of California Q Regional yr Facility ■ftjj^^^HiJiv;- CATALOGUE DE LUXE of the DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS, PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION PALACE OF FINE ARTS: THE COLONNADE CATALOGUE DE LUXE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION Edited by JOHN E. D.TRASK CHIEF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ^//^J.NILSEN LAURVIK ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO REPRODUCTIONS OF PAINTINGS, SCULPTURE, OTHER EXHIBITS AND VIEWS OFTHE PALACE OF FINE ARTS IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME TWO PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS • SAN FRANCISCO ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME II FACING PACE Palace of Fine Arts: The Colonnade. (Frontispiece) Sleeping Children. Siiren Onsager 234 The Drake and the Duck. Kao Ki-fong 238 Snow Scene. Kiang Ying-seng 240 Spring Day. Alfred Bergstrom 242 His Majesty King Gustaf V. Emil Osterman 244 Winter in the Forest. Anshelm Schultzberg 24S Laughter. Otof Ahlberg 250 The Pilgrimage. Adriano de Sousa-Lopes 252 An Indian of the Tehuelche Tribe. Alberto Lagos 254 Binnenkant: Winter at Amsterdam. Ifillem JVitsen 256 Autumnal Day. Arnold Marc Gorter 258 Portrait: Fraulein von Seybl. John Quincy Adams 260 Portrait: Mark Vedres. Jozsef Rippl-Ronai 264 Spring Veil. George Sauter 266 Portrait: Countess Lajos Batthy.anyi Jdnos Vaszary 268 Type of Segovian. Ramon de Zubiaurre 270 In the Rhine Meadows, lieinriclt -von Ziigel 272 In the Sun. Halfdan Strom 274 The Dramatist, Gunnar Heiberg and Friends in the Garden. Henrik Lund . . 276 Crows and Their Young. Dagfin IVerenskiold 280 A Rose. Thomas P. Anshutz 283 Portrait. Cecilia Beaux 284 River Front. George Bellovis 286 Italian Pitcher and Fruit. Hugh H. Breckenridge 288 The Santa Inez Mountains. Henry Joseph Breuer 290 The Potter. George de Forest Brush 292 The Mirror. Dennis Miller Bunker 296 Nude. Arthur B. Carles 298 Frost Bound. John F. Carlson 300 Woman Reading in a Garden. Mary Cassatt 302 Portrait. Howard Gardiner Cushing 304 Portrait of Frank Duveneck. Joseph R. De Camp 306 Picardy Fisher Folk. Charles J. Dickman 308 Head of Old Dutchman. Rudolph Dirks 312 Changing Weather. Paul Dougherty 314 Portrait of Mrs. Mary A. Goulding. Charles Loring Elliott 316 Summer. Frederick Carl Frieseke 318 Quarry: Evening. Daniel Garher 320 Chez Mououin. IfiUiam J. Glackens 322 Church of S. Trovaso: Venice, tl^ alter Griffin 324 Peace: Hopiland. Albert L. Groll 328 Lavender and Old Ivory. Lilian fVestcott Hale 330 Woman with Roses. Philip L. Hale 332 Interior. Samuel Halpert 334 Mother. John McLure Hamilton 336 Afternoon Fog. IVinsloiu Homer 338 A Drummer Boy. Eastman Johnson 340 Reflection. Sergeant Kendall 344 [V] ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Our Boatman. John La Farge ; 346 Hudson River and Palisades. Ernest Laieson 348 GowANUS Canal, ^'lllen Leiu'u 350 Oaks of the Monte. Francis McComas 352 At the Burgomaster's. It'alter McEiven 354 Still Life. Henry Lee McFee 356 The Carnation. Arthur F. Matheiis 360 Portrait: Mrs. David Olyphant. Samuel F. B. Morse 362 The Painter's Triu.mph. William Sidney Mount 364 Monterey Dunes. Eugen Neuhaus 366 Youth. Josephine Paddock 368 The Housemaid. William M. Paxton 370 Portrait of Colonel Charles Pettit. Charles Willson Peale 372 Fox and Geese. Joseph T. Pearson, Jr 376 In the Studio. Ellen G. Emmet Rand 378 The Japanese Screen. Robert Reid 380 The Young Mother. Mary Curtis Richardson 382 Floating Ice: Early* Morning. Charles Rosen 384 Nude Study. John Singer Sargent 386 Toning of the Bell. Walter Shirlatu 388 Bather. Charles Walter Stetson 392 Portrait OF Major General Henry Dearborn. Gilbert Stuart 394 Co.MiNG OF the Line Storm. Frederick J. Waugh 396 War News from Mexico. R. Caton Woodville 398 The Checkered Dress. William H. K. Yarroiv 400 My House in Winter. Charles Morris Young 402 Muse Finding He.'\d of Orpheus. Edivard Berge 404 Fountain Group. Karl Bitter 408 Laughing Boy. .•/. Stirling Colder 410 The Windy Doorstep. Abastenia St. Leger Eberle 412 The Pioneer Mother. Charles Grafly 414 The Bronze Turkey. Albert Laessle 416 L'Amour. Ei'elyn Beatrice Longman 418 Centaur and Dryad. Paul Manship 420 Scratching a Twister. Joseph J. Mora 424 The Maiden of the Roman Campagna. Albin Polasek 426 A.merican Bison. A. Phimister Proctor 428 Puma and Snake. Arthur Putnam 430 Motherhood. Bessie Potter Vonnoh 432 The Shoveler. Mahonri M. Young 434 Lady in Pink. Nicholai Fechin 436 Grandfather's Birthday. F. Cabrera Canto 440 Tobogganing. Elsa Backlund-Celsing 442 The Duel. Ossian Elgstrom 444 Nude Girl. Carl Larsson 446 Floor Plan, Palace of Fine Arts 482 Floor Plan, Annex 484 [VI] CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS (CONTINUED) UNITED STATES SECTION (CONTINUED FROM VOLUME I.) HAI.PERT, SAMUEL 4365. Lake George. TUTTLE, RUEL CROMPTON 4366. The Fountain: Windsor. MENDENHALL, EMMA 4367. Street in St. Ives: Cornwall. BUTLER, J. J. P. 4368. Autumn Landscape. BUTLER, THEODORE EARL 4369. Afternoon. COUSE, E. IRVING 4370. The Turquoise Beadmaker. WOODBURY, CHARLES H. 4371. Cut at Empire. 4372. Near Empire. 4373. Culebra Cut. BOURNE, GERTRUDE B. 4374. Rear View of Boston State House. LICHTENAUER, J. MORTIMER 4375. Study for Shubert Theatre. KELLER, ARTHUR I. 4376. The Young Critic. BOURNE, GERTRUDE B. 4377. Rhododendrons. WOODBURY, CHARLES H. 4378. Near Pedro Miguel. 4379. The Great Slide. 4380. Sea Wall: Panama. PETERSON, JANE 4381. Low Tide. ZIMMERMAN, M. W. 4382. Across the Valley. BUTLER, THEODORE EARL 4383. Sunrise. CHAPMAN, CHARLES S. 4384. The Marauder. SCULPTURE FRASER, JAMES EARLE 4385. Portrait of J. G. COONSMAN, NANCY 4386. Wistful Baby. SCUDDER, JANET 4387. Tortoise Fountain. MAZUR, WLADYSLAW 4388. Motherless. MANOR, FLORENCE 4389. The Florence Madonna. WHIGHT, ALICE MORGAN 4390. Beside the Pool. BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMAN 4391. L'Arriere Pensee. VONNOH, BESSIE POTTER 4392. The Intruder. GALLERY ONE HUNDRED TfrENTY PAINTINGS HALPERT, SAMUEL 4393. Interior. HAMILTON, MARY RITER 4394. Old Woman: Study. GIHON, CLARENCE M. 4395. Haunted House. MAURER, ALFRED H. 4396. Jeanne. WOODBURY, CHARLES H. 4397. The Bark. MAURER, ALFRED H. 4398. Bal Bullier. STEWART, JULIUS L. 4399. Wood Nymphs. KENT, ROCKWELL 4400. A Mother and Her Sons. WEHRSCHMIDT, DANIEL 4401. The Morning's Milk. STEWART, JULIUS L. 4402. Blue Butterfly. MANIGAULT, E. MIDDLETON 4403. Pastoral. NOBLE, JOHN 4404. Toilers of the Sea. BISSELL, HELEN RATHBUN 4405. Old Melodies. LUKS, GEORGE 4406. The Mother. HAMILTON, WILBUR DEAN 4407. Portrait of Justice McKenna. COLEMAN, CHARLES CARYL 4408. Sorrow. BERLIN, HARRY 4409. Vermont Hills. MUHRMAN, HENRY 4410. The Barge. FINKELNBURG, AUGUSTA 4411. My Woodsie Park. LANGTRY, MARY 4412. A September Night: Ipswich. [233] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS BREMER, ANNE M. 4413. The Village of Good Cheer. 4414. Marigold and Primrose. MERRITT, ANNA LEA 4415. Nymph of Dew. THORN DYKE, CH./^RLES HALL 4416. Boats Entering the River. THOMAS, SEYMOUR 4417. Portrait: Henri Vignaud. MARR, C.'VRL 4418. Holy Family. BURNSIDE, CAMERON 4419. The Yellow Curtain. McKILLOP, WILLIAM 4420. Portrait of Robert W. Chanler, BREMER, ANNE M. 4421. The Fur Collar. OLSON, JOSEPH OLIVER 4422. The Landscape Class. MERRITT, ANNA LEA 4423. Youth. CONNELL, EDWIN D. 4424. The Dunes. FISHER, MARK 4425. The Rick Yard. ULLMAN, EUGENE PAUL 4426. Head of a Young Woman. BARLOW, MYRON 4427. Flowers. McKILLOP, WILLIAM 4428. The Letter. MURRAY, FRANK WALDO 4429. Portrait of Robert Fowler. DABO, LEON 4430. The Rockets: Rain of Fire. BARLOW, MYRON 4431. Apples. RITTENBERG, HENRY R. 4432. Still Life. HEVNEMANN, JULIA H. 4433. The Spanish Coat. ERICSON, DAVID 4434. Low Tide. BARLOW, MYRON 4435. Fish Sellers. CONNER, JOHN RAMSEY 4436. The Little Seamstress. LA FAROE, BANCEL 4437. The Willow. LUKS, GEORGE 4438. Man in Brown. BELLOWS, GEORGE 4439. Polo Crowd. SPRINCHORN, CARL 4440. Beach at Laguna. BELLOWS, GEORGE 4441. River Front. 4442. Portrait of a Young Lady. PANCOAST, MORRIS HALL 4443. Afternoon : Tomkinsville. TANAKA, YASUSHI 4444. The Shadow of the Madrona. GELHAAR, EMIL 4445. Packer Hall. WOOLF, SAMUEL JOHNSON 4446. The News Stand. GLINTENKAMP, HENRY J. 4447. Wind Gap. MITCHELL, ARTHUR 4448. Close of a November Day. HAMILTON, MARY RITER 4449. The Poor. ADAMS, PHILIP 4450. The Sailor. WEBSTER, E. AMBROSE 4451. In the Woods. DE WENTWORTH, CECILE 4452. Taper to Saint Genevieve. TUCKER, ALLEN 4453. Portrait in Blue and Ivory. WEBSTER, E. AMBROSE 4454. On the Trail. BELLOWS, GEORGE 4455. Excavation at Night. DAVEY, RANDALL 4456. Segovian Man. KOPMAN, BENJAMIN D. 4457. Portrait of a Young Man. DU BOIS, GUY PENE 4458. Trapeze Performer. BISSELL, HELEN RATHBUN 4459. A German Interior. UPTON, FLORENCE K. 4460. The Yellow Room. MAGER, GUS 4461. The Laborer. SCULPTURE WRIGHT, ALICE MORGAN 4462. Wood Nymph. HARVEY, ELI 4463. Lion of the Desert. KNIGHT, CHARLES ROBERT 4464. Kodiak Bear. WORTHINGTON, BEATRICE MAUDE 4465. Grief. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 4466. The Sword. [234] SI.KEPINC, CH II I)R[:\. By Sorcn (Jnui,;,; UNITED STATES SECTION KRATINA, JOSEPH M. 4467. Genius: Head of Baby. WARNER, OLIN L. 446S. Mr. Cottier. KNIGHT, CHARLES ROBERT 4469. Polar Bear. BALL, CAROLINE PEDDLE 4470. Sun-Dial. KNIGHT, CHARLES ROBERT 4471. Leaping Tiger. STORRS, JOHN 4472. Marble Head. COLONNADE SCULPTURE ROTH, FREDERICK G. R. 4473. Sea Lions. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 4474. The Scout. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 4475. Wind and Spray. PATIGIAN, HAIG 4476. Diana. FRY, SHERRY EDMKNDSON 4477. Peace: Fountain Figure. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER 4478. American Bison. SAINT GAUDENS, AUGUSTUS 4479. Seated Lincoln. Lent by the Lincoln Monument Fund. HOLM, VICTOR S. 4480. Halsey C. IVES, Esq. SAINT GAUDENS, LOUIS 4481. Piping Pan. SCUDDER, JANET 4482. Flying Cupid. BERGE, EDWARD 4483. Muse Finding Head of Orepheus. SCUDDER, JANET 4484. Young Pan. BERGE, EDWARD 4485. Wild Flower. 4486. Boy and Frog Fountain. BITTER, KARL 4487. Statue of Thomas Jefferson. POLASEK, AI.BIN 4488. Portrait of a Boy. GRAFLY, CHARLES 4489. The Pioneer Mother. STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 4490. The Awakening. ADAMS, HERBERT 4491. William Cullcn Brvant. BOYLE, JOHN J. 4492. Returning from the Hunt. SCUDDER, JANET 4493. Fighting Boys. NOQt;ET, PAUL 4494. Soldier of Marathon. Lent by Gutzon Borglum, Esq. MULLER, OLGA POPOFF 4495. Primitive Man. BERGE, EDWARD 4496. The Scalp. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 4497. A Faun's Toilet. PARSONS, EDITH BARRETTO 4498. Fountain: Duck Baby. POLASEK, ALBIN 4499. The Maiden of the Roman Campagna. WEINMAN, ADOLPH ALEXANDER 4500. Head of Lincoln. PERRY, R. HINTON 4501. Daughter of Pan. ADAMS, HERBERT 4502. Chief Justice Marshall. BERGE, EDWARD 4503. Sun Dial. DIETSCH, C. PERCIVAL 4504. Destiny. PIETRO, C. S. 4505. Mother of the Dead. TAFT, LORADO 4506. Fragment: Fountain of Time. QUINN, EDMOND T. 4507. Nymph: Garden Figure. BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND 4508. Dying Lion. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 4509. Rock and Flower Group for Pool. PAINE, ROBERT 4510. Fountain for Public Garden. PRATT, BELA LYON 4511. Whaleman. HOLM, VICTOR S. 4512. Prima Mater. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT 4513. Bird Fountain. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 4514. Triton Babies. 4515. Water Sprites. 4516. Sun-God and Python. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 4517. Sundial Boy. BARNHORN, CLEMENT J. 4518. Boy Pan with Frog. [ 235 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS HEBER, CARL AUGUSTUS 4519. Bondage. HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN 4520. Great Dane. 4521. Great Dane. SCUDDER, JANET 4522. Young Diana. FRISHMUTH, HARRIET W. 4523. Saki: A Sun Dial. PATIGIAN, HAIG 4524. Apollo Hunting. SALVATORE, VICTOR D. 4525. Youth. BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMAN 4526. Garden Figure. LONGMAN, EVELYN BEATRICE 4527. L' Amour. PRATT, BELA LYON 4528. Boy with Fish. MULLER, OLGA POPOFF 4529. Centaur. POLASEK, ALBIN 4530. The Sower. BEACH, CHESTER 4531. Beyond. RUMSEY, CHARLES CARY 4532. Boyhood. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 4533. An Outcast. MULLER, OLGA POPOFF 4534. Idyl. WARNER, OLIN L. 4535. Dancing Nymph. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. PICCIRILLI, FURIO 4536. Eurydice. 4537. Young Mother and Child. KONTI, ISIDORE 4538. Wood Nymph. AITKEN, ROBERT 4539. Michelangelo. 4540. William H. Taft. Lent bv Mrs. William H. Taft. WARD, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 4541. Henry Ward Beecher. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER 4542. American Bison. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 4543. Kirkpatrick Memorial Fountain. PRATT, BELA LYON 4544. Large Relief No. 2. FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 4545. Lincoln. Lent by the State of Nebraska. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 4546. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 2. BOYLE, JOHN J. 4547. Commodore Barry Monument. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 4548. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 1. FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 4549. Earl Dodge Memorial: Princeton Student. Lent by Princton University. McKENZIE, R. TAIT 4550. The Young Franklin. PRATT, BELA LYON 4551. Large Relief No. 1. BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND 4552. Statue of Lafayette. ANNEX SCULPTURE BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND 4553. Philosophy. 4554. Romance. 4555. Religion. BRINGHURST, R. P. 4556. Journalism. [236] CHINESE SECTION CHEN CHI Commissioner General. C. Y. YEN Commissioner of Fine Arts. TV KWEN-HUA Secretary. GALLERIES NINETY-FOUR TO NLWETY-SEFEN IMITATION OF KU YU-HSIEN'S WORK WANG WEN-MING. 1. Strass Bottle: Parrot. 2. Strass Bottle: Hibiscus Mutabilis. 3. Strass Bottle: Three Chickens. 4. Strass Bottle: Lotus Flowers. WANG HSAO-TING 5. Strass Bottle: Portrait of Chuankuei. TEH CHANG 6. Strass Vase in Gourd Shape. LONG HONG-MU 7. Strass Vase: Pine, Bamboo and Prunus. 8. Strass Pen-holder ; Pine, Bamboo and Prunus. REPRODUCTION OF KANG SI PORCELAIN WANG TEH-CHANG 9. Tea Cups : Colored Flowers. 10. A Pair of Genii. n. Prunus Vase: Clustering Flowers. 12. Fish Tail Vase: Red Background. 13. Rich Colored Jar. 14. Big Colored Platter. 15. Colored Plate. 16. Vase: Puan An in Procession. 17. Liquor Cup: Human Figures. 18. Tea Cups: Flowers on Red Back- ground. HSUN TSONG-LI 19. Canister: Beauties. 20. Square Vase: Flowers. 21. Vase: Landscape. YU HSUN 22. Jar in Squash Shape. REPRODUCTION OF KIEN LUNG PORCEtAIN WANG TEH-CHANG 23. Bowl : Milky Way Marriage. 24. Vase: Official Promotion. 25. Colored Jar. YU HSUN 26. Flower Basket Shaped Vase: Human Figures. HSUN TSONG-LI 27. Rouge Colored Prunus Vase. 28. Vase: Human Figures on Blue Back- ground. 29. Slant Cornered Vase. 30. Jar: Flowers, Deer and Storks. 31. Globe Vase: Clouds and Bats. REPRODUCTION OF MING PORCELAIN WANG TEH-CHANG 32. Colored Vase. 33. Palm Shaped Vase. 34. Gourd Shaped Vase. REPRODUCTION OF YONG CHUN PORCELAIN WANG TEH-CHANG 35. Square Vase: Flowers of all Seasons. HSUN TSONG-LI 36. Vase: Eight Peaches. REPRODUCTION OF TAO KUAN PORCELAIN HSUN TSONG-LI 37. Big Mouth Vase: Twelve Zodiac Signs. PORCELAIN WORK YU HSUN 38. Globe Vase: Landscape. 39. Rose Colored Vase. 40. Gourd Shaped Vase: Human Figures. LAI CHING-KO 41. Gold-fish Kong: Landscape Engraved. CHEN HSAO-CHEO 42. Vase: Dragon and Phoenix Engraved. CHEN TSUN-HEO 43. Vase: Colored Picture in Relief. WOOD AND BAMBOO WORKS CHU TSZ-CHANG Aiiarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 44. Peach Pilferer. 45. Intoxicated Monk. 46. Distracted Monk. 47. Scratching Figure. 48. Plowman and Herdmen. CHEN-TU 49. Cigarette Tray. CHEO MEI-KO Aiiarded SiU-er Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 50. Buddha Image. 51. Carved Picture. [237 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS WANG HSUN AiuarJeJ Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 52. Carved Screen in Tabasheer. CLOISONNE WORKS PAO HUA-LEO 53. Badge for 3rd Grade of Merit. 54. Corn Badge of 2nd Order. 55. Silver Colored Badge for 2nd Grade. 56. Corn Badge of 5th Order. 57. Tiger Badge of 1st Order. 58. Corn Badge of 2nd Order. 59. Monster Tripod in Enamelled Silver. 60. Gormand Decanter in Enamelled Silver. TEH HSIN-CHEN 61. Corn Badge of 1st Order. 62. Corn Badge of 5th Order. 63. Phoenix Badge. 64. Tiger Badge. 65. Badges of Different Styles. 66. Set of Twelve Cups. 67. Colored Decanter. 68. One Colored Decanter. 69. Incense Burner. 70. Five Mouthed Vase. 71. Dragon-handled Sprinkling Pot. 72. Twin Sheep Eared Vessel. 73. Begonia Shaped Censer. 74. Copper Colored Hanging Pitcher. 75. Felicity Designed Censer. 76. Eight Angled Vase. 77. Dragon-handled Vase in Begonia Shape. 78. Box Designed in Triple Prosperities. 79. Dragon-handled Sprinkling Pot. 80. Imitation of Old Vase. 81. Imitation of Old Goblets. 82. Imitation of Old Vase in Pillow Shape. 83. Imitation of Old Vessels. 84. Copper Colored Censer. 85. Round Censer with Side Ears. 86. Narcissus Pot. 87. Censer with Side Ears. 88. Gourd Shaped Vase with All Flowers. 89. Double Mouthed Vase in Gourd Shape. 90. Bronze Lined Square Jar. TEH CHANG 91. Scepters Filled with Various Gems. 92. Victim Shaped Vessel. 93. Pictured Screen: Five Relationships Inlaid. 94. Big Lions. 95. Palatial Censer. 96. Pictured Screen: Happiness and Long Life Inlaid. 97. Big Vase. 98. Screen with Inlaid Pictures. 99. Peach Adorned Globe V^ase. YANG TIEN-LI 100. Light Blue Vase. 101. Sky Blue Vase. 102. Gold Leaf Flowered Vase. 103. Fish Canister. LAO TIEN-LI 104. Rich Colored Vase. 105. Tripod: Portrait of Ancient Monarch Yao 106. Tripod Shun. 107. Tripod Portrait of Ancient Monarch Portrait of the Late Em- press Dowager. 108. Tripod: Portrait of President Yueti. 109. Tripod: Portrait of Vice-President Li. LACQUER WORK, PAINTED, MOULDED, CARVED CHUEN SHI-SO 110. Bowl in Begonia Shape. 111. Lacquered Crab. HSUN CHUN-KAO .-licardeJ Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., ig'S- 112. Oval Plate. 113. Nut Dish. 114. Sky Blue Vase. 115. Set of Five Botes. 116. Vase in Apple Color. 117. Card Case in Bamboo Knot Shape. 118. Box: Pine and Stork. 119. Tripod Vessel. 120. Small Vessel. 121. Fruit Shaped Box. 122. Buddha Image. 123. Vase with Paintings. 124. Vase: Emperor Thrice Visits Hermit. 125. Figure: Goddess of Mercy. 126. Clock Stand: Greens and Rabbit Adorned. 127. Tray in Lotus Shape. 128. Set of Five Oval Boxes. 129. Lichee Shaped Box. 130. Lotus Seeds Plate. 131. Paper Weight in Frog Shape. 132. Pomegranate Box. 133. Paper Weight in Tortoise Shape. 134. Apple Colored Card Case. 135. Card Case in Melon Shape. 136. Copper Colored Card Case. 137. Handkerchief Box. 138. Vase with Scene Paintings. 139. Small Apple Colored Vase. 140. Sky Blue Vase: Scene Paintings. 141. Octagon Box with Paintings. 142. Rectangular Box with Paintings. 143. Round Box: Butterflies. [238] CHINESE SECTION LIN CHIN-AN Aiuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. 1. E., 1915. 144. Vase Prunus Carved. 145. Figure: God of Longevity Riding Stork. 146. Figure: Goddess of Mercy. 147. Compartment Box. 148. Crab Weir. 149. Triple Prosperities Designed Tray. 150. Ix(tus Leaf Shaped Fruit Dish on Coral Color Seat. WANG HONG-HSIEN 151. Picture in Gold Embossings. KEE KU-KAI 152. Case in Begonia Shape. 153. Citron Box. 154. Rectangular Tray. 155. Napkin Rings. 156. Case in Begonia Shape. 157. Round Box. 158. Vase. 159. Tea Pot. 160. Tray. 161. Round Box. 162. Box in Peach Shape. 163. Square Box. 164. Big Round Box with Dragon Carved. 165. Citron Box. 166. Box in Peach Shape. 167. Vase. 168. Tray in Begonia Shape. 169. Cross Tablet in Open Book Form. 170. Deep Tray. 171. Shallow Tray. 172. Napkin Rings. 173. Screen: Pictures Incised and Filled. CHAO YONG-TSUN Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 174. Box. TEH CHANG 175. Box: To Ask the Way. 176. Hexagon Box: Chinese Character Carved. 177. Tray with Dragon Carved. 178. Vase in Scepter Shape. 179. Two-Seated Bench Decorated with Brocade. 180. Chair Decorated with Brocade. YONG TEH-FU 181. Jewel Locker. PRECIOUS STONES AND MARBLES CHEO TSZ-SHAN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., /p/j. 182. Vase in Cloud Color. 183. Leaf Wrapt Vase. 184. Vase: Prunus and Stork. 185. Vase: Turned-up Lotus Leaf. 186. Seal Stone in Nectar Color. 187. Box in Melon Shape. 188. Vase with Paeony Carved. 189. Vase with Bamboo Carved. 190. Vase with Mountain Ridge Carved. 191. Seal Stone. 192. Figure of Seven Sages. KING HSIEN-SAN JiL'arded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 193. Screen. CHEO TING-LAN 194. Vase: Prunus and Bamboo. CHEN-TU 195. Green Stone Pen Bowl with Engrav- ings. TEH PAO-KAI 196. White Jade Carved Screen. 197. Fine Carved Mandarin Duck in White Jade. 198. Couple Phoenix Jar in White Jade. TEH CHANG Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 199. Crystal Carved Figure of Ma Ku. 200. Jasper Censer. 201. Set of Three Chrjsoprase Ornaments. 202. Crystal Scepter. CHEN YU-CHUEN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 203. Fine Carved Chrysoprase Censer. TEH HSIN-YONG Awarded Bronze Medal: P. 204. Carved Agate Censer. PAO HUA-LEO Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 205. Chrysoprase Fob with Movable Rings. 206. Jade Carved Fob in Bean Shape. 207. Jade Fob with Lizard Carved. 208. Jade Fob with Lizard and Paeony Carved. 209. Jade Carved Fob in Mandolin Shape. 210. White Jade Fob with Squirrel Carved. 211. Clouded Jade Fob with Gem Bead. 212. Gold Gilt Silver Case with Inlaid Gems. 213. Screen Adorned with Carved Gems. Inlaid. HSIN KU-KAI 214. Sacrificial Vessel in White Jade. YU YUEN-HEO 215. Coin Shaped Fob in White Jade. 216. Dragon Shaped Fob in White Jade. 217. Jade Fob with Engravings. YEH KU-KAI 218. Tea Crystal Vase. AN TI-SING 219. Opaque Crystal Bottle. P. I. E., 1915. [ 239 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS STRASS WORK PAINTED INSIDE WANG HSAO-TING 220. Snuflf Bottle: Lotus Flowers and Fish. 221. Strass Bottle: Scene and Gold Fish. MA HSAO-SHIEN 222. Snuff Bottle: Belle. 223. Snuff Bottle: Rabbits in the Field. 224. Snuff Bottle: Antiques. 225. Strass Bottle: Hill Scene in Winter. 226. Strass Bottle: Lotus, Swallows and Fish. 227. Strass Bottle: Cowboy. 228. Strass Bottle: Portrait of President Wilson. 229. Strass Bottle: Portrait of President Yuen. 230. Strass Bottle: Looking for Prunus Blossoms. 231. Strass Bottle: Looking at Lotus Flow- ers. 232. Strass Bottle: Crickets Playing. 233. Strass Bottle: Portrait of Vice-Pres- ident Li. 234. Strass Bottle: Studying in Autumn Night. 235. Strass Bottle: Portrait of Late States- man Li. 236. Two Bottles: Portraits of President and Mrs. Wilson. 237. Bottle: Portrait of Ma Hsao-shien. STRASS WORK, CARVED OR STAIN SUPERPOSED CHUEI TING-CHANG Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. £., 1915. 238. Red Bottle: Stain Superposed. 239. Light Colored Wash Cup. YU YUEN-HEO 240. Bottle in Light Color. 241. Carved Bottle. SUEI WEN-KAI 242. Red Superposed Bottle in Gourd Shape. 243. Bottle with Lizard Carved. TONG-TAI Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 244. Carved Vase: Stain Superposed. LI CHANG-TAI 245. Carved Bottle. 246. Bottle with Fish Carved. TEH CHANG 247. Bottle: Fir and Eagle Carved. 248. Bottle: Lizard Carved. 249. Bottle: Lizard Carved. 250. Bottle: Antiques Carved. 251. Bottle: Late Begonia Carved. 252. Bottle: Lotus Leaf and Fish Carved. 253. Bottle: Lizard Carved. 254. Bottle: Carp Carved. PAO HUA-LEO 255. Bottle: Geese and Lotus Flowers. FRUIT STONE CARVINGS CANTON LOCAL COMMISSION 256. Olive Kernel Boats. HSIN YEH Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 257. Flower Pots. 258. Small Boat. 259. Olive Kernel Skiffs. PITH PAPER AND STRAW WORKS KUAN WEN-KAI 260. Pith Paper Picture: Late Geranium. 261. Pith Paper Picture: Flowers. 262. Pith Paper Picture: Cherries and Birds. 263. Pith Paper Picture: Flowers of All Seasons. 264. Pith Paper Picture: Olea Fragrans. 265. Picture: Prunus and Chrysanthemums. KUI HSU-YUEN 266. Straw Portrait: President Wilson. DESIGNED PATTERNS HEO KI-CHANG 267. Carpet Design: Tide Scene. 268. Carpet Design: Flower Picture. 269. Carpet Design: Auspicious Sign. 270. Carpet Design: Hall Scene, Full of Rich and Noble. 271. Carpet Design: Abundance, Nobility, and Longevity. 272. Carpet Design: Hundred Butterflies. 273. Carpet Design: Blooming Flowers and Plants. 274. Carpet Design: Delightful Scene. 275. Carpet Design: Flower Picture. 276. Carpet Design: Sweet Flowers and Plants. IVORY AND SHELL, CARVED OR PAINTED YU HSIAO-SHIEN 277. Ivory Fob: Prose Writings Cut. 278. Nap-tie Pin Top Piece Ivory: Sketch Writings Cut. 279. Nap-tie Pin Top Piece Ivory: Verse W'ritings Cut. 280. Ivory Fob: Ten Commandments Cut. 281. Ivory Fob: Seven Verses Cut. 282. Ivory Fob: Prose Writings Cut. 283. Ivory Screen: Sketch Writings Cut. 284. Ivory Screen: Ballad Writings Cut. 285. Broach Top Piece Ivory: Picture Cut. 286. Broach Top Piece Ivory: Verses Cut. LI HSAO-YU Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 287. Ivory Carved Ball in Ten Layers. 288. Ivory Carved Ball in Eight Layers. 289. Ivory Carved Ball in Seven Layers. [240] SNOW SCENE. By Kiani- Yinx-sens CHINESE SECTION LI HSAO-YU (Continued) 290. Ivory Carved Ball in Nine Layers. 291. Ivory Carved Ball in Seven Layers. 292. Ivory Carved Ball in Twenty Layers. 293. Tusk with Battle Scene Carved. 294. Tusk with Flowers Carved. 295. Ivory Carved Ball in Twelve Layers. 296. Ivory Carved Ball in Eleven Layers. 297. Ivory-Carved Ball in Fifteen Layers. 298. Ivory Carved Ball in Sixteen Layers. 299. Ivory Carved Ball in Thirteen Layers. CANTON LOCAL COMMISSION Aii-arded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 300. Ivory Carved Ball in Twenty-seven Layers. 301. Ivory Penholder: Picture Painted in Gold. 302. Ball with Top and End in Fifteen Layers. LI HEO-YEH 303. Fine Carved Picture Frame in Ivory. REN YEE-SUEN 304. Eight Majestic Horses Carved in Ivory. FONG KONG-TU Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., iQlj. 305. Ivory Carved Goddess of Mercy. 306. Ivory Carved Nude Belle. LIEN HSUN-HAO Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 307. Ivory Carved Ball in Twenty-eight Layers. 308. Ivory Carved Lotus Boat. 309. Ivory Eight-Layer Ball with Un- fnished Model. 310. Ivory Carved Pen-holder. 311. Five-Storied Pagoda Carved in Ivory. 312. Flowers Carved in Tusk. CHUAN SAN-HO. 313. Shell: Flowers and Birds in Gold. 314. Carved Shell. 315. Shell: Moonlight Scene on the Pearl River. 316. Shell: Five-Storied Buildings in the Goat City. EMBROIDERY AND SII.K PAINTING YV SHEN-SHEO 317. Embroidered Portrait of Jesus Christ. SHEN SHUI-TSENG 318. Embroidered Spirited Horses. KING TSING-FUN 319. Embroidered Gambolling Cats. YU SHU-TZE 320. Embroidered Snow Scene of the Gold Turret Temple. 321. Embroidered Portrait of Princess Vic- toria Louise. SUN HEN-TAI 322. Picture: Puss and Butterfly. YU CHIO 323. Picture of Soochow City. 324. Picture of Empress Yang after Bath- ing. WEN HSUN-KAI 325. Gauze Lantern (12") Human Figures Painted. 326. Square Gauze Lantern: Paintings. 327. Palatial Gauze Lantern (14") Paint- ings. 328. Palatial Gauze Lantern (12") Paint- ings. 329 Palatial Gauze Lantern (g") Paint- ings. 330. Palatial Gauze Lantern (12") Paint- ings. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS LIU TSZ-HSIN Jivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 331. Finger Drawing: Flowers of All Seasons. 332. Finger Drawing: Swallows Returning to Bridge. 333. Finger Drawing: Ancient Cypress Scraping Clouds. WANG HSI-KAI Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191^. 334. Rustling Trees and Bubbling Springs. 335. Autumn Scene. LI HSAO Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 336. A Belle in Summer. 337. A Belle Picking Prunus. LIN HSU 338. Kiang Nan Willow Green. 339. Ancient Fir on Grand Mount. 340. Folding Screen: Scenes of Four Seasons. HWANG LU-NIEN 341. Landscape on Fan Covering. NU SU-NEN Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 342. Landscape on Fan Covering. CHEN SU-KONG Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 19 15. 343. Landscape on Fan Covering. SU CHEN-LIEN Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., J91?. 344. Four Scrolls: Flowers of Four Sea- sons. FU SU-SHAN 345. Heroine Going to War. [ 241 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS FU SU-SHAN (Continued) 346. Brush Drawing: Portrait of President Yuen. 347. Brush Drawing: Portrait of Vice- President Li. KIANG YING-SENG Aiuarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 348. Hall Picture: Snow Scene. CHANG CHEN Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 349. Morning Breeze Over the Willow Land. CHEN HUAI Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 350. Fan Covering: All Flowers. MO FONG-SI 351. Oil Painting: Peking City Tower Scene. CHEN MAI-CHEO Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 352. Framed Picture: Human Figures. HWANG KI-FANG Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 353. Picture of Lao Mountain. 354. Picture of Hseo Mountain. 355. Picture of Nou Chang Mountain. 356. Picture of Ni Mountain. LO YONG 357. Fairyland. SAO YU-SIEN 358. Happiness in Fisherman's Home. HAN SI-SU Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 359. Imperial Tomb at Distance. YU CHIN-PO Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 360. Ancient Vessels with Paintings. KAO SIAO-SHAN Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 361. Weaving Brocade. 362. Chao Chun, the Heroine, Journeying Over the Border. KAO KI-FONG Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 363. Falling Flowers. 364. The Drake and Duck. KAO CHIEN-FU 365. Rain Stopped. 366. Field Pond. SHIN YING-CHIN Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 367. Folding Screen: Flowers of All Sea- sons. HSIAO SUIN 368. Landscape. YO TSAI-CHEN 369. Ten Scrolls: Colored Flowers and Birds. SHEN TUN-HO AND SHEN TIN- CHEN'S COLLECTION KU LOH-TSE, IMITATING CHIAO CHIEN-LI'S PAINTING 370. Landscape in Bright Colors. KU CHIA-CHUN, IMITATING YANG FEI'S PAINTING Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E.. 1915. 371. Portrait of Amitabha. KU CHIA-CHUN, IMITATING CHU TEH-JEN'S PAINTING Awarded Sil-ver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 372. Genie Riding on Wind. SHA FU-CHING, IMITATING CHIU SHIH-CHOW'S PAINTING 373. Palace of Han Under Autumn Moon- light. SHA FU-CHING, IMITATING CHEN CHU-CHUN'S PAINTING 374. Tsao Ta-ku Making Lecture to Court Ladies. LIU SUNG-FU'S COLLECTION MA CHEN 375. Eight Immortals. CHAO TZU-ANG 376. Landscape. LI YUNG-CHIH 377. Landscape. CHIAO SHAN-FU 378. Figures. HO PI-CHUAN 379. Figures. CHU JUI 380. Turning Horses. KAO CHI-PEI 381. Cats. LIU I-TZU 382. Mandarin Ducks. CHAO CHIEN-LI 383. Landscape. LIU SUNG-NIEN 384. Landscape. SUN PAI 385. Landscape. KUO HSU 386. Landscape. JEN WEI-CHANG 387. Bamboo Study. HUI TSUNG 388. Reeds and Ducks. 389. White Eagle. [242 ] CHINESE SECTION PIEN LU 390. Peacocks. PIEN SHOU-MIEN 391. Geese and Rushes. SU HAN'-CIIEN 392. Small Boys. HSU HSI 393. Study of Cats. MA YUAN 394. Painter Seeking Inspiration on Donkey. CHENG TZU-CHAO 395. The Affairs at Dawn. WANG I 396. A Street Vendor. WANG FEI 397. Study of Tigers. KU CHIEN-LUNG 398. Wang An Shih Making Merry With His Friends. PAO YUN-TING 399. Tao Yuan. 400. Tung Fong Su at the Golden Horse. WU CHEN 401. Bamboos in Wind and Rain. UNSIGNED 402. Yang Chien or Heavenly General. 403. Skakyamuni. 404. Traveling on the Roads of Szechuen. WANG CHEN-PENG 405. Lady Ho Sien Ku. TANG YU-SHENG 406. Landscape. CHA SHIH-PIAO 407. Landscape. LAN TAO 408. Landscape. LAN SHENG 409. Landscape. CHENG MAN-SHENG 410. Landscape. TANG YING 411. Landscape. 412. Woman and Child. YU CHIII-TING 413. Chu Ko Liang. NIEN WEI-CHING 414. Butterflies. HSU TSAN 415. Sparrows Among Plum Blossoms. MA CHIANG-CHUEN 416. Birds and Flowers. CHENG PAU-CHIAO 417. Bamboos. HUANG HSING 418. Study of Flowers. ALBUM COLLECTION 419. Pictures. 420. Portraits. 421. Landscapes. 422. Pictures and Poems. 423. Paintings. 424. Paintings. CHIU SHIH-CHOU 425. Hand Scroll: Historical Scenes in Shangsi Yuan Park. 426. Hand Scroll: 100 Beauties on Hand Scroll. 427. Landscape. CHAO CHUNG-MU 428. Supernatural Beings on Hand Scroll. HUANG JUN 429. Wang Hsi Chi Feasting with His Friends. WU YU-PI 430. Lotus and Ducks. LI HSI-SAN 431. Sun Hsing or Three Stars. SHEN NAN-PING 432. Stork and Flowers. 433. Birds Study. CHOW TSUNG-PO 434. Azaleas and Banana Trees. CHIEN SHUN-CHU 435. Ma Ku. LAN TIEN-SHU 436. Falcon and Pine. KAI CHI-CHUEN 437. Garden Screen. WANG CHIAO-CHI 438. Autumn Scene. SHIH JUI 439. The Four Recluse Grey Heads. CHANG JUI-TU 440. Poker Work. YUAN SHANG-TUNG 441. Water Gate at Dawn. CHAO SIIOU 442. San Sing and Wu Tsu. [ 243 ] PHILIPPINE SECTION DR. LEON MA. GUERRERO President of the Philippine Board. W. W. BARCLAY Director-General, Philippine Board. DR. FRANCISCO LIONGSON Member, Philippine Board. FABLA.N DE LA ROSA Chief, Fine .Irts Exhibit. GALLERY NINETY-EIGHT PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS AMORSOLO, F. 1. Landscape. ASUNCION 2. A Bunch of Bananas. CULLER, TOMAS 3. A Water Carrier. ESPIRITU, A. 4. A Gardener. 5. Assassination of Governor Busta- mante. FABIE, S. L. 6. A Garden Corner. 7. Country Ways. HERRER, JOAQUIN M. .4warded Silver Medal: P. P. L E., 1915. 8. The Model 9. Sampling. HIDALGO, FELIX R. .4'warded Gold Medal: P. P. /. E., 1915. 10. The Corpse of a Tribal Chief Lying in State. 11. Assassination of Governor Bustamante. 12. The Surf. 13. Moonlight. 14. Landscape. 15. Acheronte. 16. A Portrait. 17. Landscape. 18. Christian Maidens before the Mob. 19. Marine. 20. Hero and Leander. LUNA, JUAN 21. A Dutch Scene. 22. A Parisienne. MORENO, AGAPITA 23. A Baguio Landscape. OTARRELL, G. Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. /. £., J9/5. 24. Landscape. 25. Landscape. REYES, N. 26. Landscape. RIVERA, Y MIR, VICENTE 27. A Filipino Maiden. 28. A Filipino Dame. 29. A Sick Man. DE LA ROSA, FABIAN Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 30. My Cat. 31. Resentment. 32. A Billet Doux. 33. A Dining Room Corner. 34. A Portrait of Miss Hidalgo. Z.'VRAGOZA, M. 35. Gallantry. 36. At Praver. [ 244] HIS MAJESIV KING Gl'SI'AF V. By Eniil Oslerman SWEDISH SECTION RICHARD BERNSTROM Commissioner General. ANSHELM SCHULTZBERG Commissioner of Fine Arts. GALLERIES NINETY-NINE PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, ETCHINGS AND TAPESTRIES AMINOFF, GREGORI 1. The Peacock. BACKLUND-CELSING, ELSA Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 2. Skiing. 3. Tobogganing. 4. The Birlhday Table. BAUER, JOHN Aiuarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. £., /p/J. 5. Fairy Girl. 6. Brother Martin: 1. 7. Brother Martin: 2. 8. Brother Martin: 3. 9. Brother Martin: 4. 10. Flipper Woman. 11. "It Is the Wood Nymph," said the Moose. 12. "Is It Silver?" asked a hoarse voice. 13. Wingmor: opened. 14. The Princess Sat Araid Flowers. 15. The Witch Hewed Firewood. 16. Hut and Goblins. 17. The Fogey Is Furious. 18. Goblins and Dogs. 19. " 'Tis Thy Eyes," said the Goblins. 20. The Magic Plant. 21. Humpe at the Spring. 22. Humpe and His Mother. 23. The Fairy and the Hultra-forests Nymph. 24. The Goblins Jumped. 25. The Ladv of the Woods. 26. The Giant Boy Who Slept 15 Years. BEHM, WILHELM Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 11)15. 27. Winter Evening. 28. Autumn Day. 29. Farmstead. 30. Snowflakes. 31. Sunset in the Forest. 32. Spring Evening. BERGMAN, OSCAR Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 33. Midsummer. 34. Birch Trees in Springtime. 35. Cliff and Snow. 36. Apple Bloom. TO ONE HUNDRED SEIEN 37. Islands Outside Stockholm. 38. Gray Weather. 39. Fruit Trees in Bloom. 40. Thaw. 41. Pines and Snow. 42. Winter: 1. 43. Winter: 2. 44. Winter: 3. 45. Winter: 4. 46. Winter: 5. 47. Ice Formations after Storm. 48. Cypress. 49. Fiesols. 50. The Lighthouse. 51. Sandhamn. 52. Firs and Snow. BERGSTROM, ALFRED Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 53. Spring Day. 54. Spring Evening. 55. Summer Evening. BERGSTROM, SIGGE 56. Hilly Country. 57. Cliffs. 58. Sunny Recess in the Mountains. BOBERG, ANNA 59. First Snow in the Mountains. 60. The Fisher's Cemetery. 61. Arctic Night. 62. Huts and Boats. 63. Drying the Sails. 64. The Glacier Lake. 65. In the Fjord of the Dead. 66. April Morning. 67. Fisherboats in the Harbour. 68. Spring in the Mountains. 69. Lights and Shades. BURMEISTER, GABRIEL 70. The Rill. 71. Old Age. 72. Contemplation. CARLBERG, HUGO Aiuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 73. Spring Morning at the River. 74. Crofters Returning Home. 75. Timber Drivers. 76. Springtime. DUFVA, TORGNY 77. Summer Day. [245] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ELGSTROM, OSSIAN Aiuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 78. Tjudes Tale. 79. Tjudes Tale. 80. The Arctic Seas Tale. 81. Horagulla Gets Angry. 82. The Duel. 83. The Duel. 84. Warris Tale. 85. Tjudes Tale from Jakonga: 1. 86. Tjudes Tale from Jakonga: 2. 87. Tjudes Tale from Jakonga: 3. 88. Tjudes Tale from Jakonga: 4. 89. The Laplander Who Disbelieved His Master: 1. 90. The Laplander Who Disbelieved His Master: 2. 91. The Laplander Who Disbelieved His Master: 3. 92. The Laplander Who Disbelieved His Master: 4. 93. Tarras or Five Gods. 94. The Soul's Transmigration. 95. The Drama at Gandvik: 1. 96. The Drama at Gandvik: 2. 97. The Drama at Gandvik: 3. 98. Ajataja Sorcery. 99. Northern Lights. 100. Return to the Earth. 101. The Jabmekaibmo — Travel: 1. 102. The Jabmekaibmo — Travel : 2. 103. The Jabmekaibmo — Travel: 3. 104. The Christmas Night. 105. The God. ERICKSSON, ERIK EDW. 106. Mother's Joy. FAHLCRANTZ, AXEL 107. Approaching Storm. 108. Moonlight and Rising Mist. FJAESTAD, GUSTAV Awarded Medal of Honor (for Painting) : P. P. I. E., 7975. Aiuarded Silver Medal (for Engraving) : P. P. I. E., 1915. 109. The First Snow, no. The First Snow. 111. Winter. 112. Winter. 113. Head of the Poet G. Eroding. 114. April Morning. 115. The Artist's Portrait. 116. Winter Afternoon. 117. Summer Night's Breeze. 118. New Cottage in the Forest. 119. The Spring in Springtime. 120. Winter Moonlight. 121. Hoarfrost in the Mountains. 122. Easter. 123. Moonlight on the Mountain Lake. 124. Hoarfrost in Sunlight. 125. Rippling Water. 126. Moving Water. 127. Moving Water. 128. Winter Night. 129. Thaw in the Forest. 130. Summer Evening at the River. 131. Spring: Winter. 132. Meditation: Winter Moonlight. 133. Summer Night. 134. Thaw. GRANSTROM-KNOFFL, EDITH Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., jgi^. 135. Spring Time. 136. The First Spring Day. 137. Winter Day. HEDBERG, ERIK Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 138. New Fallen Snow. 139. Between the Mountains. 140. Summer Night. 141. Spring Evening. HESSELBOM, OTTO 142. My Native Country. 143. View Over the Lake Arran. 144. Pine Tree in Snow. HJORTZBERG, OLLE 145. My Wife. 146. Italian Man. 147. Head. 148. Forge in Terracina. HULLGREN, OSCAR Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 149. Sun Glitter on the Sea. 150. Winter Evening in Lofoten. 151. The Sea. 152. Breaking Sea. JOHANSSON, CARL 153. Early Spring. 154. Evening. 155. Almond Trees. 156. Summer Day. KALLSTENIUS, GOTTFRID Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., IQI^. 157. The Baltic Sea. 158. Pine Trees in Sunlight. 159. The Sacrificial Grove. 160. Iron Works in Vestergotland. 161. Manor House in Varmland. KULLE, AXEL 162. The Artist's Portrait. 163. The Naked Birch. 164. Setting Sun: Still Water. KtJSEL, ERNST 165. Calves. 166. Ducks. 167. Kids bv the Fence. [246] SWEDISH SECTION LARSSON, CARL .livarded Grand Prize (for Water Color Painting) : P. P. I. E., igiS- 168. Between the White Trunks. 169. The Doorsteps. 170. The Study. 171. Ski Runner. 172. The Reading Room. 173. Forth Outfit. 174. Deep Thoughts. 175. The School Child's Household. 176. The Workshop. 177. A Lodge. 178. The Home's Angel. 179. The Kitchen Maid. 180. The Old Room. 181. Dressing Up for the Joke. 182. Toilet in the Summer Morning. 183. Repairing. 184. Mother Kersti. 185. The Dining Room. 186. Wash House. 187. The Bed Room. 188. The Dogs. ETCHIXGS 189. Lisbeth Takes in bv Ladefuls. 190. Nude Girl by the Stove. 191. Reverence. 192. Hellberg's Chicks. 193. Nude Girl. 194. Nude Girl. 195. Lisbeth. 196. A Girl's Back. 197. Karin Does Kerstis Hair. 198. Mother. 199. Anna-Stina. 200. Martina. 201. The Grandchild. LILJEFORS, BRUNO Aitiardid Grand Prize (for Painting): P. P. I. E., igrs. 202. Swans. 203. Wild Geese. 204. Sea Eagles. 205. Sea Gull at the Nest. LINDH, BROR 206. Kiruna. LINDQUIST, HERMAN 207. Sunnv April Day. mas-oli.e; HELMER Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 208. Dalecarlian Girl. 209. Old Peasant from Dalecarlia. 210. Old Dalecarlian Man. 211. Portrait of Rector Magnificus Schiick. 212. His Majestv King Gustaf V. OSSLUND, HELMER Aicarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 213. Mullfjallet. 214. Water Fall Porjus. 215. Water Fall Porjus. 216. The Water Fall Handolsforsen. 217. Summer Evening. 218. Evening. 219. The Water Fall Elfkarlso. OSTERLUND, JOHN 220. The Abandoned Church. OSTERLUND-WIGERT, MATHILDA 221. Thaw. 222. When the Leaves Fall. 5STERMAN, EMIL Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 79/5. 223. His Majesty King Gustaf V. 224. Portrait of Professor Curman. SCHULTZBERG, ANSHELM Member of the International Jury of Awards: P. P. I. E., 1915. 225. Winter in the Forest. 226. Charcoal Burning. Lent bv Mrs. Chas. A. Stix. 227. The Coal Man's Hut. 228. Midsummer Night. 229. Gray Winter Day After the First Snow. 230. The Wood Barn. 231. Winter. 232. Winter in the Forest. 233. A Frosty Afternoon. SMITH, WILHELM Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 234. Ploughing. 235. Winter Afternoon. 236. The Avenue. 237. "It Will Be a Windy Night." 238. Fishers. STRANDBERG, GABRIEL 239. The Drinker. 240. The League Bov. 241. The Cripple. 242. Tramper. TORSANDER, GUSTAV 243. Winter Moon. 244. Lamplight in the Fog. TORNEMA-N, AXEL Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 245. Torgny Lagman. 246. The Dead Girl. WRANGEL, ANNA Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 247. Fisherfolk. 248. Old Man. WALLIN, DAVID 249. Spring. WIESLANDER, AGNES 250. Autumn Dav on the Plains. [ 247 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ZOIR, EMIL 251. Potato Gathering. 252. Breakers. SCULPTURE AHLBERG, OLOF AiuardeJ Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 253. A Sunny Moment. 254. Lady's Head. 255. Laughter. BOBERG, SVEN 256. The First Autocar in Smaland. BORJESON, JOHN 257. Charles X. 258. Scheele. 259. Christ vpith the Child. 260. Consolation. 261. Music. 262. Art and Sloyd. BORJESON, LENA 263. Secretum. 264. The Changeling. EDSTROM, DAVID 265. Study of Old Man. 266. Rhapsody. 267. Sphinx. 268. Mask. 269. Ellen Key. 270. Doctor Forsell. 271. Judge X. 272. Fribog. 273. Doctor Loostrom. 274. Doctor Romdahl. 275. Young Swedish Girl. FARNGREN, JOHAN Aii-arded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 276. Monique. 277. Study of a Head. JARN, KNUT 278. August Strindberg. LARSSON, GOTTFRID Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 279. Portrait of My Mother. 280. Old Florentine. 281. Original of Florence. 282. Brutal Force. 283. Industry. 284. Iron Workers. LINDBERG, ERIK Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 285. Medals. 286. The Swedish Challenge Prize at the Olympian Games. LUNDBERG, THEODOR 287. The Little Boatmaker. 288. Mother's Joy. MILLES, RUTH Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 289. Young Peasant Woman. 290. Old Peasant Woman. 291. The Little Cripple. 292. The Busy Little Girl. 293. After Waiting in Vain. 294. The Fisherman's Wife. NORDIN, ALICE 295. Praise to the Nature. 296. Ashes Urn. 297. Holger Drachman. NEUJD, HERMAN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P I. £., 1915. 298. The Little Dancing Girl. 299. The Spring. 300. Wood Nymph. 301. Stina. 302. Fourteen Years. 303. Head of a Boy. OLSSON, ANDERS 304. Blond. SPRINCHORN, GERDA 305. Big Brother. WISSLER, ANDERS 306. Peasant Player. 307. Minx. 308. Girl Playing Concertina. 309. A Necromancy Lesson. 310. Three Weeks'Old. DRAWINGS, ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS For Aberg, Emil, see 440. ALTHIN, CALEB Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 311. Sonata. 312. In Arcadia. 313. Mare and Foal. BERGSTROM, SIGGE 314. Filipstad. 315. At the Mouth of the River. 316. At the Strand. 317. Hokbergst. 318. Winter. BEVE, EVA Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 319. Village Street. 320. Surface of Water. 321. Praver. 322. In Thoughts. 323. Parrot. BJSRKMAN, ELS.'V 324. March Evening. 325. Lungarno. 326. From Dalecarlia. 327. South Part of Stockholm. 328. In the Offing. BOBERG, FERDINAND Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. £., 1915. 329. The Two Priests. 330. Notre Dame in the Rain. [248] SWEDISH SECTION BOBERG, FERDINAND (Continued) 331. The Ferrvboat. 332. The Train. 333. Venetian Boats. 334. Fog in the Harbour. 335. The Bridge. 336. St. Catherine Church in Snow. 337. Moonlight. 33S. Snow Storm. 339. Hedvig Eleonora Church in Stock- holm. 340. Twilight in the Park. 341. House of Nobility: Stockholm. 342. Karoline Chapel: Stockholm. 343. Doorway of St. Jane's Church: Stock- holm. 344. Interior of St. Stephen's Church: Vienna. 345. Street Near the House of Nobility. 346. St. Martin Bridge: Toledo. BURMEISTER, GABRIEL 347. Nocturne. 348. Pastoral. 349. The Silent Place. 350. Adagio Pathetique. 351. Old House in Dalecarlia. CRAMER, ED 352. The Gates of the Fide Cemetery. FISCHER, PER 353. Lacko Castle. GEHLIN, HUGO 354. April. 355. Song of Solomon: 11 chap., 7 verse. 356. The Favoured. 357. The Gallant and the Death. 358. Old End V\'all. HALLEN, ARNE 359. In the Cafe. HALLGREN, ERNST 360. Interior. 361. The Threshing Mill. 362. Old Yard. JOHANSON, THOR 363. Evening. 364. Autumn Day. 365. The Yard. KOSEL, ERNST 366. Cows Moving Home. 367. Sheep. 368. Calves Among the Reeds. 369. Ducks. I.EODE, HERBERT 370. At the Death Bed. LINDSTROM, MARTIN 371. The Hanging Birch. 372. The Mountain Crevice. LUCK, C. C. 373. Goats. 374. The Tool House. 375. Chantecler. MAS-OLLE, HELMER 376. Old Dalecarlian Man. 377. Dalecarlian Woman. 378. Peasants from Dalecarlia. NERMAN, EINAR 379. Lavalliere. 380. Mistingnette. NORDENSTEN, RAGNHILD 381. Storm. NORDLING, GERDA 382. The Yellow Range. NORLIND, ERNST 3S3. Rooks. 384. Snow Melting. 385. Study: Head. 386. The Stork Pair. MAGNUS, SIRI 387. Double Tulips. 388. Portrait. 389. Dedication. 390. Roses. 391. Fuschia. MAGNUSSON, GUSTAF 392. Dancing Girl. 393. Salome. 394. "For the First Time." 395. Violin Player. MOLIN, HJALMAR 396. Motiv from Stockholm. 397. The Town Gate. NYMAN, HILDING 398. Skiing. 399. The Village Shoemaker. 400. Man from Mora. PETERSEN, CARLO Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., igrS- 401. Cats. 402. Hens. 403. Owl. 404. Pepper Bird. 405. Ducks. 406. From the Crinoline Time. PETRUS, ANNA 407. Karin. 408. Siri Is Smoking. 409. Profile. RAMBERG, GUSTAF 410. Croft in Skane. 411. Milking Time. 412. Half-Timbered Building: Hven. SAHLfiN, ARTHUR 413. Head. 414. Evening. 415. Barber Woman. [249] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS SAHLEN, ARTHUR (Continued) 416. Night in June. 417. Pine Tree. SAHLSTR5M, ANNA 418. Youth. 419. The Bog. 420. Oat Harvest. 421. Siesta. SCHONBERG, TORSTEN 422. Self Portrait. 423. Self Portrait (on the ice). 424. The Golden Chariot. 425. The Royal Bark: "Vasa Orden." SCHWAB, EIGIL 426. Portrait. 427. Self Portrait. 428. Grimace. 429. Grimace. STANGENBERG, KNUT 430. Selma Lagerlof. 431. Gustaf Fredrikson. STRAAT, HJALMAR 432. Ski Springer. 433. Pine. 434. Sagare-gatan (old street in Stock- holm). SUNDSTR5M, HARRIET Honorable Mention: P. P. I E., 1915. 435. Greyhounds. 436. Labour. 437. Ex Libris. 438. Summer Night. ZOIR, EMIL 439. Solitude. ABERG, EMIL 440. The Chestnut Tree. GALLERY ONE HUNDRED EIGHT The works exhibited in Gallery One Hundred Eight are part of the International Section. They are listed in the portion of this Catalogue devoted to that Section on pages 260 to 274. [ 250] l.AlCill ri:R. liy ()h,l Jhlhrrti PORTUGUESE SECTION MAN'UEL ROLDAN E PEGO Commissioner General. ADRIAN'O DE SOUSA LOPES Commissioner of Fine Arts. CILLERIES OXE HUSDRED NIX PAINTINGS AIRES, FREDERICO PEREIRA 1. A View of Minho. 2. The Great Overflowing. 3. Fog in River Tagus. 4. The Shore of Buarcos. 5. Cape Mondego. 6. The Country of Santarem. AZEVEDO, e SILVA, ANTONIO GON- CALVES 7. The Top. 8. A Love Affair. 9. The Kite. 10. Errand Boy. 11. Tasting the New Wine. BATALHA, REIS, D. ZOE 12. On a Festival Day. 13. The Cup of Tea. 14. Chilly. BONVALOT, CARLOS 15. Job. 16. Study. 17. The Grandmother. BRITO, JOSE DE Aiuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 13. 18. The Wave. 19. Tired of Waiting. CALDERON, LEANDRO JOAO 20. A Court in Minho. 21.' The Road to Louza. 22. The Ancient Monastery of Alcobaca. CAMPAS, JOSfi Aiuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. [. E., 19 15. 23. Idyl. CARDOSO, ARTUR ALVES Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 24. A Cork Tree in the Afternoon. 25. A Country Home. 26. Weaving. 27. A Farm in Alentejo. 28. The Beautiful Apple Tree. 29. The Granddaughter Amusing Herself. 30. Portrait. 31. Portrait. BORDALO PINHEIRO, COLUMBANO 32. Portrait of the Portuguese Post Bul- hao Pato. E TO OXE HUNDRED ELEVEN 33. Portrait of the Portuguese Actor Vale. 34. The White Glove. 35. Oranges. 36. Oysters. CONDEIXA, ERNESTO FERREIRA Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E.. 19 15. 37. The Vintage. 38. A Seaman. CORREA DE LACERDA, ALBERTO V. DA ROCHA PORTUGAL 39. Blindman's Buff. 40. The Church of Santa Clara-a-Velha: Coimbra. 41. At Dawn. 42. The Porta da Agua: Alfeite. CRISTINO DA SILVA, JOAO RIBEIRO 43. A Court in the Environs of Leiria. 44. Sunset at Belera: Para. FONSECA, MARTINHO GOMES DA Aiuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. /. E., 1913. 45. An English Lady. 46. A Child's Head. 47. Leda Surprised. GONCALVES, D. MARIA F. MAUHIN 48. In the Dining Room. GUEDES, PEDRO 49. Cheesemaker. 50. Effect of Light. 51. Noon's Rest. 52. The Road to Barrosa. MALHOA, JOSE Aiuarded Grand Prize, P. P. L E., 191$. 53. The Native Song. 54. Returning from the Festival. 55. The Country Schoolmaster. 56. A Catholic Procession in the Countrv. 57. Stop, Father! 58. The Drunkards. 59. Teasing. 60. The Nightingale's Veranda. MANTA, ABEL ABRANTES 61. The Cloister of the Silence in the Mon- astery of Santa Cruz: Coimbra. 62. A Miserable Ward. 63. A Sad Landscape. MELO, DAVID DE Aiuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 64. An Old Woman. [251] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS POSSOZ, MILY Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., J915. 65. Roses. 66. Oranges. 67. Death Nature. 6S. Drawing. MORAES, NARCISO ALFREDO DE 69. The Grandmother. 70. The Blacksmiths. PRAT, ARTUR 71. Herd of Sheep: Foggy Morning. 72. Ambuscade. REIS, JOAO Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E. IQIS. 73. Spring. 74. Needy Homes. 75. Autumn Morning. 76. Roofs in the Village. RIBEIRO, JOSe NUNES, JOR. Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E. J915. 77. The Potter. 78. An Arabian Smoking. 79. At the Looking Glass. 80. The Mountain of Cintra. 81. The Path of Colares. 82. A Rustic Home. 83. Lighting the Cigarette. 84. At Dawn. 85. A Rustic Farm House: Environs of Cintra. 86. The Lake of Sete Cidades in the Is- land of St. Michael. 87. Preparing for the Wash. 88. A Corner at Sete Cidades in the Is- land of St. Michael. SAUDE, ANTONIO MANOEL DA Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E. jgi}. 89. On the Banks of the Meuse. 90. The Moon Over the Seine. 91. The Night and the Seine. 92. On the Banks of the Zezere. 93. On the Banks of the Meuse. 94. On the Banks of the Zezere. SOUSA LOPES, ADRIANO DE Member of the International Jury of Awards: P. P. I. E., 1913. 95. The Pilgrimage. 99. Effect of Light: Study. 100. The Home of the Washerwoman. 102. Effect of Moonlight: Venice. 104. The Canal of St. Gregory; Venice. 106. Under the Orange Tree. 114. My Village. 115. a' Village Church. 116. Impression: Portugal. 117. Impression: Venice, lis. Impression: Venice. 119. Court in Bruges: Belgium. TRIGOSO, JOAO DE MELO FALCAO Awarded Gold Medal: p. P. I. £., 79/5. 120. Golden Seacoast: Algarve. 121. The Silver Weddings. VAZ, JOAO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 122. An Old Wharf. 123. The Church of the Mother of God: Lisbon. 124. Embarking. VELOSO SALGADO, JOSfi Awarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. £., 19 15. 125. Gathering Sea Moss: Minho. 126. Ox Driver: Minho. 127. Charm. 128. Sea Flower. 129. A Girl of Minho on Sunday. 130. Washerwoman of Minho. CROUP 1 : CLASS 2 CHRISTINO DA SILVA, JOAO RIBEIRO 131. An Ancient Convent: Environs of Mer- ceana. FONSECA, MARTINHO GOMES DA Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 132. Little Boy. 133. Ecstasy. 134. Ellen. 135. Mary. 136. A Nun. 137. Fixing One's Eyes. MATOSO DA FONSECA, JOAO GUIL- LHERME Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 138. Getting Warm. 139. Going Far OS. POSSOZ, MILY Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E.; 19 1 5- 140. Mother and Daughter. 141. Study. 142. Environs of Etampes. RIBEIRO, JOSE NUNES, JOR. 143. Door in the Alcazar: Tangier. GROUP 2: CL.^SS 3 O COMERCIO DO PORTO Engravings. CROUP 3 : CLASS 4 CASTRO, RODRIGO DE 144. A Child Study: Marble. COSTA MOTA, ANTONIO AUGUSTO DA Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191-.. 145. The Digger. PRAT, ARTUR 146. Dreaming. [252] PORTUGUESE SECTION SIMOES D'ALMEIDA SOBRINHO, ]OSt VAX, JULIO, JOR. AiiardeJ Bronze MeJal: I'. P. I. E., 1913. Honorable Mention: P. P. I. £., 1913. 147. Bust of an Old Woman. 153. The Grandmother. 14S. The Awakening. 154. Octogenarian. 149. Childhood. 155. The Light and the Darkness. COSTA, TOMAS group 3 : class 7 150. Hebe. BARREIROS, AUGUSTO CESAR 151. Venus Anadyomene. Wood Carvings, Louis XIV Style. 152. David. [ 253 ] ARGENTINE SECTION DR. CUPERTINO DEL CAMPO JUAN C. OLIVA NAVARRO Special Delegate of Fine Arts. Commissioner of Fine Arts. Director of the National Museum of Fine Curator of the National Museum of Fine Arts of Buenos .lires. Arts of Buenos Aires. HORACIO ANASAGASTI Commissioner General of the Argentine Republic. GALLERY ONE HUNDRED TIVELVE PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE ALICE, ANTONIO Awarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 1915. 1. Portrait of a Lady. Lent b)' Museum of Buenos Aires. 2. Confession. 3. Morning Sun in Bogliasco. BASTIANINI, RENE 4. The Close of the Day. BERMUDEZ, JORGE Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 5. The Young Landlady. 6. Argentine Cowboy of the North. 7. The Pilgrim. BOGGIO, POMPEO Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. £., IQIS- 8. Types of the Quichua Indian Tribe at Quebrada de Humahuaca. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 9. Singing and Dancing. BUSTILLO, ALEJANDRO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 10. Self-portrait. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. CAGGIANO, CESAR Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. L E., 1915. 11. Portrait of Mrs. G. M. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. DEL CAMPO, CUPERTINO Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 12. Twilight. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 13. Evening Light. 14. The Breeding Stall. CANASI, DANTE 15. Portrait. DE LA CARCOVA, ERNESTO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 16. Portrait of Mrs. C. de la C. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. CARNACINI, CEFERINO Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 17. Idyllic. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 18. A Rainy Afternoon. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. COPPINI, ELISEO Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 19. The Last Rays. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 20. The Old Stall. CORREA MORALES, ELISA G. ADDE Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 21. A Head. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. CULLEN, HERNAN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. 7. £., 1915. 22. Remorse. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. DELUCCHI, PEDRO Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 23. Sunset. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 24. Poesy. 25. The Harbor. DONNIS, CAYETANO Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 26. The Appuan Alps. 27. Apples. FADER, FERNANDO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 28. The Pigs' Meal. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. GISMONDI, LIA 29. Peace for the Souls. GUIDO, ALFREDO Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 30. Images. 31. Fantastic Sensation. LAGOS, ALBERTO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 32. An Indian of the Tehuelche Tribe. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 33. Voluptuousness. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 34. A Head. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. [ 254] AN INDIAN OF THE TEnrELCHE TRIBE. Hy .^Iht-rlo Lagos ARGENTINE SECTION LAVECCHIA, FRANCISCO A-i^arJed Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 35. Near Twilight. 36. The Charm of the Evening. LOPEZ, NAGUIL, GREGORIO 37. The Man with the Blue Ring. 38. The Creek of St. Vincent. LYNCH, JUSTO 39. A Gray Day. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. MALHARRO, MARTIN 40. The Plow. Lent bj' Museum of Buenos Aires. 41. Nocturne. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. MONTERO, ADOLFO 42. The Coalers. 43. A Narrow Street: Boca District: Buenos Aires. NAVA, HECTOR Aii-arded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 44. Light and Shadow. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 45. Portrait. 46. A Woman from Chioggia. DE NAVAZIO, WALTER 47. A Solitary Way. OLIVA NAVARRO, JUAN CARLOS Member of the International Jury of A 'wards: P. P. I. E., 79/5. 48. Smiling. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. 49. Head of a Child. PAGANO, JOSE LEON Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 50. An Old Woman from Tuscany. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 51. Harmony in Gray. 52. Morning. PANOZZI, AMERICO 53. Landscape — State of Mendoza. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. 54. The First Lights. 55. The Cloud. PINTO, OCTAVIO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E . I^rs. 56. The Shadow of the Calchaqui. 57. The Blind Spring. QUIRCS, C. BERNALDO DE Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. £., 1915. 58. Family Portrait. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 59. Portrait of the Artist Mr. Sivori. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. ROCHA, HECTOR Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 60. The Communion. ROSA, ANGEL MARIA DE Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 61. The Visionar}'. 62. Head of a Child. ROSSI, ALBERTO M. Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 63. Buenos Aires. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 64. Silhouette. SIVORI, EDUARDO Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 65. Self-portrait. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. DE LA TORRE, CARLOS 66. The Stage. Lent bv Museum of Buenos Aires. 67. Pig's Stall. 68. The Stage in the Pampa. 69. The Hay-wagon. 70. The Invasion. 71. The Colonist's House. 72. Trees on a Declivity. WEISS, ANA Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 73. Sunday. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. 74. Portrait. ZONZA BRIANO, PEDRO Awarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 10 1, ^. 75. Increase and Multiply. Lent by Museum of Buenos Aires. [255] THE NETHERLANDS SECTION C. J. K. VAN AALST President of the Central Commission, Amsterdam. H. A. VAN CUENEN TORCHIANA Resident Commissioner General. J. C. A. EVERWVN lice-President of the Central Commission, The Ha,i;ue. WILLEM WITSEN Commissioner of Fine .4rts. HOLLAND COMMITTEE WILLY MARTENS President. WILLEM WITSEN f'icr-President. A. M. GORTER Secretary. R. IVES BROWNE Member. C. M. GARMS Member. H. M. KRABBE Member. G. E. DE VRIES Manager. CILLERIES ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN TO ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN BREITNER, G. H. Aiuarded Grand Prize: P. P. I. E., 1915. 17. Amsterdam Timber-Port. BREMAN, C. O. Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. £., 191 5. 18. The Bay of Naples. CHATTEL, FREDERICUS J. DU 19. To the Mill. PAINTINGS ADDICKS, CHRISTIAN JOHANNES 1. Mother and Child. AKKERINGA, JOHANNES 2. On the Edge of the Water. ARNTZENIUS, PAUL 3. Native of Volendam. ASSCHER, HENRIETTE Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. £., 1915. 4. Tailor Hands at the Old Men's Home. BASTERT, NICOLAAS 5. My Village. 6. Enkhuizen Harbour. BAUER, M. A. J. Awarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 1915. 7. Oriental Equestrian. BAUTZ, DAVID Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 8. Dead Birds. BEEK, BERNARDUS ANTONIE 9. Dutch Landscape. BERG, ANNA C. VAN DEN 10. Larkspur. BERKEMEVER, LUDOLPH 11. On the Banks of a Dutch Lake. BLECKMANN, W. C. C. 12. Spring. BLOMMERS, BERNARDUS JOHANNES 13. On the Way Home. 14. Summer. BODIFEE, PAUL 15. Field of Blooming Poppies. BOER, G. J. DE 16. In the Woods. COERT, ANTHONI 20. The Deserted House. DEUTMAN, FRANS 21. Little Mother. DEVENTER, JOHANNA CORNELIA VAN 22. Beeches. DOOYEWAARD, JACOB 23. Meditation. DUYL-SCHWARTZE, TH. VAN 24. The Fan. 25. Mahler's Bust by Rodin. 26. Portrait of H. M. the Queen of the Netherlands. DYSSELHOF, G. W. Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 27. Lobsters. ENGEL, FREDERIK 28. Milking Time. VAN ESSEN, JAN 29. Pelicans. FRANKFORT, E. D. 30. Along the Road. GARJEANNE, J. 31. Shadows of the Clouds. GARMS, COENRAAD M. 32. The Enkhuizen St. Pancras Steeple. [256] THE NETHERLANDS SECTION GERDES, ED. 33. Womanhood: 1914. GOEDVRIE.ND, THEOOOOR 34. From a Fairy of the Vehiw County. 35. Old Cottage at Chailly: France. GORI, BERTA 36. Old Woman. GORTER, ARNOLD MARC Aii-arJed GolJ Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 37. Autumnal Day. GRAAFLAND, ROB 38. Summer Day. GROOT, G. DE 39. In the Kempen Country. HAVERMAN, H. J. 40. Fresh Life. HEM, PIET VAN DER 41. Katwyk Fisherwoman. HYNER, AREND 42. Village Talk. ISRAELS, ISAAC 43. Spanish Cafe. 44. The Great Mare. IVES BROWNE, ROBERT 45. Before the Mirror. JANS, JAN 46. Standing Water on the Sand Hills: Spring Morning. JURRES, J. H. 47. Casting Stones at Don Quixote. KERLING, ANNA E. Aiuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. 1. E. /p/5. 48. Diligent Old Woman. 49. Providing with Fodder. KOSTER, ANTON LOUIS 50. A Bulb Grower's House with Nur- sery of Darwin Tulips in Hol- land. 51. V'iew on the River Spaarne near Haarlem. KRABBE, H. M. 52. At Granny's. 53. First Steps. KRAMER, MARTINUS A-warded Silver Medal: P. P. 1. E., 1915. 54. Winter Time in Holland. LEDEBOER, HANS 55. What I Saw in My Dream. LENSELINK, RENS 56. March Weather in Holland. MAAREL, M. VAN DER 57. Idleness. MARTENS, WILLY Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., igiS- 58. <7oing to Church. MASTENBROEK, JOHAN HENDRIK VAN Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 59. In the Lock at Delfshaven. 60. As Busy as Bees in the Harbor at Rotterdam. MENSION, C. J. 61. The Beast of Prey. MESDAG, H. W. 62. A Stormy Sea. •MEYER, JOHAN 63. Early Morning. MOEN, CHARLES ANTOINE 64. Begonias. MONDRIAAN, FRITS 65. The Hague Wood in October. MONNICKENDAM, MARTIN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 79/5. 66. Life's Joy. MOULYN, S. 67. Portrait. NAKKEN, WILLEM CAREL 68. Cart for the Conveyance of Stones, near Paris. OLDEWELT, FERDINAND GUSTAAF WILLEM 69. For the Poor. OVERBEEK, G. J. VAN 70. Cart Horses at the Bank of the River. PIETERS, EVERT 71. Gypje. REGT, P. DE 72. Dreary Day in Spring. REPELIUS, BETSY 73. Interior of a Dutch Home. RHYNNEN, JAN VAN 74. Charming Spot. ROELOFS, ALBERT AiL-arded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 75. Meditation. ROELOFS, WILLEM E., JR. 76. In the Land of Tulips. ROSSE, HERMANN 77. The Water Palace. 78. Carmel Bay. SCHAAP, E. R. D. 79. Spring. SCHAAP-VAN DER PEK, H. W. J. SO. Ruins on a Mountain Top. SCHERMER, CORNELIS 81. Billeting Dutch Lancers. SCHILDT, MARTINUS 82. Interior of a Home. SCIIIPPERUS, PIETER ADRIANUS 83. Winter. [ 257 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS SCHULMAN, DAVID AivardeJ Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 84. A Winter Afternoon at Laren. SLUITER, WILLY Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 85. The Angelus. SLUYTERS, JAN 86. Woman in Scarlet. 87. Woman in Yellow. SMITH, HOBBE Aivarded Gold Medal: P. P. I- E., T9I5- 88. Old Woman Reading the Bihle. STEELINK, WILLEM 89. On the Heath. 90. Along the Coast. STERRE DE JONG, J. F. 91. Sunday Morning at Laren. SURIE, JACOBA 92. Boy and Vegetables. THOL-RUYSCH, ALETTA VAN 93. Mushrooms. THOLEN, W. B. Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I- E., 1915- 94. Church Near Leiden. TONGE, LAMMERT VAN DER Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I- E., I9I5- 95. Riches. VELSEN, SUZE 96. Autumn. VLAANDEREN, JOH 97. Country Road in the County of Overy- ssel. VREEDENBURG, C. Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., J9I5- 98. Unloading Peat on the Edge of the Canal. VR'EEDENBURG, SCHOTEL M. 99. Slum in the Cit)' of Hattem. WAAY, NICOLAAS VAN DER 100. A Dutch Orphan House Girl. WANDSCHEER, M. 101. Nasturtium. WANING, CORNELIS, ANTHONY VAN 102. Ancient Part of The Hague City. WEELE, H. J. VAN DER 103. Dutch Ploughing Oxen. WEISSENBRUCH, JAN WILLEM 104. View of a Dutch City. WESTERMANN, G. 105. On the Pavement. WEYNS, J. H. Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., I9I5- 106. Old Women's Home. WIGGERS, DERK 107. Full Moon. WILLIGEN, C. A. VAN DER 108. Nasturtium. WITSEN, W. Member of the International Jury of Awards: P. P. 1. E., 79/5. 109. Binnenkant: Winter at Amsterdam. 110. Montelbaan Steeple: Oude Waal at Amsterdam. WOLBERS, HERMANUS GERARDUS 111. In the Meadow. WOLTER, HENDRIK JAN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191^. 112. Fishing Fleet Leaving a Cornish Har- bor. WYSMULLER, J. H. 113. View of Part of the City of Am- sterdam. ZOETELIEF TROMP, J. Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 114. On the Beach. ZON, JACQUES Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E.. I9I5- 115. Navying. GRAPHIC ART ARNTZENIUS, PAUL 116. The Training Ship. 117. The Old Dutch Waterland. BAUER, M. A. J. 118. The Holy Camel. 119. A Damascus Bazar. 120. An Oriental Prince. BOSCH, ETIENNE Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 121. Salerno. 122. Notre Dame de Paris. DUPONT, P. 123. Western Church Steeple. 124. Old Church Steeple. GRAADT VAN ROGGEN (JOHANNES MATTHEUS) 125. Old Bridge. 126. Showery Weather. HARTING, DIRK 127. Amersfoort Canal. 128. The Amsterdam Lock. HAVERMAN, H. J. 129. Beggar. 130. Generalife. 131. Ass Drivers. HEMELMAN, ALBERT 132. Small Ghelder Yard. 133. Pile Driver at Amsterdam. HOYTEMA, TH. VAN Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 134. White Herons. 135. Cactus. [258] -1 3 • a THE NETHERLANDS SECTION ISRAELS, ISAAC 136. Etching. 137. Etching. 138. Etching. 139. Etching. 140. Etching. JONG, TOON DE 141. Veere Cathedral. 142. Tjalk Outside Dordrecht. KOEK.KOEK, GER.'\RO 143. Delfshaven Harbour. KOUW, CASPER MARINUS LEENDERT 144. On the Dyke. 145. Thistle. KRABBE, H. M. 146. Portrait of a Child. 147. Portrait of a Lady. KRAMER, MARTINUS 148. To the River. 149. Downs-Oaks. MOULYN, S. Ais:arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 150. Le Chateau de Beaufort. 151. Studv of the Nude. 152. Villa d'Este. NIEUWENKAMP, \V. O. J. 153. Woodcutters. 154. Edam. 155. On the Lake. 156. Falling Leaves. POORTENAAR, JAN /livarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 157. Trafalgar Square. 158. Jerusalem Chamber: Westminster Abbey. PROOST, JOHANNES 159. Brick Kiln. SCHELFHOUT, LODEWYK 160. Winter Tree. 161. Les Angles. THOLEN, W. B. 162. Nave. 163. Harbour. 164. The Philosopher. 165. Cage. 166. Cross. VELDllEER, J. G. 167. The Borough. 168. The Old Watchman. 169. Rotterdam. 170. Harlem St. Anne. VELSEN, SUZE 171. Sunny Doorlet. 172. Old Dutch Slum. WITSEN, W. Member of the International Jury of Awards: P. P. I. E., igij. 173. Reconstruction in Old Amsterdam. 174. The Kran Lock. 175. Steeple Montelbaan: Oude Waal. ZWART, W. DE A-icarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E. 1915. 176. Sunny Tree-Lined Path. 177. Cattle Market. SCULPTURE CLERCQ, T. LE 178. Perdition. DANTZIG, RACHEL M. VAN 179. Mother and Child. 180. Italian Farmer's Wife and Goat. HESSELINK, ABRAHAM Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., igij- 181. Narcis. 182. Lidia. JELTSEMA, T. E. 183. Young Sportsman Sitting Down: Ready to Start Again. SCHREVE-YZERMAN, JO 184. Amsterdam Orphan Girl. 185. "Lonely and Deserted." WYK, CHARLES VAN Atvarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 186. On the Way Home. 187. Sheep and Lamb. 188. Cessation from Labor. For Galleries One Hundred and Seventeen to One Hundred and Twenty See United States Section, Volume I, Pages 228 to 232; Volume II, Pages 233 and 234. [ 259 ] INTERNATIONAL SECTION Much of the International Section was arranged in Europe by Mr. J. N'ilsen Laurvik, Special Representative of the Department of Fine Arts. GALLERIES ONE HUNDRED EIGHT. ONE HUNDRED Part of the International Section is exhib- ited in Gallery One Hundred and Eight (Pal- ace of Fine Arts), and the remainder in Galleries One Hundred and Twenty-one to One Hundred and Forty-three, in the Annex. PAINTINGS AND DR.WVINGS ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY Austria Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. /. £., 1915. 1. Portrait: Mrs. John Quincy Adams. 2. Portrait: Fraulein Von Seybl. AGTHE, CURT Germany Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. /. £., 1915. 3. At the Spring. AGUIAR, EL CONDE DE Spain Aviarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E.. 1915. 4. A Study. 5. Natural Type of Seville. 6. Memories. ANDRASSY, THEOD. Hungary 7. Moonlight: Arabia. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 8. Arabian Village by Night. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. BAIXAS CARRATE, JUAN Spain Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 191 f,. 9. Happy Children. 10. The Fair of St. Thomas. BARABAS, MIKL6S Hungary 11. Portrait: Count L. Batthyanyi. Lent by Count Batthyanyi. 12. Portrait: Deak Ferencz. BARTA, E. Hungary 13. The Beggars. Lent by Dr. Ignacz Fekete. BATTHYANYI, COUNT GYULA Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. /. E.. 1915. 14. Bal des Ardents. 15. Casa Rossa. 16. Juvisy. 17. Ladies of the Harem. 18. Longchamps. 19. Soiree. BAUMGARTNER, TOMAS Germany 20. Lady in Furs. BECKER, BENNO Germany 21. At Lake Como. ONE HUNDRED TIFENTY-ONE TO FORTY-THREE BENCZl R, BELA Hungary 22. Hot Day: Lake Balaton: Hungary. 23. Storm: Lake Balaton: Hungary. BENCZUR, GYULA Hungary 24. Man's Portrait. Lent by Bela Benczur, Esq. 25. Portrait: Count J. Andrassy, Sr. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. BENLLIURE Y GIL Spain 26. Nude. BENDICHA, ALFONSA Spain 27. Tapestry — Andromeda and Perseus. BERENY, R6BERT Hungary 28. Shadow Giving Way to Sunshine. 29. My Happy, Merry, Sad, Indifferent and Jealous People Beneath the Town. Portrait: Composer Bartok. The Faraglini's. Sewing Woman : Evening in Her Room. 33. Golgotha. 34. Fantastic Rocks. Souvenir of a Meadow. Yellow Embroidery. Flowers and Animals. Blue Fishes. Fairyland. Souvenir of a Sunny Garden. Bird in Sunset. A Decoration. Landscape. Mountain and Rocks. Trees of Fairyland. Playing Horses. Scenes of a Circus. Boat Between Waves. Tropical Trees. 50. Squirrels. BESNARD, ALBERT France 51. Man in Pink. 52. The Dancer with a Yellow Mask. 53. The Procession of Langar. 54. On a Stairway in Benares. 55. A Street in Madeira. 56. The Brahmin. 57. Studv for the Dancer with the Yellow Mask. 30. 31. 32. 35. 36. 37. 3S. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. [260] PORTRAIT: FRAILEIN VUN SEYHL. by John Qiiincy Idams INTERNATIONAL SECTION BESNARD, ALBERT (Continued) 58. A Curio Dealer in Delhi. 59. The Bracelet Seller. BEST, HANS Germany 60. Grandmother and Grandchild. BILBAO, GONZALO Spain Aiuarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 61. Garden of the Alcazar, No. 2. 62. Garden of the Alcazar, No. 1. 63. A (Jarden of Seville. 64. Dance of the Luises in the Cathedra] of Seville. 65. Cigarette Girls of Seville. 66. Figaro. 67. The Little Gvpsv. 68. To the Tarrijos Fair. 69. Cigarette Girls. 70. Factory Shop. BOBROWSKY, GRIGORI Russia 71. Portrait of a Woman. BOEMM, RITTA Hungary 72. Hungarian Interior. 73. Old Hungarian Jugs. BOHM, PAL Hungary 74. Christmas Mummers. BRODSZKY, SANDOR Hungary 75. Peasant Woman. BROCK, GUSTAV 76. Mrs. Bertha Asp. 77. Queen Alexandrine of Denmark. 78. Mrs. Eleanor Magruder. BRUCK, LAJOS Hungary 79. Old Hungarian Peasant. 80. Seaside in Bretagne. 81. Village Houses: Hungary. 82. Italian Child with Cherries. 83. Interior: Hungarian Peasant House. 84. Girl and Butterflies. 85. Summer Clouds. 861 Market Place. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. BRUCK, MIKSA Hungary Aiuarded Siher Medal: P. P. I. E., IQI_^. 87. Auvergne Interior.. 88. Flowerbeds near Budapest. 89. Hungarian Interior. BRUNDRIT, REGINALD GRANGE England 90. Dinant-sur-Meuse. BRONE, HEINRICH Germany 91. Picnic in the Woods. BURMESTER, ERNST Germany 92. Railroad Bridge. CABRERA CANTO, F. Spain A'u.arded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., igij. 93. Grandfather's Birthday. 94. Landscape. Austria Spain 95. Woman's Love. 96. Head. 97. The Dinner. CAMMERLOHER, KARL MORITZ 98. Landscape. 99. Portrait of a Lady. 100. Portrait of a Child. CAPDEVILA, GINES 101. Maja. CARDONA, JUAN Spain A^varded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 102. Gypsy. 103. Before the Dresser. 104. The Kiss. CARDUNETS CAZORLA, ALEJANDRO Spain 105. Montremy. CASALS Y PEYPOCH JOSfi Spain 106. Gardens of Catalunia, No. 1. 107. Gardens of Catalunia, No. 2. CHIMONA, NICOLAS Russia 108. Hellas. 109. Les Isles du Prince. CHRISTMAS, E. W. England AiL-arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., igi^. 110. Moonlight in the Argentine. 111. Christ of the Andes. CORTES-RIERA, FERNANDO Spain 112. Twilight. CSAKTORNYAI Hungary 113. Landscape. CS6K, ISTVAN Hungary Aivarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 114. Two Girls in a Garden. Lent bj' Marczell Nemes, E.sq. 1 15. Fairies. 116. Summer Flowers. 117. On the Lido. 118. Still Life. 119. Chinese Porcelains. 120. Spring. 121. Asters. CZIGANY, DEZSO 122. Woman Arranging Hair. Lent by Dr. Ignacz Fekete. DAKE, CAREL L., JR. Holland 123. The Trail. 124. On the Slopes: Mt. Tamalpais. DALMAU, JOSll Spain 125. My Friend Mr. Bernard, Art Critic of the Revue Mondaine. DODS-WITHERS, ISOBEL England Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. £., 1915. 126. The Fortress Church of Albi. DRAPER, H. J. England A'u.arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 127. FIving Fish. [261] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS EDVI-ILLES, ALADAR 128. Stall. 129. Young Bull. 130. Resting Cow. 131. Siesta. 132. Before the Storm. 133. Grey Horse. 134. Prairie Hut: Hungaiy. 135. Home^vard. Hungary EMERICI, ANDOR 136. Crucifixion. Lent bv Bela Benczur, Esq. 137. Girl's Head. Lent bv Bela Benczur, Esq. 138. Child's Head. Lent by Bela Benczur, Esq. ENGEL, OTTO H. Germany 139. Picnic on the Beach. ENGELMAN, PETER Austria 140. Portrait: No. 2. 141. Portrait: No. 1. 142. Portrait: No. 3. Germany Russia ESSER, THEODOR 143. Interior. FECHIN, NICHOLAI 144. Lady in Pink. Lent by William Smith Stimmel, Esq. FEHERV.4RY, ERZSI Hungary 145. Margaret Island: Budapest. 146. Landscape. FENYES, ADOLF Hungary 147. Kitchen Table. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. FERENCZY, KAROLY Hungary 148. Still Life: Roses. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 149. Landscape. 150. Girl's Portrait. FERENCZY, VALfiR Hungary 151. Flute Player. 152. San Pietro di Castello: Venice. FERRER, SANTIAGO Spain 153. Interior. FILLOL, ANTONIO Spain 154. The Old Clothes Woman. 155. Uncle Tanacha. 156. The Blown Flower. GAIGHER, HORATIO Austria Awarded Sih-er Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 157. Portrait: Benedict XV. 158. Portrait: Pope Pius X. GALIMBERTI, SANDOR Hungary 159. St. Rafael. 160. Motive: Hungarian Town. 161. Motive: Rue de Vaugirard. Hungary GALIMBERTI-DfiNES, VALERIA Hungary 162. Chrysanthemums in Blue Vase. 163. Still" Life: Roses. G.^LLEN-KALLELA, AXEL Finland Aii-arded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E.. 1915. 164. Plain. 165. On Guard. 166. Tropical Fruits: Still Life. 167. A Wild Savannah. 168. My First Hyena. 169. Symposium. 170. Kenoussa. 171. My First Buffalo. 172. In Autumn Sunlight. 173. Portrait: Waino Salmin. 174. Portrait of Madam E. E. 175. Young Kikouyou Warrior. 176. Banana Leaves. 177. The Deluge. 178. Lynx Hunter. 179. Rhinoceros and Euphorbia. 180. Playing Child. 181. Sunset. 182. Portrait: Robert Kajanus. 183. Evening Heat. 184. Burial. 185. Buffalo Hunt. 186. Portrait: Mr. Gustav Mahler. 187. Mv First Rhinoceros. 188. The Tribe of Naudi. 189. Massai Watching. 190. Kullerve Warrior. 191. Summer Night. 192. The Cataract of Masioja. 193. Spring. 194. The Wreath of Anemones. 195. Portrait: Mother and Infant. 196. Barcarole of Kaleral. 197. Savage in the Shadow. 198. The Hrasiani Mountains. 199. Gazelle. 200. Crocodile. 201. Rainbow. 202. The Little Valley. 203. Carcass. 204. Meadow. 205. The School. 206. Zebras. 207. Hide. 208. Zebras and Chamois. 209. Parched Fir Tree: Winter. 210. Burned Fir Tree. 211. After the Hunt. 212. Portrait of Madam G. A. S. 213. Slain Rhinoceros. 214. Kikouyou. 215. Broken Fir Tree. 216. The Waterfall. 217. Kikouvou Woman. [262] INTERNATIONAL SECTION GALLEN'-KALI.ELA, AXEL (Continued) 218. Massai Warrior. 219. Homo Victor. 22n. Portrait: Mr. Alpo Sailo. 221. Antelope. 222. The Burnt Prairie. 223. Denva Sabouk. 224. Wild Date Palm. 225. Portrait of Madam M. G. K. 226. Bathers. 227. Landscape Painter. 228. Spring Breezes. 229. Ski Runners. 230. In the Brush. 231. Portrait of a Lady among the Rocks. 232. Model of a Cupola for the Capitol Building at Helsingfors. 233. The Thieves of Lampo. GALOFRE flLLER, FRANCISCO Spain 234. The Key of the Bull Pen. GARCIA ESCARRE, FRANCISCO Spain 235. Esmeraldine. 236. Maternity. GARRinO, RAMON Spain 237. The Beggars. GINNETT, LOUIS England Aii-arJed Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 23',. The Golden Hvpnos. GLATTER, GYUI.A Hungary AiLarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., igi}. 239. Lady's Portrait. GLATZ, OSZKAR Hungary Aivarded Silver Medal (for Oil Painting) : P. P. I. E.. IQI!^. Aii:arded Silver Medal (for Draiviniis) : P. P. I. E., jgif,. 240. Hungarian Landscape. 241. The Visit. 242. Hnnearian Goose Girls. 243. Tran^ylvanian Landscape. 244. Shepherdess. VON GLEHN, JANE EMMET England AiuardeJ Bronze Medal: P. P. I. £., igi'i. 245. The Blue Jacket. VON GLEHN, W. G. England Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., [grfi. 246. La Colline Sacree. GOHLER, HERMANN Germany 247. Schloss Favorite. GOMEZ, CONSTANTINO Spain Av.arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 248. Procession of Christ at Albarracin. 249. A Forge. 250. Fruit Stand in Valencia. GOODMAN, R. G. England Aivarded Gold Medal (for Pastels): P. P. I. E., 1915. Aivarded Silver Medal (for Oil Painting) : P. P. I. E.. 191 s. 251. Tulloch: Scotland. 252. A South African Homestead. 253. The Coast of England. 254. The Alhambra: Granada. HAMBUCHEN, WILHELM Germany Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., IQI^. 255. Early Autumn Morning. H.\RV, GVn.A Hungary 256. Fisher Bastion: Budapest. HATVANV, BARON FERENCZ Hungary Aivarded Silver Medal (for Oil Paintini;): P. P. I. E., 1913. Aivarded Silver Medal (for Draivln^) : P. P. I. E., iQis. 257. Still Life. Lent bv Marczell Nemes, Esq. 258. Sunny Street. Lent bv Count Gyula Andrassy. 259. Still Life.' 260. Environs of Rome. HAWEIS, STEPHEN England 261. Forte dei Marmi: Liguria. 262. Na Moala: Fiji Islands. 263. Na Aissama: A Fijian Village. 264. Vakamololo Dance, Fiji No. I. 265. Vakamololo Dance, Fiji No. 3. 266. \^akamololo; Three Girls. 267. Vakamololo Dance No. 2. HELLWAG, RUDOLF Germany 268. The Pool of London. HELSBY, ALFREDO Chile 269. A Coming Storm in the Andes. 270. Chilean Farmhouses in Spring. HOLLO. GfiZA Hungary 271. Weaving Design No. 528. HOLMBOE, THOROLF Norway 272. Eider Ducks. HiJBNER, ULRICH Germany 273. Clear Weather. HUGHES-STANTON, H. England Aivarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 f.. 274. Fort. St. Andre. IVANYI-GRtJNWALD, BfiLA Hungary 275. Bathintr Women. 276. Park View. 277. Tree in Blossom. 278. Sunshine. 279. Two Women. 280. Nascence. JAVOR, PAL Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E.. 191^. 281. Hungarian Home Altar. 282. Altar: Hungarian Peasant Church. Lent bv Marczell Nemes, Esq. JONES, REGINALD England 283. The Mill Pond. [263] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS KAISER, RICHARD Germany 28+. From an Old Park. KARLOVSKY, BERTALAN Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 285. Portrait: Countess Karolyi. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 286. Portrait: Count Gyula Andrassy. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 287. Portrait: Madame Alcsuti. Lent by Dr. Agoston Alcsuti. KATONA, NANDOR Hungary 288. In the Tatra. Lent by Adolf Kellner, Esq. 289. In the Tatra. Lent by Count Lajos Balthyanyi. KAZIANY, ODON Hungary 290. The Dark Woman. 291. The Young Man. 292. Under the Cypress. 293. Studv: The Disciple. 294. Study: Head. 295. The Serpentine Dancer. 296. Mors Peregrinans. 297. The Castle of Tiszadob. KERNSTOCK, KAROLY Hungary 298. Study for Glass Painting. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 299. Portrait: Painter Czobel. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 300. Horsemen. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 301. Nude. KfiZDI-KOVACS, LASZL6 Hungary 302. Sunlit Trees. KIPS, ERICH Germany Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 11^13. 303. Steamer in Dock: Hamburg. KNIGHT, HAROLD England Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 304. The Girl and the Picture. KNIGHT, LAURA England Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 S- 305. The Model. KNIRR, HEINRICH Germany Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 306. Self Portrait. KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Austria 307. Portrait: Architect Adolf Loos. Lent bv Adolf Loos, Esq. 308. Portrait: Dr. Egon Wellesz. Lent by Dr. Egon Wellesz. 309. Portrait: Peter Altenberg. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 310. Portrait of the Artist. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 311. Portrait: Emma Veronica Sanders. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 312. Portrait: Doctor Von Webern, Com- poser. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 313. Portrait: Angora Cat. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 314. Portrait: Paul Scheerbat. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 315. Portrait: Signor Verona. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 316. Portrait: Doctor de Jankosky. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 317. Portrait: Mrs. H. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 318. Portrait: Mrs. Adolf Loos. Lent bv Adolf Loos, Esq. 319. Portrait: Two Children. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 320. Portrait: Italian Lady. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 321. Child with Hands of Father and Mother. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. KOROSFOI-KRIESCH, A. Hungary 322. Fear. 323. Jov. 324. Bv the Wavside. 325. Zach Klara. 326. Zach Klara. 327. Weaving: Design No. 451. 328. Weaving: Design No. 758. 329. Weaving: Design No. 291. 330. Weaving: Design No. 97. 331. Weaving: Design No. 742. 332. Weaving: Design No. 734. 333. Weaving: Design No. 173. 334. Weaving: Design No. 593. 335. Weaving: Design No. 749. 336. Weaving: Design No. 617. 337. Weaving: Design No. 113. KUNFFY, LAJOS Hungary 338. Mihaly Czigany. KUNWALD, CeZAR Hungary 339. Portrait. LAVERY, JOHN England 340. Portrait. Lent by Henry Smith, Esq. LAWSON, J. KERR England Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 341. St. Botolph's Church, Boston. LIP6TH, FERENCZ Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., I9i_^. 342. Colormarmit No. 1. 343. Colormarmit No. 2. 344. Colormarmit No. 3. 345. Colormarmit No. 4. 346. Decorative Panel: Hungarian Peasant Motive. 347. Decorative Panel : Mythological Motive. [264] »5 »! ^"0 a. M 2-i 58 W INTERNATIONAL SECTION LLIMONA, JUAN Spain Aiuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 348. Fig Tree. 349. Sonata without Words. LLOPIS DE CASADES, JUAN MARIA Spain 350. Garden. 351. Interior. 352. Interior of Churcli. LOPEZ-MESQUITA, JOSE M. Spain A'uiarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 353. A Spanish Gypsy. Lent by Mrs. Alice Mumford Roberts. 354. Matador. Lent by Mrs. Alice Mumford Roberts. LOTZ, KAROLY Hungary 355. Bathing women. 356. Portrait: Artist's Wife. 357. Child's Portrait. 358. Hungarian Peasant Wedding. 359. End of the Harvest. 360. Hungarian Hussar. Lent bv Baron Ferencz Hatvanv. LOY, MINA England 361. Lillah, Gaby and Amaranthe. 362. The Etruscan Loggia. MAGYAR-MANNHEIMER, GUSZTAV Hungary /liuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., IQI}. 363. Nocturne. 364. Approaching Storm. 365. Autumn Landscape. 366. After the Storm. 367. Young Hungarian Gypsy Woman. MAJOR, HENRIK Hungary 368. Self Portrait. MAKOWSKY, ALEXANDER Russia 369. Profile. MALAGARRIGA ORMAST, ELVIRA Spain 370. Grandmother's Delight. MALLOL CASANOVAS, IGNACIO Spain 371. Vermadora. MARFFY, ()D(")N Hungary 372. Man's Portrait. 373. Dalmatian Landscape. 374. Wood Path. 375. Still Life. Lent by Karoly Kernstock, Esq. MARK, LAJOS Hungary .'livarded Cold Medal: P. P. I. E., igiS- 376. Preparing for a Walk. 377. Before the Mirror. 378. Breakfast Table. 379. Lady with Parasol. 380. Portrait: Miss NiUen. MASRIEBA, LUIS Spain 381. Thoroughbred. MEDNYANSZKY, BARON Hungary Aiiarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. ' 382. Winter: Hungarian Village. 3S3. Sunset. 384. Winter in the Carpathians. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. MEIFREN, ELISEO Spain Av.-arded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 385. Cumulus Clouds: .\Iallorca. 386. Road in Pollensa. 387. The White Rock. MESZOLY, GEZA Hungary 388. Summer Landscape. Lent by Baron Ferencz Hatvany. MEYN, GEORGE LUDWIG Germany 389. Frau v. Cotta. MIESS, FRIGYES Hungary 390. Dutch Girl. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. MIHALY, REZSO Hungary 391. Weaving: Design No. 308. 392. Weaving: Design No. 395. 393. Weaving: Design No. 735. MOISES, JULIO Spain 394. Micaela. MiJLLER, PETER PAUL Germany Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 395. Thousand Year Old Oaks. MiJLLER, RICHARD Germany 396. Leimer's Goat. MUNKACSY, MIHALY Hungary 397. Landscape: Sunset. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 398. Landscape: In the Woods. NADLER, R. Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 399. Suspension Bridge: Budapest. NAGY, LAURA Hungary 400. Design No. 551. 401. Design No. 756. 402. Design No. 439. NA(;Y, SANDOR Hungary 403. Bath of the Fairies. 404. Disappearing Illusions. 405. Isle of Crete. 406. Weaving: Design No. 89. 407. Weaving: Design No. 262. 408. Weaving: Design No. 229. 409. Weaving: Design No. 501. OLGYAY, FERENCZ Hungary 410. Summer Landscape. OLSSON, JULIUS England Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 411. Silver Moonlight. [265] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS O'LYNCH, DE LYNCH TOWN, CHARLES Germany 412. Zugspitz Group, from Kranzberg, near Mittenwald. ORTNER, FERENCZ Hungary 413. Weaving: Design No. 580. PA.4L, LASZL6 Hungary 414. Autumn Landscape. 415. Storm Cloud. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. FARAD A SANTIN, JOSfi Spain 416. Flower Girl of Andalusia. 417. Gvpsy. P.-VTERSON, JAMES England 41 S. The Old Garden. PECH.\N, J6ZSEF Hungary 419. Farm Yard. Lent hy Marczell Nemes, Esq. PIETZSCH, RICHARD Germany 420. Spring in the Bavarian Foothills. PIZA ROIG, JAIME Spain 421. Street in Hostalrich. 422. Poblet: Monastery Cloister. P6R, BERTALAN Hungary 423. Decorative Composition. 424. Decorative Composition. 425. Mv Family. PREISLER, TAN Germany Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. £., I9I5- 426. Motive of Tale. Lent by Modern Gallery of Bo- hemia, Prague. PRIESTMAN, ARNOLD England 427. Hurst Castle. PUTZ, LEO Germany .■IxL-arded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 42S. The Shore. RA.4B, ERVIN Hungary 429. Snow in the Park. 430. Winter Sun. REMSEY, MME. Hungary 431. Weaving: Design No. 739. 432. Weaving: Design No. 732. 433. Weaving: Design No. 731. 434. Weaving: Design No. 565. 435. Weaving: Design No. 754. 436. Weaving: Design No. 33. RENOM Y JUAMANDREU, FAUSTO Spain 437. People's Sundav. RICHMOND, LEONARD England .-lii^arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., igifi. 43S. Brentford Bridge. 439. Ricks in Sunlight. 440. The End of the Storm. RIPPL-R6NAI, J6ZSEF Hungary 441. Child's Portrait. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 442. Portrait: Dr. Guttmann. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 443. Female Nude. Lent bv Marczell Nemes, Esq. 444. Ladies in the Garden. Lent by Lajos Jambor, Esq. 445. Woman's Head in Profile. Lent bv Count Gyula Andrassv. 446. Park. Lent by Dr. Ignacz Fekete. 447. Portrait: Mark Vedres. Lent by Mark Vedres, Esq. 44s. Interior. 449. Hungarian Interior. 450. Woman with Poppy in Her Hair. Lent by Dr. Ignaci Fekete. ROSSE, HERMANN Holland 450A. Garebeg Dal: A Java Festival. RUDNAY, GYULA Hungary 451. Mother and Child. SAUTER, GEORGE England Ai-arded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., igi-,. 452. The Weisshorn: Moonlight. 453. Spring Veil. 454. Violet: Miss Ruth Hunt. 455. The Cinal: Rothhorn. 456. Tlie Great Friend: Matterhorn. 457. The Vallev. 458. In the Clouds. 459. The Rimphischhorn. 460. The Dent Blanche. 461. The Blue Sphinx: Matterhorn. 462. Resurrection. 463. The Avenue. SCHANZE, OSCAR Germany Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 464. Portrait of Woman in Black. SCHULTHEISS, KARL MAX Germany 465. In March. SIMPSON, CHARLES WALTER England A-iarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 466. Autumn Sunset. SOML6, LILI Hungary 467. Channel of Lyssewegh. 46S. View of Taormina. 469. Park of Kortvelyes. SP.4NYI, BELA Hungary 470. Landscape. SPEED, HAROLD England .licarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E.. 191,=,. 471. Apollo and Daphne. STUCK, FRANZ VON Germany Av.arded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 1915. 472. Summer Night. SZINNYEI-MERSE, P.\L Hungary 473. Melting Snow. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. [266] SPRINC; \E11.. Hy Geori-e Saiiter INTERNATIONAL SECTION TAMASY, MIKL6S Hungary 474. Still Life. TER HELL, WILLY Germany 475. Inl.Tnd Sea. THEDY, MAX Germany AiuarJed Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., /p/i. 450. Dutch Girl. THOR, WALTER Germany Avsarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. F... 1915. 451. Young Girl. TIBOR, ER\0 Hungary 482. Hunijarian Village Market. 4S3. Field Workers. TIHAXYI, LAJOS Hungary 4X4. Self Portrait. 485. Self Portrait: 1914. 486. Young Man's Portrait. 487. Landscape. UNDY, KAROLA Hungary 488. Weaving: Design No. 290. 489. Weaving: Design No. 755. VASTAGH, GEZA Hungary .livarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 79/5. 490. Winter in the Atlas Mountains. 491. In the Farmyard. 492. Hungarian Buffalo Span. VASTAGH, GYORGY Hungary 493. Gvpsv Woman. VASZARY,' TANGS Hungary Aivarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E.. igi=,. 494. Portrait : Countess L. Batthyanvi. Lent hy Count Lajos Batthyanvi. 495. Woman with Mirror. 496. Promenade: Lake Balaton. Lent hy Marczell Nemes, Esq. 497. Peasant Girl's Head. 498. Woman with Cat. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. VASQUEZ, CARLOS Spain .1-uarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 499. In a Villa in Granada. 500. On tlie Way to the Salamanca Fair. VOLKERLING, HERMANN Germany Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191 5. 501. Portrait. VOLKMANN, HANS VON Germany 502. Harvest. WALLESZNE, GYENES GITTA Hungary .livarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 503. Indolence. 504. Under the Tree. 505. Woman in Brown Dress. 506. Play. 507. Resting Nude. 508. Mother with Son. 509. Female Nude. 510. In the Blue Background. 511. Erotic. 512. Mother and Child. 513. Profile. 514. Lilac Dress. 515. Summer Heat. 516. Thirty Year Old Woman. 517. Movements. 518. Mother and Baby. 519. Madonna in Modern Guise. 520. Bunch of Grapes. 521. Adam and Eve. 522. Ladv in Blue Dress. 523. Desire. 524. Fair Woman and Child. 525. Two Girls. 526. Biedermeyer. 527. Stretching. WENK, ALBERT Germany 52S. Stormy Sea. WINTER, TATON England 529. The Waning of the Year. 630. The Mill: Middelburg. ZADOR, ISTVAN Hungary 531. Interior: Rakoczy Time. ZAROUBLNE, VICTOR Germany 532. Clouds. ZIFFER, SANDOR Hungary 533. In the Garden. ZILZER, ANTAL Hungary 534. The Source. 535. Portrait. ZIEGLER, KARL Germany 536. Portrait Study of a Child. Z6RAD Hungary 537. Landscape with Figures. DE ZUBIAURRE, RAMON Spain Avvarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 538. Viscayan Peasants. 539. Serenade in Granada. 540. Type of Segovian. DE ZUBIAURRE, VALENTIN Spain Aicarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. £., 79/5. 541. Spanish Peasant. 542. Peasant with a Bowl. 543. Peasant Couple. 544. Peasant with Jug. ZUGEL, HEINRICH VON Germany Aii-arded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 797.1. 545. In the Rhine Meadows. DRAWINGS, ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. (Austrian graphic participation arranged by Herr Hugo Heller of Vienna.) ARTIGAS, JOSfi TERSOL Spain Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 191^. 546. Pinar. 547. The Canal: S. Bandilio de Llobregat. 548. Loading Coal in Barcelona. 549. Landscape. [267] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS BENTLEY, ALFRED England .-liiartled Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 550. The Broken Bridge: Avignon. BRANGWYN, FRANK England Awarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 1915. 581. Bark Strippers. 582. Trees and Factory: Hammersmith. 583. The Beggar: Assisi. 584. A Gate: Assisi. 585. Assisi. 586. Barge Builders: Brentford. 587. London Bridge: No. 3. 588. Mills: Montreuil. 589. The Millwheel: Montreuil. 590. Breaking up the "Hannibal." 591. Sawyers. 592. TheButcher's Shop. 593. Scaffolding: South Kensington. 594. Old Kew Bridge. 595. Building the Victoria and Albert Museum. 596. The Bridge: Barnard Castle (Aqua- tint). 597. The Coal Mine. 598. Barges: Bruges. 599. Old House: Ghent. 600. The End of the Day. 601. Windmills: Bruges. 602. The Tow Rope. 603. The Tan Pit. 604. Breaking up the "Caledonia." 605. Skin Scrapers: No. 1. 606. The Gate of the Farm. 607. The Farmyard. 608. Blacksmiths. 609. Church of St. Saulve: Montreuil. 610. Entrance to Montreuil. 611. The Market Square: Montreuil. 612. The Return from Work. 613. Santa Maria from the Street. 614. The Boatyard: Venice. 615. Venetian Boats. 616. St. Nicholas: Dixmude. 617. Santa Maria della Salute: Venice. 618. Windmill: Dixmude. 619. Men in a Bakehouse. 620. The Mill: Furnes. 621. The Black Mill: Winchelsea. 622. The Feast of Lazarus. 623. Unloading Bricks: Ghent. 624. Church of Notre Dame: Eu. 625. Via delle Trombe: Messina. 626. Apse of Duomo: Messina. 627. Church of II Spirito Santo: Messina. 628. The Headless Christ. 629. Church of Sta. Chiara del Carmine a Taormina. 630. The Bridge: Alcantara. 631. Old Houses: Taormina. 632. A Door: Cahors. 633. The Lot at St. Cirq. 634. On the Road to Figeac. 635. The Roundabout: Bruges. 636. A Cafe: Cahors. 637. The Mountebank. 638. The Valentre Bridge: Cahors (1st state). 639. Bridge over the Tarn. 640. Tour de Faure. 641. A Mosque: Constantinople. 642. The Beggar Musician. 643. Cannon Street Station : Exterior. 644. A Back Street in Naples. 645. Breaking up the "Duncan." 646. The Crucifixion. 647. Browning's House: Venice. 648. The Monument: No. 2. 649. Notre Dame: Poictiers. 650. The Tannery: Parthenay. 651. Notre Dame la Riche Tours. 652. Street in Tours. 653. Abbey St. Leonard. 654. Cannon Street Station: Interior. 655. Church of St. Nicholas: Paris. 656. St. Peter's of the Exchange: Genoa. 657. Gate of St. Vincent: Avila. 658. Wash Houses: Parthenay. 659. The Demolition of the Post Office. 660. A Street in Puv. 661. The Moat. 662. The Walls of Avignon. 663. Old Mills: Meaux. 664. Notre Dame: Paris. 665. Le Pont Neuf : Paris. 666. Church of Airvault. 667. Building the Bridge. COSSMANN, A. Austria 668. Pinzgauerin. DETTMAR, R. Austria 669. Prometheus. FITTON, HEDLEV England 670. St. Etienne du Mont. HANISCH, R. Austria Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., /p/i. 671. Stift Melk. 672. Schonbrunn. JILOVSKY, G. Austria Aiiarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., igifi. 673. Old Fisherman. 674. Old Prague. 675. Late Summer. 676. At the Railway Station. 677. Portrait of Mrs. H. 678. On the Silt Dunes. 679. Wattern : In the Bohmer Forests. JUNGNICKEL, L. H. Austria Awarded Sit-ver Medal: P. P. I. £., igi'i. 680. Bengal Tiger. 681. Fighting Cocks. [268] PORIRAIT: COINTESS LAJOS BATTHVANVI. By Jdnos faszary INTERNATIONAL SECTION JUNGNICKEL, L. H. (Continued) 682. Blue Parrot. 683. L' Amour. 684. Pelicans. 685. Lion's Head. 686. Flamingo. 687. Sarasevo. 688. Chamois. 689. Calf. 690. Arabian Nights. 691. The Kill. 692. Playing Parrots. 693. Two Blue Parrots. 694. Oriental Life. 695. Mountain Goats. KASIMIR, L. Austria 696. Durnstein. 697. Vienna: Stephans Square (after Alt1. 698. Karls Church. 699. Castle Kretizenstein. 700. Vienna: Minorite Church. KASIMIR-HOENNES, T. .'Austria Aii-arJed Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 79/5. 701. Hamburg: Katzen Path. 702. Vienna: Sonnenfels Street. 703. Prague: Niklas Church. KLEMM, WALTER Austria .liuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., IQI5. 704. Tight-Rope Walker. 705. Don Quixote: No. 1. 706. Don Quixote: No. 2. 707. Don Quixote: No. 3. 708. Don Quixote: No. 4. 709. Don Quixote: No. 5. 710. Don Quixote: No. 6. 711. Don Quixote: No. 7. 712. Tvll Ulenspiegel. 713. ITIenspiegel. 714. The Pursuit. 71 5. The Invasion. 716. The Watcher. 717. The Storks. 718. Ice Harvesting. 719. Winter Sport. 720. Dogs. KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Austria 721. Portrait of Karl Kraus. LEDERER, FRITZ Austria 722. Austrian Landscape. 723. Dort Gasse. 724. Herr Weil. 725. Tragedian. 726. Landscape. 727. Rolling Mill. LOWENSTAMM, ERNINA Austria 728. Hilly Landscape. 729. Portrait: Arthur Schnitzler. MANNING, W. WESTLEY England 730. The Avenue: Normandy. ORLIK, EMIL Austria 731. Little Heads. 732. An Indian. 733. Girl's Head. 734. London Girls. 735. Going to Cliurch: Bohemia. 736. Picture of Japanese Boy. 737. Bargaining. 738. Peasant Woman. 739. My Mother. 740. Max Klingcr at Work. 741. At the Precipice. 742. Ferdinand Hodler. 743. Architect Hoffman. 744. Portrait: Gustav Mahler. 745. Glassworks near Glasgow. 746. A Mussel Merchant: Rotterdam. 747. Capriccio. 748. The Angler. 749. Girl's Head. 750. Japanese Woman in Winter Dress. 751. The Kurumaya: Tokio. 752. Before the Temple. 753. Landing Place: Tokio. 754. From Edinburgh. 755. A Part of the Ghetto: Prague. 755A. Fruitfulness. 755B. Michael Kramer. OSBORNE, MALCOLM England 756. Lavardin. POLLAK, MAX Austria 757. Portrait of Professor S. Freud. 758. Vienna: Franziskaner Square. 759. Vienna : University Square. SCHMUTZER, FERD. Austria .liuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 760. Brahms Room. 761. Havstack. 762. The Lay Brother. 763. Josef Kainz as Hamlet. 764. Flower Market in Paris. SIMON, T. F. Austria Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., lOI-i. 765. The Wind. STOITZNER, JOS. Austria 766. High Mountains in Winter. SVABINSKY Austria 767. Old Man's Head. 768. At the Piano. 769. Sketch. 770. Morning Hunt. 771. Old Woman with Dog. 772. Nude. 773. Summer. For TERSOL ARTIGAS, JOSfi, see 546, 547, 548, 549. THIEMANN, C. Austria 774. Evening: Venice. [269] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS VONDRONO, C. Austria /Iivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., Ii)l$. 775. Market in Turnau. 776. Smithy: Prague. 777. Mathesons Harbor. WAY, T. R. England 778. Purple Cap. 779. Cremorne Gardens. 780. Little White Girl. 7S1. Maud. 782. Little Nude. HUNGARIAN GRAPHIC SECTION ARRANGED BY THE FINE ARTS MUSEUM OF BUDAPEST (Comprising Drawings, Water Colors, Pas- tels, Etchings, Lithographs, Etc.) AUGUSTIN, M. Hungary 783. Village Road in Hungary. BARANSKY, E. L.\SZLO Hungary 7S4. Hungarian Fountain. BATTHYANYI, COUNT GYULA Hungary JivarJed Silver Medal (for Oil Paintings) : P. P. I. E., 191=;. 785. Working Girl's Dream. 786. Mannequin. 787. Court Ball. BERNfiY, ROBERT Hungary 788. Sewing in the Garden. 789. The Convalescent. 790. Portrait: Ignotus. Lent by Dr. Sandor Ferenczi. BERON, GYULA Hungary 791. Lady's Portrait. EDVI-ILLES, JENO Hungary 792. Clouds. ERDOSSY, BfiLA Hungary Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., I<)i=i. 793. Path in Snow. GLATZ, OSZKAR Hungary Awarded Silver Medal (for Oil Painting) ■ P. P. I. E., 1915. Aivarded Silver Medal (for DravAnes): P. P. I. E., 1915. 794. Spinning. , 795. Old Pianist. 796. Old Seamstress. 797. Motherhood. 798. Peasant Ciirl Dressing. 799. The Dinner. 800. Resting. G6TH, MORIC Hungary 801. Artist's Wife. 802. Self Portrait. 803. Tired Horse. HATVANY, BARON FERENCZ Hungary Awarded Silver Medal (for Oil Painting) ■ P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. Awarded Silver Medal (for Drawing): P. P. I. E., i<)i=,. 804. Drawing: No. 1. 805. Drawing: No. 2. 806. Drawing: No. 3. 807. Drawing: No. 4. HERMAN, LIPOT Hungary 808. Nude Study. Lent by Dr. Lajos Ferenczi. 808A. Summer Phantasy. Lent by Dr. Lajos Ferenczi. JUH..\SZ, ARPAD Hungary 809. Drawing: No. 1. 810. Drawing: No. 2. KONRAD, GYULA Hungary Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., igi^. 811. Peasant Woman: Mezokcivesd. 812. Summer Evening: The Arno. 813. Motive: From a Little Town. KRON, lENO Hungary 814. Woman's Head. 815. The Worker. KUBINYI, A. Hungary 816. Winter Landscape. 817. The Dancer. LENARD, ROBERT Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., iQlj. 818. Windv Sunset. 819. On the Arno. 820. San Juan y Batista: Toledo. 821. Puenta San Martino. 822. Toledo. 823. Gateway: Toledo. 824. Church Colonnade. 825. Old Part of Toledo. 826. On the Arno. 827. Alcantara. 828. The San Martino Bridge: Toledo. 829. Old Town. 830. Landscape. 831. Sunset in Genoa. 832. Saint Cloud. 833. Prague: Old Bridge. 834. Canal in France. 835. Old Houses in Genoa. 836. Ponte Vecchio. 837. Genoa. LOTZ, KAROLY Hungary 838. Study. Lent by Baron Ferencz Hatvanv. MARK6, ERNO Hungary 839. Woman Knitting. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. NAGY, LAURA Hungary Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., IQ15. 840. Old Woman with Animals. 841. Fairyland. 842. Bird's Supper. 843. The Dolls' Queen. [270] I'VPK OF SEGOVIAN. By Ramon ,/, Zulnnurre INTERNATIONAL SECTION NAGY, SANDOR Hungary 844. Child's Portrait. OLGYAY, VICTOR Hungary 845. February. 846. Allee. 847. Waving Corn Field. 848. Ivan. PAPP, LAJOS Hungary AiL-arJed Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 849. The Stonebreaker. POGANY, WILLY Hungary Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 850. Rheingold. 851. Walkurenritt. 852. Beethoven. 853. Illustration for Tannhauser. No. 1. 854. Illustration for Tannhauser. No. 2. 855. Illustration for Tannhauser. No. 3. 856. Illustration for Tannhauser. No. 4. 857. Illustration for Parseval: No. 1. 858. Illustration for Parseval: No. 2. 859. Illustration for Parseval: No. 3. 860. Illustration for Parseval: No. 4. P6R, BERTALAN Hungary 861. Decorative Composition (dry point etching). 862. Landscape with Hay Rick. 863. Studv: Three Figures. 864. Self Portrait: No. 2. 865. Study for Decoration. 866. Composition Studies. 867. Study for Portrait Group. 868. Study for Woman's Portrait. 869. Portrait. 870. Female Study. 871. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 1. 872. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 2. 873. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 3. 874. Study for Decoration : Worship of Wisdom : No. 4. 875. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 5. 876. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom : No. 6. 877. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom : No. 7. 878. Study for Decoration : Worship of Wisdom: No. 8. 879. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 9. 880. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom : No. 1 0. 881. Studv for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 11. 882. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 12. 8S3. 884. 885. 886. 887. SSS. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 900. 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. Studv for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 13. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 14. Studv for Decoration : Wisdom: No. 15. Study for Decoration Wisdom: No. 16. Studv for Decoration Wisdom: No. 17. Study for Decoration Wisdom: No. 18. Worship of Worship of Worship of Worship of Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 19. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 20. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 21. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 22. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom : No. 23. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 24. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 25. Study for Decoration : Worship of Wisdom: No. 26. Study for Decoration : Worship of Wisdom: No. 27. Composition Studies. Study of Nude Seated. Landscape Composition. Portrait Study. Composition Studies. Study of Male Figure. Landscape Study with Figures. Landscape Study: The Mill. Study: Male Figure. Pastoral Composition. Composition Studies. Landscape Study with Cows. Decorative Composition Study. Landscape Study: The Ford. Decorative Composition Study. Landscape Study with Cattle. Female Study: Grief. Study of Adam and Eve. Composition Study. Decorative Composition Study. Composition Study. Landscape Studv: The Shepherd: No. 1. Three Composition Studies. Two Composition Studies. Landscape Studv: The Shepherd: No. 2. Study for Mosaic. Decorative Composition Study: Fe- cundity. [ 271 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS P6R BERTALAN (Continued) 925. Decorative Composition Study: The Pioneers: No. 1. 926. Decorative Composition Study : The Pioneers: No. 2. 927. Landscape Composition. 928. Portrait Study of a Man. 929. Decorative Composition Study. 930. Study: Female Nude. PRIHODA, ISTVAN Hungary AiL-arded Bronze Medal: P. P. 1. E., igiS- 931. Portrait of Mrs. Irene P. 932. Those Who Laugh. 933. Study of Female Nude. RAUSCHER, LAJOS Hungary 934. Doorway in Rothenburg. 935. Hut in Szelakna. 936. Baggerrad. 937. Slavic Village: No. 1. 938. Slavic Village: No. 2. 939. Part of Margaret Island: Budapest. 940. Motive from Old Buda. 94L Buda. 942. Peasant Hut. RIPPL-R6NAI, J6ZSEF Hungary Aiuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 943. Outdoor Amusements. 944. Shore Scene: Ostend. 945. Old Woman Seated. 946. Knitting. 947. Carroussel. 948. Walk in the Garden. 949. Three Girls in a Garden. 950. Drawing: Man Drinking. Lent by Baron Ferencz Hatvany. 951. Woman at Piano. 951A. In the Garden R6NAI-KASZNER Hungary 952. Don Pietro Caruso. SZfiKELY, AN DOR Hungary /liL-arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., igiS- 953. Washing Day. 954. Old Woman's Home: Bruges. 955. Interior. SZfiKELY, ARPAD Hungary 956. Stone Bridge. TICHY, KALMAN Hungary 957. Bouquet of Flowers. 958. Gold Rain. TICHY, GYULA Hungary 959. Moment and Century. UITZ, BeLA Hungary Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., ig'S- 960. Self Portrait. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 961. Man's Portrait. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 962. Man's Profile. Lent by Marczell Neraes, Esq. 963. Child on Mother's Arm. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 964. Little Girl's Head. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 965. Mother and Baby. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 966. Mother and Child. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 967. Girl's Head in Profile. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 968. Expectant Mother. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 969. Woman Leaning on Her Chin. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 970. Woman Reading. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 971. Woman with Crossed Legs. Lent bv Marczell Nemes, Esq. 972. Woman with Hand to Her Breast. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 973. Woman with Velvet Ribbon. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 974. Woman Sitting. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 975. Woman with Head Turned. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 976. Woman: Head Bent. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 977. Woman with Child in Her Lap. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. VADASZ, MIKL6S Hungary Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., igiS- 978. A Summer Episode. 979. Cheap Places: Race Course. 980. In Amusement Park. 981. Female Impersonator. VASZARY, JANOS Hungary Awarded Gold Medal (for Oil Painting): P. P. I. E., 1915. 982. Drawing. ZADOR, ISTVAN Hungary 983. The Elisabeth Palace: Budapest. 984. The Baross Street: Budapest. 985. Thronefollower Street: Budapest. 986. The Bath Street: Budapest. 987. The Woodpecker Street: Budapest. SCULPTURE BECK, 0. FtJLOP Hungary Aivarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. £., 1915- 988. Ancient Hungarian Archer. 989 to 998. Medals. 999 to 1016. Medals. CANALIAS, JOSE Spain Avcarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 1017. Mariner. FEHERVARY, ERZSI Hungary Honorable Mention: P. P. I. £., I9'5- 1018. Black and White. 1019. Green and White. [ 272 ] ^ Co <; -; Z INTERNATIONAL SECTION FEHtlRVARY, ERZSI (Continued) 1030. Cleopatra. 1021. Harlequin. 1022. Ballerina. F6MES-BECK, VILMOS Hungary 1023 to 1033. Medals. 1034. Dancer. 1035. Eve. 1036. Woman with Sheaf. 1037. Dame. 1038. Beatrice. FERENCZY, BENJAMIN Hungary 1039. Madonna. KORMENDI-FRIMM, JENO Hungary 1040. Portrait Bust. 1041. Medal. MARES, FREDERICO Spain Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. £., jgiS- 1042. Study of Nude Man. MONEGAL PRAT, ESTEBAN Spain Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E.. IQIS- 1043. Woman Combing Her Hair. MUR.ANYI, GYULA Hungary AiL-arded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., igifi. 1044 to 1052. Medals. PICK, I.AJOS Hungary .Iti-arded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., iQlf,. 1053. The Start. POUPELET, JEANNE France 1054. Cock. 1055. nonkev. 1056. Toilet.' DE ROSAI.ES, EMANUEL O. England .U'sarded lironze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1(^15. 1057. Puppets. 1058. Bacchante. SIMAY, IMRE Hungary Aiiarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E.. 1915. 1059. Orang Utang. 1060. Family Joy. 1061. Mother and Son. 1062. Rhesus Ervthreus. 1063. Father and Son. TELCS, EDE Hungary Awarded Gold Medal (for Medah): P. P. I. E., 191,^. Aivarded Bronze Medal (for Sculpture) : P. P. I. E., ;9'5. 1064 to 1079. Medals. lOSO. Female Figure. 1081. Portrait Bust: Artist's Wife. TROtlBETZKOY, PAUL Russia 1082. Mrs. Henderson. 1083. Mrs. Crane. 1084. Caruso. 1085. Mr. Waterman. 1086. Mrs. B. Harriman. 1087. Mr. Shaukopf. 1088. Mme. Svirsky. 1089. Lady Constance Richardson. 1090. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. 1091. Tolstov on Horseback. 1092. Miss B. Rutherford. 1093. Samovede Siberian Dogs. 1094. Tolstoy. 1095. Princess Troubetzkoy. 1096. Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt. 1097. Girl with a Lamb. 1098. Hunting Dog. 1099. Mrs. Ogden Mills. 1100. How Can You Eat Me? 1101. Princess Troubetzkoy. 1102. Mrs. Castle. 1103. Baroness Robert Rothschild. 1104. Elephant. VEDRES, MARK Hungary Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. £., 19 IS- 1105. Girl Arranging Hair. 1106. Singing Boy. 1107. Dancing Girl. 1108. After Bath. 1109. Bacchus. 1110. .'\dam and Eve. nil. Bov Resting. 1112. Girl Carrying Water. 1113. Danseuse. 1114. Morning Toilet. 1115. Woman Arranging Hair. 1116. Reposing Athlete. ZILZER, HAJNALKA Hungary 1117. Portrait Plaque. ZUTT, AR. Hungary Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 1118 to 1129. Case of War Medals. GALLERY ONE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE ITALIAN FUTtlRISTS BALLA 1130. Dynamic Decomposition of a Motor in Rapid Movement. 1131. Dynamism of Dispersion. 1132. Dynamic Expansion: Speed. 1133. Luminous Successions: Displacements. 1134. Dynamism of Plasticity: Noises: Speed. 1135. Dynamism of Plastic Lights. 1136. Walking Lines: Dynamic Successions. 1137. Dynamism of Light. 1138. Dynamic Rhythm. BOCCIONI 1139. Nude: Complementary Dynamism of Form : Colour. 1140. Dynamism of ^ Cyclist. 1141. Elasticity. 1142. Matter. 1143. Dynamism of a Football Player. [ 273 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS CARRA 1144. The Disintegration of Flesh. 1145. Centrifugal Forces. 1146. Abstract Perspective of Form: Color. 1147. The Complement of Form to a Nude Figure. 1148. Study for the Picture: A Woman's Shape and Scents. 1149. Dynamic Space of a Jockey. 1150. Plastic Transcendencies. 1151. Synthesis of a Music Hall. 1152. Form of a Dancer in Circular Move- ment. 1153. Force Centres of a Boxer. 1154. Dynamism of a Boxer. 1155. Architectural Construction of a Woman on the Beach. 1156. A Woman's Shape and Scents. 1157. Woman: House: Bottle: as a Spher- ical Expansion in Space. 1158. Simultaneousness. RUSSOLO 1159. Dynamism of a Motor. 1160. Dynamic Volumes. 1161. Plastic Summary of a Woman's Movements. 1162. My Dynamic Self. 1163. Dynamic Expansion; Houses: Lights. SEVERINI 1164. Light: Speed: Noise: in Simultaneous Interpenetration. 1165. Forms and Color: Tone in the Argen- tine Tango. 1166. Sea Dancer. 1167. Spherical Expansion of Lights: Cen- tripetal. 1168. Spherical Expansion of Light: Cen- trifugal. 1169. Dynamic Decomposition of the Por- trait of the Poet Marinetti. 1170. Dynamism of the 14th July. 1171. Light: Speed: Noise: Sketch. 1172. Forms and Color: Tone in the Ar- gentine Tango: First Sketch. Forms and Color: Tone in the Double Boston : Second Sketch. Sea Dancer: Study. Dynamic Continuity of a Train in Rapid Movement. 1176. Sea Dancer: Studv No. 2. 1177. Sea Dancer: Study No. 3. SCULPTURE BOCCIONI 1178. Development of a Bottle in Space: Still Life. 1179. Muscles in Quick Motion. 1173. 1174. 1175. [ 274 IN rHK SfN. Ily llnijdan Strom NORWEGIAN SECTION CONSUL F. HERMAN GADE Commissioner General. WILHELM V. MUNTHE af MORGEN- STIERNE Assistant Commissioner. J. NILSEN LAURVIK Commissioner of Fine Arts. \0RVVEGIAN-AMER1CAN AUXILIARY COMMITTEE JAFET LINDEBERG J. HEYERDAHL HANSEN Chairman. HAAKON ADELSTEN JENSSEN FINE ARTS COMMITTEE IN CHRISTIANIA DIREKTOR JENS THHS Chairman. GALLERIES OSE HUNDRED FORTY PAINTINGS ASTRUP, NICOLAI 1. Window Flowers. Lent by Henrik Lund, Esq. 2. Storm-Blown Aspentree. Lent bv Henrik Lund, Esq. BRUN, HARALD 3. A Laplander. 4. Young Woman. 5. Gladioli. COLLETT, FREDRIK 6. Spring Landscape. DAHL, NILS Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 19 1 5. 7. September Evening. 8. Autumn Landscape. DEBERITZ, PER 9. On the Beach. From the Shulz Collection. 10. Nude. From the Shulz Collection. 11. Garden in Mentone. Lent by August Mohr, Esq. DIRIKS, EDVARD Atuarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 191$. 12. Storm on Drobaksfjord. 13. December on the Seine. From the Shulz Collection. 14. Marine. ERIKSEN, BJARNE 15. Summer Night. ERIKSEN, SIGURD 16. In the Woods. GAUGUIN, POLA 17. Sidestreet in Christiania. 18. Forest Interior. 19. Sunset. 20. Spruce Wood. FOUR TO ONE HUNDRED FIFTY GRANDE, SEVERIN Honorable Mention: P. P. /. E., 1915. 31. Still Life. 22. Fir Trees. 23. On the Beach. 24. Summer in Soon. HAAVARDSHOLM, MAGNHILD 25. Cabbage Field. HEIBERG, ASTRI WELHAVEN 26. Portrait of a Girl. 27. Landscape. HEIBERG, JEAN 28. Boxers. 29. Calla Lilies and Tiger Lilies. 30. Bathing Boys. 31. Landscape. 32. Nude. HENNIG, OTTO Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. /. E., 1913. 33. Valley in the Mountains. 34. Storm. HOLBO, KRISTEN Honorable Mention: P. P. /. E., 1915. 35. Al Fresco Luncheon. 36. Summer Evening in Vaage. 37. Mountain Dairy Pasture: Norway. HOLMBOE, THOROLF 38. In the Garden. 39. Winter Road. 40. Garden in Winter. 41. Winter. 42. Owl. 43. Autumn. 44. Twilight. JACOBSEN, AUGUST Honorable Mention: P. P. /. E., 1915. 45. Berry Tree. [275 1 CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS JOHANSEN, OTTO 46. In the Garden. 47. Cagne: France. 48. In the Romsdal : Norway. JORDE, LARS Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 49. Midsummer. 50. Noon Sun: Sjodalen. 51. Morning Sun on Winter Cliffs. KAVLI, ARNE 52. Landscape. 53. Summer. 54. In the Harbor. Lent by August Mohr, Esq. 55. Nude. From the Shuiz Collection. 56. Garden. 57. Summer Night. From the Shulz Collection. 58. The Tree. 59. The Red Tablecloth. KIELLAND, MANNE 60. Lbnstrup: Denmark. KOLSTO, FREDRIK Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 6\. Clear Winter Day. 62. Winter Day on the Coast. KRAG, LUL Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E.. igij. 63. Portrait of Mrs. K. KROHG. CHRISTIAN Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., igi^. 64. At the Table. 65. Buttoning the Shoes. From the Shulz Collection. 66. Portrait. 67. The Struggle for Life. 68. Norwegian Pilot. 69. Old Italian Woman. 70. The Child. 7L Sleeping. LAURENG, THEODOR 72. Portrait of a Boy. Lent by Henrik Lund, Esq. LUND, HENRIK Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 73. Portrait: The Norwegian Author, Hans Jaeger. 74. A Question. From the Shulz Collection. 75. The Dramatist, Gunnar Heiberg, and Friends in the Garden. 76. Portrait of Mrs. M. 77. On the Doorsteps. 78. The Kitchen Wall. 79. The Actress, Mme. Wettergren. MUNCH, EDVARD 80. Morning Toilet. 81. Portrait: The Author, Jappe Nilssen. S3. Landscape: Middle Europe. 83. Winter Landscape. 84. Portrait of the Painter, S. 85. Winter Landscape on the Coast. 86. Summer Night in Aasgaardstrand. From the Shulz Collection. 87. The Sun: Study for Decoration in Christiania University. 88. Morning. From the Schulz Collection. MULLER, JOHANNES Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1913. 89. Norwegian Mountain Stream. 89A. Evening. ONSAGER, SOREN 90. Before the Mirror. From the Shulz Collection. 91. Sleeping Children. From the Shulz. Collection. REVOLD, AXEL 92. Shipyard. 93. Two Girls. 94. Italian Girl. 95. Winter Landscape. ROM, HENRIK 96. Stormy Day in Fishing Village. 97. Summer Night. 98. Portrait of a Lady. SALICATH, ORNULF 99. Young Girl. 100. My Wife. SANN, JACOB 101. Fisherman's Garden. 102. Fisherman's Cottage. 103. Summer Evening in Sandefjord. SCHONHEYDER, ANNA 104. Vaage Church: Norway. SALVESEN, VALBORG SCHWARTZ 105. Interior. SINDING, SIGMUND Awarded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., 19 13. 106. Autumn. 107. Autumn in Norway. 108. In the Harbor. 109. Twixt Winter and Spring. 110. Country Road. SMITH-KIELLAND, PER 111. Winter. SOHLBERG, HARALD Awarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 1915. 112. Oak Tree: Evening Light. Lent by Rasmus Meyer, Esq. 113. Midsummer Night. Lent by Dr. Midelfart. 114. Spring Evening: Akershus, Chris- tiania. Lent by Olaf Gulbranson. [ 276 ] THE DRAMATIST. CUXNAR HEIBKRG AND FRIENDS IN THE GARDEN liy llrnnk I.unJ NORWEGIAN SECTION SOHLBERG, HARAI.n (Continued) lis. Winter Night in Mountains. Lent by J. B. Stang, Esq. 116. Fruitful Acres. Lent by Consul Harald Pettersen. 117. Fisherman's Cottage. Lent by Byron Smith, Esq. 118. From Sagene, Christiania. 119. Afternoon Sun. SOMME, JACOB 120. Evening Sun. 121. Interior. STROM, HALFDAN Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. F... i()l=i. 122. Figure Study. 123. Effect of Sunlight. 124. In the .Meadow. 125. Self Portrait. 126. Portrait of a Lady. 127. In the Sun. SORENSEN, HENRIK 128. The Waiter. Lent bv -August Mohr, Esq. 129. Afraid. 130. Friends. SVARSTAD, A. C. 131. Portrait. 132. Old House: Christiania. 133. Terrace in Rome. 134. Dedication of the People's House: Christiania. 135. Anarchists' Meeting in London. STADSKLEIV, THORLEIV 136. Overcast Day in the Mountains. TANNES, MARIE A'Korded Silver Medal: P. P. I. E., /y;.,". 137. March. 138. On the Outskirt of a Town. THAULOW, FRITS 139. Pumpkin Field: Pennsylvania. 140. Town (iate: Cordova, Spain. 141. In Skagen, Denmark. 142. Watermill. 143. Square in Beaulieu, France. 144. River in Brittany, France. 145. Fishermen's Bridge. 146. Park Bench in Winter. 147. Landscape: Ciravelines, France. 148. Watering the Horses: Normandy. 149. Smoking Chimneys: St. Denis, France. 150. Boulevard de la Madeleine: Paris. 151. The Mesna River: Norway. 152. Church Interior: Burgos, Spain. 153. Surf: Dieppe, France. 154. Apple Barges on the Seine. THORBJORNSEN, SIMON llonnrahlr Mention: P. P. I. E., IQIS. 155. Autumn Evening. 156. Still Life. rUNOLD, BERNT Honorable Mention: P. P. I. E., 1915. 157. Tranquillity. Lent by Direktor Kjell Koren. VALSTAD, OTTO Awarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., ig'S- 158. Norwegian Winter. 159. Digitalis. 160. A Corner of My Studio. 161. Near the Christianiafjord. 162. The Antique Mirror. 163. Spring. WETLESEN, WILHELM Aiuarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I- E., 19 '5- 164. Landscape from Fredrikstad, Norway. 165. Horses in Snow. WERENSKIOLD, DAGFIN 166. Hawk and Turkeys. 167. Crows and Their Young. GR.^PHIC SECTION Etchings, Lithographs, Woodcuts, Drawings and Water Colors. ERIKSEN, KRISTOFER Aivarded Siher Medal: P. P- I- E.. JP'.i- 168. The Rider (after Rembrandt s paint- ing in the Museum of Copenhagen). 169. Jewish Boy. GAUGUIN, POLA Aivardcd Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915- 170. Winter in the City. 171. Decorative Figure. 172. Side Street in the City. 173. Woman's Head. 174. Woman Dressing. 175. Reclining Figure. 176. Still Life. 177. Bathing Figures. 178. Female Nude. 179. Woman Arranging Hair. HAMMARBAECK, A. Awarded Siher Medal: P. P. I- E., I9'5- 180. A Little Girl. 181. Sketch. 182. Little Boy. 183. Profile. HOLM, HANS . , , d-k • 184. The Burial of Christ (after Ribera s painting in Louvre) (L). 185. From Mesna River (L in colors ot painting bv Thaulow). 186. From Amiens (L in colors of paint- ing by Thaulow). KAVLI, ARNE 187. Interior of a Music Box. 188. Singer in Tights. 189. Sketch. 190. Woman's Head. 191. Peasant Girl. [ 277 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS KAVLI, ARNE (Continued) 192. Female Figure. 193. Singer. 194. A Little Child. 195. Singing Negro. 196. Two Gentlemen in Paris. 197. The Author, VVildenway. 198. Songstress. 199. Songstress Resting. KIELLAND, MANNA 200. Wolves and Eagles Fighting (etching of painting by Jan Fyt). 201. Interior of Stange Church (etching of painting by Harriet Backer). LANGE, OLAF Aiuarded Medal of Honor: P. P. I. E., 1915. 202. Seaweed (L in colors). 204. Woman Crucified to a Butterfly (L in colors). 205. Martyr (L in colors). 206. Two Figures (Mezzotint from Velas- quez). 207. Salambo. MUNCH, EDVARD Awarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 208. Death Scene (L). 209. Adieus (L). 210. Henrilc Ibsen in Grand Cafe (L). 211. The Sea of Love (L). 212. Woman with Loose Hair (L). 213. Helge Rode (E). 214. Man Praving (woodcut in 2 colors). 215. Young Girl (E). 216. Amorous Woman (L in 4 colors). 217. By the Seashore (W in 4 colors). 218. Two People (W in 3 colors). 219. The Liberation (L in Blue). 220. Woman with Red Hair (L in 3 colors). 221. The Beggar (E on zinc). 222. Moonlight: Woman Outside the House (W in 4 colors). 223. Self Portrait (L). 224. The Dead Mother (E). 225. Lubeck (E). 226. Study (E). 227. August Strindberg (L). 228. Jealousy (L in black). 229. Vampire (W in 4 colors). 230. Eva Mudocci and Bella Edwards (L). 231. Self Portrait: No. 2 (L). 232. Oak Tree (E on zinc). 233. The Kiss (E). 234. Sick Girl (E). 235. The Sick Child (E). 236. Italian Woman (E). 237. Woman in Summer Night (E). 238. Moonlight (E). 239. Landgerichtsdirektor S. (E). 240. Sigbjorn Obstfelder (E). 241. Bathing Woman (E). 242. Henrv van de Velde (L). 243. Thv.S. (L). 244. Nude (L). 245. Leopard (L). 246. A Young Lady (E). 247. Workmen (L). 248. Thv. S. II (L). 249. Museum Director, Jens Thiis (L). 250. Panic (W). 251. Woman with Large Hat (L). 252. Workmen (W). 253. The Seducer (L). 254. Madam G. (L in red). 255. Young Ladv (L). 256. Two Old People (L). 257. Two Apes with Their Young (L). 258. Polar Bear (L). 259. Eagle's Head (L). 260. Tiger (L). 261. Boy, Girl and Horse (L). 262. Five Apes and an Ape's Head (LI. 263. Two Eagle Heads (L). 264. Eight Apes (L). NORDHAGEN, JOHAN 265. Falls in Telemarken (E of painting by August Cappelen). 266. Claudius Civilis' Conspiracy Against the Romans (from Rembrandt's painting). 267. Christ at Emmaus (from Rembrandt's painting). 268. Birch Tree in Storm (from painting bv Prof. J. C. Dahl). 269. Prof. Hans Gude: Portrait (E). 270. Arne Garborg (E). 271. Calf (E). PETERSSEN, REIDAR Aivarded Bronze Medal: P. P. I. E., 1915. 272. The Slaughter of the Innocents (from Valerio Castelli's painting in Na- tional Museum, Christiania). 273. Head: Studv (E). 274. Self Portrait (E). 275. Head (E). SOHLBERG, HARALD 275A. The Cripple. 275B. Moonlight. 275C. Midnight. 275D. Fisherman's Hut. THAULOW, FRITS 276. Pont de Amiens (E in colors). 277. Pont de Verone (E in colors). 278. Laveuses de Quimperle (E in colors). 279. Soir (E in colors). 280. Escalier de Marbre (E in colors). 281. Degel (E in colors). 282. Porte de Marbre (E in colors). [278] NORWEGIAN SECTION SCULPTURES AND MEDALHONS ST. LERCHE, HANS Awarded Silver Medal (for Sculpture): P. P. I. £., 1915. Honorable Mention (for Medals): P. P. I. E., 1(^1^. 283. Pope Leo XIII. 284. Max Liebermann. 285. Child. 286. Young Roman. 287. Infant Child. 288. Three Monkeys. 289. Bacchanal. 290. Siren. 291. Roman Carnival. 292. Crayfish. 293. Young Man. 294. Ibsen. 295. Nude. 296. Bust of Young Roman. 297. The Poet and the Sphinx. 298. Woman and the Sea Bear. 299. Wild Boar. 300. Venus. 301. Siren. 302. Spectre. 303. Nude. 304. Pope Pius X. 305. Pope Leo XIII. 306. Bjornstjerne Bjornson. 307. Fishes. 308. Fishes. 309. The Tiber. 310. Anti-Darwinist Illusions. 311. The Marquise Casati in Fete Costume. 312. Sea Motive. 313. Typical Roman Child. 314. Statuette: Pope Pius X. 315. Pope Pius X (A). 316. Pope Leo XIII (B). 317. Young Silenus. 318. Bust of a Young Roman. 319. Woman (glass). 320. Woman and Sea Bear. 321. Idyl. 322. Boy (terra cotta). 323. Child (terra cotta). 324. Pope Benedict XV (terra cotta). 325. Statuette (terra cotta). 326. Pope Pius X (terra cotta). 327. Candida (terra cottd). 328. Up Against It (terra cotta). 329. Bust of a Boy (terra cotta). 330. Schopenhauer: Head (terra cotta). 331. Head of a Child (terra cotta). 332. Old Silenus (terra cotta). VIK, INGEBRIGT Jivarded Gold Medal: P. P. I. E., /p/5. 333. Young Girl (bronze). [279] CROWS AND THEIR VulNt;. Oy Dm^Hn lf,-renskiolJ BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF AMERICAN ARTISTS ABBREVIATIONS Am. Acad. A. L American Academy of Arts and Letters. AC. Phila Art Club of Philadelphia. A. Fed. A American Federation of Arts, Washington. AI.^ American Institute of Architects. AIC Art Institute of Chicago. ANA Associate National Academy of Design, New York. Am. PS American Painters and Sculptors, New York. Am. S. Min. P American Society of Miniature Painters, New York. .^SL of N. Y Art Students' League of New York. .'VWCS American Water Color Society, New York. Boston WCC Boston Water Color Club. Boston SWCP Boston Society of Water Color Painters. C. I. Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Chicago AD Chicago Academy of Design. Chicago SA Chicago Society of Artists. Chicago SAC Chicago Society of Arts and Crafts. Chicago SE Chicago Society of Etchers. Corcoran AG Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C. Inter. Soc. A. L International Society of Arts and Letters; (also given as Soc. Inter, des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres). Int. Soc. S. P. G International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers, London. Mural P National Society of Mural Painters, New York. Nat. Inst. A. L National Institute of Arts and Letters. NA National Academy of Design, New York (Academicians). NAD National Academy of Design, New York (used chiefly for school). NSC National Society of Craftsmen, New York. NSS National Sculpture Society, New York. N. Y. Arch. Lg Architectural League of New York. NYWCC New York Water Color Club. PAFA Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Pa. S. Min. P Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters. Paris AAA American Art Association of Paris. Pastelists Society of Pastelists, New York. Phila. WCC Philadelphia Water Color Club. Port. P National Society of Portrait Painters, New York. SAA Society of American Artists, New York. SI Society of Illustrators, New York. Salma. C Salmagundi Club, New York. SWA Society of Western Artists. Ten Am. P Ten American Painters. Wash. WCC Washington (D. C.) Water Color Club. [282] A ROSE. By T/iomas P. Anshutz BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX: PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS ABBEY, EDWIN A. Born Philadelphia, 1852. Studied: P. A. F. A. Honors: First-class gold medal, Inter- national Art Exhibition, Vienna, iSiiS; gold medal of honor, P. A. F. A., iSgS; gold medal, Paris Exposition, iSSg and 1900; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; small gold medal, Berlin Exposition, li)o^. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France. Member: Royal Academy of Arts, London; A. R. IV. S., London; tV. .«/., igo2; Mural P.; A. IV. C. S.; A. /. A. (hon.) ; Parts, S. A. P.; Royal Bavarian Academy (/ion.); Assoc. Sac. Nat. des Beaux Arts, Paris; London S. /. (hon.); Phila. IV. C. C. (lion.); Nat. Inst. A. L. 2639. Spring. 2650. Parson Dunkhardt. Lent by Thomas L. Manson, Esq. 2651. Drawing No. 2. 2640. Pavane. Lent by Mrs. Payne Wliitney. Lent by Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. 2652. St. Agnes' Eve. 2641. Gold Net. 2653. Tlie Penance of Eleanor. Lent by Frederick Mead, Esq. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 2642. Drawing No. 5. 2655. The Bird to Others Flew: A Love Song. Lent by Mrs. Payne Whitney. Lent by Mrs. H. O. Havemever. 2643. The Wind. 2656. Quince with His Own Hand. Lent by Samuel T. Peters, Esq. Lent by Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer. 2644. The Lesson. 2657. The Quiet Life: Illustration for the Lent by Andrew Carnegie, Esq. Vicar. 2645. Three Queens. Lent by Mrs. Howard Mansfield. Lent by Frederick Mead, Esq. 2658. Sally in Our Alley. 2646. The Widow. Lent by Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer. Lent by Mrs. Edwin A. Abbey. 2659. The Toast. 2647. Drawing No. 3. Lent by Thomas L. Manson, Esq. Lent by Mrs. Payne Whitney. 2660. Sally in our Alley. 2648. In the Library. Lent by Thomas L. Manson, Esq. Lent by Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer. 2661. Drawing No. 1. 2649. Drawing No. 4. Lent by Mrs. Payne Whitney. Lent by Mrs. Payne Whitney. ACKERMAN. OLGA M. Born San Francisco. 34S6. .At a Concert. ADAMS, JOHN OTTIS Born Amity, hid., iSjI. Studied ivith John Parker in London; Benczur and Loefftz in Munich. Member: S. IV. A.; Indianapolis .Irt. Assoc, (hon.). Honors: Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, IQ04; Fine Arts Bldg. prize, Chicago, 190/; honorable mention, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. 2335. Winter Morning. 3469. A Bit of the Whitewater. Lent by the Muncie Art Association. ADAMS, PHILIP Born Honolulu, Haiiaii, iSSi. Studied: A. S. L., Neiu York; Museum Art School, Boston. 4450. The Sailor. ADDAMS. CLIFFORD Born Philadelphia, iS~6. Studied ivith Henry Wood, Drexel Institute; Composition under Thomas P. Anshutz and Henry V. Thouron and the P. A. F. A.; .Icademie Carmen, under IVhistler. Honors: Traveling scholarship, P. A. F. A., 1899. 2300. Sadness. 2301. The Lady of the Five Marks. [283] CATALOGUE OF THF. DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ADDAMS, INEZ Studied ivit/i H'/ilstler in Paris. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2261. Portrait Study. 2277. The Death of Lucrece. 2270. Daphne. AHRENS, ELLEN WETHERALD Born Baltimore, iSjij. Studied: Boston Museum School under Grundmann; P. A. F. A., under Enkins; Drexel Inst, under Pyle. Member: P/iila. IV. C. C; P. A. S. Min. P.; A. S. Min. P. Honors: Silver medal and prize, C. I., igoi ; bronze medals for oil paint- ing and miniatures, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 1834. Miss G. C. 1837. Little Bert. 1836. A Brown Study. AIKEN. CHARLES A. Born Worcester, Mass., iS/2. Studied: Boston Museum School. 1029. Portrait. ALBERT, ERNEST Born Brooklyn, A'. Y., 18S7. Studied: Brooklyn Academy of Design. 2291. Ten Above Zero. ALBRIGHT, ADAM EMORY Born Monroe, Wis., lS62. Studied: A. I. C; P. A. F. A.; Munich and Paris. Member: Chicago S. A.; S. it'. A.; Chicago A. D.; A. I. C. Honors: Grower prize, A. I. C, 1907; Cahn prize, A. 1. C, igo8. 2345. The Hill Road. ALEXANDER, JOHN W. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., 18^6; died, 191 5. Studied in Munich, Venice and Florence. Mem- ber: A. A'. A.. Jijoi; N. A., 1902 (president since 190Q) ; N. Y. .Irch. Lg., 1901; Mural P. (vice-president); Nat. Int., A. L. (president); Am. Acad. A. L.; Port. P.; School A. Lg. (president) ; S. I. (hon.) ; .4. I. A. (hon.); .•/. Fed. -•/. (vice-president and director); Sociele de Peintres et Sculpteurs, Paris; Soc. Nationale des Beaux-.Irts, Paris; Int. Soc. of Sc. Pt. and Gravers (hon.), London; R. S. British .Artists (hon.); Munich Secession; I'ienna Secession. Trustee .Im. Fine Arts Soc, A'. Y. Public Library and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Honors: Bronze medal, Munich .lead., iSSo; Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1897 ; Lippincott prize, P. A. F. A., 1899; gold medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; gold medal, Pan-.-I merican Exposition. Buffalo, igol ; Carnegie prize, S. A. A., 1901 ; first Corcoran prize, S. Wash. A., 1903; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1901; first-class medal, C. I., Pittsburgh, 1911. Medal of honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3314. Phyllis. Lent by the City Art Museum: St. Louis. ALLEN, CHARLES CURTIS Born Leominster. Mass., 1S86. Studied: Worcester Art Museum School, Philip Hale. 3610. Mountain and Cloud. ALLEN, MARION BOYD Born Boston. Studied u-ith Tarbell and Benson. 3490. Enameling. ALLIS, C. HARRY Born Dayton, Ohio, 1S77. Studied: Detroit School of Art; Munich and Paris. Member: S. A. A.; Munich, Germany; S. W. A.; Imperial Arts League, London, England. 2628. Evening: Montreiiil. ALLSTON, WASHINGTON Born in Waccamav^-. S. C, 1779; died in Cambridge, Mass., 184s. Graduated from Harvard, 1800. Went to England, 1801, and studied at Royal Academy. Afterwards [284] PORTRAIT. By Cecilia Beaux PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS ALLSTON, WASHINGTON (Continued) lisileJ Rome, ixhetue he returned to America in iSog. Subsequently lived in En);land from iSii to iSiS, and finally in Massachusetts. 2766. Bacchanal. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. AMES. BLANCHE Born at Loiuell, Mass., iSyS. Studied: Smith College, Northampton, Mass., under D. ir. Try on. 2111. Pauline. 3364. General Adelbert Ames. ANDERSEN. MARTINUS Born Peru, Ind., iSyS. Studied: J. Ottis Adams and William Forsyth; John flerron .4rt School. Honorable mention, Richmond, Ind., 1913; honorable mention, Richmond, Ind., 1914. 3254. The Glittering Pageant. ANDERSON. KARL Born ().\ior,l, O., 1S-4. Studied:,, .4 . I. C; Colorossi Academy in Paris; Holland, Italy and .Madrid. Member: Am. P. S.; S. I. Honors: Silver medal, C. I. Pittsburgh, 1910. 2222. Fireflies. ANSHUTZ. THOMAS P. Born Covington, Kentucky, iS^l; died, igiJ. Studied: P. .1. F. A. Member: The Neixi York H'ater Color Club; The Philadelphia Water Color Club. Instructor in the Penn- sylvania .Icademy of the Fine .Irts. Honors: Silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, St. Louis, /9i)j; gold medal of honor. The Pennsylvania .Icademy, igog; gold medal. International Exposition, Buenos .lires. 2159. Portrait of a Little Girl. 2499. A Rose. Lent by Mrs. John E. D. Trask. Lent by William S. Pardee, Esq. 2474. The Incense Burner. Lent by Dr. Charles \V. Gessler. ARCHAMBAULT, A. MARGARETTA Born Philadelphia. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Julian .Jcademy in Paris. Member: P. .■/. S. Min. P. (sect.): Fellowship, P. A. F. A.; Plastic C. 1981. Miss Clementine Daleour. 1983. Jacqueline. 19S2. Miss M. Smith. 19S4. Miss Frances Brock. ARTHURS, STANLEY MASSEY Born Kenton, Del., iS//. Studied ivith Hoivard Pyle. Member: S. I. 56. Overland Transportation. 60. The Evening Mail. ASHLEY, CLIFFORD WARREN Born AVit! Bedford, .\lass., iSXi. Studied liith Howard Pyle. 2314. Chase of the Bowhead Whale. AUSTIN, AMANDA P. Studied with E. Renard and Delacluse in Paris. 1049. Market Scene: Pont L'Abbe: Brittany. BACKER, OTTO H. Born Cleveland, Ohio, /.S.i6; died Bronxville, IQOQ. Studied with Duveneck, Carolus- Duran, Boulanger and Lefebvre. Member: Society of Illustrators, Painters-Etchers of London, England; Associate National .Icademy of Design. Honor: Silver medal, St. Louis, 1904. 2619. July. BAER, WILLIAM J. Born Cincinnati, 1S60. Studied: McMicken School of Design, Cincinnati; Royal Acad- emy, Munich. .Member: Am. S. Min. P. (president). Honors: Bronze medal, Paris Ex- position, igoo; bronze medal, Pan-.J merican Exposition. Buffalo, igoi ; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, igo2. [285] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS BAER, WILLIAM J. (Continued) Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, l')!^. 1935. Young Diana. 1941. Nymph and Cupid. 1937. Doris. 1942. The Apple. 1938. Friends. 1943. Betty. 1939. Mrs. E. R. Hewitt. 1944. Laodicea. 1940. Primavera. BAINS, ETHEL FRANKLIN BETTS Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 52. Cinderella. 76. The Story of Hansel and Gretel. 70. The Story of the Six Swans. 88. Snow White and Rose Red. 75. The Frog Prince. 89. Rumpelstiltskin. BAKER, WILLIAM BLISS Born AVw York, iSS9- Died, 1S87. Landscape painter, pupil of Bierstadt, M. F. H. de Haas and the National Academy. 2536. Landscape: Grez. Lent by H. C. Henry, Esq. BAKER, GEORGE A. Born in Neiu York, 1S21; died there, 1S80. Studied at the schools of the Academy and in Europe from 1S44 to 1846; N. A., 1851. 2757. Portrait of Charles L. Elliott. Lent by the National Academy of Design. BAKER, SAMUEL BURTIS Born Boston, Mass., iSSj. Studied ivith Ernest L. Major, Joseph de Camp and Edicard H. Barnard. 22S7. Portrait of Miss Marion Howard. BALANO, PAULA HIMMELSBACH Born Leipzig, Germany, iSy^. Studied: P. A. F. .■?., Paris. 4343. Parthenon: Moonlight. BALL, ROBERT E., JR. Born Kansas City, Mo., iSgo. Studied: Richard E. Miller. Paris, lQls-14. 4110. Moonlight: Gothic Arch at St. Jean: 4136. The Palms. Brittany. BALLIN, HUGO Born S'eiv York, 1S79. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; in Rome and Florence. Member: A. N. A., 1906; N. Y. Arch Lg.; A. fF. C. S.; Nat. Inst. A. D.. Honors: Shaiv purchase. S. A. A., 1905; President's prize, N. Y. Arch. Lg., igo6; Clark prize, N. A. D., igo6; second Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1907; Isidor medal, N. A. D., 1907; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1908; bronze medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. 3175. Sorrow. BARLOW, MYRON Born Ionia, Mich., iS/S- Studied: A. I. C, Gerome and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Honors: Gold medal, St Louis Exposition, 1904. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19I}. 4427. Flowers. 4435. Fish Sellers. 4431. Apples. BARNARD, EDWARD H. 2572. The Young Oaks: Early August. Lent by the St. Botolph Club. BARNES, GERTRUDE J. Born Tyngsboro, Mass., 186^. Studied: Minneapolis School of Fine .4rts under Doug- las Folk; Coiules Art School in Boston under Dennis M. Bunker; Snell and Lathrop in [286] a: 73 CD C PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS BARNES, GERTRUDE J. rContinucd) New York; C. H. Woodbury. Honors: First prize for landscape, Minnesota State Art. Soc, 1904; honorable mention, Minnesota State Art Sac, 1908, 1910 and 1914. 1287. Girl with Persian Cat. BARNETT, TOM P. Born St. Louis, iSyo. Studied luith Paul Cornoyer. Honors: Halsey C. Ives first landscape prize, St. Louis, 1914; bronze medal, Portland Exposition. 3297. Winter. Lent by the Citj" Art Museum: St. Louis. BARTLETT, FREDERIC CLAY Born Chicago, iS/S- Studied ivilh Gysis in Munich; Collin, Aman-Jean and JVhistler in Paris. .Member: Chicago S. .1.; S. IV. A.; Mural P.; Royal Academy, Munich. Hon- ors: Silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; honorable mention, C. /. Pittsburgh, 190S; Cahn prize, A. /. C, igio. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2181. Spring Recess. 3428. Our Country Dining Room. BAXTER. MARTHA WHEELER Born Castleton, It., lS6g. Studied: P. A. F. A.; A. S. L. of N. Y., under Moi^bray, Cox, Beckv-ith and F. V. Du Mond. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1900. 1802. Boy Driving. 1806. My Mother. 1803. Portrait of Miss T. 1807. The Peacock Fan. 1805. Theodore. BEAL, GIFFORD Born in New York, iSyg. Member: A. N. A., J908; A. IF. C. S. Honors: Third prize H'orcester, Mass., 190^: bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Shaiv Fund, Salma C, 1909; first Hatlgartrn prize, N. A. D., 1910; honorable mention, Art Institute of Chicago, 191S; silver medal. National Arts Club, 1913; Thomas B. Clarke prize, Na- tional .4cademy of Design, 70/,?; medal of the third class, Carnegie Institute, 1913. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 3540. Summer Landscape. 3542. Old Town Terrace. 3541. The Gossips. 3546. The End of the Street. BEAL, REYNOLDS Born AVtl- York, iS6y. Studied uilh Chase. Member: N. Y. W. C. C; A. N. A., 1909; A. If. C. S. Honors: Jurley IV. C. prize, Salma. C, 1902. 3543. Orr's Mills. 3547. Lawrenceville Lock. BEARD. WILLIAM H. Born Painsville, 0., iS.'i. Began as a portrait painter, but soon turned to 'works of imagination, and rose to high honors. One of the earliest associates of the National .Academy of Design. He died in 1900. 2735. Having Taken Possession. Lent by Fred E. Sander, Esq. BEATTY, JOHN W. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., iS,^r. Studied: Royal Bavarian Academy, Munich. Member: Royal Society of Arts, London, England; of the Jury for New York and Pennsylvania, IVorld's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSgs; of the National Advisory Board, Paris Exposition, 1900; of the Fine Arts Committee, Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo, 1901; of the National Advisory Committee, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; honorary degree, Master of Arts, Western University of Pennsylvania, 1900. Director of the Department of Fine Arts, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Member of tite International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191 5. S312. Plymouth Hills. 3313. Plymouth Sand Dunes. Lent by the National Gallery. [287] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS BEAUMONT, LILIAN ADELE Born Jamaica Plain, Mass., iSSo. Studied: School of Boston Museum, under Benson, Tarbell and Philip Hale. 2141. The Satin Gown. BEAUX, CECILIA Born Philadelphia, Pa. Studied: IVilliam Sartain in Philadelphia; Julian and Lazar Schools in Parts. Member: S. A. A., 1893; A. N. A., 1S94; N. A., 1902; Port. P.; Sac. des Beaux-Arts, Paris; Phila. IV. C. C. Honors: Mary Smith prize, P. A. F. A., iSSj, 1887, 1S91 and l8gs; gold medal, A. C. Phila., 1893; Dodge prize, N. A. D., 1893; bronze medal, C. I. Pittsburgh, 1S96; first-class gold medal ($1500); C. I. Pittsburgh, 1899; Temple gold medal, P. .4. F. A., /poo; gold medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; first Corcoran prize, S. IVash. A., 1902; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Pennsylvania, 1908; Degree of Master of Arts, Yale University, 1912; Saltus Medal for Merit, National Academy of Design, 1914. Medal of honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3033. Dorothea and Francesca. 3038. Portrait. 3034. Ernesta. 3039. Sita and Sarita. 3035. The Dreamer. 3040. Portrait Study. 3036. Study in Whites. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. BECKER, EULABEE DIX Born Greenfield, HI., 1S79. Studied: Si. Louis Art School; Neiv York .4rt League; tu'/A Wm. J. fVhittemore. 1973. Philip Dix Becker. 1976. Portrait of Esther Hoyt. 1974. Mrs. John Graves. BECKER, MAURICE Born Nijni Novogord, Russia, 1889. Studied iiith Robt. Henri. 4301. The Older Generation. 4322. The Boy and the Man. BECKINGTON, ALICE Born St. Charles, Mo., 1868. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y., under Beckiuith; Constant, Le- febvre and Lazar in Paris. Member: Am. S. Min. P.; Pa. Soc. Min. P. Honors: Hon- orable mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposi- tion, 1904. 1965. Study in Blues and Greens. 1968. Study of a Head in Shadow. 1966. Portrait of Mr. Lewis. 1969. Helen. 1967. The Morning Paper. BECKWITH, J. CARROLL Born Hannibal, Mo., 1852. Studied: Carolus-Duran and Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Mem- ber: A. N. A., 1SS6; N. A., 1894; S. A. A., 1881; A. W. C. S.; Nat. Inst. A. L. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1887; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1889; gold medal, Atlanta Exposition, 189^; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; gold medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; silver medal. Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. 2598. Portrait of George Coleman, Esq. BEEK, ALICE D. ENGLEY Born Providence, R. I., 1S76. Studied: Wheeler Art School, Providence, R. I.; six years in Paris. Academies Julian, Colorossi, Delacluse and l.asar. 4348. Portrait Study. BELCHER, HILDA Born Pittsford, Vt., 1881. Studied lath Henri and Kenneth Hayes Miller in New York. Member: A. /F. C. S.; N. Y. jr. C. C. Honors: First prize, Strathmore IValer Color Contest, J908; Beat prize, N. Y. IV. C. C, 1909. 1050. The Little Boston Girl. 1052. Day-dreamer. [288] n MIAN PITCHER AND FRIIIT. By Hugh II. Brerkenri.lge PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS BELL, CLARA LOUISE Born Neziton Falls, Ohio, 1886. Studied: Cleveland School of Art; A. S. L., New York. 1859. Little Girl with the Curls. 1S63. Elizabeth. BELLOWS, GEORGE H. Born Columbus, Ohio, iSSs. Studied luilh Henri and Hayes-Miller in Neiu York. Mem- ber: A. N. A., K^oS; Am. P. S. Honors: Hallgarlen prize, N. A. D., igo8. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19IS. 4439. Polo Crowd. 4442. Portrait of a Young Lady. 4441. River Front. 4455. Excavation at Night. BENDA, WLADYSLAW T. Member: S. 1. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 23. Laila. 62. Amazons: II. 61. Amazons. BERLIN, HARRY Born New York City, 1886. Studied: N. A. D. Member: Union International des Beaux- Arts et des Lettres. 2569. Motherhood. 4409. Vermont Hills. BERNEKER, LOUIS F. Born Clinton, Mo. Studied: St. Louis School of Fine Arts; Laurens .4cademy in Paris. 2623. Coral and Blue. BERNINGHAUS, OSCAR E. Born St. Louis, 1S74. Studied: St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Member: S. W. A. (secre- tary). Honor: Dolph prize, St. Louis, 1907. 260S. A Southwestern Pueblo. BERNSTEIN, THERESA F. 2982. Open Air Show. BETTS, ANNA WHELAN Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 25. The Trundle Bed. 1074. Coral Beads. 66. A Winter Day. 1082. The Promenade. 71. The Dancing Class. 1088. Preparations for Bed. 949. At the Window. 1095. The Candle. BETTS, LOUIS Born Little Rock, .Irkansas, iSys- Studied: N PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS BOHM, MAX (Continuecn Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3512. Portrait Mme. B. 4160. The Promenade. 3516. The Sea Babies. BONSALL, MARY W. Born Fernivood, Pa. Studied -first Chapter of Job. 1023. Napping. 1022. Day Dreaming. BURNSIDE, CAMERON Born London, JSS/. Studied: Rene Menard, Rupert Bunny and Lucien Simon in Paris. Member: Societe des .4rtistes Independants. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 4419. The Yellow Curtain. BUSH, ELLA SHEPARD Born Galesburg, III. Studied with J. .Ilden Il'eir, Kenyon Cox, Robert Henri, Theodora ir. Thayer. Member: P. A. S.; Min. P. 1854. Balaustion. IS 64. A Fairy Tale Princess. 1S55. A Kapp.i of Washington. BUSH-BROWN, MARGARET LESLEY Born Philadelphia, Pa., iSs7- Studied: P. A. F. A.; Julian Academy in Paris under Le- febvre and Boulanger. .Member: As. Min. P. Honors: Silver medal, Charleston Exposi- tion, 1902; bronze medal, Columbus, S. C, and Knoxville, Tenn.; honorable mention. P. A. F. A. 1881. Portrait of Moncure D. Conway. 1887. The Flute Lesson. BUSHNELL, ADELYN Born Fort Smith, Ark., 1876. Studied: Art .Academy, Cincinnati; Art League, New York City; Mme. La Forge, Paris. 1794. Portrait of an Old Man. BUTLER, EDWARD B. Born Lewiston, Maine, 1853. 2302. The Brook. BUTLER, HOWARD RUSSELL Born New York, 1S56. Studied with Dagnan-Bouveret, Roll and Gervex in Paris. Mem- ber: A. N. A., 1897; N. A., 1900; S. A. A., 1889; N. Y. IV. C. C; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1889. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 18S6; Temple silver medal, P. A. F. A., jSSS; medal, Atlanta Exposition, iSg-,; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3324. Spirits of the Twilight. BUTLER, J. J. P. Born Giverny, France, 1S9J. 4368. Autumn Landscape. BUTLER, MARY 3508. Trees at Shubel's Mount: Nova Scotia. BUTLER, THEODORE EARL Born Columbus, Ohio, 1S61. Studied: A. S. L., Ne^v York; Julian Academy. Honorable mention. Salon, 1S8S. 4129. Peonies. 4383. Sunrise. 4369. Afternoon. [ 295 ] CATALOGUE OF THE: DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS BUTTON. ALBERT PRENTICE Born Loxi-ell, Mass., 1872. Studied: Boston Art Schools. Member: N. Y. H^. C. C. 1047. An October Day. 1055. Girl in Gray. 1051. In the Meadow. 1056. Girl of the Desert. 1053. Ultima Thule. BYNE, ARTHUR Born Philadelphia, Pa. Studied: .4merican Academy, Rome, Italy. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, iQly. 1741. .\ Fountain in Lugo. 1745. Tarragona Cathedral Seen from the 1742. The Bishop's Well: Palencia. Cloister. 1743. Cathedral Silhouette: Saragossa. 1746. A Toledan Tenement. 1744. An Old Palace in Avila. 1747. Vigo from the Bay. 1748. Patio in an Old Posada in Alcala. CADENASSO, GIUSEPPE Born Genoa, Italy, iSfiS. Studied: Hopkins Art Institute, San Francisco. Honor: Gold medal, Seattle. 2188. The Reflection. 3 596. Summer. CAHILL, ARTHUR Born San Francisco, iSyg. 4325. Illustration for Western Story. CAHILL, WILLIAM V. Born Syracuse, N. Y. Studied: A. S. L. of Neic York and Birge Harrison. Honors: Wil- liam T. Evans prize, Salma. C, 1912; Vezin prize, 1913. 4156. The Red Book. CALIGA, I. H. Born Auburn, Ind., 1S37. Studied under If'illiam Lindensehmidt. 2379. Autumn. CALLAHAN, CAROLINE R. Born San Francisco. Studied ivitb Collin in Paris. 3503. Luncheon. CAMP, HAROLD M. Member: N. Y. ir. C. C. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 1126. Turn in the River. 3236. A Hill Top. 1131. Snow Clouds. CAREW, BERTA Born Springfield, Mass., 1S78. Studied: Neia York, Paris and Rome. 1793. The Late Archbishop Corrigan. CARLES, ARTHUR B. Born Philadelphia, Pa., 1SS2. Studied: P. A. F. A. Honors: First Toppan prize and Cresson scholarship, P. A. F. .4.; bronze medal, Chicago Art Institute. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 2467. Repose. -506. Nude. 2471. Torso. CARLISLE, MARY HELEN 2654. High Noon: California. CARLSEN, EMIL Born Copenhagen, Denmark, 185S! came to United States in 1S72. Studied architecture at Danish Royal Academy. Member: S. A. A., igo2; A. N. A., 1904; N. A. 1906; Nat. Inst. .1. L. Honors: Second Inness prize, Salma. C, 1904; Shaie purchase, S. .■/. A., 1904; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Ifebb prize, S. .4. A., igoj; Inness medal, N. A. D., [296] THE MIRRtJR. By Dntnis Miller Hunk, PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS CARLSEN, EMIL (Continued) /9"r." tlifii medal, C. I., Pittsburgh, igoS ; Temple f^old medal, P. .1 . F. A., igu; bronze medal, Buenos Aires, igio. Medal of honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, rgrj. 3183. The Open Sea. CARLSON, JOHN FABIAN Born 1857. Member: A. jY. A., 191 1; N. Y. /F. C. C. Honors: First prize, Swedish- American Exhibition, Chicago, 1911 and 1913; silver medal. Society of IFashington Artists, H'ashingion, D. C, 191$; t'ezin prize, Salma. C, 1912 ; first Isidor prize, Salma. C, 1912. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2452. Frost Bound. 3188. Spring Morning. 3179. Grey Woods. 4100. Along the Stream. 3180. Silvered .'\cres. 4337. Cloud Legions. CARPENTER, FRANK D. Born Homer, X. Y. Portrait painter lehose name is associated with Lincoln's career. He painted "Emancipation Proclamation" in the Capitol at H'ashington. 2702. Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Lent bv the Union League Club: New York City. CARPENTER, FRED G. Born Nashville, Tenn., iSSs. Studied: Laurens, Baschet, Simon and Collin in Paris. Mem- ber: S. If. A. Honorable mention. Salon des Artistes Francois, 1911. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191S. 3274. The Gay Set. CARRIGAN, WILLIAM L., Born San Francisco, 1S6S. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191}. 3162. Midsummer Masque. CASE, BERTHA 3S4S. View: Sidi Ben Said: Tunis. CASER, ETTORE Born Venice, iSHo. Studied: .-Icademy, Venice. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2457. Old Venice. 3077. Musical Moment. 2614. The Fire. CASSATT, MARY Born Pittsburgh, Pa., iS^j. Influenced by Manet and Degas. Member: A. N. A., 1909. Honors: I.ippincott prize, P. A. F. A., 1904; Chevalier of Legion of Honor of France, 1904. 3006. Woman Reading in a Garden. 3010. Woman with a Fan. 3008. Woman and Child: Rose Scarf. CASTERTON, EDA NEMOEDE Born Brillion, IVis., iSyj. Stiidied with Virginia Reynolds, Minneapolis School of Fine Arts; Chicago Academy of Fine Arts; Paris under Henry Salem Huhbell. Honors: First honorable mention at exhibition of International Art Union, Paris, 1907 ; honorable men- tion at International Art Union Exhibition, Paris, 190S. Member: American Sociey of Miniature Painters. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 1822. Miss Pauline Batchelder. CAULDWELL, LESLIE 4332. Portrait of Colonel W. CHANDLER, H. C. Born Wellington, Kan., iSSr. Studied: San Francisco, New York and Paris. 1761. Nevada Desert. [297 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS CHAPMAN, CARLTON THEODORE Born New London, 0., lS6o. Studied: N. A. D. and A. S. L. of New York; Julian Acad- emy in Paris. Member: A. N. A., igoo; S. A. A., iSgs; A. JV. C. S. Honors: Silver medal, Boston, 1S92; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1894; bronze medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi; bronze medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 3474. The American Fleet Hoisting the Flag at Monterey, July 7th, 1846. CHAPMAN, CHARLES S. Born Morristown, N. J., 1878. Studied with IVilUam Chase and W. Appleton Clark. 4384. The Marauder. CHAPPEL, ALONZO 63. Surrender of Lee. 2755. Lafayette; De Kalb: D'Estaing. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. CHASE, ADELAIDE COLE Born Boston, 186S. Studied with Tarbell at Boston Museum School; Carolus Duran in Paris. Member: S. A. A., 1903; A. N. A., 1906. Honor: Silver medal, St. Louis Exposi- tion, 1904. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 2996. Portrait of Mrs. Swan. 3483. The Violinist. CHASE, LILA ELIZABETH Born Port Jl'illiams, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1893. Studied: A. S. L. of New York; scholar- ship in the Miniature class at the Art Students' League, 19 1 3. 1808. Portrait. 1809. Elizabeth. CHASE, WILLIAM M. Born Franklin, Ind., 1S49. Studied with B. F. Hayes in Indianapolis; J. O. Eaton in New York; A. Wagner and Piloty in Munich. Member: A. N. A., 1888; N. A., 1890; S. A. A., 1879; A. W. C. S.; Munich Secession; Ten Am. P.; Nat. Inst. A. L.; Am. Acad. A. L.; Port. P. Honors: Medal Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, l8y6; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1S81; Munich, 1SS3; silver medal, Paris Salon, 1SS9: first prize, Cleve- land Art Association, 1S94; Shaw prize, S. A. A., J805; gold medal of honor, P. A. F. A., 1S95; gold medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1901; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; gold medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; first Corcoran prize, S. Wash. A., 1904; grand prize, Buenos Aires, 1910. Member of the International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, jgiS- 3738. Miss Savageau. 3739. Just Onions. 3740. Self Portrait. 3741. Miss Emmett. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. 3742. A Poor Man's Meal. 3743. Portrait of an Artist. 3744. Steichen. 3745. Helen. 3746. A Passenger Boat. 3747. Venice. 3748. Italian Landscape. 3749. Day Dream. 3750. Portrait of Mrs. C. Lent by Carnegie Institute. 3751. Old Houses: Venice. 3752. Long Island Landscape. 3753. On a Grand Canal. 3754. Friendly Advice. 3755. Portrait of J. Frank Currier. 3756. Back of the Villa. 3757. Koto. 3758. Study of a Young Girl. 3759. Portrait of Whistler. 3760. Mrs. Vonnoh. 3761. Mrs. Mason. 3762. Fruit. 3763. R. U. Johnson. 3764. Big Copper Kettle and Fish. 3765. Mn Sullivan. Woman with the White Shawl. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Still Life: Fish. Mrs. Sullivan. 3766. 3767 3768 3769. Mrs. Chase. [298] .Sex ^ -^ O PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS CHURCH, FREDERICK EDWIN Born Hartford, Conn., 1836; died New York, igoo. Studied •viith Thomas Cole. Elected N. /!., iS4<). Honor: Medal second class, Paris, lS6j. 2935. Niagara Falls. Lent by Corcoran Gallery of Art. CHURCHILL, WILLIAM W. Born Boston, iS^jS. Studied zi-it/i Bonnat in Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2167. The Manuscript. 2174. Pouring Tea. 2170. The Model. CLARK, ALSON SKINNER Born Chicago, iS/6. Studied ivith Simon, Cottet, IF/iistler, Mucha and Merson in Paris; Chase in Neiu York. Member: S. {{■'. A. Honors: Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, J904; Cahn prize, A. I. C, igo6. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3532. Market in Panama. 3552. Sosa Hill from the Quarry. 3533. In the Cut. 3553. First Dredges Through Gatun Locks. 3534. In the Lock: Miraflores. 3554. Dredges Under Gold Hill. 3535. Gold Hill from Culebra. 3555. Cucaracha Slide. 3536. In Tropical Waters. 3556. The Cranes: Miraflores. 3537. Culebra Slide. 3560. Gates: Pedro Miguel. 3549. Pedro Miguel Locks. 3561. Culebra Cut from Empire. 3550. Moving the Trestle. 3562. Panama from the Pacific. 3551. Big Cranes: Miraflores. 3563. Three Hills from Culebra. CLARK, FREEMAN Born in Mississippi. Studied ivith Chase in New York. 3433. The Climbers. CLARK, HARRIETTE A. Born Depere, JVis., 1S76. Studied: Minneapolis Art School; Julian Academy, Paris. 1838. Constance E. Fairchild. 1S41. Mrs. Lefevre. 1839. Mme. Sherry. » CLARKE, THOMAS SHIELDS Born Pittsburgh, Pa., 1S60. Studied: Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris ; Rome and Florence. Member: N. S. S.; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 189S; A. N. A., igo2. 2361. The Dawn of New Life. CLARKSON, RALPH Born .4mesbury, Mass., jS6l. Studied: School of Boston Museum; Julian Academy under Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1910; Chicago S. .1.; N. Y. W. C. C; S. JV. A.; Port. P. Instructor A. I. C. Honor: Cahn prize, /t. I. C, loog. Member of the International Jury of .^ivards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS. 2183. Portrait: E. G. Keith, Esq. CLEMENT, CATHERINE Born Rochester, N. Y., 1881. Studied in Neiv York and Paris. 1202. Portrait. CLONNEY, JAMES GOODWYN Born in Liverpool, England, 1812; died in Binghamton, N. Y., 1867. Painted miniatures in Neiu York, iSs-f. Dreiu on stone for Childs and Inman, Philadelphia, 1S44. 2745. Militia Training. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. CLOSSON, WILLIAM BAXTER Born Thetford, I't., 184S. Studied: Lonetl Institute in Boston; traveled in Europe. Mem- ber: Union Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. Honors for wood engraving. [ 299 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS CLOSSON, WILLIAM BAXTER (Continued) Gold, silver and bronze medals, Mass. Charitable Mechanics' Association; third class medal, Paris Salon, 1SS2; silfcr medal, Paris Exposition, 1SS9; medal, Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, lSg2; diploma. Graphic Arts Exposition, Vienna; silver medal, Pan-A meri- can Exposition, Buffalo, igoi ; St. Louis Exposition, IP04. 3597. A Glimpse of the Sea. CLUTE, WALTER MARSHALL Born Schenectady, N. Y., jHyo. Studied: A. S. L. of Neiv York; Constant, Princt and Laurens in Paris. Member: Chicago S. A.; instructor and lecturer at A. I. C. Honor: Roseniuald prize, A. I. C, igio. 4186. Romance. COCKROFT, EDYTHE VARIAN Born Brooklyn, iSSi. Member: Salon d'Automne, Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, International Art Union, Paris, igog and 1910. 4101. Portrait Study. 4187. Girl Reading. COFFIN, WILLIAM ANDERSON Born Allegheny, Pa., 1S55. Studied with Bonnat in Paris. Member: A. N. A., l8g8; A'. A., igi2; S. A. A. 18S6; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1888; director Art Department, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. Honors: Second Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1886; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, iSSg; Jf'ebb prize, S. A. A., i8gi; gold medal, A. C, Phita., iSgS; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, igo3; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, ig04. 2274. September Afternoon. 2290. Early Morning in May. 2282. A March Evening. COHEN, LEWIS Born London, England, iS^y. Studied with Legros and Nicol in London; Blanc in Paris. Member: A. N. A., igii. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3147. A Stronghold of the Scaligeri. 3151. The Great Bridge: Toledo. COLE, GEORGE TOWNSEND 5 , Born San Francisco, 1S74. Studied: Akademie der Bilden-Kunste, Vienna, Austria; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Honors: Gold medal, igis, California Society of Miniature Painters. 1901. Mrs. H. 1906. Mrs. Gregory McLaughlin. 1904. Miss Aileen McCarthy. COLE, J. FOXCROFT Exhibitor in the Royal .Icademy in lS/6 and l8/y. 2937. Landscape. COLE, THOMAS Born Bolton le Moore, England, 1801; died near Calskill, N. Y., 1848. Landscape painter. In iSig his father emigrated to .■Imerica and settled in Ohio, vuhere he first learned the rudiments of his art from a portrait painter named Stein. 2721. Landscape. 2737. Four Sljetches of the Voyage of Life. COLE, THOMAS CASILEAR Born Staatsburgh, X. Y., 1SS8. Studied: School of the Boston Museum under Tarbell, Benson and Hale; Academic Julian, Paris under Laurens. 2283. Portrait of a Lady. COLEMAN, CHARLES CARYL Born Buffalo, N. Y., 1840. Studied: Paris, Rome and New York. Member: A. N. A., 18S1. Honors: Bronze medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSgs; silver medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. 4408. Sorrow. COLMAN, SAMUEL Born iSs2. Studied under Durand. Traveled abroad in 1860-1862. In 1S6/ founded with [300] >= 50 PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS COLMAN, SAMUEL (Continued) James D. Smillie the American Society of Painters in Water Colors, noiv the American Water Color Society, and zias its first president. 2969. Caravan in the Desert. Lent by the Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College. COMAN, CHARLOTTE BUELL Born Jfateriille, A'. 1'., /A'jj. Studied vsith James R. Brevoort in Neiu York; Harry Thompson and Emil f'ernier in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1910; A'. 1'. IV. C. C. Honors: Bronze medal, California Midivinter Exposition, San Francisco, iSg.j; prize, N. Y. Woman's .1. C; Shaiv memorial prize, S. A. A., 1905; second prize, S. H'ash. A., 1006; Burgess Prize, k. Y. Woman's .4. C, 1907; McMillin prize, N. Y. Woman's A. C, 1911. 3013. Pocono Hills in Winter. COMEGYS, GEORGE H. Born Maryland ; died Philadelphia. Studied ivith Neagle. Member: Board of Council of the .Artists' Fund Society, Philadelphia, 184}. First print issued by .Imcrican .Irt Union taken from his picture, "The Artist's Dream." 2713. The Ghost Story. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. CONANT, LUCY SCARBOROUGH Born Brooklyn, Conn., 186/. Studied in Boston and Paris. Member: Philadelphia Water Color Club. 1184. The Silver Lakes of the Engadine. 1187. The Sella. Joch: Dolomites. 1185. The Beloved Pine: Carapfer. 1188. The Jungfrau at Noon. 1186. The Matterhorn. 1189. Piz Languard from Rosegg Valley. CONANT, MARJORIE Born Dorchester, Mass., 188$. Studied: Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. 2200. Late Afternoon. CONGDON, THOMAS R. Born .iddison, N. Y. Studied: A. S. L. and Chase in Netu York; Constant and Collin, Paris. Honor: Honorable mention, Paris A. A. A., 1<)02. 2214. The Greenroom. CONNELL, EDWIN D. Born New York City, 1859. Studied ivith Bougureau, Robert-Fleury and Julien Dupre in Paris. Member: Societe Internationale des Beaux-.4rts. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1899; medal, second class, Orleans Exposition, 1905; first-class medal, Toulouse Exposition, 1908. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 4424. Tlie Dunes. CONNER, JOHN RAMSEY Born Radnor, Pa. Studied: P. A. F. .4. and Paris. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2594. Cottage Interior. 4436. The Little Seamstress. COOLIDGE, BERTHA Born Lynn, Mass., 18S0. Studied: Boston Museum School under Tarbell and Benson; Bourgois in Paris; Grueber in Munich. Member: Societe de la Miniature, Paris, France. 1233. Portrait of Miss Gertrude Fiske. 1239. Portrait of Mrs. R. 1236. Portrait of a Russian Girl. 1240. Portrait of Miss E. L. V. 1237. Woman in White. COOLIDGE, MARY ROSAMOND Born If'alertoicn. .Mass., iSSf. Studied ivith W. D. Hamilton and E. C. Tarbell in Boston. 2298. Portrait: Miss S. 3362. Portrait of S. Burtis Baker. 3026. The Old-Fashioned Gown. [301 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS COOPER, COLIN CAMPBELL Born Philadelphia, iS^d. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Julian and Delacluse Academies in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 190S; N. A., 1912; N. Y. jr. C. C.; Phila. ir. C. C. Honors: Bronze medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; IVm. T. Evans prize, A If. C. S., 1903; Sesnan prize, P. A. F. A., 1904; gold medal, A. C. P., 1905; silver medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Beal prize, N. Y. IV. C. C, 191 1. Gold medal, for Oil Painting, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Silver medal, for Water Color Painting, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191}. 1180. The White House. 2338. Fifth Avenue: New York. 1181. A Salem Residence. 2340. Beauvais Cathedral. 1182. Mountains at Gruyeres: Switzerland. 2343. Bowling Green: New York. COOPER, EMMA LAMPERT Born Nunda, N. Y. Studied 'with Harry Thompson in Paris ; J. Kever in Holland; Chase in New York. Member: Phila. tV. C. C; N. Y. W. C. C; A. W. C. S. Honors: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1S9S; Atlanta Exposition, 189^; gold medal, A. A. S., T902; tiao bronze medals, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; prize, A'. Y. ll'oman's A. C, 1907. 3480. Side Street: Beauvais. 4146. Temple at Jaipur. COPLEY, JOHN SINGLETON Born Boston, 1737 ; died London, 1S15. He was an important early painter of portraits. He studied first with his stepfather, the engraver Peter Pelham, and probably with Jon- athan B. Blackburn. He went to England in 1774 and never returned. His work may be divided into two periods, the American to 1774 and the English to 181^. He became the fashion in England and many of the nobility sat to him, including the three daughters of King George HL From 1776 to iSl3 he was a regular exhibitor at the Royal .Academy, and was made an academician in 1779- 2785. Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth Willing Powell. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. CORNOYER, PAUL Born St. Louis, Mo., 1S64. Studied: Julian Academy, Paris, and with Lefebvre, Constant and Louis Blanc. Member: A. N. .•/., 1909. Honors: First prize, Paris A. A. A., 1892; gold medal, St. Louis Association of Painters and Sculptors, iSoi; Evans prize, Sal ma. C, 1905; Inness prize, Salma. C, 1906; Shaw prize, Salma C, 1908. 2435. Old New York. 3618. Winter: Columbus Circle. COUSE, E. IRVING Born Saginaw, Mich., 1S66. Studied: N. A. D. in New York, and with Bouguereau, Robert-Fleury and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1902; N. A., 1911; N. Y. IF. C. C; A. IF. C. S. Honors: Sha^v prize for black and white at Salma C, 1S99; second Hallgarten prize, N. .1 . D., woo; Proctor prize. Salma. C, igno; honorable men- tion, Paris Exposition, igoo; honorable mention, Pan-.L merican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; first Hallgarten prize, N. .4. D.. 1902; two bronze medals, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Isidor gold medal, N. .•]. D., 1911. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igr^. 2344. Twilight: Taos Pueblo. 4370. The Turquoise Beadmaker. 4265. An Indian Shepherd. COX, KENYON Born IFarren, O., 1S36. Studied under Carolus-Duran and Gerome in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1900; N. A., 1903; S. A. A., 1882; N. Y. Arch. Lg.; Nat. Inst. A. L.; Am. Acad. A. L. Honors: Second Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1SS9; two bronze medals, Paris Exposition, 1S89; Temple silver medal, P. A. F. A., 1891; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; gol'i medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; medal of honor for mural painting, N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1909; Isidor medal, N. A. D., 1910. 2586. Plenty. Lent by the National Gallery. [302 ] WOMAN RI;A1)1NG in a garden. By Mary Cassatt PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS COX. LOUISE Born San Francisco, 1865. Studied: N. A. D.; A. S. L. under Kenyan Cox in New York. Member: A. N. A., I<)03; S. A. A., 1893. Honors: Third Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1S96; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buf- falo, 1901; S/iaiu memorial prize, S. A. A., 1903; second Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1904; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 2187. Mayflowers. 3438. A Daughter of Eve. Lent by the National Gallery. CRANE, BRUCE Born Xezv York, 1857. Studied luith A. H. Wyant. Member: A. N. A., 1897; ^- A., 1901; S. A. A., 1881; A. W. C. S.; N. Y. W. C. C; Union Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des l.eitres. Honors: IVebb prize, S. A. A., 1S97; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; Inness medal, X. A. D., 1901 ; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, iQOj; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; third prize, C. I., Pittsburgh, KJ09; Saltus medal, N. A. D., 1913. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3783. The Templed Hills. CRISP, ARTHUR Born Hamilton, Canada, iSSi. Studied: A. S. L. of New York. Member: N. Y. Arch. Lg. Honor: Collaborative prize. Architectural League, N. Y. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1913. 3320. Dim Yesterday's Pageant Backgrounds 4282. A Song Hit. To-day. 4283. The Philanderer. 4280. The Little Spinster. CROPSEY, JASPER FRANCIS Born Rossville, N. Y., 1SJ3; died 1900. A landscape painter of the Hudson River School. He studied with Edward Maury. Elected N. A. D., 1851. 2723. On the River. Lent by Harry W. Watrous, Esq. CROSS, SALLY Born Lawrence, Mass. Studied with De Camp and Ross Turner in Boston. Member: Pa. Min. P.; N. Y. IT. C. C. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 1856. Mrs. Quincy. 1860. Miss Dora Wetherbee. 1857. Portrait: Miss Lilian Gardener. 1861. Portrait of Miss McKay and Peter. 1858. Portrait of Miss Turner. 1862. Portrait of Olin Dovfnes, Esq. CROWLEY, GRAY PRICE Born Topeta, Kan., 1884. Studied: New York Art League; New York School of Minia- ture Painting. 1309. Mrs. Alfred Gray. CUCUEL, EDWARD Born San Francisco, Cal., 1875. Studied: Ecole des Beaux-.Irts and Gerome in Paris ; Leo Putz in Munich. Member: Soc. Nat. des Beaux-.lrts, Paris; Luipold Gruppe, Munich. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2195. The Bath. 4128. Autumn Sun. 2199. The Girl in Yellow. 4164. Summertime. 4120. Champagne. CUNEO, CYRUS CINCINNATTO 4144. The Mother. CUNEO, RINALDO Born San Francisco, Cal., 1877. Studied: Hopkins Institute, San Francisco; London, Eng- land, and Paris, France. 2146. Notre Dame: Paris. C303] CATALOGUE OF TlIK OI.l'ARTMKXT OF FIXE ARTS CURRAN, CHARLES C. Born Hartford, Ky.. iS6l. Studied: Cincinnati School of Design; A. S. L. and N. A. C in AVii' lor*,- Julian Academy under Constant, Lejehvre and Doucet in Paris. Member: A. S. A., iSSS; i\. A., 1904; N. Y. If. C. C; A. Jl\ C. S.; S. A. A., iSSS Honors: Third Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., JSSS; honorable mention, Paris Salon, tSgn; Clarke prize, N. A. D., 1S93; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, JSgs; second Hallgarten prize. N. A. D.. 7^9.5 ,• silver medal, Atlanta Ex/>osition, /.Vyi; honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; silver meual, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Carnegie prize, S. A. A., 1904; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1004; first Corcoran prize, S. Wash. A., 190 j: first prize t$jOo), Osborne competition, 1903. 2595. Daffodils. CURRIER, J. FRANK Born Boston. Mass., lS4_^; died, IQ09. 2529. A Munich Boy. 2533. Whistling Boy. Lent bv the Carnegie Institute. Lent by the John Herron Art Insti- 2531. Self Portrait. tute. Lent by William M. Chase, Esq. 2534. A Head. Lent by J. Harsen Rhoades, Esq. CURTIS, WILLIAM FULLER Born Staten Island, A'. )'., 18/S. Studied ivith Julius Rolshoven. Lefeb-vre and Robert- Fleury in Paris. Member: N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1902; S. If'ash. A. Honors: Third Corcoran prize, S. If'ash. A., 1901; first Corcoran prize. Wash W. C. C. igoS- silver medal. St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 1373. The Golden God. GUSHING, HOWARD GARDINER Born Boston, 7A69. Studied: Laurens, Constant and Doucet in Paris. Member: .•/. N. .•/., /906; S. .'}. A., igoy: Port. P. Honors: Honorable mention. Pan .American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; third medal. C. /., Pittsburgh. 1904: Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Expositton, San Francisco, igiy. 3073. Decorative Panel. 3233. Interior. 3074. Decorative Panel. 3234. Portrait. 3075. Decorative Panel. 3271. Portrait. 323 L Wardrobe. DABO, LEON Born Detroit. Mich., 1S6S. Studied: Daniel I'iergr. Pierre Galland, Ecole des Beaux-Arts and Julian Academy in Paris. Member: Pastellists. Honors: Evans prize, N. A. C. 1909; first prize. Munice (Ind.) A. S., 1909. 4430. The Rockets: Rain of Fire. DANA, CHARLES EDMUND Born Wiltes-Barre. Pa., 1843. Studied: Architecture at Royal Academy in Dresden and Munich; painting at P. .4. F. A., and iiith E. Luminais in Paris. Member: Phila. W. C. C. (president to igir). Honors: Gold medal for v.ater color, A. C, Phila., 1S91. Professor of Art University of Pennsylvania until 1904; lecturer since 1904. 1171. Treves. 1176. Ba?aar: Gama Ibrahim -Aga: Cairo. 1173. Aba?zia San Gregorio: Venice. 1177. Bazaar Okair Zoht. 1174. St. Augustine: Fribourg. 1178. The Canon's House: Gruyeres. 1175. Bad-el-Metawaleh: Cairo. 1179. Morat. DAVEY, RANDALL Born East Orange. A'. J., iSSy. Studied ivith Robert Henri. Honorable mention. Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco. 191}. 3255. Captain Dan Stevens: Lighthouse 3366. Girl in Blue. Keeper. 4456. Segovian Man. DAVIS, CHARLES HAROLD Born Ameshury, Mass.. jS',6. Studied icith Otto Grundmann and Boston Museum School; lioulanger and I.cfcbvre in Paris. Member: S. A. A., 1S86; A. N. A.. 1901; S. A., 1906. [304] )'(lRTRArr. Hy lloi:.(irJ liitrduur Ciii/nni; PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS DAVIS, CHARLES HAROLD (Comimud) Honors: Cold mtJal, Imeriian Arl .-Issoriation, Nea:! York, lSS6; honorahle mention, Paris Salon, iS'Sy; ^joixi prize, .Imeriian .-irt .Issociation, Neiv York, lUSy; silver medal, Paris hxposilion. itiSi); Palmer prize, A. I. C, iSyo: medal, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, Boston, iXgo; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSf)^; grand gold medal, Atlanta Exposition, jSijji; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, l()i)o; Lippincott prize, P. A. F. A., mot: silver medal, Pan-A merican Exposition, liujjalo, I<)0I ; second Corcoran prize, S. U'ashington A., 1903; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, igo4; silver medal. International Exposition, 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacipc International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 3160. The Norilnvest Wind. 31SI. Mny Morning. DAVIS, STUART Born Plitlad^phia, Pa., iSgj. Studied: Henri School of .Irt, AVif York City. 952. The River. 4330. The Cafe I.ogue. 960. The Fog. 4353. A Back Yard. DAVOL. JOSEPH BENJAMIN Born (A/icago. Studied: .1. S. L., X. Y.; .icademy Julicn, Paris, under Laurens and (Constant. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1913. 2622. Where Sea and River Meet. 3613. A Winter Coast: Moonlight. 3413. .Maine Coast. DAWSON, GEORGE WALTER Horn Indiivrr, .Mas.'.. iS~ii. Studied: .Massachusetts Normal Art School in Boston: P. .1 . F. ./. .Member: I'hila. IT. C. C. ( president J ; A'. }'. If. f.". (\ Instructor in li-ater color and drawing at University of Pennsylvania. Member of the International .lury of .-Iv.-ariis, Panama-Pacific I ulernalional Exposition, San Francisco, igi_=i. 1153. bellow Harrison Roses. 1157. A New England CJarden. 1154. Rhododendrons. 1159. Rose-Covered Wall: Spain. 1155. Water Lilv Among Rushes. 1160. An Old Cottage Rose. 1156. White Water Lily. DE CAMP, JOSEPH Born Ciniinnali, I)., lS=,S. Studied: Duveneck at Cincinnati .Academy: Royal .Academy in Munich. Member: Ten .imerican Painters; Nat. Inst. .V. L. Instructor School of Boston Museum of Fine .lets. Honors: First prize. City Hal! decorative competition, Philadelphia: Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., jUSij; honorable mention, Paris Exposition, igoo: gold medal, St Louis Exposition, 1^04; second Clark prize, Corcoran .7. (!., iQog; Beck medal, P. A. F. ./., niij. 3903. Portrait of Frank Duveneck. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. DE JONG. BETTY Born Paris. Studied in Paris. Societaire du Salon d'.lutumne, Paris. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi}. 2365. Beatri.\. 3025. The Dancing Girl. 2450. Portrait of Miss Isabelle P. DEL MUE. MAURICE Born Paris. France, hSjS. Studied: San Francisco .^rt Association ; Beaux-.4rts, Paris. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igif,. 3302. Late Afternoon in the Sierras. DEMING, ADELAIDE Born Litchfield, Conn., iSOf. Studied: Irt Students' League, ,\nv York, under II'. M. Chase. Member: A'. Y. If. C. C. Honors: Beat prize (Xeiv York Water Color Club), itjoS: Burgess prize (If Oman's Art Club of Nev.' York), IQOH; honorable mention. Conn. .Academy Fine Arts, 11JI4. 4192. A Quiet Day. [305 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS DEMING, EDWIN W. Born Ashland, Ore., i860. Studied: A. S. L. of AV« York; Lefeb-vre and Boulanger in Paris. Member: N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1902; Mural P. Honors: Silver medal, A. .4. S., 1892; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 2109. Prayer to the Manes of the Dead. 2636. Vow of Vengeance. DE VOLL, F. USHER Born Providence, R. I., 1873. Studied: R. I. School of Design; William M. Chase. Mem- ber: Societe Union Internationale des Beaux-.4rts et des Lettres, Paris. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 2164. East River: New York: Winter. 3406. Brooklyn Bridge: Winter. 2238. The White City. 4177. Quebec from the Fortifications. de WENTWORTH, CECILE Born New York. Studied luith Cabanel and Detaille in Paris. Honors: Gold medals. Tours, Lyons and Turin; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1S91; bronze medal, Paris Ex- position, igoo. Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1901; officer of Public Instruction, France; Order of the Holy Sepulchre from Pope Leo XIII. 2105. Portrait of William Howard Taft. 4452. Taper to Saint Genevieve. DEWEY, CHARLES MELVILLE Born Lozwille, N. Y., 1849. Studied 'with Carolus-Duran in Paris. Member: .4. N. A., 1903; N. A., 1907; Nat. Inst. A. L. Honors: Silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buf- falo, igoi; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 4184. The Harvest Moon. DICKMAN, CHARLES JOHN Born Germany, 1863. Studied: Julian Academy, Paris. Honor: Medal, Academic Col- orossi, Paris. Member of the International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2324. Picardy Fisher Folk. 3082. Before the Storm. 2341. Dawn. DILLAYE, BLANCHE Born Syracuse, N. Y. Studied: P. A. F. A.; etching under Stephen Parrish; Garrido in Europe. Member: N. Y. If. C. C; Phita. IF. C. C. Honors: Silver medal for etching, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; silver medal, A A. S., 1902; silver medal for etchings. Inter- national Exposition at Lorient, France, 1903. 2124. The God of Good Fortune. 4312. The Evening Star. 4302. Moonlight. 4323. On the Grand Morin. DIMOCK, E. 1081. Sweat Shop Girls in the Country. 1085. Group. 1083. Group. 1086. Group in New England. 1084. East Side School Children. 1087. Sweat Shop Girls in the Country. DIRKS, RUDOLPH Born Holstein, Germany, 1877- Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2120. Clearing Land. 2125. The Boatman. 2121. Head of Old Dutchman. 4087. On the Dike. DIXON, MAYNARD Born Fresno, Cat., 1875. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2101. The Palomino Mare. 3178. The Trail in Oregon. 2112. Navajo Women. DOLPH, JOHN HENRY Born in Fort Ann, N. Y., 1S33. Studied with Louis Fan Ruyck in Antwerp, then went to Paris and afterwards settled in New York. In 1877 he was made an associate of the [306] PORTRAIT (IF FRANK Dl \ F.NECK. liy .hurpli l)e Camp PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS DOLPH, JOHN HENRY (Continued) National Academy, and has been a member of the Society of American Artists since its organization in lS/8. 2952. The Rat Who Retired From the World. Lent by Mrs. Helen Foster Barnett. DONOHO, RUGER Born Church Hill, Miss., iS^y. Studied: R. Siuain Gifford in New York; Julien Academy in Paris under Lefeb'vre and Boutanger. Honors: Silver medal, Paris Exposition, 18S9; Jlors Concours, Paris Salon, 181/0; ll'ehb prize, S. A. A., 1892; medal, Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, iSqs; honorable mention, C. I., Pittsburgh, jgil. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2263. Wind Flowers. 2268. A Veil of Leaves. 2264. A Garden. 2269. The Rose Terrace. DOUGHERTY, PARKE CURTIS Born Philadelphia, jS6;. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Julien Academy, Paris. Honors: Third medal, American Art Association, Paris; third-class medal. International Exposition at Toulouse, igo8. 2500. Mont St. Michel. 4163. Winter Morning: Etretat. 2502. Moonlight. DOUGHERTY, PAUL Born Brooklyn, \. Y., 1877. Studied: Paris, London, Florence, Venice and Munich. Mem- ber: S. A. A., 1905; A. N. A., 1906; N. A., 1907; Nat. Inst. A. L.; A. IV. C. S. Honors: Osborne prize, 1905; second prize, C I., Pittsburgh, 1912. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1913. 3146. Changing Weather. 3149. Storm Gleams. 3148. Toward the Sunlight. 3150. From Clodgy Point. DOUGHTY, THOMAS Born Philadelphia, 1793; died in Ne-iu York, 1856. Engaged in leather business in early life. About 1820 adopted art as a profession. Spent several years abroad, painting in Lon- don and Paris, and acquired high reputation for the silvery tone in his pictures. Till. On the Susquehanna. 2778. Landscape. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. of the Fine Arts. DOW, ARTHUR WESLEY Born Ipsvcich, Mass. Studied idth Boulanger, Lefebvre, Doucet and Delance in Paris. Instructor, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, 1895-1904; professor of fine arts, Teachers' College, Columbia University, since 1904; director. Summer Art School, Ipsivich, Mass. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1899; bronze medal for painting and honorable men- tion for woodcuts, Pan-.-lmerican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; medal, Boston Mechanics' As- sociation. 3319. The Enchanted Mesa. 3328. The Great Shadow. DU BOIS, GUY PENE Born New York, 1884. Studied with Chase, Dumond and Henri in New York; Steinlin in Paris. Member: Paris A. A. .4.; Am. P. S. art critic, "New York American." 4458. Trapeze Performer. DUFNER, EDWARD Born Buffalo, N. Y., 1872. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; IVhistler and Laurens in Paris; in Madrid. Member: A. N. A., 1910; N. Y. IV. C. C; A IV. C. S. Honors: First IVana- maker prize, Paris .'., iXO_^. Studied liitli lioulanger, Leiebvre and Constant in Paris. Member: S. A. A., ic^oj; A. N. A., 1900; N. A., igo6; A'. Y. .-irch. Lg., 1904; Mural P. Honors: Third class medal, Paris Salon, iSqo; gold medal, Boston, iSgs; gold medal, .Atlanta Exposition, iSg^; silver medals for painting and for illustration, Pan-lmerican Exposition. Buffalo, IQOI; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, H104. Director, Department of Fine .Irts, Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Portland, 191).^. Instructor, .•/. S. L. of N. Y. Member of the International Judy of .'livards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191^. 2275. May Bloom. 2280. July Afternoon. 2276. Crav Newfoundland. 2288. The Elopers. 2279. The' Bathers. 2289. The Fairy Tale. DUMOND, FREDERIC MELVILLE Born Rochester, A'. V., i,\'fi-. Studied ivilh Lefebvre, Cormon, Laurens and Doucel in Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1S93; third class medal, Paris Salon. 1899. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191^. 2113. Raton Pass. 2116. Portrait Sketch of Babette de Cernoe. 2114. Hoss Tradin' on the Reservation. 2099. Sea Carvings. 2115. 1849. DUMOND, HELEN SAVIER Born Portland, Ore., uS/J. Studied: .7, .V. L., Robert Brandegee and F. I'. Du Mond in Neiu York; Collin and Mcrson in Paris. 2265. Southern France. 2266. An Arm of tlie .Mediterranean. DUNBAR, HAROLD C. Born Brockton. Mass.. iSSj. Studied: Massachusetts Sormal .Irt School under Major De Camp and Tarbcll. 35112. Portrait of Mrs. D. 4195. Girl in Black. DUNLAP, HELENA Born Los Angeles. Cal. Studied: P. A. F. A. 2123. The Senor's Garden. 2462. Mountain Cottages. 2192. The Dressing Table. 3157. Summer Afternoon. DUNLAP, WILLIAM Born Pert Amboy, N. J., 1/66. Studied with ll'illiam IFilliams. Went to London in 17S1: painted a portrait of Lord Hood: also a portrait of Washington from an early drawing.. Returned to America after four years. He was instrumental in establishing the .Imerican Academy of Fine .-Irts. and later joined in founding the National Academy of Design. Exhibited from town to town large canvases of religious subjects. .Author of "History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States," A'. 1'., 1834. 1319. Portrait. 1333. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. lent In .Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 1323. President Tvler. 2753. Scene from Harvey Birch: The Spy. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Lent by Albert Rosenlhal, Esq. 1329. Portrait. Lent by ."Mbert Rosentlia!, Esq. DURAND. ASHER BROWN Born South Grange, \ cw .lersey, l/i)6: died there, 1SS6. He studied engraving ^utk his father and with Peter Maverick, whose partner he became in iSij. His "Declara- tion of Independence" after Trumbull brought him into prominent notice as an en- graver. President of the National Academy of Design, l8ff,-i86i. [308] PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS 2795. A. B. Durand as a Young Man. of Lent by the National Academy Design. of 7. .7. i'. /.., A. )-. Member: The Pennsylvania DURAND, ASHER BROWN (Continued) 274(1. riie Morning of Life. Lent by the National Academy Design. 2751. The i'liiinder Storm: Caiskills. Lent by II. K. Bush-Brown, Esq. DURKEE, HELEN WINSLOW burn j^eiu Yurk (,'ily. y.VcVo. SluMe Society oj Miniature Painters. 1248. Portrait of Miss D. 1249. A Study. 1250. William Ives, Esq. 1251. Still Life. 1252. Margaret. 1253. Portrait. 1254. Hilda. DUSTIN, SILAS S. Born KuhfielJ. U. Studied: 3517. .Midnight in New England. DUVENECK, FRANK Horn Covington, Kentucky, iS^fti. Studied ■■u.itli Diez in Munich, in ivhirh city he lived over ten years. Member: S. /I. A., iSSv: ,-/. A'. .7., igo$; N. A., [go6; S. //'. //.,• /Va^ Inst. A. L. Honors: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; honorable mention Paris Salon, iH')}: silver medal, Pan-.I mericiin Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. Instructor in Cincinnati Academy of Fine Arts. Member of the International Jury of .Iwards. Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco, 19 1}. 1255. Kadidje. 1256. The S|)aiiish Shawl. 1257. Still Life. 1258. Bather. 1259. Autumn. 1260. The Flowered Dress. A. ./. D. and llilliam M. Chase. Aw.ARDED .\ SpCCIAL COMMEMORATIVE iMeDA(. BY THR PaVAMA-PaCIHC INTERNATIONAL E.X- POSITION. 3868. Whistling Boy. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3869. Girl's Head. Lent by the Cincinnati Musevun Asso- ciation. 3570. Man with Red Hair. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3571. \oung Man with a Ruff. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3572. Portrait of William Adams. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3873. Portrait of J. Frank Currier. Lent by Alfred Juergens, Esq. 3874. Unfinished Portrait Study. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3875. Study of a Nude Back. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3876. Head of a Young (Jirl. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3877. 3873. 3S79. 3880. 3881. 3882. 38S3. 3884. 3885. 3886. 3887. 3888. Portrait. Lent by William M. Chase, Esq. Sketch of a Nude. Lent by the Cincinnati Musevun Asso- ciation. Woman with Forget-Me-Nots. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. Blacksmith. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. Head: Portrait of Mr. Mills. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. Portrait of Man in Spanish Costume. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. Lady with a Veil. Lent by George E. Hopkins, Esq. Blue Boy. Lent by Mrs. D. H. Holmes. Portrait of Professor Loeffts. Lent hv Mrs. Herman Goepper. Sketch of a Turk. Lent In the Tavern Club. Blind Old Man. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. Portrait: Mrs. Francis Hinkle. Lent by W. H. Hinkle, Esq. [309] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS DUVENECK, FRANK (Continued) 3902. Beechwoods: Polling: Bavaria. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3904. Portrait Sketch. Lent by the Tavern Club. 3905. Young Man with Red Skull Cap. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3906. Girl's Head : Yellovf Background. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 3907. Turkish Page. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 3908. The Hunchback. Lent by Miss Jane Otis. 3909. ItalianBoy. Lent by George E. Hopkins, Esq. 3910. John W. Alexander. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 39n. Woman with a Fan. Lent by M. A. De Wolfe Howe, Esq. Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under EAKINS, THOMAS Born Philadelphia, 1844. Studied: P. A. F. A. Gerome and Bonnat. Member: A. N. A., 1902; N. A., igos. Honors: Medal Massachusetts Mechanics' Assoc., Boston; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, l8gs; honorable mention, Paris Exposition, lc/00; gold meJal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, IQOI; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1904; Proctor prize, N. A. D., igos; second prize, C. I., Pittsburgh, 11)07; go^: honorable mention, C. I. Pittsburgh, igoy ; Inness gold medal, N. A. D., igoS: bronze medal, Buenos .lires Exposition, igio; Vezin prize, Salma. C, iQir; third honor, .1 ppalachian Exposition. Knoxville, igi3: first prize, Worcester .let Museum. igo6; honorable mention, Carnegie Institute, tgoy ; Samuel T. Shaw Purchase prize. Salma. C, N. Y., 1913. Member: A. N. A., igoS ; A. IV. C. S. 2447. Clearing Mists. 4306. The Landing. 2455. Queen's Lace. 4319. The Boat Shop. 3322. Summer Breeze. GRAY. FREDERICK G. Born St. Louis. Studied ivith Laurens in Paris. Siker .Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 3378. Portrait. 3475. Early Morning. 3417. Portrait Study: Hon. Joseph G. Cannon. GRAY, HENRY PETERS Born in i\'e' Pratt. 2747. Mumble-the-Peg. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. of the Fine Arts. 2726. Picnic in the Catskills. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. INNESS, GEORGE Born Aeivburgh, N. Y., 1825. Died 1894. Studied in AVif York and in the European capitals; under Regis Gignoux in New York for a few months. Spent the years 1847-4S studying and painting in Rome. Elected Associate of National Academy, 1853; academi- cian, 1S6S. 2551. The Coming Storm. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Acad- emv. 2539. The Clouded Sun. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 2547. In the Berkshire Hills. Lent by the Rhode Island School of Design. IRVINE, WILSON Born Byron, III., iS6g. Studied: A. I. C. Member: Chicago S. A.; Chicago IV. C. C; S. If^. A. (Association). Honors: Martin B. Cohn prize. Art Institute, Chicago, I<)I2. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2431. The Chasm. 3504. Laughing June. 3477. The Bathing Beach. ISHAM, SAMUEL Born New York, l8s5- Studied: Julian Academy in Paris under Jacquesson de la Chev- reuse, Boulanger and Lefebvre. Member: S. A. A., l8c)l ; A. N. A., igoo; N. A., igo6; N. Y. /F. C. C; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1891; National Institute A. L. Honor: Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 2544. In the Park. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. JACKSON, ANNIE HURLBURT Born Minneapolis, Minn., iSyj. Studied in Boston. 1348. Lapis Lazuli. 1354. Mrs. -Arthur Pickering Almy. 1350. Baby's Head. 1355. Little Newsie. 1352. The Blue Mantle. 4351. Child's Head. 1353. Helen Kreck. JAKOBI, RUTH Born in New York, 1893. 970. City Square. 971. Reaping. 973. Brooklyn Bridge. 9SS. Towards Evening. [328] 'I At K; lliil'll.ANI). liy .llhert L. Groll PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS JAKOBI, RUTH (Continued) 989. Atlantic Cit\'. 992. The Beach. 990. On the Sand. 993. Water Front. 991. Silent Street. JAMAR, S. CORINNE Born Elkton, MJ. Studied: Chicago Art Institute; Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. 19gS. Bob. JAMES, WILLIAM Born Camltridi^e, Mass., iSSj. Studied: Boston, Paris. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 11)1$. 2140. Portrait Study. JANSSON, ALFRED Born in SiieJen, 1S63. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Member: Chicago S. A. Hon- ors: .Iiuarded Julius Roseivatd prize, .Irt Institute, I<.)I3; Sii-edish Cluh prize in igil and 1912; the Martin B. Chase prize, 1814, Art Institute, Chicago, III. 2592. Illinois Landscape. JARVIS, JOHN WESLEY Born in South Shields, England, I'So; died in Neiu York, 1840. Cared for in England until i/Ss by his uncle, the celebrated John Wesley ; at that date ivas sent to his father in Philadelphia. One of the earliest painters to take up art anatomy, and noted as "one of the best portrait painters of his day." 2781. Portrait of a Gentleman. Lent by Clarence Winthrop Bowen, Esq. JAY, CECIL Born London, England, iSS.f. Studied: South Kensington School, London; Sir Hubert von Herkomer School, and ivith George Hitchcock, Holland. Silier Medal, for Miniature Painting, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Honorable Mention, for Oil Painting, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Fran- cisco, 19I3. 1215. Maternity. 1219. Maternity. 1217. Maternity. 1220. Dancing Bacchante. 1318. The Love Letter. 4102. Torn Skirt. JEWETT, WILLIAM Born East Haddam, Conn., about 1795. IVhen a boy of sixteen he ground colors for the portrait painter Waldo. After being luith Waldo for ten years he ivas offered a joint interest in his "business of portrait painting." 2729. Portrait: Samuel L. Waldo. Lent by the National Aacademy of Design. JOHANSEN, JOHN CHRISTEN Born Copenhagen, Denmark, 1S76. Studied: A.I.C.; Duveneck; Julian Academy in Paris. Member: A. X. A., 1911; Port. P. Honors: Municipal League Purchase prize and Young Fortnightly prize, A.I.C., 1903; honorable mention. Arts Club of Chicago, 1903; silver medal, Chicago S. .4., 1904; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1901 ; gold medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Saltus gold medal, N. A. D., 1911; honorable men- tion, C. /., Pittsburgh, 1912. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3232. Approaching Storm. 3249. Village Rider. 3246. The Rider. 3250. Portrait of Miss F. B. 324S. Venetian .Arcade. JOHNSON, DAVID Horn Aew York, l8j~. Died at If'alden, N. Y., 190S. Landscape painter. Studied vjith J. F. Cropsey. Chiefly self-taught. Elected A. N. A., i860; N. A., 1S61. 2782. Portrait: William S. Mount. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. [329] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS JOHNSON, EASTMAN Born Lovell, Maine, 1824; died. New York, J906. Studied in Dusseldorf, and later in Italy, Paris and The Hague. His most popuar works are those depicting American life. Elected N. A. i860. 2678. Henry Codraan Potter: Bishop of New 2681. A Drummer Boy. York. Lent by the Union League Club: 2680. Edwin Booth. New York. JOHNSON, HARRY L. Born Philadelphia, 1876. Studied: P. A. F. A. Honor: Gold medal, Spring Garden Institute. 1823. Mother and Child. 1827. The Inquiry. 1824. Early Spring: Rose Valley. 1828. Moon Before Sundown. 1825. Wind in the Clouds. 1839. The Garden. 1S26. Charybdis. JONES, FRANCIS C. Born Baltimore, 18^7. Studied iiith Boulanger and Lefelnre at Ecole des Beaux-Arts tn Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1885; N. A., 1S94 (treas.); S.A.A., 1882; A. W. C. S.; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 18S8; Mural P.; National Institute A. L.; N. A. C. Honors: Clarke prize, N. A. D., 18S3; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Shaw purchase, S. A. A., 1904; silver medal, St. Louis Ex>>osition, 1004. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2360. The Divan. JONES, HUGH BOLTON Born Baltimore, 1848. Studied in France. Member: A. N. A., 1881; N. A., 1883; S. A. A., 18S1; A. If. C. S.; National Institute A. L.; N. A. C. Honors: Bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1S89; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 189s; bronze medal, Paris Exposi- tion, 1900; IFebb prize, S A. A., 1902; Shaw fund prize, S. A. A., 1902; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3491. Through the Trees. JONES, LEON FOSTER Born Manchester, N. H., 1871. Studied with Joseph De Camp. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, I9I5- 2136. Long Island Village. 4090. A Misty Day in Winter. JOUETT, MATTHEW HARRIS Born Mercer County, Ky., I/SS; died in Lexington, Ky., 1827. Educated as a lawyer, served in the war of 1S12 as lieutenant, afterwards captain. In 1816 studied in Boston four months under Gilbert Stuart. Painted more than three hundred portraits, many of distinguished people. Full length portrait of Lafayette in Capitol at Frankfort, Ky. 2771. Portrait of Boy and Dog. 2804. Artist's Wife. Lent by R. H. Menefee, Esq. JUERGENS, ALFRED Born Chicago, 1866. Studied: Chicago A. D.; Munich Royal Academy under Gysis and Diez. Member: Chicago S. A.; Munich .Artists Association; Artists Association of Ger- many; Societe Internationale des Beaux-Arts. Honors: Silver medal, Madrid and Munich. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 2363. Garden Flowers. 3424. In May. JUNG, C. JAC. Born Bavaria, iSSo. Studied: N. A. D., under E. M. If'ard and C. Y. Turner. 3301. Winter Afternoon. KAELIN, CHARLES S. Born Cincinnati, /55p. Studied: Cincinnati .4rt School, .I. S. L., N. Y. Silver medal. Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 1110. Rocks and Sea. 1115. Old Mill, nil. Bits of Snow. 1116. Boats in Harbor. [330] L.WENUKR AND OLD UURV. Ily Lilian ll-,-sUo/l Hale PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS KAULA, LEE LUFKIN Rom Erie, Pa.. Studied •with C. M. Deviey in Nev; York; Aman-Jean in Paris. Honor: Medal, Colorossi .Icademy, Paris, iSg./ 3S05. On the Old Settle. KAULA, WILLIAM J. Horn Boston, iS/f. Studied: Normal Art School and Coiales Art School in Boston; Collin in Paris. Member X. Y. ff. C. C. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, l^ly. 3593. Clouds from the West. KEITH, WILLIAM Born Aberdeenshire, Scotland, ll^SQ; died Berkeley, Cal., igil. Came to Nevj York in 1851. Engraver until iS^g, ivhen he -went to California and devoted himself to land- scape painting. Studied under Achenbach and Carl Marr, and spent some time in Paris. H^as also prominent as portrait painter. Bronze medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. 3970. The Impression. 3984. Water Color. Lent by Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith. Lent by Mrs. Mary C. Richardson. 3971. Revelation. 39S5. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. Lent by C. F. Jacobsen, Esq. 3972. The Symphony of Peace. 3986. Grey Morning. 3973. Portals of the Woods. Lent by Mrs. Mary C. Richardson. 3974. Rainy Day. 3987. Landscape. 3975. Midsummer Night's Dream. Lent by the Joseph Worcester Estate. Lent by Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith. 3988. Water Color. 3976. Storm. ' ' 3989. Landscape. 3977. Landscape No. 3. Lent bv Mrs. Marv C. Richardson. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. 3990. Cloudy Day. 3978. Landscape No. 5. 3991. Landscape No. 1. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. 3979. Landscape No. 2. 3992. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Lent by Mrs. Reginald Knight Smith. 3980. Landscape No. 4. 3993. Spirit of Music. Lent bv Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Lent by Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith. 3981. Quiet Pool. 3994. Into the Storm. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. 3995. Sunset. 3982. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. Lent bv the Joseph Worcester Estate. 3996. Silent Hour. 3983. Sketch. 3997. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. .Mary C. Richardson. 3998. Shepherdess. Lent bv Mrs. E. N. Harmon. KELLER, ARTHUR L Born AVic' York, 1S66. Studied: X. A. D. under JFilmarth and IVard; Loefftz in Mu- nich. Member: A. IV. C. S.; N. Y. IV. C. C; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1S97; N. A. C; S. I. (ex-president). Honors: Gold medal for water color, A. C, Philadelphia, 1899; silver medal, Paris Exposition, woo; bronze medal for draiuings, Pan-.lmerican Exposition, Buffalo, igoi ; Evans prize, A. IV. C. S., igoz; second prize ($300), "Herald" Christmas competition, 1904; gold medal for illustration and silver medal for paint- ings, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. U56. The Bach Double Concerto. 4376. The Young Critic. KELLER, EDGAR Born Crescent City, Cal, Studied: .Irl Institute, Chicago. 3482. Under the Bridge: Harlem River. KELLY, HANNAH R. Horn Paisley, Canada. Studied: Ontario School of Art, Toronto; Courtois, Girardol and Blanc in Paris. 1261. When Roses Bloom. [331 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS KENDALL, MARGARET Born Staten Island, N. Y., 187 J. Studied with J. Alden U'eir, Rohhoven and Sergeant Kendall. Member: Am. Society Miniature Painters. Honors: Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 1975. Spirit of the Woods. 1979. Miss Helen Huntington. 1977. Three Little Sisters. 19S0. In the Brook. 1978. Bruno and His Mistress. KENDALL, SERGEANT Born A'eiu York, 1S6S. Studied: .1. S. L. of A'ctf York; Eakins in Philadelphia; Ecole lies Beaux-.-lrts and Merson in Paris. Member: S. A. A., iSgS; A. N. A., J901; N. A., /905; Nat. Inst., A. L. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, l8gi; medal, Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago, 189.^; Lippincott prize, P. A. F. A., 1S94; honorable mention, Tennessee Centennial Expositon, Nashville, 1807; second prize, IVorcester Museum, 1900; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; bronze medal, C. I., Pittsburgh, 1900; second prize, Worcester Museum, 1901; silver medal for painting, bronze medal for draiang and honorable mention for sculpture. Pan-. Am eric an Exposition. Buffalo, 1901 ; Shaiu prize, S. .4. A., 1901; Shaiv Fund Purchase, S. .'I. A., 190^; gold medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Isidor medal, N. A. D., 1908; Harris prize, .■/. /. C, 190S; Palmer gold medal, A. I. C, 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, J915. 2433. Reflection. ' 3443. Devotion. 2439. Phantasmata. 3451. ^'enetian Brocade. 2442. Alison. KENSETT, JOHN FREDERICK Born Cheshire, Conn., 1817: died AVit' York, 187^. Studied engraving under Dagget. Elected N. A., New York, 1849. 2705. Rapids: Niagara Falls. 271S. Autumn Afternoon. Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. Lent by the National Academy of 2716. Mallett's Bay: Lake Champlain. Design. Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. 2750. In the Adirondack^. Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. KENT, ROCKWELL 4400. A Mother and Her Sons. KINDLUND, ANNA BELLE WING Born Buffalo, \. Y., 1S7O. Studied with Lucius IF. Hitchcock in Buffalo; George Bridg- man in New York. Member: N. S. C. Honors: Honorable mention, Pan-American Ex- postion, Buffalo, 190 1 ; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 1195. Love. 1199. Madeleine Dabo. 1197. Lady in Black. KING, CHARLES B. 279S. John C. Calhoun: When Secretary of War. Lent bv Corcoran Gallery of Art. KING, EDITH LAWRENCE Born Chelsea, Mass., 1SS4. Studied: Massachusetts Institute Technology; Rhode Island School of Design; Harvard Summer School. 1072. Nude. 1073. On the Beach: Capri. KING, PAUL Born Buffalo, N. Y., 1S67. Studied: A. S. L. of Buffalo: A. S. L. of New York under .Mowbray. Honors: Shaw prize, Salma. C, 1906: Inness prize, Salma. C, 1906; hon- orable mention, A. C, Philadelphia, igji; gold medal, .-trt Club of Philadelphia. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2204. Snug Harbor. 3559. Winter. [332 ] WOMAN WITH ROSES. ISy I'liilif I.. Hal,' PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM A. Born London, Eng., iSSo. Studied in Paris and London. 2179. Pleasing Reflections. KLEIN, LILLIE V. O'RYAN Studied iiit/i George de Forest Brush, H'illard Metcalf, Dennis Bunker, irilliam Chase, Douglas folk. Awarded first prize four consecutive years at Cooper Union, N. Y.; first prize for best "Type of Ideal Beauty" at the University of AVw York; gold medal at Alaska-Yukon Exhibition; honorable mention at Chicago World's Fair. 1320. Portrait of Mrs. Thomas E. Flynn. 1330. Portrait of C. E. S. Wood. 1324. Mrs. Margaret O'Callaghan. 1334. Portrait of William Keith. 1327. Portrait of Sir Wilfred Laurier. KNOX, JAMES Born Glasgow, lS66. Studied W*< f -«.»--.; OUR BOATMAN. By John La Farge PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS MURPHY, J. FRANCIS (Continued) I'an-.-lmerican Exposition, Jgoi ; gold medal, Charleston Exposition, ig04; Carnegie prize, S. .1. A., igoj ; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, igo.f; Innes gold medal, N.A.D., 1910; gold medal, International Exposition, Buenos Aires, 1910; Evans prize, Salma. C, 1911. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3315. Frostbitten Wood and Field. MURPHY, HERMANN DUDLEY Born Marlboro, Mass., lS6~. Studied: Boston Museum School; Laurens in Paris. Mem- ber: A', y. /F. C. C. Honors: Bronze medal, P an-. I m eric an Exposition, Buffalo, n)0l; silver medal for portrait and bronze medal for water color, St. Louis Exposition, I()o.f. Silver Medal, for Oil Painting, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915- Silver Medal, for K'ater Color Painting, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 1117. Fireworks. 1140. The Salute. 1118. The Sails. 2166. Venetian Brocade. 1123. The Yellow Palace. 2430. Morro Castle: San Juan. 1133. Rio San Antonio. 2434. Wind. 1139. The Green Door. 2437. In the Azores. MURRAY. FRANK WALDO Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 4429. Portrait of Robert Fowler. MURRAY, GRACE H. Born in New York City, 1872. Studied: A. S. L., N. Y.; Academy Julien, Paris, France; with Professor G. Ferrier and H'm. Bouguereau. 1291. Portrait of Mrs. H. L. W. 1295. Miniature Study. MYRICK, KATHARINE 1883. Study. NAHL, PERHAM W. Born San Francisco, jS6g. Studied: Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, California School of Design, Akadmie Heymann, Munchen. Honors: Medal, Alaska Yukon Exposition, Seattle; first prize, poster (Thirteenth Labor of Hercules) for the Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition. Bronze Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, IQIS- 2144. Despair. NEAGLE, JOHN Born Boston, 7799; died, Philadelphia, 186^. Studied with Bass Otis and Stuart. Mar- ried a stepdaui^hter and niece of Sully and devoted himself to portrait painting. Director of the P. A. F.A., 1830-31. 2761. Junius Brutus Booth. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. NEILSON, RAYMOND P. R. Born Neiu York. Studied with Laurens and Lucien Simon in Paris. Honors: Silver medal. Salon des Artistes Francais, 1914. Silver .Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, I<)1^. 2428. A Glass of Wine. 3186. A String of Beads. 3182. The Hand Glass. NELL, TONY Born H'ashins^ton, D. C. Studied: Students' School of Art, Denver. Member: N. Y. W. C. C. Honor: Beal prize, N. Y. IV. C. C, igio. 4139. Floating Feather. 4239. Study in Black. 4233. Paper Ladies. [347] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS NELSON, BRUCE Born San Jose, Cal., iSSS. Studied: California: New York. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2448. The Golden Shore. 4096. Sea and Sky. 3609. Along the Shore. 4176. The Summer Sea. NETTLETON, WALTER Born New Haven, Conn., 1S61. Studied: Yale School of Fine Arts; Boulani;er and Lefehvre in Paris. Member: S. A. A., looi; .4. N. A., 1905. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, i8g3; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904 ; gold medal, A. .1 . S., 1907 ; bronze medal, Buenos Aires and Santiago Exposition, jgio. 2171. When Sleeping Winter Dreams of Sum- mer Skies. NEUHAUS, EUGEN Born Barmen, Germany, iS^Q. Studied: Kassel and Berlin, Germany. Holland and France. Member: San Francisco Soc. of .Irtists. Ass't Prof. Decorative Design, Univer- sity of California. Member of the International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191 5. 2321. Plowing at Ingleside. 2327. Eucalypti at Berkeley Hills. 2322. Monterey Dunes. 2416. Cliffs at Westport. 2326. A Corner of Lake Merced. 2419. Helvetia Cemetery. NEWELL, PETER Born Illinois, 1862. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y. 1928. My Daughter. 1929. Portrait of Miss G. NICHOLLS, RHODA HOLMES Born Coventry, England; came to America in 1SS4. Studied: Bloomsbury School of Art in London; Cammerano and Vertunni in Rome. Member: A. S. L. of N. Y.; A. IV. C. S.; N. Y. W. C. C. Honors: Gold medal. Competitive Prize Fund Exh., New York; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSqs: medal, .Itlanta Exposition, iSof,; medal, Nashville Exposition, i8q7; medal, Boston; medal. Charlotte, N. C: bronze medal, Pan-.lmerican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; bronze medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 4191. 1860. NICHOLS, HOBART Born Washington, D. C, 1S69. Studied with Howard Helmich and A. S. L. in Wash- ington: Julian Academy and Castellucho in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1912; S. fFash. A.; Wash. W. C. C; N. Y. W. C. C. Honors: Second Corcoran prize. Wash. W. C. C, 1901; Parsons prize, S. Wash. A., 1902; Parsons prize, Wash. W. C. C, 1904; first Corcoran prize. Wash. W. C. C, 1906. Assistant to Director of Fine Arts, U. S. Com- mission, Paris Exposition, 1900. 3177. The Knob: Maine. NISBET, ROBERT H. Born Providence, R. I. Studied: R. I. School of Design; A. S. L. of N. Y. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3444. The Emerald Robe. NOBLE, JOHN Born Wichita, Kansas, 1874. Studied in Paris. 4099. Paris: The Beach. 4404. Toilers of the Sea. NOBLE, THOMAS SATTERWHITE Born in Lexington, Ky., 183} : died, 1906. Studied with Thomas Couture in Paris. Re- turned to United States in 1859. Resided in St. Louis and later in Cincinnati, Ohio. In lS6g was in charge of the School of Design of the McMieken University, which became, in 1884, the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Retired in 1004 as Professor Emeritus. Silver medal, Cincinnati Exposition; medal, Atlanta, Ga., 1895. 2685. The Polish Exile. [348] Ml DSON K1\KK AM) PAI.ISADKS. liy tirnesl l.mnoii PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS NORDELL, CARL J. Born Copenha/^en, Denmark. Studied: Boston Museum School, under Tarbell; A. S. L. of N. Y., under Bridgeman and Dumond; Julian Academy in Paris, under Laurens; R. I. School of Design. Siher Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2348. The Chinese Beads. 3311. The Hostess. 3308. The Pink Scarf. 3511. The Listeners. NORMAN, MABEL Born at Neziport, Rhode Island. Studied with Tarhell, Benson and Hale. 4269. Portrait of Mrs. Helene Anderson. 4288. Portrait of Dr. George Cerio. 4272. Portrait of Mr. Charles H. Hapgood. 4289. Maestro Alessandro.- Profile. 4276. Maestro Alessandro. 4293. Portrait of Mrs. Wra. R. Hunter. 4284. Matilde. NOURSE, ELIZABETH Born Cincinnati, Ohio, 1S60. Studied: Art Academy in Cincinnati ; Lefebvre, Henner and Carolus-Duran in Paris. Member: Soc. Nat. des Beaux-Arts, igoi. Honors: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSqs>' third class medal, Inst, de Carthage, Tunis, iSgy; first class gold medal, NashtHle Exposition, iSg~; silver medal, Paris Exposition, ipoo; silver medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Gold Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2606. Summer. NOYES, GEORGE L. Born Canada, 1S64. Studied ivith Coiirtois, Rixen, Le Blanc and Delance in Paris. Honors: Bronze medal. International Exposition, Buenos Aires, IQIO. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 2449. Mount Lafayette. 3797. Spring Morning; Medfield. 3793. Late Autumn. NUNN, FREDERIC Born Philadelphia, iSyg. Studied: P. A. F. A., under Anschutz, Breckenridge, Chase and Cecilia Beaux. 936. Harbor in Winter. 2157. A Seaside Roost. 940. Sand and Sea. OAKLEY, THORNTON Born Pittsburg, iSSl. Studied architecture at Univ. of Pa.; pupil of Howard Pyle at Wilmington, Del. Member: Phila. iV. C. C. Honors: .4rthur Brooke prize. Univ. of Pennsylvania; Beck prize, izth Annual Philadelphia Water Color Exhibition, 1914. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 73. Rajpulana. 82. Peasant Woman. 78. Bullock Cart: Rajputana. 83. Fisherman. 79. Water Buffalo. 85. The Guard of the Maharajah. 80. Faggot Gatherer. 86. Fakir. 81. Shinto Pilgrim. OAKLEY, VIOLET Born New York, 1874. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; P. A. F. A., under Howard Pylc and Cecilia Beaux; .1 man-Jean, Collin and Lazar in Paris. Member: Phila. IV. C. C: N. Y. W. C. C; S.I. (Assoc); Mural P. Honors: Gold medal for illustration and silver medal for mural decoration, St. Louis Exposition, ICJ04 ; gold medal of honor, P. A. F. A., 11)0 s- Medal of Honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 1371. The Divine Comedy of Dante. 3015. The Tragic Muse. Lent by Robert J. Collier, Esq. Lent by Edward H. Coates, Esq. O'BRIEN, FRANK M. 4118. Dunes in Italy. [349] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS OCHTMAN, LEONARD Born Zonnemaire, Holland, l8S4; settled at Albany, N. Y., lS66; self-taught. Member: S. A. A., 1891; A.N. A., JS98; N. A., 1904; A.IV.C.S.: N. Y. IV. C. C; Nat. Inst. A. L. Honors: Prize, Brooklyn .4. C, 1S91; medal, Columbian Exposition, C/iicaj^o, 1S93; gold medal, A. C, P/iila., 1894; silver medal, Pan-.imerican Exposition, Buffalo, 190 1 ; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Morgan prize, Salma. C, 1902 ; Sha^u fund prize, S. .1. A., 1902; Innes gold medal, N. .4. D., 1903; Evans prize, Salma. C, 190s; If'ebb prize, S. A. .■!., 1904; t'v.o gold medals foil and ivater color), St. Louis Exposition, 1904; second Corcoran prize, S. Wash. A., /905; Rhead purchase, Richmond, (Ind.) .4. C, 1905; Inness prize, Salma. C, 1906; Evans prize, Salma C, 1907 ; medal of second class, Knoxville Exposition, 1911. Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3184. Winter Morning: Mianus River. 3185. The Brook in Spring. OLINSKY, IVAN G. Born South Russia, 1S7S. Came to this country in 1891. Studied: N. A. D., 1893-1898, •winning all school prizes. For eight years assistant to John La Farge. Studied abroad, 190S, in Venice and Paris, exhibiting at Salon. Returned to America in 191 1. On Faculty of Schools of National Academy of Design. Member .-Issociation of Mural Painters; associate of National .Academy of Design, 1914. Honor: Thomas B. Clarke prize. Na- tional .Academy of Design, 1914. 2184. Two Girls. OLIVER, JEAN NUTTING Born Lynn, Mass. Studied: Boston Museum School. 1301. The Shade Hat. 1305. Master Aldrieh. OLSON, ALBERT BYRON Born Montrose, Colo., 18S/;. Studied: P. A. F. A. 2415. Still Life. " 4279. Ballet. 4091. Decoration: The Three Sisters. 4281. Ballet. OLSON, JOSEPH OLIVER Born Buffalo, Minn., 1S94. Studied liith F. Tadema. Honor: First Prize for Land- scape, King County Fair, Seattle, IVash. 4422. The Landscape Class. OTIS, AMY Born Sher.zi.-ood, N. Y. Studied: Philadelphia School of Design and P. A. F. A.; Col- orossi .4cademy, Courtois and Garrido in Paris. Member: Phila. IV. C. C; Pa. S. Min. P. 1361. A College Girl. 1365. Portrait of an Artist. OTIS, BASS Born in Nev} England, 1784; died in Philadelphia, 1861. Invented the Perspective Pro- tractor, 1815, and made the first lithograph on stone produced in America, 1891. 2793. Portrait of Mrs. Cromwell. Lent bv Thomas C. Corner, Esq. PACKARD, MABEL Born loiL-a. Studied: .4. I. C; Colorossi .4cademy in Paris. Member: Chicago S. .4. Honor: Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 1231. Portrait; Miss P. 1235. Study of a Head. PADDOCK, ETHEL LOUISE Born New York, lS8y. Studied: Neiv York School of .4rt; Henri. 1034. Red Haired Girl. 1070. Night. PADDOCK, JOSEPHINE Born AV-.f York, 1SS5. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Henri School of Art. 2119. The Blue Feather. 3329. Black Cap. 2128. Youth. 3497. Miss M. and a Parrot. 3152. Two Girls. [350] GOWANUS CANAL, liy lllrn Lewis PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS PAGE, MARIE DANFORTH Born Boston, iS6<). Studied: Boston Museum School. Member: Union Inter, des Beaux- Arts et des Let Ires. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, l<)lj. 2304. Portrait of Anna Coleman Ladd. 3242. Tommy. 3031. Dressing Genevieve. PAGE. WILLIAM Born in Albany, N. Y., iSil; died in Stolen Island, iSSS- Studied '., 1869. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y., Colorossi Academy and Mme. Debillemont-Chardon in Paris. Honor: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 1814. Leslie Hall. SEARS, SARAH CHOATE Born Cambridge, Mass., lS^8. Studied: Ross Turner, Joseph De Camp, Dennis M. Bunker, Edmund C. Tarbell and George de Forest Brush. Alember: N. Y. IV. C. C. Honors: Evans prize, A. If. C. S., 189s; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, J893; [365] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS SEARS, SARAH CHOATE (Continued) honorable mention, Paris Exposition, igoo; bronze medal for vjater color, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi ; silver medal for luater color, C/iarlesto-^n Exposition, igoj; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 1057. Morning Glories: Bermuda. 1062. Pigeon Berries: Bermuda. 1059. Hibiscus: Bermuda. SEARS, TABER Born Boston, Mass., 1S70. Studied: Boston Museum School; Julian Academy in Paris with Constant, Laurens and Merson. Member: N. Y. Arch. Lg., iSgg (vice-pres.) ; N. Y. /r. C. C; Mural P. (treas.). Honore Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. ' 1759. The Arab Merchant. 1771. Harbor of St. George. 1763. York Cathedral. 1775. Bridge of the Canonica: Venice. SEAWELL, HARRY W. Born in San Francisco. Studied: Paris, under Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant. 4194. Interior. SELDEN, DIXIE Born Covington, Ky. Studied: Cincinnati Art Academy i-.ith Duveneck. Member: S. ir. A. (Assoc). 2126. Bunker's Hill, St. Ives. SELDEN, HENRY BILL Born Erie, Pa., 1SS6. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y., Birge Harrison, P. A. F. A. 3471. October Morning. 4262. Cloudy Morning. SEYFFERT, LEOPOLD Born Colorado Springs, Col., lSS~. Honors: Felloziship prize, Felloiuship of P. .1. F. A., Philadelphia, 1913; honorable mention, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 1913. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 2193. Juan. 2201. Julian. 2196. Tired Out. 3079. Spanish Peasants. SHARP, JOSEPH HENRY Born Bridgeport, Ohio, iS^g. Studied: Royal Academy, Munich, luth Marr; Julian Academy in Paris ivith Laurens and Constant; Verlat in Antiverp. Member: S. IV. A.; ten years on faculty, Cincinnati Art Academy. Honors: Silver medal. Department of Enthonology, Pan-.imerican Exposition, Buffalo, igoi; first portrait prize, Cincinnati A. C, igoi. 2611. Crucita: Taos Indian Girl. SHARPLES, JAMES Born about lyso. His special fame consists in the fact that George ll'ashington sat to him in iyg6. The profile portrait that he made of him had so great a reputation it is said his luife and daughter made copies of it to supply the demand. He exhibited at the Royal .-Icademy in l^yg and l/Sj. He came to AVia York in I~g6, and his portraits in pastel and miniature became very popular. He died in AVto York in iSll. 2709. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. SHAW, SYDNEY DALE Born IValkley, England, iSyg. Studied: A. S. L. 'of N. Y.; Ecole Nationale des Beaux- Arts, Paris. 3295. Southwestern Summer. 4140. Nature's Screen. 3309. Woodland Fete. SHEPARD, CLARE Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 1865. David. 1867. The Golden Girl. 1866. Suzanne. . 1868. Kathleen. [366] CD a 2 PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS SHEPARD, CLARE (Continued) 1870. Betrothed of the Raven. 1876. The Pale Flower. 1871. Mrs. C. 1877. Mary. 1874. Bertha. 1880. Miss Fisken. SHINN, EVERETT Born H'oQdstoii:n, A'. J., iSj'j. Studied: P. A. F. A. Honor: Bronze medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. 950. The Shop Window. 1016. 18th Century (Red chalk). 953. The Yellow Dancer. 1017. Red Chalk No. 2. 956. The Funnv Man. 1018. Going to the Fire. 958. Waiting. ' 1019. Red Chalk No. 1. 959. Stage. SHIRLAW. WALTER Born Paisley, Scotland, iSsS; died Madrid, Spain, I90Q. Began his career as an en- graver and illustrator; ivas t/iirty-tivo years of age when ivhen he went abroad to study. After seven years in the school at Munich under the instruction of IVagner and Kaulbach, he returned to this country and devoted himself to the interests and advancement of national art. lie was one of the first instructors at the Art Students' League, New York; one of the founders, and the first president, of the Society of American Artists. Received medal of the Royal .Icademy, Munich ; honorable mention at the Paris Exposition in 1889; associate member of the N. A. D., New York, 1878; full member, 1888. 2951. Toning of the Bell. Lent by Mark S. Willing, Esq. SHORE, HENRIETTA M. Born Toronto, Canada. Studied: Toronto, New York and London. 3520. Sisters. SHUTTLEWORTH, CLAIRE Born Buffalo, i^6X. Studied: Buffalo A. S. L.; A. S. L. of N. Y. with Dumond and Bridgman; Merson, Collin and Lerop in Paris. Honor: Fellowship prize, Buffalo S. .4., 19 10. 1956. A Small Boy. SIBONI, EMMA B. Born in Denmark, 1877. Studied: A. I. C; St. Louis School of Fine Arts; Skarbina in Berlin: Renard in Paris. 1797. Little Miss Mary Armes. SIMPSON, EDNA HUESTIS Born Troy, N. Y., iSS^. Studied: Emma Willard Art School; Cornell University, A. S. L. of N. Y. Member: P. A. Soc. Min. P. Honors: Gurley Memorial Prize, 189S; Moores and fVinden Prize, 1S97; Emma fVillard Art School; Art Students' League Scholarship for Miniature painting, 1907. 1288. Outdoor Sketch. 1292. The Pool. 1289. The Green Gown. 1293. Mrs. Frank Laurence Stiles. 1290. Mrs. Mortimer Anstice. SINGER, WILLIAM H., JR. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., 1868. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19IS. 3544. In .My Garden. SLOAN, JOHN Born Lock Haven, Pa., 1871. Studied: P. A. F. A. under Robert Henri in Philadelphia. Member: .■Im. P. S. Honor: Honorable mention, Pittsburgh, /905. 2486. Gloucester Harbor. 4311. Girl Undressing. 2496. Renganeschis: Sunday Night. 4314. At the Top of the Swing. 2497. McSorley's Old Ale-House. 4362. Return from Toil. 4310. Woman on Roof. [367] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS SMILLIE, GEORGE H. Born in Nehine I'liJJixk PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS SNELL, HENRY B. (Continued) 1777. The Passing Steamer. 4261. The Lighthouse by Moonlight. 3290. Low Tide. 4268. The Devon Coast. 3321. The Cargo Boat. 4294. The Cove. 4138. Twilight at Sea. 4328. Still Life. 4240. The Quay: Paris. SOHIER, ALICE RUGGLES Born Qulniy, Mass., iSSo. Sludiid: A. S. L., Buffalo, A'. Y.; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, unJer Tarbetl. Honors^ Paige Traveling Scholarship, 1^07-09. Member: Guild of Boston Artists. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 2142. Reminiscence. 2292. Giovanna. SOTTER, GEORGE W. Born Pittsburgh, lS;(j. Studied: P. A. F. A. Member of the Associated Artists of Pitts- burgh; Society of tl'estern .-Irtists. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3586. In Gloucester Harbor. 3603. Moonlight: Gloucester Harbor. Lent by Williain Smith Stimmel, Esq. 3612. Valley in Snow. 3599. Snow-bound Hills: Pittsburg. SOUDER, MARY RINARD Born H'inchester, Ind., 1879. 1796. Portrait of a Girl. 1798. Portrait of a Girl. SPAETH. MARY HAUGHTON Born Hanover, N. H., iSyo. Studied: School of Design for Women, Philadelphia, Pa.; Paris and Spain. 4185. Penelope Roberts. SPARKS, ARTHUR W. Born Washington, D. C, 1S71. Studied: America, France. Honorable mention. Asso- ciated Artists of Pittsburgh. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 3595. Midsummer Day. 3605. Mills at Rankin. SPEAR, ARTHUR P. Born /Washington, D. C, 1879. Studied: Laurens in Paris. .Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191 $■ 3479. Spring in the City. SPEICHER, EUGENE E. Born Buffalo, N. Y., 1883. Studied: Buffalo, New York and Europe. Member: A. N. A., 19 13. Honors: Proctor prize, N. A. D., 191 j. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, I9IS- 3258. In the Catskills. 33S4. Portrait of John Nelson Cole, Jr. SPENCER, MARY Born Springfield, Ohio. Studied ivilh C. T. Webber in Cincinnati. 2957. Peonies. SPENCER, ROBERT Born Harvard, Neb., 1879. Studied: N. A. D.; New York School of Art. Member: N. A. D. Honors: Second Hallgarten Prize, National .Icademy of Design, N. Y., 1913; honorable mention, .Irt Club of Philadelphia, 1913; Sesnan gold medal. The Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine .4rts, 1914; Innes gold medal, National Academy of De- sign, New York, 1914. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3171. The Grev Mills. 3263. Courtvard at Dusk. 3259. The Closing Hour. [369] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS SPRINCHORN, CARL 966. Sea God. 961. Woman with Fan. 967. Young Woman. 962. Youth. 968. Drawing. 963. Dancers. 969. Masquerade. 964. Drawing. 972. Man with Dagger. 965. Dancer. 4440. Beach at Laguna. SPRINGER, EVA Born Cimarron, A'eiv Mexico. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Academie Julian, Paris; Academie Colorossi, Paris; Academie de la Grand Chaumiere, Paris. Honors: Medal for miniatures, Academie Julian, Paris. 1964. La Vieille. 1972. Italian Girl. 1970. Little Simone. STAGEY, ANNA LEE Born Glasgoiv, Mo. Studied: A. I. C. Member: Chicago S. A. Honors: Young Fort- nightly prize, A. I. C, ig02; Cahn prize, A. I. C, 1902; Field Exhibition prize, 1907; Clyde M. Carr prize, igj2. 2284. In Furs. 3513. Moonlight: Granada. STACEY, JOHN F. Born Biddeford, Me., 1S39. Studied: Mass. Normal School in Boston; Boulanger, Le- febvre and Julian Academy in Paris. Member: Chicago S. A. Honors: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904; $100 prize. Field Exhibition, 1907; bronze medal, Buenos Aires, 1910; Grower prize, A. I. C, 1911. 3156. Midsummer: Gloucester. 3230. Morning in August. STAIGG, RICHARD MORRELL Born in Leeds, England, 1S17; died in Newport, R. I., iSSi. Brought to this country by his father in 1831. Received advice from Allston and others. Exhibited miniatures at R. A. Regular exhibitor at N. A. D., of which he was elected Associate in 1856, and Academician in 1861. Visited Europe, 1867-69 and 1872-74. 1326. Portrait of Daniel Webster. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. STANTON, LUCY M. Born .Atlanta, Ga., 1873. Studied: Colorossi Academy, Simon, Blanche, Gandara and A. Koopman in Paris. Members, P. A. S. Min. P., 1905; Am. S. Min. P., 1910. 1241. Mrs. Hunnicutt. 1245. A Scheme in Blue and White. 1243. Mr. Joel Chandler Harris. 1247. An Old Woman. 1244. Aunt Liza. STARK, OTTO Born Indianapolis, 1839. Studied with Lefebvre, Boulanger and Cormon in Paris. Mem- ber: S. tV. A. In charge of Art Dept., Manual Training High School, Indianapolis, Ind. 1113. The Gravel Screen. 1114. Building Operations. STEELE, THEODORE C. Born Owen County, Ind., 1847. Studied: Royal Academy in Munich, with Benczur and Loefftz. Member: S. IV. A. Honors: Foutke prize, Richmond, Ind., IQ06; silver mdai, Wednesday Club, 1907 ; Fine Arts Corporation prize, igog; honorable mention. Exposi- tion, Paris, 1900; Fine Arts Building Prize, Society of IVestern Artists, 1910. 21S9. The Hill Country. 3416. The Poplars. 2367. November Afternoon. STEELE, ZULMA Born Appteton, Jl'is., 18S1. Studied: Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2191. Nature's Tapestry. STETSON, CHARLES WALTER Born Tiverton Four Corners, R. I., 1838.. Died Rome, Italy, igir. 1162. A Dance at the End of the Day. 1163. Girls under a Tree. [370] THE HOUSEMAID. By ICll/i,im M. l'„xlon 1164. A Stream in Maremma. 1165. Landscape. 1166. Knights on Horseback. 1167. Near the Edge of the Ancient Burial Ground. 3845. A Place of Peace. 3846. October. 3847. Bather. PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS STETSON, CHARLES WALTER (Continued") 3848. Moonrise behind Cypresses. 3849. Harmony. 3850. Portrait of Grace Ellery Channing- Stetson. 3851. Summer Jov. 3852. The Love Song. 3853. Smugglers. 3854. In Praise of Dionysos. STEWART, JULIUS L. Born Philadelphia, Pa., iS^^. Pupil of Gerome and R. de Madrazo. Member: Paris S. A. P.; Soc. Nat des Beaux-Arts iSgg. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, i,SS_^: third class medal, Paris Salon, iSgo; gold medal, Berlin, iSgi and J895; gold medal, Munich, i8gy; grand gold medal, Munich, igoi. Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1895; French Legion of Honor iSgs, Officer igoi. 4200. Venice. 4402. Blue Butterfly. 4399. Wood Nymphs. STODDARD, ALICE KENT Born H'aterto-an, Conn. Studied: P. A. F. A. Philadelphia. Honors: Mary Smith prize. Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, IQII and 1913; honorable mention, Philadel- phia Art Club. 2137. The White Waist. 3377. Portrait of Gerald Stanley Lee. 2994. The Sisters. STOKES, FRANK WILBERT Born Nashville, Tenn. Studied: P. A. F. A. under Thomas Eakins; Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Paris under Gerome; CoLorossi Academy under Collin; Julian Academy under Boulanger and Lefeb^re. 2630. Belgica Channel. 2633. Aurora Australis: Antarctic Bergs. 2631. Gate of Hades: Sunset Effect: Green- 2634. Aurora Borealis: Sea Ice Foreground. land. 2635. Antarctic Afterglow: Admiralty Sound. 2632. Antarctic Glacier: Admiralty Sound. STORRS, JOHN Born Chicago, 1S85. Studied with Charles Grafly, Paul Bartletl, Auguste Rodin, Lorado Taft. 4307. Portrait. STORY, JULIAN Born ICalton-on-Thames, England, lSs7, of American parents, his father being the sculptor, ll'illiam Jf'etmore Story. Studied with Duveneck in Florence; Boulanger nnd Lefebire in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1906; S. A. A., 1892; London Soc. Port. P. Honors: Third medal and honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1SS9; gold medal, Berlin, iSgt ; silver medal, Paris Exposition, igoo; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. Chevalier Legion of Honor, France, 1901. Sih'er medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi5. 3386. Portrait of Mrs. Stop,-. 3389. Portrait of the Artist. STREAN, MARIA JUDSON Born Washington, Pa., l86f,. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y. under Cox and IVeir; Prinet and Dauchez in Paris. Member: N. Y. IV. C. C; Am. S. Min. P.; Pa. Soc. Min. P.; Union Inter, des Beaux-.'lrts ei Lettres. Honor: Honorable mention, Pan-American Ex- position, Buffalo, igoi. 1813. Boy in Pierrot Costume. 1818. Portrait. 1815. Dorothy. 1819. Mrs. W. B. McKennan. 1816. Portrait of Miss Alexander. 1820. Girl in Gray Coat. 1817. William. STUART, GILBERT Born Narraganselt, R. I., 7755 ; died Boston, 18 jS. Portrait painter. Went to England '" 1775- Pupil and assistant to Benjamin West. President of the Royal Academy. He [371 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS STUART, GILBERT (Continued) returned to America in 171)2. Among his sitters in Europe luere three kings, Louis XI' I., George III., and George IV. ivhile Prince of IVales. He painted many distinguished artists, and six Presidents of the United States, viz: IVashington, Adams, Jefferson, Madi- son, Monroe and John Quincy .Idams. He painted tiuo (or possibly three) portraits of IVashington from life — the Landsdoune portrait and the Athenaeum portrait, from luhich he painted many replicas. 2763. Portrait. 2767. Portrait of Major General Henry Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Dearborn. 2764. Portrait of William Williamson. Lent by Herbert Welsh, Esq. Lent by Mrs. Gustav Radeke. 2768. Captain Joseph Anthony. 2765. Portrait of President Monroe. Lent by Laurence Johnson Morris, Lent by Hon. Seth Low. Esq. SULLY, ROBERT M. Born Petersburg, I'a., 180S; died 1855. Studied •with Nasmyth, the landscape painter of Edinburgh, and later inith his uncle, Thomas Sully, in Philadelphia. IVent abroad to study in 1S34, remaining four years. 2773. Junius Brutus Booth. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. SULLY, THOMAS Born in Horncastle, England, lySs; died in Philadelphia, iSyj. Studied luith his brother, Laiirence Sully, and luith Stuart. Settled in Philadelphia, 1809. Visited Europe, and painted Queen Victoria from life in iSsS. Exhibited at the Royal .Icademy, 1S30- 1840. In the Historical Portrait Exhibition at the P. A. F. .i., 1887-88, there were ex- hibited one hundred and six pictures by him. 2769. Portrait of Francis Anne Kemble. 2770. Study of a Head. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy Lent by the Estate of Samuel Bell of the Fine Arts. Waugh. SUTTER, HENRY R. Born Salisbury, Mo., iSgi. Studied: .Irt Institute, Chicago, and ivith C. W. Haint'iorne. 4111. Street Scene: Provincetown. SUYDAM, JAMES A. Born in New York in 18 17. He was a pupil of the American artist, M, C. Kellogg, with whom he traveled in Greece, Turkey and the East. He painted mountain scenery and coast views, and was one of the organizers of the Academy in New York and its treasurer. He died in 1S65 and bequeathed some money and the pictures knozin as the "Suydam Collection" to the Academy. 2691. In the Meadows. Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. SYLVESTER, FREDERICK O. 1372. A Mural Painting. TADAMA, F. Born Sumatra (Netherlands East India), 1871. Studied: .Icademy of Fine .Irts, .Imster- dam, and in Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris; Societe des Artistes Francois Salon, ipoi; first prize. Landscape Competition, .J msterdam, iSgS. Member of the jury in several exhibitions in Holland and America. 2629. Public Market: Seattle. TALCOTT, ALLEN B. 3408. April at Chipmunk Point. 3600. The Ledges. TANAKA, YASUSHI 4444. The Shadow of the Madrona. TANNAHILL, MARY H. Born JVarrenton, N. C, 1868. Studied: A. S. L.; IVeir, Twachtman, Cox and Movibray [372] PORTRAIT OF rol.ONF.1. CHARI.F.S PETTIT. By Cliartei llillson Peale PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS TANNAHILL. MARY H. (Continued) in \eiv York. Member: Pa. S. Min. P. Honor: Prize, Exhibition of Associailon of Woman Painters and Sculptors, Netu York, 1914. 1945. Brothers. 1953. Girl with Parrot. 1946. A Young Mother. 1954. Jane Chapman. TANNER. HENRY O. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., l8S9- Studied: P. A. F. A. ivith Thomas Eakins : Laurens and Constant in Paris. Member: A. N. A., igog; Soc. Inter, de Peinture et Sculpture. Hon- ors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, lS()6; third class medal, Paris Salon, lS(;y : Lippin- cott prize, P. /I. F. A. IQOO; silver medal, Paris F.xposition, igoo; silver medal, Pan- .-Imerican Exposition, Buffalo, igoi : silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, IQ04; second class medal, Paris Salon, igo6; Harris prize, A. I. C, 1906. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, iQlj. 4123. Christ at the Home of Lazarus. TAPLEY. J. J. WOODING Born Fair Haven, Conn., 1S6S. Studied: Yale School of Fine .Irts, Nevs Haven; .1. S. L. of N. Y. 1037. November. TARBELL, EDMUND C. Born West Groton. Mass., 1862. Studied: Boston Museum School; Boulani;er and Lefebvre in Paris. Member: Ten Am. P.; A. N. A., 1(104; A'^- ^-t 1906; Nat. Inst. A. L. Honors: Clarke prize, N. A. D., 1890; Shaw Fund, S. A. A., 1S93; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 189s; first Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1894; Lippincott prize, P. A. F. A., 1S95; Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1895; gold medal, A. C. Phila., 1895; second Elkins prize, P. A. F. A., 1896; honorable mention, Tennessee Exposition, Nashville, 1S97 ; first prize, Worcester Museum, 1900; three medals, Boston Charitable Mechanics' Assoc; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; third prize, C. I. Pittsburgh, 1901 ; second prize, C. /. Pittsburgh, 1904; first prize, Worcester Museum, 1904; Harris prize, A. I. C, 1907; medal of honor, P. A. F. A., 1908; Saltus medal, N. A. D., 1908; first prize, C. I. Pitts- burgh, 1909; first W. .'1. Clark prize, Corcoran A. G., 1910; Beck gold medal, P. .■/. F. A., 1911. Instructor School of Drawing and Painting at the Boston Museum, 1889 to 1911. Member of the International Jury of Award, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191 5. 3940. New England Interior. 3950. Reverie. Lent by Miss Catherine Codman. Lent by Miss Georgina Carey. 3941. Girl in Blue. 3951. Portrait: Hon. John \V. Hammond. 3942. Girl Reading. Lent by the Hon. John W. Hammond. Lent by Boston Museum of Fine 3952. Mrs. John S. Lawrence. Arts. Lent by John Silsbee Lawrence, Esq. 3943. Girls Reading. 3953. Girl with Dog. Lent by Mrs. Daniel Merriman. Lent by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen 3944. Girl Crocheting. Codman. Lent by Bela Lyon Pratt, Esq. 3954. The Turquoise Ring. 3945. Girl Reading. Lent by the Art Club of Philadel- Lent by the Cincinnati Museum phia. Association. 3955. My Family. 3946. Dr. Edward Reynolds. 3956. Mrs. Samuel Cabot, Jr. Lent by Dr. Edward Reynolds. Lent by Mrs. Samuel Cabot. 3947. Edmund and Eaglet. 3957. Interior. 3948. Girl in White. Lent by Dr. George Woodward. Lent by J. H. Gest, Esq. 3958. On Bos'ns Hill. 3949. The Mirror. Lent by S. Dacre Bush, Esq. Lent by the Queen City Club. 3959. The Dreamer. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. Born New York, 1S55. Studied: A. S. L., N. .1. D. and Eastman Johnson in New York; London and Paris. Member: S. I., 1910. Honors: Honorable mention for drawing. Pan- [373 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS TAYLOR, CHARLES J. (Continued) American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Instructor, Carnegie Technical Schools, Pittsburgh, since igii. Member of the International Jury of Aivards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 974. Rankin Mills. 986. Pittsburgh from the Golf Club. 976. Monongahela from Soho Hill. 3611. Boothbay Harbor. 978. Coming from Work. 3614. Springtime in the Suburbs. 982. Mills at Swissvale. 3615. Sandy Creek. 984. The Blowout: Soho. 3616. Sandy Creek Bridge. TAYLOR, EMILY DRAYTON Born Philadelphia, i860. Studied vAth Cecile Ferrere in Paris; P. A. F. A. Member: Pa. Soc. Min. P. (pres.). Honors: Gold medal, Earl's Court Exposition, London, igoo; gold medal for services on jury, Charleston Exposition, igoz. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 1930. Spring. 1933. Miss Corrine B. Freeman. 1931. Mrs. John Innis Kane. 1934. Life's Bubbles. 1932. Mrs. Paul Mills. 1936. Mrs. Allison. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER Born Philadelphia, 1874; son of Frank L. Taylor. Studied: P. A. F. A. and in Paris. Member: Felloivship, P. A. F. A.; S. I., 1903. Medal of Honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 8. Souvenir of Versailles. 15. The Cargo: London. 10. The Pool: London. 16. The Beach: Brighton. 11. At the Races: Deauville. 17. Fete: Night. 12. Illustration: The Iron Woman. 18. The Villas: Trouville. 13. Illustration: The Iron Woman. TAYLOR, MINNIE C. Born Bangor, Maine, 1863. Studied in London, Munich and Paris; San Francisco School of Design; Ne^a York, Boston and Chicago. 1849. Robie. 1851. Portrait. THOMAS, SEYMOUR Born San Augustine, Texas, 1868. Studied ivith Chase in New York; Lefebvre and Con- stant in Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895; bronze medal, Paris Expo- sition, igoo; third class medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi ; gold medal, Munich, 1901; second class medal, Paris Salon, 1904. Legion of Honor, France, 1904; Chevalier, 1905. 3368. Portrait of Dr. W. A. Briggs. 4417. Portrait: Henri Vignaud. THOMPSON, GEORGE ALBERT Born New Haven, Conn., 186S. Studied: Yale School of Fine Arts in Nevti Haven; John La Farge in Neiu York; Merson, Blanc, Courtois and Giradoi in Paris. Director of the Noricich Art School. 2624. February Morning. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. Born Medford, 18S0. Studied: Boston Museum School under Tarbell. Honors: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904; third Hallgarten prize, N. .4. D. igii; Harrison S. Morris prize, Newport, 1914. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3800. Girl in White. 3810. Girl with Mirror. THORNDIKE, CHARLES H. Born Paris, 1875. Studied in France with J. B. Constant. Honors: .Associate of "Salon d'Automne," Paris; decorated French order "Officer d'Academie." 4149. Gray Weather. 4416. Boats Entering the River. 4170. Church. [374] PAINTERS AND ILLUSTR-^TORS TIFFANY, LOUIS C. Born in Nnu York, lH^S. Studied -^vith George Inness and Samuel Colman in A'«t York: Leon Bailey in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1S71; N. A., 1880; S. A. A.; A. W. C. S.; N. Y. Arcli. Lg.: Societe Nat. des Beaux-Arts; Imperial Society of Fine Arts, Japan. Honors: Gold medal for applied arts, Paris Exposition, igoo; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France, igoo; gold medal, Dresden Exposition, Igor; grand prize, Turin Expo- sition of Decoratiie Art, igo2; special diploma of honor, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 3454. Silver Jar. 3461. Copper Vase No. 2. 3455. Silver Gilt Vase. 3462. Tea Screen. 3456. Spray of Mistletoe. 3463. Hand Wrought Vase. 3457. Pendant: Star Fish Motif. 3464. Silver Cup. 3458. Necklace: Two Gold Serpents. 3465. Silver Vase. 3459. Spray of Blackberries. 3466. Gold Cup. 3460. Copper Vase No. 1. TINGLEY, BLANCHE 1233. Josephine Summer. TITCOMB, M. BRADISH Born in \eii- Hampshire. Studied: Boston Museum School under Tarbell, Benson and Hale. Member: N. Y. IV. C. C. 2351. Summer Girls. 4181. Hillside and Harbor. 2605. The Distant City. TOMPKINS, FRANK H. Born Hector, N. Y., 1847. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Cincinnati School of Design; Royal .'Icademy in Munich under Loefftz; gold medal, Mass. Charitable Mechanics' Assoc. 2626. Self Portrait. TROCCOLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Born Italy, iSSj. Studied zvith Dr. D. tV. Ross and Hermann Dudley Murphy. Honors: Honorable mention, Carnegie Institute, igil ; The Norman Wait Harris silver medal. .Irt Institute, Chicago, jgi;. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 2350. Portrait of Mr. Ferry. 2369. Woman with a Handkerchief. 2354. Portrait of Mrs. Brinckerhofl. 2373. New England Woman. TROTT, BENJAMIN Born in Boston. Follo'wed Stuart from New York to Philadelphia, and there remained for many years. Copied in miniature many of Stuart's portraits. Joint tenant ivith Sully, 180S. Also sojourned in the South, in New York and in Boston. Exhibited P. A. F. A., 18 1 2. 1322. Portrait of Solomon Etting. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. TRYON, DWIGHT W. Born Hartford, Conn., iH.jg. Studied with C. Daubigny, Jacquesson de la Chevreuse, A. Guillemet and H. Harpignies in Paris. Member: A. N. A., iSgo; N. A., 1891; S. A. A., 1882; A. /r. C. S.; Nat. Inst. .4. L. Honors: Bronze medal, Boston, 1S82; gold medals, American Art .-Issoc, New York, 1SS6 and 1SS7 ; third Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1SS7 ; Ellsworth prize, A. I. C, 18S8; Palmer prize, Chicago Interstate Exposition, l8Sg; Webb prize, S. .4. A., iS8g; first class gold medal, Munich Exposition, i8g2; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSgs; first prize, Cleveland Interstate Exposition, 1S95; first prize, Tennessee Centennial, Nashville, lSi)7 ; gold medal ($1^00), C. I. Pittsburgh, iSgS; chronological medal, C. I. Pittsburgh, iSgg; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, Kjoi ; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, jgo.]. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 2390. Twilight: Autumn. 2391. An Evening in May. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Collection. Academy. [375] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FIXE ARTS TRYON, DWIGHT W. (Continued) 2392. Early Night. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2393. Sunset before Storm. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2394. Autumn. 2395. Night: The Sea. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2396. The Sea: East Wind. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2397. Autumn Morning. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2398. Evening: September. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2399. Afternoon: October. 2400. Moonlight. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. 2401. The Farm: Moonlight. 2402. Moonlight on the Water. 2403. The Sea: Freshening Breeze. Lent by National Gallery, Freer Collection. TUCKER, ALLEN Born Brooklyn, \. Y., rS66. Studied: Columbia I'niz:: A. S. L. of A'. 1'. Member: N. Y. Arch Lg., 1902; S. C. U. A., 1888; Am. P. S. 2127. The Ice Storm. 4453. Portrait in Blue and Ivory. TURNER, HELEN M. Born Louisville, Ky. Studied: A. S. L. of A'. Y. under Cox. Member: A'. Y. IV. C. C.: Pa. S. Min. P. Honors: Elling prize for landscape, IQ12; bronze medal. Cooper Union, N. Y.; Julia A. Shaiu prize, N. A. D., 1913; National Arts prize. Society of iromen Painters and Sculptors, 1913; honorable mention, Chicago Art Inst., 1913. 1909. Mr. Frank Regal. 3029. Portrait. 1912. Portrait of Mrs. Sherwood. 3310. Mother and Child. TURNER, ROSS STERLING Born H'estport, A'. Y., 1847. Studied: Munich, Venice, Florence, Rome. Member: N. Y. IV. C. C; .1. II'. C. S.; Boston IV. C. C. Honors: Silver medal for tiater color, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; Evans prize, A. IV. C. S., 190S : first prize. Water Color Society, N. Y., 1908; first silver medal, Mechanics' Fair, Boston, iSqo. Instructor, Mass. Normal Art School since 1909, and Mass. Inst, of Technology. 1749. The Rover. 177S. Le Soleil Royal. TUTTLE, ADRIANNA Born IVindsor, Conn., 1S66. Studied: Neiv York, Boston, Europe. Member: .1. S. L. of N. Y. Honor: Honorable mention, Connecticut Academy of the Fine Arts, 1914. 1S92. Mrs. Charles Shearman Coxe. 1895. William Somerset Maugham. 1893. Portrait. TUTTLE, RUEL CROMPTON Born IVindsor, 1S66. Studied: A. S. L. 4366. The Fountain: Windsor. TWACHTMAN, JOHN H. Born Cincinnati, 1833; died, 1902. Studied: luinter of 1S74 and 187s in Dwveneck's Life School and Painting Class in the same city. Went to Europe in the fall of 1875, entering the Art School at Munich. Honors: Webb prize, Society of American Artists, 18S8 ; bronze medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., JS95; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Member: American Art Club, Munich. 4051. October. 4054. Phlox. Lent by Charles A. Piatt, Esq. 4055. Brush House: Cos Cob. 4052. Niagara. 4056. Sailing. 4053. River in Winter. 4057. Flowers. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. Lent by J. Alden Weir, Esq. of A'. Y. under .Moubray and IVeir. School of Design, Cincinnati. Spent the [376] Z o PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS Esq. 4067. Marine. Lent by Henry Fitch Tavlor, Esq. 4068. Gladioli.' Lent by Edward H. Coates, Esq. 4069. Waterfall: Yosemite. Lent by Mrs. Gustav Radeke. On the Upper Terrace. Summer. Waterfall. Lent by Henry Smith, Esq. Hill at Arc-la-Bataille. 4074. Meadow Flowers. Lent bv the Brooklyn Museum. 4075. The Back Road. Lent by Childe Hassam, 4076. Harbor View Hotel. 4070. 4071. 4072. 4073. Esq. A. I. C. under Mrs. I'irginia Reynolds. Member : Chicago 1296. Master Robert Gibson. TWACHTMAN, JOHN H. (Continued) 4058. View on the Brette: Bethune. Lent by the Hill\er .Art Gallery, Smith College. 4059. Windmills. Lent by the Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College. 4060. Niagara. Lent bv W. J. Johnson, Esq. 406L Sketch. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 4062. Frozen Stream. 4063. Mother and Child. 4064. The Azaleas. Lent by Henry Smith, 4065. Greenwich Hills. 4066. Bridge in Spring. TYLER, CAROLYN D. Born C/iicago. Studied: S. ./.; Chicago S. Miri. P. 1294. Jeanette. TYNG, MARGARET FULLER Born Exeter, A'. // Studied: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Siker medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, l^lj. 2102. The Silver Bowl. TYSON, CARROLL SARGENT, JR. Born Philadelphia. iSyS. Studied: P. A. F. A. under Chase and Cecilia Beaux; Carl Marr and Walter Thor in Munich. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific international Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 3425. A Midsummer's Day. 3591. Before Moonrise. 3 587. Road to the Pier. UFER. WALTER Born Louisville, Ky., 1S76. Studied: Chicago, Dresden, Munich, Paris. 2104. Rnsa Cota of San Juan Pueblo. 2108. Taos Indian in Cornfield. 2106. A Daughter of San Juan Pueblo. ULLMAN, EUGENE PAUL Born in Ne^u York, jS/7. Studied with IVm. M. Chase. Member: .Assoc. Soc. S'at. des Beaux-.lrts, Paris: Paris S. A. P. Honors: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, igo4: first class medal, Orleans, France; igos; second prize, Worcester, 1906; Temple gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1906. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 4121. Young Widow. 4426. Head of a Young Woman. 4125. Parisienne. UMBSTAETTER, NELLY LITTLEHALE Born Stockton, Cal., 1S6/. Studied: Museum of Fine .Irts, Boston. 932. The Golden Pine. 935. The White Birch. 933. Old Thorn Trees. 942. The Woods. 934. Takesago. 943. An Opal Day. UPTON, FLORENCE K. Born in Nciu York. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Kenyon Cox; Gari Melchers; in Paris •with Collin, and in Holland 04. 3288. The Valley at Delhi: New York. 3414. Gill Brook: Adirondacks. VAN LAER, ALEXANDER T. Born Auburn, X. Y., 1S57. Studied: N. A. D. and R. Sivain Gifford in Neiv York; George Poggenbeck in Holland. Member: A. N. A., igoi; N. A., igog; A. W. S. C. (pres.); N. Y. W. C. C. Honors: Bronze medal, Charleston, Exposition, jgo2; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 2297. November Afternoon. 3589. The Old Mill. VAN SLOUN, FRANK J. Born St. Paul, Minn. Studied, New York. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, IQIS- 3509. Portrait of an Actor. VINTON, FREDERIC PORTER Born Bangor, Maine, JS46; died 1911. Studied ii-ith Leon Bonnat; Jean Paul Laurens in Paris. Member: Royal Academy, Lowell Institute. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Exposition, iSgo; gold medal, IVorld's Columbian Exposition, iSqs; silver medal, Paris Exposition, jgoo: gold medal, Pan-.lmerican Exposition, Buffalo, igoi; Temple gold medal, Philadelphia, igoS; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. 2944. Hon. Moorfield Storey. 2962. Portrait: Mrs. Vinton. VIVIAN, CALTHEA Born Missouri. Studied: Crocker School of Design; Hopkins .4rt Institute. Honor: Medal for drawing at Crocker School. 2133. Moonlight: St. Francis Sutter Park. VOGT, LOUIS C. Born Cincinnati, 1864. Studied with H. Siddons Mowbray and Frank Duveneck. Mem- ber: S. IV. A. (Assoc); Cincinnati A. C. 1064. Late Afternoon: Cairo. 1068. A Market Place on the Nile. 1065. An Old Street: Cairo. 1069. Busy Street: Cairo. 1067. Morning: Cairo. VOLK, DOUGLAS Born Pittsfield, Mass., 1S56. Son of the sculptor, Leonard IV. Volk. Studied with Gerome in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1898; N. A., 1899; S. A. A., 1880; N. A. C; Soc. Inter, des Beaux-Arts et dcs Lettres, Paris. Honors: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 189s; Shaw Purchase, S. .1. A., 1899; first prize. Colonial Exhibition, Boston, 1S99; silver medal, Pan-.Imerican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Carnegie Prize, S. A. A., 190s: silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904; Proctor portrait prize, N. A. D., 1910; Saltus gold medal, N. A. D., 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiy. 3839. Marion of Hewnoaks. 3S41. Mother and Child. 3840. Maid of the Manor. VOLKERT, EDWARD C. Born Cincinnati, Ohio. 1871. Studied: Cincinnati Art Academy with Frank Duveneck, A. S. L. of N. Y. with Mowbray. Member: Union Internationale des Beaux-.4rts et des Lettres; A. IV. C. S.; N. Y. IV. C. C; S. W. A. 2362. Winter Evening: Connecticut. VONNOH, ROBERT Born Hartford, Conn., 1838. Studied: Mass. Normal .4rt School in Boston; Julian Academy in Paris under Boulanger and Lefebvre. Member: A. N. A., igoo; N. A., igo6; S. A. A., iSgf; Port. P.; N. Y.Arch. Lg.; Munich Secession (cor.). Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, i88g; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, iSSg and 1900; medal. Pan- [378] IN THE STrniO. By EUe,i C. Emmcl Rami PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS VONNOH, ROBERT (Continued) American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi ; medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Proctor prize, N. A. D., igo4. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19IJ. 2219. Portrait: Daniel Chester French. 3078. Poppies. 2237. Fantasy: Blue and Yellow. 3388. Charles Francis Adams, Esq. 2359. Bridge at Grez. WAGNER. FRANK HUGH Born, Milton, Indiana, i8jo. Studied: Art Institute, Chicago. 1262. Mary Alice. 1263. Portrait of Mr. G. WAGNER, FRED Born Valley Forge, Pa., 1S64. Studied: P. A. F. A. Member: Pliila. Sketch C. Hon- ors: Honorable mention. Art Club, Phila.; silver medal, American Art Society; bronze medal, Knoxville; Fellowship prize, 1914. 1075. Brooklyn Bridge. 1091. Valley of Snow. 1077. Across' the Schuylkill. 1093. The Village: Winter. 1079. The Two Bridges. 2473. Winter Evening. 10S9. The Yellow Bridge. 2507. Shoyeling Snow. WAGNER, ROBERT Born Detroit, Mich., lS/3. Studied: Unii'ersity of Mich.; Academic Julian; Academie Delacluse. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1913. 2577. Portrait of Stewart Edward White. WAITE, EMILY BURLING Born Worcester, Mass., 1SS7. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston. Honors: Gardner prize; Helen K. Hamlin Scholarship; Sears prize; Paige Traveling Scholarship, 1909-13. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiS- 2122. A Morning in September. 3268. The Lavender Gown. 2305. Tijmentje Cleaning Brass. 3440. Tijmentje Pouring Water. WALCOTT, HARRY MILLS Born Torringford, Conn., 1870. Studied: N. A. D. in New York; Julian .Academy under Constant in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1903; S. A. A., 1902. Honors: Honorable men- tion, Paris Salon, 1S97 ; bronze medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 : Shai^' fund, S. A. A., 1902; first Ilallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1903: Clarke prize, N. A. D., 1904; honorable mention, C. I. Pittsburgh, 1904; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Expo., 1904. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2220. The Children's Cotillon. WALDEN. LIONEL Born Norwich, Conn., 1862. Studied: Carolus-Duran in Paris. Member: Nat. Inst., A. L.; Paris S. A. P.; Societe Inter, de Peinture et Sculpture, Paris; Soc. de Peintres de la Marine. Honors: Second class medal. Crystal Palace Exhibition, London; Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1899; silver medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; third class medal, Paris Salon, 1903; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1910. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1913. 2600. Scenes on the Brittany Coast. 4179. Before Fishing. WALKER, HORATIO Born Listoiiel, Canada, lSj8; came to New York in 1S83. Member: A. N. A., 1890; N. A., 1891; S. A. A., J887; Nat. Inst, A. L.; Royal Insi. of Painters in Water Colors, England; A. IV. C. S.. Honors: Gold medal, competitive exhibition at American .Irt Galleries, New York, 1SS7; Evans prize, .7. IV. C. S., 1888: bronze medal, Paris Exp., 1S89; gold medal and diploma, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1S93: gold mrdal, Pan-.'Imeriran Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; gold medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; [379 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS WALKER, HORATIO (Continued) gold medal for oil and gold medal for iiater colors, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904! gold medal of honor, P. A. F. A., 1906; first prize, ft'orcester, 1907. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3833. Man Sawing Wood. 3838. Sheep Shearing. 3835. Ploughing in Acadia. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts 3837. Boy Feeding Calves. Academy. WALTMAN, HARRY FRANKLIN Born in Ohio, 1S71. Studied ivith Constant and Laurens in Paris: S. Jerome Vhl, Wash- ington, D. C, and Julian in Paris. Honor: Portrait prize, Salma. C, 1909. 2613. The Blue Fountain. 4097. Vermont. WARING, LEILA Born Charleston, S. C. Studied: A. S. L of N. Y. 1785. Mrs. T. Malbone Waring. WARNER, EVERETT L. Born I'inton, la., 1877. Studied: A. S. L. in Washington and Neiu York; Julian Acad- emy in Paris. Member: N. Y. W. C. C; A. W. C. S. Honors: First Corcoran prize, Washington: 11'. C. C, 1902; Scsnan medal, P. A. F. .4., 190S ; ^silver medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; second Hallgarten prize, N. .4. D., 1912. Siher medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3419. The Edge of the River. 3558. Brooklyn Bridge. WARREN, HAROLD B. Born Manchester, England, 1S59. Studied: Charles H. Moore and Charles Eliot Norton at Harvard University. 1706. Autumn. 4364. The Matterhorn. WASHINGTON, ELIZABETH F. Born Siegfried's Bridge, Pa. Studied: P. A. F. A. Honors: Three prizes for applied design at The Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial .4rt: first prize in Anatomy drawings, igo9 ; the Cresson Traveling European Scholarship, given June, 1912; first Toppan prize, June, 191^. 1786. The First Parasol. 1792. Abdul Baha. 1790. Nancy. WATERBURY. LAURA PRATHER Born Louisville, Ky. Studied: San Francisco School of Design, with I'irgil Williams. Honor: Gold medal, Seattle, Wash. 1264. Portrait of Miss Nina Clay. 1272. General W. R. Shafter. WATROUS, HARRY WILLSON Born in San Francisco, Cal., 18$/. Studied -with Bonnat, Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. Member: A. N. A., i8g^ ; N. A. i8q^ (cor. sec, 1S98) ; S. A. A., 1905. Honors: Clark prize. A'. A. D., 1S04; bronze medal, Pan-.4merican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; special commemorative gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 2156. He Stood in the Moonlight. 2364. The Bursting of the Bubble. WAUGH, FREDERICK J. Born Bordentown, N. J., 1861; son of S. B. Waugh, portrait painter. Studied: P. .4. F. A.; Julian Academy in Paris. Member: A. C, Philadelphia; A. N. A., 1909; N. A., 1911. Honors: Clark prize, N. .4. D., J910; gold medal, Buenos Aires; Norman Wait bronze medal, .4rt Institute, Chicago. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3155. The Maine Coast. 3173. The Southern Gulf Stream. 3163. Coming of the Line Storm. WAUGH, SAMUEL BELL Born in Mercer, Pa., 1814; died in Janesville, Wis., 18S}. Studied in Philadelphia and abroad, where he painted a number of portraits of distinguished foreigners, among them Thorwaldsen. For many years a leading portrait painter in Philadelphia. 2803. Portrait of Thorwaldsen. [380] Tin: JAPANESE SCREEN. Ily Rolurl RdJ PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS WEBER, SARAH S. STILLWELL 26. Water Baby. WEBSTER. E. AMBROSE Born Chrhea. Mass., i860. Studied: Boston Museum, under Benson and Tarbell; Lau- rens and Benjamin-Constant in Paris. Musgrare medal, IQ06. 4451. In the Woods. 4454. On the Trail. WEBSTER, ETHEL FELDER Born ChappeU Hill, Texas. 1SS6. Studied in New York. 1900. Susan Kingslev Crawford. 1903. Grandfather. 1903. Edith. ' 1905. Louise. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. Born AVtf York, iSyS. Studied: Paris. Honors: .Associate Royal Society of Painters, Etchers and Engraters. looy; .1. Soc. Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 1^12: Felloiv Royal Society of Painters, Etchers and Engravers, 1914. 4273. Ponte Santa Trinita. 427S. Rio Opni Santi: Venice. 4274. Rio della Croce: Venice. 4285. Ponle Vecchio: Florence. 4277. Ponte alle Grazie: Florence. 4286. On the Arno: Florence. WEHRSCHMIDT, DANIEL A. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, ils6i. Studied: Hrrkomcr School, Bushey Herts. Honors: T'U'o bronze medals, St. Louis. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, rQl^. 4401. The Morning's Milk. WEILL, EDMOND Born in AVif York. Studied: ^^ .^. D. under Edgar M. Ward. 1128. October Haze. WEIR, J. ALDEN Born West Point, X. Y., rSiJ. Studied v/tth his father, Robert W, Weir, at West Point: Gerome in Paris. Member: .1. A'. A., iSS^: A'. A., 1&S6; A. W. C. S.: Ten. Am. P.; Sat. Inst. .1. L. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1S83; silver medal for paint- ing and bronze for drawing, Paris Exposition, iSgg; prize ($3,000), .American .Irt A.'soc, AVt;' York: medal, C. /.. Pittsburgh, 1^97: bronze medal, Paris Exposition, lono; o-oW medal, Pan-.-1 merican Exposition. Buffalo, toot ; gold medal for paintings and silver for engravings, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, IQ04: Inness medal. A'. A. D,, igo6; Lippincott prize, P. A. F. A., lOtn; silver medal. Int. Exp., Buenos Aires, igio. Member of the International .hiry of .Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco, IQI-,. 2406. Constructing a Dam. 2422. A New England Rye Field. 2407. Midsummer. 2423. Plaza: Nocturne. 2408. Hunter's Moon. 2424. In the Woods. 2409. The Oak. 2425. Portrait. 2410. Danburv Hills. 2426. Towards Queeiiburgh Bridge: Nocturne. 2411. White Oak. 2427. June. 2412. Old Norwich Town: Connecticut. WEIR, JOHN FERGUSON Horn West Point. A'. 5'., iS.)!. Studied with his father. Robert W. Wier, at West Point: N. A. D. in S'ew York. Member: A. N. A., 1864; X. A.. 1S66; Director of the Yale School of Fine .Irts since lS6<). 2966. Forging the Shaft. Lent bv the Metropolitan Museum. WEISS, SAMUEL A. Born Russia. Poland, ;.f7.i. Studied: Academy of Design, Xev: York. 3608. Sunshine. WELCH, KATHERINE G. Born Spring Station, Ky. Studied: A. S. L. of X. Y.; Am. S. Min. P. 1313. Profile. [381] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS WELCH, MABEL R. Born Ne-xa Haven, Conn. Studied: A. S. L. of N. V. under Cox and Reid; Zander H^eyden, Garrido, Lazar and Scott in Paris. Member: Am. S. Min. P. ( sec.-treas.) ; Pa. S. Min. P. Siher medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 1356. Miss Fisher. 1362. Clorinda. 1358. Miss Barler. WELLS, ALICE RUSHMORE Member: Am. S. Min. P.; Pa. S. Min. P. 1228. Miss Natalie Peck. 1230. Portrait. WENDEL, THEODORE Born Midivay, Ohio, 185Q. Studied: Paris, Italy, Germany. Honors: Sesnan medal, P. A. F. A., IQog; bronze medal. International Exposition, Buenos .lires, IQIO. Sih'er medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3777. Hillside Autumn. 3801. Ipswich Marsh. 3781. October Haze. WENDT, WILLIAM Born in Germany, iS6j; settled in Chicago, iSSo. Member: A. A'. .-1 ., IQIJ; S. If'. A. Honors: Second Yerkes prize, Chicago, iSg^; Young Fortnightly prize, .-l. I. C, iSQ/' ; bronze medal, Pan-.4merican Exposition, Buffalo, IQOI ; Cahn prize, .1. I. C, 1904 : silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, JOO4: honorable mention, Chicago S. A., 1905; silver medal, irednesday Club, St. Louis, 1910; Cahn honorable mention, .4. I. C, 1911. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 3169. Tahoma: the Eternal. 3172. The Land of Heart's Desire. WENTZ, HENRY Born The Dalles, Oregon. 4098. November: Five P. M. WERNER, FRANK A. 3228. Jessie. WERTMULLER, ADOLPH .1 Swedish painter, born at Stockholm in /7/0. He ii-as appointed painter to the Kin^ of Sweden in 17S7. In lygy he emigrated to America, where he died, the date of his death being unknown. 2794. Portrait of Mr. Hamilton. 2805. Portrait of Mrs. Hamilton. Lent by John Frederick Lewis, Esq. Lent by John Frederick Lewis, Esq. WESSEL, HERMAN H. Born I'incennes, Ind., 1878. Studied: Cincinnati .4rt Academy and in Paris. 2429. The Harbor: He aux Moines. WEST, BENJAMIN Born Springfield, Pa., lysS; died London, l8jO. Began to draw when seven years old. and took his first lessons in preparing colors from the Cherokee Indians. In I/60 he went to Italy, where he remained until I'bS- He won royal patronage in London, which he long enjoyed. From 1769 to 180T he received all orders from the King, who made him his historical painter (1772). On the death of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1-92) If'est suc- ceeded him as President of the Royal .Academy, of which he was one of the founders in 1768. 2783. Portrait of Miss Peel. 2787. Mary Magdalene Anointing the Feet of Christ. Lent by the Art Institute of Chicago. WETHERILL, ELISHA KENT KANE Born Philadelphia, 187=,. Studied: P. A. F. A. and in Paris. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, I9I5- 3373. The Dreamer. 3489. Mysterious Thoughts. [382] o ::; H f^ I. ^ PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS WHEELER, JANET D. Born Detroit, Mich. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Bouguereau and Couriois in Paris. Honors: Toppan prize, P. A. F. A.; Mary Smith prize, P. A. F. A., 1901; gold medal, A. C, Philadelphia, it^oJ: silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, itjo.). 3836. In Memoriam. WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL Born Loivetl, .Mass., iiiS4; ''''''' Chelsea, London, 1903. Lived in Russia from eii^hth to fifteenth year. Returned to .Imerica in iS.fO; entered IVest Point, 1S31. Il'as connected 'H.ilh Coast Survey in If'ashington. In jS^y luent to England, and shortly after moved to Paris, studying under Glyer. Exhibited in Royal .-Icademy in Jtifig for first time. Re- moved to London in 1863. Member Societe Nationale des Beaux-.lrts, Paris; Chevalier ( iSSc)). Officer ( lH'jl) of the Legion of Honor: Chevalier, Order of St. Michael, Bavaria; honorable member Royal .Icademy, Bavaria; honorable member Royal Academy, Dresden; President International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers, London; President Royal Society of British .Irtists; honorable member Royal Academy of St. Luke, Rome; Commander of Order of the Crovin of Italy; honorable member Royal Scottish .Icademy. Honors: Gold medal, .Imsterdam, 1863; medal of the third class, Paris Salon, /. Studied: R. I. School of Design in Providence; Mass Normal .-Irt School in Boston; Boulanger in Paris. 2160. Old Cabildo: New Orleans. WOODWELL, JOSEPH R. Born Pittsburgh, Pa. Died igil. Honor: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, 1904. 2936. Mist from the Sea. 2939. Sand Dunes. 293S. Squam River. WOOLF, SAMUEL JOHNSON Born Neiv York, iSSo. Studied: A. S. L. and N. A. D under Cox and Brush. Honors: Third Hallgarten prize, N. A. D., 1904; medal, Appalachian Exposition, Knoxville, 1910. 2488. The Underworld. 4446. The News Stand. 4169. Brown the Wheats. WRIGHT, JOHN Born Harrogate, England, rSj/. Studied: Antiverp .-Icademy. 4175. Sicilian Landscape. WRIGHT, JOSEPH Born in Bordentov.n, N. J., 1736; died in Philadelphia, 1793. His mother. Patience Lovell Wright, ivas famous as a modeler in luax. Studied in London ivith West and John Hoppner. Returned to this country in 178J, and the next year painted a portrait of Washington, from life, at Rocky Hill, N. J. He subsequently had other sittings from Washington, and in 1790 obtained a profile likeness of him while in church, which he afterwards etched. He was appointed by Washington the first diesinker in the United States Mint. 2792. Joseph Wright and Family. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. WRIGHT. LOUISE WOOD Born Philadelphia, 1S65. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Whistler and Julian Academy in Paris; F. W. Jackson in England. Honors: Toppan prize, P. A. F. A.; bronze medal, [386] NUDE STl'DY. Hy John Sini;i-r Sargent PAINTERS AND ILLUSTRATORS WRIGHT, LOUISE WOOD (Continued) Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1^04. Member: Pliila. If. C. C; A'. Y. If. C. C; .■I. S. Min. P. 4305. In Dorsetshire. 43 IS. Corfe Castle: Dorset. WUERPEL, EDMUND H. Born St. Louis, ;i'06. Studied: St. Louis School of Fine Arts; Julian Academy and Ecole des Beaux-.Jrts in Paris under Bouguereau, Robert-Fleury, Ferrier and .Iman-Jean. Mem- ber: S. ir. A. ( pres. igog-igi2). Honors: Bronze medal, Nashiille Exposition, 1S97 ; silver medal, Missouri Building, Le-v:is and Clarke Exposition, Portland, Ore., igoj; hon- orable mention, Buenos .-Itres Exposition, igio. Director St. Louis School of Fine .Iris since igog. Member of the International Jury of .Jicards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19 1 5. 2147. The Sheltered Bay. 2150. The Call of Lingering Day. 214S. Gathering Clouds. 2151. Late Afternoon. 2149. An Evening Symphony. 2152. Harmony in Brown. WYANT, ALEXANDER H. Born Defiance, Ohio, 1S36; died in New York, lSg2. Went to Karlsruhe and studied under Hans Gude. Subsequently studied in London, returning to Ne^v York about 1S6,'; Painted for many years in Keene Valley, .4dirondacks, and later in Arkville, in the Catskill Mountains, where most of his best work was done. First exhibited in the National .Icademy, New York, in 1S6}. Elected an .Lssociate of the Academy in 1S6S, Academician, l86g, and was one of the founders of the .Imerican Society of Painters in Water Colors. 2541. The Windy Day. 2545. Afternoon near Arkville: N. Y. Lent by the Louisville Free Public Lent by the Carnegie Institute. Library. 2543. A Mountain Brook: Adirondacks. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts .'\cademy. WYETH, N. C. Born Needliam, Mass., iSS.'. Studied: Howard Pyle. Honor: Beck prize, Phila. W. C. C. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 57. Ebenezer Balfour ( Kidnaped j. 64. Captain Bones Routs Black Dog 58. Chinese Pirates. ^Treasure Island). 59. Old Pew (Treasure Island j. 67. The Picador. 4214. Roaring Skipper. WYLIE, ROBERT Born in the Isle of Man, iS^g; died in Port Aven. Brittany, 1877. Studied: P. .1. F. .1 . Curator of the same from iSjig to l86s; elected Associate, 1S62. Went to Paris, 1865. Medal of the second class, Paris Salon, 1S72. 2697. A Breton Home. 2968. The Story Teller: Breton Interior. YARROW, WILLIAM H. K. Born Glenside, Pa., iSgi. Studied: P. A. F. A. and Henry R. Riltenbcrg. Member: Soc. Inter, des Beaux-.lrts et des Lettres. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Jgi^. 2475. Still Life. 3375. The Checkered Dress. 3370. Jansen: Ex-Sea Captain. 4203. In ihe Orchard. YATES, CULLEN Born Bryan, ()., 1S66. Studied: A'. A. D., Chase and Ochtman in New York; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Colorossi and Julian .Icademies under Laurens and Constant in Paris. Mem- ber: A. N. A, igoS; A. II'. C. S.: N. Y. W. C. C: N. A. C. Honors: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, igof; Inness prize, Salma. C, igo'. 2376. November Snow. 3588. Old Farm: November. 2377. Spring. [387] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Julian Academy and Bouguereau in Paris. 1080. The Supreme Court Obstructs Traffic. 1090. Extinct. 1092. Love One Another. 1094. The Game. YOUNG, ARTHUR Born Stephenson Co., III., i866. Studied: Member: S. I., igog. 14. This World of Creepers. 947. Mother Jones. 948. Pit and Dome. 1076. Senatorial Courtesy. 1078. The Unemployed.' YOUNG, CHARLES MORRIS Born Gettysburg, Pa., 1869. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Colarossi Academy in Paris. Member: P/iila. 11^. C. C. Honors: Toppan prize, P. A. F. A.; honorable mention, Pan-.lmerican Exposition, Buffalo, 190 1 ; sih'er medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904; gold medal, A. C. Phila., 1908; honorable mention, C. I. Pittsburgh, 1910; silver medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2215. My House in Winter. 2221. Winter Landscape with Crows. 2216. Winter Afternon. 2223. Farm House in Winter. 2217. The Red Mill. 2224. The Gray Mill. YOUNG, MATTIE Born Hillier, Ontario, Canada, 1876. Studied: San Francisco. 1801. Sister. ZIMMERMAN, M. W. Born Philadelphia, 1S61. Studied: Philadelphia; Julian Aeademy in Paris. Member: Phil. If. C. C. 939. The Chalet at Night. 4382. Across the Valley. 1031. Across the Lake. ZORACH, MARGUERITE Born Santa Rosa, Cal., 1887. Studied: 1024. Spring. 1025. The Earth. ZORACH, WILLIAM Born Euberick, Kovna, Russia, 1886. Studied: N. A. D. of N. Y.; A. S. L. of N. Y. two years in Paris academies. 4336. The Country Valley. 4341. The Wood Cutters. 4339. Flowers. 4347. Woods in Autumn. Paris Art Schools four years. 1035. The Waterfall. 1036. The Legend. [388] TONING OF THE BF.l.L. By llJli-r Shirtavi BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX: ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS ADDAMS, CLIFFORD Born Philadelphia, 1876. Studied: Henry Wood, Drexel Institute; Composition under Thomas P. Anshutz and Henry V. Thouron and the P. A. F. A.; Academic Carmen under JVhistler. Honors: Traveling scholarship, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, J899. Bronze Medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 735. Admiral's House, Amsterdam 736. City Hall, Philadelphia. 737. Land Ho. 740. Home for Decayed Fishermen. 742. Porta della Carta. 743. The Harbor, Dordrecht 6001. River Scene, Blackfriars. 6002. A Venetian Schooner. 6003. The Dressmaker's Balcony, Venice. 6004. Obscure Turning, Venice. 6005. The Rialto, Venice. 6006. Harbor Scene, Venice. 6007. Venice. 6008. Garden Entrance, Venice. 6009. Westminster. 6010. After a Wedding, Grand Canal, Venice. 601 1. The Emigrants' Entry, Philadelphia. 6012. New York Harbor. 6013. The Print Shop of Keppel, N. Y. 6014. Dordrecht Cathedral. 6015. Antique Shop, Venice. 6016. The Thames. 6017. Soho. 6018. Hampstead. 6019. Demolition. 6020. Tower of London. 6021. A Soho Alley. 6022. Limehouse. 6023. Hoboken. 6024. Dordrecht Gateway. 6025. Tramway Accident. 6026. By the Dam, Philadelphia. 6027. Coliseum, St. Martin's Lane. 6028. Old Race Street Shop. 6029. Waterloo Place. 6030. Stable Yard, Philadelphia. 6031. Finchley. 6032. Lincoln's Inn Fields. 6033. Alexandra Day in Seething Lane. 6034. Decoy Farm. 6035. By the Docks, Brooklyn. 6036. New York Herald Building. 6037. The High Stoop. 6038. El Rastro, Madrid. 6039. Hampstead Garden Suburb. 6040. Margate. AID, GEORGE CHARLES Born Quincy, III. Studied: St. Louis School of Fine Arts; Acad. Julian, Paris Kith Constant, Laurens, L. Simon and C. Cottet. Member S. W. A., Membre Correspondant Soc. des Peintres et Graveurs, Francais. Honors: Mem. Hon. Soc. Artistes Francais Salon; silver medal, St. Louis Universal Exposition. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1913. 563. Port d'Honfleur. 6047. Rue de I'Eveche, Beauvais. 564. Notre Dame de Mechelin. 6048. Italian Gates. 565. Isolabona. 6049. La Vielle Maison, Louviers. 568. Lcs Deux Fonts, San Remo. 6050. La Seine a Puteaux. 574. Pont Neuf. 6051. Coin du Marche, Louviers. 575. Les Balcons, Isolabona. 6052. Jardin de Mme. Lescaute. 6042. Cathedral Saint Cecile, Albi. 6053. St. Nicholas du Chardonnet. 6043. Pergolata. 6054. La Conciergerie, Paris. 6044. Dans la Vallee de I'Eure. 6055. Pont Marie, Paris. 6045. Rue de Neubourg, Louviers. 6056. Piazza Parrochiale, Dolceaqua. 6046. Twilight. 6057. Hotel de Cluny, Paris. [389] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ALLEN, JAMES Born Farminglon, Conn., I7SS! 'i'td iS^j. Studied: Probably nxitlt Kenselt, of Ches- hire, Conn. Served in Revolution. 6058. Bonaparte (engraved in 1792). Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. ALMQUIST, OLOF Born Hjersos, Sweden. iS68. Studied: Chicago, III.. .Irt School; Brooklyn Art School, A'eiu York. Honor: Second prize, Chicago Art School. 6059. Woodrow Wilson. 6061. Miss Effy Elsey. 6060. Joseph Jefferson. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER Born 1775; died 1870. Founder of the .American School of Wood-Engraving. 6062. Self-portrait. 6064. Portrait of Washington. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. Lent by H. C. Levis, Esq. 6063. John Carroll. 6065. Hunting Scene, after Ridinger. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. ARMINGTON, CAROLINE HELENA Born Brampton, Ontario, 187}. Studied: Toronto ivith J. If. L. Forsler; Acad. Julian, Paris; with F. Schommer, Henri Royer and Paul Gervais. Member: Soc. de la Gravure Originale en Noir, Paris. Honor: Silver nedal, Soc. des Amis des .Arts, Versailles. 552. St. Sulpice, Paris. 6075. Une Boutique, Constantine. 554. Notre Dame de Paris. 6076. St. Gervais, Paris. 6066. Quai des Orfevres, Paris. 6077. Une Ruelle, Constantine. 6067. Pont Neuf et le Louvre. 6078. Un Passage, Constantine. 6068. An Old Court, Venice. 6079. Rue de I'Arc, Constantine. 6069. Old Door, Venice. 6080. He de la Cite, Paris. 6070. Notre Dame pris de St. Julien le 6081. Thames and St. Paul's, London. Pauvre, Paris. 6082. Pont Sainte Marie, Paris. 6071. Ponte dei Sospiri, Venice. 6083. No. 8 Rue de I'Arc, Constantine. 6072. Porte d'Entree, Cluny, Paris. 6084. La Rue de I'Echelle, Constantine. 6073. Les Thermes, Cluny, Paris. 6085. Tourelle Principale, Cluny, Paris. 6074. Cour du Dragon, Paris. 6086. Hotel de Sens, Paris. ARMINGTON, FRANK M. Born Fordvoich, Ontario, 1876. Studied: Toronto; .-lead. Julian, Paris, with Laurens and Henri Royer. Member: Royal Soc. of Painter-Etchers, London: Soc. des .Imis de I'Eau Forte, Paris; Soc. de la Gravure en noir, Paris; Soc. de la Gravure originale en couleur, Paris. Honor: Hon. Men. Salon .Artistes Francais, Paris, jgoS. 557. Portal am Rathaushof, Rothenburg. 6096. Vue Prise d'une ruine a Cartilage. 559. Henkersteg, Nurnberg. 6097. Pietro. 561. Boulevard des Capucines, Paris. 6098. Campement Saharien. 6087. Pont du Carrousel, Paris. 6099. Bedouin. 6088. Meditation. 6100. Route de Sidi-Okba, Biskra. 6089. Marie. 6101. Jean. 6090. Konigstrasse, Nurnberg. 6102. Jeanne. 6091. Type Oriental. 6103. The Black Sash. 6092. Pont Neuf, Paris. 6104. Notre Dame de Paris. 6093. Jardin des Tuileries. 6105. Tower Bridge, London. 6094. Tour Eiffel, Paris. 6106. Bourrelier au Marais, Paris. 6095. Entree de Fondouk, Biskra. 6107. Ali. BACKER, OTTO Born Cleveland, Ohio, 1836. Died Bronxville, 1909. Studied with Duveneck, Carolus- Duran, Boulanger and Lefebvre. Member: Society of Ulustrators, Painter-Etchers of London; Associate National Academy of Design. Honor: Silver medal, St. Louis, igo.f. [390] ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS BACHER. OTTO (Continued) 383. Rainy Day in Venice. 6109. San Vio. Lent by A. S. Macdonald, Esq. 6110. Lustheim. 385. Chioggla. 6111. Lavanderia. 392. Casa d'Oro. 6112. Ponte del Pistor. 397. Three Ships. 6113. Lace Makers. 406. Entrance, Grand Canal. 6114. Schleissheim, Tree in Royal Garden. Lent bv Frederick Keppel & Co., 6115. A Corner of St. Mark's. 411. The Lido,' Venice. 6116. Net Makers, Chioggia. 414. Fondamenta di Tolentini. 6117. Old Market, Florence. 6108. The Canal. Lent by Mrs. Otto H. Bacher. BARONE, ANTONIO Horn lalle D'olmn. Sicily, jSS<^. Studied ivil/i Miss Ida C. Taylor; La Roy, N. Y.; F. V. Dumond; F. Louis Mora; Geo. Bridgeman, U'm. M. Chase. .7. S. L., Ne;i' York. Studied ivith .Arthur Doiu and E. S'immo Muran. Member: Plastic C, P/iila.; .Irt Workers' C, N. S. C. \. .1. C; 6771. Afterglow, Quebec. 6772. Pepperidge Trees. 6773. The Coast. 6774. Boats on the Nile. 6775. The Pirates' Cove. MILLAR, ADDISON THOMAS Born in lliirren, Ohio, iSoo; died 11)13. 6776. Long Island Sand Dunes. 6777. Lowlands. 6778. The Pool. 6779. The Sands. Became a pupil of Chase in Xeiu York and [409] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS MILLAR, ADDISON THOMAS (Continued) Benjamin-Constant and Boldini in Paris. He was a member of the Salmagundi Club in 1897, and was one of the so-called Siliermine group of artists. 389. The Winding Road, Holland. 391. The Storm, St. Vincent de Paul, New York. 398. Moonrise on the Birches. 6780. Boer Farmhouse. 6781. Hayberg. 6782. The Old Kirk. 6783. The Return of the Flock. 6784. The Ship Yard, Muidan. 6785. Hauling Logs Through the Dunes. 6786. A Winter Evening, Laren. 6787. November Evening, Laren. 6788. The Draw-Bridge, Hakkelaarshek. 6789. The Fagot Girl. 6790. Holland Farm House. 6791. Gathering Fire Wood. MINOR, ROBERT C. 6807. Morning on the Niantic River, Conn. 6792. The Long Barn, Rurason Road. 6793. The Valley After the Storm. 6794. The Barnyard. 6795. A Winter Moon, Laren. 6796. Oak Trees. 6797. Spring Plowing. 6798. The River Docks, Norwalk. 6799. Fairy Rings. 6800. Ali Baba's House. 6801. Rue Ben Ali. 6802. Rue Thebes. 6803. Rue Kleber. 6804. The Three Arabs. 6805. Arab Gateway. 6806. Old Madrid. Lent by Solon H. Borglum, Esq. 6808. Evening. Lent by A. C. Kennedy & Co. MONKS, JOHN A. S. Born Cold Spring-on-Hudson, A'. Y., iSjO. Studied •with George N. Case (etching) and George Inness (painting). 430. Rocky Road. 6809. New England Home. MORAN, MARY NIMMO Born, Strathaven, near Glasgow, Scotland, 1842; died 1S99. Came to the United States when a child. In 186$ she married Thomas Moran, and in 1S67 went with him to Eng- land, France and Italy. Her work was chiefly watercolor until iSyg, when she began etching. 368. Gardner's Bay, Long Island. 380. Twilight, East Hampton. Lent by Frederick Keppe! & Co. Lent by Thomas Moran, Esq. 377. The Edge of a Georgian Pond. 394. Goose Pond. Lent by A. S. Macdonald, Esq. MORAN, PETER Born Bolton, Lancashire, England, 1841 ; came to America as a child; studied with his brothers, Thomas and Edward Moran, in Philadelphia, and in London. Member: Phila. Soc. of E. Honors: Medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1S76; medal for etchings on copper; gold medal, A. A. S., igo2; gold medal, A. C. Phila., 1904. 438. On the Road to Albueraue. Lent by George Frederick Keene, Esq. 6810. Woodland Pool. 6811. Evening. 6812. Spring. 6813. Plowing the Stubble. 6814. Return from Pasture. 6815. July Harvest. 6816. On the Road to Santa Fe. 6817. Plowing. 6818. On the Neshaminy, Morning. 6819. On the Neshaminy, Evening. MORAN, THOMAS Born Bolton, Lancashire, England, iSjy; brought to .Imerica in 1844. Studied i-.ith James Hamilton in Phila.; in London, Paris and Italy. Member: .4. N. A., 18S1; K. .4., JSS4; A. IV. C. S.; P. A. F. A. Honors: Medal and diploma. Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, lSy6; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; gold medal, A. A. S., 1902. 378. An Old Apple Orchard. 442. Solitude. 388. Hook Pond, Easthampton. Lent bv Louis Katz, Esq. 393. The Breaking Wave. 6820. A Montauk Pond. 395. The Light House. 6821. A Turkish Bazaar. [410] I.AICIIINX; HOV. 11} .1. Slirlinfi Cal.ler ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS MORAN, THOMAS (Continued) 6822. Twilight. 6825. Harlech Castle. 6823. A Tower of Cortez. 6826. Old Church of San Juan, New Mexico. 6824. Pass of Glencoe. MULLGARDT, LOUIS CHRISTIAN Horn ll'ashington, Mo., iS66. Studied: Public schools; Harvard University. Member of the International Jury of /liuards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, icflj. 420. East Entrance to Varied Industries 423. Carmel Mission, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Building. California. 427. West Side of Education Building. NAHL, PERHAM W. Born San Francisco, lS6g. Studied: Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, California School of Design; Akademie Ileymann, Munich. Honors: Medal, Alaska-Yukon Exposition, Seattle; first prize, poster (Thirteenth Labor of Hercules) for the Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 649. Monterey Cypress. 6830. California Hills. 653. Pan and Syrinx. 6831. Oak and Underbrush. 656. Arbolado. 6832. The Hunchback. 845. Evening. 6833. Coast Scene. 6827. Redwoods at Palo. 6834. Marsh and Uplands. 6828. Arbolado No. 2. 6835. Monterey Hills. 6829. Storm. NEWMAN, VICTOR WINTHROP Born London, England, 1S60. Studied: London, New York. 6836. Alice. 6837. George Washington. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. NEWSAM, ALBERT Born Steuhenville, Ohio, iSog; died near JVilmington, Del., 1S64. He was the son of a boatman, and born deaf and dumb. In 1827 he was apprenticed to C. G. Childs to be taught engraving, and in 1830 produced some excellent lithographic portraits, and be- came the most noted and prolific lithographic artist of his time. 6838. Andrew Jackson. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. NORDFELDT, BROR J. Born Tulsborj, Sweden, lSy8. Studied: A. I. C; Albert Herter in New York; Laurens in Paris. Honors: Silver medal, Italy, igo6. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 661. The Incoming Fog. 662. Little Italy, Chicago. 663. The Jew of Tangier. 666. My Mother. 667. Hee Jan. 671. Barges on the North Branch, Chicago. 672. The Open Hearth Furnace, Chicago. 902. The Piano. 6839. California Street, San Francisco. 6840. Chinatown Shops. 6841. Crowlev's Wharf. 6842. The Edge of Chinatown. 6843. Golden Gate Beach. 6844. The Mounted Policeman. 6845. Telegraph Hill. 6846. The Electric Tram, Portland, Ore. 6847. The Bessemer Converter, Chicago. 6848. Bridge Builders, Chicago. 6849. Calumet River, South Deering, Chicago. 6850. The Coal Crusher, Chicago. 6851. Entrance to the Field Museum, Chicago. 6852. Field Museum No. 2. 6853. Grain Elevators, South Deering. 6854. Illinois-Michigan Canal, Chicago. 6855. The Little Hub, Chicago. 6856. The Logan Monument, Chicago. 6857. The Night Shift, Chicago. 6858. Park Row, Chicago. 6859. Pasquale Scale, Chicago. 6860. 638 South Clark Street, Chicago. 6861. Sacco Grande, Tangier. 6862. Ca di Mosto, Venice. 6863. The House of the Madonna. 6864. Anglers— The Mist. 6865. The Branch. [411] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS NORDFELDT, BROR J. (Continued) 6866. The Bridge. 6869. Small Wave, Moonrise. 6867. The Rock, Nahant. 6870. The Tree. 6868. The Skyrocket. 6871. The Illinois Steel Company, Chicago. NORMAN, JOHN Born in England, 174S; died in Boston, iSl/. First knoiin liork in "Sevan's British Archi- tect," or "The Builder's Treasury of Staircases," published in Philadelphia, July 5, 1775. He engraved for a number of publications and magazines and in 17S2 a series of por- traits. His chief claim to fame is the fact that he ivas probably the first engraver in America to attempt a portrait of H'ashington, about /"/p. 6872. George Washington. Lent bv Robert Fridenberg, Esq. NORTHCOTE, STAFFORD M. Born Brooklyn, i86q. Studied engraving with E. Heineman ; draining and painting at Art Inst., Brooklyn, under Boyle. Honors: Honorable mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi; bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 347. Playmates. 6873. Return from the Fields. ORR, LOUIS 710. Westminster Abbey: London. 6876. Chapel of St. Antoine: St. Trophime: 715. Pont Neuf: Paris. Aries. 6874. Les Saintes Maries. 6877. Fort St. Andre: Avignon. 6875. Court of the Library: Rouen Cathedral. 6878. Rue St. Severin: Paris. 6879. L'eglise aux Stes Maries de la Mer. OTIS, BASS Born New England, 17S4; died Philadelphia, 1861. He invented ike perspective pro- tractor, 1S15, and made the first lithograph on stone produced in America, iSig, 6880. Second Known American Lithograph. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. PAGE, WILLIAM Born Albany, N. Y., 1811; died Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y., 1885. Painted in Albany and New York and became president of the N. A. D. in 1871-73. His earliest attempts in engraving ix-ere made in 1834, when he engraved in mezzotint an excellent portrait of Edwin Forrest, "the best specimen of that art produced by an American." 6881. Rev. James Milnor. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. PARRISH, STEPHEN Born Philadelphia, Pa., 1S46. Self-taught. Member: R. Soc. Painter Etchers, London; N. Y. Etching C. 371. Fisherman's House: Cape Ann. Lent by A. S. Macdonald, Esq. PARTINGTON, GERTRUDE Born Heasham, England. Studied: Paris and Madrid. 400. Beach and Cliffs at San Francisco. 464. Portrait Mile, de Cordoba. 419. Old Telegraph Hill. PARTRIDGE, G. ROY Born Centralia, Wash., 1S8S. Studied: Nat'l .Academy of Design, N. Y. Member: Chi- cago S. £.; Calif. Soc. of E. 686. St. Efienne du Mont. 694. Notre Dame. 687. St. Cloud. 6882. The Hessian Messenger. 688. Tanagra and Marguerites. 6883. Das Bettler Madchen. 689. Ambition Bound. 6884. A House in Hessia. 690. Dancing Water. 6885. Ephemera. 692. White Butterfly. 6886. Lace from Paris. 693. In a King's House. 6887. La Petite Reine. [412] rill WINDV DOORSTEP. By Abastenia St. Leger EberU ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS PARTRIDGE, G. ROY (Continued) 6888. Le Pantheon. 6902. La Porte de Moret. 6889. La Maison Blanche. 6903. Le Louvre No. 4. 6890. Le Louvre No. 1. 6904. Egalite ct la Mendiante. 6891. Le Pont de la Tournelle: Paris. 6905. Dharyamana. 6892. The Photographer's Shop. 6906. Winter Moon. 6893. Le Pont Neuf. 6907. The Buttress. 6894. Le Louvre No. 3. 6908. Early Morning: Notre Dame de Paris. 6895. Gypsy. 6909. Winter Blossoms. 6896. The Veil. 6910. The Greek. 6897. Ex Libris: St. Clare Shepard. 6911. L'Annonciation. 6898. Ex Libris: O. V. 6912. The Hut in the Clearing. 6899. Ex Libris: F. H. 6913. Portrait of a Young Man. 6900. Ex Libris: R. P. 6914. Le Louvre No. 2. 6901. Ex Libris: F. P. 6915. Over the Seine. PATTERSON, MARGARET Horn Socrabajia, Java. Studied: Pratt Inst, under Arthur Dov.- in Brooklyn; Charles H. Woodbury in Boston: Castellucia in Italy. Director of Drauings, Boston Public Schools. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19I5- 858. Le Pouldu: Brittanv. S62. The Swan. 859. The Hver's House: Chatham. 6916. The Sands: Chatham. 861. The Tall Trees. PAULUS, FRANCIS PETRUS Born Detroit, .Mich., ifi6i. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Royal .Academy in Munich luith Loefftz; Ecole des Beaux-.irts in Pans ivith Bonnat. Member: S. If. A.; Chicago S. E.: La Gra- I'ure Originate en Noir ; Societe Inter, des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres. 540. Old Beggar Woman. 6920. Old Rag Market: Bruges. 546. Head of an Old Man. 6921. Eel Woman. 741. The Coppersmiths. 6922. Sunshine and Shadow (color). 875. Fish Market: Bruges, No. 1. 6923. An Old Canal: Bruges. 877. Fish Market: Bruges, No. 2. 6924. An Old Canal: Bruges (color). 891. Belfry of Bruges. 6925. Old Market under the Trees: Bruges. 6917. In the Ancient Crypt: Bruges. 6926. Old Philosopher. 6918. Quai des Menetriers: Bruges. 6927. In the Outskirts of Bruges. 6919. Quai des Menetriers: Bruges (color). PEALE. CHARLES WILLSON Born Chestrrloivn, Md., I/. 1 1; died in Philadelphia, iSjy. He began life as a saddler and pursued portrait painting without regular instruction until 1/68, when he went to England and resided in the household of Benjamin If est. He painted at Mount Vernon the first and earliest authentic portrait of H'asliington, May, 1772. He was one of the founders of the Pennsylvania .'Icademy of Fine Arts in iSu^, and a director until 1810. 6928. Rev. Joseph Pilmore. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. PEALE, REMBRANDT Born Bucks County, Pa., 177S; died Philadelphia, lS6n. Studied with his father, Charles Ifillson Peale, and Benjamin JVest. 444. Lord Byron. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. PEARSON, RALPH M. Born .lugus, la., iSSs. Studied with C. F. Browne and J. H. Vanderpoel. Honors: First prize for best landscape in IQ14 exhibition of Chicago Soc. of E. Etching purchased by committee for collection of Chicago Art Institute. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 583. Site of New Field Museum. 65S. Rough Water Outside. 584. Winter in Jackson Park. 860. Moonlight: Pont de I'Arche. 586. Structural Iron. 6929. Open Hearth Furnaces. [413] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS 6940. Loggers on the Mississippi. 6941. Bookplate: Grace Dickerson. 6942. Bookplate: Ruth Pearson. 6943. Bookplate: John Irwin Scull. 6944. Bookplate: Leroy Truman Goble. 6945. Bookplate: Wallace Hickman. 6946. Bookplate: Winifred Goble. 6947. Bookplate: Frank O. Lowden. 6948. Bookplate: Florence M. Hendershot. PEARSON, RALPH W. (Continued) 6930. The Asphalters. 6931. The Track Gang. 6932. A Rock River Sunset. 6933. Field Museum. 6934. A Kansas City BluflF. 6935. Elverhoj Studies. 6936. Black Hawk Country. 6937. Squaw Rock. 6938. Lincoln Monument. 6939. Shanties of the Mississippi. PEKENINO, MICHELE Very little is knoiun of the Italian, Pekenino, but in all probability be appeared in Ne^' York in 1S20. He located in Philadelphia in 1821-22, and became an intimate friend of A. B. Durand, whose picture he engraved. Most of his plates luere engraved for American publishers. 6949. Rev. Stephen Gano. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. PELHAM, PETER Born England; buried in Boston, Mass., 1751. He ii:as engraiing in London from 1722-23. He came to Boston prior to 1727. In that year he painted, engraved and published a portrait of Cotton Mather. He married Mrs. Mary Singleton Copley, the mother of John Singleton Copley, the American artist. 6950. Rubens. 6951. Cotton Mather. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. PENNELL, JOSEPH Born Philadelphia, Pa., i860. Studied: P. A. F. A.; Pa. School of Industrial Art. Member: A. N. A., 1907; N. A., 1909; Nat. Inst. A. L.; Phila. jr. C. C. (hon.); N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1894; AVw York and Phila. Etching Clubs; Inter. Soc. of Painters, Sculptors and Gravers, London; Soc. of Illustrators, London and New York. Member: Royal Belgian Academy; Royal Soc. of Painter-Etchers, London; Societe des Peintres, Graveurs, Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1S89; medal, A. C. Phila., 1S92; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; gol'i medals, Paris Exposition, 1900. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1901; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 ; gold medal, Dresden, 1903; chairman of jury, St. Louis Exposition, 1904, and com- memorative medal; gold medal, Liege, 190S; grand prix, Milan, 1906; Barcelona, 1907; gold medal, Brussels, 1910; gold medal, Amsterdam, 1912; medal, London Royal Society, 1914: grand prix, Florence Societa delle Belle .4rti, 19 15. Member of the International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. THE WONDER OF WORK Panama Series Guard Gate: Gatun. The Cut: Culebra. Steam Shovel. Guard Gate: Gatun No. 2. 506. Bottom of Gatun Lock. 509. End of the Day: Gatun Lock. 511. Bottom of Pedro Miguel. 514. Cranes at Miraflores. 6952. The Cut from Culebra. The Walls of Miraflores. Steam Shovel in the Cut. Bishop's Walk: Panama. New York Series 507. Cortland Street by Night. 508. Palisades and Palaces. 510. Times Building. 495. 499. 501. 504. 6953. 6954, 6955. 512. Hail America. 516. The Avenue. 51S. The Elevated. 520. The Woolworth Building. 522. The White Tower. 6956. Building a Sk\scraper at Night. Cortland Street. Misty Morning. Pittsburgh and Chicago Series 482. Under the Bridge: Chicago. 486. On the Way to Bessemer. 488. Pittsburgh: No. 3. 500. Pittsburgh: No. 2. Stockyards: Chicago. Grain Elevators: Chicago. Mining Village. 6960. The Mine. 6961. Tracks: Chicago. 6957 6958. 529 530 6959 [414] THE PIONKKK MdllllK. Ily (luirirs t,r„ri ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS PENNELL, JOSEPH (Continued) San Francisco Series 484. Up to the Fairmont. 6962. Market Street. 6963. Down to the Bay. 6964. Kearny Street. 6965. Looking West. 6966. Chinatown. 6967. Isles of the Bay. 6968. Seal Rocks. Washington Series 6969. The Avenue: Washington. 6970. The Way up to the Capitol. Yosemite Series 483. The Cathedral Door. 485. At the Foot of the Falls. 487. Falls at Night. Grand Canyon Series 489. Storm in the Canvon. 492. The Walled City. 497. The Castle. Philadelphia, 1914 6971. Girard Street. 6972. Upsala: Germantown. 6973. Cliveden: The Chew House. 6974. Philadelphia from Belmont. 6975. The Philadelphia Club. 6976. Main Street: Germantown. 6977. The Tunnel in the Park. 6978. Down Sansome St. from Eighth St. 6979. The Massed Skyscrapers Above the Housetops. 6980. The Dining Room: Stenton. 6981. The Hall at Cliveden: The Chew House. 6982. The Bridge Across Market Street, from Broad Street Station. 6983. The Dining Room at Cliveden. 6984. The Hall: Stenton. 6985. Morris House: CJermantown. 6986. Wyck: The Doorwav from Within. 6987. The Elevated at Market St, Wharf. 6988. Upper Room at Stenton. 6989. Bed Room: Stenton: The Home of James Logan. 6990. Library: C. J. Wistar Residence. 6991. Hall: C. J. Wistar Residence. 6992. Interior: C. J. Wistar Residence. 6993. The Water Works. Belgian Series 515. Grip at Serang. 517. Old and New Mills at Valenciennes. PERARD. VICTOR SEMON Born Paris, France, IH/O. Studied: Arts in Paris, under Gerome. 417. Brooklyn Bridge. 418. The Madeleine. 7015. Portrait Sketch. 519. The Dump: Serang. 524. The Iron Gate: Charlerol. 525. Modern Hobbema: Charleroi. 532. Creusot. 6994. Mills on the Meuse. 6995. Avenue at Valenciennes. 6996. Landscape of Work. English Series 498. St. Paul's Out of My Window. 502. Wren's City. 503. River of \Vork: Leeds. 505. Low Moor Works: Bradford. 513. The Big Stack: Sheffield. 526. Copper at Cardiff. 6997. The Great Chimnev: Bradford. 6998. The Great White Cloud: Leeds. 6999. Mond Gas. 7000. Old and New England. 7001. The Winding Stair: Leeds. 7002. Forges at Sheffield. 7003. Dinner Time: Greengates. 7004. Building Dover Pier. 7005. Tea Tower. German Series 521. New Rhine Castles. 7006. Landing Place: Duisburg. 7007. New Haven: Duisburg. 7008. Cranes at Duisburg. 7009. Tracks of Oberhausen. Greek Series 528. Columns of Temple of Jupiter: Evening. 7010. Temple of Castor and Pollux: Girgenti. 7011. The Wine Dark Sea. Italian Series 490. Rebuilding the Campanile No. 2. 491. Old and New Rome. 493. Rebuilding the Campanile: Venice. 494. Rebuilding the Campanile No. 3. 496. On the Pincio: Rome. European Series 527. White Mills: Holland. 7012. Court of the Fishpond. Zeppelins 523. Zeppelin Shed. 531. Zeppelin Coming Out. London in War Times 7013. Searchlights Over St. Paul's. 7014. London Lights: No. 2. A'. .'/. D. and A. S. L. in Neiv York; Ecole des Beaux 7016. Tours de Carcassonne. 7017. The Old Organ Grinder. [415] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS PERCY, ISABELLE C. Born Alameda, Cat., SSS3. StuJieJ ivit/i Doiu and Snell in Neiv York; Brang4; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, H)oo; silver medal, Pan- .Lmerican Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. 375. Fish House. Lent by A. S. Macdonald, Esq. PLOWMAN. GEORGE T. Born Le Sueur. .Mi'in.. ;orhood Cjossip. 7124. The Course of True Love. 7125. Solitude. REINDEL, WILHELM G. Burn Eraser, Mich., iSyi. 7138. Siesta. REVERE, PAUL Burn Boston, Mass., i/S.^, had.: .1. S. I., o) A', v.,' Kenyan Cox; rens. Member: ("al. Soc. of E. 7104. Notre Dame de Paris. 7105. Le Posterne: Moret. 7106. Dans la Court: Moret. 7107. A Little Holland Maid. 7108. St. Gervais: Paris. 7109. The Butcher Shop: Moret, France. 7110. La Malmaison. 7111. The Shop: Old Paris. 7112. La Maison en Bois: Coudebec. 7113. A Corner of Chartres Cathedral. 7114. Old Cypress of Monterey. 7115. Unloading. Member: Chicago S. E. ( Prcs.) ; Chicago S. .4. 7126. Marsh Hay Stacks. 7127. In Somebody's Orchard. 7128. The First Temples. 7129. The Wind-Swept Dunes. 7130. Dawn in the Hills. 7131. The Edge of the Forest. 7132. The Fisherman's Home. 7133. A North Woods Hermitage. 7134. Old Apple Trees. 7135. Derelicts. 7136. The Requiem of the Leaves. 7137. Twilight on the Dunes. 7139. The Heath gold and sil'ver-plale. His ivort is c i nierest. 7140. A Conference between some Indian Chiefs and Colonel Bouquet. 7141. 'I'he Mitred Minuet. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Est]. died there iSlS. He was trained by his father to engrave on rude in execution, valuable only for its historical ri42. King Philip. Lent by C. A. Munn, Esq. [417] CATALOGUE OF THK DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS RITCHIE. ALEXANDER HAY Born Glasgow, Scotland, iSiS. Came to New York in 1S41; earliest prints issued about 1847. He became an Associate of the Academy in 186$ and an Academician of the Na- tional Academy of Design in 1S71. 449. The March to the Sea (after Darley). Lent by Mrs, F. O. C. Darley. ROSENTHAL, ALBERT Born Philadelphia, 1S63. Studied with his father. Max Rosenthal; P. A. F. A.; Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Gerome; and in Munich. Honors: Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; gold medal, A. A. S., 1907. 367. William H. Taft (after Zorn). 7143. Rev. William H. Furness. 379. Theodore Roosevelt (after Sargent). 7144. Lawn Tennis Club (after Bridgman). ROSENTHAL, MAX Born Turck, Russian Poland, iSss; came to Phila., 1849. Studied with Carl Harnich in Berlin; Martin Thumanger in Paris: Schussele in Philadelphia. Honor: Bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Did much lithographic work. 372. Mrs. Benedict Arnold and Child. 373. General James Wilkinson. 374. Washington (after Stuart). 7145. Washington (after Trumbull). 7146. Franklin (after C. W. Peale). 7147. Franklin (after C. W. Peale) (Color). 7148. Edward VII. 7149. Lincoln. 7150. Alexander Hamilton (after Inman). 7151. General John Cadvvallader. 7152. Richard Henrv Lee. 7153. Col. William S. Smith. ROTH, ERNEST DAVID Born Stuttgart, Germany, 1879. Studied 7154. Col. Walter Stewart. 7155. Charles Thompson. 7156. Rev. Jacob Duche. 7157. Col. Knowlton. 7158. Washington (after Sharpies). 7159. Washington (after St. Memin). 7160. Washington (after St. Memin). 7161. St. Memin. 7162. Napoleon (after Isabey). 7163. Edward Savage. 7164. Toussard. 7165. Daniel Webster. 7166. Daniel Webster. N. A. D. in New York. Member: N. Y. W. C. C; Honors: Third prize. Salmagundi Club, 191 1 ; first prize, Salmagundi Club, 19 1 J. First prize for best architectural subject in 1914 Exhibition Chicago Soc. of E. Etching purchased by committee for collection of Chicago Art Institute. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19J}. 617. Grim Florence. 620. Ca' d'Oro: Venice. 621. The Arch of the Conca. 623. II Campo Margherita: Venice. 624. The Buttress: Ponte Vecchio. 627. Ponte Trinita: Florence. 628. Assisi. 629. Florentine Roofs. 7167. The Bridges: Florence. 7168. San Gimignano: The Towers. 7169. The Bridge: Venice. 7170. A Venetian Doorway. 7171. Poplars near Florence. 7172. The Ghetto: Venice. 7173. The Little Mosque: Stamboul. 7174. A German Barn Yard. 7175. The Gate: Venice. 7176. On the Arno: Florence. 7177. Fiesole from San Francesca. 7178. The Buttress: Ponte Trinita, Florence. 7179. San Gregorio: Venice. 7180. A Quiet Canal: Venice. 7181. Ponte Vecchio: Afternoon. 7182. Florence. 7183. Or San Michele: Florence. RUBINS. H. W. Born Buffalo, N. Y., iS6^. Studied: Art Institute, Chicago; Minneapolis School of Fine Arts. 826. Arriving Steamer. 838. Chicago River. RYDER, WORTH Born Kirkwood, III., Munich, Germany. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191-,. 421. Alt Munchenerin. 601. Bavarian Girl. 424. Flemish Woman. 7184. Woman of Dachau. 428. The Veronese. 18S4. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Royal Bavarian .Academy, [418] L'AMOUR. By Evelyn Realrite Longman ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGR.\PHERS ST. MEMIN, CHARLES B. J. FEVRET DE Born Dijon, France, 1770; died there, 1852. Came to Canada in 1/(^3, and soon after to Ae DRVAI). Hy I'aiil Mtiiu/iif> ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS SQUIRE, MAUD H. (CoiuiniKd) S7S. Two Women. 879. Market. 880. Girl with a Basket. 881. Mother. 882. Sisters. 883. Woman anil Child. 884. The Portrait. 885. The Dispute. 886. On the Quai. 7234. Knitting. 7235. Conger Eels. STACKPOLE. RALPH Studied ivil/i Mcriic in Paris. 726. Adele. 7246. Piaz/on! Etching. STETSON, CHARLES WALTER Born Tiverton Four Corners, R. I. 403. Landscape with Figures. 7248. Evening. STEUVER, CELIA M. Rom St. Louis, Mo. Studied: Germany and I'ienna. Member: Cat. Soe. of E honorahte mention. Missouri State fair, igi^. iS=,S. 7236. A Peasant. 7237. CSreen Door. 723S. Little Model. 7239. Cherries. 7240. Loafers. 724L Windy Day. 7242. Bargaining. 7243. Brothers. 7244. Children on the Dike. 7245. At Market. 7247. Adele Sewing. Died Rome, Italy, ign. 7249. Just after Sunset. 7250. Landscape. St. Louis School of Fine .Irts; Ecole des Beaux-Arts : Paris, Western Artists. Honors: Prize and 7256. Besigheim : Wurtemberg. 7257. Helgoland. 7258. rim I. 7259. Evening. 7260. Old Tower, Rothenburg. 726L Krapfenvvald, Alle, L, Vienna. 7262. View of a Church. 384. Old Street: Besigheim, Bavaria. 387. Clm II. 725 L Old Arcaded House: Bavaria. 7252. Old \\\tI1: Weisenburg Am Sand, Bavaria. 7253. Danauwerth: Bavaria. 7254. Old Mill: Holland. 7255. La Grare: La Niege. STEVENS, DOROTHY Born Toronto, /cV,S'i'. Studied: London, Slade School of Art: H'ilson Steer, Henry Tonks, Fred Broivn. .Member: Ontario Society of Artists; Chicago Society of Etchers. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 7268. Nude. 7269. St. Nicola: Ghent. 7270. Hotel de la Ville: Bruges. 727L Coppelia. 7272. Firenze. 7273. Fiesole. 7274. Mont St. Michel. 7275. Rue I'Ane Aveugle. 7276. Dieppe. I'eg'ise. Bruges. Dinan: Brittanv. 756. Gamine. 78L St. Jacques: 786. Odalisque. 79L La sortie de 803. Old Bridge: 7263. The Cathedral Square. 7264. The Merry-Go-Round. 7265. Antwerp Cathedral. 7266. Ponte Vecchio. 7267. Mile, de Maupin. STEVENS, HELEN B. Born Chicago, iSyH. Studied: A. I. C; Frank Brani^icyn in Ent;land. Member: S. If. A., Cbiaifio S. E. Instructor in Etching and Assistant Curator of Prints, Art Institute of Chicago. Bronze medal. Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 72L Main Building and Boat Houses: 725. Librarv Cloister: Brvn Mawr College. Wellesley. STEVENS. THOMAS WOOD Born Daysville, III., iSHo. Studied: .Irmonr Inst, of Tech , Chicago; Frank Brangiuyn in London; Sorolta y Bastida. .Member: S. IV. A.; Chicago S. A.; Chicago S. E. (vice- pres.). Instructor in mural painting, .Irt Inst, of Chicago. [421] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS STEVENS, THOMAS WOOD (Continued) Member of the International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, iQij. 723. Harper Memorial: University of 7278. Clearing for the Great Staircase. Chicago. 7279. Fountain of the Great Lakes. 724. Bow and Arrow. 7280. Blair Arch: Princeton. 728. Old South Middle: Yale. 7281. Cadet Barracks and Chapel: West 729. Bridging a Ravine: Pittsburgh. Point. 730. The Yard: Harvard. STRICKLAND, WILLIAM Born P/iitaJelp/iia, lySy ; died Nashville, Tenn., 1854. Studied architecture, portrait painting, designing for engravers and engraving in aquatint. Better knovsn as an architect than engraver, having designed a number of the principal buildings in Phila- delphia. 7282. Meriwether Lewis, Esq. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. STURGES, DWIGHT C. Born Boston, Mass., 1874. Studied: Coicles Art School, Boston, Mass. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 19IJ. 593. A Late Cottager. 7290. Portrait: Mr. Washburn. 597. Alone. 7291. Nude. 598. The Promised Land. 7292. Road Around the Hill. 599. Sisters. 7293. My Father. 600. Stamp Collectors. 7294. Scollay Square: Boston. 603. Portrait: Dr. Samuel Green. 7295. Solitaire. 604. The Bed Time Storv. 7296. Little Girl Dressing. 608. The Three Elms. ' 7297. Essex Marshes. 7283. Path Through the Pasture. 7298. The Old Flute Player. 7284. An Old Hebrew. 7299. My Little Model. 7285. Portrait of Mrs. S. 7300. Park Street and State House: Boston. 7286. Adams Square: Boston. 7301. Portrait: Miss C. 7287. Still Waters. 7302. Along the Merrimac. 7288. WTiarf: Boston. 7303. Study Head. 7289. Home from the Banks. TALLMADGE, THOMAS E. Born If'ashin^ton, D. C, 18/6. Member: Cliff Diiellers. Chicago S. E. Honor: Chi- cago .4rch. Club traveling scholarship, 1904. 792. Structural Steel. 7305. Calle St. Ignace: Havana. 7304. Old Sugar Warehouses. TANNER, BENJAMIN Born A'c^u York, I'TS: died Baltimore, Md.. 1S4S. Was engraving in \eiu York from lygi to 1S03, then went to Philadelphia, where he remained until 184$, engaging in business as a general engraver and map publisher. 7306. John Adams. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. TIEBOUT, CORNELIUS Date of birth is uncertain. Supposed to have died in Kentucky about j8so. He came to this country from Holland and engraved maps and subject plates for S'e-zv York pub- lishers in iy8<)-go and fairly good line portraits in 1793. He went to Philadelphia about J/gg, where he conducted an extensive business as an engraver until 182$. 443. Right Rev. William White. Lent bv Robert Fridenberg, Esq. TRENCHARD, JAMES He was located in Philadelphia as an engraver and seal-cutter as early as June, 1777, and was a member of the firm that established the "Columbian Magazine." He went to England in 171)3, where he remained. TiOl. Major General Greene. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. [422 ] ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS TWACHTMAN, JOHN H. Born Cincinnati, !&=,$. Died 1902. Studied: School of Design, Cincinnati. Spent the liinler of 1S/-I and lS/^=; in Duveneck's Life School and Painting Class in the same city. Went to Europe in the fall of 187^, entering the .Irt School at Munich. Honors: IV ebb prize. Society of .Imerican .Irlists, iSSS; bronze medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSgs; Temple gold medal. The Pennsylvania .Icademy of the Fine Arts, 1S95; silver medal. Pan-.-l merican Exposition, Buffalo, igoi. Member: American Art Club, Munich. 730S. Shore Cottages. 7309. Boat Landing. VANDERHOEF, CHARLES A. Exhibited at the Royal .Icademy in 1881. 386. Solitude. Lent by A. S. Macdonald, Esq. VAN ELTEN, KRUSEMAN H. D. Horn at .llkmaar. Holland, iSjg; died at Paris, 1^04. Studied: Haarlem, ivith I.icstr. also in Brussels. Came to AV-ir York in rSdfi. Member: N. .4. D. Felloiv of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers, London, and winner of a medal at the .Amsterdam Exposition. 7310. Glimpse of the Ocean. 73 U. River in Holland. Lent bv A. C. Kennedy & Co. VONDROUS. JOHN C. Born in Bohemia. Austria, 18S4. Studied: N. A. D. under E. M. Ward, G. Maynard and F. C. Jones. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 555. Nicholas Church from Mostecka St. 7315. Market Place: Prague. 556. Prague Bridges. 7316. St. Nicholas Church: Prague. 560. S. Maria della Salute: Venice. 7317. An Old House: Slavonov, Bohemia. 562. Tyn Church: Prague (Nocturne). 7318. Bridge of St. Charles the Fourth: 7312. St. Nicholas Church (Russian) : Prague. Prague. 7313. Street on Hradcanv: Prague. 7319. Old Town Hall: Prague. 7314. Old Houses: Prague. 7320. Tyn Church Portal: Prague. WARNER, EVERETT Born I'inton. la., 1S77. Studied: .4. S. L. in Washington and N'eiv York; Julian Academy in Pans. .Member: X. Y. If. C. C; A. IV. C. S.; S. Wash. A.; Paris A. A. A. Honors: First Corcoran prize. Wash. W. C. C, 190J : Sesnan medal. P. A. F. A., igo8 ; silver medal, Buenos .lircs Exposition, igio; second Hallgarten prize, N. .1. D., igi2. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igis. 707. Memorial Tower. 716. Brothers and Linnonia. 708. Brooklyn Bridge. 717. Rue Jerzual : Dinan. 709. Montreuil Mills. 720. A Bavarian Church. 712. Phelps Gateway. 7321. Harvard Hall. 714. Moonlight: Montreuil. WARNER, WILLIAM Born Philadelphia about 181$; died there in iS^S. He ikos a portrait painter and a self- taught engraver in mezzotint. 446. Sir Charles Metcalf. Lent by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. WASHBURN, CADWALLADER Born .Minneapolis, Minn. Studied: Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston; A. S. L. of N. Y. under .Mowbray and Chase: Sorolla in Spain; Besnard in Paris. Member: Minn. Slate .■Irt .Issoc. Honors: Second prize, Paris .-/. .1. .1. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 580. Dragon Font at Kujomizu Dera Tem- 607. Where Boats Beach. pie: Japan. 7322. Liberal Arts Building: The Entrance. 581. Tower of Temple Parroiiuial; Taxco. 7323. A Sharp Turn: Cuernavaca. 587. Peon with Zarape. 7324. A Quiet Inlet: Oceanport. 589. Ebbing Tides. 7325. Boats: Brielle. 592. Santa Maria in Distance: Cuernavaca: 7326. Sailing Boat Ashore. Mexico. 7327. Bay Head in Distance. [423 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS WASHBURN. CADWALLADER (Continued) 7328. Quiet Hour. 7329. Wash of the Tides. 7330. High Noon: Manasquan. 7331. Siesta: Cuernavaca, Mexico. 7332. Caracola Road No. 2: Cuernavaca, Mexico. 7333. Boats Landing. 7334. The Cathedral of Leon. 7335. West Fa<;ade of la Valenciana. 7336. West Side of Temple Farroquiale: Taxco, Mexico. 7337. Front Fa<;ade of la Valenciana. 7338. A Riverside Path: Manasquan River. 7339. (Jlimpse of Manasquan River. 7340. Low Tide: Seaside Park. 734L Man with Sombrero. 7342. Boats on the Beach. 7343. Fishermen's Return. 7344. .Afternoon Trantniillity. 7345. Bridge at Mantaloking. 7346. Crabbing: Brielle. WATT, WILLIAM G. Bfjrii Sew York, lXfi~. SltiJied idlli E. Heinemn/in, Emile Clrmenl and N. her: Satma. C, IQOJ. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco, iQlJj. 7347. Sandy Road. 734S. Bridge at Brielle. 7349. Far Helfjhis: Cuernavaca, Mexico. 7350. Stone Bench: Borda Garden, Cuerna- vaca. 7351. Vallev Path: Cuernavaca. 7352. Porfirio Diaz Park. 7353. Templo de Salud Mixcoae: Mexico. 7354. Sagrario Metropolitano: Mexico City. 7355. Borda Garden in Distance: Cuernavaca, Mexico. 7356. Road to Cuernavaca: Mexico. 7357. The CJreat Arch. 735S. Building the Dome. 7359. The Derrick. 7360. The Flagstaff. 7361. Sunlight and Shadow. 7362. The Doorwav. 7363. The Scaffolding. 7364. The Half Dome. ■1. D. Mem- 357. A Russian Lady (after Fechin). 361. The Ring (after Alexander). 364. The Apple Gatherers (after Anderson). 7365. The Harvest (after L'hermitte). 7366. The Pool. 7367. A Music Party (after Metsu). 7368. Andromeda (after Duran). WEBSTER, HERMAN A. Born iXeiv York, i\. >'., iSyS. Studied ivit/i Laurens in Paris. Member: R. Soc. of Painter- Etchers. London: Soc. Nat. des Beaux-Arts, Paris: Paris A. A. A.; Chelsea A. C. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 7369. Carcassonne (from Photo). 7370. Book Plate bv Chas. S. Chapman. 7371. Book Plate by Chas. S. Chapman. 7372. Fanrv Head. 7373. Mr. Ranier (after Perard). 7374. Book Plate. 7375. Illustration (after Birch). 7380. La Route de Louviers. 7381. The Quartier St. Jean. 7382. Der Langer Franz. 7383. St. Saturnin: Toulouse. 7384. La Rue St. Jacques. 7385. Les Blanchisseuses. 7386. La Maison Meline. 7387. Old Man's Head. 7388. The Clock Makers. 567. Vieux Marchc: Marseilles. 569. L'Institut. 570. Ancienne Faculte de Medicine: Paris. 571. Old Houses on the Quai. 572. Le Pont Notre Dame. 576. Sur le Quai Montebello. 7376. The Bridge: Frankfort. 7377. Notre Dame des Andelys. 7378. Le Pont Neuf: Paris. 7379. Old Court: Sachsenhousen. WEHRSCHMIDT, DANIEL A. Born in Cleveland, (>., iSOl. Studied: Herkomer School, Bushey Herts. Honors: Tiio bronze medals, St. Louis. Medal of Honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, IQI^. 4235. \m\ Should Also Mount With Me. 4359. The New Slave. 4236. Old Hall. 7389. In an Irish Creamerv. 4308. The Hedge Cutter. 7390. The Bathing Tent. 4315. The Old Shepherd. 7391. The Baby Bacchus. WEIR, J. ALDEN Born West Point, \. Y., iS^j. Studied -n-ith his father, Robert tC. Ifeir, at West Point; Geromc in Paris. Member: A. N. A., 1885; N. A., 1S86; A. If. C. S.; Ten Am. P.; [424] SCRATCHING A TWISTER. By Josfl>h J. Mora ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS WEIR, J. ALDEN (Continued) A'. Y. F.tthing (.'.; Sat. Insl. A. I.. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 18S2; silver medal for painlinn an J hrnnze for dravSins^, Paris Exposition, iSSg; prize ($J,noo), .Imeritan Art .Issoc. Meiv York: medal, C. I. Pittshur^li, jSgy ; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, igoo; ^old medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, IQOI : gold medal for paintings and silver for engraving, St. Louis Exposition, 1904: Inness medal, N. A. D., l(jo6; Lippimott prize, P. .•/. F. A., IQIO. Member International Jury of .Iwarjs, Francisco, igtfi. 401. Portrait of H. C. Weir. 404. Portrait Figure. 405. The Evening Lamp. 407. Arcturus. 408. Portrait of John F. Weir. 409. Child uith Dog. 410. The Little Student. 412. Portrait of Dr. Robert F. Weir. 7393. The Guitar Player. 7393. Portrait by Candlelight. 7394. Coon .-Mlev. 7395. Still Life. ' WELLINGTON, F. H. 354. Girl at the Piano (after painting by Harrv Townsend}. Lent b\ Ray Brown, Esfj. WESTRUM, ANNI VON Born Holland. Studied: Munich, licnna, Berlin, Paris. Member: Beaux-Arts. Pans. 889. Birches. 7408. Old Baltic Farm House. 7407. Windmill. Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San 7396. On the Porch. 7397. Head. 7398. Mother and Child. 7399. The Hay Stacks. 7400. Roscoe's Barn. 7401. The Picture Book. 7402. Head. 7403. Sketches. 7404. The Little Fountain. 7405. The Little Pump. 7406. Portrait of Robert Weir. Thomas Anshuiz: Paris, i:itb WETHERILL. ELISHA KENT KANE Born Philadelphia. /.V//. Studied: P. A. F. A. ivith J. McSeill If lustier. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igiy. 7413. Camden Court House. 7414. The Goose Shop. 7415. The Tenements. 7416. The Coal Hoist. 7417. The Back Street. 7418. Bavle's Slip. 768. The Triangle. 793. Ben llawkin's Blacksmith Shop. 807. The Archway. 7409. (iatewav: Bryn Mawr. 7410. The Shacks. ' 7411. Brooklyn Bridge. 7412. The Sooty Shop. WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL Horn l.ovcell. Mass , iSsh Died England, njns. Studied nvith Gleyer in Pans. .Medals. Paris. yA'A'?,- P. A. F. A.. 19OJ; Columbian Exposition. 1SQ3. Officer of the Legion of Honor, Societaire de la Societe Rationale des Beaux-Arts President of Society of British Artists, 1SS6. ETCHINGS 299. The Riva, No. I. 287. The Little Mast. 304. Long Venice. 288. San Biagio. 306. Square House: Amsterdam. 289. Drouet. 307. Doorway and Vine. 290. Traghetto. 308. Two Doorways. 292. San Giorgio. 309. Salute at Dawn. 293. Becquet. 314. Lime Burner. 294. Piazzetta. 316. Black Lion Wharf. 295. Long House: Amsterdam. 318. Roiherhithc. * 296. \''eille aux Loques. 319. Weary. 297. The Palace. Lent by William M. Ladd, Esq. [425] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL (Continued LITHOGRAPHS The Thames. Unfinished Sketch of Lady Haden. The Smith: Passage du Dragon. Draped Figure, Reclining (in colors). 302. Draped Figure: Standing. 303. The Little Nude Model Reading. 305. Nude Model Standing. Lent bv Hunt Henderson, Esq. Model aiid Child. Lent by William M. Ladd, Esq. Study: Maude Seated. 312. Stephane Mallarme. 291, 298, 300. 301. 310. 311. 313. A Duet. Lent bv William M. Ladd, Esq. 315. The Dancing Girl. 317. La Fruitiere de la Rue de Gronelle. Terrace : Luxembourg. Little London. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. Blacksmith Shop. Lent by William M. Ladd, Esq. 325. Portrait of Joseph Pennell. 326. Savoy Pigeons. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 320, 322, 324. iSSo. Studied: Paris, i-Jl/i Jean Paul Laurens and Jacques 7427. At the Dock. 7428. Telegraph Hill: 7429. The Forest. 7430. A Study. 892. In September. San Francisco. WHITE, CHARLES HENRY Born Hamilton, Ontario. iSyS. Studied with H'/iistler, Laurens and Constant. Member: Salon d'.lutomne, Paris; A', y. Soc. of E. Honors: Medal, St. Louis Exposition. Medal of Honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, I>)I^. 7419. The Old Courtyard. 7422. Old Manoir. 7420. Rue de I'Ane Aveugle. 7423. La Rue de la Paix. 7421. San Remo. WILKE, WILLIAM H. Born San Francisco, Cat. Blanche. 648. Toward the Bav. 660. The Viaduct. 7424. Bill. 7425. The Wood Road. 7426. The Hay Barges. WILLIAMS, J. SCOTT Member: S. I., igio. 422. The Ship Blacksmith Shop, WINSLOW, HENRY Born Boston, Mass., 1S/4. Studied in Paris ivith Jl'histler. Member 722. Westminster Cathedral. 7434. The Wanderer. 731. Saint Paul's. 7435. The Carpenter's Shop. 7431. The Spire. 7436. The Beeches. 7432. London Bridge. 7437. The Old Square. 7433. Pont de L'Arche. 7438. Wood Monsters. WINTHROP, NEWMAN V. 7439. Alice. 7440. Washington. Lent bv Robert Fridenberg, Esq. WOLF. HENRY Born Eckiversheim, .Alsace, iSfJ. Studied with Jacques Levy in Strasbourg. Came to New York in iSyi. Member: .1. N. A., 1905; N. A., igoS ; Int. Soc. of S. P. Gravers; Union Inter, des Beaux-.lrts et des Lettres, Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon. 18SS : honorable mention, Paris Exposition, l8Sg: first class medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSgSi .T"'"' medal, Paris Salon, i8g=i; silver medal, Paris Expo- sition, igoo; silver medal, Rouen Exposition, igos; diploma and grand medal of honor for wood engraving, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, igof. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 328. Lower New York in a Mist from the 331. Evening: Swan Lake, Central Park, Cat. Soc. of E. Pennsylvania R. R. Boat. 3S9. The Evening Star. 330. Little Ladv Sophie of Soho (after Whistler). New York. 332. The Wood Gatherers, (after Inness). 333. Lizzie Lynch (after Weir). 334. Joseph Pulitzer (after Sargent). [426] 1 UK MAIDKN Ol llIK KUMAN CAMPAdNA. liy .llhin I'uiauk ETCHERS, ENGRAVERS AXD LITHOGRAPHERS 336. 337. 338. 33». 340. 744S. 7449. 7450. 7451 7452. WOLF, HENRY (Continued) 335. The Mussel Gatherers (after Martin). The Mirror (after Alexander). The Morning Star. Lady with a Lute (after V'ermeer). River Scene: La Riviere a la Tour Lointaine (after Corot). A Northeaster (after Homer). 341. Portrait of the Engraver, H. Wolf (after Wiles). 342. Miss Alexander (after Whistler). 7441. Morning Mists. 7442. Recreation (after Couture). 7443. Don Balthasar Carlos (after Velasquez) . 7444. The Boy with a Sword (after Manet). 7445. Woman at the Window (after Ver- meer). 7446. Girl with Fruit (after Ambrogio de Predis). 7447. .'\braham Lincoln (enlarged from small print by Brady). Wm. M. Thackeray (from drawing by Lawrence). Robert L. Stevenson (from snap shot). Portrait Sketch (unfinished) (after Whistler). Beatrice d'Este (after da Vinci). Portrait of a Girl (after Velasquez). 7453. Mv Mother (after Whistler). 7454. Thomas Carlyle (after Whistler). 7455. A Madonna (after Botticelli). 7456. A Gentlewoman (after Weir). 7457. A Spanish Countess (after Goya). 7458. Homeward (after Dessar). 7459. The Music Room (after Whistler). 7460. Young Ladv with Poppy Flower (after Loeb). ■ 7461. Miss Nelthrop (after Lawrence). 7462. The Fur Jacket (after Whistler). 7463. Kittv Fisher (after Reynolds). 7464. The Goldfish (after Hubbell). 7465. A Danish Princess (after Holbein). 7466. Portrait of a Lady (after Shannon). 7467. Landscape (after Dewey). 7468. Lady with Hand Mirror (after Wiles). 7469. Portrait of a Girl (after Emmett). 7470. Mother and Child (after Cassatt). 7471. The Sonata (after Wiles). 7472. Alice (after Chase). 7473. Lady with the White Shawl (after Chase). 7474. Gathering Autumn Leaves (after Chase). 7475. A Lady in Black (after Chase). 7476. The Artist's Daughter (after Chase). 7477. The Christmas Tree (after Weir). 7478. The Green Bodice (after Weir). 7479. The Bent Tree (after Corot). 7480. Hon. Jos. H. Choate (after Sargent). 7481. 7482. 7483. 7484. 7485. 7486. 7487. 7488. 7489. 7490. 7491. 7492. 7493. 7494. 7495. 7496. 7497. 7498. 7499. 7500. 7501. 7502. 7503. 7504. 7505. 7506. 7507. 7508. 7509. 7510. 7511. 7512. 7513. 7514. 7515. 7516. 7517. 7518. 7519. 7520. 7521. 7522. 7523. 7524. 7525. 7526. 7527. 7528. 7529. 7530. Jos. Jefferson as Dr. Pangloss (after Sargent). The Coral Necklace (after Tarbell). Lady Stanhope (after Reynolds). Mercedes (after Mora). El Conde, Duque Olivares (after Valesquez). Geo. Washington (after Stuart). Chevalier Yrujo (after Stuart). Portrait of Trumbull (after Stuart). Portrait of Miss Mierken (after Stuart). Portrait of Miss Plumstead (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Morris (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Lea (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Otis (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Gotliff (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Griffith (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Nancy Pennington (after Stuart). Angel with the Flaming Sword (after Blashfield). The Promenader (after Menzel). Open Air Meeting (after Menzel). The Tiger (after Menzel). Courting (after Hals). Evening in Normandy (after Dearth). The Fox Hunt (after Homer). Eight Bells (after Homer). A Normandy Farm (aftei Martin). The Harp of the Winds (after Martin). Early Ploughing (after Walker). A Favorite Corner (after Alexander). A Flower (after Alexander). A Quiet Hour (after ."Mexander). The Mousmee (after Blum). Vn Canal en Artois (after Cazin). The Approaching Storm (after Cazin). The Road to the Village (after Cazin). Josephine, Empress (after Lefevbre). Napoleon, Emperor (after Lefevbre). Yellow Marguerites (after Moore). Romila (after Sears). A Shipwrecked Sailor (after Pyle). A Virgin Enthroned (after Thayer). Emperor Hadrian (after Tadema). Information (after Meissonier). Campagne de France (after Meis- sonier). Portrait of Gerome. La Soif (after Gerome). The Carpet Merchant (after Gerome). Holy Eve (after Von Uhde). Good Friday (after Von Uhde). Bonaparte before the Sphinx (after Gerome) . The Road to Bethlehem (after Von Uhde). [427 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS WOLF, HENRY (Continued) 7531. In the Shade (after Caliga). 7532. Empress Josephine (after Realier Dumas). 7533. Benjamin Franklin (after Duplessis). 7534. Le Soir (after Breton). 7535. The Road to Concarneau (after Pick- nell). 7536. The Moose Hunt (after Brush). 7537. Portrait of a Boy (after Brush). 7538. Cynthia (after Beaux). 7539. Reverie (after Beaux). 7540. Les Amoureux (after Diaz). 7541. Bismarck (after Lenbach). 7542. Self Portrait (after Lenbach). 7543. The Millpond (after Ranger). 7544. Landscape in Holland (after Ranger). 7545. A I'Abreuvoir (after Dagnan- Bouveret). 7546. The Madonna of the Rose (after Dagnan-Bouveret ) . 7547. La Bernoise (after Dagnan-Bouveret). 7548. Alone in the World (after Israels). 7549. Sally Franklin (after Hoppner). 7550. Nantucket School of Philosophy (after Johnson). 7551. The Young Michelangelo Sculpturing the Head of a Faun. 7552. Lady in Black (after Freer). 7553. San Giorgio (after Bunce). 7554. Christ Walking on the Waves (after Coleman). 7555. Visit of Shepherds (after Lerolle). 7556. Self Portrait (after Dow). 7557. Mrs. Champion de Crespigny (after Romney). 7558. Evening on the Terraces (after Constant). 7559. At Kissingen (after Menzel). 7560. The Scattering of the Mists. 7561. A Duck Pond. 7562. The Roadside (after Gifford). 7563. Thos. Jefferson (after C. W. Peale). 7564. In the Adirondacks (after Wyant). 7565. The New England Peddler (after Johnson) . 7566. Judge Jones (after Stuart). 7567. Portrait of a Lady (after Henri). 7568. Mv Daughter Josephine (after " Tarbell). 7569. Aurora (after Low). 7570. Summer (after Benson). •,/ Boston Coivtrs School; .1. S. L. of A'. Y. John ll'rii;/it. hilernational Exposition, San Francisco, l<)i^. 7572. Browning's Palace: Venice. 7573. Taormina from Greek Theater. 7574. Jean-Marie No. 1. 7575. Jean-Marie No. 2. 7576. November. 7577. The Hermitage. 7578. Porta della Conca : Perugia. Arts: Hoivard Pyle, First prize, etching. WOOD, FRANKLIN T. Horn Boston, lSy~. StuJh of England. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific 537. St. Jerome. 543. Farm Lane. 579. Piazza Bagnia. 582. Old Man of Taormina. 588. Pasture Bars. 591. Gondolas. 7571. Bov in Tam O'Shanter. WORKMAN, DAVID TICE Born ll'aphrtoii, N. Dakota, tSS-f. Studied: Boston Museum Fine ICilmin^ton, Del.: Frank Brangiiyn, London, Ent^land. Honor: Minn. State Art Society, igij. 763. Elvet Bridge: Old Durham. WRIGHT, CHARLES CUSHING Born Damascota, Me.: died Seiv York, l. Studied: Bicknell; Merson, in Paris. Member: 594. St. Merri : Paris. .Imerica. 1 1 is profile portrait of Washington iL-as Mass. lust, of Technology Chicago S. E. 912. Courtyard: Taormina. Boston: ir. H. ir. [428] AMERICAN BISON. By .-/. Phimisler Proctor FTnir.RS, ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS YOUNG, MAHONRI M. Horn Stilt Late City, I'ta/i, iS/y. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.: Julian Aradrmy in Paris. Member: .•/. A'. .7., 19U; N. S. S.; Paris A. A. A.: Soc. of Utah Artists '., 1869. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; Eakins in Philadelphia; Ecole des Beaux-Arts and Merson in Paris. Member: S. A. A,, 189S ; A. N. A., igoi ; N. A., W05; Nat. Inst. .4. L. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1S91 ; medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, iSgs; Lippincott prize, P.A.F..4., 1S94; honorable men- tion, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, iSgy ; second prize, If^orcester Museum, igoo; bronze medal, Paris Exposition, igoo; bronze medal, C. I. Pittsburgh, igoo; second prize, Worcester Museum, IQOI ; silver medal for painting, bronze medal for drawing and honorable mention for sculpture, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, igoi; Shaw prize, S. A. A., igoi; Shaw Fund purchase, S. A. A., igo.l; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, igo4: Isidor medal, N. A. D., igo8; Harris prize, .1. I. C, 1908; Palmer gold medal, A. I. C, igio. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 2463. Elisabeth. 2465. Quest. 2464. Breton Girl. KIMBALL, ISABEL MOORE Born ICentworih, Iowa. Studied with Herbert .4dams. 1412. Portrait Plaquette. 1416. Portrait Medallion. KNIGHT, CHARLES ROBERT Born Brooklyn, N. Y., 1S74. Studied with Brush and DuMond; A. S. L. of N. Y.; Metro- politan .Irt School. 4464. Kodiak Bear. 4471. Leaping Tiger. 4469. Polar Bear. KONTI, ISIDORE Born rienna, .4ustria, iS6j. Studied: Imperial Academy in Vienna under Ilelmer and Kundmann. Came to the United States in iSgj. Member: N. S. S.; N. Y. .4rch Lg., igoi; A. N. A., igoi; N. .4., igoj. Honor: Gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, 1904. 809. Surprise. 3620. Immortalitv of Genius. 3398. Solace. 3621. Dying Melodies. 3574. Scherzo. 4538. Wood Nymph. KRATINA, JOSEPH Born in Prague, Bohemia, iS~3. Member of the Societe des Arts Decoratifs, Paris. 4467. Genius: Head of Baby. KRUPKA, JOSEPH Born Rychnov, Bohemia, iSSo. Studied: Vienna, Prague, Moscow, New York. Honor: Suydam medal, .4cademy of Design, N. Y. 2513. Kiss of the Oceans. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN Born Philadelphia, iS/S. Studied in Paris and Rome, and with Grafiy. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi}. 1376. A Roman Lady. 4466. The Sword. 3579. Sleeping Furies. 4475. Wind and Spray. 3582. High Tide: Low Tide. 4509. Rock and Flower Group for PooL 3688. Winged Head. 4514. Triton Babies. 3695. The Human Instrument. 4515. Water Sprites. 4043. Eleanora Duse. 4516. Sun-God and Python. LAESSLE, ALBERT Born Philadelphia, iSyy. Studied: Spring Garden Inst., Drexel Inst., P. A. F. A. and Charles Grafiy. Honors: Stewardson prize and Cresson traveling scholarship, P. A. F. .4., 1904; bronze medal, Buenos Aires, igio. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igi^. 2508. Chanticleer. 3138. The Bronze Turkev. 2510. Kingfisher. 3210. The Squirrel. 2511. Fantail Pigeon. 3211. The Hunter. [440] GRANDFATHERS BIRTHDAY. By F. Cabrera Com. SCULPTORS AND MEDALISTS LAESSLE, ALBERT (Continued^ 3213. Young Turtle. 3220. An Outcast. 3213. Locust and Pine Cone. 3221. Frog and Katydid. 3214. King Crab and Beetle. 3222. The Contented Hop-toad. 3215. Blue-eyed Lizard. 3223. The Source. 3216. Turtle and Prey. 3224. Turtle and Snail. 3217. Repletion. 3225. Heron and Fish. 3218. Turning Turtle. S226. The Old Bullfrog. 3219. The First Step. LEE, ARTHUR Ilonorahlc mention, Panama-Pacific Iiitet national Exposition, San Francisco, li)IS 3098. The Virgin. 3121. The Nigger. Lent by Mrs. Harry Payne Whit- ney. LICHTENAUER, J. MORTIMER ' Born .Vciii York, lSy6. StuiiieJ luith Mov.hray in .\'ci-j York; Merson and Laurens in Paris. Member: N. Y. Arch. Lff., 1902; Mural P.; .4. S. L. of N. Y. Honors: Presi- dent's prize. A'. Y. .-ircli. Lg , 1903 and 1907. 3332. Statuette. LONGMAN, EVELYN BEATRICE Horn Winchester, Ohio, 1874. Studied: A. I. C. under Taft; French in Netv York. Member: N. S. S.; A. N. A., 1909. Honors: Silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 282. Female Torso. 4049. Head of Bacchante. 283. Female Torso. 4527. L' .Amour. LUKEMAN, AUGUSTUS Born Richmond, la., lH/O. Studied ivith Launt Thompson and D. C. French in Neiv York; Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, under Falguiere. Member: A', y. Arch. Lg., 1S98; N. S. S.; A. ,\'. A., 1909. Honor: Bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 3331. Diana. McCARTAN, E. 2978. Pan. MacINTOSH, WILLIAM W. Born West Philadelphia, Pa. Studied: P. A. F. A., and r.ith Eakins and Chase. 1630. Portrait of Mrs. L. C. M. McKENZIE, R. TAIT Born .'Ihnonte, Out , Canada, 1S67. Honorable mention. Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco, 191$. 4550. The Young Franklin. MacNEIL, CAROL BROOKS Born Chicago, iS/i. Studied: A . I. C. under Lorado Taft: MacMonnies and Injalbert in Paris. Member: N. S. S., N. Y. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 281. Betty. 3285. Farewell to the Fairies. 3I9I. First Lesson. 3619. The Wave. MacNEIL, HERMON A. Born Everett, Mass., 1S66. Studied: Mass. Normal .Irt School in Boston; luith Chapu at Julian .Icademy and Falguiere at Ecole des Beaux-.lrts in Paris. Member: N. S. S. (ex-pres.) ; A. N. A., 1905; N. A., 1906; S. A. A., 1901; A'. Y. Arch. Lg., 1902; N. A. C; Nat. Inst. A. L. Honors: Rinehart Roman scholarship, 1S96-1900; designer's medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, JS9.I; silver medal, Atlanta Exposition, 189s: silver medal, Paris Exposition, 19(10; gold medal, Pan-.-l merican Exposition, Buffalo, 1901 : gold medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; commemorative gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, 1904; commemorative medal, Jens.ish Settlement in .Imerica; gold medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191 j. [441 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS MacNEIL. HERMON A. (Continued) 1599. Pan-American Medal of Award: Re- 1608. Medal of Honor: Architectural League verse. of New York : Obverse. 1600. Pan-American Medal of Award: Ob- 3279. Incoming Wave. verse. 3280. Girl with Young Satyr. 1607. Medal of Honor: Architectural League of New York : Reverse. MANATT, WILLIAM WHITNEY Born Granville. Ohio, 1S75. Studied iL-ith Saint Gaudens at .V. S. L. of N. Y. 3343. Nymph. MANOR, FLORENCE Born Santa Cruz. Cal., iSSl. Honor: Gold medal, Alaska-Yukon Exposition, 190^. 4389. The Florence Madonna. MANSHIP, PAUL Born St. Paul. Minn., jSS6. Studied: St. Paul Art School; P. A. F. A.; three years' fel- loivship at the American Academy in Rome. Honors: Helen Foster Burnett prize for sculpture, N. A. D., New York. 19IS: IVidener gold medal, P. A. F. A., 1914. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 4048. Satyr and Sleeping Nymph. 4081. Portrait of a Baby. 4077. Little Brother. 4082. Centaur and Dryad. 4078. Lvric Muse. 4083. Portrait Statuette. 4079. Indian Hunter. 4084. Playfulness. 4080. Prong-horn Antelope. 4085. Spring Awakening. MAZUR, WLADYSLAW Born Zaslo, Poland, iSy^. Studied: Vienna. Societaire, Salon d'Autumne Paris, 11)04. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, I915. 1389. Portrait. 4388. Motherless. 1394. Coquetry. MEARS, HELEN FARNSWORTH Born Oslikosh, It'is., iS/6. Studied: Xeiv York and Paris. Member: N. S. S. Honors: Prize ($500) from Mihiaukee Women's Club, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 1387. Portrait of My Mother. MILLER, JOSEPH MAXWELL Born Baltimore, iS//. Studied: Maryland Inst. School of .-Irt and Design; Rinehart School of Sculpture and Charcoal Club in Baltimore; Julian Academy in Paris under P'erlet. Member: N. S. S. Honors: Gold medal of honor, Maryland Inst, of Art Design, iSQ/ ; Rinehart scholarship to Paris, IQOO-Oy. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, IQ02; silver medal. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, IQI^. 1447. Portrait Heads: Obverse. 1454. Jubilee Medal: James, Cardinal Gib- 1448. Portrait Heads: Reverse. bons: Obverse. 1451. William Sidney Thayer. 1455. Jubilee Medal: James, Cardinal Gib- bons: Reverse. MORA, JOSEPH JACINTO Born Montevideo, Uruguay, 18/6. Studied: A. S. L. of N. Y.; N. Y. Art School, under Chase ; Covsles Art School in Boston. Member of the International Jury of Aiuards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 191$. 2153. Scratching a Twister. 3085. Moki Mana. 2869. Chochonee. 3087. Old Moki. 2877. The Moki Hairdresser. 3635. Esoah. MOTT-SMITH, MAY Born Honolulu, Haivaii. Studied: Colarossi Academy under Courtois, Van IVeyden, Garridos, T. Spicer-Simson. 1415. Diana. [442 ] TOBOGCJANING. By Eha BaikluuJ-Celsiu^ SCULPTORS AND MEDALISTS MULLER, OLGA POPOFF Born Long Island City, iSS,^. Studied: Pctrograd, Munich, Paris. Honors: Medal of honor, If'omen Artists, Paris; honorable mention, Academy, Chicago; first sculptural prize. Association of If'omen Painters and Sculptors, AVw York. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2864. Meditation. 4529. Centaur. 3570. Head of Breton. 4534. Idyl. 4495. Primitive Man. NEILSEN, M. P. 1395. Double Medallion: Louis and Hannah Sclioenfeld. NOQUET, PAUL Born Brussels, iSyy ; died, igo6. Studied in the Brussels Art School under Jean Por- taels. In igoo he entered the annual sculpture competition in Belgium and luon the "Prix Godecharle" scholarship of Rome. He also studied in Paris, sculpture w York; Ecote des Beaux- Arts in Paris under Falguiere and Chapu. Member: A'. 5. S.; A. N. A., J900; N. Y. Arch. Lg.; i\'at. Inst. .4. L. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1897 ; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. [444] SCULPTORS AND MEDALISTS PRATT, BELA LYON (Continued) 2836. Bust of Mrs. Pratt. 3966. Nathan Hale. 3090. River Nymph. 3967. Study of a Young Girl. 3126. Bust of My Mother. 396S. Lord Amherst. 3960. Young Mother. 3969. St. Christopher. 3961. Upstream and Downstream. 4511. Whaleman. 3962. Echo. 452S. Boy with Fish. 3963. The Butterfly. 4544. Large Relief No. 2. 3964. Polo Player. 4551. Large Relief No. 1. 3965. Edward Everett Hale. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER Born Bozanr/uit, Canada, lS63. Studied: N. A. D. and A. S. L. in Neiv York; Puech and Injalbert in Paris. Member: A. A'. A., igoj ; N. A., 1^04: S. A. A., iS<)5; A. If. C. S.; N. Y. Arch Lg., iSgg; N. S. S.; Nat. Inst. A. L. Honors: Medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, lSc)S; Rinehart scholarship to Paris, l8Q3-igoo: gold medal, Paris Exposition, IQOO; gold medal for sculpture and bronze medal for painting, Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, 1904; X. Y. .4rch. Lg. medal, igii. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, IQI5. 925. Indian on Horse. 3527. Alaskan Brown Bear: Head. 929. Lions. 3528. Silver King Fish. 3521. Charging Elephant. 3529. Princeton I'iger. 9-inch Reduction. 3522. Buffalo. 3530. Princeton Tiger. 22-inch Reduction. 3523. American Horse. 3531. Faun: First Model. 3524. Elk. 4478. American Bison. 3525. Dog with Bone. 4542. American Bison. 3526. Buffalo, Q. H. PUTNAM, ARTHUR Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 3196. Indian and Puma. 3203. Little Cub Bear. 3197. Skunked Wild Cat. 3204. Buffalo Hunt. 3198. Sneaking Coyote. 3205. Coyote Head. 3199. Leopard and Gnu. 3206. Crouching Wild Cat. 3200. Combat. 3207. Two Pumas. 3201. Tiger Love. 3208. Puma and Snake. 3202. Resting Puma. 3209. Snarling Jaguar. PUTNAM, BRENDA Born Minneapolis, Minn., 1S90. Studied: Art Museum School, Boston; A. S. L. of .V. }'./ Corcoran School, Jf'ashington. 2154. The Parting. QUINN, EDMOND T. Born Philadelphia, Pa. Studied •with Eakins in Philadelphia; Injalbert in Paris. Mem- ber: N. S. S. Silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 285. Audrey. 3829. Aspiration. 311S. Edwin Markham, Esq. Lent bv Mrs. Henry W. Boettger. 3192. Nymph. 4507. Nvmph: Garden Figure. 3 568. Portrait of C. H. Chavant, Esq. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. Born Quincy, Mass., rSS^. Studied: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.; Julien Acad- emy, Paris. Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, igij. 1374. Bas-relief Portrait: Bela L. Pratt. 3400. Golden Age, No. 2. 1386. Bas-relief Portrait: H. E. Smith. 4546. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1388. Bas-relief Portrait: F. C. Recchia. No. 2. 1398. Bas-relief Portrait: George Guest. 4548. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 3399. Golden Age, No. 1. No. 1. [445 ] I CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS REMINGTON, FREDERIC Born Canton, N. Y., 1861. Died, igo<). Studied: Yale Art School one year. Member: Nat. Inst. A. L.; A. N. A. Honor: Silver medal for sculpture, Paris Exposition, iSSg. 2976. Rattlesnake. 2977. Broncho Buster. 2980. Cheyenne. RICHARDS, LUCY Born Laicrence, Mass. Studied: Boston Museum School; Keps in Dresden; Eustrich in Berlin; Julien Academy in Paris. 3640. The Lilies: A Sun Dial. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT Born St. Louis, Mo., 1S86. Studied: St. Louis School of Fine .4rts under Zolnay. Member: S. IF. A. 2871. Mere Colaer. 2878. The Old One. 2874. In the Morning. 2881. Josef. 4513. Bird Fountain. ROTH, FREDERICK G. R. Born Brooklyn, iS/'S. Studied luith Hellmer and Meyerhelm in Vienna. Member: jX. S. S.; a. N. a., igo6; ff. A., 1906; N. Y. Arch. Lg., 1902; Nat. Inst. A. L. ; S. A. A., 1903. Honors: Silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904; silver medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. Gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2249. The Booklover. 2256. Equestrienne. 2250. Polar Bear. 2257. Sea Lion. 2251. Seal. 2258. The Baker. 2252. Hippopotamus. 2259. The Candlestickmaker. 2253. Calf. 2260. The Butcher. 2254. Polar Bear. 3135. Polar Bear. 2255. Tug of War. 4473. Sea Lions. RUMSEY. CHARLES CARY Bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. 2383. Hound. 2388. Calf and Colt. 2384. Horse and Man Drinking. 2389. Stone Bull. 2385. Study for Centaur. . 2867. Hound Andirons. 2386. Scratching Dog. 2868. Hound Andirons. 2387. Lion Cub. 4532. Boyhood. RUSH, WILLIAM Born in Philadelphia, 1/^6; died in same city, /5.?.-f. First sculptor of American birth and parentage. Received instruction in clay modeling from Joseph {('right. Became kno- Joseph • Breyfogle, John Winstanley »§ Bridport, Hugh § Bringhurst, Robert P. X Brinley, D. Putnam • Brissaud, Jacques— 267, 268, 269, 270 French Brito. Jose de— 18, 19 Portuguese Broca, Alexis de — 271 French Brock, Gustav — 76, 77, 78 International Brodszky, Sandor — 75 International Brooke, Richard Norris • Brooks, Richard E. — W, 240. United States Photo. Reprod. J Brocjuelet, Alfred-Jean-Marie — 539 French Brouillet, .Andre — 272, 273 French Brouwer, Adriaen — 4028 United States Section, Loan Collection Brown, Benjamin C. •§ Brown, Charlotte Hadring • Brown, George Loring • Brown, Howell C. § Brown, John G. * Brown. \T. E. D. § Browne, Charles Francis • Browne, George Elmer • Brownell, Matilda A. • Brozzi, Renato — 118 Italian Bruch, Lajos- 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, International Bruck, Miksa, 87, 88, 89 International Brumback, Louise Upton » Brun, Harald — 3, 4, 5 Nornue^ian Brundrit, R. G.— 90 International Brijne, Heinrich— 91 International Brunet-Debaines, Louis-Alfred — 540 French Brush, George de Forest * Bryant, Everett Lloyd • Bryant, Maude Drein • Budworth, Will S. » Buehler, Lytton Briggs * Buehr, Karl Albert • Buffet, Paul— 274 French Bull, Charles Livingston • Bunker, Dennis Miller • Burleigh, Sidney Richmond • Burmeister, Gabriel— 70, 71, 72, 347, 348 349, 350, 351 Sivedish Burmester, Ernst— 92 International Burnham, Anita Willets • Burnham, Roger Noble i Burnside, Cameron • Burr, CJeorge Elbert § Burroughs, Edith Woodman { Burt, Charles § Bush, Ella Shepaid • Bush-Brown, H. K.— 37, 40, 195, 236. United States. Photo. Reprod. { Bush-Brown, Margaret Lesley • Bushnell, Adelyn • Busi, Adolfo — 11 Italian Busiere, Louis — 541 French Bustillo, Alejandro — 10 Argentine Butler, Edward B. • Butler, Howard Russell • Butler, J. J. P. • Butler, Mary • Butler, Theodore Earl • Button, Albert Prentice • Bvne, Arthur • Cabrera Canto, F.— 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 International Cadenasso, Giuseppe • Cadorin, Guido — 12 Italian Caggiano, Cesar — 11 Argentine Cahill, Arthur • Cahill, William V. • Calandra, David— 119 Italian Calbet, Antouin — 275 French Calder, A. Stirling X Calderon, Leandro Jorao — 20, 21, 22 Portuguese Calewaert, Louis H. § Caliga, L H. • Callahan, Caroline R. • Calmette, Pierre-Paul — 276 French Cambon, Glauco— 13 Italian Cammerloher, Karl Moritz — 98, 99, 100 International Camoin, Charles — 277 French Camp, Harold M. • Campas, Jose — 23 Portuguese Campo, Cupertino Del — 12, 13, 14 Argentine Canal, H.— 7 Cuban Canalias, Jose — 1017 International Canasi, Dante — 15 Argentine Canniccioni, Leon-Charles — 278 French Canton Local Commission — 256, 300, 301, 302 Chinese Cantu, Luis — 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Uruguayan Capdevila, Gines — 101 International Caprile, Vincenzo — 14 Italian Carcova, Ernesto de la — 16 Argentine Cardona, Juan — 102, 103, 104 International Cardosa, Artur Alves— 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Portuguese Cardunets Cazorla, Alejandro — 105 International Carew, Berta • Carlandi, Onorato — 15, 16, 17, 18 Italian Carlberg, Hugo— 73, 74, 75, 76 Swedish Carles, Antonin — 623 French Carles, Arthur B. • Carlisle, Mary Helen • Carlsen. Emil * * Carlson, John F. • [458] INDEX OF ARTISTS 2S0 Argentine French Italian Italian Italian French Carnacini, Ceferino — 17, IS Caro-Delvaille, Henri— 279, Carolis, Adolfo de — 37 CaroKi, Giuseppe — 19, 20 Carozzi, Bossi Adele — 21 Carpenter, Frank D. Carpenter, Fred G. Carpentier, Marie-Paule — 281, 282 Carr, Michael Carmichael § Carra International 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147. 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158 Carreno, de Miranda — 2894 United States Section Loan Collection Carrera, Augustin — 283 French Carrier Belleuse, Pierre — 284 French Carriere, Eugene — 2823 United States Section Loan Collection Carrigan, William L. • Cartier, Karl— 285 French Casals y Peypoch, Jose— 106, 107 International Casciaro, Giuseppe — 22, 23, Case. Bertha Caser, Ettore Cassatt, Mary Castellanos, Carlos A. — 24, 29, 30 Casterton, Eda Nemoede Castro, Rodrlgo de — 144 Cataldi, Amleto — 120 Cauldwell. Leslie Cave, Jules-Cvrille— 286 Cavrou, Jules— 287, 288 Cazin, Jean Charles— 2847, 4034 U 'tiled States Section Loan Collection Cayin, Marie — 289, 624 .French Cazin, Michel — 542 French Cha Shih-piao — 407 Chinese Chabas, Maurice — 290 French Chadwick, Charles W. § Chadwick, Emma § Chamberlin, F. ToUes { Champaigne, Philip de — 2887 United States Section Loan Collection Chandler, George Walter § 24, 35 Italian 25, 26, 27, 28, Uruguayan » Portuguese Italian • French French jChandler, H. C. • Chang Chen— 349 Chinese Chang Jui-tu — 440 Chinese Chanler, R. W.— 143. United States. Photo. Reprod. Chao Chien-li— 383 Chinese Chao Chung-mu — 428 Chinese Chao Shou — 442 Chinese Chao Tzu-ang— 376 Chinese Chao Yong-tsun — 174 Chinese Chapman, Carlton Theodore « Chapman, Charles S. • Chappel, Alonzo • Chapuy, Andre — 291 Charmoy, Jose de — 625, 626 Chase, Adelaide Cole Chase, Lila Elizabeth Chase, William M. Chattel. Fredericus J. du — 19 Chen Mai-cheo — 352 Chen Hsao-cheo — 42 Chen Huai— 350 Chen Pao-chio — 417 Chen Su-kong— 343 Chen Tsun-heo — 1^3 Chen Yu-chuen — 203 Cheney, John Cheng .Vlan-sheng — 410 Cheng Tzu-chao — 395 Chen-tu — 49, 195 Cheo Mei-ko— 50, 51 Cheo Ting-Ian— 194 Cheo Tsz-shan 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187 191, 192 Cheret, Jules — 543 Chiao Shan-fu- 378 Chien Shun-chu — 435 Chiesa, Pietro— 26, 27 Chigot, Eugene — 292 Chimona, Nicolas — 108, 109 Chitarin, Traiano — 28 Chou Shih-chou— 425, 426, 427 Chow Tsung-po — 434 Choyodo, Anchi — 189 Christino da Silva, Joao Ribeiro 43, 44, 131 Christmas, E. W. — 110, 111 International French French Netherlands Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese § Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese 188, 189, 190, French Chinese Chinese Italian French International Italian Chinese Chinese Japanese Portuguese Chu lui— 380 Chu Tsz-chang — 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 Chuan San-ho— 313, 314, 315, 316 Chuei Ting-chang— 238, 239 Chuen Shi-so— 110, 111 Church, Frederick Edwin Churchill, William W. Ciardi, Beppe — 29 Ciardi, Emma — 30 Ciardi, Guglielmc — 31, 32 Cladel, Marius-L.— 627 Clairin, Georges — 293 Clark, Alson Skinner Clark, Freeman Clark, Harriette A. Clarke, Thomas Shields Clarkson, Ralph Clement, Catherine Clercq, T. le— 178 Clevenger. Shobal Vail Clonney, James Goodwyn Closson, William Baxter Clute, Walter Marshall Cockroft, Fdythe Varian Coert, Anthoni — 20 Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese * • Italian Italian Italian French French Netherlands t •5 Netherlands [459] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS French Norwegian French •§ Portuguese Portuguese Coffin, William Anderson Cohen, Lewis Cohen, Nessa Cole, George Townsend Cole, J. Foxcroft Cole, Thomas Cole, Thomas Casilear Cole, Timothy Coleman, Charles Carvl Colin, Paiil-Emile— 544, 545 Collett, Fredrik— 6 Collin, Raphael— 294 Colman, Samuel Columbano, Bordalo Pinheiro 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 Colwell, Elizabeth Coman, Charlotte Buell Comeg>s, George H. Conant, Lucy Scarborough Conant, Marjorie Condeixa, Ernesto Ferreira 37, 38 Congdon, Adairene Vose Congdon, Thomas R. Connell, Edwin D. Connor, Jerome— 49, 129. 228, 239. U. S. Photo. Reprod. Conner, John Ramsey Coolidge, Bertha Coolidge, Mary Rosamond Coonsman, Nancy Cooper, Colin Campbell Coover, Nell Cooper, Emma Lampert Coplev, John Singleton Coppini,"EIiseo— 19, 20 Coppini, Pompeo— 90, 102, 147. United States. Photo. Reprod. Coques, Gonzales — 4006 Corbett, Gail Sherman— 31, 98, 128, 255 U. S. Photo Reprod. Cordier, Henri — 628 Cornoyer, Paul Coromaldi, Umbertn — 33, 34 Italian Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille — 4025, 4029 U. S. Section, Loan Collection Corsi, Carlo — 35 Italian Correa de Larceda, Alberto V. da Rocha Por- tugal— 39, 40, 41, 42 Portuguese Correa Morales, Elisa G. Adde — 21 Argentine Cortes-Riera Fernando — 112 International Cossmann, A. — 668 International Cosson. Marcel — 295. 296 French Costa Mota, Antonio Augusto da — 145 Portuguese Costa, Tomas — 150, 151, 152 Portuguese Cottet, Charles— 297, 298, 546 French Cotton, John Wesley § Argentine Unrted States t French Courbet, Gustav — 4019, 4024 United States Section Loan Colleition Couse, E. Irving • Covey, Arthur S. § Cox, Kenvon — 96, 97. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Cox, Louise • Cramer, Ed— 352 Swedish Crane, Bruce • Crenier, Henri t Crepet, Mario — 36 Italian Crespel, Berthe — 299 French Crisp, Arthur— 138, 152, 217. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Crome, John (Old Crome)— 2891 U. S. Section Loan Collection Cropsev, Jasper Francis • Cross, Sally • Crowley, Gray Price • Cruz, Carlos — 31 Uruguayan Csaktornvai — 113 International Csok, Istvan— 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120. 121 International Cucuel, Edward • Culler, Tomas— 3 Philippine Cullen, Hernan — 22 Argentine Cuneo, Cvrus Cincinnatto • Cuneo, Jose— 32, 33, 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 Uruguayan Cuneo, Rinaldo • Curran, Charles C. • Currier, J. Frank • Curtis, William Fuller • Cushing, Howard Gardiner • Cziganv, Dezso — 122 International Dabadie, Henri— 300, 301 French Dabo. Leon • Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean — 547 French Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean — 2859 United States Section Loan Cotlert'on Dahl, Nils — 7, 8 Norwegian Dahlgreen. Charles W. § Dake. Carel L., Jr. — 123, 124 International Dallemasne. Aime-Edmond — 548 French Pallin. Cyrus Edwin t Dalmau, jose — 125 International Dan, Ranshu — 15 Japanese Dana, Charles Edmund * Dantzig, Rachel M. van — 179, 180 Netherlands Darrieux, Charles-Rene — 302 French Daubignv, Charles Francois — 4032 U. S. Section Loan Collection Dauchez, Andre— 303, 304, 549, 550, 551 French Davey, Randall • David, Fernand— 629, 630 French David-NiMet, Germain— 305, 306 French Davis, Charles Harold • [460] INDEX OF ARTISTS Davis, John Parker Davis, Stuart Davol, Joseph Benjamin Dawkins, Henry Dawson, George Walter Dawson- Watson Dayot, Magdeleine — 307 Daz/i, Arturo — 123 Deberitz, Per— 9. 10, 11 De Camp, Joseph Rodefer Dechenaud, Adolphe — 308, 309 De Cordoba, Mathilde Degas, Edpar-Hilaire — 310 Dejean, Louis — 631 De Jong, Betty Delachaux, Leon — 311 Delsalle, Angela— 312 Del Mue, Maurice Delteil, Lovs— 552, 553 Delucclii, Pedro — 23, 24, 25 Deming, Adelaide Deming, Edwin W. Denis, Maurice— 313, 314, 314A 3I4D, 314E, 314F Derre, fimile — 632 Desch. Theo-Auguste — 315 Despiau, Charles — 633 Desvallieres, Georges — 316 Dethomas, Maxime-Piern Dettmar, R.— 669 Deutman, Frans — 21 Devambez, Andre — 319 Deventer, Johanna Cornelia van- French Italian Norwegian • French § French French • French French • French Argentine • •§ 314B, 314C, French French French French French 317, 318 French International Netherlands French -22 Netherlands • French § French -320 De Voll, F. Usher Devoux, Raymond-Georges- de Wentworth, Cecile Dewev, Charles Melville De Witt, Gerard Dezarrois, Antoine-Fran<;ois — 554 Diaz, Narcisse Virgilio de la Pena — 2856 United Slates Section Loan (^otlecllori Dickman, Charles John • Didier-Tourne, Jean-6mile — 321 French Dietsch, C. Percival } Dillaye, Blanche •§ Dimock, E. Dinet.fttienne- 322, 555. 556 Diriks, Edvard— 12, 13, 14 Dirks, Rudolph Dixon, Maynard • Dodge, William de Leftwich — 123 United States, Photo. Reprod. Dods-Withers, Isobel — 126 Doigneau, fidnuard — 323 Dolph, John Henry Domergue, Jean-Gabriel — 324 Donato, Giuseppe — 35, 38, 42. Photo. Reprod. Donnis, Cayetano — 26, 27 Argentine French Norwegian International French • 325 French United States. Netherlands International Italian French Donoho, Ruger Dooyewaard, Jacob — 23 Dougherty, Parke Curtis Dougherty, Paul Doughty, Thomas Dow, Arthur Wesley Draper, H. J.— 127 Drei, Ercole— 126 Dubois, Ernest — 634 Du Bois, Guy Pene Dubourg, Mme. Fantin-Latour — 326 French Duez, E. — 4027 United Stales Section, Loan Collection Dufau, Clementine-Helene — 327 French Dufner, Edward • Dufrenov, Georges— 328, 329 French Du\a, Torgny— 77 Swedish Dull, John J. • Du Mond, Frank Vincent — 34, 41. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Du Mond. Frederic Melville • Dumond, Helen Savier • Dunbar, Harold C. • Dunlap, Helena • Dunlap, William • Dupont, P.— 123, 124 Netherlands Dtipuy, Paul-Michel — 330 French Durand, Asher Brown •§ Durenne, Eugene-Antoine — 331, 332 French Durkee, Helen Winslow • Dustin, Silas S. • Duvenerk, Frank *%t Duvent, Charles — 333 French Duyl-Schwartze, Th. van— 24, 25, 26 Netherlands Dysselhof, G. W.— 27 Netherlands Eakins, Thomas » Eaton, Charles Warren • E!>crle, .A^bastenia St. Leger t Ebert, Charles H. • Eckstein, John § Fdmondson, William J. • Edstrom, David Swedish 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274. 275 Edvi-Illes, Aladar— 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 International Edvi-IIles, Jeno — 792 International Edwards, George Wharton * Edwards, S. Arlent § Edwin, David § Eichholtz. Jacob • Eisenlohr, Edward G. • Elgstrom, Ossian Swedish 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Ellerhusen, Ulrich H. t Elliott, Charles Loring • Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen Green • [461] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Emerici, Andor — 136, 137, 138 International Engel, Frederik — 28 Netherlands Engel, Otto H. — 139 International Engelbrechtsen, Cornelis — 4016 U. S. Section Loan Collection Engelman, Peter — 140, 141, 142 International English, Frank F. * Enneking, John Joseph • Erdossy, Bela — 793 International Ericksson, Erik Edw.— 106 Swedish Ericson, David * Eriksen, Bjarne — 15 Noriuegian Eriksen, Kristofer — 168, 169 Norwegian Eriksen, Sigurd — 16 Noriuegian Ertz, Edward F. § Eskridge, Robert _ § Espiritu, A. — 4, 5 Philippine Essen, Jan van— 29 Netherlands Esser, Theodor — 143 International Estienne, Henry d'— 334 French Etcheverry, Hubert-Denis— 335, 336 French Evans, Frances * Evans, John W. 5 Everett, Herbert Edvpard * Ezcurra, Augustin — 42 Uruguayan Fabie, S. L.— 6, 7 Philippine Fader, Fernando — 28 Argentine Fahlcrantz, Axel— 107, 108 Swedish Fairbanks, Avard % Fairbanks, F. P.— 22, 225, 249. United States. Photo. Reprod. Fairchild, May * Faivre, Jules-Abel— 337, 338 French Falco, Filippo Di — 40 Italian Farley, Richard Blossom * Farndon, Walter * Farngren, Johan — 276, 277 Swedish Farnham, Sally James— 3694 United States Farrar, Henry § Farre, Henry— 339 French Fassett, Truman E. * Faugeron, Adolphe — 340 French Faulkner, Barry— 91, 103, 209, 210, 216, 248, 250. United States. Photo. Reprod. Favai, Gennaro — 41 Italian Fechin, Nicholas — 2816 United States Section Loan Collection Federico, Michele — 42 Italian Fehervary, Erzsi— 145, 146, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022 International Feldman. Baruch M. * Felix, Leon-Pierre — 341 French Femes-Beck, Vilmos— 1023 to 1033; 1034, 1935, 1036, 1037, 1038 International Fenderson, Anne M. * Fenton, Beatrice ♦ Fenyes, Adolf— 147 International Ferenczy, Benjamin — 1039 International Ferenczy, Karoly — 148, 149, 150 International Ferenczy, Valer — 151, 152 International Ferguson, Nancy M. • Fernow, Bernice P. Andrewrs • Ferraguti, Visconti Adolfo — 43 Italian Ferrari, Ettore— 127, 128, 129 Italian Ferrari, Juan — 66, 67 Uruguayan Ferrer, Santiago — 153 International Ferretti, Poalo — 44 Italian Ferris, Stephen J. § Ferro, Cesare — 45 Italian Festa-Piacentini, Matilde — 46, 47 Italian Filemyr, Joseph J. • Filliard, Ernest— 342, 343 French Fillol, Antonio— 154, 155, 156 International Filovsky, see Jilovsky. Fink, Denman • Fink, Frederick • Finkelnburg, Augusta • Finn, James Wall • Firebaugh, Nettie King • Fischer, Per— 353 Swedish Fisher, Mark • Fiske, Gertrude • Fitton, Hedley— 670 International Fitz, Rutherford Benjamin • Fix-Masseau — 635 French Fjaestad, Gustav Swedish 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Flagg, Charles Noel • Flagg, Jared • Flameng, Francjois— 344, 345 French Flanagan, John— 151. United States. Photo. Reprod. ; Flandrin, Jules— 346, 347 French Florence, M. Sargent • Folger, Annie B • Follini, Carlo— 48 Italian Fong, King-tu — 305, 306 Chinese Fonseca, Martinho Gomes da — 45, 46, 47, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137 Portuguese Fontaines, Andre des — 348 French Foote, Josephine J. • Foote, Marv • Foote, Will Howe • Forain, Jean-Louis — 557, 558 French Foreau, Henri— 349 French Foresman, Alie • Forsyth, William ■ Fortune, E. Charlton • Forumv y Carbo, Mariano— 2 1853, 4022 U. S. Section Loan Collection Foss, Harriet Campbell • Foster, Ben • Foster, John § Fougerousse, Jean-Louis — 350 French Fouqueray, Charles — 3 51 French Fournier, Alexis Jean • [462] INDEX OF ARTISTS Fragiacomo, Antoinetta — 49 Italian Fragiacomo, Pietro — 50, 51 Italian Frankfort, E. D.— 30 Netherlands Fraser, James Earl t Frazee, John t French, Daniel Chester * 170, 171, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183. United States. Photo. Reprod. French, Edwin Davis French, Frank P. S Frieseke, Frederic Carl • Frismuth, Harriet W. t Froelich, Maren M. • Fromen, Agnes Valhorg t Try, Sherry Edmundson t Fu Su-shan— 345, 346, 347 Chinese Fujii, Tatsukichi — 95 Japanese Fujishima, Takeji — 39 Japanese Fukagawa, Eizayemon — 116, 117 Japanese Fuller, George • Fuller, Henry B. • Fuller, Lucia Fairchild • Funk, Wilhelm • Gaensslen. Otto Robert t Gagnon, Clarence A. § Gaigher, Horatio — 157, 158 International Gainsborough, Thomas— 2886, 2903, 2917 United States Section Loan Collection Gale, Harriette Draper • Galimberti, Sandor— 159, 160, 161 International Galimberti-Denes, Valeria — 162, 163 International Gallagher, Sears •§ Gallaudet, Elisha § Gallen-Kallela, Axel International 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209. 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 232, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233 Galofre Oiler, Francisco — 234 International Gait, Charles Franklin • Galtier-Boissiere, Louise — 352 French Ganiere, George Etienne t Ganfai — 181 Japanese Garber, Daniel • Garcia Escarre, Francisco — 235, 236 International Gardet, Georges — 636 French Gardier, Raoul du — 353, 399 French Garjeanne, J. — 31 Netherlands Garns, Coonraad M. — 32 Netherlands Garrett, Edmund • Garrido, Ramon — 237 International Gaudenzi, Pietro — 52 Italian Gauguin, Pola Norwegian 17, 18, 19, 20, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179 Gaulev, Robert David • Gav, VValter • Gehlin, Hugo— 354, 355, 356, 357, 358 Swedish Gelert, Johannes t Gelhaar, Emil • Gemito, Vincenzo— 130 Italian Georget, Henri — 354 French Gerdes, Ed— 33 Netherlands Getchell, Edith Loring § Gifford, Sanford R. • Gihon, Clarence Montfort • Gilchrist, Wallace W., Jr.— 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 2198, 2267 United States Gillot, E. Louis— 355, 356 French Gilmore, Ada § Ginnett, Louise — 238 International Gioli, Francesco — 53 Italian Girardot, Louis-Auguste — 357, 560, 561 French Gismondi, Lia— 29 Argentine Glackens, William J. • Glatter, Gyula— 239 International Glatz, Oszkar International 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800 Gleeson. Charles K. § Glehn, Jane Emmet von— 245 International Glehn, W. G. von — 246 International Glintenkamp, Henry J. * Godebv, Charles— 358 French Goedvriend, Theodoor— 34, 35 Netherlands Goetsch, Gustav F. § Gohler, Herman— 247 International Gola. Emilio— 54 Italian Goldthwaite, Anne § Gomez, Constantino— 248, 249, 250 International Gongalves, D. Maria F. Mauhin — 48 Portuguese Goodman, R. G.— 251, 252, 253, 254 International Goodwin, Arthur Clifton • Gori, Berta — 36 Netherlands Gorter. Arnold Marc — 37 Netherlands Gosselin, Albert— 359 French Goth Moric — 801, 802, 803 International Goto, Koho— 162 Japanese Gotthold, Florence Wolf • Gourdault, Pierre — 360 French Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de — 2892, 2897 United States Section Loan Collection Graadt van Roggen (Johannes Mattheus) — 125, 126 Netherlands Graafland, Rob — 38 Netherlands Grabach, John R. • Grafiy, Charles t [463] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Grande.Severin — 21, 22, 23, 24 Norivegian Grandstrom-Knaffl, Edith— 135, 136, 137 StMedtsh Grant, Lawrence • Granville-Smith, Walter • Gras, Jean-Pierre — 637 Gray, Frederick G. Gray, Henry Peters Gray, Percy Graziosi, Giuseppe — 131 Greber, Henri — 638 French Italian French Green, Bernard L § Griffin, James Martin § Griffin, Walter • Griffith, Louis Oscar § Grimes, Frances — 194. United States. Photo. Reprod. t Griveau, Georges — 361, 362 French Griveau, Lucien — 363, 364 French Groll, Albert Lorey * Groot, G. de— 39 Netherlands Grosjean, Henry — 365 French Grossman, Edwin Booth • Grover, Oliver Dennett— 105, 106, 107, 108, no. United States. Photo Reprod. • Grubicy, De Dragon, Vittore — 55 Italian Griin, Jules — 366 French Guastaila. Giuseppe — 132, 133 Italian Guedes, Pedro — 49, 50, 51, 52 Portuguese Guerin, Charles— 367. 368 French Guerin, Jules • Guide. Alfredo— 30, 31 Argentine Guido, of Siena — 4013 Vnitrd States Section Loan CoHectinti Giiicnard, Gaston — 369 French Guillaume, Albert— 370, 371 French Guillaume, Roger — 372 French Guillaumin, Armand — 373 French Guillemet, Antoine — 374. 'i/b French Guillonnet, Octave — 376, 377 French Guirand de Scevola, L. Victor — 378 French Gumery. Adolphe-Ernest— 379, 380 French Gusman, Pierre — 562 French Gustin, Paul Morgan * Gutmann, Bernhard * Haavardsholm, Magnhild — 25 Norwegian Haggin, Ben Ali • Hailman. Johanna K. Woodwell • Hale, Lilian Westcott • Hale, Philip Leslie • Hale, Walter •§ Hall, Kleber • Hallcn, Arne — 359 Swedish Hallgren, Ernst— 360, 361, 362 Swedish Hallo, Charles-Jean- 563, 564 French Hallnwell, George Hawley • Halou, Alfred— 639, 640 French Halpert, Samuel • Halpin, Frederick § Hanamura, Chokurei — 152 Japanese Hambuchen, Wilhelm — 255 International Hamilton, James • Hamilton, John Mclure • Hamilton, Mary Riter • Hamilton, Wilbur Dean Hammarbaeck, A.— 180, 181, 182 183 Norwegian Hammersmith, Paul Hammond, Arthur J. Han Si-su— 359 Hanicotte, Augustin — 381 Hanisch, R.— 671, 672 Hannaux, Emmanuel — 641 Hansen, Armand C. Harding, Chester Harding, George Harrer, Frederick W. Harland, Mary Harley Harper, Marian Dunlap Harris, W. L.— 185, 196, 198, 214 States. Photo. Reprod. Harrison, Alexander Harrison, Birge Harriton, Abraham Harshe, Robert B. Hart, James McDougal Harting, Dirk— 127, 128 Hartman, C. Bertram Harvey, Eli— 172, 215. United States. Photo, • Chinese French International French •§ § United I § Netherlands International Japanese Japanese Reprod. Hary. Gyula— 256 Haseltine, Charles F. Haseltine, William Stanley Hashimoto, Gaho — 182 Haskell, Ernest Hassam, Childe Hata, Shokichi— 53, 54 Hatvanv, Baron Ferencz— 257, 258, 259, 260. 804, 805, 806, 807 International Haverman, H. ].~*0, 129, 130, 131 Netherlands Haweis, Stephen— 261, 262, 263, 264, 265,266, 267 International Hawley, Margaret Foote • Haworth, Edith • Hawthorne, Charles Webster • Hayakawa, Yoshitaro— 119, 121, 122 Japanese Hayashi, Bunto — 10 Japanese Havashi, Takezo — 163 Japanese Hayden, Charles H. • Hazelton, Mary Brewster • Hazen, Wilhelmina • Healy, G. P. A. • Heber. Carl Augustus t Hecht, Victor David • Hedberg, Erick— 138, 139, 140, 141 Swedish Heiberg, Astri Welhaven — 26, 27 Norwegian Heiberg, Jean— 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Norwegian [464] INDEX OF ARTISTS Heil, Charles Emile * Heinemann, Ernst § Helleu, Paul— 382, 565 French Hellwag, Rudolph — 268 International Helsbv, Alfredo — 269, 270 International Hem, Piet van der — 41 Netherlands Hemelman, Albert — 132, 133 Netherlands Henderson, A. Elizabeth • Hennig, Otto — 33, 34 Norwegian Henri. Robert • Henrv, Edward Lamson • Heo ki-chang— 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276 Chinese Hering, Henry t Herkomer, Herman G. • Herman, Lipot — SOS, SOSA International Ilerr, Margaret • Herrer, Joaquin M. — 8, 9 Philippine Hesselbom, Otto— 142, 143, 144 Swedish Hesselink. Abraham— 181, 182 Netherlands Heuermann, Magda • Hewlett, Joseph M. — 187. United States. Pholo. Reprod. Heyman, Charles — 566 French Hevnemann, Julia H. • Hibbard. F. C— 92, 104, 132, 136, 256. U. S. Photo. Reprod. Hicks, Thomas • Hidalgo, Felix R.— 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Philippine 17, 18, 19, 20 Higgins, Eugene Hildebrandt, Cornelia Ellis • Hill. Clara t Hill. Tohn § Hill, Thomas • Hills, Laura Coombs • Hinkle, Clarence K. • Hinshelwood, Robert § Hirata, Shodo — 1 Japanese HiroFe, Toho — 21 Japanese Hishikawa. Moronobu — 185 Japanese Hitchcock, George * Hittle, Margaret A. • Hjortzberg, Olle— 14<, 146, 147, 14S. Swedish Ho Pi-chuan — 379 Chinese Hoard, Margaret t Hobart, Clark •§ Hneber, Arthur • Hoffbauer, Charles— 383 French Hoffman, Harry Leslie • Hoffman. Nfalvina t Hogarth. Willia— 2884 I'niird States Section Loan Collection Holbo, Krislen — 35, 36, 37 Norwegian Hollister, Antoinette B. * Hollo. Geza — 271 International Holm, fLins — 184, 185, 186 Norwegian Holm, Victor S. t Holmboe, Thorolf— 38, 39. 40, 41, 42. 43, 44 Norwegian Holmboe, Thorolf — 272 International Holslag, J. E. — 115. United States. Photo. Reprod. Homer, Winslow • Honami, Koho — 194 Japanese Hooper, Rosa • Hopkins, Edna Boies I Hopkins, James R. • Hoppner, John— 2885 United States Section Loan Collection Hopkinson, Charles * Hornby. Lester George S Hotter, Earl— 6552, 6554, 6555, 6556 United States Hosaka, Kozan— 96, 97, 98, 99 Japanese Houlahan, Kathleen * Horter, Earl § Houssin, fidouard — 642 French Hovenden, Martha M. t Hovenden, Thomas • Howard, Clara E. • Howe, William Henrv • Howland, Alfred C. ' • Howland, Allen S. • Hovtema, Th. van— 134, 135 Netherlands Hsiao Suin — 36S Chinese Hsin Ku-kai— 214 Chinese Hsu Hsi— 393 Chinese Hsu Tsan — 415 Chinese Hsin Yeh— 257, 258, 259 Chinese Hsun Chun-kao Chinese 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 Hsun, Tsong-li— 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37 Chinese Huard, Charles— 567 French Huang Tun — 429 Chinese Hubbard, Marv Wilson • Hubbell, Henrv Salem • Hiiber, Konrad S Hiibner, Ulrich — 273 International Hudspeth, R. N. • Hughes-Stanton, H.— 274 International Hui Tsung— 388, 389 Chinese Hullgren, Oscar— 149, 150, 151, 152 Swedish Humbert. Ferdinand— 384 French Humphriss, Charles Harry t Hung Hsin — 418 Chinese Hunt, E. Aubrey • Hunt, William Morris § Hunter, Isabel • Hunter, Sara Katherine • Huntington, Daniel • Huntington, Margaret Wendell • Hurley, Edward Timothy *!! Hurley, Irene Bishop • Hurry. Lucv W. • Hutchison, F. W. • [465] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Huvey, Louis — 568 French Hwang Ki-fang— 353, 354, 355, 356 Chinese Hwang Lu-nien — 341 Chinese Hyatt, Anna Vaughn X Hyde, Helen § Hyde, William Henry • Hyett, Will J. • Hyner, Arend — 42 Netherlands Ibuki, Kojiro — 168 Japanese Ichiki, Senrei — 154 Japanese Igami, Bonkotsu — 159, 160 Japanese Ikeda, Shoyen — 13 Japanese Ikeda, Yuhachi — 59 Japanese Ingersoll, Emma K. H. • Inman, Henry • Inness, George • Innocenti, Caraillo — 56, 57, 58, 59 Italian Inouye, Daijiro — 84 Japanese Irvine, Wilson • Isham, Samuel • Ishii, Hakutei — 27 Japanese Ishikawa, Toraji — 37 Japanese Ishino, Ryazan — 240 Japanese Israels, Isaac Netherlands 43, 44, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 Israels, Jozef — 4026 United States Section, Loan Collection Italian School — 4004, 4005 United States Section, Loan Collection Itaya, Hazan — 111, 112, 113 Japanese Ito, Jakuchu Japanese 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214 Ito, Keisui — 6 Japanese Ito, Tozan — 144 Japanese Ivinvi-Grunwald, Bela International 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 Ives Browne, Robert — 45 Netherlands Iwasa, Matabei — 184 Japanese Iwataki, Tamaro — 85 Japanese Jackson, Annie Hurlburt • Jacobsen, August — 45 Norzvegian Jacquier, Henry — 385 French Jaegers, Albert — 142, 150. United States. Photo. Reprod. t Jakobi, Ruth • Jamar, S. Corinne • James, William • Jans, Jan — 46 Netherlands Janason, Alfred ' • Jaques, Bertha E. Clauson § Jam, Knut — 278 Swedish Jarvis, John Wesley • Jaulmes, Gustave E. — 386 French Javor, Pal— 281, 282 International Jay, Cecil • Jean-Boucher — 643, 644 French Jeanniot, Georges — 569 French leanniot, Pierre-Georges — 387, 388 French Jeltsema, T. E.— 183 Netherlands Jen Wei-chang — 387 Chinese Jerace, Francesco — 134, 135 Italian Jewett, William • Jilovsky, G. International 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679 Johansen, John Christen • Johansen, Otto — 46, 47, 48 Norwegian Johansson, Carl Swedish 153, 154, 155, 156 Johansson, Thor — 363, 364, 365 Swedish Johns, W. R. § Johnson, David • Johnson, Eastman • Johnson, Grace Mott United States 1396, 3334, 3339, 3342 Johnson, Harrj' L. • Johnson, Thomas S Jones, Alfred § Jones, Frances C. — 242. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Jones, Hugh Bolton • Jones, Leon Foster • Jones, Reginald — 283 International Jong, Toon de — 141, 142 Netherlands Jorde, Lars — 49, 50, 51 Norwegian Joris, Pio — 60 Italian Jouett, Matthew Harris • Jourdain, Francis — 389 French Jouve, Paul— 390, 391 French Jouvet-Magron. Dominique — 570 French Juergens. Alfred • juhasz, Arpad — 809, 810 International Jung, C. Jac. • Jungnickel, L. H. International 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695 Junicho, Sadakichi — 164, 165 Japanese Jurres, J. H. — 47 Netherlands Kaelin, Charles S. • Kai Chi-hsiang — 437 Chinese Kaigetsudo — 187 Japanese Kaiser, Richard — 284 International Kajimoto, Seizaburo — 145 Japanese Kallstenius, Gottfrid Swedish 157, 158, 159, 160, 161 Kanno, Gertrude Boyle t Kano, Eitoku — 196 Japanese Kano, Motonobu — 175 Japanese Kano, Tannyu — 199 Japanese Kano, Sansetsu — 205 Japanese Kano, Tsunenobu — 180, 203 Japanese Kao Chien-fu— 365, 366 Chinese Kao Chi-pei — 381 Chinese Kao Ki-fong — 363, 364 Chinese Kao Siao-shan — 361, 362 Chinese Karlovskv, Bertalan International 285, 286, 287 Karpeles, Andree — 392 French Kasimir, L. International 696, 697, 698, 699, 700 [466] INDEX OF ARTISTS Kasimir-Hoernes, T. International 701, 702, 703 Kato, Tomotaro — 114, 115 Japanese Kato, Kozan — 79, 80, 81, 82 Japanese Kato, Toji— 241, 242 Japanese Katona, Nanclor — 288, 289 International Katsukara, Shunsho — 201 Japanese Kaula, Lee Lufkin • Kaula, William J. • Kavli, Arne Norwegian 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199 Kawabata, Gyokusho — 170 Japanese Kawabe, Mitate — 171 Japanese Kawade, Shibataro — 125 Japanese Kawakami, Kuniyo — 62 Japanese Kawanishi, Shiryu — 70 Japanese Kawasaki, Shigeo — 64 Japanese Kawashima, Jinbei — 149, 150 Japanese Kazianv, Odon International 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 29S, 296, 297 Kee Ku-kai Chinese 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 Keeler, Charles B., Jr. § Keith, William • Keller, Arthur I. • Keller, Edgar • Kelly, Hannah R. • Kemeys, Edward S. t Kendall. Margaret • Kendall, Sergeant *t Kensett, John Frederick • Kent, Rockwell • Kerling, Anna E. — 48, 49 Netherlands Kernstock, Kdroly International 298, 299, 300, 301 Kezdi-Kovacs, Laszl6 — 302 International Kiang Ying-seng — 348 Chinese Kielland, Manne— 60, 200, 201 Norwegian Kikiichi, Kashu — 7 Japanese Kimball, Isabel Moore— 238. United States. Photo. Reprod. t Kimball, Kalherine § Kimura, Hideo — 89, 90 Japanese Kindlund, Anna Belle Wing • King, Charles B. § King, Edith Lawrence • King, Frank S. § King Hsien-san — 193 Chinese King, Paul • King Tsing-fun— 319 Chinese Kinkozan, Sobei Japanese 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 Kips, Erich — 303 International Kirkpatrick, William A. • Kitagawa, Inen — 183 Japanese Kitamura, Seibo^63 Japanese Klein, Lillie V. O'Ryan • Klemm, Walter International 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720 Kncller, Sir Godfrey— 2900 United States Section, Loan Collection Knight, Charles R. — 50. United States. Photo. Reprod. t Knight, Harold — 304 International Knight, Laura — 305 International Knirr, Heinrich — 306 International Knox, James • Kobori, Tomoto — 19 Japanese Kobayashi, Saiji — 155 Japanese Koekkoek, Gerard — 143 Netherlands Kohn, Irma • Koito, Gentaro — 25 Japanese Kokoschka, Oskar International 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 721 Kolsto, Frederik — 61, 62 Norwegian Konrad, Gyula — 811, 812, 813 International Konti, Isidore % Koopman, Augustus § Kopman, Benjamin D. • Kormendi-Frimm, Jeno International 1040, 1041 Korostoi-Kriesch, A. International 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, 336, 337 Korompay, Duilio — 61 Italian Koster, Anton Louis — 50, 51 Netherlands Kouw, Casper Marinus Leendert — 144, 145 Netherlands Krabbe, H. M. Netherlands 52, 53, 146, 147 Krag, Lul — 63 Noriuegian Kramer, Martinus Netherlands 54, 148, 149 Kratina, Joseph t Kretzinger, Clara Josephine • Krimmell, John Lewis • Kroll, Leon • Krohg, Christian Noriuegian 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 Kron, Jeno — 814, 815 International Kronberg, Louis • Kruell, Gustav § Krupka, Joseph t Ku Chien-lung — 398 Chinese Ku Chia-chun — 371, 372 Chinese Ku Loh-tse — 370 Chinese Kuan Wen-kai Chinese 260, 261, 262. 263, 264, 265 Kubinyi, A. — 816, 817 International Kui Hsu-yuen — 266 Chinese Kulle, Axel— 162, 163, 164 Swedish Kunffy, Lajos — 338 International Kunwald, Cezar — 339 International Kun Hsu — 386 Chinese [467] CATALOGLE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Kuroda, Toko — 197 Japanese Iviirokavva, Eisho — 224 Japanese KiJsel, Ernst Swedish 165, 166, 167, 366, 367, 36S, 369 Kyle, Joseph * Ladd, Anna Coleman t Laessle, Albert * La Farge, Bancel * La Farge, John— 192. United States. Photo. Reprod. * Laffan, A. 5 Lafleur, Abel— 645 French Lagos, Alberto— 32, 33, 34 Argentine Laguillermie, Frederic-Aiiguste French 571, 572 Lai Ching-ko — 41 Chinese Lamb, Charles Rollinson- 191. United States. Photo. Reprod. Lamb, F. M. * Lamb, Frederick Stymetz. 125, 188, 199, 200, 213. United States. Photo. Reprod. Lambert, Gertrude A. * Lambert, Gustave — 646 French Lambert, John * Lamourdedieu, Raoul— 647 French Lamv, P. Franc- 393 French Lan Sheng— 409 Chinese Lan Tao— 408 Chinese Lan Tien-shu — 436 Chinese Lander, Benjamin § Landowski, Paul-Maximilien French 648, 649 I.ang, Annie Traquair * Lange, Olaf Nortue^an 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 Langhorne, Katherine * Langtrv, Mary * Lao Tien-li Chinese 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 Laparra, William— 394 French Laporte, Blairze— 649A French Laprade, Pierre— 395 French Larrive, Jean— 650, 651 French Larsson, Carl Sivedish 168, 169, 170. 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183. 184, 185, 186, 187. 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 Larsson, Gottfried Sioedish 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284 Latanay, Gaston de — 573, 574 French Lathrop, William Langson • La Toiiche, Gaston— 396, 397 French La Touche, Gaston— 2815 United States Section, Loan Collection Lauber, Joseph— 111, 113, 202. United States. Photo. Reprod. Laureng, Theodor — 72 Nor^vegian Laurens, Jean-Paul — 398 French Laurens, Paul-Albert — 399 French Laurent, Ernest-Joseph — 400 French Lavalley, Louis — 401 French Lavecchia, Francisco — 35, 36 Argentine Lavery, John — 340 Internationa! Lavrut, Louise — 402 French Lawrence, Sir Thomas— 2910, 2913 United Slates Section, Loan Collection Lawson, Alexander § Lavfson, Ernest • Lawson, J. Kerr — 341 International Leandre, Charles-Lucien — 575 French Learned, Arthur Garfield § Lebasque, Henri — 403, 404 French Lebourg, Albert — 405 French Le Briin, Charles— 4021 United States Section, Loan Collection Ledeboer, Hans — 55 Netherlands Lederer, Fritz— 722. 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728 International t French French French French French • United States Lee, Arthur Lefebvre, Hippolyte — 652 Lefort, Henri — 576 Le Gout-Gerard, Fernand — 406 Legrand, Louis — 577 Leheutre. Gustav— 578, 579 Leigh, William Robinson Lelv, Sir Peter— 2906 Le Meilleur, Georges— 580, 581 French Lemordant, Jean-Julien — 407, 408, 409, 410 French Lemos, Pedro J. Lenard, Robert 818, 819, 820, 827, 828. 829, 836, 837 Lenbach, Franz International 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, von — 2S58, 2860 United States Section, Loan Collection Lenselink, Rens — 56 Netherlands Leon, Edouard-Henri — 582, 583 French Lepape, Georges — 411, 412, 413 French Lepine, Joseph — 414 French Lepine, Stanislas— 2852, 2855 United States Section, Loan Collection Lerolle, Henri — 415 Leroux, Georges-Paul — 416, 417 Le Sidaner, Henri-Eugene — 418, 419 Leiide. Herbert — 370 Leurzt, Emanuel Lever, Hayley Le\>, Beatrice S. Levy, William Auerbach Lewis, Allen Lewis. Edmund D. Lewis, Helen V. Li Chang-tai— 245, 246 Li Hao— 336, 337 Li Heo-veh— 303 L! Hsao-vu— 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299 Li Hsi-san— 431 French French French Sivedish § •5 S • • Chinese Chinese Chinese 292, 293, Chinese Chinese [468] INDEX OF ARTISTS Li Yang-Chih— 377 Chinese Lichtenaiier, J. Mortimer — 144. I'nited States. Photo. Reprod. •§ Lie. Jonas • Lien HMin-liao— 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312 Chinese I.iljefors, Bruno— 202, 203, 204, 205 Swedish Liljestrom, Gustav F. • Lin Chin-an— 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 150 Chinese Lin Hsu— 338, 339, 340 Chinese LindherR, Erik— 285, 286 Swedish Linde, Ossip L. • Lindh, Bror — 206 Siuedish Lindin, Carl Olof Eric * I.indquist, Herman — 207 Swedish Lindstrom, Martin— 371, 372 Swedish Linford, Charles • Lionne, Enrico — 62, 63 Italian Lipoth, Ferencz— 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 International I.ippinrott, William Henry * little, John Weslev * Little, Philip • Liu I-t7U— 382 Chinese Liu Sung-mein- 384 Chinese Liu Ts/-hsin— 331, 332, 333 Chinese Llimona. Juan — 348, 349 International Llopis de Casades, Juan Maria — 350, 351, 352 International Lo Yong — 357 Chinese Lobre, Maurice 420 French Lockman, He Witt M. • Locb, Louis * Liikke, Marie * Londoner, Amy * Lons, Hong-mu — 7, 8 Chinese T.oncarre, James Barton § Loneacre, Lydia Eastwick * Longman, Evelyn Beatrice. 131, 135. United States. Photo Reprod. X Loomis, Chester. 186. United States. Photo. Reprod. Lopez-Mesquita, Jose M. — 353, 354 International T.6pez Natniil, Gregorio — 37, 38 Argentine Lotz. Karoly— 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 838 International I.owdon, Elsie Motz • Lowenstamm, Ernina— 729 International Loy, Mina — 361, 362 International Lucas, Jean Williams • Luce, Maximilien — 421 French Luck, C. C— 373, 374, 375 Swedish Ludovici, Alice E. • Luini, Bernardo — 4000 United States Section, Loan Collection Luke, Kathryn Logan • Lukeman, Augustus t Luks, George • Lum, Bertha § Luna, Juan— 21, 22 Philippine Lund, Henrik— 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 Norwegian Lundberg, Theodor — 287, 288 Swedish Lundborg, Florence • Lungren, Fernand French Lunois, Alexandre — 584, 585, 586, 587 French Luppi, Ermenegildo— 136, 137, 138, 139 Italian Lucpiiens. Huc-Mazelet § Luxoro, Cesare — 64 Italian Lynch, Anna Lynch, Justo— 39 Argentin, McCartan, E. : McCarter, Henrv MacChesnev, Clara T. McColl, Mary A. McComas, Francis McCormick, Howard McCormick, M. Evelyn MacDougall, John A. McEwen, Walter— 141, 149. United State: Photo. Reprod. McFee, Henry Lee MacGilvary, Norwood Mclllhenny, C. Morgan Mclntire, Katharine Macintosh, William W. McKenzie, R. Tait. 28, 46, 139, 153. U. S Photo. Reprod. McKillop, William Mcl.ane, M. Jean Macl.aughlin, Donald Shaw 5 McMillen, Mildred § MacNeil, Carol Brooks % MacN'eil, Hermon Atkins — 48, 130, 134, 140, 148. V. S. Photo. Reprod. t Ma Chen— 375 Chinese Ma Chiang-chuan — 416 Chinese Ma Hsao-shien Chinese 222, 223, 224, 225. 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Ma Yuen — 394 Chinese Maarel, M. van der — 57 Netherlands Maccari, Cesare — 2844, 2850 United States Section, Loan Collection Macky, Constance • Macky, E. Spencer • Mackay, William A. 45. United States. Photo. Reprod. Macrum, George H. • Macsoud, Nicholas S. • Madeline, Paul — 422. 423 French Mager, Gus • Magliocchetti, Id.n — 65 Italian Magnus, Siri— 387, 388, 389, 390, 391 Swedish [469] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Magnusson, Gustaf— 392, 393, 394, 395 Swedish Magonigle, Edith M. * Magyar-Mannheimer, Gusztav — 363, 364, 365, 366, 367 International Maillart, Diogene — 424 French Maillaud, Fernand — 425 French Major, Ernest L. * Major, Henrik— 368 International Makino, Shiro— 158 Japanese Makowsky, Alexander— 369 International Malagarriga Ormast, Elvira — 370 International Malbone, Edward Greene * Malharro, Martin — 40. 41 Argentine Malhoa, Jose— 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 Portuguese Mallol Casanovas, Ignacio — 371 International Malric, Charles-Louis— 653 French Manatt, William Whitney _ * Mancini, Antonio — 66, 67, 68 Italian Manguin, Henri— 426, 427 French Manigault, E. Middleton * Manley, Thomas R. § Mannheim, Jean Manning, W. Westley— 730 International Manor, Florence + Manship, Paul + Manta, Abel Abrantes — 61, 62, 63 Portuguese Mantilla, Maria— 8, 9 Cuban Maraini, Antonio — 140 Italian Marcel-Beronneau, Pierre — 428 French Marcel-Clement, Amedce-Julien — 429 French Mares, Frederico — 1042 International Marffv, 5d6n— 372, 373, 374, 375 _ International Marchant, Edward D. * Marin, John » Maris, Matthew — 4035 United States Section, Loan Collection Mark, Louis— 376, 377, 378, 379, 380 _ International Marko, Erno— 839 International Marqueste, Laurent — 654 French Marquet, Albert— 430, 431 French Marr, Carl Marsh, Alice Randall * Marsh, Fred Dana. 116. United States. Photo. Reprod. Marshall, E. Newell * Marshall, William Edgar •§ Marsill, Emilio — 141 Italian Mars-Vallett, Marius — 655 French Martens, Willy— 58 Netherlands Martin, Henri-Jean-Guillaume — 432, 433 French Martin, Homer D. • Martin, Jacques — 434, 435 French Martinez, Xavier •§ Martinez-Vazquez, Jose — 43, 44 Uruguayan Marussig, Guido — 69 Italian Maruyama, Banka — 26 Japanese Maruyaraa, Okyo — 195, 200 Japanese iVIarval, Jacqueline-Marie — 436, 437 French Mas-Olle, Helmer— 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 376, 377, 378 Swedish Mason, John • Mason, Maud M. • Masriera, Luis — 381 International Mastenbroek, Johan Hendrik van — 59, 60 Netherlands Mathews, Arthur F. • Mathews, Lucia K. • Matisse, Auguste — 438 French Matoso da Fonseca, Joao Guilherme — 138, 139 Portuguese Matsukane, Shinjiro — 93, 94 Matsiio, Choshun — 60, 61 Maufra, Maxime — 439 Maurer, Alfred H. Maury, Cornelia F. Maun,-, Georges-Sauveur Maverick, Peter Maxence, Edgard — 441 May, Edward Harrison Mayer, Louis Maynard, Richard F. Mayr, C. Mazur, Wladyslaw Mazzanovich, Laurence Meakin, L. H. Meats, Helen Farnsworth .VIednyanszky, Baron — 382, Japanese Japanese French • French § French t t 383, 384 International Meheut, Mathurin — 442, 443 French Meifren, Eliseo— 385, 386, 387 International Meinshausen, George 5 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest — 4023 United States Section, Loan Collection Melcher, Bertha Corbett Melchers, Gari. 133, 241. Photo. Reprod. Melero, Aurelio — 12, Meln, David de— 64 Melville, Francis Menard, fimile-Rene- Mendenhall, Emma 13 -444, 445 Mengarini, Pietro — 70 Menocal, Armando — 10, 11 Mension, C. J. — 61 Mentessi, Giuseppe — 71 Menzler, Bertha S. Mercie, Antonin — 446, 447, 655A Mercie, Fernand-Antonin — 448 Merrill, Katherine Merritt, Anna Lea Merson, Luc-Olivier — 449, 450 Meryman, Richard S. United States. • Cuban Portuguese French • Italian Cuban Netherlands Italian French French § •5 French • [470] INDEX OF ARTISTS Mesdag, H. W.— 62 Netherlands Messer, Edmund Clarence • Meszolv, Geza — 388 International Metcalf, Willard L. • Mettling, Louis — 2918 United States Section, Loan Collection Meyer, Johan — 63 Netherlands Meyn, George Liidwig — 389 International Mezzana, Corrado — 72 Italian Michel, Georges— 2857 United States Section, Loan Collection -656 French Michel, Gustav Mielziner, Leo Miess, Frip>es — 390 Migliaro, Vincenzo — 73 Mihaly, Rezso— 391, 392, 393 Milcendeau, Charles — +51 Milesi, Alessandro — 74 Milhau, Zella De Millar, Addison Thomas Miller, Joseph Maxwell Miller, Kenneth Haves • Miller, Richard E. ' • Milles, Ruth— 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, Sivedish Millet, Frank D.— 204, 224, 237, 251, 252. United States. Photo Reprod. Millet, Jean Fran(;ois— 2842 United States Section, Loan Collection International Italian International French Italian § •§ t Mills, J. Harrison • Milne, David « Minakami, Taisei — 8 Japanese Minor, Robert C. § Mitchell, Arthur • Mitchell, Eleanor B. • Mitchell, Laura M. D. • Miiti-Zanetti, Guiseppe — 75 Italian Mitsui, Banri — 9 Japanese Mitsutani, Kunishiro — 30 Japanese Miyachi, Ichiyu — 73 Japanese Mivagawa, Kozan — 105, 106, 107, ins, 109, 110 Japanese Miyake, Katsumi— 33 Japanese Moeller. Selma M. D. • Moen, Charles Antoine — 64 Netherlands Moises, Julio— 394 International Molarskv, Morris • Molin, Hjalmar— 396, 397 Sivedish Monard, Louis de — 657 French Mo Fong-si — 351 Chinese Mondriaan, Fritz — 65 Netherlands Monegal Prat, Esteban— 1043 International Monet, Claude— 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2814 United States Section, Loan Collection Monet, Claude — 452 French Monges, Henry B. • Monks, John A. S. § Monnickendam, Martin — 66 Netherlands Montero, Adolfo — 42, 43 Argentine Monticelli, Adolphe — 2839, 4038, 4041 United States Section, Loan Collection Montizambert, Beatrice • Mooney, Edward • Mora, F. Luis • Mora, Joseph Jacinto j Moraes, Narciso Alfredo de — 69, 70 „ , Portuguese Moran, Edward • Moran, Mary Nimmo § Moran, Peter eg Moran, Thomas •! Morani, Alessandio — 76 Italian Morani, Helbig Lily— 77 Italian Morbelli, Angelo— 78 Italian Moreno, Agapita— 23 Philippine Morey, M. Rodriguez— 14, 15, 16, 17, Cuban Monde, Jeanne — 453 French Morikawa, Toin— 216, 217, 218, 219, 220 Japanese Morimura, Yoshine— 2 Japanese Morisset, Henri— 454, 455 French -Morse, Samuel F. B. • Moser, JTames Henry • Mott-Smith, May •{ Moulyn, S.— 67, 150, 151, 152 Netherlands Mount, William Sidney • Muhrman, Henry • Mullgardt, Louis Christian § Miiller, Johannes— 89, 89A Noriuegian Muller, Olga Popoff } Miiller, Peter Paul— 395 International Muller, Richard— 396 International Munch, Edvard Norwegian 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228. 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240. 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246 247, 24.^, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264 Mundy, Ethel Frances • Munkarsy, Mihaly— 397, 398 International Mura, Frank • Murakami, Hoko — 3 Japanese Muranvi, Gvula — 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048 1049, 105(i, 1051, 1052 International Murphy, Ada Clifford • Murphy, Caroline Bowles • Murphy, Hermann Dudley • Murphy, J. Francis • Murray, Frank Waldo • Murray, Grace H. • Myriclc, Katharine , • Nadler, R.— 399 International Nagara, Yozo — 151 Japanese Nagy, Laura — 400, 401, 402, 840, 841, 842, 843 International !Vag>-, Sdndor — 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 844 International [471] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Nahl, Perham W. •§ Nakogawa, Hachiro — 35 Japanese Nakamura, Fusetsu — 38 Japanese Nakamura, Shuto — 126 Japanese Nakazawa, Hiromitsu — 32 Japanese Xakken.Willera Carel— 6S Netherlands Nam. Jacques — 456 French Namikowa, Gomi — 153 Japanese Namikavva, Sosuke — 123, 124 Japanese Naminohira, Yuklvasu — 226 Japanese Naudin, Bernard— 457, 458, 588, 589 French Nava, Hector — 44, 45, 46 Argentine Navazio De, Walter- — 47 Argentine Navellier, fidoiiard-Felicien-Eugene — 658 Neagle. Neilsen, M. P. Neilson, Raymond P. R. Nell, Tony Nelson, Bruce Nen Wei-ching — 414 Nerman, Einar— 379, 380 Nettleton, Walter Neuhaus, Eugen Neujd, Herman— 298, 299. 300, 301, French * X Chinese Sicedish 302, 303 Siuedish French Italian * Neumont, Maurice — 459, 590 Neuschuler, Alberto— 79 Newell. Peter Newman, John § Newman, Victor Winthrop § Newsam, Albert § Newton, Francis. 203. United States. Photo. Reprod. Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes • Nichols, Hobart * Nicolini, Giovanni — 142, 143 Italian Nieuwenkamp, W. O. J.— 153, 154, 155, 156 Netherlands Nisbet, Robert H. Nishi, Oshu— 22 Nishiinura, Hikobei— 76, 77, 78 Noble, John Noble, Thomas Satterwhite Noci, Arturo — 80, 81 Nogami, Tatsuoki — 72 Nnguchi, Yukoku — 172 Nomellini, Plinio— 82, 83 \'ono, Luigi — 84 None, Urbano — 144 Noauet. Paul Nordell, Carl J. NorHensten, Ragnhild — 331 Nordfeldt, Bror J. O. § Nordhagen. Johan— 265. 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271 Norwegian Nordin, Alice— 295, 296, 297 Swedish Nordling, Gerda — 382 Sivedish Narita, Torakichi — 153 Japanese Norlind, Ernst— 383, 384, 385, 386 Swedish Japanese Japanese Italian Japanese Japanese Italian Italian Italian t Swedish Norman, John § N'orman, Mabel • Northcote, James — 2904 United States Section, Loan Collection " § Northcote, Stafford M Nourse, Elizabeth Noyes, George L. • Nozal, Alexandre — 460, 461 French Nu Su-nen— 342 Chinese Numada, Ichiga — 222 Japanese Numata, Ichiga — 46 Japanese Nunn, Frederick • Nyman, Hilding — 398, 399, 400 Swedish Oakley, Thornton • Oakley, Violet— 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165. United States. Photo. Reprod. • O'Brien, Frank M. • Ochtman, Leonard • O'Donovan. William R. t O'Farrell, G.— 24, 25 Philippine Ogaki, Masanori — 86 Japanese Ogura, Uichiro — 65 Japanese Ohta, Kijiro^24 Japanese Ohta, Masachika — 68 Japanese Ohta, Masatada — 67 Japanese Oka, Toyen — 16 Japanese Okada, Sesso — II, 12 Japanese Okajima, Tesshu — 4 Japanese Okamoto, Hosui — 23 Japanese Okawa, Takezo — 146 Japanese Okumura, Masanobu — 186 Japanese Oldewelt, Ferdinand Gustaaf Willem — 69 Netherlands Olgvav, Ferencz — 410 International Olgyay, Victor— 845, 846, 847, 848 International Olinsky, Ivan G. • Oliva Navarro, Juan Carlos — 48, 49 Argentine Oliver, Jean Nutting • Olivier, Fedinand — 462 French Olson, Albert Byron * Olson, Joseph Oliver • Olsson, Anders — 304 Swedish Olsson, Julius — 411 International O'Lynch de Lynch Town, Charles — 412 International Onsager, Soren — 90, 91 Norwegian Orlik, Emil International 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737. 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755 Orr, Louis § Orsi, Achille d' — 125 Italian Ortner, Ferencz — 413 International Osborne, Malcolm — 756 International Osslund, Helmer- 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219 Swedish [472 ] INDEX OF ARTISTS Osterlund, John— 220 Svjedis/, Osterlund-Wigert, Matliilda— 221, 222 Siueais/i Osterman. F.mil— 223, 224 Swdish Otis, Amy ^, Otis, Bass ^ ° Ottmann, Henrv--^63, 464 French Ouvre, Achille— 591 , Fr'nc't Overbeek, G. J. van— 70 Netherlands Paal. Laszl6— 414, 415 Internationa^ Packard, Mabel ^ Paddock, Ethel Louise ^ Paddock, Josephine Pacani, Juan B— 68, 69 Uruguayan Pagano. Jose Leon— 50, 51, 52 Argentine Page, Marie Danforth Page, William ° Pages, Jules , Paice, Philip Stuart . Paine, Robert T. J Palmer, Pauline , Pancoast, Morris Hall Pannemakcr, FranQois— 592 French Panozzi, Americo-53, 54, 55 Argentine ^''3lr5t56.57,5S,59,60,205,20?20^ 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 255 Pao Yun-ting— 399, 400 Chinese Pane, Eric . , Papp, Lajos— 849 International Parada, Santin, Jose-416, 417 Internationa^ Paradise, John W. ,. Parisani, Napoleone— 85, 86 Italian Parker. I.awton S. ^ Parrish, Clara Weaver ^ Parrish, Stephen | Parshall, He Witt . Parsons, Edith Parretto ^+ Partington, Gertrude J Partington, J. H. E. ^ Partridge, G. Roy » Partridge, William Ordway * Pascau, J.-P.-P.-Eugene-^65 French Pasinetti, Antonio— 87 '"!>"'" Paterson, J.— 418 International Patigian, Haig r,.„^;, Patricot, Jean-593 French Pattee, Elsie Dodge ^e Patterson, Margaret J. » Patterson, Rebecca Burd Peale Paulin, Paul-659, 660, 661, 662 French Paulus, Francis Petrus J Paxson. Martha K. D. ^ Paxton, Elizabeth Okie ^ Paxton, William McGregor ^ Pavne, Edgar ,, Peale, Charles Willson » Peale, J. S. , Peale, James ^ Peale, Rembrandt ^ International United States. Photo. Pearce, Charles Sprague — 12". United States. Photo. Reprod. Pearson, Joseph T., Jr. • Pearson, Ralph M. Pechan, Jozsef — 419 Peixotto, Ernest — 232. Reprod. Pekenino, Michele § Pelham, Peter § Pellini, Eugenio — 145 Italian Pelouse, Leon Germain — 2849 United Slates Section, Loan Collection Pennell, Joseph § Pennoyer, Sheldon P. • Peper, Meta A. • Perard, Victor Semon S Percy, Isabelle C. *§ Pernot, Henri — 663 French Perrault-Harry, fimile — 664 French Perrie, Bertha E. * Perrine, Van Dearing * Perry, Lilla Cabot • Perry, R. Hinton t Petersen, Carlo— 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406 Swedish Peterson, Jane * Peterssen, Reidar— 272, 273, 274, 275 Norivegian Petiti, Filiberto— 88 Petrus, Anna— 407, 408, 409 Peyraud, Frank C. Pfeiffen, Justus Phillips, Caroline King Phoenix. I.auros Monroe — 205 Photo. Reprod. Piazzetta, G. B.--1008, 4011 United States Section, Loan Collection Piazzonni, Gottardo F. P. *§ Piccirilli, Attilio * Piccirilli, Furio ^ Pick, Lajos— 1053 International Pien Lu— 390 Chinese Pien Shou-mien— 391 Chinese Pierce, Lucy V. Pierre, Gustave — 466 Pieters, Evert — 71 Pietro, C. S. Pietz, Adam Pietzsch, Richard — +20 Pine, Robert Edge Pinto, Octavio — 56, 57 Plot Rene — 467, 468, 469, 470 Pissarro, Camille— 2819, 2826, 2827 United Slates Section, Loan Collection Piza Roig. Jaime^21, 422 International Piatt, Charles A. S Plowman, George T. " Pogany, Willv International 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 359, 860 Italian Swedish United States. French Netherlands t t International • Argentine French [ 473 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Italian French French t International Netherlands t International Pogliani, Antonietta — 146 Pointelin, Auguste-Emmanuel — 471 Poisson, Pierre-Marie — 665 Polasek, Albin Pollak, Max— 757, 758, 759 Pooke, Marion L. Poor, Henry Varnum Poore, Henry Rankin Poortenaar, Jan — 157, 158 Pope, Alexander Por, Bertalan 423, 424, 425, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930. Portnoff, Alexander t Possoz, Miley— 65, 66, 67, 68, 140, 141, 142 Portuguese Potthast, Edward Henry • Poiipelet, Jeanne— 1054,' 1055, 1056 International Powell, Arthur J. E. Powers, Hiram Powers, Marion Prat, Artur— 71, 72, 146 Pratt, Bela Lyon Pratt, Matthew Preisler, Jan — 426 Prenderpast, Maurice B. Preston, James Preston, May Wilson Price, Eugenia Priestman, A — 427 Prihoda, Istvan— 931, 932, 933 Prinet, Rene-Xavier— 472 Prini, Giovanni— 147, 148 Proctor, A. Phimister Profit, Georges— 594, 595 Proost, Johannes — 159 Protti, Alfredo — 89 Puech, Denys — 666 Puig, Domingo — 45, 46, 47, 48 Purdie, Evelyn Purefoy, Heslope Puthuff, Hansom Putnam, Arthur Putnam, Brenda Putz, Leo — 428 International Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre Cecile — 2831 United States Section, Loan Collection Puy, Jean — 473 French Pyie, Howard • Quartly, Arthur • Quillivic, Rene — 667 French Quinlan, Will J. •§ t Portuguese International International International French Italian t French Netherlands Italian French Uruguayan » • t t t Quinn, Edmond T. t Quires, C. Bernaldo de — 58, 59 Argentine Raab, Ervin — 429, 430 International Raditz, Lazar • Raeburn, Sir Henry — 2911 United States Section, Loan Collection Raffaelli, Jean-Fran(;ois— 596, 597 French Ramberg, Gustaf — 410, 411, 412 S'wedish Ramsey, Allan — 2909 United States Section, Loan Collection Ramsay, Charles F. • Rand, Ellen G. Emmet • Randolph, Lee F. •§ Raphael, Joseph • Rauscher, Lajos— 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940, 941, 942 International Ravlin, Grace • Realier-Dumas, Maurice — 474 French Recchia, Richard H. t Redfield, Edward W. • Redfield, Heloise Guillou • Redmond, Granville • Redon, Odilon— 475, 598 French Reed, Earl H. § Regt, P. de— 72 Netherlands Rehn, Frank K. M. • Reid, Jean Arnot • ReiH, Robert • Reiffel, Charles • Reindel, Wilhelm G. § Reis, Joao — 73, 74, 75, 76 Portuguese Remington, Frederic *X Remsey, Mme.— 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436 International Ren Yee-suen — 304 Chinese Renard, Emile — 476 French Renaudot, Paul — 477, 478 French Renault, G. 119. United States. Photo. Re- prod. Renda, Giuseppe — 149 Italian Reni, Guido— 2893, 2898 United Stales Section, Loan Collection Renoir, Pierre-Auguste — 479 French Renoir, Pierre-Auguste— 2822, 2825, 2828, 2833 United States Section, Loan Collection Renom y Juamandreu, Fausto — 437 International Renouard, Paul — 480, 599, 600, 601 French Rapelius, Betsy — 73 Netherlands Reuterdahl, Henry • Revere, Paul I Revold, Axel — 92, 93, 94, 95 Norwegian Reycend, Enrico — 90 Italian Reyes, N.— 26 Philippine Reynolds, Sir Joshua— 2902, 2922 United States Section, Loan Collection Rho, Camillo — 91 Italian Rhynnen, Jan van — 74 Netherlands [474] INDEX OF ARTISTS Ribeiro, Jose Nunes, Jor. Portuguese 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 143. Ribera, Juseppe de (called Spagnoletto) — 2895, 4012 United States Section, Loan Collection Ricci, Dante— 92, 93 Italian Rich, John Hubbard • Richards, Lee Greene • Richards, Lucy i Richards, William Trost • Richardson, Mary Curtis • Riclimond, Agnes M. • Richmond, L. — 438, 439, 440 International Riglietti, Guide — 150 Italian Rimmer, William • Ring, Alice Blair • Rippi-Ronav, Jozsef International 441, 442,443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 951A Risque, Caroline Everett t Ritchie, Alexander Hay § Ritschel, William • Rittenberg, Henry R. • Rittman, Louis • Rivera y Mir, Vicente — 27, 28, 29 Philippine Riviere, Henri — 602, 603 French Roberts, Alice Mumford • Robinson, Alexander • Robinson, Boardman • Robinson, Kathleen Beverley. 118. United States. Photo. Reprod. Robinson, Theodore • Robinson, Thomas • Robinson, William S. • Rocha, Hector — 60 Argentine Roche, Pierre— 604, 605, 668 French Rodin. Auguste — 669 French Rodriguez, Guillermo C. — 49, 50, 5! Uruguayan Roecker, Henry Leon • Roelofs, Albert— 75 Netherlands Roelofs, Willem E., Jr.— 76 Netherlands Roger (Guillaume-Roger) — 372 French Rogers, Franklin W. • Rogers, Gretchen W. • Rogers, Marv • Roll, Alfred-Philippe— 481, 482, 483, 484, 670 French Rolsho\'en, Julius • Rom, Henrik — 96, 97, 98 Norwegian Romanach, Leopoldo Cuban 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Romanelli, Raffaelle— 151, 152 Italian Romanelli, Romano — 153, 154 Italian Romney, George— 2888, 2916, 2919 United States Section, Loan Collection R6nai-Kaszner — 952 International Rook, Edward F. • Rosa, Angel Maria de — 61, 62 Argentine Rosa, Fabian de la— 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Philippine Rosales-Bagg, Louise de • Resales, Emanuel O. de — 1057, 105S International Rose, Guy • Rose, Manuel— 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 Uruguayan Rosen, Charles • Rosenthal, Albert •§ Rosenthal, Max § Rosse, Hermann — 77, 78 Netherlands Rosse, Hermann — 952A International Rossi, Alberto M. — 63, 64 Argentine Rossi, Luigi — 94 Italian Roth, Ernest David •§ Roth, Frederick G. R. t Rothermel, Peter Frederick * Rouland, Orlando • Rousseau, Theodore — 4036, 4037 United States Section, Loan Collection Roussel, Kern-Xavier — 485, 486 French Roussel, Paul — 671 French Royer, Henri-Paul — 487, 488 French Roze, Albert — 672 French Rubins, H. W. § Rudnay, Gyula — 451 International Rumsey, Charles Cary X Rungins, Carl • Rush, William % Russolo— 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163 International Ryden, Henning *t Ryder, Albert P. • Ryder, Chauncey F. • Ryder, Worth § Ryland, R. K.— 220. United States. Photo. Reprod. Sabatte, J. G. Fernand — 489 French Sacheri, Cesare — 95 Italian Sacks, Joseph * Sagaminokuni, Yoshihiro — 227 Japanese Sahlen, .Arthur— 413, 414, 415, 416, 417 Slue dish Sahler, Helen * Sahlstrfim, Anna--418, 419, 420, 421 Swedish Saint Gaudens, Annetta Johnson t Saint Gaudens, Augustus X Saint Gaudens, Carlota— 1963, 1971 • Saint Gaudens, Louis X St. Lerche, Hans Norwegian 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332 St. Memin, Charles B. J. Feveret de § Sakakibara, Roko — 148 Japanese [475] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Sala, Paolo — 96 Japanese Salicath, Ornulf — 99, 100 Noriuegian Salvatore, Victor D. + Salvesen, Valborg Schwartz — 105 Netherlands Noriiefrian Italian Italian Sambo, Edgardo — 97 Sanctis. Giuseppe De — 38 Sandona, Matteo • Sandor, Mathias * Sandzen, Sven Birger * Sann, Jacob — 101, 102, 103 Nori-.efrian Sano, Mitsukasu — 52 Japanese Santo, Angelo del — 12+ Italian Sao Yu-sien — 35S Chinese Sargent, Geneve Rixford * Sargent, John Singer. 206, 207, 211, 212. V. S. Photo. Reprod. * Sartain, John § Sartain, William • Sartorelli, Francesco — 98 Italian Sasaki, Takayasu — 91 Jaftanese Saubes, Daniel — 490 French Saude. Antonio Manuel da— 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 Portuguese Sauter, George International 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457. 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463 Savage, Edward § Sawada, Seiichiro — 169 Japanese Sawyer, Edith » Sawyer, Edward Warren * Sawyer, Myra L. • Sawyer, Phil § Saxton, John Gordon » Scattola, Ferruccio — 99 Italian Schaap, E. R. D.— 79 Netherlands Schaap-van der Pek, H. W. J.— 80 Netherlands Schanze, Oscar — 464 International Schelfhout, Lodewyk — 160, 161 Netherlands Schermer. Cornells — 81 Netherlands Schildt, Martinus — 82 Netherlands Schille, Alice • Schipperus, Pieter Adrianus — 83 Netherlands Schladermundt, H. T. — 219. United States. Photo. Reprod. Schlegell, Gustav von •§ Schmauss, Peter • Schmidt, Karl • Schmitt, Albert Felix • Schmutzer, Fred— 760, 761, 762, 763, 764 International Schneider, Otto J. § Schofield, W. Elmer • Schoff, Stephen Alonzo § Schonberg, Torsten — 422, 423, 424, 425 S'ivedish Schonheyder, Anna — 104 Norive^ian Schoonover, Frank E. * Schook, F. De Forest • Netherlands International 226, 227, 228, Sixedish • Swedish United , 429 -168. Schreve-Yzerman, Jo — 184, 185 Schreyer, Adolph — 2846 United States Section, Loan Collection Schuessele, Christian * Schulenburg, Adele E. { Schulman, David — 84 Schultheiss, Karl Max — 465 Schultzberg, Anshelm — 225, 229, 230. 231, 232, 233 Schuster, Donna Schwab, Eigil — 426, 427, 428 Schwartz, Andrew Thomas- States. Photo. Reprod. Schweizer, J. t)tto — 146. Photo. Reprod. Scopinich, I.uigi — 100 Scudder, Janet Searle, Alice T. Sears. Sarah Choate Sears, Taber— 112, 167. Photo. Reprod. Seawell, Harry W. Segna di Bonaventura United States Section, Loan Collection Segoffin, Jean— 673, 674, 675 French Seifu, Yohei— 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 Japanese United States. Italian X United States. 4015 Sekiguchi. Ichiya — 224 Japanese Selden, Dixie • Selden, Henrv Bill * Selva, Attilio— 155 Italian Senseney, George § Serruvs, Yvonne — 676 French Sesshu— 192 Japanese Sesson— 198 Japanese Severini International 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171. 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177 Sevffert, Leopold • Sha Fu-ching— 373, 374 Chinese Sharp. Joseph Henry • Sharpies, James • Shaw. Svdnev Dale • Shen Nan-ping — 432. 433 Chinese Shen Shui-tseng — 318 Chinese Shepard, Clare * Shibata, Banvo — 17 Japanese Shibata. Gizo— 147 Japanese Shih Jui — 439 Chinese Shimizu, Rokubei — 137 Japanese Shin Ying-chin — 367 Chinese Shinn, Everett • Shirai, Uzan — 44 Japanese Shirataki. Ikunosuke — 29 Japanese Shirlaw, Walter — 201. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Shoami, Katsiivoshi — 225 Japanese Shore. Henrietta M. • Shubun — 193 Japanese Shuttleworth, Claire • Siboni, Emma B. • [476] INDEX OF ARTISTS Sicard, Francois — 677 French Signac, Paul — 491, 492 French Simay, Imre — 1059, 1060,. 1061, 1062, 1063 International Simmons, Will § Simoes d' Almeida Sobrinlio, 149 Simon, Simon, Simon Jose— 147, 148, Portuguese French French Inlerniilional Jeanne Lucien — 496 Lucien — 493, 494, 495 T. F.— 765 Simons, Amory C. Simons, Marcius — 3841 UniteJ States Section, Loan Collection Simpson, C. W. — 466 International Simpson, Edna Huestis • Sinding, Sigmund— 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 A'orTic.if/an Singer, William H., Jr. » Sislcy, Alfred— 3820, 2821, 2824 United States Section, Loan Collection Sivori, Eduardo — 65 Sloan, John Sluiter. Willy— 85 Sluyters, Jan— 86, 87 Smillie, George H. Smillic, James David Smith, Alfred— 497, 498 Smith. Charles L. A. Argentine *§ Netherlands Xetherlands • § French Smith, George Washington • Smith, Hobbe— 88 Netherlands Smith, Howard Everett * Smith, J. Andre § Smith, Jessie Willcox • Smith, Rosamond L. « Smith, Wilhelm— 334, 335, 2 36, 237, 238 Sice dish Smith-Kielland, Per— 111 Noriueeian Smithwick, John G. § Snead, Louise Willis * Snell, Florence F. • Snell, Henry B. ^ Sneden. Eleanor Antoinette \ Soga. Nichnkuan— 176 Japanese Soga, Shohaku— 202 Japanese Sohier, Alice Riiggles * Sohlberg, Harald Noricegian r 112, 113 , 11 . 114, li5, 1 r 16, 117 8, 119, 275A, 275B, 275C, 275D Somlo, Lili— 467. 468, 469 International Somme, Jacob — 120, 121 Noricei^ian Sorensen, Henrik— 128, 139, 130 Xorivegian Softer, George W. Souder, Mary Rinard * Souillet, Georges-Frangois — 499 French Sousa Lopez, Adriano de Porttmuese 95, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 Spaeth, Mary Haughton • Spanish School— 2901 United States Section, Loan Collection Spanyi Bela — 170 International Sparks, Arthur W. • Spear, Arthur P. • Speed, Harold — 171 International Speicher, Eugene E. * Spencer, Mary * Spencer. Robert • Spicer-Simson, Theodore ♦ Sprinchorn. Carl • Sprinchorn, Gerda — 305 Swedish Springer, Eva • Squire, Maud H. § Stacey, Anna Lee * Stacey, John F. • Stackpole, Ralph §{ Stadskleiv, Thorleiv — 136 Norwegian Staigg, Richard Morrell • Stangenberg, Knut — 430, 431 Swedish Stanton, Lucv M. • Stark, Otto » Steck, Paul— 500, 501 French Steele, Theodore C. * Steele, Zulma * Steelink, Willem— 89, 90 Netherlands United States Section, Loan Collection Steen, Jan Haircksz— 3999 Stefani, Vincenzo De — 39 Italian Sterling, Lindsey Morris t Sterre de Jong, J. F. — 91 Netherlands Stetson. Charles Walter •§ Steuver, Celia M. § Stevens, Dorothv I Stevens, Helen B. § Stevens, Thomas Wood § Stewardson, Edmund Austin t Stewart, Julius L. * Stoddard, Alice Kent * Stoddard, Frederick L.— 109. United States. Photo. Reprod. Stoitzner, Jos. — 766 International Stokes, Frank Wilbert * Storrs, John *+ Story. Julian * Straat, Hjalmar— 432, 433, 434 Stcedish Strandberg, Gabriel— 239, 240, 241 , 242 Siiedish Strean , Maria Judson * Strickl and, William § Strom, Halfdan— 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 A 'orivegian Strozzi —2905 United States Secti> on, L oan Collection Stuart, Gilbert * Stuck, Franzvon — 472 International Sturgc s, Dwight C. § Su Chen-lien— 344 Chinese Su Han-chen— 392 Chinese Suau, Edmond— 502, 503 French Suei Wen-kai— 242, 243 Chinese Sullv, Robert Matthew » [477] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Sully, Thomas • Sulpis, Emile-Jean — 606 French Sun Hen-tai — 322 Chinese Sun Pai— 385 Chinese Sundstrom, Harriet — 435, 436, 437, 438 S^^edish Sureda, Andre— 504, 505, 506 French Surie, Jacoba — 92 Netherlands Sutter, Henry R. • Suydam, James A. • Svabinskv— 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773 International Svarstad, A. C— 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 Nor=iuei^ian Sylvester, Frederick O. • Szekely, Andor — 953, 954, 955 International Szekely, Arpad — 956 International Szinnyei-Merse, Pal — 473 International Tadama, F. • Taft, Lorado — 126. United States. Photo. Reprod. t Tafuri, Raffaele— 101 Italian Takakura, Kangai — 18 Japanese Takashima. Tokumatsu — US Japanese Talcott, Allen B. * Tallmadge, Thomas E. § Tamasy, Miklos — 474 International Tamaya, Shunki — 5 Japanese Tanaka, Yasushi • Tang Ying-^11, 412 Chinese Tang Yu-sheng — 406 Chinese Tannahill, Mary H. * Tanner, Benjamin § Tanner, Henry O. • Tannes, Marie — 137, 138 Noriuegian Tanomura, Chokunyn — 173 Japanese Taplev. J. J. Wooding • Tarbell, Edmund C. * Tarrit, Jean — 678 French Tashima, Ikka — 47 Japanese Tatebayashi, Kagei — 204 Japanese Tav-ernier, Andrea — 102 Italian Tawaraya, Sotatsu — 177 Japanese Taylor, Charles J. » Taylor, Emily Drayton • Taylor, Frank Walter • Taylor, Minnie C. • Tefft, Carl E.— 30, 33, 137. United States. Photo. Reprod. Teh Chang Chinese 6, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 199, 200, 201, 202, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254 Teh Hsin-chen Chinese 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 Teh Hsin-yong— 204 Chinese Teh Pao-kai— 196, 197, 198 Chinese Teles, Ede International 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081 Teniers, David — 4002 United States Section, Loan Collection Ter Hell, Willy— 475 International Terada, Motokichi — 166 Japanese Terborch, G.— 2907 United States Section, Loan Collection Terraire, Clovis-Frederic — 507 French Tersol, Artigas Jose— 546, 547, 548, 549 International Thaulow, Fritz Noriuej^an 139, 140, 141, 142 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282 Thaulow, Fritz— 2817 United States Section, Loan Collection Thayer, Abbott H. — 243. United States. Photo. Reprod. Thedy, Max — 480 Thevenet, Fran<;ois — 508 Thilmann, C— 774 Tholen, W. B.— 94, 162, 163 International French International 164, 165, 166 Netherlands Netherlands • Thol-Ruysch, Aletta van — 93 Thomas, Seymour Thompson, George Albert • Thompson, Leslie P. • Thompson, Nellie Louise — 32, 47. United States. Photo. Reprod. Thor, Walter — 481 International Thorbjornsen. Simon — 155, 156 Norwei^an Thorndike, Charles H. • Tibor, Erno — 482, 483 International Tichy, G\^IIa — 959 International Tichy, Kalman— 957, 958 International Tiedbout, Cornelius § Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista — 2896 United Slates Section, Loan Collection Tiffanv, Louis C. • Tihanyi, Lajos-^84, 485, 486, 487 International Tilden, Douglas— 235, 245, 246, 253. U. S. Photo. Reprod. Tingley, Blanche • Tintoretto, Jacopo — 4003 United States Section, Loan Collection Tirman, Jeanne-Henriette — 509 French Tissot, James — 4040 United States Section, Loan Collection Titcomb, M. Bradish • Tito, Ettore— 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 Italian Tobari, Kogan — 55, 56 Japanese Tomioka, Hodo — 50 Japanese Tompkins, Frank H. • Tonge, Laramert van der — 95 Netherlands Tong-tai — 244 Chinese Torneman, Axel — 245, 246 Swedish [478] INDEX OF ARTISTS Torre Carlos De La— 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, --, Argentine Tor"sander, Gustav— 243, 244 Stiiedish Tosa, Mitsunari— 179 Japanese Tosa, Mitsuoki— 179 Japanese Toshima, Kofu-87 Japanese Tou'*saint, Gaston— 679, 680 Fremlt Toyeki-206 Japanese Tokokawa, Mitsunaga— 71 Japanese Toyoshima, Teiun— 14 Japanese Trenchard, James Trieoso, Joao de Melo Falcao— 120, l-l ^ Portuguese Trigoulet, Eugene— 607 Frendi^ Troccoli, Giovanni Battista ^ Trott, Benjamin , Troubetzkoy, Paul ''InT, ',nM 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087. 088, 1089 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094, 095 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103^ 1104 Trovon, Constant— 2854 United Stales Section, Loan Collection Truchet, Abel-510 f'-'"<^« Tryon, Dwight W. Tsuda, Nobuo--16 J''^2Z Tsuda, Seifu-156 •'^^^""' Tsuji, Hisashi-28 Japanese Tsujimura, Shoka-92 'i^^"""' Tsukada, Shukyo-221 Japanese Tsukioka, Kogyo-20 Japanese Tucker, Allen Tunold, Bernt-157 ,^J"%T^ Turner, C Y.-122, 181, 189, 197. U. S. Photo. Reprod. , Turner, Helen M. Turner J M. W.— 2889 'united States Section, Loan Collection^ Turner. Ross Sterling ^ Tutlle, Adrianna ^ Tuttle, Ruel Crompton Twachtman. John H. -^ Tvler, Carolyn D. , Tyng, Margaret Fuller ^ Tvson, Carroll Sargent, Jr. ^ tTfer, Walter Ilitz Bela ..International 960 961 962, 963, 964, 965. 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977 ITlIman, Eugene Paul ^ Umbstaetter, Nellie Littlehale . Undv, Karola-488, 489 International Unknown-402, 403, 404 Chinese '%:m, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232. ^^33^23;: 235, 236, 237, 244 Unno, Bisei-223 Japanese Upton, Florence K. . Usher, I.eila Vadisz. Mikl6s— 978. 979. 980, 981 International Valderrama. Esteban— 32 Cuban Valk. Ella Snowden Vallotton. Felix— 511. 512 French Valstad, Otto— 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 Noriuegian Valtat, Louis— 513 French Van Boskerck. Robert \V. * Vanderhoef. Charles A. S Van Dvke. Anthonj — 2923 United Slates Section, Loan Collection Van Elten, Kruseman H. D. § Van Gogh, Vincent — 4031 United Slates Section, Loan Collection Van Laer, Alexander T. * Van Marcke. Emile — 4042 United Stales Section. Loan Collection Van Ostade. Adriaen Jansz — 4014 United States Section. Loan Collection Van Sloun, Frank J. Various Artists— 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424 Chinese Various Artists— 238. 239 Japanese Vastagh, Geza— 490. 491. 492 International Vastagh. Gvbrgy— 493 International Vaszary, Janos— 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 982 International Vauthrin, Ernest-Germain — 514 French Vaz, Joao— 122, 123. 124 Portuguese Vaz. Julio. Jor.- 153. 154. 155 Portuguese Vasquez. Carlos— 499, 500 International Veber, Jean— 515, 608 French Vedani, Michelo— 156 Italian Vedder, Elihu— 114, 193. United States. Photo. Reprod. Vedres, Mark International 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116 Velasquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y _ 2890 United States Loan Collection Veldheer, J. G. Netherlands 67, 168, 169, 170 Veloso Salgado, Jose Portuguese 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 Velsen, Suze— 96, 171, 172 Netherlands Vernier, Emile-Seraphin— 681, 682 French Vianello, Cesare— 108 Italian Vik, Ingebrigt— 333 Norwegian Vildosola, C. de— 33 Cub'in Villani, Gennaro— 109 Italian Villeneuve, Jacques-Louis-Robert French 683 , Vinton, Frederic Porter Viti. Timoteo — 4001 . United States Section, Loan Collection Vittori, Carlo— 110 Italian Vivian, Calthea Vlaanderen, Job Netherlands Vogel, Hermann— 516, 517 French Vogt, Louis C. [ 479 ] CATALOGUE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Wickwire, Jere R. • Yamada, Naosaburo — 161 Japanese Wieczorek, Max • Yamamoto, Morinosuke — 36 Japanese Wieslander, Agnes — 250 Swedish Yamazaki, Choun — 41, 42 Japanese Wiggers, Derk— 107 Netherlands Yang Tien-li— 100, 101, 102, 103 Chinese Wilder, Andre— 519 French Yarrow, William H. K. • Wiles, Irving Ramsey • Yasuda Bunshin — 49 Japanese Wiike, William H. t Yates, Culen • Willett, A. E.— 230. United States. Photo. Yeh Ku-kai— 218 Chinese Reprod. Yo Tsai-chen— 369 Chinese Willette, Leon-Adolphe French Yonehara, Unkai — 43 Japanese 520, 521, 610 Yong, Teh-fu— 181 Chinese Williams, Alyn » Yoshida, Hiroshi — 34 Japanese Williams, George Alfred • Yoshida, Homei— 45, 48, 51, 66 : Japanese Williams, Isaac L. • Yoshida, Yetsutaro — 157 Japanese Williams, J. Scott § Young, Arthur • Williamson, Ada C. • Young, Charles Morris • Willigen, C. A. van der— 108 Netherlands Young, Mattie • Willis, R. T.— 221. United States. Photo. Young, Mahonri M. §t Reprod. Yrolli, VIncenzo— 112 Italian Willson. Martha B. • Yu Chin-po— 360 Chinese Wilson, Floyd • Yu Chi-ting— 413 Chinese Winslow, Henrv § Yu Hsiao-shien Chinese Winter. Taton— 529, 530 International 277, 27S, 279, 280, 281, 282 :, 283, 284, 285, Wio Yu-pi— 430 Chinese 286 Wissler, Anders Swedish Yu Hsun— 22, 26, 38, 39, 40 Chinese 306, 307, 308, 309, 310 Yu Shen-sheo— 317 Chinese Witsen, W. Netherlands Yu Shu-tze— 320, 321 Chinese 109, 110, 173. 174, 175 Yu Yuen-heo Chinese Wolbers, Hermanus Gerardus Netherlands 215, 216, 217, 240, 241 111 Yuan Shang-ting — 441 Chinese Wolcott, Katherine • Yu-chio— 323, 324 Chinese Wolf, Henry § Yui, Cho— 100, 101, 102, 103, 104 Japanese Wood, Franklin T. § Yusetsu, Kaihoku — 178 Japanese Wood, Kathrvn Leone • Zador, Istvan International Woodburv, Charles Herbert • 531, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987 Woodville, Richard Caton • Zanetti, Zilla Vettore — 113 Italian Woodward, Ellsworth • Zaragoza, M. — 35, 36 Philippine Woodward, William • Zaroubine. Victor — 532 International Woodwell, Joseph R. • Zettler, Emil Robert t Woolf, Samuel Johnson • Ziegler, Karl— 536 International Workman, David Tice § Zeim, Felix— 2843, 4020 Worthington, Beatrice Maude _ t United States Section, Loan Collection Wrangel, Anna— 247, 248 Swedish Ziffer, Sandor— 533 International Wright, Alice Morgan t Zilzer, Antal— 534, 535 International Wright, Charles Cushing ! Zilzer. Hajnalka— 1117 International Wright, John Wright, Joseph Wright, Louise Wood Wright, Margaret Harden Wu Chen — 401 • • i Chinese Zim, Marco Zimmerman, M. W. Zingg, Jules-Emile 522, 523, 524, 525 § « French Wuerpel, Edmund H. Wvant, Alexander H. • Zo, Henri— 526 French • Zoetelief, Tromp, J.— 114 Netherlands Wveth. N. C. • Zoir, Emil— 251, 252, 439 Swedish Wyk, Charles van Netherlands Zolnay, George Julian — 234, 247. United 186, 187, 188 Stafes. Photo. Reprod. Wvlie, Robert • Zon, Jacques — 115 Netherlands Wysmuller, J. H.— 113 Netherlands Zonza Briano, Pedro — 75 Argentine Yabu, Meizan Japanese Zorach, Marguerite • 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 Zorach, William • Yamada, Chozaburo — 74, 75 Japanese Zorad— 537 International [480] INDEX OF ARTISTS Volk, Douglas — 121. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Volkerling, Hermann — 501 International Volkert, Edward C. • Volkmann, Hans von — 502 International Vondrous, C. — 775, 776, 777 International Vondrous, John C. § Vonnoh, Bessie Potter t Vonnoh, Robert • Vreedenbiirg, C. — 98 Netherlands Vreedenburg, Schotel M. — 99 Netherlands Vuillard, fidouard— 518 French Waav, Nicholaas van der Netherlands 100 Wada, Eisaku — 31 Japanese Wagner, Frank Hugh • Wagner, Fred • Wagner, Robert • Waite, Emily Burling • Walcott, Harry Mills • Walden, Lionel • Walker, Horatio • Walker, Nellie V.— 51, 117, 226, 254. United States. Photo. Reprod. • Walleszne, Gvenes Gitta International 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527 Wallin, David— 249 Swedish Walter, Edgar X Walter, Hendrik Jan — 112 Netherlands Waltman, Harry Franklin • Waltner, Charles-Albert— 609 French Wandscheer, M. — 101 Netherlands Wang Chiao-chi — 438 Chinese Wang Chien-peng — 405 Chinese Wang Fei— 397 Chinese Wang Hong-hsien — 151 Chinese ■Wang Hto z BIWCWYN LSI BtSNARD IJ7 AXtL t/JXlM-KALLLLA IJ8 ITAUAN FUTURISTS lil MUNCH 149 .4'^ 147 146 ,. ,.. NORUV INTERNATIONAL 140 143 J I3T 153 14: nr NORV/AY StCOND FLOOR PLAN NO«TM ENTRANCt ^^^ INTIRNATIONAL 53 J 25 "X E=i FIRST FLOOR PLAN GALLERIES NORWAY JA4:I?0...:... ANNEX PALACE OF FINE ARTS PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OPINvrcoRuABV lo 5AN FRANCISCO 'J.S.A.I9I5 ciom= oc:c«»c» . 3CALC o» rctT FLOOR PLAN: ANNEX HERE ENDS THE CATALOGUE DE LUXE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS, PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. EDITED BY JOHN E. D. TRASK AND J. NILSEN LAURVIK, AND WRITTEN BY VARIOUS HANDS. PUBLISHED BY PAUL ELDER & COMPANY, AND SEEN THROUGH THEIR TOMOYE PRESS UNDER THE TYPOGRAPH- ICAL DIRECTION OF HERMAN A. FUNKE, IN THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTEEN. UC SOUTHFRU RLGinf.SL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 755 637 6 University of Calitornia SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024 1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. 0£ Fo L 006 846 445"2" University of C Southern Re Library Fa(