r QP 2LZ UC-NRLF LIBRARY THE FATTY ACID RADICALS OF LIVER LECITHIN Arr BY HENRY S. SIMMS TED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF PURE SCIENCE OF : COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK 1922 THE FATTY ACID RADICALS OF LIVER LECITHIN HENRY S. SIMMS \v Introduction Part 1. The Liver Lecithin Part 2. The Unsaturated Fatty Acids of Liver Lecithin SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF PURE SCIENCE OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY REPRINTED FROM THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. XLVIII, No. 1, SEPTEMBER, 1921, and VOL. LI, No. 1, MARCH, 1922 BXCHANO* Introduction. Numerous investigators in medicine and biology have come to consider lipoids as highly essential constituents of the animal organism, in that they appear to be involved in certain necessary functions of the tissues. The lipoid known as lecithin occurs, as do the other lipoids, in all animal tissues. The following structural formula has been generally accepted : CH 2 O-CO-Ri CH O-CO-R 2 O II CH 2 O P O C 2 H 4 N= (CH 3 ) 3 I I OH OH Lecithin is composed of the five radicals, choline, phosphoric acid, glycerol, and two- fatty acid radicals ( O-CO-Ri and -O-CO-R 2 ). In the attempt to complete our knowledge of the chemical constituents of lecithin, it seemed advisable to ascertain the nature of these fatty acid radicals with more care and accuracy than had previously been attempted. As a result of the investi- gations which are reported in the following pages, it has been found that the lecithin from livers gives on hydrolysis four fatty acids. Two of them, stearic and palmitic, are saturated; while two, oleic and arachidonic, are unsaturated. The proportion in which the unsaturated acids occur has been found to vary. Since the molecules were shown to exist in monomolecular form it is evident that lecithin is a mixture of different molecules which vary from each other in the particular fatty acid radicals which they contain. 5075D6 [Reprinted from THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, September, 1921, Vol. xlviii, No. 1, pp. 185-196.] THE LIVER LECITHIN. BY P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS. (From the Laboratories of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.) (Received for publication, July 7, 1921.) The older work on the unsaturated lipoids of the liver has been reviewed in the paper of Levene and Ingvaldsen. In the same paper a new analysis of the liver lecithin was reported. The new facts reported in that paper related principally to the nature of the fatty acids. In the course of the work reported by Levene and Ingvaldsen 1 two fatty acids were found, one saturated, and the other unsaturated, which analyzed for a polyunsaturated arachidic acid. Since an acid of that structure has never before been described in connection with lecithin, further corroboration of the finding seemed desirable. Furthermore, in the course of the present year it was shown by Levene and Rolf 2 that the egg lecithin and that of the brain contained two saturated fatty acids. This result was obtained by means of fractional distillation of the esters of the combined saturated acids. In light of this observation it became necessary to reinvesti- gate all lecithins in regard to the number of fatty acid radicles, saturated and unsaturated, present in their molecule. In regard to the liver lecithin it was now found that it contained two saturated and two unsaturated acids. 3 The saturated acids are palmitic and stearic. They were isolated and identified by the same procedure as described by Levene and Rolf. The unsaturated acids are: one, unsaturated stearic, and the other, unsaturated arachidic. On reduction one is converted into stearic and the other into arachidic. The exact degree of unsaturation of either one of the two acids is as yet not known. There are, however, indications that one (arachidic) may be tetra-unsaturated. On the 1 Levene, P. A., and Ingvaldsen, T., /. Biol. Chem., 1920, xliii, 359. 2 Levene, P. A., and Rolf, Ida P., /. Biol. Chem., 1921, xlvi, 193, 353. 3 Evidence has recently been obtained in this laboratory that egg lecithin also contains the two unsaturated acids. 273 274 LIVER LECITHIN addition of bromine a substance was obtained which analyzed for an octobromide of arachidic acid. However, it will require a larger quantity of material to establish the degree of unsaturation of each of the two acids with certainty. The presence of several acids in the liver lecithin again emphasizes the question of the existence oi more than one lecithin. It was attempted to answer this question by the molecular weight estimation of the hydrolecithin. The hydrolecithin from the liver lecithin has been prepared essentially according to Paal's procedure. The molecular weight of the substance was found 810 and 700 (in two estimations). The theory of a monophosphatide requires 809, that of a diphosphatide 1600. Consequently, liver lecithin consists of a mixture of monolecithins. In the course of the present work the process of preparation of pure free lecithin from its cadmium chloride salt has been improved so that analytically pure substance is prepared in good yield; namely, about 50 gm. of free lecithin from 100 gm. of the cadmium chloride salt. The procedure in the main is as follows: The salt of lecithin is dissolved in chloroform and this solution is transferred into a solution of dry ammonia gas in dry methyl alcohol. The resulting lecithin is purified from the slight quantity of impurities by the acetic acid process developed by Levene ana Ingvaldsen. The details of the procedure are given in the experimental part. EXPERIMENTAL. /. Preparation of Pure Lecithin. Various attempts to produce pure liver lecithin without converting it into the cadmium chloride salt met with little success. The following method proved to be the easiest and most efficient. The liver, in 100 pound lots, is minced, dried, and extracted, first with acetone, second with ether, and last with alcohol. These ex- tracts are treated separately as follows : Acetone Extract. This is allowed to stand at 0C. over night. A precipitate of fat is deposited, which is removed by filtration. The filtrate is concentrated (if necessary) and the lecithin precipitated by adding a saturated solution of cadmium chloride in alcohol until no further precipitate is formed. P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS 275 The residue from the above filtration is suspended in alcohol and warmed until the fat is melted. The mixture is then cooled over night. The fat precipitated on standing is again filtered from the alcoholic solution and again treated with alcohol as before. This extraction is repeated until the mother liquor no longer gives with cadmium chloride a precipitate of lecithin cadmium salt. The latter is recognized by the fact that on dissolving in a small amount of moist ether it is again precipitated by the addition of an excess of acetone. From three to seven extractions may be required. The alcoholic mother liquors are then precipitated with cadmium chloride. Ether Extract. This is concentrated to a small volume and allowed to stand at 0C., when a precipitate consisting of fat and cerebrosides is formed. The precipitate is extracted with ether. The ethereal extract is added to the original filtrate and cooled once more to per- mit the separation of the cerebrosides which the solution may still contain. After filtering, the combined mother liquors are concen- trated and treated with alcohol to separate the lecithin from cephalin. The alcoholic liquors are then treated with cadmium chloride. Alcoholic Extract. This is likewise concentrated and cooled to remove cerebrosides, the mother liquor being decanted if possible, otherwise filtered, or centrifuged if necessary. The cerebrosides are again extracted with warm ether. The extract is cooled and centrifuged. The alcoholic and ethereal liquors are then treated with cadmium chloride. Treatment of Cadmium Chloride Salts. It is necessary to allow the cadmium chloride precipitate of lecithin to stand at least half an hour until it is sufficiently coagulated to permit filtration. The filtered material, which is not quite dry, is transferred to a large beaker or precipitating jar and stirred up with a large volume of cold acetone. If the acetone liquor turns dark from dissolved material the suspension is allowed to settle, the liquor decanted off, and more cold acetone is added. Finally the material is filtered by suction. This material is purified in two steps: the one is the "ether crys- tallization," the other is the " toluene-ether" process. 1 It is a matter 276 LIVER LECITHIN of judgment as to which shall be used first and the number of times which each should be repeated. The aim is to obtain a white granular material which filters quickly. The ether crystallization consists in dissolving the cadmium chloride salt in warm ether, water being added, a few drops at a time, until the suspended material goes into solution. An excess of water hinders the solution of the larger particles. The solution is allowed to stand over night, or longer, at 0C. The substance should separate in a granular form, easily filterable by suction. If it forms a pasty solution not easily filtered, time and material will be wasted in attempting a filtration. Another precipitation with acetone should remove impurities which interfere with the process. This purification removes not only the fats and oils but also takes out most of the cephalin present. Since the cadmium chloride salt is itself slightly soluble in cold ether, some of the material may be lost in purification. Hence the following precautions are necessary. 1. Excess of ether is to be avoided. With very impure material it is more advisable to repeat the purification several times with small quantities of solvent than to use a large excess at one time. The amount of ether filtered off should not be more than twice the volume of the residue. 2. The filtered material should not be washed with ether, but should be filtered as quickly as possible until the solvent runs very slowly. 3. In case the material fails to filter properly, it should be transferred to a beaker, warmed slightly until dissolved, precipitated with acetone, purified by the toluene ether method, and subsequently passed through the ether crystallization process. 4. The filtration should be carried out in the cold. The toluene-ether process consists in dissolving the cadmium chloride salt in a minimum volume of toluene (adding a slight amount of water if necessary). If the toluene fails to dissolve all the material the residue should be centrifuged off. The solution is then treated with 4 volumes of ether containing 1 per cent water. The solution is cooled to 0C. over night and filtered. The latter method gives larger yields but removes less of the cephalin and other impurities. It probably removes impurities not taken out by the former method, hence the cadmium chloride com- pound should be purified by both methods. P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS 277 Experience shows that in the case of liver lecithin the toluene- ether method should precede the ether crystallization method of purification of the cadmium chloride salt in order to obviate difficulty in filtering from the ether. One purification by each method should be sufficient to give almost white dry material with an amino content of less than 3 per cent of the total nitrogen present. Such a product may be converted into free lecithin. Conversion of the Cadmium Chloride Compound into Free Lecithin. The cadmium chloride salt is dissolved in chloroform and is con- ' verted into free lecithin by means of a solution of ammonia in methyl alcohol. 100 gm. of the cadmium chloride salt are dissolved in 300 cc. of warm chloroform and poured into 400 cc. of methyl alcohol con- taining 20 gm. of ammonia gas. This is added slowly with rapid stirring. The product of reaction is allowed to stand a short time before filtering. The precipitate may be filtered off through a folded filter paper. The chloroform methyl alcohol solution of lecithin is then concentrated under diminished pressure. Near the end of the concentration the material foams considerably for a short time and then the foaming subsides. The vacuum concentration should be carried out at a low temperature. If during the operation a precipi- tate of fat settles out this should be filtered off. The remaining leci- thin is practically free from solvent. It is dissolved in a minimum (5 to 10 cc.) of glacial acetic acid. This is poured into 800 cc. of boiling hot acetone, stirred, and allowed to cool to room temperature. A very small dark precipitate (1 to 2 gm.) settles out. The superna- tant liquid is decanted or filtered. The precipitate is slightly soluble in ether and insoluble in acetone but somewhat soluble in ethyl alcohol and more soluble in methyl alcohol. No. 126. 0.0154 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.0954 gm. 6f H;0, 0.2315 gm. of C0 2 , and 0.0114 gm. of ash. 0.1910 gm. of substance used for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination required 3.90 cc. of 0.1 N acid corresponding to 0.00546 gm. of N. 0.2865 gm. of substance gave 0.0390 gm. of Mg 2 P 2 07. 278 LIVER LECITHIN C 4 4Hg 7 O 9 NP. Calculated. C 65.59, H 10.89, N 1.74, P 3.86. Found. C 61.16, H 10.34. N 2.92, P 3.88. It 'contains 10 per cent amino nitrogen. No. 124. 1.5 gm. of substance were hydrolyzed with HC1, neutralized, concentrated, and made up to 15 cc. 5 cc. of this solution required for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination 5.60 cc. of 0.1 N HC1. 2 cc. of this solution for Van Slyke determination gave 0.57 cc. of N 2 at T = 27, P = 762.2 mm. Amino N 10 Total N " 100 The liquors are then cooled in a freezing mixture to 5C. Fre- quently at this phase a second small precipitate settles out. A sample of this material analyzed as follows: No. 122. 0.1024 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1098 gm. of H^O, 0.2216 gm. of CO 2 , and 0.0118 gm. of ash. 0.1832 gm. of substance for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination required 3.10 cc. of 0.1 N acid corresponding to 0.00434 gm. of N. 0.2748 gm. of substance gave 0.0464 gm. of Mg 2 P2O 7 . C44H 8 7O 9 NP. Calculated. C 65.59, H 10.89, N 1.74, P 3.86. Found. C 59.50, H 12.10, N 2.37, P 4.75. The mother liquors are concentrated under diminished pressure until all the ether and most of the acetic acid are removed. Water is added a little at a time and the material is shaken or stirred until a thick emulsion of a light brown color is formed. This is poured into 800 to 1,000 cc. of acetone, chilled down to 5C. It is carefully stirred and allowed to stand at to 5C. over night, when it is transferred to a crystallizing dish and washed free from excess water by stirring with cold dry acetone. The acetone is decanted off and the lecithin dried in a vacuum desiccator. From 40 to' 45 gm. of pure material may be obtained from 100 gm. of cadmium chloride salt. (Theoretical yield, 81 to 82 gm.) Several samples have been analyzed. They differed little one from another in their elementary composition. The analysis of one of thejn is as follows: P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS 279 No. 119. 0.0996 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.0994 gm. of H 2 0, 0.2768 gm. of CO 2 , and 0.0090 gm. of ash. 0.1798 gm. of substance required 2.40 cc. of 0.1 N acid, corresponding to 0.00336 gm. of N. 0.2697 gm. of substance gave 0.0390 gm. of Mg 2 P 2 7 . C44H 87 O 9 NP.* Calculated. C 65.59, H 10.89, N 1.74, P 3.86. Found. C 64.83, H 11.16, N 1.87, P 4.03. * This formula represents material consisting of equal parts of two lecithins, each one containing two of the four fatty acids. II. The Fatty Acids of Lecithin. For the preparation of fatty acids from lecithin, the material was hydrolyzed 8 to 15 hours with 10 parts of 10 per cent HC1. The fatty acids on cooling appeared as a semisolid cake. They were dissolved in methyl alcohol and precipitated in the presence of am- monium hydroxide with a nearly equal weight of lead acetate dissolved in a minimum quantity of water. After freezing, the mother liquors were filtered off. The lead salts which contained both the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were extracted repeatedly with boiling ether until further extraction produced only slight precipitate with hydrochloric acid. The ether solution then contained the lead salts of the unsaturated acids while the ether-insoluble material consisted of the lead salts of the saturated acids. Both fractions were decomposed with HC1, dissolved in ether, washed with water, dried, and the solvent evapo- rated off. A lot of 528 gm. of the lecithin cadmium chloride free from amino nitrogen was hydrolyzed with 10 per cent solution of hydrochloric acid. The yield of fatty acids was 223 gm. Unsaturated Fatty Acids. These were obtained by extracting the lead salt first by means of acetone and then by means of ether. Each extract was worked over separately. The acetone extract was concentrated and the residue thus obtained extracted with ether. From both of these fractions the acids were liberated and reconverted into the lead salts. These were 280 LIVER LECITHIN again purified and again converted into the free acids. A sample of the acids gave the following iodine and hydrogen values: 0.2907 gm. of substance absorbed 0.435 gm. of iodine by the Wijs method. 0.5141 gm. of substance reduced by Paal's method absorbed 67 cc. of H2 in 3 hours at 17C., 759 mm. pressure, or 1.103 gm. of H 2 per 100 gm. of substance. Ci 8 H 34 O2. Calculated. Iodine value 91, Hydrogen number 0.721. Ci 8 H 3 20 2 . Calculated. " " 182, " " 1.447. Found. " " 154, " 1.103. It was later found that this material consisted of two fatty acids, hence it is possible that one was a singly unsaturated, and that the other contained two or more double bonds. The free fatty acids were finally reduced by Paal's method. The samples of reduced acids obtained from each fraction analyzed as follows : No. 84 (material obtained from the acetone extract of the lead salts). 0.1020 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1198 gm. of H^O and 0.2830 gm. of CC>2. No. 85 (material obtained from the ether extract of the lead salts) 0.1012 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1190 gm. of H 2 O and 0.2828 gm. of CO 2. No. 84. C 75.96, H 13.19. " 85. C 76.21, H 13.15. Since the two fractions proved practically of identical elementary composition they were combined and converted into the methyl esters. These were freed from adhering sulfuric acid by washing with water and finally by recrystallization from methyl alcohol. They were then fractionated by distilling at a pressure of 1 to 2 mm. The following fractions were obtained. A 182-185C. B '. 175-185C. C 182-195C. D 185-203C. Fractions A and D were redistilled and the following fractions were obtained. P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS 281 From A Ai 158-165C. A 2 170-182C. From D D x 182-192C. D 2 187-197C. For identification, the esters were saponified with an alcoholic solu- tion of sodium hydroxide. The acids were liberated and converted into the lead salts. The acids were again liberated from the lead salts and analyzed. Fraction A a corresponded apparently to pure stearic acid. Analysis 101. 0.1024 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1186 gm. of H^O and 0.2860 gm. of CO 2. 0.8950 gm. of substance in a molecular weight determination required 6.50 cc. of 0.5 N NaOH. Ci 8 H 36 O2. Calculated. C 75.93, H 12.76. Found. C 76.16, H 12.96. Molecular weight was 275, that of stearic acid is 284. The substance melted at 70.5-71.C, stearic acid melts at 70-7lC. When this was mixed with some very pure stearic acid melting at 74C., the mixture melted. at 74C. Fraction D 2 apparently corresponded to pure arachidic acid. Analysis 100. 0.1000 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1166 gm. of H 2 and 0.2822 gm. of CO 2. 0.9760 gm. of substance neutralized 6.75 cc. of 9.5 N NaOH. C 20 H 4 oO2. Calculated. C 76.95, H 12.91. Found. C 76.97, H 13.24. Molecular weight was 314, that of arachidic acid is 313. The substance melted at 75.5-76C., arachidic acid melts at 75-77C. When this was mixed with some pure arachidic acid melting at 75C., the mixture melted at 75C. Saturated Fatty Acids. The lead salts which were insoluble in acetone and ether were con- verted into free acids. These were twice esterified with methyl alcohol. The mixture of methyl esters thus obtained was distilled at a pressure of 1 to 2 mm. into the following fractions: 282 LIVER LECITHIN a 160-163C. b ; 159-167C. c 158-1 72C. d 170-180C. and residue. Fractions a and d were redistilled as follows. From a at 156-162C. a 2 Residue. From d di 180-183C. d 2 182-188C. Fraction ai apparently corresponded to pure palmitic acid. Analysis 92. 0.1009 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1220 gm. of H 2 and 0.2802 gm. of CO 2. 0.8168 gm. of substance neutralized 6.14 gm. of 0.5 N NaOH. CieHssO*. Calculated. C 74.92, H 12,58. Found. C 75.09, H 12.98. Molecular weight was found to be 266, palmitic acid had a molecular weight of 256. The melting point was 62C., palmitic acid melts at 63-64C. When this was mixed with some pure palmitic acid melting at 64C., the mixture melted at 63C. Fraction d 2 apparently corresponded to pure stearic acid. Analysis 94. 0.1009 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1220 gm. of H 2 and 0.2802 gm. of CO 2 . 0.6686 gm. of substance neutralized 4.82 cc. of 0.5 N NaOH. C 18 H 8 6O 2 . Calculated. C 75.93, H 12.76. Found. C 75.72, H 13.53. Molecular weight was 278, stearic acid had a molecular weight of 284. The substance melted at 7lC., stearic acid melts at 70-7lC. When this was mixed with a sample of very pure stearic acid melting at 74C. the mixture melted at 74C. ///. Bromine Addition Products of the U maturated Acids. An attempt was made to separate and to characterize th:e individ- ual unsaturated acids by preparing the bromine addition products. P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS 283 40 gm. of pure lecithin, which had been prepared from the cadmium chloride salt as described above, were used. No. 119. 0.0996 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.0994 gm. of H 2 0, 0.2768 gm. of CO 2 , and 0.0090 gm. of ash. 0.1798 gm. of substance required 2.40 cc. of 0.1 N acid, corresponding to 0.00336 gm. of N. 0.2697 gm. of substance gave 0.0390 gm. of Mg 2 P 2 O 7 . C 4 4H 8 7O 9 NP. Calculated. C 65.59, H 10.89, N 1.74, P 3.86. Found. C 64.83, H 11.16, N 1.87, P 4.03. This was hydrolyzed with a 10 per cent solution of hydrochloric acid, the acids were dissolved in ether, washed with water, dried, and the ether evaporated off. The iodine number of the mixed acids was 91. 0.2457 gm. of substance absorbed 0.232 gm. of iodine by the Wijs method. Average molecular weight of 280. Calculated. Iodine value 91. Found. " " 91. The acids were converted into the lead salts, the unsaturated acids extracted with ether and converted into the free acids. These were dissolved in 18-30 petrolic ether and brominated at 0C. with 3 cc. of bromine dissolved in petrolic ether. On freezing to -10 a precipitate was obtained. The mother liquor was concentrated and again cooled to 10. The combined precipi- tate was recrystallized from petrolic ether and then recrystallized from ethyl ether. This gives three fractions: A, the petrolic ether-soluble fraction: B, the fraction insoluble in petrolic ether but soluble in ethyl ether; and C, the fraction insoluble in both solvents. This last fraction contains the material having most bromine (namely, the hexabromides and octobromides, if present). The first fraction should be largely dibromides while the tetrabromides should predominate in the fraction insoluble in petrolic ether but soluble in ethyl ether. Fraction C (the material insoluble in both solvents) was recrystal- lized from ethyl ether; the yield was 1 gm. In an open tube melting point determination it darkened, turning black at 200C. It con- tracted at 240C. and decomposed at 243C. In a closed tube it con- tracted at 239C. and melted without decomposition at 243C. This analyzed as follows: 284 LIVER LECITHIN No. 129. 0.2012 gm. of substance gave 0.2936 gm. of AgBr. This would indicate a hexabromide. C2oH 3 4O 2 Br 6 . Calculated for hexabromarachidic acid. i.O. Ci8H 3 oO2Br 8 . Calculated for hexabromstearic acid. 63.2. Found. 62.11. The material was recrystallized from ether. On heating in an open tube it darkened at 180-200C., contracted at 240C., and decomposed at 244C. It analyzed as follows : Analysis 130. 0.1068 gm. of substance gave 0.1670 gm. of AgBr. This corresponds more closely to an octobromide. CaoH^OaBrg. Calculated for octobromarachidic acid. 67.80. Found. 66.55. There was not sufficient material for further treatment. IV. Hydrolecithin from Liver Lecithin. For the preparation of hydrolecithin 10 gm. of pure liver lecithin free from amino nitrogen were used (Analysis 119 given above). This was reduced by Paal's method. The hydrolecithin produced was recrystallized twice from acetone and once from methyl ethyl ketone. This analyzed as follows: No. 128. 0.1074 gm. of substance gave on combustion 0.1082 gm. of HgO, 0.2554 gm. of C0 2 , and 0.0098 gm. of ash. 0.1926 gm. of substance for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination required 2.40 cc. of 0.1 N acid, corresponding to 0.00336 gm. of N. 0.2839 gm. of substance gave 0.0400 gm. of Mg 2 P20 7 . C44H 3 iO 9 NP. Calculated. C 65.30,.H 11.33, N 1.73, P 3.84. Found. ' C 65.03, H 11.29, N 1.74, P 3.86. A molecular weight determination was made as follows: 1.036 gm. of substance raised the boiling point of 16 gm. methyl alcohol 0.07lC. 0.964 gm. of substance raised the boiling point of 16 gm. methyl alcohol 0.077C. C4 4 H 9 iONP. Calculated. Molecular weight 809. Found. First .determination 810 Second " 700. Reprinted from THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. LI, No. 1, March, 1922 THE UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS OF LIVER LECITHIN. BY P. A. LEVENE AND H. S. SIMMS. (From the Laboratories of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.} (Received for publication, January 3, 1922.) In previous communications on liver lecithin results were reported showing that the unsaturated fatty acids obtained on hydrogenation gave stearic and arachidic acids. It was further reported that the iodine number of the mixed unsaturated fatty acids was 154, and that the mixed unsaturated acids on bromina- tion formed a bromide, which on the basis of its bromine content and of its melting point seemed to be the octobromarachidic acid. From these findings it was concluded that liver lecithin con- tained more than one unsaturated fatty acid, and that the indi- vidual acids differed in the degree of their unsaturation. It then seemed suggestive that the acid of higher unsaturation was the tetra unsaturated arachidic acid. Since there was no accurate knowledge either as to the number of the unsaturated acids present in the mixture or as to the degree of their unsaturation, there was no indication as to the ratio of the individual acids. In order to complete our knowledge of the unsaturated fatty acids, it became necessary to find: (1) the number of the unsaturated fatty acids present in the liver lecithin; (2) the exact nature of the acids of higher unsaturation; and (3) the ratio of the individual fatty acids. In the course of the present work it was found that liver lecithin yields only two unsaturated fatty acids, oleic and arachidonic 1 acids, and of these oleic acid predominates. 1 Since the tetra unsaturated arachidic acid is called arachidonic acid by Lewkowitsch (Lewkowitsch, J., Chemical technology and analysis of oils, fats and waxes, London, 4th edition, 1909, i, 211) this name will be adopted by the present writers. 285 286 Fatty Acids of Liver Lecithin In connection with the finding of arachidonic acid as a con- stituent of liver lecithin, it is interesting to recall the work of Hartley, 2 done under the direction of Leathes. On oxidation of the unsaturated acids from liver fat, including phosphatides, this author isolated an unsaturated fatty acid which was oxidized to a tetrahydroxyarachidic acid. Furthermore, on bromination of the same fatty acids Hartley obtained a bromide, having a bromine content only 0.7 per cent higher than that required by theory for octobromarachidic acid. The present writers, 8 and Levene and Ingvaldsen, 4 have pre- viously reported that on hydrogenation of the unsaturated acids of liver lecithin, arachidic acid was isolated. They have also obtained from liver lecithin a bromide, which on analysis gave a bromine value about 1 per cent lower than that required by theory for the octobromarachidic acid. In the course of the present work an octobromarachidic acid was isolated which gave correct analyt- ical values. This acid was then reconverted into a tetra unsatu- rated arachidic acid, which on hydrogenation was converted into arachidic acid. From the product of bromination of the unsatu- rated fatty acids, fractions were obtained which analytically resembled the hexa- and tetrabromides. On purification of these fractions only the octobromide was isolated in pure form. Hence present day evidence does not permit us to assume the presence of more than one poly unsaturated fatty acid in lecithin. On the other hand, from the more soluble fraction of the bromination product a substance was obtained which yielded unsaturated fatty acids with an iodine number of 107. This is not far removed from that required by oleic acid which has an iodine number of 90. From this fraction on hydrogenation pure stearic acid was isolated. Assuming that only two unsaturated acids, arachidonic and oleic acids, are present in the lecithin fraction, and taking into consideration the fact that the iodine number of the mixed un- saturated acids of this lecithin is 196, it becomes easy to calculate the ratio of the two acids from the equation 90z + 335?/ = 196 (x -f- y). It follows that the ratio is approximately 1.3 parts of oleic acid to 1 part of arachidonic acid. 1 Hartley, P., J. Physiol., 1908-09, xxxviii, 353. 1 Levene, P. A., and Simms, H. S., J. Biol. Chem., 1921, xlviii, 185. 4 Levene, P. A., and Ingvaldsen, T., J. Biol. Chem., 1920, xlifr, 359. P. A. Levene and H. S. Simms 287 The lecithin referred to above was obtained from the acetone extract of the liver. From the ethereal extract there was ob- tained a lecithin of lower unsaturation. The iodine number of the unsaturated acids was 136. This corresponds to 4.3 parts of oleic acid to 1 part of arachidonic acid. Bearing in mind the molecular weight estimation of dihydro- lecithin reported in the previous communication, namely 810, one is justified in concluding that the liver contains several leci- thins and that the oleyl lecithins predominate. EXPERIMENTAL. Preparation of Material. Beef livers in 100 Ib. lots were minced, dried, and extracted, first with acetone, then with ether, and last with alcohol. These extracts were treated by the methods described in an earlier paper. A cadmium chloride salt of pure lecithin was obtained which was free from amino nitrogen. Analysis 5. 1.0 gin. substance was hydrolyzed with HC1, neutralized, concentrated, and made up to 15 cc. 2 cc. of this solution: no N 2 (Van Slyke). 5 " " " " : 1.95 cc. of 0.1 N HOI (Kjeldahl). Amino N X 100 = per cent ammo nitrogen. Total N The Unsaturated Fatty Adds. 765 gm. of the above mentioned material were hydrolyzed with 10 per cent HC1 for 15 hours. The fatty acids which separated were dissolved in ether and washed with water until free from mineral acid. The ether solution was dried and concentrated to about 1.5 liters. This solution was allowed to stand at 0C. over night. A white precipitate settled out. This was filtered off and recrystallized twice from ether and once from dry acetone. It analyzed as follows: Analysis 15. 0.1019 gm. substance: 0.1184 gm. H 2 O and 0.2834 gm. CO 2 . C 18 Hj 8 2 . Calculated. C 75.93, H 12.76. Found. "75.84, " 13.00. 288 Fatty Acids of Liver Lecithin The ether mother liquors from which this stearic acid had been separated were then concentrated to dryness under diminished pressure. The residue was dissolved in methyl alcohol, treated with lead acetate solution, and made alkaline with ammonium hydroxide. On cooling this solution to 5C. the lead salts of the fatty acids settled out. These were filtered off and extracted repeatedly with ether until ether would no longer extract material giving a precipitate with hydrochloric acid. The combined ether extracts of the lead salts were treated with HC1 to convert the salts into free fatty acids. The ether solution was then washed with water until free from mineral acid and dried with sodium sulfate. The ether was removed by distilla- tion under diminished pressure. The residue of unsaturated fatty acids weighed 160 gm. The iodine number was obtained. 0.2281 gm. of substance absorbed 0.453 gm. of iodine by the Wijs method. Average molecular weight 290. Calculated (two double bonds) . Iodine number 175. Found. " " 196. These unsaturated acids were dissolved in glacial acetic acid and brominated with a 25 per cent solution of bromine in glacial acetic acid. The temperature was kept as low as possible with- out freezing the acetic acid. The bromine solution was added from a special vacuum jacket burette constructed for the purpose. This consisted of two tubes of Pyrex glass sealed together at both ends, with a stop- cock attached. The lower end of the inner tube consisted of spiral capillary tubing to take up the thermal expansion. The space between the outer and inner tubes was evacuated and sealed. Bromine solution in this burette could be kept cool longer than in an ordinary burette. The acids were brominated in 5 to 10 gm. lots and allowed to stand over night with a slight excess of bromine. A yellow pre- cipitate formed which was filtered off. The precipitate (Fraction A) was expected to contain the higher bromides and the acetic acid mother liquor (Fraction B), the lower bromides. P. A. Levene and H. S. Simms 289 Fraction A, the Fraction Insoluble in Glacial Acetic Acid. Identification of Arachidonic Acid. The precipitate was ex- tracted repeatedly with ether until it no longer contained any ether-soluble material. This residue analyzed as follows: Analysis 17. 0.1066 gm. substance: 0.0356 gm. H 2 O and 0.0998gm.CO z . 0.1996 " " :0.3166gm. AgBr. C 2 oH 32 O2Br 8 . Calculated. C 25 43, H 3.42, Br 67.72. Found. " 25.53, " 3.73, " 67.57. In melting point determination this material darkened, melted, and decomposed at 245C. (A slightly less pure sample of this material previously obtained contracted at 240C. and decom- posed at 244C. while it began to darken below 200C.) 20 gm. of the above material were obtained. 10 gm. of this were suspended in dry methyl alcohol and reduced with zinc dust and dry hydrochloric acid gas. The methyl alcohol was filtered, diluted with water, and shaken repeatedly with gasoline. The gasoline solution was then shaken with water, dried, and evaporated to dryness under diminished pressure. The iodine number of the resulting material was obtained. 0.0492 gm. substance absorbed 0.150 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. C 2 oH 32 O 2 . Calculated. Iodine number 335. Found. " " 305. This unsaturated material was reduced with hydrogen in al- coholic solution by the method of Paal. The solution, after being filtered, was concentrated and cooled to 5C. The reduced acid separated out. This was recrystallized three times from dry acetone. It analyzed as follows: Analysis 34. 0. 1034 gm. substance: 0. 1176 gm.H 2 O and 0. 2912 gm. CO-,. CzoEUOa. Calculated. C 76.85, H 12.91. Found. " 76.81, " 12.72. Identification of Oleic Acid. It was stated above that the octobromarachidic acid was extracted repeatedly with ether to remove the lower bromides. The ether mother liquors from this extraction were concentrated to 500 cc. and cooled to 0C. A white precipitate settled out. This was separated by filtration and will be referred to as Fraction I. 290 Fatty Acids of Liver Lecithin The ethereal solution was evaporated to dryness under dimin- ished pressure and cooled to 0C. Two oily layers formed. These were separated and dissolved separately in methyl alcohol. Each on cooling formed a sticky sediment. These were separated. The one from the upper layer will be referred to as Fraction II, that from the lower as Fraction III. The methyl alcohol mother liquors from Fractions II and III were then combined and reduced with zinc dust and hydrochloric acid as described above. The resulting material weighed 30 gm. It gave an iodine value as follows: 0.2776 gm. substance absorbed 0.296 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. Ci8H 34 O2. Calculated. Iodine number 90. Found. " " 107. 10 gm. of this material were reduced with hydrogen by Paal's method and recrystallized twice from dry acetone. In order to decompose any methyl ester which might have formed during the zinc reduction the material was saponified with NaOH in methyl alcohol solution. The soap was precipitated in acetone, dried, and converted into free acid with hydrochloric acid in the presence of ether. The ether solution, freed from inorganic material by shaking with water, was dried and evaporated. After three more recrystallizations from dry acetone the acid analyzed as follows: Analysis 33. 0. 0994 gm. substance: 0. 1154 gm.H 2 O and 0.2776 gm. CO 2 . CigH^Oj. Calculated. C 75.93, H 12.76. Found. " 76.15, " 12.99. Melting point of stearic acid 70-71 C. Found. 68C. Attempt to Isolate Other Unsaturated Acids than Arachidonic and Oleic Acids. Fraction I, referred to above, was a grayish brown dry powder, difficulty soluble in ether. For purification it was extracted with hot methyl alcohol and filtered hot. The insoluble material analyzed as follows: Analysis 21. 0.1062 gm. substance: 0. 0374 gm.H 2 O and 0. 1030 gm. CO 2 . 0.2041 " " :0.3030gm. AgBr. Ci 8 H so O 2 Br 4 . Calculated. C 28.49, H 3.99, Br 63.26. C 20 H 82 O 2 Br 8 . " 25.43, " 3.42, " 67.72. Found. " 26.46, " 4.04, " 65.26. P. A. Levene and H. S. Simms 291 The alcohol extracted only a small portion of the material. When this extract was cooled to 20C. a precipitate formed which was too small for further treatment. On cooling the mother liquor to 5C. a second precipitate formed. This was separated and analyzed. Analysis 22. 0.1062 gm. substance: 0.0408 gm.H 2 O and 0.1 108 gm. COi 0.2026 " " :0.3018gm. AgBr. Ci 8 H3oO 2 Br 6 . Calculated. C 28.49, H 3.99, Br 63.26. Found. " 28.45, " 4.29, " 63.39. In a melting point determination this material softened at 130C., darkening up to 170C. when it partially melted and partially decomposed. At 240C. it became liquid and decom- posed in the manner of octobromarachidic acid. Since the analysis of the material approached that of a hexa- bromide-, the substance was extracted six additional times with a large volume of methyl alcohol. In a melting point determina- tion the residue became black at 200C. and decomposed at 230C. The combined extracts on cooling to 0C. formed a pre- cipitate which analyzed as follows: Analysis 31. 0.2016 gm. substance: 0.3146 gm. AgBr. C 18 H 3 oO 2 Br 6 . Calculated. Br63.26. C 2 oH 3 2O 2 Br8. " " 67.72. Found. " 66.41. In a melting point determination this material softened at 140C., darkening with rise of temperature, and melting with decomposition at 243C. The methyl alcohol mother liquors were concentrated to 100 cc. and cooled to 0C. A second precipitate formed which melted as follows. It softened at 140C., partially decomposed at 180C., and melted with decomposition at 243C. Thus each fraction obtained from Fraction I on purification ap- proached the character of the octobromide, hence it is justifiable to assume that this fraction consisted mainly of the octobromide. It was next attempted to isolate a tetrabromide from the material referred to as Fractions II and III (page 290). Each was dissolved in excess of ether and treated with 5 parts of gasoline. Precipitates were formed in each and were separated. These had a sticky consistency which indicated that they were not pure. 292 Fatty Acids of Liver Lecithin They were obtained in a quantity too small for analysis. The combined gasoline mother liquors were concentrated to small volume and again treated with gasoline. A precipitate was formed which analyzed as follows: Analysis 25. 0.1003 gm. substance: 0. 0408 gm. H 2 O and 0.1118 gm.CO 2 . 0.1972 " " :0.2806gm. AgBr. Ci 8 H 32 O 2 Br4. Calculated. C 36.01, H 5.38, Br 53.28. C 18 H, O 2 Br 6 . " " 28.49, " 3.99, " 63.26. Found. " 30.39, " 4.55, " 60.56. The mother liquors from this precipitate were again concen- trated, dissolved in dry methyl alcohol, and reduced with zinc dust and hydrochloric acid. The reduced material had an iodine number as follows: 0.1990 gm. substance absorbed 0.264 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. Found. Iodine number 123. The reduced material was dissolved in glacial acetic acid and rebrominated. This bromine will be referred to as Fraction IV. The acetic acid solution was concentrated to dryness under diminished pressure. The residue was dissolved in hot absolute alcohol and cooled to 5C. A precipitate formed which was again dissolved in hot absolute alcohol and reprecipitated by cooling to 5C. After reprecipitating eight times from absolute alcohol and once from methyl alcohol, a melting point determina- tion was made. It softened at 150C. and melted with decom- position at 240C. Apparently this is an impure octobromide. The mother liquors were concentrated and cooled to 5C. A precipitate was formed which, after several reprecipitations from absolute alcohol and from methyl alcohol, melted as follows: At 130C. it softened and became black. At 230C. it melted with decomposition. This also appears to be an impure octobro- mide. In order to ascertain whether a tetrabromide was present in the mother liquors from the purification of the last substance they were concentrated to dryness under diminished pressure and dis- solved in gasoline. Since no precipitate formed even on cooling to 5C., it was concluded that no tetrabromide was-present. P. A. Levene and H. S. Simms 293 The three precipitates obtained from Fractions II and III were combined and also reduced with zinc dust and hydrochloric acid. The reduced material gave an iodine number as follows: 0.2815 gm. substance absorbed 0.488 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. Found. Iodine number 180. This material was also rebrominated in glacial acetic acid solution. It will be referred to as Fraction V. The bromide solution was treated in the same way as Fraction IV. It yielded similar results. Purification of the insoluble material gave an octobromide. Fraction B, the Fraction Soluble in Acetic Acid. This consists of the acetic acid mother liquors from which Fraction A was filtered. The liquors were concentrated under diminished pressure and treated with gasoline. An oily layer settled out. This was separated, dissolved in methyl alcohol, and reduced with zinc and hydrochloric acid. 20 gm. of reduced material were formed having an iodine number as follows : 0.1974 gm. substance absorbed 0.356 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. Found. Iodine number 180. The acids were rebrominated in glacial acetic acid. These bromides (Fraction VI) were treated in the same manner as Fractions IV and V and yielded similar material. Had there been any tetrabromides they would have been found in Fractions IV, V, and VI. Lecithin Containing a Smaller Percentage of Highly Unsaturated Acids. A sample of lecithin was obtained from the alcohol-insoluble portion of the ether extracts of liver. This was purified by dissolving in acetic acid and treating with alcohol. The solu- tion after being separated from the precipitate which formed was concentrated under diminished pressure, emulsified with water, and precipitated with acetone. This precipitate was dissolved in alcohol and cooled to 0C. A precipitate formed. The solution was separated, concentrated under diminished pressure, dissolved in ether, and precipitated with acetone. 294 Fatty Acids of Liver Lecithin This precipitate was converted into the cadmium chloride salt and purified once by the ether crystallization method. The purified compound was converted into free lecithin by means of ammonia in methyl alcohol solution. The lecithin was again converted into the cadmium chloride salt and again purified by the ether crystallization process, using a large volume of ether. This material was free from amino nitrogen. About 1.0 gm. of material was dissolved in 15 cc. of glacial acetic acid. 2 cc. of this solution: no N (Van Slyke). 5 " " " " : 1.35 cc. 0.1 N HC1 (Kjeldahl). This cadmium chloride salt of lecithin was then hydrolyzed with 10 per cent HC1. The iodine number was determined on the fatty acids after they had been freed from mineral matter and dried. 0.2120 gm. substance absorbed 0.256 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. Found. Iodine number 65. These acids were then converted into the lead salts and extracted with ether. The ether-soluble lead salts were converted into free acids with HC1. Their iodine number was determined. 0.2672 gm. substance absorbed 0.363 gm. iodine by the Wijs method. Found. Iodine number 136. Vita. HENRY S. SIMMS was born in South Manchester, Connecticut, on May 26, 1896. He attended public schools in Middlebury, Vermont, and Braintree, Massachusetts. He attended the Braintree High School for two years and graduated from the high school of Gorham, Maine. In 1914 he entered the University of Maine where he studied' chemistry for two years. After an interim of one year, he con- tinued his studies there for another year. In 1918 he trans- ferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he studied for two years, acting as assistant in the department of Inorganic Chemistry during the latter year. In 1920 he received the degree of Bachelor of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As partial fulfillment of the requirements for this degree he submitted a thesis which has since appeared in two publications: Microanalytical Methods in Oil Analysis. Augustus H. Gill and Henry S. Simms, Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 1921, xiii, 547. and Refractive Indices of Oils, Henry S. Simms, Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 1921, xiii, 546. In 1920 he became a Fellow of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, where, under the direction of Dr. P. A. Levene, he began his research on lipoids. 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