. vilindi. Great depths, lindo, pi. malindo. Defect, upuugufu, ila, kombo, ki- puDguo, pi. vipunguo. Deficiency, kipunguo, upungufu. Defilement, ujusi. Deliverance, wokovu. Demand in marriage, poso, pi. maposo. Dependant, mfuasi, pi. wafuasi. Depth, kweuda, chini, uketo. Derision, mzaha, thihaka. 38 SWAEILl HANDBOOK. Design^ kusudi, jil. makusudi, nia. Descent, msliuko, jjL mishuko. Desert^ wangwa, jangwa, -pi. ma- jangwa. Desolation, ukiwa. Destruction, kubaribika, kupotea. Destructiveness, Tibaribivu, upotevu. Detachment (of soldiers, &c.), kikosi, pi. vikosi. Device, bila, sbauri, pi. masbauri. Devil, sbetani, pi. mashetani. Devotee, mtaowa, pi. wataowa. Dew, umande. Dhow {native craft), chombo, pi. vyombo ; when very Zar^e, jombo, pi. majombo. Kinds of dhows : — Dau, p)^- madau, a small open vessel sharp at the stern,ivith a square matting sail. They belong to the original inhabitants of Zanzibar, ayid are chiefly employed in bringing fireicood to the town. Mtepe, pi. mitepe, a large open vessel sharp at the stern, with a large square matting sail ; the proio is made to resemble a camels head, and is ornamented with painting and little streamers. The planhs are sewn together. There is always a ichite pennon at the masthead. These vessels belong chiefly to Lamoo, and the country near it. Betela, the common dhow of Zan- zilmr : it has a square stern, ivith a low poop and a head much like those of European boats. Bagala, pZ. mabdgala, large dhows ivitli very high square sterns and tall poops, and long projecting prows. The Indian dhows are mostly of this class: tliey have very often a small second mast rising from the poop (mlingote wa kalmi). Gbangi, they resemble the Ba- galas except in not being so high in the poop or so long in the prow. Batili, a low vessel with a long projecting prow, a sharp stem, and high rudder-head. They have often a flying poop and a second mast. They belong to the piratical Arabs from the Persian Gulf. Bedeni, a dhow with a sharp stern and high rudder-head, and a per- pendicular cutwater ; there is often a piece of board attached to it, making a kind of head ; when this is absent the vessel is an Awesia. Beiens may easily be distinguished among other dhows by their masts being upright ; in all other dhows the masts incline forward. They belong to the coast of Arabia^ especially that on the Lidian Ocean. Dhow sail, duumi. Prow, gubeti. Poop, sbetri. Quarter galleries, makanadili. Joists of deck, darumeti. Chunam for bottom, debeni. Place for stoiving things likely to be soon wanted, feuli. Dialect, maneno, lugba. Dialects andlanguages are usually expressed by prefixing ki- to the name of the place or people. Kiunguja {for Maneno ya Kiu- nguja ;, the dialect of Zanzibar (Unguja). Kimvita, the dialect of Mombas (Mvita). Kiamu, the dialect of Lamoo (Amu). SUBSTANTIVES. 39 Kigunya, the dialect of Siici, &c. Kiarabu, Arabic. Kigala, the Galla language. Kimasliamba, a country dialect. Kishenzi, the talk of some uncivil- ized nation. Kiungwana, a civilized language. Kizungu, the languages spoken by Europeans. Diamond, almasi. Diarrhoea, tumbo la knenenda. Diet, maakuli. Difference, tofanti, sivimoja. Difficulty, shidda, ugumu, mashata. Dinner (mid-day), chakula cha mchana. Direction (bidding), fundisho, pi. mafundisbo, agizo, pi. maagizo. Dirt, t'aka. Disease, marathi, uweli, ugonjwa. Disfigurement, lemaa. Disgrace, aibu, ari, fetheba. Disgust, macbukio. Dish, sabani, kombe, pi. makombe, mkungu wa kulia, buugu, kitunga, pi. vitunga (the first is the usual word for European dishes). An earthen dish to bake cakes on^ waya. Disorder (confusion), fujo. See Disease. Display, wonyesbo. Disposal, amri. To put at his disposal, knmwamria. Dispute, masbiudano, tofauti. Disquiet, fatbaa. Dissipation, asherati, washerati, usberati. Distortion (by disease), lemaa. Distress, sbidda, tbulli, utbia, msiba, masbaka. District of a tovm, mta, pi. mita. For the districts of Zanzibar see Part II., p. 330. Disturbance (riot), fitina. (trouble), kero. Ditch, bandaki, sbimo, pi. masbimo. Divine service, ibada ya Muungu. Division (arithmetical), mkasama. Divorce, talaka. Dock for ships, gudi. Doctrine, elimu, ilm, matbhab. Document, kbati. Dog, mbwa. Very large, jibwa, pi. majibwa. Bize, a wild hunting dog. Mbwa wa koko, the houseless dogs outside Zanzibar. Doll, mtoto wa bandia. Dollar, reale, rea. Spanish Pillar dollar, reale ya mizinga. Black dollars, reale ya Sham. American 20-dollar piece, reale ya tbababu. French silver 5-franc piece, reale ya kifransa. For the parts of a dollar see in the section on Adjectives tinder Numerals— fractions, p. 93. Dome, zege. Dominion, mamlaka, hukumu. Donkey, punda. Donkey from the mainland, kio- ngwe, pi. viongwe. Door, ml&ngo, pi. milango (vidgarly^ mwaugo, pi. miango). Leaf of door, ubau, pi. mbau. Centre piece, mfaa. Door-keeper, mgoja miango. Door chain, riza. Door frame, top and bottom pieces, kizingiti, pi. viziugitL 40 SWAHILI HANDBOOK, Side pieces, tnwimo, miimo. Outer heading, upapi. Dotage, mapiswa. Doubt, shaka, pi. mashaka, tashwi- shi, waswas. Dove, hua. See Pigeon & Birds. Dowry, paid hy the husband to the teife^s friends, mahari. Dragon-fly, kerini2:'ende. Dragon's blood, maziwa (or macho), ya watu wawili. Dream, nJoto. Dregs, chembe. Dress, nguo, mavazi, mavao, nvao. Slaves and, very poor men wear generally an nguo only, that is, a loin cloth of white or blue calico. Women wear a kisuto, or long cloth of blue, or printed, or coloured calico trrapped tightly round the body immediately under the arms, and on the head an ukaya, a piece of blue calico with two long ends ; it has a string passing under the chin, to ichich a silver ornament, jebu, is attached. Well-dressed men icear a loin cloth with a coloured border, kikoi, a long shirt-Wee garment in white calico, kanzu, a shawl, amazu, twisted round the waist, a icaistcoat, kisibao, and a long loose coat, jolio. On their Jihads they wear a red or white sJcidl- cap, kofia, and tivisted round it a turban, kilemba. Their feet are slipped into sandals, viatu. ^Vomen wear trousers, soruali, a kanzu of coloured materials and a kona {cap) adorned with gold and spangles, or more commonly a silk hai^lcerchief, dusamali, folded and fastened on the head so as to hide the hair. Tliey also icear sometimes a kisibao {embroidered icaistcoat), and nearly always a mash, barakoa Wfien they go out they throw over all a large square of black silh, lebwani. On their feet they carry wooden clogs held by a button (msuruake) grasped between the toes. Dressing of calico, dondo. Drill, keke. The iron is called kekee ; the wood it is fixed in, msukano ; the handle in which it turns, jivu ; and the boio, uta. Drink, kinwa {or kiny wa), pi. vinwa, kinwaji, ^Z. vinwaji. Drinker, mnywa, pi. wanywa Dripping {fat cooked out of meat\ uto wa nyama. Drop, tone, pi. matone, kitone, pi. vitone. Droppings (dung), mavi. Dropsy, istiska. Drowsiness, leppe, leppe za uzingizi. Drum, ngoma. Chapuo, a small drum. Ktimbwaya, a drum upon feet. Msondo, a very tall drum, beaten on special occasions. The skin of a drum, or anything stretched like it very tightly, ki- wambo, pi. viwambo. Drunkard, mlevi, pi. walevi. Duck, bata, pi. niabata, Duryan, finessi la kizungu. Dust, vumbi, pi. (much dust) ma- vumbL Dust and sand on a road, tifutifu. Duties. See Customs. Duties of one's position, kiwango, pi. viwango. Dwarf, kibeti, pi. vibeti. Dicelling, makao, makazi, makani, Dye, laugL [masikaui. SUBSTANTIVES. 41 Mkasiri, o tree whose harh is used to dye fisMug-nets and lines blacJi. Ungamo, a yellow dye used to dye matting. Dysentery, tumbo la kuhara damu. E. Eagerness (excessive haste), pupa. Eagle (?) koho, firkomba, tai, pu- ngu, kipanga (all these tcords seem to denote some large bird of prey). Ear, sikio, pi. masikio. Hole pierced in the lower lobe of the ear, ndewe. Ear ornaments, a large round ornament in the lower lobe, jassi, pi. majassi. Ornaments in the upper part of the ear, if dangling, kipuli, pi. vipuli ; if shaped like a stud, kipini, pi. vipini. Ear-ring, pete ya masikio. Ear of corn, suke, pi. masuke. See Bunch, Cob. Earnest money, arabuni, stakabathi. Earth, inchi, udongo. 77te earth, inchi, ulimwengu, Ease, raba. [dunia. After pain, faraja. East u'ind, matlaa. Eaves, rachilizi, pi. micbilizi. Eavesdropper, dukizi (or duzi), pi. madukizi. El)ony, mpingo. Echo, mwangwi. Edge (of a precipice), ukingo. (Of a piece of cloth), pindo, pi. mapindo. Edging icoven into a piece of cloth, taraza. Efort, juhudi, bidii. Effudon 'of blood), vilio (la damu), pi. mavilio. Egg, yayi, pi mayayi. White of egg, ute wa yayi. Yolk of an egg, kiini cha yayi. Eggshell, ganda la yayi. Empty eggshell, kaka. Egypt, Misri, Masri, Massara. Elbow, kisigino, pi. visigino, kivi, pi. vivi. Elder, mzee, pi. wazee, sbeki, pi. mashekd. Elegance, jamala. Elepliant, tembo, ndovu. Elephantiasis (leprosy), jethamu. {Barbadoes leg), teeude. Embarrassment, matata, uthia, ma- shaka. Embroidery, almaria. (stitching), darizi. (piping), kigwe, pi. vigwe, Embroilment, matata. Emetic, tapisbo,2>Z. matapisho, dawa la kutapika. Employment, kazi, utumwa. Emidation, bidii. Encampment (of a caravan), kituo, pi. vituo. Enclosure, uanja, ua, pi. nyua. Enclosure made by a fence of cocoa-nut leaves, ua wa nia- kuti. Enclosure made by a fence of mtama stalks, ua wa mabua. Enclosure with a stone fence, kitalu, pi. vitalu. End, mwisho, pi. miisho (finishing), hatima, kikomo, pi. vikomo (leaving off), of a journey, kifiko, pi. vifiko, of a piece of cloth, mialamu. 42 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. End or corners of a turhan cloth, &c., tamvua, kishungi, pi. visliungi. Enemy, adui, pi. adui or maadui. Engagement, shugliuli, utumwa. Enigma, kitendawili, pi. vitenda- wili. Enmity, wadui, adawa, khusuma. Entrails, matumbo. Entrance^ kuingia, pakuingilia, mlango. Envy, hasidi, kijicho, kijito (M.). Epilepsy, kifafa. Equal [in age), hirimu, marika. Equivalent, badala. Error, kosa, makosa. Eructation, kiungulia, pi. viungtilia. Escape, wokovu, kuokoka. (other course), buddi. Esteem, mapendo, maafikano. Estimate, maafikano. Eternity, milele. Eunuch, tawashi, maksai. Euphorbia, mtupa, pi. mitupa. Europe, Ulaya, Wilaya, Uznngu. European (or any one loearing a European dress), Mzuugu, pi. Wazungu. Eve, Hawa. Evening, jioni. Event {startling), shani. Evil, uovu. Exaltation, utukufu, athama. Example, njfano, pi. mifano. Excrement, mavi. Expense, gbarama. Extinguisher, mzima (a person), pi. wazima, kizima (a thing), pi. vizima. Eye, jiclio, pL macho, jito (M.), pi. mato. Loss of an eye, chongo. Eyebrow, nyushi, nshi (A.). Eyelash or Eyelid, kope. A stye in the eye, chochea. F. Fable, ngano. Face, uso, pi. nyuso. Faeces, mavi. Faggot, tita, pi. matita. Faith, imani. Fall, maanguko. Falsehood, uwongo. Familiarity, mazoezo. Family, jaraaa, ndugu. Famine, njaa, ndaa (M.). Fan, upepeo pi. pepeo, pepeo, pi. mapepeo, kipepeo, pi. vipepeo. Fare, naiili. Fast, funga. Fasting month, Ramathani. Fat, sbaliamu, mafuta. A piece of fat^ kipande kilicho- nona. Fat cooked out of meaty uto wa nyama. Fate, ajali. Father, baba. In speaking of one^s own father it is polite to call Mm bwana. Stepfather, baba wa kambo. Father-in-law, mkwe. pi. wakwe. Fathom, pima, pi. mapima. Fatigue, utufu, ulegevu. Failing, kinono, pi. vinono. Fault, batiya, kosa, pi. makosa. Favour, upendeleo. A favour, fathili. Favourite, kipendi, pi. vipendi, mpenzi, pi. wapenzi. Fear, khofu, uoga, kitisho, pL vitisbo, kicho, pi. vicho. Feast, karamu. Feast day, siku kuu. SUBSTANTIVES. 43 Feather, unyoa, pZ. nyoa, nyoa (or nyoja.% pi. manyoya. A toing feather, ubawa,pZ. mbawa. Feeder, mlishi, pi. walishi. Fellow-servant, mjoli, pi. wajoli. Fence, ua, pi. nyua. Stone fence, kitalu, ^Z. vitalu. Fenugreeli, watu. Ferry, kiviiko, p\. vivuko. Fetters, pingu. Fever, lioma. SicelUng of the glands of the groin followed by fever, mtoki. Dengue fever, kidinga popo. Field, koonde, pi. makoonde, mgu- nda (Yao). Field labourer, mtuliina, pi. watu- lima. Fierceness, ukalL Fig, tini. Fig-tree, mtini, pi. mitini. Fight, mapigano. Figure of speech, mfano wa maneno. Filagree icorh, temsi. File, tupa. Fillet, utepe, pi. tepe. Filth, uchavu, janaba. Fin, pezi, pi. mapezi. Fine for a murder, dia. Fineness, uzuri. Finger, kidule, pi. vidole, kidole cha mkono, chanda {^l.),pl. yyanda. Fire, moto, pi. mioto. Pieces of wood to get fire by twist- ing, upekecho. Firewood, kuni, one piece, ukuni. A half-burnt piece of firewood, kinga, pi. vinga. Tlie act of pushing the icood further into the fire, or an instrument for doing so,kichocLeo,kitoteo (M.). Fireplace, jiko, pi. meko, meko, pi. mieko, hence Patchen, jikoni, mekoni. Three stones to set a pot over the fire upon, jifya, pi. mafya, figa, pi. mafiga. Jifya is the icord most used in the town, figa that used in the country. Firefly, kimurimuri, pi. vimurimuri, kimetimeti, pi. vimetimeti. Firmament, anga (?). Firmness, usimeme, nthahiti, (in building) mtomo. Fish, samaki. Dagaa, very small, small fry. Njombo, barred with black and yellow. Taa, a very large fiat fish. Pono, a fish said to be nearly always asleep. Other hinds, Chafi, Chang^a, Chewa, Kungu, Mchiimbuluri!, jMkizo, Mwewe, Mzia, Nguni, Nguva, Panzi, Pungii. The varieties of fish are exceedingly numerous. Cliinusi, a kind of fish or evil spirit never seen, but which is supposed to seize men and hold them under water until they are droicned. Fish-trap, dema, lema, ema. Fish poison from a species of Euphorbia, utiipa. Fisherman, mvuvi, 2>l- wavuvi. Fist, konde, pi. makonde. Fits, kifufa. Flag, bandera. Flat (of a sword, &c.), bapa. Flatterer, msifu, pi. wasifu, msifu- mno. Self-flatterer, mwajisifuni. Flattery, kusifu. 44 SWAEILI EANDBOOK. Flavour^ lutlitha, taniu. Flax, katani, kitaui. Flea, kiroboto, 'pl. viroboto. Flesh, nyama. Fleshiness, mnofu. Flint gun, bunduki ya gumegume. Flood, gharika. Floor, chini. Chunammed floor, sakafu. Upper floor or roof, deri. Mower, ua, pl. maua. Flue, vumbi, pl. {much) mavumbi. A flue, dohaan. Flute, filimbi, pl. mafilimbi. Fly, iiizi, pl. mainzi. Foam, povu. Fog, umande, kungu, shemali. Fold (of cloth), upindo. Cattle-fold, zizi, pl. mazizi. Foliage, majani. Follower, mfuasi, pl. wafuasi, cho- kora, pl. raacliokora (a hanger- on). Folly, upumbafu. Fondness, mahaba. Food, chakula, mukuli (Ar.), kande (Mer.). Food saved from an evening meal to he eaten in the morning, wuli wa niwikuu, bariyo (A.). Bokoboko, a dish made of wheat and meat. Bumbwi, rice flour pounded up tcith cocoa-nut. Pilao, an Indian pillaw. Birinzi. Fool, mpumbafu, pl. wapumbafu. Foot, mguu, pl. miguu, guu, j:>Z. maguu, mjiguu, pl. mijiguu (large), kijiguu, jjZ. vijiguu (small). Footprint, uayo, pl. nyayo. Footing — fo make him pay his foot^ ing, kumsliika bukali. Forbidden thing, haraniu, marufuku. Force, nguvu. Ford, kivuko, pl. vivuko. Forehead, paji la uso. Brow, kikomo cha uso. Foreigner, mgeni, pl. wageni, mja na maji, pl. waja na maji (from over seas). Forelock, panja. Foreskin, govi mbo. Forest, mwitu, msitu. Fork, kiuma, pl. viuma. Forking of a road, tree, &c., panda. Form {outward shape), umbo, pl. maumbo. Fort, gereza, ngome, busuni. Fortune, bahati, nasibu. Fortune-teller{by means of diagrams), mpiga ramli, pl. wapiga ramli. Foster brother or sister, ndugu kuuyonya. Foundation, msingi or msinji, pl. misingi. Fowls, k'uku. Fo.x, mbwelia. Fraud, hadaa, madanganya. Freedom {from, slavery) huru, {per- mission) ruksa, ruliusa. Freight, nauli. Friday, Jumaa. Friend, rafiki,jpL rafiki or marafiki, sahibu, jjZ. as'ljabu, ^ho>Ia {amongst women, and in Zanzi- bar only. See Catamite). Fright, khofu, woga. (a start), kituko. Fringe, matamvua. Frog, chula, pl. vyula. Fruit, tuiida, pl. matunda, zao, pl, •mazao. SUBSTANTIVES. 45 Bungu, pi. mabungu, about the size of a medlar, with a thick russet skin. Mazu, a hind of banana. Zambarau, like a large damson. Chokoclioko, a red prickly skin, a large kernel, and white pidp. Kunazi, something like a sloe. Kitoria, pi. vitoria. — Koma, pi. makoma. — Fuu, pi. mafuu. — Mtofaa. Fruit which drops prematurely, pooza, pi. mapooza. Fruit-stalk, (of cloves) kikonyo, pi. vikonyo, (of bananas) mku- ngu, pi. mikungu. Frying-pan, (metal) tawa, pi. malawa, (earthen) kaango, pi. makaango. Fugitive, mkimbizi, pi. wakimbizi. Fume, azma, fukizo. Fun, mchezo, mzaha. Funeral, kuzikani. Furnace (for melting metal), kalibu. Furniture, pambo la nyumba, vyombo. G. Gain, fayida. Gait, mwendo. Galago, komba. Galbanum, ubani. Gall, safura. Galla, Mgala, pi. "Wagala. Game, (produce of hunting) mawi- ndo, (amusement) mchezo, ma- cbezo. B^to, played on a board with thirty- tico holes in it. Muliyandimu, a game in which one holds down his head, some other knocks it, and he guesses who struck him. Tiabu, played hy throwing up sticks, &c., and watching their fall. Dama, played on a board like chess. Tasa, a game of touch. Tinge, a game consisting in follow- ing the movements of a leader. Garden, bustani, sbaniba. Gate, mlango, pi. milango. Gate of Paradise, kilango cha jab a. Gazelle, paa. General, jemadari, pi. majemadari. Generation, kizazi, pi. vizazi. Generosity, ukarimu. Genius, Jini, pi. Majini. G^e7iiZe?na«,mng wana, jpZ. -wangwana. Gentleness, upole. Georgian woman, Jorjiya. Gettings, pato, pi. mapato. Ghee, samli. Ghost, kivuli, pi. vivuli. Ghoul, zimwi, pi. mazimwi. Giddiness, masua, mbasua, kizu- nguzungu. Gift, zawadi (a keepsake), tunu (a choice thing), basbishi (largess), ada (customary gift), kilemba (gift on the completion of a work or to the bride^s father)^ wapo. Ginger, tangawizi. Giraffe, twiga. Girder, mbimili, pi. mihimili. Girdle, msbipi, pi. mishipi, masombo (of cloth), maazrimu (a shawl), kibobwe, pi. vibobwe (a piece of cloth tied round the body during hard ivork). Girl, kijana, pi. vijana. Slave girl, kijakazi, pi. vijakazL Girth, kivimba. 46 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Gizzard, firi^si. Gladness, furaha. Glance, natliiri. Glare, anga. Glass, kioo. Looking-glass, kioo, pi. vioo. Drinking -glass, bilauri. Glitter, kimeta. Glory, sifa, fakhari, utukufu. Glue (or gum), embwe. Glutton, mlafi, pi. walafi. Goat, mbuzi. A strong he-goat, bebera (Ar.). Go-between, kijumbe, ^^Z. vijumbe. GOD, MUUNGU, pi miungu. Goitre, tezi. Gold, thaliabu. Goldsmith, mfua thahabu, pi. wafua thahabu. Good luck, ghanima, jaha. Goodness, wema. Goods, mali ^possessions'), vyombo (utensils), bithaa (merchandise). Goose, bata la Bukini, pi. mabata ya Bukini. Gonorrhoea, kisunono. Gourd. See Pumpkin. Gouty jongo. Governor, wali, liwali, pi. maliwali. Government, serkali, daulati. An official, mtu wa serkali. Grain. See Corn. Cleaned grain, mchele. Cooked grain, wali. Grains of com, punje, chembe. Grandchild, mjukwi, pi. wajukuu. Great-grandcluld, kijukuu, pi. vijukuu, kitukuu, pi. vitukuu, kilembwe, pi. vilembwe. Great-great-grandchild,kmmg'mak, pi. viningina. Grandfather, babu. Grandmother, bibu Great- grandmother, mzaa bibi. Grammar, saruf. Grapes, zabibu. Gratitude, shukrani. Grass, nyasi, majani, nyika. grass cut for fodder, ukoka. Grasshopper, panzi, pi. mapanzi. Grave, kaburi, pi. makabm-i. In the grave, ajter death, ahera, kuziniu. Greatness, ukubwa, ukuii, utukufu. Greediness, choyo, rolio, tamaa. Greij hairs, mvi. Gridiron, uma wa kuokea nyama, pi. nyuma za kuokea nyama. Grief, sikitiko, kasarani, msiba, huzuni, hamu, simauzi. (for a loss), majonzi. Grime (on a pot), masizi. Grit (small stones), chaugarawi. Groom, mchunga, pi. wacbunga, mtunga (M.), pi. watunga. Ground, chini, inchi. Ground nuts, mjugu nyasa, (a hard round kind) mjugu mawe. Grudging person, hiaua. Gruel, uji. Guard, mlinzi, pi. walinzi. Guava, mpera, pi. mapera. Guava-tree, mpera, pi. mipera. Guest, mgeni, pi. wageni. Guide, rubani, kiongozi,pZ. viongozi, mkuu genzi. Guitar, kinanda, pi. vinanda Guinea fowl, kanga. (a crested kind), kororo. Gum (birdlime, &c.), ulimbo. Gum [of the teeth), ufizi, pi. fizi. Gum Arabic, haba, sumugh. Gum Amini or Copal, sandarusi. Gun, bunduki. SUBSTANTIVES. 47 FJirii (7«r?,biindiiki ya gmnegume. Gun-harrel, kasiba. Nipple, kifa, pi. vifa. Gun-cap, fataki. Gun-lock, mtambo, pi. mitambo. (cannon), mzinga, pi. mizinga. Gun-carriage, gurudumo la mzinga. Gunpowder, baruti. GiU, tumbo, pi. matumbo. H. H. The guttural Arabic h, ha ngoe. The softer Arabic h, he mdawari. Habits, mazoezo, mathehebu. Hxmorrhoids, bawasir. Haft, mpini, pi. mipini, kipini, pi. vipini. Hair, nyele {or nwele), sing, unyele. (of the beard), ndevu, sing, udevu. (of the body, especially of the pubes), mavuzi, sing. vuzi. (of the eyebrow), nyushi, sing. unyushi. (of the eyelash), kope, sing, ukope. (of the hand and arm), malaika, sing, laika. (of an animal), singa. Straight hair, nyele za singa. Woolly hair, nyele za kipilipili. Half, nusu. A half orange, cocoa-nut, c&c.kizio, pi. vizio. Halyards, henza. Ropes passing through the pulley of the halyards, jarari. Hammer, nyuudo. Hand (or arm and hand), mkono, pi. mikono. Palm of the hand, kitanga cha mkono, pi. vitanga vya mikono. Front of the hand, kofi, pi. makofi. Inside of the fingers, kikofi, pi. vikofi. Handful {that will lie on the hand), ukufi, p)l- kufi. (that which will lie on the two hands), chopa, pi. machopa. (that can be grasped in the hand), konzi, pi. makonzi. Handkerchief, leso. Focket handkerchief, leso ya ku- futia kamasi. Handle (like a knife-handle), mpini, pi. mipini, kipini, pi. vipini. (projecting like that of a sauce- pan), kono, mkono, pi. mikonct. (bowed like that of a bucket), utambo, pi. tambo. Handwriting, khati, mwandiko. Hanger-on, chokora, pi. machokora. Happiness, furaha, fiirahani, raha. Harbour, bandari, buudari. Hardness, ugnmu. Hare. See Rabbit. Harm, mathara. Harness, matandiko. Harp, kinubi, pi. vinubi. Harpoon, chusa, pi. vyusa. Harvest, mavuno. Haste, haraka, hima. Hat, chapeo. Hatchet, kishoka, pi. vishoka, kitoka (M.), pi. vitoka, upamba, pi. pamba. Hatred, machnkio, buothu. Hawk, mwewe. Haicker, dalali. Head, kitwa (or kichwa), pi. vitwa. A little head, kijitwa, pi. vijitwa. Head of a ship, omo. Head winds, pepo za omo. Head cloth worn by ivomen. ukaya 48 SWAEILI HANDBOOK (of blue calico), dusamali (0/ silk). Headship, ujumbe. Healing things, mapoza. Health, uzima, afia, hali {state). Heap, fungu, pi mafungu, chungu. . of stones, boma. pi. maboma. of wood and sticks, biwi, pi. mabiwi, kichaka, pi. vichaka. of earth, kisugulu, pi. visugiilu. (a raised bed), tuta, jjL matiita. Heart, moyo, pi. mioyo, or nyoyo, mtima, pi. mitima. Heat, moto, hari (sweat), harara (prickly heat). Heaven, mbingti, sing, uwingu, samawati (Ar.)- Heaviness {iveight), uzito. (sorrow), hamu. Hedge, ua, pi. nyua. Hedge made in the sea for taking fish, uzio, pi. nyuzio. Heel, kifundo (or kisigino) cha mguu. Heifer, mtaniba^ pi. mitamba. Heir, mrithi, pi. vfSinthi. Help, msaada. Hem, upindo. Hemp. See Cannabis Indica. Hempen rope, kamba ulayiti. Hen, k'uku. Laying hen, koo, pi. makoo. Hen, full grown, but that has not yet laid, t'embe. Henna, liina. Herd, kundi, pi. makundi. Herdsman, mchunga, pi. wachimga, mtunga (M.), pi. watunga. Hero, shujaa, pi. mashujaa, faliali, pi. mafahali. Heroism, ushujaa. Hesitation, msangao. (in speaking), kubabaika. Hickup, kwikwe. Hidden thing, fumbo, pi. mafumbo. Hide, ngozi. Hill, kilima, pi. vilima. A rocky hill, jabali, pi. maja- bali. Hilt, kipini, pi. vipini. Hindrance, kizuizo, kizuio, kizuizi. It is said that Dr. Krapf, being on one occasion delayed from day to day, in obedience to superior orders, said to those who delayed him: — Keslio oa keslio ni madanganya, ao ni makatazanya. " To-morrow and to-morrow is deceiving or forbidding ;" to ichich they re- plied : — Si madanganya wala 8i makatazanya, ni raazuiza- nya. " It is not deceiving, and it is not forbidding, it is delay- ing." Hinge, patta, bawaba. Hip, nyonga (?), tokono (A.). Hippopotamus, kiboko, pi. vibf-ko,' tomondo. Hire, taja, ijara, ujira. History, hadithi. Hoarseness, kupwewa na sanii. Hoe, jembe [or gembe), pi. ma- jembe. Hoeing-up time, mapalilo. Hold (of a ship), ngama. Hole, tundu, pi. matundu. (through anything), kipenyo, pi. vipenyo. (dibbled for seeds or plants), ko- rongo, pU makorongo. Hole to give light and air, mwa- ngaza, pi. miangaza. SUBSTANTIVES 49 Hole in the lower lobe oj the ear, ndewe. Holiness, utakatifu, matakatifu. Hollow (of a tree), mvungu. Hollowness, uvurungu. Home, kwangu, kwako, kwake, kwetu, kwenu, kwao, according to the person whose home it is. 1 have some at home, iko kwaugu. Honey, asali ya nyuki. Honour, lieshima, ukarimu, utu- kufu. Hoof, ukwato, pi. kwato, kwata. Hook (fish-hook), doana. (used to steady work with), kulabu. Hope, matumaini. Hordeolum, cliokea. Horn, pembe, pi. pembe or ma- pembe. An antelope's horn used as a trumpet, baragumu. See Musical Instruments. Horse, farasi, fras. Host (army or multitude), jeshi, pi. majeshi. Host (entertainer), mwenyeji, pi. wenyeji. Hostility, wadui, adawa. Hour, saa. House, nyumba. (large), jumba, pi. majumba. (small), kijumba, pi. vijumba. Household of slaves, kijoli. Hum, mavumi. Humility, unenyekeo. Hump (of an ox), nundu. {of a humpback), kigongo. Hunger, iijaa, ndaa (M.). Hundred, mia. Two hundred, miteen. Hunter, mwinda, pi. wawinda. Hurry, haraka. Husband, mume, pi. waiime. Husk, ganda, pi. magauda. Husk and bran of rice, kumvi. Husk of the cocoa-nut, makumbi. Hut, kibanda, pi. vibanda. Hysena, fisi, pisi. Spotted hysena, kingubwa. Hydrocele, mshipa, pumbo, kito- nga (?) Hypocrite, mnafiki, pi. wanafiki. I. Ibo, Wibo. Idiot, hayawani. Idleness, uvivu. Idolater, kafiri. pi. makafiri. Ignorance, ujinga. Image, sanamu. Imperial. See Beard. Imprecation, apizo, pi. maapizo. Imprisonment, kifuugo. Incense, buhmi, ubani, uvumha, uudi. See Censer. Income, pato. Independence, iipweke. Indian (heathen), Banyani, pi. IMa- banyani. Indian {Maliommedan), Muhindi, pi. Waliiudi, Indian rubber, mpira. Indian corn, muhindi. See Maize. Infection, kuambukiza. Infidel, kafiri, pi. makafiri. Infirmity, uthaifu. Information, habari. Ingenuity, uyuzi, umaheli. Inheritance, \xr\th\. Inheritor, mxiihi, pi. warii/ii. Ink, vrino. Inkstand, kidau cha wino. Inlaid work, njumu. 50 SWAEILI HANDBOOK, Innovation, mzuzi, pi. mizuzi. Innovator, mzushi, pi. wazushi. Insect, mdudu, jjI- wadudu. Paange, gadfly. Manyiga, hornet. Dudu vule, a boring hornet. Bunzi, pl. mabunzi, a stinging fly- Vunja jimgo, a mantis. Boroshoa, a long-shaped black insect found in dust-heaps. Insolence (^self-sufficiency), kinaya. Instruction, mafundisho. Instruments (nautical), vipande vya kupimia. Insult, tukano, pl. matukano. Intellect, akili {generally treated as a plural noun of Class III.). Intention, nia, kasidi. Interpretation, tafsiri. Interpreter, mkalimani, pl. wakali- mani, posoro. Intestines, matumbo. Small intestines, change. Interruption, kizuizo, pl. vizuizo. Intoxicating thing, kileo, pl. viko. Intoxication, kileo, kulewa. Intruder, kizushi, pl. vizushi, fisadi (one icho enters a house without laivful purpose). Invalid, mgonjvfa, pl. wagonjwa. Iron, chuma. A piece of iron, chuma, pl. vyuma. Iron bar, mtaimbo, pl. mitaimbo. Island, kisiwa, pl. vi&iwa. Itch, upele, pele. Itching, mnyeo. Jvory, pembe. a large tusk, buri. J. Jachal, mbwa wa luwitu. Jachfruit, finesi, 'pl. mafinesi, Jackfruit tret, mfinesi, pl. mi- finesi. Jar {for carrying waier), intungi, pl. mitungi. Jar (large), kasiki. Jasmine, jasmini. Jaiv, taya. Jealousy, uwivu. Jealous anger, gheiri. To weep for jealousy, kulia ngoa Jewel, johari. Jin, jini, pl. majini. Johanna, Anzwani. Joint, kiungo, pl. viungo. (in a cane), fundo, pl. mafundo. (piece between two joints in a cane), pingili. Joist, boriti. Joke, ubishi. Journey, safari, mwendo. Two days^ journey, mwendo wa siku mbili. Joy, furaha. Judge, kathi, pl. makathi, mwa- muzi, pl, waamuzi, mwamua, pl. waamua. Judgment, hukumn, maamuzi. Jug, kopo, pl. makopo. Juice, maji. Justice, haki. K. Ktel, mkuku, ntako ' Mer.). Kernel, kisa, pl. visa. Kettle, kanderinya. Key, ufanguo, pl. fungua Kick, teke, pl. mateke. Kidney, nso, figo (M.). Kind, namna, ginsi, aina. Kind, sort or style is expressed by ki. prefixed to the place, thing^ SUBSTANTIVES. 51 or people. Kihindi, the Indian sort. Kizimgu, the European sort. Viatu vya Kihindi, shoes like those worn by the Indians. Viazi vya ELizungu, sweet potatoes oftheEuropean sort,i.e. potatoes. Mavazi ya kifaume, robes of the Mngly sort, royal robes. Kindness, wema. Ecery kindness, killa jambo la wema. A kindness, fathili. Kindred, ndugu, jamaa. Utani, the belonging to a kindred race. Mtani, pi. watani, a person of a kindred race. King, mfalme, pi. wafalme, malki, maliki. CJcess king, shah. Kingdom, ufalme, ufalume, nfaume, milld, mulki. Kinsman, ndugu, jamaa. See Kindred. Kiss, busu. Kitchen, jikoni, mekoni. Kite (bird), mwewe. (toy), tiara. Knee, gote, pi. magote, ondo, pi. maondo (A.). Knife, kisu, pi. visu. (large), jisu, pi. majisu. Kotama, a curved knife used in getting palm wine. Shembea, a kind of curved knife. Knight (chess), frasi. Knot, fundo, pi. mafundo. Knoicingness, ujuvi, ujuzi, werevu. Knowledge, maarifa, elimu, hekima. Koran, korani, furakanu, msahafu. It is divided into thirty juzuu, which together make a khitima nzjma. Labour, kazi. Labour pains, utungu. Lac (100,000), lakki. Ladder, ngazi. Ladle made out of a cocoa-r? m/, kata, pi. makata (deep, used to dip up water with) ; upawa, pi. pawa (shallow, used for gravy, curry, &c.). Lady, bibi, mvrana mke wa kiu- ngwana. Lady of the house, mwana. Ladylove, mchumba. Lake, ziwa la maji, pi. maziwa. Lamoo, Amu. Lamp, taa. Larnpstand, a piece of wood icith tico flat pieces projecting at right angles on which the lamp is placed, mwango, pi. miango. Lampwick, utambi, pi. tambi. Land, inchi, nti ''M.). Landing-place, diko, pi. madiko, liko, pi. maliko. Language, lugha, maneno. TJce language of a place or nation is expressed by the use of the prefix ki-. Maneno ya Kiu- nguja or Kiunguja,f7itJ languag( of Zanzibar. Kinyamwezi, the language of the Nyamwezi tribe. See Dialect. Filthy and insulting language, matukano. Languor, utepeteva. Lantern, fanusi, kandili, pi. ma- j kaudili. 1 Lappet, kishungi,^?. vishungi. E 2 52 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Largess, takarima, Lashishi. | Lathe, keezo. Laugh, cheko,^Z. macheko, kicheko, pi. vicheko. Law, slieria, hukurnn. Lead, risasi, rusasi. {for sounding), bildi. Leader, kiongozi, pi. viongozi. Leaf {of a tree), jaui, pi. majani. (of a cocoa-nut tree^, kuti, pi. makuti. Leaf (of a hooh), ukurasa, pi. kurasa. Lean-to, kipenn, pi. vipenu. Learning, elimu. A man of learning, mwana wa chuoni. Leather, ngozi, ngovi. Leave, mksa, ruhusa. To tahe leave, kuaga. Leaven, chachu, kamira. Lee side, upande wa cliini. Leech, mruba, pi. miruba, mdudu afyonzaye damu. Lefthandedness, shoto. Leg (or foot), mgu.u,pl. miguu. (of a native bedstead), tendegu, pi. matendegu. Loss of the use of the legs, kitewe, kiwete. Leg ring. See Anhlet. Legend, hadithi. Leisure (private time), faragha, makini. Lemon, limao, pi. malimao. Length, mefu. Leopard, chui, tui (M.). Leprosy, ukoma, balanga, jethamu, matana. Letter, -svaraka, pi. nyaraka, barua, kbati. Letter (of the alphabet), henifu. Lever, mvukuto, pi. mivukuto. Liar, mwongo, pi. wawongo. Liberality, ukarimu. Licentiousness, washerati. Licorice, sus. Lid, kifumko,pZ. vifuniko, kibia, pL vibia, mkungu wa kufunikia. Lie, wongo, u won go. Life, uzima (health), maisha (con- tinuance), roho (soul). Light, nuru, weupe, mwanga, pi. mianga, anga, pi. maanga (glare). Lighthole, mwangaza, pi. mia- ngaza. Lights (of an animal), yavuyavu. Lightning, umeme. Like (similar thing), kifani, pL vifani. Likeness, mfano, pi. mifano, kifano pi. vifano, sanamu, sura. Lime, chokaa. Lime (fruit), dimu. Sweet lime, dimu tamu. Limit, mpaka, pi. mipaka (boun- dary), kinga (block), upoo (what cannot be surpassed). Line, mstari, pi. mistari (drawn), safu (roic), ugwe (cord), sliairi {line of verse). Linen, kitani. Lining of a kanzu round the throat, kaba. Lion, simba. Lip, mdomo, mlomo, or mwomo, pi. midomo, milomo, or miomo. Lip-ring, ndonya. Liquid, maji, kiowevu. Lisp, kitembe. Litter (carried by four men), macbeva. Little pieces, vidogo, sing, kidogo. SUBSTANTIVES, 53 Liver, ini, pi. maini. Lizard, mjusi, pi. wajusi. Large water lizard, kenge. Kinds of lizards, mgurugum, pi. waguruguru — gorong'ondwa — kiuma mbuzi— mjumbakaka — mjisikafiri. Load; mzigo, pi. mizigo. Loaf, mkate, pi. mikate. Loan, maazimo, karatha. Lock, kitasa, pi. vitasa (60a; lock), komeo or gomeo (a native wooden lock), kufuli,^Z. maku- fuli {padlock). Locust, mzige, pi. wazige, nzige. Log, gogo, pi. magogo. (nautical), batli. Loin cloth, nguo, doti, kikoi, pi. vikoi (with a striped border). Loins, kiiino, pi. viuno. Longing, uchu, tamaa, hawa. Look, nathari. Looking-glass, kioo, pi. vioo. Loop, kitanzi, pi. vitanzi. Loops to haul up a boat by, kishwara. Loss, hasara. Jjots, kura. Louse, chawa, tawa. Love, shauko, mapenzi, habba, mahabu, pendo, mapendo. Luck, bahati, nasibu. Messenger of ill luck, korofi. Lukewarmness, uvuguvugu. Lumbrici, change. Lump, fun go, pi. mafungo, fumba, pi. mafumba. Lump [as in flour), kidonge, pi. vidonge, vumbu, pi. mavumbu. Lump (of meat), chinyango. Lunacy, kichaa, soda. Lunatic, mwenyi kichaa. Lungs, pafu, pumu, yavuyavu (of an animal). Lust, hawa. M. Mace {spice), basbasi. Machine, samaui, mtambo, pi. mi- tambo. Madagascar, Buki, Bukini. Madness, wazimo, mahoka (country dialect). Magadoxa, IMkuchyo. Magic, uchawi (black magic). uganga (loliite magic). Maggot (funza). Magnesia (sulphate of), chumvi ya haluli. Maiden, mwana mwali. Maize (plant), muhiudi. half-groicn, matindi. (corn), mahindi. (corn cob), gunzi, 2)1. magunzi. (young cob), ngara. (parched corn), mbisi. Majesty, enzi, ezi. Malice, uovu. Man (person), mtu, pjl. watu. (male), mwanamume, pi. waa- naume. (human being), mwana Adamii, bin Adamu (Ar.). A very large man, jitu, pi. majitu. A young man whose beard is beginning to appear, mvulana, pi. wavulana. Man of the world, mtu mwerevu. Mango, embe, embe (M.), pi. ma- embe. Embe za dodo, large mangoes. Mango-tree, mwembe, pi. miembe. Mangouste, mchiro, pi. wachiro. Mangrove, mkoko, pi. mikoko. 54 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Manner, ginsi. An elegant manner, madaha. Manners, destuii, matliehebu. Good manners, adabu, tasfida. 3/anfzs, vuDJa jungo. Manure, samadi. Manuscript, mwandiko, pi. mia- ndiko. Mark, alama. Marks made hy dragging anything along, mkokoto, pi. mikokoto. Tribal mark, nemba. See Spot, Blotch. Market, soko, pi, masoko. Marriage, ndoa, mikaba. (the ceremony), liarusi. (intermarriage), kuoana. Marrow, bongo. Martyr, shabidi, pi. mashabidi. Mask, barakoa. Mason, mwasbi, pi. waashi. Mason's trowel, mwiko, pi. miiko. Mass, the mass of, jamii ya. Mast, mlingote, pi. milingote, mgote, pi. migote. Small mizen-mast, mlingote wa kalmi or galmi. Master {of a house, or of slaves), bwana. Master {of a school), mwalimu, pi. waalimu. Masters son, bwana mdogo. Master workman, fundi. One's own master, mweza mwe- nyewe. Mat (coarse matting), jamvl, pi. majamvi. Sleeping mat, mkeka, j^Z. mikeka. Sleeping mat made like a hag with one side open, fumba. Oval prayer mat, musala, pi. mi- sala. Bound mat on which food is laid out, kitanga, pi. vitanga. Strips of palm leaf for plaiting fine mats, myaa, pi. miyaa. Strips of palm leaf for plaiting coarse mats, mwaa, pi. miwaa. Narrow strips ready to he seicn together to make coarse TnatSy sbupatu, pi. masbupatu. Strips for making fine mats, iikiri, pi. kiri. The thick edge of strips of matting, ng'ong'o. Busati, a sort of matting hrought from Muscat. Matchmaker, kijumbe, pi. vijumbe. Matches, viberiti. Matter (pus), usaba. A matter, jambo, jawabu. What is the matter ? Kuna nini? What is the matter with you? Una nini. Mattress, godoro, pi. magodoro. Mayotte, Maotwe. Meal (food), cbakula. First meal after a fast, futarL Meal (flour), unga. Meaning, maana. Meanness, unyonge. Means, njia. Measles, cburuwa. Measure, kadri, kiasi, cbeo, kipimo. A measure, kipimo, pi. vipimo. Measuring rod, line, &c., chenezo, pi. vyenezo. See Cubit, Fathom, Span, Weight. The weights are used as measures for such a capacity as would contain that weight of millet Bleat, nyama. [ (mtama). Small pieces cooked on a skewer, msbakiki, pi. misbakiki. SUBSTANTIVES. 55 Pieces cool-'d on two parallel 8ticJis, subana. Meatiness, mnofu. Meddler, pingamizi. Mediator {peace-ma'ker\,vcis,Q\ph\i\\d^, pi. waselehisha, msululiislia, pi. wasuluhisha, mpatanislii, pil. wapatanislii. Medicine, dawa, pi. dawa or madawa. (inedical knowledge), utabibu, uganga. Medicine man, mganga, pi. wa- ganga. Meehness, upole. Melancholy, huzuni, hamu. Memorandum (written), kliati. Memorial, kumbukumbu, uku- mbusho. Memory, ukumbuka, ufahamiL Menstruation, heth. Mention, kumbukumbiL Merchandise, bithaa. Merchant, mfanyi biashara, pL vra.- fanyi biashara, tajiii, pi. ma- tajiri (a rich man)y taf/ibiii, bazazi (huckster). Mercury, zebakh. Mercy, rebema, huruma. Merit, ajara. Merka, Marika. Message, maneno, habaii. Messenger, mjumbe, pi. wajumbe, mtume, pi. watume, tume. Metal, madini Middle, kati. Middle of a piece of cloth, mjL Midge, usubi. Midnight, usiku saa a sita. kati ya usiku, usiku wa manane. Midwife, mzalisha, pi. wazalisha. Mildew, kawa. Milk, maziwa. Curdled milk, maziwa mabivu. Buttermilk, mtindi. Mill, diuu, pi. viuu. Steam mill, kinu cha moshi. Oil mill, kinu clia kushindikia. Hand mill, mawe ya kusagia {this last only is used for grind- ing corn. Kinu is properly a wooden mortar, and the common oil mills consist of a lever turned in a mortar by camels). Millipede, jongoo. Millet, mtama. fully formed hut unripe, mtama tete. Millet stalks, mabua, sing. bua. kinds of millet, kibakuli, kipaje. 3Iind, moyo (heart), akili (wits). Mine, madini. [nia (intention). Mint (herb), nana, fidina (?> Minute, dakika. Miracle, m.v,- ujiza., pi. miujiza, ajabu. Miscarriage, kuharibu mimba. Mischief, matbara, uharabu. Miser, bakhili, choyo. Misery, shidda, tbulli. Misfortune, msiba, pi. misiba, taabu. Missile, kimwondo, pi. zimwondo {used to mean shooting stars, because said to be cast at the Jins by the angels). Missionary, mpeekwa, pi. wa- peekwa. Mist, kungu, umande, sbemali Mistake, kosa, makosa. Mistress (of slaves), bibi. {of the house), ^wana. It is reckoned good manners in Zanzibar to speak of one's own mother as mwana. Mistress (kept woman), kinyumba. Mistress ^sweetheart), mchumba. 56 SWAEILI HANDBOOK, Mizen-mast, mlingote wa kalmi or galmi. Mockery, usimanga. Moderation, kadri, kiasL Modesty, haya. Moliilla, Moalli. Mole, fuko (?). Monibas, Mvita. Monday, Juma a tatu. Money, fetha. Monfia, Mafya. MonJcey, kima. Tumbili, a small light-coloured monkey. Ngedere, a small black monkey. Mbega, 'pl. wabega, a black monkey with long ivhite hair on the shoulders. Monsoon [northerly winds), musimi. Month, mwezi, pl. mie?!. The months of the Arab year are determined by the sight of the moon, or by the lapse of thirty full days. The months practi- cally begin from the end of the fasting month, and are called Mfunguo wa mosi, — wa pili, — wa tatu, — wa'nne, — wa tano, — wa sita, — wa saba, — wa uane, — wa kenda, Eajabu, Shaabani, Ramatbani. See Time. A month of less than thirty days, mwezi mpungufu. A m.onth of thirty full days, mwe- zi mwangamu. Monthly pay, mshaara. Moon, mwezi. Moonblindness, kiwi. Moonlight, bala mwezi. Morning, subui, assubui, ussubui. Morning air, umande. Morocco, Magharibi. Morsel, kidogo, pl. vidogo. Mortar for pounding and cleaning grain, &c., kinu, pl. vinu. Mortar for throwing shells, ko- mbora. Builder^s mortar, chokaa. Platters used as mortar boards, cliano, pl. vyano. Mosque, meskiti, moskiti, mesjid. Mosquito, imbu. Moth, noondo. Mother, mama. It is polite in Zan- zibar to speak of one^s own mother as mwana. Step-mother, mama wa kambo. Mother-in-law, mkwe, pl. w^akwe. Mould, kalibu. (mouldiness), ukungu, kawa. Mound (of earth), kisugulu, pl. vi- sugulu. Mound {of stones), boma, pl. ma- boma. Mountain, mlima, pl. milima. Mourning (grief), msiba. To make a formal mourning, kukaa matanga. To finish a formal mourning^ kuondoa matanga. To live very privately during mourning for a husband, ku- kalia eda. The feast with ivhich a mourning concludes, hitimu. 3Ioustache, muomo, 2>l- miomo. Mouth, kinwa, pl. vinwa, kanwa, pl. makanwa. Mucus (from the nose), kamasi. (from the vagina), utoko. Mud, tope ; much mud, matope. Muddiness in water, vumbi. Mule, nyumbu, bagliala. [riiba. Multiplication (arithmetical), tha- SUBSTANTIVES. 57 Multitude, makutaiio, kundi, pi. umkundi, jeshi, pi. majeshi, umaati. Mummy, mumyani. Mungoose, mcliiro, pi. wachiro. Murderer, muuwaji, pi. wauwaji. Muscle, tafu. Mushroom, kioga, pi. vioga. Music, ngoma. Musical Instruments. See Drum. Baragumu, a spiral antelope*s horn'used as a trumpet. Kayamba, a sort of rattle. Kinanda, pi. vinanda, a stringed instrument, used of European instruments generally. Kinubi, a harp. Matoazi, sing, toazi, cymbals. Mbui, a buffalo's horn played by beating. Paanda, a trumpet. Upato, a plate of copper sounded by beating. Vugo, a large horn sounded by beating. Zeze, a three-stringed lute. Zomari, a sort of clarionet. Musk, mesiki, meski. Mussel {shellfish), kijogoo, jpZ. vijo- goo, kome, pi. makome. Mustard, kharadali. Myriad, kikwi, pi. vikwi or zikwi. Myrrhf manemane. N. Nail {finger), l^kucha, pi. kucha. (iron), msomari, pi. misomari. Name, jina, pi. majina. What is your name ? Jina lako nani? Namesake, somo, pi. masomo. Nape of the neck, ukosi, kikosi. Napkin, kitambaa, pi. vitambaa. Table napkin, kitambaa cha meza. Narcotic, kileo, pi. vileo. Nation, taifa, pi. mataifa. Native, mzalia, pi. wazalia, kizao, pi. vizao, kivyao, pi. vivyao. Nature, asili, labia. Nautical instruments, vipande vya kupimia. Navel, kitovu, pi. vitovu. Necessaries (especially as supplied by God^s providence), riziki, ziriki (M.). (usefid things), vifaa. Necessity, farathi, lazima, ukwasefu. Neck, shin go, pi. mashingo. See Back, Nape. Need, uhtaji, kutaka, matakwa. Needle, sindano. Neighbour, jirani. Neighbourhood, upande wa, ki- yambo (?). Nest, tundu, pi. matundu. (a laying place), kiota, pi. viota. Net, mshipi, p)l- mishipi. used to take gazelles, &c., wavu, pi. nyavu, chavu, p/. vyavu. Stake net, hedge made in the sea, uzio, pi. nyuzio. Bound casting net, kimia, pi. vimia. Seine made of European cordage, jarifa (or jarife), pi. majarifa. Seine made of cocoa-nut fibre, juya, pi. majuya. Fish trap made of basket work, dema. Nettle, kiwavi, pi. viwavi (used also iV^ews, habari. [of sea-nettles). Night, usiku. All night, usiku kucha. 58 8WAEILI HANDBOOK, Four whole nights, siku nne usiku kucha. Four days and mghts, siku nne mcliana na usiku. Nightmare, jinamisi. Nipple, chuchu ya ziwa, titi, bubu (A.). ef a gun, kifa, pi. vifa. Nohody, si mtu. There is nobody, hapana {or hakuna) mtu. Noise, sauti. of voices, kelele, pi. makelele, uthia. See Bellow, Hoar, Hum, Cry. Nonsense, upuzi, puo. Noon, athuuri, jua kitwani. Noose, tanzi, pi. nmtanzi. North, kibula, kaskazini. Northerly winds, kaskazi. Nose, pua, yl. pua or mapua. Nose ornament shaped like a stud, kipini, pi. vipini. Nose ring, azama. Nostril, tundu ya pua, 'mwauzi wa pua (?). Notch, a place where a triangular piece is hrolcen out, peugo. Note, barua, khati. Number, hesabu, kiwango. Nurce, yaya (dry nurse), 'mlezi, pi. walezi (of a child), muguzi, pi. wauguzi (of a sick person). Nut, kokwa, pi. makokwa. See Ground, Casheiv, cfcc. Nutmeg, kungumauga. O. Oar, kasia, pi. makasia. Oath, uapo, pi. nyapo, kiapo, pi. viapo, yamini. Obedience, mutia. Objections, makindano, makaiazo. Occupation, shughuli. (Esophagus, umio. Offering, sadaka (gift), thabihu (sacrifice), kafara (a sacrifice to avert calamity ; it is buried or thrown away). Officer, akida, mkuu wa asikari. Officiousness, futhuli, ufuthuli, Offspring, mzao, pi. wazao. [ujuvi. Oil, mafuta. Castor-oil, mafuta ya mt)arika. Semsem-oil, mafuta ya uta. Ointment, marliamu. Old age, uzee, ukongwe (extreme). Old person, mzee, pi. wazee, ki- kongwe, pi. vikongwe (ex- tremely old). Omelette, kiwanda, kimanda. Omen, fali. Omnipresence, eneo la Muungu (the spread of God). Onion, kitunguu, pi. vitunguu. Open place, kiwanja, pi. viwanja, wangwa, wanda. piece of waste ground in a town, uga. Opinion, wasia. Opium, afyuni. Opportunity, nafasi. Ophthalmia, weli wa macho. Orange, chungwa, pi. machungwa, chungwa la kizungu, danzi la kizungu. Bitter or wild oranges, danzi, pi. madanzi. Mandarin oranges, kangaja. (a larger sort), cheuza, clienza za kiajjemi. Order. See Command. {regularity, or a regular order), taratibu. SUBSTANTIVES, 59 Ordeal, kiapn, pi. viapo. Origin, asili, cbimbuko, mwanzo. Ornament, pambo, jpl. mapambo, kipambo, pi. vipambo. Dalia, o yellow cosmetic. Ndonya, lip-ring worn by the Nyassa women. Sarafu, a small gold plate worn on the forehead. Sliangwi, an ornament worn between the shoulders. Urembo, black lines painted upon the face. Uzuri, cosmetic applications. Vidani, collars of gold or silver. See Anklets, Bracelets^ Ear^ Nose. Orphan, yatima. Os coccygis, kifundugm Ostrich, buni. Otto of roses, bal waradL Outlet, pakutokea. Outrigger (of canoes), matengo. Outskirts of a town, kiunga. Oven, tanuu, tanuru. Over-looker, msimamizi, pi. wasi- mamizi, mwangalizi, pi. waa- ngalizi. Owl, bundi Owner, mwenyewe. Ox, ng'ombe or gnombe, maksai. Oyster, cheza, kome (?), pi. ma- kome, kombe za pwaiii. P. Pace, mwendo. Package, packet, or parcel, robota, gora (of cloth), peto, pi. ma- peto. Small packet, kipeto, pi. vipeto. Pad of grass, &c., used to carry a load on the head upon, generally twisted into a ring, kata. Pad used as a saddle for donkeys, khorj. Paddle, kafi, pi. makafi. Padlock, kufuli. Pail, udoo. Pain, maumivu, uchungu, kuuma. Paint, rangi. Pair, jozi, jura, jeuzi, jauzi. Palace, jumba. Palanquin, machera. Palate, kaaka, kaa ]a kinwa. Palisading, zizi, kizizi. Palm of the hand, kitanga cha mkono, ^Z. vitanga vya mikono. A sail-maker's palm, dofra', pi. madofra. Palm-tree. See Cocoa-nut, Date. Leaf-stem of a palm-tree, upongoe, pi. pongoe. Mkoche, has an edible fruit. Mlala, hyphasne, branching palm. Mvuma, bo7-assus palm. Palm-oil tree, mchikiclii, pi. michi- kichi. its fruit, cbikicbi, pi macbikichi. the small nuts contained in the fruit, kichikichi, pi. vicLikichi. Palm-wine, tembo. Spirit made from palm-wine, zarambo. Palm-wine syrup, asali ya tembo. Palmar abscess, kaka. Palpitation of the heart, kiherehere cba moyo. Panniers, shoi, shogL Pap, ubabwa. Papaw, papayi, pi. mapapayi. Papaw-tree, mpapayi, pi. mipa- Paper, karatasi. [payi. Parable, metbili, methali, mtano, pi. mifano. Paradise, peponi. 60 SWAEILI HANDBOOK, Gate of paradise, kilango cha jaha. Paralysis, kipooza, tiwo (?). Paralytic, mwenyi kupooza. Parched maize, mbisi. Pardon, arathi, musama, masameho, liisa. Parent, mzaa, pi. wazaa, mzazi, pi. wazazi, mzee, pi. wazee. Part, fungu, pi. mafungu, sehemu, upande, pi. paude, kisma. Partner, msliarika, pi. washarika. Partnership, usharika. Partridge, kwale (?). Kering'ende, the red-legged par- tridge. Party (faction), aria. Pass, or passport, cheti, pi. vyeti. Passage (by), pito, pi. kipito. (through), kipenyo, pi. vipenyo. A very narrow passage, kicbo- choro, pi. vichoclioro. Patch (in cloth), kiraka, pi. viraka (in planMng), hasho. Path, njia, pito, pi. mapito. Patience, saburi, subiri, uvumilivu, utulivu. Pattern, namna. (to work from) tielezo, pi. vielezo. Pauper, kibapara, pi. vibapara (an insulting epithet). Pawn (chess), kitunda, pi. vitunda. Pay, ijara, njia, faritha, mshabara (monthly). Pea, dengu {they are not grown in Zanzibar, but are brought dry from India). A small pea-like bean^ chooko, chiroko. Peace, amani, salamu. Peace-maker, mpatanlshi, msele- hisha, msuluhisha. Peacock, tausi. Peak, kilele, pi. vilelo. Pearl, lulu. Pebble (very small), mbwe. {or small piece of stone), kokoto, pi. makokoto. Peel, ganda, pi. maganda. Peg, change, pi. vyaugo. Pelvis, tokoni. Pen, kalamu. Beed pen, kalamu ya 'mwanzi. Penis, mbo. People, watu. People of this world, walimwengu. Other people's, -a watu. People like us, kina sisi. Abdailah*s people, kina Abdallah. Pepper, pilipili manga. Bed pepper, pilipili hoho. Percussion cap, fataki. Perfection, ukamilifu, utimilivu. Perfumes, manukato. Period (or point of time), kipindi, pi. vipindi. Perjury, aziir, zuli. Permission, ruksa, ruhusa. Persia, Ajjemi. Persian Gulf, Babari il 'alL Person, mtu. A grown person, mtu mzima. See Old, &c. Perspiration, bari, jasho. Pestilence, tauui, wabba. Pestle, mchi (or mti), pi. micbi, mtwango, pi. mitwango. Phantom, kivuli, pi. vivulL Phlegm, belgbamu. Phthisis, ukohozi. Physic, dawa, pi. dawa or madawa. Physician, tabibu, mtabibu, pi. watabibu, mganga. pi. wa- gauga. SUBSTANTIVES. 61 Pice, pesa. p2. pesa or mapesa. Pickle, acliari. Picture, taswtra, sura, sauamu. Piece, kipande, pZ. vipaude. Piece of Madagascar grass cloth, ramba, pi. maramba. Piece let in hy way of patch (in planking), basho. See Firewood. Pig, nguruwe, nguuwe. Jivi, a wild hog. Pigeon, njiwa, udiwa (^L). Tame pigeon, njiwa manga. Wild pigeon, njiwa wa mwitu. Pile of sticks, (fee, for burning, biwi, pi. mabiwi. Piles (hemorrhoids), bawasir. Pilgrimage, haj. Pill, kidonge, pi. vidonge. Pillar, nguzo. Pillow, mto, pi. mito. Wooden head rest, msamilo, pi. misamilo. Pilot, rubani. Pimple, kipele, pi. vipele, upele, pi. pele {large), kiwe, ^Z. viwe {o, small hind). Pincers, koleo. Pine-apple, nanasi, pi. mauanasi. Pinna {shellfish), kaya,^Z. makaya, panga, ^Z. mapauga. Pipe (icater), nelli. (clarionet), zomari. (tobacco), kiko, pi. viko. The native pipe consists of a bowl (bora), a stem (digali) leading from the bowl into a small vessel of water, ichich last is properly the kiko ; the stem from the kiko to the mouth is the sbilamu. The bubbling of the water ichen it is being smoked is the malic ya kiko. Piping, kigwe, pi. vigwe. Pirate, baramia. Pistol, bastola. Pit, shimo, pi. mashimo. Pitch or Tary lamL Pity, huruma. Place, mabali, pahali. Place may often be expressed by the prefix pa-. Panyamavu, a quiet place. Pakutokea, a place to go out at. Panginepo, elsewhere. or by the use of penyi. Penyi mti, the place where the tree is, or was. An open place, kiwanja, pi. viwanja. A clear space in a town, uga. A place where offerings are made to propitiate spirits supposed to haunt it, mzimu, ^Z. mizimu. Plague, tauni. Plain, u wand a. Plan, sbauri, pi. mashauri. Plane, randa. Plank, ubau, pi. mbau. Planking, mbau. A pkuik laid over the body before the earth is filled in, kiuuza, pi. Plant, mbegu, mbeyu. [viunzM, A young plant, mcbe, pi. miciie, cbipukizi, pi. vipukizi. Upupu, cowitch. Mbaruti, a thistle-like plant with a yellow flower. Nyinyoro, a bulbous plant throw- ing up a head of redfloicers. Yungiyungi, the blue water-lily. Afu, the loild jasmine. Kirukia, a parasite on fruit trees. Mpuagati, a kind of cactus. Plantains, ndizi. 62 8WAEILI HANDBOOK. Flantation, shamba, pi. masliamba. Plate, kisabani, pi. visahani. A plate of metal, bamba, pi. ma- bamba. Platter of wood, chano, pi. vyano. Pleasure, anasa, furaba. Pleasing things, mapendezi. Pledge, rahani, amani, kabathi. Vleiades, kilimia. Plenty, wingi, ungi (M.), mari- thawa. Plumb-line (a stone hung by a strip of banana leaf), timazi. Plug, nguruzi, zibo, pi. mazibo. Plummet, cbubwi. Pocket, mfuko, pi. mifuko. Pocket-handkerchief, ieso. Poem, masbairi, uteiizi {religious). Poet, mtunga mashairi, pi. watunga masbairi. Poetry , masbairi. One line of poetry, shairi. Point, ncba. Poison, sumu, ucbungu. Fish poison, utupa. Pole, mti, pi. miti. for carrying burdens on, mpiko, pi. mipiko. for propelling a canoe, upondo,^?. pondo. Politeness, adabu. 7 Pomegranate, kamamanga. "f Fomeloe, furungu, pi. mafurungu. f^ond, ziwa, pi. maziwa. ! Pool, ziwa, pZ. maziwa. * Pool left by the retiring tide, kidimbwi, pi. vidimbwi. Poop, sbetri. Poor free man, maskini ya Muu- ngu. Porcupine, nungu. Pores, uweleo, matokeo ya bari. Porpoise, pomboo. Porridge, ugali, uji, fuka, hasida. Porter, See Doorkeeper, {carrier), bamali, pi. mahamalL (in a caravan), mpagazi, pi. wa- pagazi. Port Durnford, Burikao. Position in the world, cheo, kiwa DgO. Possessions, mali, milki. Possessor, mwenyewe. Possessor of, dc, mwenyi, &c., pi, wenyi, &c. Post, mti, pi. miti. Bearing post, mbimili, pi. mibi- mili. Posterity, wazao. Pot. See Cooking-pot, Censer. A lobster-pot, dema. Potash (nitrate of), sbura. Potatoes, viazi vya kizungu. Sweet potatoes, viazi, sing, kiazi. Raised beds for planting viazi, tuta, pi. matuta. Potsherd (broken piece of pottery or glass), kigai, pi. vigai, gai, pi. magai (a large piece), kige- renyeuza, pi. vigerenyenza (a very small piece, a splinter). Potter, mfinangi, pi. wafinangi, mfi- nyanzi, wafinyanzi. A place to bake potter's work, ]6k.o. Poultry, k'uku. Poverty, umasikini. Powder, unga. Gunpowder, barati. Power, uwezo, nguvu, mamlaka, enzi. Practice, mtaala, mazoezo. Praise, sifa, bamdi. Prattle, vijineno. Prayer (worship), ibada. (entreaty), kuomba. SUBSTANTIVES. 63 (pie prescribed forms), sala. TTie regular Mohammedan times of prayer are, Magaiibi, directly after sunset ; Esha, an hour or two later ; Alfajiri, before sun- rise ; Athuuri, at noon ; Alasiri, about half-way between noon and sunset. Preacher, mwenyi kukhutubu, or kuayithi. Precept, mafundisho. Pregnancy, mimba. Present {see Gift), zawadi. Customary present, ada, kilemba. Customary presents at a wedding : to the bride's father, mahaii, kilemba ; to the bride* s mother, mkaja, ubeleko ; to the bride's kungu, kiosba migim, kifunua mlango; to the bride herself, kipa mkono. Press or Pressure, sbinikizo. Prey, mawindo. Price, kima, ^Tiamani. Prickly heat, vipele vya bahara. A medicament for it, liwa. Pride, kibmi. Priest, kahini, pi. makabini (used in the sense of soothsayer). {Christian), kasisi, padre or pa- diri, pi. mapadiri. Prison, kifungo, gereza. Privacy, favagba. Privy, cboo. Proceeds, pato, pi. mapato. Produce (fruit, seed, &g.), zao, pi. mazao. Profit, fayida, gbanima. Progeny, mzao, pi. wazao. Progress, kiendeleo. Prohibition, makatazo. Promise, abadi, wabadi. Promissory note, awala. Pronunciation, mata mko. Prop, mbimili, pi. miiiimili, mate- gemeo. A prop to keep a vessel upright when left by the tide, gadi. Property, mali, milki. Prophet, nabii, mtume, pi. mitiime. Prosecution, mstaki, pi. mistaki. Proselyte, mwongofu, pi. waongofu. Prostitute, kababa, pi. makababa. Protection, bami, bamaya. Under British protection, fi ba- mayat al Ingrez (Ar.). Proverb, mfano wa maneuo. Provision, madaraka. Provisions, vjakula. Provocation, ekerabi. Prow, gubeti. of a small vessel, kikono, pi vikouo. (head), omo. Prudence, busara, fikira. Pulley, kapi, ^Z. makapi, gofia. Pulpit, munbara. Pump, bomba. Pumpkin, boga, pi. maboga. plant, mboga, pi. miboga. shell used to carry liquids in dundu, pi. madundu. Mumunye, pi. mamumuuye, sort of vegetable marrow. Tango, pi. matango, eaten raw like cucumber. Kitoma, pi. vitoma, a sma round sort. Tikiti, pi. matikiti, a round k nd of water-melon. Punch, keke. Purchaser, mnunuzi, pi. wanunuzi. Purgative, dawa la kiibara. Purity, raasafi, utakatifu. 64 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. kusudi, pi. makiisudi, kasidi, nia. Purse, kifuko cha kntilia fetha. Push in the cheek, mdukuo. Putridity, kioi:a. Puttij, chaki. Python, chatu. Quail, tombo, tomboroko. Quality, tabia, ginsi, jisi, aina. Quantity, kiasi, kadiri, cheo (rneasurement). Quarrel, mateto, tofauti, uazar, ugomvi. Quarrelsomeness, ugomvi. Quarter, robo. Three-quarters of a dollar, kassa robo. Quarter of a town, mta, pi. mita. Queen, malkia. {_chess), kishi. Question, maulizo, s-wali. Quieting thing, kitulizo,_pZ. vitulizo. Quietness, utulivu, makini, kimya. Quiver, podo. R. Rahhit, sungura, kisungura, pi. visungura, kitungule, pi. vitu- ngule, kititi. Race, mashindano. Rafter, boriti (/or a stone roof), kombamoyo, pi. makomba- moyo ifor a thatched roof), pao, pi. mapao {very thin). Bag, kitambaa, pi. vitambaa, utambaa, pi. tambaa. Rain, mvua. Rain cloud, ghubari, pi. maghu- Rainy season, masika. [bari. Lesser rains, mvua ya mwaka. Rainbow, upindi ^va mvua, kisiki cha mvua (M.). Rammer for heating roofs, kipande, pi. vipande. Rampart, boma, sera. Rank, daraja, cheo. Ransom, kombozi, pi. makombnzi, ukomboo, ukombozi, fidia, ufidiwa, ukombolewa. Rarity, t'unu, hedaya. Rash (small pimples), vipele. Bat, panya. a very large kind, buku. Rations, posho. Rawness {of meat, &c.), ubichi. (dulness), ujinga. Razor, wembe. Reason, maana, sababu, huja, akili. Reasoning, huja. Rebellion, maasi. Recess, kidaka, pi. vidaka, kishu- baka, pi. vishubaka (a pigeon- hole). Wall at the hack of a recess, raff. Recommendation, maagizo. Rectitude, adili. Bed coral, marijani ya fethaluka. Red Sea, Bahari ya Sham. Redeemer, mkumbozi, j:»Z. wako- mbozi. Beed, unyasi, pi. nyasi, "mwanzi, pi. miwanzi. Reference, maregeo. Refuge, makimbilio. Regret, majutio. Regularity, kaida. Reign, ezi, enzi. Rein, kigwe, pi. vigwe. Rejoicing, furaha, ^hangwi. Relations {relatives), akral.a, ndugu, jamaa. A near relative, karibu. SUBSTANTIVES, 65 Belaxation (loosening), ulegevu. Religion, dini, dua. Relish {something to he eaten with rice or porridge), kitoweo. Remainder, msazo, masazo, mabakia, Remedy, dawa, niapoza. [baki. Reminder, ukumbubho. Remission (of sins), maghofira, ma- ondoleo. Remnant, mabakia. Rent, ijara. Eepentance, toba, majuto. Representative, -wakili. Reproaches, matayo. Reprobate, baa, pi. mabaa. Eeptile (?). Kenge, a monitor (?), a very large slender lizard. P'ili, a large snake. CLatu, a python. See Snake, Crocodile, &c. Request, haja, matakwa. Residue. See Remainder. A little left in ayar,t&c.,kisliinda. pi. visMnda. Resin, ulimbo. Respiration, kutanafusi, kiishusha Rest, raha, piunziko. [piimzi. Resting-place, pumzikio, kituo, ptl. zituo or vituo. Restlessness, fatbaa. Resurrection, ufufuo, ufufulio, ki- yania (the general resurrection). Resuscitation, (actively) kufufua, kuhr.isba, (neuter) kufufuka, kiihiiika. Retainer, mfuasi, pi. wafuasi. Ttetaliation kasasi, kisasi. Return, maregeo, marejeo kuja zao, &c. Revenge majilipa. Reverence, uneByekeo. Reviling, masbutumu, mashutumio, matayo. Revival. See Resuscitation. Reward, ijara, ujira, majazo, thai' wabu (especially from God). Reicard for finding a lost thing, kiokosi, pi. viokosi. Rheumatism, baridiyabis, uweli wa Yiungo. Rhinoceros, kifaru, pi. vifaru, pea. Rib, iibatiu, pi. mbavu, kiwavu cbana (A.). Rice, growing, or yet in tlce husk, mpunga. cleaned from the husk, mcbele. cooked, wali. watery, and imperfectly cooked mashendea. cooked so that the grains are dry and separate, pukute ya wali. scorched in the cooking iikoko, utandu (A.). left from overnigld to be eaten in the morning, wali wa mwikuii. Kinds of rice, sena, bungala, sbindauo, garofuu, kapwai, ki- fungo, madevu, mwanga, sifaia, ucbiikwi. Riches, mail, utajiri, ukwasi, Rich man, tajiri, pi. matajiri, mwe- nyi mali, mkwasi, p>l- wak^Ya&i. Ridicule, mzaba, tbihaka. Right, haki, wajib, adili. Righteousness, haki. Rind, ganda, pi. maganda. Rind of a lemon, &c., after the inside has been squeezed or extracted, kaka. Ring, pete, pi. pete or mapete. Rings on the scabbard of a sword, iicc. ukoa, pi. koa. SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Ring where the hlade enters the haft, noleo, pi. manoleo. Ear-rinrf, pete ya masikio. Ring-ivorm, ehoa. Eipple, viwimbi. Rishy in trading, juku. River, mio, pi. mito. Road, njia. Roar, ngurnmo, vumi. Robber, mnyang'anyi, pi. wanya- ng'anyi, haramia. People who wander about at night, robbing and committing violence^ mrungura, mpakacha. Rock, mwamba, pi. miamba. A small rock, kijamba, pi. yi- jamba. in the sea, kipwa, pi. vipwa. Rftlling of a ship, mramma. Roof, dari, sakafu (stone roof or floor), paa, pi. mapaa (thatched roof). The thatched roofs con- sist generally of a front and back slope, kipaa cha mbele and kipaa clia nyuma, and hips for the ends, which are carried up under and within the main slopes ; these hips are called visusi, sing, kisusi. A lean-to, kipeuu, pi. vipenu. The roof over a watching-place in the fields, duugu, pi. madungu. Rook (chess), fil. Room (space), nafasi. (apartment), chumba, pi. vyumba. tJkumbi, hall or porch ; it is icithin a stone house, but outside an earthen one. Sebule or sebula, parlour, recep- tion room. Orfa, drofa, or ghdrofa, an tipper Ghala, a dark room on the ground- floor, a store-room. Root, shina, pi. mashina. Rootlets, mizizi, mizi (M.). Rope, kamba, ngole (Mer.). Hempen rope, kamba, ulayiti. Rosary (Mohammedan beads), tas- biih. Rose, waradi, waridi. Otto of roses, hal waradi. Rose-water, marashi mawaridi. Rose apple, darabi, pi. madarabi. Roundness, mviringo. Row (line), safu. Row (noise), uthia, kero. Royalty, kifaume, ufaume. Rubbish (from old buildings), fusi, kifusi. (small articles), takataka. Rudder, shikio, sakani, msukani, pi. misukani, usukani,^?. sukatii. Ruddle, used by carpenters to mark out their work, ngeu. Rudeness, safihi. Ruin or Ruins, maanguko. Runaway (from a master, home, &c.), mtoro, pi. watoro. (from a fight, (fee), mkimbizi, pi. wakimbizi. Rupee, rupia. Rupia or any similar skin disease, buba. Rust, kutu. Rustling, mtakaso. S. Sabre, kitara, pi. vitara. Sacrifice, sadaka (an offering), fidia (giving up), thabibu (sacrific- ing), mathabuba (the victim)^ kafara (aw animal or thing offered but not eaten). SUBSTANTIVES. 67 Saddle, kiti cha frasi, matandiko, seruji (an Arab saddle), khorj (the pad used for a donJtey). Sadness (see Grief), rammii. Safety, salamu, salama. Saffron, zafarani. Sail, tanga, pi. matanga. Dhow-sail, duumi. Sail-cloth, kitali. Sailor, baliaria. Saint, 'walli. Sake, ajili, iiiija, maana. For my saJce, unipendavyo (as you love me). Sale (auction), mnada. Salesman, dalali. Saliva, mate. Salt, chumvi, munyo (A.). Saltpetre, shura. Salute (fired), mizinga ya salamu. (salutation), salamu. Salvation, wokovu, suudi, njema. Salver, sinia, pi. masinia. Sanction, ithini. Sayid, mchanga, mtanga (M.). Sandals, viatu, sing, kiatu, viatu vya ngozi. strap of a sandal, gidam. Sandalwood, liwa(?). Sandfly, usubi. Sap, maji. Saturday, Juma a mosi. Saucepan, sufuria. Saviour, mwokozi, pi. waokozi. Savour, luththa, tamu. Scab, kigaga, pi. vigaga. Scabbard, ala, pi. nyala. The metal rings on a scabbard, ukoa, pi. koa. Scaffold (for building), jukwari. Scales (of a fish), magamba, mamba (31). ; Scales (balances), raizani. Scale pans, vitanga vya mizani. Scar, kovu, pi. makovu. Scarf (often worn round the waist), deuli. Scent, harufu, manuka, nukato. pi. manukato, meski, marashi (a scent for sprinkling). Tibu, a hind of scent. See Rose, Ambergris, Aloes icood. School, chuoni. Scissors, makasi. Scoop. See Ladle. Score (20), korja. Scorn, tharau, thihaka. Scorpion, nge. Scraps left after eating, makombo, sing, kombo. Scrape (slide), para. Scratch, mtai, pi. mitai. Scream, kiowe, pi. viowe (cry for help), kigelegele, pi. vigelegele (a trilling scream raised a» a <^ry of joy). Screw, parafujo. Scrip, mkoba, pi. mikoba. Scrofulous and gangrenous sores, mti. Scrotum, pmnbo, mapumbu. Scull, kitwa, pi. vitwa, fovn or bupuru la kitwa. Scum, povu, mapovu. Sea, babari. A sea, mawimbi, wimbi. A seaman, mwana maji. One from beyond seas, mja na majL Seaweed, mwanL Seal, muhuri. Seam, mshono, pi. raishono, baud (tacked), upindo (a hem). Season, wakati. F 2 68 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. The principal seasons in Zanzibar are: — Musimi, the time of the northerly winds (kazkazi), that is, December, Januarij, and February. For March, April, and May, the rainy season, masika; after that, the cold time, kipupwe ; then, about the end of August, demani, or mwaka. The southerly winds (kusi) begin to drop in October, and in the intervals between them and the northerly winds come the times of easterly and westerly winds, malelezi or tanga mbili. Seasoning. See Relish. Seat, kikao, makazi. The stone or earth seat near a door, baraza, kibaraza. Secrecy, siri, faragha. Secrets, mambo ya siri. Secretary, mwandisbi,^Z. waandishi, khatibu, karani. Secretary of State, waziri, pi. mawaziri. Sect, matbhab, mathehebu. Sediment, masbapo. Seed, mbegu, mbeyu. Seedling, mche, pi. micbe. Self, moyo, nafsi, nafusi. Self-content, kinaya. Semen, sbabawa, manni. Semsem, ufuta. Semsem oil, mafuta ya uta. What is left after the oil has been pressed out, sbudu. Senna, sanamaki. Sense, akili. Sentinel, mngoja, pi. wangoja. Servant, mtumisbi, pi. watumisbi, mtumwa, vl. waUimwa, iioker. One who serves at table, mwa- ndikaji, pi. waandikaji. In a shamba there are generally three chief servants. 1. Msi- mamizi, generally a free man. 2. Nokoa, the chief slave. 3. Kadamu, the second head slave. Service, utumwa, budumu, bidima. Setting-out, things set out or the place for them, maandiko. Shaddock, furungu, pi. mafurungu. Shade, uvuli, vuli, mvuli, mvili, kivuli, kitua. Shadow, kivuli, pi. vivuli. Shame (disgrace), aibu. (modesty), baya. (a thing causing confusion), ari, fetbeba, bezaya. having no shame, rajanja, pi. wajanja. Shape, kiasi, kalibu, namna. Share, fungu, pi. mafungu, semebu. kisma. Sharing, usbarika. SliarTc, papa. Sharpness, ukali. Shaving (of wood), usafi. Shawl, sbali. v)orn round the waist, mabazamu. Sheaf, or bundle of cut rice, mganda, pi. miganda. Sheath, uo, pi. mauo, ala, pi. nyala. Sheave (of a pulley), roda, koradani. Shed, banda, pi. mabauda, kibanda, pi. vibanda. Sheep, kondoo. Sheet, sbuka. of a sail, demani. of a book, gombo, pi. magombo. of paper, ukurasa,pZ. kurasa. Shelf, kibau, pi. vibau. in a recess, rufuf. SUBSTANTIVES. G9 Suso, pi. masuso, a kind of hang- ing shelf. Shell (sea shells\sheWe, pi. mashelle. (husk), ganda, pi. maganda. (empty shell), fuvu, pi. mafuvu, bupuru, pi. mabupuru, kaka. Shepherd, nilishi, pi. walishi, mchu- nga.,pl. ^Yachunga. SJierd. See Potsherd. Shield, ngao. Shin, muundi wa guu (A.). Ship, merikebu, marikabu, jahasi. 3Ian-of-icar, manowari, merikebu ya mizinga. Merchant ship, merikequ ya taja, Steam ship, merikebu ya dohaan, merikebu ya moshi. Ship belonging to the government, merikebu ya serkali. Full-rigged ship, merikebu ya railingote mitatu. Barque, merikebu ya milingote miwili na nuss. Native craft, chombo, pi. vyombo. Shirt, kanzu. Shivering, kitapo, kutetema, ku- tetemeka. Shoal (hank), fungu, pi. mafungu. Sliock, shindo. Shoe, kiatu cha kizungu or cha kihindi, pi. viatu vya kizungu. Shoemaker, mshoni viatu, pi. wa- shoui viatu. Shoot, chipukizi, uchipuka, pi. chipuka. A pointed shoot like that contain- ing a spike of flower, kilele, pi. vilele. Shop, duka, pi. maduka. Shops icith icarerooms, bokhari. Sliot (small), marisaa. Shot-helt, beti. Shoulder, bega, ^jZ. mabega, fuzi, pL mafuzi (A.). Shoulder-blade, kombe la mkono. Shout, ukelele, pi. kelele, kelele, pi. makelele. Shower, manyunyo. Showing, wonyesho. Shrewdness, werevu. Shroud, saanda. Shrub, kijiti, pi. vijiti. See Thorn. Mwango, pi. miwaugo (?). Sick person, mgonjwa,pL magonjwa, mweli, pi. waweli. Sickness, ugonjwa, uweli, marathi. Side, upande, pi. pande. Side of tlie body, mbavu, mata- mbavu. The oflier side of a river, &r., ngambo. Siege, mazingiwa. Sieve, kiyamba. Siftings of rice after pounding, wishwa. Sighing, kuugua. Sign, dalili. Signal, ishara. Ukonyezo, pi. konyezo, a sign made by raising the eyebrows. Kikorombwe, a kind of signal cry. Silence, nyamavu, kimya Silk, hariri. Silliness, niapiswa, puo. Silly talk, upuzi. Silver, fetha. Silversmith, mfua fetha, pi. wafua fetha. Simpleton, mjinga, ^Z. wajiuga. Sin, thambi, pi. thambi or ma- thambi, makosa, taksiri. Singleness, upweke. Sip, funda (?). 70 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Sir ! Bwana ! Sister, umbu, pi. maumbu, ndugu, ndugu nike. As a term of endearment, dada. Foster-sister, ndugu kunyonya. Sister-in-law, shemegi. Sitter, nikaa,^3L wakaa. Sitting, kikao, yl. vikao, kitako, pi. vitako. Size, ukuu, ukubwa, kiasi, kadiri, clieo. Skeleton, mzoga (?) Skilful workman, mstadi, pi. wa- stadL Skilled or master-workman, fundi. Skin, ngozi. Sky, uwingu. Slackness, ulegevu. Slander, masingizio, fitiua (sowing of discord). Slaughter-house, matindo. Slave, mtumwa, pi. watumwa, mu- hadimu,pZ. wahadimu, mtwana, pi. watwana. A slave boy, kitwana, pi. vitwana. A slave girl, kijakazi, pi. vijakazi. A slave woman, mjakazi, pi. wa- jakazi. A concubine slave, suria, pi. ma- suria. A slave horn in the house or country, mzalia, pi. -wazalia. A runaway slave, mtoro, pi. wa- toro. A fellow slave, mjoli, p)l- wajoli. A household of slaves, kijoli, pi. vijoli. Piece of land allotted to a slave for his own use, koonde, pi. makoonde. Slavery, utumvra. Sleep, uzingizi, zingizi Sleeping place, malalo. Things to sleep upon, malazi. Sleeve, mkono, pi. mikono. Sling, kombeo, pi. makombeo. Slip of a tree, &c., mcbe, pi. miche. A slip which has put forth leaves, mche uliochanua. One ichich has made a new shoot, mche uliocbipuka. Slipperiness, utelezL Sloth, uvivu. Slovenliness, fujofujo. Smallness, udogo. Small-pox, ndui. Smell, harufu, manuka, azma. Smith (worker in metal), mfua, pi. wafua. See Blacksmith, &c. Smoke, moshi, pi. mioslii. Snail, koa, pi. makoa, konokono. Snake, nyoka, joka, pi. majoka (large). Chatu, python. P'ili, cohra (?). Snare, sliabuka. Sneezing, chafya. Snoring, kukoroma. Snuff, tumbako ya kunuka, or kunusa. Snuff-box, tabakelo. Soap, sabuui. Soda, magadi. Solder, lihamu. Soldier, asikari. Sole {of the foot), uayo, pi. nyao. Solitude, upekee, ukiwa. Somauli Coast, Banada. Somebody, mtu. Some one else's, -a mwenyewe. Child of somebody, i.e., of respect- able parents, mtoto wa watu, mwana wa watu. Somersault, kitwangomba. SUBSTANTIVES. 71 Son, mwana, pi. waana, kijana, mtoto mume. Wadi Mohammed, Mohammed's son. Bin Abdallali (Ar.), Ahclallah's son. Haraisi wa Tani, Hamisi the son of Tani {Othman i. Son-in-law, mkwe, pi. wakwe. Song, uimbo, pi. nyimbo. Soot, kaa moshi, makaa ya mosM. Soothing thing, kitulizo, pi. vitulizo. Soothsayer, kahini, pi. makahini. Sore, donda, pi. madonda, kidonda, pi. viJonda, jeraha. Sares in the leg, nyungunyungu, mti. Sorrow, kasarani, huzuni, sikitiko, matukio. Sorrow for a loss, majonzi. Sorrow for something done, ma- jutio. Excessive sorrow, jitimai. Sort (hind), ginsi, namna, aina. The sort is often expressed by the prefix ki-. Kizungu, the European sort, Mfaume, the hingly sort. Soul, roho. Sound, sauti. Soundness, uzima. Source, asili, chimbtiko. Soiith, kusini, suheli. Southerly wind, kusi. Sovereign, mwenyi ezi, mwenyi inchi, mwenyi mji. (coin), robo Ingrezi. Sovereignty, ezi. enzi. Space, nafasi. (of time), muda. (open space), uwanda, uga. Spade, jembe la kizungu. Span, futuri, sliibiri, sliibri. Spangles, puluki. Sparh, checLi, pi. machechi Sparkle, kimeta. Speaker, mneni, pi. waneni, msemi, pi. ■wasemi, msemaji, pi. wa- semaji. Speaking, kusema, kunema. A dark obscure way of speaking, kilinge cba maneno. Ail enigmatical way of speaking, in which the last syllable is taken from the end, and made to begin the word, kiuyume, kinyuma. (See Appendix I.) Spear, fumo, pi. mafumo (flat- bladed) mkuke, pi. miknke, (three-edged) sagai, pi. masagai. Spectacles, miwani. Speech (speaking), kunena. (oration), mataguso, milumbe. Spider, buibui. Spinal column, uti wa maungo. Spirits, mvinyo. Evil spirit, pepo. Kinds of spirits, jini, pi. majini, milboi, mahoka, dungumaro, kitamiri, kizuu, kizuka, koikoi, mwana maua, &c. Spit, uma, pi. nyuma. Spittle, mate. Spoil, mateka. Spleen, wengo. Splint, gango, pi. magango, banzi, pi. mabanzi. Splinter (of wood), kibanzi, pi. vibanzL (of glass or earthenware), kige-- renyenza, pi. vigerenyenza. Spoon, mwiko, pi. miiko, kijiko, pi. vijiko a tea-spoon), mkaiashe, pi. mikamshe (a wooden spoon). il SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Sp'irt, mchezo. mzaha. ^2^01, waa, ^:)Z. mawaa, kij)aku, pi. vipaku. Spout ( from a roof), kopo la nyumba, marizabu. Sprain, kuteuka. Spread, eneo. Spreading a meal, maandiko. Spring, mtambo, pi. mitambo, of water, chemchem, jicho la maji. SprinMe, manyunyo. Sprinkler {for scents), mrashi, pi. mirashi. Spur of a cock, kipi, kipia, pZ. vipia. Spy, mpelelezi, pi. wapelelezi, mtumbiiizi (A.). Square, mrabba. Squint, Doakengeza. Stable, banda la frasi, faja la frasi. Staff, gongo, pi. magougo, mkongo- jo, pi. inikongojo. Stagnation, vilio, pi. mavilio. Stain, waa, pi. mawaa. Stairs, daraja, ngazi. Upstairs, juu, darini.- Down-stairs, chini. Stalks, of mtama, bua, pi. mabua. of a kind of millet cheiced like sugar-cane, kota, pZ. makota. of cloves, &c., kikonyo,2?Z. vikonyo. >S^toZZ keeper, mcburuzi, pi. wa- churuzi. Stammering, kigugumizi. Stamp, muhuri, chapa. Staple, pete, p)l- mapete, tumbuu. Star, iiyota. Falling stars, nyota zikishiika. Shooting stars, kimwoudo, pi. vimwondo. Starch, kanji, dondo. Start (fright), kituko. {beginning), fell, pi. mafeli. Startling thing, mzungu, pi. mi- zungu, A thing to frighten people, kinya- go, pi. vinyago. State, hali. Statue, sanamu. Stealing, kwiba. Steam, mvuke. A steamship, merikebu ya moshi. Steel, feleji, pua. Steelyard, mizani. Steersman, msliiki sbiki,o. Stem of a tree, sliina, pi. mashina. of mtama, bua, pi. mabua. Step {stepping), batua. {of stone, &c.), daraja. Step-father, baba "wa kambo. Step-mother, mama wa kambo. /Sieu'arcZ, msimamizi, j3Z. wasimamizi. Stick, fimbo, ufito, pi. fito {thin), bakora (a walking-stick with a handle bent at right angles). A short heavy stick, kibarango, pi. vibarango, mpweke, pi. mi- pweke. A staff, gongo, pi. magougo, mkongojo, pi. mikongojo {an old mail's staff). Stillness, kimya. Stirrup, kikuku cha kupandia frasi. Stocks {for the feet), mkatale. Stomach, tumbo. Pit of the stomach, chembe cha moyo (A.). Stone, jiwe, pi. mawe or majiwe. A stone house, nyumba ya mawe. Small stones or pieces of stone, kokoto, pi. makokoto. Very small stones, not larger than an egg, mbwe. Very small grit, cbangarawi. Fresh coral, matumbawi. SUBSTANTIVES. 73 Precious stones, kito, pi. vito, johari. Stones of fruit, kokwa, pi. ma- kokwa. Stooping, kiinamizi. Stop (end), kikomo, kinga. {stopping), kizuizo, kizuizi, kizuio. Stoppage in the nose or icind-plpe, mafua. (stagnation), vilio, pi. mavilio. Stopper, zibo, pi. mazibo, kizibo, pi. vizibo. Store (put hy), akiba. Store-room, ghala. Storm, tharuba, tufauu. Story, hadithi, habari. See Tale. Stoutness, unene. Strainer, kunguto, pi. makunguto (of basJcet-work). Straits (distress), shidda. (narrow seas), kilango cha babari. Stratids of a cord, meno, ncba. Stranger, mgeni, pi. wagenL Strap, ukanda. Stratagem, hila. Stream, mto, pi. mito, kijito, pi. vijito. Strength, nguvu. String, ugwe, uzi, katani. String of heads, kigwe, pi. vigwe. String-course, usbi. Strip. See Mat. Stripe (line), uzi, pi. nyuzi, mfuo, pi. mifuo, utepe, pi. tepe. Study, mtaala. Stumble, kwao, pi. makwao. Stumhling-Uock, kwao, pi. makwao. Stump, shin a, pi. mashina. Stupor, kurukwa na akili. Stye in the eye, chokea. Style (of writing), dibaji, a good style. Subject, rayia. Substance, asili. Subtlety, busara, werevu. Subtraction (arithmetical), baki. Suburbs, kiunga. Sugar, sukari. Sugar-cane, mua, pi. miwa. Suit of clothes, kisua. Sulpihate of copper, mrututu. of magnesia, cbumvi ya haluli. Sulphur, kiberiti. Sultanship, usultani. Sum, jurala. Summary, muhtasari. Summit, kilele, pi. vilele (used of any sharp-pointed top or peak, of the centre shoot of a cocoa- nut tree as icell as of the peak of a mountain). Sun, jua, pi. majua. The coming out of the sun after rain, kianga. Sunday, Juma a pilL Sundries, takataka. Sunset, maghaiibi, mangaribi Supercargo, karani. Superciliousness, kitongoton go. Superintendent, mwangalizi, pi. wa- angalizi, msiniamizi, pi. waoi- mamizi. Supper, cbakula cha jioni. Suppuration, kutunga. Surety, mthamini, thamin, thamana, lazima. Surf, mawimbi. Swallow (bird), barawai, mbili- wili (?), mbayuwayu (A.). Sweat, hari, jasho, vukuto. Sweetheart, mcbumba. Sweet lime, dimu tamu. Sweetness, tamu. Sweet potatoes, viazi, sing, kiazi 74 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Swindler, thalimu. Sioing, pembea. Swine, nguruwe, nguuwe. Sioitch, ufito, pi. fito. Sword, upanga, pi. panga. curved sword, kitara, pi. vitara. straight two-edged sword without any guard, upauga wa feleji. with a small cross hilt, upanga wa imani. Syphilis, sekeneko. kijaraha cha mboni, tego (a virulent hind supposed to he the result of a charm). Syria, Sham. Syrup, asali. T. Table, meza. Table-cloth, nguo ya meza. Table - napkin, kitambaa cha meza. Tack of a sail, goshi. Tacking {sewing), bandi. Tail, mkia, pi. mikia. Tailor, mshoni, pi. washoni. Taking aicay, maondoleo. Tale, hadithi, kisa, iigano. Tale-bearer, mzuzi. Talipes, kupinda ua mguu. Talk, usemi, Silly talk, upuzi. Talker, msemaji, pi. wasemaji. Tamarind, ukwaju. Tamarind tree, mkwaju, pi, mi- Tangle, matata. [kvvaju. Tap, bilula. Tajje, utepe, pi. tepe. Tar, lami. Tartar on the teeth, ukoga. Taste, tumu, tamu, luththa, nyonda, maondi, maonji. I Taster, mwonja, pi. waonja, mwo- nda (M.), pi- waonda, kionja, pi. viouja, kiouda (M.^, pi. vionda. Tea, cljayi, cha. Teacher, mwalimu, pi. waalimu, mkufunzi, pi. wakufunzi. Teaching, mafundisbo, elimu. Teak, tnsaji. Teapot, bull, pi. mabuli. Tear, chozi, pi. machozi, tozi (M.), pi. matozi. Teazing, thihaka. Tediousness, uchovu. Telescope, durabiui. Temper, tabia. Temperance, tawassuf, kadiri. Temple, hekalu (a great thing, the temple at Jerusalem), bauiya (a building, the temple at Mecca). Temptation, majaribu, nyonda. Ten, kumi, pi. makumi. a decade, mwongo, pi. miongo. Tent, khema, hema. Testicles, mapumbu, tamboa. Testimony, ushahidi. Thanks, sbukuru, usbukura, salamu, ahsanta, marahaba. Thatch, makuti (of cocoa-nut leaves). Thin sticks used to tie the makuti to, upau, pi. pan See Cocoa-nut. Theft, uizi. Thicket, kicbaka, pi. vichaka, koko, pi. makoko. Thickness, uuene. Tliief, mwivi, pi. wevi, mwibaji, j)?. webaji. Thieving, kwiba, uizi, wibaji. Thigh, upaja, pi. paja, paja, pi. ma- paja. SUBSTANTIVES. 75 Thimhle, subana. Saihnaker's palm, dofra, pi. ma- dofra. Thing, kitu, pi. vitu (a thing of the senses), neno, jambo, mambo (things of the intellect). I have do)ie nothing, sikufanya neno. I see nothing, sioni kitu. A hind thing, jambo la wema. Strange things, mambo mageni. Third {a third part), theluth. Thirst, kin. Thorn, mwiba, pi. miiba or miba. Mchongoma, pi. michongoma, o thorny shrub used for hedges. Mkwamba, pi. mikwamba, a thorny shrub. Thought, wazo, pi. mawazo, fikara, thamiri, nia. Thousand, elfu, pi. elfu or alafu. a thousand or myriad, kikwi, pi. zikwi or vikwi. a hundred thousand, lakki. Thread, uzi, pi. nyuzl, katanL Threat, wogofya, tisho. Throat, koo, pi. makoo. Thumb, kidole cha gumba. Thunder, radi (near), ngnrumo (distant). Thursday, Alhamisi. TirJcet, kibarua, pi. vibarua. TicJding or tingling, mnyeo, kiuye- iiyefu. Tichs, papasi {in houses], kupe {on cattle). Tide, maji kujaa na kupwa. Spring tides, bamvua. Neap tides, maji mafu. Tiller, kana, gaua. Tiller ropes, mijiari, sing, mjiari. Timber^ miti, mibau. Time, wakati, wakti, majira. (sufficient), natasi. (hour), saa. {leisure), faragha. (first, &c.), mara. (fixed term), mohulla. Times (age), zamani. Space of time, muda. Period of time, kipindL A short time, kitambo. Times, in multiplication, fi. Six times eight, sita fi tlie- manya. Divisions of Time. Til ere are two years in nse in Zanzibar; that which is most com- monly heard of is the Arab year of twelve lunar months. It cannot be more than about 355 days long, and lias therefore no correspondence to the seasons. The months are de- termined by the sight of the new moon, or by the expiration of thirty days since the beginning of the previous month. It happens some- times that some of the coast towns will begin their months a day before or after what was taken as its first day in Zanzibar. A gun is usually fired from one of the ships when the month begins. Practically the Ramathan is treated as the first montlj, and tlie rest are reckoned from it; the word by which they are denoted seems to mean not fasting, as though the Ramathan being the month of fasting, the rest were the first, second, third, &c., of not fasting, until the months of Rajah and Shaaban, wliich have both a special religious character 76 • SWAEILI HANDBOOK. The following are the names of the Arab months, with their Swahili equivalents : Aeab. Moharram. Safr. Eabia al aowal. Rabia al akhr. Jemad al aowal. Jemad al akhr. Eajab. Shaaban. Eamathan, Shaowal. Th'il ka'ada. Th'il hajjah. Swahili. Mfunguo a 'nne. Mfunguo a tano. Mfunguo a sita. Mfunguo a saba. Mfunguo a nane. Mfunguo a kenda. Rajabu. Shaabani. Ramatbani, Mfunguo a mosi. Mfunguo a pill. Mfunguo a tatu. The two great Mohammedan feasts are held on the first of Shaowal, when every one gives pre- sents, and on the tenth of Th'il hajjah, when every one is supposed to slaughter some animal and feast the poor. The other year in use among the Swahili is the Nautical and Agri- cultural year ; it is roughly a solar year, having 365 days. It is reckoned to begin from the Sihu a mwaTca (answering to the Persian Nairuz), which now occurs towards the end of August. The last day of the old year is called Kigunzi, and the days are reckoned by decades, called miongo, sing, mwo- ngo. Thus — Mwongo wa mia con- sists of the days between 90 and 100. Mwongo wanyapi 9 asks which decade it is. The SiJcu a mwaka is kept as a great day, and formerly had a number of special observances connected with it. In the night or early in the morning every one used to bathe in the sea ; the women are particularly careful to do so. TliL-y afterwards fill a large pot with grain and pulse, and cook them. About noon they serve out to all friends who come ; all the fires are extinguished with water and lighted again by rubbing wood. Formerly no inquiry was made as to any one killed or hurt on this day, and it is still the custom to go armed and to be on the guard against private enemies. It used to be a favourite amusement to throw any Indians that could be caught into the sea, and otherwise ill-use them, until the British Government interfered for their protection. The year is called after the day of the week on which it began ; thus, in 1865 it began on Thursday and was MwaJca Alhaniisi ; in 1866 on Friday, and was Mivaha Juma, and so on. The seasons will be found briefly mentioned under that word. The week has been reconstructed on the Arab week, retaining only the Arab names of two days, Alha- misi and Juma (Thursday and Friday), which answer to our Satur- day and Sunday for Mohammedan religious purposes, and are the days which slaves in the country are generally allowed for their own recreation or profit. Juma is so named from the assembly held on that day for public worship; the Arab names of the rest are merely those used by English Quakers, first, second, third, &c. SUBSTANTIVES. English. Arabic. Swahili. Sunday. Al ahad. Juma a pili. Monday. Ath tteneen. Juma a tatu. Tuesday. Ath theluih. Juma a 'nne. Wednesday. At robua'. Juma a tano. Thursday. Al kbamis. Alhamisi. Friday. Juma'. Juma. Saturday. As sabt. Juma a mosi. The day begins at sunset ; to-night therefore in the mouth of a Swahili means what an Englishman would call last night. As the days are of a very nearly uniform length there is little practical incorrectness in taking sunset as six o'clock in the evening and reckoning the night first and then the day from it, hour by hour. Thus, seven, eight, and nine are the first, second, and third of the night (saa a hiuanza, a ^nli, a tatu ya usiku). Midnight is the sixth hour, saa a sita. Five in the morning is the eleventh hour of the night, saa a edhashara. Nine o'clock in the morning is the third hour of the day, saa a tatu. Twelve at noon is the sixth hour, saa a sita, and four and five the tenth and eleventh hours, saa a Jcumi, saa a edhashara. Sunset is determined by observation, and a gun is fired, and tha Sultan's flag hauled dox^Ti to mark it. Dming the Bamathan a gun is fired at half-past two in tlie morning to warn every one of the approach of morning, that they may get their cooking and eating over oefore dawn. This gun-fire is called daahuu. There is another way of marking the time by reference chiefly to the hours of prayer (see Frayer) ; the following are the chief points Magaribi, sunset. Mslmko wa magaribi (coming out jrom sunset prayers), about half -past six. Esha or Isha, from half-past six to eight. Mshuko wa esha, ahout half-an- hour later. Nuss ya usiku, midnight. Karibu na alfajiri, between three and four in the morning. Alfajiri mkuu. rising of the morn- ing star, about four. Alfajiri mdogo, dawn. Assubui, the morning, i.e., after sunrise. Mchana, the day from asoubui to jioni. Mafungulia ng'ombe (letting out of cattle), about 8 a.m. Mafungulia ng'ombe makuu, is earlier, mafungulia ng'ombe madogo, is later than eight o'clock. Jua kitwani, noon. Athuuri or Azuuri, noon, and thence till three o'clock. Awali athuuri, between twelve and one. Alasu-i, about half -past three, or from three to five. Alasiri kasiri, about five, or thence to half -past. Jioni, evening, from about five o» half -past till sunset. Tin, bati. Tiv ncha, nta (BI.). Tithes, 2aka. Tobacco, tumbako To-day, leo. 78 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Toe, kidole, pi. vidole, kidole cha mguu. Token, dalili, buruhani. Tomh, kaburi, pi. makaburL To-morrow, kesho. the day after, kesho kutwa. the day after that, mtondo. after that, mtondo goo. Tongrs, koleo, pi. makoleo. Tongue, ulimi, pi. ndimi. A piece of cloth, &c., to lie under an opening, lisani. Tool, samani. Carpenter's tool for marhing lines, mahati. Tooth, jino, pi. meno. cuspids, chonge. Dirt on the teeth, ukoga. He has lost a front tooth, ana pengo. Tooth stick or brush, msuaki, pi. misuaki. Top, juu. {the toy), pia. Torpor, utepetefu. Tortoise, kobe. Total, jumla. Towel, kitambaa cha kufutia uso, &c. Toiver, mnara, pA. minara. Town, mji, pi. mijL Trace, dalili Track, nyayo. Trade, biashara. Trader, mfanyi biaishara. Traitor, khaini. Trap, mtego, 2^. mitego. (with a spring), mtambo, pi. mi- tambo. Traveller, msafiri, pi. wasafirL Tray, sinia, pi. masinia. Treacle, asali ya mua. Treasure, hazina, kanzi, khazaua. Treatment, mwamale. Tree, mti, pi. miti. Mkadi, Pandanus. Mtomondo, Barringtonia, lSltondoo,Calophyllumino2yhyUnm. Trench, handaki. Trench for laying in foundations, msinji, msingi. Trial, majaribu. Tribe, kabila, taifa, pi. mataifa. (taifa is larger than kabila). Of what tribe are you ? Mtu gani wee? Trick, Mia, cherevu, madanganya. Trot, mashindo (of a horse), matiti (of an ass). Trouble, taabu, uthia. Trousers, soruali. Trowel (mason's), mvdko, pi. naiiko. Trumpet, paanda. Trunk, shina, pi, mashina, jiti, pZ, majiti. (cut down), gogo, pi. magogo. (the human trunk), kiwiliwilL Truth, kweli. A truth teller, msemi kweli Trying, maonji, majaribu. Tub, pip a, pi. mapipa. Tuesday, Juma a nne. Turban, kilemba, pi. vilcmba. A turban cloth, utambi, pi. tambi ends of turban cloth, utamvua, pi. tamvua, kishungi. Turkey, bata la mzinga, pi. mabata ya mzinga. Turmeric, manjano. Turn, zamu, pi. mazamu. By turns, kwa zamu. Turner, mkereza, pi. wakereza. Turnery, zikerezwazo. Turtle, kasa. Hawkshead turtle, from ichich SUBSTANTIVES. 79 tortoisesheU is oUaincd, ng'a- mba, guauiba. Turtle dove, hua.. Twin, pacha. Twist, pindi, pi. mapindi. Type {for printing j, cLapa, jpZ. ma- chapa. U. Udder, kiwele. Ulcers, donda ndugu. Umbrella, mwavuli, -pi. miaviili. Native umbrella, dapo, pi. ma- dapo. Uncleanness, janaba, uchavu. Uncle, mjomba, pi. wajomba, baba mdogo (mother's brother)^ atnu (father's brother). Undergrowth, magugiL Understanding, akili (pi.). Underwood, makoko. Unity, umoja. Universe, ulimwengu. Uproar, fujo,kelele, makelele, uthia, kero. Urine, mkojo. Use, kutumia, kufaa. (Jiabit), raazoezo. Useful things, vifaa. Usurer, mlariba, pi. walariba. Usury, iriba. Utensils, vyombo. Uterus, mji. Uvula, kimio. V. Vagabond, ban a kwao (homeless). Vagina, kuma. Valley, boonde, pi, boonde or ma- boonde. Value, kima, tha,ma.m. kadiii, kiasi, upataji, uthani. What is it worth ? Chapataje ? Vapour, mvuke, fukizo. Vapour bath, mvuke. Vault, or vaulted place, kuba, kubba. Vegetables, mboga. Dcdoki, pi. madodoki, a long many-angled seed pod. Fijili or figili, a large white radish. Jimbi, pi. majimbi, a root very much like a hyacinth root. Vegetable marrow, mumunye, pi. mamumunye. Veil, utaji, shela. Vengeaiice, kasasi. Verses, masbairi. Utenzi, religious verses. Utumbuizo, verses sung at a dance. Vesicular eruption on tJie shin, uwati. Vial, kitupa, pi. vitupa. Vice, uovu, ufisadi, ufiski. (the tool), jiiiwa, pi. majiliwa, iriwa. Vicegerent, kaimu, pi. makaimu, nayibu, kalife. Victim, mathabuha. Victuals, vyakula. Vigil, kesba, pi. makesha. Village, mji, pi. miji, kijiji, pi. vijiji. Vine, mzabibu, pi. mizabibu. Vinegar, siki. Violence, jeuli, nguvu. Kwa nguvu, by violence. Ana jeuri, he attacks people iootj- tordy. Virgin, bikiri, kizinda. Viscera, matumbo. Vizir, waziri, pi. mawaziri. Vizir ship, u waziri. Voice, sauti. Vow, nathiri, nazirL 80 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Voyage, safari Vulture, tai. W. Wages, ujiva. monthly, mshaliara. sailors', halasa. Wailing, maombolezo. Waidcoat, kisibau, pi. visibau. sleeved, cha mkouo. sleeveless, kisicho mkono or cha yikapa. Walk, mwendo. A icalh, matembezi. to go for a walk, kwenda tembea. Wall, uknta, _2:»?. kuta, kikuta, pi. vikuta, kitalu, pil. vitalu (0/ an enclosure), kiyambaza (mud and stud). Wall-plate, mbati, mwamba, pi. mi- amba. Wahiut, jozi. Wandering about, mzunguko, pi. mizunguko. Want, uhtaji, upungufu, kipiinguo. {"poverty), shidda, umasikiui. War, vita, kondo (Mer.). Wareroom, gbala. Warehouse and shop, bokhari, bohari. Warmth moto, uharara. Luheicarmness, uvuguvugu. Wart, chiinjua. Washerman, dobi. Waste, upotevu, Tiharibivn. Waster, mpotevu, pi. wapotevu, mubaribivu, pi. wabaribivu. Watch, saa. (vigil), kesha, pi. makesha. (time or place of icatching), ki- ugojo. pi. vingojo. (icatching -place), Undo. Water, maji. Fresh icater, maji matamu, majI ya pepo. Water-closet, choo, chiro. Water cooler (earthen lottle), guduwia, gudulia, kuzi (a larger kind icith handles and spout). Water jar, mtungi, pi. mitungi. Water melon, battikh. See Pumpkin. Water skin, kiriba. Wave, wimbi, pi. mawimbi. Way, njia. the shortest way, njia ya kukata. Weakness, uthaifu. Wealth, mali mengi, titajiri, tikwasi. Weapon, selaha, 7iiata (weapons, i.e., lows and arrows). Weather, wakati. Weather side, upande goshini, •upande wa juu. Weaver, mfuma, pi. wafuma. Wedding, harusi. Wedge, kabari. Wednesday, Juma a tano. Weeds, magugu. Kinds of weeds, kitawi, nidago, gugu mwitu, mbarutL TFeefc, jumaa. Weight (see Measure), uthani. How much does it weigh ? Yapata kassi gani uthani wake ? Native Weights : Wakia, the weight of a silver dollar, about one ounce. Battel, sixteen wakia, about one pound. Kibaba, pi. vibaba, one rattel and a half. Mani, wo rattel and three- quarters. SUBSTANTIVES. 81 Pishi, four vibaba, or six rattel. Frasila, thirty-five rattel, or twelve mani. Farra ya mti, seventy-two rattel, or twelve pishi. Well, kisima, pi. visima. Weeping, kilio. West, maghribi. West wind, umande. Wet, rataba, maji. Whale, nyamgmni, ngumi. Wheat, ngano. Wheel, gurudumu, pi. maguru- dumu. Wheeled carriage, gari, pi. ma- gari. Wietstone, kinoo, pi vinoo. Whip, mjeledi, pi. mijeledi. A plaited thong carried by over- lookers and schoolmasters, ka- mbaa, kikoto (M.). Whirhcind, kisusuli, pepo za cha- mchela. Whistling, msonyo, miunsi. White ants, mcbwa. White of egg, ute wa yayi. Whiteness, weupe. Whitening, chaki. Whitlow, mdudu. Wich of a lamp, utambi, pi. tambi. : of a candle, kope, pi. makope. Widow, mjani, mjaani, mke aliofi- wa na mumewe. Width, upana. Wife, mke, pi. wake, mtumke, pi. watuwake, mwanamke, pi. wa- anaake. Wilderness, bara, nyika, unyika. Wild people, wasbenzi. Wild aninuds, nyatna za niwitu, nyama mbwayi, uyama wakali. Will (mind), moyo, nia, kusudi. (testament), wasio. Wind, upepo, much icind, pepo. See Cold, Whirhcind, Storm, East West. Northerly Winds, which hloic from December to March, kaskazi. Southerly winds, which blow from April to Novfmber, kusi. Head icinds, pepo za omo (also stern icinds). Wind on the beam, matanga kati. Winding, kizingo, pi. viziugo. of a stream, maghuba. Windlass, duara. [dirisha. Window, dirisha, pi. dirisha or ma- Wine, mvinyo (strong wine), divai Wing, bawa, pi. mabawa. [(claret). A icing feather, ubawa, pi. mbawa. Wink, kupepesa. Wire, masango, uzi wa madini. Wire-draicer's plate, chamburo. Wisdom, hekima, busara, akiii. Wit, ujuvi (?). Witch, mchawi, pi. wachawi. Witchcraft, ucLawi. One who uses witchcraft against another, wanga. Witness, shahidi, pi. masliahidi. (testimony), ushahidi. Wits, akili. Wizard, mchawi, pi. wachawi. Woe, msiba. See Grief. Woman, mwanamke, pi. waanaake or waanawake. A young woman, kijana,pZ. vijana. A young woman who has not yet left her father's house, one wliose breasts are not yet flattened, mwaBamwali. A slave icoman, mjakazi, pL wa- See Person, Old, Slave. [J£*kazi. 82 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Womb, tumbo, matmnbo, mji. Wonder, ajabu. Wonders, mataajabu. Wood, mti. See Fireicood, Timber. A vjood, msitu wa miti. A piece of wood, kijiti, pi. vijiti. KlJTDS OF WOOD. Finessi, the wood of the jack-fruit tree ; it has a yellow colour. Mche, a reddish wood much used in Zanzibar. Mkumavi, a red wood. Msaji, teaJi. Mtobwe, the wood of which the best bakora are made. Sesemi, Indian black wood. Simbati, a kind of wood brought from near Cape Delgado. Sunobari, deal. Wooden clogs, viatu vya mti. The button which is grasped by the toeSf msuruaki, pi. misu- ruaki. Woollen cloth, joho (broadcloth). Tliich icoollen fabrics, blanketing, bushuti. Word, neno, pi. maneno. Bad ivords, matukano. Work, kazi. Workman, mtenda kazi. {skilled), fundi, {skilful, a good hand), mstadi, pi. wastadi. Workshop, kiwanda, pi. viwanda, kiwanja, pi. viwauja. '^rld, ulimwengTi, dunia. People of this world, walimwengn. Worldly affairs, malimwengu. Worm, nangonango, cbaugo, mnio (?). Worth, kima. See Value. Wound, jeiaba, donda, pi. iiiadouda. kionda, pi. vionda, kidonda, pi. vidorida. Wrath, gbathabu. Wriggle, pindi, pi. mapindi. Wrist, kiwiko cha mkono, kilimbili. Writer, mwandislii, pi. waandishi, akatabao, pi. wakatabao {icriter of a letter). Writings, maandiko, maandishi. Writing-desk, dawati. Wrong, thulumu, sivyo. Y. Yam, kiazi kikuu, i)l. viazi vikim. A kind of yam like a hyacinth root, jimbi, p)l. majimbi. Yard {of a ship), foramali. {an enclosure), uanda, uanja, ua. Yawn, miayo. [pi. nyua. Year {see Time), mwaka, pi. miaka. Last year, mwaka jana. The year before last, mwaka jiizL Yesterday, jana. The day before yesterday, juzi. Yolk of an egg, kiini cha yayi. Young of birds, kinda, pi. makinda. See Chicken, d:c. Youth, ujana, udogo, A youth, kijaua, pi. vijana. Z. Zanzibar, Ungnja. The language or dialect of Zanzi- bar, Kiunguja. In Zanzibar, Kiswahili is understood to mean chiefly the language used on the coast north of Mombas. The original inhabitants of Zanzi- bar, MubadimUj^Z. Wabadimu. Their sultan is the Munyi Zeal {effort), juhudi. [mkuu. (jealousy), iiwivu. Zebra, punda milia. t of nge in the t ;ed in the eight following Classes. angmg m- ing heingSf 3 the first ^ne vizir : changing ngi, many I by changing ki- or ch- into vi-. Kitu ^any things : vyombo vingi, many dhows. j moja, one chest : makasha mengi, many it, the u- is omitted in the plural. If r into ny-. Ukucha mmoja, one claw : •nyimbo nyingi, many songs, ^ali pengi, many places, ^tu, our dying. t stantives. ^ronouns begin with k- ; if it expresses G 2 Ca^jle of Concortis, AdjectivcB and Pronouns are in Swahili made to agree with their Substantiv with 1 by a the first syllable. Swahili Substantives may be conveniently arranged in the eight following Classes. I. Those which begin with m- and are the names of living beings. The plural is made by changing m- into wa- Mtu innioja, one person : watu wengi, many people. The names of living beings, whatever their form, may have their adjectives and pronouns in the forms proper to the first class. Ng'ombe mmoja, one ox: ng'ombe wengi, many oxen. Waziri mmoja, one vizir: mawaziri wengi, many vizirs. II. Those which begin with m- and are not the names of living beings. The plural is made by changing m- into mi-. Mti mraoja, one tree : miti miugi, many trees. III. Those which do not change to form the plural. Nyumba mqja, one house : nyumba nyingi, many IV. Those which begin with ki- or ch-. The plural is mad^ by changing ki- or oh- into vi-. Kitu kimoja,onething:chombokimoja, one dhow. Vituvingi, many things: vyombovingi, many dhows. V. Those which make their plural by prefixiug ma-. Kasha raoja, one chest : makasha mengi, many chests. VI. Those which begin with u-. If followed by a consonant, the u- is omitted in the plural. If followed by a vowel, the plural is made by changing u- into ny-. Ukucha mmoja, one claw : kucha nyingi, many claws. Uimbo mmoja, one song : nyimbo nyingi, many songa. VII. The word mahali, place. Mahali pamoja, one place : mahali pengi, many places. VIII. Verbs in the infinitive, used as Substantives. Kufa kwetu, our dying. The Locative Case made by adding ■ requires special forms, which are the same for all Substantives. When it implies motion to or distance f re being within, they begin with m- ; if nearness only, with p-. the thing named, the Pronouns begin with k- ; if it expresses Nyumba Nyusiba Fine Good Bad Eow mamj f All Of My Thy His, Iter, Hi Our Your Their This & these Tonder That mentioned before Which ? Where is or are ? wazuri wema wabaya wangu wako , \sake huyu yule huyo yupi jni wapi hawa wale hao 8, dr. there ^neoi) yupo „ „ (within) yumo This I Who< he, dc. dec. I- which udiye aliye, ; ye' 'mbaya wangu wako wake wetu wenu wao huo upi upo uko umo ndio uUo mibaya mingapi yote ya yangu yako yake yetu yenu yao hii ile hiyo ipi ndiyo iliyo yo nzun njema mbaya yote ya yangu yako yake yetu yenu yao hii ile hiyo ipi i wapi ipo iko imo ndiyo iliyo yo nzuri njema mbaya ngapi zote zangu zako zake hizi zUe hizo zipi zi wapi ndizo zilizo Be, she, it, they Him, it, them kizuri chema kibaya chote cha ohangu chako chake ohetu chenu chao kile hicho kipi ki wapi kipo kiko kimo ndicho kilicho cho ki- ch- -ki- vizun vyema vibaya vingapi vyote vyangu vyako vyake vyetu vj^enu vyao hivi vile hivyo vipo viko vimo ndivyo vilivyo vyo zun jema baya lote la langu lako lake letu lenu lao hili lile hilo lipi li wapi lipo liko limo ndilo lililo lo ya yangu yako yake yetu yenu yao haya yale yapi ya wapi yapo yako yamo ndiyo yaliyo yo ya- -ya- wako wake wetu wenu huu nle huo upi u wapi nzun njema mbaya ngapi zangu zako zake zetu zenu zao hizi zile hizo zipi zi wapi ziko zimo Mahali -NI (« pazuri pema pabaya 9 pa pangu pako pake ' petu penu pao hapa pale hapo papi pa wapi ndipo palipo po pa- -pa- kuzuri kwema kubaya kwangapi kwote kwa kwangu kwako kwake kwetu kwenu kwao ndiko kuliko kwo kote kwa kwangu kwako kwake kwetu kwenu kwao huku kule huko ndiko ko mwangu mwako mwake mwetu mwenu rawao humu mle humo ( S3 ) ADJECTIVES AND NUMERALS. Adjectives. Adjectives always follow the Substantives they agree with. Mtu micema^ a good man. Regular Swahili Adjectives are made to agree with the Substantives they qualify by prefixing to them the initial syllables proper to the class of their Substan- tives, in the singular or plural, as the case may be. The minor rules laid down in regard to the prefixes of Substantives are applicable to Adjectives and their prefixes. The following instances will illustrate the ordinary application of these rules : Class I. M-tu 'm-haya, a bad man. Wa-tu wa-haya, bad men. M-tu mw-eupe, a white man. Wa-tu w-eupe, white men. Substantives of whatever class denoting living beings may have their Adjectives in the forms proper to the first class. Mbuzi m-kuhwa, a large goat. 3Ibuzi wa-kuhwa, large goats Mbuzi mic-ekundu, a red goat. Mbuzi w-ekundu, red goats. G 2 84 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Waziri rmcema, a good vizir. Mawaziri wema, good vizirs. Kijana mwema, a good youth. Vijana wema, good youths. Class II. M-ti m-zuri, a fine tree. Mi-ti mi-zuri, fine trees. M-ti mw-ema, a good tree. Mi-ti mi-ema, or m-ema, good trees. Class IIL Ny-umha n-zuri, a fine house. Ny-umba n-zuri, fine houses. Ny-umba ny-eupe, a white house. Ny-umba ny-eupe, white houses. Class IV. Ki-tu ki-refu, a long thing. Vi-tu vi-refu, long things. Ki-tu ch-epesi, a light thing. Vi-tu vy-epesi, light things. Class V. Kasha zito, a heavy chest. Ma-kasha ma-zito, heavy chests. Kasha j-ehundu, a red chest. Ma-kasha m-ekundu, red chests. Class VL U-imho m-zuri, a beautiful song. Ny-imho n-zuri, beautiful songs. U-hau m-refu, a long plank. M-hau n-defu, long planks. Class VII. Mahali pa-pana, a broad place, or broad places. Mahali p-eusi, a black place, or black places. Class VIII. Ku-fa ku-zuri, a fine death. Ku-fa kw-ema, a good death. It will be seen at once from the above examples lio-w to make the Adjective agree with its Substantive in ordinary cases. The following rules must be remem- bered in order to avoid mistakes : — 1. Adjectives beginning with a vowel require pre- fixes which end in a consonant, wherever possible, as in the above instances, miveu^e, mwekundu, mwema, chepesi, hicema. ADJECTIVES AND NUMERALS. 85 2. Adjectives beginning with a vowel must have j- prefixed when they are made to agree with nouns like kasha, as in the instance given above of hasJia jekunduy a red chest. Monosyllabic adjectives prefix ji, as in kasha jipya, a new chest. 3. Prefixes ending in -a, when they are put before adjectives beginning with e-, merge the a into the first letter of the adjective, as in the instances, weupe, wekundu, mekundu, peusi. This suppression of the a is more noticeable in Adjectives than in Substantives, and occurs even in the few Adjectives which begin with -0- ; -a before i- coalesces with it and forms e. Weusi = wa-eusi. Meupe = ma-eupe. Pema = pa-ema. Mororo = ma-ororo. Wengi — wa-ingi. 4. Adjectives beginning with a consonant are subject to the same rules when n is to be prefixed as Substan- tives of the third class and plurals of the sixth. The rules are given at length under Class VI. of Substan- tives. The following instances will show their appli- cation to Adjectives : Nyumba [ ndogo, ]ittle i Mbau I ngeni, strange \ n prefixed, Nyimbo I nzuri, fine ) ndefu, long — r becomes d. mhovu, rotten — n becomes m, mhili, two — nw becomes mh. huhwa, great ) nene, thick pana, broad tamu, sweet ehache, few fu23i, short ► n suppressed. 86 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Besides tlie many apparent irregularities in tiiese n formations, there are two or three really irregular forms. These are ngema or njema (not nyema)^ good, and 'mpya (not pya), new. Adjectives beginning with a vowel are, like the cor- responding Substantives, regularly formed by prefixing ny-^ as in the instance given, nyeujpe, from -eupe, white. Instances are given in the list of Adjectives where there is likely to be any practical difficulty in knowing what form to use. -Ote^ all, and -enyi, or -inyi, having or with, are not treated as Adjectives, but as Pronouns. Instances illustrating their changes will be found under each. On the other hand -ngapi, how many ? is treated as an Adjective. Irregular Adjectives. Although Swahili is rich in Adjectives when com- pared with other African languages of the same family, it is very poor in comparison with English. The place of the English Adjective is supplied — 1. By Arabic words which are used as Adjectives but do not vary. Rahisi, cheap. Laini, smooth. 2. By a verb expressing generally in the present imperfect to become, and in the present perfect to bey possessed of the quality denoted. Fimho imenyoka, the stick is straight. Flmho iUyonyoha, a straight stick. Fimho imepotoka, the stick is crooked. Fimho iliyopotoka, a crooked stick. Mtungi umejaa, the jar is full. Mtungi uliojaa, a full jar. ADJECTIVES AND NUMERALS. Si 3. By a Substantive connected with, the tiling quali- lied by the particle -a, of. Mtu wa choyo, a greedy person. Mtu wa dkili, a man of understanding, a wise man. If it is wished to predicate the quality of any person or thing, the verb huioa na, to have, must be used. Ana clioyo, he is greedy. Kina taka, it is dirty. 4. By the use of the word -enyi or -inyi, which may be translated by having or with. Mtu micenyi afia, a healthy person. Kitu chenyi mviringo, a round thing, Kamba zenyi nguvu, strong ropes. E)iihe yenyi maji, a juicy mango. When -enyi is followed by a Yerb in the Infinitive, it answers to our participle in -ing. Mwenyi hupenda, loving. 5. By the use of Adjectival Substantives which change only to form the plural. Eipofu, bhnd, or a blind person, pi. Vipofu, blind, or bUnd people. Where in English a special stress is laid upon the Adjective, in Swahili the relative is inserted. Jiwe huhiva, a large stone. Jiice lililo kuhica, a large stone, literally, a stone that is large. Mtu wa haki, a just man. Mtu aliye wa haki, a. just man. The Comparison of Ad.jectives. There are not, properly speaking, any degrees of comparison in Swahili. 88 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. The Comparative degree as it exists in Englisli is represented in several ways. 1. By the use of kuliko, where there is, the idea heing that when the two things are brought together one of them is marked by the possession of the quality men- tioned, whence it follows that it must possess it in a more eminent degree than the other. Saa Mi njema kuliko He, this watch is good (or the hest) where that is, i.e., this watch is better than that. Tamu kuliko asali, sweeter than honey. 2. By the use of zayidi ya, more than, or of punde, a little more. Unguja mji mkuhwa zayidi ya Mvita, Zanzibar is a large town more than Mombas, i.e., Zanzibar is a larger town than Mombas. Kitu kirefu punde, somethiug a little longer. 3. By the use of hupita, to pass or surpass. Salimu ampita Ahdallah, Salim is better than Abdallah. Ndiyo tamu yapita asali, it is sweet, it passes honey, i.e., it is sweeter than honey. 4. Comparison of one time with another may be ex- pressed by the use of the Verbs kuzidi, to increase, kupungua, to diminish. Mti umezidi kuzaa, the tree has borne more fruit than it did jDreviously. The Superlative may be denoted by the use of the Adjective in its simple form, in an absolute sense. Mananasi mema ya wapi ? Where are the best pines ? Ndiyo mema, these are the best. Ni yupi alio mwema '? Who is the best of them ? When this form is used of two only, it is more ADJECTIVES AND NUMERALS. :9 correctly Englished by the Comparative than by the Superlative. So conversely where the Comparative forms are so used as to apply to many or all, they must be translated by Superlatives. Saa Mi njema hulllco zote, this watch is the best of all. All awapita wote, Ali surpasses them all, or, is the best of all. Numerals. There are two sets of numerals in use in Zanzibar ; one is properly Swahili, the other Arabic, but in a Swahiliized form. The numbers from one to ten are as follows : English. Swahili. Arabic. One Most Wahid Two Fill rheneen Three Taiu Thelatha Four 'Nne 'Aroha Five Tano Hamsi Six Sita Sita Seven Saba Saba Eight Nane Themanya Nine Kenda Tissa or Tissia Ten Kumi 'Ashara It will be seen that for six and seven there are only the Arabic names. The other Arabic numbers under ten are not very commonly used, but for numbers above ten the Arabic are more used than the purer Swahili. English. S v.- A HILL Arabic. Eleven Kumi na moja Edashara Twelve Kumi na mbili Thenashara Thirteen Kumi na tatu Thelathatanhara Fourteen Kumi na 'nne Arobatashara Fifteen Kumi na tano Hamstashara Sixteen Kumi na sita Sitashara Seventeen Kumi na saba Sabata! chote, „ vyote. »> V. n lote, „ yote. »» VI. „ wote, „ zote. » vn. » pote. » vni. »» kwote. -ote has special forms after the particles of time and place. po pote, whensoever- ko kote, whithersoever. mo mote, whereinsoever. Also after the first and second persons plural. sisi sote, we all. ninyi nyote, you all. Sote has the meaning of together. tu sote, we are together. Wote has the meaning of both, sisi wote, both of us. 2. Pia, the whole, all of it or them. 3. Jamii. Jamil wa asikari, all the soldiers. Almighty, mweza vyote. Alternate, moja bado wa moja. Ancient, -a kale, -a zamani, -a kwanza. Angular. Kuwa na pembepembe, to have corners. Antique, -a kikale, of the old style. Artful, -a vitimbi. Aicake, macho. He is aicake, yu macho. LIST OF ADJECTIVES. 05 B. Bad, -bay a, maJdng mbaya ^c^th nouns lilie nyumba or nyimbo. -ovu or -bovu, mahing mbovu u-ith nouns like nyumba or nj'imbo. -ovn expresses rather corruptness than mere badness. Utterly had, baa. pi. mabaa. Good for very little, thaifu. Bare, -tupu, maMng tupu with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Bareheaded, kitwa kiwazi. Barren, of land, kame. of animals, tasa. of persons, si mzazi. Beautiful, -zuri. Bent, of persons, kibiongo, pi. vibi- ongo. Best, bora (pre-eminent). Bitter, -cbungTi ( -tungu (M.)), making uchungu with nouns like nyumba, nyimbo, or kasha. Dawa ucbungu, bitter medicine. Tuuda uchungu, bitter fruit. Black, -eusi. Sometimes forms occur as if from -usi, such as wausi for weusi, mausi /or meusi, and viusi for vyeusi or veusi. It makes nyeusi with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, and jeusi with nouns like kasba. Blind, kipofu, pi. vipofu. Blue, samawi (sky colour). ilaji a bahari (sea-water colour). Blunt, -vivu (see Idle). Kisu bakipati, the knife is blunt. Bold, -jasiri, sbujaa, pi. mashujaa. Breeding (of animals), koo. Koo la mbuzi, a breeding goat. Broad, -pan a, making pana with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Careless, -zembe. Castrated, maksai. Certain, yakini. A certain man, mtu miaoja. Cheap, rakbisi, rahisi. Checkered, marakaraka. Chief, bora, -knu. See Great. Choice, -teule, aali. A choice thing, bedaya, tunu, hikaya. Civilized, -ngwana, -a kiungwana (of the civilized sort). Clear, safi, fasibi, -eupe (see White). Clear, kweu, mbayani, tbahiri (manifest), -wazi (see Open). -eupe (see Wliite). Clever, bodari, mahiri, -a akili. Clumsy, -zito (see Heavy). Coloured, -enyi rangi. Of one uniform colour, -takatifu. Comic, -cbekesbaji, -testeshi. Common, vivi bivi, zizi bizi, &c., yee kwa yee, &c. (see Pronouns), A common thing, jazi. Complete, kamili, -kamilifu, -timi- livu. Confident, -tumaini. Confidential, -siri. Consecrated, wakf. Cool, wovisi. Correct, sahibi, fasibi. Countrified, -a kimajhamba. Covetous, bakbili, -enyi choyo, -enyi tamaa. Crafty, -a hila, -erevu. Crazy, mafuu. Credible, mutaabir, -tabari. Crooked, kombokombo, mshitbari. Cross, -kali (see Fierce). Cross roads, njia panda. Cunning, -orevu, -a hila. 96 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. D. Damp, kimaji. Daring, -jasiri. Dark, -a giza (of darlcness), -eusi (see Black). Dead, -fu. One whose mother is dead, j\ltu aliofiwa Da mamaye. Deaf, kiziwi, pi. viziwi. Dear, ghali. Deceased, mareliemu. Deformed, kilema, pi. vilema. Destructive, -harabu, -haribivu. Devout, -taowa. Different, -ingiue (see Other), mba- limbali, ihtilafu. Difficult, -gumu (see Hard), -zito (see Heavy). Disfigured by disease, -enyi lemaa. Disobedient, aasi. Distinct, mbalimbali. Double, maradufu. Dressed-up, -pambi. Drunken, -levi. Dry, -kavu, making kavu tcith nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. yabis. Dull, -vivu. See Idle. Dumb, bubu, pi. mabubu. E. Easy, -epesi. See Light. Elder or Eldest, -kubwa. See Great. Eloquent, -semaji, -semi. Empty, -tupu. See Bare. Equal, sawa, sawasawa, Eternal, -a milele. European, Ulayiti, -a Kizungu. Even (level), sawasawa. (not odd), kaniili. Every, killa or kulla. It always its substantive. Killa mtu, every man. Killa niendapo, whenever I gOf or, every time I go. Evident, thahiri, -wazi. See Open. Extravagant, mubatharifu. F. Fat, -none. Faithful, araini. Feeble, thaifu. Female, -ke. On the female side, kukeni. Few, haba, -chache, making chache with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Fierce, -kali, making kali with 7wuns like nyumba or nyimbo. Filthy, -cliavu. Final, tama. Fine, -zuri. Firm, imara (of things), thsibit (of persons). Fixed (certain), maalum. Flat, sawasawa, pauapana. Foolish, -pumbafu. Foreign, -geni. Forgetful, -sahau. Forgiving, -samehe. Former, -a kwauza. Fortunate, beri, -enyi babati, -a heri. jPree, huru, -ngwana. Fresh, -bichi. See Raic. Fresh water, maji matamu, maji a pepo. Full, kujaa, to become full. Full to the brink, fava, farafara. Full of words, mwingi wa ma- neno. Full groiim, -pevu. Future, mkabil. LIST OF ADJECTIVES. 97 G. • Generous, kariiau, -paji. Gentle, -anana. Glorious, -tukufu, -enyi fakhari. Gluttonous, -lafi. Good, -ema, maldng njema or ngenia with nouns like uyumba or ny- imbo, and }&in.Q, with nouns like kasha. The idea of goodness may be ex- pressed hy the suffix -to. Mauuka, smells. Manukato, good smells. Kuweka, to put. Kuwekato, to put properly. Greedy, -enyi roho, -enyi tauiaa, -enyi choyo. Great, bora, -kuu and -kubwa or -kuba, making kuu and kubwa with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Kuu is used preferably of moral or figurative greatness. Kubwa, of physical size. Great, ichen applied to anything not material, is usually rendered hy -ingi. Green, uhanikiwiti, rangi ya majani. {Fresh, or unripe), -bichi. See Baw. H. Handsome, -zuri. Handy, -a mkono. A handbook, chuo cha mkono. Happy, -a heri, furahani. Hard, -gumu. Having, icith, being with, or who or which has or have, -enyi or -inyi. It varies like a possessive pronoun, as in the following examples : — Class I. INItu mwenyi {or mwi- nyi) mali, a rich man. Watu wenyi mali, richyeople. Class II. Mti mwenyi {or mwi- nyi) kuzaa, a tree in bearing. Miti yeuyi {or yinyi) kuzaa, trees in bearing. III. Nyumba yenyi {or yinyi) dirisha, a house with windows. Nyumba zenyi {or ziayi) dirislia, houses with windows. IV. Kikapu cbenyi {or kiuyi) ngTivu, a strong basket. Yikapu vinyi nguvu, strong baskets. V. Neno lenyi kweli, a true word. Mabakuli yenyi may ay i, basins with eggs in them. VI. Upiudi wenyi nguvu, a strong bow. Pindi zenyi nguvu, strong bows. VII. Mahali penyi mtende, the place where the date-tree stands Healthy {of persons), -enyi Lifia,-zima {of places, &c.), -a alia. Heavy, -zito. High, -refu. See Long, -kub-^a See Great. Hollow, -a uvurungu, -wazi. See Open. A hollow stone, jiwe la uvu- rungu. It sounds hollow, panalia wazi. The hollow or open space in or under anything, mvuugu. Holy, -takatitu. Hot, -a moto. I am hot, nina hari. Hot-tempered, hararii. Human, -a mwana Adarau, -a biaa- damu, -a mtu. Humble, -nenyekevu. Humpbacked, -enyi kignngo. 98 SWAEILI HANDBOOK, I. Idle, -Tivu. Ignorant {like a simpleton), -jinga. Ill-o'mened, -korofi. Ill-tempered, -kali. See Fierce. Immature, -changa. Infirm, tbaifu. Ingenious, -juzi. Inquisitive, -pekuzi, -jasusi, -pele- lezi. Insignificant (mean), -nyonge. {unimportant), khafifu. Insipid, -dufu. J. Jealous, -wivu. Juicy, -enyi maji. Just, sawa, -a baki, -enyi hakL Kind, -ema. See Good. (doing kindnesses), -fathilL Knowing, -erevu, -juzi. L. Languid, -tepetevu, -chovtL Large,.-kub-wa or -kuba. See Great (xc ell-grown), -kuza. Laii-ful, halali. Lawful to you, balili yako. Laying (of birds), koo, 'pi- makoo. Koo la k'uku a laying heu. Lazy. See Idle. Lee, -a damalini, -a cbini. Left (hand, (fee), -a kusboto, -a kuke. Level, sawa, sawasawa. Liberal, karimu, -paji. ''^dghi (not dark), -eupe. See White. (not heavy), -epesi, making nyepesi with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, and jepesi with nouns like kasha. (unimpoitant), khafifu. Lined (of clothes), bitaua. Little, -dogo, katiti (A.), -cbache (few). Little water, maji machacbe. (Maji and other similar nouns being treated as plurals, and therefore requiring few and not small as their adjective.) Kidogo, pi. vidogo, is used as a substantive for a little or a little piece of anything. Living, bayi, -zima. Long, -refu, making ndefu with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Long-suffering, -vumilivu. Lukewarm, -enyi uvuguvugu. M. Mad, -enyi wazimu, -enyi mahoka (Country dialect). Male, -ume, making mume or ndurae (as from -lume) with nouns of the second class. On the male side, kuumeni. Manifest, tbabiri, waziwazi, mba- yani, -wazi. See Open. Manly, -ume. See Male. Bebera (a strong he-goat). Fahali (a bull). Many, -ingi or -ngi, making nyingi with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, and jingi with nouns like kasba. Katbdwakatha. Maternal (on the mother's side), -a kukeni. (motherly), -a mama. Mean, -nyonge. Merry, -cbekesbaji. Middling, kadiri. Mischievous, -barabu, -tundo- j Moderate, kadiiL LIST OF ADJECTIVES. 99 Much, -ingi (see ilfan?/), tele. MurderovSy kiuwaji, nduli. N. NaJced, -tupu, uchi. S'ee Bare. Narrow, -eml >amba, maldng ny emba- mba with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, and jembamba with nouns like kasha. Necessary (unavoidable), lazim, fa- rathi. (indispensable), kanuni. New, -pya, making 'mpya with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, jipya with nouns like kasha, and pipya with nouns of place. Noble, bora, -kuu. See Great. Notable, mashuhur, mashur. Nice, -ema (see Good), -tamu. See Nipping(pressing closely and tightly), -kazo. O. Obedient, tayi, -tii. Obligatory, farathi. Obstinate^ -kaidi, -shindani, -shi- pavu. Odd (not even), witini. Officious, -futhuli, -juvi. Old (of things), -kukuu, making kukuu with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Kukuu implies being worn out. Where mere antiquity is to be expressed see Ancient, (of persons), -zee. Extremely old, -kongwe. How old is hef Umri wake apataje ? One-eyed, -enyi chongo. -a pekee, peke yake, »S:c. Open, -wazi. Other, -ingine or -ngine. Class I. Mgine or mwingiae. wangine. II. Mwingine or mgine. mingine. III. Nyingine (sing, and pi > IV. Kingine or chingine. vingine. V. Jingine. maiigine or mengine. VI. Mwingine or mgine. nyingine. Vn. Pangine or pingiue. (The) other, -a pili. Other people's, -a watu. Another person's, -a mwenyewe. (not the same) is expressed hy adding the relative particle (see p. 117). panginepo, elseivhere, other places. P. Paternal (on the father*8 side), -a kuxmieni. (fatherly), -a baba. Patient, -stahimili, -Vumilivu. Perfect, kamili, -kamilifu, -timilifu. Perverse, -potoe, -tundu. Plain (evident), thahiri, -wazi. Pleasant, -tamu (see Sweet), -a ku- pendeza. Plenty, tele. Polite, -a adabu. Poor, masikini, fukara, fakiri. wretchedly poor, thalili. utterly destitute, hohe hahe. Printed, -a chapa. Profane, -najisi. Pure, safi, fasihi, -takatifu. H 2 J 00 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. Q. Quarrelsome, -gomvi. Quick, -pesi. Quiet, -tulivu (still), -nyamavu {%ilent). R. Rare, nadira, -a tunu. Baw, -bichi, making mbichi with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Bichi is used for raw, unripe, underdone, fresh, or any state which will or might change hy keeping or cooking, [inexperienced), -jinga. This word is specially applied to newly arrived slaves. Beady, tayari. (quick), -pesi, mahiri. Bebellious, aasi. Bed, -ekundu, making nyekundu with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, and jekundu with nouns like kasha. Regular, -a kaida, taratibu. Safu za kaida, regular rows. Mtu taratibu, a person of regular habits. Bemarkable, mashuhur, mashur. Bich, -enyi mail, -kwasi, tajiri, pi. matajifi. Hight (hand, (fee), -a kulia, -a kuume, -a kuvuli. Bipe, -bivu, making mbivu with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Bivu is used as the contradictory of bichi. See Baw. Rotten, -ovu or -bovn. See Bad. Bough, kuparuza, to he rough and grating. Bound, -a mviringo. Boyal, -a kifaume. Safe, salama. Same, moja, pi. mamnja. Sanguine, -tumaini. Satisfied or content, rathi. Self-satisfied, -kinayi. Savage, -kali (see Fierce), mbwai. Very savage, nduli. Second, -a pili. A second in command, akida. Secret, -a siri, ndani kwa ndani. Separate, mbali. Severe, -zito. See Heavy. Shallow, [maji] haba, [maji] ma- Sharp, -kali. See Fierce, [chache. Short, -fupi, making fupi with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Shrewd, -erevu, -enyi busara. Sick, -gonjwa, -weli. Silent, -nyamavu. A silent man, mtu wa kimya- kimya. Slim, -embamba. See Narrow. Slender, -embamba. See Narrow. Sleek, -nene. See Stout. Slow, -vivu. See Idle. Smooth, laini. Soaked (with rain, (fee), chepechepe. Soft, -ororo, making nyororo with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, andpioro with nouns like kasha. -anana, laini. the soft, teketeke. Solid, yabisi. Some, baathi ya, akali ya. Some — others — , wangine — wa- ngine — . Sound (healthy, living, entire), -ziina. Sour, -kali. See Fierce. Sjjotted, madoadoa, marakaraka. Square, mrabba. Steadfast, tMhit LIST OF ADJECTIVES. 101 Steep, -a kusimama. Still, -anana, -tulivu (quiet), -nya- mavu (silent), -zizima (very still water, (fee). Stout (plump, thick), -nene. Strange (foreign, surprising), -geni. (startling), mzungu, pi. mizungu. Strong, hotiari, -enyi nguvu, -mne. Sweet, -tamu, making tarau with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Tall, -refu. See Long. A very tall man, -tambo. Thick, -nene. Thick syrup, asali nzito. See Heavy. Thievish, kijivi, pZ. vijivi, mwibaji, pi. webaji. Thin, -embamba (see Narrow),-ej^esi. See Light. Tiresome, -choru. True, -a kweli, hakika yako, &c. (it is true of you, (fee), yakini (certainly). Trustworthy, amini. Truthful, -a kweli, -neni kwelL Uncivilized, -a kishenzi. Uncultivated, -gugu. Underdone (half -cooked), -bichi. See Raw. Unhealthy, -welL Unlawful, haramu. Unripe, -bichi. See Raw. Usual, -zoea. We are used to him, tuna mazoea naye. Vain, ana makuu, he is vain. Valuable, -a i/iamani. Vigilant, macho. See Awake. W. Wasteful, -potevu. Watery, chelema. Weak, thaifii. Wealthy. See Rich, Weary, -chovu. Weather, -agoshini, -a juu. Well. See Healthy. Well done (cooked), -bivu. See Ripe, Wet, majimaji, rataba. Wldte, -eupe, making nyeupe with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo, and jeupe with nouns like kasha. Very white is expressed hy putting a strong accent on the last syllable, and sometimes raising the voice on it into a sort of falsetto. Whole, -zima. See Sound. pia, pia yote, zote, &c. Wide, -pana. See Broad. Wild (of plants), -gugu. (of animals), -a mwitu Willing, -epesi, -pesi. Worn out, -kukuu (of things), -ko- ngwe (of persons). See Old. Yelloio, rangi ya manjano. Young (immature), -changa, making mchanga with nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Younger, youngest, -dogo. 102 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. PEONOUNS^ Personal Pronouns. The full forms of tlie Personal Pronouns are — I, Mimi. We, Sisi or Swiswi. Thou, Wewe. You, Nyinyi or Nwinyi, He or she, Yeye. They, Wao. The second and third persons singular are often con- tracted into Wee and Yee. The second person singular is always used where one person only is to be denoted. There are no special forms for it and they when referring to inanimate things. If any special emphasis makes it necessary, the Demonstrative Pronouns agreeing with the nouns referred to must be used. Similarly, for lie or she and they, the Demonstrative Pronouns proper to the first class may be used, when any special emphasis is to be expressed. The objective cases, me, thee, him, her, us, them, are expressed by the same forms as those given above for the subjective case, I, thou, &c. The possessive case, of me, of thee, of him, &c., is PBONOUXS. 103 generally expressed by the Possessive Pronouns (which see, p. 109); there is thus no distinction between of me and mine, of thee and thine, &c. Habari zangu, my news, or news of me. The Possessive Pronouns proper to animate beings may be used of inanimate things also ; -ake, its, and -aOy their, being used for of it and of them, in reference to all nouns of whatever class they may be. The possessive case may be regarded as an instance of the Personal Pronouns in a special form subjoined to the variable preposition -a, of. The Preposition na, with or and, is commonly joined with short forms of the Personal Pronoun to express and or with me, and or with you, &g. &c. Nami, and or with me. Nasi or Naswi, and or with us Nawe, and or with you. Nanyi or Nanioi, and or with you. Naye, and or with him or her. Nao, and or with them. Nao, Nayo, Nacho, Nalo, Napa, Nao, Nayo, Nazo, Navyo, Napo, Nako, and or with it. and or with them. The above forms may be used for either the objective or subjective cases after and. Nami = and I or and me, Nawe = and thou or and thee, &c. &c. It will be seen that in referring to animate beings the latter half of the full form of the Personal Pronoun is suffixed to the na-, and in referring to inanimate things the syllable suffixed is that which denotes the relative (see Relative Pronouns, p. 117), a syllable which occurs also as the final syllable of those Demon- strative Pronouns which refer to a thing mentioned before. Other Prepositions, that is to say, hwa and katika, are 104 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. constructed with, the full form of the Personal Pronoun referring to animate beings, and with the Demonstra- tive Pronouns, where necessary, referring to inanimate things. This rule distinguishes the preposition hwa, for, by, &c., from the form of the variable -a required by substantives of the eighth class and sometimes by the case in -ni. Kwa mimi, for me. Kwangu, of me or my, to my [house]. The prefixes used in conjugating the verb to mark the subject and object may be regarded as shortened forms of the Personal Pronouns. The objective and subjective cases are denoted by slightly different forms. It will be most convenient to take the prefixes de- noting animate beings first, as they alone can be used in the first and second person. The following are the subjective or nominative forms : — I, Ni- or N-. We, Tu- or Tw-. Thou, U- or W-. You, 3Iu-, 'ill-, or Mw-. He or she. A- (or Tu-). They, Fa-. The rule for applying these prefixes is that the forms ending with a vowel are used when they are to be im- mediately followed by a consonant, and those ending in a consonant are used before a vowel. In the third person, both singular and plural, the vowel remains unchanged before o or w, it coalesces with e and i into an e, and merges into an a, so as to be no longer distinguishable. Thus, where the verb or tense prefix begins with a, the third person singular is apparently without prefix and the third person plural is marked only by a w-. Examples of and further observations on these prefixes will be found under Verbs, as playing an PRONOUNS. 105 important part in their conjugation. The form yu- is but seldom used for the third person singular, and very rarely with any but monosyllabic verbs. The syllables which stand for the objective or accu- sative case of the Personal Pronouns denoting animate beings, when they are connected with Verbs, are — Me, -ni- or -w-. Us, -tu- or -tw-. Thee, -ku- or -hio-. You, -wa-. Him or her, -m- or -mw-. Them, -ica-. The same rules as above app^y to the use of forms ending in a consonant before a vowel, and forms ending in a vowel before a consonant. As the forms proper to the first class of Nouns denote animate beings, there remain seven classes denoting inanimate things, each of which has its appropriate subjective and objective pronominal forms when con- joined with a verb. The subjective pronominal prefixes are — Class II. sing. U- arW- plur. I- or Y-. „ III. I- „ Y- }> Zi- „ Z-. „ IV. Ki- „ Ch- »> Vi- „ Vy-, » V. Li- „L- it Ya-. „ VL U- „ w. tt Zi- „ Z-. „ VIL Pa- „P- i> Pa- » P-. „ VIII. Ku- „ Kw- „ Ku- „ Kw- Here also the forms ending in a vowel are used before a consonant, and the forms ending in a conso- nant are used before a vowel. Examples of their use will be found in the sections on the conjugation of the Verb. Tliere, used as the subject of a verb, is expressed by hi- or pa- employed as personal prefixes. Eu- is the more indefinite of the two. One, they, or people used 106 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. to denote what is customary, are expressed by the prefix hu-. The objective forms in reference to inanimate objects are very similar to the subjectives. Class II. sing. -u- plur. -i-. » III. j> -i- }} -zi-. „ IV. -ki- 11 -vi-. „ V. -li- »» -ya-. „ VI. -u- 11 -zi-. „ VII. -pa- 11 -pa-. „ vm. -ku- 11 -ku-. In these forms also w becomes w, and i y, before vowels. The following examples will illustrate the use of the objective syllables : they are parted off from the rest of the word by hyphens. Instances are given of both vowel and consonantal verbs. Class I. A-ni-penda, he loves me. A-n-amhia, he tells me. A-ku-penda, he loves you. A-kiv-amhia, he tells you. Na-m-penda, I love him. Na-mw-amhia, I tell him. A-tu-penda, he loves us. A-tw-mnhia, he tells us. A-wa-penda, he loves you. A-wa-amhia, he tells you. A-wa-penda, he loves them. A-wa-amhia, he tells them. M II. A-u-penda, he likes it (mti, a tree). A--'o-ona, he sees it. A-i-penda, he likes them Qmiti, trees). A-y-ona, he sees them. y, III. A-i-penda^ he likes it (nyumba, a house). A-y-ona, he sees it. A-zi-penda, he likes them (nyvmha, houses). A-zi-ona, he sees them. PE0N0UN8. 107 Class TV. A-ld-penda, he likes it (JHtu, a thing). A-Jci-ona, he sees it. A-vi-penda, he likes them (vitu, things). A-vi-ona, he sees them. „ V. A-li-x)enda, he likes it (kasha, a chest). A-li-ona, he sees it. A-ya-penda, he likes them (makasha, chests). A-ya-ona, he sees them. ff VI. A-u-penda, he likes it (uimho, a song). A-iv-ona, he sees it (ubau, a plank). A-zi-penda, he likes them (nyimho, songs). A-zi-ona, he sees them (mhaii, planks). „ VII. A-pa-penda, he likes it or them (place or places). A-pa-ona, he sees it or them. „ VIII. A-ku-penda, he likes it {kwiba, stealing). A-ku-ona, he sees it. In all cases tlie Pronominal Syllable representing the subject is the first prefix, and therefore the first syllable of the word ; and the syllable representing the object is the last of the prefixes and immediately precedes the verb. A-takapo-ku-ona, when he shall see yon. Wa-Upoki-m-penda, when they loved him. A-ki-kw-ita, if he calls you. It is quite allowable for the sake of emphasis to use the full forms of the Personal Pronouns as well as the subjective and objective syllables. Mimi nakupenda wewe, I love you. We%ve wanipenda mimi, you love me. When 80 used, however, a very strong emphasis is put upon the persons loving and loved, and unless such an emphasis is intended the full forms ought not to be used. The above phrases might be better tran^ilated by — For myself I love you the best; and, It is you who love me. 108 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. In poetical Swahili an objective suffix is used as well as the objective prefix. The syllables used as a suffix are the same as those given before with na (see p. 103). The suffixes are not used in the dialect of Zanzibar. U-ni-hifathi-mi, do thou preserve me. (Both the -ni- and the -mi represent the object of the verb.) A7ca-zi-angusha-zo, and he threw them down. (Both the -zi- and the-zo represent the object of the verb.) Na-wa-amhia-ni, I tell you. The use of the objective prefix implies a reference to some ascertained object : it is therefore properly used wherever in English the object would be expressed by a Pronoun. Where in English the object would not be expressed by a Pronoun, the objective prefix has the effect of a definite article, and its omission that of an indefinite article. Natdka hununua nyumha (no objective prefix being used), I want to buy a house. Natdka huinunua nyumha (the objective prefix -i- being used), I want to buy the house. Naona mtUy I see somebody. Namwona mtUy I see the man. Where a Demonstrative Pronoun is used with the object, the objective prefix must always be used. Nataka kuinunua nyumha Mi, I want to buy this house. Namwona mtu yule, I see that man yonder. The objective prefix is used where anything about the person or thing is about to be stated. Na-m-jua aliko [I know of him where he is], I know where he is. Nali-m-thania amekufa [I thought of him, he had died], I thought he was dead. Aka-m-kata kitwa [and he cut of him the head], and he cut off his head. PBONOUNS. 109 Possessive Pronouns. The Possessive Pronouns are always placed after the Substantive denoting the thing possessed, and vary- according to its Class and Number. The unvarying parts of the Possessive Pronouns are : My, -angu. Our, -etu. Thy, -ako. Your, -enu. His, her, or its, -ake. Their, -ao. The same forms are used for its and their, of what- ever class the thing possessing may be. In many dialects of Swahili the form of the third person singular is -akwe, and in some that of the second is -ahwo. The above forms may be used as enclitics, and fre- quently are so with some common words, such as haba, father, mama, mother, mwana, child, mwenzi, companion, &c. When the final letter of the substantive is -a, -e, or -2, it merges into the first letter of the possessive suffix. Micanangu, my child. Mwenzangu, my companion, Mwandko^ thy child. Micenzako, thy companion. Mwanahe, his or her child. Micenzalce, his or her companion. Micanetu, our child. Micenzetu, our companion. Micanenu, your child. Mwenzenu, your companion. Micanao, their child. Mwenzao, their companion. 110 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. The initial letters proper to each class of Substan- tives are : Class I. sing, w- plur. w-. ,, II- » w- „ y-. „ III. „ y- „ Z-. „ IV. „ ch- „ vy-, Class V. sing. 1- plur. y-. „ VI. „ w- „ Z-. „ VII. „ p- „ P-. „ VIII. „ kw- „ kw-. Besides these forms proper to the several classes, Substantives in the locative case in -ni require special forms of the Possessive Pronouns according to the meaning of the case. These forms are the same for all Substantives, of whatever class or number they may be. 1. When the case denotes being witJiin, or to, or from within, the Possessive Pronouns must begin with mw-. 2. Where the case denotes mere nearness, and can be translated at, by, or near, the Possessive Pronouns must begin with p-. 3. For all other meanings the Possessive Pronouns must begin with ho-. The following instances will show how all these rules are applied : — Class I, Mtu wangu, my man. Watu wdko, thy men. Mhuzi waJce, his or her goat Jifbuzi wetu, our goats. Waziri wake, his vizir. Mawaziri wake, his vizira. „ II. Mti wenu, your tree. Miti yao, their trees. „ III. Nyumha yangu, my house. Nyumbo zako, thy houses. II IV. Kiti chake, his chair. Viti vyetu, our chairs. n V. Kasha lenu, your chest. Makasha yao, their chests. PRONOUNS. Ill Class VI. TJimho wangu, my song. Nyimbo zako, thy sougs. „ VII. Mahali pake, his, her, ar its place or places. », VIII. Kufa kicetu, our dying. 1. Nyuwhani micenu, in your house or houses. 2. Nyumhani pao, near their house or houses. 3. Nyumhani kwangu, to my house. All the Possessive Pronouns will be found in the Table of Concords (p. 82), arranged under the classes to which they are appropriate. The Personal Pronouns may be added to give emphasis. Kisu changu mimi, my own knife. Vyangu mimi, they are mine. The Possessive Pronoun is used for the preposition -a, of, where it is intended to mark particularly the person whose the thing is. Km cha sultani, the sultan's chair, or a sultan's chair. Kiti chake sultani, the sultan's own chair, or this sultan's chair. There is another and short enclitic form for the Possessive Pronouns of the second and third persons singular, which is much used with some common words, such as miime, husband, mice, wife, ndugu, brother or sister, &c. They consist of -o for the second person and -e for the third, with the appropriate initial letters for each class as given above (p. 110). Mumewe, her husband. Mkewo, or rakeo, thy wife. Mwenziwe, his companion. Jinalo, thy name. Shogaye, her friend. It will be seen from the above tables that there is absolutely nothing to distinguish the singular and plural of Substantives in the form of the third class 112 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. which denote animate beings, when joined with Pos- sessive Pronouns. It is probably for this reason, and to avoid ambignity, that they are frequently treated as ordinary Substantives of that class. Ndugu yangu, my brother. Nduguye or Ndugu yoke, his brother. Nduguzo or Ndugu zaho, thy brothers. Mbuzi zetu, our goats. Possessive Pronouns are sometimes used in English where Personal Pronouns are used in Swahili. Waka-m-funga miJcono nyuma [and they tied him hands behind], and they tied his hands behind him. Ali-m-kata Jcitwa [he cut him head], he cut off his head. After verbs of coming and going Possessive Pronouns beginning with z- (or in other dialects with vy- or th-) are used somewhat as — his way, &c., were used in old English. Amehwenda zake, he has gone away, or he has gone off. Twende zetu, let us be going. Wamekuja zao, they have come home, or they have come away. Eeflective Pronouns. The Swahili verb is made reflective by prefixing -ji-f as if it were a pronoun in the objective form. Na-ji-penda, I love myself. Self may be translated by the Arabic word, nefsi, nafsi, or nafusi ; or by the word moyo, a heart, plur. mioyo or nyoyo. Nafsi yangu, or moyo wangu, myself. Nafsi zetu, or nyoyo zetu, ourselves. PRONOUNS, 1V6 Itself, themselves, &c., may also be expressed by thc word -enyewe with the proper prefix. Class I. Mtu mwenyeice, the man himself. Watu wenyeive, the people themselves. Mhuzi mwenyeive, the goat itself. Mhuzi wenyewe, the goats themselves. Waziri mwenyeive, the vizir himself. Mawaziri wenyeive, the vizirs themselves. ft 11, Mti mwenyewe, the tree itself. 31iti yenyewe, the trees themselves. III. Nyumha yenyewe, the house itself Nyumba zenyewe, the houses themselves. IV. Kitu chenyeice, the thing itself. Vitu vyenyewe, the things themselves. V, Kasha lenyewe, the chest itself. Makasha yenyewe, the chests themselves. VI. Uimho mwenyewe, the song itself. Nyimho zenyewe, the songs themselves. VII. Mahali penyeive, the place itself Mwenyewe may be used for myself and thyself, as well as for himself or herself Wenyewe may be used for ourselves and yourselves, as well as for themselves. By myself, by ourselves, &c., are expressed by pehe with the appropriate Possessive Pronoun. Pehe yangu, by myself, or I only. Pehe yetu, by ourselves, or we only. Demonstrative Pronouns. There are three Demonstrative Pronouns. 1 , denoting objects at no great distance. 2, denoting objects pre- viously mentioned. 3, denoting objects at a distance. They have each forms proper to the several classes of Substantives and to the three meanings of the case in -m. 114 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. 1. This or that, these or those, of objects at no great distance. Class I. Mtu huyu, this man. Watu Jiaica, these people. Mbuzi huyu, this goat. Mhuzi Jiawa, these goats. Waziri huyu, this vizir. Mawaziri hawa, these vizira, „ II. MH huu, this tree. Miti Mi, these trees. „ III. Nyumha hizi, this house. Nyumha hizi, these houses. „ IV. Kitu hilii, this thing. Vitu hivi, these things. „ V. Kasha hili, this chest. Mahasha haya, these chests. „ VI. TJimbo huu, this song. Nyimho hizi, these songs. „ VII. Mahali hapa, this place. „ VIII. Ku/a huliu, this dying. 1. Nyumhani humo (humu (?) ), here, in the house. 2. Nyumhani hapa, here, by the house. 3. Nyumhani huku, here, to the house. It will be observed that the second syllable of each of these Demonstratives is the pronominal syllable given at p. 105, and that all begin with h-, followed by the vowel of the pronominal syllable. 2. This or that, these or those, referring to something mentioned before. Both the other forms can also be used in this sense. Class I. Mtu huyo, that man. Watu hao, those people, Mhuzi huyo, that gout. Mhuzi hao, those goats. 31 II. Mti huo, that tree. Miti hiyo, those trees. ;; III. Nyumha hiyo, that iiouse. Nyuinba hizo, those lior.aee. PBO NOUNS. Class IV. Kitu hicho, that thing. Vitu hivyo, those things. ff V. Kasha hilo, that chest. Mahasha hayo, those chests. ,) VI. Uimbo huo, that song. Nyimbo hizo, those songs. „ VII. Maliali liapo, that place or those places. „ VIII. Kufa huTio, that dying. 1. Nyumhani humo, in that house. 2. Nyumhani hapo, by that house. 3. Nyumhani hulco, to that house. 3. That and those or yonder, referring to things at a distance. Class L Mtu yule^ yonder man. Watu icale, those people, Mbuzi yule, that goat. Mhuzi wale, those goats. Mti ule, that tree. Miti lie, those trees. Nyumba He, that house. Nyumba zile, those houses. Kitu Idle or c7iz7e, tlial tLiiig. Vitu vile, those things. Kasha Ule, that chest. Mahasha yale, those chests. Uimbo ule, that song. Nyimbo zile, those songs. Mahali pale, that place or those places. 7iu/a Z;M?e, that dying. Nyumhani mle, in that house. Nyumhani pale, by that house. Nyumhani hule, to that house. n. III. IV. VI. vn. VIII. 1. 2. 3. It will be seen tliat these last Pronouns are made hj adding -le to the second syllable of the first set of Demonstratives. Sometimes the whole of the first form is retained, making huyule, hawale, huule. Mile, hizile, hiMle, hivile, hilile, hayale, hajpale, hukule. I 2 116 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. An increase of distance is denoted by a stress on the final syllable. Mtu yule, that man yonder. Yulee, that one further off. Yuleee, that one still further. The more stress is laid on the final syllable, and the more the voice rises into a falsetto, so much the greater is the distance denoted. When the substantive is mentioned the demonstra- tive always follows it. The demonstratives are frequently doubled, and then have the meaning of just this, that very, &c. Palepdle, just there. Mti uleule, that very tree. Maneno yaleyale, just those words. With the first set of demonstratives the final or true pronominal syllable is doubled and prefixed to the usual form. Fapahapa, just here. ViviMvi, just these things. Zizihizi, those very, &c. Kukuhuku, just to this place. These forms are also used to denote that there is nothing special about what is mentioned. Zizihizi, just these and no more. Huyo is often used when people are chasing a man or an animal. Muyo ! Huyo 1 = There he is ! There he is ! There are other forms which ought probably to be regarded as demonstratives, as they have the force of. This is it, and. This is not it. PBO NOUNS. 117 ndisi, it is we. ndinyi, it is you. ndio, it is they. ndiyo, these are they. ndizo. ndivyo, ndiyo. ndizo. Class I. ndimi, it is I. ndiwe, it is thou. ndiye, it is he. II. ndioy this is it. IIL ndiyo. TV. ndicho. V. ndilo. VI. ndio. VII. ndipo. „ VIII. ndiko. ndimo, it is here, or it is there. ndipo. ndiko. The negative is made by substituting si- for ndi. Siye, it is not he. Sicho, &c. &c., this is not it. Both forms may be used interrogatively. Ndiye ? Is it he ? Siye ? Is it not he ? Other demonstratives may be used with these for the sake of greater emphasis or clearness. Relative Pronouns. The Relative Pronouns have special forms appropriate to the several classes of Substantives and the three meanings of the -ni case. Class I. Who and Whom, sing, ye or yee, plur. o or wo. „ II. Which, sing, o or wo, plur. yo. „ III. „ IV. V. „ VI. „ VII. „ VIII. 1. WJierein 2. Whereat 3. Whereto yo , zo. cho > vyo. lo , yo. or wo , zo. po , po. ko , ko. mo po ko. 118 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. These relatives occur most frequently in their simple forms in connection with -ote, all. yee yote, wo wote, whosoever or whomsoever. too wote, yo yote, zo zote, clio chote, vyo vyote, lo lote,po pote, what' soever. vw mote, whereinsoever, inside everything. po pote, wheresoever or whensoever. ho Jiote, whithersoever or wheresoever. When connected with the substantive verb, to be, that verb is represented by the syllable -li-. Class I. aliye, [he] who is. walio, [they] who are. II. ulio, [it] which is. ihyo, [they] which are. III. iliyo. ziUzo. lY. kilicho. vilivyo. V. lililo. yaliyo. VI. ulio. ziUzo. VII. palipo. palipo. VIII. huliJco. huliko. 1. mulimo, wherein there is. 2. palipo, where there is. 3. huliko, where there is. There is a disposition in Zanzibar to make -o the general relative. Thus one very often hears alio for aliye, Ulio for lililo, and ilio for iliyo. When joined with the verb the syllable denoting the relative follows the sign of the tense if there is one. The relative may be joined with the verb to form the present, or rather, an indefinite tense, without the use of any sign of time whatever. It is made precisely as in the examples given above of the use of the relative with the verb, to be, only substituting the particular verb for the syllable -li-. [he] who loves, apendaye, [they] who love, wapendao. PRONOUNS. 119 [the tree] wliich falls, uangukao. [trees] which grow, imeayo. [the house] which falls, yangukayo. [houses] which fall, ziangukazo. Where the relative is the object of the verb the same form maybe used, only introducing the objective prefix proper to the substantive referred to, and changing the personal prefix. [fruit] whicli I love, niUpendalo. -li- and -lo- being the syllables appropriate to tunda, a fruit, and other nouns of the Fitth Class. When taken to pieces the word is seen to be, wi-, I, -li-, it, -penda-, love, -Zo, which. Relatives are rarely used in Swahili with any tenses except the present imperfect (the -na- tense), the past perfect (the -li- tense), and a peculiar form of the future (the -taJca- tense). The following instances will show the way in which the relative is expressed with these several tenses both as subject and object. Class I. [the man] who is coming, ana-ije-Tcuja. „ who came, ali-ye-huja. „ who will come, ataha-ye-Jiuja. „ whom he is striking, ana-ye-rapiga. ,, whom we loved, tuli-ye-mpenda. [the men] who will beat us, icataTia-o-tupiga. „ whom we will beat, tutaJca-o-icapiga. [the ox] which is eating, ana-ye-kula. „ which we shall eat, tutaka-ye-mla. „ II. [the tree] which fell, uli-o-anguka. ,, which he cut down, ali-o-ukata. [the trees] which were visible, ili-yo-onekana. „ which we saw, tuli-yo-ionu. „ III [the house] which fell down, ili-yo-anguka. „ which I bought, nili-yo^inunua. 120 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Class III. [the houses] which fell down, zili-zo-anguka. „ which I bought, mli-zo-zinunua. „ IV. [the knife] which cut me, hili-dw-nikata. „ which I took, nili-cho-hitwaa. ,, which I gave you, nili-cho-Tiupa. [the knives] which fell down, vili-vyo-anguha. ,, which I gave you, nili-vyo-'kupa. „ V. [the chest] which is unfastened, lili-lo-funguka. „ which I unfastened, nili-lo-lifungua. [the chests] which were carried, yali-yo-chukuUwa. „ which they carried, wali-yo-yachukua. „ VI. [the song] which pleased me, uli-o-nipendeza. J, which I liked, nili-o^upenda. [the letters, nyaraka] which I ^ioie,niU-zo-ziandilia. „ which I sent to you, nili-zo-'kupelehea, „ which reached me, zili-zo-niwasilia. „ VII. [the place] which I live in, nina-po-paJcaa. [the places] which I saw, nili-po-paona. ■ The particles of place and time, mo, po, JcOj are treated as relative particles. alimo, where he is (within). alipo, where he is (if near). aliko, where he is (far of£}. anapohwenda, when he is going. anakohwenda, whither he is going. aUmokwenda, wherein he went. alipokwenda, when he went. alikokwenda, whither he went. There is one ambiguity which cannot be avoided where both subject and object are of the same class. Aliyempiga may mean, who beat him, or, whom he beat ; kilichokikata may mean, which cut it, or, which it cut, supposing kisu, a knife, to be one substantive, and kitUy a thing, to be the other. The negative is combined with the relative by the PRONOUNS. Vll use of -si-. Tliere is but one negative tense, and it embraces all times, past, present, and future. asiye, [lie] who is not, who will not be, who was not. usioanguha, [the tree] which falls not, which is not falling, which did not fall, or, which will not fall. nisichokupa, [the knife] which I did not give you, do not give you, or, shall not give you. "^Vliere tbe relative is used in Englisb with a prepo- sition, the relative particle is sometimes joined with the verb and also with the preposition ; but more commonl}-, the force of the preposition being contained in that of the Swahili verb, no special form is required. See Derivative Yerbs, p. 157. The man whom I went with, mtu nali-o-kicenda naye. The man I went to, mtu nali-o-mwendea. Where I came from, nili-po-toka. Where I am going to, nina-Tco-Jcwenda. As the Swahili has no proper word for to have, but uses for it Jcuwa na, to be with, cases of double relatives are very frequent where having is mentioned. The knife I have, Msu nilicho nacho. The houses you have, nyumha ulizo nazo. The knife I had, Msu nilicliokuica nacho. The houses you had, nyumha ulizokuwa nazo. The relative is used in some cases in which it is not employed in English. Who went by ? Nani ali-ye-pita (who is he who passed) ? He likes this fruit, tunda hili ndilo alipendalo (this fruit is it which he likes). The boy is going, kijana aendao. Whosoever may come, yee yote atakayehuja. There is another way of expressing the relative by 122 SWAHILI HANDBOOK, nieaus of amhaye or ambaye Jcivamha, thougli not used in Zanzibar. When it is employed the final syllable of amhaye changes according to the rules given above, making amhao, amhazo, amhacho, amhavyo, &c. Sometimes an English relative can be expressed by the use of mwenyi, &c., having. The man whose house it is, mtu mwenyi nyumha. Interrogative and other Pronouns. There are four Interrogatives which are not variable. Nanif Who? I Nini^ What? Lini ? When ? j Ga7ii ? What sort ? Gani always follows the substantive it is connected with. Mtu gani ? What man ? What sort of man ? Kitu gani ? What thing ? Wliat sort of thing ? What? is sometimes expressed by the syllable -ni suffixed to a verb. Atapatani9 What will he get? Amefanyani ? What has he done ? Kunani? What is there ? What is the matter? Kina nini ? WJiat has it ? What is the matter with it ? Wanani ? What have they ? What are they at ? What o'clock is it ? is rendered by Saa ngajpi ? How many hours ? The interrogative Which? is expressed by -jpi pre- ceded by the appropriate syllable, which is the same as that used as the subjective personal prefix to verbs. It always follows the noun it refers to. PEO NOUNS. Class I. TMii cli [man] Yupi? Lmen] Wapil 11. , [tree] Upi? [trees] Ipi? » III. , [house] Ipi ? [houses] Zipi? „ IV. , , [thing] Kipi? [things] Vipif » V. , , [chest?] Lipi? [chests] Yapi? „ vi. , [song] Upi ? [songs] Zipi? „ vii. , , [place] Pain? [places] Fapil 123 The Interrogative, if followed by a verb, requires a relative with it. Mtu yupi apendaye Jcwenda ? "Wliich. [or what] man likes to go ? Nyumha ipi ihupendezayo ? Which house do you like ? Nani ? who ? is also generally followed by a relative. ^ni aliopo mlangoni ? Who is at the door ? It is, however, allowable to say nani yupo mlangoni, which is a literal translation of the English. The interrogative Where ? is wapi ? or aj)i 9 Wenda wapi ? Where are you going ? When referring to a substantive icapi must always be preceded by the syllable which is the proper sub- jective personal prefix for that substantive. This prefix very probably represents the substantive verb, and may often be translated by is it ? or are tliey 1 Class I. si ig. Yu wapi ? plur Wa wapi ? 11. , U wapi ? „ I wapi ? III. , I wapi ? „ Zi wapi? IV. , Ki wapi ? „ Vi wapi ? V. , Li wapi ? „ Ya wapi ? YI. , U wapi ? „ Zi wapi ? VII. „ Pa wapi ? „ Pa wapi ? A fuller form to represent where is it f or tchere are they f is made by adding -ko to the personal prefix. Yuho wapif Where is he ? Ziho wapi ? Where are they ? 124 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. The noun referred to follows this interrogative. I ivapi merikebu ? Where is the ship ? How ? is expressed by the syllable -je suffixed to the verb. Nitakipataje f How shall I get it ? Chalifanywaje ? How was it made ? Ulipendaje^ ao kupika, ao hicJii ? How do you like it, cooked or raw? Asemaje ? [How does he talk ?] What does he say ? TJrefu wake yapataje ? How long is it ? Umri wake apataje ? How old is he ? Kwenda chini kwake chapataje [kisima']9 How deep is it [a well] ? The use of hupata, to get, in these phrases must be noticed. There is no direct way of attaching the hoio f to the adjective ; they say therefore, " His age, how gets he it?" How many ? is expressed by -ngajpij which is treated as an adjective. How many people ? Watu wangapi ? How many goats ? Mbuzi wangapi or ngapi f How many trees ? Miti mingapi ? How many houses ? Nyumha ngapi9 How many chairs ? Viti vingapi 9 How many chests ? Makasha mangapi ? How many planks ? Mhau ngapi ? How many places ? Mdhali pangapi ? How ? is in some cases expressed by the use of other phrases. How long ago ? Tangu lini ? [since when ?] How much? Kadri gani, or Kiassi gani^ [what quantity ?] How often? Marra ngapi ? [how many times ?] The exclamatory What ! is rendered by the inter- rogative pronoun in -pi. Furaha ipi ! What joy I ( 125 ) VEEBS. Regular Swahili verbs always end in -a, as, Tcupenda, to love, hu/piga, to beat. Verbs derived from the Arabic may end in -e, -i, or -w, as, kusamehe, to pardon, husajiri, to travel, huharihu, to destroy. Verbs in this form do not change the final vowel, where verbs in -a regularly do so. The simplest form of the verb is used in Swahili, as in English, for the second person singular of the imperative. Feudal Lovel Figal Strike! Samehe! Pardon! Safiri ! Travel! Haribu ! Destroy ! The second person plural imperative is made by adding -ni. All the other tenses and moods are made by prefixing syllables to the simple form, except that verbs in -a change -a into -e in the present subjunctive, and into -i in the present negative, and a -«;- is inserted to mark the passive. There is a negative as well as an affirmative con- jugation, in which the tenses and persons are also dis- tinguished by prefixes. The various prefixes form in pronunciation or^ word 126 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. with the verb, and when taken to pieces denote its person, number, tense, mood, subject, and object. Amekwambia = A-me-kw-ambia = He-has-you-tell = He has told you. Waliponipenda = Wa-li-po-ni-penda = They-did-when-me-love = When they loved me. Nitakachokupa = Ni-taka-cho-ku-pa = I-shall-which-you-give-to = Which I shall give to you. Ningalimwona = Ni-ngali-mw-ona = I-should-have-him-see = I should have seen him. The syllables used as prefixes have not the same meaning standing separately as they have when com- bined with the verb in their proper order; for this reason, therefore, as well as to show the proper pro- nunciation, they with the verb must all be written as one word. Lists of the several prefixes will be found at the end of the preliminary observations to the second part of this handbook (p. 237). The personal prefixes will be found described under Pronouns (p. 104), and seen arranged under their appropriate classes of Substantives in the Table of Concords, p. 82. Indefinite Tenses. 1. Customary actions are expressed by prefixing hu- to the verb. In this form there is no distinction of number, person, or time. Hu-enda, one goes, they go, everybody goes, he used to go. Hu-penda, one likes, they like, one would like. 2. The relative may be joined with the verb without any sign of time. The personal prefix only is put before the verb, and the relative sign suffixed to it. VERBS, 127 Sing. Class I. Ni-penda-ije, [I] who love. U-penda-ye, [tliou] who lovest. A-penda-ye, [he] who loves. „ n. U-anguha-o, which falls. „ III. I-anguJ:a-yo, „ IV, Ki-anguka-clio^ „ V. Li-anguka-lo, „ VI. U-anguka-o, „ VII. F-anguka-po, where falls. „ Vni. Kw-anguka-ko, whither falls. Flur, „ I. Tu-penda-o, [we] who love. M-penda-o, [you] who love. Wa-penda-o, [they] who love. „ n. I-anguka-yo, or, Y-anguka-yo, which fall, „ in. Zi-anguka-zo, „ IV. Vy-anguka-vyo, „ V. Y-anguka-yo, „ VI. Zi-anguka-zo, The relative may represent the object of the verb, but in that case the objective sign (pp. 105-6) ought to be inserted between the personal prefix and the verb. Sing. Plur. Class I. Ni-m-penda-ye, [he or she] whom I love. Ni-ku-penda-ye, [thou] „ „ „ Ni-wa-penda-o, [you or they] ,, „ „ II. Ni-u-peuda-o [it] which I love. III. Ni-i-penda-yo, rV. Ni-ki-penda-chOf V. Ni-li-p>enda-lOy VI. Ni-u-penda-o, Vn. Ni-pa-penda-po, VIII. Ni-ku-penda-ko, n. Ni-i-penda-yo, [those] which I love. III. Ki-zi-penda-zo, rV. Ni-vl-penda-oyo, V. Ni-ya-penda-yo, VI. Ni-zi-penda-zo, 3. The negative form, expressing Who, or which does 128 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. not, is made by the personal prefix, tlio syllable -ei- [not] and the relative sign, followed by the verb. Sing. Class I. Ni-si-ye-penda, [I] who love not. U-si-ye-penda, [thou] who lovest not. A-si-ye-penda, [he or she] who loves not „ n. TJ-si-o-anguka, which falls not. „ m. I-si-yo-anguJca, „ rV. Ki-si-cho-angulca, „ V. Li-si-lo-anguka, „ VI. TJ-si-o-anguka^ „ VII. Pa-si-po-anguka, where falls not. Ku-si-ko-anguka, whither falls not, Mu-si-mo-anguka, wherein falls not. Plur. „ I. Tu-si-o-penda, [we] who love not. M-si-o-penda, [you]. Wa-si-o-penda, [they]. „ n. I-si-yo-anguka, which fall not. „ in, Zi-si-zo-anguka, „ rV. Vi-si-vyo-anguka, „ V. Ya-si-yo-anguka, „ VI. Zi-si-zo-anguka. Where the relative is the object of the verb, it is expressed as in the affirmative tenses, by the form of the relative particle and the insertion of the objective prefix. Ni-si-zo-zi-penda, which I do not like. This negative tense may be applied with equal pro- priety to past, present, or future time, amounting in effect to a negative of the relation at the time and under the circumstances implied in the context. The application of the relative to the definite affir- mative tenses is explained under Pronouns (p. 119). The difference between — which I like — and — I who like it — is to be found in the form of the relative particle. VERBS. 129 INyumha] nili-yo-ipenda, [the house] which I liked. nili-ye-ipenda, I who liked it lEitu] niU-cho-ldpenda^ [the thing] which I liked, nili-ye-Jiipenda, I who liked it. Definite Tenses. The important part of each tense is the tense prefix. It is preceded by the personal sign of the subject, and may be followed directly by the verb. If any signs of relation are used they are suffixed to the tense prefix, and the objective prefix (if any) must always imme- diately precede the verb. The tense prefix is the same for all persons and both numbers. The personal prefix is the same for all tenses, except the slight changes dependent upon the question whether the first letter of the tense prefix is a vowel or not. In order therefore to construct the proper form of verb, it is necessary first to ascertain the proper personal prefix, next the proper tense prefix, then the particles of relation and objective prefix, if they are required, and then to finish with the verb. Thus, to say, A house has fallen down. A house is nyumba, a word of the third class ; the proper personal prefix for a singular noun of the third class is -^, the tense prefix for the present perfect is -me-, the verb to fall is leu - anguha (the Jcu- being the sign of the infinitive : we have therefore — Nyumha imeanguka = a house has fallen down. If we wished to say. Six houses have fallen down ; we find that nyumha being of the third class keeps the same form in the plural ; sita is six, and must follow its noun ; the subjective prefix proper to plural nouns in the third K 130 SWAEILI HANDBOOK, class is zi-; the tense prefix and tlie verb remain the same. Nyumha sita zimeanguka, six houses have fallen down. To take one more complicated example, I saw the knife, which yon gave him. The personal prefix for the first person is ni- or n-, the tense prefix of the past perfect is -ali-, to see is Jcu-ona, knife is Icisu, a substantive of the fourth class. As some particular knife is intended we must use the objective prefix, and that for a singular substantive of the fourth class is -hi-. As the tense prefix begins with a vowel we must use the personal prefix which ends in a consonant. We have therefore — NaliJciona hisu = I saw the knife. * Which you gave him.' The relative referring to a singular noun of the fourth class is -cho-. It must follow the tense prefix, which is -ali-^ as before, for the past perfect. The sign of the second person singular is u- or 10- ; the verb, to give to, is hu-joa. The object of the verb is Jiim, the objective prefix for nouns of the first class is -mu- or -m-. Putting these together we have, Which you gave him, walichompa. And the whole sentence, I saw the knife which you gave him, nalikiona Jcisu walichompa. It must not be forgotten that Jcu- and pa- may be used for there in an impersonal sense. Kuliktiva or Palilcuim, there was or there were. KnliaiJi'ga, S:c., and ti.cre struck, &c VERBS, 131 Indicative Tenses. — Present. There are in the language of Zanzibar two Presents, one Indefinite and one Imperfect. 1. The Indefinite Present answers to our common English present, I come, I love, &c. It is made by prefixing -a- to the verb. JV- y ' I love. TT- Thou lovest. — He or she r-, r-, Ch; L-, TF-, P-, Kw- Tw- . a-penda < loves. It loves. Mw- We love. W- You love. \Z.,Vy.,T.,Z. J ^ They love. 2. The Present Imperfect answers to our tense with am, I am coming, I am loving, &o. It is made by pre- fixing -na- to the verb. I-, Pa- Tu- 'M- Ku- fl am Thou art He, she, y na-penda \ or it is i. loving. We are You are \ They are Wa-, I-, Zi; Vi-, Ta-, Zv- In the first person the ni- is often contracted into 'w-, and sometimes altogether omitted. This tense used after another verb may be translated by an English present participle., Namwona^ or Nalimwona anahuja, I see him, or, I saw him coming. In the dialect of Mombas this -na- tense is used of past time. In Zanzibar it is the more usual form of the present. K 2 132 8WAEILI HANDBOOK. Present Perfect. The Present Perfect is made by the prefix -me- : it denotes an action complete at the time of speaking, and therefore answers to the English tense with have. Tne-penda I have Thou hast He or she has It has We have You have iThey have ■ loved. In verhs denoting a state or the possession of a quality the present has the meaning of to enter upon, to acquire, or to become, what the verb denotes. The -me- tense must then be translated by to have, or to be, &c. (p. 86). Inajaa, it is getting full. Imejaa, it is full. Inapasuka, it is being torn. Imepasuha, it is torn. Inapotea, it is becoming lost. Imepotea, it is lost. Anavaa, he is putting on. Amevaa, he has put on, therefore, he wears. When the -me- tense occurs in a narrative, it denotes an action complete at the time referred to, and must generally be translated by had. Nihamwona ameufungua mlango, and I saw that he had unfastened the door. The -me tense may sometimes be translated as a pas VERBS. 133 participle, signifying a state arrived at at the time of speaking or at the time referred to. Yu hayi ao amekufa ? Is he alive or dead ? Zalikuwa zimepotea, they were lost. In this sense it may be used to form compound tenses, somewhat as the past participle is in English. In some dialects of Swahili the prefix is pronounced -mor rather than -we-. See the end of Appendix II. Past Perfect. The Past Perfect tense is made by the prefix -li- or -all- : it denotes an action complete in past time. It must sometimes be translated in English by the tense ■vNdth had, but more commonly it represents the indefinite past, which usually ends in -ed. N- ^ W- TT-, T-, Ch-, L- P-, Kw- ) ali- \ Tw- Mw I '^ W- Thou r-, Z-, Vy, Y- J He or she penda It loved. m- 1 We u- You A- ^They Z7-, I-, Ki' Li; Pa-, Eu- li- . Tu- M- Wa- I-,Zi-, Vi; Ya-. When it is intendec 1 to deu Ote the iction as a 134 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. continuous one, the syllable -hi- may be inserted after the tense prefix. N-ali-M-mpenda, I loved him [not once but continuously]. W-ali-pa'pendana, when they loved one another. W-ali-po-hi-pendana, while they loved one another. Narrative Past. In telling a story it is usual to begin with one verb in the -li- tense, and then to put all that follow in a tense made by the prefijs -ha-. This tense includes in itself the power of the conjunction and. It can never properly stand at the beginning of a narrative, but no other past tense can properly be used for any verb except the first. It may occasionally be used after another verb, where the time being indefinite would in English be represented by a present. m- u- 'And I A- And thou U-, I-, Ei- And he or she Li-, Pa-, Ku- ' Tia-penda And it Tu- And we M- And you Wa- And they I;Zi-, Vi; Ya-\ loved. Niha- is frequently contracted into Ha-. Hamwona = Nikamwona = And I saw him. The -ha- of this tense is often pronounced -hi- in rapid or careless talking. VERBS. 135 Future. The Future Tense is made by the prefix -ta- m- u- 'l shall A- Thou wilt U-, I-, Ki- He or she will Li; Pa-, Ku- ta-penda It will Tu- We shall M- You will Wa- They wUl I-, Zi; Vi; Ya-^ love. In the first person the prefix Ni- is often omitted. Tapenda = Nitapenda — I shall love. When particles of relation are introduced the prefix 'ta- is very rarely used ; the tense prefix stands almost always as -taka-. Atdkayekujoy [he] who will come. With particles of relation the difi'erence between the present, indefinite, and future times is much more care- fully observed in Swahili than in English. Nilalapo, when I sleep, i.e., in the case of my sleeping. Ninapolala, when I sleep, i.e., at the time when I am sleeping. Nitakapolala, when I sleep, i.e., when I shall be sleeping. Mtu aendaye, the man who goes (at any time). Mtu anayekwenda, the man who is going (now). Mtu atdkayekwenda, the man who goes (at some future time). Thus, if it is intended to send a man somewhere and pay him afterwards for his trouble, where it might be said in English — Tell the man who goes that I will pay him when he comes back — the Swahili verbs must all be in the future, Micamhie yule ataJcayekwenda hwamba 136 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. ataJcaporudi nitamlipia. Where it is tHe fact and not the time, person, or thing, that is the important element of the idea, it is better not to use the particles of rela- tion, but to employ the -M- tense, which see. Conditional Tenses. There are four tenses which may be called Con- ditional. The first, made with -hi-j expresses a state of things as supposed to be existing. The second, made with -japo-, expresses a state of things supposed as possible. The other two refer to contingencies ; one of them, made with -nge- or -^ga-, expresses what would now be happening, and the contingency on which it would depend regarded as existing; the other, made with -ngali-, expresses what would have happened, and the contingency on which it would have depended regarded as no longer existing. Actual Conditional or Participial Tense. This tense is made with the prefix -Tci-, and may be translated by the English present participle, or by as, if, when, since, though, or any other words by which the idea of a state of things can be introduced and con- nected with the rest of the sentence. Ni- I lovinc U' I A- Thou U-, J-, Ki- He or she Li-, Pa-, Ku- ki-penda It Tu- We M- You Wa- .They I- Zi' Vi- Ya VERBS. 137 Tlie prefix Niki- may be contracted into Si-. Hifukuza - Nihifukuza = As I was driving. Yiewed as a present participle, the -M- tense can be nsed to form compound tenses, especially a past im- perfect. Alikuwa dkiogdlea, he was swimming about. The following are a few examples of the use of this tense : — NitafuraM niJciJcuonay [seeing you I shall rejoice] I shall be glad to see you. AJcija Ahddllah mwamhia, [Abdallah coming, tell him] Tell Abdallah when he comes. Nikiica nacho, [I having it] If I have it — when I have it — if 1 should have it — in case of my having it — since I have it, Alipotea aMzunguka Jcwa siku mbili, [He was lost wandering for two days] He lost his way and wandered about for two Majivuno yaMwa mengi, [Puffings up being many] Much self- exaltation. Cfpepo uJiiwa moto Jiutanua, [Air being hot] Air expands when it becomes heated. AMsema hu-eli, hasadiJcuci, [Telling the truth, he is not believed] K he should tell the truth, he would not be believed. In this instance the use of the -hi- tense and of the negative present are both remarkable. It will be seen, however, upon examination, that there is no real con- tingency in such a sentence as this. It affirms a fact in a state of things, not a contingency upon a supposed state of things ; it is not his telling the truth which prevents his being believed. A corresponding past tense may be made by the -Zi- tense with the relative particle -po-. Wali;popenda, when they loved, being that they then Icved. 138 8WAEILI HANDBOOK. ijapo-penda^ even if ' love. Possible Conditional. This tense is made by the prefix -japo-^ and puts a case ; it generally implies that the case is an extreme or unlikely one. It may be translated by even if. Ni- U- A- V-, J-, Ki- Li-, Pa-, Kxir Tw M- Wa- I-, Zi-, F^-, Ya- The prefix seems to be formed from huja, to come, and -j9o, the particle denoting when or where ; so that ujapo may be translated, When you come, and so with the other persons ; this will give the force of the tense. WajapoJcupiga, when they come to beating you, i.e., even if they beat yon. Japo with the personal signs may be used alone in the sense of — even if. Ujapo huJcioni, even if you do not see it. Present Contingent. This tense is formed by the prefix -nge- or -nga-, and puts a condition and its results as present. It necessarily implies that neither are in existence. Ni- ^ I should, or if I did Thou wouldest, or if thou didst He, she, or it would, or if \ Jq^q he, she, or it did We should, or if we did You would, or if you did . They would, or if they did ) u- A- U-, I-, Ei- Li-, Pa-, Ku- ^ nge-penda ( Tw M- Wa- I-, Zi-, Vi; Fa- VERBS. 139 The -nga- form is used with monosyllabic verbs — angawa — though he be, or he would be. The two branches of the contingency cannot in English be represented by the same tense, as they are in Swahili. The pair would stand in English, (1) If I did— (2) I should, &c. (1) If it were— (2) it would be, &c. Or they might stand, (1) Though I did — (2) yet I should, &c. The second branch is sometimes represented in English by a past tense ; sometimes both are. Kama ungekuwa na ahili, mali yaTco ungedumu nayo, [If you were with wits, your property you would continue with itj If you were a man of understanding, your property would be (or would have been) yours still. Past Contingent. This tense is made with the prefix -ngali-. It sup- poses something at a past time, and concludes that something else would then have happened, also at a past time. It represents the English — If this had happened, that would have happened. It supposes that neither condition nor contingency did ever in fact occur. In English a past tense is often used to express a present contingency, but the Swahili seem to dis- tinguish them more carefully. Had I, or I should have Hadst thou, or thou wouldest have Had he, she, or it, or he, she, or it would have ngali-penda j Had we, or we should ] loved, have Had you, or you would have Had they, or they would have u- A- J-, Ki- ; Pa-, Kip- Tu- rn- Wa- Zi; Vi; Ya-J 140 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. There is always an accent on tlie personal prefix and none on the tense prefix, thus ungalihuja, dngaliona^ &c. Kama ungalihuwapo hapa, ndugu yangu angaliponay If you had been here, my brother would have got well. The Imperative. It has been mentioned above that the simplest form of the verb may be used for the Imperative as in English. The fijial letter of verbs in -a is frequently changed into e-. The plural is made by adding -ni. Penda, or Pende^ love thou. Pendant, or Pendent, love ye. Twaa, or Twos, take thou. Twaani, or Twaeni, take ye. Sifu, praise thou. Sifuni, praise ye. Fikiri, consider thou. Fikirini, consider ye. The form ending in -e is the more commonly used in Zanzibar. The other persons are supplied by the use of the Subjunctive. Ka- may be prefixed to the Imperative to connect it with a preceding verb. Kajijicheni, and hide yourselves. The Subjunctive. The Subjunctive is made by prefixing the personal sign, and when the verb ends in -a changing that letter into -e. It may be translated into a variety of English forms. It may be used as an imperative or jussive, and is the only form that can be so used in the first and third persons. Nipende, let me love. When used with an interrogative it may be translated — am I to — is he to, &c. Ni/anyeje ? What am I to do ? i^ VERBS, 141 It is tlie proper form to express purpose or object — that I may, &c. — and must be used in many cases where in 1^ English the infinitive is employed. Mwamhie dkusayidiey tell Mm to help you, or speak to hira that he may help you. Where no purpose is impKed the infinitive is used as in English. I want to sleep, natdka Jculala, The* force of the conjunction and may be expressed by inserting -lea- after the personal prefix. And is used in English in many cases where the second action is more or less the object with which the first is to be done, as in — try and find, &c. In such cases -ha- must not be used, but only the subjunctive in its simple form. mav love. Verbs which end in -i, -e, or -w, keep the same final letter in the subjunctive. Ni- U- rl A-, U-, J- thou Ki-, Li; Pa- he or she Ku- , pende. That it Tu- we M- you Wa-,I-,Zi- Jhey Ft-, Ta- The Infinitive, The Infinitive is made in all cases by prefixing -ku. Ku-penda, to love. Ku-onay to see. l^Z 8WAEILI HANDBOOK. The -M- becomes -w- before a, e, and «, and often disappears before o, Kw-amhia, to telL Kw-enda, to go. Kw-isha, to finish. K-oga, to bathe. . The Infinitive may always be used to express the action denoted by the verb. Kwenda, going, Kufa, dying. Kupendana, mutual loving. [There are two idiomatic uses of the Infijiitive Mood, which are common, and may be mentioned here, the one a logical, the other a grammatical, contrivance. Any finite form of a verb may be preceded by the infinitive of the same verb, the effect being rather to particularize and give prominence to the idea conveyed by the verb, than to emphasize the mode of an action. Thus Jcufa utaJcufa, as to dying, you will die. Dying, that is what will happen to you. Not, you will certainly die. Again, when any finite form of the verb, and espe- cially a long form, would be closely followed by another verb in the same form, connected with the former verb by (at most) the simple copula * na,' the second verb may be put in the infinitive mood. By this device the cumbrous repetition of a series of personal and other prefixes in a number of successive verbs is neatly avoided. Thus, " anayeahudiwa na kutuhuzwa" for anayetuhuzwa, " who is worshipped and glorified." — A. C. M.J VERBS. 143 Participles. There are properly no Participles in SwaMli. The present participle in -ing may be represented by the -ana- tense of an incomplete action, by the -hi- tense of a state of continued action, or by the use of the relative. The man sitting yonder, mtu akaaye kule. The past participle may be represented by the -me- tense of a completed action, or by the relative when used adjectivally. NimeJiiona kisu Tcilicliopotea, I have found the lost knife. The Negative Conjugation. All Swahili verbs may be employed with negative prefixes to denote the reverse of their affirmative meaning. It must be observed that the negative forms do not simply deny the affirmative forms but rather reverse them. Napenda Tcwenda, I like going. Nataha Jcwenda, I want to go. Sipendi kicenda, I dislike going, Sitaki kicenda, I want not to go. In English I do not want is not so strong as I do not like, but in Swahili sitald is stronger than sipendi. The negative tenses are formed by negative personal prefixes, which, except in the first person singular, are made from the affirmative forms by prefixing lia-. For the negative combined with the relative, see p. 120. 144 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. I Thou He or she love not pendi It or We do uot love. You VThey J Negative Present. In this tense verbs ending in -a cliange fhat letter into 'i ; other final letters remain unchanged. Si- Hu- Ha-, Hau; Hai- HaM-, Hall; Hajpa- Sahu- Hatu- Ham- Hawa-, Hai-, Hazi- Havi; Haya- This tense is a more general negative than the English do not tense. It is used for both past and future wherever the negative depends upon some cause which is not affected by the time referred to. The -i of si- in this and other tenses often disappears before a vowel. Sogopi, I do not fear. Negative Past. There is one negative form referring to past time generally ; it is made by the negative prefixes followed by -hu- Si- Hu- I Ea-, Hau-, Hai- Thou Hahi-, Hali- He or she did not love Hapa-, Hakvr \ ]iu-penda \ It or Hatu- We have not lovfd. Ham- You Hawa-, Hai-, Hazi- .They Havi; Haya' In a few rare instances negative prefixes may be [lowed by -me- or -li-. Simehuica mwo ngoi Hav e I not becoE ae a liar? VERBS, 145 The not yet Tense. There is a negative tense made by the use of the negative prefixes followed by -ja-, which is a sort of negative present perfect, denying the action up to the time of speaking. Si- Hu' (I Ha-, Hau-, Hai- Thou Eaki-, Halt- He or she Hapa-, Hahu- jja-penda I I^ ^^^ve not yet loved. Hatu- We Ham- You Hawa-, Hai; Hazi- They Havi-, Haya- J The word hado is often used with this tense where it is intended rather to imply that what has not yet happened will some day come to pass. Hajaja, he is not yet come, he is not come even now. Hajaja hado, he is not come, at least not yet. The -a- of -ja- coalesces with i and e into a long -e- sound. Hajesha = Hajaisha = He has not yet finished. Negative Future. The negative future is made from the affirmative future by merely using negative instead of affirmative personal prefixes. Si- Hu- Ha-, Hau-, Hai- HaM-, Hali- Hapa-, Hahw- Hatu- Ham- Hawa-, Hai; Hazi- Havi-, Haya- ta-penda I shall not 1 Thou wilt not He, she, or it will not We shall not You will not They will not love. 146 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Conditional Tenses. The case of not being or not doing is put by a tenwe formed by tlie affirmative prefixes followed by -sipo- ; it may be translated by tbe present participle with a negative, or by as, if, when, though, since, or any other word by which the case of not being, liaving, or doing, may be introduced. Ni- U- A-, U-, I-, Ki- JA-y Pa-, Ku- Tw M- Wa-, I-, Zi-, Vi- Ya This tense may be also used to translate an English affirmative preceded by except or unless. AsiiJojua, unless he knows. Asi^okuwa Ahdalldh, except Abdallah. sipo-penda ( not loving. Contingent Tenses. The negative contingent tenses, present and past, are made from the affirmative forms by merely using negative instead of affirmative personal prefixes. Did I or I should "^ Si- Hu- Ha-. Hau-, Hai- Haki-, Hali- Bapa-, Baku- nge-penda \ Batu- Bam- Hawa-, Bai-, Hazi- Havi-^ Baya- Didst thou or Thou wouldest Did he, she, or it. or He, she. or it would Did we or We should Did you or you would Did they or They . would . not love. VERBS. 147 Si- Eu- Ha-, Hau-, Hai- HaJii-, Hali- Hapa-, Hahu- Eatu- Eam- Eaiva-, Eai- Eazi; Eavi- Eaya- ngali-penda\ Had I or I should have Hadst thou or Thou wouldest have Had he, she, or it, or He, she, or it would have Had we or We should have Had you or You would have Had they or They would have not loved. Negative Imperative. The negative imperative is made by the iTse of si (not), with the affirmative forms. Si penda, love not. Si sifu, praise not. Si pendent, love ye not. Si sifuni, praise ye not. The negative subjunctive is more often used in this sense than the imperative form. Negative Subjunctive. The negative subjunctive is made from the affirma- tive form by inserting -si- between the affirmative personal prefix and the verb. not love. Ni- -s U- I may A-, U-, J- thou mayest Ki; Li; he, she, or Fa-, Ku- si-pende, That it may Tu- we may M- you may Wa-, I-, Zi- they may F*-, Ya- L 2 148 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. The -i of -si- often disappears before a vowel. asende, that he may not go. The negative subjunctive may be Englished in several different ways. It may be used as above of a purpose not to do, or it may be used of a purpose to do which fails. Ahamtafuta asimwone, he looked for him, but did not see him or, without seeing him. This form is commonly used for the negative imperative. Nisende, let me not go. Usende, don't go. A form of subjunctive connected with the not yet tense is made by the use of -sije- with the affirmative prefixes. not have already loved. Ni- U- A-, U-, I- Ki; Li- I may thou mayest he, she, or it Fa-, Ku-, Tu- sije-penda, That may we may M- Wa-, I-, Zi- Vi; Va- you may they may This tense may often be translated by before. Utampata asijelala, you will catch him before he goes to sleep. -sije with the personal prefixes may be used as a complete word followed by the -Jca- tense. Nisije nikafa, that I may not be already dead, or, that I may Dot die before, &c. VEBB8. 149 Negative Infinitive. The negative infinitive is made by the use of hitoa (to put out), often contracted into huto- and used as a prefix. Kutoa kupenda, or Eutopenda, not to love, or not loving, to dislike, or disliking. The Passive Voice. The Passive is made from the Active by merely inserting -w- before the final vowel. Napenda, I love. Napendwa^ I am loved. Sipendi, I do not love. Sipendwi, I am not loved. Nimependa, I have loved. Nimependwa, I have been loved. Kupenda^ to love. Kupendwa, to be loved. Verbs ending in two vowels often use the passive of their applied form. See pp. 151, 161. The Passive is used in a sort of impersonal way to denote what is intended to be done. 3Iaji yamekwenda kuletwa, some one has gone to get water. Fesa zimekwenda kuvunjwa^ some one has gone to get pice in exchange for silver. Auxiliary and Irregular Verbs. As the Auxiliary verbs are mostly also irregular, it will be best to speak of their irregularities first, and afterwards of their use in making compound tenses. Monosyllabic verbs and most dissyllabic words be- ginning with a vowel, retain the hu- of the infinitive in those tenses in which the tense prefix ends in a 150 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. syllable incapable of bearing the accent. These tense jDrefixes are -na-, -ame-, -ali-, -ta-, -jajpo-^ -^^6-, -ngali-j and -sije-. The other prefixes, -a-, -ha-, -hi-, -nga-, -hu-, -ja-, -si-, are capable of bearing the accent, and the hu- is not retained when they are used. The personal signs, both subjective and objective, can bear the accent, the relative signs cannot. Thus, from huja, to come, we have : — Naja, I come. NinaJcuja, I am coming. Nikaja, and I came. Nimehuja, I have come. NiMja, I coming. Nalikuja, I came, Siji, I come not. Nitakuja, I shall come. Sikuja, I did not come. Nijapokuja, even if I come. Sijaja, I am not yet come. Ningekuja, I should come. Nisije, let me not come. Ningalikiija, I should have come. Nisijehuja, before I cor^e. Nije, let me not come. Nisipokuja, when I come not. Ajaye, he who comes. AUyehuja, he who came. Nijaye, I who come. It is shown that this irregularity depends upon the power of certain syllables to support the accent by the changes which occur when an objective prefix is inserted. Amekula, he has eaten. Amemla, he has eaten him. The verb hupa, to give to, is peculiar in always re- quiring an objective prefix, and therefore never having occasion to be irregular. With dissyllables beginning with a vowel it is gene- rally indifi'erent whether the hu- is retained or not. Amekwisha or Ameisha, he has finished. Amekwanza or Ameanza, he has begun. VERBS, 151 Many verbs occur witli or without a to-, wliich seems to be a relic of tbe -ku-. Kuiva or Kuwiva, to ripen. Kuaza or Kuwaza, to consider. The word kuja, to come, stands alone in having an irregular imperative. Njoo, come. Njooni, come ye. Monosyllabic verbs and some dissyllables make their passives in a more or less irregular way. The follow- ing is a list of the monosyllabic verbs with their passives : — Kucha, to fear. Kuchica, to be feared. Kula, to eat. KuUica, to be eaten. Kujiywa, to drink. Kunyweica, to be drunk. Kupa, to give to. Kupaioa or Kupewa, to receive. Kucha is used in the dialect of Lamoo for to fear, the word used at Zanzibar being huogopa. Kucha means at Zanzibar to rise (of the sun), and huchwa (or, in the dialect of Mombas, hutwa^ means to set. The other monosyllabic verbs, kufa, to die, Icuja, to come, Jcunya, to fall like rain, huwa, to be, being neuters, do not make a passive. Two dissyllabic verbs make their passive by merely adding -iva to the active form. Kuua, to kill. Kuuaica, to be killed. Kufua, to beat. Kufuawa, to be beaten. Verbs ending in two vowels often insert an -I- in making their passive. See under Applied Forms, pp. 158-159. Kuzaa, to bear. Kuzaica or Kuzaliica, to be born. KuJcomhoa, to ransom. Kuhomholewa, to be ransomed. Kufungua, to open. Kujunguliwa, to be opened. 152 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. The origin of this use lies probahly in the difficulty of pronouncing distinctly the regular passive forms. Verbs ending in -e make their passive in -ewa. Kusamehe, to pardon. Kusamehewa, to be pardoned. Verbs ending in -i make their passives in -iwa. Kukiri, to confess. Kuhiriwa, to be confessed. Verbs in -u generally make their passive in -iwa. Kuhartbu, to destroy. Kuharibiwa, to be destroyed. Where the -u is preceded by a vowel the passive is made in -uliwa. Kusahau, to forget. Kusdhauliwa, to be forgotten. The verb huwa, to be, has several peculiarities. The Present tense is very seldom used in its regular form. For the Present tense ni (or, in the negative, si) may be used for all persons and both numbers, or the per- sonal prefix appropriate to the subject of the verb may stand alone. Ni is apparently preferred where being is the important part of the idea ; the personal prefix is used where the being of that particular thing is intended specially to be noticed. Tu (not A) is used for he or she is. Si hiceli, ni kusifu tu, it is not true, it is only flattery. Tu, tayari, we are ready. When joined with a relative the regular form has the meaning of who may he. Awaye yote, whoever it be. Where no stress is intended to be laid on the heing^ the verb to be, when joined with a relative pronoun, is VERBS. 153 represented by the syllable -li-. See Eelatives, p. 118. Li is used, tbough but rarely, with tbe personal signs to form a tense ■with the meaning — continuing to be. A narative past is also fonned with it in the sense of — I have continued to be. Nili Jiali ya Jcuwajuu yahe, I being on his back, Nikali nikipotea, and I go on wandering. In many cases where the verb to he is used in English merely to connect the parts of the sentence it is in Swahili omitted altogether. Kwa nini weye Ttutoa JcuoneJcana Mzi siku nyingi^ why [have] you [been] invisible, i.e.. Why have you kept out of sight so long? Yupi mkuu icao^ who [is] their chief? Nyama ya hifaro ngumu mno, rhinoceros meat [is] very tough. The Present Perfect has the meaning of has become. Manenoye yamekuwa uicongo, his words are become false. The Past Perfect must be used to translate was and were. Nilipokuwa Sultani, when I was Sultan. The English Jias or have been must be translated by a present. Nipo hapa siku nyingi, I have been here many days. The Imperative is used with an i prefixed. Iwe, be thou. Iweniy be ye.* In the negative present and with relatives si is used as ni and -li- are in the affirmative tense. The regular forms are also used, though but rarely. * The subjunctive forms uice, mice are commonly preferred in Zanzibar.— A. C. M. 154 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. The verb to he is used in English sometimes to denote existence viewed as an ultimate fact, sometimes to denote existence in place and time, sometimes to denote existence as the possessor of certain qualities, or the doer or sufferer of certain acts. In Swahili these three uses are distinguished by the employment of different forms. The simple form of the verb is used only to denote existence as the possessor of qualities, or the doer or sufferer of acts. Existence merely in place and time, whether the place and time are in English expressed or no, is denoted in Swahili by the addition to the verb of -po, -mo, or -ho, as the case may be. See Relatives, p. 120. He is at my liouse, Yuho kwangu. He is here, Yupo liapa. He is in the house, Yumo nyumhani. When he was liere, AJipokuivajm hapa. Where are they ? Ziho wapi ? Existence viewed as a fact in itself is denoted by the addition of na to the verb, being the same form as is used for the verb to have. Na is joined to the personal prefixes to make the present tense, in all other tenses it is treated as a separate word, and has generally the appropriate relative sign suffixed to it. Kuna mtu, there is a man. KuUkuwa na mtu, there was a man. Zinazo, they are. Zilikuwa nazo, they were. In Swahili there is properly no verb to have. They employ for it kuwa na, to be with. YEBBS, 155 Nina, I have. NaUkuwa na, I had. Nitaliuwa na, I shall have. Niwe na, that I may Lave. Where the oLjective prefix would be used with an ordinary verb, the appropriate relative particle must be suffixed to the na as well as to the tense prefix, Kinazo, I have them. Aliyehuwa nazo, who had them. Alizokuica nazo, which he had* Auxiliary Verbs. The Verbs used as Auxiliaries are, huica, to be, hitoa, to take out, hija, to come, hvislia, to come to an end. Can is represented by the appropriate tenses of kuweza, to be able. Must is expressed by sharti, of necessity, or by the negative tenses of huwa na huddij to have an escape from. Sina huddi, I must. Asiwe na huddi, that he may be obliged. After huwa na huddi either the infinitive or subjunc- tive may be employed. Ought may be represented by the tenses of Jcupasa, to concem, or, to come to concern. Should is expressed in the same way when it implies obligation, and by the contingent tenses when it expresses a contingency. Imenipasa Tcwenda, it concerns me to go, i.e., I onght to go. Imenipasa nisende, it concerns me that I go not, i.e., I ought not to go. Kupasa is also used as follows : — Haihunipasa mimi, it is no business of mine. Imekupasani ? What have you to do with it ? Amenipasa mimi, he is a connection of mine. 156 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. May and miglit may be represented by Jcuweza wbere they imply power, by halali, lawful, where they imply lawfulness, and by the subjunctive where they imply a purpose. The use of Tcuja as an auxiliary has been mentioned under the -japo-, ~ja-, and -sije- tenses, pp. 138, 145, 148. Kutoa is used to convey a negation in cases where the regular negative tenses cannot conveniently be used. With the infinitive it is frequently contracted into -to-, and used as a mere formative. Kutoa Jiiija, or Kuto'kuja, not to come. Kutoa kupenda, or Kutopenda, not to love. The meaning of these negative infinitives may be given as, putting out coming, barring coming, coming not happening. A transitive form may be made by the use of hutoslia, to make to go out. Kutosha humwuliza, to exclude asking him. In many cases kutoa may be translated by, to forbear, or, to neglect. Ametoa huja, he has neglected coming, he has not come. Nikitoa huja, if I forbear from coming, or, so long as I do not come. The negative tenses do not furnish a true present perfect. The past, hahuja, is, he did not come; the present, haji, implies rather that he never will, that coming is not to be predicated of him at all. The difference between nisipoJcuja and nikitoa kuja is repre- sented in English by that between, if I come not, and, while I come not. In all cases the use of toa connects VERBS 157 tlie negation with the tense only ; the negative tenses imply that the opposite of the verb might be affirmed. KwisJia may often be translated by already. Amekwisha huja, he has already come. NimeJcwisha kula, I have done eating. It is used to strengthen the present perfect, convey- ing the meaning that something is not merely done, but fully done and over. A somewhat similar effect is produced on the present by using katiJca kwisha, Ni katika kwisha kula, I am finishing eating, I am just leaving off, I have very nearly done. Kuwa, to be, is used in Swahili very much as it is in English, the -hi- and -me- tenses of the principal verb being used as present and past participles. NUi nikienday I continuing to be going. Nikali nikienda, and I am still going. Nikiwa nikienda, I being going, while going. Nikiwa nimekwenda, I being gone, having gone. Nikiwa nimekivisha kwenda, having already gone Nalikuwa nikienda, I was going. Nalikuwa nimekwenda, I was gone, I had gone. Nalikuwa nimekwisha kwenda, I had already gone. Nitakuwa nikienda, I shall be in the act of going. Nitakuwa nimekwenda, I shall be gone. Nitakuica nimekwisha kwenda, I shall have already gone. Nitakuwa niliokioenda, I shall be who has gone, I shall have gone, I shall have gone to or been at. Kuwa na, to have, is not used as an auxiliary. Derivative Verbs. There are four derivative forms which may be con- structed out of any Swahili verb, where in English 158 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. we must use either anotlier verb or some compound expression. 1. Wliat may be called tbe applied form is used in cases where in English a preposition would be em- ployed to connect the verb with its object. By the use of this form verbs which have things for their objects may be made to apply to persons. This form is made by inserting i or e before the final -a of the simple verb. I is used when the vowel of the preceding syllable is a, ^, or u. E is used when the vowel of the preceding syllable is e or o. Kufanya, to make. Kufanyia, to make for. Kuleta, to bring. Kuletea, to bring for. Kusikitiha, to be sorry. Kusikitikia, to be sorry for, to pity Kuoha, to bake. Kuokea, to bake for. Kuanguka, to fall down. Kuangukia, to fall down to. Where the simple verb ends in two vowels the sup- pressed I appears in the applied form. Kuzaa, to bear. Kuzalia, to bear to. Kukwea, to climb. Kukwelea, to climb for. Kusikia, to hear. Kusikilia, to listen to. Kxikomhoa, to redeem. Kukombolea, to redeem for, Kununua, to buy. KununuUa, to buy for. The following is a list of the monosyllabic verbs with their applied forms : — Kucha, to fear. Kuchelea, to fear for. Kufa, to die. Kufia, to die to. Kuja, to come. Kujia, to come to. Kula, to eat. Kulia, to eat with. Kumja, to fall (like rain). Kunyea, to fall upon. Kunywa, to drink. Kunywea, to drink with. Kuwa, to be. Kuwia, to be to. Kuza, to sell, makes Kuliza, to sell to. VEBBS, 159 Kiipa, to give to, having already an applied meaning, has no applied form. There is a difficulty in expressing what would have been the meaning of the simple form. Kutoa is used for to give, in the sense of parting with. Such expressions as, which was given you, must be rendered by a change of person — uliopewa^ which you had given to you, or, which you received. Which he gave me, is very commonly rendered niliopeica naije. Verbs ending in -i and -u make their applied forms in -ia. Kufasiri, to explain, Kufasiria, to explain to. Kuharibu, to destroy. Kuliarihia, to destroy for. The great paucity of prepositions in Swahili brings the applied forms of verbs into constant use. The only difficulty in their application lies in the exact discrimination of the meaning of the simple word. Many Swahili verbs imply in their simple form what can only be expressed in English by the use of a pre- position. Whenever a really good dictionary shall have been compiled it will supply all the necessary informa- tion. The applied form may be rendered by inserting any preposition which vdM suit the context. Thus, knsJiuhudia is, to bear witness about, for, or against, as the case may be, and Jcunenea^ which means to speak about, may have to be translated by, to recommend, or to decry, to scold, or to describe. The simple word nena has in itself the force of to mention, so that it is not necessary to use the applied form as a translation of to speak of, where it means no more than to mention. Sometimes the shape of the word will be a useful 160 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. reminder to foreigners of its exact meanino: : thus, kupotea, which may be roughly translated to lose, is in the shape of an applied form, and really is one, its exact meaning being, to become lost to. If, therefore, we want to say, I have lost my knife, the construction must be altered into, my knife has become lost to me (kisu chancju Jcimenipotea), the subject and object having to change places. Where in English a preposition connected with the verb can stand by itself at the end of the sentence, the applied form must be used in Swahili. A knife to cut with, Msu cha Jcttjcatia. Stones to grind wheat with, mawe ye Jcusagia ngano. A place to come out at, maliali pa Jcutohea. A bag to put money in, mfuko wa hutilia fetha. In these sentences the use of the possessive particle -a for the English to, denoting a purpose or employ- ment, must be observed and remembered. This particle turns what follows into a sort of adjective in this, as in all other cases in which it is followed by a word which is capable of denoting a quality. It is somewhat like the English expressions, a man of sense, a huilding of great solidity, &c. When an applied form is followed by rrihali it conveys the idea that as a consequence of the action denoted by the simple verb something is put out of the way, or got rid of. Afile, or Ajie mbaJi, that he may die out of our way. Tumwulie mhali, let us kill him and done with it. Potelea mhali, perish out of my way = go and be hanged. The passive of the applied form has a meaning which VERBS. 161 it requires some attention to remember and apply rightly, though it is strictly according to the rule that the object of the active becomes the subject of the passive voice. Kuletea, to bring to. Kuhtewa, to have brought to one, Kufanyia, to make for. Kufanyiwa, to have made for oiie. It is often difficult in English to express this passive without using an altogether different word. What suggests- itself at first to an English ear, that the passive of to bring to would be to he brought to, is wrong, and must be carefully avoided. Sometimes a change of prepositions will suffice to render the passive cor- rectly ; hupa may be translated to present to, and then kupewa is not to be presented to, but to be presented with. Passives made in -liiva and -lewa are used as the passives of both the simple and the applied form, Kufunguliwa may be used as the passive of kufungua, meaning, to be unfastened, or as the passive of hufun- gulia, meaning then, to have unfastened for one. It can never mean, to be unfastened for. If it is necessary to express a passive in that form it must be done by changing the construction. A cry was made at him, dlipigiwa uJcelele [he had made at him aery] The door was opened for him, alifunguliwa mlango [he had opened for him the door]. 2. The Causative form is made by changing the final •a into -sha or -za. Kupungua, to grow less. Kupunguza, to make to grow Jess. Kuzidi, to grow greater. Kuzidisha, to make greater. 1G2 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. When the final -a is preceded hy a consonant the general rule is to use the applied form as the basis of the causative. Kupenda, to like. Kupendeza, to please. Kufanya, to make. Kufanyiza, to cause to make. Kupanda, to go up. Kicpaudisha, to make to go up. Verbs which end in the simple form in -ta end in the causative form in -sa, Kutakata, to be clean. KutaJcasa, to make clean. Verbs which end in -ha may be turned into causa- tives by changing -ka into -sha. Kuivaka, to be on fire. Kuwashay to set on fire. Kulainika, to be soft. Kulainisha, to make soft. Kutolta, to go out. Kutosha, to make to go out. Kushulca, to go down. Kushusha, to let down. The causatives of verbs ending in -e, -«, or -u are constructed on the applied form. Kulcaribu, to come near. Kuliaribuha^ to make to come near. 3. The Neuter, or quasi passive form is made by changing the final -a into -ha, Kufungua, to unfasten. Kufunguka, to be unfastened. Kiwkoa, to save. KuoJcoka, to be saved. Where the final -a is preceded by a consonant the neuter is constructed from the applied form. Kuvunja, to break. Kuvunjiha, to be broken. Kuhata, to cut. KnJcatika, to be cut. VERBS. 163 Cansatives in -sha may be turned into neuters by changing -sha into -ha. Kustusha, to startle. KustuTca, to be startled. Verbs in -e, -i, and -u, construct their neuters on the applied forms. Kusamehe, to forgive. KusameheJca, to be forgiven. Kufasiri, to explain. Kufasirika, to be explained. Kuliaribu, to destroy. Kuharihika, to be destroyed. The -ha form is used (like the English passive) to denote what is generally done or doable. Kulika, to be eaten, or, to be eatable. 4. Eeciproeal forms are made by changing -a into -ana. Kupenda, to love. Kupendana, to love one another. KupigUj to beat. Eupigana, to beat one another, to fight. Verbs in -e, -i, and -u construct their reciprocals upon the applied forms. Kuharihu, to come near. Kuliarihiana, to come near to one another. The reciprocal form of the -ha foi-m may be translated by to be to be, &c. Kupafihana, to be to be got. Kujulikana, to be to be known, to be knowable Kuoekana, to be to be seen, to be visible. The derived forms are conjugated and treated in every way as though they were original words, and other derived forms may be made froia them to any extent that may be required. M 2 164 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. The applied form of an applied form generally sig- nifies to do a thing to or for a person for a purpose. Doubling the verb gives an idea of thoroughness. Kukata, to cut. Kutafuta, to seek. KuclwfuM, to be in a mess. KupasuJia, to be torn. KukatilM, to be cut Enl:ataTiata, to cut up. Kutafutatafuta, to seek all about. Kiichafukachafuha, to be all in a mess. Kiqjasukapasuha, to be torn to shreds. Kukatihakatikay to be all cut about ( 165 ) LIST OF VEBBS. As it is necessary to put to before the English Verb to make the Infinitive, so it is necessary to prefix ku- to make the Infinitive in Swahili. Before Monosyllabic Verbs the kxi- bears the accent, and is retained in several o'f the tenses. See p. 149. Abase, thili. Ahhor, chukia. be Able, weza. Abolish, batili, tangua, ondosha. Abound with, jaa. Absorb, nwa, pass, nwewa. Abstain from, epuka, epushwa {to be kept from). Abuse (by words), tukana. Accept, kubali, takabali, pokea (re- ceive). he acceptable or accepted, kuba- lika. Accompany, fuatana na, andamana. (part of the way), sindikiza, adi. Accuse, tuhumu, shtaki. Accustom, zoeza. become accustom^, zoea. Ache, uma. My head aches, kitwa chauma or kinaniuma. Achnowledge, ungama, kubali, kirL Acquiesce, nyamaa, rithia. Acquit, acba. be acquitted, toka. Act, tenda. Adapt, fanya. Add to, ongeza, zidisha. Add up, jumlisha. Adjoin, tangamana. Adjourn, akirisha. stand over, akiri. be Adjudged, fetiwa. Adjure, apisba. Admire, penda. I admire him, ameni'^'^Tideza. Admit, ingiza, acba kuiugia. Adorn, pamba. Adorn oneself, fanya uzurL Adulterate, gbosbi. commit Adultery, zini, zinga. Advance, eudelea mbele. Advance money to a trader, ko- pesba, be Adverse, gomba, teta. Advise, pa shauri. Adze, cbonga. Affect to be, jifanya, jiona. Afflict, tesa. be Afraid, ogopa, cha (A.). Agitate, siikasaka. 166 SWAEILI RAND BOOK. Agree (come to an agreement), pat an a, afikana, tuliliana, lekezanya, tuzanya (A.), (7)i3 mutually satisfied), rathiana. (he alike), elekea, lingana. Aim, twaa shabalia. Alarm, ogofisha. ogofya, tisha. be alarmed [ku-]wa na kliofu, itigiwa Da khofu. Alienate, farakisha. he alienated, farakana. Allege a defect in, umbua. Allot amongst many, awaza. Allow, acha, pa ruksa, ruhusu. Alter, (neut.) badili, badilika, geuka. (act.) geuza, badili. Amaze, ajaabisha. he amazed, tosliea. Amend, fanyiza, tengeneza. (of a person reforming), tulia. Amuse, zumgumza. Anchor, tia nanga. A7iger, tia hasira, ghathabisha. he Angry, [ku-]wa ua hasira, glia- thabika. he Angular, [ku-]wa na pembe- pembe. Announce, hubiri. Annoy, sumbua, sumbusha, taa- bisha, hatiki (A.). Amiul, tangua, batili, ghairi. be Annulled, tanguka. Answer, jibu. Answer when cdled, itika, itikia. Anticipate for, onea. he Anxious, taharuki, taabika. make Anxious, taharakisha, taa- bisha. Apostatize (become an infidel), ku- furu. Appear, onekana (Ijecome visible), tokea (coifie out to). Apply oneself to, tenda. Appoint, nasibu, aini, chagua o» teua (select). Approach, karibia, jongea. Approach one another, karibiana. Bring near, jongeza, karibi&ha. Approve, kubali, penda, rathi. Argue, jadiliana, shindana (dispute together). Arise, ondoka. Arm, pa selaha. Arm oneself, twaa selaha. Arrange, panga, andika, pangisha, ratibu, fanya. be Arrogant, ghurika. Arrive, fika, wasili. arrive at one's destination, koma. m,ake to arrive, fikisha, wasilisha. reach a person, fikia, wasilia. Ascend, paa, kwea, panda. Ascertain, hakiki, uyuzi. he ascertained, kinika. he Ashamed, ona haya, tahayari. make ashamed, tia haya, tahaya- rislia. Ask, uliza, iiza, saili. Ask for, taka. Make inquiries on behalf of any- one, ulizia, iiuzia, sail i a. Ask how one does, uliza hali. Ask in marriage, posa. Assemble, (act.) kusanya, kutanisha. (neut.) kutana, kusanyika, kusa- nyana. Assent, kubali, itikiza, afikana, ra- thiana. Assert, sema. He asserts that he saw a ship, kamma aliona jahasi. He asxerts that he walked on the waU^r. kamma alikwenda mtoni kwa mguu. LIST OF VEBBS. 107 Astonish, ajabisha, taajabisha. be astonished, tosliea, sliangaa, taajabika, toshewa, btaajabu. Astound, shangaza. Atone for, setiri. Attach, gandamia, gandamiza, am- bisa. be attached, ambatana (of things), ambisana (of people). Attack, shambulia. Attach people wantonly, [ku-]wa na jeuri. Attend (wait upon), ngojea, fuata. Attend to, sikia, pulika (A.), si- kilia. not to attend, ghafalika. refuse to attend, jipurukusba. be Audible, sikiliana, sikizana. Avail, faa. Avoid, epuka. get out of the way of, epa. be avoidable, epeka, epukika. Avow, kubali. Awake (neut.), amka. waken (act), amsha. B. Backbite, cbongeleza. Betray, khini. Bake, oka. (pottery), tomea, chomea. Bale out water, vuta luaji, teka maji. Banish, fukuza (drive away), ondo- sha (make to go aicay), haiuisha or tamisha (M.) or gurisba (A.). (to make to remove). Bar (a door), pingia. Bargain, fanya ubazazi. Bark (like a dog), lia. Barter, badili, awithL Batter (bruise\ chiibuapbubna. be battered {like an old coppet pot), cbubukachubuka. Bathe, oga. Be, wa. See Irregular Verbs, p. 1 o2. (to stay), kaa, be on one's guard, [ku-]wa na bathari. be off one's guard, tagbafali. Bear (fruit, children, &c.), zaa, vyaa. (carry), cbukua, bimili. (toUrate), vumilia, stabimili. bear icith another person, chuku- liana. Bear with me, niwie ratbi. bear witness, sbubudu. about, for or against, sbubiidia. Beat, piga, puta, menya (Kiyao). Beat up together, funda. Beat to pieces, pouda. Beat a roof or floor, pigilia. be well beaten, putika. be beaten upon (as a wreck by the waves), fuawa. See Conquer, Thresh. Beckon to, pungia nguo. The usual sign to beckon a person to come is to icave a cloth up and down. Become (befitting), sulibi. Nimekuwa, I am become. Simekiiwa, am I not become. The act of becoming is generally expressed by the present tense of the verb expressing the being in the state or possessing the quality. Become a fool, pumbazika. Beg, omba, bembeleza. (entreat), sihi, nasibi. I beg of you, tafatliaL Btgd. zaa. 168 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Brgin, anza. Begin upon, anziliza, Btgin a icorJc, maliki. Behave, tenda. Behave well, tenda vema. Behave ill. tenda vibaya. Behave like an invalid, jigo- njweza. Belch, ongulia. Belch out, kokomoka. Believe, sadiki. Believe in, amiiii. Bend, (act.) pinda, (neut.) pindana. Bend round, (act.) peta, (neut.) petatia, peteniana. ^end down,(act.) inamisha,(?ieM<.) inama. Benumb, faganza. Bequeath, wasia, achia. Besiege, husuru (Ar.). Bet, shindania. Beware, angalia, [ku-]wa na ha- thari. Bewilder, tekea. Bewitch, fanyia uchawi, loga (Mer.). Bicker, papuriana. Bid. See Command. Make a first hid, risimu. Bind, funga. Bind hooks, jelidi. Bind oneself, fanya sharti. Bind round (as when a stick is sprung), ganga. Bite, uma. Blah, payuka. Blame, laumu, tia hatiyani, nenae (scold), patiliza (visit upon)^ karipia (call out at). Blaze, waka. Bleed, toka damu. (copiously), churuzika damu, tu2a damu (M.). Bless, bariki (see Copulate), barikit^ jalia. Blind, povua. become blind, povuka. Block, kingamisha, pinga. Blossom,iosi maua (put forth flowers\ funuka (to open). Blow (as the wind), vuma, vuvia. (with the mouth), puzia, puliza. (a horn, &c.), piga zomari, &c. (the nose), futa kamasi. (bellows), vukuta. Bloio away, peperusha. Blunder, kosa. Blunt. The knife is blunt, kisu hakipati, kisu ni kivivu (A,). Blurt out, kokomoka. Blush, geuka (change colour). put to the blush, hizika. Boast, jisifu, jigamba, tamba. Boil (bubble up), che'mka, tutuma. cook by boiling, tokosa. be cooked by boiling, tokota. be well boiled, tokoseka. boil over, furika. Bore through, zua, pekecha (med also of boring with talk). with an awl, didimikia. Border, pakana. be Born, zawa, vyawa, zaliwa, vya- liwa, pathiwa. Borrow, azimwa, kirithi. Bother, sumbua, hatika (A.). Boio, (act.) inamisba, (neut.) inama. Box the ears, piga kofi. Braise, kaanga. Bray (like an ass), lia pound in a mortar, pen da. clean corn by pounding, twanga. Break, vunja, vunda (M.), (neut.) vunjika, katika. LIST OF VEBBS. 169 [Break'] through, toboa. into fragments, setaseta. by bending, ekua. to be sprung, ekuka. off the cobs of Indian com, goboa, konyoa, down the branches of a tree, kwa- niia, pass, krwauyiika. wind, Jamba, ongulia. Breathe, pumua, puzia, tanafusi. inspire, paaza, pumzi. expire, shush a pumzi. hard, kokota roho, tweta (panf). breathe oneself (rest), pumzika. Breed, zaa, lia (M.). be Brilliant, ng'ara. Bring, leta. to or for, letea. Bring up, lea. Bring together, pambana. Bring near, jougeza. Bring to an agreement, pataui.slia. Bring to life again, fufua, huisha. Bring another! Na ije ngine ! Brighten (act.), katua be bright, katuka (polished),ug' si,ra, (glistening). Bruise, chubua. be bruised, chubuka. (batter), chubuachubua. Brush (clean), sugua. Brush off, epua. Bubble up, che'mka, tutuma. Bud, chupuza (spring), chanua (put forth leaves), mea (grow). Build, jenga. in stone, aka. to point by putting in small stones, tomea. (ships), unda. Bully, onea. be a Burden to, lemea. Burn, waka (to be on fire), teketea (to be consumed), washa (to set on fire), teketeza (to consume), choma or chomea (to apply fire to), onguza (to produce a feeling of burning, to scorch). Burrow, fukuafukiia. Burst, pasuka, tumbuka. Burst out, bubujika. Burst into tears, bubujika ma- chozi. Bury, zika. Buy, nunua, zabuni. Purchase for, nunulia. Buy back, komboa. Buzz, like a bee, vuma. C. Cackle, like a hen, tetea. Call, ita, nena, taja (name), amkua (invite), lingana (A.). Call out to, pigia ukelele, pigia ukemi Qler,). Call for help, piga yowe. Call to prayers, athini. become Callous, faganza. Calm, tuliza. be very calm, zizima. Can (kuweza, to be able). Siwezi, I cannot, Xaweza, I can. Canter (of a horse), kwenka kwa mghad; (of a donkey) kwenu'a krwa thelth. Capitulate, selimu, sellim. Care (take care), angalia [ku-]wa na hathari. take care of, tunza. consider, waza, tafakari. be careless, [ku]wa mzembe, I don't care, iiaithuru, mamoja pia. 170 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Carry, chukua. for, chukiilia. on a pole over the shoulder, chu- kua mpikoni. on the head or shoulders, pagaa. a child on the hack, beba. astride on the hip or hack, eleka. in front or on the lap, pakata. in a hundle or faggot, titika. off as spoil, teka. as cargo, pakia. on freight, takabathi. Carve wood, &c., kata nakshi, chora (adorn with carving), he carved, nakishiwa. Cast, tupa. upon or at, tupia. a glance, tupa natbiri. one's eyes, tupa macho. (in a mould), ita. off all shame, jipujua. cast lots, piga or fanya kura. Castrate, hasi. Catch, daka, nyaka. in a trap, nasa, tega. fish, vua samaki. put something to catch rain-water, kinga mvua. (see one who thinks himself unseen), fathebi, gundua. he in time to meet with, diriki. Caulk, kalafati. Cave in, pomoka. Cease, koma. make to cease, komesha. talking, nyamaza. (of pain), nyamaza. Cense, fukiza (uudi, &c.). he Certain about, kinika, tasawari. Change, (act.) geusha, geuza, badili, badilisha, (neut.) geuka, baJi- lika. he changeable, badilibadili, ba« dilika. change one^s mind about, gbairi. change (a piece of money), vunja. Charge (direct), agiza, sisitiza (M.). Chase, win da, wiuga. away, fukuza. Chastise, atbibiL Chatter, puza. (of the teeth), tetemeka. Cheapen, rakbisisha. Cheat, danganya, hadaa, gbusubu. he cheated, danganyika, hadaika. Cheer, ondolea, huzuni. Cheiv, tafuna. Chirrup (as to a bird), fionya. Both woid and thing are used in Zanzibar to express contempt. Choke (throttle), kaba, sama. choke oneself with drink or spittle, palia na mate, &c., &c. irritate the throat, kereketa. Choose, chagua, teua, khitari, penda, toa (send). as you choose, ikhtiari yako, upe- nd a vyo. Chop, chanja (cut up), chiuja or (M.) tinda (cut), tema (slash), chonga or tonga (cut to a point), katakata (chop up small). Circulate (intelligence), tangaza. Circumcise, tahiri. Claim, dai. Cla}) the hands, piga makofi. Clasp in the hand, shikana, kamara. in the arms, kumbatia, kumba- tiana. Claw, papura. Clean, takasa, fanya safi, safisha. he clean, takata, safika, takasika. clean corn by poxiuding, twaiiga. clean a second time, pwaya. LIST OF VERBS. Ill [Chaii] he quite clear of husks and dirt, pwayika. cotton, cloves, &c., chambiia. cocoa-nuts from the husk, fua. by scraping, paa. cleanse hy ceremonial ablutions, tohara. clean out from within a shell, komba. clean out a man {get all his money), komba. be cleaned out (l)se all one's money), kombekf.. Cleanse. See Clean. Clear. See Clean. the sky is clear,Mw'mgu. umetakata. (riiake clear or plain), eleza, yuza, fafauua, fafaimlia. (be clear), elea, fafanuka, fafanu- kia. ground in a forest, fieka mwitu. Cleave, (split), pasua, chensa. cleave to, gandama, ambatana. Click, alika, (act.) alisha. Climb, panda, kwea. a tree, paraga. Cling, ambata. together, guiana, ambatana, fu- ngamana, shikamana. Clip, kata. Close the eyes, &c., fuinba. the fist, fumbata. a door, shindika. a hook, funika. Clothe, vika. Coagulate, gandamana. Coax into, shawi:rn), menya, ambua (M.). (cocoa-nuts), fua. (or shell), papatua. he III or unicell. Illness is expressed by the use of the negative present of the verb kuweza, to be able. Siwe2i, I am ill. Hawezi, he is ill, &c. Nalikuwa siwezi, I was ill. Alikuwa hawezi, he was ill, &c. I have been ill for two monihsi siwezi yapata miezi miwili. Imitate, oleza, iga, fuata. Immerse, zamisha, chofya. Implore, pembeleza. he Impossible, toa kufanyika. It is impossible, haiyamkini. Imprecate against, apiza. Imprison, tia gerezani, funga. Improve, tengeleza, sililii, sitawisha. recline, (neut.) inama, (act.) ina- misha. incline to (like), penda. Increase, (act.) ongeza, zidislia. (neut.) ongezeka, zidi, kitliiri. be Indebted to, wiwa na. Indulge in, zoeza, jizoeza. Infect, ambukiza. Inform, arifu, hubiri, pa habari. In letter-writing arifu is alicays employed, on other occasions kupata or kuwa na habari is generally used for to be in- formed, and ambia (tell) for to inform. Ingratiate oneself, jipendekeza. Inhabit, kaa, keti. Inherit, xiihi. Injure, hasira, hasiri, hasirisha be injured, hasirika. Innovate, zua. be Inquisitive, tafiti. Inspect, kagiia. Instruct, fundislia, funza, elemisha. Insult, shitumu, tukana, chokoza. Intend, kusudia (purpose), azimu or azimia, or yakinia (resolve), nia, or ania, or nuia (Jiave in one's mind). Inter, zika. Intercede for, ombea. Interpret, fasiri, tafsiri. Interrupt, znia, kutiza, hanikiza, uthia (bother). Intoxicate, levya. become intoxicated, lewa. Intrude, fumania. Going into another person's house for an unlaivful purpose (ku- fisidi), or without lawful pmr- pose (ku-fumaniana), bars by the law of Zanzibar any claim on the part of the intruder in respect of any assault or injury ivhile there. Inundate, gharikisha, furika (swell\ tawanyika (spread). Invade, shambulia. Invent, buni, zumbua. Invite, ita, alika. invite to come in, karibisha. Irrigate, tia maji, nywesha. Irritate, tia hasira, ghathabisha, kasirisha, chokoza. Itch, — cause to itch, nyea. I itch, imeninyea. J. Jam, kwamisha. become jammed, kwama, sakama. LIST OF VERBS. 185 Jar the teeth, like grit in food, kwaza meno. Jerk, kutua. Jest, fanya ubishi or mzaha, thi- haki. Join, (act.) unga, (7iez(f.)iinganana. Judge, hukumu, hukumia, amua. The original meaning of amua is to separate, and it is used of separating two persons who have been fighting. Jumble together different languages or dialects, goteza. Jump, ruka. K. Keep, weka or cheleza {put away), tunza {tahe care of), linda {guard), bifatbi {preserve), sbi- ka {hold), fuga Qieep animals), weka or kawisba (delay). be kept gossiping, piizika. be kept tame or in a cage, fugika. It cannot be kept, i.e., it icill either run away or die, hafu- giki. keep aicake, {neut.) kesba, {act.) kesbeza. keep from, epusba, zuilia. keep in order {a person), rudi. be kept, or capable of being kept, in order, rudika. keep on at. sbinda. Keep your distance ! Koma usije ! Kick, piga teke. Kill, iia. pass, uawa, waga {Mer.), fisba {to cause to die). kill with, &c., ulia. kill for food, cbinja, tinda (M.). be Kind, tenda mema. do a kindness to, fatbili. Kindle, wasba, tia muto. Kiss, busn. lift to the lips and kiss, sogeza. Knead, kanda. Kneel, piga magote. Knit the brows, kunja vipaji. Knock, gonga, gota, piga. at a door, or to cry Hodi ! if the door be open, bisba. Knoio, jua. Kujua is often used in the sense of to know of, about, how, &c. I know where he is, namjua aliko (J know of him, ivhere he is). I know how to speak the language of Zanzibar, najua kusema kiu- nguja. I can dc blacksmith^ s work, najua kufua cbuma. {to recognize), tambua. be knowable, julikana. make to know, julisba, juvisha. become known, tangaa. know what to do, tanababL L. Lace in the rope or matting across a native bedstead, tanda, wamba. Lacerate, papura. be lacerated, papurika. be Lame, tegea, cbecbemea, tetea, kwenda cbopi, tagaa {icalk icith the legs far apart). Land, {neut.) sbuka, {act.) shusba. Last, isbi. Laugh, cbeka. laugh at, cbekelea. Launch, sbua, pass, shuliwa. Lay, tia, weka. lay a icager, pinga, sbindania. lay by, weka akiba. lay doion, laza. 186 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. lay eggs, atamia, or zaa, or nya mayayi. lay hold of, sbika. lay open, funua, weka wazi. lay out, andika, tandika, toa. lay out money, gharimu, gbarimia. lay the beams of a roof, ikiza. lay the table, andika meza. lay ujjon the table, weka mezani. lay to anyone's charge, tuhumu. lay iqjon some one else, kumbisha. he Lazy, [ku-]wa mvivu. to be cross at having anything to do, kimwa. Lead, ongoa, ongoza, peleka, fikisha {mahe to arrive). lead astray, kosesha. lead devotions, somesha. LeaTi, vuja, fu'mka (to open at the seams). Lean upon, tegemea, egemea. lean upon a staff, jigongojea. become lean, koiida. make lean or thin, kondesha. Leap, ruka. Learn, jifunza, pata kujua. learn manners, taadabu. Leave, acha, ata (M.), toka. leave by death, fia. leave to (bequeath), achia. leave go of, aeha. Leave off! Wacha! Bass! Koma! leave off fasting, fungua. leave till fit or ready, limbika. leave (cause to remain), saza. be left (remain), saa, salia, baki. ash leave, taka, ruksa. give leave, nihusu, pa ruksa. give leave about, amria. take leave of, aga. take letive of one another, agana. Leaven, chacba. Lead, azima, kiritlii. Lengthen, ongeza urefu, make long, fanya mrefu. Lessen, (act.) punguza, (neut.) pu- nguka. Ljet (2)ermit),aGha, pa ruksa, kubali, kubalisba. let alone, acha. let a house, pangislia nyumba. let down, shusha, tua. let down a bucket, puliza ndoo. let free a spring, fiatua, fiatusba. let go an anchor, puliza. let loose, fungua. let on hire, ajirisba. let water, vuja. Level, fanya sawasawa, tandaza, tengeneza. be level ivith, lingana na. make level with, linga, linga- nisha. level a gun at, lekeza bunduki. be Liberal to, kerimu. Liberate, fungua, yass. funguliwa. from slavery, weka, or acba huru. Lick, ramba. Lie (tell lies), sema uwongo (to be), kaa, [ku-]wako. lie across, kingama. a tree lies across the road, mti umekingama njiani. lie across one another, pandana. lie doicn, jinyosha, jilaza, lala, tandawaa. lie heavy on, lemea. lie on the face, wama, fuama (M.). lie on the side, jiinika. lie on the back, lala kwa tani, lie in wait for, otea. Lift, inua, tweka. lift up the voice, paliza sautL LIST OF VEBBS. 187 Light, washa. tia moto. he light, angaza. show a light, miilika. Lighten (lightening), piga umeme. Like, penda. he an object of liking, tamauika. Liken, fafanisJia. Limit. reach its limit, pea. Linger, kawia, kawilia. Lis2J, [ku-]wa ua kitemlte. Listen, sikiliza, pulikiza. listen secretly, dukiza. Live, kaa (sta^j or he), isLi (continue), [ku-]wa hayi (he alive), [kil-] wako ulimwenguui (be in this Load, chukuza. ^world). a person, twika. a ship, pakia. a gun, sumiii, shindilia. he laden iciih, pakia (of a ship), chukua (carry). Lock, funga. with a native lock, gomea. Loiter, kawilia. Loll, tandawaa. Long for, tamani. Look, tazama. look out, or look carefully, angalia. Look out I Angalia ! Jiponye ! look out for, tazamia. look for, tafuta. look after, tunza. look over a propeiiy, aua. look up to see what is going on, tahamaka. Loose, fungua. he loose, regea. Loosen, regeza. Lose (money), pata hasara. potea (to he lost to). [nipotea. I have lost my knife, kisu kirne lose hy having taken from one, twaliwa. lose hy death, fiwa na. lose one's senses, rukwa na akili. Love, peuda, asliiiki. he loved hy, kora. iLoicer, shusha, tua. Lull, pembeza, tumbuiza. Lurk for, otea. Lust after, tamanL M. Magnify, kuza, tiikuza. magnify oneself, jiiapa. Make, fanya, fanyiza. make to do or he. See p. 162. make a floor or roof, sakifn. make a pen, chonga kalamu. make a sign to, aaaza. scrape off, puna. scrape off hark, dirt, scales, &c.^ to clean by scraping, paa. scrape on the ground, para. scrape out, komba. scrape up, kwangua. Scratch, kuna, kunyua. (make a scratch), piga mtai scratch deeply, papura. scratch like a hen, pekua. Scream, piga kiowe, piga yowe. LIST OF VERBS. 19: Scrubs sugua. Search for, tafuta, tefua. search all about, tafutatafuta. Seal, tia muhuri. Seduce women, tongoza. See, ona. he seen, or visible, onekaiia. see any one off, safirisha, Seelc, taka. seek advice, taka shauri. seek out, huji. seel:, for, tafuta, zengea. seek out for, look out for, tafutia. Seem. It seems to me, naiona, seem sweet to, kora. Seize, kamata, guia, shika. seize for debt, filisi. go quietly and secretly up to any- thing in order to seize it sud- denly, nyemelea. Select, chagiia, teua. Sell, uza. The u- of this word is very unimportant, it is generally merged in the -u of ku-, the sign of the infinitive, ivhich is retained in most of the tenses, sell to, liza. he ordinarily sold, uzanya. Send, peleka, leta. to a person, pelekea, letea. cause to reach a person, wasi- lisha. send away, ondosha, toa. send hack, rudisha, rejeza. send upon some business, tuma. Separate, tenga, weka mbali. (leave one another), achana, ataua (M.)j tokana. (alienate), farakisha. become alienated, farakana, ta- ngiikana. separate people xcho are fighting, amua. (distinguish), pambanua. he cut off from one another, like friends separated by great dis- tances, tindikiana. be Serene, [ku-]wa saff, tiiliks kunduka. Moyo wake umekunduka, hi heart is at peace. Serve, tumikia, hudumia. he a servant, tumika. serve for, faa kwa. Set, weka. (plant), panda. (of the sun), chwa, twa (M.). The sun is not yet set, jua hali- jachwa. set a dog on one, tomesha mbwa. set a trap, tega. set aside, tangua, ondoa. set fire to, tia moto, washa, knka choma. set in order, panga, tunga. set on to fight, piganisha, pigani- shana. set open \a door'], sindua. set out on a journey, safiri, shika njia. set the teeth on edge, tia gauzi la meno. set up (put upicards), panza. (make to stand), simikisha. set wide apart, panulia. Settle, (neut.) tuana. settle an affair, kata ma»eno. settle down, tulia. settle in one's mind, yakinia. Seiv, shona. sew through a mattress to confine the stiiffing, tona godoro. Shade, tia uvuli. 198 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Shake, (act.) tikisa. (neut.) tikitika. shake of, epua, kupua. shake out, kung'uta, kumunta (Mer.). become Shallow, pun^uka. Shame, tia haya, tahayaiisha. he put to shame, fetheheka, aibika. Shampoo, kanda. Shape, umba. Share, gawanya. part out in shares, gawa, hussu. he partners in, shariki, sharikiana. Sliarpen on a stone, noa. Shave, nyoa. shave round the head, leaving hair on the crown only, kata denge. shave all save one long tuft, kata Shed, pukutika. [kinjunjm-i. Shell, papatua. shell heans, &c., pua baazi, &c. shell nuts, &c., hy heating, banja, meuya. Shelter, tia kivuli. Shift a hurden from one to another, pokezanya. shift over a sail to the other side, kisi tanga. Shine, ng'ara, zagaa, mekameka. Shiver (neut.), tapatapa, tetema, tetemeka, tapa. Shoot [with a gun'], piga [kwa bunduki]. (as a plant), chupuka, cbupuza. Shorten, fupiza. he short and small, kundaa. fall short, punguka, tindika (A.), Shout, piga kelele. Shove out of the way, piga kikumbo. Show, onyesha, onya. show a light, mulika. show one's teeth, toa meno. become Shrewd and knoiving, ere* make Shrewd, erevusha. [vuk;*. Shriek, piga kiyowe. Shrink (become smaller), pungua. (from something), jikunja. shrink up, jikunyata, fingana. Shrivel (neut.), nyauka, finyana, kunjana. Shrug the shoulders, inua mabega. Shudder, tetemeka. Shun, epuka. Shuffle along, gugurusha. shuffle cards, tanganya karata. Shut (put to), shindika, (fasten), funga. (close), fumba. shut against, fungisha. he Sick or ill, ugua, [ku-]wa mwoli, [ku-]wa hawezi, &c. See III and Vomit. He feels sick or sea-sick, moyo wamcbafuka, moyo umemwelea (M.), ana ng'onga (A,). Sift, cbunga (by shaking), peta or pepeta (hy tossing), pepua (separate large and small, ichole and broken grains). Sifting is always done by tossing and shaking in a round fiat basket. Sigh, ugua, kokota roho (draw breath with an effort). Silence, nyamazisba. become silent, nyamaza. continue silent, nyamaa. be Silly, piswa. Sin, fanya thambi, kosa. Sing, imba, tumbuiza (lull). Sink (act.), zamisha, tosa (drown), didimisha (i^ito a solid sub- stance), (neut.), zama, tota (drown), didi- mia (sink into a solid substance). LIST OF VERBS. 199 Sip, nywa funcla (? to take in by gulps). Bit, kaa, kaa kitako, keti (M.). Take a seat, kaa kitako. sit like a lien, atamia. Sldii, chuna, tuna (M.). Slander, singizia, Utiiii, amba, thu- mu. Slap, piga kofi. Slash, tema. j Slaughter, chinja (to kill hy cutting \ the throat), tinda (M.). It is not lawful to eat any meat that has not been so killed. Sleep, lala. Sleep well ! Lala unono ! doze, sinzia. I am sleepy, ninao uzingizL be slept upon, lalika. Slide, teleza. Sling, tupa kwa kombeo. Slip, teleza. It is slippery, pana utelezi. slip down a steep place, poromoka, telem'ka. slip away grain by grain lijce sand or corn, dondoka. slip} off, or out of one's hand, d;c., chopoka, ponyoka. Slit, pasua. Slope, iiiaraa. be Sluggish, pumbaa. Smart, waka. make to smart, nyonyota. Smear on, paka. Smell (emit a smell), uuka, nusa. I smell amherg^-is, inaninuka ambari (ambergris makes a smell to me). Bo you not smell it 9 Huisikii ikinuka? (Do you not perceive it making a smell ?) Smell at, nukiza. Smile, tabassam, clieka, kuuj^ midomo. Smoke, toka moshi. smoke tobacco, vuta tumbako. smoke (meat, &c.), piga mvixke. Smoothe, lainisha. Smoulder, vivia. Smuggle, iba ushuru. Siiap, alika (neut.), alisha (act.). Snare, tega. Snarl, toa meno. Snatch, nyakua, pokonya. Sneeze, chafya, shamua, enda or piga chatya. Snore, koroma, piga misouo (make a ichistling sound). Snort, piga pua. Snub, kemea. Soak, "woweka. Sob, ingia na shake la kulia. Sober, levusha. become sober, levuka. Soften, lainisha. Solve, wathaisha, weka wazi eleza. Soothe, tuliza, pembeza, tumljuizu. be Sorry, sikitika, kasiiika (be vexed), juta (regret). I am sorry for it, sioni vema. Sound, pima naaji. It sounds hollow, panalia wazi. Sow seeds, panda, yaa (A.). sow discord, fitini. Sparkle, merimeta, mekameka, me- metuka (A.). Speak, nena, sema (say), tamka (pronounce), ambia (say to). speak about, at, for, or against, nenea. speak against, amba. speak distinctly, pambazua. 200 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Speak out ! Sema sana ! inaJce a speech, tagusa, lumba. speak Arabic, sema Kiarabu. speak a jumble of different lan- guages or dialects, goteza. not to speak, nyamaa. Spell, endeleza. Spends tuniin, kharij. spend upon or about, harijia, glia- rimia. spend time, ongea. Spill, mwaga, mimina. he spilt, mimiiiika. Spin, sokota. Spit, tenia mate. Splash, (joict.) rushia. (neut.) rukia, tawanya. Sptlice [a rope'], unga. [a spar], ganga. Split, {act.) pasua. split up, (neut.) pasnkapasuka. split down (branches), (act.) kwanua. he split down, as when any one has been trying to climh up by them, kwanuka. Spoil, haribu, vunja. (neut.), haribika, oza. Sport with, laabu. Spout out, rxika. The whale spouts, nyamgumi anatoa moshi. Sprain, shtusha mshipa, teuka. he sprained, shtuka mshipa. Spread, (neut.) enea, farishi. (act.) eneza. [ka. he opened and spread over, kunju- spread a cloth or a bed, taudika. spread out, tanda. spread [neios], tangaza. (become known), tangaa. Sp'inlde, nyuuyiza. Sprout, mea, cliupuka, tokoza (show itself), cbanua (put forth leaves). Spy out, peleleza. Squabble, bishana, gombana. Squander, fuja, tapanyatapanya. Squeak, lia. Squeeze, kamua. (grasp), fumbata. squeeze together (act), songa. (neut.) songaua. squeeze oneself into a hedge or against a wall to let others pass^ jibanza. Squint, [ku-]wa na makengeza. Stab, choma. Stagger, pepa. be staggered, toshea, shangaa. (astonish), shangaza. Stain, tia waa, tia madoadoa (spot). Stalk {_an animal], nyemelea. Stammer, [ku-]\va na kigugumizi. Stamp, piga cbapa. Stand, simama, kaa. up or still, simama (of persons). make to stand, simamisba, simiki- sha. stand aghast, ghumiwa. stand by, simamia. stand in the way of, kindana. stand over, akiri. stand staring, sbangaa. Stare at, kodolea. Start (he startled), sbtuka, gutuka. (set out), ondoka, safiri. start out of the way, kwepa. Startle, shtua, atusba, kutusha. Starve, (neut.) fa kwa njaa. (act.) fisha kwa njaa. Stay, kaa, kaa kitako, keti (M.). He stayed all day, alishinda kutwa. LIST OF VERBS. 201 (ti-aif), ngoja, subiri. (loiter), kawia, ka^ilia. (remain over long), hajirika. (sto'p) (act), zuia. be Steady, tungamaua, tulia. Steal, iba, jepa (A.). steal from, ibia. Steep, choveka, owamisha. he steeped, owama. Steer, shika shikio. Steer northwards, shika majira ya jaa. [a vessel], andika. Step over, kiiika, kia. Stick, (neut.) shika, gandama, a- mbata. (act.) ambatiza, ganda. stick together, ambatana, ganda- mana, giiiana (Mer.). stick fast, kwama, sakuma. stick into [the emhers to he roasted^, vumbika. stick out, (neut.) tokeza. (act.) benua. Stifle, zuia pumuzi. Still, tuliza, nyamazisha. he very still, ziziuia. Stimulate, taharrakisha. Sting, tuna. Stink, nuka, nuka vibaya. Stir, boruga, vuruga, kologa. stir up and knock about, tibua. stir up, turn over, and press together, songa. stir up (fire, strife, &c.), choche- Stoop, iuama. [lezea. Stop, (act.) zuia (hold in), komesha (make to cease), kingtimislia (block). (neut.) simama (stand), koma (leave off), stop and stagnate, vilia. stop short of its purpose or per- fection, via. stop up, ziba. Store up, weka akiba. Stow, pakiza. Straddle (icalk with the legs far apart), tagaa. Straighten, nyosha. be straight, nyoka. Strangle, nyonga, songa. Strain (a liquid), chuja, tuja (IM.). See Sprain, popotoa. (make a violent effort), kakamuka. Stray, potea, zunguka. Strengthen, tia nguvu. Stretch, nyosha. stretch up to reach anything, chu- chumia. stretch one's legs, kunjua miguu. stretch the threads for weaving, tenda nguo. stretch across an opening (act.), tanda, wamba. Streic, mwagia, nyunyiza. Strike, piga. strike on the ground, piga na nchi. strike the foot against anything, kwaa. strike with the hoof, piga kwata. strike out (in writing), futa. strike a sore place, tonesha. String (beads, &c.), tunga. Strip off, ambua, pua, menya, babua. \ (branches, leaves, &c.), pagua. I Strive with, shindana na, teta, hu- i sumu. 1 (make an effort), fanya bidii or juhudi. I strive for breath, tweta, i Stroke, papasa. 1 Stroll about, zungukazunjruka. 202 SWAHILI HANDBOOK, he Strong and well-knit, pirtkuna, kakawana. Struggle^ fanya juhudi. Study, taali. meet in a class for study, durusi. Stumble, jikwaa. make to stumble, kwaza. Stun. he stunned, potea na akili, rukwa na akili. Stunt, viza. he stunted, via. Stutter, [ku-]wa na kigugumizi, babaika. Subdue, tiibha, shinda. Submit to, tii, fuata. Sv/iceed {follow), ja mahali pake. Such a one succeeded Mm, baada yake alikuja na fullani. (prosper), fanikiwa, kibali. succeed in doing, pata kufanya. Such, nyonya, aniwa (M.), fyonda, fyonza. suck up, nwa. suck out, sonda. I have sucked him dry {got all the information, &c., I can out of him), nimemzua. Suckle, nyonyesha, amwislia (M.). Sue for {at law), dai. Suffer, teswa, taabika, umwa. what he suffered, mambo yalio- mpata. suffer loss, pata hasara. Suffice, toslia, tosheleza, kifu. Suggest, nasiha. Suit, faa (fee of use to), lingana {match), wafiki {be suitable to). Sum up, jumlislia. Superintend, simamia, angalia. Supply, awini, ruzuku {used es- pecially of God). supply a trader with goods on credit, kopesha. Support, tegemeza, himili, chiikua. he supports his parents, awacliu- kua wazee wake. Suppose, thani {think), thania {think of), kisi {guess). Supjpurate, toa uzaha. become Surety, thaminL Surpass, pita. Surprize, tosliea, taajabisha. he surpjrized, taajabu, toshewa, {come upon suddenly), fumania, gundua. Surrender, sellira. Surround, zunguka, tandama (?), duru. Survey, aua. Survive, [ku-]wa hayi baada ya. Suspect, thania, tuhumu. ingiashuka. Sicagger, taniba, wayawaya. Swallow, mtza. Sway, punga. sway about, like a drunken man, lewalewa, umbaumba. sway backwards and forwards, tangatanga. sway like a tree loaded with fruit, wayawaya. sway about in the wind, ynmba. Swear, apa. swear at, apiza. make to swear, afya, apish a. Sweat, toka hari, fanya jasho. Sweep, fagia, pea (M.). sweep together, zoa. sweep away all there is, kumba. Swell, fura, vimba, tuna, vuna. rise into little swellings, tutuka, tutumka, tutusika. Swim {of a man), ogolea. i {float), elea. LIST OF VERBS. 203 moyo unaelea (M.), I feel dis- turbed in my inside. (make to float), eleza. Swindle, punja. Swing. See Sway (neuL), ning'inia. (act.'), uing'iniza, bembesha. swing the arms, which is reckoned an elegance in a woman's car- riage, punga mikono. swing round the head in dancing, linga. T. Ta/:-k (in sewing), piga bandi. (in sailing), pindua kwa gosliini. Take, twaa. (receive), pokea, pewa. (to a person), pelekea. (to a place), peleka, clmkiia, fikiza. take a portion from the dish in eating, mega, ambua. take a piece in chess, la. take a walk, tembea, enda tembea. take across, vua, vukisha, vusha. take as spoil, teka. take away, ondosha, toa. take away from a person, twalia. take away from, or off from, epua, okoa. take au-ay the desire of anything more, kinaisha, take by force, nyang'anya. take care, angalia. take care of, tunza. taice civet from the ngawa, zabidi. taJce courage, tawakali, piga moyo konde. take down, angua. take leave of, aga, agana na. take off (clothes), vua. (the fire), ipua. take one's due, jilipizt,. take one's revenge, jilipiza kisasi. take out, opoa, ondosha, toa. take out of a trap, namua (Mer.). take out of the sun or rain, anua. take out of the pot, pakua. take suddenly and violently, poka. take the responsibility, tadariki. take to pieces, kongoa. take up, tweka. take up a little at a time., chota, dokoa. take upon oneself the obligations of another, hawili. Talk, nena, sema, jizuragiimza. talk about, to, of, at, for, or against, nenea. talk against one another, nenana. talk a person over into doing or telling something, nyenya. talk and murmur in one's sleep, weweseka. talk English, &c., sema Kiingrezi, &c. talk nonsense, puza, puzika. talk scandal about, amba, izara. talk through the nose, semeapuani, [ku-]wa na king'ong'o. Tangle, tia matata, tatanisha. be tangled, tatana, tatazana. Tap, gota, gonga, chapa. Tarry, kawa, kaa. Taste, onda, onja, thuku, limbuka (taste a new crop, &c., for the first time). Tax, fanya ushuiu (?). Teach, fundisha, funza, ftmda, ele- mislia (instruct), jnyja, juvislia or julisha (make to know). Tear, rarua, babua, papua, papura. be torn, raruka, babuka, papuka. tear down [brauches, &c.J, kwa- nua. 204 SWAHILI HANDBOOK. he torn down and hrolcen, kwa- nyuka. Teaze, chokoza, kefyakefya. Tell, arabia. tell a tale, hadithi, hadithia, nena or toa hadithi. tell tales about, chongeleza. Tempt, jaribu (try), shawishi (per- suade). Tend to, lekea. Tend (sheep, &c.\ chunga, tunga (M.), lisha. Terrify, ogofya, tisha, khofisha. Testify, shuhudu, shuhudia, sema ushuhuda. Tether, funga. Thank, ambia asanti, shukuru (very seldom used except of God). Thank you, assant, marahaba (this last is the proper answer to a slave's salutation). Thatch, vimba, ezeka. Think (consider), aza, fikiri, tafa- kari, kumbuka. (suppose), thaui, thania. think oneself, jiona. think oneself a man, jipevua. think of, tia maanani, kumbuka (remember), nia, ania, or nuia (have in one^s mind). Thirst, ona kiu (feel thirst), [ku-] wa na kiu (have thirst). Threaten, ogofya, ogofisha, khofisha, kamia (?). Thresh, piga, pura (heat out corn), fikicha kwa miguu (tread out), fikicha kwa mikono (ruh out). Thrill, tetema. Thrive, sitawi, fanikiwa (of persons only) Throb, puma. Tfirottle, kaba. Throio, tupa. throw a rider, rusha. throw a stone, &c., vurumis^ia. throw about, tawanya, ta|jai)ya (M.), chafua, tefua (M.). throw at, tupia. throw away, tupa. throw down, angusha. throw overboard, tosa. throw up, or off, rusha. throw a burden off the shoulder, &c., bwaga. Thunder, [ku-]wa na ugurumo (dis- tant), piga radi (near). Thwart, halifu. Tickle in the ribs, tekenya, shtua. Tie, funga. tie a knot, piga fun do. tie up into a bundle or faggot, tita. Tighten, (act.) kaza, tia kassi, (neut.) kazana, kazika. Tingle, ona kinyenyefu. Tip off the head, shoulder, &c., bwaga. he Tipsy, lewa, jilevya. make tipsy, levya. Tire, chosha, taajazi. become tired, choka. be tiresome, refuse to he pleaded. Toast, oka. [deka. be Together. We are Together, tu sote. Tolerate, stahimili, vumiha. Torment, athibu, uthi, athibisha. Toss, rusha. Totter, tetemeka (tremble), pepe- suka (be shaken), kongoja (totter in ones walk). Touch, gusa. touch gently, papasa. touch up, tengeneza. LIST OF VERBS, 205 Tout for custom, &c., sapa. Toic, fungasa. Track, fuata nyayo. Trade, fauya biashara. trade in a small way, hee}) a stall, churuza. Train up, adibu, lea. Trample, finyanga, kanyaga. Transcribe, nakili. Transform, geuza, badilL be Transparent, ng'ara. Transgress, tagbi, baiifu. Translate, tatsiri, fasii-i, geuza. Trap, tega. Travail (of a woman), sLikwa na utuijgu. Travel, safiri. Tread, kanyaga, vioga (M.), finya- nga (trample). Treat, tendea. he treats me badly, hunitendea vibaya. he treats me icell, hunitendea zema. Tremble, tetema, tetemeka, tapatapa. TricMe, tiriiika. Trim, tengeneza. trim vegetables, &c..for sale, cha- irim (sail), rausi. [mbua. Triumph, shinda, fanya shangwi. Trot, enda masbindo (of a horse), enda matiti (of an ass). Trouble, taabisha, sumbua. be troubled, taabika, sumbuka, shugbulika. be troubled in mind, fathaika. Trust in, amini, jetea, tumania. entrust to, aminisha, vreka, amini. (have confidence), tumaini. trust in God and take courage, tawakali. Try, jaribu. onja (taste). try hard, jitahidi, fanya biJiL Tuck into the girdle, d-c, futika. Tumble, anguka, pomoka. tumbukia (fall into). Turn or turn into, (act.) geuza, geua. (neut.) turn, turn into, turn itself, geuka. turn over, or the other way, pindua (act.), pinduka (neut.). turn round something else, zu- nguka (neut.), zungusba (act.). He turned round, aligeuka. The river turns, mto unazunguka. The ship turned, meiikebu ilipi- nduka. turn (prevent its going on in the same direction), pinga. turn aside (neut.), potoa, potoka. turn bottom upicards, fudikiza. turn in a lathe, kereza. turn out well for, fanikia. Ticeak, nyukua. Twist, (act.) nyonga, songa, popotoa. (neut.) potoka. [a rope"] sokota, suka, pakasa (Mer.). U. Unclose, fumbua. be Uncomfortable, taabika, sumbuka, toa kuona raha. Uncover, funua. Unfasten, fungua. Understand, sikia, jua, fafanua, tambua (recognize). I understand, yameniclea, yame- nitulilia. make to understand, sikiza. to be rnutiially intelligible, maJce one another understand, siki- zana. Undertake, thamaiui, jilazimisha tadariki. 206 SWAEILI HANDBOOK. Undervalue, rakhisisha. Undo (unfasten), fungua. untie a knot, fimdua. (ruin), poteza. Undress, vua nguo. Unfold, kunjua. Unite, unga, ungaiia. Unpick or Unrip, fumua. become unsewn, fumuka. Unroof, ondoa sakafu (take off a stone roof), ezua paa, or zu- mbua paa (A.), (take off thatch). Unsew, fumua. come unsewn, fumuka. Unthatch, ezua, zumbua (^A.) Untie, fungua. a knot, fundua. Upbraid, nenea, tuhumu, taya. Upset, pindua. Urge, sukuma, kaza. Urinate, kojoa. Z7.se (make use of), tumia. To have been used for something, kiilikuwa na kitu. he of use, faa. he of use to one another, faana. use bad language to, tukana. use words well and correctly, sarifu. Use (accustom), zoeza. become used to, zoea. Utter, tamka. V. Value, tia kima (put a price upon), penda (like). he valuable, faa, faa sana, [kii-] wa na manfaa. Vanish, toweka, toa kuonekana, potea, tokoiiira (get out of one s sight). Go and hide yourself! Tokomea ! Venture, hatirisha, f^ubutu. Vex, kasirisha. be vexed, kasirika, chukiwa. be Visible, ouekana. Visit, enda kuangalia, kutazama, or kuzuru, jia (come to), endea (go to). he visited, jiwa. visit upon, patiliza. Vomit, tapika, kokomoka (Ijelch out). make to vomit, tapisha. Void, taugua, batili. be made void, tanguka. Vow, weka nathiii (make a voic), perform a vow, ondoa natliiri. W. Wail, omboleza. Wait, or wait for, ngoja, saburi, subiri. Wait a bit, ngoja kwanza. icait upon, ngojea. Waive, (neut.) a'mka. (act.) amsha. remain awake, kesha, angaza. he awake, [ku-]\va macbo. wake up suddenly with a start, zinduka, zindukana. Wale, alia. Walk, enda, enda kwa miguu. (of a horse or ass), enda delki. walk about, tembelea. take a icalk, tembea. walk up and down, enda masia. icalk lame, chechea, enda chopi. Wander, zunguka, potea. in mind, papayuka. Want (need), taka, ihtajia, ihtaji. (icish to have), taka, ipa. be icanting, ibtajiwa, pungnka. Ward off, kinga (receive on some- thing), bekua (knock off again) LIST OF VERBS. 207 Warm up, kanga moto, pasha moto. Warn, onya, ambia, nasi, batlia- lisha (put on ones guard). Warp, Lenuka (as wood does in Wash, osha. [drying), wash clothes, fua; by dahbing gently only, cliachaga. oneself, nawa. wash one's hands, nawa mikono. Waste, (act.) tilifu, tilifislia, fuja, thii. haribu, tawanya, tapanya (M.). (neut.) pungua, tilifika. Watch, (act.) vizia, ngojea, angalla. keep watches, ngojea kwa zamu. watch over, linda. (not to sleep), kesha, angaza. Water, tia maji, nyweslia majL make water, kojoa. Wave, (act.) punga. (neut.) tangatanga. Waver, shangaa. Waylay, otea. Weaken, thoofisha, toa nguvu. become weak, thoofika. be Weaned, acha ziwa (leave the breast), shishwa. Wear, — the past tenses of kuvaa, to put on, are used to express wearing. He wears, amevaa. He wore, alivaa. Wear away, (neut) lika, pungua, punguka. (act.) la, punguza. Wear out, (neut.) chakaa (by age or use). He wore out my patience, alinonde- lea saburi. Wear ship, pindua kwa damalini. Weary, chosha. become Weary, cboka. Weave, fuma. tenda nguo, to stretch the threads ready for weaving. tarizi, weave a border on to a piece of cloth. This is the only kind of weaving done in Zanzibar. Weed (hoe up weeds), boruga, pali- Weep, lia. [Ha. weep together, lizana. burst into tears, bubujika macbozi. Weigh, pima. weigh down, lemea, topeza. Weld on a piece of steel or iron, tambuza. Wet, tia maji, chofya majini (dip in water). Whet, noa. Whisper, nong'ona, uong'onezana, nong'onia. Wliistle, piga mbinda, niiunzi, mi- sono, or miao. Most, if not all, of these refer to an involitntary whistling sound ; to whistle voluntarily is regarded in Zan- zibar as profane. Widen, panua (act.), panuka (pass.). Will, taka, penda. If God will, insballab, Muuiigu akinijalia (if God gives me the power). Win, pata. W^ind (neut), zongazonga, zungu- kazunguka. icind thread, kunja uzi. Wink, kopesa, pepesa, pesa. Kukonyesba, to raise the eyebrows : this is a sign used ds winking is in England. Wipe, futa, paugusa. wipe the nose, futa kamasL Wish, taka, penda 1 Wither, nyauka, fa, fifia. 208 SWAHILI HANDBOOK, Withhold from, nyiraa, bini. Witness, oua (see). bear witness, shuhudu. witness about, for or against, sbu- Imdia. Wonder, taajabu, staajabu. Work, fanya kazi, tenda kazi. work in metal, fua. {ferment), cbacba. Worry, sumbua, sumbusba. Worship, abudu, abudia. he Worth, pata kima {get a price'). What is it worth ? Cbapataje ? Wound, umiza. he wounded, jerubi. wound hy striking or piercing un- awares, vuaza. Wrap, kunja. Wreck, vunja. he wrecked, vunja, vunjika. go on shore, panda. he on shore, pweleka. Wrestle, pigana kwa mbavu. Wriggle, nyonganyonga. Wring, sonjoa, kamua, popotoa. Wrinkle, nyeuka. become wrinkled, kunjana. Writhe (like a ivounded snake\ Write, andika. [fingirika Wrong, tbulumu. Y. Yaicn, enda, or piga miayo, funua kiuwa. C 209 ) ADYEEBS, PEEPOSITIOXS AND CONJUNCTIONS. Adverbs. Adverbs in Swaliili follow the words they qualify. Sema sana, speak out. Njema sana, very good. Adjectives may be used as Adverbs by prefixing vi- or vy-. Eunuha vihaya, to smell badly. Verbs in the Infinitive and Substantives generally may be made to serve as Adverbs by the use of the Preposition liwa. Kwa uicongo, falsely. Kica Tiujua, knowingly. Many English Adverbs may be translated by sana (very), which intensifies the action or quality expressed by the word to which it is subjoined. Vuta sana I Pull hard ! Shiha sana 1 Hold tight I Enda sana ! Go fast I Prepositions. There are in Swahili very few Prepositions. Indeed there are scarcely more than four, na, ya, kwa, and hatika, p 210 SWAETLI HANDBOOK. KatiJca has tlie same force as the case in -ni, it denotes locality in nearly every form in which locality can require to be expressed. Kiva denotes instrumentality and object. Na is and or with, and hy of the agent after a passive Verb ; in this last sense ni is used at Mombas and in other dialects. Ta, or rather -a with a variable initial letter, denotes possession ; it is treated as a pos- sessive pronoun, and changes its first letter according to the class of the noun which precedes it, that is of the person or thing possessed ; it can very nearly always be translated by of. Its forms appropriate to each class of substantives are : — Class See p. 209 in original. Many of our Prepositions are exjjressed by a Xoun or Adverb followed by -a. Many others are expressed by Verbs in their simple or applied forms (p. 159). Some can scarcely be expressed at all. The Preposition from seems to be almost wholly wanting in Swahili. It is sometimes implied in the Verb, as in kutoka, to come or go from, or to come or go out of, but generally it is marked only by katika or the case in -ni, which denote merely the locality in which the action commenced. From, of time, may be translated by tangu, or by toka, or tokea, which do not seem to be used of space or deri- vation, but to be b^t translated by siiice or heginning from. I. sing, wa, pliir. ica. Class V. sing. 7a, plur. ya. 11. „ v:a. „ ya. „ VI. ,, ica, „ za. III. „ ya, „ za. „ VII. „ pa, „ j:>a. IV. „ cha. „ vya. „ Vin. „ kwa, „ kica. CONJUNCTIONS. 211 Until to, as far as, of time and space, are frequently- translated by hatta, and (less elegantly) by mpaka, followed by a substantive. Conjunctions. Conjunctions are often dispensed with by the use of the tenses witli -ka-. And, hut, or any other mere con- nective in a narrative, is unnecessary where the -ka- tense is employed, as in all ordinary cases it must be. The Imperative and Subjunctive may also have -ka- prefixed with the force of the Conjunction and, Katupa I And throw it away. Enenda sokoni kcdeta ndizi ! Go to the market and fetcli some bananas. Vone, uhasadiki, that you may see and believe. If and other Conjunctions introducing a state are generally expressed by using the -ki- tense of the Verb (see Verbs, p. 136). In order that is generally expressed only by putting the Verb which expresses the purpose into the sub- junctive. P 2 212 BWAEILI HANDBOOK, LIST OF ADVEEBS, PREPOSITIONS, AND CONJUNCTIONS. A. About, (near) karibu na, kama (in the neighbourhood of),u Above, (adv.) juu. (prep.) juu ya. Abundantly, tele, sana. After, (adv.) nyuma, baada. (prep.) nyuma ya, baada ya. Nyuma is more correctly used of place, and baada, of time. After this, akiisba Qie finishing), akaisba (and he finished). Afterwards, nyumaye, baada yake, baadaye, tena, kiisha, halafu, pindi. Again., mara ya pili, tena. Against, juu ya. Against is com- monly expressed by the use of the applied form of the verb. Ago. long ago, zamani za kale, zamani, kwanza. How long ago ? Tangu lini ? ten days arjo, leo siku kumi, kwa siku kumi, tangu siku kiuni. Alike, sawasawa, ginsi moja, ma- moja. Almost, karibu na. Alone, peke yake, &c. (by himself, &c.), tu (only). Tu always follows the word or phrase qualified by it. Along, kandokando ya. along with, pamoja na. Alongside, mbavuni. Aloud, kwa sauti kubwa. Already, mbele (before), sasa (norc). He is already gone aicay, ame- kwisha kwenda zake (p. 155). Also, na, tena. Na always precedes what it is connected loith. Although, kwamba, ikiwa. Altogether, pia yote, kabisa. Always, sikuzote, dayima, abadan, kipindi, milele (for ever). Amidst, katikati ya. Among, katika. among themselves, wao kwa wao. Anciently, zamani za kale, kwanza And, na. And he, and 1, &c. See p. 103. ADVERBS, PREPOSITIONS, &c. 21 And is very often ex-pressed by the use of the -ka- tense. See p. 134 and p. 141. And folloived by a negative must be translated by wala. And so, and then, &c., bassi. Any is expressed by using the word absolutely. Anywhere, po pote. 1 don't see anything, sioni kitu. Anything whatever, kitu cho chote. Apart, mbali. Around, pande zote, mzingo wa. As (ivhen, or if), -■po-,-ki-. Seep. 136. (as if), kama, kana, kwamba. (like), -vyo, -vyo-, added to or inserted in the verb. As you please, upendavyo. As it ivas formerly, yalivyokuwa kwanza. As followed by as is generally omitted. As big as a house, kubwa kama nyumba. As it stands, slielabela. A-Kg;^H^w;^;=) ma o A A s: c3 s C^ .O .O .O .C" .O ct :; .O s v.^ v^^ v_/ v,^ ^^ \_^ s_/ v.^ \„/ v^/ \w^ s_y s,^ ^^^^^]z,^^';5,^^^;^i4 III i <^ i .A i ^ >-i o ^; i ^S'ii'i'^i^ \ i S^> S SS O o (a g ^ g ^ 12; 1^ i5 ■>! i .i< . ^ i H^ ;z; K W W C> ^Sg^liS^ l^^;i!^£t!l s* ^ ,e ^ .S ^ .g ^ .s ^ .g ^ -5 -S a a > ^ a HH ^* d H Ci > ? = a ( 235 } Table of the Preposition -a (of) in four Languages. S-wAHiLi. Shambala. NTAsm'Ezi. Tao. L Sing. Wa Ywa Wa Jwa Plur. Wa Wa Wa Wa II. Sing. Wa W'a Gwa Wa Flur. Ya Ya Ya Ja III. Sing. Ya Ya Ya Ja Plur. Za Za Za Sya IV. Sing. • Cha Kya Cha Cha Plur. Vya Vya Fya Ya V. Sing. La Ja Lya Lya Plur. Ya Ya Ga Ga VI. Sing. Wa Lwa Lwa Lwa Plur. Za Za Za Sya VIL Pa Ha Pa VIIL Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa (IX.) Sing. Ka Ka Ka Plur, Vya(?) Twa Twa END OF PABTI. HANDBOOK OF THE SWAHILI LANGUAGE AS SPOKEN AT ZANZIBAR. Part II. 6WAHILI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 239 PEELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. In using the following Vocabulary it is necessary to remember that Swahili words change very much at the beginning and not often at the end. In searching for the meaning of a word, which is not to be found exactly as written, it is well to examine first the final syllable, so as to correct, or remove, any termination or enclitic which may be attached to it. These are as follow : — 1. The passive of the verb is made by changing -a into -wa. Verbs ending in two consecutive vowels frequently use as their passive the passive of the applied form which ends in -liwa or -lewa. Kupenda, to love. Kupendwa, to be loved. Kufungua, to unfasten. Kufunguliwa, to be unfastened. Kuzaa, to hear. Kuzaliwa, to be born. Kukomboa, to buy back. Kuhombolewa, to be bought back. 2. Verbs ending in -a change the -a ii^to -e in the subjunctive and imperative, and into -* in the negative present. Pende, love thou. Apende, that he may love. Hapendi, he does not love. The change of the final vowel distinguishes hapendi, he does not love, from hapenda, a contracted form of nikapenda, and I loved. 3. The plural of the imperative is made by adding -ni to the singular. Pendani or Pendent, love ye, Sifuni, praise ye. Fikirini, consider ye. B 2 240 PBELIMINAEY OBSERVATIONS, 4. Substantives form the locative case by adding -ni, Nyumhani micangu, inside my house. Nyumhani hwangu, to or at my house. Nyumhani pangu, by or near ray house. All from Nyumha. 5. -ni may stand for nini ? What ? Watakani ? What do you want ? 6. Je? How? is subjoined to the verb expressing the action in- quired about. Asemaje f How does he speak ? i.e., What does he say ? 7. mno, exceedingly, always follows the word it qualifies, and may be treated as an enclitic. 8. -to, which, however, rarely occurs in the dialect of Zanzibar, denotes goodness and fitness. Kuwelia, to place. Kmcehato, to place properly. Manuka, smells. Manukato, scents. 9. The relative signs and the particles denoting time and place are &ubjoined to the verb when there is no tense prefix, otherwise they follow the tense prefix. Tulala-po, when we sleep. Tuna-po-lala, while we are sleeping. The particles denoting time and place are, -po, when or where. -ko, whither or whence. -mo, wherein. ^ These preceded only by the personal prefix imply the substantive verb to he. Yupo, he is there, not far off. Zipo, &c., &c., they are there, not far ofi", &c., &c. Tuko, he is there, far off. Ziko, &G., (fee, they are there, far off, &c., &c. Yiimo, he is there inside. Zimo, (fee, (fee, they are there inside, &c., &c. The relative signs are, -clio, -lo, -o, -po, -vyo, -wo, -ye, -yo, -zo. Those syllables with na prefixed have the meaning of and, or icith hinij her, it, or them. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 241 10. The possessive pronouns may be used in enclitic forms. Thy, or your, may be expressed by subjoining, according to the class of the substantive, -cho, -lo, -o, -pn -vyo, -ivo, -yo, or -zo. His, hers, or its, may be expressed by subjoining -che, -e, -le, -pe, rye, -we, -ye, or -ze. Other enclitic forms of the possessive pronouns are,— 'Tigu, or -angu, my. -etu, our. -ko, or -alio, thy. -enu, your. -he, or -ake, his, &c. -ax), their. The final letter of the substantive generally merges into the initial of the pronoun. Mwanangu, my child. Mwanetu, our child. Mwanako, thy child. Mwanenu, your child. Mwanake, his child. Mwanao, their child. 11. New verbs may always be formed when wanted by changing the final vowel into -ia or -ea, -lia or -lea, to make the applied form ; into -za or -sha, -iza or -eza, -isha or -esha, to make a causative form ; into -ana, to make a reciprocal form ; and into -ha, -iha, or -eka, to make a neuter or quasi-passive form. 12. In old and poetical Swahili the object of the verb is sufiixed as well as prefixed, as in TJ-ni-hifathi-mi, Do thou preserve me; where both the ni and the mi denote the object of the verb. The syllables thus used are -cho, -lo, -ni, -nyi, -o, -po, -81, -vyo, -we, -ICO, -ye, -yo, -zo. Having cleared the word of all adventitious terminations it wil probably be found at once ; if not, look for the first syllable, and so on, taking syllable by syllable until the word, its number, person, and tense, will all have been explained. It must, however, be borne in mind that nouns in u- or w- generally drop the initial letter in the plural and frequently substitute for it n- or ny-. Verbs and adjectives are here indexed under the first letter of the simplest form, or of that to which the prefixes are joined. Kupenda will be found as Penda Jcu-, to love. Mahaya will be found as -haya, bad. Words wliicli may be used as adjectives or as substantives, but from their nature can liardly be applied to any but animate beings, will be found under m- or mw-, &f they can very rarely in the singular take any other prefix. 242 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Substantives are indexed by the prefix with which they are generally used. It must be remembered, however, that the use of particular prefixes may be nearly always varied to suit any particular shade ot:' meaning, so that if the word is not to be found under one, it may happen that its meaning can be found under some other. Where no plural is mentioned, it is to be understood that the plural, if used at all, is in the same form as the singular. The following table of prefixes may be found useful. The use rif each will be explained in the Vocabulary. SUBSTAN-nVAL PREFIXES. Ch- Ki- Ma- Mw- U- W- J- Ku- Mi- N- Vi- Wa- Ji- M- Mu- Ny- Vy- Adjectival PREFIXES. Ch- Ku- 'M- Mu- Ny. Vi- J- Kw- Ma- Mw- P- Vy. Ki- M- Mi- N- Pa- Wa- Pronominal PREFIXES. Ch- Ku- Li- Mw- Vi- Y- I- Kw- M- Pa- w- Z- Ki- L- Mu- U- Wa- Zi- Verbal prefixes. 1. Personal or subjective prefixes, which take precedence of all others. A- *Ki- *Mw- Si- *Vv- Yu- *Ch- *Ku- N- *Tu- *\V- *Z- Ha- *L- Ni- *Tw- *\Va- *Zi- Hu- *Li- *Pa- *U- *Y- *I- *M- *P- *Vi- *Ya- 2. Tense prefixes which precede all except the signs of person, -a- -japo- -ku- -na- -si- -ta- -ali- -ka- -li- -ngali- -sije- -taka- -ja- -ki- -me- -nge- -sipo- • The<^p may all be preceded by Ha, to form negative tenses in the indicative mood, and personal prefixes followed by -si- make negative subjunctives. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 2i3 o. Particles of place, time, and relation, which follow the teuse prufix, or, if there is no tense prefix, are subjoined to the verb. -cho -mo -wo -ko -o -ye -kwo -po -yo -lo -vyo -zo ses. which always immedi lately -i- -mw- -u- -ki- -n- -vi- -ku- -ni- -wa- -li- -pa- -ya- -m- -tu- -zi- A suppressed i or r always exists between two consecutive vowels. It is often heard in the Merima dialect, and frequently appears where otherwise three or more vowels would follow one another. However, the more classical the Swahili, the less tolerant it is in any case of an I between vowels, or even as an initial letter. Tieee = keleJe. ete = lete. TJie following letters are interchanged ; I and r, s and sh, and vulgarly M and chi, and th and z. Zanzibar ch = t (M.). a (M.). kh(Ar.). d (M.), y (A.) (N.). ch (Ozi.). z(A.). V (Mer.), th (Patta and Ozi.), j (vulgar). The letters enclosed in parentheses denote the various dialects. (M.) = Mombas (kimvita). (Mer.) = Southern Coast dialeit (kimerima). (A.) = Lamoo (kiamu). (Ar.) = Arabic. (N.) = Poetical Swahili (kingozi). „ e J» h >» J »* t »> V »? z SWAHILI-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. The sound of a in Swahili re- sembles that of a in the English word "father." It is, perhaps, — except when doubled — somewhat sharper and lighter. "When the final a of any prefix — except the negative prefix ha — is brought by composition to precede immediately eitherr e or i,it coalesces with them and produces the sound of a long e. Aka-enda is pronounced aJcenda. Akawa-ita is pronounced akaweta. A and u have a tendency to coalesce into an o sound. Arabic substantives incorporated into Swahili have often been made by changing -i- in the verb into -o- in the substantive. Kubarizi, to hold a public audience. Baraza, a public audience. Kusafiri, to traveL Safari, a journey. A occurs in some dialects where e is used in Zanzibar. See E. A-NG A = t/a, of. -a with a varying initial letter, of. -a is used in such phrases as the following for in : TJnitie wa macho, put it in my eyes. Akamchoma ya kitovu, and he stabbed him in the navel. A-, the sign of the third person singular prefixed to verbs when governed by substantives which denote animate beings — he, she, or it. Where the tense prefix begins with a, one of the a's disappears. The following are instances of the way in which this a occurs. A-penda (for a-a-penda), he loves. A-na-penda, he is loving. A-m-penda, he has loved. A-li-penda (for a-ali-penda), he loved. A-ka-penda, and he loved. A-ta-penda, he will love. A-ki-penda, he being in the con- dition of loving. A-nge-penda, he would love. 246 A-NG AHI A-ngali-penda, he would have loved. A-japo-penda, even if he loves. A-sipo-penda, he not loving. A-pende, let him, or that he may love. A-si-pende, let him not, or that he may not love, or without his loving. -0-, the sign of the present in- definite; it follows the prefix denoting the person of the subject or nominative, and precedes that denoting the object or accusative. N-a-m-penda, I love him (I do him love). Aali, choice, good. Aasi, disobedient, rebellious. Abadan, or dbadi, always, constantly. Ahiri ku-, to pass over, go across (a Ahhia, passengers. [river, &c.). Ahirisha hu-, to put across, to ferry over. Ahudia ku-, to give worship to. Abudisha ku-, to cause to worship. Abudu ku-, to worship. Acha ku-, to leave, leave alone, let be, let go, allow, acquit, divorce. Achana ku-, to leave one another, to, separate. Achari, pickle, a relish made of lemon-juice and red pepper. Achia ku-, to leave to or for, to be- queath to. Acliilia ku; to pass over what a person has done, to forgive, to neglect. Ada, a custom, especially a customary gift. Adabu, good manners, politeness. Kutia adabu, to make polite, to teach good manners. Adamu, Adam. Mwana Adamu, or Bin Adamu, a human being, a man. Adawa, enmity. Adi ku-, to accompany a person part of his way. Adibu ku-, to educate, to teach manners. Adili, right, right conduct. Adiliku-, to learn to behave rightly. AdiUsha ku-, to teach to behave rightly. Adui, plur. Adui or maadui, an Aee, Yes, [enemy. Afa, plur. maafa, an enemy. Afathali, rather, better of the two, best, preferably. Afia, health, good health. Afikana ku-, to come to an agree- ment, agree. Afiuni, opium. Afu, wild jasmine. Afu ku; to save, to deliver, to par- don, to preserve. Also, to get Afya. See Afia, health. [well. Afya ku-, to make to swear. Aga ku-, to take leave of, to agree with. Agana ku-, to take leave of one another, to make an agreement. Agga ku-, to be lost, to perish. Agiza ku-, to commission, direct, give in charge, appoint to. Agizo, plur. maagizo, commissioni charge. Agua ku-, to predict. Agulia ku-, to predict ofc Ahaal No! Ahadi (vulgarlyioafcodt), a promise, promises. Ahadiana ku-, to promise mutually, agree. Ahili, family, relations. AHE AL 21' Ahera, in the grave.under the earth, after death, at the end of the world. [Ar. akhr, the other.] Ahidi ku-, to promise. Ahsdnt, or Ahsanti, or Asanti, thanks ! thank you ! Aihiha ku-, to be disgraced, to be put to shame. Aihisha ku-, to disgrace, to put to shame. Aihu, a disgrace, a reproach. Aina, kind. Aini ku-, to appoint. Ainisha ku-, to show, point out. Aitiwalo, pronounced Etiwalo, what he is wanted (or called) tor, a- itiica-lo. Ajabisha ku-, to astonish, amaza AJabu, a wonderful thing, wonder- fully. Ajali, fate, death. Kusalimika ajali, to be altogether come to an end (to be saluted by its fate;. Ajara, merit. Ajib ! or 'Ajah ! Wonderful ! Won- derfully. Ajili, or djili, sake, cause. Kica ajili ya, because of, for the sake of. Ajiri ku; to hire. Ajirisha ku-, to cause to hire, to let on hire. ^Ajjemi, Persian. Aka ku-, to build in stone, to do mason's work. Akali, some few, some. Akali ya icatu, ya vitu, &c., some few men, things, &c. •ake, or -akice, his, her, or its, of him, &c. •ake yeye, his own. Akenda, for Akaenda, and he went. Akhera = Ahera. Akhtilaf, to quarrel. Atafanya akJitilaf, she will scold. Akia ku-, to build for. Ak'ia ku-, to swallow, gulp down. Akiha, store, a thing laid by. Kuweka akiha, to lay up, to put by. Akida, an oflBcer, a second in com- mand. Akida wa asikari, an army officer. Akidi ku-, to suffice. Akiisha or Akisha, then, he having finished this business. Akika, a funeral feast for a child. Akili, intelligence, wits, under- standing (generally treated as a plural noun). Akina, you — addressed to young or inferior persons. Akina hwana young sirs. Akina bibi, my young ladies. Akiri ku-, to stand over, to remain behind. Akirisha ku-, to adjourn, put off, make to stand over. ako, thy, your, of thee. -ako weice, your own. Akraba, relations. Akraba ya kuumeni, paternal relations. Akraba ya kukeni, maternal relations. Al, the Arabic article the. It is retained in many words derived from the Arabic, as Alf ajiri for Al Fajr, the dawn. Sometimes its form is varied, as Liwali for Al Wali, the governor. In Arabic phrases the definite article prefixed to the second of two nouns is the sign of the possessive case, as Eayiat al 248 ALA AMB Ingre'z, a subject of the Englisli, i.e., a British subject. Ala, plur. maala or nyala, a sheath, a scabbard. ^Alaka, a tusk of ivory. Alafu, thousands, Alama, a mark, marks. Alasiri, one of the Mohammedan hours of prayer, about half-past 3 P.M., afternoon. Albunseyidi (Ar.), of the sons of princes. Alf = Elfu, a thousand. Alfajiri, the dawn, the earliest Mo- hammedan hour of prayer, about 4 A.M. A stress on the second syllable denotes very early dawn. Alfia. Kofia alfia, a chiefs cap. Alhamisi, Thursday. -all- or -li-, the sign of that past tense which denotes an action complete in past time. 'li or -li- sometimes stands for the verb to fee, as in a-li-ye, he who is, or merely, who. A-li, he is, or, he being. Nika-li, and I am. Alia ku; to make a mark by striking, to wale. Alifu, Alif, the first Arabic letter, the alphabet. Alika ku-, to invite, to call, to call invited guests to a wedding, to inform, to split, to click, to give a crack, to snap. Alikwa ku-, to go through a certain course of medicine, consisting chiefly of various fumigations and a very strict regimen. Aliki ku-, to hang. Aliko, where he is, or was. Alimisha ku-, to instruct. Aliomo, wherein he is, or was. Alisa, a dancing place, a house of amusement. Alisha ku-, to cause to snap. Kualisha mtambo wa hunduki, to click the lock of a gun. AllaTi (Ar.), God, more reverently, Allah td'ala, God the most high. Allah Allah, without delay or pre- tence. Allah hilkheir, may God make it good. A common answer to the usual morning and afternoon salutations. Ahnaria, embroidery. Almasi, a diamond. Ama — ama, either — or. Ama siyo ? Isn't it so ? Amali, an act, a thing done. Amali, a kind of amulet. Amama (Ar.), a turban ? Amana, a pledge, a thing entrusted, a deposit, a present sent by another person. Amani, peace. Amara, urgent business. Amara (ya nanga), a cable. Amba ku-, to speak against, to talk scandal, to speak, to say. Amba. See Ambaye. Ambaa ku-, to go near to without touching, not to reach, to leave Ambari, ambergris. [unhurt. Ambata ku-, to attach, to stick. Ambatana ku-, to cleave together, to be mutually attached. Ambatiza ku-, to make to stick. Ambaye or Ambaye kwamba, who. The final syllable is variable, making amhazo, amhayo, &c., which. Ambaza ku-, to cause to pass near without touching. AMB AND 249 Anibia hu-, to tell, to say to. Pass. Kuamhiwa, to be told, to have said to one. Amhika ku-, to put (or be put ?) firmly together. Amhilika ku-, to be spoken to. Ambisana ku-, to be cemented to- gether, to stick together. Amhisha ku-, to make to hold to- gether. Amhua ku-, to peel, to husk, to take a morsel in eating. Amhukiza ku-, to give a complaint to, infect. Amdelhan, a silky kind of stuff. Amerikano, American sheeting, best cotton cloth used in trading in the interior. Njia, &c., ya Amerikano, the best ArtiiU ku-, to manage. [way, &c. Amina, Amen. Arnini ku-, to believe in, trust. Kuamini mtu na kitu, to trust a man with something, to entrust something to some one. Amirii, or Aminifu, trustworthy, faithful. Aminisha ku-, to entrust to, have perfect confidence in. Amiri, plur. maamiri, an emir, an Amka ku-, to awake. [oflacer. Amkia ku-, to salute. Amkua ku-, to invite, summon (?). Amravn, a dipping line, made fast to the foremost yard-arm. Amri, order, command. Amri ya Muungu, a matter in God's hands. Sina amri, &c., I have no busi- ness, &c. Amria ku-, to put a thing at one's disposal, to give leave concerning something. Amrisha ku-, to cause to be ordered, order. Amru ku-, to order, command. Awsha ku-, to waken, cause to awake, rouse. Amu, Lamoo. Kiamu, the dialect of Lamoo, ot I the Lamoo kind. Amu, fatlier's brother. I Amua ku-, to judge, to separate two j people who are fighting. Passive, Kuamuliwa, to bejudged. Amuka ku- = Amka ku-. Amuru ku- = Amru ku-. Amusha ku- = Amsha ku-. Arnica ku-, to suck (M.). Amwisha ku-, to suckle (M ). Ana, he has. Anakotoka, whence he is coming, where he comes from. -anana, gentle, soft. Upepo mwanana, a soft breeze. Maji manana, clear, quiet water. Anapokicenda, whither he is going. Anapolala, while he is sleeping. Anasa, pleasure. Andaa ku-, to prepare for cooking, to make pastry, &c. Andalia ku-, to prepare for, to make made dishes for. Andama ku-, to follow (M.). M'wezi umeandama, the month is up — the new moon has begun. Andamana ku-, to accompany (M.). Andika ku-, to put in order, to lay out, to describe, to write, to steer a vessel. Andikanya ku-, to put things one upon another, as plates in a pile. Andikia ku-, to write, to lay out, &c., for or on account of. Andikiwa ku-, to be written, laid out, &c., for. 250 AND ASH Andikiana ku-, to write to one another, to correspond. Anfu, knowing, ingenioua. Anga, a great liglit, the firmament. Ndege za anga, birds of the air. Anga hu-y to jump or dance about liko a wizard. Angaika ku-, to be in a great bustle. Angalia ku-, to look attentively, regard, take notice, observe, be careful, beware of. Angama ku-, to be caught in falling (as by the boughs of a tree). Angamia ku-, to be ruined, to fall, come to poverty. utaangamia mwituni, you will be lost in the jungle. Angamisha ku-, to ruin. Angaza ku-, to be light, to be bright, to remain awake, to keep watch, Kutia mwangaza, to give light to. Angia ku-, to bewitch by dancing and jumping about. Angika ku-, to hang up, to bang against a wall. 'angu, my, of me. -angu mimi, my own. Angua ku-, to take down, to hatch Anguka ku-, to fall down. [eggs. Angukia ku-, to fall down to, or before. Angusha ku-, to make to fall down, throw down. Ania ku-, to purpose, think of doing. Anika ku-, to spread out to dry. Ankra, a bill of sale. Anua ku-, to take out of the sun or rain. Anuka ku-, to leave off raining. Anwani, the address of a letter. Anza ku; to begin. The ku- is frequently retained, as Alikwanza for Alianza. Anziliza ku-, to make a beginning. Anzwani, Johanna. Ao, or. Ao — ao, either — or. -ao, their, of them. Apa ku-, to swear. Apendalo, what he likes. Api'? where? The a sometimes is so run into the final a of the preceding word as to be scarcely separable from it. Apia ku-, to swear to, or about. Apisha ku-, to make to swear, to adjure. Apiza ku-, to swear at, to imprecate against, to wish bad luck to. Apizo, plur.waoptzo.an imprecation. Arabuni, Arabia, in Arabia. Arabuni, earnest money. Arathi, pardon. Arba'a, four. 'Ari, a thing to make one blush a disgraceful thing. Aria, following, party, faction. Ariaa, lower ! let out the rope ! Arifu, knowing, ingenious. Arifu ku-, to inform. Arohaini, forty. Arohatashara, fourteen. Asa ku-, to forbid. Asali, syrup. Asali ya nyuki, honey. Asali ya mua, the boiled juice of the sugar-cane, treacle. Asali ya temho, fresh palm wine boiled into a syrup. ' Ashara,_ten. Asharini, twenty. Ashekali, better in health during sickness. Kiiica ashekali, to improve. Kufanya ashekali, to mnke better ASH AZM 251 Aaherati, dissipation, a dissipated person. Ashiiki ku-, to love, to love ex- ceedingly. AsMria ku-, to make a sign to. Jo-hur, customs duties. Asi ku-, to neglect one's duty to, to rebel, to be disobedient. Kuasi mkewe, to quariel with his wife, and not do his duty by her. Asikari, plur. asikari, or waasikari, a soldier. Kutia asikari, to enlist. Asili, origin, nature, source. Asisha ku-, to cause to leave, to cause to cease. Asitasa, not yet. Assubui, in the morning. Asusa, that which assuages bitter- ness or pain, takes away an un- pleasant taste. Also Azuza. Ata. Atana, Atia, Atilia, (M.) = Acha, Achana, &c. Atamia ku-, to sit on eggs, to hatch Afamisha ku-, to put under a sitting Atgul, average. [hen. Athahatisha ku-, to control. Atliama, highness. Mwenyi athama, the Most High. Athari = Hathari. Athibu ku-, to chastise, to punish. Athibisha ku-, to punish. Athima = Atliama. Avhimika ku-, to be exalted. Athini ku-, to call to public prayers. Athuuri, noon, one of the Moham- medan hours of prayer. Ati I look you ! I say ! AiUm, a fragrant herb used in the composition of kikuba. Attia, gratuitously, for nothing. Atuka ku-, to crack as the earth does in very dry weather. Aua ku-, to make a survey of, to go over and look at. Auka ku-, to grow large enough to bear fruit. Auni ku-, to help. Avya ku-, to produce, to spend, to give away. Awa ku-, to go out or away (Mer.). Awala, a promissory note. Awali or Aowali, first, almost* nearly. Awaza ku-, to dispose, to allot to each his share. Awesia, a kind of dhow like a bechni (which see), without any prow or head, with merely a perpendicular cutwater. Awini ku-y to help, to supply. Amthi ku-, to barter. Ayari, a cheat. Ayari,-^. pulley, the stay of a dhow's mast. Ayasi, a sort of grass. Ayasi ya shaba, brass wire. Ayika ku-, to dissolve, to melt. Ayithi ku-, to preach. Aza ku- = Waza ku-, to ponder, think. Azama, a nose ring. Azirna, a charm used to bring back a runaway slave and to drive away evil spirits. Azima ku-, to lend. Azimica ku-, to borrow. Azimia ku-y to make an azima against. Azimia ku-, to resolve. Azimu ku-, to resolve (generally pronounced dzimu). Azizi, a rarity, a curiosity. Azma, scent, fume. 252 AZU B AJ Azur, perjury. Azuza. See Asusa. B. B has the same sound as in English. N changes into m before &, as mhaya for n-haya^ bad. mhwa for n-hwa, a dog or dogs. Nw also becomes mh. mhingu for n-ivingu, the heavens. J5a, a shortened form of bwana. Baa, evil Baa, plur. mahaa, a worthless person, an utter reprobate. Baada, afterwards. Baada ya, after (used preferably of time). Baadaye, or baada yoke, after it, then, afterwards. BaatM, some. Baathi ya watu, some persons. Baazi, a sort of pea growing on a small tree somewhat resembling laburnum. Bah (Ar.), a gate, chapter. Bab Ulaya, goods for the Euro- pean market. Bab Kachi, goods for the Cutch trade. Bab il amana, something entrusted, lent to one. Baha, father. Baba mdogo, mother's brother. Baba wa hambo, stepfather. Baba wa waana, } , „ , ' f an owl. Baba wa watoto, 3 Babaika ku-, to hesitate in speaking, to stutter, to talk in one's sleep. Babata ku-, to pat, to tap, to flatten out. Bahu. erandfathpr, ancestors. Babua ku-, to strip off. Babuka ku-, to tear, to become torn. Badala or Badali, a thing given in exchange for something else, an equivalent. Badani. See Kansu. Badili ku-, to change, exchange, alter, become changed. . Badilika ku-, to be changed, to be changeable. Bado, not yet, used generally to express that the matter in ques- tion is as yet incomplete. Bado kidogo, soon. Bafe, a kind of snake. Bafta, a sort of fine calico. Bagala or Bdgala, a buggalo, a large kind of dhow square in the stern, with a high poop and a very long prow. Most of the Indian trading dhows are of this build ; they have generally a small mizen-mast. Bdghala, a mule. Bagua ku-, to separate. Baguka ku-, to be separate. Bagukana ku-, to be in hostility, to be on two sides. Bahari, sea. Bahari iVali, the Persian Gulf. Bahari ya Sham, the Ked Sea. Baharia, a sailor, sailors, the crew. Bdhasha, a square bag or pocket with a three-cornered flap to tie over the opening, frequently used to keep books in. BahatioT Bakhti, luck, good fortune. Bakhti mtu, that depends on the Bahatisha ku-, to guess. [person. Baini, &c. See Bayini, &c. Baini ya, between. Bajia, small cakes of ground begins and pepper. BAJ BAO 253 Bajuni = Mgunya. Bakaku, to dispute, to argue. Bakhili, a miser, covetous, miserly. Bakhti. See Bahati. Baki, the remainder, what is left. Baki (in arithmetic), subtraction. Baki ku; to remain, to be over, to be left. Bakora, a walking stick with the top bent at right angles to the stem. The best are made of a white, straight-grained wood (mtobwe), which will bend nearly double like a piece of lead without breaking or returning. Baksha, a packet, of clothes, &c. Bakuli, plur. mahakuli, a basin. Bakwia few-, to snatch out of the hand. Balaa, sorrow. Balamwezi, moonlight, moonshine. Balanga, leprosy. Balasi, a large kind of water jar. Bali, but. BaligM, a boy who is a virgin, a youth. Balungi, plur. mahalungi, a citron. Bamha, plur. mahamha, a plate, a flat thin piece. Bamho, an instrument like a cheese- taster thrust into a bag to draw out some of its contents for ex- amination. Mabamho, large mats for beating out mtama upon. Bamvua, spring-tides. Bana ku-, to squeeze, press as in a vice. Banada, the Somauli coast. Banajiri or Banagiri, a kind of bracelet ornamented with points or blunt spikes, much worn in Zanzibar. Bancla, plur. wa6an(^a, a large shed. Banda lafrasi, a stable. Bandari, a harbour. Bandera, a flag, red stufl" the colour of the Arab flag. Bandi, a seam. Kupiga handi (in sewing), to tack, to run, to baste. Bandia. Mtoto wa handia, a doll. Bandika ku-, to put on a plaster or any medicament. Bandua ku-, to strip off, to peel off. Banduka ku-, to peel off, to come out of its shell, to be peeled. Bangi, bhang, Indian hemp. Banika ku-, to roast on a spit over the fire. Baniya, a temple, a building, especially that at Mecca. Ban] a ku-, to crack nuts, &c., tx3 break off the shell or husk by beating. Banyani, plur. mabanyani, used in Zanzibar as a general name for tbe heathen Indians who come as traders from Cutch. Banza. Kujihanza, to squeeze oneself against a wall or into a hedge to allow some one else to pass. Banzi, plur. mahanzi, a small thin piece of wood, a splint. Bao, the tiller of a small craft (A.). Bao, a game in carJ-playing. Mahao sita = Mvumo. Kutia hao, to mark, in card-play- mg. Bao or Bao la komwe, a board with thirty-two small holes, each about the size of a teacup, for playing a very favourite game also called bao, with komwe, or with pebbles. The holes are sometimes merely scooped out 254 BAP BAT in the ground, and any small things used to play with. Kucheza hao, to play at the above game. Bapa, the flat of a sword, &c. Kupiga hapa, to strike with the flat of a sword. J3ara, a species of antelope (Helgo- bagus arundinaceus). Bara or Barra, wild country, coast. The Arabic name, Ze'njibarr, is compounded of this word and ZenjoT Zanj\ a negro : hence the Zanguebar and Zanzibar of our maps mean only the negro coast. The Swahili name for Zanzibar is invariably Unguja. Barr Faris, the piece of Persian coast belonging to Oman. Barr Sicdhil, the Swahili coast. Baraba, proper, just, exactly. Barahara, a broad open road. Barafu, ice. Baragumo, a spiral horn used as a musical instrument ; it is blown through a hole at tiie small end. Barai, an after brace carried on tbe lee side to steady the yard of a dhow. Bar alia, a blessing. Also common as a proper name. Baralioa, a mask reaching down to the mouth, universally worn by the women of Oman and Zan- zibar of the upper class. Barasi, a disease. BarathuU, an idiot, dupe, simpleton. Also harazuli- Barawai, a swallow. Baraza, a stone seat or bench table, either outside the house or in the hall, or both, where the master sits in public and receives his friends ; hence the durbar, or public audience held by the sultan, and the council then held. Baricli, cold, wind. Maji ya baricli, fresh water. Baridiyahis, rheumatism. Bariki Jiu-, to bless. N.B. — Young people are said in Zanzibar to bariJd, when they first have connection with the opposite sex. Girls are though t old enough between nine and ten. Barikia hu-, to give a blessing to, to greet. Bariyo (A.), what is left from the evening meal to be eaten in tbe morning. Barizi ku-, to sit in baraza, to hold a public reception. Barra. See Bara. Barua or Bdrua, a summons from a judge, a bill, a letter. Baruti, gunpowder. Barzuli, a fool. Basbasi, mace, the inner husk of the nutmeg. Bashire kheri ! may it be lucky ! Bashiri ku-, to prognosticate, to foretell by signs. BasMshi or Bakhshishi, a gift, a largess. Basiri ku-, to foresee. Bass or Bassi, enough, it will do. When it begins a sentence it means — well, and so, and then. When it follows a word or phrase it means — just this and no more. Bastola, a pistol. Bata, plur. mdbata, a duck. Bata la bukini, a goose. Bata la mzinga, a turkey. Batela, the common dhow of Zan- BAT BIA 255 zibar ; it ha^. a square stern and an ordinary boat-like head. Bafi, tin, block tin. Batil. See Betili. Batili liu-, to annul, to abolish, to reduce to nothing. Batli, the log (nautical). Batohato, plur. ma-, various colours and marks on an animal. Bau, a wizard's fortune-telling board. Kupiga bau, to divine. Baura, a European anchor. Bavuni, alongside, at the side. Bawa, plur. mahaica, the wing of a bird. Also, the scales of a fish. Baicaha, a hinge. ^awa&i/, a house-porter, door-keeper. Baicasir, haemorrhoids. -baya, bad. It makes mhaya with nouns like nyumha. Bayini ku-, to recognize, to know. Bayinilai ku-, to be notorious, to be well known. Bayinisha ku-, to distinguish be- tween, separate distinctly. Bazazi, a trader, especially a cheat- ing, over-sharp trader, a huck- ster. Beta ku; to carry (a child) on the back in a cloth. Behera, a he-goat given to covering, strong, manly. Bedari, the fixed lower pulley for hoisting a dhow sail and yard, bitts to which and through which thejirar* are passed and secured. Bedeni, a kind of dhow with a per- pendicular cutwater, or merely a piece of board by way of prow, a sharp stern, and high rudder head. The mast of a bedeni is per- pendicular; in other dhows it I bends forward. They come from j the Arab coast. Bee, a bargain, a trade, transaction. Beek, for Lebeka. Bega, plur. mabega, the shoulder. Behewa, the inner court in a stone house. All large houses in Zanzi- bar are built round an inner court Beina, between. Beina yaho nini ? what do you know about it ? Compare Bayini. Bekua ku-, to parry, to knock off a blow. Belghamu, phlegm. Bembe, food and confectionery cooked by a woman for her lover, and sent to him during the Ramathan. Bembeleza ku-, to beg. Bembesha ku-, to swing. Bembeza ku- \ to beg, to caress, to Bembeleza ku- j pat. Benua ku-, to put forward, to stick out. Kubenua kidari, to walk with the chest thrown forward. Benuka ku-, to warp. Kubenuka kiko kioa kiko, to warp and twist this way and that. Besa, vulgar Arabic for -pesa. Bes- teen = Pesa mbili. Besera, canopy of a bedstead. BeteJa = Batela. Beti, a pouch for shot or cartridges. Beti (Ar.), a house, a line in verses. Betili or Batil, a dhow vrith a ver\ long prow, and a sharp stern with a high rudder head. They generally belong to the Shemali. or Persian Gulf Arabs. Beyana, legible, clear. Bia. 8 2 256 BIA BOM Kula hia, to subscribe to a meal in common, to go shares in a meal. Biashara, trade, commerce. Kufanya Mashara, to trade. Mfanyi hiasJiara, a trader, a mer- chant. Bibi, grandmother. It is used as a title answering to my lady, and for the mistress of slaves. Bibo, plur. mdbibo, a cashew apple. -UcM, fresh, green, unripe, raw, under-done. It makes mhicJii with nouns like myumba. Bidii, effort to surpass, emulation. BiJcira, a virgin. Bikiri ku-, to deflower. Bilashi, gratis, for nothing. Bilauri, a drinking glass. Bildi, the lead (nautical). Bilisi = Iblis, the devil. Billa, except by. Bilula, a tap. Birna, insurance. Bima ku-, to insure against acci- dents. Binadamu, a human being (a son of Adam). Bindo, the loin-cloth held up to receive or carry things, a bundle in a cloth. Kukinga bindo, to hold up the loin-cloth to receive things. Bingica, shrewd, knowing. ' Binti, daughter. Women in Zan- zibar are generally mentioned by their father's name only, as, Binti Mohammed, Mohammed's daugh- ter. Birika,-p\.ur. mabirika,Q. large vessel for holding water, a cistern. Birinzi, a dish composed of meat, rice, pepper, &c. Bisha ku, to knock or cry Hodi I at a door tro attract the attention of the people within. It is held very wrong to go beyond the entrance hall of a house unless invited in. Bisha ku-, to work in sailing. Also, to make boards. Bishana ku-, to squabble, to quarrel. Bishara, a sign, a good sign. Bisho, tacking, working to the wind- ward. Upepo wa hisho, a foul wind. Bisi, parched Indian corn. Bitana, lined, double, used of clothes wherever there are two thick- nesses. Bithaa, goods, merchandise. -Nvu or -wivu, ripe, well done. It makes mbivu with nouns like Biioi, plur. mabiici, heaps of garden rubbish, leaves, wood, &c. Bizari, a small seed used in making curry. Bize, a wild hunting dog. Bizima, a buckle. -bofu or -ovu, rotten, bad, malicious. Boga, plur. maboga, a pumpkin. Boga is used as a general word for edible vegetables. Bogi = Pombe. Bogoaku-, to strip off leaves, to tear apart, to chop away wood in making a point ? Bohari or Bokhari, a storehouse, a house with a shop and warerooms. Boko, a buffalo (?). Bokoboko, a kind of food made of wheat, meat, &c. Bokwa, jack fruit [Tumbatu]. Boma, plur. maboma, a heap of stones, a rampart. BOM BUN 257 Bomha, a pump. Bomhoromoka, plur. ma-. See Boro- moka. Bomoa ku-, to make a hole through, to break down. Bomoka ku-, to have a hole broken through it, to be broken down. Bongo, plur. mabongo, brains, mar- row. Bonth, a bridge, a pier. From the French pout. Bonyea ku-, to give way, to crush in. Bonyesha ku-, to press so as to sink in, to make an impression with the fingers. Bonyeza ku-, to examine by feeling and pressing. See Tomasa. Boonde, a valley., a hollow place. Bora, great, very great, noble, best, most. Bori, the bowl of a native pipe. Boriti, a rafter, thick poles cut in the mangrove swamps and laid flat to support the stone roofs. Borohoa, a dish made of pounded pulse with flavourings. Boromoka ku-, to fall down a preci- pice. Boromoka, plur. ma-, precipices, pre- cipitous places. Also homhoro- moka, plur. ma-. Borongahoronga ku-, to make a mess of one's work. Boroshoa, a long-shaped black in- sect found in dunghills. Boruga ku-, to stir, tocut up weeds. -bovu or -ovu, rotten, bad. Boza, a narcotic made by mixing bhang with flour and honey. Bozibozi, idle, dull. Brdmini, an agent (working for two per cent, commission.) ^Ma,plur. mahua,the stem of millet. Buba, rupia, applied to various skin diseases. Buhu, (A.), a teat. Buhu, plur. mahuhu, dumb. Buhujika ku-, to bubble out, burst forth. Kuhubujika machozi,to burst into tears. Bubur 01.), dumb. Buddi, escape, other course. Sina buddi, I have no escape, ie., I must. Bueta, a box. Also bweta. (From the French, boite.) Buga, a hare (?). Bughuthu ku-, to hate. BuTiuri, incense. Buihui, a spider. Buki or Bukini, Madagascar. Buki, a kidney. Buku, a very large kind of rat. Bull, plur. mabuli, a teapot. Bumbuazi, perplexity, idiotcy. Kupigwa na bumbuazi, to become confused and abashed, so as not to be able to go on with one's business. Bumbici, rice flour pounded up with scraped cocoa-nut. Bumia, sternpost. Bumunda,j)lu.T, mabumunda, a sort of soft cake or dumpling. Bundi, a native bird, an owl. Owls are thought very unlucky. Bunduki, a gun, a musket. Bungala, a kind of rice. Bungo, plur. mabungo, a kind of fruit something like a medlar. Bungu, plur. mabungu, a dish. Bungu la kupozea uji, a saucer to cool gruel in. Buni, raw coffee, coffee-berries. 258 BUN Buni, an ostrich. Buni, (At.), sons, the sons of. Buni ku-, to begin, to be the first to do a thing, to invent. Bunju, a poisonous fish. Bunzi, plur. mabunzi, a stinging fly. Buothu Jcu; to hate. Biqmru, plur. mahupuru, an empty shell. Bupuru la Mtwa, a skull. Burangenif of two colours, neither black nor white ; also painted of different colours, as a dhow with a white sti'ipe. Buratangiy a whirring kite. Burdu. MarasM ya Burdu, eau-de- Cologne. Buri, large-sized tusks of ivory. Bnriani, a final farewell, asking a general forgiveness. Kutahana buriani, to ask mutual pardon and so take a last fare- well. Biirikao, Port Durnford. Burre, for nothing, gratis, in vain, for no good. Buruda, a book of the prayers used over a dying person. Burudika ku-, to be refreshed. Burudisha hu-, to cool, to refresh. Buruga ku-, to mix up, to knock together. Buruhani, token, evidence. Buruji, battlements. Burura ku-, to drag, to haul along. Busaraj prudence, subtlety, astute- ness. Busati, a kind of matting made at Muscat. BushasM, a thin sort of stuff. Buihu, tow, a gun-wad. Bushuti, woollen stuff, blanket, Bustani, a garden. Busu, a kiss. Busu ku-, to kiss. Buu, plur. mabuu, maggots in meat (M.). Buyu, plur. mabuyu,a calabash, the fruit of the baobab tree, used to draw water with. Buzz, plur. mabuzi, a very large goat. Bivaga ku-, to throw down what one has been carrying; to tip off one's head, &c.; to rest by throwing down one's burden. Kubivaga nazi, to throw down cocoa-nuts. Btcana, master of slaves, master of the house, lord, sir, used politely in speaking of one's own father. Bwana mdogo, master's son. Bwanda — Givanda. Bicara. Reale ya bicara, c dollar under full weight, a 5-franc piece. Bweta. See Bueta. C. Cis required only in writing the sound of the English ch or of the Italian c before i and e. In the dialect of Zanzibar ch frequently stands for the t of more northern Swahili, as — CJiupa, a bottle (Zanzibar) = Tupa (Mombas). Kucheka, to laugh (Zanz.) = Kuteka (Momb.). CM, in the vulgar dialect, and amongst the slaves in Zanzibar, stands for ki in the more correct language. Several of the tribes in CH A 2.7) the interior follow the same rule as the Italian in always pronouncing the same root letter ch before i and e, and k before a and o. Thus slaves commonly say, Cliitu chidogo, a little thing, for Kitu Ju- dogo. As a rule, in all Swahili where the preformative hi has to be pre- fixed to an adjective or pronoun or tense prefix beginning with a vowel, it becomes c/i, thus — Kisu chanau, my knife, not Kisu Mangu. Kisu chakata, the knife cuts, not Kisu kiakata, Kitu chema cho chote, every good thing whatsoever, not Kitu kiema kio Mote. Where ch represents ki, as the initial sound of a substantive, the plural is made by cLangiug ch into vy. CJwmho, a vessel, F^/omfto, vessels. But where ch stands for t, the plural is made by prefixing ma. 3Iachu2M, bottles. Machungica, oianges. The Arabs confound in their pronunciation ch with sh, though the sounds are in Swahili perfectly distinct. It would perhaps be an improve- ment to write all c/i's wliich repre- sent ki by a simple c, which has been used for this sound in Sechuaua, and to write all c/i's which repre- sent t by ty, which has been used for this sound in writing Zulu. But both are here represented by ch, because at least in the infancy of our studies it is puzzling to have two siguB for one sound, and neither way of writing might be quite satis- factory in all cases. There is little doubt that the northern t becomes ch by the addi- tion of a i/ sound, as the same sort of change takes place with d, whicli becomes dy or j, and sometimes with n, making it ny or the Spanish ri. The same sort of change in English vulgarizes nature into nachur, and Indian into Injun. Ch- = hi-, whicli see. Ch-, a prefix required by sub- stantives beginning with ki- or ch- representing ki-, in all pro- nouns and adjectives beginning with a vowel, and in tenses of the verb where the tense prefix begins with a vowel. Cha, of. Many quasi-substantives may be made by prefixing cha to a verb, kitu being understood, as chakula (a thing), of eating, food. Cha or Chayi, tea. Cha ku; to fear [A.] (the ku- bears the accent, and is retained in the usual tenses). Cha ku; to dawn, to rise [of the sun] the ku- bears the accent, and is retained in the usual tenses. Kumekucha, the dawn (it has dawned). Kunakucha, the dawning. Usiku kucha, all night till dawn, all night long. See Chwa. Chaanzu, the beginning of a piece of iikiri. Chacha ku-y to ferment, leaven, work. Chachaga ku-^ to wash clothes by 260 -CHA CHA dabbing them gently on a stone or board, not to beat them so hard as is implied in the more common word kufua. -chache, few, little, not many or much. It makes chache with nouns like myumha. Chachia hu-, to come with a press, to come much at once, to burdt upon one. Chachu, bran, leaven, ferment. Chafi, a kind of fish. Chafi. Chafi cha mguu, calf of the leg = tafu. Chafu, plur. machafu, the cheek, especially that part which is over the teeth. Chafua leu-, to put in disorder, disarrange. Chafuha hu-, to be in disorder, in dishabille. Moyo umechafuha, (I) feel sick. Chafukachafuka ku-, to be all in a mess, to be all tumbled about and in confusion. Chafuo, a poisonous horse-fly. Chafya ku-, or kupiga chafya, or kwenda chafya, to sneeze. Chagaa = Tagaa. Chago, land crabs. Chago, the place where the head is laid (on a kitanda, etc.). Chagua, kii-, to pick out, select, garble. Chai, or Chayi, tea. Chakaa ku-, to become worn out, to become good for nothing through age or use. Chake, or chakice, his, her, its. See -ake. Cliaki, chalk, whitening, putty. ChOfko, thy. See -ako. Chakogea = [Kitu'] cha ku-ogea, a thing to bathe in, a bath. Chakula, something to eat, food, a meal. Chahula cha suhui, breakfast. Chakula cha mchana, dinner. Chakula chajioni, supper, which is the chief meal of the day. Plur. vyakula, victuals. Chale, a cut or gash made for orna- ment. Chali, backward, on his back. Chama, a club, guild, band of people. Waana chama, members of it. Chamha chajicho, a white film over the eye. Chamho, plur. vyamho, a bait. Chambua ku-, to dress, clean, pick over, as to pluck off the outer leaves of vegetables when sending them to market, to pick the sticks and dii-t out of cotton, to pick cloves off their stalks, &c. ChamhuUa ku-, to clean up, to dress up work or things. Chamhuro, a plate for wire drawing. Chamchela. Pepo za chamchela, a whirlwind. Cha'msha kanwa (something to wake the mouth), something eaten first thing in the morning. Cliana = Tana. Chana ku-, to comb. Chanda, plur. vyanda (M.), a finger, a toe. Chandalua, an awning, a mosquito net. -changa, young, immature. Changa ku-, to sift away chaff and husks. Kula kwa kuchanga, a feast CH A CHE 261 where each contributes some- thing to the entertainment. Changa'nika Jcu-, to be genial, to be hearty and pleasant. Changamusha ku-, to cheer up. Changanya Jcu-, to mix. Changanyika ku-, to be mixed. CJianganyisha ku-, to perplex. Changarawi, girt,little white stones like those in coarse sand. Chango, plur. vyango, a peg to hang things upon. Chango, small intestines, round worms. CJiangu, a kind of fish. Changu, a tribal mark (?). Changu, my. See -angu. Chant = Tani, on the back, back- ward. Chania ku-, to comb for, &c. CJianikiwiti, green. Chanja ku-, to cut up [firewood, &c.]. Chanjiwa ku-, ndui, to be cut for small-pox, to be vaccinated. Chano, plur. vyano, a large wooden platter, a mortar-board. Clianua ku-, to put forth leaves. Chao, their. See -ao. ■ Chapa, plur. machapa, a stamp, -a chapa, printed. [type, Kupiga chapa, to print. Chapa ku-, to beat, to stamp. Chapachapa, wet through, all dripping. Chapeo, a hat. From the French chapeau (?). Chappa or Chappara, excessively. Chapuo, a sort of small drum. Chatu, a python, a crocodile (?). Chavu, plui-. vyavu, a net. •chavu, filthy, unwashed. Chaica, a louse. Cliayi, tea. Chaza, an oyster. Chazo, a sucker fish. Cheche, a small box (such as a lucifer-box). C/iec?2e, a brownmangouste. Also = chechi. Cheche, a spark. Chechea ku-, to walk lame. Chechele, an absent person, one who goes far beyond where he in- tended to stop through inattention. Chechemea ku-, to be lame. Also, to reach up, stretch up to. Chechi, plur. machechi, a spark. Chegua ku-, to choose. Cheka ku-, to laugh, to laugh at. Chekelea ku-, to laugh at, because of. Cheko, plur. macheko, a laugh, '^ a loud laugh. CJielea ku-, to fear for, about, &c. Chelema, watery. Chelewa ku, to be overtaken by something through thought- lessness, to wake up and find it broad daylight, to be struck foolish, to be dumbfounded. Also, to be too late. Sikukawia wala sikucheleica, I did not delay, and I was not late. Cheleza kvr, to keep, to put on one side, to put ofi". Chelezea ku-, to keep or put aside CJielezo = Chilezo. [for. Chembe, a grain, grains. C7t(?TO&e,plur. vyembe (N.), an arrow, the head of an arrow oraharpoon. Chemhe cha moyo (A.), the pit of the stomach. Chemhen, a chisel. Cliemchem, a spring of water. CJie'mka ku-, to boil, to bubble up. Chenezo, plur. vyenezo, a measuring rod, line, &c. 262 CHE CHI Chenga hu-, to cleave, to cut wood, to prune. Clienge clienge^ small broken bits. CJienja = Chenza. Chenu, your. See -enu. Chenyi, havii\g, with. See -enyi. Chenza, a large kind of mandarin orange. Chenza za kiajjemi, Persian, i.e., good chenzas. Cheo, plur. vyeo, measurement, measure, length, breadth, &c., position in the world, station. Chepechepe, wet, soaked with rain, wetted. Chepulm Itu- = Chipulia. Gierawi, a well-known mangrove swamp in the island of Zanzibar. Cheree, a grindstone. Cherevu, cunning, subtlety. Cherhhana, machine. Cherlihana cha Tcushona, a sewing Cheruwa, measles. [machine. Chetezo, plur. vyefezo, a censer, a pot to fume incense in. Cheti, plur. vyeti, a pass, a passport. Chetu, our. See -etu. Chewa, a kind of fish. Cheza Im-, to play, to dance. Kucheza gwaridi, to be drilled in European fashion. Kucheza komari, to play for Cheza, a kind of oyster. [money. Cheza hu-, to play with. Kuchezea unyago, to deflower a virgin (?). Chi = Ki: Chicha, the scraped cocoa- nut after the oil has been squeezed out. It is sometimes used to rub on the hands to clean them of grime, but is generally thrown away as refuse. Chichiri, a bribe. Chilcapo = Kihnpu^ a basket. Chikichi, plur. machikichi, the fruit of the palm-oil tree. Kichikichi, plur. vichikichi, the small nuts contained in the fruit of the palm-oil tree. Chllezo, plur. vilezo, a buoy. Cliimha ku-, to dig (M. timha). Chimbia ku-, to dig for (M. timbia). Chimbia ku- = Kimbia ku-y to run away. Chimbua ku-, to dig out or away. Chimbuko, origin, first beginning, source. Chini, down, bottom, below. Yuko chini, he is down stairs. Chini 7ja, under, below. *Chinja ku-, to cut, to slaughter animals by cutting the throat, which is the only manner allowed by the Mohammedan law, hence generally to kill for food (M. liutinda). Chinki,3i small yellow bird kept in cages. Chinusi, a kind of water sprite, which is said to seize men when swimming, and hold them un- der water till they are dead, (?) cramp. Chinyango, a lump of meat. Chipuka, &c. = Chupuka, &c. Chipukizi, a shoot, a young plant. See Tepukuzi. Chipukizi ndio mti, children will be men in time. Chiriki, a small yellow bird often kept in cages. Chiro, chironi = Choo, chooni. Chiroko = Cliooko, a kind of pulse. Chiti = Cheti, a note of hand, a rote of any kind. CHO CHO 263 Cho, -cko, -cJio-, v.'hich. Che chote, whatsoever. Ckoa, ringrorm. Ch^jcha Till; to poke out from, out of a hole. Cliochea hu-, to make up a fire, to turn up a lamp. Cliochelezca Jcu-, to stir up and in- crease discord, to add fuel to the fire. Cliofya Tiu-. See Chovya. Choka JiU; to become tired. Nimeclwha, I am tired. Chohaa, lime. Cholcea, a stye in the eye, hordeolum. Chokoa hu-, to clear out, to free from dirt, enlarge a small hole. ChoJcochoko, a kind of fruit with a red prickly rind, white pulp, and a large kernel. Chokora ku-, to pick (with a knife, &c.). Chokora, plur. machokora, a hanger- on, a follower, a dependant. Chokoza ku-, to teaze, to irritate. Chole, a place on the island of Zan- zibar famous for cocoa-nuts ; also, the chief town of Monfia. Glioma ku-, to stab, to stick, to prick, to dazzle. Vulgarly in Zanzibar — to use fire to in any way, to burn, to roast, to parch, to fire, to apply cautery, to bake pottery. Clwmho, plur. vyomho, a vessel, a pot, a dhow. Vyomho is used for household utensils, things used in a house, goods. Chomea ku-. See Choma ku-. Chomeka ku-, to be stuck into, to be set on fire. Chomelea ku-, to take out a bad piece of cloth, thatch, &c., and put in a new one. Chomoza ku-, to be hot. I Chonga ku-, to cut, to adze, to hollow out, to cut to a point. Kuchonga kalamu, to make a pen. Chonge, canine teeth, cuspids. Chongea ku-, to cut for, or with. Chongea ku-, to do a mischief to, to get (a person) into trouble, to inform against. Giongeleza ku-, to carry tales, to backbite. Chongo, loss of an eye. Kuica na chongo, to have lost an eye. Mwenyi chongo, a one-eyed person. Chongoka ku-, to be precipitous. Choo, plur. vyoo, a privy, the bath- room, which always contains one. Chooko, a small kind of pea, very much resembling the seeds of the everlasting pea of English gardens. Cliopa, plur. machopa, such a quan- tity as can be carried in the two hands. Chopi. Kwenda chopi, to walk lame in such a manner as tliat the lame side is raised at every step. Chopoa ku-, to drag out of one's hand. Chopoka ku-, to slip out of the hand. Chora ku-, to carve, to adorn with carving, to draw on a wall. Chorochoro, scratclies, marks. Clioropoka ku-, to slip out of one's hand. Gwveka ku-, to put into water, to steep. Chovya ku-, to dip, to gild. Chosha ku-, to tire, to make tired. 264 CHO CHU CJiosi = Kisoze. Chota Jcu; to make up a little at a Chote, all. See -ote. [time. Chovu, weary, tired. Choyo, greediness, avarice. Micenyi clioyo, a miser. Chozi, plur. machozi, a tear, a tear- drop. Chub ! sht ! nonsense ! Cliuhua hu; to take the skin oflf, to bruise. Chubuachuhua liu-, to bruise about, to batter. Chuhuha ku-, to be raw, to be bruised. CJmhiin, a plummet. Chucliu ya ziica, a teat. Chuchumia ku-, to stretch up to reach something. Chui, a leopard, leopards. Chuja ku-, to strain. Chujuka ku-, to have tlie colour washed out. Cliuki, the being easily disgusted or offended. Ana chuki huyu, he is easily put out. Chukia ku-, to be disgusted at, to abhor, to hate, not to bear. Chukiwa ku-, to be offended. Chukiza ku-, to disgust, to offend. Chukizisha ku-, to make to offend. Chuku, a cupping horn. CJiukua ku-, to carry, to carry off, to bear, to support, to sus- tain. Kuchukua mimha, to be pregnant. Chukulia ku-, to carry for a person. Pass, kucliukulhca, to be carried for, to have carried for one, to be borne, to drift. Ckukuliana ku-, to bear with one another. CJiukuza ku-, to make, to carry, to load. Cliula or Chura, plur. vyula, a frog. Cliuma, plur. vyuma, iron, a piece of iron. Chuma ku-, to pluck, to gather^ to make profit. Chumha, plur, vyumba, a room. Chumvi, salt. Chumvi ya haluU, sulphate of Cliuna ku, to flay. [magnesia. Chunga ku-, to pasture, to tend animals. Cliunga ku-, to sift. Chungu, plur. vyungu, an earthen cooking pot. CJiungu, ante, Chungu, sl heap. Chungu chungu, in heaps. -chungu, bitter (uchungu, the quality of bitterness). CJiungulia ku-, to peep. Chungiva, plur. machungwa, an orange. CJmngwa la kizungu, a sweet orange. Chunika ku-, to lose the skin, to be Chunjua, a wart. [flayed. Chunuka ku-, to love exceedingly, to long for. Chunuzi = Cliinusi. CJiunyu, an incrustation of salt, as upon a person after bathing in salt water. Chuo, plur. vyuo, a book. Chuoni, school, Mwana wa chuoni, a scholar, learned man. Cliupa, plur. machupa, a bottle, Chupia ku; to dash. Chupuka ku- or Chipuka ku-. to sprout, become sprouted, to shoot, to spring. CHU DAM 265 Chupuza Im-, or Chipuza hu-, to sprout, to throw out sprouts, to shoot, to spring. Churuhiza ku-, to drain out. Chururika hu- = Churuziha hu-. Churuica, measles. Churuza ku-, to keep a stall, to trade in a small way. Churuzika ku-, to run down with. Kuchuruzika damu, to bleed freely. Chussa, plur. vyussa, a harpoon. Chuuza = Churuza. Chwa ku-, to set (of the sun). The ku- bears the accent and is re- tained in the usual tenses. Mchana kucliwa, or kutwa, all day till sunset, all day long. D. D has the same sound as in English. It occurs as an inital letter chiefly in words derived from the Arabic. L ox r and t become d after an n. Befu, long, makes kamha ndefu, a long rope, not nrefu. Kanitafutia, and seek out for me, when pronoimced quickly becomes Kandaftia. D in the dialect of Mombas be- comes j or dy in that of Zanzibar. *Ndoo I Come (Momb.). Njoo! (Zanz.) See C and J. Data, a small tin box. Also, a fool. Dacha ku, to drop. Vada, sister, a term of endearment among women. D si ku-, to pry into things, to ask impertinent and unnecessary questions. . Dafina, a hidden treasure. Daftari, an account book. Dafu, plur. madafu, a cocoa-nut fully grown before it begins to ripen, in which state it supplies a very favourite drink. When the shell has begun to harden and the nutty part to thicken, it ceases to be a Dafu and becomes a Koroma. Dagaa, a kind of very small fish like whitebait. Daggla, a short coat. Dai ku-, to claim, to sue for at law. Daka ku-, to catch, to get hold of. DaJiika, a minute, minutes. Daku, the midnight meal during the Eamathan. A gun is fired from one of the ships at Zanzibar about 2 A.M., to give notice that the time for eating is drawing to a close. The name is said to be derived from the saying : — " Leni upesi, kesho kuna ndaa Tcuu." " Eat quickly, to-morrow there will be great hunger." Dakidiza ku-, to contradict, to deny formally, to rebut. Dalali, a salesman, a hawker, an auctioneer. Dalia, a yellow composition much used as a cosmetic : it is said to give softness and a sweet smell to the skin. Dal ill, a sign, a token. Hatta dalili, anything at all, even a trace. Dama, a game played on a board like chess. Damani = Demani. 266 DAM DEU Damu, blood. Danga ku-^ to take up carefully, as they take up a little water left at the bottom of a dipping place to avoid making it muddy. Danganika ku-, to be cheated. Danganikia ku-, to put to coufusion. Danganisha ku-, to confuse. Danganya ku-, to cheat, to humbug, to impose upon. Danzi, plur madanzi, a bitter, scarcely eatable sort of orange. The Danzi is reputed to be the original orange of Zanzibar. The name is sometimes applied to all kinds of oranges, and sweet oranges are called madanzi ya Kizungu, European (Portuguese) oranges. Dao. See Dau. Dapo, plur. madapo, a native umbrella. Darabi, plur. madarahi, a rose apple. Daraja, a step, a degree, a rank, a staircase, a bridge, a league. Darasa,a class for reading, a regular meeting for learning. Dari, a roof, an upper floor. Darini, up-stairs, or, on the roof. Darizi, embroidery, quilting. See also Kanzu. Darumeti, part of a dhow, inner planking. Dasili, a detergent powder made of the dried and powdered leaves of the mkunazi. Dasturi. See Desturi. Dau, plur. madau, a native boat sharp at both ends, with a square mat sail. They are the vessels of the original inhabitants of Zanzibar, and chiefly bring fire- wood to the town from the south end of the island. Daulati, the government. Daica, plur. datoa or madawa, n medicine. Daiva ya kuhara, a purgative. Dawa ya kutapika, an emetic. Dawamu ku-, to persevere. Dawati, a writing desk. Dayima, always, perpetually. Dayimara = Dayima. Dehe, tin can. See Daha. Deheni, lime and fat for chunam- ming the bottoms of native craft. Deheni ku-. to chunam the bottom of a dhow. Deka ku-, to refuse to be pleased, to be perverse, to be teazing. Delhi, a donkey's walk. Kwenda delki, to walk (of a donkey). Dema, a kind of fish-trap. Demani, the sheet of a sail. Demani, the season of gentle southerly winds, beginning about the end of August. It is applied less correctly to the whole season of southerly winds from April to the end of October. Dendaro, a sort of dance. Kukata denge, to shave the hair except on the crown of the head. Den^M, peas, split peas. They are not grown in Zanzibar, but are brought dry from India. Deni, debt, a debt, debts. Deraye (?), armour. Desturi, a so it of bowsprit, to carry forward the tack of a dhow-sail. Desturi, custom, customs. Deidi, a silk scarf worn round the waist. DE V DUA 267 Devai, claret, light wine. Dia, composition for a man's life, tine paid by a murderer. Dibaji, elegance of composition, a good style. Didimia hu-, to sink. Didimihia hu-, to bore with an awl, &c. Didimisha ku-, to sink, to cause to sink. Digali, part of a native pipe, being the stem which leads from the bowl into a vessel of water through which the smoke is drawn. Diko, plur. madiJco, a landing-place. Dimu, a lime. Dimu tamu, a sweet lime. Dim, religion, worship. J)ira, the mariner's compass. Dirihi ku-, to succeed in one's pur- pose by being quick, to be quick enough to catch a person, to be in time. Dirisha, plur. madirisha, a window. Diwani, plur. madiwani, a council- lor, a title of honour among the coast people. Doana, a hook. Dohi, a washerman. Doda ku-, to drop. Dodo. See Emhe. Dodoki, plur. madodohi, a long slender fruit eaten as a vege- table. Dodoa ku-, to take up a little at a time. Dofra, plur. madofra, a sailmaker's palm. -dogo, little, small, young, younger. Dohaan, Dokhaan, or Dohani, a chimney. Marikebu ya dohaan, a steamship. I Hence Dohani, or Dokhani, a sort : of tall basket in which fruit is brought on men's heads to market. The foundation is made of sticks about two feet long, loosely tied together, which are supplemented with plaited cocoa-nut leaves, until the whole becomes perhaps six feet high and fifteen to twenty inches in diameter. These dohani are often decked with flowers and green leaves. Dokaa ku-, to nibble. Dokem ku-, to give a little part of anything, to give a hint. Dokra, a cent. Domo. Eupiga domo, to tell a person in confidence. Dona ku-, to peck. Donda, plur. madonda, large sores. Donda ndugu, malignant ulcers. Dondo, pi. madondo, a tiger cowry . Used to smooth down seams with. Dondo, stsLich, the dressing of calico. Dondoa ku-, to pick up small frag- ments, to pick up rice, &c., to pick up bit by bit. Dondoka ku-, to drop from little by little. Mbegu zimenidondoka, the seeds dropped from my band one by one. Dondoro, Dyker's antelope. Donea ku-, to flatter like a bird. Donge, plur. madonge, a small round thing, a ball. Donoa ku-, to peck, to sting. Doti, a loin-cloth, a piece of cloth a little less than two yards long. Doya ku-, to go as a spy, Dua, worship, theology. 268 DUA Duaruy a windlass, anything round. Dude, plur. madude, a what-is-it ? a thing of which you don't know or have forgotten the name. Dudu, plur. madudu, an insect, insects. Duduvuhj a kind of hornet which bores in wood. -dufu, insipid, tasteless. Dulca, plur. maduka, a shop. DuMza hu-, to listen secretly. Bukizi, plur. madukizi, an eaves- dropper, a tale-bearer. Dumhuza, a plant having big yellow flowers with dark centres. Dumia hu-, to persevere. Bumisha ku-y to make to continue. Dumu, a jar (?). Dumu ku-j to continue, to persevere. Dun, a fine. Dundu, plur. madundu, a large pumpkin shell used to hold liquids. Dunge, the green skin of the ca- shew nut, an immature cashew nut. Dungu, plur. madungu, the roof over the little stages for watching corn, &c. Dumgumaro, a kind of spirit, also the drum, &c., proper for expelling Duni, below, less. [him. Dunia, the world, this world. Durabini, a telescope, an eyegl iss. Kupiga durabini, to use a glass, telescope. Duru hu-, to surround. Durusi hu-, to meet in a regular class for study. Dusamali, a striped silk scarf or handkerchief worn upon the head by women. Duumi, a dhow sail. Duzi, plur. maduzi, one who de- lights to find out and proclaim secrets and private matters. E. E has a sound between those of a in gate and of ai in chair. In the dialect of Zanzibar it is often substituted for the a of more northern Swahili, especially as re- presenting the Arabic /ei'/ia. Merikehu, a ship, is in the Mombas dialect Marihahu, and in the Arabic Markah. The sound of e often arises from the fusion of the final a of a prefix with an e or i which follows it, as — Akenda for A-ha-enda, and he went. Akaweta for A-ka-wa-ita, and he called them. Some of the cases in which e in the Zanzibar dialect stands for a in northern Swahili may be explained by the substitution at Zanzibar of in for a mere 'n, as in the word for " land " or country," which is ^nfi at Mombas, with so mere an 'n that the vowel of the preceding word may be run into it, as in the saying — " Mvunddnti, mwandnti." "A country can be ruined only by its own children." Whereas in Zanzibar, besides the usual change of t into ch, the first syllable has generally a distinct * eound, and may be better written incM. Thus at Mombas the root of the adjective " many " seems to be ngi, making the substantive " plenty," or " a large quantity," ungi, and with EBB END 269 the proper prefix "many people," ica-ngi. But in Zanzibar " plenty " is lo-ingi, and "many people" wengi, as if tca-ingi. Ehhe, for Leheha. Ebv.! Eehol well then! come then! Eda. Ku halia eda, to remain in ex- treme privacy and qniet for five months, as is usual by way of mourniug for a husband. Edashara, eleven. Ee! 0! Ee Waa ! or Ee Wallah I the common answer of slaves and Inferiors when called to do something, a strong assent. Eema (M.) = Dema, a kind of fish- trap. Egemea hu-., to lean. Ehee! Yea \ Ekerald, a provocation, an irritating word or thing. Ehua ku-, to break by bending. Ekuka ku', to be sprung, to be broken. -ekundu, red. It makes jekundu with nouns like kasha, and ny ekundu with nouns like ny- Ela (M.), except. [umha. Elafu, thousands. Elea ku-, to float, to become clear. Moyo vximwelea, he feels sick (M.) Yamekuelea ? Do you under- stand ? Have they (my words) become clear to you ? Eleka ku-, to carry a child astride on the hip or back. Elekea ku-, to be right, to agree, to be opposite to. Eltkeana ku-, to be opposite to one another. Elemisha ku-, to teach, instruct. Eleza ku-, to make to float, to swim a boat, to make clear, to explain. Elfeen or Elfain, two thousand. Elfu, a thousand. Elimisha ku-, to instruct, to make learned. Elimu, or e'Umu-, learning, doctrine. -ema, good, kind. It makes jema with nouns like kasha, Sindnjenia or ngema with nouns like nyumha. -emlamha, narrow, thin, slim. It m^ikes jembamha with noims like kasha,and nyemhamba with nouns like nyumha. Euibe, a mango. In Mombas the plural is Maembe, in Zanzibar it is Embe. Embe dodo, or Embe za dodo, a very large kind of mango, bO named from a plantation in Pemba, where they fiist grew. Enibe kinoo, a small kind of mango which is very sweet. Embioe, glue, gum. Embice la ubuyu, a kind of paste made from the fruit of the calabash tree. Enda kiv-, to go. The kic- is re- tained in the usual tenses. Kivenda is often used merely to carry on the narration without any distinct meaning of going. Sometimes it is employed as an auxiliary, nearly as we say in English, he is going to do it. Sometimes it expresses an action merely, as Etcenda chafya, to sneeze. Kioenda and Kupiga used in this way can- not be exactly translated. Kicenda kica mguu, to walk. Kicenda temhea, to go for a walk. 270 END ESH Kwenda mghad, &c., to go canter- ing, &c. Kwenda zangu, zaJco, zake, &c., in other dialects, vyangu, vyake, &c., and thangu, tliake, &c., to go away, to go, to go one's way, to depart. Imekwenda tivaliwar, they have gone to fetch it. Fndea kw-, to go for, to, or after. Endeka kw-, to be passable, to be capable of being gone upon, to be gone upon. Endelea kio-, to go either forward or backward. Kwendelea mhele, to advance. Kwendelea nyuma, to retire. Endeleza ku-, to spell, to prolong. Enea ku-, to spread, to become known. Enenda ku-, to go, mostly in the sense of to go on, to proceed, to go forward. Enenza ku-, to measure together, to try which exceeds the other. Eneo, the spread, the extent covered. Eneo la Muungu, God's omni- presence. Eneza ku-, to spread, to cause to spread, to cause to reach. Muungu amemweneza killa mtu riziki zake, God has put within the reach of every man what is necessary for him. Enga ku-, to split mahogo for cooking. Engaenga ku-, to coddle, to tend over carefully. Engua ku-, to skim. -enu, your, of you. -enu ninyi, your own. Emji or Enyie, You there! You there, I say 1 -enyi, having, possessing, with. It makes mwenyi, loenyi, yenyi, zenyi, lenyi, chenyi, vyenyi, and penyi, which see. Enza ku-, to ask news of a person. Enzi, or Ezi, sovereignty, dominion, majesty. Mwenyi ezi, the sovereign, he who is supreme. See Ezi. Epa ku-, to endeavour to avoid (a stone, stroke, &c.) Epea ku-, not to go direct to, to miss a mark, not to shoot straight (of a gun). Epeka ku-, to be avoidable, to be what can be got out of the way of. -epesi, light, not heavy, easy, quick, willing. It makes jepesi with nouns like kasha, and mjepesi with nouns like nyumba. Epua ku-, to brush or shake off, to take away. Epuka ku-, to be kept from, to avoid, to abstain from. Epukana ku-, to be disunited. Epukika ku-, to be evitable. Haiepukiki, it is inevitable. Epusha ku-, to make to avoid, tc keep from. Epusliv-a ku-, to be kept from, to be forbidden something. -erevu, subtle, shrewd, cunning. Erevuka ku-, to become shrewd, to get to know the ways of the world, to grow sharp. Erevusha ku-, to make sharp and knowing. Eria ku-, to ease off, let down. See Ariaa. Eslia, the latest Mohammedan hour of prayer, which may be said to be from half-past 6 to about 8 P.M. ESS FAH 271 Esse (?), a screw. -etu, our, of us. -etu sisi, our own. Eua ku-, to sprinkle with Wivtor after praying by way of charm against a disease. ■eupe, white, clear, clean, light- coloured. It makes jeupe with nouns like kasha, and nyeupe with nouns like nyumba. -eupee, very white. -eusi, black, dark-coloured. It makes jeusi with nouns like kasha, and nyeusi with nouns like nyumba. Eicaa = Ee Waa. Ewe.' You there ! Hi ! I say, you ! plur. Enyi. Eza ku; to measure. Ezeka ku-, to thatch, to cover with thatch. Ezi = Enzi, sovereignty. Mwenyi ezi Muungu, or Mn-enye- ztmngu. Almighty God, God the Lord, representing in Swa- hili the AllaJi taala, God the Most High, of the Arabic. Ezua ku-, to uncover. Kuezua ixia, to strip a roof. P. F has the same sound as in English. jPand V are confounded by the Arabs, though in Swahili perfectly distinct, thus : — Ku-faa means — to be profitable to. Ku-vaa means — to put on. There is, however, in some cases a little indistinctness, as in the common termination ifu or ivu; the right letter is probably in all cases a V. The Arabs in talking Swahili turn p's into fs, and say funda for puncla, a donkey ; and conversely, some slaves from inland tribes turn /'s intop's. P, however, does some- times become / before a y sound, as kuogopa, to fear, kuogofya, to frighten. There is a curious fy sound used in some dialects of Swahili, which is rarely heard in Zanzibar. Fa ku-, to die, perish, cease, fade away. The ku- bears the ac- cent, and is retained in the usual tenses. Faa ku-, to be of use to, to avail, to be worth something, Haifai, it is of no use, it won't do. Faana ku-, to be of use to one an- other, to help one another. Fafanisha ku-, to liken. Fajanua ku-, to recognize, to under- stand. Fafanuka ku-, to become clear. Fa/anukia ku-, to be clear to. Fafanulia ku-, to make clear to. Faganzi ku-, to become callous. Mguu u-angu umenifaganzi, my foot is asleep. Fagia ku-, to sweep. Fahali, plur. mafahali, a bull, used of men in the sense of manly. Fahamia. [strong. Kica kufdhamia (M.), on the face, forward. Fahamisha ku-, to make to under- stand, to remind. Fahamu ku-, to understand, to re- member. Fahari = Fakhari, glory. T 2 272 F AJ FAT Kufanya fahari, to live beyond one's means and station. Faja lafrasi, a stable. Fakefa, generous,a generous person. FaJchari, glory. Fakiri, poor, a poor person. Fala ku; (Mer.) = Faa ku-. Falaki, or fdlak, astronomy. Kupiga falaki, to prognosticate by the stars. Fall, an omen, omens. Fana ku-, to be very good of its kind, to become like (?). Fanana ku-, to become like, to resemble. Fananisha ku-, to make to resemble. Fanikia ku-, to turn out well for, Kufanikiwa, to prosper. Fanusi, a lantern. Famja ku-, to make, to do, to adapt, to mend. Kujifanya, to make one's self, to pretend to be. Kufanya kura, to cast lots. Kufanya shauri, to take counsel. Fanyia ku-, to do or make for or to. Nikufanyieje'? What am I to do with you ? Fanyika ku-, to be made or done, makable or doable. Fanyiza ku-, to amend, to mend. Fanyizika ku-, to be very good, to be well done. Far a or Far afar a, brimful, full to the brink. Faragha, privacy, secrecy, leisure. Faraja, comfort, ease after pain. Farajika ku-, to be comforted, to be eased. Farakana ku-, to be alienated. Farakiana ku-, to be alienated in regard to one another. Farakisha ku-, to alienate. Faranga, pi. mafaranga, a chicken, a young fowl. Farasi or Frasi, a horse, in Arabic a mare. Fariji ku-, to comfort, to console. Fariki ku-, to become separated, to decease. Fdrine, a kind of rice and milk gruel. FarisM ku-, to spread. Faritha, pay. Faroma, a block to put caps on after washing them, to prevent their shrinking. Farrathi, necessity, obligation, obli- gatory. Farratld, a place one habitually goes to. The th of this word is the Eng- lish til in that, the ih of the preceding word is a little thicker. Farumi, ballast. FasMfaski, nonsense. FasMni, the sternpost of a dhow. FasiJii, correct, clean, pure. Fasili, spreading. Huna dsili, icala fasili, you have neither root nor branches, i.e., neither good birth nor great connections. Fasiri ku-, to explain, to interpret. Fasiria ku-, to explain to, to inter- pret to. Fataki, a percussion cap, a gun cap. Fathaa, restlessness, disquiet. Fathaika ku-, to be troubled, dis- quieted, thrown into confusion. Fathali = AfathaU, preferably. Fafhali = Fathili. FatheJii ku-, to put to confusion, to find out a person in a trick, &c. FAT FIK 273 Fathili, a favour, a kindness, kind- nesses. Fathili ku-, to do a kindness, to deserve well. Fatiha, a Mohammedan form of prayer. Fatiishi Itu-, to pry, to be over curious. Fauluku'jto getpast,to getthrough, to weather. Fawiti Jcu; to delay, to occupy, to hinder. Faijida, profit, gain, advantage, interest. Fayidi ku-, to get profit. Fayiti ku-, to delay. Fayitika ku-, to be delayed. Fazaa, trouble, confusion, anxiety. FeJca ku- = Fieka ku-, to clear forest lands. Felefele, an inferior kind of millet. Feleji or Felegi, a choice kind of steel. Upanga ica feleji, a long straight two-edged sword, used by the Arabs. Feleti ku-, to discharge, to release from an obligation, to release. Feli, plur. mafeli, a beginning of speaking or doing. Fereji, a channel, a drain. Ferusaji = Forsadi. Fetha, silver, money. Fethaluka. Manjani ya fethaluka, the true red coral. Fetheha, a disgraceful thing, a shame. Ff.theheka ku-, to be found out in a disgraceful thing, to be put to shame. Fetiu-a ku-, to be condemned or adjudged to [a punishment]. Fetwa ku-, to give judgment on a question of Mohammedan law. Feuli, the place in a dhow where they stow tilings which may be wanted quickly. Fi, by. Sahafi saha, seven times seven. Fia ku; to leave behind, to die to. Pass. Kufiwa na, to lose by death. Fiata ku-, to liold one's hands oi one's clothes between one's legs. Fiatika ku-, to be kept back, to be delayed. Fiatua ku-, to allow a spring to escape, to let off. Fiatuka ku-, to escape (as a spring) Ficha ku-, to hide. Kunificlia kofia-, to hide a cap from me. Kunificliia kofia, to hide my cap. Fidi ku-, to ransom (of the piice paid). Fidia, a ransom, a sacrifice (giving up). Fidia ku-, to ransom (of the person paying). Fidina, mint (?). Fieka ku-, to clear. Kufieka micitu, to clear ground in a forest. Fifia ku-, to disappear, to cease to be visible (as a scar or a mark ; it does not imply motion), to pine away, (of seeds) not to come up. Figa, plur. mafiga, the three stones used to set a pot over the fire upon. See Jifya. Figao, a movable fireplace. Figili, a kind of large white radish. Figo, kidney (M.). Fika ku-, to arrive, to reach, to come. 274 FIK FOR Fikara, thought. Filda ku', to reach a person. Fikicha ku-, to crumble, to rub to pieces, to rub hard, to thresh corn. (Used also obscenely). Fikilia ku-, to come to a person on business of his, to arrive and return without delay. Fikiliza ku-, to cause to arrive for. Kufikiliza ahadi, to fulfil a pro- mise. Fikisha ku-, to make to arrive, to lead, to take. Fikira, thought, consideration. Fikiri ku-, to consider, to ponder. Fil, a chess castle or rook (in Arabic, an elephant). Fila ku- = Fia ku-. Afile mhali, that he may die out of the way. Filimhi, a flute. Filisi ku-, to take away a man's property, to seize for debt. Filisika ku-, to come to want, to have been sold up, to have run through all one's money. Fimho, a stick. Finessi, plur. mafinessi, a jack fruit. Finessi la kizungu, a duryan. Fingirika ku-, to roll along, to be rolled, to writhe like a wounded snake. Fingirisha ku-, to roll, to make to Finya ku-, to pinch. [roll. Finyana ku-, to be pinched to- gether, to be gathered up small. Finyanga ku-, to do potter's work, to make pots, to tread and trample. Fianya ku-, to chirp, to make a chirruping noise with the mouth, to do so by way of showing con- tempt. Fira ku-, to commit sodomy. Fir ana ku-, to commit sodomy to- gether. Firigisi, the gizzard. Firinglii = Firigisi. Firkomba, an eagle (?). Firuzi, a turquoise. Fisadi, one who enters other peo- ple's houses for a wrongful pur- FisJia ku-, to cause to die. [pose. Fid, a hysena. Fisidi ku-, to enter other people's ]iouses for a wrongful purpose, to commit an offence in another man's house. Fitliuli = Futhuli, officious, over talkative. Fitina, slander, sowing of discord, a disturbance. Fitini ku-, to slander, to sow dis- cord. Fitiri, alms and presents given at the end of the Ramathan. Flto (plur. of ujito), long slender sticks. Fiwa ku-, to be died to, to lose by death. Mwanamke aliofiica rta mumewe, a widow. Fiwe, a sort of bean growing on a climbing plant with a white Fojofu. [flower. Kufa fofofu, to die outright Fola, a gift expected from those who first touch a new-born baby, paying your footing. Foramali, a ship's yard. Formash. Dawati ya formash, a workbox. Forsadi, a small kind of edible fruit, mulberries. Fortha, a custom-liouse. Forthani, at the custom-house. FRA FUM 275 Fras, Frasi, or Farasi, a horse, a mare. Frasi, a chess knight. •fu, dead. Maji mafu, neap tides. Fua, a wooden bowl. Fua ku-, to beat (?), to wash clothes, to clear the husk from cocoa- nuts, to work in metal, to make things in metal. Kufua chuma, to be a blacksmith. Kufuafetha, to be a silversmith. Kufua thahabu, to be a goldsmith. Kufua Msu, &c., to forge a knife, &c. Fuama hu-, to lie on the face (Momb.). Fuata }cu-, to follow, to imitate, to obey. Fuatana hu-, to accompany, to go with. Fuatanisha hu-, to make to accom- pany. Fuau-a hu-, to lie on the side and be beaten by the waves, as when a vessel goes ashore broadside on. Pass, of fua (?). Fuawe, an anvil. Fucha = Futa. Fudifudi, on the face (of falling or lying). Fudihiza hu-, to turn bottom up- wards, to turn cards backs upper- most. Fufua hu-, to cause to revive, to resuscitate. Fufuha hu-, to revive, to come to life again. Fufuliza hu-, to cause to come to life again for some one. Fufumonye, in the kitchen (Pemba). Fuga hu-, to keep animals either tame or in captivity. Fugika hu-, to be capable of being kept, to be capable of domesti- cation, not to die in captivity. Fuja hu; to waste, to squander, to leak. See Vuja. Fiijiha hu-, to moulder, waste away. Fujo, disorder, uproar. Fiijofujo, slovenliness, laziness. Fuha, a kind of thin porridge. Fuhu hu-, to fill in a small hole. Fuha moshi hu-, to throw out smoke, to fume. See Vuhe. Fuhara, very poor. Fichia hu; to fill up a small hole. Fuhiza hu-, to cense, to put the fuming incense -pot under a per- son's beard and into his clothes, by way of doing him honour. Fuhizo, vapour, fumes. Fuho (?), a mole. Fuho, plur. mafuho, a large bag. Fuhua hu-, to dig a small narrow hole, such as those to receive the posts of houses ; to dig into a grave so as to get at the body ; to dig out, to dig up. Fuhuafuhua hu-, to burrow. Fuhuta hu-, to blow with bellows. Fuhuza hu-, to drive away, to chase. Fuhuzana hu-, to chase one another. Fuhuzia hu-, to drive away from. lulia hu-, to work in metal for, to make things in metal for. Fid {full, on the face, forwards. Fidiza hu-, to go on, not to stop ; also, to blow upon, to kindle. Fullani, such a one, such and such men or things. Fululiza hu-, not to stop or delay to go on fast. Fuma hu-, to weave. Fuma hu-, to hit with a spear, to shoot with arrows. 276 FUM FUN Fnmania ku-, to come suddenly upon, to surprise, intrude. Fumaniana ku-, to intrude into people's bouses without reason- able cause. Those who do so have no remedy if they are beaten or wounJed. Fumatiti, au owl (?). Fumha ku-, to close, to shut (used of the eyes, the mouth, the hand, &e.). Maneno ya fumha, a dark saying. Makuti ya fumha, cocoa-nut leaves plaited for making en- closures . Fumha, a lump. Fumha, a kind of sleeping mat, which is doubled and sewn to- gether at the ends, so as to make a large shallow bag. The sleeper gets inside, and draws the loose edge under him, so as to be com- pletely shut in. jP?^?w6ato/i;M-, to close til e fist, to grasp. Fumhatika ku-, to be grasped. Fumhia ku-, to talk darkly. Fumho, plur. mafumho, a dark say- ing, a hidden thing. Famhua ku-, to unclose, to open the eyes, &c. Fumhuka ku-, to come to light. Fumhulia ku-, to lay open to, to explain. Fumi, a kind of fish. Fu'mka ku-, to become unsewn, to open at the seams, to leak (of a boat). Fumo, plur. mafumo, a flat-bladed spear. Fumo, a chief (Kingozi and Nyassa). Fumua ku-, to unrip, to unpick. Kufumua moto, to draw out the pieces of wood from a fire. Fumuka ku- = Fu'mka ku-. Funda, a large mouthful making the cheeks swell out, a sip (?), a draw at a pipe. Kupiga funda, to take large mouthfuls one by one. Funda ku-, to beat up, to mis by beating, to pound. Funda ku-, to teach. Fundi, a skilled workman, a master workman, a teacher of any handi- craft. Fundinha ku-, to teach, to instruct. Kujifundisha, to learn. FundisJio, plur. mafunduho,ir.stvuc- tion, direction, teaching. Fundo, plur. mafundo, a knot. Kupiga fungo, to tie a knot Fundua ku-, to untie. Funga, a civet cat. Funga ku-, to fasten, to tie, to bind, to imprison, to fast. Kufunga choo, to become consti- pated. Fungamana ku-, to cling together, to connect, to tie together, to rely upon. Fungana ku-, to bind, to stick together. Fungasa ku-, to tow. Fungate, a period of seven days after the completion of the wed- ding, during which the bride's father sends food to the bride- groom and his friends. Fungisha ku-, to shut against. Fungo, a civet cat. Fungu, plur. mafungic, a bank, a shoal, a heap, a part, a week. Fungua. See Mfunguo. Fungua ku-, to unfasten, to open, to let loose, to leave off fast- ing. FUN FYU 277 Funguka 7cu-, to become unfastened, to be unfastenable. Funguliwa ku-., to have unfastened for one, to be unfastened. Funguo (plur. of Ufunguo), keys. Funguza Jcu-, to present with food during the Eamathan. Funika ku-, to cover (as with a lid), to close a book. Funikika ku-, to become covered. Funikiza ku-, to cover (as with a flood). Funo, a kind of animal. Funua ku-, to lay open, to uncover, to open a book, to unpick sew- ing, to show cards. Kufunua macho, to open one's eyes. Funuka ku-, to become opened, to open like a flower, &,c. Funza, a maggot. Funza ku-, to teach. Kvjifunza, to learn. Fupa, plur. mafupa, a large bone, the anus (?). •fupi, short. It makes fupi with nouns like nyumba. Fupiza ku-, to shorten. Fura ku-, to swell, to be pufled up from the eflects of a blow only. Furaha, gladness, joy, pleasure, gladly. Furahani, with gladness, liappiness. Fur alii ku-, to rejoice, to be glad. Furalda ku-, to rejoice in. Furahisha ku-, to make glad. Furahiwa ku-, to be made glad, to be rejoiced. Furijika ku-, to moulder away. Furika ku-, to run over, to boil over, to inundate. Furukuta ku-, to move, as of some- thing moving under a carpet. Furumi, ballast. Furungu, plur. mafurungu, a large citron, a shaddock, a kind of anklet. Furushi, a bundle tied up in a cloth. Fusfus or Fussus, precious stones. Fnsi, rubbish. Futa ku-, to wipe. Kufuta kamasi, to blow the nose. Futa ku-, to draw a svfOTd(=vuta9). Futari, the first food taken after a fast. Futi, plur. mafuti, the knee (A.) Futhuli, oflSciousness. Futika ku-, to tuck into the girdle or loin-cloth. Futua ku-, to open out a bundle, take out what was tucked in. Futuka ku-, to get cross or angry. Futukia ku-, to get cross with. Futuri, a span. Futuru ku-, to eat at the end of a fast, to break a fast. Fuu, plur. mafuu, a small black fruit. Fuvu, plur. mafuvu, an empty shell. Fuvu la kitiva, a skull. Fuza leu-, to go on, not to stop. Fuzi, plur. mafuzi, a shoulder (A.). Ficata ku- = Fuata ku-. Fyoa ku-, to answer abusively. Fijolea ku-, to answer a person with abuse and bad language. Fijonda ku- or Fyonja ku-, to suck out. Fyonya ku-, to chirrup. See Fiomja. Fyonza ku-, to suck. Fyoma ku-, to read (M.). Fyuka ku-, to go off, to drop, to escape like a spring. 278 GAA GAR G. G is always to be pronounced hard, as in *'gate." Much con- fusion arises from the way in which the Arabic letters jim and kaaf or qaf are pronounced by different Arabs. Jim is properly an Englisli _;, and is so used by the Swahili, and qaf is properly a guttural k, but most Arabs in Zanzibar pro- nounce either jim or qaf as a hard g. This must be remembered in writing or looking for many Swahili words. The Arabic GJiain is retained in many Swahili words borrowed from the Arabic, and a similar sound occurs in African languages also. It is here written gli. Most Euro- peans think it has sometliing of an r sound, but this is a mistake ; it is a hard grating gr, made wholly in the throat. It resembles the Dutch g, and the German g approaches it. SeeiV. Gaagaa ku-, to turn over restlessly, to roll like a donkey. Gahri. See Kahuri. Gadi, a woodea prop to keep a vessel from falling over when left by the tide. Gaclimu ku-, to put gadi. Gaga, plur. magaga, rubbish, dirt. (?a^, plur. magai, a large piece of potsherd. Galme. See Kalme, the small mizen mast of a dhow. Galawa, a canoe, a small canoe hollowed out of the trunk of a tree, and have two long poles tied across, to the end of which pieces of wood pointed at both ends are attached, which serve to prevent the canoe upsetting. These outriggers are called matengo. See Mtumbwi. Gamha. See Jigamha. Gana, the tiller, the rudder handle. Ganda, plur. maganda, husk, rind, shell, hard bark. Ganda la tatu, the three of cards. Ganda ku-, to stick, to freeze. Gandama ku-, to cleave, to stick. Gandamana ku-, to cleave to- gether, to coagulate, to curdle, to freeze. Gandamia ku-, to stick to, to cleave to. Gando, plur. magando, the claw of a crab. Ganga ku-, to bind round, as when a stick is sprung to bind it round with string, to splice, to mend, to cure. Gauge, a soft white limestone. Gango, plur. magango, a cramp, a splint, something which holds other things together in their riglit place. Gani! What? What sort of? Ihe name of the thing queried about always precedes the word gani. Ganzi. Imekufa ganzi, it has lost all feeling. See Faganzi. Kutia ganzi la meno, to set the teeth on edge. Gari, plur. magari, a carriage, a wheeled vehicle. Garofuu, cloves. Also, a kind of rice. G AU GHU 279 Gauza, Gauha, etc. See Geuza, Geuka, etc. Gaica ku, to divide, to part out. Kugaica harata, to deal cards. Gaicanya hu-, to divide, to share. Gaya ku', to change one's mind, to vacillate. Gayami, a post with a cleat at the side of the poop, to fasten the sheet of a dhow sail to. Gayogayo, a flat fish, (?) a sole. Gema ku-, to get palm wine. They cut the immature flowering shoot and hang something under to catch what flows from the wound, which is the temho, or palm wine. The cutting is renewed from time to time to keep up the flow. Gerribe, plur. mageiribe, a hoe. See Jembe. -geni, foreign, strange. Genzi. Mkuu genzi, one who knows the roads well, a guide. Gereza, a fort, a prison. Geua kvr, to turn, to change (Mer.). Geuha ku-, to become changed, to turn, to change. Geuza ku- or Geusha ku- (?), to cause to change, to turn, to change. Geuzi, plur. mageuzi, a change, changes. Ghdfalu, suddenly. GhafaUka ku-, to be imprudent, not to attend to, to neglect. Ghdfula = ghdfala. Ghairi ku-, to annul, change one's mind as to, put an end to. Kutia ghairi, to offend, to irri- tate. Ghala, a wareroom, a store place, especially the rooms on the ground-floor of Zanzibar houses, which have generally no win- dows, but merely a few small round holes (jniangazd) near the ceiling. Ghali, dear. Ghalirae. See Galme, Kalme Ghalisha ku-, to make dear. Ghangi, a kind of dhow resembling a bagala, except that it has not so long a prow. Ghanima, good luck, profit. Gharama, expense, payment to a native chief by a caravan. Gharika, a flood, the flood. Ghariki ku-, to be flooded, to be covered with water. GJiarikisTia ku-, to flood, to over- whelm. Gliarimia ku-, to go to expense about, to be at the expense of. Ghasi, a measure of about a yard. Ghasi, rebellion. Ghasi ku-, to bother, worry. Ghasia, bother, coming and going, want of privacy. Ghathabika ku-, to be enraged, to be angry. Ghathalisha ku , to enrage, to make angry. Ghathahu, anger. Ghelihu ku-, to master. Gheiri, jealousy, jealous anger. Ghiana, an aggravating person. Ghofira, plur. maghofira, pardon. Gliofiri ku; to forgive sins ; used of God only. Gliofiria ku-, to forgive a person. Ghdrofa, an upper room. Glioshi ku-, to adulterate. Ghuha (?), a sheltered place, a screen. 280 GHU GUM Ghubarij plur. maghubari, a rain cloud. Ghubha, a bay. Ghumiwa ku-, to be startled, to stand aghast. GhuriJca ku-, to be arrogant. Ghururi, arrogance. Ghushi ku- = Glioshi hu-, to adul- terate. Ghusuhu ku; to cheat, to swindle. Gidam, the strap of a sandal, passing between the toes. Ginsi, sort, kind. Ginsi ilivyokuioa njema, &c., it was so good, &c. Crinsi gani ? or Gissi gani ? Why ? How is it ? Giza or Kiza, darkness. Gnamha or Ng'amba, a hawk's-head turtle. Gnomhe or Ng'omhe, an ox, cattle. Goa. See Coo. Gohoa ku; to break off the cobs of Indian corn. Godoro, plur. magodoro, a mattress. Gofia, a pulley. Gogo, plur. magogo, a log of timber, the trunk of a tree when felled. Gomba ku-, to be adverse to, to oppose, to quarrel with. Gombana ku-,to squabble, to quarrel. Gombeza ku-, to forbid. Gombo, plur. magombo, a sheet of a book. Gome, plur. magome, bark of a tree. Gomea ku-, to fasten with a native lock. Gomeo, a native lock. Gonga ku-, to knock. Gonjweza ku-, to make ill. Kujigonjweza, to make oneself out an invalid, to behave like a sick man. Gongo, plur. magongo, a large stick. Gongojea ku-. Kujigongojea, to prop oneself with a staff, to drag oneself along by the help of a stick. Gongomea ku-, to hammer in. Goo. See Mtondo goo. Gora, a piece of cloth, a package of cloth. See Jura. Gorong'ondwa, a kind of lizard. GosM, the tack of a sail. Upande wa gosTiini, the weather side. Eupindua kwa gosliini, to tack. Gota ku-, to tap, to knock. Gote, plur. magote, the knee. Kupiga magote, to kneel. Goteza ku-, to jumble together different dialects or languages. Govi mho, uncircumcised. Gubeti, prow of a dhow. Gubiti, barley-sugar (?). Gudi, a dock for ships. Gudulla or Guduwia, a water-cooler, a porous water-bottle. Gugu, plur. magugu, undergrowth, weeds. Gu^u mwitu, a weed resembling corn. -gugu, wild, uncultivated. Gugumiza ku-, to gulp, to swallow with a gulping sound. Guguna ku-, to gnaw. Gugurusha ku-, to run with a shuffling noise like a rat, to drag along with a scraping noise. Guia ku-, to seize (Mer.). Guiana ku-, to cling together. Gulegule, a dolphin. Gumba. Kidole cha gumba, the thumb. Gumegume. -GUM HA 281 Bunduld ya gtimegume, a flint gun. -gumu, hard, difficult. Guna hu-, to grunt, to make a dis- satisfied noise. Gundua hu-, to see one who thinks himself unseen, to discover un- awares, to catch. Gunga ku-, (1) to warn against doing something, (2) to refuse temptation. Gungu, a kind of dance. Gungu la hufunda, danced by a single couple. Gungu la kukwaa, danced by two couples. » Gunia, a kind of matting bag. Gunzi, plur. magunzi, a cob of Indian com. Gura hu-, to change one's place of residence (A.). Gurisha hu-, to make to remove, to banish (A.). Guru. Suhari guru, half -made sugar. Gurudumo, plur. magurudumo, a wheel. Gurudumo la mzinga, a gun- carriage. Guruguru, a large kind of burrow- ing lizard. Gusa hu^, to touch. Gutuha hu-, to start, to be startled. Guu, plur. maguu, leg (A.). Gwa hu-, to fall [Tumbatu]. Gwanda, a very short hanzu. Gwia hu- = Guia hu-. Giciana hu- = Guiana hu-. H. H has the same sound as in the English word " hate." There are in Arabic two distinct ft's, one wholly made in the throat, the other somewhat lighter than the English h. In Swahili there is only one h sound, which is used for both. The Arabic hli is pronounced as a simple h in all words whicli are thoroughly incorporated into Swa- hili. The hli is used by Arabs and in words imperfectly assindlatod. Some people regard it as a mark of good education to give the proper Arabic sounds to all words of Arabic origin. In Arabic a syllable often ends with h, which is then strongly pro- nounced ; but in Swahili the h is generally transposed so as to pre- cede the vowel. Kuilttimu, to finish one's educa- tion = Kuliitimu. H-, sign of the negative in tlie second and third persons sin- gular. H-upendi, thou lovest not. H-apendi, he lovest not. Ha-, sign of the third person sin- gular negative when referring to animate beings, and of the negative when prefixed to the affirmative prefixes in the plural, and in the third person singular when not referring to animate beings. Ha-tupendi, we love not. Ha-mpendi, you love not. Ha-icapendi, they love not Ha-ifai, it is of no use. The final a of this ha- never coalesces with the following letter. Ha-, a contraction for niha. Hamicona, and I saw him. 282 H AB HAL The third person singular present negative is distinguished by the final i. Hamiconi, he dors not see him. Haha, little, few, shallow. Habahi, my lord. Bahari, news, information, message, story. Hdbari zangu zUizonipata, an ac- count of what had happened to me. HabusMa. plur. mdhdbushia, an Abyssinian. Many Galla women are called Abyssinians, and the name is sometimes used for a con- cubine of whatever race. Hadaa, deceit, cheating. Hadaa ku-, to cheat. Eadaika ku-, to be cheated, to be taken in. Hadidi, the semicircular ornament to which Arab women attach the plaits of their hair. Hadimu, a servant, slave. See Mu- hadimu. HaditM, a tale, a story, especially one bearing upon Mohammedan tradition. Hadithia ku-, to relate to. Hafifu, light, insignificant. Hafithika ku- = Hifatliika Icu-, to be preserved. Hahithawahetha (Ar.), these and these. Saiba, a beauty, not beauty gene- rally, but one good point. Hai-, sign of third person singular negative agreeing with nouns which do not change to form the plural. Sign of the third person plural negative agreeing with nouns in mi'. Hai = Hayi, alive. Haina, it is not, there is not. Haitassa, not yet. Haithuru, it does not harm, it is of no consequence, never mind, it would be as well. Haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. Haja, a request. nana haja, he is good for no pur- pose, he has no occasion. Hajiri ku-, to go to live elsewhere. Eajirika ku-. to remain overlong, delay. Hakali. KumsJiika hakali, to require a stranger who goes upon work- men's work to pay for his in- trusion, to make him pay his footing. Haki-, sign of the third person singular negative, agreeing with nouns in ki- or ch-. Haki, justice, right, righteousness. Haldka, true, certain, certainly. Hakika yako, it is true of thee, thou certainly. Hakiki ku-, to make sure, to ascer- tain, to prove. Hakiri ku-, to humble. Hakirisha ku-, to despise. Hako, he is not there. Baku-, sign of the third person negative indefinite. Baku-, sign of the third person singular of the negative past, referring to animate beings. This form is distinguished from the preceding by the final lettei of the verb, which is -i in the indefinite and -a in the past tense. Bakuna, there is not, it exists not, no. Bal wdradi, otto of roses. HAL HAP 283 Halaf bilkithih, perjury. JSalafu, afterwards, presently. Halali, lawful. Halasa, sailors' wages. Halt, state, condition, health. U halt gani ? How are you ? Wa halt gani ? How are they ? Amehuica hali ya hicanza, he is reduced to his former condition, he is as he used to be. It is also used as a kind of con- junction, being, i^ it be, when it is, supposing, so it was. Hali for Aliali, family, connections. Hali; sign of the third person singular negative, agreeing with nouns which make their plural in ma-. Halilisha Tiu-, to make lawful. Halili yaJio, at your disposal. Halisi or Hdlisi, exactly, without defect or variation. Halua, a sweetmeat made of ghee, honey, eggs, arrowroot (?), and spice. Haluli. Chumvi ya Tialuli, sulpliate of magnesia. Ha'm-, sign of the second person plural negative. HUma ku; to change houses, to ' move. Hamali, plur. mahamali, a porter, a coolie. Hamami, a public bath. There are now public baths in Zanzibar. Hamaya, protection. Fi hamayat al Ingrez, under British protection. Hamdi, praise. Hami, protection. Hami ku-, to protect. Hamili ku-, to be pregnant. Hamira, leaven, made by mixing flour and water and leaving it to turn sour. Hamisha ku-, to cause to remove, to cause to change one's place of residence, to banish. Ha^mna, there is not inside, no ! Hamo, he is not inside. Hamsi, five. Hamsini, fifty. Hamstashara, fifteen. Hamu, grief, heaviness. Hamivimhi ? Don't you sing ? Hana, he has not. Eana ku-, to mourn with, to join in a formal mourning. Hana kicao, he has no home, a vagabond. Hanamu, obliquely. Hanamu, the cutwater of a dhow. Handaki, a dry ditch, a trench. Hangaika ku-, to be excited. Hangoe, the guttural Arabic h, tlie hha. See Mdaicari. Hanikiza ku-, to interrupt people, to talk so loud and long as to prevent other people from doing anything. Hanisi, a man sexually impotent. Haniti, a catamite, a sodomite. Hanzua, a kind of dance. Hao, or Haico, these or those before mentioned, referring to animate beings. Hapa-, sign of the third person negative, agreeing with mdhali, place or places. Hapa, here, this place, in this place. Hajyana, there is not, no ! Havana refers rather to a par- ticular place, Hakuna is gene- ral. Hapo, here, this or that time. 284 HAR HAT Tangu hapo, once upon a time. Hapo hale, in old times. Tokea hapo, ever so long. Toka hapo I get away ! get out of this! Hara Jcu-, to be purged. Harisha ku-, to act as a drastic purgative. Haraka, haste. Haraka ku-, to make haste. Harakisha ku-, to hasten. Haramia, a pirate, a robber. Haramu, unlawful, prohibited. Harara, prickly heat, heat, hot temper. Harara, quick-tempered. Hararii, hot-tempered. Hari, heat, perspiration. Kutoka hari, to perspire. Harihika ku-y to be destroyed, to spoil. Harihu ku-, to destroy, to spoil. Kuharibu mimba, to miscarry. Harijia ku-, to spend money, to lay out money, to provide (a feast), &c. Harimisha ku-, to make or declare unlawful. Harimu ku- = Harimisha ku-. Earioe, a cry raised on seeing a dhow come in sight (M.). Hariri, silk. Harufu, Harufi, or Herufu, a letter of the alphabet, letters, cha- racters. Harufu, a scent, a smell of any kind. Earusi, a wedding; vulgarly, the bride. Bwana harusi, the bridegroom. Bibi harusi, the bride. Hasai = Maksai, castrated. Hasara, loss. Kupata hasara, to lose. Hasara ku-, to spoil a thing so that its value is gone. Hasha, not at all, not by any means, a very strong negative. Hasho, a patch in planking, a piece let in. Hasi ku- or Khasi ku-, to geld, to castrate. Hasibu ku-, to count. Hasida, a kind of porridge. Hasidi, envy. Hasira, anger. Kuica na hasira, to be angry. Kutia hasira, to make angry. Hasira ku-, to injure. Hasiri ku-, to vex, to do harm to. Hasirika ku-, to be injured, to be grieved. Hasirisha ku-, to injure. Hassa, exactly. Hata. See Hafta. Hatamu, a bridle. Hatari, danger, fear. Hathari, caution, care. Kuwa na hathari, to beware, to be on one's guard. Kufanya hathari, to become care- ful, to become anxious. Hdtif, an angel. Hatiki ku-, to bother, to annoy (A.). Hatima = Khatima, end, conclusion, at last. Hatirisha ku-, to venture, to run the risk. Hatiya = Khatiya, fault. ' Kutia hatiyani, to find fault with. Mioenyi hatiya nami, who has done me wrong. Hatta, until, so far as, to, at length, when a certain time had ar- rived. It is used to introduce HAT HER 285 the time when something fresh happened. Hatta siku moja, one day. Eatta assuhui, in the morning, but in the morning. Hatta baada ya mwezi kupita, and when a month had passed. Hattia, for nothing. Hattiya — Hatiya. Haiu; sign of the first person plural negative. Hatua, a step, steps. Eau-, sign of the third person singular negative agreeing with nouns in m- or miv-, not denoting animate beings, or withthose in u-. Havi-, sign of the third person plural negative agreeing with plural nouns in vi- or vy-. Eawa-, sign of the third person plural negative. Eawetieal Swahili the J is represented by a pure y, Moya = moja, one. Mayi = maji, water. A d in the dialect of Mombas very commonly becomes a J in that of Zanzibar. Ndia (M.), a road, Njia (Zanz,). Kutinda (M.), to slaughter ; Ku- chinja (Zanz.). Many words which are properly spelt with a z are vulgarly pro- nounced with a j in Zanzibar, as, Kanju, for kanzu. Chenja, for chenza. This is only carrying to excess the rule that a 2 in the neighbouring mainland languages becomes a j in Swahili. The Arabs and some Swahili confuse J with g. Thus the late ruler of Zanzibar was often spoken of as Bicana Magtdi, his proper title being Seyid Mdjid. J-, a prefix applied to substantives and adjectives in the singular of the class which make their plural in ma-f when they begin with a vowel. Seejt-. ■Ja, like. Ja ku- (l^e ku- carries tl^e accent and is retained in the usual tenses), to come. The impera- tive is irregular, Njoo, come. Njooni, come ye. Ja is used to form several tenses. 1. With -^o- added, meaning even if; iva-JapO'kupiga, even if they beat you. 2. With negative prefixes mean- ing not yet ; ha-ja-ja, he is not yet come. 3. With negative pn-fix and sub- junctive form. An-je-lala, be- fore he goes to shep, or that he may not have already gone to sleep. Jaa ku; to become full, to fill, to abound with. Maji yanajaa, the tide is coming in. Mtungi umejaa maji, the jar is full of water. See Jawa ku-. 292 JAA JAS Jaa. Sliika mdjira ya jaa, steer north- wards. Jaa, a dust heap. Jahali, plur. majahali, a rocky hill. Also see Kama. Jabari, absolute ruler, a title of God. Jadiliana hu-, to argue with. Jaha, good luck, unexpected good fortune. KilarKjo cha jaha, the gate of Paradise. Jahazi, a vessel, a ship. Jahili hu-, to dare, not to fear. Jalada, the c^)ver of a bound book. Jali ku', to give honour to. Jalia hu-, to bless, to enable, to grant to. Muungu aJdiiijalia, God willing. Jaliwa hu-, to be enabled, to have power, &c., given one. Jaliza ku; to fill up, used of vessels which have already something in them. Jamaa, family, assembly, gathering, society, company. Jamaa hu-, to collect together, gather. Jamaat (Hind.), a council of elders. Jamala, courtesy, good manners, elegance. Jamanda, plur. majamanda, a solid kind of round b;i.-ket with a lid. Jamba, breaking of wind down- wards. Jamba hu-, to break wind down- wards. Jambia, plur. mojambia, a curved dagger always woru by Bluscat Arabs. Jambo, plur. mambo (from huamba,) a word {?), a matter, a circum- stance, a thing, an affair. Ahanitenda hilla jambo la leema, and he showed me all possible kindness. Jambo for si jambo, hu jamho, ha jambo, &c., I am well, are you well? lie is well, &c., &c. Jambo Sana, I am very well, are you very well ? &c. Jami hu-, to copulate, to have con- nection with. Jamil, many, a good collection, the mass, the company of, the body of. Jamiisha hu-, to gather. Jamvi, plur. majamvi, a coarse kind of matting used to cover floors. Jana, yesterday. Mwaha jana, last year. Janna, paradise. Janaba, filth, uncleanness. Janga, punishment. Jangiva, plur. majangwa, a large desert, Jani, plur. majani, a leaf. Majani is commonly used for any grass or herbage. Janvia = Jambia. -jaj)o-y sign of a tense signifying even if. Vjapofiha, even if you arrive. Jarari, the ropes passing through the pulley attached to a dhow's halyards. Jarihu hu-, to try. Jarifa, plur. majarifa, a seine or drag-net made of European cord- age. See Juya. Jasho, sweat. Kufanya jasho, to sweat. Jasirisha hu-, to dare. Jasisi hu-, to explore. Jasmini or Jasmin, jasmine. The flowers are sold in the streets of Zanzibar for their scent. J AS JIB 293 Jassi, pliir. majassi, the ornament in the lobe of the ear. It is generally a silver plate about an inch and a half across. Jalhari, take care ! Jaioa, a coarse kind of Indian earthenware. Kihomhe cha Jaiva, a cup of coarse Indian ware. Jawn A-W-, to be filled with, to be full of : used of something which ought not, or could not be expected to be there. JUaji yamejaica dudu, the water is full of insects ; but mtungi urnejaa niaji, the jar is full of water. JoAmhu, an answer, a condition, a matter. Jmcahir (Ar.), jewels. Jaza ku; to fill. Jazi, a common thing, a thing which is abundant. Jazi hu-, to supply, to maintain. Jazilia hu-, to reward. /e/ Hullo! Well! What now I -je ? how ? Jebu, an ornament worn by women, hanging under the chin. Jekundu, red. See -ekundu. Jdidi JtU; to bind books. Jema, good. See -ema. Jemadari, plur. majemadari, a com- manding officer, a general. Jemhamba, narrow, thin. See -embamha. Jembe, plur. majembe, a hoe. Jembe la kizungu, a spade. Jenaiza or Jeneza, a bier. Jenga ku-, to construct, to build. Jengea ku-, to build for, or on ac- count of. Jerigo, plur. majengo, a building. Majengo, building materials. Jenzi ku-, to construct. Jepa ku- (A.), to steal. Jepesi, light, not heavy. See -epesi. Jeraha, a wound. Jenbu ku- = Jaribu ku-, to try. Jeruhi ku-, to be wounded. Jeshi, plur. majeshi, a host, a great company. Jetea ku-, to be puffed up, to be over proud, to rely upon, to trust in, Jethamu, a leprosy in which the fingers and toes drop off, ele- phantiasis (?). Jeuli or Jeuri, violence. AnajeuU, he attacks people wan- tonly. Jeupe, white. See -eupe. Jeusi, black. See eu^i. Ji-, a syllable prefixed to substan- tives which make their plural in ma-, if they would otherwise be of one syllable only. This syllable is sometimes inserted after a prefix to give the idea of largeness, or to prevent con- fusion with some other word. Be- fore a vowel it becomes j- only. -ji-, an infix giving a reflective meaning to the verb. Kupenda, to love. Kujipenda, to love oneself. Kuponya, to save. Jiponye, save yourself, look out I Jia ku-, to come for, by, to. NJia uUyoJia, the road you came by. Jibini, cheese. Jibiica ku, to receive an answer, be answered. Jibu ku-, to answer, to give an answer. 294 JIB JON Jibwa, ^lnT.majihwa,a.n exceedingly large dog. Jicho, plur. macho, the eye. Jicho la maji, a spring of water. Jifu, plur. majifu, ashes. Jifya, plur. mafya^ one of three stones to support a pot over the fire. Mafya is the usual word in the town, mafiga is commonly used in the country. Jigamba ku-, to boast, to praise one- self. Jiiniha Jcu-, to lie on the side. Jiko, plur. melco, a fireplace, one of the stones to rest a pot on (?). Jikoni, in the kitchen, among the ashes. Jilia Uu-, to come to a person on some business. JUiwa, plur. majUiwa, a vice (the tool). JimM, a cock. Jimbi, Allocasia edulis. Both leaves and root are eaten : (a sort of Arum). Jimbo, plur. majimho, a place a part of the country (Old Swahili). Jimbo. Kuosha na jimbo, to wash a new- born child with water and medieine. Jina, plur. majina, a name. Jina lako nanif what is your name? Jina la hupangwa^ a nickname. Jinamisi, nightmare. Jingi, much. See -ingi. Jingine, other. See -ingine. Jini, plur. majmi, jins, spirits, genii. Ji)M, plur. meno, a tooth, a twist or strand of rope, or tobacco, &c. Kamba ya meno matatu, a cord of three strands. Jioni, evening. Jtpu, plur. majipu, a boil. Jipotoa leu-, to dress oneself up excessively. Jipya, new. See -pya. Jirani, a neighbour, neighbours, Jlsi, quality. Jisu, plur. majisu, a very large knife. Jitenga ku-, to get out of the way. Jiti, plur. majiti, a tree trunk. Jiiimai, excessive sorrow. Jito, plur. mato = Jicho, the eye (M.). Jitu, plur. matu or majitu, a great large man, a savage. Jituza ku-, to make oneself mean or low. See Tuza. Jivari, purchase (of a dhow hal- yards). Jivi, a wild hog. Jivu = Jifu. Jiwa ku-, to be visited. Jiwe, plur. mawe, a stone, a piece of stone. Plur. majiwe, of very large pieces of stone. Jiice la manga, a piece of freestone. Nyumba ya mawe, a stone house. Jodari, a kind of fish. Jogoi ■=■ Jogoo. Jogoo, plur. majogoo, a cock. Johari, a jewel. Joho, woollen cloth, a long loose coat worn by the Arabs. Joka, plur. majoka, a very large snake. Joko, a place to bake pots in. Jokum, charge, responsibility. Jombo, plur. majombo, an exceed- ingly large vessel. Jongea ku-, to approach, come near to, move. Jongea mvulini, move into the Bhade. J ox JTTZ 295 Jongeleza hu-, to briug near to, to offer. Jongeza hu-, to bring near, move towards, move. Jongo, gout. Jongoe, a large kind of fish. Jongoo, a millepede. Jorjiya, a Georgian, the most valued and whitest of female slaves. JororOy soft. See -ororo. Josh, a voyage, a cruize. = GosH Luff! Jotqjoto. Eupata jotojoto, to grow warm. Joy a, plur. majoya, a cocoa-nut which is filled with a white spongy substance instead of tlie usual nut and juice. They are prized for eating. Jozi, Jeozi, or Jauzi, a pair, a pack of cards. Jozi, a walnut. Jua, plur. majtia, the sun. Jua Tcitwani, noon. Jim hu-, to know how, to under- stand, to know about, to know. Namjua aliko, I know where he is. Najua Jciunguja, I understand the language of Zanzibar. Najua hufua chuma, I know how to work in iron. Juba, a mortice chisel. JubuTU hu-, to compel. Jugo, ground nuts. JvJittdi, an effort, efforts. Kufanya juhudi, to exert oneself. Juju, plur. majuju, a fool. Juku^ risk, a word used by traders. Jukioari, a scaffold, scaffolding. JuUa hu-, to know about, see to. Jtdisha hu-, to make to know. Juma, Friday, a week. Juma a most, Saturday. Juma a pUi, Sunday. Juma a tatu, Monday. Juma a 'nne, Tuesday. Juma a tano, Wednesday. Juma, small brass nails used for ornamentation. Jumaa, an assembly. Jumha, plur. majumha, a large house. Jumhe, plur. majumbe, a chief, a head-man, a prince, a sultan. Jumla, the sum, the total, addition (in arithmetic). Jumlisha hu-, to add up, sum up, put together. Junta, a kind of matting bag. See Gunia. Jura, a pair; a length of calico, about thirty-five yards. Jusi. Haijusi, it is unfitting. Jut Kdsam (Hind.), pu-rjury. Juta hu-, to be sorry for, to regret. Juu, up, the top, on the top. Yuho juu, he is up-stairs. Juu ya, upon, above, over, on the top of, against. Juvisha hu-, to make to know, to teach. Juvya hu-, to make to know. Juya, plur. majuya, a seine or drag- net made of cocoa-nut fibre rope. Juza, obligation, kindness. Juza hu-, to make to know. Juzi, the day before yesterday. Mwaha juzi, the year before last. Juzijuzi, a few days ago. Juzia hu-, to compel, to have power to compel. Juzu, necessity. Jambo la juzu, a necessary thing. Juzu hu-, to oblige, to hold bound, to have under an obligation to do something. 296 JUZ KAB Juzuu, a section of the Koran. There are in all thirty, which are often written out separately. All the Juzuu together are Khitima E. K is pronounced as in English. The Arabs have two fe's, one, the Itef or Itaf^ a little lighter than the English h; and one, the kahf or qaf, made wliolly in the throat, and confounded by many Arabs with a hard g. There is a curious calch in the throat between the preceding vowel and the qaf, very hard to explain, but easy enough to imi- tate. Although the correct pronun- ciation of these two A;'s is an ele- gance, it is not necessary nor very commonly observed in speaking Swahili. Ki is very commonly pronounced chi in Zanzibar, especially by slaves of the Nyassa and Yao tribes. Kh, the Arabic hha, occurs only in words borrowed from the Arabic, and subsides into a simple h so soon as the word is thoroughly natu- ralized. Khahari or Hahari, news. Kheiri or Heri, well, good, for- tunate. Ka-, -ha-, a syllable prefixed to or inserted in the imperative and subjunctive of verbs, with the force of the conjunction " and." 'ha-i the sign of a past tense, used in carrying on a narration ; it includes the force of the con- junction " and." Akamwambia, and he said to him. Nika- is often contracted into ?ia-. Kaa ku-, to sit, to dwell, to stay, ta live, to be, to stand, to remain, to continue, to live in, or ai Knkaa kitako, to sit down, to re- main quietly. Kaa, plur. makaa, a piece of char- coal. Makaa, coals, charcoal, embers. Kaa la Tiioshi or Makaa ya mmhi, soot. Kaa, a crab. Kaa makoko, small mud crabs with one large claw. Kaa la kinwa, the palate. Kaaka or Kaakaa, the palate. Kaanga ku-, to fry, to braze, to cook with fat. Kaango, plur. makaango, an earthen pot to cook meat in. Kaba ku-, to choke, to throttle, Kaha la kanzu, a sort of lining round the neck and a short way down the front of a kanzu, put in to strengthen it. Kahari, a wedge. Kdbibu, narrow. Kabila, a tribe, a subdivision lees than taifa. Kabili ku-, to be before, to be op- posite. Kabilisha ku-, to put opposite, to set before. Kabisa, utterly, altogether, quite. Kabitlii ku-, to give into the hand. Kabla, before, antecedently. Kabla ya, before (especially of time). Kahuli, acceptance. Kabuli, pillaw. Kaburi, plur. tnakahuri (pronounced * KAD KAL 297 by many Arabs Gabri), a grave, t^c^^aaamu, a servant, the lowest of the three chief men usually set over the slaves on a plantation. On the Zambezi the man who stands at the head of the canoe to look out for shoals is called Kadamo. Kacliri or Kadri, measure, modera- tion, capacity, middling, mode- rate, about, nearly, moderately. Kadri gani ? how much ? Kadiri ya, as, whilst. Kadiri ku-, to estimate, Kadri = Kadiri. Kafara, an offering to avert evil, a sacrifice of an animal or thing to be afterwards buried or tiirown away, a charm made of bread, sugar-cane, &c., thrown down in a cross-way. Any one who takes it is supposed to carry away the disease, misfortune, &c. Kafi, plur. mdkafi, a paddle. Kafiri, plur. makafiri^ an infidel, an idolater, one who is not a Moham- medan. Kafuri, camphor. Kaga hu-, to put up a charm to protect something. Kago, plur, mago, a charm to pro- tect what it is fastened to. Kagua ku-, to go over and inspect. Kahaba, plur. viakahaba, a prosti- tute. Kahawa, coffee. Kahini, plur. moMliini, a priest, a soothsayer. Kai hu-, to fall down to, embrace the knees. Kaida, regularity. Fa kaida, regular. -kaidi, obstinate. Kaimu, plur. makaimu, a vice- gerent, a representative. Kaka, a lemon after it has been squeezed, the rind of a lemon, the shell of an egg, &c. Kaka, a brother {Kihadvmtt, see Muhadimu^. Kaka, a disease with swelling of the hand and opening into sores. Kakakaka, very many. Kakamia, hard of heart. Kakamia ku, to be longsuflfering, slow to be affected. Kakamuka ku-, to make an effort, to strain (as at stool, or in travail). Kakawana ku-, to be strong, capable of great exertion, well-knit and firm in all the muscles. Kaki, a very thin kind of biscuit or cake. Kalafati ku-, to caulk. Kalamika ku-, to prevaricate in giving evidence (?), to cry from pain caused by medicine (?). Kala'mka ku-, to be sharp, to have one's eyes open. Kala'mkia ku-, to outdo, to be too sharp for. Kalamu, a pen. The pens for writing Arabic are made of reed, and the nibs are cut obliquely. Kalamu ya micanzi, a reed pen. Kalamuzi, cunning, crafty. Kalasia, little brass pots. Kale, old time, formerly. -a kale, old, of old time. Zamani za kale, old times. Hapo kale, once upon a time. Kalfati or Kalafati, caulking. 'kali, sour, sharp, keen, savage, 298 K AL KAN cross, severe, fierce. It makes "kali with nouns like nyumba, Jua Italic a hot sun. Kalia ku-, to remain for. Ku'mkalia tamu, to remain as he would wish. Kalibu, a mould, a furnace. Kama, Kamma, Eana, or Kwamha, as, as if, like, if, supposing. Kama hu-, to milk, to squeeze. Kamamanga, a pomegrauate. Kamali, a game played by chucking pice into a hole. If only one goes in they say " Maliza," and the player throws a flat stuue on the one that is out. Kamasi, mucus from the nose. Kufuta Icamasi, to blow the nose. Siwezi kamasi, I have a cold in my head. Kamoia ku-, to lay hold of, take, seize, clasp. Kamatana ku-, to grapple, to seize one another. Kamati, balls of wheat-flour lea- vened with temho. Kamba, a crayfish. Kamba, rope. Kamha ulayiti, European or hempen rope. Kambaa, plur. of u^camhaa, cord, string (M.). Kambaa, a plaited thong or wliip kept by sohoolmasters and overlookers in Zanzibar. Kambali, plur. makambali, a cat- fish living in fresh water. Kawbarau, a forebrace carried to the weather side to steady the yard of a dhow. Kambi, plur. makambi, f\ circular encampment, a place where a caravan has hutted itself in. Kambo. Baba tea kambo, stepfather. Mama tea kambo, stepmother. Kame, quite dried up, utterly barren. Kami, a bulbous plant with large head of red flowers. Kamia ku-, to reproach. Kujikamia, to reproach oneself. Kamili, perfect, complete. -kamilifu, perfect, wanting nothing. KamiUka ku-, to be perfect. Kamilisha ku-, to make perfect. Kamua ku-, to press, to press out. Kamusi, an Arabic lexicon. Kamice (M.), not at all, never. Kamici = Kamioe. Kana, a tiller. Kana, if, as. See Karaa. Kana ku-, to deny. Kanda, plur. makanda, a long nar- row matting bag, broader at the bottom than at the mouth. Kanda ku-, to knead dough, to knead the limbs, to shampoo. Kandamiza ku-, to press upon. Kande, food (Mer.). Kanderinija, a kettle. Kandika ku-, to plaster. Kandili, plur. makandili, a lantern. Kan.do, side, aside. Kando ya or Kandokando ya, beside, along by the side. Kanga, a guinea fowl. Kanga, a dry stem after the cocoa- nuts have been taken olF. Kanga ku-. Kukanga moto, to warm. Kangaja, a small mandarin orange. Kania ku-, to deny a person. Kaniki, dark blue calico. Kanisa, plur. makanisa, a church. KAN EAR 299 Kanisha Jcu-, to deny, to make to deny. Kanji, starch, arrowroot. Kanju, plur. maJcanju, a cashew apple (M,). Kanju, vulgarly used for Kanzu. Kanuni, a thing implied, a neces- sary condition, of necessity. Kamca, plur. maJianva, the mouth. Kanya ku-, to contradict. Kanijaga hu-, to tr^ad, to tread upon, trample on. Kanyassa leu-, to scold. Kanzi, a treasure. Kanzu, a long shirt-like garment worn both by men and women in Zanzibar. Men's kanzus are white or of a brown yellow colour, with ornamental work in red and white silk round the neck and down the bieast; they reach to the heels. Wo- men's kanzus are generally shorter, and are made of every variety of stuff, frequently of satin or brocade, but are always bound with red. Parts of a Kanzu (men's) : Tao la kanzu, hotbnn hem. Magongp nene, seams. Badani, front and back pieces. Also Kiino. Taharizi, side pieces. Sijafu, pieces turned in at the wrists, to receive the darizi. ' Viku-apa, gores. Lisani, flap under the opening in front. Jabaliy red line across the back. MhaUxn-i, lining at the back of the darizi in front. Kanha. lining of the neck and shoulders. Shada, tassel at t]:e neck. Kitanzi, loop opposite the tassel in front. Kazi ya shingo, the elaborately worked border round the neck, including — Tiki, red sewing over of the edge of the neck. Mrera, lines of red round the neck. Viboko, small zigzag orna- ment in the middle of the neck-border. Vinara, small spots forming the outer edge of the border. Darizi, lines of silk worked round the wrists and down the front. JMjuzi (Ar. shararaji), orna- ment at the bottom of the strip of embroidery in front. Mkia wa mjuzi, line of silk running up the front from the mjuzi. Vipaji, or viguu, four little projections on the sides of the mjazi. Kanzu ya ziki, worked with white cotton round the neck instead of red silk. Kaoleni, one whose words are not to be trusted, a double-tongued man. Kaomwa, calumba root. Kapi, plur. makapi, a pulley. Kapi, plur. makapi, bran, husks. Kapiana ku- (mikoiw), to shake hands. Kapu, plur. makapu^ a large basket or matting bag. Kapicai, a kind of rice. Karafati ku- — Kalafafi. 300 EAR KAT Karafu mayiti, camphor. Karama, a special gift of God, an answer to a holy man's prayer, an honour. Karamu, a feast. Karani, a secretary, a clerk, a supercargo. Karani, tucks. Karara, the woody flow^er-sheath of the cocoa-nut tree. Karata, playiiig-Ccirds. Karatha, a loan of money. Karatasi, paper. Karib, near, come near, come in, Earibia hu-, to approach, to draw near to. Karibiana hvr, to be near to one another. Karibisha, to make to come near, to invite in. Karihu^ near, a near relative. Karihu na or ya, near to, near. Karimu, liberal, generous. Karipia Jcu-, to cry out at, scold. Karirislia ku-, to recite. Kasa, a turtle. Kasarani, sorrow, grief. Kasasi, retaliation, revenge, ven- geance. Kasha, plur. malcasha, a chest, a large box. Kashifu hu-, to depreciate. Kashmir, the ace of spades. Kasia, plur. mahasia, an oar. Kuvuta makasia, to row. Kasiba, a gun barrel. Kasidi, intention, purpose. Kasifa, inquisitiveness. Kasifu ku-, to be inquisitive. Kasiki, a large earthen jar for ghee. Kasvoiele, the juice of grated cocoa- nut before water is put to it. Tui la }casimde. See Tui. Tui la kupopoloa, the same after mixing with water, and strain- ing again. Kasiri, towards the end, late. Kasirika ku-, to become vexed. Kasirisha ku-, to vex. Kasiri ku-, to hurt, vex. Kaskazi, the northerly wind which blows from December till March. Kaskazvni, in a northerly direc- tion. Kasoro, less by. Kassa, less by. Kassa robo, three-quarters of a dollar. Kassi. See Ktassi. Kasi, hard, with violence. Kwenda kassi, to rush along, Kutia kassi, to tighten. Kasumba, a preparation of opium. Kataa ku-, to refuse. Kata, plur. makata, a ladle made of a cocoa-nut, only about a third of the shell being removed. A kata holds from a quarter to half a pint, Kata, a ring of grass or leaves put on tlie head under a water-pot or other burden. Kata ku-, to cut, clip, divide. Kujikata, to cut oneself. Kukata hananu, to cut obliquely. Kukata maneno, to settle an affair, to decide. Kukata nakshi, to ornament with carving, to carve. Kukata tamaa, to despair. Njia ya kukata, a short cut, the nearest way. Kdtaba ku-, to write. Katakata ku-, to chop up. Katalia ku-, to deny all credence, to refuse to be convinced. KAT KAZ 301 Kulani, flax, thread, string, cotton- thread. Kataza ku-, to prohibit, to deter. Kathdlika, in like manner. Kathdicahatha, many, many more. Watu hathaicahatha, such an] such people. Kathi, plur. mahathi, a judge, a cadi. Kati, inside, middle, the court within a house. Katia }:u-, to cut for. Kukaiiwa, to have cut, or cut out for one. Ni hiasi cJiangu hama nalihatiica mimi, it fits as though I had been measured for it. Kafilca, among, at, from, in, about. Eatiha implies nearness at least at the beginning of the action ; it has very nearly the same meaning as the case in -ni. Katika safari mle, during that journey. Katika ku-, to come apart, to be cut, to break, to be decided. Katikati, in the midst. Katikati ya, &c., in the midst of, between. Katili, a murderous, bloodthirsty person, an infidel. Katinakati, in the middle. Katiti (A.), little. Kaiiza ku-, to put a stop to, to break ofi", to interrupt. Kato, plur. maJcato, a cutting, a breaking ofi". Katu, a kind of gum chewed with betel. Katua ku-, to polish, to brighten. Kaiuka ku-, to be polished, to be bright, Kauka ku-, to get dry, to dry. Sauti imekauka, I am hoarse. Kauli, a word. Kauri, a cowry. Kausha ku-, to make dry, to dry. -kavu, dry. It makes kavu with nouns like nyumha. Kaica, a conical dish-cover of plaited straw, often ornamented with spangles, &c. Kava, mildew, spots of mould. Kufanya kawa, to get mildewed or mouldy. Kawa ku-, to be delayed, to tarry, to be a long while. Kawadi (a term of reproach), a bad man. Kawaida, necessity, custom. Kawe, a pebble, a small stone (M.), Kau-ia ku-, to delay. Kaicilia ku-, to loiter about a busi- ness. Kaicisha ku-, to keep, to delay, to cause to stay. Kaya, plur. makaya, a pinna, a kind of shell-fish. Kayamba, a sieve, a sort of rattle. Kaza ku-, to fix, to tighten, (of clothes) to fit tightly, to go hard at anything. Kukaza kicimha, to sing louder. Kukaza mhio, to run hard. Kazana ku-, to fix one another, to tigliten together, to hold together tightly, to be robust. Kazi, work, labour, employment, business. Ndio kazi yake, that is what he always does. Kazi mhi si mtezo rmvema? Is not poor work (as good as) good play (mhi for n-ici) ? Kazika ku-, to become tight, to become fixed. 302 -KAZ KHE -kazo, nippins:, pressing tight. -he, female, f :i mine, the weaker. Kee = Kelele (N.). Keezo, a lathe, a machine for turn- ing. Kefule ! an exclamation of con- tempt. Kefyakefya Tcu-, to teaze, to put in low spirits. Kehe, a drill. The carpenters in Zanzibar always use drills, which are much better suited to the native woods than gimlets are. The iron is called kelcee, the wood in which it is fixed msulcano, the handle in which it turns Jivu, and the bow by which it is turned Uta. Kehee, a kind of silver bracelet. Kelele, plur. mahtlde, noise, uproar, shouting. Kein (Ar.), How much? How many? Keniea Ttu-, to rebuke, to snub, to scold. Kenda = Kioenda and Eaenda, Kenda, nine. Ya Icenda, ninth. Kendain ? for Incenda wapi, going where, i.e., where are you going ? Kenge, a large water-lizard with slender body and long limbs and tail. Kengea, the blade of a sword, knife, &c. Kengele, a bell. Eupiga kengele, to ring a bell, Kera ku-, to worry, to nag at. Kerani = Karard. Kereketa ku, to irritate the throat, to choke. Kereza ku-, to saw, to turn, to cut a tree half through, and lay it down, so as to make a fence. Kerimu ku-, to feast, to be liberal to. Kcring'ende, a dragon-fly, the red- legged partridge. Kero, trouble, disturbance, uproar. Kesha, a watch, a vigil. Kesha ku-, to watch, to remain awake, not to sleep. Kesheza ku-, to make, to watch, to keep awake. Kesho, to-morrow. KesTio kutwa or kuchwa, the day after to-morrow. Kete, a cowry. Keti ku-, to sit down, stay, live (M.). Khahari, news, information. Khadaa, fraud. Khafifu, light, unimportant. Kliaini, a traitor. Klicilds, the end, there is no more. KJidlifu ku- or Halifu ku-, to resist, oppose, rebel against. KJialisi ku-, to deliver. Khami, a chess bishop. Khamsi, five. Khamsini, fifty. Khamstasliara, fifteen. Kharadali, mustard. KJidrij ku-, to spend. Kliashifu ku- = Kaslnfu ku-, Khatari, danger. Kliati, a note, letter, document, memorandum, writing, hand- writing. Khatihu, flzx. makhatibu, a secre- tary, a preacher. Ehatima, end, completion. Kliatimisha ku-, to bring to an end, complete. Ehatiya, fault. See Ratiya. Khazana, a treasure. Khema, a tent. Eheiri = Heri, well, fortunate. trappy, good. KHI KIA 303 Mtu wa Wieiri, a happy man. Kwa Mieiri, for good. Ni kheiri, I had better. Khini Jcu-, to betray. Ehitari leu-, to choose. Khitima nzima, a complete copy of the Koran. See Juzuu. Khofisha hu-, to frighten. Khofu, fear, danger. Kuwa na hliofu, i to become Kuingiwa na hhofu, S afraid. Kutla hhofu, to frighten. Khorj, a pad used as a saddle for donkeys. Khoshi (?), paint, colour. Khuhiri hu-, to inform, give news. Khusumu, enmity. EJiutuhu hu-, to preach. Khuzurungi or Huthurungi, a stuff of a brown yellow colour, of which the best men's kanzus are made. Ki-, a prefix forming a diminutive. It becomes ch- before a vowel, and in the plural it becomest-i- and vy-, or in other dialects zi- or thi: Ki- as a prefix also means (es- pecially if prefixed to proper names), such a sort ; and when used alone, words of such a sort, i.e. such a language. Mavazi ya hifaume, royal robes. Viazi vya hizungu, European potatoes. Kiarabu, Arabic. Kiyao, the Yao language. Ki- or ch-, the adjectival and pro- nominal prefix proper to words agreeing with substantives of the above forms. Ki- or ch-, the personal prefix of verbs having substantives of the above form as their subject. hi-, the objective prefix of verbs having substantives of the above form as their object. hi-, the sign of that tense which expresses a state of things, being that, which may be trans- lated by the help of the words, if, supposing, when, while, or be treated as a present parti- ciple in -ing. Niki- may be contracted into hi-. Alikuwa ahiogolea, he was bath- ing. Ahija, if he comes, or when he comes. The syllable -hi- is inserted in the past perfect tense to de- note a continuing action or state. Walipo-hi-pendana, when or while they loved one another. Kia, plur. via, a piece of wood, a kind of latch, a bar. Kia hu-, to step over. Kiada, slowly, distinctly. Kialio, plur. vialio, cross pieces put in a cooking pot to prevent the meat touching the bottom and burning. Kianga, the coming out of the sun after rain. Kiapo, plur. viapo, an ordeal, au oath. Kiarabu, Arabic. Ya hiarabu, Arabian. Kiasi — Kiassi. Kiass cha bunduhi, a cartrid£'e. Kiassi, measure, moderation. Kiassi gani i or Kassi gani ? How much ? Kiatu, plur. viatu, a shoe, a sandal. Viatu vya mti, a sort of tall wooden clog worn in the house. 104 KI A KIC and especially by women. They are held on by grasping a sort of button (msitruaJci) between the great and second toe. Kiazi, plur. viazi, a sweet potato. Kiazi Tiikiiu, plur. viazi vihuu, a yam. Kiazi sena, with white skin. Kiazi Mndoro, with red skin. K'ha haluli, a knot of malcuti to light a pipe with. KilKiha, a measure, about a pint basin full, a pint basin, about a pound and a half. Kibakuli, a kind of mtama. Kibali hu-, to prosper. Kibanda, plur. vibanda, a hut, a hovel, a shed. Kibanzi, plur. vibanzi, a splinter, a very small piece of wood. Kihao, plur. vibao, a shelf, a small piece of plank. In Tumbatu a chair is called kibao, Kibapara, a pauper, a destitute person (an insulting epithet). Kibarango, a short heavy stick. Kibaraza, plur. vibaraza, a small stone seat. Kibarua, plur. vibarua, a note, a ticket. Kibarua is now used in Zanzibar to denote a person hired by the day, from the custom of giving such persons a ticket, to be delivered up when they are paid. Kiberiti, sulphur. Viberiti, matches. Kibeti, a dwarf. Kuku kibeti, a bantam. Kibia, plur. vibia, an earthen pot-lid. Kibiongo, plur. vibiongo, a person bent by age or iufirmity. Kihohwe, plur. vibobwe, a piece of cloth tied round the loins during hard work. Kibofu, plur. vibofu, a bladder. Kihogoshi, plur. vibogoshi, a small skin bag. Kiboko, plur. viboko, a hippo- potamus. See also Kanzu. Kibiia, a small iish. Kibueta, plur. vibueta, a box. Kibula, the kebla, the point to which men turn when they pray. Among the Mohammedans the kibula is the directiun in which Mecca lies, which is in Zanzibar nearly north. Hence kibula is sometimes used to mean the north. Kibula ku; to point towards, to be opposite to. Kibumba, plur. vibumba, a small paper box or case of anything. Kiburi, pride. Kiburipembe, a native bird. Kichaa, lunacy. Mwenyi kichaa, a lunatic. Kichaka, plur. vichaka, a thicket, a heap of wood or sticks. Kichala, plur. vichala, a bunch. Kichala clia mzabibu, a bunch of grapes. Kiclieko, plur. viclieko, a laugh, a giggle. Kicliikichi, plur. vicMkicM, the small nuts contained in the fruit of the palm-oil tree. Kichilema, plur. vichilema, the heart of the growing part of the cocoa-nut tree, which is eaten as a salad, and in various ways. Kicho, plur. vicJio, fear, a fear. Kicliocheo, the act of pushing wood further into the fire, an instru- KIC KIP 305 ment for doing it, exciting words ' to stir up a quarrel. KichocliorOy plur. vichoclioro, a very narrow passage, such as is gene- rally left between the houses in Zanzibar. Kichicay plur. vichwa, for Kitiva, the bead. Kidaha, plur. vidaJca, a recess in the wall. Kidaha, plur. vidaJca, a cocoa-nut when just formed. Kidaka tonge, the uvula. Kidanga, a very small fruit, before it gets any taste. Kidariy the chest : h'dari is used of both men and animals, hifua of men only. Kidau^ plur. vidau, a small vessel. Kidau cha wino, an inkstand. Kidevu, plur. videvu, the chin. Kidimbwi, plur. vidimbwi, a pool left on the beach by the falling tide. Kidinga popo, the dengue fever. Kidogo, plur. vidogo, a little, a very little, a little piece, a morsel, a crumb. Kidoko. Kupiga h'doko, to click with the tongue. Kidole, plur. vidole, a finger, a toe. Kidole elm gumha, tlie thumb. Kidonda, plur. vidonda, a sore, a small sore, a wound. Kidonge, plur. vidonge, a very small round thing, a lump in flour, a pill. Kidoto, plur. vidoio, a small piece of cloth tied over a camel's eyes while turning an oil press. KielezOj plur. videzo, a pattern, something to make something elstJ clear. Kievu (A.) = Kidevu. Eiendelezo, progr(;ss. Kifa, plur. vifa, the nipple of a gun. Kifa uwongo, the sensitive plant. Kifafa, epilepsy, fits. Kifafa, plur. vifafa, sparks and crackling of damp firewood. Kifani, plur. vifani, the like, a similar tliing. Kifano, plur. vifuno, a likeness. Kifaranga, plur. vifaranga, a chick, a very small chicken. Eifaru, plur. vifaru, a rhinoceros, a small rhinoceros. Eifaume, royalty, a royal sort. Ya kifaume, royal. Eifiko, plur. vifiko, arrival, point of arrival, end of journey. Eifu ku-, to suffice. Eifu ndugu, the os coccygis, the bone which the Mohammedans say never decays. Ei'fua, plur. vifua, the chest, the bosom. Eifufu, plur. vifufu, the shell of the cocoa-nut (M.). Eifako, plur. vifulu), a little bag, a pocket, a purse. Eifuko cha kutUia fetha, a purse. Eifumbu, plur. vifumhu, a small round basket or bag for squeezing scraped cocoa-nut in to get out the tui. Eifunibo, plur. vifumho, a very large kind of matting bag. Eifundo cha mguu, the ankle. Eifando cha mkono, the wrist. Eifungo, plur. vifungo, anything which fastens, a button, prison, imprisonment, a kind of rice. Eifnngua, an unfastener, an opener. Eifungua kanica, early food, breakfast. 306 KIF K IJ Kifungua mlango, a present made by the bridegroom to the Tiungu of the bride before she allows him to enter the bride's room, on the occasion of his first visit to her. Kifuniko, plur. vifuniko, a lid, a cover. Kifuo, plur. vifuo, a stick stuck in the ground to rip the husk off cocoa-nuts with. KifurusM, something tied up in the corner of a cloth Kifusi, rubbish, rubbish from old buildings. Kifuu^ plur. vifuu, a cocoa-nut shell. Kigaga, plur. vigaga, a scab. Kigai, plur. vigai, a piece of broken pottery or glass, a potsherd. Kiganda cha pili, the two of cards. Eigaogao, the Pemba name for a chameleon, meaning changeable. Kigego = Kijego. Kigeren]ienza, plur. vigerenyenza, a very small piece of broken pottery or glass, a splinter. Kigelegele, plur. vigelegele, a shrill trilling scream much used as a sign of joy, especially on the occasion of a birth. Kigogo, a little block of wood. Kigogo cha Jcushonea, a small oblong piece of wood used by shoemakers. Kigongo, the hump of a humpbacked person. Mwenyi kigongo, a humpback. Kigono, plur. vigono (Yao), a sleep- ing place. Kigosho, a bend. Kigosho cha mhono, an arm that cannot be straightened. Kigugumizi, stammering, a stammer- Kigulu, lame. Kigunni, plur. vigunni, an oblong matting bag of the kind in which dates are brought to Zanzibar. Kigunzi, the day before the SiJm a mwaka. Rig we, plur. vigwe, a plaited cord. reins, a string of beads, a piping on the edge of a dress. Eiharusif cramp. Kiherehere (cha moijo), trepidation, palpitation (of the heart). Eihindi, the Indian sort, an Indian language. Ya hihindi, Indian. Eihoro, sorrow at a loss, fright, homesickness. Eiini, kernel, the heart of wood. Eiini cha yayi, the yolk of an Eiinimacho, a conjuror. Eiisha or Eisha, afterwards, next, this being ended. Eijakazi, plur. vijaJcazi, a slave girl. Eijamanda, plur. vijamanda, a small long-shaped box commonly used to carry betel and areca- nut in. Eijana, plur. vijana, a youth, a young man, a complimentary epithet, a boy or girl, a son or daughter. Eijaluha, plur. vijaluha, a small metal box. Eijamha, plur. vijamba. a small rock. Eijaraha, plur. vijaraha, a small wound. Eijaraha cha hooni, sores on the penis, syphilis. Eijego, plur. vijego, a child which cuts its upper teeth first. They are reckoned unlucky, and among KIJ KIK 107 the wikler tribes are often killed. Applied by way of abuse to bad children. Kijibokoy plur. vijlhoko, a little hippopotamus. Kijicho, envy, an envious glance. Kijiguu, plur. vijiguu, a little leg. Eijifco, plur. vijiko, a small spoon, a spoon. Kijiti, plur. vijiti, a little tree, a bush, a shrub, a small pole, a piece of wood. Kijito, plur. vijitOy a small stream, a brook. Kijito (M.) = Kijiclio, Kijitioa or Kijichwa, plur. vijitica, a little head. Kijici, thievish. Kijogoo, plur. rijogoa, a mussel, a kind of shell-fi:ih. Kijoli, the slaves belonging to (me master. Kijomha, Swahili (M.). Kijongo = Kigongo^ a humpback. Kijuhuu, plur. vijuhuu, a great- grandchild. Kijumhe^ plur. vijumhey a go- between, a match-maker. Kijurriba, plur. vijumba^ a little house, a hovel. Kikaango, plur. rihaango, a sma'l earthen pot for cooking with oil or fat. KiTxdka, over-haste. Kikale, old style, the antique. Fa kikale, of the ancient kind, antique, of old times. Kikao, plur. vikao, a seat, sitting, dwelling-place. Kikapu, plur. vilaipiL, a basket, a matting bag. Kikaramha, a very old person (dis- respectful). Kikisa ku-f to understand half of what is saiil. Haiti hii yanik.kisa, I know some of the words, but not all. Kiko, plur. viko, a tobacco pipe, a pi|.e. The native pipes consist of a vessel half full of water with two stems, one leading to the bowl and one to the mouthpiece : the water vess> 1 is properly the kiko. See hori, digali, malio, and shilamu. KikocL, plur. vikoa. Kula kikoa. to eat at the expense of each one in turn. Kikoii, the inside of the fingers. Kikohozi, a cough. Kikoi, plur. vikoi, a white loin- cloth with coloured stripes near the border. Eikombe, plur. vikomhe, a cup. Kikomho, a little crooked thing. Kikomo, plur. vikomo, end, end of journey, arrival. Kikomo cha hso, the brow, es- P' cially if prominent. Kikondoo. See Kondoo. Kikongice, plur. rikongice, an ex- tremely old person, a feeble old w<3man. Kikono, plur. vikono, the prow of a small native vessel. Kikonyo, plur. vikonyo, flower and fruit stalks, the stalks of cloves. Kikoromhice, a cry made into the hand by way of signal, a call. Kikod or Ukosi, the nape of the neck. Kikoto, plur. vikoto (M.), a plaited thong or whip carried by an overlooker and used in schools. Kikozi, plur. vikozi, a detachment, a band, company, division. Kikuba, plur. vikuha, a small packet 308 KIK KIM of aromatic leaves, &c., worn in the dress by women. It is com- posed of reliani, sprinkled with dalia, and tied up with a strip of the mlcadi. KJhuJcu, plur. viliuhu, a bracelet, an arm ring. Kiliuku dm hupandia frasi, a stirrup. KiJninazi (?), labia (obscene). Kif:mnbo. Kupiga hilcumlo, to push aside, to shove out of the way. Kilcuta, plur. vilmta, a small stone wall. Kihwapa, the perspiration from the armpit. ^*ee also Kanzu. Kikwi, plur. vikm', a thousand, ten thousand. Kilango, a narrow entrance. Kilango cha hahari, straits. Kilango cha jaha, the gate of Paradise. Kile, that, yonder. KiJeji, a round ilat wheaten cake. KiJele, plur. vilele, a peak, a sum- mit, a pointed top, a pointed shoot in a tree or plant. Kilema, plur. vilema, a deformed person. Si vema Ituclicha Idlema, it is wrong to laugh at one who is deformed. Kilemha, plur. vilemba, a turban, a customary present at the comple- tion of a job and on many other occasions. Kilemhwe, a great-grandson. Kileo, plur. vileo, iiitoxicatio.n, an intoxicating thing. Kilete, plur. vilete, metal rowlocks, crutches. ViZerw = Kidevu. Kilifu, plur. vilifu, the cloth-like envelope of the young cocoa-nut leaves. Kiliina, plur. vilima, a hill, arising ground, a mound of tarth. Kilimhili, the wrist. Kilimia, the Pleiades (?). Jiz7mo, cultivation, the crop planterl. Kilimo cha nini? what is the crop to be ? Kilindi^ plur. vilindi, the deeps, deep water, Kilinga popo (?), rheumatism. Kilinge cha maneno, cha uganga, speaking in a dark munner not generally understood. Kilio, plur. vilio, a cry, weeping. Kiliza hu-, to chink money. Killa or Kulla, every. Killa nendapo, wherever I go, or, every time I go. Kiluthu, velvet. Kima, a monkey. Kima, price, measure. Kimaji, damp, Kiinanda, an omeleite. Kiinandu, the piece of wood put on behind the sill and lintel of a door to receive the pivots on which it turns. Kimanga, a small kind of grain. Kimanga, of the Arab sort. See Manga. Kimango. Chut himango, a full-grown leo- pard. Kimashamha, belonging to the country, a country dialect. Ya Mynashamba, countrified. Kimhaumhati, a chameleon. Kinibia hu-, to run away, to flee. Kimhiza hu-, to make to run away, to put to flight. KIM KIN 309 Kimhizia Jcu-, to make to run away from. Kimerima. See Mer'^ma. Kimeta, a sparkling:, a glitter. Kimetimeti, plur. viinetimeti, a fire- fly. Kimia, plur. vimia, a circular cast- ing-net. Kimio, the uvula, an enlarged uvula. Kimo, it is or wns inside. Kimoja, one. See Moja. Kimporoto, nonsense. Kimurimuri, plur. vimurimuri, a fire-fly. Kimvunga, a hurricane. Kiimca ku-, to be tired, disgusted, to be cross at having anything to do. Kimicondo, plur. vimifondn, a mis- sile, a shooting star, because they are said to be thrown by the angels at the Jins. Kiniya, silence, perfect stillness. Mtu wa Idmyahimyaf a still man. Kina. Kina sisi, people like us. Mahasha liaya ya kina AhfJallah, these chests belong to Abdal- lah's people. Kina, plur. vina, a verse, the final syllable of the lines, which is the same throughout the poem. Kinai ku-, to be content without, to withhold oneself from desiring, to be self-satisfied, to revolt at, to nauseate. Kinaisha ku-, to revolt, to make unable to eat any more, to take away the desire of. Kinamizi or Kiinamizi, stooping to one's work. Kinanda, plur. vinanda, a stringed instrument, applied to nearly all European instruments. Kinara, plur. vinara, a little tower, a candlestick. See also Kanzu. Kinaya, self-content, insolence. Kinayi ku- = Kinai ku-. Kinda, plur. makinda, a very young bird, the young of birds. Kindana ku-, to object to, to stand in the way of. Kinena, the abdomen. Kinga, plur. vinga, a brand, a half- burnt piece of firewood. Kinga, a stop, a limit put to a thing. Kinga Jcu-, to put something to catch something, to guard oneself, to ward a blow. Kukinga mvua, to put something to catch the rainwater. Kingaja, plur. vingaja, a bracelet nf beads. Kingalingali, on the back (of falling or lying). Kingama ku-, to lie across. Mti umekingama njiani, a tree lies across the road. Kingamisha ku-, to block, to step, to spoil. Kinge, too little. Chakula kinge, too little food. Kingojo, a watch, time or place of watching. Kingozi, the old language of Me- linda, the poetical dialect, difii- cult and ill-understood language. Kingubwa, the spotted liyaena. Kinika ku-, to be certain or ascer- tained about a person. Kinjunjuri. Kukata kinjunjuri, to shave all the hair except one long tuft. Kinono, plur. vinono^ a futliug. 310 KIN KIP Kinoo, plur. vinoo, a whetstone. [ Kirioo. Emhe kinoo, a small yellow kind of mango. Kinu, plur. vinu, a wooden mortar for pounding and for cleaning corn, an oil-mill, a mill. Kinu cha hushindikia, a mill for pressing oil. Kinu cha moshi, a steam mill. Kinuhi, plur. vinuhi, a harp. Ya Kinuhi, Nubian. Kinwa = Kinywa. Kinwa, plur. vinwa, a mouth. Kinica mchuzi, the imperial, the place where the imperial grows. Kinyaa^ filth, dung. Kinyago, plur. vinyago, a thing to frighten people, such as a mock ghost, &c., &c. Kinyegere^ a small animal, a skunk. Kinyemiy pleasant, good. Kinyenyefu, a tickling, a tingling. Kinyezi. See Kinyaa. Kinyi, having. See -inyi. Kinyonga, plur. vinyonga, a chame- leon. Kinyozi, plur. vinyozi, a barber, a shaver. Kinyuma = Kinyume. Kinyume, afterwards. Kinyume, going back, shifting, alteration, an enigmatic way of speaking, in which the last syl- lable is put first. See Appendix I. Kinyumha, a kept mistress. Kinyunya, plur. vinyunya, a kind of cake, a little cake made to try the quality of the flour. Kingwa, plur. vinywa^ a drink, a beverage. Kinywaji, plur. vlnyivaji, a beve- rage, a Ubual beverage. Kinza ku-, to contradict, deny. Kiogaj plur. vioga, a mushroom. Kiohosi, plur. violcosi, a reward for finding a lost thing and returniug it to the owner. Kioja, plur. vioja, a curiosity. Kionda, a taster. Kionda mtuzi. the imperial, the place where the imperial grows (M.). Kiongozi, plur. viongozi, a leader, a guide, a caravan guide. Kiongwe, plur. viongwe, a donkey from the mainland ; they are re- puted very hard to manage. Kioo, plur. vioo, glass, a glass, a looking-glns!^, a piece of glass, — a fish-hook (M.). Kiopoo, a pole or other instrument to get things out of a well, &c., with. Kiosha miguu, a present made by the bridegroom to the kungu of the bride on the occasion of his first visit. Kiota, plur. viota^ a hen's nest, a laying place, a bird's nest. Koto = Kiota. Kio7i;e. Kupiga kiowe, to scream, cry for help. Kiowevu, a liquid. Kioza, putridity. lupa mkono, a present made by the iDridegroom to the bride when he first sees her face. Kipaa, plur. vipaa, a thatched roof, the long sides of a roof. Kipaa cha mbele, the front slope of the roof. Kipaa cha nyuma, the back slope of the roof. Kipaje, a kind of mtama. KIP KIR Kipaji, a kind of cosmetic. See also Kanzu. KipaJiu, plur. vipaku, a spot or mark of a different colour. Kipamho, adornment. Kipande, plur. vipande, a piece, an instrument, a small rammer for beating roofs. Vipande vya Jcupimia, nautical instruments. Kipande hilichonona, a piece of fat. Kipanga, a large bird of prey, a horse-fly. Kipangozi, a sluggish incurable sore on a horse or ass. Eipara, plur. vipara, a shaved place on the head. Kipele, plur. vipele^ a pimple. Kipendi, a darling, a favourite. Kipenu, plur. vipenu, a lean-to, the side cabins of a ship. Kipenyo, a small place where some- thing passes through. Kipepeo, plur. vipepeo, a fan for blowing the fire, a butterfly. Kipeto, plur. vijjeto, a [acket. Kipi or Kipia, a cock's spur. Kipigi, a rainbow (?). Kipila, a curlew. Kipilipili. Nyele za Mpilipili, woolly hair. Kipindi^ a time, a period of time, an hour. Kipindi chote, at every period. Kipindi cha atJdhuuri, the hour of noon. Kipinda. Kufa Ttipinda, to die a natural death, as cattle, &c. Kipindupindu, cholera. Kipingwa, plur. vipingwa, a bar. Kipinij plur. vipini, a hilt, a haft, a handle of the same kind as a knife handle, a stud-shaped orna- ment worn by women in the nose, and sometimes in the ears also. Kipimo, plur. vipimo, a measure. Kipofu, plur. vipofuy a blind per- son. Kipolepole, a butterfly. Kiponza, paralysis. Kipulcuba, dropped early, cast fruit, etc. Kipukute, Kipukuse = Kipukvba. Ndizi kipukute, little bananas. Kipuli, plur. vipuli, a dangling ornament worn by women in the ear; they are often little silver crescents, five or six round the outer circumference of each ear. Kipungvx), plur. vipunguo, defect, deficiency. Kipupwe, the cold season (June and July). Kipwa, plur. vipwa, rocks in the sea. Kiraka, plur. viraka, a patch. Kiri ku-, to confess, accept, acknow- ledge, assert. Kirtba, plur. viriba, a water-skin. Kirihi ku-, to provoke. Kirihika ku-, to be provoked, to be offended. Kirihisha ku-, to make ofi'ended, to aggravate. Kirimha, a cage for wild animals, a meat-safe. Kirimu ku-, to feast. Kirithi hu-, to borrow, specially to borrow money. Kiroboto, plur. tirdboto, a flea. The Hathramaut soldiers are nick- named Tirdboto, and their song as they march is parodied by, Kiroboto, Kiroboto, tia motOj tia moto. 312 KIR KIS Kirukavjia, a kind of mouse found in Zanzibar. Kirukia, a kind of parasite growing on fruit trees. Kiruu, blind rage. Kisa, plur. visa, a cause, a reason, a short tale. Visa vingi, many affairs, a com- plicated business. Kisa cha JcohOy kernel of a stone. Kisaga, a measure equal to two Eihahas. Kisafiani, plur. visahani, a plate, a small dith. KisanduTiu, plur. visanduhu, a small chest, a box. Kisarani, a greedy fellow, a miser. Kisasi, revenge, retaliation. Kislmda, a tailless kite. Kishaha, plur. vikin. Kitamhi cha kilemha, a piece of stuff for making a turban. Kitamho, a short time. Kitamiri, a kind of evil spirit. Kitana, plur. vitana, a small comb. Kitanda, plur. vitanda, a bedstead, a couch. Kitanga, plur. vitanga, a round mat used to lay out food upon. Kitanga cha mkono, the palm of the hand. Kitanga cha mzani, a scale pan. Kitanga cha pepo, the name of a dance. Kitani, flax, linen, string. Kitanzi, plur. titanzi, a loop, a button-loop. Kitaoica, the kind proper for a devotee. Amevaa nguo za kitaoica, he is dressed like a devotee. Kitapo, plur. vitapo, a shivering, a shiver. Kitata, plur. vitara, a. curved aword. Kitara, an open shed in a village, where people sit to talk and trans- act business. Kitasa, a box lock, a lock. Kitatangi, a cheat. Also a very bri;j:ht-coloured sea-fish with spines, a sea-porcupine. Kitawi, a kind of weed. Kitaici, plur. vitaici, a branch, a bough, a bunch. Kite, feeling sure, certainty, faith- fully (?), affection. Kana kite haye, he has no affec- tion. Kupiga kite, to cry or groan from inward pain. 314 KIT KIT Kiteflefu, soLbing before or after crying. Kitefute, the clieek, the part of the face over the cheek-bone. KHeJcu, a tosser. Kitembe, a lisp. Kitemhwi, a thread of flax or fine Kitendawili, plur. vitendawili, an enigma. The propounder says KitendawiH; the rest answer Tega; he then propounds his enigma. Kitendo, plur. vitendo, an action. Kitengenya, a small bird spotted with white, yellow, and red. Klleo, plur. viteo, a small sifting basket. Klteso, a vase. Kitewe, loss of the use of the legs. Klthiri ku-^ to grow large, in- crease. TJmeldthiri kuzaa, it has borne more than before. Kiti, plur. viti, a cliair, a seat. Kiti chafrasi, a saddle. Kitimhi, plur. vitimbi, an artifice, an artful trick. Kitinda mimba, the last child a woman will bear; Kitindi. See Vitindi. Kitisho, plur. vitisho, fear, a terrify- ing thing. Kititi, plur. vUiti, a hare, a rabbit, a little thing (M.). Kititi, to the full, entirely, alto- irether, all at once. Kititi cha hahari, the depths of the soa. Kititia, a child's windmill. Kitiwanga, chicken-pox. The natives say an epidemic of Jiiti- { icanga, always precedes one of small-pox. Also titiwanga, and peihaps tete ya 'kicanga. Kito, plur vito. a precious stone. Kitolca (M.) = Kishoha, Kitoma, plur. vitoma, a small round pumpkin. Kitoma, orchitis. Kitone. plur. vitone, a drop. Kitonga, hydrocele (?). Kitongoji, a village. Kitongotongo. Kutjzama kitongofnngo, to glance at contemptuously with half- shut eyes. Kitoria, a kind of edible fruit. Kitofeo (M.) = Kichocheo. Kitoto, plur. vitdto, a little child. Kifovu, plur. vitnvu, the navel. Kitoweo, plur. vitoweo, a relish, a something to be eaten with the rice or other vegetable food, such as meat, fish, curry, &c. Eitu, plur. vitu, a thing, especially a tangible thing. Si kitu, nothing, worthless. Kitua, p^ur. vitua, the shade of a tree, &c. Kituko, startledness, fright. Kitukuu, plur. vitukuuy a great grandchild. Kitulizo, plur. vitulizo, a soothing, quieting thing. Kitumhva. ydur. vitumhua, a sort <^f cake or fritter made in Zanzibar. Kitunda^ plur. vitunda, a chess pawn. Kitundwi, a water-jar [TumbatuJ. Kitunga, plur. vitunga, a small round basket. Kitungu (?) a small round earthen dish. Kitungule, plur. vitungule, a hare or rabbit (?). KIT KIW Kitunguu, plur. vitunguu, an onion. Kitunguu somu, garlic. Kitungica, a small bird like a sparrow. Eituo, plur. vituo, an encampment, a resting-place, a putting down. Sana hituo, he is always gadding about. Kitupa, plur. vitupa, a little bottle, a vial. Kitutia. £ahari ya Mtidia, a boiling sea, deep and rough. Kitica, plur. vitwa, the head. Kiticangomba, a somersault. KitwaMtwa, topsy-turvy. Kitwana, plur. vitu-ana, a slave boy. Kiu, thirst. Kuwa na Mn, to be thirsty. Kuona Mu, to feel thirst. Kiua, plur. viua, an eyelet hole. Kiuha Jiu-, to step over. KiuTiia = Kiruhia. ^Kiuma, plur. viuma, a fork. Kiuma mhuzi, a small dark-coloured lizard. Kiumbe, plur. viumhe, a creature, created thing. Kiumhizi, a peculiar way of beating the drum ; the people sing the while, Sheitani ndoo tupigane fimho. Kiunga, plur. viunga, a suburb, the outskirts of a town. Kiungani, near the town, in the suburbs. Kiungo, plur. viungo, a joint, — an acid thing put into the mchuzi. Kiunguja, the language of Zanzibar. Kiungicana, the free or gentlemanly sort. Ta kiungicana, civilized, cour- teo.s, becouiiag a free man. Mwanamke tea Jciungwana, a lady. KiunguHa, plur. viungulia, an eruc- tation, a breaking of wind. Kiuno, plur. viuno, the loins. Kiunza, plur. viunza, the plank laid over the body before the grave / / is filled in. (Coffins are never P^^t-'^'*^ used.) "~ Eluwaji, murderous, deadly. Eivi, the elbow. Kivimha, plur. vivimha, the girth of a tree, the circumference. Kivimbi, a small swelling. Kivu}:o, plur. vivuko, a ford, a ferry, a crossing-place. Kivuli, plur. vivuli, a shadow, a shade, a ghost. Eivumhazi, a strong-smelling herb said to scare mosquitoes : wash- ing in water in which it has been steeped is said to be a preventive of bad dreams. Etvumho, lonely (?). Elvumi, plur. vivumi, a roaring, bellowing sound. Eivyao — Eizao. Eivyazi, birth. Eiicamhaza, plur. viwambaza, a mud and stud wall. Eiwambo, something straint-d tightly over a frame, like the skin of a drum, a weaving frame. Eiwanda, plur. viwandn, a work- shop, a yard, a plot of land. Eiicango, plur. tiicango, a number, position in the world, duties be- longing to one's position, a man's place. Eiicanja = Eiwanda. Eiicao, a great feast [Tumbatu]. Eiwavi, plur. viwavij a nettle, a sea- nettle. Eiicavu chana (A.), ribs. 316 KI W KOH Kiloe, plur. viwe. Kiive cha uso, a small kind of pimple on the face. Kiwele, an udder. Kiicemhe, a pocket-knife. Kiiceo (Bl.), thigh, lap. Kiwete, loss of the use of the legs. Kiwi, moon-blindness, a dazzle. Kufanya Jciwi, to dazzle. Kitci, plur. viici, a small stick, a piece of wood, a bar. Kiidlco. Kiicilco cJia mlwno, the wrist. Kiwilio cha mguu, the ankle. Kiu-iliwili, the human trunk, the body without the limbs. Kiyama, the resurrection. Kiyamhaza, a bulkhead, partition. Also = Kiwambaza. Kiyamho, neighbourhood, a village. Kiza or Giza, darkness. Kutia Mza, to darken, to dim. Kizao, plur. vizao, a native, one bom in the place. Kizazi, plur. vizazi, a generation. Kizee, diminutive of mzee, gene- rally used of an old woman. Kizibo, plur. vizibo, a stopper, a cork. Kizio, plur. vizio, half of an orange, cocoa-nut, &c. Kizimhi, plur. vizimhi, a cage. Kizinda, a virgin. Kizinja, plur. vizinga, a large log half burnt. Kizinjiti, threshold, the top and bottom pieces of a door or window frame, bar of a river. Kizingo, turnings, curves of a river, &c., (?) a buiial ground. Kizingo, sharp shore sand used for building. Kiziici, plur. viziici, deaf. Kizuio = Kizuizi. Kizuizi, plur. vizuizi, a stop, a thing which hinders or stays. Kizuizo, plur. vizuizo, a hindrance. Kizuha, plur. vizuJca, a kind of evil spirit, a woman who is staying in perfect secrecy and quiet during the mourning for her husband. See Ecla. Kizungu, a European language. Ya kizungu, European. Kizunguzungu, giddiness. Kizuri, beauty, a beauty. KizusJii, an intruder. Kizuu, plur. vizuu, a kind of evil spirit, which kills people at the order of its master. Ko, -}co, -Ico, where, whither, whence. Ko hole, whithersoever. Koa, plur. mahoa, a snail. Koa (plur. of Ukoa), the silver rings on the scabliard of a sword, &c., plates of metal. Kobe, a tortoise. Koche, plur. malwche, the fruit of a kind of palm. Kodi, rent. Kodolea ku-, to fix the eyes upon, to stare. Kofi, plur. makofi, the flat of the hand. Kupiga kofi, to strike with open hand, to box the ears. Kupiga makofi, to clap the hands. Kofia, a cap. Kdfila, a caravan. Kofua, emaciated. Koga = Kuoga. Koliani, a small red fish like a mullet. Koho, a large bird of prey. Kolioa, ku-, to cough. Kolwzi, expectorated matter. KOI KON 317 Koikoi, plur. maJcoikoi, a sort of evil spirit. Koja, a gold ornament for the neck. Kojoa ku; to make water. Koka = Kuoka. Koka ku-, to set on fii-e. Koko, plur. makoko, kernels, nuts, stones of fruit. Koko, plur. makoko, brushwood, thickets, bushes. Mbica koko, a homeless dog that lives in the thickets and eats carrion. Kokomoka ku-, to vomit, to belch out, blurt out. Kokota ku-, to drag. Kukokota roho, to breathe hard. Kokoteza ku-, to do anything slowly and carefully. Kokoto, plur. makvkoto, a small stone, a small piece of stone. Kokwa, plur. makokwa, nuts, stones of fruit. Kolekole, a kind of fish. Kolea ku-, to become well flavoured, to get the right quantity of a condiment. Koleo, plur. makoleo, tongs. Kologa ku-, to stir. Eoma, plur. makoma, a kind of fruit. Koma ku-, to cease, to leave ofi", to end a journey, to arrive at a destination. Koma usije ! Come no further ! Komaa ku-, to be full grown. Komaza ku-, to mock, to make game of. Komba, a galago. Komba ku-, to scrape out, to clean out. Dafu la kukomba, a cocoa-nut in which the nutty part is but just forming, which is then reckoned a delicacy. Kukomba mtu, to get all his money, to clean him out. Kombamoyo, plur. makombamoyo. one of the rafters of a thatched roof. Kombe, plur. makombe, a large dish. Kombe la mkono (A.), the shoulder- blade. Kombe za pwani, oysters (?). cockles (?), sea-shells. Komheka ku-, to be cleaned out, to have had all one's money got from one. Kombeo, a sling. Kombo, plur. makombo, scraps, pieces left after eating. Kombo, a defect, crookedness. Kutoa k'ombo, to notice a defect. Komboa ku-, to ransom, to buy back. Komboka ku-, to be crooked. Kombokombo, crooked. Kombora, a bomb, a mortar. Kombozi, a ransom. Konie, plur. makome, a pearl oyster (?), a mussel (?), a shell. Komea ku-, to fasten with a native lock (Jcomeo). Komeo, a kind of wooden lock. Komesha ku-, to make to cease, to put a stop to. Komwe, plur. makomice, the seeds of a large climbing plant abundantly furnished with recurved thorns ; they are used to play the game of bao with. Konda ku-, to grow thin and lean. Kondavi, large beads worn by women, as a belt round the loins. Konde, a fist. Kupiga moyo konde, to take heart, to resolve firmly. 318 KON KOR Kondesha hu-, to make to grow lean. Kondo, war (Merima). Kondoa, a sheep [Lindi]. Kondoo, sheep. Yuafa Jiikondoo, he dies like a sheep, silently (which is high praise). Konga ku-, to grow old and feeble. Kongoa hu-, to draw out nails, &c., to take to pieces. Kongoea, Mombas. Kongoja ku-, to walk witn difficulty, to totter. Kongolewa ku-, to be taken to pieces. Kongomero, throat. Kongoni = Kunguni. Kong'otaj a sort of woodpecker, black and yellow. Kongica, a slave-stick. Kongwe. Kutoa kongwe, to lead off the solo part of a song, in whicJi others join in the chorus. -kongwe, over-old, worn out with age. Kono, a projecting handle, like that of a saucepan. Konokono, a snail. Konyeslia ku- = Eonyeza ku-. Konyeza ku-, to make a sign by raising the eyebrows. Konzi, what can be grasped in the hand, a fist full. Kupiga konzi, to rap with the knuckles. Koo, plur. makoo, a breeding animal or bird. Koo la kuku, a laying hen. Koo la mhuzi, a breeding goat. Koo, plur. makoo, throat. Koonde, plur. makoonde, cultivated laud, fields, the piece of ashamha allotted to a slave for his own i.se. Konyoa ku-, to break off the cobs of Indian corn. Kojm, hearts, in cards. Kopa, plur. makopa, a piece of dried muhogo, which has been steeped and cooked. Ko2m ku-, to get goods on credit for the purpose of trading with, to cheat, to swindle. Koiie, plur. of Ukope, the eyelashes. Kope, plur. makopje, the wick of a candle. Kopesa ku-, to wink. Kopesha ku-, to supply a trader with goods on credit, to give on trust. to lend. Kopo, plur. makopo, a large metal vessel, a spout. Kopoa ku-, to drag out of one's hand, = Chopoa ku-. Kora ku-, to seem sweet to, to be loved by. Koradani, a sheave of a pulley. Korija, a pucker in sewing. Also, a Korja, a tcore. [score. Koroana ku-, to steep in water. Korofi, a bird of ill omen, a messenger of bad luck. Korofisha ku-, to ruin a man. Koroga ku-, to stir, to stir up. Koroma,-pluT. makoroma, a cocoa-nut in its last stage but one, when the nut is formed but has not yet its full flavour. It has ceased to be a dafu and is not yet a nazi. Koroma ku-, to snore. Korongo, a crane. Korongo, plur. makorongo, a hole dibbled for seed. Kororo, a crested guinea-fowl, Korosho, plur. makoroslio, cashew nuts. Koru, the waterbuck. KOS -KUB 319 Eosa hu-, to err, mistake, miss, go wrong, do wrong, blunder. Kosekana hu-, to be missed, not to be there. Eosesha hu-, to lead astray. Kosudia hu-, to purpose, to intend, = Kusudia. Kota, plur. makota, the stalks of a kind of millet which are chewed Kota, a crook. [like sugar-cane. Kota ku-. Kukota mote, to warm oneself. Kotama, a curved knife u^ed in getting palm wine. Kate, all. See -ate. Kotekote, on every side. Koto. Kupiga koto (M.), to strike with the knuckles. Kavo, plur. makovo, scar. Ka- or Ktc-. 1. The indefinite verbal prefix answering to there in English. Ku-likuwa, there was. Ku-katanda, and there spread. 2. The sign of the infinitive. Ku-piga, to strike. Kw-enda, to go. The infinitive may be used as a substantive answering to the English form in -ijig. Kufa, dying, the act of death. Kwenda, going. The ku- of the infinitive is re- tained by monosyllabic verbs, and by some others in all tenses in which the tense prefix ends in an unaccented syllable. 3. The prefix proper to adjectives, pronouns, and verbs agreeing with infinitives used as sub- stantives. Kufa kicetu kicema kutampendeza, our good deaths will please him. 4. The prefix proper to pronouns agreeing with substantives in the locative case (-ni), where neither the being or going inside, nor mere nearness, is meant. Enenda nyumhani kicangu, go to my house. Ziko kwetu, there are in our pos- session, at our place. 5. In a few words a prefix signi- fying locality,commonly so used in other African languages, but generally represented in Swa- hili by the case in -ni. Kuzimu, among the dead, in the -ku-. [grave. 1. The sign of the negative past always preceded by some nega- tive personal prefix. Sikujua, I did not know. Hazikufaa, they were of no use. 2. The objective prefix denoting the second person singular. Nakupenda, I love thee, or you. Alikupa, he gave thee, or you. Sikukujua, I did not know you. 3. The objective prefix referring to infinitives of verbs, or to huku, there. Kua ku-, to grow, to become large. -kuha or -kubwa, great, large. Kuhali ku, to accept, assent to, acknowledge, approve. Kuhalika ku-, to be accepted, to be capable of acceptance. Kubalisha ku-, to make to accept. Euhha, a vaulted place. -kubwa, large, great, elder, chief. It makes kubwa with nouns like nyumha. T 2 320 KUC KUM Kucha, or Kumehucha, the dawn. Usiku Jcucha, all uight. Kuchua Tiu-. Kamha imejikucliua, the rope has worn away, chafed, stranded. Kufuli, a padlock. Kufuru ku; to become an infidel, to apostatize. Kufuru hu-, to mock, to deride. Kiguni,t]ie hartebeest (boselaphus). Kuke. See -ke. Mkono wa kuke, the left hand. Kukeni, on the female side. Kuko, yonder, to yonder. Kwa kuko, beyond, on yon side. Kuku, a hen, a fowl, fowls, poultry. Kuku na liuku, backwards and for- wards. -kukuu, old, worn out. It makes kukuu with nouns like nyumha. Kulahu, a hook to steady work with. Kule, there, far oif, yonder. Kulee, yonder, very far oif. As the distance indicated increases the e is more dwelt on, the voice raised to a higher and higher falsetto. Kulekule, there, just there. Kulia ku-, to become great for, to become hard to. Kuliko, where there is or was. Kulikoni'i Where there is what = why ? (T^I.). Kuliko, is used in the ordinary way of expressing the comparative. Mwema kuliko huyu, good where this man is, and therefore better than he. Because if a quality becomes evident in any- thing by putting some other thing beside it, the first must possess the quality in a higher degree than the other. Kiilla, often pronounced killa, every, each one. Kululu, nothing at all. Nikapatakululu = Sikupataneno. Kululu, tiger cowries, Cyprsea tigris. Kulungu, a sort of antelope. Kuma, the vagina. Kumha ku-, to push against, to take and sweep off the whole of any- thing, e.g. to clear water out of a box, to bale a boat. Kumbatia ku-, to embrace, to clasp. Kumbatiana ku-, to embrace (of two persons). Kumhe ? What ? An expression of surprise used especially when something turns out otherwise than was expected, commonly joined with a negative verb. Kumhi (Mer.), circumcision. Anaingia kumhini, he is being circumcised. Kumhi, plur. makumhi, cocoa-nut fibre, the husk of the cocoa-nut and the fibrous mass out of which the leaves grow. Also, at Mgao, gum copal. Kumhikumbi, ants in their flying stage. Kumbisha ku-, to push off upon, to lay upon some one else. Kumhuka ku-, to think of, to remem- ber, to ponder over, to recollect. Kumbukumbu, a memorial, a men- tion. Kumbura, an explosive shell. Kumbusha ku-, to remind. Kumbwaya, a kind of drum stand- ing on feet. Kumekuclia, there is dawn, tU dawn. Kumi, plur. makumi, ten. Kumoja, on one side. KUM KUN 321 Kumpuni, plur. maJcumpuni, a per- son who has obtained full know- ledge of his trade. Kumunta ku- (Mer.), to shake out or off. Kumunto, a sieve of basket-work. Kumutiha ku-, to desire (?). Kumvi, husks and bran of rice. Kuiia, there is, Kunaye, depending upon him. Kunani ■? What is the matter ? Kuna kwambaje ? What da you say? [Tumbatu]. Kuna ku-, to scratch. Kunakucha, there is dawning, the dawning. Kunazi, a small edible fruit. Kunda ku- (M.) = Kunja ku-. Kunda, plur. makunda, a green vegetable like spinach. Kundaa ku-, to be short and small of stature. Kundamana ku- = Kunjamanaku-. Kunde, beans, haricot beans, Kundi, plur. makundi, a crowd, a herd, many together. Kundua ku-, to please (?). -kundufu, giving pleasm-e. Nyumba ni kundufu, the house is commodious. Muungu ni mkundufu, God is the giver of all good things. Kunduka ku-, to grow larger, to open. Moyo umekunduka, he is gratified (N.). Kunya- „ ndefu, not nrefu. „ tatu, not ntaiu. „ mhili, not nwili or npiJi. >» nzuri. 356 N A NAN Na, and, also, with ; by, of the agent of a passive, and with, of the sharer in the action of a reci- procal verb. Na when joined with a pronoun commonly forms one word with it. Nami, and I, or with me. Nawe, and thou, or with thee. Nao, nayo, nacho, nalo, and or with them, it, &c., &c., &c. Na joined with the verb kuwa, to be, or with the personal prefix only, constitutes the verb to have. The object is frequently joined with the na, — ana, or anazo, anaclio, &c., &c., he has. AlieJio nacho, which he has Alicliokuwa nacho, which he had. Atakachohuwa nacho, which he will have. Atahuwa nacho, he will have it. The verb kuwa na is used some- times in the sense of being, as Palikuwa na mtu, there was a man. Hakuna, there is not. Kuna, there is. Zinazo, they are. -na-, the sign of the present tense of a continuing action. Anakwenda, he is going. Anasema, he is saying. This tense has sometimes the effect of a present participle. Akamwona anakuja, and he saw him coming. N.B. — At Mombas the -na- tense is used as a past tense. At Zanzibar it is the most usual present. Na or 'Nna = Nina, I have. Naam or Na'am, yes. Nabihuha ku-, to exhort. Nabii, a prophet. Nadi ku, to proclaim, to make a bid fur a thing, to sell by auction. See Mnadi. Nddira, rare. Nafaka, corn, corn used as money. Mtama, or millet, was formerly used in Zanzibar as small change : it was superseded by the introduction of pice from India about the year 1845. Nafasi, space, room, time, oppor- tunity. Nafisisha ku-, to give space, to make space. Nafsi or Nafusi, self, soul, breath. Nafuu, profitable. Nahau, spelling, grammar. Nahma ku, to revenge. Nahotha ya maji, water-tank. Nai, a sort of anvil fixed in a forked piece of wood. Najisi = Nejjis, profane. NakhotJia or Nahoza, captain of a vessel, master mariner. Nakili ku-, to copy, to transcribe. Nakishi, Naksh, or Nakshi, cavviDg. Kukata naksh, to carve, to orna- ment with carving. Nakishiwa ku, to be carved or in- laid. Nakl, a copy. Nako, and it was there. Ndkudi, cash, ready money. Nama ku- = Inama ku-, to bend down, to bow the head. Nami, and I, or with me. Na'mna or Namuna, sort, pattern. Namua ku- (Mer.), to take out of a trap, to extricate. Nana or Na'ana, mint. Nana, mistress (N.). NAN NDI 357 Nanazi, plur. mananazi, a pine- Nane, eight. [apple. -nane, eight. Ya nane, eighth. Nanga, an anchor. Kutia nanga, to anchor. Kangonango, a worm (?). Nani ? Who ? Naiiigicanzula, a kind of lizard. Nao, and they or with them, and it or with it. Naoza = NaTchotJia, a captain. Na])0, and there, and here. Nasa ku; to catch in a trap. Nasi ku; to warn. Nasihu, luck, fortune. Kica nasihu, by chance, perhaps. Nasihu 1:u, to appoint. Nasiha Itu-, to suggest. Nasihi ku-, to entreat, to beseech. Nastahiba, I see it better, prefer. Nasur, an abscess. Nata ku-, to be adhesive, to stick. NatJiari, choice. Nathiri, a look, a glance, a vow. Kuiceka nathiri, to vow. Kuondoa nathiri, to perform a vow. Nathiri ku-, to glance. Natoa, a blemish (?). Nauli, freight. Naica ku-, to wash oneself. Kunawa mikono, to wash one's hands. Nazdr, quarrel. Nazi, a cocoa-nut, a fully ripe nut. Nazi kavu, copra, cocoa-nuts dried fit for pressing. Naziri = Nathiri. Naziyana ku-, to quarrel. 'Ncha, the point, the end, tip, a strand in cordage. Nchi. See IncUi. Ndaa (M.), hunger, = Njaa. Ndama, a calf, the young of a domestic animal. Kdani, within, inside. Ndani ya, inside of. Kioa ndani, inner, secret. Ndani kwa ndani, secretly. Ndaroho. Kusema cha ndaroho, to speak a secret language. Ndefu = Ndevii, the beard. Sing. udevu, one hair of the beard. Ndefu, long. See -refu. Ndege, a bird, birds, an omen. To see a woman with a load is lucky, and would be culled ndege njema. To see a man by himself carrying nothing is unlucky, and is ndege mhaya. Nd^.re. Unga wa ndere, a magic poison. Ndewe, a hole pierced in the lobe of the ear, Ndezi, a kind of animal. Ndi-, a prefix used with the short form of the pronoun to express, it is this, this is the one, I am he, you are he, &c. I, Ndimi, Thou, Ndiice. He or she, Ndiye. It, Ndio, ndiyo, ndicho, ndilo^ ndipo, ndiko, ndimo. We, Ndisi. You, Ndinyi. They, Ndio, ndiyo, ndivyo, ndizo. Ndiyo yalio, that is just it, that is how matters stood. Ndia (M.) = Njia. Ndimi, tongues. See TJlimi. Ndio, yes. Ndiioa (M.) or Njiwa, a pigeon. Ndid, bananas, plantains. 8.38 K DI NG A Ndizi Bungala, a thick sweet kind of banana. Ndizi mjenga, a long kind of banana used in cooking. Ndizi msusa, a large ridged kind of banana. Ndoa, marriage. Ndonya, a lip-ring, worn by the Nyassa. Ndoo and Ndooni (M.) = Njoo and Njooni^ come. Ndoo, a pail, a bucket. Ndoto, a dream. Ndovu, an elephant. Ndugu, a brother or sister, a cousin, a relation, Ndugu Jiunyonya, a foster brother, Ndui, small-pox. [&c. Nduli, savage, given to slaying, a man wholly without patience. Ndume, male, from -lume or -ume. Ndusi, a bos. Nehii = Nahii, a prophet. Neema, grace, favour. Neemesha Jcu-, to enrich. Nefsi = Nafd = Nafun, self. Negesha ku-, to charge with, to at- tribute falsely to. Ahamnegesha mwivi, and he called him a thief. Nejjis, or Nejisi, or Najisiy profane, blasphemous. NelU, a pipe, a water-pipe. Nembo, tribal murks. Nena ku-, to speak, to name, to mention. Nenana ku-, to talk against one another, to quarrel. -nene, thick, stout, fat, whole, com- plete, plump, sleek. Nenea ku-, to talk to, of, at, for, or against, to blame, to scold, to re- cc>mmend. Nenepa ku-, to grow fat, used es- pecially of persons. Neno, plur. maneno, a word, a thing. Sikufanya neno, I have done no- thing. Nenyekea ku-, to be humble, to con- descend. -nenyekevu, humble, condescending. Ne2Ja ku-, to sag, to dip in the middle as a long rope does. Neupe or Nyeupe, white. See -eupe. Neusi or Nyeusi, black. See -eusi. -nga- or -nge-, the prefix of the present conditional tense. ni-nge-kuwa, I should be. Ngadu, land crabs. -ngawa, though. Ng'aa liu- = Ng'ara ku-, to shine. ■ngali-, the prefix of the past con- ditional. ni-ngali-kataa, I should have re- fused. Ngama, the hold of a ship. Ng'amha, a hawkshead turtle, from which tortoiseshell is procured. Ng'amho, the other side of a river or creek. Ngamia or Ngamiya, a cameL Ng'anda, a handful. Ngano, a tale, a fable. Ngano, wheat. Amekula ngano, he has been dis- graced ; that is, having been as if in paradise, he has now to eat the food of ordinary mortals. Ngao, a shield or buckler ; they are circular and very small. Ngara, the young cob of Indian corn. Ng'ara ku-, or Ng'ala, or Ng'aa, to shine, to glitter, to be transparent, to be clear. NGA N GU 359 Ngariba, a circumcisor. N'gariza hu-, to fix the eyes, to glare. Amening^ ariza viaclio, he glared at me. Ngaica, a civet cat (?). The ngawa is a larger animal than the fungo. Ng'aza hu-, to make to shine, or to be brilliant. Ngazi, a ladder. Ngazidja, Great Comoro. 'A^e, a scorpion. 'Tige-, sign of the conditional pre- sent, would. Yangedumu, they would still con- tinue. Ngedere, a small black monkey. Ngema, good. See -ema. Ngeu, ruddle used by carpenters to mark out their work. -ngi or -ingi, many, much, Ngiliza. See Ingiliza. -ngine, other, diiferent. Wangine — wangine, some — other. Ng'oa ku; to pull up, to root up, to pull out. Ngoa, lust. Kulia 7igoa, to weep for jealousy. Kutimia ngoa yakwe, to satisfy his desires. Ng'ofic, the roe of a fish. Ngoja ku-, to wait, to wait for. Ngoje, Angoxa. Ngojea ku-, to wait upon, to watch. Ng'oka ku-, to be rooted up. Moyo unaning'oka, I was startled out of my wits. Ngoh, rope. Ngoma, a drum, a musical perform- ance generally. Ng^omhe or Gnoinbe, an ox, a cow., a bull, cattle. Ng^ombe nduine, a bull. Ngome, a fort. Ng'onda ku-, to cure or dry fislj, «S:c. Ng'onga. Ana ng'onga (A.), he is inclined to vomit. Ng'ong'e, the strips of leaf or fibre used for sewing matting, and for tying. Ng'ong'o, the thick edge of a strip of matting. Ngono, the share of her husband's company which is due to each wife. Ngovi = Ngozi, skin. Ngozi, skin, hide, leather. Nguchiro, a mangouste. Also, a sort of bird = Mcliiro. Ngumi or Nyamgumi, a whale. Ngumi. Kupiga ngumi, to strike with the fist. Ngumu, hard. See -gumu. Nguo, calico, cotton cloth, clothes. Nguo ya meza, a table-cloth. Nguo ya maki, stout cloth. Kutenda nguo, to stretch the threads for weaving. Nguri, a shoemaker's tool shaped like a skittle. Nguru, a kind of fish. Nguruma ku-, to roar, to thunder, JSgurumo, a roar, distant rolling thunder. Nguruvu, a kind of jackal with a bushy tail. Nguruwe or Nguuwe, a pig, swine. Nguruzi, a plug. Nguue = Ngurmce, a pig. Nguue, red paint. Nguva, a kind of fish. Nguvu, strength, power, authority. Kica nguvu, by or with strength, by force, strongly, rankly. 360 NGU NJl Nguzo, a pillar, pillars. -ngwana, free, civilized. Ngwe. See Ugwe. 2^gwe, an allotment or space for cul- tivation. Ngwena, a crocodile, a seal. Ngwiro, a large kind of ant. Ni, I am, was, is. Ni is used to express is or was, for all peroons and Loth numbers. Ni (M.), by, with the agent of a passive verb. iVi-, W-, or N; I, the sign of the first person singular. Before the -ta- of the future it sometimes disappears. -711- or -11-, the objective prefix de- noting the first person singular. -7ii, added to substantives, forms a sort of locative case, signifying in, at, into, to, from, from out of, near, by. 1. When followed by pronouns, &c., beginning with 'm or mw, this case implies within, inside of, or the coming or going to or from the inside of the thing named. 2. When followed by pronouns, &c., beginning with p, it signi- fies nearness to, or situation at, by, before, near. 3. When followed by pronouns, &c., in kw, it denotes going or coming to or from, or at, from, and in, in a vague sense, or of things far off. -ni, added to verbs in the impera- tive forms the second person plural. It is sometimes suffixed to common phrases, as huaheriai, good-bye, and twendtzetuni, let us go, and Ls explained as a short form for enyi, or nyie, you ! yoii there ! -ni, enclitic form for nini, what ? -ni, enclitic for nyi as an objective suffix (N.). Nawaambiani, I tell you. Nia, mind, intention, what one has in one's mind. Nia hu, to have in one's mind, to think to do. Nikaao, which I inhabit. Nikali, and I am or was. Nikali nikienda, and I am going. Nil, blue (for washing). Nikwata, the little wall lizard. Nili, I being. Nili hall ya kiiwa juu yoke, I being on his back. Nina, I have. Nina, mother (N.). Ninga, a kind of green bird some- thing like a dove, a woman'a name. Ning^inia ku-, to swing. Ning'iniza ku-, to set swinging. Nini ? What ? Kwa nini, or Ya nini ? why ? what for? Ninyi, ye, you. Ninyi nyote, all of you, all to- getlier. Nipe, give me. See Pa ku-. Nira, yoke. Nisha, starch (?). Njaa, hunger, famine. 'iV/e, outside, forth. ^Nje ya, outside of. Kwa 'nje, outwardly, on the out- side. Njema, good, very well. See -ema. Njia or Ndia, a way, a path, a road, means. Njia panda, cross roada. N JI NY- 361 Njiri, a kind of animal. Njiwa, a pigeon, pigeons. Njiwa manga, tame pigeons. Njiwa ya mwi'tu, a wild pigeon. Njomho, a fish barred with black and yellow. Njoo, come. Njooni, come ye. Njozi, an apparition, vision. Njiiga, a dog-bell, a small bell worn as an ornament. NjugUy ground nuts. Njugu nyassa, soft ground-nuts. Njngu mawe, hard ground-nuts, Njumu, inlaid with silver, inlaying work. See Mjumu. Njriwa = Njuga. Nnaokaa, where I am living, which I am inhabiting. -fine, four. Ya 'nne, fourth. Noa hu, to whet, to sharpen on a stone. Noher, a servant. Xohoa, the second head man at a plantation, generally a slave. Noleo, plur. manoleo, the metal ring round the haft where a knife is set into its handle. Nona hu-, to get fat, applied espe- cially to animals, Nong'ona hu-, to whisper, to mur- mur. Nong^oneza hu-, to whisper to. Nong'onezana hu-, to whisper to- gether. -nona, fat. Nonoa hu- (?). Noondo, or Nondo, a moth. Nshi (A.), eyebrow. Nso, the kidneys. 'Nta, wax, bees' -wax. 'liii — Inchi, laud, country, earth. Nuele or Nioele — Nyele, hair. Nuia hu-, to have in one's mind, to intend. Nuha hu-, to give out a smell, to stink. Ttimhaho ya hunuha, snuff. Nuhato, plur. manuhato, a good smell, a scent. Nuhiza hu-, to smell out like a dog. Nuhta, a point, a vowel point. Nuna hu-, to sulk. Nundu, a hump, a bullock's hump. Nungu, a porcupine. Nungu [Pemba], a cocoa-nut. Nung^uniha hu-, to murmur, to grumble. Nunua hu-, to buy. Xunulia hu-, to buy for. Numdiwa hu-, to have bouglit for one. Nura hu-, to say the words of an oath. Ntiru, light. Nusa hu-, to smell. Tumhaho ya hunusa, snuff. Nuss, or Nusu, or Nussu, half. Nusuru hu-, to help. Nioa hu- or Nywa hu-, to drink, to absorb. Nweleo, plur. manweleo, pores of the skin. Nwewa hu-, to be absorbed, to be drunk. Ny-, a common prefix to substan- tives which do not change to form the plural, where the root begins with a vowel. Substantives in u- or w- followed by a vowel make their plural by substituting ny- for the -u. Dissyllables in u- make their plural by merely prefixing ny-. Ny-, the prefix proper to adjectives. 362 NY A NYE agreeing with substantives of either number of the class wliich do not change to form their plural, or with the plural of substantives in u-, when the root of the adjective begins ■with a vowel, except -ema, good, which makes njema or ngema. Nya Jcu-, to fall (of rain) ; the Jcu- bears the accent, and is re- tained in the usual tenses. Mvua inakimya, the rain is fall- ing (Zanzibar). Mvua yanya, rainfalls (M.). Nyaa, nails of the fingers (N.). Nyaka ku-, to catch. Nyakua ku-, to snatch. ^yala, sheaths. See Ala. JKyalio, cross pieces put in the bottom of a pot to prevent the meat touching the bottom and burning. Nyama, flesh, meat, an animal, animals, beasts, cattle. Nyama mbioayi, savage beasts. Nyamaa ku-, to continue silent, not to speak, to acquiesce. -nyamavu, silent. Nyamaza ku-, to become silent, to leave off talking, to cease (of pain). Nyamgumi, a whale. Nyanana, gentle. See -anana. •nyangdlika, a sort of a. Kitu kinyangdlika, a sort of a thing. Mnyangalika ganil What sort of a man is it ? Nyang'anya ku-, to rob, to take by force. Nyangari, large (spider) shells. Nyani, an ape, apes. Nyanya, a small red fruit used as a vegetable, &c. Nyanya ya kizungu, ft sort of small tomato. Nyanyasa ku-, to profane, contemn. Nyara, booty. Nyasi, grass, reeds. Nyati, a buffalo, buffaloes. Nyatia ku-, to creep up to, to stalk (an animal, &c.). Nyauka ku-, to dry up, to wither, to shrivel. Nyawe, his mother (M.). Nyayo, pliir. of uayo. Nyea ku-, to cause to itch, to iteb Imeninyea, I itch Nyefua ku-, to devour like a beast of prey. Nyegi. Kuwa na nyegi, to be in heat. Nyekundu, red. See -ekundu. Nyele, or Nuele, or Nicele, the hair, sing, unyele, one hair. Nyele za kipilipili, woolly hair. Nyele za singa, straiglit hair. Nyembamba, thin. See -emhamha. Nyemelea ku-, to go quietly and secretly up to a thing in order to seize it. Nyemi, a great dance. Nyenya ku-, to talk a person into telling something. Nyenyekea ku-, to be humble. Nyenzo, rollers, anything to make things move. Nyepesi, light. See -epesi. Nyesha ku-, to cause to fall. Kunyeslia mvua, to cause it to rain. Nyeta ku-, to be teasing, ill-condi- tioned, never satisfied. Nyeupe, white. See -eupe. Nyeusi, black. See -eusi. -NYE N Y W 363 •nyevu, damp. Nyie or Enyie, you there, I say ; used in calling people at a dis- tance. Nyika, wilderness, cut grass (A.). Nyima Jcu-, to refuse to, to withhold from, not to give to. Nyiminyimi, into little bits. Nyingi, many, much. See -ingi. Nyingine, other, another. See -ngine, NyingHnia Jcu-^ to sway, swing. Also ISing'inia. Nyinyi, you. Nyinyoro^ a bulbous plant which throws up a large head of red flowers. Nyoa, plur. manyoa, a feather, = Nyoya. Nyoa ku; to shave. Nyoi (?), a locust. Nyoka, a suake, a serpent, snakes. Nyoka hu-, to be straight, to be stretched out. Nyonda, temptation, trial. Nyondo, a moth. Also Noondo. Nyonga^ the hip. Nyonga ya sarara (A.), the loins. Nyonga hu-, to twist, to strangle. Nyongqnyonga Tcu-, to go from side to side, to wriggle. -nyonge, mean, insignificant, vile. Nyongo, bile. Nyong'onyeya ku-, to be weary, languid, to get slack and power- less. Nyonya ku-, to suck. Nyonyesha ku-, to suckle. Nyonyo. Mafuta ya nyonyo^ castor oil (?). Nyonyoa ku-, to pluck a bird, to pull out feathers. Nyonyoka = Nyonyoa. Nyonyota ku-, to make to smart. Kyororo, soft. See -ororo. Nyosha ku-, to stretch, to straighten, to extend. Kujinyosha, to lie down, to take a nap. Nyofa, a star, stars, point of the compass. Nyote, all, agreeing with ninyi, you. See -ote. Nyoya, plur. manyoya, feather. Nyoyo, hearts. See Moyo. Nyua, plur. of ua, a courtyard, en- closure. Nyuki, a bee, bees. Asali ya nyuki, honey. Nyukua ku-, to tweak, to pinch sharply. Nyuma, at the back, afterwards. Nyuma ya, behind, after. Nyumaye, after it, afterwards. Kuriidi nyuma, to go back. Nyumha, a house, houses. Nyuraho, the wildebeest, catoblepas gorgon. Nyumhu, a mule, mules. Nyundo, a hammer, hammers. Nyuni, a bird, birds (M.). Nyungo, plur. of Ungo. Nyungu, a cooking pot. Nyungunyungu, sores in the leg, said to be caused by the biting of •worms bearing the same name. Nyunyiza ku-, to sprinkle, to sprinkle upon. Nyunyunika ku-, to murmur (?). Nt/usM, the eyebrow. Nywa ku- or Nwa ku-, to driuk, suck up, absorb. The ku- bears the accent and is retained in the usual tenses. Nywea ku-, to get very thin, to Tfaste away. 364 N YW ONE Nywesha hu-, to give to drink. Nzi, plur. manzi, a fly. Also Inzi. Nzige, a locust. Nzigunzigu, a butterfly. Nzima, sound. See -zima. Nzito, heavy. See -zito. Nzuri, fine. See -zuri. is pronounced a little more like aw than is usual in English. U before o sometimes becomes a w, but very often disappears, as : Koga for huoga, to bathe. This word and some others in o are sometimes incorrectly conjugated as if beginning in ho. -o or -0-, sign of the relative, re- ferring to substantives in the singular which make their plural in mi-, or to singular substantives in U-. -0, the short form of wao, they or them. Oa ku-, to marry, used of the bride- groom. Passive, huolewa. Oana ku-, to intermarry, to marry one another. Oawa ku-, to become married (of the man). Oaza ku-, to marry. Oga ku-, to bathe, frequently pro- nounced koga. Ogofisha ku-, to frighten, make afraid, to menace, to threaten. Ogofya ku-, to frighten. Ogolea ku-, to swim, to swim about. Ogopa ku-, to fear, to be afraid. Oka ku-, to bake, to cook by fire only. Okoa ku-, to save, to take away. Okoka ku-, to become saved, to Okota ku-, to pick up. [escape. Ole, woe. Ole loangu, wenu, &c., woe unto me, unto you, &c. Olewa ku-, to marry or to be mar- ried, used of tlie bride. Oleza ku-, to make like, to follow a pattern. Omla ku-, to pray to, to beg of, to beseech. Ombea ku-, to intercede for, to beg on behalf of, to pray for. Oniboleza ku-, to wail. Omo, the head of a ship. Pepo za omo, head winds (?). Ona ku-, to see, to perceive, to feel. Kuona kiu, to feel thirst. Eujiona, to think oneself, to afiect to be. Naona, I think so. Oitana ku-, to meet. Onda ku- (M.) = Onja ku-, to taste, to try. Ondo, plur. maondo (A.), the knee. Ondoa ku-, to take away. Ondoka ku-, to go away, to get up, to arise. Ondoka mhele yangu, depart from me. Kuondoka katika ulimwengu Jitku, to depart out of this world. Ondokea ku-, to rise to, or out of respect to. Ondokelea ku-, to arise and depart from. Ondolea ku-, to remove, to take away from. Kuondolea huzuni, to cheer. Ondosha ku-, to make to go away, take away, abolish. Otiea ku-, to see for to anticipate for, to bully, to oppress. ONE PA 365 Onekana hu-, to become visible, to appear, to be to be seen. Ongea ku-, to spend time, to waste time in talking. Ongeza ku-, to make greater, add to. Kuongeza ure/u, to lengthen. Ongezeka ku-, to increase. Ongoa ku-, to convert, to lead aright. Ongofya ku-, to deceive by promises. Ongoka ku-, to be converted, to be led aright, to be healed. Ongokewa ku-, to prosper. Ongonga ku-, to feel nausea. Ongoza ku-, to drive, to lead. Ongua ku-, to hatch. Onguliwa ku-, to be hatched. Onguza ku-, to scorch, to scald. Onja ku-, to taste, try, examine. Onya ku-, to warn, to make to see. Onyesha ku-, to show. Opoa ku-, to take out, to fish up. Opolea ku-, to fish up with, for, by, &c. Orfa, or Orofa, or Ghorofa, an upper room. -ororo, soft, smooth. It makes jororo, with nouns like kasha, and nyororo with nouns like nyuniba. Osha ku-, to wash. Osheka ku-, to have been washed. Osia, learning of old times. Ota ku-, to dream (kulota, Mer.). Ota ku-, to grow. -ote or ofe, all, every one, the whole. It varies like the pos- sessive pronouns. Mertkehu zote, all the ships. Merikebu yote, the whole ship. Twende sote, let us go together. Twende wote, let us both go. Lo lote, cho cTiote, &c., whatsoever. GUa ku-, to lie ia wait for. -ovu or -hovu, rotten, bad, corrupt, I wicked. It makes mbovu with nouns like nyumha. Ovyo, trash, any sort of thing. Owama ku-, to be steeped. j Owamisha ku-, to steep. Oza ku-, to rot, to spoil, go bad. Also, to marry (of the parents). P. P is pronounced as in English. P, at the beginning of a word, has frequently an aspirated or rather an explosive sound, such as Irish- men sometimes give it. This is very marked in the name of the island of Pemba or P'emba. F'e'po, the plural of upepo, wind, has a very strong explosive sound given to the first p, but in upepo both ^'s are smooth, like an ordinary Eng- lish p. It is probable that this explosive sound represents a sup- P followed by a y sound some- times becomes/; ku^gopa, to fear, kuogofya, to frighten ; kuapa, to swear, kuafya, to make to swear. Pa- or P-, the prefix proper to ad- jectives, pronouns, and verbs of both numbers governed by mahali, place or places. The prefix proper to pronouns following the case in -ni, when it denotes nearness, at, by, near. The prefix pa- is often applied to a verb in the sense of the English there. Palina or palikiiwa na, there was. Hapana, there is not. 2 B 366 P A PAK It is not quite so indefinite as hu-. Pa hu-, to present with, to give to. The Itu bears the accent ; hupa cannot be used without a person as its object, and tlie objective prefix bears the accent. Ali- hupa, he gave you; aUmpa, he gave him. The passive is hu- pawa or Jmpewa, and means, to have given to one, to receive. Paa, a gazelle, a small kind of antelope. Paa, plur. mapaa, a thatched roof. Nyumha ya mapaa manne, a roof of four slopes. Paa Tiu-y to ascend, to go up. Paa 7cu-, to scrape. Kupaa samaki, to scrape the scales off a fish. Kupaa sandarusi, to clean gum copal. Kupaa moto, to take fire and carry it on a potsherd, &c. Paanda, a trumpet. Paange, a horsefly, a gadfly. PaangOy plur. mapaango, a cave, a den. Paaza ku-, to make to rise. Kupaaza pumzi, to draw in the breath. Paaza ku-, to grind coarsely, not to make fine meal. Pacha, a twin. Kuzaliwa pacha, to be lx)m twins. Pacha ya nje, a child of which its mother was pregnant while suckling a previous child. Pachika ku-, to put an arrow on the string, to stick a knife in one's girdle, &c. Padiri or Padre, plur. mapadirl, a padre, a priest, a clergyman. Pofuy lungs. Paga ku-, to strike hard, to harpoon a whale. Pagaa ku-, to carry on the shoulders, to possess (of an evil spirit). Amepagawa na pepo, he is pos- sessed of an evil spirit. Pagaza ku-, to make to bear, applied to an evil spirit causing a man to fall sick. Pagua ku-, to take off, strip off (as boughs and leaves). Pahali, in the place, at the place. Paja, plur. mapaja, the thigh. Paje, red mtama [Pemba]. Paji la uso, the forehead. Paka, a cat, cats. Paka ku-, to rub in, to smear on. Pakaa ku- — Paka ku-. Pakacha, plur. mapakacha, a basket made by plaiting together part of a cocoa-nut leaf. Pakacha, plur. mapakacha, people who prowl about at night to do mischief. Pakana ku-, to border upon. Pakanya, rue. Pakasa ku- (Mer.), to twist rope. Pakata ku-, to hold a child on the lap or in front. Pake, his, hers, or its, after mahali, or the case in -ni signifying nearness. See -ake. Pakia ku-, to load a ship, to be loaded with, to carry as cargo, to have on board. Pakicha ku-. Kupakicha migun,to cross the legs in sitting; reckoned improper in Zanzibar. Pakilia ku-, to embark for, to put on board for. PaMza ku-, to stow on board ship, &C. PAK PAN 367 PaTco, thy, your, after maliali, or the case in -ni denoting nearness. See -aJio. Pahua liU; to take out of the pot, to dish, to lade out. Pakuna ku, to scratch. Pakutokea, a place to go out at, an outlet. Pale, there, that place, of things not very far off. Palepale, just there, at that very spot. Palia ku-y to hoe. Eupalia moto, to pick up for. and take live embers to a person. Kupaliwa na mate or maji, to choke with spittle or with what one is drinking, so as to send it into one's nose, ears, &c. Palikuwa na, there was or there were. Palilia hu-, to hoe up, to draw the earth up round growing crops, to hoe between crops. Paliliza ku-, to cause to be hoed. Paliza ku-, to lift up the voice. Palu, plur. mapalu, little cakes of sugar, bhang, and opium. Pamba, cotton. Parriba ku-, to adorn, to deck out, furnish. Kupamha merikehu, to dress a ship. Ku'mpamha mayiti, to put cotton in ears, mouth, &c. of a dead person before burying him. Pambaja ku-, to embrace. Pamhana ku-, to meet in a narrow place where two cannot go abreast; applied to ships it means, to go alongside, to get foul of one another. Pamhamsha ku-, to bring together, to compare. Pamhanua ku-, to distinguish, to separate, to discriminate. Pambanulia ku-, to describe by distinguishing. Pambanya ku-, or Parribanyiza ku-, to overbear by loud talking, &c. Pambauka or Pambazuka ku-, to become light in the morning. Pambazua ku-, to speak plainly. Pambele, in front. Pambo, plur. mapambo, adornment, dressing. Pambo la «?/wm6a, house furniture. Pamoja, in one place, together. Pamoja na, together with, with. Pana, there is or are, was or were. -pana, broad, wide. It makes yana with nouns like nyumba. Pana ku-, to make mutual gifts. Panapana, flat, level, even. Panapo, where there is, are, was or were. Panchayat, five head men (Hind.), governing council. Panda (M.) = Panja. Panda, a bifurcation, as where a road divides into two, where two streams join, where the bough of a tree forks. Njia panda, cross roads, or where three ways meet; there is a superstitious custom of empty- ing rubbish and dirt at such places. Panda ku-, to mount, to get up, ascend, ride, to go on board, to go ashore (of a ship). Panda ku-, to set aside. Panda ku-, to plant, to sow. Pandana ku-, to lie across Cue another. 2 B 2 368 PAN PAS Pande mhili, on both sides. See Upande. Pandisha ku-, to make to go up, to hoist, to raise. Panga ku-, to rent, to hire a house. Panga ku-^ to put in a line, to set in order, Panga, plur. of upanga. Pangana ku-, to be in rows. Pangine, another place, other places. See -ngine. Panginepo, elsewhere. Pangisha ku-, to let a house to. Pangisha ku-, to make people sit in rows or in order. Pangu, my. See -angu. Pangusa ku-, to wipe. Panja, the forelock. Mapanja, the receding of the hair on each side of the fore- lock. Panua kur, to widen, to make broad. Panulia ku-, to widen for, to set wide apart. Panuka ku-, to become broad, to widen. Panya, a rat, rats. Panyamavu, a quiet place, a calm spot. See -nyamavu. Paza ku-, to set up, to raise. Kupanza mtambo wa bunduki, to cock a gun. Panzi, a grasshopper, a kind of fish. Panzi ya nazi, brown rind of the cocoa-nut kernel. Pao, their. See ao. Pao, clubs (in cards). P^apa, a shark. Papa liapa, just here. Papa ku-, to transude, to allow transudation. Papasa ku-, to touch gently, to stroke, to feel, to grope. Papasi, ticks, especially those found in native huts. Papatika ku-, to flutter like a bird. Papatua ku-, to shell, to husk. Papayi, plur. mapapayi, papaws, a common kind of fruit. Papayuka ku-, to be delirious, to wander. Papayuza ku-, to make delirious. Papia ku-, to eat all one can get, to eat without bounds. Papua ku-, to tear. Papura ku-, to claw, to scratch deeply. Papuri, thin cakes flavoured with asafoetida. Papurika ku-, to be lacerated. Papuriana ku-, to pick holes in one another's reputation. Para, a scraping, sliding. Para, plur. mapara, cakes of sem- sem. Parafujo, a screw. Paraga ku-, to climb a tree. Parahara, a large kind of antelope. Parapara ku-, to paw the ground like a horse. Paruga ku-, to be rough and grat- ing. Paruza ku-, to grate, to graze, to be harsh and rough, to strike a match. Paruzana ku-, to graze (as of two boats, &c.). Pasa ku; or Pasha ku-, to come to concern, to become a duty. Imekupasaje ? What have you to do with it ? Imenipasa, I ought. Pasha ku-, to lend money to, to give privately or beforehand. PAS PEL 369 Kicpasha mofo, to warm up, to set before the fire. Past, a clothes-iron. Kupiga pasi, to iron. Pasipo, without, where there is not. Pasiwe, without there being. Pastia ku; to cleave, to split, to rend. Pasuka Jcu-, to become rent, to burst, to crack, to be split. Pasukapasuha Jcu-, to be split up, rent to pieces. Pata, a drawn game at cards where each side marks sixty. Pata ku-, to get, to reach, to suffer, to find an opportunity, to suc- ceed in doing, to happen to. Kupata is often used with other verbs where we use may or might : Apate huja, that he may come. Kisu chapata, the knife is sharp. Kisu Tiakipati, the knife is blunt. Kilichomjyata, what happened to him. I Chapataje ? What is it worth ? Kupata hasara, to lose. Pata ku, to make a lattice, as by weaving sticks or canework. Patana ku-, to agree, to come to an agreement. Patanisha hu-, to bring to an agree- ment. Patasi, a chisel. Pathiica ku-, to be born. Pati, a coloured kind of stuff. Patia ku-, to get for. Patiala, a great cheat, a thorough rogue. Patikana ku-, to be procurable, to be got. Patiliza ku-, to visit upon, to re- member against. Pato, plur. mapato, what is got, gettings, income, proceeds. Patia, a hinge. Patwa ku-, to be eclipsed. Properly, to be got, referring to the superstition that a huge snake has seized the moon or sun. Pau (plur. of TJpau), the purlins of a roof, the small sticks tied horizontally to fasten the thatch to. Also, rafters (?). Payo, plur. mapayo, one who can- not keep a secret. Paijuka ku-, to blab, to talk without thinking. Payuza ku-, to make over-talkative. Tembo limempayuza, the palm wine has made his tongue go. Pazia, plur. mapazia, a curtain. Pea, a rhinoceros. Pea ku-, to sweep (M.). Pea ku-, to grow to full size, to get its growth, to become such that there is nothing more to do, to reach its limit. Pekeclia ku-, to bore a hole, to get fire by twirling a stick, to trouble people by tales and tale-bearing. Peketeka ku-, to scorn, to have no fear about one. Pekee, onliness. Wa pekee, only. Peke yangu, &c.,by myself, I alone. Peke is never used in Zanzibar without a possessive pronoun following it, and signifies that the person or thing is alone, or that it is the only one. Pekeyefu, by ourselves, or we alone. Pekua ku-, to scratch like a hen. Pele, plur. of upele, the itch. 370 PEL PET Peleka hu-, to cause to arrive at a place distant from the person speaking, to send, to take, to con- duct. Pelekea hu-, to send, take, or conduct to a person. Peleleza ku-, to spy out, to look curiously into. P'embe, horn, corner, ivory. Pemhe ya nyoka, a small white horn, esteemed to be a great medicine. Kuwa na pemhe pemhe, to have corners, to be angular, to be all corners. Pemheni, in the corner. Pemhe za mwaka, the four seasons, points of the world. Pembea, a swing. Pembeleza ku-, to beseech. Pemheza ku-, to rock, to lull. Penda ku-, to like, to love, to wish, to approve, to choose, to prefer. Pendekeza ku-, to make pleasing. Kujipendekeza, to ingratiate one- self with, to flatter. Pcndelea ku-, to favour. Pendeleo, plur. mapendeleo, a favour. Pendeleza ku-, to make another love one. Pendeza ku-, to please, to become pleasing. Pendezewa ku-, to be pleased, to be glad. Pendo, love. Pendo la malt, the love of riches. Pengi, many places. See -ingi. Pengo, a notch, a place where a triangular bit is broken out. Ana pengo, he has lost a front tooth. Penu, your. See -enu. Penya ku-, to penetrate. Penyesha ku-, to pierce, to put through, to cause to penetrate. Penyi, having (of place), where is or was. Penyi mtende, where the date tree Pepa ku-, to stagger. [was. Pepea ku-, to fan. Pepeo, plur. mapepeo, a fan, a screw propeller. Peperuka ku-, to be blown away. Peperusha ku-, to blow away. Pepesa ku-, to wink. Pepesuka ku-, to totter. Pepeta ku-, to sift, to toss in a flat basket, so as to separate the chaff and the grain. Pepetua ku-, to force open. Pepo, a spirit, a sprite, an evil spirit. Pepo mhaya, an evil spirit. Peponi, paradise, in paradise. Pepo (plur. of upepo), much wind. Pepo za chamchela, a whirlwind. Maji ya pepo, fresh water. Pepua ku-, to sift apart the whole from the broken grains. Per a, plur, mapera, a guava. Pesa, plur. peso, or mapesa, pice, the Anglo-Indian quarter anna, the only small coin in Zanzibar ; sometimes a dollar is worth 140, sometimes only 112. Pesa ku- (M.) = Pepesa ku'. Peta ku-, to bend round, to make into a ring. Peta kU' = Pepeta ku-. Petana ku-, to bend round, to be bent in a circle. Pete, plur. pete or mapete, a ring. Pete ya masikio, an earring. Petemana ku-, to be bent round. Peto, plur. mapeto, a bundle, a tljing carried, a large matting bag. PET PIG 371 Fetu, our. See -etu. -pevu, full grown. Pevua hu-, to make full grown. Kujipevua, to think oneself a man. Pevuka ku-, to become full grown, to reach its full size. Pewa hu-i to get from some one, to be presented with, to receive. Pezi, plur. mapezi, a fin. -pi subjoined to the personal sign makes the interrogative which ? See Api. Nitawezapi ? How can I ? -pia or -pya, new. Pia, all, the whole, entirely. Pia yote, completely, utterly. Pia, a top, a humming-top. Piga ku-, to strike, to beat, to flap. Kupiga na incM, to strike on the ground. Kupiga is used of many actions in which the idea of striking does not always seem to be implied. Kupiga homba, to pump. „ hunduki, hastola, &c., to fire a gun, a pistol, &c. „ chapa, to print. „ falaki, to prognosticate by the stars. ^ fundo, to tie a knot. „ kelele, to shout. „ kengele, to ring a bell. „ kilemba, to wind a cloth round the head so as to make a turban. „ kiowe, to scream. „ kofi, to box the ears, to slap. „ kura, to cast lots. „ makofi, to clap the hands. „ magote, to kneel. y, mhinday to whistle. Kupiga mhio, to run, to gallop. „ mbizi, to dive. „ miao, misoiw, or miunzi, to make a whistling noise. „ mikamhe, in bathing, to duck under water and fling over one leg. Kupiga mizinga ya salaamu, to fire a salute. „ mstari, to rule a line. „ mtakaso, to rustle like new clothes. „ mvuke, to smoke meat, „ nyiayo, to gape. [&c. „ past, to iron. „ pemhe, to gore. „ pigo, to strike a blow. „ pua, to snort. f, ramli, to prognosticate by diagrams. jt randa, to plane. „ teke, to kick. „ umemey to lighten, to flash. „ uwinda, to draw the ends of the loin cloth be- tween the legs and tuck them in. „ yowe, to cry for help. „ zomari, kinanda, &c., to play upon the flageo- let, guitar, &c. Pigana ku-, to fight. Kupigana kwa mhavu, to wrestle. Piganisha ku-, to make to fight, to set on. Piganishana ku-, to set on to fight together. Pigilia ku-, to beat as the stone roofs are beaten. Small woodea rammers are used, and a great number of people are engaged for 372 PIG POF about three days, with music and songs ; the object of this beating is to prevent the roof cracking as it dries, and to consolidate it while moist. Figiza Jcu-, to make to beat. Kupigiza tanga, to go so close to the wind that the sail flaps. Pigo, plur. ma^ngo, a blow. Fika ku-, to cook. Pikia ku-, to cook for. Kupikiwa, to have cooked for one. Pilao, pillaw, an Indian dish. P'ili, a large kind of snake. Pibi, two (in counting). Ya pill, the second. Ya pill yake, the next. Yule wa pili, the other. Mara ya pili, a second time, again. PMlipili hoho, red pepper. Pilipili manga, common pepper. Pima, plur. mapima, a fathom. Pima ku-, to measure, to weigh. Kupima maji, to sound. Pinda ku-, to bend. Kupinda na mguu, talipes. Findana hu-, to bend together. Pindi, plur. mapindi, a twisting, a Avriggle, cramp. Pindi, if, when (?), although. Pindo, plur. mapindo, the longer edge of a cloth, selvedge. Findua ku-, to turn over, to upset. Kupindua kwa damalini, to wear ship. Kupindua kwa gosTiini, to tack. Pinduka ku-, to be turned over, to be upset. Pinga ku-, to hinder, to block the way, to lay a wager. Kupinga chombo kwa shikio, to turn a dhow on one side by : means of the rudder. Pingamizi, a meddler, one who in- terferes to spoil a bargain, or to give trouble. Pingia ku-, to fasten a door, &c., by means of a bar. Pingili. Pingili ya mua, the piece of a sugar-cane which lies between two knots. Pingo, plur. mapingo, a bar. Fingu, fetters, consisting generally of two rings and a bar. Pini, plur. mapini, a haft, a hilt. Pipa, plur. mapipa, a barrel, tub, cask, pipe. Pipya, new. See -pya. Pirikana ku-, to be strong and well knit. Pish a ku-, to make to pass, espe- cially without intending to do so, let pass, make way for. Pishana ku-, to pass while going opposite ways. Pishi, a weight of about 6 lbs. = 4 vihdba. Pislio, cautery, marks of cautery. Pisi, parched maize. Pisi = Fisi. Fiswa ku-, to become silly, to dote. Pita ku, to pass, surpass, excel, Pitisha ku-, to make to pass, to pass. Po, -po, or -po-, a particle signifying where, or when, while, as, if. Po pote, everywhere, wherever. Poa ku-, to become cool, to become Podo, a quiver. [well. Pofu, plur. mapofu, scum, bubble, froth. Pofua ku-, to spoil the eyes, to make blind. Pofuka ku-, to have the eyes spoilt, to become blind. POG POT Pogo, on one side. Kwenda pogo, to go onesidedly, not straight. Pointa, the wrist-stitching of a coat. Poka hu-y to take suddenly and violently, to rob. Kupohwa, to be robbed. PoTiea hu; to receive, to take from some one else. Pohelea ku-, to receive for or on account of another. Pokezana ku-y to go on with by turns. Pokezanya ku-, to shift a burden or work from one to another as each gets tired. Pokonya hu-^ to snatch away, to extort. Pole, a little, slightly. Amengua pole, he is not very well. Polepole, gently, moderately.quietly. Pomhe, native beer. Pomhoo, a porpoise. Pomoka ku-, to fall in, to cave in. See Bonioka. Pomosha ku-, to cause to fall in. Pona ku-y to get well, to become safe. Ponda ku-, to pound, to beat up, to crush. Pondeka ku-, to be crushed. Pondekana ku-, to crush and bruise one another, as mtama stalks do after much rain and wind. Pono, a kind of fish said to be nearly always asleep. Ana usingizi kama pono, he is never awake. Ponoa ku; to strip off. Ponya ku-, to make well, to cure, to save. Jiponye I Look out ! Ponyesha hu-, to cause to be made well, to cure. Ponyoka ku-, to slip off, slip out of one's hands. Ponza ku-, to put in danger. Poopoo, a bullet, a musket ball. Pooza, plur. mapooza, a thing which never comes to perfection. Pooza ku-, to become useless, to wither and drop. Mwenyi kupooza, a paralytic. Poozesha ku-, to paralyze. Po^jo, a bat. Popoo, the areca nut, commonly chewed with betel-leaf, lime, and tobacco. Popotoa ku-, to wring, twist, strain, distort. Popotoka ku-, to be distorted. Pora, a young cockerel not yet old enough to crow. Poroa ku-, to cool, to get thin or watery. Poromoka ku-, to slip down a steep place. Also Boromoka. Posa ku-, to ask in marriage. Posha ku-, to give rations to. Posho, rations. Poso, a demand in marriage. Posoro, an interpreter, a middle- man. Pole, all, of time or place. See -ote. Potea ku-, to become lost, to get lost, to perish, to become lost to. Kisu kimenipotea, I have lost my knife. Potelea ku-, to perish. Potelea mhali, go and be hanged. Poteza ku-, to cause to be lost, to cause to perish. Potoa ku-, to go crooked, to turn aside. See Jipotoa. 374 -POT F u N -potoe, obstinate, good for nothing. Potoka ku-^ to become crooked, to be turned and twisted. Povu, scum, skimmings, bubble, froth. Povuka ku- = Pofuka ku-^ to be- come blind. Poza ku-, to cure, to cool by lading up and pouring back again. Pua, the nose, the apex of an arch. Mwanzi loa pua, the division between the nostrils, the nos- tril. Pua, steel. Pua ku-, to shell beans, peas, &c. Pugi, a very small kind of dove. Pujua ku-. Kujipujua, to cast off all shame. Pukusa ku-, to rub the grains off a cob of Indian corn, to make to fall off, to shake fruit from a tree, to throw coins among a crowd, &c. Pukuie. Pukute ya wait, rice so cooked that the grains are dry and separate. Pukutika ku-, to shed, to drop like leaves in autumn. Pulika ku-, to hear, to attend to (A.). Pulikana ku-, to hear one another. Puliza ku-, to puff or blow with the mouth. Also, to let go an anclior, to let down a bucket into a well. Puliki, a spangle, spangles. Pululu, plur. mapululu, wilderness, waste country. Puluni or Pululuni, in the wilder- ness. Puma ku-, to throb. Pumha, plur. mapumba, a clod, a lump. Pumhaa ku-, to be sluggish about. Pumhazika ku-, to become a fool. Pumho or pumbu, the scrotum. Mapumhu, or koko za pumbu, or mayayi ya pumho, testicles. Pumu, an asthma, the lungs. Pumua ku-, to breathe. Pumuzi, breath. Kupaaza pumuzi, to draw in the breath, to inspire. Kushusha pumuzi, to breathe out, to expire. Pumzi = Pumuzi. Pumzika ku-, to rest, to breath one- self. Pumzikio, plur. mapumzikij, a rest- ing-place. Puna ku-, to peel, scrape, scrape off. Punda, a donkey, donkeys. Punda milia, a zebra. Punde, a little more. Mrefu punde, a little longer. Punga (sing. Upunga), the flower and very first stage of the cocoa- nut. Punga ku-, to swing, to sway, to wave. Swaying the arms in walking is thought to give elegance to a woman's carriage. Kupunga pepo, to expel an evil spirit by music, dancing, &c. Kukunga upepo, to be fanned by the wind, to beat the air. Pungia ku-, to wave to, to beckon to. Eupungia nguo, to wave a cloth up and down by way of beckon- ing to some one to come. P'ungu, a kind of fish, a large bird of prey. Pungua ku-, to diminish, waste, wear away. Punguani, a defect (M.), PUN K AH 375 Punguha T:u-, to become smaller, to fall short. Pnnguza hu-, to diminish, to make less, to lessen. Kupunguza tanga, to reef a sail. Punja hu-y to swindle, to sell a little for the price of a large quantity. Punje, grains of corn, Puo, nonsense. Pupa, eagerness, excessive rapidity. Kula Tiica pupa, to eat so vora^* ciously that one's companions get little or none. Puputiha ku-, to fall in a shower. Pura hu-, to beat out com. Puruha liu-, to fly off. Purukusha ku-. Kujipurukusha, to refuse to attend to, to make light of a Puta ku-, to beat. [matter. Putika ku-, to be well beaten. Putugali, a fowl [Pemba]. Puwo, nonsense. Puza ku-, to talk nonsense, to chatter. Puzia ku-, to breathe, to blow with the mouth. Puzika ku-, to talk nonsense, to be detained gossiping. J'lca ku-, to ebb, to become dry. Pwaga ku- = Kupwaya, Pwai ku-, to be loose, to waggle about. See Ptcaya. Picani, the shore, on the beach, near the shore. Picaija ku-, to give a final cleaning to rice by repouiiding it. Pwaya ku-, to be loose (of clothes). Pwayika ku- to be quite clear of husks, dirt, and dust. Pwaza ku-, to cook muhogo cut up into small pieces. Picea ku-, to be dry. Sauti imenipwea, I am hoarse. Pwekee, only, alone (A.). Pweleka ku-, to be dried up, to be left high and dry. Pweica ku-, to become or be left dry. Kupwewa na sauti, to become hoarse. Pweza, a cuttle-fish. -pya, new, fresh. It makes 'mpya with nouns like nyumba ; jipya, with nouns like kasha ; and ^(p?/a, with nouns of place. R. B is pronounced as in English. The Arabic B is much stronger and more grating than the English, more so perhaps than even the Scotch and Irish r. In Arabic words it is correct to give the r this strong sound, but in Swahili mouths it is generally smoothed down to- wards that indeterminate African sound which is frequently written as an I. The Swahili, however, often prefer to write and pronounce it as a smooth English r. (See L.) Badi, a crack of thunder, crashing thunder, thunder near at hand. Badu = Badi. Raff, the wall at the back of a re- cess. Bafiki, plur. rafiki or marafiki, a friend. Baha, peace, joy, ease, pleasure. Bahani, a pledge, a mortgage. Baliisi = Bakhisi. Bahman, a chart, a map. 876 E AI KIS Bai hu-, to put moisels of food into a person's mouth as a mark of honour or aflfection. Rajahu, the seventh month of the Arab year. It is esteemed a sacred month because Moham- med's journey to Jerusalem is said to have taken place on the 27th of it. BahMsi, or Ttahisi, cheap. Bakldsisha Tcu-, to make cheap, to undervalue. BaTdbisha hu-, to put together, to set up and put in order. RaMhyueo, the composition of a word. Bamathani, the month of fasting. Bamha, plur. maramha, a piece of Madagascar grass cloth. Bamha Tcu-, to lick. Bamha, a chisel-shaped knife used by shoemakers. Bamli, sand (Ar.). Kupiga ramli, to divine by dia- grams. Bammu, sadness. Banda, a plane. Kupiga randa, to plane. Banda hu-, to dance for joy. Bangi, colour, paint. Barua hu-, to rend, to tear. Bas il mail, chief possession. BasMa ku-, to sprinkle. Basi, head, cape. Bdtaha, wet. Bdtel, or ratli, a weight of about a poimd. Bathi, satisfied, content, gracious, approving, approval, blessing. Kuwa rathi, to be satisfied, to be content with. Niwie rathiy forgive me, excuse me. KunratM, don't be offended. Bathiana ku-, to consent, assent. Batihu ku-, to arrange. Ratli = Bdtel. Rausi ku-, to trim a sail. Bayia, a subject, subjects. Bayiat al Ingrez, British subjects. Re or Ret, the ace in cards. Rea or Reale, a dollar. Reale ya thahahu, an American gold 20-dollar piece. Reale Fransa or ya Kifransa, a French 5-franc piece. Reale ya Sham or Fetha ya Sham, black dollars. -refu, long. It makes ndefu with nouns like nyumha. Regea ku- = Rejea ku-. Regea ku- or Legea ku-, to be loose, slack, relaxed, feeble. Rpgesha ku- or Regeza ku-, to loosen, to relax. Rehani = Rahani. Kuweka rehani, to pawn. Rehema, mercy. Rehemu ku-, to have mercy upon. Rei = Re. Rejea ku-, to go back, return, refer. Rejeza ku-, to make to go back, to repay. Rekahisha ku-, to put on the top of. Rekebu ku-, to ride. ■remo, Portuguese. Rihani, a scented herb, sweet basil. „ ya kipata, with notched leaves. „ ya kiajjemi, with long sh-aight leaves. Ringa ku- = Kulinga, to sway to the tune of a song (only the chief men may do this). Bisasi, lead. Also Lisasi. Bisasi ya hunduhi, a bullet. RIS S 377 Bisimu Jcu-^ to make a first bid | when anything is offered for sale. I RUM liU; to inherit (-th- as in thing). Bithia Jcu- (-th- as in this), to be contented with, to acquiesce in. Bithika Jcu-, to satisfy, to content. Riza, a door chain. Biziki, necessaries, all that a man has need of. Boho, a quarter, a quarter of a dollar. Boho Ingreza, an English sove- reign. Bohota, a packet or parcel of goods. Boda, sheave of a pulley. Bofija. Kupiga rofya, to fillip. Boho, soul, spirit, breath, life. Boho, greediness, the throat. Buhani, a pilot, a guide. Budi hu-, to return, to go back, to correct, to keep in order. Budiana Tcu-, to object to. Budiha Ttu-, to be made to return, to be kept in order, to be capable of being kept in order. Budisha hu-y to make to return, to give back, to send back. Budufya hu-, to double. Bufuf, the shelf in a recess. Euhusa = Buksa, leave. Buhusa Tiu- = Buhhusu Jcu-, to give BuJca Jcu-, to fly, to leap. [leave. Bukaruka ku-, to hop. BuJiia ku-, to fly or leap with, &c. Buksa, or Buhusa, or BuJcJiusa, leave, permission, liberty. Kupa ruksa, to give leave, to set at liberty, to dismiss. Buksa, you can go. Bukhusu ku- or Buhusu ku-, to give leave, to permit, to allow, to dis- miss. BukJiuthu ku-, to run. Bukwa ku-. Kurukwa na akili, to lose one's senses, to be stunned. Bungu, a club, a mace. Bupia, a rupee. Bupta = Bohota, a bale. Busasi = Bisasi, lead. Busha ku-, to make to fly, to throw up or off, to throw a rider, to splash about. Bushia ku-, to throw upon, to splash. Bushwa, a bribe. Butuba, dampness. Butubika ku-, to be damp. Butuhisha Jcu-, to make damp. Buwasa, a pattern from which any- thing is to be made. BuzuJcu ku-, to supply with needful things, especially of God provid- ing for His creatures. S. S is pronounced as in eetieral, or like the ss in German. Sli is pronounced as in English, or like sch in German. S and sh are distinct in Arabic and are generally distinguished in good Swahili. There are, however, many words in which they are used indifferently, and in common talk the sh seems to be rather the more common. Many natives seem un- conscious of any difference between them. S is used for the Arabic tha by persons who cannot pronounce th. In the Pemba dialect sh is often used for ch. 1 Mashungica = MacJmngica. 378 SAA SAK Saa, hour, clock, watch. | Saa ngapi ? what o'clock is it ? According to Arab reckoning the day begins at sunset. Mid- night is iisiku saa ya sita ; four A.M. saa a kumi ; six a.m. saa a thenashara ; noon, saa a sita. Saa ! You ! I say ! You now 1 Njoo saa! Come along, do 1 Saa ku-, to remain over, to be left. Saala, plur. masaala, a question. Saanda, a shroud, a winding-sheet. Saba, or Sahaa, seven. Ya saha, seventh. Sahaa, a stay (in a dhow). Sahahu, cause, reason. Kwa sahahu ya, because of, be- cause. Sahaini, seventy, = Sabwini. Sahatasliara, seventeen. Sabuni, soap. Sabuni ku-, to bid, to be in treaty, to buy. Saburi, patience. Sahuri ku-, to wait. Sabwini, seventy. Sadaka, an offering, an alms, an act of charity, anything done for the love of God. Sadiki ku-, to believe. Safari, a journey, a voyage, used for " time " or " turn." Safari Mi, this time. Saff, serene. Safi, pure, clean. Safi, ku-, to clean. Safidi ku-, to clear up, to make smooth and neat. Safihi, rudeness Sajika ku-, to be purified. Safina (Ar.), a vessel. Safiri ku- to travel, to set out on a journey, sail, start. Safirisha ku-, to make to travel, to see any one off. Safisha ku-, to make pure or clean. Safu, a row, rows, a line. Safu za kaida, regular rows. Safura, biliousness, gall, a com- plaint in which people take to eating earth. Saga ku-, to grind. Kusagwa na gari, to be run over by a cart. Sagai, a spear, a javelin. Sagia ku-, to grind with or for. Mawe ya kusagia, millstones, a mill, a handmill. Two loose stones are often used, the upp^r one is called mwana, and the lower mama. Sahani, a dish. Sahari, checked stuff for turbans. Sahau ku- or Sdhao ku-, to forget, to make a mistake. Saliauliwa ku-, to be forgotten. Sahib, sir. Sahibu, a friend. Sahili. Kutia sahili, to sign. Saliihi, correct, right. Sahihi ku-, to be correct, to be right. SahiJiisha ku-, to correct. Saili ku-, to ask, to question, Sailia ku-, to ask on behalf of. Saka ku-, to hunt. Sakafu, a chunammed floor, a floor or roof of stone, covered with a mixture of lime and sand, and beaten for about three days with small wooden rammers. Sakama ku-, to become jammed, to Sakani, a rudder. [stick fast. Saki ku-, to come close to, to toucli, to come home. S A K SE L 379 Sahifu Jcu; to make a chunammed floor or roof. ^aZa, prayer, the prescribed Moham- medan form of devotion includ- ing the proper gestures. Salaama = Salama. Salaam, or Salaamu, or Salamu, compliments, safety, peace. Kupiga mizinga ya salamu, to fire a salute. Salahisha hu-, or SeleMslia, or Sulu- Idslia, to make to be at peace. Salala, the meat near the backbone, the undercut of meat. Salama, safe, safety. Salt Jcu-, to use the regular Moham- medan devotions, to say one's prayers. Salia ku-, to be left, to remain. Salimu ku-, to salute. Salimia ku-, to salute, to send com- pliments to. Saliti ku-, to betray secrets. Saluda, a sweetmeat made of safl'ron, sugar, and starch. Sama ku-, to choke, to be choked. Samadi, manure. Samaki, a fish, fish. Samani, tools, instruments, ma- chine. Samawati, the heavens. Samawi, blue, sky colour. Samlmsa, a little pasty. Samche ku-, to forgive, to pass over. Samiri ku-, to load a gun. Sa'mli, ghee, clarified butter. Sana, very, much. It is used to intensify any action. Sema sana, speak loud. Vuta sana, pull hard. Sanamaki, senna. Sanamu, an image, a likeness, a statue, a picture, an idol. Sandale, sandal wood. Sandarusi, gum copal, gum amiui. Sanduku, a chest, a box. Saniki ku-, to make excuse. Saim ku-, to tout for customers. Sarafu, a small coin. Sarifa or Sarf, exchange, rate of exchange. Sarifa gani ya niji sasa 1 What is the current rate of exchange ? Sarifu ku-, to use words well and correctly. Sdruf, grammar. Sarufu, a small gold plate with a devout inscription, worn on the forehead as an ornament. Sasa, now. Sasa hivl, directly, at once. Sataranji, chess. Sauti, voice, sound, noise. Saioa, equal, right, just. Kitu kisichokuka sawa naye, some- thing unworthy of him. Saivanisha ku-, to make alike, equal, even, &c. Sawasaiva, like, alike, even, all the same, level, smooth, equal. Saivawa, peas (Yao.). Sawazisha ku-y to make equal or alike. -sayara, gentle, quiet, long-suffering. Sayidia ku-, to help. Say Hi ku- = Saili ku-. Saza ku-, to leave over, to make to remain. Sazia ku-, to leave for. Sebabu = Sabahu, cause, reason. Sebula or Sebule, reception room, parlour. Sefluti, a poultice. Sehemu, part, share, dividend. Sekeneko, syphilis. Selalia, a weapon. 380 SEL SHA Kupa selaha, to arm. Selehisha hu- = Suluhisha, to make to be at peace, to mediate be- tween. Selimu liu- or Sillim hu-^ to capitu- late. Sema ku-, to say, to talk, to speak. Sema sana, speak out. Sernadari, a bedstead, specially of the Indian pattern. Semhicse, much less. Semea ku-, to say about. Kusemea 'puani, to talk through the nose. Semeji = SJiemegi. Sena, a kind of rice, Sengenya ku-. to make secret signs of contempt about some one who is Senturi, a musical box. [present. Sera, a rampart. Serkali or Serikali, the court, the government. Mtu wa serikali, a man in go- vernment employ. Sermala, a carpenter. Serujif an Arab saddle. Sesemi, blackwood. Seta ku; to crush. Setaseta ku-, to crush up, to break into fragments. Seti, the seven in cards. Setirika, &c. See Stirika, &o» Settini, sixty. Settiri, an iron (?). Settiri ku-, or Setiri, or Sitiri, to cover, to conceal, to hide, to atone for. Seuze, much less, much more. Also Semhuse,. Seyedia, lordly, belonging to the Seyed. Seyedina (Ar.), our lord, your ma- jesty. Sezo, an adze. Shaahani, the eighth month of the Arab year. Shaba, copper, brass. Sliahaha, aim. Kutvcaa shabaha, to take aim. Shabaha, like. Nyama shabaha mbvoay an animal like a dog. Shahbu, alum. Shabuka, a snare. Shadda, a tassel. See Kanzu. Shah, a chess king. Shaha, the heart of the cocoa-nut tree. Shahada, the Mohammedan confes- sion of faith. Also Ushahada. Shahamu, fat. Shahawa (obscene), semen. Shahidi, plur. mashahidi, a witness, a martyr. Shaibu (Ar.), an old person. Shaibu lajuzi, exceedingly old. Shairi, a line of poetry. plur. mashairi, verses, a poem. Shaka, a bush. Shaka, plur. mashaka, a doubt. SJiake. Kuingia na shake ya kulia, to sob. Shali, a shawl. Sham, Syria, Damascus. Fetha ya Sham, German dollars. Sharnba, plur. mashamba, a planta- tion, a farm, a piece of land in the country. Shambulia ku-, to attack. Shamua ku-, to sneeze. Also Shu- mua, Shanga, a town near Melinda, long Shanga. [since ruined. Mwana shanga, a northerly wiud, not so strong or persistent as the regular kaskazi. SHA SHI 381 Shangaa hu- or Sangaa 7:u-, to be astonished, to stand and stare, to stop short. SJiangaza ku-^ to astound, to as- tonish. Shangazi,-pl\\T. mashangazi, an annt. Shangilia hu-, to make rejoicings for, to go to meet with music and shouting, to be glad about. Shangwi, triumph, shouting and joy, an ornament of gold worn by- women between the shoulders. iS/tant, a startling, unexpected event. Shanuu, plur. mashanuu, a comb, a large coarse wooden comb. Sha7-hu, a moustache. Shari, evil, the opposite of Heri. Sharia = Sheria. Sharihi leu-, to share, to be partners in. Sharikia ku-, to share with, to be in partnership with. Sharikiana ku-, to be partners, to share together. Sharti, or Sharuti, or Shuruti, or Shuti, a contract, of obligation, of necessity, must. Also, the downhaul of a dhow-sail, a truss. Eufanya sharti, to bind oneself. Sliatoruma, shawl for the waist. Shauko, love, exceeding fondness, strong desire, will. SJiauri, plur. mashauri, advice, counsel, plan. Kufanya shauri, to consult to- gether. Kupa shauri, to advise. Skawi = Tawi. SliawisM ku-, to persuade, to coax over. Shayiri, barley. Shehena, cargo. [ SJieitani, Satan, the devil, a devil, excessively clever. Shela, a black veil. SJielabela, as it stands, in a lot, with all defects. Shelele ku-, to mn a seam. Shelle, plur. mashelle, a shell. Shema (Ar.), bees-wax. Sliemali (Ar.), the left, the north (because to the left of a person looking east) ; the Persian Gulf, Arabs (because to the north of Muscat) ; mist (because it comes on in the Persian Gulf with a northerly wind). SJiemhea, a kind of curved knife. Shemegi, a brother or sister-in- law. Sliena (Ar.), orchilla weed. Slieria, law. Sheriz, glue. Shetani, plur. mashetani — Sheitani. Shetri, the poop of a dhow. Sliiba kU', to have had enough to eat, to be full, to be satisfied. Sldhiri or Sliibri, a span. Shibisha ku-, to fill with food, to satisfy with food. Shidda, difficulty, distress. Shika ku; to lay hold of, to hold fast, to keep, to determine. Kushika njia, to take one's way. to set out. Shika lako, mind your own busi- ness. Sliika ras He, steer for that point Shikamana ku-, to cleave together. Shikana ku-, to clasp, to grapple, tc stick together. Shikio, a rudder, a thing to lay hold of. See Sikio. Slnkiza ku-, to prop up. Shilamu, the stem leading to the 2 ;82 SHI SHU mouthpiece in a native pipe. See Kiko. Shimo, plur. masMmo, a pit, an ex- cavation, a large hole. SMna, plur. masldna, a stump, a trunk, a main root. Shinda ku-, to overcome, to conquer, to stay, to continue at. Maji yashinda, it is half full of water. Amekwenda shinda, he is gone out for the day. Akasliinda kazi, and he went on at his work. Shindana ku-, to dispute, strive with, race. Shindania ku-, to bet, to oppose, to object to. Sldndano, plur. mashindano, a race. See Sindano. Shindika ku-, or Sindika, to shut, to put to, to press in a mill. Kushindika mafuta ya nazi, to grind cocoa-nuts into oil. Shindikia ku-, to show any one out, to escort a person on his way. See Sindikiza. SMndilia ku- to press, to load a gun. SJiindo, a shock. Shingari, a consort, a dhow sailing ill company with another. Shingari ku-, to sail in company (of dhows). Sliingo, plur. mashingo, the neck. SMuikizo or Sinikizo, a press. Shirazi, Shiraz, from Shiraz. Per- sian work is generally called shirazi. STdshwa ku-, to be weaned. Shitumu ku-, to insult. See Shu- tiimu. Shoqa, a friend ; used only by wo- j men in speaking of or to one an-' other. In Zanzibar they rarely employ any other word. At Lamoo shoga means a catamite. SJiogi, panniers, a large matting bag with the opening across the middle, so as to form two bags when laid across a donkey's back. Shoi = Shogi. Shoka, plur. mashoka, an axe. Shoka la hapa, an adze. Shoka la tiss, an axe (Mer.). Shoka la pwa, an adze (Mer.). Sliola, an ear of corn, a head of Shona ku-, to sew. [grass. Shonea ku-, to mend for, to sew for, with, &c. Shonuka ku-, to become unsewn. Sliote. Kwetida shote, to go with a rush. Shoto. Wa kushoto, left. Ana shoto, he is left-handed. Shtaki ku-, to prosecute, to charge, to accuse. SJitua ku-, to startle, to tickle. See Stusha. Shtuka ku-, to be startled, to start. Shua ku-, to launch. Pass, kushu- liwa. Shuha, the elders of a town. Shuhaka, plur. mashuhaka, a recess in a wall. Shudu, what is left when the oil has been ground out of semsem seed. Shughuli, business, affairs, occupa- tion, engagement. Shughulika ku-, to be occupied, to be worried. Shughulisha ku-, to occupy, to dis- tract attention, to interrupt. Shuhuda, testimony. Shuhudia ku-, to bear witness about, for, or against. SHU -SIP 183 SJiuliudu Jiu; to bear witness. Shuhuti. Shuhuti ya Jiutolea chant, a small piece of wood used by shoe- makers in cutting strips of coloured leather. Shujaa, plur. mashujaa, a hero, a brave man. Shuha, a sheet. ShuJca hu; to descend, go down, come down, be let down, to land from a ship. Sliuke, the flower of Indian corn. Shukrani, gratitude. Sliuku liu-, to suspect. ShiiTiuru, thanks. Shuhuru ku-, to thank. This word is very rarely used in Zanzibar, except in relation to God ; and Jcushukuru Muungu means almost always, to take comfort, to leave off mourning, or to become re- signed. Shuliiva ku-, to be launched. Shumua ku-, to sneeze. Shumvi, salt [Pemba], See Chumvi. Shunga ku-, to drive away, to scare. Shungi, a crest, long hair (?). Shungi mbili, a way of diessing the hair in two masses. Shupatu, plur. masliupatu, a narrow strip of matting. The broader are sewn together to make floor mats, the narrower are interlaced to make the native couch or bed- stead. Shupaza, spades (in cards). Shura, saltpetre. Shuruti = Sharti, of necessity. Shurutiza ku-, to compel, to force. Alisliurutizica ndani, he was pushed in. Shu.<1ia ku-, to let down, to make to descend, to land goods from a ship. Kushusha pu'inzi, to breathe out, an expiration. Shuti or Shuuti = Sharti, of neces- Shutumiica ku-, to be reviled, [csity. Shutumu ku-, to revile. Shicali or Shwari, a calm. Si, not. Si vema, not welL Si uza, sell not. Si. is or are not. Mimi si sultani, I am not a sultan ; or, Am I not a sultan ? Si yeye, it is not he or him. Si-, the opposite of ndi-, expressing, This is not it. Is not this it ? Simi, Sisisi, Siwe, Sinyi, Stye, Sio, sivyo, sii/o, Sio, siyo, silo, Sizo, simo. Sicho, sipo, siko. Si-, sign of the first person negative. Sikuhali, I do not consent. Sikukubali, I did not consent. Sitakubali, I shall not consent. In the present tense the final letter of verbs in -a becomes -i. Sioni, I do not see. -si- inserted between the personal prefix and the verb, is the sign of the negative imperative or subjunctive, the final letter of verbs in -a becoming an -e. Nisione, that I may not see, let me not see, or without my seeing. -si-, sign of the negative in ex- pressing relation. Asio, he who is or was not, or who will not be. Also Asiye ■ sipio-, sign of the tense expressing not being. 2 c 2 384 SI A SIK Asipoona, he not seeing, if he I does not see, though he does not see, without his seeing, when he sees not. Sia ku-, to give a sentence, to pro- nounce as with authority, to de- clare. Siafu, a large reddish brown ant, that travels in great numbers and bites fiercely. Siagi, cream, butter. Sibu Jcu-, to get, to succeed. See Siibu. Si/a, praise, character, character- istic. Sifara, a kind of rice. Sifu hu-, to praise. Pass, kusifiu-a. Kujisifu, to magnify oneself, to boast. KusijVmno, to overpraise, to flatter. Sifule (a term of reproach), a med- dlesome fool. Sifuru, a cypher, a figure of nought. Sigizia hu-, to tack (in needlework). Sihi ku-i to entreat. Sijafu, the cuff, the hem. See Kanzu. Sijambo, I am well. The invariable answer to hu jamho ? how are you? Si jamho punde, I am a little • better. Sikamo or Sikamoo, for Nashika iiiguu, the salutation of a slave to a master. Siki, vinegar. Sikia ku-, to hear, to obey, to under- stand. Sikilia ku-^ to listen to, to attend to. Sikiliana ku-, to be heard, to be audible. Sikiliza ku-, to listen, to listen to. Sikilizana ku-, to hear one another. Sikio or Shikio, plur. masikio, the ear. Sikitika ku-, to be sorry. Sikitikia ku-, to be sorry for. to pity. Sikitiko, plur. masikitiko, sorrow, grief. Sikitisha ku-, to make sorry. Sikiza ku-, to make to hear, under- stand, &c. Sikizana ku-, to be mutually intel- ligible, to make one another liear. Siku, a day of twenty-four hours, from sunset to sunset, days. Siku kuu, a great day, a feast. The two great feasts are the three days at the end of the Kamathan, when every one makes presents, and three days after the tenth of Thil hajj or Mfunguo wa tatu, when every one ought to slaughter some animal, and feast the poor. Siku a mwaka (see Mwongo, Kigunzi), iheNairuz, about the 23rd of August, the beginning of the Swahili and nautical year. The old custom is for every one, but especially the women, to bathe in the sea in the night or morning : then they cook a great mess of grain and pulse, which is eaten about noon by all who like to come. The fires are all extinguished and lighted again by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Formerly no inquiry was made as to any murder or violence committed on this day, and old quarrels used regularly to be fought out upon it. Siku zote, alwavs. SIL S IT 385 Silihi ku; to improve, to reform. Silihisha ku-, to make to improve, to reform. Silimu ku-, to become a Moham- medan. Siiuama ku-, to stand up, to come to a stand, to stop, to be erect, to stand in, to cost. Simamia ku-, to stand by, to over- look workmen, to cost to. Simamisha ku-, to make to stand. Simanga ku-, to crow over, boast against. Simanzi, grief, heaviness. Simha, a lion, lions. Simha uranga, a well-known man- grove swamp at the mouth of the Lufiji. Simbati, a kind of wood brought from near Cape Delgado. Sime, a short straight sword used on the mainland. Simika ku-, to be erect, to be set up, to stand (often used in an obscene sense). Simikia ku-. Kusimikia mlango, to set up and build in a door. Simikisha ku-, to set up. Similla, Simille, Simileni, probably for Bismillah, the common cry in Zanzibar, meaning, make way, out of the way. Similla punda, make way for a donkey. Similla uhau, make way for a plank. I Simo, I am not in it, am not con- i cerned, have nothing to do with it. I Simo. Simo Mi si njema, this event is not good. Imeingia simo mpya, something new has turned up. Simu, the electric telegraph. Sindano, a needle (or shindano). Sindano, a kind of rice. Sindi, a long-tailed weasel. Sindikia ku-, to crush. Sindikiza ku-, to accompany part of the way. Sindua ku-, to open, to set open. Singa, hair of an animal. Nyele za singa, straight hair, European hair. Singa ku-, to scent, to put scent. Singizia ku-, to slander, to spread false reports about. Sini, China. Sini, no matter. Sini-a, plur. masinia, a circular tray used to carry and set out food upon, generally of copper tinned. Sinikiza ku-, to press. Sinzia ku-, to doze, to nod, to flicker. -sipo; sign of the tense signifying the case of the thing mentioned not being. Siri, secrecy. Mamho ya siri, secret affairs, secrets. Kica siri, secretly. Sisi, we, us. Sometimes pronounced swiswi, suisui, or sisici. Sisi sole, all of us. Sisi wote, both of us. Sisimia ku-, to sigh (?). Sisimizi, ants (?). Sisitiza ku- (M.), to charge strictly, to charge to keep secret. Sita, six. Ya sita, sixth. Sita ku-^ to halt, to go lame (A.), to hide. Sitalia, the deck. IS6 SIT 6TA Sitashara, sixteen. Sitaivi JiU; to flourish. Ngoma ipi iviesitawi, which dance is going best ? Sitawisha hu-, to make to flourish. Siti, whistle (of a steamer or Sitti, my lady, lady. [engine). Sittina, our lady. Applied by the Arabs to St. Mary. Sivimoja, different. Sivijo, it is not thus. See Si-. Siwa, an ivory horn only used on great occasions. ^Siivezi, lam not well. See Weza ku-. Siyo, that is not it, no. See Si-. Siyu or Siu, Siwi, the chief town of the district near Lamoo, the chief seat of old Swahili learning. Soda, lunacy. Sodo, a woman's napkin. Sofe, wool. Soge, Sogi, Soi, = Shogi. Sogea hu-, to approach affectionately, to come near to. Sogeza ku-, to lift to the lips and kiss, to bring near to. Sogezea ku-, to put ready for, to bring for use. Svho, plur. masoko, a market, a bazaar. Kicenda sokoni, to go marketing. Sokota ku-, to twist, to plait, to spin. Soma ku-, to read, to perform de- votions. Soma, plur. masoma, a kind of dance. Sombela ku-, to work oneself along on one's hands and seat without using the legs. SomesTia ku-, to teach to read, to lead devotions. Somo, plur. masomo, something read, used as a title of friendship, a namesake. Sonda ku-, to suck out. Sondo, swelled (?) glands. Songa ku-, to strangle, to squeeze, to stir together. Song anasong ana ku-, to press against one another like sheep in a flock. Songea ku-, to push through, to shoulder your way through a Sonjoa ku-, to wring. [crowd. Sony a ku- = Kufyonya. Somali, trousers. Sosoneka ku-, to be hurt or ache, so as to writhe with pain. Sosonesha ku-, to make to writhe with pain. Sole, all ; agreeing with sisi, we or us. bee -ote. Tu sole, we are together. Twende sole, let us go together. Soza ku; to beach a boat or vessel. Ssaji or Safi, pure, clean. Staajahu ku-, to wonder much, to be greatly astonished. Staamani ku-, to have confidence, to rest trustfully. Stdhahu ku-, to be pleased, to prefer. Stahamili or Stahimili, patiently. StaJii ku-, to honour, to have respect for. Stahiba ku- (?), to prefer. See Stahahu. Stahiki ku-, to resemble, to be of one sort with. Stahili ku-, to deserve, to be woi thy of, to be proper, to be right and fitting. Aatahili, serves him right. Staliimili ku-, to bear, to endure, tolerate. >Sfa?;a6a^/it, earnest, f;i stoning penny. Stamhuli, Constantinople. Starehe ku-, to sit still, to be at rest, to remain quiet. STE SUM 3S7 Starehe .' Don't disturb yourself I don't get up ! Sterehisha Jiu-, to give rest to, to refresh. Also Stareliisha. StiriJta ku-, to be covered, to be con- cealed. Stusha hu', to startle, to sprain, to put out of joint. Subana, small pieces of meat roasted on two parallel sticks. Suhana, a thimble. Su'dri, patience. Suhiri, aloes. Siihiri ku; to wait. Suhu ku; to cast in a mould. Suhu ku- or Sibu ku-, to happen to. Suhui, morning. Suhulkheiri, good morning. Suhuri, patience. Suhutu ku- = Thuhutu ku-, Suduku ku-, to ascertain, to know the truth. Suf, wool. Suffi, a devotee, a hermit. Snffuf, a great variety or number. Sufi, woollen. Snfuria, copper. Sufuria, plur. sufuria or masufuria, a metal pot. Sufuria ya chuma, an iron pot. Sugu, a mark, a callous place. Also, obstinate, insensate. Sugua kxi-, to rub, to scrub, to brush, to scour. Suheli, south. Sui, an irrepressible, unconquer- able man. Sujudia ku-, to prostrate oneself to, to adore. Sujudu ku; to prostrate oneself, to bow down. Suka ku-, to plait, to clean. Sukari, sugar. Sukari guru, half-marle sugar. Sukasuka ku, to shake, to agitate. Suke, plur. masuke (or shuke), an ear of corn, a head of mtama, &c. Sukua ku-, to slacken, to loose. Sukuma ku-, to push, to urge. Sukumi, a steersman, quarter- master. Sukumiza ku-, to put upon another person, to say it is his business, to tlirow ofl' from oneself, to push away in anger, to throw (a thing) at a person who wants it. Also, to avert (by sacrifice, &c.). Sukutua ku-, to rinse out the mouth, to wash one's mouth. Sulibi ku; to crucify. Sulihisha ku-, to crucify. SuUhi ku-, to become, to be fitting for. Sulika ku-, to turn about, become giddy. Sulimu ku-, to salute. Sultani, plur. masultani, a sultan, a chief man. Sultani at Zanzi- bar does not mean a king ; it is used of the head men of a vil- lage. Sultan Rum, the Snltan of Turkey. Sulubika ku-, to be strong. Suluhu, strength, firmness. Suluhisha ku-, to bring to accord, to make peace between. Suluhu, concord. Sululu, a curlew. Sumba ku-, to sway away, to twist and turn oneself. Sumbua ku-, to worry, to annoy, to give trouble. Sumhuana ku-, to worry one an- other. Sumbtika ku-, to be put to trouble, to be harassed, to be annoyed. ;388 SUM Sumhulia ku-, to speak sharply to. Sumbusha ku-, to vex, harass, trouble, worry, annoy. Sumu, poison. Sumugh, gum-arabic. Sungura, a rabbit (?), a hare (?). Sunni, advisable, recommended, a tradition, what is advisable or recommended, but not compul- Sunohari, deal wood. [sory. Sunza ku-, to search for anything with a lighted brand at night. Supaa ku; to be very hard or dry. Supana = Supaa. Sura, a likeness, a resemblance, a chapter of the Koran. Suria, plur. masuria, a concubine, a female slave. Suriyama, born of a concubine. Sururu, an insect that lives in cocoa-nut trees. Surwali, trousers. See Soruali. Sus, Hquorice. Suso, a kind of hanging shelf, a hammock. Susupaa — Supaa. Suta ku-, to reproach, to charge a man with slander, to slander, to seek out a man and ask whether he has said such and such things. Su'udi, or Suudi njema, salvation, felicity. Suza ku; to stir up. Also, to rinse. Suzia ku; to turn with (?). Swafi = Safi. Swali, a question. T is pronounced as in English. There are two t's, in Arabic, one much thicker than the Eosflish L but only very careful speakers dis- tinguish them in Swahili. T at the beginning of a word has sometimes an explosive sound, as in Vaka, dirt. It is probable that this represents a suppressed n. There is a slight difference in sound between the fs of tatu, three, and tano, five, the former being the smoother, but natives do not seem conscious of the difference. T in northern Swahili frequently becomes ch in the dialect of Zanzi- bar. Kuteka, to laugh (M.) kucheJca (Zanz.). But /(•ute/.;a, to plunder, or to draw water, does not change. Kutinda, to slaughter (M.) hi- cMnja (Zanz.). There is no sound similar to that of the English th in the original language of Zanzibar. It occurs in some dialects of Swahili in place of V or z. There are however in Arabic four th^s. 1. Tha, pro- nounced like the English th in thing. 2. Thai, pronounced like the English th in this. 3 and 4. Thad and Tha" or Dthau, which are scarcely distinguished by the Arabs themselves, and have a very thick variety of the thai sound. Practically the two English th's are quite sufficient, and the ear soon catches the right method of employ- ing them. The Indians and many Africans pronounce all these as z. Some Swahili confuse the various th's with z, and employ the thai sound for words properly written with a z, as wathiri for waziri, a vizir. -TA- T AG 389 -ta-, the sign of the future tense. When the relative or the par- ticles denoting time and place are inserted in the future, the prefix regularly becomes -tal-a-. It is possible however to retain -ta- to express a more definite sense. AtaJcvja, he will come. Atahayekuja, who will come. Atakapokuja, when he shall come. Atapokuja, when he come, or, if he shall come. In the first person singular the ni-, which is the sign of the person, is often dropped. Takuja = Nitaknja, I shall come. Ta- at the beginning of Arabic verbs is the mark of the fourth or fifth conjugations or derived forms. Taa, a lamp, especially the small open earthen lamps made in Zan- zibar. Taa, a large kind of flat fish. Taa, beneath one's feet. Tadbika ku-, to be troubled. Taabisha ku-, to trouble, to annoy. Taahu, trouble. Taadabu ku-, to learn manners. Taajabisha ku-, to make to wonder. to astonish. Taajabu ku-, to wonder, to be as- tonished. See Staajahu. Taajazi ku-, to tire. Taali ku-, to study. Taandu, a centipede. Taataa ku-, to throw oneself about. Tabaka, lining. Tahakelo, a snuff-box. Tabanja, a pistol (Ar.). Tnhdssam ku-, to smile. labia, constitution, temper, temper- ament, climate. Tabibia ku-, to doctor. Tabibu, a physician. Tabiki ku-, to line, to close to or upon, to cling to as a fast friend. Tdbikiza, to make to cling. Tabiri ku-, to foretell, to prophesy. Taburiidu ku-, to refresh. Tadariki ku-, to accept the respon- sibility of, to guarantee the result of. Tadi, violence, hurry. Kwenda kwa tadi, to rush, to go tumultuously. Tadi ku-, to fight with. I Tafakari ku-, to consider, ponder, ! think. I Tafdthal or Tafailiali, please, I beg j of you. ; Tafiti ku-, to seek out matters i secretly, to be over-inquisitive. ; Tafsiri ku-, to explain, to interpret. i Tafsiri, interpretation. Tafsiria ku-, to explain to, to inter- pret to. Tafu (M.) = CMfu, cheek. Tafu, gastrocnemic muscles. Tafu ya mkono, the biceps muscle. Tafuna ku-, to chew, to nibble. Tafuta ku-, to look for, seek, search for. Tafutatafuta ku-, to search all about. Tafutia ku- or Taftia, to seek out for some one, to look for. Tagaa ku-, to straddle, to walk with one's legs far apart. ragfe,plur. matage, bow legs, crook- edness. Tagliafali ku-, to be off one's guard, to forget to take notice. r,90 TAG TAM Taghaiari hu-, to be changed. Taghi ku-, to rebel. Tagua, branches, main branches. Tahafifu, gent'.y, in good time, light, thJQ. Nguo taliofifu, thin calico. Tahamaha ku-, to look up to see what is going on. Taharaki ku-, to be troubled, to be thrown into confusion. Taharakiaha ku-, to put into a state of anxiety, to excite, stimulate. Taharizi. See Kanzu. Taharuki ku-, to be troubled, to be anxious, to be thrown into con- fusion. Also, Taharaki. Tahassa ku-, to go on board a ship with a view to sailing. Tahatliari ku-, to bew^are, to be on one's guard. Taliatliarislia ku-, to warn. Tahayari ku-, to become ashamed. Tahayarisha ku-, to shame, to make ashamed. Tahidi ku-. KujitaJddi, to exert oneself, to try hard. Tahiri ku-, to circumcise. Tahsila, farewell, leavj-taking. Tai, a large bird of prey, a vulture. Taifa, plur. mataifa, a tribe, a nation. Taja, hire. Taja ku-, to name. Taji, a crown. Tajiri, plur. matajiri, a merchant, a rich man, a capitalist, a prin- -taka-. See -ta-. [cipal. Taka, dirt. Takataka, rubbish, sundries, small articles. Taka ku-, to want, to wish for, to ask for. Kutaka sliauri, to seek advice. Takabali ku-, to accept; used of God's hearing prayer. Takabathi ku-, to carry on freight. Takabathisha ku-, to pay freiglit for. Takdddam ku-, to be in advance of, to get before. Takalika ku-, to be very faint or tired. Takarimu, gift, largess. Takasa ku-, to clean, to make clean and clear. Takasika ku-, to become cleansed. Takata ku-, to become clean and clear. Uwingu umetakata, the sky is clear. -takatifu, holy, cleansed. Takhari ku-, to stay. Taki = Gliicha. Takia, plur. matakia, a large cushion. Tako, plur. matako, the buttock. Taksiri, a crime. Takura ku-, to scratch, to dig with claws or fingers. Talaka, divorce. Taldssim or Taladmu, plur. matala- simu, a talisman, a charm, a figure divided into squares and marked with magic words and symbols. Tali ku- or Ta'ali ku-, to study. TaWc = Tarik. Taliza ku-, to smooth ofi", to smooth up, plaster, &c. Tama, out and out, final. Tama ku- (M.) = Rama ku-, to re- move. Tama ku-, to sit, crouch (Yao.). Tama. Kusliika tama, to lean the head TAM TAN 3S1 on the hand, reckoned unlucky in Zanzibar. Tamaa, longing, avarice, greedi- ness. Kuhata tamaa, to despair. Tamdlahi ku-, to be master of. KujitamdIaM mwenyewe, to be one's own master. Tamani ku-, to long for, to lust after. Tamanika ku-, to be liked, to be an object of liking. Tamha ku-, to swagger. tarnhaa ku-, to creep, to crawl. Tamhi, vermicelli. Tamho, a tall man. Tarahoa, testicles. Tamhua ku-, to recognize. Tamhulia ku-, to understand. TarnhuUkana ku-, to be recogniz- able. TambulisJia ku-, to make to recog- nize, to explain. Tamhuu, betel leaf chewed with areca nut, lime and tobacco. Tamhuza ku-, to put a new point or edge, to weld on fresh iron or steel. Tamisha ku- (M.) = Hamisha ku-. TaWaka ku-, to pronounce. Tamu, sweetness, flavour, taste. •taniu, sweet, pleasant. It makes tamu with nouns like nyumba. Tamuka ku- = Ta'mka ku-. Tamvua, ends or corners of turban cloth, &c. Tana ku-, to divide, to slit, to comb, to part. Tanatana ku-, to divide up into little bits. Tana, a bunchlet of bananas, &c. Bananas and plantains grow \ spirally in a large biinr^h, not con- tinuously, but in little grt)ups: each group is a tana. Tanahahi ku-, to make up one's mind, to know what to do. Tanafusi ku-, to draw breath. Tanda ku-, to spread, to be spread out, to be overcast, to put rope.s to a native bedstead. Kujitanda, to stretch oneself across. Tandama ku- (?), to surround. Tandaicaa ku-, to recline, to loll at one's ease. Tandaza ku-, to make flat. Tandika ku-, to spread, to lay out, to saddle. Tandu, long slashes made on their faces by Makuas and others. Tandua ku-, to unsaddle, to take off harness. Tanga, plur. matanga or mojitanga, a sail. The sails of mitepe and madau are made of matting. Tanga mbili, the seasons of changeable winds. Matanga kati, wind abeam. KiiJcaa matanga, to sit at home in sign of mourning, to mourn. Tangaa ku-, to come to be known. Tangamana ku-, to adjoin. Tangamuka ku-, to be cheerful. Tangamusha ku-, to cheer up. Tanganya, &c. (M.) = Changanya, &c., to mix, to shuffle cards. Tangatanga ku-, to go backwards and forwards, to wave. Tangawizi, ginger. Tangaza ku-, to spread news, to cir- culate intelligence. Tange, the trees and rubbish cleared off" a new plantation. Tangisha ku-, to make evident. Tango, plur. matango, a sort of o02 TAN T AS 2:onrd eaten raw, resembling in taste a cucumber. Tangu, since, from. Tangu lini^ Since when? How long ago ? Tangua Zcm-, to annul, to abolish, to separate, untwist, unplait, with- draw a promise, &c. Kutangua ndoa, to annul a mar- riage, to divorce. Tangiika 7cu-, to be annulled. Tangukana ku-, to separate. Tangulia 7cu-, to precede, to go be- fore, to go first. Nimetangulia hultuamhia, I told you beforehand. Tangulifu advanced. Tani, Othman. Tani. Kiva tani, backward, on his back. Tano or Tanu, five. Ya tano, fifth. -tano^ five. Tantanhelwa, a great bother, a worry. Tanua ku, to expand, to spread out, to fend off a boat. Tanuka ku-, to he on one's back and spread oneself out, to sprawl. Tanuru or Tanuu, a clamp for burn- ing lime, an oven. Tanzi, plur. matanzi, a noose. Tanzia, news of a death. Tao, plur. matao, an arch, an arched opening, a bay. Tapa ku-, to shiver. Kujitapa, to magnify oneself, to make 51 great man of oneself. Tapatapa ku-, to jump about like a fish when taken out of the water, to shiver, to tremble. Tapanya ku-, to scatter, to throw ! about. i Tapanyatapanya ku-, to dissipate. to waste. Tapika ku-, to vomit. Topisha ku-, to make to vomit. Tapisho, plur. matapisho, an emetic. Tapo, plur. matapo, a detachment, a division, a part of an army larger than kikozi. Tarahe, side piece of a window, door of planks. Tarafu, on the part of. Tarafu yoke, on his part. Taraja ku-, to hope. Taratliia ku-, to persuade in a friendly way. Taratihu, carefully, gently, orderly. Taratibu, orderliness, an order or form. Taraza, an edging, a narrow silken border usually woven on to tur- ban and loin-cloths in Zanzibar. Tarazake, business on a small scale. Tarazaki ku-, to trade in a small way. Tarik, a date, year, &c., the clew- line or bunt-line of a dhow-sail. Kitahic cka tarik, a chronicle. Tarimho = Mtaimho, an iron bar. Tarizi ku-, to weave Tartibu = Taratibu. Tasa, a brass basin. Tasa, a game of touch. Tasa, a barren animal. Tasaivari ku-, to do with certainty, to be fully able. Eatasawari, it is certain that he does not do it. Tasbihi, Mohammedan beads. Tasfida, good manners. Tashwishi, doubt. Tasihili, quickness, quickly. Taslimu, ready cash. Tassa = Tasa. TAT TEK 303 Tata. See Matata. Kwenda tatatata, to toddle. Tataga ku-, to go above or over, to cross a stream on a tree. Tatana 1cu-, to be in a tangle, to be puzzled. Tatanisha ku-, to tangle, to puzzle. Tatanya ku-, to unravel, disen- tangle, solve a riddle. Tatazana ku-, to be tangled. Tathhiri, a merchant. Tatia ku-, to wind, to tangle, to complicate. Tatiza ku-, to wind. tatu, three. Ya tatu, third. Tatua ku-, to tear. Tatuka ku-, to be torn. Taumkaku- = Ta'mka ku-. Tauni, plague, cholera. Tausi, peacock. Tauu (A.), the cheek. Tawa, plur. matawa, a frying-pan. Tawa, plur. taiva, a louse. Tawa ku-, to live secluded (Yao.), to tie. Tawafa, a candle, candles. Tawakali ku-, to trust in God and take courage. Tawakdwakatha, many. Tawala ku-, to govern, to rule. Tawanya ku-, to scatter. Tawanyika ku-, to become scattered. Tawashi, a eunuch. Tawassuf, temperance. Taioaza ku-, to make to rule. Tawaza ku-, to wash the feet, to perform the ablutions. Tawi, plur. matavn^ a branch, a bough, a bunch, an ear of millet, Taya, jaw, jawbone. Taya ku-, to reproach. Tayari, ready. Tayi, obedient. Tatjo, plur. matayo, a reproach, re- viling. Tazama ku-, to look. Tazamia ku-, to look out for. Tazwi, forgery. Teende la viguu, Barbadoes leg, elephantiasis (?). Tefua ku-, to reason, to search, to throw about. Tega ku-, to set a trap or snare, to snare. See Kitendaidli. Tegea ku-, to be lame. Tegemea ku-, to lean upon, to be propped up. Tegemeza ku-, to support. Tego, a virulent kind of syphilis supposed to be the effect of a charm. Tegu, plur. mategu, a tape-worm. Tegua ku-, to take a pot ofif the fire, to remove a spell. Teka ku- (M.) = Clieka ku-. Teka ku-, to plunder, to take as spoil, to draw water. Kuteka 'mji, to plunder a town. Kuteka ng'ombe, to carry off an ox. Kuteka maji, to draw water from a well. Teke, plur. mateke, a kick. Kupiga teke, to kick. Tekelea ku-, to prove true, to come to. Tekeleza ku-, to perform a promise, restore a pledge. Tekenya ku-, to tickle in the ribs. Teketea ku-, to be consumed, to be burnt away. Teketeke, the soft, something soft. Teketeza ku-, to consume, to cause to be burnt down. Tekewa ku-, to become bewildered. Tekeza ku-, to run ashore, to coma to an end, to die. 394 TEK T E T Tehia Tcu-, to prize up, to toss, to throw up out of a noie. Tele, plenty, abunrlantly, abundant. Tele, gold lace or braid. Telea ku-, to come down, descend, land from. Teleka ku-, to put a pot on the fire. Telemua ku-, to pull down, to cause to slip down. Telemuka ku- or Telemka ku-, to go down a steep place, to go quickly down in spite of one's self, to slither down. Tdemuko, the bed of a river. ^Teleza ku-, to slip. Tema ku-, to slash as with a sword. Tema ku-. Kutema mate, to spit. T'emhe, a hen full grown but which has not yet laid. Teriibea ku-, to walk about, to take my Moyo icangu umefembea, thoughts are wandering. Temhelea ku-, to walk about. Temheza ku-, to offer for sale by auction, to hawk about. Tembo, palm wine, wine. Temho, an elephant. Te'mka = Ta'mka. Temsi, filigree work. Tena, afterwards, again, further. Tenda ku-, to do, to apply oneself to, to act. Kutenda zema or vema, to behave well. Tenda kani, a pole across a dhow to fasten the sheet to. Tendawala, a kind of bird. Tende, a date, dates. Tenda halwa or halua, Arabs from the Persian Gulf, who steal slaves by tempting them into their houses with datea and sweetstuff. Tendea ku-, to do to, to behave to, to treat. Tendegu, plur. matendegu, the legs of a bedstead. Tendeka ku-, to be done, to be doable. Tenga, a sun-fish. Tenga ku-, to separate, to remove. Kujitenga, to get out of the waj*. Tengea ku-, to be ready and in order. Duka limetengea, the shop is all ready and open. Tengeka ku-, to be put on one side. Tengelea and Tengeleza = Tengeneza and Tengenea. Tengenea ku-, to be comfortable, to be as it should be. Tengeneza ku-, to finish off, to put to rights, to touch up. Tengezeka ku-, to be established, made right. Tengua ku-, to put aside. Tepukua ku-, to cut away young shoots. Tepukuzi, plur. Matepukuzi, shoots from the root of a tree. Terema ku-, to be at ease. Tesa ku-, to afiiict. Kuteswa, to suffer, to be afflicted. Teso, plur. mateso, afflictions, adver- sities. Teta ku-, to oppose, to strive against, to be adverse to, to go to law with, to mention disparagingly. Tetea ku-, to cackle like a hen. Tetea ku- (M.) = Chechea ku-, to walk lame. Tete ya kwanga, rubeola. Tetema ku-, to tremble, to quiver. Tetemea = Chechemea. TE THU 395 Tetemeka hu-, to tremble, to shake, to shiver, to quake (as the earth;, to chatter (of the teeth). Teteri, a small kind of dove. Tetcza hu-, to rattle. Also, to lead a sick person by the hand. Teua ku; to choose, select, pick out = Cliagua ku-. Teuka ku-, to dislocate, to sprain. -teule, choice, chosen. Tezama and Tezamia = Tazama and Tazamia. Tezi, a fibrous tumour, goitre. Thahihu, an offering, a sacrifice. 'Hi obit, plur. mathahit, firm, brave, Thahabu, gold. [steadfast. Thahiri, evident, plain. Thaldri ku-, to make plain, to express. Thaifu, weak, infirm, bad. Thalatha, three. Also Thelaiha, &c. ThalatJiatashara, thirteen. Thalathini, tliirty. Thalimu, a fraudulent person, a swindler. TJialimu ku-, to wrong, to defraud. Tlialili, very low, very poor. Thamana (th in this), a surety. Thamani {th in thing), a price. Ya thamani, of price, valuable. TJiamhi, sin. TJidmin, surety. Thamini ku, to become surety. Thamiri, conscience, thought. Tliani ku-, to think, to suppose. TJiania ku-, to think of a person, to suppose him, to suspect. TJiarau, scorn. Tharau ku-, to scorn. Tlidruha, (Ar. a stroke), a storm, (in arithmetic) multiplication. Tlidruha moja, at one stroke, suddenly. Tliathu, a kind of jay brought down from Unyauyembe. Tliaicahu, a reward ; especially re- wards from God. Thelatha, &c. See Tlialatha, &c. Tltelimu ku-, to oppress. Thelth, a donkey's canter. Theluth, a third. Themanini, eighty. Themanini, a linen fabric. Tliemantashara, eighteen. Themanya, eight. Themuni, an eighth. Tlienashara, twelve. TJieneen, two. Thihaka, ridicule, derision. Thihaki ku-, to ridicule, to make game of. Tldhirtsha ku-, to make clear, to declare. Thii ku-, to be in distress. Thiiki ku-, to be put to straits. Tliili ku-, to abase. TJiiraa, a measure of about half a yard, from the point of the elbow to the tips of the fingers. Thiraa konde, from the point of the elbow to the knuckles of the clenched fist. Thoofika ku-, to be made weak, to become weak. Thoofisha ku-, to weaken, to make weak. Thoumu, garlic. Tliuhutisha ku-, to give courage to, to make certain, to convince, to prove. Thubutu, ku-, to dare, to have courage for, to be proved. Sithuhutu, I dare not. Tliuku ku-, to taste. Tliukuru ku-, to invoke. I ThuUi, didtrtss, misery. 396 THU TIT Tfiulumu, wrong. Thulumu ku-, to do wrong, to per- secute. Thuluru, a kind of sandpiper. Thuluth, a third. Also Theluth. Thumu liu-, to slander. Thurea, a chandelier. Tliuru hu-, to harm. Haithuruy no harm, it does not matter. Tia hu-, to put, to put into. Kutia nanga, to anchor. Kutia cJiuoni, to put to school. Tiara, a boy's kite. Tiba, a term of endearment. Tibilca hu-, to be cured. Tihu ku-, to cure. Tibu, a kind of scent. Tibua ku-, to stir up and knock about. Tifua hu-, to cause to rise like dust or a mist. Tifuha hu; to rise in a cloud. Til hu-, to obey. Tiisha ku-, to make to obey, to subdue. Tika ku-, or twika, to put a burden on a man's head for him. Tiki, just like, exactly as. Tikia ku-, to reply. See Itikia. Tikisa ku-, to shake. Tikiti, plur. matikiti, a sort of water melon. Tikitika ku-, to be shaken. Tikitiki, utterly and entirely, to the last mite. Also, (M.) into little bits. Tikiza ku-, to have patience with. Tilia ku-, to put to, for, &c. Tilifika ku-, to waste, to grow less. Tilifisha hu-, to diminish, to make to dwindle away. Tiliju ku-, to ruin, to waste. Tililia hu-, to darn. Timazi, a stone hung by a line, used as a plummet by masons. Timbi, bracelets. Timbuza hu-, to begin to show itself, like the sun in rising. Timia hu-, to be complete. Timilia hu-, to become complete. -timilifu, complete, perfect. Timiliza hu-, to make complete. Timiza hu-, to complete, to make perfect. Time, a woman's name. Timvi, an ill-omened child. Tinda hu- (M.) = Chinja hu-, to cut, to cut the throat, to slaughter, Tindiha ku- (A.), to fall short. Tindikia ku-, to cease to. Imenitindikia, I am out of it, I have no more. Tindikiana ku-, to be separated, to be severed, as friends or relatious at a distance from one anotlier. Tiwgre, a game consisting in imitating all the motions of a leader. Tini, a fig, figs. Tint (M.) = Chini, down. Tipitipi, a brown bird, a mocking bird. Tipua ku-, to scoop out, to dig out, to dip out. Tiririka ku-, to glide, to trickle. Tis'a = Tissia, nine. Tisaini, ninety. Tisatashara, nineteen. Tisha hu-, to frighten, alarm, make afraid. Tissia, nine. Tita hu; to tie up together. Tita, plm*. madta, a faggot, a bundle of firewood. Titi, the nipple. Tiiia ku-, to shake, to sink in. TIT TOM 397 Also (?) of the sea, when deep and rough, to boil. Titika hu', to carry a bundle of sticks, &c. Titima Jcu-, to roar and roll like thunder. Titia-anga, chicken-pox. See Kiti- wanga. Tiwo (?), paralysis. 'to, a suffix, denoting goodness or propriety, rarely used in Zan- zibar. Euiceica, to put ; Kuwekato, lo put properly. Manuka, smells ; Manukato, scents. TfM ku; to put out, to take away, give, expel, to deliver, to except, to choose out. Kutoa meno, to grin, to show the teeth, to snarl. Toazi, plur. matoazi, cymbals. Toha, repentance. Tohoa ku; to break through, to break a hole in a wall. Tohice, a simpleton, ignoramus. Tofaa, plur. matofaa, a fruit shaped like a codling with rosy-coloured streaks, = Tomondo. See Mto- mondo. Tofali, plur. matofali, a brick. Tofauti, difference, dispute. Nimeingia tofauti kica kuv:a wee umeniibia fetha ynngu, I have a quarrel with you for stealing my money. Tofua ku-, to hurt or put out an eye. Tofuka ku-, to have an eye hurt or put out. Toga kur, to pierce the ears. Togica, un fermented beer. Tolinra, circumcision. Tohara ku-, to purify by ablutions, to perform the Mohammedan ablutions. Toi, a kind of wild goat. Toja ku-, to slash, cut gashes, as a means of bleeding, &c. Tojo, a cut made for ornament, &c. Toka or Tokea, from, since. Toka ku-, to go or come out or away from, to be acquitted, to go free. Kutoka damn, to bleed. Kutoka Tiari, to sweat. Tokana ku-, to go forth from one another, to divorce, to be set free. Tokea, from, since. See Toka. Tokea hapo, in old time, from old time. Tokea ku-, to come out to, or from, to appear. Tokeza ku-, to ooze out, to project. Tokomea ku-, to get out of one's Tokoni, the pelvis. [sight. Tokono (A.), the hips. Tokora ku-, to pick one's teeth. Tokosa ku-, to boil, to cook by boiling. Tokoseka ku-, to be well boiled, to be done. Tokota ku-, to become boiled, to be cooked by boiling. Tolea ku-, to put out for, to offer to. Kutolewa, to have put out for one, or to be put out, to be dismissed. Toma, orchitis, hydrocele. Tomasa ku-,to poke with the fingers, to feel, used of examining a living creature, as Bonyesha, of inanimate objects. Tomha ku-, t© have sexual connec- tion with. Tomho, a quail. 2 D 398 TOM TU A Tomea ku- (RI.) = Chomea ku-. Tomea ku-, to point by pla&tering over and putting small stones in to make the work firm. Tomesha ku-, to set on (a dog, &c.). Tomo, dross of iron, &c. Toinise = Tomo. Tomondo, a hippopotamus. Toiaondo, plur. matomondo = Tofaa. Tana ku-, to drop. Toiia ku-. Kutona hina, to lay and bind on a plaster of henna until the part is dyed red. Kutona godoro, to sew through a mattress here and there to con- fine the stuffing. Tandoo, a small brown nut con- taining oil. Toiiesha ku-, to strike against, to touch a sore place, to make a sore run. Toae, plur. matone, a drop. Toneza ku-, to cause to drop. Tonga ku- (M.) = Chonga ku-, to cut. Tongea ku- = Chongea. Tongosimba, a small bird black with white neck ; it makes a great noise in flying. Tongoza ku-, to seduce. Tope, mud, plur. matope, much mud. Tojjea ku-, to sink in mire, to be stogged. Topetope, a custard apple. Topeza ku-, to be too heavy for one. Topoa ku-, to take out, to break a spell, to clear for cultivation. Tom, plur. matora, a small spear. Toniti, the law of Moses, the Pen- tateuch. 'Fwoka ku-, to rim away from a master, from home, &c. Torosha ku-, to abduct, to induce ti run away. Tosa ku-, to cause to sink, to drown Eutosa macho, to spoil the eyes. Tosa, plur. matosa, fruit just be- ginning to ripen, all but ripe. Tosha ku; to suffice, to be enough for, to cause to come out. Toshea ku-, to be astonished, to be staggered. Tosheleza ku-, to suffice. Toshewa ku-, to be astonished. Tola ku; to sink. Totea ku- (]M.) = Chochea ku-. Toteza macho ku-, to spoil the eyes. Totoma ku-, to be lost, to wander. Totora ku-, to pick one's teeth. Also, Tokora. Tooya = Chooya. Towea ku-, to eat as a relish or kitoweo. Toiceka ku-, to vanish. At Lamoo tliis word is used for to die. Towelea ku-, to eat by mouthfuls. Towesha ku-, to ruin, to put out of the way. Toweza ku-, to pour gravy, &c., over the rice. Tozi, plur. matozi (M.), a tear. Trufu, trump (in cards). Tu, only, nothing but this, only just. The -u of tu is very short ; it always follows the word or phrase which it qualifies. Tu, we are or were. Tu or Tw; the sign of the first person plural, we. -tu- or -tw-, the objective prefix de- noting the first person plural, ms, TvM ku-, to put down, to put down loads, to rest, to halt, to encamp, to set (of the sun). Jua likitua, at sunset. TUA TUM i99 Tua ku; to grind by pushing a stone backwards and forwards. Tuama ku-, to settle, to clear itself. Tuana ku-, to settle. Tubia ku-, to repent of. Tabu ku-, to repent. Tufanu, a storm, a tempest. Tufe, a ball. Tuhumu ku-, to accuse of, to lay to his charge, to suspect. Tui (M.) = Cliui, a leopard. Tui, the oily juice squeezed out of the scraped cocoa-nut. Tuiliza ku-, to prolong. Tuja ku- (M.) = Chuja ku-, to strain. Tuka, posts of a verandah or long eaves. Tukana ku-, to use bad language to, to abuse, to address with in- sulting or indecent expressions. Tukano, plur. matukano, bad words, insulting or filthy language. Tukia ku-, &c. (M.) = Chukiaku-,&c. Tukia ku-, to happen. Tukio, plur. matukio, a thing which happens, an accident. Tukiza ku-, to project. Tukua ku; &c. (M.) = Chukua -tukufu, glorious, great. [ku-, &c. Takuka ku-, to become exalted, to grow great. Tukum ku-, to move, to shake. Tukuta ku-, to move about restlessly, to shake nervously. Tukutiza ku- (obscene). Tukuza ku; to exalt, to make great. Tulia ku-, to become quiet, to settle down, to amend from a riotous life. Tulia, don't make a noise. Tulia ku-, to grind with. See Tua. Jiice la kutulia, a stone to grind with. Tulika ku; to be serene and tranquil. Tulilia kur, to settle down lor or in regard to. YamekutuUUa f have you under- stood me ? Yamejiitulilia, I have. Tuliliana ku-, to come to an agree- ment. TuUza ku-, to calm, to still. Tulizia ku-, to calm for. Kuti'lizia roho, to calm, to console. Tuma ku; to t mploy, to send about some business. Tuma ku- (M.) = Chuma ku-, to Tumaa ku-, to hope. [profit. Tumai ku- = Tumaa. Roho yatumai, I hope. Tumaini ku-, to be confident, to hope. Tumainisha ku-, to make confident, to make to hope. Tumania ku-, to hope in, confide in. Tumba, a long rice-bag. Tumbako, tobacco, Kuvuta tumbako, to smoke. Tumbako ya kunuica or kunusa^ Tumbasi, an abscess. [snuff. Tumbili, a small kind of light- coloured monkey. Tumbo, plur. matumbo, gut, belly, viscera, womb. Tumbo la kuenenda, diarrhoea. Tumbo la kuharadamu, dysentery. Tumbua ku-, to disembowel, cut open, pick a hole in, open (an abscess). Tumbuiza ku-, to soothe, to sing to, to sing by turns. Tumbuka ku-, to burst, to be burst, &c. See Tumbua. Tumbukia ku-, to fall into. Ametumbukia, kisimani, he hag got into a scrape. 2 p 2 400 TUM TUT TumbuMza hu-, to throw into, to cause to fall into, to get a person into a scrape. Turnbulia hu-. KutumhuUa macJio, to stare at. Tumbuu, a staple. Tumbuza hu-, to disembowel, to penetrate, to get through. Tume, a messenger. Tumia hu-, to employ, to spend, to use. Tumiha hu-y to be employed, to serve. Tumihia hu-, to be employed by, to serve, to obey. Tumu, taste, tasting. TiimUy the month Eamathnn. Tuna hu-, &c. (M.) = Chuva hu, &c. Tuna hu-, to swell, to get cross. Tunda, plur. matunda, a fruit. Tundama hu-, to gather, to settle at the bottom. Tundiha hu-, to hang up, to be suspended. Tundu, plur. fundu or matundu, a hole, a cage, a nest. Tundu ya pua, a nostril. Tunduaa hu-, to stand stockstill in wonder at, &c. Tunga, a round open basket. Tunga hu-, to suppurate. Tunga hu-, to put together in order, to string beads, to make verses. Tungama hu-, to clot, to congeal. Tungamana hu-, to be steady. Tungia hu-, to thread a needle. Timgua hu-, to let down, to pull down, to hook down. Tunguha hu-, to be pulled or let down. Tungiha hu-, to depend upon, to hang from. Tungu (M.) = Chungu, ants. Tunguja, a common weed, a species of solanum. Tunguliahu- (M.) = Chunguliahu-^ to peep. Tuniha hu- (M.), to lose the skin, to be flayed. Tunu, a rarity, a choice gift, a present. Tunuha hu-, to love excessively, to long for. Tunuhia hu, to make a present to. Tunza, plur. matunza, care. Tunza hu-, to take care of, to look after, to make gifts to. Tupa, a file. Tupa, plur. matupa (M.), a bottle. Tujm hu-, to throw, to throw away. Kutupa nathari, or macho, to cast a glance, to cast the eyes. Kutuxja mhono, to break off friend- ship. Tupia hu-, to throw at, to pelt with. Tupiza hu-, to pass its proper mea- sure or time. -tupu, bare, empty. It makes tupu with nouns like nyumba. See Utupu. Tupua hu-, to root out, to pull up. Turuhani, tare, allowance for pack- age, &c., in weighing. Turuma. See Maiuruma. Turupuha hu-, to slip out of one's hand. Tushiih, ascriptions of praise, a rosary, the beads used by Mo- liammedans in praying. Sea Tasbih. Tusha hu-, to lower, to make mean or low. Tushi, plur. moius^M, abuse, bad language. See Matusu. Tuswira, a pictura Tula, plur. matuta, a heap of earth. TUT U 401 a raised bed for planting sweet potatoes. Tutu! Leave it alone ! Don't touch! Used to little children. Tutuka hu-, or Tutu'mlta or Tutu- sika, to rise in little swellings, to come out in a rash. Tutuma ku-, to make a noise of bubbling, to boil up. Tuiumua ku-. Kujitutumua, to gather oneself up for an effort. Tuza ku-i or Tuuza ku-, to weep (of a wound). Eutnza damn (M.), to run down with blood, to bleed exces- sively. Tuza ku- = Tunza ku-. Kujituza, to make oneself mean or low. Tuz-anya ku-, to come to an agree- ment (A.). -tw- = -tU: Twa ku (M.) = Chwa ku-. Twaa ku-, to take. Kuticau nyara, to take as spoil. Twalia ku-, to take from. Twaliwa ku-, to be deprived of, to have had taken from one. Used also in the sense of, to be taken. Twana ku- or Tuana ku-, to settle. Ticana ku- = Twazana. Twanga ku-, to clean corn from the husk by pounding it in a wooden mortar. Twangia ku-, to clean corn for, with, etc. Twazana ku-, to resemble in face, to be like, Tweka ku-, to hoist, to raise, to take up. Twesha ku-, to go by night to see any one. Tiveta hu-, to pant, to strive for breath. Ticeza ku-, to despise, to hold in contempt. Twiga, a giraffe, a camelopard. Ticika ku-, to put a load on a man's head. Also Tika. U. TJ is pronounced like oo in food. TJ before a vowel takes a conso- nantal sound, and may be written w. This change is not so marked before a u as before the other vowels. Sometimes both w's keep their vowel sound. TJ before o is frequently dropped : Moyo = Muoyo. The syllable mu- is seldom so pronounced in Zanzibar; it becomes mw- or 'm, or a simple m. L and u are sometimes appa- rently interchanged, as, Ufalme or TJfaume, a kingdom. Mlango or Micango, a door. Nouns in u- or w- generally lose their u- in the plural, most of them substituting n- or ny- for it, but dissyllable nouns keep the u- and prefix ny-. See N. The insertion of a -«- before the final -a of a verb reverses its mean- ing. Kufunga, to fasten. Kufungua, to unfasten. There is a suppressed I between the u and the a (as always in Swahili between two consecutive vowels), which appears in the ap- plied forms. Kufungulia, to unfasten for. The pasaiye of the applied forms 402 u UCH of verbs in -ua is used also as the passive of the simple form. Kufunguliwa,to be unfa:;tened, or to have unfastened for one. Kuua, to kill, is irregular, and makes its passive by adding -wa, hiuaway to be killed. U (Ar.), and. U, thou art, it is, of nouns in m-, and of those which make their plural in mi-. U- or W-, the sign of the second person singular. U- or wj-, the personal prefix of the third person singular denoting a substantive in w-, or one which makes its plural in mi-. -U-, or -W-, the objective prefix de- noting a substantive in w-, or one that makes its plural in mi-. U- as a substantive prefix is used to form abstract nouns, and also to form the names of countries, 7:a, the Nyika country ; Ugala, the Galla country ; Dzungu, the country of Eu- ropeans. TJa ku; to kill. Passive, kuuawa, to be killed. Ua, plur. maua, a flower. Ua, plur. nyua, a yard, an enclosure, a fence. Ua wa mahua, an enclosure fenced with mtama stalks. Ca ica maJcutiy&n enclosure fenced with plaited cocoa-nut leaves. Uanda, a court, a yard. Uanda = Wanda, Uanja = Uanda. Uapo, plur. nijapo, an oath. Uawa ku', to be killed. Uayo, plur. nyayo, the sole of the foot, a footprint. Ubahwa, pap, a soft food for chil- dren. Ubafu or Uhavu, plur. mbavu, a rib. Mbavuni, in or at its side. Uhani, incense, galbanum. Ubatili, nullity. Ubau, plur. mbau, a plank. Ubawa, plur. mbawa,Q, wiug feather. Ubazazi. Kufanya ubazazi, to make a bar- gain. Ubeleko, a cloth worn by women, a customary present to the bride's mother on the occasion of a wedding. UbisTii, a joke. UbuyvL, the inside of the calabash fruit. Uchafu or Uchavu, filthiness. Uchagaa = Utagaa. Uchala, a raised stage to put corn &c. upon. Uchawi, witchcraft, black magic. Kufanya uchawi, to practise witchcraft. Uchi, nakedness. Uchipuka, plur. chipuTca, a shoot, a blade of grass. UchocJwro, a passage, opening be- tween. Uchovu, tediousness. Uchu, a longing. Uchukuti, the leafstalk of the cocoa- nut leaf. Uchukuzi, carriage, cost of carry- ing. Uchukwi, a kind of rice. Uchumi = Utumi. Uchungu, bitterness, pain, poison. Uchungu, bitter. See -chungu. Dawa uchungu, bitter medicine. UD A UK A 403 Vdaha, babbling, telling secrets. Udevu, plur. ndevu, one hair of the beard. Udogo, smallnesa, youth. Udongo, clay, a kind of earth used to mix with the lime and sand in making mortar. Ufa ku-, to become cracked. Ufa, plur. nyiifa, a crack. Kutia ufa, to crack. Ufagio, plur. fagio, a brush, a broom, a bundle of the leaves of a palm used to sweep with. Vfahamu, memory. Ufajiri = Alfajiri. ?7/aZmeorZ7/aM?ne,kingdom, royalty. Ufidiwa, a ransom. Ufisadif vice. Ufishi, vice. Ujito, plur. Jito, a thin stick, sticks such ae those which are used as laths to tie the maliuti thatch to. Ufizi, plur. fizi, the gums. fy/M, death, the state of being dead. Ufufulio or Ufufuo, resurrection, revival. Ufuhara^ destitution. Ufukwe, absolute destitution. Ufumhi, valley, bottom. Ufunga, stone bench, = Kiharaza. Ufungu, relatives. Ufunguo, plur. funguo, a key. Ufuo, sandy beach. Ufuta, semsem. Ufuthuli, ofBciousness. Vga, an open space in a town wliere a house has been pulled down, or where a dance could be held. Ugali, porridge. Uganga, white magic, medicine. Ughaibu, the little packet of betel leaf, areca nut, lime, and tobacco made up for chewing. j Ugo, enclosure, close. Ugomvi, a quarrel, quarrelsomeness. Ugonjica, sickness, a sickness. Ugrani, a general collection of debts. I Ugica ku-, to fall sick, to groan. Ugtimu, hardness, ditficulty. Uguza ku; to nurse, to take care of Ugice, string. [a sick person. Uhardbu, mischief. Uharara, warmth. Uharibivu, destruction, destructive- ness. Uhtaji, want, thing wanting. Uhuru, freedom. l7i?/i6o, plur. 7iyimho,a. song, a ballad. Uirari (in arithmetic), proportion, division of profits. See Worari. Ui'zi, theft, thieving, Ujahili, boldness. Ujalifu, fulness. Ujana^ youth. Ujari, tiller-ropea. Ujenzi, building. Uji, gruel. Ujima, help of neighbours, assist- ance in work. Ujinga, rawness, dulness, ignorance. Ujio, coming. Ujira, hire, reward. Ujumhe, chiefship, headship. Ujuvi, knowingness, officiousness, pretended knowledge. Ujusi, defilement, whatever is re- moved by ablutions. Ukaango, plur. kaango, an earthen pot for cooking with oil or fat. Ukafu. Ukafu toa maj% a bubble on water. Ukali, fierceness, sharpness. Kufanya ukali, to scold. Ukambaa, plur. kambaa (M.), cord line. 404 UKA UKU Ukamilifu, perfectness, perfection. TJTianda, a strap. JJkao, stay, stopping. Ukarimu, generosity, liberality. XTkawa, delay. Ukaya, a long piece of blue calico, often ornamented with spangles, worn by slaves and poor women in Zanzibar over tbeir heads: it has two long ends, reaching nearly to the ground. Vhelele, plur. kelele, a cry, a noise. Akapigiwa ukelele, and a ory was made at him. Uicemi, a call (Mer.). Nipigie ukemi^ give me a call. Ukengele, a sort of knife made in Zanzibar. TJketo, depth. Ukingo, the brink, a screen, an en- closure made with cloths. Ukiri, plur. kiri, a strip of fine matting about an inch broad, out of which mikeka are made. TJkhca, desolation, solitude where people once were. TJko or fltt/co, there. Ukoa, plur. k'oa, a plate of metal, one of the rings on the scabbard of a sword, &c. Ukoga, the tartar and dirt on the teeth. Ukohozi, phthisis. Ukoka, grass cut for fodder. Ukoko, the rice on the top of the pot, which is often dry and scorched through the custom of pouring away the water when the rice is done and heaping live embers on the lid of the pot. Ukoko (A.), a cough. JJkologefu, decay* Ukoma, leprosy. Ukomha, a scraper, a curved knife for hollowing out mortars, &c. Ukomholewa, a ransom. Ukomhozi or Ukomhoo, a ransom Ukonde (wa tende), a (date) stone. Ukangice, oldness, extreme old age. Ukonyezo, plur. konyezo, a sign made by lifting the eyebrow. Ukoo, nastine^s, uncleanness (?). Ukoo, ancestry, pedigree, family origin and connections. Ukope, plur. kove, a hair from the eyelash. Ukosi, the nape of the neck. Ukuhali, acceptance. Ukuhwa, greatness, bigness. Ukucha, plur. kucha, a nail, a claw, a boo/. Ukufi, plur. hnfi, a handful,, what will lie upon the hand. Ukumbi, an apartment at the en- trance, a hall, a porch. The ukumbi is within a stone house and outside a mud house. Ulcumbulia, recollection. Ukumhusho, memorial, a reminder. JJkumhuu, plur. kumhuu, a girdle made of a narrow cloth, a turban cloth twisted tightly into a sort of rope such as the turbans of the Hindis are made of. JJlcundufu, pleasingness, comm©- diousuess, liberality. ZHcungu, mould, mouldiness. Kufanya nkungu, to get mouldy. JJliungu, the first liglit of dawn. Ukuni, plur. kuni, a piece of fire- wood. Ukurasa, plur. kurasa, a leaf of a book, a sheet of paper. Ukuta, plur. kuta, a stone wall. TJkuti, plur. kuti, a leaflet of the cocoa-nut tree. UKU UMK 405 Ukuu, greatness, size. Ukwaju, a tamarind. C/^u-ase/ii, necessity, having nothing. UJcwasi, wealth, riches. TJhvcato, plur. hwato, a hoof. CTaZo, a tree or trees cut down so as to fall across a river and make a bridge over it TJlaji^ gluttony. TJlambiyambi, a very young dafu. Ulanisi, a foul-mouthed person. TJlxiya or ^VilalJa^ home ; applied especially to the home of Euro- peans, Europe. Ulayiti, European, inferior calico. Kamha ulayiti, hempen rope. Ule, that, yonder. XTI^di, a dhow boy, a cabin boy. Ulegevu, relaxation, the state of being slack. Ulia Jcu-, to kill for, with, &c. Tumulie mhali, let us kill him out of the way. Ulili, a couch or bedstead (Kianz- want). Ulimbo, birdlime, gum, resin. Ulimhwende, dandyism. TJlimi, plur. ndimi, the tongue, a tenon, the heel of a mast. Ulimwengu, the world, the universe, a man's own world or circle of duties and pleasures. Kuwako ulimwenguni, to be alive. Ulingo, a raised platform to scare Ulio, which is. [birds from. Ulitimu, the last three cards of the pack. Uliza ku-, to ask, to inquire of a person. Kumuliza hali, to ask how he does. Siicezi kuuUzica uicciigo,! cannot tell a lie. Ulizia ku-, to make inquiries on behalf of. JJIongo, falsehood. See Uwongo. TJma, plur. nyuma, a spit, a large fork, an awl. Umaica kuokea nyama, a gridiron. Uma ku-, to bite, to sting, to hurt, to give pain to, to ache. Umaheli, ingenuity. TJmalidadi, dandyism. Umande, dew, morning air, mist, the west wind. Umasikini, poverty. Umati, a multitude, people, TJmati Isa, Christians. Umati Musa, Jews. Umati Muhammad, Mohammedans. Umha ku-, to create, to shape. Umba ku-, to bale out a boat For Kumha. Umhaumha ku-, to sway about like a drunken man. Umbo, plur. maumho, form, outward likeness, appearance, character, species. Najiona umbo la kuwa kiziici, I feel getting deaf. Umhu, plur. maumhu, a sister. Umbua ku-, to allege a defect, to depreciate. Umhwa, or better Mbwa, a dog. -uiTie (or -lume), male, strong. • It makes ndum£ with nouns like nyumlia. Mkono ica kuume, the right hand. Umeme, lightning. Umia ku-, to give pain to. Umika ku-, to cup. Umio, the oesophagus. Umito, heaviness, feeling heavy. Umiza ku-, to hurt Umka ku-, to swell, to rise when leavened. 406 UMK UP A UmTcu (?) Icu-t to call. Umo or Humo, there inside. Umoja, oneness. Umri, age. JJmri wake apataje f How old is he? Umua ku-, to take honey from the hive. Una, you have, thou hast. Una nini9 What is the matter with you ? Unazozitaka, which you are asking for. Unda ku-, to build ships or boats. Undu, the comb of a cock. Unene, stoutness, thickness. Unenyekeo, humility, abasement, reverence. Unqa, flour, powder. Unga wa ndere, a magic poison, Unga ku-, to unite, to splice, to join. Ungama, a place near Melinda, swallowed up by the sea. Ungama ku-, to acknowledge, to confess of one's own accord. Ungamana ku-, to bring together, connect. Ungamo, a yellow dye used for dyeing matting, Unganaku-, to unite, to join together. Unae-, the sign of the second person sing, conditional. Ungedumu, you would continue. Ungekuwa, you would be. Ungi, much, plenty. Ungo, the hymen (?). Kuvunja ungo, to be deflowered, to begin to menstruate. Urigo, plur. maungo, a round flat basket used in sifting. Ungua ku-,to be scorched or scalded. Unguja, Zanzibar. Vngulia ku-, to scorch or scald. Unguza ku-, to scorch or scald, to burn. Ungwana, the state of being a free and civilized man, civilization. -ungwana, civilized, as opposed to -shenzi; free, as opposed to -tumwa. Kiungicana, of a civilized kind. Unuele, or Unwele, or Unyele, plur. 7iyele, a hair. Unyago. See Kimjago. Kuchezea unyago, to teach wo- manhood. Unyasi, reed, grass. Unyayo, plur. nyayo, the sole of the foot, a footprint. Unyele. See Unuele. Unyende. Kupiga unyende, to cry with a feeble thin voice. Unyika, the Nyika country. Unyoa, plur. nyoa, a feather. Unyofu, straightness, uprightness. Unyogovu. idleness. Unyonge, vileness, meanness. Unyungu. Kupiga unyungu, to strut about, to show oneself off. Uiiyushi, plur. nyushi, a hair from the eyebrow. Uo, plur. mnuo, a sheath. Uoga, or Woga, fear, Uovu, rottenness, badness, corrup- tion, malice, evil. Uozi, marriage. Upaa, baldness. Upaa wa kitwa, crown of the head, baldness. Upaja, plur. paja, the thigh. Upaji, liberality. Upamha, plur. pamba, a bill, a small hatcliet. Upana, width, breadth. UFA URA 407 Upande, plur. pande, a side, part. Ujjande wa Mvita, near or about Mombaa. TJpande wa cJiini, the under side, the lee side. Upande wa juu, the upper side, the weather side. XJpande ica gosMni, the side where the tack of the sail is fastened, the weather side, dpanga, a cock's comb. Upanga, plur. panga, a sword. Upanga wa felegi, a long straight two-edged sword carried by the Arabs. Upanga wa imani, a short sword with a kind of cross hilt. Kuweka upanga, to set up a sword on its edge. Upao, plur. pao, one of the small sticks used as laths to tie the tiiatch to. Upapi, the outer beading of a door .frame. Upataji, value. Upato, a round plate of copper beaten as a musical instrument. Upawa, plur. jjaica, a flat ladle made out of a cocoa-nut shell, used for serving out curry, gravy, &-c. An upawa differs from a Itata in being very much flatter and shallower ; more than two- thirds of the shell are cut away to make an upaica ; scarcely a quarter is cut off in making a TtaUi, Upekeclio, the piece of wood used to make fire by rubbing. Upeketevu, destruction, harm, quar- relling. Upele, plur. pele, a large pimple. Pele, the itch. Upemho, curved end, hook, a stick to hook down fruit with. Upendaji, the habit of liking. Upendavyo, as you please. Upendelto, favour. Upenzi, love, affection, liking. Upen, plur. peo (M.), a sweeping brush. Upeo, the extremest point visible, the extreme limit, something which cannot be surpassed. Upepeo, plur. pepeo, a fan. UpepOy plur. pepo, a wind, cold. See Pepo. The plural is used to denote much wind. Upesi, quickly, lightly. Upia = Upya, newness. Upindi, plur. pindi, a bow. Upindi wa mvua, the rainbow Upindo, a fold, a hem. Upo, a water-dipper for a boat or dhow. Upofu, blindness. Upogo, a squint. Upogoupogo, zigzag. Upole, gentleness, meekness. Upondo, plur. pondo, a pole used to propel canoes and small vessels. Upongoe, plur. pongoe, the leaf stem of a palm tree. Upooza, paralysis. Upote, string, bowstring. Upotevu, waste, desti uctiveness, wastefulness. Upumbafu, folly. Upunga, plur. punga, a tlower or embryo nut of the cocoa-nut tree. Upungiifu, defect, defectiveness. Upupu, cow-itch. Upuzi, nonsense, chatter, silly talk. Upweke, singleness, independence. Upya, newness. Urathi, contentment. 408 URE UTE TJrefu, length. Uremho, ornament, applied espe- cially to the black lines painted on their faces by the women of Zanzibar by way of ornament. Urithi, inheritance. Urango = TJiwngo. Urotha, invoice. Uru, diamonds (in cards). Usafy shavings and chips. Usaha^ matter, pus. Useini, talk, conversation. TJshadi, plur. nyushadi, verses. Ushahidi, or Ushuhuda, testimony. Ushambilio, haste, suddenly. Ushanga, plur. shanga, a bead. Usharika, partnership, sharing. Ushaufu, deceit. Usherati, dissipation. Also Asherati. Ushi, a string-course. Ushujaa, heroism, great courage. Ushukura, thanks. TJshungUy a vegetable poison, used to poison arrows. Ushupafu, perversity, crookedness. Ushuru, tax, duty, customs. Usia few-, to leave directions or orders, by will, &c. See Wana. Usikizi, hearing, attention, under- standing. Usiku, night. The plur. siku is used to denote days of 24 hours. Four whole nights must be rendered siku nne usiku kucha. Four days and nights, siku nne mchana na usiku. Usimanga, mockery. Usimeme, firmness. Usinga, plur. singa, a (straight, not woolly) hair. See Singa. Usingizi, plur. singizi, sleep. See Zingizi. Usiri, delay. TJsiwa, on the high seas. TJso, plur. nyuso, face, countenance. Ussuhui, for Assubui, in the morning, the morning. Usubi, a sandfly, a midge. Usufi, silk cotton from the msitfi tree. Usukani, plur. sukani, a rudder. UsuUani, sultanship. Usumha, see Makumhi. Uta, plur. nyuta or mata, a bow, TJta. [bow and arrows. Majuta ya uta, semsem oil. Utaa, a raised stage to put corn, &c. on. Utabibu, medical science, being a doctor. Utagaa, a branch of a tree. Utaji, a veil. Utajiri, wealth. Utakacho, what you wish. TJtakatifu, holiness, purity. TJtako (Mer.), keel of a dhow. Utambaa, plur. tambaa, a bandage, a rag. TJtambi, plur. tambi, a lamp-wick, a piece of stuff for a turban. TJtambo {wa sufuria, &c.), a swing- ing handle like tliat of a pail. Utamvua, end or corner of a turban, of a cloth, &c. Utandu (A.) = Ukoko. Utandui hymen. Utani, a kindred race, the belonging to a kindred tribe, familiarity. Utanzu, plur. tanzu, a branch. Utashi, desire. Utasi, tonguetieduess. Utawi. Kupiga utawi, to drink grog to- gether. Vie. Ute iva yayi, the white of an egg» UTE U WA 409 Utelezi, slipperiness. Utemhe, the chewed refuse of betel leaf, &c. Utenzi, a poem, especially a reli- gious poem. Uteo, plur. teo (M.), a silting bas- ket. Utepe, plur. tepe, a tape, a band, a fillet, a stripe. Utepetefu, languor. Ufesi, strife. Uthabiti, bravery, firmncps. Uthaifu, ■weakness, infirmity. Uthani, weight. Uthi hu; to harass, trouble. Uthia, bother, noise, uproar. Uthia TiU; to harass. Uthibaji, cheat, deceit, stratagem. TJtliika hu-, to be harassed. UtJdlifu, calamity, great trouble. TJthuru Jcu-, to excuse. Uti. TJti wa maungo, the backbone. TJtiko, the roof-ridge of a thatched house. Utiriri, a provoking trick. Utofu, dull, without amusement. Utofu, thinness, weakness. Utolco, mucus from the vagina. Uto. Uto wa riTjama, fat cooked out of meat, dripping. Utanwa, thick white sap. Utondwi, small dhows trading about Zanzibar, coasters. Utosi, the top of the head. Utoto, childhood. Utufu, fatigue. TJtuJiufu, greatness, exaltation, glory. Utvley wretchedness, weakness, un- fitness. Utulivu, quietness, patience. Utumhavu, thickness, swelling, rising. Utumhuizo, a soothing thing, verses sung during a dance. Utume, sending people about. Utumi, use, usage. TJtumo, business, place of business. Utuimva, slavery, employment, en- gagement. Kiitia ufumwani, to enslave. TJtnngu (M.) = Uchungu. Utungu, is used in the dialect of Zanzibar only for the pains of childbirth, Utungu ica uzazi. Utupa, a species of euphorbia used as a fish poison. Utupu, naked (vulgar). Mtu utupu, a naked man. Mtu mtiipu, a mere man. Uuaji, murderousness. Uudi, aloes wood. Uuza hu. See Uza hu-, Uvi, a door [Tumbatu], Uvivu, idleness, sloth. TJvuguvugu, lukewarmness. Maji yana uvuguvugu, the water is lukewarm. UvuU, shade. Uvumha, incense, galbanum. TJvundo, a smell of corruption. Uvurujika, tendency to crumble, a being spoilt and decayed. Uvurungu, hollowness. Jiwe la uvurungu, a hollow stone. TJvyazi, birth. TJwanda, a plain. Uwanga, arrowroot. TJtcanga, a sweet dish made of wheat, flour, sugar, and ghee. Uwanja, a courtyard, an enclosure. Uicashi, masonry. JJwati, a vesicular eruption on the skin. 410 U W A VAL Uicaziri, the vizirship, TJweli, sickness, disease. TJweli wa viungo, rheumatism. Uwezo, power, ability. Uwinda. Kwpiga uwinda^ to pass the ends of the loin-cloth between the legs and tuck them in, as is done loosely by the Banyans, and tiglitly by men at work. Uicingu, plur. mhingu, heaven, sky. The plural is the form more com- monly used. Uwivu, jealousy. Vwongo, falsehood. Manenoye yameliuica uicongo, he has become a teller of lies. Uyajuapo, if you know them. Uyoga, a mushroom. Uyuzi, ingenuity. Uyuzi ku-, to ascertain. Uza ku-, to ask, to ask questions. Uza ku- or Za ku-, to sell. The u in kuuza, or rather kuza, to sell, is very short and insig- nificant : it is possibly only a partial retention of the ku-, which bears the accent and is retained entire in the usual tenses. The u- in kuuza, to ask, is much more important, as is shown clearly in tlie ap- plied forms. Kuuliza, to ask of a person ; pres. perf. ameuliza. Kuliza, to sell to a person ; pres. perf. ameliza. Uzanya ku-, to be ordinarily sold, to be for sale. TJzazi, birth. Uzee, old age. Uzembe, indifference, apathy, slow- Vzi, plur. nyuzi, thread, string, a stripe. TJziki, poverty. TJzima, health, heartiness, complete- ness, life. TJzingizi. ^ee Zingizi opudi Unngizi. Uzinguo, disenchantment, as from the power of the evil eye. Uzini or Uzinzi, adultery, fornica- tion. Uzio, plur. nyuzio, a hedge made in the sea to catch fish. TJzulia ku-, to depose. TJzulu ku-, to depose, to remove from an office. Kujiuzulu, to resign, to give up a place or ofiBce, to abdicate. TJzuri, beauty, fineness, ornament. Kufanya uzuri, to adorn oneself. Uzuslii, raising from the bottom, as in fisliing for pearls. JJzuzu, rawness, greenness (of a simpleton). V is pronounced as in English. V,f, and b, are sometimes a little difficult to distinguish accurately in the dialect of Zanzibar. This is probably owing to the want of a v in Arabic. V and vy change in some dialects into Z-, in others into th-. Micivi, a thief, becomes mitizi at Lamoo, and micitlii at Patta. Vaa ku-, to put on, to dress in. The past tenses are used in the sense of, to wear. Amevaa, he wears. Alivaa, he wore. Valia ku-. VAO VIT 411 Mshipi tea Ituvalia nrjiio, a girdle to gird up one's clothes with. Vao, plur. mavao, dress. Varanga, interrupting and bother- ing talk. Vazi, plur. mavazi, a dress, a gar- ment. Vemttf well, very well. Vema or Vyema, good. See -ema. Ti- or Vy-, the plural prefix of sub- stantives (and of adjectives and pronouns agreeing with them) which make their singular in hi- or ch-. Vi- or Vy-, sign of the third person plural prefixed to verbs governed by nouns in vi- or vy-. Vi- or Vy- prefixed to adjectives often gives them an adverbial -vi-, the objective prefix represent- ing nouns in vi- or vy-. Via Jiu-, to stop short of perfection, ' to be stunted in its growth, to | remain only half cooked for want of fire, &c., &c. Viaa ku- = Vyaa Jcu-. Viatu (plural of Kiatu), shoes, san- dals. Viatu vya Kizungu, European shoes. Viatu vya ngozi, leather sandals. Viatu vya mti, wooden ciogs. Viazi (plur. of Kiazi), sweet pota- toes. Viazi vya Kizungu, potatoes. Viazi vikuu, yams. Viberiti (plur. of Kiberiti), matches, lucifers. Vidani, collars of gold, &c. Viembe or Vyembe, arrows. Vifaa, necessaiies, useful things. Vigwe, braid, reins. Vijiueno, little words, prattle. Viha ku-, to clothe, to dress. Vile, those yonder. Vilevile, just those things, like things, in like manner. Vilia ku-, to stop and stagnate, as the blood does in a bruise. Vilio, a stagnation, a stoppage. Mavilio ya damu, bruises, effusion of blood. Vimba ku-, to swell, to thatch. Vimbisha ku-, to overfeed a person. Vimbhoa ku-, to be overstuffed, to overeat oneself. Vimo, all of one size. Vinga vya moto, firebrands, sing, Kinga cha moto. Vingi, many. See -ingi. Vingine, others. See -ngine. Vinjari ku-, to cruise about, to go looking out for something, to watch. Vinyavinya ku-, to press and crush food for children and sick people. Viuyi. See Mweityi. Vinyu = Mvinyo. Vioga ku- (M.), to tread. Viombo = Vyombo. Viote or Vyote, all. See -ote. Vipande vya kupimia, nautical in- struments, sextants, &c. Vipele (plur. of Kipele), small pimples, a rash. Vipele vya harara, prickly heat. Viringa ku-, to become round. Iiueviringa, it is round. Viringana ku-, to become spherical. Visha ku-, to give cluthes to. Vita, war. Vitanga vya mizam, scales, scale- pans. Vitindi vya shaba, bra-ss wire. Vitwa vltioa, topsy-turvy. 412 VI VUN Vivia liu-, to smoulder. Vivi Mvi, common, just there, just so, anyhow. -vivu, idle, dull, slow. Kisu ni kivivu, the knife is blunt (A.). Vivyo, thus, in the way mentioned. Vivyoliivyo, in like manner. Viwbnhi (plur. of Kimmhi), wave- lets, a ripple. Viza few-, to stunt, to prevent its attaining perfection, to interrupt, to stop or hinder in work. Vizia ku-, to watch, to spoil one's work for one, to hinder one from working. Vizuri, fine, finely. See -zuri. Vua ku-f to take off clothes. Vua ku-j to save, to deliver, to take across. Vua ku-y to fi-h, to catch fish. Vuuta ku- or Vwata ku-, to prets with the teeth, to hold in the mouth. Vuaza ku-, to wound by striking or running into unawares, tu cut. Vugaza ku-, to put to (a door). Vugo, a horn played upon by beat- Vuja ku-, to leak, to let water, [ing. Vujia ku-, to ooze out. VuJca ku-, to cross, to go over, to pass a river, to be saved. Vuke, steam, vapour, sweat. Vukiska ku-, to take across, to ferry over. Vukiza ku-, to cause to fume, to give off vapour. Vukieta ku-, to blow bellows. Vukuto, sweat. Vule. Dudu vule, an insect living in wood, a carpenter bee (?). Vuli, shade. Mkono wa kuvuli, the right hand. Vulia ku-, to catch fish for, or with. Vuma ku-, to blow as the wind, to buzz like a bee. Vu7na ku-, to lose (in card-playing). Vumbi, plur. mavumbi, dust, flue, muddiness in water. Vumbika ku-, to put in under some- thing, to stick into the embers, to cover with a heap of leaves, &c. Vumhikia ku-, to put seeds or plants in the ground before rain, to get them into the ground. Vumbilia ku-. Kuvumhilia vita, to get into a quarrel. Vumhu, plur. mavumhu, lumps in flour, &c. Vumhua ku-, to find after a search, to discover. Vumi, a noise as of blowing or bellowing, often made with a drnm. Vumilia ku-, to endure, to tolerate, to bear. Vumisha ku-, to win (in card-play- iag). Vuna ku-, to reap. Vuna ku-. Kujivuna, to swell up, to be puffed up. Vunda, &c. = Vunja, &c. Vunda ku-, to rot. -vungu, hollow. Vunja ku-, to break, to ruin, to spoil, to change a piece of money. Kuvunja jungo, to have a final feast, as before Ramathan. Vunja jungo or chungu, a mantis (Mantis roligiosa), so called from the superstition that a person touching it will break the next VUN -WA- 413 piece of crockery or glass he handles, Vunjia hu-, to break for, with, &c. Vunjika hu-, to become broken. Vuruga Jcu-, to stir. Vurujika ku-, to break up into frag- ments, crumble. VurumisJia ku-, to throw a stone, &c. Vusha hu-, to put across, to ferry over, to put into the right way. Vuta ku-, to draw, to pull. Kuvuta maji, to bale out water. Kuvuta makasia, to row. Kuvuta tumhakOf to smoke to- bacco, Vuvia ku-, to blow. Vuvumka ku-, to grow up quickly. Vuzi, plur. mavuzi, a hair of the pubes. Also, (A.) hair in gene- ral. Vy- = Vi: Vya, of. Vyaa ku-, to bear children, or fruit. Pass, vyaioa or vyaliwa. Vijake or Vyakwe, his, her, its. Vyako, thy. Vyakula (plur. of Chakuld), things to eat, victuals, meals, provisions. Vyaliwa ku-, to be born. Vyangu, my, of me. See -angu. Vyao, their, of them. See -ao. Vyetu, our, of us. See -etu. Yyenu, your, of you. See -enu. -vyo or -vyo-, as. Upendavyo, as you please. TJnipendavyo, as you love me, for my sake. Alivyoagiza, as he directed. See ginsi. Vyo, -vyo, -vyo-, which. See -o. Vrjo vyote, whatsoever. Vyomho (plur. of CJwmho), vessels, household utensils, baggage. W. W is pronounced as in English. TV is commonly in Swahili a con- sonantal u, and in many words w or u may be written indifferently. There are other cases, as in the passive termination -ica, where the sound can only be expressed by an English w. W- = U-, which see. W-, the prefix proper to possessive pronouns governed by substan- tives either singular or plural which denote animate beings. Wa, of. See -a. Wa nini, why. Hamisi wa Tani, Tani's Hamisi, i.e. Hamisi, the sou of Tani. Wa or TJ, the Arabic and. Wa ! an Arabic exclamation. Wa-, the plural prefix of substan- tives in ?n-, '/n-, or mw- which denote animate beings. Wa-, the plural prefix of adjectives and pronouns agreeing with sub- stantives which denote animate beings. Wa-, the prefix marking the third person plural of verbs governed by nouns denoting animate be- ings. "Where the tense prefix begins with an -a- that of the personal prefix coalesces with it, so that there is no difference between the second person singular and the third plural. -ica- the objective plural prefix referring to substantives which denote animate beinp-a 2 E 414 WA WAL Wa kit-, to be, to become (?) : the hu- bears the accent and is re- tained in the usual cases. The present tense of the substan- tive verb is generally rei^re- Bented by ni or by the personal prefix standing alone. The present tense with the rela- tive is represented by the syl- lable -li: Aliye, he who is. The present perfect amehuioa, &c. has the sense of, to have be- come. Was is represented by the past perfect tense alikuwa, &c. Kuwa na, to have. Simekuwa mwongo ? should I not be a liar ? Waa ku-, to shine much, like the sun or the moon. Waa, plur. mawaa, a spot, a blotch, a stain. Wabba, cholera. Waboondei, the people living in the low country between the sea and the Shambala mountains. Wadi, son of. Wadi Mohammed, Mohammed's son. Wadi TcU', to complete a term. Watu wa " London " wamewadi, the (H.M.S.) " London's" com- mission has expired. Wadia ku-, to be fully come, to be quite time for anything. Wadinasi for Walad ennas, born of people, that is, of decent family. Wadui, enmity, hostility. Wafikana ku-, to conspire together. Wafiki ku-, to suit, to be suitable to. Waga ku- (Mer.), to kill. Wagunya, the Swahili living north of Siwi. Wahadi, plur. nyahadi (?), for Ahadi, a promise. Wahid, one. Wai ku-, to be in time. Wainua, verily. Wdjib, rightness, it ought. Wajihi ku-, to visit, to see face to face. Wajihiana ku-, to meet face to face, to see one another. Waka ku-f to blaze, to burn up, to burn. Wakati, time, season. Wakati huu, now. Wake or Wakwe, his, her, or its. Wakf. [See -ale. Kufanya wakf, to dedicate, to set apart for holy uses. Wakia, the weight of a silver dollar, about an ounce. Wakifu ku; to cost. Wakijia ku-, to cost to. Wakili, an agent, a representative. Wako, thy. Wakti = Wakati. Wakti gani nije ? at what time am I to come ? Wala, nor, and not. Wala — wala — , neither — nor — . Where or would be used in English after a negative wala is used in Swahili. Walai or Wallaye, the most com- mon Swahili oath. Walakini, but, and however. Walao, not even. Wale, those yonder. Wall, cooked grain, especially rice. Wali wa mwikuu, what is left from some meal overnight to be eaten in the morning:. WAL WAT 415 Walt, a governor. Liwali for Al Wait, the governor, is more commonly used in Zan- zibar. Walio. See Nyalio. Walio, they who are. Walirmcengu, the people of this world. WalU, a saint. Wama ku-, to lie on the face. Wamha Jcu-, to lace in the ropes upon the frame of a hitanda, to fill up. Wamhiso, attachment. Wana, they have, Hawana, they have not. Wanda hu-, to get very fat and strong. Wanda, plur. nyanda, a finger, a finger's-breadth. Wanga hu- (jMer.), to count, to reckon. Wanga, one who uses witchcraft against another. Wanga, arrowroot. Also Uanga. Wanga or Wangwa, a cliff. Wangine, others, other people. Wangine — wangine — , some — others — . Wangu, my. See -angu. Wangua hu-, to scoop up. Wangwa, a desert, a bare waste i place. Wangwana or Waungicana, gentry, free and civilized men. Wanja. Wanja wa manga, antimony. Wano, plur. mawano, the shaft of an arrow or harpoon. Wao, they. Wao, their. See -ao. Wapi ? which people ? Wapi ? or api 1 where ? Commonly joined with the per- sonal sign of the nuun. Yu wapi or Yuho icapi ? where is [he]? Zi wapi or Ziho wapi ? where are [they] ? Wapilia hu-, to be laden with scent, highly perfumed. Wapo, a gift. Waradi, or Waredi, or Waridi, a rose. I Waraha, plur. nyaraha, a letter. Waria, a clever dhow-builder, a clever man at any business. Warr, a yard (measure) . Wasa, plur. nyasa, small sticks to fill up between larger ones in a wall or roof. Wasa hu-, to contradict. Washa hu-, to light, to set fire to. Kuwasha moto, to light up a fire. WasTiarati, great dissipation, licen- tiousness. Washenzi, wild people, uncivilized men. Wasi, rebellion. Also JJasi. Wasia, sentence, will, declared opinion. Also Wosia. Wasia hu-, to bequeath, to make a will. Wasili hu-, to arrive, to come clo.se to, to reach. Wasili, receipt, credit side of ac- count, i.e. the left-hand column. Wasilia hu-, to reach a person, es- pecially of letters. Wasilisha hu-, to cause to reach. Wasio, who are not, Wasio = Wasia and Wosia. Wastani, middling, in the middle Waswas, doubt. Wathahisha hu-, to solve. Wathihi. narrow. 2 E 2 il6 WAT WIL Watia TiU', to sit upon e^g^- Watu, fenugreek. Watu (plur. of Mtu\ people. -a watu, other people's. Wavu, plur. nyavu, a net to catch gazelles, &c. Wawili, two, two persons. Wote wawili, both. Waya, an earthen dish to bake cakes on. Wayawaya Tcu-, to sway like a bough loaded with fruit, to swagger, to be bent down and burdened. Wayo, plur. nyayo, sole of the foot, footprint. Also Uayo. Waza ku-, to think, consider, refledt. Wazao, progeny , offspring, posterity. ^wazif open, clear, manifest. It makes wazi with nouns like nyumba. Kitwa hhcazi, bareheaded. Panalia wazi, it sounds hollow. Waziwazi, manifest. Wazimu. Ana wazimu, he is mad. Waziri, plur. mawaziri, a vizier, a secretary of state, a chief officer. Wazo, plur. mawazo, thoughts. -we, his, hers, its, for wahe. -we, thee, for wewe. Wea ku; to become the property of. Weha Jcu; to place, to lay, to put away, to keep, to delay. Nyumha Jiainiwehi, I have no rest in the house, I cannot remain in the house. Wekea hu-, to put away for. Kuwehea amana, to entrust to. Kuwehea wahf, to dedicate. Weko. Kutia weko, to weld. Welcua TiU-, to break up, to remove. Weleho, a cloth worn by women. Well, sickness. Well wa macho, ophthalmia. Welti, saintly, a saint. Wema, goodness. Wemhe, plur. nyemhe (?), a razor. Wenga Tcu-, to cause to break out into sores. Wengi, many. See -ingi. Wengo, the spleen. Wenu, your. See -enu. Wenzangu, my companions = Wa- enzi wangu. Werevu, cunning, shrewdness. Weu, a place cleared for planting. Weupe, whiteness, clearness, light. Weupe, white. See -eupe. Wevi or Wezi, thieves. See Mwivi. Wewe, thou, thee. Weweselca ku-, to talk and murmur in one's sleep. Also Weweteka. Weye, you ! it is you. Weza ku-, to be able, to be a match for, to liave power over, to be equal to. Siwezi, I cannot, or, I am sick. Nalikuwa siwezi, I was ill. Sikuweza, I was not able. Amehawezi, he has fallen sick. -weza. See mweza. Wezekana ku-, to be possible. Wezesha ku-, to enable. -wi, bad (old Swahili and Nyam- Wia kw, to be to. [wezi). Niioie rathi, don't be offended with me. 2. to have in one's debt. Kuwiwa, to be indebted. Wibo, Ibo. Wifi, husband's sister. Wika ku-, to crow like a cock. Wilaija = Ulaya, home, Europe -wili, two. It makes mMli with nouns like nyumba. WIM YAK 417 Wimhi, plur. maicimhi, a wave. Mawinibi, surf. Wimhi, a very small kind of grain. Winda Tcu- or Winga ku-, to chase, to hunt. Wingi = Ungi, plenty, a great quantity, much. Wingu, plur. mawingu, a cloud. Wino, ink. Wishwa^ chaff, the husks of rice, the flour sifted off along with the husks. WitirUf odd, not even. Witwa (= Kwihca ?), the being called. Wiva Jiu- = Iva ku-, -wivu, jealous. -wivu = -hivu, ripe. Wiwa ku-, to owe, to be indebted to. Wiza. Mayayi mawiza^ eggs with chickens formed in them, hard set. Wo, -wo, -W0-, which, who, whom. Wo wote, whatsoever, whosoever. -wo, thy, = Wako. Wogofya, plur. nyogofya, a threat. Wokovu, deliverance, salvation. Wongo, falsehood. Also JJwongo. Wonyesho, showing, display. Worari, rateable division, sharing. Ar. Wora, to cast pebbles. Wosia, injunction, sentence, charge, wise saying. Also Wasia. Wote, all, both. Twende wote, let us both go. Wote wawili, both. Wovisi, cool. Woweka ku-, to soakt Fis pronounced as in English. Y is in Swahili a consonantal i, and it is often indifferent whether it be written i or y. The use of y is however important to distinguish such words as kimia, a cast-net, and Idmya, silence. The insertion of a ?/ sound before the final -a of a verb has in many cases the effect of giving it a causa- tive meaning. See P. KupoTia, to get well. Kuponya, to cure. Kuogopa, to fear. Kuogofya, to frightea 7 = 1. T-, the prefix proper to possessive pronouns governed by singular substantives of the class which does not change to form the plural, by plural substantives in mi-, or by plural substantives in Ya, of. See -a. [ma-. Ya kitovu, in the naveL Ya kwamha, that. Yaninif Why? Ya-, sign of the third person plural prefixed to verbs governed by a plural substantive in ma-. -ya-, objective prefix denoting plural nouns in ma-. Yaa ku-, to sow seeds. Ydbis, or Yahisi, dry, solid. Yai = Yayi. Yaika ku-, to melt. Yake or Yakwe, his, hers, its. See -ake. Yakini, certainly, certainty, it is' certain. Yakinia ku-, to determine, to set one's mind upon. 418 YAK Yakinisha hu-, to make certain. Yako, thy, your. See -alco. Yakowapi, where are they? Yakuti, emerald (?). Yale, those yonder. Yaliomo, which are within. Yamho — Janibo. Yamini, an oath. Yamkini, possibly, possibility. Kwa yamkim, possibly. Yamkini ku- (?), to be possible. Haiyamkini, it is not possible. Yamur, deer. Yange. See -nge-. Yangedumu, they would remain. Yangu, my, of me. See -angu. Yani = Ya nini ? for what ? why ? Yao, their, of them. See -ao. Yasi, a yellow powder brought from India, and used as a cosmetic. Yatima, an orphan. Yavuyavu, lights, lungs. Yaya, a nurse, an ayah. Yayi, plur. mayayi, an eg^. Yayi ya pumhu, testicles. Ye! = Je! Hullo! Well! What now? Ye, -ye, or -ye-, sign of the relative, referring to animate beings, who, which, whom. Ye yote, whosoever. Yeekwayee, common-place people. -ye, his, hers, or its, = Yake. Yee or Yeye, he or she, him or her. Yei, a child's good-bye, " ta-ta." Yemkini = Yamkini. Yenu, your, of you. See -enu, Yenyi, having. See -enyi. Yefu, our, of us. See -etu. Yeyuka ku-, to melt, to deliquesce. Yeyusha ku-^ to cause to melt, to melt. Yinyi = Yenyi. -yo, thy, = Yako. Yo, -yo, -yo; sign of the relative, which. Yo yote, whatsoever. Yoe = Yowe. Yonga ku-, to sway. Yote, all. See -ote. Kwa yote, altogether, wholly. Yoice, a cry for help. Eupiga yowe, to cry for help. Ytc, he or she is. Yu-, sign of the third person sin- gular, referring to an animate being. It is used chiefly before monosyllabic verbs and in the Mombas dialect. Yuaja, he comes. Yuko, yumo, &c., he is there, within, &c. Yule, yonder person, that person. Yuma ku-, to sway in the wind. Yuna, he has. Yungiyungi, the blue water-lily. Yuza hu-f to declare, to make clear. Z. Z is pronounced as in zany, the German s. Zin some dialects takes the place of v or vy in that of Zan- zibar. Z is used by people who cannot pronounce th, for the Arabic thai, thod, and dtha. See T. Z- or zi; the sign of the third person plural prefixed to verbs which are governed by plural substan- tives of the class which does not change to form the plural, or of that which makes its singular in U-. Z-, the prefix proper to pronouns Z A ZID 419 governed by plural nouns of the class wliich does not change to forin the plural, or of that which makes its singular in u. Za, of. See -a. Za Jcu: See Uza Tcu-, to sell. Zaa Jcu; to bear, to breed, to beget, to bear fruit. Zdbadi, civet. Zahibu, plur, mazabibu (?), grapes, raisins. Zahidi hu-, to take civet from the ngaica. Zahuni Jcu-, to buy. Zahuri, the psalter, a psalm. Zafarani or Zafrani, saffron, a wo- man's name. Zagaa hu-, to shine, to glisten. Zaidi or Zayidi, more. Zalca, tithes. Zalce or ZaJtwe, his, hers, its. See -ake. ZaTco, thy, your. See -ako. Zakula (A.) = Vyahula, victuals. Zalia ku-, to bear to. Zalisha Jiu-, to beget, cause to bear. Zaliwa Tcu-, to be born. Zama ku-, to sink, to dive. Zamaniy times, long ago. Zamani za kale, old times, long ago, anciently. Zamani za Shanga, when Shanga flourished. Zamani Mzi, nowadays. Zamani zetu, our times. Zamharau, a kind of fruit, in ap- pearance not unlike a large dam- son. ZamisJia ku-, to make to sink. Zamu, a turn, turns. Kica zamu, by turns. Zangefuri, cinnabar. Zangu, my, of me. See -angu. I Zani, adultery. Zao, plur. mazao, fruit, produce. Zao, their. See -ao. Zarambo, a spirit distilled from palm wine. Zari, a precious kind of stuff, gold thread, gold brocade. Zatiti ku-, to set in order, arrange, prepare for. Zaica ku-, to be born. Zawadi, a present, a keepsake, a rarity. Zaicaridi, a Java sparrow. Zayidi, more. Zazi (?), afterbirth. -ze, his, her, or its, = Zahe. -zee, old, aged. Zehakh, mercury. Zege, a dome. Zelabia, a kind of sweetmeat con- taining syrup«. Zengea ku-, to seek for. Zenu, your. See -enu. Zenyi. See -enyi. Zetu, our, of us. See -etu. Zeze, a sort of lute with three strings. Zi- = Z: -zi-, the objective prefix denoting a plural substantive either of that class which does not change to form the plural or of that which makes its singular in u-. Ziha ku-, to fill up a hole in a wall. &c., to plug up, to stop. Zibana ku-, to be stopped up, to stop itself up. Zibo, plur. mazibo, a plug, a stopper. Zibua ku; to unstop, to bore through. Zidi ku-, to increase, to do more than before. Kuzidi kujna, to know more. 420 ZID ZU A Zidisha hu-, to make greater, to add to. Zifuri, a cipher, a figure of nouglit. Zika ku-, to bury, to inter. Zikerezwazo, turnery, turned goods. See Kereza. Ziki. Kanzu ya ziki, worked with white cotton round the neck instead of silk. See Kanzu. Zikika ku-, to be impoverished. Zikwi, plur. vikwi(y\.), a thousand. Zile, those yonder. -zima, sound, whole, healthy, com- plete. Zima ku-, to extinguish, to put out. Kuzima roJio, to faint. Zimia ku-, to put out. Zimika ku-, to go out, to be extin- guished. Zimiliza ku-^ to rub out. Zimu. See WazirAu, 'Mzimu, Ku- zimu, Zimici. Zimua ku-, to cool hot water by adding cold to it. Zimwi, plur. mazimici, an ogre, a ghoul, an evil being which devours men, &c. Nazi ina zimwi, i.e. the cocoa-nut has grown without anytliing inside the shell. Zina ku-, to commit adultery. See Zini. Zindika ku-, to hold an opening ceremony in, to open for use. Zindiko, an opening ceremony. Zinduka ku-, to wake up suddenly from a doze with a nod and a start. Zindukana ku-, to wake up sud- denly. Zi7iga ku-, to commit adultery (?). Zinga ku-, to roll up. Zingizi, sleep, great sleep. Also Usingizi. Zingizi la ku'mkomesha mzazi, a sleep which is supposed to put an end to all further child- bearing. Zingulia ku-, to relieve from the evil eye. Zini ku-, to commit adultery or for- nication. Zira ku-, to hate (jM.). Ziriki (M.) = Riziki. -zito, heavy, difficult, severe, sad, clumsy, thick. Asali nzito, thick syrup. Zituo. Hana zituo, he never rests. Zhoa, plur. maziwa, a lake, a pond, the breasts. Zizi, plur. mazizi, a cow-yard, a cattle-fold, a stable, palisading. Zizi hizi, just these, common. Zizima ku-, to become very calm, very still, or very cold. Zizimia ku-, to sink to the bottom. Zo, -zo, -Z0-, sign of the relative, which. Zo zote, whatsoever. -zo, thy, = Zako. Zoa ku-, to gather into little heaps, to sweep together. Zoea ku-, to become accustomed, to become used to. Zoeza ku-, to accustom to, to make used to. Kujizoeza, to practise. Zomari, a kind of clarionet, a pipe. Zomea ku-, to groan at. Zongazonga ku-, to wind. Zote, all. See -ote. Zua ku-, to pierce, to bore through, to innovate, to invent. Nimemzua, I have sucked him ZUI z uz 421 dry, I have got all the informa- tion I can from him. Zuia Jiu-, to hold in, to restrain, to hinder. Kuzuia pumzi, to stifle. Zuilia ku-, to hold for, to keep off, to hold in its place. Zulia Jcu-^ to emerge, to rise. Zuli, perjury. Zulia, a carpet. Zulia Tcu; to invent to, to make a false excuse to, to say falsely that one has such and such a message. Zulisha ku-y to make crazy, to flurry. Zulu ku-, to be crazy. Zumarid, an emerald. Zumbili, consolation. Zumhua ku-, to find. Kuzumhua paa (A.), to take off thatch. Zumhukana ku, t» be to be found. Zumgu^tnza ku-, to amuse, converse with. Eujizumgu'mza, to converse, to amuse oneself. Zunguka ku-, to go round, to sur- round, to wind round, to revolve, to wander. Zungukazunguka ku-, to stroll about. Zungusha ku-, to make to go round, to turn. Zuri ku; to lie, to swear falsely. -zuri, fine, beautiful, handsome. Zuru ku-, to visit. Kwenda kuzuru, to go to visit. Kuzuru kahuri, to visit a grave. Zurungi = Huthurungi, the brown material of which kanzus are made. Zuzua ku-, to puzzle a stranger, or a greenhorn. Zuzuka ku-, to be puzzled or be- wildered, not to know what to do. APPENDICES. ( 425 ) Apph-vdix I. Specimen of Kinyume, as written out by Johari, a native of the Bwahili coast a little south of Zanzibar. The Swahili is iu the Merima dialect. Swahili. KiNYUMB. English. Ng'omhe Mheng'o An ox. Mbuzi Zimhu A goat. Punda Ndapu A donkey. Nyamiya Yangami A camel. Nyumba Mhanyu A house. MkeJca Kamke A sleeping mat. Kitanda Ndakita A bedstead. Mlango Ngomla A door. Mijengo Ngomije Buildings (?). TJdongo Ngoudo Red earth. Ngazi Zinga A ladder. Daraja Jadara A staircase. Maneno Nomane Words. Basi Siha That will do. Mvcanamuke Kemicanamu A woman. Uzingizi Ziuzingi Sleep. Samaki Kisama Fish. Kweli Likice Truth. Nazima Manazi I lend. Sikupi Pidku I will not give you. Ntakupa PantaJcu I will give you. Ntakunyima Mantakunyi I shall withhold from you. Macho Choma Eyes. Mguru Rumgu A leg. Rungu Nguru A club. Nakuomba Mbanakuo I pray you. SWAHILL APPEND. KiNYUME. TX I. English. Njara inaniuma Ranja mainaniu I ache with hunger. Vidole Levido Fingers. Shingo Ngoshi The neck. Si hweli Lisikwe It is not true. Fundi Ndifu A master workman. Sivyo Vyosi Not thus. Karatasi Sikaraia Paper. Kalamu Mukala A pen. Wino Nowi Ink. Pakura Rapaku Dish up. Twende zetu Tuticendeze Let us be oflf. Senendi Ndiseue I am not going. Chakula Lachaku Food. Utakwenda Ndautakioe You will go. Mchanga Ngamclia Sand. Samawati (Ar.) Tisamawa Heaven. Aruthi (Ar.) Thiaru Earth. Mutu Tumu Man. Mungwana Namungwa A free man. Mtumu-a Mimmtu A slave. Sitaki Kidta I dislike it Meza Zame A table. Bweta Tabive A box. Sanduku Kusandu A chest. Kitahu Bukita A book. Msahafu Fumsaha A Koran. C 427 ) Appendix II. Specimens of Swahili correspondence in prose and verse, containing : — 1. Two Swahili letters, the one on giving, the other on receiving a small present. The forms of address, &c., are those used ia all letters, vs^hatever their subject may be. 2. Two specimens of verses sent as letters, the first to excuse breaking an appointment, the second sent from Pemba by a Mombas man to his friends at home, who upbraided him for not returning. This form of writing is a very favourite oue. Ula jenab il mobeb rafiki yangu, bwana wangu, bwana mkubwa, D. S., salamu sana, ama baada ya salamu, nalilvuwa siwezi siku nyingi, lakini sasa sijambo kidogo, ama baadahu, nimekuletea kitoweo kidogo tafathali upokee, nao k'uku saba'a, wa salamu, wa katabahu rafiki yako H. bin A. To the honourable the beloved, my friend, my master, the great sir, D, S., many compliments, but after compliments, I was unwell for many days, but now I am a little recovered, and after this, I have sent you a little kitoweo [i.e. something to be eaten with the rice or grain, which forms the bulk of all meals], and I beg your acceptance, they are seven fowls and compliments, and he who wrote this is H. son of A, Ilia jenab, il moheb, il akram, in nasih, D, S., il Mwingrezi, insha* Allah salaam aleik wa rehmet Allah wa barakatahu; wa baada, nakuarifu hali zangu njema wa i^ama nawe kathalik ya afia, wa zayidi amana yako ulioniletea imefika kwangu, ahsanta, Mwenyiezi Muungu atakujazi kheiri ukae ukitukumbuka, nasi nyoyo zetu zinaku- 428 APPENDIX 11. kumbuka sana, tunapenda uje 'nti ya Unguja, wewe na bibi, naye aje tumwangalie, naye aje atazame 'ntiya Unguja, nasi kuUa siku tukilala tukia'mka tunakuombea Muungu uje 'nti ya Unguja, tuonane kwa afia na nguvu, nasi twapenda macho yetu yakuone wewe assubui na jioni, na usipokuja we we, usitusahau kwa nyaraka allah allah. Nisalimie bibi mke wako salamu sana. Nasi tunakutamani, kama tungalikuwa ndege tungaliruka tulcija tukaonane nawe mara moja tukiisLa tukarudi. Nyumbani kwangu mke wangu salamu sana. M. bin A. akusalimu sana, wa katababu M. wadi S. 26 mwezi wa mfunguo kenda. To the honourable, the beloved, the noble, the sincere D. S., the Englishman, please God, peace be with you and the mercy of God and His blessing ; and afterwards, I inform you that my health is good, and may you be the same as to health, and further, your pledge which you sent me has reached me, I thank you. Almighty God will satisfy you with good that you may continue to remember us, and as for us, our hearts think much of you ; we wish you to come to the land of Zanzibar, you and the mistress, and let her come that we may behold her, and let her come that she may look upon the land of Zanzibar ; and we every day when we sleep and when we wake pray for you to God that you come to the land of Zanzibar, that we may meet in health and strength, and we, we wish that our eyes should see you morning and evening, and if you come not yourself, forget us not by letters, we adjure you. Salute for me the mistress your wife with many compli- ments. And we are longing for you, and if we had been birds we would have come flying to see you once and then return. At home my wife sends many compliments. M. son of A. salutes you much, and he who wrote this is M. the son of S. 26 of the month Jemad al akhr. 11. Kala es sha'iri. The Verse says. Risala enda kwa hima Go, message, quickly Kwa Edward Istira To Edward Steere, Umpe yangu salama Give him health, Pamwe na kumkhubira, Together with telling him, Siwezi yangu jisima I am ill in my body, Ningekwenda tesira I would have gone readily Kumtazama padira To see the Padre, Pamwe na Edward Stira. Toirether with Edward Steere. APPEND IX II. 429 Pamwe na Edward Stira. Together with Edward Steere. Ilimu ya Injili The doctrine of the Gospel— Yuaijua habara He knows how its news Pia yote kufasili. To explain,— all of it. Ni muhebbi akhyara He is a choice friend, Kwetu sisi afthali. Especially in our house ; Edi ni mtu wa kweli. He is a man of truth. Kabbi, nipe tesira. O Lord, give me prosperity. Hatukiati kisiwa kwa uvambume na upembe Tukaifuasa hawa kulewalewa na ombe Ni mpunga na maziwa na kulla siku ni ngombe Twalalia kwa jivumbe, lipangine kwa rihani. We shall not leave the island for tale-bearing and plotting, And follow the fancy to be tossed on the sea. Here are rice, and milk, and every day an ox ; We sleep among perfumes, and strings of sweet basil. Swahili letters are always written with a string of Arabic compli- ments at the beginning, and Arabic words are freely introducfd throughout. In letter-writing huarifu is used for to inform, and Jiuwasilia (not kufikia) for to reach, as in the phrase your letter has reached me — waraka ucako vmeniwasilia. Swahili verses are written in an obsolete dialect full of Arabic words and foreign words generally, called Kingozi. It has not yet been studied by any European. Among its more remarkable peculiarities is the use of a present perfect made by a change in the termination of the Verb, similar to those in use in the Yao and in other languages of the Interior. Thus a poet may write mhwene for nimeona, and nikomile for nimekoma. Some speci- mens of this dialect will be found in the poetry at the end of the " Swahili Tales." 2 T ( 431 ) Appendix III. Part of a Swahili tale with the prefixes marked and explained. It is printed first as in the main it would be written by a native ; next the compound forms are marked by hyphens and explained ; and last comes an English translation. Yule kijana akafuta upanga wake, akanena, mimi nitaingia humo I. The tale, of which this is a part, is called the Badithi ya Waridi, II, na Ureda, na Jindi, na Sinebar. The portion of it here printed begins with a verb in the Jca tense, because it is carrying on a narration already commenced. The first words of the story are — AUonddkea mtu tajiri. After this first verb in the U tense the rest are formed with ka, unless they are constructed with a relative or particle of time or place, which cannot be joined with Tea but only with li. Yule, that; demonstrative (p. 115) referring to a singular sub- stantive of the first class, MJana being regarded as the name of a person. Ki-jana, a young man or woman, here a man. A-ka-futa, and he drew ; a-, sign of third person sing., appropriate to a noun of the first class or to any word denoting a living being; -ka-, sign of the narrative past tense ; -futa, draw. U-panga, a sword ; a sing, substantive of the sixth class. W-ake, his; possessive pronoun, third person sing.; w-, prefix proper to a pronoun agree- ing with a sing, substantive of the sixth class. A-ka-nena, and he said ; a- and -ka-, as before ; -nena, speak or say out. Mimi, I. Ni- ta-ingia, 1 wiU go in ; ni-, sign of the first person sing. ; -to-, sign of the future tense; -ingia, go into, enter, ^wmo, inhere; a demonstrative The youth drew his sword, and said, " I will go into this pit, whether III. 2 F 2 , 432 • APPENDIX III. I. shimoni, nikafe ao nikapone. Akaingia, akamwona mfoto amefungwa, naye mwanamume. Akamwambia, nifungue nikupe khabari ya humo shimoni. Akamfungua, akaona vichwa vingi vya watu. Aka- II. proper to the -ni case, when it denotes being, &c., within. Shimo-ni, into the pit; sMmo-^a, singular nouu of the fifth class; -nt, sign of the locative case. Ni-ka-fe, and let me die ; ni-^ sign of first person sing. ; -ka- and (p. 141) ; -/e, subjunctive form of /a, die. Ao, or. Ni- ha-pone, and let me live ; ni- and -Jca-, as before ; -pone, subjunctive form of pona, be saved. A-Jca-ingia, and he went in ; third sing., narrative past of ingta, go in. A-ha-mio-ona, and saw him ; a-ka-, and he did ; -mw-, objective prefix proper to a substantive of the first class (mtoto) ; -ona, see. M-toto, child ; sing, substantive of the first class. A-me-fungwa, bound ; a-, sign of third person sing., governed by a substantive of the first class (mtoto) ; -me-, sign of the present perfect, which is here used as a sort of past participle : -fungwa, passive of funga, hind. Na-ye, and he (p. 103). Mw-ana-m-ume, a male; mw-^ sing, prefix of a noun of the first class ; m- (for mw-), prefix agreeing with a substantive of the first class ; -ume, male ; the whole word, mwanamume, is used for a man, or any human being of the male sex. A-ka-mw-amhia, and he said to him ; a-ka-, third sing, narrative past ; -mw-, subjective prefix denoting a person (kijana) ; -amhia, say to. Ni- ftingus, unbind me ; ni-, objective prefix, first person ; -fungue, impera- tive sing, of fungua, unbind. I^i-ku-pe, that I may give you; ni-, subjective prefix first person ; -ku-, objective prefix, second person ; -pe, subjunctive of pa, give to. Khabari, news ; sing, substantive of the third class. Y-a, of; y-, sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class (khabari). Humo, here in ; a demonstrative agreeing with the -ni case when denoting icithin. Shimo-ni, in the pit ; -ni, sign of the locative case. A-ka-m-fungua, and he loosed him ; a-, ka-, third sing, narrative past ; -m-, objective prefix referring to a substantive of the first class (mtoto); -fungua, unbind. A-ka-ona, and he saw, third sing., narrative past. Vi-chiva, heads or skulls ; vi-, sign of a plural substantive of the fourth class ; vichwa is in more elegant Swahili vitwa. V-ingi, many ; v- or vi-, adjectival plural prefix, marking agreement with a plural substantive of the fourth class (vichwa) ; -ingi or -ngi, many. Vy-a, of; vy-, marking the agreement with a plural noun of III. I die or live." And he went in and saw a boy, and he was bound. And [the boy] said, " Unbind me, that I may tell you about what there is in this pit." And he unbound him, and saw many human skulls. And he APPENDIX III. 433 mwuliza, habari gani hii? Akamwambia, nana nyoka humo, kazi I. yake kula watu, na mimi angalinila, lakini amenifanya mtoto wake, miaka mingi nimetoka kwetu. Akamwuliza, sasa yuko wapi nyoka? tlie fourth class (vichwa). Wa-tu, people ; tea-, plural prefix first class. II- A-Jca-mw-uliza, and he asked him; a-, ha-^ third sing, narrative past ; -mw-, objective prefix referring to a person (mtoto) ; -uliza, ask or ask of. Habari or hhabari, news, sing, substantive third class. Gani, what sort ? Hii, this ; demonstrative denoting a sing, substantive of the thii'd class (habari). A-ka-mw-ambia, and he said to him; this word is of constant occurrence, it means that one person told or said to another ; there is no mark of sex or means of distinguishing which person of several mentioned before was the speaker, these points must be gathered from the context. M-na, there is inside ; m-na is part of the verb Jiuica na, to be with or to have, used as it often is to denote mere being (p. 153); it answers to the English there is; there may be represented by hu-, pa-, or m- ; the last is used where the place suggested is within something, it refers here to shimoni, in the pit. Ny-oka, a snake, a sing, substantive in the form of the third class, denoting an animate being, Humo, there within, referring to shimoni. Kazi, work or employment, sing, substantive, third class. T-ake, his ; y-, prefix agreeing with a sing, substantive of the third class ; -ake, possessive pronoun, third person sing. Eu-la, to eat; ku-, sign of the infinitive ; -la, eat. Wa-iu, people; wa-, plural prefix first class. Na, and. Mimi, I or me. A-ngali-ni-la, he would have eaten me ; a , third sino-., agreeing with the name of an animal (nyoka) ; -ngali-, sign of the past conditional tense; -ni-, objective prefix referring to the first person ; -la, eat ; the tense prefix -ngali- cannot bear any accent, the word is therefore pronounced angalinila. Lakini, but. A-me-ni-fanya, he has made me ; a-, referring to nyoka ; -me-, sign of present perfect ; ni-, objective prefix, first person; -fanya, make. M-toto, child; m-, sing, prefix, fiji'st class. W-ake, his; w-, prefix agreeing with sing, substantive of the first class (mtoto), Mi-aka, years ; plural substan- tive of the second class (sing, mwaka) ; mi-, plural prefix. Mingi, many ; m- or mi-, prefix, denoting agreement with a plural substantive of the second class (miaka). Ni-me-toka, I have left; ni-, first person subjective ; -me-, present perfect ; -toka, go out of. Ew-etu, home ; asked, " What is this ? " And he said, " There is a snake in it, that eats IIL men, and would have eaten me, but that it took me for its own son. It is many years since I left home." And he asked, " Where is the snake 434 APPENDIX III. r. Akamwambia, twende, nikakuonye mahala amelala. Akamwambia, twende. Walipofika, yule kijana akamkata kichwa kimoja, akatoa cha pili, akamkata, hatta vikatimu saba. Wakarudi, wakaenda zao. II, liw-^ prefix agreeing with a substantive (perhaps nyumha) in the case in -ni ; -etu (our). A-ha-mw-uliza, and he asked hini ; a-, third sing. (Jcijana) ; -ha-, narrative past ; -mw-, third sing, objective (mtoto) ; -uliza, ask. Sasa, now. Yu-ho, he is ; yu-, sign of third person sing., referring to a substantive of the second class (nyoka) ; -ko, denoting existence in space (p. 154). Wa'pi, where ? Ny-oha, snake ; sing, substantive. A-Tca-mw-ambia, and he said to him. (See above.) Tw-ende, let us go ; tw-, sign of the first person plural ; -ende, subjunctive of enda, go. Ni-7ca-lcu-onye, and let me show you ; ni-, sign of first person sing.; -Tea-, and (p. 211); -ku-, objective second person sing. ; -onye, -subjunctive of onya, show. MahaJa, the place, the place where. A-me-lala, he is asleep; a-, third sing, animate (nyoTca); -me-, present perfect; -lala, lie down to sleep, to go to sleep. A-ha-mw-ambia. (See above.) Tw-ende, let us go ; tw-, first person plur. ; -ende, subjunctive of enda, go. Wa-li-'po-fika, when they arrived; wa-, sign of third person plural agreeing with substantives denoting persons (hijana and mtoto) ; -U- or -ali-, sign of the past perfect, or of past time generally when joined with a particle of relation ; -'po-, sign of time when ; -filca, arrive. Yule, that ; demon- strative denoting a person (Idjana). Ki-jana, youth ; sing, substantive fourth class, but denoting a person, and therefore joined as here with pronouns and verbs in forms proper to the first class. A-Jca- m-Tiata, he cut him ; a-, tliird sing, of a person (Idjana) ; -ha-, narra- tive past ; -m-, objective prefix, referring to the name of an animal (nyoha) (see p. 112); -Jcata, cut or cut off. Ki-chwa, head, sing, sub- stantive fourth class. Ki-moja, one ; M-, prefix denoting agreement with a sing, substantive of the fourth class (kichwa or kitwa) ; -nioja, one. A-ha-toa, and he put forth ; a-, third sing., referring to a sub- stantive denoting an aaiimal (nyoka) ; -ka-, narrative past ; -toa, put forth. Cha pili, a second (p. 92) ; ch-, referring to a sing, substantive of the fourth class (kichwa). A-ka-m-kata, and he cut him. (See above.) Hatta, until. Vi-ka-timu, they were complete; vi-, third plural refer- Ill, now ? " He said, " Let us go and let me show you where it is sleeping." He said, " Let us go." When they got there the youth cut off one of its heads ; it put forth a second, and he cut it off. until he had cut off seven. And they returned, and went on their way. APPENDIX III. 435 Akamwambia sasa twende zetu kwetu, lakini tukifika kwetu I. weneude wewe kwanza kwa baba yangu, ukamwambie kana mtoto wako nikikuletea utauipa nini ? Akikwambia, nitakupa mali yangu ring to nouus of the fourth class, here to vichwa, heads, plural of kichwa : II. -/:a-, narrative past; -timUyhe complete. Saha, seven. Wa-ka-rudi, and they returned ; ica-, third plural referring to persons (Idjana and mtoto) ; -A;a-, narrative pa:jt ; -rudi, return. Wa-ka-enda z-ao, and they went away ; wa-, third plural (kijana and mtoto) ; -ka-, narrative past ; -enda, go ; z-ao, their (ways) ; z-, a prefix denoting agreement with a plural noun of the third or sixth, or in the dialect of Lamoo of the fourth class ; -ao, their. Possibly zao agrees with njia, ways. {See p. 112.) A-ka-mic-ambia, and he said to him. Sasa, now. Tw-ende z-etu. let us go away ; tw-, sign of first person plural ; -ende, subjunctive of enda, go; z-, sign of agreement with a plural noun of the tliird or the sixth class ; -etu, our. {See above.) Kw-etu, home ; hw-, sign of agree- ment with the case in -ni- ; -etu, our. Lakini, but. Tu-ki-fika, when we arrive ; tu-, sign of the first person plural ; -ki-, sign of the partici- pial tense (p. 136) ; -fika, arrive. Kw-etu, home. W-enende, go ; w-, sign of the s-cond person singular ; -enende, subjunctive of enenda, go, or go on. Wewe, thou. Kwanza, first ; originally the infinitive of the verb anza, begin; kwanza, to begin, beginning, and therefore first. Ka-a, to a person, or to his house. Baba, father. Y-angu, my ; y-, sign of an agreement with a singular noun of the third class, used here c :)lIoquially with one denoting a person (baba); -angu, my (p. 109). U- ka-mw-ambie, and say to him ; u-, sign of the second person singular ; 'ka-, and; -mw-, objective sign referring to a noun denoting a person (Itaba)] -ambie, subjunctive of ambia, tell. Kana, if. M-toto, child. W-ako, thy ; w-, sign of agreement with a singular substantive of the first class (mtoto). Ni-ki-ku-letea, if I bring to you ; ni-, sign of the first person singular ; -ki-, sign of the participial tense (p. 136) ; -ku; objective prefix referring to the second person singular; -letea, bring to. U-ta-ni-pa, you will give me ; u-, sign of second person sing. ; -ta-, sign of the future tense ; -ni-, objective prefix referring to the first person singular; -pa, give to. Nini, what? A-ki-kio-amhia, ii he tells you; a-, sign of the third person singular referring to a And [the boy] said, " Now let us go to my home ; but when we are III. getting near to it do you go first to my father and say to him, ' If I brin^^ your sou to you, what will you give me ? ' If he says to you, ' I will ^[ye 436 APPENDIX III. I. nussu kwa nussu, usikubali, mwambie nataka kofia yako uliyo ukivaa ujanani mwako. Atakupa kofia ya thahabu, usikubali, ela akupe II. person Qbdba) ; -Iti-, sign of the participial tense ; -hw-, objective prefix referring to the second person singular; -amhia, say to. Ni-ta-lcu-pa, I will give you ; ni-, sign of the first person sing. ; -ta-, sign of the future tense; -ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person singular ; -pa, give to. Mali, possessions ; treated sometimes as a noun of the third class, sometimes as a plural noun of the fifth class. Y-angu, my ; y-, sign of an agreement with a singular noun of the third or with a plural noun of the fifth class. Nussu, half. Kwa, by. Nussu, half. JJ-si-hubali, do not accept ; u-, sign of second person singular; -si-, sign of negative subjunctive (p. 147); -kuhali, sub- junctive of Jcubali, accept. Mw-ambie, tell him; mw-, objective prefix referring to a person (baba) ; -ambie, imperative of ambia, tell; mw- is known to be the objective third person, and not the subjective second plural, by the form of the word ambia ; being an applied form it must have the object expressed. N-a-taJca, I want ; w-, sign of the first person singular ; -a-, sign of the present tense ; -talca, want. Kofia, cap ; sing, substantive of the third class. Y-aJco, thy ; y-, sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class. U-li-yo, which you, or which you are, or were ; u-, sign of the second person sing. : -U-, used for the substantive verb ; -yo, relative sign referring to a singular substantive of the third class (kofia). U-ki- vaa, putting on ; w-, sign of the second person singular ; -ki-, sign of the participial tense ; -vaa, put on. U-jand-ni, in youth ; u-, sign of a sing, substantive of the sixth class ; -ni-, sign of the locative case. Mw-ako, thy; mw-, sign of agreement with a substantive in the locative case with the meaning of in. A-ta-ku-pa, he will give you ; a-, sign of third person sing, of a person ; -ta-, sign of the future ; -ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person sing. ; -pa, give to. Kofia, cap; sing, substantive of the third class. Y-a, of; y-, sign of Agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class. Thahabu, gold ; substantive of the third class. U-si-kubali, do not accept ; u-, sign of the second person sing. ; -si-, sign of the negative subjunctive; -kuhali, subjunctive of kubali, accept. Ela, except. A-ku-pe, let him give you ; a-, sign of the third person sing., referring to a person ; III. you half of all I have,' do not accept that, but say, ' I want the cap which you used to wear in your youth.' He will give you a cap of gold ; do not accept it, unless he give you a cap quite worn out, take that. And APPENDIX III. 437 kofia mbovu kabisa, hiyo pokea. Na mama yangu mwambie nataka I. taa uliyo ukiwasha ujanani mwako. Atakupa taa nyingi za thahabu, usikubali, ela akupe taa mbovumbovu ya chuma, hiyo pokea. -^M-, objective prefix, referring to the second person sing. ; -pe, sub- II. junctive of _pa, give to. Kofia, sing, substantive third class. M-hovu. rotten ; w-, being n- converted into m- by standing before -h (p. 85), sign of an agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class (kofia). Kahisa, utterly. Hiyo, this one; demonstrative denoting a thing mentioned before, and agreeing with a sing, substantive of the third class (kofia). Pokea, receive : imperative sing, of pokea, receive. Na, and. Mama, mother : sing, substantive in the form of the third class denoting a person. Y-angu, my ; y-, sign of an agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class, here used colloquially. Miv-amhie, tell her ; mw, objective prefix referring to a person ; -arnbie, imperative sing, of amhia, tell. N-a-taka, I want ; n-, sign of first person sing. ; -a-, sign of present tense ; -taka, want. Taa, sing, substantive third class. U-li-yo, which you, which you were or are ; -u, sign of the second person sing. : -li-, used for the substantive verb (p. 151) ; -?/o, relative particle referring to a slug, substantive of the third clu-ss (tao). U-ki-icasha, lighting; u-, sign of second person sing.; -ki-, sign of the participial tense ; -washa, light. TJ-jand-ni, in youth ; u-, sign of a sing, substantive of tlie sixth class ; -ni, sign of the locative case. Mic-ako, thy ; mic-, sign of agreement with a substantive in the locative case with the meaning in. A-ta- kti-pa, she will give you ; a-, sign of third person sing., referring to a person ; -ta-, sign of the future tense ; -ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person sing. ; ■pa, give to. Taa, lamps ; plural substantive of the third class (shown to be plural by tlie context). Ny-ingi, many ; ny-, sign of agreement with a plural substantive of the third class (taa). Z-a, of ; z-, sign of agreement with a plural noun of the third class. Thaliahu, gold. U-si-kuhali, do not accept ; second person sing, negative subjunctive of kuhali. Ela, except. A-ku-pe, let her give you ; a-, sign of third person sing., referring to mama; -ku-, objective prefix referring to second person sing. ; -pe, subjunctive of pa, give to. Taa, sing, substantive third class. M-hovu-m-hovu, all spoilt ; m- (for n- before -&), sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class (taa) ; iay to my mother, ' I want the lamp you used to burn in your youth.' \\i She will give you many lamps of gold ; do not accept them, unless she give you an old worn iron lamp, take that." 438 APPENDIX III. Wakaenda zao hatta walipofika karibu ya mji, yule kijana aka- mwambia, mimi 'takaa hapa, na wewe enende mjini kwetu, ukafanye shuruti na baba yaugu kamma hiyo niliokwambia. Akaenenda. Alipofika akaona mjiui watu hawaneni, wana msiba mkuu, akauliza, II. the adjective is doubled to show thoroughness. F-a, of; t/-, sign ot agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class. Ch-uma, iron ; a sing, substantive of the fourth class ; it is used in the singular of iron as a metal, and in both slug, and plur. with the meaning of a piece or pieces of iron. Hiyo, this one ; demonstrative referring to something mentioned before, and agreeing with a sing, substantive of the third class (tad). Pokea, receive ; imperative sing, of pohea. Wa-Tia-enda z-ao, and they went their way. (See above). Hatta, until. Wa-li-'po-fiM, when they arrived. (See above). Karibu ya, near to- M-ji, town ; m-, sign of a sing, substantive of the second class. Yule, that. (See above). Ki-jana, youth. (See above). A-ka-mw-ambia, said to him. (See above). Mimi, I. 'Ta-kaa, will stay ; ta-, sign of the future, the prefix of the first person sing, being elided before it ; the sign of no other person can be so elided. Hapa, here. Na, and. Wewe, thou. Enende, imperative sing, of enenda, go, go on. M-ji-ni, to the town ; m-, sign of a sing, substantive second class ; -ni, sign of the locative case. Kw-etu, our ; kw-, sign of an agreement with a substantive in the locative case. U-ka-fanye, and make ; u-, sign of second person sing. ; -ka-, and ; -fanye, subjunctive of fanya, make. Shuruti, a covenant ; sing, substantive third class. Na, with. Baba, father. Y-angu, my. (See above, and p. 112). Kamma, as. Hiyo, that; demonstrative referring to something mentioned before, and agreeing with a sing, substantive of the third class (shuruti). Ni-U-o-kw-ambia, which I told you ; ni-, sign of the first person sing. ; -li-, sign of the past tense which must be used with a relative ; -o- (for yd), relative particle referring to shuruti (p. 117) ; -kw-, objective prefix referring to the second person sing. A-ka-enenda, and he went on. A-li-po-fika, when he arrived. A-ka-ona, he saw. M-ji-ni, in the town ; m-, sign of a sing, substantive of the second class; -ni, sign of the locative case. Wa-tu, people ; wa-, sign of a plural noun of the first class. Hawa- neni, they speak not ; hawa-, sign of the third person plural negative III. And they went on till they arrived near the town, when the boy said. " I will stay here, and you go on into the town, to our house, and make the agreement with my father as I told you." And he went on ana arrived in the city, where he saw the people not talking [but] in great APPENDIX III. 439 msiba huu wa nini ? Wakamwambia, mtoto vra Sultani amepote siku I. nyingi. Akauliza, nyumba ya Sultani ni ipi, nipelekeni. Wakampe- leka watu. Alipofika akamwuliza baba yake, una nini ? Akamwa- mbia, mtoto wangu amepotea. Akamwambia, nikikuletea utanipa agreeing with a plural noiin of the first class (watu) ; -neni, negative II. present form of nena, speak. Wa-na, they have ; third person plur. present of kuwa na, to have, governed by watu. Msiba, grief; m-, sign of a sing, noun of the second class. M-huu, great; m-, sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the second class (msiba). A-ha-uliza, and he asked. Msiba, grief. Huu, this ; demonstrative agreeing with a sing, substantive of the second class (msiba). W-a, of ; w; sign of agremeent with a sing, substantive of the second class (msiba). Nini, what? Wa-ka-miv-ambia, and they said to him. M-toto, the child. W-a^ of ; w-, sign of agreement with a sing, sub- stantive of the first class (mtoto). Sultani, the sultan ; a sing, sub- stantive of the fifth class, but when viewed as denoting a person constructed with adjectives and pronouns as of the first. A-me-potea, is lost ; third sing, present perfect of kupotea, to become lost ; he has become lost, i.e., be is lost. Siku, days ; plural substantive of the third class. Ny-ingi, many ; ny-, sign of agreement with a plural substantive of the third class (siku). A-ka-uliza, and he asked. Ny-umba, house; ny-, sign of substantive of the third class. Y-a, of; y-, sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class (nijumba). Sultani, sultan. Ni, is (p. 152). I-pi, which? i-, sign of reference to a sing, substantive of the third class (nyumba). Ni- pelekeni, take me ; ni-, objective prefix referring to the first person sing. ; pelekeni, plural imperative of peleka, take. Wa-ka-m-peleka, and they took him. Wa-tu, people. A-li-po-fika, when he arrived. A-ka-mw-uliza, he asked him ; observe here and elsewhere the use of the ka tense to carry on the narration, even where there would be no connective employed in English. Baba, father. Y-ake, his. (See above). U-na nini, what is the matter with you ? u-na, second person sing, of the present tense of ku-wa na, to have; nini'? what? A-ka- mw-ambia, and he said to him. M-toto, child. W-angu, my. A-me- mourning, and he asked, " What is this mourning for ? " They told him, III. " The Sultan's son has been a long time lost." He asked, " Which is the Sultan's house? Take me there." And the people took him there. When he reached it he asked the boy's father, " What troubles you ? " He said, " My son is lost." And he said to him, " If I bring him to you what will 440 APPENDIX III. nini ? Akamwambia, nitakupa mali yangu nussu kwa nussu. Aka- mwambia, maraliaba. Akaenda akamtwaa, akaja naye. Alipomwona babaye na mamaye, ikawa furaba kubwa mjini. Wakapenda sana yule kijana kama mtoto wao. Hatta alipotaka kwenda zake, yule kijana akamwambia, enende kamwage baba na mama, mwambie akupe kofia na mama akupe taa. II. potea, is lost. (See p. 132.) A-ha-mw-ambia, and he said to him. Ni-7:i- Tiu-letea, if I bring to you. {See above). U-ta-ni-pa, you will give me. (See above). Nini, what ? A-Jca-mw-ambia, and he said to him. Ni- ta-ku-pa, I will give you. Mali, goods. (See above). Y-angu^ my. (See above.) Nussu, half. Kwa, by. Nussu, half. A-Jca-mw-ambia, and he said to him. Maraliaba, very good. A-ka-enda, and he went. A-ka- m-twaa, and took him. A-ka-ja, and came. Na-ye, with him. A-li- po-mw-ona, when he saw him. Baba-ye, his father ; -ye, enclitic form of the possessive pronoun proper to the third person ; y-, sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class, used here with one denoting a person (p. 111). Na, and. Mama-ye, his mother ; -ye. (See above). I-ka-wa, it was ; i-, sign of agreement with a sing, sub- stantive of the third class (furalia). Furaha, joy ; sing, substantive third class. Kubwa, great ; agreeing with /wra/ia; as n-, which would be the regular sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class, cannot stand before k, it is omitted altogether (p. 85). M-ji- ni, in the town ; m-, sign of sing, substantive second class ; -ni, sign of the locative case. Wa-ka-penda, and they (the father and mother) loved. Sana, much. Yule, that. Ki-jana, youth. Kama, like. Mtoto, child. W-ao, their. Hatta, at last. A-li-po-taka, when he wanted. Kw-enda z-ake, to go away. (See above and p. 112). Yule, that. Ki-jana, youth. A-ka-mw- ambia, he said to him. Enende, go ; sing, imperative of enenda, go. Ka-mw-age, and take leave of him ; ka-, and ; -mw-, objective prefix referring to a person ; if mw had been the subjective second plur. the ka would have followed it ; m-ka-age = and do ye take leave ; -age, I [J you give me ? " He said, " I will give you half of all I have." He said, " I am content." And he went and took the boy and brought him. When his father and mother saw him, there was great joy throughout the town. And they loved that youth as though he had been their own son. Wlien at last he wished to go away, the boy said to him, *'Go and take leave of my father and mother ; tell him tc give you the cap and J APPENDIX in. 441 Akaenda, akawaambia, wakampa kofia nyingi, akakataa akamwambia, I. nataka hiyo mbovn, wakampa, na mamaye akampa taa. Akawauliza, kofia bii maana yake nini ? Wakamwarabia, mtu akivaa, haonekani na mtu. Akavaa asionekane akafurabi sana. Akauliza, taa bii tnaana yake nini ? W akamwambia, uki^Ya3ba batta bapa watatoka imperative sing, of aga, take leave of. Baha, father. Na, and. II. Mama, motber. Mic-ambie, tell him ; mio-, objective prefix referring to a person ; -amhie, imperative sing, of amhia, tell. A-ku-pe, that be may give you. Kojia, cap. Na, and. Mama, mother. A-ku-pe, that she may give you. Taa, lamp. A-ka-enda, and he went. A-ka-ica- ambia, and he told them (the father and motber). Wa-ka-m-pa, and tbey gave him. Kofia, caps. Nij-ingi, many, A-ka-kataa, and he refused. A-ka-mxc-amhia, and he said to him. N-a-taka, I want. Siijo, this one, (^See above.} M-bovu, rotten. (See above). Wa-ka-m-pa, and tbey gave him. Na, and. Mama-ye, his motber. (See above, under babaye). A-ka-m-pa, she gave him. Taa, lamp. A-ka-ica-uliza, and he asked tbem. Kofia, cap. Sii, this ; demonstrative referring to a sing, substantive of the third class (kofia). Maana, meaning, purpose ; sing, substantive third class. Y-ake, its ; y-^ sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class (maana). Nini, what ? Wa-ka-mic-ambia, and tbey said to him. M-tu, person, any one (p. 16) ; m-, sign of sing, substantive of first class. A-ki-vaa, if he puts on. Ha-onekani, he is not to be seen ; ha-, negative prefix of the third person sing, referring to a person ; onekani, negative present form of onekana. Na, by. M-tu, any one (p. 16). A-ka-vaa, and he put on. A-si-onekane, that he might not be seen : a-, prefix of third person sing, referring to a person (kijana); -si-, sign of negative subjunctive; -onekane, subjunctive form oi onekana. A-ka-furahi,Sknd be rejoiced. Sana, much. A-ka-uliza, and he asked. Taa, lamp. Hii, this. Maana, purpose. Y-ake, its. Nini, what? Wa-ka-mw- ambia, and tbey told him. U-ki-irasha, if you light. Hatta, as far as. Hapa, here. Wa-ta-toka, they will come out ; wa-, sign of third person my mother to give you the lamp." He went and told them, and tbey III. gave him many caps, but he refused and said, *' I want tbat worn-out one ; " and tbey gave it to him, and the boy's motber gave him tbe lamp. Then he asked, " What is the object of this cap ? " And they told him, " When a man puts it on, no one can see him." He put it on so as to become invisible, and was very gb^d. '• And be asked, What is tbe object of this lamp ? " And tbey toM him, " If vou light it as fur as this. 442 APPENDIX III. I. watu wawili wakutilie thahabu nyumbani mwako usiku kucha, na ukiwasha hatta hapa watatoka watu wawili wakupige kwa vigo- ngo usiku kucha. Akanena, maraliaba. Akafurahi sana, akaenda II. plur. referring to a plural substantive of the first class (watu). Wa-tu, people. Wa-wili, two ; wa-, sign of agreement with a plur. substantive of the first class (watu). Wa-ku-tilie, that they may put for you ; wa- sign of third person plur. referring to a plur. substantive of the first class (watu) ; -ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person sing. ; -tilie, subjunctive form of tilia, put for. Thahabu, gold. Ny-umhd-ni, in house; ny-, sign of substantive of the third class; -ni, sign of locative case. Mw-aho, thy ; mw-, sign of agreement with a noun in the locative case denoting within. Usiku, night. Ku-cha, dawning or sun-rising ; used after usiku, it means all niglit until the morning comes. Na, and. U^i-washa, if you light. Hatta, as far as. Hapa, here. Wa-ta-toka, they will come out. Wa-tu, people. Wa-wili, two. Wa-ku-pige, that they may beat you ; -pige, subjunctive form of piga. Kwa, with. Vi-gongo, cudgels; vi-, sign of a plural substantive of the fourth class; ki-gongo is a diminutive (p. 19) of gongo, a staflF. Usiku, night. Ku-cha, till morning. A-ka-nena, and he said. Marahaba, thank you. A-ka-furahi, and he rejoiced. Sana, much. A-ka-enda z-ake, and he went away. III. two men will come out and bring you gold into your house all night long ; but if you light it as far as this, two men will come out and beat you with cudgels all night long." And he thanked them, and rejoiced very much, and went his way. ( i43 ) Appendix IV. USEFUL AND IDIOMATIC PHRASES. The first fifty-four were collected towards a book of conversations, which was begun with the help of our lamented friend, Mrs. G. E. Drayton; the rest, which are arranged in alpliabetical order, were noted from time to time, either as likely to be useful in conversation, or as illustrating some special rule or idiom. 1. How many fowls have you there ? Unao Jc'uJcu nrjapif 2. What do you want for them ? Kiad gani unakuza (At how much do you sell) ? 3. Have you any eggs ? Unayo mayayi ? 4. I will not give more than a pice apiece for the eggs. Nitakupa pesa moja tu kununua yayi, sitatoa zayidi (I will give you one pice only to buy an Qgg, I will not give more). 5. I don't understand you, say it again. Sema mora ya pili, sikusikia. 6. Let me hear it again. Sema mara ya pili, nipate kusilda (Say it a second time, that I may get to understand). 7. Fetch me a basin for the eggs. Letee hakuli nitie mayayi. 8. Bring the basin with the eggs in it. Letee hakuli lenyi mayayi. 9. I don't want any to-day, come to-morrow. Leo sitaki, njoo kesho. 10. Are lemons cheap now ? Malimao rahisi sasa ? 444 APPENDIX ir. 11. I won't buy them, they are too dear. Sitaki Jcununua, ni glialL 12. What do you want ? Wataka nini ? 13. I don't know what you want. Sijui ulitakalo. 14. Where do you come from ? Watoka wapi ? 15. Don't wait ; I will send an answer immediately. Enenda zako, usinrjoje, majihu yatakuja sasa Mvi (Go your way ; do not wait for an answer, it will come immediately). 16. Is your master at home ? Bwana yupo i » 17. Master is not at home ; he is gone out. Bwana hako {ox liayukd) nyumhani ; ametoka. 18. Where are you going? Unakwenda wapi f 19. I have lost my way. Nimepotea, njia sijui (I am lost ; the way I don't know). 20. Will you guide me to the English mission ? Nataka unionyeshe mosketini Ingreza ? 21. Can you understand English ? Wewe unajua maneno ya Kiingreza f 22. I cannot speak Swahili [of Zanzibar]. Sijui kusema Kiunguja. 23. Did the water boil ? Maji yameche^mka ? 24. Does the water boil ? 3Iaji yanache'mka ? 25. These plates are not clean. Sahani liizi zina taka. 26. Wipe them carefully. Futa vema kwa kiiamhaa. 27. Sweep this room well. Fagia vema katika chumha Mki, 28. Dust the furniture. Pangusa vumhi katika vyombo. 29. You have cracked that cup. Umekitla ufa Mkomhe kile. 3(1. Throw it away. Katupa. 31. Fetch me the vinegar, the pepper, and the salt Niletee siki, na pilipili, na cliumvL APPENDIX IV. 445 82. Don't make so much noise. TJsifanye uthia. 33. Put a fresh wick in my lamp. Tia katika taa yangu utamhi. ^. Fold up the table-cloth smoothly. Kunja verna Mtanibaa cha meza, usiJcivunje (Fol(Ljeell the cloth of the table ; spoil it not). 35. When you have swept the room put on clean clothes. Kamma umekwisha hufagia, vaa nguo saji. 36. Take this to Miss T. Chukua, upeleke kica hihi T. 37. You have put all these books upside down ; turn them. Umepindua vyuo hivi vyote, uviweke upande mgine. 38. Leave that alone ! Acha ! 39. Come here, I want to speak to you. Kjoo hapa, 'nna maneno nitakwamhia (I have words I will say to you). 40. Get ready to go for a walk. t'anya tayari upate kicenda kutembecu 41. Are you ready ? TJmekuwa tayari^ 42. Which way shall you like to go ? Njia gani utakao kupita 1 43. How far is it to your shamba ? Kadri gani mbali ya shamha lako hatta kufika (How much farness of your shamba till getting there) ? 44. Not very far ; perhaps an hour's walk. Si mbali sana, Idbuda ikipata saa moja. 45. Shall you walk, or ride your donkey, or sail ? Utakwenda kwa miguu, ao utapanda pttnda, ao utakvcenda kwa mashua? 46. We will go round the town and home by the bridcre. Tutazungiika katika mji, haJafa turudie dar aj a ni (Then let us return by the bridge). 47. Bring me some hot water after breakfast. Niletee maji ya moto, nikiisJia kula. 48. Half a bucket full. Nxus ya ndoo. 49. Turn the mattress over every morning. Geuza killa siku godoro, cliinijuu. 50. Turn it top to bottom. Z'pande Jiuu nweke upande ica pili. 2 G 446 APPENDIX IV, 51. I am very glad to see you. Umependa moyo wangu hukutazama. 52. What ship is that ? Marikebu gani Mi ? 53. Has she cast anchor yet ? Imetia nanga ? 54. No, she will come nearer the shore. Bado, indkuja karibu ya pwani. 55. A good man does not desert his friends when they fall into difficulties. Mtu mwema hawaachi rafiki zake wakipatika na shidda. 56. Are you idle ? Ati mvipu, ? 57. At what time shall I come ? Wakti gani nije; 58. Did he stay long ? Alikaa sana ? 59. No, he went away directly. nda, alikwenda zake mara. 60. Does he drink wine ? Hunywa divai ? 61. He does not. Hanyivi. 62. Does this boat leak ? Mashua Mi yavuja ? 63. Do not draw water from the well, the owner forbids it. Usiteke maji kisimani, mwenyewe agombeza. 64. Don't jerk this rope ; if you do it will break. Kamha Mi usiikutue, ukikutua itakatika. 65. Eat as much as you like. Kula kadri utakavyo. 66. Find me a large hen. Kanitaftia koo la k^uku. 67. Follow this road. Fuata [or andama'] njia Mi. 68. I want you to follow me. Nataka unifuate [or uniandame]. 69. Give it only to me and not to them. Nipe mimi tu, usiwape wale. 70. Go and see if the people have collected. Kaangalia watu wamekutana. 71. Go and stop that talking. Enenda kakomesha maneno haya. APPENDIX IV. 447 72. Stop this outcry. Makelele haya yakome (Let these cries cease). 73. Gro away, whoever you are. Enda zako, hadri utakaokuwa. 74. Guard yourself, I am going to hit you. Einga, takupiga. 75. Has he a large box ? Ana kasha ? 76. He has. Analo kasha. 11. Have you a pipe at home ? Eiko kicako kiko ? 78. He built a bridge across the river. Alijenga honth katikati ya mto. 79. He built a mosque by the river, and endowed it with a shamba near ours. Alijenga moskiti ng'awho, akawekea tcakf shamha karihu shamba letu. 80. He described Mombas as it was in early times, as it is now, and as it will be a hundred years hence. Aliandika Mvita ilivyokuvca kicanza, ilivyo sasa, na ituka' vyokuwa kica rniaka mia. 81. He does not believe me though I saw it. Hanisadiki ningawa nimeiona. 82. He had the toothache. AUkuica na jino likimwuma. 83. He has been abroad many years. Alikuwa safarini miaka mingi. 84. He has presence of mind. Moyo wake uwapo. 85. His mind is absent. Hapo ati. 86. He is a troublesome fellow to deal with. Ana taahu kuingiana naye. 87. He is absorbed in his own thoughts ; even if you speak to him he takes no notice. Yu katika fikara zakwe ; ujaponena naye hawepo. 88. He is here. Yupo hapa. 89. He is not here. Hapo hapa. 90. He is yonder. Tuko kule. 2 G 2 448 APPENDIX IV. 91. He is not there. Haico Tiule. 92. He is not yet dressed. Hajavaa. 93. He left us about ten days ago. AUtimcha hadri tja (or kama) siku humi. 94. He ought to be beaten. Aihtaji hupigiva. 95. He pretends to be satisfied, but do not trust him. Ajifanya Imwa ratlii, usimwamini. 96. He rose up from his chair. Aliondoka Tcitini kioaJce. 97. He runs as fast as he can. Anakwenda mhio kama aivezavijo. 98. He says he will walk on the water ! Ati atakwenda mtoni kica miguu! 99. He that hateth suretyship is sure. Mtu asiyekuhdli kuthamini ni katika amani. 100. He that is not against us is with us. Mtu asiyekuwa juu yetu, hassi yee pamoja nasi. 101. He that is not with us is against us. Asiyekuwa pamoja nasi, hassi huyujuu yetu. 102. He tried to make himself agreeable, and he succeeded. Alijipendekeza ndipo akapendeza. 103. He was changed from a man into a horse. Alibadiliwa mtu kuwafrasi. 104. He was more energetic than his father. Huyu alikuwa akiweza zayidi ya haba yoke. 105. His non-appearance is unaccountable. Kutoivekana kwake haitamhulikani. 106. His self-conceit is no good to him. Majivuno yake hayamfai neno. 107. How are your household {i.e. your wife, daughters, &c.) ? TJ hali gani nyumhani ktvako. 108. How far is it across the island ? Kupataje mbali wake hapa hatta pwani ya pili ? 109. A fast walker would take from sunrise to the middle of the afternoor Akiondoka mtu assuhui hatta alasiri, alio hodari kicenda, kufika. 110. How long has he been ill ? Tangu lini hawezi ? 111. How long ago was his illness? Tangu lini alikuwa hawezi f APPEXDIX IV. 449 112. How pleasant ! Imependeza. 1 13. How glad you must have been to hear that you were to go home. Furaha ipi micaliposikia mwende zenu kweiiu. 114. lam amusing myself with a book. Najizumgumza na cliuo. 115. I am here. Kipo liapa. 110. I am never without pimples. Vipele havinitoha hahisa. 117. I am sleepy. Ninao usingizi. 118. I cannot hold iu this horse. Siivezi huzuia frasi hivju. 119. I cannot see so far as you can. Sioni inhali, hama icaonavyo-wewe. 120 I don't like his way of tying it. Sipendi ginsi afungavyo. 121. I don't see what you show me. Sioni ulionyalo. 122. I don't see it, though he does. Siioni angaica aona. 123. Take care, though you don't see it. Kaangalia, ujapo hukioni. 124. I feel myself at home. Hujiona niho Icicetu. 125. Make yourself at home. Usifanye haya, liapa Jcama J:wal:o (Feel no modesty, here is like your home). 12G. I gave him good advice, though he would not take it. Nimemiconya illahini haJiuonyeha. 127. I had almost left off expecting you. Nalilcarihia hukata tamaa ya kuhuona. 128. I had lost my way, and I came out close to your shamba. Nalipotea njia nikatokea shamhaai kicaJco. 129. I have asked him again and again, but he will not tell me. Nimemu'uUza raara kwa mara lakini hanamhii. 130. I have gained a hundred dollars. Nalipata fayida reale mia. 131. I have made you my mark, if you step over it, look out (a common defiance). Nimekupigia mfuo wangii kiuka icangalie. 132. I know where he is. Namjvxx malidli alipo. 450 APPENDIX IV. 133. I pray God not to visit it upon me. Naomha Micenyiezi Muungu asinipatiUze. 134. I saw the flash of the gun, but did not hear the report. Nimeona mwanga, lakini sikusikia mzinga kulia. 13.5. I shall go by sea as far as I can. Nitakicenda kwa haJiari, hatta itakaponifikisha. 136. I shall go for a walk to stretch my legs. Nitakwenda temhea kukunjua miguu. 137. I thought myself a king. Nalikuica nikhcaza nimekuwa Sidtani. 138. I will shut the door that he may not go out. Nitafunga mlango asipate kupiia. 139. If he strikes, you, hit him again. Akikupiga, nawe mpiga tena. HO. If you had been here he \fould not have been beaten. Kama ungalikuwapo hapa, hangalipigwa. 141. It depends upon his coming. Kuna atakapokuja. 142. It is bad weather. Kumekaa vibaya, Hakicendeki. Hatokeki. 143. It is being hawked about by a salesman. Kinatemhezwa kwa dalali. 144. It is not there, though you say it is. Hakipo, ungaioa wasema kipo. 145. It is time for us to go. Imekuwa wakati wa sisi kwenda zetu. 146. It is quite time for us to go. Imewadia wakati wetu wa kwenda zetu. 147. It was a secret, but it oozed out. Yalikuwa hahari ya siri, ikatokeza^ 148. Let him go. Mwacheni enende. 149. Moslems are forbidden wine. Waslimu wameepushwa divai 1.50. Much self-exaltation ruins a man's position in the world. Majivuno yakiwa mengi ya'mvunjia mtu cheo. 1.51. Nothing I do pleases him. Killa nafanyalo halimpendezi (everything which I do pleases him not). 152. Whatever I do he finds fault with me. Killa nafanyalo hunitia khatiyani. APPENDIX IV. 451 153. Put the water on the fire. Kateleka maji. 154. Sit down. Kaa kitako. 155. Don't get up. Starehe. 156. The baobabs are now coming into leaf. Siku Jiizi mihuyu inachanua mcijani. 157. The fields are flourishing. Koonde imesitawi, 158. The music is first-rate. Ngoma inafana. 1 59. The news has spread. Khabari zimeenea. ' 160. Spread the news. Zieneza khahari. 161. The people who went to Bardera are come back. Watu ivaliokicenda Baradera, wamekuja zao. 162. The room wants darkening. Chumba chataka kutiwa giza. 163. The top of this mountain is inaccessible. Juu ya mlima Jiuu haupandiki. 164. They [the trees] are almost all dead. Kama kicamba iliokufa yote. 165. They are badly stowed. Mapakizo yao mahaya. 166. They cut the boat adrift. Wakakata kamha ya mashua ikachiikuliwa na maji. 167. They like giving and receiving presents. Hupendelea kupana vitu. 168. They shut themselves up in the fort. Wakajizuia gerezani. 169. They told me what he had done. Walinamhia alivyofanya. 170. They were fighting, and I passed by and separated them. WalUiuwa wakipigana, Jiapita mimi nikawaamua. 171. This chest must-be taken care of. Kasha liili la kutunzica. 172. This has been worn. Nguo hii imevaliwa. 173. This tree is not so tall as that. Mti huu si mrefu kama ule. 452 APPENDIX IV. 174. Upon your oath ! Utaapa ! 175. Wash me these clothes. Nloshee nguo Mzi. 176. The clothes have been washed. Nguo zimeosheJca. 111. I have washed myself. Nimenawika. 178. Wash me ! Noshe ! 179. We attacked them and they fell into confusion. Twaliwashambulia, wdkafazaika. 180. We like his company. Kikao choke chema (his sitting is good). 181. What do you earn by the month ? Upataje killa mwezi f 182. What is become of him ? Amekuwaje ? 183. What is this news about Ali ? Hahari gani tuzisikiazo za Ali f 184. What are you talking about ? Maneno gani mnenayo ? Muktatha gani ? Mnenani ? 185. What will you ferry me over for ? Utanivusha kwa kiasi gani ? 186. When I have seen Mohammed, I mil give you an answer. Nikiisha mwona Mohamadi, nitakupa jawabu. 187. Where is the knife I saw you with yesterday ? Kiko wapi kisu nalichokuona nachojanaf 188 Where is the pain ? Mahali gani panapouma f 189. Where is your pain? Wauma wapi ? 190. Who is in there ? Mna nani ? 191. "Sou cannot teach him anyhow. Kadri n'mfunzavyo hajui. 192. We do not know whether he will not learn, or whether he canntt. Hatujui ya hwamha hataki kujif'jAiza ao liana akili za kujifunza. 193. You have made this thread too tfght Uzi liuu mneutia kassi mno. APPENDIX IV. 153 194. You ought to love him very much. Wastnhili humpenda sana. 195. Knarnba na kusengenya. To talk of a person behind his back, and secretly to make contemptuous signs about liim when present. This phrase is often used as a test of a stranger's knowledge of Swahili ; what it describes is counted as a special sin. 196. To ask a man his name. Oh ! Rafild yangu namhie jina laho (Oh ! my friend, tell me your name). Wajua, hicana icee, tumeonana mimi naice, jina laho nimelisahau, tafdthal namhie jina laho (You know, sir, you and I have met [before], but I have forgotten your name, please to tell me your name). When you have heard it, say — Inshallah, sitalisahau tena (Please God, I shall not forget it again). 197. A polite question and answer at leave-taking. Unayo Jiaja tena ? (Have you any further desire ?) Eaja yangu ya huii^lii icewe sana nafuraha (My desire is that you may live long and happily). ( 455 ) Appendix V. ON MONEY, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES IN ZANZIBAR. The following account is based on scattered notices in the late Bishop Steere's collections, and on some tables furnished to the Kev. P. L. Jones -Bateman by a well-informed servant of the Mission in Zanzibar. 1. Money. The only copper coin in common use in Zanzibar is the Anglo- Indian quarter-anna, or pice, in Swahili pesa, plur. pesa or mapesa ; but the robopesa, or quarter-pice (of which, however, three are equal to one pice), is also current. The silver coins current are the Anglo-Indian rupee and, less com- monly, the Austrian dollar. The eight-anna (half-rupee), four-anna (quarter-rupee), and two-anna pieces are also met with. The relative values of these coins and their equivalent in English money fluctuate considerably. For practical purposes, it is suflScient to remember that an English sovereign may be generally exchanged for 12 rupees, English bank-notes, cheques, drafts, &c., being subject to a small discount ; that an Austrian dollar is reckoned as equal to 2 rupees and 8 pice, and that a rupee is worth usually from 60 to 64 pice. It follows that, though accounts are usually kept in dollars and cents, and 5 dollars reckoned as equal to one pound English, it is more exact to consider — 8. d. 1 dollar = 37 1 rupee =18 1 pice = i In larger sums, the scale of legal tender is to reckon— 47 dollars = 100 rupees 94 „ = 200 „ 141 „ = 300 „ and so on. 456 APPENDIX V. On the mainland, dollars and pice are taken freely on the coast and main lines of traffic, and rupees are met with ; but elsewhere, silver dollars only, and such objects of barter as calico, brass-wire^ beads, &c. 2. Measures of Length. There is no exact standard or relationship of measures of length. Those in common use are merely taken from parts of the human body, viz. : — Wanda, plur. nyanda, a finger's breadth. Shihiri, a span, the distance between the tips of the outstretched thumb and little finger. Mdrita, a slightly shorter span, from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore-finger. Tliiraa or Mkono, a cubit, the distance from the finger-tips to the elbow joint. Of this again, there are two varieties : — TMraa Tiamili, or full cubit, as just described, and — Thiraa honde^ or fist cubit, from the elbow-joint to tho knuckles. Wari, or yard, is one half of the — Pima, a man's height, or the distance he can stretch with his arms, a fathom. A doti is a measure of similar length. The uayo, or length of the foot, Arab Jchatua, is also used occa- sionally, and the English foot, futi, regularly by Indian carpenters and in other trades. Approximately, the relations of these measures may be tabulated thus : — 1 wanda = 1 inch. 8 or 10 nyanda = 1 shibiri kamili = 1 quarter-yard. 2 shibiri = 1 thiraa or mhono = 1 cubit or half-yard. 2 thiraa = 1 icari = 1 yard 2 tcari = 1 pima = 1 fathom. Distance is loosely estimated by the average length of an hour's walk- ing. Dunga, which lies almost exactly halfway across the island of Zanzibar, at a distance of perhaps twelve miles, is described as a walk of four hours, saa 'nne ; and Kokotoni, at the north end of the island, distant perhaps twenty miles from Zanzibar, as a walk of at least six hours, saa sita. On the mainland, a day's march is a common but vague measure of perhaps twenty miles. 3. Measures of Weight. For gold, silver, silk, scent, and other costly articles, the unit is the wahia, or weight of an Austrian silver dollar, almost exactly an ounce. For the names of fractional parts of any unit, see " Handbook," p. 93 ; APPENDIX V. 457 but the ^veight of a pice is often used as a convenient though inexact measure of small quantities. For heavy articles, the usual unit is a rdtel, or rattli, equal to 10 ivaJcia, and corresponding to one pound. 16 icaJcia = 1 rdtel. 3 i'dtel = 1 mani. 6 rdtel = 1 pishi. 6 pishi = 1 frasila, about 35 lbs. avoirdupois. 10 frasila = 1 mzo. Hence, 64 frasila or 6| mizo may be regarded as = 1 ton. 4. Pleasures of Capacity. No fixed liquid measure is used by the poorer classes. Shopkeepers sell their oil, treacle, &c., by tin-ladlefuls (hikombe), or by the bottle (chupa), or by the tin, i.e. the tins in which American oil is imported to Zanzibar (tanahi, tini, also dehe). Corn (nafaka) or dry measure is, of course, of great importance in a country where grain is the staple of food and chief article of commerce. The smallest unit is the — Kihaha, a measure of perhaps a pint. Kihaba cha tele, if the measure is heaped up — the usual pro- ceeding. Kihaha cha mfuto, if cut off flat. 2 vihaba (yya tele) = 1 Msaga. 2 visaga = 1 pishi, about half a gallon. The pishi connects the measures of capacity and weight, and for some of the common dry commodities, such as chiroho and Tcundi, the pishi may be regarded as equivalent either in capacity to 4 vihaba, or in weight to 6 rattli. Grain is sold wholesale by the handa, or sack of grass-matting, or (if from India) by the gunia, a wide sack. The gunia often weighs about 168 lbs. The handa varies, both with the kind of grain and the place from which it is imported. For instance, while at Kwale, Mgao, and Mvita, towns on the Swahili coast, the Mnda of rice at times contains 10, 11, or 12 pishi, and the handa of Indian corn 10 pishi, at Pangani, Tanga, and Mtang'ata the handa of rice will contain 15, 16, or 17 pishi, and the handa of Indian corn 13 or 132 P'^^hi. Various other terms are in use for different commodities, e.g. poles are sold by the Iwrja, or score ; stone for building by the homa, a heap which may weigh 4 cwt. to 5 cwt. ; lime by the tanuu (clamp) or hihapo ; calico by the jura, 35 yards ; and various other things by the " nizigo " or load. 458 APPENDIX V. 5. Points of the Compass. North Jaa. N. by E. Faragadi Matlai N.N.E. Nash Matlai. N.E. by N. Nagr Matlai. N.E. Luagr Matlai. N.E. by E. Dayabu Matlai. E.N.E. Semak Matlai. E. by N. Seria Matlai. East Matlai. E. by S. Sosa aiatlai. ii.S.E. Tiri Matlai. S.E. by E. Lakadiri Matlai. S.E. Lakarabu Matlai. S.E. by S. Hamareni Matlai. S.S.E. Seheli Matlai. S. by E. Sonoobari Matlai. South Kutubu. S. by W. Sonoobari MagaribL S.S.W. Seheli Magaribi. S.W. by S. Hamareni Magaribi. s.w. Lakarabu Magaribi. S.W. by W. Lakadiri MagaribL W.S.W. Tiri Magaribi. W. by S. Sosa Magaribi. West Magaribi. W. by N. Seria Magaribi. W.N.W. Semak Magaribi. N.W. by W. Dayabu MagaribL N.W. Luagr MagaribL N.W. by N. Nagr Magaribi. N.N.W. Nash MagaribL N. by W. Faragadi MagaribL FKINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES, 405 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FA^^^^^ e Hiiaard Avenue, Los Angeles, t,A auui-* lo'^ ^ " ^Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 11993 ^B: OCT 18 5EP08l3^ m 1 Ml I "ZC'DYRL If '^ ^ 2003 J UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 565 411 6 :^.fmm m:is^M.iMy::'^''KC%:^^.^M-W yiiiiiiwiiiiiiiniiii