VK Z35 U6 UC-NRLF o in C\J o WAR TRADE ROARD BUREAU OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS.^'"" STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES <- Compiled by the DIVISION OF TABULATION AND STATISTICS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 IT? & . LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. WASHINGTON, D. C., April 21, 1919. SIR: There is submitted herewith a tabulation of the material assembled in the Division of Tabulation and Statistics of the War Trade Board on the stowage of ship cargoes. It was thought desir- able that this material should be tabulated and published since it represents the most complete existing collection of data on this subject. It is also the most accurate, as many of the figures are based upon ship manifests and upon actual weights determined on the piers. This publication should be valuable in the shipping busi- ness at this tune of increasing interest in our merchant marine and foreign trade. The file was planned by Dr. Lowell J. Reed and represents the work of Mrs. Charmian Howell assisted by Miss Iris Butler. Respectfully, KARL DE LAITTEE, Director, Bureau of Research and Statistics, War Trade Board. VANCE C. McCoRMiCK, Chairman, War Trade Board. 3 M82431 PREFACE. The stowage of ships, under peace conditions, was a matter of interest principally to masters and agents; under the stress of war, with its resultant destruction of vessels and increased demand for cargo space, it became a subject of great importance to those organiza- tions which were established to control shipping and foreign trade. In shipping nomenclature, the " stowage factor" of a commodity is the figure which represents the number of cubic feet of cargo space in which a long ton (2,240 pounds) may be stowed. In shipping practice, rates are generally fixed upon the basis of weight in the case of a commodity a ton of which stows in less than 40 cubic feet, and upon the basis of space when a greater volume is required. The figure U 40," therefore, represents the assumed average stowage factor of all commodities. Printed material on this subject is incomplete. There are two standard British texts, R. W. Stevens' On the Stowage of Ships and Their Cargoes, and C. H. Hillcoat's Notes on Stowage. Both contain valuable data but both are incomplete. Neither was found to be adequate to the needs of this division when, in the spring of 1918, it was called upon to furnish stowage factors for the use of the War Trade Board, the Shipping Board, and the War Department. It was then decided to develop a stowage file from all available sources. The principal sources were : (1 ) Notes on Stowage by Chas. H. Hillcoat ; (2) lists of stowage factors furnished by one trans-Atlantic line, and one line to the West Indies; (3) Bureau of Standards and the War De- partment; (4) weights and stowage factors furnished by a few export- ers and importers; (5) shippers' export declarations, import entries, and steamship manifests (excluding coastwise) currently received by this division; and (6) reports based upon actual weights, measure- ments, and types of packing or containers as determined by a repre- sentative of this division on the New York piers. A copy of this material was made for the American Expeditionary Force at the request of the General Staff in June, 1918. As a source of current reference the file has been in constant demand. The file, which has been built up on a card basis, is here presented in tabular form, entries being arranged in alphabetical order, with groupings and cross references where they have seemed most necessary. Where several figures are given for the same commodity and for similar types of packing, it is because they reflect actual shipments which themselves vary. In general, the figures have tended to de- crease during the last year, due to more compact packing. This will explain some of the differences between our figures and those of Hillcoat. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. ' ' ^ 3 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Abrasives . Case 178 g 9 110 Acetanalid Barrel . .. 238 8-11 83 stone and drilling diamond . See also Carborundum, Em- ery, Grindstones, etc. Acetone ...... Dnitn 845 24-3 70 Acid: Acetic Barrel 475 12-0 60 Barrel 500 13-8 60 Borscic Barrel 350 10-0 70 Barrel 275 8-0 65 Carbolic . . . Barrel 500 12-0 60 Case Drum . . 237 1 100 8-0 24-3 65 54 Carbolic crystals Case Drum .... . 84 315 2-8 10-3 71 79 Hydrochloric .... Barrel 344 11-11 78 Carboy 190 6-0 80 Carboy.... 235 8-0 83 Muriatic See Acid, Hydrochloric. Nitric Barrel 213 9-0 94 Carboy 190 8-0 94 Carboy 210 6-0 70 Oxalic Barrel 254 7-0 67 Barrel 375 10-3 67 Barrel 401 10-6 63 Barrel . 374 10-6 67 Phosphoric Demijohn 120 6-0 112 5 gallons. Salicylic Barrel 120 7-8 157 Barrel 120 7-3 150 Barrel 119 7-8 144 Stearic . . Bag 223 5-0 50 Bag 202 4-8 52 Carboy...... 229 8-0 59 Carboy . . 250 6-0 55 Drum 1,620 22-0 33 Drum 1,720 24-3 33 110 gallons. Drum 900 11-7 31 55 gallons. Tartaric Barrel 260 7-0 60 Barrel 250 7-2 64 Import. Advertising matter Bale Case 106 600 3-0 15-0 63 56 Case 224 8-0 80 Case 1,050 30-7 65 i Case 72 2-0 62 Aeroplane parts Case Case 351 280 5-0 3-0 32 24 Aeroplane propeller and parts. . Case Bale 759 230 61-6 7-3 182 70 Bale 284 9-8 76 Import. Agricultural implements parts. . Agricultural implements. . Package Package Package Package Box Box 280 145 425 688 520 685 2-11 1-8 5-8 8-9 9-0 11-5 23 26 30 28 38 37 Box 433 8-5 68 Box 402 5-6 31 Crate 236 9-11 94 Package Package Package Package 301 368 190 317 11-2 16-2 10-11 9-2 83 100 128 64 See Machinery. See Machinery. See Machinery. Alabastine..., Case... 112 2-0 36 NOTE. Measurements are given, in conformity with shipping practice, in cubic feet and twelfths of cubic foot. Thus, "8-9" signifies eight and nine-twelfths cubic feet. Stowage represents the number of cubic feet of cargo space in which a long ton (2,240 pounds) may be shipped. Thus, 110 cubic feet is the cargo space required for a ton of abrasives packed in cases averaging 178 pounds gross and measuring 8-9 cubic feet. 8 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. Case GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Albumen: Blood 263 250 249 251 244 8-0 5-8 6-4 6-0 5-11 67 51 57 54 54 60 62 78 62 :ei 71 64 59 60 56 54 45 21 96 68 65 93 108 32 33 35 33 Import. Import. Tin container in a wooden case. Bottled. Bottled. 11 dozen pints. Bulk. Shelled. Shelled. Two 5-gallon of cans in wooden case covered with gunny cloth. Import. See Coal-tar Intermediate. Lump. Powdered. Powdered. See Ore, Aluminum. Lump. Powdered. Powdered. Powdered. Powdered. Cooking utensils Standard. Large. Small. 110 gallons. Lump. See Ammonia, Aqua. See Coal-tar Intermediates. See Ore, Antimony. 6-9 slabs in wooden box. From Shanghai. Import. 6 dozen, 13 ounces each. Egg Case Unspecified Case Case Case Cask Alcohol: Grain .... Barrel 412 336 848 400 380 850 160 180 140 10-5 11-8 23-4 10-0 12-0 24-4 4-3 4-9 3-6 Methyl Barrel Drum Wood Barrel Ale Barrel Drum Case Alkali Case Case Cask . . . Barrel . 325 823 140 6-6 8-0 6-0 Allspice Drum Bag Almonds Bag Aloes Bag .. Bag 223 110 131 135 127 118 9-3 5-4 1-11 2-0 2-0 1-9 Bag Case A Ipha-naphthy lamine Case Case Alum Bag 220 375 426 425 1,300 275 350 130 8-9 10-3 10-0 10-3 28-6 5-0 7-0 2-4 89 61 52 54 55 40 45 40 Alum earth Aluminum: Hydrate Barrel Barrel Barrel Cask Bag Ingots Barrel Box Ore Sulphate Barrel 375 425 426 320 425 227 45 251 120 10-3 10-3 10-0 6-9 10-0 9-3 5-8 26-8 10-3 65 54 52 47 52 91 282 256 191 50 41 42 45 42 56 55 65 59 60 60 Ware Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Box Amboyna wood Box Box Box Ammonia: Anhydrous Cylinder. Cylinder. Cylinder. Cylinder. Drum Drum 268 287 393 197 970 943 611 550 560 545 5-0 5-0 7-3 2-10 24-3 23-4 18-0 13-4 14-1 14-6 Aqua Dry Barrel Ammonium: Carbonate Barrel Hydrate Barrel Cask Sulphate Bag .. 204 145 65 245 194 6-2 3-1 1-2 6-0 4-0 67 48 40 57 46 Ammunition: Small-arms Case Unspecified Case Anchovies Box Angles, steel Case Aniline salts Aniseed 120 Antimony: Ore Regulus Box 236 268 245 61 65 1-3 1-11 2-0 1-3 1-2 12 16 18 43 40 Sulphide Case Unspecified Case Antiphlogistine Case Case. . . STOWAGE OF SHIP CAEGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Apple butter Case 62 ' Case 53 1 2 Apple sauce Case 42 1 56 Apple waste . . Case Barrel 55 200 1-3 52 Apples: Canned Case 50 1 3 56 Dried Barrel 170 Evaporated Box Box 50 54 2-0 2 o 90 QQ Fresh Barrel 150 Barrel . . 150 7-0 110 Box 50 1 11 OK. Box 47 1 6 72 Case 40 1 10 102 Apricots: Canned Case 52 1 3 cc Case 65 1 6 52 Dried Box Of) 0-7 Box 55 1-5 59 Box 28 0-7 47 Box 67 1-6 50 Areca nut 58 Bag . 100 2 3 60 Argols . Bag 934 A Q . Cask 1 215 29-9 54 Cask 620 18-3 66 Arm bands and supporters, Case 404 17-5 102 elastic. Armatures Case 1 242 24 3 44 Tin Arrack Case 75 "Rnttlprl Cask 80 Arsenic Bag 244 3-11 qe Barrel" '.'.'.'.'.'. 535 7-0 29 Barrel 520 6-3 27 Barrel... 481 7-2 33 Keg .. 650 8-5 29 White Keg 409 5-4 29 White Artichokes, canned Case 53 1 3 54 Asbestos: Crude Bag 100 1-6 40 Bal 122 3-0 55 Ore See Ore Asbestos Ash lumber. . . 39 Solids Ashes, bone Cask.. 448 8-0 40 Asparagus, canned Case Case 67 68 1-7 1-6 53 49 24 No. 3 cans. Asphalt (asphaltum) Bag... 50 Bag 206 5-3 57 Bag 244 6-1 56 Import. Barrel... . 390 8-3 50 Barrel 485 12-0 55 Barrel 460 11 11 58 Drum. 50 Drum 280 6-0 52 Auger bits 54 0-11 38 Case 168 2-3 30 Case 55 1-0 41 Case 140 2-4 37 Case . 257 4-8 41 "Ring Scotch Eye." Augers, post hole Case 47 2-3 107 Automobile: Accessories 120 6-11 129 See also Lamps. Case 234 16-3 156 Lamp switches Chassis Each Each 7,500 2,280 1,130-8 153-0 337 150 Kelly-Springfield motor truck. Ford truck Parts Case 377 6-0 71 Case.... 214 2-8 28 Case 150 7-9 116 Maxwell Case 31 0-5 30 Case. .. 225 6-8 66 Case 45 2-0 99 Automobiles Boxed. 4,651 388-0 186 Buick. Boxed. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. Boxed. .. 4,468 2,650 3,815 5,700 6,510 2.500 2,598 3,637 4,908 469-11 273-0 331-0 507-0 530-5 270-0 214-5 375-9 367-6 235 230 194 198 183 242 185 231 168 Davis Motor Co. Ford, nterstate. kfercer. rMerce-Arrow. Scripps-Booth. Touring car. Willys-Overland. Willys-Overland. 10575919 2 10 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Automobiles Unboxed. . Unboxed. . Unboxed. . Unboxed. . Unboxed. . Case 4,000 2, 2;,0 2,870 2,425 2.930 210 12 213 236 60 53 286 110 44 466-0 284-0 434-0 524-0 524-0 16-11 0-8 6-8 7-8 1-0 0-9 6-9 0-6 12-0 261 282 332 484 369 180 128 70 72 38 32 53 10 640 Cadillac. Chevrolet. Hupmobile. 4-cy Under Studebaker. 6-cylinder Studebaker. With handles. 3^-4 inches each. Import See Bacon. Sliced, 24 No. 1 tins. Backs. Backs. Bellies. Cumber lands. Sides. Sides. Wiltshires. 250 per bale. New. In transit to Habana. In transit to Habana. 44 -pound cans, "Royrl." Clay. Clay with gravel. Earth, loose. Gravel. Sand. Sand, coarse. Sand, fine. For motors. 7 pounds per cubic foot. 8-13 pounds per cubic foot. 'See also Copiaba. Import. See Barytes. Autoped Autophone Box Awning and sail cloth, cotton... Axes Bale Box.. Axles, wooden Box Box Crate .. Babbit metal Case Baby walkers Crate Backs Bacon: Canned Case 27 680 700 642 658 606 629 349 648 650 580 726 645 0-11 18-0 18-0 17-8 14-4 14-6 15-9 8-2 18-0 18-0 15-0 19-0 18-0 76 59 58 61 49 53 56 52 62 62 58 58 63 120 54 56 52 90 101 89 99 90 50 52 94 90 53 50 66 66 66 59 41 166 24 18 24 20 20 20 19 31 25 20 19 320 224 60 57 50 87 130 130 122 126 16 Salt Box Baggage Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box . Box Box Bags: Burlap Bale... Cotton Bale.... Bale... Bale 900 409 408 750 327 180 1,048 1,035 20-11 16-6 18-6 30-0 14-6 7-3 23-4 24-0 G^nny Bale Bale Bale Bale Bale... Paper. Bale Bale Sugar Bundle Bale.. 1,036 1,040 28 59 84 168 150 421 24-7 23-1 0-10 1-9 2-6 4-5 2-9 31-2 Baking powder Balata... Bale Box Box.. Package Bag Baler, paper, steel Bag Crate . Ballast Bulk Ball bearings, steel Bulk.. . . Bulk Bulk Bulk. . Bulk Bulk Case 390 38 224 239 5-4 0-5 1-11 1-11 Balsa Case Case Case Balsam: Copivi Keg Crude Case 75 112 110 1-11 2-6 4-3 Unspecified. . . Barrel Bamboo split Bundle Bunch Bananas. . . Bands, hat Bunch Bunch Case . 25 55 898 827 1-4 3-0 50-7 6-1 Barium: Binoxide Drum Sulphate . . Bark: Black Cassia Bale Bale . .. 139 60 118 200 742 113 8-4 5-7 7-4 11-1 30-0 6-2 134 208 140 124 91 122 Cinchona Bale Cinnamon . . . Bale Elm. Bale Mangrove Bag STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 11 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Bark Continued. New York. . Bag. 125 220 2,240 104 6-0 5-4 73-0 4-11 110 54 80 105 IK 77 78 63 84 71 58 130 720 274 413 806 22 26 1,008 439 134 95 119 134 140 72 62 151 86 70 101 93 51 68 69 62 71 51 53 57 54 72 96 From South Africa. ) From South America. From South Africa. From South Africa. Caustic. Empty. Empty. Empty, 52 gallons. Empty, 50 gallons. Empty. Not nested. Nested. 18 lead battery groups. 26 lead battery groups. See Ore, Aluminum. Ba^ed. Red kidney and lima. Pork and beans. Wax. From Branl. From Colombia. From Java. [mport. Import. Knocked down. Oak Bag Tree Hogshead.. Bag Unspecified Wattle i Bag.. Bale 532 218 120 100 218 18-4 7-7 3-5 3-9 7-0 Barley Bale Bag Barrels : Beer Bag Barrel Bulk. Each 85 21 98 65-75 25 202 684 40 423 100 30,000 224 525 502 1,575 1,514 377 1,114 937 35 38 307 299 298 18 200 305 230 320 345 284 290 4-11 6-9 12-0 12-0 9-0 2-0 9-10 18-0 83-0 6-0 1,666-0 11-0 31-5 30-0 50-10 49-9 25-2 43-0 29-3 1-7 1-7 7-0 9-0 9-3 0-6 6-4 7-0 5-5 8-4 8-4 9-1 8-11 Flour Each . Oil, steel Oil, wooden Each Each.... Sugar Each Barytes Bag Baskets Barrel . Bale Bass Crate Bale Basswood boards Bast Car Bale Bathtubs: Iron, enameled Crate Crate Crate Crate Unspecified... Crate Bats baseball Crate Crate Bundle Bundle Barrel Batteries: Cells dry Dry Barrel Storage Barrel Case Case Case Storage, wet . . . Case Case Case Case Box Storage and electrolyte Bauxite Bayonets. Case Baf 187 124 70 65 70 65 7-4 2-8 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 87 48 51 55 51 55 60 80 75 84 76 77 79 79 61 49 52 62 80 67 48 67 97 353 224 267 130 207 75 65 Beans: Black Canned Case Castor Case Ca^e Case Bag Cocoa Ba<* Dried Bag 135 160 110 131 170 169 220 101 220 258 35 200 4-5 6-0 3-9 4-7 6-0 6-0 6-0 2-3 5-1 7-11 1-3 6-0 Bag Bag Ba? Bag Bag Bag Fresh Bag Ba" Barrel Crate Lima Ba^ Locust Manchuria Bag 100 323 205 170 44 523 101 3-0 14-1 32-6 17-0 5-3 39-3 9-4 Bed?: Brass Iron Crate Crate Pa-kage Crate Unspecified Package Beech: Dry <3reen . . . 12 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Beef: Canned Case 52 1-4 54 Boiled Case 53 0-11 39 Brisket Case 51 1-0 44 Case 54 1 1 45 Corned Case 98 2-0 46 Corned Case 48 1 i 51 Case 56 I i 44 Cottage Case . . 24 0-6 42 "Dried Case 15 0-7 87 "Dried sliced Case 17 0-5 55 Potted Case 5S 1-9 68 Dried . Quarter 175 7 98 Frozen ... Qua r ter 130 5-2 89 Salt Bairel 501 11-0 48 Unspecified Barrel Box... . 345 103 7-6 ?-6 53 55 Tierce . 500 11-0 55 Tierce 405 11-0 60 Beefbroth, canned Beef extract, canned Case Case Case 25 11 139 0-7 0-3 3-1 52 51 49 Cas 111 2-10 57 Beef liver . Tierco 472 17-0 81 Beef scrap Cake 132 3-2 57 Roll 75 1-0 40 Beefsteak, canned Case Caso 36 30 0-10 0-11 52 62 With onions. T Iamburger and onions Case 36 0-9 51 Minced Beehive material PI Crate Crate . . 52 163 2-3 10-0 90 148 Beehives . . Case 155 8-3 119 Beer Case 68 Bottled Case 155 4-9 70 Bottled Case 18 ft 5-2 65 Bottled Case 160 3-8 52 Bottled Cask . 250 9-1 82 Bottled Cask 250 8-6 76 Bottled Cask . . 23Q 9-0 84 Bottled Keg 143 5_u 78 Beeswax , Ba?- . . . 120 5-fi 103 From South Africa. Lumps. Barrel 285 12-0 70 Barrel 290 9-2 71 Box... . 100 3-0 67 Case 290 9-3 71 Beets: 68 1-7 52 Fresh Barrel 150 7-0 105 Bellies... See Bacon. Bells: Door . . . Case 210 8-9 93 Telephone Box . . 198 7-7 86 Electrical extension. Bells and gongs Belting: Canvas Case 100 2-8 60 See Canvas Belting. leather See Leather Belting. Rubber See Rubber Belting. Benedictine Case 78 2-3 57 Benzine .... Case 75 2-0 56 Benzol 950 24 3 62 110 gallons Benzvl acetate Beta naphthol Case 84 3-3 87 See Coal-tar Intermediates. Betel nut See Areca Nut. Bicvcle parts ... . Case 57 4-1 160 Bicycles Box 293 40-6 310 4 to box. Box.. 205 23-1 252 Crate 55 11-0 448 Crate 49 10-0 457 Binders Each.. 2.957 105-6 80 5 feet with trucks. Binoculars Case 223 7-10 79 50 glasses. Birch lumber. Pieces 49 1-5 65 Biscuits: Assorted Fancy Soda Bit braces Bitters Case Case Case Case Case 269 240 268 46 38 14-1 13-0 17-0 1-5 1-0 117 125 142 69 60 Case 40 1-0 56 Anasaturas. Case..., 121 4-5 82 Sulphur. STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. 13 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Black: Acid See'Coal-tar Colors Bag- 139 6-0 96 Barrel 93 8-8 220 Barrel 90 9-0 225 Case 175 15-6 192 Case 200 14-0 157 Chrome Hogshead . . . Keg. 672 65 57-4 2-6 191 86 Direct See Coal-tar Colors Lamp . . . See Black Carbon Blackberries canned.... Case... 62 1-7 57 Blacking: Shoe Case 100 2 9 65 Case 119 4-0 75 Crate 125 5-6 98 Unspecified Barrel . . . 450 11-0 50 Barrel . . . 460 10-8 52 Case 75 1-4 40 Blackwood.. 65 Bladders: Dried Barrel 100 10-0 224 Fish Case 160 9-6 133 Blades, hack saw Case Case 255 179 1-11 1-8 17 21 Case 58 0-11 35 Case 245 1-9 16 Case 277 2-2 18 Blanc fixe Barrel . 375 10-3 61 Blankets: Horse Bale 140 9-0 110 Unspecified Bale Case 200 196 13-8 18-11 153 216 Blasting gelatine Box.. 50 1-9 85 Bleach Drum 500 12-0 54 Drum. . 327 9-0 61 Bloaters, smoked Blocks: Hoisting, iron Case Each.. 25 180 0-10 2-0 74 25 Hub Each 9 4-0 80 Iron Barrel 450 6-0 35 Last Barrel... 137 9-1 148 Match Case 225 10-3 100 Case 216 10-3 106 Pulley.. Cask.. 1,880 27-0 35 Pulley, iron Pulley, wood Case Barrel 65 250 0-11 7-0 31 65 Blood dried Package Sack 885 200 22-6 8-0 56 90 Blotters Case 42 1-0 53 Blue: Acid See'Coal-tar'Colors. Direct See Coal-tar Colors. U 1 tramarine See Coal-tar Colors. Blueberries, canned Bluing Case Barrel... 68 345 1-7 8-11 53 58 Case 400 7-0 50 Boards: Flooring.. 75 Car . 40 000 1,660-0 100 Ironing, wood Sounding Boat hulls Case Case Each 175 650 12,000 15-3 37-6 502-0 195 125 94 Boiler parts 60 Boilers: Galvanized Crate 59 4-0 134 See' Locomotive' and Parts. Steam 75 Tubular 80 Bolt cutter . . Case 130 1-1 19 Bolts: Door Case 71 2-5 76 Case 56 1-2 47 Steel Unspecified Case Case Case . . 26 307 962 0-6 2-9 12-6 43 20 29 Bolts and nuts Case Case 391 371 2-6 4-3 14 25 Case 252 2-5 21 Case 435 3-5 18 Bone meal... 45 14 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Bones: Calcined Barrel 110 5-6 115 60 60 84 85 43 167 60 68 70 68 82 42 48 147 127 108 136 116 Knocked down. Import. Import. 2.5 pounds per pair. 122 pairs officers'. See also Shoes. See Coal-tar Colors. Empty Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Empty. Beef powder. 75 brackets. From Manila. From Manila. From Manila. Import. Import. Import. Bottled. Brazilwood. See also Biscuits. From Italy. Crushed Bag 175 160 4-6 6-0 Ba? Bookcases: Sectional Loose Box 155 136 373 400 330 220 70 277 310 84 600 100 320 350 3-0 10-2 10-1 11-9 10-3 6-8 2-7 5-2 6-9 5-6 34-1 4-10 19-5 18-8 Package Case Books: Blank .... Cloth Case Unspecified Boots: Ladies' Case Case Case Case Case Case Leather Case Men's hip Case Case Case Leather Case 115 150 40 8-0 11-0 3-0 155 164 190 42 52 Case Case Borax Bag Barrel 297 7-0 Bundle Cask 60 8-5 314 80 335 74 74 73 66 103 85 105 85 112 130 141 85 57 50 210 113 70 66 120 63 80 29 122 131 141 171 199 53 134 128 57 52-60 80 31 24 13 7 12 16 85 93 175 50 39 Bottles: Ale . . . Aluminum and corks Beer Case Case 287 156 166 34 149 140 43-0 5-2 5-5 1-3 4-5 6-5 Coca-Cola Milk Crate Case Crate Crate Siphon Crate . . Barrel 226 10-8 Unspecified Vacuum Barrel Mat Case 293 340 111 150 156 800 225 241 15-0 1-9 7-0 5-6 4-0 20-1 31-2 12-3 Bovril Case Case Bundle Case Boxes: Viseloid Case Wood, turned Case Brackets: Pieces 244 462 272 102 117 317 315 310 137 101 32 100 140 76 7 2 Package Case 24-9 7-8 3-8 1-6 17-4 18-5 19-7 10-6 9-0 0-9 6-0 8-0 1-11 Shelf, steel Case Keg Braid: Bale Straw Bale Bale Bale Brains, canned Bran Bale Case Bag .. Brandy: Cherry Bae Case Unspecified Case Brass: Scrap . Cask 336 730 410 570 618 513 1,050 11 8 82 212 192 11-6 10-0 4-4 3-4 1 11 Barrel Sheet Case Strips Unspecified Brazilette Bread Case Case Case Cask Piece Piece 2-9 7-8 0-5 0-4 6-5 4-9 3-5 Barrel Briar wood Bag Bae STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 15 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Brick: Bath Case 96 2-2 51 Common Barrel 400 9 50 Fiber Crate 335 3-4 22 Fire Barrel 719 9-0 30 Crate 450 8-6 42 Crate 231 2-11 28 Iron slot Box 350 11 7 74 Stove Case 402 9-8 54 '. Brimstone See Sulphur Bristles Case 150 4-9 70 Case 131 3-4 57 From China Case Cask 163 500 4-7 18-0 63 80 From China. Broom corn Bale 115 10-3 199 Broom root Bale 120 11-0 205 Brooms Bundle 140 19-0 304 Bundle 135 18-7 368 Burlapped. Bundle .. 170 21-7 284 Case 240 21-0 230 Crate 499 34-0 152 Brushes: Celluloid, tooth Fiber. . . . Case Box 284 269 11-4 14-9 89 123 Unspecified Box 175 12-5 160 Box 200 12-9 142 Box 80 3-5 96 Brussels sprouts, canned Buckets iron Case Crate 40 1 193 1-0 30-0 56 56 Buckles, iron Case 162 4-1 56 Buggy Cased 1,235 121-0 220 Crate 1,216 176-0 320 Bulbs: Lamp Case 154 23-0 336 Case 79 10-11 309 Unspecified Barrel 160 6-6 99 Case 100 4-2 93 Crate 74 4-6 136 Bungs, hog,.. Tierce 535 12-0 50 Bungs, wooden Barrel 133 9-0 151 Barrel Barrel... 116 96 7-9 7-9 141 185 Burlap . Bale 50 Bale 50 From Calcutta. Bale 54 Bale 54 Bale . . 55 Bale 1,190 25-0 47 Bale . 1,085 28-6 59 Bale 1,127 25-5 51 5 Timers: Acetylene Case 64 1-8 58 Case 254 6-4 56 Case 427 10-8 56 Gas Case 248 6-4 57 Lamp Case 78 7-0 200 Case 88 6-2 157 Brass. Case 130 9-7 165 Brass. Burners and collars, lamp Package 86 6-2 160 Butter Case .. . 80 2-0 56 Case 132 3-0 51 Firkin 120 3-3 60 Tub 73 2-1 64 Butterine Box 30 0-8 50 Pasteboard box. Buttons: Collar .. . Package . . . 15 1-3 187 Ivory (vegetable) Pearl . . . Case Case 200 280 13-2 6-1 147 49 Case . . 710 15-11 50 Shell Case 240 4-9 44 Shoe Case 145 3-6 55 Unspecified Buttons and pins, collar Case Case 165 110 1-10 9-11 24 201 Butts: Brass Box 397 3-0 17 Case 250 2-11 26 Steel door Case Case 228 153 1-4 1-6 13 22 Cabbage: Canned Fresh Case Barrel... 67 105 1-7 5-8 48 121 Crate....---- 75 2-4 69 16 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS Cabinets: Filing Box 60 22-5 836 Set up Kitchen Case 512 53-5 234 Setup Music Case 94 12-7 299 Set up Steel Case 2 080 85-4 92 Cable: Copper Reel . 3 974 55-0 31 Insulated Reel 2 449 39-9 36 Lead Reel 5 625 94-0 37 Reel . . 3 525 49-0 31 Reel 525 9-5 40 Reel 3 659 101-2 62 Covered Steel Reel .... 2 250 33 2 33 Reel 3 375 56-5 37 Reel 2' 050 42-0 46 Roll 5 320 65-8 30 750 feet Cabots ... . Bale '400 10-0 56 Caffeine Case 166 14-0 189 Cake, oil See Oil-cake Calcium: Carbide Case Drum 63 107 1-3 2-0 45 42 Chloride 700 8-5 29 Drum 613 8 6 34 Calendars, lithographic Calico ...... ...... Drum Case Bale 724 239 207 8-8 6-9 8-9 27 63 95 Camphor: Crude Tub .... 226 9-11 98 Import Refined Case 146 3-0 46 Case 123 2-6 46 40 2J-pound slabs in tissue Case 125 2-9 49 paper. N 2J-pound slabs. Unspecified Barrel 283 9-0 71 Candles Box 56 Box 19 0-5 50 Box 210 7-3 75 Box 48 1 3 58 Candy Barrel 343 8-6 55 Case 233 6-3 60 Case 300 8-0 60 Cane wood -. 80 Canned goods .' Case 47 1-3 60 Average. Cans: Ash Crate 27 5-0 415 Enrptv. Biscuit Case 100 18-0 340 Empty Iron Case 29 8-6 200 Empty. Milk Unspecified Crate Bundle 147 150 13-2 4-0 656 60 Empty. Empty. Case 125 16-0 286 Emptv. Canvas belting Capers, pickled Bale Keg 193 5-1 58 70 Caps: Blasting Box 46 2-0 97 Bottle Box 243 7-5 68 Car trucks See Locomotive and Parts. Carbines Case 90 3-1 78 Carbolon Keg .. 222 5-4 54 Silicon carbide. Carbon: Bisulphide of Decolorizing Carbon brushes Drum Cask Case 120 308 234 2-3 23-0 8-4 42 164 79 Carbons: Arc lamp Electric Case Case 143 120 2-6 2-9 49 51 Case . . 142 2-7 41 Carborundum : "No 20" - - - Barrel 161 2-8 37 Wheels Case 50 1-9 78 Carboy Each . .. 75 8-0 239 Empty. Cardboard Bundle 205 6-1 67 Cardboard mountings Cards: Playing Case Case Case . 474 220 127 13-9 4-10 3-11 65 50 69 6 gross. Postal Case Case 235 460 8-0 12-6 76 61 Case 334 6-9 43 39,127 cards. Tabulation Carpets: Jute Case Bale Bale 488 133 12-8 13-0 58 230 140 Roll... 80 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 17 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GEOSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE REMARKS. Carriages: Baby Box... 217 35-11 370 Unspecified Case 1 462 188 5 291 Crate... . 1,170 172-0 329 Carrots Barrel 147 7-0 106 Garrotte wood . . . Pieces 1 878 35-3 42 Cars: Box Each 32 800 2,830-0 261 Each 39,300 4,580-0 261 80 000 pounds capacity Each 42,600 5,273-0 277 100 000 pounds capacity Steel (cane) 73 Street Boxed 9 000 1 440-0 375 Tank Each 156 Cartons Case 100 17-0 350 Cartridges: Safety Case 104 2-0 43 Case 44 0-7 30 Sporting Case . . 20 0-5 46 Unspecified Case 45 Case . . 64 1-2 41 Case . 91 1-5 35 Carts, road. Package 235 56-4 537 Case ? egg Each 53 2 10 112 With case fillers Casein (sizing) . Barrel 310 9-0 65 Cash registers Barrel Case 345 218 9-2 9-2 64 94 Case 250 11-0 98 Case . . 356 14-6 91 Case 241 10-5 97 Case Case . 218 186 8-1 7-9 83 93 Case 323 14-10 103 Casings: Hog Keg. 66 1-4 43 Keg " 67 1-4 42 Unspecified i-barrel 230 4-4 42 Keg 130 2-6 44 Tierce.. 625 12-0 42 Caskets Case 280 32-8 263 Casks, palm oil Each 410 37-0 202 Empty. Casrina. Bag 112 2-7 52 Barrel 345 9-2 59 Cassia Bale 60 4-10 180 Broken. Bale.. 66 4-9 161 Import. Bale Case 79 5-7 158 184 Import. Case . . . 79 4-9 127 Case 63 5-2 187 Casters: Iron Barrel 400 5-5 34 Case 330 4-6 31 Steel Case 69 1-10 59 Castings Box 769 10-9 31 Castoffs, steel Case 304 6-11 51 Castoria Case 98 2-8 69 8 fluid ounces per bottle. Catalogues Case . . 226 5-10 58 Case 11 0-4 68 Catgut Box 150 10-5 156 Catsup . . . Case . 33 1-0 68 Cattle. Each 187 Cauliflower: Canned Case . . 67 1-7 48 Fresh Barrel 125 9-0 161 Crate 96 4-0 93 Caviar, Russian Case . 75 1-6 50 Keg ' 50 Cedar: Boards Bundle .... 59 1-5 54 Logs Lumber Sach 764 21-0 61 53 Strips 50 Ceiling, metal Celery Crate Box 172 86 3-0 7-0 40 182 Celluloid: Manufactures Case 187 25-3 302 Sheets Case 119 2-3 42 Transparent. Cement: Asbestos Channel Bag Barrel 122 365 3-6 11-11 65 73 Magnesia Unspecified Bag Bag iarrel Barrel... 117 94 400 400 6-0 1-4 5-10 6-0 115 35 36 36 10575919 3 18 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAEGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Ceresine . ......... Bag . .. 127 3-1 55 Barrel 500 11-8 54 Chains: Auto Case 425 4-1 22 Case 283 3-7 28 Doe. . . Case 271 3-10 32 Iron Barrel"... 330 8-0 54 Barrel 500 8-6 40 Box 635 4-10 17 15 chains. Watch (gold). Case 101 3-0 67 Chair stock Case 169 9-5 125 Knocked down Case 146 7-4 113 Case 275 15-0 122 Chairs: Barber Box 230 16-0 156 Case 400 24-0 134 Reed Case 104 21-2 456 Rocking Case 165 14-0 190 Knocked down. Surgical Case 360 27-0 167 Theater Bundle 31 1-3 90 Knocked down Unspecified . Case 165 11-8 158 Case 140 9-9 156 Knocked down. Chalk: Billiard Package Box. 191 125 17-0 2-4 199 42 Precipitated Barrel 205 8-0 87 Unspecified .. 38 Barrel . 309 7-0 51 Champagne Case 70 1-8 53 Channels steel Each.. . . 128 1-7 28 Charcoal Bag 112 Barrel.... 120 7^6 131 Case 60 2-0 90 Ground. Cheese: Cheddar Box... 76 1-8 51 Cream Box.. 73 1-8 51 Elkhorn Package Case... 35 47 1-0 1-2 64 56 Unspecified Box Box... 50 70 1-4 1-8 60 53 Box 64 1-7 55 Box 44 0-9 38 Bundle 37 1-1 66 Chemicals Package Box 44 57 1-2 2-1 60 82 Box 144 5-5 84 Cherries: Canned Case 44 1-0 48 Case 54 1-3 47 In brine Barrel... 632 15-1 54 From Italy. Barrel 526 13-3 56 From Italy. Pressed... ... . Case 60 1-10 61 Chewing gum Case 124 2-2 40 Chicken, canned Case 22 0-6 50 Chicle ' Bag 133 2-6 42 From Colombia. Bag 141 2-5 38 4 to 6 cakes wrapped inburlap. Bag::::::::: 152 2-8 39 Bag 90 2-0 50 Chickory Bag 60 Bag 132 3^-8 60 Chillies Bag 155 , 6-0 86 Bale 430 13-3 69 From Africa. China Package 500 33-0 150 Common. Chloral hydrate .. Case . . 304 10-11 80 Chloroform Chocolate Drum Case 116 140 2-3 2-10 43 51 Case . 136 3-3 49 Chow-chow Case 77 1-8 60 Chrome: Alum Cask 600 14-0 52 Ore See Ore, Chrome. Chronometers Case 224 16-5 164 Chucks: Drill Case 153 1-3 20 Case 154 1-6 22 Lathe Box 90 0-11 23 Lathe and jaw Case 250 6-3 56 Case 24 0-8 62 Case 70 1-6 48 Magnetic Case . 173 0-7 8 Scroll Case 85 0-9 20 Unspecified .. . Case 172 1-6 20 Case 553 6-1 24 12 by 13 inches. Case 158 1-7 22 3 chucks. Case... 293 3-10 29 4-jaw, "Independent." STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 19 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Chucks and shanks Box 760 15-2 45 Cider Barrel . 460 10-5 56 Barrel 460 12-0 60 Cigarettes i barrel 1 barrel Case . . 244 128 50 6-11 3-5 2-4 60 60 110 Case 175 8-3 105 Case 170 8-2 105 Case Case 1 175 225 10-0 29-3 128 292 Case . . 162 7-6 104 Case 152 7 4 168 Case 180 8-7 107 Cigars Case . 30 2-0 149 1 000 Case 400 18-0 180 Case 127 6-0 106 Case Case 124 104 6-7 8-5 119 181 Import. Import 3 000 Cinnamon: Chips Bale 345 13 4 87 Quills Bag 100 4-11 110 From Calcutta Bag Bundle 100 100 5-9 5-2 129 116 From Calcutta. Import Unspecified Bale.. 100 Bale 140 Bale 94 4-9 113 Bale 102 8-4 183 Cisterns iron Crate 322 7 5 52 Citrons, 'preserved Box Box 300 254 10-3 15-0 70 132 Cabinet maker's Claret Barrel 445 14-1 70 42 gallons From Italy Barrel 491 13-0 59 Clarifier sugar Barrel 380 6-2 36 Clay: Fire Barrel 350 7-4 51 Unspecified Clay pigeons . Cask Barrel 690 130 15-5 6-9 50 125 See also Ballast. Barrel 135 9-0 149 Clippers: K Bolt Case 105 0-9 16 Hair Case 104 4-8 100 Case . ... 40 1-9 98 Horse Box 37 2-0 121 Clips: Paper . Case 55 2-7 105 Case 155 6-4 91 Pencil Case 244 9-1 83 Steel Case 180 5-11 74 Clock movements Clocks: \larm . . Case Box 192 64 3-9 3-2 43 110 Unspecified Box 82 6-8 182 Box 91 6-7 162 Box 116 9-3 178 Tin-lined box Box 68 6-0 197 Clocks and parts Cloth: Book Case Case 144 400 4-7 11-9 71 68 Cheese . . Bundle . . . 252 15-0 134 Cotton Bale 391 13-3 76 Bale 334 10-9 72 Case 339 18-5 122 Case 378 24-10 147 Case 510 30-0 132 2 7 ounces per yard Cotton printed Bale 180 5-6 70 See also Calico, Crfipe, etc. Mohair See Mohair Rubber Case 342 9-3 61 Silk Case 280 Unspecified Waterproof, cotton Bale Roll 540 556 27-9 14-4 115 65 518 yards. Woolen Case 429 22-0 115 3.8 ounces per yard. Case 276 12-0 97 See also Serge Clothes bars, wood Crate 71 12-1 381 Clothing: on: Case Case 155 163 7-10 7 7 113 104 Infantry officers' coats Rubber Case 148 11-0 166 Unspecified Bale 85 Case 100 Case Case... 180 229 5-4 19-4 92 188 20 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Cloves Bag 100 5-8 120 Bale . 150 8-0 120 Bale... Bale 130 145 7-4 6-9 126 104 From \frica Coal: Anthracite Bulk 35 Bituminous Bulk 43 Unspecified Bag Bag Bulk. . 168 203 4-2 5-0 56 55 45 Coal-tar colors: Acid black Barrel 123 3-0 55 Barrel... 120 2-2 40 Barrel 315 8-9 62 Barrel 447 13-4 67 Acid blue Barrel . 250 4-6 40 Barrel 240 6-11 65 Acid bordeaux Barrel . 510 12-8 56 Acid green Barrel 280 12-8 101 Acid orange Barrel... 292 11-4 87 Acid red Barrel . 240 6-11 65 Acid yellow Barrel Barrel. . . 55 240 2-2 6-9 88 63 Aniline colors.. Barrel 488 10-5 48 Barrel Case 617 40 10-5 2-2 38 121 Case.... 12 0-8 124 Cask 285 8-0 63 Keg 99 3-7 81 Basic green ... Barrel... 284 12-4 98 Congo red Barrel 407 12-1 70 Direct black . Barrel 514 13-11 61 Barrel 490 12-8 58 Barrel 574 12-8 49 Barrel .. 240 4-10 45 Direct blue Barrel . 425 11-0 42 Barrel.... 226 4-4 43 Barrel 240 6-11 65 Keg 90 2-0 50 Direct dye Keg. 54 1-7 65 Direct green Barrel 760 20-9 61 Direct violet. Barrel... 247 7-6 68 Methyl violet Barrel . 516 11-11 52 Nigrosino Barrel 152 5-3 77 Safranine basic . . Barrel .. 278 11-0 88 Sulphur black Barrel 491 10-8 48 Ultramarine Bag . 154 3-3 47 Ultra Tiarine blue Barrel. 279 6-6 52 Coal-tar intermediates: Alpha-naphthylamine Barrel... 417 11-11 64 Keg 265 5-10 49 Aniline salts Case. . . . 280 9-0 77 Cask. . 777 31-8 90 Cask 779 32-6 93 Beta naphthol Hogshead . . . Barrel 764 142 30-5 6-9 89 106 Barrel 265 12-8 107 Keg 262 10-9 92 Dinitr ochlorbenzol Drum 1,291 21-10 41 Monochlorbenzol . Drum. 1,200 24-3 45 110 gallons. Naphthalene balls Barrel 275 10-3 83 Naphthalene flakes Barrel . 200 10-3 114 Nitrobenzol Drum. 1,200 24-3 45 110 gallons. Paranitraniline Barrel. . 442 13-0 66 Keg. 135 5-7 93 Paraphenylenediamine Keg 51 1-8 73 Phenolpthalein Case 143 4-5 69 Coast-defense material Box 10, 925 231-6 27 Box. . 3,600 64-2 40 Cobalt oxide Cask 942 13-8 32 Keg 534 4-7 19 Cobblestones 22 Coca-Cola Barrel.. .. 313 10-0 71 Cochineal . Case 250 10-0 89 Tin lined. Cocoa Bag 152 4-5 66 Bag... 170 5-7 74 Import. Bag 183 7-0 86 Germ. Barrel 210 5-7 60 Case 129 3-0 52 Cocoa butter . . Case 250 6-1 55 Cocoa leaves Cocoa leaves, ground. . Bag Bag... 120 114 5-3 4-6 98 88 Import. Import. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 21 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Cocoa waste Bag 66 1-3 42 Coconut, desiccated Case 156 5-0 72 Import Coconut shells Bag 113 6-8 132 Import Bag... 131 5-0 85 Coconuts Bag.. . . 102 Bag 130 5-3 100 Bag.. 130 6-0 103 Bag 160 6-6 91 Bag.. 170 6-0 79 From Porto Rico. Bag 160 6-6 91 From Porto Rico. Bag 153 6-7 96 Import Bulk 140 Codfish: Dry Barrel 486 15-8 72 From Halifax Barrel Case 140 76 4-2 2-1 67 62 From Halifax. Case 123 3-3 59 From Halifax. Case 122 3-6 64 Cask 600 17-0 63 Dry, salt Drum 140 4-6 70 Fresh... Barrel 358 9-7 60 Cod roe Barrel... 300 6-6 48 Coffee: Clean. Bag 150 3-9 56 Green Bag 131 5-1 60 Bag 136 3-6 57 From Brazil. Ba| 132 4-6 75 From Brazil. Bag 132 3-8 62 From Brazil. Bag 140 3-11 62 From Colombia. Bag 208 6-4 68 From Costa Rica. Bag 141 3-5 54 From Costa Rica. Ba| 176 4-9 60 From Guatemala. Bag 152 4-6 66 From Guatemala. Bag. 134 4-1 68 From Java. Baf Cask 132 900 3-8 21-9 62 54 From Venezuela. From Ceylon. In shell. Bag 150 4-3 63 Unspecified Bag 170 4-3 55 From Java. Bag 130 3-2 55 Coffins... Case ... 253 30-7 270 Case 200 22-6 252 Coke Bag 80-100 Bag 150 8-2 121 Bag.. 145 5-5 83 Petroleum. Bulk. 70 Collars: Celluloid.... Case 203 22-0 242 Cotton... Case 146 13-6 207 Rubber.... . . . Case 192 22-0 256 Collops, canned. Case 35 0-9 48 Minced. Colors, aniline See Coal-tar Colors. Colors, dry earth 70 Combs: Celluloid, toilet. Case 301 12-9 95 Horn .. Case 337 9-3 61 From Genoa. Case. .. 242 7-2 66 From Genoa. Compasses Case 10 1-0 224 Compounds: Boiler Barrel 475 12-0 56 Cutting.. Barrel 499 12-0 54 Comptometer Case 204 5-9 63 Concentrate 25 See Ore, Concentrates. Concrete mixers Case 4,830 172-10 80 Confectionery Case 62 Case 175 6-0 75 Case . 400 12-0 70 French. Cookers. Case 480 27-0 126 90 Copaiba Box 82 2-0 55 South American balsam. Box 120 2-0 37 Copper: Bars , ingot Each Each 69 117 0-3 0-6 8 10 From Chile. Each . 60 0-3 9 Each 64 0-3 9 Bars, wire Each 148 0-6 8 Ingots ... Barrel 1,300 7-8 14 Matte 19 Ore Se Ore, Copper. Hgs Each 300 i-4 10 22 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Copper Continued. Sheets Case 600 6-5 18 Case ... 1,047 7-10 17 Case 569 3-4 13 Sulphate Barrel... 690 13-6 47 Case 115 2-0 39 Keg 182 3-5 45 Copra Bag 176 8-6 108 Seca. Bale... 85 Case 80-90 , Coral Bag 90 Rough Box 70 Cork: French Bale 132 25-11 440 Granulated Bag... 107 15-6 324 Bag 270 Pressed. Bale 200 Bale 140 22-2 354 Import Bale 144 18-7 289 Import. Bale 165 23-4 317 Import. Cork board Crate... 102 13-2 288 Cork scrap. Bale 199 30-5 343 Cork shavings Bale 154 18-6 270 Bale 275 35-6 290 Bale . 123 13-8 249 Cork waste Bale 178 17 214 Corkwood Bale 259 18-0 155 Bale 154 18-6 270 Corks Bag 236 45-0 426 Bag 165 30-11 420 Bag 179 33-0 413 Bag ... . 164 28-0 388 Bale Bale 106 50 18-5 9-0 389 403 Bale 95 18-0 424 Bale 172 16-0 208 Compressed. Corn Bae 112 3-0 60 Bag 110 2-6 56 Bulk 50 Case 44 1-0 54 Canned. Corn husks Bale . .. 222 27-0 272 Corn remedy Cornsheller Corn sheller and parts Case Crate Box 62 310 873 1-9 15-7 60-5 63 113 155 Corn sheller parts Cornflakes Case 95 1-7 37 274 Toasted. Corsets Case 240 17 7 164 Case 100 12-0 270 Case 320 26-2 183 Corundum: Lump Bag 64 1-2 40 From Calcutta. Ore.. See Ore, Corundum. Cots Crate 99 4-8 106 Knocked down. Cotters (key or wedge) Case 398 5-3 30 Case 486 5-4 25 Cottolene ^ barrel 125 3-8 65 Tierce... 400 11-7 65 Tub 64 2-2 80 Cotton: Absorbent Case 151 11-5 169 Case 166 15-2 205 American Bale Bale 500 500 27-0 30-0 121 130 Compressed. Compressed. Bale 452 14-5 71 High density. Bale 456 16-9 83 High density. Bale 515 17-11 78 High density. Bale 515 20-7 89 High density. Bale 524 19-6 83 High density. Bale 535 18-4 77 High density. Bale 548 19-9 81 High density. Bale 480 43-0 200 Uncompressed. Calcutta Bale 410 11-0 60 Heavily compressed. China Bale 520 12-6 54 Heavily compressed. Egyptian Bale Bale 775 784 20-0 20-0 58 65 Heavily compressed. Goods Bale 376 16-0 96 Bale 484 20-3 94 From Genoa. Case 152 6-11 102 Case 166 7-10 69 Piece goods. Case 350 12-2 78 From Genoa. Case 367 19-4 118 Case 424 14-0 74 Case.... 502 41-2 184 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 23 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Cotton Continued. Goods . Case 508 26-9 118 Case 600 25-0 100 Case 612 27 3 100 Knit goods . . Case 440 39-4 200 See also Gloves Hosiery and Linters Bale 440 28-0 130 Underwear. Bale 472 42-0 199 Bale ... 500 42-0 188 Sea-island Bag... 350 48-0 307 Bag.. 333 35-0 237 Waste Bale . . 368 28-8 175 Bale Bale 450 516 40-0 36-0 200 156 Bale . 580 43-6 167 Cotton wood lumber 120 Couplings, iron pipe . . Bale 90 1-6 37 Covering: Magnesia Case 521 38-8 166 Pipe cork . Crate 200 20-1 225 Pipe, magnesia Covers: Canteen Case Case 352 344 22-0 20-5 140 133 1 805 covers. Lamp Case 595 15-6 58 1 ounce each Crab apples, canned . . . Case 42 1-4 66 From Canada. Crab meat, canned Crackers Case Barrel 68 71 1-5 7-0 47 221 Import. 4 dozen tins, 14 ounces each. Bundle 80 4-0 112 Case Crate 81 134 5-5 9-5 149 157 Cradles and cribs 200 * Cranberry sauce . . Box 100 2-2 50 Cranberries Barrel 140 5-5 94 Barrel 133 6-6 109 Box 40 1-8 90 Crate 45 1-4 66 Crankshafts Box 265 5-9 48 Crayons Case 275 10-0 81 Case 233 8-4 80 Case 140 10-0 90 Cream: Dental Case 222 6-8 67 Case 130 5-0 86 Case 338 13-7 90 Case 199 6-3 70 "Hinds' Honey and Al- Case 142 4-4 68 mond." Massage .. Case 134 3-4 56 Case .. .. 100 3-11 88 Cream of tartar Barrel 111 3-0 61 Cream separator Hogshead . . . Case 1,300 195 34-9 8-0 60 92 See also Argols. Case 233 9-10 95 Import. Case 100 4-10 108 Creosote Case 246 11-1 100 Beechwood. Cask 480 13-0 60 Crepe, cotton Case 225 14-0 139 4.7 ounces per yard. Crockery: Plumbers' Unspecified Case Box 700 204 54-0 12-6 175 137 Box Box 105 139 9-8 9-5 206 152 Cask 445 5-1 250 Crutches Case 425 35-0 180 Cubebs 84 Cucumbers Crate 40 1-11 107 Cultivators Case . .. 271 22-7 186 Hand. Crate 773 29-5 85 "Spring-tooth." Crate 538 22-0 92 Crate 434 15-6 80 Cumberlands Package 103 3-7 78 See Bacon. Cupboards Crate 137 15-5 251 Case 150 10-4 147 Curios Case 963 81-3 189 Case 1,910 84-0 99 Currants Box 50 1-1 50 Box 40 1-2 65 Curtains, car windows . . . Case 267 6-9 56 Cutch Bale 559 6-0 24 Basket Box 100 125 3-0 2-10 68 50 Box... 120 2-3 42 24 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Cutlery Case 205 5-0 54 Case 75 2-6 77 Case 220 4-11 50 Case 222 3-8 37 Case Case 84 218 3-0 11-10 80 122 Cylinders: Ammonia Case Each 116 166 6-2 5-0 119 68 Carbonic acid Locomotive . . . . Each 90 14-0 348 See Locomotive and Parts Cypress lumber 110 Dates Case 45 0-8 33 Case 76 1-2 34 Import. Case 40 0-9 42 Import. Case Case 66 133 1-0 2-9 34 46 Fard, 5 boxes in case. Fard 9 boxes in case Case 64 1-1 38 In bulk. Case 45 Dry Case 40 Wet Demijohns Crate 315 17-6 124 Dental supplies Case 75 2-2 65 See also Cream, Dental Case Case 91 75 4-0 3-5 98 102 Desks: School 109 Unspecified Box 395 42-0 250 Box 550 55-0 300 Dextrine Crate Package Bag ... 207 180 220 18-5 24-9 5-2 199 319 53 Knocked down. Bag 281 7-0 55 Bag 230 5-1 50 Import. Barrel 299 9-0 67 Dinltrochlorbenzol See Coal-tar Intermediates. Discs: Brass. Case 731 2-10 9 Harrow Case 437 2-7 13 Harrow tractor Case . . 663 11-11 40 Steel . Case 197 1-4 15 Tin Barrel 249 9-0 81 Dish drainers Box 75 4-10 145 Disinfectant Barrel 246 8-11 81 Case 78 Drum . 49 Divi-divi . Bag 105 4-8 99 Bag 123 6-8 121 From Curasao. 35."! 92 5-3 128 From Curasao. Bag 126 6-8 118 From Dutch West Indies. Doll carts Box 194 16-9 193 Knocked down. Dolls: Celluloid . Case 150 27-4 408 Unspecified Case 130 14-6 249 Case 255 22-9 200 Tin-lined box. Domestic, cotton . . Bale 350 11-0 68 Doors Car 30 000 1,700-0 120 Drawers money Crate 145 Crate 88 7-7 193 Dress form Case 25 3-0 268 Dressing: Auto... Box 42 1-2 62 Shoe Case 45 1-6 75 Case 122 3-7 66 Drill parts, electric . Case 60 1-8 62 Drilling cotton Case 410 19-0 100 Drills: Bench .... Case .... 64 2-9 96 Breast Case 225 7-3 72 Hand Case 228 8-5 83 Case 47 2-1 99 Post Crate 189 10-7 125 Radial plain Case 2.465 58-11 53 With speed variator. Twist Box 212 3-3 34 Box 231 2-1 20 Carbon steel. Box.. 152 1-9 26 Box 105 1-4 29 Unspecified Drugs . Case Bale 250 472 3-0 15-10 27 75 Import. Dried flowers. Bale Case 465 85 13-5 3-2 65 83 Import. Case . . . 138 8-11 145 Case 50 1-10 82 Case 69 5-1 165 Pills and plasters. Package 104 3-7 77 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 25 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Drum: Anhydrous ammonia. Each 164 24-4 332 Empty Carbide Each 7 2 o 640 Disinfectant Each . 100 12-0 269 EnrDtv Gasoline Lubricating oil Each Each 98 91 12-0 12 274 295 Empty. Soap stock Each . . 200 36-0 403 Empty Sulphuric acid.. Ea^h 220 21 9 221 Emntv Dry goods Case 214 7-11 83 Case 300 27-0 201 Case 110 7-0 143 Duck: Cotton Bale 350 8-6 60 Bale Case 185 514 5-7 20-0 68 85 11.5 ounces per yard. Case 637 22-8 79 Roll 75 R^ll . . 80 Unspecified Bale... Bale 510 465 10-6 10-3 46 49 Waterproof Roll Roll 543 166 13-7 4-2 56 56 Dunnage Cord 1 700 128-0 168 Dye: Black sulphur. . See Coal-tar Colors. Coal-tar See Coal-tar Colors. Direct See Coal-tar Colors. Leather Case 45 1-10 91 Dyestuffs: Acid Case 320 10-11 76 For wool. Unspecified Barrel 500 11-4 51 Keg. . 230 5-0 49 Keg 155 4-6 65 Dynamite Case 58 1-6 57 D ynamometer Case 848 20-1 53 Crate. . 1,624 45-3 62 Earth: Fullers' Bae 143 4-0 63 Sienna Bag" 217 5-8 59 Import. Cask 609 23-3 85 Import. Cask 692 15-11 52 Import. Umber, raw Earthenware Cask Crate 772 13-5 39 125 Import. Crate 56 3-1 125 Ebonite Case 189 5-7 66 Case 167 4-5 59 Case 211 4-0 42 55 Egg albumen See Albumen, Egg. Egg beaters Case 88 4-3 100 Case . . 130 8-3 142 Case 151 8-3 122 Eggplants Crate 54 2-4 97 Egg volk Barrel 480 15-0 70 Case 53 2-0 85 Case 55 2-4 95 Case 60 2-2 80 Desiccated. Case 75 2-4 70 In cans. Elastic Case . . 487 21-4 98 Case 392 16-2 95 From Genoa. Electrical: Accessories Goods Case Case 250 69 13-6 2-11 121 95 Case 259 9-4 80 Case 70 3-11 125 Case Case 170 264 6-3 6-3 82 53 Instruments See Instruments. Material Box 208 6-1 65 Box 149 5-10 87 Box 21 1-4 187 Box 319 13-1 92 Supplies Case Case 125 213 6-4 12-3 114 129 Case 387 12-10 74 Case 166 5-10 79 Case 74 4-5 134 Sockets, flashlights, insula- Case... 246 8-5 76 tor. Wiring devices. 10575919- 26 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Electrodes: Graphite Box 638 17-6 60 Box Box 587 596 13-0 16-3 50 61 Box 581 15-8 60 Unspecified Box 25 0-7 52 Box 789 20-9 59 Box 699 16-5 53 Electrolyte, dry Electrotypes Case Case 88 25 3-10 0-11 98 82 Elevator parts Elm Case Car 422 40 000 14-9 1 500-0 78 85 Elm lumber 90 Embroidery, cotton . . Case 216 17-0 176 From 7 Genoa Emery: Paper Bale 112 2-2 43 Wheels Box Barrel 388 397 9-0 11 11 52 67 Barrel 454 8-7 42 Barrel 344 10-2 65 Barrel Case 308 300 9-2 6-9 67 50 Case 284 5-0 39 Case . . 130 2-7 45 Enamel Case 145 2-5 37 Enameled ware Case 55 3-11 159 Case . 224 18-5 184 Case 102 8-8 190 Case 241 17-9 167 Crate 185 14-8 177 Enameled ware and copper ware Box 235 17-6 167 Engine-repair parts Case 128 2-10 50 Engines: Gas Each 8 000 266-0 75 Gasoline . . . . Case . . 750 27-8 82 Marine standard Case 3 495 87-0 56 Withfskids Case 207 11-4 122 Without skids. Case 2 113 59-11 64 Case 2 188 69-5 71 Oil and parts Box 1,492 32-11 48 Envelopes, paper Case 130 Case 425 22-7 119 Case 208 14-0 151 Eradicator ink Case 50 2-5 108 Escutcheons Case 80 2-9 77 E vaporators Package 95 Excelsior Bale 200 23-1 258 Bale 110 6-6 130 Compressed. Extract: Bark Barrel 568 12-3 50 Case 60 1-0 37 Cod oil . . .. Bundle 90 2-10 70 Dye wood Barrel 560 12-0 48 Case 56 1-0 40 Fustic Barrel 600 12-0 48 Box 56 0-11 37 Gambler Case 525 8-2 35 Import. Case . 400 8-8 45 Case 437 7-6 38 Case 311 8-0 56 Hemlock Barrel 583 9-11 37 Logwood Barrel 540 12-0 50 See also Logwoo . Crystals. Case. 237 6-8 63 Cask 488 12-2 61 Import. Cask 520 17-0 73 Dry. Case 56 0-11 37 Solid. Malt Barrel 280 9-0 72 Oak Barrel . . 640 15-0 53 Plant . Barrel 450 12-0 59 Quebracho Bag 110 1-10 37 Bag 112 1-10 37 Bag 112 2-0 40 From Argentina. Bag 112 1-9 35 From Argentina. Rennet, liquid Cask.. 475 9-0 45 Tan Cask 540 11-3 48 Tannin Barrel 400 12-0 67 Tanning Bag 110 2-6 50 Witch hazel Barrel 451 9-6 47 See Witch Hazel. Eyelets and hooks 60 Fabrics for hosiery. . . Case... 450 i<^6 95 From Genoa. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 27 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Fans: Chinese Case . . 36 5-2 287 Electric Box 390 33 169 Farina, germ Bag 200 5-4 55 Box . 55 1 5 57 Fasteners: Belt, metal Case 234 2-8 26 Case . 15 0-4 49 Case 154 2 10 41 Case . . . 151 2-11 43 Iron, corrugated Box 111 17 34 Snap Case 67 1 11 64 Case Case 180 248 14-0 16 6 174 149 Faucets Case Case 360 69 15-11 2-1 99 68 Feathers Bale 133 6-9 113 Bale... 206 9-8 106 From China Bale 205 25-0 254 Feed: Barley Bale Bag 428 48-0 250 70 Gluten ... Baf::::::::: Bag 200 6-5 70 67 Hominy Bag 165 5-0 67 Bag " 150 3-3 48 Oat. . ... Bag 80 Bag"'! 220 8-6 77 Peanut. Bag 112 5-0 100 Rye Bag 162 5-6 76 Feldspar - Bag 200 3 3 36 Bag 102 2-0 43 Ground. Felloes Bundle 50 4 3 190 Felt: Building Roll 149 7-9 116 Hair Bale. . 240 24-0 225 Unspecified Woolen Bale Bale 112 150 12-0 21-0 240 313 Fencing: Wire Package 155 7 8 101 Roll....".. 179 Roll 76 3-11 115 Wire woven Roll 238 7 5 63 Ferrochrome Barrel . 1,500 12-11 17 Ferromanganese Barrel 1 350 10-4 16 Ferrotype plate Ferrovanadium Case Case Keg Keg . . ' 50 60 192 236 0-7 0-7 1-4 1-8 26 25 16 16 Fertilizers Bag 202 6-0 66 Fiber: Asbestos Bag 120 4-8 90 Bristle Bag 80 From Colombo. Coconut Mats 58 1-9 68 From Calcutta and Colombo. Mats . 63 1-9 62 From Calcutta and Colomb o. Flax 107 Hemp See Hemp. Horn Box 1,121 41-6 83 Box 1,320 46-9 79 Box 1,215 24-3 45 Istle See Istle. Jute See Jute. Kapoc. . . See Kapoc. Rice Bale 414 15-5 83 Import. Bale 407 16-6 91 Import. Vegetable Case ... . 221 7-1 71 Vulcanized Case 825 25-0 67 Keg 81 2-1 57 Figs: Canned Case 53 1-3 47 Case 44 1-6 48 Case 53 1-1 46 Dried Basket 55 1-1 45 Box 56 2-3 90 Box 63 2-8 96 Filberts Bag 108 4-5 92 Import. Cask 330 15-8 106 Files (tools) . Case 200 1-3 20 Case 188 1-5 17 Case 181 1-8 21 Filing cases, steel Case 244 13-10 127 Filler" soap.'.. Sack... 250 8-0 71 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Film scrap: Cleaned ... Barrel 443 15-0 77 In water Uncleaned Barrel 362 12-6 77 In water Films: Kodak Case . .. 291 10-0 77 Motion picture Can 58 1-6 58 Case 45 1-4 66 Case 120 2-8 48 Filter cloth Box 136 4-6 74 Metal Roll 128 5-5 95 Firecrackers Case 117 5-1 97 Fire extinguishers: Copper Case 250 3-6 30 Fluid Case 212 4-2 44 Case 210 3-2 34 Unspecified Case 232 5-5 52 Case Case 210 38 6-0 1-5 65 83 4 to case Firestones Case 95 1-6 35 For cigar lighters. Fish: Canned Case 65 1-4 15 Frozen Box 300 9-6 71 Box 260 9-2 78 Pickled.. Tierce 1.000 24-0 53 Salted Cask 720 13-6 45 Keg 90 2-0 55 Shredded Box 12 0-6 100 Unspecified Barrel 448 11-0 57 Case 115 3-1 62 Drum 145 4-5 68 Fish sounds Bag 255 16-11 148 From Maracaibo Fixtures: Bathroom Case 618 28-8 102 Case 60 3-3 121 Electric Case 204 12-11 141 Case 50 3-4 149 Gas Case 183 12-1 142 Case 216 10-3 106 Flax Bag 100 3-0 67 Ground Bale 107 Bale .. . 380 18-0 108 Bale 296 14-0 106 New Zealand Flax noils pressed Bale 626 18-5 66 Import. Flaxseed Bulk 50 Sack 130 3-7 62 Sack 182 5-4 60 Flies dried Sack 92 4-2 101 Flint, crushed Bag 112 2-0 40 Flour: Buckwheat Barrel 217 6-9 65 Corn Barrel 217 6-9 65 Box 32 0-9 56 Sack 140 3-3 52 Sack 112 2-9 55 Sack 280 5-7 52 Potato Bag 218 6-0 62 Rve Barrel 217 6-9 65 Sack 140 3-3 52 219 6-0 61 Wheat Barrel .... 217 6-9 65 Barrel 214 7-0 73 Case 24 0-6 50 Sack 140 3-3 52 Flowers, dried See Drugs Foil tin . . Case 160 3-6 49 Food choppers Forges Strap Crate 117 335 3-5 18-0 65 120 Bundle 361 3 11 25 Case .... 677 8-9 29 Forks: Beet Case Case 450 740 26-6 30-0 131 90 Coal and coke Hay Case Case Case 713 520 730 32-2 20-3 28-10 101 87 88 15 dozen. 20 dozen Manure Case 500 28-11 129 Case .... 515 23-3 101 10 dozen. Case 755 35-3 104 15 dozen Spading Case 580 19-11 76 10 dozen Forks and spoons... Case . . . 180 13-11 164 800 to case. See also Tinware. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 29 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Formaldehyde Barrel 54 Barrel Barrel 450 470 12-0 12-0 60 57 Box 60 3-1 115 Fountains Box 705 38-0 121 Frames: Case 233 10-0 96 Picture . Box 176 11 8 134 Freezers, ice cream Fruits: C andied Case Case 300 . 19-1 142 82 Case 62 1 5 51 Dried Case 56 1-3 50 Case 32 0-10 58 Fresh Case 38 1-2 67 Crate 31 1 2 72 Case 62 10-2 367 F ur Bale 100 Bale 1 100 112-0 228 Bale Bale 70 200 3-11 9-6 125 97 160 Case 150 12 5 185 Crated 305 20-0 150 Furniture: Dentists' Case 4fiO 21 2 103 Wooden Fuses, safety Fustic Crate Case 163 120 11-3 4-3 156 80 80 90 Bag 120 379 12-4 73 Crystal Gambier . ... Bae 141 6-0 95 Bag .. 142 6-3 99 Bag 100 Bag 145 5-10 90 Import Basket 120 See Peas Chick Garlic Basket 63 3-8 131 Case 80 Garters, cotton and silk Hamper Hamper Case Case 55 55 125 421 2-5 2-9 5-10 27 9 98 110 105 147 ImporT. Import. 172 90 117 See also Fixtures Gas Gasoline . . Barrel 78 Case ... 80 2-0 56 10 gallons 87 3 77 116 1-7 31 Box 125 2-7 45 Case 156 6-7 95 Iron Case 223 7 1 71 Gears: Metric t Case 138 2-6 39 Spiral Case 24 0-4 31 Wooden Case 735 62-0 188 Gelatine Bae 125 3 10 68 Case ... 155 15-0 215 Generators Box 97 3-6 81 Box 436 13-9 71 Ghee... Case 96 2-2 50 Vegetable oil From Cal- Gherkins Case 40 0-10 47 cutta Gin Case . . 43 1-0 52 Case 46 1-6 62 Ginger Case . . 80 Package Bag 146 158 5-8 6-3 88 89 From Japan. Import, jj Dry. Bag 130 5-4 92 Import. Glass: Cut.. Barrel 92 9-3 225 Plate . Case 41 Case 667 12-0 40 Rough Box 1 019 21-9 47 Window Case Case 145 145 2-9 2-8 42 41 24 by 20 inches 100 feet. 22 by 26 inches 100 feet. Case 148 3-9 57 14 by 22 inches 100 feet. Case 141 2-6 40 14 by 18 inches 100 feet. Case 76 2-7 77 Glasses, drinking... Barrel... 165 9-2 124 See also Tumblers. 30 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Glassware Barrel... 100 8-0 179 Barrel 207 7-8 83 Heavy Case 80 9-0 252 Case 62 3-11 141 Case 110 8-9 178 Case . 150 16-1 240 Case 130 15-7 268 Package Tierce 500 205 33-0 17-0 150 185 Tierce 420 17-0 91 Heavv Globes: Glass Barrel 78 9-0 258 Case 77 9-0 261 Electric light Box 86 23-0 599 Lantern Box 60 5-6 205 Gloves: Cotton knit Case 190 18-7 219 Leather Case 85 7-2 188 Case 180 10-6 130 600 pairs officers' Case 169 12-2 159 Case 79 6-1 172 Sheepskin Rubber See Mittens Gum Rubber, surgical... Silk Case Case 178 214 7-2 16-10 90 180 Case 307 23-0 167 Glucose Barrel 41 Barrel 45 Barrel 660 12-9 45 Barrel 733 13-4 41 Bleached. Barrel Box 729 14-0 43 42 Bleached. Glucose, grape Hogshead . . . Puncheon... Bag 1,900 1,466 112 36-0 27-5 2-5 50 50 48 Glue: Bone Bag 110 1-6 125 Gelatine Barrel . 200 9-0 100 Liquid Case 65 2-0 69 Unspecified. Barrel 214 10-0 114 Bag 110 3-9 72 Dry. Barrel 197 11-0 125 Cask 125 Cask 630 27-0 95 Glue stock Bag 165 4-2 56 Bale 563 38-6 151 Import. Loosely packed. Glycerine Barrel Cask Case . ... 300 460 61 9-0 13-4 1-3 60 65 47 Cask 288 6-0 46 Cask 1.296 27-1 47 Drum . ... 1.327 25-0 46 Drum 1.300 22-10 42 Drum 1 300 24-3 45 Glyco-thymoline Case 31 1-0 72 Gooseberries Case 53 1-3 47 * Grain: Brewers' Bag 125 8-0 143 Dried Bag 75 4-6 120 Granite 14 16 Dressed blocks. Grape juice Barrel 212 9-0 95 Bottled. Case . . 380 11-0 59 Grapefruit Box . 80 3-2 90 Crate 87 2-4 60 Grapes: Canned Case 62 1-4 45 Case 52 1-2 49 Fresh J barrel 35 2-0 133 Barrel 55 3-6 142 Box 29 1-0 77 Crate 27 1-0 83 Keg 81 3-6 96 Graphite Barrel 450 11-0 55 See also Plumbago. Barrel 485 11-0 51 Case 320 6-3 44 Graphite powder Barrel 516 12-0 52 Grass: Raffia Bale... 224 12-1 121 Sea Bale 191 15-0 176 Grate bars See Iron Bars. Gravel... See Ballast. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 31 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Grease: Axle. ! Keg... 141 3-2 50 Black Barrel... 497 12-0 54 Graphite Barrel 456 12 11 64 Litho Keg 102 3-0 66 Lubricating 1 Barrel 447 12-0 60 Barrel 456 11 11 59 Petroleum Barrel 497 13-4 60 Unspecified Cask 460 9-1 50 Tierce 439 11-8 59 Tierce 420 11 7 61 Tierce ... . 425 13-0 68 Green: Acid See Coal-tar Colors Basic See Coal-tar Colors Direct See Coal-tar Colors Grinders: Tool Box 2 868 94-11 74 Box 150 4-7 68 Box .... 96 3-2 74 Box 778 21-1 70 Tool, electrical Box 110 3-10 78 Unspecified Box. . 3 392 84-7 56 Box 552 21-3 86 Grindstones Barrel... 411 9-0 49 Case 57 Crate 250 3-5 30 Grits, brewers' Bag 140 3-3 52 Groceries Case 125 6-4 113 Case 125 5-4 97 Guano Bag 42 Bag . B 141 3-7 57 Gum: Arabic Bag 225 4-11 49 From Calcutta Bag!" 228 5-9 56 From Calcutta. Cfvniphor Bag Case 368 8-0 48 50 Chewing.. See Chewing Gum. Dam fir Case 165 4-1 60 Elastic, raw Case 245 9-0 65 Kalera Basket 174 5-4 68 From Bombay. Matting Karage . . . Baskets Baskets 175 188 4-8 4-8 59 55 baskets covered with bur- lap. From Bombay. Liquid . . Barrel. . . 350 6-9 43 Monre Basket 216 5-3 54 Gum lumber Car 43,000 1,660-0 85 Car . . 38,300 1,800-0 100 Rough red. Pieces 410 16-0 85 Pieces 37 1-5 86 Guncotton, wet Box . 52 1-3 54 See also Smokeless Powder. Gunpowder Drum 50 Drum 500 12-0 54 Guns: 3 3 inches Box 3 560 61-6 39 See also Howitzers. Lewis . Case 150 2-3 34 Guts Tierce 730 12-0 36 Gutta-percha Bag 88 Basket . . 61 1-9 65 Case 183 5-10 80 Gypsum Bag 43 TTahflr d ftsb PT y Box . . 62 4-2 151 Box 180 14-11 186 Box 188 10-10 129 Haddock, dry Cask Tierce 490 496 18-0 13-11 82 63 Import. Hair: Brown domestic Bale . 410 31-0 170 Cattle... Bag 150 6-0 90 Bale .... 204 13-0 143 Curled Bale 240 13-0 121 Goat Bale 193 16-2 182 Hog Bale Bale 417 368 35-1 27-8 189 166 Bale 513 42-0 183 Horse Bale Bale 355 660 21-7 36-0 135 122 Compressed. Bale 933 35-4 85 Buenos Aires. Human Case... 200 11-0 123 Rabbit . . Bale... 360 33-9 210 32 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Hair Continued. Unspecified Bale 369 31 1 188 Bale 338 31-1 206 Bale 168 16-3 216 Bale... 578 31-0 120 Bale 220 12-9 160 Vegetable Hake Bale Drum 108 138 8-5 4-2 175 67 Hames ... . Case 69 2-9 89 Hammers: Machinists' Case 390 8-8 48 Riveting . . 'Case . . . 180 3-8 46 Unspecified Case Case 230 198 6-4 5-3 66 59 Hams Barrel 381 11-3 66 Smoked. Box. . . 650 17-0 58 Cask.. 271 10-0 84 21 hams. Handkerchiefs, Madeira 170 Handles: Broom . ... Bundle . 38 1-7 93 Sack 120 7 7 144 Crank Case 25 0-9 67 Door. Case 40 3-0 168 Hammer Case Case 65 90 2-0 2-3 69 56 12 dozen 14-inch. 12 dozen 16-inch. Case 100 2-11 65 12 dozen 30-inch. Case 180 4-9 59 Case 125 3-0 54 12 dozen 36-inch. Scythe Bundle 100 4 10 110 Crate 500 30-0 125 Tool Case 83 Unspecified . . . Bundle. 123 5-7 100 Wood Box 250 7-6 67 Hardware Bundle Box 102 30 4-6 0-8 99 50 Box 40 0-9 50 Box . 78 0-11 26 Box 185 3-10 46 Box .. 200 4-3 41 Box 221 6-5 65 Box... 260 6-6 56 Bulk . 37 Harrows Package Bundle 63 256 1-4 7 11 47 69 Each 200 15-0 168 Hats: Felt Case 280 Case 145 27-0 417 Case 241 39-4 283 From Genoa. Case 321 47-6 328 From Genoa. Palm. Bale 332 11 4 76 Straw Case 147 23-5 357 Case 348 64-8 416 From Genoa. Case 75 4-2 124 Case 180 9-3 115 Unspecified Case Case 259 233 32-1 29-7 278 285 Tin-lined box. Case 152 29-6 435 Case 290 44-9 346 Woolen Case 344 49-5 322 From Genoa. Case 167 20-10 280 From Genoa. Hay Bale 160 Bale 220 12-9 160 Bale 17-125 Heaters Box 260 11 8 101 Heel plates, iron Heliotropine. Case Case 71 105 1-1 6-10 34 145 For shoes. Hematine crystals Barrel... 370 12-0 72 Barrel 360 12-6 78 Barrel 397 11-2 63 Barrel . 356 12-8 79 Case 70 2-4 75 Wftmp Bale 696 28-4 91 Import. Bale. . 640 32-10 114 Import. Bale 393 9-4 53 Import. Bale... 337 11-11 79 Import. Bale... 281 7-8 61 Import. Bale 117 Italian. Bale... 271 17-0 147 Italian. Bale 9o Manila. Bale 104 Manila. Bale... [ 105 1 Manila. Bale Bale... 278 275 ii-3 12-6 90 102 Manila. Manila. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Bale... 280 10-0 80 Manila. Bale Bale 280 296 9-0 14-0 108 106 Manila. New Zealand Bale 448 18 3 92 Bale 272 11-11 98 Philippine Islands Bale 276 11-8 95 Philippine Islands Bale. .. 125 Russian Bale Bale 280 154 10-0 12-0 80 174 Russian. Progreso See also Sisal Bale 414 21-11 118 Bale . . . 491 21-5 98 Herbs: Dried Bale... 187 16-0 192 Import. Household Case . 2S3 11-2 88 Herring: Canned Case 70 1-6 48 Dry Box 25 1-0 89 . Salt Barrel 315 6-11 49 Barrel... . 330 6-9 45 Wet Tierce 322 6-10 48 Import Hessian: Burlap Bale. .. 990 21-11 50 From Calcutta Jute Bale 1 078 22-10 48 Hexametyleamine Case 'l79 5-0 62 Pharmaceutical Hexarnine Keg 119 4-4 81 Hickory Car 36 000 800-0 60 Hickory blocks 55 Hides: Buffalo Bundle 504 16-11 75 Import Buffalo, dry Dry Bale... Bale 810 400 40-6 24-0 112 134 Horse Bundle 140 3-3 52 Horse, salted, green Bundle 50 1-10 40 Leather, rough russet Pickled Case Cask 4,615 12-10 55 65 Salted Barrel. . . 50 Salted, green Bale.. 55 Bundle 48 1-1 54 Bundle Bundle.. 77 106 1-3 1-9 35 37 Import. Import. Cask 1 000 27-9 62 Salted, wet Bundle 148 3-6 44 4 to bundle. Bundle 115 2-6 48 2 to bundle. Unspecified Bundle 265 10-7 85 From Africa. Hinges: Spring . Case 186 2-1 25 Steel Case 52 1-1 47 Hinges and latches, brass Case 510 10-0 44 Hoes Case 670 25-8 86 Hogs frozen Each 145 6-5 98 Hoists: Chain Case 66 1-0 34 Electric . . Package 1 521 62-9 92 Engine Box 5 858 193-0 74 Oil driven. Holders, cigarette Case '292 18-5 141 Case . ... 134 9-9 163 Hominy Bag 140 3-3 52 Case Case 54 68 1-3 1-7 53 53 Canned. Canned. Honey . . Barrel 625 11-4 44 Barrel 600 12-0 45 Barrel 651 13-2 45 Import. Barrel Case 600 11-11 44 56 Case 137 2-3 36 . Case Case 135 120 2-1 2-1 35 39 Case.... 122 2-0 37 Strained. Cask 1,200 28-0 52 Honeycomb Crate 236 8-2 77 Hoofs Bag 40 6-0 336 Hooks and eyes, steel Hoops: Iron Case Bundle 101 175 14-0 3-2 310 40 Unspecified Bag 110 5-8 125 Wooden Bundle 17 7-6 196 Hoppers iron Crate 316 7-8 54 Hops Bag... 81 4-11 136 Bale... 180 20-0 250 Bale 200 20-0 224 Bale... 177 20-5 258 10575919- 34 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. HODS Bale . 190 18-0 212 Bale 203 18-9 206 Bale 175 10-6 134 Case 542 31-3 129 Sack 220 11-2 115 Dried Horn tips... Bag 172 5-4 69 Bag 170 5-0 66 Horseshoes See Shoes. Hose: Canvas 112 Rubber Box 44 2-0 101 Box.. 232 9-1 88 Hosiery: Cotton Case 167 12-9 171 Case 250 18-2 161 Cotton and silk Case 256 18-0 158 1 7 pounds per dozen . Silk Case 147 10-10 165 Case . . 390 32-0 184 2 pounds per dozen. Silk, artificial.. Case . 200 17-10 199 Hospital supplies Case 213 16-0 168 Case . . . 300 16-8 124 Case 311 23-0 166 Case 531 34-4 145 Case . . 660 37-1 126 Household goods Package 187 11-0 131 TTowitzers Box 7 967 125-8 35 Hubs: Iron Each 263 3-11 33 Unspecified Each 90 Hulls, cottonseed Hydrogen Bag Cylinder 100 123 6-5 3-3 142 59 Hydrogen peroxide Case 55 1-9 71 Hy droquinone . . . Barrel. 119 4-8 88 Pharmaceutical . Case 289 8-3 64 Case 140 5-4 85 Hyposulphite, calcium. . Case . . 64 2-6 88 Incubators Crate 144 14-0 218 Indexes , letter-file ... . Case 379 15-11 94 Indigo. Case . . 371 10-2 61 From Calcutta. Case 361 9-11 62 Case 215 9-2 96 Case 312 12-0 86 Seroon 165 4-9 64 Injectors brass Seroon Box 162 87 5-0 2-6 69 64 Steam. Ink: Lithographic . Case 294 6-8 51 Printing * Barrel 500 11-0 52 Case... 240 4-8 44 Keg. 155 4-0 59 Kit 29 1-0 77 Shoe... Barrel 400 12-0 67 Unspecified Case 152 3-11 56 Ink and mucilage Case 58 2-2 84 Ink pads ... Case 515 16-6 72 Inkstands Case.... 148 4-6 62 Case 109 9-0 184 Instruments: Acoustic Case .. 360 18-0 112 4 pounds each. Electrical Glass... . . . Case Crate 60 14 3-3 2-6 121 400 Tungsten, target and X-ray Crate 9 3-0 747 tubes. X-ray tubes. Crate 9 3-2 788 X-rav tubes. Musical Case 200 26-0 260 See Pianos, Organs, etc. Case 137 21-0 343 Stringed. Insulators Barrel 40 Barrel 331 9-0 60 ' Case . 173 4-0 51 Iron: Bands Bundle . 20 Bars Bundle 10 Each 12 Each . 46 0-3 12 Grate. Billets Each 180 0-12 12 Ore See Ore, Iron. Oxide Barrel 820 8-2 22 Import. Barrel . 826 9-1 25 Pie Car 94.004 420-0 10 Car 85,480 380-0 10 Each.. .. 10 Each 12 Sheets. . . Bundle 141 0-6 9 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 35 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Irons sad Barrel 725 6-0 10 Isinglass Box 90 Istle Bale 90-120 Bale... 137 Bale.. 246 9 8 88 Bale 240 9 jo 92 Bale . . . 284 13 11 110 Bale.. 254 13-10 122 Ivory scrap. . Barrel 200 6-6 75 r rom Mexico. Ivorv, vegetable. . . 1 Jacks: Automobile Case 325 I 9 12 Hydraulic Case.... 434 6-2 32 Iron track Box 524 8-2 35 Lifting . . Case 318 6-9 47 With hanrllps Case . 142 3 7 57 Case 328 6-6 44 Jam Case 58 1 2 45 Case 51 1 2 51 Jars: Earthenware 47 Glass, fruit Case 100 5-10 130 Ointment Case 316 7 9 55 Jars and trays, glass Case 460 27 10 135 Jelly Box... 194 5-3 61 Guava Pail 33 0-10 65 Jewelry Case 74 2-4 70 See also Chains Watch Case... 525 16-8 69 Cheap Case 20 1-6 168 Electroplated Case 80 5-5 151 Juice, fruit See Grape Juice and Pine- Jute Bale 395 11-0 62 apple Juice. Bale 400 9-9 55 Bale Bale Bale... 400 400 404 10-0 10-9 10-7 56 60 57 From Calcutta Bale. . 406 11-7 61 From Calcutta Jute butts Bale 62 Bale 400 10-6 58 Jute cuttings Bale . 400 10-0 56 Bale 400 9-9 55 Bale... 400 10-4 58 From Calcutta Jute waste. . . , Bale .. 590 49-0 186 Kapoc Bale 160 Compressed Bale... 220 18-0 183 Bale. 235 12-3 117 Import Bale 174 9-6 122 Import Bale... 237 13-7 128 Import. Bale 205 16-2 177 Import Bale 217 12 8 130 From Java Bale 233 11 10 114 From Java Bale... 114 Semiarango Bale 147 Soerabaya Kegs . Each 5 1 6 675 Empty Each. 20 2-1 280 Empty 8 gallons Each 30 2-0 149 Empty 17 gallons Kernels: Apricot Bag 220 6-6 66 Fig cone Case 400 8-6 48 Kerosene Barrel 426 12 63 Case . . 82 1-11 52 See also Refined Petroleum Ketchup, canned Khaki, cotton Case Case 35 1,087 1-0 43-8 64 90 2,528 yards. Kieselguhr Bag . 152 3-6 52 Knives: Belt Case 400 17-0 100 Circular cork Case . . 275 2-2 17 Kitchen Case 85 3-9 99 Unspecified Case 211 5-10 62 Case Case 372 234 7-5 5-0 42 48 Import. Import. Labels Case 347 8-0 51 Case 15 0-6 75 Broom labels of paper. Lacers, belt clipper Box Box 193 104 5-6 3-2 . 63 68 Ladles Box 860 36-9 97 Lamp bases Barrel 400 10-0 56 Lamp wicks Lamps: Arc (electric) Auto Box Case Case Case.... 22 90 269 427 1-0 8-8 22-6 27-0 102 220 183 141 Case.... 100 6-0 134 36 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. Lamps Continued . Case 325 26-1 Electric Case 45 3-9 Incandescent Barrel 50 8-0 Box 44 9-0 Box 75 11-1 Mazda Case Case 131 90 25-6 25-2 Case 22 Case 25 4-8 Metal Box... 40 2-4 Soldering Case 29 1-10 Unspecified Box 132 15-6 Box 330 27-6 Lanoline Case 145 4-6 Lanterns: Gasoline . . Box 89 4-8 Hand Box 45 3-6 Unspecified Case 137 3-7 Lard i barrel 135 3-7 \ barrel | barrel Box 127 120 58 3-8 3-11 1-7 Box 62 1 6 Box 66 1-11 Box ... 68 1 5 Box 76 2-8 Box 139 3-6 Pail 32 1 i Tierce 404 11-0 Tierce 430 12 Tierce 442 12-0 Tierce 448 12-0 Tierce 485 13-6 Tub 63 3-3 Lard compounds Lath: Metal Box... Bundle 60 96 1-6 3-5 Roll 281 7-6 Steel Bundle 70 2-3 Lathe: Automatic and parts Case 7.670 128-4 Bench Case Case 3,165 403 56-8 4-0 Engine Box 6.850 154-11 Box 1 082 130-4 Box 2.480 73-0 Unspecified Box... Case 2,159 3,300 57-1 80-0 Lavatories Crate 200 8-4 Crate 121 6-6 Crate 176 8-0 Lawn sprinklers Lead: Black Box Barrel 14 470 0-9 12-0 Cask 1 100 24-6 Bullion Carbonate, white Pig Keg Each Each 112 102 95 1-5 0-7 0-5 Each Each 92 . 99 0-5 0-5 Refined. Bar 102 0-6 Sheets.. . . Case Shot Case 108 0-7 Sublimated Barrel 522 8-0 Sugar of White Cask Barrel 730 638 10-8 6-6 White, dry .... Barrel . .. 510 5-5 Keg 108 1-0 Xeadite Barrel 375 7-0 Leather: Belting Case 710 19-4 Case 520 17-5 Case 351 13-6 Case . . . 67 40 STOW- AGE. 178 187 350 458 331 434 626 339 418 130 142 263 187 117 174 217 59 66 73 70 54 65 44 78 56 70 60 63 61 60 62 77 56 59 72 38 40 22 50 60 66 59 54 93 120 102 120 58 48 12 28 13 10 10 9 11 20 12 32 33 25 24 20 42 61 75 S6 133 REMARKS. Packed in excelsior in corru- gated paper boxes, then in wooden cases. Packed in excelsior in corru- gated paper boxes, then in wooden cases. Packed in excelsior in corru- gated paper boxes, then in wooden cases. Packed in excelsior in corru- gated paper boxes, then in wooden cases. One complete lathe. Earthenware. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 37 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Leather Continue d . Belting Case 42 2 5 129 Case 960 26-5 62 Flat Case 660 17 2 58 Flat Case 759 24-1 71 Case 528 18-10 80 Case 301 10-6 78 Fan belts Case 560 18-6 74 Flat Case . . 796 28-1 79 Flat Case 839 32 3 86 Case 794 32 3 91 Bale 25 1 1 97 Goods Case 177 9-0 114 Imitation... Case Case 545 489 17-1 17-6 70 80 Case 383 13 5 78 Patent Case 357 16-3 102 Case 426 19-1 100 Cow and horse sides Case 165 8-0 109 Kid Case . 286 15-0 117 Scrap Bale 190 14 9 180 Sole Bale 400 91 5 120 Bale 300 9-1 68 Bale 302 9-1 67 Bale 306 8-6 62 Bends Box 52 1 i 47 Welting Strapping and belting Straps Case Case 135 735 3-10 30-6 64 93 Unspecified Case 135 3-5 56 Case 243 8-11 82 Case 774 30-0 87 Case 293 11-10 91 Roll 115 3-5 66 Roll 257 7 6 65 Import Roll 239 7-6 70 Import . Upper Case 459 18-11 92 Case 367 17-0 103 Calf. * Case 484 21-6 100 Calf Case 212 8-4 88 Calf. Case 80 Glazed kid. Case Case 424 329 19-4 18-7 92 127 Black glazed kid. Glazed kid. Case 62 4-3 154 Glazed kid. Case 332 13-11 94 Glazed kid Case 360 18-9 117 Sheepskin. Wax splits Bale 243 5-2 48 Leather board Bundle 40 Leaves: Bay Bale 112 6-0 120 Coca Bale 250 Dried Bale 254 29-6 260 Laurel Bale 120 9-0 160 Bale ... 159 15-6 212 Import. Bale 140 14-6 232 Import. Bale 111 13-4 269 Import. Palm Box. . 302 50-9 376 Leg artificial Case 25 1-10 168 Leggings Case 562 33-8 134 Cavalry officers'. Case 581 30-6 117 112 pairs. Lemons Box 87 2-9 71 Box Box 85 80 3-2 3-0 85 84 From Messina. Box 62 2-9 99 From Sorrento. Crate 88 2-4 60 Licorice: Paste Case 275 4-6 36 Root Bale 10-8 63 Case 224 10-0 86 Lignum vitae 45-60 Lignum vitse logs Each Each 44 73 1-3 1-5 64 43 Import. Lime: Acetate of Bag Bag 145 140 6-6 6-8 100 j 101 Borate of Bag 52 Calcium Drum 572 13-7 53 Chloride of... Drum. . . 112 2-8 53 Drum Drum 813 500 20-1 12-0 65 52 I Citrate of Phosphate of... Drum Drum Cask 320 117 1,447 9-10 3-5 41-6 54 65 64 42 Import. 38 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Lime Continued. Sulphite Barrel 496 11-6 52 Unspecified Case 521 12 51 Limes Crate 88 2-4 69 Linoleum Box .. 183 6-3 77 Liquors Case 52 2 80 Lithopone . . Hogshead . . . Barrel 1,200 450 32-0 10-3 70 56 Barrel 715 15-2 52 % Barrel 758 20 11 62 Case 60 Lobster, canned Case 72 1-8 51 Locks ' Case 132 3 50 Case 67 1-6 50 Case 170 5 2 68 Case 322 4 28 Case 166 3-1 41 Brass Locomotive and parts Case 61 125 000 . 1-2 3 500-0 43 62 Iron. Complete 23 000 '780-0 75 Boiler 9,500 150-0 35 Cylinder. 6 000 180-0 68 Driving wheels. 18 000 800-0 100 Tank 7,000 220-0 70 Trucks . Logwood 60 Bale 92 Logwood crystals Barrel 462 12 3 59 See also Extract Logwood Lubricators ... Case 285 25-0 196 Mechanical. Crate 128 4-11 87 Lumber: Hardwood 110 Honey box Car 26 000 1 200-0 80 Trim . Car 30 000 1 500-0 115 Lunch sets Case 21 ' 1-5 151 Macaroni Barrel . 190 7-0 82 Box 50 1 Q 77 Box 81 1-1 79 Box Box 26 27 0-11 1-4 79 110 Carton . BOT . . . -<0 1-10 110 Carton. Mace Case 170 6-0 80 Case 133 6-10 96 Case . 179 6-5 80 From "Dutch East Indies. Ca'e 87 4 10 124 From Dutch East Indies. Case 125 5-2 93 From. Dutch East Indies. Machetes Box. 14Q 2-4 35 Machine parts: Knitting and weltine Milling . . . Box Case 9 170 0-4 4-8 83 61 Optical Sewing Packaee Case . 86 115 1-0 3-8 26 70 Case 209 7-3 78 Case 160 5-9 80 Heads. Machinery: \ddressing . . Box 1-10 6-0 96 Agricultural Box . . . 1 024 14-6 31 See also Binders, Cultivators, Box 126 2-1 37 Harrows, etc.' Car 60 Package .... Package. .. . Case 1,243 597 2cO 32-3 12-1 5 6 58 45 47 Case . 46 1-3 61 Case 2P5 7-11 PO A ir-com pr essor pump Cape 200 1-5 16 Braid ins; Case 445 lf>-8 84 Car making Cigarette making Crate Case 2,670 3 617 126-11 1F3 3 107 101 Cloth cutting Cordage Case Case ' 75 1 56n 2-2 8^-3 66 112 Dti|ljiig Case 1 463 50 t 77 Electrical . Case 331 7-2 48 Case 202 6-8 74 Ca c e 146 o-4 82 Case Case Case 45 2,410 1 335 10-11 64-6 58-2 169 60 98 "With skids. Case 'o75 14-8 57 "\\ithoutskids. KlevAtor Paclca^e Case "sos" 2o_n 57 82 Gin Grinding Case Case Case Case . Case... 1,061 1,754 164 168 1,463 51-2 81-0 6-9 6-10 67-9 108 103 92 90 103 1 machine. STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. 39 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Machinery Continued. Knitting Case 334 13 Lathe Case 1 665 68 3 09 a Case 4' 060 186-2 Leather Car . . . 7^ Measuring BOX - 338 10 1 ft7 TJ 1 1 4-V, Mining Case 1 509 76 9 Case 374 8 3 19 Moving picture Ore crushing Case Car 214 11-3 118 50 Polishing Printing Case Car 155 7-2 104 70 Pumping Car..... 50 Recording Box . 13 10 4 164 Refrigerating Case Package 856 15-5 40 40 Pieces. Unspecified Case Case 4, 283 585 193-3 27 6 101 1QK Case 2 755 96 8 78 Case 77Q 22 2 64 Case 906 33 00 Case Case Case . . . 3.460 3,113 7 300 95-8 102-7 169 2 62 74 53 Case 6 lie 31 2 84 Typesetting Woodworking Case Case Case '545 315 2 800 24-8 16-9 9* 7 10] 100 % Machinery parts: Air compressor Linotype Machines: Adding Case. Case Box . 60 65 64 1-6 l-l -9 56 37 % Box 40 140 Bo\* . . 245 l-i_0 128 Agricultural Automatic money Crate Ca^e 773 2Q3 29-5 18 4 85 140 See also Plows, Tractors, etc. Button covering Calculating . Case Ci^p 50 48 2-1 1 9 113 82 Case .... 102 3 7 79 Cutting Case 161 5-2 72 Dairy Case 820 23 11 65 e i P q , Die-slotting Case 1 450 53 8 83 ee aiso i^ream separator. Drilling Case 4 938 170-10 77 Duplicating and supplies . . . Box 55 3-7 146 Eclipse. . Case. 391 24-0 112 Excavating, trench Case Case 2,792 3,791 59-7 1C9-9 45 66 Forging, drill bit Box.. 67 0-9 25 Gear-cutting, automatic Grinding Case Box 3,760 1 040 156-5 32-1 93 69 See also Mills Box 5 ? 830 142 55 Ice Case 483 13-8 63 Linotype 846 36-4 96 Looping . . Case 103 4 9 103 Metal-cutting.... Milling Case Case 2,430 3 757 40-5 10-6 37 60 Case 2 966 67 3 51 Case 1,430 41-2 63 Multigraph and parts Case 121 5-8 105 Numbering. Case 267 9-2 77 Case 360 10-1 62 Paper-box Case . . 615 19-3 70 Pipe-bending Boxed 1 514 51--0 75 Sewing Crate Crate 365 183 32-8 16-11 200 207 3 machines. Crate 130 15-6 267 Crate 100 4-6 100 Knocked down Case 209 7-3 78 Talking . . . Box 225 28 3 281 Mackerel, dried Barrel 95 Barrel 230 9-6 92 Mackintosh scraps. . . Madder Bale Bale Case 450 728 34-0 10-1 170 31 65 Magazines Magnesia: Milk of Ore... Case Case 513 103 10-6 4-4 46 94 3 dozen bottles, 1.6 pounds each. See Ore, Magnesia. 40 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Magnesium: Carbonate Bag 216 Bag. 53 5-7 236 Bag 103 10-5 228 Chloride Bag Drum. 105 570 8-8 9-0 185 35 Oxide Bag ' 110 10-0 203 Salt . . Barrel -680 13-6 4") Magneto parts Case 72 3 2 109 Case 95 4-0 94 Magnetos Case 140 5-0 80 Case Case 115 195 3-6 4 10 68 55 Two to case. Case 70 1 10 59 Case.. 108 2-0 42 Case 267 8-7 72 Mahogany: Boards Pieces 45 0-8 '36 Logs 27 From Honduras. 30 Square 34 Solid. 44 Spanish Lumber Pieces . . 43 Pieces 85 Pieces 41 1-2 64 Maizena Box 50 1 i 48 Malangas Barrel 240 9 1 84 Malt Bag 93 4-0 96 Bushel Case 34 362 1-4 11-0 90 63 Malt sprouts Maltine Sack Barrel 100 603 8-8 11 11 200 48 Manganese Bag 100 2-0 40 Bag... 117 3-0 57 Barrel Cask 522 900 12-0 15-0 51 38 Manioc Case 425 17 11 94 Mantle wood Crate 600 105-0 275 Mantles Crate 94 12-0 286 Manure: Manufactured Bag 40 Salt . . Bulk 37 Maple: Blocks Car 37 000 1 000-0 60 Floor Pickets Car 40 000 1 600 90 Case '300 ' 13-0 90 Planks Car 23 500 500-0 55 Wood 65 Marble: Blocks 17 F/ach 170 1 14 Chips Bag- 112 i-O 20 Dust Barrel 420 7 3 86 Slabs 17 Case 1 242 20-1 36 Waste.. . . . Bag 108 1 5 29 Case .54 1-1 45 Match splints Car . . . 30 000 1 650-D 130 Matches, safety 3ase Case 160 16-7 232 120 Ca c e. 300 15-0 110 Case 270 13_q 114 50 gro 5 ^ Mats: Chinese Bale 188 Door 157 5-1 73 Case 115 8-3 Ifil Flexible Case. 205 6-5 70 Matting: Canton 160 Unspecified Roll 70 6-0 192 Import Roll 95 7 3 171 Import Meal: Corn Bag 55 Bag 140 3-2 55 Gorm Gluten Bag Bag 112 117 4-0 3-3 80 62 Oil See Oil, Meal Meat: Cured Dry salt Box Box.. Box 311 638 341 8-11 15-10 7 64 56 46 Meat juices . . . BOK Package.... 361 72 7-5 2-2 46 67 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 41 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Medicinal supplies . Package 116 5-0 97 Medicine: Patent .... Package Case 111 25 5-4 1-0 108 75 Dry. Unspecified Case 75 Case 50 1-6 65 Case 227 6-0 '59 Case 57 1 7 70 Case 142 4 3 67 Case 153 5-4 78 Meerschaum cuttings Melons Package Bas: Crate 138 130 58 4-6 6-0 3-3 73 103 125 Metal: Crude ... . Bundle 866 8-5 22 Expanded Old Crate Barrel 1,137 700 70-0 14-0 137 45 Cask 400 10-0 56 Metalcrete Sack 101 0-8 15 Meters: E'ectric Case 216 5-10 61 Case 157 4-6 64 Case 339 9_o 61 "Water Case 60 1 3 40 Box 123 2-3 41 Box ooo 4 i 46 Middlings Ba? 224 6-8 66 Military drab Roll 568 10- 1 ! 43 1 02 pounds per yard Milk: Barrel 650 12-0 40 Case 60 1 3 46 Case 60 1-6 56 Case 56 1-1 43 Evaporated Case Case 65 56 1-5 1-2 52 47 Case 65 1-6 52 Case 65 1-6 52 Case 70 1-9 56 Malted Barrel 181 9-0 111 Powdered Barrel 175 9-0 115 Barrel 224 7-1 71 Skimmed Barrel 642 12-0 42 Barrel 220 6-0 63 Barrel 219 7-6 72 Barrel 270 7-8 63 Millboard, asbestos Millers: Hand Case Case 455 432 8-8 9-5 43 49 Plane... Case 4,040 106-1 55 Mills: Coffee Package 150 6-0 89 Corn Box 90 2-4 58 Grinding Case 486 17-10 82 Grist hand. Box 255 8-2 72 Knocked down. Millstones Hogshead . . . 1,800 22-0 27 Mirrors: Pocket Case 305 6-0 44 Unspecified Case 90 Visceloid . . . Case . . 182 10-11 134 Mittens, pure gum Mohair Case Bag 140 7-8 122 240 10.5 ounces per pair. Bale 200 14-0 160 Bale Barrel 587 13-0 60 56 Cloth. Barrel 450 12-4 67 Barrel. . 670 13-0 47 Black strap. Bulk 27 Cask 50 Moldings Box... x 240 13-6 125 Box 150 3-2 46 Insulation. Box 73 3-1 95 Insulation. Box... 31 1-10 133 Insulation. Box 30 2-1 156 Insulation. Car 45 000 2 000-0 95 Monochlorbenzol See Coal-tar Intermediates. Moss Bale 34 10-6 691 Bale 200 24-7 275 Bale 67 20-0 668 Sphagnum. Mother-o f-pearl Case 334 7-9 52 Import. Motorcycle parts Case Case 76 293 2-8 11-7 78 89 Motorcycles Case 510 20-2 89 42 STOWAGE OF SHJP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. Motors: Electric Box.. 173 4-1 52 Box 305 7 3 53 Box 70 1-5 45 Box.. 70 1-6 48 Fan . Case 47 3-1 147 Cas Case 1 278 71 11 126 Liberty... Case Tase 677 857 4.5-2 45-4 149 119 Rnwboat Tase Case 1,575 155 77-9 11 4 111 164 Sui/a-hispano rase 1.040 53-6 114 Unspecified Box 920 9g_4 69 Motors and corn mill Motors, parts of Case r^ase 917 277 38-8 19-2 94 155 Mowers, lawn Box 80 Mucilage Box Crate. . 82 146 3-0 9-0 82 138 Mushrooms, dried Musi--, printed Musi ^ roll cutters and accessories . Musi" rolls .. Case rase rase rase 199 675 283 140 7-10 14-0 10-3 8 11 89 48 81 143 Case Crate . . . 217 273 13-9 21-0 142 173 Mustard Pase 87 2 2 53 Mutton, canned Mvrabolam r^se Hogshead . . . Case Pocket 245 1,400 57 57 7-6 56-0 1-6 1 10 90 100 59 72 Pocket 57 2-1 99 Nails: Brass-headed Horseshoe Case Box.. 85 28 3-5 0-3 90 23 Box 55 0-7 04 Iron Kee 83 1 6 40 Iron, shoe Keg. 106 1-3 26 Unspecified Box Box 125 79 1-5 0-11 25 26 Keg. 100 1-10 40 Keg 120 2-0 37 Wire Bag 112 1 2 24 Bag 112 1-0 20 Bag... 118 1-4 25 Box 108 1-6 31 Box... 243 3-7 33 Keg 119 1 8 30 Keg. . . 106 1-5 29 Keg. 107 1-6 32 Keg... 106 1-6 31 Keg. . . 106 1-4 28 Naphthalene balls Naphthalene flakes . Napkins, paper Bale 60 5-0 186 Needles, steel, talking machine Case 103 1-0 22 Case 112 1-1 21 Nickel: Ingots Each Each 42 43 0-3 0-2 13 9 Ore Oxide Barrel 355 8-6 54 Unspecified Cask 1,010 9-0 19 Cask 545 5-0 21 Nigrosine Niter Bag 300 2-9 21 Bulk .. 32 Bulk 36 Nitrite Barrel 705 10 11 35 Nitrobenzol Notions Case 190 10-0 117 Case 90-112 Novelties Nutmeg Bag 156 4-9 68 Case 60 Case . . . 82 2-0 61 Case 165 4-2 57 Case 158 4-6 64 Nuts Brazil Bag 185 8-0 96 Bag. . . 160 6-0 90 REMARKS. Portable. For aviation officer? Import. From From Calcutta. From Calcutta. See Coal-tar Intermediates. See Coal-tar Intermediates. See Ores, Nickel. See Coal-tar Colors. See also Potasisum Nitrate, Saltpeter and Sodium Ni- trate. From Hull. See Coal-tar Intermediates. See Plated Metal. Import. Bulk. Bulk. From Dutch East Indies. From Dutch East Indies. See also Almonds, Walnuts, etc. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 43 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. -- 1ST MENT. REMARKS. Nuts Continued. Cohune Bag 100 68 70 80 64 56 64 52 54 60 80 72 33 pounds per cubic foot. Import. Import. Import. Import. Import. Import. Import. Import. See Nuts, Ivory. From Calcutta. Rough. Paper carton. Red. 110 gallons. "Extra special." From China and Japan. From China and Japan. In tins. See also Petroleum, Crude. 49 gallons. Hazel Ba| :: Ba| 148 209 211 127 138 225 230 197 154 4-8 7-6 6-1 3-2 3-11 5-3 5-6 5-3 5-6 Bag Ivory (tagua) Bag Kola Bag. Bag Bag Bag Bag Pignolia Case Pistachio . Case Tagua ...1 Nux vomica Bag .... 56 45,000 41 25 68 1-7 1,600-0 0-7 1-3 0-9 1-11 63 79 48 68 67 63 48 50 135 110 100 90 103 52 52 65 58 77 88 84 80 85 80 86 125 100 80 100 85 90 69 60 50 52 62 58 48 53 56 55 57 45 49 51 50 48 60 74 70 71 60 58 47 43 52 58 50 47 60 65 49 48 59 45 64 60 59 Oak: Lumber Car Planks Pieces .. Pieces Pieces Pieces Oakum Car.... 55,000 50 49 200 112 27 140 280 125 180 1,400-0 3-1 2-5 9-2 4-6 1-3 3-3 5-7 4-2 4-8 Bale Oars, ash Bundle Oatflakes Barrel... Oatmeal Sack Box... Oats Sack Sack . . . Sack . . Sack Bag Oats, Quaker . Bag . Bag. . . 160 160 100 90 93 100 200 6-0 6-5 3-10 3-2 3-7 5-7 9-2 Bag Case Oats rolled Case Case . \ barrel Barrel Ocher Case . . . Case Case 90 112 342 210 112 1,100 428 460 102 92 1,440 81 472 102 106 640 90 555 471 389 275 230 450 457 95 102 454 458 3-3 4-6 10-0 5-5 2-6 24-3 12-0 12-0 2-2 2-2 32-0 2-1 12-0 2-1 2-4 12-0 2-0 12-0 12-8 13-6 8-1 6-10 12-0 12-0 2-0 2-0 12-0 12-0 Sack . Barrel Oil: Aniline Barrel. . . Keg Drum \nt.f>ninV)ilft Barrel Bone Barrel Camphor Case Case Case Drum Case Castor Barrel Chinese nut. Case Case Barrel Coal-tar Case Barrel Coconut Barrel Cod Cask Cod-liver Barrel Colza Barrel Barrel . Cooking Barrel Cordage Case Case Barrel Corn Barrel... . Cottonseed Case Case 95 448 468 113 1,138 450 2-0 11-11 12-9 2-6 24-9 12-0 Barrel Barrel Creosote Crude Case . . Drum Barrel Bulk Cylinder Engine Cask Barrel 439 450 455 12-7 12-0 12-0 Barrel 44 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Oil-Continued. Essential Drum. 1,446 30-10 48 Fish Barrel 444 11-0 57 Case 55-60 Fuel . Barrel 435 12-0 61 Galena Barrel Barrel 432 455 12-0 12-0 62 59 Lard Barrel... 450 12-0 60 Lemon Case 75 2-9 82 Copper container packed in Copper Tin 43 39 1-6 1-2 78 67 excelsior. From Italy. Linseed.... Barrel 450 12-0 60 Barrel 449 12-0 60 Case 90 2-0 50 Linseed boiled Barrel 443 12-0 60 Barrel... 445 12-0 60 Lubricating Barrel. 440 12-0 60 Barrel 400 11-0 61 i Barrel... . 438 12-0 60 Barrel Barrel Case 448 426 90 11-9 11-11 2-0 59 63 50 48 gallons. Cask 1,442 37-0 60 Cask... 446 11-11 60 Cask . 448 11-11 55 Lubricating petroleum. Drum Drum Barrel. 450 450 446 12-0 11-6 11-11 59 57 60 Cask 448 11-11 55 Mineral . Barrel... 434 12-0 59 Mirbane Case 146 6-0 92 Motor Case 115 2-9 54 Neatsfoot Barrel.. 460 13-0 60 Nigerseed... Barrel 450 12-0 60 55 Oleo Tierce 442 12-0 60 Tierce 420 11-2 60 Tierce 449 12-4 61 Olive Barrel. 525 12-0 51 Barrel 440 12-0 61 Case 65 2-2 76 Cask 500 13-4 60 Orange Copper 43 1-6 78 Tin 39 1-2 67 Palm Barrel . 475 12-0 62 Palmiot seed 56 Paraffine Barrel.. 400 10-0 56 Barrel 525 12-0 55 Peanut Barrel 450 12-0 60 Case.. 90 2-2 54 Railway Barrel 438 12-0 61 Red Barrel 416 12-0 64 Refined Barrel Barrel 440 415 12-0 11-11 60 64 See also Kerosene, Petro- Case 75 2-0 59 leum. Seal Cask 521 13-8 58 Sewing machine Case 101 2-11 65 Case. . 87 2-6 64 1 gross large size. Case 122 3-9 69 3 gross small size. Shale Barrel 380 11-8 69 Slab Case .. 72 1-11 59 Soya-bean Barrel 450 12-0 59 Case 91 2-2 54 Sperm Barrel 421 12-4 77 Tar Barrel 78 Barrel 480 12-7 60 Transformer Drum 489 11-11 55 Drum 423 11-9 62 Transformer, petroleum . Vegetable Case Case 103 126 2-4 2-5 51 43 2-5 gallon cans. From Genoa. Whale Barrel 448 12-0 60 Wood See Oil, Chinese Nut. Oil cake: Cottonseed Hederic Linseed Mustard seed Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag 250 256 320 195 5-6 4-9 7-1 7-7 50 41 50 87 53 Bag . . 56 Peanut Unspecified Bag Bag Bag... 254 226 228 6-4 5-8 5-4 56 55 52 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. 45 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Oilcloth Bale 189 4-10 57 Bale 168 3 10 51 37-inch Case 421 12 2 60 Roll 56 Oilers Case 113 1-5 28 Oil meal: Bag... 80 3-0 84 Corn Bag... 192 6-0 70 Cottonseed Linseed Bag Bag 100 3-0 60 55 Box 85 3-0 79 Oilstones Box 143 1-11 30 Oil-well supplies Box Box 1,613 768 11-8 21 7 16 63 Okra: Canned . . . . Case 42 1-0 58 Fresh Crate 29 1 7 122 Okra and tomatoes, canned Oleomargarine Case Tub Tub 42 65 73 1-0 2-2 2 58 75 61 Tub 73 2-1 65 Olives Barrel 200 5-10 65 Case 220 6-7 68 Bottled Barrel 480 10-0 50 Onion sets Crate 41 1-4 72 Crate 110 4-0 82 Bag 75 Bae 100 3-6 78 Barrel 150 7-0 104 Box 85 3-0 75 Opium, crude .. r , Case 208 4-3 46 Case 195 4-0 46 Import. Optical goods Case 138 4-10 78 Case 113 12-8 251 Case 146 5-4 78 Lenses. Case 285 12-7 99 Chains, lenses. Orange acid . See Coal-tar Colors. Orange peel Bae . 131 6-9 115 Bae 103 5-0 109 Oranges Box 75 2-8 80 Box 75 2-8 80 Crate 87 2-4 60 Ore: Aluminum (bauxite) Antimony Asbestos Bag Bag Bae 275 110 145 5-0 1-10 4-8 40 20 70 12 Concentrates Bag Bae 450 200 3-0 2-0 15 23 15 20 Corundum Iron . .. .... Bag 152 3-5 50 12-17 Import. Magnesia Cask .. 1,000 12-0 27 Manganese Bae 20 Import. 25 Import Bag . . 29 Import. 100 2-0 44 Import Bag Bulk 112 1-1 22 18 [mport. Nickel .. Barrel .... 770 8-5 24 Tin Bae 107 1-1 22 Unspecified Bag Bae .. 228 130 2-0 1-2 19 20 Uranium Bae 80 0-8 18 Wolfram Bae . 100 0-6 11 From China. Bae 116 0-7 11 Organ keys 230 13-6 130 Organ, pipe Organs Cased Cased 270 400 36-4 45-0 301 250 Cased 400 47-0 263 Cased 215 29-0 302 Cased 300 48-0 358 Oxygen . Cylinder 128 1-6 26 Oysters: Canned Case Case 70 79 1-5 1-6 46 43 Case 46 1-0 49 In shell .. Barrel 260 6-6 60 Barrel... 248 7-0 63 46 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Packing: Asbestos.. Case . 450 354 38 372 461 329 219 244 85 410 122 316 114 31 288 345 73 40 103 30 160 166 371 100 11-0 6-4 1-6 5-3 6-0 7-2 7-0 5-7 4-1 5-11 2-0 3-11 2-8 0-7 24-6 12-0 4-5 1-8 6-5 4-0 2-9 2-9 10-0 2-6 54 40 88 32 29 47 71 51 108 32 37 28 52 42 190 79 136 93 140 300 39 37 57 56 20 28 24 23 43 28 49 36 43 40 172 130 121 117 In sheets. Assorted. 1 pound per dozen. 10-quart pails. In oil. In oil. 20 dozen. See Bags. See Emery. Import. Plain basic. Import. Plain basic. Machine Case Box Metallic Case Rubber Bale Unspecified Case Case Padlocks: Cabinet Case Case Steel Case . ... Unspecified Yale .... Case Case . ... Case Case Pads: Coat Case Stamp Case _ . Water (rubber) . Case Pails: Galvanized Bundle Crate Paper Bale Paint: Copper Case Dry Case Case Earth, dry... Bag. . . Lead. Keg. Lead, white Keg 125 1-7 Drum. Liquid . . Keg Case . . . 83 540 128 170 39 590 26 498 538 328 1-7 6-9 2-10 2-9 0-9 10-0 2-0 29-0 29-0 17-3 Unspecified Barrel Zinc, dry white Palmleaf Case Case Keg Cask Bale Pans, mjlk . . Bundle Seroon Case Paper: Bags Barvta coated Case 440 64 516 291 270 362 349 337 9-2 2-3 18-0 11-7 12-0 11-0 13-3 13-3 46 79 78 88 99 69 85 88 Blotting Case .... Carbon Case Case Cash register Colored Case Case Case Embossed Case Emery . Fly Case 228 300 661 85 700 7-1 10-0 10-3 2-3 18-7 69 80 35 60 59 60 60 65 78 80 79 60 62 63 87 78 75 59 48 50 42 44 82 65 87 75 84 60 71 50 Glasine Crate Case Leminoid Roll Lithograph Case News- printing . .. . .. Bale Note Roll Roll Roll . 454 543 520 15-9 19-5 18-3 Roll Roll Bundle Case 290 550 302 383 100 8-0 15-6 11-8 13-3 3-4 Photographic Case Printing Pulp Case Case Bale Bundle Bundle Case 175 592 615 624 936 560 293 3-9 13-3 11-5 12-2 34-4 16-0 11-6 Case Case Roll Roll Case Roofing Roll Roll 102 85 66 240 3-9 2-3 2-1 5-5 Roll Roll Case... STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 47 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Paper Continued. Sand Bale 188 3-6 41 Case 187 7-6 89 Case . 339 9-2 61 Case.. . 336 10-5 69 For shoe purposes Stock Bale 575 25-0 100 Sundries Case 530 17-7 74 See also Advertising Matter Case 66 2-7 88 Magazines, Music. Tabulating machine Tissue Roll Case 285 452 6-2 18-4 49 90 Roll 89 3-3 82 Toilet Case 150 7-11 117 Case 61 2-6 91 Case 95 7-5 174 Unspecified Case 625 21-10 78 Wall Bale Case 247 232 13-6 11-8 122 113 Case 312 24-6 172 Case.... 310 18-4 132 Waste Bale... 156 Bale 179 Wax Case 548 15-9 64 Wrapping . . Bundle 103 2-9 53 Bundle 141 4-0 64 Case .. 300 10-2 76 Roll... 45 Roll 52 1-8 71 Roll 177 5-9 73 Writing Case 53 Case 550 15-0 61 See also Stationery. Case 558 14-7 58 Papeteries Case 172 17-0 224 Case 369 17-8 107 497 boxes. Paraffin See Wax. Paranitraniline See Coar-tar Intermediates. Paraphenylenediamine See Coal-tar Intermediates. Parings, oil-stock Paris green Bag Case 115 134 6-11 3-2 134 53 Parsnips Barrel 150 7-0 104 Paste: Flour Barrel 320 12-4 86 Library Case 77 4-1 119 Photo... Case 336 9-10 65 Shoe .. . . Case 370 12-3 74 Soup Case 18 1-0 127 Unspecified Box 22 1-0 101 See also Glue and Mucilage, Peach butter, canned Peaches: Canned Case Case 44 62 1-0 1-5 53 50 Case 62 1-4 48 Fresh Box 90 Peanuts Bag. . .. 113 3-8 72 Shelled. Bag 110 3-5 70 Shelled. Bag 102 2-10 62 Shelled. From Japan. Bag 100 6-0 134 Unshelled. Bag 150 7-6 200 Unshelled. Bat::::::::: 105 7-6 160 Unshelled. Bag 95 9-7 225 Unshelled. Barrel 112 8-1 161 Pearline Box 48 1-5 66 Pears: Canned Case 62 1-5 50 Case 60 1-6 51 Case .. . 68 1-8 55 Fresh Barrel 150 6-0 89 Box 49 1-6 69 Bundle 56 1-8 66 Peas: Cannnd Case 44 1-0 53 Case 43 0-11 48 Chick Bag 210 6-3 66 From Mexico, called Garban- Bag... 221 6-0 61 zos. Bag 200 6-0 62 Dried Bag Bag 335 177 6-6 3-11 50 50 From Australia. Bag 250 5-10 50 Split. Green Bag Bag 116 115 3-1 3-0 59 58 Pebbles.. Bag 226 4-3 42 Pelts, pickled Cask 920 25-11 63 From New Zealand. Cask.., 1,300 34-0 60 See also Hides, Skins. 48 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Pencils: Lead Case 504 24-3 107 Case 448 20-11 105 Red and blue... Slate Case Case 305 168 10-1 2-7 74 35 Telegraph Unspecified Case Case Case . . 258 60 407 11-7 2-0 16-6 100 74 90 Case 157 7 1 101 Case 258 20-7 79 Wooden Case 218 8-7 88 2 pounds per gross Case 548 21-2 87 Pencils and penholders Case Case 408 443 19-1 17 4 105 88 Penholders, wooden . . Case 181 12-6 155 Pens: Fountain. Case 300 20-0 149 Case 50 3-0 134 Case 36 1-7 99 Gold. Case 10 0-10 187 Steel Case 60 2-1 40 Unspecified Case 158 5-0 70 Pepper: Black Bag 121 4-10 89 Bag 144 5-8 88 Red Bag"" 110 4 6 91 Unspecified Bag 123 5-6 100 55:::.::::: 136 5-10 96 White Package. . . 175 5-2 68 "Montaube." Peppermint Case 79 2-2 70 Peppers Bag. 112 Crate . 44 2-4 118 Perfumery Peruna Case Package. . . 100 149 4-0 4-3 90 64 Petrolatum. Barrel 422 11 11 63 See also Vaseline. Petroleum: Crude Barrel... 450 12-0 60 Barrel 450 12-0 60 Case 82 2-0 54 Cask 433 12-6 65 Refined Case 81 2-0 54 See also Kerosene. Petroleum emulsion Case 108 3-2 66 Odorless. Petrolina, yellow Phenacetine Cask Case 437 44 12-11 1-10 66 93 Medicinal. Phenolphthalein See Coal-tar Intermediates Phonograph Box 100 19-6 437 Box... 90 12-0 299 Phonograph and parts Phosphate acid Phosphate rock Case Case Bag Bulk 196 53 100 14-9 1-4 2-0 169 56 40 32 1 dozen 8-ounce bottles. Phosphorous sesquisulphide . . Case 175 3-1 39 Photographic: Developer (pyro) . Case 443 12-10 65 Developing pans Material. Case Case . . 130 228 10-4 9-6 178 93 See also Paper. Case 328 11-4 77 Mounts Case 567 15-0 59 Plates Case 58 1-0 39 Plates, dry Photostat... . . . Case Case 221 280 2-10 32-3 29 258 Piano . Boxed 870 86-7 223 . Piano keys Boxed. Boxed. Boxed. Boxed. Boxed. Boxed. Case 600 1.178 954 1,038 810 1.100 320 60-0 78-0 86-4 89-3 73-3 90-5 19-0 225 150 203 193 203 184 130 Piano plates Case 350 15-0 96 Piano player Case Case 900 993 86-4 80-3 215 181 Upright. Case .... 947 93-3 221 Case 967 84-3 195 Case 1,050 89-3 190 Case 250 26-0 250 Piano player and rolls . Box 1,003 89-5 200 Pianola piano and rolls Pickles Case Case 601 94 62-2 2-7 232 61 Case . 54 1-3 52 Cask 534 12-0 50 Picnics (hams)... Box... 615 14-3 52 See also Hams. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 49 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GKOSS WEIGHT MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Pictures: Framed Case 374 30-10 185 Lithographic . . . 140 8-7 137 Case 725 19 10 61 Oil Case 175 18-10 241 Pie's feet, pickled Tierce. . 375 11-0 65 Pilchards, canned Case 70 1 7 50 Pills and plasters See Drags Pimento Bag 152 8-6 125 Bag... 146 7-4 113 Bag. 133 8-10 149 Pincers Case 135 2-5 40 Pine: Lumber, white 60 Planks, white Car 35 000 1 000-0 70 White... Car... 27,000 l' 500-0 115 Yellow .. 67 Pineapple juice Barrel 254 9 3 81 Case 54 1 3 52 Pineapple slips Pineapples: Canned Bag Case 114 62 7-5 1 5 119 CA Case . . 61 1 2 43 Case 43 1-0 52 Sliced Case - - 44 1-4 68 Fresh Box 80 2-6 70 Crate 82 2-6 68 Pins. . Case 581 21 80 Pipe: Cutters Case 75 1 5 42 Fittings Barrel 45 Barrel Barrel . - 380 387 6-9 7 2 40 41 Fittings, gear Barrel Barrel 350 297 6-6 7-5 42 56 Fittings, iron Iron Box 407 4-7 26 40 65 Diameter 24 inches Plain and galvanized Barrel. 34 Pitch Barrel... Barrel 496 350 6-6 6-6 29 45 Plantains Barrel... * barrel. . 567 200 25 12-0 3-3 1 4 47 36 130 See also Bananas Plaster castings Case 500 50-0 200 Plaster of Paris Barrel 250 6-0 53 Plasters, porous Case 92 3-11 95 See also Drugs. Plated metal novelties Case 155 13-3 191 See also Jewelry, Electro- Case 420 19-3 103 plated. Plated ware: Silver Barrel 61 9-3 340 Unspecified Barrel Case 35 215 3-2 9-0 203 93 Cask 133 17-2 289 Pliers Case 376 4-3 25 Case 49 1-0 46 Case 188 3-10 45 Case 387 5-7 32 Case 58 1 3 48 Case 43 0-8 35 "Buttonfast." Plow: Bits Case 527 9-2 37 Parts Box 261 5-11 89 Case 831 13-10 37 Iron and wooden parts pack- Crate 264 11-0 93 ed separately. Poles. Repairs Box 667 11-5 38 Plows: Gang Case 688 16-1 52 Hand Case 580 9-9 38 Road Case .... 300 10-7 79 Unspecified Box Box 450 548 16-11 16-8 84 68 Box 341 7-0 46 Plugs: Carbon Electric Box Case 372 220 6-10 6-4 42 64 Case .... 326 8-1 56 Spark Box 317 5-8 40 Box 235 5-0 48 Package 15 0-3 38 50 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- 0BB- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Plumbago Bivrrol 6N 12 50 250 6-0 Barrol 624 16-7 .Ml Import Barn! 768 15-2 tr> 47 51 Plumbers' supplies I ' In ms: Canned Case Case 26 53 0-6 1 3 51 Fresh Box 20 1-0 112 Crate 27 1 SO Poles Polish: Liquid 54 1 2 IS Metal Case 54 1 3 51 Case 150 5-0 7 r > Case 161 4-9 70 "Ouick White" 5S ounces Stove Barrel 695 13 42 per boll le. Polish and paste, shoe Case Case 117 112 3-9 3-4 72 C,7 See also Blacking and Press- ing. Case 194 6-7 ft Pop corn 331 10-0 67 Case 73 2-0 61 Poplar: Logs .... 73 Car 33 000 1 625-0 110 Planks Car . M Porcelain, laboratory Pork: Pickled Caso Tierce 25 375 1-2 11-0 105 65 Products Box 326 6-1 42 Cask.. 692 19-3 73 Cask 234 8 77 Salt Barrel... 450 10 50 See also Bacon and Hams. 1 larrol 550 13 1 ' I'Tol 349 7 5 r >0 Barrel .. 448 12-0 60 Port, California 502 12-6 55 Potash: Caustic. . . . Drum 707 8 6 25 Prussinto of See Potassium, Cvanld. Red prussiate of Unspecified ... ( 'aso 130 250 2-0 5-0 49 45 Bin e| ... 735 12-8 40 Yellow prussiate of. Barrel 500 10-3 46 Barrel Cask 558 809 12-4 16-0 49 44 Potassium: Bichromate Barrel . . . 825 14-0 38 Cask 798 11-10 33 Bromide 110 1-9 36 Case . 130 2-3 39 Carbonate . Barrel (V75 11 252 5-11 B Import. Cask 1 150 18-0 35 1,200 15-0 M Chlorate 54 125 3-3 50 Cvanid ( last 140 4-8 74 I'rnssialo of potash. Ferricyanld See Rod Prussiate of Tolash. See Yellow Prussiate of Nitrate Bae 225 4 40 Potash. See also Saltpeter. Barrel... 525 10-3 45 Refined. Bulk 36 Potato digger parts Potatoes: Irish. .. Caso BaK 403 8-0 3 9 44 55 Bai 166 4-6 60 Baa 110 3-3 65 Bai 168 4-6 60 Barrel Barrel .. 200 185 6-8 7-0 65 85 Bulk 50 Crate ... . 51 1-4 58 Sweet 110 3-3 65 I'.'i i el 78 Barrol... 150 7-0 104 Sweot, canned Poultry 60 150 165 1-5 6-0 5-6 53 90 74 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. 51 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Powder: Aluminum Drum. 687 9-10 32 Black Drum. . Keg. . 713 25 9-10 0-6 31 45 Bleaching Barrel 490 12-6 57 Bronze Barrel Drum Drum Drum Case 487 800 833 117 242 12-0 22-3 20-3 3-0 3-7 55 62 55 57 33 Case 280 6-3 50 Lithographic embossing . . Box 275 5-0 41 Caso 220 9-0 92 Case 98 2-6 57 Scouring Case 55 1 10 75 Sienna raw Barrel 382 12 6 73 Soap Case 63 1-9 62 Toilet Case Paso 113 28 3-0 2-7 59 207 Tooth Case 200 7 1 79 Case 113 4-1 81 Prawns Bundle 54 2-0 83 2 cases Preservative: Boiler Package Drum 48 246 2-1 4-8 97 42 Rubber... . . Case . . 99 4-10 109 Case 74 3-10 91 Wood Barrel ... 500 12-0 54 Barrel 450 11-11 59 Preserves Box 150 4-2 02 Box 145 3-6 54 Pressboard Case 543 8-2 34 Presses: Filter Package 21 Printing.. . 70 Package 83 Primers, hand Crate 210 5-5 58 For pumps. Printed 'matter Bale 61 Case 400 14-0 75 Case 335 11-2 75 Case 500 11-9 53 Case 95 3-7 84 Projectiles, empty Box Box 294 294 2-9 2-7 21 20 Provisions Box 670 14-0 47 Prunes: Canned. . . Case 44 1-0 53 Dried Box 35 0-11 58 Box 55 1-0 45 Cask 52 Pulleys . . Case 915 46-0 112 Case 29 1-4 103 Crate 232 16-3 157 Crate 270 21-10 181 Pulleys and bearings, steel Package 318 10-5 73 Pulp ... . Roll 170 8-1 106 See also Paper Pulp. Pulpboard, wood Pumpkins: Canned Bale Bundle Case 576 150 53 14-4 8-0 1-3 56 118 52 Fresh Pump fittings Crate Case 170 61 8-8 1-6 114 55 Pumps: Centrifugal Grinder Box Case 292 115 8-7 1-8 66 32 Hand Case 239 9-10 92 Hydraulic Iron Case Case 1,000 360 14-0 10-0 48 60 Case 475 14-6 68 Steam Case 320 5-3 37 Case 666 10-2 34 Tire Case 156 4-9 68 Unspecified... Water Punches, saddlers' Box Crate Case 393 232 156 10-1 9-3 1-2 57 89 17 Putty Quartz Cask Cubic feet 712 166 11-0 1-0 34 14 Quartz, sand Quebracho wood Bag Logs 250 5-8 50 60 Quinine Cans Cans 9 9 0-8 0-9 166 186 Export. Export. Case 54 4-0 166 Import. Case 52 3-9 161 Import. 4 to 8 cans to case Quinine tablets Case 35 1-3 80 " Bromo Laxative." 52 STOWAGE .OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Quinine sulphate Case 101 3-5 76 Radiators: Gas Case 160 2-2 35 Unspecified Case 175 3-6 45 Case 122 3-11 72 Rags: Unspecified Bale... Bale 600 650 40-0 50-0 149 165 Compressed. Compressed. Bale . . 200 Bale 174 23-0 294 Loosely baled. Waste Bale... 317 22-5 158 Woolen Bale . . 787 43-0 122 Rails steel 15 18 Raisins ... Box 40 1-0 56 Box 54 1-3 52 Box 56 1-4 53 Seedless. Rakes garden ... Case 520 31-5 135 12 dozen. Ranges: Gas Crate - 307 18-6 135 "Hotpoint" . . . . Case 418 32-8 175 Raspberries canned Case 62 1-5 50 Razor sets Case 308 7-8 56 1.48 ouncesjper[dozen blades. Razors ... . Case 40 1-0 56 Case 130 3-9 64 Case 51 1-5 62 Case 204 6-8 73 Reamers Case 67 1-6 50 Recorders, time Red acid Case 90 6-6 165 See Coal-tar Colors. See Coal-tar Colors. Reeds . .. Bale... 106 9-4 197 Import. Bale 110 8-0 163 Import. Reflectors Box 180 5-10 72 Case 686 36-1 118 Rennet cheese Case 185 1-8 20 Retorts: 58 50 Rhubarb: Case 64 1-5 49 Case.... 52 1-3 54 Powdered Bag 104 Ribbon: Silk Case .. 23 2-3 219 Case 176 4-10 61 Case 125 5-0 92 Case 252 6-5 57 Rice. Bag 224 6-0 60 Bag 100 2-4 52 Pocket or double bag. Pocket or double bag. Barrel 100 99 53 2-6 2-3 10-0 56 51 422 From China. Unpolished. Puffed. Rifles Case 108 3-2 65 Case 83 2-10 76 Winchester. Case .... 261 11-6 99 16 rifles. Case 209 6-11 77 16 rifles. Rims: Barrel Bundle.... 102 8-0 175 Wooden. Wheel, auto Wheel, carriage Case Bundle 400 68 26-7 7-6 148 245 Wooden. Wire Case . . 48 2-10 132 Rings: Friction Case 42 0-11 49 For "Le Blond "lathe. Piston Box.. 72 2-9 85 Case 126 2-9 49 Rivets: Iron Box 239 1-10 17 Box 234 1-10 18 Shoe . Keg 105 0-10 18 Unspecified Case Keg 115 106 1-3 1-1 24 23 Keg::::::::: 212 1-9 18 Rods: Brass Case Case 386 538 2-4 3-5 20 14 Copper Case Case 425 428 2-2 3-4 14 16 Unspecified 10 Wire .. Bundle.... 160 5-0 70 Coil... 150 3-2 47 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAEGOES. 53 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE REMARKS. Rollers: Road Case 5 985 11411 43 Steel Barrel. . 60 Box 80 Rolls, steel (chilled) Each 4,000 24-0 13 Roofing: Iron galvanized Crate 30 Unspecified. . Roll... 56 Root: Burdock Roll Sack 64 104 1-7 6-3 55 135 Import Canaigre Sack 103 6-5 140 Cassia Sack 101 7-1 157 175 Licorice Madder.. Bale 450 15-0 75 Orris Bag... 176 6-8 84 Import. Sassafras.. Bale 500 26-3 117 Seneca .. Bag 110 9-6 193 See a Igo Senega Poly gala Roots unspecified Bale Bale 167 192 12-0 16-0 150 186 Rope: Hog hair.... Bale 113 5-1 100 Old... Bag 230 16-9 165 Sisal Coil 90 2-4 58 Steel Reel 3,659 48-8 32 Unspecified Bale Bale 171 650 6-2 50-0 80 110 Bundle Coil... 165 181 9-10 6-0 135 74 Coil. 35 1-3 80 i inch. Coil 93 3-1 74 1J inch. Coil Coil 150 326 4-10 12-2 72 84 2 inch. 3 inch. Rosin.... Barrel 511 12^0 52 Barrel... . 426 11-0 58 Barrel Barrel... 485 464 12-10 11-6 59 56 Rubber: Belting Crude Bale... Box Bag 450 116 140 8-6 2-6 6-0 45 48 96 Bag 112 7-0 140 Bale 160 3-5 47 Barrel 470 10-0 48 Case 415 15-2 81 Case . . . 419 12-3 65 From Brazil. Case 170 6-3 82 From Brazil. Large lumps. Case 202 5-3 58 From Java. Smoked sheets Cask 1,070 31-0 65 Goods Case 236 24-0 227 Guayale Para crude . Bag Case 158 164 4-6 5-2 64 70 Long sheets folded into case. Plates Box 99 3-4 75 Reclaimed Box 75 Scrap Box 75 Sheets and tubes .... Box 145 12-4 190 Waste Bag 150 9-2 137 Rugs: Cotton grass, and paper Bale . . . 115 8-2 159 Fiber Bale 89 6-2 155 Goatskin Bale 1,100 13-4 27 Grass Bale . . 99 5-7 121 Bale 100 3-4 75 Unspecified Box 160 10-8 149 Rnm Barrel 600 12-6 47 Barrel 450 9-0 48 Case . . . 48 1-6 70 Case 48 1-5 66 Case 46 1-9 85 logshead . . . logshead... t hogshead . . Pipe 1,350 1,200 675 1,050 47-0 30-3 16-0 19-0 77 56 53 40 D uncheon. . . Tierce 1,600 1,200 29-0 17-0 40 31 Rve Bag 54 Bag" " 58 Bulk 50 Saccharine Case 101 4-9 107 . Case 83 3-10 103 Case 104 3-3 70 Case.... 84 2-10 75 nsoluble. 54 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Saddle trees Bundle 32 4-0 280 Crate 169 18-0 238 Case 350 28-9 184 Saddles Case Case 88 6-3 159 134 Safes Safranine basic Boxed 926 23-8 57 See Coal-tar Colors. Sago Bag 112 2-9. 55 Sail cloth cotton See Awning and Sail Cloth. Sal ammoniac Barrel 325 10-6 72 Cask 130 3-7 60 Salicvlate methyl Case 166 3-7 48 Salmon: Canned Case 70 1-6 50 Case... 70 1-6 50 Case 68 1-7 52 Frozen Box 279 10-0 80 Pickled Cask 895 19-6 48 Salol Case 138 3-9 60 Salt Keg Bag 112 200 2-8 6-0 55 67 Barrel 280 6-6 55 Barrel 320 9-0 63 Salt cake Barrel 500 12-0 53 Saltpeter Barrel Bag 315 183 8-2 2-9 58 36 See also Potassium Nitrate. Bulk 36 Cask 880 17-6 45 Salts: Epsom . . Barrel 325 10-3 78 Cask 60 Keg 55 Keg 125 3-3 59 Glauber Barrel 308 10-0 72 Glauber crystals Barrel 375 10-3 61 Glauber, powdered Barrel 425 10-3 54 Soldering Barrel 668 11-11 40 S and Barrel 360 7-0 40 Bulk 20 Sandalwood 80 Sanitary cleaner Box 50 2-3 101 Sapolio Case 53 0-9 31 Sardines Case 58 1-3 48 Sarsaparilla Bale 198 16 181 Sauerkraut Barrel 400 10-8 60 Canned Case 42 1 56 Case 73 1-6 46 Sauerkraut and sausage, canned Case 47 1-1 52 Sausage: Canned Case 27 0-8 55 Case 42 0-9 40 Bologna. Case 43 0-10 43 Frankfurter. Case . . 33 0-10 56 Meat. Case 39 0-9 43 Oxford.** Case 33 0-11 62 Pork. JB Case . ... 27 0-8 55 Vienna. 5 1 Dry Barrel 243 7-10 72 Barrel 63 2-0 71 Box 67 1 11 64 Saws: Band Case 194 7 9 89 Case 176 6-8 85 Crosscut Case 150 5-4 80 Case 120 3 4 62 Case 110 2-6 51 Hack Case 257 2-7 23 Hand Case 325 15-7 108 Crate 85 5-7 147 Teeth Box 347 4-3 27 Teeth and shank Unspecified Box Case 16 284 0-3 2-0 35 15 Saws and blades Scales: Counter " Fairbanks" Household Box Case Case Case . . . . 807 172 190 50 14-1 4-7 7-0 2-4 39 60 85 104 Iron Case 30 1 i 81 Unspecified Scantling Case 344 9-7 62 80 Scientific apparatus Case 58 6-9 261 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. 55 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Scissors: Iron ... . Case 259 6 2 50 Case. . . 154 3-5 49 Pocket Case 30 i i 01 Unspecified Case 217 3 11 40 Scrapers: Road Package 65 1 9 60 Wall . . . Case 205 10-1 110 Screenings Bag 100 2-11 cc Bag" 1 000 33-11 75 Screw drivers Case Case 122 181 2-5 7 1 44 87 Case 74 2 7 78 Screw drivers and wrenches. . . . Case . . . 250 7 3 65 Screw plates Case Case 277 187 7-10 4-3 63 51 Screws: Wood (iron) Case 610 7 7 28 Case . . . 239 3-3 30 Case 210 2-10 30 Case 284 3-8 28 Seats, chair (wood) Crate Crate 182 276 5-11 7 g 72 62 Seed: Alfalfa... Bag 172 3-8 50 Alsike Bag 170 3-6 46 Amato Bag 186 7 84 Annetto Bag 516 6-4 28 Bean Bag 115 3-7 67 Canary Bag 60 Bag 226 6-0 56 Caraway Bag 196 8-6 97 Cardamom Box 117 6-8 128 Box 206 5-0 54 Without pods 94 Castor 70 84 Cebadilla... Bag 100 3-9 84 Celery 76 Clover, white Bag 47 ;::::::::: 175 3-0 38 Bag 162 3-2 44 Bag 165 3-8 49 Bal::: 161 3-9 52 Coriander Corn gig 100 80 6-10 2-11 160 81 Cotton Bag 102 3-9 82 Barrel 309 12-10 82 Croton Bag 113 4-1 81 Cummin Flax Bag Bulk 95 5-6 129 50 Garden Bag 94 3-8 87 Case 253 18-4 162 Case 407 32-5 178 Loose and taped Millet Bag 47 Bag 112 2-10 60 Bulk 55 Mustard 60 84 Onion Bag 100 3-0 67 Poppy 70 Rape 60 Sesame Bag 86 Bag 158 4-11 70 Import. Spinach Bag 112 3-6 70 Sugar-beet Bag Bag 110 120 6-5 7-2 130 140 Bag .. 73 4r-4 131 Import. Sunflower Timothy.. Bag Bag 133 6-8 104 75 Bag 130 3-8 63 Bag 131 3-8 63 Bag 138 4-2 68 Vegetable.... Bag 50 3-6 176 Vetch Bag 216 6-0 51 Semolina Bag 60 Bag... :. 99 2-11 66 Bag 140 4-6 72 Senega polygala Bale 180 18-3 227 Dried seneca root. Serge Case 650 24-^ 84 12.5 oz. per yd. Serum, hog Box 108 2-10 58 Serum and vaccine Case 225 6-0 59 Shades, lamp Box 40 5-11 331 56 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE REMARKS. Shafts Case 137 4 g 75 Shafts, axle Package 240 1-4 12 Sharpeners, pencil Case.. 150 6-10 102 Shaving sticks Case 201 6-1 63 Shears: Household Case... 360 4-9 29 Case 280 7-4 59 Pruning Case 165 2 1 28 Sheeting: Bleached Case 413 13-9 75 Pyralin . . Case 255 4 10 42 Case... 210 4-10 51 Unspecified Bale 419 16 2 85 Bale 360 11-8 73 Shellac Bag 168 4-2 56 y , Bag 113 4-6 89 Case 278 10-6 84 Cask 220 7-0 84 Shells: Ammunition Box 506 3-0 22 Box 294 2-9 20 Clam... Bag 195 7-10 90 Mussel Bag 156 3-6 50 Bat:::::::: 155 5-1 73 Oyster... Bag 70 Pearl Bag 300 8-0 59 Tortoise Case 225 13 7 135 Case 237 14-1 133 Unspecified Barrel 220 7-0 71 Shirts, cotton Case 236 28-0 265 Shock absorbers . . . Case 201 8-3 91 Shoddy Bale 413 31-0 168 Shoe eyelets: Brass Case 237 6-6 62 Case 188 5-0 60 Steel Crate 308 8-5 61 Shoe eyelets and hooks Case 73 1-8 51 Case 165 4-2 57 Case 145 3-4 52 Shoe hooks Case 117 2-0 38 Shoe-lace hooks, iron Case 82 1 2 41 Shoe laces Case 431 24 8 12S Case 548 26-0 106 Case 672 30-10 102 Shoe lasts, wooden Case 234 10-0 96 Shoe pegs Bag 60 3-2 118 Barrel Barrel 187 125 9-0 7-0 108 125 Shoes: Horse.... Kee 107 1-6 31 46 shoes Horse and mule Ladies.. Keg Case 105 335 1-7 22-0 33 147 Rubber Bale.. . 1,120 37-0 75 See also Boots and Shoes' Old Unspecified Case Case.... 167 108 7-1 8-11 95 185 shoes. Case 348 21-9 140 Tin-lined box Case 224 15-8 157 221 15-7 158 Case 365 33-1 203 Case.... 257 18-6 161 Shooks: Barrel Bundle 91 Box Bundle 23 1-0 97 Car . 45 000 1 165-0 65 Maple Crate 200 9-0 100 Box, bee Box.. 80 5-6 155 Box, lemon Bundle 61 Box, orange Bundle 61 Tierce 134 5-0 83 Shot, drop Box 108 0-6 10 Shoulders, dry salt Box Box.. 326 659 7-0 17-0 47 58 See also Hams. Shovels: Automatic. Crate 8 510 195-11 52 Hand.. 63 3-9 133 Shrimp, dried Bundle Bundle Bundle Barrel .. 32 68 61 247 1-6 3-7 3-6 10-3 105 118 129 93 1 dozen in bundle. Case 29 1-1 84 Sides... See Bacon. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Silk: Bale 501 495 280 11-1 10-6 7-3 50 48 58 112 137 Import. Import. Pierced. See Cloth, Hose, Ribbon etc. Canton. China. China. Japan. Japan. Japan. Japan. Heavily'pressed. Italian. * China. Heavily pressed. China. Heavily pressed. Heavily^pressed. African. Java. Java. Mexican. West Indies. See.also Casein. From'Calcutta. 100 to bundle. Fron\China. New Zealand. From Argentina. From Argentina. From Colombia. For files. Dried. See also Gun Cotton. 10 dozen. Goods Bale . . . Bale Case Manufactures Case 282 17-4 Case. . . 140 115 145 114 145 140 140 143 135 140 140 170 290 394 417 420 457 498 600 96 342 385 401 8-0 5-0 5-9 4-11 6-6 7-9 7-0 6-4 11-1 8-0 10-8 17-0 12-7 44-6 10-11 19-3 11-1 17-6 64-0 9-1 7-8 23-10 22-9 128 97 82 97 102 126 112 99 184 128 178 220 97 253 59 105 54 79 236 211 50 138 127 125 110 78 180 142 60 75 70 10 82 42 63 100 181 46 65 94 88 165 94 104 82 97 78 126 145 105 46 76 77 175 84 65 33 14 75 50 37 38 22 315 36 130 130 57 52 51 58 217 89 Raw .. Bale.... Waste Bale... Bale... Bale.. Bale Bale Bale Bale Silver deposit ware Bale... Bale Bale... Bale.. Bale Bale Bale . Bale Bale Bale Package Case Sinks, iron. . . Sisal Bale Sizing, paper Bale Bale Bale Bale 447 15-6 Bale Bale Barrel... 350 328 150 9-2 11-0 4-6 Skates, roller Case Skelp, steel Case Case Skewers Case Skids 4,252 1,060 188 227 85 1,000 92-7 30-0 8-5 18-5 1-9 34-0 Skins: Alligator, green salted Cask... Case Calf, dried Bale.., Calf, salted Bundle Chamois Cask Deer Bale 277 190 220 275 455 253 756 200 80 293 630 1,012 972 375 1,120 148 67 170 45 13-0 14-0 9-3 22-7 16-7 11-0 26-3 11-3 5-2 13-10 13-0 34-6 33-7 31-0 30-0 4-4 1-0 1-0 1-6 Goat Bundle Bale Goat, with hair on G oat and deer, dried Bale Bale... Bundle Bale Bale... Rabbit, dry Seal Bale Case Seal, pickled... Cask Sheep Bale Sheep, dry Bale Bundle Sheep, pickled Unspecified dried Cask Bale Slag, furnace Sack Slate Block Slats, trunk. Bundle Sleepers: Iron Steel.... Steel Sleighs Crate 400 700 224 110 189 191 199 174 675 50 55-0 11-2 13-0 6-5 4-10 4-6 4-6 4-6 65-6 2-0 Slides, suspension Slop Case Bag Smokeless powder Snaths, grass Snuff... Bag Box Box Box... Box Case Case.... 58 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Soap: Bora Barrel... 400 12-0 67 Borax Case 85 1 7 42 Common 46 Fancy Case... 240 6-6 60 Case 75 2-9 75 Case 262 8-3 71 Case 270 9-5 78 Laundry Case Case 70 70 1-2 1-4 37 43 Case. . . 67 1 4 45 Medicinal Trunks.... 218 6-0 62 Shaving . Case 225 7-0 69 Colgates See also Shaving Toilet Case 190 7-1 83 Stick. Case... 244 10-6 96 Case 430 14-3 74 Case 50 0-9 65 Case 75 Crate 400 7 50 Crate 200 5-9 64 4 cases Crate 360 12-0 75 Unspecified Barrel... . 440 11-11 51 Box.. 123 2-8 47 20 bars Box 500 14 63 Box... 146 4-8 71 Sockets electric lamp. . . Case 122 6-5 118 Sockets, plural plu? Sockets and switches Case Case 60 182 2-4 5-10 87 72 Socks, knitted Soda: Ash Case Ba ' 100 a, 4-7 ,0 102 39 Ash, dense Barrel 525 10-3 43 Barrel. . . 530 10-0 42 Barrel 305 6-2 45 Ash, light Barrel... 325 10-3 70 Caustic Drum 750 8-8 26 Drum Drum. 750 782 7-0 10-6 20 30 Cooking . Bag 224 5 4 54 Sal.... Barrel 400 9-0 50 Unspecified. . . Bag 224 5 7 57 Cask 54 Cask.. 950 25-6 55 Yellow prussiate of. Barrel 260 7 2 61 Barrel 513 13-4 58 Barrel... 408 10-10 59 Barrel 406 10-6 58 Soda water See Water, Soda. Sodium: Acetate Barrel 400 10-3 57 Barrel... . 328 10-0 68 Benzoate ... Barrel 175 10-3 140 Bicarbonate Bag Barrel .. 112 412 1-5 9-0 28 49 Barrel 423 9-0 47 Keg 121 2-9 51 Bichromate. Barrel 725 14-0 30 Bisulphite Barrel 525 10-3 44 Carbonate See Soda. Chlorate Keg 125 3 3 58 Cyanid Case 253 4-2 37 Case 255 4-0 35 Ferrocyanid . See Soda, Yellow Prussiate. Fluosilicate Drum. 200 1-7 17 Hydroxide. .. See Soda, Caustic. Hyposulphite Barrel 425 10-3 54 Barrel... 390 9-0 51 Keg 110 3-0 61 Metallic... Case 120 3-8 68 Nitrate. Bag 33 Bag" 36 Bag!" 200 2-9 31 Import. Nitrate refined Bag Barrel 212 525 5-0 10-3 52 45 Phosphate Barrel 596 13-4 49 Silicate Barrel . . 618 14-8 53 Barrel 700 15-0 47 Sulphate Barrel 525 9-0 38 Sulphide Drum 683 8-5 30 Drum 632 8-5 32 Sulphite Drum. . . . 676 8-5 30 Unspecified . . . Cask... 520 11-8 50 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 59 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Solder . . Box 150 1-6 22 Soup: Canned . Case 47 1-0 47 Case Case 56 50 1-3 1 3 50 48 Spades Bundle 85 1-9 46 Spaghetti Case 46 1 2 57 Spars: Dagame 94 Lancewood 37 Spectacles Case 105 6-0 127 Spelter Slab... 10 Slab 52 0-3 11 Spermacetti Box... 63 1-6 55 Box. 73 1-9 54 Spikes Keg 208 2-0 21 Spinach, canned Case 64 1-7 56 Spirits Barrel . 275 7-4 60 Butts 1 2fO 35-3 66 Case. .. 58 1-6 80 Sponge: Clippings Hogshead . . . Bale... 600 480 17-0 36-0 63 168 Fabrics Bale 249 14-1 126 From Genoa. Refuse Bale... 54 5-0 207 Waste. . Bale 480 36-0 168 Sponges Bale 138 8-6 iso Import Bale 56 3-5 152 Sponges, rubber Case 240 24-11 323 Case.... 211 23-0 244 Sponges and chamois . Case . 189 31-5 372 Springs: Auto Case 374 4-5 26 Case 304 4-0 29 Coil Case 35 0-3 16 Door Case..: 249 4-4 39 Iron. Package 1,016 11-8 26 Locomotive Box 110 1-3 25 Sprockets . . Case 135 1-5 23 Spruce deals 80 Squash: Canned Case 53 1-3 52 Fresh Crate . . . 78 2-4 51 Stain shoe Barrel 600 12-0 45 See also Dressing, Polish. Stands: Music, iron. Box... 97 2-0 49 Toilet Crate 140 30-4 485 Staples Bag 112 1-1 22 Iron. Box 308 5-4 38 Starch: Argo Box 65 1-8 60 Corn Bag 140 3-3 55 Barrel Box 288 48 9-0 1-2 63 58 Ground Bag 50 Laundry Barrel ... . 271 9-0 74 Barrel 210 10-0 100 Case.... 48 1-3 57 Potato Bag 204 5-5 59 Unspecified Bag Bag Barrel 200 140 245 5-4 3-3 8-6 59 52 75 Barrel 240 8-6 79 Box 80 Box 50 1-8 77 Stationery Case 212 7-4 77 See also Paper, Writing. Case 196 6-8 76 Case 360 10-9 67 Case 96 2-2 51 Staves: Cask sugar Bundle 96 Claret 101 Oak 59 Pieces 10 0-2 37 Old 100 Tank 55 Unspecified Bundle 42 1-2 62 70 Stearine: Cottonseed Barrel 457 12-0 57 Oleo Barrel 322 9-1 63 Unspecified Bag Bag... 137 190 3-1 7-7 52 89 60 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Steel: Bars Box 1,290 7-0 12 Box 684 4-0 13 Box... 585 3-0 11 Each 311 1-5 10 Each 608 3-6 13 Each... 53 0-3 11 Hollow drill. Billets Each 12 Each 629 2-9 10 Each 312 2-1 15 Each 806 3-7 10 Each .. 1,312 5-10 10 Each 680 3-1 10 Blooms Each 631 3-1 11 Each . 927 6-2 15 , Each 505 2-3 10 Corset Case 670 7-3 24 Case 488 10-11 50 Case 271 4-3 35 Paper covered Fabricated Case 382 13-10 81 Case 665 26-3 88 Coil 95 0-5 10 Letters and figures . ... Case 166 3-3 44 Plates Pieces 636 2-10 10 Pieces 4,367 19-6 10 Pieces 4,800 21-6 10 Shafting Signals, enameled Case Box 750 90 5-5 1-11 18 48 Spiring ' ..... Bars 30 2-0 149 Stone: Broken . . Bundle Barrel 142 713 3-4 13-1 53 40 For carriages. Flint Case 145 3-2 49 Case 148 2-10 43 Lime Pumice Block Barrel 170 118 1-0 9-7 14 181 Pumice ground Case 375 7-5 45 Sand Stones: Block Box 150 3,165 1-0 75-3 15 53 Oil . ..'...'.'.'...'..'....... Crate Case 165 110 13-2 1-11 178 39 Sharpening Case 149 2-11 46 Barrel 200 9-7 107 Stoves: Alcohol Box 50 3-0 134 Oil Crate 119 17-0 320 Crate 60 6-6 243 Crate 117 11-10 227 Crate 112 Straw: Covers Bale 44 6-0 300 Plait Bale... 190 18-0 212 Bale 420 12-6 66 Strawberries, canned Case Case 62 53 1-5 1-3 50 52 Strawboard: Paper .... . Bundle 50 1-7 70 Bundle 100 3-3 73 Unspecified Straws soda . . Bale Case 500 86 17-6 8-9 80 228 Bale 450 49-0 240 Succotash canned Case 44 1-0 51 Sugar: Beet raw Bag 200 6-3 62 Brown Barrel 400 9-2 51 Castor . ... Bag 224 4-0 40 Cube Box 63 1-4 50 Granulated Bag Bag 100 101 2-2 2-0 50 48 Barrel 380 9-8 57 Barrel 350 9-2 58 Barrel 333 9-2 62 Barrel 383 9-2 54 Grape Bag 112 2-8 55 Loaf Barrel 280 9-2 75 Barrel 280 8-11 72 Barrel 295 9-2 70 Maple Raw Bag Bag 112 240 2-0 4-9 50 44 Maracaibo. Bag 220 4-5 45 Maracaibo. Bag 202 4-0 44 Puerto Cabello. Bag 330 7-0 48 Sugarcane... Bale 122 5-7 103 STOWAGE OF SHIP CAKGOES. 61 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Suit cases Case 789 65-5 185 See also Valises Bale 75 Sulphite pulp dry Bale 60 Pulp. Bag 110 1-9 35 Barrel 175 6-0 68 Barrel 437 11-0 56 Barrel 395 7-0 40 Case... 40 Keg 60 Sulphur flowers Barrel... 195 7-0 50 Bag 170 4-0 55 Bag 162 5-0 69 Surgical dressings Case Case 152 162 12-4 6-1 188 84 Case 157 12-2 174 Case 158 15-2 215 Surgical supplies Suspenders Case Case 100 280 6-8 17-4 149 140 Switchboard . .... Case Case 225 99 13-0 7-6 129 169 Case 130 10-6 181 Case 179 12 7 157 Switchboard apparatus Switches: Electric Case. Box 366 214 21-4 9-2 131 96 Box . 73 3-2 97 Railroad Box 1 572 46 8 66 Unspecified . Case . - 326 6-5 44 Sirup: Cane ... Barrel 574 11-10 46 Corn Barrel 747 15-0 45 Unspecified . . .". Barrel 747 15-0 45 Barrel... 660 12-9 43 Barrel 736 12-4 41 Tables: Dental Hogshead... Puncheon. . . Case 1.900 1,466 10 36-0 27-5 0-5 50 42 93 Show Unspecified Tablets: "Fenalgina" Ink Crate Crate Crate Box 200 280 53 335 10-0 21-0 2-2 15-8 120 170 91 104 *Box 115 4-6 88 Medicinal Paper Case Case 124 424 4-3 15-0 77 79 Tacks: Blued cut Case .. . 130 1-6 26 Case 130 1-9 30 Case 127 1 9 31 Cobbling . . . Case ... 100 1-5 32 Shoe Case 141 1-2 19 Case 141 1-5 22 1 J inch Case ... . 115 1-5 27 Case 123 1-10 34 Case 110 1-4 27 Swede cut Case ... 127 1-9 31 Thumb steel Unspecified Case Case Keg 119 125 112 3-5 1-6 2-0 64 27 40 Tags Case 476 26-6 125 Case 700 24-11 80 Tailings petroleum Barrel .. 450 11-11 54 610 25-0 91 Talc Bag 38 Bag 201 2-3 25 Bag 200 4-0 45 Cask.. . 60 Tallow Barrel 456 12-0 58 Barrel 452 13-11 69 Barrel .. . 270 6-9 70 Cask 58 Cask 876 19-9 51 From New Zealand. Hogshead... Hogshead... Tierce 1.285 1,285 37-0 37-10 65 66 64 Tierce . 443 12-0 60 Tierce 430 12-0 70 Tierce 450 9-1 50 Tierce . 535 13-4 56 Tierce 471 12-0 60 Inedible. Tanglefoot Pail 62 1-8 60 62 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Tank: Iron . . Each 100 Ea"h 95 2-9 65 Locomotive Each.... 18,000 800-0 100 Porcelain Each 7,792 1,295-0 372 Unspecified Case 4,600 263-1 126 One. Case 4 660 263 1 128 One Case 6 083 91-10 34 One and three skids. Water Each 4 000 68-1 40 Tape, insulated . - Case 180 3-2 39 Case 226 5-6 55 Tapioca Bar 158 3-3 46 Barrel... 140 3-7 57 Tappers . . Box . 88 2-11 74 Case 320 14 1 98 Beach Taps Box 118 1-6 28 924 taps Box 195 1-6 17 Box 33 0-7 40 Pipe taps Tar: Coal Barrel . . . 600 12-6 47 Pine Barrel. .. Barrel 525 505 12-0 12-6 51 55 Unspecified Barrel . . . Barrel . . . Barrel . . . 300 527 500 7-4 12-0 12-6 55 51 56 Tar salt Barrel. . Cask 448 2 000 11-11 27 6 60 52 Tares Bag 50 Targets, clay See Clay Pigeons. Tartar 49 Bag 242 4-8 43 Import. Cask Cask. 896 1,388 22-0 25-8 55 41 Tartar emetic Cask 886 10-1 25 Tarvia Cask Barrel 707 551 11-11 12-0 38 49 Tea: Black Case 90 3-2 79 50 J-kilo cartons . From Ce y - Orange pekoe Case 117 5-0 96 Ion. From Ceylon. Unspecified . Case 60 3-0 112 Case 100 Case 130 5-9 99 Case 62 2-8 66 Case 82 3-4 91 Chinese. Case 96 3-11 91 Japanese. Chest 113 5-2 110 Chest 119 5-0 94 Chest . 70 4-2 133 From Ceylon. Chest Chest 50 86 2-6 5-0 112 130 From Ceylon. From Sumatra. Tees, iron Each 30 Each 350 4-4 28 Telephone apparatus . . Case . ... 264 5-11 50 Case 432 18-9 97 Case 412 18-8 101 Case 495 24-8 111 Telephone material Case Case 536 94 30-7 2-10 128 68 Tape sockets. See alsj Case 237 20-6 194 Switchboards. Tent poles . . Case 160 4-0 56 82 Thermometers: Clinical Case 80 3-10 107 Case 108 4-4 90 Unspecified Box Box 22 481 1-1 33-1 110 154 Box 47 2-10 135 Thread: Cotton crochet Case 269 24-5 203 14 ounces per box. Unspecified Case 395 10-10 61 Case 491 12-8 57 Case 300 9-0 75 Thyme Bale . . 220 13-7 140 Ties: Creosoted Steel Each Bundle 160 3-0 42 37 Wooden railroad Tiles: Fireclay . Bundle Each Crate 284 190 4-8 3-6 36 41 50 Floor Barrel 263 7-0 59 Roofing Crate 508 9-6 41 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 63 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Tin: Ore See Ore, Tin. Pig Each 100 0-4 7 Import. Each 78 0-3 *T From Dutch East Indies Each 54 0-2 7 Import Plate Package .... 207 0-8 7 Scrap - - - Barrel 1,100 12-0 25 Slab Bundle Each... 363 112 6-8 0-5 41 10 Slag Bag 180 2-4 29 Trunk Case 115 2-2 42 Tines manure fork . . . Case 15-11 55 Tinware: Nested . Case 120 Case . . . 122 6-4 116 Case 73 3 8 113 Case 12 0-2 31 6 gross dessert spoons. Case 16 0-3 32 6 gross table spoons Case 14 0-2 27 900 medium forks. Crate 112 Crate 163 10-0 137 Tires: Auto Case 492 18-10 85 36 by 4 inches Case.... 136 5-1 84 38 by 5 inches. Auto, solid Each 146 5-1 76 42 bv 5 inches. Each 178 6-8 84 Double tire Each . 177 5-6 70 Triple tire. Each 76 2-7 76 Locomotive Each 172 1 5 18 Pneumatic Case ... 497 29-1 131 Steel Pieces 533 5 3 22 Pieces... 345 3-7 23 Pieces 243 2-0 18 Flanged. Unspecified Bundle 31 2-4 168 Tizar Sack.. 140 3-6 56 Tobacco: Chewing Case 112 Cuttings.. Case.... 316 20-11 148 Leaf Bale 132 8-8 100 Bale 140 8-0 128 Bale 128 9-1 158 Bale * 217 9-9 101 China Bale 178 8-0 100 Dutch East Indies. Bale 172 10-8 139 Dutch East Indies. Bale 44 2-1 105 Grecian. Bale... 120 7-5 138 Habana. Bale . 120 8-8 162 Habana. Bale 120 6-1 114 Porto Rico. Bale 178 8-8 109 Sumatra. Bale 120 8-8 162 Turkish. Bale 113 5-3 104 Turkish. Bale 150 Turkish. Bale 102 8-3 180 Unstemmed filler. Bale 119 3-0 57 Kentucky and Tennessee., Square bale. Barrel Barrel... 178 151 138 6-2 11-4 11-4 78 168 184 Heavily pressed. Dutch West Indies. Heavily pressed. From Cuba. From Cuba. Barrel 178 15-0 188 Habana. Barrel Barrel 157 161 7-1 15-7 101 216 Stemmed filler. Import. Unstemmed filler. Hogshead . . Hogshead . . Hogshead.. Hogshead.. Hogshead . . Hogshead . . Hogshead . . Hogshead . . . Hogshead . . . Hogshead . . . Hogshead... Hogshead . . . Hogshead... Hogshead . . . Hogshead . . . Hogshead... J hogshead . . Pack 1,000 1,270 1,895 1,700 1,635 1,024 1,366 1,320 1,800 1,700 1,850 1,000 850 1,500 800 600 801 160 64-4 70-2 59-6 62-0 105-2 75-0 97-11 81-8 85-0 75-0 86-9 58-0 58-0 60-0 63-0 62-0 39-5 10-6 143 124 70 82 144 164 161 138 106 105 105 130 153 90 176 231 85 147 From China. From Kentucky. From Kentucky. From Kentucky. From Kentucky. From Kentucky and Ten- nessee. From New York. From Ohio. From Virginia. From Virginia. From Virginia. Export. Pack Pack... 165 139 10-6 8-10 142 142 Import. Import. 64 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Tobacco Continued. Leaf Saroon 116 5-9 Ill From Porto Rico Tierce 1 000 50-0 112 Tierce 1,000 50-0 112 Tierce... 950 52-0 122 Tierce 1 009 53-11 120 Chinese Tierce 750 40-0 119 Virginia. Tierce... 1.024 64-0 140 Virginia Tierce 1 275 78-0 137 Virginia Plug... Case 246 4-6 40 Maryland. Scrap . . Bale or pack. 191 13-0 152 Import. Smoking Bale or pack. Bale or pack. Bale or pack. Bale of pack. Case Case 116 139 313 311 202 8-5 8-4 16-11 15-6 10-9 163 134 121 112 119 179 Import. Import. From Philippine Islands. From Philippine Islands. See also Cigarettes and Cigars. Toilet&rticles Case 65 2-1 72 Case 43 2-9 143 Case 90 4-5 109 Toilet preparations Tomato sauce, canned Tomatoes: Canned Case Case Case 136 42 42 4-9 1-0 1-0 80 56 56 Perfumery, talc, soap, cream . Case 46 1-0 48 Fresh Crate 45 2-0 99 Tongue: Canned Case 65 1-6 52 Lunch and breakfast Case 34 0-9 49 Lunch and breakfast. Case 68 1-7 52 Ox Case 34 0-10 54 Ox In glasses. Case 61 1-6 55 Sheep Ground Barrel 275 10-0 81 Deer Tools: Face-plate jaws Case Case 287 187 2-4 1-6 18 13 Set of 412 inch. Set of 48 inch. Hand Case 320 5-2 36 Case 383 9-8 57 Machine Box 3,562 124-8 78 Box 2 140 70-8 74 Box 1,791 42-7 53 Mechanic . . Box 60 Box 403 15-0 83 Box . 378 4-6 27 Small Case 128 3-4 58 Case 313 9-5 68 Case 80 2-3 63 Case 50 2-0 90 1218 D. L. press. Case 70 3-10 120 2 210 D. L. press. Case 150 4 8 70 6 M F. drill press. Case ... 162 2-10 39 Wrenches, pliers, screw Case 41 drivers. Staking Box 316 11-5 81 Toothpicks Bag 100 4-0 80 Case 125 4-0 80 Case 41 1-11 104 Case 200 9-11 111 Torches, gasoline Case Case 260 377 14-7 23-5 125 139 Toweling Bale 162 15-0 207 4.3 ounces per yard. Towels, cotton. ...... ... .. Case 276 22-6 182 Toys: Construction, cardboard Case 198 10-2 114 Case 345 10-4 67 Construction, wooden Case Case 225 282 12-3 14-9 122 117 Horses Iron Crate Case 227 210 11-0 11-4 109 121 Paper game ...... . .. Case 296 13-11 105 Case 333 15-10 101 Pistols and caps Case 56 2-4 93 Unspecified . . Box 154 16-4 237 Box 174 16-7 213 Visceloid Case 182 31-2 383 Track, portable Bundle 1,365 46-8 77 Bundle Piece 1,449 99 46-8 14-0 72 317 Tractor parts Case Case 3,294 3 339 113-10 117-4 78 79 Case 1,695 62-7 82 Case ... 2,650 69-6 59 Case... 500 20-0 89 Repair parts. STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 65 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Tractors Box 6 500 347 2 119 Box 3 715 138 83 T? Box... 6*750 185 61 Box 3 369 65-0 43 Box 2 693 74-0 61 Transveyors Case 368 12-6 76 Traps: Fly Case... . 72 7 o 220 Mole, cast iron Mouse and rat Case Case Case 24 94 384 2-3 3-8 12-8 210 87 74 Case 65 3-7 123 Case... 167 6-6 87 Case 85 2 11 77 Trays: Eeg, paper Case 30 3-0 224 Metal plated Trees. Christmas... Case Case. . 473 55 12-11 12-0 61 488 Triblocks Case 204 4-0 44 Case... . 168 2-10 38 Trimmings, coffin Case 288 12-0 93 Troches 80 Trolley material Truck: Car Case 499 7-4 33 Trolley steadies, guy wire, clamps, insulators, and thimbles. Hand Box 455 16-1 79 Each.. 101 13-0 288 Motor Case 3 633 156-6 96 Case 10,530 1,004-11 214 Case 6 730 576-1 192 Case 4,2, r O 226-0 119 With'skids Truck tops Unboxed Unboxed Bundle 10, 00 5,400 55 941-0 495-0 3-0 200 J 205 120 Pierce Arrow. Wichita. Trunks Each 34 6-7 404 Each 100 20-0 450 Large Tubes: Boiler Bundle 84 1-0 27 Boiler, iron.. Crate 979 19-5 44 Brass 20 Case 500 8-7 40 Inner Box 80 4-6 126 Seamless . Bundle 450 8-7 50 Tubing: Brass Case . 565 15-4 60 Steel Bundle 82 8 18 Tumblers, glass Barrel . 308 9-0 65 Tupelo Turnbuckles Barrel 530 7-0 30 Box . 628 11-7 41 Box 74 1 i 33 Turnips, canned Turpentine Case Barrel. 44 225 0-11 6-0 46 60 Case.... 80 2-0 55 10 gallons Tusks, ivory Each Loose 62 1-3 45 28 Twine: Binder Bale... 50 2-0 90 Bale 50 2-3 100 Bale... 247 7-5 67 Bale 58 1-9 67 Bale 50 1-5 57 Cotton. Box 401 13-8 76 Box . 463 21-0 102 Sail... Box 81 4-4 120 Seine Bale 98 3-1 70 Unspecified Bale Bundle 54 50 2-5 2-3 100 101 10 rolls per bundle. Type, casting Typewriter parts Package Case Case 51 2,160 46 1-11 78-4 1-8 S6 81 81 10 balls. Case 31 1-2 84 Typewriters Case Case . . 95 65 5-8 3-5 134 118 Remington. No. 5 Standard. Case 70 3-7 114 Case 78 4-2 119 Case 49 2-5 110 Case 72 3-8 114 Ultramarine... See Coal-tar Colors. Umbrella ribs... Case..., 650 8-9 30 66 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Umbrellas Case 272 58 9-0 2-9 74 106 75 164 180 147 5.9 pounds per dozen. 7 pounds per dozen. See Ore, Uranium. Rough slab of steel or iron. See Aluminum. Import. See also Suitcases. See also Dressing and Polish See also Petrolatum. See Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc. Liquid. From Genoa. See Coal-tar Colors. See Coal-tar Colors. See also Copper Sulphate. 2.6 ounces per yard. 2.6 ounces per yard. Knocked down. Underwear: Cotton and silk Case. Case Case. 294 273 564 21-6 22-0 41-6 Unspecified Worsted Case Case TTYivnium ore Uses Case 119 196 1-9 2-7 33 30 Utensils aluminum cooking Case Vacuum cleaner Valises Case Case 80 179 361 130 253 682 363 332 220 215 221 51 90 430 446 725 430 56 80 50 124 3-6 8-6 43-0 5-3 3-11 9-10 13-4 6-6 4-3 4-1 6-0 0-1 2-0 11-11 11-11 23-0 12-0 2-2 2-4 1-2 2-4 98 106 266 90 35 32 82 44 43 43 60 48 60 62 60 72 63 86 65 52 42 41 38 141 62 59 61 Case Valonia... Bag Valves: Brass Box Exhaust Box Barrel Gate Case . Gate, bronze Iron ... Case Crate Vanilla Case Varnish: Insulating Shoe Case Box Barrel Vase. wood, carved Vaseline: Unspecified . . Barrel Barrel Barrel Case Case Case .... Case Keg Tierce Box Barrel 53 432 450 437 3-4 11-11 11-11 11-11 White Barrel Barrel Canned . ........ Case... 42 45 135 118 680 535 40 27 62 317 140 290 50 1-0 2-0 3-4 4-5 33-6 13-7 1-10 1-2 1-8 31-4 10-5 9-2 1^5 53 99 55 84 110 57 110 97 60 221 167 70 75 Fresh Crate Case Veneer x. ... Box .. Verdigris Case Barrel Vermicelli Box Vermouth ... Box Case Vests, ladies' Case Vibrators electric Case Vinegar Barrel Violet: Direct Demijohn... Methyl Vises: Barrel 835 104 247 615 688 396 546 122 888 198 197 11-11 1-1 3-4 5-9 12-8 21-0 26-3 20-0 34-0 19-0 14-1 32 23 30 21 45 119 108 267 86 218 160 60 90 65 65 103 309 151 229 27 49 Machine Case Screw and lever . Case Box Vitriol blue Barrel Voile, cotton Wagon parts, farm Wagons: Express .. ..... Case Case . Piece Crate Freight Package Package Sweeper Walnut: Lumber Planks Car Car Car 87, 500 47,500 25,000 108 145 37 88 56 46 1,500-0 1,365-0 1,650-0 5-0 20-0 2-6 9-0 0-8 1-0 Walnuts Bag Wardrobe Washboards Crate Bundle Crate Washers lock Case Watches..., Box... STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. 67 COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW AGE. REMARKS. Water: Florida... Box 91 3-0 74 Mineral... Case 200 5-0 70 Poland... Case 174 4-0 52 Soda Barrel 210 7-0 75 In bottles Water colors Case 630 10-0 40 Water filters Crate 42 3 1 164 Crate 31 2-4 168 Wax: Paraffin Bag... 202 4-11 54 Bag... 200 4-6 50 Bag 187 4-2 50 Bat::::::::: 220 5-1 51 Double bags Barrel 224 300 6-8 9-3 67 70 Barrel 290 9-2 71 Barrel 75 Case 200 6-2 70 Bag 225 5-4 53 Scale Barrel 410 10-6 60 Barrel 265 9-2 77 Sealing... Case... 66 2-0 68 Unspecified Bag Barrel 103 2-6 55 75 Barrel 302 10-0 74 Barrel 425 13-0 68 Barrel . 290 9-2 71 Barrel... 385 12-0 70 Vegetable Bag Case 191 265 5-10 5-0 69 45 Import. Case 260 6-0 52 From Japan Whalebone Bundle 100 5-0 120 Case 550 14-0 60 Wheat Bulk 47 Bushel 60 1-3 50 Box .. 90 4-5 110 Flakes Sack 112 3-3 65 Case 33 3-5 232 Puffed Box 80 8-0 224 Shredded Wheelbarrows Bundle 297 5-3 43 Knocked down. Crate 699 20-0 65 Wheels: Car Crate 378 3-4 20 Car, on axles 591 17-2 67 1 300 40-11 71 Pair. Carborundum. . . See Carborundum. Disk Case 42 0-4 18 Driving, locomotive See Locomotive and Parts. See Emery. Gear Box... 525 6-5 27 Grinding Keg 144 4-5 69 Package Package Crate 170 4,349 242 6-1 148-7 29-6 80 77 278 Whetstones, sand Whips... Case Bale 348 57 5-10 3-6 38 138 Whisky.. . Barrel 472 12-0 59 Barrel 477 13-4 63 Barrel 350 11-4 75 Case 45 1-6 75 Case 50 2-0 90 Case 25 0-8 60 Case 77 2-1 61 Malt. Case 43 1-2 61 Cask . 71 Whitewood Bundle 120 Whiting Barrel 377 9-0 53 Cask 40 Wiltshires See Bacon. Windmill Boxed 75 Wind shields. Package Case 341 339 11-6 10-7 75 40 Wine Barrel 494 13-0 59 * barrel Case 274 65 8-0 2-0 65 75 Case . ... 47 1-7 76 Cask 1,200 30-0 56 Cask 528 14-2 60 Import. Cask 358 10-3 64 Import. Keg. . 108 2-6 52 Keg 105 2-6 53 Pipe... 1,320 33-3 56 68 STOWAGE OF SHIP CARGOES. COMMODITY. PACKAGE. GROSS WEIGHT. MEAS- URE- MENT. STOW- AGE. REMARKS. Wire: Aluminum Case 250 3-7 32 Baling.. Bundle 129 2-4 40 Barbed Reel 105 2-7 55 Reel... 35 1-1 75 Brass. Reel 40 Bronze Barrel... 1,408 11-11 19 36^ coils to barrel. Case 460 5-6 27 Case 500 5-6 25 Phosphor Card Barrel 2.990 37-0 27 Barrel... 708 10-5 33 Barrel 900 11 11 30 Case 792 8-10 25 Copper Barrel. 475 7-0 33 Case 166 2-3 30 Case. . . 480 8-9 41 Case 252 3-11 35 Insulated. Case Cask . 130 2-4 40 25 Enameled. Coil... 159 2-8 37 Coil. 243 2-9 26 Bare. Reel 189 . 3-0 36 Insulated. Cotton covered Box... 69 1-0 33 Box . 78 1-1 31 Electrical Box... 18 0-3 31 Box.. 144 2-5 37 Enameled . . . Box 186 2-5 29 Spool . . . 70 3-0 96 Fence . . . Bundle 149 2-6 38 Galvanized Bundle 150 2-6 37 Iron Bundle Barrel 149 475 2-0 6^10 30 33 Mattress Barrel 525 9-0 38 Music... Case 193 5-0 58 Steel Coil 152 3-1 45 Telephone, bronze Barrel 1,174 12-11 27 Trolley . Reel 2 303 29-4 31 Tungsten Case 117 2-5 46 Unspecified. . . Barrel 894 11 11 31 Wire cloth: Galvanized... Case 120 2-9 51 Steel Case 570 11 5 45 Wire netting Roll 58 1-6 58 Roll 100 4-0 89 Wire rope.... Case 181 2-2 27 Witch hazel Barrel 450 12-0 60 Case 160 6-2 86 Wolfram ore See" Ore, Wolfram. Woodenware Crate Crate . 76 8-6 250 175 Wood pulp Bale 450 10-2 51 Dry.""" From Scandinavian Bale 60 Penn. Dry. Bale 65 Dry. Bale 443 9-6 48 Wood shanks Bale 100 8-6 180 Woodwork for sewing machine. . Case Case 125 131 8-11 7-11 160 135 Wool: Alpaca Bale 214 13-3 139 Camels' Bale 527 12 3 52 From China."*" Compressed. Greasy Bale 84 From New Zealand. ^ , .' Scoured Bale 450 25-0 125 From California. Unspecified Bale Bale 975 976 36- 38-7 85 89 From Argentina. From Argentina. Bale. . . 998 39-0 87 From Argentina, Bale 360 22-3 138 From Australia. Bale 379 16-8 100 From Australia. Bale 562 12-8 50 From China. Bale 632 11-4 40 From China. Bale 586 11-0 42 From China. Bale 363 9-2 56 From China. Bale 400 25-0 166 From New Zealand. Bale 891 43-9 110 From South America. Bale 413 22-9 123 Import. Bale 495 22-7 102 Import. Bale 516 22-7 98 Import. Waste Bale 80 Wrappers for bottles Bale 90