LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF U. S. SuDt. of Documents. Class [Printed as Manuscript] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF MORE RECENT WORKS ON FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS Cotnpiled under the direction of APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN Chief Bibliographer WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 V I -...-«-, «i»i.^»wv uw )< U{ IliilUUit^ [Printed as Manuscript] i.C.^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS . U ,V, »f l>^^l LIST OF MORE RECENT WORKS ON FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS Compiled undet the direction of APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN Chief Bibliographer Or UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 0^ \^ n LIST. OF MORE RECENT WORKS ON FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS. American academy of political and social science. [Federal regulation of corporations.] Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science^ 1905. (^), 173 pp. ^°. {The annals of the Amer- ica7i academy of political and social science, vol. XXVI ^ no. 3.) The scope and limits of federal antitrust legislation: Ad- dresses at the eighth annual meeting, and papers by James M. Beck . . . Charlton T. Lewis . . . James Wilford Garner. Philadelphia: American academy of political and social science; London: P. S. King c& Son; [etc.] 1904- (4), 89-147 pp. 8°. {Publications of the American academy of political and social science^ no. 430.) CONTENTS. The federal power over trusts, by J. M. Beck ; The scope and limits of congressional legislation against the trusts, by C. T. Lewis ; The Northern securities case, by J. W. Garner. Ames, Herman Vandenburg, ed. State documents on federal rela- tions : the states and the United States. Philadelphia: The department of history of the University of Pe7insylvania, 1906. {4), 3-7, 320 pp. IT. Part III. State taxation as affecting commerce; Taxation of imports and exports; Duties of tonnage; Taxation of prop- erty ; Privilege and occupation taxes ; Taxation of corporate franchises; Discrimination by taxation. Beale, Joseph Henry, jr. The law of railroad rate regulation, with special reference to American legislation. Boston: W. J. Nagel, 1906. Hi, 1285 pp. 8°. ^ anA €\rz 4 ' LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Calvert, Thomas H. Regulation of commerce under the federal con- stitution. Northport^ Long Island^ N. Y.: Edward Thompson com- pany^ 1907. xiv^ 380 pp. 8°. (Studies in constitutional law.) CONTENTS. — Part I. The constitutional provisions and the gen- eral power of Congress and the states: The constitutional provisions generally ; The general power of Congress ; The general power of the states. Part II. Subjects of regula- tion: Manufacture and production; Sale, purchase, and ex- change of commodities; Transportation of persons and property generally ; Railroad and express companies ; Tele- graph and telephone companies ; Navigation and navigable waters; Ships and shipping; Bridges; Sundry subjects of regulation ; Discriminative state statutes. Cowan, S. H. Government regulation of interstate commerce. {In National live stock association. Proceedings. Eighth an- nual convention, 1905, pp. 93-111. Denver, 1905. 8**.) Fink, Henry. Regulation of railway rates on interstate freight traf- fic. 2ded. New York: The Evening post job printing office, 1905. v, 236 pp. 8°. Contents. — I. Regulation by the railroads, or self-government. II. Regulation by federal government. III. Additional legislation. Freund, Ernst. The police power, public policy and constitutional rights. Chicago: Callaghaii cf* company, 1904^. xcii, [^], 819 pp. " The federal government and the police power," pp. 62-83. Haines, Henry Stevens. Railway corporations as public servants. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1907. ix, 233 pp. <^°. After an exposition of the evolution of the public service per- formed by railroad corporations, the author considers the present relations between the railroad companies, the people, and the federal government with view to the regulation of railway service. ^ Harts, William W. The control of hydraulic mining in California by the federal government. {In American society of civil engineers. Proceedings, vol. 32, Feb., 1906, pp. 95-124. New York, 1906. 8°.) FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS 5 Hendrick, Frank. The power to regulate corporations and com- merce; a discussion of the existence, basis, nature, and scope of the common law of the United States. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sonSy 1906. Ixxii^ 516 pp. 8°. Jenks, Jeremiah W. How Congress may control trusts. (In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 3, pp. 222-230. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Jones, Paul. The commercial power of Congress. Netv York: PHvate printing [^press of C. S. Nathan'] 190 Jf. {6),Si5pp. 8°. ' Judson, Frederick Newton. The law of interstate conmierce and its federal regulation. Chicago: T. H. Flood c& co., 1905. xix, 509 pp. 8°. Marburg, Theodore. State interference. {In American political science association. Proceedings at its second annual meeting, pp. 187-197. Lancaster, Pa., 1906. 8^) Meade, Edward Sherwood. Trust finance; a study of the genesis, organization, and management of industrial combinations. New York: D. Appleton and company^ 1903. ix, 387 ^ (2) pp. 12°. [Appletons^ business series.'] " The first essential to . . . reform in our corporation law is national control of all our corporations." Noyes, Walter Chadwick. American railroad rates. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1905. {10), 277 pp. 8°. This writer is a judge of the court of common pleas in Con- necticut, and a railroad president. Argues that the rail- roads should favor couservative legislation. In a chapter on " Federal regulation " he discusses effective legislation and proposes : First. A special court should be created in accordance with the constitutional provisions concerning the federal judiciary. Complaints made by persons aggrieved — or in their behalf by a public oflBcial or board — that specific railroad rates upon interstate traffic are unreasonable and unjust should be pre-, sented to this court. After speedy notice to the carrier the court should summarily inquire into the reasonableness of the rate complained of. If found reasonable, the complaint should be dismissed ; if found unreasonable, the court should enjoin its further collection. This would end the function of the court. 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Patterson, Christopher Stuart. The United States and the states under the constitution. 2d ed., with notes and references to additional authorities, by Robt. P. Reeder. Philadelphia: T. <& -/. W. Johnson <& co.^ 190 J^. xli^ 3lf7 pp. 8°. Prentice, Ezra Parmalee. The federal power over carriers and cor- porations. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1907. xi. The writer reviews the history of state and federal legislation regarding transportation with copious citations to support his thesis denying the right of federal regulation of carriers under the commerce clause of the Constitution. Smythe, William E. Constructive democracy, the economics of a square deal. New York: The Maxymillan company, 1905. viii, 4^7 pp. 8°. " The taming of mouoix)ly," pp. 53-260 ; " Mr. Garfield's propo- sitions," pp. 17(V-185. Snyder, William Lamartine. The interstate commerce act and fed^ eral anti-trust laws, including the Sherman act; the act creating the Bureau of corporations; the Elkins act; the act to expedite suits in the federal courts ; acts relating to telegraph, military, and post roads; safety appliance law affecting equipment of cars used in inter-state commerce, with all amendments. With comments and authorities and a Supplement. New York: Baker, Voorhis <& company, 1906. 2 vol. Frontispiece. Map. 8°. Vol. 2 has title: Supplement to Snyder's Interstate commerce act and federal anti-trust laws embracing the Railway rate bill approved .Tune 29, 1006, . . . including also the Employ- ers' liability bill, Pure food bill. Meat inspection bill, and Hall-mark or Jewelers' library bill. . . . Spelling, Thomas Carl. Bossism and monopoly . . . New York: D. Appleton and company, 1906 [1905]. ix, [1]. 358 pp. 12°. " Government activity to meet rapidly changing conditions ... is the crying need of the hour. Governmental passive- ness means national death." Stickney, Alpheus Beede. The defects of the interstate commerce law. An address by A. B. Stickney at a meeting of the Washington economic society. {Washington? 1905.] 25 pp. 8°. FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS 7 United States. Bureau of Corporations. Report of the Commis- sioner of corporations. December, 1904. Washington: Government printing office^ 190 Jf. (^), 71 pp. 8°. {68th Cong.^ 3d sess. House doc. no. 165.) Recommends a Federal franchise or license system for inter- state commerce. Contains the following appendices : Appen- dix A. Federal incorporation — can Congress create corpora- tions to engage in Interstate commerce and also grant them franchises to produce? Appendix B. Federal franchise sys- tem for interstate commerce. Appendix C. Consideration of details. Report of the Commissioner of corporations on the trans- portation of petroleum. Maj^ 2, 1906. Washington: Government printing office. 1906. xxvii, 512 pp. Maps. Facsimiles. Diagrams. 8°. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign com- merce. Hearings before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives on H. R. 10431, 6273, 6768, 7640, 10008, 11434, 11594, 13778, 12767, 15600, 16301, to amend the interstate-commerce law. [Dec. 9, 1904-Jan. 25, 1905.] Washington: Government printing offtce^ 1905. 1^11 pp. 8°. Heai'ings before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives on bills to amend the interstate-commerce act. House report 4093; Amending the interstate-commerce act; The anti- trust act, and acts supplementary thereto. Washington: Government printing office., 1905. (^), .IflU 282^ 19^ 4-6 pp. 8°. (58th Congress, 3d session. House document no. 1^22.) Contents. — Proposed enlargement of the powers of the Inter- state commerce commission ; To amend the interstate-com- merce law relating to private car lines. Amending the Interstate-commerce act; The act to regulate commerce (as amended), and acts supplementary thereto; The Antitrust act, and acts supplementary thereto, 1887-1905. Powers of the Interstate commerce commis- sion . . . Report. [To accompany H. R. 12987.] Washington: Government printing offi.ce., 1906. 30 pp. 8°. (59th Congress., 1st session. House Rept. 591.) Submitted by Mr. Hepburn. Ordered printed, Jan, 27, 1906. House. Committee on the judiciary. National incorpora- tion law. Hearing before the House committee on the judiciary. February 10, 1904. Washington: Government printing office, 1901),. 3 pp. 8°. Contains statement by F. B, Thurber. 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. House. Committee on the judiciary. Hearing before the Committee on the judiciary of the House of Representatives, 59th Congress, 1st session [February 21- March 20, 190G] in relation to H. R. 3159, H. R. 13655, H. R. 13856, H.R. 16479. . . . Washington: Government printing ofjlce., 1906. 316 pp. 8°. Bills concerning the transportjition of intoxicating liquors from one state or territory into another state or territory. Hepburn- Dolliver bill. Full hearings before the Committee on the judiciary of the House of Repre- sentatives on the bill (H. R. 4072) entitled "A bill to limit the eflfect of the regulation of commerce between the several states and with foreign countries in certain cases ". . . Washington: Government printing office^ 1904. ^06 pp. 8°. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Duties and powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Hearings, December 16, 1904, and subsequently. Washington: Government printing office, 1905. 309 pp. 8°. " Railway freight rates and pooling." Hear- ings before the Committee on interstate commerce,' United States Senate [Feb. 7, April 17, 1902] having under con- sideration the bills (S. 3521) "to enlarge the jurisdiction and powers of the Interstate commerce commission," intro- duced Feb. 4, 1902, by Mr. Elkins; and (S. 3575) "to amend an act entitled 'An act to regulate commerce,' ap- proved February 4, 1887, and all acts amendatory thereof," introduced February 5, 1902, by Mr. Nelson. Vol. 1. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. xix, (i), 210, 28 pp. 8°. Pp. 1-28, Appendix, has separate title-page: The act to regu- late commerce, as amended, together with acts supplemen- tary thereto. Washington : Government printing office, 1895. Regulation of railway rates. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce. Senate of the' United States, December 16, 1904 . . . —[May 23, 1905] on bills to amend the interstate commerce act. . . . Wa^shington: Government printing office, 1906. 6 vol. Folded map. Diagrams. 8°. {69th Congress, 1st session, Senate document no. 24^.) Title varies: Vol. 1, Regulation of railway rates. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, Senate of the United States ... on bills to amend the interstate com- merce act . . . Vol. 2-A, Regulations of railway rates. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS 9 United States Senate, in special session, pursuant to Senate resolution no. 288, Fiftj'-eighth Congress, third session . . . Vol. 5, Regulation of railway rates. Appendices. Hearings [etc.]. Contents. — Testimony, December 16, 1904r-February 23, 1905 — Private car line systems. — Resolutions, petitions, memorials, and letters of legislatures, boards of trade, chambers of (commerce, and others [continued, vol. 4, p. 3785-3795]. — Partial list of bonds and stoclvS of railroads held by savings banks, insurance companies, and other institutions in 1900.-:- Bills relating to interstate commerce and the Interstate commerce commission, 58th Congress. — Report upon bill .H. R. 18588. Vol. 2, Testimony, April 17-May 6, 1905. Vol. 3, Testimony, May 8-17, 1905. Vol. 4, Testimony, May 18-28, 1905— Additional list of ship- pers [etc., continued from vol. 1, p. 491]. — List of wit- nesses. — Consolidated index, vol. 1-5. Vol. 5, Appendices. — A. Railway act of the Dominion of Canada, 1903. — B. British railway laws and regulations. — C. French railways — How their operation is controlled by Government regulations (Colson). — D. Complaints and cases brought before the Interstate commerce commission and the courts involving violations of the act to regulate commerce and amendments thereof. — ^^E. (pt. 1). Briefs filed with the Interstate commerce commission in the matter of the inland port differentials on import and export trafl5c to and from North Atlantic ports by commercial organizations . . . — E. (pt. 2). Report and opinion of the Interstate commerce com- mission in the matter of differential freight rates to and from North Atlantic ports. April 27, 1905.— F. (pt. 1). Federal statutes on interstate commerce, annotated. Chap- ter from " Federal statutes annotated," vol. 3, comp. by W. M. McKinney and P. C. Kemper, jr. . . . 1904.— F. (pt 2). Federal courts and the orders of the Interstate commerce commission. By H. T. Ne\vcomb. — G. Before the Interstate commerce commission — Transportation of dressed meats and packing-house products — Orders and testimony. — H. Report and opinion of the Interstate commerce commission in the case of the Milk producers' protective association, com- plainant, V. the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and other railway companies, defendants. March 13, 1897. — I. Statutes of the United States — ^Act to regulate commerce (as amended) and acts supplementary thereto ; also so-called trust laws . . . comp. by Joel Grayson. — J. Laws of the states and territories concerning employers' liability. . . . N. History of bills and resolutions in Congress respecting federal regulation of railways, 1862-1904. ... United States. Senate. Committee on interstate com^merce. Regu- lation of railway rates. Digest of the hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, Senate of the United States; held from December 16, 1904, to May 23, 1905,. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS inclusive, together with certain data . . . Comp. by order of the committee bj^ Henrj^ C Adams, statistician to the United States Interstate commerce commission, and H. T. Newcomb. December 15, 1905. Washington: Government pinnting office^ 1906. 811 pp. Folded table. 8°. (59th Congress, 1st session. Senate. Doc. 2U') Appendices: I. Interstate eonnnerce law, with changes and amendments indicated, comp. by H. T. Newcomb. II. Freight rates via railway routes. Data supplied by Mr. J. M. Smith. III. Long and short haul rates. IV. Freight rates by water routes. V. Import rates. VI. Concentration of railway control in the United States, by W. J. Meyers. VII. Synopsis of cases of alleged discrimination other than in tariff rates ... by H. M. Bowman. VIII. Statistics of railways in the United States. 59th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2491. Regu- lation of corporations. Report from the Committee on the judiciary. March 23, 1900. 26 pp. 8°. " In answer to the foregoing resolution of inquiry the com- mittee is of the opinion : First That the commerce clause of the Constitution does not confer upon Congress the power to regulate or control the business of insurance. Second. That the Constitution does not confer upon Congress the power to regulate or control State corporations operating within the States, except so far as they may be engaged in interstate commerce." Supr'eme court. October term, 1903. The Northern securi- ties company and others cs. the United States. Opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Harlan, with concurring and dis- senting opinions. Delivered March 14, 1904. March 28, 1904.— Ordered printed. Washington : Government planting o-f^icc, 190 J^. 72 pp. 8^. {58th Congress, 2d session. Senate Doc. no. 232.) No. 277.— October term, 1903. Walker, Francis. The taxation of corporations in the United States. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 10, Mar.. 1IX)2. pp. 165-184.) "The oninrf^enient of Federal control is a matter of necessity in many ways, and the need of it will become more and more urgent as the economic relations of different parts of the country become more intimate and the organization of business more centralized." Wilgus, A. L. Should there be a federal incorporation law for commercial corporations ? Ann Arbor, Michigan: George Wahr, publisher, 1905. 57 pp, 8°. FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE ASD CORPORATIONS 11 Wilgus, Horace La Fayette. A national incorporation law. I. Need of a national incorporation law. II. A proposed national incorporation law. [Ann Arbor, Mich., 1904.] ^H PP- V- Young, Jeremiah Simeon. X political and constitutional study of the Cumberland road. Chicago: University press, 190 Jf. 106 pp. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1902. National incorporation laAvs for trusts. James B. Dill. Yale law journal, vol. 11 {Apr., 1902) : 273-295. "Address before the Seminary in economics of Harvard uni- versity, March 10th, 1902." 1903. Federal incorporation for companies engaged in interstate commerce. Henry W. Palmer. National corporation reporter, vol. 27 (Nov. 26, 1903) : 376- 377. 1903. The Dartmouth college case in the Supreme court of Illinois. National corporation reporter, vol. 27 {Dec. 17, 2J^, 190Jf) : i72, 1^96. 1904. National supervision of insurance and Paul v. Virginia. John W. Walsh. American law review, vol. 38 {Mar.-Apr., 190^) : 181-193. 1904. State monopolies of interstate commerce. E. Parmalee Prentice. North American review, vol. 178 {Apr., 1904) ' ^9-511. 1904. National control of the pollution of public waterways. Charles Claflin Allen. Amemcan law review, vol. 38 {May -June, 1904) •' 321-333. 1904. One phase of federal power under the commerce clause of the Constitution. John C. Donnelly. Michigan law review, vol. 2 {May, 1904) -' 670-686. 1 904. State regulation of insurance. L. G. Fouse. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24 {July, 1904) ' 67-83. 12 LIBRARY OF CO TIGRESS 1904. The Northern securities case. James Wilford Garner. American academy of political and social science^ Annals^ vol. U (July, 190Ji) : 123-U7. 1904. The exclusive power of Congress to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. David Walter Brown. Columbia law review, vol. If. {Nov. 1904) •' WOSOl. 1904. Is there a federal police power? Paul Fuller. Columbia law review, vol. 4, (Dec. 1904) • 563-688. 1904. Government regulation of railroads. Outlook, vol. 78 {Dec. 17, 1904) : 963-964. 1904. The Administration's trust plan: federal franchises pro- posed in Commissioner Garfield's first report: a remedy for the present condition of anarchy. Public opinion, vol. 37 {Dec. 29, 1904) ' 807-808. 1905. . The limitations of the power of a state under a reserved right to amend or repeal charters of incorporation. Horace Stem. American law register, vol. 53 {Jan. Feb. Mar. 1905) : 1-47^ 73-111,145-169. 1905. Federal control of corporations. Financier, vol. 85 {Jan. 2, 1905) : 23-24. 1905. Federal law of corporations. Manufacturers'^ record, vol. 46 {Jan. 5, 1905) : 600. 1905. Regulation of corporations by federal law. Robert L. Cutting. Albany law journal, vol. 67 {Feb., 1905) : 39-44- 1905. Mr. Garfield's report. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 31 {Feb., 1905) : 142. 1905. Transportation control must be regulated by government: X address of President Roosevelt in Philadelphia at the ban- quet of the Union league. American syren and shipping, vol. 10 {Feb. 4^ 1905) : 85-86. 1905. Chief Justice Marshall on federal regulation of interstate carriers. E. Parmalee Prentice. Columbia law review, vol. 5 {Feb., 1905) : 77-106. " Founded upon an explanation of the exact decision of the early case of Gibbons v. Ogden, to which Mr. Garfield's re- port seems to turn for authority." FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS 13 - — 1905. Federal control of corporations. Current literature, vol. 38 (Feb,, 1905) : 105-107. 1905. Federal control of insurance corporations. William R. Vance. Green hag, vol. 17 {Feb., 1905) : 83S9. , 1905. Federal license or national incorporation. H. L. Wilgus. Michigan law review, vol. 3 {Feb., 1905) : 264,-281. "Analysis and criticism of Commissioner Garfield's report. Contends that the objections to incorporation apply with still greater force to Federal license." 1905. Proposed interstate commerce legislation. David Willcox. Railway world, vol. 49 (Feb. 3, 1905) : 87-90. 1905. President Roosevelt and company law. Saturday review, vol. 99 {Feb. 4, 1905) : 136-137. ^ 1905. Two objections to federal license. . World's work, vol. 9{ Feb., 1905) : 57T9-5780. 1905. Federal control of insurance. Edwin Maxey. American law review, vol. 39 {Mar.-Apr., 1905) : 182-186. 1905. Federal regulation of corporations: a dangerous departure. John E. Parsons. Green bag, vol. 17 (Mar., 1905) : 135-137. 1905. Federal regulation of corporations : a public necessity. Wil- liam J. Curtis. Green bag, ml. 17 {Mar., 1905) : 138-141. 1905. The concurrent power of the states to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. David Walter Brown. Columbia law review, vol. 5 {April, 1905) : 298-311. Summarizes decided cases to show that at the passage of the Sherman antitrust act in 1890 it had been well worked out that the indirect effect upon interstate and foreign commerce proceeding from the regulation of its incidents by the States was not obnoxious to the Constitution, while the Northern Securities case presented a clear example of restraint which was not direct in fact but the presence only of a power to restrain, "and the court, departing from the principles of, eighty years, held the mere power to restrain to be actual direct restraint." 1905. Rate regulation as a federal function. Charles A. Prouty. World to-day, vol. 8 {Apr., 1905) : 4H-4^7. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. Federal control of corporations. Thomas Thacher. Tale law journal, vol. H {April, 1905) : 301-311. Opposes Garfield's plan for Federal incorporation "which is unconstitutional in its purpose, . . . and substitutes an advanced paternalism for liberty ..." 1905. Incorporation by the states. Herbert Knox Smith. Yale law journal, vol. U {May, 1905) : 385-397. 1905. National incorporations. H. W. Chaplin. Columbia law review, vol. 5 {June, 1905) : 1^15-^35. Maintains the legality and feasibility of federal incorpo- ration and c-ontrol supported by reference to cases. The Lottery case and the Northern securities case show, in the writer's opinion, the power of Congress *' to prescribe that no corporations, or no coriwrations of more than a certain magnitude, shall enter the field unless they be of federal creation and thus under exclusive federal control." 1905. Great powers of the interstate commission. H. T. Newcomb. Freight, vol. 3 {June, 1905) : 282-283. 1905. The power of Congress to regulate railway rates. Victf)r Morawetz. Harvard law reriew, ooL 18 {June, 1905) : 572-587. 1905. Federal control of all banks. Bankers' magazine {New York) twl. 71 {Aug., 1905) : 153-15k. 1905. The exclusiveness of the jwwer of Congress over interstate and foreign commerce. James S. Rogers. American law register, vol. 53 {Sept., 1905) : 529-571 ; {Oct.. 1905) : 593-^40. " This article is an endeavor to clarify the subject . . . and, as a result, to show that only the exclusive theory is sound." 1905. Constitutional law: reserved power of legislature to alter or repeal charters of corporations. Albany law journal, vol. 67 {Oct. 1905) : 301-305. 1905. Federal control of interstate commerce. Harry Earl Mont- gomery. American academy of politlccd and social science. Annals, vol. 26 {Nov. 1905) : 6Jf2-65J^. 1905. Past experience of federal responsibility for corporations. Commercial