Stanzas on the death of Lady Helen Boyle THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES s; T A N: z A s ON THE DEATH OF E, A D Y HELEN BOYLE. /3T STANZAS ON THE DEATH OF LADY HELEN BOYLE. 1? AREWEL, gay Mufei who erft on wayward wings Thro' life's bright fcenes my devious fancy bore 3. No more to airy notes attune thy firings, Thy light fantaftic lays enchant no more. But come, thou penfive power! that lov'fl to dwell Where filent forrow's hopeJefs victim's moarn, Or tread the hoary hermit's dreary cell, And clafp with ftreaming eyes the facred urn,. O come! 865734 C 4 ] O come ! and join with me the fable throng, That heave o'er Delia's tomb the pitying figh; Soft flow thy plaintive numbers, fad the fong, Whofe melting drains along the Welkin die. a Vr' C-JL ' r &. v.-v. - Come loves and graces! o'er the hallow'd ground Spring's opening buds in rich profufion ftrow j Come, white-rob'd maids ! with boughs of cyprefs crown'd, And in foft murmuring accents "breathe your woe. No fairer form the poet's art could feign, Nor faints in blifs a fp'rit more pure defire, Nor that to grace fair Salem's facred plain, Nor thefe to join with hymns th' ethereal quire. Ah! I 5 ] All ! whither have the blufhing rofe-buds fled, That late with opening tints refplendent (hone ? Where the foft eye, that tears of pity fhed For ev'ry fufferer's anguifti but her own ? Quench'd is the light that in thefe eye-beams (hone, Faint emblems of the funftiine of her bread ! Where gentle peace had fix'd her placid throne, And ev'ry boifl'rous pafllon lull'd to reft. Where now, alas ! that foft perfuafive tongue, AVhofe artlefs notes on ev'ry bofom ftole ? 'Unlike the tranfient flafh, the noify fong, That ftrikes the ear, but cannot melt the foul. Thus ]' Thus orient dew its pearly drops diftils, And fheds new fragrance o'er the parched mead 3 The balmy juice each thirfty cavern fills, Each dying bloflbm rears its drooping head. Fair was the. frame that lodg'd the heav'nly guefr">i But ah! too frail to reaclr life's utmoft date :. Gently ferene {he. funk in balmy reft, Refign'd to heav'n and an untimely fate. Bright hope and hav'n-born faith fuftain'd" her fouF,, No agonizing terrors chill'd her heart; Fearlefs (he heard the diftant thunders roll, And fmil'd to fee the tyrant aim his dart. Relentlefs I 7 ] Relentlefs Death ! fhall then thy wanton rage Thus mar the faireft forms that grace the plain, While thoufands, black with crimes, or worn with age, Defy thy wrath, or court thy aid in vain ? But ceafe, my penfive mufeJ thy plaintive Religion points thy views to yonder more, Where heav'ns bright rays eternal calm maintain^ And fins affail, and griefs opprefs no more. There Delia blooms thro' love's eternal reign, And chaunts with feraph fillers heav'nly lays } Earth's little fcenes (he views with jufl difdain, And each pafl fuffering tunes her foul to praife. Fair C 8 ] Fair virgin faint! if from the realms of light* Thou e'er fhalt deign to caft a pitying eye On this dark gloom, involv'd in clouds and night, Where doubts perplex, and ills in ambufli lie 3. If weeping friends may (hare feraphic love,, If parent, fillers, j brother, ftill are dear; Steal one fhort moment from the blefb above/ And with one tranfient glance, their bofoms chear I" E I N i: S, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Stanzas on th* 1 death of Lac 9