UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES T J<>. t * * * V (. -*>?-?> HISTORY CONQUEST OF PERU. ANCIENT INCA SEAT OF JUSTICE. HISTORY CONQUEST OF PERU BY WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT ''Congestse cumulantur opes, orbisque rapinas Accipit." CLAUDIAN, In Ruf., lib. i. v. 194. ''So color de religion Van i buscar plata y oro Del encubierto tescro." LOPE DE VEGA, El Nuevo Mundo, Jorn. i. EDITED BY JOHN FOSTER KIRK VOLUME I. PHILADELPHIA: }. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. 115547 \ Copyright, 1847, BY WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT Copyright, 1874, BY J. B. L1PPINCOTT & CO. Copyright, 1874. BY WILLIAM G. PRESCOTT \-a ih V. I PREFACE. THE most brilliant passages in the history of Spanish adventure in the New World are undoubtedly afforded by the conquests of Mexico and Peru, the two states which combined with the largest extent of empire a refined social polity and considerable progress in the arts of civilization. Indeed, so prominently do they stand out on the great canvas of history that the name of the one, notwithstanding the contrast they exhibit in their respective institutions, most naturally suggests that of the other ; and when I sent to Spain to collect materials for an account of the Conquest of Mexico I included in my. researches those relating to the Conquest of Peru. The larger part of the documents, in both cases, was obtained from the same great repository, the archives of the Royal Academy of History at Madrid ; a body specially intrusted with the preservation of whatever may serve to illustrate the Spanish colonial annals. The richest portion of its collection is probably that fur- nished by the papers of Mufioz. This eminent scholar, the historiographer of the Indies, employed nearly fifty years of his life in amassing materials for a history of Spanish discovery and conquest in America. For this, as he acted under the authority of the government, A* (V) PREFACE. VI every facility was afforded him ; and public offices and private depositories, in all the principal cities < empire, both at home and throughout the wide extent Tits colonial possessions, were freely opened to hi inspection The result was a magnificent collection of Zuscripts, many of which he patiently trW with his own hand. But he did not live to reap the Trl of his persevering industry. The first votaejjf his work, relating to the voyages of Columbus, * scarcely finished when he died; and his manuscripts, at le J that portion of them which have reference to Mexico and Peru, were destined to serve the uses ot atother, an inhabitant of that New World to which Bother scholar, to whose literary stores I am largely indebted, is Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete : la Director of the Royal Academy of History, the greater part of his long life he was employed in assembling original documents to illustrate the colonial annals. Many of these have been inc6rporated i great work, Coleccion de los Viages y Descubnrm- entos " which, although far from being completed a the original plan of 'its author, is of inestimable service to the historian. In following down the track of dis- covery Navarrete turned aside from the conquests of Mexico and Peru, to exhibit the voyages of his coun- trymen in the Indian seas. His manuscripts relal to the two former countries he courteously allowed t be copied for me. Some of them have since appearec in print, under the auspices of his learned coadjutors, Salva and Baranda, associated with him in the Acader but the documents placed in my hands formed a n PREFACE. Vii important contribution to my materials for the present history. The death of this illustrious man, which occurred some time after the present work was begun, has left a void in his country not easy to be filled ; for he was zealously devoted to letters, and few have done more to extend the knowledge of her colonial history. Far from an exclusive solicitude for his own literary pro- jects, he was ever ready to extend his sympathy and assistance to those of others. His reputation as a scholar was enhanced by the higher qualities which he possessed as a man, by his benevolence, his simplicity of manners, and unsullied moral worth. My own obli- gations to him are large ; for from the publication of my first historical work, down to the last week of his life, I have constantly received proofs from him of his hearty and most efficient interest in the prosecution of my historical labors ; and I now the more willingly pay this well-merited tribute to his deserts, that it must be exempt from all suspicion of flattery. In the list of those to whom I have been indebted for materials I must also include the name of M. Ter- naux-Compans, so well known by his faithful and elegant French versions of the Mufioz manuscripts ; and that of my friend Don Pascual de Gayangos, who, under the modest dress of translation, has furnished a most acute and learned commentary on Spanish- Arabian history, securing for himself the foremost rank in that difficult department of letters, which has been illumined by the labors of a Masdeu, a Casiri, and a Conde. To the materials derived from these sources I have added some manuscripts of an important character from viii PREFACE. the library of the Escorial. These, which chiefly relate to the ancient institutions of Peru, formed part of the ^--splendid collection of Lord Kingsborough, which has unfortunately shared the lot of most literary collections, and been dispersed, since the death of its noble author. For these I am indebted to that industrious bibliogra- pher, Mr. O. Rich, now resident in London. Lastly, I must not omit to mention my obligations, in another way, to my friend Charles Folsom, Esq., the learned librarian of the Boston Athenseum, whose minute ac- quaintance with the grammatical structure and the true idiom of our English tongue has enabled me to correct many inaccuracies into which I had fallen in the com- position both of this and of my former works. From these different quarters I have accumulated a large amount of manuscripts, of the most various char- acter and from the most authentic sources ; royal grants and ordinances, instructions of the court, letters of the emperor to the great colonial officers, municipal records, personal diaries and memoranda, and a mass of private correspondence of the principal actors in this turbulent drama. Perhaps it was the turbulent state of the country which led to a more frequent corre- spondence between the government at home and the colonial officers. But, whatever be the cause, the col- lection of manuscript materials in reference to Peru is fuller and more complete than that which relates to Mexico; so that, there is scarcely a nook or corner so obscure, in the path of the adventurer, that some light has not been thrown on it by the written correspond- ence of the period. The historian has rather had occasion to complain of the embarras des richesses ; for PREFACE. ix in ihe multiplicity of contradictory testimony it is not always easy to detect the truth, as the multiplicity of cross-lights is apt to dazzle and bewilder the eye of the spectator. The present History has been conducted on the same general plan with that of the Conquest of Mexico. In an Introductory Book I have endeavored to portray the institutions of the Incas, that the reader may be ac- quainted with the character and condition of that ex- traordinary race before he enters on the story of their subjugation. The remaining books are occupied with the narrative of the .Conquest. And here the subject, it must be allowed, notwithstanding the opportunities it presents for the display of character, strange romantic incident, and picturesque scenery, does not afford so obvious advantages to the historian as the Conquest of Mexico. Indeed, few subjects can present a parallel with that, for the purposes either of the historian or the poet. The natural development of the story, there, is precisely what would be prescribed by the severest rules of art. The conquest of the country is the great end always in the view of the reader. From the first landing of the Spaniards on the soil, their subsequent adventures, their battles and negotiations, their ruinous retreat, their rally and final siege, all tend to this grand result, till the long series is closed by the down- fall of the capital. In the march of events, all moves steadily forward to this consummation. It is a mag- nificent epic, in which the unity of interest is com- plete. In the " Conquest of Peru," the action, so far as it is founded on the subversion of the Incas, terminates PREFACE. long before the close of the narrative. The remaining portion is taken up with the fierce feuds of the Con- querors, which would seem, from their very nature, tc be incapable of being gathered round a central point of interest. To secure this, we must look beyond the immediate overthrow of the Indian empire. 1 he c quest of the natives is but the first step, to be folio by the conquest of the Spaniards the rebel Span- iardsthemselves, till the supremacy of the crown is permanently established over the country. It is not till this period that the acquisition of this transatlantu empire can be said to be completed ; and by fixing the eye on this remoter point the successive steps of the narrative will be found leading to one great result, and that unity of interest preserved which is scarcely less essential to historic than dramatic composition. How far this has been effected in the present work must be left to the judgment of the reader. No history of the Conquest of Peru, founded on original documents and aspiring to the credit of a classic composition, like the "Conquest of Mexico" by Soils, has been attempted, so far as I am aware, by the Spaniards. The English possess one of high value, from the pen of Robertson, whose masterly sketch occupies its due space in his great work on America. It has been my object to exhibit this same story in all its romantic details ; not merely to portray the charac- teristic features of the Conquest, but to fill up the out- line with the coloring of life, so as to present a minute and faithful picture of the times. For this purpose, I have, in the composition of the work, availed myself freely of my manuscript materials, allowed the actors PREFACE. xi to speak as much as possible for themselves, and espe- cially made frequent use of their letters; for nowhere is the heart more likely to disclose itself than in the freedom of private correspondence. I have made liberal extracts from these authorities in the notes, l>oth to sustain the text, and to put in a printed form those productions of the eminent captains and states- men of the time, which are not very accessible to Spaniards themselves. M. Amedee Pichot, in the Preface to the French translation of the "Conquest of Mexico," infers from the plan of the composition that I must have carefully studied the writings of his countryman M. de Barante. The acute critic does me but justice in supposing me familiar with the principles of that writer's historical theory, so ably developed in the Preface to his " Dues de Bourgogne." And I have had occasion to admire the skilful manner in which he illustrates this theory himself, by constructing out of the rude materials of a distant time a monument of genius that transports us at once into the midst of the Feudal Ages, and this without the incongruity which usually attaches to a modern-antique. In like manner I have attempted to seize the characteristic expression of a distant age and to exhibit it in the freshness of life. But in an essen- tial particular I have deviated from the plan of the French historian. I have suffered the scaffolding to remain after the building has been completed. In other words, I have shown to the reader the steps of the process by which I have come to my conclusions. Instead of requiring him to take my version of the story on trust, I have endeavored to give him a reason x ii PREFACE. for my faith. By copious citations from the original authorities, and by such critical notices of them as would explain to him the influences to which they were subjected, I have endeavored to put him in a position for judging for himself, and thus for revising, and, if need be, reversing, the judgments of the historian. He will, at any rate, by this means, be enabled to estimate the difficulty of arriving at truth amidst the conflict of testimony ; and he will learn to place little reliance on those writers who pronounce on the myste- rious past with what Fontenelle calls " a frightful degree of certainty," a spirit the most opposite to that of the true philosophy of history. Yet it must be admitted that the chronicler who records the events of an earlier age has some obvious advantages in the store of manuscript materials at his command, the statements of friends, rivals, and ene- mies furnishing a wholesome counterpoise to each other, and also in the general course of events, as they actually occurred, affording the best commentary on the true motives of the parties. The actor, engaged in the heat of the strife, finds his view bounded by the circle around him, and his vision blinded by the smoke and dust of the conflict ; while the spectator, whose eye ranges over the ground from a more distant and elevated point, though the individual objects may lose somewhat of their vividness, takes in at a glance all the operations of the field. Paradoxical as it may appear, truth founded on contemporary testimony would seem, after all, as likely to be attained by the writer of a later day as by contemporaries themselves. Before closing these remarks, I may be permitted to PREFACE. xiii add a few of a personal nature. In several foreign notices of my writings, the author has been said to be blind ; and more than once I have had the credit of having lost my sight in the composition of my first his- tory. When I have met with such erroneous accounts, I have hastened to correct them. But the present occa- sion affords me the best means of doing so ; and I am the more desirous of this as 1 fear some of my own remarks, in the Prefaces to my former histories, have led to the mistake. While at the University, I received an injury in one of my eyes, which deprived me of the sight of it. The other, soon after, was attacked by inflammation so severely that for some time I lost the sight of that also ; and, though it was subsequently restored, the organ was so much disordered as to remain permanently debili- tated, while twice in my life, since, I have been deprived of the use of it for all purposes of reading and writing, for several years together. It was during one of these periods that I received from Madrid the materials for the " History of Ferdinand and Isabella," and in my disabled condition, with my transatlantic treasures lying around me, I was like one pining from hunger in the midst of abundance. In this state, I resolved to make the ear, if possible, do the work of the eye. I procured the services of a secretary, who read to me the various authorities ; and in time I became so far familiar with the sounds of the different foreign languages (to some of which, indeed, I had been previously accustomed by a residence abroad) that I could comprehend his reading without much difficulty. As the reader' pro- ceeded, I dictated copious notes ; and when these had xiv PREFACE. swelled to a considerable amount they were read to me repeatedly, till I had mastered their contents sufficiently for the purposes of composition. The same notes fur- nished an easy means of reference to sustain the text. Still another difficulty occurred, in the mechanics labor of writing, which I found a severe trial to the eye This was remedied by means of a writing-case, such as is used by the blind, which enabled me to com- mit my thoughts to paper without the aid of sight, serving me equally well in the dark as in the light. The characters thus formed made a near approach to hieroglyphics ; but my secretary became expert in the art of deciphering, and a fair copy with a liberal allowance for unavoidable blunders was transcribed for the use of the printer. I have described the pro- cess with more minuteness, as some curiosity has been repeatedly expressed in reference to my modus operandi under my privations, and the knowledge of it may be of some assistance to others in similar circumstances. Though I was encouraged by the sensible progress of my work, it was necessarily slow. But in time the tendency to inflammation diminished, and the strength of the eye was confirmed more and more. It was at length so far restored that I could read for several hours of the day, though my labors in this way necessarily terminated with the daylight. Nor could I ever dis- pense with the services of a secretary, or with the writing-case ; for, contrary to the usual experience, I have found writing a severer trial to the eye than read- ing, a remark, however, which does not apply to the reading of manuscript ; and to enable myself, therefore, to revise my composition more carefully, I caused a PREFACE. xv copy of the " History of Ferdinand and Isabella" to he printed for my own inspection before it was sent to the press for publication. Such as I have described was the improved state of my health during the prepa- ration of the "Conquest of Mexico;" and, satisfied with being raised so nearly to a level with the rest of my species, I scarcely envied the superior good fortune of those who could prolong their studies into the even- ing and the later hours of the night. But a change has again taken place during the last two years. The sight of my eye has become gradually dimmed, while the sensibility of the nerve has been so far increased that for several weeks of the last year I have not opened a volume, and through the whole time I have not had the use of it, on an average, for more than an hour a day. Nor can I cheer myself with the delusive expectation that, impaired as the organ has become from having been tasked, probably, beyond its strength, it can ever renew its youth, or be of much service to me hereafter in my literary researches. Whether I shall have the heart to enter, as I had pro- posed, on a new and more extensive field of historical labor, with these impediments, I cannot say. Perhaps long habit, and a natural desire to follow up the career which I have so long pursued, may make this, in a manner, necessary, as my past experience has already proved that it is practicable. From this statement too long, I fear, for his pa- tience the reader who feels any curiosity about the matter will understand the real extent of my embar- rassments in my historical pursuits. That they have not been very light will be readily admitted, when it xvi PREFACE. is considered that I have had but a limited use of my eye in its best state, and that much of the time I have been debarred from the use of it altogether. Yet the difficulties I have had to contend with are very far inferior to those which fall to the lot of a blind man. I know of no historian now alive who can claim the glory of having overcome such obstacles, but the author of " La Conquete de 1'Angleterre par les Normands ;" who, to use his own touching and beautiful language, "has made himself the friend of darkness," and who, to a profound philosophy that requires no light but that from within, unites a capacity for extensive and various research, that might well demand the severest application of the student. The remarks into which I have been led at such length will, I trust, not be set down by the reader to an unworthy egotism, but to their true source, a desire to correct a misapprehension to which I may have un- intentionally given rise myself, and which has gained me the credit with some far from grateful to my feelings, since undeserved of having surmounted the incalculable obstacles which lie in the path of the blind man. BOSTON, April 2, 1847. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. BOOK I. INTRODUCTION. VIEW OF THE CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. CHAPTER I. TAG* PHYSICAL ASPECT OK THE COUNTRY. SOURCES OF PERU- %-IAN CIVILIZATION. KMPIRE OK THE INCAS. ROYAL FAMILY. NOBILITY . . J, Extent of the Peruvian Kmpire .__ A __._ . . ^4 Its Topographical Aspect 5 Unfavorable to Husbandry 6 Natural Impediments overcome 7 Source of Civilization ........ 8 Children of the Sun ........ 9 Other Traditions 10 Their Uncertainty . . . . . . . . .11 Conquests of the Incas 16 City of Cuzco 17 Fortress of Cuzco ........ 18 Its remarkable Structure 19 Queen of the Inca 21 Heir-apparent 22 Order of Chivalry 23 Ceremonies of Admission ....... 24 Inca a Despot ......... 26 His Dress .......... 27 Intercourse with the People 27 Progresses through the Country 28 Royal Palaces 29 (xix) xx CONTENTS. FAGB Their gorgeous Decorations 3' Gardens of Yucay . . .... All closed at the Inca's Death -3. Obsequies of the Incas 33 Their Bodies preserved 34 Produced at Festivals 35 Inca Nobles 3 6 Their exclusive Privileges 37 Curacas 3 *Inca Nobility the highest 39 CHAPTER II. ORDERS OF THE STATE. PROVISIONS FOR JUSTICE. DIVIS- ION OF LANDS. Ri*'ENUES AND REGISTERS. GREAT ROADS AND POSTS. MILITARY TACTICS AND POLICY . 43 Name of Peru 44 Divisions of the Empire 45 Tribunals of Justice 46 Character of the Laws ........ 47 Simple Administration of Justice 48 Threefold Distribution of Lands 50 Division renewed yearly ....... 51 Agrarian Law . . ' . . . . . . .52 The Land cultivated by the People 53 Appropriation and Care of the Llamas . . . . -54 Woollen Manufactures 55 Labor in Peru 56 Registers and Surveys by Government .... 57 Rotation of Labor . . . . . / -58 Magazines of Products and Manufactures .... 59 Taxation borne wholly by the People ... .62 No Room for Progress 62 No Pauperism 63 Monuments of Peruvian Industry 64 Great Roads 6 4 Suspension Bridges 66 Caravansaries, or Tambos 68 System of Posts 6- CONTENTS. xxi PACK Relays of Couriers 70 Military Policy of the Incas 72 X^onquests in the Name of Religion 72 Peruvian Army 73 Arms and Armor ......... 74 Military Quarters and Magazines ..... 75 Lenient Policy in War ........ 77 ^/Religion of the Conquered Nations . ! . . . 78 Disposition of the Conquered Territory .... 79 Quichua Language *8i Mitimaes 82 Unity of Purpose in Peruvian Institutions .... 84 Domestic Quiet their Aim ....... 85 >/ Religious Character of Peruvian Wars .... 86 Singular Harmony in their Empire 87 yCH AFTER III. PERUVIAN RELIGION. DEITIES. GORGEOUS TEMPLES. FESTIVALS. VIRGINS OF THE SUN. MARRIAGE. . 88 y Religion of the American Races ...... 88 ^/Peruvian Notions of a Future Life ...... 91 Embalming and Burial ....... 92 ,Wea of God 93 Worship of the Sun 95 Inferior Deities 96 Temple of the Sun at Cuzco 99 Its Richness and Splendor 100 Temples of inferior Deities ....... 101 Utensils and Ornaments of Gold . . . . . 101 Proofs of ancient Magnificence ...... 103 High Priest 105 Sacerdotal Order 105 Duties of Priests 106 Festival of Raymi 106 Human Sacrifices rare 108 Sacred Flame no Religious Ceremony in Virgins of the Sun 113 xxii CONTENTS. Convents .... Brides of the Inca ..... n6 - Marriage universal ...... Provisions for Marriage ..... CHAPTER IV. EDUCATION. - QUIPUS. - ASTRONOMY. -AGRICULTURE. AQUEDUCTS.-GUANO.-IMPORTANT ESCULENTS . .120 Education in Peru ....... Seminaries and Amautas ........ l! Quipus and Quipucamayus ...... Method of transmitting History . Various Symbols of Thought ...... "5 Quipus the poorest ......... * Traditional Minstrelsy ....... I2 7 Quichua Dialect ......... I2 7 Theatrical Exhibitions ....... Ia8 Division of Time ......... I2 9 Regulated by the Equinoxes ...... Little Progress in Astronomy ....... I 3 I The Inca's Care of Agriculture ...... *33 System of Irrigation ..... *34 Aqueducts .......... *35 Terraces on the Sierra ........ 136 Guano ........... I3 8 Substitute for the Plough ....... 139 Fairs ........... 14 Variety of Products ........ 141 Indian Corn ......... 142 Cuca ....... .... 143 Potatoes .......... 144 CHAPTER V. PERUVIAN SHEEP. GREAT HUNTS. MANUFACTURES. ME- CHANICAL SKILL. ARCHITECTURE. CONCLUDING RE- FLECTIONS .......... 146 Advantages for Manufactures ...... 147 The Llama .......... 147 C0\77-.\rs. xxiii PAGE Alpacas 149 Huanacos and Vicuftas . . . . . . . .149 Great annual Hunts 150 Woollen Manufactures 152 Division of Mechanical Labor 153 Extraordinary Dexterity in the Arts ' 154 No Use of Iron ' . . 155 Gold and Silver 156 Architecture a Test of Civilization ..... 157 Peruvian Architecture ........ 158 Houses 160 Their Simplicity of Construction 161 Adaptation to Climate " 161 Comparison between the Inca and Aztec Races . . . 163 In Policy and Religion 164 In Science 165 Peruvian and Eastern Empires 167 The Incas perfect Despots 168 Careful of the People ........ 170 No Free Agency in Peru 170 No Idleness or Poverty 171 Influence of Government on Character 174 Life and Works of Sarmiento 177 And of Polo de Ondegardo 181 BOOK II. DISCOVERY OF PERU. CHAPTER I. ANCIENT AND MODERN SCIENCE. ART OF NAVIGATION. MARITIME DISCOVERY. SPIRIT OF THE SPANIARDS. POSSESSIONS IN THE NEW WORLD. RUMORS CONCERN- ING PERU 187 Introductory Remarks 187 Progress in Navigation 191 CONTENTS. PAG* 192 Early Voyages of Discovery . ^ ^ Discovery of America . ' . ' 194 Romantic Expectations . Northern and Southern Adventurers . Extent of Discovery . Balboa reaches the Pacific ... Colonial Policy 2QO Pedro Arias de Avila . Foundation of Panama . First Southern Expedition Rumors respecting Peru CHAPTER II. FRANCISCO PIZARRO.-HIS EARLY HISTORY. -FIRST EX- PEDITION TO THE SOUTH.-DISTRESSES OF THE VOY- AGERS.-SHARP ENCOUNTERS.-RETURN TO PANAMA. ALMAGRO'S EXPEDITION ** Francisco Pizarro's Early Life He goes to Hispaniola * Various Adventures He accompanies Pedrarias to Panama * Southern Expeditions Almagro and Luque * Their Union with Pizarro First Expedition for Discovery 2I1 Pizarro takes Command of it 2I2 Enters the River Biru 2I 3 Distresses on Shore aI 3 Pursues his Voyage along the Coast '.214 Heavy Tempests 2I 4 Puts back and lands ........ 2I 4 Great Sufferings of the Spaniards 215 Montenegro sent back for Supplies 217 Indian Village 2l8 Great Distresses during his Absence 220 He returns with Assistance ...... 220 Uncertainty of the Spaniards . . . . . . .221 "They proceed farther South 2i CONTENTS. xxv PACE Traces of Cannibalism 222 Pizarro reconnoitres the Country ..... 223 Fierce Conflict with the Natives ...... 224 Danger of Pizarro 225 He sends back his Vessel '.226 Adventures of Almagro 227 He joins Pizarro 228 Returns to Panama 299 CHAPTER III. THE FAMOUS CONTRACT. SECOND EXPEDITION. Ruiz EX- I'l.oRK* THK COAST. PlZARRO'S SUFFERINGS IN THE FOREST. ARRIVAL OF NEW RECRUITS. FRESH DIS- COVERIES AND DISASTERS. PIZARRO ON THE ISLE OF GALLO 230 Almagro coolly received by Pedrarias .... 230 Influence of Fernando de Luque 231 Narrow Views of the Governor 232 His subsequent History 234 Pizarro. Almagro, and Luque 235 Famous Contract for discovering Peru 236 ^-Religious Tone assumed in it . . . . . . 237 Motives of the Conquerors . > . . . . . 337 Luque's Share in the Enterprise ..... 238 Preparations for the Voyage 239 Insufficiency of Supplies 240 Sailing of the Armament 241 Almagro returns to Panama 241 The Pilot Ruiz explores the Coast 242 Indian Balsas 243 Signs of higher Civilization . . . . . . . *^<\ Returns with Indian Captives ...... 245 Pizarro's Journey into the Interior ..... 245 Frightful Difficulties of the March 246 Almagro returns with Recruits ...... 247 They continue their Voyage 348 Thickly-settled Country 249 Gold and Precious Stones . 250 Peru. VOL. I. 2 c xxv j CONTENTS. fAGK Warlike Aspect of the Natives a - Deliberations of the Spaniards . . . Dispute between Pizarro and Almagro 2 ' The latter returns to Panama '' Pizarro remains at the Isle of Gallo 2 ' His Followers discontented Send home a secret Letter 2 5 6 CHAPTER IV. INDIGNATION OF THE GOVERNOR. STERN RESOLUTION OF PIZARRO. PROSECUTION OF THE VOYAGE. BRILLIANT ASPECT OF TUMBEZ. DISCOVERIES ALONG THE COAST. RETURN TO PANAMA. PIZARRO EMBARKS FOR SPAIN 2 58 Pizarro ordered to return 2 59 He refuses **> His bold Resolution 2O Thirteen adhere to him 26t Pizarro's heroic Constancy 262 Remove to the Isle of Gorgona 264 Efforts of Luque and Almagro 265 Succors sent to Pizarro 266 He continues his Voyage 267 Enters the Gulf of Guayaquil 268 Lands at Tumbez 269 Kind Reception by its Inhabitants 270 Visit of an Inca Noble 271 Adventure of Molina ........ 272 Pedro de Candia sent on Shore ...... 274 Kindly treated by the Natives 275 Reports of the Riches of the Place . . . . . 275 Joy of the Spaniards 277 Pizarro again steers for the South 278 Tossed about by Tempests ....... 278 Touches at various Points of the Coast .... 279 Splendid Accounts of the Peruvian Empire .... 279 Arrives at the Port of Santa . . . . . . 281 Homeward Voyage . . 282 CONTENTS. xxvii FACE Lands at Santa Cruz 282 Entertained by an Indian Princess 282 Continues his Voyage to Panamd 284 Joy and Triumph of his Associates 284 Coldness of the Governor 285 Pizarro goes as Envoy to Spain 287 Notice of Garcilasso de la Vega 288 His Life and Writings 289 Character of his Works 990 BOOK III. CONQUEST OF PERU. CHAPTER I. PIZARRO'S RECEPTION AT COURT. His CAPITULATION WITH THE CROWN. HE VISITS HIS BIRTHPLACE. RETURNS TO THK NEW WORLD. DIFFICULTIES WITH ALMAGRO. His THIRD EXPEDITION. RICH INDIAN BOOTY. BATTLES IN THE ISLE OF PUNA 297 Pirarro in Spain ......... 297 Gracious Reception at Court ....... 298 Relates his Adventures to the Emperor .... 299 His Capitulation with the Crown ...... 301 Dignities conferred on him ....... 301 Provisions in Behalf of the Natives ..... 304 Grasping Spirit of Pizarro 305 He visits his Birthplace ........ 307 The Pizarro Family 308 His Brother Hernando 308 Obstacles to the Expedition 310 Sails and crosses to Nombre de Dios 311 Almagro greatly discontented 311 xv jii CONTENTS. PAGE A Rupture with Difficulty prevented 3 X 3 Expedition fitted out at Panama 3*4 Pizarro's final Voyage to Peru 3 J 5 Driven into the Bay of St. Matthew 3*5 Lands his Forces 3 l6 Plunders an Indian Village 3 : 7 Division of Spoil 3*8 He marches along the Coast ....... 39 Sufferings and Discontent of the Spaniards . . . .32 They reach Puerto Viejo . 3 21 Joined by Reinforcements 3 21 Cross to Isle of Pund 3 22 Conspiracy of its Inhabitants 3 2 3 They attack the Spanish Camp 3 2 4 Arrival of De Soto with Recruits 3 2 5 CHAPTER II. PERU AT THE TIME OF THE CONQUEST. REIGN OF HUAYNA CAPAC. THE INCA BROTHERS. CONTEST FOR THE EM- PIRE. TRIUMPH AND CRUELTIES OF ATAHUALLPA . 327 The Inca Huayna Capac 327 His Apprehensions respecting the White Men . . . 329 Prognostics of Trouble in Peru ...... 329 Atahuallpa the Inca's Son ....... 332 Shares the Empire with his Brother Huascar . . . 332 Causes of Jealousy between them ...... 335 Commencement of Hostilities ...... 336 Huascar's Forces defeated 337 Ravage of Canaris 537 Atahuallpa marches on Cuzco 338 His Victory at Quipaypan . . . . . . . 339 Capture of Huascar 340 Accounts of Atahuallpa's Cruelties 341 Reasons for doubting their Accuracy 342 Atahuallpa's Triumph .... His Want of Foresight . CHAPTER III. PAGB THE SPANIARDS LAND AT TUMBEZ. PIZARRO RECONNOI- TRES THE COUNTRY. FOUNDATION OF SAN MIGUEL. MARCH INTO THE INTERIOR. EMBASSY FROM THE INCA. ADVENTURES ON THE MARCH. REACH THE FOOT OF THE ANDES 346 Spaniards pass over to Tumbez 346 The Place deserted and dismantled ..... 347 Its Curaca captured ........ 348 ^. Pizarro reconnoitres the Country 350 i_His conciliating Policy . 351 ^1 It- founds San Miguel 352 ^-Learns the State of the Kingdom 354 - Determines to strike Into the Interior .... 355 - His probable Intentions 355 Boldness of the Enterprise 356 Marches through the Level Country ..... 357 Hospitality of the Natives 358 Discontent in the Army ........ 359 1'izarro's Expedient to quiet it 359 Reception at Zaran 361 Envoy from the Inca 362 Courteously received by Pizarro 363 His Message to the Inca 364 De Solo's Expedition 364 His Accounts of the Indian Empire . . . ' . 365 March towards Caxamalca ....... 367 Contradictory Information ....... 368 Emissary to Atahuallpa ........ 369 Effective Eloquence of Pizarro . . . . . . 371 CHAPTER IV. SEVERE PASSAGE OK THE ANDES. EMBASSIES FROM ATA- HUALLPA. THE SPANIARDS REACH CAXAMALCA. EM- BASSY TO THE INCA. INTERVIEW WITH THE INCA. DESPONDENCY OF THE SPANIARDS 373 March over the Andes 373 C* xx CONTENTS. MM Fearful Passes of the Sierra . . -3: Toilsome and Dangerous Ascent Mountain Fortresses 3 ' The Army gain the Summit Indian Embassy 3, Lofty Tone of Pizarro Return of the Spanish Envoy 3! Different Accounts of Atahuallpa 3% Bold Descent of the Cordilleras 3 8 Beautiful Valley of Caxamalca 381 Imposing View of the Peruvian Camp 3 Sl Entrance into Caxamalca 3 8z Description of the City 3 8 3 De Soto sent to Atahuallpa 3 8 5 His Interview with the Monarch 3 88 Haughty Demeanor of the Latter . . 3 8 9 His Reply to Pizarro 3 8 9 Soto's Exhibition of Horsemanship 39 Gloomy Forebodings of the Spaniards 39 1 Courage of Pizarro 39 a Daring Plan for seizing the Inca . . . . . 393 Reasons for its Adoption 394 CHAPTER V. DESPERATE PLAN OF PIZARRO. ATAHUALLPA VISITS THE SPANIARDS. HORRIBLE MASSACRE. THE INCA A PRIS- ONER. CONDUCT OF THE CONQUERORS. SPLENDID PROMISES OF THE INCA. DEATH OF HUASCAR . . 397 Disposition of the Spanish Troops ..... 397 y Religious Ceremonies ........ 398 Approach of the Inca ....... 399 Designs not to enter the Town ...... 401 Disappointment of the Spaniards ..... 401 i/^Atahuallpa changes his Purpose . . . . . . 402 ^Leaves his Warriors behind ...... 402 ^Enters the great Square 403 embrace Christianity 405 ,/He rejects it with Disdain 406 CONTENTS. xxxi PACK General Attack of the Spaniards 408 Bloody Massacre of the Peruvians ..... 409 Seizure of Atahuallpa . . . . . . . 411 Dispersion of his Army . . . . . . . .412 Demeanor of the Captive Monarch 414 His probable Designs ........ 414 Courteously treated by Pizarro 415 Indian Prisoners 418 Rich Spoils of the Inca 419 Magnificent Offer of Atahuallpa 421 Accepted by Pizarro 421 Inca's Mode of Life in Captivity 423 Refuses to embrace Christianity ...... 424 Assassination of his Brother Huascar 425 CHAPTER VI. GOLD ARRIVES FOR THE RANSOM. VISIT TO PACHACAMAC. DEMOLITION OK THE IDOL. THE INCA'S FAVORITE (iiNKKAi.. THE INCA'S I.IKE is CONFINEMENT. EN- VOYS' CONDUCT is Cuzco. ARRIVAL OF AI.MAORO . 428 Slow Arrival of the Ransom ..,.. 428 Rumors of an Indian Rising 429 Emissaries sent to Cuzco 430 City and Temple of Pachacamac 430 Hernando Pizarro's March thither 431 Great Road of the Incas 431 Herds of Llamas ........ 433 Rich Cultivation of the Valleys 433 Hernando's Arrival at the City ...... 434 Forcible Entry into the Temple 435 Horror of the Natives 435 Destruction of the Indian Idol 436 Small Amount of Booty 437 Hernando marches against Challcuchima .... 438 Persuades him to visit Caxamalca 439 Interview of Atahuallpa with his General .... 440 The Inca's absolute Authority ^41 His Personal Habits and Appearance ..... 441 xxii CONTENTS. PAGE Return of the Emissaries from Cuzco .... 44 2 Magnificent Reports of the City 443 They stripped the Gold from the Temples .... 444 Their Insolence and Rapacity 444 Return with Loads of Treasure 445 Almagro arrives in Peru 445 Brings a large Reinforcement . . . ' 445 Joins Pizarro's Camp 447 Superstitious Bodings of Atahuallpa 448 CHAPTER VII. IMMENSE AMOUNT OF TREASURE. ITS DIVISION AMONG THE TROOPS. RUMORS OK A RISING. TRIAL OF THE INCA. His EXECUTION. REFLECTIONS . . -45 Division of the Inca's Ransom . . . . . . . 450 Hernando takes the Royal Fifth to Spain . . . -45= His Jealousy of Almagro ....... 452 Enormous Amount of the Treasure 453 Difficulties in its Distribution ...... 455 Shares of the Pizarros 457 Those of the Soldiers 457 Exclusion of Almagro and his Followers .... 458 Preparations for the March to Cuzco ..... 459 The Inca demands his Liberty 460 Equivocal Conduct of Pizarro 461 The Interpreter Felipillo 462 The Inca charged with inciting Insurrection . . . 463 His Protestations of Innocence 463 His Apprehensions ........ 464 Fears and Murmurs of the Spaniards 465 They demand the Inca's Death 465 He is brought to Trial 466 Charges against him 466 Condemned to be burnt alive 468 Some protest against the Sentence 468 The Inca entirely unmanned 469 His earnest Entreaties for Mercy ..... 470 Led to Execution I ^-Abjures his Religion 472 Perishes by the Garrote 472 His Character and Appearance 473 Funeral Obsequies 474 Return of De Soto 475 His Indignation and Astonishment 476 Reflections on the Inca's Treatment ..... 477 Responsibility of Pizarro ....... 478 Motives of Personal Pique ....... 480 Views of Chroniclers respecting the Execution . . . 481 CHAPTER VIII. DISORDERS IN PERU. MARCH TO Cuzco. ENCOUNTER WITH THE NATIVES. CHAI.I.CUCHIMA HURNT. AR- RIVAL IN Cuzco. DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY. TREASURE FOUND THERE 4&3 Authority of the Inca in Peru ...... 483 Effects of Atahuallpa's Death ...... 484 New Inca appointed by Pizarro , . . . . 485 March to Cuzco 486 Formidable Mountain -Passes . . . / . 487 Tedious and painful Route 488 Conflict with the Indians 489 Pizarro halts at Xauxa . 490 De Soto sent forward 490 Furiously assaulted in the Sierra ...... 491 Fierce Battle with the Indians 491 Apprehensions of the Spaniards ...... 492 Arrival of Succors 493 The Peruvians retreat 494 Challcuchima accused of Conspiracy 495 Death of the Inca Toparca 496 Rich Vale of Xaquixaguana 497 Trial and Condemnation of Challcuchima .... 497 Burned alive before the Army 498 Spaniards arrive at Cuzco 500 Entrance into the Capital 501 Its large Population ........ 503 a* xxxiv CONTEXTS. MM Gorgeous Edifices . 503 Its massive Fortress ........ 504 Temple of the Sun ........ 505 Plunder of the Public Buildings 506 Amount of Treasure secured ...... 507 Its Division among the Troops ...... 508 Its Effect upon the Spaniards ...... 509 BOOK FIRST. INTRODUCTION. VIEW OF THE CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS Peru. VOL. I. A & CONQUEST OF PERU. BOOK I. INTRODUCTION. VIEW OF THE CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY. SOURCES OF PERU- VIAN CIVILIZATION. EMPIRE OF THE INCAS. ROYAL FAMILY. NOBILITY. OF the numerous nations which occupied the great ' American continent at the time of its discovery by the Europeans, the two most advanced in power and re- finement were undoubtedly those of Mexico and Peru. Hut, though resembling one another in extent of civili- zation, they differed widely as to the nature of it ; and the philosophical student of his species may feel a natural curiosity to trace the different steps by which these two nations strove to emerge from the state of barbarism and place themselves on a higher point in the scale of humanity. In a former work I have en- deavored to exhibit the institutions and character of the ancient Mexicans, and the story of their conquest by the Spaniards. The present will be devoted to the (3) 4 CIVILIZATION OF TffE INC AS. Peruvians ; and if their history shall be found to pre- sent less strange anomalies and striking contrasts than that of the Aztecs, it may interest us quite as much by the pleasing picture it offers of a well regulated govern- ment and sober habits of industry under the patriarchal sway of the Incas. The empire of Peru, at the period of the Spanish invasion, stretched along the Pacific from about the second degree north to the thirty-seventh degree of south latitude ; a line, also, which describes the western boundaries of the modern republics of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chili. Its breadth cannot so easily be determined ; for, though bounded everywhere by the great ocean on the west, towards the east it spread out, in many parts, considerably beyond the mountains, to the confines of barbarous states, whose exact position is undetermined, or-Yvnose names are effaced from the map of history. It is certain, however, that its breadth was altogether disproportioned to its length. 1 The topographical aspect of the country is very re- markable. A strip of land, rarely exceeding twenty leagues in width, runs along the coast, and is hemmed in through its whole extent by a colossal range of mountains, which, advancing from the straits of Magel- /* Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 65.* Cieza de Leon, Cronica del Peru (Anvers, 1554), cap. 41. Garcilasso de la Vega, Commen- taries Reales (Lisboa, 1609), Parte i, lib. i, cap. 8. According to the last authority, the empire, in its greatest breadth, did not exceed one hundred and twenty leagues. But Garcilasso's geography will not bear criticism. * [In regard to the real authorship of the work erroneously attrib- uted by Prescott to Juan de Sarmiento, see infra, p. 178, note. ED.] PHYSICAL ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY. 5 L reaches its highest elevation indeed, the highest the 4 me " can continent about the seventeenth jree south,' and, after crossing the line, gradually into hills of inconsiderable magnitude, as it |rrs the Isthmus of Panama. This is the famous lillera of the Andes, or "copper mountains," 3 termed by the natives, though they might with reason have been called "mountains of gold." iged sometimes in a single line, though more juentk' in two or three lines running parallel or iquely to each other, they seem to the voyager on but one continuous chain ; while the huge inoe;, which to the inhabitants of the table-land likt solitary and independent masses, appear to Dili* like so many peaks of the same vast and n'ficjnt range. So immense is the scale on which vorks in these regions that it is only when from a great distance that the spectator can in , r ree comprehend the relation of the several ing to Malte-Brun, it is under the equator that we meet tiest summits of this chain. Universal Geography, Eng. )k 86.) But more recent measurements have shown this to en and seventeen degrees south, where the Nevado de of 35,250 feet, and the Illimani B i .;/<;, which has fceen thought to furnish the - uin tongue, signified " copper."f >; * [It i- now known tH^HBMHBDwherc attain the elevations here mentioned, and theMhU^ht of Sorata and Illimani, as stated by the latest authorities ; . 1.286 ;nd 31.149 feet respectively. ED.] t [But this etymology ^^^H^^^Kerally accepted, and it is in fact highly improh.ihle. V^^B^^^V n - **$ Huinboldt remarks, is " tost in the obscurity ri^^^^^^Kb. i CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. parts to the stupendous whole. Few of the works, Nature, indeed, are calculated to produce impressi^ of higher sublimity than the aspect of this coast, as i : gradually unfolded to the eye of the mariner sailing< the distant waters of the Pacific ; where mountain seen to rise^bovecmountain, and Chimborazo, with glorious canopy of snow, glittering far above the cl crowns the whole* as with a celestial diadem. 4 The face of the country would appear to be liarly unfavorable to the purposes both of ajricult and of internal communication. The sandy stj-ip al^ the coast, where rain rarely falls, is fed only by scanty streams, that furnish a remarkable cojiti the vast volumes of water which roll down the sides of the Cordilleras into the Atlantic. The cipitous steeps of the sierra, wfth its splintered of porphyry and granite, and its hjigher regions w in snows that never melt under^ the fierce sun equator, unless it be from the desolating action own volcanic fires, might seem equally the labors of the husbandman. And all comn tion between the parts of the long-extended 4 Humboldt, Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des It digenes de 1'Amerique (Paris, i8to), p. 106. Malte The few brief sketches which M, d.- Humbokit scenery of the Cordilleras, showing the h.u well as of a philosopher, make us regret tjic has not given the results of his obsen nutely as he has done in respe * [Chimborazo (21, 420 JH, t peak of the Andes, is surpj ( ! AconcaRiw, i Chili ^ Beechey, 23, 9 io feet), the high, ,,, se d to be the h: g hest , nm i tc in PtfrUi and by ^ptains Fitzroy and South America -ED ] PHYSICAL ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY. ' 7 might be thought to be precluded by the savage char- acter of the region, broken up by precipices, furious torrents, and impassable qucbradas, those hideous rents in the mountain chain, whose depths the eye of the terrified traveller, as he winds along his aerial path- way, vainly endeavors to fathom. 5 Yet the industry, we might almost say the genius, of the Indian was suffi- cient to overcome all these impediments of Nature. By a judicious system of canals and subterraneous aqueducts, the waste places on the coast were refreshed by copious streams, that clothed them in fertility and beauty. Terraces were raised upon the steep sides of the Cordillera ; and, as the different elevations had the effect of difference of latitude, they exhibited in regular gradation every variety of vegetable form, from the stimulated growth of the tropics to the temperate pro- ducts of a northern clime ; while flocks of llamas the Peruvian sheep wandered with their shepherds over the broad, snow-covered wastes on the crests of the sierra, which rose beyond the limits of cultivation. An industrious population settled along the lofty regions of the plateaus, and towns and hamlets, clustering amidst orchards and wide-spreading gardens, seemed suspended in the air far above trie ordinary elevation of the clouds. 6 Intercourse was maintained between s "These crevices are so deep," says M. de Humboldt, with his usual vivacity of illustration, " that if Vesuvius or the Puy de D&me were seated in the bottom of them, they would not rise above the level of the ridges of the neighboring sierra." Vues des Cordilleres, p. 9. 6 The plains of Quito are at the height of between nine and ten thousand feet above the sea. (See Condamine, Journal d'up Voyage a I'fequateur (Paris, 1751). p. 48.) Other valleys or plateaus in this vast group of mountains reach a still higher elevation. 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. these numerous settlements by means of the great roads which traversed the mountain-passes and opened an easy communication between the capital and the re- motest extremities of the empire. * The source of this civilization is traced to the valley of Cuzco, the central region of Peru, as its name im- plies. 7 The origin of the Peruvian empire, like the origin of all nations, except the very few which, like our own, have had the good fortune to date from a civilized period and people, is lost in the mists of fable, which, in fact, have settled as darkly round its history as round that of any nation, ancient or modern, in the Old World. According to the tradition most familiar to the European scholar, the time was when the ancient races of the continent were all plunged in deplorable barbarism ; when they worshipped nearly every object in nature indiscriminately, made war their pastime, and feasted on the flesh of their slaughtered captives. The Sun, the great luminary and parent of mankind, taking compassion on their degraded condition, sent two of his children, Manco Capac and Mama Oello Huaco, to gather the natives into communities and teach them the arts of civilized life. The celestial pair, brother and sister, husband and wife, advanced along the high plains in the neighborhood of Lake Titicaca to about the sixteenth degree south. They bore with them a golden wedge, and were directed to take up their residence on the spot where the sacred emblem should without effort sink into the ground. They proceeded accordingly but a short distance, as 7 "Cuzco, in the language of the Incas," says Garcilasso, "signifies navel." Com. Real., Parte i, lib. i, cap. 18. SOURCES OF PERUVIAN CIl'lI. IZATli >.\*. Q far as the valley of Cuzco, the spot indicated by the performance of the miracle, since there the wedge speedily sank into the earth and disappeared forever. Here the children of the Sun established their resi- dence, and soon entered upon their beneficent mission among the rude inhabitants of the country ; Manco Capac teaching the men the arts of agriculture, and Mama Oello 8 initiating her own sex in the mysteries of weaving and spinning. The simple people lent a willing ear to the messengers of Heaven, and, gathering together in considerable numbers, laid the foundations of the city of Cuzco. The same wise and benevolertt maxims which regulated the conduct of the first Incas 9 descended to their successors, and under their mild sceptre a community gradually extended itself along the broad surface of the table-land, which asserted its 8 ULimj, with the Peruvians, signified " mother." (Garcilasso. Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. i.) The identity of this term with that used by Europeans is a curious coincidence. It is scarcely more so, however, than that of the corresponding word papa, which with the ancient Mexicans denoted a priest of high rank ; reminding us of the piipti, " pope," of the Italians. With both, the term seems to embrace in its most comprehensive sense the paternal relation, in which it is more familiarly employed by most of the nations of Europe. Nor was the use of it limited to modern times, being applied in the same way both by Greeks and Romans ; " Ildinra i\t." says Nausikaa, address- ing her father, in the simple language which the modern versifiers have thought too simple to render literally. 9 Inca signified king or lord. Capac meant great or powerful. It was applied to several of the successors of Manco, in the same man- ner as the epithet Yupanqui, signifying rich in all virtues, was added to the names of several Incas. (Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 41. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 2, cap. 17.) The good qualities commemorated by the cognomens of most of the Peruvian princes afford an honorable, though not altogether unsuspicious, tribute to the excellence of their characters. I0 CIVILIZATION OF THE lA'CAS. superiority over the surrounding tribes. Such is the pleasing picture of the origin of the Peruvian mon- archy, as portrayed by Garci lasso de la Vega, the de- scendant of the Incas, and through him made familiar to the European reader. 10 But this tradition is only one of several current among the Peruvian Indians, and probably not the one most generally received. Another legend speaks of certain white and bearded men, who, advancing from the shores of Lake Titicaca, established an ascendency over the natives and imparted to them the blessings of civilization. It may remind us of the tradition existing among the Aztecs in respect to Quetzalcoatl, the good deity,, who with a similar garb and aspect came up the great plateau from the east on a like benevolent mission to the natives. The analogy is the more remarkable as there is no trace of any communication with, or even knowledge of, each other to be found in the two nations. 11 10 Com. Real., Parte i, lib. I, cap. 9-16. 11 These several traditions, all of a very puerile character, are to be found in Ondegardo, Relacion Segunda, MS., Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. I, Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 105, Conquista i Pobla- cion del Piru, MS., Declaracion de los Presidente Oydores de la Audiencia Reale del Peru, MS., all of them authorities contemporary with the Conquest. The story of the bearded white men finds its place in most of their legends.* * [Such legends will not be considered " puerile," nor will their similarity with those of remote races seem inexplicable, when they are viewed in their true light, as embodying conceptions of nature formed by the human mind in the early stages of its development. Thus considered, " the very myths," as Mr. Tylor remarks, " that were dis- carded as lying fables, prove to be sources of history in ways that their makers and transmitters little dreamed of." The Peruvian traditions SOURCES OF PERUVIAN CIVILIZATION. \\ The date usually assigned for these extraordinary events was about four hundred years before the coming of the Spaniards, or early in the twelfth century." But, however pleasing to the imagination, and however pop- ular, the legend of Manco Capac, it requires but little reflection to show its improbability, even when divested of supernatural accompaniments. On the shores of Lake Titicaca extensive ruins exist at the present day, which the Peruvians themselves acknowledge to be of older date than the pretended advent of the Incas, and to have furnished them with the models of their archi- tecture.' 3 The date of their appearance, indeed, is 12 Some writers carry back the date five hundred, or even five hun- dred and fifty, years before the Spanish invasion. (Balboa, Histoire du Pe>ou,chap. i. Velasco. Histoire du Royaume de Quito, torn. i. p. 81. Ambo auct. ap. Relations et M^moires originaux pour servir a 1' Histoire de la Decouverte de l'Ame>ique, par Ternaux-Compans (Paris, 1840).) In the Report of the Royal Audience of Peru, the epoch is* more modestly fixed at two hundred years Uefore the Con- quest. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. 3 " Otras cosas ay mas que dezir deste Tiaguanaco, que passo por no detenerme : concluyCdo que yo para mi tengo esta antigualla por la mas antigua de todo el Peru. Y assi se tiene que antes q" los Ingas reynassen con muchos tiempos estavan hechos algunos edificios des- tos: porque yo he oydo afirmar a Indios, que los Ingas hizieron los edificios grandes del Cuzco por la forma que vieron tener la murulla o pared que se vee en este pueblo." (Cieza de Leon, Cronica. cap. 105.) See also Garcilasso (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. i), who gives an account of these remains, on the authority of a Spanish seem, in particular, to deserve a closer investigation than they have yet received. Besides the authorities cited by Prescott, the relations of Christoval de Molina and the Indian Salcamayhua, translated by Mr. Markham, are entitled to mention, both for the minuteness and the variations with which they present the leading features of the same oft-repeated nature-myth. ED.] 12 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. manifestly irreconcilable with their subsequent history. No account assigns to the Inca dynasty more than thirteen princes before the Conquest. But this number is altogether too small to have spread over four hundred years, and would not carry back the foundations of the monarchy, on any probable computation, beyond two centuries and a half, an antiquity not incredible in itself, and which, it may be remarked, does not precede by more than half a century the alleged foundation of the capital of Mexico. The fiction of Manco Capac and his sister-wife was devised, no doubt, at a later period, to gratify the vanity of the Peruvian monarchs, and to give additional sanction to their authority by deriving it from a celestial origin.* ecclesiastic, which might compare, for the marvellous, with any of the legends of his order. Other ruins of similar traditional antiquity are noticed by Herrera (Historia general de los Hechos de los Caste- llanos en las Islas y Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano (Madrid. 1730), dec. 6, lib. 6, cap. 9). McCulloh, in some sensible reflections on the origin of the Peruvian civilization, adduces, on the authority of Gar- cilasso de la Vega, the famous temple of Pachacamac, not far from Lima, as an example of architecture more ancient than that of the Incas. (Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America (Baltimore, 1829). p. 405.) This, if true, would do much to confirm the views in our text. But McCulloh is led into an error by his blind guide, Rycaut, the translator of Gar- cilasso, for the latter does not speak of the temple as existing before the time of the Incas, but before the time when the country was con- quered by the Incas. Com. Real., Parte i. lib 6, cap. 30. * [This theory of the origin of the story is scarcely more plausible or philosophical than that of Garcilasso de la Vega, who conjectures that Manco Capac " may have been some Indian of good understand- ing, prudence, and judgment, who appreciated the great simplicity of those nations, and saw the necessity they had for instruction and SOURCES OF PERUVIAN CIVILIZATION. jj We may reasonably conclude that there existed in the country a race advanced in civilization before the time of the Incas ; and, in conformity with nearly every teaching in natural life. He may have invented a fable with sagacity and astuteness, that he might be respected ; saying that he and his wife were children of the Sun. who had come from Heaven, and that their Father had sent them to teach and do good to the people. The belief in the fable of the Ynca's origin would be confirmed by the benefits and privileges he conferred on the Indians, until they at last firmly believed that he was the Child of the Sun. come from Heaven." (Markham's trans., i. 94.) Mr. Markham pronounces " all this sensible enough," and it at least indicates the true spirit, if not the right method, of investigation. But a wider comparison of popular traditions has led to a general rejection, in such cases as the pn -s, nt, of the idea of conscious invention whether as idle fable or designed imposture to account for their origin. The only question , in regard to such a story is whether it is to be considered as purely mythical or as the mythical adaptation or development of an historical fact. In this instance Dr. Brinton takes the latter view, asserting that Manco Capac was "a real character." "first of the historical Incas," " the Rudolph of Hapsburg of their reigning family," who " flourished about the eleventh century." and to whom tradition has transferred a portion of the story of Viracocha." the Peruvian deity. (Myths of the New World. 179.) Mr. Tylor, on the other hand. afte.r noticing the legend of the Muyscas, a neighboring people, in which Bochica and Huythaca are evident personifications of the sun and moon, says, " Like to this in meaning, though different in fancy, is the civilization- myth of the Incas. ... In after-ages the Sun and Moon were still represented in rule and religion by the Inca and his sister-wife, con- tinuing the mighty race of Manco Capac and Mama Oello. But the two great ancestors returned when their earthly work was done to become, what we may see they had never ceased to be. the sun and moon themselves." (Primitive Culture, i. 319.) It would not be in- consistent with a full acceptance of this theory to consider all such myths as veiling the real existence of men of superior endowments, to horn civilization must everywhere have owed its earliest develop- ments ; but to link them with the actual history of these personages would require very different evidence from what exists in the present *' or any similar case. ED.] Peru. VOL. I. 2 , 4 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. tradition, we may derive this race from the neighborhood of Lake Titicaca; 14 a conclusion strongly confirmed by the imposing architectural remains which still endure, after the lapse of so many years, on its borders. Who this race were, and whence they came, may afford a tempting theme for inquiry to the speculative antiqua- rian. But it is a land of darkness that lies far beyond the domain of history. 15 M Among other authorities for this tradition, see Sarmiento. Rela- cion, MS., cap. 3, 4, Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 5. lib. 3, cap. 6, Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS., Zarate, Historia del Descubrimiento y de la Conquista del Peru, lib. i, cap. 10. ap. Barcia, Historiadores primitives de las Indias occidentals (Madrid, i?49). torn. 3- In most, not all, of the traditions, Manco Capac is recognized as the name of the founder of the Peruvian monarchy, though his history and character are related with sufficient discrepancy. '5 Mr. Ranking, " Who can deep mysteries unriddle As easily as thread a needle," finds it " highly probable that the first Inca of Peru was a son of the Grand Khan Kublai" ! (Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, etc., by the Moguls (London, 1827), p. 170.) 'The coincidences are curious, though we shall hardly jump at the conclusion of the adventurous author. Every scholar will agree with Humboldt in the wish that " some learned traveller would visit the borders of the lake of Titicaca, the district of Callao, and the high plains of Tiahuanaco, the theatre of the ancient American civilization." (Vues des Cor- dilleres, p. 199.) And yet the architectural monuments of the abo- rigines, hitherto brought to light, have furnished few materials for a bridge of communication across the dark gulf that still separates the Old World from the New.* * [The regions mentioned by Humboldt were visited in 1847 by a French savant, M. Angrand, who brought away carefully-prepared plans of many of the ruins, of which a description is given by Desjar^ dins (Le Perou avant la Conquete espagnole), tending to confirm the conclusions drawn from previous sources of information, that a civili- EMPIRE OF THE INCAS 15 The same mists that hang round the origin of the Incas continue to settle on their subsequent annals ; and so imperfect were the records employed by the Peruvians, and so confused and contradictory their traditions, that the historian finds no firm footing on which to stand till within a century of the Spanish conquest. 16 At first, the progress of the Peruvians 16 A good deal within a century, to say truth. Garcilasso and Sar- miento, for example, the two ancient authorities in highest repute, have scarcely a point of contact in their accounts of the earlier Peru- vian princes ; the former representing the sceptre as gliding down in peaceful succession from hand to hand through an unbroken dynasty, while the latter garnishes his tale with as many conspiracies, deposi- zation, superior to that of the Incas, had passed away long before the period of the Spanish conquest. A work announced as in the press, by Mr. Hutchinson, formerly English consul in Peru, may be expected to give the fruits of more recent explorations. But it may be safely predicted that no discoveries that may be made will ever establish the fact of a communication at some remote period between the two hemi- spheres. It may be doubted, indeed, whether the whole inquiry, so persistently pursued, has not sprung from an illusion. Had the East- ern Continent been discovered by a voyager from the Western, it would perhaps have been assumed that the latter had furnished those swarms which afterwards passed through Asia into Europe, and that here was the original seat of the human family and the spot where culture had first begun to dawn. Mr. James S. Wilson's discovery, on the coast of Ecuador, of articles of pottery and of gold, " in a stratum of mould beneath the sea-level, and covered by several feet of clay," proves, according to Murchison, that " within the human period the lands on the west coast of equatorial America were depressed and submerged ; and that after the accumulation of marine clays above the terrestrial relics the whole coast was elevated to its present posi- tion." If, then, the existence not only of the human race, but of human art, in America, antedates the present conformation of the continent, how futile must be every attempt to connect its early history with that of Egypt or of India! ED ] X 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. seems to have been slow, and almost imperceptible. By their wise and temperate policy they gradually won over the neighboring tribes to their dominion, as these latter became more and more convinced of the benefits of a just and well-regulated government. As they grew stronger, they were enabled to rely more directly on force ; but, still advancing under cover of the same beneficent pretexts employed by their predecessors, they proclaimed peace and civilization at the point of the sword. The rude nations of the country, without any principle of cohesion among themselves, fell one after another before the victorious arm of the Incas. Yet it was not till the middle of the fifteenth century that the famous Topa Inca Yupanqui, grandfather of the monarch who occupied the throne at the coming of the Spaniards, led his armies across the terrible desert of Atacama, and, penetrating to the southern region of Chili, fixed the permanent boundary of his domin- ions at the river Maule. His son, Huayna Capac, pos- sessed of ambition and military talent fully equal to his father's, marched along the Cordillera towards the north, and, pushing his conquests across the equator, added the powerful kingdom of Quito to the empire of Peru. 17 tions, and revolutions as belong to most barbarous and, unhappily, most civilized communities. When to these two are added the various writers, contemporary and of the succeeding age, who have treated of the Peruvian annals, we shall find ourselves in such a conflict of traditions that criticism is lost in conjecture. Yet this uncertainty as to historical events fortunately does not extend to the history of arts and institutions which were in existence on the arrival of the Spaniards. '? Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 57, 64. Conq. i Fob. del Piru. MS. Velasco, Hist, de Quito, p. 59. Dec. de la Aud. Real.. MS, EMPIRE OF THE TNCAS. 17 The ancient city of Cuzco, meanwhile, had been gradually advancing in wealth and population, till it had become the worthy metropolis of a great and flour- ishing monarchy. It stood in a beautiful valley on an elevated region of the plateau, which among the Alps would have been buried in eternal snows, but which within the tropics enjoyed a genial and salubrious tem- perature. Towards the north it was defended by a lofty eminence, a spur of the great Cordillera; and the city was traversed by a river, or rather a small stream, over which bridges of timber, covered with heavy slabs of stone, furnished an easy means of com- munication with the opposite banks. The streets were long and narrow, the houses low, and those of the poorer sort built of clay and reeds. But Cuzco was the royal residence, and was adorned with the ample dwellings of the great nobility ; and the massy frag- ments still incorporated in many of the modern edifices bear testimony to the size and solidity of the ancient.' 8 Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i. lib. 7, cap. 18, 19; lib. 8, cap. 5-8. The last historian, and, indeed, some others, refer the conquest of Chili to Yupanqui, the father of Topa Inca. The exploits of the two monarchs are so blended together by the different annalists as in a manner to confound their personal identity. 18 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 7, cap. 8-it. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 92. " El Cuzco tuuo gran manera y calidad, deuio ser fundada por gente de gran ser. Auia grandes calles, saluo q" era angostas, y las casas hechas de piedra pura c6 tan lindas junturas, q illustra el antiguedad del edificio, pues estauan piedras tan grade; muy bien assentadas." (Ibid., ubi supra.) Compare with this Mil- ler's account of the city as existing at the present day : " The walls of many of the houses have remained unaltered for centuries. The great size of the stones, the variety of their shapes, and the inimitable 2* !8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. The health of the city was promoted by spacious openings and squares, in which a numerous population from the capital and the distant country assembled to celebrate the high festivals of their religion. For Cuzco was the "Holy City;" ' 9 and the great temple of the Sun, to which pilgrims resorted from the farthest borders of the empire, was the most magnificent struc- ture in the New World, and unsurpassed, probably, in the costliness of its decorations by any building in the Old. Towards the north, on the sierra or rugged eminence already noticed, rose a strong fortress, the remains of which at the present day, by their vast size, excite the admiration of the traveller. 20 It was defended by a single wall of great thickness, and twelve hundred feet long on the side facing the city, where the precipitous character of the ground was of itself almost sufficient for its defence. On the other quarter, where the approaches were less difficult, it was protected by two other semicircular walls of the same length as the pre- ceding. They were separated a considerable distance from one another and from the fortress ; and the inter- workmanship they display, give to the city that interesting air of an- tiquity and romance which fills the mind with pleasing though painful veneration.' 1 Memoirs of Gen. Miller in the Service of the Republic of Peru (London, 1829, 2d ed.), vol. ii. p. 225. *9 " La Imperial Ciudad de Cozco, que la adoravan los Indies, como a Cosa Sagrada.' ' Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 3, cap. 20. Also Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. 30 See, among others, the Memoirs, above cited, of Gen. Miller, which contain a minute and very interesting notice of modern Cuzco. (Vol. ii. p. 223, et seq.) Ulloa, who visited the country in the middle of the last century, is unbounded in his expressions of admiration. Voyage to South America, Eng. trans. (London, 1806), book vii. ch. 12. EMPIRE OF THE INC AS. 19 vening ground was raised so that the walls afforded a breastwork for the troops stationed there in times of assault. The fortress consisted of three towers, de- tached from one another. One was appropriated to the Inca, and was garnished with the sumptuous deco- rations befitting a royal residence rather than a military post. The other two were held by the garrison, drawn from the Peruvian nobles, and commanded by an officer of the blood royal ; for the position was of too great importance to be intrusted to inferior hands. The hill was excavated below the towers, and several subter- raneous galleries communicated with the city and the palaces of the Inca." The fortress, the walls, and the galleries were all built of stone, the heavy blocks of which were not laid in regular courses, but so disposed that the small ones might fill up the interstices between the great. They formed a sort of rustic work, being rough-hewn except towards the edges, which were finely wrought ; and, though no cement was used, the several blocks were adjusted with so much exactness and united so closely that it was impossible to introduce even the blade of a knife between them." Many of these stones were of Betanzos, Suma y Narracion de los Yngas, MS., cap. 12. Gar- cilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 7, cap. 27-29. The demolition of the fortress, begun immediately after the Conquest, provoked the remonstrance of more than one enlightened Spaniard, whose voice, however, was impotent against the spirit of cupidity and violence. See Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 48. Ibid., ubi supra. Inscripciones, Medallas, Templos, Edificios, Antigiiedades, y Monumentos del Peru, MS. This manuscript, which formerly belonged to Dr. Robertson, and which is now in the British Museum, is the work of some unknown author, somewhere probably about the time of Charles III., a period when, as the sagacious 20 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. vast size; some of them being full thirty-eight feet long, by eighteen broad, and six feet thick.' 3 We are filled with astonishment when we consider that these enormous masses were hewn from their native bed and fashioned into shape by a people ignorant of the use of iron ; that they were brought from quarries, from four to fifteen leagues distant, 34 without the aid of beasts of burden ; were transported across rivers and ravines, raised to their elevated position on the sierra, and finally adjusted there with the nicest accu- racy, without the knowledge of tools and machinery familiar to the European. Twenty thousand men are said to have been employed on this great structure, and fifty years consumed in the building. 25 However this may be, we see in it the workings of a despotism which had the lives and fortunes of its vassals at its absolute disposal, and which, however mild in its general char- acter, esteemed these vassals, when employed in its service, as lightly as the brute animals for which they served as a substitute. scholar to whom I am indebted for a copy of it remarks, a spirit of sounder criticism was visible in the Castilian historians. 2 3 Acosta, Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies, Eng. trans. (London, 1604), lib. 6, cap. 14. He measured the stones himself. See also Garcilasso, Com. Real., loc. cit. * Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 93. Ondegardo. Rel. Seg. MS. Many hundred blocks of granite may still be seen, it is said, in an unfinished state, in a quarry near Cuzco. =s Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 48. Ondegardo, Rel. Seg. MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 7, cap. 27, 28. The Spaniards, puzzled by the execution of so great a work with such apparently in- adequate means, referred it all, in their summary way, to the Devil an opinion which Garcilasso seems willing to indorse. The author of the Antig. y Monumentos del Peru, MS., rejects this notion with becoming gravity. ROYAL FAMILY. 21 The fortress of Cuzco was but part of a system of fortifications established throughout their dominions by the Incas. This system formed a prominent feature in their military policy ; but before entering on this latter it will be proper to give the reader some view of their civil institutions and scheme of government. The sceptre of the Incas, if we may credit their his- torian, descended in unbroken succession from father to son, through their whole dynasty. Whatever we may think of this, it appears probable that the right of inheritance might be claimed by the eldest son of the Ci>ya t or lawful queen, as she was styled, to distinguish her from the host of concubines who shared the affec- tions of the sovereign. 36 The queen was further dis- tinguished, at least in later reigns, by the circumstance of being selected from the sisters of the Inca, an arrangement which, however revolting to the ideas of civilized nations, was recommended to the Peruvians by its securing an heir to the crown of the pure heaven-born race, uncontaminated by any mixture of earthly mould. 117 * Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 7. Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i, lib. i, cap. 26. Acosta speaks of the eldest brother of the Inca as succeeding in preference to the son (lib. 6, cap. 12). He may have confounded the Peruvian with the Aztec usage. The Report of the Royal Audience states that -a brother succeeded in default of a son. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. 7 " Et soror et conjux." According to Garcilasso, the heir-apparent always married a sister. (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 9.) Onde- gardo notices this as an innovation at the close of the fifteenth cen- tury. (Relacion Primera, MS.) The historian of the Incas, however, is confirmed in his extraordinary statement by Sarmiento. Relacion, MS., cap. 7* * [" The sister-marriage of the Incas," remarks Mr. Tylor, " had in their religion at once a meaning and a justification," as typifying, 22 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. In his early years, the royal offspring was intrusted to the care of the amautas, or "wise men," as the teachers of Peruvian science were called, who instructed him in such elements of knowledge as they possessed, and especially in the cumbrous ceremonial of their religion, in which he was to take a prominent part. Great care was also bestowed on his military education, of the last importance in a state which, with its profes- sions of peace and good will, was ever at war for the acquisition of empire. In this military school he was educated with such of the Inca nobles as were nearly of his own age ; for the sacred name of Inca a fruitful source of obscurity in their annals was applied indifferently to all who de- scended by the male line from the founder of the mon- archy. 28 At the age of sixteen the pupils underwent a public examination, previous to their admission to what may be called the order of chivalry. This examination was conducted by some of the oldest and most illus- trious Incas. The candidates were required to show their prowess in the athletic exercises of the warrior ; in wrestling and boxing, in running such long courses as fully tried their agility and strength, in severe fasts of several days' duration, and in mimic combats, which, although the weapons were blunted, were always at- tended with wounds, and sometimes with death. During 28 Garcilasso. Com. Real., Parte I. lib. i, cap. 26. namely, the supposed relation of the sun and moon, like the Egyptian Osiris and Isis. (Primitive Culture, i. 261.) It may, however, indi- cate also different ideas from those of our race in regard to consan- guinity. See Morgan, Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (Smithsonian Contributions). ED.] XOYAL FAMILY. 23 this trial, which lasted thirty days, the royal neophyte fared no better than his comrades, sleeping on the bare ground, going unshod, and wearing a mean attire, a mode of life, it was supposed, which might tend to inspire him with more sympathy with the destitute. With all this show of impartiality, however, it will probably be doing no injustice to the judges to suppose that a politic discretion may have somewhat quickened their perceptions of the real merits of the heir-apparent. At the end of the appointed time, the candidates selected as worthy of the honors of their barbaric chivalry were presented to the sovereign, who conde- scended to take a principal part in the ceremony of inauguration. He began with a brief discourse, in which, after congratulating the young aspirants on the proficiency they had shown in martial exercises, he re- minded them of the responsibilities attached to their birth and station, and, addressing them affectionately as "children of the Sun," he exhorted them to imitate their great progenitor in his glorious career of benefi- cence to mankind. The novices then drew near, and, kneeling one by one before the Inca, he pierced their ears with a golden bodkin ; and this was suffered to remain there till an opening had been made large enough for the enormous pendants which were peculiar to their order, and which gave them, with the Spaniards, the name of orejones.** This ornament was so massy in the From oreja, " ear." " Los caballeros de la sangre Real tenian orejas horadadas, y de ellas colgando grandes rodetes de plata y oro : llamaronles por esto los orejones los Castellanos la primera vez que los vieron." (Montesinos, Memorias antiguas historiales del Peru, MS., lib. 2, cap. 6.) The ornament, which was in the form of a wheel, did not depend from the ear, but was inserted in the gristle of 24 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. ears of the sovereign that the cartilage was distended by it nearly to the shoulder, producing what seemed a monstrous deformity in the eyes of the Europeans, though, under the magical influence of fashion, it was regarded as a beauty by the natives. When this operation was performed, one of the most venerable of the nobles dressed the feet of the candi- dates in the sandals worn by the order, which may remind us of the ceremony of buckling on the spurs of the Christian knight. They were then allowed to assume the girdle or sash around the loins, correspond- ing with the toga virilis of the Romans, and intimating that they had reached the season of manhood. Their heads were adorned with garlands of flowers, which, by their various colors, were emblematic of the clemency and goodness that should grace the character of every true warrior ; and the leaves of an evergreen plant were mingled with the flowers, to show that these virtues should endure without end. 30 The prince's head was further ornamented by a fillet, or tasselled fringe, of a yellow color, made of the fine threads of the vicuf.a wool, which encircled the forehead as the peculiar in- signia of the heir-apparent. The great body of the Inca nobility next made their appearance, and, begin- ning with those nearest of kin, knelt down before the prince and did him homage as successor to the crown. It, and was as large as an orange. " La hacen tan ancha como una gran rosca de naranja ; los Senores i Principales traian aquellas roscas de oro fino en las orejas." (Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. Also Gar- cilasso. Com. Real., Parte i, cap. 22.) " The larger the hole." says one of the old Conquerors, " the more of a gentleman !" Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. 3 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 37. ROYAL FAMILY. The whole assembly then moved to the great square of the capital, where songs and dances and other public festivities closed the important ceremonial of the The reader will be less surprised by the resemblance which this ceremonial bears to the inauguration of a Christian knight in the feudal ages, if he reflects that a similar analogy may be traced in the institutions of other people more or less civilized, and that it is natural that nations occupied with the one great business of war should mark the period when the preparatory education for it was ended, by similar characteristic ceremonies. Having thus honorably passed through his ordeal the heir-apparent was deemed worthy to sit in the councils of his father, and was employed in offices of trust at home, or, more usually, sent on distant expe- litions to practise in the field the lessons which he had hitherto studied only on the mimic theatre of war. His first campaigns were conducted under the renowned commanders who had grown gray in the service of his father, until, advancing in years and experience, he was placed in command himself, and, like Huayna Capac, the last and most illustrious of his line, carried the banner of the rainbow, the armorial ensign of his house, far over the borders, among the remotest tribes of the plateau. The government of Peru was a despotism, mild in 3' Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte ,, lib. 6. cap. ^.-According to Fernandez, the candidates wore white shirts, with something like a cross embroidered in front ! (Historia del Peru (Sevilla. 157,) Parte 2 lib. 3, cap. 6.) We may fancy ourselves occupied with some chiv- alrous ceremonial of the Middle Ages. Peru. VOL. I. u 3 2 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. its character, but in its form a pure and unmitigated despotism. The sovereign was placed at an immeas- urable distance above his subjects. Even the proudest of the Inca nobility, claiming a descent from the same divine original as himself, could not venture into the royal presence, unless barefoot, and bearing a light burden on his shoulders in token of homage. 3 * As the representative of 'the Sun, he stood at the head of the priesthood, and presided at the most important of the religious festivals. 33 He raised armies, and usually commanded them in person. He imposed taxes, made laws, and provided for their execution by the appoint- ment of judges, whom he removed at pleasure. He was the source from which every thing flowed, all dignity, all power, all emolument. He was, in short, in the well-known phrase of the European despot, "himself the state." 34 y Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i. cap. n. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 7. " Porque verdaderamente a lo que yo he averiguado toda la pretension de los Ingas fue una subjeccion en toda la gente. qual yo nunca he oido decir de ninguna otra nacion en tanto grado, que por muy principal que un Senor fuese, dende que entrava cerca del Cuzco en cierta senal que estava puesta en cada camino de quatro que hay, havia dende alii de venir cargado hasta la presencia del Inga, y alii dejava la carga y hacia su obediencia." Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. 33 It was only at one of these festivals, and hardly authorizes the sweeping assertion of Carli that the royal and sacerdotal authority were blended together in Peru. We shall see, hereafter, the important and independent position occupied by the high-priest. " Le Sacer- doceet 1' Empire etoient divise"s au Mexique; au lieu qu'ils *- T*l_ "IlC VllJafT icr. i ne monarch halted from t' listen to the grievances of his subject.^ to scttf^ r^;^rrrs^ "ay along the mountain-passes, eftfyjLcwaJtolirf "gn^r^^r to catch a gi ^ pse f ^ * , and when he ra.sed the curtains of his litter and showed himself to their eyes, the air was rent with acclamations as thev invrl-H v>i nicy invoKea blessings on his hear? & halted, and'the rimpte people of Oe cCtry h^Id'them ,n reverence as places consecrated by the ,Lence o? -dlble ,c" , o, ,r; aU ,' h0r haS 8iVe " in *">""" Ph a mor which >unt of several of these palaces situ- "ng' 3* 70 CIFfLIZATION OF THE INC AS. ir 1 wide extent of ground. Some of the apartments were spacious, but they were generally small, and had no communication with one another, except that they opened into a common square or court. The walls were made of blocks of stone of various sizes, like those described in the fortress of Cuzco, rough-hewn, but carefully wrought near the line of junction, which was scarcely visible to the eye. The roofs were of wood or rushes, which have perished under the rude touch of time, that has shown more respect for the walls of the edifices. The whole seems to have been characterized by solidity and strength, rather than by any attempt at architectural elegance. 4 ' But whatever want of elegance there may have been in the exterior of the imperial dwellings, it was amply compensated by the interior, in which all the opulence of the Peruvian princes was ostentatiously displayed. The sides of the apartments were thickly studded with gold and silver ornaments. Niches, prepared in the walls, were filled with images of animals and plants curiously wrought of the same costly materials ; and even much of the domestic furniture, including the utensils devoted to the most ordinary menial services, displayed the like wanton magnificence ! * With these * l Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 44. Antig. y Monumentos de Peru, MS. See, among others, the description of the remains still existing of the royal buildings at Callo, about ten leagues south of Quito, by Ulloa, Voyage to South America, book 6, ch. n. and since, more carefully, by Humboldt, Vues des Cordilleres, p. 197. 4 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. i. " Tanto que todo el servicio de la Casa del Rey asf de cantaras para su vino como de cozina, todo era oro y plata, y esto no en un lugar y en una parte lo tenia, sino en muchas." (Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. n.) See also the flaming accounts of the palaces of Bilcas, to the west of ROYAL FAMILY. 31 gorgeous decorations were mingled richly-colored stuffs of the delicate manufacture of the Peruvian wool, which were of so beautiful a texture that the Spanish sove- reigns, with all the luxuries of Europe and Asia at their command, did not disdain to use them. 43 The royal household consisted of a throng of menials, supplied by the neighboring towns and villages, which, as in Mexico, were bound to furnish the monarch with fuel and other necessaries for the consumption of the palace. But the favorite residence of the Incas was at Yucay, about four leagues distant from the capital. In this delicious valley, locked up within the friendly arms of the sierra, which sheltered it from the rude breezes of the east, and refreshed by gushing fountains and streams of running water, they built the most beautiful of their palaces. Here, when wearied with the dust and toil of the city, they loved to retreat, and solace themselves with the society of their favorite concubines, wander- ing amidst groves and airy gardens, that shed around their soft, intoxicating odors and lulled the senses to voluptuous repose. Here, too, they loved to indulge in the luxury of their baths, replenished by streams of crystal water which were conducted through subter- raneous silver channels into basins of gold. The spa- Cuzco, by Cieza de Leon, as reported to him by Spaniards who had seen them in their glory. (Cronica, cap. 89.) The niches are still described by modern travellers as to be found in the walls. (Hum- boldt, Vues des Cordilleres, p. 197.) " La ropa de la cama toda era de mantas, y frecadas de lana de Vicuna, que es tan fina, y tan regalada, que entre otras cosas precia- das de aquellas Tierras, se las han traido para la cama del Rey Don Phelipe Segundo." Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6. cap. i. 3 2 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. cious gardens were stocked with numerous varieties of plants and flowers that grew without effort in this tem- perate region of the tropics, while parterres of a more extraordinary kind were planted by their side, glowing with the various forms of vegetable life skilfully imitated in gold and silver ! Among them the Indian corn, the most beautiful of American grains, is particularly com- memorated, and the curious workmanship is noticed with which the golden ear was half disclosed amidst the broad leaves of silver, and the light tassel of the same material that floated gracefully from its top. 44 If this dazzling picture staggers the faith of the reader, he may reflect that the Peruvian mountains teemed with gold ; that the natives understood the art of working the mines, to a considerable extent ; that none of the ore, as we shall see hereafter, was con- verted into coin, and that the whole of it passed into the hands of the sovereign for his own exclusive benefit, whether for purposes of utility or ornament. Certain it is that no fact is better attested by the Conquerors themselves, who had ample means of information, and no motive for misstatement.. The Italian poets, in their gorgeous pictures of the gardens of Alcina and Morgana, came nearer the truth than they imagined. Our surprise, however, may reasonably be excited when we consider that the wealth displayed by the Peruvian princes was only that which each had amassed 4 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte x, lib. 5, cap. 26; lib. 6, cap. 2. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 24. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 94. The last writer speaks of a cement, made in part of liquid gold, as used in the royal buildings of Tambo, a valley not far from Yucay ! (Ubi supra.) We may excuse the Spaniards for demolishing such edifices, if they ever met with them. ROYAL FAAfltY. 33 individually for himself. He owed nothing to inherit- e from his predecessors. On the decease of an Inca his palaces were abandoned; all his treasures, excepi what were employed in his obsequies, his furniture and apparel, were suffered to remain as he left them, and mansions, save one, were closed up forever The new sovereign was to provide himself with every thine new for his royal state. The reason of this was the popular belief that the soul of the departed monarch would return after a time to re-animate his body on earth ; and they wished that he should find everything to he had been used in life prepared for his reception. ^ When an Inca died, or, to use his own language ^ was called home to the mansions of his father the un, his obsequies were celebrated with great pomp and solemnity. The bowels were taken from the body and deposited in the temple of Tampu, about five leagues from the capital. A quantity of his plate and jewels was buried with them, and a number of his tendants and favorite concubines, amounting some- times, it is said, to a thousand, were immolated on his Some of them showed the natural repugnance e sacrifice occasionally manifested by the victims ^ Acosta. lib. 6. cap. la.-Garcilasso. Com. Real.. Parte ,, lib. 6. * The Aztecs, also, believed that the soul of the warrior who fell in went to accompany the Sun in his bright progress through the heavens. (See Conquest of Mexico, book i chap * \ Conq. i. Fob del Pin, MS.-Acosta. lib. 5. cap^.-Four thou- nd of these, according to Sarmiento,_ we may hope it is an exaggeration.-gracedthefuneralobsequ.esofHuaynaCapac.thelast IncasbeforethecomingoftheSpaniards. Relation, MS cap 65 34 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. of a similar superstition in India. But these were probably the menials and more humble attendants ; since the women have been known, in more than one instance, to lay violent hands on themselves, when re- strained from testifying their fidelity by this act of conjugal martyrdom. This melancholy ceremony was followed by a general mourning throughout the empire. At stated intervals, for a year, the people assembled to renew the expressions of their sorrow ; processions were made, displaying the banner of the departed monarch ; bards and minstrels were appointed to chron- icle his achievements, and their songs continued to be rehearsed at high festivals in the presence of the reign- ing monarch, thus stimulating the living by the glo- rious example of the dead. 48 The body of the deceased Inca was skilfully em- balmed, and removed to the great temple of the Sun at Cuzco. There the Peruvian sovereign, on entering the awful sanctuary, might behold the effigies of his royal ancestors, ranged in opposite files, the men on the right, and their queens on the left, of the great luminary which blazed in refulgent gold on the walls of the temple. The bodies, clothed in the princely attire which they had been accustomed to wear, were placed on chairs of gold, and sat with their heads in- clined downward, their hands placidly crossed over their bosoms, their countenances exhibiting their natural dusky hue, less liable to change than the fresher color- ing of a European complexion, and their hair of raven black, or silvered over with age, according to the period " Cieza de Leon. Cronica, cap. 62. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte I, lib. 6, cap. 5. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 8. ROYAL I-AMII.Y. 35 at which they died! It seemed like a company of solemn worshippers fixed in devotion,-so true were the forms and lineaments to life. The Peruvians were as successful as the Egyptians in the miserable attempt to perpetuate the existence of the body beyond the limits assigned to it by nature. They cherished a still stranger illusion in the atten- tions which they continued to pay to these insensible remains, as if they were instinct with life. One of the houses belonging to a deceased Inca was kept open and occupied by his guard and attendants, with all the state appropriate to royalty. On certain festivals, the revered )dies of the sovereigns were brought out with great ceremony into the public square of the capital Invi- tations were sent by the captains of the guard of the respective Incas to the different nobles and officers of court; and entertainments were provided in the 0ndegardo. Rel. Prim.. MS.-Garcilasso. Com. Real.. Parte i lib. s, cap. 29,-The Peruvians secreted these mummies of their sovere lg n s after the Conquest, that they might not be profaned b the co ? /T irdS - nde * ard - when ^fUor of Cuzco dis- covered five of them, three male and two female. The former were e bod.cs of V u-acocha, of the great Tupac Inca Yupanqui. and of h.s son Huayna Capac. Garcilasso saw them in x 5 6o. They were lr,ss,,I , thclr regal robes whh no . ns . gnia bm the X e J-*; ' -v were in a sitting posture, and. to use his own expres- .on. perfect as l.fc. w.thout so much as a hair or an eyebrow want- " w, a nntl ' y Srout a mantle, the Ind.ans threw themselves on their knees, in sign of reverence w,"Tenemos por muy cierto que ni en Jerusalem, Roma, ni,en Persia, ni en ninguna parte del mundo por ninguna Republica ni Key de el, se juntaba en un lugar tanta riqueza de Metales de oro y Plata y Pedreria como en esta Plaza del Cuzco ; quando estas fiestas y otras semejantes se hacian." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 27. s Idem, Relacion, MS., cap. 8, 27. Ondegardo, Rel. Seg.. MS. It was only, however, the great and good princes that were thus hon- ored, according to Sarmiento. " whose souls the silly people fondly believed, on account of their virtues, were in heaven, although, in truth," as the same writer assures us, " they were all the time burning in the flames of hell" ! " Digo los que haviendo sido en vida buenos y valerosos, generosos con los Indies en les hacer mercedes. perdona- dores de injurias, porque a estos tales canonizaban en su ceguedad por Santos y honrraban sus huesos, sin entender que las animas ardian en los Ynfiernos y creian que estaban en el Cielo." Ibid., ubi supra. 5" Garcilasso says over three hundred ! (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. 19.) The fact, though rather startling, is not incredible, if. 1 NOBILITY. 37 comprehending only their descendants in the male line, came in the course of years to be very numer- ous. 53 They were divided intq different lineages, each of which traced its pedigree to a different member of the royal dynasty, though all terminated in the divine founder of the empire. They were distinguished by many exclusive and very important privileges ; they wore a peculiar dress, spoke a dialect, if we may believe the chronicler, pecu- liar to themselves, 54 and had the choicest portion of the public domain assigned for their support. They lived, most of them, at court, near the person of the prince, sharing in his counsels, dining at his board, or sup- plied from his table. They alone were admissible to the great offices in the priesthood. They were invested with the command of armies and of distant garrisons, Huayna Capac, they counted seven hundred wives in their seraglio. SIT Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 7. 53 Garcilasso mentions a class of Incas par privilegio, who were allowed to possess the name and many of the immunities of the blood royal, though only descended from the great vassals that first served under the banner of Manco Capac. (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. i, cap. 22.) This important fact, to which he often refers, one would be glad to see confirmed by a single authority. 54 " Los Incas tuvieron otra Lengua particular, que hablavan entre ellos, que no la entendian los demas Indios, ni les era licito apren- derla,como Lenguage Divino. Esta me escriven del Peru, que se ha perdido totalmente ; porque como perecid la Republica particular de los Incas, perecid tambien el Lenguage dellos." Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 7. cap. i. * {An analysis of fifteen words preserved by Garcilasso has led to the conclusion that the supposed secret language of the Incas was only a dialect of the common tongue. Meyen, Ueber die Ureinbe- wohner von Peru, cited by Brinton, Myths of the New World, p. Si.-ED.] Peru. VOL. I. 4 115547 3 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. were placed over the provinces, and, in short, filled every station of high trust and emolument. 55 Even the laws, severe in their general tenor, seem not to have been framed with reference to them; and the people, investing the whole order with a portion of the sacred character which belonged to the sovereign, held that an Inca noble was incapable of crime. 56 The other order of nobility was the Curaeas, the caciques of the conquered nations, or their descend- ants. They were usually continued by the government in their places, though they were required to visit the capital occasionally, and to allow their sons to be edu- cated there as the pledges of their loyalty. It is not easy to define the nature or extent of their privileges. They were possessed of more or less power, according to the extent of their patrimony and the number of their vassals. Their authority was usually transmitted from father to son, though sometimes the successor was chosen by the people. 57 They did not occupy the highest posts of state, or those nearest the person of the sovereign, like the nobles of the blood. Their 55 " Una sola gente hallo yo que era exenta, que eran los Ingas del Cuzco y por alii al rededor de ambas parcialidades, porque cstos no solo no pagavan tribute, pero aun comian de lo que traian al Inga de todo el reino, y estos eran por la mayor parte los Governado/es en todo el reino, y por donde quiera que iban se les hacia mucha honrra." Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. 56 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 2, cap. 15. 57 In this event, it seems, the successor named was usually presented to the Inca for confirmation. (Dec. de la Aud. Real... MS.) At other times the Inca himself selected the heir from among the children of the deceased Curaca. " In short," says Ondegardo, " there was no rule of succession so sure, but it might be set aside by the supreme will of the sovereign." Rel. Prim., MS. NOBILITY. 39 authority seems to have been usually local, and always in subordination to the territorial jurisdiction of the great provincial governors, who were taken from the Incas.s* It was the Inca nobility, indeed, who constituted the real strength of the Peruvian monarchy. Attached to their prince by ties of consanguinity, they had com- mon sympathies and, to a considerable extent, common interests with him. Distinguished by a peculiar dress and insignia, as well as by language and blood, from the rest of the community, they were never confounded with the other tribes and nations who were incorpo- rated into the great Peruvian monarchy. After the lapse of centuries they still retained their individuality as a peculiar people. They were to the conquered races of the country what the Romans were to the bar- barous hordes of the Empire or the Normans to the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles. Clustering around the throne, they formed an invincible phalanx to shield it alike from secret conspiracy and open in- surrection. Though living chiefly in the capital, they were also distributed throughout the country in all its high stations and strong military posts, thus establish- ing lines of communication with the court, which enabled the sovereign to act simultaneously and with effect on the most distant quarters of his empire. They possessed, moreover, an intellectual pre-emi- nence, which, no less than their station, gave them authority with the people. Indeed, it may be said to 58 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 10. Sarmiento, Re- lacion, MS., cap. n. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 93. Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. 40 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS, have been the principal foundation of their authority. \ The crania of the Inca race show a decided superiority \ over the other races of the land in intellectual power ; \ and it cannot be denied that it was the fountain of that \eculiar civilization and social polity which raised the Pfctruvian monarchy above every other state in South America. Whence this remarkable race came, and what was its early history, are among those mysteries that meet us so frequently in the annals of the New World, and which time and the antiquary have as yet done little to explain.* 59 Dr. Morton's valuable work contains several engravings of both the Inca and the common Peruvian skull, showing that the facial angle in the former, though by no means great, was mucr| larger than that * [The wildest speculations on this point have not been those of early writers, unguided by any principles of philological or ethnologi- cal science, and accustomed to regard the Hebrew Scriptures as the sole fountain of knowledge in regard to the origin and diffusion of the human race. Modern research in matters of language and mythology, while dispelling many illusions and furnishing a key to many riddles, has opened a field in which the imagination, equipped with a quasi- scientific apparatus, finds a wider range than ever before. The dis- coveries of the Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg in regard to the origin of the Mexican civilization have been matched by those of a Peruvian scholar, Dr. Vincente Fidel Lopez, who. in a work entitled Les Races aryennes du Perou (Paris, 1871), has brought forward a vast array of argument to prove that the dominant race in Peru was an offshoot of the great Indo-European family, transplanted at some remote period to the American soil, and not connected by blood with any of its other occupants. This theory is based on a comparison of languages, of architectural and other remains, and of institutions and ideas. The Quichua language, it is admitted, differs in form from all the recog- nized Aryan tongues. Like the other American languages, it is poly- synthetic, though Dr. Lopez, who makes no distinction between the two terms, calls it agglutinative, classing it with the dialects of the Tu- ranian family. But many philologists hold that there must have been NOBILITY. 41 in the latter, which was singularly flat and deficient in intellectual character. Crania Americana (Philadelphia, iSag).* a period when the oldest Aryan tongues were destitute of inflexions and employed the same modes of expression as the Chinese and other monosyllabic languages. There is therefore a " missing link," which is supplied by the Quichua, this being agglutinative in form but Aryan in substance. The latter point is established by the identity of its leading roots with those of the Sanscrit : that is to say, there are Aas, /s Ibid., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 3. It is singular that, while so much JJ 5 2 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. A more thorough and effectual agrarian law than this cannot be imagined. In other countries where such a law has been introduced, its operation, after a time, has given way to the natural order of events, and, under the superior intelligence and thrift of some and the prodigality of others, the usual vicissitudes of for- tune have been allowed to take their course and restore things to their natural inequality. Even the iron law of Lycurgus ceased to operate after a time, and melted away before the spirit of luxury and avarice. The nearest approach to the Peruvian constitution was probably in Judea, where, on the recurrence of the great national jubilee, at the close of every half-cen- tury, estates reverted to their original proprietors. There was this important difference in Peru ; that not only did the lease, if we may so call it, terminate with the year, but during that period the tenant had no power to alienate or to add to his possessions. The end of the brief term found him in precisely the same condition that he was in at the beginning. Such a state of things might be supposed to be fatal to any thing like attachment to the soil, or to that desire of improving it which is natural to the permanent proprie- said of the Inca sovereign, so little should be said of the Inca nobil- ity, of their estates, or the tenure by which they held them. Their historian tells us that they had the best of the lands, wherever they resided, besides the interest which they had in those of the Sun and the Inca, as children of the one and kinsmen of the other. He informs us, also, that they were supplied from the royal table when living at. court (lib. 6, cap. 3). But this is very loose language. The student of history will learn, on the threshold, that he is not to expect precise, or even very consistent, accounts of the institutions of a barbarouj age and people from contemporary annalists. DIVISION OF LANDS. 53 tor, and hardly less so to the holder of a long lease. But the practical operation of the law seems to have been otherwise ; and it is probable that, under the in- fluence of that love of order and aversion to change which marked the Peruvian institutions, each new par- tition of the soil usually confirmed the occupant in his possession, and the tenant for a year was converted into a proprietor for life. The territory was cultivated wholly by the people. The lands belonging to the Sun were first attended to. They next tilled the lands of the old, of the sick, of the widow and the orphan, and of soldiers engaged in actual service ; in short, of all that part of the com- munity who, from bodily infirmity or any other cause, were unable to attend to their own concerns. The people were then allowed to work on their own ground, each man for himself, but with the general obligation to assist his neighbor when any circumstance the bur- den of a young and numerous family, for example might demand it.' 6 Lastly, they cultivated the lands of the Inca. This was done, with great ceremony, by the whole population in a body. At break of day they were summoned together by proclamation from some neighboring tower or eminence, and all the inhabitants of the district, men, women, and children, appeared dressed in their gayest apparel, bedecked with their little store of finery and ornaments, as if for some great jubilee. They went through the labors of the 16 Garcilasso relates that an Indian was hanged by Huayna Capac for tilling the ground of a curaca, his near relation, before that of the poor. The gallows was erected on the curaca's own land. Com Real.. Parte i. lib. 5. cap. 2. 5* 54 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. day with the same joyous spirit, chanting their popular ballads which commemorated the heroic deeds of the Incas, regulating their movements by the measure of the chant, and all mingling in the chorus, of which the word hailli, or "triumph," was usually the burden. These national airs had something soft and pleasing -in their character, that recommended them to the Span- iards ; and many a Peruvian song was set to music by them after the Conquest, and was listened to by the unfortunate natives with melancholy satisfaction, as it called up recollections of the past, when their days glided peacefully away under the sceptre of the Incas.' 7 A similar arrangement prevailed with respect to the different manufactures as to the agricultural products of the country. The flocks of llamas, or Peruvian sheep, were appropriated exclusively to the Sun and to the Inca. 18 Their number was immense. They were scattered over the different provinces, chiefly in the colder regions of the country, where they were in- trusted to the care of experienced shepherds, who conducted them to different pastures according to the change of season. A large number was every year sent to the capital for the consumption of the court, and for the religious festivals and sacrifices. But these were only the males, as no female was allowed to be '7 Garcilasso r Com. Real., Parte I, lib. 5, cap. 1-3. Ondegardo. Rel. Seg., MS. 18 Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. Yet sometimes the sovereign would recompense some great chief, or even some one among the people, who had rendered him a service, by the grant of a small number of llamas, never many. These were not to be disposed of or killed by their owners, but descended as common property to their heirs. This strange arrangement proved a fruitful source of litigation after the Conquest. IhicJ., ubi supra. REVENUES AND REGISTERS. 55 killed. The regulations for the care and breeding of these flocks were prescribed with the greatest minute- ness, and with a sagacity which excited the admiration of the Spaniards, who were familiar with the manage- ment of the great migratory flocks of merinos in their own country.' 9 At the appointed season they were all sheared, and the wool was deposited in the public magazines. It was then dealt out to each family in such quantities as sufficed for its wants, and was consigned to the female part of the household, who were well instructed in the business of spinning and weaving. When this labor was accomplished, and the family was provided with a coarse but warm covering, suited to the cold climate of the mountains, for in the lower country cotton, furnished in like manner by the crown, took the place, to a certain extent, of wool, the people were required to labor for the Inca. The quantity of the cloth needed, as well as the peculiar kind and quality of the fabric, was first determined at Cuzco. The work was then apportioned among the different provinces. Offi- cers appointed for the purpose superintended the dis- tribution of the wool, so that the manufacture of the different articles should be intrusted to the most com- petent hands. 20 They did not leave the matter here, but entered the dwellings, from time to time, and saw ' See especially the account of the Licentiate Ondegardo, who goes into more detail than any contemporary writer concerning the man- agement of the Peruvian flocks. Rel. Seg.. MS. 20 Ondegardo, Rel. Prim, et Seg., MSS. The manufacture of cloths for the Inca included those for the numerous persons of the blood royal, who wore garments of a finer texture than was permitted to any other Peruvian. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 6. 5 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. that the work was faithfully executed. This domestic inquisition was not confined to the labors for the Inca. It included, also, those for the several families ; and care was taken that each household should employ the materials furnished for its own use in the manner that was intended, so that no one should be unprovided with necessary apparel. 21 In this domestic labor all the female part of the establishment was expected to join. Occupation was found for all, from the child five years old to the aged matron not too infirm to hold a distaff. No one, at least none but the decrepit and the sick, was allowed to eat the bread of idleness in Peru. Idleness was a crime in the eye of the law, and, as such, severely punished ; while industry was publicly commended and stimulated by rewards." The like course was pursued with reference to the other requisitions of the government. All the mines in the kingdom belonged to the Inca. They were wrought exclusively for his benefit, by persons familiar with this service and selected from the districts where the mines were situated. 23 Every Peruvian of the lower class was 21 Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. Acosta. lib. 6, cap. 15. 22 Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 5. cap. ii. 2 3 Ga/cilasso would have us believe that the Inca was indebted to the curacas for his gold and silver, which were furnished by the great vassals as presents. (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5. cap. 7.) This im- probable statement is contradicted by the Report of the Royal Audi- ence, MS., by Sarmiento (Relacion, MS., cap. 15), and by Ondegardo (Rel. Prim., MS.), who all speak of the mines as the property of the government and wrought exclusively for its benefit. From this reser- voir the proceeds were liberally dispensed in the form of presents among the great lords, and still more for the embellishment of the temples. REVENUES AND REGISTERS. 57 a husbandman, and, with the exception of those al- ready specified, was expected to provide for his own support by the cultivation of his land. A small por- tion of the community, however, was instructed in mechanical arts, some of them of the more elegant kind, subservient to the purposes of luxury and orna- ment. The demand for these was chiefly limited to the sovereign and his court ; but the labor of a larger number of hands was exacted for the execution of the great public works which covered the land. The na- ture and amount of the services required were all de- termined at Cuzeo by commissioners well instructed in the resources of the country and in the character of the inhabitants of different provinces." 4 This information was obtained by an admirable regu- lation, which has scarcely a counterpart in the annals of a semi-civilized people. A register was kept of all the births and deaths throughout the country, and exact returns of the actual population were made to the government every year, by means of the quipus, a curious invention, which will be explained hereafter.* 5 At certain intervals, also, a general survey of the coun- try was made, exhibiting a complete view of the char- acter of the soil, its fertility, the nature of its products, "* Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 5, cap. 13-16. Ondegardo, Rel. Prim, et Seg., MSS. s Montesinos, Mem. antiguas, MS., lib. 2, cap. 6. Pedro Pizarro, Relacion del Descubrimiento y Conquista de los Reynos del Peru, MS. " Cada provincia, en fin del ano, mandavaasentar en losquipos, por la cuenta de sus nudos, todos los hombres que habian muerto en ella en aquel ano, y por el consiguiente los que habian nacido, y por principio del ano que entraba, venian con los quipos al Cuzco." Sar- miento, Relacion, MS., cap. 16. 5 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. both agricultural and mineral, in short, of all that constituted the physical resources of the empire.* 5 Furnished with these statistical details, it was easy for the government, after determining the amount of re- quisitions, to distribute the work among the respective provinces best qualified to execute it. The task of apportioning the labor was assigned to the local au- thorities, and great care was taken that it should be done in such a manner that, while the most competent hands were selected, the weight should not fall dis- proportionately on any. 27 The different provinces of the country furnished persons peculiarly suited to different employments, which, as we shall see hereafter, usually descended from father to son. Thus, one district supplied those most skilled in working the mines, another the most curious workers in metals or in wood, and so on. 28 The artisan was provided by government with the ma- terials ; and no one was required to give more than a stipulated portion of his time to the public service. He was then succeeded by another for the like term ; and it should be observed that all who were engaged in the employment of the government and the remark applies equally to agricultural labor were maintained, 26 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte, i, lib. 2, cap. 14. ^Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. Sarmiento, Rel.. MS., cap. 15. " Presupuesta y entendida la dicha division que el Inga tenia hecha de su gente, y orden que tenia puesta en el govierao de ella, era muy facil haverla en la division y cobranza de losdichos tributes ; porque era claro y cierto lo que & cada uno cabia sin que hubiese desigualdad ni engano." Dec. de la Aud. Real.', MS. "SSar'miento, Relacion, MS., cap. 15. Ondegardo. Rel. Seg.. MS. REVENUES AND REGISTERS. 59 for the time, at the public expense. 99 By this constant rotation of labor it was intended that no one should be overburdened, and that each man should have time to provide for the demands of his own household. It was impossible in the judgment of a high Spanish authority to improve on the system of distribution, so carefully was it accommodated to the condition and comfort of the artisan. 30 The security of the working- classes seems to have been ever kept in view in the regu- lations of the government ; and these were so discreetly arranged that the most wearing and unwholesome la- bors, as those of the mines, occasioned no detriment to the health of the laborer ; a striking contrast to his subsequent condition under the Spanish rule. 31 A part of the agricultural produce and manufactures was transported to Cuzco, to minister to the immediate demands of the Inca and his court. But far the greater part was stored in magazines scattered over the different provinces. These spacious buildings, constructed of stone, were divided between the Sun and the Inca, though the greater share seems to have been appro- priated by the monarch. By a wise regulation, any deficiency in the contributions of the Inca might be ^Ondcgardo, Rel. Prim., MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 5. 3 " Y tambien se tenia cuenta que el trabajo que pasavan fuese moderado, y con el menos riesgo que fuese posible. . . . Era tanta la orden que tuvieron estos Indies, que & mi parecer aunque mucho se piense en ello seria dificultoso mejorarla conocida su condicion y cos- tumbres." Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. 3' " The working of the mines," says the President of the Council of the Indies, " was so regulated that no one felt it a hardship, much was his life shortened by it." (Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. .) It is a frank admission fora Spaniard. 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. supplied from the granaries of the Sun. 33 But such a necessity could rarely have happened ; and the provi- dence of the government usually left a large surplus in the royal depositories, which was removed to a third class of magazines, whose design was to supply the people in seasons of scarcity, and, occasionally, to furnish relief to individuals whom sickness or misfor- tune had reduced to poverty ; thus in a manner justify- ing the assertion of a Castilian document, that a large portion of the revenues of the Inca found its way back again, through one channel or another, into. the hands of the people. 33 These magazines were found by the Spaniards, on their arrival, stored with all the various products and manufactures of the country, with maize, coca, quintta, woollen and cotton stuffs of the finest quality, with vases and utensils of gold, silver, and copper, in short, with every article of luxury or use within the compass of Peruvian skill. 34 The magazines 3* Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 5. cap. 34. Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. " E asi esta parte del Inga no hay duda sino que de todas tres era la mayor, y en los depositos se parece bien que y6 visile 1 muchos en diferentes partes, e son mayores e mas largos que n6 los de su religion sin comparasion." Idem, Rel. Seg., MS. 33"Todos los dichos tributes y servicios que el Inga imponia y llevaba como dicho es eran con color y para efecto del govierno y pro comun de todos, asi como lo que se ponia en depositos todo se combertia y distribuia entre los mismos naturales." Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. 34 Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 15." No podre decir." says one of the Con- querors, ' ' los depositos. Vide de rropas y de todos generos de rropas y vestidos que en este reino se hacian y vsavan que faltava tiempo para vello y entendimiento para comprender tanta cosa. muchos de- positos de barretas de cobre para las minas y de costales y sogas de vasos de palo y platos del oro y plata que aqui se hallo hera cosa dospanto." Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. REVENUES AND REGISTERS. 6 1 of grain, in particular, would frequently have sufficed for the consumption of the adjoining district for several years. 35 An inventory of the various products of the country, and the quarters whence they were obtained, was every year taken by the royal officers, and recorded by the ucarnayus on their registers, with surprising regularity and precision. These registers were trans- mitted to the capital and submitted to the Inca, who could thus at a glance, as it were, embrace the whole results of the national industry and see how far they corresponded with the requisitions of the government. 36 Such are some of the most remarkable features of the Peruvian institutions relating to property, as delineated by writers who, however contradictory in the details, have a general conformity of outline. These institu- tions are certainly so remarkable that it is hardly credible they should ever have been enforced through- out a great empire and for a long period of years. Yet we have the most unequivocal testimony to the fact from the Spaniards, who landed in Peru in time to witness their operation ; some of whom, men of high judicial station and character, were commissioned by the government to make investigations into the state of the country under its ancient rulers. 35 For ten years, sometimes, if we may credit Ondegardo, who had every means of knowing : " ansi cuando n6 era menester se estaba en los depositos e habiaalgunas vezes comida de diez anos. . . . Los cuales todos se hallaron llenos cuando llegaron los Espanoles desto y de todas las cosas necesarias para la vida humana." Rel. Seg., MS. s 6 Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. " Por tanta orden e cuenta que seria dificujtoso creerlo ni darlo ;i entender como ellos lo tienen en su cuenta 6 por registros e por menudo lo manifestaron que se pudiera por estenso." Idem, Rel. Sjg., MS. Peru. VOL. I. 6 62 CIVILIZATION Of THE The impositions on the Peruvian people seem to have been sufficiently heavy. On them rested the whole burden of maintaining not only their own order, but every other order in the state. The members of the royal house, the great nobles, even the public function- aries, and the numerous body of the priesthood, were all exempt from taxation. 37 The whole duty of defray- ing the expenses of the government belonged to the people. Yet this was not materially different from the condition of things formerly existing in most parts of Europe, where the various privileged classes claimed exemption not always with success, indeed from bearing part of the public burdens. The great hard- ship in the case of the Peruvian was that he could not better his condition. His labors were for others, rather than for himself. However industrious, he could not add a rood to his own possessions, nor advance himself one hair's breadth in the social scale. The great and universal motive to honest industry, that of bettering one's lot, was lost upon him. The great law of human progress was not for him. As he was born, so he was to die. Even his time he could not properly call his own. Without money, with little property of any kind, he paid his tatfes in labor. 38 No wonder that the government should have dealt with sloth as a crime. It was a crime against the state, and to be wasteful of time was, in a manner, to rob the exchequer. The Peruvian, laboring all his life for others, might be com- pared to the convict in a treadmill, going the same dull 37 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 15. 3 s " Solo el trabajo de las personas era el tribute que se dava, porque ellos no poseian otra cosa." Ondegardo. Rel. Prim., MS. REVENUES A AD A'G/STAS. 63 round of incessant toil, with the consciousness that, however profitable the results to the state, they were nothing to him. But this is the dark side of the picture. If no man could become rich in Peru, no man could become poor. No spendthrift could waste his substance in riotous luxury. No adventurous. schemer could impoverish his family by the spirit of speculation. The law was con- stantly directed to enforce a steady industry and a sober management of his affairs. No mendicant was tolerated in Peru. When a man was reduced by poverty or mis- fortune (it could hardly be by fault), the arm of the law was stretched out to minister relief; not the stinted relief of private charity, nor that which is doled out, drop by drop, as it were, from the frozen reservoirs of "the parish," but in generous measure, bringing no humiliation to the object of it, and placing him on a level with the rest of his countrymen. No man coujd be rich, no man could be poor, in x " Era tanta la orden que tenia en todos sus Reinos y provincias, que no consentia haver ningun Indio pobre ni menesteroso, porque havi.i orden i formas para ello sin que los pueblos reciviesen vexacion ni molestia, porque el Inga lo suplia de sus tributes." (Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS.) The Licentiate Ondegardo sees only a device of Satan in these provisions of the Peruvian law. by which the old. the infirm, and the poor were rendered, in a manner, independent of their chil- dren and those nearest of kin, on whom they would naturally have leaned for support ; no surer way to harden the heart, he considers, than by thus disengaging it from the sympathies of humanity ; and no circumstance has done more, he concludes, to counteract the influence and spread of Christianity among the natives. (Rel. Seg., MS.) The views are ingenious ; but in a country where the people had no prop- erty, us in Peru, there would seem to be no alternative for the super- numeraries but to receive support from government or to starve. 64 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. Peru; but all might enjoy, and did enjoy, a compe tence. Ambition, avarice, the love of change, the morbid spirit of discontent, those passions which most agitate the minds of men, found no place in the bosom of the Peruvian. The very condition of his being seemed to be at war with change. He moved on in the same unbroken circle in which his fathers had moved before him, and in which his children were to follow. It was the object of the Incas to infuse into their subjects a spirit of passive obedience and tran- quillity, a perfect acquiescence in the established order of things. In this they fully succeeded. The Spaniards who first visited the country are emphatic in their testimony that no government could have been better suited to the genius of the people, and no people could have appeared more contented with their lot or more devoted to their government. 40 Those who may distrust the accounts of Peruvian in- dustry will find their doubts removed on a visit to the country. The traveller still meets, especially in the central regions of the table-land, with memorials of the . past, remains of temples, palaces, fortresses, terraced mountains, great military roads, aqueducts, and other public works, which, whatever degree of science they may display in their execution, astonish him by their ' number, the massive character of the materials, and the grandeur of the design. Among them, perhaps the most remarkable are the great roads, the broken remains of which are still in sufficient preservation to attest their former magnificence. There were many of these roads, traversing different parts of the king- < Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 12, 15. Sarmiento. Relacion, MS., cap. 10. GREAT ROADS AXD POSTS. 65 dom ; but the most considerable were the two which extended from Quito to Cuzco, and, again diverging from the capital, continued in a southerly direction towards Chili. One of these roads passed over the grand plateau, and the other along the lowlands on the borders of the ocean. The former was much the more difficult achievement from the character of the country. It was conducted over pathless sierras buried in snow ; galleries were cut for leagues through the living rock ; rivers were crossed by means of bridges that swung suspended in the air ; precipices were scaled by stair- ways hewn out of the native bed ; ravines of hideous depth were filled up with solid masonry : in short, all the difficulties that beset a wild and mountainous region, and which might appall the most courageous engineer of modern times, were encountered and suc- cessfully overcome. The length of the road, of which scattered fragments only remain, is variously estimated- at from fifteen hundred to two thousand miles ; and stone pillars, in the manner of European mile-stones, were erected at stated intervals of somewhat more than a league, all along the route. Its breadth scarcely ex- ceeded twenty feet. 41 It was built of heavy flags of 4 Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. " Este camino hecho por valles on- dos y por sierras alias, por monies de nieve, por tremedales de agua y por pena viva y junto a rios furiosos por estas partes y ballano y cmpedrado por las laderas, bien sacado por las sierras, deshechado, por las penas socavado, por junto a los Rios sus paredes, entre nieves con escalones y descanso, por todas partes limpio barrido descom- brado, lleno de aposentos, de depositos de tesoros, de Templos del Sol, de Postas que havia en este camino." Sarmiento, Relation. MS., cap. 60. 6* 66 CIVILIZATION OF TI1K /.VC./.V. freestone, and, in some parts at least, covered with a bituminous cement, which time has made harder than the stone itself. In some places, where the ravines had been filled up with masonry, the mountain-tor- rents, wearing on it for ages, have gradually eaten a way through the base, and left the superincumbent mass suc h is the cohesion of the materials still span- ning the valley like an arch ! * 3 Over some of the boldest streams it was necessary to construct suspension-bridges, as they are termed, made of the tough fibres of the maguey, or of the osier of the country, which has an extraordinary degree of tenacity and strength. These osiers were woven into cables of the thickness of a man's body. The huge ropes, then stretched across the water, were conducted through rings or holes cut in immense buttresses of stone raised on the opposite banks of the river and there secured to heavy pieces of timber. Several of these enormous cables, bound together, formed a bridge, which, covered with planks, well secured and defended by a railing of the same osier materials on the sides, afforded a safe passage for the traveller. The length of this aerial bridge, sometimes exceeding two <* " On avait comble les vides et les ravins par de grandes masses de ma9onnerie. Les torrents qui descendent des hauteurs apres des pluies abondantes avaient creus^ les endroits les mains solides, et s'etaient fraye une voie sous le chemin. le laissant ainsi suspendu en 1'air comme un pont fait d'une seule piece." (Velasco, Hist, de Quito. torn. i. p. 206.) This writer speaks from personal observation, having examined and measured different parts ol the road, in the latter part of the last century. The Spanish scholar will find in Appendix No. 2 an animated description of this magnificent work and of the ob- stacles encountered in the execution of it, in a passage borrowed from Sarmiento, who saw it in the days of the Incas. GREAT ROADS AND POSTS. 67 hundred feet, caused it, confined as it was only at the extremities, to dip with an alarming inclination to- wards the centre, while the motion given to it by the passenger occasioned an oscillation still more frightful, as his eye wandered over the dark abyss of waters that foamed and tumbled many a fathom beneath. Yet these light and fragile fabrics were crossed without fear by the Peruvians, and are still retained by the Spaniards over those streams which, from the depth or impetuosity of the current, would seem impracticable for the usual modes of conveyance. The wider and more tranquil waters were crossed on balsas a kind of raft still much used by the natives to which sails were attached, furnishing the only instance of this higher kind of navigation among the American In- dians. 43 The other great road of the Incas lay through the level country between the Andes and the ocean. It was constructed in a different manner, as demanded by the nature of the ground, which was for the most part low, and much of it sandy. The causeway was raised on a high embankment of earth, and defended on either side by a parapet or wall of clay ; and trees and odoriferous shrubs were planted along the margin, re- galing the sense of the traveller with their perfumes, and refreshing him by their shades, so grateful under the burning sky of the tropics. In the strips of sandy Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i, lib. 3, cap. 7. A particular account of these bridges, as they are still to be seen in different parts of Peru, may be found in Humboldt. (Vues des Cordilleres, p. 230, et seq.) The balsas are described with equal minuteness by Steven- son. Residence in America, vol. ii. p. 222, et seq. 68 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. waste which occasionally intervened, where the light and volatile soil was incapable of sustaining a road, huge piles, many of them to be seen at this day, were driven into the ground to indicate the route to the traveller. 44 All along these highways, caravansaries, or tamhos, as they were called, were erected, at the distance of ten or twelve miles from each other, for the accommo- dation, more particularly, of the Inca and his suite and those who journeyed on the public business. There were few other travellers in Peru. Some of these build- ings were on an extensive scale, consisting of a fortress, barracks, and other military works, surrounded by a parapet of stone and covering a large tract of ground. These were evidently destined for the accommodation of the imperial armies when on their march across the country. The care of the great roads was committed to the districts through which they passed, and under the Incas a large number of hands was constantly em- ployed to keep them in repair. This was the more easily done in a country where the mode of travelling was 'altogether on foot ; though the roads are said to have been so nicely constructed that a -carriage might have rolled over 'them as securely as on any of the great roads of Europe. 45 Still, in a region where the ele- ** Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 60. Relacion del primer Descu- brimiento de la Costa y Mar del Sur. MS. This anonymous docu- ment of one of the early Conquerors contains a minute and probably trustworthy account of both the high-roads, which the writer saw in their glory, and which he ranks among the greatest wonders of the world. 45 Relacion del primer Descub., MS. Cieza de Leon. Cronica. cap. 37. Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i, cap. n. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 9, cap. 13. GREAT ROADS AND POSTS. 69 ments of fire and water are both actively at work in the business of destruction, they must, without con- stant supervision, have gradually gone to decay. Such has been their fate under the Spanish conquerors, who took no care to enforce the admirable system for their preservation adopted by the Incas. Yet the broken portions that still survive here and there, like the fragments of the great Roman roads scattered over Europe, bear evidence to their primitive grandeur, and have drawn forth the eulogium from a discrimi- nating traveller, usually not too profuse in his pane- gyric, that "the roads of the Incas were among the most useful and stupendous works ever executed by man." * The system of communication through their domin- ions was still further improved by the Peruvian sove- reigns by the introduction of posts, in the same manner as was done by the Aztecs. The Peruvian posts, how- ever, established on all the great routes that conducted to the capital, were on a much more extended plan than those in Mexico. All along these routes, small buildings were erected, at the distance of less than five miles asunder, 47 in each of which a number of run- \ * " Cette chaussee. bordee de grandes pierres de taille, peut etre comparee aux plus belles routes des Romains que j'aie vues en Italic, en France et en Espagne. . . . Le grand chemin de 1 Inca. un des ouvrages les plus utiles et en meme temps des plus gigantesques que les hommes aient execute." Humboldt. Vues des Cordilleres, p. 294. 7 The distance between the post-houses is variously stated ; most writers not estimating it at more than three-fourths of a league. I have preferred the authority of Ondegardo. who usually writes with more conscientiousness and knowledge of his ground than most of his contemporaries. 7 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. ners, or chasquis, as they were called, were stationed to carry forward the despatches of government. 48 These despatches were either verbal, or conveyed by means of quipus, and sometimes accompanied by a thread of the crimson fringe worn round the temples of the Inca, which was regarded with the same implicit deference as the signet-ring of an Oriental despot. 49 The chasquis were dressed in a peculiar livery, inti- mating their profession. They were all trained to the employment, and selected for their speed and fidelity. As the distance each courier had to perform was small, and as he had ample time to refresh himself at the sta- tions, they ran over the ground with great swiftness, and messages were carried through the whole extent of the long routes, at the rate of a hundred and fifty miles a day. The office of the chasquis was not limited to carrying despatches. They frequently brought va- rious articles for the use of the court ; and in this way fish from the distant ocean, fruits, game, and different commodities from the hot regions on the coast, were taken to the capital in good condition and served fresh at the royal table. 50 It is remarkable that this * The term chasqui, according to Montesinos, signifies " one that receives a thing." (Mem. antiguas, MS., cap. 7.) But Garcilasso, a better authority for his own tongue, says it meant " one who makes an exchange." Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 8. " Con vn hilo de esta Borla, entregado a uno de aquellos Ore- jones, governaban laTierra, i proveian lo que querian con maior obe- diencia, que en ninguna Provincia del Mundo se ha visto tener a las Provissiones de su Rei." Zarate. Conq. del Peru. lib. i, cap. 9. so Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 18. Dec. de la Aud. Real.. MS. If we may trust Montesinos, the royal table was served with fish, taken a hundred leagues from the capital, in twenty-four hours after GREAT ROADS AND POSTS. 71 important institution should have been known to both the Mexicans and the Peruvians without any corre- spondence with one another, and that it should have been found among two barbarian nations of the New World long before it was introduced among the civil- ized nations of Europe. 5 ' By these wise contrivances of the Incas, the most distant parts of the long-extended empire of Peru were brought into intimate relations with each other. And while the capitals of Christendom, but a few hundred miles apart, remained as far asunder as if seas had rolled between them, the great capitals Cuzco and Quito were placed by the high-roads of the Incas in immediate correspondence. Intelligence from the nu- merous provinces was transmitted on the wings of the wind to the Peruvian metropolis, the great focus to which all the lines of communication converged. Not an insurrectionary movement could occur, not an in- vasion on the remotest frontier, before the tidings were conveyed to the capital and the imperial armies it was drawn from the ocean ! (Mem. antiguas, MS., lib. 2, cap. 7.) This is rather too expeditious for anything but railways. s The institution of the Peruvian posts seems to have made a great impression on the minds of the Spaniards who first visited the country ; and ample notices of it may be found in Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 15, Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS., Fernandez, Hist, del Peru, Parte 2. lib. 3, cap. 5, Conq. i Pob. del Piru. MS., et auct. plurimis. The establishment of posts is of old date among the Chinese, and probably still older among the Persians. (See Herodotus, Hist., Urania, sec. 98.) It is singular that an invention designed for the uses of a despotic government should have received its full application only under a free one. For in it we have the germ of that beautiful system of intercommunication which binds all the nations of Chris- tendom together as one vast commonwealth. 7 2 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. were on their march across the magnificent roads of the country to suppress it. So admirable was the ma- chinery contrived by the American despots for main- taining tranquillity throughout their dominions ! It may remind us of the similar institutions of ancient Rome, when, under the Caesars, she was mistress of half the world. A principal design of the great roads was to serve the purposes of military communication. It formed an important item of their military policy, which is quite as well worth studying as their municipal. Notwithstanding the pacific professions of the Incas, and the pacific tendency, indeed, of their domestic in- stitutions, they were constantly at war. It was by war that their paltry territory had been gradually enlarged to a powerful empire. When this was achieved, the capital, safe in its central position, was no longer shaken by these military movements, and the country enjoyed, in a great degree, the blessings of tranquillity and order. But, however tranquil at heart, there is not a reign upon record in which the nation was not en- gaged in war against the barbarous nations on the fron- tier. Religion furnished a plausible pretext for inces- sant aggression, and disguised the lust of conquest in the Incas, probably, from their own eyes, as well as from those of their subjects. Like the followers of Mahomet, bearing the sword in one hand and the Koran in the other, the Incas of Peru offered no al- ternative but the worship of the Sun or war. It is true, their fanaticism or their policy showed itself in a milder form than was found in the descend- ants of the Prophet. Like the great luminary which MILITARY TACTICS AND POLICY. 73 they adored, they operated by gentleness, more potent than violence. 5 " They sought to soften the hearts of the rude tribes around them, and melt them by acts of condescension and kindness. Far from provoking hos- tilities, they allowed time for the salutary example of their own institutions to work its effect, trusting that their less civilized neighbors would submit to their sceptre, from a conviction of the blessings it would secure to them. When this course failed, they em- ployed other measures, but still of a pacific character, and endeavored by negotiation, by conciliatory treat- ment, and by presents to the leading men, to win them over to their dominion. In short, they practised all the arts familiar to the most subtle politician of a civil- ized land to secure the acquisition of empire. When all these expedients failed, they prepared for war. Their levies were drawn from all the different prov- inces ; though from some, where the character of the people was particularly hardy, more than from others. 53 It seems probable that every Peruvian who had reached a certain age had been called to bear arms. But the rotation of military service, and the regular drills, which took place twice or thrice in a month, of the inhabitants of every village, raised the soldiers gener- ally above the rank of a raw militia. The Peruvian army, at first inconsiderable, came with the increase of population, in the latter days of the empire, to be very large, so that their monarchs could bring into the field, as contemporaries assure us, a force amounting to / s " Mas se hicieron Sefiores al principle por mafia, que por fuerza." Ondegardo, Rel. Prim.. MS. a Idem., Rel. Prim., MS. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. Peru. VOL. I. D 7 74 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. two hundred thousand men. They showed the same skill and respect for order in their military organiza- tion as in other things. The troops were divided into bodies corresponding with our battalions and compa- nies, led by officers, that rose, in regular gradation, from the lowest subaltern to the Inca noble who was intrusted with the general command. 54 Their arms consisted of the usual weapons em- ployed by nations, whether civilized or uncivilized, before the invention of powder, bows and arrows, lances, darts, a short kind of sword, a battle-axe or partisan, and slings, with which they were very expert. Their spears and arrows were tipped with copper, or, more commonly, with bone, and the weapons of the Inca lords were frequently mounted with gold or silver. Their heads were protected by casques made either of wood or of the skins of wild animals, and sometimes richly decorated with metal and with precious stones, surmounted by the brilliant plumage of the tropical birds. These, of course, were the ornaments only of the higher orders. The great mass of the soldiery were dressed in the peculiar costume of their prov- inces, and their heads were wreathed with a sort of turban or roll of different-colored cloths, that produced a gay and animating effect. Their defensive armor consisted of a shield or buckler, and a close tunic of quilted cotton, in the same manner as with the Mexi- cans. Each company had its particular banner, and the imperial standard, high above all, displayed the glittering device of the rainbow, the armorial ensign * Gomara. Cronica, cap. 195. Conq. i Fob. del Piru. MS. MILITARY TACTICS AND POLICE. 75 of the Incas, intimating their claims as children of the skies. 55 By means of the thorough system of communication established in the country, a short time sufficed to draw the levies together from the most distant quarters. The army was put under the direction of some experienced chief, of the blood royal, or, more frequently, headed by the Inca in person. The march was rapidly per- formed, and with little fatigue to the soldier ; for, all along the great routes, quarters were provided for him, at regular distances, where he could find ample accom- modations. The country is still covered with the re- mains of military works, constructed of porphyry or granite, which tradition assures us were designed to lodge the Inca and his army. 56 At regular intervals, also, magazines were estab- lished, filled with grain, weapons, and the different munitions of war, with which the army was supplied on its march. It was the especial care of the govern- ment to see that these magazines, which were furnished from the stores of the Incas, were always well filled. When the Spaniards invaded the country, they sup- 55 Gomara, Cronica, ubi supra. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 20. Velasco, Hist, de Quito, torn. i. pp. 176-179. This last writer gives a minute catalogue of the ancient Peruvian arms, comprehending nearly every thing familiar to the European soldier, except fire-arms. It was judicious in him to omit these. 56 /arate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i. cap. n. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 60. Condamine speaks of the great number of these forti- fied places, scattered over the country between Quito and Lima, which he saw in his visit to South America in 1737; some of which he has described with great minuteness. Memoire sur quelques anciens Monumens du Pe>ou, du Terns des Incas, ap. Histoire de 1'Acade'mie Royal des Sciences et de Belles- Lettres (Berlin, 1748), torn. ii. p. 438. 7 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE IXC AS. ported their own armies for a long time on the pro- visions found in them. 57 The Peruvian soldier was forbidden to commit any trespass on the property of the inhabitants whose territory lay in the line of march. Any violation of this order was punished with death. 58 The soldier was clothed and fed by the industry of the people, and the Incas rightly resolved that he should not repay this by violence. Far from being a tax on the labors of the husbandman, or even a burden on his hospitality, the imperial armies trav- ersed the country, from one extremity to the other, with as little inconvenience to the inhabitants as would be created by a procession of peaceful burghers or a muster of holiday soldiers for a review. From the moment war was proclaimed, the Peruvian monarch used all possible expedition in assembling his forces, that he might anticipate the movements of his enemies and prevent a combination with their allies. It was, however, from the neglect of such a principle of combination that the several nations of the country, who might have prevailed by confederated strength, fell one after another under the imperial yoke. Yet, 57 " Eansi cuando," says Ondegardo, speaking from his own personal knowledge, " el Senor Presidente Gasca passo con la gente de castigo de Gonzalo Pizarro por el valle de Jauja, estuvo alii siete semanas d lo que me acuerdo, se hallaron en deposito maiz de cuatro y de tres y de dos anos mas de 15 3. hanegas junto al caniino, 6 alii comi6 la gente, y se entendi6 que si fuera menester muchas mas no faltaran en el valle en aquellos depositos, conforme & la orden antigua, porque 1 mi cargo estubo el repartirlas y hacer la cuenta para pagarlas." Rel. Seg., MS. 58 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. v Conq., MS. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 44. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 14. MILITARY TACTICS AXD POLICY. 77 once in the field, the Inca did not usually show any disposition to push his advantages to the utmost and urge his foe to extremity. In every stage of the war, he was open to propositions for peace ; and, although he sought to reduce his enemies by carrying off their harvests and distressing them by famine, he allowed his troops to commit no unnecessary outrage on person or property. "We must spare our enemies," one of the Peruvian princes is quoted as 'saying, "or it will be our loss, since they and all that belongs to them must soon be ours." 59 It was a wise maxim, and, like most other wise maxims, founded equally on benevo- lence and prudence. The Incas adopted the policy claimed for the Romans by their countryman, who tells us that they gained more by clemency to the van- quished than by their victories.** In the same considerate spirit, they were most care- ful to provide for the security and comfort of their own troops ; and when a war was long protracted, or the climate proved unhealthy, they took care to relieve their men by frequent reinforcements, allowing the earlier recruits to return to their homes. 61 But while thus economical of life, both in their own followers and in the enemy, they did not shrink from sterner measures when provoked by the ferocious or obstinate ,59 Mandabase que en los mantenimientos y casas de los enemigos se hiciese poco dano, diciendoles el Seftor, presto seran estos nuestros como los que ya lo son ; como esto tenian conocido, procuraban que la guerra fuese la mas liviana que ser pudiese." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 14. 60 " Plus pene parcendo victis, quam vincendo imperium auxisse." Livy, lib. 30, cap. 42. . *' Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 18. 7* 7 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE IXC AS. character of the resistance ; and the Peruvian annals contain more than one of those sanguinary pages which cannot be pondered at the present day without a shudder. It should be added that the beneficent policy which I have been delineating as characteristic of the Incas did not belong to all, and that there was more than one of the royal line who displayed a full measure of the bold and unscrupulous spirit of the vulgar conqueror. The first step of the government after the reduction of a country was to introduce there the worship of the Sun. Temples were erected, and placed under the care of a numerous priesthood, who expounded to the conquered people the mysteries of their new faith and dazzled them by the display of its rich and stately ceremonial. 62 Yet the religion of the conquered was not treated with dishonor. The Sun was to be wor- shipped above all ; but the images of their gods were removed to Cuzco and established in one of the tem- ples, to hold their rank among the inferior deities of the Peruvian Pantheon. Here they remained as hostages, in some sort, for the conquered nation, which would be the less inclined to forsake its allegiance when by doing so it must leave its own gods in the hands of its enemies. 63 The Incas provided for the settlement of their new conquests, by ordering a census to be taken of the population and a careful survey to be made of the country, ascertaining its products and the character fa Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 14. 3 Acosta, lib. 5. cap. 12. Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i. lib. 5. cap. 12. MILITARY TACTICS AND POLICY. , 79 and capacity of its soil. 64 A division of the territory was then made on the same principle with that adopted throughout their own kingdom, and their respective portions were assigned to the Sun, the sovereign, and the people. The amount of the last was regulated by the amount of the population, but the share of each individual was uniformly the same. It may seem strange that any people should patiently have acqui- esced in an arrangement which involved such a total surrender of property. But it was a conquered nation that did so, held in awe, on the least suspicion of meditated resistance, by armed garrisons, who were established at various commanding points throughout the country. 65 It is probable, too, that the Incas made no greater changes than was essential to the new arrangement, and that they assigned estates, as far as possible, to their former proprietors. The curacas, in particular, were confirmed in their ancient authority ; or, when it was found expedient to depose the existing curaca, his rightful heir was allowed to succeed him. 66 Every respect was shown to the ancient usages and laws of the land, as far as was compatible with the fundamental institutions of the Incas. It must also be remembered that the conquered tribes were, many of them, too little advanced in civilization to possess that attachment to the soil which belongs to a cultivated nation.* 7 But, to whatever it be referred, it seems prob- ^Garcilasso. Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 13, 14. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 15. 's Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 19. 86 Fernandez, Hist, del Peru, Parte 2, lib. 3, cap. n. *i Sarmiento has given a very full and interesting account of the singularly humane policy observed by the Incas in their conquests. go CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. able that the extraordinary institutions of the Incas were established with little opposition in the conquered territories. 68 Yet the Peruvian sovereigns did not trust altogether to this show of obedience in their new vassals ; and, to secure it more effectually, they adopted some expe- dients too remarkable to be passed over in silence. Im- mediately after a recent conquest, the curacas and their families Avere removed for a time to Cuzco. Here they learned the language of the capital, became familiar with the manners and usages of the court, as well as with the general policy of the government, and expe- rienced such marks of favor from the sovereign as would be most grateful to their feelings and might attach them most warmly to his person. Under the influ- ence of these sentiments, they were again sent to rule over their vassals, but still leaving their eldest sons in the capital, to remain there as a guarantee for forming a striking contrast with the usual course of those scourges of mankind, whom mankind is wise enough to requite with higher admi- ration, even, than it bestows on its benefactors. As Sarmiento, who was President of the Royal Council of the Indies, and came into the country soon after the Conquest, is a high authority, and as his work,* lodged in the dark recesses of the Escorial, is almost unknown, I have transferred the whole chapter to Appendix No. 3. 68 According to Velasco, even the powerful state of Quito, suffi- ciently advanced in civilization to have the law of property well recog- nized by its people, admitted the institutions of the Incas " not only without repugnance, but with joy." (Hist, de Quito, torn. ii. p. 183.) But Velasco, a modern authority, believed easily, or reckoned on his readers' doing so. * [Sarmiento never visited America, and, as already mentioned, was not the author of the work here referred to. See infra, p. 178. ED.] MILITARY TACTICS AND POLICY. Si their own fidelity, as well as to grace the court of the Inca. 69 Another expedient was of a bolder and more original character. This was nothing less than to revolutioni/e the language of the country. South America, like North America, had a great variety of dialects, or rather languages, having little affinity with one an- other. This circumstance occasioned great embarrass- ment to the government in the administration of the different provinces with whose idioms they were un- acquainted. It was determined, therefore, to substitute one universal language, the Quichua, the language of the court, the capital, and the surrounding country, the richest and most comprehensive of the South American dialects. Teachers were provided in the towns and villages throughout the land, who were to give instruction to all, even the humblest classes ; and it was intimated at the same time that no one should be raised to any office of dignity or profit who was un- acquainted with this tongue. The curacas and other chiefs who attended at the capital became familiar with this dialect in their intercourse with the court, and, on their return home, set the example of conversing in it among themselves. This example was imitated by their followers, and the Quichua gradually became the language of elegance and fashion, in the same manner as the Norman French was affected by all those who aspired to any consideration in England after the Con- quest. By this means, while each province retained its peculiar tongue, a beautiful medium of communica- tion was introduced, which enabled the inhabitants of Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 12; lib. 7, cap. a. D* 8 2 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. one part of the country to hold intercourse with every other, and the Inca and his deputies to communicate with all. This was the state of things on the arrival of the Spaniards. It must be admitted that history furnishes few examples of more absolute authority than such a revolution in the language of an empire at the bidding of a master. 70 Yet little less remarkable was another device of the Incas for securing the loyalty of their subjects. When any portion of the recent conquests showed a pertina- cious spirit of disaffection, it was not uncommon to cause a part of the population, amounting, it might be, to ten thousand inhabitants or more, to remove to a distant quarter of the kingdom, occupied by ancient vassals of undoubted fidelity to the crown. A like number of these last was transplanted to the territory left vacant by the emigrants. By this exchange the population was composed of two distinct races, who regarded each other with an eye of jealousy, that served as an effectual check on any mutinous proceeding. In time, the influence of the well-affected prevailed, sup- ported as they were by royal authority and by the silent working of the national institutions, to which the strange races became gradually accustomed. A spirit 7 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 35; lib. 7, cap. i, 2. Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 55. " Aun la Criatura no hubiese dejado el Pecho de su Madre quando le comenzasen d mostrar la Lengua que havia de saber ; y aunque al principio fue dificultoso, e muchos se pusieron en no querer deprender mas lenguas de las suyas propias, los Reyes pudieron tanto que salie- ron con su intencion y ellos tubieron por bien de cumplirsu mandado y tan de veras se entendi6 en ello que en tiempo de pocos afios se savia r usaba una lengua en mas de mil y doscientas leguas." Ibid., cap. 21. MILITARY TACTICS AXD POLICY. 83 of loyalty sprang up by degrees in their bosoms, and before a generation had passed away the different tribes mingled in harmony together as members of the same community." Yet the different races continued to be distinguished by difference of dress ; since, by the law of the land, every citizen was required to wear the costume of his native province. 7 * Neither could the colonist who had been thus unceremoniously trans- planted return to his native district. For, by another law, it was forbidden to any one to change his resi- dence without license. 73 He was settled for life. The Peruvian government prescribed to every man his local habitation, his sphere of action, nay, the very nature and quality of that action. He ceased to be a free agent ; it might be almost said that it relieved him of personal responsibility. In following out this singular arrangement, the Incas showed as much regard for the comfort and conve- nience of the colonist as was compatible with the exe- cution of their design. They were careful that the mifimaes, as these emigrants were styled, should be removed to climates most congenial with their own. The inhabitants of the cold countries were not trans- planted to the warm, nor the inhabitants of the warm countries to the cold. 74 Even their habitual occupa- ?' Ondegardo. Rel. Prim., MS. Fernandez, Hist, del Peru, Parte 2, lib. 3, cap. ii. 7 " This regulation," says Father Acosta, " the Incas held to be of great importance to the order and right government of the realm." Lib. 6, cap. 16. 73 Conq. i Pob. del Piru. MS. 74 ' Trasmutaban de las tales Provincias la cantidad de gente de que de ella pareciaconvenir que saliese, ;i los cuales mandaban pasar a poblar otra tierra del temple y manera de donde salian, si fria fria, 8 4 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. tions were consulted, and the fisherman was settled in the neighborhood of the ocean or the great lakes, while such lands were assigned to the husbandman as were best adapted to the culture with which he was most familiar. 75 And, as migration by many, perhaps by most, would be regarded as a calamity, the govern- ment was careful to show particular marks of favor to the mitimaes, and, by various privileges and immuni- ties, to ameliorate their condition, and thus to reconcile them, if possible, to their lot. 76 The Peruvian institutions, though they may have been modified and matured under successive sovereigns, all bear the stamp of the same original,- were all cast in the same mould. The empire, strengthening and enlarging at every successive epoch of its history, was in its latter days but the development, on a great scale, of what it was in miniature at its commencement, as the infant germ is said to contain within itself all the ramifications of the future monarch of the forest. Each succeeding Inca seemed desirous only to tread in the path and carry out the plans of his predecessor. Great enterprises, commenced under one, were con- tinued by another, and completed by a third. Thus, while all acted on a regular plan, without any of the eccentric or retrograde movements which betray the agency of different individuals, the state seemed to be si caliente caliente, en donde les daban tierras, y campos. y casas, tanto, y mas como dejaron." Sarmiento, Relacion. MS., cap. 19. Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. 76 The descendants of these mitimaes are still to be found in Quito, or were so at the close of the last century, according to Velasco. dis- tinguished by this name from the rest of the population. Hist, de Quito, torn. i. p. 175. MILITARY TACTICS AND POLICY. 85 under the direction of a single hand, and steadily pur- sued, as if through one long reign, its great career of civilization and of conquest. The ultimate aim of its institutions was domestic quiet. But it seemed as if this were to be obtained only by foreign war. Tranquillity in the heart of the monarchy, and war on its borders, was the condition of Peru. By this war it gave occupation to a part of its people, and, by the reduction and civilization of its barbarous neighbors, gave security to all. Every Inca sovereign, however mild and benevolent in his domestic rule, was a warrior, and led his armies in person. Each successive reign extended still wider the boundaries of the empire. Year after year saw the victorious monarch return laden with spoils and followed by a throng of tributary chieftains to his capital. His reception there was a Roman triumph. The whole of its numerous population poured out to welcome him, dressed in the gay and picturesque costumes of the different provinces, with banners waving above their heads, and strewing branches and flowers along the path of the conqueror. The Inca, borne aloft in his golden chair on the shoulders of his nobles, moved in solemn procession, under the triumphal arches that were thrown across the way, to the great temple of the Sun. There, without attendants, for all but the monarch were excluded from the hallowed precincts, the victorious prince, stripped of his royal insignia, barefooted, and with all humility, approached the awful shrine and offered up sacrifice and thanksgiving to the glorious Deity who presided over the fortunes of the Incas. This cere- mony concluded, the whole population gave itself up Peru. VOL. I. 8 86 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. to festivity; music, revelry, and dancing were heard in every quarter of the capital, and illuminations and bonfires commemorated the victorious campaign of the Inca and the accession of a new territory to his empire." In this celebration we see much of the character of a religious festival. Indeed, the character of religion was impressed on all the Peruvian wars. The life of an Inca was one long crusade against the infidel, to spread wide the worship of the Sun, to reclaim the benighted nations from their brutish superstitions and impart to them the blessings of a well-regulated government. This, in the favorite phrase of our day, was the "mis- sion" of the Inca. It was also the mission of the Christian conqueror who invaded the empire of this same Indian potentate. Which of the two executed his mission most faithfully, history must decide. Yet the Peruvian monarchs did not show a childish impatience in the acquisition of empire. They paused after a campaign, and allowed time for the settlement of one conquest before they undertook another, and in this interval occupied themselves with the quiet ad- ministration of their kingdom, and with the long pro- gresses which brought them into nearer intercourse with their people. During this interval, also, their new vassals had begun to accommodate themselves to the strange institutions of their masters. They learned to appreciate the value of a government which raised them above the physical evils of a state of barbarism, secured them protection of person and a full participa- tion in all the privileges enjoyed by their conquerors ; 77Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 55. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. n, 17 ; lib. 6, cap. 16. MILlTAft Y TACTICS AND POLICY. 87 and, as they became more familiar with the peculiar institutions of the country, habit, that second nature, attached them the more strongly to these institutions from their very peculiarity. Thus, by degrees, and without violence, arose the great fabric of the Peruvian empire, composed of numerous independent and even hostile tribes, yet, under the influence of a common religion, common language, and common government, knit together as one nation, animated by a spirit of love for its institutions and devoted loyalty to its sov- ereign. What a contrast to the condition of the Aztec monarchy, on the neighboring continent, which, com- posed of the like heterogeneous materials, without any internal principle of cohesion, was only held together by the stern pressure, from without, of physical force ! Why the Peruvian monarchy should have fared no better than its rival in its conflict with European civ- ilization will appear in the following pages. CHAPTER III. PERUVIAN RELIGION. DEITIES. GORGEOUS TEMPLES. FESTIVALS. VIRGINS OF THE SUN. MARRIAGE. IT is a remarkable fact that many, if not most, of the rude tribes inhabiting the vast American continent, however disfigured their creeds may have been in other respects by a childish superstition, had attained to the sublime conception of one Great Spirit, the Creator of the Universe, who, immaterial in his own nature, was not to be dishonored by an attempt at visible rep- resentation, and who, pervading all space, was not to be circumscribed within the walls of a temple.* Yet * [This statement represents what is still, probably, the common belief based on the representations of the early missionaries and of many subsequent explorers in regard to the religious ideas of the aboriginal races. The subject has, however, undergone of late a more critical investigation, in connection with the general inquiry as to the ment of religious conceptions, and of monotheism, considered as an original intuition or as the latest outcome of more primi- iefs. Dr. Brinton, who considers that the intuition of an un- wer " the sum of those intelligent activities which the indi- , reasoning from the analogy of his own actions, imagines to be d and to bring about natural phenomena" is common to the es, traces this conception in the American mythologies, especially in which the air, the breath of life, appears as the symbol of an imating or creative Spirit. Yet he adds. " Let none of these ex- pressions, however, be construed to prove the distinct recognition of One Supreme Being. Of monotheism, either as displayed in the one personal definite God of the Semitic races, or in the dim pantheistic (88) PERUVIAN RELIGION. 89 these elevated ideas, so far beyond the ordinary range of the untutored intellect, do not seem to have led to the practical consequences that might have been ex- pected ; and few of the American nations have shown much solicitude for the maintenance of a religious worship, or found in their faith a powerful spring of action. But with progress in civilization ideas more akin to those of civilized communities were gradually unfolded ; a liberal provision was made, and a separate order in- stituted, for the services of religion, which were con- ducted with a minute and magnificent ceremonial, that challenged comparison, in some respects, with that of the most polished nations of Christendom. This was the case with the nations inhabiting the table-land of North America, and with the natives of Bogota, Quito, Peru, and the other elevated regions on the great Southern continent. It was, above all, the case with the Peruvians, who claimed a divine original for the founders of their empire, whose laws all rested on a sense of the Brahmins, there was not a single instance on the Ameri- can continent. . . . The phrases Good Spirit, Great Spirit, and simi- lar ones, have occasioned endless discrepancies in the minds of trav- ellers. In most instances they are entirely of modern origin, coined at the suggestion of missionaries, applied to the white man's God." i Myths of the New World, p. 52.) Mr. Tylor finds among various races of North and South America, of Africa and of Polynesia, the " acknowledgment of a Supreme Creator," yet always in connection with a system of polytheism, of which this belief is the culmination. (Primitive Culture, ad ed., vol. ii. p. 332.) It may be doubted, how- ever, whether it is possible to arrive at any certainty in regard to con- ceptions so vague in themselves and so liable to be moulded into definite shapes by the mediums through which they are communi- cated. ED.] 8* 9 o CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. divine sanction, and whose domestic institutions and foreign wars were alike directed to preserve and propa- gate their faith. Religion was the basis of their polity, the very condition, as it were, of their social existence. The government of the Incas, in its essential principles, was a theocracy. Yet, though religion entered so largely into the fabric and conduct of the political institutions of the people, their mythology, that is, the traditionary legends by which they affected to unfold the mysteries of the uni- verse, was exceedingly mean and puerile. Scarce one of their traditions except the beautiful one respecting the founders of their royal dynasty is worthy of note, or throws much light on their own antiquities or the primitive history of man. Among the traditions of importance is one of the deluge, which they held in common with so many of the nations in all parts of the globe, and which they related with some particulars that bear resemblance to a Mexican legend. 1 1 They related that, after the deluge, seven persons issued from a cave where they had saved themselves, and by them the earth was repeopled. One of the traditions of the Mexicans deduced their de- scent, and that of the kindred tribes, in like manner, from seven per- sons who came from as many caves in Aztlan.* (Conf. Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 19; lib. 7, cap. 2. Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS.) The story of the deluge is told by different writers with many variations, in some of which it is not difficult to detect the plastic hand of the Christian convert. * [A similar tradition is found in some Sanscrit legends. " This coincidence," remarks Dr. Brinton. "arises from the mystic powers attached to the number seven, derived from its frequent occurrence in astrology." (Myths of the New World, p. 203^ Yet the evidence he adduces will hardly apply to the American myths. ED.] /7-.AV/y,/.V RELIGION. gj Their ideas in respect to a future state of being de- serve more attention. They admitted the existence of the soul hereafter, and connected with this a belief in the resurrection of the body. They assigned two dis- ( tinct places for the residence of the good and of the wicked, the latter of which they fixed in the centre of the earth. The good, they supposed, were to pass a luxurious life of tranquillity and ease, which compre- hended their highest notions of happiness. The wicked were to expiate their crimes by ages of weari- some labor. They associated with these ideas a belief in an evil principle or spirit, bearing the name of upay, whom they did not attempt to propitiate by sacrifices, and who seems to have been only a shadowy personification of sin,* that exercised little influence over their conduct. 1 * Ondegardo, Rel.Seg.. MS. Gomara, Hist, de las Ind.. cap. 123. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 2, cap. 2, 7. One might sup- pose that the educated Peruvians if I may so speak imagined the common people had no souls, so little is said of their opinions as to the condition of these latter in a future life, while they are diffuse on the prospects of the higher orders, which they fondly believed were to keep pace with their condition here. * [Dr. Brinton, citing with approval the remark of Jacob Grimm, that " the idea of the Devil is foreign to all primitive religions," denies that such a conception had any existence in the American mythologies, and contends that " the (^ upay of the Peruvians never was, as Prescott would have us believe, the shadowy embodiment of evil, but simply and solely their god of the dead, the Pluto of their pantheon, corre- sponding to the Mictla of the Mexicans." It is certain that many myths of the American Indians, in which a good and an evil power are opposed to each other, owed this idea to the later introduction of the Christian notions of Satan, or to the misconception of narrators 9 2 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. It was this belief in the resurrection of the body which led them to preserve the body with so much solicitude, by a simple process, however, that, unlike the elaborate embalming of the Egyptians, consisted in exposing it to the action of the cold, exceedingly dry, and highly rarefied atmosphere of the mountains. 3 As they believed that the occupations in the future world would have great resemblance to those of the present, they buried with the deceased noble some of his apparel, his utensils, and, frequently, his treasures, and completed the gloomy ceremony by sacrificing his wives and favorite domestics, to bear him company and do him service in the happy regions beyond the clouds. 4 . Vast mounds of an irregular or, more fre- 3 Such, indeed, seems to be the opinion of Garcilasso, though some writers speak of resinous and other applications for embalming the body. The appearance of the royal mummies found at Cuzco, as reported both by Ondegardo and Garcilasso, makes it probable that no foreign substance was employed for their preservation. 4 Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. The Licentiate says that this usage influenced by the same belief. Yet Mr. Tylor, while admitting the skill with which many of these legends have been analyzed by Dr. Brinton, and the general force of his criticism, maintains that " rudi- mentary forms of Dualism, the antagonism of a Good and Evil Deity, are well known among the lower races of mankind," and. after review- ing the evidences of this conception in various stages of development, makes the pregnant remark that " the conception of the light-god as the good deity, in contrast to a rival god of evil, is one plainly sug- gested by nature." (Primitive Culture, i. 287-297.) It is therefore among the sun-worshippers that we might especially expect to find the instinctive conception of a power of darkness, as the representative not merely of death but of the evil principle. This dualism is, accord- ingly, the distinguishing feature of the Zoroastrian religion, and its existence in that of Peru cannot well be questioned on the sole ground of inherent improbability. ED.] I DEITIES. 93 quently, oblong shape, penetrated by galleries running at right angles to each other, were raised over the dead, whose dried bodies or mummies have been found in considerable numbers, sometimes erect, but more often in the sitting posture common to the Indian tribes of both continents. Treasures of great value have also been occasionally drawn from these monu- mental deposits, and have stimulated speculators to repeated excavations with the hope of similar good fortune. It was a lottery like that of searching after mines, but where the chances have proved still more against the adventurers. 5 The Peruvians, like so many other of the Indian races, acknowledged a Supreme Being, the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, whom they adored under the different names of Pachacamac and Viracocha. 6 continued even after the Conquest, and that he had saved the life of more than one favorite domestic who had fled to him for protection. 05 they were about to be sacrificed to the Manes of their deceased lords. Ibid., ubi supra. s Yet these sepulchral mines have sometimes proved worth the dig- ging. Sarmiento speaks of gold to the value of 100,000 castellanos as occasionally buried with the Indian lords ( Relacion, MS., cap. 57) ; and Las Casas not the best authority in numerical estimates says that treasures worth more than half a million of ducats had been found within twenty years after the Conquest, in the tombs near Truxillo. (CEuvres, ed. Llorente (Paris, 1822), torn. ii. p. 192.) Baron Hum- boldt visited the sepulchre of a Peruvian prince, in the same quarter of the country, whence a Spaniard in 1576 drew forth a mass of gold worth a million of dollars ! Vues des Cordilleres, p. 29. 6 Pachacamac signifies " He who sustains or gives life to the uni- verse." The name of the great deity is sometimes expressed by both Pachacamac and Viracocha combined. (See Balboa, Hist, du Perou, chap. 6. Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 21.) An old Spaniard finds in the popular ig of Viracocka, " foam of the sea," an argument for deriving 94 CIVILIZATION OF THE IXC AS. No temple was raised to this invisible Being, save one only in the valley which took its name from the deity himself, not far from the Spanish city of Lima. Even this temple had existed there before the country came under the sway of the Incas, and was the great resort of Indian pilgrims from remote parts of the land, a circumstance which suggests the idea that the worship of this Great Spirit, though countenanced, perhaps, by their accommodating policy, did not originate with the Peruvian princes. 7 * the Peruvian civilization from some voyager from the Old World. Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. 7 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 27. Ulloa notices the extensive ruins of brick, which mark the probable site of the temple of Pachacamac, attesting by their present appearance its ancient magnificence and strength. Memoires philoso- phiques, historiques, physiques (Paris, 1787). trad. Fr., p. 78. * [Not only this inference, but the facts on which it rests, are strenu- ously disputed by Mr. Markham, on the ground that Pachacamac " is an Ynca word, and is wholly foreign to, and unconnected with, the coast language." It was the name, he says, given by the Incas to the coast-city, when they conquered it, " for some reason that has not been preserved, possibly on account of its size and importance." " The natives worshipped a fish-god there under a name now lost, which became famous as an oracle and attracted pilgrims ; and when the Yncas conquered the place they raised a temple to the Sun on the summit of the hill commanding the city." " But they never built any temple to Pachacamac, and there never was one to that deity, except at Cuzco." (Reports of the Discovery of Peru, Introduction, xiv- xx.) There seems to be here much more of assertion than of argu- ment or proof. The statement that there was a temple to Pachacamac at Cuzco is a novel one, for which no authority is adduced, and it is in direct contradiction to the reiterated assertions of Garcilasso, that the Peruvians worshipped Pachacamac only "inwardly, as an unknown God," to whom they built no temples and offered no sacrifices. For the statement that the Incas " erected a temple of the Sun" at Pachaca- DEITIES. 95 The deity whose worship they especially inculcated, and which they never failed to establish wherever their banners were known to penetrate, was the Sun. It was he who, in a particular manner, presided over the des- tinies of man ; gave light and warmth to the nations, and life to the vegetable world ; whom they reverenced as the father of their royal dynasty, the founder of their empire; and whose temples rose in every city and almost every village throughout the land, while his altars smoked with burnt-offerings, a form of sacrifice peculiar to the Peruvians among the semi- civilized nations of the New World. 8 8 At least, so says Dr. McCulloh ; and no better authority can be required on American antiquities. (Researches, p. 392.) Might he not have added barbarous nations, also ? mac (p. xix), we are referred to Cieza de Leon, who says that " they agreed with the native chiefs and with the ministers of this god or devil, that the temple of Pachacamac should continue with the authority and reverence it formerly possessed, and that the loftiest part should be set aside as a temple of the Sun." That the temple had existed long prior to the conquest of the place by the Incas is asserted by all authorities and attested by the great antiquity of its remains. Garci- lasso asserts that its builders had borrowed the conception of Pachaca- mac from the Incas, a less probable supposition than that of Prescott, and equally rejected by Mr. Markham, though the statement of the same author that " the Yncas placed their idols in this temple, which were figures of fishes," seems to be the chief foundation for his own account of the worship practised by the people of the coast, respecting which he admits that little is known. What is known of it with any certainty comes to us from Garcilasso de la Vega and Cieza de Leon, and both these authorities represent the temple and worship of Pacha- camac as having existed in the valley of that name previous to the conquest, or rather peaceful subjugation, of the province by the Incas, and their sanction of this religion, in conjunction with that of the Sun, as the result of a compromise. ED.] 9 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. Besides the Sun, the Incas acknowledged various objects of worship in some way or other connected with this principal deity. Such was the Moon, his sister- wife; the Stars, revered as part of her heavenly train, though the fairest of them, Venus, known to the Peruvians by the name of Chasca, or the "youth with the long and curling locks," was adored as the page of the Sun, whom he attends so closely in his rising and in his setting. They dedicated temples also to the Thunder and Lightning, 9 in whom they recog- nized the Sun's dread ministers, and to the Rainbow, whom they worshipped as a beautiful emanation of their glorious deity. 10 9 Thunder, Lightning, and Thunderbolt could be all expressed by the Peruvians in one word, Illapa. Hence some Spaniards have inferred a knowledge of the Trinity in the natives ! " The Devil stole all he could," exclaims Herrera, with righteous indignation. (Hist. general, dec. 5, lib. 4, cap. 5.) These, and even rasher conclusions (see Acosta, lib. 5, cap. 28), are scouted by Garcilasso, as inventions of Indian converts, willing to please the imaginations of their Chris- tian teachers. (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 2, cap. 5, 6 ; lib. 3, cap. 21.) Imposture on the one hand, and credulity on the other, have furnished a plentiful harvest of absurdities, which has been diligently gathered in by the pious antiquary of a later generation. 10 Garcilasso's assertion that these heavenly bodies were objects of reverence as holy things, but not of worship (Com. Real., Parte I, lib. 2, cap. i, 23), is contradicted by Ondegardo, Rel. Seg.. MS., Dec. de la Aud. Real.. MS.. Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 5. lib. 4. cap. 4, Gomara, Hist, de las Ind.. cap. 121. and. I might add, by almost every writer of authority whom I have consulted.* It is con- * [" Mr. Prescott gives his high authority in support of the Spanish historians Ondegardo, Herrera. and Gomara, and against Garcilasso de la Vega, in this matter [the worship of lightning and thunder as deities]. Yet surely, in a question relating to the religion of his an- cestors, the testimony of the Ynca ... is worth more than that of all DEITIES. 97 In addition to these, the subjects of the Incas en- rolled among their inferior deities many objects in nature, as the elements, the winds, the eafth, the air, great mountains and rivers, which impressed them with ideas of sublimity and power, or were supposed in some way or other to exercise a mysterious influence over the destinies of man." They adopted also a no- tion, not unlike that professed by some of the schools of ancient philosophy, that every thing on earth had its archetype or idea, its mother, as they emphatically styled it, which they held sacred, as, in some sort, its tradicted, in a manner, by the admission of Garcilasso himself, that these several objects were all personified by the Indians as living beings, and had temples dedicated to them as such, with their effigies delineated in the same manner as was that of the Sun in his dwelling. Indeed, the effort of the historian to reduce the worship of the Incas to that of the Sun alone is not very reconcilable with what he else- where says of the homage paid to Pachacamac, above all, and to Rimac, the great oracle of the common people. The .Peruvian my- thology was, probably, not unlike that of Hindostan. where, under two, or at most three, principal deities, were assembled a host of in- ferior ones, to whom the nation paid religious homage, as personifi- cations of the different objects in nature. 11 Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. These consecrated objects were termed huacas, a word of most prolific import ; since it signified a temple, a tomb, any natural object remarkable for its size or shape, in short, a cloud of meanings, which by their contradictory sense have thrown incalculable confusion over the writings of historians and travellers. the Spanish historians put together. Cieza de Leon alone excepted." (Markham. translation of Garcilasso (1869), vol. i. p. 103, note.) "The sun, moon, and thunder appear to have been the deities next in importance to Pachayachachic ; sacrifices were made to them at all the periodical festivities, and several of the prayers given by Molina are addressed to them." Markham, Rites and Laws of the Yncas (1873), Introduction, p. xi. ED.] Peru. VOL. I. E 9 9 8 CIVILIZATION OF Tin-. spiritual essence. 12 But their system, far from l>eing limited even to these multiplied objects of devotion, embraced within its ample folds the numerous deities of the conquered nations, whose images were trans- ported to the capital, where the burdensome charges of their worship were defrayed by their respective provinces. It was a rare stroke of policy in the Incas, who could thus accommodate their religion to their interests. 13 But the worship of the Sun constituted the peculiar care of the Incas, and was the object of their lavish expenditure. The most ancient of the many temples dedicated to this divinity was in the island of Titicaca, whence the royal founders of the Peruvian line were said to have proceeded. From this circumstance, this sanctuary was held in peculiar veneration. Every thing which belonged to it, even the broad fields of 12 " La orden por donde fundavan sus huacas que ellos llamavan & las Idolatrias hera porque decian que todas criava el sol i que les dava madre por madre que mostravan a la tierra, porque decian que tenia madre, i tenian le echo su vulto i sus adoratorios, i al fuego decian que tambien tenia madre i al mais i & las otras sementeras i A las ovejas iganado decian que tenian madre, i a la chocha ques el brevaje que ellos usan decian que el vinagre della hera la madre i lo reveren- ciavan i llamavan mama agua madre del vinagre, i a cada cosa ado- ravan destas de su manera." Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. '3 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. So it seems to have been regarded by the Licentiate Ondegardo : " E los Idolosestaban en aq l galpon grande de la casa del Sol, y cada Idolo destos tenia su servicio y gastos y mugeres, y en la casa del Sol le iban a hacer reverencia los que venian de su provincial para lo qual sacrificios que se hacian proveian de su misma tierra ordinaria e muy abundantemente por la misma orden que lo hacian quando estaba en la misma provincia, que daba gran autoridad a mi parecer e aun fuerza a estos Ingas que cierto me causo gran admiracion." Rel. Seg., MS. GORGEOUS TEMPLES. 99 maize which surrounded the temple and formed part of its domain, imbibed a portion of its sanctity. The yearly produce was distributed among the different public magazines, in small quantities to each, as some- thing that would sanctify the remainder of the store. Happy was the man who could secure even an ear of the blessed harvest for his own granary ! '* But the most renowned of the Peruvian temples, the pride of the capital, and the wonder of the empire, was at Cuzco, where, under the munificence of suc- cessive sovereigns, it had become so enriched that it received the name of Coricancha, or " the Place of Gold." It consisted of a principal building and several chapels and inferior edifices, covering a large extent of ground in the heart of the city, and com- pletely encompassed by a wall, which, with the edifices, was all constructed of stone. The work was of the kind already described in the other public buildings of the country, and was so finely executed that a Span- iard who saw it in its glory assures us he could call to mind only two edifices in Spain which, for their work- manship, were at all to be compared with it.' s Yet Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. 25. s Tenia este Templo en circuito mas de quatro cientos pasos, todo cercado de una muralla fuerte, labrado todo el edificio de camera muy excelente de fina piedra, muy bien puesta y asentada. y algunas piedras eran muy grandes y soberbias. no tenian mezcla de tierra ni cal. sino con el betun que ellos suelen hacer sus edificios, y estan tan bien labra- das estas piedras que no se les parece mezcla ni juntura ninguna. En toda Espana no he visto cosa que pueda comparar a estas paredes y postura de piedra, sino a la torre que llaman la Calahorra que esta junto con la puente de Cordoba, y a una obra que vi en Toledo, cuando fui a presentar la primera parte de mi Cronica al Principe D" Felipe," Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 24. ioo CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. this substantial and, in some respects, magnificent structure was thatched with straw ! The interior of the temple was the most worthy of admiration. It was literally a mine of gold. On the western wall was emblazoned a representation of the deity, consisting of a human countenance looking forth from amidst innumerable rays of light, which emanated from it in every direction, in the same manner as the sun is often personified with us. The figure was en- graved on a massive plate of gold of enormous dimen- sions, thickly powdered with emeralds and precious stones. 16 It was so situated in front of the great east- ern portal that the rays of the morning sun fell directly upon it at its rising, lighting up the whole apartment with an effulgence that seemed more than natural, and which was reflected back from the golden ornaments with which the walls and ceiling were everywhere in- crusted. Gold, in the figurative language of the people, was "the tears wept by the sun,"' 7 and every part of the interior of the temple glowed with burnished plates and studs of the precious metal. The cornices which surrounded the walls of the sanctuary were of the same costly material ; and a broad belt or frieze of gold, let into the stone-work, encompassed the whole exterior of the edifice. 18 < l6 Conq. i Fob. del Piru. MS. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 44, 92. " La figura del Sol, muy grande, hecha de oro obrada muy prima- mente engastonada en muchas piedras ricas." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 24. *7 " I al oro asimismo decian que era lagrimas que el Sol llorava." Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. 18 Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 24. Antig. y Monumentos del Peru, MS." Cercada junto a la techumbre de una plancha de oro de GORGEOUS TEMPLES. 101 Adjoining the principal structures were several chapels of smaller dimensions. One of them was consecrated to the Moon, the deity held next in reverence, as the mother of the Incas. Her effigy was delineated in the same manner as that of the Sun, on a vast plate that nearly covered one side of the apartment. But this plate, as well as all the decorations of the building, was of silver, as suited to the pale, silvery light of the beautiful planet. There were three other chapels, one of which was dedicated to the host of Stars, who formed the bright court of the Sister of the Sun ; an- other was consecrated to his dread ministers of ven- geance, the Thunder and the Lightning; and a third, to the Rainbow, whose many-colored arch spanned the walls of the edifice with hues almost as radiant as its own. There were, besides, several other buildings, or insulated apartments, for the accommodation of the numerous priests who officiated in the services of the temple. ' All the plate, the ornaments, the utensils of every description, appropriated to the uses of religion, were of gold or silver. Twelve immense vases of the latter metal stood on the floor of the great saloon, filled with grain of the Indian corn ; * the censers for the per- palmo i medio de ancho i lo mismo tenian por de dentro en cada bo- hio 6 casa i aposento." (Conq. i Fob. del Piru,i/S.) "Teniauna cinta de planchas de oro de anchor de mas de un palmo enlazadas en las piedras." Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. ' Sarmiento, Relacion.MS., cap. 24. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. 21. Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. 30 " El bulto del Sol tenian mui grande dc oro, i todo el servicio desta casa era de plata i oro, i tenian doze horones de plata blanca que dos hombres no abrazarian cada uno quadrados, i eran mas altos 9* 102 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. fumes, the ewers which held the water for sacrifice, the pipes which conducted it through subterraneous chan- nels into the buildings, the reservoirs that received it, even the agricultural implements used in the gardens of the temple, were all of the same rich materials. The gardens, like those described belonging to the royal palaces, sparkled with flowers of gold and silver, and various imitations of the vegetable kingdom. Animals, also, were to be found there, among which the llama, with its golden fleece, was most conspicu- ous executed in the same style, and with a degree of skill which, in this instance, probably, did not sur- pass the excellence of the mater ial. ai If the reader sees in this fairy picture only the romantic coloring of some fabulous El Dorado, he que una buena pica donde hechavan el maiz que havian de dar al Sol, segun ellos decian que comiese." Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. The original, as the Spanish reader perceives, says each of these silver vases 'or bins was as high as a good lance, and so large that two men with outspread arms could barely encompass them ! As this might perhaps embarrass even the most accommodating faith, I have pre- ferred not to become responsible for any particular dimensions. 21 Levinus Apollonius, fol. 38. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 3, cap. 24. Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. " Tenian un Jardin que los Terrones eran pedazos de oro fino y estaban artificiosa- mente sembrado de maizales los quales eran oro asi las Cafias de ello como las ojas y mazorcas, y estaban tan bien plantados que aunque hiciesen recios bientos no se arrancaban. Sin todo esto tenian hechas mas de veinte obejas de oro con sus Corderos y los Pastores con sus ondas y cayados que las guardaban hecho de este metal ; havia mucha cantidad de Tinajas de oro y de Plata y esmeraldas, vasos, ollas y todo genero devasijas todo de oro fino; por otras Paredes tenian esculpidas y pintadas otras mayores cosas, en fin era uno de los ricos Templos que hubo en el mundo." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 24. GORGEOUS TEMPLES. 103 must recall what has been said before in reference to the palaces of the Incas, and consider that these "Houses of the Sun," as they were styled, were the common reservoir into which flowed all the streams of public and private benefaction throughout the empire. Some of the statements, through credulity, and others, in the desire of exciting admiration, may be greatly exaggerated ; but in the coincidence of contemporary testimony it is not easy to determine the exact line which should mark the measure of our skepticism. Certain it is that the glowing picture I have given is warranted by those who saw these buildings in their pride, or shortly after they had been despoiled by the cupidity of their countrymen. Many of the costly articles were buried by the natives, or thrown into the waters of the rivers and the lakes ; but enough remained to attest the unprecedented opulence of these religious establishments. Such things as were in their nature portable were speedily removed, to gratify the craving of the Conquerors, who even tore away the solid cor- nices and frieze of gold from the great temple, filling the vacant places with the cheaper, but since it affords no temptation to avarice more durable, material of plaster. Yet even thus shorn of their splendor the ven- erable edifices still presented an attraction to the spoiler, who found in their dilapidated walls an inexhaustible quarry for the erection of other buildings. On the very ground once crowned by the gorgeous Coricancha rose the stately church of St. Dominic, one of the most magnificent structures of the New World. Fields of maize and lucerne now bloom on the spot which glowed with the golden gardens of the temple ; and the friar j 104 CIVILIZATION 01- THE INCAS. chants his orisons within the consecrated precincts once occupied by the Children of the Sun." Besides the great temple of the Sun, there was a large number of inferior temples and religious houses in the Peruvian capital and its environs, amounting, as is stated, to three or four hundred. 23 For Cuzco was a sanctified spot, venerated not only as the abode of the Incas, but of all those deities who presided over the motley nations of the empire. It was the city beloved of the Sun ; where his worship was maintained in its splendor ; "where every fountain, pathway, and wall," says an ancient chronicler, " was regarded as a holy mystery." ** And unfortunate was the Indian noble who, at some period or other of his life, had not made his pilgrimage to the Peruvian Mecca. Other temples and religious dwellings were scattered over the provinces, and some of them constructed on a scale of magnificence that almost rivalled that of the metropolis. The attendants on these composed an army of themselves. The whole number of function- aries, including those of the sacerdotal order, who officiated at the Coricancha alone, was no less than four thousand. 25 22 Miller's Memoirs, vol. ii. pp. 223, 224. 2 3 Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 5, lib. 4, cap. 8. " Havia en aquella ciudad y legua y media de la redonda quatrocientos y tantos lugares, donde se hacian sacrificios, y se gastava mncha suma de hacienda en ellos." Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. "* " Que aquella ciudad del Cuzco era casa y morada de Dioses, e ansi no habia en toda ella fuente ni paso ni pared que no dixesen que tenia misterio." Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. 2 s Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. An army, indeed, if, as Cieza de Leon states, the number of priests and menials employed in the famous temple of Bilcas, on the route to Chili, amounted to 40,000 ! (Cronica, SACERDOTAL ORDER. 105 At the head of all, both here and throughout the iand, stood the great High-Priest, or Villac Vmu, as he was called. He was second only to the Inca in dignity, and was usually chosen from his brothers or nearest kindred. He was appointed by the monarch, and held his office for life ; and he, in turn, appointed to all the subordinate stations of his own order. This order was very numerous. Those members of it who officiated in the House of the Sun, in Cuzco, were taken exclusively from the sacred race of the Incas. The ministers in the provincial temples were drawn from the families of the curacas ; but the office of high-priest in each district was reserved for one of the blood royal. It was designed by this regulation to preserve the faith in its purity, and to guard against any departure from the stately ceremonial which it punctiliously prescribed." The sacerdotal order, though numerous, was not dis- tinguished by any peculiar badge or costume from the rest of the nation. Neither was it the sole depository of the scanty science of the country, nor was it charged with the business of instruction, nor with those paro- chial duties, if they may so be called, which bring the cap. 89.) Every thing relating to these Houses of the Sun appears to have been on a grand scale. But we may easily believe this a clerical error, for 4000. 96 Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 27. Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. It was only while the priests were engaged in the service of the tem- ples that they were maintained, according to Garcilasso, from the estates of the Sun. At other times they were to get their support from their own lands, which, if he is correct, were assigned to them in the same manner as to the other orders of the nation. Com. Real., Parte I. lib. 5, cap. 8. E* I0 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. priest in contact with the 'great body of the people, as was the case in Mexico. The cause of this pecu- liarity may probably be traced to the existence of a superior order, like that of the Inca nobles, whose sanctity of birth so far transcended all human appoint- ments that they in a manner engrossed whatever there was of religious veneration in the people. They were. in fact, the holy order of the state. Doubtless, any of them might, as very many of them did, take on them- selves the sacerdotal functions ; and their own insignia and peculiar privileges were too well understood to require any further badge to separate them from the people. The duties of the priest were confined to ministra- tion in the temple. Even here his attendance was not constant, as he was relieved after a stated interval by other brethren of his order, who succeeded one another in regular rotation. His science was limited to an acquaintance with the fasts and festivals of his religion, and the appropriate ceremonies which distinguished them. This, however frivolous might be its character, was no easy acquisition ; for the ritual of the Incas in- volved a routine of observances as complex and elabor- ate as ever distinguished that of any natiou, whether pagan or Christian. Each month had its appropriate festival, or rather festivals. The four principal had reference to the Sun, and commemorated, the great periods of his annual progress, the solstices and equi- noxes. Perhaps the most magnificent of all the national solemnities was the feast of Raymi, held at the period of the summer solstice, when the Sun, having touched the southern extremity of his course, retraced his path, FESTIVALS. 107 as if to gladden the hearts of his chosen people by his presence. On this occasion the Indian nobles from the different quarters of the country thronged to the capital to take part in the great religious cele- bration. For three days previous, there was a general fast, and no fire was allowed to be lighted in the dwellings. When the appointed day arrived, the Inca and his court, followed by the whole population of the city, assembled at early dawn in the great square to greet the rising of the Sun. They were dressed in their gayest apparel, and the Indian lords vied with each other in the display of costly ornaments and jewels on their persons, while canopies of gaudy feather-work and richly-tinted stuffs, borne by the attendants over their heads, gave to the great square, and the streets that emptied into it, the .appearance of being spread over with one vast and magnificent awning. Eagerly they watched the coming of their deity, and no sooner did his first yellow rays strike the turrets and loftiest buildings of the capital than a shout of gratulation broke forth from the assembled multitude, accompanied by songs of triumph and the wild melody of barbaric instruments, that swelled louder and louder as his bright orb, rising above the mountain- range towards the east, shone in full splendor on his votaries. After the usual ceremonies of adoration, a libation was offered to the j^reat deity by the Inca, from a huge golden vase, filled with the fermented liquor of maize or of maguey, which, after the monarch had tasted it himself, he dispensed among his royal kindred. These cere- monies completed, the vast assembly was arranged I0 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. in order of procession and took its way towards the Coricancha. 27 As they entered the street of the sacred edifice, all divested themselves of their sandals, except the Inca and his family, who did the same on passing through the portals of the temple, where none but these august personages were admitted. 28 After a decent time spent in devotion, the sovereign, attended by his courtly train, again appeared, and preparations were made to commence the sacrifice. This, with the Peruvians, consisted of animals, grain, flowers, and sweet-scented gums, sometimes of human beings, on which occa- sions a child or beautiful maiden was usually selected as the victim. But such sacrifices were rare, being reserved to celebrate some great public event, as a coronation, the birth of a royal heir, or a great vic- tory. They were never followed by those cannibal repasts familiar to the Mexicans and to many of the fierce tribes conquered by the Incas. Indeed, the con- quests of these princes might well be deemed a blessing to the Indian nations, if it were only from their sup- pression of cannibalism, and the diminution, under their rule, of human sacrifices. 29 "7 la Aud. Real., MS. Sarmiento. Relacion, MS., Cap. 27. The reader will find a brilliant, and not very extravagant, account of the Peruvian festivals in Marmontel's romance of Les Incas. The French author saw in their gorgeous ceremonial a fitting introduction to his own literary pageant. Tom. i. chap. 1-4. 8 " Ningun Indio comun osaba pasar por la calle del Sol calzado ; ni ninguno, aunque fuese mui grand Senor, entrava en las casas del Sol con zapatos." Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. *9 Garcilasso de la Vega flatly denies that the Incas were guilty of human sacrifices, and maintains, on the other hand, that they uni- FESTIVALS. 109 At the feast of Raymi, the sacrifice usually offered was that of the llama ; and the priest, after opening formly abolished them in every country they subdued, where they had previously existed. (Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 2, cap. 9, et alibi.) But in this material fact he is unequivocally contradicted by Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 22. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS.. Montesinos. Mem. antiguas, MS., lib. 2. cap. 8, Balboa, Hist, du Perou, chap. 5, 8. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 72, Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS.. Acosta. lib. 5, cap. 19, and I might add, I suspect, were I to pur- sue the inquiry, by nearly every ancient writer of authority ; some of whom, having come into the country soon after the Conquest, while its primitive institutions were in vigor, are entitled to more deference in a matter of this kind than Garcilasso himself. It was natural that the descendant of the Incas should desire to relieve his race from so odious an imputation ; and we must have charity for him if he does show himself on some occasions, where the honor of his country is at stake, " high gravel blind." It should be added, in justice to the Pe- ruvian government, that the best authorities concur in the admission that the sacrifices were few. both in number and in magnitude, being reserved for such extraordinary occasions as those mentioned in the text.* * [In a long note on the passage in Garcilasso relating to the sub- ject, Mr. Markham asserts that " the Yncas did not offer up human sacrifices," and, complaining that " Mr. Prcscott allows himself to accept Spanish testimony in preference to that of the Ynca" Garci- lasso, examines the evidence adduced, and rejects it as proceeding from credulity, prejudice, and ignorance. Several of the objections he alleges would require detailed consideration if the question had not since been definitively settled by his own publication, in an English translation, of an important and trustworthy account, by Christoval de Molina, of the rites practised by the Incas. From this it appears that, while the ordinary sacrifices consisted of the " sheep" and " lambs" of the country, the great festival called Coapacocfia or Cacha- huaca was celebrated with human sacrifices both at Cuzco and at the chief town of each province. The victims consisted of children, male and female, aged about ten years, one or two being selected from each lineage or tribe. Some were strangled : " from others they took out the hearts while yet alive, and offered them to the Auacas wnile Peru. VOL. I. 10 | IO CIVILIZATION OF Till-. IXC AS. the body of his victim, sought in the appearances which it exhibited to read the lesson of the mysterious future. If the auguries were unpropitious, a second victim was slaughtered, in the hope of receiving some more comfortable assurance. The Peruvian augur might have learned a good lesson of the Roman, to consider every omen as favorable which served the interests of his country. 30 A fire was then kindled by means of a concave mirror of polished metal, which, collecting the rays of the sun into a focus upon a quantity of dried cotton, speedily set it on fire. It was the expedient used on the like occasions in ancient Rome, at least under the reign of the pious Numa. When the sky was overcast, and the face of the good deity was hidden from his worship- pers, which was esteemed a bad omen, fire was obtained by means of friction. The sacred flame was intrusted to the care of the Virgins of the Sun ; and if, by any 3 " Augurque cum esset, dicere ausus est, optimis auspiciis ea geri. quae pro reipublicae salute gererentur." (Cicero, De Senectute.) This inspection of the entrails of animals for the purposes cl divina- tion is worthy of note, as a most rare, if not a solitary, instance of the kind among the nations of the New World, though so familiar in the ceremonial of sacrifice among the pagan nations of the Old. yet palpitating." The bodies were interred with the other sacrifices. "They also had a custom, when they conquered and subjugated any nations, of selecting some of the handsomest of the conquered people and sending them to Cuzco, where they were sacrificed to the Sun, who, as they said, had given them the victory." (Fables and Rites of the Yncas, pp. 54-59.) Mr. Markham describes the narrative of Molina as supplying " more than one incidental corroboration of the correctness of Garcilasso's statements," but omits to notice its inci- dental contradiction .of them on this very important point. ED.] /'KST/l'ALS. Ill neglect, it was suffered to go out in the course of the year, the event was regarded as a calamity that boded some strange disaster to the monarchy. 31 A burnt-offer- ing of the victims was then made on the altars of the deity. This sacrifice was but the prelude to the slaugh- ter of a great number of llamas, part of the flocks of the Sun, which furnished a banquet not only for the Inca and his court, but for the people, who made amends at these festivals for the frugal fare to which they were usually condemned. A fine bread or cake, kneaded of mai/.e flour by the fair hands of the Virgins of the Sun, was also placed on the royal board, where the Inca, presiding over the feast, pledged his great nobles in generous goblets of the fermented liquor of the country, and the long revelry of the day was closed at night by music and dancing. Dancing and drinking were the favorite pastimes of the Peruvians. These amusements continued for several days, though the sacrifices terminated on the first. Such was the great festival of Raymi ; and the recurrence of this and similar festivities gave relief to the monotonous routine of toil prescribed to the lower orders of the com- munity. 3 ' In the distribution of bread and wine at this high festival, the orthodox Spaniards who first came into the country saw a striking resemblance to the Chris 31 " Vigilcmque sacra verat ignem, Excubias divum xternas." Plutarch, in his life of Numa, describes the reflectors used by the Romans for kindling the sacred fire, as concave instruments of brass, though not spherical like the Peruvian, but of a triangular form. 3* Acosta, lib. 5, cup, 28, 29. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 6, cap, 23. 1 I2 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. tian communion; 33 as in the practice of confession and penance, which, in a most irregular form indeed, seems to have been used by the Peruvians, they dis~ cerned a coincidence with another of the sacraments of the Church. 34 The good fathers were fond of tracing such coincidences, which they considered as the con- trivance of Satan, who thus endeavored to delude his victims by counterfeiting the blessed rites of Chris- tianity. 35 Others, in a different vein, imagined that they saw in such analogies the evidence that some of the primitive teachers of the gospel, perhaps an apostle himself, had paid a visit to these distant regions and scattered over them the seeds of religious truth. 36 But 33 "That which is most admirable in the hatred and presumption of Sathan is, that he not onely counterfeited in idolatry and sacrifices, but also in certain ceremonies, our sacraments, which Jesus Christ our Lord instituted, and the holy Church uses, having especially pretended to imitate, in some sort, the sacrament of the communion, which is the most high and divine of all others." Acosta, lib. 5, cap. 23. 34Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 5, lib. 4, cap. 4. Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. " The father of lies would likewise counterfeit the sacra- ment of Confession, and in his idolatries sought to be honored with ceremonies very like to the manner of Christians." Acosta, lib. 5. cap. 25. 35 Cieza de Leon, not content with many marvellous accounts of the influence and real apparition of Satan in the Indian ceremonies, has garnished his volume with numerous wood-cuts representing the Prince of Evil in bodily presence, with the usual accompaniments of tail, claws, etc., as if to re-enforce the homilies in his text ! The Peru- vian saw in his idol a god. His Christian conqueror saw in it the Devil. One may be puzzled to decide which of the two might lay claim to the grossest superstition. 36 Piedrahita, the historian of the Muyscas, is satisfied that this apostle must have been St. Bartholomew, whose travels were known to have been extensive. (Conq. de Granada, Parte i, lib. i. cap. 3.) The Mexican antiquaries consider St. Thomas as having had charge OF THE SUN. II3 it seems nardly necessary to invoke the Prince of Dark- ness, or the intervention of the blessed saints, to ac- count for coincidences which have existed in countries far removed from the light of Christianity, and in ages, indeed, when its light had not yet risen on the world. It is much more reasonable to refer such casual points of resemblance to the general constitu- tion of man and the necessities of his moral nature. 37 Another singular analogy with Roman Catholic in- stitutions is presented by the Virgins of the Sun, the "elect," as they were called, 38 to whom I have already had occasion to refer. These were young maidens, dedicated to the service of the deity, who, at a tender age, were taken from their homes and introduced into convents, where they were placed under the care of certain elderly matrons, mamaconas, who had grown gray within their walls. 39 Under these venerable guides the holy virgins were instructed in the nature of their of the mission to the people of Anahuac. These two apostles, then, would seem to have divided the New World, at least the civilized por- tions of it, between them. How they came, whether by Behring's Straits, or directly across the Atlantic, we are not informed. Velasco a writer of the eighteenth century ! has little doubt that they did really come. Hist, de Quito, torn. i. pp. 89, 90. 37 The subject is illustrated by some examples in the " History of the Conquest of Mexico," vol. iii., Appendix No. i ; since the same usages in that country led to precisely the same rash conclusions among the Conquerors. 3 8 " Llamavase Casa de Escogidas; porque las escogian, 6 por Linage, 6 por Hermosura." Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4. cap. i. Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. The word mamacona signified " matron ;" mama, the first half of this compound word, as already noticed, meaning " mother." See Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte I, lib. 4, cap. i. 10* m CIVILIZATION OF THE /AT.f.V. religious duties. They were employed in spinning and embroidery, and, with the fine hair of the vicufia, wove the hangings for the temples, and the apparel for the Inca and his household. 40 It was their duty, above all, to watch over the sacred fire obtained at the festival of Raymi. From the moment they entered the establish- ment, they were cut off from all connection with the world, even with their own family and friends. No one but the Inca, and the Coya or queen, might enter the consecrated precincts. The greatest attention was paid to their morals, and visitors were sent every year to inspect the institutions and to report on the state of their discipline. 4 ' Woe to the unhappy maiden who was detected in an intrigue ! By the stern law of the Incas, she was to be buried alive, her lover was to be strangled, and the town or village to which he be- longed was to be razed to the ground, and "sowed with stones," as if to efface every memorial of his ex- istence. 43 One is astonished to find so close a resem- 4 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. 4' Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. 42 Balboa, Hist, du Perou, chap. 9. Fernandez, Hist, del Peru, Parte a, lib. 3, cap. n. Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 3- According to the historian of the Incas, the terrible penalty was never incurred by a single lapse on the part of the fair sisterhood ; though, if it had been, the sovereign, he assures us, would have " ex- acted it to the letter, with as little compunction as he would have drowned a puppy." (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 3.) Other writers contend, on the contrary, that these Virgins had very little claim to the reputation of Vestals. (See Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. Gomara, Hist, de las Ind., cap. 121.) Such imputations are common enough on the inhabitants of religious houses, whether pagan or Christian. They are contradicted in the present instance by the concurrent testimony of most of those who had the best oppor VIRGINS OF THE SUN. II5 blance between the institutions of the American Indian, the ancient Roman, and the modern Catholic ! Chas- tity and purity of life are virtues in woman that would seem to be of equal estimation with the barbarian and with the civilized. Yet the ultimate destination of the inmates of these religious houses was materially different. The great establishment at Cuzco consisted wholly of maidens of the royal blood, who amounted, it is said, to no less than fifteen hundred. The provincial convents were supplied from the daughters of the cu- racas and inferior nobles, and occasionally, where a girl was recommended by great personal attractions, from the lower classes of the people. 43 The " Houses of the Virgins of the Sun" consisted of low ranges of stone buildings, covering a large extent of ground, surrounded by high walls, which excluded those within entirely from observation. They were provided with every accommodation for the fair inmates, and were embellished in the same sumptuous and costly manner as the palaces of the Incas, and the temples; for they received the particular care of the government, as an important part of the religious establishment. 44 Yet the career of all the inhabitants of these cloisters was not confined within their narrow walls. Though Virgins of the Sun, they were brides of the Inca, and at a marriageable age the most beautiful among them tunity of arriving at truth, and are made particularly improbable by the superstitious reverence entertained for the Incas. 43 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq.. MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Pane i, lib. 4, cap. i. 44 Ibid., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 5. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 44. Il6 CIVILIZATION Of THE INCAS. were selected for the honors of his bed and transferred to the royal seraglio. The full complement of this amounted in time not only to hundreds, but thousands, who all found accommodations in his different palaces throughout the country. When the monarch was dis- posed to lessen the number of his establishment, the concubine with whose society he was willing to dis- pense returned, not to her former monastic residence, but to her own home ; where, however humble might be her original condition, she was maintained in great state, and, far from being dishonored by the situation she had filled, was held in universal reverence as the Inca's bride. 45 _V The great nobles of Peru were allowed, like their sovereign, a plurality of wives. The people, generally, whether by law, or by necessity stronger than law, were more happily limited to one. Marriage was conducted in a manner that gave it quite as original a character as belonged to the other institutions of the country. On an appointed day of the year, all those of a mar- riageable age which, having reference to their ability to take charge of a family, in the males was fixed at not less than twenty-four years, and in the women at eighteen or twenty were called together in the great squares of their respective towns and villages, through- out the empire. The Inca presided in person over the assembly of his own kindred, and, taking the hands of the different couples who were to be united, he placed them within each other, declaring the parties man and wife. The same was done by the curacas towards all Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 4. Montesinos, Mem. antiguas, MS., lib. 2, cap. 19. MARRIAGE. JI7 persons of their own or inferior degree in their several districts. This was the simple form of marriage in Peru. No one was allowed to select a wife beyond the community to which he belonged, which generally comprehended all his own kindred ; 46 nor was any but the sovereign authorized to dispense with the law of nature or, at least, the usual law of nations so far as to marry his own sister. 47 No marriage was esteemed valid without the consent of the parents ; and the pref- erence of the parties, it is said, was also to be con- sulted ; though, considering the barriers imposed by the prescribed age of the candidates, this must have been within rather narrow and whimsical limits. A dwelling was got ready for the new-married pair at the charge of the district, and the prescribed portion of land assigned for their maintenance. The law of Peru provided for the future, as well as for the present. It left nothing to chance. The simple ceremony of mar- riage was followed by general festivities among the friends of the parties, which lasted several days ; and as every wedding took place on the same day, and as there were few families who had not some one of their members or their kindred personally interested, there * By the strict letter of the law, according to Garcilasso, no one was to marry out of his own lineage. But this narrow rule had a most liberal interpretation, since all of the same town, and even province, he assures us, were reckoned of kin to one another. Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 8. 47 Fernandez, Hist, del Peru. Parte 2. lib. 3, cap. 9. This practice, so revolting to our feelings that it might well be deemed to violate the law of nature, must not, however, be regarded as altogether peculiai to the Incas, since it was countenanced by some of the most polished nations of antiquity. ri 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. was one universal bridal jubilee throughout the em- pire. 48 The extraordinary regulations respecting marriage under the Incas are eminently characteristic of the genius of the government ; which, far from limiting itself to matters of public concern, penetrated into the most private recesses of domestic life, allowing no man, however humble, to act for himself, even in those per- sonal matters in which none but himself, or his family at most, might be supposed to be interested. No Peruvian was too low for the fostering vigilance of government. None was so high that he was not made to feel his dependence upon it in every act of his life. His very existence as an individual was absorbed in that of the community. His hopes and his fears, his joys and his sorrows, the tenderest sympathies of his nature, which would most naturally shrink from ob- servation, were all to be regulated by law. He was not allowed even to be happy in his own way. The government of the Incas was the mildest, but the most searching, of despotisms. 4 s Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 36. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. Montesinos, Mem. antiguas, MS., lib. 2, cap. 6. [The precise nature of the Peruvian religion does not seem to have been much elucidated by the discussions it has undergone in recent years. The chief source of perplexity lies in the recognition of a Creator, or World-Deity, side by side with the adoration of the Sun as the presiding divinity and direct object of worship. Mr. Tylor speaks of this as a " rivalry full of interest in the history of barbaric religion ;" and he takes the view that the Sun, originally " a subordi- nate God," " the divine ancestor of the Inca family," " by virtue of his nearer intercourse and power," gradually " usurped the place of PERUVIAN MYTHOLOGY. 119 the Supreme Deity." (Conf. Primitive Culture, ist edition, vol. ii. p. 307, and ad edition, vol. ii. p. 338.) But the facts cited in support of this theory are too slight or too questionable to form a sufficient basis for it. The reported speech of one of the later Incas, in which the doc- trine that the Sun is " the maker of all things." or himself " a living thing," is condemned, and he is compared to " a beast who makes a daily round under the eye of a master," " an arrow which must go whither it is sent, not whither it wishes," may be regarded as, what Mr. Tylor indeed calls it, " a philosophic protest," and as nothing more. The forms of prayer collected by Molina from the lips of certain aged Indians, addressed conjointly to the Creator, the Sun. and the Thun- der, prove, if any thing, that the supremacy of the first-mentioned person in this singular trinity was an article of that " state church" which, according to Mr. Tylor, organized the worship of the Sun and raised it to predominance. As to the statement, on Mr. Markham's authority, that the great temple at Cuzco was originally dedicated to Pachacamac, this seems to rest merely on a tradition related by Mo- lina, which attributes the enlargement of the temple and the erection of a golden statue to the Creator to the same Inca who is represented as having denied the divinity of the Sun. In fact, the whole of this evidence better accords with the view taken by M. Desjardins, who considers the Inca referred to Yupanqui according to most authori- ties as having introduced the worship of Pachacamac at Cuzco, where before the Sun had been worshipped as the Supreme God. (Le Perou avant la Conquete espagnole, p. 94.) " But these notions." he remarks, "of an immaterial, infinite, and eternal God could not easily penetrate the minds of the multitude, who adhered to their ancient superstitions." (Ibid., p. 103.) That the complex character of the Peruvian mythology proceeded chiefly from the union under one government of several different races, and the tolerance, and to some extent the adoption, by the conquerors of various local or tribal re- ligions, is a point on which all who have given the subject any close investigation concur. (See Brinton, Myths of the New World, p. 176. et al.) Hence the variety and conflicting character of the traditions, which cannot be constructed into a system, since they represent diverse and perhaps fluctuating conceptions. ED.] CHAPTER IV. EDUCATION. QUIPUS. ASTRONOMY. AGRICULTURE. AQUEDUCTS. GUANO. IMPORTANT ESCULENTS. " SCIENCE was not intended for the people ; but for those of generous blood. Persons of low degree are only puffed up by it, and rendered vain and arrogant. Neither should such meddle with the affairs of govern- ment ; for this would bring high offices into disrepute, and cause detriment to the state."' Such was the favorite maxim, often repeated, of Tupac Inca Yupan- qui, one of the most renewed of the Peruvian sove- reigns. It may seem strange that such a maxim should ever have been proclaimed in the New World, where popular institutions have been established on a more extensive scale than was ever before witnessed ; where government rests wholly on the people, and education at least, in the great northern division of the conti- nent is mainly directed to qualify the people for the duties of government. Yet this maxim was strictly- conformable to the genius of the Peruvian monarchy, and may serve as a key to its habitual policy ; since, 1 " No es licito, que ensenen a los hijos de los Plebeios, las Ciencias, que pertenescen a los Generosos, y no mas ; porque como Gente baja, no se eleven, y ensobervezcan, y menoscaben, y apoquen la Repub- lica : bastales, que aprendan los Oficios de sus Padres ; que el Man- dar, y Governar no es de Plebeios, que es hacer agravio al Oficio, y a la Republica, encomendarsela a Gente comun." Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 8, cap. 8. (MO) EDIT A no. \: 121 while it watched with unwearied solicitude over its subjects, provided for their physical necessities, was mindful of their morals, and showed, throughout, the affectionate concern of a parent for his children, it yet regarded them only as children, who were never to emerge from the state of pupilage, to act or to think for themselves, but whose whole duty was comprehended in the obligation of implicit obedience. Such was the humiliating condition of the people under the Incas, while the numerous families of the blood royal enjoyed the benefit of all the light of education which the civilization of the country could afford, and long after the Conquest the spots continued to be pointed out where the seminaries had existed for their instruction. These were placed under the care of the await/as, or "wise men," who engrossed the scanty stock of science if science it could be called possessed by the Peruvians, and who were the sole teachers of youth. It was natural that the monarch should take a lively interest in the instruction of the young nobility, his own kindred. Several of the Pe- ruvian princes are said to have built their palaces in the neighborhood of the schools, in order that they might the more easily visit them and listen to the lec- tures of the amautas, which they occasionally re-enforced by a homily of their own. 2 In these schools the royal pupils were instructed in all the different kinds of knowledge in which their teachers were versed, with "Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 7, cap. 10. The descendant of the Incas notices the remains, visible in his day, of two of the palaces of his royal ancestors, which had been built in the vicinity of the schools, for more easy access to them. Peru. VOL. I. F il i 2 2 CIVILIZATION or mi: /.vr./.v. especial reference to the stations they were to occupy in after-life. They studied the laws, and the principles of administering the government, in which many of them were to take part. They were initiated in the peculiar rites of their religion most necessary to those who were to assume the sacerdotal functions. They learned also to emulate the achievements of their royal ancestors by listening to the chronicles compiled by the amautas. They were taught to speak their own dialect with purity and elegance ; and they became acquainted with the mysterious science of the quipus, which supplied the Peruvians with the means of com- municating their ideas to one another, and of trans- mitting them to future generations. 3 The quipu was a cord about two feet long, composed iif different-colored threads tightly twisted together, from which a quantity of smaller threads were sus- pended in the manner of a fringe. The threads were of different colors, and were tied into knots. The word quipu, indeed, signifies a knot. The colors denoted sensible objects ; as, for instance, white repre- sented silver, and yellow, gold. They sometimes also stood for abstract ideas. Thus, white signified peace, and red, war. But the quipus were chiefly used for arithmetical purposes. The knots served instead of ciphers, and could be combined in such a manner as to represent numbers to any amount they required. By means of these they went through their calculations with great rapidity, and the Spaniards who first visited the country bear testimony to their accuracy. 4 sGarcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 4, cap. 19. 4Conquista i Poblacion del Piru, MS. Sarmiento, Relacion, QU/PUS. 123 Officers were established in each of the districts, who, under the title of uca;nayus, or "keepers of the quipus," were required to furnish the government with information on various important matters. One had charge of the revenues, reported the quantity of raw material distributed among the laborers, the quality and quantity of the fabrics made from it, and the amount of stores, of various kinds, paid into the royal magazines. Another exhibited the register of births and deaths, the marriages, the number of those quali- fied to bear arms, and the like details in reference to the population of the kingdom. These returns were annually forwarded to the capital, where they were submitted to the inspection of officers acquainted with the art of deciphering these mystic records. The government was thus provided with a valuable mass of statistical information, and the skeins of many-colored threads, collected and carefully preserved, constituted what might be called the national archives. 5 But, although the quipus sufficed for all the pur- MS., cap. 9. Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 8. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 8. 5 Ondegardo expresses his astonishment at the variety of objects embraced by these simple records, " hardly credible by one who had not seen them." " En aquella ciudad se hallaron muchos viejos oficiales antiguos del Inga, asi de la religion, como del Govierno, y otra cosa que no pudiera creer sino la viera, que por hilos y nudos se hallan figu- nidas las leyes. y estatutos asi de lo uno como de lo otro, y las suce- siones de los Reyes y tiempo que govemaron : y hallose lo que todo esto tenian asu cargo que no fue poco, y aun tube alguna claridad de los estatutos que en tiempo de cada uno se havian puesto." (Rel. Prim.. MS.) (See also Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 9, Acosta. lib. 6, cap. 8. Garcilasso, Parte i. lib. 6, cap. 8, 9.) A vestige of the quipus is still to be found in some parts of Peru, where the shepherds keep the tallies of their numerous flocks bv means of this ancient arithmetic. 124 CIVILIZATION OI- THE L\CAS. poses of arithmetical computation demanded by the Peruvians, they were incompetent to represent the manifold ideas and images which are expressed by writing. Even here, however, the invention was not without its use. For, independently of the direct rep- resentation of simple objects, and even of abstract ideas, to a very limited extent, as above noticed, it afforded great help to the memory by way of associa- tion. The peculiar knot or color, in this way, suggested what it could not venture to represent ; in the same man- ner to borrow the homely illustration of an old writer as the number of the Commandment calls to mind the Commandment itself. The quipus, thus used, might be regarded as the Peruvian system of mnemonics. Annalists were appointed in each of the principal communities, whose business it was to record the most important events which occurred in them. Other functionaries of a higher character, usually the amau- tas, were intrusted with the history of the empire, and were selected to chronicle the great deeds of the reign- ing Inca, or of his ancestors. 6 The narrative, thus concocted, could be communicated only by oral tra- dition ; but the quipus served the chronicler to arrange the incidents with method and to refesh his' memory. The story, once treasured up in the mind, was indelibly impressed there by frequent repetition. It was repeated by the amauta to his pupils, and in this way history, conveyed partly by oral tradition and partly by arbi- trary signs, was handed down from generation to gen- eration, with sufficient discrepancy of details, but with a general -conformity of outline to the truth. 6 Garcilasso, ubi supra. QUIPUS. 1 25 The Peruvian quipus were, doubtless, a wretched substitute for that beautiful contrivance, the alphabet, which, employing a few simple characters as the repre- sentatives of sounds instead of ideas, is able to convey the most delicate shades of thought that ever passed through the mind of man. The Peruvian invention, indeed, was far below that of the hieroglyphics, even below the rude picture-writing of the Aztecs; for the latter art, however incompetent to convey abstract ideas, could depict sensible objects with tolerable accu- racy. It is an evidence of the total ignorance in which the two nations remained of each other, that the Peru- vians should have borrowed nothing of the hieroglyph- ical system of the Mexicans, and this, notwithstanding that the existence of the maguey-plant, agave, in South America might have furnished them with the very material used by the Aztecs for the construction of their maps. 7 It is impossible to contemplate without interest the struggles made by different nations, as they emerge from barbarism, to supply themselves with some visible symbol of thought, that mysterious agency by which the mind of the individual may be put in communi- cation with the minds of a whole community. The want of such a symbol is itself the greatest impediment to the progress of civilization. For what is it but to imprison the thought, which has the elements of im- 7 Garcilasso, ubi supra. Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. Sarmiento. Relacion. MS., cap. 9. Yet the quipus must be allowed to bear some resemblance to the belts of wampum made of colored beads strung together in familiar use among the North American tribes for com- memorating treaties, and for other purposes. II* I2 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. mortality, within the bosom of its author, or of the small circle who come in contact with him, instead of sending it abroad to give light to thousands and to generations yet unborn ! Not only is such a symbol an essential element of civilization, but it may be as- sumed as the very criterion of civilization ; for the intellectual advancement of a people will keep pace pretty nearly with its facilities for intellectual com- munication. Yet we must be careful not to underrate the real value of the Peruvian system, nor to suppose that the quipus were as awkward an instrument in the hand of a practised native as they would be in ours. We know the effect of habit in all mechanical operations, and the Spaniards bear constant testimony to the adroitness and accuracy of the Peruvians in this. Their skill is not more surprising than the facility with which habit enables us to master the contents of a printed page, comprehending thousands of separate characters, by a single glance, as it were, though each character must require a distinct recognition by the eye, and that, too, without breaking the chain of thought in the reader's mind. We must not hold the invention of the quipus too lightly, when we reflect that they supplied the means of calculation demanded for the affairs of a great nation, and that, however insufficient, they afforded no little help to what aspired to the credit of literary composition. The office of recording the national annals was not wholly confined to the amautas. It was assumed in part by the haravecs, or poets, who selected the most brilliant incidents for their songs or ballads, which QUiPUS.' 127 were chanted at the royal festivals and at the table of the Inca. 8 In this manner a body of traditional min- strelsy grew up, like the British and Spanish ballad poetry, by means of which the name of many a rude chieftain, that might have perished for want of a chron- icler, has been borne down the tide of rustic melody to later generations. Yet history may be thought not to gain much by this alliance with poetry ; for the domain of the poet extends over an ideal realm peopled with the shadowy forms of fancy, that bear little resemblance to the rude realities of life. The Peruvian annals may be deemed to show somewhat of the effects of this union, since there is a tinge of the marvellous spread over them down to the very latest period, which, like a mist before the reader's eye, makes it difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction. The poet found a convenient instrument for his purposes in the beautiful Quichua dialect. We have already seen the extraordinary measures taken by the Incas for propagating their language throughout their empire. Thus naturalized in the remotest provinces, it became enriched by a variety of exotic words and idioms, which, under the influence of the court and of poetic culture, if I may so express myself, was gradually blended, like some finished mosaic made up of coarse and disjointed materials, into one harmonious whole. 8 Dec. de la Aud. Real., MS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 2, cap. 27. The word haravec signified " inventor" or " finder ;" and in his title, as well as in his functions, the minstrel-poet may remind us of the Norman trouvere. Garcilasso has translated one of the little lyrical pieces of his countrymen. It is light and lively ; but on short specimen affords no basis for general criticism. 128 CIVILIZATION Ol- THE /.\V,/.S. The Quichua became the most comprehensive and vari- ious, as well as the most elegant, of the South American dialects. 9 Besides the compositions already noticed, the Peru- vians, it is said, showed some talent for theatrical exhi- bitions ; not those barren pantomimes which, addressed simply to the eye, have formed the amusement of more than one rude nation. The Peruvian pieces aspired to the rank of dramatic compositions, sustained by char- acter and dialogue, founded sometimes on themes of tragic interest, and at others on such as, from their light and social character, belong to comedy. 10 Of the execution of these pieces we have now no means of judging.* It was probably rude enough, as befitted an 'Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. Sarmiento justly laments that his countrymen should have suffered this dialect, which might have proved so serviceable in their intercourse with the motley tribes of the empire, to fall so much out of use as it has done : " Y con tanto digo que fue harto beneficio para los Espanoles haver esta lengua, pues podian con ella andar por todas partes en algunas de las quales ya se va perdi- endo." Relacion, MS., cap. 21. According to Velascb, the Incas.on arriving with their conquering legions at Quito, were astonished to find a dialect of the Quichua spoken there, although it was unknown over much of the intermediate country ; a singular fact, if true. (Hist, de Quito, torn. i. p. 185.) The author, a native of that country, had access to some rare sources of information ; and his curious volumes show an intimate analogy between the science and social institutions of the people of Quito and Peru. Yet his book betrays an obvious anxiety to set the pretensions of his own country in the most imposing point of view, and he frequently hazards assertions with a confidence that is not well calculated to secure that of his readers. IO Garcilasso, Com. Real., ubi supra. * [Dr. Vincente Lopez speaks of two specimens of this dramatic literature, preserved, in an altered form, by Spanish tradition. the Apu-Ollantay and the Uska-Paukar. The latter, he says, contains JSTKOXOMY. I2 9 unformed people. But, whatever may have been the execution, the mere conception of such an amusement is a proof of refinement that honorably distinguishes the Peruvian from the other American races, whose pastime was war, or the ferocious sports that reflect the image of it. The intellectual character of the Peruvians, indeed, seems to have been marked rather by a tendency to refinement than by those hardier qualities which insure success in the severer walks of science. In these they were behind several of the semi-civilized nations of the New World. They had some acquaintance with geography, so far as related to their own empire, which was indeed extensive ; and they constructed maps with lines raised on them to denote the boundaries and lo- calities, on a similar principle with those formerly used by the blind. In astronomy they appear to have made but moderate proficiency. They divided the year into twelve lunar months, each of which, having its own name, was distinguished by its appropriate festival." They had, also, weeks, but of what length, whether of seven, nine, or ten days, is uncertain. As their lunar " Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. Fernandez, who differs from most authorities in dating the commencement of the year from June, gives the names of the several months, with their appropriate occupations. Hist, del Peru, Parte 2, lib. 3, cap. 10. entire r6les which are evidently of Spanish and Catholic origin. To the former he is inclined to ascribe a greater degree of genuineness ; though its authenticity has been altogether denied, and its composition ascribed to Dr. Valdez. (Les Races aryennes du Perou, pp. 325- 329.) An English translation of it has been published by Mr. Mark- hnm, uncfer the title of " Ollanta, rxn Ancient Ynca Drama" (London, 1871).- ED.] F* , 3 o CIVILIZATION OF Till: TNCAS, year would necessarily fall short of the true time, they rectified their calendar by solar observations made by means of a number of cylindrical columns raised on the high lands round Cuzco, which served them for taking azimuths; and by measuring their shadows they ascer- tained the exact times of the solstices. The period of the equinoxes they determined by the help of a solitary pillar, or gnomon, placed in the centre of a circle, which was described in the area of the great temple and traversed by a diameter that was drawn from east to west. When the shadows were scarcely visible under the noontide rays of the sun, they said that " the god sat with all his light upon the column." " Quito, which lay immediately under the equator, where the vertical rays of the sun threw no shadow at noon, was held in especial veneration as the favorite abode of the great deity. The period of the equinoxes was cele- brated by public rejoicings. The pillar was crowned by the golden chair of the Sun, and both then and at the solstices the columns were hung with garlands, and offerings of flowers and fruit were made, while high festival was kept throughout the empire. By these pe- riods the Peruvians regulated their religious rites and ceremonial and prescribed the nature of their agricul- tural labors. The year itself took its departure from the date of the winter solstice. 13 "Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i, lib. 2, cap. 22-26. The Spanish conquerors threw down these pillars, as sa%'oring of idolatry in the Indians. Which of the two were best entitled to the name of bar- barians ? '3 Betanzos, Nar. de los Ingas, MS., cap. 16. Sarmiento. Relacion, MS., cap. 23. Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 3. The most celebrated gnomon in Europe, that raised on the dome of the metropolitan church of ./.SVA'O.Vr >.!/}'. I3 j This meagre account embraces nearly all that has come down to us of Peruvian astronomy. It may seem strange that a nation which had proceeded thus far in its observations should have gone no farther, and that, notwithstanding its general advance in civilization, it should in this science have fallen so far short not only of the Mexicans, but of the Muyscas, inhabiting the same elevated regions of the great southern plateau with themselves. These latter regulated their calendar on the same general plan of cycles and periodical series as the Aztecs, approaching yet nearer to the sys- tem pursued by the people of Asia. 14 It might have been expected that the Incas, the boasted children of the Sun, would have made a par- ticular study of the phenomena of the heavens and have constructed a calendar on principles as scientific as that of their semi-civilized neighbors. One histo- rian, indeed, assures us that they threw their years into cycles of ten, a hundred, and a thousand years, and that by these cycles they regulated their chronology. ' s Florence, was erected by the famous Toscanelli for the purpose of determining the solstices, and regulating the festivals of the Churcn about the year 1468 ; perhaps at no very distant date from that of the similar astronomical contrivance of the American Indian. See Tira- boschi, HistoriadellaLetteraturaltaliana, torn. vi. lib. 2, cap. 2, sec. 38. '* A tolerably meagre account yet as full, probably, as authorities could warrant of this interesting people has been given by Piedrahita. Bishop of Panama, in the first two Books of his Historia general de las Conquistas del nuevo Regno de Granada ( Madrid, 1688). M. de Humboldt was fortunate in obtaining a MS., composed by a Spanisn ecclesiastic resident in Santa Fe de Bogota, in relation to the Muysca calendar, of which the Prussian philosopher has given a large and luminous analysis. Vues des Cordilleres, p. 244. '5 Montesinos, Mem. antiguas, MS., lib. 2, cap. 7. " Renovo 1m I3 2 CIVlLIZAtlOX OF THE IXC AS. But this assertion not improbable in itself rests on a writer but little gifted with the spirit of criticism, and is counterbalanced by the silence of every higher and earlier authority, as well as by the absence of any monument, like those found among other American nations, to attest the existence of such a calendar. The inferiority of the Peruvians may be, perhaps, in part explained by the fact of their priesthood being drawn exclusively from the body of the Incas, a privi- leged order of nobility, who had no need, by the as- sumption of superior learning, to fence themselves round from the approaches of the vulgar. The little true science possessed by the Aztec priest supplied him with a key to unlock the mysteries of the heavens, and the false system of astrology which he built upon it gave him credit as a being who had something of di- vinity in his own nature. But the Inca noble was divine by birth. The illusory study of astrology, so captivating to the unenlightened mind, engaged no share of his attention. The only persons in Peru who claimed the power of reading the mysterious future were the diviners, men who, combining with their pretensions some skill in the healing art, resembled the conjurers found among many of the Indian tribes. But the office was held in little repute, except among the lower classes, and was abandoned to those whose computation de los tiempos, que se iba perdiendo. y se contaron en su Reynado los anos por 365 dias y seis horas ; & los anos afiadio de- cadas de diez anos, a cada diez decadas una centuria de 100 anos, y & cada diez centurias una capachoata 6 Jutiphuacan, que son 1000 anos, que quiere decir el grande ano del Sol ; asi contaban los siglos y los tucesos memorables de sus Reyes." Ibid., loc. cit. ASTROA'OMY. 133 ag? and infirmity disqualified them for the real business of life. 16 The Peruvians had knowledge of one or two con- stellations, and watched the motions of the planet Venus, to which, as we have seen, they dedicated al- tars. But their ignorance of the first principles of astronomical science is shown by their ideas of eclipses, which they supposed denoted some great derangement of the planet ; and when the moon labored under one of these mysterious infirmities they sounded their in- struments, and filled the air with shouts and lamenta- tions, to rouse her from her lethargy. Such puerile conceits as these form a striking contrast with the real knowledge of the Mexicans, as displayed in their hieroglyphical maps, in which the true cause of this phenomenon is plainly depicted.' 7 But, if less successful in exploring the heavens, the Incas must be admitted to have surpassed every other American race in their dominion over the earth. Hus- bandry was pursued by them on principles that may be- truly called scientific. It was the basis of their polit- ical institutions. Having no foreign commerce, it was agriculture that furnished them with the means of their internal exchanges, their subsistence, and their reve- nues. We have seen their remarkable provisions for 16 " Ansi mismo les hicieron senalar gente para hechizeros que tam- bien es entre ellos, oficio publico y conoscido en todos, . . . los dipu- tados para ello no lo tenian por travajo, por que ninguno podia tener semejante oficio como los dichos sino fuesen viejos e viejas, y personas inaviles para travajar, como mancos, cojos 6 contrechos, y gente asi a quien faltava las fuerzas para ello." Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. '7 See Codex Tel.-Remensis. Part 4, PI. 22, ap. Antiquities of Mex- ico, vol. i., London, 1829. Peru. VOL. I. 17 1 3 4 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. distributing the land in equal shares among the people, while they required every man, except the privileged orders, to assist in its cultivation. The Inca himself did not disdain to set the example. On one of the great annual festivals he proceeded to the environs of Cuzco, attended by his court, and, in the presence of all the people, turned up the earth with a golden plough, or an instrument that served as such, thus consecrating the occupation of the husbandman as one worthy to be followed by the Children of the Sun. 18 The patronage of the government did not stop with this cheap display of royal condescension, but was shown in the most efficient measures for facilitating the labors of the husbandman. Much of the country along the sea-coast suffered from want of water, as little or no rain fell there, and the few streams, in their short and hurried course from the mountains, exerted only a very limited influence on the wide extent of territory. The soil, it is true, was for the most part sandy and sterile ; but many places were capable of being re- claimed, and, indeed, needed only to be properly irri- gated to be susceptible of extraordinary production. To these spots water was conveyed by means of canals and subterraneous aqueducts executed on a noble scale. 18 Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 16. The tables, also, it seems, at this high festival, imitated the example of their master. " Pasadas todas las fiestas, en la ultima llevavan muchos arados de manos, los quales antiguamente heran de oro ; i echos los oficios, tomava el Jnga un arado i comenzava con el a romper la tierra, i lo mismo los demas senores, para que de alii adelante en todo su senorio hiciesen lo mismo. i sin que el Inga hiciese esto no avia Indio que osase romper la tierra, ni pensavan que produjese si el Inga no la rompia pritnero i esto vastc quanto a las fiestas/' Conq. i Pob. del Piru, MS. AQUEDUCTS. 135 They consisted of large slabs of freestone nicely fitted together without cement, and discharged a volume of water sufficient, by means of latent ducts or sluices, to moisten the lands in the lower level, through which they passed. Some of these aqueducts were of great length. One that traversed the district of Condesuyu measured between four and five hundred miles. They were brought from some elevated lake or natural reser- voir in the heart of the mountains, and were fed at intervals by other basins which lay in their route along the slopes of the sierra. In this descent a passage was sometimes to be opened through rocks, and this with- out the aid of iron tools ; impracticable mountains were to be turned, rivers and marshes to be crossed ; in short, the same obstacles were to be encountered as in the construction of their mighty roads. But the Peruvians seemed to take pleasure in wrestling with the difficulties of nature. Near Caxamarca a tunnel is still visible which they excavated in the mountains to give an outlet to the waters of a lake when these rose to a height in the rainy seasons that threatened the country with inundation.' 9 Most of these beneficent works of the Incas were suffered to go to decay by their Spanish conquerors. Sarmiento, Kelacion, MS., cap. 21. Garcilasso, Com. Real.. Parte i. lib. 5, cap. 24. Stevenson, Narrative of a Twenty Years' Residence in South America (London, 1829), vol. i. p. 412; ii. pp. 173, 174. " Sacauan acequias en cabos y por partes que es cosa estrana afirmar lo : porque las echauan por lugares altos y baxos : y por laderas de los cabe9os y haldas de sierras JJ estan en los valles : y por ellos mismos atrauiessan muchas : unas por una parte, y otras por otra, que es gran delectacio caminar por aquellos valles : porque parece que se anda entre huertas y florestas llenas de frescuras." Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 66. 136 CIVILIZATION 01 THI-: INCAS. In some spots the waters are still left to flow in their silent, subterraneous channels, whose windings and whose sources have been alike unexplored. Others, though partially dilapidated, and closed up with rub- bish and the rank vegetation of the soil, still betray their course by occasional patches of fertility. Such are the remains in the valley of Nasca, a fruitful spot that lies between long tracts of desert ; where the ancient water-courses of the Incas, measuring four or five feet in depth by three in width, and formed of large blocks of uncemented masonry, are conducted from an unknown distance. The greatest care was taken that every occupant of the land through which these streams passed should enjoy the benefit of them. The quantity of water allotted to each was prescribed by law ; and royal over- seers superintended the distribution and saw that it was faithfully applied to the irrigation of the ground." The Peruvians showed a similar spirit of enterprise in their schemes for introducing cultivation into the mountainous parts of their domain. Many of the hills, though covered with a strong soil, were too precipitous to be tilled. These they cut into terraces, faced with rough stone, diminishing in regular gradation towards the summit; so that, while the lower strip, or atnien, as it was called by the Spaniards, that belted round the base of the mountain, might comprehend hundreds of acres, the uppermost was only large enough to accom- modate a few rows of Indian corn." Some of the *> Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq.. MS. Memoirs of Gen. Miller, vol. ii. p. 220. Miller supposes that it was from these andenes that the Spaniards HO YAS. '37 eminences presented such a mass of solid rock that after being hewn into terraces they were obliged to be covered deep with earth before they could serve the purpose of the husbandman. With such patient toil did the Peruvians combat the formidable obstacles presented by the face of their country ! Without the use of the tools or the machinery familiar to the Euro- pean, each individual could have done little ; but acting in large masses, and under a common direction, they were enabled by indefatigable perseverance to achieve results to have attempted which might have filled even the European with dismay." In the same spirit of economical husbandry which redeemed the rocky sierra from the curse of sterility, they dug below the arid soil of the valleys and sought for a stratum where some natural moisture might be found. These excavations, called by the Spaniards /nn'iis, or " pits," were made on a great scale, compre- hending frequently more than an acre, sunk to the depth of fifteen or twenty feet, and fenced round within by a wall of adobes, or bricks baked in the sun. The bottom of the excavation, well prepared by a rich manure of the sardines, a small fish obtained in vast gave the name of Andes to the South American Cordilleras. ( Memoirs of Gen. Miller, vol. ii. p. 219.) But the name is older than the Con- quest, according to Garcilasso, who traces it to Anti, the name of a province that lay east of Cuzco. (Com. Real., Pane i. lib. 2. cap. 11.) Anta, the word for copper, which was found abundant in certain quarters of the country, may have suggested the name of the province, if not immediately that of the mountains. 28 Memoirs of Gen. Miller, ubi supra. Garcilasso, Com Real.. Parte i, lib. 5, cap. i. 12* I3 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. quantities along the coast, was planted with some kind of grain or vegetable. 23 ' The Peruvian farmers were well acquainted with the different kinds of manures, and made large use of them ; a circumstance rare in the rich lands of the tropics, and probably not elsewhere practised by the rude tribes of America. They made great use of guano. the valuable deposit of sea-fowl, that has attracted so much attention of late from the agriculturists both of Europe and of our own country, and the stimulating and nutritious properties of which the Indians perfectly appreciated. This was found in such immense quan- tities on many of the little islands along the coast as to have the appearance of lofty hills, which, covered with a white saline incrustation, led the Conquerors to give them the name of the sierra ncvada, or "snowy mountains." The Incas took their usual precautions for securing the benefits of this important article to the husband- man. They assigned the small islands on the coast to the use of the respective districts which lay adjacent to them. When the island was large, it was distributed among several districts, and the boundaries for each were clearly defined. All encroachment on the rights of another was severely punished. And they secured the preservation of the fowl by penalties as stern as those by which the Norman tyrants of England pro- tected their own game. No one was allowed to set 2 3 Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 73. The remains of these ancient excavations still excite the wonder of the modern traveller. See Stevenson, Residence in South America, vol. i. p. 359. Also Mc- Culloh, Researches, p. 358. AGRICULTURE. 139 foot on the island during the season for breeding, under pain of death ; and to kill the birds at any time was punished in like manner. 24 With this advancement in agricultural science, the Peruvians might be supposed to have had some knowl- edge of the plough, in such general use among the primitive nations of the Eastern continent. But they had neither the iron ploughshare of the Old World, nor had they animals for draught, which, indeed, were nowhere found in the New. The instrument which they used was a strong, sharp-pointed stake, traversed by a horizontal piece, ten or twelve inches from the point, on which the ploughman might set his foot and force it into the ground. Six or eight strong men \vt-rt- attached by ropes to the stake, and dragged it forcibly along, pulling together, and keeping time as they moved by chanting their national songs, in which they were accompanied by the women who followed in their train, to break up the sods with their rakes. The mellow soil offered slight resistance; and the laborer, by long practice, acquired a dexterity which enabled him to turn up the ground to the requisite depth with astonishing facility. This substitute for the plough was but a clumsy contrivance ; yet it is curious as the only specimen of the kind among the American aborigines, and was perhaps not much inferior to the wooden instrument introduced in its stead by the European conquerors. ^ It was frequently the policy of the Incas, after pro- * Acosta, lib. 4, cap. 36. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 3. *s Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 2. I4 o CIVrLIZATION OF THE I.YCAS. viding a deserted tract with the means for irrigation and thus fitting it for the labors of the husbandman, to transplant there a colony of mitimaes, who brought it under cultivation by raising the crops best suited to the soil. While the peculiar character and capacity of the lands were thus consulted, a means of exchange of the different products was afforded to the neighbor- ing provinces, which, from the formation of the coun- try, varied much more than usual within the same limits. To facilitate these agricultural exchanges, fairs were instituted, which took place three times a month in some of the most populous places, where, as money was unknown, a rude kind of commerce was kept up by the barter of their respective products. These fairs afforded so many holidays for the relaxation of the industrious laborer. 26 Such were the expedients adopted by the Incas for the improvement of their territory ; and, although im- perfect, they must be allowed to show an acquaintance with the principles of agricultural science that gives them some claim to the rank of a civilized people. Under their patient and discriminating culture, every inch of good soil was tasked to its greatest power of production ; while the most unpromising spots were compelled to contribute something to the subsistence of the people. Everywhere the land teemed with evi- dence of agricultural wealth, from the smiling valleys along the coast to the terraced steeps of the sierra, which, rising into pyramids of verdure, glowed with all the splendors of tropical vegetation. "SSarmiento, Rel., MS., cap. 19. Garcilasso. Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 36 ; lib. 7, cap. i. Herrera, Hist, gen., dec. 5. lib. 4, cap. 3. ESCCLEXTS. 141 The formation of the country was particularly favor- able, as already remarked, to an infinite variety of prod- ucts, not so much from its extent as from its various elevations, which, more remarkable even than those in Mexico, comprehend every degree of latitude from the equator to the polar regions. Yet, though the tem- perature changes in this region with the degree of ele- vation, it remains nearly the same in the same spots throughout the year ; and the inhabitant feels none of those grateful vicissitudes of season which belong to the temperate latitudes of the globe. Thus, while the summer lies in full power on the burning regions of the palm and the cocoa-tree that fringe the borders of the ocean, the broad surface of the table-land blooms with the freshness of i>eri>etual spring, and the higher summits of the Cordilleras are white with everlasting winter. The Peruvians turned this fixed variety of climate, if I may so say, to the best account, by cultivating the productions appropriate to each ; and they particularly directed their attention to those which afforded the most nutriment to man. Thus, in the lower level were to be found the cassava-tree and the banana, that bountiful plant, which seems to have relieved man from the primeval curse if it were not rather a bless- ing of toiling for his sustenance.- 7 As the banana *7 The prolific properties of the banana are shown by M. de Hum- boldt, svho states that its productiveness, as compared with that of \\heat, is as 133 to i. and with that of the potato, as 44 to i. (Essai politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne (Paris, 1827), torn. ii. p. 389.) It is a mistake to suppose that this plant was not in- digenous to South America. The bannna-leaf has been frequently found in ancient Peruvian tombs. 142 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. faded from the landscape, a good substitute was found in the maize, the great agricultural staple of both the northern and southern divisions of the American con- tinent, and which, after its exportation to the Old World, spread so rapidly there as to suggest the idea of its being indigenous to it. 28 The Peruvians were well acquainted with the different modes of preparing this useful vegetable, though it seems they did not use it for bread, except at festivals ; and- they extracted a sort of honey from the stalk, and made an intoxicating liquor from the fermented grain, to which, like the Aztecs, they were immoderately addicted. 39 The temperate climate of the table-land furnished them with the maguey, agave Americana, many of the extraordinary qualities of which they comprehended, though not its most important one of affording a ma- terial for paper. Tobacco, too, was among the prod- ucts of this elevated region. Yet the Peruvians dif- fered from every other Indian nation to whom it was known, by using it only for medicinal purposes, in the form of snuff. 30 They may have found a substitute for 78 The misnomer of ble de Turquie shows the popular error. Yet the rapidity of its diffusion through Europe and Asia after the dis- covery of America is of itself sufficient to show that it could not have been indigenous to the Old World and have so long remained gener- ally unknown there. =9 Acosta, lib. 4, cap. 16. The saccharine matter contained in the maize-stalk is much greater in tropical countries than in more northern latitudes ; so that the natives in the former may be seen sometimes sucking it like the sugar-cane. One kind of the fermented liquors, sora, made from the corn, was of such strength that the use of it was forbidden by the Incas, at least to the common people. Their injunctions do not seem to have been obeyed so implicitly in this instance as usual. 3 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 2, cap. 25. AXT F.SCL7.E.YTS. '43 its narcotic qualities in the coca (Erythroxylutn Pent- rianttni}, or cuca, as called by the natives. This is a shrub which grows to the height of a man. The leaves when gathered are dried in the sun, and, being mixed with a little lime, form a preparation for chewing, much like the betel-leaf of the East. 31 With a small supply of this cuca in his pouch, and a handful of roasted maize, the Peruvian Indian of our time per- forms his wearisome journeys, day after day, without fatigue, or, at least, without complaint. Even food the most invigorating is less grateful to him than his loved narcotic. Under the Incas, it is said to have been exclusively reserved for the noble orders. If so, the people gained one luxury by the Conquest ; and after that period it was so extensively used by them that this article constituted a most important item of the colonial revenue of Spain. 33 Yet, with the sooth- ing charms of an opiate, this weed so much vaunted by the natives, when used to excess, is said to be at- tended with all the mischievous effects of habitual in- toxication. 33 3' The pungent leaf of the betel is in like manner mixed with lime when chewed. (Elphinstone, History of India (Lxmdon, 1841), vol. i. p. 331.) The similarity of this social indulgence, in the remote East and West, is singular. 3 Ondegardo, Rel. Seg.. MS. Acosta, lib. 4. cap. 22. Stevenson, Residence in South America, vol. ii. p. 63. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 96. 33 A traveller (Poeppig) noticed in the Foreign Quarterly Review (No. 33) expatiates on the malignant effects of the habitual use of the cuca, as very similar to those produced on the chewer of opium. Strange that such baneful properties should not be the subject of more frequent comment with other writers ! I do not remember to have seen them even adverted to. !44 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. Higher up on the slopes of the Cordilleras, beyond the limits of the maize and of the quinoa, a grain bearing some resemblance to rice, and largely culti- vated by the Indians, was to be found the potato, the introduction of which into Europe has made an era in the history of agriculture. Whether indigenous to Peru, or imported from the neighboring country of Chili, it formed the great staple of the more elevated plains, under the Incas, and its culture was continued to a height in the equatorial regions which reached many thousand feet above the limits of perpetual snow in the temperate latitudes of Europe. 34 Wild speci- mens of the vegetable might be seen still higher, springing up spontaneously amidst the stunted shrubs that clothed the lofty sides of the Cordilleras, till these gradually subsided into the mosses and the short yellow grass, pajonal, which, like a golden carpet, was unrolled around the base of the mighty cones, that rose far into the regions of eternal silence, covered with the snows of centuries. 35 34 Malte-Brun, book 86. The potato, found by the early discoverers in Chili, Peru, New Granada, and all along the Cordilleras of South America, was unknown in Mexico, an additional proof of the entire ignorance in which the respective nations of the two continents re- mained of one another. M. de Humboldt, who has bestowed much attention on the early history of this vegetable, which has exerted so important an influence on European society, supposes that the culti- vation of it in Virginia, where it was known to the early planters, must have been originally derived from the Southern Spanish colonies. Essai politique, torn. ii. p. 462. as While Peru, under the Incas, could boast these indigenous prod- ucts, and many others less familiar to the European, it was unac- quainted with several, of great importance, which, since the Conquest, have thriven there as on their natural soil. Such are the olive, the JMl'ORTAXT KSCCLK.Y'rS. 145 grape, the fig, the apple, the orange, the sugar-cane. ' None of the cereal grains of the Old World were found there. The first wheat was introduced by a Spanish lady of Truxillo, who took great pains to disseminate it among the colonists, of which the government, to its credit, was not unmindful. Her name was Maria de Escobar. History, which is so roach occupied with cu-ehrating the scourges of humanity, should take pleasure in commemorating one of its real benefactors. Peru. VOL. L c 13 CHAPTER V. PERUVIAN SHEEP. GREAT HUNTS. MANUFACTURES. MECHANICAL SKILL. ARCHITECTURE. CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. A NATION which had made such progress in agricul- ture might be reasonably expected to have made also some proficiency in the mechanical arts, especially when, as in the case of the Peruvians, their agricul- tural economy demanded in itself no inconsiderable degree of mechanical skill. Among most nations, progress in manufactures has been found to have an intimate connection with the progress of husbandry. Both arts are directed to the same great object of sup- plying the necessaries, the comforts, or, in a more re- fined condition of society, the luxuries, of life ; and when the one is brought to a perfection that infers a certain advance in civilization, the other must naturally find a corresponding development under the increasing demands and capacities of such a state. The subjects of the Incas, in their patient and tranquil devotion to the more humble occupations of industry which bound them to their native soil, bore greater resemblance to the Oriental nations, as the Hindoos and Chinese, than they bore to the members of the great Anglo-Saxon family, whose hardy temper has driven them to seek their fortunes on the stormy ocean and to open a com- merce with the most distant regions of the globe. The (146) PERUVIAN SHEEP. 147 Peruvians, though lining a long extent of sea-coast, had no foreign commerce. They had peculiar advantages for domestic manufac- ture in a material incomparably superior to any thing possessed by the other races of the Western continent. They found a good substitute for linen in a fabric which, like the Aztecs, they knew how to weave from the tough thread of the maguey. Cotton grew luxu- riantly on the low, sultry level of the coast, and fur- nished them with a clothing suitable to the mildei latitudes of the country. But from the llama and the kindred species of Peruvian sheep they obtained a fleece adapted to the colder climate of the table-land, "more estimable," to quote the language of a well- informed writer, "than the down of the Canadian beaver, the fleece of the brebis ties Calmoucks, or of the Syrian goat. ' ' ' Of the four varieties of the Peruvian sheep, the llama, the one most familiarly known, is the least valu- able on account of its wool. It is chiefly employed as a beast of burden, for which, although it is somewhat larger than any of the other varieties, its diminutive size and strength would seem to disqualify it. It car- ries a load of little more than a hundred pounds, and cannot travel above three or four leagues in a day. But all this is compensated by the little care and cost required for its management and its maintenance. It picks up an easy subsistence from the moss and stunted herbage that grow scantily along the withered sides 'Walton, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Peruvian Sheep (London, 1811), p. 115. This writer's comparison is directed to the wool of the vicufia, the most esteemed of the genus for its fleece. 148 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. and the steeps of the Cordilleras. The structure of its stomach, like that of the camel, is such as to enable it to dispense with any supply of water for weeks, nay, months together. Its spongy hoof, armed with a claw or pointed talon to enable it to take secure hold on the ice, never requires to be shod ; and the load laid upon its back rests securely in its bed of wool, without the aid of girth or saddle. The llamas move in troops of five hundred or even a thousand, and thus, though each individual carries but little, the aggregate is consider- able. The whole caravan travels on at its regular pace, passing the night in the open air without suffering from the coldest temperature, and marching in perfect order and in obedience to the voice of the driver. It is only when overloaded that the spirited little animal refuses to stir, and neither blows nor caresses can in- duce him to rise from the ground. He is as sturdy in asserting his rights on this occasion as he is usually docile and unresisting. 2 The employment of domestic animals distinguished the Peruvians from the other races of the New World. This economy of human labor by the substitution of the brute is an important element of civilization, inferior only to what is gained by the substitution of machinery for both. Yet the ancient Peruvians seem to have made much less account of it than their Spanish conquerors, and to have valued the llama, in 2 Walton, Hist, and Descrip. Account of the Pervuian Sheep, p. 23, et seq. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 8, cap. 16. Acosta, lib. 4, cap. 41. Llama, according to Garcilasso de la Vega, is a Peruvian word signifying " flock." (Ibid., ubi supra.) The natives got no milk from their domesticated animals ; nor was milk used, I believe, by any tribe on the American continent. GREAT m\\rs. 149 common with the other animals of that genus, chiefly for its fleece. Immense herds of these " large cattle," as they were called, and of the "smaller cattle," 3 or alpacas, were held by the government, as already noticed, and placed under the direction of shepherds, who conducted them from one quarter of the country to another, according to the changes of the season. These migrations were regulated with all the precision with which the code of the mesta determined the migrations of the vast merino flocks in Spain ; and the Conquerors, when they landed in Peru, were amazed at finding a race of animals so similar to their own in properties and habits, and under the control of a system of legislation which might seem to have been imported from their native land. 4 But the richest store of wool was obtained, not from these domesticated animals, but from the two other species, the huanacos and the vicunas, which roamed in native freedom over the frozen ranges of the Cor- dilleras ; where not unfrequently they might be seen scaling the snow-covered peaks which no living thing inhabits save the condor, the huge bird of the Andes, whose broad pinions bear him up in the atmosphere to the height of more than twenty thousand feet above the level of the sea. 5 In these rugged pastures, "the 3 Canada maior, ganado menor. The judicious Ondegardo emphatically recommends the adoption of many of these regulations by the Spanish government, as pecu- liarly suited to the exigencies of the natives : " En esto de los ganados parescio haber hecho muchas constituciones en diferentes tiempos e algunas tan utiles 6 provechosas para su conservacion que convendria que tambien guardasen agora." Rel. Seg., MS. S Malte-Brun. book 86. 13* I 5 o CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. flock without a fold" finds sufficient sustenance in the ychu, a species of grass which is found scattered all along the great ridge of the Cordilleras, from the equa- tor to the southern limits of Patagonia. And as these limits define the territory traversed by the Peruvian sheep, which rarely, if ever, venture north of the line, it seems not improbable that this mysterious little plant is so important to their existence that the absence of it is the principal reason why they have not penetrated to the northern latitudes of Quito and New Granada. 6 But, although thus roaming without a master over the boundless wastes of the Cordilleras, the Peruvian peasant was never allowed to hunt these wild animals, which were protected by laws as severe as were the sleek herds that grazed on the more cultivated slopes of the plateau. 'The wild game of the forest and the mountain was as much the property of the government as if it had been enclosed within a park or penned within a fold. 7 It was only on stated occasions, at the great hunts which took place once a year, under the personal superintendence of the Inca or his principal officers, that the game was allowed to be taken. These hunts were not repeated in the same quarter of the country oftener than once in four years, that time might be allowed for the waste occasioned by them to be replenished. At the appointed time, all those living in the district and its neighborhood, to the number, it might be, of fifty or sixty thousand men, 8 were dis- 6 Ychu, called in the Flora Peruana Jarava ; Class, Monandria Digynia. See Walton, p. 17. 7 Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. 8 Sometimes even a hundred thousand mustered, when the Inca hunted in person, if we may credit Sarmiento : " De donde haviendose MANUFACTURES. 1 5 1 tributed round, so as to form a cordon of immense extent, that should embrace the whole country which was to be hunted over. The men were armed with long poles and spears, with which they beat up game of every description lurking in the woods, the valleys, and the mountains, killing the beasts of prey without mercy, and driving the others, consisting chiefly of the deer of the country, and the huanacos and vicufias, towards the centre of the wide-extended circle ; until, as this gradually contracted, the timid inhabitants of the forests were concentrated on some spacious plain, where the eye of the hunter might range freely over his victims, who found no place for shelter or escape. The male deer and some of the coarser kind of the Peruvian sheep were slaughtered ; their skins were reserved for the various useful manufactures to which they are ordinarily applied, and their flesh, cut into thin slices, was distributed among the people, who converted it into charqui, the dried meat of the country, which constituted then the sole, as it has since the principal, animal food of the lower classes of Peru. 9 But nearly the whole of the sheep, amounting usually to thirty or forty thousand, or even a larger number, after being carefully sheared, were suffered to escape and regain their solitary haunts among the mountains. The wool thus collected was deposited in the royal ya juntado cinquenta 6 sesenta mil Personaso cien mil si mandado les era." Relacion, MS., cap. 13. 9 Ibid., ubi supra. Charqvi ; hence, probably, says McCulloh, the term "jerked," applied to the dried beef of South America. Re- searches, p. 377. I5 2 CIVILIZATION OF THE f.\'CAS. magazines, whence, in due time, it was dealt out to the people. The coarser quality was worked up into gar- ments for their own use, and the finer for the Inca ; for none but an Inca noble could wear the fine fabric of the vicufta. 10 The Peruvians showed great skill in the manufacture of different articles for the royal household from this delicate material, which, under the name of vigonia wool, is now familiar to the looms of Europe. It was wrought into shawls, robes, and other articles of dress for the monarch, and into carpets, coverlets, and hang- ings for the imperial palaces and the temples. The cloth was finished on both sides alike ; " the delicacy of the texture was such as to give it the lustre of silk ; and the brilliancy of the dyes excited the admiration and the envy of the European artisan." The Peru- vians produced also an article of great strength and durability by mixing the hair of animals with wool ; and they were expert in the beautiful feather-work, which they held of less account than the Mexicans, from the superior quality of the materials for other fabrics which they had at their command.' 3 10 Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., loc. cit. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 81. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 6, cap. 6. "Acosta, lib. 4, cap. 41. 12 " Ropas finisimas para los Reyes, que lo eran tanto que parecian de sarga de seda y con colores tan perfectos quanto se puede afirmar." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 13. '3 Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq.. MS." Ropa finissima para los senores Ingas de lana de las Vicunias. Y cierto fue tan prima esta ropa, como auran visto en Espana : por alguna que alia fue luego que se gano este reyno. Los vestidos destos Ingas eran camisetas desta ropa: vnas pobladas de argenteria de oro, otras de esmeraldas y pie- dras preciosas : y algunas de plumas de aues : otras de solamente la MECIUMCM. SKILL. ! 53 The natives showed a skill in other mechanical arts similar to that displayed by their manufactures of cloth. Every man in Peru was expected to be acquainted with the various handicrafts essential to domestic com-_ fort. No long apprenticeship was required for this, where the wants were so few as among the simple peasantry of the Incas. But, if this were all, it would imply but a very moderate advancement in the arts. There were certain individuals, however, carefully trained to those occupations which minister to the demands of the more opulent classes of society. These occupations, like every other calling and office in Peni, always descended from father to son.' 4 The division of castes, in this particular, was as precise as- that which existed in Egypt or Hindostan. If this arrangement be unfavorable to originality, or to the development of the peculiar talent of the individual, it at least conduces to an easy and finished execution, by famil- iarizing the artist with the practice of his art from childhood. l$ The royal magazines and the huacas or tombs of the Incas have been found to contain many specimens of curious and elaborate workmanship. Among these are vases of gold and silver, bracelets, collars, and other manta. Para hazer estas ropas, tuuierS y tienen tan perfetas colores de carmesi, azul, amarillo, negro, y de otras suertes, que verdadera- mente tienen ventaja a las de Espafta." Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 114. M Ondegardo, Rel. Prim, et Seg., MSS. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 7, 9, 13. s At least, such was the opinion of the Egyptians, who referred to this arrangement of castes as the source of their own peculiar dexterity in the arts. See Diodorus Sic., lib. i, sec. 74. G* 1 54 CIVILIZATION OF THE IXC AS. . ornaments for the person ; utensils of every descrip- tion, some of fine clay, and many more of copper ; mirrors of a hard, polished stone, or burnished silver, with a great variety of other articles made frequently on a whimsical pattern, evincing quite as much inge- nuity as taste or inventive talent. 16 The character of the Peruvian mind led to imitation, in fact, rather than invention, to delicacy and minuteness of finish, rather than to boldness or beauty of design. That they should have accomplished these difficult works with such tools as they possessed is truly won- derful. It was comparatively easy to cast and even to sculpture metallic substances, both of which they did with consummate skill. But that they should have shown the like facility in cutting the hardest sub- stances, as emeralds and other precious stones, is not so easy to explain. Emeralds they obtained in consid- erable quantity from the barren district of Atacames, and this inflexible material seems to have been almost as ductile in the hands of the Peruvian artist as if it had been made of clay. 17 Yet the natives were un- 16 Ulloa, Not. Amer., ent. 21. Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 114. Condamine, Mem. ap. Hist, de 1'Acad. Royale de Berlin, torn. ii. pp. 454-456. The last writer says that a large collection of massive gold ornaments of very rich work- manship was long preserved in the royal treasury of Quito. But on his going there to examine them he learned that they had just been melted down into ingots to send to Carthagena, then besieged by the English ! The art of war can flourish only at the expense of all the other arts. '7 They had turquoises, also, and might have had pearls, but for the tenderness of the Incas, who were unwilling to risk the lives of their people in this perilous fishery ! At least, so we are assured by Gar- cilasso, Com. Real., Parte i. lib. 8, cap. 23. MECHANICAL SKILL. '55 acquainted with the use of iron, though the soil was largely impregnated with it. 18 The tools used were of stone, or more frequently of copper. But the material on which they relied for the execution of their most difficult tasks was formed by combining a very small portion of tin with copper.' 9 This composition gave a hardness to the metal which seems to have been little inferior to that of. steel. With the aid of it, not only did the Peruvian artisan hew into shape porphyry and granite, but by his patient industry accomplished works which the European would not have ventured to undertake. Among the remains of the monuments of Cannar may be seen movable rings in the muzzles of animals, all nicely sculptured of one entire block of granite. 20 It is worthy of remark that the Egyptians, the Mexicans, and the Peruvians, in their progress towards civilization, should never have detected the use of iron, which lay around them in abundance, and that they should each, without any knowledge of the other, have found a substitute for it in such a curious composition of metals as gave to their tools almost the temper of steel ; ai a secret that has been lost or, to 8 " N 7 o tenian herramientas de hierro ni azero." Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 5, lib. 4, cap. 4. '9 M. de Humboldt brought with him back to Europe one of these metallic tools, a chisel, found in a silver-mine opened by the Incas not far from Cuzco. On an analysis, it was found to contain 0.94 of copper and 0.06 of tin. See Vues des Cordilleres, p. 117. 30 " Quoiqu'il en soil," says M. de la Condamine, " nous avons vu en quelques autres ruines des ornemens du meme granit, qui reprer sentoient des mufles d'animaux, dont les narines percees portoient des anneaux mobiles de la meme pierre." Mem. ap. Hist, de 1'Acad. Royale de Berlin, torn. ii. p. 452. 21 See the History of the Conquest of Mexico, Book i, chap. 5. I5 6 CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS. speak more correctly, has never been discovered by the civilized European. I have already spoken of the large quantity of gold and silver wrought into various articles of elegance and utility for the Incas; though the amount was incon- siderable, in comparison with what could have been afforded by the mineral riches of the land, and with what has since been obtained by the more sagacious and unscrupulous cupidity of the white man. Gold was gathered by the Incas from the deposits of the streams. They extracted the ore also in considerable quantities from the valley of Curimayo, northeast of Caxamarca, as well as from other places ; and the silver-mines of Porco, in particular, yielded them con- siderable returns. Yet they did not attempt to pene- trate into the bowels of the earth by sinking a shaft, but simply excavated a cavern in the steep sides of the mountain, or, at most, opened a horizontal vein of moderate depth. They were equally deficient in the knowledge of the best means of detaching the precious metal from the dross with which it was united, and had no idea of the virtues of quicksilver a mineral not rare in Peru as an amalgam to effect this decom- position." Their method of smelting the ore was by means of furnaces built in elevated and exposed situa- tions, where they might be fanned by the strong breezes of the mountains. The subjects of the Incas, in short, with all their patient perseverance, did little more than penetrate below the crust, the outer rind, as it were, formed over those golden caverns which lie hidden in the dark depths of the Andes. Yet what they gleaned 33 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 8, cap. 25. ARCHITECTURE. '57 from the surface was more than adequate for all their demands. For they were not a commercial people, and had no knowledge of money. 33 In this they dif- fered from the ancient Mexicans, who had an estab- lished currency of a determinate value. In one respect, however, they were superior to their American rivals, since they made use of weights to determine the quan- tity of their commodities, a thing wholly unknown to the Aztecs. This fact is ascertained by the discovery of silver balances, adjusted with perfect accuracy, in some of the tombs of the Incas. 24 But the surest test of the civilization of a people at least, as sure as any afforded by mechanical art is to be found in their architecture, which presents so noble a field for the display of the grand and the beau- tiful, and which at the same time is so intimately con- nected with the essential comforts ot life. There is no object on which the resources of the wealthy are more freely lavished, or which calls out more effectually the inventive talent of the artist. The painter and the sculptor may display their individual genius in crea- tions of surpassing excellence, but it is the great monu- ments of architectural taste and magnificence that are stamped in a peculiar manner by the genius of the nation. The Greek, the Egyptian, the Saracen, the Gothic, what a key do their respective styles afford *3 Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 5, cap. 7; Jib. 6, cap. 8. Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. This, which Bonaparte thought so in- credible of the little island of Loo Choo, was still more extraordinary in a great and flourishing empire like Peru, the country, too, which contained within its bowels the treasures that were one day to furnish Europe with the basis of its vast metallic currency. "* Ulloa, Not. Amer., ent. 21. Peru. VOL. I. 14 jC 5 8 CIVILIZATION OF THE IXC AS. to the character and condition of the people ! The monuments of China, of Hindostan, and of Central America are all indicative of an immature period, in which the imagination has not been disciplined by study, and which, therefore, in its best results, betrays only the ill-regulated aspirations after the beautiful, that belong to a semi-civilized people. The Peruvian architecture, bearing also the general characteristics of an imperfect state of refinement, had still its peculiar character ; and so uniform was that character that the edifices throughout the country seem to have been all cast in the same mould. 25 They were usually built of porphyry or granite ; not unfrequently of brick. This, which was formed into blocks or squares of much larger dimensions than our brick, was made of a tenacious earth mixed up with reeds or tough grass, and acquired a degree of hardness with age that made it insensible alike to the storms and the more trying sun of the tropics. 26 The walls were of great thickness, but low, seldom reaching to more than twelve or fourteen feet in height. It is rare to meet with accounts of a building that rose to a second story. 27 "5 It is the observation of Humboldt. " II est impossible d'exanti- ner attentivement un seul edifice du temps des Incas, sans reconnoitre le meme type dans tous les autres qui couvrent le dos des Andes, sur une longueur de plus de quatre cent cinquante lieues, depuis milie jusqu'a quatre mille metres d 'elevation au-dessus du niveau-de 1'Ocean. On dirait qu'un seul architecte a construit ce grand nombre de monumens." Vues des Cordilleres, p. 197. 26 Ulloa, who carefully examined these bricks, suggests that there must have been some secret in their composition, so superior in many respects to our own manufacture, now lost. Not. Amer , ent. 20. "7 Ibid., ubi supra. ARCHITECTURE. '59 The apartments had no communication with one another, but usually opened into a court ; and, as they were unprovided with windows, or apertures that served for them,* the only light from without must have been admitted by the doorways. These were made with the sides approaching each other towards the top, so that the lintel was considerably narrower than the threshold, a- peculiarity, also, in Egyptian architecture. The roofs have, for the most part, disappeared with time. Some few survive in the less ambitious edifices, of a singular bell-shape, and made of a composition of earth and pebbles. They are supposed, however, to have been generally formed of more perishable ma- terials, of wood or straw. It is certain that some of the most considerable stone buildings were thatched with straw. Many seem to have been constructed without the aid of cement ; and writers have contended that the Peruvians were unacquainted with the use of mortar, or cement of any kind. 28 But a close, tena- cious mould, mixed with lime, may be discovered, filling up the interstices of the granite in some buildings ; and in others, where the well-fitted blocks leave no room for this coarser material, the eye of the antiquary has 28 Among others, sec Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 15. Robertson, History of America (London, 1796), vol. Hi. p. 213. * [According to Mr. Markham, the palaces of the Incas " had small square windows, and deep recesses of the same size, at intervals;" and he adds, " It has been stated that the ancient Peruvian buildings had no windows. This is a mistake. Amongst other instances, I may mention the occurrence of one in the palace of the Colcampata, at Cuzco." Cieza de Leon, Eng. trans., Introduction, p. xxix. See also Rivero, Antiquities of Peru, p. 233. ED.] *6o CIVILIZATIOX Of THE IXC AS. detected a fine bituminous glue, as hard as the rock itself. 29 The greatest simplicity is observed in the construc- tion of the buildings, which are usually free from out- ward ornament; though in some the huge stones are shaped into a convex form with great regularity, and adjusted with such nice precision to one another that it would be impossible, but for the flutings, to deter- mine the line of junction. In others the stone is rough, as it was taken from the quarry, in the most irregular forms, with the edges nicely wrought and fitted to each other. There is no appearance of col- umns or of arches ; though there is some contradiction as to the latter point. But it is not to be doubted that, although they may have made some approach to this mode of construction by the greater or less incli- nation of the walls, the Peruvian architects were wholly unacquainted with the true principle of the circular arch reposing on its key-stone. 30 *9 Ondegardo, Rel. Seg.. MS. Ulloa, Not. Araer., ent. 21. Hum- boldt, who analyzed the cement of the ancient structures at Cannar, says that it is a true mortar, formed of a mixture of pebbles and a clayey marl. (Vues des Cordilleres. p. 116.) Father Velasco is in raptures with an " almost imperceptible kind of cement" made of lime and a bituminous substance resembling glue, which incorporated with the stones so as to hold them firmly together like one solid mass, yet left nothing visible to the eye of the common observer. This glutinous composition, mixed with pebbles, made a sort of macadam- ized road much used by the Incas, as hard and almost as smooth af marble. Hist, de Quito, torn. i. pp. 126-128. 3 Condamine, Mem. ap. Hist, de 1'Acad. Royale de Berlin, torn, li. p. 448. Antig. y Monumentos del Peru, MS. Herrera, Hist. ge< .leral, dec. 5, lib. 4, cap. 4. Acosta, lib. 6, cap. 14. Ulloa, VoyajJ 'o South America, vol. i. p. 469. Ondegardo, Rel. Seg., MS. ARCHITECTURE. 161 The architecture of the Incas is characterized, says an eminent traveller, "by simplicity, symmetry, and solidity." 31 It may seem unphilosophical to condemn the peculiar fashion of a nation as indicating want of taste, because its standard of taste differs from our own. Yet there is an incongruity in the composition of the Peruvian buildings which argues a very imperfect acquaintance with the first principles of architecture. While they put together their bulky masses of porphyry and granite with the nicest art, they were incapable of mortising their timbers, and, in their ignorance of iron, knew no better way of holding the beams together than tying them with thongs of maguey. In the same in- congruous spirit, the building that was thatched with straw and unilluminated by a window was glowing with tapestries of gold and silver ! These are the inconsist- encies of a rude people, among whom the arts are but partially developed. It might not be difficult to find examples of like inconsistency in the architecture and domestic arrangements of our Anglo-Saxon and, at a still later period, of our Norman ancestors. Yet the buildings of the Incas were accommodated to the character of the climate, and were well fitted to resist those terrible convulsions which belong to the land of volcanoes. The wisdom of their plan is attested by the number which still survive, while the more mod- ern constructions of the Conquerors have been buried in ruins. The hand of the Conquerors, indeed, has fallen heavily on these venerable monuments, and, in 3 "Simplicity symetrie, et solidite 1 , voila les trois caracteres par lesquels se distinguent avantageusement tous les edifices pe>uviens." Humboldt, Vues des Cordilleres, p. 115. H* 1 62 CIVILIZATION OF THE /.vr./.V. their blind and superstitious search for hidden treasure, has caused infinitely more ruin than time or the earth- quake. 32 Yet enough of these monuments still remain to invite the researches of the antiquary. Those only in the most conspicuous situations have been hitherto examined. But, by the testimony of travellers, many more are to be found in the less frequented parts of the country ; and we may hope they will one day call forth a kindred spirit of enterprise to that which has so suc- y The anonymous author of the Antig. y Monumentos del Peru MS., gives us, at second hand, one of those golden traditions which, in early times, fostered the spirit of adventure. The tradition, in this instance, he thinks well entitled to credit. The reader will judge for himself. " It is a well-authenticated report, and generally received, that there is a secret hall in the fortress of Cuzco, where an immense treasure is concealed, consisting of the statues of all the Incas, wrought in gold. A lady is still living, Dona Maria de Esquivel, the wife of the last Inca, who has visited this hall, and I have heard her relate the way in which she was carried to see it. " Don Carlos, the lady's husband, did not maintain a style of living becoming his high rank. Dona Maria sometimes reproached him, declaring that she had been deceived into marrying a poor Indian under the lofty title of Lord or Inca. She said this so frequently that Don Carlos one night exclaimed, ' Lady ! do you wish to know whether I am rich or poor? You shall see that no lord nor king in the world has a larger treasure than I have.' Then, covering her eyes with a handkerchief, he made her turn round two or three times, and, taking her by the hand, led her a short distance before he removed the bandage. On opening her eyes, what was her amazement ! She had gone not more than two hundred paces, and descended a short flight of steps, and she now found herself in a large quadrangular hall, where, ranged on benches round the walls, she beheld the statues of the Incas, each of the size of a boy twelve years old, all of massive gold ! She saw also many vessels of gold and silver. ' In fact,' she said, ' it was one of the most magnificent treasures in the whole world !'" CONCLUDLVG Rf-./- LECTIONS. 163 cessfully explored the mysterious recesses of Central America and Yucatan.* I cannot close this analysis of the Peruvian institu- tions without a few reflections on their general character and tendency, which, if they involve some repetition of previous remarks, may, I trust, be excused, from my desire to leave a- correct and consistent impression on the reader. In this survey we cannot but be struck with the total dissimilarity between these institutions and those of the Aztecs, the other great nation who led in the march of civilization on this Western conti- nent, and whose empire in the northern portion of it was as conspicuous as that of the Incas in the south. Both nations came on the plateau and commenced their career of conquest at dates, it may be, not far removed from each other. 33 And it is worthy of notice that, in America, the elevated region along the crests of the great mountain-ranges should have been the chosen seat of civilization in both hemispheres. Very different was the policy pursued by the two 33 Ante, chap, i. * [In the foregoing remarks the author has scarcely done justice to the artistic character of the Peruvian architecture, its great superiority to the Mexican, and the resemblances which it offers, in style and development, to the early stages of Greek and Egyptian art. The subject has been fully, and of course very ably, treated by Mr. Fer- gusson, in his Handbook of Architecture. The Peruvian pottery, which Prescott has passed over with a mere incidental mention, might also have claimed particular notice. Its characteristics are now more familiar, from numerous specimens in public and private collections. For a description of these interesting relics, and a comparison with other remains of ancient ceramic art, see Wilson, Prehistoric Man, chap. 17. ED."] 164 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. races in their military career. The Aztecs, animated by the most ferocious spirit, carried on a war of extermi- nation, signalizing their triumphs by the sacrifice of hecatombs of captives ; while the Incas, although they pursued the game of conquest with equal pertinacity, preferred a milder policy, substituting negotiation and intrigue for violence, and dealt with their antagonists so that their future resources should not be crippled, and that they should come as friends, not as foes, into the bosom of the empire. Their policy towards the conquered forms a contrast no less striking to that pursued by the Aztecs. The Mexican vassals were ground by excessive imposts and military conscriptions. No regard was had to their welfare, and the only limit to oppression was the power of endurance. They were overawed by fortresses and armed garrisons, and were made to feel every hour that they were not part and parcel of the nation, but held only in subjugation as a conquered people. The Incas, on the other hand, admitted their new subjects at once to all the rights enjoyed by the rest of the community ; and, though they made them conform to the established laws and usages of the empire, they watched over their personal security and comfort with a sort of parental solicitude. The motley population, thus bound together by common interest, was animated by a common feel- ing of loyalty, which gave greater strength and stability to the empire as it became more and more widely ex- tended ; while the various tribes who successively came under the Mexican sceptre, being held together only by the pressure of external force, were ready to fall asunder the moment that that force was withdrawn. The policy CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. 165 of the two nations displayed the principle of fear as contrasted with the principle of love. The characteristic features of their religious systems had as little resemblance to each other. The whole Aztec pantheon partook more or less of the sanguinary spirit of the terrible war-god who presided over it, and the frivolous ceremonial almost always terminated with human sacrifice and cannibal orgies. But the rites of the Peruvians were of a more innocent cast, as they tended to a more spiritual worship. For the wor- ship of the Creator is most nearly approached by that of the heavenly bodies, which, as they revolve in their bright orbits, seem to be the most glorious symbols of his beneficence and power. In the minuter mechanical arts, both showed con- siderable skill ; but in the construction of important public works, of roads, aqueducts, canals, and in agri- culture in all its details, the Peruvians were much supe- rior. Strange that they should have fallen so far below their rivals in their efforts after a higher intellectual culture, in astronomical science more especially, and in the art of communicating thought by visible symbols. When we consider the greater refinement of the Incas, their inferiority to the Aztecs in these particulars can be explained only by the fact that the latter in all prob- ability were indebted for their science to the race who preceded them in the land, that shadowy race whose origin and whose end are alike veiled from the eye of the inquirer, but who possibly may have sought a refuge from their ferocious invaders in those regions of Cen- tral America, the architectural remains of which now supply us with the most pleasing monuments of Indian T 66 CIVILIZATION OF THE /.YC.IS. civilization. It is with this more polished race, to whom the Peruvians seem to have borne some resem- blance in their mental and moral organization, that they should be compared. Had the empire of the Incas been permitted to extend itself with the rapid strides with which it was advancing at the period of the Spanish conquest, the two races might have come into conflict, or perhaps into alliance, with one another. The Mexicans and Peruvians, so different in the character of their peculiar civilization, were, it seems probable, ignorant of each other's existence ; and it may appear singular that, during the simultaneous con- tinuance of their empires, some of the seeds of science and of art which pass so imperceptibly from one people to another should not have found their way across the interval which separated the two nations. They furnish an interesting example of the opposite directions which the human mind may take in its struggle to emerge from darkness into the light of civilization.* * [Professor Daniel Wilson, commenting on this passage, remarks that, " whilst there seems little room for doubt that those two nations were ignorant of each other at the period of the discovery of America, there are many indications in some of their arts of an earlier inter- course between the northern and southern continent." (Prehistoric Man, 2d edition, p. 285.) This supposition is connected with a theory put forward by the learned writer in regard to the aboriginal popula- tion of America. Rejecting the common opinion of its ethnical unity, he considers the indications as pointing to two, or possibly three, great divisions of race, with as many distinct lines of immigration. He con- ceives " the earliest current of population" from " a supposed Asiatic cradle land" " to have spread through the islands of the Pacific and to have reached the South American continent long before an excess of Asiatic population had diffused itself into its own inhospitable northern steppes. By an Atlantic Ocean migration, another wave of CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. 167 A closer resemblance as I have more than once taken occasion to notice may be found between the Peruvian institutions and some of the despotic gov- ernments of Eastern Asia; those governments where despotism appears in its more mitigated form, and the whole people, under the patriarchal sway of the sove- reign, seem to be gathered together like the members of one. vast family. Such were the Chinese, for ex- ample, whom the Peruvians resembled in their implicit obedience to authority, their mild yet somewhat stub- born temper, their solicitude for forms, their reverence for ancient usage, their skill in the minuter manufac- population occupied the Canaries, Madeira, and the Azores, and so passed to the Antilles, Central America, and probably by the Cape Verdes, or, guided by the more southern equatorial current, to Brazil. Latest of all, Behring Straits and the North Pacific Islands may have become the highway for a northern migration by which certain striking diversities of nations of the northern continent, including the conquerors of the Mexican plateau, are most easily accounted for." ( Ibid., p. 604.) " The north and south tropics were the centres of two distinct and seemingly independent manifestations of native develop- ment," but with " clear indications of an overlapping of two or more distinct migratory trails leading from opposite points." (Ibid., p. 602.) It is to be remarked that the novelty of this theory consists, not in any new suggestion to account for the original settlement of America, but in the adoption and symmetrical blending of various conjectures, and the application of them to explain the differences of physical charac- teristics, customs, development, etc., between the savage and civilized or semi-civilized nations scattered over the continent. The evidence offered in its support does not admit of being summarized here. Elab- orate as it is, it will scarcely be considered sufficient to establish the certainty of the general conclusions deduced by the author. On the other hand, his arguments in disproof of a supposed craniological uniformity of type among the American aborigines appear to be irresistible, and to justify the statement that " the form of the human skull is just as little constant among different tribes or races of the Nev World as of the Old." (Ibid., p. 483.) ED.] 1 68 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. tures, their imitative rather than inventive cast of mind, and their invincible patience, which serves instead of a more adventurous spirit for the execution of difficult undertakings. 34 A still closer analogy may be found with the natives of Hindostan in their division into castes, their worship of the heavenly bodies and the elements of nature, and their acquaintance with the scientific principles of hus- bandry. To the ancient Egyptians, also, they bore considerable resemblance in the same particulars, as well as in those ideas of a future existence which led them to attach so much importance to the permanent preservation of the body. But we shall look in vain in the history of the East for a parallel to the absolute control exercised by the Incas over their subjects. In the East, this was founded on physical power, on the external resources of the government. The authority of the Inca might be com- pared with that of the Pope in the day of his might, when Christendom trembled at the thunders of the Vatican, and the successor of St. Peter set his foot on the necks of princes. But the authority of the Pope was founded on opinion. His temporal power was nothing. The empire of the Incas rested on both. It was a theocracy more potent in its operations than that of the Jews ; for, though the sanction of the law might 34 Count Carli has amused himself with tracing out the different points of resemblance between the Chinese and the Peruvians. The Emperor of China was styled the son of Heaven or of the Sun. He also held a plough once a year in presence of his people, to show his respect for agriculture. And the solstices and equinoxes were noted, to determine the periods of their religious festivals. The coincidences are curious. Lettres Americaines, torn. ii. pp. 7, 8. CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. X 6$ be as great among the latter, the law was expounded by a human lawgiver, the servant and representative of Divinity. But the Inca was both the lawgiver and the law. He was not merely the representative of Divinity, or, like the Pope, its vicegerent, but he was Divinity itself. The violation of his ordinance was sacrilege. Never was there a scheme of government enforced by such terrible sanctions, or which bore so oppressively on the subjects of it. For it reached not only to the visible acts, but to the private conduct, the words, the very thoughts, of its vassals. It added not a little to the efficacy of the govern- ment that below the sovereign there was an order of hereditary nobles of the same divine original with him- self, who, placed far below himself, were still immeas- urably above the rest of the community, not merely by descent, but, as it would seem, by their intellectual nature. These were the exclusive depositaries of power, and, as their long hereditary training made them famil- iar with their vocation and secured them implicit defer- ence from the multitude, they became the prompt and well-practised agents for carrying out the executive measures of the administration. All that occurred throughout the wide extent of his empire such was the perfect system of communication passed in review, as it were, before the eyes of the monarch, and a thousand hands, armed with irresistible authority, stood ready in every quarter to do his bidding. Was it not, as we have said, the most oppressive, though the mildest, of despotisms ? It was the mildest, from the very circumstance that the transcendent rank of the sovereign, and the humble, Peru. VOL. I. H 15 T 7 CIVILIZATION OF THE tNCAS. nay, superstitious, devotion to his will, made it super- fluous to assert this will by acts of violence or rigor. The great mass of the people may have appeared to his eyes as but little removed above the condition of the brute, formed to minister to his pleasures. But from their very helplessness he regarded them with feelings of commiseration, like those which a kind master might feel for the poor animals committed to his charge, or to do justice to the beneficent character attributed to many of the Incas that a parent might feel for his young and impotent offspring. The laws were carefully directed to their preservation and per- sonal comfort. The people were not allowed to be employed on works pernicious to their health, nor to pine a sad contrast to their subsequent destinv under the imposition of tasks too heavy for their powers. They were never made the victims of public or private extortion ; and a benevolent forecast watched carefully over their necessities and provided for their relief in seasons of infirmity and for their sustenance in health. The government of the Incas, however arbitrary in form, was in its spirit truly patriarchal. Yet in this there was nothing cheering to the dignity of human nature. What the people had was conceded as a boon, not as a right. When a nation was brought under the sceptre of the Incas, it resigned every per- sonal right, even the rights dearest to humanity. Under this extraordinary polity, a people advanced in many of the social refinements, well skilled in manufactures and agriculture, were unacquainted, as we have seen, with money. They had nothing that deserved to be called property. They could follow no craft, could COXCLL;I>L\\; REFLECTIONS. 171 engage in no labor, no amusement, but such as was specially provided by law. They could not change their residence or their dress without a license from the government. They could not even exercise the freedom which is conceded to the most abject in other countries, that of selecting their own wives. The imperative spirit of despotism would not allow them to be happy or miserable in any way but that established by law. The power of free agency the inestimable and inborn right of every human being was annihilated in Peru. The astonishing mechanism of the Peruvian polity could have resulted only from the combined authority of opinion and positive power in the ruler to an extent unprecedented in the history of man. Yet that it should have so successfully gone into operation, and so long endured, in opposition to the taste, the preju- dices, and the very principles of our nature, is a strong proof of a generally wise and temperate administration of the government. The policy habitually pursued by the Incas for the prevention of evils that might have disturbed the order of things is well exemplified in their provisions against poverty and idleness. In these they rightly discerned the two great causes of disaffection in a populous com- munity. The industry of the people was secured not only by their compulsory occupations at home, but by their employment on those great public works which covered every part of the country, and which still bear testimony in their decay to their primitive grandeur. Yet it may well astonish us to find that the natural difficulty of these undertakings, sufficiently great in itself, considering the imperfection of their tools and ,72 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. machinery, was inconceivably enhanced by the politic contrivance of the government. The royal edifices of Quito, we are assured by the Spanish conquerors, were constructed of huge masses of stone, many of which were carried all the way along the mountain-roads from Cuzco, a distance of several hundred leagues. 35 The great square of the capital was filled to a considerable depth with mould brought with incredible labor up the steep slopes of the Cordilleras from the distant shores of the Pacific Ocean. 3 * Labor was regarded not only as a means, but as an end, by the Peruvian law. as " Era muy principal intento que la gente no holgase, que dava causa a que despues que los Ingas estuvieron en paz hacer traer de Quito al Cuzco piedra que venia de provincia en provincia para hacer casas para si 6 p a el Sol en gran cantidad, y del Cuzco llevalla a Quito p a el mismo efecto, . . . y asi destas cosas hacian los Ingas muchas de poco provecho y de escesivo travajo en que traian ocupadas las provincias ordinariam te , y en fin el travajo era causa de su conserva- cion." Ondegardo, Rel. Prim., MS. Also Antig. y Monumentos del Peru, MS. 3 s This was literally gold dust ; for Ondegardo states that, when governor of Cuzco, he caused great quantities of gold vessels and ornaments to be disinterred from the sand in which they had been se- creted by the natives : " Que toda aquella plaza del Cuzco le sacaron la tierra propia, y se llevo a otras partes por cosa de gran estima, e la hincheron de arena de la costa de la mar, como hasta dos palmos y medio en algunas partes, mas sembraron por toda ella muchos vasos de oro plata, y hovejuelas y hombrecillos pequenos de lo mismo, lo cual se ha sacado en mucha cantidad, que todo lo hemos.visto ; desta arena estaba toda la plaza, quando yo fui d governar aquella Ciudad ; e si fue verdad que aquella se trajo de ellos, afirman e tienen puestos en sus registros, paresceme que sea ansi, que toda la tierra junta tubo necesidad de entender en ello, por que la plaza es grande, y no tiene numero las cargas que en ella entraron ; y la costa por lo mas cerca esta mas de nobenta leguas d lo que creo, y cierto yo me satisfice, porque todos dicen, que aquel genero de arena, no lo hay hasta la costa." Rel. Seg., MS. COA'CL L'DIXC K 1:1-1. ECTK MX '73 With their manifold provisions against poverty the reader has already been made acquainted. They were so perfect that in their wide extent of territory much of it smitten with the curse of barrenness no man, however humble, suffered for the want of food and clothing. Famine, so common a scourge in every other American nation, so common at that period in every country of civilized Europe, was an evil unknown in the dominions of the Incas. The most enlightened of the Spaniards who first visited Peru, struck with the general appearance of plenty and prosperity, and with the astonishing order with which every thing throughout the country was regulated, are loud in their expressions of admiration. No better government, in their opinion, could have been devised for the people. Contented with Ujeir condition, and free from vice, to borrow the language of an eminent authority of that early day, the mild and docile character of the Peruvians would have well fitted them to receive the teachings of Christianity, had the love of conversion, instead of gold, animated the breasts of the Conquerors. 37 And a philosopher 37 " Y si Dios permitiera que tubieran quien con celo de Cristiandad, y no con ramo de codicia, en lo pasado, les dieran entera noticia de nuestra sagrada Religion, era gente en que bien imprimiera, segun vemos por lo que ahora con la buena orden que hay se obra." Sar- miento, Relacion, MS., cap. 22. But the most emphatic testimony to the merits of the people is that afforded by Mancio Sierra Lejesema, the last survivor of the early Spanish Conquerors, who settled in Peru. In the preamble to his testament, made, as he states^ to relieve his conscience, at the time of his death, he declares that the whole popula-' lion, under the Incas, was distinguished by sobriety and industry ; that such things as robbery and theft were unknown ; that, far from licen- tiousness, there was not even a prostitute in the country ; and tha IS* I74 CtVILKATIOX OF TUT. IXC AS. of a later time, warmed by the contemplation of the picture which his own fancy had colored of public prosperity and private happiness under the rule of the Incas, pronounces " the moral man in Peru far superior to the Europeans." 38 Yet such results are scarcely reconcilable with the theory of the government I have attempted to analyze. Where there is no free agency there can be no morality. Where there is no temptation there can be little claim to virtue. Where the routine is rigorously prescribed by law, the law, and not the man, must have the credit of the conduct. If that government is the best which is felt the least, which encroaches on the natural liberty of the subject only so far as is essential to civil subor- dination, then of all governments devised by man the Peruvian has the least real claim to our admiration. It is not easy to comprehend the genius and the full import of institutions so opposite to those of our own free republic, where every man, however humble his condition, may aspire to the highest honors of the state, may select his own career and carve out his fortune in his own way ; where the light of knowledge, every thing was conducted with the greatest order, and entire submis- sion to authority. The panegyric is somewhat too unqualified for a whole nation, and may lead one to suspect that the stings of remorse for his own treatment of the natives goaded the dying veteran into a higher estimate of their deserts than was strictly warranted by facts. Yet this testimony by such a man at such a time is too remarkable, as well as too honorable to the Peruvians, to be passed over in silence by the historian ; and I have transferred the document in the original to Appendix No. 4. 38 " Sans doute 1'homme moral du Perou etoit infin'itnent plus per- ectionne que 1'Europeen." Carli, Lettres Americaines, torn. i. p. 215 CONCL UDIXG REFLECTIONS. '75 instead of being concentrated on a chosen few, is shed abroad like the light of day, and suffered to fall equally on the poor and the rich ; where the collision of man with man wakens a generous emulation that calls out latent talent and tasks the energies to the utmost ; where consciousness of independence gives a feeling of self-reliance unknown to the timid subjects of a despotism ; where, in short, the government is made for man, not as in Peru, where man seemed to be made only for the government. The New World is the theatre on which these two political systems, so opposite in their character, have been carried into operation. The empire of the Incas has passed away and left no trace. The other great experiment is still going on, the experiment which is to solve the problem, so long contested in the Old World, of the capacity of man for self-government. Alas for hu- manity, if it should fail ! The testimony of the Spanish conquerors is not uni- form in respect to the favorable influence exerted by the Peruvian institutions on the character of the people. Drinking and dancing are said to have been the pleas- ures to which they were immoderately addicted. Like the slaves and serfs in other lands, whose position ex- cluded them from more serious and ennobling occupa- tions, they found a substitute in frivolous or sensual indulgence. Lazy, luxurious, and licentious, are the epithets bestowed on them by one of those who saw them at the Conquest, but whose pen was not too friendly to the Indian. 39 Yet the spirit of independ- " Reran muy dados 4 la lujuria y al bever, tenian acceso carnal con las hermanas y las mugeres de sus padres como no fuesen sus 176 CIVILIZATION OF THE INC AS. ence could hardly be strong in a people who had no interest in the soil, no personal rights to defend ; and the facility with which they yielded to the Spanish invader after every allowance for their comparative inferiority argues a deplorable destitution of that patriotic feeling which holds life as little in comparison with freedom. But we must not judge too hardly of the unfortunate native because he quailed before the civilization of the European. We must not be insensible to the really great results that were achieved by the government of the Incas. We must not forget that under their rule the meanest of the people enjoyed a far greater degree of personal comfort, at least a greater exemption from physical suffering, than was possessed by similar classes in other nations on the American continent, greater, probably, than was possessed by these classes in most of the countries of feudal Europe. Under their sceptre the higher orders of the state had made advances in many of the arts that belong to a cultivated community. The foundations of a regular government were laid, which, in an age of rapine, secured to its subjects the inestimable blessings of tranquillity and safety. By the well-sustained policy of the Incas, the rude tribes of mismas madres, y aun algunos avia que con ellas mismas lo hacian y ansi mismo con sus hijas. Estando borrachos tocavan algunos en el pecado nefando, emborrachavanse muy a menudo, y estando borra- chos todo lo que el demonio les traia a la voluntad hacian. Heran estos orejones muy soberbios y presuntuosos. . . . Tenian otras muchas maldades que por ser muchas no las digo." Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. These random aspersions of the hard conqueror show too gross an ignorance of the institutions of the people to merit much confidence as to what is said of their character. SAKMIENTO. 177 the forest were gradually drawn from their fastnesses and gathered within the folds of civilization ; and of these materials was constructed a flourishing and populous empire, such as was to be found in no other quarter of the American continent. The defects of this govern- ment were those of over-refinement in legislation, the last defects to have been looked for, certainly, in the American aborigines. NOTE. I have not thought it necessary to swell this Introduction by an inquiry into the origin of Peruvian civilization, like that ap- pended to the history of the Mexican. The Peruvian history doubt- less suggests analogies with more than one nation in the East, some of which have been briefly adverted to in the preceding pages ; al- though these analogies are adduced there not as evidence of a com- mon origin, but as showing the coincidences which might naturally spring up among different nations under the same phase of civiliza- tion. Such coincidences are neither so numerous nor so striking as those afforded by the Aztec history. The correspondence presented by the astronomical science of the Mexicans is alone of more impor- tance than all the rest. Yet the light of analogy afforded by the in- stitutions of the Incas seems to point, as far as it goes, towards the same direction ; and as the investigation could present but little sub- stantially to confirm, and still less to confute, the views taken in the former disquisition, I have not thought it best to fatigue the reader with it. Two of the prominent authorities on whom I have relied in this Introductory portion of the work are Juan de Sarmiento and the Licentiate Ondegardo. Of the former I have been able to collect no information beyond what is afforded by his own writings. In the title prefixed to his manuscript he is styled President of the Council of the Indies, a post of high authority, which infers a weight of charac- ter and means of information that entitle his opinions on colonial topics to great deference. These means of information were much enlarged by Sarmiento's visit to the colonies during the administration of Gasca. Having con- H* 178 SARMIENTO. ceived the design of compiling a history of the ancient Peruvian institu- tions, he visited Cuzco, as he tells us, in 1550, and there drew from the natives themselves the materials for his narrative. His position gave him access to the most authentic sources of knowledge, and from the lips of the Inca nobles, the best-instructed of the conquered race, he gathered the traditions of their national history and institutions. The quipus formed, as we have seen, an imperfect system of mnemon- ics, requiring constant attention, and much inferior to the Mexican hieroglyphics. It was only by diligent instruction that they were made available to historical purposes ; and this instruction was so far neglected after the Conquest that the ancient annals of the country would have perished with the generation which was the sole depositary of them, had it not been for the efforts of a few intelligent scholars, like Sarmiento, who saw the importance, at this critical period, of cul- tivating an intercourse with the natives and drawing from them their hidden stores of information. To give still further authenticity to this work. Sarmiento travelled over the country, examined the principal objects of interest with his own eyes, and thus verified the accounts of the natives as far as pos- sible by personal observation. The result of these labors was his work entitled " Relacion de la sucesion y govierno de las Yngas Senores naturales que fueron de las Provincias del Peru y otras cosas tocantes & aquel Reyno, para el Iltmo. Senor D n Juan Sarmiento, Presidente del Consejo R 1 de Indias." *[It is singular that Prescott should have fallen into the error of supposing this language to indicate that the work was the composition of the person whose name appears on the title. Senor Gayangos, in a letter to Mr. Squier which that gentleman has kindly communicated to the editor, says, " It is evident to me that this Relation was written perhaps by order of Don Juan Sarmiento, president of the Council of the Indies -for him, and not by him, as stated by Prescott ;" and he points out the improbability of Sarmiento's ever having visited America, as well as of his having used the deferential tone in which the author of the manuscript addresses certain members of the Royal Audience, persons far inferior in rank to an ecclesiastic of high position holding one of the first offices in the kingdom. The mistake was so far fortunate that the doubts suggested by it seem to have led to an investigation, with the result of determining the real authorship of this SARMIENTO. ! 79 t is divided into chapters, and embraces about four hundred folio pages in manuscript. The introductory portion of the work is occu- pied with the traditionary tales of the origin and early period of the Incas ; teeming, as usual in the antiquities of a barbarous people, with legendary fables of the most wild and monstrous character. Yet these puerile conceptions afford an inexhaustible mine for the labors of the antiquarian, who endeavors to unravel the allegorical web which a cunning priesthood had devised as symbolical of those mysteries of creation that it was beyond their power to comprehend. But Sarmi- ento happily confines himself to the mere statement of traditional fables, without the chimerical ambition to explain them. From this region of romance Sarmiento passes to the institutions of the Peruvians, describes their ancient polity, their religon, their progress in the arts, especially agriculture, and presents, in short, an elaborate picture of the civilization which they reached under the Inca dynasty. This part of his work, resting, as it does, on the best author- ity, confirmed in many instances by his own observation, is of unques- tionable value, and is written with an apparent respect for truth, that engages the confidence of the reader. The concluding portion of the manuscript is occupied with the civil history of the country. The reigns of the early Incas, which lie beyond the sober province of history, he despatches with commendable brevity. But on the three last reigns fortunately, those of the greatest princes who occupied the Peruvian throne he is more diffuse. This was comparatively firm ground for the chronicler, for the events were too recent to be obscured by the vulgar legends that gather like moss round every important Relation, and of clearing up, at the same time, another mooted and not less interesting point in regard to one of the chief authorities for early Peruvian history. Senor Gonzalez de la Rosa, a learned Peruvian, is able, according to a recent statement (London Athenaeum, July 5, 1873), " to prove that the manuscript in question is really the second part of the ' Chronicle of Peru' by Cieza de Leon, hitherto supposed to be lost." The evidence promised has not yet been adduced. It consists, no doubt, chiefly of those internal proofs which are in fact sufficient to put the matter beyond question, and which will find more appropriate mention in connection with Pres- cott's account of the life and writings of Cieza de Leon, infra, vol. uV book iv., chap. 9. ED.] jgo SARMIENTO. incident of the older time. His account stops with the Spanish in- vasion ; for this story, Sarmiento felt, might be safely left to his con- temporaries who acted a part in it, but whose taste and education had qualified them but indifferently for exploring the antiquities and social institutions of the natives. Sarmiento's work is composed in a simple, perspicuous style, with- out that ambition of rhetorical display too common with his country- men. He writes with honest candor, and, while he does ample justice to the merits and capacities of the conquered races, he notices with indignation the atrocities of the Spaniards and the demoralizing tend- ency of the Conquest. It may be thought, indeed, that he forms too high an estimate of the attainments of the nation under the Incas.' And it is not improbable that, astonished by the vestiges it afforded of an original civilization, he became enamored of his subject, and thus exhibited it in colors somewhat too glowing to the eye of the European. But this was an amiable failing, not too largely shared by the stern Conquerors, who subverted the institutions of the country, and saw little to admire in it save its gold. It must be further ad- mitted that Sarmiento has no design to impose on his reader, and that he is careful to distinguish-between what he reports on hearsay and what on personal experience. The Father of History himself does not discriminate between these two things more carefully. Neither is the Spanish historian to be altogether vindicated from the superstition which belongs to his time ; and we often find him referring to the immediate interposition of Satan those effects which might quite as well be charged on the perverseness of man. But this was common to the age, and to the wisest men in it ; and it is too much to demand of a man to be wiser than his generation. It is sufficient praise of Sarmiento, that, in an age when superstition was too often allied with fanaticism, he seems to have had no tincture of bigotry in his nature. His heart opens with benevolent fulness to the unfortunate native ; and his language, while it is not kindled into the religious glow of the missionary, is warmed by a generous ray of phi- lanthropy that embraces the conquered, no less than the conquerors, as his brethren. Notwithstanding the great value of Sarmiento's work for the in- formation it affords of Peru under the Incas, it is but little known, has been rarely consulted by historians, and still remains among the un- published manuscripts which lie, like uncoined bullion, in the secret chambers of the Escorial. ONDEGARDO. jgi The other authority to whom I have alluded, the Licentiate Polo de Ondegardo, was a highly respectable jurist, whose name appears frequently in the affairs of Peru. I find no account of the period when he first came into the country. But he was there on the arrival of Gasca, and resided at Lima under the usurpation of Gonzalo Pi- zarro. When the artful Cepeda endeavored to secure the signatures of the inhabitants to the instrument proclaiming the sovereignty of his chief, we find Ondegardo taking the lead among those of his pro- fession in resisting it. On Gasca's arrival he consented to take a com- mission in his army. At the close of the rebellion he was made cor- regidor of La Plata, and subsequently of Cuzco, in which honorable station he seems to have remained several years. In the exercise of his magisterial functions he was brought into familiar intercourse with the natives, and had ample opportunity for studying their laws and ancient customs. He conducted himself with such prudence and moderation that he seems to have won the confidence not only of his countrymen but of the Indians ; while the administration was careful to profit by his large experience in devising measures for the better government of the colony. The Relaciones, so often cited in this History, were prepared at the suggestion of the viceroys, the first being addressed to the Marques de Canete, in 1561, and the second, ten years later, to the Conde de Nieva. The two cover about as much ground as Sarmiento's manu- script ; and the second memorial, written so long after the first, may be thought to intimate the advancing age of the author, in the greater carelessness and diffuseness of the composition. As these documents are in the nature of answers to the interroga- tories propounded by the government, the range of topics might seem to be limited within narrower bounds than the modern historian would desire. These queries, indeed, had particular reference to the revenues, the tributes, the financial administration, in short, of the Incas; and on these obscure topics the communication of Ondegardo is particu- larly full. But the enlightened curiosity of the government embraced a far wider range ; and the answers necessarily implied an acquaintance with the domestic policy of the Incas, with their laws and social habits, their religion, science, and arts, in short, with all that make up the elements of civilization. Ondegardo's memoirs, therefore, cover the whole ground of inquiry for the philosophic historian. In the management of these various subjects Ondegardo displays both acuteness and erudition. He never shrinks from the discussion. Peru. VOL. I. 16 !3 2 ONDEGARDO. however difficult ; and while he gives his conclusions with an air of modesty, it is evident that he feels conscious of having derived his information through the most authentic channels. He rejects the fabulous with disdain ; decides on the probabilities of such facts as he relates, and candidly exposes the deficiency of evidence. Far from displaying the simple enthusiasm of the well-meaning but credulous missionary, he proceeds with the cool and cautious step of a lawyer accustomed to the conflict of testimony and the uncertainty of oral tradition. This circumspect manner of proceeding, and the temperate character of his judgments, entitle Ondegardo to much higher con- sideration as an authority than most of his countrymen who have treated of Indian antiquities. There runs through his writings a vein of humanity, shown particu- larly in his tenderness to the unfortunate natives, to whose ancient civilization he does entire, but not extravagant, justice; while, like Sarmiento, he fearlessly denounces the excesses of his own country- men, and admits the dark reproach they had brought on the honor of the nation. But while this censure forms the strongest ground for condemnation of the Conquerors, since it comes from the lips of a Spaniard like themselves, it proves, also, that Spain in this age of vio- lence could send forth from her bosom wise and good men who re- fused to make common cause with the licentious rabble around them. Indeed, proof enough is given in these very memorials of the unceas- ing efforts of the colonial government, from the good viceroy Mendoza downwards, to secure protection and the benefit of a mild legislation to the unfortunate natives. But the iron Conquerors, and the colonist whose heart softened only to the touch of gold, presented a formidable barrier to improvement. Ondegardo's writings are honorably distinguished by freedom from that superstition which is the debasing characteristic of the times, a superstition shown in the easy credit given to the marvellous, and this equally whether in heathen or in Christian story ; for in the former the eye of credulity could discern as readily the direct interposition of Satan, as in the latter the hand of the Almighty. It is this ready belief in a spiritual agency, whether for good or for evil, which forms one of the most prominent features in the writings of the sixteenth century. Nothing could 'be more repugnant to the true spirit of philosophical inquiry, or more irreconcilable with rational criticism. Far from betraying such weakness, Ondegardo writes in a direct and business-like manner, estimating things for what they are worth by the ONDEGARDO. 183 plain rule of common sense. He keeps the main object of his argu- ment ever in view, without allowing himself, like the garrulous chron- iclers of the period, to be led astray into a thousand rambling episodes that bewilder the reader and lead to nothing. Ondegardo's memoirs deal not only with the antiquities of the na- tion, but with its actual condition, and with the best means for redress- ing the manifold evils to which it was subjected under the stern rule of its conquerors. His suggestions are replete with wisdom, and a merciful policy, that would reconcile the interests of government with the prosperity and happiness of its humblest vassal. Thus, while his contemporaries gathered light from his suggestions as to the present condition of affairs, the historian of later times is no less indebted to him for information in respect to the past. His manuscript was freely consulted by Herrera, and the reader, as he peruses the pages of the learned historian of the Indies, is unconsciously enjoying the benefit of the researches of Ondegardo. His valuable Relaciones thus had their uses for future generations, though they have never been ad- mitted to the honors of the press. The copy in my possession, like that of Sarmiento's manuscript, for which I am indebted to that in- dustrious bibliographer Mr. Rich, formed part of the magnificent collection of Lord Kingsborough, a name ever to be held in honor by the scholar for his indefatigable efforts to illustrate the antiquities of America. Ondegardo's manuscripts, it should be remarked, do not bear his signature. But they contain allusions to several actions of the writer's life, which identify them, beyond any reasonable doubt, as his produc- tion. In the archives of Simancas is a duplicate copy of the first me- morial, Relation Primera, thoueh, like the one in the Escorial, without its author's name. Munoz assigns it to the pen of Gabriel de Rojas, a distinguished cavalier of the Conquest. This is clearly an error ; for the author of the manuscript identifies himself with Ondegardo, by declaring, in his reply to the fifth interrogatory, that he was the person who discovered the mummies of (he Incas in Cuzco, an act expressly referred, both by Acosta and Garcilasso, to the Licentiate Polo de Ondegardo, when corregidor of that city. Should the savans of Madrid hereafter embrace among the publications of valuable manuscripts these Relaciones, they should be careful not to be led into an error here by the authority of a critic like Munoz, whose criticism is rarely at fault. BOOK SECOND. DISCOVERY OF PERU. 16* (185) BOOK II. DISCOVERY OF PERU. CHAPTER I. ANCIENT AND MODERN SCIENCE. ART OF NAVIGATION. MARITIME DISCOVERY. SPIRIT OF THE SPANIARDS. POSSESSIONS IN THE NEW WORLD. RUMORS CONCERN- ING PERU. WHATEVER difference of opinion may exist as to the comparative merit of the ancients and the moderns in the arts, in poetry, eloquence, and all that depends on imagination, there can be no doubt that in science the moderns have eminently the advantage. It could not be otherwise. In the early ages of the world, as in the early period of life, there was the freshness of a morn- ing existence, when the gloss of novelty was on every thing that met the eye ; when the senses, not blunted by familiarity, were more keenly alive to the beauti- ful, and the mind, under the influence of a healthy and natural taste, was not perverted by philosophical theory ; when the simple was necessarily connected with the beautiful, and the epicurean intellect, sated by repetition, had not begun to seek for stimulants in the fantastic and capricious. The realms of fancy were all untravelled, and its fairest flowers had not been gathered, nor its beauties despoiled, by the rude T 88 DISCOVERY OF PERU. touch of those who affected to cultivate them. The wing of genius was not bound to the earth by the cold and conventional rules of criticism, but was permitted to take its flight far and wide over the broad expanse of creation. But with science it was otherwise. No genius could suffice for the creation of facts, hardly for their de- tection. They were to be gathered in by painful in- dustry; to be collected from careful observation and experiment. Genius, indeed, might arrange and com- bine these facts into new forms, and elicit from their combinations new and important inferences, and in this process might almost rival in originality the crea- tions of the poet and the artist. But if the processes of science are necessarily slow, they are sure. There is no retrograde movement in her domain. Arts may fade, the Muse become dumb, a moral lethargy may lock up the faculties of a nation, the nation itself may pass away and leave only the memory of its existence, but the stores of science it has garnered up will endure forever. As other nations come upon the stage, and new forms of civilization arise, the monuments of art and of imagination, productions of an older time, will lie as an obstacle in the path of improvement. They cannot be built upon ; they occupy the ground which the new aspirant for immortality would cover. The whole work is to be gone over again, and other forms of beauty whether higher or lower in the scale of merit, unlike the past must arise to take a place by their side. But, in science, every stone that has been laid remains as the foundation for another. The coming generation takes up the work where the pre- ANCIENT AND MODERN SCIENCE. 189 ceding left it. There is no retrograde movement. The individual nation may recede, but science still advances. Every step that has been gained makes the ascent easier for those who come after. Every step carries the patient inquirer after truth higher and higher towards heaven, and unfolds to him, as he rises, a wider horizon, and new and more magnificent views of the universe. Geography partook of the embarrassments which belonged to every other department of science in the primitive ages of the world. The knowledge of -the earth could come only from an extended commerce ; and commerce is founded on artificial wants or an en- lightened curiosity, hardly compatible with the earlier condition of society. In the infancy of nations, the different tribes, occupied with their domestic feuds, found few occasions to wander beyond the mountain chain or broad stream that formed the natural boundary of their domains. The Phoenicians, it is true, are said to have sailed beyond the Pillars of Hercules, and to have launched out on the great western ocean. But the adventures of these ancient voyagers belong to the mythic legends of antiquity, and ascend far beyond the domain of authentic record. The Greeks, quick and adventurous, skilled in me- chanical art, had many of the qualities of successful navigators, and within the limits of their little inland sea ranged fearlessly and freely. But the conquests of Alexander did more to extend the limits of geo- graphical science, and opened an acquaintance with the remote countries of the East. Yet the march of the conqueror is slow in comparison with the move- I 9 o DISCOVERY OF PERL', ments of the unencumbered traveller. The Romans were still less enterprising than the Greeks, were less commercial in their character. The contributions to geographical knowledge grew with the slow acquisitions of empire. But their system was centralizing in its tendency ; and, instead of taking an outward direction and looking abroad for discovery, every part of the vast imperial domain turned towards the capital as its head and central point of attraction. The Roman conqueror pursued his path by land, not by sea. But the water is the great highway between nations, the true element for the discoverer. The Romans were not a maritime people. At the close of their empire, geo- graphical science could hardly be said to extend farther than to an acquaintance with Europe, and this not its more northern division, together with a portion of Asia and Africa ; while they had no other conception of a world beyond the Western waters than was to be gathered from the fortunate prediction of the poet. 1 Then followed the Middle Ages ; the dark ages, as they are called, though in their darkness were matured those seeds of knowledge which, in fulness of time, were to spring up into new and more glorious forms 1 Seneca's well-known prediction, in his Medea, is perhaps the most remarkable random prophecy on record. For it is not a simple ex- tension of the boundaries of the known parts of the globe that is so confidently announced, but the existence of a New World across the waters, to be revealed in coming ages : " Quibus Occanus Vincula rerum laxet. et ingens Pateat tellus, Typhisque Noves Detegat Orbes." It was the lucky hit of the philosopher rather than the poet. ART OF NAVIGATION. 191 of civilization. The organization of society became more favorable to geographical science. Instead of one overgrown, lethargic empire, oppressing every thing by its colossal weight, Europe was broken up into various independent communities, many of which, adopting liberal forms of government, felt all the impulses natural to freemen ; and the petty republics on the Mediterranean and the Baltic sent forth their swarms of seamen in a profitable commerce, that knit together the different countries scattered along the great Euro- pean waters. But the improvements which took place in the art of navigation, the more accurate measurement of time, and, above all, the discovery of the polarity of the magnet, greatly advanced the cause of geographical knowledge. Instead of creeping timidly along the coast, or limiting his expeditions to the narrow basins of inland waters, the voyager might now spread his sails boldly on the deep, secure of a guide to direct his bark unerringly across the illimitable waste. The consciousness of this power led thought to travel in a new direction ; and the mariner began to look with earnestness for another path to the Indian Spice-islands than that by which the Eastern caravans had traversed the continent of Asia. The nations on whom the spirit of enterprise at this crisis naturally descended were Spain and Portugal, placed as they were on the outposts of the European continent, commanding the great theatre of future discovery. Both countries felt the responsibility of their new position. The crown of Portugal was constant in its efforts, through the fifteenth century, to find a passage 192 DISCOVERS OF PERL'. round the southern point of Africa into the Indian Ocean ; though so timid was the navigation that every fresh headland became a formidable barrier, and it was not till the latter part of the century that the adven- turous Diaz passed quite round the Stormy Cape, as he termed it, but which John the Second, with happier augury, called the Cape of Good Hope.. But, before Vasco da Gama had availed himself of this discovery to spread his sails in the Indian seas, Spain entered on her glorious career and sent Columbus across the Western waters. The object of the great navigator was still the dis- covery of a route to India, but by the west instead of the east. He had no expectation of meeting with a continent in his way, and, after repeated voyages, he remained in his original error, dying, as is well known, in the conviction that it was the eastern shore of Asia which he had reached. It was the same object which directed the nautical enterprises of those who followed in the Admiral's track ; and the discovery of a strait into the Indian Ocean was the burden of every order from the government, and the design of many an expedition to different points of the new continent, which seemed to stretch its leviathan length along from one pole to the other. The discovery of an Indian passage is the true key to the maritime move- ments of the fifteenth and the first half of the sixteenth century. It was the great leading idea that gave its peculiar character to the enterprise of the age. It is not easy at this time to comprehend the impulse given to Europe by the discovery of America. It was not the gradual acquisition of some border territory, MARITIME DISCOl'ERY. 193 a province or a kingdom that had been gained, but a new world that was now thrown open to the Euro- pean. The races of animals, the mineral treasures, the vegetable forms, and the varied aspects of nature, man ; .n the different phases of civilization, filled the mind with entirely new sets of ideas, that changed the habitual current .of thought and stimulated it to indefi- nite conjecture. The eagerness to explore the won derful secrets of the new hemisphere became so active that the principal cities of Spain were, in a manner, depopulated, as emigrants thronged one after another to take their chance upon the deep.' It was a world of romance that was thrown open ; for, whatever might be the luck of the adventurer, his reports on his return were tinged with a coloring of romance that stimulated still higher the sensitive fancies of his countrymen and nourished the chimerical sentiments of an age of chiv- alry. They listened with attentive ears to tales of Amaxons which seemed to realize the classic legends of antiquity, to stories of Patagonian giants, to flaming pictures of an El Dorado where the sands sparkled with gems and golden pebbles as large as birds' eggs were dragged in nets out of the rivers. Yet that the adventurers were no impostors, but dupes, too easy dupes, of their own credulous fancies, is shown by the extravagant character of their enter- prises ; by expeditions in search of the magical Foun- - The Venetian ambassador Andrea Navagiero, who travelled through Spain in 1525, near the period of the commencement of our narrative, notices the general fever of emigration. Seville, in particu- lar, the great port of embarkation, was so stripped of its inhabitants, he says, " that the city was left almost to the women." Viaggio fatt in Spagna (Vinegia, 1563), fol. 15. Peru. VOL- I. I 17 T94 DISCOVERY OF PERU. tain of Health, of tHe golden Temple of Doboyba, of the golden sepulchres of Zenu ; for gold was ever floating before their distempered vision, and the name of Castillo, del Oro, Golden Castile, the most unhealthy and unprofitable region of the Isthmus, held out a bright promise to the unfortunate settler, who too fre- quently, instead of gold, found there only his grave. In this realm of enchantment, all the accessories served to maintain the illusion. The simple natives, with their defenceless bodies and rude weapons, were no match for the European warrior armed to the teeth in mail. The odds were as great as those found in any legend of chivalry, where the lance of the good knight overturned hundreds at a touch. The perils that lay in the discoverer's path, and the sufferings he had to sustain, were scarcely inferior to those that beset the knight-errant. Hunger and thirst and fatigue, the deadly effluvia of the morass with its swarms of ven- omous insects, the cold of mountain snows, and the scorching sun of the tropics, these were the lot of every cavalier who came to seek his fortunes in the New World. It was the reality of romance. The life of the Spanish adventurer was one chapter more and not the least remarkable in the chronicles of knight- errantry. The character of the warrior took on somewhat of the exaggerated coloring shed over his exploits. Proud and vainglorious, swelled with lofty anticipations of his destiny and an invincible confidence in his own resources, no danger could appall and no toil could tire him. The greater the danger, indeed, the higher the charm ; for his soul revelled in excitement, and the SPIRIT OF THE SPANIARDS. '95 enterprise without peril wanted that spur of romance which was necessary to rouse his energies into action. Yet in the motives of action meaner influences were strangely mingled with the loftier, the temporal with the spiritual. Gold was the incentive and the recom- pense, and in the pursuit of it his inflexible nature rarely hesitated as to the means. His courage was sullied with cruelty, the cruelty that flowed equally strange as it may seem from his avarice and his religion ; religion as it was understood in that age, the religion of the Crusader. It was the convenient cloak for a multitude of sins, which covered them even from himself. The Castilian, too proud for hypocrisy, committed more cruelties in the name of religion than were ever practised by the pagan idolater or the fanati- cal Moslem. The burning of the infidel was a sacrifice acceptable to Heaven, and the conversion of those who survived amply atoned for the foulest offences. It is a melancholy and mortifying consideration that the most uncompromising spirit of intolerance the spirit of the Inquisitor at home, and of the Crusader abroad should have emanated from a religion which preached peace upon earth and good will towards man ! What a contrast did these children of Southern Europe present to the Anglo-Saxon races who scat- tered themselves along the great northern division of the Western hemisphere ! For the principle of action with these latter was not avarice, nor the more specious pretext of proselytism ; but independence, independ- ence religious and political. To secure this, they were content to earn a bare subsistence by a life of frugality and toil. They asked nothing from the soil but the 19 6 DISCOVERY OF PERL'. reasonable returns of their own labor. No golden visions threw a deceitful halo around their path and beckoned them onwards through seas of blood to the subversion of an unoffending dynasty. They were con- tent with the slow but steady progress of their social polity. They patiently endured the privations of the wilderness, watering the tree of liberty with their tears and with the sweat of their brow, till it took deep root in the land and sent up its branches high towards the heavens; while the communities of the neighboring continent, shooting up into the sudden splendors of 'a tropical vegetation, exhibited, even in their prime, the sure symptoms of decay. It would seem to have been especially ordered by- Providence that the discovery of the two great divis- ions of the American hemisphere should fall to the two races best fitted to conquer and colonize them. Thus, the northern section was consigned to the Anglo-Saxon race, whose orderly, industrious habits found an ample field for development under its colder skies and on its more rugged soil ; while the southern portion, with its rich tropical products and treasures of mineral wealth, held out the most attractive bait to invite the enter- prise of the Spaniard. How different might have been the result if the bark of Columbus had taken a more northerly direction, as he at one time meditated, and landed its band of adventurers on the shores of what is now Protestant America ! Under the pressure of that spirit of nautical enter- prise which filled the maritime communities of Europe in the sixteenth century, the whole extent of the mighty continent, from Labrador to Terra del Fuego, was ex- A' I 'MO ft S CONCERNING PERU. 197 plored in less than thirty years after its discovery ; and in 1521 the Portuguese Maghellan, sailing under the Spanish flag, solved the problem of the strait, and found a westerly way to the long-sought Spice-islands of India, greatly to the astonishment of the Portu- guese, who, sailing from the opposite direction, there met their rivals, face to face, at the antipodes. But while the whole eastern coast of the American conti- nent had been explored, and the central portion of it colonized, even after the brilliant achievement of the Mexican conquest, the veil was not yet raised that hung over the golden shores of the Pacific. Floating rumors had reached the Spaniards, from time to time, of countries in the far west, teeming with the metal they so much coveted ; but the first dis- tinct notice of Peru was about the year 1511, when Vasco Nufiez de Balboa, the discoverer of the Southern Sea, was weighing some gold which he had collected from the natives. A young barbarian chieftain, who was present, struck the scales with his fist, and, scat- tering the glittering metal around the apartment, ex- claimed, " If this is what you prize so much that you are willing to leave your distant homes and risk even life itself for it, I can tell you of a land where they eat and drink out of golden vessels, and gold is as cheap as iron is with you." It was not long after this startling intelligence that Balboa achieved the for- midable adventure of scaling the mountain-rampart of the isthmus which divides the two mighty oceans from each other ; when, armed with sword and buckler, he rushed into the waters of the Pacific, and cried out, in the true chivalrous vein, that " he claimed this unknown I9 8 DISCOVERY OF PEKU. sea, with all that it contained, for the King of Castile, and that he would make good the claim against all, Christian or infidel, who dared to gainsay it" ! 3 All the broad continent and sunny isles washed by the waters of the Southern Ocean ! Little did the bold cavalier comprehend the full import of his magnificent vaunt. On this spot he received more explicit tidings of the Peruvian empire, heard proofs recounted of its civili- zation, and was shown drawings of the llama, which, to the European eye, seemed a species of the Arabian camel. But, although he steered his caravel for these golden realms, and even pushed his discoveries some twenty leagues south of the Gulf of St. Michael, the adventure was not reserved for him. The illustrious discoverer was doomed to fall a victim to that miserable jealousy with which a little spirit regards the achieve- ments of a great one. The Spanish colonial domain was broken up into a number of petty governments, which were dispensed sometimes to court favorites, though, as the duties of the post, at this early period, were of an arduous nature, they were more frequently reserved for men of some practical talent and enterprise. Columbus, by virtue of his original contract with the crown, had jurisdiction over the territories discovered by himself, embracing some of the principal islands, and a few places on the continent. This jurisdiction differed from that of other functionaries, inasmuch as it was hereditary ; a privilege found in the end too consider- 3 Herrera, Hist, general, dec. i.lib. 10, cap. 2. Quintana, Vidasde Espanoles celebres (Madrid, 1830), torn. ii. p. 44. RUMORS CO NCI-.K. \l.\C PERU. 199 able for a subject, and commuted, therefore, for a title and a pension. These colonial governments were multiplied with the increase of empire, and by the year 1524, the period at which our narrative properly commences, were scattered over the islands, along the Isthmus of Darien, the broad tract of Tierra Firma, and the recent conquests in Mexico. Some of these governments were of no great extent ; others, like that of Mexico, were of the dimensions of a kingdom ; and most had an indefinite range for discovery assigned to them in their immediate neighborhood, by which each of the petty potentates might enlarge his terri- torial sway and enrich his followers and himself. This politic arrangement best served the ends of the crown, by affording a perpetual incentive to. the spirit of enter- prise. Thus living on their own little domains at a long distance from the mother-country, these military rulers held a sort of vice-regal sway, and too frequently exercised it in the most oppressive and tyrannical man- ner, oppressive to the native, and tyrannical towards their own followers. It was the natural consequence, when men originally low in station, and unprepared by education for office, were suddenly called to the possession of a brief, but in its nature irresponsible, authority. It was not till after some sad experience of these results that measures were taken to hold these petty tyrants in check by means of regular tribunals, or Royal Audiences, as they were termed, which, com- posed of men of character and learning, might inter- pose the arm of the law, or at least the voice of remonstrance, for the protection of both colonist and native. SOO DISCOVERY OF PERU. Among the colonial governors who were indebted for their situation to their rank at home was Don Pedro Arias de Avila, or Pedrarias, as usually called. He was married to a daughter of Dofia Beatriz de Boba- dilla, the celebrated Marchioness of Moya, best known as the friend of Isabella the Catholic. He was a man of some military experience and considerable energy of character. But, as it proved, he was of a malignant temper ; and the base qualities which might have passed unnoticed in the obscurity of private life were made conspicuous, and perhaps created in some measure, by sudden elevation to power ; as the sunshine, which operates kindly on a generous soil and stimulates it to production, calls forth from the unwholesome marsh only foul and pestilent vapors. This man was placed over the territory of Castillo, del Oro, the ground selected by Nufiez de Balboa for the theatre of his discoveries. Success drew on this latter the jealousy of his superior, for it was crime enough in the eyes of Pedrarias to deserve too well. The tragical history of this cavalier belongs to a period somewhat earlier than that with which we are to be occupied. It has been traced by abler hands than mine, and, though brief, forms one of the most brilliant passages in the annals of the American conquerors. 4 But, though Pedrarias was willing to cut short the glorious career of his 'rival, he was not insensible to 4 The memorable adventures of Vasco Nunez de Balboa have been recorded by Quintana (Espanoles celebres. torn, ii.) and by Irving in his Companions of Columbus. It is rare that the life ofan individual has formed the subject of two such elegant memorials, produced a) nearly the same time, and in different languages, without any com- munication between the authors. K UMOKS C 'ONCERNfNG /'/. AT. 2O r the important consequences of his discoveries. He saw at once the unsuitableness of Darien for prosecuting expeditions on the Pacific, and, conformably to the original suggestion of Balboa, in 1519 he caused his rising capital to be transferred from the shores of the Atlantic to the ancient site of Panama, some distance east of the present city of that name. 5 This most unhealthy spot, the cemetery of many an unfortunate colonist, was favorably situated for the great object of maritime enterprise ; and the port, from its central position, afforded the best point of departure for expe- ditions, whether to the north or south, along the wide range of undiscovered coast that lined the Southern Ocean. Yet in this new and more favorable position several years were suffered to elapse before the course of discovery took the direction of Peru. This was turned exclusively towards the north, or rather west, in obedience to the orders of the government, which had ever at heart the detection of a strait that, as was supposed, must intersect some part or other of the long-extended Isthmus. Armament after armament was s The court gave positive instructions to Pedrarias to make a settle- ment in the Gulf of St. Michael, in obedience to the suggestion of Vasco Nufiez, that it would be the most eligible site for discovery and traffic in the South Sea: " El asiento que se oviere de hacer en el golfo de S. Miguel en la mar del sur debe ser en el puerto que mejor se hallare y mas convenible para la contratacion de aquel golfo, porque segund lo que Vasco Nunez escribe, seria muy necesario que alii haya algunos navios, asi para descubrir las cosas del golfo; y de la comarca del, como para la contratacion de rescates de las otras cosas necesarias al buen proveimiento de aquello ; e para que estos navios aprovechen es menester que se hagan alia." Capitulo de Carta escrita por el Rey Cat61ico a Pedrarias Davila, ap. Navarrete, Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos (Madrid, 1829), torn. iii. No. 3. 202 D/ SCO VERY OF PERT. fitted out with this chimerical object ; and Pedrarias saw his domain extending every year farther and farther without deriving any considerable advantage from his acquisitions. Veragua, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, were successively occupied ; and his brave cavaliers forced a way across forest and mountain and warlike tribes of savages, till, at Honduras, they came in collision with the companions of Cortes, the Conquerors of Mexico, who had descended from the great northern plateau on the regions of Central America, and thus completed the survey of this wild and mysterious land. It was not till 1522 that a regular expedition was despatched in the direction south of Panama, under the conduct of Pascual de Andagoya, a cavalier of much distinction in the colony. But that officer pene- trated only to the Puerto de Pifias, the limit of Bal- boa's discoveries, when the bad state of his health compelled him to re-embark and abandon his enter- prise at its commencement. 6 Yet the floating rumors of the wealth and civilization of a mighty nation at the south were continually reach- ing the ears and kindling the dreamy imaginations of 6 According to Montesinos, Andagoya received a Severe injury by a fall from his horse, while showing off the high-mettled animal to the wondering eyes of the natives. (Annales del Peru, MS., ano 1524.) But the Adelantado, in a memorial of his own discoveries, drawn up by himself, says nothing of this unlucky feat of horsemanship, but imputes his illness to his having fallen into the water, an accident by which he was near being drowned, so that it was some years before he recovered from the effects of it, a mode of accounting for his pre- mature return, more soothing to his vanity, probably, than the one usually received. This document, important as coming from the pen of one of the primitive discoverers, is preserved in the Indian Archives f Seville, and was published by Navarrete, Coleccion, torn. iii. No. 7. CONCERNING ri-AT. 203 the colonists ; and it may seem astonishing that an expedition in that direction should have been so long deferred. But the exact position and distance of this fairy realm were matter of conjecture. The long tract of intervening country was occupied by rude and war- like races ; and the little experience which the Spanish navigators had already had of the neighboring coast and its inhabitants, and, still more, the tempestuous character of the seas, for their expeditions had taken place at the most unpropitious seasons of the year, enhanced the apparent difficulties of the undertaking and made even their stout hearts shrink from it. Such was the state of feeling in the little community of Panama for several years after its foundation. Mean- while, the dazzling conquest of Mexico gave a new im- pulse to the ardor of discovery, and in 1524 three men were found in the colony in whom the spirit of adven- ture triumphed over every consideration of difficulty and danger that obstructed the prosecution of the en- terprise. One among them was selected as fitted by his character to conduct it to a successful issue. That man was Francisco Pizarro ; and, as he held the same conspicuous post in the Conquest of Peru that was occupied by Cortes in that of Mexico, it "will be neces- sary to take a brief review of his early history. CHAPTER II. FRANCISCO PIZARRO. HIS EARLY HISTORY. FIRST EX- PEDITION TO THE SOUTH. DISTRESSES OF THE VOY- AGERS. SHARP ENCOUNTERS. RETURN TO PANAMA. ALMAGRO'S EXPEDITION. 1524-1525. FRANCISCO PIZARRO was born at Truxillo, a city of Estremadura, in Spain. The period of his birth is uncertain ; but probably it was not far from 1471.' He was an illegitimate child, and that his parents should not have taken pains to perpetuate the date of his birth is not surprising. Few care to make a particular record 1 The few writers who venture to assign the date of Pizarro's birth do it in so vague and contradictory a manner as 'to inspire us with but little confidence in their accounts. Herrera. it is true, says posi- tively that he was sixty-three years old at the time of his death, in 1541. (Hist, general, dec. 6, lib. 10, cap. 6.) This would carry back the date of his birth only to 1478. But Garcilasso de la Vega affirms that he was more than fifty years old in 1525. (Com. Real., Parte 2, lib. i, cap. i.) This would place his birth before 1475. Pizarro y Orellana, who, as a kinsman of the Conqueror, may be supposed u> have had better means of information, says he was fifty-four years of age at the same date of 1525. (Varones ilustres del Nuevo-Mundo (Madrid, 1639), p. 128.) But at the period of his death he calls him nearly eighty years old! (p. 185.) Taking this latter as a round exaggeration for effect in the particular connection in which it is used, and admitting the accuracy of the former statement, the epoch of his birth will conform to that given in the text. This makes him some- what late in life to set about the conquest of an empire. But Colum- bus, when he entered on his career, was still older. (204) FRANCISCO PIZARRO. . fKAXCJSCO P1ZARRO. 205 of their transgressions. His father, Gonzalo Pizarro, was a colonel of infantry, and served with some dis- tinction in the Italian campaigns under the Great Cap- tain, and afterwards in the wars of Navarre. His mother, named Francisca Gonzales, was a person of humble condition in the town of Truxillo.* But little is told of Francisco's early years, and that little not always deserving of credit. According to some, he was deserted by both his parents, and left as a foundling at the door of one of the principal churches of the city. It is even said that he would have perished, had he not been nursed by a sow. 3 This is a more dis- creditable fountain of supply than that assigned to the in- fant Romulus. The early history of men who have made their names famous by deeds in after-life, like the early history of nations, affords a fruitful field for invention. It seems certain that the young Pizarro received little care from either of his parents, and was suffered to grow up as nature dictated. He was neither taught to read nor write, and his principal occupation was that of a swineherd. But this torpid way of life did not suit the stirring spirit of Pizarro, as he grew older, and listened to the tales, widely circulated and so capti- vating to the youthful fancy, of the New World. He shared in the popular enthusiasm, and availed himself of a favorable moment to abandon his ignoble charge and escape to Seville, the port where the Spanish ad- * Xerez, Conquista del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 179. Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i, cap. r. Pizarro y Orellana, Varones ilustres, p. 128. 3 " Nacio en Truxillo, i echaronlo a la puerta de la Iglesia, mamd nna Puerca ciertos Dias, no se hallando quien le quisiese darleche." Gomara, Hist, de las Ind., cap. 144. Peru. VOL. I. 18 20 6 D/SCOl'KKY OP venturers embarked to seek their fortunes in the West. Few of them could have turned their backs on their native land with less cause for regret than Pizarro. 4 In what year this important change in his destiny took place we are not informed. The first we hear of him in the New World is at the island of Hispaniola, in 1510, where he took part in the expedition to Uraba in Terra Firma, under Alonzo de Ojeda, a cavalier whose character and achievements find no parallel but in the pages of Cervantes. Hernando Cortes, whose mother was a Pizarro, and related, it is said, to the father of Francis, was then in St. Domingo, and pre- pared to accompany Ojeda's expedition, but was pre- vented by a temporary lameness. Had he gone, the fall of the Aztec empire might have been postponed for some time longer, and the sceptre of Montezuma have descended in peace to his posterity. Pi/arro shared in the disastrous fortunes of Ojeda's coiony, and by his discretion obtained so far the confidence of his commander as to be left in charge of the settle- ment when the latter returned for supplies to the islands. The lieutenant continued at his perilous post for nearly two months, waiting deliberately until death should have thinned off the colony sufficiently to allow the miserable remnant to be embarked in the single small vessel that remained to it. 5 According to the Comendador Pizarro y Orellana, Francis Pizarro served, while quite a stripling, with his father, in the Italian wars, and afterwards, under Columbus and other illustrious discoverers, in the New World, whose successes the author modestly attributes to his kinsman's valor as a principal cause ! Varones ilustres, p. 187. s Pizarro y Orellana, Varones ilustres, pp. 121-128. Herrera, Hist, gen., dec. i, lib. 7, cap. 14. Montesinos, Annales, MS., ano 1^10. /f/S I-.ARI.Y HISTORY. 207 After this, we find him associated with Balboa, the discoverer of the Pacific, and co-operating with him in establishing the settlement at Darien. He had the glory of accompanying this gallant cavalier in his ter- rible march across the mountains, and of being among the first Europeans, therefore, whose eyes were greeted with the long-promised vision of the Southern Ocean. After the untimely death of his commander, Pizarro attached himself to the fortunes of Pedrarias, and was employed by that governor in several military expe- ditions, which, if they afforded nothing else, gave him the requisite training for the perils and privations that lay in the path of the future Conqueror of Peru. In 1515 he was selected, with another cavalier, named Morales, to cross the Isthmus and traffic with the natives on the shores of the Pacific. And there, while engaged in collecting his booty of gold and pearls from the neighboring islands, as his eye ranged along the shadowy line of coast till it faded in the distance, his imagination may have been first fired with the idea of, one day, attempting the conquest of the mysterious regions beyond the mountains. On the removal of the seat of government across the Isthmus to Panama, Pizarro accompanied Pedrarias, and his name became conspicuous among the cavaliers who extended the line of conquest to the north over the martial tribes of Veragua. But all these expeditions, whatever glory they may have brought him, were pro- ductive of very little gold, and at the age of fifty the captain Pizarro found himself in possession only of a tract of unhealthy land in the neighborhood of the capital, and of such repartimientos of the natives as 20 8 DISCOVERY OF PERU. were deemed suited to his military services.* The New World was a lottery, where the great prizes were so few that the odds were much against the player ; yet in the game he was content to stake health, fortune, and, too often, his fair fame. Such was Pizarro's situation when, in 1522, Andagoya returned from his unfinished enterprise to the south of Panama, bringing back with him more copious accounts than any hitherto received of the opulence and grandeur of the countries that lay beyond. 7 It was at this time, too, that the splendid achievements of Cortes made their impression on the public mind and gave a new impulse to the spirit of adventure. The southern ex- peditions became a common topic of speculation among the colonists of Panama. But the region of gold, as it lay behind the mighty curtain of the Cordilleras, was still veiled in obscurity. No idea could be formed of its actual distance ; and the hardships and difficulties encountered by the few navigators who had sailed in that direction gave a gloomy character to the under- taking, which had hitherto deterred the most daring from embarking in it. There is no evidence that Pizarro showed any particular alacrity in the cause. 6 " Teniendo su casa, i Hacienda, i Repartimiento de Indies como uno de los Principales de la Tierra ; porque siempre lo fue." Xerer, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 79. 7 Andagoya says that he obtained, while at Biru, very minute ac- counts of the empire of the Incas, from certain itinerant traders who frequented that country : " En esta provincia supe y hube relacion, ansi de los senores como de mercaderes e interpretes que ellos tenian, de toda la costa de todo lo que despues se ha visto hasta el Cuzco, particularmente de cada provincia la manera y gente della, porque estos alcanzaban por via de mercaduria mucha tierra." Navarrete, Coleccion, torn. iii. No. 7. FfA'ST EXPEDITION TO THE SOUTH. 209 Nor were his own funds such as to warrant any expec- tation of success without great assistance from others. He found this in two individuals pf the colony, who took too important a part in the subsequent transactions not to be particularly noticed. One of them, Diego de Almagro, was a soldier of fortune, somewhat older, it seems probable, than Pi- erre ; though little is known of his birth, and even the place of it is disputed. It is supposed to have been the town of Almagro in New Castile, whence his own name, for want of a better source, was derived ; for, like Pizarro, he was a foundling. 8 Few particulars are known of him till the present period of our history ; for he was one of those whom the working of turbulent times first throws upon the surface, less fortunate, perhaps, than if left in their original obscurity. In his military career, Almagro had earned the reputation of a gallant soldier. He was frank and liberal in his disposition, somewhat hasty and ungovernable in his passions, but, like men of a sanguine temperament, after the first sallies had passed away, not difficult to be appeased. He had, in short, the good qualities and the defects incident to an honest nature not improved by the discipline of early education or self-control. The other member of the confederacy was Hernando 8 " Decia el que herade Almagro," says Pedro Pizarro, who knew him well. Relacion del Descubrimiento y Conquista de los Reynos del Peru, MS. See also Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i, cap. i. Gomara, Hist, de las Ind., cap. 141. Pizarro y Orellana, Varones ilustres, p. 211. The last writer admits that Almagro's parentage is unknown, but adds that the character of his early exploits infers an illustrious descent. Thrs would scarcely pass for evidence with the College of Heralds. 1 8* 210 DISCOVERY OF PERU. de Luque, a Spanish ecclesiastic, who exercised the functions of vicar at Panama, and had formerly filled the office of schoolmaster in the Cathedral of Darien. He seems to have been a man of singular prudence and knowledge of the world, and by his respectable quali- ties had acquired considerable influence in the little community to which he belonged, as well as the con- trol of funds, which made his co-operation essential to the success of the present enterprise. It was arranged among the three associates that the two cavaliers should contribute their little stock towards defraying the expenses of the armament, but by far the greater part of the funds was to be furnished by Luque. Pizarro was to take command of the expedition, and the business of victualling and equipping the vessels was assigned to Almagro. The associates found no difficulty in obtaining the consent of the governor to their undertaking. After the return of Andagoya, he had projected another expedition, but the officer to whom it was to be intrusted died. Why he did not prosecute his original purpose, and commit the affair to an experienced captain like Pizarro, does not appear. He was probably not displeased that the burden of the enterprise should be borne by others, so long as a good share of the profits went into his own coffers. This he did not overlook in his stipulations. 9 9 " Asi que estos tres companeros ya dichos acordaron de yr a con- quistar esta provincia ya dicha. Pues consultandolo con Pedro Arias de Avila que a la sazon hera governador en tierra firme, vino en ello haziendo compafiia con los dichos companeros con condicion que Pedro Arias no havia de contribuir entonces con ningun dinero ni otra cosa sino de lo que se hallase en la tierra de lo que a el le cupiese por virtud de la compania de alii se pagasen los gastos que el le FIRST EXPEDITION TO THE SOUTH. 21 1 Thus fortified with the funds of Luque and the con- sent of the governor, Almagro was not slow to make preparations for the voyage. Two small vessels were purchased, the larger of which had been originally built by Balboa for himself, with a view to this same expedition. Since his death, it had lain dismantled in the harbor of Panama. It was now refitted as well as circumstances would permit, and put in order for sea, while the stores and provisions were got on board with an alacrity which did more credit, as the event proved, to Almagro' s zeal than to his forecast. There was more difficulty in obtaining the necessary complement of hands ; for a general feeling of distrust had gathered round expeditions in this direction, which could not readily be overcome. But there were many idle hangers-on in the colony, who had come out to mend their fortunes, and were willing to take their chance of doing so, however desperate. From such materials as these, Almagro assembled a body of some- what more than a hundred men ; I0 and, every thing cupiesen. Los tres companeros vinieron en ello por aver esta licencia porque de otra manera no la alcanzaran." (Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS.) Andagoya, however, affirms that the governor was in- terested equally with the other associates in the adventure, each taking a fourth part on himself. (Navarrete, Coleccion, torn. iii. No. 7.) But whatever was the original interest of Pedrarias, it mattered little, as it was surrendered before any profits were realized from the ex- pedition. 10 Herrera, the most popular historian of these transactions, esti- mates the number of Pizarro's followers at only eighty. But every other authority which I have consulted raises them to over a hundred. Father Naharro, a contemporary, and resident at Lima, even allows a hundred and twenty-nine. Relacion sumaria de la Entrada de los Espanoles en el Peru, MS. 212 DISCOVERY OF PERU. being ready, Pizarro assumed the command, and, weigh- ing anchor, took his departure from the little port of Panama about the middle of November, 1524. Al- magro was to follow in a second vessel of inferior size, as soon as it could be fitted out." The time of year was the most unsuitable that could have been selected for the voyage ; for it was the rainy season, when the navigation to the south, impeded by contrary winds, is made doubly dangerous by the tem- pests that sweep over the coast. But this was not understood by the adventurers. After touching at the Isle of Pearls, the frequent resort of navigators, at a few leagues' distance from Panama, Pizarro held his way across the Gulf of St. Michael, and steered almost due south for the Puerto de Pin" as, a headland in the province of Biruquete, which marked the limit of An- dagoya's voyage. Before his departure, Pizarro had obtained all the information which he could derive from that officer in respect to the country, and the route he was to follow. But the cavalier's own experi- ence had been too limited to enable him to be of much assistance. Doubling the Puerto de Pifias, the little vessel en- 11 There is the usual discrepancy among authors about the date of this expedition. Most fix it at 1525. I have conformed to Xerez, Pizarro's secretary, whose narrative was published ten years after the voyage, and who could hardly have forgotten the date of so memor- able an event in so short an interval of time. (See his Conquista del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 179.) The year seems to be settled by Pizarro's Capitulation with the crown, which I had not examined till after the above was written. This instrument, dated July, 1529, speaks of his first expedition as having taken place about five years previous (See Appendix No. 7.) D /STRESSES OF THE VOYAGERS. 313 tejed the river Birii, the misapplication of which name is supposed by some to have given rise to that of the empire of the Incas. 12 After sailing up this stream for a couple of leagues, Pizarro came to anchor, and, dis- embarking his whole force except the sailors, proceeded at the head of it to explore the country. The land spread out into a vast swamp, where the heavy rains had settled in pools of stagnant water, and the muddy soil afforded no footing to the traveller. This dismal morass was fringed with woods, through whose thick and tangled undergrowth they found it difficult to pene- trate ; and, emerging from them, they came out on a hilly country, so rough and rocky in its character that their feet were cut to the bone, and the weary soldier, encumbered with his heavy mail or thick-padded doub- let of cotton, found it difficult to drag one foot after the other. The heat at times was oppressive ; and, fainting with toil and famished for want of food, they sank down oil the earth from mere exhaustion. Such was the ominous commencement of the expedition to Peru. Pizarro, however, did not lose heart. He endeavored to revive the spirits of his men, and besought them not to be.- discouraged by difficulties which a brave heart would be sure to overcome, reminding them of the golden prize which awaited those who persevered. Yet it "was obvious that nothing was to be gained by re- maining longer in this desolate region. Returning to their vessel, therefore, it was suffered to drop down " Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i, cap. i. Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 3, lib. 6, cap. 13. ai4 DISCOVERY OF PERU. the river and proceed along its southern course on the great ocean. After coasting a few leagues, Pizarro anchored off a place not very inviting in its appearance, where he took in a supply of wood and water. Then, stretching more towards the open sea, he held on in the same direction towards the south. But in this he was baffled by a succession of heavy tempests, accompanied with such tremendous peals of thunder and floods of rain as are fou?.^ O nly in the terrible storms of the tropics. The sea was i~v. encamp until he was prepared to make his descent on the Indian city. The dispositions of the islanders seemed to favor his purpose. He had not been long in their neighborhood before a deputation of the natives, with their cacique at their head, crossed over in their balsas to the main land to welcome the Spaniards to their residence. But the Indian interpreters of Tumbez, who had returned with Pizarro from Spain, and continued with the camp, put their master on his guard against the meditated treachery of the islanders, whom they accused of de- signing to destroy the Spaniards by cutting the ropes that held together the floats and leaving those upon them to perish in the waters. Yet the cacique, when charged by Pizarro with this perfidious scheme, denied it with such an air of conscious innocence that the Spanish commander trusted himself and his followers, without further hesitation, to his conveyance, and was transported in safety to the shores of Puna. Here he was received in a hospitable manner, and his troops were provided with comfortable quarters. Well satisfied with his present position, Pizarro re- solved to occupy it until the violence of the rainy season was past, when the arrival of the reinforce- ments he expected would put him in better condition for marching into the country of the Inca. ADVENTURES ON THE COAST. 323 The island, which lies in the mouth of the river of Guayaquil, and is about eight leagues in length by four in breadth at the widest part, was at that time par- tially covered with a noble growth of timber. But a large portion of it was subjected to cultivation, and bloomed with plantations of cacao, of the sweet po- tato, and the different products of a tropical clime, evincing agricultural knowledge as well as industry in the population. They were a warlike race, but had received from their Peruvian foes the appellation of " perfidious." It was the brand fastened by the Roman historians on their Carthaginian enemies, with perhaps no better reason. The bold and independent islanders opposed a stubborn resistance to the arms of the Incas ; and, though they had finally yielded, they had been ever since at feud, and often in deadly hostility, with their neighbors of Tumbez. The latter no sooner heard of Pizarro's arrival on the island than, trusting probably to their former, friendly relations with him, they came over in some number to the Spanish quarters. The presence of their detested rivals was by no means grateful to the jealous inhabitants of Puna, and the prolonged residence of Is the white men on their island could not be otherwise than burdensome. In their outward demeanor they still maintained the same show of amity ; but Pizarro's interpreters again put him on his guard against the proverbial perfidy of their hosts. With his suspicions thus roused, the Spanish commander was informed that a number of the chiefs had met together to de- liberate on a plan of insurrection. Not caring to wait for the springing of the mine, he surrounded the place 3 24 CONQUEST OF PERU. of meeting with his soldiers and made prisoners of the suspected chieftains. According to one authority, they confessed their guilt. 24 This is by no means certain. Nor is it certain that they meditated an insurrection. Yet the fact is not improbable in itself; though it de- rives little additional probability from the assertion of the hostile interpreters. It is certain, however, that Pizarro was satisfied of the existence' of a conspiracy ; and*, without further hesitation, he abandoned his wretched prisoners, ten or twelve in number, to the tender mercies of their rivals of Tumbez, who instantly massacred them before his eyes. 23 Maddened by this outrage, the people of Puna sprang to arms, and threw themselves at once, with fearful yells and the wildest menaces of despair, on the Spanish camp. The odds of numbers were greatly in their favor, for they mustered several thousand war- riors. But the more decisive odds of arms and disci- pline were on the side of their antagonists ; and, as the Indians rushed forward in a confused mass to the assault, the Castilians coolly received them on their long pikes or swept them down by the volleys of their musketry. Their ill-protected bodies were easily cut to pieces by the sharp sword of the Spaniard ; and Hernando Pizarro, putting himself at the head of the cavalry, charged boldly into the midst, and scattered them far and wide over the field, until, panic-struck "4 Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 183. S " Y el marques don Francisco Pi9arro, por tenellos por amigos y estuviesen de paz quando allapassasen, les dio algunos principales los quales ellos matavan en presencia de los espanoles, cortandoles las cavezas por el cogote." Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. BATTLES IN THE ISLE OF PUNA. 325 by the, terrible array of steel-clad horsemen and the stunning reports and the flash of fire-arms, the fugi- tives sought shelter in the depths of their forests. Yet the victory was owing, in some degree, at least, if we may credit the Conquerors, to the interposition of Heaven ; for St. Michael and his legions were seen high in the air above the combatants, contending with the arch-enemy of man and cheering on the Christians by their example ! 26 Not more than three or four Spaniards fell in the fight ; but many were wounded, and among them Her- nando Pizarro, who received a severe injury in the leg from a javelin. Nor did the war end here ; for the implacable islanders, taking advantage of the cover of night, or of any remissness on the part of the invaders, were ever ready to steal out of their fastnesses and spring on their enemy's camp, while, by cutting off his strag- gling parties and destroying his provisions, they kept him in perpetual alarm. In this uncomfortable situation, the Spanish com- mander was gladdened by the appearance of two ves- sels off the island. They brought a reinforcement 26 The city of San Miguel was so named by Pizarro to commemorate the event ; and the existence of such a city may be considered by some as establishing the truth of the miracle. " En la batalla de Fund vieron muchos, ya de los Indies, ya de los nuestros, que habia en el aire otros dos campos, uno acaudillado por el Arcangel S n Miguel con espada y rodela, y otro por Luzbel y sus secuaces ; mas apenas canta- ron losCastellanos la victoria huyeron los diablos, y formando un gran torvellino de viento se oyer'on en el aire unas terribles voces que decian, Vencistenos ! Miguel vencistenos ! De aqui torno D n Francisco Pi- zarro tanta devocion'al sto Arcangel, que prometio llamar la primera ciudad que fundase de su nombre ; cumpliolo asi como veremos adelante." Montesinos, Annales, MS., afio 1530. Peru. VOL. I. 28 326 CONQUEST OF PERU. consisting of a hundred volunteers, besides horses for the cavalry. It was commanded by Hernando de Soto, a captain afterwards famous as the discoverer of the Mississippi, which still rolls its majestic current over the place of his burial, a fitting monument for his remains, as it is of his renown. 27 This reinforcement was most welcome to Pizarro, who had been long discontented with his position on an island, where he found nothing to compensate the life of unintermitting hostility which he was com- pelled to lead. With these recruits he felt himself in sufficient strength to cross over to the continent and resume military operations on the proper theatre for discovery and conquest. From the Indians of Tum- bez he learned that the country had been for some time distracted by a civil war between two sons of the late monarch, competitors for the throne. This intelligence he regarded as of the utmost importance, for he remembered the use which Cortes had made of similar dissensions among the tribes of Anahuac. In- deed, Pizarro seems to have had the example of his great predecessor before his eyes on more occasions than this. But he fell far short of his model ; for, notwithstanding the restraint he sometimes put upon himself, his coarser nature and more ferocious temper often betrayed him into acts most repugnant to sound policy, which would never have been countenanced by the Conqueror of Mexico. *? The transactions in Fund are given at more or less length by Naharro, Relacion sumaria, MS. Conq. i Fob. del Piru, MS. Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. Montesinos, Annales, MS., ubi supra. Relacion del primer Descub., MS. Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. pp. 182, 183. CHAPTER II. PERU AT THE TIME OF THE CONQUEST. REIGft OF HUAYNA CAPAC. THE INCA BROTHERS. CONTEST FOR THE EMPIRE. TRIUMPH AND CRUELTIES OF ATAHUALLPA. BEFORE accompanying the march of Pizarro and his followers into the country of the Incas, it is necessary to make the reader acquainted with the critical situa- tion of the kingdom at this time. For the Spaniards arrived just at the consummation of an important revo- lution, a crisis most favorable to their views of con- quest, and one, indeed, but for which the conquest, with such a handful of soldiers, could never have been achieved. In the latter part of the fifteenth century died Tu- pac Inca Yupanqui, one of the most renowned of the "Children of the Sun," who, carrying the Peruvian arms across the burning sands of Atacama, penetrated to the remote borders of Chili, while in the opposite direction he enlarged the limits of the empire by the acquisition of the southern provinces of Quito. The war in this quarter was conducted by his son Huayna Capac, who succeeded his father on the throne, and fully equalled him in military daring and in capacity for government. Under this prince, the whole of the powerful state of Quito, which rivalled that of Peru itself in wealth and refinement, was brought under the sceptre of the (327) 328 CONQUEST OF PERU. Incas ; whose empire received by this conquest the most important accession yet made to it since the foundation of the dynasty of Manco Capac. The re- maining days of the victorious monarch were passed in reducing the independent tribes on the remote limits of flis territory, and, still more, in cementing his con- quests by the introduction of the Peruvian polity. He was actively engaged in completing the great works of his father, especially the high-roads which led from Quito to the capital. He perfected the establishment of posts, took great pains to introduce the Quichua dialect throughout the empire, promoted a better system of agriculture, and, in fine, encouraged the different branches of domestic industry and the various enlightened plans of his predecessors for the improvement of his people. Under his sway the Peruvian monarchy reached its most palmy state ; and under both him and his illustrious father it was ad- vancing with such rapid strides in the march of civil- ization as would soon have carried it to a level with the more refined despotisms of Asia, furnishing the world, perhaps, with higher evidence of the capabili- ties of the American Indian than is elsewhere to be found on the great Western continent. But other and gloomier destinies were in reserve for the Indian races. The first arrival of the white men on the South American shores of the Pacific was about ten years be- fore the death of Huayna Capac, when Balboa crossed the Gulf of St. Michael and obtained the first clear report of the empire of the Incas. Whether tidings of these adventurers reached the Indian monarch's REIGX Oh\ IIUA YNA CAPAC. 329 ears is doubtful. There is no doubt, however, that he obtained the news of the first expedition under Pizarro and Almagro, when the latter commander penetrated as far as the Rio de San Juan, about the fourth degree north. The accounts which he received made a strong impression on the mind of Huayna Capac. He discerned in the formidable prowess and weapons of the invaders proofs of a civilization far superior to that of his own people. He intimated his apprehension that they would return, and that at some day, not far distant perhaps, the throne of the Incas might be shaken by these strangers endowed with such incomprehensible powers.' To the vulgar eye, it was a little speck on the verge of the horizon ; but that of the sagacious monarch seemed to descry in it the dark thunder-cloud that was to spread wider and wider till it burst in fury on his nation. There is some ground for believing thus much. But other accounts, which have obtained a popular cur- rency, not content with this, connect the first tidings of the white men with predictions long extant in the country, and with supernatural appearances which filled the hearts of the whole nation with dismay. Comets were seen flaming athwart the heavens. Earth- quakes shook the land ; the moon was girdled with rings of fire of many colors ; a thunderbolt fell on one of the royal palaces and consumed it to ashes ; and an eagle, chased by several hawks, was seen, screaming in the air, to hover above the great square of Cuzco, when, pierced by the talons of his tor- 1 Sarmiento, an honest authority, tells us he had thfs from some of the Inca lords who heard it. Relacion, MS., cap. 65. 28* 330 CONQUEST OF PERU. mentors, the king of birds fell lifeless in the pres- ence of many of the Inca nobles, who read in this an augury of their own destruction. Huayna Capac himself, calling his great officers around him, as he found he was drawing near his end, announced the subversion of his empire by the race of white and bearded strangers, as the consummation predicted by the oracles after the reign of the twelfth Inca, and he enjoined it on his vassals not to resist the decrees of Heaven, but to yield obedience to its messengers. 2 Such is the report of the impressions made by the appearance of the Spaniards in the country, remind- ing one of the similar feelings of superstitious terror occasioned by their appearance in Mexico. But the traditions of the latter land rest on much higher authority than those of the Peruvians, which, unsup- ported by contemporary testimony, rest almost wholly on the naked assertion of one of their own nation, who thought to find, doubtless, in the inevitable de- crees of Heaven the best apology for the supineness of his countrymen. It is not improbable that rumors of the advent of a strange and mysterious race should have spread grad- ually among the Indian tribes along the great table- 8 A minute relation of these supernatural occurrences is given by the Inca Garcilasso de la Vega (Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 9, cap. 14), whose situation opened to him the very best sources of information, which is more than counterbalanced by the defects of his own char- acter as an historian, his childish credulity, and his desire to magnify and mystify every thing relating to his own order, and, indeed, his nation. His work is the source of most of the facts and the false- hoods that have obtained circulation in respect to the ancient Peru- vians. Unfortunately, at this distance of time it is not always easy to distinguish the one from the other. REIGN OF IWAYXA CAP AC. 33' land of the Cordilleras, and should have shaken the hearts of' the stoutest warriors with feelings of unde- fined dread, as of some impending calamity. In this state of mind, it was natural that physical convul- sions, to which that volcanic country is peculiarly subject, should have made an unwonted impression on their minds, and that the phenomena which might have been regarded only as extraordinary, in the usual seasons of political security, should now be interpreted by the superstitious soothsayer as the handwriting on the heavens, by which the God of the Incas proclaimed the approaching downfall of their empire. Huayna Capac had, as usual with the Peruvian princes, a multitude of concubines, by whom he left a numerous posterity. The heir to the crown, the son of his lawful wife and sister, was named Huas- car. 3 At the period of the history at which we are now arrived, he was about thirty years of age. Next to the heir-apparent, by another wife, a cousin of the monarch's, came Manco Capac, a young prince who will occupy an important place in our subsequent story. But the best-beloved of the Inca's children 3 Huascar, in the Quichua dialect, signifies " a cable." The reason of its being given to the heir-apparent is remarkable. Huayna Capac celebrated the birth of the prince by a festival, in which he introduced a massive gold chain for the nobles to hold in their hands as they per- formed their national dances. The chain was seven hundred feet in length, and the links nearly as big round as a man's wrist ! (See Zurate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i, cap. 14. Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 9, cap. i.) The latter writer had the particulars, he tells us, from his old Inca uncle, who seems to have dealt largely in the mar- vellous ; not too largely for his audience, however, as the story has been circulated without scruple by most of the Castilian writers both of that and of the succeeding age. 332 CONQUEST OF PERU. was Atahuallpa. His mother was the daughter of the last Scyri of Quito, who had died of grief, it was said, not long after the subversion of his kingdom by Huayna Capac. The princess was beautiful, and the Inca, whether to gratify his passion, or, as the Peru- vians say, willing to make amends for the ruin of her parents, received her among his concubines. The historians of Quito assert that she was his lawful wife ; but this dignity, according to the usages of the em- pire, was reserved for maidens of the Inca blood. The latter years of Huayna Capac were passed in his new kingdom of Quito. Atahuallpa was accord- ingly brought up under his own eye, accompanied him, while in his tender years, in his campaigns, slept in the same tent with his royal father, and ate from the same plate.* The vivacity of the boy, his courage and generous nature, won the affections of the old monarch to such a degree that he resolved to depart from the established usages of the realm and divide his empire between him and his elder brother Huascar. On his death-bed he called the great officers of the crown around him, and declared it to be his will that the ancient kingdom of Quito should pass to Atahuallpa, who might be considered as having a natural claim on it, as the dominion of his ancestors. The rest of the empire he settled on Huascar; and he enjoined it on the two brothers to acquiesce in this arrangement and to live in amity 4 " Atabalipa era bien quisto de los Capitanes viejos de su Padre y de los Soldados, porque andubo en la guerra en su ninez yporque el en vida le mostro tanto amor que no le dejaba comer otra cosa que lo que 61 le daba de su plato." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 66. REIGN OF HUAYXA CAP AC. 333 with each other. This was the last act of the heroic monarch ; doubtless the most impolitic of his whole life. With his dying breath he subverted the fundamental laws of the empire ; and, while he recommended har- mony between the successors to his authority, he left in this very division of it the seeds of inevitable discord. 5 His death took place, as seems probable, at the close of 1525, not quite seven years before Pizarro's arrival at Puna. 6 The tidings of his decease spread sorrow and consternation throughout the land ; for, though stern and even inexorable to the rebel and the long-resisting foe, he was a brave and magnani- mous monarch, and legislated with the enlarged views of a prince who regarded every part of his domin- ions as equally his concern. The people of Quito, flattered by the proofs which he had given of prefer- ence for them by his permanent residence in that country and his embellishment of their capital, mani- fested unfeigned sorrow at his loss ; and his sub- s Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte i, lib. 8, cap. 9. Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i.cap. 12. Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 65. Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 201. 6 The precise date of this event, though so near the time of the Conquest, is matter of doubt. Balboa, a contemporary with the Con- querors, and who wrote at Quito, where the Inca died, fixes it at 1525. (Hist, du Perou, chap. 14.) Velasco, another inhabitant of the same place, after an investigation of the different accounts, comes to the like conclusion. (Hist, de Quito, torn. i. p. 232.) Dr. Robertson, after telling us that Huayna Capac died in 1529, speaks again of this event as having happened in 1527. (Conf. America, vol. iii. pp. 25, 381.) Any one who has been bewildered by the chronological snarl of the ancient chronicles will not be surprised at meeting occasionally with such inconsistencies in a writer who is obliged to take them as his guides. 334 CONQUEST OF PERU. jects at Cuzco, proud of the glory which his arms and his abilities had secured for his native land, held him in no less admiration ; 7 while the more thought- ful and the more timid, in both countries, looked with apprehension to the future, when the sceptre of the vast empire, instead of being swayed by an old and experienced hand, was to be consigned to rival princes, naturally jealous of one another, and, from their age, necessarily exposed to the unwhole- some influence of crafty and ambitious counsellors. The people testified their regret by the unwonted honors paid to the memory of the deceased Inca. His heart was retained in Quito, and his body, em- balmed after the fashion of the country, was trans- ported to Cuzco, to take its place in the great temple of the Sun, by the side of the remains of his royal ancestors. His obsequies were celebrated with san- guinary splendor in both the capitals of his far-ex- tended empire ; and several thousand of the imperial concubines, with numerous pages and officers of the palace, are said to have proved their sorrow, or their superstition, by offering up their own lives, that they might accompany their departed lord to the bright mansions of the Sun. 8 For nearly five years after the death of Huayna Capac, the royal brothers reigned, each over his al- 7 One cannot doubt this monarch's popularity with the female part of his subjects, at least, if, as the historian of the Incas tells us^" he was never known to refuse a woman, of whatever age or degree she might be, any favor that she asked of him" ! Com. Real., Parte i lib. 8, cap. 7. 8 Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 65. Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 5, lib. 3, cap. 17. THE IXC A BROTHERS. 335 lotted portion of the empire, without distrust of one another, or, at least, without collision. It seemed as if the wish of their father was to be completely real- ized, and that the two states were to maintain their respective integrity and independence as much as if they had never been united into one. But, with the manifold causes for jealousy and -discontent, and the swarms of courtly sycophants who would find their account in fomenting these feelings, it was easy to see that this tranquil state of things could not long en- dure. Nor would it have endured so long, but for the more gentle temper of Huascar, the only party who had ground for complaint. He was four or five years older than his brother, and was possessed of courage not to be doubted ; but he was a prince of a generous and easy nature, and perhaps, if left to himself, might have acquiesced in an arrangement which, however unpalatable, was the will of his deified father. But Atahuallpa was of a different temper. Warlike, am- bitious, and daring, he was constantly engaged in enterprises for the enlargement of his own territory, though his crafty policy was scrupulous not to aim at extending his acquisitions in the direction of his royal brother. His restless spirit, however, excited some alarm at the court of Cuzco, and Huascar at length sent an envoy to Atahuallpa, to remonstrate with him on his ambitious enterprises, and to require him to render him homage for his kingdom of Quito. This is one statement. Other accounts pretend that the immediate cause of rupture was a claim instituted by Huascar for the territory of Tumebamba, held by his brother as part of his patrimonial inheritance. l\, 336 CONQUEST OP PERU. matters little what was the ostensible ground of col- lision between persons placed by circumstances in so false a position in regard to one another that collision must, at some time or other, inevitably occur. The commencement, and, indeed, the whole course, of hostilities which soon broke out between the rival brothers are stated with irreconcilable and, consider- ing the period was so near to that of the Spanish in- vasion, with unaccountable discrepancy. By some it is said that in Atahuallpa's first encounter with the troops of Cuzco he was defeated and made prisoner near Tumebamba, a favorite residence of his father, in the ancient territory of Quito and in the district of Cafiaris. From this disaster he recovered by a for- tunate escape from confinement, when, regaining his capital, he soon found himself at the head of a numer- ous army, led by the most able and experienced cap- tains in the empire. The liberal manners of the young Atahuallpa had endeared him to the soldiers, with whom, as we have seen, he served more than one cam- paign in his father's lifetime. 'These troops were the flower of the great army of the Inca, and some of them had grown gray in his long military career, which had left them at the north, where they readily transferred their allegiance to the young sovereign of Quito. They were commanded by two officers of great considera- tion, both possessed of large experience in military affairs and high in the confidence of the late Inca. One of them was named Quizquiz ; the other, who was the maternal uncle of Atahuallpa, was called Challcuchima. With these practised warriors to guide him, the CONTEST FOR THE EMPIRE. 337 young monarch put himself at the head of his martial array and directed his march towards the south. He had not advanced farther than Ambato, about sixty miles distant from his capital, when he fell in with a numerous host which had been sent against him by his brother, under the command of a distinguished chief- tain of the Inca family. A bloody battle followed, which lasted the greater part of the day ; and the theatre of combat was the skirts of the mighty Chim- borazo. 9 The battle ended favorably for Atahuallpa, and the Peruvians were routed with great slaughter and the loss of their commander. The Prince of Quito availed himself of his advantage to push forward his march until he arrived before the gates of Tumebamba, which city, as well as the whole district of Cafiaris, though an ancient dependency of Quito, had sided with his rival in the contest. Entering the captive city like a conqueror, he put the inhabitants to the sword, and razed it with all its stately edifices, some of which had been reared by his own father, to the ground. He car- ried on the same war of extermination as he marched through the offending district of Cafiaris. In some places, it is said, bands of children, as well as of older persons, were sent out, in melancholy procession, with 9 Garcilasso denies that any thing but insignificant skirmishes took place before the decisive action fought on the plains of Cuzco. But Sarmiento, who gathered his accounts of these events, as he tells us, from the actors in them, walked over the field of battle at Ambato, when the ground was still covered with the bones of the slain : " Yo he pasado por este Pueblo y he visto el Lugar donde dicen que esta Batalla se dio, y cierto segun hay la osamenta devieron aun de morir mas gente de la que cuentan." Relacion, MS., cap. 69. Peru. VOL. I. P 29 338 CONQUEST OF PERU. green branches in their hands, to deprecate his wrath ; but the vindictive conqueror, deaf to their entreaties, laid the country waste with fire and sword, sparing no man capable of bearing arms who fell into his hands. 10 The fate of Cafiaris struck terror into the hearts of his enemies, and one place after another opened its gates to the victor, who held on his triumphant march towards the Peruvian capital. His arms experienced a temporary check before the island of Puna, whose bold warriors maintained the cause of his brother. After some days lost before this place, Atahuallpa left the contest to their old enemies, the people of Tumbez, who had early given in their adhesion to him, while he resumed his march and advanced as far as Caxamalca, about seven degrees south. Here he halted with a de- tachment of the army, sending forward the main body under the command of his two generals, with orders to move straight upon Cuzco. He preferred not to trust himself farther in the enemy's country, where a defeat might be fatal. By establishing his quarters at Caxa- malca, he would be able to support his generals in case of a reverse, or, at worst, to secure his retreat on 10 " Cuentan muchos Indies a quien yo lo oi, que por amansar su ira, mandaron a un escuadron grande de ninos y a otro de hombres de toda edad, que saliesen hasta las ricas andas donde venia con gran pompa, llevando en las manos ramos verdes y ojas de palma, y que le pidiesen la gracia y amistad suya para el pueblo, sin mirar la injuria pasada, y que en tantos clamores se lo suplicaron, y con tanta hu- mildad.que bastara quebrantar corazones de piedra; mas poca im- presion hicieron en el cruel de Atabalipa, porque dicen que mand6 & sus capitanes y gentes que matasen 4 todos aquellos que habian venido, lo cual fue hecho, no perdonando sino 4 algunos ninos y 4 las mugeres sagradas del Templo." Sarmiento, Relacion, MS., cap. 70. CONTEST FOR THE EMPIRE. 339 Quito until he was again in condition to renew hos- tilities. The two commanders, advancing by rapid marches, at length crossed the Apurimac River, and arrived within a short distance of the Peruvian capital. Mean- while, Huascar had not been idle. On receiving tidings of the discomfiture of his army at Ambato, he made every exertion to raise levies throughout the country. By the advice, it is said, of his priests, the most incompetent advisers in times of danger, he chose to await the approach of the enemy in his own capital ; and it was not till the latter had arrived within a few leagues of Cuzco that the Inca, taking counsel of the same ghostly monitors, sallied forth to give him battle. The two armies met on the plains of Quipaypan, in the neighborhood of the Indian metropolis. Their numbers are stated with the usual discrepancy ; but Atahuallpa's troops had considerably the advantage in discipline and experience, for many of Huascar's levies had been drawn hastily together from the sur- rounding country. Both fought, however, with the desperation of men who felt that every thing was at stake. It was no longer a contest for a province, but for the possession of an empire. Atahuallpa's troops, flushed with recent success, fought with the confidence of those who relied on their superior prowess ;' while the loyal vassals of the Inca displayed all the self-de- votion of men who held their own lives cheap in the service of their master. The fight raged with the greatest obstinacy from sunrise to sunset; and the ground was covered with 340 CONQUEST OF PERU. heaps of the dying and the dead, whose bones lay bleaching on the battle-field long after the conquest by the Spaniards. At length, fortune declared in favor of Atahuallpa, or, rather, the usual result of su- perior discipline and military practice followed. The ranks of the Inca were thrown into irretrievable dis- order, and gave way in all directions. The conquer- ors followed close' on the heels of the flying. Huas- car himself, among the latter, endeavored to make his escape with about a thousand men who remained round his person. But the royal fugitive was discovered before he had left the field ; his little party was en- veloped by clouds of the enemy, and nearly every one of the devoted band perished in defence of their Inca. Huascar was made prisoner, and the victorious chiefs marched at once on his capital, which they occupied in the name of their sovereign." These events occurred in the spring of 1532, a few months before the landing of the Spaniards. The tidings of the success of his arms and the capture of his unfortunate brother reached Atahuallpa at Caxa- malca. He instantly gave orders that Huascar should be treated with the respect due to his rank, but that he should be removed to the strong fortress of Xauxa and held there in strict confinement. His orders did not stop here, if we are to receive the accounts of Garcilasso de la Vega, himself of the Inca race, and by his mother's side nephew of the great Huayna Capac. 11 Cieza de Leon, Cronica. cap. 77. Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap. 9. Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn, iii. p. 202. Zarate, Conq. del Peru, lib. i, cap. 12. Sarmiento, Rela- tion, MS., cap. 70. Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. CONTEST FOR THE EMPIRE. 341 According to this authority, Atahuallpa invited the Inca nobles throughout the country to assemble at Cuzco, in order to deliberate on the best means of partitioning the empire between him and his brother. When they had met in the capital, they were sur- rounded by the soldiery of Quito and butchered with- out mercy. The motive for this perfidious act was to exterminate the whole of the royal family, who might each one of them show a better title to the crown than the illegitimate Atahuallpa. But the massacre did not end here. The illegitimate offspring, like himself, half-brothers of the monster, all, in short, who had any of the Inca blood in their veins, were involved in it ; and, with an appetite for carnage un- paralleled in the annals of the Roman Empire or of the French Republic, Atahuallpa ordered all the females of the blood royal, his aunts, nieces, and cousins, to be put to death, and that, too, with the most refined and lingering tortures. To give greater, zest to his revenge, many of the executions took place in the presence of Huascar himself, who was thus com- pelled to witness the butchery of his own wives and sisters, while, in the extremity of anguish, they in vain called on him to protect them ! 12 " Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 9, cap. 35-39. " A las Mu- geres, Hermanas, Tias, Sobrinas, Primas Hermanas, y Madrastras de Atahuallpa, colgavan de los Arboles, y de muchas Horcas mui altas que hicieron : a unas colgaron de los cabellos, & olras por debajo de los bra9os, y a otras de otras maneras feas, que por la honestidad se callan : davanles sus hijuelos, que los tuviesen en bracos, tenianlos hasta que se les caian, y se aporreavan." (Ibid., cap. 37.) The variety of torture shows some invention 'in the writer, or, more prob- ably, in the writer's uncle, the ancient Inca, the raconteur of these Bluebeard butcheries. 29* 342 CONQUEST OF PERU. Such is the tale told by the historian of the Incas, and received by him, as he assures us, from his mother and uncle, who, being children at the time, were so fortunate as to be among the few that escaped the massacre of their house. 13 And such is the account repeated by many a Castilian writer since, without any symptom of distrust. But a tissue of unpro- voked atrocities like these is too repugnant to the principles of human nature and, indeed, to common sense to warrant our belief in them on ordinary testimony. The annals of semi-civilized nations unhappily show that there have been instances of similar attempts to extinguish the whole of a noxious race which had be- come the object of a tyrant's jealousy ; though such an attempt is about as chimerical as it would be to extirpate any particular species of plant the seeds of which had been borne on every wind over the country. But, if the attempt to exterminate the Inca race was actually made by Atahuallpa, how comes it that so many of the pure descendants of the blood royal nearly six hundred in number are admitted by the historian to have been in existence seventy years after the imputed massacre? 14 Why was the massacre, in- 3 " Las crueldades, que Atahuallpa en los de la Sangre Real hi9o. dire de Relacion de mi Madre, y de un Hermano suio, que se llamd Don Fernando Huallpa Tupac Inca Yupanqui, que entonces eran Ninos de menos de diez Anos." Garcilasso, Com. Real., Parte i, lib. 9, cap. 14. M This appears from a petition for certain immunities, forwarded to Spain in 1603, and signed by five hundred and sixty-seven Indians of the royal Inca race. (Ibid., Parte 3, lib. 9, cap. 40.) Oviedo says that Huayna Capac left a hundred sons and daughters, and that most TRIUMPH OF ATAHUALLPA. 343 stead of being limited to the legitimate members of the royal stock, who could show a better title to the crown than the usurper, extended to all, however re- motely or in whatever way, connected with the race? Why were aged women and young maidens involved in the proscription, and why were they subjected to such refined and superfluous tortures, when it is ob- vious that beings so impotent could have done nothing to provoke the jealousy of the tyrant? Why, when so many were sacrificed from some vague apprehen- sion of distant danger, was his rival Huascar, together with his younger brother Manco Capac, the two men from whom the conqueror had most to fear, suffered to live? Why, in short, is the wonderful tale not re- corded by others before the time of Garcilasso, and nearer by half a century to the events themselves ? IS That Atahuallpa may have been guilty of excesses, and abused the rights of conquest by some gratuitous acts of cruelty, may be readily believed ; for no one who calls to mind his treatment of the Canaris which his own apologists do not affect to deny' 6 of them "were alive at the time of his writing : ' ' Tubo cien hijos y hijas, y la mayor parte de ellos son vivos." Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap. 9. '5 I have looked in vain for some confirmation of this story in Oviedo, Sarmiento, Xerez, Cieza de Leon, Zarate, Pedro Pizarro, Go- mara, all living at the time, 'and having access to the best sources of information, and all, it may be added, disposed to do stern justice to the evil qualities of the Indian monarch. 16 No one of the apologists of Atahuallpa goes quite so far as Father Velasco, who, in the overflowings of his loyalty for a Quito monarch, regards his massacre of the Canaris as a very fair retribution for their offences : " Si les auteurs dont je viens de parler s'etaient trouves dans les memes circonstances qu'Atahuallpa et avaient eprouve autant 344 CONQUEST OF PERU. will doubt that he had a full measure of the vindictive temper which belongs to " Those souls of fire, and Children of the Sun, With whom revenge was virtue." But there is a wide difference between this and the monstrous and most unprovoked atrocities imputed to him, implying a diabolical nature not to be admitted on the evidence of an Indian partisan, the sworn foe of his house, and repeated by Castilian chroniclers, who may naturally seek, by blazoning the enormities of Atahuallpa, to find some apology for the cruelty of their countrymen towards him. The news of the great victory was borne on the wings of the wind to Caxamalca ; and loud and long was the rejoicing, not only in the camp of Atahuallpa, but in the town and surrounding country ; for all now came in^ eager to offer their congratulations to the victor and do him homage. The prince of Quito no longer hesitated to assume the scarlet borla, the dia- dem of the Incas. His triumph was complete. He had beaten his enemies on their own ground, had taken their capital, had set his foot on the neck of his rival, and won for himself the ancient sceptre of the Children of the Sun. But the hour of triumph was destined to be that of his deepest humiliation. Ata- huallpa was not one of those to whom, in the language of the Grecian bard, "the gods are willing to reveal themselves." ' 7 He had not read the handwriting on d'offenses graves et de trahisons, je ne croirai jamais qu'ils eussent agi autrement." Hist, de Quito, torn. i. p. 253. 7 " Ov yap iru> wovT(7aivovran fvapytts," OAYS. , V. l6x. TRIUMPH OF ATAHUALLPA. 345 the heavens. The small speck which the clear-sighted eye of his father had discerned on the distant verge of the horizon, though little noticed by Atahuallpa, intent on the deadly strife with his brother, had now risen high towards the zenith, spreading wider and wider, till it wrapped the skies in darkness and was ready to burst in thunders on the devoted nation. CHAPTER III. THE SPANIARDS LAND AT TUMBEZ. PIZARRO RECON- NOITRES THE COUNTRY. FOUNDATION OF SAN MI- GUEL. MARCH INTO THE INTERIOR. EMBASSY FROM THE INCA. ADVENTURES ON THE MARCH. ARRIVAL AT THE FOOT OF THE ANDES. 1532. WE left the Spaniards at the island of Puna, pre- paring to make their descent on the neighboring con- tinent at Tumbez. This port was but a few leagues distant, and Pizarro, with the greater part of his fol- lowers, passed over in the ships, while a few others were to transport the commander's baggage and the military stores on some of the Indian balsas. One of the latter vessels which first touched the shore was sur- rounded, and three persons who were on the raft were carried off by the natives to the adjacent woods and there massacred. The Indians then got possession of another of the balsas, containing Pizarro's wardrobe ; but, as the men who defended it raised loud cries for help, they reached the ears of Hernando Pizarro, who, with a small body of horse, had effected a landing some way farther down the shore. A broad tract of miry ground, overflowed at high water, lay between him and the party thus rudely assailed by the natives. The tide was out, and the bottom was soft and danger- (346) THE SPANIARDS LAND AT TUMBEZ. 347 otis. With little regard to the danger, however, the bold cavalier spurred his horse into the slimy depths, and, followed by his men, with the mud up to their saddle-girths, plunged forward into the midst of the marauders, who, terrified by the strange apparition of the horsemen, fled precipitately, without show of fight, to the neighboring forests. This conduct of the natives of Tumbez is not easy to be explained, considering the friendly relations maintained with the Spaniards on their preceding visit, and lately renewed in the island of Puna. But Pizarro was still more astonished, on entering their town, to find it not only deserted, but, with the ex- ception of a few buildings, entirely demolished. Four or five of the most substantial private dwellings, the great temple, and the fortress and these greatly dam- aged, and wholly despoiled of their interior decora- tions alone survived to mark the site of the city and attest its former splendor. 1 The scene of desolation filled the conquerors with dismay ; for even the raw recruits, who had never visited the coast before, had heard the marvellous stories of the golden treasures of Tumbez, and they had confidently looked forward to them as an easy spoil after all their fatigues. But the gold of Peru seemed only like a deceitful phantom, which, after beckoning them on through toil and danger, vanished the moment they attempted to grasp it. 1 Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 185. " Aunque lo del tetnplo del Sol en quien ,ellos adoran era cosa de ver, porque tenian grandes edificios, y todo el por de dentro y de fuera pintado de grandes pinturas y ricos matizes de colores, porque los hay en aquella tierra." Relacion del primer Descub., MS. 348 CONQUEST OF PERU. Pi/arro despatched a small body of troops in pursuit of the fugitives ; and, after some slight skirmishing, they got possession of several of the natives, and among them, as it chanced, the curaca of the place. When brought before the Spanish commander, he ex- onerated himself from any share in the violence offered to the white men, saying that it was done by a lawless party of his people, without his knowledge at the time ; and he expressed his willingness to deliver them up to punishment, if they could be detected. He explained the dilapidated condition of the town by the long wars carried on with the fierce tribes of Puna, who had at length succeeded in getting possession of the place and driving the inhabitants into the neighboring woods and mountains. The Inca, to whose cause they were attached, was too much occupied with his own feuds to protect them against their enemies. Whether Pizarro gave any credit to the cacique's exculpation of himself may be doubted. He dissembled his suspicions, however, and, as the Indian lord prom- ised obedience in his own name and that of his vassals, the Spanish general consented to take no further notice of the affair. He seems now to have felt for the first time, in its full force, that it was his policy to gain the good will of the people among whom he had thrown himself in the face of such tremendous odds. It was, perhaps, the excesses of which his men had been guilty in the earlier stages of the expedition that had shaken the confidence of the people of Tumbez and incited them to this treacherous retaliation. Pizarro inquired of the natives who now, under promise of impunity, came into the camp, what had PIZARRO RECONNOITRES THE COUNTRY. 349 become of his two followers that remained with them in the former expedition. The answers they gave were obscure and contradictory. Some said they had died of an epidemic ; others, that they had perished in the war with Puna ; and others intimated that they had lost their lives in consequence of some outrage at- tempted on the Indian women. It was impossible to arrive at the truth. The last account was not the least probable. But, whatever might be the cause, there was no doubt they had both perished. This intelligence spread an additional gloom, over the Spaniards, which was not dispelled by the flaming pictures now given by the natives of the riches of the land, and of the state and magnificence of the monarch in his distant capital among the mountains. Not did they credit the authenticity of a scroll of paper which Pizarro had obtained from an Indian to whom it had been delivered by one of the white men left in the country. "Know, whoever you may be," said the writing, " that may chance to set foot in this country, that it contains more gold and silver than there is iron in Biscay." This paper, when shown to the soldiers, excited only their ridicule, as a device of their captain to keep alive their chimerical hopes. 2 Pizarro now saw that it was not politic to protract his stay in his present quarters, where a spirit of dis- affection would soon creep into the ranks of his fql- i 2 For the account of the transactions in Tumbez, see Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap. i. Relacion del primer Descub., MS. Herrera, Hist, general, dec. 4. lib. 9, cap. i. 2. Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 185. Peru. VOL. I. 30 350 CONQUEST OF PERU. lowers unless their spirits were stimulated by novelty or a life of incessant action. Yet he felt deeply anx- ious to obtain more particulars than he had hitherto gathered of the actual condition of the Peruvian em- pire, of its strength and resources, of the monarch who ruled over it, and of his present situation. He was also desirous, before taking any decisive step for pene- trating the country, to seek out some commodious place for a settlement, which might afford him the means of a regular communication with the colonies, and a place of strength, on which he himself might retreat in case of disaster. He decided, therefore, to leave part of his company at Tumbez, including those who, from the state of their health, were least able to take the field, and with the remainder to make an excursion into the interior and reconnoitre the land, before deciding on any plan of operations. He set out early in May, 1532, and, keeping along the more level regions himself, sent a small detachment under the command of Hernando de Soto to explore the skirts of the vast sierra. He maintained a rigid discipline on the march, com- manding his soldiers to abstain from all acts of violence, and punishing disobedience in the most prompt and resolute manner. 3 The natives rarely offered resist- ance. When they did so, they were soon reduced, and Pizarro, far from adopting vindictive measures, was open to the first demonstrations of submission. 3 " Mando el Gobernador por pregon e so graves penas que no le fuese hecha fuerza ni descortesia, 6 que se les hiciese muy buen trata- miento por los Espanoles e sus criados." Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias. MS., Parte 3, lib. 8, cap. 2. ri/.ARRO RECOXXOITRES THE COUXTRY. 35' By this lenient and liberal policy he soon acquired a name among the inhabitants which effaced the unfavor- able impressions made of him in the earlier part of the campaign. The natives, as he marched through the thick-settled hamlets which sprinkled the level region between the Cordilleras and the ocean, welcomed him with rustic hospitality, providing good quarters for his troops, and abundant supplies, which cost but little in the prolific soil of the tierra caliente. Everywhere Pizarro made proclamation that he came in the name of the Holy Vicar of God and of the sovereign of Spain, requiring the obedience of the inhabitants as true children of the Church and vassals of his lord and master. And, as the simple people made no opposi- tion to a formula of which they could not comprehend a syllable, they were admitted as good subjects of the crown of Castile, and their act of homage or what was readily interpreted as such was duly recorded and attested by the notary. 4 At the expiration of some three or four weeks spent in reconnoitring the country, Pizarro came to the con- clusion that the most eligible site for his new settle- ment was in the rich valley of Tangarala, thirty leagues south of Tumbez, traversed by more than one stream < " E mandabales notificar 6 dar a entender con las lenguas el re- querimiento que su Magestad manda que se les haga a los Indies para traellos en conocimiento de nuestra Santa fe catolica, y requiriendoles con lapaz, e queobedezcan a la I glesia Catolica e Apostolica de Roma, e en lo temporal den la obediencia a su Magestad e & los Reyes sus succesores en los regnos de Castilla i de Leon ; respondieron qui asi lo querian harian, guardarian e cumplirian enteramente ; 6 el Gobernador los recibio por tales vasallos de sus Magestades por auto publico de notaries." Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., ubi supra.- ..352 CONQUEST OF PERU. that opens a communication with the ocean. To this spot, accordingly, he ordered the men left at Tumbez to repair at once in their vessels ; and no sooner had they arrived than busy preparations were made for building up the town in a manner suited to the wants of the colony. Timber was procured from the neigh- boring woods, stones were dragged from their quar- ries, and edifices gradually rose, some of which made pretensions to strength, if not to elegance. Among them were a church, a magazine for public stores, a hall of justice, and a fortress. A municipal govern- ment was organized, consisting of regidores, alcaldes, and the usual civic functionaries. The adjacent terri- tory was parcelled out among the residents, and each colonist had a certain number of the natives allotted to assist him in his labors ; for, as Pizarro's secretary remarks, " it being evident that the colonists could not support themselves without the services of the Indians, the ecclesiastics and the leaders of the expedition all agreed that a rcpartimiento of the natives would serve the cause of religion, and tend greatly to their spiritual welfare, since they would thus have the opportunity of being initiated in the true faith." * . s Pedro Pizarro, Descub. y Conq., MS. Conq. i Pob. del Piru. MS. Cieza de Leon, Cronica, cap. 55. Relacion del primer Descub., MS. " Porque los Vecinos, sin aiuda i servicios de los Naturales no se podian sostener, ni poblarse el Pueblo. ... A esta causa, con acuerdo de el Religiose, i de los Oficiales, que les parecio convenir asi al servicio de Dios, i bien de los Naturales, el Gobernador deposito los Caciques, i Indies en los Vecinos de este Pueblo, porque los aiudasen a sostener, i los Christianos los doctrinasen en nuestra Santa Fe, conforme & los Mandamientos de su Magestad." Xerez, Conq. del Peru, ap. Barcia, torn. iii. p. 187. FOC.Y DAT/ON OF SAN MIGUEL. 353 Having made these arrangements with such conscien- tious regard to the welfare of the benighted heathen, Pizarro gave his infant city the name of San Miguel, in acknowledgment of the service rendered him by that saint in his battles with the Indians of Puna. The site originally occupied by the settlement was after- wards found to be so unhealthy that it was abandoned for another on the banks of the beautiful Piura. The town is still of some note for its manufactures, though dwindled from its ancient importance ; but the name of San Miguel de Piura, which it bears, still commemo- rates the foundation of the first European colony in the empire of the Incas. Before quitting the new settlement, Pizarro caused the gold and silver ornaments which he had obtained in different parts of the country to be melted down into one mass, and a fifth to be deducted for the crown. The remainder, which belonged to the troops, he persuaded them to relinquish for the present, under the assurance of being repaid from the first spoils that fell into their hands. 6 With these funds, and other articles collected in the course of the campaign, he sent back the vessels to Panama. The gold was applied to paying off the ship-owners and those who had fur- nished the stores for the expedition. That he should so easily have persuaded his men to resign present possessions for a future contingency is proof that the spirit of enterprise was renewed in their bosoms in all 6 " E sacado el quinto para su Magestad, lo restante que pertenecio al Egercito de la Conquista, el Gobernador le tomo prestado de los companeros para se lo paga del primer oro que se obiese." Oviedo, Hist, de las Indias, MS., Parte 3. lib. 8, cap. 2. 30* L ^ its former vigor, and that they looked forward with the same buoyant confidence to the results. In his late tour of observation the Spanish com- mander had gathered much important intelligence in regard to the state of the kingdom. He had ascer- tained the result of the struggle between the Inca brothers, and that the victor now lay with his army ) encamped at the distance of only ten or twelve days' I journey from San Miguel. The accounts he heard of ^ the opulence and power of that monarch, and of his \\ great southern capital, perfectly corresponded with the