GIFT OF CkJk. \\ain Lib* GENERAL Municipal Ordinances OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND CALIFORNIA IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 1, 1912 NOTE This publication contains all ordinances of the City of Oakland which are general in their application. Special or- dinances concerning street work, appropriations and other details of government have not been included. Ordinances relating to street work are kept on file in the office of the Superintendent of Streets, who will furnish any desired in- formation concerning the same. Ordinances known as the "Building Law" and "Plumbing and Drainage" are published in pamphlet form and are not included in this publication. Copies of either may be obtained by application at the office of the City Clerk. CLASSIFIED, COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE BY AUTHOR- ITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL BEN F. WOOLNER CITY ATTORNEY . TABLE OF CONTENTS BOOK I PENAL ORDINANCES CHAPTER I Ordinances to Prevent Nuisances, Protect the Public Safety, and to Regulate Streets and Sidewalks and Traffic. CHAPTER II Ordinances Prohibiting Crimes Against the Public Peace, Decency and Good Morals. CHAPTER III Ordinances Prohibiting Crimes Against the Revenue of the City and Against Property and Regulating Matters of Finance. CHAPTER IV Ordinances Providing for the Protection of the Public Health. Ordinances to 'Prevent J^tuisances, ^Protect the ^Public Safety, and To < ReguJate Streets and Sidewalks, and Traffic 293264 NUISANCES ORDINANCE NO. 396. An Ordinance for the Prevention and Suppression of Nuisances. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. (As Amended July 16, 1912, by Ordinance No. 246 N. S.) No person shall establish or maintain any slaughter-house, keep any hog or hogs, cure or keep hides, skins or peltry, slaughter cattle, sheep or any other kind of animal; pursue, maintain or carry on any other business or occupation offensive to the senses or pre- judicial to the public health or comfort within the limits of the City of Oakland; provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the establishing or maintaining of a slaughter-house, or the curing or keeping of hides, skins or peltry, or the slaughtering of cattle, sheep or any other kind of animal, within the following described and restricted district in said City, to-wit: Beginning at a point where the southeastern boundary line of lands conveyed by deed dated November 7th, 1868, and recorded in Liber 36 of Deeds, at page 355, Alameda County Records, intersects the southwestern line of the 100-foot right of way of the Central Pacific Railroad situated in Brooklyn Township, now a part of said City of Oakland, and running thence along said line of said Railroad Right of Way south 42 23' East 4.26 chains to the center of a ditch; thence along the center of said ditch south 64 15' West 6.50 chains more or less to the center of a slough leading to the Bay of San Leandro; thence in a southwesterly direction following the center of said slough with the survey of the shore line of the Bay of San Leandro at midway between Stations 201 and 202 of the survey of said shore line in Section 17, Township 2 South Range 3 West as shown upon Sale Map No. 10, issued by the Board of Tide Land Commissioners under an Act of the Legislature approved April 1st, 1870; thence along said shore line in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with the said southeastern boundary line of the land conveyed by said deed, so recorded in Liber 36 of Deeds, at page 355 of Alameda County Records, as aforesaid; and thence along said boundary line north 47^ East 14.50 chains; North 84^ East 11.25 chains; North 66^ East 16.46 chains; North 58^ East 8.75 chains and North 61 East 30 links to the point of beginning. Provided further; That nothing established or maintained in said above described restricted district shall be so established or main- tained as to create a nuisance, and shall always be subject to the control of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Sec. 2. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 2067. Approved October 9, 1900. Vol. 5, p. 506.) Sec. 3. No person shall engage in the occupation or business of reducing or smelting ores containing sulphurets of lead, arsenic, cupper or antimony within the limits of the City of Oakland. 6 NUISANCES Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than seventy-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, and shall also be fined in a sum not less than seventy-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars for each and every day during which said person shall continue to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance; and in default of payment thereof shall be imprisoned one day for every two dollars of such fine. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, so far as they con- flict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its ap- proval. (Approved August 16, 1870. Vol. 1, p. 438.) NUISANCES 7 ORDINANCE NO. 336 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Removal of Certain Buildings Damaged by Fire or Decay; Providing for the Proper Enclosing and Securing of Unoccupied Buildings; and Providing a Penalty for Violation of Any or the Provisions Hereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. Whenever, in the judgment of the Building Inspector or the Fire Marshal of the City of Oakland, any building or struc- ture in the City of Oakland or any part of such building or struc- ture, or any appurtenances or fixtures thereto, or any wall, chim- ney, smokestack, stove, oven, furnace, or thing connected with such building or structure, shall, from any cause whatever, be in a con- dition to be dangerous to persons or property, or shall be dam- aged by fire or decay, or by both fire and decay, to the extent of forty per cent of its actual value at the time of construction of such building or structure, said value to be estimated above the line of sidewalk in front of such building or structure, the Building In- spector or Fire Marshal shall immediately give notice in writing to the owner or owners of such premises, or to the agent of such owner or owners, or to the person having control of such building or structure if the owner cannot be found, to remove the same forthwith; and the person receiving such notice shall, within five days after receiving the same, comply with the requirements there- of. In the event of a dispute between the person receiving such notice and the Building Inspector or Fire Marshal, as to the amount of damage caused by fire and decay or by fire or decay, said dis- pute shall be determined by arbitration of competent mechanics; the owner of such building or structure or other person in control of such building or structure to select one arbitrator, and the Build- ing Inspector or Fire Marshal to select the other, and in case the arbitrators so chosen cannot agree, they shall select a third, and the decision of the majority of such arbitrators shall be final and conclusive. All expenses of such arbitration shall be paid by the owner or owners of such building or structure. Sec. 2. Whenever any unoccupied building or buildings in the City of Oakland are not properly secured or enclosed the Building Inspector or Fire Marshal shall immediately visit such premises and notify the owner or owners, agent or agents, or the person having control of the same, of the condition of such unoccupied building or buildings and to have such building or buildings, within ten days after the receipt of such notice, properly secured and enclosed so as to prevent evilly disposed persons from gaining access thereto. Sec. 3. Failure or refusal of any person receiving any notice pro- vided for in this ordinance to comply with the requirements of such notice shall be deemed a violation of the provisions of this ordi- nance and punishable as hereinafter provided. Every person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, 8 NUISANCES upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Oct. 15, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 256 N. S. An Ordinance Restricting the Keeping of Bulls for Breeding Pur- poses and the Number of Cows or Steers to Be Kept Within Certain Limits in the City of Oakland, Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2359, No. 3035, and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to keep or cause to be kept for breeding purposes any bull upon any premises within the City of Oakland, or to keep any cow or steer or calf in that portion of the City of Oakland, bounded as follows: On the north by Sixteenth street, on the south by Twelfth street, on the west by Filbert street and on the east by Franklin street. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or cause to be kept more than two cows or steers on premises located in any block within the City of Oakland, pro- vided, however, that 'the provisions of this ordinance shall not ap- ply to that portion of the City of Oakland annexed thereto in December, 1909, except that part of such annexed portion of the said city situated within three hundred feet of East Fourteenth street, on either side of said street. Sec. 3. Ordinances No. 2359 and No. 3035, and all other ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 4. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) NUISANCES' 9 ORDINANCE NO. 251 N. S. An Ordinance to Prevent Certain Animals and Fowls From Run- ning at Large in the City of Oakland and to Provide for Burial of Dead Animals and Regulating the Impounding of Animals and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinances No. 820, 3243 and 866 and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Tt is hereby declared unlawful for any ox, bull, cow, horse, colt, jack, mule, calf, sheep, goat and hog, ducks and geese or other domestic fowl, to run at large in the City Oakland, and it is hereby declared unlawful for any animal named in this section to be pastured or herded (or staked or tied for the purpose of grazing) in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, courts, or places, public squares or other grounds belonging to or under the control of the City of Oakland, and it shall be unlawful for any of said animals or stock of any kind to be tied, staked, pastured or allowed or per- mitted to run at large upon any private property within the limits of the City of Oakland unless by consent of the owner or occu- pant of such property. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to take up, im- pound, and safely keep any of the animals or fowls, enumerated in the foregoing section found running at large, staked, tied or being herded or pastured in any street, lane, alley, court or place or pub- lic ground, or upon any private lot or ground in the City of Oak- land, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. When any animal is so impounded, the Poundmaster shall im- mediately notify the owner thereof, if known to him, and shall post three notices; one on the City Hall bulletin board, one at the post- office and one in a conspicuous place at the Pound. Said notices shall contain a full description of said animals and shall set forth that unless reclaimed, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at a time and place to be specified in said notice, which time shall not be less than five days nor more than ten days from the posting thereof, and if said animals are not reclaimed before the expiration of the time specified in said notice, the Poundmaster shall proceed to sell the same at the time and place and in the manner specified in said notice, provided that all animals so taken into the custody of the Poundmaster, which by reason of age or disease or other infirmity are unfit for further use, or are danger- ous to be kept impounded, shall be destroyed by him (after ex- amination by the Veterinary Surgeon of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) within twelve hours from the time such animals have been impounded, and in case of such destruction of such animals the Poundmaster shall not be required to give the aforesaid notice. Sec. 3. The owner of any animal impounded shall have the right to reclaim the same at any time prior to the sale thereof upon 10 NUISANCES payment to the Poundmaster of the costs and charges hereinafter provided in this ordinance for impounding and keeping such ani- mal, or if sold, the owner shall have the right to receive the pro- ceeds of the sale of such animal, less the costs and charges afore- said, within thirty days after such sale, upon satisfactory proof of his or her ownership of such animal so impounded and sold. Sec. 4. The Poundmaster shall cause all animals impounded by him to be provided with sufficient food and water suitable for such animals, and upon his neglecting so to do shall be liable to the owner for all damages arising therefrom. Sec. 5. The Poundmaster shall receive and collect fromfcthe owner of any of the following animals the following fees for im- pounding and keeping the same: Horses, bulls, oxen and cows, per head, $4.00. Jacks, mules, steers and colts, per head, $4.00. Hogs, sheep, goats and calves, per head, $1.50. Ducks, geese and domestic fowl, per head, $ .25. And the further sum for keeping the same per day: Horses, bulls, oxen and cows, per head, 50 cents. Jacks, mules, steers and colts, per head, 50 cents. Hogs, sheep, goats and calves, per head, 25 cents. Ducks, geese, and domestic fowl, per head, 5 cents. Sec. 6- If any animal or domestic fowl be not redeemed or sold within the time and in the manner specified in this ordinance, the Poundmaster shall kill the same and all animals so killed shall be buried by the Poundmaster in the city burial place for dead ani- mals. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of all persons having dead animals upon their premises, or who shall be the owner or possessor of any dead animal which died within the City of Oakland, to bury the same at least four feet underground, except cats, dogs or fowl, which shall be buried at least two feet underground, either upon the premises of such owner or person upon whose premises such dead animal is found or in the city burial place for dead animals, within forty-eight hours after the same shall die; and, upon the request of any owner or possessor of any dead animal, it shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to proceed forthwith to bury the same in the city burial place for dead animals, for which he shall collect and receive from the owner or possessor of such dead ani- mals, the following fees: For burying horses, bulls, oxen and cows, each $5.00. For burying jacks, mules, steers and colts, each, $4.00. For burying hogs, sheep, goats and calves, each, $3.00. For burying ducks, geese and domestic fowl, each, 25 cents. For burying dogs or cats, each, $1.00. Sec. 8. If any person fails or neglects to bury any dead animal, as provided for in this ordinance, then in such case it shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to proceed forthwith to bury the same; NUISANCES 11 and it shall be lawful for the Poundmaster to charge, receive, col- lect or recover from the owner or possessor of such dead animal buried by him the fees hereinbefore provided; and any such person so refusing or neglecting to bury or cause to be buried any such dead animal shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than thirty dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oak- land at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. The Poundmaster shall each week turn into the City Treasury all moneys received by him, or collected by him in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and Ordinance No. 40 N. S. Sec. 9. If any person shall rescue any animal from the posses- sion of the Poundmaster while such animal is being conveyed, or is about to be conveyed, to the City Pound, or shall make any Pound breach, or in any way directly or indirectly convey or deliver any animal out of the City Pond without lawful authority, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprison- rtient in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 10. Every person taking up any animal liable to be im- pounded under the provisions of any ordinance of the City of Oak- land shall, within twelve hours after taking up such animal, or if the same be attached to a vehicle within four hours, give notice thereof to the Poundmaster or his deputies, or to the Chief of Police and the Poundmaster shall thereupon take such animal into his custody, and every person to whom such animal may be de- livered, or who shall receive the same, shall forthwith on demand deliver such animal to the Poundmaster. Every person taking up such animal and failing or neglecting to give such notice, or refusing or neglecting to deliver such animal to the Poundmaster on demand, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 11. The Poundmaster shall make a true and correct report to the City Council on the first Monday of each month, of all animals of each kind impounded by him during the month; of the number redeemed and sold, and the amount received therefor, and the number killed of each kind with the number and kind buried and the amount received therefor. Sec. 12. The Poundmaster shall, before he proceeds to kill any animals, subject to be killed under the provisions of this ordinance, 12 NUISANCES notify the Captain of Police of his intention to kill such animals and the Captain of Police shall detail an officer of police to be pres- ent at the killing of such animals. Sec. 13. Ordinances No. 820, No. 3243 and No. 866, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 3144. ^ An Ordinance Prohibiting the Throwing or Placing of Hand-Bills, Dodgers, Cards or Advertising Circulars in the Vestibule or Porch, or Front Steps, of Any House or Building or Upon the Lawn or Front Yard of Any Private or Public Property in the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to throw or place any handbill, dodger, card or advertising circular in the vestibule or porch or front steps of any house or building or upon the lawn or in the front yard of any private or public prop- erty in the City of Oakland, Provided that this Ordinance shall not be construed as applying to newspapers, or advertising matter contained in an addressed envelope. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty ($50) dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding twenty-five days. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall be in effect thirty days from and after its passage and approval. (In effect September 24, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 140 N. S. An Ordinance Prohibiting Placing Advertising Matter in Private Letter Boxes and Providing a Penalty therefor. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to place in any private letter box in the City of Oakland upon which the following language appears: "For use of United States mail" any advertising circular or matter of any kind. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than five ($5.00) dollars and not more than fifty ($50) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for each S2.00 of said fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect March 11, 1912.) NUISANCES 13 Note Section 1 of Ordinance No. 932 partially repealed by Sec- tion 26 of Ordinance No. 2415, relating to licenses. ORDINANCE NO. 932. An Ordinance Regulating the Defacing of Buildings, Structures and Certain Trees by Advertising Notices; Prohibiting the De- facing of Poles, Sidewalks and Certain Trees by Such Notices; Regulating the Suspension of Banners and Advertising Notices Over Any Public Street; Prohibiting the Carrying of Placards in, and the Distribution of Advertising Notices on Streets and Side- walks, and Providing a Penalty for a Violation Thereof. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to post, stick, stamp, paint or otherwise affix, or cause to be posted, stuck, stamped, painted or otherwise affixed, any bill, poster, notice or advertisement to or upon any building, structure, wall, fence, gate post, or tree upon private premises, without permission in writing from the owner, agent or occupier of the premises; or upon any telegraph, telephone or electric light pole; or upon any sidewalk; or upon any tree, in any public street, sidewalk or square. Nor shall any person suspend any banner, sign or advertising notice from, or attach the same to any wire or other device crossing or overhanging any public street, without permission in writing from the Board of Public Works. (As amended June 6, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 381.) Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person upon any sidewalk, or in any street in the City of Oakland, to carry, bear or support any banner, sign, transparency, frame-work, device or emblem used or purporting to be used or intended as an advertise- ment of any trade, profession or business, place of business, office, store or occupation, to distribute by hand or otherwise upon any sidewalk, street, square or other place, or to throw upon any side- walk, street, square or other public place, any advertisement, bill, poster, flyer, notice or advertising device or emblem, used or pur- porting to be used, or intended as an advertisement, or notice of any article or merchandise or of any trade, professional business, office, store or occupation of any person or persons. (Amendment approved, October 19th, 1907. Vol. 7, page 384.) Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid the person so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its ap- proval by the Mayor. (Approved September 4, 1883. Vol 3, p. 118.) 14 NUISANCES ORDINANCE NO. 1537. An Ordinance to Regulate the Entrance to and Exit From Theaters, Lecture Rooms, Public Halls and Churches, and to Prohibit the Placing of Chairs, Stools, Benches or Other Obstacles in the Aisles of Such Buildings. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All buildings now erected or to be erected in the City of Oakland, and used for public assemblages, in whole or in part, shall, for the public safety, have doors for the ingress and egress of the public to the portions so used for said assemblages so con- structed that they shall open both inwardly and outwardly, and in no case shall they be constructed to open inwardly, or to slide, and all buildings altered or changed for use of public assemblages, in respect to the doors therein, shall be made to conform to the provisions of this section. The owner and lessee of any building used for public assem- blages, which does not conform to this section, shall be liable for the violation of this ordinance. Sec. 2. All the main aisles and passage ways in buildings used for public assemblages shall be kept free from campstools, chairs, benches, sofas .or other obstructions, during any performance, ser- vice, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball or any assemblage whatever, and all buildings hereafter erected, altered or changed, and intended for use for public assemblages, shall have the main aisle and pass- age way of at least twenty inches in width for every one hundred persons or parts thereof to be provided for, and no aisle or pass- age way shall be less than three feet six inches at the narrowest points, and every doorway communicating with the aisles and passage ways in the auditorium shall have a clear opening of not less than the full width of the aisles and passage ways leading to such doorway, and each door shall open outwardly. The lessee of the auditorium and the manager of the exhibition, lecture, concert, ball or entertainment being held when this section is violated, shall be liable for the violation of this ordinance. The trustees or committee of the congregation or association calling, inviting or holding the services, and who have the control of the room in which such service is held when this section is violated shall be jointly and severally liable for the violation of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Prison for not more than six months, or by both fine and imprisonment; and in case the fine is not paid, then by additional imprisonment of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed, and the continuance or maintain- ing of a violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a new offense NUISANCES 15 fur each day on which the same is so continued or maintained, and shall be punished accordingly. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passage, (Approved July 3, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 443.) ORDINANCE NO. 3244. An Ordinance Prohibiting All Persons, Firms, or Corporations from Permitting or Allowing Any Ducks, Geese, Chickens or Other Fowls to Run at Large, or Upon Any Street, Lane, Alley, Court or Other Public Place or Other Grounds Belonging to or Under the Control of the City of Oakland, or Upon Private Property Without the Permission of Owner or Occupant, and Providing a Penalty for a Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning any ducks, geese, chickens, or other fowl excepting doves or pigeons, or having the same in their possession or under their control, to allow or permit the same to run at large in the City of Oakland or to allow or permit the same upon any street, lane, alley, court or public place or other grounds be- longing to or under the control of the City of Oakland, or upon any private property within the limits of the City of Oakland without the consent of the owner or occupant of said private prop- erty. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon a conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor more than one hun- dred ($100.00) dollars, -or by imprisonment in the City Prison for not less than one (1) day nor more than ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage and approval. (In effect March 15, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 3303. An Ordinance Making it Unlawful for Any Person, Firm or Cor- poration to Keep Any Ducks, Geese, Chickens, or Other Fowls in Any Enclosure in the City of Oakland Unless the Exterior Boundaries of said Enclosure Are More Than Twenty Feet From Any Dwelling, Church or School, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep any ducks, geese, chickens or other fowls 16 NUISANCES in any enclosure in the City of Oakland unless the exterior boun- daries of said enclosure are more than twenty feet from any dwell- ing, church or school. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined noi more than $100 and in case said fine IK- not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of on.e day for each $2.00 of such fine so imposed. Sec. 3. The terms of this ordinance shall not be construed to apply to fowls kept in any enclosure within twenty foot from any dwelling with the written consent of the owner thereof, or to fowls kept in any bona fide produce market. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its pass- age and approval (Approved June 26, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 2988. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Deposit on Public Streets of Oil, Gasoline or Other Drippings From Automobiles. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion or agent of any person, firm or corporation, owning, controll- ing or operating any automobile, or other machine or apparatus using electricity, gasoline, or any product of petroleum for its motive power to drain gasoline or any product of petroleum from any part of said machine upon any public- street, paved with as- phalt, bitumen, asphalt macadam, or similar pavement or upon the gutters of any street so paved. Sec. 2. Every automobile or other machine or apparatus using electricity, gasoline or any product of petroleum for its motive power, shall have attached thereto suitable devices for the pur- pose of preventing deposits from leaks or drippings being made upon the pavements of public streets. Sec. 3 Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and in case said fine be not paid then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for each two dollars of such fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its pass- age and approval. (In effect December 2, 1909. i I -. < I . 1 7 OkDINANCK No. 2316. An Ordinance to Prevent the Leakage Upon the Street* of the City of Oakland, of Coal Oil, Petroleum, Distillate or Gasolim-, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. Iv ci ) pel n, MI m -.1 . 01 poi atiotl pi.itin;.' iln'.n^l) MM- trecl "i il- Cit) ol Oakland, coal "il, p<- tn. ! inn, 'h ull.-ii' '.i j-.i .' Jin- , V.IH-II tin' same i* < <iiiaiiM <l m tank -, in .<! .h \\, pan I lo \ pi." l Undci ili- i:ni el ;n'l l;ml. , I., \,\ -. n! tin I- ;il:a(." up.,n tin- sli <> Is r.j nil, p<-tr<,|.-iim, <li .tillat' -.1 ga lolinie Sec. 2. p'-rsMii, him -.1 < .1 \,< >\ a 1 1- ,n violating MM- ptfO i 'in ordinanc< .hail li- ^.mhy of a mi demeanoi :ni'l up. ,n conviction therCOi -.liall I..- nn^l nl ]-.-, tli.-m ij'JfjOO, an<l in caSC ^.'ii'l mi' li- IK, I |ail, th'-n liy iin|n i . .IMIM-HI at i| t . .f one 'la tWO 'I'-llai-, r,f tin- HIM .., imposed. Sec. 3. Tlii--. '.idinaiK cifcct IIIIIIM <liai I , lip-Mi It9 approval ( I': ;<i.-1 1, 100/1. API ml.' "I 1, !'")-1 Vol 6, ORDINANCE NO. 1802. An Ordinance Concerning the Separation of Ashes and Cinders From Swill, Garbage, Filth, Offal of any Kind, Manure, Rubbish, or any Offensive or Ill-Smelling Matter, or Any Admixture of Swill, Garbage, Filth, Offal of Any Kind, or Any Offensive or 111 Smelling Matter, in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. cclared unlawful for any pcr-.on, Of lionv, t iM-im-nt, huildiiitf or pla< business, within tin- City -. -i, to ran mil any atthes mixed with any swill, garl^'-, filth, oi ny kind, nia: ruhl, or ill stn<-llinj< mat :iy admixture of swill, garbage, filth, offal of any kind, or any offensive or ill smelling matter, but said ashes or cinders shall in-d aurl kept until n-moM-d in a separate receptacle frum that in which swill, f<a: !i, offal 'f any kind, manure, rulibisli or an. fensive or ill lling mati-t, ,vill, garl, filth, offal of any kind, or any offensiv n- Iling matter is or <l<p<, : Sec. 2. Any j/er-.oii violating any -.rdi nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon < onvic- i hereof shall be punished by a fine not exce< - 1 I ('inilllh d.'ll.n-.. .in.l 111 t MSC .in li Inn- I., in. I p. ml. linn Mi,- |>ci ..II 10 ini'ii in. >s i' Imprisoned >< ih, rate "i one <I.IY ioi every tWO <I"II.M . Oi I'll' tin. ... imp. , ., ,| Sec. .1. Tin. ordinance ihall take effect Immediately up. MI in .mi approval i Approved Ma; i . 189 Vol -. P ui > OK* DIN A NCI' 1 . NO. .'I N S An Oidm.nue !''.M biddiur. (lie Si.tndmi- "I Lo.ided With Garbage or Any Kvtn:.<- M.itt.-i U|>..n the Pubh* Sticets or Othei Publu 1'l.urs ol the City >l lot A Pei iod Lolled' Than 1 <-n Minutes. Piovidinn .\ l>i ion ol the Piovr.i.ur. llnrol. .nul KVpr;iliUK Oidin.uur No. .<OM. Kntitlcd "An Ordi- nance Forbidding the Standing* of Wagons Loaded With Garbage 01 Krhisr M.ittn upon the Sttrrts 01 Public Pl.u cs of the City of Oakland for a Longer Period Than Ten Minutes and Pro- viding a Penalty for Violation Thereof 1 and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It -.11.111 !-. .m.l In-rebj is declared In be, uul.i\\iul foi ;1U\ pn-.Mi h.i\iii-. .li.iMT .'I .in\ \\.UMMI ll^.r.l in ill,- ,.m\in ..ii-.r .-I ,-ihri ivl'use in.iiici .-I .in\ io ponnit, cause 01 ..M.l \\.I-..MI. \\lnl,- l.-.idrd \\tth .iiu >-.n b.ii-.- <>; nthoi refuse . t< .i.iu.hnr. up. -11 .iu\ |ub!u itrCCl 01 iMlu-i pul'li, >!' ilu- Ctt\ .-I (Vdxl.iud. I.M .1 period longCI th.iu trn nun tin- pi. i . ted b\ .1, ti. >u ,>! Ill,- Cit\ Conn dl ,r. (ho duinpnn-. pi. i. foi .11, h >-..n l-.i;- ,- 01 n-hise in.ii;. Sec. 2. \n\ perton 01 pertoni violating anj ol !* provision ordinance ihall i- deemed guilt) oi .< rnitdemeanoi and, upon couvietion ihereol sh.dl hr punished l'\ .1 I'iue ol noi less th.m ten doll. if. n. M tnOTI on,' Iniudi ed doll;us. .in, I. in e;\se --lU'h be ii.M p.nd. theu bv iin pi tsoumeut in the Ctl\ Pii-.ou !' the Cu\ oi .H the rate "' one d.\ foi everj two doii.;: the line so uupoM Sec. 3. i> i x .n,i .iii othei ordinances 01 parts t' oidin.uu,-. in ,onth,l herewith :u\' heiebv iepe.iK',1 i'lus ordinance ^h.di i.ik>- effect nnnu-d>. vln OKMMNANCK NO. An Ordinance Providing for the Place and Location Whete All Garbage or Waate Matter Produced m the City of Oakland Sh.dl Bt Deposited, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Tbe Ke it Oid.uned by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. \11 odticed in th. NUISANCES 19 'and shall be carried t(. ami deposited at the following location; that i Wharf at the foot of Mr- -adway, known as liroadway wharf. Sec. 2. Xo tfarba^e or uaste matter shall In- deposited in the City of Oakland in any place within the City of Oakland other than the location above- named. Sec. 3. (As amcnd< d July }(,. \'>}Z, by Ordinance- \o. 248 N Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance -hall be deemed xu\\ty of a misdemeanor and, ui)on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred ($500) dol- lars and in case such fine be not paid by imprisonment in the City Prison for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. (Approved Oct. 19, 1908. Vol. 7, 604.) ORDINANCE NO. 1770. An Ordinance Declaring it Unlawful to Throw or Deposit Tacks, Broken Ware or Glass Upon the Sidewalks, Streets, Avenues and Alleys of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Il is hereby declared to be unlawful for -any person to throw or deposit tacks, broken ware or glass upon the sidewalks, streets, avenues and alleys of the city of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed puilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00, and in case said fine is not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved October 22, 1896. Vol. 5, p. 94.) ORDINANCE NO. 1626. An Ordinance to Prevent the Obstruction of Sidewalks by Weeds, Grass and Other Vegetable Growths. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person having the control, possession or ownership of any lot of land with- in the limits of the City of Oakland, to permit or allow the side- walk in front of said lot of land to become obstructed by weeds, 20 NUISANCES grass or other vegetable growth in such manner as to deface the sidewalk, impede travel or menace the public safety in the matter of fire. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars; and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved September 8, 1894. Vol. 4, p. 598.) ORDINANCE NO. 1817. An Ordinance Prohibiting Any Person From Wearing Hats and Head Covering in Theaters and Places of Amusement During the Performance. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall wear any hat or bonnet or other head covering within any licensed theater in the City of Oak- land during the rendition of any programme on the stage or plat- form of the said theater, but every such hat, bonnet or other head covering shall be removed from the head by the person wearing the same during the time of performance in said theater, or during the rendition of the programme on the stage or platform of said theater; provided, however, that the above inhibition shall not be held to include skull caps, lace coverings or other small or closely fitting head-dress or covering which does not interfere with or obstruct the view of the stage or platform of such theater of per- sons in the rear of such wearers while in such theater. Sec. 2. No person, firm or corporation, having the lease, man- agement, or control of any licensed theater shall permit any per- son, during the time of performance in such theater or during the rendition of any programme on the stage or platform of said theater, to wear any hat, bonnet or covering for the head con- trary to the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance; and every person, firm or corporation having the lease, management or con- trol of any licensed theater shall give notice of the provisions of this ordinance by distributing, or causing to be distributed, at or before the commencement of such performance, or the rendition of such programme, generally, among those present thereat, notices of said ordinance printed or otherwise published on cards, handbills or other devices, or in a conspicuous portion of the pro- gramme. Sec. 3. Any person who shall violate the provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon NUISANCES 21 conviction, shall be punishable by a fine not less than $10 nor more than $25, or by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved July 23, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 159.) ORDINANCE NO. 3083. An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment of Public Laundries in the City of Oakland and Repealing Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful from and after the passage of this ordinance for any person, firm, corporation or association, to establish or operate a public laundry within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, in any building the exterior walls of which are within fifty feet of the exterior walls of any other building occupied and used for residence purposes or for a public school. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or association of persons to establish, maintain, operate or carry on a public laundry within the corporate limits of the City of Oak- land, in any building or any portion thereof or in any annex or out- house thereto that shall be occupied or used either directly or in- directly as a public hall, store, restaurant, lodging house, or saloon, or that is frequented or occupied by many persons or that is oc- cupied as a stopping place by transient guests, or that is frequented by persons likely to spread infectious, contagious, or loathsome diseases, or that is occupied or used or frequented directly or in- directly for any immoral or unlawful purposes. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association of persons conducting, maintaining or operating a pub- lic laundry within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland to dry any article of clothing, washed in such laundry in any room other than one used exclusively for drying purposes, which room must be entirely cut off from any other room, excepting that it may be connected with another room by means of a door opening thereto, in which event, such door shall always be kept closed when not being used by a person entering or leaving such drying room, and said drying room unless provided with a steam drying process, must be ventilated by the means of at least two windows, opening to the outer air, one of which windows shall be on the side opposite to another one thereof. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or association of persons conducting, maintaining, or operating a 22 NUISANCES public laundry within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland to wash or permit to be washed any article of clothing in any room the floor of which is not constructed of cement and drained into a public sewer by means of a cast iron pipe above ground and a cast iron or iron stone pipe underground, which drain pipe shall be connected with a 9x9 inch drainage pipe, so set as to prevent sewer gases from entering into such room. Sec. 5. Any person, firm, or corporation, association of persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and. upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. Trie provisions of this ordinance are not intended to apply to any person doing the laundry work of not to exceed five private families, but they are intended to and shall apply to the conducting, maintaining and operation of public laundries. All other sections of this ordinance shall be valid notwithstanding the provisions of this section. Sec. 8. This ordinance is an urgency measure for the immediate preservation of the public health and shall take effect immediately. (Approved June .23, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 2486. An Ordinance Requiring Mufflers Attached to Motor Vehicles to Be Kept Closed While Said Motor Vehicles are Being Operated Upon the Streets of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride upon or operate a motor vehicle through the streets of the City of Oak- land, without having attached to said motor vehicle a muffler, which muffler shall be so adjusted that the exhaust from the motive power of said vehicle shall be cut off while said vehicle is in operation. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, by imprison- ment at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval. (Passed August 20, 1906. Approved August 31, 1906. Vol. 6, p. 692.) NUISANCES 23 ORDINANCE NO. 240 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Placing of Structures and Obstruc- tions in and Along Watercourses Within the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof and Repealing Ordinance No. 3274, Entitled "An Ordinance Regu- lating the Placing of Structures and Obstructions in and Along Watercourses within the City of Oakland and fixing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof," and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo person, firm or corporation shall place, construct, or maintain any structure or obstruction, in whole or in part, within any natural watercourse within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland without first having obtained a permit therefor from the City Council of the City of Oakland; and every person, firm or corporation, occupying any land or premises within the City of Oakland upon which any structure or obstruction is maintained, in whole or in part, within any such watercourse shall be deemed guilty of a violation of the provisions of this ordinance and sub- ject to the penalty provided herein. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the City Council, upon the filing of drawings and specifications together with the information rela- tive to the dimensions and position of the structure or obstruction for the construction, or maintenance of which application for a per- mit is made, to examine, or cause to be examined, such drawings and specifications and such information, and, if necessary, to ex- amine the premises upon which it is proposed to erect or maintain such structure or obstruction, and, if it shall appear that the said structure or obstruction can be safely erected^ or maintained, at the place, and in the manner proposed, to issue a permit therefor. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 3274, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 16, 1912.) 24 NUISANCES ORDINANCE NO. 272 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Storage of Pickles and Materials Therefor and the Manufacture of Pickles in the City of Oak- land, Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Here- of, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1735, Entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Storage of Pickles and Materials Therefor in the City of Oakland," and Ordinance No. 1736, Entitled "An Ordi- nance Regulating the Manufacture of Pickles in the City of Oak- land," and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Sec. 1. No person, firm or corporation shall store within the limits of any one block in the City of Oakland more than one thou- sand gallons of pickles or vegetable products, in course of prepa- ration therefor, unless the same be kept in water-tight casks, tanks, bottles or jar-s securely closed; nor shall any person, firm or cor- poration engage in the business or assist in the business of manu- facturing pickles within the limits of the City of Oakland; provided that the provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to the stor- age or manufacture of pickles within the limits of that portion of the City of Oakland bounded on the south and west by the southern and western boundary lines of the City of Oakland, and on the north and east by a line running along'the northern line of the Southern Pacific mole from the western boundary of the City of Oakland to an intersection with the northern line of the lands of the Cen- tral Pacific Railroad Company, thence along the northern line of the lands of the Central Pacific Railroad company to its intersec- tion with the center line of Third street; thence along the center line of Third street to the center line of Lewis street; thence along the center line of Lewis street extended southerly to the center line of First street extended westerly; thence easterly along the center line of First street extended westerly and along the center line of First street to the center line of Oak street; thence south- erly along the center line of Oak street extended southerly to the southern boundary line of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Ordinances No. 1735 and No. 1736, and all other ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) NUISANCES 25 ORDINANCE NO. 3085. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Dissemination, Sale or Transpor- tation of Certain Seeds. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion owning, possessing, managing, controlling or using any land in the City of Oakland to permit the Scotch or Canada Thistle, the Russian Thistle, Mexican Cocklebur or any noxious weed to ma- ture on such land or to disseminate its seed thereon or therefrom. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sow or disseminate or to cause or permit to be sold or dissemi- nated any seed of the Scotch or Canada Thistle, the Russian This- tle, Mexican Cocklebur, or any noxious weed upon any land in the City of Oakland. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or in any manner dispose of or to cause or permit to be sold or in any manner to be disposed of any seed of the Scotch or Canada Thistle, the Russian Thistle, Mexican Cocklebur or the seed of any noxious weed to another whether in the packing of goods, or in hay or in grain or in grass seed or in any manner whatsoever. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to transport or convey or to cause or permit to be transported or conveyed into the City of Oakland, any seed of the Scotch or Canada Thistle, the Russian Thistle, Mexican Cocklebur or the seed of any noxious weed, whether the same be transported or con- veyed alone, or whether in hay or in grain, or otherwise. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than twenty dollars or more than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period of not less than ten days nor more than one hundred days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 6. This ordinance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. (Approved June 23, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 3260. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Introduction of Storm, Flood or Rain Water Into Sewers of a Certain Capacity in the City of Oakland, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violation Thereof, and Prescribing Certain Duties of the City Engineer in Relation Thereto. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to introduce any storm, flood or rain water into any sewer 26 NUISANCES in the City of Oakland, which at any point between the place of such introduction and the outlet of said sewer at tide water has a capacity of less than seven (7) gallons per minute for each acre of territory drained, or served, by said sewer; it shall be unlawful to connect the drain pipes leading from the roof of any house, build- ing or dwelling with any such sewer, or to maintain any such con- nection. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the City Engineer of the City of Oakland, upon request from any person interested, to estimate the capacity of any sewer in any territory within the City of Oakland, coming within the class described in Section 1 of this ordinance, and to furnish a statement to such person clearly indi- cating whether or not the sewer in regard to which such person requests information, comes within the terms of this ordinance; in preparing such estimate, the City Engineer shall give due regard to inside dimensions of sewer, hydraulic grade of sewer with the surface of tide water assumed to be at an elevation of one foot below Oakland City Base, and the area of territory drained, or served, by such sewer. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 and not over $200.00, or by imprisonment in the City Prison not to exceed 100 days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and approval. (In effect March 31, 1911. ORDINANCE NO. 123 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Location of Places of Business for the Embalming of Human Corpses and Places of Business to be Used as Undertakers' Parlors and From Which Funerals Are Conducted, and Providing for Violations or Provisions Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to establish, locate or maintain outside of the fire limits of the City of Oakland any place of business for the embalming of human corpses or places of business for usage and used as Undertakers' Parlors, or from which funerals are conducted .without first ob- taining permission for the establishment and location of said place of business from the Council of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than $100 nor PUBLIC SAFETY. 27 to exceed $350, and in case said fine be not paid then by imprison- ment at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so im- posed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect February 1, 1912). ORDINANCE NO. 3180. An Ordinance Regulating the Blowing of Locomotive Engine Whistles in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No engineer or other person in charge of any loco- motive engine shall blow, or cause or allow to be blown, any locomotive whistle thereon within the limits "of the City of Oak- land, except for necessary warning in case of impending danger to person or property. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars and not to exceed Three Hundred ($300.00) Dol- lars; and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1654, approved December 27, 1894, and Ordinance No. 2479, approved July 2, 1906, are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its ap- proval. (In effect October 28, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 435. An Ordinance to Prevent the Use of Horses and Other Animals Sick and Afflicted With a Disease Called Glanders Within the Public Streets of the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to use, ride, load or drive any horse or other animal afflicted with the disease known as glanders within the public streets of the City of Oakland, or to water such diseased horse or other animal at any watering place in any of the public streets or places within said city. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of twenty dollars, and in default of payment thereof be imprisoned in the City Prison one day for each two dollars of such fine. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved October 31, 1871. Vol. 1, p. 519.) 28 PUBLIC SAFETY. ORDINANCE NO. 1140. An Ordinance to Prevent Horses and Mules From Running Away in the Public Streets of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall leave or allow any horse or mule to be or remain standing upon any of the public steets of the City of Oakland, unless such animal is in some way properly secured, either by hitching or being under the personal control of some per- son of suitable age. Sec. 2. An ordinance, entitled ''An Ordinance to Prevent Horses and Other Animals from Running Away in the Public Streets of the City of Oakland," approved May 12, 1874, and all ordinances amendatory thereof are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars; and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved May 15, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 438.' ORDINANCE NO. 1828. An Ordinance to Regulate the Hiring and Use of Boats in Lake Merritt and That Portion of the Estuary of San Antonio or Oakland Harbor Within the Limits of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any boy or girl under sixteen (16) years of age to hire a boat or other water craft, to be used upon the waters of Lake Merritt and that por- tion of the estuary of San Antonio or Oakland Harbor, within the limits of the City of Oakland, unless such boy or girl be accom- panied by his or her parent or guardian or an adult person. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to rent any boat, or other water craft, to any boy or girl under six- teen years of age to be used, unless accompanied by such parent or guardian or an adult person. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty ($20.00) dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison until said fine is satis- fied at the rate of one (1) day for every two ($2) dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved September 28, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 172.) PUBLIC SAFETY. 29 ORDINANCE NO. 252 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment and Maintenance of Steam Engines and Boilers and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof and Repealing Ordinance No. 2393, Entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment and Maintenance of Steam Engines and Boilers," and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo person shall erect or cause to be erected, or main- tain, or use, within the City of Oakland, any steam engine and boiler, or steam boiler, without permission from the City Council, which Council may grant such permit for a period not exceeding one year, and no such permit to erect or use any steam engine and boiler, or steam boiler, shall be granted, unless the person applying for the same shall file with the City Council a certificate signed by the manufacturer or competent engineer of the soundness of said steam engine and boiler, or steam boiler, at the date of the application for said permit. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars -jf the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 2393 and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO, 1540. An Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting Boys From Getting On and Off Railroad Cars While in Motion," Approved October 5, 1880. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any boy under the age of sixteen years to get on, or attempt to get on, or to get off, or at tempt to get off, from any car or train propelled either by steam, cable, horses or electricity while the said car or train is in motion, at any place in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars; and in case the fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned in the City Jail of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved July 19, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 447.) 30 PUBLIC SAFETY. ORDINANCE NO. 1349. An Ordinance to Prohibit the Removal of Wooden or Frame Buildings Into the Fire Limits. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall remove, cause to be removed or as- sist in removing any frame or wooden building from any place outside of, to or upon any lot or block within the fire limits of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars; and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 717.) ORDINANCE NO. 307 N. S. An Ordinance to Regulate the Removal of Wooden or Frame Buildings Within Certain Limits of the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 728, entitled, "An Ordinance to Regulate the Re- moval of Wooden or Frame Buildings Within Certain Limits of the City of Oakland," and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to re- move any wooden or frame building from the lot or block upon which it stands, within the limits hereinafter mentioned, to any portion of the same or another lot or block within the fire limits, as defined. in an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Establishing and Fixing the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland and Repealing Ordi- nance No. 2540 approved December 21, 1906, Establishing Certain Fire Limits" without the written permission of all the property owners in said block to or upon which it is proposed to remove said building. Said written permission shall be obtained and filed with the Chief of the Fire Department or Fire Marshal before the removal of any building under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred ($100.00) and if the fine be not paid the person fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for each two dollars of said fine so imposed. PUBLIC SAFETY. 31 Sec. 3. Ordinance X<>. 72S and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 27, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 275 N. S. An Ordinance Providing For the Opening and Closing of Cellar Doors On Sidewalks in the City of Oakland, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2753 and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Here- with. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo person, firm or corporation shall allow any cellar door over any sidewalk in the City of Oakland, or any door lead- ing from a sidewalk to a basement used for the storage of mer- chandise or for business purposes to remain open at any time ex- cept during the reception or delivery of goods, wares, or merchan- dise, and efficient safeguards on said doors must be provided for the safety of the public, provided, however, that in such places as the public convenience is in no way interfered with, a permit may be granted by Commissioner of Public Health and Safety to keep any door open at all times leading from the sidewalk to the base- ment. The said doors and openings must be completely covered by a strong wire mesh. No signs shall be attached or displayed thereon. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than thirty dollars ($30.00) nor more than three hundred dollars ($300.00), and if such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of che City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars ($2.00) of said fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 2753 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) (See Ord. No. 58 N. S.) ORDINANCE NO. 719. An Ordinance for the Regulation and Location of Houses for the Storage of Hay, Straw and All Combustible Materials Within Certain Limits of the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to have or keep for sale, or to maintain for storage or otherwise, more 32 PUBLIC SAFETY. than twenty (20) tons of hay, straw or any combustible material in any house or building, or upon any lot, piece or parcel of land within the following described limits, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the northerly line of Fourth street with the easterly line of Castro street, in the City of Oakland, running thence northerly along the easterly line of Castro street and said line produced, to the southerly line of Twenty-second street; thence easterly to a point on the westerly arms of Lake Merritt two hun- dred (200) feet northerly from the northerly line of Delger or Twentieth street; thence westerly, easterly and southerly along the highest tide line of said Lake Merritt to the northerly line of Fourth street, produced easterly to said highest tide line; thence westerly along the northerly line of Fourth street to the place of commencement. (Amendment approved December 7, 1907. Vol. 17, page 430.) Sec. 2. Any person who has or keeps for sale, or who maintains on storage more than twenty (20) tons of hay or straw or any com- bustible materials in any house or building, or upon any lot, piece or parcel of land within the aforesaid limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison until the fine is satisfied at the rate of one day's imprisonment for every two dollars of the fine imposed. (Amendment approved Sep- tember 8, 1888. Vol. 3, p. 302.) Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved March 16, 1877. Vol. 2, p. 534.) ORDINANCE NO. 58 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Disposition of Ashes and Combustible Materials, Defining Duties of Fire Marshal in Reference to Un- occupied Buildings, and Providing Penalty for Violation of Pro- visions of Said Ordinance. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to de- posit any ashes, cause the same to be deposited or placed, or to permit or suffer the same to be or remain in any wooden vessel or receptacle, or any vessel or receptacle composed or made of com- bustible material; but said ashes shall be placed and kept in some safe depository or receptacle of galvanized iron, or other incom- bustible material, and not less than two inches from any woodwork or structure, or deposited on the ground not less than ten feet from any wood building or structure or from any wooden fence, lumber, wood, hay, straw or combustible material whatever. Port- able receptacles shall have a clear air space of not less than two (2) inches below the bottom thereof. No combustible material shall be placed in receptacles for ashes. PUBLIC SAFKTY. 33 Sec. 2. Any person in the City of Oakland, making, using or having charge and control of shavings, hay, straw, sacks, bags, litter, or any other combustible waste material or fragments, shall at the close of each day cause the same to be securely disposed of or removed, so as to be safe from fire. Sec. 3. All receptacles for waste, rags, paper and other sub- stances liable by spontaneous combustion or otherwise to cause fire, must be made of incombustible material, and if portable, must have clear air space of not less than two (2) inches below the bot- tom. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow or permit to remain upon any roof, or in any yard, or on any vacant lot, any accumulation of paper, hay, moss, or any other inflammable or com- bustible rubbish or waste material of any description. Sec. 5. No explosive or inflammable compound or combustible material of any kind shall be kept, stored, placed, or used near any doorway or stairway of any building, in such place or manner as to obstruct or render egress hazardous in case of fire. Sec. 6. Whenever any unoccupied building is found by the Fire Marshal to be not properly secured or enclosed, he shall, in writ- ing, notify the owner or person having control thereof to secure or enclose the same forthwith, so as to prevent unauthorized per- sons from gaining access thereto, and any person so notified as aforesaid, who shall fail to comply with such notice within forty- eight (48) hours after receipt thereof by him, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to start, or cause to be started, any fire outside of any building, for the purpose of burning any refuse matter, or any brush, logs or stumps, except by permission from and under the direction of the chief engineer of the fire department. Sec. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned at the rate of one day for each two (2) dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 24, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 1367. An Ordinance to Prevent Fast and Reckless Driving. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. l\o person shall ride or drive any horse or other ani- mal upon any public street or place in the City of Oakland in such 34 PUBLIC SAFETY. a manner as to endanger or unreasonably incommode any person or at a rate of speed exceeding nine miles an hour. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved November 17, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 739.) ORDINANCE NO. 2585. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Placing of Any Explosives of Any Character Upon Railroad Tracks Within the Limits of the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed on any railroad track within the limits of the City of Oakland any explosive of any character whatso- ever, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the use by railroad companies of torpedoes commonly used in the conduct of their business. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to and pay a fine not exceeding $100.00; and in case the fine so imposed be not paid, such guilty persons shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for each $2.00 of the fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its approval. . (Approved June 14, 1907. Vol. 7, p. 195.) ORDINANCE NO. 1462. An Ordinance for the Regulation of the Storage, Sale and Carriage of Gun Powder, Blasting Powder, Giant Powder, Gun-Cotton, Nitro-Glycerine, Dynamite, Fireworks and Other Combustible or Explosive Material Within the Limits of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo person or persons, firm or corporation, shall keep, sell or give away, within the corporate limits of the City of Oak- land, any gun powder, blasting powder, giant powder, gun-cotton, nitre-glycerine or dynamite in any quantity without first obtain- ing from the City Tax Collector a license therefor. Sec. 2. Xo person or persons, firm or corporation, shall store or keep for sale at his, their or its place of business, or elsewhere, PUBLIC SAFETY. 35 within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, a greater quan- tity of gun powder, blasting powder, giant powder, gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine or dynamite, than fifty (50) pounds at any one time, and the same shall then be kept in tin cannisters or cases, containing not to exceed thirty pounds, each, and in a situation re- mote from fires, lighted lamps, candles, gas or other inflammable matter, and from which situation the same may be easily removed in case of fire. Sec. 3. No person or persons shall carry or convey any gun powder, blasting powder, giant powder, gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine or dynamite exceeding fifty pounds in quantity through any street, lane, alley, highway or road within the limits of the City of Oak- land in any cart, wagon, dray or wheelbarrow, or otherwise, un- less the same be secured in tight cases or kegs, well headed and hooped and put into and entirely covered with a good, tight and substantial leather bag sufficient to prevent the same from being spilled or scattered, or unless the same is put into a well covered and perfectly water-tight box, the bottom and sides of which shall be completely covered with zinc, or unless such gun powder, blast- ing powder, giant powder, gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine or dynamite be secured in water-tight patent metallic cases or kegs. Sec. 4. No person or persons, firm or corporation shall store within the limits of the City of Oakland any gun powder, blasting powder, giant pcwder, gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, fire- works or other explosive material in any house, barn, shed, ware- house, magazine or other building, except in a regular store where the same is kept for sale, without the consent in writing of all the property owners and residents within one thousand feet of such storage, and also the permission by resolution from the Council of the City of Oakland must be obtained before any such storage can be made. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dol- lars; and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day's imprisonment for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 60 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its approval. (Approved October 5, 1892. Vol. 4, p. 297.) ORDINANCE NO. 2222. An Ordinance Regulating the Height and Maintenance of Fences of Wood or Other Inflammable Material Within the City of Oak- land, and Providing for Penalty for Violations Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, company or cor- poration to maintain any fence of wood or other inflammable ma- 36 PUBLIC SAFETY. terial now constructed and abutting the sidewalk, or within ten (10) feet of the inner line of the sidewalk, of a height exceeding ten (10) feet. Sec. 2. Any person, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred (100) dollars; and in case said fine be not paid, by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two (2) dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in so far as they conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force upon its approval. (Approved September 16, 1903. Vol. 6, p. 117.) ORDINANCE NO. 876. An Ordinance Concerning Fires and Fire Apparatus. The Council of the City of Oakland do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall obstruct any fire hydrant or cistern in such manner as to hide it from view at any point, or hinder free action thereto by an engine or hose carriage, or construct any area or other wall or thing so as to interfere in any manner with a hydrant below the level of the curb. Sec. 2. (As amended Aug. 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 282 N. S.) It shall be the duty of the police at the time of fire to place ropes or guards across all streets, lanes and alleys on which shall be situated any building on fire, and at such other points as they shall deem expedient and necessary, and they shall prevent any and all persons, excepting owners and occupants of buildings en- dangered by the existing fire, and their employes, and excepting also officers of the Fire Department and firemen (who shall be known by their badge), officers of the City of Oakland and of the County of Alameda, the Fire Marshal and such other persons as may have permission from an officer of the Fire Department, the Fire Marshal or a police officer, from entering within the lines so designated by ropes or guards. Any person or persons, other than those hereinbefore excepted, entering within the lines designated by said ropes or guards, and refusing to go outside of said lines when directed to do so by any police officer or officer of the Fire Department or the Fire Mar- shal shall be deeemed guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to punish- ment as provided in this ordinance. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to break through or attempt to break through such rope or guard or barrier, or to run over with any vehicle any fire hose used by the Fire Department at any fire. Sec. 4. (As amended August 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 282 N. S.) All fire engines, hose wagons, and other movable apparatus PUBLIC SAFETY. 37 of the Fire Department and Fire Patrol shall have the paramount right of way through all the streets, lanes, alleys, places and courts of the City of Oakland when running to a fire, and all such apparatus shall take and keep the right side of the street un- less the same be obstructed. All other vehicles, excepting street or railroad cars, upon the approach of any engine, hose wagon or other apparatus of the Fire Department, shall forthwith give the right of way and remove to the side of the street opposite to the side of the street taken by such engine, hose wagon or other ap- paratus of the Fire Department. All street cars within 100 feet of such engine, hose wagon or movable apparatus going to a fire shall immediately stop, in order to give the apparatus of the Fire Department and the Fire Patrol the unobstructed use of the street for the time being. Sec. 5. Any person or persons having the control of any vehicle, willfully or carelessly permitting the same to obstruct the progress of the apparatus of the Fire Department or Fire Patrol, going to a fire, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable as provided in this ordinance. Sec. 6. Any person or persons willfully injuring any engine house, hose, engine, hose carriage or other apparatus of the Fire Department of ihe City of Oakland shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable as provided in this ordinance. Sec. 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dol- lars, and in case such fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned in the City Jail until the same is satisfied at the rate of one day for each t\v> dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Ap- proved January 5, 1881. Vol. 3, p. 31.) ORDINANCE NO. 309 N. S. An Ordinance to Prevent the Erection or Maintenance of Danger- ous Obstructions or Serious Obstacles in Buildings Which May Prevent Ingress and Egress of Officers and Members of the Fire Department in Extinguishing Fires Within the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1089, Entitled, "An Ordi- nance to Prevent the Erection and Maintenance of Dangerous Obstructions or Serious Obstacles in Buildings Which May Pre- vent Ingress and Egress of Officers and Members of the Fire Department in Extinguishing Fires Within the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland" and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is and shall be unlawful for any owner, agent, les- sor, lessee, or tenant, without a permit first obtained from the City 38 PUBLIC SAFETY. Council, to erect or hang in or upon any building within the estab- lished fire limits of the City of Oakland, any door made wholly of metal, or of metal and wood, or to erect or hang in or upon any such building, any door composed of wood, or of wood, nails and glass, over two inches in thickness, and such metal, metal and wood, or wooden door, or wooden, nails and glass door, shall not without such permit be fastened by any bar or bars, prop or props, behind or across the same, and shall only be secured by a lock or locks, bolt or bolts. Sec. 2. It is and shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, lessor, lessee or tenant of any building within the established fire limits of the City of Oakland to maintain or keep any door composed en- tirely of metal, or partly of metal and other material, in or upon any such building, or to keep or maintain any door composed of wood, or of wood, nails and glass, of more than two inches in thickness, in or upon any building or buildings for more than ten days after such owner, agent, lessor, lessee or tenant thereof, shall have received notice in writing signed by the Fire Marshal, the Chief of the Police or the Chief of the Fire Department of said city to remove the same. And each and every day subsequent to the ten days after such prescribed notice shall be given, any maintenance or keeping of any door hereinabove prohibited, with- out the consent of the City Council first obtained, shall constitute a new and separate violation of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Whenever any door shall be erected, maintained or kept under authority of a permit of the City Council, provided for in this ordinance, and it shall be made to appear to such City Coun- cil, by a written report of the Fire Marshal, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief of Police, that such door has become or will be a serious obstruction or obstacle to members of the Fire Department in the discharge of their duties in extinguishing fires, then the said Council shall vacate and revoke such permit; and after such vacation or revocation of such permit, and after notice of the same for a period of ten days shall have been given, any person, as provided in the preceding sections of this ordinance, maintaining or keeping such door upon, or in any building within the fire limits of said city shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance as fully and completely as though such permit had not been granted. Sec. 4. Any person or persons violating the provisions or any of the provisions of the preceding section, or any section of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hun- dred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the City Prison for more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 1089 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 27, 1912.) PUBLIC SAFETY. 39 ORDINANCE NO. 1143. An Ordinance to Prohibit the Use of Guns and Pistols by Certain Minors. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo person shall, in the City of Oakland, sell or give to any minor child under the age of twelve years, nor allow any such child to use, handle or discharge any gun or pistol, or other similar instrument, from or by means of which any bullet, shot or other missile of any kind is or may be projected by means of cart- ridges, powder or other explosive. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Sections 2 and 3 of "An Ordinance Prohibiting the Carrying of Pistols and Sling-shots," approved May 4, 1881, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved May 15, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 442.) (See Ord. Xo. 3268.) ORDINANCE NO. 1691. An Ordinance Restricting the Exploding of China Bombs and Similar Explosives Within the Limits of the City of Oakland, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to cause to explode any China bomb or other package charged with a like quantity of powder in any street within the fire limits of this city, or on any sidewalk within the limits of the City of Oak- land. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to and pay a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, and in case the fine so imposed be not paid such guilty person shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for each $2 of the fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its approval. (Approved July 2, 1895. Vol. 4, p. 697.) 40 PUBLIC SAFETY. ORDINANCE NO. 3268. An Ordinance Regulating the Use and Discharge of Firearms and Fireworks, and Prohibiting the Sale or Possession of Fireworks in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, or persons, firm, company, corporation or association, shall fire or discharge any gun, cannon, rifle, pistol, toy pistol, or firearm of any kind or explode any rocket, cracker, Roman candle, torpedo cane, blank cartridge or other combustible device, or any kind of fireworks by whatever name known, within the city limits of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. The foregoing provisions as to the use of firearms shall not apply to peace officers in the discharge of their official duties and using reasonable care, nor to persons using firearms in neces- sary self defense, or in a careful manner for the purpose of destroy- ing noxious animals upon land owned or occupied by them, nor to bona fide gun clubs, nor to persons using firearms in a careful manner in bona fide gun clubs, nor to bona fide shooting galleries, nor to persons using firearms in a careful manner in bona fide shooting galleries, and provided further that public displays of fireworks may be given with the joint written consent of the Fire Marshal and Chief of Police. Sec. 3. No person or persons, firm, company, corporation or as- sociation shall sell or offer for sale or have in his or its possession or custody any toy pistol, squib, rocket, cracker, Roman candle or fire balloon or other combustible fireworks, or any article for the making of a pyrotechnic display, within the limits of the City of Oakland. Sec. 4. Any person or persons, firm, company, corporation or as- sociation who or which shall violate an}' of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon the convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hun- dred dollars or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and approval. (In effect May 23, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 598. An Ordinance to Protect the Fire Hydrants in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to open any of the fire hydrants of the City of Oakland, except in case of fire or by permission of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department or the PUBLIC SAFETY. 41 \Vatcr Company when necessary to repair their mains or said hydrants. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of twenty-five dollars, and in case such fine is not paid, to be imprisoned one day for every dollar of such fine. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval. (Approved June 23, 1874. Vol. 2, p. 347.) ORDINANCE NO. 1145. An Ordinance to Prohibit the Use of Spring, Bow and Air Guns in Public Places. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall discharge upon any public street or place in the City of Oakland any gun by means of which any missile is projected by means of a spring, bow or compressed air. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its ap- proval. (Approved May 15, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 444.) ORDINANCE NO. 3026. Requiring the Placing of Signs and Red Lights to Show the Loca- tion of Fire Escapes, and Requiring Lights in the Hallways of Hotels, Public Lodging Houses and Public Rooming Houses and Apartment Houses, for Public Safety. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation, owner, proprietor, manager, superintendent, lessee or agent of any building used as a hotel, public lodging house,' public rooming house or apartment house within the City of Oakland, shall place or cause to be placed in a conspicuous position in every hallway thereof, signs which shall indicate by letters not less than three inches in height, the location of every fire escape; and near every such sign .there shall be placed a red light, which must be kept burning from sunset to sunrise. Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation, owner, proprietor, manager, superintendent, lessee or agent of any building used as a hotel, public rooming house, public lodging house or apartment 42 PUBLIC SAFETY. house within the City of Oakland, shall place or cause to be placed in every hallway or passageway a bright white light capable of furnishing light enough to enable any person to see the stairway and exit from said hallway and passageway, to guide them in case of fire or panic to safety. Said white light shall burn from sun- set to sunrise. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to instruct all police officers to inspect all hotels, public lodging houses, public rooming houses and apartment houses on their respective beats at least once a month during the hours from sunset to sunrise, for the purpose of seeing that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly complied with. Sec. 4. Every person, firm or corporation, owner, proprietor, manager, superintendent, lessee or agent, who shall violate or re- fuse to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and each such person, firm or corporation, owner, proprietor, manager, superin- tendent, lessee or agent shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day such violation or refusal, shall continue, and shall be subject to the penalty imposed by this ordinance for each and every such separate offense. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its ap- proval. In Council, Oakland, Cal., January 17, 1910. (In effect Febiuary 10, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 2268. An Ordinance Regulating the Height of Smoke Stacks and Chim- neys of Steam Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Factories, Foundries, Machine Shops and Other Establishments and to Prevent Emis- sion of Soot and Cinders from Said Smoke Stacks and Chimneys, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or other person having control of any steam saw mill, planing mill, or fac- tory of any kind, or foundry, machine shop, or other establishment, to erect or maintain any smokestack or chimney in connection therewith, of a less height than ten (10) feet above the highest building within one hundred feet. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or other person having control of any mill, factory, foundry, machine shop, or establishment, as provided in Section 1 of this ordinance, to PUBLIC SAFETY. 43 permit the emission of soot or cinders from any smokestack or chimney used in connection therewith. Provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as applying to chimneys used exclusively for private residences. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the city prison of the City of Oakland, at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 4. All ordinances arid parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect sixty days after its passage. (Passed March 21, 1904. Vol. 6, p. 286.) ORDINANCE NO. 1575. An Ordinance Regulating the Meeting and Passing of Steam Rail- road Trains Within a Certain Portion of the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1, Tt is hereby declared to be unlawful for trains drawn or propelled by steam engines to meet or pass each other within that portion of the fire limits of the City of Oakland, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a line drawn parallel with the east line of Broad- way street, and located a distance of one hundred (100) feet east of said line of Broadway street, and extending west to a line drawn parallel to the west line of Washington street and located a dis- tance of one hundred (100) feet west of said line of Washington street. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or permitting, ordering, authorizing or allowing such violation, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty ($250) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of said fine remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved November 10, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 499.) 44 PUBLIC SAFETY. ORDINANCE NO. 1906. An Ordinance Regulating the Storage of Kerosene, Coal Oil, and All Refined Products of Crude Petroleum, Within the Limits of the City of Oakland, and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to keep, store or permit to be kept or stored, in or upon any premises owned or controlled by such person, firm or corporation, within the limits of the City of Oakland, any kero- sene, coal oil, or any of the refined products of crude petroleum, in larger quantities than 1500 gallons, except in that portion of said city bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Peralta street with the center line of Twentieth street, and running thence northerly along the center line of Peralta street to the cen- ter line of Twenty-sixth street; thence westerly along the center line of Twenty-sixth street and its westerly projection to the line between Sections 21 and 22, according to Map Number 11 of the salt marsh and tide land, survey; thence southerly along the said line between Sections 21 and 22 of the above-named survey to the center line of Twentieth street, produced westerly; thence easterly along the said westerly projection of and the center line of Twentieth street to the place of beginning. Provided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to crude petroleum. Sec. 2. All buildings or structures to be used for the storage of kerosene, coal oil, or any of the refined products of crude petro- leum, within the limits of the City of Oakland, shall be constructed of brick or stone, not to exceed one story in height, and the walls of said buildings shall not be less than sixteen (16) inches in thick- ness, and must in all respects be fireproof and devoted exclusively to the storage of kerosene, coal oil, or any of the refined products of crude petroleum, and all kerosene, coal oil, and any of the re- fined products of crude petroleum, shall be kept at all times in metal cans or iron tanks. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Storage of the Refined Products of Petroleum," approved May 19, 1880, and an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Storage of the Refined Products of Petroleum in the City of Oak- land, Cal.," approved June 4, 1891, and an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating the Storage of Petroleum, Kerosene, Coal Oil, or the Refined Products Thereof, Within the Limits of the City of Oakland," approved June 10, 1893, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 4. (As amended July 16, 1912, by Ordinance Xo. 241 X. S.) PUBLIC SAFETY. 45 Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty (50) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the city prison of the City of Oakland for a period of not to exceed six months. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its passage and approval. (Approved May 19, 1898. Vol. 5, p. 274.) ORDINANCE NO. 1665. An Ordinance Requiring Railroad Companies and Corporations Operating Railroads by Steam to Erect and Maintain Gates at a Distance of Two Hundred Feet From Webster-Street Draw- bridge and at a Point Between First Street and Alice Street Drawbridge. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every railroad company or corporation operating any railroad by steam upon, along and over Webster-street drawbridge and Alice-street drawbridge, shall erect and maintain automatic gates at a point two hundred feet distant and northerly from said Webster-street drawbridge. Also erect and maintain gates across the railroad tracks which curve from First street to the Alice-street drawbridge, and used by said railroad companies. Said gates to be so operated automatically that they shall close when the draw- bridge opens and open when the drawbridge closes, and to be pro- vided with suitable lights at night time. Sec. 2. No conductor, engineer, fireman, brakeman or other per- son having charge of any steam railway car or locomotive while moving towards said drawbridge shall permit or cause the same to pass the points located and designated in Section 1 of this ordi- nance, unless the said automatic gates are in position and operated in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and in case said fine is not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of thc City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after thirty days after its passage and approval. (Approved February 23, 1895. Vol. 4, p. 661.) 46 PUBLIC SAFETY. ORDINANCE NO. 1657. An Ordinance Regulating the Crossing Over Drawbridges in the City of Oakland of Railway Engines and Cars Propelled by Steam. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person or persons operating or controlling any railway engine or cars propelled by steam in the City of Oakland shall cause or permit the said railway engine or cars propelled by steam to pass over or across any drawbridge in the City of Oakland without first having brought the said railway engine or cars pro- pelled by steam to a full stop at the north line of First street. Xor to pass over or across Alice-street drawbridge in the City of Oakland without first having brought the said railway engine or cars propelled by steam to a full stop, between the east line of Webster street and the north end of the trestle of said bridge. Sec. 2. Any person violating or causing to be violated any pro- vision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed five hundred ($500) dollars, and in case the said fine is not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned in the prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved December 29, 1894. Vol. 4, p. 649.) ORDINANCE NO. 268 N. S. An Ordinance Requiring Persons in Charge of Street Cars Operated in the City of Oakland to Bring the Same to a Full Stop Im- mediately Before Crossing the Track of Any Railroad Located Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oakland, Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 3084, and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons having the charge, care or control of any street railway car, operated within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, to permit, cause or allow such car to cross any railroad track with- in said corporate limits, over which trains or railroad engines are operated, without bringing the said street railway car to a full stop immediately before crossing such railroad track. Sec. 2. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than five hundred dollars, and, in case such fine be PUBLIC SAFKTY. 47 not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 3084 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith arc hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 267 N. S. An Ordinance Requiring Railroad Companies to Station Flagmen at Certain Street Crossings in the City of Oakland, and Regulat- ing the Operation of Railroads at Certain Street Crossings in the City of Oakland, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of Any of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1974, Entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Operations of Rail- roads at Certain Street Crossings in the City of Oakland," and Ordinance No. 2004, Entitled "An Ordinance Requiring Railroad Companies to Station a Flagman at a Certain Street Crossing in the City of Oakland," and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All persons, firms or corporators owning or con- trolling or operating any railroad or railroads upon Seventh, First or Webster streets, or upon Railroad avenue, or upon Stanford avenue, in the City of Oakland, are hereby required to station flag- men and keep said flagmen so stationed at the following points during the hours of the day or night, hereinafter mentioned, to-wit: At the intersection of the mainline track with Goss street, said point being about sixty feet east of Bay street; at the intersection of said mainline track with Seventh street, or Railroad avenue, west of Bay street; at the intersection of Seventh and Myrtle streets; at the intersection of Seventh and Market streets; at the intersec- tion of Seventh and West streets; at the intersection of Seventh and Washington streets; at the intersection of Seventh street and Broadway; at the intersection of Seventh and Franklin streets; at the intersection of Seventh and Webster streets; at the intersec- tion of Eighth and Webster streets; at the intersection of Eleventh and Webster streets; at the intersection of Twelfth and Webster streets; at the intersection of Thirteenth and Webster streets; at the intersection of First and Webster streets; at the intersection of First and Franklin streets; at the intersection of First street and Broadway; at the intersection of Park avenue and Railroad Right-of-way, during the hours that local trains for Alameda, Oakland and Berkeley are in operation; also at the in- tersection of First and Market streets; at the intersection of First and Castro streets; at the intersection of First and Clav streets; at the intersection of I r irst and Washington streets, between the hours of six < .'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M.; also at the in- tersection of San Pablo avenue and Stanford avenue, during the 48 PUBLIC SAFETY. hours of the day or night that railroad trains are in operation upon said Stanford avenue. Sec. 2. No person, firm or corporation owning, operating or con- trolling any railroad train upon First, Seventh or Webster streets, or upon Railroad avenue or Stanford avenue, in the City of Oak- land, shall cause or permit the said railroad train or any part there- of to pass any of the points specified in Section 1 of this ordinance until the flagman there stationed shall signal him or them to do so; provided, however, that this ordinance shall not apply to trains passing said point during other hours than those specified in Sec- tion 1 of this ordinance for flagmen to be on duty at the said point. It is further provided that should any person, firm or corporation operating only or controlling railroad trains along Seventh, First or Webster streets, or along Railroad avenue, or Stanford avenue, in the City of Oakland, erect, maintain and operate good and sub- stantial crossing gates, at any of the crossings at which flagmen are required by the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance, and signal trains over and across by semaphores operated in conjunc- tion with such crossing gates by men stationed in towers nearby during the hours specified in Section 1 of this ordinance, as the hours during which flagmen must be stationed at the said crossings, it shall be considered as full compliance with the terms of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison in the City of Oakland for a period or not to ex- ceed six months. Sec. 4. Ordinances No. 1974 and No. 2004 and all other ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 250 N. S. An Ordinance Requiring Street Railroad Companies or Corpora- tions to Station Flagmen at Certain Street Crossings in the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1661, Entitled "An Ordinance Requiring Street Railroad Companies or Corpora- tions to Station Flagmen at Certain Street Crossings in the City of Oakland," and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Con- flict Herewith. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All persons, firms, companies or corporations operat- ing or controlling any street railway whose cars pass the inter- PUBLIC SAFETY. 49 section of Broadway, Fourteenth street and San Pablo avenue are hereby required to station a flagman, and keep said flagman so stationed at the said intersection, during the hours of the day or night during which said railways are in operation. Sec. 2. No conductor, motorman, gripman, person, firm, com- pany or corporation owning, operating, controlling or having in charge or care any street railway car shall cause of permit the said car to pass said crossings, as specified in Section 1 of this ordi- nance, until the flagman there stationed shall signal him or them so to do. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six (6) months. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 1661 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 3157. An Ordinance Requiring All Street Railway Cars Operated Within the City of Oakland to be Equipped with Wheelguards and Pro- jecting Fenders. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to run or operate or cause to be run or operated, upon or along any street within the limits of the City of Oakland any street railway car carrying passengers, unless such car is equipped with wheelguards and with projecting fenders, as herein provided. Sec. 2. Every such car shall be equipped with wheelguards, which shall be attached to the truck beneath the outer or forward portion of wheels and the outer or forward end of car. Said wheelguards shall be constructed of steel and wire mesh, or of steel and hardwood assembled in the form of a flat or spring scoop, which shall extend across, under the car body, the full width of the truck measured from outside to outside of car wheels. Said guards shall be constructed in a thorough and workmanlike manner; shall be of ample strength, to support or sustain an adult human body, and shall be so attached to truck that the forward edge of said guard shall be not more than four (4) inches above the top of the rails, when guard is in normal position. Said guards shall be inspected and kept in repair and maintained in a normal operative condition by the person, form or corpora- tion operating the cars to which said wheelguards are attached. 50 PUBLIC SAFETY. Sec. 3. Every such car shall also be equipped with a projecting fender, which shall be placed upon and securely attached to the front end of said car body or frame work, and not attached to the wheels or trucks thereof. Said fender shall conform substantially to the following specifi- cations: A buffer or shield of elastic or resilient material shall extend across the entire front of the car and be so placed and attached to the car as to prevent persons being struck by the rigid projecting portions of the front end of the car, such as bump- ers, bumper beams and draw heads. Outside and forward of said elastic buffer or shield there shall be attached to said car body or the platform thereof, an adjustable, hinged or pivoted apron, or cradle not less than sixty-six (66) inches in width at its extreme forward edge, and not less than thirty-six (36) inches in depth, measured from its forward edge toward its points of attachment to car body. Said apron or cradle shall be so constructed and attached to said car that it will form an elastic or resilient cradle or scoop which will cushion or break the impact of a person falling into or struck by it. Said apron or cradle, as well as the elastic shield or buffer, shall be constructed of steel or iron strips, or springs or of wire mesh, and all materials shall be of ample strength for the purposes for which they are intended, and, so far as the proper function of the various parts will permit, all materials shall be assembled so as to form a yielding or elastic structure. Said apron or cradle shall be so attached to the car that its for- ward edge may be elevated or depressed by means of chains, rods or other devices, and when not in service may be folded back against the buffer or front of car. Said apron or cradle shall be substantially rectangular in outline and be so constructed that, either by reason of the shape or form of the materials of which it is constructed, or by reason of the movement or change in position of some portion of its structure, it will form a shallow scoop or receptacle capable of receiving and retaining a person struck by or falling upon such scoop, apron or cradle. Said apron or cradle shall be normally carried with the forward edge not more than five and one-half (5^) inches above the top of the rail when the car is upon the level. The forward edge of said apron or cradle shall be protected by rubber or other elastic material, so arranged as to cushion or re- lieve the impact resulting from any person falling on or being struck by such portion of apron or cradle. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upcn conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five (25) dollars or more than one hundred (100) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding fifteen (15) days, PUBLIC SAFETY. 51 or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day's violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be taken and consid- ered a separate offense and shall be punishable as such. Sec. 5. Ninety (90) days are hereby granted after this ordinance takes effect in which to comply with its provisions. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its final passage. (In effect Oct. 24, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 253 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Construction and Maintenance of Guard and Safety Wires Over Trolley Conductors in the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1655, Entitled "An Ordinance Pro- viding for the Construction and Maintenance of Guard and Safety Wires Over Trolley Conductors in the City of Oakland," and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation owning or operating any street railroad using electricity as a motive power in the City of Oakland, and moving cars thereon, and the current being con- ducted for such motive power by what are generally termed trolley wires or overhead conductors, are hereby required to construct and maintain guard or safety wires over each trolley wire or overhead conductor so used. The said guard or safety wires to be of gal- vanized iron, and not less than one hundred and sixty-five thou- sands (165-1000) of an inch in diameter, and shall be parallel to the said trolley wire, and not less than sixteen inches above the said trolley wire, and not less than eight inches nor more than twelve (12) inches on each side of a line drawn from said trolley wire perpendicular to the plane passing through the two said guard wires. The said guard or safety wires shall be thoroughly in- sulated from all current-bearing conductors of the said railroad motor circuits, and shall be at such places as the Electrical Depart- ment of the City of Oakland may direct and designate. Sec. 2. Any person, designated in Section 1 of this ordinance, refusing or neglecting for the period of three months to construct and maintain such guard or safety wires after receiving notice in writing so to do from the said Electrical Department shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof may be fined in a sum of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00); and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of for a period not exceed- ing six (6) months. 52 PUBLIC SAFETY. Sec. 3. Ordinance Xo. 1655 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1542. An Ordinance Regulating the Meeting, Passing and Crossing of Street Railroad Cars Within the Fire Limits of the City of Oak- land. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for street railroad cars meeting within the fire limits of the City of Oakland to pass each other within the intersection of any streets. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any street railroad car to cross any street railroad track within the fire limits of the City of Oakland whenever there is a car upon the track to be crossed within the intersection of said streets. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or permitting, ordering, authorizing, or directing the violation thereof, is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not greater than two hundred and fifty ($250) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of such fine remain- ing unpaid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. (Approved July 27, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 449.) ORDINANCE NO. 1865. An Ordinance Requiring All Persons, Companies and Corporations Operating Street Cars Propelled by Electricity or Cable, Within the City of Oakland, to Keep Two (2) Men on Each Car While Such Car is in Motion, Containing Passengers, for the Purpose of Operating and Controlling the Same. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, company and corporation operating street cars within the City of Oakland by means of electricity or cable shall provide and maintain upon each of such cars, while con- taining passengers, at least two (2) employes, to-wit: a motor- man, or gripman, as the case may be, and a conductor, during all PUBLIC SAFETY. 53 the time said car is in motion within said city, each of said em- ployes to be an adult not less than eighteen (18) years of age. (Amendment approved March 23, 1898 Vol. 5, p. 252.) Sec. 2. Any person, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or permitting, ordering, author- izing, or directing a violation thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so im- posed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its ap- proval. (Approved January 11, 1898. Vol. 5, p. 223.) ORDINANCE NO. 1539. An Ordinance Regulating the Control and Management of Street Cars Upon the Public Streets of the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any driver, engineer, motorman, conductor, or other person having charge or control of any street car, to cause or permit the same to stop or remain upon any public street crossing within the fire limits of the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, or upon the crosswalks thereof, so as in any manner to interfere with or obstruct the travel over such crossing or walk. (Amendment approved November 27, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 504.) Sec. 2. Any driver, engineer, motorman, conductor, or other per- son, violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland, at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved July 19, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 446.) ORDINANCE NO. 1747. An Ordinance Declaring it to be Unlawful for Any Motorman, Gripman or Driver, While in Charge of a Street Car Within the Limits of the City of Oakland to Leave His Position on Such Car While the Car is in Motion, and Providing a Penalty for a Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any motor- man, gripman or driver, operating or controlling any street car 54 PUBLIC SAFETY. within the limits of the City of Oakland, to leave the position occupied by said molorman, gripman or driver in operating or con- trolling the machinery, horses or other motive power of the car, while said car is in motion. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved April 24, 1896. Vol. 5, p. 58.) ORDINANCE NO. 1705. An Ordinance Requiring Molormen and Gripmen Operating Street Cars Within the Limits of the City of Oakland to Sound the Alarm Bells of the Cars Before Crossing Streets, and Fixing a Penalty for a Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any motor- man or gripman having charge of an electric or a cable street car to allow such to be propelled across any street within the City of Oakland without having sounded said car's alarm gong or bell while within a distance of from fifty to twenty-five feet of the street about to be crossed. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and if such imposed fine be not paid, then by imprison- ment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine unpaid. (Approved September 24, 1895. Vol. 4, 719.) ORDINANCE NO. 1670. An Ordinance Requiring Railroad Companies and Corporations Operating Railroads by Steam in the City of Oakland to Erect, Maintain and Operate Semaphores at All Streets in Said City Where Steam Railroad Tracks Cross the Tracks of Any Street Railroad. Be it ordained by the Council cf the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every company or corporation operating a railroad by steam in the City of Oakland shall erect, maintain and operate a semaphore at each street in said city where the railroad tracks of PUBLIC SAFETY. 55 such company or corporation cross the tracks of any street rail- road, and each of said semaphores shall be constantly operated at all times when steam cars or locomotives approach the same, so that the danger signal may be shown to any one having the charge or control of any street car approaching the said semaphore. Sec. 2. \n conductor, engineer or other person having charge or control of any steam locomotive or railway car shall cause or permit the same to cross any track of any street railway in the City of Oakland, unless the semaphore is maintained and operated at such crossing, as provided in Section 1 of this ordinance. Sec. 3. (As amended Aug. 12, 1912, by Ordinance No. 288 N. S.) Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after sixty days after the date of its passage and approval. (Approved March 9, 1895. Vol. 4, p. 668.) ORDINANCE NO. 283 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Speed of Railroad Trains or Parts Thereof in the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1574, Entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Speed of Rail- way Engines and Cars Propelled by Steam in the City of Oak- land," and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Con- flict Herewith. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any railroad train, or part thereof, in the City of Oak- land, shall cause, permit or allow said railroad train or part there- of to pass over, along or upon any of the public streets or high- ways in the City of Oakland at a greater maximum speed than twenty-two (22) miles per hour, provided that upon Seventh street the maximum rate of speed shall be not greater than eight miles per hour between the following streets: Pine and Wood, Chester and Center, Union and Adeline, Myrtle and West, Washington and Broadway, Broadway and Franklin, and Madison and Oak; provided, also, that at the crossing of Park ave- nue and Railroad avenue the maximum rate of speed shall be not greater than eight miles per hour; but this proviso limiting the maximum rate of speed to eight miles an hour shall not apply to trains which stop at all stations on Seventh street as such stations are now located. It is further provided that the provisions and requirements of this ordinance shall not apply to trains running in 56 PUBLIC SAFETY. that portion of the City of Oakland which lies west of the eastern shores of the Bay of San Francisco. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 1574 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty (50) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1543. An Ordinance Regulating the Speed of Street Cars at the Crossing of Street Railroad Tracks in the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any motor- man, conductor or other person, operating, controlling or having charge of any street railway car in the City of Oakland, to cause, permit, or allow the same to pass over the crossing of the track upon which said car may be moving, with any other street railroad track in the said city at the rate of speed greater than three miles per hour. Sec. 2. Any motorman, conductor or person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dol- lars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved July 27, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 451.) ORDINANCE NO. 1739. An Ordinance Regulating the Speed of Electric and Cable Street Cars, Railway Engines and Cars Propelled by Steam in That Portion of the City of Oakland Bounded on the North by the Northerly Line of Sixteenth Street, on the East by the Easterly Line of Franklin Street, on the South by the Southern Boundary Line of the City, and on the West by the Westerly Line of Washington Street. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion, owning, operating or controlling any electric or cable street PUBLIC SAFETY. 57 cars, railway engines or cars propelled by steam to cause, allow or permit the same to attain a greater maximum rate of speed than eight (8) miles an hour in any of that portion of the City of Oak- land bounded on the north by the northerly line of Sixteenth street, on the east by the easterly line of Franklin street, on the south by the southerly charter line of the City of Oakland, and on the west by the westerly line of Washington street. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two ($2) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved March 20, 1896. Vol. 5, p. 43.) ORDINANCE NO. 2745. Note: All of Ordinance No. 2745, except Section 6, superceded by Ordinance No. 3125. An Ordinance Providing for Speed Regulations of Automobiles, Motor Cycles and Other Similar Vehicles, Not Including Vehi- cles of Railroads or Street Railways and Running on Tracks, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No automobile, motor cycle or other similar vehicle shall be propelled or driven upon, or along any streets, alley or public way in the City of Oakland, at a rate of speed greater than that hereinafter provided for in this ordinance, that is to say, within the City of Oakland, and outside of the district bounded by the northerly line of Sixteenth street and its northerly line, pro- duced easterly, and the westerly line of Clay street and the east- erly line of Franklin street and the northerly line of Seventh street at a rate of speed greater than eighteen miles an hour, or that upon streets within the district last above mentioned, at a rate of speed greater than ten miles per hour, or within said district last mentioned, to pass any street intersection or turn any corner at a rate of speed greater than ten miles per hour, and said machines shall at all times observe the rules of the road, as provided for herein. Sec. 2. For the purpose of this ordinance the terms or name "automobile," "motor cycle," "and other similar vehicles," when- ever and wherever used in this ordinance shall be held to embrace 58 PUBLIC SAFETY. and mean and are hereby defined to mean any vehicle drawn or propelled upon or along the streets, alleys or other public ways of the City of Oakland, the motive power of which is electricity, compressed air, naphtha, alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, steam or mo- tive power other than animal power, or motive power supplied sole- ly by the muscular exertion of a human being, provided, however, that nothing herein shall apply to the operation of any locomotive, trolley car or other vehicle used by any railroad or street railway, upon or along any track or tracks, owned or lawfully used by said railroad or street railway. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every person in charge of any vehicle upon any street, alley or public way, other than vehicles used by railroads or street railways, upon tracks, aforesaid, to keep to the right of the center line of said street, alley or public way whenever practicable, and any vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle, and when re- quested so to do any driver or person having possession or charge or control of any vehicle, traveling on any street or public way, shall, as soon as practicable, turn to the right, so as to allow any overtaking vehicle free passage to the left of the overtaken vehicle, and in all cases of persons meeting each other on any street, high- way or public way, or thoroughfare, on, upon, or near any bridge, each person so meeting shall in all cases turn off and go to the right side, provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any case when it is impracticable from the nature of the ground for the driver of any such vehicle to turn to the right. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of every person in charge of any vehicle regulated by the provisions of this ordinance in turning corners to the right, to turn the vehicle controlled by him to the right of the center of the street, and in turning corners to the left to turn the vehicle controlled by such person to the right of the center of the intersection of the two streets. Sec. 5. Except in an emergency or for the purpose of allowing another vehicle or pedestrian to cross any street, no vehicle shall be permitted to stop in any street or public way in the City of Oak- land except near the curb thereof. Sec. 6. No vehicle standing at, or drawn along side the curb of any street or public way, shall be permitted to start or turn from such curb until the driver, or person in possession, charge or con- trol of such vehicle, shall have given a signal, which can be plainly seen from the rear of such vehicle, and from the side toward which he is about to turn, which signal may be made either by raising the hand or whip, or by giving an audible signal in such a manner as to plainly indicate his intention or desire to start or turn from such curb and the direction in which the turn is to be made. Sec. 7. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding the sum of $300.00, and in case such fine be not paid, then PUBLIC SAFETY. 59 by imprisonment in the City Prison, at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. (Passed June 1, 1908. Approved June 18, 1908.) ORDINANCE NO. 2966. An Ordinance Regulating the Voltage of Wires Used in Transmit- ting Electrical Energy Where Such Wires Cross Streets, Alleys and Public Places in Certain Portions of the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful .for any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business oi transmitting electrical energy by means of overhead wires, or where such wires cross any street, alley or public place, or where such wires are placed on poles or superstructures erected or maintained on such streets, alleys or public places, to permit such wires to be used to transmit such electrical energy at a greater voltage than fifteen thousand (15,000) volts, in that portion of the City of Oakland bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the Northerly Charter Line of the City of Oakland and the Southerly boundary line of the Town of Emeryville, where the same is intersected by the easterly line of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Company; thence running easterly along said Northerly Charter Line of the City of Oakland and the southerly boundary line of the Town of Emeryville to the point where said line intersects the westerly boundary of the City of Oakland and the easterly boundary line of the Town of Emery- ville; thence running northeasterly, westerly and northerly, follow- ing the boundary line between the City of Oakland and the Town of Emeryville, to a point where said last named line intersects the southerly boundary line of the City of Berkeley; thence running along the northerly charter line of the City of Oakland, northeast- erly, southerly and easterly to a point on said northerly boundary line of the City of Oakland where said last mentioned line is in- tersected by Indian Gulch Creek; thence running southwesterly in a straight line to a point where said Indian Gulch Creek is inter- sected by the westerly line of Matthews avenue in the City of Oak- land; thence running along said westerly line of said Matthews ave- nue to its intersection with the northerly line of Cambridge street; thence running easterly along the northerly line of Cambridge street to its intersection with the westerly line of Thirteenth ave- nue; thence running northeasterly along the westerly line of Thir- teenth avenue to its intersection with the northerly boundary line 60 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. of the City of Oakland; thence running easterly along said north- erly boundary line of the City of Oakland to the easterly boundary line of said City of Oakland; thence southerly and running along the easterly boundary line of the City of Oakland to a point where said easterly boundary line of the City of Oakland intersects the northerly line of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Com- pany near Twenty-fourth avenue; thence running westerly along the northerly boundary line of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Company and crossing the North Arm of the Oakland Har- bor to a point where the northerly line of First street intersects the westerly line of Jackson street; thence running westerly along the northerly line of First street to a point where the said northerly line of First street intersects the westerly line of Magnolia street; thence running westerly in a straight line to a point where the easterly line of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Company intersects the northerly line of Seventh street; thence running northerly along the eastern boundary line of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Company to a point where the same intersects the northerly charter line of the City of Oakland and the southerly boundary line of the Town of Emeryville and point of beginning. Sec. 2. The Superintendent of Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph is hereby directed to report to the Council of the City of Oakland all violations of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. (As amended July 16, 1912, by Ordinance No. 244 N. S.) Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty (50) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect ninety (90) days after its approval. Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. (Approved Oct. 28, 1909. Vol. 8, p. 165.) ORDINANCE NO. 1084. An Ordinance to Regulate the Use of Public Streets by Certain Animals. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall herd, drive, tie, stake out or other- wise allow or cause any cow, bull, steer, or goat belonging to him or being under his care or control to be in, or upon, any ot the public streets of the City of Oakland, except for the purpose of STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 61 conducting such animals from place to place in good faith and with reasonable speed. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100; or in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for each dollar of said fine remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. All ordinances and resolutions, and parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall have effect and be in force from and after its approval. (Approved July 9, 1889. Vol. 3, p. 352.) ORDINANCE NO. 730. An Ordinance to Prevent the Driving of Cattle Through the Streets, and to Prevent Goats From Running at Large in Any Street or Uninclosed Lot Within the Limits of the City ot Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to allow any goat to run at large in any street or upon any un in- closed lot within the limits of the City of Oakland; and any goat staked or tied by any person upon any uninclosed lot within said limits shall be tied or staked and securely fastened with a chain. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to drive or cause to be driven any cattle through any street of the City of Oakland, at any time, without the written consent of the Mayor. The Mayor, upon application, shall grant in writing a permit, stating name of applicant, time of day and name of street or streets over which applicant may drive or cause to be driven any cattle. (Amendment approved December 11, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 215.) Sec. 3. This ordinance is not intended to change the provisions of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Great the Office ot Poundmaster, to Define His Duties, and to Prevent Certain Ani- mals from Running at Large Within the City of Oakland," ap- proved November 23, 1874. / Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison until the fine is satisfied at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved June 11, 1877. Vol. 2, p. 551.) 62 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ORDINANCE NO. 2823. An Ordinance to Prohibit the Erection and Maintenance of Wooden Awnings Over and Upon Sidewalks of Certain Streets in the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall erect or maintain any wooden awn- ings over or upon any sidewalks on any public street or avenue in that portion of the City of Oakland north of Twelfth street, in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid then the per- son so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison ol the eity oi Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of said fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after Ma^h 1st, 1909. In Council, Oakland, Cal., November 2, 1908. (Passed November 16th, 1908. Approved November 30th, 1908. Vol. 7, p. 623.) ORDINANCE NO. 1704. An Ordinance to Regulate the Use of That Portion of the Boule- vard Along the Eastern Shore of Lake Merritt Extending from the East Line of Twelfth Street, to the Junction of East Eight- eenth Street and Athol Avenue, in the City of Oakland, and to Prevent Injury Thereto by the Driving Thereon of Heavily Loaded Vehicles. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to drive or place or cause to be driven or placed, any truck, cart, wagon or vehicle, loaded with or carrying wood, hay, grain, coal, iron, rock, earth, merchandise or other freight, upon that certain street known as the boulevard, extending from the east line of Twelfth street, to the junction or East Eighteenth street and Athol avenue, carrying a greater weight than one thousand pounds in one load. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation who violates this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or per- sons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of STREETS AX!) SIDEWALKS. 63 Oakland at the rate of one day for each t\vo dollars of the imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force 1 immediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved September 24, 1895. Vol. 4, p. 718.) ORDINANCE NO. 65 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Construction, by Private Contract, of Cement Sidewalks Within the City of Oakland, and Repealing Conflicting Ordinances. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, or cause to be constructed, by private contract, in the City of Oakland, any cement sidewalk without first obtaining from the proper department or bureau of said City a permit in writing so to do. Before the issuance of any permit, the person, firm or coipcna- tion desiring the same shall first deposit with said City the sum of two hundred (200) dollars, which sum shall be a deposit on all permits issued to said person, firm or corporation. This deposit shall be retained by said City for a period of twelve (12) months after the date of the completion of the work called for in their last permit. If within twelve (12) months after the completion of the walk called for in any permit, such walk should break, disinte- grate or otherwise fail, the Superintendent of Streets of said City shall notify the person, firm or corporation making the deposit of such break, disintegration or failure, and specify the repairs neeuea, and such person, firm or corporation shall, within ten (10) days from the date of the notice, make such needed repairs. If such repairs be not made within the fixed time, the same may be made by said Superintendent of Streets and the cost of said repairs shall be paid for from the deposit on hand with said City, demand being made for said costs by the Superintendent of Streets. After the lapse of twelve (12) months from the date of completion of the work called for in their last permit, said City shall, upon written demand of such person, firm or corporation accompanied by a certificate from the Superintendent of Streets stating that all needed repairs, if any, have been made, return the deposit of two hundred (200) dollars, or such portion thereof as may remain after de- duction for repairs as aforesaid, to the person, firm or corporation depositing the same. Also, before the issuance of any permit, the person, firm or cor- poration desiring the same shall first deposit with said City the 64 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. sum of ten (10) dollars, which deposit sum shall be retained by said City until the Superintendent of Streets shall certify to the com- pletion of the sidewalk described in the permit, and then shall be returned to the depositor except as hereinafter provided. The re- moval of all debris caused by said construction shall be held to be a part of the work of building such sidewalk. If all of said work be not completed at the expiration of the time allowed i>y the permit, and in accordance with the terms of this ordinance, the Superintendent of Streets shall notify the contractor to complete said work within two days, and if not so completed the Super- intendent of Streets is hereby authorized to have the same done at the expense of the contractor, and the deposit of ten (10) dol- lars or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be applied in payment therefor. Permits shall be upon blank forms, and shall specify the name and residence of the applicant, the location of the propei iy in front of which the proposed sidewalk is to be constructed, the length and width of said walk and shall refer to this ordinance for the materials to be used and the mode of construction. Pro- vided, however, that in no case shall a permit be granted to con- struct sidewalks where the Council has declared its intention to construct such sidewalk under the general laws of the State of California. Also provided that no permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation while said person, firm or corporation is indebted to the City of Oakland for money expended in accoiu- ance with the terms of this ordinance for the completion of repair of any sidewalk. All permits for sidewalk construction shall be posted conspicu- ously upon the work. Sec. 2. No sidewalk sh^all be constructed other than of cement, unless special permission therefor be first obtained from this Coun- cil by the owner of the property in front of which the walk is to be laid. Where the street is unimproved or where existing curbs are in poor condition, or not on official line and grade owners of property must first obtain necessary line and grade stakes from the City En- gineer before constructing walks under the provisions of this or- dinance. Sec. 3. (As amended July 9, 1912, by Ordinance Xo. 236 N. S.)- All sidewalks must be constructed in every particular in accordance with the permit therefor issued, must be completed within imrty days from the date of permit, unless an extension of time thereon be granted by this Council, and must be in accordance with the following specifications, to-wit: GENERAL PROVISIONS. The width of the cement walk shall be not less than six (6) feet, unless permission be otherwise granted by the Council of the City of Oakland. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. (>5 The walk shall have a slope toward the curb of one third inch to one font, except at crossings where the intersecting streets have different widths of sidewalks or different curb grades at the respective returns, in which case the slopes shall be a\ erased at the corners; and shall be placed to such grade that if continued to the curb said walk will be two inches above the grade of the curb, if said curb is of wood, and to the same grade of the curb if said curb is of granite, cement or concrete. The entire work shall be laid and constructed to the official lines and grades. All materials used in the work shall comply with these specifi- cations. Samples of said materials, and information in regard thereto, must be furnished to the Superintendent of Streets, if re- quired by him, and representatives of the Superintendent of Streets shall be given facilities for the inspection of materials and processes used in connection with the work. All rejected and refused materials are to be removed immediately from the work and all surplus materials shall be removed from the work within two (2) days after the construction of the side- walk is complete. The contractor shall provide and maintain such fences and red lights as may be necessary to prevent avoidable accidents to the public. The contractor shall clearly stamp his name on each end of each piece of walk, together with the date when the walk was com- pleted. No material or other obstruction shall be placed within five (5) feet of fire hydrants, which must be at all times readily accessible to the Fire Department. CEMENT. All cement used on the work shall be hydraulic Portland cement, pulverulent and free from lumps. Cement shall be delivered in the manufacturer's packages with the brand and name of the manu- facturer plainly marked thereon and shall meet the following re- quirements: Tensile Strength: Cement when made into briquettes and test- ed neat shall have a tensile strength of not less than 500 pounds to the sectional square inch after an exposure of one (1) day in air and an immersion of six (6) days in water. Constance of Volume: Pats of cement made on glass and brought to thin edges shall show no signs of distortion, cracking, checking or disintegration under the following conditions: Pat No. 1, in moist air for 24 hours and six days in water. Pat No. 2, in moist air for 24 hours and three hours in steam at about atmospheric pressure. Time of Testing: The cement after wetting, shall take not less 66 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. than thirty (30) minutes to set so that it will bear, without in- dentation, a round wire one-twelfth (1-12) inch in diameter, placed end-wise and loaded to a total weight of one-fourth (1-4) pound. SAND. Sand, for mortar, shall be clean, dry silicious sand, and shall contain, in all, not more than five (5) per cent, by volume, of clay, loam, mica, scales^ silt or other objectionable inorganic matter, nor more than one (1) per cent of organic matter. It shall be made up of grains whose composition shall be such that at least sixty (60) per cent, by weight, shall pass a twenty (20) mesh screen, not more than eighty-five (85) per cent shall pass fifty (50) mesh screen, and not more than fifteen (15) per cent shall pass an eighty (80) mesh screen. Screened gravel meeting the above screen tests may be used in place of sand. BROKEN STONE. Broken stone, for concrete, shall be sound, tough and have ir- regular cleavage. It shall be free from clay, loam, or other foreign material, shall have clean, fresh surfaces, shall be that portion of the crusher run that, passes through a circular screen having open- ings one and one-quarter (1 1-4) inches in diameter and is re- tained upon a circular screen having openings one-eighth (1-8) of an inch in diameter. Gravel conforming to the herein specified sizes may be used in place of broken rock. CONCRETE. Concrete shall be a mixture of the cement, sand and broKeu stone hereinbefore specified, mixed in the proportion of ninety- four (94) pounds (one sack) of cement, two (2) cubic feet of sand, and four (4) cubic feet of broken stone, or mixed in the propor- tion of twelve (12) sacks of cement to a two-yard load of aggre- gate. Concrete shall be placed in the work as soon as practicable, and no concrete that has been wet longer than forty (40) minutes shall be used. SURFACE LAYER. The surface layer shall consist of one (1) part of cement to one and one-half (l/^) parts of screened gravel, mixed dry and then made into a mortar by adding a sufficient quantity of water. The surface layer shall be colored by adding one pound of the best quality of lampblack to one (1) cubic foot of gravel and work- ing into the surface layer sufficient of such mixture to produce an uniform dark gray color. Other coloring matter may be substi- tuted by permission of the Council. EXCAVATION. The excavation for the concrete shall extend six (6) inches outside of the lines of walk on each side. Where the ground is of adobe, STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 67 the same shall be excavated to a depth of four (4) inches below the subgrade of the cement work. If the adobe is less than four (4) inches thick, the same shall be wholly removed. The cavity thus formed shall be filled with broken rock, cinders, sand or earth other than adobe, or clay, which filling shall be tamped thor- oughly to subgrade of cement work, shall be smooth and even on surface and shall be thoroughly sprinkled with water. Where there is no adobe, the ground shall be made solid and smooth to subgrade by tamping; all roots and perishable material shall be removed. CONSTRUCTION. A layer of concrete as specified shall be placed on the sub-grade in sections not exceeding twenty-four (24) feet in length and sep- arated by a strip of heavy building paper. This layer shall be thor- oughly tamped and shall be two and one-half (2^) inches tmciv after tamping. \Vhere the depth of adobe remaining under the sidewalk be eight inches or more, wires shall be tamped into the surface of the layer of concrete above specified and the sections shall be six (6) feet in length. Said wires shall be laid at right angles to the center of walk, shall be laid not more than two (2) feet apart, shall have an area of two-hnndreclths (.02) square inch, and shall be not more than six (6) inches shorter than the width of the walk. Before the layer of concrete has set the surface layer, one-half (Yz) inch thick of mortar as specified, shall be put on and troweled smooth, excepting that where the grade exceeds eight (8) per cent the surface shall be given a corrugated finish. The surface of the walk shall be marked off in blocks not ex- ceeding four (4) square feet in area to each block. The surface of the walk, immediately after finishing, shall be pro- tected from the sun and frost, and after setting, shall be covered with a coating of moist earth. The earth covering shall be left in place and moistened for one week, after which it shall be re- moved and the surface of the walk swept clean. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred (100) dollars or imprisonment in the City Prison for not more than one month, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 5. Ordinance No 1252 and Ordinance No. 1253 and all other ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect sixty days after it is finally passed. (In effect September 13, 1911.) 68 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ORDINANCE NO. 285 N. S. An Ordinance to Regulate the Quality, Manner of Laying, Re- moval and Relaying of Street Railroad tracks in the Public Streets of the City of Oakland and Regulating Certain Conditions in Connection With the Construction and Maintenance of Street Railroad Tracks in the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof and Repealing Ordinance No. 1333, Entitled "An Ordinance to Regulate the Quality, Man- ner of Laying, Removal and Relaying of Street Railroad Tracks in Public Streets" and Ordinance No. 1928, Entitled "An Ordi- nance Declaring Certain Conditions and Things in Connection with the Construction and Maintenance of Street Railroad Tracks to Be Public Nuisances; Authorizing the Abatement of Such Nuisance and Providing a Penalty for Each Day's Maintenance Thereof" and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All tracks hereafter to be laid for any street rail- road in any public street in the City of Oakland shall be constructed of standard rails of the most approved pattern, and in a good and substantial manner, and so as to present the least possible ob- struction to travel and the crossing of vehicles. All rails here- tofore in use which do not conform to the foregoing provisions, when removed fcr any other purpose than for ordinary repair of the roadbed, stringers or ties, shall be replaced by rails conforming, and in a manner conforming, to said foregoing provisions. All tracks for any street railroad now, or hereafter to be, con- structed in any public street in the City of Oakland shall be laid in such a manner that the top of the rail or rails shall be flush with the street between the rails and for two feet on either side of such rails and between the tracks^ if there is more than one. Sec. 2. No track or tracks, in use by any street railroad in the City of Oakland and laid in any public street in said city, shall be taken up or removed to any part of said street or elsewhere, for temporary or other purposes, without first obtaining permission for said work from the Council of the City of Oakland. Whenever any such track or tracks are taken up for tempo- rary purposes, said track or tracks must be replaced promptly and with as little obstruction to travel as possible and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance applicable thereto. All such tracks for said street railroads in the City of Oak- land shall be laid in accordance with the official grade of the pub- lic street in which such tracks are laid, and whenever the grade of any such street is changed such tracks shall be relaid prompt- ly to conform to the change of grade. Sec. 3. Whenever any street railroad track laid in or upon any public street in the City of Oakland, is taken up for abandonment STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 69 of its use, the person, firm or corporation owning or controlling such street railroad track shall remove such track promptly and repave that portion of the street formerly used by the tracks so removed between the rails and for two feet on either side thereof. Such repavcment and all paving required by the provisions of this ordinance shall be done with similar materials, of as good quality, as the adjacent roadway and shall be done in accordance with the general specifications provided by ordinance for similar street work. Sec. 4. In all cases where any public street in the City of Oak- land is paved with asphalt, bitumen, wooden blocks or other im- proved paving material, and when a portion of such street is to be kept in repair by any street railroad, such portion of said street shall not be macadamized or re-macadamized nor shall any mac- adam be laid thereon, and such portion of said street which is to be kept in repair by any street railroad must be pfoperly paved and such paving must be done to the satisfaction of the Superin- tendent of Streets of the City of Oakland. Sec. 5. Xo owner, or any superintendent, or other official 01 an> firm, corporation or association, owning, operating or controlling any street railroad in the City of Oakland, shall cause, or know- ingly allow, any work to be done or fail to be done in violation of the provisions of this ordinance. All work hereinbefore referred to in this ordinance shall be done promptly, in a good, substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 6. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred aoiiars and in case such fine be not paid then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Every day's failure, by any person, firm or corporation, to cor- rect any condition made unlawful by the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed, and is hereby declared to be, a separate offense and punishable as such. Sec. 7. Ordinances Xo. 1928 and Xo. 1333, and all other ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) 70 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ORDINANCE NO. 339 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Digging up and Disturbance of Road- ways and Sidewalks in the Public Streets, Lanes, Alleys ana Public Places in the City of Oakland; Regulating the Refilling and Repair of the Disturbed Streets and the Roadway Thereof; and Providing Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora tion to make, or to cause or permit to be made, any excavation in or under the surface of any public street, alley, sidewalk, or other public place for the installation, repair or 'removal or an.y pipe, conduit, duct or tunnel, or for any other purpose, without first obtaining from the Bureau of Permits and Licenses a written permit to make such excavation and making a deposit to cover the cost of inspection *and of restoring such public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place to its original condition, together with tne in- cidental expenses in connection therewith, all as hereinaftei in this ordinance provided. Said Bureau shall, before issuing sucn permit, require: First: A written application therefor to be made and filed with said Bureau, wherein the applicant shall set forth the name ana residence or business address of the person, firm or corporation making such application, and shall state in detail the location and area of each excavation intended to be made, and shall state the purpose for which the excavation is to be made and used; Second: The presentation of a plat in duplicate showing the lo- cation of each proposed excavation and the dimensions thereof, and such other details as the Bureau of Permits and Licenses may require to be shown upon such plat; provided, that the filing of plats shall not be required when excavations are made for service connections, or for the location of trouble in conduits or pipes or for making repairs thereto; and Third: That the applicant show legal authority to occupy and use, for the purpose mentioned in said application, the streets, al- leys, sidewalks or other public places wherein the excavation is proposed to be made. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpoiauon to make, or to cause to permit to be made any excavation, or to in- stall or maintain, or to cause or permit to be installed or main- tained, any tank, pipe, conduit, duct or tunnel in or under the sur- face of any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place at any location other than that described in the application and siiown on the plats filed by such person, firm or corporation as required by the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. When the application to excavate and the details show n upon the accompanying duplicate plats, when such plats are re- quired, comply with the terms of this ordinance and the regulations STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 71 <f the City Council, the application and duplicate plats shall be ap- proved by the Superintendent of Streets, and the application for permit to make house connection to sewers shall be approved by the Health Department. After such approvals, one of the dupli- cate plats shall be filed in the office of the Superintendent of Streets as a public record. The Application and the other duplicate plat shall be filed with the Bureau of Permits and Licenses, to- gether with special deposits as follows, to-wit: A sum equal to thirty (30) cents per square foot of surface of each such exca- vation to be made in streets or other public places which have been paved; a sum equal to twenty (20) cents for each square foot of surface of each such excavation to be made in streets or other public places which have been macadamized; and a sum equal to ten (10) cents for each square foot of surface of each such exca- vation to be made in streets or other public places which are neither macadamized nor paved; provided, that no deposit shall be less than five (5) dollars; and provided, further, that any person, firm or corporation intending to make excavations in public streets, alleys or other public places may make and maintain with the City of Oakland a general deposit in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), which general deposit shall be used for the same purpose as the special deposits described hereinbefore in this section, and while such general deposit is maintained at the said sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), such person, firm or corporation shall not be required to make the special deposits hereinbefore in this section provided, but shall be required to comply with all of the other provisions of this ordinance; provided further that the de- posit to be made for a permit to excavate for the purpose of making house connections to sewers or for making repairs to the same shall be made as hereinafter in this section required. When an application is made for a permit to excavate for the purpose of making a house connection with a sewer or for repairs to the same, the person^ firm or corporation making such application shall make a special deposit for each excavation with the Bureau of Permits and Licenses in the sum of fifteen ($15) dollars, if such excavation is to be made in a paved street, and the sum of ten ($10) dollars if such excavation is to be made in a street that has not been paved; provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation may make and maintain with the said City of Oakland a general deposit of t\\-o hundred ($200) dollars, which general deposit shall be used for the same purpose as the special deposits for house connections referred to in this section, and while such general de- posit is maintained at the said sum of two hundred ($200) dollars, such person, firm or corporation shall not be required to make the special deposits for such purpose as in this section provided for. but >hall be required to comply with all of the other provisions of this ordinance'. Sec. 4. Upon receiving a written application, as proviucu in Section 1 of this ordinance, and one of the duplicate plats, when 72 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. such plats are required, bearing the approval required by this or- dinance, and the general or special deposit required by Section 3 hereof, the Bureau of Permits and Licenses shall issue a written permit to make such excavation, and shall open and keep an ac- count thereof; provided, however, that said Bureau shall not issue such permit unless the applicant has legal authority to occupy ana use for the purpose mentioned in the application, the streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public places covered by said application. Such permit shall state whether the work to be done is cov- ered by a general or a special deposit, and if a special deposit, shall state- the amount thereof and shall be a receipt therefor. It shall also specify the person, firm or corporation to whom the same is issued, the street, alley or other public place, and the particular portion or portions thereof to be excavated and the extent 01 such excavation. No permit shall be transferable. Every such per- mit, except for making house connections to sewers or for making repairs to the same, shall become and be void unless the exca- vation to be made pursuant thereto is commenced within ten (10) days from the date of issuance of such permit and the work dili- gently prosecuted as in this ordinance required. Every permit 101 making a house connection to a sewer or for making repairs 10 me same shall become and be void unless all work to be done pursuant thereto shall be done and the excavation refilled in the manner required by this ordinance, within thirty (30) days after the date of such permit; and provided further, that any excavation made for the purpose of making a house connection to a sewer shall be refilled, in the manner required by this ordinance, within five (5) days after inspection of the pipe by the Health Department of the City of Oakland, if a pipe be laid, or within five (5) days after the date of the permit if no pipe be laid, and nothing herein con- tained shall be deemed or construed to allow a longer period of time therfor. If any person, firm or corporation shall fail, refuse or neglect to complete the making of any house connection to a sewei or to refill any excavation within the time required by this section, then the Superintendent of Streets shall complete the refilling of such excavation in the manner required by this ordinance, and the City of Oakland shall retain the cost of such refilling from the special deposit made for such excavation, if a special deposit shall have been made, or, in case a general deposit of two hundred ($200) dollars is maintained as provided in Section 3 of this ordinance, the said city shall retain such amount from such general deposit. Sec. 5. All refilling of said excavations shall be made in the following manner, to-\yit:: The dirt shall be replaced and carefully tamped in layers not ex- ceeding two feet in thickness, and each such layer shall be well flooded with water before the next such layer is put on and the last layer shall be well flooded and tamped, although the same may be less than two feet in thickness, except that in refilling exca- STREETS AND SII)K\\ ALKS. 73 rations made in localities when 1 the soil is clay or adobe each layer shall be OIK loot thick and thoroughly tamped, and no water shall be used nor shall said flooding be required, excepting in paved streets, in \\-hich case the filling shall be placed in layers not exceeding six inches in thickness, and each layer thoroughly tamped. In all cases \\-here a pipe not exceeding six inches in diameter is placed in said excavation, all the dirt removed therefrom shall be re- placed therein. Tunneling shall not be done without permission of the Superintendent of Streets. If the street or place where such excavation is made has been macadamized, the macadam removed therefrom shall be kept sep- arate from all other material. The trench shall be refilled, in the manner hereinbefore provided, up to the under side of such mac- adam; the macadam shall be replaced on the surface of the filled trench, and thoroughly tamped to correspond with the undis- turbed portion of the street, and all longitudinal trenches shall then be rolled with a roller weighing not less than six tons, ir n.^ macadam or road surface has been oiled, the material replaced shall be treated with oil of the same quality, and quantity as was originally used. New material shall be used, if necessary, to pro- vide the same thickness of macadam as was removed. If the street or other public place in which such excavation is made has been paved, the excavation shall be refilled, as hereinbefore provided, up to the under side of the permanent pavement, and when such re- filling is in proper condition, the pavement torn up or damaged by such excavation shall be replaced. All asphalt, bituminous rock, stone block, brick and wooden block pavements replaced shall be laid on a concrete foundation six (6) inches thick, and the pavement torn up or damaged by such excavation, shall be replaced in accordance with the specifi- cations then in use by the City of Oakland for the laying of as- phalt, bituminous rock, asphalt macadam, stone block, brick, con- crete and wooden block pavements. The replacing of pavements shall be done under tne supervision of an inspector duly authorized by the Superintendent of Streets to inspect such work, and the Superintendent of Streets shall col- lect, as hereinafter specified for the cost of replacement, from the person, firm or corporation making the excavation, the cost of said inspection, at the rate of five (5.00) dollars per day of eignr hours, for each inspector so employed. Sec. 6. If the asphalt or bituminous rock surface of the disturbed pavement is not replaced by the person, firm or corporation mak- ing the excavation within six (6) days after the concrete founda- tion for the same has been placed, or if the macadam replaced is not treated with oil as hereinbefore required within three (3) days after such macadam is replaced, then the Superintendent of Streets is hereby authorized to replace such asphalt or bituminous rock surface, or to treat such macadam with oil and to collect from the 74 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. person, firm or corporation liable for such work the cost of re- placing said asphalt or bituminous rock or oil treatment. If the payment for said replacement work is not made within a reason- able time, then the cost of said replacement work shall be de- ducted by the City of Oakland from the deposits retained by said City from the person, firm or corporation making the excava- tion. All money collected by the Superintendent of Streets or de- ducted from the deposits for the cost of replacements and inspec- tion thereon as herein provided, shall be paid to the City Treasurer of said City and placed in the Street Fund of said City. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation making any excavation in any public street, alley or other public place, to maintain safe crossings for vehicle traffic at all street intersections, and safe crossings for pedestrians at intervals c-f not more than three hundred (300) feet. If any such excavation is made across any public street or alley, at least one safe crossing shall be maintained at all time for vehicles and pedestrians. Free access must be provided to all fire hydrants and water gates. All materials excavated shall be laid compactly along the side of the trench and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to public travel. If the street is not wide enough to hold the excavated materials without using part of the adjacent side- walk, the person, firm or corporation by whom the excavation is made shall erect a tight board fence upon and along such side- walk and keep a passageway at least six (6) feet in width open upon and along such sidewalk. All gutters shall be maintained free and unobstructed for the full depth of the adjacent curb and for at least one (1) foot in width from the face of such curb at the gutter line. Wherever a gutter crosses an intersecting street an adequate waterway shall be provided and at all times maintained. It shall also be the duty of every person, firm or corporation making any excavation in any public street, alley or other public place, to place and maintain barriers at each end of such excava- tion and at such places as may be necessary along the excava- tion to prevent accident, and also to place and maintain lights at each end of such excavation and at distances of not more than fifty (50) feet along the line thereof, from sunset each day to sun- rise of the next day, until such excavation is entirely refilled; and it shall be unlawful for an Y person, firm or corporation to fail, refuse or neglect to comply with any requirement contained in this section. Sec. 8. After such excavation is commenced, the work of mak- ing and refilling the same shall be prosecuted with due diligence and so as not to obstruct the street or other public place or travel thereon, more than is actually necessary therefor. If the work is not so prosecuted, or if the work of refilling does not, in the judg- ment of the Superintendent of Streets, comply with the terms of STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 75 this ordinance, the Superintendent of Streets shall notify the per- son, firm or corporation named in the permit that the work is not being prosecuted with due diligence or that the refilling of such excavation has not been properly done, and shall require such person ) firm or corporation, within five days after the service of such notice, to proceed \yith the diligent prosecution of such work or properly to complete the same, as the case may be. Such no- tice shall be written or printed, and shall be served personally 01 uy leaving the same at the residence or place of business of such per- son, firm or corporation; or if such person, firm or corporation cannot be found, and such place of business or residence is un- known, or is outside of the City of Oakland, such notice may be served by depositing the same in the postoffice in a sealed en- velope, postage fully prepaid, addressed to such person, firm or corporation at such place of business, or residence, it known, or 11 unknown, at the City of Oakland. If such notice is not complied with, the Superintendent of Streets shall do such work as may be necessary to refill such excavation and to restore the street, or other public place, or part thereof excavated, to as good a con- dition as the same was in before such excavation was made. Sec. 9 The person, firm or corporation by whom any exca- vation shall be made in any public street, alley or other public place, shall be deemed and held to guarantee the work of retilnng and repair thereof for the period of one (1) year after the refilling of such excavation, against all defects in workmanship or materials. Whenever within such period of one year, any part of the pave- ment or surface of any public street or place so guaranteed be- comes in need of repairs by reason of any defect in workmanship or material used in such work of refilling or repair, the Superin- tendent of Streets shall serve on the person, firm or corporation by whom the excavation was made, a written notice stating the repairs necessary and requiring such repairs to be made within five days after the service of such notice. Such notice shall be served in the manner provided in Section 7 of this ordinance, and if the same is not complied with, the Superintendent of Streets shall at once make such repairs. Sec. 10. The balance of each such deposit, after the deductions hereinbefore provided for have been made, shall be retained by the City of Oakland for one (1) year from the date of the comple- tion of the work, which said deposit covers. The said city shall also deduct the cost of any work done or re- pairs made by the Superintendent of Streets, as provided lor in this ordinance, from any and all deposits then on hand, belonging to or that may thereafter be made by any person, firm or corpora- tion required by this ordinance to do any work or to make any repairs under the provisions of this ordinance, and \yho shall have failed, refused or neglected to perform such \\-ork or to make such repairs. On demand after the expiration of such period of one year, such special deposit less the deductions made pursuant to this 76 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ordinance, shall be returned to the person, firm or corporation mak- ing the same, or to his or its assigns. Each general deposit made pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance may be returned at any time to the person, firm or cor- poration making the same, or to his or its assigns, after first mak- ing the deductions therefrom authorized by this ordinance, provided, however, that the City of Oakland shall retain, of each such gen- eral deposit, such amounts and for such period of time as would be required by this ordinance if the amount of such general deposit had been paid as special deposits for permits for the several excava- tions made by reason of such general deposit. Sec. 11. All excavations, refilling of excavations and repairing ol street surfaces, pursuant to the provision of this ordinance shall be made under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of Streets. It shall be the duty of the said Superintendent of Streets to supervise and direct all such making and refilling of ex- cavations and repairing of street surfaces, and to require that all such excavations, refilling and repairing comply with the require- ments of the ordinances of the said city. Sec. 12. (As amended Nov. 6. 1912, by Ordinance No. 346 N. S.) It is hereby made the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, using, controlling or having an interest in pipes, conduits. ducts or tunnels under the surface of any public street, alley, side- walk or other public place for supplying or conveying gas, elec- tricity, water, steam, ammonia or oil in, to or from the City of Oak- land, or to or from its inhabitants, or for any other purpose, upon demand of the Superintendent of Streets to file in the office of the Superintendent of Streets, upon a twenty-four hours' notice such map or set of maps as shall be demanded by said Superintendent of Streets, which said map or set of maps shall show in detail the exact location, size, description and date of installation, if known, of all mains, laterals, services and service pipes, and of all valves, pressure regulators, drips, manholes, handholes, transformer chambers or other appliances installed beneath the surface of such public streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public places in the City of Oakland be- longing to,, used by or under the control of such person, firm or corporation, or in which such person, firm or corporation has any interest. It shall also be the duty of every person, firm or cor- poration upon demand of said Superintendent of Streets upon twenty-four hours' notice to file such corrected map or set of maps, as shall be demanded by the Superintendent of Streets, showing the complete installation of all such pipes and other appliances, in- cluding all installations made during the previous year, to and in- cluding the last day of such year. Each such map shall be accom- panied by an affidavit endorsed thereon subscribed and sworn to by such person, or by a member of such firm or by the president or secretary of such corporation, to the effect that the same cor- rectly exhibits the details required by this ordinance to be shown thereon. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 77 Win-never any pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel or other structure lo- cated under the surface of any public street, alley or other public place, or the use thereof, is abandoned, the person, firm or corpora- tion owning, using, controlling- or having an interest in the same, shall within thirty (30) days after such abandonment, file in the office of the Superintendent of Streets a map giving in detail the location of the pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel or other structun abandoned. Each map or set of maps filed pursuant to the pro- visions of this section shall show in detail the location of all such pipes, conduits, ducts, tunnels or other structures abandoned sub- sequent to the filing of the last preceding map or set of maps. Sec. 13. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make, or to cause or permit to be made, any excavation under, or to remove, or to cause or to permit to be removed, any earth, dirt or other formation from under that portion of any sidewalk lying between the curb line and any point in such sidewalk four (4) feet distant from such curb line or to construct, or to cause or permit to be constructed, any wall or other structure under any sidewalk within four (4) feet of such curb line, excepting for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sidewalk freight elevator, which construction shall not occupy a space longer than ten feet measured parallel to the curb line. Provided, however, that the City Council may, in its discretion,- issue permits for the making of excavations under that portion of any sidewalk lying between the curb line and any point in such sidewalk four (4) feet distant from such curb line if the official width of the sidewalk be ten (10) feet or less. This section shall not prevent the necessary excavation for laying pipe or sewer connection across such portions of the sidewalks. Any permits issued under the provisions of this paragraph may be revoked by the City Council at any time it may become necessary to construct any sewer, water main or pipe line or conduit or other public work of any kind along, in or through the excavation con- structed or maintained under the authority of such permit, and the City of Oakland shall have the right to use any portion of any such excavation for the construction and maintenance of any such sewer, water main, pipe line, conduit or other public work or improvement. Anv such excavation shall be so constructed and maintained as to afford lateral, sublateral adjacent and overhead support of the surrounding embankments and structures satisfactory to the City Council. Before any such permit is issued a detailed plan of such excavation, showing the proposed location thereof, and all appur- tenances thereto, shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. Sec. 14. All surplus material removed under the provisions of this ordinance shall, if required by him, be delivered to such points as the Superintendent of Streets shall direct, provided the distance such material is required to be hauled does not exceed one mile. Sec. 15. None of the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to 78 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. any work done or to be done along, in or upon any public street, alley or other public place pursuant to any law of the State of California, providing for the improvement thereof, or to any work done or to be done along, in upon any such street, alley or other public place pursuant to any contract for improvement authorized by the City Council; provided, however, that the provisions con- tained in Section 7 of this ordinance shall apply to all such work and to all excavations to be made along, in or upon any public street, alley or other public place. Sec. 16. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to exca- vations made by any department, board or officer of the City of Oakland in the discharge of its or his official duties. Sec. 17. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to prevent any person, firm or corporation maintaining any pipe or conduit in any public street, alley or public place by virtue of any law, ordinance or permit, from making such excavations as may be necessary for the preservation of life or property w^hen such necessity arises; provided, that the person, firm or corporation making such excavation shall obtain a permit therefor within four (4) hours thereafter. Sec. 18. Every permit for an excavation in or under the surface of any public street, alley or other public place shall be granted sub- ject to the right of the City of Oakland, or of any other person, firm or corporation entitled thereto, to use that part of such street, alley or other public place for any purpose for which such street, alley or other public place may be lawfully used. Sec. 19. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten ($10) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this ordinance is committed, con- tinued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this ordinance. Sec. 20. That ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed; provided that any such repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution and punishment of any person, firm or corporation for any act done or permitted in violation of any ordinance which may be repealed by this ordinance, and shall not affect any prosecution or action which may be pending in any court for the violation of any ordi- nance repealed by this ordinance. Sec. 21. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passage. (Passed Oct. 25, 1912.) STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 79 ORDINANCE NO. 1386. An Ordinance to Regulate the Improvement of the Roadway of Public Streets by Private Contract. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. X<> person shall cause or allow the construction by private contract of any macadam, stone, bituminous sand rock or similar roadway in any public street of the City of Oakland, in front of property owned by him, or under his charge or control, unless permission therefor shall have been first obtained from the City Council. Sec. 2. Xo person having charge of, or causing any such work to be done, shall cause or allow the same to be done otherwise than in conformity to the official grade and lines, and in accordance with the specifications prescribed in the respective ordinances in force and relating to the same class of work. Sec. 3. Every person violating any provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. (Approved December 23, 1891. Vol. 4. p. 14.) ORDINANCE NO. 1999. An Ordinance Requiring Every Person, Company and Corporation Supplying Water to the City of Oakland, or to Its Inhabitants, to Repair Leaks in His or Its Water Pipe Located Within the Public Streets, Designating the Manner cf Making, and the Char- acter of Material to Be Used in Filling Certain Excavations, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, com- pany or corporation supplying water to the City of Oakland or to its inhabitants to permit a leak to exist in any of his or its pipes within any public street in this city for more than twenty-four (24) hours after notice of said leak has been given to such person, com- pany or corporation. . Sec. 2. Xotice shall be given in writing by the Superintendent of Streets, or by any person authorized so to do by said Superin- tendent of Streets. Sec. 3. .All excavations made in streets for the purpose of stop- ping leaks in water pipes shall be made in such a manner as not to unnecessarily interfere with the convenient public use of such 80 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. street. All such excavations shall be filled to the original surface of the street with dry dirt, and said filling shall be thoroughly tamped or rolled so as to permanently conform to the original surface. Sec. 4. Any person, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for every two ($2) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved August 1, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 407.) ORDINANCE NO. 1836. An Ordinance Regulating the Holding of Public Meetings in Any Public Street, Square, Park, Lane, Alley, Court, or Other Public Place, or at or in Front of the Entrance to any Public Building Situated Within the Fire Limits in the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. (As amended August 12, 1912, by Ordinance No. 293 N. S.) It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or per- sons to conduct or take part in any public meeting held on any public street, or in any square, park, lane, alley, court or other pub- lic place, or at or in front of the entrance to any public building within the fire limits of the City of Oakland, unless permission to hold such public meetings shall first have been obtained, in writ- ing, signed by at least two of the following named persons, viz: The Mayor, Chief of Police and Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Such permission in writing shall designate the time and place, when arid where such meetings shall be held. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dol- lars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oak- land at the rate of one (1) day for every two (2) dollars of the' fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1676, entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Holding of Public Meetings on any Public Street Situated Within the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland," approved March 21st, 1895, and all .ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved October 20, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 185.) STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. SI ORDINANCE NO. 3227. An Ordinance Providing for the Numbering of Buildings and Adopting a Map Entitled "Map Showing Plan of Assigned Num- bers by Blocks and Portions of Blocks for House Numbering Purposes in the City of Oakland," Upon Which is Designated and Delineated the Plan and System of Such Numbering, and Providing Penalty for the Failure to Comply with Provisions of Said Ordinance. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All entrances from public streets of the City of Oak- land to buildings shall be numbered as hereinafter provided. The number of each and every entrance shall be placed upon or im- mediately above the door or gate closing said entrance; each fig- ure of said numbers shall be at least two inches in height and (of corresponding width. The appropriate number of any entrance to any building shall be placed thereon within ten days after the receipt by the owner, occupant, lessee, tenant or sub-tenant of such building of a notice from the Superintendent of Streets of the num- ber or numbers designated for such building; and all numbers other than the number provided for in this ordinance for the respective entrance shall be removed from every building by the owners, oc- cupants, lessees, tenants or sub-tenants thereof within ten days from the service of said notice designating the appropriate numbers to be placed thereon. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to designate the respective numbers for .buildings fronting on streets heretofore laid out or hereafter to be laid out or ex- tended. Sec. 2. The system of numbering shall be the one shown upon that certain map entitled, "Map showing plan of assigning numbers by blocks and portions of blocks for house numbering purposes in the City of Oakland," which said map is hereby adopted. Sec. 3. Upon the completion of a building or buildings or altera- tions thereto changing entrances, it shall be unlawful for the own- ers, agents, occupants, tenants, lessees or sub-lessees to assign or place any number thereon unless the same shall have been officially designated by the Superintendent of Streets, and application must be made at the office of said Superintendent of Streets for such designation of numbers. Sec. 4. In cases where incorrect numbers have been placed and remain or shall hereafter be placed on any house or building, the owner, agent, etc., shall upon notification of the error by the Su- perintendent of Streets correct the number within ten days after official notification. Sec. 5. In cases where a house remains unnumbered or where a house may have been numbered and the number since lost or de- stroyed or defaced so as to be unintelligible, tlu- owner, agent, etc., 82 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. shall cause said house to be numbered in accordance with the offi- cial notification of the Superintendent of Streets within ten days. Sec. 6. Any person, firm, company or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemea- nor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceed- ing twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person, firm, company or corporation so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force six months on and after its passage and approval. (In effect Feb. 20, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 450. An Ordinance to Regulate Streets, Sidewalks and Public Grounds in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall throw or deposit, or permit to be thrown or deposited, any dirt, paper, filth, sweepings of any store, house, shop or office, or any ashes, shavings, filthy water, offal, straw, wood, stones, earth, manure, refuse matter or rubbish of any kind whatever, into any street, lane, alley or public ground or places used as street, lane, alley or public ground. The person or persons having control of premises from which any of the aforesaid articles shall be or may have been thrown or deposited in any street, lane, alley or public ground, or places used as such aforesaid, shall re- move the same therefrom within four hours after receiving knowl- edge thereof. Sec. 2. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1220. Approved October 30, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 532.) Sees. 3, 4 and 5. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1375. Approved November 23, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 762.) Sec. 6. No person shall suffer any carriage, wagon, or cart with- out horses or other beasts of burden attached to remain or stand in any street, lane, alley or public ground for more than one hour. Sec. 7. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1375. Approved November 23, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 762.) Sec. 8. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1051. Approved September 8, 1888. Vol. 3, p. 301.) Sec. 9. No person shall drive any horse or carriage or vehicle of any kind through any civic, military or funeral procession. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 83 Sec. 10. When any street or public place is crowded with teams, wagons, street cars or other vehicles through which any civic, mili- tary or funeral procession is passing every person having charge of any horse, team, wagon, street car or other vehicle shall obey all orders for the removal of the same which may be given by the Chief of Police or any policeman. (Amendment approved Novem- ber 23, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 762.) Sec. 11. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1051. Approved Septem- ber 8, 1888. Vol. 3, p. 301.) Sec. 12. No person shall clean, scale or wash any fish, meat, clothes, carriage, buggy or other thing tending to create a nuisance on any of the streets, lanes, alleys or public grounds of said city. Sec. 13. Whenever any person or persons, whether contractor or proprietor, shall engage in the erection or repairing of any build- ing, or other structure whatever, within said city, and shall cause or permit any building material, rubbish or other thing to be placed on any public street, lane, alley or sidewalk or other place in said city, where persons pass or repass; and whenever any person 'or persons, who shall be engaged in constructing any sewer, or laying any gas, water or other pipe, or conducting in or through any of the streets, lanes, alleys, highways, sidewalks or other places in said city, where persons pass and repass, whether by appointment of the city or its agents, or as contractor, it shall be the duty of all such persons to protect with a sufficient number of lights the materials, rubbish, goods, wares and merchandise, heaps, piles, ex- cavations or other thing so caused or permitted by them to be or remain in or at any of the places above mentioned and in such manner as to enable the same to be distinctly seen by all passersby, and to continue such lights from dusk until daylight during every night which any obstruction of the above mentioned description are allowed to remain in or at such places; and every person who shall neglect the duty imposed by this section shall, in addition to the penalty imposed by this ordinance, be liable for all damages to persons and property growing out of such neglect. Sec. 14. No person driving, or having charge of a cab, cart, coach, dray, wagon, street car or other vehicle, or riding or leading a horse or other animal, shall stop of stand on any crosswalk so as to obstruct the passage of the same. Sec. 15. No person shall fly a kite or play any game of ball on any street, lane or alley of said city. Sec. 16. No person shall pile, deposit or place or cause or permit to be deposited, piled or placed any rubbish, wood, coal, merchan- dise, dirt or any impediment or obstruction of any kind upon or over any sidewalk, nor so occupy or obstruct any sidewalk as to interfere with the convenient use of the same by all passengers. Sec. 17. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1047. Approved July 10, 1888. Vol. 3, p. 292.) Sec. 18. (Repealed by Ordinance- X. 1375. Appmvi-d X.-v- ember 23, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 762.) 84 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. Sec. 19. No person shall push, draw, back or drive any horse, cart, wagon or other vehicle over, upon or along any sidewalk, un- less it be to go into or out of a yard or lot. Sec. 20. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 2357. Vol. 6, p. 448.) Sec. 21. Every person shall keep around every area between the building and sidewalk, and on both sides of every flight of stairs descending from the sidewalk to the basement owned or occupied by him a fence or railing at least three feet high. Sec. 21^. Provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be con- strued to prevent merchants from having swept on the sidewalk in front of their places of business such carpets and rugs as may be used in stores, offices or other places of business, and provided further, that said sweeping shall be done only between the hours of 6:45 o'clock a. m. and 7:45 o'clock a. m. (Amendment passed April 13, 1908. Approved April 21, 1908.) Sec. 22. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and, in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison until said fine is satisfied at the rate of one day's imprisonment for every two dollars of the fine imposed. (Amendment approved June 17, 1878. Vol. 2, p. 646.) Sec. 23. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 24. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved March 15, 1872. Vol. 2, p. 4.) ORDINANCE NO. 1188. An Ordinance for the Prevention of Injury to Sidewalks. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. (As amended August 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 277 N. S.) No person shall cut, carve, hack, hew or otherwise injure or deface any bituminous, asphalt or other sidewalk on any public street in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid then by imprison- ment at the rate of one day for every dollar of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. (Repealed August S, 1912, by Ordinance No. 277 N. S.) Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved August 22, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 495.) STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 85 ORDINANCE NO. 952. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Standing of Vehicles on the Public Streets or Sidewalks of the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do ordain as follows: Section 1. Xo person having the charge or control of a cart, wagon or any vehicle used for the vending of goods, wares, mer- chandise, meats, fruits or vegetables therefrom, commonly known as peddler's carts or wagons, shall occupy or be allowed to occupy as a stand for such cart, wagon or vehicle any portion of any street, lane, alley or sidewalk in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1339. Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 708.) Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dol- lars of the fine imposed. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect imme- diately upon its approval by the Mayor. (Approved August 6, 1884. Vol. 3, p. 147.) ORDINANCE NO. 1Q29. An Ordinance Specifying What Kind of Pavement Shall Be Used in Certain Cases in Paving That Portion of a Public Street to be Kept in Order or Repair by Street Railroads Having Tracks Thereon, and Providing a Penalty for a Violation Thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In all cases where a public street within the City of Oakland is now, or shall be hereafter, paved with bitumen, asphalt ir wooden blocks, that portion of such street to be kept in order or repair by any street railroad having a track or tracks thereon, shall be paved with the same pavement as the other portion of the street. Sec. 2. The laying of said pavement upon such portion of such street shall be commenced within five (5) days after the passage of this ordinance in cases where the remainder in width of such street is paved with such pavement at the said passage; and in all other cases shall be commenced within ten (10) days after the completion and acceptance by the Superintendent of Streets of the pavement upon said remainder in width of such street. Sec. 3. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all ex- isting franchises and all franchises hereafter granted, but shall not 86 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. apply to Broadway or Washington streets, or to Fourteenth street between Broadway and Washington streets. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation attempting to violate any provisions of this ordinance, and any person, firm or corpora- tion maintaining any street railroad, or street railroad tracks, in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed or remaining unpaid. Sec. 5. Each day's failure, neglect or refusal to pave such por- tion of said street with one of said three kinds of pavements as pro- vided in this ordinance, shall be a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such. Sec. 6. All parts of any ordinance in direct conflict with any provision of this ordinance is hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved August 31, 1898. Vol. 5, p. 305.) ORDINANCE NO. 968. An Ordinance Regulating and Enforcing the Repairing of Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks in the City of Oak- land. The Council of the City of Oakland do ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever any portion of any street, lane, alley, court or place in the City of Oakland, improved or any sidewalk con- structed thereon, according to law, shall be out of repair and in condition to endanger persons or property passing thereon, or in condition to interfere with the public convenience in the use there- of, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets of said city to require, by notice in writing, to be delivered to them per- sonally, or left on the premises, the owners or occupants of lots or portions of lots, fronting on said portion of said street, lane, alley, court or place, or of said portion of said walk so out of re- pair as aforesaid, to repair forthwith said portion of said street, lane, alley, court or place to the center thereof, or said sidewalk in front of the property to which he is the owner, or tenant or oc- cupant, specifying in said notice what repairs are required to be made. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for said owner or tenant or occupant of said lots, or portion of said lots, to neglect or refuse, for the period of three days from the date of the service of the aforesaid notice, to make said repairs, and diligently and without interrup- tion to prosecute the same to completion. Sec. 3. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 87 this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars; and in case the fine be not paid, such person or persons may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force im- mediately after its approval. (Approved July 10, 1885. Vol. 3, p. 168.) ORDINANCE NO. 2592. An Ordinance Regulating the Manner in Which Sewers Shall be Connected in Public Streets, Avenues and Alleys, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2003, Approved August 12th, 1899. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo connection with any vitrified ironstone sewer ten (10) inches or less in diameter in a public street, avenue or alley shall be made by cutting into such sewer, but such connection shall be made by taking out a section of the sewer with which connec- tion is to be made and replacing the same with a section having a "V" branch attached thereto. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for every two ($2.00) dol- lars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 2003, approved August 12, 1899, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Passed June 3, 1907. Approved June 14, 1907. Vol. 7, p. 202.) ORDINANCE NO. 247 N. S. An Ordinance Declaring and Determining the General Specifica- tions for, and Regulating the Construction of Private or Side Sewers in the City of Oakland, Providing a Penalty for Viola- tion of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1752, Ordinance No. 1354 and Ordinance No. 2592, and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The general specifications for the construction of private or side sewers in the City of Oakland shall be and are here- by determined to be as follows: (a) All side sewers connecting to main sewer must be made with a "Y" branch when the size of the main sewer is less than 12 inches in diameter. When 12 inches in diameter or greater, a piece not more than 1 foot 6 inches in length must be tightly fitted to 88 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. opening in main at an angle not greater than sixty degrees and heavily cemented. (b) The ground shall be excavated in open trenches, no tunnel- ing to be allowed except by special permission of the duly author- ized agents of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Oakland. (c) Crosscuts deep enough to receive the sockets of pipes shall be cut in the bottom of the trench or trenches so that the pipe will not rest on the sockets or collars. (d) The pipes and fittings shall be designated by their interior diameter. They shall be of the same quality of vitrified ironstone with sockets thoroughly burned and free from cracks or other defects. (e) The pipes and fittings shall be thoroughly glazed on the exterior and interior surfaces. All pipes, before being laid, shall be examined by a Plumbing Inspector. The pipes must be of the proper dimensions, straight and free from any cracks or other de- fects and all lumps and scales must be scraped from the interior surfaces before the pipe is brought near the trench by the con- tractor or persons employed by him. (f) The pipe must be pressed along into the sockets so that the spigot end will be, at most, one-fourth inch from the shoulder of the socket. After the pipe is properly on grade and line, the socket of the preceding pipe must be filled all around with cement mortar and pressed in with the hand, filling the cement mortar flush with the outside of the socket and one inch on the body of the entering pipe. (g) As soon as the pipe is laid and cemented, fine earth, gravel or sand must be pressed under the sides of the pipe and one-half way up the sides of the pipe before the next pipe is laid. (h) After the pipe is in place, the joint on the inside must be scraped with a circular disk or swab to remove any surplus cement and to smooth the interior of the joints. (i) Any pipe which has been disturbed after the cement has set must be taken up and the joints cleaned and the pipe relaid with new cement mortar in the manner provided by the provisions of this ordinance. (j) All joints on said ironstone pipe shall be made with the best quality of fresh Portland cement, properly mixed with clean sharp sand, the proportions thereof to be one part cement and two parts sand, subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspectors, and no Iump3 r cement shall be used. (k) The diameter of the pipe from the seAver in the street to the property line must be not less than five inches in diameter. It must have a trap placed under the sidewalk as near as practicable to the curb. The trap must be provided with a fresh air inlet to the house side of the water seal of at least four inches in diameter, leading to the outer air. It shall be the duty of the sewer con- tractor to provide a suitable iron box for protecting the fresh inlet STREETS AND SIDEWALKS, 89 at the curbs, when ironstone pipe is used. When cast iron pip<- i- used the plumber shall provide a suitable iron covering. (1) All work provided for by the provisions of this ordinance must be done in a skillful and workmanlike manner and in strict accordance with the true intent and meaning of the specifications. (m) The sewer must be laid at an uniform grade throughout its entire length and in as straight a line as possible. All changes in direction must be made with curved pipes, and all connections with "Y" branches, and one-eighth or one-sixth bends. Every person constructing sewers in the City of Oakland must report to the office of the Health Department of said City all new sewers and each new sewer in course of construction or any addi- tion or additions to any sewer already constructed. Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten ($10) dollars and not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprison- ment in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for every two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1752, Ordinance No. 1354, Ordinance No. 2592, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 16, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1825. An Ordinance Regulating Shade Trees Upon the Streets of the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every owner, lessee or tenant of property having control of any premises abutting upon any public street, lane or alley in the City of Oakland shall keep all shade trees located upon said premises trimmed of all branches or side limbs growing over or above the sidewalk for a distance of ten (10) feet above said sidewalk, and all shade trees located outside of and in front of or along the side of said premises trimmed as aforesaid for a distance of twelve (12) feet above the surface of the street, and the Super- intendent of Streets is hereby directed to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly enforced. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars, and in case said fine, or any portion thereof, be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one (1) day 90 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. for every two (2) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force imme- diately upon its passage and approval. (Approved Aug. 27, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 168.) ORDINANCE NO. 2378. Providing for Placing Electrical Wires and Conductors Under- ground in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, and Provid- ing a Penalty for Violation. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. (As amended Jan. 10, 1910, by Ordinance No. 3017.) For the purpose of removing poles and placing wires underground, the following districts are designated as underground districts and described as follows: Underground District No. 1. Bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Washington and Eleventh street, and thence northerly along the west side of Washington street to the north side of Fourteenth street, and thence along the north side of Fourteenth street to the center line of Franklin street; thence along the center line of Franklin street to the center line of Eleventh street, and thence along the center line of Eleventh street, to the western line of Washington street, thence northerly to the point of beginning. Underground District No. 2. Bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of San Pablo avenue and Fourteenth street, thence along the west side of San Pablo avenue to north side of Seventeenth street, thence along the north side of Seventeenth street to east side of Telegraph avenue, thence along the north side of Seventeenth street to east side of Broadway street, thence along the east side of Broadway street to the north side of Fourteenth street, thence westerly along the north side of Fourteenth street to point of beginning. Underground District No. 3. Bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Eleventh street and western line of Washington street, thence along the center line of Eleventh street to the east side of Broadway street, thence along the east side of Broadway street to the southeast corner of Broadway and Seventh streets, thence from the southeast corner of Broadway and Seventh streets along the south side of Seventh street to west side of Washington street, thence along the west side of Washington street to the point of beginning. Underground District No. 4. Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following-de- scribed streets: Franklin street from the south property line of STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 91 Seventh street to the north property line of Fourteenth street, ex- cept such portion of said street as is already included in under- ground district No. 1. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh streets from the west line of Franklin street to the east property line of Broadway; except that portion of Eleventh street that is already included in underground district No. 1. Twelfth street from the east line of Franklin street to the east line of First ave- nue and Lakeside boulevard, from the north line of Twelfth street to the west line of First avenue. Eleventh street and Thirteenth street from the east line of Franklin street to the west line of Webster street. Underground District No. 5. Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following de- scribed streets: Clay street from the south line of Seventh street to the southwesterly property line of San Pablo avenue; Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh streets from the east line of Clay street to the west line of Washington street. Twelfth, Thir- teenth and Fourteenth streets from the east line of Jefferson street to the west line of Clay street; and from the east line of Clay street to the west line of Washington street; Fifteenth street and Sixteenth street from the east line of Clay street to the south- westerly line of San Pablo avenue. Underground District No. 6. Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following de- scribed streets: San Pablo avenue, Telegraph avenue and Broad- way from the north property line of Seventeenth street to the south property line of Twentieth street; Eighteenth street and Nineteenth street from the west property line of Telegraph avenue to the northeasterly line of San Pablo avenue. Underground District No. 7. Bounded as follows: All those portions of the following de- scribed streets: Broadway and Washington streets from the south line of Seventh street to the north line of Third street, Fourth street, Fifth street and Sixth street from the east line of Clay street to the west line of Washington street and from the east line of Washington street to the west line of Broadway, and from the east line of Broadway to the west line of Franklin street. Sec. 2. (As amended January 10, 1910, by Ordinance No. 3017.) It shall be unlawful in District No. 1 from and after July 24th, 1907, and in District No. 2 from and after November 1, 1908, and in District No. 3, from and after November 1, 1909, and in District No. 4. from and after April 1, 1910, and in District No. 5 from and after November 1, 1911, and in District No. 6, from and after No- vember 1, 1912, for any electric companies or any corporation. partnership, person or individual to erect, maintain, continue, use, operate or employ any pole or overhead wire, overhead cable or device over or upon the streets or alleys in said respective dis- tricts, by, through, over or by means of which electricity is, has 92 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. been or may be in any manner transmitted, conducted or conveyed for the purpose of electric light, heat, power, telegraph, telephone, or other electric service, or to keep, continue, maintain, use, operate or employ any such pole or any such overhead wire, cable, device or apparatus except as herein provided, and all such poles, and all such overhead wires, cables, devices and apparatus as afore- said, shall from and after the times specified be deemed and be- come public nuisances except such as are herein exempted from the provisions of this ordinance. It shall be unlawful in District No. 7 from and after November 1, 1913, for any corporation, partnership, firm, person or individual owning or making use of wires for the transmission of signals or intelligence to erect, maintain, continue, use, operate or employ any pole, overhead wire, overhead cable or device over or upon the streets in said District No. 7 by, through, over or by means of which signals or intelligence is transmitted. Except that, such corporation, partnership, person or individual may employ dis- tributing poles with their wires, upon or over Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets providing drop wires do not cross Broadway or Washington streets. A distributing pole is hereby defined to be a pole having one or more passageways connecting it w r ith an under- ground conduit and said pole being used for purposes of distribu- tion to consumer's premises only and not having an overhead con- nection by means of overhead wires with any other pole or fixture. It shall be unlawful in District No. 7 from and after November 1, 1913, for any corporation, partnership, person or individual to erect, maintain, continue, use, operate or employ any pole or over- head wire, cable or device over or upon the streets of said District No. 7, by, through or by means of which electricity is or has been or may be transmitted, conducted or conveyed for the purpose of electric light, heat or power. Except that such corporation, part- nership, person or individual may employ a two-span lead with their wires over or upon Fourth, Fifth or Sixth streets, providing drop wires or line wires do not cross Broadway or Washington streets, overhead. A two-span lead is hereby defined to be a lead of three poles, one of which has connection of one or more pas- sageways connecting it with an underground conduit system or has not more than two wires connecting said lead with any other pole lead. The latter part of the above definition is understood as an extension of the general meaning of the term "two-span lead" put in only to apply to District 7. It shall be unlawful in District No. 7 from and after November 1, 1913, for any corporation, partnership, person or individual to keep, continue, maintain, use, operate or employ any such pole or any such overhead wire, cable, device or apparatus except as here- in provided, and all such poles, and all such overhead wires, cables, devices and apparatus as aforesaid, shall from and after the times specified aforesaid be deemed and become public nuisances except such as are herein exempted from the provisions of this ordinance. STREETS AXD SIDEWALKS 93 Sec. 3. Each and every pole, overhead wire, cable, device and apparatus, as aforesaid, excepting such as are herein exempted, in said city, owned, controlled, operated, employed or used by any and all said electric light, heat, power, telegraph, telephone or electric companies, or by any other corporation, copartnership or individual, for any of the aforesaid purposes, shall be taken down and removed before the time specified aforesaid for each of the respective districts by and at the cost and expense of the corpora- tion, company or individual so owning, controlling, operating, em- ploying or using the same. Sec. 4. (As amended August 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 276 N. S.) The City Council shall at the time specified aforesaid for each of the respective districts, proceed to at once take down, remove and carry away any and all such poles, overhead wires, devices and ap- paratus aforesaid, as may not have been previously removed by the owners or operators thereof, as required by the provisions of this ordinance, and said City Council is hereby expressly given full power and authority to use and employ for that purpose as much force as may be necessary to effectually carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 5. (As amended January 10, 1910, by Ordinance No. 3017.) Any corporation, partnership or individual who shall erect or con- struct, place or keep, maintain, continue, employ, operate or use in any manner whatever for any of the above-mentioned purposes, any such pole, or overhead wire cable, device or apparatus afore- said excepting such as are herein exempted, after the time speci- fied aforesaid for each of the respective districts or sections of street, or who shall neglect to take down or remove according to the provisions of this ordinance, any and all such overhead wires, fixtures or apparatus as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200) and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine imposed. After the dates set and specified in this ordinance, each thirty days that may elapse, with failure to comply shall constitute a separate offense. Sec. 5y 2 . (Added January 10, 1910, by Ordinance X... 3017.) It shall be unlawful from and after the passage of this ordinance for any electric company or any corporation, partnership, person or individual to erect any pole or poles upon the streets or portions of streets included in future underground district No. 4, future underground district No. 5, future underground district No. 6 and future underground district No. 7, except in the repair or main- tenance of existing lines. Sec. 6. (As amended August 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 276 N. S.) < >\ erhead wires used for district telegraph and messenger service 94 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. are exempted from the provisions of this ordinance and said last named wires so used shall cross streets at a point common to all the different services, said point to be designated by the City Council, but in no event shall poles be erected, continued or main- tained therefor in said districts on public streets in the City of Oak- land, at times and in manner forbidden by this ordinance, as incident to the use of other wires referred to in this ordinance. In cases requiring the temporary use of wires for the purpose of reporting conventions, meetings or other public gatherings, or upon occa- sions of urgent necessity, permits may be granted without dis- crimination to any company, person or corporation, by the City Council to erect overhead wires for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days in each case. The aforesaid overhead w r ires used for district telegraph and messenger services, temporary wires or urgent necessity, posts used for the support of lamps exclusively and such terminal or distributing poles, wires and other appliances as may be necessary for the maintenance and proper operation of underground wires, shall be erected and maintained as aforesaid, but under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the City Coun- cil, and are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 7. (As amended August 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 276 N. S.) Beginning November 1, 1913, each and every corporation, person, partnership or individual owning, maintaining, using or employing poles, overhead wires, overhead cables, or devices or apparatus over or upon the streets of the city through, over or by means of which electricity is, has been or may be conveyed, conducted or transmitted for the purpose of electric light, heat or power, telegraph or telephone or other electric service is hereby required to construct each year sufficient conduit, so that they may remove two miles of street pole lines per year, and is hereby re- quired to remove two miles of street pole lines per year, such two miles of street pole lines to be contiguous to the then existing underground district as required by ordinance. The different sections of streets so contiguous to an existing underground district which will satisfy this requirement each year must be specified, by the City Council, and when said different sec- tions of streets are so specified by the said City Council, as herein required, the same shall be deemed an additional underground dis- trict to those provided for in this ordinance, and when said ad- ditional underground district is so specified as aforesaid, no poles, nor overhead wire cables, devices or apparatus shall be maintained therein, and all poles, overhead wire cables, devices or apparatus then standing and maintained therein shall be taken down and re- moved therefrom within one year from the date specifying said additional underground district. Sec. 8. Electric railways are hereby expressly exempted from the provisions of this ordinance in so far as it effects guard wires, and the poles and wires used exclusively for the transmission of electric power for said railway purposes. TRAFFIC 95 Sec. 9. Wires of a continuous lead, crossing said districts or parts of districts, not further than to the extent of the width of a sini/ie street, are hereby exempted from the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its final passage. (Passed July 17, 1905. Approved July 24, 1905.) ORDINANCE NO. 1139. An Ordinance for the Protection of the Alameda Bridge, so Called. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Sec. 1. Xo person shall ride or drive any horse, mule, or animal drawing any vehicle, or otherwise, along, upon or across the draw of what is known and denominated as the Alameda bridge, in the City of Oakland, at a rate of speed faster than a walk. Sec. 2. An ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance for the Protection of What is Known and Denominated the Alameda Bridge, Etc.," approved July 10, 1871, is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of such fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved May IS, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 437.) ORDINANCE NO. 1957. An Ordinance Forbidding the Exhibition or Offering for Sale of Live Animals on Sidewalks. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or firm or cor- poration to keep, exhibit, or offer for sale, any live ducks, geese, chickens or other animals of any kind upon any sidewalk within the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid then the person or per- sons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one (1) day for every two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed. 96 TRAFFIC Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect from its approval. (Approved January 27, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 340.) ORDINANCE NO. 1021. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Soliciting of Patronage on Railroad Trains, Steamboats or Vehicles Without the Consent of the Owners Thereof Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall solicit patronage for any hotel, vehicle or other business upon any railroad train, steamboat or vehicle whatsoever within the corporate limits of the City of Oak- land, without first having obtained permission in writing so to do from the owner, charterer, lessee, or managing agent of such owner, charterer or lessee of such railroad train, steamboat or other vehicle. Sec. 2. Anj' person violating the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one day for each two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval. (Approved October 7, 1887. Vol. 3, p. 259.) ORDINANCE NO. 1945. An Ordinance Regulating Runners and Soliciting Agents at Railway Stations. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person while soliciting or endeavoring to secure passengers, or freight, or other custom for any hackney carriage, express wagon or other vehicle, or for any hotel, lodging house or boarding house, to be on any railway depot or passenger platform, pavement or walk, provided for the use of railroad passengers, or between such platform, pavement or walk and any railway train standing in front of said depot, or be- tween any raihvay tracks over which passengers usually pass to or from such train. TRAFFIC 97 Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in default of payment of said fine or any part thereof, said person shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars of said fine remaining un- paid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its ap- proval. (Approved Nov. 16, 1898. Vol. 5. p. 326.) ORDINANCE NO. 310 N. S. An Ordinance Making it Unlawful for any Person to Stand Any Peddler's Wagon or Push Cart Within Three Hundred Feet of Any Entrance to Any Public Park or School House and Provid- ing Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating any peddler's wagon or push cart to permit such wagon or push cart io stand within three hundred (300) feet of any en- trance to any public park or school house, for the purpose of peddling goods, wares or merchandise therefrom. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland not exceeding fifty days. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 28, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1298. An Ordinance Regulating Traffic and Sales in the Streets and Highways of the City of Oakland, Preventing Such Traffic and Sales from Endangering the Public Comfort and Safety. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby determined and ordained that it is neces- sary to regulate traffic and sales in the streets and highways of the City of Oakland, and that in order to properly regulate the same, to secure the public safety and comfort, it is necessary that such trade and traffic in streets and highways be regulated in ac- cordance with the terms and provisions contained in this ordinance. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person at any place in any of the streets or highways of the City of Oakland and included in the territory described in this section, to traffic in, vnid or sell, or attempt or offer to traffic in. vend or sell any 98 TRAFFIC goods, wares, merchandise, meats, vegetables, fruits, berries, pro- duce or any article of household, family or domestic supplies; and every such act at any such place, whether of so trafficking, vend- ing or selling, or of attempting or offering to so traffic, vend or sell such property, or any thereof, is hereby declared to be unlaw- ful, but the sale, vending or trafficking, or the offer to sell, vend or traffic in any of said personal property by .a person at his fixed place of business, conducted in a building or store lawfully occu- pied by him and fronting or abutting upon any street or highway within said territory, is not and shall not be construed to be un- lawful hereunder. The territory above referred to in this section is bounded and particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point formed by the intersection of the north- erly projection of the eastern line of Clay street, with the northern line of Fourteenth street in said City of Oakland, and running thence easterly along the northern line of Fourteenth street to its intersection with the eastern line of Franklin street; thence south- erly along the eastern line of Franklin street to its intersection with the northern line of Sixth street; thence westerly along the northern line of Sixth street to its intersection with the eastern line of Clay street, and thence northerly along the eastern line of Clay street and its northerly projection to the intersection thereof with the northern line of Fourteenth street. Sec. 3. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as prevent- ing or making unlawful the prompt delivery in good faith of any of said personal property to or at any such fixed place of busi- ness (so situated and conducted in such building or store within said territory) in any case where such personal property, so being delivered, is actually and in good faith consigned goods, or has actually and in good faith been theretofore purchased at a place outside of said territory by such lawful occupant of such fixed place of .business, actually doing business therein, and said prop- erty is in either such case then being delivered to him thereat. Sec. 4. The word "person" as used in this ordinance shall in- clude partnerships, associations, firms, companies and corporations as well as natural persons. Sec. 5. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be subjected to and shall pay a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, and in case the fine imposed be not paid, such person shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one dollar per day until the fine so imposed be satisfied. Sec. 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its ap- proval. (Approved July 11, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 654.) TRAFFIC 99 ORDINANCE NO. 281 N. S. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Defrauding of Persons Owning or Operating Automobiles, Cabs, Hacks or Hackney Carriages and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof, and Repealing Ordi- nance No. 2605 and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to enter any automobile, cab, hack or hackney carriage as a passenger and obtain a ride or passage therein, and to thereafter depart from such automobile, cab, hack, or hackney carriage without paying to the person operating or owning the same the fare or fee for such passage or ride with the intent to defraud and cheat the person operating or owning said automobile, cab, hack, or hackney car- riage of the lawful fee or charge for such passage or ride. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 2605 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Any person violating this ordinance -shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00), and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shali take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 3125. An Ordinance Regulating Traffic and the Care of Vehicles and Horses on and Over Any of the Streets of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance the word Vehicle shall be held to include saddle horses with their riders, horses hitched to vehicles, led horses, automobiles, motor vehicles of all kinds and everything on wheels except street cars or interurban cars and except also children's tricycles, invalid chairs and baby carriages. Sec. 2. The word Horse shall be held to include any animal used as motive power for any vehicle. Sec. 3. The word Sidewalk shall be held to include the space between the property line and the outer edge of the curb as located by ordinance of the City of Oakland. Sec. 4. The word Driver shall be held to mean the rider or driver of a horse, the rider of a wheel or motorcycle and the opera- tnr of a motor vehicle, automobile or car. Sec. 5. District No. 1 shall embrace the following streets: l!n >adway and Washington streets from the southern line of 100 TRAFFIC Seventh street to the northern line of Fifteenth street extended, San Pablo avenue from the northern line of Fifteenth street to Fourteenth street, Seventh, Eighth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Four- teenth and Fifteenth streets from the western line of Washington street to the eastern line of Broadway. Sec. 6. District No. 2 shall include all that territory bounded by the following lines: The south line of Third street from the east side of Harrison street to the west line of Jefferson street, the west line of Jefferson street to the south line of Sixth street, the south line of Sixth street to the west line of Market street, the west line of Market street to the north line of Twenty-second street, the north line of Twenty-second street to the east line of Franklin street, the east line of Franklin street to the north line of Fourteenth street, the north line of Fourteenth street to the east line of Webster street, the east line of Webster street to the north line of Twelfth street, north line of Twelfth street to the east line of Failon street, east line of P'allon street to south line of Twelfth street, the south line of Twelfth street to the east line of Harrison street and the east line of Harrison street to the south line of Third street and point of commencement. Sec. 7. Every vehicle except when overtaking and passing an- other vehicle shall keep to the right and shall travel on the right hand side of the street and as near the curb as possible. Sec. 8. Every vehicle overtaking and passing another vehicle going in the same direction shall turn to the left, and the vehicle so overtaken upon being signalled or requested to do so shall give way to the right. Sec. 9. The driver of any vehicle wishing to stop or change his course shall before doing so signify such intention to those in the rear by a plainly visible or audible signal. Sec. 10. Every vehicle turning to the right into another street shall keep as near to the right hand curb as possible and every such vehicle turning to the right shall have the right of way over vehicles traveling in the direction to which such vehicle is turning. Sec. 11. Every vehicle turning to the left into another street shall keep to the right of the center line of the intersection of such streets, and such vehicle turning shall give the right of way to vehicles traveling in the direction to which such vehicle is turning. Sec. 12. Except as hereinafter provided all vehicles traveling on streets running in a general northerly and southerly direction shall have the right of way over all vehicles traveling in a general easterly and westerly direction and all vehicles traveling on streets running in a general easterly and westerly direction shall give way to the vehicles first named. Sec. 13. The apparatus and all vehicles of the Fire Department, all vehicles of the Police Department, all vehicles carrying United States Mail, all ambulances and other vehicles carrying sick or in- jured persons, and all emergency repair wagons shall have the TRAFFIC 101 right of way over all other vehicles and through all processions, and shall be exempt from provisions of Section 24 of this ordinance. Sec. 14. Upon the approach of any of the apparatus of the Fire Department when a signal gong is being sounded every street car within 100 feet shall immediately stop and every vehicle shall im- mediately move to a position as near the right hand curb as pos- sible and remain there until such apparatus or vehicle has passed. Sec. 15. Xo vehicle shall be left standing nor any horse left hitched within 15 feet of any fire hydrant for any period of time whatever. Sec. 16. Within the district designated as District No. 1 no vehicle shall be left backed up to the curb except while such vehicle is being actually loaded or unloaded, and then only when the horse or horses are swung around at right angles to the vehicle and facing in the direction in which traffic is moving on the side of the street on which the vehicle is standing. The time allowed for loading and unloading within the limits of this district except in cases of emergency shall in no case exceed 15 minutes. Sec. 17. Xo vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb except while being actually loaded or unloaded on any of the streets of the City of Oakland. Sec. 18. Xo vehicle shall be left standing with its left side next to the curb within the limits of District No. 2. Sec. 19. Xo vehicle shall be driven over any crossing or inter- section of streets at a greater rate of speed than 6 miles an hour within the limits of District No. 2, and all vehicles must at all times be handled with due regard for the conditions of traffic at the time and place, and the safety of pedestrians, and all vehicles of what- ever description shall be subject to the orders of the police officer on duty in that vicinity. Sec. 20. Except in cases of emergency or when ordered to do so by a police officer no vehicle shall stop in any street except close to the right hand curb, and then not within 20 feet of the line of inter-section of any cross street. Sec. 21. Xo vehicle shall be ridden or driven on or across any sidewalk in the City of Oakland. Provided, however, that wagons loaded with building materials may be driven over sidewalks where the same have been properly protected from breakage by a cover- ing of planks securely fastened, and provided further that this provision does not refer to regular driveways across sidewalks. Sec. 22. No vehicle shall be driven within 4 feet of the running board or lower step of any street car or interurban car that may have stopped to take on or discharge passengers. Sec. 23. No horse-drawn vehicle, or saddle horse shall be driven or ridden at a greater rate of speed than 4 miles an hour over any of the public bridges within the City of Oakland. Sec. 24. No vehicle shall be allowed to be driven or run over any of the streets in the district designated as District No. 2 at a greater rate of speed than 10 miles an hour and on crossings as 102 TRAFFIC per Section 19 of this ordinance. In all other parts of the City of Oakland no vehicle or car shall be allowed to be driven or run at a greater rate of speed than 18 miles an hour. The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles of regular physicians who display on such vehicle a distinguishing mark plainly visible from both front and rear. Sec. 25. No horse or vehicle shall be left standing on any street in the district designated as District No. 1 for a greater period of time than 30 minutes unless such horse or vehicle is in the im- mediate care of some person. Sec. 26. Between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. of any day within the district designated as District No. 1, it shall be unlawful to drive 2 or more freight vehicles hitched to- gether tandem, or any freight vehicle drawn by more than 4 horses, or any hay wagon or oil wagon or any freight vehicle the total length of which together with its load shall exceed 24 feet, or the total width of which shall exceed 8 feet, or any vehicle filled with earth unless such earth has been taken from some excavation within said District No. 1, in which case such vehicle must at the first opportunity leave said District No. 1 and proceed to its destination by some other route. The provisions 'of this section shall not apply to vehicles transporting materials to be used in the construction or repair of buildings within said District No. 1. (Note Sec. 27, as amended.) "Sec. 27. Between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. of any day within the district designated as District No. 1, no vehicle used for the collection or transportation of garbage, swill or other refuse or objectionable matter shall be driven or allowed to stand on any street in said District No. 1." (Amendment approved Oct. 28, 1910.) (Ord. No. 3171.) Sec. 28. No horse shall be left unattended on any street in the City of Oakland unless securely hitched by a rope, strap or chain attached to its neck or bridle and to a post or other suitable fas- tening at the curb, or by a rope, strap or chain attached to its bridle and to a suitable weight of not less than 20 pounds or in case of one or two horses being harnessed to a wagon fitted with a suitable brake, the horses may be backed, the brake set and the lines or reins so fastened that the wagon can not be drawn for- ward by the horse or horses except by means of the lines or reins. Sec. 29. No horse shall be hitched on any street in the City of Oakland to any shade or ornamental tree, or in such a manner that any damage may be done to any such tree, or to any grass plot or other improvement located in the space between the curb and sidewalk. Sec. 30. No horse shall be fed upon any of the streets of the City of Oakland except by means of a feed bag fastened upon the head of such horse. Sec. 31. No vehicle used for the transportation of freight, bag- gage or merchandise shall be allowed to stand on any of the streets T RAJ-TIC 103 in the district designated as District No. 1 except when actually loading or unloading, and the time allowed for loading or unload- ing within the limits of this district shall not, except in cases of emergency, exceed 15 minutes. Sec. 32. Xo person shall ride or drive any dangerous or un- broken or partially broken horse, or use the street for the purpose of breaking any horse on any of the streets in the district desig- nated as District No. 2. Sec. 33. Xo person shall ride or drive any horse, bicycle or vehicle over or across any pavement newly laid, across or around which there has been placed a barrier, or at or near which there is a person or a sign warning persons against riding or driving over such pavement, or a sign stating that the street is closed. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the contractor or his employees actually engaged in the laying of such pavement. Sec. 34. No person shall drive or propel, or stop any horse or vehicle on any street in the City of Oakland over which are operated any street cars or interurban cars in such a manner as to unnecessarily hinder or delay the operation of such cars, provided however, the vehicles of the Police and Fire Department and ambulances shall have the right of way when responding to call. Sec. 35. Xo automobile or other motor vehicle shall be left un- attended on any street in the City of Oakland while any part of its machinery is running. Sec. 36. No person under the age of 14 years shall be allowed to be in charge as driver of any vehicle except a bicycle on any of the streets in district designated as District No. 2. Sec. 37. Xo person shall obstruct or hinder or ride or drive any vehicle through any civil, military, or funeral procession, and the disposition and handling of all horses, vehicles and cars on any streets over which any such procession wishes to pass shall be entirely subject to the orders of the police officers on duty at the time and place. Sec. 38. Xo person shall ride or attempt to ride on the rear end of any vehicle without the permission of the driver of such vehicle. Sec. 39. Xo automobile, motor vehicle or bicycle shall be ridden, driven or operated over any of the streets of the City of Oakland unless such automobile, motorcycle or bicycle is equipped with a suitable horn or gong or other signal in good working order, and such signal must be sounded to give warning to pedestrians and the riders and drivers of other vehicles and to persons entering or alighting from street cars, of the approach of such automobile, motor vehicle or bicycle and such warning signal shall in no case be given except when necessary. The provisions of this section shall not apply to children's tricycles and invalid chairs. Sec. 40. No automobile or motor vehicle shall be allowed to be on any street in the City of Oakland during the period of time from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise of the fol- lowing day unless such automobile or motor vehicle shall display 104 TRAFFIC either, one light on the left hand side showing white in the direc- tion in which such automobile or motor vehicle is facing, and red in the reverse direction or by having two lights attached, one in front showing white in the direction in which the automobile or motor vehicle is facing, and one in the rear showing red in the reverse direction or toward the rear. Sec. 41. No bicycle, tricycle or horse-drawn vehicle shall be al- lowed on any street in the City of Oakland during the period of time between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise of the following day, unless such vehicle shall display a light or lights plainly visible in either direction. Sec. 42. (As amended July 23, 1912, by Ordinance No. 255 N. S.) No vehicle used for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire shall be allowed to stand in or upon any street in the district designated as District No. 1 unless the owner or operator of such vehicle shall have first secured a permit in writing from the Coun- cil of the City of Oakland, and such permit shall be shown on de- mand to any police officer, and the operation, and the location of the stands of such vehicles shall be in accordance with such rules and regulations as the said Council shall adopt; provided, that such permit shall in no wise exempt the driver or owner of such vehicle from taking out the usual license otherwise provided for. Sec. 43. No vehicle used for the purpose of vending merchan- dise, meats, fruits, vegetables, or confectionery, or other vehicle commonly known as a peddler's cart or wagon, shall be allowed to stand on any stieet or sidewalk. Sec. 44. No vehicle used for the transportation of crude oil or any of its products in tanks shall be allowed in or upon any of the streets of the City of Oakland, unless such vehicles are provided with drip pans under the faucets of such tanks to prevent the leakage of the contents of the tank upon the street, and such tanks must be in all cases so arranged and handled that no leakage of any kind can occur. Sec. 45. No vehicle used for the purpose of carrying sand, gravel, earth, rock or any other loose or liquid substance liable to sift or spill out shall be allowed on any of the streets of the City of Oakland unless the same is made tight and so constructed as to prevent the sifting or spilling of any of its contents upon the street over which it is passing. Sec. 46. No person shall act as driver or be in charge of, while in motion, more than two vehicles on any of the streets of the City of Oakland, provided however, that between the hours of 5 p. m. and 8 a. m. of the following day, one driver may be in charge of more than two vehicles passing over the streets in going to and from the stables where such vehicles are kept. Sec. 47. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 48. Every person violating any provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be TRAFFIC 105 punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars; and in case said fine be not paid, by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 49. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved August 24, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 2649. An Ordinance Regulating and Fixing the Maximum Rates of Fares to be Charged for Transportation of Passengers by Automobile, Cabs, Hacks or Hackney Carriages in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The following schedule of maximum rates of fare to be charged ar.d collected by the owner and driver of any cab, hack, or hackney carriage used for the transportation of passengers within the City of Oakland, is hereby fixed, to-wit: Schedule No. 1. From the intersection of Twelfth street and Broadway or within five blocks from said intersection (which is hereby designated as the initial point) to any portion of the city that is bounded by First street, Adeline street, Twenty-fourth street, and western boundary of Lake Merritt, the rate of fare for one or two passengers shall not exceed $1.00; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 2. From said initial point to any portion of the city bounded by the exterior boundary lines of "Schedule No. 1" and Thirtieth street and its extension to Lake Merritt, Western and Southern Limits of the city, the rate of fare for one passen- ger shall not exceed $1.00; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 3. From said initial point to any portion of the city bounded by the exterior northern boundary line of "Schedule No. 2" and the north line of Fortieth street and its extension easterly, the rate of fare for one or two passengers shall not ex- ceed $1.50; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 4. From said initial point to Thirteenth avenue or Eighteenth street the rate of fare for one passenger shall not ex- ceed $1.00; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 5. From said initial point to Twenty-third avenue, or East Twenty-eighth street to Fourteenth avenue, east of Four- teenth avenue to Twenty-second street, the rate of fare for one or two passngers shall not exceed $2.00; each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 6. From said initial point to eastern or southern boundary line of the city, the rate of fare shall not exceed for one or two passengers, $2.50; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 7. From said initial point to north or northeastern boundaries of the city, the rate of fare for one passenger shall not exceed $3.00; for each additional passenger, $0.50. 106 TRAFFIC Schedule No. 8. From said initial point to Fifty-fifth street, in- chiding Country Club, Idora Park, Golden Gate and Oakland Pier, the rate of fare for one or two passengers shall not exceed $2.50; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 9. From said initial point to any portion of the city north of Fifty-fifth street, the rate of fare for one or two pas- sengers shall not exceed $3.00; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 10. From Sixteenth street depot to initial point, the rate of i'are for one or two passengers shall not exceed $1.50; for each additional passenger, $0.50. Schedule No. 11. For each passenger to or from the easterly limits of Oakland, and the westerly limits of Oakland, and from the easterly limits of said city to the northerly limits of said city by crossing Twelfth street dam or that portion of the city be- tween Pleasant Valley avenue and Lake Shore avenue, an ad- ditional fare may be charged as specified from said initial point. Schedule No. 12. For weddings, parties, balls and theaters to and return, double fare shall be charged as specified from said initial point. Schedule No. 13. For waiting 20 minutes, $0.50; for waiting over 20 minutes at the rate of $1.50 per hour. Schedule No. 14. The rate of fare for hacks, cabs or hackney carriages by the hour shall not exceed for the first hour $2.00; for each and every hour thereafter, $1.50. Sec. 2. No extra charge to any passenger shall be made for hand baggage. Sec. 3. The rate of fare to be charged and collected by any person owning or operating any automobile, used for conveying passengers for hire shall be as follows: For any automobile or limousine automobile having seating ca- pacity for seven or more passengers the maximum rate of fare shall not exceed 15 minutes or less $1.50 30 minutes 2.50 45 minutes 4.00 Per hour 5.00 For any automobile or limousine automobile having a seating ca- pacity for five or six passengers and less number, the rate of fare shall not exceed for 15 minutes or less $1.00 20 minutes 2.00 45 minutes 3.00 Per hour 4.00 Every driver of any hackney carriage, coach, hack or cab and for hire and every person operating or owning any automobile used for hire shall at all times have conspicuously posted within the TRA1-TIC 107 carriage, coach, hack, cab and automobile of which lie may have charge, in such position as to be easily read, the number of such carriage, hack, coach, cab or automobile, and also a printed sche- dule printed in plain Roman letters and Arabic numerals, desig- nating and showing the rates of fare; and every such driver shall, upon receiving any passenger to be conveyed in any such carriage, hack, coach, cab, and automobile, present and deliver when re- quested, to each and every such passenger, a card upon which shall be printed in plain Roman letters and Arabic numerals the number of his said carriage, coach, cab or automobile, and a schedule of the rates of fare in this ordinance provided, together with the rates of fare, if any, at which he has agreed to carry said passengers; and no person shall ever exact or demand or receive from any such passenger any higher rate of fare than specified on such card as aforesaid to be delivered to said passengers. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by fine of not more than one hun- dred dollars ($100), and in case said fine be not paid, then by im- prisonment at the rate of one day for each two dollars of such fine imposed and unpaid. Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in force and in effect from and after its approval. (Passed Oct. 7, 1907. Approved Oct. 28, 1907. Vol. 7, p. 398.) ORDINANCE NO. 2136. An Ordinance Regulating the Driving or Use of Automobiles and Other Motor Vehicles Which Are Propelled by Steam, Elec- tricity, Gasoline or Other Source of Power, Upon the Public Streets and Public Places Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oakland, and Providing for Their Equipment With Suit- able Breaks, Signals and Lamps or Lights. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall be allowed to drive or run any auto- mobile or other motor vehicle propelled by steam, electricity, gaso- line or other source of power upon the public streets or other pub- lice places within the limits of the City of Oakland save in accor- dance with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Every automobile or other motor vehicle while being propelled or run in said City of Oakland shall be provided with good and sufficient brakes, with a suitable bell, horn or other sig- nal and must exhibit, during the period from one hour after sun- set to one hour before sunrise, one lamp in front of said vehicle 108 TRAFFIC or a lamp at each side, said lamp or lamps showing white lights, visible within a reasonable distance in the direction in which said vehicle is proceeding. Sec. 3. No person shall drive or run an automobile or other motor vehicle on any public street or in any public place within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland at a greater rate of speed than 8 miles per hour. Section 3 superceded by Ordinance 2745. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $50, and in case said fine is not paid, then the person so fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and approval. (Approved May 23, 1902. Vol. 5, p. 654.) (NOTE See also Ordinance No. 3125, regulating Traffic.) ORDINANCE NO. 935. An Ordinance Regulating the Use and Standing of Vehicles on the Public Streets in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. Every vehicle drawn by horse power and attended by the owner thereof, or by a driver furnished by such owner, which said vehicle shall be used in this city for the conveyance of persons by land, from place to place, shall be deemed a hackney carriage within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Whenever several hackney carriages attend at any place for or with passengers, the Captain of Police, or any person or persons by him authorized, may give directions respecting the standing of such carriages, while waiting for, taking up or putting down their passengers, and the route they shall go when leaving any place of entertainment, and if the owner, driver or other per- son having care of such carriage shall refuse to obey any such order or direction of the Captain of Police, or any person or per- sons by him authorized, such refusal shall be deemed a violation of these provisions of this section. Sec. 3. Hackney carriages may stand while waiting for em- ployment, at all times, at the stands designated in Section 4 of this ordinance, and at such other place or places as the Mayor may from time to time designate; provided, however, that such carriage shall not stand at any place or place other than those specified in Section 4 hereof, if objected to by the owner or oc- cupant of the building or property in front of which they may desire to stand. TRAFFIC 109 Sec. 4. The following shall be the stands for hackney carriages, to-wit: Around any of the public squares. Around the City Hail block. At the railroad station at the corner of Market and First streets. Sec. 5. No person having charge of a hackney carriage shall allow the same to stand within ten (10) feet of any street crossing, nor at a greater distance than two feet from the outer edge of any sidewalk. Sec. 6. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person having charge or control of a hackney carriage to stand the same, while waiting for business, upon any portion of Seventh street, between the westerly line of Washington street and the westerly line of Broadway street in the City of Oakland, or to solicit business for such hackney carriage while the same is on said Seventh street be- tween said points. Sec. 7. (As amended July 23, 1912, by Ordinance Xo. 254 N. S.) It is hereby declared unlawful for any hackney carriage or job wagon to be driven along Seventh street, between the westerly line of Washington street and the westerly line of Broadway, in the City of Oakland, when the street railroad cars are approach- ing the railroad depot, between said Washington and Broadway streets, and are within one block of said depot, or while the train is stopping at said depot for passengers to get on or off the cars. Sec. 8. (As amended July 23, 1912, by Ordinance No. 254 N. S.) Every hackney carriage or other vehicle drawn by a horse or horses, and used or to be used for the transportation of passengers, shall have on each side of the driver's seat a lamp with a glass front and side, which lamp shall be properly lighted at all times when such vehicle is in use after dark. At all times when such vehicle is in use it shall have plainly painted on the outside glass of each of its lamps, in figures not less than l l / 2 inches in height, its respective number, furnished by the Bureau of Permits and Licenses. Sec. 9. Any driver of a hackney carriage who shall be thrice convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deprived of his license, and may be debarred from ob- taining another. Sec. 10. Every vehicle which shall be used for the conveyance of goods, packages or freight from place to place in this city for hire, except hand-carts, and except also the vehicles used by mer- chants, dealers and manufacturers exclusively for the delivery of their wares to customers, shall be deemed a job wagon within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 11. No person having the charge or control of a job wagon shall be allowed under any circumstances to occupy as a stand for the same any portion of Seventh street between the westerly line of Washington street and the westerly line of Broadway street in the City of Oakland, and such person shall not be allowed to 110 TRAFFIC occupy a stand for such job wagon any portion of any street in front of any building in the City of Oakland when the owner or occupant of such building shall object thereto. Sec. 12. It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver, or any person having control of any omnibus or railroad car, or of any hack, cart or any vehicle whatsoever, or of any horse, or animal whatsoever, to allow, permit or suffer the said omnibus or said car, hack or vehicle, or said horse or animal, to be or remain in such a manner as to obstruct the crossing of any public street from one sidewalk to another in trie City of Oakland for any period of time whatever. Sec. 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 14. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Vehicles on the Public Streets," which said ordinance was approved October 7, 1872, and an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Supplemental to an Ordinance Entitled 'An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Vehicles on the Public Streets,' approved October 7, 1872, approved June 9, 1875," and all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved September 22, 1883. Vol. 3, p. 122.) CHAPTER II Ordinances 'Prohibiting Crimes Against the 'Public 'Peace, ^Decency and Cfooa jVLorals PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 113 ORDINANCE NO. 418. An Ordinance to Prevent Stallions, Bulls or Jackasses From Being Staked Out or Running at Large in or Upon Any Public Streets or Uninclosed Lots in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to stake out or cause to be staked out upon any open, vacant or unin- closed lot or field within the limits of the City of Oakland, any stallion, bull or jackass, or allow or permit any stallion, bull or jackass to run at large upon any open, vacant or uninclosed lot or field within the limits of the City of Oakland; and it shall be un- lawful for any person or persons to allow or permit any stallion, bull or jackass to be staked out or run at large in or upon any lot or field within the limits of the City of Oakland, unless the same be inclosed by a good and substantial fence of sufficient height, strength and durability to prevent such stallion, bull or jackass from escaping into and upon the public streets of the City of Oakland or into or upon any lot open, vacant or inclosed; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit or allow any stallion, bull or jackass to run at. large in any of the streets, lanes or alleys within the limits of the City of Oakland. This ordinance shall apply to the owner or owners, possessor or possessors, their agents and servants, and to all persons having the control of such stallion, bull or jackass. Sec. 2. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars; and in default of payment shall be imprisoned in the City Prison one day for every two dollars of such fine. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved June 29, 1871. Vol. 1, p. 472.) ORDINANCE NO. 3218. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Keeping Open of Barber Shops on the First Day of the Week, Commonly Called Sunday. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlav;ful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to keep open or permit to be kept open any barber shop or other place of business for the purpose of carrying on the barber trade or business by shaving, cutting hair, or the doing of other 114 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS. tonsorial work for and upon any person or persons on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday. Sec. 2. The first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, within the meaning of this ordinance shall be held to cover and include the time from 12 o'clock at midnight of every Saturday to 12 o'clock midnight of the day following (Sunday). Sec. 3. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars, nor more than fifty ($50) dollars, for each offense, and in case any such fine or any part thereof be not paid, the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the Ci(y of Oakland for a time at the rate of one day for each two ($2) dollars of such fine so unpaid or of any unpaid part thereof. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its pas- sage and approval. (A.pproved January 5, 1.911.) ORDINANCE NO. 262. An Ordinance for the Protection of Birds in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall trap, snare or otherwise capture or kill any wild bird, except water fowl and birds of prey, within the limits of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person violating Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars, and in default of payment, by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after ten days after its approval by the Mayor. (Approved May 11, 1867. Vol 1, p. 259.) ORDINANCE NO. 2729. An Ordinance Requiring Persons Engaged in the Business of Renting Boats on Lake Merritt to Post Schedule of Rates, and Making it Unlawful to Charge or Collect Rates in Excess of Said Schedule. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows, to-wit: Section 1. All persons engaged in the business of keeping boats on Lake Merritt for hire shall post in a conspicuous place, in the building or landing where such business is carried on, a schedule PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 115 of rates to be charged and collected from the person or persons renting such boat or boats, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons engaged in said business to charge or collect for said services any greater sum than is shown on said schedule. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. (Approved April 25, 1908. Vol. 7, p. 510.) ORDINANCE NO. 2001. An Ordinance to Prevent Cigarette Smoking in the Streets and Public Places in the City of Oakland by Certain Persons, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1932, Approved August 31, 1898. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any minor under the age of sixteen years to smoke any cigarette in any railway car, street, square, public building or public place in the City of Oak- land. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be declared guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, and in. case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined m-ay be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1932, prohibiting the sale of or offering for sale, or giving away cigarettes, etc., approved August 31, 1898, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved August 1, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 409.) ORDINANCE NO. 148 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Opening, Conducting and Carrying On of Dances in Public Dance Halls, or Public Ballrooms, or Other Public Places in the City of Oakland, and Providing for the Issuance of Permits for the Same, and Providing the Penalty for Violation of Said Ordinance, and Repealing all Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Therewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to open, conduct or carry on or to participate in 116 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS. the opening, conducting or carrying on of a dance in a public dance hall, or public ballroom or other public place in the City of Oakland, except by and after securing a permit therefor, as here- inafter provided and during the continuance of such permit; of for the holder of such permit or for any officer, agent or employe of the holder of any such permit, to violate or permit the violation of all or any of the following rules and regulations or any part thereof at or in connection with any dance under such permit; which rules and regulations are as follows, to-wit: First: No dancing shall be allowed at any time of night in, nor shall any such dance be held at any time of night in, any such dance hall, ballroom or other public place at any time when the same is not continuously lighted throughout with bright lights of gas or electricity. Second: No immoral or obscene dancing shall be permitted. Third: No male or female under the age of 18 years shall be admitted to any such dance unless accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or some other person having the care and custody of such male or female under the age of 18. Fourth: No vinous, spirituous, malt, alcoholic or other intoxicat- ing liquors shall be consumed in or sold, bartered, exchanged, given away or otherwise disposed of in any such dance hall, ballroom or other public place or in or on any part of the same floor of the premises in which such dance hall, ballroom or other public place is located, or in any other part of such premises directly connected with any such dance hall, ballroom or other public place at any time during the holding of such dance, or within a period of two (2) hours next preceding the holding thereof and two (2) hours next succeeding the holding thereof. Fifth: No dance coming within the provisions of this ordinance shall be held in any such dance hall, ballroom or other public place in which vinous, spirituous, alcoholic, malt or other intoxicat- ing liquors are sold, bartered, exchanged, given away or otherwise disposed of; nor shall any such dance be held in any such dance hall, ballroom or other public place where vinous, spirituous, alco- holic, malt or ether intoxicating liquors are sold, bartered, ex- changed or given away or otherwise disposed of in or on any part of the same floor of the premises as the floor on which such dance hall, ballroom or other public place is located or in any other part of the premises directly connected with such dance hall, ballroom or other public place. Sixth: No return checks shall be issued at any such dance. Seventh: No dancing shall be permitted between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 9:00 o'clock A. M. next ensuing. Eighth: No permit issued under this ordinance shall be trans- ferable except by consent of the Council of the City of Oakland. Ninth: A copy of this ordinance shall be posted in a conspic- uous place in any such dance hall, ballroom or other public place PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 117 at all times during the holding of any such dance therein, and dur- ing a period of two (2) hours next preceding and two (2) hours next succeeding the holding of any such dance. Sec. 2. No permit shall be issued to any person, firm, associa- tion or corporation unless such person, firm, association or corpora- tion, and all and singular the officers of any such firm, association or corporation be of good moral character, nor unless a written application for such permit under this ordinance duly signed by the applicant has been presented to the City Council of said City of Oakland at a regular meeting thereof, and in which application the following facts are set forth: First: The name and residence of the applicant or applicants, and if any applicant be a firm, the names and residences of the partners thereof, and if any applicant be an association, the names and residences of the officers thereof, and if any applicant be a corporation, the names and residences of the officers and directors thereof. Second: The particular place for which the permit is desired or at which any dance is to be or dances are to be held. Third: The number and date of the dances to be held under the permit. Fourth: A statement that the applicant is the sole party or the applicants are the sole parties either directly or indirectly interested in the dance for whicn a permit is applied and that no other per- son, firm, association or corporation is or will be in any manner interested therein directly or indirectly during the continuance of the permit. Sec. 3. Any such application for a permit by any person, firm, association or corporation may be denied or granted by said City Council, and if granted the said City Council shall direct the Bureau of Permits to issue a permit as herein provided for to the person, firm, association or corporation (naming it) for such dance or dances to be held at such place or places as may be named in the resolution of the City Council granting the permit, and for this purpose the City Clerk shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the person, firm, association or corporation to whom the permit has been granted a certified copy of the resolution granting such per- mit. A charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made by said bureau for the issuance of the permit and upon payment of such charge, and the issuance of the permit, and not otherwise, the same shall become effective; provided, further, that no permit shall be granted under this ordinance for a longer period than for the current fiscal year or the unexpired portion thereof. The said City Council may at any time for any reason which, upon investigation, it seems suffi- cient, revoke any permit granted under this ordinance. Sec. 4. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be considered or understood to apply to any dance or ball given by the manage- ment of any hotel generally and publicly recognized as a bona fide 118 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORA.LS. hotel and keeping a general register of its guests, or to any char- itable exhibition or entertainment given by any amateur dramatic association or society, or to any dance or ball or entertainment given by any bona fide fraternal or labor organization, nor to a dance or ball where no admission fee is charged, given by any bona fide social organization formed in good faith for the purpose of holding private dances or entertainments from time to time; pro- vided, however, that if any dance or ball or exhibition or enter- tainment is given for the purpose of evading all or any of the provisions of this ordinance, either in whole or in part, then this section shall not be construed as applying thereto or as exempt- ing the same from the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 5. Any person, firm, association or corporation violating all or any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine of not less than $10.00 and not exceeding $100.00, or by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect, March 20, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 816. An Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Appearing in Public in a Dress Other Than Belonging to His or Her Sex. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to ap- pear in a public place naked or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or in an indecent or lewd dress. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison until the fine is satisfied at the rate of one (1) day for every two dollars ($2) of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect on and after its approval. (Approved May 8, 1879. Vol. 2, p. 707.) ORDINANCE NO. 1135. An Ordinance to Prevent Drunkenness. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall be drunk in a public place, or place open to public view in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 119 punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Prevent Drunk- enness and Disorderly Conduct in the City of Oakland," approved April 6, 1877, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved May 15, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 433.) ORDINANCE NO. 1147. An Ordinance to Prevent the Giving of False Alarms of Fire. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall wilfully make or cause to be made, by means of the Firm Alarm and Police Telegraph, or otherwise, any false alarm of fire in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Prevent the Giving of False Alarms and Obstructing Hydrants and Cisterns," approved January 10, 1877, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved May 15, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 446.) ORDINANCE NO. 3275. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Publication, Distribution, Sale or Giving Away of Tips or Other Information Upon or Concerning Horse Races, or Upon or Concerning Betting on Horse Races. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to print, publish, distribute, circulate, sell or give away, in the City of Oakland, any, or any newspaper or other publication con- taining any form chart, chart, table, list, sheet, circular or publica- tion of any kind, giving or purporting to give, or represented as giv- ing, any list, or probable or possible list, of entries for any horse race thereafter anywhere to take place, if there be printed or pub- lished as part thereof, or in connection therewith, or in the same publication therewith, or in any other publication, printing or writing accompanying the same or referring thereto or connected therewith, any tip, information, prediction or selection of, or ad- vice as to, or any key, cipher or cryptogram indicating, con- 120 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS. taining or giving any tip, information, publication or selec- tion of, or advice as to, the winner or probable winner, or a loser or probable loser or the result or probable result of any such race, or the standing or probable standing of any horse therein, or any statement as to, or comment upon, or reference to, the form, condi- tion or standing of or the actual, probable, or possible state, past, present or future, of the betting, wagering or odds upon or against any horse named in such list, or probable or possible list of en- tries, or unless the names of such horses shall be arranged in such list, or probable, or possible list, in alphabetical order, and shall all be printed in type of the same size and face and of identical appearance, and shall all be printed flush with the left side of the column in which the same are printed, or all an equal distance therefrom. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, after any horse race shall anywhere have taken place, to print, pub- lish, distribute, circulate, sell or give away, in the City of Oakland, any, or any newspaper or other publication containing any form chart, chart, table, list, sheet, circular, or publication of any kind giving or purporting to give, or represented as giving, any list of horses which are said to have participated in such horse race, if there be printed or published as part thereof, or in connection therewith, or in the same publication therewith, or in any other publication, printing or writing accompanying the same or refer- ring thereto or connected therewith, any statement as to, or com- ment upon, or reference to, the form or condition of, or the state at any time of the betting, wagering or odds upon or against any horse said to have participated in such horse race, or any informa- tion, or pretended information, comment, tip or prediction of or concerning any horse said to have participated in such horse race, which will or may aid, enable, encourage or assist any person to bet or wager or to establish odds or to lay a basis upon which to bet or wager, at any time thereafter, upon or against such horse in any horse race in which such horse may participate or be intended to participate at any time. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as part of, or in connection with, or in the same publication with, any, or in any newspaper or other publication containing any form chart, chart, table, list, sheet, circular, or publication of any kind, giving or purporting to give, or represented as giving, any list of horses which are said to have participated in any horse race, to print, publish, distribute, circulate, .sell or give away, in the City of Oakland, any column of index numbers, or any index number, or any column of numbers, or any number, connected with or re- ferring to, any catalogue, club list, publication, printing or writing of any kind in which the racing or speed records or turf standing of any horse or horses is written, printed or kept; or to so print, publish, distribute, circulate, sell or give away, in the City of Oak- PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 121 land, any column of bets or betting or of opening or closing bet- ting or any statement of or any reference to any bet or betting upon or against any horse in such horse race. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to print, publish, distribute, circulate, sell or give away, in the City of Oakland, any, or any newspaper or other publication contain- ing any statement or publication of the time, record or rate of speed made by any horse in any morning gallop, or morning canter, or gallop or canter, or warm up, or exercise, or of the time, record or rate of speed made by any horse at any time unless the same shall have been made in a regularly announced and attended race against other horses or in a regularly, announced and attended race against time. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprison- ment in the City Jail for a period of not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Approved May 23, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 1978. An Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Dealing, Playing, Opening or Conducting the Game of Keno, or Permitting the Same to be Played, Conducted or Carried on Within the City of Oakland, and Prescribing a Penalty for Its Violation. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to deal, play or carry on, open, or cause to be opened, or to conduct, either as owner or employe, whether for hire or not, any game of keno, or to play or bet at or against said game. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to know- ingly permit any game of keno mentioned in the preceding sec tion to be played, conducted, carried on, or dealt in any house owned or rented by such person in whole or in part. Sec. 3. Every person who violates any provision of this ordi nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of shall be fined in the sum not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars, ana if said sum be not paid, shall be punished by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved April 18, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 368.) 122 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS ORDINANCE NO. 1874. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Offering, Selling or Giving Away, as an Inducement for the Purchase of Goods, Any Ticket, Stamp, Coupon or Thing Entitling the Holder to Any Gift, Reward or Prize, or to a Chance to Obtain a Gift, Reward or Prize. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall sell or give away, or offer to sell, or give away, as an inducement for the pur- chase of goods, wares or merchandise, any ticket, stamp, coupon, writing or thing, entitling the holder thereof to any gift, reward or prize, or to a chance to obtain any gift, reward or prize. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hun- dred ($100.00) dollars, and in default of payment of said fine or any portion thereof, shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars thereof remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from its passage and approval. (Approved March 1, 1898. Vol. 5, p. 237.) ORDINANCE NO. 1604. An Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Becoming Inmates of or Visitors to Any Office, Room, Etc., for the Sale or Preparation of Lottery Tickets, or for the Drawing of Any Lottery, Etc. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person within the limits of the City of Oakland to become an inmate or visitor to, or in any manner contribute to the support of any office, room or place where any lottery is or is about to be contrived, prepared, set up, proposed or drawn; any office, room or place for the sale of or for registering the number of any ticket in any lottery; or to know- ingly let or underlet or transfer the possession of, for use of any person, for any of said purposes; or to permit any premises to be occupied or used by any persons for any of said purposes after he shall have notice of such occupation or use. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its approval. (Approved April 23, 1894. Vol. 4, p. 551. PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 123 ORDINANCE NO. 1011. An Ordinance to Prevent the Impersonation of Certain Public Officers. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person within the limits of the City of Oakland to falsely represent himself to be a Police Captain or Police Officer, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, City Marshal or Deputy City Marshal or member of the Fire Depart- ment, Constable or Deputy Constable, or to wear any Police, Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff, Marshal, Deputy Marshal, Constable, Deputy Constable or Fire Department badge with intent to deceive, or to use any signs, badges or devices used by the Police Depart- ment or the Fire Department of the City of Oakland with intent as aforesaid. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon its approval. (Approved June 8, 1887. Vol. 3, p. 251.) ORDINANCE NO. 3059. An Ordinance Making it Unlawful for Minors Under the Age of Eighteen Years to Frequent Public Places Where Pool or Bil- liards are Played, or to Engage in Playing Pool or Billiards in any Public Place; also Making it Unlawful for any Owner or Manager of any Place Where Pool or Billiards are Played to Permit Minors Under the Age of Eighteen Years to Visit Such Places or to Engage in Pool or Billiards Therein, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any minor undef the age of eighteen years to frequent or visit any public place where pool or billiards are played or to engage in playing pool or bil- liards in any public place in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any owner or manager of any public place where pool or billiards are played to permit minors under the age of eighteen years to visit such places or to engage in pool or billiard playing therein. Sec. 3. This ordinance is an urgency measure for the preserva- tion of good morals and shall take effect immediately. 124 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of fhis ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one (1) day for each two (2) dollars of such fine so imposed. (Approved May 12, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 1005. An Ordinance Concerning the Sale to Minors of Intoxicating Liquors. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to, within the limits of the City of Oakland, to sell, give away or deliver to any person under the age of sixteen years any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors; provided, that this ordinance shall not apply to the sale or delivery of liquors by the owner and proprietors of drug stores upon the prescription of any regular practicing physician for medicinal purposes. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved March 19, 1887. Vol. 3, p. 241.) ORDINANCE NO. 881. An Ordinance Prohibiting Certain Minors From Being on the Public Streets at Night. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any minor, under the age of sixteen years, to be or appear in any street, square or public place, in the City of Oakland, after 9 o'clock at night, and between said hour and daylight of the following morning, unless such minor be accompanied by the parent, guardian or other person having the lawful control of such minor, or have the express written permis- sion of such parent, guardian or other person, to be on the street between said hours. PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 125 Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum of not exceeding fifty dol- lars, and in case the fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned in the City Jail until the same is satisfied at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved February 23. 1881. Vol. 3, p. 38.) ORDINANCE NO. 655. An Ordinance to Prevent the Obstruction of Streets and Sidewalks in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever the free passage of any street or sidewalk shall be obstructed by a crowd (except on occasion of public meet- ings) the persons composing such crowd shall disperse or move on when directed to do so by a Police Officer. Any persons who refuse to disperse or move en when directed so to do by a Police Officer shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con- viction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its passage. (Approved January 6, 1876. Vol. 2, p. 444.) ORDINANCE NO. 1010. An Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Taking Opium Into the City Prison of the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, with- out the written permission of the Health Officer of the City of Oak- land, to bring into the City Prison of the City of Oakland, or to have in his possession while a prisoner in said City Prison, any opium or any of the preparations of opium. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oak- land at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so im- posed. 126 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full fo'rce im- mediately upon its approval. (Approved June 8, 1887. Vol. 3, p. 250.) ORDINANCE NO. 879. An Ordinance to Suppress Opium Dens and Prevent Immorality. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall, in the City of Oakland, own, or keep, or maintain, or manage, or smoke opium at, or become an inmate of, or visit, or resort to, or in any way contribute to the support of, any house, or room, or place where opium is smoked, or where per- sons assemble for the purpose of smoking opium, or inhaling the fumes of opium, or which is kept as a place of resort for smoking opium. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved January 19, 1881. Vol. 3, p. 35.) ORDINANCE NO. 1337. An Ordinance Regulating the Inspection of the Register of Articles Held in Pawn by Pawnbrokers. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person who carries on the business of a pawn- broker in the City of Oakland shall at any time, upon request of any police officer of the City of Oakland, produce his register for inspection, or exhibit any articles received by him in pledge on his account of sales. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance in Relation to the Duties of Pawnbrokers, Etc.," approved June 9, 1873, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 706.) PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 127 ORDINANCE NO. 1144. An Ordinance for the Suppression of Houses of Ill-Fame and Prostitution. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall keep or carry on or become an in- mate of, or a visitor to, or shall in any way contribute to the sup- port of, any house of ill-fame or prostitution in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. No person shall aid or assist, or be engaged in carrying on or causing prostitution, or by any solicitation induce, or attempt to induce, prostitution to be carried on in any house, room or place in the City of Oakland. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance for the Suppression of Houses of Ill-fame, Etc.," approved September 11, 1871, is here- by repealed. Sec. 4. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its ap- proval. (Approved May 15, 1890. Vol! 3, p. 443.) ORDINANCE NO. 818. An Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Taking or Passing In- toxicating Liquors Into the City Prison of the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, without permis- sion of the officer in charge, to bring or pass any intoxicating liquor into the City Prison of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars; and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison until the fine is satisfied, at the rate of one (1) day for every two dollars ($2) of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect on and after its approval. (Approved May 10, 18/9. Vol. 2, p. 709.) 128 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS ORDINANCE NO. 2514. An Ordinance Regulating the Hours for Selling or Furnishing Liquor in Saloons. Bars, Stores, Cafes, Restaurants, Stands, and all Places Within the City of Oakland, Spirituous, Malt or Fer- mented Liquors or Wines, or any Admixture Thereof, and Re- pealing Ordinance No. 1672, Approved March 21, 1895. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful within the limits of the City of Oakland, after the passage of this ordinance, to sell or give away any spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines or any admix- ture thereof, between the hours of one a. m. and five a. m., in any liquor saloon, bar, store, cafe, restaurant, stand or any place where spirituous, fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof are sold or given away: provided, however, that this ordinance shall not be construed to prevent the sale of alcoholic liquors in a drug store for medicinal purposes. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed one hun- dred dollars, and in case the said fine be not paid, then the person, or persons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance Xo. 1672, regulating hours for keeping open saloons, etc., approved March 21. 1895, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed Oct. 15, 1906. (Approved Oct. 20, 1906. Vol. 7, p. 16.) ORDINANCE NO. 3189. An Ordinance Regulating the Selling, Giving, Delivering and Serving of Spirituous, Malt and Fermented Liquors or Wines, or any Admixture Thereof, in and About Public Restaurants, Cafes, Dining Rooms Liquor Saloons, Bars. Bar-Rooms, Dram Shops, Tippling Places and Like Places of Public Resort, and Regulat- ing Such Places Wherein Such Liquors or Wines, or Any Ad- mixture Thereof, Are Permitted to be Sold, Given, Delivered or Served, and Providing Penalties for the Violations of the Pro- visions of Said Ordinance. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, give, deliver or serve, or to cause or permit to be sold, given, delivered or served any spirituous, malt or fer- mented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, to any person in any private booth, room or compartment in or appurtenant to any public restaurant, cafe, dining room, liquor saloon, bar, bar- room, dram shop, tippling place or like place of public resort, or PUBLIC PEACE AXD GOOD MORALS 129 to sell, give, deliver or serve, or cause or permit to be sold, given, delivered or served any spirituous, malt or fermented liquor or wines, or any admixture thereof, to any person, at any place in or about any such restaurant, cafe, dining room, liquor saloon, bar, bar-room, dram shop, tippling place, or like place of public resort, knowing that said liquor or wine, or admixture thereof, or any part thereof, is intended to be delivered or served to, or consumed by any person, in any such private booth, room or compartment in or appurtenant to such place. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or conducting any such restaurant, cafe, dining room, liquor saloon, bar, bar-room, dram shop, tippling place, or like place of public resort in which any spirituous, malt or fer- mented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, are licensed to be sold, given, delivered or served for consumption on the premises, or in which any such liquor or wine, or any admixture thereof is customarily delivered or served for consumption on the premises, to maintain, or to cause or permit to be maintained therein or appurtenant to such restaurant, cafe, dining-room, liquor saloon, bar, bar-room, dram shop, tippling place, or like place of public resort, any private booth, room or compartment permitted to be used by the patrons of such place for the purpose of eating or drinking. Sec. 3. For the purpose of this ordinance, any booth, room or compartment in, or appurtenant to any such restaurant, cafe, din- ing room, liquor saloon, bar, bar-room, dram shop, tippling place, or like place of public resort, or any screened-off portion of any room in, or appurtenant thereto, is deemed to be a private booth, room or compartment if the interior of said booth, room or com- partment is not at all times open to and plainly exposed to public view either from the main entrance to such restaurant, cafe, dining room, liquor saloon, bar, bar-room, dram shop, tippling place, or like place of public resort, or from one of the main rooms regularly and habitually used by the general public therein, or if the public view of such interior is obstructed by any wall, partition, door, furniture, blind, shade, curtain, screen or other obstruction; pro- vided, however, that nothing herein shall be held to prohibit authorized persons, firms or corporations from selling, giving, de- livering or serving such liquors or wines, or admixtures thereof, in open stalls or booths so arranged that the entire inner portion of such stalls or booths shall at all times be plainly visible to the pub- lic from the main entrance to, or from one of the main rooms generally and habitually used by the general public in such res- taurant, cafe, dining room, liquor saloon, bar, bar-room, dram shop, tippling place, or like place of public resort, nor to prohibit the maintenance in any such place of any such open stall or booth. Sec. 3%. This ordinance shall not be construed so as to pro- hibit the selling or serving of such wines and liquors by hotels to 130 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS their bona fide guests in the private rooms rented by such guests. And provided, however, that nothing herein shall be held to pro- hibit authorized persons, firms or corporations from selling, giv- ing, delivering or serving such liquors or wines or admixtures there- of at a bona fide banquet in a private banquet hall in or appur- tenant to any such place of public resort nor to prohibit the main- tenance of any such private banquet hall in or appurtenant to any such place of public resort. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars or by im- prisonment in the city prison for not more than six months, or by such fine and imprisonment, and in case such fine be not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall go into effect thirty days after its passage. (Approved Nov. 19, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 1812. An Ordinance to Regulate Swimming and Bathing Within the City Limits of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be be unlawful for any person to bathe or swim in the waters of Lake Merritt within the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to bathe or swim in the waters of the estuary of San Antonio (commonly called Oak- land Harbor) or any of the waters tributary thereto within the limits of the City of Oakland unless clad in a bathing suit. Sec. 3. A bathing suit under this ordinance shall be as follows: For minors under 12 years of age, a pair of trunks reaching from the waist to the thighs. For all persons over 12 years of age, trunks as aforesaid, and a shirt or jersey worn over the trunks and covering all the upper part of the body except the head and arms. Or a combination suit or a single garment, covering the body from the thigh to the neck as hereinbefore described, may be worn; but all suits shall be made of such material, texture and color as to leave no suggestion or nudity or indecent exposure of person. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to disrobe for the purpose of bathing or swimming as aforesaid, except under the shelter of a house, tent or shed reasonably protected from obser- vation of the public. Sec. 5. Any person who violates this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case said PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 131 fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be im- prisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 6. Ordinance No. 1722, being "An Ordinance to Regulate Swimming and Bathing Within the City Limits of the City of Oak- land," and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force im- mediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved July 2, 1897. Vol. 5, p.. 150.) ORDINANCE NO. 654. An Ordinance to Prevent Persons From Lodging in Barns and Out- buildings in the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to lodge in any barn, shed, shop, outhouse, vessel or place other than such as kept for lodging purposes, without the permission of the owner or party entitled to the possession thereof. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its approval. (Approved January 6, 1876. Vol. 2, p. 443.) ORDINANCE NO. 1987. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Public Exhibition of or Offering for Public Exhibition, or Keeping or Placing Accessible to the Pub- lic, Within the City of Oakland, Any Lewd, Vulgar, Obscene or Licentious Pictures, and Prohibiting the Rendering of, by Means of Mechanical Device, Accessible to the Public, Any Lewd, Vul- gar, Obscene, or Licentious Song, Speech, Jest, Monologue, Dialogue or Reproduction of the Human Voice Uttering Im- moral, Obscene, Lewd, Licentious or Profane Words. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, company or corporation shall exhibit publicly, or offer for public exhibition, or keep or place accessible to the public, within the City of Oakland, any lewd, vulgar, obscene or licentious pictures, or keep or maintain, or place accessible to 132 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS the public any mechanical device rendering any lewd, vulgar, ob- scene or licentious song, speech, jest, monologue, dialogue, or any reproduction of the human voice uttering immortal, obscene, lewd, vulgar, licentious or profane words. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars for each offense, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for each two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved June 6, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 382.) ORDINANCE NO. 1137. An Ordinance to Prevent Profane and Vulgar Language. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall, in the City of Oakland, utter within the hearing of two or more persons any profane or vulgar language, words, or epithets. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved May 15, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 435.) ORDINANCE NO. 360. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Blowing of a Policeman's Whistle Within the Limits of the City of Oakland, Except by Policemen. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person within the limits of the City of Oakland in the night or day time to blow what is known and denominated "a policeman's whistle," as to produce noise or whistling sound, excepting in cases of necessity or im- pending danger, real or apparent; provided, however, that this ordi- nance shall in no way or manner affect the duties, practice or regulation of the Department of Police, or any officer thereof, or persons having permission from the Captain of Police to keep and use the same. (Amendment approved September 8, 1888. Vol. 3, p. 304.) Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 133 shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than thirty, and in default of the payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the City Prison one day for every two dollars of such fine. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved December 11, 1869. Vol. 1, p. 379.) ORDINANCE NO. 164 N. S. An Ordinance to Prohibit Bucketing and Bucket Shopping and to Abolish Bucket Shops in the City of Oakland, and Providing the Penalty For Violation of This Ordinance. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The following words and phrases used in this ordi- nance shall, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, have the following meanings: "Persons" shall mean an individual, corporation, partnership or association, whether acting in his, its or their own right or as the officer, agent, servant, employe, correspondent or representative of another. "Contract" shall mean any agreement, trade, contract or trans- action. "Securities" shall mean all evidences of debt or property and options for the purchase or sale thereof, shares in any corporation or association, bonds, coupons, scrip, rights, choses in action, and other evidences of debt or property and options for the purchase or sale thereof. "Commodities" shall mean anything movable that is bought and sold. "Bucket Shop" shall mean any room, office, store, building or other place where any contract prohibited by this ordinance is made or offered to be made. "Keeper" shall mean any person owning, keeping, managing, operating or promoting a bucket shop, or assisting to keep, manage, operate or promote a bucket shop. "Bucketing" or "Bucket Shopping" shall mean: (a) The making of or offering to make any contract respecting the purchase or sale of any securities or commodities, wherein both parties thereto in- tend that such contract shall be, or may be, terminated, closed or settled according to or upon the basis of the public market quota- tions of prices made on any board of trade or exchange upon which said securities or commodities are dealt in and without a bona fide purchase or sale of the same; or, (b) The making of or offering to make any contract respecting the purchase or sale of any se- curities or commodities, wherein both parties thereto intend that such contract shall be, or may be, deemed terminated, closed or 134 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS settled when such public market quotations of prices for the se- curities or commodities named in such contract shall reach a cer- tain figure without a bona fide purchase or sale of the same; or, (c) The making of or offering to make any contract respecting the purchase or sale of any securities or commodities, wherein both parties thereto do not intend the actual or bona fide receipt or de- livery of such securities or commodities, but do intend a settlement of such contract based upon the differences in such public market quotations of prices at which said securities or commodities are or are asserted to be bought and sold. Sec. 2. Any person who shall, within the City of Oakland, make or offer to make, any contract defined or designated as "bucketing" or "bucket shopping" in the preceding section, or who shall in the City of Oakland, be the keeper of any bucket shop, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty days nor more than six months. Sec. 3. Any person who shall, within the City of Oakland, com- municate, receive, exhibit, or display in any manner any statement of quotations of prices of any securities or commodities with an intent to make, or offer to make, or to aid in making, or offering to make any contract prohibited by this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subjected to the penalties provided in Section 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Any person who shall, within the City of Oakland, enter or visit or be or remain in any room or premises or place used in whole or in part as a place for conducting or carrying on a bucket shop or bucketing or bucket shopping, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subjected to the penalties provided in Section 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 5. Any person who shall, within the City of Oakland, know- ingly permit any house, room, apartment, premises or place owned by him or under his charge or control to be used in whole or in part as a place for conducting or carrying on a bucket shop or bucketing or bucket shopping shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subjected to the penalties provided in Section 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Every person shall furnish, upon demand, to any custo- mer or principal for whom such person has executed any order for the actual purchase or sale of any securities or commodities, either for immediate or future delivery, a written statement, containing the names of the persons from whom such property was bought or to whom it has been sold, as the fact may be, the time when, place where, and the price at which the same was either bought or sold; and if such person shall refuse or neglect to furnish such state- ment within twenty-four hours after such demand, such refusal or neglect shall be prima facie evidence that the act of such person PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 135 refusing to furnish such statement in regard to such purchase or sale was bucketing or bucket shopping within the terms of this ordinance. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 178 N. S. An Ordinance Prohibiting Persons From Having in Their Pos- session Lottery Tickets or Any Tools or Implements Used or Intended to be Used in Making Said Tickets, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any lottery ticket, certificate, paper or instrument pur- porting or representing or understood to be, or to represent, any ticket, chance, share, or interest in or depending upon the event of any lottery, or any instrument, stamp or device used or intended to be used in or for contriving, setting up, preparing, making, writing, printing, stamping, or getting ready for sale or distribu- tion any lottery ticket or tickets. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25), nor more than three hundred fifty dollars ($350), or by imprison- ment for not more than one day for each two dollars ($2) thereof remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 29, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 198 N. S. An Ordinance Requiring Every Person, Firm or Corporation Con- ducting Any Hospital or Drug Store in the City of Oakland, or Any Person Managing or in Charge of Any Such Drug Store or Hospital, or Any Physician or Midwife Called in Attendance Upon Any Such Person or Persons Brought to Such Hospital or Drug Store or Other Place Having a Traumatic Injury or In- juries, to Report to the Chief of Police or Other Person in Charge of the Police Department of the City of Oakland, Infor- mation Concerning Said Injury or Injuries, and Providing a Penalty For Failure to Comply With the Terms Hereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corpora- tion conducting any hospital or drug store within the City of Oak- land, or the managing agent thereof, or the person managing or 136 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS in charge of such hospital or drug store, or any ward or portion of such hospital, to which any person or persons having a traumatic injury or injuries come or be brought, to report the same im- mediately both by telephone and writing to the Chief of Police, or other person in charge of the Police Department of the City of Oakland, as soon as such injury or injuries shall be brought to the attention of such person managing or in charge of such hospital or ward or portion thereof or drug store, and in such report shall state where such injured person is located, the name of such person if known, and the character or extent of such injury or injuries. It shall also be the duty of every physician, surgeon or midwife who may be called at any place in attendance upon any person having a traumatic injury to make similar report to the said Chief of Police or other person in charge of the Police Department of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dol- lars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) and in case such fine is not paid, by imprisonment in the city prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars ($2) of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 13, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 203 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Carrying of Concealed Weapons in the City of Oakland, Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2083, Entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating the Carrying of Concealed Weapons," and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Oakland to wear or carry concealed about his person any pistol, slung-shot, brass or iron knuckles, sand club, dirk or bowie knife, iron bar or other dangerous weapon, or any sling or other con- trivance by which shot or other missiles are, or may be, hurled or projected; provided, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any public peace officer carrying any suitable weapon to aid him in the discharge of his official duties, and, provided further, that on payment to the Bureau of Permits and Licenses of the City of Oakland of a fee of $2.50 therefor, to be turned in by such Bureau of Permits and Licenses to the City Treasury, a writ- ten permit may be granted by the Chief of Police for a period of not to exceed one year, to any peaceable citizen whose profession or occupation may require him to be out at late hours of the night. PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 137 to carry a concealed weapon upon his person, and the holder of such permit is hereby exempted from the provisions of this ordi- nance during the time for which such permit is granted. Sec. 2. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 2083 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 16, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 215 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Days and Hours of Business of Pawn Brokers, Junk Dealers, and Dealers in Second-Hand Wares, Merchandise and Commodities, and Fixing the Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm, co-partnership, or corporation to maintain, conduct, transact, open, keep open, or allow to be kept open, any store, shop, or any place for the transaction of any business of or the business of pawn broker, junk dealer, or dealer in second-hand wares, or merchan- dise, or commodities, on any Sunday, or on the 1st day of January, the 12th day of February, the 22d day of February, the 30th day of May, the 4th day of July, the 9th day of September, the 1st Monday in September, the 12th day of October, the 25th day of December, or upon any day appointed by the President of the United States, or by the Governor of this State, for a public fast, thanksgiving or holiday; or at any time, except between the hours of 7:30 o'clock a. m. and 11 o'clock p. m. upon any day during the month of De- cember, or any Saturday, or day immediately preceding the. first day of January, the 12th day of February, the 22d day of Feb- ruary, the 30th day of May, the 4th day of July, the 9th day of September, the 12th day of October, or any day appointed by the President of the United States or the Governor of this State for a public fast, thanksgiving or holiday; or at any time except be- tween the hours of 7:30 a. m and 6 o'clock p. m., on any day not hereinbefore specified. Section 2. Any person, firm, co-partnership, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred (100) dollars or by imprisonment in the City Prison of the said City of Oakland not 138 PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS exceeding one day for each two (2) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid, or by both said fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the 1st day of July, A. D. 1912. (Passed July 1, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 238 N. S. An Ordinance to Prevent the Obstruction of Lawful Orders of the City Council of the City of Oakland, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1366 and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall resist, obstruct, defeat or attempt to defeat the enforcement or execution of any lawful order of the City Council of the City of Oakland, or of any person lawfully acting under the authority of the said City Council. Sec. 2. Every person violating the above provision of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dol- lars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars ($2.00) of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1366 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 9, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 2790. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Selling, or Offering for Sale, Buying, or Offering to Buy, Issuing, or in Any Manner Disposing of, Purchasing, or Acquiring, Any Interest in Any Pool, or in Any Purported Pool, or in Any Pool Ticket, or in Any Purported Pool Ticket, Certificate, or Purported Certificate, Writing or Other Evidence or Purported Evidence of the Payment, Accept- ance or Deposit of Money or Other Thing of Value, Staked Upon the Result of Any Contest or Purported Contest Between Men or Horses, and the Making of Bets or Wagers on Such Contest or Purported Contest, and the Acting as Stakeholder of Bets or Wagers on Such Contests or Purported Contests Within the City of Oakland, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall, within the City of Oakland, sell or offer for sale, buy or offer to buy, issue or in any manner dispose of, purchase, or acquire any interest in any pool, or purported pool PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD MORALS 139 or in any pool-ticket, or purported pool-ticket, certificate, or pur- ported certificate, writing, or purported writing or other evidence. or purported evidence of the payment, acceptance, or deposit of money or other thing of value, staked upon the result of any con- test or purported contest between men or horses. Sec. 2. No person shall, within said City, make any bet or lay any wager on such a contest or purported contest or act as stake- holder of any bet or wager laid thereon, or receive or pay over any money or article or thing of value, the possession, right of possession, ownership or value of which has been, is, or is to be determined by any such contest, or purported contest, or is, or is to be in any way dependent upon the result thereof. Sec. 3. No person shall lease or rent any building, structure, room, apartment, place or premises whatever, within the City of Oakland, or permit the same to be used or occupied for any of the purposes mentioned in and prohibited by this ordinance. Sec. 4. (As amended July 16, 1912, by Ordinance No. 242 N. S.) Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and in case such fine be not paid then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 1424, approved May 27, 1892, and Ordi- nance No. 1910, approved June 2, 1898, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval. (Approved Sept. 8, 1908. Vol. 7, p. 584.) CHAPTER III Ordinances Prohibiting Crimes Against the Revenue of the City and Against Property and Regulating Blotters of Finance REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 143 ORDINANCE NO. 2415. An Ordinance Establishing and Providing for Licensing and Regu- lating Certain Businesses, Trades, Professions, Callings and Oc- cupations in the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in, carry- ing on, pursuing or conducting within the limits of the City of Oakland, any business, trade, profession or employment herein- after specified; and any person, firm or corporation keeping, using or employing any article or thing for the keeping, using or employ- ment of which a license charge is hereinafter provided, shall pay therefor, the license hereinafter named. Sec. 2. Every person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employe, or as officer of corporation, or otherwise, violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. The Auditor shall prepare and have printed blank licenses of all classes and denominations, dog tags, vehicle and basket num- bers for terms to correspond with the provisions of this or any subsequent ordinance. He shall have all licenses and tags num- bered, and after having signed the licenses shall from time to time deliver them to the Tax Collector in such quantities as may be required, taking his receipt therefor and charging him there- with, giving in the entry the numbers, classes and amounts therefor. He must keep in his office a ledger in which he shall keep the Tax Collector's account of all licenses delivered to him, sold or returned unsold to him. He shall at the close of each month demand and receive from the Tax Collector all such licenses, blanks, dog tags, vehicle and basket numbers or plates, not issued and paid for, and immediately credit him therewith. He shall at the same time credit the Tax Collector with all licenses, blanks, dog tags, vehicle and basket numbers or . plates, issued and paid for during the month, specifying their numbers, classes and values, and cancel the account in such a manner as to show a monthly settlement with said Tax Collector. He shall on or before the 5th day of each month re- quire and receive from the Tax Collector a sworn monthly report showing the number and class of each license, the number of dog tags, vehicle and basket numbers or plates on hand, and receive during the month the total number of each class issued during the month next preceding, and the amount paid over to the City 144 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Treasurer.. This report if found correct, he shall immediately file with the City Council. Sec. 4. The Tax Collector shall furnish the report mentioned in the preceding Section 3, and shall keep a record of all licenses, dog tags and vehicle numbers sold. Sec. 5. All licenses shall be paid for in advance in the legal cur- rency of the United States, and at the office of the Tax Collector and not otherwise. No license shall be issued by the Tax Col- lector on any other blank than that received from the Auditor. No greater or less amounts of money shall be charged or received for licenses so issued than is provided in this ordinance, and no license shall be sold or issued for any period of time other than is provided in this ordinance. No person required to be licensed shall receive from the Tax Collector any license, dog tag or vehicle number for a longer or shorter period, or pay therefor any greater or less amount of money, than is provided in this ordinance. Sec. 6. Every person having a license under the provisions of this ordinance shall place and exhibit the same at all times while in force, in some conspicuous part of his or her place of business, and shall produce or exhibit the same when applying for a renewal thereof, or when requested to do so by any police officer or officer of the License Department. Sec. 7. Every peddler while engaged in peddling shall carry his license and exhibit it when required by any license or police officer. Sec. 8. No license granted or assigned under any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be assignable or transferable with- out the permission of the Tax Collector indorsed thereon; said as- signment or transfer must be recorded upon a registry kept for that purpose. Sec. 9. All dog licenses and vehicle licenses shall date from the first day of January or the first day of July of each year. All other licenses whether monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annual, re- quired by the provisions of this ordinance, shall date from the first day of the month in which the person, firm or corporation procuring the same, commences the business, trade, profession, calling or employment, required to be licensed, or from the time of the expiration of the license next preceding, unless provided otherwise by this ordinance. Sec. 10. All money collected by the Tax Collector for licenses shall be paid by him at or before the close of every month, or at such other times as the Council may direct,. to the City Treasurer, and receipt taken therefor. Sec. 11. A license must be procured from the Tax Collector im- mediately before the commencement of any business, trade or pro- fession, or employment, or calling, required by this ordinance to be licensed, and, unless otherwise provided herein, a separate li- cense must be obtained for each branch establishment or separate place of business, which license authorizes the party obtaining it REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 145 to carry on, pursue or conduct only that business, trade, profes- sion or employment described in such license and only at the lo- cation or place of business which is indicated therein. Sec. 12. All license officers in the discharge and performance of their official duties, and all regular officers, shall have and exercise the power: First: To make arrests for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Second: To enter free of charge at any time any place of busi- ness for which a license is required and provided, and to demand the exhibition of such license for the current term from any per- son, firm or corporation engaged or employed in the transaction of such business. It is hereby made the duty of the license in- spector to cause complaints to be filed against all persons, firms or corporations violating any provision of this ordinance. Sec. 13. In all cases where the amount of license to be paid by any person, firm or corporation, is based upon the amount of re- ceipts or sales effected, or business transacted, or number of per- sons employed, such person, firm or corporation shall render a sworn statement in writing to the Tax Collector made before some officer authorized to administer oaths, of the total amount of re- ceipts, sales made, or business transacted, or number of persons employed by said person, firm or corporation respectively, during the three months next preceding the expiration of the last license, which statement shall determine the amount for which such license shall be issued cr renewed. Sec. 14. (As amended Feb. 16, 1912, by Ordinance No. 135 N. S.) If any person shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the Associated Charities that such person by reason of physical infirmity, un- avoidable misfortune or unavoidable poverty merits exemption from the operation of this ordinance, the Auditor may issue to such person a free license upon having first obtained the consent in writing of the Tax Collector and Mayor therefor. Whenever fifty per cent or more of the receipts for any exhibition, concert, lecture or other entertainment is to be or will be appropriated to any 'church, school or religious or benevolent purpose within the City of Oakland, there shall be no license charge to the person or persons about to conduct the same. Sec. 15. The conviction and punishment of any person for transacting any business without a license, shall not excuse or exempt such person from the payment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such conviction, and nothing herein shall prevent a criminal prosecution for any violation of any provision of this ordinance. Sec. 16. All police officers are hereby appointed assistant in- spectors of licenses, and in addition to their several duties as police officers, are hereby required to examine all places of business and persons on theii respective beats liable to pay license, and to see 146 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. that such licenses are taken out, and that no other business than the one described in the license is carried on or transacted. Said assistant inspectors of license shall make out once in every month a list of persons ; firms and corporations required by law to be li- censed and having no license, with their places of business, and deliver such list carefully and legibly written to the proper license officer or inspector, and also report to said license officer or in- spector the names of all such doing business without a license im- mediately upon the fact coming to their knowledge. Sec. 17. The Tax Collector shall assign a separate number to each and every vehicle for which he issues a license, and shall fur- nish a tin or plate in duplicate with each number thereon, for which he shall charge the sum of one dollar; provided, that no two vehicles of the same class shall have the same number. Such num- ber shall be permanent without regard to the ownership of such vehicle, and shall be affixed to such vehicle by the party obtain- ing the license, in the manner and place designated by the Tax Collector; and no person shall use or drive or permit to be driven or- used any vehicle belonging Lo him or under his control without having such number affixed thereto, and such number shall not be inverted, covered, mutilated or otherwise rendered obscure or illegible. Sec. 18. Any person driving or having control of any vehicle on which a number is required to be placed, shall give the num- ber of his vehicle on the inquiry of any person. Every proprietor and every driver of any hackney carriage, and every runner and soliciting agent shall, when soliciting patronage or employment for, or driving any hackney carriage, wear conspicuously exposed upon the outside lapel of his coat, a badge, showing in plain Roman letters and Arabic numerals of such size, form and color, as may be designated by the Tax Collector, the number of the hackney carriage of which he is the driver, or for which he is soliciting patronage or employment. The Tax Collector shall fur- nish the badges in this section provided for and shall charge and collect for each badge the sum of one dollar. Sec. 19. The term "peddler" shall include every person who sells or offers for sale goods, wares or merchandise on any street, lane, alley, sidewalk or public square, or who carries goods, wares, or merchandise from place to place in either a pack, vehicle, basket or other conveyance, contrivance, or in any manner whatsoever, and offers to or does sell, barter or exchange any of said goods, wares or merchandise; provided, that persons furnishing to retail dealers having an established place of business in the City of Oak- land, to become a part of the stock in trade of such retail dealers at such place of business; and a producer who directly furnishes and delivers any fish, meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, being the produce of his garden, farm or dairy, to any person in the City of Oakland, shall not be deemed a peddler within the meaning of REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 147 this ordinance; no person who carries religious publications, news- papers, books or periodicals from place to place and offers to or does sell, barter or exchange the same, shall be deemed a peddler. Sec. 20. The term "solicitor" shall include all persons who solicit or take orders in the City of Oakland from any person, firm or corporation for the sale or purchase of any article or commodity; provided, that those soliciting or taking orders from retail dealers and dentists having established places of business in the City of Oakland for the sale or purchase of any article or commodity to become a part of the said retail dealer's or dentist's stock in trade in such places of business, and established retail dealers soliciting or taking orders from their regular customers and persons solicit- ing for the sale of religious publications, books, newspapers or periodicals, shall not be deemed solicitors or order agents within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 21. The rates for licenses shall be according to the rates named in the following sections hereof, and all licenses shall be issued for the same lengths of time as those for which the rates are therein given, unless otherwise in this ordinance provided. Sec. 22. The term "quarter" whenever used in this ordinance with reference to time shall be construed and is hereby declared to mean one-quarter of a year. Sec. 23. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of abstracting of titles of real estate, the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec. 24. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting an architect's office the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 25. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of distributing handbills, dodgers, cards or samples, the license shall be ten dollars ($10) per quarter. (Amendment approved March 31, 1906. Vol. 6, page 609.) Sec. 26. (As amended April 19, 1912, by Ordinance No. 170 N. S.) For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of advertising by posting, sticking, tacking, affixing or painting bills or signs to or upon posts, fences, billboards, advertising sign boards, buildings or other structures used in whole or in part for advertising purposes, the license shall be for each square yard of surface so used, the sum of three and one-half cents per annum, providing, however, that the minimum license so paid shall be $40.00 per year, said license to be paid quarterly provided that each applicant for such license shall file with the Tax Collector before the issuance of such license, an affidavit setting forth the locations and area in square yards of surface used by him in said business, during the previous quarter, and provided further that all persons, firms or corporations, shall place in the left hand corner of each 148 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. billboard, sign board or space used on buildings or other struc- tures for advertising purposes, the name of said firm, person or corporation using said surface for advertising purposes. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to post, stick, tack, or otherwise affix or cause to be posted, stuck, tacked or otherwise affixed any bill, snipe, poster, banner, notice or advertisement to or upon any building, outbuilding or part thereof, or upon any wall, fence, gate, post, sidewalk, tree, telegraph pole, telephone pole, awning or shelter pole in the City of Oakland, except on a regularly authorized bulletin board, bill- board or structure built especially for that purpose, and then only on consent in v/riting from the owner or authorized agent of the property on which the advertisement is to be placed. Sec. 27. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of assaying ores, precious metals, or of melting and refin- ing precious metals, the license shall be for those whose gross re- ceipts are not less than $1500 per quarter, $10 per quarter; and for those whose gross receipts are less than $1500 per quarter, $5 per quarter. Sec. 28. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in busi- ness as auctioneer, or who sells any goods, wares or merchandise or real estate or property, at public auction, on commission or otherwise, the license shall be $15 per quarter. Sec. 29. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping automobiles for hire, the license shall be $5 per annum, for each automobile carrying four or more passengers, and for each automobile carrying three or less passengers, the license shall be $2.50 per annum. Sec. 30. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping or maintaining a place where automobiles are stored, the license shall be $7.50 per quarter. Sec. 31. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of beer bottling or having an agency for any beer-bottling establishment, the license shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per quarter. And for every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping or conducting breweries for selling keg beer wholesale, the license shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per quarter, and for every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of bottling non-intoxicants or having an agency therefor, the license shall be seven arid one-half dollars (%7 l / 2 ) per quarter. (Amendment approved March 31, 1906. . Vol. 6, p. 609.) Sec. 32. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, man- aging or carrying on the business of keeping, or conducting billiard, bagatelle or pool tables, the license shall be $4 per each table, per annum. Sec. 33. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping boats for hire, the license shall be $1 per an- num for each boat. REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 149 Sec. 34. For each person, firm or corporation engaged in tlie business of keeping or conducting bowling alleys, or box-ball courts, for each alley, bed or court, the license shall be $2 per quarter. Sec. 35. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of buying or selling stocks, bonds (State, County or City), or stocks of incorporated companies or evidence of indebtedness of private persons, or of incorporated companies on commission, or otherwise, the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 36. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of carpet cleaning the license shall be $10 per annum. Sec. 37. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of collection agencies the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 38. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of receiving consignments of produce or merchandise for the purpose of selling the same on commission, the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec. 39. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of macadamizing and paving streets, the license shall be $25 per annum. Sec. 40. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a menagerie, circus, dog-and-pony show or any out-of-doors show, the license shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per day, where the seating capacity is less than two thousand, and fifty dollars ($50) per day where the seating capacity is more than two thousand and less than five thousand, and one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) per day for the first day and fifty dollars ($50) for each additional day where the seating capacity is more than five thousand; and for every person, firm or corporation en- gaged in the business of conducting a side show or side exhibition to a circus, menagerie, dog-and-pony show or any out-of-door show, the license shall be five dollars ($5) per day for each said side show or each said side exhibition, -and for every person, firm or corporation conducting a circus parade, the license shall be two hundred dollars ($200) for each day of parade, provided, however, that no license shall be required for parade purposes in the event of a license being obtained for conducting a menagerie, circus, dog- and-pony show, or any out-of-door show as aforesaid. (Amendment approved September 7, 1907. Vol. 7, p. 357.) Sec. 41. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of maintaining or conducting any museum or panorama where an admission fee is charged, the license shall be $5 per day. Sec. 42. For every person, firm or corporation who owns, keeps or conducts, or maintains, any public dance-house or public ball- room for each public dance-house or public ballroom the license shall be $10 per annum. Sec. 43. For every person, firm or corporation conducting the business of detective agencies, the license shall be $5 per annum. 150 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 44. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of discounting city, county or state warrants, or time checks, the license shall be $20 per quarter. Sec. 45. For every dog the. license shall be $1.50 per annum. Sec. 46. For every person, firm or corporation who owns or keeps or solicits for any dyeing establishment, or carries on the business of dyeing, the license shall be as follows: For those who employ three persons or less in said business, the license shall be $3 per quarter. For those who employ more than three persons, and not more than five persons, the license shall be $5 per quarter. For those who employ more than five persons in said business, the license shall be $6 per quarter. Sec. 47. For every person, firm or corporation conducting florist establishments the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 48. For every person, firm or corporation who carries on, practices, or professes to practice, the business or art of astrology, palmistry, phrenology, life-reading, fortune-telling, cartomacy, clair- voyance, clairaudience, crystal-gazing, hypnotism, mediumship, pro- phecy, augury, divination, magic or necromancy, and who demands or receives a fee for the exercise or exhibition of his art or practice therein, or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place where an admission fee is charged, the license shall be $15 per quarter. Sec. 49. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of providing gas-regulators, the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 50. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in fur- nishing or supplying to the residents of the City of Oakland, or to the City of Oakland, gas or electricity for illuminating or heating purposes, the license shall be $200 per quarter. Sec. 51. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of furnishing electric current or electricity for power pur- poses in the City of Oakland, the license shall be $200 per quarter. Sec. 52. For every person, firm or corporation owning, conduct- ing, managing, maintaining or carrying on a laundry business, or having an agency therefor, and wherein said laundry business are employed not more than three persons, the license shall be three dollars ($3) per quarter. And where more than three persons and not more than five persons are employed therein, the license shall be five dollars ($5) per quarter. And where more than five persons are employed therein the license shall be ten dollars ($10) per quarter. (Amendment approved March 31, 1906. Vol. 6, p. 609.) Sec. 53. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping, maintaining or conducting livery or boarding stables, the license shall be for each livery or boarding stable $5 per quarter. Sec. 54. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting or managing a hotel or lodging-house, REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 151 wherein are one hundred rooms or over, the license shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per annum; and wherein are eighty rooms or more and less than one hundred rooms, the license shall be fifteen dollars ($15) per annum; and wherein are forty rooms or more and less than eighty rooms, the license shall be ten dollars ($10) per annum; and wherein are twenty rooms or more and less than forty rooms, the license shall be six dollars ($6) per annum; and wherein are five rooms or more and less than twenty rooms, the license shall be one dollar ($1) per annum. (Amendment approved March 31, 1906. Vol. 6, p. 609.) Sec. 55. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping employment or intelligence office, for each em- ployment or intelligence office the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec. 56. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in con- ducting, managing or carrying on the business of an insurance agent, or insurance solicitor, whether the same be life, fire, acci- dent, plate glass, bicycle liability, fidelity credit, or other insurance, the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 57. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of a jeweler, gold or silver smith, and deals in second- hand gold, silver or precious stones, the license shall be fifteen dollars ($15) per quarter. (Amendment approved December 10, 1908.) Sec. 58. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in busi- ness as junk dealer, or dealer in second-hand goods, the license shall be ten dollars ($10) per quarter. (Amendment approved December 10, 1908.) Sec. 59. For every person, firm or corporation who keeps a jack, ram or bull for the purpose of propagation for hire or profit, the license shall be $10 per annum for each jack, ram or bull so kept. Sec. 60. For every person, firm or corporation who keeps a stal- lion, and who permits the same to be used for the purpose of pro- pagation for hire or profit, the license shall be $20 per annum. Sec. 61. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of loaning money on real estate as security, the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec, 62. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of loaning money on personal property as security, the license shall be $20 per quarter. Sec. 63. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or furnishing messengers for the purpose of errand boys, or engaged in the business of renting signal boxes, telephone, telegraph instruments or telegraph lines, the license shall be $15 per quarter, provided that separate licenses shall not be required for each branch office of any telegraph company or per- son, firm or corporation engaged in the business mentioned in this section. Sec. 64. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, main- taining or carrying on the business of merry-go-round or a ferris 152 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. or other similar wheel, or recreation swing, the license shall be $20 per month. Sec. 65. For every person, firm or corporation who owns or keeps any public garden, park or recreation ground where an ad- mission fee is charged to such garden, park or ground, the license shall be $25 per quarter. Sec. 66. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of pawnbroking the license shall be $50 per quarter. Sec. 67. (As amended March 31, 1911, by Ordinance No. 3259.) For peddlers the license shall be for each peddler engaged in pur- chasing or bartering for old junk, or second-hand articles, $2.50 per quarter. For each peddler of candy or flowers, the license shall be $5 per quarter. For each peddler of ice cream in cornucopias or hokey-pokey, the license shall be $25 per quarter. For each ped- dler of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, game, poultry, groceries, produce or dairy products, from vehicles or baskets, the license shall be $15 per quarter. For each peddler of any other article or commodity the license shall be $15 per quarter, where a vehicle drawn by animal power is used, and in other cases the license shall be $10 per quarter. Each peddler shall have securely fastened to his vehicle, basket or pack, a metallic, plate or tag, which shall specify the quarter for which said license shall have been issued. And the tax collector shall designate the style and pattern of such metallic plate or tag so to be fastened to said vehicle, basket or pack, and said tags or plates to be furnished to the tax collector by the auditor, and shall be the only license issued to such peddlers, and shall date from the first day of the month in which the license is issued, unless other- wise provided herein; and the tax collector shall keep a register in which shall be recorded opposite each number of the license sold the name of the person to whom the license is issued, his address, and the time for which the license is sold. All license and police officers are hereby directed and authorized to remove from any vehicle, basket or pack any tag or plate representing a license for an expired period of time and return the same to the office of tax collector. Sec. 68. For peddler's license issued and taken out for less than one year the charge or license shall be $1 per day or $5 a week. Sec. 69. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of driving piles, the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec. 70. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of maintaining a magazine wherein is stored or kept any gunpowder, blasting powder or giant powder, the license shall be $30 per quarter, and for any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling gunpowder, blasting powder or giant powder, the license shall be the sum of $2.50 per quarter for the business of selling the same, and said last named license is addi- tional to the license charged for maintaining magazines as in this section mentioned. REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 153 Sec. 71. For every person, firm or corporation who owns, keeps or conducts any race course, for each course the license shall be $25 per quarter. Sec. 72. For each person, firm or corporation who owns or con- ducts or keeps any shooting gallery, for each shooting gallery the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 73. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of keeping or conducting or maintaining skating-rink, for each skating rink the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec. 74. For every solicitor or order agent, soliciting or taking orders for any commodity or article, except religious publications, books, newspapers or periodicals, the license shall be $10 per quarter. Sec. 75. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in busi- ness as real estate agent, or real estate and insurance agent, the license shall be for those employing in said business three or more persons, $10 per quarter; and for those employing in said business two or less persons, $5 per quarter. Sec. 76. For every steam railroad passenger car drawn or pro- pelled by a steam locomotive engine the license shall be $5 per quarter, provided that no car that runs and is drawn or propelled by steam which is operated exclusively upon the main or through lines shall be construed to be within the provisions of this ordi- nance; and provided, further, that cars propelled by steam passing through the limits of the City of Oakland upon a railway line hav- ing a terminus in some other incorporated city shall be excluded from the provisions hereof; for every street railroad passenger car which is propelled by means of a wire, rope or cable attached to steam engines, cr by one or more horses or mules or by electric motor, or power, the license shall be $2.50 per quarter. Said license be to be paid quarterly on the 1st day of January, April, July and October of each year, and to date from the commencement of run- ning of each and every car so used; provided that in case a car duly licensed shall be withdrawn for repairs, the owner or owners may substitute another car in its place, and shall receive a notice from the license inspector to be posted in such substituted car stating such fact and such notice shall contain the number of each car. Sec. 77. For .every person, firm or corporation maintaining or conducting a phonograph or kinetoscope parlor business the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 78. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in busi- ness as street musician, the license shall be $1 per day or $10 per quarter for each street musician. Sec. 79. For every person, firm or corporation owning, con- ducting or maintaining or engaged in the restaurant business the license shall be $5 per quarter. 154 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 80. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a tamale parlor or establishment the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 81. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of telegraphing or receiving messages by telegraph the license shall be $50 per quarter. Sec. 82. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of telephony or telephone business the license shall be $150 per quarter. Sec. 83. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a theater the license shall be $25 per quarter. And for every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a concert hall, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the license shall be $25 per quarter, or $5 per day. Sec. 84. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in busi- ness as ticket broker for the selling of tickets for transportation the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 85. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying towels for stores, offices and public institu- tions, at regular intervals or stated periods or time, the license shall be $15 per quarter. Sec. 86. Subdivision (a). For every person, firm or corporation who owns or keeps any hackney carriage, stage, omnibus or other vehicle for conveyance of passengers, the license shall be for each vehicle drawn by more than one animal, and having seats for more than four persons, the license shall be $8 per annum, and for said vehicles having seats for four persons or less the license shall be $5 per annum, and for said vehicles drawn by only one animal the license shall be $3 per annum. Subdivision (b). For every wagon or cart drawn by two or more animals and used in the hauling or carrying of rock, macadam, dirt, manure, sand, ashes, loam, gravel, lumber, coal, hay, brick and tank wagons, the license shall be $6 per annum. And where wagons or carts mentioned in this subdivision are drawn by one animal the license shall be $3 per annum. Subdivision (c). For every truck dray, express wagon drawn by two or more animals the license shall be $8 per annum, or $5 for six months; and where said vehicles mentioned in this subdivision are drawn by one animal the license shall be $5 per annum, or $3 for six months. Subdivision (d). Carriages for private use and hackney carriages and other vehicles for hire kept in and rented from licensed livery stables only as part of the regular livery of such stable shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. Every hackney car- riage used at funerals or for which custom is solicited or which occupies any place as a stand or is kept in any place or on the street for hire shall be duly licensed, and shall be included within the provisions of this section. REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 155 Subdivision (e). Every vehicle for which a license is required shall have securely fastened or attached to it a metallic plate or tag which shall specify the particular term for which said license shall be issued; the tax collector shall designate the style or pattern of said tag or plate, and the place at which it shall be attached or fastened to said vehicle. Said tags or plates shall be furnished to the tax collector by the auditor and shall be the only license issued to or for said vehicles, and shall date from the first day of January or July of the year in which the license is issued. The tax collector shall keep a register in which shall be recorded opposite each num- ber of the license sold, the name of the person to whom the license is issued, his address, and the term for which the license is sold. All license and police officers are hereby authorized and directed to remove from any vehicle any tag or plate representing license for an expired term, and return the same to the tax collector. Sec. 87. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a wharf or collecting wharfage, or dockage, at any wharf, the license shall be $25 per quarter. Sec. 88. For every person, firm or corporation who owns or conducts any warehouse, used for the storage of any merchandise or goods, except gunpowder, blasting powder, or giant powder, as mentioned in this ordinance, the license shall be for those whose gross receipts are one hundred dollars per month or more than one hundred dollars per month, $10 per quarter. And for those whose gross receipts are less than one hundred dollars per month, the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 89. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of undertaker or conducting funeral parlors, or the em- balming of human bodies, the license shall be $5 per quarter. Sec. 90. For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of banking or loaning money at interest, receiving deposits or buying or selling of gold or silver coin, currency, notes, or bills of exchange, or gold or silver bullion, there shall be a quarterly license, the amount of which shall be and is regulated by the amount of average deposits of the person, firm or corporation car- rying on the said business, as shown by his, or its, semi-annual statement made each year to the State Bank Commissioners, where such statement is made, and a copy of which shall be filed with the City Treasurer, and said license shall be as follows: Those whose average deposits are under one million dollars, $25 per quarter; those whose average deposits are one million dollars, and not over two and one-half million dollars, $50 per quarter; those whose average deposits are two and one-half million dollars and not over five millions dollars, $75 per quarter; those whose average deposits are five million dollars or over, $100 per quarter. Sec. Ql. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or furnishing water to the City of Oakland, or .to the residents thereof, the license shall be $1000 per quarter 156 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. for those whose total receipts are more than $50,000 per quarter; and the license shall be $75 per quarter for those whose total re- ceipts are not more than $50,000, and more than $10,000 per quar- ter; and the license shall be $25 per quarter for those whose total receipts are not more than $10,000 per quarter and more than $5000 per quarter; and the license shall be $10 per quarter for those whose total receipts are not more than $5000 per quarter and more than $2500 per quarter; and the license shall be $5 per quarter for those whose total receipts are not more than $2500 per quarter and more than $1000 per quarter. Sec. 9\y 2 . For every person, firm or corporation who sets up and operates, or causes to be operated, or permits to be operated within the City of Oakland any mechanical device or contrivance or nickel-in-the-slot machine, wherein or whereby, upon the de- posit in said device, contrivance or machine, of any coin, or slug. or token, or wherein by the operation of said device, contrivance or machine, cigars, tobacco, wines, or liquors, ma}' be won or lost, the license shall be for each said device or contrivance or nickel-in-the- slot machine, so operated, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15) per quarter. Sec. 92. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 93. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force after its passage and approval. (Passed Dec. 26, 1905. Approved Dec. 29, 1905. Vol. 6, p. 539.) ORDINANCE NO. 41 N. S. An Ordinance Establishing and Regulating the Traffic, Vending and Disposal of Spirituous, Malt and Fermented Liquors or Wines, or Any Admixture Thereof, and Providing for Licensing the Same and Providing Penalty for Violations of Provisions of Said Ordinance, and Repealing all Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Therewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish, open, keep, maintain or carry on within the City of Oakland, any saloon, bar, store, dramshop, tip- pling place, stand, or any place where spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof, 'are sold or given away; or for any person, lirm 01 corporation (except as hereinafter pro- vided) directly or indirectly to sell, within the limits of the City of Oakland, any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, without having the permission and license therefor as required in this ordinance, provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation or association of persons formed, or- ganized and existing for purposes other than profit, shall, in the REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 157 discretion of the Council of the City of Oakland, be exempt from any license tax required herein, and such person, firm, association or corporation so exempt shall not be required to give bonds or recommendation of citizens or furnish the application as required by Section 5 oi this ordinance, but said person, firm, corporation or association requesting such exemption from license tax shall file with the Council a petition therefor, stating therein the name and the business address and the purpose of organization and existence of the petitioner. Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation receiving a license un- der this ordinance shall place the same so that it shall at all times be conspicuous and easy to read in his chief place of making sales, and no license shall permit sales by any person, firm or corporation who shall neglect this requirement. Sec. 3. Xo license issued under any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be assignable or transferable without the consent of the auditor indorsed thereon, and only to such person, firm or corporation as have obtained from the City Council the permission hereinafter required, and having filed a bond as hereinafter pro- vided, and complied in all other respects with the preliminary re- quirements of this ordinance. No transfer of license shall be per- mitted so as to increase the number of saloons within the territory annexed to the City of Oakland on December 8th, 1909, nor to in- crease the number of permits to obtain license in force and effect in the boundaries of the City of Oakland as the same existed prior to December 8th, 1909. Sec. 4. Xo person, firm or corporation shall have issued to him or them the license required by this ordinance unless such person, members of such firm or the stockholders of such corporation shall be citizens of the United States. Sec. 5. Xo person, firm or corporation shall have issued to him or them the license required by this ordinance unless such person, firm or corporation be of good moral character and first obtain permission, as provided herein, by making application in writing to the City Council at a regular meeting thereof, held on each Mon- day in each month (or, if the said Monday falls on a holiday, on the day following) for permission to obtain the license herein re- quired, and shall file with said application a written recommenda- tion signed by not less than five citizens of the City of Oakland, occupying or owning real estate within one block from the front entrance of the place where the applicant or applicants purpose to carry on the said business. The application shall set forth: First: The name and residence of the applicant and how long he or they have there resided. Second: The particular place for which a license is desired and the character of the business to be carried on in said place, whether a saloon, restaurant, or otherwise, and that any change made in the 158 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. character of the business carried on in said premises without per- mission of the Council of the City of Oakland having first been ob- tained shall be understood and agreed as sufficient grounds for the revocation of the license granted. Third: The name of the owner of the premises. Fourth: The applicant or applicants are the only person or per- sons owning the business and the only person or persons who shall have the authority to direct the conduct of the business or shall direct the conduct of the business asked to be licensed, and that no other person shall in any manner have authority to conduct or shall conduct the business asked to be licensed during the continuance of the permission. Fifth: Whether or not the said applicant or applicants have had a permission or license for the sale of liquors in this city during any time preceding his or their present application revoked. The recommendation shall set forth that the applicant or appli- cants are of good moral character, and suitable to conduct such a place. This petition must be verified by affidavit of applicant or applicants made before the City Clerk or some Notary Public. Provided, however, that when there are not five citizens occupying or owning real estate within a distance not exceeding one block, as provided for in this section, the Council may, by a majority vote, grant such permission. The term "block" in this ordinance shall be construed as follows: (a) A block shall not exceed three hundred (300) feet in its greatest length. (b) When the establishment to be licensed occupies an entire square or block bounded by four streets, a block shall constitute that frontage on each of the four blocks next adjacent immediately facing the block occupied by the applicant or applicants for such permission. (c) Where the establishment to be licensed occupies a corner of the block or square on which it is' located, then the term "block" shall constitute each of the two frontages of the square or block thus occupied and of which the property on which the applicant or applicants for permission is located constitutes a part. (d) Where the establishment to be licensed occupies a part of either frontage in a block or square, then the term "block" shall constitute the frontage on which the premises thus occupied con- stitute a part and the frontage facing the same in the block or square next adjacent and on the opposite side of the street. Sec. 6. No permission shall be granted under the provisions of this ordinance to any person, firm or corporation to sell such liquors or wines in any room or place where groceries, drugs or merchandise other than tobacco and cigars are sold at wholesale or retail, or in any room or place having any opening into a door con- nection with premises where groceries, drugs or merchandise other than tobacco or cigars are sold at wholesale or retail; provided, however, that druggists and apothecaries, on the payment to the REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 159 Tax Collector of the City of Oakland of ten dollars ($10.00) per quarter (three months) or portion thereof, in advance, shall have the right to sell or furnish such liquors or wines under the condi- tions described and as provided in Section 16 of this ordinance. Sec. 7. Such applicant or applicants shall at the time of making application for permission to obtain a license, file with the City Clerk a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars with two or more sureties, who shall each be a resident of the City of Oakland, and shall each qualify in double the amount of the penal sum of the bond; said bonds to be approved by the City Council, and con- ditioned that the said applicant shall conduct the business for which the license is sought in a quiet, orderly, and reputable manner, and will not permit any breach of the peace or disturbance of the public order or decorum by any tumultuous, riotous or disorderly conduct upon the premises, and shall not sell, give or furnish any intoxicat- ing liquor, spirituous, malt or fermented liquor or wines, or any admixture thereof, to any person in a state of intoxication or to any person under the age of eighteen years, and that said applicant or applicants shall obey and abide by all laws and ordinances now in force and which may hereafter be enacted regulating the time of closing saloons, or places of business where spirituous, malt or fer- mented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof are sold. Said application and recommendation after the approval of said bond, shall be immediately referred to the License Inspector for investi- gation, who shall report the result thereof to the Council before the time hereafter provided for the hearing thereon. The Council may, by resolution, grant the permission applied for, which permission shall remain in force until revoked by said Council, and be good only for the person, firm or corporation and place named therein, and shall be filed with the Tax Collector. Not more than three hundred and ninety-nine (399) permits to obtain license shall be in full force and effect at any one time in the City of Oakland, under the provisions of this ordinance, provided, that the Council of the City of Oakland shall not grant more than forty-nine (49) permits to obtain such license for such business to be carried on in the ter- ritory annexed to said city on December 8th, 1909, nor more than three hundred and fifty (350) permits to obtain license for such business to be carried on within the boundaries of the City of Oak- land as the same existed prior to December 8th, 1909, and provided further that in the event that any license is lapsed or revoked for cause, in said annexed district, no subsequent permit for a license shall be allowed therefor and the total number of permits for license in the said annexed district in which such lapse or revoca- tion occurs shall be thereby reduced accordingly until the total number in said district is reduced to forty, then not more than three hundred and ninety permits to obtain license shall be in force and effect at any one time in the City of Oakland, under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 8. At each regular meeting, held on every Monday of each 160 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. month (or in the event said Monday is a holiday, on the following day), following the receipt of said application, the City Council shall hear petitions from residents of the ward in which an appli- cant or applicants are desirous of conducting such business, in addi- tion to that of the applicant or applicants, in favor of or re- monstrating against the granting of such permission, and in all cases shall decide impartially as to the necessity or needlessness of such permission, for the accommodation, peace or order of the public, according to the number, character and showing of the peti- tioners for and remonstrants against said permission. Upon sufficient cause being shown or proof furnished to the said Council that any person, firm or corporation holding a license has violated any ordinance of the city relating to the sale of liquors, the City Council shall, upon notice being given to the person, firm or corporation so licensed, revoke such permission, cancel the license and declare the bond forfeited. Sec. 9. All licenses shall be paid for quarterly in advance in law- ful money of the United States, and at the office of the Tax Col- lector of the City of Oakland, who is hereby authorized, empowered and requested to collect all license taxes provided for by this ordi- nance; and he shall not issue the license herein provided for, ex- cept to such person, firm or corporation as shall have presented him the permission of the City Council to issue such license, and for such place named in the resolution granting the permission, and for this purpose the City Clerk shall furnish to such person, firm or corporation to w T hom permission may be granted a certified copy of the resolution granting such permission, and such permission must be in force and unrevoked at the time of issuing such license. Sec. 10. In case any license provided for under this ordinance is not paid within five (5) days after the same become due such license shall be declared revoked by the Council of the City of Oak- land, and the permit for such license cancelled and revoked. Sec. 11. The keeping of a disorderly or disreputable house or place, or the selling or giving away of any spirituous, malt, or any fermented liquor or wine, or any admixture thereof, to any in- toxicated person or to any minor under the age of eighteen years, or the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance by any person, firm or corporation hereby licensed shall be deemed a mis- demeanor, and on conviction thereof said conviction shall work a revocation and forfeiture of the license and permission obtained as well as a forfeiture of the bond given under the said provisions, and no license shall thereafter be granted to such person, firm or corporation. The Council may, at any time, for such cause as they, or a majority of them, upon investigation, deem sufficient to revoke any permission granted under this ordinance, and it is especially ordained and declared that all such permissions are held at the pleasure of the Council. Sec. 12. (As smended Aug. 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 271 N. S.) Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordi- REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 161 nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dol- lars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the City Prison for a period not exceeding six (6) months, or by both said fine and imprisonment. Sec. 13. All license officers in the discharge of their official duties, and all regular police officers, shall have and exercise the following powers: First: To make arrests for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Second: To enter free of charge at any time any place of busi- ness for which a license is required and provided, and to demand the exhibition of such license for the current quarter from any person, firm or corporation engaged or employed in the transac- tion of such business; and if such person, firm or corporation shall then and there fail to exhibit such license, such person, firm or cor- poration shall be liable to the penalty provided for in Section 12 of this ordinance; and it is hereby made the duty of all police and license officers to cause complaints to be filed against all persons, firms or corporations violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to make re- turns and file the same with the City Clerk on the first Monday in each month, under oath, of all places in the city where vinous, spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, are kept for sale or are sold, stating which of said places are licensed and which are unlicensed under this ordinance; and any failure to comply with this provision shall subject the Chief of Police to suspension or removal from office, and the Council may direct the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety to make such suspension or removal. It shall also be the duty of the Chief of Police to report to the City Council of the City of Oakland each conviction or forfeiture, as the same shall occur, for violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety to cause all places in the city where said liquors are sold to be visited at least once each month by the police, to ascertain if any of the provisions of this or any other city ordi- nance relating to the sale of liquors has been violated, and when- ever an officer shall learn of any violation it shall be his duty to make written returns of the same to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, with the names of the witnesses, and to do whatever shall be in his power to bring the offender or offenders to justice, and upon any neglect or refusal of such public officer to perform the aforesaid duty, the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall immediately remove from the police force said officer, 162 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. and said removal shall forever disqualify said officer from holding any position under the government of the City of Oakland. Sec. 16. The license tax under this ordinance shall be as follows: For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling or giving away or in any manner furnishing in any saloon, bar, stand or other place of business, or in any public place in the City of Oakland, and for every person, firm or corporation who sells or offers to sell or keeps for the purpose of sale in the City of Oakland, any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, one hundred and twenty-five dollars per quarter (three months), or portion thereof, in advance; provided, however, that druggists and apothecaries, on the payment to the Tax Collector of the City of Oakland of ten dollars per quarter (three months), or portion thereof, in advance, shall have the right to sell or otherwise furnish in their stores and places of business spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, upon the written prescription of a regularly licensed and registered physician, and shall also have the right to furnish in their stores and places of business, spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines without a physician's prescriptions therefor, in those cases only where said liquors or wines are so sold or furnished for medi- cinal purposes and where the quantities of such liquors or wines in each particular instance when so sold or furnished shall not ex- ceed one pint; and shall also have the right to sell or furnish in their stores and places of business alcohol or drugs, medicines, or medicinal preparation containing alcohol for scientific, mechanical, medical or medicinal purposes; provided, further, that no spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines so sold or furnished by druggists or apothecaries shall be used or drank upon the premises where sold or furnished, and that no liquor or wine when sold or furnished on a prescription of a physician shall be sold or furnished more than once on the same prescription; and that no physician shall pre- scribe any intoxicating liquors as a beverage to a person of known intemperate habits. Sec. 17. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of manufactur- ing spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admix- tures thereof, or disposing of the same at wholesale, providing, however, that any person, firm or corporation engaged in said bus- iness of manufacturing any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof, or of disposing of the same at wholesale in the City of Oakland shall be required to pay a license therefor of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per quarter. The term "wholesale dealers" as used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean only those persons, firms or corporations sell- ing exclusively to persons, firms or corporations having a license from the City of Oakland to sell or furnish any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixtures thereof. REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 163 Sec. 18. Any person, firm or corporation intending to purchase any business within the limits of the City of Oakland where any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixtures thereof are sold where a license therefor is required by this ordi- nance must, before completing such purchase, file with the License Inspector of the City of Oakland notice of his intention to make such purchase, giving the date when said purchase will be consum- mated, and file with said License Inspector his application for a transfer of said license. Sec. 1Q. No person, firm or corporation shall sell any spirit- uous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixtures there- of by peddling from vehicles or peddling in any other manner; and any person, firm or corporation who shall violate this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable to the penalty provided for in Section 12 of this ordinance. Sec. 20. An ordinance, number 2203, entitled "An Ordinance Establishing and Regulating the Traffic, Vending and Disposing of Spirituous, Malt and Fermented Liquors or Wines, or Any Ad- mixtures Thereof, and Providing for Licensing the Same, and Pro- viding Penalty for Violations of Provisions of Said Ordinance, and Repealing all Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Therewith," approved June 18th, 1903; Ordinance No. 3029, amend- ing Ordinance No. 2203, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 21. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 2, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 284 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating Professional and Amateur Sparring Ex- hibitions in the City of Oakland, and Providing for Licensing the Same, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2208, Entitled "An Or- dinance Regulating Professional and Amateur Sparring Exhibi- tions, and Providing for Licensing the Same in the City of Oak- land," and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Any athletic club incorporated under the laws of the State of California may, upon complying with all the provi- sions of this ordinance, and obtaining a permit as hereinafter pro- vided, give professional or sparring exhibitions in the City of Oak- land. Sec. 2. Any such club which shall desire to give professional or amateur sparring exhibitions, or both, in the City of Oakland, must first file with the Council of the said City of Oakland an applica- tion, duly verified by the president or managing officer of such 164 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. athletic club, and said application shall state as follows: That the club is incorporated under the laws of the State of California and has its principal place of business in the City of Oakland; that said incorporated club is and has been, for over one year imme- diately preceding the date of said application, the owner of, or les- see of premises and club rooms in the City of Oakland, where all the sparring exhibitions, held in the City of Oakland by such club, are held, and that it is proposed to conduct the sparring exhibi- tions named in such application on said premises or in said club rooms; the number of rounds of said exhibitions, provided that the number of rounds shall not exceed fifteen in any event; the size of gloves to be worn by the contestants, which gloves must not be less than five ounces in weight; and the time and place when and where said exhibitions are proposed to be held. Sec. 3. For the purpose of this ordinance all sparring exhibi- tions of more than four rounds shall be known as professional exhibitions and those not exceeding four rounds shall be known as amateur exhibitions, and each round shall not be of greater dura- tion than four minutes. Sec. 4. The Council of the said City of Oakland shall, upon receiving and filing said application, make such investigation con- cerning said application and club as the said Council shall deem proper, and said Council may in its discretion grant to said club permission to give said sparring exhibitions, and an officer of the Police Department shall be present at such sparring exhibition. Sec. 5. Before permission to hold any such sparring exhibitions is granted and permit issued therefor, the club desiring to give, conduct or hold such amateur or professional sparring exhibitions shall pay into the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Oak- land the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) as annual license, and upon payment of which sum a license to conduct such ama- teur or professional sparring exhibitions shall be issued by the Bureau of Permits and Licenses to such club; and the club desir- ing to give, hold or conduct only amateur sparring exhibitions shall pay into the office of the said City Treasurer the sum of twenty-five dollars, and said bureau shall issue such license to such club. Sec. 6. A certificate from some licensed physician must be de- livered by said club to the Chief of Police within one hour pre- vious to said exhibition, and said certificate shall set forth that the principals in said professional or amateur sparring exhibitions are in sound physical condition. Sec. 7. Ordinance No. 2208 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 165 ORDINANCE NO. 289 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Persons Engaged in the Business of Collecting, Removing or Hauling Garbage or Other Refuse Matter in the City of Oakland; Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation owning or con- trolling any cart, wagon or other vehicle used or intended for use in collecting, removing or hauling any garbage, house refuse, butchers' offal, putrid animal or vegetable matter, ashes or refuse of any character, in the City of Oakland, shall pay a license as follows: For each and every cart, wagon or vehicle so used or intended to be used, fifty-five and fifty one-hundredths ($55.50) dollars per quarter (three months) or unexpired portion thereof. Said license shall be paid in advance to the Bureau of Permits and Licenses and, upon the payment of such license, the said Bureau of Permits and Licenses shall forthwith issue to such per- son, firm or corporation a license to engage in the business of re- moving, collecting or hauling garbage or other refuse matter in the City of Oakland for a period of not to exceed three months. Every person, firm or corporation to whom such license is is- sued shall have securely fastened to the cart, wagon or vehicle for which said license is issued a metallic tag or plate, which shall specify the number of such license and the quarter for which such license is issued, and such metallic tag or plate shall be furnished by the Bureau of Permits and Licenses and shall date from the first day of the month in which the license is issued. The Bureau of Permits and Licenses shall keep a register in which shall be re- corded opposite each number of the license sold, the name of the purchaser of such license, his address, and the time for which such license is sold. All license and police officers are hereby directed and authorized to remove from any such cart, wagon or vehicle any tag or plate representing a license for an expired period of time and return the same to the office of the Bureau of Permits and Licenses. Sec. 2. When any person, firm or corporation having a license under the provisions of this ordinance shall be convicted of any violation of any sanitary law or ordinance relative to the collection, removal or disposition of the materials or substances hereinbefore enumerated, the license so issued shall be revoked. Sec. 3. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, 166 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect August 1st, 1912. (Passed August 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 295 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment, Maintenance and In- spection of Homes for Children; Providing for Licensing the Same, and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2315, Entitled "An Ordi- nance Regulating the Establishment, Maintenance and Inspection of Homes for Children," and all Other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the City of Oakland, establish or maintain, conduct or manage any institu- tion, boarding house, home or other place for the reception or care of children, or shall keep at any such place any child under the age of 12 years, not his relative, apprentice or ward without legal com- mittment, without first having obtained therefor a license, from the Bureau of Permits of the City of Oakland. Said license shall be issued only upon a permit issued by the Health Department and with the approval and upon the recommendation of the Health Officer and upon the payment by the applicant of $20.00 for one fiscal year or any unexpired portion thereof, paid quarterly in ad- vance. Sec. 2. The Bureau of Permits and Licenses, upon the recom- mendation of the Health Officer and upon the payment of said license fee provided for in Section 1 of this ordinance, shall have the power to issue licenses for such places, upon permits issued therefor by the Health Department. Every such permit shall speci- fy the name and residence of the person so undertaking the care of such children and the location of the place where the same art kept or proposed to be kept, and the number of children thereby allowed to be received, boarded or kept therein, and such permit shall be revocable for cause by the said Health Officer in any case where the provisions of this ordinance are violated, or in any case where, in the opinion of the Health Officer, such institution, home, boarding house or other place for the care or reception of chil- dren is being conducted, managed or maintained without proper re- gard for the health, comfort or morality of the inmates thereof, or without due regard to proper sanitary or hygienic arrangements or appliances. REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 167 Sec. 3. Every person holding such permit must keep a register, wherein he shall enter the names and ages of all such children and the names arid residences of their parents, so far as known; the time of the reception and discharge of such children and the reasons therefor, and also the name and age of every child who is given out, adopted, taken away, or indentured from such place to, or by any person, together with the name and address of the person so adopting, taking away or indenturing such child, and within forty-eight hours after such child is so given out, taken away or indentured, shall cause a correct copy of the register relat- ing to such child to be sent to the Health Officer. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer and all other representatives of the Health Department at all reasonable times, to enter and inspect the premises wherein such children are so boarded, received and kept, and to call for, and inspect the per- mit and register, and also to see and visit such children. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 2315 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine, of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 294 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment; Maintenance and In- spection of Maternity Hospitals and Lying-in Asylums, Licensing the Same, and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Pro- visions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2313, Entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment, Maintenance and In- spection of Maternity Hospitals and Lying-in Asylums," and All Other Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the City of Oakland, establish or maintain, conduct or manage any ma- ternity hospital or lying-in asylum where females are, or may be, received, cared for or treated during pregnancy, or during or after delivery, without first having obtained a license therefor from the 168 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Bureau of Permits and Licenses of the City of Oakland; said license to conduct such maternity hospital or lying-in asylum shall only be issued to any applicant by the Bureau of Permits and Licenses upon a permit issued therefor by the Health Depart- ment and upon the approval and recommendation of the Health Officer of the City of Oakland and upon the payment of $20.00 for one fiscal year or any unexpired part thereof, paid quarterly in advance. Such permit shall be revocable for cause by the said Health Of- ficer in any case where the provisions of this ordinance are vio- lated, or in any case, where, in the judgment of the Health Officer, such maternity hospital or lying-in asylum is being managed, con- ducted or maintained without due regard to the health, comfort or morality of the inmates thereof, or without due regard to proper sanitary or hygienic arrangements or appliances and said Health Officer shall be the sole judge of such conditions mentioned in this section. Sec. 2. The Bureau of Permits and Licenses of the City of Oak- land, upon the recommendation and approval of the Health Of- ficer, shall have the power to issue a license for such place, said license to be issued upon a permit issued therefor by the Health Department of the City of Oakland. Every such permit shall specify the name and address of the person so undertaking to care for such females and the location of the place where the same are proposed to be kept or are kept and number of females thereby allowed to be received or kept therein. Sec. 3. Every person holding such permit must keep a register wherein he shall enter the names and addresses of all such females and all children born on the premises, and also the name and age of every child who is given out, adopted, or taken away to, or by, any person, together with the name and address of the per- son so adopting or taking away such child; and, within -forty-eight hours after such child is given out or taken away, shall cause a correct copy of the register relating to such child to be sent to the Health Officer. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer and all other representatives of the Health Department at all reasonable times. to enter and inspect the premises wherein such females are so board- ed, received and kept, and to call for and inspect the permit and register, and also to see and visit such females. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 2313 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 169 in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 2714. An Ordinance Designating and Fixing Licenses for Theaters, Con- cert Halls, Nickelodeons, or any Place of Amusement, Enter- tainment or Exhibition, Except a Circus or Other Exhibition or Performance Given Under a Canvas or Cloth Covering. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every proprietor, or lessee of any theater, concert hall, nickelodeon, or any place of amusement, entertainment, or ex- bition, except a circus, or other exhibition or performance given under a canvas or cloth covering, shall pay a license according to the seating capacity of such theater, concert hall, nickelodeon, place of amusement, entertainment or exhibition, as follows: First: Those seating 975 persons or more shall pay a license if issued for one year, of $300.00 per annum; if for three months, $100.00 per quarter; if for one month, $50.00 per month; if for one day, $5.00 per day. Second: Those seating more than 400 persons and less than 975 persons and free theaters without reference to their seating ca- pacity, shall pay a license for one year of $200; for three months, $75.00; for one month, $40.00; for one day, $5.00. Third: Those seating 400 persons or less shall pay a license of $150 per jear in advance. Sec. 2. For the purpose of this ordinance one seat is twenty- two (22) inches. Sec. 3 All licenses issued under the provisions of Section 1 shali be known and designated as Theater License, but no license shall be required for exhibitions or entertainments given for the benefit of churches, schools, or other charitable purposes, by an amateur dramatic association or literary society. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment in the City Prison for not more than six months, or by both such line and imprisonment. Sec. 5. All ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately. (Passed March 11, 1908. Approved March 20, 1908.) 170 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. ORDINANCE NO. 89 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Removal of Buildings In, On, Upon, Across, Along or Into Public Streets and Highways and Pro- hibiting the Removal of Buildings on or Across Certain Streets, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall move any build- ing in, on, upon, across or along or into any public street or high- way in the City of Oakland except under the following conditions: Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to remove or have removed a building shall file an application with the Council of the City of Oakland, which application shall specify the char- acter of the building to be removed, the place from which and place to which said building is to be moved, and the streets on, over or through which it is desired to make such removal and said application shall also contain the written assent to the proposed location of said building from persons owning a majority of feet front of lots in the same block on same street in which it is pro- posed to locate such removed building, and also from the persons owning a majority of the feet front of lots on same street in the block opposite the proposed location, said application shall also contain a certificate of Building Inspector, stating the value of the house or building proposed to be moved. Sec. 3. The applicant shall at the time said application is filed, give written notice to the owners of property situated within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the exterior boundaries of the lot or piece of land on which said building is to be located. Said notice shall set forth the character of the building to be removed, the place from which said building is to be moved, and the place at which it is proposed to locate said building and the value of said building as certified to by the Building Inspector. Sec. .4. No person, firm or corporation shall move or cause to be moved any building in, on, upon or across or along or into any public street or highway in the City of Oakland without first obtaining from the Council of the City of Oakland a permit in writ- ing so to do. Such permit shall not be issued until the appli- cation provided for in Section 2 hereof shall have been filed with said Council of the City of Oakland, nor until the person, firm or corporation so applying therefor shall have paid the Bureau of Permits and Licenses a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and five dollars ($5.00) additional for each thousand feet or fractional part thereof the said house or building is to be moved along any public street or highway in excess of one thousand feet measured on the shortest direct line along streets to point of destination, such distance to be determined by the Superintendent of Streets, and deposited with the said Bureau of Permits and Licenses the further sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) as a guarantee that REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 171 said party will pay any and all damages which may result by rea- son of removal of said house or building by said party, his agents, employes or workmen to any fence, tree, pavement, street, side- walk, or to any pole or wire belonging to the City of Oakland; one week shall elapse between the filing of said application and action thereon by the Council of the City of Oakland. Sec. 5. All removals made under such permits shall be done in a careful manner, and shall be prosecuted with diligence, and shall be under the superintendence and control and performed to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Streets. Sec. 6. No person, firm or corporation owning or having charge of the removal of any building throughout the public streets shall permit said building to be or stand on any street, lane, alley or public grounds within the limits of one block for a longer period than twenty-four hours, unless such time is extended by the Com- missioner of Streets. Sec. 7. No person, firm or corporation owning or having charge of the removal of any building through the public streets shall allow or cause the injury of any street, sidewalk, curb, tree, fence or private or public property by reason of such removal. Sec. 8. No person, firm or corporation owning or having charge of the removal of any building shall permit the same to obstruct the operation of any street railroad or railroad, except between the hours of 1:30 A. M. and 5:00 A. M. Sec. 9- When the cutting or temporary removal of any pole or poles or any wire or wires of any public or private telegraph, telephone, electric light, street railroad or railroad, or any other wire passing along or over any street, lane or alley becomes neces- sary for the removal of any building, the person in charge of such removal, at least twelve hours in advance of reaching the same, shall notify the person or persons having charge and control over such pole or poles or wire or wires, and the person so notified shall cause such wires to be promptly cut or removed and re- placed. Provided that in every case in which the cutting of the wires of the City of Oakland may be necessary, the Superintendent of the Electrical Department shall be notified and he shall have the wires cut and replaced, the person or persons having charge of the removal of the building paying the entire cost and expense of cutting, removing and replacing the same, including the poles to which said wires of the City of Oakland may be attached. Sec. 10. In the event of damage being done by reason of the removal of any building as provided for herein, to any fence, tree, pavement, street, sidewalk, or to any pole or wire, belonging to the City of Oakland, the person, firm or corporation removing said building and causing said damage, shall immediately repair or replace the damage so done and in the event that repair or replacement cannot be made, then the Council of the City of Oak- land shall estimate the amount of damage in money actually done 172 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. and the said person, firm or corporation causing said damage shall pay the damage so done by said person, firm or corporation, and in the event that upon three days' notice to the said person, firm or corporation to repair or replace or pay said damage so made as aforesaid, the repair or replacement or payment of said damage has not been made, the said repair or replacement or payment for damage may be made by the City of Oakland out of the said money deposited with the Bureau of Permits and Licenses as hereinabove provided. Sec 11. (As amended Aug. 20, 1912, by Ordinance No. 296 N. S.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to move or cause to be moved any building in, on, upon or across or along or into Broadway between the north line of Seventh street and the south line of Twentieth street, Harrison street between the north line of Twentieth street and the south line of Twenty-fourth street, and in, on, upon, along or into Twelfth street and East Twelfth street between Jefferson street and First avenue, or in, on, upon, along or into Seventh street between Bay and Fallen streets, except across Seventh street at its intersection with Madison street at its intersection with Caslro street and at its intersection with Center street; or in, on, upon, along or into Webster street between Water street and Thirteenth street, except across Webster street at its intersection with Fifth street; or in, on, upon, along or into Franklin street between Fourteenth street and Twenty-second street; or in, on, upon, along or into Twentieth street between Franklin street and Curtis street, except across Twentieth street at its intersection with West street; or in, on, upon, along or into Twenty-first street between Curtis street and San Pablo avenue, except across Twenty-first street at its intersection with West street; or in, on, upon, along or into Jones street between San Pablo avenue and Telegraph avenue; or in, on, upon, along or into Twenty-second street between Telegraph avenue and Frank- lin street; or in, on, upon, along or into Eighteenth street between Wood street and Market street, except across Eighteenth street at its intersection with Filbert street, and at its intersection with Campbell street; or in, on, upon, along or into Nineteenth street between Market street and Castro street; excepting, however, that houses may be moved across said described portions of Seventh street and Eighteenth street and across Webster street between Water street and Seventh street, providing said houses while be- ing moved will pass under a line distant twenty (20) feet above the surface of the street. Sec. 12 Everj- person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, u^on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not to exceed three hundred dollars; and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 13. Ordinance No. 2615 entitled, "An Ordinance Regulat- ing the Removal of Buildings In, On, Upon, Across, Along or Into REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 173 Public Streets and Highways, and Prohibiting the Removal of Buildings On or Across Certain Streets, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof," approved August 24th, 1907, is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect October 31, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 132 N. S. Ordinance Regulating the Installation of Electric Wiring and Ap- pliances in or on Buildings in the City of Oakland, Providing for Charges to Be Made Therefor and Providing for the Punishment for the Violation of the Terms Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation desirous of plac- ing, installing or operating electric wiring, appliances, apparatus or construction in or on buildings in the City of Oakland shall de- posit with the Bureau of Permits a cash bond in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) United States gold coin as a guarantee that all installing, placing or operating of electric wires, appliances, apparatus or construction in or on buildings in the City of Oak- land shall be done and performed in the manner specified and provided in this ordinance. Every person, firm or corporation desirous of placing or install- ing electric or other fixtures in, or on buildings in the City of Oakland shall deposit with the Bureau of Permits a cash bond in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) United States gold coin as a guarantee that all fixtures placed in or on buildings in the said City of Oakland shall be done and performed in the manner speci- fied and provided in this ordinance. Such person, firm or corporation shall then apply in person or by duly authorized representative at the office of the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland and there register his or its name and place of business in said city. Thereupon he or it shall be entitled to a Certificate of Registration for a current fiscal year, or the unexpired portion thereof. Said deposit may be re- turned to such person, firm or corporation, provided, however, that all work covered by permits issued under said Certificate shall be completed and all fees paid. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in conducting the busin'ess of placing, installing or operating electric wires, appliances, apparatus or construction in or on buildings in the City without first obtaining a Certificate of Registration from the Electrical Department, and said Certificate must be renewed as provided for in Section 1 of this ordinance within thirty (30) days after the first day of July of each fiscal year. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation or agents thereof own- ing, operating, or in possession of any electric power, or electric 174 REVENUE AXD PROPERTY. lighting and power plant, or any person, firm or corporation, or agent thereof, owning, or in possession of any building or other structure in the City of Oakland, shall permit any authorized in- spector of the City of Oakland to enter to inspect such plant or premises as often as is deemed necessary for the purpose of ascer- taining whether the electric wires, appliances, apparatus, construc- tion or equipment in or about said plant, building or other structure are in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, and it shall be unlawful for any occupant or owner of premises where electric wires, appliances, apparatus, construction or equipment are used, or are to be used, for any person whatever to prevent or interfere with any inspector in the discharge of his duties under this ordinance, provided, however^ that said inspector shall, upon the request of the owner or the occupant of said premises, ex- hibit his authority to make such inspection. If said inspector shall find any part of any electric equipment in or about any build- ing in the City of Oakland to be dangerous to life or property, the Superintendent of the Electrical Department, or Inspector, shall have the right and power to disconnect such electric equip- ment from the source of supply and it shall be the duty of the Electrical Department to notify the owner, tenant or occupant of the building of such electric equipment disconnected, designating the equipment so disconnected, stating the reason therefor, and the defects in such equipment must be repaired within a reasonable time, not exceeding five days from date of notice, and the elec- tric current in such equipment must not be used until same has been repaired and made safe to the satisfaction of the Electrical Department. The Electrical Department shall also be authorized to give notice to any person, firm or corporation furnishing electric current to such dangerous equipment to cease to supply current to such equipment until such defects are repaired and such person, firm or corporation failing or refusing to comply with any notice from the Electrical Department given under the provision of this Section, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place or install in any building, any wiring, apparatus or fix- tures for the use of electricity, or to make any alterations or changes in or additions to, any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for such use without first filing, an application with the Bureau of Permits and Licenses in writing, with the diagram of the wiring, if required, which must show the number of lights marked at each outlet, wire sizes and distances, location of switch and tablet or switchboard, and as nearly as possible the manner in which the wires are to be installed, and obtain a written permit to do such work. Such permit shall state the kind of work to be done, and shall cover only the kind of work so designated. Said permit shall also state the location by street and number, of the building REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 175 where such work is to be done, and shall be valid only for the location and installation so stated. Sec. 5. When any electrical installation is ready for inspec- tion, an application for inspection thereof must be made at the office of the Electrical Department by parties taking out permit. Upon receipt of said application of inspection, it shall be the duty of said Electrical Department to cause the same to be inspected and if found to conform to the rules and regulations provided in this ordinance, the said Electrical Department shall issue a certificate of inspection, certifying that said wiring, apparatus or fixtures covered by said permit provided for in Section 4 have been inspected and found to comply with the terms of this 'ordi- nance, but no such certificate shall be granted until such equip- ment is made to conform to said rules and regulations prescribed herein. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any electric current in or through any wiring, apparatus or fixtures in any building, until same shall have been inspected and approved by the Electrical Department and the certificate herein provided for shall have been issued therefor. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to furnish electric current for light, heat or power, to connect his, their or its distributing system with any installation of wiring, apparatus or fixtures in any building before said certificate shall have been issued therefor. The Su- perintendent of the Electrical Department may, before said cer- tificate is issued, give temporary permission to furnish or use electric current through any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, if in his opinion, such wir- ing, apparatus or fixtures are in such condition that current may safely be used therein, if there exists an urgent necessity for such use. Xo certificate will be issued on any work unless the whole thereof as covered by the permit has been duly inspected, nor shall current be used in any such work until same has been in- spected and passed as provided herein. When any addition or change is made in work, for which a certificate has been issued, a separate inspection shall be made for the same before use. After having received from the Electrical Department notice of cor- rections to be made on any installation, the person, firm or cor- poration receiving such notice must make such corrections that may be necessary in a reasonable time not exceeding five days. Corrections on work being concealed must be made at once, and such correction reported, as no certificate will be issued on work not passed upon. Where alterations, or additions are made in old installations, approval for the use of any old material must be ob- tained from the Electrical Department, before same can be used, and a permit must be taken out covering such installation. New or additional work shall not be attached to any existing installation without a permit from the Electrical Department. Sec. 6. The Bureau of Permits and Licenses shall charge and collect from persons, firms or corporations to whom any permits 176 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. for doing electrical work is issued under the terms of this ordi- nance, the following fees, to-wit: INSPECTION FEE FOR WIRING. Filing of permit $ .25 All outlets 660 watts or under, including switches as outlets .05 All outlets over 660 watts, including switch 25 On large installations, the second hundred outlets including switches as outlets 04 On large installations, the third hundred outlets including switches as outlets 03 Outlets and over including switches as outlets 02^ Inspection of old electrical installations not on record of City Department of Electricity 1.00 All motor outlets 1 H.P. and over (this applies to service where setting and installing of motor is not up to wiring contractor) .25 FEES FOR MOTORS. Filing of permit $ .25 For each motor of not more than 1 H.P 25 For each motor of more than 1 H.P. and not more than 3 H.P 75 For each motor of more than 3 H.P. and not more than 8 H.P 1.50 For each motor of more than 8 H.P. and not more than 15 H.P 2.00 For each motor of over 15 H.P 2.50 For each generator of not more than 5 kilowatts 3.00 For each generator of more than 5 kilowatts 3.50 FEES FOR FIXTURES. Filing of permit $ .25 Fixtures, bracket or receptacles, on outlets of 660 watts or under .05 On large installations, the second hundred fixtures 04 On large installations, the third hundred fixtures 03 On large installations, the fourth hundred fixtures and over .02^ Fixtures of over 660 watt capacity 25 FEES FOR DECORATIVE OUTLINING. Filing of permit $ .25 Fees for all single light outlets, such as borders, strips, decorative work, footlights, or grouped in any manner, ex- cepting signs 02 Signs (see Sign Ordinance) minimum fee 1.50 When more than two inspections of any equipment or part thereof are necessary, an additional fee for such additional in- spection of one dollar ($1.00) for each hour spent thereon may be REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 177 charged. If inspections of any electrical equipment governed by this ordinance for which no fee is herein prescribed, one dollar ($1.00) for each hour spent thereon shall be charged. Sec. 7. Every person, firm or corporation making an applica- tion for any permit to do electrical work under the terms of this ordinance shall, at the time of such application, deposit with the Bureau of Permits and Licenses, the amount of the permit fee, and of the fees for inspection of all work shown on said statement in accordance with the above schedule. If any additions shall be necessary, the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit is issued shall pay to the said Bureau of Permits and Licenses the inspection fees therefor, according to the above schedule within ten days after the demand therefor by the Electrical Department and if said person, firm or corporation shall fail or refuse to pay such fees within said period of ten days, the Bureau of Permits and Licenses shall not thereafter issue to said person, firm or corporation any permit for the doing of any electrical work until such fees are paid. The Electrical Department shall not issue the certificate provided in Section 5 of this ordinance until all fees for the inspection thereof have been paid. Sec. 8. All plumbing headers, lathing strips, piping or tube work must be in place on the work to be concealed before the electric wiring is inspected and no such wiring will be considered as completed until such plumbing, headers, lathing strips, piping or tube work are in place. Upon making an inspection of any electric equipment, the inspectors shall leave notice at the service switch or meter box, stating that the electric work has been inspected and it shall be unlawful to lathe, seal or in any manner conceal any electric wiring or other work until the same has been inspected as herein required. Sec. 9. All electrical construction or material and all appara- tus used in connection with electrical work and the operation of all electrical apparatus shall be in conformity with rules and regu- lations prescribed by the Electrical Department of the City of Oak- land and on file in the office of said Electrical Department, which rules and regulations shall be identical in all respects with those known as the National Electrical Code of 1911, and such additional rules and regulations as do not conflict therewith. Sec. 10. The Electrical Department shall decide all questions not provided for in this ordinance pertaining to the installation, opera- tion or maintenance of electrical wiring and apparatus. Sec. 11. No person, firm or corporation shall occupy cit use in any manner whatsoever any building in which the electrical equipment has not been inspected and approved by the Electrical Department. Sec. 12. All fees collected under provision of this ordinance shall be deposited in the Treasurer's office of the City of Oakland and shall, after the first day of July, 1912, be so deposited to the credit of the Fire & Police Telegraph Fund. 178 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 13. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than $6.00 nor more than $100.00, or upon failure to pay the same to be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland one day for every $2.00 of said fine so imposed. Sec. 14. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect February 14, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1480. An Ordinance Establishing and Regulating a Municipal License for the Business of Conducting Wharves and Collecting Wharf- age and Dockage at any Wharf in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the City of Oakland in the business of conducting a wharf or of col- lecting wharfage or dockage at any wharf in said city, shall pay a license therefor at the office of the License Collector at , : the City Hall in said city, quarterly in advance, on the 1st day of January, April, July and October of each year, the sum of twenty- five ($25) dollars in lawful money of the United States. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland, at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved December 16, 1892. Vol. 4, p. 337.) ORDINANCE NO. 1547. An Ordinance Regulating the Dockage, Loading and Unloading of Shipping, and Establishing the Rates of Wharfage, Dockage and Tolls on the Wharves of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All vessels entering Oakland Harbor shall be en- titled to a berth at the city wharves for the purpose of discharging or loading cargo after an application shall have been duly made to the City Wharfinger, stating the draught of the vessel and the REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 179 character of her cargo. Berths shall be assigned by the Wharfinger to vessels in the order of their arrival, but no part of the city wharves shall be leased to any person. The Wharfinger shall from time to time assign slips and berths for ferryboats as the same may be required. Sec. 2. The rates of dockage for shipping shall be for each day of twenty-four hours or any part thereof as follows: For all vessels, steam or sail, and barges of 200 net registered tons or under, 2 cents per ton; $4 for the first 200 tons and ^4 of a cent for each additional ton. Lighters shall pay a dockage rate of 1 cent per ton per day, whether discharging into or loading at a wharf, discharging into or loading from a vessel lying at a wharf, or transporting from a vessel to a wharf, or from a wharf to a vessel, but a lighter once charged or having paid dockage at a wharf for any day, may use the same or any other wharf, during that day, without further charge, no matter how often she may leave and return, provided a receipt for payment at the first wharf used be produced. TOLLS. A ton is by weight 2000 pounds, unless otherwise specified; by measurement 40 cubic feet. Merchandise for the purpose of tolls and wharfage must be estimated by weight or measurement as the one mode or the other will give the greater number of tons. TOLLS PER LOAD. Tolls on loads hauled on or off a wharf are as follows: One single load (except where Ihe article hauled is charged for otherwise than by the ton) of a ton or less, 5 cents. Of more than a ton, for each additional ton or part of a ton, an additional 5 cents. On merchandise (except where otherwise specified), per ton 5 cents. On hay discharged from a vessel on any wharf, per ton 10 cents. On hay hauled on to any wharf, per ton 5 cents. On hay discharged from any vessel lying at any wharf or in any slip, dock or basin into another vessel, or received into any such vessel from any lighter or other vessel, per ton 5 cents. On hay shipped from any wharf there are no tolls for such shipment, apart from those paid for discharging or hauling the hay on the wharf. Of the following articles 2240 pounds constitute a ton: Coal, railroad iron, pig iron, gypsum, asphaltum, ores, paving stones, sand and ballast. Agricultural implements, to-wit: Reapers, mowers, headers, separators, horse rakes, hay presses, plows, cultivators and wheel vehicles, when knocked down, will be taken by measurement. 180 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. TOLLS CHARGED OTHERWISE THAN BY THE TON. On the following articles tolls must be collected as follows: On fir, redwood, spruce, and all softwood lumber, per thou- sand feet, board measure, 10 cents. On oak, hickory, ash, and all hardwood lumber, per thousand feet, board measure, 10 cents. On piles discharged on any slip, dock, basin or canal, per pile, 3 cents. On fence posts, per 100 or fractional part thereof, 5 cents. On railroad ties, per 1000 feet of lumber, board measure, or fractional part thereof, contained therein, 10 cents. On shingles, per 40 bundles or fractional part thereof, 10 cents. On cordwood, per cord, 10 cents. On tanbark and stave bolts, per cord, 10 cents. On bricks hauled or discharged on, or loaded from, any wharf, per 1000 or fraction thereof, 10 cents. On wool per sack, 1 cent. On wool in bales, strapped, per bale, \y 2 cents. On hops in bales, per bale, 1 cent. On hides of cattle (green or dry) per hide, Y^ cent. On sheep skins, per skin, 1-16 cent. On goat skins, per skin, 1-16 cent. On deer skins, per skin, 1-16 cent. On seal skins, per skin, 1-16 cent. On not specified skins, 1-16 cent. On cattle, horses or mules, per head, 5 cents. On colts and calves under a year old, per head, 2^2 cents. On sheep and hogs, per head, 1 cent. Reapers, mowers, hay rakes, hay presses, gang plows, culti- vators and wheeled vehicles, set up, each 10 cents. Headers and separators set up, each 20 cents. On empty barrels (merchandise), each y 2 cent. On empty packages, being returned to the owner, who uses them to send commodities to market in, no tolls will be collected. On any package of merchandise carried by hand on to any wharf, and intended for sale, 5 cents. Tolls are due and payable on merchandise as soon as discharged from a vessel, and on merchandise for shipment as soon as it is placed on a wharf. No tolls will be collected on donkey engines nor stevedores' tools when taken on a wharf for the purpose of loading or discharging a vessel. Merchandise landed on a wharf, and not removed therefrom, may be re-shipped from the same wharf, on the payment of one toll and the wharfage, if any, due thereon. (Amendment approved June 11, 1906. Vol. 6, p. 642.) Sec. Zy 2 . On merchandise discharged and remaining on the wharf over 24 hours until removal at the same rate as the tolls hereinbefore provided. All such merchandise shall be promptly REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 181 removed at any time when required by the Wharfinger, and in no event shall remain on the wharf to exceed ten days. On mer- chandise received for shipment and remaining on the wharf over 24 hours before shipment, the same rate of wharfage shall be charged as in this section provided for merchandise received and remaining upon the wharf. Vessels taking in ballast shall be charged one-half rates. Sec. 4. Any vessel leaving a wharf without paying charges will be put on the black list, and must pay fifty per cent additional charges and $10 fine before it can dock again. Sec. 5. Every steam engine used upon the city wharves for load- ing or unloading cargo shall have upon its smokestack a bonnet or spark catcher that will effectually prevent sparks from falling upon said wharves or upon the deck of any vessel. Sec. 6. Rubbish or other substance on which no wharfage is charged shall be removed from the wharf by the person placing it there, and on default must be removed by the Wharfinger at such person's expense. Coal screens, donkey engines, and all stevedores' tools and appliances must be removed from the wharf when di- rected by the Wharfinger. Sec. 7. In case any damage is done to a wharf, shed or other structure on the waterfront by a vessel or otherwise, the said damage, together with the name of the vessel or person causing it, must be reported forthwith by the Wharfinger to the Board of Public Works, and the expense of the repairs of said damage shall be charged against such vessel or individual. Sec. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved August 3, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 456.) ORDINANCE NO. 43 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment and Maintenance of Public Laundries and Public Washhouses, and Repealing Ordi- nance No. 2969, Approved October 28th, 1909. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion hereafter to establish and maintain any building or premises as a public laundry or washhouse without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Council of the City of Oakland specifying the name of the permittee and the location of the premises to be used as such laundry or washhouse, provided, however, that the Coun- cil in the granting or refusal of such permit shall exercise a rea- sonable and sound discretion, taking into consideration the char- acter of the applicant for such permit and the intended location of such laundry or washhouse. 182 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 2. Whenever an application is made to the Council for per- mission to establish and maintain a public laundry or washhouse in any building or premises, the Council shall cause to be posted conspicuously in front of said building or premises a notice to the effect that application has been made to said Council for the granting of such permit and said notice shall be kept so posted for at least ten (10) days before action on said application by the said Council. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 2969 regulating establishment, etc., of laundries, approved October 28th, 1909, is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately. (In effect August 7, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 121 N. S. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Cutting down or Removal of Trees in Any of the Public Streets or Squares of the City of Oakland and Providing Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to cut down, remove or mutilate any tree or trees growing upon any of the streets or public squares of the City of Oakland, except by permission from the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 2 Any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and in case such fine is not paid, by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars ($2.00) of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. an effect January 22, 1912.) (See Ordinance No. 129 N. S.) ORDINANCE NO. 1724. An Ordinance to Protect the Parks of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to trespass upon the grass of the city parks, or to pick flowers REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 183 from the same, or in any way to damage the trees, floral beds, buildings, benches, seats, fountains or any fixtures connected there- with. Tramps and disorderly crowds are not allowed upon the grounds. Sleeping on the benches or seats, and pilfering or vandal- ism of any sort is strictly prohibited. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison until the fine is satisfied at the rate of one (1) day for every two ($2) dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect on and after its approval. (Approved January 24, 1896. Vol. 5, p. 23.) (See Ordinance 129 N. S.) ORDINANCE NO. 129 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Use of the Parks, Streets and Places Under the Control of the Board of Park Directors of the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall throw any dead animal or offensive matter or substance of any kind upon the grounds of any of the parks under the control of the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 2. No person shall injure, deface or destroy any notices, rules or regulations for the government of the parks, posted or in any other manner permanently fixed by order or permission of the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 3. No person shall be permitted to bring led horses within the limits of the parks under the control of the Board of Park Directors, or a horse that is not harnessed and attached to a vehicle, or mounted by an equestrian. Sec. 4. No military or other parade or procession or funeral shall take place, or pass through the limits of the parks under the control of the Board of Park Directors, without the order or per- mission of the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 5. No person shall engage in any game of baseball, cricket, shinney, football, croquet, or any other game, with ball and bat, within the limits of the parks under the control of the Board of Park Directors, except on such grounds as shall be specially desig- nated for such purpose. Sec. 6. No person shall be permitted to use the shores of Lake Merritt as a landing place for boats, or keep thereat boats for hire, or floating boathouses with pleasure boats for hire, or keep boats of any kind in Lake Merritt except by special order or permission of the Board of Park Directors, and only at places designated by and under restrictions determined upon by said Board. 184 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 7. No regatta or boat race by clubs shall take place upon Lake Merritt without special permission granted by the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 8. No person shall turn loose into the parks controlled by the Board of Park Directors any dogs, cattle, goats, swine, horses or other animals. Sec. 9. No person shall carry firearms, or shoot birds or throw stones or other missies within the boundaries of the parks con- trolled by the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 10. No person shall cut, break, or in anywise injure or de- face the trees, shrubs, plants, turf, or any of the buildings, fences, structures, benches or statuary, or foul any fountains or springs within the parks controlled by the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 11. No person shall drive or ride within the boundaries of the parks controlled by the Board of Park Directors at a rate ex- ceeding seven miles per hour. Sec. 12. No person shall ride or drive within the limits of the parks controlled by the Board of Park Directors upon any other than the avenues and roads therefor. Sec. 13. No coach or vehicle used for hire shall stand upon any part of the parks controlled by the Board of Park Directors for the purpose of hire, except in waiting for persons taken by it into the parks, unless in either case at points designated by the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 14. No wagon or vehicle of burden or traffic shall pass through the parks, except upon such road or avenue as shall be designated by the Board of Park Directors for burden transporta- tion. Sec. 15. No person shall expose or display any article for sale within the parks without the order or permission of the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 16. No gaming shall be allowed in the parks, nor any ob- scene or indecent act therein. Sec. 17. No person shall disturb the water fowl in Lake Merritt, or in any pond, or birds in any part of the parks, nor discharge any firearms therein, nor affix any bills or notices therein. Sec. 18. No person shall fish in 'Lake Merritt without written permission from the Board of Park Directors so to do. Sec. 19. No person shall be allowed to catch more than two bass in one day of twenty-four hours in Lake Merritt. Sec. 20. No person shall have or hold any musical, theatrical or other entertainment in the parks without the order or permis- sion of the Board of Park Directors. Sec. 21. No person shall enter or leave the parks except by such gates, roads, paths or avenues as may be for such purposes pro- vided and arranged. REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 185 Sec. 22. No gathering or meeting of any kind, assembled through advertisement, shall be permitted in the parks controlled by the Board of Park Directors without the previous permission of the Board; nor shall any gathering or meeting for political purposes in the parks be permitted under any circumstances. Sec. 23. No person shall be permitted to make or kindle a fire of any kind within the parks controlled by the Board of Park Di- rectors. Sec. 24. No tree shall be planted in any street or public highway of the City of Oakland at a distance of less than twenty-five feet from any other tree standing in the same street, except by written permit of the Board of Park Directors, or at a distance of less than two feet from the established curb line of said street. Sec. 25. No person, firm or corporation shall, without the written permission of the Board of Park Directors, remove, de- stroy, break, or in any way injure any tree, plant or shrub that is now or may hereafter be growing in any street or public highway of the City of Oakland. Sec. 26. No person shall hitch or fasten any horse or other animal to any tree or shrub now or hereafter growing in any street or public highway of the City of Oakland, nor shall any person cause or permit any horse or other animal to stand or be near enough to any tree, plant or shrub to bite or rub against, or in any manner injure or deface the same; nor shall any person place a post for the hitching of horses within five feet of any tree, plant or shrub now or hereafter growing in any of the streets or public highways of the City of Oakland; nor shall any person attach or place any rope, wire, sign, poster, handbill or other thing on any tree or shrub now or hereafter growing in any street or public highway of the City of Oakland, or on any guard of protection of the same. Sec. 27. No person shall remove, injure or misuse any guard or device placed or intended to protect any tree, plant or shrub now or hereafter growing in any street or public highway of the City of Oakland. Sec. 28. No person or corporation shall, without the written per- mit of the Board of Park Directors, attach any electric wire, in- sulator or any other device for holding electric wire to any tree now or hereafter growing in any street or public highway in the City of Oakland. Sec. 29. Every permit granted by the Board of Park Directors shall specifically describe the work to be done under it and shall expire sixty days from its date. A charge of fifty cents shall be made for each permit to trim trees in front of property not owned by the applicant thereof, when in the judgment of the Board of Park directors expert supervision is required. 186 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 30. Any permit granted hereunder may be revoked at any time by said Board of Park Directors upon satisfactory proof to said Board that the privilege thereunder is being abused or that the same was granted under a misapprehension of the facts. Sec. 31. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $200.00, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for each $2.00 of said fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 32. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 33. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect February 13, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 280 N. S. An Ordinance for the Protection of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of the Pro- visions Hereof and Repealing Ordinance No. 1138 Entitled, "An Ordinance for the Protection of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph," and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Con- flict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall willfully break, remove or injure any of the wires or other parts or appurtenances of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph in the City of Oakland without authority or per- mission from the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. No person shall make or fit any key to or pick or force the lock of any signal box of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph in said City of Oakland without authority from the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland. Sec. 3. No person shall have or retain in his possession or under his control any key belonging to or fitted to open the lock of any signal box of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph in said City of Oakland without lawful authority so to do. Sec. 4. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten .dollars ($10.00) and not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 1138 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 187 ORDINANCE NO. 2744. An Ordinance Making it Unlawful to Mutilate or Destroy Signs Advertising Real Estate for Sale or for Rent, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section I. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to maliciously destroy or in any way to mutilate any sign placed upon any real estate advertising said real estate for sale or for rent, whenever such sign is placed thereon by the owner or authorized agent of the owner of said real estate. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than one hun- dred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprison- ment at the rate of one day for each two dollars of said fine so imposed and unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval. (Approved June 18, 1908. Vol. 7, p. 528.) ORDINANCE NO. 1683. An Ordinance Requiring Every Person, Company or Corporation Owning, Controlling or Using Telegraph or Telephone Poles Located in any Public Alley, Street or Place Within the Limits of the City of Oakland, to Number Such Poles and to Have the Name of the Owner or Owners Thereof Painted on Said Poles and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. From and after the first day of June, 1895, every person, company or corporation owning, controlling or using tele- graph or telephone poles located in any public alley, street or place within the limits of the City of Oakland, shall number in consecu- tive numbers, beginning with the number one, with colored paint, in numerals not less than three and one-half inches long, each and every such pole owned, used or controlled by such person, company or corporation, and shall paint on each one of said poles in colored paint in letters not less than one and one-half inches in length, the name of the owner or owners of such pole. The said numbers and names shall be painted not less than three nor more than seven feet above the surface of the ground or other sub- stance in which such poles are placed. Sec. 2. If any person, firm or corporation shall refuse or neglect to paint the number or owner s name upon any pole as required 188 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. in Section 1 of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of this City of Oakland to notify the City Council of the fact of such refusal or neglect. Sec. 3. Any person, company or corporation violating any pro- vision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, for every such telegraph or telephone pole belonging to or controlled or used by such person, company or corporation not so numbered and named. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its passage and approval. (Approved June 6, 1895. Vol. 4, p. 686.) ORDINANCE NO. 2477. An Ordinance Declaring and Dedicating Harrison Street in the City of Oakland, from the Northern Line of Fourteenth Street to the Northern Line of Twenty-fourth Street, a Public Boulevard, and Regulating the Use of the Same. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Harrison street in the City of Oakland from the northern line of Fourteenth street to the northern line of Twenty- fourth street is hereby declared to be and is dedicated as a public boulevard and accepted as such public boulevard by the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to drive or place or cause to be driven or placed, any truck, cart, wagon or vehicle, loaded with or carrying wood, hay, grain, coal, iron, rock, earth, merchandise or other freight, upon said Harrison street extending from the .northern line of Fourteenth street to the northern line of Twenty-fourth street, carrying a greater weight than one thousand pounds in one load. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation who violates this or- dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, then the person or per- sons so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. In Council, Oakland. Cal., June 4, 1906. (Passed June 18th, 1906. In effect July 2d, 1906.) REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 189 ORDINANCE NO. 160 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Construction, Erection and Mainte- nance of Signs, Transparencies, Advertisements, Bulletin Boards, Marquees and Clocks on, or About Buildings or Over Public Streets and Thoroughfares, Providing for the Inspection of the Same. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No sign, transparency, advertising sign, device or marquee included in the classes set forth in Sections 5 and 6 of this ordinance shall hereafter be constructed, placed, reconstructed or allowed on or about the exterior of any building or structure, or on or over any sidewalk or public thoroughfare without first ob- taining a permit from the Bureau of Permits and Licenses. Sec. 2. The person, firm, association or corporation applying for such permit shall file with the Bureau of Permits and Licenses, plans drawn to scale, specifications and such other information as said Bureau of Permits and Licenses may require. Said plans and specifications shall be referred to the Building Inspector and if to be wired for electricity, to the Electrical Department. Said Building Inspector and Electrical Department shall examine into the matter and report on same to the Bureau of Permits and Li- censes, which shall, providing said plans and specifications comply with the ordinances of the City of Oakland relating to such signs, transparencies, sign devices, marquees, clocks, issue a permit there- for. All applications for the erection of marquees or clocks upon or over the sidewalks shall first be approved by the City Council. Sec. 3. On the completion of the sign, clock or other device the party to whom the permit was issued shall notify the Electrical and Building Inspectors, who shall examine and report to the Bureau of Permits and Licenses, who shall if the sign, clock, transparency, marquee or sign device complies with the ordinance of the City relating thereto issue a certificate of satisfactory inspection upon the payment to said Bureau of Permits and Licenses for the cost of such inspection the sum of seventy-five (75) cents for each hour of time consumed by each inspector including the time going from and returning to the office of said Bureau, provided that the fee paid shall not in any case be less than one and one-half (Ij/a) dol- lars. Current supply shall not be turned on until said certificate has been issued, except by special permission of Electrical De- partment for the purpose of testing the sign. Sec. 4. All electric signs, transparencies, marquees, clocks, ad- vertisements or sign devices requiring permits for their erection, as provided in this ordinance, shall be constructed of and be fast- ened to building with galvanized iron, copper wire shall be used exclusively when the signs are fastened to buildings with wire. Sec. 5. Signs requiring permits for their erection as provided in this ordinance are classified as follows: 190 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 1. All signs intended to be used in connection with electricity. 2. All signs erected on roofs. 3. All signs projecting over sidewalks or public thoroughfares more than six (6) inches. 4. All signs fastened to the exterior of buildings and having an area of more than twelve (12) square feet. Sec. 6. Signs projecting from buildings. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person, company or corporation to place or main- tain upon or attach to any building or premises any sign, adver- tisement, transparency or bulletin board which shall project over or upon the sidewalk, except such are embraced within the follow- ing ten classes: Class "A." Flat or curved signs, incandescent electric light signs and transparencies fastened for their whole length parallel to the front of the building and not projecting therefrom over the side- walk more than eight (8) inches when placed less than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk, nor more than twelve (12) inches, when placed eight (8) feet or more above the sidewalk. For the purpose of this ordinance the term "front of building" shall be construed to mean the general outer surface of the main wall of the building facing the street except in the case of bay windows or pillars projecting beyond the main wall of the, building, the outer surface of such windows or pillars shall be considered the face of the building at those points. Class "B." Drum signs attached to the pillars or entrance to buildings, and not projecting therefrom over the sidewalk more than eight (8) inches when placed less than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk nor more than twelve (12) inches when placed eight (8) feet or more above the sidewalk. Class "C." "V" signs inclosing pillars or attached at the base of the signs to the buildings and not projecting therefrom more than six (6) inches when placed less than eight (8) feet above the side- walk, nor more than twelve (12) inches when placed eight (8) feet or more above the sidewalk. Class "D." Pole signs, free from any separate signs attached thereto and not projecting over the sidewalk from the building more than twelve (12) inches. Class "E." Swinging electric signs illuminated by electric lamps, the total rated cancilepower of the lamps in or on any such sign to equal not leys than four candlepcwer per square foot of the combined area of both sides of said signs. Provided that said swinging electric signs shall not exceed seven (7) feet in vertical dimensions nor project beyond the outer line of the outer edge of the sidewalk and no part of said sign shall be less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk; and further provided that said sign and metal frame shall be attached to the edge of the building by means of suitable hinges or sockets in such a manner as will permit said signs to be swung back parallel to and against the building and not project more than REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 191 twenty-four (24) inches from the face of the building or pillars or bay window against which said sign \\ill be placed when swung back, except that when such swinging electric signs are placed be- tween, two adjacent bay windows which will prevent said sign from being swung back to within twenty-four (24) inches of the face of the building, then said signs may be swung back so as to project along the outer line facing the street, or said bay window. All swinging signs and all ropes, guys, braces or other supports at- tached to said signs shall be of metal of sufficient strength to adequately sustain the same. Further provided that said incan- descent electric light signs shall not be extended over or across the sidewalk except between the hours of 5 p. m. and 8 a. m. and shall be continuously illuminated every night from sunset to mid- night when so extended. Class "F.' r Vertical incandescent electric light signs consisting of a vertical row of letters, illuminated with incandescent electric lights. Signs so constructed shall be not less than twelve (12) feet above the sidewalk, parallel to said buildings and shall not project over the sidewalk more than four (4) feet from the property lines of said building. Provided said signs shall be kept continuously illuminated every night from sunset to midnight. Class "G." Gas lamps and electric lamps on which signs may be placed and which shall not exceed in size the lamps and globes used in lighting the public streets; and no inscription or sign other than the name of the person, corporation or firm at whose expense and in front of whose premises the lamp is erected or maintained shall be placed thereon. The said lamps or globes to be suspended in front of the building or premises at a distance not to exceed two and one-half (2 l / 2 ~) feet therefrom, and at a height of not less than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. Class "H." Flat or curved wire mesh signs with raised letters may be extended from the front of one bay window above the first story to an adjoining bay window, provided the projection of the sign from the front of the bay window be not more than six (6) inches. Class "I." Bulletin boards which shall not project more than eight (8) inches beyond the front of the building. Class "J." Signs upon the face of metal awnings, providing said signs do not extend over the sidewalk for a greater distance than the awning and are not more than two (2) feet in vertical dimen- sions. The lower line of such signs must not be less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. Class "K.'' No signs, advertisement, marquee or signs operated by or used in connection with electricity, shall hereafter be con- structed, placed, affixed, maintained, reconstructed or altered in or about any building or other structure in the City of Oakland, unless the same, in addition to all other things required in regard thereto by the law and ordinance of said City, shall be together with all its bracings, fastenings, supports, attachments and appurtenances, 192 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. structurally and mechanically strong, safe and fireproof, as to its electrical parts, in conformity with an approved standard of elec- trical construction. Sec. 7. Feed wires supplying current to any sign must be en- cased in approved iron armored conduit. In case of swinging signs the conduit must extend to and be securely fastened to the bracket at the point \vhcre the sign is hinged. All wires must be brought out of sign in one conduit and be securely fastened with lock nuts on both sides and monitor bushing where wires leave pipe. Sec. 8. Receptacles protected from the weather as in covered let- ter signs must be of an approved tj-pe. Receptacles exposed to the weather as in wire mesh signs, must be of an approved weather- proof style. All receptacles must be soldered to the wire. Current on any lamp circuit for sign or marquee work shall not exceed twelve (12) amperes on two-wire 110-volt system. Six (6) am- peres on each side of a three-wire or two-wire 220-volt system and in no case shall there be over 1320 watts on any one circuit. Switches controlling any sign must disconnect all wires. Switches controlling any lamp, circuit in .^ign must disconnect all wires of the circuit, and no wire of less than No. 12 B. & S. gauge and double braided shall be used. All marquees within the City wired for electricity and ail that are erected within the fire limits shall be const) utted ot fire-proof material. Sec. 9. Inspectors under the Department of Public Health and Safety shall hiive as often as shall be deemed necessary, free access to every sign for the purpose of inspection and no person, firm or corporation shall prevent or obstruct said inspection. If upon in- spection any sign fails to comply with the provisions of this ordi- nance, the Electrical Department is hereby authorized and em- powered to disconnect said signs from its source of supply of elec- tricity, and notify the owners of said disconnection and the reason therefor, said sign to remain disconnected until the defects are remedied. Any sign that is not put in condition to comply with the provisions of this ordinance within ten (10) days after notice from the Electrical Department shall be removed and the Electrical Department is hereby empowered to cause the removal forthwith of such sign or advertisement; said authority, however, shall not affect the penalties herein imposed upon the person, company or corporation or officer thereof for a violation of the provisions of this ordinance. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be con- strued to render unlawful the maintenance of any sign, transparency or advertisement that has been erected and maintained under a lawful permit prior to the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 10. All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this ordinance or any amendment thereto are a mere license and revocable at any time by the City Council. Sec. 11. Temporary signs or flags may, however, be suspended over a side-\valk or street upon holidays, election days and days REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 193 of public parade or display, when the same shall be placed satis- factory to the Street Department and shall be removed imme- diately thereafter. Sec. 12. Ail clocks to be hereafter erected on the sidewalks shall be ornamental in character and construction and shall be erected just inside and abutting on the curb line. All clocks to be erected shall be of a height not less than ten (10) feet and the face of said clocks shall be not less than two (2) feet nor more than there (3) feet in diameter. No advertisement, notice, words, lettering, inscription or name shall be painted, placed or fastened on the same or upon the pole or standard upon which they are mounted other than name of per- son, firm or corporation at whose expense and in front of whose premises said clock is erected or maintained. All clocks erected or maintained hereunder shall be kept in good condition and correctly indicate the time. No clock shall be erected on any sidewalk unless the design of said clock has been approved by the City Council and a written permit received from the Bureau of Permits and Licenses for its erection. All clocks now erected or hereafter erected, upon sidewalks, shall be considered as temporary obstructions only and removable at the pleasure of the City Council whenever said Council deems that the public good so requires; all permits issued for the erection of said clocks shall contain this proviso, Sec. 13. No sign whatsoever shall be hereafter constructed, placed, affixed or maintained on, over or above the roof of any building in said City unless the same be placed not less than three (3) feet within the inner line of the fire walls of such building (and unless it be so constructed that its bottom line shall not be less than eleven (11) inches above the top of the parapet, block- ing course, cornice or railing of said fire walls) and so that there shall be a clear space of not less than six (6) feet between all up- rights supporting said sign, as well as between all braces thereof, and a clear space of not less than five (5) feet between each end of said sign and any point on the fire wall or edge of the roof ad- jacent thereto, and unless (in the case of any sign hereafter con- structed) the same and all framework and bracing thereof, be of galvanized iron and securely bolted and fastened to the roof on which it is installed. Provided that no now-existing sign such as is in this section referred to and regulated shall be deemed to be prohibited hereby if the same, within one year from and after date of the passage of this ordinance, shall be made in all parts and regards to conform with this ordinance. Further provided that no sky or roof sign hereafter constructed shall be more than fifteen (15) feet in height over all from the top of the parapet, blocking course, cornice or railing of said fire wall to its top, unless said sign is constructed of wire mesh with letters of design attached thereto, in which case the said height shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. 194 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. Sec. 14. No sky or roof sign between thirty (30) feet and fifty (50) feet in length shall be hereafter erected or maintained if the bottom of said sign is less than forty-two (42) inches above the top of the parapet, blocking course, cornice or railing unless it be provided at or near its center and at the bottom thereof with a door three (3) feet in width and four (4) feet in height hung in po- sition with hinges, and fastened on the side facing the street with a suitable hasp or bolt so that the door will open inward and unless every such sign exceeding fifty (50) feet in length shall be provided with similar doors not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet apart. Sec. 15. No attachable sign or framework, boards, cloth or other material to or on which any sign, advertisement, picture or notice is painted, printed, pasted, made or impressed, shall be affixed to any building or maintained in said City, upon the outer wall of any building higher than the blocking course or fire wall of such building. No sign shall be placed in front of any fire escape or standpipe attached to such building without a written permit from the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department or across or in front of any ex- terior window or other exterior opening in such building, above the first story thereof, except such sign be a swinging electrical sign. Sec. 16. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in so far as they conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 17. Any person, firm or association or corporation violat- ing any provision or provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) or by imprisonment for not exceeding six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 3, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 213 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing and Determining the Rates and Compensa- tion to Be Charged and Collected for Electric Light and Elec- tric Power by any Person, Firm or Corporation Engaged in the Business of Supplying Electric Current for Lighting or Power Purposes to the City of Oakland, or to the Inhabitants Thereof, for the Year Commencing July 1, 1912, and Ending June 30, 1913, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The rates to be charged and collected for electric cur- rent for lighting or other purposes by any person, firm or corpora- tion engaged in the business of supplying electric current for light- REVENUE AND PROPERTY 195 ing or other purposes to the City of Oakland, or to the inhabi- tants thereof, for the year commencing July 1, 1912. and ending June 30, 1913 (in accordance with provisions of the Charter of the City of Oakland, Article IX, Section 51, Par. 51 and 52), shall be and are hereby fixed and determined as follows: FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES: For the first 100 kilowatt hours of electric current consumed in one month, seven cents (7c) per kilowatt hour. For electric current consumed in excess of 100 kilowatt hours and not in excess of 200 kilowatt hours, six cents (6c) per kilo- watt hour. For electric current consumed in excess of- 200 kilowatt hours and not in excess of 300 kilowatt hours, five cents (5c) per kilo- watt hour. For electric current consumed in excess of 300 kilowatt hours and not in excess of 400 kilowatt hours, four cents (4c) per kilo- watt hour. For all electric current consumed in one month in excess of 400 kilowatt hours, three cents (3c) per kilowatt hour. Provided, however, that no bill for electric current per meter shall be less than one dollar ($1.00) per month. FOR LIGHTING FOR ALL OTHER PURPOSES OTHER THAN PRIVATE RESIDENCES. For the first 100 kilowatt hours electric current consumed per month for lighting, five cents (5c) per kilowatt hour. For electric current consumed in one month for lighting in ex- cess of 100 kilowatt hours and not in excess of 300 kilowatt hours, four cents (4c) per kilowatt hour. For electric current consumed in one month for lighting in ex- cess of 300 kilowatt hours and not in excess of 5000 kilowatt hours, three cents (3c) per kilowatt hour. For electric current consumed in one month for lighting in ex- cess of 5,000 kilowatt hours, and not in excess of 10,000 kilowatt hours, two and one-half cents (2j4c) per kilowatt hour. For electric current consumed in one month for lighting in ex- cess of 10,000 kilowatt hours, two cents (2c) per kilowatt hour. Provided, however, that no bill for electric current shall be less than one dollar ($1.00) per month per meter. Sec. 2. The rates to be charged and collected for electric current for power purposes by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying electric current to the City of Oakland, or to the inhabitants thereof, for the year commencing July 1, 1912, and ending June 30, 1913, shall be and are hereby fixed and deter- mined as follows: POWER RATES. In every month in which the consumption of electric current is less than 240 kilowatt hours per month per horsepower of motors installed, three cents (3c) per kilowatt hour. 196 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. In every month in which the consumption of electric current is in excess of 240 kilowatt hours per month per horsepower of motors installed and does not exceed 300 kilowatt hours, two and three-fourths cents (2^c) per kilowatt hour. In every month in which the consumption of electric current is in excess of 300 kilowatt hours per month per horsepower of motors installed and does not exceed 350 kilowatt hours, two and one-half cents (2^c) per kilowatt hour. In every month in which the consumption of electric current is in excess of 350 kilowatt hours per month per horsepower of motors installed and does not exceed 400 kilowatt hours, two and one- fourth cents (2%c) per kilowatt hours. In every month in which the consumption of electric current ex- ceeds 400 kilowatt hours per month per horsepower of motors in- stalled, two cents (2c) per kilowatt hour. Provided, however, that no bill for electric power shall be less than one dollar ($1.00) per month per horsepower under this schedule. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as principal, agent, employe or otherwise, to charge, de- mand, collect or receive any rate or compensation for electric cur- rent for lighting or power purposes supplied during the year com- mencing July 1, 19 J 2, and ending June 30, 1913, to the City of Oak- land or to any inhabitant thereof in excess of the rate fixed and determined by this ordinance. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation directly or indirectly to furnish electric current for lighting or power purposes to any other person, firm or corporation other than by meter measurement or for any officer, agent, collector or em- ployee of such person, firm or corporation so furnishing electric current for lighting or power purposes directly or indirectly by the use of false meters or by false reading of the meter, or in any man- ner or form, to charge, demand, collect or receive any rate or payment or compensation or consideration for electric current for lighting or power purposes in excess of the rates fixed by this ordinance. Sec. 5. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall apply to the furnishing of electric current for lighting or power purposes to the City of Oakland or affect in any way any contract which has been heretofore or which may hereafter be entered into by the said City of Oakland for the purpose of furnishing said City with elec- tric current for lighting or power purposes with any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying electric cur- rent for lighting or power purposes to the said City of Oakland, or any of the inhabitants thereof. Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall apply to or affect any contract heretofore entered into by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying the City of Oak- land or the inhabitants thereof with electric current for lighting REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 197 or power purposes, with any other person, firm or corporation, for the purpose of supplying and furnishing to such other person, firm or corporation electric current for lighting or power purposes in the City of Oakland, and any such contract and the rates and charges for such service specified in such contract are not affected by the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 7. Any person, firm or corporation other than is provided in Sections 5 and 6 hereof violating the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00, or failing to pay such fine, by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland not exceeding six months. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1912. (Passed July 1, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 214 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing and Determining the Rates and Compensa- tion to Be Charged and Collected for Gas by any Person, Firm or Corporation Engaged in the Business of Supplying or Dis- tributing Gas to the City of Oakland or to the Inhabitants Thereof, for the Year Commencing July 1, 1912, and Ending June 30, 1913, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The rates to be charged and collected for gas by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or distributing gas to the City of Oakland, or to the inhabitants thereof for the year commencing July 1, 1912, and ending June 30, 1913 (in accordance with provisions of the Charter of the City of Oakland, Article IX, Section 51, Paragraphs 51-52), shall be and are hereby fixed and determined as follows: For the first 10,000 cubic feet of gas used in one month, ninety cents (90c) per thousand cubic feet. For gas consumed in one month in excess of 10,000 cubic feet and not in excess of 20,000 cubic feet, eighty-five cents (85c) per thousand cubic feet. For gas consumed in one month in excess of 20,000 cubic feet and not in excess of 50,000 cubic feet, eighty (80) cents per thou- sand cubic feet. For gas consumed in any month in excess of 50,000 cubic feet, seventy-five cents (75c) per thousand cubic feet. Provided, however, that no bill shall be less than fifty cents (50c) per month. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as principal, agent, employe, or otherwise, to charge, de- mand, collect or receive any rate or compensation for supplying or distributing gas during the year commencing July 1, 1912, and end- ing June 30, 1913, to the City of Oakland or to any inhabitant 198 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. thereof in excess of the rate fixed and determined by this ordi- nance. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, directly or indirectly, to supply or distribute gas to any other per- son, firm or corporation other than by meter measurement, or for any officer, agent, collector or employe of such person, firm or corporation so supplying or distributing gas directly or indirectly by the use of false meters or by false reading of the meter, or in any manner or form to charge, demand, collect or receive any rate or rates or payment or compensation or consideration for supplying or distributing such gas in excess of the rates fixed by this ordinance. Sec. 4. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall apply to the supplying or distributing of gas to the City of Oakland or af- fect in any way any contract which has heretofore or which may hereafter be entered into by the said City of Oakland for the pur- pose of furnishing said city with gas, with any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or distributing gas to the said City of Oakland or to the inhabitants thereof. Sec. 5. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall apply to or affect any contract heretofore entered into by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or distribut- ing gas to the City of Oakland or to the inhabitants thereof, with any other person, firm or corporation for the purpose of supplying or distributing gas to such other person, firm or corporation in the City of Oakland, and any such contract and the rates and charges for such service specified in such contract are not af- fected by the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation other than is provided in Sections 4 and 5 hereof violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00, or failing to pay such fine by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland not exceeding six months. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1912. (Passed June 17, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 227 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing and Determining the Compensation and Rates to Be Charged and Collected for Telephone Service by any Per- son, Firm or Corporation Engaged in the Business of Supplying Telephone Service to the City of Oakland or to the Inhabitants Thereof for the Year Commencing July 1st, 1912, and Ending June 30th, 1913, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The rates to be charged and collected for telephone service by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- REVENUE AND PROPERTY 199 ness of supplying telephone service to the City of Oakland or to the inhabitants thereof for the year commencing July 1st, 1912 and ending June 30th, 1913, (in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Oakland) shall be and are hereby fixed and determined as follows: (A) BUSINESS RATES. For a one-party business portable telephone (this includes un- limited switching privileges), $7.00 per month. For a one-party business portable telephone (this includes 125 calls per month and two cents (2c) for each additional call over 125), $5.00 per month. For a one-party business portable telephone (this includes- 80 calls per month and two and a half cents (2^c) for each additional call over 80), $4.00 per month. For a one-party business portable telephone, the same being known as "Nickel-in-thc-slot" telephone service, a guarantee of 15c per day and 2 l / 2 c. for all calls exceeding 15c per day guarantee. For one main line business automatic service, $5.00 per month. (B) RESIDENCE RATES. For a one-party main line residence portable or wall telephone, with unlimited service, $3.00 per month. For a two-parly residence portable telephone with unlimited ser- vice, $2.50 per month. For a two-party residence wall telephone with unlimited service, $2.25 per month. For a one-party residence telephone, known as "Nickel in the slot" telephone, a guarantee of 7 l / 2 c per day and 2^c for each additional call beyond the guarantee of 7y 2 c per day. For one main line residence automatic service, $2.50 per month. All of the foregoing rates shall include switching to all parts of the City of Oakland and to the cities of Alameda, Berkeley, Emeryville and Piedmont. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, to charge, de- mand, collect or receive any rate of compensation for supplying telephone service during the year commencing July 1st, 1912, and ending June 30th, 1913 to the City of Oakland, or to any of the in- habitants thereof in excess of the rate fixed and determined by this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00, or, failing to pay such fine, by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland not exceeding six months. Sec. 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be considered or con- strued as repealing or modifying in any particular any provision of 200 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. any franchise held or possessed by any person, firm or corpora- tion engaged in the business of supplying telephone service to the City of Oakland or to the inhabitants thereof. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1912. (Passed July 1, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 228 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating, Fixing and Establishing the Rates and Compensation to Be Collected by any Person, Company, or Corporation for the Use of Water Supplied to the City of Oak- land, or the Inhabitants Thereof, During the Year Commencing the First Day of July, 1912, and Ending the Thirtieth Day of June, 1913. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. That the monthly rates of compensation to be col- lected by any person, company or corporation supplying water for domestic and private purposes, or for public purposes to the mu- nicipality, in the City of Oakland, for the year commencing July 1st, 1912, and ending June 30th, 1913, shall be as follows: GENERAL RATES. For houses and dwellings occupied, and public and private busi- ness buildings or portions thereof occupied by a single tenant, not including other, specified rates herein, covering a ground sur- face (exclusive of porches) of Rate for Rate for Rate for Rate for One Two Three Four Square Feet Story. Stories. Stories; Stories. 1 to 400 $0.18 $0.22 $0.29 $ 401 to 500 26 .33 .44 501 to 600 29 .40 .55 601 to 700 37 .51 .66 701 to 800 .44 .62 .80 801 to 900 51 .73 .88 901 to 1000 59 .88 1.17 1001 to 1200 65 .99 1.32 1201 to 1400 : 73 1.10 1.46 1401 to 1600 80 1.21 1.61 1601 to 1800 88 1.32 1.75 1801 to 2000 95 1.43 1.90 2.08 2001 to 2200 1.02 1.54 2.05 2.38 2201 to 2400 1.10 1.64 2.19 2.56 2401 to 2600 1.17 1.75 2.34 2.74 2601 to 2800 . 1.24 1.86 2.49 2.89 2801 to 3000 1.32 1.97 2.63 3.07 3001 to 3200 1.39 2.08 2.78 3.25 3201 to 3400 1.46 2.19 2.92 3.40 3401 to 3600 1.53 2.30 3.07 3.51 3601 to 3800 1.61 2.41 3.22 3.62 3801 to 4000.... ..1.68 2.52 3.36 3.73 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 201 For one story covering more than 4000 square feet, each addi- tional 200 square feet or fractional part thereof $0.037. For two stories, fifty per cent; three stories, one hundred per cent; and four or more stories, one hundred and ten per cent shall be added to the ground surface rate for one story. Where a house or dwelling is occupied by more families than one, the rate for each additional family shall be thirty per cent of the foregoing rates, except when a house or dwelling is divided into flats, or tenement sub-divisions and each occupied by a sep- arate family, then the rate charged shall be the same for each flat or tenement subdivision as for a single house of like dimensions. Where a house, dwelling, place of business or place of amusement is subdivided for such occupancy it shall be optional with the per- son, company or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or furnishing water for public use to provide a separate service pipe from the curb line for each family, place of business or place of amusement BOARDERS, LODGERS, BUSINESS OFFICES, ETC. Sec. 2. For buildings containing boarders, there shall be added to the other rates fixed hereby applying thereto, $0.06 for each boarder therein. Sec. 3. For buildings containing lodgers, business offices, fra- ternal associations, clubs and boarding schools, in addition to other rates herein applying thereto, for each sleeping room ordi- narily occupied $0.06, excepting therefrom the rooms occupied by the single family managing or maintaining the building. WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, ETC. Sec. 4. For each water closet in private use in one private dwell- ing, $0.18. . For each water closet for use in boarding and lodging houses, public premises, or in a position accessible to more than one private family, $0.55. Valve closets, hopper closets, drain closets, trough closets and privy vaults connected with sewers or cess-pools, each seat to be charged at the same rate as a water closet, but no appliance of this description not supplied with a self-closing valve is hereby rated or permitted. For each urinal accessible to the public, or to more than one private family, $0.37. Sec. 5. For each bath tub in a private dwelling, $0.26. For each bath tub in boarding and lodging houses, or accessible to more than one private family, $0.55. Swimming baths at meter rates, as per Section 12 hereof. LAWN SPRINKLING. Sec. 6. For irrigation of lawns, four and four-tenths ($0.0044) mills per square yard. 202 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. For flower gardens and cultivated grounds, three and seven- tenths ($0.0037) mills per square yard, not including vegetable gardens and truck patches, which shall be specially rated. There shall be no charge for sprinkling or irrigation of lawns or flowers less than two dollars and nineteen cents ($2.19) per year, and the rates before specified shall be applicable throughout the year. For the purposes of preserving an adequate and equitable pres- sure of water for fire protection, all irrigation is restricted to the hours between 5 and 10 o'clock a. m., and between 4 and 9 o'clock p. m., and may, at the option of the parties supplying water, be further restricted to Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays in that portion of the city lying easterly of the center of Broadway, and to Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays in that por- tion of the city lying westerly of the center of Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS USES. Sec. 7. For water used for washing sidewalks, fronts of build- ings and windows of stores, per lineal foot of frontage, three and seven-tenths ($0.0037) mills; hose used for these purposes shall not have a nozzle larger than one-fourth of an inch in diameter of orifice. Sprinkling of streets by private parties is prohibited. HORSES, COWS, ETC. Sec. 8. For horses kept in private stables, including water for washing one vehicle, $0.37 for the first horse, $0.18 for each ad- ditional. For each car, stage, omnibus, saddle or draught horse or mule, $0.26. For each cow, $0.18. MINIMUM FLAT RATES. Sec. 9. Where the monthly rates for any individual consumer aggregate less than eighty-five cents, said sum of eighty-five cents shall be collectible. It being the purpose of this ordinance to establish eighty-five cents per month as the minimum charge for flat rates. STORES, BANKS, HOTELS, SALOONS, FIRE PIPES, ETC. Sec. 10. For stores, banks, warehouses, mercantile offices, black- smith shops, carpenter shops, carriage shops, and business premises, taking water for ordinary purposes, not including other rates herein applying thereto, at rates per Section 1 hereof. For churches, Sunday schools and halls used for religious or de- votional services, fifty per cent of the rates as per Section 1 hereof. For saloons, winerooms, bars, beer halls, places of amusements, groceries with bars connected therewith, drug stores, restaurants, bakeries, eating houses, barber shops, butcher shops, confection- REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 203 cries, photograph galleries, printing offices, book binderies, green- houses, horse troughs, soda fountains, engine houses, bathing es- tablishments, hotels, creameries, livery and boarding stables, public buildings, boarding schools, garages, clubs, public and private schools, slaughter houses, breweries, bottling establishments, rail- roads, steam engines, powers, motors, elevators, mills, manufac- tories, jails, laundries, or for other purposes not especially rated in this schedule and requiring a large quantity of water, at meter rate, as per Section 12 hereof; providing, that no charge under such rate shall be less than $1.50. Meters shall be applied at the expense of the consumer to all pipes used for fire protection, and monthly bills shall be charged for the same at regular meter rates; provided, however, that the monthly bills shall not be less than $0.73 for each half inch of di- ameter of pipe used. BUILDING PURPOSES. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of any person desiring to use water for building purposes, before commencing the work con- templated, to deposit with the water company an amount estimated under the terms of this ordinance to be sufficient to cover the charges for water required for such work, and to receive therefor, a certificate of such deposit, and a permit to use water for the pur- pose specified from any convenient service, in case he has not se- cured a special service connection. After completion of the work the final adjustment of charges for water used is to be made on the basis of rates as follows: For water used to make mortar, for each 1,000 brick used, $0.07. For water to slack each barrel of lime used for any other purpose than for laying brick, $0.11. For cement work $0.07 per cubic yard, for concrete $0.037 per square, for plaster, or $0.07 per barrel for cement used. For water used for settling earth, when replacing it in a ditch or excavation, $0.007 per lineal foot of trench. No person shall make any connections with the pipes of any water companies, or draw or use water therefrom for any of the purposes specified in this section, until he shall have complied with the provisions hereof. METER RATES. Sec. 12. Water furnished for any and all other purposes not otherwise embraced or specified in this schedule, shall be supplied by meter at the following rates: $0.24 per hundred cubic feet for first two thousand cubic feet used per month. $0.22 per hundred cubic feet for the next three thousand cubic feet (between two and five thousands) used per month. $0.21 per hundred cubic feet for the next 5,000 cubic feet (be- tween five and ten thousand) used per month. 204 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. $0.20 per hundred cubic feet for the next 10,000 cubic feet (be- tween ten and twenty thousand) used per month. $0.19 per hundred cubic feet for the water used in excess of 20,- 000 cubic feet, used per month; provided, that no monthly charge for water measured through a meter permanently installed, shall be less than $1.50 per month. MUNICIPAL USES AND RATES. Sec. 13. Water used for sprinkling streets, roads and alleys by the City of Oakland, its officers, employes, or those contracting with the city for the work of sprinkling said streets, roads, or al- leys, or used by persons authorized by the city or its officers, shall be charged to, and paid for by the city, monthly, at the following rates: $0.21 per hundred cubic feet for the first 2,000 cubic feet used per month. $0.19 per hundred cubic feet for the next 3,000 cubic feet (be- tween two and five thousand) used per month. $0.18 per hundred cubic feet for the next 15,000 cubic feet (be- tween two and five thousand) used per month. $0.17 per hundred cubic feet for the water used in excess of 20,000 cubic feet used per month. The quantity so used to be determined by meters, or by an accur- ate monthly account, to be kept by the Superintendent of Streets of the number of casks or sprinkling wagon loads used, correct copies of which said accounts shall be furnished by the Superintendent of Streets at the close of each calendar month, to the person, com- pany or corporation supplying or furnishing said water. Sec. 14. Water used by the City of Oakland, its officers or em- ployes, or persons authorized by the city or its officers, for flush- ing or cleaning sewers, shall be supplied through meters only, and the quantity of water so used shall be charged to and paid for by the city, monthly at meter rates, as per Section 13 hereof; pro- vided, that no monthly charge for water measured through a meter permanently installed shall be less than $1.30. The rate of compensation to be charged and collected monthly from the City of Oakland for water supplied to and by, and through fire hydrants, for fire purposes and for the protection against fire thus afforded, not including water used or taken by, or through, or from fire hydrants for any other purposes, shall be $2.47 for each fire hydrant. RATES LIABILITY FOR AND WHEN PAYABLE. Sec. 15. The owner of a property occupied by more than one tenant supplied through the same service, will be liable for the pay- ment of the water bills. Municipal and meter water rates are due and payable at the end of each current month; all other water rates are due and payable monthly in advance for each calendar month. Water may be REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 205 turned off from any premises on which the rentals are in arrears thirty days, and an additional charge of one dollar ($1.00) may be imposed for again turning the water on such premises. RATING, INSPECTION AND WASTE PREVENTION. Sec. 16. The person, company or corporation engaged in the business of supplying or furnishing water, shall, by authorized agents, make personal examination of the premises of any appli- cant for water, or of any consumer requesting a re-adjustment of rates, and shall designate rates strictly in accordance with those herein established. Said agents shall have free access between reasonable hours, to all premises supplied with water for purposes of ascertaining and designating rates, as well as for purposes of inspection and preven- tion of wabte. Any person, company or corporation supplying the City of Oak- land or its inhabitants with water may, at its option, supply any consumer with water at the meter rates set out in Section 12 of this ordinance; provided, that any consumer who is not receiving water at meter rates may, if he so desires, demand in writing that water be furnished such consumer at meter rates and the person, company or corporation supplying water shall be bound to fur- nish water to such consumer at meter rates within a period not exceeding six months after such demand is made; provided, how- ever, that the person, company or corporation supplying water shall not have the right or option to sell water at meter rates to any consumer whose monthly water bill figured at the flat rates set forth herein amounts to less than the minimum rates herein provided. For the purpose of discovering and repressing waste or exces- sive use, all persons, companies or corporations supplying water, shall have the right in all cases to apply and maintain meters to measure the water used or consumed, and to charge and collect for waste or excessive use, under the condition, and to the extent hereafter provided in this section and not otherwise. No consumer shall be deemed guilty of waste or excessive use, unless the water used and consumed on his premises in any month, shall exceed by more than fifty per cent the number of cubic feet which at regular meter rates amounts to his rated bill under the flat schedule. Any additional excess shall be deemed waste or excessive use. Immediately after the discovery of any waste or excessive use, the consumer shall be notified thereof, by the person, company or corporation supplying water, by notice mailed to his address, or to the agent or person to whom his water bills are presented for collection. After such notice, the consumer may be charged, and there may be collected from him for any waste or excessive use thereafter occurring on his premises, at regular meter rates, but 206 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. such charge or collection shall not exceed for the first month, the sum of $1.50. COMPLAINTS. Sec. 17. If any person shall consider that the legal rate is being exceeded, said person shall give written notice to such effect to the person, company or corporation making the estimated over- charge, demanding therein a re-inspection of the premises com- plained of, and a re-adjustment of the rates applying thereto; and should the supplier be willing to restore to the consumer the overcharge, if any, made under this schedule, within thirty days after such notice, no further action shall be taken in the matter. If, however, no just redress is made, a complaint in writing may be presented to the City Engineer, which complaint much be ac- companied by a deposit of five dollars. The City Engineer shall thereupon notify the person, company or corporation supplying the premises with water of the fact that complaint has been made, and a deposit made by the complainant in accordance with the requirements hereby set out, and such person, company or corpora- tion supplying said premises with water shall thereupon im- mediately deposit with the City Engineer the sum of five dollars ($5.00). The City Engineer shall, within ten days thereafter, make a survey and shall report to the person making complaint and to the person, company or corporation supplying the premises with water, as to whether the rates set forth in this ordinance have been exceeded. If it shall appear from the report of the City Engineer that the premises have not been overchargd, then the person complaining shall forfeit the deposit of five dollars in the hands of the City Engineer, which sum shall be retained by said City Engineer as his fee for making the survey, and the five dol- lars deposited by the person, company or corporation supplying the said premises with water shall be immediately returned to said person, company or corporation. If, however, it should appear that the premises complained of have been overcharged, then the five dollars in the hands of the City Engineer, deposited by the person making the complaint, shall be returned to the person who made it, and the five dollars deposited by the person, company or corporation supplying the premises with water shall be retained by the City Engineer as a fee for making a survey of the premises complained of, and said person, company or corporation shall fur- ther immediately refund to the consumer all overcharges that have been previously made on account of such service during the period of two years prior to such survey. ERECTION AND REPAIR OF HYDRANTS. Sec. 18. For fire hydrants ordered erected or re-set by the City of Oakland, or its qualified officers, the City of Oakland shall be charged for, and shall pay to the water company, corporation or person owning the water main to which such fire hydrants are to be connected, the actual cost of the same, said cost to be repre- REVENUE AND PROPERTY. 207 senteil by the actual cost of the materials and labor used, plus ten per cent for supervision arid use of tools. \Vlu-n any fire hydrant shall require necessary repairs to main- tain them in an efficient condition for fire purposes and protec- tion, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department shall, in writing, order the repairs made by the person, company or corporation engaged in the business of supplying water to said hydrants and the bill of costs thereof shall be rendered to, and paid for by the City of Oakland. CHARGES FOR SERVICES. Sec. 19. The water company, association, corporation or person engaged in the business of supplying water, is hereby authorized to collect for water service connections consisting of tapping the water mains, placing the cock thereat, running pipe therefrom to a point opposite to said tap inside the curb line, affixing a curb cock thereto, covered by a suitable box, also including replacing the ground and pavement of the street thus disturbed, in good, durable, workmanlike condition, to the satisfaction of the Superin- tendent of Streets, the following sums: For ^2-inch connections $10.00 For %-iiich connections 12.00 For 1 -inch connections 16.00 For 1%-inch connections 25.00 For 2 -inch connections 35.00 For 3 -inch connections 50.00 The water company, association, corporation or person engaged in the business of supplying water, is hereby prohibited from collecting more than the sum of $2.00 each for the turning on of water to such service connections as shall have been disconnected at the main, for just and reasonable cause by the supplier of water, or for re-connecting those disconnected by order of the consumer, or his agent; said charge of two dollars ($2.00) to include replac- ing the ground and pavement of the street thus disturbed in good, durable, workmanlike manner, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. NOTICE OF DISCONNECTION. Any consumer may, at any time, upon the payment of accrued rates, notify the company in writing, to turn off or discontinue the water supply upon his premises, after which no charge shall be made for water for said premises, until the use of water is re- sumed; provided, that in order to secure a rebate, notice must be given at the office of the company, before the 15th of the month, of the intention to have water turned off. No rebates of more than half a month will be allowed. No reduction, however, will be made in the schedule rate for any premises, so long as the water is turned on the same; provided, however, that where more than one occupancy is served by one service connection, and one or any number of said occupancies are vacant, no charge shall be 208 REVENUE AND PROPERTY. made or collected for such vacancy or vacancies, after notice, as above set forth, is given. Sec. 20. It shall be a misdemeanor for any unauthorized person to turn the water on to any premises, tap any pipe or main be- longing to the company or to break, injure or tamper with any lock, meter or other property belonging to the water company. SCHEDULE REPRESENTS MAXIMUM. Sec. 21. This ordinance fixes and establishes the maximum be- yond which any person, company or corporation shall not be per- mitted to charge or collect for water, fire hydrants or service connections. DATE OF GOING INTO EFFECT. Sec. 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and including the first day of July, 1912, and shall remain in full force and effect until and including the thirtieth day of June, 1913. (Passed June 28, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 245 N. S. An Ordinance to Provide for the Keeping of Wharves, Docks and Piers in the City of Oakland in Good Repair, Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof and Repealing Ordinance No. 1219, Entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the Keeping of Wharves, Docks and Piers in Good Repair," and All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any wharf, dock or pier in the City of Oakland at the terminus of, or connected with, any public street, or upon which there is, or may be, public travel, shall keep the same in good con- dition and in sufficient repair to render the same safe for public travel, and not dangerous to life, limb or property, and such per- son, firm or corporation shall obey promptly all orders of the Council of the City of Oakland requiring any work upon said wharf, dock or pier', or repair thereof, which may be necessary to put the same in the condition provided for by the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 1219 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 16, 1912.) CHAPTER IV Ordinances 'Providing for the ''Protection of the <Pullic Health PUBLIC HEALTH. 213 ORDINANCE NO. 1616. An Ordinance Requiring the Reporting to the Health Office of All Animals Suffering from Certain Diseases. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every Veterinary Surgeon practicing medicine in the City of Oakland shall immediately report in writing to the Health Office every animal he shall have sick of contagious pleuro- pneumonia, tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease, anthrax, Texas fever, actinomycosis, glanders, farcy and hydrophobia. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved July 3, 1894. Vol. 4, p. 571.) ORDINANCE NO. 1332. An Ordinance to Regulate the Manner of Keeping Cows and Other Animals. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall in the City of Oakland keep any cow, horse, cattle, goat, swine or other animal in such manner as may injuriously affect the health of any neighborhood or person. Sec. 2. Every person having the care or control of any yard, stable, pen or other place in the City of Oakland where cows, horses, cattle, goats, swine or other animals are kept shall keep such yard, stable, pen or place clean and free from stagnant water and all filthy or unhealthful substances. Sec. 3. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars; and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 699.) ORDINANCE NO. 684. An Ordinance for Securing the Health of the City of Oakland, and Regulating the Amount of Air in Each Room Used for Lodging Purposes in Said City. The Council of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to sleep or lodge in any room in the City of Oakland unless said 214 PUBLIC HEALTH. room contains at least five hundred cubic feet of air for each per- son sleeping or lodging therein. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be lined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid, the person fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. , Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved August 28, 1876. Vol. 2, p. 486.) ORDINANCE NO. 1348. An Ordinance Requiring the Reporting to the Health Office of All Births. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every physician and midwife in the City of Oakland shall report to the Health Office on or before the fifth day of each month, all births occurring in his or her practice during the prev- ious month. In the absence of such physician or midwife it shall be the duty of the parent or parents to make such report within thirty days after the birth of any child to them. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. SeCc 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Concerning a Record of Births in the City of Oakland," approved Nov. 14, 1870, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 716.) ORDINANCE NO. 703. An Ordinance to Compel the Cleansing and Emptying of Cess- pools and Privy Vaults Within the Limits of the City of Oakland The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to con- struct or use, or have, or maintain any cesspool or privy vault or water closet upon any lot of land owned or occupied by him or her, in the City of Oakland, within one hundred and fifty feet of either line of any street having a sewer therein unless such cess- pool or privy vault or water closet is properly connected with the street sewer; and in all said connections there shall be a trap or other device to prevent the escape of gas or obnoxious odors there- from into the open air, so as to be offensive to the senses of any PL-UKIC HEALTH. 215 person living or being in the immediate- neighborhood thereof; and in all such connections there shall he maintained a constant sup- ply of water from either tank or city water works, sufficient to prevent filthy accumulations in cesspools or privy vaults or water closets, or the pipes or drains thereof (Amendment approved October 9, 1894. Vol. 4, p. 617.) Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, the person so fined shall be im- prisoned in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Connecting of Cesspools and Privies with the Sewers in Certain Portions of the City of Oakland," approved November 23, 1875, is hereby repealed Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its approval. (Approved November 30, 1876 Vol. 3, p. 509.) ORDINANCE NO. 3094. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Gathering of Confetti From the Pub- lic Streets, Sidewalks or Places, the Possession, Sale or Offer for Sale of Confetti so Gathered and the Throwing of Confetti so Gathered or Confetti in Mixed Colors Upon Any Person or the Apparel of Any Individual. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to gather or pick up from any public street, sidewalk or place, except for the purpose of cleaning such public street, sidewalk or place, the sub- stance known and designated as "Confetti," or to have in his po- session or to sell, or offer for sale, confetti that has been gathered or picked up from any public street, sidewalk or place, or to throw, or cause to be thrown, confetti so gathered or picked up, or con- fetti in mixed colors upon any person or the apparel of any in- dividual. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effort Juno 2S. 1910.) 21o PUBLIC HEALTH. ORDINANCE NO. 1360. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Bringing Into the City of Oakland the Body of Any Person Who Died of a Contagious Disease, Within One Year of the Day of Death. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, master, captain or conductor in charge of any boat, vessel, railroad car or public or private conveyance to bring into the City of Oakland the dead body of any person who died of a contagious disease within one year of the day of death. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, or in case such fine be not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved November 14, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 731.) ORDINANCE NO. 1331. An Ordinance Requiring the Obtaining of Permits for the Inter- ment or Removal of Dead Bodies. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person shall deposit in any cemetery in the City of Oakland the body of any human being who has died in the said city, or remove the same from within the limits of the city with- out first having obtained and filed at the Health Office a certifi- cate, signed by a legally licensed physician or coroner, setting forth as near as possible the name, age, sex, color, place of birth, occu- pation, locality, and cause of death of deceased, and obtained from the Health Officer a permit in writing therefor for burial or other purposes. Sec. 2. No person shall transport in or through the streets or highways of the City of Oakland the body of any human being who has died without the limits of the city, or any body or re- mains of a deceased person, exhumed or taken from any grave, unless the person transporting such body or remains shall first obtain from the Health Officer a permit in writing therefor, which shall accompany the body or remains. Sec. 3. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in PUBLIC HEALTH. 217 case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 698.) ORDINANCE NO. 1806. An Ordinance Requiring the Disinfection and Fumigation of Resi- dences and Other Places Where Contagious Diseases Have Existed. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Whenever any case of smallpox, diphtheria, scarletina, Asiatic cholera, tuberculosis or other contagious disease has existed in any building or other place within the City of Oakland, it shall be the duty of the householder or proprietor of such place, or, if such place has ceased to be occupied, then of the owner thereof, to immediately and thoroughly fumigate and disinfect such pre- mises in the manner and to such extent as the Health Department may direct. The fumigation and disinfection to be done at the expense of the city. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dol- lars, and in case such fine be not paid, then the person so fined shall be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect. and be in force im- mediately upon its approval. (Approved May 2, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 139.) ORDINANCE NO. 2311. An Ordinance Requiring the Reporting to the Health Officer of All Cases of Sickness or Death from Certain Diseases, and Re- pealing Ordinance No. 1293, Approved July 6th, 1891, and all Amendatory Ordinances Thereto. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every physician in the City of Oakland shall im- mediately report to the Health Officer, in writing, every patient he or she shall have sick of typhus or ship fever, yellow fever, Asiatic cholera, smallpox, bubonic plague, diphtheria, scarlet fever or scarletina, chicken-pox, typhoid fever, malaria fever, measles, or pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by expectoration; and re- port to the Health Office every death from any of the said diseases immediately after it shall have occurred. Sec. 2. Every householder in the City of Oakland shall im- mediately report in writing to the Health Officer the name of 218 PUBLIC HEALTH. every inmate of his or her house, whom he or she shall have rea- son to believe sick of typhus or ship fever, yellow fever, Asiatic cholera, smallpox, bubonic plague, diphtheria, scarlet fever or scarletina, chicken-pox, typhoid fever, measles, malarial fever, or pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by expectoration, and report every death occurring at his or her house from any of the said diseases. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1293 requiring the reporting to the Health Officer of all cases of sickness or death from certain dis- eases, approved July 6, 1891, and ail amendatory ordinances thereto are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved Aug. 6, 1904. Vol. 6, p. 263.) ORDINANCE NO. 938. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Emptying of Drains and the De- positing of Rubbish Upon Public Grounds and Streets. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. No person owning or having the control of any premises shall suffer or permit any drainage or sewerage, or any drain from any house, barn, building, stable, shed, privy, vault or cesspool situated on such premises, or any drain from such premises, to empty into or upon any public square, street or high- way within the limits of the City of Oakland, nor shall any person throw into or deposit upon any public square, street or highway any rubbish, garbage, filth, or glass or broken ware without per- mission of the City Council. Sec. 2. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, and in case the fine be not paid the person so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison until the same be satisfied at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval. (Approved January 10, 1884. Vol. 3, p. 127.) ORDINANCE NO. 1214. An Ordinance to Prevent the Abuse of Opium and Other Drugs. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any druggist, or any person whatever, to sell or give away or deliver to any person in the City I'l BUG HEALTH 219 if Oakland, excepting as provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this ordi- nance, opium or any preparation thereof, morphine, cocaine or any of their salts, or any solution or preparation* in which one or more of these substances is known to be an ingredient. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall not apply to the filling by drug- gists of the written orders or prescriptions of any licensed phy- sician, or one who, upon due inquiry, is believed by the druggist to be such, for any of the substances enumerated in Section 1; but every such order' or prescription must be numbered and dated at the time it is filled, and the name and address of the druggist filling it must be written or stamped, in ink, across the face of such order or prescription, so that it cannot be erased without de- tection; and a label with similar date and number, name and ad- dress, shall be affixed to the bottle, box or package of the medi- cine before its delivery, and upon such label shall also be written the name of the physician who prescribed or ordered it. Every such order or prescription, or a copy thereof, shall be kept by the druggist filling it, for two years, and be subject to the inspection of any legally constituted court or officer demanding it. No copy of any such order or prescription shall ever be filled, but the original order or prescription may be refilled once only (excepting as hereinafter provided) and the druggist refilling it must make a note upon it that, it has been refilled, and also the date upon which it was refilled. If it shall be refilled by any other druggist than the one who first filled it, such druggist must also number it and stamp or write his name and address in ink across the face of it and keep it, or a copy of it, for two years, subject to inspection as before ordered; and such order or prescription must not again be refilled excepting upon the order or request, written upon a separate paper, of the physician A\ho wrote the order or prescrip- tion, and then cnly for as long a time not exceeding two weeks as the physician may designate in such order; and such written order or request must be kept by the druggist for two years and be subject to inspection as in the case of the original prescription or order. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall not apply to the sale of liniments or mixtures for external use that are of such a nature that they cannot be taken internally without danger to life or health; nor to the sale of morphine or cocaine, or their salts, or of opium, in mixtures, pills, powders, or solutions when in combination with other active ingredients; provided, that no more than eight grains of opium, and no more than two grains of morphine or cocaine or their salts, or both combined, shall be sold to, or for, the same person in any one day; nor to the sale of paregoric; nor the sale or gift of any of the substances enumerated in Section 1, to hospi- tals, asylums or other public or charitable institutions for use therein; or to physicians or dentists or other druggists who are en- gaged in the business. 220 PUBLIC HKAI/1'll. Sec. 4. Jt shall be unlawful for any person to endeavor to pro- cure any of the substances enumerated in Section I, by means of a fraudulent order or prescription, or one signed by a fictitious name, or by means of any other false statement or representation. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any physician to give away, or to prescribe, or give an order for any of the substances named, to any person excepting for the purpose of curing or alleviating disease. Sec. 6. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case the said fine is not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each dollar of the fine so imposed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon and after its approval. (Approved October 30, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 527.) ORDINANCE NO. 3086. An Ordinance Forbidding Distribution From House to House of Free Samples of Drugs or Medicines, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to go from house to house distributing any free sample of any drug or medicine or preparation intended for medicinal purposes. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in case said fine be not paid, at the rate of one day for each two dollars of such fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall lake effect from and after its pas- sage and approval. (Approved June 23, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 1854. An Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Freshly Slaughtered Beef, and the Transporting and Exposing for Sale of Freshly Slaugh- tered Meat Within the Limits of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall sell, or keep, or offer for sale, either at wholesale or retail, within the City of Oak- land, any freshly slaughtered beef until the same shall have been inspected and approved !y the United States Government Inspec- I'l.T.UC HEALTH, 221 tor, and the seal attached thereto according to th< G tnctil regulations. Sec. 2. on, fn in or corporation shall witliin the City of Oakland ffCitl meat.-, to \n: offered for sale without CO 1'1-ie dust therefrom while being trans- port Sec. 3. Kvrry prison, fi. .-ition violating any of the provisions of this ordinance sliali be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon <onvi<lion thereof shall }: fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred (.SI 00.00; dollar:-;, and in case said fine, or any part the not paul, then the pet im-d shall be imprison' City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one (1) day for <arh tno ($2.00; dollars of the line so imposed or remaining unpaid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effcM and },<-. in force from and ; . pproval. (Ap] 17, 1897. Vol. 5, p. 210.; ORDINANCE NO. 1344. An Ordinance to Prevent the Discharge or Deposit of Sewage, Drainage and Garbage Into Lake Merritt. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. i.all cause or permit any sewage, drain- age, i/e of any house or premises to be discharged imo or deposited in Lake Merritt 01 any of its tributary streams, within the limits of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. rlvery person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty oi a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 712.) ORDINANCE NO. 1520. An Ordinance to Protect Sewers and Sewering in the City of Oak- land by Prohibiting the Unauthorized Discharge, Deposit or In- troduction Therein of Sewage, Drainage or Garbage Matter from Without the City. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Xo person without having first obtained the permis- sion of the Council of the City of Oakland so to do, shall directly >r indirectly discharge, deposit or introduce from without the City 222 PUBLIC HEALTH. of Oakland any sewage, drainage or garbage matter in or into any sewer within the City of Oakland, or in or into any sewer exten- sion, sewer branches or sewer connection connecting therewith. Outside sewers, for the purposes of this ordinance, are those lying outside the City of Oakland. The use or connection, or con- tinuance of the use or connection of any outside sewer in con- junction or connection with any sewer extension or sewer pipe which connects with any sewer within this city, by which outside sewer use 01 connection, or the continuance of either, any sewage, drainage or garbage matter is allowed or caused, directly or indi- rectly, to be introduced or conveyed into any sewer within this city, is and shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance, unless before such outside use is begun or continued, or before such out- side connection is made or maintained, permission of said Council to enter upon or continued such use or to make or maintain such connection, shall have first been obtained. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved April 27, 1893. Vol. 4. p. 415.) ORDINANCE NO. 2961. An Ordinance to Regulate the Sanitary Conditions Within or Sur- rounding Markets, Shops, Creameries, Grocery or Provision Stores, Under Whatever Name, Bakeries, Confectionery Stores and Manufactories, Restaurants, Boarding Houses, Hotels, Can- neries, Slaughter Houses, Meat, Milk and Market Wagons and Vehicles, Places Where Oysters or Other Shell Fish Are Pre- pared for Food and Places Where Fowl Are Killed and Prepared for Sale or Storage, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Market Inspector to visit at frequent intervals each public and private market, stall, shop, store, warehouse, cannery, factory, restaurant and storehouse in the City of Oakland, and to inspect each and all wagons, carts, and vehicles of vendors or street hawkers, in or about which meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, bread or other provisions are kept, made, held or carried for sale, or other disposition for human food, and to examine and carefully inspect all such food stuffs and pro- visions. Sec. 2. Every person keeping, maintaining or being in charge of any public or private market, stall, shop, store, bakery, ice PUBLIC HEALTH. 223 cream or candy factory, storehouse, warehouse, cold storage, cart, \\a.u)ii or other vehicle in, on or about which any meat, fish, oysters, birds, fowl, vegetables, fruit, milk, bread, candies, cakes or other provisions are kept, held or stored, or offered for sale or other disposition, as human food, shall keep such public or private market or stall, shop, store, bakery, candy factory, ice cream fac- tory, storehouse, warehouse, cold storage, cart, wagon, or other vehicle in a clean, pure and wholesome condition, and if any such person shall allow or permit the same to become or remain un- clean, impure or unwholesome, he shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance. \ Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful to keep meat, game, fish, vegetables, fruit or other prepared food stuffs in an open receptacle less than two feet above the floor. It shall also be unlawful to keep meat, vegetables, fruit, fish, dairy products, cooked meats, figs, dates, dried fruit, olives, sauerkraut, mince meat, lard, butter, butterine, candy, crackers, cakes, bread or any prepared food, exposed for sale in the open air, to the action of moisture, soot, dust and flies in the front of any shop, store, or other place. Every manager of a store, market or other place where food is prepared for sale, stored for sale, offered for sale, or sold, shall cause the same to be screened effectually so as to prevent flies and other insects from obtaining access to such food, and prevent the handling of same by patrons or prospective purchasers. All fruits, vegetables, meats and other food kept, or sold, or of- fered for sale, shall be kept in receptacles free from decayed mat- ter of all kinds. Sec. 4. Every person who shall bring into, hold, keep, offer or expose for sale or sell or deliver for sale or consumption within the City of Oakland any milk or milk product, meat, fish, or bread in any wagon, cart or other vehicle shall provide such wagon, cart or other vehicle with a suitable cover which shall be used at all times. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful to prepare, keep for sale, or sell any kind of meat, milk products, fish, game, vegetables, fruit, bread, cakes, candies, or other foods in any room in which a toilet is lo- cated nor in any room opening directly into a toilet room, unless there is outside ventilation to such toilet room. Sec. 6. All dealers in meats, fowls, fish, vegetables, fruits, groceries, or other human food, shall maintain in their respective places of business, and in the part of the building occupied by them for business purposes, at least one water faucet, connected by pipes with a suitable water supply. Sanitary lavatory conveniences must be provided for the use of employes. Sec. 7. The baking of bread, cakes, pies, the manufacture of candy, or the cooking of other food, is prohibited from being done in a cellar or basement or other room where there is no direct ventilation t<> the outer air. 224 PUBLIC HEALTH. Sec. 8. Any person or persons, owning or managing or in Charge of any canning establishment, or other place where meats, fish, oysters, fowls, fruits, or vegetables are canned or preserved for human food, who shall keep or conduct said place in an unclean, unwholesome or unsanitary manner; and any person canning, cur- ing, or otherwise preserving any meats, fish, oysters, fowl, fruits or vegetables for human food who shall utilize in this way any dis- eased, tainted or unwholesome meat, fish, oysters, fowl, or any diseased or decayed or unwholesome fruit or vegetables, or any fruit or vegetables from filthy boxes, baskets, or other container or use any chemical therein deleterious to health, shall be deemed guilty of violating this ordinance. Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of any restaurant, hotel or boarding house or other place where food is sold or served in the cooked or raw state, to keep such place in an unclean or unsanitary condition, and all persons employed in or about such places shall keep themselves and their clothing in a clean and healthful condition. Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person maintaining, or in charge of any restaurant, hotel, boarding house, or other place where meals or lunches are served in a cooked state or otherwise, to serve or cause to be served, any tainted or diseased meat, fish, oysters, fowl, or any diseased, decayed or partially decayed or un- wholesome fruit, vegetables, or any unwholesome food whatever, to any person or persons, either at said place or sent to any per- son or persons to be eaten at any other place. Sec. 11. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep live chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, or other live fowl in any cellar or basement underneath any grocery store, market or other place where food stuffs are kept for sale. It shall also be unlawful for any person or persons to keep any live chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese or live fowl of any kind in any room where any kind of food stuffs are kept, prepared for sale or sold. Slaughter houses and other places where fowl are killed and prepared for sale or storage shall be constructed with water-tight flooring with properly trapped sewer connections and these connected with the sewer and immediately after each killing the floor shall be thoroughly washed and the place at all times kept in a clean and wholesome con- dition. Sec. 12. If the Market Inspector shall find any public or private market, stall, shop, store, bakery, storehouse, cold storage ware- house, stock yard, slaughter house, boat, cart, wagon or other vehicle, in an unclean or unwholesome condition, notice shall be given to the person in charge thereof, to clean and purify the same, so as to put the same in a clean, wholesome and proper sanitary condition, within twenty-four hours from the time of such notice, and if any person so in charge shall not put the same in a \ clean, wholesome and proper sanitary condition within such time, PUBLIC HEALTH. 225 tli 'ii such iHTSon shall be guilty of violating this ordinance and subject to the punishment provided therefor. Sec. 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined by a sum not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then the person or persons so fined shall be imprisoned in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for each two ($2.00) dollars of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved Oct. 25, 1909. Vol. 8, p. 152.) ORDINANCE NO. 2246. An Ordinance Prohibiting Spitting and Expectoration in Certain Places. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to spit or expectorate within the City of Oakland upon the floor or steps of any public car or conveyance, or upon the floor or steps of any public building, or upon any sidewalk or crosswalk. Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed six dollars ($6), and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one (1) day for every two dollars ($2.00) of the fine so imposed and remaining unpaid. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1967, entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting Spitting and Expectoration in Certain Places," approved February 23, 1899, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved December 12, 1903. Vol. 6, p. 153.) ORDINANCE NO. 1346. An Ordinance to Prohibit the Maintenance of Stagnant Water and Nauseous and Offensive Substances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No person having possession or control of any real property in the City of Oakland shall cause, permit or allow upon the same, any stagnant water or any nauseous or offensive sub- stance. (As amended. Vol. 5, p. 541.) Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be 226 PUBLIC HEALTH. punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 714.) ORDINANCE NO. 1595. An Ordinance Concerning the Removal of Swill, Garbage, Filth, Offal of Any Kind, Manure, Rubbish or Any Offensive or 111 Smelling Matter, or Any Admixture of Swill, Garbage, Filth, Offal of Any Kind or Any Offensive or Ill-Smelling Matter and Repealing Ordinance No. 1576, Entitled "An Ordinance Con- cerning the Removal of Swill, Garbage, Filth, Butchers' Offal, Manure and Rubbish," Approved November 29, 1893. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to use any cart or vehicle upon any public street, lane or alley within the limits of the City of Oakland for the conveyance or removal of swill, garbage, filth, offal of any kind, or any offensive or ill- smelling matter, or any admixture of swill, garbage, filth, offal, of any kind, or any offensive or ill-smelling matter, between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 6 o'clock in the evening of each day. Sec. 2. No person shall use any cart or vehicle for the con- veyance or removal of swill, garbage, filth, offal of any kind or any offensive or ill-smelling matter, or any admixture of swill, garbage, filth, offal of any, or any offensive or ill-smelling matter, unless the said cart is staunch, tight and closely covered with a wooden or metal cover, so as to wholly prevent leakage or smell; nor use any cart or vehicle for the conveyance or removal of manure un- less the said cart or vehicle be provided with a canvas cover se- curely fastened over the top thereof, and be so constructed as to prevent the deposit of such manure or any portion thereof in or upon the streets through which said cart or vehicle may be driven. For the purposes of this ordinance the term "manure" shall only include the dung of animals mixed with hay or straw or both hay and straw. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hun- dred (100) dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then the per- son so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 1576, entitled "An Ordinance Concerning the Removal of Swill, Garbage, Filth, Butchers' Offal, Manure and Rubbish," approved November 29, 1893, is hereby repealed. PUBLIC HEALTH. 227 Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved Feb. 14, 1894. Vol. 4, p. 527.) ORDINANCE NO. 3018. An Ordinance Regulating the Slaughtering of Animals, Providing for the Inspection of Meats and Meat Products to be Sold in the City of Oakland, and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to sell, have, keep or expose for sale, for human food, or to have in possession, the flesh of any cattle, calves, sheep, swine, or goats, unless the same shall have been slaughtered under the supervision of the United States Government Inspector, in accor- dance with the regulations relating to the inspection of meat, as prescribed by the Department of Agriculture of the United States, or under the supervision of the meat inspector or an assistant meat inspector of the City of Oakland in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, have, keep or expose for sale, or have in possession, the flesh of any cattle, calves, swine, or goats, unless there has been placed on each primal part thereof, by or under the personal supervision of an inspector of the United States, or of the City of Oakland, a mark, stamp or brand, showing that the same has been inspected and passed for food purposes by the United States; or a mark, stamp or brand showing that the same has been inspected and passed for food purposes by the City of Oakland, and have thereon the words "Oakland City, Inspected and Passed," together with the number of the slaughter house, as hereinafter provided, in which the same was inspected. Sec. 3. (As amended Oct. 22, 1912, by Ordinance No. 338 N. S.) Any person, firm or corporation desiring to slaughter any of the animals mentioned in Sections 1 and 2 hereof for use for food purposes in the City of Oakland under the supervision of a Meat Inspector of the City of Oakland shall, before engaging in such business, make application in writing to the Health Department of the City of Oakland for a permit so to do, which application shall be signed by the person, firm or corporation making the same, and shall specify the location of the house or place where it is proposed to slaughter such animals. Upon the filing of such application with the said Health Department of the City of Oak- land a duly authorized Meat Inspector of the City of Oakland shall inspect said slaughter house, and, if the same shall be found to comply with the provisions of this ordinance relative to the con- struction and equipment of slaughter houses, he shall make written report thereof to the Health Department, whereupon said Health 228 PUBLIC HEALTH. Department shall issue the permit applied for and cause record thereof to be kept in the Health Office. Sec. 4. No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or cor- poration to engage in the business of slaughtering animals outside of the City of Oakland for use for food purposes in the City of Oakland, unless the house or place in which the same are to be slaughtered shall conform strictly to the following regulations: The floor or floors of the slaughter house shall be constructed and maintained sufficiently tight to prevent the surroundings under or about the same from becoming contaminated by filth or offen- sive matters, and all such floors shall be constructed on an in- cline and shall be sloped in such a manner as to provide adequate drainage therefrom. All parts of slaughtering establishments, including the slaughter houses, storage rooms for meats, and stables or corrals used for live stock shall be kept in a cleanly, wholesome condition. The blood and offal shall be handled and disposed of in such a manner as not to permit decay or offensive effluvia to emanate therefrom. The slaughter house shall be provided with a cooling room apart from the killing room, and shall be separated from the killing room by a tight partition in the side or sides next or nearest to the killing room. The cooling room shall be thoroughly ventilated and well screened so as to exclude flies and other insects therefrom. Sec. 5. (As amended Oct. 22, 1912, by Ordinance No. 338 N. S.) In order to obtain inspection by the City of Oakland, the person, firm or corporation operating any slaughter house where cattle, sheep, calves, swine or goats are to be slaughtered, and the flesh thereof to be supplied for the use of inhabitants of the City of Oakland for food purposes, shall make written application there- for, as provided in Section 3 of this ordinance, and inspection shall be granted by the Health Department of the City of Oakland upon the following conditions: That said slaughter house has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. That all slaughtering shall take place between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M. of any one day, unless a special permit in writing authorizing slaughtering at another time is granted by the Health Department. Sec. 6. That the fees for all inspection authorized by this ordi- nance shall be paid to the Treasurer of the City of Oakland by the person, firm or corporation for which such inspection has been furnished, as follows: First. If inspection is furnished continuously so as to require all of the time of the inspector, or more than one-half of each day, said fee shall be $100.00 per month, payable one-half on the 15th day, and one-half on the last day of each and every month during which such inspection is furnished. PUBLIC HEALTH. 229 Second. If inspection is furnished continuously for half a day, or less, each day, the fee for such inspection shall be $50.00 per month, payable in the manner provided for in the preceding para- graph of this section, provided, however, that the time of the in- spector, to be so paid for, shall include the time occupied in trav- eling both ways between the City of Oakland and the place where such slaughtering is being, or is to be, done. Third. If inspection is furnished for half a day or less, but not every day, the fee for such inspection shall be sixty (60) cents per hour, payable in the manner as provided in the paragraph num- bered first of this section, provided, however, that the time of the inspector, to be so paid for, shall include the time occupied in traveling both ways between the City of Oakland and the place where such slaughtering is being, or is to be, done. Fourth. Cattle shall be allowed to stand for a period of at least twenty-four hours and calves and small animals twelve hours at the place of slaughter, before killing. Sec. 7. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to slaughter any animals mentioned in this ordinance, the flesh or meat of which is to be sold for food in the City of Oakland, shall give notice to the meat inspector of said city, at least twenty-four hours before such slaughtering is to take place, that the services of an in- spector thereof will be required. Sec. 8. The person in charge of the slaughtering shall notify the inspector at the close of each day at what time on the following day the work of slaughtering will be commenced and if no slaugh- tering is to be done on the following day, then he shall notify the inspector at what time and on what succeeding day the work of slaughtering will next be commenced. Sec. 9. The days and parts of days during which the work of slaughtering any animal mentioned in this ordinance may be done shall be fixed by agreement between the holder of the permit for such slaughtering and the meat inspector or assistant inspector delegated by said meat inspector for such purpose, and in case no agreement can be had, the meat inspector is hereby empowered to designate the time at which such slaughtering shall be done. Sec. 10. (As amended Oct. 22, 1912, by Ordinance No. 338 N. S.) If inspection is granted by the Health Department as provided in this ordinance, the said Health Department shall designate each slaughter house to be inspected by number, which number shall be used on the mark, stamp or brand of all meats inspected therein. Sec. 11. (As amended Oct. 22, 1912, by Ordinance No. 338 N. S.) No slaughtering shall be done nor inspection made on any Sunday, unless a special permit in writing is granted therefor by the Health Department. Sec. 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion, except the meat inspector herein provided for, to have in pos- session, keep or use any mark, stamp or brand provided or used 230 PUBLIC HEALTH. for marking, stamping or branding any article herein required to be marked, stamped or branded. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to have in possession, keep, make or use any mark, stamp or brand having thereon a device or words similar in character or import to the marks, stamps or brands provided or used for marking, stamping or branding such articles. Sec. 13. If the fees herein provided for are not paid promptly upon the day the same become due under the terms of this ordi- nance, no inspection shall be furnished to the person, firm or cor- poration so in default, until the whole amount due is paid to the City of Oakland. Sec. 14. (Repealed Oct. 22, 1912, by Ordinance No. 338 N. S.) Sec. 15. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance and every inspector who shall wilfully pass meats unfit for human consumption shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than one hundred (100) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the Meat Inspector or his as- sistants, and they are hereby empowered to enter any place where meat or flesh or any animal mentioned in this ordinance, or the products thereof, may be stored, held, kept, exposed or offered for sale; and every establishment where meat is manufactured into articles of food or preserved, cured, canned or otherwise prepared for food, and shall inspect the same, and whenever such meat or flesh shall, upon inspection and examination, be found not marked, stamped or branded, showing that the same has been inspected and passed for food purposes by the United States or by the City of Oakland, as in this ordinance provided, the said Meat Inspector or his assistants shall condemn the same as unfit for human food, and shall mark and mutilate the same, and make the facts of such con- demnation apparent, and shall immediately order the same, by notice in writing, to be removed within four hours, and destroyed in the same manner and under the same terms and conditions and according to the same regulations as provided for the removal and destruction of other condemned foods. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Meat Inspector or his as- sistants in determining what constitutes diseased meat, or meat unwholesome and unfit for human consumption to be guided by the specifications contained in the regulations of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, governing the inspection of meats. Sec. 18. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 19. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect sixty (60) days after its passage and approval. (Approved Jan. 15, 1910.) PUBLIC HEALTH 231 ORDINANCE NO. 210 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Inspection of Milk, Milk Pro- ducts, Dairies, and Dairy Herds, and for Licensing and Regulat- ing the Sale of Milk, Cream and Other Dairy Products in the City of Oakland, and Providing a Penalty for Violation of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2377, and Ordi- nance No. 1618, and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The Commissioner of P.ublic Health and Safety of the City of Oakland is hereby authorized and empowered to pro- vide for the inspection of milk and milk products within the City of Oakland and for the inspection of dairies and dairy herds pro- ducing milk or milk products for sale or consumption within said City of Oakland, and said Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall prescribe the duties of such inspectors as are appointed to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. No milk shall be kept, sold or offered for sale, stored, exchanged, transported, conveyed, carried or delivered, or with such intent as aforesaid, be in the care, custody, control or possession of anyone if it contains less than eight and five-tenths per cent solids not fat, or less than three and five-tenths per cent butter fat, or if the temperature shall be higher than sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit; all milk the temperature of which is found on exam- ination or test to be above sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit shall be confiscated, forfeited, and immediately destroyed by, or under the direction of, the Market and Food Inspector. Sec. 3. No person shall bring into, hold, keep, offer or expose for sale, or sell or deliver for sale or consumption within the City of Oakland, any milk during the entire period from and including April 1 to and including October 31 of each year, which contains more than 100,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter, or which, during the entire period from and including November 1 to and including March 31 of each year, contains more than 75,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Sec. 4. No person or dealer in milk or milk products, and no employe or agent of such dealer in milk or milk products, except such as may sell for consumption upon the premises where sold, shall give, furnish, sell, offer for sale or deliver any milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey or cream in quantities of less than one gallon, unless the same be kept, offered for sale, exposed for sale, sold or delivered in sanitary transparent glass bottles, or such other receptacles of similar character as may be approved by the Market and Food Inspector, the same to be sealed with a suit- able cap or stopper. The said bottles or other receptacles shall be sealed immediately after the filling of the same, which filling and 232 PUBLIC HEALTH. sealing shall only be done in a milk house, or creamery, the sani- tary condition of which has been approved by the Market and Food Inspector. Sec. 5. No person, dealer, employe, or agent of such dealer, shall give, furnish, sell, offer for sale or deliver any milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product in quantities exceeding one gallon, unless the can or receptacle con- taining the same is securely sealed by lock and chain, wire or other contrivance equally efficient; provided, however, that the persons or dealers engaged exclusively in the wholesale delivery or sale of milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product from wagons not carrying milk in bottles, may de- liver the same from unsealed, but tightly covered cans or recep- tacles, the covers of which must not be perforated; and provided further that said wagon or wagons shall have upon both sides in- serted conspicuously in plain letters not less than three inches in height the words, "Wholesale Delivery." Sec. 6. No person shall transfer any milk from one can, bottle or receptacle on any street, alley or thoroughfare or upon a de- livery wagon or other vehicle, or in any exposed place in the City of Oakland, except in a milk house or creamery, the sanitary con- dition of which has been approved by the Market and Food In- spector. Sec. 7. No person shall remove from any dwelling in which exists any case of communicable disease any bottles or other re- ceptacles which have been or which are to be used for containing or storing milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product, except with the permission of the Market and Food Inspector. Sec. 8. No person or dealer in milk or milk products and no employe or agent of such a dealer shall send, ship, return or de- liver or cause, or permit to be sent, shipped, returned or delivered to any producer, dealer in or consumer of milk, any can, jar, bottle, measure or other vessel used as a container of milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product with- out thoroughly cleaning and cleansing by the use of boiling water, steam or other proper agent such can, jar, bottle, measure or other vessel used as a container for milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product. Sec. 9. No person or his employe or agents, or as the employe or agent of any other person, firm or corporation having custody of a can, jar, bottle, measure or other vessel used as a container for milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product destined for sale, shall cause or permit the same to be used for cooking purposes, or shall place or cause to be placed therein any offal, swill, animal or vegetable matter, or any article or substance other than milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, sour milk, whey, cream or other milk product, or water or other agent used for cleansing said can, jar, bottle, measure or other PUI5LIC HEALTH. 233 vessel, and no milk cans or milk vessels that are rusty or rust eaten or otherwise unfit shall he used. Sec. 10. No person shall offer or expose for sale, or sell or de- liver for sale or consumption any milk or cream without first hav- ing filed an application for a permit for a license with the Health Department of the City of Oakland or obtained a license to so sell or deliver milk or cream. Said application shall be in writing upon blanks provided for such purpose by the Health Department and, upon filing said application, the said applicant shall be authorized and permitted to engage in the sale and delivery of milk or cream within the City of Oakland; provided, however, that in the event of the refusal of the Market and Food Inspector, for cause pro- vided in this ordinance, to issue a permit for a license, said per- mission and authority acquired as aforesaid by said applicant upon filing of said application shall cease. Upon the filing of said appli- cation the name and place of residence of such applicant shall be entered in a book of registration kept for such purpose by the Market and Food Inspector. Inspection of the dairy and cows and all surroundings shall be made without unnecessary delay by the Market and Food Inspec- tor or under his direction, and it shall be his duty to examine or cause to be examined each and every animal producing milk or cream or other dairy product for sale or consumption within the City of Oakland, belonging to or controlled by such applicant, for the presence or absence of tuberculosis or other diseases. It shall further be the duty of the Market and Food Inspector to cause any and all cows found to be diseased to be removed from the premises where found and prevent the use of such diseased cows for the production of milk or cream or other dairy products for sale or consumption in said City of Oakland. A license shall be issued upon compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, and upon payment of three ($3) dollars where the sale of milk or cream by said applicant amounts to ten gal- lons or more per day; or upon the payment of fifty (50) cents where the sale of milk or cream by said applicant amounts to less than ten gallons per day, and not otherwise, and said license shall be issued by the Bureau of Permits and Licenses upon a permit therefor issued by the Market and Food Inspector. In case a per- mit for a license is refused the registration of such applicant shall be annulled and cancelled. Said license issued as aforesaid shall be valid and effective during three months from date of issue and no longer, and said license shall not be transferable. The name of the licensee and the number of his license shall be affixed in a con- spicuous place on every vehicle used in the carriage of milk or cream for sale or consumption in the City of Oakland. Sec. 11. Every person shall immediately after having obtained knowledge thereof report to the Health Department the name and place of residence of any person infected with a contagious or in- fectious disease and engaged in caring for or handling cows, milk 234 PUBLIC HEALTH. or cream or other dairy products, or living upon premises where milk or cream is produced or stored, provided that this section only applies to cows the products of which are intended for sale or consumption in the City of Oakland. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the Market and Food Inspector or his assistants, in determining what constitutes unwholesome milk, cream or dairy products unfit for human consumption, to be guided by the provisions of this ordinance and also by the provi- sions of that certain Act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia entitled "An Act to prevent the manufacture or sale of dairy products from unhealthy animals, or that are produced under un- sanitary conditions; to prevent deception or fraud in the produc- tion and sale of dairy products, and in the manufacture and sale of renovated butter and oleomargarine; to license the manufacture and sale of renovated butter and oleomargarine; to regulate the business of producing, buying and selling dairy products, oleomar- garine, renovated or imitation butter and cheese; to provide for the enforcement of its provisions, and for the punishment of viola- tions thereof, and appropriating money therefor, and to repeal Section 17 of an Act approved March 4, 1897, entitled 'An Act to prevent deception in the manufacture and sale of butter and cheese, to secure its enforcement, and to appropriate money therefor,' and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act," ap- proved April 21, 1911. Sec. 13. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars, and, in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 14. Ordinances No. 2377 and No. 1618, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect June 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 257 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating Vaccination in the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof, and Repealing Or- dinance No. 869, Entitled "An Ordinance Concerning Vaccina- tion," and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In all vaccinations by or under the authority of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety or the Health Officer, the vaccine matter used shall be bovine matter and no other. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction PUBLIC HEALTH. 235 thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00), and in case the fine be not paid, shall be imprisoned at the rate of one day for each two dol- lars of the fine imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 869 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23,. 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 258 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Placarding and Vacating of Build- ings Unfit for Human Habitation, and Repealing Ordinances No. 1225 and No. 1532 and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of the Provisions Hereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Whenever it shall be certified to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety by the Health Officer that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation by reason of its being so infected with disease, or from other causes, as to be likely to cause sickness or disease among its occupants, said Commissioner of Public Health and Safety may issue an order requiring all per- sons therein to vacate said building, or the infected part thereof, and shall cause a copy of said order to be affixed conspicuously on the front of the said building and shall also cause a copy of the said order to be served personally or by mail, if personal service cannot be made, upon the owner, agent or lessees of said building. Said order shall state the reasons for requiring the infected build- ing or portions thereof to be vacated and shall require the said in- fected building or portions thereof to be vacated within ten days after the affixing thereon, as hereinbefore provided, of a copy of said order; provided, however, that if in the opinion of the Com- missioner of Public Health and Safety the public health and safety shall require said infected building or portions thereof to be vaca- ted sooner, then the said Commissioner of Public Health and Safety may require, and said order shall provide for, the vacating of said infected building or portions thereof within a shorter time than ten days; provided, however, that said shorter time shall in no case be less than twenty-four hours from the time of the affixing of a copy of said order upon said infected building. Sec. 2. No person except a duly authorized agent of the Health Department shall remove, tear down, cover up, obliterate or de- stroy any copy of an order of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety or the Health Department affixed conspicuously upon the front of any building, as required and provided by the pro- visions of this ordinance. 236 PUBLIC HEALTH. Sec. 3. The affixing of a copy of any order of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety or the Health Department required and provided for by the provisions of this ordinance upon any building within the City of Oakland, is hereby declared not to con- stitute a defacing of said building within the meaning of Ordinance No. 932, entitled "An Ordinance to Prohibit the Defacing of Build- ings and Trees by Advertising Notices, and to Prohibit Carrying of Placards and Distribution of Advertising Notices on Sidewalks in the City of Oakland," approved September 4, 1883. Sec. 4. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for every two dollars of -the fine so imposed. Sec. 5. Ordinances No. 1225 and No. 1532 and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 270 N. S. An Ordinance Requiring the Burial or Incineration of Persons Having Died from Contagious Diseases Within Twenty-four Hours After Death, and Prohibiting Formal Funerals in Public Places, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of the Provi- sions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1329, Entitled "An Ordinance Requiring the Burial of Persons Having Died from Contagious Diseases Within Twenty-four Hours After Death, and Prohibiting Formal Funerals in Public Places," and all Ordi- nances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. Whenever infectious or contagious diseases, such as smallpox, diphtheria, scarletina or Asiatic cholera, have existed in a household in the City of Oakland, and the person so afflicted has died, the body of said decedent must not be removed from the apartment in which death occurred, except for burial or incinera- tion. The interment or incineration of the body must take place within twenty-four hours after death. In the cases of all deaths from such diseases no formal inspection or viewing of such re- mains by persons other than the visiting physician, Health Officer and the immediate members of the family must be permitted. No formal services or ceremony shall be held within the premises where said death occurs over the remains of the person who has died from any of said diseases, nor shall the body of any person whose death has occurred from any of said diseases be conveyed to any church or other place of worship for any purpose whatever. PUBLIC HEALTH. 237 Sec. 2. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and in case such fine be not paid, then the person so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 1329 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 273 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Prevention of Diseases and for the Protection of Public Health, Providing a Penalty for the Viola- tion of the Provisions Hereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2734, Entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Prevention of Diseases, and for the Protection of Public Health, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof," and all Ordinances and Parts of Or- dinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation owning, occupying or controlling any wharf, building or basement in the City of Oak- land shall prevent the ingress of rats thereto, and to this end and purpose shall use in the protection of said wharf, building or base- ment funnels, screens, netting, cement or other materials, and the method of placing of said funnels, screens, netting, cement or other materials shall first be approved by the Health Officer of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation owning, occupying or controlling any premises in the City of Oakland shall maintain the same in a clean and sanitary condition and remove therefrom any matter detrimental to health. All food, provisions, goods, wares and merchandise shall be so located as to prevent rats from gain- ing access thereto or coming in contact therewith. Sec. 3. Every person, firm or corporation owning, occupying or controlling any premises in the City of Oakland shall place all garbage and waste matter on said premises owned, occupied or controlled by such person, firm or corporation in a metal can, and there shall be used in connection with such metal can a metal cover and said metal cover shall at all times, except when garbage or waste matter is being deposited in or taken from said metal can, be placed in proper position as a cover on said metal can. Sec. 4. Every person, firm or corporation owning, occupying or controlling any premises in the City of Oakland, when directed by the Health Officer, shall use on such premises occupied, owned or controlled by such person, firm or corporation, a rat trap, and shall 238 PUBLIC HEALTH. ^ freshly bait said trap at least twice each week, and shall inspect said rat trap daily, and shall remove and kill rats caught therein, and immediately thereafter shall thoroughly smoke and reset and re- bait said rat trap, after the catching of each rat therein; provided, however, that persons, firms or corporations owning, occupying or controlling slaughter houses in the City of Oakland, when directed by the Health Officer, shall use in said slaughter house at least two rat traps, and shall freshly bait said rat traps at least twice each week, and shall inspect said rat traps daily, and shall remove and kill rats caught therein, and shall thoroughly smoke and reset and rebait said rat traps, after the catching of each rat therein. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer and of the employes of the Health Department of the City of Oakland and of the agents and inspectors appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety to enforce the provisions of this ordi- nance; and the Health Officer of the City of Oakland, and the agents and inspectors appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, shall have power and authority to enter all premises at and during reasonable hours for the purpose of deter- mining whether or not the provisions of this ordinance are being obeyed; and no person, firm or corporation shall erect or construct in the City of Oakland any building or structure without first se- curing from the Health Officer of the City of Oakland a certificate to the effect that said building or structure, when completed, will be in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, applicable thereto. Sec. 6. No person, firm or corporation shall have or permit upon any premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or it, any nuisance detrimental to health, or any accumulation of filth, gar- bage, decaying animal or vegetable matter, or any animal or human excrement, and it shall be the duty of the Health Officer of the City of Oakland to cause any such person, firm or corporation to be notified to abolish and abate said nuisance and remove said matter, and in case said person, firm or corporation shall fail, neglect or refuse to remove the same within twenty-four hours after receiving such notice, such nuisance may be abolished and abated and said matter removed under and by order of the Health Officer and the person, firm or corporation so failing, neglecting or refusing to abolish or abate said nuisance or to remove said mat- ter, in addition to incurring penalties as provided for in this ordi- nance, shall become indebted to the City of Oakland for all dam- ages, costs and charges incurred by the City of Oakland by reason of the existence of said nuisance and its removal by the order of the Health Officer. Sec. 7. No person, firm or corporation shall dump or place upon any land or in any water or water-ways within the City of Oakland any dead animal, butchers' offal, fish or parts of fish or any waste vegetable or animal matter whatever. PUBLIC HEALTH. 239 Sec. 8. No person, firm or corporation, whether the owner, lessee, occupant or agent of any premises next adjacent to any areaway or court shall keep or permit to be kept in the said prem- ises next adjacent to said areaway or court, or in any alley, street or public place, adjacent to such premises, any waste animal or vegetable matter, butchers' offal, fish or parts of fish, ashes, swill, or any refuse matter from any restaurant, eating house, residence, place of business or other building unless the same be collected and kept in a tightly-covered or closed metal can or vessel, which can or vessel must have firmly attached to the body thereof a metallic tag or label bearing the name or names of the owner or owners thereof and the number of the premises in connection with which such can or vessel is being used or intended to be used. Sec. 9. No rubbish, waste matter or manure shall be placed, left or dumped or permitted to accumulate or remain in any building, place or premises in the City of Oakland so that the same shall or may afford food or a harboring or breeding place for rats. Sec. 10. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and in case said fine be not paid, by imprisonment in the City Prison for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 11. Ordinance No. 2734 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 274 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Control and Management and Lo- cation of Quarantine Districts, and Designating the Duties of the Health Officer in Relation to Certain Contagious Diseases, and Repealing Ordinance No. 1870, Entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Control and Management and Location of Quarantine Dis- tricts, and Designating the Duties of the Health Officer in Re- lation to Certain Contagious Diseases," and all Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of the Provisions Hereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. Whenever a case of diphtheria or scarlet fever is re- ported to the Health Officer by a regularly licensed physician he shall immediately cause to be displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises where such disease exists, and put upon the door- way or doorways of the house or houses infected with such disease a placard setting forth the fact, the same to remain during the continuance of the disease on said premises. Sec. 2. The Health Department may proclaim such quarantine and establish such quarantine districts and the boundaries thereof 240 PUBLIC HEALTH. as may be necessary for the preservation of the public health and the control of the diseases hereabove mentioned. Sec. 3. The Health Department shall make such rules and reg- ulations for the government of such quarantines or quarantine dis- tricts as from time to time they shall deem necessary for the health of the city, and the physician or Health Officer in charge of said quarantine or said quarantine districts shall have power to make and enforce such regulations as may be necessary for the proper management thereof; and it shall be the duty of all persons in quarantine, and all agents, officers, policemen and others employed by the city in and about said quarantines and quarantine districts to carry out and obey the same. Sec. 4. No person except the duly authorized agent of the Health Department shall remove, tear down, cover up, obliterate or destroy any copy of any order of the Health Department placarded and fixed conspicuously on the front of any building as required and provided for by the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 5. The fixing of a copy or copies of any order of the Health Department required and provided for by the provisions of this ordinance upon any building within the City of Oakland is hereby declared not to constitute a defacing of said building in the meaning of Ordinance No. 932, entitled "An Ordinance to Prohibit the Defacing of Buildings and Trees by Advertising Notices on Sidewalks in the City of Oakland," approved September 4th, 1883. Sec. 6. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine or not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, the person so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 7. Ordinance No. 1870 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 279 N. S. An Ordinance Making it Unlawful for any Person to Sell, Give Away or be in Possession of Cachou, Commonly Known as Japanese Snuff, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Here- of, and Repealing Ordinance No. 2781, Entitled "An Ordinance Making it Unlawful for any Person to Sell, Give Away or Have in Possession Cachou, Commonly Known as Japanese Snuff," and all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Oakland to sell, give away or have in his or her possession for any purposes whatsoever any cachou, commonly known as Japanese snuff. PUBLIC HEALTH. 241 Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), and in case said fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison of the City of Oakland for a period not to exceed six months. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 2781 and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 286 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Control and Management and Location of a Hospital, for Contagious Diseases, Granting Grounds and Designating the Duties of the Health Officer in Relation to Certain Contagious Diseases, and Repealing Ordi- nance No. 1456, Entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Control and Management and Location of a Hospital for Con- tagious Diseases, Granting Grounds and Designating the Duties of the Health Officer in Relation to Certain Diseases" and Repealing All Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of the Pro- visions Hereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Whenever a case of smallpox, Asiatic cholera, yellow or typhus fever is reported to the Health Officer, he shall immedi- ately visit the premises where the person so afflicted is and the said officer upon personal inspection shall, in case of smallpox, Asiatic cholera, yellow or typhus fever, immediately cause to be displayed a quarantine flag in a conspicuous place on said premises, and put upon the doorway or doorways of the house or houses infected with such diseases a placard setting forth the fact, the flag to remain during the continuance of the disease on said premises. Sec. 2. The Health Department may locate, establish and main- tain a hospital for contagious diseases, and discontinue and remove the same when and where such location, establishment and main- tenance or discontinuance and removal may be necessary to the preservation of public health. They may appoint and remove at pleasure such physicians and nurses (whose compensation shall be fixed by the Council) for said hospital as may be necessary to maintain the efficiency of the same and comfort of the inmates; and may cause to be removed thereto and kept any person within the limits of the city affected with smallpox, Asiatic cholera, yellow or typhus fever; provided, that no person, unless he is unable or refuses to maintain such quarantine as may be prescribed by the 242 PUBLIC HEALTH. Rules and Regulations of the Health Department, shall be so removed to any such hospital. The Health Department may make all rules and regulations regarding the conduct of said hospital as may be needful. No person shall remove a patient affected with the diseases above named from any house or place within the limits of the city or to any other house or place without the per- mission of the Health Officer. Sec. 3. The Health Depaitment may proclaim such quarantine and establish and declare such quarantine districts and grounds, and the boundaries thereof, as may in their judgment be necessary for the preservation of public health; and may, when deemed necessary, require all vessels, railroad cars or other public conveyances, before the same shall land or stop at any landing, depot or any other stopping place in the city to stop or touch at any of the said dis- tricts, grounds or boundaries so selected and established for quar- antine purposes, and leave all such persons, with their stores and baggage, as in the opinion of the Health Officer or persons acting under his authority stationed at such quarantine site, places or boundaries shall be deemed proper on account of the existence or general report of Asiatic cholera, smallpox, yellow or typhus fever. Sec. 4. The said Health Department shall make such rules and regulations for the government of the quarantine or the health of the city as from time to time the said department shall deem neces- sary; and the physicians or Health Officers in charge of any quar- antine station or place shall have power to make and enforce such regulations as may be necessary for the proper management thereof; and it shall be the duty of all persons in quarantine, and all agents, officers, policemen or others employed by the city in and about said quarantine stations or places, to carry out and obey the same. Sec. 5. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in case such fine be not paid, the person so fined may be imprisoned at the rate of one day for every two dollars of the fine so imposed. Sec. 6. Ordinance No. 1456 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 300 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment and Maintenance of Public Laundries and Public Wash-houses Within the City of Oakland and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. On and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish, main- PUBLIC HEALTH. 243 tain or carry on the business of a public laundry or a public wash- house, where clothes or other articles are cleansed for hire, within the limits of the City of Oakland without having first complied with the conditions hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct or maintain a public laundry or wash-house within the City of Oakland without having first obtained a certificate signed by the Health Officer of said city that the floor of the washroom of said laundry or wash-house is constructed of concrete and the premises properly and sufficiently drained, and that all proper arrangements for carrying on the business without injury to the sanitary condition of the neighborhood have been complied with, and particularly that the provisions of all ordinances pertaining thereto have been complied with; also a certificate signed by the Chief of the Fire Department of said city that the stoves, chimneys washing and drying apparatus, and the appliances for heating smoothing-irons are in good condition, and that their use is not dangerous to the surrounding property from fire, and that all proper precautions have been taken to comply with the provisions of the ordinance defining the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland and regulating the erection and use of buildings in said city. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, also of the Chief of the Fire Department, upon application from any person, firm or corporation proposing to open or conduct the business of a public laundry within the limits of the City of Oakland to inspect the premises on which it is proposed to carry on said business, or in which said business is being carried on, with a view of ascer- taining whether the said premises are provided with proper drainage and sanitary appliances; also, whether the provisions of all ordinances relating thereto have been complied with, and, if found in all respects satisfactory, then to issue to said applicants the certificates provided for in Section 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 4. No charge whatever shall be made, or compensation or fee collected or received, for the performance of any of the services required by the provisions of this ordinance, in the inspection of premises or the issuance of a certificate but all such services shall be performed free of charge. Sec. 5. No person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting, operating or maintaining a public laundry within the limits of the City of Oakland shall permit any person, or per- sons, to lodge or sleep within or upon the premises used by such person, firm or corporation, or either of them for such purposes. Sec. 6. The certificates from the Health Officer and Chief of the Fire Department, as required by Section 2 of this ordinance, shall be exhibited in some conspicuous place on the premises, and the same shall be produced on the demand of any officer of said City of Oakland. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation hereafter to establish and maintain any building or premises as 244 PUBLIC HEALTH. a public laundry or wash-house without first obtaining a permit therefor from the City Council specifying the name of the per- mittee and the location of the premises to be used as such laundry or wash-house; provided, however, that the City Council in the granting or refusal of such permit, shall exercise a reasonable and sound discretion, taking into consideration the character of the applicant for such permit and the intended location of such laundry or wash-house. Sec. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or in case said fine is not paid then by imprisonment in the city prison for not more than six months. Sec. 10. The police authorities are hereby directed to have the provisions of this ordinance strictly enforced. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 21, 1912.) TABLE OF CONTENTS BOOK II CIVIL ORDINANCES CHAPTER I Ordinances Relating to Public Affairs. CHAPTER II Ordinances Relating to Revenue and Finance. CHAPTER III Ordinances Relating to Public Works. CHAPTER IV Ordinances Relating to Health and Safety. CHAPTER V Ordinances Relating to Streets. References to other ordinances granting franchises, etc., may be found in Chapters VI to XII inclusive. The references are to the volume and page of the original ordinance books in the office of the city clerk. CHAPTERS VI to XII are arranged as follows : CHAPTER VI Ordinances granting franchises for street railroads. CHAPTER VII Ordinances granting franchises for rail- roads other than street railroads. CHAPTER VIII Miscellaneous franchise ordinances. CHAPTER IX Ordinances relating to the annexation of territory. CHAPTER X Ordinances relating to the waterfront. CHAPTER XI Boulevard, Park and School Bond and other Bond ordinances. CHAPTER XII Miscellaneous ordinances relating to the general government of the city. CHAPTER I Ordinances Relating to Public Affairs PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 249 ORDINANCE NO. 19 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Purchase of Supplies in the De- partment of Public Affairs, the Department of Streets, the Department of Public Health and Safety, the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Revenue and Finance, Where the Purchase Price is Less Than the Sum of $250.00 and Where Such Purchase Is Not Required to Be Done by Contract at Public Letting, and Providing the Procedure Therefor. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Whenever, in the Department of Public Affairs, the Department of Streets, the Department of Public Health and Safety, the Department of Public Works and the Department of Revenue and Finance any supplies are required where the purchase price thereof is less than $250.00 and where such purchase is not required to be done by contract at public letting, requisition in writing must first be made therefor by any officer or employe upon the Commissioner of the department in which he is employed, which requisition shall specify upon its face each several item composing it and such requisition shall, before such purchase is made require indorsed upon its face the approval of such Commis- sioner; such requisition must thereafter be attached to the demand presented to the Council for the purchase price of such supplies; provided, however, that if such supplies are purchased by any of the Commissioners of the several departments, the demand for the purchase price thereof shall, before the same is presented to the Council, require upon its face the approval of such Commissioner. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 18, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 6 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney of the City of Oakland. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The salary of the City Attorney of the City of Oak- land is hereby fixed at the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) dol- lars per year, and shall be paid to said City Attorney in equal monthly installments. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) 250 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. ORDINANCE NO. 7 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Offices of Assistant City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney and Defining the Duties and Fixing the Term and Compensation of Such Offices and Repealing Ordi- nance No. 2943, Being an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Creating the Office of Assistant City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney and Defining the Duties and Fixing the Term and Com- pensation of Such Offices," Approved September 27, 1909. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The offices of Assistant City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney are hereby created and said offices so created shall be filled by appointment by the City Attorney and the said Assist- ant City Attorney and said Deputy City Attorney so appointed shall hold office during the pleasure of the City Attorney. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Assistant City Attorney and of the Deputy City Attorney to assist and aid the City Attorney in the performance of his duties, under his supervision and direc- tion and to act for him under his name and generally to perform such other legal services for the City of Oakland as may be re- quired by the City Council Sec. 3. (As amended September 6, 1912, Ordinance No. 314 N. S.) The compensation of the Assistant City Attorney is hereby fixed at the sum of $300.00 per mouth and the compensation of the Deputy City Attorney is fixed at $150.00 per month. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 2943 being an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Creating the office of Assistant City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney and Defining the Duties and Fixing the Term and Compensation of Such Officers" Approved September 27, 1909, is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 204 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of an Additional Employee in the Office of the City Attorney, Fixing His Com- pensation and Providing for His Appointment. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the office of the City Attorney, in addition to the employments heretofore authorized, a clerk whose salary shall be $125.00 per month. Said employee shall be appointed by the City Attorney, and hold office at his pleasure. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 23, 1912.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 251 ORDINANCE NO. 303 N. S. An Ordinance Authorizing the Employment of Stenographers in the Legal Department of the City of Oakland and Fixing the Compensation of Such Stenographers. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the office of the City Attorney the position of stenographer at a salary of $90.00 per month, and the position of stenographer at a salary of $50.00 per month. Sec. 2. Said stenographers shall be appointed by the City Attor- ney and hold office during the pleasure of said City Attorney. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 21, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 25 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing the Salary of the City Clerk of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The salary of the City Clerk of the City of Oakland is hereby fixed at Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 17, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 71 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of an Additional Deputy City Clerk and Fixing Compensation of Said Employe, and Providing for the Method of Said Appointment. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the office of the City Clerk, in addition to appointments' and employments heretofore authorized therein, one Deputy City Clerk at a salary of $150.00 per month; provided, however, that said appointment shall be made by the transfer of an employe from one of the departments of the city government to the office of the City Clerk. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect September 21, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 17 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Administration of Oaths and Affirmations by Deputies in the Office of the City Clerk. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every Deputy City Clerk now appointed or hereafter appointed in pursuance to the provisions of the charter and ordi- 252 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. nances of the City of Oakland shall in all matters of or pertaining to the city or its business have power to administer oaths or affirmations. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 14, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 16 N. S. An Ordinance Making the City Clerk Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Police Relief and Pension Fund and of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund and Providing for the Exercise of the Functions of Said Secretary by His Deputies. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. From and after the passage of this ordinance the City Clerk shall act as ex-officio secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Police Relief and Pension Fund and also of the Board of Trus tees of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, and in the absence of said City Clerk any Deputy City Clerk shall act as ex-officio secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Police Relief and Pension Fund and of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund. Sec. 2. Neither the City Clerk nor his deputies nor any of his deputies shall receive any additional compensation as a result of the services performed for said Boards of Trustees or either of them. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 13, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 234^ N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Two Clerks for the Board of Equalization and Fixing the Compensation of Said Clerks. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the City Council two (2) clerks at a salary of $100.00 per month each, who shall act as clerks of the Board of Equalization. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 3, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 169 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Price Expert of the City of Oakland, and Defining the Duties and Fixing the Compensa- tion of the Same and Repealing Certain Ordinances in Conflict with This Ordinance. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The Council of the City of Oakland hereby creates and establishes the position of Price Expert, whose duties shall be PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 253 to report to the Council on all requisitions for supplies and on all demands, certifying to the fairness of the price for each article named in the requisition and to the correctness of all demands; provided, however, that in the case of salaries fixed by charter or by the authority of the Council, and in the case of prices determined by written contract, duly entered into by authority of the Council, it shall be sufficient to certify that the amount charged is in ac- cordance with such authority. Said Price Expert shall perform such other duties not inconsist- ent herewith as the Council or the Mayor may impose. Sec. 2. The compensation of said Price Expert shall be at the rate of $200.00 per month, payable monthly. Sec. 3. Ordinances No. 63, N. S., and No. 74, N. S., and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 19, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 88 N. S. An Ordinance Prescribing for the Civil Service Board Powers and Duties in Addition to Those Prescribed by the Charter of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The Board shall investigate the efficiency of all officers and employes and of all groups of officers and employes in the Civil Service and shall report to each officer, board or other authority in charge of any institution, office or department of the city government its findings and recommendations relative to in- creased efficiency and economy therein. In case the recommenda- tions made by the Civil Service Board are not carried into effect within a reasonable time, or in case of a difference of opinion with reference to such findings or recommendations between the Civil Service Board and the officer, board or authority in charge of an institution, office or department concerned in any such findings or recommendations, the report accompanied by a note of the relevant facts shall be transmitted to the City Council by the Civil Service Board. The Civil Service shall investigate the inforcement of the Civil Service provisions of the charter and of the rules of the Civil Service Board, the conduct of the appointees in the Civil Service and the methods of administration therein, and may investigate the nature, tenure and compensation of all officers and places in the Civil Service of the city. Sec. 2. The Civil Service Board shall ascertain the duties of each office and place in the Civil Service. For the purpose of establish- ing uniformity of place and title for all offices and places of em- ployment classified in the same grade, it shall be the duty of the Board to prescribe by rule the maximum and minimum pay for 254 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. each grade and the title thereof and report to the City Council an- nually and at such other times as the Council may direct or the Board may deem proper, the name of each officer and employe paid more or less than the pay prescribed by his grade or desig- nated by a title other than that prescribed for his grade by the Board. The Board shall standardize employment in each grade and make and keep a record of the relative efficiency of each of- ficial and employe in the Civil Service. It shall provide by rule methods for ascertaining and verifying the facts from which such records of relative efficiency shall be made, which shall be uniform in each grade in the classified service. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect October 31, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 116 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of a Stenographer in the Office of the Civil Service Board in the City of Oakland, Fixing the Compensation of Said Stenographer and Providing for the Method of Said Appointment. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the office of the Civil Service Board the position of stenographer. The position shall be filled by appointment by the Civil Service Board. Sec. 2 (As Amended June 19, 1912, by Ordinance No. 217, N. S.). The salary of said stenographer in the office of the Civil Service Board shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. ' (In effect January 17, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 166 N. S. An Ordinance Setting Aside Certain Lands Belonging to the City of Oakland for Use as Children's Playgrounds. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The following lands belonging to the City of Oakland, to-wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point of intersection of the southeastern line of Tenth (10) avenue with the southwestern line of East Twenty- eighth (28) street, running thence southwesterly along said line of Tenth (10) avenue three hundred twenty (320) feet; thence south- easterly parallel with said line of East Twenty-eighth (28) street three hundred (300) feet to the northwestern line of Eleventh (11) avenue; running thence northeasterly along said line of Eleventh PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 255 (11) avenue three hundred and twenty (320) feet to the said south- western line of East Twenty-eighth (28) street; thence north- westerly along said line of East Twenty-eighth (28) street three hundred (300) feet to the point of beginning, is hereby set aside absolutely for use as children's playground, the same to be here- after under the exclusive control and management of the Play- ground Directors of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. This ordinance to take effect immediately. (In effect April 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 161 N. S. An Ordinance Ratifying and Confirming the Employment of Fitzgerald & Abbott, Attorneys-at-Law, by the Mayor, the Special Water Committee and the City Attorney of the City of Oakland to Advise Said Special Water Committee in the Matter of the Condemnation of the Peoples Water Company, and in the Matter of the Preparation of a Bill which Passed the Last Legislature, and which Permits of the Organization of Water Districts, and Appropriating the Sum of $1500.00 to Pay for Such Services and Authorizing the Auditor to Draw His Warrant Therefor. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The employment of Fitzgerald & Abbott, attorneys- at-law, by the Mayor of the City of Oakland, the Special Water Committee, and the City Attorney, to advise Said Special Water Committee in the matter of the proposed condemnation of the Peoples Water Company, and the preparation of a bill which passed at the special session of the last Legislature in December, 1911, is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved, and the sum of one thou- sand five hundred dollars ($1500.00) is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the City of Oakland to pay for said services, and the Auditor of the City of Oakland is hereby directed and au- thorized to draw his warrant in favor of said firm of Fitzgerald & Abbott for said sum of $1500.00. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 3, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 322 N. S. An Ordinance Creating Certain Positions in the Several Depart- ments of the City Government, Where Such Positions Have Heretofore Been Created and Appointments Made Therein by Resolution, and Providing for the Compensation of Such Employees. WHEREAS, Certain positions have heretofore been created and filled in the several departments of the City Government by reso- lution of the City Council; and, 256 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable and necessary that such positions be created by ordinance; therefore Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Civil Service Board of the City of Oakland the following position: One assistant secretary, at a salary of $150.00 per month, who shall be appointed by the Civil Service Board. Sec. 2. There is hereby created in the Health Department of the City of Oakland the following positions: One clerk, at a salary of $115.00 per month. One stenographer, at a salary of $65.00 per month. One janitress, at a salary of $15.00 per month. These appointments shall be made by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Sec. 3. There is hereby created the position of license inspector of the City of Oakland, at a salary of $175.00 per month, who shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Sec. 4. There is hereby created in the Department of Public Affairs the following position: One Mayor's secretary, at a salary of $150.00 per month, who shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Oakland. Sec. 5. There is hereby created in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Oakland the following positions: One Deputy City Clerk, at a salary of $200.00 per month. One Deputy City Clerk, at a salary of $125.00 per month. One stenographer, at a salary of $90.00 per month. One stenographer, at a salary of $75.00 per month, which appoint- ments shall be made by the City Council. Sec. 6. There is hereby created in the Department of Public Works the following positions: Two janitors, City Hall Annex, who shall each receive a salary of $90.00 per month. One watchman, City Hall Annex, at a salary of $100.00 per month. One elevator operator, at a salary of $50.00 per month. One wharfinger, at a salary of $150.00 per month, .which appoint- ments shall be made by the City Council. Sec. 7. There is hereby created the position of Chinese inter- preter for the Police Courts of the City of Oakland, at a salary of $60.00 per month, who shall be appointed by the City Council. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Council, Oakland, Cal., August 30, 1912. Passed to print for two days by the following vote: PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 257 Ayes Commissioners Anderson, Baccus, Forrest, Turner and President Mott 5. Noes None. Absent None. Attest: FRANK R. THOMPSON, City Clerk. Oakland, Cal., September 16, 1912. (In effect Sept. 20, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 154 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of a Stenographer in the Office of the Department of Public Affairs in the City of Oakland, Fixing the Compensation of Said Stenographer and Providing for the Method of Said Appointment. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the office of the Depart- ment of Public Affairs the position of stenographer. The position shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor. Sec. 2. The salary of said stenographer in the office of the De- partment of Public Affairs shall be sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per month. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 1, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 317 N. S. An Ordinance Creating Certain Substitute Positions Under the City Government of the City of Oakland and Providing for the Filling of Said Positions and the Compensation to Be Attached Thereto, and Repealing All Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Therewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland in addition to the positions now existing ten positions of substitute hosemen. During any authorized absence or annual vacation, or absence on leave, subject to and in accord- ance with the rules of the Civil Service Board, of a hoseman, tiller- man, truckman, driver or stoker, the Chief of the Fire Department shall have power to detail a substitute hoseman to perform the duties of such absentee during such absence of the regular ap- pointee, and while performing such duties said substitute hoseman shall receive an annual compensation of twelve hundred and twelve ($1212.00) dollars, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 2. There are hereby created in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland in addition to the positions now existing two posi- tions of substitute engineer. During any authorized absence or annual vacation, or absence on leave, subject to and in accordance 258 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. with the rules of the Civil Service Board, of any engineer, the Chief of the Fire Department shall have power to detail a substitute engineer to perform the duties of such absentee during such absence of the regular appointee, and while performing such duties said substitute engineer shall receive an annual compensation of fifteen hundred sixty ($1560.00) dollars, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 3. There are hereby created two positions of substitute senior clerk at a salary of one hundred ten ($110.00) dollars per month each; one position of substitute telephone operator at a salary of sixty-five ($65.00) dollars per month; one position of sub- stitute watchman at a salary of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars per month; two positions of substitute janitor at a salary of seventy- five ($75.00) dollars per month each; two positions of substitute junior stenographer at a salary of sixty-five ($65.00) dollars per month each. Appointments to the positions herein in this section created shall be made by the City Council. During any authorized absence or annual vacation, or absence on leave, subject to and in accordance with the rules of the Civil Service Board, of any em- ployee of the City Government of the same grade and rank as the grade and rank of any one of the substitute employes author- ized by this section, the officer or body having power to appoint to the position to which said absentee has been appointed, shall have the power to detail a substitute employee named in this sec- tion of the same rank and grade as that of the absentee to perform the duties of such absentee during such absence. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect September 11, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1178. An Ordinance Enabling Keepers of Public Parks in the City of Oakland to Perform the Duties of Special Police Officers. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every person employed as the keeper of a public park in the City of Oakland shall, during the term of his service as such, be vested with all the powers and be amenable to all the responsi- bilities and liabilities of a special police officer, and he shall be required to perform the duties of a special police officer in addition to his other duties, for the better protection of the public property in his charge; but he shall not be entitled to, nor shall he receive any compensation other than his salary as park keeper, for any service which he may be required to render under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect im- mediately after its approval. (Approved July 9, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 486.) PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 259 ORDINANCE NO. 2028. An Ordinance Authorizing the Use of Certain Land for the Pur- pose of Erecting and Maintaining Thereon a Building or Build- ings for the Oakland Free Public Library and Reading Rooms; and also Authorizing and Directing the Board of Library Trus- tees of Said Library to Erect, Equip and Maintain Thereon Such Buildings as May Be Necessary for Such Library and Reading Rooms, the Cost Thereof to Be Payable from the "Library Fund." Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The use of the whole of that certain land belonging to the City, situate at the southwesterly corner of Grove and Four- teenth streets, is hereby authorize for the purpose of erecting and maintaining thereon a building or buildings for a free public library, and for reading rooms. Sec. 2. The Board of Library Trustees of the Oakland Free Public Library is hereby authorized and directed to erect, equip and maintain upon said land such building or buildings as may be necessary for such library and reading rooms, and the consent and approval made necessary by the law in that connection is hereby given. Sec. 3. All moneys expended by virtue of the authority granted by this ordinance shall be payable from the "Library Fund" of the proper fiscal year. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved March 6, 1900. Vol. 5, p. 443.) ORDINANCE NO. 15 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment and Employment of Officers and Employes Under the Department of Public Affairs, the Department of Revenue and Finance, the Department of Public Health and Safety, the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Streets. WHEREAS, Section 27 of the Charter of the City of Oakland re- quires the Council to keep in full force and effect ordinances mak- ing provision for the employment of persons in the Department of Public Affairs, the Department of Revenue and Finance, the De- partment of Public Health and Safety, the Department of Public Works and the Department of Streets; and WHEREAS, said section of the Charter requires the Council to determine by ordinance how the persons employed in said depart- ments shall be chosen; therefore, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in the Charter of the City of Oakland, all persons hereafter employed in the Department 260 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. of Public Affairs, or in the Department of Revenue and Finance, or in the Department of Public Health and Safety, or in the De- partment or Public Works, or in the Department of Streets, shall be chosen by the Council of the City of Oakland by resolution. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 12, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 1179. An Ordinance Providing for the Sale of Refuse or Condemned Material. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. (As amended Aug. 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 266 N. S.) The City Council may, when it deems the public interest so requires, sell at public auction to the highest bidder any refuse, or condemned material, stock, goods or other personal property or personal property unfit or unnecessary for the use of said city, within the control of the various departments of the City of Oak- land. Sec. 2. Before such sale is held a notice shall be given by post- ing the same for ten days and publishing the same for five days, stating the time and place of sale, and a general description of the property offered for sale. Sec. 3. The proceeds of such sale shall be payable into the fund from which the department of which the property is sqld draws its revenue. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved July 9, 1890. Vol. 3, p. 487.) ORDINANCE NO. 332 N. S. An Ordinance Declaring What Hours Shall Constitute a Legal Day's Work for Various Employes of the City of Oakland, Pro- viding for Extra Compensation for Certain Employes for Any Hours of Service in Excess of Eight Hours in Any One Day; Declaring Every Saturday From Noon to Midnight a Holiday in Certain Offices of the City of Oakland, and Limiting the Com- pensation of Certain Employes of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All municipal offices in the City of Oakland shall be kept open for business every day (except holidays) from nine o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon. Every Saturday from twelve o'clock noon until twelve o'clock midnight shall be and is hereby declared to be a holiday as regards the transaction of business in all municipal offices of the City of Oakland; provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the police department^ fire department, or any workshop PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 261 or any branch of any department of government of the City of Oakland where continuous operation is necessary. Sec. 2. Except as regards employes in municipal offices referred to in Section 1 hereof, eight hours of labor or service, between the hours of eight o'clock a. m. and five o'clock p. m. shall be and constitute a legal day's work or service for all employes of the City of Oakland, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to or govern the police department, fire department or any workshop or any branch of any department of government of the City of Oakland where continuous operation is necessary; and provided, further, that in all cases of necessity or emergency superintendents, foremen or others in authority are hereby author- ized to require employes under their authority to work such num- ber of hours as such necessity or emergency may require; but for all such labor or service in excess of eight hours in any one day such laborer or employe shall be entitled to and shall receive extra compensation at the same rate per hour as the regular compensa- tion received by such laborer or employe from the City of Oak- land. Sec. 3. No extra compensation shall be paid to or received by any employe of the City of Oakland for any extra work if the regular salary or compensation of such employe is established by ordinance as a stated and fixed sum per month or per year, and nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to authorize or warrant the payment of any extra compensation to any such employe. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Oct. 9, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1544. An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Receiving and Weighing of Supplies Furnished to the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. (As amended Aug. 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 269 N. S.) It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire Department, Superintendent of Schools and the City Clerk of the City of Oakland, and they, and each of them are here- by directed, authorized and required to carefully weigh upon the city scales all supplies furnished to the City of Oakland by weight for use in their several departments. Sec. 2. Immediately upon and following the weighing of said supplies, the person specified and mentioned in Section 1 of this ordinance, shall make out, sign and deliver a certificate, written in ink, to the person delivering said supplies, certifying to the weight and quantity of the supplies thus weighed. Sec. 3. Said certificate shall be attached to and become a part of all bills, claims or demands against the City of Oakland for 262 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. supplies furnished to the City of Oakland by weight, for use in the various departments thereof. Sec. 4. No bills, demands of claims against the City of Oakland for supplies of the kind mentioned above shall be audited or paid unless the certificate provided for above be attached to said bill, claim or demand. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. (Approved July 27, 1893. Vol. 4, p. 452.) ORDINANCE NO, 1336. An Ordinance Defining the Seat of Government of the City of Oak- land, and Locating the Offices of the City Officers Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The seat of government of the City of Oakland is hereby declared to be, and is hereby established, at the City Hall and adjacent buildings located at the junction of San Pablo avenue and Fourteenth street, and being upon a portion of Block 253 in said city. Sec. 2. The offices of all officers of the city, except the City Wharfinger and Poundmaster, are hereby located and established at said City Hall and adjacent buildings; and all books, records, papers and documents belonging and appertaining to the several offices of the ctiy, except as above provided, shall be kept in such offices as above located, and in no other place, except by permission of the Council. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Defining the Seat of the City Government of the City of Oakland and Locating the Several Offices Constituting the Same," approved March 23, 1871, is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. (Approved September 30, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 704.) ORDINANCE NO. 114 N. S. An Ordinance Establishing a Public Woodyard, and Providing for the Administration Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Sec. 1. There shall be maintained in the City of Oakland, a pub- lic woodyard, known as "The Oakland Public Woodyard." Sec. 2. Said public woodyard shall be under the exclusive con- trol and management of a Board of Woodyard Directors, five (5) PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 263 in number, who shall serve without compensation. Said Directors shall be appointed by the Mayor and such appointments confirmed by the Council. Of those first appointed, one shall be for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years, and one for six years from the date of appointment. Within the month preceding the expiration of each of said terms for which appointment is made, one person shall be appointed for six years as the successor of the Director whose term of office next expires. Sec. 3. Vacancies in the office of Woodyard Director shall be filled by appointment in the same manner for the unexpired term. In case of misconduct, inability or wilful neglect in the perfor- mance of the duties of the office by any Director, such Director may be removed from office by the Council by an affirmative vote of four members, but such Director shall be given an opportunity to be heard in defense and shall have the right to appear by coun- sel and to have process issue by said Council to compel the at- tendance of witnesses. In such cases the hearing shall be public and a full and complete statement of the reason for such removal, if such Director be removed, together with the findings of the fact, as made by the Council, shall be filed by the Council with the City Clerk and shall be and become a matter of public record, and the Council shall have power, after such hearing, to reinstate such Director or approve its former action. Sec. 4. The Directors immediately upon appointment shall orga- nize by electing one of their number President; the person elected President shall hold his office for one year and until his successor is elected. Sec. 5. The Board of Directors shall have the complete and ex- clusive control, management and direction of the aforesaid Public Woodyard. Said Directors may employ and appoint a Superin- tendent of Oakland Public Woodyard and provide necessary quar- ters for maintenance of such woodyard. Sec. 6. The salary of said Superintendent of Oakland Public Woodyard and the rent of said Public Woodyard shall be paid from the Municipal Funds of the City of Oakland, provided said salary shall not exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)per month, and said rental shall not exceed Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) per month. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Jan. 8, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 328 N. S. An Ordinance Creating a Welfare Commission, Defining Their Powers and Duties and Providing for the Administration Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be established in the City of Oakland what shall be known as the Welfare Commission, which 264 PUBLIC AFFAIRS. shall be under the exclusive control and management of a board consisting of five in number, who shall serve without compensa- tion. Each member of said Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and serve during his pleasure. Vacancies in the office by resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment in the same manner. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said Commission to examine into and report to the Mayor of the City of Oakland on all matters within the said City of Oakland involving the public welfare. Such report shall be in writing. Sec. 3. Said Commission immediately upon appointment shall organize by electing one of their number President, who shall hold office for one year and until his or her successor is elected. Sec. 4. Said Commission shall have the power to appoint a Sec- retary for a period of three months, and there is hereby created the office of Secretary of the "Welfare Commission." The salary of such Secretary shall be $125.00 per month. There shall also be paid out of the Treasury of the City of Oakland the sum of not to exceed $30.00 per month for the period of three months for the rental of such quarters as said Commission desire to rent. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force for a period of three months from and after its passage. (In effect Oct. 9. 1912.) CHAPTER II Ordinances Relating to Revenue ana Finance REVENUE AND FINANCE. 267 ORDINANCE NO. 21 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to be Em- ployed in the Office of the Auditor and Ex-Officio Assessor of the City of Oakland and Fixing the Compensation of Said Em- ployes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the Auditor and ex-officio Assessor in the office of the Auditor and ex-officio Assessor, from and after the passage of this ordinance the following persons, who shall receive the several compensations hereinafter specified: 1 Deputy Auditor who shall be Chief Clerk at a salary of $200 per month. 3 Deputy Auditors at salaries of $150 per month each. 1 Deputy Auditor who shall be Warrant Clerk at a salary of $125 per month. 1 Deputy Auditor who shall be Bookkeeper at a salary of $125 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Chief Clerk in the Real Estate Department at a salary of $200 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Chief Clerk in the Personal Property Department at a salary of $175 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Cashier at a salary of $150 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Transfer Clerk at a salary of $150 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Real Estate Appraiser at a salary of $150 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Building Appraiser at a salary of $150 per month. 1 Deputy Assessor who shall be Building Appraiser at a salary of $125 per month. 2 Deputy Assessors who shall be Draughtsmen at salaries of $135 per month each. 3 Deputy Assessors who shall be Clerks on Rolls at salaries of $125 per month each. 1 Stenographer at a salary of $75 per month. Sec. 2. The Auditor and ex-officio Assessor is hereby authorized to appoint additional deputies and clerks for field and clerical work on assessments and extra men for extra work in the office of the Auditor and ex-officio Assessor at an expense not to exceed $7000.00 per annum and the salaries of said deputies, clerks and extra men are hereby fixed at $100 per month each. Sec. 3. All deputies and employes herein provided for shall be appointed by the Auditor and ex-officio Assessor. 268 REVENUE AND FINANCE. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 18, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 139 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of an Additional Em- ploye in the Auditor's Office, Fixing His Compensation, Pro- viding for His Appointment and Assigning Said Employe to the Bureau of Permits and Licenses and Repealing Ordinance No. 22 N. S. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the office of the Auditor in addition to the employments heretofore authorized, an Inspector and Messenger whose salary shall be $100 per month. Said em- ploye to be appointed by the Auditor and to be assigned to the Bureau of Permits and Licenses. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 22 N. S., passed July 18, 1911, is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect March 1, 1912. ORDINANCE NO. 537. An Ordinance Providing for the Verification of Bills, Claims and Demands Against the City of Oakland. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. From and after the approval of this ordinance all bills, claims and demands against the City of Oakland presented for payment shall be verified by an affidavit of the claimant, or his or her assignor, annexed thereto, to the effect that the same is true and correct, and that the same nor any part thereof has ever been paid or satisfied, and has or has not, as the case may be, been be- fore presented for payment; provided, however, that all salary bills and bills certified to as being true and correct by a city officer, who has knowledge of the fact and originating within the particular department of such city officer, shall not come within the pro- visions of this ordinance, and is expressly excepted therefrom; and provided, further, that this ordinance does not, nor is it in- tended to conflict with that provision of the City Charter requir- ing all officers intrusted with money belonging to the city to make oath that the same has been paid over to the City Treasurer before receiving pay for their services. Sec. 2. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1419, approved April 30, 1892. Vol. 4, p. 184.) Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on and after its approval. (Approved April 24, 1873. Vol. 2, p. 261.) REVENUE AND FINANCE. 269 ORDINANCE NO. 44 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for and Requiring Official Bonds to be Given by Certain Officers and Employes of the City of Oakland and Fixing the Amount of Said Bonds. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section I. Within ten (10) days from and after the final pas- sage of this ordinance the following named officials and employes of the City of Oakland shall i'ile with the City Clerk official bonds in the following sums, to-wit: Clerks of the Police Court , $5,000.00 each Bailiffs in Police Courts 5,000.00 each Chief of Police 5,000.00 Superintendent of Streets 5,000.00 Chief Clerk Supt of Streets 5,000.00 Assistant Assessment Clerk 2,000.00 Two Clerks in Superintendent of Streets office (Counter) 2,000.00 each Clerk and Bookkeeper City Engineer's office 2,000.00 City Attorney 2,500.00 City Wharfinger 2,000.00 City Pound Master 2,000.00 City Clerk 1,000.00 Chief Deputy Treasurer 10,000.00 Deputy Treasurer and Bookkeeper 5,000.00 Three Deputy Tax Collectors 5,000.00 each Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 7, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 42 N. S. An Ordinance Establishing and Organizing a Bureau of Permits and Licenses; Providing for the Issuance of Permits and Li- censes on Payment of the Fee or Deposit Required by Law, and the Withdrawal of Such Deposits; Providing for the Employes to be Employed in Said Bureau of Permits and Licenses; and Providing for the Transfer of Employes in the Department of Public Health and Safety to the Auditor's Office. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created and established a Bureau of Permits and Licenses, under the charge and control of the Auditor of the City of Oakland. All licenses and permits authorized by the Charter of the City of Oakland, or by Ordinance, or Resolution of the City Council, excepting burial permits to be issued as pro- vided by State law, and excepting such permits and licenses, the 270 REVENUE AND FINANCE. issuance of which may be provided for otherwise by the Council subsequent to the passage of this ordinance, shall issue from said Bureau of Permits and Licenses under the signature of said Auditor or his duly authorized deputy. Sec. 2. To further carry out the provisions of this ordinance there shall be assigned and transferred to the City Auditor's of- fice, four (4) of the present employes of the Department of Public Health and Safely/ to-wit: One Cashier and Bookkeeper, one Per- mit Clerk and two Clerks, and they shall each receive the same compensation heretofore provided for; said employes so assigned to the Auditor's office shall perform the duties of Deputy Auditors and shall perform services in the Bureau of Permits and Licenses, one of whom shall be designated by the Auditor as Chief of said Bureau. The Auditor shall be empowered to assign to said Bureau such employes from his Department as may be needed from time to time for temporary duty and to assign to the employes of said Bureau additional duty in his department consistent with the proper performance of the duties of said Bureau. Sec. 3. All permits and licenses issued as provided for in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be presented to the City Treasurer, who shall countersign the same, and he is hereby authorized to deliver the same to the person, firm or corporation entitled thereto upon payment to said Treasurer of the fee or deposit required by law. Sec. 4. The deposits on permits as provided for by the City Council shall be carried in several and distinct funds by the City Treasurer and withdrawals from the same may be made by check from the Bureau of Permits and Licenses payable to the party or parties entitled to the same, but under such regulations as may be agreed upon by the City Auditor and the City Treasurer in writing. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 7, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 76 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Office of Purchasing Agent for the City of Oakland and Providing the Duties and Compensation of Such Purchasing Agent and Providing for the Transfer of the Chief Clerk in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety to Such Office. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created the office of Purchasing Agent for the City of Oakland; the Chief Clerk in the office of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety is hereby trans- ferred to said office and constituted such Purchasing Agent of the REVENUE AND FINANCE. 271 City of Oakland, and such Purchasing Agent shall receive the same compensation as heretofore paid to said Chief Clerk, to-wit: the sum of $200.00 per month. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said Purchasing Agent to ascer- tain and determine the necessary office supplies and other sup- plies of ordinary utility in general use in the various departments of the City of Oakland, which supplies he shall purchase from time to time in the manner hereinafter set forth, in such quantities as may be estimated by him to last several months, but not longer than estimated to last to the end of each fiscal year; he shall keep on hand a stock or store of such supplies to be drawn upon, as hereinafter set forth; in providing such stock of supplies, articles of standard quality shall be provided and no article of excessive cost or unusual character shall be placed in stock; provided, however, that new articles or new devices, such as may be necessary in the several departments, may be placed in stock for trial purposes. Xo such supplies shall be purchased by said Agent to be placed in stock, except by requisition made by said Purchasing Ageni upon the several heads of the departments of the City Govern- ment, which requisitions shall be duly approved by the head of each department or chief official upon whom the requisition is drawn, as the case may be, and procured in the manner provided for by the charter of the City of Oakland. Supplies shall be furnished the several departments of the City Government by said Purchasing Agent out of stock on hand upon written demand therefor duly signed by the head of department requiring the same, who shall receipt therefor; if any such demand specifies any article or articles not kept in stock by said Purchas- ing Agent, he shall thereupon proceed to procure the same in the manner hereinbefore set forth. It shall be the duty of said Purchasing Agent to keep a complete record of all purchases made and all supplies furnished the several departments as herein provided; he shall make a complete report of the stock on hand and the transactions of his office annually in January to the Council, and as often as said Council may require. In addition to the foregoing, it shall be the duty of said Pur- chasing Agent tc certify to the correctness of the prices charged in demands for all articles, the price of which is fixed by written contract under the authority of the Council before claims therefor are ordered paid; he shall also prepare and cause lists to be made of the various salary demands for monthly presentation to the Council and furnish a copy to each member of the Council to facilitate examination and approval of the same; and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by said Council. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Sept. 27, 1911.) 272 REVENUE AND FINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 103 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of an Assistant to the Purchasing Agent of the City of Oakland, Fixing the Com- pensation of Said Assistant and Providing for the Method of Said Appointment. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the office of the Pur- chasing Agent an Assistant at a salary of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) per month, providing however, that said appointment shall be made by the transfer of an employe from the Department of Public Health and Safety to the office of said Purchasing Agent. Said appointment shall be made by the Council. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Dec. 6, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 120 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Stenographer for the Pur- chasing Agent, Providing for Appointment Thereto and Fixing Salary Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created the position of stenographer to the Purchasing Agent. Said position to be filled by the Council. Sec. 2. The salary of said stenographer is hereby fixed at $75 per month. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Jan. 22, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 8 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing the Salary of Treasurer and Ex-Officio Tax Collector of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The salary of the Treasurer and Ex-officio Tax Col- lector of the City of Oakland is hereby fixed at the sum of Thirty Six Hundred ($3600.00) Dollars per year and shall be paid, to said City Treasurer and Ex-officio Tax Collector in equal monthly in- stallments. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 4 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to be Em- ployed in the Office of the Treasurer and Ex-officio Tax Col- lector of the City of Oakland and Fixing the Compensation of Said Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the Council of the City of Oakland in the office of the Treasurer and Ex-officio Tax Col- REVENUE AND FINANCE. 273 lector of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this ordinance, the following persons who shall receive the several com- pensations hereinafter specified: 1 Chief Deputy Treasurer at a salary of $200 per month. 1 Deputy Treasurer and Bookkeeper at a salary of $150 per month. 1 Chief Deputy Tax Collector at a salary of $200 per month. 2 Deputy Tax Collectors who shall be Cashiers at salaries of $150 per month each. 1 Deputy Tax Collector who shall be a license clerk at a salary of $150 per month. 2 Deputy Tax Collectors who shall be Mail Clerks, Checkers, etc., at salaries of $125 per month each. 1 Stenographer at a salary of $75 per month. 1 Deputy Tax Collector who shall be Bookkeeper at a salary of $125 per month. Sec. 2. The Council may also appoint additional Deputy Tax Collectors and Clerks as extra men for the purpose of writing de- linquent sales books and certificates of sale, writing tax bills, making index of assessment rolls and otherwise assisting in the collection of taxes and other extra work in the months from April to December, inclusive, at an expense of not to exceed $6300.00 per annum and the salaries of said Deputy Tax Collectors and Clerks are hereby fixed at $100 per month. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. All appointments and employments hereby provided for shall be made by the Council by resolution. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 137 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Deputy Treasurer and Assistant Bookkeeper and Fixing the Salary Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in addition to the employ- ments heretofore authorized a position of Deputy Treasurer and Assistant Bookkeeper and the salary of said position is hereby fixed at $125.00 per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Feb. 26, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 40 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Collection of Monies by City Of- ficials and Employes of the City of Oakland, and for the Deposit of the Monies so Collected in the City Treasury and for the Withdrawal of the Same Therefrom. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every official and employe of the City of Oakland 274 REVENUE AND FINANCE. hereinafter named, collecting or receiving monies belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland, or in his official capacity, shall deposit the same in the City Treasury at the times and in the manner hereinafter provided, and such monies shall be with- drawn from said City Treasury in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The City Wharfinger shall, at least once a week, deposit all monies collected or received by him belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland, or in his official capacity in the City Treasury in the manner provided by the Charter of the said City of Oakland. Sec. 3. The City Pound Master shall, at least once a week, de- posit all monies collected or received by him belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland, or in his official capacity in the City Treasury in the manner provided by the Charter of said City of Oakland. Sec. 4. The City Assessor shall, at least once a week, deposit all monies collected or received by him belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland, or in his official capacity, in the City Treas- ury in the manner provided by the Charter of said City of Oakland. Sec. 5. The City Engineer shall, at least once a week, deposit all monies collected or received by him belonging to, or for the use of the City of Oakland in the City Treasury in the manner provided by the Charter of the said City of Oakland. He shall, at least once a week, deposit all other monies collected or received by him in his official capacity in the said City Treas- ury, in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of Oak- land, and such monies shall be carried by the Treasurer of the City of Oakland in a fund to be known as the "City Engineer's Deposit Fund." Withdrawals may be made from such "City Engineer's Deposit Fund" by check of the City Engineer duly certified by the Auditor of the City of Oakland, in payment to the person, firm or corpora- tion entitled to receive the same, and said City Treasurer is there- upon authorized to pay the same. Sec. 6. The Street Superintendent, shall, at least once a week, deposit all monies collected or received by him belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland in the City Treasury of said City of Oakland in the manner provided by the Charter of the said City of Oakland. All other monies required to be collected or received by him, in his official capacity, shall be deposited at least once a week in the City Treasury in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of Oakland, and such monies shall be carried by said Treasurer in a special fund to be known as the "Street Superintendent's Deposit Fund." Provided, however, that monies so received by said Street Superintendent on the account of street opening proceedings shall REVENUE AND FINANCE. 275 be carried by said Treasurer in special several funds to be known as "Street Opening Funds." Withdrawals may be made from said "Street Superintendent's Deposit Fund" upon the check of said Street Superintendent, or the Assistant Superintendent of Streets, in payment to the person, firm or corporation entitled to receive the same, which check must be properly certified by the City Auditor before presentation to said City Treasurer and said City Treasurer is thereupon authorized to pay the same. Sec. 7. The City Librarian shall, at least once a week, deposit all monies collected or received by him belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland in the City Treasury in the manner pro- vided by the Charter of said City of Oakland, all other monies re- quired to be collected or received by him in his official capacity shall be deposited at least once a week in the City Treasury in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of Oakland, and such monies shall be carried by said Treasurer in a special fund to be known as the "Librarian's Deposit Fund." Withdrawals may be made from said "Librarian's Deposit Fund" upon the check of said Librarian in payment to the person, firm or corporation entitled to receive the same, which check must be properly certified by the said Auditor before presentation to said City Treasurer, and said City Treasurer is thereupon authorized to pay the same. Sec. 8. The Bailiff of each Police Court of the City of Oakland shall, once a day, deposit all monies collected or received by him belonging to or for the use of the City of Oakland, or received by him in his official capacity, in the City Treasury of the City of Oakland, and such monies shall be, by said Treasurer of said City, carried in a special deposit fund, which shall be known as the "Bailiffs Deposit Fund." Such monies shall be deposited in the manner required by the Charter of the City of Oakland, and may be withdrawn by check of said Bailiff drawn upon said City Treas- urer and payable to the person, firm or corporation entitled to re- ceive the same; said check must be certified by the City Auditor as required by said Charter and said City Treasurer is thereupon authorized to pay the same. Each Bailiff shall be authorized, once every month, to draw a check upon such "Bailiff's Deposit Fund" payable to the Clerks of the respective Police Courls of said City of Oakland for all monies which may then be due said City of Oakland out of said "Bailiff's Special Deposit Fund." Sec. 9. Whenever in this ordinance reference is made to the per- formance of any act or acts of the Auditor of the City of Oakland, his duly authorized deputy may act in his place and stead. Sec. 10. The ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 26, 1911.) 276 REVENUE AND FINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 316 N. S. An Ordinance Levying a Tax on All Real and Personal Property in the City of Oakland for the Fiscal Year 1912-1913 and Appor- tioning the Same Among the Several Funds. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. A tax of $1.3925 is hereby fixed and levied for the fiscal year 1912-1913 on each and every one hundred dollars of tax- able property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, and the tax so levied, and the money arising therefrom, when collected, shall be placed in the General Fund of 1912-1913 and from said General Fund shall be and is hereby set apart and apportioned among the several funds requiring municipal expenditures for the fiscal year 1912-1913, and herein named as follows: General Fund $.1025 Salary Fund .1825 Street Fund 23 Fire Fund 2075 Police Fund 1550 Library Fund 0650 Electrical Fund .0375 Park Fund 1825 Playground Fund 04 Street Light Fund 10 Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund 0025 Police Relief and Pension Fund 0025 Public Betterment Fund 0575 Cash Basis Fund 0250 Entertainment Fund 0025 Sec. 2. A tax of $.1625 is hereby fixed and levied for the fiscal year 1912-1913 on each and every $100.00 of taxable property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, except in that portion which was annexed in the year 1909, and the tax so levied, and the money arising therefrom shall be and is hereby set apart and apportioned as follows: For the payment of the principal and interest of certain bonded indebtedness, created, issued and outstanding on the 8th day of November, 1910, to-wit: Sewer Bond Interest Fund $.0175 Sewer Bond Redemption Fund 0100 Park Bond Interest Fund 0325 Park Bond Redemption Fund 0175 McElroy Bond Interest Fund 0600 McElroy Bond Redemption Fund 0250 REVENUE AND FINANCE. 277 Sec. 3. A tax of one (1) cent is hereby fixed and levied for the fiscal year 1912-1913 on each and every $100.00 of taxable property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Oak- land, except in that portion of the City which was annexed in the year 1891, and except in that portion of the City which was an- nexed in the year 1897, and except in that portion of the City which was annexed in the year 1909, and the tax so levied and the money arising therefrom shall be and is hereby set apart and apportioned as follows: For the payment of the principal and interest on cer- tain bonded indebtedness created, issued and outstanding on the 8th day ot November, 1910, to-wit: Bond Interest Fund , -...$.0050 Bond Redemption Fund 0050 Sec. 4. A tax of $.1175 is hereby fixed and levied for the fiscal year 1912-1913 on each and every $100.00 of taxable property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, except in that portion of the City which was annexed in the year 1909, and the tax so levied and the money arising therefrom shall be and is hereby set apart and apportioned as follows: For the payment of the principal and interest of certain bonded indebted- ness not issued and not outstanding on the 8th day of November, 1910, to-wit: McElroy Bond Interest Fund $.0600 McElroy Bond Redemption Fund 0575 Sec. 5. A tax of $.0675 is hereby fixed and levied for the fiscal year 1912-1913 on each and every $100.00 of taxable property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Oakland, and the tax so levied and the money arising therefrom shall be and is hereby apportioned for the payment of the principal and in- terest of certain bonded indebtedness not issued and not outstand- ing on the 8th day of November, 1910, to-wit: School and Auditorium Bond Interest Fund $.0350 School and Auditorium Bond Redemption Fund 0325 Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Sept. 10, 1912.) CHAPTER III Ordinances 'Relating to 'Public Works PUBLIC WORKS. 281 ORDINANCE NO. 3181. An Ordinance Prescribing Certain Provisions to be Embodied in Public Contracts of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every contract for work to be performed for the City of Oakland or for materials to be furnished in the performance of any public work or in the construction of any public building or other structure for the City of Oakland, shall provide in the per- formance of such contract, no workmen, except workmen residing in the City of Oakland, shall be employed and no materials except materials produced or manufactured in the State of California, shall be used, except in case such material cannot be obtained and all materials required to be used or furnished as aforesaid shall so far as possible be purchased from material dealers in the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Any contract with the City of Oakland made in violation of this ordinance shall be null and void. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its pas- sage and approval. (In effect Nov. 3, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 124 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Office of Supervising Architect of the City of Oakland, Defining His Powers and Duties and Fixing the Term and Compensation of Such Officer. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The office of Supervising Architect of the City of Oakland is hereby created and said office so created shall be filled by appointment of the City Council of the City of Oakland, and said Supervising Architect so appointed shall hold office during the pleasure of said City Council. Upon his appointment he shall enter into a contract of (employment with the Commissioner of Public Works on behalf of the City of Oakland, hereby authorized so to do, which contract shall specifically prescribe the powers and duties of said Supervising Architect and the terms of his employment hereafter in Sections 2 and 3 generally enumerated. Sec. 2. Said Supervising Architect shall have exclusive charge of the preparation of all plans for the erection of all public buildings by the City of Oakland, and, except as otherwise provided in the Charter of the City of Oakland, shall have general supervision and management of the work of construction of all such public build- ings; shall employ all necessary architects and assistants in the preparation of such plans and the performance of such work as may be necessary, and shall perform such services for the City of Oak- land as may be required by said City Council, or by the Board of Education of said City of Oakland. 282 PUBLIC WORKS. Sec. 3. Said Supervising Architect shall be paid, for and as his compensation, six per cent upon the contract price of each public building to be erected by said City of Oakland (save and except upon the City Hall now in course of construction) and shall, out of said compensation so to be paid, pay for all architects and as- sistants and for all work and labor required to be done in the main- tenance of his said office as such Supervising Architect. (In effect Feb. 2, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 38 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of Additional Em- ployes in the Department of Public Works and Fixing the Com- pensation of Said Additional Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the employments and appointments al- ready provided for in the Department of Public Works of the City of Oakland, there shall be appointed by the Council one hydro- grapher, two fieldmen and six inspectors, who shall be paid as fol- lows : One hydrographer at $5 per day. Two fieldmen at $3 per day each and Six inspectors at $5 per day each. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 26, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 35 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of an Additional Em- ploye in the Department of Public Works of Said City of Oak- land and Fixing the Compensation of Said Additional Employe. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. That in addition to the employments and appoint- ments already provided for in the Department of Public Works in the City of Oakland there shall be appointed by the Council of the City of Oakland an additional employe who shall be paid as follows: One telephone operator at the salary of $75.00 per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 25, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 48 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for Additional Employes in the Office of the Department of Public Works and Providing for the Compen- sation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the employments and appointments al- ready provided for in the office of the Department of Public Works, there shall be appointed by the Council of the City of Oakland, two PUBLIC WORKS. 283 additional employes and their compensation is hereby fixed as follows: One secretary whose salary shall be $175.00 per month, and one stenographer whose salary shall be $85.00 per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Council, Oakland, Cal., July 28, 1911. (In effect Aug. 9, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 206 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for Additional Employments in the De- partment of Public Works, and Providing the Compensation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the employments already created in the Department of Public Works, there is hereby created the following employments: (A) An Assistant Janitor in the City Hall, whose salary shall be $75.00 per month. (B) One Inspector on City Hall work, whose salary shall be $7.00 per day. (O One Inspector on City Hall work, whose salary shall be $6.00 per day. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 28, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 188 N. S. An Ordinance Relating to Private Nuisances and Providing Remedies Therefor and for the Abatement of Such Nuisances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Any fence, or other structure in the nature of a fence, unnecessarily exceeding six feet in height, maliciously erected or maintained in the City of Oakland for the purpose of annoying the owners or occupants of adjoining property, shall be deemed a pri- vate nuisance. Sec. 2. Any such owner or occupant, injured either in his com- fort or the enjoyment of his estate by such nuisance, may have an action of tort for the damage sustained thereby, or may abate the same, and the provisions of Sections 3501 and 3502 of the Civil Code of the State of California, providing remedies against, and for the abatement of such nuisances, shall be applicable thereto. Sec. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall apply to any fence or other structure erected or maintained in the City of Oakland for any other purpose than the annoyance or discomfort or injury of the owners or occupants of property adjoining such fence or structure. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 3, 1912.) CHAPTER IV Ordinances delating to Health ana Safety HEALTH AND SAFETY. 287 ORDINANCE NO. 5 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to be Em- ployed in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety and Fixing the Compensation of Said Employes, and Re- pealing All Conflicting Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the Health Department of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this ordi- nance the following persons who shall receive the several compen- sations hereinafter specified: 1 Health Officer at a salary of $150.00 per month. 1 City Chemist at a salary of $100.00 per month. 1 Market and Food Inspector at a salary of $200.00 per month. 1 Clerk and Stenographer at a salary of $125.00 per month. 1 Clerk at a salary of $100.00 per month. 1 Bacteriologist at a salary of $100.00 per month. 1 Plumbing Inspector at a salary of $200.00 per month. 3 Assistant Sanitary Inspectors at a salary of $125.00 per- month each. 3 Assistant Sanitary Inspectors at a salary of $100.00 per month each. 1 Assistant Milk Inspector at a salary of $125.00 per month. 2 Assistant Market Inspectors at a salary of $125 per month each. 8 Meat Inspectors at a salary of $100.00 per month each. 1 Assistant Market Inspector at a salary of $150.00 per month. (Amendment in effect Sept. 25, 1911.) (Ord. No. 73 N. S.) Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 350 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing the Salary of the Health Officer, Creating Places of Employment in the Health Department, Providing for the Compensation of the Persons Holding Such Places of Em- ployment, Providing for the Method of Appointment Thereto and Repealing All Conflicting Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The Health Officer shall receive a salary of $1800.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 2. There is hereby created the position of Health Director, who shall receive no compensation. Sec. 3. There is hereby created the position of Market and Food 288 HEALTH AND SAFETY. Inspector and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at $2400.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 4. There is hereby created the position of Sanitary and Plumbing Inspector and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at $2400.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 5. There are hereby created two positions of Deputy Plumbing Inspector and the salary of each thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $1500.00 and not more than $1620.00 per year, pay- able in equal monthly installments. Sec. 6. There are hereby created four positions of Assistant Sanitary Inspector and the salary of each thereof is hereby fixed at $1200.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 7. There is hereby created the position of Chief Deputy Food Inspector and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $1620.00 and not more than $1800.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 8. There is hereby created the position of Food Inspector and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $1380.00 and not more than $1500.00 per year, payable in equal monthly install- ments. Sec. 9. There is hereby created the position of Chief Deputy Dairy Inspector and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $1620.00 and not more than $1800.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 10. There are hereby created two positions of Dairy In- spector and the salary of each thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $1380.00 and not more than $1500.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 11. There is hereby created the position of Meat Inspector and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $1380.00 and not more than $1500.00 per year, payable in equal monthly install- ments. Sec. 12. There are hereby created ten positions of Assistant Meat Inspector and the salary of each thereof is hereby fixed at $1200.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 13. There is herebj'- created the position of Office Secretary and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at riot less than $1680.00 and not more than $1980.00 per year, payable in equal monthly install- ments. Sec. 14. There are hereby created two positions of Junior Sten- ographer and the salary of each thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $780.00 and not more than $1080.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 15. There is hereby created the position of Janitress and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at $180.00 per year, payable 'in equal monthly installments. Sec. 16. There is hereby created the position of City Chemist and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at $1200.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. HEALTH AND SAFETY. 289 Sec. 17. There is hereby created the position of City Bacteriolo- gist and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at $1200.00 per year, pay- able in equal monthly installments. Sec. 18. There is hereby created the position of Head Nurse and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at not less that $1080.00 and not more than $1200.00 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 19. There are hereby created two positions of Nurse and the salary of each thereof is hereby fixed at not less than $900.00 and not more than $1020.00 per year, payable in equal monthly in- stallments. Sec. 20. Excepting as in the Charter otherwise provided, the officers and employes herein provided for shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Board. Sec. 21. Where minimum and maximum limits of compensation for each office or place of employment are prescribed, appointment to the office or place of employment either from original or pro- motional registers of the Civil Service Board, shall in every case be made at the lowest compensation. Advancement shall be made from group to group within a grade on the basis of efficiency and seniority in the position in such department, provided the duties of such office or place be not changed and provided further that ser- vice by actual employment in the group from which advancement is made, shall cover at least the period specified in the schedules of the Civil Service rules. Sec. 22. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with and all ordinances heretofore passed creating positions in the Health Department are hereby repealed. Sec. 23. This ordinance shall take effect October 1, 1912. ORDINANCE NO. 14 N. S, An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to be Employed in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety and Fixing the Compensation of Said Employes, and Repealing All Conflicting Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the office of the Commis- sioner of Public Health and Safety, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the following persons who shall receive the several compensations hereinafter specified: 1 Chief Clerk at a salary of $200.00 per month. *1 Assistant Clerk at a salary of $150.00 per month. **1 Cashier and Bookkeeper at a salary of $150.00 per month. **1 Bookkeeper at a salary of $125.00 per month. **2 Clerks at $125.00 per month each. 1 Stenographer at $125.00 per month. 1 Building Inspector at a salary of $175.00 per month. 290 HEALTH AND SAFETY. 2 Deputy Building Inspectors (each of whom shall furnish his own transportation) at salaries of $150.00 per month each. **1 Permit Clerk at a salary of $150.00 per month. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ^Transferred to City Clerk's office by Ord. No. 71 N. S. **Transferred to Bureau of Permits and Licenses by Ord. No. 42 N. S. ORDINANCE NO. 26 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of Additional Em- ployes in the Health Hepartment of the City of Oakland, and Fixing the Compensation of Said Additional Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the appointments and employments already provided for in the Health Department of the City of Oak- land, there shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety additional employes for the purpose of handling garbage and waste matter, who shall be paid as follows: One Foreman at $4.00 per day. One Teamster at $4.00 per day. Four Laborers at $3.00 per day, each; and One Laborer at $2.50 per day. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 21, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 201 N. S. An Ordinance Creating Two Positions of Meat Inspector and Fix- ing the Salaries thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There are hereby created in the Health Department, in addition to the positions now existing, two positions of Meat Inspector, and the salary of each of such positions is hereby fixed at $100.00 per month. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 15, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 321 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for an Additional Employee in the De- partment of Public Health and Safety and Providing for the Compensation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the employments and appointments already created in the Department of Public Health and Safety HEALTH AND SAFETY. 291 there shall be appointed by the City Council of the City of Oak- land an additional employee, with compensation as follows: One municipal nurse, at $75.00 per month. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Sept. 20, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 46 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for Additional Employees in the Depart- ment of Public Health and Safety and Providing for the Com- pensation Thereof. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the employments and appointments already created in the Department of Public Health and Safety there shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, two additional employees, and their compensation is here- by fixed as follows: One municipal nurse at $100.00 per month and One municipal nurse at $85.00 per month. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 9, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 104 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Certified Copies of Birth and Death Certificates, and Providing for the Charge to be Made Therefor. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The Health Officer of the City of Oakland shall, whenever requested so to do, issue ceritficates of the records of births and deaths as shown in the office of the Health Depart- ment, which said certificates shall be signed by said Health Officer and duly certified by the Clerk of said Health Department. Sec. 2. A charge of fifty cents shall be made for the issuance of each certificate, which shall be paid into the City Treasury to the credit of the proper fund. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Dec. 6, 1911.) 292 HEALTH AND SAFETY. Electrical Department ORDINANCE NO. 9 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to Be Em- ployed in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland and Fixing the Compensation of said Employes, and Repealing all Conflicting Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this Ordi- nance, the following persons who shall receive the several compen- sations hereinafter specified: 1 Superintendent at $225.00 per month. 1 Assistant Superintendent at $175.00 per month. 1 Foreman of the Machine Shop at $150.00 per month. 1 Machinist at $135.00 per month. 1 Batteryman at $100.00 per month. 2 Linemen at $125.00 per month each. 4 Inspectors at $155.00 per month each. 1 Clerk at $125.00 per month. 3 Operators at $125.00 per month each. Sec. 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinance in conflict here- with and particularly all Ordinances creating positions and fixing salaries in the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Department are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 39 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Additional Em- ployes in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland and Fixing the Compensation of Said Additional Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the Commissioner of Pub- lic Health and Safety in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the employments and appointments here- tofore made, the following: One wireman at a salary of $125.00 per month, and One stenographer at a salary of $60.00 per month. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 26, 1911.) HEALTH AND SAFETY. 293 ORDINANCE NO. 199 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Chief Inspector of the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, Prescribing His Duties, Providing for His Appointment and Fixing His Compen- sation. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created the position of Chief Inspec- tor in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, who shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of such Chief Inspector to have de- tailed control of the inspection of wiring in or on or about build- ings, as provided for in Ordinance .No. 138 N. S., subject at all times to the direction of the Superintendent of the Electrical Depart- ment of the City of Oakland, and he shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by said Superintendent. Sec. 3. The salary of such Chief Inspector shall be $175.00 per month. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect July 1st, 1912. (Passed May 13, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 200 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Relief Operator in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, Prescribing His Duties, Providing for His Appointment and Fixing His Com- pensation. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created the position of Relief Oper- ator in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, who shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said Relief Operator to do relief and switchboard service in said Electrical Department and perform services in connection with inside fire alarm wiring and do and perform such other services as may be required of him by the Superintendent of the Electrical Department of the City of Oak- land. Sec. 3. The salary of such Relief Operator shall be $125.00 per month. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect July 1st, 1912. (Passed May 13, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 287 N. S. Ordinance Providing for the Temporary Employment of Certain Employes in the Electrical Department and Fixing the Compen- sation of Said Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Electrical Department the position of substitute electrical inspector at a salary of One 294 HEALTH AND SAFETY. Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) per month; Substitute inside wireman at a salary of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dol- lars ($125.00) per month; Substitute clerk at a salary of One Hun- dred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) per month; Substitute line- man at a salary of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) per month. Sec. 2. No person shall be appointed to serve in any of said po- sitions except during the authorized absence on annual vacation or on account of sickness of an employee in a corresponding regular position. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 302 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Certain Employes in the Electrical Department and Fixing the Compensation of Said Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the positions now existing, the following positions: Six (6) Extra Linemen at a salary of $4.25 per day each. Two (2) extra groundmen at a salary of $3.00 per day each. One (1) extra teamster at a salary of $3.00 per day. Two (2) extra cable splicers at a salary of $5.25 per day each. Two (2) extra splicer's helpers at a salary of $3.00 per day each. Sec. 2. All of the employes named in Section 1 of this Ordinance or as many of such employes as the work necessitates, may be em- ployed in such construction or repair work as may be authorized by the Council of the City of Oakland by Ordinance or Resolution. Sec. 3. There are hereby created in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the positions named in Sec- tion 1 of this Ordinance, the following positions: Six (6) substitute extra linemen. Two (2) substitute extra groundmen. One (1) substitute extra teamster. Two (2) substitute extra cable splicers. Two (2) substitute extra splicers' helpers. Such substitute employes to be employed at respective salaries as stated in Section 1 at such time as the extra employes specified in Section 1, may not be available. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 21, 1912.) HEALTH AND SAFETY. 295 ORDINANCE NO. 311 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Certain Employes in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, and Provid- ing for the Compensation of Such Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Electrical Department the position of stenographer at a maximum salary of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per month; the position of temporary electrical inspector to serve not more than six (6) months, and a temporary clerk to serve not more than three (3) months at salaries paid em- ployes in corresponding regular postions in the Electrical Depart- ment. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 29, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 324 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Lineman in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, Prescribing his Duties, Pro- viding for His Appointment and Fixing His Compensation. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows:. Section 1. There is hereby created the position of lineman in the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland, who shall be ap- pointed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said lineman to work on the over- head wires and in the engine houses of the Fire Department of the City, and to perform such other services as may be required of him by the Superintendent of the Electrical Department of the City of Oakland. Sec. 3. The salary of such lineman shall be One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125) per month. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Oct. 1, 1912.) Fire Department ORDINANCE NO. 2 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to be Em- ployed in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland, and Fix- ing the Compensation of Those Employes Whose Compensation is not Fixed by the Charter of the City of Oakland, and repeal- ing all Conflicting Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows:. Section 1. There shall be employed in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, in addition to the Chief of the Fire Department, one Assistant 296 HEALTH AND SAFETY. Chief of the Fire Department, one Second Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, and one Superintendent of Engines, which last named officers are provided for in the Charter of the City of Oak- land, the following persons, to wit: 2 Battalion Chiefs. 5 Captains. 4 Lieutenants. 19 Engineers. 39 Drivers. 2 Tillermen. 12 Stokers. 8 Truckmen. 39 Hosemen. Sec. 2. There shall also be employed in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland in addition to the employes mentioned in Sec- tion 1 of this Ordinance: 16 Foremen at $42.00 per month each, which sum includes an allowance of $2.00 per month each for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund. 83 Extramen at $32.00 per month each, which sum includes an allowance of $2.00 per month each for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund. 1 Hydrant Inspector at a salary of $102.00 per month, which sum includes an allowance of $2.00 per month for the Firemens' Relief and Pension Fund. Sec. 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE No. 128 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Additional Em- ployes in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland, and Fix- ing the Compensation of Those Employes Whose Compensation is not Fixed by the Charter of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, in addition to the employments and appointments heretofore made, the following: One Captain. One Lieutenant. Five Drivers. One Stoker. One Engineer. Ten Hosemen. HEALTH AND SAFETY. 297 Sec. 2. There shall also be employed in the Fire Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the employes mentioned in Sec- tion One of this Ordinance, the following: Two Foremen, at $42.00 per month each, which sum includes an allowance of $2.00 per month each for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund. Ten Extramen, at $32.00 per month each, which sum includes an allowance of $2.00 per month each for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Feb. 13, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 55 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Office of Fire Marshal, Defining His Power and Duties, and Providing that Chief Engineer Shall be Ex-Officio Fire Marshal. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created the office of Fire Marshal of the City of Oakland, which office shall be held and the duties thereof performed by the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the City of Oakland, who shall be ex-officio Fire Marshal. Sec. 2. The Fire Marshal shall have the power to appoint depu- ties who shall receive no compensation or allowance of any kind from the city, and who may act in the place and stead of the Fire Marshal, subject to removal by the Fire Marshal. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal, by himself or deputy to attend to the enforcement of the provisions of all ordi- nances pertaining to the protection of the city from fire. Sec. 4. The Fire Marshal, or his deputies, shall have the right to enter upon any premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting the same. Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Aug. 23, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 3069. An Ordinance Establishing and Fixing the Fire Limits of the City of Oakland and Repealing Ordinance No. 2540, Approved Decem- ber 21, 1906, Establishing Certain Fire Limits. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The fire limits of the City of Oakland are hereby es- tablished and shall include all the territory in said city bounded by the following lines, viz.: Commencing at a point where the center line of Webster street intersects the center line of Water street, thence westerly along the center line of Water street and its extension westerly to the 298 HEALTH AND SAFETY. center line of Grove street produced southerly, thence northerly along said center line of Grove street produced southerly and the center line of Grove street to the center line of Fourth street, thence easterly along the center line of Fourth street to the center line of Clay street, thence northerly along the center line of Clay street to the center line of Eighth street, thence westerly along the center line of Eighth street to the center line of Jefferson street, thence northerly along the center line of Jefferson street to the center line of Seventeenth street, thence westerly along the center line of Seventeenth street to the center line of Grove street, thence northerly along the center line of Grove street to the center line of Twentieth street, thence easterly along the center line of Twen- tieth street to the center line of Franklin street, thence southerly along the center line of Franklin street to the center line of Fif- teenth street, produced easterly, thence easterly along the center line of Fifteenth street produced easterly to the center line of Jack- son street, thence southerly along the center line of Jackson street to the center line of Ninth street, thence westerly along the center line of Ninth street to the center line of Webster street, thence southerly along the center line of Webster street to the center line of Water street. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 2540, approved December 21, 1906, es- tablishing certain fire limits is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and approval. (In effect May 31, 1910.) ORDINANCE NO. 2055. An Ordinance Regulating the Size of Water Mains with Which Hydrants or Fire Plugs Hereafter Erected Shall Be Connected. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. It is hereby determined and declared and found to be a fact that water mains of less than four (4) inches in diameter, in- side measurement, are inadequate, and have not sufficient capacity to properly supply with water, hydrants or fire plugs connected therewith when in use in case of fire, and every hydrant or fire plug hereafter erected within the City of Oakland by order and authori- ty of the said City, shall be connected with a water main of at least four (4) inches in diameter, inside measurement. No money shall be paid from the City Treasuiy on account of the erection of, or the furnishing of water to any hydrant or fire plug hereafter erected contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved July 24, 1900. Vol 5. p. 484.) HEALTH AND SAFETY. 299 ORDINANCE NO. 36 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Additional Em- ployes in the License Inspector's Office of the City of Oakland, and Fixing the Compensation of Said Additional Employes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety in the office of the License Inspector of the City of Oakland, the following: One Deputy License Inspector at a salary of $150.00 per month, and One Deputy License Inspector at a salary of $150.00 per month. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 25, 1911.) ''Police 'Department ORDINANCE NO. 1 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Number of Persons to be Em- ployed in the Police Department of the City of Oakland, and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the Police Department of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this Ordi- nance, in addition to the Chief of Police and one Captain of In- spectors, provided for in the Charter of the City of Oakland, the following persons, to-wit: 3 Captains of Police. 8 Inspectors. 9 Sergeants. 2 Bailiffs. 125 Patrolmen. Sec. 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 18 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of an Additional Em- ploye in the Police Department and Fixing the Compensation of Said Additional Employe. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety in the Police Department of the City of 300 HEALTH AND SAFETY. Oakland, in addition to the employments and appointments here- tofore made, a Matron at a salary of $90.00 per month. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 18, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 23 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of a Corporal in the Police Department of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed in the Police Department of the City of Oakland, from and after the passage of this Ordinance, in addition to the employments heretofore provided for, one Cor- poral. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 17, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 37 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Additional Em- ployes in the Police Department. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There shall be employed by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, in the Police Department in addition to the employments and appointments heretofore provided for, the following employes: One Lieutenant who shall serve as Clerk to the Chief of Police. One Assistant Inspector, who shall serve as Clerk to the Captain of Inspectors. One Assistant Inspector, who shall serve as Identification Clerk. Five Patrolmen. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 25, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 106 N. S. An Ordinance Authorizing the Appointment of Eight Additional Patrolmen for the Police Department. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the employments heretofore authorized by the Council of the City of Oakland, there is hereby created the following positions to-wit: Eight additional patrlomen for the Police Department. The compensation of each of said Patrolmen is hereby fixed at $102.00 per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect December 13, 1911.) HEALTH AND SAFETY. 301 ORDINANCE NO. 82 N. S. An Ordinance Providing That All Station Keepers in the Police Department of the City of Oakland Holding Such Office on the First Day of July, 1911, Shall Be Designated as Corporals and Fixing Their Rank and Pay as Such. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. All station keepers in the employ of the Police De- partment of the City of Oakland on the first day of July, 1911, are hereby designated corporals according to the provisions of Section 90 of the Charter of the City of Oakland, and each corporal shall receive the compensation fixed by said Charter. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect October 20, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 189 N. S. An Ordinance Providing for the Employment of Certain Em- ployes in the Police Department and Fixing the Compensation of Some of Said Employes and Repealing Ordinances in Con- flict Herewith. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There are hereby created in the Police Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the positions now existing, ten (10) positions of Substitute Patrolman. During any temporary absence of a Patrolman, the Chief of Police shall have power to designate a Substitute Patrolman to perform the duties of such absentee during such temporary absence of the regular appointee, and while performing such duties said Substitute Patrolman shall receive an annual compensation of $1212.00, payable in equal month- ly installments. Sec. 2. There is hereby created in the Police Department, in ad- dition to the positions now existing, the position of Matron of the City Prison, and the compensation of said employe is hereby fixed at $1104.00 per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 3. There is hereby created in the Police Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the positions now existing, the position of Substitute Matron of the city prison, and during any temporary absence of the Matron of the city prison the Substitute Matron of the city prison shall perform the duties of such absentee during such temporary absence of the regular appointee, and while performing such duties the Substitute Matron of the city prison shall receive an annual compensation of $1104.00, payable in equal monthly installments. Sec. 4. There are hereby created in the Police Department of the City of Oakland, in addition to the positions now existing, three (3) positions of patrol wagon driver, and the compensa- tion of said employes is hereby fixed at $1212.00 each per an- num, payable in equal monthly installments. 302 HEALTH AND SAFETY. Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect May 6, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 10 N. S. An Ordinance Establishing and Providing for the Maintenance ot a Public Pound and Creating the Office of Poundmaster and Providing for the Employment of Certain Employes at the Pub- lic Pound and for the Appointment and Compensation of Said Poundmaster and Said Employes and Repealing Conflicting Or- dinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The public pound is hereby created to be under the charge of a poundmaster subject to the control of the Council. Sec. 2. Said poundmaster shall be appointed by the Council by resolution and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council and shall receive a salary of one hundred and fifty ($150) dollars per month and an allowance of fifteen ($15) dollars per month for the purchase of food for any and all animals kept by the said poundmaster in said pound. Sec. 3. (As amended Oct. 28, 1912, by Ordinance No. 340 N. S.) There shall be employed in said public pound four (4) laborers who shall receive salaries of ninety ($90) dollars per month each and said laborers shall be employed by said poundmaster and re- tain their respective employments during the pleasure of said poundmaster. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts or ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 8, 1911.) CHAPTER V Ordinances Relating to Streets STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 305 ORDINANCE NO. 47 N. S. An Ordinance Fixing the Fees to Be Charged by the City En- gineer of the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section. 1. The fees to be charged by the City Engineer of the City of Oakland shall be as follows: Subdivision "A" For the survey of any lot, having four straight sides and being outside of the fire limits of said city, the fee to be charged shall be twelve ($12) dollars for fifty (50) feet, or less, of frontage and five (5) cents for each front foot additional. Survey to include a diagram thereof and the setting of four stakes, duui- tional stakes to be charged for at the rate of fifty (50) cents each. Subdivision "B" For the survey of any lot, as described in Subdivision "A" but lying within the fire limits of said city the fee to be charged shall be fifty (50) per cent greater than as fixed in said Subdivision "A." Subdivision "C" For the survey of any irregular-shaped lot (lot having more than four straight sides) the fee to be charged shall be at the rate of twenty ($20) dollars per day for each field party of three men. and eight (8) dollars per day for each office man; excepting, however, that the fees for irregular-shaped lots, as herein defined, shall, in no case, be less than the fees established upon a frontage basis. Subdivision "D" For giving official line and grade of curb or sidewalk in front of any lot of 100 feet, or less, frontage, five ($5) dollars if done in conjunction with a lot survey and if done other- wise, six (6) cents per linear foot of curb or sidewalk with a mini- mum charge of eight ($8) dollars. Subdivision "E" Upon street work under the general street laws of the State of California, the cost of which is to be paid for by a frontage assessment, or upon street work, the cost of which is to be paid for in such manner as many be agreed upon between property owners and contractor (private contracts), the following shall be the fees, to-wit: For setting stakes once upon: Sewering or re-sewering, six ($6) dollars for the first 100 feet, or less, with 6 cents for every additional foot of sewer. Catch-basins, five ($5) dollars each. Grading or re-grading, 7 l / 2 cents per linear foot of street, meas- ured along the center line. Grading and curbing or re-grading and re-curbing, 10 cents per linear foot of street, measured along the center line. Curbing or re-curbing with wood, 3 cents per linear foot of curb- ing. Guttering or re-guttering, 3 cents per linear foot of gutter. 306 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. Curbing or re-curbing with granite, cement or concrete, 5 cents per linear foot of curbing. Sidewalking or re-sidewalking, 6 cents per linear foot of side- walk. Culverts, 6 cents per linear foot of culvert. Crosswalks, 6 cents per linear foot of crosswalk. Grading, curbing with wood and paving with macadam or oil macadam, 15 cents per linear foot of street, measured along the center line. Re-grading, re-curbing with wood and re-paving with macadam or oil-macadam, 15 cents per linear foot of street, measured along the center line. Paving or re-paving with macadam or oil-macadam, 5 cents per linear foot of street, measured along the center line. Paving or re-paving with macadam or oil-macadam and curbing or re-curbing with wood, 9 cents per linear foot of street, measured along the center line. Paving or re-paving with material other than macadam or oil- macadam, 5 cents per linear foot of each line of stakes, measured lengthwise of the street. Masonry work, 5 per cent on the cost of construction, as shown by the contract. For plan, on private contracts, five ($5) dollars. For assessment diagram and final certificate five ($5) dollars. No fee shall be charged on re-dressing the surface of improved roadways, unless stakes are set, in which case the fee shall be the same as herein-provided for paving or re-paving with macadam, or oil macadam. Resetting of stakes disturbed or destroyed by the contractor shall be at the expense of said contractor. Subdivision "F" Upon street work under the general street laws of the State of California, the cost of which is to be paid by a district assessment, the fee shall be 5 per cent of the cost of con- struction. Sec. \y 2 . Fees for the following Field or Office Work shall be as follows: For such miscellaneous Engineering, Surveying or Drafting work as is not specifically covered by Sections 1, \ l / 2 or 2 of this Or- dinance, the fees to be charged shall be at the rate of twenty ($20) dollars per day for each field party of three men, and eight ($8) dollars per day for each office man. For copies, additional to those required by Section 1 of this ordi- nance, of survey diagrams or street work certificates, one ($1) dollar for each copy. For blue print copies, additional to those required by Section 1 of this ordinance, of such tracings or negatives of maps, street improvement plans, assessment diagrams, etc., as are part of the office records of the City Engineer's office, fifty (50) cents for the first square foot of each of said copies and five cents for STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 307 each additional square foot thereof; no copy to cost less than fifty cents and no blue prints to be made from other than office records. For plans and specifications of work for which the City Council, or other authorized municipal body, is asking for bids, the City Engineer is hereby authorized to collect from prospective bidders on said work, the sum of five ($5) dollars for each such set of plans and specifications. For a period of thirty (30) days after the time fixed for receiving bids on the work, said sum of five ($5) dollars shall be considered merely as a deposit; in case said plans and specifications are not returned within said thirty day period, then they shall become the property of the holder thereof and the five dollars held by the city shall be considered as payment there- for. (Amendment in effect March 11, 1912. (Ordinance No. 141 N. S.) Sec. 2. Fees for street \vork under the general street laws of the State of California, on which the Resolution of Intention has al- ready been passed, fees for street work on private contracts on which permission has already been granted and fees on lot surveys already ordered, shall be in accordance with the provisions of such fee ordinances then in effect. Sec. 3. Excepting as otherwise provided for in this ordinance all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect August 9, 1911.) ORDINANCE NO. 144 N. S. An Ordinance Consolidating the Office of the City Engineer With the Office of the Superintendent of Streets and Providing that said Superintendent of Streets Shall Be Ex-Officio City Engineer, and Fixing the Salary of Said Superintendent of Streets and Ex- Officio City Engineer; Creating Places of Employment in the Department of Streets and in the Office of Said Superintendent of Streets and Ex-Officio City Engineer, Providing for the Com- pensation to Be Paid to the Persons Holding Said Places of Em- ployment and Providing for the Method of Appointment Thereto and Repealing Conflicting Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The office of the City Engineer is hereby consoli- dated with the office of Superintendent of Streets, and the func- tions and duties of said City Engineer, as prescribed by the Char- ter of the City of Oakland, are hereby placed in charge of said Superintendent of Streets, and said Superintendent of Streets shall be ex-officio City Engineer of the City of 'Oakland. Sec. 2. The said Superintendent of Streets and ex-officio City Engineer shall receive a compensation of thirty-six hundred ($3600) dollars per year, payable in equal monthly installments. 308 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. Sec. 3 There is hereby created the office of Assistant City En- gineer and ex-officio Assistant Superintendent of Streets, and the salary of said officer is hereby fixed at $250.00 per month. Sec. 4. There is hereby created the office of Deputy Superin- tendent of Streets and the salary thereof is hereby fixd at $200.00 per month. Sec. 5. There is hereby created the office of Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Streets, and the salary thereof is hereby fixed at $175.00 per month. Sec. 6. There are hereby created four offices of "District Depu- ty Superintendent of Streets" and the salary of each of said Dis- trict Deputies is hereby fixed at $125.00 per month. Sec. 7. There is hereby created in and for the Department of Streets the position of Superintendent of Corporation Yard No. 1 at a salary of $125.00 per month, and the position of Superinten- dent of Corporation Yard No. 2 at a salary of $100.00 per month. Sec. 8. There is hereby created the position of Chief Clerk of the Department of Streets at a salary of $175.00 per month. Sec. 9. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Chief Assessment Clerk at a salary of $200.00 per month, and an Assistant Assessment Clerk at a salary of $150.00 per month. Sec. 10. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Assessment and Counter Clerk, the salary of which position shall be not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month. Sec. 11. There is hereby created for the office of the Depart- ment of Streets, the position of Bookkeeper and Statistician at a salary of $150.00 per month. Sec. 12. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Storekeeper and Accountant at a salary of not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month. Sec. 13. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Clerk, at a salary of not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $150.00 per month, said employe to serve as Complaint, Numbering and Counter Clerk. Sec. 14. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Clerk, at a salary of not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month, said employe to serve as Counter, Street Sweeping and Street Inspectors' Records Clerk. Sec. 15. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Clerk, at a salary of not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month, said employe to serve as Contract and Recording Clerk, and Assistant Bookkeeper. Sec. 16. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Clerk and Stenographer at a salary of not less than $85.00 per month and not more than $100.00 per month. Sec. 17. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Stenographer at a salary of $65.00 per month. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 309 Sec. 18. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Timekeeper at a salary of not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month. Sec. 19. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Chief Inspector of Macadam Construction at a salary of not less than $125.00 per month and not more than $150.00 per month. Sec. 20. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Chief Inspector of Permanent Pavement Construc- tion at a salary of not less than $125.00 per month and not more than $150.00 per month. Sec. 21. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Chief Inspector of Sidewalk Construction at a salary of $125.00 per month. Sec. 22. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the two positions of Inspector of Excavations and Complaints at a salary of $100.00 per month each. Sec. 23. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets twenty positions of Class "A" Inspector. Such inspectors shall serve as inspectors on permanent pavement construction and on brick or concrete sewers or culverts. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets twenty positions of Class "B" In- spector. Such inspectors shall serve as inspectors of macadam construction, sidewalk construction, vitrified pipe sewer construc- tion, grading and on any other work not herein specified for Class "A" Inspectors. Class "A" Inspectors may serve on Class "B" work. Class "B" Inspectors shall be paid $4.00 per day. Class "A" Inspectors shall be paid $5.00 per day when inspecting work of their own class and $4.00 per day when inspecting Class "B" work. Sec. 24. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Inspector of Machine Sweeping at a salary of $100.00 per month, said employe to also serve as Foreman of Sweeping Crew. Sec. 25. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets three positions of Steam Roller Engineer, the salary of each of whom shall be not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month. Sec. 26. There is hereby created for the Department of Streets the position of Testing Engineer at a salary of $125.00 per month. Sec. 27. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the following positions, to-wit: 1 Blacksmith, at a salary of $4.00 per day. Blacksmith's Helper, at a salary of $3.50 per day. Horseshoer, at a salary of $4.00 per day. Harness-maker, at a salary of $4.00 per day. Woodworker, at a salary of $3.50 per day. Painter, at a salary of $4.00 per day. 3 Hostlers, at a salary of $3.00 per day. 310 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 1 Corporation Yard Laborer, at a salary of $3.00 per day. 1 Night Watchman, at a salary of $3.00 per day. Sec. 28. (As amended June 20, 1912, by Ordinance No. 219 N. S.) There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the fol- lowing positions, to-wit: 2 Positions of four-horse teamster, at a salary of $3.50 per day each. 36 Positions of teamster, at a salary of $3.00 per day each. Sec. 2854 (Added by Ordinance No. 219 N. S., passed June 20, 1912.) There may be hired in the Department of Streets not to exceed 51 teams, to be paid in accordance with the following schedule, to-wit: "A" When there is furnished one horse, harness and cart, with driver, $4.00 per day. "B" When there are furnished two horses and harness, with driver, $4.50 per day. "C" When there are furnished two horses, harness and either a wagon, sprinkler, scraper or roller, with driver, $5.00 per day. Sec. 2834. (Added by Ordinance No. 219 N. S., passed June 20, 1912.) There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the following positions, to-wit: 1 Position of teamster and engineer of patching machine, to be paid at the rate of $3.00 per day when working as a teamster and at the rate of $4.00 per day when working as engineer of patching machine. 1 Position of laborer and operator of gravity oiler, to be paid at the rate of $2.50 per day when working as laborer, and at the rate of $3.00 per day when working as operator of gravity oiler. Sec. 29. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets twenty (20) positions of substitute teamster or laborer. During the temporary absence for a period, not exceeding 30 days, of any 4-horse teamster or of any $3.00 per day teamster, provided for in Section 28 hereof, or of any laborer at $2.50 per day, provided for in Section 29 hereof, the Commissioner of Streets shall have power to designate a substitute laborer or teamster to perform the duties of such absentee during such temporary absence of the regular appointee, and while performing such duties, the substitute shall re- ceive the pay attached to the regular position. Sec. 30. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the following positions, to-wit: 1 Road Foreman, who shall furnish and maintain at his own ex- pense a horse and rig, at a salary of $4.00 per day. 8 Sub-foremen, at salary of $3.00 per day each. 88 Laborers, at a salary of $2.50 per day each. 1 Roving Crew Laborer, at a salary of $3.00 per day. 1 Gutter Foreman, at a. salary of $3.00 per day. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 311 Sec. 31. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the following positions, to-wit: 2 Sewer Foremen, at a salary of $125. (X) per month each. 7 Sewer Laborers, at a salary of $3.50 per day each. 1 Brick and Pipe Layer, at a salary of $5.00 per day. Sec. 32. There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the following positions, to-wit: 1 Department Mechanic, at a salary of not less than $125.00 per month and not more than $135.00 per month. 1 Carpenter Foreman, at a salary of $110.00 per month. 6 Laborers, Carpenter Crew, at a salary of $3.50 per day each. Sec. 33 There are hereby created for the Department of Streets the following positions, to-wit: 1 Quarry Foreman at a salary of not less than $100.00 per month and not more than $125.00 per month. 1 Quarry Driller, at a salary of $3.50 per day. 1 Quarry Engineer, at a salary of $3.50 per day. Sec. 34. There are hereby created for the office of the Superin- tendent of Streets and Ex-officio City Engineer, the following positions. The salary of each position is hereinafter particularly specified, to-wit: 3 Assistant Engineers at a salary of $200.00 per month each. 1 Assistant Engineer, who shall furnish and maintain an auto- mobile at his own expense, at a salary of $200.00 per month. 1 Assistant Engineer at a salary of $175.00 per month. 2 Assistant Engineers at a salary of $150.00 per month each. 1 Cashier and Bookkeeper at a salary of $125.00 per month. 1 Counter Clerk at a salary of $100.00 per month. 1 Stenographer at a salary of $75.00 per month. 1 Index Draughtsman at a salary of $115.00 per month. 3 Draughtsmen at a salary of $135.00 per month each. 3 Draughtsmen at a salary of $125.00 per month each. 3 Draughtsmen at a salary of $115.00 per month each. 3 Draughtsmen at a salary of $100.00 per month each. 1 Blueprinter at a salary of $60.00 per month. 1 Instrumentman at a salary of $140.00 per month. 4 Instrumentmen at a salary of $125.00 per month each. 2 Instrumentmen at a salary of $5.00 per day each. 1 Chainman at a salary of $90.00 per month. 4 Chainmen at a salary of $80.00 per month each. 5 Chainmen at a salary of $75.00 per month each. 4 Chainmen at a salary of $3.00 per day each. Sec. 35. Excepting as in the Charter otherwise provided, the of- ficials and employes herein provided for shall be appointed by the Council by Resolution, and in cases where a minimum and maxi- mum salary is prescribed in this ordinance to be paid for any given place or employment, the Council shall in the resolution of ap- pointment fix the amount of such salary between said minimum and maximum sums. 312 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. Sec. 36. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with and all ordinances creating positions in the Department of Streets or in the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Ex- officio City Engineer are hereby repealed. Sec. 37. This ordinance shall take effect on March 15, 1912. (Finally passed March 12, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 174 N. S. An Ordinance Creating Positions of Draughtsmen in and for the Office of the Superintendent of Streets and Ex-Officio City Engineer and Fixing the Compensation for Said Positions. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in and for the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Ex-officio City Engineer the posi- tions of 4 draughtsmen at salaries of not less than $100 per month and not more than $125 per month each. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 24, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 343 N. S. An Ordinance Creating Places of Employment in the Department of Streets, Providing for the Compensation of the Persons Hold- ing Such Places of Employment, Providing for the Method of Appointment Thereto and Repealing Ordinance No. 26 N. S. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the appointments and employments al- ready provided for in the Department of Streets, there shall be appointed by the City Council additional employes for the purpose of handling garbage and waste matter, who shall be paid as follows: One foreman at $4.00 per day. One teamster at $3.00 per day. Four laborers at $3.00 per day each. One laborer at $2.50 per day. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 26 N. S. is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect Nov. 1, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 158 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Temporary Position of Assistant Book- keeper in the Office of the Department of Streets and Providing for the Compensation to be Paid to Such Person. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in and for the office of the Department of Streets the temporary position of Assistant Book- STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 313 keeper for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, at a salary of $75.00 per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect April 3, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 209 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Assistant Bookkeeper in the Office of the Department of Streets and Providing for the Compensation to be Paid to Such Person. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the appointments heretofore provided for there is hereby created in and for the office of the Department of Streets, the position of Assistant Bookkeeper, and the salary to be paid to such person is hereby fixed at $75.00 per month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1912. (Passed June 4, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 249 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Agent to Secure Dedica- tions of Land for Street and Sewer Purposes and Fixing Com- pensation of Said Agent. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created in addition to the offices and employments heretofore provided for, the position of agent, to secure dedications for land for street and sewer purposes, said agent to be appointed by the Council of the City of Oakland, and to hold such position at the pleasure of the Council. Sec. 2. The compensation of the agent provided for in Section 1 hereof is hereby fixed at $100.00 per month. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 23, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 218 N. S. An Ordinance Creating the Position of Clerk to Perform Work Under Street Opening Proceedings, Fixing Compensation to be Paid to Such Clerk, and Providing Method of Appointment Thereto. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the position heretofore provided for, there is hereby created the position of Clerk, whose duties shall be to assist in the clerical work required under all street opening pro- ceedings authorized by the Council. Sec. 2. The Council shall, by resolution appoint some suitable person to said position, and prescribe the salary therefor, which shall be not less than $65.00 per month and not more than $75.00 per month, said salary to be paid out of the General Fund. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect June 20, 1912.) 314 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ORDINANCE NO. 230 N. S. An Ordinance Regulating the Granting of Permission to Do Street Work by Private Contract and Providing the Manner in Which the Same Shall be Done. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. No permission to perform street work by private con- tract shall be granted, or if granted shall be valid, unless the per- sons applying for the same shall have (1) filed with the City Clerk plans and specifications for the work prepared by the City Engi- neer, or with the approval of the City Engineer endorsed thereon; (2) filed with the Superintendent of Streets three certified copies of said plans and specifications and a certified copy of the contract entered into between the contractor and the property owners with affidavit attached sworn to before a Notary Public that all signa- tures to the contract are of owners of record or their authorized agent; also a letter in duplicate, stating the total amount of front feet on the street, the total amount signed, and the percentage the same bears to the total frontage; (excepting however that in case no contract exists, then the person or persons obtaining permission to perform street work, shall in addition to filing plans and specifi- cations with the Superintendent of Streets, deposit with him, in advance of doing said work, sufficient money to cover the fees and compensation specified in Section 6 of this ordinance); also except- ing that in case the cost of the street work does not exceed Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars, then specifications, without plans, will be required to be filed with the City Clerk and Superintendent of Streets, in lieu of the plans and specifications heretofore mentioned. Sec. 2. Said contract shall provide for the completion of the work within a specified time (which time may be extended by the City Council) and for the construction, in conformity with the plans and specifications adopted by the City Council for street work of the character contracted for, and for the completion of the work to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Superintendent of Streets. All contracts entered into between the owners of any property and the contractor or his agent shall be in duplicate, and shall contain all items of expense, and the total contract price therefor, and no other payment shall be allowed to or recovered by such contractor, other than as itemized and set forth in said contract. The original of such contract shall be held by the contractor or his agent, and the duplicate shall be held by the owners, who must receipt to the agent or contractor therefor. Sec. 3. All street work done by private contract shall be in ac- cordance with the plans and specifications adopted by the Council, to the line and grade established or approved by the City Engi- neer, and shall be to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Superin- tendent of Streets. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 315 Sec. 4. Upon completion of the work specified in the contract the contractor shall secure (1) from the Engineer for the work, tht engineer's certificate, which shall state the work has been done to line and grade (if the engineering work has been done outside of the City Engineer's office, a copy of the Engineer's Certificate shall be filed in said office, and in the office of the Superintendent of Streets); (2) from the Superintendent of Streets, his certificate, which shall state that the work has been done in conformity with the specifications and to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 5. The City Engineer, if the engineering work is done by him, shall receive for the services performed by him, in connection with private contracts, for which a permit is granted pursuant to the terms of this ordinance, such fees as are now allowed or shall be hereafter allowed by the ordinances of the City of Oakland. Sec. 6. The Street Superintendent shall have the same power to appoint a suitable person to superintend or inspect construction as is or may be vested in the Superintendent of Streets by the general law of the State of California in the case of public contracts, and the compensation of such person shall be the same as for special superintendents or inspectors employed under public contracts. Sec. 7. The Street Superintendent shall collect all fees due for printing, City Engineer's fees unpaid, and special superintendent's or inspector's compensation, and shall not issue to the contractor the Street Superintendent's certificate hereinbefore provided Tor until the fees above mentioned are paid. Sec. 8. Any person, firm or corporation who shall collect money or attempt to collect money for work done under any private con- tract granted pursuant to the terms of this ordinance, until the certificates of the Engineer and Street Superintendent shall have been issued, as hereinbefore provided for, or who shall violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be denied the privilege of thereafter doing any kind of street work in the City of Oakland. Sec. 9. Ordinance No. 2088 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances, and all resolutions in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect July 1, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 2379. An Ordinance Fixing the Minimum Thickness of Macadam That Shall be Laid on Public Streets in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. (As amended Aug. 8, 1912, by Ordinance No. 278 N. S.) In paving or macadamizing any or all public streets in the 316 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. City of Oakland not already paved or macadamized, or for which a permit or permits have not been granted, nor public proceedings for macadamizing begun, the thickness of the layer of broken stone macadam shall in no case be less than eight (8) inches in the cen- ter of the roadway and shall gradually diminish to six (6) inches at the gutter lines, said thickness being measured before the macadam is rolled and before screenings are placed on top thereof. Sec. 2. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately on and after its passage. (Passed July 17, 1905. Approved July 24, 1905. Vol. 6, p. 481.) ORDINANCE NO. 2063. An Ordinance Granting Permission to the Town of Emeryville to Connect Certain Sewers of Said Town With the Sewers of the City of Oakland Upon Certain Conditions Herein Set Forth. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Whereas, application has been made by the Town of Emeryville for permission to connect certain sewers of said town with the sewers of the City of Oakland, and Whereas, in consideration of the City of Oakland granting such permission, the said Town of Emeryville agrees to grant to the City .of Oakland a right of way, or rights of way, for the con- struction of and permission to construct an outlet sewer or sewers for the City of Oakland through and along those certain streets of said town as are laid down and delineated upon that certain map or plan hereinafter referred to, said streets being Adeline, Watts and Yerba Buena avenue; also to grant to said City of Oak- land permission to connect certain of its sewers with those sewers of said town east of Adeline street, as hereinafter set forth; and Whereas, it appears to be to the mutual advantage of the Cit\ of Oakland and said Town of Emeryville to grant said permission and said rights of way, it is therefore hereby ordained: That permission be and is hereby granted to the Town of Em- eryville to connect certain of its sewers with the sewers of the City of Oakland upon the following conditions, to-wit: (a) Only such sewers of said town shall be connected with the sewers of the City of Oakland as are or hereafter may be constructed within that portion of said town that is shown and in- dicated in blue color upon that certain map or plan entitled: "Map of the Town of Emeryville, showing streets along which rights of way are granted by said town for outlet sewers for City of Oak- land. Area shaded in blue is to be. sewered into Oakland sewers. Compiled July, 1900, by Thos. N. Badger, Town Engineer of the STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 317 Town of Emeryville. Approved by R. M. Clement, City Engineer of Oakland, Cal.: Thos N. Badger, Town Engineer of the Town of Emeryville. Filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Oakland, August 16, 1900." (b) Said connections shall be made with the sewers of the City of Oakland under the same rules and regulations as may from time to time be in force within the City of Oakland for connecting small and private sewers with outlet or main sewers. (c) The City Council reserves the right to cut off and discon- nect any and all of said connecting sewers from said town, if at any time the said town shall fail to comply with the conditions of this ordinance, or if in the judgment of the said City Council the sewers in the City of Oakland, with which said connections are made, are inadequate by reason of the sewage coming from said Town of Emeryville, to meet the requirements of the residents of the City of Oakland, using said sewers. (d) No connection of sewers from the Town of Emeryville shall be made with the sewers of the City of Oakland until after said T6wn of Emeryville has duly and legally granted a right of way or rights of way for the construction of and permission to construct through said town as hereinbefore set forth, an outlet sewer or sewers for the City of Oakland; also permission to connect those certain sewers hereafter to be constructed within that portion of said city bounded northerly by Temescal creek, easterly by Mar- ket street and southerly by Thirty-sixth street, with such sewers of said Town of Emeryville as are or may hereafter be constructed within that portion of said town lying east of Adeline street; such grant and permission upon the part of the Town of Emeryville shall be free from all conditions, except such as are herein speci- fied and if at any time the Town of Emeryville should prevent or in any way interfere with the use and enjoyment of such rights of way or such permission, the City of Oakland shall cut off and disconnect any and all sewers connected from the Town of Emery- ville with the sewers of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. Pending the construction by the City of Oakland of the proposed outlet sewer or sewers through said Town of Emeryville, the said Town of Emeryville is hereby granted permission to con- nect any of its branch or connecting sewers within said area shaded blue with the existing sewers of said City of Oakland under such regulations and restrictions as may be imposed by the Sanitary Inspector and Superintendents of Streets of said city. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (Approved September 14, 1900. Vol. 5, p. 498.) (Note The right of way to which reference is made in Subdi- vision D of the foregoing ordinance was granted by the Town of Emeryville by Ordinance No. 43 of that town.) 318 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ORDINANCE NO. 1738. An Ordinance Granting to Piedmont Sanitary District, a Municipal Corporation, the Right to Connect the Sewer System (to be Constructed by Said Sanitary District), at the Northern Boundary Line of the City of Oakland With the Sewer to Be Constructed by Said City of Oakland, in Streets Known as Pleasant Valley Avenue and Lake Avenue, and Prescribing the Term for Which and the Conditions Upon Which Such Right May Be Used. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the Piedmont Sanitary District, a munici- pal corporation, is about to construct a sewer system in said district, and has petitioned this Council for permission to connect said system with the sewer now constructed on the east side of Lake Merritt, in the City of Oakland, and known as the East Side Sewer, such connection to be made at the northern boundary line of the City of Oakland and with the sewer to be ordered to be constructed by the City of Oakland, in the streets known as Pleas- ant Valley avenue and Lake avenue and, Whereas, in consideration of said right being granted, said Pied- mont Sanitary District agrees to pay to the City of Oakland the sum of $5000, and observe and perform the provisions and cove- nants hereinafter mentioned. Therefore, Be it ordained that said Piedmont Sanitary District be, and it is hereby granted the right to make the connection above mentioned, upon the terms and conditions specified in Section 2 hereof. Sec. 2. Said sum of $5000 shall be paid before the connection above mentioned is made. Said Piedmont Sanitary District shall construct according to plans, line and grade of the City Engineer of the City of Oakland and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Oakland, a 16-inch vitrified ironstone pipe sewer from Lake avenue to the sewer in Lake Shore avenue and shall not connect catch basins with the sewer to be constructed by said sanitary district in its own district. The right hereby granted shall continue for six years, and for such longer period of time as the sewer now constructed along the east side of Lake Merritt and known as the East Side Sewer shall, in the judgment of this Council, be of sufficient capacity to carry the sewage of said sanitary district and the drainage of the district tributary to said Second Avenue Sewer, situated within the limits of the City of Oakland, the exercise of which judgment shall be conclusive. This Council shall cause to be constructed a sewer along said Pleasant avenue and Lake avenue, from a point distant southerly about 550 feet from the southerly line of Perry street to the north- ern boundary line of the City of Oakland, and shall have the same completed and ready for use within ninety days after the time STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 319 \vlu-n the connection of the sewer of said sanitary district is ready to be made. Said sewer to be constructed shall be of 12, 14 and 16 inch vitrified ironstone pipe, according to plans submitted by the City Engineer of the City of Oakland. Sec. 3. In the event that said Piedmont Sanitary District shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, the City of Oakland shall declare all rights and privileges granted hereby terminated and the connection herein provided for shall be severed and- dis- continued. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved March 20, 1896. Vol 5, p. 40.) ORDINANCE NO. 2107. An Ordinance Establishing the Official Width of Sidewalks Here- after to Be Constructed in the City of Oakland on All Streets Where Not Already Established by Special Ordinances Ap- plicable to Particular Streets. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. The official width of sidewalks hereafter to be con- structed in the City of Oakland on all streets where not already established by special ordinances applicable to particular streets is hereby established as follows: 1. On all streets in that portion thereof annexed thereto in June, 1897, and known as the "Annexed District," as follows: On all streets less than 50 feet in width, 8 feet. On all streets, 50 feet or more in width and less than 55 feet, 10 feet. On all streets 55 feet or over in width and less than 61 feet, 12 feet. On all streets 61 feet or over in width and less than 75 feet, 14 feet. On all streets 75 feet or over in width, 18 feet. 2. On all streets other than those mentioned in subdivision One, as follows: On all streets less than 50 feet in width, 8 feet. On all streets 50 feet or over in width, and not exceeding 55 feet, 10 feet. On all streets over 55 feet in width and not exceeding 75 feet, 14 feet. On all streets over 75 feet in width and not exceeding 80 feet, 18 feet. On all streets exceeding 80 feet in width, 20 feet. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 2071, approved October 25, 1900, and Or- dinance No. 368, approved Feb. 2, 1870, and all other ordinances 320 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this or- dinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval. (Approved Sept. 24, 1901. Vol. 5, p. 586.) General Ordinance East Oakland, portion of (see Town of Brooklyn Ordinance Book, pp. 152 and 164.) ORDINANCE NO. 333 N. S. An Ordinance Requiring the Owners of Real Property in the City of Oakland to Remove All Grass Weeds, Rubbish or Other Ob- structions from the Sidewalk in Front of Such Property; Pro- viding for Such Work to Be Done by the City of Oakland Upon the Default of such Owner; Providing That the Cost of Such Work Shall Be Paid to the City by Such Owner, or Shall Be- come a Lien Against Such Property in Default of Such Payment and Providing for the Enforcement of Such Lien. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Every owner of real property in the City of Oak- land shall keep the entire width of sidewalk in front of such prop- erty, from curb to lot line, free and clear of all grass, weeds, rub- bish or other obstructions or materials which, from any cause what- ever, shall have accumulated or may accumulate upon said side- walk above the established grade of the same; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to require the re- moval of any grass or other vegetable growth between such curb and lot line unless such grass or vegetable growth is more than four inches in height. Sec. 2. Upon the failure or refusal of any such owner of real property in the City of Oakland to remove or clear away such grass, weeds, obstructions or materials from such sidewalk, the owner of such property shall be notified by the Superintendent of Streets to remove the same within a period of ten days. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be served personally upon such owner or, if such owner cannot be located in the City of Oakland, such notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon such prop- erty for a period of ten days. If at the end of such period men- tioned in said notice such owner has failed to comply with said notice, then the Superintendent of Streets shall cause such grass, weeds, rubbish cr other obstructions or materials to be removed from such sidewalk and shall charge the expense of such work to such owner. If said owner fails or refuses to pay the amount of such expense, within a period of thirty days to the City of Oak- land, the said amount shall be certified by the Superintendent of Streets to the City Auditor and the same shall act as a lien upon such property and shall be collected in an action brought on be- half of the said City of Oakland to foreclose said lien against said property upon which said lien has been so imposed. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 321 Sec. 3. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to require the removal from the borders of any sidewalk any orna- mental plants, lawn or shrubs of a reasonable growth, provided that the same are not in any manner obstructions to the free use of such sidewalk by pedestrians. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect October 9, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 330 N. S. An Ordinance Declaring and Determining the Specifications for the Construction of Such Cement Sidewalks in the City of Oakland as May Be Ordered Done Under the General Laws of the State of California Pertaining Thereto. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Sec. 1. The specifications for the construction of such cement sidewalk in the City of Oakland as may be ordered done under the general laws of the State of California pertaining thereto, are here- by declared and determined to be as follows: General Provisions. The width of the cement walk shall be as called for in the Reso- lution of Intention. The walk shall have a slope toward the curb of one-third inch to one foot, and shall be placed to such grade that if continued to the curb said walk will be two inches above the grade of the curb, if said curb is of wood, and to the same grade of the curb, if said curb is of granite, cement or concrete. The entire work shall be laid and constructed to the lines and grades as set by the City Engineer. All work shall be done under the direction, supervision and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Oak- land. All materials used in the work shall comply with these specifi- cations and be to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. Samples of said materials, and information in regard thereto, must be furnished to said Superintendent of Streets, if. required by him, and representatives of the Superintendent of Streets shall be given facilities for the inspection of materials and processes used in con- nection with the work. All rejected and refuse materials are to be removed from the work and all surplus materials shall be removed from the work within five (5) days after the costruction of the sidewalk is com- plete. The contractor shall provide and maintain such fences, barriers, "Street Closed" signs, red lights and watchmen as may be neces- sary to prevent avoidable accidents to the public. No material or other obstruction shall be placed within five (5) 322 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. feet of fire hydrants, which must be at all times readily accessible to the Fire Department. Any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person employed on the work by the contractor, who shall perform his work in a manner contrary to these specifications, or who is disorderly, intem- perate or incompetent, shall be discharged immediately, and such person shall not again be employed on the work. The contractor shall be constantly on the work during its progress or shall be. represented by a foreman who is competent to receive and carry out any instructions which may be delivered to him or his representatives on the work. Cement. All cement used on the work shall be hydraulic Portland Cement, pulverulent and free from lumps. Cement shall be delivered in the manufacturer's packages with the brand and name of the manu- facturer plainly marked thereon. All lots of cement shall be submitted for inspection and test at least ten (10) days in advance of its use upon the work. The conti actor shall furnish proper facilities for the identification of each lot of cement after samples of it are taken, and any cement not fulfilling the requirement of these specifications shall at once be removed from the work. Any lot of cement becoming damaged by moisture aftci the samples are taken shall also at once be re- moved from the work. The acceptance or rejection shall be based on the following re- quirements: Fineness: Cement shall leave by weight a residue of not more than 8 per cent on the No. 100, and not more than 25 per cent on the No. 200 Standard sieve. Tensile Strength: Cement when made into briquettes and tested neat shall have a tensile strength of not less than 500 pounds to the sectional square inch after an exposure of one (1) day in air and an immersion of six (6) days in water. In making the briquettes the cement paste will be compacted in the moulds by the use of the fingers only and only sufficient water will be used to allow of properly compacting the paste in this manner. Constancy of Volume: Pats of cement made on glass and brought to thin edges shall show no signs of distortion, cracking, checking or disintegration under the following conditions: Pat No. 1, in moist air for 24 hours and six days in water. Pat No. 2, in moist air for 24 hours and three hours in steam at about atmospheric pressure. Time of Setting: The cement, after wetting, shall take not less than thirty (30) minutes to set so that it will bear, without in- dentation, a round wire one-twelfth (1-12) inch in diameter placed endwise and loaded to a total weight of one-fourth (%) pound. Acceptance: Cement passing the above tests satisfactorily will be accepted. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 323 Cement passing all of the above tests satisfactorily, except Pat No. 2, shall be held until Pat No. 1 is twenty-eight days old, and if at this time said Pat No. 1 shows no signs of distortion, check- ing or disintegration, the cement will be accepted. Sand. Sand, for mortar, shall be clean, sharp, dry, silicious sand, and shall not contain, in all, more than five (5) per cent by volume, of clay, loam, mica, scales, silt or other objectionable inorganic mat- ter, nor more than one (1) per cent of organic matter. It shall be made up of grains whose composition shall be such that at least sixty (60) per cent, by weight, shall pass a twenty (20) mesh screen, not more than eighty-five (85) per cent shall pass a fifty (50) mesh screen, and not more than fifteen (15) per cent shall pass an eighty (80) mesh screen. Broken Stone. Broken stone, for concrete, shall be sound and have irregular cleavage. It shall be free from clay, loan, or other foreign material, shall have clean, fresh surfaces, shall be of such character that it will not lose by abrasion and fracture more than thirty-three (33) per cent of its original weight in the "Rattler" test, and shall be that portion of the crusher run that passes through a circular screen having openings one and one-quarter (1^) inches in diameter and is retained upon a circular screen having openings one-eighth (1-8) of an inch in diameter. The aforesaid "Rattler" test shall consist in revolving a sample of one hundred (100) pounds of the hereinbefore specified broken stone for three (3) consecutive hours at the rate of twenty-eight (28) revolutions per minute in the "Rattler" belonging to the City of Oakland, which is used for the purpose of testing rock. Concrete. Concrete shall be a mixture of the cement, sand and broken stone, hereinbefore specified, mixed in the proportion of ninety-four (94) pounds of cement, two (2) cubic feet of sand and four (4) cubic feet of broken stone. The mixing may be either by hand or by machine, but must result in a thorough and uniform admixture of the several ingredients. During the mixing, water is to be added by spraying (not played on in a stream) until the concrete is so wet that the free water will be brought to the surface in tamping. Con- crete shall be placed in the work as soon as practicable, and no concrete that has been wet longer than forty (40) minutes shall be used. The surface layer shall consist of one (1) part of cement to one and one-half (l l /i) parts of screened gravel, mixed dry and then made into a mortar by adding a sufficient quantity of water. The surface layer shall be colored by adding one pound of the best quality of lampblack to one (1) cubic foot of gravel and work- ing into the surface layer sufficient of such mixture to produce a uniform dark gray color; excepting, however, that where there are 324 STREETS AXD 'SIDEWALKS. existing cement sidewalks contiguous to the work proposed to be done, with colors different from the color afore specified, then and in that case, the surface layer of the proposed work shall be given the same color as said contiguous walks. Excavation. The excavation tor the concrete shall extend six (6) inches outside of the lines of walk on each side. Where the ground is of adobe, the same shall be excavated to a depth of four (4) inches be- low the subgrade of the cement work. If the adobe is less than four (4) inches thick, the same shall be wholly removed. The cavity thus formed shall be filled with broken rock, gravel, sand or earth other than adobe or clay, which filling shall be tamped thoroughly to subgrade of cement work, shall be smooth and even on surface, and shall be thoroughly sprinkled with water. Where there is no adobe the ground sail be made solid and smooth to subgrade by tamping; all roots and perishable materials shall be removed. Construction. A layer of concrete as specified shall be placed on the subgrade in sections twenty-four (24) feet in length, separated by a strip -of heavy asphalted paper. This layer shall be thoroughly tamped and shall be two and one-half (2}/ 2 ) inches thick after tamping. Where the depth of the adobe remaining under the sidewalk be eight inches or more, sections shall be six (6) feet in length. Wires shall be placed in the concrete where the sidwalk is to be constructed in six-foot sections; said wires shall be laid at right angles to the center of walk, shall be laid two. (2) feet apart, shall have an area of two-hundredths (.02) square inch and shall be, in length, six (6) inches shorter than the width of the walk. Before the layer of concrete has set the surface layer, one-half (^2) inch thick of mortar as specified, shall be put on and troweled smooth, excepting that where the grade exceeds eight (8) per cent the surface shall be given a corrugated finish. The surface of the walk shall be marked off in blocks not exceed- ing four (4) square feet in area to each block. The surface of the walk, immediately after finishing, shall be protected from the sun and frost and after setting shall be covered with a coating of moist earth. This earth covering shall be left in place and moistened for one week, after which it shall be re- moved and the surface of the walk swept clean. Bids. Bidders are to state prices per square foot of cement sidewalk laid. Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed; excepting, however, that where proceed- ings, referring to ordinances hereby repealed, have been commenced by this Council for sidewalk work prior to the taking effect of this STREETS AX I) SIDEWALKS. 325 orrlimncr, then and in that case said repealed ordinances shall be effective lor said proceeding. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. (In effect October 9, 1912.) ORDINANCE NO. 1024. An Ordinance Providing for the Repairs of Sidewalks by the Su- perintendent of Streets. The Council of the City of Oakland do Ordain as follows: Section 1. Upon refusal or neglect of any property owner to repair sidewalks in front of his or her property in the City of Oakland, after due notice given by the Superintendent of Streets, as provided in an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act to Provide for the Improvement of Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks, and the Construction of Sewers within Municipalities," approved March 18, 1885, then the Superintendent of Streets is hereby authorized and empowered and directed, as a penalty for such neglecting and refusing to repair such sidewalk or sidewalks, to contract for the construction of ar- tificial stone pavement sidewalks in front of the property of such persons so refusing as above set forth, of not less than six feet in width, and at the expense of such owner or owners of said prop- erty; and upon the completion of such work of repairs the Super- intendent of Streets shall make and deliver to the contractor of the work a certificate, as provided in Section 17 of the Act of the Legislature above referred to, and the cost of the prosecution of such property-owners for the collection of the cost of such work shall be paid out of the Street Fund of the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its approval. (Approved November 10, 1887. Vol. 3, p. 262.) ( Xote In the case of L. F. Shepard vs. Mary Kelley, No. 8860, the Superior Court of the County of Alameda decided on demurrer to complaint, that under the provisions of this ordinance and the statute therein referred to, as amended (see Stats. 1889, p. 169), the Superintendent cannot cause a wooden sidewalk, although out of repair to be replaced by one of a different and more expensive material, such as artificial stone, at the expense of the owner.) ( Xote For sidewalk specifications by private contract, see "Penal Ordinances.") ORDINANCE No. 1437. An Ordinance Providing Regulations Concerning Acceptances of Improved Public Streets in the City of Oakland. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. In addition to the requirements and conditions re- quired by the general law concerning the acceptance of public 326 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. streets, after the same have been constructed, the following regu- lations are hereby adopted as the regulations to be followed and complied with before acceptance of any street by the City Council. No street, or portion of street, less than the entire width of the roadway, including the curb, and at least one block in length, or one entire crossing, shall be accepted. No street, or a portion of a street, shall be accepted until after the same shall have been fully constructed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets, of the City Engineer and of the City Council, and shall be in good condition throughout, and shall have been constructed under and in conformity with the following re- quirements, to-wit: Such street, or portion of street, including curbing, shall be graded to the official grade throughout its entire width, and curbed in accordance with specifications contained in Ordinance No. 1422, or such other specifications as hereafter may be adopted, and mac- adamized or remacadamized with first-class rock, in accordance with the specifications of said Ordinance No. 1422, or such other specifications as hereafter may be adopted, or in lieu of such mac- adamizing shall have been paved with bituminous sand rock in ac- cordance with the provisions of said ordinance, or paved with Bel- gian blocks or compressed asphaltum or bituminous sand rock blocks, or stradamant pavement, in accordance with specifications therefor adopted by ordinance of said City Council. There must be also in such street a good and sufficient sewer, constructed in accordance with the specifications for sewers and sewer work now adopted, or that may hereafter be adopted, for such work by said Council; and there must also be gas and water pipe mains laid in such street in a good and workmanlike manner and of sufficient size. Sec. 2. No street or portion of street shall be accepted until the Superintendent of Streets and the City Engineer certify to the City Council that such street has been fully constructed as provided by law and this ordinance, and to the satisfaction of said Superinten- dent of Streets and of said City Engineer, which certificate shall recite the nature of the improvements made, and the materials of which any existing roadway or curb is constructed; and it shall be the duty of said Superintendent of Streets and of said City Engineer, whenever any street or portion of a street is entitled to acceptance, as provided by law and this ordinance, to file such certificate thereof with the City Clerk. Sec. 3. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Acceptance of Improved Public Streets in the City of Oakland," numbered 1211; and approved October 3rd, 1890, is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance takes effect immediately upon its passage and approval. (Approved August 8, 1892. Vol. 4, p. 245.) STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 327 ORDINANCE NO. 1283. An Ordinance Declaring Certain Trees Growing in the Public Streets, Under Certain Conditions, Nuisances and Providing for Their Abatement. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. Any pine, poplar, cottonwood or eucalyptus tree growing in any public street or sidewalk which is endangering or which may in any way endanger the security or usefulness of any public sewer or sidewalk is hereby declared a public nuisance. Sec. 2. Whenever it may appear to the satisfaction of the Super- intendent of Streets that public necessity requires the removal of any tree coming under operation of the provisions of Section 1, of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of said Superintendent of Streets to report the same to the Council and the Council may by resolution order the same removed, and the said Superintendent of Streets, after the adoption of such resolution, shall have au- thority to remove the same forthwith. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall go into full force and effect im- mediately after its approval. (Approved June 3, 1891. Vol. 3, p. 635.) ORDINANCE NO. 337. An Ordinance Adopting a General Plan of Streets. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. That the plan of streets herewith presented, pre- pared by W. F. Boardman, City Engineer, be and is hereby adopted as the general plan of streets for the City of Oakland. Sec. 2. The City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare a map of the same upon a scale of two hundred feet to one inch, upon which said map shall be plainly indicated the name and width of each street, the number and size of each block, the position of all homesteads and location of all plazas and public grounds, to- gether with the location of all grounds that have been dedicated for street or other public uses and position of all public buildings, and report the same at the earliest moment to the Council for ratification and adoption as the official map of the City of Oakland. (Approved November 20, 1868. Vol. 1, p. 342.) (For prior ordinances see Vol 1, pp 134 and 168.) 328 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. ORDINANCE NO. 1975. An Ordinance Rescinding a Portion of an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Declaring the Streets in the Town of Oakland Public Highways," Passed August 27, 1853, and Abandoning a Portion of Certain Streets as Described and Designated on a Certain Map Known and Designated as "Kellersberger's Map of Oakland." Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. That so much of the Ordinance of the Town of Oak- land entitled "An Ordinance Declaring the Streets in the Town of Oakland Public Highways," passed and adopted August 27, 1853, as purports or attempts to declare and define streets laid out and delineated and designated upon "Kellersberger's Map of Oakland," and lying within the following territory, and lots and blocks as laid down :and delineated by "Boardman's Map of Oakland and Vicinity," to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the western line of Filbert street and the southern line of First street, running thence northerly along said line of Filbert street to the southerly line of Seventh street; thence easterly along said line of Seventh street to the westerly line of Market street; thence southerly along said line of Market street to the southerly line of First street; thence westerly along said line of First street to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby rescinded, and all streets shown upon said Kellersberger's map within the above described territory are hereby relinquished and abandoned forever as streets and public highways. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect from its approval. (Approved March 23, 1899. Vol. 5, p. 364.) ORDINANCE NO. 2908. An Ordinance Adopting "Map Showing Proposed Arrangement of Streets Between Lake Merritt and Sessions Basin, May, 1909." Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows: Section 1. That certain map filed in the office of the City Clerk- on June 7th, 1909, endorsed "Map showing proposed arrangement of streets between Lake Merritt and Sessions Basin, May 19, 1909," is hereby adopted and declared to be the official map showing the arrangement of the new streets in and about the district between Fallon street and First avenue, Lake Merritt and Sessions Basin. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval. ! (Approved July 12, 1909. Vol. 8, p. 67.) CHAPTER VI Ordinances Granting Franchises for Street Railroads STREET RAILROADS. 331 (NOTE References are to volume and page of original ordi- nance books on file in office of the City Clerk.) Date. 1857. To Whom Granted. Vol. Page. July 22 Joseph Black, et als 1 110 1870. Sept. 1 Elijah Bigelow et als 1 439 Dec. 10 Elijah Bigelow et als (amendment) 1 450 Dec. 10 F. K. Shattuck et als 1 451 Dec. 10 A. J. Snyder et als 1 454 1871. May 23 Edward Tompkins et als 1 469 July 3 J. S. Emery et als (steam or horse) 1 474 Aug. 28 Oakland Railroad Company (see Ordinance No. 1080) 1 512 1872. Mar. 18 J. S. Emery et als 2 9 Apr. 30 L. L. Johnson et als 2 21 June 27 Oakland Central Railroad Company 2 64 Aug. 10 Oakland Railroad Company 2 67 Sept. 11 J. S. Emery et als (amendment) 2 181 Dec. 16. H. F. Shepardson, Meetz, et als 2 214 1873. Mar. 10 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad Com- pany (see Ordinance No. 1080) 2 246 Dec. 10 Oakland, Brooklyn and Fruitvale Railroad Com- pany (abandonment) 2 313 1874. Apr. 14 Edward Tompkins et als (abandonment) 2 328 Apr. 14 H. C. Campbell et als 2 329 Apr. 14 Oakland Railroad Company 2 333 1875. Jan. 11 Aiameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad Com- pany (see Ordinance No. 1080) 2 387 Feb. 4 W. A. Bray et als 2 392 Apr. 28 C. T. Hopkins et als 2 404 Nov. 27 H. C. Campbell et als (amendment) 2 427 Dec. 23 Walter Blair et als 2 439 1876. Mar. 20 East Oakland, Fruitvale and Mills Seminary Rail- road Company 2 451 Mar. 22 Grant I. Taggart et als 2 454 May 26 Grant I. Taggart et als 2 468 May 27 Oakland Railroad Company 2 472 June 30 Broadway and Piedmont Railroad Company 2 476 June 30 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad Com- pany 2 480 332 STREET RAILROADS. Date. To Whom Granted. Vol. Page 1877. Mar. 3 E. C. Sessions et als 2 525 Nov. 13 Walter Blair et als Fourteenth St. R. R. Co 2 584 Nov. 21 E. C. Sessions et als 2 588 Feb. 19 E. C. Sessions et als (extending time) 2 598 Mar. 11 Walter Blair et als (amendment) 2 602 June 5 Thomas A. Smith et als 2 624 Aug. 26 J. V. Webster et als 2 662 Aug. 26 Walter Blair et als (amendment) 2 666 Dec. 4 Walter Blair et als 2 677 1879. Jan. 9 E. C. Sessions et als (extending time) 2 686 Jan. 22 Walter Blair et als 2 688 Dec. 24 Walter Blair et als 2 770 1881. Aug. 18 Oakland, Brooklyn and Fruitvale Railroad Com- pany 3 59 Aug. 19 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad Com- pany (consent to abandon) 3 62 Nov. 21 Walter Blair et als (consent to abandon) 3 66 Dec. 2 Walter Blair et als (consent to abandon) 3 71 1882. Feb. 23 Walter Blair et als 3 82 1883. Aug. 16 Oakland Railroad; Company, horse or cable cars. ...3 114 1885. Sept. 29 A. E. Davis, horse or cable, cars 3 172 Dec. 8 Fourteenth Street Railroad Company, horse or cable cars 3 175 1886. Jan. 15 Theodore Meetz, horse or cable cars... 3 178 Jan. 19 Fourteenth Street Railroad Company, horse or cable cars (amendment) . 3 180 Feb. 3 James G. Fair, horse or cable cars 3 183 Feb. 8 J. M. Thompson et als 3 187 Feb. 27 James G. Fair, horse or cable cars 3 190 July 28 Broadway and Piedmont Railroad Company, horse or cable cars .,...3 207 Oct. 18 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad Com- pany, horse or cable cars 3 218 1887. Feb. 10 Fourteenth Street Railroad Company, horse or cable cars 3 226 Same declared forfeited 4 663 1888. June 26 A. E. Davis, consent to abandon.... 3 288 Dec. 24 Theodore Meetz et als, horse or cable.. , 3 322 STRKKT RAILROADS. 333 Date. Ti) Whom Granted. Vol. Page 1889. Jan. j6 Oakland Railroad Company, horse or cable 3 326 Jan. 30 Broadway, Berkeley and Piedmont Railroad Com- pany, cable 3 327 July 31 Piedmont Cable Company, cable 3 363 Oct. 30 M. H. Grossmayer et ais, cable 3 390 Xov. 28 Oakland and Berkeley Rapid Transit Company. electricity 3 393 1890. Mar. 1 Brooklyn and Fruitvale Railroad Company. horses 3 421 Sept. 15 John W. Coleman et als, electricity 3 503 1891. Mar. 5 M. H. Grossmayer et als, amendment 3 575 Mar. 18 Horry W. Meek et als, electricity, etc 3 580 Apr. 17 E. P. Vandercook et als, electricity, cable or motor 3 600 May 22 H. G. Blasdel, cable, electricity, horses or motor. ...3 610 1892. Jan. 27 Oakland Railroad Company, amendment 4 78 Jan. 28 E. P. Vandercook et als, amendment 4 80 Mar. 23 Consolidated Piedmont Cable Company succes- sors, etc., amendment 4 157 June 6 Consolidated Piedmont Cable Company, succes- sors, amendment 4 214 June 28 E. A. Heron et als 4 229 July 27 Oakland, San Leandro and Hay wards Electric Railway 4 241 1892. Aug. 26 East Oakland Street Railroad Co 4 256 Aug. 26 Theodore Meetz, amendment 4 270 Sept. 2 Alamecla, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad Co., amendment 4 273 Sept. 30 G. W. McNear, et als 4 280 Oct. 24 Consolidated Piedmont Cable Co 4 303 Oct. 24 Oakland and Berkeley Ripid Transit Co 4 307 Dec. 16 Oakland Railroad Co., amendment 4 334 1893. Jan. 17 Highland Park and Fruitvale Railroad 4 354 Feb. 21 Horry W. Meek, et als : 4 364 Feb. 21 Egbert B. Stone, temporary track 4 368 Mar. 6 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Electric Rail- way Company 4 383 Mar. 20 Highland Park and Fruitvale Railroad, amend- ment 4 397 Mar. 21 Highland Park and Fruitvale Railroad 4 400 Mar. 21 Wells Whitmore, et als 4 404 Declared forfeited 5 203 334 STREET RAILROADS. Date. To Whom Granted. Vol. Page 1893. Mar. 23 East Oakland Street Railroad Co 4 408 May 8 Central Avenue Railway Co 4 418 1894. Sept. 29 Highland Park and Fruitvale Railroad, extension. .4 608 Oct. 23 H. W. Meek, W. E. Meek, et als 4 621 1895. Feb. 15 Fourteenth Street R. R. Co., abandonment and forfeiture 4 654 Feb. 23 Fourteenth Street R. R. Co., abandonment and forfeiture 4 663 1897. Nov. 13 W. Whitmore Alsip, et als, abandonment and forfeiture 5 202 1898. May 19 Oakland Con. St. Railway Co 5 277 June 11 Oakland Con. St. Railway Co 5 283 June 11 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Electric Rail- way Co 5 284 Sept. 23 Oakland Railway Co., to use electricity on San Pablo avenue 5 317 Nov. 28 Oakland Transit Co., abandonment 5 330 1900. June 6 Oakland, San Leandro and Haywards Electric Railway Co 5 468 Sept. 8 Oakland Transit Consolidated, abandonment 5 495 1901. Aug. 19 Oakland Transit Consolidated, abandonment 5 576 1902. Mar. 20 Oakland Transit Consolidated, abandonment 5 624 Sept. 5 Oakland Transit Consolidated, abandonment 5 689 Nov. 15 Oakland Transit Consolidated 6 2 Dec. 29 San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railway.. ..6 28 1903. Feb. 13 Oakland Transit Consolidated 6 40 Apr. 15 J. H. Macdonald 6 60 July 8 San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railway 6 88 July 15 Oakland Transit Consolidated (abandonment) 6 92 Sept. 30 Oakland Transit Consolidated 6 120 Nov. 17 Oakland Transit Consolidated (abandonment) 6 151 1904. Mar. 12 Oakland Transit Consolidated (abandonment) 6 182 May 9 J. H. Macdonald (See Ordinance 2328, Vol. 6, p. 328) 6 202 May 28 Oakland Transit Con. (abandonment) 6 237 Aug. 3 Webster St. and Park R. R. (abandonment) 6 256 Oct. 5 Approving Assignment 6 325 Dec. 5 Oakland Transit Con. (abandonment) 6 345 STREET RAILROADS. 335 Date. To Whom Granted. Vol. Page 1905. May 4 Oakland Traction Con 6 440 Nov. 27 Oakland Traction Con 6 530 1906. Feb. 28 Oakland Traction Con. (abandonment) 6 594 Apr. 14 Oakland Traction Con. (abandonment) 6 618 Sept. 16 Oakland Traction Con 7 360 1908. Feb. 20 Oakland Traction Con 7 471 July 11 Oakland Traction Con 7 553 1909. Mar. 18 Oakland Traction Con. (abandonment) 8 15 Dec. 27 Oakland Traction Con 8 213 1910. June 28 Peninsular Railway 8 359 July 25 Oakland Traction 8 395 July 25 Oakland Traction 8 402 1911. Jan. 10 Blake and Bilger Co 8 577 Mar. 15 Oakland Traction 8 601 Mar. 28 Central Pacific, on Seventh street 8 614 May 3 Southern Pacific 8 645 May 23 Central Pacific 8 650 May 23 Oakland Traction 8 665 June 26 Oakland Traction 8 696 June 27 Oakland Traction 8 710 CHAPTER VII Ordinances Granting Franchises for Railroads Other Than Street Railroads GENERAL RAILROAD FRANCHISES. 339 Date. To Whom Granted. Vol. Page 1861. Nov. 20 San Francisco and Oakland Railroad Company....! 148 1868. Aug. 24 Western Pacific Railroad Company 1 327 1871. July 3 J. S. Emery et als, steam or horses 1 474 1873. Apr. 21 Central Pacific Railroad Company 2 254 1876. Feb. 12 Northern Railway Company 2 446 May 27 John A. Hobart et als, side track 2 471 1879. Feb. 24 A. C. Dietz et als 2 691 Mar. 3 A. C. Dietz et als (amendment) 2 698 1880. Mar. 6 Alfred E. Davis et als 3 1 1882. Feb. 25 S. H. Melvin 3 83 Apr. 8 California and Nevada Railroad Company 3 88 1884. Mar. 24 Northern Railway Company 3 135 1886. July 6 Oakland Township Railroad Company 3 201 1896. May 22 Northern Railway Co., change tracks on Cedar street 5 67 1898. Apr. 6 South Pacific Coast Railway Co 5 255 Dec. 28 Central Pacific R. R. Co 5 333 1899. Mar. 23 South Pacific Coast Railway Co. (amended) 5 359 1900. Dec. 19 Oakland Electric L. and M. Co 5 529 1901. May 19 Oakland and East Side R. R. Co 5 628 1902. Nov. 19 San Francisco Terminal Ry. and Ferry Co 6 Dec. 29 San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railway.. ..6 1903. July 8 San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railway.... 6 88 Nov. 10 Oakland and East Side R. R. Co 6 145 1904. Apr. 28 S. F. O. & S. J. Con. Ry 6 192 Apr. 28 S. F. O. & S. J. Con. Ry ., 6 196 June 20 Central Pacific Ry. Co 6 247 340 GENERAL RAILROAD FRANCHISES. Date. To Whom Granted. Vol. Page 1905. Apr. 12 Southern Pacific Co. 6 453 Aug. 12 Southern Pacific Co. . 6 486 1906. Jan. 16 S. F. O. & S. J. Con. Ry 6 566 Mar. 19 Western Pacific Ry. Co '.'. ...6 600 May 23 Western Pacific Ry. Co 6 639 Dec. 1 Centra! Pacific Ry Co. .......7 43 Dec. 21 S. F. O. & S. J. Con. Ry 7 59 Dec. 21 Central Pacific Ry. Co 7 66 1907. Jan. 12 S. P. Ry. Co. 7 107 Jan. 12 Central Pac. Ry. Co. . . .7 109 Feb. 1 Union Belt Ry 7 114 July 22Atch. & S, F. Ry. Co. ;..: 7 211 July 22 Western Pacific Ry. Co. 7 218 July 22 S. F., Oakland & S. J. Con. Ry 7 228 Sept. 3 A. T. & Santa Fe Ry Co. : ......7 353 Oct. 19 A. T. & Santa Fe Ry. Co 7 379 Dec. 2 Western Pac. Ry. Co 7 412 1908. ; Jan. 18 Western Pac. Ry. Co 7 443 Nov. 30 S. F., Oakland & S. J. Ry , 7 625 Dec. 10 W. P. Ry. Co. ...... .....'.. 7 632 Dec. 10 Western Pac. Ry. Co , 7 636 1909. Feb. 1 A. T. & Santa Fe Ry. Co 7 678 Mar. 1 Western Pac. Ry. Co. ....8 9 Mar. 11 A. T. & Santa Fe Ry. Co..... ! '. 8 13 Apr. 15 S. F., O. & S. J. Con. Ry. 8 17 Apr. 30 A. T. & Santa Fe Ry. (spur tracks) 8 28 1910. Sept. 19 Central Pacific ..: : , ....... 8 455 Oct. 28 Southern Pacific 8 496 Dec. 3 Peninsular Railway ...: ,8 . 551 1911. June 26-^Oakland and Bay Shore Railway Co.......... 8 694 CHAPTER. VIII JYL i s cell aneous Franchise Ordinances MISCELLANEOUS FRANCHISES. ' 343 Date. To Whom Granted. What For. Vol. Page 1862. Feb. 7 B. F. Mann, et als Gas works 1 151 1865. Dec. 9 William W. Biggs et als Gas works 1 222 1866. July 22 Wm. W. Biggs et als (extending time) Gas works 1 231 July 22 Contra Costa Water Co Water works 1 232 1867. Nov. 1 San Francisco and Oakland R. R. Co. (Repealed, Vol. 1, p. 304) Wharf 1 277 1869. June 21 Oakland and Encinal Turnpike and Ferry Co Ferry 1 367 1870. Mar. 24 S. F. and Oakland R. R. and W. P. R. R. Co Bridge 1 405 1871. Mar. 30 Chas. Webb Howard, et als (Home Gas Light Co.) Gas works 1 462 May 15 Philip Caduc et als Gas works 1 466 1872. Feb. 17 Lake Tahoe and S. F. Water Works Co Water works 1 536 Mar. 29 Home Gas Light Co. (extending time) Gas works 2 15 1872. June 27 Contra Costa Water Co Water hydrants 2 63 Dec. 26 Home Gas Light Co. (extending time) r Gas works 2 220 1873. June 9 Home Gas Light Company (ex- tending time) Gas works 2 288 1876. June 23 Am. District Telegraph Co Telegraph line 2 474 1877. Oct. 19 Oakland-Alameda Water Co Water works 2 576 1879. Mar. 24 West Evans et als Electric light 2 700 1881. Nov. 15 California Electric Light Co Electric light 65 Nov. 21 David Rich et als.... ...Electric light 3 68 344 MISCELLANEOUS FRANCHISES. Date. To Whom Granted. What For. Vol. Page 1883. Feb. 9 J. G. Divoll et als Water works 3 92 Apr. 20 A. Chabot Observatory 3 101 Aug 20 Oakland Gas Light arid Heat Co Elec. wires 3 150 Aug. 21 Eli S. Dennison et als Elec. lights, etc. 3 152 Oct. 24 Central Pacific R. R. Co R, R. sig. sys. 3 153 1885. Feb. 17 Central Pacific R. R. Co. (amendment) R. R. sig. sys. 3 156 1886. Dec. 10 Pacific Postal Tel. Cable Co Telegraph 3 224 1887. Mar. 16 Pacific Coast Electrical Con. Co Elec. lights, etc. 3 237 July 8 N. W. Spaldmg et als Steam pipes, etc. 3 254 Dec. 6 Oakland Electric Light and Motor Co Electric lights 3 265 1890. May 29 Oakland Electric Light and Motor Co. (amendment) Electric lights 3 460 1892. May 26 Sunset Telephone and Tele- graph Co Electric wires, etc. 4 206 1898. Oct. 5 Albert Anker et als Electric wires 5 319 1899. Jan. 27 Crematory Franchise forfeited 5 341 1901. Feb. 21 James P. Taylor Bunkers 5 537 1902. Nov. 17 W. A. Beasly (forfeited, Vol. 7, p. 196) ". Telephone 6 16 1905. Mar. 11 Alfred Ayhens Rem. dead anmls 6 445 1906. Feb. 2 Home Telephone Co Telephone 6 584 Feb. 2 Western Pac. Ry. Co Wharves, docks 6 604 1909. Oct. 25 Great Western Power Co Electricity 8 155 1910. July 7 San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Con 8 374 CHAPTER IX Ordinances Relating to the Annexation of Territory ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY. 347 Date of Approval. Title. Vol. Page. 1872. Apr. 4 An ordinance to approve the annexation of cer- tain territory to the City of Oakland 2 16 Nov. A An ordinance approving the annexation of certain territory to the City of Oakland, etc 2 201 1888. Sept. 18 An ordinance providing for a special election to determine whether the boundaries of the City of Oakland shall be altered and new territory included therein 3 305 1891. June 1 An ordinance providing for a special election to determine whether the boundaries of the City of Oakland shall be altered and new territory be annexed to and made a part of said city 3 625 1897. May 1 1 Same 5 131 Sept. 28 Same Annexed to Second Ward 5 176 1907. Feb. 1 An ordinance providing for a special election to annex certain territory (proposition defeated). .7 118 1909. Oct. 6 An ordinance providing for a special election to determine whether the boundaries of the City of Oakland shall be altered and new territory an- nexed thereto (proposition carried) 8 117 1910. June 23 Calling election to consider annexation of Berke- ley (proposition lost) 8 355 (Note A brief description of the original boundaries of the city will be found in the original charter. Stats. 1852, page 180. The boundaries on the north and east were, approximately: Twenty- second street, as existing between San Pablo avenue and Market street, the prolongation thereof east and west, Lake Merritt and the northern arm of San Antonio creek.) CHAPTER X Ordinances Relating to the vVater front WATERFRONT. 351 Date of Approval. Title. Vol. Page. 1852. May 18 An ordinance for the disposal of the Waterfront belonging to the Town of Oakland (repealed, Vol. 2, p. 777) Dec. 30 An ordinance to approve the wharf at the foot of Main street, and to extend the time for con- structing the other wharves. (Repealed, Vol. 2, p. 777) .". 1853. Aug. 27 An ordinance concerning Wharves and the Water- front. (Repealed, Vol. 2, p. 777) 1854. Aug. 5 Ordinance (No. 34) to provide for the construc- tion and maintenance of a wharf in the City of Oakland. (Repealed, see below) 1 38 Dec. 11 Ordinance (No. 64) to repeal an ordinance to pro- vide for the construction and maintenance of a wharf in the City of Oakland 1 55 1855. Jan. 13 Ordinance (No. 65) authorizing the entry of judg- ment on condition in the case of J. B. Watson vs. the City of Oakland 1 66 June 6 An ordinance repealing an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Concerning Wharves" 1 73 1867. Sept. 4 An ordinance providing for a suit to settle the title of the city to the Waterfront, and the employ- ment of counsel therein 1 270 Nov. 12 An ordinance granting to the San Francisco and Oakland Railroad Company the use of a portion of the Waterfront for the erection of a Marine Railway and Wharf. (Repealed, Vol. 1, p. 304), 1 277 1868. Apr. 1 An ordinance for the settlement of controversies and Disputes Concerning the Waterfront of the City of Oakland, the franchises thereof and other matters relating thereto. (Amended, Vol. 1, p. 301. Repealed, Vol. 2, p. 768) 1 298 Apr. 2 An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance for the settlement of Controversies and Disputes Concerning the Waterfront of the City of Oakland, the Franchises Thereof, and Other Matters Relating Thereto," passed and approved April 1, 1868. (Repealed Vol. 2, p. 768) 1 301 352 WATERFRONT. Date of Approval. Title. Vol. Page. 1868. Apr. 2 An ordinance finally settling, adjusting and com- promising the question of the Waterfront. (Re- pealed, Vol. 2, p. 768) 1 302 Apr. 6 An ordinance repealing an ordinance granting cer- tain lands on the Waterfront 1 304 1871. Sept. 20 An ordinance to provide for the settlement of certain litigation therein mentioned 1 516 1879. Aug. 21 An ordinance releasing to the United States cer- tain portions of the Waterfront of the City of Oakland 2 750 Dec. 22 An ordinance to repeal certain ordinances of the City of Oakland 2 768 1880. Feb. 4 An ordinance repealing certain ordinances passed by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Oak- land : 2 777 1882. Jan. 12 An ordinance to prevent further litigation con- cerning the Oakland Waterfront 3 75 1893. Aug. 19 An ordinance providing for the employment and payment of Messrs. Davis & Hill, etc 4 463 Aug. 19 An ordinance to employ associate counsel, etc...-4 466 Dec. 23 An ordinance providing for the employment and payment of associate counsel, etc 4 518 Dec. 23 An ordinance providing for the employment and payment of Davis & Hill, etc 4 520 1894. Oct. 2 An ordinance providing for the payment of Davis & Hill, etc 4 606 Oct. 3 An ordinance appropriating money for expense of printing record, etc 4 612 Oct. 9 An ordinance providing for payment of the bal- ance due Messrs. Pringle and Powell, etc 4 614 1898. May 19 Payment to Waterfront Company costs of Ap- peal 5 272 1910. Jan. 5 Authorizing purchase of real property 8 222 Xov. 23 Granting franchise to Southern Pacific to use por- tion of waterfront 8 533 1911. June 27 Authorizing leasing of tidelands 8 713 CHAPTER XI Jjoulevard, Park and School Bond and Other Bond Ordinances BOND ISSUES; PROPERTY. 355 Approved. 1890. Subject. Vol. Page. Aug. 25 Determining lands for Boulevard 3 497 Sept. 1 Determining lands for Water Park 3 500 Oct. 30 Determining lands for West Oakland Park 3 521 Dec. 2 Accepting deed from Edson F. Adams et als 3 537 Dec. 4 Accepting deed from Alameda County Land Co.... 3 539 Dec. A Accepting deed from Edson F. Adams et als 3 539 Dec. A Accepting deed from Edson F. Adams et als 3 540 1891. June 3 Authorizing expenditure of $19,000 on Boulevard, 3 638 Aug. 1 School sites and buildings 3 657 Aug. 29 Determining lands for West Oakland Park 3 666 Sept. 23 Necessity for school buildings and improvements, 3 687 Sept. 23 Plans and estimates for Boulevard and West Oakland Park 3 688 Sept. 23 Necessity for W T est Oakland Park, Boulevard and Water Park 3 690 1892. Jan. A Calling election for Park and Boulevard Bonds... .4 16 Jan. A Calling election for School Bonds 4 46 Feb. A Prescribing notice for School Bond Election 4 116 1892. Feb. 20 Prescribing notice for Park and Boulevard Bond Election 4 84 Apr. 22 Declaring result of School Bond Election 4 172 June 2A Providing for issuance of School Bonds 4 220 Aug. 22 Authorizing expenditure of $100,000 on Boulevard (repealed) 4 249 May 1 Repealing ordinance of August 22, last above. ...4 417 1893. June 13 Compromising Boulevard claim of E. B. Stone 4 423 1894. Mar. 12 Appropriating $2500 for improvement Lake Shore avenue 4 542 1895. Sept. 2A Regulating use of Boulevard 4 718 1896. Jan. 24 Protecting Parks 5 23 Oct. 22 Authorizing Purchase of Land for Park 5 95 1897. Feb. 18 Authorizing filling in of Park Land 5 111 Oct. 20 Same 5 186 July 15 Authorizing Bond Issue $140,000.... ....5 155 356 BOND ISSUES; PROPERTY. Date of Approval. Subject. Vol. Page. 1898. Apr. 9 Adams' Point Property designated to be acquired for park 5 259 Sept. 23 Park Bond Election, $320,000 Bonds 5 315 (See Ordinances No. 2126 to 2130, inclusive, Vol. 5, pages 633 to 646, declaring the city has not complied with conditions of the deeds of dedications made by Edson Adams et als in relation to portion of the boulevard.) 1903. Mar. 18 Accepting Bushrod Park 6 58 1904. May 11 Determining lines for Boulevard 6 211 May 11 Determining lines for City Hall 6 217 May 18 Accepting Deeds for Harrison Boulevard from 20th to 24th sts 6 219-226 May 21 Children's Playground 6 228 May 28 Determining lines for Public Parks 6 232 June 13 Determining lines for Polytechnic School 6 245 Aug. 31 Park, Boulevard, City Hall, Sewers, Crosswalks, City Wharf, Election, Dredging, Library Bldg., Polytechnic High School, Calling Elections 6 267 1905. Feb. 7 Calling Election to issue bonds for various im- provements ($5,700,000) 6 369 Oct. 9 Appropriating $15,000 to purchase land 6 500 Nov. 20 Determining land for park 6 529 1906. July 18 Sewer Bond Election, $588,500 Bonds 6 662 Oct. A Declaring result of Sewer Bond Election 6 713 Nov. 13 Determining demonstrations of Sewer Bonds 7 21 Dec. 3 Determining Lands for Public Parks 7 51 Dec. 31 Park Bond Election, $992,000 7 71 1907. Feb. 7 To purchase certain lands for Park Purposes 7 140 Feb 14 Declaring result of Park Bonds Election ($992,000) ....: 7 165 Mar. 15 Declaring demonstration of Park Bonds ($992,000) 7 175 Sept. 16 Providing for the payment of principal and in- terest on Park Bonds ($992,000) 7 359 Oct. 19 Establishing funds for Park Bonds 7 380 1909. Nov. 5 Calling Election City Hall, Docks and other bonds ($3,733,000) (carried) 8 143 BOND ISSUES; PROPERTY. 357 Date of Approval. Subject. Vol. Page. 1910. Nov. 4 To purchase real property 8 511 Nov. 4 To purchase real property 8 513 1911. Mar. 28 Sewer bonds, calling elections 8 628, 631, 635, 637 May 6 School and Auditorium bonds, calling election ($2,993,900) (carried) 8 654 June 26 To issue bonds 8 698 June 26 To purchase real property 8 699 OLD CITY CHARTER. 1907. Feb. 14 Ordinance calling election to amend 7 143 1909. Feb. 17 Ordinance calling election to amend 7 680 CHAPTER XII Miscellaneous Ordinances Relating to the General Government of the City BOND ISSUES; PROPERTY. 361 Date of Approval. Subject. Vol. Page. 1910. Apr. 21 Calling election freeholders to frame new char- ter 8 293 July 5 Accepting proposal Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Co. to light streets 8 387 July 25 Establishing separate funds representing funded obligations of city 8 392 1911. Sept. 5 Levying tax and apportioning same among several funds 1 N. S. 56 Oct. 20 Authorizing Mayor enter contract to employ J. H. Dockweiler to prepare Water Co. report.. 1 N. S. 78 1912. Jan. 17 Appropriating $82,500 to acquire rights of way for outlet sewers, etc 1 N. S. 110 Apr. 24 Approving purchase of school lands 1 N. S. 186 Apr. 26 Authorizing sale by auction of buildings on school lands 1 N. S. 191 June 20 Authorizing sale by auction of buildings on school land 1 N. S. 232 June 27 Approving purchase school lands....: 1 N. S. 234 June 27 Appropriation pay expenses of special election (recall) 1 N. S. 237 July 30 Authorizing auction houses 1 N. S. 277 Aug. 20 Approving purchase of lands by Board of Educa- tion . -.1 N. S. 336 ORDINANCES NUMERICAL INDEX NOTE References arc to Ordinance Number and to page of this volume. Ordinance No. Page 262 114 337 327 360 132 396 418 113 435 2 450 8 537 268 598 40 654 131 655 125 684 213 703 214 719 31 730 61 816 118 818 127 876 36 879 126 881 124 932 13 935 108 938 218 952 85 968 86 1005 124 1010 . 125 1011 123 1021 96 1024 325 1084 60 1135 . 118 1137 132 1139 95 1140 28 1143 39 1144 127 1145 41 1147 119 1178 258 1179 260 1188 84 1214 218 1283 327 1298 97 1331 216 1332 213 1336 262 1337 126 1344 221 1346 225 1348 214 1349 30 1360 . . 216 Ordinance No. Page 1367 1386 1437 32E 1462 34 1480 178 1520 221 1537 14 1539 53 1540 29 1542 52 1543 56 1544 261 1547 178 1575 43 1595 226 1604 122 1616 213 1626 19 1657 46 1665 45 1670 54 1683 18 1691 39 1704 62 1705 54 1724 18 1738 318 1739 56 1747 53 1770 19 1802 17 1806 217 1812 130 1817 20 1825 89 1828 28 1836 80 1854 220 1865 52 1874 122 1906 44 1929 85 1945 96 1957 95 1975 328 1978 121 1987 131 1999 79 2001 115 2028 259 2055 298 2063 316 2107 319 2136 ... ,107 Ordinance No. Page. 2222 35 2246 225 2268 42 2311 217 2316 17 2378 90 2379 315 2415 143 2477 188 2486 22 2514 128 2585 34 2592 87 2649 105 2714 169 2729 114 2744 187 2745 57 2790 138 2806 18 2823 62 2908 328 2961 222 2966 59 2988 16 3018 227 3026 41 3059 123 3069 297 3083 21 3085 25 3086 220 3094 215 3125 99 3144 12 3157 49 3180 27 3181 281 3189 128 3218 H3 3227 81 3244 15 3260 25 3268 40 3275 119 3303 15 1 N. S 299 2 N. S 295 4 N. S 272 5 N. S 287 6 N. S 249 7 N. S 250 8 N. S 272 9 N. S 292 364 NUMERICAL INDEX. Ordinance No. Page. 10 N. S 302 14 N. S 289 15 N. S 259 16 N. S 252 17 N. S 251 18 N. S 299 19 N. S 249 21 N. S 267 23 N. S 300 25 N. S 251 26 N. S 290 35 N. S 282 36 N. S 299 37 N. S 300 38 N. S 282 39 N. S 292 40 N. S 273 41 N. S 156 42 N. S 269 43 N. S 181 44 N. S 269 46 N. S 291 47 N. S 305 55 N. S 297 58 N. S 32 65 N. S 63 71 N. S 251 76 N. S 270 82 N. S 301 88 N. S 253 89 N. S 170 103 N. S 272 104 N. S 291 106 N. S 300 114 N. S 262 116 N. S 254 120 N. S 272 121 N. S 182 123 N. S 26 124 N. S 281 128 N. S 296 129 N. S 183 132 N. S.. , . 173 Ordinance No. Page. 137 N. S 273 139 N. S 268 140 N. S 12 144 N. S 307 148 N. S 115 154 N. S 257 156 N. S 254 158 N. S 312 160 N. S '. . 189 161 N. S 255 164 N. S 133 169 N. S 252 174 N. S 312 178 N. S 135 188 N. S 283 189 N. S 301 198 N. S 135 199 N. S 293 200 N. S 293 201 N. S 290 203 N. S 136 204 N. S 250 206 N. S 283 209 N. S 313 210 N. S 231 213 N. S 194 214 N. S 197 215 N. S 137 218 N. S 313 227 N. S 198 228 N. S 200 230 N. S 314 234% N. S 252 238 N. S 138 240 N. S 23 243 N. S 18 245 N. S 208 247 N. S 87 249 N. S 313 250 N. S 48 251 N. S 9 252 N. S 29 253 N. S 51 Ordinance No. Page. 256 N. S 8 257 N. S 234 258 N. S 235 267 N. S 47 268 N. S 46 270 N. S 236 272 N. S 24 273 N. S 237 274 N. S.. 239 275 N. S.. . 31 279 N. S 240 280 N. S 186 281 N. S 99 283 N. S 55 284 N. S 163 285 N. S 68 286 N. S 241 287 N. S 293 289 N. S 165 294 N. S 167 295 N. S 166 300 N S 242 302 N. S 294 303 N. S 251 307 N. S 30 309 N. S 37 310 N. S 97 311 N. S 295 316 N. S 276 317 N. S 257 321 N. S 290 322 N. S 255 324 N. S 295 328 N. S 263 330 N. S 321 332 N. S 260 333 N. S 320 336 N. S 7 339 N. S 70 343 N. S 312 350 N. S 287 INDEX TO ORDINANCES Page. Orel. Xo. Sec. Abandonment of certain streets 328 1975 1 3 4 X.S. 1,2,3 Abstract of title firms license fee for 147 2415 23 Acceptance of improved streets; rules for 325 1024 1,2 Adoption of children Record to be kept by proprietor of home for children 167 295 N.S. 3 Maternity hospital shall keep record of and make report of all 168 294 N.S. 3 Advertising Throwing handbills, etc., and distributing same unlawful 13 932 2 Regulating billboards and licensing billboard firms 147 2415 26 License fee for distributing handbills, etc 147 2415 25 Advertising matter Unlawful to throw in yards, porches, etc 12 3144 1 Unlawful to place in private mailbox 12 140 N.S. 1 Posting on certain structures unlawful 13 932 1 Advertising notice unlawful to carry sign or trans- parency through streets 13 932 2 Advertising notice over street unlawful without permit 13 932 1 Advertising signs see also "signs." Advertising signs realty; unlawful to injure 187 2744 1 Agent employment of, to secure dedications of cer- tain lands 313 249 N.S. 1.2 Air amount required in each room of lodging house 213 684 1 Air gun unlawful to discharge in street 41 1145 1 Aisles of churches, theatres, assembly halls, etc. must be kept clear of chairs, etc 14 1537 2 Alameda bridge driving over faster than walk, un- lawful 95 1139 1 Alarm of fire false; unlawful to make 119 1147 1 Animals Attempt to rescue from poundmaster; penalty for 11 251 N.S. 9 Burial of dead; penalty for failure to bury; fees for burying, etc. . 10 251 N.S. 7,8 Dead on premises; must be buried 10 251 N.S. 7 Dead; unlawful to throw in park 183 129 N.S. 1 Feed bags required to feed horses in streets. ..102 3125 30 Fees for impounding of 10 251 N.S. 5 Goats staked in uninclosed lot or in street 61 730 1 Horses afflicted with glanders not to be driven in streets or watered at public trough 27 435 1 Suffering from certain diseases to be reported to health office 213 1616 1 Hitching to or near street tree unlawful 185 129 N.S. 26 Horses and mules left standing to be hitched.. 28 1140 1 Horses left standing to be hitched or brakes set. 102 3125 Horses not to be hitched so as to damage trees. .102 3125 29 Unlawful to use dangerous horses in certain dis- trict 103 3125 32 Riding or driving over Alameda bridge faster than walk, unlawful 95 1139 1 Stallions, jacks, etc., to be within fenced en- closure 113 418 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Animals (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Not to run at large or to be staked, etc., on property without consent of owner 9 251 N.S. 1 Permit required to drive through streets 61 730 2 Permitting to be in streets 60 1084 1 Person taking up when liable to be impounded must notify poundmaster in certain time.... 11 251 N.S. 10 Rate of driving limited 33 1367 1 License fee for keeping jack, ram or bull to breed for hire 151 2415 59 License fee for keeping stallion for propagation for hire 151 2415 60 Unlawful to breed bulls in city; cows and steers unlawful in certain districts 8 256 N.S. 1 Unlawful to slaughter except in certain district 5 396 1 Yard where kept to be free from stagnant water and healthful 213 1332 2 Certain ones not to be kept so as to affect health of persons 213 1332 1 Impounded; to be provided with food and water 10 251 N.S. 4 Impounded; may be killed under certain condi- tions 9 251 N.S. 2 Impounded; shall be killed and buried if not reclaimed 10 251 N.S. 6 Impounded; reclaiming by owner 9 251 N.S To be killed by poundmaster; duty of pound- master to notify police 11 251 N.S. 12 Live; forbidding wale of, on sidewalks 95 1957 1 Sale, slaughtering, etc.. of meat unlawful unless inspected as required 227 3018 1,2 Slaughtering unlawful without permit; issuance of permit to slaughter 227 3018 3 Sanitary regulations in slaughter houses 228 3018 4 Hours for slaughtering; construction of slaugh- ter house 228 3018 5 Meat inspection fees 228 3018 6,13 Notice of slaughtering must be given inspector. .229 3018 7,8 Days when may be slaughtered 229 3018 9,11 Unlawful to bring led horse into park 183 129 N.S. 3 Unlawful to turn loose certain animals in parks. 18 4 129 N.S. 8 Architect license fee for 147 2415 24 Supervising; providing for employment of, de- fining powers and duties and fixing compen- sation 281 124 N.S. 1,2.3 Assaying ores and refining metals; license fee for. . .148 2415 27 Ashes Depositing of 32 58 N.S. 1 To be separated from garbage 17 1802 l Assignment of license when permitted 144 2415 8 Annexation of territory ordinances providing for, etc 347 Appointments all to be made by council; excep- tions 259 15 N.S. 1 Asiatic cholera see "Contagious Diseases." Assessor see "Auditor.' Associated Charities power in reissuance of free licenses 145 2415 14 Athletic Club Incorporated; permit required to hold sparring exhibitions 163 284 N.S. 1 Incorporated; application for permit to hold sparring exhibition 163 284 N.S. 2 License fee to hold sparring exhibition 164 284 N.S. 5 Principals in sparring contest to be examined by physician before exhibition 164 284 N.S. 6 See also "Sparring Exhibitions." Auctioneer license fee for . ..148 2415 28 IXDKX TO OKDIXAXCKS. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Auditor Duty in re issuing license tags, etc 143 2415 3 Employments in office of, additional deputies and manner of appointment 267 21 N.S. 1,2,3 To appoint messenger and inspector 268 139 N.S. 1 Automobiles See also "Vehicles"; "Speed." Drippings from on street unlawful 16 2988 1 To be supplied with drip-pans 16 2988 2 Maximum rate of fare for 106 2649 3 Hiring; license fee for 148 2415 29 Storage of; license fee for 148 2415 30 Vehicles, etc., signal beiore starting 58 2745 6 And motor vehicles must have brakes, gongs and lights 107 2136 2 Required lights at night 103 3125 40 Cabs, etc., for hire; permit required to stand in Traffic District No. 1 104 3125 42 Unlawful to leave alone with machinery run- ning 103 3125 35 Warning signal required; when 103 3125 39 Awnings wooden; unlawful over sidewalks in cer- tain district 62 2823 1 Baggage cab passenger not to be charged for.... 106 2649 2 Banks and banking license fee for; semi-annual statement to State Bank Commissioners. ... 155 2415 90 Banner over street unlawful without permit. ... 13 932 1 Bar public dance hall to have no connection with. 116 148 N.S. 1 Barber shops unlawful to keep open on Sunday.. 113 3218 1 Barns lodging in, without consent owner, unlawful 131 654 1 Barriers and lights required on street obstruc- tions 74 339 N.S. 7 Barrier, street unlawful to disregard 103 3125 33 Baseball, etc. none allowed except in certain parks 183 129 N.S. 5 Basement to be protected from rats how 237 273 N.S. 1,2 Bathing Unlawful in Lake Merritt 130 1812 1 Unlawful in public without suit 130 1812 2 Bathing suit required type according to age 130 1812 3 Bathing undressing in public unlawful 130 1812 4 Beef If for sale to be transported in dust-proof con- veyance 221 1854 2 Freshly slaughtered not to be sold before gov- ernment inspection 220 1854 1 Beer bottling license fee for 148 2415 31 Betting odds on horse race unlawful to publish.. 119 3275 1,2,3,4 Bicycles and motor vehicles Warning signal required 103 3125 39 To have lights at night 104 3125 Billboards license fee and regulation of 147 2415 Bill posting unlawful on certain structures 13 932 1 Billiard parlors Unlawful for certain minors to enter 123 3059 1 Unlawful for owner, etc., to allow certain minors to enter 123 3059 Billiard and pool hall license fee for 148 2415 Bills see also "claims" and "demands." Birds Unlawful to shoot in parks 184 129 N.S. Unlawful to disturb in Lake Merritt 184 129 N.S. 17 Certain unlawful to kill or trap in city limits. 114 262 1 Births Maternity hospital shall keep register of all and report same 168 294 N.S. 3 All shall be reported to health office; when and by whom fc 214 1348 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Birth certificates providing for issuance of certi- fied copies of by health department 291 104 N.S. 1 Black List vessels leaving wharf without paying charges to be put on 181 1547 4 Block limit of time during which building being moved may stand in any one 171 89 N.S. 6 Blowing policeman's whistle unlawful when 132 360 1 Board of Equalization employment of two clerks for 252 2341/2 1 Boarding house serving unwholesome food, unlaw- ful; employes of to be cleanly; must be sani- tary N ...224 2961 9,10 Boats Regulating use and landing of on shores of Lake Merritt 183 129 N.S. 6 On Lake Merritt unlawful for minors under sixteen years to hire 28 1828 1,2 Renting of schedule of rates to be posted .... 114 2729 1 For hire license fee for 148 2415 33 Boat race none allowed on Lake Merritt without permission 184 129 N.S. 7 Boiler or engine, steam unlawful to erect, etc., without permit 29 252 N.S. 1 Bond and stock firms license fee for 149 2415 35 Bonds certain city officers must furnish and in what amounts 269 44 N.S. 1 Bond issues ordinances in re 354 7 Boulevard East of lake prohibiting heavy loads on 62 1704 1 Portion Harrison street dedicated as 188 2477 1 Harrison street certain vehicles prohibited on; weight of loads limited 188 2477 2 Bovine matter to be vaccine matter used in vacci- nations 234 257 N.S. 1 Bowling alley license fee for 149 2415 34 Bow, spring unlawful to discharge in street 41 1145 1 Box ball court license fee for 149 2415 34 Boxing contests see "Sparring Exhibitions." Boys under 16 years unlawful to board moving train or cars 29 1540 1 Brakes, gongs and lights motor vehicles must have 107 2136 2 Bread for sanitary regulations. See also "Res- taurant," "Store," "Cannery," "Factory," "Food." Breeding purposes keeping jack, ram or bull for license fee for 151 2415 59 Breweries, certain license fee for 148 2415 31 Bridge see also "Drawbridge." Bridge, Alameda driving over faster than walk, unlawful 95 1139 1 Bridges speed of vehicles over, limited 101 3125 23 Bucketing contract unlawful to make or offer to make 134 164 N.S. 2 Bucketing or bucket shopping defined 133 164 N.S. 1 Bucket shop Defined 133 164 N.S 1 Definitions of terms used in ordinance pro- hibiting 133 164 N.S. 1 Unlawful to keep or own; unlawful to make "bucketing" contract 134 164 N.S. When unlawful to make, display, etc., quota- tions on securities or commodities 134 164 N.S. 3 Unlawful to visit 134 164 N.S. 4 Unlawful for owner to permit property to be used as 134 164 N.S. 5 Statement as to use for which property is bought or sold, required 134 164 N.S. 6 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Building See also "Building Law," published in pamphlet form and obtainable from Bureau of Permits and Licenses. Buildings see also "Churches, Theaters, etc." Building Unlawful to lease for use as poolroom 139 2790 3 Buildings to be numbered as provided 81 3277 1 Building certain type signs unlawful on certain portions of 194 160 N.S. 15 Buildings for storage of kerosene, etc. required materials and size to be ugftdfor no other purpose 777? 44 1906 2 Building or appurtenance in dangerous condition; may be removed after notice 7 336 N.S. 1 Building kind of, in which laundry may not be located 21 3083 2 Building Inspector power to remove dangerous or dilapidated building 7 336 N.S. 1 Building, removal of Required application to be filed; consent of certain property owners 170 89 N.S. 2 Required notice to property owners near pros- pective site 170 8 9 N.S. 3 Payment for and conditions of permit; route of removal fixed; damages to be paid how.... 170 89 N.S. 4 To be done in careful manner and to satisfac- tion of Street Commissioner 171 89 N.S. 5 Limit of time permitted building to stand in any one block 171 89 N.S. 6 Shall not by allowed to injure public or private property 171 89 N.S. 7 Shall not obstruct street or other railroad ex- cept in certain hours 171 89 N.S. 8 Necessary cutting of wires to be done how and only after notice 171 89 N.S. 9 Damage to city property to be repaired how.. 171 89 N.S. 10 Unlawful on certain streets 172 89 N.S. 11 Buildings unfit for human habitation providing for placarding and vacating of 235 258 N.S. 1 Building, unoccupied Must be enclosed after notice 7 336 N.S. 2 Fire Marshal to force enclosing of 33 58 N.S. 6 Buildings, frame ot wooden not to be moved into fire limits 30 1349 1 Building, wooden or frame unlawful to move from one place in fire limits to another place in fire limits except by permission of property owners in block 30 307 N.S. 1 Bulls, stallions, etc., to be kept within fenced en- closure 113 418 1 Bureau of Permits and Licenses Creation of and power to issue certain permits. 269 42 N.S. 1 Employments created in 270 42 N.S. 2 Burial of dead animals fees, etc., failure, penalty. . 10 251 N.S. 7,8 Burial of persons dying from contagious disease, to take place when 236 270 N.S. 1 Butchers' offal none to be placed on any land or water in city 238 273 N.S. 7 Cabs and hacks see also "Hackney Carriage." Cabs, autos, etc., for hire Permit required to stand in Traffic District No. 1 104 3125 42 Rates of fare to certain points 105 2649 1 Cachou unlawful to have, sell or give away 240 279 N.S. 1 Cannery Duty of Market Inspector to inspect 22 Must be kept clean and sanitary 222 2961 2 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Cannery (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Proper receptacles, manner of keeping and dis- play of food 223 2961 3 May not prepare, store or display food in room with toilet; exception 223 2961 5 Certain to have proper water supply; to pro- vide sanitary lavatory for employes 223 2961 6 Certain proper ventilation required where food prepared 223 2961 7 Sanitary conditions in, regulated; use of cer- tain chemicals unlawful 224 2961 Duty of Market Inspector in re unsanitary .... 224 2961 12 Carpet cleaning i'irm license fee for 149 2415 36 Cars see "Street Railroad Cars" and "Railroads." Cattle permit required to drive through streets. . . 61 730 2 Cellar to be protected from rats how 237 273 N.S. 1,2 Cellar doors in sidewalk opening and closing of regulated 31 275 N.S. 1 Cement sidewalks see "Sidewalks." Cesspools none allowed in house within 150 feet of sewer; all to have trap for escape of gas, etc.; adequate supply of water required 214 703 1 Chance unlawful for merchant to give away with purchase 122 1874 1 Chaperone required for certain minors at public dance 116 148 N.S. 1 Charitable entertainment see "entertainment" 145 2415 14 Checks, return unlawful to issue at public dance.. 116 148 N.S. 1 Chemicals use of certain, in canneries unlawful. .. 224 2961 8 Chickens see also "Fowls" and for pound regula- tions see "Animals." Chickens and fowls Running on private property without owner's consent; unlawful to run in streets 15 3244 1 May not be kept within 20 feet of church, dwelling, etc 15 3303 1 May be kept within 20 feet of dwelling with written consent of owner 16 3303 1 Unlawful to keep alive beneath place where food is sold 224 2961 11 Chief of Police see "Police, Chief of." Child see also "Minor." Children, birth of register of, to be kept by li- censed maternity hospital 168 294 NS. 3 Children, homes for Unlawful to keep without license; license fee.. 166 295 N.S. 1 Register of inmates to be kept; record of adop- tions, etc 167 295 N.S. 3 Duty of Health Officer to inspect 167 295 N.S. 4 Chimneys of factories, etc. height of 42 2268 1 Chimneys soot, etc., not to issue from 42 2268 2 China bomb unlawful to explode in certain places. 39 1691 1 Chinese interpreter employment of for police couns 256 322 N.S. 7 Church entertainment exempt from license when. .169 2714 3 145 2415 14 Churches, assembly halls, etc. Aisles to be kept clear 14 1537 2 Doors to open both inwardly and outwardly. . . 14 1537 l Cigarettes unlawful for minors under 16 years to smoke in public 115 2001 1 Cinders and soot not to issue from smoke- stack, etc 42 2268 2 Circular see "Advertising Matter." Circus, shows, etc. license fees for 149 2415 40 Citizen liquor license applicant must be 157 41 N.S. 4 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 1 1,2 1 1 Page. Ord. No. Sec. City Attorney Salary of 249 6 N.S. Salary and employment of assistant and deputy. 250 7 N S Employment of clerk to . 250 204 N!S! Employment, etc., of two stenographers. . .251 303 NS City Clerk Fixing salary of 251 25 N.S. Employment two deputies and two steno- graphers 256 322 NS Employment, etc., of deputy 251 71 N S Deputies of providing for administering of oaths by 251 Making ex-officio secretary of Police and Firemen's Relief and Pension Funds 252 To weigh and certify to weight of all supplies furnished him by weight 261 City Council Shall make all appointments in various de- partments; exceptions 259 15 N.S. 1 Unlawful to obstruct order of 138 238 N.S City Engineer Duty to estimate capacity of sewer on request. . 26 3260 Fees to be charged by 305 47 N.S. 1,1 % 2 Consolidating office with that of Supt. of Streets; and providing for employments in offic e of 307 144 N.S. 1-37 Additional employes in office of 312 174 N.S. 1 City Officers see also "Treasurer," "Auditor," "Purchasing Agent," etc., etc. City Prison Unlawful to take liquor into without permission. 127 818 1 Unlawful to take opium into; exception 125 1010 l City Wharfinger duties of in re city wharves 179 1547 1 City Wharves see "Wharves." Civil Service Board Prescribing powers to in addition to those pre- scribed by charter 253 88 N.S. 1,2 Employment assistant secretary 256 322 N.S. 1 Employment stenographer 254 116 N.S. 1 Claims Providing for verification of 268 537 l For supplies shall be accompanied by certifi- cate as to weight, when 261 1544 3 Clocks regulations of when used as signs 193 160 N.S. 12 Clock see also "Signs." Closed booth Sale of liquor in, unlawful 128 3189 1 Unlawful to permit drinking liquor in 129 3189 Defined 129 3189 3 Collection agencies license fee for 149 2415 37 Combustible materials Disposition of, at night 33 58 N.S. 2 Not to remain about premises 33 58 N.S. 4 Not to be placed in receptacles for ashes 32 58 N.S. 1 Not to be stored near doorway, etc 33 58 N.S. 5 Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, Office of Employes in (ordinance repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N. S.) 287 5 N.S. 1 Employes in (ordinance repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N. S.) 289 14 N.S. 1 Commissioner of Public Health and Safety power to control businesses conducted as nuisances 6 396 1 Commissioner of Public Works, office of employ- ment of secretary and stenographer in 282 48 N.S. 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Commodities Defined in re bucket shops 133 164 N.S. 1 When unlawful to make, display, etc., quota- tions on 134 164 N.S. 3 Compensation, extra city employe may not receive when 261 332 N.S. 3 Concealed weapon unlawful to carry without per- mit , 136 203 N.S. 1 Concert when exempted from license 145 2415 14 Concert hall license fee for 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 Condemned material providing for sale of by Coun- cil 260 1179 1,2 Conductor, street railroad car must be adult 52 1865 1 Conduits, pipes, etc., in streets maps of to be fur- nished city by corporations 76 339 N.S. 12 Confetti unlawful to have or throw that picked up in street; unlawful to have or throw confetti of mixed colors 215 3094 1 Contagious disease Unlawful to bring corpse of person dying from into city , 216 1360 1 Places visited by, must be disinfected 217 1806 1 Deaths or' sickness from, to be reported; by whom 217 2311 1 No milk receptacles to be removed from place where disease exists except with permission. .232 210 N.S. 7 Person afflicted with and handling cows to be reported by all having knowledge of the fact. 2 33 210 N.S. 11 Person dying from to be buried or incinerated when; restrictions as to funeral of person dying from 236 270 N.S. 1 Providing for control, management and location of hospital for 241 286 N.S. 1,2,3,4 Providing for control, management and location of quarantine districts 239 274 N.S. 1,2,3 Contracts certain ones unlawful to make 134 164 N.S. 2 Contract defined in re bucket shops 133 164 N.S. 1 Contracts of city shall provide for local workmen and materials when obtainable 281 3181 1 Contract, private Construction of sidewalks by 63 65 N.S. Granting permission to do street work by.... 314 230 N.S. 1,2, etc Permit required to improve streets by 79 1386 1 Contract, public specifications for construction of sidewalks by 321 330 N.S. 1 Corpse permit required for interment or removal of 216 1331 1,2 Cows see also "Milk," "Animals." Cows and steers Not more than two to be kept in any one block in certain districts 8 256 N.S. 2 May not be kept in certain district 8 256 N.S. 1 Crossings unlawful fcr railroad or vehicle to ob- struct 110 935 12 Curfew unlawful for certain minors to be in street after hour of exception 124 881 Damage to wharves, to be met how 181 1547 7 Damages caused by moving building to be paid how 170 89 N.S. 4 Damage to city property from removing building to be repaired how 171 89 N.S. 10 Dance, public Permit required for; hall to be lighted; no im- moral dancing; minors to be chaperoned; no liquor to be sold at; hall to have no connec- tion with bar; no return checks to; hours of dancing; permit not transferable; copy of ordinance to be posted in hall 115 148 N.S. 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Dance, public (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Charge for, and issuance of permit for; revoca- tion of permit 117 148 N.S. 3 To whom permit may issue; requirements of application for permit 117 148 N.S. 2 Exceptions from provisions of ordinance 117 148 N.S. 4 Dance hall, public license fee for 149 2415 42 Dangerous or dilapidated building may be removed after notice 7 336 N.S. 1 Days on which slaughtering may be done 229 3018 9,11 Debris to be removed after construction of side- walk 63 65 N.S. 1 Days and hours when pawn brokers and junk dealers must close shop 137 215 N.S. 1 Dead animals, etc. Unlawful to throw in park.... 183 129 N.S. 1 Dead animal unlawful to place on any land or in any water in city 238 273 N.S. 7 Dead body Of person dying from contagious disease, unlaw- ful to bring into city 216 1360 1 Permit required for interment or removal of.. 216 1331 1,2 Death certificates providing for issuance of certi- fied copies of by Health Department 291 104 N.S. 1 Death or sickness all cases of from contagious disease to be reported; by whom 217 2311 1 Definitions see term tor which definition is desired Defrauding chauffeurs, cabmen, etc. unlawful.... 99 281 N.S. 1 Demands Providing for verification of 268 537 1 For supplies to be accompanied by certificate as to weight, when 261 1544 3 Department of Public Works employment of two janitors, one watchman, one elevator operator, one wharfinger 256 322 N.S. 6 Deposit required to excavate in street 71 339 N.S. 3 Deposit for street excavation To pay cost of refilling by city if necessary.. 72 339 N.S. 4 Disposal of by city 75 339 N.S. 10 Deposit Required before issuing permit to construct sidewalk by private contract 63 65 N.S. 1 Of moneys received by certain city officers, shall be made when and how 273 40 N.S. 1,2, etc. Detective agency license fee for 149 ' 2415 ' 43 Discounting checks and warrants license fee for.. 150 2415 44 Diseases animals suffering from certain, to be re- ported to Health Office 213 1616 1 Disease building infected with to be placarded and vacated 235 258 N.S. 1 Disease, contagious no milk receptacles to be re- moved from place where disease exists except with permission 232 210 N.S. 7 Disease, contagious or infectious person having, and handling cows, to be reported by ail hav- ing knowledge of the fact 233 210 N.S. 11 Disease, contagious Person dying from to be buried or incinerated when; restrictions as to funeral of person dying from 236 270 N.S. 1 Providing for control, management and loca- tion of quarantine districts 239 274 N.S. 1,2,3 Providing for control, management and loca- tion of hospital for 241 286 N.S. 1,2,3,4 Unlawful to bring body of person dying from into city 216 1360 1 Places visited by, must be disinfected 217 1806 1 Deaths or sickness from to be reported, by whom . 217 2311 1 10 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Disguise unlawful to wear clothes of opposite sex in public 118 816 1 Disinfection required where residence has been visited by contagious disease 217 1806 1 Disorderly crowds not allowed in parks 182 1724 1 District see also "Fire Limits." District Certain streets on which it is unlawful to move buildings 172 89. N.S. 11 Where cows and steers may not be kept 8 256 N.S. 1 Where not more than two cows or steers may be kept in any one block 8 256 N.S. 2 Where more than 20 tons of hay or combustible materials may not be stored 31 719 1 Where peddling is prohibited 97 1298 1,2 Where storage of petroleum products is not limited in amount 44 1906 1 Where pickles may be manufactured 24 272 N.S. 1 Where slaughtering animals, curing hides and conducting offensive business is not pro- hibited 5 396 1 Where speed of railroad and street railroad cars is limited 56 1739 1 Where speed of railroad trains is limited to eight miles 55 283 N.S. 1 Where steam railroad trains may not pass each other 43 1575 1 Where voltage of wires is limited 59 2966 1 Where wooden awnings over sidewalks are un- lawful 62 2823 1 District No. 1, Traffic Described 99 3125 5 Unlawful for freight vehicles to stand in unless loading, etc.; time limit for vehicles to stand in 102 3125 31 No garbage wagons in, in certain hours 102 3125 27 Vehicles for hire not to stand in without permit. 104 3125 42 Freight vehicles to keep out of; exceptions. ... 102 3125 26 District No. 2, Traffic Described 100 3125 6 Speed limit in 101 3125 24 Districts, Underground For placing electric wires, etc., underground. .90 2378 1 Dockage License fee for collecting 155 2415 87 178 1480 1 Rates of, at wharves; tolls and tolls per load. . .179 1547 Docks owners to keep in repair 208 245 N.S. 1 Dodger See also Advertising- Matter Dog License fee for 150 2415 45 Dog Tags and License Numbers to be prepared and issued how 143 2415 3 Door required for sign; when 194 160 N.S. 14 Doors, cellar to be closed except when receiving goods or by special permit; construction of; regulations 31 275 N.S. 1 Doors, heavy in fire limits removal required after proper notice 38 309 N.S. Doors, heavy metal or wood unlawful in fire limits without permit 37 309 N.S. 1 Doors of theatres, churches, etc. must open inward- ly and outwardly 14 1537 1 Drainage none to be discharged in Lake Merritt. ..221 1344 1 Drawbridges, certain Near which railroad must provide gates and lights 45 1665 Trains to come to full stop before crossing 46 1657 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 11 816 1812 3125 2316 2988 1 4 44 1 1 129 N.S. 129 N.S. 1367 12 11 1 1214 1 1214 2 1214 3 1214 4 1214 1 1214 2 1214 3 1214 4 1214 5 1010 879 1 1 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Dress unlawful to appear in dress of other sex; lewd dress, unlawful ...................... 118 Dressing and undressing in public unlawful ...... 130 Drip pans oil wagons, etc., must have ............ 104 17 Drippings from vehicles on streets unlawful ...... 16 Driving Unlawful in parks except on roads ............ 184 Speed limit in parks ........................ 184 Driving, rate of limited ......................... 33 Druggist Sale of opium, etc., unlawful; exception ........ 218 May sell certain drugs on prescription; regula- tions in re prescription for certain drugs. ...219 May sell certain drugs without prescription when ........................ ............. 219 Unlawful to procure certain drugs from, with fictitious prescription ..................... 220 Drugs Sale of certain, unlawful; exception. . . . ....... 218 Sale of certain permitted on prescription; re- quirements in re prescription ............... 219 Sale of certain; when permitted without pre. scription ................................. 219 Unlawful to procure certain on fictitious pre- scription ................................ 220 Unlawful for physician to prescribe certain, when .................................... 220 Unlawful to take opium, etc., into city prison; exception ....... ........................ 125 Unlawful to own, conduct or visit opium den.. 126 Unlawful to distribute samples of from house to house ................................... 220 3086 Drug store To report traumatic injuries of patients to police ................................... 135 198 N.S. Power to sell Iiqu6r and license fee for ........ 158 41 N.S. 162 41 N.S. Drunkenness unlawful in public place ........... 118 1135 Dumps, garbage location of fixed ................ 18 2806 Dynamite See also "Explosives." Dyeing establishment license fee for ............. 150 2415 Electric construction To be in conformity with rules of Electrical De- partment and National Electrical Code of 1911 .................................... 177 132 N.S. All questions to be decided by Electrical Dept. . . 177 132 N.S. Electric current limitations in re signs ........... 192 160 N.S. Electrical Dept. Employes in ............................... 292 9 N.S. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) Employes in ............................... 292 39 N.S. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) Employes in ............................... 293 199 N.S. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) Employes in ............................... 293 200 N.S. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) Employes in ............................... 293 287 N.S. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) Employes in ............................... 294 302 N.S. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) 1 6 16 1 1,2 46 9 10 8 1 1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2,3,4 12 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Pag-e. Ord. No. Sec. Electrical Dept. (Cont'd.) Employes in 295 311 N.S. 1 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) Employes in 295 324 N.S. 1,2,3 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 360 N. S., passed too late for publication.) To direct where guard wires shall be placed over trolleys 51 253 N.S. 1 Required inspection of signs 189 160 N.S. 3 Electrical inspectors duty and authority in re inspection of signs 192 160 N.S. 9 Electricity License fee for supplying for heating and illu- minating 150 2415 50 License fee for supplying for power 150 2415 51 Electric light rates For private residences; for other than private residences 194 213 N.S. 1 Unlawful to exceed 196 213 N.S. 3 Meter measurement required; false meter read- ing unlawful 196 213 N.S. 4 Electric power rates Fixed 195 213 N.S. 2 Unlawful to exceed 196 213 N.S. 3 Meter measurement required; false meter read- ing unlawful 196 213 N.S. 4 Electric signs See also "Signs." Electric wires Shall be cut how and only after notice, when necessary in removing building 171 89 N.S. 9 None allowed on street tree without permission. 185 129 N.S. 28 Unlawful to break, etc., certain 186 280 N.S. 1 Required protection of when used on sign 192 160 N.S. 7 Voltage limited in certain district 59 2966 1 Electric wires, poles, etc., overhead to be removed in certain districts after certain dates 91 2378 2 Electric wires and conductors underground districts described 90 2378 1 Electric wiring, business of required bond to guar- antee work; register with Electrical Dept. ...173 132 N.S. 1 Electric wiring Unlawful to do without certificate of registra- tion 173 132 N.S. 2 Right and duty of inspector to inspect and re- move dangerous 173 132 N.S. 3 Unlawful to do without permit for work 174 132 N.S. 4 Inspection required when; unlawful to use with- out inspection; authority of inspector to order work removed; temporary permission to use uninspected work 175 132 N.S. 5 Electric wiring, permits, etc. fees for 175 132 N.S. 6 Electric wiring, etc Inspection fees for to be paid when and how; penalty for non-payment of inspection fees.. 17 7 132 N.S. Disposal of inspection fees from 177 132 N.S. 12 Certain work to be completed before inspection. 177 132 N.S. 8 Unlawful to use building if electric equipment is not inspected 177 132 N.S. 11 Elevator operator employment of 256 322 N.S. 6 Elevator, sidewalk excavation for 77 339 N.S. 13 Emeryville, town of granting permission to con- nect with certain Oakland sewers 316 2063 1,2 Employes See title of office in which the employe in question is employed, such as "Mayor," "Treasurer," "City Clerk," "Auditor," "Com- missioner of Public Works, office of," etc.. INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 13 Employes (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. but see also "Telephone Operator," "Hydro- grapher," etc., where employe is in no par- ticular office. Employment office license fee for 151 2415 55 Engine or boiler, steam unlawful to erect without permit 29 252 N.S. 1 Engines, steam when on wharves to be equipped with spark catcher 181 1547 5 Entertainment License fee for 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 When exempted from license 169 2.714 3 145 2415 14 Unlawful in parks without permission 184 129 N.S. 20 Excavation in street Maps of conduits, pipes, etc., to be furnished by corporations 76 339 N.S. 12 Disposal of deposit by city 75 339 N.S. 10 Re-filling to be kept in repair for year 75 339 N.S. 9 Notice to firm to proceed with diligence 74 339 N.S. 8 Not to obstruct travel, etc.; lights and barriers. . 74 339 N.S. 7 'Replacing of pavement by city 73 339 N.S. 6 Manner of making replacing of materials, etc.; inspection and cost of 72 339 N.S. 5 Failure to refill; city to do work; expense out of deposit 72 339 N.S. 4 Sewer connection with house; application for permit; deposit required 71 339 N.S. 3 Deposit required to guarantee good work 71 339 N.S. 3 To be where designated in permit 70 339 N.S. 2 Permit required 70 339 N.S. 1 Excavation in street, permit for to state what; not transferable; void after time limit 72 339 N.S. 4 Excavations in street, emergency permit within four hours after 78 339 N.S. 17 Excavation under sidewalks certain ones unlawful 77 339 N.S. 13 Explosive See also "Combustible Materials." Exhibition when exempted from license fee 169 2714 3 145 2415 14 Expectoration unlawful where 225 2246 1 Explosives License fee for dealers in, and for storage of. . .152 2415 70 Amount stored limited; storage regulated 34 1462 2 Storage of; consent of property owners within 1,000 feet 35 1462 4 Not to be stored near doorway, etc 33 58 N.S. 5 Carrying through streets regulated 35 1462 3 Unlawful to explode' China bomb where 39 1691 1 Unlawful to discharge gun, fire-crackers, etc., in city 40 3268 1 Unlawful to place on railroad tracks 34 2585 1 Unlawful to sell or dispose of without license.. 34 1462 1 Explosives, fire-crackers, etc. unlawful to have in possession, sell, etc. 40 3268 3 Express wagon See also "Soliciting" "Vehicles," "Traffic." Extra compensation may not be paid city employe when 261 332 N.S. 3 Factory Duty of market inspector to inspect 222 2961 1 Where food stuffs are dealt in, must be kept clean and sanitary 222 2961 2 May not prepard or store food in room with toilet; exception 223 2961 5 Duty of market inspector in re unsanitary. ...224 2961 12 Factory, certain To have proper water supply, to provide sani- tary lavatory for employes 223 2961 6 14 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Factory, certain (C/nt'd.) Pag-e. Ord. No. Sec. Unlawful to prepare certain food in poorly ven- tilated room/ 223 2961 7 False alarm of fire/ unlawful to make 119 1147 1 Fare, rates of f/r cabs, hacks, etc., to certain points /. 105 2649 1 Fare, rate of maximum for automobiles 106 2649 3 Fees, deposit of-4-See "Monies." Fees / To be charged by city engineer 305 47 N.S.I, 1%, 2 For electric? permits and installations 175 132 N.S. 6 For electrical inspection to be paid when and how; penalty for non-payment 177 132 N.S. 7 For impounding- animals 10 251 N.S. 5 For meat inspection 228 3018 6,13 Fees from electrical inspection disposal of 177 132 N.S. 11 Fees due poundmaster for burying- dead animals... 10 251 N.S. 7,8 Fee, license See "License Fee." Feed bags required to feed horses in streets. ... 102 3125 30 Fence required around sidewalk stairs 84 450 21 Fences certain ones are private nuisances; may be abated, how 283 188 N.S. 1,2 Fence, wooden, etc. if abutting- sidewalk height limited 35 2222 1 Fenders street railroad cars to be equipped with certain type of 50 3157 3 Ferris wheel,, etc. license fee for 151 2415 64 Fieldmen, twjo employment of 282 38 N.S. 1 Filth Unlawful to deposit in street 218 938 1 Unlawful to be on premises; may be removed by health/ officer 238 273 N.S. 6 Fire Unlawful to kindle in parks 185 129 N.S. 23 Unlawful to give false alarm of 119 1147 1 Fires heavy doors in fire limits unlawful without permit' 37 309 N.S. 1 Fire alarm arid police telegraph Unlawful to injure 186 280 N.S. 1 Unlawful to make key for or force lock 186 280 N.S. 2 Unlawfu^ to have key for, in possession 186 280 N.S. 3 Fire apparatus street car to stop within 100 feet of . .;'. 101 3125 14 Fire apparatus or house unlawful to injure 37 876 6 Firearms unlawful to carry in parks 184 129 N.S. 17 4184 129 N.S. 9 , guns, etc. prohibition against dis- charge of, application limited 40 3268 2 Firecracker^, etc Unlawful to discharge in city 40 3268 1 Unlawful to sell or have in possession, etc 40 3268 3 Fire Dept. Employes in 295 2 N.S. 1,2 296 128 N.S. 1,2 Creating office of fire marshal, defining powers and duties 297 55 N.S.I, 2, etc Fire Dept., chief of to weigh and certify to weight of all supplies received by him 261 1544 1,2,3 Fire engines, etc. right of way over other vehicles. 36 876 4 See also "Fire Vehicles" and "Fire Apparatus." Fire escapes in hotels, lodging- houses, etc signs lo- cating fire escapes required 41 3026 1 Fire escapes no sign in front of without special per- mit 194 160 N.S. 15 Fire hydrants No hitching within 15 feet of 101 3125 15 Unlawful to open 40 598 1 Unlawful to obstruct or interfere with 36 876 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 16 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Fire hydrants (Cont'd.) Installation and repairs, cost and method of. . .206 228 N.S. 18 Regulating size of water mains when connected with 298 2055 1 Fire limits Establishing and fixing 297 3069 1 Unlawful to explode China bombs within 39 1691 1 Removal of heavy doors required after proper notice 38 309 N.S. 2 Street railroad cars not to pass each other at crossings in 52 1542 1 Unlawful to establish undertaking parlors out- side of 26 123 N.S. 1 Wooden or frame buildings not to be moved within 30 1349 1 Fire limits, street railroad cars in S'hall not remain at crossing so as to obstruct travel 53 1539 1 Not to cross tracks until car is past crossing. . . 52 1542 2 Fire limits, moving \vooden buildings from place to place within unlawful except by permission of property owners in block, etc 30 307 N.S. 1 Fire lines police to establish; unlawful to break through 36 876 2.3 Fire Marshal power to remove dangerous or di- lapidated, etc., building 7 336 N.S. 1 Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund city clerk to be ex-officio secretary of 252 16 N.S. 1 Fire, rubbish unlawful to start without permission 33 58 N.S. 7 Fire, police and mail vehicles absolute right of way over other vehicles 100 3125 13 Fire and Police Dept. vehicles right of way over street cars 103 3125 34 Fire walls signs to be placed within 193 160 N.S. 13 Fire works public displays lawful with consent of mayor 40 3268 2 Pishing Unlawful in Lake Merritt without permission. .184 129 N.S. 18 Bass limit in Lake Merritt 184 129 N.S. 19 Fitzgerald and Abbott ratifying employment of... 2 55 161 N.S. 1 Flagmen Railroads must station at certain crossings.... 47 267 N.S. 1 Street railroads must station at certain crossings 48 250 N.S. 1 Motormen not to cross tracks without proper signal from 49 250 N.S. 1 Flies food for sale to be free from exposure to . . . .223 2961 3 Florist license fee for 150 2415 47 Food All shall be located so as to prevent rats from gaining access to 237 273 N.S. 2 Stores and places dealing in, etc., to be clean and sanitary 222 2961 2 Proper receptacles, and manner of keeping and display in store 223 2961 3 Vehicle selling or delivering to be provided with proper cover 223 2961 4 Unlawful to prepare, store or sell in room with toilet; exception 223 2961 5 Places where sold, etc., to have proper water supply; required lavatory conveniences for employes of such places 223 2961 6 Unlawful to prepare, etc., in cellar not properly ventilated 223 2961 7 Sanitary conditions in canneries regulated 224 2961 8 Serving unwholesome in hotels, etc., unlawful; employes of hotels, etc., to be cleanly; restau- rants, etc., to be sanitary 224 2961 9,10 16 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Food (Cont'd.) Unlawful to keep live fowls beneath place where sold 224 2961 11 Duty of market inspector i.a re unsanitary place where food is handled 224 2961 12 For sanitary regulations and inspection, see also: "Restaurant," "Store," "Cannery," "Factory," "Meat" and "Milk." Football and other games not allowed except in certain parks 183 129 N.S. 5 Form chart for horse race Unlawful to publish after race if cdds are in- dicated 120 3275 1 Unlawful to publish 119 3275 1 Fortune teller license fee for 150 2415 48 Fowls, live [sale of on sidewalks forbidden 95 1957 1 Fowl, water-|-unlawful to disturb in Lake Merritt..l84 129 N.S. 17 Fowls unlawful to keep live beneath place where food is sold 224 2961 11 Franchises f See pages 331 to 344. Free licensers may be issued when and how 145 2415 14 Fruit stands no vehicle to be used as such in any street, etc 104 3125 43 85 952 1 Funds, deposit of with treasurer See "Monies." Funeral . Restrictions as to, of persons dying from con- tagious disease 236 270 N.S. 1 None to pass through park without permission. 183 129 N.S. 4 Funeral and other processions unlawful to drive through 82 450 9 103 3125 37 Funeral parlors license fee for conducting 155 2415 89 Gambling See also "Horse Race." See also "Bucket Shop" and "Bucketing." Unlawful in parks 184 129 N.S. 16 Visiting lottery houses unlawful ...122 1604 1 Unlawful to have lottery ticket or tools in pos- session 135 178 N.S. Merchant giving away chance for gift, etc., un- lawful 122 1874 1 Unlawful to allow Keno played in house or room under control 121 1978 Unlawful to play, deal, etc., Keno 121 1978 1 Unlawful to bet on horse race; unlawful to act stakeholder for any bettors on horse race... 139 2790 2 Unlawful to buy or sell pools staked on horse races 138 2790 1 Unlawful to lease building for use as poolroom, etc 139 2790 3 License fee for slot machines 156 2415 91% Games no baseball, football, etc., in certain parks. .183 129 N.S. Garage, public license fee for 148 2415 30 Garbage Must be separated from ashes, etc 17 1802 Accumulation of on premises unlawful; may be removed by health officer 238 273 N.S. 6 All to be dumped in certain place 18 2806 1,2 None to be deposited in Lake Merritt 221 1344 1 Unlawful to deposit in street 218 938 1 License fee for hauling 165 289 N.S. 1,2 (Repealed, printed by error.) All to be kept in metal can 237 273 N.S. 3 Metal can with name and number of owner, re- quired for all 239 273 N.S. Garbage cans to be of incombustible materials... 33 58 N.S. 3 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 17 Garbage vehiple Require Un law t'u Garbage wa Standing None to Page. Ord. No. Sec. construction and covering of 226 in streets during certain hours 226 ons in street longer than ten minutes 18 be in Traffic District No. 1 in certain 1595 1595 243 N.S. hours 1 102 3125 27 Garden, public license fee if conducted for profit. 152 2415 65 Gas rates \ Fixed 197 214 N.S. 1 Unlawful to exceed 197 214 N.S. 2 Meter measurement required 198 214 N.S. 3 Gas regulators license fee for supplying 150 2415 49 Gates and lights railroads must provide near cer- tain drawbridges 45 1665 1 Glanders horses afflicted with not to. be driven i.n streets or watered at public troughs 27 435 1 Glass unlawful to deposit in street 218 938 1 Glass and tacks unlawful to throw on streets, side- walks, etc 19 1770 1 Gold and silver, old license fee for dealer in 151 2415 57 Gongs, brakes and lights motor vehicles must have. 107 2136 2 Grass owners to keep sidewalks free from; city may remove and make cost of work lien on property 320 333 N.S. 1,2 Grass and weeds unlawful to allow to obstruct sidewalks 19 1626 1 Guard wires street railroads must construct cer- tain type of over trolleys 51 253 N.S. 1 Gun unlawful to give or sell to minor under 12 years 39 1143 1 Gun powder See also "Explosives." Hacks See also "Hackney Carriages." Hacks, cabs, etc. rates of fare to and from certain points 105 2649 1 Hackney carriage Defined 108 935 1 Driver of to wear badge furnished by tax col- lector, number of to be exhibited on demand. 146 2415 18 Driver to lose license on third breach of ordi- nance 109 935 9 To obey police orders 108 935 2 License fee for 154 2415 86 Numbered lamps required for 109 935 8 Not to drive near depot at Seventh and Broad- way on approach of train 109 935 7 Standing of regulated 108 935 3,4,5,6 Handbills See also "Advertising Matter." License fee for distributing 147 2415 25 Unlawful to distribute; how 13 932 Handbills and other advertising matter unlawful to throw in yards, porches, etc 12 3144 1 Harbor See "Wharves." Harrison street portion of dedicated as boulevard. 188 2477 1 Hats unlawful to wear in theatre; program to print notice of law 20 1817 1 Hauling garbage license fee for 165 289 N.S. 1,2 (Repealed, printed by error.) Hay and combustible materials, storage of limited in certain district %... 31 719 1 Hay, shavings, etc. disposition of, at night 33 58 N.S. 2 Health Dept. Employes in 287 350 N.S.I, 2, etc. (This ordinance was passed just prior to pub- lication and repeals all other ordinances creat- ing employments in the Health Dept.) Employes in 290 26 N.S. 1 \ 18 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Health Dept.(Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N.S.) Employment of clerk, stenographer and jani- tress 256 322 N.S. 2 (Section repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N.S., passed just prior to publication) Employment of two meat inspectors 290 201 N.S. 1 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N.S.) Employment of nurse 291 46 N.S. 1 290 321 N.S. 1 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N.S.) Health Office Animals suffering from certain diseases to be reported to 213 1616 1 All births shall be reported to; when and by whom ....214 1348 1 Permit of, required for interment or removal of dead body 216 1331 1,2 Health Officer Issuance of certified copies of birth and death certificates 291 104 N.S. 1 Permit for interment or removal of dead body must be obtained from 216 1331 1,2 All cases of death or sickness from contagious to be reported to 217 2311 1 Duty to inspect homes for children 167 295 N.S. 4 Power to revoke permit of unsanitary home for children 166 295 N.S. 2 Duty to inspect maternity hospitals 168 294 N.S. 4 Power to revoke permit of unsanitary maternity hospital 167 294 N.S. 1 To use bovine matter as vaccine matter in all vaccinations 234 257 N.S. 1 Hides arid skins Unlawful to cure except in certain district 5 396 1 Hiring- boats on Lake Merritt to minors under six- teen years unlawful 28 1828 1,2 Hitching Unlawful within 15 feet of fire hydrant 101 3125 15 To or near street tree unlawful 185 129 N.S. 26 Horses not to be hitched so as to damage trees!02 3125 29 Hitching post not to be within 5 feet of any street tree or plant 185 129 N.S. 26 Hitching of animals horses and mules to be hitched when left standing 28 1140 1 Hitching horses to be hitched when left standing or brakes set 102 3125 28 Holiday Saturday afternoon shall be in city offices 260 332 N.S. 1 Holidays and Sundays pawn brokers, junk dealers, etc., not to do business on 137 215 N.S. 1 Homes for children Unlawful to keep without license; license fee.. 166 295 N.S. l Register of inmates required; record of adop- tions, etc 167 295 N.S. 3 Duty of Health Officer to inspect 167 295 N.S. 4 Horse See also "Animal." Defined 99 3125 Rate of driving limited 33 1367 1 Unlawful to bring led horse into park 183 129 N.S. 3 Horses Feed bags required to feed in streets 102 3125 30 Afflicted with glanders not to be driven in streets or watered at public troughs 27 435 1 Left standing, to be hitched or brakes set 102 3125 28 Not to be hitched so as to damage trees 102 3125 29 Horses and mules to be hitched when left standing 28 1140 1 Horse, dangerous or unbroken unlawful to use in certain district 103 3125 32 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 19 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Horse race license See also "Race Course." Horse race Unlawful to publish tips or form chart 119 3275 1 Publishing result of unlawful if betting- odds are printed 120 3275 2 Unlawful to bet on; unlawful to act as stake- holder for any bettors on 139 2790 2 Unlawful to sell, buy. etc., pools staked on.... 138 2790 1 Unlawful to lease building for use as pool room!39 2790 3 Hospital to report traumatic injuries of patients to police 135 198 N.S. 1 Hospital for contagious diseases providing for con- trol, management and location of 241 286 N.S. 1,2,3,4 Hospital, maternity License required; license fee; sanitary regula- tions; manner of issuing license 167 294 N.S. 1 To keep register of all births and adoptions. . 168 294 N.S. 5 Duty of Health Officer to inspect. . . 168 294 N.S. 3 Hotel May sell liquor in private rooms 129 3189 3% Signs locating fire escapes required 41 3026 1 License fee for 150 2415 54 Serving unwholesome food, unlawful; employes of, to be cleanly; premises to be sanitary . . . .224 2961 9 Hotel, lodging house, etc. to have white light burn- ing in hall all night 41 3026 2 Hours During which public dances may continue 116 148 N.S. 1 When garbage vehicles not permitted in streets 226 1595 1 Unlawful for certain minors to be in street after certain; exception 124 881 1 Unlawful to sell liquor during certain 128 2514 1 During which animals may be slaughtered ...228 3018 5 Hours and days when unlawful for pawn broker or junk dealer to do business 137 215 N.S. 1 Hours of labor Fixed in city offices 260 332 N.S. 1 Eight to constitute day's work for city; excep- tions; extra compensation 261 332 N.S. 2 House of prostitution unlawful to aid, support or visit 127 1144 1,2 Hydrants, fire Unlawful to open 40 598 1 Unlawful to obstruct or interfere with 36 876 1 Regulating size of water mains when connected with 298 2055 1 Hydrographer employment of 282 38 N.S. 1 Ill-fame, house of unlawful to support, aid or visit. 127 1144 1,2 Immoral dancing unlawful 116 148 N.S. 1 Impersonation of police officer unlawful 123 1011 1 Incineration of person dying from contagious dis- ease, to take place when 236 270 N.S. 1 Indecent dress unlawful in public 118 816 1 Injury to property removal of building not to be allowed to cause 171 89 N.S. 7 Injuring sidewalk unlawful 84 1188 1 Injury Unlawful to cause to fire alarm and police tele- graph 186 280 N.S. 1 Unlawful to cause to signs advertising real estate 187 2744 1 Injury to park property unlawful 184 129 N.S. 10 Injury to street trees unlawful 182 121 N.S. 1 Inspection on replacing pavement, etc.; cost of to be pa-'d how 73 339 N.S. 5 20 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Pag-e. Ord. No. Sec. Inspection - Of signs; duty and authority of inspectors 192 160 N.S. 9 Freshly slaughtered meat not to be sold before government inspection 220 1854 1 Inspection, meat Unlawful to sell, etc., meat unless inspected as required 227 3018 1,2 Fees for 228 3018 6,13 Inspectors Employment of six for Dept. Public Works. . . .282 38 N.S. 1 Employment of two on city hall work 283 206 N.S. 1 Insurance agent, solicitor, etc. license fee for 151 2415 56 Insurance, license see also "Real Estate." Interpreter, Chinese employment of for police courts 256 322 N.S. 7 Intoxicants Sale of to certain minors unlawful except on prescription 124 1005 1 Unlawful to take into city prison v/ithout per- mission 127 818 1 Unlawful to sell during certain hours 128 2514 1 Unlawful to permit drinking of, in closed booth 129 3189 2 Selling- in closed booth unlawful 128 3189 1 Closed booth defined 129 3189 3 May be sold in private hotel room 129 3189 3% Unlawful to sell, etc., without permit and li- cense; exception 156 41 N.S. 1 License to sell to be displayed conspicuously .. 157 41 N.S. 2 Provisions for transfer of license to sell; maxi- mum number of saloons not to be increased by transfer 157 41 N.S. 3 No license to non-citizen 157 41 N.S. 4 Required application to obtain license to sell.. 157 41 N.S. 5 No license to issue for grocery and saloon or drug- store and saloon combined; drug 1 store may sell under certain conditions 158 41 N.S. 6 Procedure in granting- license; bond of appli- cant required, etc.; maximum number of li- censes to issue 159 41 N.S. 7 Time for hearings on granting and revocation of license 159 41 N.S. 8 Payment for license 162 41 N.S. 16 160 41 N.S. 9 License to be revoked if not paid for in five days 160 41 N.S. 10 Sale of to minor to work revocation of license upon conviction 160 41 N.S. 11 Penalty for violating ordinance in re 160 41 N.S. 12 Powers of license officers 161 41 N.S. 13 Required report of Chief of Police in re fail- ures to comply with liquor license ordinance. 161 41 N.S. 14,15 Power of drug- store to sell and license fee for such sale 158 41 N.S. 6 162 41 N.S. 16 License fee for wholesale dealers 162 41 N.S. 17 Required notice to License Inspector of inten- tion to buy liquor business 163 41 N.S. 18 None to be sold by peddler 163 41 N.S. 19 Jacks, stallions, etc. to be kept within fenced en- closure 113 418 1 Janitors employment of two 256 322 N.S. 6 Janitor, assistant employment of 283 206 N.S. 1 Japanese snuff unlawful to sell, have or give away. 240 279 N.S. 1 Jeweler license fee for 151 2415 57 Job wagon Not to use portion of Seventh street as stand. .109 935 11 Defined ..109 935 10 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 21 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Junk dealer License fee for 151 2415 58 Days and hours for doing business regulated .. 137 215 N.S. 1 Keeper defined in re bucket shops 133 164 N.S. 1 Keno Unlawful to play, deal, etc 121 1978 1 Unlawful to allow played on premises under control 121 1978 2 Kerosene, etc. building for storage of, required construction and materials; to be used for no other purpose 44 1906 2 Kerosene storage of limited except in certain dis- trict 44 1906 1 Killing certain birds Unlawful in city limits 114 262 1 Kinetoscope parlor License fee for 153 2415 77 Labor, local public contracts shall provide for em- ployment of, when obtainable 281 3181 1 Lake Merritt Swimming unlawful in 130 1812 1 Regulating use and landing of boats on 183 129 N.S. 6 No regatta on without permission 184 129 N.S. 7 Unlawful to disturb water fowl in 184 129 N.S. 17 Fishing in unlawful without permission 184 129 N.S. 18 Bass limit in 184 129 N.S. 19 Unlawful to discharge sewage, garbage or drainage into 221 1344 1 Lamps, numbered required on hackney carriages. . 109 935 8 Language, vulgar and profane when unlawful to use 132 1137 1 Laundry Unlawful to build, less than 50 feet from any dwelling 21 3083 1 Not to be in building used as saloon, lodging house, hall, etc 21 3083 2 Drying room regulations 21 3083 3 Required construction of washroom 21 3083 4 Unlawful to conduct without permit; granting of permit 181 43 N.S. 1 Permit of Council required to conduct 243 300 N.S. 7 Posting of notice application for permit 182 43 N.S. 2 License fee for 150 2415 52 Certificates of Health Officer and Fire Chief as to sanitation and safety from fire, required. .243 300 N.S. 2 Duty of Fire Chief and Health Officer to inspect.243 300 N.S. 3,4 Unlawful to allow person to sleep on premises with 243 300 N.S. 5 Lavatory certain establishments shall provide proper, for employes 223 2961 6 Leakage From wagons to street, unlawful 104 3125 45 Wagons used to transport offensive matter to be tightly constructed 226 1595 1 Leakage of Oil unlawful on streets; oil wagons to have drip pans 104 3125 44 17 2316 1 Leaks in water pipe to be repaired by water com- pany in 24 hours after notice 79 1999 1 Lecture when exempted from license fee 145 2415 14 Lewd pictures and songs unlawful to place access- ible to public 131 1987 1 Library, Free Public land set aside as site for. . . .259 2028 1 Licenses all to be issued by Bureau of Permits and licenses; exceptions 269 42 N.S. 1 License Required from whom, generally 143 2415 1 Penalty for violating ordinance 143 2415 2 Tags and numbers to be prepared and issued, how . . .143 2415 3 22 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. License (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Shall be paid in advance; all charges to be uni- form 144 2415 5 Duty of holder to exhibit 144 2415 6 Peddler to exhibit when and how '...144 2415 7 Assignable and transferable when 144 2415 8 Shall date from when 144 2415 9 Shall run for what period of time 147 2415 21 Tax Collector to turn license moneys over when. 144 2415 10 To be obtained before engaging in business re- quiring; separate license required for branch establishment 144 2415 11 When based on receipts sworn statement re- quired 145 2415 13 Certain entertainments exempt from 145 2415 14 Conviction of violating ordinance does not ex- empt from payment of 145 2415 15 Hackney carriage driver to lose on third breach of law 109 935 9 Power and duty of police officer in re 145 2415 16 Assignment of numbers for vehicles ...146 2415 17 Drivers of certain vehicles to wear badges fur- nished by Tax Collector; number of vehicle to be given on demand 146 2415 18 Term "peddler" defined in re 146 2415 19 Term "quarter" defined in re 147 2415 22 Term "Solicitor" defined in re 147 2415 20 License fee For abstract of title establishments 147 2415 23 For distributing handbills, etc 147 2415 25 For advertising by billboards, etc 147 2415 26 For architect 147 2415 24 For assaying ores and refining precious metals. .148 2415 27 For auctioneer 148 2415 28 For hiring automobiles 148 2415 29 For automobile storage 148 2415 30 For banks and banking and loaning money. . . .155 2415 90 For beer bottlers and certain breweries 148 2415 31 For pool and billiard halls 148 2415 32 For keeping boats for hire 148 2415 33 For stock and bond firms 149 2415 35 For bowling and box ball court 149 2415 34 For carpet cleaning firm 149 2415 36 For circus, shows, etc 149 2415 40 For collection agencies 149 2415 37 For concert hall 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 For public dance hall 149 2415 For detective agency 149 2415 For discounting checks and warrants 150 2415 44 For dog license 150 2415 45 For dyeing establishment 150 2415 46 For electric permits and installations 175 132 N.S. 6 For supplying electricity, for heating and illumi- nating 150 2415 50 For supplying electricity for power 150 2415 51 For employment office 151 2415 For entertainment 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 For palmist, fortune teller, etc 150 2415 48 For florist establishment 150 2415 47 For supplying gas regulators 150 2415 49 Required to sell or dispose of explosives 34 1462 1 For hauling garbage 165 289 N.S. 1,2 (Repealed, printed by error.) For storing or dealing in gun powder, etc 152 2415 70 For homes for children 166 295 N.S. For insurance business, agent or solicitor 151 2415 56 Keeping jack, ram or bull for breeding for hire. 151 2415 59 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 23 Page. Ord. No. Sec. License fee (Cont'd.) For jeweler or gold or silversmith 151 2415 57 For junk dealer 151 2415 58 -For laundry 150 2415 52 -For liquor license 160 41 N.S. 9 For sale of liquor by drug store, and regulation of such sales 158 41 N.S. 6 161 41 N.S. 16 -For wholesale liquor dealers 162 41 N.S. 17 For livery stable 150 2415 53 Loaning money on personal property 151 2415 62 For loaning money on realty 151 2415 61 For lodging house or hotel 150 2415 54 -For maternity hospital 167 294 N.S. 1 For merry-go-round, ferris wheel, etc 151 2415 64 For messenger service or renting telegraph, telephone lines, etc 151 2415 63 Required to deal in milk 233 210 N.S. 10 For museum or panorama 149 2415 41 For street musician 153 2415 78 For nickelodeon 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 For public park or garden if admission is charged 152 2415 65 -For peddlers and regulating peddlers license.. 152 2415 67,68 -For phonograph or kinetoscope parlor 153 2415 77 For pile driving 152 2415 69 For race course 153 2415 71 For railroad and street railroad cars 153 2415 76 For real estate business or agent 153 2415 75 For restaurant 153 2415 79 For shooting gallery 153 2415 72 For skating rink 153 2415 73 For slot machine 156 2415 91% For solicitor 153 2415 74 Club shall pay to hold sparring exhibition 164 284 N.S. 5 Keeping stallion for hire for propagation 151 2415 60 Street paving- and macadamizing firms 149 2415 38 For tamale parlor 154 2415 W For telegraph business and telegraphing 154 2415 81 For telephone business 154 2415 82 For theaters 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 For transportation ticket broker 154 2415 84 For towel supply firm 154 2415 85 For undertaker or funeral parlors 155 2415 89 For vehicles; public hack; freight wagon; dray; express wagon; private carriage; see also "Au- tomobiles" 154 2415 86 For conducting warehouse 155 2415 88 For supplying water 155 2415 91 For conducting wharf and collecting wharfage. 155 2415 87 178 1480 1 May be issued when and how 145 2415 14 License inspector Creating position, etc 256 322 N.S. 3 Employments in office of 299 36 N.S. 1 License, liquor Required application to obtain 157 41 N.S. 5 Citizenship required for 157 41 N.S. 4 To be displayed conspicuously 157 41 N.S. 2 Not to issue for combined grocery and saloon, etc 158 41 N.S. 6 Procedure in granting; bond of applicant re- quired, etc.; maximum number of licenses to issue 159 41 N.S. 7 Time for hearings on granting and revocation. .159 41 N.S. 8 24 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. License, liquor (Cont'd) Payment for 162 41 N.S. 16 160 41 N.S. 9 To be revoked if not paid for in five days 160 41 N.S. 10 Sale of liquor to minors; conviction of to work revocation of license 160 41 N.S. 1 1 Required report of Chief of Police in re fail- ures to comply with ordinance 161 41 N.S. 14 License officers Powers of 161 41 N.S. 13 Powers and duties of 145 2415 12 Licensed vehicle Display of license tag; issuance and register of license tag- 155 2415 86 Lien Cost of removing- weeds, etc., from sidewalk may be made lien on adjacent property 320 333 N.S. 1,2 Lights To be kept lighted during all public dances. . . .115 148 N.S. 1 Required on street obstructions; obstructions regulated 83 450 13 And barriers to be placed on all street obstruc- tions 74 339 N.S. Bicycles and horse vehicles to have at night.. 104 3125 41 Required on hackney carriages after dark 109 935 8 Required type for motor vehicles at night 103 3125 40 Lights, brakes and Gongs Motor vehicles must have 107 2136 Light rates, electric For private residences; for lights other than in private residences 194 213 N.S. Unlawful to exceed 196 213 N.S. Meter measurement required; false meter read- ing unlawful 196 213 N.S 4 Light, white : to be located in hall of hotel, lodging house, etc., and burn all night 41 3026 Liquor None to be sold or given away at public dance. .116 148 N.S. 1 Sale to certain minors unlawful except on pre- scription 124 1005 Unlawful to take into city prison without per- mission 127 818 1 Unlawful to sell during certain hours 128 2514 1 Unlawful to permit drinking of, in closed booth. 129 3189 2 Selling- in closed booth unlawful 128 3189 1 Closed booth defined 129 3189 3 May be sold in private hotel room 129 3189 3V 2 Unlawful to sell, etc., without permit and li- cense; exception 156 41 N.S. 1 License to sell to be displayed conspicuously .. 157 41 N.S. Provisions for transfer of license; no increase in number of saloons to be permitted by transfer 157 41 N.S. 2 .No license to non-citizen 157 41 N.S. 4 Required application to obtain license to sell, etc. 157 41 N.S. No license to issue for combined grocery-saloon or drug store and saloon; drug store may sell under certain conditions 158 41 N.S. 6 Procedure in granting license; bond of applicant required, etc.; maximum number of licenses to issue 159 41 N.S. 7 Time for hearings on granting and revocation of license 159 41 N.S. Payment for license 162 41 N.S. 16 160 41 N.S. 9 License to be revoked if not paid for in five days 160 41 N.S. 10 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. IT. Liquor (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Sale of to minor to work revocation of license on conviction 160 41 N.S. 11 Penalty for violating- ordinance 160 41 N.S. 12 Report of Chief of Police in re failures to com- ply with ordinance 161 41 N.S. 14,15 Power of drug- store to sell and license fee for such sate 158 41 N.S. 6 161 41 N.S. 16 License fee for wholesale dealers 162 41 N.S. 17 Required notice to License Inspector of inten- tion to purchase business 163 41 N.S. 18 None to be sold by peddler 163 41 N.S. 19 Liquor License Officer powers of 161 41 N.S. 13 Liquor saloon public dance hall to have no connec- tion with 116 148 N.S. 1 Livery stable license fee for 150 2415 53 Loads Weight of limited on boulevard east of lake . . .62 1704 1 Weight of limited on Harrison street boulevard. 188 2477 2 Loan office to exhibit pawned articles to police on demand 126 1337 1 Loaning money license fee for 155 2415 90 Loaning on realty license fee for 151 2415 61 Loaning on personal property license fee for.... 151 2415 62 Locomotive whistle only to be blown when neces- sary 27 3180 1 Lodging in barns, etc., without consent owner, un- lawful 131 654 1 Lodging house amount of air required in each room of 213 684 1 Lodging house, etc. no laundry to be in same build- ing with 21 3083 2 Lodging or apartment house, etc. signs locating fire escapes required 41 3026 1 Lodging house, hotel, etc. white light to be kept burning in hall all night 41 3026 2 Lodging house license fee for 150 2415 54 Lottery merchant giving away chance for gift with purchase, unlawful 122 1874 1 Lottery house unlawful to visit 122 1604 1 Lottery ticket or tools unlawful to have in posses- sion 135 \ 178 N.S. 1 Macadam None to be placed on paved street 69 285 N.S. 4 Minimum thickness permitted on streets 315 2379 1 Macadamizing firm, street license fee for 149 2415 39 Magazine for powder, keeping license fee for 152 2415 70 Mail box, private not to be obstructed by adver- tising matter 12 140 N.S. 1 Mail, fire and police vehicles absolute right of way over other vehicles 100 3125 13 Mains, water regulating size of, when fire hydrants are connected with 298 2055 1 Map adoption of, showing arrangement of cer- tain streets 328 2908 1 Market Inspector Duty to inspect markets, restaurants, shops etc. 222 2961 1 Duty in re unsanitary place where food is handled 224 2961 12 Materials. California public contracts to provide for use of when obtainable 281 3181 1 Maternity hospitals License required; license fee; sanitary regula- tions; manner of issuing license 167 294 N.S. 1.2 To keep register of all births and adoptions. . 168 294 N.S. 3 Duty of Health Officer to inspect 168 294 N.S 3 26 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Mayor Permit from, required to drive cattle through streets 61 730 2- Position of secretary to, created 256 322 N.S. 4 Employment of stenographer for 257 154 N.S. 1 Meat For sanitary regulations see also "Restaurant," "Store," "Cannery," "Factory," "Food.' Sale, slaughtering, etc., unlawful unless in- spected as required 227 3018 1,2 Slaughtering of unlawful without permit; is- suance of permit to slaughter 227 3018 Sanitary regulations in slaughter houses 228 3018 4 Hours during which animals may be slaugh- tered 228 3018 Fees for inspection 228 3018 6,13 Advance notice of slaughtering to be given in- spector 229 3018 7,8 Days on which may be slaughtered 229 3018 9,11 Rules of Bureau of Animal Industry of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture to govern all decisions of inspectors 230 3018 17 To be transported in dust-proof conveyance. . 221 1854 Freshly slaughtered not to be sold before gov- ernment inspection 220 1854 1 Meat inspector Employment of two 290 201 N.S. 1 (Repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N. S.) Duty to inspect slaughter houses asking for per- mit 227 3018 3 Duty to condemn certain meat 230 3018 16 Medicines unlawful to distribute samples of, from house to house 220 3086 1 Meetings regulated in parks 185 129 N.S. Meetings in public places none without permit. ... 80 1836 1 Merry-go-round, etc. license fee for 151 2415 64 Messenger Creation of position and assignment to Auditor's office 268 139 N.S. 1 Messenger service license fee for 151 2415 63 Midwife Must report births 214 1348 1 To report to police patient having traumatic injury 135 198 N.S. 1 Milk Who authorized to provide for inspection of. . .231 210 N.S. 1 Minimum solids, not fat; temperature of, maxi- mum 231 210 N.S. 2 Maximum bacteria per cubic centimeter per- mitted in certain periods 231 210 N.S. Required receptacles for, and sealing of 231 210 N.S. 4 Sealing of receptacles; wholesale delivery may be made from unsealed cans 232 210 N.S. 5 None to be transferred from one receptacle to another except in sanitary milk house .232 210 N.S. 6 No receptacles to be removed from place where disease exists except with permission 232 210 N.S. 7 Cleansing of bottles, etc., required 232 210 N.S. 8 What matter not to be placed in milk bottles or receptacles 232 210 N.S. 9 Permit and license to sell or deliver 233 210 N.S. 10 Person having knowledge to report any dairy where disease exists 233 210 N.S. 11 Ordinance and certain act of legislature to guide inspectors in decisions in re unwholesome milk, etc 234 210 N.S. 12 For sanitary regulations see also "Restaurant," "Store," "Cannery," "Factory." INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 27 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Minors Boys under 16 years; unlawful to board railroad, etc., cars, when in motion 29 1540 1 Under 14 years not to be in charge of certain vehicles 103 3125 36 Minors under 12 years Type of bathing suit required for 130 1812 3 Unlawful to give or sell weapon to 39 1143 1 Minors under 16 years Unlawful to be in street after certain hour; ex- ception 124 881 1 Unlawful to smoke cigarettes in public 115 2001 1 Unlawful to rent boats on Lake Merritt to 28 1828 1,2 Unlawful to sell liquor to except on prescrip- tion 124 1005 1 Minors under 18 years Sale of liquor to to work revocation of license upon conviction 160 41 N.S. 11 Unlawful to enter pool and billiard parlors 123 3059 1 Unlawful for owner, etc., of billiard hall to allow to enter 123 3059 2 To be chaperonetd at public dance 116 148 N.S. 1 Missiles unlawful to throw in parks 184 129 N.S. 9 Monies received by certain city officers to be de- posited when and how 273 40 N.S.I, 2, etc Motor vehicles Kind of muffler required 22 2486 1 Required lights at night 103 3125 40 Warning signal required 103 3125 39 Motorman must be adult 52 1865 1 Motorman, street railroad car To sound bell before crossing street 54 1705 1 Not to leave position while car is in motion.. 53 1747 1 Unlawful to cross track faster than 3 miles per hour 56 1543 1 Move on crowd shall, on order of police 125 655 1 Moving- buildings See "Removal of Building." Moving picture show license See "Nickelodeon License." Muffler kind of required for motor vehicles 22 2486 1 Museum license fee for 149 2415 41 Musician, street license fee for 153 2415 78 Nakedness in public unlawful 118 816 1 Nakedness provisions against in re swimming and bathing 130 1812 1,2,3,4 National Electrical Code of 1911 adopted as rule governing work in Oakland 177 132 N.S. 9 Nickelodeon license fee for 154 2415 83 169 2714 1 Notices unlawful to post in parks 184 129 N.S. 17 Notices, park unlawful to destroy, etc 183 129 N.S. 2 Nudeness See "Nakedness." Nuisances See also book I, chapter I. Nuisances, private certain fences are; may be abated how 283 188 N.S. 1,2 Numbers all buildings shall have, as provided... 81 3277 1 Nurse, municipal employment of 291 46 N.S. 1 290 321 N.S. I (Repealed by Ordinance No. 350 N. S.) Oaths providing for administration of by deputies of city clerk 251 17 N.S. 1 Obscene songs and pictures unlawful to place ac- cessible to public 131 1987 1 Obstruction of city council order unlawful to cause. 138 238 N.S. 1 Obstruction Removal of building shall not cause obstruc- tion of any railroad 171 89 N.S. 8 28 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Obstruction (Cont'd.) Hindering firemen 37 309 N.S. Unlawful for crowd to cause, of street and sidewalk 125 655 1 Unlawful for railroad or vehicle to obstruct crossings 110 935 12 Obstructions to sidewalks unlawful 83 450 16 Obstruction, street regulation of during excavating 74 339 N.S. 7 Obstructions in streets lights required and other regulations 83 450 13 Obstructions to watercourses unlawful without per- mit 23 240 N.S. 1 Odds, betting, on horse race unlawful to publish in- formation concerning 119 3275 1,2,3,4 Offensive business, etc unlawful except in certain district 5 396 1 Offensive matter See also "Waste Matter." Unlawful on any premises; may be removed by health officer 238 273 N.S. 6 Oil wagons to be provided with drip pans 17 2316 1 104 3125 44 Officer, peace unlawful to impersonate 123 1011 1 Opium Sale of unlawful; exception 218 1214 1 Sale of certain permitted on prescription; re- quirements in re prescription 219 1214 2 Sale of certain drugs; when permitted without prescription . 219 1214 3 Unlawful to procure certain drugs with ficti- tious prescription 220 1214 4 Unlawful for physician to prescribe certain drugs, when 220 1214 5 Unlawful to take into city prison; exception ... 125 1010 1 Opium den owning, conducting or visiting unlaw- ful 126 879 1 Orders of city council unlawful to obstruct 138 238 N.S. 1 Ores smelting or reducing certain ores unlawful. 6 396 3 Overhead poles, wires, etc. to be removed in certain districts after certain dates 90 2378 1,2, 3, 4, 5, etc Palmistry, etc. license fee for 150 2415 48 Panorama license fee for 149 2415 41 Parade none to pass through park without per- mission 183 129 N.S. 4 Parks Peddler's cart within 300 feet, unlawful 97 310 N.S. 1 Unlawful to throw offensive matter in 183 129 N.S. 1 Unlawful to pick flowers, damage property or sleep in 182 1724 1 Unlawful to destroy any notices in 183 129 N.S. 2 Unlawful to bring led horse into 183 129 N.S. 3 No parade, funeral, etc., in without special per- mission 183 129 N.S. 4 No athletic games in certain 183 129 N.S. 5 Use and landing of boats on Lake Merritt reg- ulated 183 .129 N.S. 6 No regattas, etc., on Lake Merritt yith.out per- mission / 184 129 N.S. 7 Unlawful to turn certain animals 10ose in 184 129 N.S. 8 Shooting birds, carrying firearms' or throwing missies, unlawful in 184 129 N.S. 9 Unlawful to destroy or deface plants or other property 184 129 N.S. 10 Speed limit fixed in 184 129 N.S. 11 Riding or driving unlawful except on avenues and roads 184 129 N.S. 12 Standing of vehicles in 184 129 N.S. 13 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 29 Parks (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Wagons and traffic vehicles unlawful in, except on certain roads 184 129 N.S. 14 Sales unlawful in 184 129 N.S. 15 Gaming unlawful in 184 129 N.S. 16 Disturbing fowl in lake, unlawful; discharge of firearms in, unlawful; posting notices in, unlawful 184 129 N.S. 17 Fishing in Lake Merritt unlawful without per- mission 184 129 N.S. 18 Bass limit in Lake Merritt 184 129 N.S. 19 Entertainment in ynlawful without permission . 184 129 N.S. 20 Pedestrians must leave and enter by gates and roads 184 129 N.S. 21 Certain meetings prohibited in 185 129 N.S. 22 Unlawful to kindle fire in 185 129 N.S. 23 Planting ,of street trees regulated 185 129 N.S. 24 Unlawful to destroy, etc., street trees and shrubs 185 129 N.S. 25 Hitching to or near street tree unlawful; hitch- ing post near tree unlawful; placing wires, ropes, bills, etc., on street tree unlawful 185 129 N.S. 26 Destruction of guard for street tree unlawful. . .185 129 N.S. 27 No electric wire or insulator to be on street tree without permission 185 129 N.S. 28 Issuance, revocation, etc., of certain permits in re 185 129 N.S. 29,30 Park keepers to have power, duty, etc., of special police officer 258 1178 1 Paper, rubbish, etc. unlawful to deposit in public place; to be removed in 4 hours after notice 82 450 1 Pavement between car tracks to be same as balance of street 85 1929 1 Paving firm, street license fee for 149 2415 39 Pawnbroker days and hours for doing business reg- ulated 137 215 N.S. 1 Pawnshop to exhibit pawned articles to police on demand 126 1337 1 Peddler Defined in re license ordinance 146 2415 19 License fee for and regulation of 152 2415 67,68 To exhibit license when and how 144 2415 7 Unlawful to sell liquors 163 41 N.S. 19 Peddler's cart unlawful to stand near schools, parks, etc 97 310 N.S. 1 Peddling prohibited in certain district 97 1298 1,2 Permission required to start brush fire, etc 33 58 N.S. 7 Permits to be issued by bureau of permits and licenses; exceptions 269 42 N.S. 1 Permit Required for interment or removal of dead bodies 216 1331 1,2 To remove building; payment for and conditions ,of issuance 170 89 N.S. 4 Required to carry concealed weapon; fee for, and issuance of 136 203 N.S. 1 Required to conduct public dance 115 148 N.S. 1 (See also "Permit, Public Dance.") Issuance of for construction of sidewalks by private contract 63 65 N.S. 1 To remove or take up street railroad tracks. . . 68 285 N.S. 2 Required to excavate in street; manner of pro- curing such permit 70 339 N.S. 1 To conduct public dance, not transferable 116 148 N.S. 1 Required to improve streets by private contract 79 1386 1 Required to drive cattle through streets 61 730 1 Required to keep cellar doors in sidewalks open at all times 31 275 N.S. 1 Necessary for heavy doors in fire limits 37 309 N.S. 1 30 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Permit (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. To keep homes for children, to be issued how and to state what 166 295 N.S. 2 Required to conduct laundry 181 43 N.S. 1 To conduct laundry, must be posted when and how . 182 43 N.S. 2 Required to conduct laundry 243 300 N.S. 7 Required to sell liquor; exception 156 41 N.S. 1 Required to conduct maternity hospital; man- ner of issuance and revocation of 167 294 N.S. 1,2 Required to hold public meeting 80 1836 1 Required to .obstruct watercourse; council shall grant after examination 23 240 N.S. 1,2 Required to introduce matter into sewer from without city 221 1520 1 Required to erect, etc., steam boiler or engine. .29 252 N.S. 1 Required to construct sidewalk of .other ma- terial than cement 64 65 N.S. 2 Required to erect, etc., certain signs 189 160 N.S. 1 Required to hold sparring exhibition 163 284 N.S. 1 To trim certain trees; charge for and issuance of 185 129 N.S. 29 Required to slaughter meat 227 3018 3 Required to stand vehicle for hire in Traffic District No. 1 104 3125 42 Required for all electric installation 174 132 N.S. 4 Issuance of, for license to deal in milk 233 210 N.S. 10 Permit, public dance Charge for and issuance of; revocation of ...... 117 148 N.S. 3 To whom may issue; requirements of application for 117 148 N.S. 2 Not required in certain instances 117 148 N.S. 4 Permit to excavate in street issuance of; to state what; permit not transferable; void after time limit 72 339 N.S. 4 Personal property license fee for loaning money on 151 2415 62 Personal property unfit for use city may sell when and how 260 1179 1 Persons defined in re bucket shops 133 164 N.S. 1 Petroleum products, building for storage of re- quired construction and materials; to be used for no other purpose 44 1906 2 Petroleum products storage of limited except in certain district 44 1906 1 Phonograph parlor license fee for 153 2415 Physician To report to police patients having traumatic injury 135 198 N.S. 1 Unlawful to prescribe certain drugs when 220 1214 5 Must report births 214 1348 1 Pickles limit to be stored in one block; not 'to be manufactured except in certain district 24 272 N.S. 1 Pictures and songs, lewd unlawful to place acces- sible to public 131 1987 1 Piedmont granting permission to connect with cer- tain Oakland sewers 318 1738 1,2,3 Piers owners to keep in good repair 208 245 N.S. 1 Pile driving license fee for 152 2415 69 Pipes and conduits in streets maps of to be fur- nished city 76 339 N.S. 12 Pipe, water water company to repair leak in, in 24 hours after notice 79 1999 1 Plan of streets adopting a general 327 337 1,2 Plants and shrubs, etc. unlawful to destroy in parks , 184 129 N.S. 10 Playgrounds setting aside certain lands as 254 166 N.S. 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Pledged articles pawnshop to exhibit to police on demand 126 1337 1 Poles, telephone and telegraph to be numbered and how 187 1683 1 Police To be obeyed by drivers 101 3125 19 Hackney carriages to obey orders of 108 935 2 Pawnshop to exhibit pawned articles to, on de- mand 126 1337 1 Hospital, drug stores, etc., to report cases of traumatic injuries to 135 198 N.S. 1 Police, chief of Duty to report failures to comply with liquor license ordinance 161 Principals in sparring contest to deliver cer- tificate of physician to, before contest 164 Duty to notify council of company refusing to number telegraph and telephone poles 187 To weigh and certify as to weight of all sup- plies furnished him 261 Police Dept. Employes in 299 Employe in 299 Employe in 300 Additional employes 300 Additional employes in 300 Station keepers to rank as corporals. 301 Creating substitute employments in 301 Police, fire and mail vehicles absolute right of way over other vehicles 100 Police and Fire Dept., vehicles right of way over street cars 103 Police officer To be obeyed by drivers, etc 83 Crowd shall move on upon .order of 125 Unlawful to impersonate 123 Power and duty in re licenses 145 Police officer, special park keeper to have power and duty of 258 Policeman's whistle when unlawful to blow 132 Police Relief and Pension Fund city clerk to be ex- officio secretary of 252 Pools on horse race unlawful to sell, buy, etc 138 Poolroom unlawful to lease building for use as. . . .139 Pool and billiard hall license fee for 148 Pool and billiard rooms Unlawful for certain minors to enter 123 Unlawful for owner, etc., to allow certain minors to enter 123 Pound See also "Animals." Creating employments in 302 10 N.S. 1,2,3 Poundmaster Creating position and providing for deputies. .. 302 10 N.S. 1,2,3 Duty in re taking up animals running at large, etc.; posting of notices, etc 9 251 N.S. 2 Monthly report to council 11 251 N.S. 11 Powder magazine license fee for keeping 152 2415 70 Power, furnishing electricity for license fee for. . . .150 2415 51 Power rates, electric Fixed 195 213 N.S. 2 Unlawful to excetd 196 213 N.S. 3 Meter measurement required; false meter read- ing unlawful 196 213 N.S. 4 Prescription, physician's See also "Drugs." Price expert creating position and defining duties, etc 252 169 N.S. 1 41 N.S. 14.15 284 N.S. 6 1683 2 1544 1,2,3, 1 N.S. 1 18 N.S. 23 N.S. 37 N.S. 106 N.S. 82 N.S. 189 N.S.I ,2, etc 3125 13 3125 34 450 10 655 1 1011 1 2415 16 1178 1 360 1 16 N.S. 1 2790 1 2790 3 2415 32 3059 1 3059 2 32 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Prison, city Unlawful to take liquor into without permission!27 818 1 Unlawful to take opium into; exception 125 1010 1 Private contract Sidewalks constructed by 63 65 N.S. Street work by 314 230 N.S.I, 2, etc Permit required to improve streets by 79 1386 1 Private nuisances certain fences are; may be abated how 283 188 N.S. 1,2 Private or side sewers general specifications and requirements for 87 247 N.S. 1 Privy vaults none allowed in house within 150 feet of sewer; all to have trap for escape of gas; adequate supply of water required in 214 703 1 Prize coupon unlawful to give away as inducement to purchase goods 122 1874 1 Procession none to pass through park without per- mission 183 129 N.S. 4 Procession, funeral and military, etc. unlawful to drive through 103 3125 37 82 450 9 Profane language when unlawful to use 132 1137 1 Propagation license fees for keeping animals for hire for 151 2415 59,60 Prostitution unlawful to aid, support or visit house of 127 1144 1,2 Public contract general specifications required for construction of sidewalks by 321 330 N.S. 1 Public dance See "Dance, Public." Public park or garden license fee if admission charged to 152 2415 65 Publishing Form chart and entries in horse race, unlawful. 119 3275 1 Result of horsye race unlawful if betting odds are printed ./ 120 3275 2 Purchase oi ! supplies procedure required 249 19 N.S. 1 Purchasing agent-4- Creation of aid transfer of clerk from office of commissioner of public health and safety. . . .270 76 N.S. 1 Powers and duties of in re supplies and prices. .271 76 N.S. 2 Employment /of assistant 272 103 N.S. 1 Employment) of stenographer for 272 120 N.S. 1 Quarantine districts providing for control and man- agement off 239 274 N.S. 1,2,3 Quarter defined in re license ordinance 147 2415 22 Quotation of securities unlawful to make, display, etc., When 134 164 N.S. 3 Race course license fee for 153 2415 71 Race, horse Unlawful td publish tips on, or form chart for. .119 3275 1 Publishing result of unlawful if betting odds are printed 120 3275 2 Unlawful to bet on; unlawful to act as stake- holder for any bettors on 139 2790 2 Unlawful to sell, buy, etc., pools staked on 138 2790 1 Unlawful to lease building for use as poolroom. 139 2790 3 Railing required around sidewalk stairs 84 450 21 Rails of tracks when removed to be replaced how 68 285 N.S. 1 Railroads See also "Street Railroads." License fee per car 153 2415 76 Must station flagmen at certain crossings 47 267 N.S. 1 - Gate and lights required at certain drawbridges 45 1665 1 Speed limit in certain district 56 1739 1 Shall not be obstructed by removal of building. 171 89 N.S. 8 Railroad (license) See also "Ticket Broker, Trans- portation." INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 33 ) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Railroad, etc., car/ unlawful for minors under 16 years to board when in motion 29 1540 1 Railroad car spitting- in, unlawful 225 2246 1 Railroad, conductor of unlawful to bring into city body of pel/son dying from contagious disease. 2 16 1360 1 Railroad franchises See table of contents, book II. Railroads, steam* must erect semaphores at street railway c/rossings 54 1670 1 Railroads, street must station flagmen at certain crossings 48 2.">0 N.s. 1 Railroad tracks Street cars to be brought to full stop before crossing 46 268 N.S. 1 Unlawful to place explosives upon 34 2585 1 Railroad trains Hackney carriages not to drive hear Seventh street depot on approach of 109 935 Unlawful to solicit on, without consent 96 1021 1 To come to full stop before crossing certain drawbridges 46 1657 1 Speed limit in city; speed limit in certain dis- trict 55 283 N.S. 1 Not to pass in certain district 43 1575 1 Rates for renting boats, to be posted by persons in business 114 2729 1 Rates of fare For cabs, hacks, etc., to and from certain points 105 2649 1 Maximum for automobiles 106 2649 3 Rates, electric light For private residences; for other lighting than private residences 194 213 N.S. 1 Unlawful to exceed 196 213 N.S. 3 Meter measurement required; false meter read- ing unlawful 196 213 N.S. 4 Rates, electric power Fixed 195 213 N.S. 2 Unlawful to exceed 196 213 N.S. 3 Meter measurement required; false meter read- ing unlawful 196 213 N.S. 4 Rates, gas Fixed 197 214 N.S. 1 Unlawful to exceed 197 214 N.S. 2 Meter measurement required 198 214 N.S. 3 Rates, telephone For business purposes; for private residences. .:. 198 227 N.S. 1 Unlawful to exceed 199 227 N.S. 2 Rates, water See "Water Rates." Rats Buildings, wharves, etc., to be protected from; hoW 237 273 N.S. 1.2 Traps for, to be kept and used on all premises wh^n directed 237 273 N.S. 4 Power and duty of Health Dept. to inspect, etc., all premises to enforce rat crusade ordinance. 238 273 N.S. 5 Real estate agent, etc. license fee for 153 2415 75 Realty, loaning money on license fee for 151 2415 61 Realty advertising signs unlawful to injure 187 2744 1 Receptacles required type for milk 231 210 N.S. 4 Reducing or smelting certain ores unlawful 6 396 3 Refuse or condemned material providing for sale of by city council 260 1179 1,2 Regatta none allowed on Lake Merritt without per- mission 184 129 N.S. 7 Removal of building Required application to be filed; consent of cer- tain property owners 170 89 N.S. 2 34 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Removal of building (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Required notice to property owners near pros- pective site 170 89 N.S. 3 Payment for and conditions of permit; route of removal fixed; damages to be paid how 170 89 N.S. 4 To be done in careful manner and satisfactory to street commissioner 171 89 N.S. 5 Limit of time permitted building to stand in any one block 171 89 N.S. 6 Shall not be allowed to injure public or private property 171 89 N.S. 7 Shall not obstruct street railroad or other rail- road except in certain hours 171 89 N.S. 8 Necessary cutting of wires to be done how and only after notice 171 89 N.S. 9 -Damage to city property to be repaired how. . .171 89 N.S. 10 Unlawful on certain streets 172 89 N.S. 11 Rent of boats person in businss to post schedule of rates 114 2729 1 Repair of streets and sidewalks supt. of streets to enforce 86 968 1 Repair of sidewalks required ,of property owner; city may repair and charge cost to property. .325 1024 1 Repair owners of wharves, docks, and piers to keep same in good 208 245 N.S. 1 Residences visited by contagious disease must be disinfected 217 1806 1 Restaurant No laundry to be in same building with 21 3083 2 Duty of market inspector to inspect 222 2961 1 Must be kept clean and sanitary 222 2961 2 Proper receptacles for food; manner of keeping and display of food 223 2961 3 May not sell, store or prepare food in room with toilet; exception 223 2961 5 To have proper water supply; to provide sani- tary lavatory for employes 223 2961 6 Proper ventilation required 223 2961 7 Service of raw or unwholesome food, unlawful; employes of, to be cleanly 224 2961 9 Unlawful to keep live fowls beneath 224 2961 11 Duty of market inspector in re unsanitary . . . .224 2961 12 License fee for 153 2415 79 Report of traumatic injury who shall make to police 135 198 N.S. Return checks unlawful to issue at public dance. .116 148 N.S. 1 Right of way Fire apparatus shall have over other vehicles. .36 876 4 Police and fire vehicles have over street cars. . .103 3125 34 Certain vehicles shall have; vehicles of fire dept. shall have absolute 100 3125 10,11,12,13 Room amount of air required in each room of lodging house 213 684 1 Rubbish Unlawful to place on street or sidewalk, etc.; to be removed in 4 hours after notice 82 450 1 Unlawful to deposit in street 218 938 1 And other materials to be removed from wharves on demand 181 1547 6 Rubbish, waste, etc. not to be allowed to accumu- late on premises 33 58 N.S. 4 Runners, hotel regulating soliciting at railroad sta- tions 96 1945 1 Sales all unlawful in parks 184 129 N.S. 15 Sale Of certain drugs unlawful; exception 218 1214 1 Of certain drugs on prescription; requirements in re prescription 219 1214 2 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Sale (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Of certain drugs; when permitted without pre- scription 219 1214 3 Unlawful to procure certain drugs with fraudu- lent prescription 220 1214 4 Of firecrackers, etc., prohibited 40 3268 3 Of Japanese snuff unlawful 240 279 N.S. 1 Of live animals on sidewalks prohibited 95 1957 1 Sales, certain prohibited in certain district 97 1298 1,2 Sale of food stuffs see "Food." Sale Of liquor by drug store licensed and regulated. 158 41N .S. 6 162 41 N.S. 16 Of liquor to certain minors unlawful except on prescription 124 1005 1 Of liquor to certain minors to work revocation of license upon conviction 160 41 N.S. 11 Of liquor without permit and license, unlawful; exception 156 41 N.S. 1 Of liquor during certain hours, unlawful 128 2514 1 Of liquor in closed booth unlawful 128 3189 1 Of liquor in private booth not to mean private hotel room 129 3189 3V 2 Of meat unlawful unless transported in dust- proof conveyance 221 1854 2 Of freshly slaughtered beef before government inspection, unlawful 220 1854 1 Of meat, etc., unlawful unless properly in- spected 227 3018 1,2 Sale of milk unlawful when see "Milk." Saloon no laundry to be in same building with... 21 3083 Sale of liquor to certain minors unlawful except on prescription 124 1005 1 Saloon see also "Liquor." Sale of pools staked on horse race, unlawful 138 2790 1 Sale of personal property of city may be made when and how 260 1179 1,2 Samples of medicines or drugs unlawful to dis- tribute from house to house 220 3086 1 Sand not to leak from wagon to street 104 3125 45 Scavenger license fee for hauling garbage 165 289 N.S. 1,2 (Repealed printed by error.) Scavenger wag'on see "Garbage Wagon." Schools peddler's cart within 300 feet, unlawful.. 97 310 N.S. 1 Searchers of records see "Abstract of Title." Seat defined in re theatre or other place of amuse- ment; width of 1-69 2714 2 Seat of government ordinance defining 262 1336 1 Second-hand dealers days and hours for doing business regulated 137 215 N.S. 1 Second-hand gold, dealer in license fee for 151 2415 57 Second-hand goods license fee for dealer in 151 2415 58 Securities Defined in re bucket shops 133 164 N.S. 1 When unlawful to make, display, etc., quota- tions on 134 164 N.S. 3 Seeds of certain thistles and weeds Owners of property may not allow to mature on such land , 25 3085 1 Not to be sold or disseminated 25 3085 2 Seeds of thistles and noxious weeds not to be brought into city 25 3085 3,4 Semaphores steam railroads shall erect at street railroad tracks 54 1670 1 Seventh street depot hackney carriages not to drive near on approach of train 109 935 7 Seventh street no job wagon to use portion of as stand 109 935 11 36 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Sewage None to be discharged in Lake Merritt 221 1344 1 Unlawful to allow to drain on street, etc 218 938. 1 Sewer connection with house application for per- mit; deposit required 71 339 N.S. 3 Sewer Duty of City Engineer to estimate capacity of, upon request 26 3260 2 House within 150 feet of must connect with.. 214 703 1 Requirements in re, in slaughter houses 224 2961 11 Unlawful to introduce matter into from with- out city, without permit 221 1520 1 Sewers Granting permission to Piedmont to connect with certain sewers of Oakland 318 1738 1,2,3 Manner of connection in street 87 2592 1 Unlawful to introduce any storm waters into sewers of certain capacity 25 3260 1 Granting Emeryville permission to connect w r ith certain Oakland sewers 316 2063 1,2 Sewers, side general specifications and require- ments 87 247 N.S. 1 Shade trees in street to be kept trimmed to cer- tain height 89 1825 1 Shipping see "Wharves" and "Vessels." Shooting birds unlawful in parks 184 129 N.S. 9 Shooting gallery license fee for 153 2415 72 Side or private sewers general specifications and requirements for 87 247 N.S. 1 Sidewalk Defined in re Traffic Ordinance 99 3125 3 Unlawful to cut, carve, etc 84 1188 1 Driving vehicle over unlawful when 101 3125 21 No vehicle to be used as fruit stand on 104 3125 43 85 952 1 Sidewalks Forbidding sale of live animals on 95 1957 1 To be of cement except by special permit.... 64 65 N.S. 2 Sidewalk, construction by private contract Completion of, time limit; general specifica- tions 64 65 N.S. 3 Sidewalk, construction by private contract Lines and grades from City Engineer 64 65 N.S. Sidewalks, construction by private contract Issuance of permit; deposit from person doing work; keeping in repair for year; removal of debris 63 65 N.S. 1 Sidewalks, construction by public contract general specifications required 321 330 N.S. 1 Sidewalks unlawful to place rubbish, filth, etc., on; to be removed in 4 hours after notice 82 450 1 Sidewalk, excavations under certain ones unlaw- ful 77 339 N.S. 13 Sidewalk Unlawful for crowd to obstruct 125 655 1 Unlawful to allow to be obstructed by weeds, vegetation, etc 19 1626 Owners required to keep free from grass, weeds, etc 320 333 N.S. Obstructions unlawful 83 450 16 Repair of required; city may repair and charge cost to property 325 1024 Sign not to project over; exceptions 190 160 N.S. 6 Spitting unlawful on 225 2246 1 Unlawful for vehicle, cart, etc., to drive on; exception 84 450 19 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Sidewalks Supt. of Streets to enforce repair of 86 968 1 Merchants may sweep rugs in during certain hours 84 450 2iy 2 Supt of Streets may remove weeds from when; cost of work to be lien on adjoining property. 320 333 N.S. 2 Width of fixed for those to be constructed in certain district, where not fixed by ordinance 319 2107 1 Wooden awnings over, unlawful in certain district 62 2823 1 Sidewalk elevator excavations for 77 339 N.S. 13 Sidewalk stairs fence required around 84 450 21 Signs Permit required to maintain certain 189 160 N.S. 1 Application for permit and plans and specifi- cations to be filed 189 160 N.S. 2 Inspection of; inspection fee and certificate of Electrical Dept 189 160 N.S. 3 Required materials of 189 160 N.S. 4 Classes of 189 160 N.S. 5 Sign Not to project over sidewalk; exceptions 190 160 N.S. 6 Protection of electric wires connecting with.. 192 160 N.S. 7 Requirements for receptacles; limit of electric current on 192 160 N.S. 8 Inspection of; duty and authority of in- spectors 192 160 N.S. 9 All privileges under ordinance revocable 192 160 N.S. 10 Regulations of clocks used as such 193 160 N.S. 12 Placing of within fire walls 193 160 N.S. 13 Door required in, when 194 160 N.S. 14 None painted, etc., to be placed on certain por- tions of buildings; none to be placed in front of fire escape, etc., without permit. ... 194 160 N.S. 15 Sign, advertising realty unlawful to injure 187 2744 1 Sign, temporary permitted over streets under cer- tain conditions 192 160 N.S. 11 Signal boxes Unlawful to make key for or pick lock of cer- tain 186 280 N.S. 2 Unlawful to have in possession key for certain. .186 280 N.S. 3 Skating rink license fee for 153 2415 73 Slaughter houses unlawful to keep except in cer- tain district 5 396 1 Slaughter house Duty of Market Inspector in re unsanitary ... 224 2961 12 Required sanitary construction of floor and sewer regulations 224 2961 11 Sanitary regulations in 228 3018 4 Slaughtering Of animals unlawful unless inspected as re- quired 227 3018 1,2 Of animals; permit required and application for permit 227 3018 3 Of animals, fees for 228 3018 6,13 Of animals, hours for 228 3018 5 Notice of, to inspector 229 3018 7,8 Days on which may be done 229 3018 9,11 Sleeping Unlawful for laundry to allow, on premises. . 243 300 N.S. 5 On park benches unlawful 182 1724 1 Sleeping out in barns, etc., unlawful without con- sent of owner 131 654 1 Slot machine license fee for 156 2415 91% Smallpox see "Contagious Disease." Smelting or reducing certain ores unlawful 6 396 3 Smoking unlawful for minors under 16 years to smoke cigarettes in public 115 2001 1 38 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Smoking opium unlawful to own, conduct or visit house for 126 879 1 Smokestacks Height above neighboring buildings 42 2268 1 Soot not to issue from 42 2268 2 Soliciting on trains, boats, etc., without consent, unlawful 96 1021 1 Soliciting at railroad stations places where un- lawful 96 1945 1 Solicitor Defined in re license ordinance 147 2415 20 License fee for 153 2415 74 Solicitor, insurance license fee for 151 2415 56 Songs and pictures unlawful to place accessible to public 131 1987 1 Soot and cinders not to issue from smokestack, etc. 42 2268 2 Spark catcher steam engines on wharves must be equipped with 181 1547 Sparring exhibitions Incorporated athletic club with permit may hold 163 284 N.S. 1 Application of club to hold 163 284 N.S. Professional and amateur defined 164 284 N.S. 3 Council to investigate before granting permit for; police officer to be present at 164 284 N.S. 4 Club shall pay license fee to hold 164 284 N.S. Examination of principals by physician to precede 164 284 N.S. 6 Specifications for sidewalks construction 64 65 N.S. 3 Speed Limit for street railroad and railroad cars in certain district '56 1739 1 Of railroad trains in city limited; of railroad trains in certain district limited 55 283 N.S. 1 Of street railroad cars crossing tracks limited. 56 1543 1 Of vehicles passing crossings, limited 101 3125 19 Of vehicles over bridges limited 101 3125 Limit fixed for all vehicles 101 3125 24 Speed limit fixed in parks 184 129 N.S. 11 Spite fences are private nuisances; may be abated how 283 188 N.S. 1,2 Spitting unlawful where 225 2246 1 Stable, livery license fee for 150 2415 Stagnant water Unlawful to allow on property owned or under control 225 1346 1 Yard where animals are kept shall be free from 213 1332 Stakeholder unlawful to act as, for bet on horse race 139 2790 Stallion keeping for hire for propagation, license fee for 151 2415 60 Stallions, jacks, etc. to be kept within fenced en- closure 113 418 1 Standing of autos and cabs permit required in Traffic District No. 1 104 3125 42 Standing of hackney carriages regulated 108 935 3,4,5,6 Standing of job wagons unlawful on portion of Seventh street 109 935 11 State Bank Commissioners required semi-annual statement of banks to 155 2415 90 Station keepers all in Police Dept. to rank as corporals 301 82 N.S. 1 Steam boiler or engine unlawful to erect, etc., without permit 29 252 N.S. Stocks and bonds license fee for 149 2415 35 Storage of hay and combustible materials limited in certain district 31 719 1 IXDKX TO ORDINANCES. 39 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Storage of pickles amount to be stored in one block limited 24 272 N.S. 1 Store No laundry to be in same building with 21 3083 2 Duty of Market Inspector to inspect 222 2961 1 Where any food is sold must be kept clean 222 2961 2 Proper receptacles for food and manner of keeping and display of food 223 2961 3 May not sell, store or prepare food in room with toilet; exception 223 2961 5 Where foods sold, to have proper water supply; to provide sanitary . lavatory for employes. .. 223 2961 6 Unlawful to prepare certain food in poorly ventilated room 223 2961 7 Where food sold, unlawful to keep live fowls beneath 224 2961 11 Duty of Market Inspector in re unsanitary .... 224 2961 12 Storehouse, conducting license fee for 155 2415 88 Storm waters unlawful to introduce into sewers of certain size 25 3260 1 Streets See also "Vehicles" and "Traffic." Abandoning certain 328 1975 1 Rules for acceptance of improved 325 1437 1,2 Adopting general plan of 327 337 1,2 Adopting map showing arrangement of certain. 328 2908 1 Permitting animals to be in 60 1084 1 Horses not to be fed in without feed bags 102 3125 30 Boulevard east of Lake, prohibiting heavy loads on 62 1704 1 Along which it is unlawful to move building. . .172 89 N.S. 11 See also "Removal of Building." Manner of connection of sewer in 87 2592 1 Deposit required to excavate in 71 339 N.S. 3 Unlawful for railroad or vehicle to obstruct crossings 110 935 12 Unlawful to deposit filth, rubbish, etc., in; to be removed in 4 hours after notice 82 450 1 Driving over Alameda bridge faster than walk, unlawful 95 1139 1 Where electric wires, poles, etc., must be under- ground after certain dates 91 2378 1,2 etc. Goats at large in 61 730 1 Carrying explosives through regulated 35 1462 3 Fees to be charged by City Engineer 305 47 N.S.I, 1%, 2 Cleaning fish, clothes, etc., in, unlawful 83 450 12 Unlawful to drive through any procession 82 450 9* No vehicle to be used as fruit stand in 104 3125 43 85 952 1 Garbage wagons not permitted in, during cer- tain hours 226 1595 1 Garbage wagons shall not stand in, longer than ten minutes 18 243 N.S. 1 Injuring sidewalk unlawful 84 1188 1 Leakage from wagon to, unlawful 104 3125 45 Maps of conduits, pipes, etc., to be furnished city 76 339 N.S. 12 No meetings in without permit '. . 80 1836 1 Manner of laying street railroad tracks in, etc. 68 285 N.S. 1 Water company to repair leaks in pipes in 24 hours after notice 79 1999 1 All buildings to have official numbers displayed thereon 81 3277 1 Unlawful for crowd to obstruct 125 655 1 Regulation of obstructions in; lights, etc., re- quired 83 450 13 Oil, etc., not to drip from autos 16 2988 1 Autos to have drip pans 16 2988 2 40 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Streets (Cont'd.) Oil wagons in, must have drip pans 104 3125 44 17 2316 1 If paved, no macadam to be laid on 69 285 N.S. 4 Permission required to improve by private contract 79 1386 1 Permit required to drive cattle through 61 730 2 Motor vehicles in, to have certain type of muffler 22 2486 1 Unlawful to throw glass, tacks, etc., upon 19 1770 1 Merchants may sweep rugs on sidewalks dur- ing certain hours 84 450 21% Supt. of Streets to enforce repair of 86 968 To be kept in repair how by street railroad.. 69 285 N.S. 4 Unlawful to discharge missile from spring, bow or air gun in 41 1145 1 Unlawful for certain minors to be in after certain hours; exception 124 881 1 Permit to excavate in; issuance of; to state what; permit not transferable; void after time limit 72 339 N.S. 4 Permit required for excavation in 70 339 N.S. 1 Sewer connection with house; application for permit; deposit required to do work 71 339 N.S. Vehicle not to stop on crosswalk 83 450 14 Limit of time vehicle shall stand in 82 450 6 Unlawful to allow sewage, filth, etc., to drain or be deposited upon 218 938 1 Minimum thickness of macadam permitted on. 315 2379 1 General ordinance fixing width of sidewalks in certain district 319 2107 1 Street between tracks to be paved with same pave- ment as balance of street 85 1929 1 "Street Closed" sign unlawful to disregard 103 3125 Street Dept. Employments in provided for; consolidating office of City Engineer with Supt. of Streets; employments in office of Supt. of Streets; employments in office of City Engi- neer 307 144 N.S. 1-37 Additional employes in 312 343 N.S. 1 Additional employe, temporary 312 158 N.S. 1 Additional employe in 313 209 N.S. 1 Employment clerk to secure dedications of lands 313 249 N.S. 1,2 Street, emergency excavation in permit within four hours after 78 339 N.S. 17 Street, excavation in Be where described in application for permit.. 70 339 N.S. Disposal of deposit by city 75 339 N.S. 10 Refilling to be kept in repair for year. . 75 339 N.S. 9 Notice to firm to proceed with diligence 74 339 N.S. 8 Not to obstruct travel, etc.; lights and barriers 74 339 N.S. Replacing of pavement by city 73 339 N.S. 6 Manner of making, replacing materials, etc.; inspection and cost of 72 339 N.S. Failure to refill; city to do work; expense out of deposit 72 339 N.S. 4 Street, Harrison Portion of dedicated as boulevard 188 2477 1 Loads limited on portion of 188 2477 Street improvement firm license fee for 149 2415 39 Street musician license fee for 153 2415 78 Street openings employment of clerk to assist in work of 313 218 N.S. 1,2 Street railroad License fee per car 153 2415 76 Shall not be obstructed by removal of building. 171 89 N.S. 8 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 41 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Street railroad (Cont'd.) Exempted from overhead wire removal ordi- nance to certain extent 94 2378 8 To use same pavement between tracks as balance of street 85 1929 1 To construct certain type of guard wires over trolleys 51 253 N.S. 1 Must station flagmen at certain crossings 48 250 N.S. 1 To keep street in repair how; no macadam on paved street 69 285 N.S. 4 Street Railroad Cars Bell to be sounded before crossing street 54 1705 1 To be equipped with certain type of fender. ... 50 3157 3 Shall have adult motorman and conductor.... 52 1865 1 Motorman not to leave position when car is in motion 53 1747 1 Motorman not to pass crossing without signal from flagman 49 250 N.S. 2 Speed in certain district 56 1739 1 Speed limited when crossing tracks 56 1543 1 Must come to stop before crossing tracks 46 268 N.S. 1 Police and fire dept. vehicles have right of way over 103 3125 34 To stop within 100 feet of fire apparatus. ... 101 3125 14 In fire limits; not to cross track until car is past crossing 52 1542 2 Unlawful to pass each other at crossings in fire limits 52 1542 1 Vehicle to keep 4 feet from car not in motion. 101 3125 22 Unlawful for vehicle or horse to delay 103 3125 34 Spitting in, unlawful 225 2246 1 Must be equipped with certain type wheel guards 49 3157 1,2 Street railroad franchises see Table of Contents, Book II. Street railroad tracks Repaving of street after removal of 68 285 N.S. 3 Permit required to take up or remove; to be replaced promptly; to conform to any change of grade 68 285 N.S. 2 Type and laying of rail 68 285 N.S. 1 Street, Seventh hackney carriages not to use cer- tain portion as stand 109 935 6 Streets, Supt. of additional employes in office of.. 312 174 N.S. 1 Street Trees To be kept trimmed to certain height 89 1825 1 Unlawful to destroy or mutilate 182 121 N.S. 1 Unlawful to hitch horses in manner to damage. 102 3125 29 Are nuisances when; may be removed by whom. 327 1283 1,2 Planting of regulated 185 129 N.S. 24 Electric wire unlawful on, without permission. . 185 129 N.S. 28 Unlawful to destroy guard for 185 129 N.S. 27 Hitching to or near unlawful; no hitching post within 5 feet of; placing wires, ropes or bills on unlawful 185 129 N.S. 26 Street trees and shrubs unlawful to destroy, etc. ..185 129 N.S. 25 Street work by private contract Required filing of contract, plans, etc., be- fore granting of permission 314 230 N.S. Requirements of contract in re time, expense, etc 314 230 N.S. 2,3 Certificates required that work has been done to grade, etc 315 230 N.S. Fees of City Engineer 315 Power of Street Supt. to appoint inspectors. . 315 Penalty for non-payment of fees 315 230 N.S. 7 42 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Page. Ord. No. Sec. Substitute positions Creation of in fire department and various of- fices and rules governing 1 employment of... 257 317 N.S. 1,2,3 Creating in police dept 301 189 N.S.I, 2, etc Sunday Unlawful for barber shops to keep open on. ..113 3218 1 No slaughtering to be done on, except by writ- ten permit 229 3018 11 Sundays and holidays pawn brokers, junk dealers, etc., not to do business on 137 215 N.S. 1 Superintendent of Schools to weigh and certify to weight of supplies furnished him by weight. .261 1544 1,2,3 Superintendent of Streets Consolidating office of, with City Engineer; and providing for employments in office of 307 144 N.S. 1-37 Additional employes in office of 312 174 N.S. 1 Supervising architect providing for employment of, defining powers and duties and fixing compensation 281 124 N.S. 1,2,3 Supplies Power and duty of purchasing agent in re 271 76 N.S. 2 Shall be weighed when and by whom 261 1544 1,2,3 Supplies for departments regulating purchase of.. 249 19 N.S. 1 Surgeon to report to police patient having trauma- tic injury 135 198 N.S. 1 Surveys fees to be charged for, by City Engineer. 305 47 N.S. 1,1%, 2 Sweeping rugs in sidewalk merchants may during certain hours 84 450 21% Swimming Unlawful in Lake Merritt 130 1812 1 Unlawful without bathing suit 130 1812 2 Undressing in public unlawful 130 1812 4 Swimming suit required type according to age. . . .130 1812 3 Swing, recreation license fee for conducting 151 2415 64 Table of contents, book 1 2 Table of contents, book II 246 Tacks and glass unlawful to throw on streets, side- walks, etc 19 1770 1 Tamale parlor license fee for 154 2415 80 Tax levying of, on all real and personal property for fiscal year 1912-13 276 316 N.S.I, 2, etc Tax collector See also "Treasurer." Duty in re assignment of license numbers for vehicles 146 2415 17 Duty in re issuing license tags, etc 143 2415 3 To turn license moneys in at certain times. ...144 2415 10 Telegraph and Telegraphing license fee for 154 2415 81 Telegraph lines, etc., renting license fee for 151 2415 63 Telegraph poles to be numbered and how 187 1683 Telephone poles to be numbered and how 187 1683 1 Telephone and Telephony license fee for 154 2415 Telephone lines, etc., renting license fee for 151 2415 63 Telephone operator employment of 282 35 N.S. 1 Telephone rates For business purposes; for private residences. . 198 227 N.S. Unlawful to exceed 199 227 N.S. Theatre Unlawful to wear hat in; program to print no- tice of law 20 1817 Doors to open both inwardly and outwardly. . . 14 1537 1 License fee for 154 2415 169 2714 1 Theatres, assembly halls, etc. aisles to be kept clear; width of aisles, doors, etc 14 1537 See also "Building Law." Thickness of macadam minimum permitted on any street 315 2379 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 43 Page. Ord. No. Sec. Thistles and noxious weeds, seeds of Owners of land not to allow to mature on such land 25 3085 Not to be brought into city 25 3085 Not to be sold or disseminated 25 3085 Ticket broker, transportation license fee for 154 2415 Tolls per load rates of, on wharves 179 1547 Towel supply firm license fee for 154 2415 Tracks See "Street Railroad Tracks" and "Rail- road Tracks." Traffic Defrauding cabmen, chauffeurs, etc., unlawful. . 99 281 N.S. Vehicles not to stop on crosswalk 83 450 Vehicle or railroad not to obstruct crossing. .. 110 935 12 Street railroad car in fire limits not to remain on crossing so as to obstruct traffic 53 1539 1 District No. 1 described 99 3125 5 District No. 2 described 100 3125 6 Driver defined 99 3125 4 Horse defined 99 3125 2 Sidewalk defined 99 3125 3 Vehicle, defined 99 3125 1 Unlawful to stand peddler's cart, etc., in cer- tain distance of schools, parks, etc 97 310 N.S. 1 Peddling prohibited in certain district 97 1298 1,2 Vegetable and other stands in streets unlawful. 104 3125 43 85 952 1 Vehicles not to stand in street longer than one hour 82 450 6 Sale of live animals on sidewalks prohibited.. 95 1957 1 Soliciting patronage on railroad trains, boats, etc., without consent, unlawful 96 1021 1 Certain soliciting at railroad stations unlawful. . 96 1945 1 Unlawful to ride or drive through certain pro- cessions 103 3125 37 Unlawful to drive through certain processions. . 82 450 9 Police to be obeyed in crowded streets, etc 83 450 10 Driving over sidewalk unlawful when 101 3125 21 Unlawful to drive vehicle over sidewalk 84 450 19 Feed bags required to feed horses in streets. .. 102 3125 30 Freight vehicle not to be left standing in Dis- trict No. 1 unless loading, etc.; time limit when loading 102 3125 31 Freight vehicles to keep out of District No. 1; exception 102 3125 26 No garbage wagons in District No. 1 in certain hours 102 3125 27 Hackney carriages defined 108 935 1 Hackney carriages to obey police orders 108 935 Standing of hackney carriages regulated 108 935 3,4,5,6 Hackney carriages not to drive near Seventh street' depot on approach of train 109 935 7 Numbered lamps required for hackney car- riages 109 935 Hackney carriage driver to lose license on third breach of law 109 935 9 Horses left standing to be hitched or brakes set 102 3125 No hitching which will damage trees 102 3125 29 No vehicle to be hitched within 15 feet of fire apparatus 101 3125 15 Job wagon defined 109 935 10 No job wagon to use portion Seventh street as stand 109 935 11 Maximum rates of fare for automobiles 106 2649 Rates of fare for cabs, etc., in certain districts. 105 2649 1 44 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Traffic (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Minor under 14 years not to be in charge of certain vehicles 103 3125 36 Bicycles and horse vehicles to have lights at night 104 3125 41 Unlawful to leave auto alone with machinery running 103 3125 35 Motor vehicles, bicycles, etc., to give warning signal 103 3125 39 Motor vehicles to have lights at night 103 3125 40 Motor vehicles must have brakes, gongs and lights 107 2136 2 Standing of vehicles in parks regulated 184 129 N.S. 13 Driving and riding unlawful in parks except on roads 184 129 N.S. 12 Speed limit in parks 184 129 N.S. 11 Right of way of fire dept., police dept. and mail vehicles is absolute 100 3125 13 Vehicles going northerly and southerly to have right of way 100 3125 12 Vehicle turning to right shall' keep to right; has right of way over other vehicles. 100 3125 10 Vehicles turning to left into street to keep to right of center line of intersection; shall have right of way 100 3125 11 Vehicle overtaking another to pass to left 100 3125 8 Vehicle to keep to right when 100 3125 7 Sand wagon to be tight 104 3125 45 Driver to signal when stopping or turning 100 3125 9 Speed of vehicles in streets 101 3125 24 Speed of vehicles over bridges limited 101 3125 23 Speed of vehicles over crossings limited; care- ful driving; obedience to police 101 3125 19 Driving over Alameda bridge faster than walk, unlawful 95 1139 1 Time limit to leave vehicles standing in Dis- trict No. 1 102 3125 25 Motorman leaving position while car is in mo- tion 53 1747 1 Street car to stop within 100 feet of fire ap- paratus 101 3125 14 Street car not to be delayed by vehicle or horse. 103 3125 34 Vehicle to keep 4 feet from car not in motion. ..101 3125 22 Unlawful to disregard "street closed" sign.... 103 3125 33 Passenger vehicle for hire must have permit to stand in District No. 1 104 3125 42 Riding on rear end of vehicle unlawful 103 3125 38 Vehicles not to remain backed up to curb 101 3125 16,17 Vehicles not to stand with left side to curb. ...101 3125 18 Vehicles to stop near right curb; to be 20 feet from any crossing 101 3125 20 No person to be in charge of more than one vehicle; exception 104 3125 46 Riding dangerous horses in Traffic District No. 2, unlawful 103 3125 32 Traffic district See "District, Traffic." Traffic vehicles unlawful in parks except on cer- tain roads 184 129 N.S. 14 Tramps not allowed in parks 182 1724 1 Transfer of license permitted when 144 2415 8 Transfer of liquor license; provisions for 163 41 N.S. 18 157 41 N.S. 3 Transparency See also "Signs." Trapping certain birds unlawful in city limits. ... 114 262 1 Traumatic injuries to be reported to police 135 198 N.S. 1 Treasurer Salary of, fixed 272 8 N.S. 1 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 45 Treasurer (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Employments created in office of; salaries and appointment of additional deputy tax col- lectors 272 4 N.S. 1,2 Employment of deputy treasurer and assistant bookkeeper 273 137 N.S. 1 Trees Unlawful to mutiliate or destroy 182 121 N.S. 1 Permit required to trim when 185 129 N.S. 29 Trees and shrubs, etc. unlawful to deface or de- stroy in parks 184 129 N.S. 10 Trees, street Horses not to be hitched so as to damage 102 3125 29 Are nuisances when; may be removed by whom. 327 1283 1,2 To be kept trimmed to certain height 89 1825 1 Unlawful to destroy guard for 185 129 N.S. 27 Hitching to or near, unlawful; no hitching within 5 feet of; placing wires, ropes or bills on, unlawful 185 129 N.S. 26 Planting of regulated 185 129 N.S. 24 Trees and shrubs in streets unlawful to destroy, etc 185 129 N.S. 25 Trolleys street railroads to construct certain type guard wires over 51 253 N.S. 1 Typhus fever See "Contagious Diseases." Underground districts for placing electric wires, etc., underground 90 2378 Undertaker license fee for 155 2415 89 Undertaking establishment unlawful to locate out- side fire limits 26 123 N.S. 1 Uniform all license charges shall be 144 2415 5 Unoccupied building Must be properly enclosed 7 336 N.S. 2 Fire marshal to force enclosing of 33 58 N.S 6 Vaccination bovine matter to be vaccine matter used in 234 257 N.S. 1 Vegetables For sanitary regulations see also "Res- taurant," "Store," "Cannery." "Factory," "Food." Vehicles Assignment of license numbers for 146 2415 17 Defrauding cabmen and chauffeurs, unlawful.. 99 281 N.S. 1 If transporting foodstuffs to be clean and sani- tary 222 2961 2 Delivering foods to be provided with proper covering 223 2961 4 Not to stop on crosswalk 83 450 14 Not to obstruct crossing 110 935 12 Traffic District No. 1 described 99 3125 5 Traffic District No. 2 described 100 3125 6 Driver defined 99 3125 4 Horse defined 99 3125 Sidewalk defined in re to 99 3125 3 Defined 99 3125 1 Unlawful to stand push cart, etc., near school, park, etc 97 310 N.S. 1 Peddling prohibited in certain district 97 1298 1,2 None to be used as fruitstand, etc., in streets. . .104 3125 43 85 952 1 Not to stand in street longer than one hour. ... 82 450 6 Soliciting on trains, boats, etc., without con- sent, unlawful 96 1021 1 Soliciting at railroad stations unlawful at cer- tain places 96 1945 1 Unlawful to drive through certain processions. . 103 3125 37 Unlawful to drive through military, funeral, etc., procession 82 450 9 Police to be obeyed in crowded street, etc 83 450 10 46 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Vehicles (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Driving over sidewalk unlawful when 101 3125 21 Unlawful to drive on sidewalk; exception 84 450 19 Peed bags required to feed horses in streets. .. 102 3125 30 Hackney carriage defined 108 935 1 Hackney carriages to obey police orders 108 935 2 Standing of hackney carriages regulated 108 935' 3,4,5,6 Hackney carriages driving near Seventh street depot on approach of train, unlawful 109 935 7 Numbered lamps required for hackney car- riages 109 935 8 Driver of hackney carriage to lose license on third breach of law 109 935 9 Drivers of certain, to wear badges furnished by tax collector; number of to be exhibited on demand 146 2415 18 Certain ones prohibited on Harrison street boulevard 188 2477 2 Horses left standing to be hitched or brakes set. 102 3125 No hitching which will damage street trees. ...102 3125 29 None to be hitched within 15 feet of fire hydrant 101 3125 15 Job wagon defined 109 935 10 No job wagon to use portion Seventh street as stand 109 935 11 Maximum rate of fare for automobiles 106 2649 3 Rates of fare for cabs, etc., in certain districts. .105 2649 1 License fee for public hack, freight wagon, dray; express wagon, private carriage 154 2415 86 See also "Automobiles." Minor under 14 years not to be in charge of cer- tain vehicles 103 3125 36 Lights required for at night 104 3125 41 Unlawful to leave auto alone with machinery running 103 3125 35 Motor vehicle to have required lights at night. .103 3125 40 No garbage wagons in District No. 1 in certain hours 102 3125 27 Riding or driving unlawful in parks except on roads 184 129 N.S. 12 Standing of in parks regulated 184 129 N.S. 13 Speed limit in parks 184 129 N.S. 11 Right of way of fire department, police depart- ment and mail vehicles is absolute 100 3125 13 Going north and south to have right of way. . .100 3125 12 Turning to right shall keep to right; has right of way 100 3125 10 Turning to left into street to keep to right of center line of intersection; to have right of way 100 3125 11 Overtaking another to pass to left 100 3125 8 To keep to right when 100 3125 7 To give fire apparatus right of way 36 876 4 Sand wagon must be tight 104 3125 45 Signal before starting or turning 58 2745 6 Speed limit in streets 101 3125 24 Speed over bridges limited 101 3125 23 Speed limited over crossings; careful driving; obedience to police 101 3125 19 Driving over Alameda bridge faster than walk, unlawful 95 1139 1 Time limit to leave standing in District No. 1. . .102 3125 25 Unlawful to delay street car 103 3125 34 To keep 4 feet from car not in motion 101 3125 22 Unlawful to disregard "street closed" sign 103 3125 33 Riding on rear end unlawful 103 3125 38 Not to remain backed up to curb 101 3125 16,17 Not to stand with left side to curb 101 3125 18 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 47 Vehicles (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. To stop near right curb; to be 20 feet from any crossing 101 3125 20 No person to be in charge of more than one; exception 104 3125 46 Using dangerous horse in District No. 2 unlaw- ful 103 3125 32 Street car to stop within 100 feet of fire ap- paratus 101 3125 14 -Driver to signal when stopping or turning 100 3125 9 Drippings of oil, etc., on streets unlawful 16 2988 1 Vehicle, passenger, for hire permit required to stand in District No. 1 104 3125 42 Vehicle, licensed issuance and register of license tags; display of license tags 155 2415 86 Vehicle, motor or bicycle warning signal to be given when 103 3125 39 Vehicle, freight Time limit to leave standing in District No. 1; not to be left standing unless loading, etc.. ..102 3125 31 To keep out of District No. 1; exception 102 3125 26 Vehicle, freight or transfer unlawful in parks ex- cept on certain roads 184 129 N.S. 14 Vehicle, garbage Require*! construction and covering of 226 1595 2 Unlawful in streets during certain hours 226 1595 1 Vehicles, motor must have brakes, gongs and lights 107 2136 2 Vehicles, public spitting on floor, unlawful 225 2246 1 Vehicles transporting oil, etc. must have drip pan. 104 3125 44 17 2316 1 Ventilation Amount of air required in each room of lodging house 213 684 1 Required, where food prepared 223 2961 7 Verification of claims and demands, providing for. 268 537 1 Vessels All entitled to berth at city wharves after proper application 178 1547 1 Rates of dockage at wharves, tolls and tolls per load 179 1547 2 Merchandise to be removed promptly from wharves; charge for more than 24 hours.... 181 1547 3% Leaving wharves without paying charges shall be blacklisted 181 1547 4 Causing damage to wharf must meet expense of repair 181 1547 7 Vessel, master or captain of unlawful to bring into city body of person dying from contagious disease , 216> 1360 1 Visiting bucket shop unlawful 134 164 N.S. 4 Visiting house of prostitution unlawful 127 1144 1,2 Visiting lottery house unlawful 122 1604 1 Voltage of wires limited in certain district 59 2966 1 Vulgar language unlawful to use when 132 1137 1 Vulgar pictures anct songs unlawful to make acces- sible to public 131 1987 1 Wager See "Bet" or "Gambling." Wagons See "Vehicles." Warehouse, conducting license fee for 155 2415 88 Warning signal to be given when by certain vehicles 103 3125 39 Warrants, discounting license fee for 150 2415 44 Waste matter none to be placed on any land or water in city 238 273 N.S. 7 Watchman employment of 256 322 N.S. 6 Water license fee for supplying 155 2415 91 48 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Water closet Page. Ord. No. Sec. Certain establishments shall provide for em- ployes 223 2961 6 Food may not be sold, prepared or stored in room with; exception 223 2961 5 If within 150 feet of sewer must be connected therewith; all to have trap for escape of gas; adequate supply of water required in 214 703 1 Water company to repair leaks in pipe in 24 hours after notice 79 1999 1 Watercourses obstructions to, unlawful without permit 23 240 N.S. 1 Waterfront ordiances in re 351,2 AVater mains regulating size of when supplying fire hydrant 298 2055 1 Water rates General rates 200 228 N.S. 1 Boarders, loggers, business offices, etc 201 228 N.S. 2,3 Water closets, bathtubs, swimming baths, etc. ..201 228 N.S. 4,5 Lawn sprinkling 201 228 N.S. 6 Miscellaneous uses 202 228 N.S'. 7 Premises where certain animals are kept 202 228 N.S. 8 Minimum flat rate 202 228 N.S. 9 For stores, banks, saloons, warehouses, etc., etc. 202 228 N.S. 10 For building purposes 203 228 N.S. 11 Meter rates 203 228 N.S. 12 For municipal uses 204 228 N.S. 13,14 Liability for water bill and when payable 204 228 N.S. 15 Rating, inspection and waste prevention 205 228 N.S. 16 Complaints, method of adjustment, etc 206 228 N.S. 17 Erection and repair of fire hydrants 206 228 N.S. 18 Charges for connections, etc.; notice of dis- connection 207 228 N.S. 19 Unlawful for unauthorized person to turn on water 208 228 N.S. 20 Schedule of rates is maximum which may be charged 208 228 N.S 21 Water, stagnant Unlawful to allow on property owned or under control 225 1346 1 Yard where animals are kept shall be free from. 2 13 1332 Weapon unlawful to give or sell to minor under 12 years 39 1143 1 Weapon, concealed unlawful to carry without per- mit 136 203 N.S. 1 Weeds Owners to keep sidewalk free from; city may remove and make cost of work lien on prop- erty 320 333 N.S. 1,2 See also "Seeds." Weeds and vegetation unlawful to allow to ob- struct sidewalk 19 1626 1 Weight of loads Limited on boulevard east of lake 62 1704 1 Limited on Harrison street boulevard 188 2477 2 Welfare commission appointment, organization, powers and employes of 263 328 N.S. 1,2,3,4 Wharfinger employment of 256 322 N.S. 6 Wharfinger, city duties of in re city wharves 179 1547 1 Wharves To be protected from rats, how 237 273 N.S. 1,2 License fee for conducting and collecting whar- fage 155 2415 87 178 1480 1 Owners to keep in repair 208 245 N.S. 1 Rates of dockage for shipping on; tolls and tolls per load 179 1547 2 Merchandise to be removed promptly from; charges for more than 24 hours 180 1547 3% INDEX TO ORDINANCES. 49 Wharves (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Vessels leaving without paying charges to be blacklisted 181 1547 4 Steam engines on to be equipped with spark catcher 181 1547 5 Rubbish, etc., to be removed when ordered by wharfinger 181 1547 6 Damage to, to be met how 181 1547 7 Wharves, city all vessels are entitled to berth at, after application 178 1547 1 Wheel guards street railroad cars must be equip- ped with certain type of 49 3157 1,2 Whistle, locomotive only to be blown when neces- . sary 27 3180 1 Whistle, policeman's when unlawful to blow 132 360 1 Width of sidewalks general ordinance fixing in cer- tain district 319 2107 1 Wires Shall be cut how and only after notice, when necessary in removing building 171 89 N.S. 9 Voltage limited in certain district 59 2966 1 Wires, electric Required protection of in re signs 192 160 N.S. 7 Unlawful to injure certain 186 280 N.S. 1 Wires, poles, etc., electric to be removed in certain districts after certain dates 90 2378 1,2, 3, 4, etc Wires, guard street railroads to construct certain type of over trolleys 51 253 N.S. 1 Wiring, electric Person in business to deposit guarantee bond; to register with electrical department 173 132 N.S. 1 Unlawful to do without certificate of registra- tion 173 132 N.S. 2 Right and duty of inspector to inspect and re- move when dangerous 173 132 N.S. 3 Unlawful to do without permit for work 174 132 N.S. 4 Inspection required when; unlawful to use without inspection; authority of inspector to order work removed; temporary permission to use uninspected work 175 132 N.S. 5 Inspection fees for, to be paid when and how; penalty for non-payment of inspection fees for 177 132 N.S. 7 Certain work to be completed before inspection. 177 132 N.S. 8 All work to be in conformity with rules of elec- trical department and national electrical code of 1911 177 132 N.S. 9 All questions to be decided by electrical dept. . .177 132 N.S. 10 Disposal of inspection fees from 177 132 N.S. 12 Unlawful to use building where electric work has not been inspected 177 132 N.S. 11 Wiring and permits, etc., electric fees for 175 132 N.S. 6 Wooden awnings unlawful over sidewalks in cer- tain district 62 2823 l Wooden buildings not to be moved within fire limits 30 1349 1 Wooden or frame building unlawful to move from place to place in fire limits except with per- mission of property owners in block, etc 30 307 N.S. 1 Wooden fence if abutting sidewalk, etc., height limited 35 2222 1 Woodyard, public Creation of 262 114 N.S. 1 Appointment of directors of 262 114 N.S. 2 50 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Woodyard, public (Cont'd.) Page. Ord. No. Sec. Vacancies in office of director and removal of director 263 114 N.S. 3 Election of president of directors of 263 114 N.S. 4 Employes of and rent of quarters 263 114 N.S. 5,6 "Y" branch necessary in connecting with certain sewers in street 87 2592 1 Yellow fever See "Contagious Disease." ffm