LB i? IP m i n THE HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETINS NUMBER II * SCALES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF ENGLISH COMPOSITIONS BY FRANK WASHINGTON BALLOU, PH.D. DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATIONAL INVESTIGATION AND MEASUREMENT, BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS CAMBRIDGE, MASS. PUBLISHED BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER, 1914 (b INTRODUCTION WHEN educational research in a city school system is carried on jointly by a department of education in a university and the school authorities of that city, it combines two purposes. The department of education engages in it to promote the scientific study of educational problems and to assist in their solution. Its purpose is larger than that of the school system in which the work is done. The city school system engages in such work chiefly to improve educational conditions and practices in that city. Such educational research as is undertaken, therefore, should be of mutual advantage and should combine both purposes. The method of carrying on such research should be coopera- tive. There should be combined and applied to the solution of such educational problems as are studied, the practical knowl- edge which teachers, principals and other school workers possess, and the educational insight and exact methods of investigation which the department of education has at its command. To be of the greatest value to the school system such work should be participated in by as large a number of teachers and school officers as can advantageously be used: and the work should never be allowed to become a burden to them. On the other hand, the work should be in charge of a responsible head con- nected with the department of education who should apply the available resources of the department to the study of problems in the school system. Properly qualified graduate students can participate with advantage and profit to the school system and to themselves. In the prosecution of their research, much purely clerical work is inevitable. This should not be done by the teachers or those in the department of education, but by competent clerks. This study was started and has been carried on in accordance with the foregoing principles. The study has been directed by 4 ; INf REDUCTION the Joseph Lee Fellow for Research in Education: it has been participated in by principals and teachers in Newton, and by properly qualified graduate students in the Division of Educa- tion, Harvard University. At all times, the work has had the careful supervision of members of the Division of Education, and of Superintendent F. E. Spaulding of Newton. At the close of a piece of cooperative research, the director always finds himself under many obligations. To those who have participated in this undertaking, and to those who have super- vised the carrying on of the work, the writer acknowledges his indebtedness, and wishes to express his sincere appreciation of their hearty and effective assistance. FRANK W. BALLOU. THE HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETINS NUMBER II SCALES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF ENGLISH COMPOSITIONS PURPOSE AND METHODS OF THIS STUDY WHAT THIS MONOGRAPH is AN experiment with the Hillegas Scale l showed that the use of such an objective measure did unify the grades given to composi- tions by teachers. It was also found, however, that the Hillegas Scale was not satisfactory to the teachers of Newton, owing to what seemed to them to be inherent faults. These faults may be stated briefly as follows: (i) the scale aims to measure too varied a product; (2) the compositions in it are not typical of good school work; (a) some are artificial, (b) others are " bookish," really reproductions, 2 and (c) no conversation is contained in any of them. Hence it was proposed to prepare another scale, or rather a series of scales, in such a way as to obviate these apparent defects. The following monograph is a report on the preparation of such a series of scales. These scales were prepared through the cooperation of the Joseph Lee Fellow for Research in Education, the eighth grade teachers and the elementary school principals in the public schools of Newton, assisted by the teachers of English 1 A Scale for the Measurement of Quality in English Composition by Young People M. B. Hillegas. In Teachers College Record, September, 1912. 2 As an experiment we prepared a scale for measuring compositions in repro- duction written by eighth grade pupils. After careful consideration of the matter at a teachers' meeting, it was agreed that such a scale ought not to be published. The reasons briefly stated are as follows: i. At best Reproduction is the least desirable form of composition. 2. Reproduction as a form of theme writing is too often characterized by a slavish repetition of words or of ideas. 3. The publication of a standard scale is likely to emphasize this undesirable practice. 5 6 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN in the high schools of Newton, and by teachers and principals in Arlington, Massachusetts, and Boston. The teachers and prin- cipals in Newton secured from their pupils the compositions used in the experiment, and they graded and ranked each set of com- positions. It was on the basis of their composite judgment that the compositions were selected for each scale. The teachers of English in the high schools of Newton assisted in denning the merits and defects of the compositions in the scales. The eighth grade teachers and elementary school principals in Arling- ton, and a committee of similar teachers and principals in Boston assisted in the experiment by testing the use of the description scale after it had been finally prepared. Although the scales were prepared primarily for use in the eighth grade in the Newton Schools, they are published in order that whatever worth they possess may be shared with teachers elsewhere. THE PURPOSE or THE STUDY The need of scales and similar standards as objective means of measurement in education, is speedily gaining recognition as the present insistent demand for educational efficiency increases. The successful measurement of educational efficiency depends on the establishment of standards of measurement in all depart- ments of school work. The need of standards by which to meas- ure the class-room work of pupils has been shown by every investigator who has examined the present methods of rating or grading school work. 1 Every such investigation has shown start- ling variations in the grades given the same piece of work by different teachers. Inasmuch as the piece of work graded is a constant factor, the variation must be in the teachers who do the grading. The variation may be due to the lack of a uniform or common standard of judgment, or to the varying degrees of 1 For example, see Starch and Elliott, " Reliability of the Grading of High School Work in English," School Review, Vol. 20, pp. 442-457. Also " Reliability of Grading Work in Mathematics," ibid., Vol. 21, pp. 254-259. Also " Reliability of Grading Work in History," ibid., Vol. 21, pp. 676-681. Also Jacoby, " Notes on the Marking System in the Astronomical Course in Columbia University, 1909-10," Science, Vol. 31, p. 819. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 7 accuracy with which teachers apply a common standard. In view of the fact that the progress of the student throughout his whole educational career is contingent on his having earned acceptable grades from each successive teacher, it is clear that the importance of accurate measurements of his intellectual attainments cannot be over-emphasized. It is to create an objective standard for the measurement of one of these intellectual attainments, namely, the writing of English, that the preparation of this series of scales is undertaken. By the wise use of such standards it is hoped that teachers may come to agree more uniformly in their judgments of the value of an English composition written by an eighth grade pupil. It may be reasonably doubted whether it will ever be possible for educators to measure the results of school training as accurately as laymen measure temperature with a thermometer, or a board with a square, or a piece of carpeting with a yard stick. Never- theless, objective standards should serve as a basis for the exercise of the subjective judgment, and until objective standards of measurement are established in the realm of educational practice educational progress will be determined as heretofore, by mere opinion, and hence cannot be based on scientifically determined educational facts. PRINCIPLES ON WHICH THE PREPARATION AND USE OF A SCALE SHOULD BE BASED From the attempted but only partially successful use of the Hillegas Scale, it seemed that to be successfully used a scale for measuring compositions must be formed and applied according to the following general principles. i. A scale should not aim to measure too complex a product. To attempt to measure the several forms or types of English com- position by one and the same scale is like trying to measure heat, light and color by the same instrument. To measure success- fully the common but different forms of English composition written by any given group of pupils we need as many different scales as there are different forms of compositions. This study 8 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN includes the preparation of scales for measuring description, exposition, argument, and narration. 2. A scale should be made up of compositions having the same characteristics as those which the scale is intended to measure. The qualities of a composition of a freshman in college are dif- ferent from those of an eighth grade pupil although each student may have written on the same subject, and although further each composition may merit the same grade. Hence, each scale in this study is made up of compositions actually written by eighth grade pupils and is intended to be used in judging the quality of compositions of eighth grade pupils. It is possible and indeed probable, that these scales may prove almost equally serviceable in the seventh grade and in the first year high school. 3. A scale should conform, as far as practicable, to the present almost universal practice of rating school work either by the use of letters or of numerical grades. There seems to be little, if any, practical need of a scale for the eighth grade which shall measure any work which is much below 40%. Hence, each of the follow- ing scales contains six specimens or samples, of English composi- tion graded A, B, C, D, E, and F, and representing in general l the grades, 95%, 85%, 75%, 65%, 55%, and 45%, respectively. 4. The readers on whose combined judgments the selections of the scale is based should be those persons most familiar with the qualities of the compositions to be measured by the scale. This is essential because the scale must find acceptance among those who use it. Accordingly, the scales here presented were selected on the basis of the combined judgments of eighth grade teachers and such others as supervise, and hence are familiar with, eighth grade work in English composition. A scale which has been ever so scientifically prepared, but which does not carry conviction of the possibility of its usefulness is worthless as a practical instru- ment in the hands of the teacher. The piling up of numerous 1 " In general," because each composition in the scale is expected to form the standard for measuring all compositions which fall within the limits of that ten per cent of which the composition in the scale forms the center. For example, the " A " grade composition is to be the standard for measuring all compositions which vary in quality from 90% to 100%. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 9 judgments, of the contents of which nothing is definitely known, does not appear to be a proper basis for selecting a scale. 5. The compositions of a scale must be analyzed as to merits and defects, else there is not only no guarantee, but little prob- ability, that the users of the scale will interpret the qualities of those compositions any better than they now interpret the qualities of compositions without the use of any objective scale. Even though two individuals may have given a composition the same grade, say 80%, there is no certainty that they judged the composition on the same qualities. In fact, it is altogether prob- able that they did not grade it on the same elements or qualities, and the giving of the same grade to it does not, by any means, indicate uniformity of judgment. Hence, merit must be defined, or the scale remains to most would-be users merely a series of compositions like any others. This definition we have tried to make. The same teachers who marked the compositions have defined those qualities of merit and defect which prompted their ratings. The definition of the qualities of merit and defect have been attached to each composition in each scale. By this means each teacher who uses the scale will know what the readers con- sidered the merits and defects of each composition. Without such a definition of qualities, there is no certainty that the user of the scale will see in each composition the same merits and defects that the reader saw. Unless the user does recognize the same merits and defects, there is little or no advantage in his comparing a set of compositions to be graded with those of the scale : he might as well compare them with one another. 6. Teachers must accept a scale as a standard, in the same sense that they accept other standards. If one judges that a piece of string is a foot long, and on measuring it with a tape measure finds it is only ten inches, he accepts the correction of his own subjective judgment as indicated by the standard tape meas- ure. So it should be in measuring compositions. If a scale is to become a real standard, it must be accepted as such and used in the true sense of a standard. Each composition in the scales which have been prepared has been selected on the basis of the io HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN combined judgment of a group of well-qualified readers. The assumption is that the combined judgment of a group is more reliable than the single judgment of any member of the group. When a composition is to be graded it is compared with the scale, and if it is about like the 75% composition of the scale, that should be the grade for the composition. Unless this is the case, the scale cannot be called a standard of measurement. To summarize: we have prepared a series of four scales with which to measure respectively the four forms of composition- writing of eighth grade pupils, namely, description, exposition, argument, and narration. Each scale is made up of compositions having the same characteristics as those which the scale is in- tended to measure. The compositions in the scale were selected on the basis of grades given by teachers and other school people familiar with what eighth grade compositions ought to be. The compositions in the scale range approximately by regular degrees of quality from the very best which pupils of the eighth grade can write to one about as poor as ought to be found in eighth grade work. The compositions are defined as to merits and defects by the same teachers who rated them, and who are to use them. Although a scale made on this basis seems to promise much beyond what has been thus far attempted, nevertheless, its real worth will have to be determined in practical use in the school- room. SECURING THE COMPOSITIONS FOR THE EXPERIMENT (a) Obtaining the Compositions from Pupils The compositions used in this study were written by eighth grade pupils in the schools of Newton, Massachusetts, as a part of their regular school work. Several topics in description, exposition, argument, and narration familiar to the pupils, were suggested by the teachers or proposed by the pupils, and each pupil chose his subject. Pupils were asked to write a com- position " about a page in length, not over two pages." They were allowed opportunity within school time, up to one hour, for self-preparation for the writing, and another hour for self-correc- HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN n tion of their productions, in order that each composition written might be the best unaided writing of which each pupil was ca- pable. By obtaining compositions written by pupils as regular school exercises compositions were secured which are characteris- tic of the work of eighth grade pupils in this school system. In order to secure compositions representing the range of quality characteristic of the work of eighth grade pupils, and at the same time make as little unnecessary work as possible for the teachers and the pupils, a selection of compositions was made in the following manner. The eleven schools were grouped into five groups having approximately the same number of eighth grade pupils in each group. The first and fifth groups consisted of one school each, the second, third and fourth of three schools each. Each of these five groups secured from its pupils and furnished for this study, specimens of a given type of composition: for example, group one furnished narrations, group two, argu- ments, and so forth. Each school furnished samples to the number of 25% of its entire enrollment in the eighth grade. Each class teacher was asked to select that 25% of the composi- tions which represented progressively all degrees of ability, including the best and the poorest. After the compositions had thus been selected by each class teacher, they were numerically graded by the eighth grade teachers l in the school and the prin- cipal independently. In order to increase the chances of getting compositions of suffi- ciently superior quality to merit the highest grade, namely "A" or 95%, each of the eleven schools in which there were eighth grade pupils, sent in from one to three of its " best " compositions in all forms of writing as judged by the eighth grade teacher or by teachers and the principal. This study has to do then with the " best " compositions written by pupils in the eighth grade in all the schools of Newton, as selected by the teachers and principals, and a selection of 1 In two cases the eighth grade teacher taught seventh grade: in one case, where there was only one eighth grade teacher, the seventh grade teacher was included in this preliminary grading. 12 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN compositions made by the teachers from all the compositions written by all the eighth grade pupils, in a school or groups of schools, such selection including at least 25 % of all compositions and also made with a view of securing compositions representing all degrees of quality. The number of " bests " sent in each of the series averaged one for each school, and the number of others ranged from twenty- two to twenty-six samples. Twenty-five samples in each series seemed a sufficient number to be read and graded by teachers as a basis for selecting a scale of six compositions representing the grades A, B, C, D, E, and F. From the teachers' selections of from thirty to forty compositions, it became necessary to select the twenty-five to make up the set to be read. The basis for this selection was the preliminary grades given each composi- tion by the teachers and the principals, together with the judg- ment of the director of the experiment. The director's judgment was based on a careful reading of each composition, on a compar- ison of the ratings given the compositions by the different readers, and the general fitness of each composition for a place in the scale. Some compositions were obviously unfit for use in a scale : for example, they were too long or too short: of course such were rejected. On the above mentioned basis those compositions were selected for final readings by teachers which would best serve the purpose of the study, and which were typical of the grades, A, B, etc., which were to be the basis of the scale. The twenty-five compositions which finally made up the set from which a scale was to be selected usually included about ten " bests " and fifteen others, or three samples each of the representative grades below 95 %. (b) Preparing Compositions for the Readers To prepare the compositions for readers, each composition was reproduced in typewritten and mimeographed form exactly as it had been written by the pupil. Extreme care was exercised to reproduce each error of whatever kind, and to retain all the HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 13 qualities or characteristics of the original composition. 1 At the head of each composition as it was written by the pupil were, the name, the age in years and months, and the school grade of the pupil, together with the name of the school and the date. When the compositions were mimeographed, each one was given a number and all the above marks of identification were omitted. By removing all marks of identification, each composition stood before each reader on exactly the same basis, and the chances were increased that it would be judged according to its inherent and intrinsic worth. (c) Instructions to Readers After the twenty-five compositions of each type had been thus prepared, one set was sent to each of the fourteen eighth grade teachers, and to each of ten elementary school principals. Instructions were given that each reader was to grade the compositions wholly independently. Here are the instructions for grading the compositions : In rating it is suggested that the following procedure be uniformly adopted : (a) Arrange the themes in a series in the order of their merit. (b) To the theme considered to be the best give the arbitrary rating of 95%- (c) Rate each of the remaining themes with reference to this standard, giving it a percentage value and entering the same on the sheet provided, both under " No. of Theme ", and " Choice of Theme ". It should be borne in mind that these samples are eventually to serve as standards for eighth grade themes: it is important, therefore, in rating that all other considerations be set aside and that an " F ", for example, be a reasonable eighth grade " F ", etc. Fixing the grade of the best composition at 95 % needs explana- tion. It was the feeling of those who organized this study that 95 % rather than 100 % might fairly represent the highest achieve- ment of any eighth grade pupil in writing a composition. Fur- ther, it also seemed desirable that each reader should start from the same numerical starting point in arranging the compositions. 1 Obviously, such qualities as neatness, legibility of handwriting, etc., were eliminated. 14 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN By asking each reader to give 95 % to the best composition, this desirable end would be secured. No lower limit was fixed, but the Newton readers knew that compositions worth much less than about 40 % were not to be furnished by schools for the experiment. This tended to fix the lower limits of the grading around 40%. That it only tended to do so, and did not absolutely do so, is indicated by the fact that compositions were graded as low as 20%. It was not the original intention to fix any other lower limit than the usual zero. The following is the form of rating sheet: Ratings of Themes in Description For convenience in handling the ratings, readers are asked to enter their results in two columns: first, under the serial number of the theme give the rating, and second, under the order of choice give both number and rating, thus: (i) 85% and (i) 18-95%. Number of Theme Choice of Theme i 2 3 Etc. Etc. THE DESCRIPTION SCALE THE COMPOSITIONS USED Following is the set of twenty-five compositions in description used in this experiment: they were sent to the readers in this form. i BELFAST, MAINE The little town of Belfast is situated on the Penobscot Bay in Maine. Wishing to see all we can of this place and its surround- ings we will climb to the belfrey of the Methodist Church. Our eyes fall first on the water which sparkles clear and blue on a summer's day. The shore, where children love to play is not a white sandy beach, but one of rocks and ledges. Then we slowly turn our eyes to the town itself. They rest upon the churches, the post office a square red brick building, the HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 15 lumber mill and the shoe factory. Farther along we notice the steamboat wharf with one of the Boston boats just landing; and way over the other end of the town is a Sardine factory. Off in the distance stretch the green fields and blue hills. This surely is an ideal place to spend a summer vacation. 2 THE POLEPHEMUS CATERPILLAR There are three different kinds of Polephemus caterpillars, the one that I am going to describe is the largest. When he is at rest he measures three inches long, and three quarters of an inch in diameter. His color is green, and he has seven yellew bands up and down the side. At a distance he looks like a leaf. There is another line on the underside which runs from his head to his tail. There are silver spots on these lines which sparkle in the sun. He has the largest head of all the caterpillars it is about the size of a persons little finger nail. He has two pairs of powerful jaws, with which, if he is disturbed he will make a little click, like that of a watch. Every time he does this he makes gestures with his ugly head which makes him look quite fierce. His neck is something like some kodaks he can reach way forward and then close up again. He has four pairs of prolegs which are very powerful. There are three pairs of true or butterfly legs or the legs near his head. His eyes are in two groups each group containing five eyes at the bottom of his head they are very strong for an insect. With them he can see seven or eight inches ahead of him. Its feet have little have little hairs on them which enable him to get a strong grip on a leaf or twig. All of this description I have got my-self by studying them. 3 THE BOY'S CLUB In the town of Auburndale part of Newton is where club is situated to get there from the square you walk up Auburn Street till you get to the third street on the right this is Woodbine Ter- 16 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN race. Our club is in the second hous up in the garret it is a new room and in comparitivly good condition as you enter you see a book-case & a chair on the walls ther are rows of picturs in the back of the room there is a window and a cot on the right side there is a graphaphone and a box of records. 4 THE LIGHTHOUSE Twilight was falling as I strolled along the broad, sandy beach, now and then stumbling over a projecting rock. Nothing was to be heard but the dull booming of the breakers on the over-hanging rocks and low beach, and the sad call of the gulls in their flight home-ward. Something in the atmosphere told me a storm was brewing. A fog was gathering. The rocks grew more rough and jagged as I advanced, and a tall, gray lighthouse loomed up in front of me, high above the rest of the scenery. Its great revolving light cast a warning ray across the angry water. In the rear of this tall lighthouse rose a forest of pines, such as are found all along the Maine coast. Down the beach a little way was moored a large row-boat. On the right lay a little cove, like a haven to many a weary sailor. As the fog grew heavier the lighthouse looked like a great guardian angel warning the sailors that dangerous rocks would wreck their vessels if they came too near. 5 A LIGHTHOUSE Right near my house there is a very high sort of a cliff. On the top of the cliff sets this very large lighthouse, it is mad of bricks which are painted white. It is a very high and wide one com- pared with most of the lighthouse. A little way down the side cliff they have made some kind of a construction to blow the fog- horn. On the top of this little building there is a very large bell which they use for different things. In back of the light there is HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 17 quite a good sized house which is a part of the lighthouse. In this house the keeper of the light lives and his family. 6 AN EXCITING FIRE " Fire! fire! " was the cry. Everybody was hustling and bustling about a peaceful country town. Fires were a very uncommon thing in that vicinity and the people were greatly aroused. Then in the distance the faint sounds of the engines were heard. Louder and louder it grew until at last the engines were seen. The people ran and the boys jumped on their bycicles for they wanted to see the fire before it was out. The crowd were gather- ing about a hay and grain barn. Then as the fire engines sped around the corner the great hose was hitched to the hydrant. The firemen worked hard and in a few minutes the hose was pouring forth all its contents on the blazing barn. 7 A CHRISTMAS MORNING It was nine o'clock Christmas morning when a family of three children and their parents were entering the room where the Christmas tree stood. When they entered there were many shouts and excited faces. The tree was a tall one which reached to the ceiling it was covered with many glittering ornaments. Underneath the tree were all of the presents which were to be opened one at a time by the merry group. There were many games played. After this they all went into the dining room, where the good smell of turkey and plum pudding existed. 8 THE WOODS IN WINTER The tiny pool, shaded in summer by thriving young birches, was now a crystal mirror. The rays of the morning sun gleamed i8 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN through the bushes, which sparkled like millions of diamonds. Their crust of ice had been formed in the night, and at dawn, the sun rose over a glistening world, for every twig and limb shone in a coat of ice or snow. The pines, in the wood, were robed in white, and dazzled in their glittering garments. All nature gleamed in transparent whiteness, for the earth was one sparkling gem. 9 THE APPROACHING TRAIN It was quiet dark when the people were around the depot waiting for the next train to come. It was a cold and windy night for the people, the hackmen ran around and did everything to keep warm. They were about thirty-five men, and about fifteen women, and a few boys. These people were all waiting for a train to go home. It was a cold night for the boys and they played tag to get warm. The men and boys that came to the depot to get the papers and bundles had to hurry home, because of the cold weather, just about five minutes later, I heard the whistle. The bell in the depot began to ring, and I saw the saw the train just taking the curve, when it reached to the depot, all the people were glad to get in and get warm, and the baggage-master gave the signal to start, and the train started off. 10 A STORM IN A FISHING VILLAGE It was a cold damp day in November. The sky was a heavy leaden color. In the east a black line stretched across it fore- telling the coming of a storm. The houses across the way were dismal shadows, flat, cold, heartless. A piercing chill pene- trated to the bone. The rattle of a grocer's cart or the clatter of a horse's hoofs seemed cold. The pedestrians were all clothed in black, or else the feeble light made them seem so, and they were HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 19 cold everything was cold, cold, cold. An awful lonliness pervaded all. The black line in the east had grown into a cloud and was coming nearer, nearer, over the sea. Suddenly a gust of wind shook the very foundations of the houses, another, and then a continuous blowing. The howling was horrible. Great sheets of foam were blown into the streets, here and there a piece of wreckage hurled itself against a cottage. Fishermen's wives hurried down the narrow streets to the shore, straining their eyes for any sign of a wreck. Old seamen looked at the roaring sea and shook their heads. By this time the black cloud had engulfed the sky. The day was like night, although it was not yet noon. Boys ran about with torches which were immediately extinguished, and the roaring called to mind the last day at Pompeii. Rain had begun to descend. At first only drops fell on the hardened faces of old mariners, and on the pale countenances of wives, mingling with the drops already there. But soon great sheets fell, forcing the people indoors, to the poor shelter afforded by the groaning houses. For about an hour the storm continued thus, then by degrees the wind lessened, though the rain still fell, and the ocean thun- dered. But soon the rain also slowly stopped and the roaring ceased. The black cloud rolled slowly away, leaving the tardy sun to shine on the drenched town and the great piles of wreckage on the shore. ii MY FAVORITE PET My favorite pet is a horse which I am very familiar with. He is a very large horse with a large chest. It is very old and his color is gray and white but mostly white. Its teeth are very sharp and big. His main is cut short and rounds at the top. His neck is long and very broud. He has little black spots around his neck from wearing a big collar. When you fool with him he would try to bite you. 20 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN His tail is long and white which some parts are gray. Its hoof is very hard and if you hit it with a hammar you could not hert him. Its legs are of a dapple gray. Around which the shoe goes. Its mouth it is very black. By his hoof there is a black spot where he was cut by a barb wire. He has a very small hoof and his heir is very long at the hoof. 12 A COUNTRY VILLAGE There is a very old village called East Foxboro. Just as you get of the train the first thing you see is a quiet little village with railway tracks running through the centre, on one side is a large depot as large a city depot. Just beside that is a small store and post-office all in one. Joined on to that is a barn. On the other side is a freight-house with running to it. In back of that is a dry-good, newspaper, candy, tonic, and postcard store. Not far from that is a pump and wooden box in which the water falls for horses. Nearby is a shed in which gasoline, oil and kerosene is sold. Just across the well worn road is a signal station which is largely used but very old. 13 GRANDMOTHER In front of the open fire place in a large armchair there sits our old Granny. She is old and feeble. Her hair is snow-white and over her head a little white cap is carefully tied. Her face is full of wrinkles and her keen blue eyes sparkle through a pair of glasses which she has on her nose. She has a shawl thrown over her shoulders and she also wears a thick black skirt. On her feet can be seen a pair of soft slippers which she prizes very much because they were given her for a Christmas present. As you know Grannies always like to be busy our Granny is busy knitting gloves. Her hands go to and fro. She will keep on working until her knitting is done. Now that it is done she carefully folds her work and packs it into her work-basket. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 21 Then she trots upstairs to bed and oh, how lonesome it is when our dear Granny is gone from the room. 14 THE DISCRIPTION OF A PLACE IN MAINE As we stand in the door of the log cabin and directly across a lake which is about fifty yards away from the front of the log cabin we see some of the woods of Maine, and as we look a little to the left of the lake Squaw mountain may be seen. On clear days the top of the mountain can be seen and sometimes the Old Squaw's face can be seen (it is of stone). On rainy days only the outline of the lake can be seen, and sometimes it is so very foggy that the lake can hardly be seen from the door of the of the cabin. Sometimes a deer can be seen very early in the morning. THE VIEW FROM MX. WASHINGTON The clouds parted, and, far below us, the country was bathed ) in sunshine. Everything was very small. The Mt. Washington hotel looked like a cottage, though it was the largest building for miles around. Here and there, small farm houses dotted the landscape. Occasionally a river, or stream, wound its way, like a blue thread, through the green meadows. In the meadows nearest us, small black specks could be seen. With the aid of field glasses, the specks proved to be horses and cows. The roads looked like yellow threads, along which, black specks moved. Looking from the other side of the mountain, the railroad which came up the mountain, could be followed. Other mountain tops surrounded us on all sides. There was one valley, that was so completely surrounded by mountains, that there seemed no way to leave it. The whole country was clothed in green, while the sky was blue, with fleecy clouds floating lazily across it. Clouds of smoke, showed here and there against the green hills. Sud- denly the clouds came to-gether, and, we saw no more. 22 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 16 A PICTURE On the wall in the front of the schoolroom hangs a large picture, with a frame of dark wood. The name, I am not sure of. In the background is a dense forest with an opening at the left hand corner, where, far away in the distance, can be seen the beautiful tinted sky. The ground is covered with snow, and in the foreground a few trees and boulders are scattered here and there. The centre of attraction is the number of Puritan people walk- ing in the opening. Some men carry guns in defense from the Indians. Many small children are by their mother's side, and most all carry a Bible. The men are dressed in brown doublets, wearing short, knee length trousers, with leggings and brown leather boots, stiff white collars and cuffs, gray hats, with high crowns and wide brims, carrying guns across their shoulders. The women wears capes with attached hoods, some green, white and yellow. Some wear the black bonnets with a white band on the edge. In the right hand corner more men are coming along. From this description I should name this characteristic picture, " Puritans on their way to church." 17 FLANDERS LAKE There! see ? the blue lake just at the end of the path, and there 's the big ledge on which there are so many comfortable nicks and crannies to sit in. Way across this lake is Sckoodic, grand old mountain, with the little camps scattered about at it's feet. Come, let 's sit down and rest. Here and there rocky points jut out into the lake terminating in massive boulders. Between these points are beautiful stretches of coarse sand that glisten like so many jewels and particles of gold and silver in the sun. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 23 Groves of young birches growing close to the water's edge are dotted here and there with small pines and spruce. Back of these birches is a veritable forest of pines, spruce, balsam, and other varieties of evergreen which rend the air fragrant with their soothing odor. But see, it is getting dark and we had better start our walk home through these fragrant woods for even the busy king-fisher has stopped his rattle. 18 AN OLD-FASHIONED FARMHOUSE On a dusty country road in Concord, which is not far from here, there stands an old-fashioned farmhouse. The roof slopes down to the porch over which a honeysuckle vine grows. The clap- boards are stained and weatherbeaten. The windows are small and have small panes in them. On them are queer, old- fashioned shutters. At one side of the house there is an old-fashioned barn which appears to be large and airy but is much in need of repair. Some of the windows are broken and are filled with hay, and the doors after many years of hard service are partly off their hinges. The once gilded weather-cock has changed its gilt to rust. When one thinks of the house and barn to-gether it reminds them of the comforts of the old days. A SILENT STRANGER All is still on the lake ? Oh no! A fish leaps out of the dark water his scales glissning in the moonlight. All is still in the forest behind ? No! A rabbit jumps out of the ferns on the bank, stares a moment, then leaps into the bushes. Ah! What is that so silent in the shade over there ? A tall youth clad in buckskin with fringe on his shirt and leggings, a buff alow horn on one side and a buckskin pouch on the other held on by a leatheron thongs over his broad shoulders, broader than eny I had ever seen before, a skilfully decorated sheath in which 24 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN was a sharp knife fastened to a buckskin band around his waist. Held carelessly in his arms was a long-barroled rifle. He was sturdy, strong and fearless, deeply tanned, with black eyes so sharp that they could pearce the darkness of the forest. I looked away for a moment. When my gaze was again directed on the spot where I had seen the silent stranger he dis- sipeared. Heavy as he was not a twig snaped or a leaf rustle beneath his feet. About fifteen munites after when I was looking along the shore I saw a canoe glide silently out on the lake headed for the other shore. In that canoe was the silent stranger who had so mysteri- ously disiapeared. Not a sound came from his paddle as the canoe sped swiftly along. 20 AN OLD SCHOOL HOUSE It was a low studied old School-house, which stood on the country road between Wissing and Eustace, New York. Win- dowless and partially roofless it stood, as though it had nary a friend with the exception of the cold winter air, as it leaped boldly through the bare cracks in the side of the structure. The door, which was nearly hidden from view, was swinging solemnly back and forth on two rusty hinges. Really it was only one, as the other was merely a piece of worn-out iron, which dangled loosely in the draft of the swaying door. The old wooden desks could no more be called varnished, as the dust, and the numerous inks tains on them, hid all signs of it from observation. Yet, by the various initials which were carved on the wood-work, it was very evident that at one time it was not forsaken. The old clock on the wall was motionless, and the hands which had once explained the time, no longer looked like hands, but like little ink spots across the forlorn face. Then there were the black- boards, covered with pictures of every description, with the scribbled signatures of teachers, written rudely under them. The old text books with no covers lay stranded on the wornout floor, and the stove, which once had been used for warmth, stood HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 25 idely on top of the old rug which had, long years ago, served for a carpet. Such was the appearance of the first country schoolhouse I ever was in. 21 A MANSION As you look across the road you will first see a long private avenue or walk. It is in the summer, and on each side of this long walk are some beautiful, stately elms. They are hundreds of years old and they have done their duty for as many years, shading the walk from the noon sun. Cross the road and you will see if you look up the avenue, a beautiful mansion. It is a colonial house and four large pillars are upholding the roof. A piazza runs along three sides of the house. Near the house is a tennis court where for years the occupants of the mansion have passed many an hour. Let us enter the mansion. It is a beautiful cool place, although dark. As we enter we see large psalms on each side of the entrance. On the floors are old oriental rugs which have been handed down -for generations. In the parlor is a harp, and on the walls are the portraits of the ancestors. In all, it is a beautiful place. 22 THE LAKE AT SUNRISE In the Mountains of Pennsylvania there is a little lake. On one side of the lake is a boat landing, at which a dozen or more boats are tied up. On this boat landing one may stand and look up the lake, at sunrise, and see the sun peeping up over the top of the mountains and shinning on the water. Than a King Fisher flies down the lake making his cheerful noise, instantly, all the other birds begin to chirp as if their life depended on it. Looking across the lake one would see numerous wells and coves backed up by woods from which comes the chirp of the 26 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN birds. Hearing the explosions of cylinders we look to see where in comes from and find a pumphouse that keeps the lake supplied with water. Looking down the lake over the dam to the ice house with the roof sparkling with. On the roof of the house a hawk is sitting adding his clear whistles to noise of other birds. Looking around to the woods, at our back, with an old oil well in front of them. The birds flying from the woods in flocks, and far away from the hills comes the sound of the of Italians singing. 23 A LIGHT HOUSE A description of a light house is quite interesting. First a light house is generally situated on a mass of rocks in the ocean or on some great lake. And then to get into a light house is a question. Some times you have to climb to the top on a steal ladder, and again you only have to go half way up and you find sort of a steal porch which is very strong with a door in the side of the light house. On the very top of the light there is generally two or three life boats in case of accident. In side there is ah enormous light which flashes every two minutes and some- times more often it depends holy on the weather. The man himself has very favorable sleeping quarter and food it is a very lonely life except when you have a man with you. Sometimes they play cards all day long until it is time to fix the lights and then they are very busy. 24 A SMASH-UP It was early one morning last spring, when an auto belonging to Harry Atwood coming from New York, run into a car at Auburn St. The auto was going at a good rate when it struck the car. When the auto struck the car it made a hole in the side of the car. His auto was a red one and on each side it had his name in black letters Harry Atwood. The lights were broken and the HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 27 mud guard were too. The front of the auto was jamed. It was a auto that would seat four people. With a cover to keep the rain out. There was marks where they had pushed the auto off the track. That afternoon it was carried away. 25 A SCENE ON THE PRAIRIE Along a large plain in the west w^th mountains on all sides. The sun was just sinking behind the mountains. Some trappers were on the plain just about to get their supper. They had one tend because there was just three of them. Beside their tent tripled a little spring. After the three trappers had eating there supper they sat down by the fire because it had growing dark. All of a sudden a bunch of Indain's came riding up. When they came near they fired of their guns and disappered in the darkness and the trappers turned into camp leaving one a the trappers on gaurd. 28 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN THE TABULATION OF RESULTS OF READINGS (a) THE GRADE BASIS When the readers made their reports showing the grades which they had given each composition these grades were summarized in the following table. Table I shows the grade that each of the twenty-four readers gave each of the twenty-five compositions in description. TABLE I Number of the Composition / 23 4 s ^ 7 8 g 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 75 80 40 90 50 77 65 83 48 95 50 55 86 45 88 70 76 73 78 85 76 47 45 30 20 72 75 42 75 60 63 53 90 55 95 47 62 82 58 92 85 75 70 68 80 75 65 57 52 45 83 64 50 87 52 65 '55 79 60 95 40 45 85 78 91 75 89 72 71 92 54 70 59 44 48 82 90 30 90 60 80 70 92 45 95 45 60 88 40 92 92 90 80 82 78 75 75 45 42 40 90 88 50 91 73 80 73 95 7o 95 55 75 85 70 93 80 85 90 75 88 75 65 58 60 45 75 85 45 85 55 75 60 70 75 90 65 65 95 45 85 85 85 80 90 80 80 65 65 45 55 83 78 40 63 60 75 75 80 59 95 50 60 75 52 90 80 82 79 78 85 78 73 58 61 52 73 80 45 85 60 60 55 90 60 95 50 60 85 50 90 80 70 75 70 80 80 60 65 50 55 83 85 40 70 50 55 65 60 50 95 40 60 75 40 90 70 63 73 92 87 80 77 60 40 40 85 80 40 75 65 50 60 70 50 95 40 60 75 55 90 70 70 75 90 90 78 75 60 45 40 83 84 50 90 68 80 70 93 65 95 58 73 87 65 83 77 81 87 78 85 80 75 65 60 50 80 70 45 85 65 65 58 88 45 95 50 6 90 60 93 68 78 80 75 85 70 53 45 55 45 83 82 40 94 78 88 80 84 68 95 50 75 90 65 93 91 92 87 81 85 89 86 74 73 45 95 88 50 85 70 78 70 95 60 95 50 65 80 75 90 80 88 90 85 88 80 70 55 58 45 92 85 45 86 58 76 74 92 60 95 45 70 85 58 86 69 83 74 78 70 73 7i 45 55 45 90 78 40 88 58 50 72 52 40 95 46 42 71 40 92 75 72 60 80 73 74 65 45 42 42 90 82 40 83 58 64 60 78 63 95 55 45 93 65 94 70 80 75 84 85 85 68 50 50 40 76 74 43 90 60 70 66 86 58 95 45 53 79 63 93 91 87 84 80 72 82 50 56 46 40 92 89 45 93 70 75 47 93 60 95 57 67 92 48 83 86 88 78 85 85 78 71 65 52 62 68 70 40 75 58 62 65 70 52 95 48 55 85 50 88 72 72 74 90 80 66 65 60 45 42 82 80 45 79 75 72 40 93 65 91 60 68 89 50 95 85 80 88 60 90 80 77 55 40 48 74 72 40 86 60 68 60 80 52 95 45 60 75 60 80 73 85 75 78 84 73 63 60 50 50 78 82 39 84 55 63 62 93 45 95 49 6l 82 55 89 80 93 73 80 78 71 62 40 38 44 83 79 40 93 53 69 70 70 42 95 49 42 80 45 90 73 80 66 83 79 75 So 42 42 40 This table shows that reader No. i gave composition No. i, 75 %: composition No. 2, 80%: composition No. 3, 40%, and so on. By following the vertical column of figures under any given com- position (e. g. No. i) one can see the variety of grades given that 1 For obvious reasons, each reader was given a number. This number the reader retained throughout this investigation. A reader may find out what his number was by addressing the author of this monograph. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 29 composition. To facilitate such an observation, the following table has been prepared. Table II shows the grades given each composition in descrip- tion arranged in a descending order without designating the readers who gave them. TABLE n Number of the Composition i a 34 5 6 7 8 Q 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IQ 20 21 22 23 24 2$ 95 oo 50 94 78 88 80 95 75 95 65 75 95 ?6 95 92 93 9O 92 92 89 86 74 73 62 92 89 50 93 75 80 75 95 7o 95 60 75 93 75 94 9* 92 90 90 90 85 77 65 61 55 92 88 50 93 73 80 74 93 68 95 58 73 92 70 93 91 90 88 90 90 82 77 65 60 55 9o 88 50 91 70 80 73 93 65 95 57 70 90 65 93 86 89 87 90 88 80 75 65 60 52 90 85 45 90 70 78 72 93 65 95 55 68 90 65 93 85 88 87 85 88 80 75 65 58 50 90 85 45 90 68 77 70 93 63 95 55 67 89 65 93 85 88 84 85 87 80 75 60 55 SO 85 85 45 90 65 76 70 92 60 95 50 65 88 63 02 85 87 80 84 85 80 73 60 55 48 83 84 45 90 60 75 70 92 60 95 50 65 87 60 92 80 85 80 83 85 80 71 60 52 48 83 82 45 88 60 75 70 90 60 95 50 62 86 60 92 80 85 80 82 85 80 71 60 52 45 83 82 45 87 60 75 66 90 60 95 50 61 85 58 91 80 85 79 81 85 78 70 59 50 45 83 82 43 86 60 72 65 88 60 95 50 60 85 58 90 80 83 78 80 85 78 70 58 50 45 83 80 42 86 60 70 65 86 59 95 50 60 85 55 90 80 82 75 80 85 78 68 58 50 45 83 80 40 85 60 69 65 84 58 95 49 60 85 55 90 77 81 75 80 85 76 65 57 46 45 82 80 40 85 60 68 62 83 55 95 49 60 85 52 90 75 80 75 78 84 75 65 56 45 45 82 80 40 85 58 68 60 80 52 95 48 60 82 50 90 75 80 75 78 80 75 65 55 45 44 80 79 40 85 58 65 60 80 52 95 47 60 82 50 90 73 80 74 ?8 80 75 65 55 45 42 78 78 40 84 58 65 60 79 50 95 46 60 80 50 89 73 78 74 ?8 80 75 65 50 44 42 76 78 40 83 58 64 60 78 50 95 45 55 80 48 88 72 76 73 78 80 74 63 45 42 40 75 75 40 79 55 63 58 70 48 95 45 55 79 45 88 70 75 73 75 79 73 62 45 42 40 75 74 40 75 55 62 55 70 45 95 45 53 75 45 86 70 72 73 75 ?8 73 60 45 42 40 74 72 40 75 53 60 55 70 45 95 45 45 75 45 85 70 72 72 71 ?8 71 53 45 40 40 73 70 40 75 52 55 53 70 45 95 40 45 75 40 83 70 70 70 70 73 70 50 45 40 40 72 70 39 70 50 50 47 60 42 91 40 42 75 40 83 69 70 66 68 72 66 50 42 38 40 68 64 30 63 50 50 40 52 40 90 40 42 71 40 80 68 63 60 60 70 54 47 40 30 20 This table shows how each composition was treated by all twenty-four of the readers. Under the number of the composi- tion at the head of each column is given the various grades which that composition received. For example, composition No. i was graded 95% by one reader: 92% by two readers: 90% by three readers, and so on. The highest grade given composition No. i was 95%, and the lowest 68%. Table III gives (a) the highest grade, (b) the lowest grade, (c) the maximum variation, (d) the mean or average grade, and (e) the median grade, for each of the twenty-five compositions in description. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN It will be recalled that each reader was instructed (a) to select the best composition and arbitrarily give it a grade of 95 %, and (b) to arrange the remaining compositions in the set in a descending order of merit. The purpose of the direction was to make each reader start from the same numerical starting point. In view of these instructions, and also in view of the fact that by grading each composition the reader also necessarily had to ar- TABLE III Composition Number Highest Grade Lowest Grade Maximum Variation Mean or Average Grade Median 1 Grade I 95 68 27 91.9 83.0 2 QO 64 26 8o.O 8o.O 3 50 30 2O 42-7 41.0 4 94 63 31 84.3 85.5 5 78 SO 28 6i.x 6o.O 6 88 50 38 69.4 69-5 7 80 40 40 63-5 65.0 8 95 52 43 82.3 85.0 9 75 40 35 56.1 58.5 10 95 90 5 94-5 95-o ii 65 40 25 49-5 49-5 12 75 42 33 59-9 60.0 13 95 71 24 83-7 85-0 14 76 40 36 55-4 53-5 15 95 80 IS 89.6 90.0 16 92 68 24 78.2 78.5 17 93 63 30 81.0 8i. S 18 90 60 30 79-9 75-o iQ 92 60 32 ' 79.6 80.0 20 92 70 22 82.7 85.0 21 89 54 35 76.1 77.0 22 86 47 39 66.6 66.5 23 74 40 34 55-4 57-5 24 73 30 43 48.9 48.0 25 62 20 42 44-9 45-o 1 " Median grade " is the grade in the series of grades above which and below which there is an equal number of grades. For the definition of statistical terms used, and the methods of computation, see Thorndike, Mental and Social Measurements, The Science Press, New York, Whipple, Manual of Mental and Physical Tests, Warwick & York, Inc., Baltimore. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 31 range them in an order of merit, it is possible, in considering the results, to use not only the grade basis but also the rank basis for selection. From the grades given in Table II, we have computed the maximum variation, and the mean or average grade and the median grade as shown in Table III. As a further basis for selecting the compositions for the scale, and as a check on the above items, we have also computed the same items on the basis of the ranking of each composition, i. e., on the basis of the relative position of each composition among the twenty-five specimens in the set. (6) THE RANK BASIS Each reader was directed to select the best composition and arbitrarily to give it a grade of 95%. Since each of the twenty- four readers did so, it is fair to assume that they gave equally care- ful attention to the second direction, to arrange the other com- positions in the order of their relative merit from 95% down. There is no reason to believe that readers were either more or less careful about the intrinsic or inherent worth of the compositions as represented by the grades given them than they were about the relative merits of compositions as indicated by their relative ranks. The result of the ranking of the twenty-five compositions by the twenty-four readers is given in the following table. Table IV shows the ranking of each composition in description by each reader. This table shows that reader No. i selected composition No. to as first in rank, composition No. 4 as second, composition No. 15 as third, and so on. Reading the table from top to bottom, one finds in each column the different compositions that have been assigned any given rank. For example, composition No. 10, is first choice of twenty-one out of twenty-four readers. Reader No. 6, selected composition No. 13 as first in rank, and reader No. 14 selected composition No. 8 as first, and reader No. 21 selected composition No. 15 as first. In order to show still more clearly the significance of the material in this table, each composition has been dealt with by 32 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 8-1 6 8 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TABLE IV Choice in Rank IO II 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 z 10 4 IS 13 20 8 2 19 6 21 17 i 18 16 7 12 S II 9 22 14 23 3 24 25 2 10 IS 8 16 13 20 2 4 i? 21 I 18 19 22 6 12 S 14 23 9 7 24 ii 25 3 3 10 20 IS 17 4 13 Z 8 14 16 18 19 22 6 2 9 23 7 21 5 3 25 12 24 ii 4 10 IS 16 8 17 2 4 13 19 Z 6 18 2O 21 22 7 S 12 II 23 9 24 25 14 3 S 10 8 15 4 18 I 2 20 17 13 6 16 19 12 21 S 7 9 14 22 24 23 II 3 25 6 13 19 10 4 IS 17 16 2 18 20 21 z 6 9 8 ii 12 22 23 7 5 25 3 14 24 7 IO IS 20 i 17 16 8 18 21 2 19 13 6 7 22 4 24 12 5 9 23 14 25 II 3 8 IO IS 8 4 13 20 2 16 21 18 I 19 17 23 22 12 6 9 5 25 17 II 24 14 3 9 IO 19 IS 20 2 I 21 22 13 18 4 16 7 17 8 23 12 6 5 9 25 24 14 II 3 10 10 20 19 IS Z 2 21 22 18 13 4 17 16 8 s 7 23 12 14 6 9 24 3 II 25 iz 10 8 4 13 18 20 2 Z IS 17 6 21 19 16 22 12 7 5 14 23 9 24 25 II 3 12 10 15 13 8 20 4 Z 18 17 19 2 21 16 6 S 14 12 7 24 22 ii 9 23 25 3 13 IO 4 15 17 16 13 21 6 18 22 20 8 I 2 19 7 5 12 23 24 9 14 Ii 25 3 14 8 i 10 IS 18 2 17 20 4 19 13 16 21 6 14 S 7 22 12 9 24 23 3 II 25 IS 10 I 8 4 IS 2 13 17 19 6 7 18 21 22 12 20 16 9 14 5 24 II 23 25 3 16 10 IS z 4 19 2 16 21 20 7 17 13 22 18 5 8 6 II 23 24 12 25 9 14 3 17 10 IS 13 i 20 21 19 4 2 17 8 18 16 22 U 6 9 7 S ii 24 23 12 25 3 18 IO IS 16 4 17 8 18 21 19 13 Z 2 20 6 7 14 S 9 23 12 22 24 II 3 25 19 IO 4 z 8 13 2 17 16 19 IS 20 18 21 6 22 5 12 23 25 9 II 24 14 7 3 20 IO 19 15 13 20 4 18 17 16 2 8 z 21 22 7 6 23 S 12 9 I 4 II 24 25 3 21 15 8 10 20 13 z8 16 z 2 17 21 4 22 5 6 12 9 ii 19 23 14 25 3 7 24 22 10 4 17 20 IS 8 19 18 13 i 21 16 2 6 22 S 12 7 23 14 9 24 25 ii 3 23 IO 8 17 IS 4 2 13 16 19 20 Z 18 21 16 7 22 12 5 14 ii 9 25 23 3 24 34 10 4 IS I 19 13 17 20 2 21 16 8 7 6 18 5 22 ii 14 24 12 9 23 25 3 itself. If one had table IV before him and were asked how the readers ranked composition No. i he could see by consulting the table, that reader: No. i ranked composition No. i, i2th No. 2 ranked the same composition nth No. 3 " 7th No. 4 " " " ioth No. 5 " " " 6th No. 6 " i2th No. 7 " " 4 th, and so on. To show these facts about each composition in the most conven- ient form a distribution was prepared for each composition show- ing the rank given that composition by each of the twenty-four readers. Here is such a distribution for composition No. i. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 33 COMPOSITION NO. i Rank i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IQ 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 24 ............ 18 20 15 19 17 .. 9 12 21 .. 22 8 6 14 16 7 10 5 3 ii .. 4 2 i 13 The series of numbers at the top ranging from one to twenty- five, represents the possible ranks, any one of which this composi- tion might have been assigned by the readers. The figures near the bottom are the numbers of the readers giving composition No. i the ranks indicated. For example, composition No. i was ranked second by readers Nos. 14 and 15; it was ranked third by readers Nos. 16 and 19; it was ranked fourth by readers Nos. 7, 17, and 24, and so on. Similar distributions were prepared for each composition, but space does not permit of their intro- duction in this monograph. They may be prepared from Table IV by anyone interested. These distributions show that readers agreed well as to the rank of some compositions, while in other cases the greatest dif- ference in judgment prevails. For example, composition No. 10 is ranked first by twenty-one out of twenty-four readers, and one of these three gave it the highest grade, viz. 95 %. In the case of composition No. 8, there seems to be little agreement. One reader ranks it as high as ist, while one ranks it as low as i6th: the remaining readers are scattered between these two extremes, with a group of four readers ranking it in second place. Obviously, a scattering distribution means a wide diversity of judgments in ranking, and conversely, a heaping up of the figures under a few ranks means a greater unanimity of judgments among readers. The following table shows a summary of the distribution for each composition. Table V shows the distribution of the ranks given each com- position in description. Compositions are arranged in serial order according to the " Median Ranks," beginning with Median Rank I. 34 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN Comp. No. TABLE V Rank Median 10 IS 4 8 13 20 2 I 17 19 18 16 21 6 22 7 5 12 23 14 9 II 24 25 I.O 3-0 4-5 6.0 6.0 6.0 7-0 7-5 8.0 9-0 g.o 9-5 II.O 14.0 iS-o 16.5 17.0 17.0 I9-S I9-S 2O.O 22.0 22.0 23-5 2S.O I 8 7 3 ? II. 2I3433I2 2 I . 31.2.215 23.1...!.. 2 ..2111331 43 ..' I !'..".. 1322 325 I. ..I.. II 3.2 2221. I. 2. .-3 6II2.3I 1.2 4334.12 . i 3 i 6 3 I L \ 4 I 2 4 Z I . 546l I 22.1613 I 124166 I 4122 I . 5 3 I Not only is there great diversity of judgments among readers, but there are cases where some readers seem to be extremely radical in their judgment of a composition on which other readers agree. For example, one reader ranks composition No. 4, i6th, while most of the other readers rank it from 8th to Qth, to 2d or 3d. Several readers seem likewise to be radical or extreme in their judgment of the rank of composition No. 7. In view of these observations we were led to adopt a method of segregating that 25% of the readers who were radical or extreme in their ranking. The lines were drawn in the distributions so as to cut off the 25% or less of the readers who were considered extreme. The maximum variation, both of the whole series and of the central 75% of the cases, has also been computed for each com- position. The following table shows these statistical facts. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 35 Table VI shows (a) the highest rank, (b) the lowest rank, (c) the maximum variation in rank of the series, (d) the maximum varia- tion of 75 % of the cases, (e) the median rank, (/) the average deviation for each of the twenty-five compositions in description. TABLE VI Composition Number Highest Rank Lowest Rank Maximum Variation in Series Maximum Variation of 75% of Cases Median Rank Average Deviation I 2 13 II 8 7-5 3-17 2 5 15 10 4 7.0 2.17 3 21 25 4 2 25-0 71 4 2 16 14 6 4-5 2.8 3 5 14 21 7 5 17.0 1.46 6 8 20 12 6 14.0 2.00 7 IO 24 14 7 16.5 2.67 8 I 16 IS 10 6.0 4.04 9 14 23 9 4 20.0 I. S 8 10 I 3 2 I.O 25 ii 16 25 9 S 22.O 2.08 12 14 23 9 4 17.0 I.7I 13 i 12 ii 7 6.0 2.50 14 9 24 IS 6 19-5 2-75 15 i 10 9 3 3-0 i-33 16 3 17 14 7 9-5 3-25 17 3 14 ii 7 8.0 2.58 18 5 15 IO 6 9-5 2.46 19 2 19 17 8 9.0 3-25 20 2 16 14 7 6.0 3-oo 21 6 19 13 6 II.O 2.38 22 8 21 13 7 15.0 2.46 23 14 23 9 4 !9-5 2.00 24 17 25 8 4 22.0 1.38 25 19 25 6 3 23-5 I.2Q 36 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN SELECTING THE SCALE (a) THE BASIS In the preceding pages, the following statistical information has been worked out as a basis for selecting the six compositions for the proposed scale: A. From the grades given each composition by the twenty-four readers. (a) The maximum variation in grades. (b) The mean or average grade. (c) The median grade. B. From the rank or relative position assigned each composi- tion by the twenty-four readers. (a) The maximum variation of the whole series. (b) The extreme variation of 75% of the most central cases. (c) The median rank. (d) The average deviation. (b) FIXING STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Before selecting the scale on the basis of this information it is necessary to answer these questions. What are the standard or ideal requirements for each of the six compositions of the pro- posed scale in terms of the suggested basis of selection ? What ought the maximum variation, the mean, and the median to be, according to the grade basis of selection ? What ought the two maximum variations, the median rank, and the average deviation to be, according to the rank basis of selection ? We shall now proceed to answer these questions, so far as we can. MAXIMUM VARIATIONS AND AVERAGE DEVIATIONS Large maximum variation, in either the grades or ranks, indicates great diversity of judgment among the readers, and conversely small maximum variation indicates better agreement in judgment among readers. The former has been shown in the case of composition No. 8, and the latter in the case of composi- tion No. 10 (See p. 34). Obviously, although no definite fixed HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 37 standard for variations can be established for any of the six compositions of the proposed scale, it will be agreed that, other things being equal, that composition is most suitable for a place in the scale about which there is greatest agreement in judgment both in grade and rank, as shown by a small maximum variation and a small average deviation. THE MEAN, OR AVERAGE GRADE The standard requirements of the mean or average grade for each of the six compositions of the scale is not difficult to deter- mine. Our object in this whole study is to secure a scale of six compositions which shall be as nearly as possible, typical, 95 %, 85%, 75%. 65%, 55%, and 45% compositions. Since our ultimate object is expressed in these figures, the six compositions selected ought to have a mean or average grade of 95%, 85%, 75 %> 6 5%> 55 %, and 45% respectively. THE MEDIAN GRADE \Vhat has been said about the mean or average grade applies also to the median grade. The six compositions for the scale should have respectively a median grade of 95 %, 85 %, 75 %, 65 %, 55%, and 45%. THE MEDIAN RANK The standard requirements for the median rank require some explanation. It is important that the six compositions of the scale should be approximately the same distance apart in rank. A difference of 10% divides them in grades: how many points in rank should divide them ? There are twenty-five ranks, to any one of which a composition may be assigned by any reader. In view of the fact that there are to be six compositions in the scale, there must necessarily be five spaces or steps in the series. The problem then, is to divide the total points in rank between the first and last compositions in the series into five equal divisions so that the six compositions selected for the scale will be equidis- tant one from the other. 38 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN It is obvious that beginning with the A or 95 % composition, that composition should have a median rank of i.o. Deducting this one from the twenty-five ranks, the total number, we have twenty-four points of rank remaining to be divided into five equal divisions. This gives 4.8 points in rank for each of the spaces between compositions. By adding this amount 4.8, to i.o, the median rank of the A or 95% composition, we have 5.8, the median rank of the B or 85 % composition of the scale. By add- ing 4.8 to each succeeding median rank we find the following median rank for each of the six compositions. Median Rank A or 95 % composition i.o B or 85 % " 5.8 C or 75 % 10.6 Dor 65% 15.4 E or 55 % 20.2 F or 45 % . . . 25.0 Because the ranks in the graphs are given only in whole num- bers or in whole numbers and halves, it is clear that the decimals in the above median rank numbers cannot be exactly obtained. However, the median rank for each of the compositions in the scale should be as near the above standard median ranks as possible. SUMMARY From the above discussion, we may summarize the standard requirements for each of the six compositions of the proposed scale. As has been already stated, there is no fixed standard requirement in the case of maximum variations, or average deviation, either in grade or in rank. The only principle to fol- low is this : the narrower the maximum variation the better. The other items are summarized as follows: Grade or Rank of Mean or Median Median Composition in Scale Average Grade Rank A Grade or 95 % 95 % 95 % i.o B Grade or 85% 85% 85% 5.8 C Grade or 75 % 75 % 75 % 10.6 D Grade or 65 % 65 % 65 % 15.4 E Grade or 55 % 55 % 55 % 20.2 F Grade or 45 % 45 % 45 % 25.0 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 39 (c) MAKING THE SELECTION The first step in the selection of the six compositions to con- stitute the scale was to classify the twenty-five compositions into six groups corresponding to the six grades or ranks of composi- tions in the proposed scale. Each composition was placed in that group with which it was most closely identified according to the several statistical items in the table. Such a classification results as follows: In general Composition Nos. A group of compositions (All from 90% up) 10-15. B C " D E F ( " 80 to 89%) 1-2-4-8-13-17-19-20. ( a a 70 a 79%) 16-18-21. ( a 60 69%) 5-6-7-12-22. ( 50 a 59%) 9-14-23. ( " " 40 " 49%) 3-11-24-25. Having thus classified the twenty-five compositions, the next step was to select the one from each group which was shown by the standard requirements to be most suitable for the scale. Begin- ning with the A or 95 % composition, we shall consider each group in order. In tabular form are given the numbers of the composi- tions which are to be considered for that particular place in the scale, together with all the statistical data pertaining to each composition. Preceding the table in each case are given the stan- dard requirements for the composition as worked out in the preceding pages. Following the table is the discussion leading to the selection of the most satisfactory composition. " A " GRADE OR 95 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or average grade 95 % Median grade 95 % Median rank.. . i.o 40 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN TABLE VII EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (6) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or aver- age grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (K) The lowest rank given it; (i) The maximum variation in rank; (;') The maximum variation in rank of 75% of the central cases; (k) The median rank; and (/) Average de- viation. abed e f g h i j k I 10 * 95 90 5 94.6 95 ist 3d 2 o i.o .25 15 95 80 15 89.6 90 ist loth 9 3 3.0 1.33 It is not difficult to select the better of these two compositions. No reader felt that composition No. 10 was lower than 90% in grade, or than 3d in rank, whereas No. 15 was graded as low as 80%, and ranked as low as loth among the twenty-five composi- tions. The extreme variations are therefore, greater in the case of composition No. 15. Obviously No. 10 was considered by the readers to be more nearly the best composition, hence it is selected as the "A" grade or 95% composition in the scale. No. 15 is too good a composition to be considered for the next composition in the scale, hence it has to be dropped from further consideration. " B " GRADE OR 85 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 85 % Median Grade 85 % Median Rank 5.8 From the table below, one sees at once that, judged by these statistical items, several of these compositions are not really competitors for the second place in the scale. Nos. i and 2 are too poor, i. e., they are graded and ranked too low. No. 4 has in its favor the mean and median grades of 84.3% and 85.5% respectively, but it has a wide extreme variation in both grade and rank. Also, its median rank is only 4.5, whereas our require- 1 Selected for composition No. i in the scale. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 41 TABLE VIII EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade give it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade ; (/) The median grade ; (g) The highest rank given it ; (K) The lowest rank given it ; (i) The maximum variation in rank ; (j) The maximum varia- tion in rank of 75 % of the central cases ; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e / g h i j k / i 95 68 27 81.9 83.0 2 d i3th ii 8 7-5 3-i7 2 90 64 26 80.0 80.0 5th iSth 10 4 7.0 2.17 4 94 63 3i 84-3 85-5 2d i6th 14 6 4-5 2.83 8 95 52 43 82.3 85.0 ISt i6th 15 10 6.0 4.04 I3 1 95 ' 7i 24 83-7 85.0 ISt i2th ii 7 6.0 2.50 i? 93 63 30 81.0 81.5 3d i4th ii 7 8.0 2.58 iQ 92 60 32 79.6 80.0 2d i9th 17 8 9.0 3-25 20 92 70 22 82.7 85.0 2d 1 6th 14 7 6.0 3.00 ments call for a median rank of 5.8. No. 8 is one of those com- positions on which teachers cannot agree. Its extreme variation puts it beyond our further consideration here. Comparatively, No. 13 has not a wide variation in grade or rank, and it has a mean and median grade of 83.7 and 85.0 respectively. It is clear that this composition is a strong competitor for the second place. No. 17 has a wider variation than No. 13, and its mean and medians indicate that it is too poor for an 85% composition. No. 19 is likewise too poor. No. 20 has a narrow extreme varia- tion, its mean is a little low, but its median is perfect. Its ex- treme variation by rank is comparatively wide, while its median rank is satisfactory. Clearly the selection of an 85 % composi- tion for this scale must be made between Nos. 13 and 20. We select No. 13 because (a) of its slightly narrower extreme varia- tion by grade, because (b) of its mean of 83.7 which is i % nearer the standard than the mean of No. 20, because (c) its extreme variation in rank is three points narrower than that of No. 20 and because, (d) in other respects it is as good as No. 20. 1 Selected for Composition No. 2 in the scale. 42 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN " C " GRADE OR 75 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 75 % Median Grade 75 % Median Rank . . 10.6 TABLE IX EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (i) The maximum variation in rank; (/) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. abed e f g h i j k I 16 92 68 24 78.2 78.5 3d i7th 14 7 9.5 3.25 18 90 60 30 79.9 75.0 2d i9th 17 8 9.5 2.46 21 l 89 54 35 76.1 77.0 6th i9th 13 6 n.o 2.38 Obviously compositions Nos. 16 and 18 are too good composi- tions for typical 75 % grade compositions. The mean or average grade of the former is 78.2 and that of the latter is 79.9. In rank likewise they are better than No. 21 and too good for our purpose. That leaves only No. 21 to be selected for the C grade or 75% composition. Even though this is the best selection that can be made under the circumstances, one could wish that the extreme variations were less and that the other statistical items were nearer the standard requirements. " D " GRADE OR 65 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 65 % Median Grade 65 % Median Rank 15.4 1 Selected for Composition No. 3 in the scale. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 43 TABLE X EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (i) The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the most central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. abode f g h i j k I 5 78 50 28 61.1 60.0 i4th 2ist 7 5 17.0 1.46 6 88 50 38 69.4 69.5 8th 2oth 12 6 14.0 2.0 7 80 40 40 63.5 65.0 loth 24th 14 7 16.5 2.67 12 75 42 33 59-9 60.0 i4th 23d 9 4 17.0 1.71 22 : 86 47 39 66.6 66.5 8th 2ist 13 7 15.0 2.46 Clearly Nos. 5 and 12 are too poor for a typical 65% composi- tion. No. 7 has a wide extreme variation in both grade and rank: although its mean and median grades might do, its median rank is too low. Hence No. 22 is selected, even though its mean and median grades are slightly high to meet the standard require- ments. " E " GRADE OR 55 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 55 % Median Grade 55 % Median Rank 20.2 TABLE XI EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (*) The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the most central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e / g i i J i | 9 75 40 35 56.1 58.5 i4th 2 3 d 9 4 2O.O 1.58 14 76 40 36 55-4 53-5 9th 24th 15 6 19-5 2-75 2 3 2 74 40 34 55-4 57-5 i4th 23d 9 4 19-5 2.00 1 Selected for Composition No. 4 in the scale. 2 Selected as Composition No. 5 in the scale. 44 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN In considering No. 9 it is clear that it is a little too good for a typical 55% composition, as shown in two of the three items of the standard requirements. The item of median rank is perfect. However, it should be pointed out that the median rank of the composition selected to occupy a place immediately preceding this was 15.0 instead of the standard requirement of 15.4. Hence, the median rank of composition 55% in the scale should be slightly under 20.0 rather than over it. Between Nos. 14 and 23 the advantage of No. 23 is in the narrower extreme variation by rank and in the slightly higher median grade. Hence, No. 23 is selected. " F " GRADE OR 45 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 45 % Median Grade 45 % Median Rank 25.0 TABLE XII EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (6) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; () The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h} The lowest rank given it; (i) The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the most central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e f g h i j k I 3 50 30 20 42.7 41.0 2ist 25th 4 2 25.0 .71 ii 65 40 25 49.5 49.5 i6th 25th 9 5 22.0 2.08 24 73 30 42 48.9 48.0 i7th 25th 8 4 22.0 1.38 25 * 62 20 42 44.9 45.0 i9th 25th 6 3 23.5 1.29 The objection to No. 3 is that, although all agree that it is 25th composition in rank, or the poorest in the series, the grades given it indicate that it is too poor. On the other hand, No. 1 1 is too good. The choice then lies between Nos. 24 and 25. It is clear that No. 25 more nearly meets the standard requirements. No. 24 is a little too good. It should be pointed out that the median , * Selected as Composition No. 6 in the scale. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 45 rank of composition No. 25 is really more satisfactory than at first appears. The median rank of the 55% composition was 19.5, a little higher than the standard requirements: if to this is added 4.8, the difference in points of rank between compositions, we have 24.3, a little less than the standard requirements indicate. Hence, No. 25 is selected for the sixth and last composition in the scale. SUMMARY The following table shows at a glance how the statistical items pertaining to each composition selected for the scale, 1 compare with the standard requirements established for each composition. Mean Median Median No. of Standard Grade of Standard Grade of Standard Rank of Compositions of the Scale Compo- sition Selected Mean or Average Grade Compo- sition Selected Median Grade Compo- sition Selected Median Rank Compo- sition Selected A grade or 95 % . . IO QC 04-6 QC or O I.O I O B 85% 13 8 5 83.5 8 5 85.0 5-8 6.0 C " 75% 21 75 76.1 75 77.0 10.6 II.O D 65% 22 65 66.6 65 66. 5 15-4 15-0 E 55% 23 55 55-4 55 57-5 20. 2 iQ-5 F 45% 25 45 44.9 45 45 - 25.0 23-5 The chart on page 46 indicates the distribution of ranks for each of the six compositions constituting the description scale. The median is indicated by the line dividing the distribution. For an explanation of this chart see pages 32 and 33. DEFINING THE MERITS AND DEFECTS OF THE COMPOSI- TIONS IN THE SCALES After the scales had been selected, the next step was to define the merits and defects of each composition in each scale. This was done by a committee consisting of high school and elementary school teachers with the cooperation of the teachers and principals who had originally read the compositions. 1 For the Compositions of the scale, see pp. 49-57. 4 6 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN Nc R, IN < Nc c Jo rip OS tic n :o "P OS ticn S :al c or P 1 et( 24 < et 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 13 Nc . 1 12 N 0. 10 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 21 2 14 1 6 21 N . ! 20 19 24 18 fv 0. 13 17 11 8 13 23 22 10 16 6 12 1 2 3 15 4 9 5 14 7 .23 20 N< 13 24 22 19 No. 21 10 18 8 2 21 12 15 17 9 16 7 1 6 11 14 4 5 3 22 N 19 No. 22 20 11 21 17 8 12 10 16 15 7 14 5 9 13 3 2 4 23 24 6 1 18 22 18 16 17 24 BJ 20 13 21 14 23 N 0. 23 10 6 11 5 15 8 9 3 19 2 4 7 1 12 24 20 N 23 17 18 N 0. 25 21 22 15 14 16 11 13 10 6 7 12 6 19 8 9 3 4 2 1 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 47 The six compositions of the description scale formed the basis of a teachers' meeting, consisting of eighth grade teachers, ele- mentary school principals, and high school teachers of English. In preparation for the meeting each person was asked to define, in a succinct paragraph, the merits and defects of one of the six compositions in the scale. This assignment had two results: first, it prepared the teachers to participate in the discussion, and second, it furnished five or six paragraphs from as many different people setting forth the merits and defects of each composition as each reader saw them. In further preparation, two persons were asked to lead the discussion on each composition. With this preliminary preparation, the meeting proved exceptionally inter- esting and profitable to the teachers. It was interesting because it " moved," and it was profitable because it was devoted to the consideration of some practical everyday school matters on which every teacher was glad to obtain suggestions. At the close of the meeting the written paragraphs mentioned above, were collected and turned over to the committee which was to prepare the necessary paragraphs. The preparation of these paragraphs was not considered an easy task and the committee did its work conscientiously and with thoroughness. After tentative paragraphs had been prepared by each member of the committee according to agreement the committee held a meeting to consider them. Besides the five members of the committee Superintendent Spaulding, Professor Holmes of Harvard, and the Joseph Lee Fellow attended the meeting. The paragraphs were read and discussed at length. It was agreed that the par- agraph accompanying each composition should state, in general, why each composition was better than the one below it in the scale : why it was poorer than the one above it in the scale, and also its own intrinsic worth. With the suggestions from the discussion of the committee, the committee revised the paragraphs and prepared the final definition of merits and defects as they are found accompanying each composition in the description scale. Through the courtesy of Mr. Charles S. Thomas, Head of the Department of English in the Classical High School, Newton, and 48 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN Editor of the English Leaflets of the New England Association of Teachers of English, the Description Scale and the accompanying paragraphs were published in the February issue of the Leaflet with the request that members of the association offer suggestions for improving them before final publication. The same general procedure was followed in Exposition, Argu- mentation, and Narration, except that the teachers were divided into two groups, and each group considered two of the above types. In the case of these scales, also, the final paragraphs were not prepared in time to be presented in the English Teachers Leaflet to obtain the criticism of the members of the association. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 33 COMPOSITION NO. i Rank i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IQ 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 18 20 .. 15 19 17 .. 9 12 21 .. 22 8 6 . . 14 16 7 10 5 3 ii . . 4 2 i 13 The series of numbers at the top ranging from one to twenty- five, represents the possible ranks, any one of which this composi- tion might have been assigned by the readers. The figures near the bottom are the numbers of the readers giving composition No. i the ranks indicated. For example, composition No. i was ranked second by readers Nos. 14 and 15; it was ranked third by readers Nos. 16 and 19; it was ranked fourth by readers Nos. 7, 17, and 24, and so on. Similar distributions were prepared for each composition, but space does not permit of their intro- duction in this monograph. They may be prepared from Table IV by anyone interested. These distributions show that readers agreed well as to the rank of some compositions, while in other cases the greatest dif- ference in judgment prevails. For example, composition No. 10 is ranked first by twenty-one out of twenty-four readers, and one of these three gave it the highest grade, viz. 95 %. In the case of composition No. 8, there seems to be little agreement. One reader ranks it as high as ist, while one ranks it as low as i6th : the remaining readers are scattered between these two extremes, with a group of four readers ranking it in second place. Obviously, a scattering distribution means a wide diversity of judgments in ranking, and conversely, a heaping up of the figures under a few ranks means a greater unanimity of judgments among readers. The following table shows a summary of the distribution for each composition. Table V shows the distribution of the ranks given each com- position in description. Compositions are arranged in serial order according to the " Median Ranks,' 7 beginning with Median Rank I. 34 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN TABLE V Rank Comp. Median No. Rank / a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 IO I O zi 3 . 15 3-O 18733 . . i r 4 8 13 4-5 6.0 60 . 51622121 I433-3II. i 2343212 . i 2 . 2 . I .... [21.... . . . 20 2 6.0 7-0 .21343-31 ....17513 2 I I . I .... II . . . 80 31 2 215 2 3 I i 18 9 31233 6 i I 16 9-S 2III33I 4 3 I ... 21 II.O 1322 * [ 2 5 I i 6 22 14.0 15 o . II . 2 : t 2 2 2 3 I . I 6 I i 2 3 7 16 5 i 2 4334 i ' 12 17.0 156421 2 21 14 10 S I 22 I 6 I g 20 o 3 [ 12416 II 22. I 412 ? 6 i 24 22. I 13 8 23 25 23.5 i i 5 75 3 2.S.O Not only is there great diversity of judgments among readers, but there are cases where some readers seem to be extremely radical in their judgment of a composition on which other readers agree. For example, one reader ranks composition No. 4, i6th, while most of the other readers rank it from 8th to gth, to 2d or 3d. Several readers seem likewise to be radical or extreme in their judgment of the rank of composition No. 7. In view of these observations we were led to adopt a method of segregating that 25% of the readers who were radical or extreme in their ranking. The lines were drawn in the distributions so as to cut off the 25% or less of the readers who were considered extreme. The maximum variation, both of the whole series and of the central 75% of the cases, has also been computed for each com- position. The following table shows these statistical facts. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 35 Table VI shows (a) the highest rank, (b) the lowest rank, (c) the maximum variation in rank of the series, (d) the maximum varia- tion of 75% of the cases, (e) the median rank, (/) the average deviation for each of the twenty-five compositions in description. TABLE VI Composition Number Highest Rank Lowest Rank Maximum Variation in Series Maximum Variation of 75% of Cases Median Rank Average Deviation I 2 13 II 8 7-5 3-17 2 5 15 IO 4 7.0 2.17 3 21 25 4 2 25.0 71 4 2 16 14 6 4-5 2.8 3 5 14 21 7 5 17.0 1.46 6 8 2O 12 6 14.0 2.OO 7 10 24 14 7 I6. S 2.6 7 8 I 16 15 IO 6.0 4.04 9 14 23 9 4 20.0 1.58 10 I 3 2 I.O 25 ii 16 25 9 5 22.0 2.08 12 14 23 9 4 17.0 I.7I 13 i 12 ii 7 6.0 2.50 14 9 24 15 6 19-5 2-75 15 i 10 9 3 3-o i-33 16 3 17 14 7 9-5 3-25 i? 3 14 ii 7 8.0 2.58 18 5 IS IO 6 9-5 2.46 19 2 19 17 8 9.0 3-25 20 2 16 14 7 6.0 3-oo 21 6 19 13 6 II.O 2.38 22 8 .21 13 7 15.0 2.46 23 14 23 9 4 I9-S 2.00 24 17 25 8 4 22.0 1.38 25 19 25 6 3 23-5 1.29 36 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN SELECTING THE SCALE (a) THE BASIS In the preceding pages, the following statistical information has been worked out as a basis for selecting the six compositions for the proposed scale : A. From the grades given each composition by the twenty-four readers. (a) The maximum variation in grades. (b) The mean or average grade. (c) The median grade. B. From the rank or relative position assigned each composi- tion by the twenty-four readers. (a) The maximum variation of the whole series. (b) The extreme variation of 75 % of the most central cases. (c) The median rank. (d) The average deviation. (b) FIXING STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Before selecting the scale on the basis of this information it is necessary to answer these questions. What are the standard or ideal requirements for each of the six compositions of the pro- posed scale in terms of the suggested basis of selection ? What ought the maximum variation, the mean, and the median to be, according to the grade basis of selection ? What ought the two maximum variations, the median rank, and the average deviation to be, according to the rank basis of selection ? We shall now proceed to answer these questions, so far as we can. MAXIMUM VARIATIONS AND AVERAGE DEVIATIONS Large maximum variation, in either the grades or ranks, indicates great diversity of judgment among the readers, and conversely small maximum variation indicates better agreement in judgment among readers. The former has been shown in the case of composition No. 8, and the latter in the case of composi- tion No. 10 (See p. 34). Obviously, although no definite fixed HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 37 standard for variations can be established for any of the six compositions of the proposed scale, it will be agreed that, other things being equal, that composition is most suitable for a place in the scale about which there is greatest agreement in judgment both in grade and rank, as shown by a small maximum variation and a small average deviation. THE MEAN, OR AVERAGE GRADE The standard requirements of the mean or average grade for each of the six compositions of the scale is not difficult to deter- mine. Our object in this whole study is to secure a scale of six compositions which shall be as nearly as possible, typical, 95 %, 85%, 75 %, 65%, 55%, and 45% compositions. Since our ultimate object is expressed in these figures, the six compositions selected ought to have a mean or average grade of 95%, 85%, 75%, 65%, 55%, and 45% respectively. THE MEDIAN GRADE What has been said about the mean or average grade applies also to the median grade. The six compositions for the scale should have respectively a median grade of 95 %, 85 %, 75 %, 65 %, 55%, and 45%. THE MEDIAN RANK The standard requirements for the median rank require some explanation. It is important that the six compositions of the scale should be approximately the same distance apart in rank. A difference of 10% divides them in grades: how many points in rank should divide them ? There are twenty-five ranks, to any one of which a composition may be assigned by any reader. In view of the fact that there are to be six compositions in the scale, there must necessarily be five spaces or steps in the series. The problem then, is to divide the total points in rank between the first and last compositions in the series into five equal divisions so that the six compositions selected for the scale will be equidis- tant one from the other. 38 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN It is obvious that beginning with the A or 95 % composition, that composition should have a median rank of i.o. Deducting this one from the twenty-five ranks, the total number, we have twenty-four points of rank remaining to be divided into five equal divisions. This gives 4.8 points in rank for each of the spaces between compositions. By adding this amount 4.8, to i.o, the median rank of the A or 95% composition, we have 5.8, the median rank of the B or 85 % composition of the scale. By add- ing 4.8 to each succeeding median rank we find the following median rank for each of the six compositions. Median Rank A or 95 % composition i.o Bor8s% " 5-8 C or 75 % 10.6 Dor 65% 15.4 E or 55 % " 20.2 F or 45 % 25.0 Because the ranks in the graphs are given only in whole num- bers or in whole numbers and halves, it is clear that the decimals in the above median rank numbers cannot be exactly obtained. However, the median rank for each of the compositions in the scale should be as near the above standard median ranks as possible. SUMMARY From the above discussion, we may summarize the standard requirements for each of the six compositions of the proposed scale. As has been already stated, there is no fixed standard requirement in the case of maximum variations, or average deviation, either in grade or in rank. The only principle to fol- low is this : the narrower the maximum variation the better. The other items are summarized as follows : Grade or Rank of Mean or Median Median Composition in Scale Average Grade Rank A Grade or 95 % 95 % 95 % i.o B Grade or 85% 85% 85% 5.8 C Grade or 75 % 75 % 75 % 10.6 D Grade or 65 % 65 % 65 % 15.4 E Grade or 55 % 55 % 55 % 20.2 F Grade or 45 % 45 % 45 % 25.0 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 39 (c) MAKING THE SELECTION The first step in the selection of the six compositions to con- stitute the scale was to classify the twenty-five compositions into six groups corresponding to the six grades or ranks of composi- tions in the proposed scale. Each composition was placed in that group with which it was most closely identified according to the several statistical items in the table. Such a classification results as follows: In general Composition Nos. A group of compositions (All from 90% up) 10-15. C (" (" (" 1-2-4-8-13-1 7~ I 9~ 2 ' 70 " 79%) 16-18-21. 60 " 69%) 5-6-7-12-22. 5 " 59%) 9~ I 4-23- 3-11-24-25. Having thus classified the twenty-five compositions, the next step was to select the one from each group which was shown by the standard requirements to be most suitable for the scale. Begin- ning with the A or 95 % composition, we shall consider each group in order. In tabular form are given the numbers of the composi- tions which are to be considered for that particular place in the scale, together with all the statistical data pertaining to each composition. Preceding the table in each case are given the stan- dard requirements for the composition as worked out in the preceding pages. Following the table is the discussion leading to the selection of the most satisfactory composition. " A " GRADE OR 95 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or average grade 95 % Median grade 95 % Median rank.. . i.o 40 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN TABLE VII EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or aver- age grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (i) The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the central cases; (k) The median rank; and (I) Average de- viation. abed e f g h i j k I io l 95 90 5 94.6 95 ist 3d 2 o i.o .25 15 95 80 15 89.6 90 ist loth 9 3 3.0 1.33 It is not difficult to select the better of these two compositions. No reader felt that composition No. 10 was lower than 90% in grade, or than 3d in rank, whereas No. 15 was graded as low as 80%, and ranked as low as loth among the twenty-five composi- tions. The extreme variations are therefore, greater in the case of composition No. 15. Obviously No. 10 was considered by the readers to be more nearly the best composition, hence it is selected as the "A" grade or 95% composition in the scale. No. 15 is too good a composition to be considered for the next composition in the scale, hence it has to be dropped from further consideration. " B " GRADE OR 85 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 85 % Median Grade 85 % Median Rank 5.8 From the table below, one sees at once that, judged by these statistical items, several of these compositions are not really competitors for the second place in the scale. Nos. i and 2 are too poor, i. e., they are graded and ranked too low. No. 4 has in its favor the mean and median grades of 84.3% and 85.5% respectively, but it has a wide extreme variation in both grade and rank. Also, its median rank is only 4.5, whereas our require- 1 Selected for composition No. i in the scale. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 41 TABLE VIII EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade give it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade ; (/) The median grade ; (g) The highest rank given it ; (h) The lowest rank given it ; (i) The maximum variation in rank ; (j ) The maximum varia- tion in rank of 75 % of the central cases ; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e / I h I j k / i 95 68 27 81.9 83.0 2 d i3th ii 8 7-5 3.17 2 90 64 26 80.0 80.0 5th 1 5th 10 4 7.0 2.17 4 94 63 3i 84.3 85.5 2d i6th 14 6 4-5 2.83 8 95 52 43 82.3 85.0 ISt i6th 15 10 6.0 4.04 I3 1 95 7i 24 83-7 85.0 ISt 1 2th ii 7 6.0 2.50 i? 93 63 30 81.0 81.5 3d i4th ii 7 8.0 2.58 iQ 92 60 32 79.6 80.0 2 d i9th 17 8 9.0 3-25 20 92 70 22 82.7 85.0 2d 1 6th 14 7 6.0 3.00 ments call for a median rank of 5.8. No. 8 is one of those com- positions on which teachers cannot agree. Its extreme variation puts it beyond our further consideration here. Comparatively, No. 13 has not a wide variation in grade or rank, and it has a mean and median grade of 83.7 and 85.0 respectively. It is clear that this composition is a strong competitor for the second place. No. 17 has a wider variation than No. 13, and its mean and medians indicate that it is too poor for an 85% composition. No. 19 is likewise too poor. No. 20 has a narrow extreme varia- tion, its mean is a little low, but its median is perfect. Its ex- treme variation by rank is comparatively wide, while its median rank is satisfactory. Clearly the selection of an 85% composi- tion for this scale must be made between Nos. 13 and 20. We select No. 13 because (a) of its slightly narrower extreme varia- tion by grade, because (b) of its mean of 83.7 which is i % nearer the standard than the mean of No. 20, because (c) its extreme variation in rank is three points narrower than that of No. 20 and because, (d) in other respects it is as good as No. 20. 1 Selected for Composition No. 2 in the scale. 42 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN "C" GRADE OR 75% COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 75 % Median Grade 75 % Median Rank . . 10.6 TABLE IX EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (i) The maximum variation in rank; (;) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e f g h i j k I 16 92 68 24 78.2 78.5 3d i7th 14 7 9.5 3.25 18 90 60 30 79.9 75.0 2d i9th 17 8 9.5 2.46 21 * 89 54 35 76.1 77.0 6th igth 13 6 n.o 2.38 Obviously compositions Nos. 16 and 18 are too good composi- tions for typical 75 % grade compositions. The mean or average grade of the former is 78.2 and that of the latter is 79.9. In rank likewise they are better than No. 21 and too good for our purpose. That leaves only No. 21 to be selected for the C grade or 75% composition. Even though this is the best selection that can be made under the circumstances, one could wish that the extreme variations were less and that the other statistical items were nearer the standard requirements. " D " GRADE OR 65 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 65 % Median Grade 65 % Median Rank 15.4 1 Selected for Composition No. 3 in the scale. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 43 TABLE X EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (*) The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the most central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e / g h f j k I S 78 50 28 61.1 60.0 i4th 2ISt 7 5 17.0 1.46 6 88 50 38 69.4 69-5 8th 20th 12 6 14.0 2.0 7 80 40 40 63-5 65.0 loth 24th 14 7 16.5 2.67 12 75 42 33 59-9 60.0 i4th 2^d 9 4 17.0 I.7I 22 1 86 47 39 66.6 66.5 8th 2ISt 13 7 15-0 2.46 Clearly Nos. 5 and 12 are too poor for a typical 65% composi- tion. No. 7 has a wide extreme variation in both grade and rank: although its mean and median grades might do, its median rank is too low. Hence No. 22 is selected, even though its mean and median grades are slightly high to meet the standard require- ments. " E " GRADE OR 55 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 55 % Median Grade 55 % Median Rank 20.2 TABLE XI EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; (**) The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the most central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e / g h i j k | 9 75 40 35 56.1 58.5 i4th 2 3 d 9 4 2O.O I.S8 14 76 40 36 55-4 53-5 9th 24th 15 6 19-5 2.75 23 2 74 40 34 554 57-5 i4th 2 3 d 9 4 19-5 2.00 1 Selected for Composition No. 4 in the scale. 2 Selected as Composition No. 5 in the scale. 44 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN In considering No. 9 it is clear that it is a little too good for a typical 55% composition, as shown in two of the three items of the standard requirements. The item of median rank is perfect. However, it should be pointed out that the median rank of the composition selected to occupy a place immediately preceding this was 15.0 instead of the standard requirement of 15.4. Hence, the median rank of composition 55% in the scale should be slightly under 20.0 rather than over it. Between Nos. 14 and 23 the advantage of No. 23 is in the narrower extreme variation by rank and in the slightly higher median grade. Hence, No. 23 is selected. " F " GRADE OR 45 % COMPOSITION Standard Requirements: Mean or Average Grade 45 % Median Grade 45 % Median Rank 25.0 TABLE XII EXPLANATION Letters in the following table designate the following topics: (a) The number of the composition; (b) The highest grade given it; (c) The lowest grade given it; (d) The maximum variation in grade; (e) The mean or average grade; (/) The median grade; (g) The highest rank given it; (h) The lowest rank given it; () The maximum variation in rank; (j) The maximum variation in rank of 75 % of the most central cases; (k) The median rank, and (/) The average deviation. a b c d e f g h i j k I 3 50 30 20 42.7 41.0 2ist 25th 4 2 25.0 .71 ii 65 40 25 49.5 49.5 i6th 25th 9 5 22.0 2.08 24 73 30 42 48.9 48.0 1 7th 25th 8 4 22.0 1.38 25 * 62 20 42 44.9 45.0 i9th 25th 6 3 23.5 1.29 The objection to No. 3 is that, although all agree that it is 25th composition in rank, or the poorest in the series, the grades given it indicate that it is too poor. On the other hand, No. 1 1 is too good. The choice then lies between Nos. 24 and 25. It is clear that No. 25 more nearly meets the standard requirements. No. 24 is a little too good. It should be pointed out that the median 1 Selected as Composition No. 6 in the scale. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 45 rank of composition No. 25 is really more satisfactory than at first appears. The median rank of the 55% composition was 19.5, a little higher than the standard requirements: if to this is added 4.8, the difference in points of rank between compositions, we have 24.3, a little less than the standard requirements indicate. Hence, No. 25 is selected for the sixth and last composition in the scale. SUMMARY The following table shows at a glance how the statistical items pertaining to each composition selected for the scale, 1 compare with the standard requirements established for each composition. Mean Median Median No. of Standard Grade of Standard Grade of Standard Rank of Compositions of the Scale Compo- sition Selected Mean or Average Grade Compo- sition Selected Median Grade Compo- sition Selected Median Rank Compo- sition Selected A grade or 95 % IO 95 94.6 95 95-0 I.O I.O B " 85 % . . 13 8c 83.^ 85 8s.o c.8 60 C " 75% 21 7tr 76.1 7c 77 O 10 6 II O D " 65% 22 65 66.6 65 66.5 15-4 15.0 E 55% 23 55 55-4 55 57.5 20.2 19.5 F 45% 25 45 44.9 45 45-o 25-0 23-5 The chart on page 46 indicates the distribution of ranks for each of the six compositions constituting the description scale. The median is indicated by the line dividing the distribution. For an explanation of this chart see pages 32 and 33. DEFINING THE MERITS AND DEFECTS OF THE COMPOSI- TIONS IN THE SCALES After the scales had been selected, the next step was to define the merits and defects of each composition in each scale. This was done by a committee consisting of high school and elementary school teachers with the cooperation of the teachers and principals who had originally read the compositions. 1 For the Compositions of the scale, see pp. 49-57. 4 6 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No . Ri \N K Nc . c io Tip OS tio n -0 Tip OS ticn s :a! j C on (p\ Bt( 24 i et 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 IB 13 N ( . 1 12 r< 0. K> 11 10 21 14 6 21 Ni . '< 20 19 24 18 r> 0. 13 17 11 8 13 23 22 10 16 6 12 1 2 3 15 4 9 5 14 7 23 20 N. 13 24 22 19 No. 21 10 18 8 2 21 12 15 17 9 16 7 1 6 11 14 4 5 3 22 N< 19 N 0. 22 20 11 21 17 8 12 10 16 15 7 14 5 9 13 3 2 4 23 24 6 1 18 22 18 16 17 24 Nj 20 13 21 14 23 No. 23 10 6 11 5 15 8 9 3 19 2 4 7 1 12 24 20 N 23 17 18 N 0. 25 21 22 15 14 16 11 13 10 6 7 12 5 19 8 9 3 4 2 1 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 47 The six compositions of the description scale formed the basis of a teachers' meeting, consisting of eighth grade teachers, ele- mentary school principals, and high school teachers of English. In preparation for the meeting each person was asked to define, in a succinct paragraph, the merits and defects of one of the six compositions in the scale. This assignment had two results: first, it prepared the teachers to participate in the discussion, and second, it furnished five or six paragraphs from as many different people setting forth the merits and defects of each composition as each reader saw them. In further preparation, two persons were asked to lead the discussion on each composition. With this preliminary preparation, the meeting proved exceptionally inter- esting and profitable to the teachers. It was interesting because it " moved," and it was profitable because it was devoted to the consideration of some practical everyday school matters on which every teacher was glad to obtain suggestions. At the close of the meeting the written paragraphs mentioned above, were collected and turned over to the committee which was to prepare the necessary paragraphs. The preparation of these paragraphs was not considered an easy task and the committee did its work conscientiously and with thoroughness. After tentative paragraphs had been prepared by each member of the committee according to agreement the committee held a meeting to consider them. Besides the five members of the committee Superintendent Spaulding, Professor Holmes of Harvard, and the Joseph Lee Fellow attended the meeting. The paragraphs were read and discussed at length. It was agreed that the par- agraph accompanying each composition should state, in general, why each composition was better than the one below it in the scale: why it was poorer than the one above it in the scale, and also its own intrinsic worth. With the suggestions from the discussion of the committee, the committee revised the paragraphs and prepared the final definition of merits and defects as they are found accompanying each composition in the description scale. Through the courtesy of Mr. Charles S. Thomas, Head of the Department of English in the Classical High School, Newton, and 48 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN Editor of the English Leaflets of the New England Association of Teachers of English, the Description Scale and the accompanying paragraphs were published in the February issue of the Leaflet with the request that members of the association offer suggestions for improving them before final publication. The same general procedure was followed in Exposition, Argu- mentation, and Narration, except that the teachers were divided into two groups, and each group considered two of the above types. In the case of these scales, also, the final paragraphs were not prepared in time to be presented in the English Teachers Leaflet to obtain the criticism of the members of the association. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 65 Comparison The theme is ranked higher than No. 4 because it is more coherent, and the sentence structure is better. Because the sentence structure is more monotonous, and because it is not so well punctuated, the theme is placed lower than No. 2. 66 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 4. "D" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 61.0% How TO BUILD A FIRE l To build a furnace fire you must as the following instructs. First, you must rake down and take out all the cinders, clin- kers and ashes, sift them, so as to do away with clinkers and ashes and use the cinders for some other purpose. 5 The next step, is to get your material ready to work with. First you put some paper in the furnace, on that some wood, wait until the wood is blazing, then take three good-sized shovels full of small coal and put it on that. Take the same amount of big coal repeating the same process. A fire like 10 this is supposed to last eight hours. The next thing to do is to open all your drafts to let the air in and all the gas and smoke out so as the fire will progress quicker. Last of all investigate your work to see if it is allright. Your task is done. Merits This theme shows clear thinking and a mastery of the details that make the whole convincing. The writer has evidently built furnace fires and re- lives the process as he writes. His vocabulary is throughly suited to his theme. Defects The writer has shown no care in revising his theme. There is an obvious omission in the first line, careless sentence structure in the second para- graph, and a misspelling of all right in the last line. The sentence com- mencing A fire like this is an intrusion an offense against coherence. The last sentence may be omitted. Comparison This theme is thinner in subject-matter than No. 3 and is more obviously lacking in a sense of style and form. A firm grasp of the elementary prin- ciples of composition secures its place above No. 5. 1 Composition No. 6 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 67 No. 5. " E " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 52.6% How TO HARNESS A HORSE 1 When you get the horse out of his stall, the first thing to do is to get the bridal on him. On putting the bridal on you first take hold of the piece of the bridal that goes around his neck and then take hold of the bit in the other hand. You then take hold of the lower part of his mouth and pull it 5 down and then slip the bit in his mouth. The bit is the iron piece on the bridal. When you get the bit in his mouth you tie the strap around his neck. Then take the collar and put it over his head on to his neck. The last thing to do is to put the saddle on, throw the saddle over back and buckle the 10 inside strap on the to the other side of the saddle, you put it under his stomack to buckle it and you have to have it good and tight. Merits The merits are three in number: (i) the writer knew how to harness a horse; (2) he has given his directions in an orderly manner; (3) he has kept to his subject has omitted all unnecessary details. Defects The defects are as follows: (i) the ideas are crudely and awkwardly expressed; (2) the vocabulary is meagre, as shown for example, by the fre- quent repetition of bridle and saddle; (3) bridle and stomach are misspelled; and (4) the last sentence is ungrammatical and crude it should be recast. Comparison This theme precedes No. 6 in the scale because it is superior in sentence structure, spelling, and clearness. It is inferior to No. 4 in vocabulary and mechanics. 1 Composition No. 8 in the complete set. 68 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 6. "F" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 39.1% How TO HARNESS A HORSE l I am going to tell you how to harness a horse. First you led him out of his stall take off his halter then put on his col- lar then put on his bridle put on his saddle. Then led him out to the team back him up into the shafts left them up put 5 them into the socets on the saddle them tient up the shaft strap then fix the traces to the whippel tree the the bretchen then the chect rains the run the rains throught the holds in the saddle back to the team. Merits Only two things can be said in commendation of this theme: the first sentence is free from mechanical errors, and the directions for harnessing a horse are given in logical order. Defects The theme has many faults. The meagerness of the writer's vocabulary, made conspicuous by the childish repetition of then and put; his utter lack of sentence sense; his inexcusable errors in spelling, such as led for lead, the for then, left for lift, tient for tighten all these illiteracies make the theme rank low. Comparison This theme is inferior to No. 5 in spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. With its bare enumeration of the steps in the process of harnessing a horse, it completely lacks the slight elements of grace which dependent clauses and fuller explanations contribute to No. 5. 1 Composition No. u in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 69 THE ARGUMENTATION SCALE THE TABULATION OF RESULTS OF READINGS l Table I shows the grade that each of the twenty-four readers gave each of the twenty-five compositions in argumentation. TABLE I Number of Composition 6 8 ZP4 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ig 20 21 22 23 24 25 52 73 48 78 78 70 88 35 oo 60 82 48 58 55 80 95 58 40 oo 55 85 45 48 50 78 66 69 60 72 77 7i 88 67 65 75 83 78 57 82 87 97 93 45 92 68 79 50 40 74 86 50 50 40 75 75 70 85 45 60 80 70 50 50 55 65 95 65 45 95 60 55 45 40 55 oo 45 50 .. * .... 75 60 70 70 60 45 40 80 85 40 .. 75 70 80 .. 40 55 85 75 70 58 80 .. . . 65 45 85 68 83 55 50 88 . . 90 72 50 78 68 65 58 62 60 78 70 62 50 75 83 70 88 55 92 80 92 57 58 72 73 85 65 66 95 55 80 60 52 69 94 65 70 60 85 80 80 75 68 85 70 80 75 70 65 70 95 75 60 85 70 68 65 55 65 70 68 67 52 83 90 85 73 48 78 50 80 49 46 63 60 92 55 64 95 70 87 65 45 57 75 60 60 45 50 65 70 65 50 70 60 60 50 40 60 75 95 65 45 85 60 50 45 45 70 65 70 70 70 87 90 85 93 60 93 80 94 60 50 82 80 95 65 73 90 85 89 78 65 68 93 55 85 45 80 70 70 90 45 95 65 80 70 50 55 . . 95 75 55 90 75 65 50 45 65 75 70 50 55 52 62 69 80 66 85 73 75 74 40 45 61 90 51 54 83 82 87 63 48 57 88 55 60 45 65 70 80 70 45 75 60 80 80 45 50 85 90 50 50 85 80 85 65 45 60 90 60 85 45 55 65 48 75 45 oo 65 75 79 55 55 90 95 45 50 90 63 70 50 45 55 85 56 54 45 85 80 83 91 78 88 65 70 58 50 68 78 95 54 46 93 52 72 50 46 50 75 60 55 45 58 . . 50 60 50 95 50 60 65 55 65 . . 95 55 50 88 70 70 50 50 55 85 61 56 54 82 69 78 79 55 94 75 93 73 65 80 90 95 67 60 88 70 85 58 48 63 92 51 74 45 70 58 67 87 45 95 54 89 71 49 56 70 95 52 60 82 65 77 47 50 68 85 48 48 40 50 50 65 68 55 50 52 56 50 45 48 65 oo 68 55 85 52 48 48 42 50 70 67 69 60 72 70 7i 85 66 65 76 84 78 58 82 87 95 73 50 oo 68 80 55 45 74 88 65 63 56 78 74 72 85 57 89 67 75 62 60 74 73 95 64 58 90 62 82 45 40 65 76 61 71 45 87 85 77 93 52 90 65 75 59 55 64 76 95 66 48 92 54 78 53 46 47 79 58 52 43 88 83 80 91 47 85 66 70 55 53 63 75 95 61 45 93 So 78 49 4O 46 7* 1 Mr. William J. Sands did the statistical work on the Argumentation Scale. 2 Reader No. 4 did not read this set of compositions. 3 Blank spaces indicate that the reader did not grade that composition because the composition was not considered suitable for a scale. 70 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN Table IV shows the ranking of each composition in argumenta- tion by each reader. TABLE IV "o-o Choice in Rank p* 6 7 8 Q IO // 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 33 34 35 I 16 9 19 7 21 ii IS 25 5 4 2 6 10 13 17 20 14 i 24 23 12 3 22 18 8 2 16 19 7 IS 25 ii 14 21 12 S 10 24 17 4 6 2 2O 8 I 9 3 13 22 18 23 ?1 O 4! 5 16 25 21 IS 19 7 ii 10 20 9 12 24 2 I 13 17 14 23 18 8 6 5 3 22 4 6 16 14 9 ii 4 25 19 I I? 2 10 20 7 21 23 24 3 22 12 13 18 8 S 6 IS 7 19 25 ii 9 7 16 5 10 21 4 IS 14 6 I 24 18 17 2 22 13 12 8 20 23 3 8 16 19 9 4 ii 6 7 12 17 20 10 25 S IS 13 2 21 8 24 22 I 14 18 3 23 9 19 16 5 21 6 4 ii 9 25 7 20 I 2 22 18 14 IS 24 17 3 10 12 8 13 23 IO 16 19 IS 24 9 6 25 17 7 5 20 14 II 10 I 2 21 12 8 4 13 22 18 3 13 ii 16 ii 7 9 25 S 19 21 4 6 20 14 10 25 22 18 I 2 3 24 17 23 8 12 13 12 9 16 7 19 2 ii 4 20 17 25 12 5 6 IO 24 21 18 14 I 13 22 8 3 23 IS 13 16 25 21 9 19 20 7 II 12 IO J 6 8 22 5 IS 24 3 18 4 17 2 23 14 13 14 16 25 21 IS 19 2O ii 12 6 9 S 7 4 22 2 10 24 I 14 17 18 3 8 13 23 IS 16 9 IS 19 2 25 12 7 ii 21 s IO 20 I 14 24 4 13 18 22 6 8 17 23 3 16 16 19 7 9 4 6 5 15 25 21 II 14 10 17 12 I 2 20 13 24 22 8 18 23 3 I7 1 18 16 9 ii 25 5 19 21 4 14 7 6 10 12 20 5 17 13 24 I 18 22 2 8 3 23 19 16 9 ii 7 25 19 21 2 12 4 IS 24 6 20 18 S 14 10 17 i 23 13 8 22 3 10 16 19 25 7 i? 6 IS II 8 18 20 10 4 5 9 12 24 14 21 22 I 2 IS 23 3 21 16 19 25 IS 7 ii 14 21 12 10 24 17 4 6 5 2 20 I 8 9 3 13 22 18 23 22 16 19 9 7 21 4 25 II 5 14 IS 6 10 24 i 17 2 12 20 13 18 8 3 22 23 23 16 7 19 9 4 S 25 21 6 IS II 2 17 IO 14 I 12 13 20 22 8 18 24 23 3 24 16 19 7 4 9 5 6 21 IS 25 II 10 14 17 i 12 13 2 2O 22 8 24 18 3 23 1 Reader No. 4 did not read these compositions. Readers No. 3 and 17 gave several compositions the same grade, hence the compositions could not be ranked. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 71 THE COMPLETED ARGUMENTATION SCALE No. i. "A" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 93.2% Is A YEAR OF TRAVEL MORE ADVANTAGEOUS THAN A YEAR OF STUDY ? l Yes. In nearly all lines of study, travel is an important aid. Geography for instance. Places dryly discussed in class and soon forgotten become actual. Races that made no im- pression in print are fastened in the mind by a hundred vivid 5 pictures. Products that seemed so useless and annoying to learn are full of importance and interest when seen being loaded on ships or mules. Queer oriental customs, laughed at when studied become natural, comprehended facts. Sta- tistics are seldom learned while travelling, but when they are, 10 they are remembered because the bare, dry fact is connected with an actual thing not merely figures, groaned over be- cause they were difficult to learn. History also. Some spot where General A's army ma- noeuvered in this direction, and Colonel B's in that, becomes 15 real ground, to be reverenced and remembered. The hills that would get on the wrong side of the diagram are here in their true position, and that granite monument marks the spot where the brave commanders died. Languages, too. An impossible French name slides off 20 glibly when often heard. Some word is gained with very lit- tle effort, another, and the door to the whole language is thrown wide. The same is true of Italian, and the best part of it is that the pronunciation is correct. Mathematics could not be so easily acquired, it is true, as 25 in the schoolroom. But when the mind has been broadened by the year of travel, the student would more easily learn this branch. 1 Composition No. 1 6 in the complete set. 72 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN As for English, a year like this would be the greatest ad- 30 vantage possible. The lovely landscapes of Switzerland or Italy, the odd manners of the Orientals, the thousand types of humanity everything lends its aid. On the whole, travel is a thousand times an improvement over the school, because it creates interest, stimulates 35 thought, and broadens the traveller as nothing else can. Merits This theme is excellent because the writer has his argument clearly in mind, follows a carefully planned outline, and expresses himself convincingly. The question is stated clearly, and the conclusion leaves a definite impres- sion on the reader's mind. The illustrations used are well chosen and vivid, especially the ones about foreign customs and historical scenes. Vocabulary and sentence form are good. Defects A different arrangement of arguments in the order of climax would add strength to the theme. The beginning of each paragraph is awkward because of the use of detached phrases and words: i.e. yes; geography for instance, languages too. Either these phrases should be deliberately iso- lated as headings, and the whole paper thrown into outline form, or else they should be expanded into complete statements. There is some weakness in punctuation, as for example, a semicolon should be substituted for the comma after effort in line 22. Comparison This theme is better than No. 2 because it follows a more definite plan, its arguments are more clearly stated, and its vocabulary is more varied. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 73 No. 2. "B" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 81.5% WHY COUNTRY LITE is BETTER THAN CITY LIFE l Country life is the best kind of life there is to be lived. The country is good for children and grown up people alike. The children have plenty of fresh air and room to run about in. To be sure they do not have the large schools of the city; but they have the great school of Nature and that is greater 5 than any learning they could get in city schools. The parents are not afraid to let them run about because there are no automobiles, electric cars, etc., to run over them. There is safety in the country. The country is the best place sick people could go. The 10 air is pure and bracing and there is water cool and fresh from the spring or well. For the tired man working in a busy city office a rest in the country is the best thing for him and the sooner he gets it the better it is for him. The country people have good times even if they don't go 15 to fancy balls, theatres, etc., and stay up until one or two o'clock in the morning. They have a good healthy time and are home and in bed by nine or half -past. For these reasons, and many others, the country is the best place for children or adults, sick or well. 20 Merits The writer has a sense of arrangement, shown (i) by his introduction; (2) by his paragraphs that develop successively the advantages of country life; and (3) by his conclusion. The composition is also correct in its elementary mechanics spelling, punctuation, grammar, and paragraph and sentence structure. The vocabulary, while not distinctive, is adequate. Defects The arguments are not wholly convincing. For example, the great school of Nature is, for most children, not a satisfactory substitute for a city school. Then, to say without qualification, that the country is the best place for 1 Composition No. 25 in the complete set. 74 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN sick people to go, is misleading. The repeated use of etc. is ineffective. The summary should not contain the phrase and many others. Comparison This composition lacks the virility of thought and diction that marks No. i. It is, however, superior to No. 3 in arrangement, in sentence struc- ture, and in its firmness of mental grasp. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 75 No. 3. " C " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 71.9% THE GOOD OF A LANTERN IN GEOGRAPHY 1 A lantern is a good thing in a school as it shows the differ- ent cities, countries, and also the ways of the people. This gets the children acquainted with foreign places. Also the reciting about the pictures gives them an interest which would not be so great as if they were in the schoolroom. 5 It is a good thing for the children to get up before the class and recite, that gives them self confidence and also prepares them more for high school. In having the lantern it interests the children so they look for pictures to use, and they find and read many interesting things. 10 When the pictures are passed out they look up many things at home and find out new things and so as other chil- dren find things out they help the class. Merits The merits of this composition are three: (i) the form is purely argumen- tative throughout; (2) the pupil had a few distinct advantages of the use of a lantern in mind; and (3) troublesome words like acquaintance and foreign are correctly spelled. Defects The defects are as follows: (i) poor arrangement of facts makes this theme ineffective; (2) the sentences are awkward for example, the third and fifth; (3) the fourth sentence illustrates the " run-on " sentence or " comma error "; (4) there is lack of clearness in the antecedents of pro- nouns they in lines 5, n, and 13; (5) there is a poverty of vocabulary the word thing or things occurs six times, and children occurs in almost every sentence. Comparison This theme follows No. 2 in the scale because it has less mature thought, inferior sentence structure, and a more limited and childish vocabulary. It precedes No. 4 because, although not so effectively written, it adheres more closely to the form of writing required argumentation. 1 Composition No. 6 in the complete set. 76 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 4. "D" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 63.6% FOOTBALL is A BETTER GAME THAN BASEBALL l Football is a better game than baseball. It's not only (only) muscle and strength that makes a football player. He must have the power to think quick. When the team is a short distance from the goal and scores, somebody's quick 5 thinking has done it. Baseball is an exciting game in parts. But football is ex- citing from the (the) time the ball is kicked till the referee blows his whistle. Football shows when a man or boy has grit. I once attended a game. The score was tie and the 10 opposing team were only a few yards from the goal and three minutes to play. The quarterback gave his signal and they struck the line. The struggling mass moved a few feet and stopped with a jump. Out of the mass a man jumped. His face was all battered, but he struggled on till he had got the 15 ball over the line. Some people call it brutal. Some cases it is and some it is not. I would rather strike the line in foot- ball clothes for a few yards gain, than stand up at a plate and have a man hurl baseballs at me. Which would you rather do? Merits The writer of this theme evidently has a plan of procedure in mind. After clearly stating his proposition in the first sentence, he seeks to establish three good points of superiority for the game of football. Though unable to prove these points, he has succeeded in leaving with the reader a firm conviction of his belief that football is a good sport. Lines 9-15 give effec- tively the writer's impressions of a critical moment in a game. Defects The author fails to prove his proposition, because he mistakes for argu- ments a few loosely stated facts and preferences. His plan of reasoning, though suggested, is entirely undeveloped. Mechanical errors are numer- ous: (i) two mistakes in the use of parentheses (lines 2 and 7); (2) plural verb with singular subject (line 10) ; (3) adjective modifies a verb (line 3) ; 1 Composition No. a in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 77 and the pronoun it is used vaguely in line 15. The paragraphs are without system, and the sentences in general are short and disconnected. Comparison This composition deserves its place in the scale above No. 5 because of its superior mechanical accuracy and larger vocabulary. It does not hold as closely to its subject as does No. 3. 78 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 5. "E" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 52.3% WHY EVERY GIRL SHOULD LEARN TO COOK 1 Every girl should learn to cook. If she was out of imploi- ment it would be very useful. Later on, if she should keep house she would want to be able to cook. If she didn't know how, the lady would have 5 to hire a cook. Sometime, perhaps, she could not pay to keep a cook. Then she would say, " Oh, how I wished I learned to cook when I was younger, instead of buying bak- ers things." If this womans children wanted to learn to cook who 10 would they ask to learn them. Their mother couldn't, be- cause she did n't know how her self. So you may see for yourself it is very important that every girl should learn to cook. Merits This theme shows that the author had a plan; for it gives several sound reasons why every girl should learn to cook reasons arranged in a fairly logical order. The punctuation of certain sentences is unexpectedly good. Defects The theme is, however, faulty in unity and coherence. There is a shift- ing of tense, a lack of definite antecedents for such words as it (line 2), and lady (line 4). The arguments are not sufficiently expanded to make them clear. The theme is further marred by such mechanical errors as : misspelling of employment (line i) ; a complete absence of the apostrophe and interroga- tion point; the incorrect use of who (line 9), and learn (line 10). Comparison This theme is placed lower in the scale than No. 4; it has less force as an argument, and has more mechanical errors. 1 Composition No. 13 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 79 No. 6. " F " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 47.0% THE WINTER is THE BEST SEASON l The winter is the best season in the year because they are skating and pung-riding coasting etc. In the spring when you plant the crops you are kept busy. In the summer tak- ing care of them weeding in them and picking bean peas, and the only day you get of is Sunday. 5 In July it is too hot you swet all the time the horse won't run because it is so hot. In the fall you are busy get in all the crops and cutting corn banking celery, digging potatoes, pull- ing turnips, picking apples, pears, cutting onions and every thing else. So the winter is the only time you can have fun 10 when they are nothing to do. Merits There is little to defend in this theme. Only one line of argument is attempted; that one, however, is arranged logically according to the order of the four seasons. The use of specific words is good, and the large number of illustrations drawn from the pupil's own experience arouses sympathy in the reader. Defects Although the range of arguments is limited, and those arguments consist mainly of the enumeration of the woes that beset a boy in the other seasons rather than in the joys of winter, it is from the mechanical standpoint that this theme is a failure. There is manifested an entire lack of sentence-sense since examples of both " run-on " sentences and unfinished clauses occur frequently. Errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar are found in every line. The whole composition is the expression of a backward, limited mind. Comparison The theme deserves a lower place in the scale than No. 5 because of the greater frequency of mechanical errors. In weight of subject matter, how- ever, it is superior. 1 Composition No. 23 in the complete set. 8o HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN THE NARRATION SCALE THE TABULATION or RESULTS OF READINGS l Table I shows the grade that each of the twenty-four readers gave each of the twenty-five compositions in narration. TABLE I ""! 6 S Number of the Composition S 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IQ 20 21 22 23 24 25 i 2 3 73 90 93 45 58 45 95 95 95 68 58 68 58 9 58 55 70 60 80 73 68 75 55 50 78 61 55 56 58 59 60 76 87 69 68 73 62 72 75 58 65 93 45 60 60 77 90 50 55 65 68 80 83 85 82 73 60 6 4 4 8 75 86 75 75 80 90 65 65 68 73 80 70 85 88 85 5 75 50 95 78 73 55 70 50 48 70 73 85 88 68 75 85 70 65 90 60 90 85 80 80 93 6 79 46 93 66 83 64 75 60 78 52 58 95 78 82 80 85 73 70 75 67 60 88 75 77 91 7 78 48 95 65 75 55 9 2 67 67 60 62 87 70 68 71 60 64 82 9i 58 88 72 66 68 90 8 70 50 80 65 68 50 75 . . 168 60 50 65 70 60 50 50 50 65 65 60 68 65 60 50 70 9 70 45 95 75 55 53 85 73 72 72 73 90 83 57 48 63 78 80 87 50 73 68 65 60 93 10 75 45 95 73 65 55 85 70 68 63 70 90 80 58 45 67 70 80 80 4 8 70 68 73 58 90 ii 78 40 90 65 87 63 95 70 75 60 73 84 73 75 55 55 73 80 83 60 86 76 70 78 85 12 90 45 95 83 67 48 70 57 53 55 80 93 92 63 75 65 72 85 75 50 75 70 78 60 88 13 82 65 94 81 79 78 93 80 77 88 89 87 91 76 90 60 74 75 92 70 86 83 84 85 95 14 88 45 95 70 85 65 90 55 50 65 75 90 85 70 90 75 78 80 95 75 85 80 85 78 95 15 70 45 95 50 64 54 91 65 75 58 62 83 68 60 75 50 68 78 85 49 85 68 59 55 88 16 78 45 92 56 65 50 90 62 58 60 60 88 72 66 68 57 62 80 85 52 87 75 68 70 95 i? 92 45 93 48 83 50 70 55 60 68 80 83 75 78 80 50 58 94 93 68 85 88 58 85 85 18 88 45 95 68 71 55 88 60 70 62 76 92 83 73 75 53 65 90 86 58 78 85 53 80 84 19 88 45 95 67 80 55 83 61 76 60 77 91 87 78 77 60 65 90 86 59 81 84 7i 79 85 20 95 40 90 58 55 50 62 60 50 58 65 80 72 50 45 55 55 58 70 48 55 58 75 85 55 21 85 45 95 65 68 60 92 55 48 51 75 90 73 64 69 53 66 80 81 7i 87 78 62 70 83 22 81 48 95 67 73 55 92 72 66 50 75 87 70 62 70 66 64 74 78 53 80 75 68 82 85 23 76 50 95 65 64 57 92 61 59 74 58 82 79 66 68 63 60 84 83 62 80 71 69 75 87 24 77 45 95 64 62 60 93 66 59 67 69 83 80 63 68 56 75 85 89 61 87 72 70 65 91 1 Mr. Maurice J. Lacey did the statistical work on the Narration Scale. 2 Reader No. 4 did not read this set of themes. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 81 Table IV shows the ranking of each composition in narration by each reader. TABLE IV Choice in Rank fc P4 i 2 3 4 5 67 8 Q 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ig 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 2 3 4! 3 3 3 7 i i 19 12 7 25 21 12 12 25 22 18 19 24 IS 22 25 21 II 18 22 18 17 z IS II 13 17 21 24 4 19 IO 24 16 4 13 23 5 14 IS U 23 6 23 20 10 ii 16 9 20 5 5 6 IO 4 8 9 14 9 2 13 16 8 20 17 2 7 6 2 8 S 3 25 19 21 13 16 22 12 23 24 4 I IS 5 II 7 10 17 14 18 2O 6 2 8 9 6 12 3 25 22 16 5 14 15 I 9 13 24 23 19 7 17 18 20 4 6 21 8 II 10 2 7 3 7 19 25 21 12 18 I 5 22 IS 13 14 24 8 9 23 4 17 ii 10 16 20 6 2 8 3 7 25 13 I 9 21 S 4 19 18 22 12 14 10 20 23 17 24 ii 6 16 2 IS .. 9 3 25 12 19 7 13 18 17 4 21 8 II 9 10 I 22 23 16 24 U 5 6 2O IS 2 10 3 25 12 7 19 18 13 I 23 4 21 17 ii 8 9 22 16 S 10 24 M 6 20 IS 2 ii 7 3 5 21 25 12 19 18 I 24 22 9 14 ii 13 17 8 23 4 6 10 20 IS 16 2 12 3 12 13 I 25 18 4 ii 23 IS 21 19 I? 22 7 5 16 14 24 8 10 9 20 6 2 13 25 3 7 19 13 15 ii 10 12 21 24 23 22 I 4 8 S 6 9 14 18 17 20 2 16 14 3 19 25 7 12 15 i S 13 21 23 18 22 24 17 20 16 ii 14 4 6 10 8 9 2 IS 3 7 25 21 19 12 18 15 9 I 13 17 22 8 5 II 14 23 10 24 6 4 16 20 2 16 25 3 7 12 21 19 18 I 22 13 24 15 23 14 S 17 8 10 ii 9 16 4 20 6 2 i? 3 18 19 I 22 21 24 25 S 12 II IS 14 13 7 10 20 9 23 17 8 6 16 4 2 18 3 12 18 7 I 19 22 25 13 24 21 ii 15 U 5 9 4 17 10 8 20 6 23 16 2 19 3 12 18 i 13 19 25 22 7 21 5 24 U IS 9 ii 23 4 17 8 16 10 20 6 2 20 I 3 24 12 23 13 19 II 7 8 4 10 18 22 25 21 17 16 S 14 9 6 20 IS 2 21 3 7 12 21 I 25 19 18 22 II 13 20 24 15 5 17 4 M 23 6 8 16 10 9 2 22 3 7 12 25 24 I 21 19 II 22 18 5 8 13 15 23 4 9 16 17 14 6 20 IO 2 23 3 7 25 18 19 12 21 13 I 24 10 22 23 IS 14 4 5 16 20 8 17 9 II 6 2 24 3 7 25 19 21 18 12 13 I 17 22 23 i 15 10 8 24 4 14 5 20 6 9 16 2 Reader No. 4 did not read this set of compositions. 82 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN THE COMPLETED NARRATION SCALE No. i. "A" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 93.5% MY FIRST RIDING LESSON x I gazed down into the riding ring from the balcony where I was sitting. The riding master was cantering around the ring with a young girl who seemed to be an experienced rider. Riding looked easy. 5 After another round he rode up to the doors which a man outside flung open, and rode out. A few minutes later he called up the stairs, " I am ready for you, Miss Speare," and taking my crop I rushed eagerly down the stairs, for this was my first riding lesson. 10 I scrambled on to the back of a small horse that stood pa- tiently quiet, waiting. " Are your stirrups all right ? " the riding master asked, when I was on. " Yes," I replied, "They are just the right length." 15 " Thatls good," and lie leaped into the saddle and we rode into the ring. " You have not ridden before, have you ? " he asked as we walked slowly around the ring. " No," I replied, " I have n't." " But I was thinking to 20 myself how easy riding is ! " We will trot now," he said, after a little and the horses began to trot slowly. Then I discovered my mistake. Riding is not especially easy for beginers. And trotting is not as easy as walking. 25 " Rise with the horse," he commanded. " Cling on with your knees and rise in your stirrups." Easier said then done. I bounced up and down until I thought I should fall off. It looked so easy when other people trotted! He seemed to do it so easily, why couldn't 30 I ? Yet I could n't and that was plain. 1 Composition No. 3 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 83 " I c-can't s-seem to r-rise with h-him. H-he b-bounces m-me awful," I gasped finally. He pulled in and we walked for a while. " Now try to rise in your stirrups," he said as we began to trot again. 35 I got along better this time although I still bumped terribly. Then he discovered that the hour was up and we rode out. He dismounted and helped me off and when I reached the ground I felt very unsteady. 40 I staggered up the stairs, for I was very wobbly, seized my crop and hurried down. If riding was like this all the time! He was talking to mother. " All right," I heard him say, " A week from to-day; same time. She did pretty well for the first time. Too bad she is 45 so stiff." I didn't feel like another lesson at any time but I didn't say so and with mother I left the riding school and my first riding lesson was at an end. Merits The situation is vividly portrayed, with plenty of conversation. From the lively introduction to the direct conclusion, the interest is kept up by well-selected details. The paragraphing is good, and the mastery of quo- tation marks is evident. Good choice of words is shown in such natural phrasing as rushed, gazed, flung, scramble, bounced, staggered. The connec- tion between the paragraphs is unusually good. Defects The defects are in matters of form. There is unnecessary repetition of the word ride. Punctuation is omitted in several places. There are mis- takes in spelling (lines 10, 24, 27). In that's good, the apostrophe is omitted. The concluding sentence is loosely constructed. Comparison This theme holds a higher place than No. 2 because of its excellent choice of details and its vivid expression. It is a more ambitious piece of work, and the interest is more surely sustained. 84 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 2. " B " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 83.0% MY TRIP TO FAIRYLAND l It was about four o'clock in the afternoon, and as I was very tired I sat down by the fire to rest. Suddenly I heard a small voice calling me by name. I immediately looked up and beside me I saw what I thought was a fairy. I was very 5 much excited as I had never seen a fairy but had only read of them. " Would you like to come with me to Fairyland and rid yourself of your cares for a while ? " she questioned. " I would love to," I answered. 10 " Then only follow me," she said. So out of the room we went and down the cellar stairs. " Where are you leading me ? " I asked. " You shall soon find out," she answered. We went into the darkest corner of the cellar. She showed 15 me a small trap door which she went through, leaving me alone. " But how am I to get through ? " I asked. Without a reply she touched me with her small wand, and before I had a chance to say a word I found myself through 20 the door and in a beautiful garden which was filled with fra- grant flowers of many kinds. She led me through it, and at one end of it I saw a white marble palace. " This is my home," she said. Do you care to enter ? " " That would be delightful," I said. 25 Up the stairs we went and down a long hall. Finally we came upon a large beautiful room. It was filled with danc- ing fairies who were having a gay time. My fairy introduced me to some of the fairies, and then joined in the merry mak- ing. I stood and looked at the splendor of it all, when sud- 30 denly I heard a voice calling me, and I looked up. It was my mother who said, " I have called you three times. You must have been asleep." 1 Composition No. 19 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 85 Merits The spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and especially the para- graphing of this composition, are accurate. The story, as a whole, has action; the conversation is well handled; there is a studious effort to avoid repetitions, as, questioned, asked, answered, said (lines 8-12). Defects The chief defect is a childish use of tiresome short sentences. The verb forms do not produce action enough. In line 23 quotation marks are omitted before Do, and there should be a hyphen in merry-making (line 28). Comparison The superior paragraph structure of this theme is sufficient to place it above No. 3. It lacks the merit seen in the easy and spirited conversation of No. i. 86 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 3. "C" GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 76.2% LOST IN THE WOODS OF CONNECTICUT 1 " Who 's going blackberrying to-day ? " cried my cousin Margaret waving her pail. " I am," I said coming out of the house a pail in one hand and a wide brimmed hat in othe other. 5 " Allright," answered Margaret, " but where's Julia ? " " Must be in the house," I replied. We soon found her diligently reading a book and after some urging she decided to go. It was about eight o'clock when we started for if we 10 waited till later on in the day it would be to hot. We walked a long ways to the other end of the farm after climbing stonewalls and having several encounters with snakes. " How much farther do we have to go ? " I cried growing 15 impatient. " The other side of this field," Margaret called back. After climbing the stonewall we came in sight of big stretches of blackberries. We fell to work right away and picked very fast. 20 In a little while we stopped and found we had worked a good ways. As we went on the berries seemed to grow big- ger and sweeter. After filling my pail I found Margaret was through long before me and was sitting in their midst eating. We waited 25 till Julia was through and then started for home. We were so busy talking Margaret did n't notice which path we took and after walking a longs ways she discovered our mistake. I wanted to turn back and go the way we came but she said it would take to long so we struck out into the woods. The 30 farther we went the more perplexed we were till finally Mar- garet sat down under a tree in despair. 1 Composition No. 22 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 87 This would never do so I decided to climb a nearby tree to see if we could see any signs of a house. With much pulling and tugging I got up the tree and saw a house to the right. We reached the house tired and hungry. 35 We were lucky to come to come to such a place for the mis- tress proved to be very good. After resting one of the hired men drove us home just in time to see a searching party going out to look for us as it was now late in the afternoon. Merits The most commendable feature of this narrative is the management of the conversation. This is accurately punctuated and contains a variety in the verbs of saying. Placed at the beginning, it gives an element of spontaneity and arouses the immediate interest of the reader. There are several well-chosen expressions such as several encounters with snakes, pulling and tugging, and in despair. The arrangement of ideas is logical. Defects Except for the incompatibility between the content and the title, the defects are mechanical; (i) poor paragraphing except in the conversation; (2) the unskillful use of the compound sentence in the sentences beginning on lines 7, 9, 25; (3) the unemphatic position of the participial phrase in lines 12 and 13, and of the dependent clause in the last sentence; (4) the absence of commas after introductory clauses and phrases, in some instances causing an ambiguity of meaning as hi sentences commencing in lines 21 and 37; (5) the grammatical error in the incoherent reference of the pro- noun their in line 24; (6) the evident carelessness in the spelling of the, all right and too and in the repetition of to come in line 36; and (7) the poor choice of words in the colloquial nearby and in the repeated use of long ways. Comparison This theme is superior to No. 4 in its maturity of thought and phrasing; it is inferior to No. 2 in mechanical form. 88 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 4. " D " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 66.4% A HAPPY BUT EXCITING AFTERNOON l Allen had just gotten a new motor-boat for his birthday and wanted to try it out as it was Saturday. " Well," he said, " will you come with me Emily. You can bring Edna if you wish." 5 "All right," said Emily, and off she went to get Edna, her cousin. They started out at Marblehead and was going to go as far out in the harbor as they could. All went well for about one hour, then it was getting rough. 10 The girls got frightened, but, they had more to be frightened about later, the propeller broke off. All there was to do was to go where ever the waves would take them. They were heading for open sea. " Oh," said Edna, " how perfectly horrible." 15 " I 'm not coming out in this motor-boat again," said Emily. " I guess you won't, Emily, but look, here comes a ferry- boat." So it was, " now for the fun," said Allen, who was not the 20 least bit excited, " I 'm going to call their attention." The ship came nearer and nearer to them. Soon it was within reach and Allen made a grab for it. He got hold of the side and helped the girls in. Then he got a rope and tide it to the motor-boat. 25 " Well," said the girls to-gether, " we will never go in a motor-boat with you again. Merits The merits are two: (i) the child had a fairly well planned story in mind; (2) he has an accurate knowledge of the use of quotation marks. 1 Composition No. 14 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 89 Defects The defects are as follows: (i) the paragraphing is poor; (2) there are several examples of the " run-on " sentence (lines 9, n, and 20); (3) the words propeller, wherever, together, and tied are misspelled; (4) can is used in line 3 instead of may, (5) in line 7 there is a singular verb used with a plural subject; (6) there are errors in punctuation (lines 3, 10, 14, and 19); (7) the vocabulary is childish. Comparison This theme follows No. 3 in the scale because of the inferior development of its plot and the greater immaturity of its expression. 90 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 5. " E " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 56.0% A GHOST STORY 1 " Come Joe, run faster we must get Harry to come with us and we have but few minutes to do it in if we want to get there before dark/' said John as he leaped a fence and started toward a house in the distance. 5 Joe jumped the fence and ran after John as fast as he could in order to catch up with him so they could go in together. They reached the house all out of breath. " Hullo boys! where are you going, can I be one com- pany ? " were the series of questions poured forth to John and 10 Joe as they entered the house. John and Joe told them where they were going, and Harry readly consented to go. They reached the house and ate their supper and went to bed. 1 5 They were not asleep long when Joe woke up and hollered for John and Harry to come to him because he saw a ghost. Harry jumped up and entered the room in which Joe was sleeping. " Where is the ghost," he asked, " I don't see any." 20 He is gone now, said Joe. In the morning they thought they would investigate. They found it was only a white post and a white sheet be- hind it. They then started home and told their parents about their adventures. Merits The writer has a strong and dramatic opening, and throughout the theme handles his dialogue well. His sense of order is good and his vocabulary adequate. Such expressions as the series of questions poured forth and readily consented are good. Defects The good promise of the beginning is not fulfilled; the climax is not worked up successfully and the whole trails off into a pointless incident. The 1 Composition No. 6 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 91 mechanical errors are numerous; almost every sentence is made a separate paragraph; there are two examples of the " run-on " sentence (lines i and 19); there are several comma omissions and one use of a comma where there should be a question mark (line 19) ; there is an error in tense sequence (line 1 5) ; the words of the are omitted in line 8 ; readily is misspelled (line 1 2) . Comparison While more dramatic than No. 4, the theme is properly placed lower on account of the large number of mechanical errors and the drooping narrative interest. 92 HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN No. 6. " F " GRADE COMPOSITION. VALUE, 46.9% LIFE IN A CABIN l In a woods our cabin is which is made of logs. In side are two rooms furnished with rough hand made furniture. On the wall of the den hung skins and many pictures. We had to have something to eat so we had to find a river 5 where we could fish. We got enough fish and soon they were over the fire frying. Next day an Indian came with some meat. We gave him a few coppers had he was real pleased. " Jingle jingle," was the noise out side as the horse gal- 10 loped. It was cousen Joe. " Hurrah ! now for some fun," I cried. " Come toboggan- ing ? See that that hill over there well its great toboggan- ing." " Come in," said Joe, " till I get my moccasins ? " 15 What fun we had many tumbles we got. Just as we were going home we saw a deer laying in the snow. We crept up to him but he did not move. Than we put him on the tobog- gan and took him home. He was cold but we gave him some warm milk and he tryed to get up, But he could not. 20 " Poor thing he must be hurt," said Joe. " His leg is broke don't you see." Then we bathed his leg and bound it. Soon he was able to stand on his legs and became a house pet. " Oh, dear its snowing," said Joe, " Lets not go out as my 25 snoweshoes are not here." Merits The merits of this theme are: (i) an attempt to make an introductory paragraph; (2) the introduction of conversation; (3) the use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences; (4) the simple and natural language; (5) the orderly sequence of points in the story. 1 Composition No. 2 in the complete set. HARVARD-NEWTON BULLETIN 93 Defects Though well begun, after the first paragraph this theme is simply a series of disconnected events and apparently unrelated statements, (i) Punctua- tion is faulty; (2) sentences are badly constructed ; (3) the meaning in several places is not clear; (4) there are many mechanical errors, such as than for then', broke for broken; laying for lying; had for and; (5) the apostrophe is omitted in contractions ; and (6) the tense changes abruptly in the opening paragraph. Comparison This theme is inferior to No. 5 in sentence structure, in connected arrange- ment of material, and in mechanical accuracy. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY