SVSMVMHV c/i < X UJ. The Slaveholding Indians 1 i ) As Slaveholder and Secessionist (2) As Participants in the Civil War (3) Under Reconstruction Vol. I AN OMITTED CHAPTER IN THE DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY BY ANNIE HELOISE ABEL, PH.D. THE ARTHUR H. CLARK COMPANY CLEVELAND: 1915 83318 COPYRIGHT, IQIS, BY ANNIE HELOISE ABEL TO MY FATHER AND MOTHER CONTENTS PREFACE , . 13 I GENERAL SITUATION IN THE INDIAN COUNTRY, 1830- 1860 ."; . 17 II INDIAN TERRITORY IN ITS RELATIONS WITH TEXAS AND ARKANSAS . . . ... 63 III THE CONFEDERACY IN NEGOTIATION WITH THE IN- DIAN TRIBES . . . . f ' . . 127 IV THE INDIAN NATIONS IN ALLIANCE WITH THE CON- FEDERACY . . . . . * . 207 APPENDIX A - FORT SMITH PAPERS . . . 285 APPENDIX B-THE LEEPER OR WICHITA AGENCY PAPERS 329 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . .' . . . 359 INDEX 369 ILLUSTRATIONS INDIAN TERRITORY, 1861 Frontispiece MAP SHOWING FREE NEGRO SETTLEMENTS IN THE CREEK COUNTRY 25 PORTRAIT OF COLONEL DOWNING, CHEROKEE ... 65 PORTRAIT OF JOHN Ross, PRINCIPAL CHIEF OF THE CHERO- KEES 112 PORTRAIT OF COLONEL ADAIR, CHEROKEE . . . 221 MAP SHOWING THE RETREAT OF THE LOYAL INDIANS . 263 FORT McCuLLocH 281 PREFACE This volume is the first of a series of three dealing with the slaveholding Indians as secessionists, as par- ticipants in the Civil War, and as victims under recon- struction. The series deals with a phase of American Civil War history which has heretofore been almost entirely neglected or, where dealt with, either misun- derstood or misinterpreted. Perhaps the third and last volume will to many people be the most interesting because it will show, in great detail, the enormous price that the unfortunate Indian had to pay for having al- lowed himself to become a secessionist and a soldier. Yet the suggestiveness of this first volume is consider- ably larger than would appear at first glance. It has been purposely given a sub-title, in order that the pecu- liar position of the Indian, in 1861, may be brought out in strong relief. He was enough inside the American Union to have something to say about secession and enough outside of it to be approached diplomatically. It is well to note, indeed, that Albert Pike, negotiated the several Indian treaties that bound the Indian na- tions in an alliance with the seceded states, under the authority of the Confederate State Department, which was a decided advance upon United States practice -an innovation, in fact, that marked the tremendous im- portance that the Confederate government attached to the Indian friendship. It was something that stood out in marked contrast to the indifference manifested at the moment by the authorities at Washington ; for, while 14 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist they were neglecting the Indian even to an extent that amounted to actual dishonor, the Confederacy was offer- ing him political integrity and political equality and was establishing over his country, not simply an empty wardship, but a bona fide protectorate. Granting then that the negotiations of 1861 with the Indian nations constitute a phase of southern diplomatic history, it may be well to consider to what Indian par- ticipation in the Civil War amounted. It was a cir- cumstance that was interesting rather than significant; and the majority will have to admit that it was a cir- cumstance that could not possibly have materially af- fected the ultimate situation. It was the Indian coun- try, rather than the Indian owner, that the Confederacy wanted to be sure of possessing; for Indian Territory occupied a position of strategic importance, from both the economic and the military point of view. The possession of it was absolutely necessary for the political and the institutional consolidation of the South. Texas might well think of going her own way and of forming an independent republic once again, when between her and Arkansas lay the immense reservations of the great tribes. They were slaveholding tribes, too, yet were supposed by the United States government to have no interest whatsoever in a sectional conflict that involved the very existence of the "peculiar institution." Thus the federal government left them to themselves at the critical moment and left them, moreover, at the mercy of the South, and then was indignant that they betrayed a sectional affiliation. The author deems it of no slight advantage, in under- taking a work of this sort, that she is of British birth and antecedents and that her educational training, so largely American as it is, has been gained without re- Preface 15 spect to a particular locality. She belongs to no section of the Union, has lived, for longer or shorter periods in all sections, and has developed no local bias. It is her sincere wish that no charge of prejudice can, in ever so small a degree, be substantiated by the evidence, pre- sented here or elsewhere. ANNIE HELOISE ABEL. Baltimore, September, 1914 I. THE GENERAL SITUATION IN THE IN- DIAN COUNTRY, 1830-1860 Veterans of the Confederate service who saw action along the Missouri- Arkansas frontier have* frequently complained, in recent years, that military operations in and around Virginia during the War between the States receive historically so much attention that, as a conse- quence, the steady, stubborn fighting west of the Mis- sissippi River is either totally ignored or, at best, cast into dim obscurity. There is much of truth in the criti- cism but it applies in fullest measure only when the Indians are taken into account; for no accredited his- tory of the American Civil War that has yet appeared has adequately recognized certain rather interesting facts connected with that period of frontier develop- ment; viz., that Indians fought on both sides in the great sectional struggle, that they were moved to fight, not by instincts of savagery, but by identically the same motives and impulses as the white men, and that, in the final outcome, they suffered even more terribly than did the whites. Moreover, the Indians fought as solicited allies, some as nations, diplomatically approached. Treaties were made with them as with foreign powers and not in the farcical, fraudulent way that had been customary in times past. They promised alliance and were given in return political position -a fair exchange. The southern white man, embarrassed, conceded much, far more than he really believed in, more than he ever could or would have conceded, had he not himself been 1 8 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist so fearfully hard pressed. His own predicament, the exigencies of the moment, made him give to the Indian a justice, the like of which neither one of them had dared even to dream. It was quite otherwise with the northern white man, however; for he, self-confident and self-reliant, negotiated with the Indian in the tra- ditional way, took base advantage of the straits in which he found him, asked him to help him fight his battles, and, in the selfsame moment, plotted to dispossess him of his lands, the very lands that had, less than five and twenty years before, been pledged as an Indian posses- sion "as long as the grass should grow and the waters run." From what has just been said, it can be easily in- ferred that two distinct groups of Indians will have to be dealt with, a northern and a southern ; but, for the present, it will be best to take them all together. Col- lectively, they occupied a vast extent of country in the so-called great American desert Their situation was peculiar. Their participation in the war, in some ca- pacity, was absolutely inevitable; but, preparatory to any right understanding of the reasons, geographical, institutional, political, financial, and military, that made it so, a rapid survey of conditions ante-dating the war must be considered. It will be remembered that for some time prior to 1860 the policy 1 of the United States government had been to relieve the eastern states of their Indian inhab- itants and that this it had done, since the first years of 1 Confessedly much to its discredit, the United States government has never had, for any appreciable length of time, a well-developed and well-defined In- dian policy, one that has made the welfare of the aborigines its sole concern. Legislation for the subject race has almost invariably been dictated by the needs of the hour, by the selfish and exorbitant demands of pioneers, and by the greed and caprice of politicians. The Indian Country, 1 830-1860 19 Andrew Jackson's presidency, by a more or less com- pulsory removal to the country lying immediately west of Arkansas and Missouri. As a result, the situation there created was as follows: In the territory compre- hended in the present state of Kansas, alongside of in- digenous tribes, like the Kansa and the Osage, 2 had been placed various tribes or portions of tribes from the old Northwest 3 -the Shawnees and Munsees from Ohio, 4 the Delawares, Kickapoos, Potawatomies, and Miamies from Indiana, the Ottawas and Chippewas from Mich- igan, the Wyandots from Ohio and Michigan, the Weas, Peorias, Kaskaskias, and Piankashaws from Illinois, and a few New York Indians from Wisconsin. To the southward of all of those northern tribal immigrants and chiefly beyond the later Kansas boundary, or in the present state of Oklahoma, had been similarly placed the great 5 tribes from the South 6 -the Creeks from 2 There were, of course, other indigenous tribes to the westward, in the direction of Colorado and Texas, and to the northward, in southern Nebraska ; but only the latter were more than remotely affected, as far as local habitation was concerned, by the coming of the eastern emigrants and the consequent in- troduction of the reservation system. 3 Kansas Historical Society Collections, vol. viii, 72-109. 4 In scarcely a single case here cited was the old home of the tribe limited by the boundaries of a single state nor is it to be understood that the state here mentioned was necessarily the original habitat of the tribe. It was only the territorial headquarters of the tribe at the time of removal or at the time when the policy of removal was first insisted upon as a sine qua non. Some of the Indians emigrated independently of treaty arrangements with the United States government and some did not immediately direct their steps towards Kansas or Oklahoma; but made, through choice or through necessity, an intervening point a stopping-place. The Kickapoos, the Shawnees, and the Delawares tar- ried in Missouri, the Choctaws and the Cherokees, many of them, in Arkansas but that was before 1830, the date of the removal law. After 1830, there was no possible resting-place for weary Indians this side of the Ozark Mountains. 5 Some of the more insignificant southern Indians eventually found their way also to Oklahoma. In 1860 there were a few Louisiana Caddoes in the northwestern part of the Chickasaw country, most likely the same that, in 1866, were reported to have been driven out of Texas in 1859 by bushwhackers and then out of the Washita country at the opening of the Civil War. They 2O The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Georgia and Alabama, the Cherokees from Tennessee and Georgia, the Seminoles from Florida, and the Choc- taws and Chickasaws from Alabama and Mississippi. 7 The population of the whole country thus colonized continued throughout the war loyal to the United States. In 1853 the Choctaw General Council passed an act admitting to the rights of citizenship several Catawba Indians; and, from that circumstance, the Office of Indian Affairs surmised that the Choctaws would be willing to incorporate Catawbas yet in the Carolinas. In 1857 there were about seventy Catawbas in South Carolina on a tiny reservation. They expressed an ardent wish to go among the Choctaws. In 1860 the Catawbas were in possession of the northeastern part of the Choc- taw country. 6 For the detailed history of events leading up to Indian removals, partic- ularly the southern, see American Historical Association, Report, 1906, 241-450. 7 Not all of the southern Indians had emigrated in the thirties and forties. A considerable number of Cherokees removed themselves from the country east of the Mississippi to Texas. This was immediately subsequent to and induced by the American Revolution [Texas Historical Association, Quarterly, July, 1897, 38-46 and October, 1903, 95-165]. Many Cherokees, likewise, took the suggestion of President Jefferson and moved to the Arkansas country prior to 1820. Moreover, there were "Eastern Cherokees" in controversy with the "Western Cherokees" for many years after the Civil War. Their endless quarrels over property proved the occasion of much litigation. In the late fifties active measures were taken by the Office of Indian Affairs to complete the removal of the Seminoles and to accomplish by intrigue and diplomacy what the long and expensive Second Seminole War had utterly failed to do. Elias Rector of Arkansas superintended the matter and the Seminole chief, John Jumper, gave valuable assistance, as did also the Creeks, who generously granted to the Seminoles a home within the Creek country west [Creek Treaty, 1856, Kappler's Indian Laias and Treaties, vol. ii, 757]. Billy Bowlegs was the last Seminole chief of prominence to leave Florida [Coe's Red Patriots, 198]. In 1853 there were still some four hundred Choctaws reported as living in Alabama and there must have been even more than that in Mississippi. In 1854 steps were taken, but unsuccessfully, for their removal. In 1859 Repre- sentative John J. McRae presented a petition from citizens of various Mis- sissippi counties asking that the Choctaws be removed altogether from the state because of their intimacy and intercourse with the negroes. The Office of Indian Affairs refused to act. Perchance, it considered the moment inop- portune or the means at hand insufficient. It may even have considered the charge against the Choctaws a mere pretext and quite unfounded since it was commonly reported that the Choctaws had a decided aversion to that particular kind of race mixture. In that respect they differed very considerably from the Creeks who to-day are said to present a very curious spectacle of an al- most complete mixture. Choctaws from Mississippi and Cherokees from North Carolina and Catawbas from South Carolina fought with the South in the Civil War. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 21 and, in a sense, reduced to the reservation system, amounted approximately to seventy- four thousand souls, less than seven thousand of whom were north of the Missouri-Compromise line. The others were all south of it and, therefore, within a possible slave belt. This circumstance is not without significance; for it is the colonized, or reservation, Indians 8 exclusively that are to figure in these pages and, since this story is a chapter in the struggle between the North and the South, the proportion of southerners to northerners among the Indian immigrants must, in the very nature of things, have weight. The relative location of north- ern and southern tribes seems to have been determined with a very careful regard to the restrictions of the Missouri Compromise and the interdicted line of thir- ty-six degrees and thirty minutes was pretty nearly the boundary between them. 9 That it was so by accident may or may not be subject for conjecture. Fortunately for the disinterested motives of politicians but most un- fortunately for the defenceless Indians, the Cherokee land obtruded itself just a little above the thirty-seventh parallel and formed a "Cherokee Strip" eagerly covet- ed by Kansans in later days. One objection, be it re- membered, that had been offered to the original plan of removal was that, unless the slaveholding southern In- dians were moved directly westward along parallel 8 Other Indians made trouble during the progress of the Civil War, as, for instance, the Sioux in the summer of 1862. The Sioux, however, were not fighting for or against the issues of the white man's war. They were simply taking advantage of a favorable occasion, when the United States government was preoccupied, to avenge their own wrongs. 9 The existence of the "Cherokee Neutral Land" out of which the south- eastern counties of Kansas were illegitimately formed was not exactly an ex- ception to this. The Neutral Land, eight hundred thousand acres in extent, was an independent purchase, made by the Cherokees, and was not included in the exchange or in the original scheme that forced their removal from Georgia. It was a subsequent concession to outraged justice. 22 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist lines of latitude, northern rights under the Missouri Compromise would be encroached upon. Yet slavery was not conscientiously excluded from Kansas in the days antecedent to its organization as a territory. With- in the Indian country, and it was all Indian country then, slavery was allowed, at least on sufferance, both north and south of the interdicted line. It was even en- couraged by many white men who made their homes or their living there, by interlopers, licensed traders, and missionaries; 10 but it flourished as a legitimate institu- tion only among the great tribes planted south of the line. With them it had been a familiar institution long before the time of their exile. In their native haunts they had had negro slaves as had had the whites and removal had made no difference to them in that partic- ular. Since the beginning of the century refuge to fugi- tives and confusion of ownership had been occasions for frequent quarrel between them and the citizens of the Southern States. Later, when questions came up touch- ing the status of slavery on strictly federal soil, the In- dian country and the District of Columbia often found themselves listed together. 11 Moreover, after 1850, it became a matter of serious import whether or no the Fugitive Slave Law was operative within the Indian country; and, when influenced apparently by Jefferson Davis, Attorney-general Gushing gave as his opinion that it was, new controversies arose. Slaves belonging 10 By far the best instance of missionary activity in behalf of slavery among the northern Indian immigrants is to be found in the case of the Reverend Thomas Johnson's work at the Shawnee Mission [Ray's Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, footnote 207]. Johnson, like William Walker, head chief of the Wyandots, was an ardent pro-slavery advocate [ibid., footnote 205] and took a rather disgracefully prominent part in the notorious election frauds of early Kansas territorial days [House Report, 34th congress, first session, no. 200, pp. 4, 18, 94, 425]. 11 Buchanan's Works, vol. iii, 348, 350, 353. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 23 to the Indians were often enticed away by the abolition- ists 12 and still more often were seized by southern men under pretense of their being fugitives. 13 In cases of the latter sort, the Indian owners had little or no re- dress in the federal courts of law. 14 12 Siebert's Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, 284. 13 The most interesting case that came up in this connection was that of the so-called Beams' Negroes, resident in the Choctaw country and illegally claimed as refugees by John B. Davis of Mississippi [Indian Office, Special Files, no. 277], The Reverend S. A. Worcester interested himself in their be- half [Jefferson Davis to Worcester, October 7, 1854] and a decision was finally rendered in their favor. Another interesting case of similar nature was, "In re negroes taken from Overton Love and David Wall of the Chickasaw Nation by Citizens of Texas, i848-'57" [ibid., no. 278]. 14 Under the Intercourse Law of 1834, the Indian Territory had been an- nexed for judicial purposes to the western district of Arkansas. The Indians were much dissatisfied. They felt themselves entitled to a federal court of their own, a privilege the United States government persistently denied to them but one that the Confederate government readily granted. As matters stood, prior to the Civil War, the red men seemed always at the mercy of the white man's distorted conception of justice and were, perforce, quite beyond the reach of the boasted guaranties of theoretical Anglo-Saxon justice since the very location of the court precluded a trial by their peers of the vicinage. The journey to Arkansas, in those early days, was long and tiresome and ex- pensive. Complications frequently arose and matters, difficult of adjustment, even under the best of circumstances. Among the Creeks and Seminoles, the status of the free negro was exceptionally high, partly due, with respect to the latter, to conditions growing out of the Second Seminole War. As already in- timated, the Creeks had no aversion whatsoever to race mixtures and inter- marriage between negroes and Indians was rather common. The half-breeds resulting from such unions were accepted as bona fide members of the tribe by the Indians in the distribution of annuities, but not by the United States courts another source of difficulty and a very instructive one as well, par- ticularly from the standpoint of reconstructionist exactions. Occasionally the presence of the free negro within the Indian country was a source of grave danger. The accompanying letters outline a case in point: HEAD QUARTERS TTH. MIL: DEPT. FORT SMITH, March sth. 1852. SIR: By direction of the Colonel commanding the Department I transmit herewith copies of a communication from George Folsom, Chief of the Pushmataha District, to Colonel Wilson Choctaw Agent and one from Colonel William Wilson Choctaw Agent to Brevet Major Holmes commanding Fort Washita asking aid from the Military force. As the letter from the Choctaw Agent is not sufficiently explicit as to what he wishes done by the Military authority the subject is referred to you, and if on investigation it be found that Military interference is 24 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist In point of fact, during all the years between the various dates of Indian removal and the breaking out of the Civil War, the Indian country was constantly necessary to enforce the intercourse law, prompt assistance will be ren- dered for the purposes therein specified, under the direction and in pres- ence of the Choctaw Agent. Respectfully Yr Obt. Servt., FRANCIS N PAGE, Asst. Adjt. Genl. Colonel John Drennen, Superintendent W. T. Inclosure CHOCTAW AGENCY, February 9th 1852 SIR: The enclosed copy of a letter from Colonel George Folsom Chief of Pushmataha District of the Choctaw Nation will put you in possession of the facts and reasons why I address you at this time. As the position of the free Negros and Indians alluded to in the Chief's letter seems to be of rather a hostile character, having built themselves a Fort doubtless for the purpose of defending themselves if interupted in their present location, it seems to me necessary that they should be driven away if necessary by Military authority; and, as your post is the most convenient to the place where the Negroes and Indians are Forted I have thought that a command could be sent with less trouble and at less expense to the government by you than any one else. I would therefore most respectfully call upon you to take such steps as you may think most advisable to remove from the Choctaw country the persons complained of by the Chief, and if necessary call upon Chief Folsom to aid you with his light horse, who may be of much service to you in the way of Guides. Very Respectfully Yr. Obt Servt. (Signed) WILLIAM WILSON, Choctaw Agent [Endorsement] A true Copy, Francis N Page, Asst. Adjt. Genl. Inclosure PUSHMATAHA DISTRICT, January 23. 1852. DEAR SIR: I spoke to you about those free negroes upon the head waters of Boggy, when I last saw you, requesting to have something done with them. I have just learned that the negroes and some Indians are banded together and have built themselves a little Fort. There is no doubt but that they will be a great trouble to us. One of our coun- try judges sent for the light-horse-men to go and seize the negroes, but I have forbid them going, and many of our people wish to go and see them. I have forbid any body to go there with intentions to take them. It will no doubt be hard to break them up. You have probably just returned home, and it may seem tresspassing upon you to write you about those negroes and Indians, but you are our agent, and we have the right to look to you for help. It seems to me this affair wants an immediate action on it. I have simply stated to you how these negroes and Indians are Forted up that you may better know how to deal with them. In pur- The Indian Country, 1830-1860 27 beset by difficulties. Some of the difficulties were inci- dent to removal or to disturbances within the tribes but most of them were incident to changes and to political complications in the white man's country. Scarcely had the removal project been fairly launched and the first Indian emigrants started upon their journey west- ward than events were in train for the overthrow of the whole scheme. When Calhoun mapped out the Indian country in his elaborate report of 1825, the selection of the trans-Mis- souri region might well have been regarded as judicious. Had the plan of general removal been adopted then, before sectional interests had wholly vitiated it, the United States government might have gained and, in a measure, would have richly deserved the credit of do- ing at least one thing for the protection and preserva- tion of the aborigines from motives, not self-interested, but purely humanitarian. The moment was oppor- tune. The territory of the United States was then lim- ited by the confines of the Louisiana Purchase and its settlements by the great American desert. Traders only had penetrated to any considerable extent to the base of the Rockies; but experience already gained might have taught that their presence w r as portentous and significant of the need of haste; that is, if Calhoun's selection were to continue judicious; for traders, as has been amply proved in both British and American his- tory, have ever been but the advance agents of settlers. Unfortunately for the cause of pure philanthropy, the United States government was exceedingly slow in forming your duties if I can in any way render you any assistance I shall always be happy to do so. Very respectfully Your friend (Signed) GEORGE FOLSOM, Chief Push: Dist: Col: William Wilson, Choctaw Agent [Endorsement] a true Copy, Francis N Page, Asst. Adjt. Genl. 28 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist adopting the plan of Indian removal; but its citizens were by no means equally slow in developing the spirit of territorial expansion. Their successful seizure of West Florida had fired their ambition and their cupid- ity. With Texas annexed and lower Oregon occupied, the selection of the trans-Missouri region had ceased to be judicious. How could the Indians expect to be secure in a country that was the natural highway to a magnificent country beyond, invitingly open to settle- ment! But this very pertinent and patent fact the offi- cials at Washington singularly failed to realize and they went on calmly assuring the Indians that they should never be disturbed again, that the federal gov- ernment would protect them in their rights and against all enemies, that no white man should be allowed to intrude upon them, that they should hold their lands undiminished forever, and that no state or territorial lines should ever again circumscribe them. Such prom- ises were decidedly fatuous, dead letters long before the ink that recorded them had had time to dry. The Mex- ican War followed the annexation of Texas and its con- quests necessitated a further use of the Indian high- way. Soldiers that fought in that war saw the Indian land and straightway coveted it. Forty-niners saw it and coveted it also. Prospectors and adventurers of all sorts laid plans for exploiting it. It entered as a deter- mining factor into Benton's great scheme for building a national road that should connect the Atlantic and Pacific shores and with the inception of that came a very sudden and a very real danger; for the same great scheme precipitated, although in an indirect sort of way, the agitation for the opening up of Kansas and Nebraska to white settlement, which, of course, meant that the recent Indian colonists, in spite of all the sol- I * The Indian Country, 1830-1860 29 emn governmental guaranties that had been given to them, would have to be ousted, for would not the "sov- ereign" people of America demand it? Then, too, the Dred Scott decision, the result of a dishonorable politi- cal collusion as it was, 15 militated indirectly against Indian interests. It is true that it was only in its extra- legal aspect that it did this but it did it none the less; for, if the authority of the federal government was not supreme in the territories and not supreme in any part of the country not yet organized into states, then the Indian landed property rights in the West that rested exclusively upon federal grant, under the Removal Act of 1830, were virtually nil. It is rather interesting to observe, in this connection, how inconsistent human na- ture is when political expediency is the thing at stake; for it happened that the same people and the same party, identically, that, in the second and third decades of the nineteenth century, had tried to convince the In- dians, and against their better judgment too, that the red man would be forever unmolested in the western country because the federal government owned it abso- lutely and could give a title in perpetuity, argued, in the fourth and fifth decades, that the states were the sole proprietors, that they were, in fact, the joint own- ers of everything heretofore considered as national. In- ferentially, therefore, Indians, like negroes, had no rights that white men were bound to respect. The crucial point has now been reached in this dis- cussion. From the date of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, the sectional affiliation of the Indian country became a thing of more than passing moment. Whatever may have been John C. Calhoun's ulterior and real motive 15 Buchanan's Works, vol. x, "the Catron letter," 106; "the Grier letter," 106-107. 30 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist in urging that the trans- Missouri region be closed to white settlement forever, whether he did, as some of his abolitionist enemies have charged, plan thus to block free-state expansion and so frustrate the natural oper- ations of the Missouri Compromise, certain it is, that southern politicians, after his time, became the chief advocates of Indian territorial integrity, the ones that pleaded most often and most noisily that guaranties to Indians be faithfully respected. They had in mind the northern part of the Indian country and that alone; but, no doubt, the circumstance was purely accidental, since at that time, the early fifties, the northern 16 was the only part likely to be encroached upon. 17 Their interest in the southern part took an entirely different direction 16 This was as it appeared to N. G. Taylor, Commissioner of Indian Af- fairs, as he looked back, in 1867, upon events of the past few years. He was then of the opinion that the very existence of slavery among the southern tribes had most probably saved their country from being coveted by emigrants going westward. 37 One agency under the Southern Superintendency, the Neosho River Agency, was, however, included in the scheme preliminary to the organization of Kansas and Nebraska. See the following letters found in Thomas S. Drew's Letter Press Book: (a) OFFICE SUPT. IND. AFFAIRS FORT SMITH, ARKS. Dec. 21, 1853. SIR: Inclosed herewith you will receive letters from Agent Dorn, dated the ist and 2nd instant; the former in relation to the disposition of the Indians within his agency to meet Commissioners on the subject of selling their lands, or having a Territorial form of Government ex- tend over them by the United States: and the latter nominating John Finch as Blacksmith to the Great and Little Osages. Very respectfully Your obt. servt. A. H. RUTHERFORD, Clerk for Supt. Hon. Geo. W. Manypenny, Com r Ind. Affairs Washington City. (b) OFFICE SUPT. INDIAN AFFAIRS FORT SMITH, ARKS. Dec. 29, 1853. SIR: ... I have also to acknowledge the receipt of letters from you of the 2nd instant to the Commissioner of Ind. Affrs. upon the sub- ject of the Indians within your Agency being willing to meet Commis- sioners en the part of the U.S. preparatory to selling their lands, or to take into consideration the propriety of admitting a Territorial form of Government extended over them & ... A. H. RUTHERFORD, Clerk for Supt. A. J. Dorn, U.S. Indian Agt., Crawford Seminary. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 31 and that also may have been accidental or occasioned by conditions quite local and present. For this southern part, by the way, they recommended American citizen- ship and the creation of American states 18 in the Union, ' 18 In this connection, the following are of interest : (a) The Choctaws, it is understood, are prepared to receive and as- sent to the provisions of a bill introduced three years since into the Senate by Senator Johnson of Arkansas, for the creation of the Territories of Chah-la-kee, Chah-ta, and Muscokee, and it is greatly to be hoped that that or some similar bill may be speedily enacted. . . Their country, a far finer one than Kansas. . . The Choctaws have adopted a new constitution, vesting the supreme executive power in a governor. . . It is understood that this change has been made preparatory to the ac- ceptance of the bill already mentioned. The foregoing is taken from the Annual Report of the southern superintendent for 1857 and in that report, Elias Rector who was then the superintendent, having taken office that very year, argued that all the five great tribes ought to be allowed to have delegates on the floor of Congress and to be made citi- zens of the United States ; for the constitutions of the Cherokees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws would compare favorably, said he, with those of any of the south- western states [Senate Documents, 35th congress, first session, vol. ii, 485]. (b) The Fort Smith Times of February 3, 1859 printed the following: SAM HOUSTON AND THE PRESIDENCY The following we take from a printed slip sent to us by our Doaks- ville correspondent, who informs us that it was sent to that office just as he sends it. We presume that it is the programme laid down by some of the Texas papers, friendly to the election of Sam Houston to the Presidency. . . Re-organization of the Territories 1. The organization of the Aboriginal Territory of Decotah, from that part of the late Territory of Minnesota, lying west of the State of Minnesota. 2. To fix the western boundaries of Kansas and Nebraska, at the Meridian 99 or 100; and to establish in those Territories, Aboriginal counties, for the exclusive and permanent occupation of the Aboriginal tribes now located east of that line and within those Territories ; also to provide, that said Territories shall not be admitted into the Union as States unless their several Constitutions provide for the continuation of the Federal regulations adopted for better government and welfare of the Aboriginal tribes inhabiting the same. 3. To organize the Indian territory lying west of Arkansas, as "the Aboriginal Territory of Neosho," under regulation similar to those pro- posed by Hon. Robert W. Johnson of Arkansas in 1854 for the organiza- tion of the Indian territory of Neosho. 4. To purchase from the State of Texas all that portion of the State 32 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist also a territorial organization immediately that should look towards that end. Such advice came as early as 1853, at least, and was more natural than would at first glance appear; for the southern tribes were huge in population, in land, and in resources. They were civ- ilized, had governments and laws modelled upon the lying north of the Red river and include the same in the Aboriginal territory of Comanche or Ouachita. 5. The territory of New Mexico. 6. From the western portion of New Mexico to take the Aboriginal territory of Navajoe. 7. From the western portion of Utah, to take the Aboriginal terri- tory of Shoshone. Re-organize the eastern part of Utah, (the Mormon country), as an Aboriginal territory. Organize the western territory of Osage. From Nebraska, west of the M.ioo, and south of the 4Sth parallel take the Aboriginal territory of Mandan. Organize the eastern half of Oregon, as the Aboriginal territory of Umatilla. Washington east of the M.n8 to be the Aboriginal territory of Okanagan. Nebraska, north of the 45th parallel to be the Aboriginal territory of Assinneboin. Emigration into these territories to be prohibited by law of Congress, until the same shall have been admitted into the Union as States. In each territory, a resident Military Police to preserve order. . . (c) Henry Wilson, in the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, vol. ii, 634- 635 says, In the Indian Territory there were four tribes of Indians Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Creeks. Under the fostering care of their governments slavery had become so firmly established that slaveholders thought them worthy of political fellowship, and articles in favor of their admission began to appear in the southern press. "The progress of civilization," said the New Orleans "Picayune," "in several of the Indian tribes west of the States will soon bring up a new question for the decision of Congress. . . It cannot fail to give interest to this question that each of the Indian tribes has adopted the social institu- tions of the South." To concentrate and give direction to such efforts, a secret organization was formed to encourage Southern emigration, and to discourage and prevent the entrance into the Territory of all who were hostile to slaveholding institutions. It was hoped thus to guard against adverse fortune which had defeated their purposes and plans for Kansas. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 33 American, and more than all else, they were southern in origin, in characteristics, and in institutions. The project for organizing 19 the territories of Kansas and Nebraska caused much excitement, as well it might, 19 With reference to the proposed organization the subjoined documents are of interest: MR. MIX, c - STREET > J u] y 2 - Dear Sir, Please have the western boundary of Mis. laid down on this map, and the outline of the Pawnee, Kanzas & Osage purchases, and the reservations, as they now stand within that outline. You need not show each purchase, but the outline of the whole. Yours truly THOMAS H. BENTON. Letter of July 2, 1853, Indian Office Miscellaneous Files, 1851-1854. WASHINGTON CITY, August sth, 1854. HON. G. W. MANYPENNY Esq., Com Indian Department, Washington City. Dear Sir, Many people of Ohio, as well as of the states west of it, have for a long time been most anxious to learn through your Depart- ment, the nature of the several treaties made by yourself in behalf of the Government, with the several tribes of Indians occupying the Terri- tories of Nebraska & Kansas: particularly as to the reservation of land made by such Tribes, its extent, ivhere, when, & how to be located, tc within what time, and also what lands in both of said Territories by virtue of said treaties are no- The Indian Country, 1830-1860 47 outrageous defiance of it came from a deep-rooted dis- trust of the Buchanan administration. There were, however, other intruders that Cowart and Rector and Greenwood designed to remove and they wanted to remove them on the ground that they were making mischief within the tribe and interfering with its institutions, or, more specifically, with slavery. The intruders meant were principally the missionaries against whom Greenwood had even the audacity to lay the charge of inciting to murder. Newspapers of bor- dering slave states were full of criticism, 55 just before the war, of these same men and, notably, of the Rev- erend Evan 56 and John Jones, the reputed ringleaders. 65 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1860. See also additional docu- ments in Appendix B. 56 The following extract from the Fort Smith Times of February 3, 1859 makes particular mention of the Reverend Evan Jones: In the True Democrat of the i9th inst, we find an article credited to the Fort Smith Times, in which the Rev. Evan Jones, a Baptist Mis- sionary, residing near the State line, Washington county, is handled rather roughly so far as words are concerned. He is said to be an abo- litionist, and a very dangerous man, meddling with the affairs of the Cherokees, and teaching them abolition principles. "As such reports will be circulated to the prejudice of the Southern Baptists, we hereby request some of our Brethren in the northwest part of the State to write us the grounds for such reports. "Is the "Rev. Evan Jones' connected with any Missionary Society and if so, what one? "We hope shortly to hear more concerning this matter." The above notice is from the first number of the Arkansas Baptist, a new paper just published in Little Rock, P. S. G. Watson, Editor. It was not our intention to cast any reflections on the Baptist Church by noticing the Rev. gentleman named above, as we have great respect for the Church. We deny, however, that Mr. Jones "is handled roughly so far as words are concerned," for there are no harsh words or epi- thets in the article referred to; but he is handled roughly so far as facts are concerned. He is a Missionary Baptist, and the society by which he is supported, has, we believe, its headquarters in Boston, Mass. Mr. Jones' conduct has been fully reported to the Indian office, at Washing- ton, by a number of the Cherokees, and by their Agent, Mr. George Butler, to whom we refer the editor of the Baptist, for the truth of the 48 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist The official excuse for removing them is rather inter- esting because it is so similar to that given, some thirty years earlier, in connection with the removal from Georgia. Ulterior motives can so easily be hidden under cold official phrase. That the cause of slavery within the Cherokee coun- try was in jeopardy in the spring and summer of 1860 can not well be denied. To the men of the time the evidence was easily obtainable. Almost as if by magic, a "search organization" started up among the full- bloods, an organization profoundly secret in its mem- bership and in its purposes, but believed to be for no other object than the overthrow of the "peculiar insti- tution." Its existence was promptly reported to the United States government and, as was to be expected, the missionaries were held responsible for both its in- ception and its continuance. It was then that Green- wood made 57 his most serious charge against these men and prepared, under color of law, to have them re- moved. Later, in this same year of 1860, Quantrill, the Hagerstown, Maryland man of Pennsylvania Dutch origin, who afterwards became such a notorious fron- tier guerrilla in the interests of the Confederate cause, leagued himself with some abolitionists for the sake of charges we have made against him ; and, if they are not satisfactory we can give a full history of Evan Jones' conduct for a number of years, well known among the Cherokees. In connection with the foregoing newspaper extract, it is well to note that Richard Johnson was the editor of the True Democrat. Richard was a brother of Robert W. Johnson who represented one faction of the Democratic party in Arkansas while Thomas C. Hindman represented another. This was before their devotion to the Confederate cause had made them friends. Robert W. Johnson served in the United States Congress, first as representative, then as senator. He was later a senator in the Confederate States Congress. The Johnson family, although not so numerous as the Rector family, was, like it, strongly secessionistic. 57 Greenwood to Thompson, June 4, 1860 [Indian Office, Report Book, no. 12, pp. 323-324]- The Indian Country, 1830-1860 49 making an expedition to the Cherokee country and rescuing negroes, there held in bondage. 58 The timely distrust of Quantrill, however, caused the enterprise to be abandoned even before its preliminaries had been thoroughly well arranged; yet, had the rescue been carried to completion, it would not have been entirely without precedent 59 and its very contrivance indicated an uncertainty and a precariousness of situation south of the Kansas line. Ever since their compulsory removal from Georgia under circumstances truly tragic, the Cherokees had been much given to factional strife. This was largely in consequence of the underhand means taken by the state and federal authorities to accomplish removal. The Cherokees had, under the necessities of the situa- tion, divided themselves into the Ross, or Anti-removal Party, and the Ridge, or Treaty Party. 60 Removal took place in spite of the steady opposition of the Rossites and the Cherokees went west, piloted by the United States army. Once in the west a new division arose in their ranks; for, as newcomers, they came into jealous contact with members of their tribe who had emigrated many years previously and who came to figure, in sub- sequent Cherokee history, as the Old Settlers' Party. 61 In 1846, the United States government attempted to as- sume the role of mediator in a settlement of Cherokee tribal differences but without much success. 62 The old wrongs were unredressed, so the old divisions remained 58 Connelley, Quantrill and the Border Wars, 147-149, 152. 59 Siebert, Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, 284. 60 This party came to be known, almost exclusively, as the Treaty Party. After the murder of John Ridge, from whom the party took its name, his nephew, Stand Watie, became its leader. Stand Watie figured conspicuously on the southern side in the Civil War. 61 A good general account of these Cherokee factional disputes may be found in Thomas Valentine Parker's Cherokee Indians. 62 Kappler, op. cit. y vol. ii, 561; Folk's Diary (Quaife's edition), vol. ii, 80. $O The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist and formed nuclei for new disintegrating issues. Thus, in 1857, tnere were no less than three factions created in consequence of a project for selling the Cherokee Neu- tral Lands. 63 Each faction had its own opinion how best to dispose of the proceeds, should a sale take place. In 1860, there were two factions, the selling and the non- selling. 64 This tendency of the Cherokees perpetually to quarrel among themselves and to bear long-standing grudges against each other is most important; inasmuch as that marked peculiarity of internal politics very largely determined the unique position of the tribe with reference to the Civil War. The other great tribes had also occasions for quarrel in these same critical years. The disgraceful circum- stances of their removal had widened the gulf, once simply geographical, between the Upper and the Low- er Creeks. They were now almost two distinct polit- ical entities, in each of which there were a principal and a second chief. In 1833, provision had been made for the accommodation of the Seminoles within a cer- tain definite part of the Creek country 63 - just such an arrangement, forsooth, as worked so ill when applied to the Choctaws and Chickasaws ; but it took several years for the Seminoles to be suited. At length, when their numbers had been considerably augmented by the com- ing of the new immigrants from Florida, they took up 68 George Butler to Dean, January 9, 1857. 64 ". . . The Cherokee Council is in session, tho they do not seem to be doing much. It will hold about four weeks yet. I will stay till it breaks. I think the Councilmen seem to be split on some questions. It seems as if there are two parties, one is called the land selling party & those opposed to selling the land (that is Neutral lands). They passed a bill last council to sell it. Congress would not have anything to do with it & in fact they got up a pro- test against selling it & sent it to Washington City & they did not sell the land." Extract from J. C. Dickinson to Captain Mark T. Tatum, dated Tahlequah, October 16, 1860 [Fort Smith Papers}. 65 Kappler, op. cit., vol. ii, 388. The Indian Country, 1 8 30-1860 51 their position, for good and all, in the southwestern cor- ner of the Creek Reserve, a politically distinct com- munity. By that time, the Creeks seem to have repent- ed of their generosity, 66 so, perhaps, it was well that the United States government had not yielded to their im- portunity and consented to a like settlement of the southern Comanches. 67 It had taken the Chickasaws a long time to reconstruct their government after the political separation from the Choctaws; but now they had a constitution, 68 all their own, a legislature, and a governor. The Choctaws had attempted a constitution, likewise, first the Scullyville, then the Doaksville, set up by a minority party; but they had retained some sem- blance of the old order of things in the persons of their chiefs. 69 There were other Indians within the southern divi- sion of the Indian country that were to have their part in the Civil War and in events leading up to it or result- ing from it. In the extreme northeastern corner, were the Quapaws, the Senecas, and the confederated Senecas and Shawnees, all members, with the Osages and the New York Indians of Kansas, of the Neosho River Agency which was under the care of Andrew J. Dorn. In the far western part, at the base of the Wichita Mountains, were the Indians of the Leased District, 66 Rector to Greenwood, June 14, 1860. 67 Tuckabatche Micco and other Creek chiefs wished the southern Co- manches to be located somewhere between the Red and Arkansas Rivers. That might or might not have meant a settlement upon the actual Creek reservation. Manypenny promised to look into the matter and find out whether there were any vacant lands in the region designated [Manypenny to Dean, May 25, 1855, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 51, pp. 444-445], 68 Dean to Manypenny, November 24, 1856, and related documents [General Files, Chickasaw, 1854-1858, 0304, 1400]. 69 For Choctaw political disturbances in 1858, see General Files, Choctaw, 1859-1866, 1933 and Rioo4. C2 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Wichitas, Tonkawas, 70 Euchees, and others, collectively called the "Reserve Indians." Most of them had been brought from Texas, 71 because of Texan intolerance of their presence, and placed within the Leased District, a tract of land west of the ninety-eighth meridian, which, under the treaty of 1855, the United States had rented from the Choctaws and Chickasaws. It was a part of the old Chickasaw District of the Choctaw Na- tion. Outside of the Wichita Reserve and still wander- ing at large over the plains were the hostile Kiowas and Comanches, against whom and the inoffensive Reserve Indians, the Texans nourished a bitter, undying hatred. They charged them with crimes that were never com- mitted and with some crimes that white men, disguised as Indians, had committed. They were also suspected of manufacturing evidence that would incriminate the red men and of plotting, in regularly-organized meet- ings, their overthrow. 72 Although the plan for colonizing some of the Texas Indians had been completed in 1855, the Indian Office found it impossible to execute it until the summer of 1859. This was principally because the War Depart- ment could not be induced to make the necessary mil- itary arrangements. 73 In point of fact, the southern In- 7 * Some of the Tonkawas most probably went back to their old Texan hunt- ing-grounds upon the breaking out of the war and were found encamped, in 1866, around San Antonio [Cooley to Sells, February 15, 1866, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 79, p. 293]. 71 The Leased District was designed to accommodate any Indians that the United States government might see fit to place there, exclusive of New Mex- ican Indians, who had caused the Wichitas a great deal of trouble, and those tribes "whose usual ranges at present are north of the Arkansas River, and whose permanent locations are north of the Canadian. . ." [Kappler, op, a/., vol. ii, 708]. 72 The treatment of the Indians by Texas will be made the subject of a later publication. The story is too long a one to be told here. 78 Mix to Rector, March 30, 1859 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 60, pp. 386-388]. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 53 dian country was, at the time, practically without a force of United States troops, quite regardless of the promise that had been made to all the tribes upon the occasion of their removal that they should always be protected in their new quarters and, inferentially, by the regular army. Even Fort Gibson had been vir- tually abandoned as a military post on the plea that its site was unhealthful; and all of Superintendent Rec- tor's recommendations that Frozen Rock, on the south side of the Arkansas a few miles away, be substituted 74 had been ignored, not so much by the Interior Depart- ment, as by the War. Secretary Thompson thought that enough troops should be at his disposal to enable him to carry out the United States Indian policy, but Secre- tary Floyd demurred. He was rather disposed to dis- mantle such forts as there were and to withdraw all troops from the Indian frontier, 75 a course of action that would leave it exposed, so the dissenting Thompson prognosticated, to "the most unhappy results." 78 It happened thus that, when the United States sur- veyors started in 1858 to establish the line of the ninety- eighth meridian west longitude and to run other boun- dary lines under the treaty of 1855," they found the country entirely unpatrolled. Troops had been ordered from Texas to protect the surveyors; but, pending their arrival, Agent Cooper, who had gone out to witness the 74 Annual Report, 1857. 75 Samuel Cooper, the New York man, who was now in United States em- ploy but later became adjutant-general of the Confederacy [Crawford, Genesis of the Civil War, 310], made, about this time, a very significant inquiry as to how many Indian warriors there were in the vicinity of the various settle- ments [Cooper to Mix, January 29, 1856, Indian Office, Miscellaneous Files, 1858-1863']. 70 J. Thompson to J. B. Floyd, March 12, 1858 [Indian Office, Miscellaneous Files']. 77 By this treaty, the Choctaws had surrendered to the United States all their claims to land beyond the one hundredth degree of west longitude. 54 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist determination of the initial point on the line between his agency and the Leased District, himself took post at Fort Arbuckle and called upon the Indians for patrol and garrison duty. 78 It would seem that Secretary Thompson had verbally authorized 79 Cooper to make this use of the Indians; but they proved in the sequel very inefficient as garrison troops. On the thirtieth of June, Lieutenant Powell, commanding Company E, First United States Infantry, arrived at Fort Arbuckle from Texas and relieved Cooper of his self-imposed task. The day following, Cooper set out upon a sixteen day scout of the Washita country, taking with him his Indian volunteers, Chickasaws 80 and a few Cherokees; 81 and for this act of using Indian after the arrival of white troops, he was severely criticized by the depart- ment. One thing he accomplished: he selected a site for the prospective Wichita Agency with the recom- mendation that it be also made the site 82 of the much- needed military post on the Leased District. The site had originally been occupied by a Kechie village and was admirably well adapted for the double purpose Cooper intended. It lay near the center of the Leased 78 Cooper to Rector, June 23, 1858. 79 Cooper to Rector, June 30, 1858. 80 Some of the Chickasaws came to Cooper under the lead of the United States interpreter, James Gamble, later Chickasaw delegate in the Confederate Congress. 81 The Cherokees soon deserted Cooper, no cause assigned. Why they were with him at all can not very easily be explained unless they were looking out for the interests of the "Cherokee Outlet." They may, indeed, have been some refugee Cherokees who, in 1854, were reported as living in the Chickasaw country and consorting with horse thieves and other desperadoes. Under or- dinary circumstances, Cooper had no authority to command the actions of Cherokees and his call was to Choctaws and Chickasaws whose agent he was and whose interests were directly involved in the survey then being made. 82 On the question of the proposed site, see Rector's Report, 1859, pp. 307, 309. For Emory's familiarity with the region, note his report of a military reconnaissance undertaken by him in 1846 and 1847 [Pacific Railroad Surveys, vol. ii]. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 55 District and near the sources of Cache and Beaver Creeks. It was also, so reported Cooper, "not very dis- tant from the Washita, & Canadian" (and commanded) "the Mountain passes through the Wichita Mountains to the Antelope Hills -to the North branch of Red River and also the road on the South side of the Wich- ita Mountains up Red River." The colonization of the Wichitas and other Indians took place in the summer of 1859 under the excitement of new disputes with Texas, largely growing out of an unwarranted and brutal attack 83 by white men upon In- dians of the Brazos Agency. That event following so closely upon the heels of Van Dorn's 84 equally brutal attack upon a defenceless Comanche camp brought matters to a crisis and the government was forced to be expeditious where it had previously been dilatory. The Comanches had come in, under a flag of truce, to confer in a friendly way with the Wichitas. Van Dorn, igno- rant of their purpose but supposing it hostile, made a forced march, surprised them, and mercilessly took summary vengeance for all the Comanches had been charged with, whether justly or unjustly, for some time past. After it was all over, the Comanches, with about sixty of their number slain, accused the Wichitas of hav- ing betrayed them. Frightened, yet innocent, the 83 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1859, and accompanying docu- ments. 84 It would seem that Van Dorn had been ordered by General Twiggs, commanding in Texas, to explore the country between the one hundredth and the one hundred and fourth meridians as far north as the Canadian River. He was to do it quite irrespective of department jurisdictional lines. Van Dorn had the Texan's unrelenting hatred for all Indians and, as was to have been expected, considering the latitude of his orders, soon got himself into trouble. It is interesting to note in connection with this affair and in view of all that followed when Van Dorn and Albert Pike were both serving under the Confederacy, that their dislike of each other dated from Pike's condemna- tion of Van Dorn's cruel treatment of the Comanches. 56 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Wichitas begged that there be no further delay in their removal, so the order was given and arrangements made. Unfortunately, by the time everything was ready, the season was pretty far advanced and the In- dians reached their new home to find it too late to put in crops for that year's harvest. Subsistence rations had, therefore, to be doled out to them, the ocasion afford- ing, as always, a rare opportunity for graft. Instead of calling for bids, as was customary, Superintendent Rec- tor entered into a private contract 85 with a friend and relative of his own, the consequence being that the gov- ernment was charged an exorbitant price for the rations. Soon other troubles 86 came. The Leased District proved to be already occupied by some northern Indian refugees 87 and became, as time went on, a handy ren- 85 The contractor was Charles B. Johnson of Fort Smith. Under the firm name of Johnson & Grimes, this man and Marshal Grimes, also of Arkansas, were able again and again to secure subsistence contracts from Rector and always with the suspicion of fraud attaching. Whenever possible, Rector and his friends eliminated entirely the element of competition. Abram G. Mayers of Fort Smith seems to have been the chief informer against Rector. As a matter of fact, and this must be admitted in extenuation of Rector's conduct, the Indian field service was so grossly mismanaged, officials from the highest to the lowest were so corrupt, that it is not at all surprising that each one [unless by the merest chance he were strong enough morally to resist tempta- tion] took every opportunity he could get to enrich himself at the Indian's ex- pense; for, of course, all such ill-gotten gains came sooner or later out of the Indian fund. Very few Indian officials seem to have been able to pass muster in matters of probity during these troublous times. Secretary Thompson and even Ex-president Pierce were not above suspicion in the Indian's estimation [Article, signed by "Screw Fly" in the Chickasaiv and Choctaiv Herald, Feb- ruary ii, 1859]. Mix was accused of dishonesty, so were Commissioner Dole, Commissioner Cooley, and Secretary Usher, to say nothing of a host of lesser officials. 86 Supervising agent, Robert S. Neighbors, who had always befriended the Indians when he conveniently could against unfounded charges, was killed soon after the removal by vindictive Texans. S. A. Blain was then given charge of the Texas superintendency in addition to his own Wichita Agency. The consolidation of duties gave the Texans, apparently, a fresh opportunity to lodge complaints against the Wichitas. 87 These refugees were mostly Delawares and Kickapoos. There were oth- The Indian Country, 1830-1860 57 dezvous for free negroes; but, as soon as Matthew Leeper 88 of Texas became agent, the stay of such was extremely short. 89 Such were the conditions obtaining among the In- dians west of Missouri and Arkansas in the years imme- diately antedating the American Civil War; and, from such conditions, it may readily be inferred that the In- dians were anything but satisfied with the treatment that had been and was being accorded them. They owed no great debt of gratitude to anybody. They were restless and unhappy among themselves. Their old way of liv- ing had been completely disorganized. They had noth- ing to go upon, so far as their relations with the white men were concerned, to make them hopeful of anything better in the future, rather the reverse. Indeed at the very opening of the year 1860, a year so full of distress to them because of the great drouth 90 that ravaged Ne- er "strays," or "absentees," scattered here and there over the Indian country. There were Shawnees near the Canadian, Delawares among the Cherokees, and Shawnees and Kickapoos on the southwestern border of the Creek lands. 88 Matthew Leeper was appointed to succeed S. A. Blain as agent, July, 1860. He had previously been special Indian agent in Texas. 89 Among the Leeper Papers is found the following: Notice: All free negroes are notified to leave the Wichita Reserve or Leased District fdrthwith, except an old negro who is in charge of Messrs. Grimes & Rector, who will be permitted to remain a few days. .... ... [M. LEEPER], U. S. Ind. Agt. Wichita Agency, L.D. Sept. 26, 1860. 90 The suffering among the Indians must have been very great. There was a complete failure of crops everywhere. Subsistence had to be continued to the Wichitas, the Seminoles were reported absolutely destitute, and even the provident Choctaws were obliged to memorialize Congress for relief on the basis of the Senate award under their treaty of 1855 [General Files, CAoctais, 1859-1866], Out of this application of Choctaw funds to the circumstances of their own pressing needs, came the great scandal of the Choctaw Corn Contract, in which Agent Cooper and many prominent men of the tribe were implicated. In some way Albert Pike was concerned in it also; but it must have been practically the only time a specific charge of anything like peculation could possibly have been brought against any of his transactions. His char- acter for honesty seems to have been impeccable. 58 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist braska, Kansas, and Oklahoma, the worst that had been known in thirty years, there came occasion for a new distrust. Proposals were made to the Creeks, 91 to the Choctaws, 92 and to the Chickasaws to allot their lands in severalty, notwithstanding the fact that one of the in- ducements offered by President Jackson to get them originally to remove had been, that they should be per- mitted to hold their land, as they had always held it, in common, forever. The Creeks now replied to the pro- posals of the Indian Office that they had had experience with individual reservations in their old eastern homes and had good reason to be prejudiced against them. The Indians, one and all, met the proposals with a downright refusal but they did not forget that they had been made, particularly when there came additional cause for apprehension. The cause for apprehension came with the presiden- tial campaign of 1860 and from a passage in Seward's Chicago speech, 93 "The National Idea; Its Perils and Triumphs," expressive of opinions, false to the national trust but favorable to expansion in the direction of the Indian territory, most inopportune, to say the least, and foolish. Seward probably spoke in the enthusiasm of a heated moment; for the obnoxious sentiment, "The Indian territory, also, south of Kansas, must be vacated by the Indians," was very different in its tenor from equally strong expressions in his great Senate speech 94 91 In January, 1860, Agent Garrett asked the Creeks in their National Council to consent to the apportionment of the tribal lands. Motty Cunard [Motey Kennard] and Echo Mayo [Echo Harjo] sent the reply of the Council to Garrett, January 19, 1860. It was an unqualified and absolute refusal. 92 Cooper to Greenwood, March 31, 1860 [General Files, Choctaw, 1859- 1866, C44S]. 93 George E. Baker, Works of W. H. Seward (edition of 1884), vol. iv, 363 ; Bancroft's Seivard, vol. ii, 460-470. 94 Congressional Globe, 3jrd congress, first session, Appendix, p. 155. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 59 on the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, February 17, 1854. It soon proved, however, easy of quotation by the seces- sionists in their arguments with the Indians, it being offered by them as incontestable proof that the designs of the incoming administration were, in the highest de- gree, inimical to Indian treaty rights. At the time of its utterance, the Indians were intensely excited. The poor things had had so many and such bitter experi- ences with the bad faith of the white people that it took very little to arouse their suspicion. They had been told to contract their domain or to move on so often that they had become quite super-sensitive on the subject of land cessions and removals. Seward's speech was but an- other instance of idle words proving exceedingly fate- ful. Two facts thus far omitted from the general survey and reserved for special emphasis may now be remarked upon. They will show conclusively that there were personal and economic reasons why the Indians, some of them at least, were drawn irresistibly towards the South. The patronage of the Indian Office has always been more or less of a local thing. Communities ad- joining Indian reservations usually consider, and with just cause because of long-established practice, that all positions in the field service, as for example,, agencies and traderships, are the perquisites, so to speak, of the locality. It was certainly true before the war that Texas and Arkansas had some such understanding as to Indian Territory, for only southerners held office there and, from among the southerners, Texans and Arkan- sans received the preference always. It happened too that the higher officials in Washington were almost in- variably southern men. The granting of licenses to traders rested with the 60 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist superintendent and everything goes to show that, in the fifties and sixties, applications for license were scrutin- ized very closely by the southern superintendents with a view to letting no objectionable person, from the standpoint of southern rights, get into the territory. The Holy See itself could never have been more vig- ilant in protecting colonial domains against the intro- duction of heresy. The same vigilance was exercised in the hiring of agency employees, blacksmiths, wheel- wrights, and the like. Having full discretionary power in the premises, the superintendents could easily inter- pret the law to suit themselves. They could also evade it in their own interests and frequently did so. One notorious case 95 of this sort came up in connection with Superintendent Drew, who gave permits to his friends to "peddle" in the Indian country without requiring of them the necessary preliminary of a bond. Traders once in the country had tremendous influence with the In- dians, especially with those of a certain class whom or- dinarily the missionaries could not reach. Then, as be- fore and since, Indian traders were not men of the high- est moral character by any means. Too often, on the con- trary, they were of degraded character, thoroughly un- scrupulous, proverbial for their defiance of the law, gen- eral illiteracy, and corrupt business practices. It stands to reason that such men, if they had themselves been select- ed with an eye single to the cause of a particular section and knew that solicitude in its interests would mean great latitude to themselves and favorable reports of themselves to the department at Washington, would spare no efforts and hesitate at no means to make it their first concern, provided, of course, that it did not inter- fere with their own monetary schemes. 95 Dean to Manypenny, October 24, 1855 [Dean's Letter Book}. The Indian Country, 1830-1860 61 To cap the climax, the last and greatest circumstance to be noted, if only because of the great weight it car- ried with the Indians when it was brought into the argu- ment by the secessionists, is that practically all of the Indian money held in trust for the individual tribes by the United States government was invested in southern stocks; 96 in Florida y's, in Georgia, Kentucky, Louisi- ana, Maryland, South Carolina, Missouri, Virginia, and Tennessee 6's, in North Carolina and Tennessee 5's, and the like. To tell the truth, only the merest mini- mum of it was secured by northern bonds. The south- erners asserted for the Indians' benefit, that all these securities would be forfeited 97 by the war. Sufficient 96 INDIAN TRUST FUND List of stocks held by the Secretary of the Interior in trust for Indian tribes STATE PER CENT AMOUNT Arkansas ...... 5 $ 3,000.00 Florida ..... 7 132,000.00 Georgia . . . . . 6 3,500.00 Indiana ..... 5 70,000.00 Kentucky . . . . . 5 183,000.00 Louisiana ..... 6 37,000.00 Maryland* . . . . 6 131,611.82 Missouri ..... $y s 63,000.00 Missouri ..... 6 484,000.00 North Carolina . . . . (^ 562,000.00 Ohio ...... -16 150,000.00 Pennsylvania* . . .*. 5 96,000.00 South Carolina . . . . 6 125,000.00 Tennessee . . . . . '\ 5 218,000.00 Tennessee . , . . 4 6 143,000.00 United States j .- . , 6 251,330.00 Virginia . . , . ,,, 6 796,800.00 3,449,241.82 * Taxed by the State. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1859, p. 452. 97 David Hubbard to Ross and McCuIloch, June 12, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. xiii, 497]. 62 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist is the fact, that the position of the Indians 98 was un- questionably difficult. With so much to draw them southward, our only wonder is, that so many of them stayed with the North. 98 The position of the tribes in the northern part of the Indian country, in Kansas, was considerably different from that of the tribes in the southern part, in Oklahoma. Each of the great tribes to the southward had a government of its own that was modelled very largely upon that of the various states. The tribes to the northward had retained, unchanged in essentials, their old tribal community government. Moreover, they had already been obliged to allow themselves to be circumscribed by territorial lines, soon to be state lines; their integrity had been broken in upon ; and now they were not of sufficient importance to have, either individually or collectively, anything to say about the sectional affiliation of Kansas. As a matter of fact, they never so much as attempted to take general tribal action in the premises. Neither their situa- tion nor their political organization permitted it. II. INDIAN TERRITORY IN ITS RELA- TIONS WITH TEXAS AND ARKANSAS For the participation of the southern Indians in the American Civil War, the states of Texas and Arkansas were more than measurably responsible. Indian Ter- ritory, or that part of the Indian country that was his- torically known as such, lay between them. Its south- ern frontage was along the Red River; and that stream, flowing with only slight sinuosity downward to its junc- tion with the Mississippi, gave to Indian Territory a long diagonal, controlled, as far as situation went, en- tirely by Texas. Texas lay on the other side of the river and she lay also on almost the whole western border of Indian Territory." She was, consequently, in posses- sion of a rare opportunity, geographically, for exercis- ing influence, should need for such ever arise. Running parallel with the Red River and northward about one hundred miles, was the Canadian. Between the two rivers were three huge Indian reservations, the most western was the Leased District of the Wichitas and allied bands, the middle one was the Chickasaw, and the eastern, the Choctaw. 100 The Indian occupants o these three reservations were, therefore, and sometimes to their sorrow, be it said, the very next door neighbors 99 An interruption to this came in the shape of the indefinitely defined "Cherokee Outlet," which lay north of Texas and in addition occupied the northern part of Indian Territory. 100 The subjoined map will illustrate the relative position of the individual Indian reservations. Although published in 1867, it is not correct for that date but is fairly correct for 1861. The "reconstruction treaties" of 1866 made various changes in the Indian boundaries but the map takes no account of them. 64 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist of the Texans. The Choctaws were, likewise, the next door neighbors of the Arkansans who joined them on the east; but the relations between Arkansans and Choc- taws seem not to have been so close or so constant dur- ing the period before the war as were the relations be- tween the Choctaws and the Texans on the one hand and the Cherokees and the Arkansans on the other. The Cherokees dwelt, like the Choctaws, over against Arkansas but north of the Canadian River and in close proximity to Fort Smith, the headquarters of the South- ern Superintendency. 11 ' 1 Their territory was not so com- pactly placed as was the territory of the other tribes; and, in its various parts, it passes, necessarily, under various designations. There was the "Cherokee Out- let," a narrow tract south of Kansas that had no definite western limit. It was supposed to be a passage way to the hunting grounds of the great plains beyond. Then there was the "Cherokee Strip," the Kansas extension of the outlet, and for most of its extent originally and legally a part of it. The territorial organization of Kansas had made the two distinct. Finally, as respects the more insignificant portions of the Cherokee domain, there were the "Cherokee Neutral Lands," already suf- ficiently well commented upon. They were insignifi- cant, not in point of acreage but of tribal authority oper- ating within them. They lay in the southeastern corner of Kansas and constituted, against their will and against the law, her southeastern counties. They were separat- ed, to their own discomfiture and disadvantage, from the Cherokee Nation proper by the reservation of the Quapaws, of the Senecas, and of the confederated Sen- ecas and Shawnees. This Cherokee Nation lay, as has iai Van Buren had a short time previously been the headquarters of the Southern Superintendency. COLONEL DOWNING, CHEROKEE {From Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology] Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 67 already been indicated, over against Arkansas and north of the northeastern section of the Choctaw country. The Arkansas River formed part of the boundary be- tween the two tribal domains. So much then for the location of the really great tribes, but where were the lesser? The Quapaws, the Senecas, and the confederated Sen- ecas and Shawnees, the most insignificant of the lesser, occupied the extreme northeastern corner of Indian Territory and, therefore, bordered upon the southwest- ern corner of Missouri. The Creeks lived between the Arkansas River, inclusive of its Red Fork, and the Can- adian River, having the Cherokees to the east and north of them, the Choctaws and Chickasaws to the south, and the Seminoles to the southwest, between the Canadian and its North Fork. The Indians of the Leased Dis- trict have already been located. In the years*preceding the Civil War, the interest of Texas and of Arkansas in Indian Territory manifested itself, not in a covetous desire to dispossess the Indians of their lands, as was, unfortunately for national honor, the case in Kansas, but in an effort to keep the actual country true to the South, settled by slaveholders, In- dian or white, as occasion required or opportunity of- fered. When sectional affairs became really tense after the formation of the Republican Party, they redoubled their energies in that direction, working always through the rich, influential, and intelligent half-breeds, some of whom had property interests and family connections in the states operating upon them. 102 The half-breeds were essentially a planter class, institutionally more 102 \y e fj n( j tnat t hi s intimate intercourse extended even to things scholas- tic; for, though there were plenty of female seminaries, so-called, within In- dian Territory, Indian girls regularly attended similar institutions in Fayette- ville [Bishop, A. W., Loyalty on the Frontier, 143]. 68 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist truly so than were the inhabitants of the border slave states. It is therefore not surprising that, during the excitement following Abraham Lincoln's nomination and election, identically the same political agencies worked among them as among their white neighbors and events in Indian Territory kept perfect pace with events in adjoining states. The first of these that showed strong sectional ten- dencies came in January, 1861, when the Chickasaws, quite on their own initiative apparently, met in a called session of their legislature to consider how best the great tribes might conduct themselves with reference to the serious political situation then shaping itself in the United States. There is some evidence that the Knights of the Golden Circle had been active among the Indians as they had been in Arkansas 103 during the course of the late presidential campaign. At all events, the red men knew full well of passing occurrences among their neighbors and they certainly knew how matters were progressing in Texas. There the State Rights Party was asserting itself in no doubtful terms. For the time being, however, the Chickasaws contented themselves with simply passing an act, 104 January 5, suggesting 103 Bishop [Loyalty on the Frontier, 20] says that to the zeal of the Knights of the Golden Circle, or "Knaves of the Godless Communion," was mainly attributable "the treasonable complexion" of the Arkansas legislature that or- ganized in November of 1860. 104 The following documents include the act of the Chickasaw Legislature and related correspondence: Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Chickasaw Nation, That the Governor of the Chickasaw Nation, be and he is hereby authorized to appoint four Commissioners, one from each county, namely:- Panola, Pickens, Tishomingo, and Pontotoc County, on the part of the Chick- asaw Nation, to meet a like set of Commissioners appointed respective- ly by the Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole Nations, to meet in General Convention at such time and place That the Chief of the Creek Nation, may set, for the purpose of entering into some compact, not inconsistent with the Laws and Treaties of the United States, for Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 69 an inter-tribal conference and arranging for the execu- tive appointment of a Chickasaw delegation to it. The the future security and protection of the rights and Citizens of said nations, in the event of a change in the United States, and to renew the harmony and good feeling already established between said Na- tions by a compact concluded & entered into on the i4th of Nov. 1859, at Asbury Mission Creek Nation. Be it further enacted That said Commissioners shall receive for their services the sum of One hundred dollars each, and shall report the pro- ceedings of said Convention to the next session of the Chickasaw Leg- islature for its approval or disapproval. . . Passed the House Repts as amended Jany sth 1861. Passed Senate Jan. 5, 1861. Approved Jan. 5, 1861. Indian Office General Files - Cherokee 1859-1865, C$i$. Enclosed please find an Act of the called Session of the Chickasaw Legislature, the object of which you will readily understand. Your cooperation, and union of action of the Cherokee people in effecting the object therein expressed is hereby respectfully solicited. It will be left to the Principal Chiefs of the Creek Nation to appoint the time and place of meeting, of which you will have timely notice. - CYRUS HARRIS, governor of the Chickasaw Nation, to John Ross, prin- cipal chief of the Cherokees, dated Tishomingo, C.N. January 5th, 1861 You will please find enclosed a communication from the Gov r of the Chickasaw Nation & an Act of the Chickasaw Legislature calling upon their Brethren the Creeks to appoint a time & place for a Gen- eral Convention of the Chickasaws, Choctaws, Cherokees, and Creeks. We therefore appoint the tyth inst. to meet at the General Council Ground of the Creek Nation - At which time & place we will (be) happy to meet our Brethren the Cherokees. - JACOB DERRYSAW, acting chief of the Creek Nation, to John Ross, dated Cowetah, Creek Nation, February 4, 1861 [ibid.]. I was much surprised to receive a proposition for taking action so formal on a matter so important, without having any previous notice or understanding about the business, which might have afforded oppor- tunity to confer with our respective Councils and People. Although I regret most deeply, the excitement which has arisen among our White brethren : yet by us it can only be regarded as a fam- ily misunderstanding among themselves. And it behooves us to be care- ful, in any movement of ours, to refrain from adopting any measures liable to be misconstrued or misrepresented :- and in which (at present at least) we have no direct and proper concern. I cannot but confidently believe, however, that there is wisdom and virtue and moderation enough among the people of the United States, JO The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist authorities of the other tribes were duly notified 103 and to the Creek was given the privilege of naming time and place. The Inter-tribal Council assembled at the Creek to bring about a peaceable and satisfactory adjustment of their differ- ences. And I do not think we have the right to anticipate any con- tingency adverse to the stability and permanence of the Federal Union. Our relations to the United States, as defined by our treaties, are clear and definite. And the obligations growing out of them easily ascertained. And it will ever be our wisdom and our interest to adhere strictly to those obligations, and carefully to guard against being drawn into any complications which may prove prejudicial to the interests of our people, or imperil the security we now enjoy under the protection of the Government of the United States as guaranteed by our Treaties. In the very worst contingency that can be thought of, the great National Responsibilities of the United States must and will be provided for. And should a catastrophe as that referred to in (your) communication, unhappily occur, then will be the time for us to take proper steps for securing the rights and interests of our people. Out of respect to the Chiefs of neighboring Nations, and from the deep interest I feel for the peace and welfare of our red brethren, I have deemed it proper to appoint a Delegation to attend the Council ap- pointed by the Creek Chiefs at your request, on the xyth inst. at the Genl Council Ground of the Creek Nation, for the purpose of a friendly interchange of the views & sentiments on the general interests of our respective Nations. In the language of our Fathers, I am your "Elder Friend and Brother" JOHN Ross, Principal Chief, Cherokee Nation. Extract from letter to Cyrus Harris, February 9, 1861 [ibid.]. Previous to the receipt of your Communication enclosing the pro- ceedings of the Chickasaw Authorities, I had received similar papers from the "Governor of the Chickasaw Nation." And I herewith enclose for the information of yourself & people a copy of my reply. I will appoint a Delegation to attend your Council for the purpose therein stated. -Ross to Derrysaw, February 9, 1861 {ibid.]. I have received a communication from the Gov. of the Chickasaw Nation, with a copy of an Act of their Legislature. And I presume a similar communication has been received by you. Deeming it important that much prudence and caution should be exercised by us in regard to the object of the Governor's communication, I have thought it proper to address him a letter, giving a brief expression of my views on the subject, a copy of which I enclose for your information. - Ross to the principal chief of the Choctaw Nation, February n, 1861 [ibid.]. 106 See preceding note. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 71 Agency, 106 February 17, but comparatively few dele- gates were in attendance. William P. Ross, a gradu- ate 107 of Princeton and a nephew of John Ross, the prin- cipal chief of the Cherokees, went as the head of the Cherokee delegation. It was he who reported the scan- ty attendance, 108 saying that there were no Chickasaws present, no Choctaws, but only Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees. Why it happened so can not now be exact- ly determined but to it may undoubtedly be ascribed the outcome; for the council did nothing that was not per- fectly compatible with existing friendly relations be- tween the great tribes and the United States govern- ment. John Ross, in instructing his delegates, had strictly enjoined caution and discretion. 109 William P. Ross and his associates seem to have managed to secure Creek Agency was probably chosen because of its convenient situa- tion. It was at the junction of the North Fork and the Canadian and, conse- quently, in close proximity to three of the reservations and not far distant from the other two. 107 See Mrs. W. P. Ross, Life and Times of William P. Ross. 108 American Historical Review, vol. xv, 282. . . . On your deliberations it will [be] proper for you to advise discretion, and to guard against any premature movement on our part, which might produce excitement or be liable to misrepresenta- tion. Our duty is very plain. We have only to adhere firmly to our respective Treaties. By them we have placed ourselves under the pro- tection of the United States, and of no other sovereign whatever. We are bound to hold no treaty with any foreign Power, or with any in- dividual State or combination of States nor with Citizens of any State. Nor even with one another without the interposition and participation of the United States. . . Should any action of the Council be thought desirable, a resolution might be adopted, to the effect, that we will in all contingencies rest our interests on the pledged faith of the United States, for the fulfilment of their obligations. We ought to entertain no apprehension of any change, that will endanger our interests. The parties holding the re- sponsibilities of the Federal Government will always be bound to us. And no measures we have it in our power to adopt can add anything to the security we now possess. Relying on your intelligence & discre- tion I will add no more. - CHIEF Ross's instructions to the Cherokee Delegation, February 12, 1861 [Indian Office General Files, Cherokee 1859-1865, C 5 i 5 ]. 72 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist the observance of both. Perchance it was Chief Ross's 110 known aversion to an interference in matters that did not concern the Indians, except very indirectly, and the consciousness that his influence in the council would be immense, probably all-powerful, that caused the Chickasaws to draw back from a thing they had themselves so ill-advisedly planned. It is, however, just possible that, between the time of issuing the call and of assembling the council, they crossed on their own responsibility the boundary of indecision and resolved, as most certainly had the Choctaws, that their sym- pathies and their interests were with the South. It might well be supposed that in this perilous hour their thoughts would have travelled back some thirty years and they would have remembered what havoc the same state- rights doctrine, now presented so earnestly for their acceptance, although it scarcely fitted their case, had then wrought in their concerns. Strangely enough none of the tribes seems to have charged the gross in- justice of the thirties exclusively to the account of the South. On the contrary, they one and all charged it against the federal government, against the states as a whole, and so, rightly or wrongly, the nation had to pay for the inconsistency of Jackson's procedure, a proced- ure that could so illogically recognize the supremacy of federal law in one matter and the supremacy of state law in another matter that was precisely its parallel. The decision of the Choctaws had found expression in a series of resolutions under date of February 7. They are worthy of being quoted entire. Indian Office files are full of testimony proving John Ross's wis- dom, foresight, sterling worth generally, and absolute devotion to his people. Indeed, his whole biography is written large in the records. His character was impeccable. Judged by any standard whatsoever, he would easily rank as one of the greatest of Indian half-breeds. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 73 February 7, 1861. RESOLUTIONS expressing the feelings and sentiments of the Gen- eral Council of the Choctaw Nation in reference to the political disagreement existing between the Northern and Southern States of the American Union. Resolved by the General Council of the Choctaw Nation as- sembled, That we view with deep regret and great solicitude the present unhappy political disagreement between the Northern and Southern States of the American Union, tending to a perma- nent dissolution of the Union and the disturbance of the various important relations existing with that Government by treaty stip- ulations and international laws, and portending much injury to the Choctaw government and people. Resolved further, That we must express the earnest desire and ready hope entertained by the entire Choctaw people, that any and all political disturbances agitating and dividing the peo- ple of the various States may be honorably and speedily adjusted ; and the example and blessing, and fostering care of their Gen- eral Government, and the many and friendly social ties existing with their people, continue for the enlightenment in moral and good government and prosperity in the material concerns of life to our whole population. Resolved further, That in the event a permanent dissolution of the American Union takes place, our many relations with the General Government must cease, and we shall be left to follow the natural affections, education, institutions, and interests of our people, which indissolubly bind us in every way to the destiny of our neighbors and brethren of the Southern States upon whom we are confident we can rely for the preservation of our rights of life, liberty, and property, and the continuance of many acts of friendship, general counsel, and material support. Resolved further, That we desire to assure our immediate neighbors, the people of Arkansas and Texas, of our determina- tion to observe the amicable relations in every way so long exist- ing between us, and the firm reliance we have, amid any disturb- ance with other States, the rights and feelings so sacred to us will remain respected by them and be protected from the en- croachments of others. Resolved further, That his excellency the principal chief be 74 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist requested to inclose, with an appropriate communication from himself, a copy of these resolutions to the governors of the South- ern States, with the request that they be laid before the State convention of each State, as many as have assembled at the date of their reception, and that in such as have not they be published in the newspapers of the State. Resolved, That these resolutions take effect and be in force from and after their passage. Approved February 7, I86I. 111 These resolutions of the Choctaw Council are in the highest degree interesting in the matter both of their substance and of their time of issue. The information is not forthcoming as to how the Choctaws received the invitation of the Chickasaw legislature to attend an in- ter-tribal council; but, later on, in April, 1861, the Choctaw delegation in Washington, made up of P. P. Pitchlynn, Samuel Garland, Israel Folsom, and Peter Folsom, assured the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the Choctaw Nation intended to remain neutral, 112 111 Official Records, first sen, vol. i, 682. 112 The evidence of this is to be found in an official letter from Commis- sioner W. P. Dole to Secretary Caleb B. Smith, under date of April 30, 1861, which reads as follows: I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of a letter, dated lyth. Inst. from Elias Rector, Esq., Supt. Indian Affairs . . . together with copy of its enclosure, being one addressed to Col. W. H. Emory by M. Leeper, Agent for the Indians within the "Leased District," hav- ing reference to the removal of the troops from Fort Cobb. The Government being bound by treaty obligations to protect the Indians from the incursions of all enemies, I would respectfully ask to be informed, if it is not its intention to keep in the country a sufficient force for the purpose. The Choctaw and Chickasaw delegation - composed of the prin- cipal men of those Nations - while recently in this City expressed great apprehensions of attack upon their people, by Citizens of Texas and Arkansas; and these delegations having assured me of their determin- ation to maintain a neutral position in the anticipated difficulties through- out our Country, I would recommend that a depot for arms be estab- lished within the Southern Superintendency in order that the Indians there may be placed in the possession of the means to defend themselves against any attack. . .-Indian Office Report Book, no. 12, p. 152. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 75 which assurance was interpreted to mean simply that the Choctaws would be inactive spectators of events, ex- pressing no opinion, in word or deed, one way or the other. The Chickasaw delegation gave the same assur- ance and at about the same time and place. Now what is to be concluded? Is it to be supposed that the Act of January 5, 1861 in no wise reflected the sentiments of a tribe as a whole and similarly the Resolutions of Feb- ruary 7, 1 86 1, or that the tribal delegations were, in April, utterly ignorant of the real attitude of their re- spective constituents? The answer is to be found in the following most interesting and instructive letter, writ- ten by S. Orlando Lee to Commissioner Dole from Huntingdon, Long Island, March 15, i862: 113 Thinking you and the government would like to hear some- thing about the state of affairs among the Choctaws last summer and the influences which induced them to take their present po- sition I will write you what I know. I was a missionary teacher at Spencer Academy for two years and refer you to Hon. Walter Lowrie Gen. Sec. of the Pres. Board of Foreign Missions for in- formation as to my character &c. I left Spencer June I3th & the nation June 24th but have heard directly from there twice since, the last time as late as Sept 6th. So that I can speak of occurrences as late as that. After South Carolina passed her secession ordinance in Dec. 1860 there was a public attempt to excite the Choctaws and Chickasaws as a beginning hoping to bring in the other tribes af- terwards. Many of the larger slaveholders (who are nearly all half breeds) had been gained before and Capt. R. M. Jones was the leader of the secessionists. The country was full of lies about the intentions of the new administration. The border papers in Arkansas & Texas republished from the New York & St. Louis papers a part of a sentence from Hon. W. H. Seward's speech at Chicago during the election campaign of 1860 to this effect "And Indian Territory south of Kansas must be vacated by the Indian" (These words do occur in the report of Mr. Seward's Chicago 113 General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, 1,632. 76 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist speech as published in New York Evening Post Weekly for I read it myself). This produced intense excitement of course and to add to the effect the Secessionist Journals charged that another prominent republican had proposed to drive the Indians out of Indian Ter. in a speech in congress. "This" they were told "is the policy of the new administration. The abolitionists want your lands we will protect you. Your only safety is to join the South." Again they were told "that the South must succeed in gaining their independence and the money of the In- dians being invested in the stocks of Southern states the stocks would be cancelled & the indians would lose their money unless they joined the south, if they did that the stocks would be reis- sued to the Confederate States for them." Their special commis- sioners Peter Folsom &c, who came to Washington to get the half million of dollars for claims, reported that they got along very well until they were asked if they had slaves after that they said they could do nothing. Sampson Folsom said however that he thought they would have succeeded had it not been for the at- tack on Sumpter-He said President Lincoln then told them "He would not give them a dollar until the close of the war" An interesting fact in relation to these commissioners is that they came to Washington by way of Montgomery & were when they reached Washington probably all, except Judge Garland, seces- sionists. Thus all influences were in favor of the rebels Where could the indians go for light The former indian agent Cooper was a Col. in the rebel service. The oldest missionary who has undoubtedly more influence with the Choctaws than any other white man is an ardent secessionist believing firmly both in the right & in the final success of the rebel cause - He ( Dr. Kings- bury) prays as earnestly & fervently for the success of the rebels as any one among us does for the success of the Union cause. The son of another, Mr. Hodgkin, is a captain in the rebel ser- vice - another Mr. Stark actively assisted in organizing a com- pany acted as sec. of secessionist meetings &c. Even Mr. Reid superintendant of Spencer was confident the rebels could never be subdued and thought when the treaty should be made they ought in justice to have Ind. Territory. Again when Fort Smith was evacuated the rebel forces were on the way up the Ark. river to attack it & the garrison evacuated it in the night which Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 77 looked to the Indians (if not to the white men) as if the north- erners were afraid. The same was true of Fort Washitaw where our forces left in the night and were actually pursued for sev- eral days by the Texans. Thus matters stood when Col. Pitch- lynn the resident Com. of the Choctaws at Washington returned home. He gave all his influence to have the Choctaws take a neutral position. The chief had called the council to meet June ist. & Col. P. so far succeeded as to induce him to prepare a message recommending neutrality. Col. P. was promptly re- ported as an abolitionist and visited & threatened by a Texas Vigilance committee. The Council met at Doaksville seven miles from Red River & of course from Texas. It was largely attended by white men from Texas our Choctaw neighbors who attended said the place was full of white men. The Council did not organize until June 4th or 5th (I forget which) In the meanwhile the white men & half bloods had a se- cession meeting when it leaked out through Col. Cooper that the Chief Hudson had prepared a message recommending neutrality at which Robert M. Jones was so indignant that he made a fu- rious speech in which he declared that "any one who opposed se- cession ought to be hung" "and any suspicious persons ought to be hung." Hudson was frightened and when the Council was organized sent in a message recommending that commissioners be appointed to negotiate a treaty with the Confederates and that in the meantime a regiment be organized under Col. Cooper for the Confed. army. This was finally done but not for a week for the Choctaws were reluctant. They feared that their action would result in the destruction of the nation. Said Joseph P. Folsom, a member of the council & a graduate of Dartmouth College New Hamp- shire, "We are choosing in what way we shall die" Judge Wade said to me, "We expect that the Choctaws will be buried. That is what we think will be the end of this." Judge W. is a mem- ber of the Senate (for the Choctaw Council is composed of a Senate & lower house chosen by the people in districts & the con- stitution is modeled very much after those of the states.) & he has been a chief. Others said to me "If the north was here so we could be protected we would stand up for the north but now 78 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist if we do not go in for the south the Texans will come over here and kill us." Mr. Reid told me a day or two before we left that he had become convinced during a trip for two or three days through the country that the full bloods were strongly for the north. I am sure it was so then & it was the opinion of the mis- sionaries that if we had all taken the position, that we would not leave, some of us had been warned to do so by Texan vigilance committees, we could have raised a thousand men who would have armed in our defence - Our older brethren told us that this would hasten the destruction of the indians as they would be crushed before any help could come. We thought this would probably be the case and the missionaries who were most strong- ly union in sentiment left. One of the number Rev. John Edwards had been hiding for his life from Texan & half blood ruffians for two weeks & we at Spencer had had the honor to be visited by a Texas committee searching for arms. I continue my narrative from a letter from one of our teach- ers who was detained when we left by the illness of his wife & who left Spencer Sept 5th & the Nation Sept. 9th. He says Col. Coopers regiment was filled up with Texans "The half breeds af- ter involving the full bloods in the war have rather drawn back themselves and but few of them have enlisted & gone to the war." This indicates that the full bloods have at last yielded to the pressure and joined the rebels. The missionaries who remained would generally advise them to do this. The Choctaw commissioners met Albert Pike rebel commis- sioner & made a treaty with him, with reference to this he says "The Choctaws rec'd quite a bundle of promises from the rebel government. Their treaty gives their representative a seat in the rebel congress, acknowledges the right of the Choctaws to give testimony in all courts in the C. S., exempts them from the ex- pences of the war, their soldiers are to be paid 20$ a month by the C. S. during the war, the C. S. assume the debts due the Choctaws by the U. S., they have the privilege of coming in as a state into the Confederacy with equal rights if they wish it, or remain as they are, the C. S. to sustain their schools after the war, they guarantee them against all intrusion on their lands by white men, allow them to garrison the forts in their territory Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 79 with their own troops if they wish it said troops to be paid by the C. S." - Here is a list of promises and when I think of these, of the belief of their oldest missionaries in the final success of the rebels, of the fact that all the old Officers of the U. S. gov- ernment were in the service of the rebels, of the occupation of the forts there by rebels, of the activity of a knot of bitter dis- unionists led by Capt. Jones, who has long been a very influential man, of the Texas mob law which considered it a crime for a young man to refuse to volunteer, of the fact that there was no way for them to hear the truth as to the designs of the U. S. government concerning them, except through Col. Pitchlyn who was soon silenced & of the falsehoods told them as to the designs of the Government, I do not wonder that they have joined the rebels. I saw strong men completely unmanned even to floods of tears by the leaving of Dr. Hobbs and the thoughts of what was before them. I heard men say they did not want to fight but expected to be forced to do it. I trust the government will consider the circumstances of the case & deal gently, considerately with the Indians. I do not like to write such things of my brother missionaries but they are I believe facts & though I love some of them very much I still must say that, except Rev. Mr. Byington who was doubtful & Rev. Mr. Balantine a missionary to the Chickasaws who was union, all the ordained missionaries belonging to the Choctaw & Chicka- saw Mission of the Presbyterian Board who remain there were victims of the madness which swept over the South, were seces- sionists One or two of the three Laymen who remained were union men - Cyrus Kingsbury son of Rev. Dr. K. being one. . . The failure of the United States government to give- the Indians, in season, the necessary assurance that they would be protected, no matter what might happen, can not be too severely criticized. It indicated a very short- sighted policy and was due either to a tendency to ig- nore the Indians as people of no importance or to a lack of harmony and cooperation among the departments at Washington. Such an assurance of continued protec- 80 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist tion was not even framed until the second week in May and then the Indian country was already threatened by the secessionists. Moreover, it was framed and intend- ed to be given by one department, the Interior, and its fulfilment left to another, the War. It went out from the Indian Office in the form of a circular letter, 114 ad- dressed by Commissioner William P. Dole to the chief executive 115 in each of the five great tribes. It assured the Indians that President Lincoln had no intention of interfering with their domestic institutions or of allow- ing government agents or employees to interfere and that the War Department had been appealed to to fur- nish all needed defense according to treaty guaranties. The new southern superintendent, William G. Coffin of Indiana, was made the bearer of the missive; but, unfortunately, quite a little time elapsed" 6 before the military situation 117 in the West would allow him to as- 114 The letter can be found in manuscript form in Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 65, pp. 447-449, and in printed form in Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 34. 115 John Ross, principal chief of the Cherokee Nation ; Cyrus Harris, gov- ernor of the Chickasaw Nation ; M. Kennard, principal chief of the Lower Creeks; Echo Hadjo [Echo Harjo], principal chief of the Upper Creeks; George Hudson, principal chief of the Choctaw Nation ; and the unnamed principal chief of the Seminoles west of Arkansas. 116 It would seem that the letter was not given to Coffin immediately but was held back on account of the insecurity of the mails [Dole to Creek and Seminole chiefs, November 16, 1861, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, pp. 78-79]. 117 The delay was not entirely due to the military situation. Coffin went from Washington to his home in Indiana. He was there on the twentieth, at Annapolis, Parke County, when Dole wrote urging him to hasten on his way, I herewith enclose a slip taken from the National Intelligencer of this date, being an extract from the Austin [Texas] State Gazette of the 4th Instant, by which you will perceive that efforts are being made to tamper with the Indians within your Superintendency. By this you will perceive the urgent necessity, that you should pro- ceed at the earliest moment practicable to the vicinity of the duties in your charge, that from your personal knowledge of the views of the Government in relation to these Indians as well as by the instructions Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 81 sume his full duties or to reach his official headquar- ters, 118 and, in the interval, he was detailed for other and communications in your possession, you may be able to thwart the endeavors of any and all who have or shall attempt to tamper with these tribes and array them in hostility to the Government. I deem it of the utmost importance that no time be lost in this matter, as delay may be disastrous to the public service. - Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 65, p. 473. By the nineteenth of June, Coffin had managed to reach Crawford Sem- inary, from which place he reported to Dole, We have at length reached the Indian Territory propper. . . I find Mr. Elder the Agent absent. I learned on my way down here that he had gone to Fort Scott with the view of locating the Agency there for the present which I supposed when I wrote you from the Catholic Mission might be propper from its close proximity to Missouri but as Mr. Phelps district is opposit here and he a good Union man and has been Stumping the district and I learn that the Union cause is growing fast in that part of the State I think there is now at least no Sort of ex- cuse for removing, the buildings here are ample for a large family, waiter good. . . - General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, The sequel showed that Agent Elder was right and Superintendent Coffin wrong about the security of the region. Coffin never reached Fort Smith at all and was soon compelled to vacate the Indian Territory. Indian Office, Letter Boob, no. 66, which covers the period from June, 1861 to October, 1861, con- tains scarcely a letter to prove that the Indian Office was in communication with Indian Territory. Official connection with the country had been com- pletely cut off. Military abandonment and dilatory officials had done their work. 118 Official instructions were issued to Coffin, then in Washington, on the ninth, and gave him permission to change his headquarters at discretion. The following is an excerpt of the instructions: You having been appointed by the President to be Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Southern Superintendency in place of Ellas Rector, Esq. . . You will repair to Fort Smith, Arkansas, as early as prac- > ticable, for the purpose of relieving Elias Rector, Esq. In your progress from Indiana to Fort Smith, should you deem it ex- pedient and advisable to pass down the Kansas line and among the In- dians in that section, you will make it your business to inquire as to their sentiments and disposition with reference to the present disturbances in the neighboring countries, so far as time and opportunity will enable you to do so. On reaching Fort Smith you will also inform yourself as to the condition of Affairs there and surrounding country, and as to the prospect of the business of the Superintendency being carried on without molestation or other inconvenience, and should you find it necessary 82 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist work. The Indians, meanwhile, were left to their own devices and were obliged to look out for their own de- fense as best they could. To all appearances neither the legislative action of the Chickasaws and of the Choctaws nor the work of the inter-tribal council was, at the time of occurrence, re- ported officially to the United States government or, if reported officially, then not pointedly so as to reveal its real bearings upon the case in hand. All the agents within Indian Territory were as usual southern men; 119 but may not have been directly responsible or even cog- nizant of this particular action of their charges. The records show that practically all of them, Cooper, Gar- rett, Cowart, Leeper, and Dorn, were absent 120 from their posts, with or without leave, the first part of the from the circumstances that may surround you to remove the office of Superintendent from Fort Smith you are authorized to do so, selecting some eligible point in the proximate Indian Territory, or if required some point northwardly among the Indians in Kansas as your best dis- cretion may dictate. I trust however that this discretionary authority may prove unnecessary and that in the legitimate discharge of your du- ties, you may suffer no interruption from any cause or source whatever. In a report from this Office of the 3Oth Ultimo, with reference to antici- pated Indian troubles in your Superintendency consequent upon the re- moval of the troops from Fort Cobb, the attention of the Hon. Secretary of the Interior was called to the subject, and the enquiry as to the policy of the Government to keep in the country a sufficient force for the pur- pose of proper protection ; and further calling his attention to the ex- pression of friendship and loyalty made by the Choctaw and Chickasaw delegates lately in this City, recommended that a depot for arms be established within the Southern Superintendency, in order that the In- dians there may be placed in possession of the means to defend them- selves against any attack. As yet no response to this report has been re- ceived. . . - Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 65, pp. 442-443. 119 Douglas H. Cooper, agent for the Choctaws and Chickasaws, was from Mississippi; William H. Garrett, agent for the Creeks, was from Alabama; Robert J. Cowart, agent for the Cherokees, was from Georgia; Matthew Leeper, agent for the Indians of the Leased District, was from Texas; and Andrew J. Dorn, agent at the Neosho River Agency, was from Arkansas. 120 Telegram, Greenwood to Rector, January 19, 1861 [Indian Office, Let- ter Book, no. 65, p. 104]. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 83 new year and that every one of them became or was al- ready an active secessionist. 121 It has been authenticated and is well understood to- day that, as the Southern States, one by one, declared themselves out of the Union or were getting themselves into line for so doing, they prepared to further the cause of secession among their neighbors and, for the pur- pose, sent agents or commissioners to them, who organ- ized the movement very much as the Committees of Correspondence did a similar movement prior to the American Revolution. In short, in the spring of 1861, the seceding states entered upon active proselytism and at least two of them extended their labors to and among the Indians. Those two were Texas and Arkansas. Missouri also worked with the same end in view, so did Colorado, but apparently not so much with the great tribes of Oklahoma as with the politically less important of Kansas. Colorado, it is true, did operate to some extent upon the Cherokees of the Outlet and upon the Wichitas, but mostly upon the Indians of the western plains. No one can deny that, in the interests of the Confederate cause, the project of sending emis- saries even to the Indians was a wise measure or refuse to admit that the contrasting inactivity and positive in- difference of the North was foolhardy in the extreme. It indicated a self-complacency for which there was no justification. More than that can w 7 ith truth be said} for, from the standpoint of political wisdom and fore- sight, the inactivity where the Indians were concerned was conduct most reprehensible. 121 For information showing what Indian agents became adherents of the Confederate cause, see, among other things, an extract from a report of Albert Pike to be found in Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 130, pp. 237-238; and a let- ter from R. W. Johnson to L. P. Walker, published in Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 598. 84 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist While Chickasaws and Choctaws, unsolicited, 1 expressing themselves, the secessionist sentiment was de- 122 Xhe evidence on this point is not very convincing, either one way or the other. A number of documents might be cited bearing some brief, vague, or indefinite reference to the steps the Indians took from the beginning. The closing paragraph of the following report from E. H. Carruth, under date of July u, 1861, is a typical case: SIR: I know not that any person has given information to any of the United States officers in regard to the position of the Indian Tribes con- nected with the Southern Superintendency. I am just arrived from the Seminole Country where for a year I have been employed as [illegible] to induce the Seminoles to establish schools. In Sept. last the chiefs applied to the Department to set aside $5000 for this purpose, but never heard from their application, and their Ag't soon became too deeply interested in the politics of the Country to pay much attention to the affairs of the tribe. From the time the secession movement began to ripen into treason, the Chief of the Seminoles has constantly sought information on the sub- ject, and whenever I rec'd a mail he would bring an Interpreter & re- main with me until all had been read and explained. After the Forts west were taken possession of by the Texans, the tribes living under the protection of Government around Fort Cobb came into the Seminole Country, seeking the counsel of the Seminoles as to what they should do, hostility to the Texans, being with them strength- ened by the recollection of recent wrongs. The Seminoles gave them permission to reside on their lands, and advised them to interfere with neither party, should both be represented in the country. The Texan officers sent several letters among them & left Commis- sioners at Cobb to treat with them offering to them the same protection before enjoyed while the Government of the U. S. was represented among them. A letter was also sent to the Seminoles signed by Geo. W. Welch, "Capt - Commanding the Texan troops in the service of the Southern Confederacy" which asserted that the Northern people were determined to take away their lands & negroes, that the old Gov't would never be able to fulfill her treaty stipulations and wound up by asking them to place their interests under the protection of the Southern Con- federacy. Very soon aferwards Capt- Albert G. Pike "Commissioner for the Confederate States of America" wrote to the Seminole Chief from the Creek Agency, asking that he should meet him at that place with six of his best men fully authorized to treat with him. He also asked for a body of Seminole warriors, & promised as "good perhaps better treaty" than their old one. His letter was backed up by one from Washburn (formerly Seminole Ag't) who gave a glowing description of treason, representing to the Indians that the U.S. could never pay one dollar of the moneys due them, that European Nations were committed to the Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 85 veloping rapidly in Texas. By the middle of February, conditions were such that steps might be taken to order cause of the Rebels, and entreated, prayed, almost commanded them to take the step so essential to their political salvation. This Washburn had once been engaged in a money transaction with two of the Chiefs which swindled the nation out of many thousands of dollars, and while they came near losing their heads in the operation, he escaped, & still enjoys great personal popularity with the tribe. No man knows better how to approach Indians. He was born among them of missionary parents, & like all southern men, who regret their northern parentage, he is the most rabid of violent traitors. The day after these letters were rec'd the Chief (John Jumper) spent at my house. He felt true to the treaties, & said that all his people were with the Government, but, the Forts west were in possession of its enemies, their Agent would give them no information on the subject, & he feared that his country would be overrun, if he did not yield. I told him plainly that Government was shamefully misrepresented, that the treaties bound him to all the states alike, that the U.S. could not fall with all the Army & Navy at her disposal, & that should the South ever succeed in gaining her own independence the free States would fight till not a man, woman or child was left, before yielding one inch of Territory to the rebels. The war being entered into not so much either for or against slavery in the states, as to protect the Constitutional rights of Government in the Territories. The Chief told me that all the full Indians everywhere were with the Gov't, that he did not wish to fight, nor did his people, they had hoped to be left to themselves untill the whites settled their quarrels, his people had enough of war in Flor- ida, & were now anxious for peace. He would however go to the Creek Agency & tell Capt. Pike & Ben McCulloch their determination. I be- lieve the object of Pike in drawing the Seminoles to the Creek country was that he could thus bring Creek influence to bear upon them. When Pike's letter came, the Bearer sent word to the Chief to meet him ten miles below, where they were read, but this caution did not keep them out of sight, as the Chief immediately brought them to me, to whom as clerk they should have come at first, but a "white man" was declared to be the adviser of the Seminoles, for whom a black jack limb would soon suffice. I knew it dangerous to await the arrival of my ranger friends, & with my wife I left on horseback, traveling in a Kickapoo trail, com- ing in above the Creek country, as they had seceded -I was questioned a good deal in the Cherokee Nation, but not interfered with as I was personally acquainted with their leading half breeds, and my wife being fortunate enough to have a Virginia birth and a brother in Missouri. When within a half hour's travel of the Neosho River, my shot gun was taken by a company of men, organized that day -the zd after Sey- mour was killed - they said "to clean out Kansas Jay hawkers." The influence of Capt Pike the Rebel Commissioner is second to no 86 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist the evacuation of the state by Federal troops. This was finally done under authority of the Committee of Pub- man's among the Southern Indians & I fear that he may succeed in his intrigues with the other tribes, the Creeks, Chickasaws, & Choctaws having already gone. The Cherokees refuse to go as a Nation, & no one is a firmer friend to the Union than John Ross, their Chief, but traitors are scheming, and the half breeds in favor of the South, want an army to come in, in which event they promise to be "forced in" to the Arms of Jeff. Davis, & the select crowd of traitors at Montgomery. There are many true & loyal men even among the half breeds, some of the Judges of their courts I know to be so, while all the full blood element is with the Gov't. The half breeds belong to the K. G. C. a society whose sole object is to increase & defend slavery and the full bloods have - not to be out- done - got up a secret organization called the "pins" which meets among mountains, connecting business with Ball-playing, and this is under- stood to be in favor of Gov't, at least when a half breed at Webers falls raised a secession flag, the "pins" turned out to haul it down & were only stopped by a superior force, they retired swearing that "it should yet be done & its raiser killed" and now Sir, let me say a word in behalf of the full Indians who make up in devotion to our Gov't what they lack in knowledge. I sometimes hear rejoicing on the part of Northern people, that these tribes are seceding, because they say such violation of their treaties will lose them their lands, whose beauty & fertility have long been ad- mired by western farmers. I have been twelve years among these tribes & I know the full bloods to be loyal to the Gov't. That Gov't is bound by treaties to protect these nations, to keep up Forts for that purpose. The forts are deserted, the soldiers are gone. The Agents are either resigned or, working under "confederate" commissions. The Indians are told that the old Gov't is bankrupt, that it must die, that England & France will help the South, That they are southern Indians & own slaves, & have interests only with & in the south, That the war is waged by the North for the sole purpose of killing slavery, & steal- ing the Indian lands etc. etc. What have the Indians with which to disprove this? The "Confederate" Gov't is represented there by an army & Commissioners, but the United States have not been heard from for six months. Every battle is believed to be against the old Gov't & those who control the news know in what shape it should go to have influence. The Seminole Agent, Col. Rutherford, has never lifted his finger to give information or advice to the Indians under his charge - He said before Mr. Lincoln took his seat as President that he would not receive a reappointment from him, but would serve until it should come, which means that his love of money would enable him to make an oc- casional visit to the Agency buildings, but his fear for & sympathy with Ark. rebels, would keep him from doing anything to endanger their Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 87 lie Safety 123 and the general in command, D. E. Twiggs of Georgia, compliantly yielded. His small show of resistance seemed, under the circumstances, a mere pre- tense, although he had his reasons, and good ones too, perfectly satisfactory to himself, for doing what he did. Two main conditions were attached to the agreement of surrender; 124 one, exacted by General Twiggs, to the effect that his men be allowed to retain their arms, com- missary stores, camp and garrison equipage, and the means of transportation; the other, exacted by the Texan commissioners, that the troops depart by way of the coast and not overland, as the United States War Department had designed when, a short time before, it had ordered a similar removal. 125 The precaution of interests. A proper officer could have kept the Seminoles from sending a delegation to Capt. Pike, as well as in the Creek country one could have kept the Creeks loyal. That there has been the most culpable neg- lect on the part of its officers to the interests of the Genl Gov't needs no demonstration - The cry has been : "More favorable treaties can now be made with the South than after the war, as it will show that the Indians are at heart with the South" - No doubt is allowed to be felt as to the issue of the war. The agents who hold Commissions from Mr. Lincoln & go to Montgomery to have Jeff. Davis endorse them, show a faith in the issue, that is not lost upon the Indians. A Capt. Brown of the Chickasaw tribe was commanding at Ar- buckle, in the absence of Col. McKing who was at Tishimingo where the legislature was in session. He informed me that the Texans would not come over until the Choctaws & Chickasaws had given them to un- derstand that "it would be all right" - At the time these nations did not wish to invite them, it would have been too palpable a violation of treaties, tho' they took command of the Fort, whether under their na- tional authorities, or the "Confederate" I do not know which. Letters now in possession of the Seminole Chief will prove much herein stated. I told the chief to preserve those letters & all others which he might receive of a like nature. . . - General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ci348. 123 Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 513. 12 * Ibid., 515-516. 125 The order was one of the many, dictated by the policy of "no coercion," that issued in the last days of Buchanan's administration and the first of Lin- coln's. A few of them, affecting or designed to affect the frontier, may as well 88 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist forcing a coastwise journey 126 was taken by the Texan commissioners to consume time and to prevent the troops being retained in states or territories through which transit lay for possible future use against Texas. The easy compliance of General Twiggs 127 undoubtedly merits some censure and yet was perfectly well justified to his own conscience by the exigencies of the situation and by the fact that he had repeatedly asked for orders as to what he should do in the event of an emergency and had received none. The circum- stance of his surrender and the resulting triumph of the secessionist element could not fail to have its effect upon the watchful Indians to whom the exhibition of present power was everything. That the Texan secessionists fully appreciated the strategic position of the Indian nations and the absolute necessity of making some sort of terms with them was brought out by the action of the convention at its first session. An ordinance was passed "to secure the friendship and co-operation of the Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations of Indians;" and three men, James E. Harrison, James Bourland, and Charles A. Hamilton, were appointed as commis- be listed in chronological order. On the thirteenth of February-, an aban- donment of Fort Smith was ordered [Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 654.]. The citizens protested and the order was countermanded [ibid., 655]. On the fifteenth of the same month, General Scott ordered, in the event of seces- sion, all United States troops from Texas, via Fort Belknap and the Indian country, to Fort Leavenworth [ibid., 589]. On the eighteenth of March, a similar abandonment of Arkansas and the Indian country was arranged for [ibid., 667], 126 Official Records, first sen, vol. liii, supplement, pp. 626, 628, 629. 127 General Twiggs was then waiting to be relieved of his command, hav- ing personally requested to be relieved, his sense of embarrassment being strong and his unwillingness to take responsibility, extreme. Robert E. Lee, brevet colonel, Second United States Cavalry, was relieved from duty in Texas and ordered to repair to Washington, by orders of February 4, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 586]. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 89 sioners 128 "to proceed to said nations and invite their 128 Commissioners of some sort had been sent to the Indians even before this. They do not seem to have been, in any sense, agents of Texas, indeed, the ones particularly in mind were from Arkansas; but Texas may have taken her cue from their appointment. Their presence in the Indian country is sufficiently attested by the following correspondence: I have been informed today that persons purporting to act in the capacity of Commissioners are now visiting the Indian nations on our frontier - preparatory to forming an alliance with them to furnish them with arms and munitions of war, in violation of subsisting treaties and the laws of the United States. Occupying the position I do as a Civil officer of the Government in discharge of my duty as well as instruc- tions, It is my duty to make inquiry and report such a state of facts as may exist in relation to the same. And having no authentic informa- tion in relation to this matter other than public rumor, I have believed it my duty to address you knowing that if such projects are in embryo or consummation that they cannot escape your vigilance ; and that from you I shall be informed of the same, that, they may be communicated from a reliable official source to the authorities at Washington for their action. - JOHN B. OGDEN, United States commissioner, to John Ross, dated Van Buren, February 15, 1861 [Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 032]. I have received your communication of the isth inst. - stating that you have been informed that persons purporting to act in the capacity of commissioners are now visiting the Indian Nations on the frontier preparatory to forming an alliance. . . It is currently rumored in the Country that Mr. R. J. Cowart - the U. S. Agent -is officially advocating the secession policy of the Southern States and that he is endeavoring to influence the Cherokees to take sides and act in concert with the seceded States - At the same time ut- tering words of denunciation against all the distinguished Patriots who are exerting their efforts, to devise measures of reconciliation in Con- gress as well as those in the Peace Convention at Washington for the Preservation of the Union. Mr. Cowart brought out with him from the State of Georgia a man named - Solomon - who is a notorious drunken brawling disunionist. He is strolling about Tahlequah under the permission of the socalled "U.S. Agent" - and is creating strife & getting into difficulties with citizens of the Nation - a perfect nuisance to the peace and good ordpr of society. The conduct and general deportment of this man, also of the Agent being in direct violation of the laws and Treaties of the United States - they should be removed out of the Cherokee Country. For further information as to such facts relating to the subjects of your enquiry, I have to refer you at present to Mr. W. P. Ross for what he may be in possession of. . . - JOHN Ross to John B. Ogden, Febru- ary 28, 1861 [Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 032]. 90 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist prompt co-operation in the formation of a Southern Confederacy." 129 Now before following these men in the execution of their mission, it may be advisable, for breadth of view, to Hlustrate how Texas still further made Indian rela- tions an issue most prominent in all the earlier stages of her secession movement; but at the very outset it must be admitted that, in so doing, she differentiated care- fully between the civilized and the uncivilized tribes. With the one group she was ready to seek an alliance, offensive and defensive, but with the other to wage a relentless, exterminating war. The failure of the United States central government to protect her against the aggressions and the atrocities so-called of the wild tribes was cited by her as one principal justification for withdrawal from the Union, 130 her obvious purpose be- ing to gain thereby the adherence of the northern coun- ties, non-slaveholding but frontier. Almost conversely, on the other hand, Governor Houston gave as one good and sufficient reason for not withdrawing from the Union, the fear that should the Union be dissolved the wild tribes, who were now, in a measure, restrained from committing depredations and enormities by the very nature of their treaty guaranties, would be literally let loose upon Texas. 131 As far as the civilized tribes were concerned, however, all were of one mind and that took the form of the conviction that so great was the necessity of gaining and holding the confidence of the Indians, that Texas must not procrastinate in joining 129 Official Records, fourth sen, vol. i, 322. 130 Tenney, W. J. Military and Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States, 134. 131 Letter to the Alabama commissioner, J. M. Calhoun, January 7, 1861 [Official Records, fourth sen, vol. 5, 74]. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 91 her fortunes with those of her sister states in the Con- federacy. 132 James E. Harrison and his colleagues started out upon the performance of the duties assigned them, Feb- ruary 27, 1 86 1. Their report 133 of operations and of observations being somewhat difficult of access and its contents not easily summarized, is herewith appended. Its fullness of detail is especially to be commended. We . . . crossed Red River and entered the Chickasaw Nation about thirty miles southwest of Fort Washita; visited and held a private conference with His Excellency Governor C. Harris and other distinguished men of that nation, who fully appreciated our views and the object of our mission. They in- formed us that a convention of the Chickasaws and Choctaws was in a few days to convene at Boggy Depot, in the Choctaw Nation, to attend to some municipal arrangements. We, in company with Governor Harris and others, made our way to Boggy Depot, conferring privately with the principal men on our route. We arrived at Boggy Depot on the loth day of March. Their convention or council convened on the nth. Elected a president of the convention ( Ex-Governor Walker, of the Choctaw Nation) ; adopted rules of decorum. On the I2th we were waited on by a committee of the convention. Intro- duced as commissioners from Texas, we presented our creden- tials and were invited to seats. The convention then asked to hear us, when Mr. James E. Harrison addressed them and a crowded auditory upon the subject of our mission, setting forth the grounds of our complaint against the Government of the United States, the wrongs we had suffered until our patience had become exhausted, endurance had ceased to be a virtue, our duty to ourselves and children demanded of us a disruption of the Government that had ceased to protect us or to regard our rights ; announced the severance of the old and the organization of a new Government of Confederate Sovereign States of the 132 "Report of a Committee of the Convention, being an address to the people of Texas, March 30, 1861." -Ibid., 199. 133 Official Records, fourth ser., vol. i, 322-325. 92 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist South, with a common kindred, common hopes, common interest, and a common destiny ; discussed the power of the new Govern- ment, its influence, and wealth; the interest the civilized red man had in this new organization ; tendering them our warmest sympathy and regard, all of which met the cordial approbation of the convention. The Choctaws and Chickasaws are entirely Southern and are determined to adhere to the fortunes of the South. They were embarrassed in their action by the absence of their agents and commissioners at Washington, the seat of Government of the Northern Confederacy, seeking a final settlement with that Gov- ernment. They have passed resolutions authorizing the raising of a minute company in each county in the two nations, to be drilled for actual service when necessary. Their convention was highly respectable in numbers and intelligence, and the busi- ness of the convention was dispatched with such admirable de- corum and promptness as is rarely met with in similar delibera- tive bodies within the States. On the morning of the I3th, hearing that the Creeks (or Maskokys) and Cherokees were in council at the Creek agency, on the Arkansas River, 140 miles distant, we immediately set out for that point, hoping to reach them before their adjourn- ment. In this we were disappointed. They had adjourned two days before our arrival. We reached that point on Satur- day evening. On Sunday morning, hearing that there was a religious meeting five miles north of the Arkansas River, in the Creek Nation, Mr. James E. Harrison attended, which proved to be of the utmost importance to our mission. The Reverend Mr. H. S. Buckner was present, with Chilly Mclntosh, D. N. Mclntosh, Judge Marshall, and others, examining a translation of a portion of the Scriptures, hymn book, and Greek grammar by Mr. Buckner into the Creek language. Mr. Buckner showed us great kindness, and did us eminent service, as did also Elder Vandiven, at whose house we spent the night and portion of the next day with these gentlemen of the Creek Nation, and through them succeeded in having a convention of the five nations called by Governor Motey Kinnaird, of the Creeks, to meet at North Fork (Creek Nation) on the 8th of April. In the intermediate time we visited the Cherokee Nation, calling on their principal men and citizens, conversing with Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 93 them freely until we reached Tahlequah, the seat of government. Near this place Mr. John Ross resides, the Governor of the nation. We called on him officially. We were not unex- pected, and were received with courtesy, but not with cordiality. A long conference was had with him, conducted by Mr. Har- rison on the part of the commissioners, without, we fear, any good result. He was very diplomatic and cautious. His posi- tion is the same as that held by Mr. Lincoln in his inaugural; declares the Union not dissolved; ignores the Southern Govern- ment. The intelligence of the nation is not with him. Four- fifths, at least, are against his views, as we learned from observa- tion and good authorities. He, as we learned, had been urged by his people to call a council of the nation (he having the only constitutional authority to do so) , to take into consideration the embarrassed condition of political affairs in the States, and to give some expression of their sentiments and sympathies. This he has persistently refused to do. His position in this is that of Sam. Houston in Texas, and in all probability will share the same fate, if not a worse one. His people are already oppressed by a Northern population letting a portion of territory pur- chased by them from the United States, to the exclusion of natives, and we are creditably informed that the Governors of some two or more of the Western free-soil States have recom- mended their people emigrating to settle the Cherokee country. It is due Mr. John Ross, in this connection, to say that during our conference with him he frequently avowed his sympathy for the South, and that, if Virginia and the other Border States seceded from the Government of the United States, his people would declare for the Southern Government that might be formed. The fact is not to be denied or disguised that among the common Indians of the Cherokees there exists a considerable abolition influence, created and sustained by one Jones, a North- ern missionary of education and ability, who has been among them for many years, and who is said to exert no small influence with John Ross himself. From Tahlequah we returned to the Creek Nation, and had great satisfaction in visiting their principal men the Mcln- toshes, Stidhams, Smiths, Vanns, Rosses, Marshalls, and others too numerous to mention. Heavy falls of rain occurred about 94 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist the time the convention was to meet at North Fork, which pre- vented the Chickasaws and Choctaws from attending the coun- cil, the rivers and creeks being all full and impassable. The Creeks, Cherokees, Seminoles, Quapa, and Socks (the three lat- ter dependencies of the Creeks) met on the 8th of April. After they had organized by calling Motey Kinnaird, the Governor of the Creeks, to the chair, a committee was appointed to wait on the commissioners present, James E. Harrison and Capt. C. A. Hamilton, and invite them to appear in the convention, when, by invitation, Mr. Harrison addressed the convention in a speech of two hours. Our views were cordially received by the convention. The Creeks are Southern and sound to a man, and when desired will show their devotion to our cause by acts. They meet in council on the ist of May, when they will prob- ably send delegates to Montgomery to arrange with the South- ern Government. These nations are in a rapid state of improvement. The chase is no longer resorted to as means of subsistence, only as an occasional recreation. They are pursuing with good success agriculture and stock raising. Their houses are well built and comfortable, some of them costly. Their farms are well planned and some of them extensive and all well cultivated. They are well supplied with schools of learning, extensively patronized. They have many churches and a large membership of moral, pious deportment. They feel themselves to be in an exposed, embarrassed condition. They are occupying a country well suited to them, well watered, and fertile, with extensive fields of the very best mineral coal, fine salt springs and wells, with plenty of good timber, water powers which they are using to an advantage. Pure slate, granite, sandstone, blue limestone, and marble are found in abundance. All this they regard as inviting Northern aggression, and they are without arms, to any extent, or munitions of war. They declare themselves South- erners by geographical position, by a common interest, by their social system, and by blood, for they are rapidly becoming a nation of whites. They have written constitutions, laws, etc., modeled after those of the Southern States. We recommend them to the fostering care of the South, and that treaty arrange- ments be entered into with them as soon as possible. They can Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 95 raise 20,000 good fighting men, leaving enough at home to at- tend to domestic affairs, and under the direction of an officer from the Southern Government would deal destruction to an approaching army from that direction, and in the language of one of their principal men : "Lincoln may haul his big guns about our prairies in the day- time, but we will swoop down upon him at night from our mountains and forests, dealing death and destruction to his army." No delay should be permitted in this direction. They can- not declare themselves until they are placed in a defensible posi- tion. The Administration of the North is concentrating his forces at Fort Washita, about twenty-four miles from the Texas line, and within the limits of the Chickasaw Nation. This fort could easily be taken by a force of 200 or 300 good men, and it is submitted as to whether in the present state of affairs a for- eign government should be permitted to accumulate a large force on the borders of our country, especially a portion con- taining a large number of disaffected citizens who repudiate the action of the State. In this connection it may not be improper to state that from North Fork to Red River we met over 120 wagons, movers from Texas to Kansas and other free States. These people are from Grayton, Collin, Johnson, and Denton, a country beau- tiful in appearance, rich in soil, genial in climate, and inferior to none in its capacity for the production of the cereals and stock. In disguise, we conversed with them freely. They had proposed by the ballot box to abolitionize at least that portion of the State. Failing in this, we suppose at least 500 voters have returned whence they came. All of which is respectfully submitted this April 23, 1861. . . Presumably, the suggestions, contained in the closing paragraphs of the commissioners' report, in so far as they concerned Texas, were immediately acted upon by her. It was very true, as the commissioners had reported, that a change was taking place in the dispo- sition of Federal troops within the Indian country. 96 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist About the middle of February, a complaint 134 had been filed at the Indian Office by the Wichita agent, Mat- thew Leeper, to the effect that men, claiming to be Choctaws and Chickasaws, were trespassing upon the Leased District. The Reserve Indians asked for relief and protection at the hands of their guardian, the United States government. Shortly afterwards, per- haps in a measure in response to the appeal or more likely, to a hint that everything was not quite as it should be on the Texan border, Colonel William H. Emory, First United States Cavalry, was ordered, March I3, 185 to take post at Fort Cobb. He was then in Washington and, immediately upon his departure thence, was ordered, March i8, 136 to form his regiment at Fort Washita instead, word having come from the commander at that post, 137 in a report of the third in- stant, of a threatened attack by Texans. In explanation of a policy so vacillating, Emory was given to under- stand that the change of destination was really made at the solicitation of the agent and delegation of the Chick- asaws. Those men were in Washington, out of reach of and apparently out of sympathy with, the events transpiring at home. Agent Cooper, secessionist though he was, probably did not altogether approve of the interference of the Texans. At any rate, he shared the representations of the Chickasaw delegation that Fort Washita stood in need of reinforcement, 138 and the War Department acceded to their request on the ground that, "The interests of the United States are 184 Leeper to Greenwood, February 12, 1861 [General Files, Wichita^ 1860-1861, 1373]. 135 Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 656. w lbid. 137 _ m^ 66o . 64 g. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 97 paramount to those of the friendly Indians on the reser- vation near Fort Cobb." 139 Emory's orders further comprehended a concentra- tion of all the troops at Fort Washita that were then at that place and at Forts Cobb and Arbuckle; 140 but the orders were discretionary in their nature and per- mitted his leaving a small force at the more northern posts should circumstances warrant or demand it. On the nineteenth, General Scott had had a conference with Senator Charles B. Mitchell of Arkansas and, in deference to Mitchell's opinion, still further modified his orders to Emory so that, while leaving him the bulk of his discretionary power, he recommended that, if advisable, Emory retain one company at Fort Cobb. 141 In any event, one company of infantry was to move in advance from Fort Arbuckle to Fort Washita. 142 Up to the twenty-fourth of March, at which time he left Memphis, Colonel Emory made pretty good time in his attempt to reach his destination; but from Mem- phis on his movements were unavoidably and consider- ably hampered. Low water in the Arkansas detained him for several days so that he deemed it prudent to send his orders on ahead to the commanding officer at Fort Arbuckle "to commence the movement upon Fort Washita, and, in the event of the latter place being threatened, to march to its support with his whole force." 143 On reaching Fort Smith, Emory found that matters had come to a crisis in Arkansas and, touching 139 Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 656. 140 The Indian Office protested against a reduction of the forts because of treaty guaranties to the Indians [Dole to Smith, April 30, 1861, Indian Office, Report Book, no. 12, p. 152]. 141 Townsend to Emory, March 21, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. J, 659]. 142 Same to same, ibid., 660. 143 Emory to Townsend, April 2, 1861 {ibid., 660]. 98 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist the disposition of his force and the objects of his mis- sion, allowed himself to be unduly influenced in his judgment by men of local predilections. 14 * It was upon their advice and upon the urgent pleadings of Matthew Leeper, 145 Indian agent on the Leased District, that he exercised his discretionary power as to the disposal of troops, without listening to his military subordinates 14 or having viewed the locality for himself. In the in- terests of these local petitioners, 147 he even enlarged upon Mitchell's recommendation and concluded to leave two companies at Fort Cobb as one was deemed altogether inadequate to the protection of so isolated 144 At the time, when it was intended to remove all the troops from Fort Cobb for purposes of concentration farther south and nearer to the source of danger, instructions were issued that the Reserve Indians, whose peculiar protection Fort Cobb was, might remove within the limits of Fort Washita; but the Choctaws and the Chickasaws objected and, in deference to their wishes, Emory suspended the permission [Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 663], his excuse being that Fort Cobb was not to be abandoned anyway. The contract- ors, Johnson and Grimes, whom Superintendent Rector had so much favored, had a good deal to do with the forming of this decision. They told Emory that the Reserve Indians were not free to move; for they had no means and that they were "hutted and planting at Fort Cobb." Quite naturally the food contractors did not wish the Indians to be taken out of their reach within the limits of a military reservation. 145 Matthew Leeper was very insistent. He not only wrote letters to Emory arguing his case but travelled from his agency to Fort Smith to interview him. 146 Emory refused to grant the appeal of Major Sackett and Captain Prince not to abandon Fort Arbuckle [Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 666]. 147 This circumstance ought not, however, to be cited to the prejudice of Colonel Emory; for it was while he was yet at Fort Smith that he manifested some of the spirit that inspired Robert E. Lee, who, by the way, was in com- mand of the 2nd regiment of United States cavalry and had been stationed, like Emory, in Texas, and who, whether he believed in the doctrine of seces- sion or not, put, as many another high-minded Southerner did, the state before the nation in matters of pride, of allegiance, and of personal honor. Such men as Lee belonged to quite another class from what the self-seeking politicians did who, in isolated cases at least, engineered the secession movement from hope of gain. Many of the Indian agents and employees belonged to this latter class. Emory was unlike Lee in the final result; for he did not ulti- mately conclude to go with his state. It was he who later on commanded, as a Union brigadier-general, the defences of New Orleans. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 99 a post. It never seems to have occurred to him that the attack would have to come from the south, from the direction of Fort Washita, and that a force large enough to be efficient at either Fort Washita or Fort Arbuckle would necessarily protect Fort Cobb and the Indians of the Leased District. The position of the Indians in the Leased District was serious in the extreme. They lived in mortal terror of the Texans and their agent, the man placed over them by the United States government, was now an avowed secessionist. He was a Texan and declared, as so many another southerner did from General Lee down, that honor and loyalty compelled him to go with his state. In February, he had been in Washington City, settling his accounts with the government and estimating for the next two quarters in accordance with the rulings and established usage of the Indian Office. On his way west and back to his agency, he was waylaid by a man of the name of "Burrow," very probably Colonel N. B. Burrow, acting under authority from the state of Arkansas, who despoiled him of part of his travelling equipment and then suffered him to go on his way. 14 ' Leeper reached his agency to find the In- dians greatly excited. He endeavored to allay their fears, assuring them that the Texans would do them no harm. Soon, however, came his own defection and he thenceforward made use of every means, either to make the way easy for the Texans or to induce the Indians to side with them against the United States. While Emory was dilly-dallying at Fort Smith, the Texans made their preparations 149 for invading the In- 148 See Appendix B, Leeper Papers. 149 Very early, as has already been commented upon, the Texans bethought them of securing the Indian alliance. Additional evidence is to be found in such a request as Henry E. McCulloch made of Secretary Walker, on the occa- TOO The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist dian country and a regiment of volunteers under Will- iam C. Young, once a planter of Braganza County and now state regimental colonel, moved towards the Red River. There is something to show that they came at the veiled invitation 15 of the Indians. At any rate they seem to have felt pretty sure of a welcome 151 and were close at hand when Colonel Emory reached Fort Washita. He reached Fort Washita to find that the concentration of troops, even of such as his ill-advised orders would permit, had not yet fully taken place, that his supplies had been seized by the Texans, and that a general attack by them upon the poorly fortified posts sion of his brother Ben's having passed over to him the charge originally con- ferred upon himself of raising a regiment of mounted troops for the defence of the frontier. Henry E. McCulloch requested Secretary Walker to permit him To use some of the friendly Indians in the Indian Territory, if I can procure their services, in my scouting parties and expeditions against the hostile Indians. These people can be made of great service to us, and can be used without any great expense to the Government. - Official Records, first sen, vol. i, 618. 150 Letter of Carruth, July n, 1861. 151 As proof that the Texans regarded the Choctaws and the Chickasaws as friends, the two following letters may be cited: A letter from John Hemphill and W. S. Oldham, two of the represen- tatives from Texas in the Provisional Congress, to Secretary Walker, March 30, 1861, outlining a scheme of defence for Texas in which the admission was made that, from the southwest corner of Arkansas to Preston on the Red River, Texas needed no defense as her neighbors on that side were, "the highly-civilized and agricultural tribes of Choctaws and Chickasaws, who are in friendship with Texas and the Confederate States." - Official Records, first sen, vol. i, 619. A letter from E. Kirby Smith, major, Artillery, Confederate States of America, to Walker, April 20, 1861, to the effect that, In considering the defense of the line of the western frontier of Texas our relations with the civilized Indians north of Red River are of the utmost importance. Numbering some eight thousand rifles, they form a strong barrier on the north, forcing the line of operations of an invading army westward into a region impracticable to the passage of large bodies of troops. Regarding them as our allies, which their nat- ural affinities make them, the line of the western frontier reduces itself to the country between the Rio Grande and Red River. - Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 628. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 101 was to be hourly expected. Emory, thereupon, re- solved to withdraw from Fort Washita towards Ar- buckle and Cobb. The day after he did so, April 16, Young's troops entered in force. Emory hurried for- ward to strengthen Fort Cobb and, indeed, to relieve it, taking, in his progress, the open prairie road that his cavalry might be more available. On the way, 152 he was joined by United States troops from Fort Arbuckle, the Texans in close pursuit. Fort Arbuckle was occu- pied by them in turn and then Fort Cobb, Emory never so much as attempting to enter the place; for he found its garrison in flight to the northeast. Fugitives all together, the Federal troops, piloted by a Delaware Indian, Black Beaver, 133 hurried onwards towards Fort Leavenworth. They seem to have made no lengthy stop until they were safe across the Arkansas River 154 152 Between Fort Washita and Fort Arbuckle, Colonel Emory was over- taken by William W. Averell, second lieutenant, Regiment Mounted Rifles, with additional despatches from Townsend, ordering him, upon their receipt, immediately to repair to Fort Leavenworth, "with all the troops in the Indian country west of Arkansas" [ibid., 667]. Lieutenant Averell's own account of his experiences on the journey between Washington City and Fort Washita, the hardships, difficulties, and delays, also the frenzied excitement of the Ar- kansas people over the prospect of secession, forms an interesting narrative [ibid., vol. liii, supplement, 488, 493-496]. 153 Black Beaver had served creditably as United States interpreter for the Wichitas and recently Leeper had turned to him for help in allaying their fears [Leeper to Rector, dated Wichita Agency, March 28, 1861, Leeper Papers'}. For services rendered on this expedition northward to Fort Leaven- worth [Letter of W. S. Robertson, September 30, 1861, General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ri6i5], Black Beaver brought a claim against the United States [E. S. Parker to J. D. Cox, July i, 1869, Indian Office, Report Book, no. 18, pp. 417-418 ; and same to same, April 25, 1870, ibid., no. *9i P- 321]. Evidently Black Beaver served also in the Mexican War. He was then head of a company of mounted volunteers, Shawnees and Delawares [George W. Manypenny to Drew, August 8, 1854], which had been called and mustered into the service by Harney [P. Clayton, 2nd auditor, to A. K. Par- ris, 2nd comptroller, October 26, 1850]. 154 Emory to Townsend, May 19, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 648]. IO2 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist and their flight may well be said to have been a precip- itous one. Behind them, at Fort Arbuclde, Colonel Young took possession of abandoned property and placed it in the care of the Chickasaw Indians, 155 who had materially aided him in his attack. His next move was to negotiate, 156 unauthoritatively, a treaty with the Reserve Indians, gaining the promise of their alliance upon the understanding that the Confederacy, in return, would feed and protect them. Fort Cobb was rifled and the Indians made rich, in their own estimation, with booty. 157 Colonel Young seems then to have drawn back towards the Red River; but for several months he continued to occupy with his forces, 158 under the authority of Texas and with the consent of the Chickasaw Indians, the three frontier posts that Emory had been instructed to guard; viz., Forts Washita, Ar- buckle, and Cobb. If Texas took time by the forelock in her anxiety to secure the Indian country and its inhabitants, Arkansas most certainly did the same; and, in the undertaking, various things told to her advantage, among which, not the least important was the close family relationship existing between her secessionist governor, Henry M. 155 Captain S. T. Benning to Walker, May 14, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. 5, 653.] 157 Leeper to Rector, January 13, 1862 [Leeper Papers]. 158 A note, communicated by X. B. Debray, aide-de-camp to the Governor of Texas, to Walker and dated, Richmond, August 28, 1861, says, The governor of Texas being convinced that the integrity of the soil of Texas greatly depends upon the success of the Southern cause in Mis- souri, and moved by an appeal to the people of Arkansas and Texas (published at the beginning of July by General Ben. McCulloch) or- dered on the 25th ultimo the raising and concentration on Red River of 3,000 mounted men, besides the regiment commanded by Col. W. C. Young, which has been occupying for several months Forts Arbuckle, Cobb, and Washita, under authority of Texas, and at the request of the. Chickasaw Indians. - Official Records, first sen, vol. iv, 98. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 103 Rector, and the southern superintendent. They were cousins and, to all appearances, the best of friends. It is doubtful if in any state the executive authority there- of worked more energetically for secession or with greater consistency and promptitude than in Arkansas. Governor Rector had been elected, in the autumn of 1860, by the Democrats and old-line Whigs. He be- longed to a numerous and most influential family, land- surveyors most of them, seemingly by inheritance, and, although from northern or border states originally, strongly committed to the doctrine of state sovereignty. The family connections were also powerful socially and politically. The gubernatorial inauguration came in November, 1860, and from that moment Henry M. Rector and his host of relations and friends worked for secession. At the outset, Governor Rector identified the Indian interests with those of Arkansas. Even in his mes- sage 159 of December n, 1860 he gave it as his opinion that the two communities must together take measures to prevent anti-slavery migration. It was rather late in the day, however, to intimate that men of abolitionist sentiments must not be allowed to cross the line, and a man of the political acumen of Henry M. Rector must have known it. Immediately after the general election there were evidences of great excitement in Arkansas and, when news 160 came that the disused arsenal at Little Rock was to be occupied by artillery under Cap- tain James Totten from Fort Leavenworth, it broke out into expressions of public dissent. Little Rock was scarcely less radical and secessionist in its views than was Fort Smith and Fort Smith was regarded as a regular hot-bed of sectionalism. The legislature, too, 159 House Journal, Arkansas, 1861, p. 304. 1 * Confederate Military History, vol. x, 4. 104 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist was filled with state-rights advocates and some of the actions taken there were almost revolutionary in their trend. With the new year came new alarms and false reports of what was to be. Harrell records 161 that the first message over the newly completed telegraph line between Memphis and Little Rock was a repetition of the rumor, quite without foundation, that Major Emory had been ordered from Fort Gibson to reinforce Totten at Little Rock, and that the effect upon Helena was electrical. It is no wonder that the newspapers and personal communications 162 of the time showed great 161 Confederate Military History, vol. x, 7. 162 Two letters found among the Fort Smith Papers may serve, in a meas- ure, to illustrate the point: LITTLE ROCK, ARKS, Jan? 6, 1861. DR THAD: I received your letter a few days ago ... I am thankful that there are a few righteous men left and particularly grati- fied that you and Henry Lewis are true and faithful to the South. I will endeavor to keep you posted so that you may hold your own with the Union savers in sober truth the question is not whether the Union ought or can be saved but whether Arkansas shall go with the North or adhere to the South. Neither Fishback or anybody can pre- serve the Union - it now becomes us as wise men to put our house in order for the impending crisis. I wrote to Porter last night -the Sen- ate have not passed the Convention bill and will not in anything like a right shape. . . BEN T. Du VAL. [Addressed to Capt. M. T. Tatum, Greenwood, Arks.]. LITTLE ROCK ARK, January 7th 1861. DEAR THAD. I enclose you a copy of the printed bill now before our House to arm and equip the Militia of this State and to appropriate 100,000$ for that purpose. . . We have passed a bill through the House appropriating five hundred dollars to Porter to cover his losses to some extent in money which he has paid out in recovering fugitives, it ought to have been a good deal more, but I never worked harder for anything in my life to get what we did. I think it will pass the Sen- ate. The news from South Carolina indicate a Tea party at Charleston before many days. From the general signs of the times I think a Com- promise will be effect between the North and the South and the Union saved. The Convention bill has not passed the Senate yet but will in a few days I think. Give my respects to the boys generally Your obt Servt JOHN T. LONDON [Addressed to Capt. M. T. Tatum, Greenwood, Sebastian County, Arkansas.] Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 105 intensity of feeling and a tendency to ring the changes on a single theme. The public indignation following the receipt of the unsubstantiated rumor that Totten was to be reenforced seems to have compelled the action of Governor Rector in taking possession, 163 on February eighth, in the name of the state of Arkansas, of the United States arsenal at 163 An interesting series of telegrams has a bearing upon that event. February i. 1861. J. J. GREEN, WILLIAM WALKER, Van Buren, Ark.: Not possible to leave here. Southern confederacy certain. Arkansas must save her children by joining it. Write by mail to-day. JOHNSON and HINDMAN Official Records, first ser., vol. liii, supplement, 617. WASHINGTON, February 7, 1861. JOHN POPE, ESQ., Little Rock, Ark.: For God's sake do not complicate matters by an attack. It will be premature and do incalculable injury. We cannot justify it. The reasons that existed elsewhere for seizure do not exist with us. ALBERT PIKE, R. W. JOHNSON. Ibid., vol. i, 682. U. S. SENATE, WASHINGTON, February 7, 1861. His EXCELLENCY H. M. RECTOR, Little Rock, Ark. : The motives which impelled capture of forts in other States do not exist in ours. It is all premature. We implore you prevent attack on arsenal if Totten resists. R. W. JOHNSON, W. K. SEBASTIAN. Ibid., 681. WASHINGTON, February 7, 1861. R. H. JOHNSON, JAMES B. JOHNSON, Little Rock: Southern States which captured forts were in the act of seceding, were threatened with troops, and their ports and commerce endangered. Not so with us. If Totten resists, for God's sake deliberate and go stop the assault. R. W. JOHNSON. Ibid., 681-682. WASHINGTON, February 7, 1861. GOVERNOR RECTOR, Little Rock, Ark.: For God's sake allow no attack to be made on Fort Totten. A. RUST. Ibid., vol. liii, supplement, 617. February 7, 1861. E. BURGEVIN, Little Rock: For God's sake do not attack the arsenal. It can do no good and will be productive of great harm. C. B. JOHNSON. Ibid. io6 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Little Rock; but, as a matter of fact, Rector needed only an excuse, and a very slight one at that, for doing more than he had already done to prove his sectional bias. Nor had he forgotten or neglected the Indians. In- deed, never at any time did he leave a single stone un- turned in his search for inside and outside support; and, notwithstanding the fact that the Arkansas Ordinance of Secession was not passed until the sixth of May, Governor Rector conducted himself, for months before that, as though the state were a bona fide member of the Confederacy. In all his audacious venturings, pro- posals, and acts, he had the full and unquestioning support, not only of his cousin, Elias Rector, 164 in whose honor Albert Pike had written the well-known par- LITTLE ROCK, February 8, 1861. C. B. JOHNSON, Washington: Spoke too late, like Irishman who swallowed egg. Arsenal in hands of Governor. EDMUND BURGEVIN. Official Records, first ser., vol. liii, supplement, 617. The senders and recipients of the telegraphic dispatches were, with one or two exceptions, all relatives of each other, and all in public life. Robert Ward Johnson and William K. Sebastian were, at the time, United States sen- ators from Arkansas; Thomas C. Hindman and Albert Rust were Arkansas representatives in Congress; Albert Pike was in Washington, prosecuting the Choctaw Indian claim; Edmund Burgevin was the attorney-general of Ar- kansas and a brother-in-law of Governor Rector; Richard H. Johnson and James Johnson were brothers of Robert W. Johnson, the former being proprie- tor and editor of the Little Rock Democrat and the latter, in future years, a colonel in the Confederate army. In 1868, R. W. Johnson moved to Wash- ington City and became the law partner of Albert Pike. [Arkansas His- torical Association, Publications, vol. ii, 268.] Hindman was the man who sneered at the precautions taken to insure President-elect Lincoln's safety [Stanwood, History of Presidential Elections, 235]. Sebastian was expelled from the Senate because of his southern sympathies; but, as he really took no active part in the Confederate movements, the resolution of expulsion was rescinded in 1878. 164 It would be interesting to know whether Elias Rector had as yet for- mulated any such plan for personal aggrandizement such as must have been in his mind when he wrote the letter to Douglas H. Cooper that called forth from Cooper the following response: Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 107 ody 165 on "The Old Scottish Gentlemen;" 166 but of the leading citizens of Fort Smith and Little Rock, partic- Private & Confidential Copy FORT SMITH May ist 1861. MAJOR ELIAS RECTOR Dr. Sir: I have concluded to act upon the suggestion yours of the 28th Ultimo contains. If we work this thing shrewdly we can make a fortune each, satisfy the Indians, stand fair before the North, and revel in the unwavering confidence of our Southern Confederacy. My share of the eighty thousand in gold you can leave on deposite with Meyer Bro, subject to my order. Write me soon. COOPER. Indian Office, General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1863-1864., 1435. The foregoing letter of Cooper's was one of those referred to in the fol- lowing telegraphic communication from Special Agent G. B. Stockton to Sec- retary Usher, dated Fort Smith, Arkansas, February 20, 1864: I have just found & have now in this office a large desk containing indian papers treaties correspondence of Cooper Rector & others, corre- spondence of W. P. Dole as late as May fifteenth 1861 vouchers ab- stracts & correspondence convicting Rector & Cooper of enticing the various tribes to become enemies of the U. S. The papers extend back as far as 1834 will you please direct me what disposition to make of them. Secretary Usher referred the matter to the Office of Indian Affairs and Mix instructed Stockton to send the papers on to Washington [Letter of Feb- ruary 20, 1864]. This Stockton did and notified the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in this wise, by telegraph: I have boxed the Indian Papers which I found at this place, and this day send them by wagons to Leavenworth City, Kansas, to be thence forwarded by the American Express Company. There seems to have been considerable delay in their transmittal after they had passed into the custodianship of the express company but they eventually reached the Indian Office and to-day form part of the Fort Smith collection. les The melodious refrain of this, s That fine Arkansas gentleman, Close to the Choctaw line. unconsciously brings out one of the very ideas sought to be conveyed by the present chapter; namely, the extremely close connection between Arkansas and Indian Territory. 166 This old, old song, "written on the model and to the air of 'The Old Country Gentleman'," runs thus: The song I'll sing, though lately made, it tells of olden days, Of a good old Scottish gentleman, of good old Scottish ways; io8 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist ularly of those whose previous occupations, residence, inclinations, or interests had made them conversant with Indian affairs and, therefore, unusually appreciative of the strategic value of the Indian country. Under such circumstances, it is not at all surprising that Governor Rector seized, as he did, the earliest 167 opportunity to approach the Cherokees. Fort Smith at the junction of the Arksansas and Poteau Rivers was only eighty miles from Fort Gibson. Before taking up for special comment Governor Rector's negotiations with the Cherokees through their principal chief, John Ross, it might be well to retrace our steps a little in order to show how, in yet other ways, Arkansas interested herself more than was natural in the concerns of the Indians and made some of her citi- zens, in the long run, more than ordinarily responsible for the development of secessionist sentiment among the southern tribes. When David Hubbard, journeying westward as special secessionist commissioner 168 from Alabama to Arkansas, reached Little Rock -and that was in the early winter of i86i-he soon discovered that many Arkansans were not willing for their state to go out of the Union unless she could take Indian Territory with her. Hubbard's letter, 169 descriptive of the situation, is very elucidating. It is addressed to Andrew B. When our barons bold kept house and hold, and sung their olden lays And drove with speed across the Tweed, auld Scotland's bluidy faes, Like brave old Scottish gentlemen, all of the olden time. Scottish Songs, printed by W. G. Blackie and Company (Glasgow). i7 The commissioners to whom Ogden referred in his letter of February 15, 1861, may have been the tangible evidence of Governor Rector's first at- tempt to influence the Indians. 168 Fleming, Civil War and Reconstruction In Alabama, 46, footnote i. 169 Smith, Debates of the Alabama Convention, 443-444; Official Records, fourth ser., vol. i, 3. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 109 Moore, 170 governor of Alabama, and bears date Kin- loch, Alabama, January third. MY DEAR SIR: On receipt of your letter and appointment as commissioner from Alabama to Arkansas, I repaired to Little Rock and presented my credentials to the two houses, and also your letter to Governor Rector, by all of whom I was politely received. The Governor of Arkansas was every way disposed to further our views, and so were many leading and influential members of each house of the Legislature, but neither are yet ready for action, because they fear the people have not yet made up their minds to go out. The counties bordering on the In- dian nations - Creeks, Cherokees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws would hesitate greatly to vote for secession, and leave those tribes still under the influence of the Government at Washing- ton, from which they receive such large stipends and annuities. These Indians are at a spot very important, in my opinion, in this great sectional controversy, and must be assured that the South will do as well as the North before they could be induced to change their alliances and dependence. I have much on this subject to say when I get to Montgomery, which cannot well be written. The two houses passed resolutions inviting me to meet them in representative hall and consult together as to what had best be done in this matter. When I appeared men were anxious to know what the seceding States intended to do in cer- tain contingencies. My appointment gave me no authority to speak as to what any State would do, but I spoke freely of what, in my opinion, we ought to do. I took the ground that no State which had seceded would ever go back without full power be- ing given to protect themselves by vote against anti-slavery projects and schemes of every kind. I took the position that the Northern people were honest and did fear the divine displeasure, both in this world and the world to come, by reason of what they considered the national sin of slavery, and that all who agreed with me in a belief of their sincerity must see that we could not remain quietly in the same Government with them. Secondly, if they were dishonest hypocrites, and only lied to im- 170 Governor Moore had appointed the commissioners, including Hubbard, on his own initiative before the convention met. See his address, Smith's De- bates, 35. 1 10 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist pose on others and make them hate us, and used anti-slavery arguments as mere pretexts for the purpose of uniting Northern sentiment against us, with a view to obtain political power and sectional dominion, in that event we ought not to live with them. I desired any Unionist present to controvert either of these positions, which seemed to cover the whole ground. No one attempted either, and I said but little more. I am satisfied, from free conversations with members of all parties and with Governor Rector, that Arkansas, when compelled to choose, will side with the Southern States, but at present a majority would vote the Union ticket. Public sentiment is but being formed, but must take that direction. . . What, in addition to that just cited, Hubbard had to say about the Indians or about the profit accruing from close contact with them, we have no way of know- ing; but we have a right to be suspicious of the things that have to be communicated by word of mouth only, especially in this instance, when we remember that white men have always made the Indians subjects of exploitation and that Hubbard was the man whom the southern Confederacy chose for its first commissioner of Indian affairs, also that Hubbard's first outline of work, as commissioner, in truth, his only outline, com- prehended an extended visit to the Indians before whom he proposed to expatiate on the financial advan- tages of an adherence to the Confederacy and the inevi- table financial ruin that must come from continued loyalty to the Union. All things considered, it would surely seem that in Hubbard's mind the money question was always uppermost. But there were others to whom the Indian income was a thing of interest. At the earlier meeting of the Arkansas convention, a resolution 171 had been passed. March 9, 1861, authorizing an inquiry to be made into the annual cost to the United States government of the 171 House Journal, Arkansas, 38. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas ill Indian service west of Arkansas. The state adminis- tration had already seized 172 the Indian funds on hand, an opportunity to do so having offered itself upon the occasion of the death 173 of the United States disbursing officer, Major P. T. Crutchfield. But, later, for fear that this might work prejudice with the Indians a reso- lution 174 was passed providing that the money should not be diverted from its proper uses. Because of such actions and others of like direction, it is certainly safe to assume that pecuniary considerations made the fron- tiersmen of 1 86 1 vitally interested in Indian affairs. The same influences that moved Hubbard to write his letter to Governor Moore with special mention of the Indians unquestionably moved the citizens of Boons- boro to try, 175 without much further ado, the temper of the Cherokees. 172 House Journal, Arkansas, 314, 445. 173 January 12, 1861. 174 The resolution is found in House Journal, Arkansas, 167 and in Official Records, fourth ser., vol. i, 307. Its text is as follows: Resolved, That no money or property of any kind whatever, now in the hands of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, or of any Indian agent, being placed there, or designed for the Indians on the western frontier of Arkansas, shall be seized, but that the same shall so remain to be applied to and for the use of the several Indian Nations, faithfully, as was designed when so placed in their hands for disbursement. And the people of the State of Arkansas, here in sovereign conven- tion assembled, do hereby pledge the sovereignty of the State of Arkan- sas, that everything in their power shall be done to compel a faithful application of all money and property now in the hands of persons or agents designed and intended for the several Indian tribes west of Arkansas. Adopted in and by the convention May 9, 1861. DAVID WALKER, President of the Arkansas State Convention. Attest. ELIAS C. BOUDINOT, Secretary of the Convention. BOONSBOROUGH, ARK., May 9, 1861. HON. JOHN Ross: Dear Sir: The momentous issues that now engross the attention of the American people cannot but have elicited your interest and attention as well as ours. The unfortunate resort of an arbitrament of arms seems now to be the only alternative. Our State has of necessity to co-operate 112 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Returning now to Govenor Rector and to a recital of his endeavors with the same Indian people, it is seen that his approach to the Cherokees was made, as has been already intimated, through their principal chief, John Ross, and by means of the following most excel- lently worded letter: THE STATE OF ARKANSAS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Little Rock, January 29, 1861. To His EXCELLENCY JOHN Ross, Principal Chief Cherokee Nation: SIR: It may now be regarded as almost certain that the States having slave property within their borders will, in conse- quence of repeated Northern aggressions, separate themselves and withdraw from the Federal Government. South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, and Louisiana have already, by action of the people, assumed this attitude. Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, and Maryland will probably pursue the same course by the 4th of March next. Your people, in their institu- with her natural allies, the Southern States. It is now only a question of North and "South, and the "hardest must fend off." We expect man- fully to bear our part of the privations and sacrifices which the times require of Southern people. This being our attitude in this great contest, it is natural for us to desire, and we think we may say we have a right, to know what posi- tion will be taken by those who may greatly conduce to our interests as friends or to our injury as enemies. Not knowing your political status in this present contest as the head of the Cherokee Nation, we request you to inform us by letter, at your earliest convenience, whether you will co-operate with the Northern or Southern section, now so unhap- pily and hopelessly divided. We earnestly hope to find in you and your people true allies and active friends; but if, unfortunately, you prefer to retain your connection with the Northern Government and give them aid and comfort, we want to know that, as we prefer an open enemy to a doubtful friend. With considerations of high regard, we are, your obedient servants, MARK BEAN, J. A. McCoLLOCH, W. B. WELCH, J. M. LACY, E. W. MACCLURE, J. P. CARNAHAN, JOHN SPENCER, And many others. Official Records, first sen, vol. xiii, 493-494; Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 515. JOHN Ross, PRINCIPAL CHIEF OF THE CHEROKEES [From Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology] Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 113 tions, productions, latitude, and natural sympathies, are allied to the common brotherhood of the slaveholding States. Our people and yours are natural allies in war and friends in peace. Your country is salubrious and fertile, and possesses the highest capacity for future progress and development by the application of slave labor. Besides this, the contiguity of our territory with yours induces relations of so intimate a character as to preclude the idea of discordant or separate action. It is well established that the Indian country west of Arkan- sas is looked to by the incoming administration of Mr. Lincoln as fruitful fields, ripe for the harvest of abolitionism, freesoilers, and Northern mountebanks. We hope to find in your people friends willing to co-operate with the South in defense of her institutions, her honor, and her firesides, and with whom the slaveholding States are willing to share a common future, and to afford protection commen- surate with your exposed condition and your subsisting monetary interests with the General Government. As a direct means of expressing to you these sentiments, I have dispatched my aide-de-camp, Lieut. Col. J. J. Gaines, to confer with you confidentially upon these subjects, and to report to me any expressions of kindness and confidence that you may see proper to communicate to the governor of Arkansas, who is your friend and the friend of your people. Respectfully, your obedient servant, HENRY M. RECTOR, Governor of Arkansas. 176 Lieutenant Gaines duly started out upon his mission and upon reaching Fort Smith interviewed Superin- tendent Rector and received from him a letter of intro- duction 177 to John Ross, which was, in effect, a hearty endorsement of the governor's project. An inkling of what Gaines was about soon came to the ears of A. B. Greenwood, an Arkansan, a state-rights man, and United States commissioner of Indian affairs. At the 176 Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 515; Official Records, first sen, vol. i, 683-684; vol. xiii, 490-491. 177 Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 0515; Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 683. 1 14 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist moment he was the official, intent upon doing his duty, nothing more. It was then in his official capacity that he straightway demanded of Agent Cowart an expla- nation of Gaines's movements; but Cowart was privy to Governor Rector's plans undoubtedly, a Georgian, a secessionist, and one of those illiterate, disreputable, untrustworthy characters that frontier or garrison towns seem always to produce or to attract, the kind, unfortunately for its own reputation and for the Indian welfare, that the United States government has so often seen fit to select for its Indian agents. More than that, Cowart was a man of such base principles that he could commercialize with impunity a great cause and calmly continue to hold office under and to draw pay from one government while secretly plotting against it in the interests of another. On this occasion he attempted a denial 178 of the presence of Rector's commissioner at 178 In a letter to A. B. Greenwood, dated Fort Smith, February 13, 1861, he says: On the nth Inst. I sent a dispatch to you asking for Troops and yes- terday rec'd an answer making enquiries as to the Object for which they are wanted, and asking if the Governor's Commissioner was here & what was his Object. I have just replyed in a Dispatch, that the Gov. has no Com. here and has had none. I suppose you have been Tehlegraphed that there was a Com. and that for mischief. Now the following are the facts in the case as far as I have been able to learn them. On Saturday or Sun- day last there came a young man by the name of Gains called Dr. Gains from Little Rock. He stated his object was to visit the Indian Tribes west of this to cultivate with them friendly Relations and stated moreover that he was authorized to do so by the Gov. of Arkansas. When I returned your Dispatch I went to Dr. Gains and asked him in the presents of witnesses if he was acting as Com. for the Gov. of Ar- kansas he replyed that he was not, and now Sir I am sorry to learn to day that a rumor is afloat that I am here to aid in taking this post & that by having Troops sent from here to weaken the forces. Nothing can be more false. In the first place, the Citizens have no Disposition to interfere with this post in any way and the truth is I see no persons but the Officers and I will not judge of their motives. Them and myself are all friendly as far as I know except it may be Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 115 Fort Smith; but the Indian Office had soon good proof 179 that a commissioner had been there and that he they object to a Speach I made here on Monday night last. I can say and prove by all the best citizens of the Place that my remarks were mild and conciliatory and could not be objectionable to any true Southern man this the citizens of the City will bare me out, the truth is the only objection they could make to my speach was that it was unanswerable I told you the same when in Washington. I appeal to the Citizens for the truth of what I say. I desire troops to protect the Cherokees from Ab- olition forays from Kansas & the Neutral land. I am told that there are three times the No. of Intruders now that there was there last fall and that violent threats have been made by Kansas. In the next place I can do nothing without Troops there and a No. of lawless murderers in the Nation that cannot without Troops, and I told you those things when with you last and in addition to the above facts the Troops can live and support quite as comfortable and for less money out there than they can here. - Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865. 179 The proof appeared in the correspondence of John B. Ogden, commis- sioner of the district court of the United States for the western district of Arkansas. On March 4, 1861, Ogden wrote from Van Buren to the Secretary of the Interior the following letter: Having learned on the i$th of Feby last from rumor the person ap- pointed as Com r had been sent by Gov. Rector of the State of Arkansas to the Indian tribes upon our frontier for co-operation in secession move- ments, and the same being in violation of treaty stipulations and the laws enacted by Congress regulating trade and Intercourse, I addressed a letter of inquiry to John Ross principal chief of the Cherokee Nation in relation to the same, which letter accompanies this with his reply - The letter to me I think was intended to be confidential from its language and from my conversation with the messenger who was the bearer of it to me, of this however I cannot positively judge and have thought best to forward the same. John Ross was unable to give me an imediate answer as he was not personally advised of the subject matter. But upon the return of Mr W. P. Ross who was a delegate from the Chero- kees to a General Council being held of the tribes West of Arkansas in relation to their own international policy, he became advised of the matter of inquiry and for the purpose of furnishing the required in- formation sent Mr W. P. Ross the bearer of this letter to Van Buren that he might fully communicate with me in the matter. I learn from him that one Dr J. J. Gains late editor of a secession sheet at Little Rock, did attend the said Council held by the Indian tribes west of Ark 8 in the Choctaw Nation, and that said Gains announced to the Council his mission to be that of a ComT from Arkansas accredited by the Gov r to consult with them in relation to co-operation with the seced- ing States - That he submitted a written Statement to them in reference 1 1 6 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist had proceeded thence to the Cherokee country. It was no other than Gaines, of course, who, when once he had delivered the Rector letters to Ross, saw fit, in the further interests of his mission, to attend the inter-tribal council at the Creek Agency. to their interests and future relations in the event of a dissolution of the Union -but that he was guarded in his propositions- You will learn from M r John Ross' letter that he informs me officially that the present (agent) of the Cherokees "is officiously advocating the secession policy of the southern States and that his endeavoring to influence the Chero- kees to take sides and act in Concert with the Seceding Sates." - 1 can state from my own information that when said Agent is in Ark 8 he is invariably to be found upon the stump "open-mouthed and - " for dis- union, to the great anoyance of the good people of the Country. These people should be heard and their grievances redressed and the causes removed, and some man of correct constitutional morals appointed in his stead. We have hosts of such men in this State, and as the Incom- ing Administration are not advised of persons in this country, allow me to suggest that on application to the Hon. A. B. Greenwood now of Washington .the selection of a suitable person could be named. I have no doubt, that would be satisfactory - pardon this apparent officious- ness- At this time my great anxiety for the preservation of the Union must be my apology for what I have said. I also enclose you a copy of a permit furnished me by M r Ross is- sued by said agent. - Indian Office, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 3 2. Inclosures 1. John Ogden to John Ross, February 15, 1861. 2. John Ross to John B. Ogden, February 28, 1861. 3. CHEROKEE AGENCY, near Tahlequah, C.N. Isaac G. Freeman, a citizen of what was formerly the United States and a farmer by occupation has permission to remain with J. C. Cun- ningham near Park Hill in said Nation and labor for the said Cunning- ham for twelve months from this date subject to be removed by the Agent at any time for cause. R. J. COWART, U.S. Cherokee Agent. [Endorsement] A true copy from the original as taken by me March ist 1861 WILL P. Ross 4. Newspaper clippings, one containing the Choctaw resolutions of Febru- ary 7, 1861, and the other this: Dr. J. J. Gains, (an old editor) dropped in upon us, last week, on his way to Little Rock, from the Indian country. His mission was one of peace, and not to "incite rebellion" as was telegraphed to Washing- ton City, by some officious person. We were glad to learn from him, that our border friends are all right. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 117 John Ross did not reply to Governor Rector's com- munication until the anniversary of George Washing- ton's birthday and he then expressed the same ideas of concern, of sympathy, but also those of positive neutral- ity that had characterized his advice to the Indian con- ferees. He scouted, though, the very idea of the in- coming administration's planning to abolitionize the Indian country while at the same time he manifested his utter disapproval of it. This is what he said: TAHLEQUAH, CHEROKEE NATION, February 22, 1861. His EXCELLENCY HENRY M. RECTOR, Governor of Arkansas: Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's communication of the 29th ultimo, per your aide- de-camp, Lieut. Col. J. J. Gaines. The Cherokees cannot but feel a deep regret and solicitude for the unhappy differences which at present disturb the peace and quietude of the several States, especially when it is under- stood that some of the slave States have already separated them- selves and withdrawn from the Federal Government and that it is probable others will also pursue the same course. But may we not yet hope and trust in the dispensation of Divine power to overrule the discordant elements for good, and that, by the counsel of the wisdom, virtue, and patriotism of the land, measures may happily be adopted for the restoration of peace and harmony among the brotherhood of States within the Federal Union. The relations which the Cherokee people sustain toward their white brethren have been established by subsisting treaties with the United States Government, and by them they have placed themselves under the "protection of the United States and of no other sovereign whatever." They are bound to hold no treaty with any foreign power, or with any individual State, nor with the citizens of any State. On the other hand, the faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the Cherokee Nation for the protection of the right and title in the lands, conveyed to them by patent, within their territorial boundaries, as also for the protection of all other of their national and individual rights and interests of persons and property. Thus the Cherokee n8 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist people are inviolably allied with their white brethren of the United States in war and friends in peace. Their institutions, locality, and natural sympathies are unequivocally with the slave-holding States. And the contiguity of our territory to your State, in connection with the daily, social, and commercial intercourse between our respective citizens, forbids the idea that they should ever be otherwise than steadfast friends. I am surprised to be informed by Your Excellency that "it is well established that the Indian country west of Arkansas is looked to by the incoming administration of Mr. Lincoln as fruitful fields ripe for the harvest of abolitionism, free-soilers, and Northern mountebanks." As I am sure that the laborers will be greatly disappointed if they shall expect in the Cherokee country "fruitful fields ripe for the harvest of abolitionism," &c., you may rest assured that the Cherokee people will never tolerate the propagation of any obnoxious fruit upon their soil. And in conclusion I have the honor to reciprocate the saluta- tion of friendship. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your Excellency's obedient ser- vant, JNO. Ross, Principal Chief Cherokee Nation. 180 The Arkansas state convention, sanctioned by popular vote, met, by authority of the governor's proclamation, March fourth. Its members were inclined to tem- porize, however; for, as Harrell says, they were co- operationists 181 rather than secessionists and their policy of temporizing they carried out even in the provision made for reassembling after adjournment. David Walker, the president of the convention, was out of sympathy with this ; and, at the first news of the attack upon Fort Sumter and while passion and excitement were still at fever heat, called 182 an extra session for the sixth of May. The regular session was not to come until the nineteenth of August. Coincidently Governor 180 General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 515; Official Records, first sen, vol. xiii, 491-492. 181 Stephens says they were almost equally divided on the question of se- cession [Constitutional View of the Late War between the States, vol. ii, 363]. 182 On April 20, 1861. Indian Territory, Texas, and Arkansas 119 Rector again showed where his sympathies lay by re- fusing 183 President Lincoln's call for troops. The Arkansas Ordinance of Secession was passed on the sixth of May. S. R. Cockrell had proved himself a good prophet; for, writing jubilantly to L. P. Walker, on the twenty-first of April, on the progress of secession, he had said, 184 "Arkansas will go out 6th of May before breakfast. The Indians come next." His closing re- mark had some foundation for its utterance. Intel- ligent and prominent Indians were to be found in the very ranks of the Arkansas secessionists. E. C. Bou- dinot, a Cherokee, an enemy and rival of John Ross, and later Cherokee delegate in the Confederate Con- gress, was secretary 185 of the convention. M. Kennard, a leading and a principal Creek chief, seems also to have been influential. The alliance of the Indians was yet being sought. 186 The secession ordinance once safely launched, the Arkansas convention turned its attention without equiv- ocation to Indian concerns. On the tenth of May, for instance, it followed the example set by Texas and passed a resolution, 187 authorizing the president of the convention to appoint three delegates to visit Indian Territory. The men appointed were, S. L. Griffith of Sebastian County (the same man, interestingly enough to whom the United States government had recently offered 188 the Southern Superintendency), J. Murphy of 183 Stephens, op. cit., vol. ii, 375; Official Records, first ser., vol. i, 674, 687. 184 Official Records, first sen, vol. i, 686. 185 Journal, Arkansas Convention, 369. 186 i^e importance of such an alliance seems never to have been lost sight of. In his message of May 6, 1861, Governor Rector called attention to the fact that Arkansas was the most exposed state in the Union, because of the Indians on the west [Journal, 153]. In various ways, he emphasized the strategical value of Indian Territory [ibid., 156]. 187 Journal, Arkansas Convention, 183. 188 See page 183. I2O The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Madison County, and G. W. Laughinghouse of St. Francis County. Two of these counties were on or near the border. Sebastian was on the border and Madison not far inland, so Griffith and Murphy very probably realized the full significance of their mission. On the eleventh of May, the convention tried to pass another resolution, 189 indicative of a community of in- terests between Arkansas and the Indian country. This resolution failed, but, had it passed, it would have prayed the president of the Confederate States to erect a military department or division out of Arkansas and Indian Territory. As it was, the convention contented itself, on this occasion, with empowering 190 Brigadier- general Pearce 191 to cooperate with Brigadier-general McCulloch. 192 It took this action on the twenty-first of May and on the twenty-eighth it received a communi- cation 193 from Elias Rector concerning the Choctaws and Chickasaws. Almost simultaneously with this legislative activity, solicitation of the Indians came from yet other direc- tions. On the eighth of May, Brigadier-general B. Burroughs of the Arkansas militia took it upon himself to make an appeal to the Chickasaws, which he did in this wise : HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH BRIGADE, FIRST DIVISION, ARKANSAS MILITIA, Fort Smith, Ark., May 8, 1861. Gov. C. HARRIS : To-day we have information that Arkan- sas, in Convention, has seceded, by a vote 69 to i. Tennessee 189 Journal, Arkansas Convention, 189. 190 Ibi Ross gave the citizens of Boonsboro their direct answer, May 18, 1861 [General Files, Cherokee, 1850-1865, 515; Official Records, first ser., vol. xiii, 494-495]- III. THE CONFEDERACY IN NEGOTIATION WITH THE INDIAN TRIBES The provisional government of the Confederate States showed itself no less anxious and no less prompt than the individual states in its endeavor to secure the Indian country and the Indian alliance. On the twenty-first of February, 1861, the very same day that the law \vas passed for the establishment of a War De- partment of which Leroy P. Walker of Alabama took immediate charge, William P. Chilton, member 201 of the Provisional Congress from Alabama, offered in that body a resolution to the effect, that the Committee on Indian Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expedi- ency of opening up negotiations with the Indian tribes of the West in relation to all matters concerning the mutual welfare of said tribes and the people of the Con- federate States. 202 The resolution was adopted. Four days later, Edward Sparrow of Louisiana asked that the same committee be instructed to consider the advis- ability of appointing agents to those same Indian tribes. 203 The Indian committee, at the time, was com- posed of Jackson Morton of Florida, Lawrence M. Keitt of South Carolina, and Thomas N. Waul of Texas. Robert W. Johnson became a member after Arkansas had seceded and had been admitted to the Confederacy. 201 The official list of members of the Confederate congresses can be found in Official Records, fourth ser., vol. iii, 1185-1191. 202 Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, Journal, vol. i, 70. 203 _ 128 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Preliminary steps such as these led naturally to a comprehension of the need for a Bureau of Indian Affairs 204 and, on the twelfth of March, President Davis recommended 205 that one be organized and a commissioner of Indian affairs appointed. His recom- mendations were acted upon without delay and a law 206 in conformity with them passed. This happened on the fifteenth of March and on the day following, the last of the session, Davis nominated David Hubbard, 207 ex-commissioner 208 from Alabama to Arkansas, for the Indian portfolio. For some time, however, Hubbard had little to do. 209 It is wise therefore to leave him for 204 Under the second section of the law of February 21, 1861, Indian affairs had been left for general supervision to the War Department [Provisional and Permanent Constitutions of the Confederate States and Acts and Resolutions of the First Session of the Provisional Congress, 48]. The Bureau of Indian Af- fairs, created by the law of March 15, 1861, was made a bureau of the Wat Department. 205 Provisional Congress Journal, vol. i, 142 ; Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Confederacy. 206 Provisional and Permanent Constitutions, 133-134. 207 Provisional Congress Journal, vol. i, 154. 208 Hubbard had occupied other and earlier positions of importance ; but it must certainly have been upon the basis of the experience gained in filling this one that his nomination for commissioner of Indian affairs was made. Hubbard had been a state senator, a representative in the twenty-sixth and in the thirty-first United States congresses, and presidential elector on the Demo- cratic ticket in 1844 and on the Breckinridge and Lane ticket in 1860 [Bio- graphical Congressional Directory, 1774-1903, 608]. 209 The Bureau of Indian Affairs . . . has been organized. . . So far this Bureau has found but little to do. The necessity for the ex- tension of the military arm of the Government toward the frontier, and the attitude of Arkansas, without the Confederacy, have contributed to circumscribe its action. But this branch of the public service doubtless will now grow in importance in consequence of the early probable ac- cession of Arkansas to the Confederacy; of the friendly sentiments of the Creeks, Cherokees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, and other tribes west of Arkansas toward this Government; of our difficulties with the tribes on the Texas frontier; of our hostilities with the United States, and of our probable future relations with the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico. - Extract from the Report of Secretary Walker to President Davis, April 27, 1861 [Official Records, fourth ser., vol. i, 248]. Negotiations 'with the Confederacy 129 a while and resume the examination of congressional work. The journal entries through February and March show that the Provisional Congress had, not infre- quently, Indian matters placed before it and, at times presumably, communications direct from the tribes. On the fourth of March, Robert Toombs, himself on the Finance Committee and at the same time Secretary of State, 210 offered the following resolution : 211 Resolved, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to send a suitable person as special agent of this Government to the Indian tribes west of the State of Arkansas. Whether this was called forth by the investigations of the Committee on Indian Affairs under the Chilton resolution of the twenty-first of February or whether it grew out of a correspondence between Toombs and Albert Pike does not appear. Toombs and Pike were friends, brother Masons 212 in fact, and then or soon afterwards in intimate correspondence on the subject of Indian relations. The resolution passed, but there the matter seems to have rested for a time. On the tenth of May, William B. Ochiltree proposed 213 that the Committee on Indian Affairs consider the condition of Reserve Indians in Texas ; and, on the fifteenth, a most important measure was introduced 214 in the shape of a bill, reported by Keitt from the Committee on Indian Affairs, "for the protection of certain Indian tribes." This opened up the whole subject of prospective rela- 210 Davis would have preferred to have had Toombs for secretary of the treasury [Rhodes, History of the United States, vol. iii, 295, note 7]. 211 Journal, vol. i, 105. 212 Both Pike and Toombs reached in time the thirty-second degree, or Scottish Rite. Note Pike's glowing tribute to Toombs, quoted in Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, vol. ii, 142. 213 Journal, vol. i, 205. 225. 130 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist tions with the great tribes of Indian Territory and, taken in connection with the provision for a special commissioner, was fruitful of great results. On the seventh of May, Thomas A. Harris of Mis- souri had made the Provisional Congress acquainted with some Choctaw and Chickasaw r resolutions, 215 which, in themselves, seemed indicative of a friendly disposition towards the South. This fact lent to the bill for the assumption of a protectorate a large signi- ficance. Congress considered it, for the most part, in secret session. The text of the act as finally passed does not appear in any of the published 216 statutes of the Confederate States; but, under the act, Albert Pike, special commissioner for the purpose appointed by President Davis, negotiated all his remarkable treaties with the western tribes. Three sections of the law, those added to the original bill by way of amendment, appear in the Provisional Congress Journal.'" They are strictly financial in their nature and are as follows: Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Confederate States do hereby assume the duty and obligation of collecting and paying over as trustees to the several Indian tribes now located in the Indian Territory south of Kansas, all sums of money accruing, whether from interest or capital of the bonds of the several States of this Confederacy now held by the Gov- ernment of the United States as trustees for said Indians or any 215 Just what particular sets of resolutions those were I have no means of knowing. The most important set of Chickasaw resolutions, those issued under date of May 25, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 585-587] had not yet been passed. The Choctaw resolutions presented may have been and very probably were those of February 7, 1861 [ibid.]. 216 On the twenty-first of May, President Davis approved "An Act for the protection of the Indian Tribes" [Journal, 263], it having gone through its various stages of amendment and having passed Congress, May seventeenth [ibid., 244]. Adjutant-general G. W. Andrews reports, November 4, 1912, that nothing additional concerning the text of this law is to be found in the Confederate archives. 217 Journal, vol. i, 244. Negotiations with the Confederacy 131 of them; and the said interest and capital as collected shall be paid over to said Indians or invested for their account, as the case may be, in accordance with the several treaties and contracts now existing between said Indians and the Government of the United States. Sec. 7. That the several States of this Confederacy be re- quested to provide by legislation or otherwise that the capital and interest of the bonds issued by them respectively, and held by the Government of the United States in trust for said In- dians, or any of them, shall not be paid to said Government of the United States, but shall be paid to this Government in trust for said Indians. Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to obtain and publish, at as early a period as practicable, a list of all the bonds of the several States of this Confederacy now held in trust by the Government of the United States as aforesaid, and to give notice in said publication that the capital and interest of said bonds are to be paid to this Gov- ernment and to no other holder thereof whatever. Before this bill for the protection of the Indians had come up for discussion or had even emerged from the rooms of the Committee on Indian Affairs, Albert Pike, in letters to Toombs and R. W. Johnson, had pointed out most emphatically the military necessity of secur- ing 218 the Indian country. His conviction was strong that the United States had no idea of permanently abandoning the same but would soon replace the reg- ular troops, it had withdrawn from thence, by volun- teers. Pike discussed the matter with N. Bart Pearce and the two agreed 219 that there was no time to lose and that something must be done forthwith to prevent the 218 Governor Clark of Texas, also, at this time displayed great interest in the matter. On the fifteenth of May, he wrote to President Davis that he was constituting James E. Harrison, a man thoroughly conversant with the whole subject, "the duly accredited agent of Texas to convey" the Report of April 23, 1861 to Richmond [Official Records, fourth ser., vol. i, 322]. 219 See letter from Pearce to President Davis, May 13, 1861 [ibid., first ser., vol. iii, 576]. 132 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist possibility of Federal emissaries gaining a foothold among the great tribes; for, if they did gain such a foothold, their influence was likely to be very great, especially among the Cherokees who might be regarded as predisposed to favor them, they having many aboli- tionists on their tribal rolls. Whether, at so early a date, Pike thought formal negotiation, as had been cus- tomary, the preferable method of procedure, we are not prepared to say, positively. Formal negotiation was scarcely consistent with the southern argument of Jackson's time or consonant with present state-rights doctrine. When writing 220 to Johnson on the eleventh of May, Pike seems to have been thinking simply of Indian enlistment and of the use of white and red troops in the defense of the Indian country. At that date his own appointment 221 as diplomatic agent for the nego- tiation of treaties of amity and alliance was certainly not prominently before him. He expressed himself to Johnson in such a way, indeed, as would lead us to suppose that the position he half expected to get, and did not altogether want, was that of commander of an Indian Department which he hoped would be created. For such a position Pike was not entirely unfitted. He had served in the Mexican War and had attained the rank of captain; but his tastes were certainly not what one would call military. He was a poet 222 of acknowledged reputation and a lawyer of eminence. Arkansas had recognized him as one of her foremost citizens by sending him as her one and only dele- 220 Official Records, fourth sen, vol. i, 572-574. 221 Pike was appointed under authority of a resolution passed by Congress, March 5, 1861. See Message of President Davis, December 12, 1861 [ibid., fourth ser., vol. i, 785]. 222 To-day he is, perhaps, best known by his parody on "Dixie" and by his singularly beautiful and pathetic "Every Year" [Poems, Roome's edition, 3I-34]- Negotiations 'with the Confederacy 133 gate to the Commercial Convention 223 of Southern and Western States, held at Charleston, South Carolina, April, 1854. Just recently, at the time when the ques- tion of secession was before the people of Arkansas, he had issued a pamphlet, entitled, State or Province, Bond or Free, described by a contemporary as, "a most specious argument for secession, but a re-production of the political heresies, that thirty years ago called down on John C. Calhoun, the anathema maranatha of An* drew Jackson." 22 * To the men of his time, it seemed all the more astonishing that Albert Pike should take such a pronounced stand on the subject of state rights, not because he was a New Englander by birth, for there were many such in Arkansas and in the ranks of the se- cessionists, but because he was the author of that stirring poem against the idea of national disintegration, pub- lished some time before under the title of, "Dis- union." 225 223 See Journal of Proceedings, no. 273 of Johns Hopkins University Civil War Pamphlets. 224 Bishop, Loyalty on the Frontier, 148-151. 223 The poem is printed entire in Bishop's Loyalty on the Frontier, 149-150. The first two stanzas are here given: DISUNION Ay, shout! 'Tis the day of your pride, Ye despots and tyrants of earth; Tell your serfs the American name to deride, And to wfttle their 1 fetters in mirth. Ay, shout! for the league of the free Is about to be shivered to dust, And the rent limbs to fall from the vigorous tree, Shout! shout! for more firmly established, will be Your thrones and dominions beyond the blue sea. Laugh on ! for such folly supreme, The world has yet never beheld ; And ages to come will the history deem, A tale by antiquity swelled; For nothing that time has upbuilt And set in the annals of crime, 134 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist On the twentieth of May, Pike wrote 226 again to Toombs and by that time he certainly knew 227 of his commission to treat with the Indian tribes, but had apparently not received any very definite instructions as to the scope of his authority. One little passage in the letter brings out very clearly the essential fair- mindedness of the man, a marked characteristic in all 228 So stupid and senseless, so wretched in guilt, Darkens sober tradition or rhyme. It -will be like the fable of Eblis' fall, A by-355O Cherokees ....... 17,530 Seminoles ....... 2,267 Neosho Agency ....... 4,863 Leased District ....... 2 t 5OO Total . 63,710 [Indian Office, Report Book, no. 12]. 212 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist There seems to be a disposition to keep the Indians at home. This seems to me bad policy. They are unfit for garrison duty, and would be a terror to the Yankees. 421 All this time, of course, Pike had been making prog- ress with his treaties and undoubtedly simplifying Cooper's task by embodying in those treaties the prin- ciples of an active alliance. These clauses from the Creek Treaty will illustrate the point: ARTICLE I. There shall be perpetual peace and friendship, and an alliance offensive and defensive, between the Confederate States of America, and all of their States and people, and the Creek Nation of Indians, and all its towns and individuals. 4 * 2 ARTICLE xxxvi. In consideration of the common interests of the Creek Nation and the Confederate States, and of the pro- tection and rights guaranteed to the said nation by this treaty, the Creek Nation, hereby agrees that it will, either by itself or in conjunction with the Seminole Nation, raise and furnish a regiment of ten companies of mounted men to serve in the armies of the Confederate States for twelve months, the company of- ficers whereof shall be elected by the members of the company, and the field officers by a majority of the votes of the members of the regiment. The men shall be armed by the Confederate States, receive the same pay and allowances as other mounted troops in the service, and not be moved beyond the limits of the Indian country west of Arkansas without their consent. 423 ARTICLE xxxvn. The Creek Nation hereby agrees and binds itself at any future time to raise and furnish, upon the re- * 21 Letter to President Davis [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 614]. 422 Identical with Article I of both the Cherokee and the Choctaw and Chickasaw, but different from the Seminole in that the Seminole provided simply for "perpetual peace and friendship." 423 The corresponding Chcctaw and Chickasaw Article [XLIX] stipulated that the colonel of the regiment should be appointed by the president. Of course, Douglas H. Cooper, was at this time, the one and only candidate for the place and there is no doubt that the exception was made for his especial benefit. However, Pike objected to his holding, in addition to the colonelcy, the office of Indian agent [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 614]. Agent Garrett wanted the position of colonel in the Creek regiment and Pike recommended him, but McCulloch objected saying, I hope the appointment will not be made, for Colonel Garrett is in no way qualified for the position, and from what I know of his habits, I Alliance with the Confederacy 213 quisition of the President, such number of troops for the defence of the Indian country, and of the frontier of the Confederate am satisfied that a worse appointment could not be made. - Official Rec- ords, first ser., vol. iii, 597. This was before the treaty had been negotiated and, after it had been ne- gotiated, Pike wrote to Walker as follows: When I recommended the appointment of William H. Garrett, the present agent for the Creeks, to be colonel of the Creek regiment, I had not sufficiently estimated the ambition and desire for distinction of the leading men of that nation, and I also supposed that Mr. Garrett, popu- lar with them as an agent, would be acceptable as colonel of their regiment; but when I concluded with them the very important treaty of July 10, instant, they strenuously insisted that the colonel of the regiment to be raised should be elected by the men. As the public in- terest did not require I should insist upon a contrary provision, by which I might have jeoparded the treaty, I yielded, and the conse- quence is that by the treaty, as signed and ratified by the Creek coun- cil, the field officers are all to be elected by the men of the regiment. This being the case, I have this day written Colonel Garrett, re- questing him to inform the Creeks immediately, as I have already done, that notwithstanding his appointment they will elect their colonel. If he should not do so he will cause much mischief, and would deserve se- vere censure ; but I do not doubt he will promptly do it. . . - Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 623-624. On the twenty-fourth of August, the matter was settled at Richmond by Walker's writing to Pike, In order that there shall be no misunderstanding with the friendly Indians west of Arkansas, this Department is anxious that the article in the treaty made by you, guaranteeing to them the right of selecting their own field officers, shall be carried out in good faith. The name of Mr. Garrett will therefore be dropped as colonel of the Creek regiment, and that regiment will proceed to elect its own officers. The regiment being formed among the Seminoles will exercise the same right Re- assure the tribes of the perfect sincerity of this Government toward them. - Ibid., 671. The corresponding Cherokee Article [XL] differed slightly from the Creek. It seems to have taken certain things, like the choice of officers, both company and field, for granted. It reads thus: In consideration of the common interest of the Cherokee Nation and the Confederate States, and of the protection and rights guaranteed to the said nation by this treaty, the Cherokee Nation hereby agrees that it will raise and furnish a regiment of ten companies of mounted men, with two reserve companies, if allowed, to serve in the armies of the Confederate States for twelve months; the men shall be armed by the Confederate States, receive the same pay and allowances as other mount- ed troops in the service, and not be moved beyond the limits of the Indian country west of Arkansas without their consent. 214 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist States as he may fix, not out of fair proportion to the number of its population, to be employed for such terms of service as the President may fix; and such troops shall always receive the same pay and allowances as other troops of the same class in the service of the Confederate States. 424 ARTICLE xxxvm. It is further agreed by the said Confed- erate States that the said Creek Nation shall never be required or called upon to pay, in land or otherwise, any part of the ex- penses of the present war, or of any war waged by or against the Confederate States. 425 ARTICLE xxxix. It is further agreed that, after the restora- tion of peace, the Government of the Confederate States will defend the frontiers of the Indian country, of which the Creek country is a part, and hold the forts and posts therein, with na- tive troops, recruited among the several Indian Nations includ- ed therein, under the command of officers of the army of the Confederate States, in preference to other troops. 428 Although John Ross had positively forbidden the re- cruiting of any force within the limits of the Cherokee country, that while nominally for home defense, should be in reality a reserve force for the Confederacy, he was unable to prevent individuals from going over, on their own responsibility entirely, to McCulloch; and many did go and are believed to have fought 427 with his 424 Identical with Article LI of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty and with Article LXI of the Cherokee. 425 Identical with Article L of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty, with Article xm of the Cherokee, and with Article xxxvi of the Seminole. 426 Identical with Article LII of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty and with Article XLIII of the Cherokee. 427 Fremont reported to Townsend, August 13, 1861, that Cherokee half- breeds, judging from the muster roll and from the corroborating testimony of prisoners, were with McCulloch in this battle, fought about ten miles south of Springfield, August 10, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. iii, 54]. Con- nelley says, in 1861, Quantrill, returning from Texas, lingered in the Cher- okee Nation with a half-breed Cherokee, Joel Mayes, Who, many years after the war, was elected Head Chief of the Nation. Mayes espoused the cause of the Confederacy and was captain of a company or band of Cherokees who followed General Ben Mc- Culloch to Missouri. - Quantrill and the Border Wars, 198]. A letter, written by McCulloch to Colonel John Drew, September i, 1861, Alliance with the Confederacy 215 brigade at the Battle of Oak Hills, or Wilson's Creek. That battle proved the determining point in this period of Cherokee history. It was a Confederate victory, and a victory gained under such circumstances 428 that the watchful Indians had every reason to think that the southern cause would be triumphant in the end. The dissensions 429 among the Cherokee and the con- stant endeavors of the Ridge Party to develop public sentiment in favor of the Confederacy, to undermine the popularity of John Ross, and to destroy his influence over the full-bloods were, and there is no gainsaying it, the real causes of the ultimate Cherokee defection. The Battle of Wilson's Creek was only the occasion, only the immediate cause, the excuse, if you please, and of itself could never have brought about a decision. Yet its effect 430 upon Cherokee opinion was unquestion- ably great and immediate, and that effect was notice- ably strengthened and intensified by the memory of seems to indicate that individual Cherokees had joined him {Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 691]. 428 The Federal defeat was believed by contemporaries to have been due to mismanagement, to army friction, to the incompetency and sloth of Sigel, and to Fremont's failure to reinforce the redoubtable Lyon, who fell in the engagement. An investigation into Sigel's conduct was subsequently made by Halleck, Sigel's bitter enemy. Halleck hated Sigel, because Sigel so greatly admired Fremont, whom Halleck supplanted; and because Sigel was the hero of the Germans, and one of them. For the Germans, Halleck had a great antipathy. Many of them were "pfalzisch-badischen Revolutionare" and Halleck regarded them as adventurers or as refugees from justice. They in turn referred to Halleck as one of the West Point "bunglers" who were so numerous in the northern army, the really efficient and capable West Pointers, so they said, having all gone with the South [Kaufmann's "Sigel und Hal- leck" in Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblatter, Band, 210-216, October 1910]. 429 Even in the latter part of May, these were so serious as to threaten a Cherokee civil war [Letter of John Crawford, May 21, 1861, General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865; Mix to Crawford, June 4, 1861, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 66, pp. 15-16]. 430 Ben McCulloch to Walker, September 2, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 692] ; Pike to Benjamin, December 25, 1861 [ibid., vol. viii, 720]. 216 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist other Federal reverses along the Atlantic seaboard, especially the more recent and more serious one of Manassas Junction, on the twenty-first of July. Up to about that time, the neutral policy of John Ross seems to have received the endorsement of a majority of the Cherokee people. In the last days of June, the Executive Council had been called together and had, after a session of several days, publicly and officially approved 431 of the stand the principal chief had taken to date. But events were already under way that were to make this executive action in no sense a true index to popular feeling. The secessionists were secretly organ- izing themselves, ready to seize the first opportunity that might appear. The full-bloods, or non-secession- ists, were also organized and, under the name of "Pins," were holding meetings of mutual encouragement among the hills. Encounters between the two factions were not infrequent and the half-breeds resorted to all sorts of expedients for persuading, or that failing, of frightening the full-bloods into a compliance with their wishes. They told them that the Kansas people had designs upon their lands (which was not altogether un- true), and that the Federal government would free their slaves and otherwise dispossess, degrade, and hu- miliate them. Such arguments had their effect and there was little at hand to counteract it, none in the memory of the past, none in the neglect and embarrass- ment of the present, none in the prospect of the future. There were no Federal troops, no new Federal assur- ances of protection. Agent Crawford, who was the only agent within reach, added his threats and his Con- federate promises to those of the half-breeds. Then came the Battle of Wilson's Creek with its disastrous 43i "Meetings and Proceedings of the Executive Council of the Cherokee Nation, July 2, 1861" [General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 515], j. Alliance with the Confederacy 217 Federal showing, and the exhausted resisting power of the Pins went down before the renewed secessionist ardor. A meeting of the Cherokee Executive Council had been called for August first, and John Ross, Joseph Vann, James Brown, John Drew, and William P. Ross, all prominent non-secessionists, had attended it. On this occasion, a general, or mass, meeting of the Chero- kee people was arranged for, in response to a public appeal, and the date for it was fixed for the twentieth of August. 432 In the interval came the news from Spring- field and another communication from Albert Pike. 433 The convention which met at Tahlequah in August of 1861 ended in the secession of the Cherokee Nation. While it was in progress, the events of the last few months were gone over in thorough review and em- phasis placed upon those of recent occurrence. The at- tendance at the convention was large. 434 Both political factions were well represented and there seems to have been only a slight show of force, if any, from the seces- sionists. The Reverend Evan Jones is our authority for thinking that some "seventy or eighty of them appeared there in arms with the intention to break up the meet- ing;" but that only two of them succeeded in making 432 See "Meetings and Proceedings of the Cherokee Executive Council, August i, 1861" [General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, GSIS]. 433 Pike to Ross, August r, 1861 [ibid.]. 434 A general meeting of the Cherokee people was held at Tahlequah on Wednesday, the 2ist day of August, 1861. It was called by the execu- tive of the Cherokee Nation for the purpose of giving the Cherokee peo- ple an opportunity to express their opinions in relation to subjects of deep interest to themselves as individuals and as a nation. The num- ber of persons in attendance, almost exclusively adult males, was about 4,000, whose deportment was characterized by good order and propriety, and the expression of whose opinions and feelings was frank, cordial, and of marked unanimity. - Report of the Proceedings at Tahlequah, August 21, i86f, transmitted to General McCulloch by the Executive Council, August 24, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. iii, 673]. 21 8 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist any disturbance. 435 In the course of the meeting, Agent Crawford put in an appearance and again asserted him- self in behalf of the Confederacy. He "appeared on the platform," says an eyewitness, And stated that although for some time past he had been among the Cherokees acting as U. S. Agent, it had been by the advice and consent of the Confederate authorities, and with the un- derstanding that when the proper time arrived he should de- clare himself the Agent of the C.S.A. That time had now come making this the proudest day of his life. 436 435 Evan Jones of the Baptist Mission, Cherokee Nation, to Dole, dated Lawrence, Kansas, November 2, 1861 [General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, 438 W. S. Robertson, who for twelve years had been "teaching in the Tul- lahassee Manual Labor School in the Creek Nation under the care of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions" [Robertson's Letter of September 30, 1861, General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ri6i5]. Robertson says, that Having witnessed the whole struggle between the Loyal & War par- ties, when the latter prevailed, I was on the 25 th of August ordered by a party of the "Creek Light Horse" acting under the written orders of Moty Kenard and Jacob Derrysaw, Chief of the Creeks, to leave with- in twenty-four hours from the Creek country. I retired to my friends at Park Hill in the Cherokee where the same struggle was going on. At Park Hill I enjoyed every facility for knowing the feelings of the people, the designs of the Executive. When at last the Rebel flag flaunted over the council ground at Tahle- quah, I left the Cherokee country with my family, and after encounter- ing many dangers, succeeded in reaching Rolla, on the 23 rd Sept. with- out giving any pledge to the enemy. Having written to the Sec. of the Interior (from St. Louis, Oct. i* 1 ) stating my long residence among the Creeks and Cherokees, my means of information, and my desire to give any information that would ben- efit our Gov't or my loyal friends among the Indians - and having forwarded all the printed correspondence between the Rebels and Chief Ross (except the last letter of the Rebel commissioner, Albert Pike) to- gether with Chief Ross' speech at the Cherokee Convention at Tahle- quah, on the 2i st of Aug. and the resolutions passed at said Convention, without receiving any answer, I concluded that Col. Humphrey's (of Tenn.) mysterious movements were all right, that he was loyal, and kept our Gov't well informed as to the Rebel doings among the Indians. That I had redeemed my pledge to loyal Creeks & Cherokees. Recent letters from St. Louis, & New York stating that "Gov't agents are seeking information everywhere," and urging me to write to "Gen. Alliance with the Confederacy 219 Such a confession of baseness seems hardly credible. The secessionist was entitled to his opinions touching the doctrine of state rights, for which a difference of view found its justification both in fact and in theory. He might even conscientiously believe in the righteous- ness of negro enslavement, inasmuch as it really did offer an easy solution of a labor problem; and more- Hunter" & Washington, induce me to send you my address, to urge you in the name of humanity and justice not to take decisive measures against the betrayed and oppressed people, until you have heard all that can be said in their behalf. - Letter to Department of the Interior and referred to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, dated January 7, 1862 [General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ri664]. Mix answered it February- 14, 1862 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, P- 357]. In a somewhat earlier letter, the one from which the extract, in the body of the text was taken, Robertson had said, I am . . . deeply interested in their welfare, acquainted with the feelings of the people, well informed as to the men and measures which have detached these nations from their allegiance to the U.S. Chief among the traitors were not only the Superintendent of that District, and the Agents under him appointed by the late Administra- tion but others claiming to have received commissions as Indian Agents "since the 4 th of March last" from the U.S. Gov't. On the 2i st of Aug. last I was in Tahlequah, the capital of the Cherokee Nation, at a convention of the Cherokee people called by their Chief Jno. Ross. . .-ROBERTSON to President Lincoln, dated Winne- conne, Wisconsin, December 12, 1861 [General Files, Southern Superin- tendency, 1859-1862, Ri6s8]. Concerning the responsibility attaching to government agents for Indian defection, E. C. Boudinot and W. P. Adair wrote, January 19, 1866, to Cooley, The Southern Indians have repeatedly repudiated the idea that they were induced by the machinations of any persons to ally themselves with the rebellion, but accept the full responsibility of their acts with- out such excuse. The passage above quoted [meaning one from Coffin's report of Sep- tember 24, 1863 - "They resisted the insidious influences which were brought to bear upon them by Rector, Pike, Cooper, Crawford and oth- er rebel emissaries for a long time."] however does great injustice to all the parties named, particularly to Genl Cooper, who had no earthly connection with the Cherokees until several months after. Mr. John Ross made the treaty with the so-called Confederate States. - General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, B6o. 220 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist over, would work under a benign paternalism, for the thorough, because so gradual, development of an in- ferior race; but by no standard of personal honor, or of moral rectitude could conduct such as Crawford's be condoned. John Ross had opened the meeting with an address in which he had defined its purposes and his own good intentions, both past and present. Personally, he seemed still inclined to maintain a neutral attitude but designing persons had made his position most diffi- cult. 437 . . . Our soil has not been invaded, our peace has not been molested, nor our rights interfered with by either Gov- ernment. On the contrary, the people have remained at home, cultivated their farms in security, and are reaping fruitful re- turns for their labors. But for false fabrications, we should have pursued our ordinary vocations without any excitement at home, or misrepresentations and consequent misapprehensions abroad, as to the real sentiments and purposes of the Cherokee people. Alarming reports, however, have been pertinaciously circulated at home and unjust imputations among the people of the States. The object seems to have been to create strife and conflict, instead of harmony and good-will, among the people themselves, and to engender prejudice and distrust, instead of kindness and confidence, towards them by the officers and citi- zens of the Confederate States. . -;. . . . The great object with me has been to have the Cherokee people harmonious and united in the full and free ex- ercise and enjoyment of all their rights of person and property. Union is strength ; dissension is weakness, misery, ruin. In time of peace, enjoy peace together ; in time of war, if war must come, fight together. As brothers live, as brothers die. While ready and willing to defend our firesides from the robber and murder- 437 "Ross was overborne. It is said that his wife was more staunch than her husband and held out till the last. When an attempt was made to raise a Confederate flag over the Indian council house, her opposition was so spirit- ed that it prevented the completion of the design." - Howard, My life and ex- periences among our hostile Indians, 100. COLONEL ADAIR, CHEROKEE [From Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology'] Alliance with the Confederacy 223 er, let us not make war wantonly against the authority of the United or Confederate States, but avoid conflict with either, and remain strictly on our own soil. We have homes endeared to us by every consideration, laws adapted to our condition of our own choice, and rights and privileges of the highest charac- ter. Here they must be enjoyed or nowhere else. When your nationality ceases here, it will live nowhere else. When these homes are lost, you will find no others like them. Then, my countrymen, as you regard your own rights, as you regard the welfare of your posterity, be prudent how you act. The per- manent disruption of the United States is now probable. The State on our border and the Indian nations about us have sev- ered their connection from the United States and joined the Confederate States. Our general interests are inseparable from theirs, and it is not desirable that we should stand alone. The preservation of our rights and of our existence are above every other consideration. And in view of all the circumstances of our situation I do say to you frankly that in my opinion the time has now come when you should signify your consent for the au- thorities of the nation to adopt preliminary steps for an alliance with the Confederate States upon terms honorable and advan- tageous to the Cherokee Nation. 438 After having received this most solemn of warnings, "and a few pertinent and forcible remarks from Col- onel Crawford," the meeting organized with Joseph Vann as president and William P. Ross as secretary. To effect a reconciliation between the contending fac- tions and to decide upon some national policy that should be acceptable to the majority of the people, were, undoubtedly, the objects sought and so, after much discussion, a series of resolutions was adopted in which these ideas were given prominence as well as some of kindred importance. The resolutions asserted the legal and constitutional right of property in slaves and, in no doubtful terms, a friendship for the Confed- 438 p or the entire address of John Ross, see Official Record, first ser., vol. iii, 673-675. V 224 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist eracy. Yet the convention itself took no definite action towards consummating an alliance but left everything to the discretion of the constituted authorities of the nation, in whom it announced an unwavering con- fidence. Whereas we, the Cherokee people, have been invited by the executive of the Cherokee Nation, in compliance with the request of many citizens, to meet in general meeting, for the purpose of drawing more closely the bonds of friendship and sympathy which should characterize our conduct and mark our feelings towards each other in view of the difficulties and dangers which have arisen from the fearful condition of affairs among the peo- ple of the several States, and for the purpose of giving a free and frank expression of the real sentiments we cherish towards each other, and of our true position in regard to questions which affect the general welfare, and particularly on that of the sub- ject of slavery: Therefore be it hereby Resolved, That we fully approve the neutrality recommended by the principal chief in the war pending between the United and the Confederate States, and tender to General McCulloch our thanks for the respect he has shown to our position. Resolved, That we renew the pledges given by the executive of this nation of the friendship of the Cherokees towards the people of all the States, and particularly towards those on our immediate border, with whom our relations have been har- monious and cordial, and from whom they should not be sep- arated. Resolved, that we also take occasion to renew to the Creeks, Choctaws, Seminoles, Chickasaws, and Osages, and others, as- surances of continued friendship and brotherly feeling. Resolved, That we hereby disavow any wish or purpose to create or perpetuate any distinctions between the citizens of our country as to the full and mixed blood, but regard each and all as our brothers, and entitled to equal rights and privileges ac- cording to the constitution and laws of the nation. Resolved, That we proclaim unwavering attachment to the constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation, and solemnly pledge ourselves to defend and support the same, and as far as Alliance 'with the Confederacy 225 in us lies to secure to the citizens of the nation all the rights and privileges which they guarantee to them. Resolved, That among the rights guaranteed by the constitu- tion and laws we distinctly recognize that of property in negro slaves, and hereby publicly denounce as calumniators those who represent us to be abolitionists, and as a consequence hostile to the South, which is both the land of our birth and the land of our homes. Resolved, That the great consideration with the Cherokee people should be a united and harmonious support and defense of their common rights, and we hereby pledge ourselves to mutually sustain our nationality, and to defend our lives and the integrity of our homes and soil whenever the same shall be wantonly as- sailed by lawless marauders. Resolved, That, reposing full confidence in the constituted authorities of the Cherokee Nation, we submit to their wisdom the management of all questions which affect our interests grow- ing out of the exigencies of the relations between the United and Confederate States of America, and which may render an alli- ance on our part with the latter States expedient and desirable. And which resolutions, upon the question of their passage be- ing put, were carried by acclamation. JOSEPH VANN, President. Wm. P. Ross, Secretary. Tahlequah, C.N., August 21, i86i. 439 In making his plans, prior to the Battle of Wilson's Creek, for effecting a junction with Price and cooper- ating with him and others in southwest Missouri, Mc- Culloch acted, not under direct orders from Richmond, but from his own desire to take such a position opposite the Cherokee Neutral Lands, once so outrageously in- truded upon by Kansas settlers and now being made the highway of marauders entering Missouri, as would make it appear to the Cherokees that he was there as their friend and as the protector of their interests. After the battle, he refused, and rightly in view of his 439 Official Record, first set., vol. iii, 675-676. A slightly incorrect copy of these same resolutions is to be found in vol. xiii, 499-500. 226 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist own special commission, to accompany Price in his forward march towards the Missouri River. Instead he drew back into the neighborhood of the Cherokee boundary and there developed his plans for attacking Kansas, should such a course be deemed necessary in order to protect Indian Territory. It was at this juncture that the Cherokees as a nation expressed their preference for the South and for the southern cause, moved thereto, however, by the pecu- liarities and the difficulties of their situation. The Ex- ecutive Council lost no time in communicating 440 to McCulloch the decision of the Tahlequah mass-meet- ing and their own determination to carry out its wishes by effecting an alliance with the Confederacy "as early as practicable." They realized very clearly that this might "give rise to movements against the Cherokee people upon their northern border" and were resolved to be prepared for such an emergency. They, there- fore, authorized the raising of a regiment of mounted men, home guards they were to be and to be so desig- nated, officered by appointment of the principal chief, Colonel John Drew being made the colonel. It would appear that the nucleus of this regiment, and with a strong southern bias, had made 441 its appearance prior to the Tahlequah meeting and the circumstance gave rise to the suspicion that the Cherokees had not been act- ing in good faith. After the war, the suspicion con- centrated, very unjustly, upon John Ross and was made the most of by Commissioner Cooley at the Fort Smith 440 John Ross and others to McCulloch, August 24, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. iii, 673]. 441 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865. The Report of the Com- missioner of Indian Affairs to President Johnson, February 25, 1866, in answer to the Cherokee protest against Chief Ross's deposition contains this statement: As early as June or July, the exact date is not known, John Ross authorized the raising of Drew's Regiment, for the Southern army. . . Alliance with the Confederacy 227 conference; in order to accomplish, for reasons dishon- orable to the United States government, the aged chief's deposition. Drew's regiment of home guards was tendered to McCulloch and he agreed to accept it 4 * 2 but not until after a treaty of alliance should have been actually con- summated between the Cherokees and the Confederate States. Pending the accomplishment of that highly de- sirable object, McCulloch promised to protect the Cherokee borders with his own troops and confessed 443 that he had already authorized the enlistment of an- other force of Cherokees under the command of Stand Watie, which had been designed to protect that same northern border but "not to interfere with the neutrality of the Nation by occupying a position within its limits." It is not easy to decide just when or by whom the use of Indians by the Federals in the border warfare 444 was 442 McCulloch to Ross, September i, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. iii, 690]. 443 Ibid. ; McCulloch to John Drew, September i, 1861 [ibid., 691]. 444 In the course of the war, both inside and outside of Kansas, many in- stances occurred of Indians' expressing a wish to fight or of their services being earnestly solicited. In late April of 1861, a deputation, headed by White Cloud, came east and tendered to the United States government the services of some three hundred warriors, Sioux and Chippewas [Moore's Rebellion Record, vol. i, 43]. Agent Burleigh, in charge of the Yancton Sioux, asked permission to garrison Fort Randall with Indians [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 118]. The Omahas manifested great interest in the war, so their agent, O. H. Irish, reported [ibid., p. 65]. Towards the end of the struggle a young recruiting officer, who went among them, persuaded about thirty youths, mostly students at the Mission School, to enlist. Their terms had not expired when the war closed, so they were sent out as scouts to protect the Union Pacific Railroad, in course of construction from Denver to Salt Lake City, against the Sioux who were attacking workmen and emigrants. Even Senecas from the far away Cattaraugus Reservation, New York, offered to enlist [Dole to Strong, December 7, 1861, Indian Office Letter Book, no. 67, p. 129] ; and so did the Pawnees from the great plains. The United States gov- ernment, however, refused to accept the Pawnees for anything but scouts and, 228 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist first suggested. As late as May twenty-second, Gov- ernor Charles Robinson of Kansas, in a letter 4 * 6 to Superintendent Branch, protested against even so much as arming them, which would certainly indicate that a in that capacity, they proved exceedingly useful [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1869, p. 472]. Winnebagoes were in the United States employ [Indian Office, Report Book, no. 13, pp. 276-277], as were also many indi- viduals from other tribes. Some Indians became commissioned officers and a number were at the head of companies. Captain Dorion of Company B, Regiment Fourteenth Kansas Volunteers was an Iowa [ibid., 261] and Eli S. Parker on General Grant's staff was a Seneca. After the Enrollment Act of March 3, 1863 [United States Statutes at Large, vol. xii, 731-737] was passed, several attempts were made to force the Indians to serve in the army but Mix, the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, declared they were exempt from the draft [Letter to Agent D. C. Leach, September 4, 1863, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 71, p. 354]. On the sixteenth of July, 1863, the United States War Department inquired very par- ticularly as to the Indian eligibility for enrollment and Secretary Usher took occasion to instruct Mix that the respective agents should be Directed to offer no resistance to the enrolling officers, after notifying said officers of the fact, that the tribe or tribes under their charge are com- posed of Indians who have not acquired the rights of Citizenship, but immediately upon being informed of the drafting of any member of his tribe, he will report the case to the Com r of Indian Affairs, for such action as may be necessary to procure the exemption of the Indians from military service. - Letter of Secretary Usher, September 12, 1863, Mis- cellaneous Files, 1858-1863. 445 The bearer has a train of goods at this point en route for the In- dians on the western border of the State, containing quite a quantity of arms & ammunition. There is great excitement in the community with reference to arming the Indians at the present time, as for several days past re- ports have come to us that our frontier settlements are in danger of at- tack from hostile Indians who are collecting in the neighborhood. I am daily importuned to send them aid. Also, report says, and it seems very reliable, that the Indians on our southern border are arming them- selves against our citizens. In addition to these Indian rumors it is believed by many that these arms are in danger of falling into the hands of secessionists, before reaching their destination. Quite a num- ber of that class of men have recently passed up this way (Topeka) and through Riley County. In this condition of affairs I do not think these arms & ammunition can be taken west without an escort, as the rabble will be almost certain to waylay them as soon as they get on the Pottawatomie Reserve. I can protect them while in this county & will do so, but cannot follow them. Would it not be well, if you have the Alliance with the Confederacy 229 general use of their services had not yet been thought of or resorted to; but, in August, when Senator James H. Lane was busy organizing his brigade of volunteers for the defense of Kansas, he resolved, 446 rather offi- authority, to direct the bearer to leave that part of his freight in charge of the U.S. Marshal, or in my charge, until there shall be a change of circumstances, or until further orders from Washington? Although I would not undertake to oppose the action of Government in the matter and would not interfere unless it should be to prevent the property from falling into the hands of a mob, yet I do think under the circumstances it is very bad policy to arm the Indians on the bor- der. I feel very sure from what I learn, they will be used against our citizens within three months time. I am ready to co-operate at all times with the U.S. authorities. . . - General Files, Central Superin- tendency, 1860-1862, 6479. See also Branch's reply, May 23, ibid. 446 H. B. Branch to Mix, September 16, 1861, transmitting a letter from Agent Farnsworth of September 13, 1861, enclosing communications from Sen- ator Lane, Captain Price, and others, "relative to organizing the Indians for the defense of the Government" [General Files, Kansas, 1855-1862, 8774]. Headquarters K.B. Ft. Lincoln, Aug. 22 d 1861. To Indian Agents Sac and Foxes- Shawnees- Delawares-Kicka- poos - Potawatomies - and Kaws - Tribes of Indians GENTS: For the defence of Kansas I have determined to use the loyal Indians of the Tribes above named. To this end I have appoint- ed Augustus Wattles, Esq to confer with you and adopt such measures as will secure the early assembling of the Indians at this point. If you have the means within your control I would like to have you supply them when they march with a sufficient quantity of powder, lead & subsistence for their march to this place, where they will be fed by the Government. You can assure them for the Govt that they will not be marched out of Kansas without their consent - that they will be used only for the defence of Kansas. I enjoin each of you to be prompt and energetic that an early as- sembling of said Indians at this point may thereby be secured. J. H. LANE, Commanding Kansas Brigade. By ABRAM CUTLER, Acting assistant Adgt-Gen. The danger is imminent. Hordes of whites & half breeds in the Indian country are in arms driving out & killing Union men. They threaten to overrun Kansas and exterminate both whites & Indians. It it rumored that John Ross, the Cherokee Chief is likely to be overcome unless he is assisted. The Osages also need assistance. Gen. Lane intends to establish a strong Indian camp near the neutral lands as a guard to prevent forage into Kansas. He is very solicitous that you should come if possible 230 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist ciously, one might think, upon using some of the Kan- sas River tribes in establishing "a strong Indian camp near the neutral lands to prevent forage into Kansas" and arranged for a conference with the Indians at Fort with the Chiefs & see him at Ft. Lincoln on the Little Osage 10 miles south of Mound City. If you do come, please bring all the fighting men you can, of all Kinds. Men are, needed. If you do not come, please authorise some responsible man to lead the Indians as far as Ft. Lincoln where Gen. Lane will receive them and give them a big war talk. Bring an interpreter. Expenses will be paid. Congress will undoubtedly make suitable acknowledgements to the Kaws, as an independent nation, for any valuable services which they may render. . . P.S. A Captain's wages will be given to any competent man whom you may appoint to take the lead of the band, provided there are fifty or more. - AUGUSTUS WATTLES to Major Farnsworth, dated Sac and Fox Agency, Kansas, August 25, 1861. Wattles had evidently not yet heard of the Tahlequah mass-meeting. Pos- tal connections with Indian Territory were, of necessity, very poor. Dole had recommended, May 29, 1861, to Secretary Smith a new postal route through southwest Missouri or southern Kansas instead of the old route through Arkansas [Indian Office, Report Book, no. 12, p. 170]. The Confederates were similarly embarrassed. On the twenty-seventh of May, the postmaster at Fort Smith had complained to the postmaster-general J. H. Reagan, Enclosed please find letter of G. B. Hester (a Choctaw who was made quarter-master and commissary in the First Choctaw Regiment and, in 1865, "cotton agent for the Creek Indians who were at that time squatting in the Chickasaw Nation." See O'Beirne's Leaders and Lead- ing Men of the Indian Territory) at Boggy Depot, C.N. You will see they are without mails in that country. For three weeks the mails for the Indian country have been accumulating in this office. I sent forward all the mail that could be packed on a single horse. . . I cannot get men to carry the mail. They say they are afraid of being robbed or murdered. . . Our neighbours, the Indians must suffer great inconvenience on account of the stoppage of mail facilities. All tribes are in favor of the South except the Cherokees. A little good talk would do them good, perhaps a little powder and lead might help the cause. Ross and his party are not to be relied on. - Fort Smith Papers. Mayers wrote Reagan in a similar vein a month later, on June 26, 1861, Our mails throughout the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw & Creek nations have all been stopped by the old mail carriers. . .-Ibid. Alliance 'with the Confederacy 231 Lincoln, his headquarters. Soon, however, a stay of execution was ordered 447 until the matter could be dis- cussed, in its larger aspects, with Commissioner Dole, to whom courtesy, 448 at least, would have demanded that the whole affair should have been first submitted. Dole was then in Kansas 449 and before long became aware 450 that General Fremont was also favoring the 447 On August 26, 1861, Wattles wrote Farnsworth from Lawrence, I wrote you a few days ago concerning the employment of the In- dians in the defence of our frontier. The necessity seemed imperative. But on hearing that the Com- missioner of Indian Affairs was in Kansas and will probably see you - I think it best to say nothing to the Indians till he is consulted in the matter. Gen. Lane has 60 miles of the Missouri border to guard, and an army of at least double his to hold in check, which employs all his force night & day. Besides this, he has the Indian frontier on the south of about 100 miles. This he intends to intrust to the loyal Indians - 1 will add, if the Commissioner agrees to it. The stay of execution was not of long duration, however; for, September 10, 1861, J. E. Prince sent Farnsworth from Fort Leavenworth a circular re- questing immediate enrollment and an estimate of the strength of the loyal Indians. 448 The conduct of Lane was presumptuous, arrogant, dictatorial ; but he had interfered in yet other ways in Indian concerns. He must have had quite a hold, political or otherwise, over several of the agents and they appealed to him in matters that ought, in the first instance, to have been referred to the Indian Office and left there. Thus, in July, Agent F. Johnson had approached Lane on the subject of having Charles Journeycake appointed Delaware chief in place of Rock-a-to-wa deceased. Both Pomeroy and Lane endorsed the appointment but it was unquestionably entirely out of their province to do so. Tribal politics were assuredly no concern of the Kansas delegation in Con- gress. 449 Dole had gone to Kansas in the latter part of August "to submit in person the amendments, made by the Senate at its last session, to the Delaware treaty of May 30, 1860" [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. u]. 450 I find here your letter to the Agent of the Delaware, requesting Fall Leaf to organize a party of 50 men for the service of your De- partment. Mr. Johnson the Agent called the tribe together before I ar- rived here, and found the Chiefs unwilling that their young men should enter the service as you desired. Since my arrival I have seen the Chiefs and stated to them that the Government was not asking them to enter the war as a tribe but that we wished to employ some of the tribe 232 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist enlistment of Indians, or, at all events, their employ- ment by the army in some capacity. He had ap- proached Agent Johnson on the subject, his immediate purpose being to request Fall Leaf, a Delaware, "to organize a party of 50 men for the service of" his de- partment. Agent Johnson called the tribe together and discovered that the chiefs were much averse to having their young men enlist. Dole inquired into the matter and assured 451 the chiefs that a few braves only were needed and those simply for special service and that there was no intention of asking the tribe, as a tribe, to give its services. The chiefs refused consent, notwith- standing; but Fall Leaf and a few others like him did enlist. 452 They were probably among the fifty-three Delawares, subsequently reported 453 as having been em- ployed by Fremont to act as scouts and guides. Fall Leaf attained the rank of captain. 454 Superintendent for Special Service and wished the Chiefs to make no objection. I could not however get their consent even to acquiesce in their men Vol- unteering for the service as you desired, & Fall Leaf and several of the tribe are here and determined to tender you their Services, with my consent. I have advised them that they are at Liberty to join you if they choose. Fall Leaf says he will be able to report at Fort Leavenworth in a very few days with twenty to twenty five men. Should you require more men, you will have probably to call on some other tribe. Those men who volunteer against the advice of their Chiefs should be particularly remembered by the Gov't. - DOLE to Fremont, dated Leavenworth City, September 13, 1861 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 66, p. 485]. 451 _ 452 1 am instructed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the i3th inst., and to state that the Commanding General will accept with pleasure the services of Fall Leaf and his men. Other tribes will be applied to immediately. I have written to the same effect to Mr. Johnson, at the Deleware Agency. - JOHN R. HOW- ARD, captain and secretary, to William P. Dole, dated Headquarters, Western Department, at St. Louis, September 20, 1861 [General Files, Central Superintendency, 1860-1862]. 453 F. Johnson to Dole, June 6, 1862 [General Files, Delaware, 1862-1866]. * 54 Dole to Captain Fall Leaf, November 12, 1863 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 72, p. 109], Alliance with the Confederacy 233 Branch, 455 be it said, and also Commissioner Dole, 458 at this stage of the war, were strongly opposed to a general use of the Indians for purposes of active warfare. They knew only too well what it was likely to lead to. In- deed, the most that Dole had, up to date, agreed 457 to, was the supplying the Indians with the means of their own defense when United States troops had shown themselves quite unavailable. Dole's opinion being such, it is scarcely to be sup- posed that he could have considered favorably Senator Lane's idea of an Indian camp in the Cherokee Neutral Lands or the one, developed later, of an Indian patrol along the southern boundary of Kansas. Lane's troubles, quite apart from his Indian projects, were daily increasing; and, considering the method of war- fare indulged in by him and encouraged in his white troops, the same one that pro-slavery and free-state men had equally experimented with in squatter-sovereignty days, it would have been simply deplorable to have per- mitted him the free use of Indian warriors. Com- plaints 458 of Lane and of his brigade, of their jayhawk- ing and of their marauding were being made on every 455 Report to Dole, October 22, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 50] ; Report to Dole, September 17, 1862 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs Report, 1862, p. 98]. 456 1 send you a letter to General Fremont open that you may read and understand its object. Fall Leaf will call upon you probably this afternoon and receive from you such information as you see proper to give him. I am disinclined to encourage the Indians to engage in this war except in extreme cases, as guides. I have in this case used my influence in favor of the formation of this Company, without any knowledge of the views of Gov't, supposing Gen 1 Fremont was a special need of them or he would not have made the request. . . - DOLE to Captain Price, dated Leavenworth, September 13, 1861 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 66, pp. 485-486]. 457 Letter of August 15, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 39]. 458 General Orders, no. 23 [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 539]. 234 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist hand. Governor Robinson 459 reported these complaints and endorsed them. Secretary Cameron, while making his western tour of investigation, heard 460 them and re- ported them also. Lane attributed 461 them to personal dislike of him, to envy, to everything, in fact, except their true cause; but we know now that they were all well-grounded. Yet, remarkable to relate, Lane's in- fluence with Lincoln and with the War Department suf- fered no appreciable decline. His suggestions 462 were acted upon; and, as we shall presently see, he was even permitted to organize a huge jayhawking expedition at the beginning of the next year. The mention of Lane's jayhawking expedition calls to mind the conditions that made it seem, at the time, an acceptable thing and takes us back in retrospect to In- dian Territory and to the events occurring there after the Tahlequah mass-meeting of the twenty-first of Au- gust. As soon as the meeting had broken up, John Ross despatched 463 a messenger to Albert Pike to inform him of all that had happened and of the Cherokee willing- ness, at last, to negotiate with the Confederacy. It was arranged that Pike should come to the Cherokee coun- try, taking up his quarters temporarily at Park Hill, 459 Villard says, as early as 1856, rivalry had developed between Robinson and Lane [John Brown, 108]. 460 Thomas to Fremont, October 14, i86t [Official Records, first sen, vol. "if 533]- 461 Lane to Lincoln, October 9, 1861 [ibid., 529]. 462 j t W ould seem as if Lane were remotely responsible for the division of the Western Department into the Department of Kansas and the Department of Missouri. In his letter to President Lincoln of October 9, 1861, he described the good work that his Kansas Brigade had done and asked that, in order that it might be enabled to continue to do effective work, a new military de- partment be created, one that should group together Kansas, Indian Territory, and so much of Arkansas and the territories as should be advisable [ibid.~\. 463 Ross's Address to Drew's Regiment, December 19, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, p. 355] ; Letter of Albert Pike to D. N. Cooley, February 17, 1866. Alliance with the Confederacy 235 the home of Ross near Tahlequah, and that a general Indian council should be called. A special effort was made to have the fragmentary bands of the northeast represented and Pike sent out various agents 464 to urge an attendance. John Ross was also active in the same interest. He, personally, communicated with the Osages 465 and with the Creeks 466 by letter; but the 464 "Chisholm" the well known interpreter has been sent to the Co- manches, Creeks to the Osages - Matthews to the Senecas Quapaws &c. . .-ROBERTSON in a letter, dated St. Louis, September 30, 1861 [General Files, Southern Superintend ency, 1859-1862, Ri6is]. . . . In the fall of the same year Albert Pike called a General Council of the same tribes to meet at Talloqua and in order to secure their attendance stated that John Ross was to make a speech ... he sent Dorn late U.S. Indian Agent to notify the Osages, Quapaws Sen- ecas & Shawnees that there was to be a Council at Talloqua and that Ross was going to talk at the same time to tell them that the U.S. Government was breaking up - that they would get no more money and that they were about to send an Army to take their Negroes and drive them from the country and pointed to Missouri in proof of it, when the Council met at Talloqua instead of Ross the council was opened by Pike who told them "We are here to protect our property and to save our Country. . ,-BAprisTE PEORIA. Baptiste Peoria, in the spring and summer of 1862, went around as a secret agent of the United States government among the southern Indians finding out their real sentiments respecting the war. The report from which the above extract is taken is dated May i, 1862, and is in General Files, Osage River, 1855-1862, 61430. 465 FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS, September i9 th 1865. In a talk held at the rooms of the Commission, with Commissioners Sells and Parker, the following statement was this day voluntarily made by Shon-tah-sob-ba ("Black Dog") the Chief of the Black Dog band of the Osage Indians, relating to a treaty with the so-called Confederate States. In answer to a question by Commissioner Sells, "How did you happen to be in this Southern Country?" Shon-tah-sob-ba (Black Dog) replied "I am glad you have asked that question, for I wish to make some statements in explanation. We came down here upon the invitation of John Ross, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, who sent us a letter asking us to attend a Council for the purpose of making a treaty with Albert Pike"- COMM R SELLS -Have you that letter now in your possession? ANSWER: We don't know where the letter is. It was sent to Cler- mont, whose son had it in his possession when he died & we suppose it was buried with him. But I have it here in my head & will never 236 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Creeks, 467 like Evan Jones, 468 seem to have been incred- ulous as to Cherokee defection. They seem to have doubted the genuineness of the letter sent to them and forget it. John Ross, the Cherokee Chief, said in that letter, "My Bros, the Osages, there is a distinguished gentleman sent by the Con- federate States who is here to make treaties with us. He will soon be ready to treat, and I want you to come here in order that we may all treat together with him. My Brothers, there is a great black cloud com- ing from the North, about to cover us all, and I want you to come here so that we can counsel each other & drive away the black cloud." This is all that he said & signed his name. All the Osages went. We were all there together, Pike, John Ross and I, sitting as you are. Pike told us he was glad that we had come to make peace & a treaty. All your other brothers have made treaties & shook hands, & if you want to, you can do so too. I will tell you what John Ross said at the time. John Ross told us, "My Red Bros, you have come here as I asked you & I am glad to see you & hope you will do what the Commissioner wants you to do. The talk the Commissioner has made is a good talk & I want you to listen to it & make friends with the Confederate States. You can make a treaty or not, but I advise you, as your older brother, to make a treaty with them. It is for your interest & your good." After he finished talking, John Ross told us we could consult among ourselves over there (pointing to our camp near his residence) & de- cide among ourselves. We consulted on the matter, & on the request of John Ross we signed the treaty. He asked us to do it. He was the man that made us make that treaty, and that's how we came to be away from our country. The above statement was endorsed by Wah-tah-in-gah, Chief Coun- selor of the Black Dog & Clermont bands of the Osage Indians. The above is a correct statement as interpreted. E. S. PARKER Com r GEO. L. COOK Ass't Sec?. ELIJAH SELLS Com r Papers relating to the Council at Fort Smith, September, 1865, Indian Office Files. 466 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, pp. 353-354. 467 These Creeks, of course, were the Upper Creeks, the anti-McIntosh Creeks, the following of Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la. Some of the confidence that Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la seems to have had in John Ross, in his discretion and in his integrity, may have dated from the days when John Ross had refused, as he must have refused, to share in the plan for a betrayal of his country, at the instance of William Mclntosh. The following document will explain that circumstance : NEWTOWN 2ith October 1823 MY FRIEND: I am going to inform you a few lines as a friend. I want you to give me your opinion about the treaty wether the chiefs will be willing or not. If the chiefs feel disposed to let the United Alliance with the Confederacy 237 made inquiries about it, only to be assured 469 again and again by Ross that all was well and that he wished the Indians en masse to join the Southern States. The council at Tahlequah, viewed in the light of its immediate object, was unusually successful. Four treaties were negotiated, one 470 at Tahlequah itself, October seventh, with the Cherokees and three at Park Hill. Of these three, one 471 was with four bands of the Great Osages, Clermont's, White Hair's, Black Dog's, and the Big Hill, October second; another 472 with the Quapaws, October fourth; and the third, 473 on the same day, with the Senecas 474 (once of Sandusky) and the Shawnees (once of Lewistown and now of the mixed States have the land part of it, I want you to let me know. I will make the United States commissioner give you two thousand dollars, A. McCoy the same and Charles Hicks $3000 for present, and no body shall know it, and if you think the land wouldent sold, I will be satisfied. If the land should be sold, I will get you the amount before the treaty sign, and if you got any friend you want him to Receive it, they shall reed the same, nothing moore to inform you at present. I remain your affectionate Friend WM MclNTOSH John Ross - an answer return NB. the whole amount is $12000. you can divide among your friends, exclusive $7000. This letter is on file in the United States Indian Office and bears the fol- lowing endorsement: rec d on the 23 rd Oct. 1823. M R JOHN Ross President N. Committee Letter from Wm Mclntosh to Mr John Ross read & exposed in open Council in the presence of Wm Mclntosh Oct 24 th 1823 J Ross 488 Letters to Dole, October 31, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 42] and November 2, 1861 [General Files, Cherokee, 1859- 1865, J 5 o 3 ]. 469 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, pp. 353, 354. 470 Official Records, fourth ser., vol. i, 669-687. * ll>id., 636-646. w lbid., 659-666. w Ibid., 647-658. 474 The Senecas of the mixed band of Senecas and Shawnees were not or- iginally parties to the treaty, but provision was duly made for their becom- ing so. 238 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist band of Senecas and Shawnees). Hereditary 475 chiefs alone signed for the Great Osages, the merit chief, Big Chief, being, apparently, not present. The notorious ex-United States agent, J. W. Washbourne, 476 was very much in evidence as would most likely also have been the equally notorious and disreputable Indian trader, 475 Ka-hi-ke-tung-ka for Clermont's Band, Pa-hiu-ska for White Hair's, Shon-tas-sap-pe for Black Dog's, and Chi-sho-hung-ka for the Big Hill. 476 For information concerning Washbourne [Washburne or Washburn] and charges against him, see Dean to Manypenny, December 28, 1855, Decem- ber 31, 1855 [Dean's Letter Book, Indian Office] ; and Elias Rector to Secretary Thompson, October i, 1859 [Rector's Letter Book, Indian Office]. Rector's letter was as follows: An important sense of my duty as Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Southern Superintendency compells me to recommend, most earn- estly, the immediate removal of the present incumbent of the Seminole Agency, The performance of this unpleasant duty is forced upon me by the following consideration, - ist The neglect of duty and disregard of the orders and Regulations of the Department in absenting himself repeatedly and for protracted periods, from his Agency without authority for so doing; to the preju- dice of the public interests entrusted to him, - On this point I presume it is not necessary for me to enlarge, or to urge upon the Department my views of the paramount necessity of In- dian Agents residing at their Agencies and being at all times present at their Stations as well to cultivate the respect and confidence, and a just knowledge of the character and wants of the people entrusted to their care, as to be in position to execute promptly the orders, and to promote the views of the Department, - 2nd I consider him unworthy of the trust reposed in him from certain facts connected with the late payment of money to the Indians under his charge, which have come to my knowledge - Of the $90.000 recently paid to those Indians, appropriated by Con- gress expressly to pay such of them as should remove under the late Treaty; for their improvements and to assist in defraying their removal expences I have ascertained, and it is notorious, that thirteen thousand Dollars or more passed into the hands of Mr Washbourne, through Col- lusion with the principal Chiefs, $5000 of which he received under a private Contract with Senator Yulee of Florida for services in obtain- ing the consent of the Chiefs to the payment of thirty thousand dollars of this money to Senator Yulee on an old claim presented by him of long standing in behalf of one Gov Humphreys of Florida. The balance of the $13000 received by Mr Washbourne was probably awarded him in consideration of his permitting the Chiefs to appropriate certain por- Alliance 'with the Confederacy , 239 John Mathews, 477 had he not recently received his deserts at the hands of Senator Lane's brigade. tions of the money they paid over to them in trust for the legetimate claimants, to their own use and benefit, I have informed you in a late letter of the pains I took to make the Chiefs acquainted with the true object of the appropriations. Having been instructed to pay over the whole amount to the authorities of the Nation, this was all I could do in furtherance of the intentions of Con- gress ; my efforts to accomplish which were thus frustrated by Mr Wash- bourne and his advances. - 3d The breach of good faith in the Chiefs towards the Indians, prompted by Mr Washbourne in the distribution of this $90.000 as ex- plained in my late letter, has incensed the Indians to such degree that bloodshed has been threatened and is seriously to be apprehended, - 4th The influence of Mr Washbourne over the Chiefs acquired through his Collusion with them in this swindling the intended legal re- cipients of this money is such that, the Chiefs have intimated that they will not send a delegation to Florida unless Mr Washbourne shall ac- company them, and I have reason to believe that in case he is not per- mited to accompany them, he is prepared to throw every obstacle in the way of the accomplishment of this, so much desired measure of the Government, The conduct of the Chiefs and their Agent in the distribution of the $90000 and the enclosed letter from Mr Jacoway U S Marshal of this District, whose acquaintance you have made, taken in connection with the declarations of the Chiefs, that they will not go without him (or that they desire that he should go with and have charge of them) justi- fies the apprehension that there is another scheme in embryo between them to perpetrate another swindle. Should circumstances favour its accomplishment; and if it is the intention of the Department to charge me with conducting the negotiations of a Delegation to Florida, I must decline the performance of this duty if one in whom I have so little confidence is permited to accompany the Delegation in the capacity of Agent; for I hesitate not to say, that if disappointed in his hopes of making a profitable employment of his influence he would exert himself to defeat any negotiations that might be set on foot, and there is good reason to fear that he might be successful, - For these reasons I beg leave respectfully to urge upon the Depart- ment the immediate removal of Mr Washbourne and the appointment in his stead of some gentleman who will perform the duties of the office with a high appreciation of the trust confided to him and with a view, rather to the honest discharge of this trust, than to his own profit, I make this communication direct to the Sec't of Interior instead of sending it through the Indian office for the reason that I learn that the Comr Ind Affrs is absent on official acct. 477 Agent Elder to Coffin, September 30, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian 240 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist An accurate and connected account of the occur- rences at the Tahlequah council, it is well nigh impos- sible to obtain. Some intimidation 478 seems to have been used, and there was a report of a collision 479 be- tween the Ross and Ridge factions some days previous to the meeting. Drew's regiment, which, when organ- ized, had been placed as a guard 480 on the northern bor- der, escorted 481 Commissioner Pike to Park Hill and later took up its station on the treaty ground. Some of Stand Watie's Confederate forces were also in the Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 37] ; Coffin to Dole, October 2, 1861 [ibid., p. 38] ; Moore's Rebellion Record, vol. iii, 33. 478 We the loyal Cherokee Delegation acknowledge the execution of the treaty of Oct. 7, 1861. But we solemnly declare that the execution of the Treaty was procured by the coercion of the rebel army [Land Files, Indian Talks, Councils, etc., Box 4, 1865-1866]. 479 Hon. J. S. Phelps to C. B. Smith, dated Rolla, Mo., October 3, 1861 [General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, P44.]. 480 A difference of opinion seems to exist as to the original object of the organization of Drew's regiment. When Ross wrote his despatches to McCul- loch concerning the proceedings at Tahlequah, he sent them for transmission to the C.S.A. quartermaster at Fort Smith, Major George W. Clark, to whom he imparted the information that the Cherokees were going to raise a regiment of mounted men immediately and place it under the command of Colonel John Drew, "to meet any emergency that may arise." "Having espoused," said he, "the cause of the Confederate States, we hope to render efficient service in the protracted war which now threatens the country, and to be treated with a liberality and confidence becoming the Confederate States." - Moore's Rebellion Record, vol. iii, 155, Document 63^2- Those, who afterwards wanted to put the Cherokee position in the best pos- sible light, declared repeatedly that Drew's regiment had no sectional bias in the work mapped out for it, that it was nothing more than a home guard. Writing to Dole, January 21, 1862, the Reverend Evan Jones said, A regiment of Cherokees was raised for home protection, composed of one company for each of eight Districts, and either two or three com- panies for the District of Tahlequah. But these were altogether sep- arate and distinct from the rebel force. . . The great majority of officers and men, in this case, being decidedly loyal Union men Four of the Captains and four hundred men, gave evidence of their loyalty, in the part they acted, at the battle in which Opothleyoholo was attacked by the Texan rangers & rebel Creeks & Choctaws, under Cooper. . . - General Files, Cherokee, 1859-1865, Jss6. 481 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, p. 355. Alliance with the Confederacy 241 neighborhood. 482 In 1865, at the Fort Smith Council, held for the readjustment of political relations with the United States government, the Indians of the Neosho Agency gave* 83 a rather picturesque description of the way they had been prevailed upon to sign the treaty with the Confederate States. The real object of the Tahlequah meeting was evidently not revealed to them until they had actually reached the treaty ground. Agent Dorn had told them that they had to go to the meeting. They went and were there taken in hand by Pike who said, If you don't do what we lay before you, we can't say you shall live happy. The Indians feeling badly, just looked on, and the white man went to work, got up a paper and said I want you to sign that. The Indian did not want to, but he compelled him. You know yourself that, under such circumstances, he would do anything to save his life. . . Now that the history of the diplomatic relations be- tween the Indian tribes and the Confederacy has been brought thus far, nothing seems more fitting than to re- turn to the consideration of the Federal government and its representatives, its purposes, and its plans, be- ginning the account with the Indian Office and Com- missioner Dole. Dole's early attempt to prevail upon the War Department to resume its occupation of Indian Territory was followed up by the convincing letter of the thirtieth of May in which he likened the Indians to the Union element in some of the border states and ended by throwing the full responsibility for any dis- loyalty that might appear among them upon the Fed- * 82 Cooley's Report to President Johnson, February 25, 1866. This letter was found in the loose files of the Indian Office and is not to be found in In- dian Office, Report Book, no. 15, where it would properly belong. 483 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, p. 321. 242 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist eral authorities; inasmuch as they had neglected and were still neglecting to give the support and protection that any ordinary guardian is bound in honor to give to his wards. Dole said in writing to Secretary Smith, . . . Experience has shown that the presence of even a small force of federal troops located in the disaffected States has had the effect to preserve the peace, encourage the friends of the Union, and induce the people to return to their allegiance. That this same result would be produced in the Indian coun- try I cannot doubt, as they can have no inducement to unite with the enemies of the United States unless we fail as a nation to give them that protection guaranteed by our treaty stipula- tions, and which is necessary to prevent designing and evil-dis- posed persons from having free intercourse with them, to work out their evil purposes. . , 484 Nothing came of Dole's application and thus was exemplified, as often before and often since, a very seri- ous defect in the American administrative system by which the duty of doing a certain thing rests upon one department and the means for doing it with quite an- other. It is surely no exaggeration to say that hundreds and hundreds of times the Indians have been the inno- cent victims of friction between the War and Interior Departments. But if the authorities at Washington were indifferent to the Indian's welfare, Senator Lane was neither in- different to nor ignorant of the strategical importance of Indian Territory. With him the defence of Kansas and the means of procuring that defence were every- thing. Indian Territory and the Indian tribes came within the scope of the means. And so it happened that, while he was organizing his Kansas brigade, he commissioned 485 a man, E. H. Carruth, who had for- 484 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, p. 35; Indian Office, Re- port Book, no. 12, p. 176. 485 Enclosed pleaz find a coppy of a Commission given by General Alliance 'with the Confederacy 243 merly posed as an educator 486 among the Seminoles, to communicate with the various tribes for the purpose of determining their real feelings towards the United States government and of obtaining, if possible, an in- terview between Lane and some of their accredited rep- resentatives. The interview was to take place "at Fort Lincoln on the Osage or some point convenient there- to." 487 Now a considerable portion of the Creek tribe was in just the right mood and in just the right situation to re- ceive such overtures in the right spirit. That portion consisted of those who, after the treaty of July tenth had been negotiated in the manner already described, had rallied around Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la; and who, in a Creek convention that had been called for August fifth had declared that the chiefs, who had signed a treaty outside the National Council, had violated a funda- mental law of the tribe and had thereby forfeited their administrative rank. The criticism applied to Motey Kennard and to Echo Harjo, the principal and the sec- Lane to E. H. Carruth together with coppies of Letters sent by him to the various Tribes in the Indian Territory. I had an interview with Mr. Carruth yesterday. I find him a very Inteligent man and thougherly posted as to all matters relating to the Southern Indians he is very confi- dent that most if not all the Southern Indians written to will Send deligations to Fort Scott as requested there ware three Creek In- dians came up to se General Lane who came to lola for Caruthe to go with them to General Lane which he did and they ware the barers of letters of which the enclosed are coppies. I am going to Fort Scott today and will make arrangements with Agent Elder to give the notice imediately on their arrival or Bring them to Humboldt. I shall try to secure the assistance of Mr. Caruthe tho he is now a voluntear in the Home Guards for protection. I very much feer the service required of me at the Sacks & Fox and Kaw agencies will take me to far off but will try to attend to all if possible - General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ci348. 486 Manypenny to Dean, April 9, 1855 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 51, pp. 232-233]. 487 Extract from commission, dated Fort Scott, August 30, 1861, issued to Carruth by authority of J. H. Lane, Commanding the Kansas Brigade [ibid."]. 244 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist ond chief respectively. Kennard, as we have seen, was the leader of the Lower Creeks and Harjo of the Up- per. A further division in Creek ranks was now in- evitable and it came forthwith, the Non-treaty Party, made up mostly of Upper Creeks, proceeding to recog- nize 488 Ok-ta-ha-hassee Harjo (better known as "Sands") as the acting principal chief of the tribe. It also betook itself westward so as to be as much as pos- sible out of the reach of the secessionists. When once in a position of at least temporary security, it de- spatched Mik-ko Hut-kee (White Chief), Bob Deer, Jo Ellis, and perhaps others to Washington to confer with the "Great Father." 489 488 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, p. 328. 489 The loyal Creeks testified, in 1865, that they sent their "chief" and others to Washington and leave the reader to infer that the chief meant was "Sands;" but the accredited delegates were most certainly Mik-ko Hut-kee, Bob Deer, and Jo Ellis. These three men signed their names, or rather at- tached their mark, to an address to the president of which the following is a certified copy: SHAWNEE AGENCY, LEXINGTON, September 18, 1861. SIR, we the Chiefs, Head Men, and Warriors, of the Creek Nation of Indians, in the Indian Territory, through our delegates, the undersigned desire to state to your excellency the condition of our people. Owing to the want of correct information as to condition of the Country and Gov- ernment our people are in great distress. Men have come among us, who claim to represent a New Government, who tell us that the Govern- ment represented by Our Great Father at Washington, has turned against us and intends to drive us from our homes and take away our property, they tell us that we have nothing to hope from our old Father and that all the Friends of the Indian have joined the New Govern- ment. And that the New Government is ready to make treaties with the Indians and do all and more for them than they can claim under their old treaties, they ask us to join their armies and help sustain the Government that is willing to do so much for us. But we doubted their statements and promises and went to talk with the Agent and Super- intendent which Our father has always kept among us but they were both gone and then some of our people began to think that Our Great Father had forsaken us and a very few joined the Army of the New Government and our people were in great trouble and we called a Grand Council of the Chiefs of Creeks, Cherokees, Chickasaws, Shaw- nees, Senecas, Quapaws, Kickapoos, Delawares, Weas, Peankeshaws, Alliance with the Confederacy 245 The Creek delegates, Mik-ko Hut-kee and his com- panions, went, on their way to Washington, northward through Kansas, saw Superintendent Coffin 490 and, later, Lane's agent, E. H. Carruth. This was about the second week of September and Carruth was at Barnesville, Lane's headquarters. Carruth received the Creeks kindly, read sympathetically the letter 491 Witchetaws Tribes and bands of Comanches, Seminoles, and Cadoes. And after a long discussion of the source of their troubles, decided to remain loyal to our Government and if possible neutral. The Chiefs went among their people (and as a general thing) counteracted the influence of the emissaries of the New Government. But these emissaries are still among us giving us great trouble, while our Government has no one who can officially represent itself. And we most earnestly ask that some person shall be sent here who shall meet the Chiefs of the above mentioned tribes in Council at some suitable place, and then make known to them the condition, policy and wishes of the Government so far as the interests of the Indians are concerned. If your Excellency should deem it best to comply with our request, we would suggest that Humboldt Allen County Kansas be the place for holding the Council. A notice sent to the Agent of the Shawnees, will immediately be for- warded by a messinger to the Chiefs. Very Respectfully, your Obedient Servants WHITE CHIEF X his mark BOBB DEER X his mark JOSEPH ELLIS X his mark Interpreter P.S. The Choctaws were not present at the Council and we have reason to feer that they have gone with the Southern Confederacy. It will take near forty days to notify the Chiefs and get them together after the notice gets at this place. WHITE CHIEF X his mark 490 They also saw Agent Abbot [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1865, p. 330] and received new assurances from him. 491 Perchance the same letter, either the original or a copy of which, Super- intendent Branch transmitted to Dole along with an explanatory letter from Agent Abbott. The "talk" of the Creek chiefs was accompanied by a sort of Seminole and Chickasaw endorsement. Dole replied to the Creek and Seminole delegate appeals, November 16, 1861 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, pp. 78-79]. This is what the Creek chiefs said: CREEK NAT. Aug 15, 1861. Now I write to the President our Great Father who removed us to our present homes, & made a treaty, and you said that in our new homes we should be defended from all interference from any people and that no white people in the whole world should ever molest us unless they come from the sky but the land should be ours as long as grass grew or waters run, and should we be injured by anybody you would come with 246 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist that they brought from their distressed chiefs, Sands and Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la, assured the equally distressed delegates of the continued fatherly interest of the Unit- ed States government, and. sent them on their way, greatly comforted. It was while these Creek delegates were lingering at Barnesville that Carruth made a spe- cial effort to induce the southern Indians generally to send representatives for an interview with Lane. He wrote personally to Ross, 492 to the two Creek chiefs, 493 your soldiers & punish them, but now the wolf has come, men who are strangers tread our soil, our children are frightened & the mothers can- not sleep for fear. This is our situation now. When we made our Treaty at Washington you assured us that our children should laugh around our houses without fear, & we believed you. Then our Great Father was strong. And now we raise our hands to him we want his help to keep off the intruder & make our homes again happy as they used to be. . . I was at Washington when you treated with us, and now White People are trying take our people away to fight against us and you. I am alive. I well remember the treaty. My ears are open & my mem- ory is good. This is the letter of Your Children by OPOTHLEHOYOLA OUKTAHNASERHARJO The Seminoles also send the same word & the full Indians of the Chickasaws too send to the P - The reply to this letter was made by Dole, November 16, 1861. See In- dian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, pp. 79-80. Pascofar the chief of Seminoles was present he was not able to come with us now but sent word. And if our Great Father want us we will come to see him. MICEO HULKA Jo ELLIS ROB DEER General Files, Creek, 1860-1869, 8787. 492 There is a delegation of the Creeks now at Gen'l Lanes Head Quarters. We wish to see delegations from the tribes loyal to the U.S. Govern- ment. You will send us a delegation who will report to the Head Quarters of the Kansas Brigade where commissioners of the Govern- ment will meet and confer with them. You are probably aware of the falsehoods resorted to by the en- emies of the U.S. to induce the Indians to withdraw their allegiance from the Government. Could you come in person it would be grattify- ing to the Commissioners. - Letter of September n, 1861 [General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ci348]. 493 Your letter by Micco Hutka is received. You will send a delega- Alliance with the Confederacy 247 and to the Wichita chief, Tusaquach, 494 and, in addi- tion, wrote to the Seminole chiefs and headmen 495 and to the "loyal" Choctaws and Chickasaws. 498 Presumably, Superintendent Coffin did not alto- gether approve of Senator Lane's taking it upon him- self to confer with the Indians who, after all, were offi- cially Coffin's charges; for, in October, we find him, likewise, planning for an intertribal conference to be held at Humboldt. 497 It is rather interesting to look back upon all this and to realize, as perforce we must, that every plan for conferring with the southern tribes tion of your best men to meet the Commissioners of the United States Government in Kansas. I am authorized to inform you that the President will not forget you. Our armies will soon go south and those of your people who are true and loyal to the Government will be treated as friends -Your rights & property will be respected. The Commissioners from the Con- federate States have deceived you they have two tongues. They wanted to get the Indians to fight and they will rob and plunder you if they can get you into trouble. But the President is stil alive his soldiers will soon drive these men who have treacherously violated your homes from the land they have entered. When your Del- egates Return to you they will be able to inform you when and where your monies will be paid those who stole your orphan funds will be pun- ished and you will learn that the people who are tru to the Govern- ment which has so long protected you are your Friends. - Letter to Opoth- le-ho-yo-ho, Ho-so-tau-hah-sas Hayo, dated Barnesville, September n, 1861. - General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ci348. The author's opinion is that the mistakes in spelling were made by the il- literate Coffin, who probably made a copy of Carruth's letters for transmission to the Indian Office. He may also have made a slight alteration inthe date of the letter to the Creeks; for the original of the letter, beariqg the date of September 10, 1861, was found in Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la's camp after the Battle of Chustenahlah, December 26, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. viii, 25]. 494 Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 26. 495 In his letter to the Seminole chiefs and headmen, Carruth reminds them that he was with them when letters came from Pike and that Pike "is the man who has tried so hard to get your lands sectionalized" and asks, "who brought up a bill in Congress to bring your tribes under Territorial laws, Johnson of Arkansas. . ." Ibid., 26. 497 Coffin to Dole, October 2, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Re- port, 1861, pp. 38-39]. 248 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist in the interests of the United States government, at this critical time, contemplated a meeting at some place out- side of Indian Territory. Here were agents of the In- dian's "Great Father" offering protection to the red men and yet giving incontestable proof in the very de- tails of the offer that they did not themselves dare to venture 498 beyond the Kansas boundary. As a matter of fact, all such plans for a general conference came to nothing, although, as late as November, Lane had still the idea of one in mind. He was, at the time, hoping to meet the Indians at Leroy 499 in Coffey County, Kan- sas, on the twenty-fourth. Lane also continued to ad- vocate the use of the friendly Indians as soldiers. A little earlier, Agent Johnson had endorsed 500 Lane's plan in a letter to Commissioner Dole; but the coming of General Hunter upon the scene considerably affected the sphere of influence. Dissatisfaction with Fremont on account of his ex- travagance, his haphazard way of issuing commissions, 498 Evan Jones wrote, October 31, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, pp. 41-43] that he had found it impossible to get anyone who would undertake to carry a message to John Ross. The risk was too great. 499 Dole to Hunter, November 16, 1861 [ibid., p. 44]. 500 On consultation with Gen'l Jas. H. Lane he thinks an auxiliary Regiment of Indians are necessary to the service and could be used to great advantage in this department. If it meets with your approbation I would like and ask the privilege of Raising such Regt which I think I could do in thirty days. I have made my estimate of the number of men which I think would be furnished by each tribe as follows lowas & Kickapoos ...... 225 Delawares ... . l .... 125 Potawatomies ....... 250 Shawnees, Miamies, & Weas ..... ico Sacks & Foxes ....... 250 Senecas & Wyandotts ...... 125 1075 This will be laid before you by Gen' Lane in person I hope it will meet with your approval and that you will grant the permission to raise Alliance with the Confederacy 249 his tardiness, and, above all, his general military in- competence had crystallized in September; and, by orders 501 of General Scott on the twenty-fourth of Octo- ber, Hunter was directed to relieve him. Hunter reached his post in early November and almost immedi- ately thereafter, either upon his own initiative or after consultation with someone like Coffin (it could hardly have been with Lane; for Lane had gone 502 to Wash- ington, or with Branch; for Branch was strongly op- the Regt and if necessary I have no doubt but a Brigade of Indians could be organized by embracing the Osages and Loyal Creeks and Cherokees. - Letter of October 10, 1861 [General Files, Delaware, 1855- 1861]. 501 Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 553. 502 I am not certain of the exact date of Lane's departure for Washington. Spring says [Kansas, 279] that he went there in November. When an Indian delegation reached Fort Scott, seeking him, some time about the middle of the month, he had already handed over his command to Colonel James Montgom- ery and "had gone to Washington" [Cutler to Coffin, September 30, 1862, Com- missioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1862, p. 138]. Yet Dole's letter to Gen- eral Hunter would convey the impression that Lane was still in Kansas the middle of the month and expected to be there on the twenty-fourth. I am also in doubt as to when Hunter reached his post. He communicated with Agent Cutler from St. Louis, November 20, 1861 {ibid., 1861, p. 44]. Hunter and Lane may very well have met even outside of Kansas and have exchanged views and opinions that would have given a basis for the representations that Lane must have made to Lincoln and Cameron regarding Hunter's approval of the "Jayhawking Brigade." McClellan seems to have advised the forward movement in the direction of the Indian Territory; for he says, when writing to Hunter, December n, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 428]: Immediately after you were assigned to your present department I re- quested the Adjutant-General to inform you that it was deemed ex- pedient to organize an expedition under your command to secure the Indian territory west of Arkansas, as well as to make a descent upon Northern Texas, in connection with one to strike at Western Texas from the Gulf. The general was to invite your prompt attention to this sub- ject, and to ask you to indicate the necessary force and means for the undertaking. It is only fair to say that Lane had always advocated a more southern concen- tration of forces. He more than any other northern man seems to have ap- preciated fully the importance of Indian Territory. He continually recom- mended using Fort Scott as a base for such military operations as had the protection of Kansas as their main object. 250 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist posed to the project intended), he telegraphed 503 to the War Department "for permission to muster a Brigade of Kansas Indians into the service of the United States, to assist the friendly Creek Indians in maintaining their loyalty." Evidently, the request was not granted, 504 but duties akin to it were, by arrangement of President Lin- coln, conferred upon Hunter which involved his assum- ing the responsibility of holding, if such a plan were feasible, an intertribal council so as to renew the con- fidence of the southern Indians in the United States government. A letter 505 from Dole, outlining the plan, reveals an astonishing ignorance of just how far those selfsame Indians had gone in their defection, because of the loss of the confidence. In the giving of these new duties to General Hunter, there was not the slightest intention of ignoring Senator Lane. In fact, Dole expressly mentioned that Lane had called for just such an Indian conference 506 and sug- gested that, if Hunter's military duties prevented his 503 Hunter to Thomas, dated Leavenworth, January 15, 1862 [General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862]. 504 In January, 1862, Hunter deplored the fact that his request had not been acceded to and said, Had this permission been promptly granted, I have every reason to be- lieve that the present disastrous state of affairs, in the Indian country west of Arkansas, could have been avoided. I now again respectfully repeat my request - Ibid. 85 Dole to Hunter, November 16, 1861 [Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, pp. 80-82; Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, pp. 43-44]. 506 Lane's proposed conference called for the assembling of representatives of Kansas tribes as well as of Indian Territory tribes. Judging from Hunter's letter to Agent Cutler of November 20, 1861 [Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Report, 1861, pp. 44-45], I infer that Hunter's conference was to be confined to the southern Indians. The purpose of Lane's must have been represented to the Kansas Indians as Creek needs [Shawnee "talk" to the Creeks, Novem- ber 15, 1861, ibid., p. 45]. Hunter intended to hold his conference at his head- quarters, Fort Leavenworth, which was making the southern Indians come a pretty long way [Hunter to Cutler, November 20, 1861, ibid., p. 44; Dole to Cutler, December 3, 1861, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, p. 107]. Alliance 'with the Confederacy 251 meeting the Indians in person, Lane might take his place, "provided he can be spared from his post" The whole affair was incident to the reorganization that had recently, under general orders 507 of the ninth of No- vember, taken place in the Western Department, from which had resulted a Department of Kansas, separate and distinct from the Department of Missouri. The Department of Kansas included "the State of Kansas, the Indian Territory west of Arkansas, and the Terri- tories of Nebraska, Colorado, and Dakota" and was to be under the command of Major-general David Hunt- er 508 with headquarters at Fort Leavenworth. The idea governing this division of the old western depart- ment was, ostensibly, as Nicolay and Hay express 509 it, that Kansas might be protected, Indian Territory re- possessed, and Texas reached. As we shall presently see, a similar reorganization took place, about the same time, in the Confederate western service and for very much the same reason, the condition of the Indian coun- try being a very large proportion of that reason. It is barely possible that, as far as the United States was con- cerned, Senator Lane's recommendation 510 of the ninth of October was almost wholly accountable for the change. It was, undoubtedly, high time that something vigor- ous was being done to stay Confederate progress in In- dian Territory. Indeed, events were happening there 507 Official Records, first sen, vol. iii, 567. BOS Major-general H. W. Halleck was to command the sister department of Missouri. 509 Abraham Lincoln, vol. v, 81-82. 510 1 earnestly request and recommend the establishment of a new military department, to be composed of Kansas, the Indian country, and so much of Arkansas and the Territories as may be thought advisable to include therein, -'LANE to Lincoln, dated Leavenworth City, Kansas, October 9, 1861 [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 529]. 252 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist at this very moment that made all plans for an inter- tribal conference exceedingly out of date. The Con- federate government had now a large Indian force 511 in the field and expectations of an increase, provided the 5(11 By the end of July, the First Regiment of Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles had been completely organized [Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 620, 624] and eight companies of a prospective Creek regiment [ibid., 624]. By October twenty-second, when McCulloch ordered him [ibid., 721] to take up a position in the Cherokee Neutral Lands, Stand Watie's battalion had ap- parently reached the proportions of a regiment, the First Cherokee Mounted Rifles. On the twenty-seventh of November, Pike who was then in Richmond informed Benjamin, We have now in the service four regiments, numbering in all some 3,500 men, besides the Seminole troops and other detached companies, in- creasing the number to over 4,000. An additional regiment has been of- fered by the Choctaws and another can be raised among the Creeks. If I have the authority I can enlist even the malcontents among that people. I can place in the field (arms being supplied) 7,500 Indian troops, not counting the Comanches and Osages, whom I would only employ in case of an invasion of the Indian country. . . - Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 697. A supposed report of Agent Garrett, sent to the United States Indian Office under the following endorsement, is not without interest as bearing upon the strength of the Confederacy within the Indian country: The copy of a letter herewith, is without signature, but is said to be in the handwriting of the late Col. Garret, who at that date, was U.S. Indian Agent of the Creeks. It is not of much importance, but yet, as historical and statistical, is not without some interest. I obtained it a few weeks ago, found among other papers at the Agency, and I presume is a retained copy of the original. CREEK AGENCY C.N. Dec. i6th 1861. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2d ultimo, requiring certain information from me in regard to the number of Creek Indians; and their relations or feelings towards the Confederate States. Owing to the great irregularity of the mails, I did not receive your communication as soon as I ought. The difficulty at the time I received your letter in regard to answering it properly, caused me to delay a few days, so that I might answer it definitely. Incidental to the confusion here, I could not state to you who were reliable, and who were not, for I did not know myself, and believing that a battle would be fought in a few days where every one would have to show his hand, I thought I could give you more reliable information: and from the valor and fidelity of the Creeks engaged then I can give you reliable information. The Creeks number in all 14630, a portion of whom reside in Ala- Alliance with the Confederacy 253 necessary arms 512 were obtainable. On the twenty-sec- ond 513 of November, by special orders 51 * from Rich- bama, Texas and Missouri, leaving about 13000 within the limits of the Creek Nation: -From the best information I can get, there are among, the lower Creeks 1650 warriors, 375 of them are unfriendly - Among the Upper Creeks there are 1600 warriors - only 400 of them are friendly - to sum up the whole matter there are 1675 Creek warriors friendly to the Confederate States and 1575 unfriendly- Of those friendly there are in the service of the Confederate States 1375 -One Regiment is com- manded by Col. Chilly Mclntosh, numbering 400 - and an independent company commanded by Capt. J. M. C. Smith numbering 75 men, all in the service, and armed with a very few exceptions, and I think from re- cent indications are willing to do service wherever ordered, and circum- stances justify it. The Regiment, Battalion and Company were all mustered into service for twelve months. This comprises nearly all the friendly warriors in the Nation. I cannot answer you in regard to the number that are willing to serve during the war. My opinion is, though, that the num- ber now in the service, and perhaps more, are willing to remain in the service as long as they may be wanted. The Hostiles are headed by Ho path ye ho lo who has engaged in his cause portions of several tribes viz a portion of the Seminoles, Kickapoos, Shawnees, Delawares, Wichitas, Comanches, and Cherokees - 400 of whom deserted a few days before the recent battle from Col. John Drews Regiment Cherokee Vol- unteers and joined Hopathyeholo who is in communication with the fed- eral forces in Kansas, and has received goods and ammunition from them: His force is estimated from 2500 to 3000-! would give you a more detailed account of the battle, but I do not think it proper in this communication and I presume the commanding officer Col. Cooper has made his report of the Battle to the Secretary of War -I may be mis- taken to some extent, in regard to the friendly and hostile Creeks, but I think I am not, and it is correct from the best information I can get, and my own knowledge of the facts. It will afford me much pleasure, to communicate to you at any time anything of importance to the Con- federate States. Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt. Hon. David Hubbard, Com. Indian Affairs Richmond Va. 512 Therein lay the whole difficulty. It was simply impossible for the Con- federate government to honor all requisitions for arms. 513 The matter must have been even earlier under advisement; for, on the twenty-sixth of October, J. P. Benjamin, Acting Secretary of War, sent this notice to "General Albert Pike, Little Rock, Ark. :" I cannot assign to your command any Arkansas troops at this moment. Governor Rector is applying for return of the regiments in Tennes- see. - Official Records, first ser., vol. iii, 727. 514 Ibid., vol. viii, 690. 254 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist mond, Indian Territory had been erected into a sep- arate military department and Albert Pike, now a brig- adier-general, assigned to the command of it. For the present, however, things seem to have remained much as they were with McCulloch nominally in command and Cooper in actual charge. Moreover, long before Pike reappeared upon the scene, matters had come to an issue between the secessionist and unionist Creeks. Determined not to allow themselves to be over-per- suaded or intimidated by the secessionist element in their nation, the unionist Creeks, under Opoeth-le-yo- ho-la, had withdrawn from active intercourse with the rival faction and, resisting all attempts of Cooper and others to inveigle them into an interview that might result in compromise, they had encamped at or near the junction of the Deep and North Forks of the Canadian River. Cooper resolved to attack them there and, for the purpose, gathered 515 together an effective fighting force of about fourteen hundred men, all Indians ex- cept for a detachment of Texas cavalry. On the fifth of November, Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la broke camp and took up the line of march for Kansas, hoping that, in Kansas, he and his followers would receive either succor or refuge. It has been estimated that Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la's force, at this time, was less than two thousand men and that it comprised, besides Creeks and Seminoles, some two or three hundred negroes. His traveling cortege was, however, very much larger; for it included women and children, the sick and the aged. Approximately half of the Creeks were on the move for pastures new. For many of them it was a second exodus. Colonel D. H. Cooper reached the deserted camp of Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la on the fifteenth of November and, 515 Daily Stale Journal (Little Rock), Nov. 8, 1861. Alliance 793 ! Act of June 25, 1864, ibid., vol. xiii, 180]. In addition, special ap- propriations were made, like that of May 3, 1864, for the refugees. 562 Hunter to Thomas, December n, 1861 {Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 428] ; McClellan to Hunter, December n, 1861 [ibid.]. 563 Halleck to McClellan, January 20, 1862 [ibid., 509-510]. 276 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Lane with energy like the whirlwind, a local politician through and through. He had absolutely no respect for official proprieties and the military men, opposed to him, were men of small calibre. He reached Kansas, joyfully intent upon putting into immediate effect the power that Lincoln had conferred upon him, only to find that there stood Hunter, fully prepared to contest authority with him. The Adjutant-general had writ- ten 564 Hunter that Lane had not been given a command independent of his own and that, if he so desired, he might conduct the expedition southward in person. In the evening of the twenty-sixth, Lane reached Leaven- worth, and the very next day, Hunter issued general orders 665 that he would command in person. Taken aback and excusably indignant, Lane communicated 566 at once with John Covode and requested him to impart the news to the President, to Stanton 567 and the new Sec- retary of War, and to General McClellan. Official sensitiveness was unquestionably at the bot- tom of the whole trouble, yet Lincoln was very largely to blame for having yielded to Lane's importunities. He frankly said that he had wished to keep the affair out of McClellan's hands as far as possible. 568 He hoped to profit by the services of both Hunter and Lane; but, if they could not agree, then Lane must yield the precedence to Hunter. He must report for orders or decline the service. 569 Military men, stationed in the west, and civil officers of Kansas were all prejudiced 564 Thomas to Hunter, January 24, 1862 [Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 525-526]. 565 Ibid., 529-530. 566 _ Ufa 567 Stanton had become Secretary of War, January 15, 1862. On the real reasons for Cameron's retirement, see Welles' Diary, vol. i, 57. 568 Lincoln to Stanton, January 31, 1862 [Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 538]. 569 Lincoln to Hunter and Lane, February 10, 1862 [ibid., 551]. Alliance with the Confederacy 277 against the "Lane Expedition." 57 They expected it to be nothing but jayhawking and marauding of the worst description. The Indians, however, were deeply dis- appointed 571 when a halt came in the preparations. 570 Hunter to Halleck, February 8, 1862 [Official Records, first sen, vol. viii, 829-831]; Halleck to Hunter, February 13, 1862 {ibid., 554-555]; McClellan to Halleck, February 13, 1862 [ibid., 555]. 571 My object more particularly in writing to you to-night is on account of the orders that we learn here to-night from General Gennison to General Hunter that no Indians are to be mustered into the Service we have taken greate paines and have made flattering progress in en- rooling them according to the orders of your Selfe and General Hunter nearly all of them set apart 10 Dollars out of their wages pr month for their families and many that have no families leave it in the hands of the Agents for their benefit after the war is over and they are burning with revenge and spiling for a fight and I have no dout at all but they would doo good Service there are two amongst them at least perhaps many more that I think would make good Commanders Billy Bowlegs & Little Captain the latter a Creek that commands in all the Late Bat- tles and they suposed that he was killed but he got in a few days sine Billy has also recently arivd I am fully of the opinion that these Indians at least two Thousand of them for such a campaigne as they are de- signed for or the one is suposed to be that is to go South from here are as well calculated for as any Troops that could be selected and it will make great trouble with them as they have their harts set upon it and will be most cruelly disappointed if not permettd to go and they should be got back as soon as posabl to their homes as the planting sea- son is near and if they do not get there in time for putting in a crop the present Spring it looks like they will have to be suportd by the Government til August 1863 or til a crop can be maturd nex year which could not be sooner than August this would entail a heavy expense upon the Indian department that I would like to be avoidd I have had an In- terview with General Gennison and he is very sure that if they would arm these Indians and give him three thousd other Troops he could put those Indians into their homes in time for a crop this year all here are very much disappointed and mortified at the course things are for their families will be no small Item in lessening the expense of Sub- sisting them which with all the Economy we can use will be very large.- COFFIN to Dole, dated Humboldt, Kansas, February 28, 1862 [General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, Ci54i]. Since writing you from Huraboldt Dr. Kile & my selfe have visited Fort Roe to make arrangements for moving the Indians to the Neosho on getting there we found that about 1500 of them had left fbr\this place they left Saturday noon it turned cold Saturday night and com- 278 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la personally addressed a communica- tion 572 to Lincoln. He wanted nobody but Lane to command the expedition. Pending a settlement, Dole menced snowing and snowed hard most of the day Sunday and last night was the coldest of the season the Indians all got to timber Sat- urday night to camp and remained in camp Sunday but most of them ware on the Road to day tho it was too coald to travel in the fix they are in I saw many of them barefooted and many more that the feett was a small part of them that was bare, these people realy seem to be doomd to suffer for this Loyalty beyond measure, the goods and shoes ordered by Dr. Kile and an order sent by myselfe before Kile's arival have not yet reached here. Kile remained at Fort Roe to Settle and close up business there and assist in the araingements for starting them from there and I came on to se to those on the way and make araeng- ments for taking care of them when they get here I found many of them Sick and not able to leave camp till teams are sent to them to aid them. We find that we cannot move them with less than about three Teams to the Hundred and it may overrun that the weather is moderating now and we shall make a vigorous effort to move them as quick as possible, we find it very dificult to get Teams on government vouchers and may not be able to move them in a reasonable time on that account the funds I brot down three Thousand Dollars was nearly exausted before Kile arived we are now nearly destitute of money if I find it as dificult around here to get teams as I have between here and the fort I shall make an effort to raise some funds for that purpose tomorrow with what success remains to be seen we have kept them pretty well suplied with Something to eat so far but that is all we can bost of, iff we ware to say they ware well clothed there would be ten thousand square ft of nakedness gaping forth its contradiction; they have been out of Tobacco for Several days and I doo think one days experience in camp would convince the most skeptical that with Indians at least the weed is a necessity, the Indians of all tribs held a grand council last Thursday at Fort Roe in regard to the war, at which they determined with great unanimity to gather up and arm as best they could, all there able bodied men and go down with the army on their own hook and aid in driving out the Rebels from their homes in time to plant a crop for this season and then gather all the Ponies they can and they think they can capture enough from the Rebels with what they have to come up for their families. Cannot the Government aid so Laudible an enterprise as that at least with a few guns and some amun- ition they appear to be in good earnest and are feeding up the best of their Ponies for the Trip. . . - COFFIN to Dole, dated Leroy, March 3, 1862 [General Files, Southern Superintendency, 1859-1862, 1544]. 572 Letter of January 28, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. viii, 534.]. Alliance with the Confederacy 279 ordered 573 Coffin 574 to desist from further enrollment. Secretary Stanton was declared opposed to the use of Indians in civilized warfare. 575 Soon the orders for the expedition were countermanded with the understand- ing, explicit or implied, that it should later proceed under the personal direction of General Hunter. The military situation in the middle west and the great desire on the part of the Confederacy to gain Mis- souri and to complete her secession from the old Union necessitated, at the opening of 1862, a thorough-going reorganization of forces concentrated in that part of the country. Experience had shown that separate and in- dependent commands had a tendency to become too much localized, individual commanders too much in- clined to keep within the narrow margin, each of his 573 I have a despatch from Secretary Smith saying that the Secretary of War is opposed to mustering the Indians into the service, and that he would see the President and settle the matter that day (Feb. 6). This as you will see disarranges all my previous arrangements, and devolves upon me the necessity of revoking my orders to you to proceed with the agents, to organize the loyal Indians in your Superin- tendency into companies preparatory to their being mustered into the service by Gen. Hunter. I have now to advise that you explain fully to the Chiefs that no authority has yet been received from Washington authorizing their admission into the army of the United States; but I would, at the same time advise that you proceed to ascertain what num- ber are able and willing to join our army, and that you so far prepare them for the service as you can consistently do, without committing the Government to accept them, as I still hope for the power to get these refugees if no others, into the service, it being one, and as I think, the best means of providing for their necessities. . .-DOLE to Coffin, February n, 1862 [Indian Office. Letter Book, no. 67, p. 448]. 574 Coffin had not been written to, Jan. 6, because the original plan did not contemplate the employment of southern Indians. Not until he heard of their presence, as refugees in Kansas, did Dole include them in his list of possible soldiers. 575 Superintendent Branch may have had something to do with the opposi- tion that grew up in Washington after Dole's departure ; for he was there the last days of the month. Lane asked for his immediate return to the west [Mix to Lane, January 27, 1862, Indian Office, Letter Book, no. 67, p. 293]. 280 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist instructions, for the good of the service as a whole to be promoted. It was thought best, therefore, to establish the Trans-Mississippi District of Department No. a 576 and to place in command of it, Major-general Earl Van Dorn. The district was to comprise all of Louisiana north of the Red River, all of Indian Territory proper, all of Arkansas, and all of Missouri west of the St. Francis. Wise in the main, as the scheme for consoli- dation unquestionably was, it had its weak points. The unrestricted inclusion of Indian Territory was decided- ly a violation of the spirit of the Pike treaties, if not of the actual letter. Under the conditions of their alli- ance with the Confederacy, the Indian nations were not obliged to render service outside of the limits of their own country; but the Confederacy was obliged, inde- pendent of any departmental reorganization or regula- tions, to furnish them protection. Almost the first thing that Van Dorn did, after as- suming command of the new military district, was to write, 577 from his headquarters at Jacksonport in east- ern Arkansas, to Price, advising him that Pike would shortly be ordered to take position in southwestern Missouri, say in Lawrence County near Mt. Vernon, "with instructions to cooperate with you in any emer- gency." Van Dorn was then laboring under the im- pression that Pike's force consisted of a majority of white troops, three regiments, he thought, out of a brigade of eight or nine thousand men, whereas there was only one white regiment in the whole Indian de- partment. Colonel Cooper complained 578 that this lat- ter condition was the fact and insisted that it was con- 576 Special Orders, no. 8, Jan. 10, 1862 [Official Records, vol. viii, 734]. 577 Van Dorn to Price, February 7, 1862 [Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 749]. 578 Cooper to Pike, February 10, 1862 [ibid., vol. xiii, 896]. FOfiT WCVLLOGH [From Office of Indian Affairs'] Alliance 'with the Confederacy 283 trary to the express promises made, by authority, 579 to the Choctaws and Chickasaws when he had begun his re- cruiting work among them the previous summer. Had Van Dorn only taken a little trouble to inquire into the real state of affairs among the Indians, he would, in- stead of ordering Pike to bring the Indian regiments out of Indian Territory, have seen to it that they stayed at home and that danger of civil strife among the Cher- okees was prevented by the presence of three white reg- iments, as originally promised. At this particular time as it happened, Pike was not called upon to move his force; for the order so to move did not reach him until after the Federals, "pursuing General Price, had in- vaded Arkansas." 880 It proved, however, to be but a brief stay of execu- tion; for, as soon as Van Dorn learned that Price had fallen back from Springfield, he resolved 581 to form a junction with McCulloch's division in the Boston Mountains and himself take command of all the forces in the field. He estimated 582 that, should Pike be able to join him, with Price's and McCulloch's troops al- ready combined, he would have an army of fully twen- ty-six thousand men to oppose a Federal force of be- tween thirty- five and forty thousand. Pike was duly informed 583 of the new arrangement and ordered 584 to "hasten up with all possible dispatch and in person direct the march of" his "command, including Stand Watie's, Mclntosh's, and Drew's regiments." His men 579 Walker to Cooper, May 13, 1861 [Official Records, first sen, vol. iii, 574-575]- 580 Report of Albert Pike, dated Fort McCulloch, May 4, 1862 [ibid., vol. xiii, 819]. 581 Van Dorn, Report to Bragg, March 27, 1862 [Official Records, first sen, vol. viii, 283]. 582 Van Dorn to Mackall, February 27, 1862 [ibid., 755]. 583 Maury to Pike, March 3, 1862 [ibid. t 763-764]. 584 Maury to Pike, March 3, 1862 [ibid., 764]. 284 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist were to "march light, ready for immediate action." 585 The outcome of all these preparations was the Battle of Pea Ridge 386 and that battle was the consummation, the culminating point, in fact, of the Indian alliance with the Southern Confederacy. It was the beginning of the end. It happened just at the time when the Rich- mond legislators were organizing 587 the great Arkansas and Red River superintendency, 588 which was intended to embrace all the tribes with whom Albert Pike had made his treaties. Albert Pike retired from Pea Ridge to his defences at Fort McCulloch, angry and indignant that the Indians had been taken out of their own coun- try to fight the white man's battles. His displeasure was serious; for the Indian confidence in the Confed- eracy depended almost wholly upon the promises and the assurances of the Arkansas poet. 585 Maury to Drew, Mclntosh, and Stand Watie, March 3, 1862 [Official Records, first ser., vol. viii, 764]. 586 This will be discussed fully in a later volume. 587 Journal, vol. i, 640, 743; vol. ii, 19, 20, 51, 52; vol. v, 47, 115, 116, 151, 167, 210. 588 The act was passed April 8, 1862 [Confederate Statutes at Large (edi- tion of 1864), 11-25], APPENDIX A -FORT SMITH PAPERS Copy TAHLEQUAH, January gth 1857. SIR : - Some time since I received a letter from you calling for in- formation in reference to the white intruders who were settling upon the Cherokee Neutral Land. I have been creditably (credibly) in- formed that there are several white families living upon the Neutral Land, some of them are making improvements, others are in the em- ployment of Cherokee Citizens, living on the Neutral Land, from the best information that I can get, most of the intruders are good citi- zens of the U-States. I have notified them to leave, with the under- standing that if they do not leave by spring, they will be removed by the Military. My reason for not removing them at an earlier date is, the weather is so cold and disagreeable that it would be improper to turn women and children out of doors, therefore I will not remove them til the winter breaks it maybe that the Military will have to be employed in their removal : yet I shall make the effort to remove them peacefully and without the military if possible. Very Respectfully, Your ob't, Svt. (Signed). GEO. BUTLER, Cherokee Agent. Doct. C. W. Dean, Sup't. of Ind. Affs. Copy FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS, February igth, 1859. SIR : I deem it my duty as an independant citizen to apprize you, as the head of the Indian Bureau, of a recent transaction of the Super- intendent of Indian Affairs at this place, and demand of you the proper action the facts may impose. A contract has been given to an intimate friend and relation of the Superintendent, to feed the Witchita and other Indians inhabiting the country between the gSth and looth degrees, West Longitude, at a sum pr ration, of one third, perhaps one half, more than other per- sons would have fed these Indians for; which persons were denied the privilege of contending for the contract, as no puplic notice invit- ing proposals was made, and the contract was given privately. I assert this postively, as to the notice for proposals, and enclose you a letter of Capt. J. H. Strain, confirmatory of the fact, that he 286 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist was willing to feed the Witchitas, for a sum far less than the records of your Office must show the government has been pledged to pay another. The character of this gentleman, who has been for years Sutler at Fort Arbuckle, if unknown to you, can be avouched by the U. S. Senators from this State. The Seminoles are now fed under a contract given in the usual regular mode of publishing invitations for proposals and awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, at the sum of about seven cents pr ra- tion. The Witchitas are encamped only forty or fifty miles from the Seminoles and near the Texas and Chickasaw lines, where corn and beef are much cheaper and more abundant. In proof of this I refer you to late contracts for these articles given at Fort Washita and Fort Arbuckle - the first being near the Witchitas, and the other near the Seminoles. Captain Strain says he would have fed the Witchitas for ten cents per ration, and if proposals had been invited, the Contract would have been taken for a less sum. There are some seven hundred Indians now fed, and thirteen cents pr ration is the sum stated as allowed I believe it is more, but the Indian Office contains the proof of the exact sum. If the Contract had been given at nine cents pr ration, it would have been a saving of twenty eight dollars pr day, over the price said to be now paid, which would amount to eight hundred and forty dollars pr month, and ten thousand and eighty dollars a year. This is surprisingly large, for a small Indian contract, and at a time too when the duty of government Officers to retrench expenses is so imperiously demanded. I am opposed to such favoriteism under any circumstances, and par- ticularly so, when the recipient can lay no claim to Democratic sup- port. I am credibly informed that the number of the Indians fed under this contract, is rapidly increasing, and that efforts are all the time made to induce the Texas Reserve Indians to claim relationship with Wichitas, and come into their camp and draw rations. One of the employees under this Contract makes this statement, and says quite a number have already been induced so to come. If the number is swelled to two thousand, as conjectured here, the large price now paid will roll up the sum thus disbursed to the Superintendents fa- vorite so much that other notice will be taken of it, unless you find it in your power to interfere. I am tired of such conduct and such unfairness towards the gov- Fort Smith Papers 287 eminent, and now make the charge distinctly and demand of you that it be stopped. Of course I have no desire to withhold my name, and can refer you to Senators Sebastian and Johnson for an endorsement of my character. Please acknowledge receipt of this. I am most respectfully, Your Obt. Servant, A. G. MAYERS. Hon. J. W. Denver, Comr. Ind. Affairs, Washington City, D. C. P.S. I may add that I am not, nor have I ever been interested in these sort of Contracts, and have no desire to be interested in this one. A.G.M. FORT SMITH i6th Feby. 759. DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of yours of the I5th inst. You were correct in understanding me to say, that I was willing to feed the Witchita Indians, near Fort Arbuckle, at ten cents per ration. Was the contract to be let to the lowest bidder, it would go below what I said I was willing to take it at. Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Servant J. H. STRAIN. Gen. A. G. Mayers, Ft. Smith, Ark. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS, May 1 2th 1859. SIR, For your information and such action as you may deem neces- sary, I transmit a copy of a letter, and its enclosures, addressed to this Office by A. G. Mayers on the 2ist ultimo, and of my reply of the nth instant. Very respectfully, Your Obt. Servant, CHARLES E. Mix, Commissioner, ad interim. E. Rector Esq, Superintendent &c, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Copy FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS April 2ist 18^ >, CHAS. E. Mix, Esq, Acting Comr. of Indian Affairs Washington City D. C. SIR : - Allow me to ask of you the favor to inform, officially wheth- er the funds provided by the Government for the subsistence of the Wichita Indians has been turned over to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs at this place or any other disbursing offices of the department, to carry out the Contract made by the Supt. with C. B. Johnson for subsisting those Indians after the facts reported by me in regard to the 288 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist matter, in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of date the 1 9th Feby 59-. It has been stated to me that such monies have been so turned over to the Superintendent, and statement has been contracted, I therefore wish to know of you the truth of the matter, and am assured such in- formation will be readily afforded me, I may add, to strengthen the report of facts formerly made by me in regard to the Wichita Contracts, that the Seminoles, who are sub- sisted at a sum less than seven cents per ration, under contract given after publication for proposals, are near Fort Arbuckle, and the Wichi- tas, who are subsisted under private contract at over thirteen cents per ration, are near Fort Washita and within the Chickasaw Nation (much of course to the annoyance of the Chickasaws). Now I ask a refer- ence to the Comparative Contracts to feed the two tribes on file in your office, with the Contract for corn and beef given at the two posts men- tioned to supply the Soldiers, on file in the War Office, to convince you that the Witchitas are fed at an exhorbitant cost to the Govern- ment. I also herewith enclose a letter from Mr. Dennis Trammel, who was the Contractor to feed the Seminoles; stating that he was willing, and had so stated it to the Supt, to feed the Wichitas for seven cents pr ration. For Mr Trammel's veracity I can avouch and full en- dorsement can be given of it from others, if required ; as can be done for my own character and standing in this community .- I intend to follow up this matter to a conclusion, and in so declair- ing must state that I do it without motive of personal malice and simply as an impartial Citizen and a supporter of the administration - impelled to the duty in view of the universal acclaim throughout the Country for economy in Govt. expenses on account of the depleted state of the Treasury, Otherwise I might have left the unpleasant af- fair to the proper officers of the Government to find out and determine as they might see proper, Let me ask ; - Is it true that the Supt. has received the Two hun- dred thousand dollars due the Creeks under the treaty of 1851, with- out an order from that tribe to the government to send out the money and upon the Supt's own responsibility?- An early reply will greatly oblige me, Very Respectfully Your obt. Svt. A. G. MAYERS. Fort Smith Papers Copy GREENWOOD ARKANSAS April i8th 1859. DEAR SIR: I have understood that you was willing to feed the Wichataw Indians at the same price that you received from the Gov- ernment for feeding the Seminole Indians. Please state if I am correct in so understanding your propositions Very respectfully Your Obt. Servt. A. G. MAYERS Mr Dennis Trammell, at Greenwood Arks. Copy BACKS ARN Aprial 19. 1859. DEAR SIR: I reed your note of the 18 instant and state that you are correct, I have stated that I was willing to feed them at the same price 7 cents. I am Yours, &c. DENNIS TRAMMELL Genl, A. G. Myers Esq. Copy DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS nth May 1859. SIR: In reply to your letter of the 2ist Ultimo I have the honor to state that a portion of the funds appropriated by Congress towards defraying the expenses of Colonizing the Wichita and other Indians in the western part of the Choctaw and Chickasaw country, includ- ing their temporary subsistance, has all along been in the hands of Superintendent Rector, to meet any necessary current expenses con- nected with said measure. In regard to the contract made with Mr. C. B. Johnson by Super- intendent Rector, for feeding the Witchitas, it was but a temporary measure to meet an emergency, and was fully approved by the late Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under subsequent instructions Supt. Rector, will it is expected, at an early day, make a different arrange- ment, for furnishing said Indians with such subsistence as must neces- sarily be supplied to them by advertising for proposals therefor, or by causing it to be purchased and issued to them direct by an agent of the Government, as may be best and most economical. The money due the Creeks under the Treaty of 1856, to which you refer, was placed in Superintendent Rectors hands to be paid to them, in compliance with the formal and urgent demand of the Council of the tribe. Very respectfully Your Obt Servant Signed. CHAS. E. Mix, Commissioner ad interim. A. G. Mayers Esq., Fort Smith Arks. 290 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, March 14, 1860. SIR: Robert J. Cowart, Esq. of Georgia, has been appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Agent of the Cherokee Indians in place of George Butler, Esq. whose com- mission has expired. He has been directed to report himself to you at Fort Smith for instructions, when you will assign him to duty. His compensation will be at the rate of $1500 per annum, and the time of its commence- ment will be fixed upon when he arrives in this City, which he has been directed to take in his route to Fort Smith. The sufficiency of his bond will also be made the subject of examination at this Office upon his arrival. A letter has been written to M r Butler notifying him of the ap- pointment, and directing him to make up and forward his accounts immediately, and to turn over to Mr. Cowart all moneys, papers, and other property in his hands upon application. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, A. B. GREENWOOD, Commissioner. Elias Rector, -Esq., Superintendent, &c., Present. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS, April 21, 1860. SIR : From information that has been received at this Office in re- gard to certain persons, who are residing within the limits of the Cherokee nation, it is found necessary to call your attention to the propriety of seeing that the provisions of the Intercourse law are ob- served with respect to them. By reference to the law, you will find that no person can reside within the limits of the country of any In- dian nation or tribe without permission, and such must be obtained under certain prescribed rules; and even after permission is given, if the party is found abusing the privilege by acting in violation of any of the provisions of law, or is found unfit to reside in the country whether from example, from the want of moral character, from his interference with the institutions of the tribe, from seditious language and teachings, or from any cause tending to disturb the peace and quiet of the tribe, or tending to alienate their attachment to the Gov- ernment of the United States, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and Indian Agents have authority to remove him; and the President is authorized to direct the Military force to be employed in such re- moval. Fort Smith Papers 291 The necessity for such power, and for greater facility in carrying the same into execution, was so apparent, that at the first session of the 35th Congress it was found advisable to legislate further in the matter; and the 3rd Section of the Indian appropriation bill was ac- cordingly passed, which is, "That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs be, and he is hereby, authorized and required, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to remove from any tribal reservation any person found therein without authority of law, or whose presence within the limits of the reservation may, in his judgment, be detrimen- tal to the peace and welfare of the Indians, and to employ for the pur- pose such force as may be necessary to enable the agent to effect the removal of such person or persons." As I remarked before, I am induced to believe that the Cherokees have just cause of complaint from the presence of some such persons within their limits, and it is my desire that you call the attention of the newly appointed Agent particularly to the subject. He should look not only to those cases which are there originally without au- thority of law, but also to those who, with ostensibly worthy purposes, have received permission, and falsified their pretensions. This is a delicate trust, and should be executed with great caution and discre- tion, and you cannot enjoin upon the agent too much care and circum- spection for although I shall examine carefully the grounds of his charges, yet I must be guided in a great measure by his opinion, and am determined that the law shall be enforced. You w r ill therefore, so soon as Mr. Cowart shall report to you for duty, communicate to him the contents of this letter, and require him to investigate, as quietly as possible, the cases of all white persons found within the limits of his agency, and report to me, through you, such as are there without the authority of law, and such as may be un- worthy longer to remain although they may have originally had per- mission to enter the country. Very respectfully, Your Obt, Sevt. A. B. GREENWOOD, Commissioner. Elias Rector, Esq. ; Fort Smith, Arkansas. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS, June 4th 1860. SIR : The attention of this office has been called to an article which appeared in the Fort Smith Times (which is herewith enclosed) in which it will be seen that a secret organization has been formed in the Cherokee Nation, which is rapidly increasing. The existence of such 292 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist an organization, the objects of which cannot be misunderstood, has caused in my mind the greatest apprehension as to the future peace and quiet of that country; and, if permitted to mature its plans, will be productive of the worst results. The article alluded to points to the Jones' as being the leaders in this movement, and who have been permitted for a long time to enjoy the privileges of that Nation. It is believed that the ultimate object of this organization is to interfere with the institutions of that people, and that its influences will extend to other tribes upon the Western border of Arkansas. This scheme must be broken up: for if it is permitted to ripen, that country will, sooner or later, be drenched in blood. You are aware that there is a large slave property in the Cherokee country, and if any steps are taken by which such property will be rendered un- safe, internal war will be the inevitable result, in which the people of the bordering state will be involved. The relations which the Editor of the Times bears to the Cherokees enables him to procure reliable information from that section which is not accessible to all and hence the greater credit is due to his published statements in relation to the affairs of that people. This office is also in possession of private ad- vices from that country, which fully corroborates the statements in the article referred to. This organization and its purposes are no longer left to mere conjecture. In view of these facts I have to direct that in addition to the instructions contained in a letter from this office, of the 2 ist of April last, the contents of which you were instructed to communicate to Agent Cowart, you will direct him immediately on his arrival at his Agency to cautiously, institute inquiry as to the ex- istence of this secret organization, its objects and purposes; who are the counsellors and advisers of this movement, and proceed at once to break it up ; and, if in his investigation he should be satisfied that any white persons residing in the Nation are in any way connected with this organization he will notify such person or persons forthwith to leave the Nation. You will inform Agent Cowart that the Secretar of War will be requested to place such force at his disposal as may b necessary to enforce any order he may deem it his duty to make. Yoi will direct him also to spare neither time or trouble in carrying ou these instructions, and that he report direct to this office, advising yoi in the meantime of his action. A copy of this letter has been sent direct to Agent Cowart. Your Respectfully, A. B. GREENWOOD, Commissioner Elias Rector, Esq., Supt: Ind. Affairs: Fort Smith, Arkansas Fort Smith Papers 293 TROUBLE BREWING AMONG THE CHEROKEES WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The Fort Smith (Ark.) Times says: We noticed a week or two ago that there was a secret organization going on in the Cherokee Na- tion, and that it was among the full-blood Indians alone. We are informed by good authority that the organization is growing and ex- tending daily, and that no half or mixed blood Indian is taken into this secret organization. The strictest secrecy is observed, and it is death, by the order, to divulge the object of the Society. They hold meetings in the thickets, and in every secret place, to initiate members. We are told that the mixed-bloods are becoming alarmed, and every attempt to find out the object of this secret cabal has thus far proved abortive. The Joneses are said to be the leaders in the work, and what these things are tending to, no one can predict. We fear that something horrible is to be enacted on the frontier, and that this secret work will not stop among the Cherokees, but will extend to other tribes on this frontier. The Government should examine into this matter, before it becomes too formidable. CHEROKEE AGENCY. Near Tahleguah C.N. HON. ELIAS RECTOR, Supt. Ind. Affairs Fort Smith, Ark. Sir: Yours of the I5th Inst, is before me, contents closely noted. In reply I have to state, that I am in receipt of the Instructions of which you write, from the Indian Ag fc And I now hasten to Lay before you the result of my investiga- tions, thus far in this nation, Soon after I entered the nation before I had proceeded say half days travel, I was met with complaints against certain persons (white men) who it was said had been enterf earing with the Institution of Slavery - to which I invariably replied to the complainants, bring me the charges - or the witnesses - by whome I can substantiate them, and my duty, will be as pleasent, as promptly fulfilled none came, In Tahlequah in time of Circuit Court, I made a short speach to the Citizens, in which I told them, that if they, or any of them, knew any thing on the subject - to report forthwith to me,- and none have reported and while I have heard much said on the subject - 1 have not as yet been able to get any thing that would do for proof that would be reliable. And while I make the above statement I do not enter- 294 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist tain a doubt, of the truth of the charges - And being satisfied of the truth of those charges - 1 shall use evry effort to establish them, As regards those Secret Societies, I firmly believe, that they are gotten up with a view to aid in coveying those abolition plans of operation, to a successful termination Allow me to say that I shall continue to travel in and through the Nation (unless differently instructed) until I establish those charges if it can possible be done, Mean while, I shall be pleased to recive Instructions and advice from you on the subject, and will keep you advised of my movements, I am Sir with much respect, your obt Servt, ROBT. J. COWART, U. S. Cherokee Agent Private The Second Chief is about to call the Council together to take into consideration the conduct of those white men who are interfearing with the institutions of Slavery - and to devise means by which those Secret Societies may be put down, and when the Council meets, I think we can remidy all those evials - I find there are many white men in the nation without permits - and one or two English men, these I shall order to leave the nation Instanter, R. J. COWART TAHLEQUAH C. N. July gth 1860 DEAR MAJ RECTOR, When I reached home I found that Hon. A. B. Greenwood had been here, stayed two days, and a half & left. I am told that he expressed a verry strong desire to see me but had not time to remain here or go to Fort Smith. He has brought his family home to Ark. to remain as he writes me I wish now verry much to see you and Col. Pulliam, of which I have written him, I would go forthwith to see Greenwood but sup- pose from what he wroat me that he had left, or will have done so before I could get there. I am with much respect, your friend R. J. COWART Hon. Elias Rector Fort Smith, Ark Tahlequah C.N. CHEROKEE AGENCY. TAHLEQUAH C. N. August i5th 1860 HON. ELIAS RECTOR, Sup 1 Ind Affairs Fort Smith, Arks. Dear Sir : Tomorrow morning I set out, to the Neutral Lands - Fort Smith Papers 295 and am advised to take a few men with me which I propos doing, It may be truely said, that, this Nation is in the midest of a crises. I shall be compelled to call for Military aid -which I expect to do forthwith - Immediatly upon my return from the Neutral Lands - 1 expect to go to Fort Smith Please Remember me kindly to my friend Col Pulliam I am very kindly your obt Servt. R. J. COWART Tahlequah C. N. OFFICE U.S. NEOSHO AGENCY, QUAPAW NATION Augt 24th 1860 SIR: By refference to my letter of July nth you will find that I according to your instructions, gave all the intruders upon the Osage reservation notice to leave forthwith, or that they would be removed by Military force. That notice was dated May 22nd 1860, & the intruders are still there, and I have most respectfully now to suggest, that in view of the situation of the Neutral land of the Cherokees and the reserve of the Osages, they, laying adjoining each other, and the great number of squatters therein, I would advise that at least two companies of U. S. Dragoons or Cavalry be called for, both to act together in the removal of the intruders from the Osage and Neutral lands I learn that Major Cowart expects to be at your office in a few days, in order to make a Requisition upon the Commanding Officer of Fort Caleb for Troops to remove the intruders from the Neutral land, and enclosed you will find one from me, which if approved by you, please forward by the same express, in order that the Troops may march together, as their destination is about the same - I would also say that in my opinion, that in order that the removal should avail anything that all their improvements should be destroyed by the Troops as they progress - Your instructions are requested in all this matter. Very Re- spectfully Your Obt Svt ANDREW J. DORN, U.S. Neosho Agnt Major Elias Rector, Supt Indian Affairs Fort Smith Arkansas. N.B. Please forward the enclosed letter directed to Capt W. L. Cabell U.S.A. and much oblige yours truly A.J.D. 296 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist EVANSVILLE, ARKS Sept 6th/6o FRIEND, THAD ... I wish you woold come up in this part of the country. I am going to start to Campmeeting next Saturday at Cane Hill there was a big Camp meeting a going on when I came here in the nation it was about five miles west of this place. I did not go as I was busy fixing up to work tho if I dont have any bad luck I think I will have a good time at Cane Hill I think business will be pretty good here from the prospects I think I will spend a couple months at Tahlequah this fall. I want to attend the next council there which will begin in Oct. . . . etc. Remain your Friend JNO. C. DICKENSON Mark,, T,, Tatum, Greenwood, Arks TAHLEQUAH CHEROKEE NATION, September 8th, 1860. HON. ELIAS RECTOR, Supt. Indian Affairs, Fort Smith, Arks. Dear Sir, Enclosed please find Copy of letter from the Secre- tary of War, to Hon. A. B. Greenwood - Unofficial WAR DEPARTMENT June I4th 1860, DEAR SIR -In answer to your note of the nth Inst in regard to trouble among the Cherokees, I have to inform you that orders have been given to the Commander of Fort-Cobb, as suggested, Yours &c, Signed JOHN B. FLOYD. HON. A. B. GREENWOOD, Commr.- It seems from the above that orders have been given the Commander at Fort Cobb to furnish me Troops to remove intruders from this Nation. I have not heard any thing from Washington since I left Fort Smith. I would be glad to have the Troops as early as convenient, as I feel that I can do but little more without them. I this day sent a Notice to John, B. Jones to leave the Nation by the 25th Inst.- which I trust he will do. I am writing to the Department today and giving the facts in refference to this Nation - I have asked for contingent funds, as the requirements of the Depart- ment, are, that money appropriated for one purpose, should not used for another. Please give me the benefit of any information, you have or may get on the subject of Troops. I am as ever your friend And obedient Servt. R. J. Cow ART Tahlequah C, N, Fort Smith Papers 297 TAHLEQUAH CHEROKEE NATION, Oct 29th 1860 COL. PULLIAM, My Dear friend, Will you be so kind as to forward the enclosed Dispatch to Hon A. B. Greenwood Washington D.C. Please Con- sult Capt. Sturgeons, you may, find it necessary, to change it, if so, please make any alteration, you and the Capt may, think best. I expect to visit Fort Smith in a few days when I hope to settle up my accounts, and spend some time with you - 1 [illegible] say pleasantly. I Learned from Capt , your Recent affliction. Please al- low me to tender to you and Especially to Mrs. Pulliam my heart felt Simpathy. Write me by the barer all the News, I send written to Maj. Rector for two hundred Dollars, please see that the matter is ar- ranged. I am very kindly yours, R. J. Cow ART Tahlequah C. N. Col R. P. Pulliam, Fort Smith Ark. FORT SMITH A.R.K. Oct 3ist 1860. HON. A. B. GREENWOOD Com. Ind. Affairs, Washington D.C. Intruders Removed from Neutral land - much desire to confer with you and [illegible] in person with Capt Sturgeons who com- manded Troops. R. J. COWART, U.S. Cherokee Agent SIR: I have received reliable information that Forts Washita, Arbuckle, and Cobb, all in the Choctaw & Chickasaw Nations, and recently abandoned by Federal troops, are now in possession of Texas State troops, and that Texas is now urging at Montgomery, that the Wichita Indians and bands affiliated with them, occupying the district of Country between the 98 and 100 degrees west longitude & between Red River & Canadian leased by the United States from the Choctaws & Chickasaws, for the purpose of Locating said Indians are within the Jurisdiction of this, the Southern Superintendency, and by an exam- ination of the treaty of 1855 made between the U. S and the Choc- taws & Chickasaws, you cannot fail to see the impropriety of the Indians occupying said district being attached to the Jurisdiction of Texas, unless she also extends her Jurisdiction over the Choctaws and Chickasaws.- Texas has tried on several occasions heretofore to have those Indians in the Leased district placed under her jurisdic- 298 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist tion, but the Indians regard her as their ancient, and present enemy, and will never consent to such arrangement, I have thought it my duty to call your attention to the subject that you may, if you think it expedient, lay it before your Honorable body for such action as it may think proper in the premises. Very Respectfully Your obt Servt ELIAS RECTOR, Supt. Ind Affairs. Hon David Walker, President Arks. State Convention. CHEROKEE AGENCY, May the I5th 1861 To the Superintendent of Indian Affairs Fort Smith Arks. SIR: I have the honor of making the following report have this day taken into my possession as Agent for the Cherokee Indians, the following property as left by late Agent R. J. Corvort (gone) Dwell- ing house Kitchen and other out houses one office, houses all in bad repair one farm belonging to the Agency, in bad repair one table three desks and papers all in very bad condition one box containing old papers almost distroyed by rats one letter press and Books one Rule one Inkstand and letter Stamp one chair one Iron Safe. I also have in my possession 14 Bounty Land Warrants received by me from you at office of Superintendency left by R. J. Corvort late Agent and receipted for by me to Superintendant the Book on Treaties as re- ported to of been, left by R. J. Corvort in office not found by me. Yours Respectifully JOHN CRAWFORD, U.S. Agent for Cherokees Elias Rector, Superintendant Indian Affairs. WICHITA AGENCY L.D., June 30-1861 SIR, Enclosed herewith I have the honor to transmit my quar- terly return, for the second quarter of the current year, and with it my operations as a Federal Officer will cease. The seizure of the mules, wagon etc. by Gen 1 Burrow, rendered it necessary in my judgment, to issue at once to the Indians all the public property, moneys and effects in my hands, intended for their use and benefit by the original U. S. Government ; believing as I do, that the moneys and other means which I have held in trust for them, would be as liable to seizure as the mules and wagon were, and result in a loss : the losses sustained by them on the Arkansas River and at Fort Smith by fire of very many of their goods, cause them to be in much need of the goods which I have issued, more particularly as there ap- pears to be no arrangements by which they may expect supplies dur- Fort Smith Papers 299 ing the present year. The sudden withdrawal of the troops spread alarm and disquiet through the different settlements or encampments, many of them fled from the L.D. with a hope elsewhere to find security and protection, the remainder would have followed, but for the issue of goods which I made them, and assurances that they would not be molested. With these remarks submitted, I have the honor to be, sir, Very Respectfully Your Ob't Srv't, M. LEEPER, Ind. Agt. Major Elias Rector, Supt. Ind. Affairs Fort Smith, Arks. ESTIMATE OF FUNDS REQUIRED IN THE OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT INDIAN AFFAIRS ARKANSAS SUPURENTENDENCY. For Salary of Superintendent, for l / 2 year of 1861. which includes 3 & 4th qrs. at $2.000 -per Anum . . $1000.00 Pay of Clerk y 2 year 3 & 4th qrs. at $1.500- . . 750.00 " " Interpreter " " " 400- . . 200.00 " Traveling expences. Contingences of office &c . 500.00 $2.450.00 Office rent for l /2 year .... 200.00 $2.65000 ESTIMATE OF FUNDS NECESSARY FOR DISBURSMENT TO SEMINOLE INDIANS UP TO 3oTH DECEMBER 1861 AS PROVIDED FOR BY TREATY OF yTH AUGUST 1856 To provide for the Support of Schools for ten years the sum of $3000 -per Annun. from 7th August, 1856 to 30th December 1861. . . . $16.000.00 For agricultural assistance, from 3Oth December 1859 to 30th December 1861. at $2000 -per Annm . 4.00000 For the Support of Smiths & Smith Shops from 3Oth December 1859. to 3Oth Deer. 1861. at $2.200 per Annum ...... 4.400.00 Interest on $500.000 - invested at 5 per Centum from 3Oth Deer 1860 to 3Oth Deer 1861. . . 25.000.00 $49.400 oo 300 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Pay of Agent for year 1861 . . . . 1.500.00 " " Interpreter for year 1861 . . . 400.00 Contingent expenses of Office .... 300.00 Provisions for Indians attending payments of annuities & visiting Agency on business .... 30000 $2.50000 Amount invested by Old U S government for Seminoles as per treaty 7th August 1856 at 5 per centum. $500.000 - This amount has never been invested in State bonds but held by the Government. ESTIMATE OF FUNDS NECESSARY FOR DISBURSMENT TO CREEK INDIANS FROM 3oTH JUNE TO 3iST DE- CEMBER 1861. AND BALANCES DUE THEM BY THE OLD U. S. GOVERNMENT. UP TO 3oTH JUNE 1861. Permanent provisions for Blacksmiths for y 2 year 1861. 1. 680.00 " Iron & Steel " " " 540.00 " Wheelwrights " " " 300.00 " Wagon Makers " " " 300.00 1 Agricultural assistance for % year . . . Interest on $200.000 - at 5 per Centum, for purposes of Education, from 3Oth June 1860 to 3Oth June 1861. Interest on same from 3Oth June to 3Oth December " 5 ooo oo Unexpended balances Interest due on same, up to 3Oth June 1860 which has never been paid . . 15.00000 $33.82000 Pay of Agent for 3 & 4 qrs 1861 . . . 750.00 " " Interpreter 3 & 4 qrs 1861 . . . 200.00 Contingent Expences " " " " . . . 150.00 Provisions for Indians at payment of Annuities . . 1 5O.( $35-070.c Fort Smith Papers 301 Permanent Annuity ..... $24500.00 Permanent provisions for Blacksmiths . . . 3.36000 " Iron & Steel . . . 540.00 " Wheelwrights . . 60000 " " " Wagonmakers . . 60000 Assistance in Agriculture. . . . 2.000.00 Interest on $200.00. at 5 per centum for purposes of Education $41.600.00 Amounts due Creek Indians for amounts invested by Treaty 7th August 1856. For purposes of Education . . $200000 Creek Orphan fund . . . 200 741 $400.741 CREEK ORPHAN FUND INVESTED AS FOLLOWS In Bonds of State of Kentucky at 5pr Cent, . $i.ooooo " " " " " Missouri " 5 l /2 " 28.00000 " " " " " " " 6 . 28.000.00 " " " " " Tennessee " 5 . 20.000.00 " " " " Virginia " 6 . 7380000 United States "6 " . 49 941 oo $200.741.00 NORTH FORK OF CANADIAN RIVER, 5th July 1861 SIR: On receipt of this you will please effect a continuance, on behalf of the Confederate States of America, with Mr. Charles B. Johnson of Fort Smith, of the contract existing up to 3Oth June last between the United States of America and himself, for feeding the Wichitas, Caddoes, and other kindred and other bands of Indians now settled in the country leased from the Choctaws and Chickasaws. If no more favorable terms can be effected, you are authorized to adopt those of the former contract, with its conditions and stipula- tions in all respects. You will provide that the contract shall end, at the pleasure of the 302 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Commissioner of Indian Affairs, on the 3ist day of December 1861, and not sooner; and that it shall be at his option to continue it for such further term as he may please, upon the same terms in all respects. You will provide that the contract shall relate to, and take effect as of the first day of July 1861 : and you will receive bond, in form used by the United States, but to the Confederate States, with suffi- cient sureties, and in such sum as you may consider sufficient to en- sure faithful performance. I have the honor to be, Sir ALBERT PIKE, Commissioner of the Conf. States to Indian Tribes West of Arkansas. Elias Rector Esq, Superintendent Ind. Affairs, Arkansas Superintendency. Agreement made and entered into, this I4th day of August 1861, at the Wichita Agency, between Albert Pike, Commissioner of the Confederate States of America to the Indians west of Arkansas, of the one part, and Charles B. Johnson of the County of Sebastian and State of Arkansas, of the other part. This agreement witnesseth, that the said Albert Pike, Commis- sioner as aforesaid, for and on behalf of the Confederate States of America and the said Charles B. Johnson, his heirs executors and administrators, have covenanted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant mutually and agree to and with each other as follows to wit : That the said Charles B. Johnson, his heirs, executors and admin- istrators, shall and will supply and issue or cause to be issued and supplied at such times and places in the Leased District west of the 98th degree of west longitude as the Wichita Agent may direct, dail rations to the several Tribes and Bands of Comanches, Wichitas an other Indians that now are or may hereafter during the continuanc of the present contract be settled in the said Leased District, for an during the term of one full year, commencing with the sixteenth da of August instant, at the price of sixteen cents for each complet ration issued as aforesaid : which rations shall be issued, one for eac individual in all of said Tribes and Bands and shall consist of on pound of fresh beef or fresh pork, and three quarters of a quart o corn or corn meal or one pound of flour to every ration, with fou quarts of salt, three pounds of coffee, six pounds of sugar, two quar of vinegar, one and a half pounds of tallow and three pounds of soa to every hundred rations. Payment shall be made quarterly for the rations furnished und Fort Smith Papers 303 this contract, but in the event of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs being without funds for such purposes, the payment to be made as soon thereafter as funds are provided for such purposes. This contract may be terminated in whole or in any part at any time by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, upon equitable terms and conditions whenever it shall be deemed expedient to do so upon giving thirty days' notice of such intention. Witness our hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed and Sealed in triplicate ALBERT PIKE, Commissioner of the Confederate States Signed and Sealed in our presence. WM QUESENBURY CHARLES. B. JOHNSON. W WARREN JOHNSON NORTH FORK OF THE CANADIAN RIVER, 5th July 1861 SIR: I have sent a Special Messenger to the Wichita and other Indians on the Reserve in the Country leased from the Choctaws and Chickasaws, requesting Black Beaver, and other Captains and Chiefs to meet me at the Seminole Agency on the 22nd instant, in order to hear a talk from me and enter into a Treaty. If they should not do so, I shall go from the Seminole Agency to the Reserve for that purpose. As it was through your instrumentality these Bands were settled on the Reserve, and the promises made them were made through you, and as you are favorably known to them for these reasons, and as the Head of the Superintendency of Indian Affairs in which they are included, your presence and cooperation with me, in negotiating with them, will, I am very sure, be of great service. I therefore request, that, if your health and other duties permit, you will be present with me at the Seminole Agency on the 22nd, and accompany me, if necessary, to the Reserve. I shall leave this place about the 9th, and at furtherst by the loth, land go round by Forts Washita and Arbuckle. I shall be gratified ; if you can so time your movements as to overtake me on the way. I wish also to suggest that the presence of the Agent, Mr. Leeper, will be indispensable, and to desire you to direct him to accompany you, that he may as soon as possible repair to his Agency. I have the lonor to be With deep regards your obt Svt ALBERT PIKE, Commissioner of the Confederate States to Indian Tribes west of Arkansas. Hias Rector, Esq, Superintendent Ind. Aff. Arkansas Superintendency. 304 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Confederate THE tf NWBB STATES, TO Elias Rector DR. Date. Dolls. Cts 1 86 1 August 24 For Services rendered assisting Comr. Pike in making treaties with Seminole, Wichita And Commanche Indians un- der orders so to do, by Comr. Pike, from loth July to 24th August 1861 inclusive 45 days at $5.00 pr day For hire of Bugg. horses & driver for same length of time at $5 per day For hire of wagon team & driver for same service & same time, to Trans- port tent Baggage provisions &c. at $5 Per day . Forrage for 4 horses for same length of time and for same service 50 cents per day each horse Paid ferrage Crossing streams . 225 225 225 90 oo oo oo oo $765 8 00 00 $77300 Received at 185 , of ELIAS RECTOR, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Southern Superintendency, Dollars in full of this account $ (Triplicate.) I CERTIFY, on honor, that the above account is correct and just, and that I have actually, this day of 185 , paid the amount thereof. Sup't Indian Affairs. WICHITA AGENCY L. D. Sept. I5th 1861 SIR; A considerable amount of intermittent fever has made its appearance at this place, supposed to be occasioned by an unusual degree of dampness produced by the most luxuriant growth of veg- etation I ever knew, and the recent heavy rains which have been Fort Smith Papers 305 almost incessant for many days past, it gives us just cause of alarm as we are entirely out of medicines of almost every kind and placed at so remote a distance from the settlements, that none can be pro- cured short of a visit to Fort Smith; I had a slight attack of fever myself and luckily for me, Dr. Shirley discovered a small portion of Quinine which I partly consumed, and which had escaped the vigilant search of the so called Texas Troops at the time they took from him his medicines and medical books, and transferred them to parts un- known. These causes in addition to some information in reference to Indians which I will impart, I hope will be considered an ample apology for incuring the expenses of an Express, I have employed a man at $3.00 per day, he bears his own expense, and runs the risk of meeting with wild Indians and land Sharks by the way. The renowned Indian warrior and Chief Buffalo Hump has made his appearance with fifteen or sixteen followers, the remainder of the Indians and the principal part of his own party, he says are encamped on the Canadian and head waters of the Washita, he called on me the second day after his arrival, and told me that he was now old and desirous of abandoning the war path, and spending his latter days in quietness and peace with all men, but said the winter would soon be at hand, and that he would require a much better house than any he saw at the Comanche Camp, that he thought if he had a house, such as the Agency building, that he would be warm in cold weather, and that he would be content to live in it, and pursue the walks of white men, I replied to him that I knew he was a great man and had an immense amount of influence with the wild tribes, and that the Con- federate States had also heard of him, and that if he thought proper to bring in his people and settle down in good faith on the Reserve, quit stealing and depredating upon the country, that they would give him all that had been promised, and that he might calculate, that if houses were built for him, that they would not be as good as those at the Comanche Camp, that several of those houses were more extensive and expensive, than would be deemed necessary in future, that he might only look for small cabins, and perhaps only receive assistance in their erection, that it was the object of the Confederate States to learn the Indians to work and support themselves, not to work for them and support them ; that upon those terms if he were disposed to settle I would be glad to receive him, if not, it mattered but little, that he was at liberty to pursue just such course as suited him best. The next day he called again his tone and bearing was altogether 306 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist changed, professed to be satisfied and said at the falling of the leaves, the time appointed for settlement and consumating the Treaty with Capt. Pike, he would be here with his people. He gave it as his opinion that the others who had a conference with Capt. Pike would not come in or settle; but I learn from Py-oh who went out with those Chiefs and returned with Buffalo Hump that their respective bands are divided in sentiment, that about half of each band will come in and settle, and that the others will probably remain on the prairies, they have large bands of stolen horses and mules, and he thinks they are afraid to bring them in, lest they should be taken away from them. Jim Ned and the other Delawares with the exception of one family left the Reserve without any cause, he returned from his first en- campment and attempted to persuade Jim Pock Marked to leave with his people, by telling him that he would be assailed by the Texans be- fore long, and if not by them, most certainly by the northern Troops, and that he had better leave at once, and save the lives of his women and children. Jim Ned is a most unmitigated scoundrel, and I have no doubt that most if not all the disquiet heretofore produced among the Reserve Indians might be traced to him, and I think it very for- tunate that he has abandoned the Reserve, by doing so, he has forfeited his right of citizenship upon it, and the protection which the Con- federate States had guaranteed to him. I learn from an Indian Mexican and a half breed Delaware Indian who have recently returned from Santa Fe, that all the northern In- dians who visit that part of the country are amply armed and equiped by the Federalists, and sent in every direction over the plains as spy Companies, that propositions of the like character, had been made to the Southern Indians, but not accepted, they are now regarded as enemies, and have retracted farther South, not being permitted to in- habit the country or travel as far north as heretofore; Py-oh re- marked that they were herded in by Texas and Mr. Lincoln's govern- ment like a band of horses or cattle. Please forward by my Expressman, blank forms of every descrip- tion, and ask Mr. Johnson to forward blank forms for provision checks; you will also oblige me by making an application for the Indian mules taken by Burrow, and by aiding the bearer to procure the public wagon and my harness which were loaned to Algernon Cabell. You are aware that I cannot close my returns without funds for Fort Smith Papers 307 the purpose, when shall I look for them? Very Respectfully Your obt. Srvt. M. LEEPER, Ind. Agent Elias Rector Esqr., Supt. Ind. Affairs Fort Smith Arks. CREEK AGENCY, Sept soth 1861 SIR: I have the honor to hand you herewith the Bond License, and Invoices of John Barnwell of the Creek Nation Very Respectfully Your Obt Servant W. H. GARRETT, C.S. Agent for Creeks Maj Elias Rector, Superintendent C. A. Fort Smith, Ar TAHLEQUAH C. N. October the loth 1861 MAJ ELIAS RECTOR, Superintendant of Indian Affairs, Fort Smith, Ark. Dear Sir: I have the honor of transmitting through your office to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Richmond a requisition for the Annuities School and Orphan funds due the Cherokee Indian on Stock invested up to July 1861. I send two copies. If it is not neces- sary to send but on[e] you can arrange that in regard to the leave of Asence that I wished you to grant me I will not ask for owing to the Governor declaring my seat vacant in the Legislator and ordering an election though I am under many obligations to you for your willing- ness to grant me leave the Treaty will be ratified today. Every thing going on well the Texas Troops passed through on Wednesday the Creek excitement turned out to be nothing I shall be anxious to hear from you at any time on all subjects I have the honor Sir to be your most obedient Servnt JOHN CRAWFORD Agent Cherokees, C.S.A. Hon. E. Rector, Superintendant Indian Affairs TAHLEQUAH, C. N. October loth, 1861 DAVID HUBBARD Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Richmond, Va. Dear Sir: I have the honor to make out and transmit to you a requisition for the Annuities due the Cherokee Indians for the year 1860 and 1 86 1 For the installments of interest on the permanent General fund as estimated for July 1860 and January and July 1861 forty three Thou- sand and three hundred and Seventy two dollars and thirty six Cents $43 372 36 308 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist For the installments of interest on the permanent Orphan fund as estimated and uninvested for July 1860 and January and July 1861 four thousand and five hundred dollars $4.500 For the installment of interest on the permanent School fund as es- timated for July 1860 and January and July 1861 Seventeen thousand Seven hundred and Seventy two dollars $17.772. Total Amount due the Cherokees on Stock invested Sixty five Thou- sand Six hundred and forty four dollars and thirty Six Cents $65.644.36 One half years pay of Agent . . . 750 oo Contingent expenses, *4,year 75 oo pay of interpreter l /2 year . . . 200.00 $66.669.36 Sir the Statement as made out is correct to the best of my judgment I have been acting as Agent for the Cherokee Indians Since the 22nd day of April 1861 Came by request of Hon R. W. Johnson of Arkan- sas, received a letter from the Hon David Hubbard Commissioner of Indian Affairs dated 12 June 1861 requesting me to try and get along as Agent of the Cherokees the best that I Could/ which I have done to the best advantage and evry thing here is working well for the South I have not received any moneys from the Lincoln goven- ment Since I have been acting as Agent for the Cherokee Indians Your most obedient Servt JOHN CRAWFORD, Agent for the Cherokee Indians West of Arkansas, C.S.A. David Hubbard, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Richmond, Va WICHITA AGENCY L.D. Oct. 2ist 1861 SIR: Five weeks ago I despatched a messenger to Fort Smith with a report to you, and for medicines for the Agency and Indians; since which time I have heard nothing either from the report or messenger, sufficient time has elapsed for the man to have made two trips. In the report of that date I apprised you of the sickness which had and still prevails here to a considerable extent, and that we are destitute of medicines : Dr. Shirley's supplies having been forcibly taken from him by persons from Texas, claiming to act as a military posse from that State. You are aware that we are entirely cut off from mail facilities, and from an opportunity of procuring medicines of any description short of Fort Smith, the want of which has been excessively annoying, Fort Smith Papers 309 and perhaps the occasion of several deaths ; this report will be handed you by a second messenger, whom I hope you will furnish with a supply of Quinine, Calomel and blue mass if nothing more. On friday last a man was shot at by an Indian in company with six others within a mile of the late Fort Cobb; on the next day two Indians arrived as messengers on the part of the Kiowas and all the Southern bands of Comanches, who are said to be encamped on the North Canadian within four days ride of this place; they say that their intention is to be here at the falling of the leaves, to conclude a treaty with Capt. Pike. The Kiowas inform us that they received the white beads and tobacco from Capt. Pike, and that they desire to be on terms of friendship with us, that it is the wish of the whole band, with the exception of one bad man and fifteen or twenty followers, whom they cannot control, and that they desire us to kill them, that if it is not done, they will surely commit serious depredations, and that they believe they are now in this vicinity. The Indians at present on the Canadian are supposed to number Seven or eight thousand, and if they should come here as is anticipat- ed, they will require a large amount of provision, I would therefore respectfully suggest the propriety of your notifying the Contractor of the fact, that he may not be taken on Surprise : you will also perceive the necessity of Capt. Pike or some other duly authorized person, to be here at the appointed time to consummate treaties with them; they say that no further depredations will be committed on Texas, provided the twenty men above described are killed. It is impossible for me to keep you advised of the affairs of this reserve without some kind of mail facilities, therefore, I hope you will unhesitatingly employ some one to carry the mail once in two weeks at least, until such time as the Government shall have made permanent arrangements, it is not more strange than true, that I have not since my arrival here on the Sixth of August, received a solitary news paper or any other item of news, except such as can be gathered from an occasional stragling teamster, and that is the most reliable informa- tion that I have in reference to the battle at Springfield, the partic- ulars of which I know very little. When Capt. Pike left here it was his intention to have the place garrisoned in the shortest time practicable, he left authority with Jno. Jones to enlist thirty Indians to act as a protection to the Agency, and as a spy company in its vicinity, Jno. Jones could only enlist Seventeen, all Comanches, those and the few employees on the 310 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist reserve are the only protection we have, and I would not give a fig for the security the Indians would afford me in a case of actual danger, they might be useful however in giving information of the approach of an enemy: I shall feel obliged if you will inform me of the time the troops may be expected, if the day is far distant, I shall deem it my indispensable duty to select some place of security and safety for my family, if it is the intention or wish of the Confederate Govern- ment to leave this place ungarrisoned, I am willing to risk the con- sequences myself, but I am unwilling to detain my family, where they are in danger of being destroyed by savages: it is also apparent that no Agent can exercise the control necessary to fill the expectations of the Government, without the means placed within his reach of doing so; without troops the most flagrant violations of the Intercourse Laws might be practiced every day with impugnity; and without funds to meet the expenses incident to the Agency, the employees can- not be retained a great while. Those Indians who expect to treat with Capt. Pike expect also supplies of blankets and clothing, and white men to instruct them in the erection of houses for the winter. Please advise me by the return of my messenger, when troops may be expected, at what time the Commissioner will be here, and funds to enable me to forward my accounts. The Estimates submitted in August, in addition to the more liberal allowances of Capt. Pike in his recent treaty with the Indians, I hope will be all that is required on my part at present. One of the Articles in Capt. Pike's late treaty, appears to be an offense to the people of Texas, and I think it very doubtful whether any assistance could be derived from that quarter, if we were threat- ened with the most iminent danger: with these remarks submitted, I have the honor to be, Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt. M. LEEPER, Indian Agent Elias Rector Esq, Supt. Ind. Affairs Fort Smith Arks FORT SMITH ARKANSAS, Nov. 7th 1861 MAJOR ELIAS RECTOR, Superintendent of Indian affairs Sir: As you intemated to me a few days since you ware going to Richmond, and would do me a favor if it Laid in your Power I ask you for the appointment of Forage Master at Fort Smith and The Authority of Selling off all condemd Goverment Property belonging to the confederate Stats at Fort Smith vanburen and Fay- Fort Smith Papers 311 etteville, you can Sir do me this favour, I am also a good judge of Stock capable of receiving and receipting for any property belonging belonging to the quarter masters department,, Such as horses mules oxen and Waggens I want this appointment for The, Sole purpose of keeping yenkee Edwards, from dying with a very common Disease in the Garrison cald the Big head I am Sir with much Respect your Obt, Servent THOS. McCARRON P.,S if you do me this favour I will discharge the duties with Honour to you, and credit to Myself T.M.C RICHMOND 21" November 1861. SIR : The Commissioner of Indian Affairs has caused to be trans- mitted to New Orleans the sum of twenty five thousand dollars, to be used in purchasing the articles that are to be supplied to the Coman- ches and other Reserve Indians. As soon as you arrive here the money will be placed at your disposal. As soon as possible after receipt of this letter, you will please send a proper person to the Wichita Agency, and let the Comanches who it is said are encamped, waiting for the leaves to fall, that they may come in and settle, that I have been delayed, by circumstances that I could not control, so as not to be able to meet them as soon as I in- tended; but that you will bring or send up their goods, and I will meet them during the winter. It is important that this should be told them at once. It would be better, if Col. Pulliam can go there him- self, that he should do so. I do not know who else would answer. Orders go by the messenger who takes this, from the Acting Com- missioner to Agent Leeper, directing him to use all the government laborers in putting up houses for the Comanches who are coming in, and not to use them for any other purpose. If it is possible to send up additional laborers, it had better be done. I am very respectfully yours ALBERT PIKE, Commissioner of the Confederate States to the Indian tribes West of Arkansas Major Elias Rector, Superintendent of Ind. Affairs. FORT SMITH, Novr. 22d 1861. DR MAJOR. I send you the enclosed document from the Acting Comr. Ind Affairs, reed here today. As I cannot respond to it for you as you are there on the ground - 1 send it to you for you to make such reply as you think proper, in the premises. 312 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist We have just reed authentic information from the armies above,, the federals have left Springfield and are making their way towards St. Louis, for what cause is not certainly known but it is thought that their army have become demoralized by the displacing of Fremont and the appointment of Hunter to the Command. Genl Price broke up his encampment at Pineville at day light on Saturday last, and at last accounts was at Sarcoxie. making his way towards the Mo. River it is thought he is pursuing Hunter, you will see by an examination of the map that he will cut of a considerable distance by that route. Coming into the road Hunter will have to travel at Bolivar, or War- saw. On the same day, (Saturday last) Genl McColloch took four hundred picked men from each of his Mounted Regiments making 2000 men with ten days provisions and started in the direction of Prices army, his destination however is not known, it is supposed however that he & Price are going to throw their Cavalry forward to attack & cut off, or hold until their Infantry can be brought up., Hunters army. Whether these conjectures are true or not time will tell. Cooper is on the march after Opothleyohola. who it is said has taken Maj Emorys trail through Kansas towards Leavenworth, Small Pox still raging Mrs Nowland lost a negro to day. I saw your boy Henry to day he says your family are all well. My kind regards to Pike. Also to Mr Scott. Your friend &c R. P. PULLIAM The above war news is reliable, and you can give the information to the papers if you wish. P I write this in Suttons Store, he says the above contains all the news we have, all of which is confirmed by Messengers and private letters. Consequently he will not write as he promised until something further turns up P TISHOMINGO C.N., Nov. 26, 1 86 1 GEN. A. G. MAYERS Sir: Having appointed as a Delegate from this Nation to the Southern Congress, am at a loss when the Congress does meet. I have all along understood from newspaper accounts that it was to be on the 22d of February but some seems to think it is sooner. Will you please inform me at your earliest convenience at what time the S. Congress does meet. Your attention to the above is respectfully requested I am yours very Respectfully JAMES GAMBLE P.S. Please continue to send me the Parallel. I will make it all right with you when on my way to Va. J.G. Fort Smith Papers 313 OFFICE SUPT. IND. AFFAIRS FORT SMITH, Deer. 1861 MR. JESSE CHISHOLM Dear Sir: I have just returned from Richmond where I have been to see the President on Indian business. I wish you to go out immediately and see the bands of Comanches that are encamped above Fort Cobb and tell them that it is the wish of their great father at Richmond that they come in at once and settle on the reserve, that so soon as they do so they will be furnished with Beef - Flour, Salt, Sugar & Coffee. And that the great father says that all the goods & things that Commissioner Pike promised them will be furnished and given to them. That the Arkansas River has now too little water in it for Steam Boats to come up from the big Cities to bring goods, but as soon as the big water comes in the River and Boats come up their great father will send up to them many large wagons filled with nice goods that I want them to send four or five of their Chiefs and head men to Genl. Pikes head quarters, near Fort Gibson where he and myself will meet them and talk with them and give them a great many presents and satisfy them that the government will do all that Com- missioner Pike promised them. I wish Buffalo Hump and his band now on the reserve to be told this, and for him and four or five of his principal men to come also,. I will direct the Contractor at the Wichita Agency to furnish them with Rations to bring them over and I will furnish them with Rations to return home, tell them to bring, in all about twenty pack horses to carry back their presents. I want them to meet us at Genl Pikes Camp or head quarters near Fort Gibson, on the first of February if possible I have written a letter to T Caraway inviting him to come with some three or four of his men and I wish you to urge him to come, Commissioner Pike is now in Richmond with their great father making arrangements to get their goods and to do much for them he would have been up to see them at the falling of the leaves but he has been very sick and could not travel he is now well and will be here soon and will go from here to his head quarters. [ELIAS RECTOR] CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, WAR DEPARTMENT, Office of Indian Affairs, Richmond, Dec 2d, 1861. MAJOR ELIAS RECTOR, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Sir: I am instructed by the Secretary of War to say that three requisitions have been drawn by him on the Secretary of the Treas- 314 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist ury in your favor, as Superintendent of Indian Affairs &c.,- One for nine thousand, six hundred and fifty dollars, dated Dec. 4th 1861, one for two thousand, one hundred and four dollars and fifty cents, dated December 5th 1861, and the other for thirty thousand dollars, dated December 6th 1861. With the money received by you upon the first named requisition, you will pay Charles B. Johnson, the amount of his account against the Confederate States for Beef furnished certain Bands of Reserve Indians, from July 1st to August i6th under a verbal contract made by him with Albert Pike, Commissioner, &c., and also pay the mount- ed escort of Creeks and Seminoles, engaged by General Pike to accom- pany him to the Comanche Country, &c. In regard to this escort General Pike, in a letter to the War Department, of the I4th Octo- ber, says that he had muster rolls regularly made out, and gave pay accounts to the officers, and slips showing the amount due each of the men. With the money received by you upon the second named requisi- tion you will pay Charles B. Johnson the balance due him by the old United States Government prior to the 3Oth June, 1861, and which General Pike, at the time of making the verbal contract hereinbefore mentioned, agreed to pay or have paid him. And with the money received by you upon the third named requi- sition, you will pay such expenses of the Superintendency and different Agencies, as may be necessary, proper and legitimate. The balance of this money can be applied to the purchase of suitable clothing, if it can be bought at fair prices, for the Reserve Indians, which Commis- sioner Pike, in the Treaty of the I2th August, 1861, agreed should be speedily furnished them. You will forward a statement as to the disbursement of these sev- eral sums of money with the proper voucher, &c. Very respectfully, S. S. SCOTT, Act'g Commr. of Indian Affairs. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C.S.A., SECOND AUDITOR'S OFFICE Richmond, Va, Dec 7th-i86i. SIR: The Treasurer of the Confederate States will remit to you the sum of Thirty two thousand one hundred & four 50/100 dollars , being the amount of Requisition No. 1889 & 1890 issued in your favor on the 6th Inst-, with which you are charged Fort Smith Papers 315 on the Books of this Office, on account of the following Appropria- tion, to wit: "To meet the Incidental Expenses of the Public service within the Indian Tribes," as per Act May 21, 1861, No. 232. Requisition No. 1889. . . . $2,104.50 Req. " 1890, Same as above . . 30.000. " $32.104.50 The Treasurer will advise you when the same will be remitted for which you will please forward a Receipt to this Office, specifying therein the date, number and amount of said Requisition. I am, very respectfully, Your Ob't Serv't AUDITOR. To Elias Rector, Esq, Supt. Ind. Affairs, Present WICHITA AGENCY L. D., Deer. I2th 1861. SIR: In all my official relations I have endeavored to be governed strictly by the instructions of my superior officers, and in reference to the alledged real or imaginary impropriety of my course towards Buffalo Hump in your letter of the I2th Oct. last, I must plead my instructions in mitigation which I followed strictly, not being in pos- session of any, except the verbal instructions of Commissioner Hub- bard, which was in effect to exercise my best judgment in the manage- ment of the affairs of the Reserve, but in all things to be governed by strict rules of economy. In my report to you of the I2th Augst. I solicited written instructions, a copy of the Intercourse Laws and of the Contract for furnishing supplies for the Indians, but as yet, have not received even a reply to my communication. There is no Indian with whose character and habits I am more familiar than with Buf- falo Humps; he is a fugitive from the Texas Agency of which I was placed in charge; the late Superintendent of that State worried with him for three years before he could induce him to settle, he would come in and make promises to do so, and the Superintendent would load him with presents, he would return to the prairies depredate up- on the country until his blankets were worn out, then return with a plausible excuse for not coming in with his people, receive other pres- ents return again to the prairies and repeat the same thing over again until the Superintendents patience became exhausted, and informed Buffalo Hump that he would not submit to any further trifling on the subject, that he had nothing more for him, but as he had come in peace, he might return in peace, but that afterwards he would 316 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist pursue and hunt him down with the troops; Buffalo Hump then changed his tone, begged to be permitted to have a certain length of time allowed him to bring in his people without renumeration or presents, at that time it was granted, and at the appointed time he brought in his people and settled on the Reserve, where he remained until a feud took place between him and the Chief of the band locat- ed previously, which caused him to abandon the Reserve and pursue his former predatory habits. I induced him to come in this time, in addition to the other wild chiefs, who met Commissioner Pike in Augst. last, and entered into an informal treaty with them, it was the result of a years negotiation, which was carried on by means of messengers from this Reserve; it was attempted years ago by Judge Rollins, one of the ablest Indian Agents perhaps the U.S. ever had, who spent eighteen months in attempting to accomplish the object; Agent Stemm lost his life in efforts of the kind; Major Neighbors a very ingenious and competent Agent exerted his influ- ence for six or seven years to no purpose: Dr. Hill, a most popular Indian Agent and influential man, labored four years without effect, and Capt. Ross' influence was equally ineffectual, yet I am informed in your letter of the I2th Oct. that both yourself and Commissioner Pike regret much that I did not hold out all the inducements which were in my power, and use all the forces and means at my command to provide him with such houses as were contemplated and provided by Commissioner Pike for the comfort of those Indians. In this matter I appear to be peculiarly unfortunate. You are fully a\Vare that I have not received any means for the erection of houses or for any other purpose, and that the few employees who were induced to engage in the work with a hope of renumeration hereafter were all sick, which fact I made known in my report of the I5th Septr. last, therefore it will be perceived that I had no means in my power to build houses or any thing else, nor would I have employed them in building houses for Buffalo Hump in advance of his settlement, if I had possessed ever so much in the absence of positive instructions to that effect. The course I pursued with him induced him to come in with his people a week in advance of the time promised and settle, he has given me no further trouble, tells me he intends to remain here for life, that he does not wish houses built until such times as he can select a suitable place on the Reserve for his future home, and has employed as spies for me two of his sons who are with the wild tribes watching their movements and those of the northern Fort Smith Papers 317 troops, to give immediate notice in case of an advanced demonstration upon this part of the country. During a period of more than twenty years public service, I have received two rebukes only from my superior officers on account of my official conduct, yours in reference to Buffalo Hump and from the late Superintendent in Texas for failing to insert at the close of one of my official letters "your obt. Srvt." I infer from your letter of the 3Oth of Octr. that you conclude, I am disposed to interfere with your appointment of Commissary, I can assure you that such was not nor never has been my intention to disturb or meddle in the slightest degree with the appointment of Commissary or any other which it may be your pleasure to make; sending Sturm as messenger was a matter of necessity not of choice, I apprised you by him that I was not only sick myself, but that my family and almost every one on the Reserve were sick and without medicine, Sturm although sick, was the only person I could obtain as messenger who was willing to make the trip alone, and with the confident hope that by sending him I would obtain medicines which would afford my family relief ; I was induced to do so with an under- standing that he was to receive pay not only as Commissary during the time of his absence, but three dollars per day also for his services as messenger and I procured the assistance gratuitously of M r Bickel one of the interpreters to act as Commissary during his absence, whose name appears on the prevision checks for that quarter merely to prevent confusion of the accounts, but my most sanguine hopes were disappointed for the messenger returned without medi- cines, and my son has not recovered yet. Whilst upon this subject allow me most respectfully to direct your attention to the fact, and through you the Department, that the office of Commissary is a sinecure, and expense which is utterly useless to the Government and an injury to the public Service, the duty of Commissary simply being an impartial weigher and witness to the delivery of supplies agreably to the terms of the Contract; I, hold it to be the duty of the Agent where issues are made at the Agency to be present, and represent the interest of the Indians, and the Interpreters who are required to be present to witness the issues, such has been the case heretofore, no Commissary has ever been employed at other Agencies, except where issues were made at remote places or where it was impracticable for the Agent to be present; the Commissary is employed perhaps half a day once a week, the remainder of the time is spent in utter idle- 318 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist ness, and in gossiping with the employees and Indians on the Reserve. I received a recent visit from the Chiefs who met Comr. Pike in Augst. last, after preparing to hold a Council or talk with them, their first demand was whiskey, they said they could not talk without having whiskey first, after a length of time however, I convinced them that I had no whiskey, and that whiskey was not allowed on the Reserve, they then informed me that they had approached this place at the appointed time "the falling of the leaves" and ascer- tained that the Commissioner was not here nor the presents agreably to promise, that now they were here long after the time and still there are no presents or Commissioner, I explained to them that the Comr. had delegated to me his authority for the time being, and that he was now purchasing goods to issue in accordance with his promise as soon as they would comply with their part of the agreement and settle with their people on the Reserve, that they would have the privilege of settling on any part of the Leased District that suited them best, and that I would issud provisions to them until such time as the goods would arrive, they informed me that they had been lied to a good deal, and that they wanted some greater and further evidence now of the sincerity of the Government, that as the goods were not here, which were intended for them, that they would take a few that the trader had, and be satisfied with those, until such time as the others would be forthcoming, and probably settle at the time the grass rises in the Spring, I told them that the traders goods did not belong to me or to the Government, and that I was conse- quently unauthorized to issue them, they then instantly rose up and told me they were going, I called back a Kioway Chief and told him as it was his first visit, that I would make him a present of some blankets, paint and tobacco, that I was glad to see him, that the Government desired to be on friendly terms with him and his people, and that if he thought proper to come here with his people and settle, that he could do so on the same terms as the others, he informed me that that was the object of his visit, that he would return and consult on the subject and at no distant day would make me another visit, and apprise me of the result of their deliberations; in the mean time the others returned in a better humor, and I told them that upon my own responsibility, I would make them a few little presents, of blankets, paints, &c. which appeared to satisfy them, and when they finally left, declared their friendly intentions, and said they would ultimately settle here in compliance with the treaty. Fort Smith Papers 319 In compliance with your letter of instructions of the 25th of Octr last, I have rendered H. L. Rodgers all the assistance in my power in the way of his building operations. Very Respectfully. Your obt. Servt. M. LEEPER, Ind. Agt. C.S.A. Elias Rector Esq., Supt. Indian Affairs. Fort Smith, Arks. FORT SMITH, ARK., Dec. ayth, 1861. SIR: Owing to the continued excitement in the Creek and Semi- nole Nations, and the dangers necessarily to be encountered by persons either residing in or travelling through the Indian Country, my return to the Agency has been delayed longer than I expected. Taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case I deemed it best and most prudent to await your return from Richmond and submit a report of the case to you. When I left the Agency early in November there seemed a unity of opinion and general profession of Loyalty to the Southern Confederacy; but since then there has been much disaf- fection and increase of excitement. The consequence has been that some of the Traders residing among the upper Creeks have left narrowly escaping with their lives. Others are, as I learn, preparing to leave. Since my departure from the Agency there has been two engagements between the Confederate forces under command of Col. Cooper and the followers of Hopothleyoholo, in both engagements Col. Cooper was victorious. This, however, has only increased the vindictiveness of Hopothleyoholos Party and, consequently, magnified the dangers attendent on travelling through or residing in the Nation. My Agency is, as you are aware, situated two hundred miles west of this place, and wholy unprotected and exposed to depredation, it is very insecure. Parscofer and others as stated in my report to the Department as heading the disaffected party, were leaders, in the recent battles, on side of the enemy. But I am pleased to be able to state that Jumper, Short Bird, Cloud and Holatut Fixico were found with Col. Cooper doing their duty as faithful and Loyal allies. It will, probably, not be a great while before the excitement may subside, rendering travel and residence there more secure. When you deem it necessary and safe for me to return I will be ready. I await your orders on the subject. I am very Respectfully Your obt. Servt. SAM'L M. RUTHERFORD, C.S. Agent for Seminoles. Maj. E. Rector, Sup. Ind. Affairs, C.S. A., Fort Smith, Ark. 320 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist RICHMOND, VA., 29th December, 1861. SIR: I send herewith, to your care, by a Special Messenger, packages for the Principal Chiefs of the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, which please forward to each immediately by express. Also a talk for the Comanches and Caiawas, which, if they are still near Fort Cobb, I wish sent to them by express. There is a letter to Chisholm, and it would perhaps be well to send the talk to him and get him to go up and see them. Also a letter for Major Dorn and one to his Indians. I want them to come down to Head Quarters and receive what is to be given them. I do not know how you will get his letter to him. The Treaties are all ratified, with two or three amendments that will cut no great figure. As to the money part, nothing has changed. Congress appropriated $681,000 and over, under the Treaties, includ- ing Charley Johnson's money up to middle of February, of the whole sum, $265,000 and odd is to be paid in specie. I shall get the Treasury notes to-morrow, and the Specie in New Orleans, and shall bring it all to you. The Secretary agreed, indeed proposed, to send it out by me. Among them, they fixed my compensation at $3,750. I mean to be at Head Quarters by the 25th of January. I hope the different Tribes will ratify the amendments, so that you can pay them pretty soon after that time. I think you had better buy all the goods, of Cochran and others, for the Comanches, that you can. I want them to meet me at Head Quarters, and it will be necessary to have some goods for them. Congress would not agree to give them any arms. I hope when we pay the Indians their money, and I get some white troops in the Country, we shall settle the difficulties there. God knows. Give my kind regards to Mrs. Rector and the children. Always yours. ALBERT PIKE. I send Dr. Duval's appointment, and Mr. Sandals', by the Messenger. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, WAR DEPARTMENT Office of Indian Affairs, Richmond, December 3Oth, 1861. MAJOR ELIAS RECTOR, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Sir: The first session of the Congress of the Confederate State? Fort Smith Papers 321 will be held on the i8th February next; and it is important that the Report, from this Bureau, in regard to Indian Affairs, for the benefit of that Body, should be as full as possible. That this may be so, it is essential that information should be sent here, at least by the I5th of that month, of the true condition of affairs, in each of the several Agencies under your supervision. You will, therefore, write to all of the Agents, and state to them these facts. Advise them also to give you full reports of all matters connected with their respective charges, and forward them, when received to this office. Very respectfully, S. S. SCOTT, Act'g Commr. of Ind. Affairs. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, WAR DEPARTMENT Office of Indian Affairs, Richmond, Jany. ist, 1862. MAJOR ELIAS RECTOR, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Sir: An Act was recently passed by the Congress of the Confed- erate States, and approved December 26th, 1861, "making appropria- tions to comply, in part, with Treaty stipulations made with certain Indian Tribes." The whole amount appropriated by this Act was six hundred and eighty one thousand, eight hundred and sixty nine dollars, and fifteen cents. By sundry requisitions of the Secretary of War upon the Secre- tary of the Treasury, this sum has been placed in the hands of General Albert Pike, for delivery to you, as Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Herewith you will receive Tabular Statements, marked Numbers (i) and (2) for your information and guidance, as to the times manner, &c., that this money is to be disbursed. You will perceive from these statements, that one hundred and nineteen thousand, three hundred and forty dollars can be used, for the purposes indicated immediately, or, whenever, it may be deemed essential by you; while the residue, amounting to five hundred and sixty two thousand, five hundred and twenty nine dollars and fifteen cents, is dependent, for its dusbursement, upon the ratification of the Treaties, as amended by the several Indian Tribes. Very respect- fully, S. S. SCOTT, Act'g Commr. of Indian Affairs. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C.S.A., SECOND AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Richmond, Va. Dec 3ist 1861. SIR -The Treasurer of the Confederate States will remit to you the sum of six hundred and eighty one thousand, eight hundred & 322 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist sixty nine 15/100 dollars-, being the amount of Requisitions Nos. 2175-76-77-78-79-80-81-82-83 & 84 issued in your favor on the 2Oth Instant -, with which you are charged on the Books of this Office, on account of the following Appropriation, to wit: "An Act making Appropriations to comply in part with Treaty Stipulations made with certain Indian Tribes," as per Act Requisition No. 2175 For Contingencies of superintending & Agencies $ 3,500.00 Do " 2176 " Sundry Appropriations for Cherokee Indians 237,944.36 " 2177 " Do Do " Seminole Indians 61,050.00 " " 2178 " " " " Choctaw&Chick- asavvs . . 115,126.89 " " 2179 " " " " Creek Indians 72,950.00 " " 2180 " " " " Coraanches . . 64,862.00 " " 2181 " " " " Reserve Indians 82,905.00 " " 2182 " " " " Seneca Indians 11,962.46 " " 2183 " " " " Quapaw Indians 9,000.00 " " 2184 " " " " Osage Indians 22,568.44 Total $681,869.15 The Treasurer will advise you when the same has been placed to your credit on his Books, or hand you a Draft - for which you will please forward a Receipt to this Office, specifying therein the date, number and amount of said Requisition. I am, very respectfully, your ob't serv't, W. H. S. TAYLOR, Auditor. To Genl Albert Pike, Agent for the War Department for delivery of the above funds to Elias Rector, Supt. Ind. Affairs, now in Richmond, Va. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, TREASURER'S OFFICE, Richmond, Va., Jan? 23 ELIAS RECTOR, Fort Smith, Ark. Sir, I have this day placed to your credit 3,000 Dollars, amount of Warrant No. 23 Issued in your favor by War Department. Your checks on the Treasurer of the Confederate States will be honoured for that amount. Please acknowledge the receipt of this Notification, and enclose your official signature. Very Respectfully, E. C. ELMORE, Treasurer C.S. Fort Smith Papers 323 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, WAR DEPARTMENT, Office of Indian Affairs, Richmond Jany 23d 1862. MAJ. E. RECTOR, Superintendent &c, Fort Smith, Arkansas. SIR: General Pike of date Dec. 3Oth 1861, writes to this Bureau, as follows: In order to obtain the ratification, by the several Indian Tribes, of the amendments made by Congress to the Indian Treaties negotiated by me, and to effect a Treaty with the Caiowas, I have sent messages to the Creeks, Seminoles, Cherokees, Choctaws and Chickasaws, requesting that their national Councils may be convened ; and to the Chiefs of the Osages, Quapaws, Senecas, Senecas and Shawnes, Comanches, Reserve Indians and Caiowas, requesting them to meet me at my head Quarters. It will be necessary to furnish provisions to the Creek and Seminole Councils, and to feed the more uncivilized Chiefs, while in Council, and on their return, and also perhaps to make some presents ; for which purposes no funds are in the hands of the Superintendent or myself. In accordance with these suggestions and at the request of this Bureau a requisition was drawn by the Secretary of War, a few days ago, for the sum of three thousand dollars, which is to be placed to your credit in the Treasury. You will please use this money, or so much of it, as may be neces- sary, for the purposes, and in the manner, above indicated. Very respectfully, S. S. SCOTT, Act'g Commr. of Ind. Affairs. LITTLE ROCK, ARK., 28th January, 1862. DEAR RECTOR: I will leave here on Friday morning. It will take me, I suppose, six days to reach Fort Smith with the money. This will bring me to the 5th, 6th or 7th of February. I have $265.927.50 in specie, all in gold except $65.000 in silver. Of course I must stay with it. I think I can make the journey, though in six days. I think you had better go up to my head Quarters immediately, and arrange to feed the Comanches and others if they come there; and keep them there until I reach the place. I can take the money there, and send by the same messenger who takes this, to Colonel Cooper for an escort. The Treasurer of the Choctaws means to sell the coin his people get, buy Confederate paper, and put the difference in his pocket. We must stop that. I think the best way will be for you to notify the Chief, Hudson, the amount to be paid in coin, and that you will pay it to the Treasurer only in the presence of three Commissioners appointed by himself. 324 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist If you can pay the Choctaws and Chickasaws at my Head Quarters, it will of course be much better. I have had to ask the immediate removal of Leeper, and the appointment of Col. Pulliam in his place. This I have done to-day, sending extracts from your letter, Charley Johnson's and Quesen- bury's. The Secretary is also advised, now, of Garrett's continual [illegible]. Why do you not demand his removal, and name a person for his place? I don't believe Col. Cooper will be removed. The President said in my presence, "Now that the Choctaws have a Delegate in Congress, what need of an Agent?" About 150 gamblers are here, following up the Indian moneys. I enclose an order requiring passports, that will keep them out of the Nation. I have the $150.000 advance for the Cherokees, the $12.000 due the Nation, and the $10.300 due the Treaty party or Stand Watie's, - all in paper. Also the $50.000 advance for the Choctaws. In paper and specie, I have for you $631.000 and over. Have you received the money, (some $3.000) that I asked should be sent you to pay expenses of the new Indian Councils? If you cannot go to Head Quarters immediately, you will have to send some one, and let him and Colonel Cooper keep the Indians contented. Always yours, ALBERT PIKE. Maj. E. Rector. OFFICE SUPT. IND. AFFAIRS, Fort Smith, Feby ist, 1862. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the Reports of Agents Leeper, Cooper, Rutherford and Crawford. No report has been received from Agent Dorn. Business of importance requires me to leave here to-day for Fort Gibson and the Creek Agency, it is important for me to take charge of the public property at the Creek Agency which I shall do on my arrival there and I will turn the same over to R P Pulliam who I have appointed Agent to act until the Department may make permanent appointment and I hope Mr Pulliam may be the pers appointed. I have also appointed to meet a delegation of Comanche and Kiawas at Fort Gibson where I expect Genl Pike and myself will effect treaties with them. I have sent a lot of goods to make Fort Smith Papers 325 some presents to them and to the wild bands with whom Genl Pike made treaties last fall and to whom he promised some goods; after meeting these delegation and ascertaining what can be effected with them I will make out and forward to you a report of Indian matters generally in this superintendency which I hope will reach you in time to be of some service to the Department. I could not, until after I meet those Indians and ascertain the condition of the Creek Agency, make a full and satisfactory report. In regard to Agent Crawfords report I must here state, that from the best information I can obtain of the condition of affairs among the Cherokees, I cannot concur with him, but I will inform myself fully in this regard during my present visit among them and will furnish my views fully in my report, Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt. E. RECTOR, Supt. Ind. Affairs S. S. SCOTT Esq Acting Comr. Ind. Affairs Richmond, Va OFFICE SUPT IND AFFAIR, Fort Smith Feby ist 1862 SIR: Genl. Pike is here with $50.000 Dollars in Gold and Silver for the Choctaws, and as I am compelled to accompany him on important business to Fort Gibson, I have determined to take the above money with me to that place and pay it out there, which will be as convenent for you as to pay it here, and as Col Cooper will have to be present at the payment, it is necessary to make the payment when he can attend. I will be ready to pay over to your Treasurer the above money at Fort Gibson in days from this date, and I wish you to send with your Treasurer a delegation of three responsi- ble persons to be selected by you to witness the payment. This I re- quire, as it is a special case with our government to pay out Coins to the Indian tribes at this time, and to insure the payment by the Treas- urer of the same funds to your people, that he receives from me. Our government is determined to use all precautions to prevent specu- lations out of the funds sent out to pay to Indian tribes. Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt. E. RECTOR, Supt Ind Affrs Hon Hudson, Chief Choctaw Nation. 326 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, WAR DEPARTMENT Office of Indian Affairs, Richmond, Feby 7th 1862. MAJOR E. RECTOR, Superintendent of Ind. Affairs. Fort Smith, Arkansas. Sir: Your two letters, dated January gth & loth, have been received. The former gave a brief statement of the facts, in relation to the arrest, by Agent Leeper, of one Meyer, supposed to be a spy, with $6.455.70, in Drafts and Specie upon his person, and enclosed copies of letters from Messrs Leeper and Shirley, bearing upon same subject. The latter simply covered the Affidavit of a Mr. Barnes, claiming the Drafts referred to, followed by affidavits of Meyer and one Jacob Mariner intended to substantiate it. The questions presented in this case should properly be investigated by Brig. Genl. Pike, who has command of the Department of the Indian Territory, where this person was arrested; and a letter has therefore been written to him from this Bureau, for the purpose of calling his attention to the fact. You will take the necessary steps to have the man Meyer turned over to him. Very respectfully, S. S. SCOTT, Act'g Comr. of Ind. Affairs. FORT SMITH, i6th Feby 1862 ELIAS RECTOR Esq, Superintendent of Ind. Affairs Sir: As to the case of Fredrick Meyer, arrested as a spy, there is nothing beyond suspicion against him, except his possession of certain drafts drawn by a U. S. Quartermaster on the Assistant Treasurer at New York, and the Statements of Comanche Indians, who are not competent witnesses. I decline to place him in custody as a spy or to order a Miltary Court to try him. I cannot order his discharge or the return of the drafts and money taken from him, because the Military power is silent, within the limits of Arkansas, in the presence of the Court power, as to reports that may be asserted and remedies that may be pursued, in the Courts. If I had the power, I should make the order. If you continue to hold the property in question, or to detain the party, you will please consider that you do it on your own authority. I am very respectfully yours, ALBERT PIKE, Brig. Genl. Commr. Ind. Dept. Fort Smith Papers 327 MOUTH OF CANADIAN, 23d Febr. 1862. MAJOR: I reached this place last night, and leave this morning. The teams furnished me at Fort Smith are hardly able to go further, and our progress must be slow. I shall hardly reach Spaniard's Creek before tomorrow night, and wish you to meet me there. I did think of sending the money, at least the specie, direct from this point to North Fork, but have determined to keep it with me until I meet you. If you will meet me at Spaniard's Creek, we can then determine what disposition to make of it. Gen. Price is at Walnut Grove, eight miles south of Fayetteville ; will take position near Cane Hill, and means to attack as soon as he gets 5,000. men in addition to his present force. McCulloch is on the telegraph road, to his right. They are not acting in harmony, Col. Gatewood says. Our forces in Kentucky and Tennesse have had to fall back before 70,000 of the enemy. The new position, it is expected, will be at Stevenson and Charleston road. When the enemy took Fort Donelson, both Bowling Green and Columbus became of value to us. Each position was carried. But we have only taken a new position, losing no battle. The fort surrendered. Columbus is or will be evacuated and Nashville surrendered. There are no means of crossing the Arkansas here, except one boat, that must have a bottom put in it. I must bring at least part of the Choctaws to Gibson, to cross the river and move towards Cane Hill, and in order to be able to do it as soon as possible I wish to turn over the money to you. Truly yours ALBERT PIKE Major Elias Rector. OFFICE SUP'T IND. AFF'RS, Fort Smith, Feb'y 28th, 1862. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 23d ultimo notifying me that the sum of $3,000 -had been placed to my credit in the Treasury on Requisition No. 23 from the War Department subject to my Draft and request my official signature which is hereto affixed. Very Respectfully your Ob't Serv't. E. RECTOR, Sup't Ind. Aff'rs. E. C. Elmore Esq., Treasurer of the Confederate States Richmond, Va. 328 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist OFFICE SUP'T IND. AFFAIRS, Fort Smith, Feb'y 28th, 1862. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Jany 1st accompanying Tabular Statements sent out by Gen'l Pike. On his arrival here I was absent in the Indian Country where I had been ordered by him to meet a Delegation of wild Comanches and Kiawas. Genl P did not leave the money here to be paid over to me but tuck it in the Indian Country to his head quarters, where he will I presume pay it out to the Indians himself. Very Respectfully, your ob't Serv't. E. RECTOR, Sup't Ind Affairs. S. S. SCOTT Esq. Acting Com'r Ind. Affairs, Richmond, Va. [Rector to Scott] OFFICE SUPT IND. AFFAIRS, March 4th, 1862. SIR: I deem it my duty, in justice to myself, as well as my duty to the government to notify you that Gen'l Pike has been paying over certain of the funds sent out by him to the Indians, one payment which he has made, I wish here to enter my protest against as not meeting with my approbation, it was in paying over to Agent A. J. Dorn the specie sent out for the Indians in his Agency. My objec- tions to said payment are these: Agent Dorn has never executed a Bond to the Confederate government for the faithful accounting for of funds placed in his hands, and I should certainly not turn over large amounts of government funds to any Agent in my Department until he first gave a good and sufficient Bond and next; the Agency which Mr. Dorn fills is in the limits of the State of Kansas and has been in the possession of the Federals for six or seven months, Dorn cannot even get to it, he has no fixed locality for his Agency some- times he is with the army, at others in the State and is now here at this place and has with him the money. I am clearly of the opinion that this money should have been kept in some safe place in this State until after our present troubles are over. The Federal army is now invading within fifty miles of this place and between him and the Indians for whom Dorn is Agent, which makes it impossible for him to pay it to them if he so intends. None of the Agents in this Superintendency have entered into Bond. Nor do I know whether they intend to do so except Agent Rutherford he came here from his Agency a few days since for the purpose of giving his Bond but is now on a bead of sickness from w r hich it is doubtful if he ever recovers. . . ELIAS RECTOR. 589 589 The writer of this letter was evidently Elias Rector, although the docu- ment from which this copy was made is in the handwriting of Albert Pike. APPENDIX B-THE LEEPER 590 OR WICHITA AGENCY PAPERS OFFICE SUPT. INDIAN AFFAIRS, Fort Smith, Oct. i2th, 1861. SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of I5th 590 The history of the collection that I have designated for convenience of reference, the Leeper Papers, is outlined in the following letter from F. John- son, Delaware Indian Agent, to Dole, January 20, 1863 [Indian Office, General Files, Wichita, 1862-1871, J62]. On or about the first of September last a company of Delaware & Shawnee Indians numbering ninety-six, seventy Delawares and twenty- six Shawnees, left Kansas on an expedition southwest from Kansas un- der the leadership of Ben Simon a Delaware Indian. He reports that the expedition traveled to the Neosho River in south- ern Kansas where the3 r halted a few days. From thence they marched in a southwest direction seventeen days to the leased , district in Texas, they then traveled up the Wichita River, one day to the neighbourhood of the Wichita Agency. Simon then sent Spies and Scouts to the Agency who reported two hundred Indians well armed at the Agency in the Service of the Southern Confederacy. On receiving this intelligence the Delawares & Shawnees immediately preceded to the Agency which they reached about sundown. On arriving at the Agency they surrounded the buildings when the Agent a man large sized with black hair came out of the house and asked them what was wanting. Simon replied to him that he was his prisoner. At the same instant the Indians rushed into the house when one of the Delawares was shot dead and a Shawnee wounded - there was four white men at the Agency ; when the Indians saw their comrades killed and wounded they killed the three men in the House and Agent Leeper who Simon had hold of at the door -the In- dians then took possession of the Property and papers belonging to the Agency and burned the buildings. On the next morning they found the trail of the Indians who had escaped from the Agency and followed it to a grove of timber and found as they supposed about one hundred & fifty Indians a part of whom was women and children whom they attacked and report they killed about one hundred the Ballance making their escape. The Delawares and Shawnees then turned homewards with their Booty which consisted of about One hundred Ponies Twelve hundred Dollars in Confederate Money, the papers correspondence etc. which is wrapped in a rebel Flag taken at the Agency Among the papers taken I would respectfully call your attention to the treaties in 330 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist inst. by Expressman Sturm 591 at Tahlequah C.N. while on public business at that place on the 2nd inst and in answer must say. Your requisition for Medicine I cannot comply with. I have no Medicines on hand for the Indian Service. Neither have I been instructed to furnish either Medicines or Medical assistance to the Indians, and if I were disposed to take the responsibility and advance the funds to purchase Medicines they could not be procured at this place. I am pleased to learn that Buffalo Hump came in to see you, but both myself & Com r . Pike regret that you did not hold out to him all the inducements which were in your power, and use all the forces and means at your command to provide him with such houses as were contemplated and promised by Com r . Pike for the comfort of those Indians and to make them satisfied and anxious to come in. The Com r . has issued an order prohibiting Jim Ned from return- ing to or ever occupying any portion of the Leased District again, this order you will see carried out. He has also ordered the Military to kill Ned should they find him. No blanks have been furnished to the office as yet. Nor have even forms been purchased for the vouchers, abstracts etc. You must rule and arrange your papers as best you can for the present as I have to do myself. I have turned over to Mr. Sturm four mules turned over to me as mules taken from you by Genl Burrow. I obtained them with great difficulty in bad condition, nearly on the lift. I have had them three or four weeks, these were all I could find and do not know whether they are all that were taken from you or not. manuscript entered into between Albert Pike Commissioner on the part of the Confederate States and the diferent Tribes of Southern Indians as also the commission of Mathew Leeper Indian Agent from James Buchanan President of the United States dated ist of February 1861. These Indians few in numbers marching upon a point more than five hundred miles distant furnishing their own transportation forage and provisions without cost to the Government certainly exhibits a great degree of Loyalty daring and hardihood. 591 J. J. Sturm, commissary for the Indians of the Leased District [Rector to Sturm, July x, 1861]. On Oct. 3, 1861, Sturm reported to Leeper: I arrived here over a week ago, and have been waiting for Maj. Rector, who is absent making a Treaty with the Cherokees, and other Tribes at Telequa. . . No talk of anything but war here. Price has taken Lexington, Mo., he took and killed over four thousand of Abe's men, with a great deal of war material. . . Wichita Agency Papers 331 As stated above I have received no funds for the Indian Service from the Confederacy, in fact there has been no Indian Department organized consequently no appropriation has been made nor will any Indian business be done in the War Department until after the late Treaties are submitted and approved. I shall leave here in a short time for Richmond for the purpose of organizing the business of the Superintendency, procuring funds, goods etc. for the Indians in compliance with the Stipulations of the late Treaties. C. B. Johnson is absent at New Orleans and is expected back in a few days. Enclosed you will find Sutton & Springs receipt for $200. Owing to Creek difficulties I send Mr. Sturm back by direct route for his safety and the safety of your property. Very Respectfully Your Ob't. Servant E. RECTOR, Supt. Ind. Affairs. Col. M. Leeper, Ind. Agent, Wichita Agency, L.D. OFFICE SUPT. IND. AFFAIRS, FORT SMITH, ARKS. Oct. soth, 1 86 1. SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2ist inst. by Expressman. On the 1 2th Inst, I wrote you by your expressman Mr. Sturm and as then, state I have no funds in my hands for the purchase of Medicines or for any other purpose for the Indian Service. Nor have I been authorized to provide the Indians with Medicines or Medical assistance; there has been no Indian Department regularly organized as yet, by our Government, nor will there be until after the Treaties lately made by Comr Pike are laid before the President and approved. I have purchased for you on your own account, all the medicines I can purchase in this place that would be useful to the Indians. I send them by your Expressman with the bills, you can charge the Government with them in your account. I am pleased to learn that the Kiowa Indians are likely to come in and make a treaty. Comr Pike cannot possibly be there to treat with them for some months to come, the treaties made by him with the Comanches places all of those Indians who may hereafter come i in on the same footing with those who entered into treaty stipulations, and I hereby authorize you, as I have authority to do from Comr Pike, to make the same treaties and hold out the same inducements 332 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist to the Kiowas as were made by him with the Comanches, do not, how- ever, promise them blankets this winter as it would be impossible to procure them, the Government cannot procure a sufficiency of them for the Soldiers, not even at the most exorbitant prices. Agents are travel- ing over the States purchasing second hand blankets from families who take them off their beds to accomodate the Soldiers in the field. H. L. Rogers is now on his way to your agency with hands to build houses for the Indians, he is sent out by Com r . Pike on his responsibility. I wrote you by him. Gen'l Pike will have command of the Military Department of the Indian Country. He is now on his way to Richmond Va., when he will [return] I am not advised, it will be with him to direct what military force will be placed at Fort Cobb for the protection of your agency, when that protection will be furnished I am unable to advise you, of the importance of an efficient force being stationed there at an early day there can be no doubt. In regard to the Mail or Express arrangements you speak of, I must say I have neither power, authority, or means to establish mail or express routes to your agency or elsewhere. Our State and other States are suffering greatly for want of mail facilities, and I cannot involve myself pecuniarily in the matter, this matter must be brought regularly before the Department and its action had. In regard to the time when you may expect funds to close your accounts I can only say that you need not expect funds until after the treaties recently made are ratified and appropriations made in accord- ance with your estimates furnished Com r Pike, the Government will not, of course, send out funds for Indians until it is advised that it has some treaty relations with them, I will leave here on the 7th day of next month for Richmond for the purpose of assisting in the organization of our Indian business, and for the procurement of funds, goods, etc, to carry out the provisions of the late treaties, on my return you will be advised of the result of my mission. I learn from Mr. C. B. Johnson that you had advised him that Mr. Beckle is acting as Commissary, this is wrong and is calculated to produce confusion in the accounts. Mr. Sturm is the recognized commissary regularly appointed by me, he should not be sent away from his regular duties on any other business and I so informed him while here and notified him that his absence from his regular duties on another occasion would be sufficient cause for me to remove him and appoint his successor, the appointment of commissary belongs Wichita Agency Papers 333 exclusively to me, and you are well aware of the importance of his being constantly at his post, as he is the check on the contractor in rilling the requisitions of the agent. In future I hope he will not be detailed for any other duties. Mr. Sturm is and will continue to be Commissary until removed by me either upon charges or such cause as I may think requires his removal. Very respectfully, Your Ob't. Serv't, E. RECTOR, Supt. Ind. Affairs. Col. M. Leeper, Indian Agent, Wichita Agency, L.D. The bearer of this letter, Capt. H. L. Rogers, has been employed and empowered by Genl Pike Commissioner with plenary powers, to proceed to the Wichita Agency, with hands, to erect buildings neces- sary for the Commissary and cabins for the Indians, Commissioner Pike becomes responsible for the work. . . - RECTOR to Leeper, dated Fort Smith, October 25, 1861. SUBPOENA 592 Confederate States vs. Matthew Leeper, Indian Agt, Comanche, et al. State of Arkansas, The Confederate States of America. To J. J. Sturm Greeting. You are hereby commanded, that laying all manner of excuses aside, you be and appear before the undersigned, special commissioner of C.S.A. at the Law Office of James P. Spring, in the City of Fort Smith, in the County of Sebastian, and State of Arkansas, on the loth day of January, 1862. Then and there to testify and the truth to speak in a certain matter before said Commissioner pending, wherein The Confederate States of America prefers certain charges against Matthew Leeper, Indian Agent of Comanche and other reserved Indians west of the State of Arkansas, and on behalf of the C.S.A. Herein fail not at your peril. In testimony whereof I, James P. Spring, Commissioner of Exami- 592 These two brief communications have a bearing upon Leeper's case: You are hereby ordered to remain at Fort Smith Arkansas from loth. January 1862 untill further ordered by the undersigned, as a witness in the case of the Confederate States of America against M. Leeper, Ind. Agt. on certain charges preferred. - JAMES P. SPRING, com- missioner, to J. J. Sturm, dated Fort Smith, Ark., December 22, 1861. Spring may not be able to begin on Leeper's case before Jan. 20- Is obliged to leave city. If Leeper wants while Spring is away, [to go] to Fayetreville, he may & Spring will telegraph him upon his return. - SPRING to Leeper, dated Fort Smith, Ark., December 23, 1861. 334 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist nation, have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal [there being no public seal for such purposes provided] in the City of Fort Smith, this I2th. day of November, 1861. JAMES P. SPRING, [Seal], Commissioner of Examination, C.S.A. QUESENBURY 593 TO LEEPER Gen. Pike is now in Richmond. I am engaged in building winter- quarters for his Brigade. The General will probably return about the loth of December. I hope you will honour my requisitions for forage for the animals of the expedition for the blankets at Mr. Shirley's. The trip will be a hard one, and I fear a long one. There is no news of import from my quarter. There was some- thing of an occurrance in the Ho-poieth-le Yohola imbroglio the other day. Mr. Scrimpsher can give you the current particulars. . . FORT SMITH, Dec 4, 1861. DR. SIR : - We have no late news of importance. The Federal troops 30000 strong came as far as Springfield and fearing to advance further returned to St. Louis & Kansas; the Kansas party took from the vicinity of Springfield 600 negroes from Union men as well as Secessionists. A heavy battle was fought in Mo. opposite Columbus a few days since. Pillow commanded the Confederate forces 2500 strong, the Federals came down in their gun-boats 7000 strong & landed. The fight lasted 4 hours with heavy losses on both sides. Pillow was then reinforced and drove the Federals back to their boats making a perfect slaughter of the Yankees. Our victory was complete and a very important one it was. Price has gone back to the Mo. River, McCulloch is bringing his army down here to go into winter quarters on the Arks. River. Hardin is marching on Louisville, Ky., with from 80 to 100,000 Confederate troops. We are expecting to hear of his having posses- sion of that city soon. McClellan is said to be advancing slowly and continuously on Johnson and Boregard. They are anxious for him to pay them a visit. Our legislature has elected Bob Johnson & Chas. Mitchell Senators, the Washington County District elected Batson over 593 William Quessnbury to Leeper, dated Fort Gibson, C. N., Nov. 28, 1861. Wichita Agency Papers 335 Thomason to Congress. G. D. Royston is elected in this District and Judge Hanley in the Helena District. Can't think of anything else that would interest you. Your friend in haste, R. P. PULLIAM. Col. M. Leeper. OFFICE SUPT. IND. AFFAIRS, FORT SMITH, Dec. 4th, '61. SIR: I enclose herewith a Copy of a letter from Albert Pike Comr. etc. to Elias Rector, Supt. Ind. Aff., of date 2ist. ultimo also two official letters. That portion of Comr. Pike's letter relating to inviting the Indians to settle on the Reserve was anticipated by Supt. Rector's letter of instructions to you of the 3Oth October last. The messages which Comr. Pike wishes given to the Indians you will, of course, deliver to them. Maj. Rector left here for Richmond about ten days ago. When he will return I am unable to say, as it seems from Pike's letter he has to purchase and bring on the Indian goods. Very respectfully, R. P. PULLIAM, Clk. Col. M. Leeper, Wichita Agent. WICHITAW FED [FEED] HOUSE, December loth 1861 DEAR CONL. From what I can asertain the Dutchman supposed to be a spy is one of the party who of ten, (five Mexicans & five whites) who prevented the wild Comanchees from coming in by telling them that we were fixing a trap to destroy the last one of them, when we got them here, and as an indusement to dispose of their Buffalo Robes this party told the Indians that we would take the last Robe from them with our troops. The [above] I was informed of by the Comanche Cheves several days ago Very truly J. SHIRLEY Col M. Leeper, Wichitaw Agency. WICHITA AGENCY L.D., Deer loth 1861 A memorandum of moneys and effects found on the person of a german who says his name is Frederick Myer, arrested and detained 'here, he being suspected of being a spy on the part of the United States in opposition to the Confederate States of America. The indi- vidual together with the moneys and property found upon his person 336 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist is intended to be forwarded to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs Fort Smith at as early a day as practicable Four drafts on the U. S. Asst. Treasurer New York, dated at Santa Fe N. M. Sept. 17th 1861 and drawn by Jno P. Hatch Capt. Rm R. Actg C. S. in favor John Dold transferred to Frederick Myer, viz. No 103. Twelve Hundred & fifty dollars " 104. Twelve Hundred & fifty dollars " 105. Four Hundred & Eighty four dollars 106. Two Hundred & nineteen 50/100 dollars. Also five other drafts as above described dated on the igth Sept. 1861. viz;- No. 112. Six Hundred dollars " 113. Five Hundred dollars. " 114. Four Hundred dollars " 115. Three Hundred dollars " 1 1 6. Two Hundred dollars. One draft dated Sept. i8th 1861 drawn by J L Donnevhen P. M. favor Stephen Bryce or order transferred to Frederick Myer No 1669. Nine Hundred & eighty three 25/100 dollars. Also in Gold One Hundred & fifty five dollars Silver Seventy cents One Colts Revolver, belt & Scabbard One large Pocket Knife Also found in his possission two ponies one gray and one sorrel Four letters addressed as follows, Mr. J. W. Gregory Santa Fe N. M. Mr B Seligman Mr. Geo. T. Madison Mr W. W. Griffin Received Wichita Agency L. D. Deer. 15 1861, all the above articles moneys &c. excepting the two ponies bridle and saddle and saddle bags, large knife and ten dollars in gold which were forwarded by H. L. Rodgers accompanying the prisioner, all of which balance in my possession to be delivered to the Superintendent of Indian Af- fairs Fort Smith Arks. M. GRIMES Received Fort Smith Dec. gth 1861 from M Grimes the above monies & Pistol as per his Recpt to Col Leeper E. RECTOR, Supt. Indian Affrs Wichita Agency Papers 337 WICHITA AGENCY S.D., Deer. i2th 1861 SIR: I forward to your charge by H. L. Rodgers, a german by the name of Frederick Myer, whom I arrested as a spy or smugler in behalf of the United States, and upon whose person was found Six Thousand three hundred dollars in drafts upon the Assistant Treasurer New York, one hundred and fifty five dollars in gold and seventy cents in silver, four private letters of unimportant import, two ponies and revolver pistol No 72,942 belt and hoster, one riding saddle, one pack saddle and one pair saddle bags, all of which will be forwarded to you by Mr Marshall Grimes, with the exception of the two ponies bridle and saddle and saddle bags and ten dollars in gold, which I have placed in charge of Mr H. L. Rodgers and will accompany the prisoner. The principal evidence against Frederick Myer, was derived from the Trader Mr. John Shirley, whose written statement is herewith enclosed. Very Respectfully Your obt. sert. M. LEEPER, Ind. Agt. C.S.A. Elias Rector Esq, Supt. Ind. Affrs, Fort Smith Arks. WICHITA AGENCY, L.D. December I5th 1861 To JOHN JUMPER, and our brothers in the Seminole Nation, We have nothing particular to write you, we are all well and doing well here Since we had the talk we have understood that you had some diffi- culty among your people, but that does not have any bad effect upon us as we are friends the same as at the time we made the treaties - Our brothers the Comanches, and all the other tribes, are still friends with you, and are all very sorry that you are fighting one against another, brothers against brothers, and friends against friends. When Mode Cunard and you were here and had the talk with Genl Pike - we still hold to the talk we made with Genl Pike, and are keeping the treaty in good faith, and are looking for him back again soon. We look to you and Mode Cunard and Genl Pike as brothers - General Pike told us at the council that, there were but few of us here, and if anything turned up to make it necessary he would protect them. We are just as we were when Genl Pike was up here and keeping the treaty made with him - Our brothers the wild Comanches have been in and are friendly with us. All the Indians here have but one heart our brothers, the Texans, 338 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist and the Indians are away fighting the cold weather people we do not intend to go North to fight them but if they come down here, we will all unite to drive them away Some of my people are one eyed and a little Crippled, but if the enemy comes here they will all jump out to fight him Also that Pea-o-popicult has recently the principal Kiowa Chief has recently visited the reserve, and has ex- pressed friendly intentions, and has gone back to consult the rest of his people and designs returning HOSEEA MARIA BUFFALO HUMP KI-KAD-A-WAH Chiefs of the Comanches TE-NAH JIM POCKMARK. GEO WASHINGTON The Confederate States of America To M. GRIMES Dr. 1 86 1 : Nov 30 For Services rendered of negro man Guss as Laborer from ist Oct. to 3Oth Nov 1 86 1, inclusive, 2 mos. at $300.00 pr. an. . . $ 50.00 Received at Wichita Agency L.D. Deer 3ist 1861, of M. Leeper Ind. Agt. C.S.A. Fifty dollars in full of the above account. $50.00 M. GRIMES. I certify on honor that the above account is correct and just, and that I have actually this 3ist day of Deer. 1861, paid the amount thereof. IND. ACT. C.S.A [Triplicates] The Confederate States of America To A. OUTZEN Dr. 1861 : Deer 31 For Services rendered as Wheel- wright etc. at Wichita Agency, L.D. from ist Oct. to 3ist Deer. 1 86 1 inclusive, 3 months at $600.00 pr an . . . $ i5O.( Received at Wichita Agency L.D. Deer 3 ist 1861 of M. Leeper, Indian Agent, C.S.A. One Hundred & fifty oo/ioo $150.00 A. OUTZEN Wheelwright I certify on honor that the above account is correct and just, and that Wichita Agency Papers 339 I have actually this 3ist day of Deer 1861, paid the amount thereof, [Triplicates] IND. ACT. C.S.A. The Confederate States of America To J. B. BEVELL Dr. 1 86 1 : Deer 3 1 For Services rendered as Laborer at Wichita Agency L.D. June I Oct. to 1 5th Nov 1 86 1 - inclusive i mo & 15 days at $300.00 pr an $ 37.50 And as Farmer from 16 Nov to 31 Deer 1 86 1 inclusive I mo & 15 days at $600.00 pr an . 75-OO $ 112.50 Received at Wichita Agency L.D. Deer 3ist 1861 of M. Leeper Ind. Agt. C.S.A. One Hundred & twelve 50/100 Dollars in full of the above account. $112.50. JOHN BEVELL Farmer I certify on honor that the above account is correct and just, and that I have actually this 3ist day of Deer 1861, paid the amount thereof, [Triplicates] IND. AGT., C.S.A. The Confederate States of America To D. SEALS Dr. 1861: Deer. 31 For Services rendered as Farmer at Wichita Agency L.D. from 1st Oct. to 3 1st Deer. 1861 inclusive, 3 months at $600.00 per an . $ 150.00 Received at Wichita Agency L.D. Deer. 3ist 1861 of M Leeper In- dian Agent C.S.A. One Hundred & fifty 00/100 Dollars in full of the above account. $150.00 DAVID SEALS, Farmer I certify that the above account is correct and just, and that I have actually this 31 day of Deer 1861, paid the amount thereof, [Triplicates] IND. ACT. C.S.A. FORT SMITH, January I3th, 1862. SIR: In compliance with your letter of instruction of the loth inst. I have the honor to present in detail the condition of affairs con- 34 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist nected with the Wichita Agency. In thus presenting my report I shall attempt to be governed by as much brevity as possible. In detailing the affairs of the people in my charge and of my action in reference to them it will become necessary to refer not only to the present but to their past history in Texas. There was a time in Texas when these people were in a prosperous and happy condition, and they advanced as rapidly in the arts of civilization during that time, perhaps, as any people ever did. But evil disposed persons in their vicinity and those not far distant on the frontiers of Texas be- came dissatisfied with their locality and determined to disperse and break them up. They continued their work of desolation until the indians were compelled to abandon their homes and seek a refuge west of the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations on the Leased District. In doing so they suffered many and very severe losses and privations. Numbers of their horses and cattle were driven off by their enemies and many things useful to them, were necessarily abandoned. Estimates were prepared of the amount of damage and submitted to the original United States Government but before any action was taken, the government dissolved and their just claims consequently failed. Therefore permit me most respectfully to suggest the pro- priety of immediately calling the attention of our Government and of the proper Department to the fact, in order that these people may obtain adequate remuneration. In reference to their habitations, they have nothing to claim. They have more and better houses than they had in Texas. The Commanches have eight or ten neatly hewn log cabins with good chimneys. Three double log hewn houses with good chimneys, to each room for the chief's in addition to a number of warm comfortable picket houses which they partly built themselves and covered with grass. In Texas they had but one house which belonged to the Chief, in the scramble for the spoils at the time of the abandonment of Fort Cobb by the federal troops they were not altogether behind for I have observed among them several new Sibley tents and a number of new common tents. The Tonkahwas have warm comfortable houses made of poles and grass such as they had in Texas. And for the chief I built a good double log house with chimneys to each room and a hall or passage in the centre, in which he now lives. The Anahdahkoes have quite a number of comfortable houses con- sisting of four double houses with chimneys to each room, passages in the centre and to some of them shed rooms attached. The re- Wichita Agency Papers 341 mainder consist of hewn log cabins and Picket houses such as they had in Texas covered with grass. The Caddoes also have quite a number of houses consisting of various double houses, single houses and picket houses. The Witchitas have no houses except such as they have built for themselves consisting of a net work of sticks and grass but they are warm and comfortable. They are not decided upon a permanent location and consequently refuse to have houses built. The Tahwac- carroes, Wacoes, Ionics and Kechies inhabit the same kind of houses as the Witchitas and like them have not decided upon a permanent location. The Shawnees and Delawares all have good comfortable cabins. In February last whilst at Washington I closed all my former ac- counts with the department of the Interior of the United States Gov- ernment and estimated for the first and second quarter of 1861 which estimates amounted to 13899 dollars and eighty-five cents. On my way to the Agency in the Indian Country prepared to carry out the designs and expectations of the government I was arrested by one Burrow who represented himself to be a general on the part of the State of Arkansas, who examined my papers and took from me one wagon four set of harness, one horse and seven mules, property which had been purchased by the United States government for the use and benefit of the Indians in my charge, all of which has been subsequently returned with the exception of two of the mules. After the wagon and mules were taken I hired transportation and proceeded to the Agency where I found the Indians in a high state of excitement and alarm; their fears having been excited by a Delaware Indian by the name of Jim Ned and other evil disposed persons, tattlers and tale bearers who are apt to be found loitering about Indian Reserves. In reference to the people of Texas, I succeeded in satisfying them that their apprehensions were groundless, let several contracts for breaking prairie and commenced to work generally in accordance with my estimates and the wishes of the Department. But soon after- wards my state (Texas) seceded from the Union and I determined no longer to act as a federal officer, and having no authority to act for the Confederate States, I delivered to the indians all the property in my possession which was held in trust for their benefit with the exception of two wagons which were used in my transportation, which together with one which had previously been loaned to the Com- missary are now reported on my property rolls. With a hope to 342 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist satisfy the indians until an agent should be appointed by the Confed- erate States (which I assured them would soon take place) I ex- pended the remainder of the money's in my hands for blankets tobacco and clothing for them, they being in a destitute condition, occasioned principally on account of losses sustained by their goods being sunk in the Arkansas River and by the fire at Fort Smith. The goods were intended to be duplicated and money's had been promised for that purpose in advance of their regular supply of goods of which the indians were apprised. Upon the withdrawal of Texas from the Union, they again became apprehensive of danger from the people of that State. I reminded them that I was a Texan, and in order that they might have a positive guaranty of safety, that they should have Texas troops to defend them. I made the application and Capt. Diamond's company arrived on the day of my departure. During the whole course of my operations as Commanche Agent, and more particularly the past year, my best efforts have been em- ployed with a hope to induce all the southern bands of Comanches to abandon their wandering habits become colonized and settle, that being the most effectual means, and by far the least expensive mode of checking their depredations on Texas, and finally by means of messengers and messages I induced them to come in on the first of August last and enter into treaty stipulations with Commissioner Pike. A train of untoward circumstances prevented the commissioner from complying strictly with his agreements with them which have cast a shade of discontent upon their minds, and they say that it is the cause of the non-compliance on their part, which was to settle on the reserve last fall and abandon their roving habits. This how- ever I do not believe: if the commissioner had met them at the time appointed (the falling of the leaves) with all the goods promised I am of opinion they would have received the goods made some excuse, and returned again to the prairies. Such has been the case of the other Comanches who have settled for several years and I think they would have done so too. Perhaps their stealing operations would not have been so extensive; but they say that that practice shall cease at any rate as long as they are friends with us. In November last I received a visit from a Kiowa chief by the name of "Big-head" who made many fine promises and agreed to settle on the reserve with his people, but in this I place but little reliance. The Kiowa's are a very numerous band. They are north- Wichita Agency Papers 343 ern indians and their principal range is from the sources of the Arkan- sas River to Bents Fort. Their principal chief originally contempti- ously spoke of the United States government and troops, notwith- standing he annually received a large amount of presents from that government, consisting of blankets, clothing, tobacco, rifles, powder and lead, etc. They now have a federal agent at Bent's Fort. During the past six months, but little has been done on the re- serve - 1 have had no means to accomplish much. The employees who have been engaged have suffered considerably with sickness dur- ing the months of September and October last. They have built a very comfortable double log house with a gallery in front and a stable which is partly finished to which a room is attached for the benefit of employees. Without such protection and security there is no safety for the public animals necessary to carry on the farming operations of the reserve. No troops being stationed on the Leased District I have been un- able to exercise the necessary control. The indians have been kept in a constant state of turmoil by false representations both in reference to myself and things affecting their individual interest. No Indian reserve can be conducted in a satisfactory manner either to the gov- ernment or indians without the cooperation of troops to enable the Agent to enforce the intercourse laws and eject disorderly persons from amongst them. No funds as yet have been received to meet the current expenses of the Agency, nor has any forage been furnished except twenty four bushels of corn and twelve of oats, which were received from Com- missioner Pike. The remainder of the forage which was used in sustaining two government animals and four private animals employed in the public service from the first of August until the last of October and from that time till the 3ist of December four additional public animals, was gathered up at the different corn houses which had been abandoned and were going to destruction at Fort Cobb, and a small amount purchased on my own responsibility from the contractor for supplying the indians. It is deemed useless to suggest additional plans of retrenchment and economy to the government as I am not advised as to the extent and nature of the design of its future operations in reference to the affairs of the reserve. With these facts submitted I have the honor to be Sir very respectfully Your obedient Servant [M. LEEPER.] E. Rector, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Southern Superintend- ency 344 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist WITCHITA AGENCY, Jan. 3ist., 1862. BRIG. GEN'L A. PIKE, Com'd'y Indian Territory. Sir : Enclosed please find muster roll of Reserve Indians enlisted in the services of the Confederate Government under your authority of the 3Oth Aug't, 1861 to M. Leeper, Indian Agent, to act as spies and for the protection of the Agency until relieved by Confederate forces. You will perceive that I enlisted them on the gth Sept. last and have made up the roll to the gth Feb'y, 1862, at which time I would respectfully suggest the disbandment of them as they have already served three months longer than they anticipated at the time of their enlistment and they are anxious to be disbanded at the expiration of this month. As much doubt has been expressed by the other Indians not en- listed, of these ever receiving pay for their services, I believe if they were paid off [it] would at once convince them of the integrity and honor of the Confederate Government and should any emergency hereafter arise they will more readily flock to the standard of our country. Having received special instructions from M. Leeper, Indian Agent, to remain at my post during his absence, I therefore forward these papers by Mr. John Shirley and authorize him to act for me in this matter. MUSTER ROLL OF RESERVE INDIANS MUSTERED IN- TO THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA UNDER COMMAND OF LIEUT. GEN'L H. P. JONES, SEPT. 9, 1861. HORSE BRIDLE&SADDLE RIFLE Bow, ETC. 1. Pinahontsama, Sergt. $60. $5.00 $25. $5.00 2. Pive-ahope Corpl. $60.00 $5.00 do. 5.00 3. Chick- a-poo 30.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 4. Charley Chickapoo 30.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 5. Somo 40.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 6. Boo-y-wy-sis-ka 50.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 7. Cu-be-ra-wipo 50.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 8. Ca-na-with 40.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 9. A-ri-ka-pap 55-OO 5.00 25.00 5.00 10. Pith-pa- wah 50.00 5.00 5.00 11. Pe-ah-ko-roh 35-OO 5.00 35-OO 5.00 Wichita Agency Papers 345 HORSE BRIDLE & SADDLE RIFLE Bow, ETC. 12. Jim Chickapoo 65.00 5.00 six shooter 25.00 5.00 13. Na-na-quathteh 40.00 5.00 5.00 14. To-no-kah 80.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 15. Ath-pah 25.00 5.00 Pistol #5- 5.00 16. Pe-ba-rah 30.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 17. Cur-su-ah 45.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 18. Cow-ah-dan Sept.23d. $60. 5.00 15.00 5.00 Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of David Seals & Dr. Bucket, Sept. 9, 1861. WICHITA AGENCY L. D. Feby the gth 1862 I certify on honor that I have received from Messrs Johnson & Grimes Seventeen hundred and fifty-four rations of Beef, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Soap, and Salt for the use of my Spy Company raised for the protection of the Wichita Agency by authority of Commis- sioner A. Pike as per letter dated Augt. 3Oth 1861 to M. Leeper Indian Agent H. P. JONES, Lt. Com'd'y. and Act'g C. of S. HEAD QUARTERS DEP'T OF IND'N TERRITORY, FORT McCuLLOCH, 23rd April 1862. SPECIAL ORDERS, No. - Lieut. Col. Harris, Commanding Chickasaw Battalion, will sta- tion four companies instead of two, of his Battalion, at Camp Mcln- tosh, and two only at Fort Arbuckle. He will consult with the Agent for the Reserve Indians, Col. Matthew Leeper, and do everything in his power to protect the Agency and the peaceful Indians on the Re- serve, placing, if necessary his troops at or near the Agency, and con- trolling the unruly Indians, by force of arms, if it becomes necessary. By order of Brig. Gen'l Com'd'g FAYETTE HEWITT A. A. General [Copy] May 7, 1862. Hon. Comr. Indian Affairs, enclosing copies from Gen'l Pike. WASHITA AGENCY, L.D. May 7, 1862. SIR: Enclosed herewith I have the honor to transmit for the in- formation of the Department the copy of a letter addressed to Gen'l Pike on the 1 3th April last, and his reply thereto; the troops promised by the General have not arrived nor have I any tidings from them. There can be no question, if the Confederate States desire to keep up this Agency and to continue their friendly relations with the In- 346 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist dians adjacent to the Reserve, that a strong garrison is necessary. The appearance of friendship could be maintained perhaps without it, but to put an entire stop to the depredations upon Texas, cannot be accomplished without the restraining influence of a military force ; a small force at all times here is necessary to enable the Agent to enforce the Intercourse Laws, and to expell from the Reserve, dis- orderly persons and idlers, hovering around the Indian Camps with- out any legitimate business or employment. I would further respect- fully suggest with all due deference to the military skill of Gen. Pike, that white troops would be infinitely better and far more avail- able in every particular than Indians. It is well known that the people of Texas adjacent to the Reserve have no very kind feelings for Indians generally, and if it should become necessary to exercise military authority over a Texan no matter who he is or however worthless he might be, if it was done by Indian soldiers, it would en- gender deep-rooted malice in the minds of very many of the Texan people against the troops, which, in all probability would militate largely against the interest of the Government. White troops have a greater influence upon the Indians than Indian troops would have, and understand more perfectly the obligations of enlisted men. In my letter to Gen. Pike, I gave it as an opinion that it would be better to either drive the Indians off, who are not located, or to re- quire them to settle on the Reserve. Various conversations had with them since that time has been the means of changing my opinion; I think by continuing the practice of giving them provisions and more supplies of presents when they visit the Agency will perhaps induce them to remain quiet and not disturb Texas, particularly if we pre- sent an array of troops sufficiently strong to chastise them in the event of their forfeiting their promises and acting a faithless part. To-day I held a Council with some of the wild chiefs, they made fair prom- ises, and promised to bring to the Agency on the 2Oth of June next, the other wild chiefs who have never visited this place, for the pur- pose of entering into a general treaty of peace, and they say they will use all their influence with the Kioways to restore the horses lately stolen from the Reserve Indians and cause those to treat likewise. If it should be the desire of the Government for me to have them sign the Treaty with such amendments or alterations as may be suggested, there would not be the slightest difficulty in the way, it can be accom- plished without any further parade or expense, except the ordinary supply of provision and a few small presents in the way of goods. Wichita Agency Papers 347 Allow me to direct the attention of the Department to the fact that the present Contract for furnishing rations to the Indians will expire, I am told, on the i6th August next, (I have never been furnished with a copy) and that it will be necessary in order to give satisfaction to the public to give at least a month's notice of the time and place, a new one will be let and having been informed that the next Contract would be let at this agency, and that the local agent would be charged with the duty, I deem it necessary immediately to repair to Fort Smith to await instructions and other necessary papers in reference to my official station and to receive funds for the present and to forward an estimate for the ensuing fiscal year. May 8th. To-day I was visited by quite a number of chiefs belonging to the wild Comanches who have never been here before. They say they are desirous of making a perpetual and ever-lasting peace with the Southern people, the fourth of July is appointed for a general gather- ing in Council of all the Chiefs and principal men belonging to the Comanches for the purpose of entering into a general and lasting peace upon the same terms and conditions which are offered those already settled. I appointed the 4th of July that I might have an opportunity in the mean time of consulting with and ascertaining the pleasure of the Government in reference to them. I am of the opinion that three or four thousand dollars worth of goods furnished upon that occasion and distributed to them as presents would have a beneficial effect. I learn from them that four white men and four Indians were recently killed on the Llano, Texas that the Indians were returning from Mexico & without knowing anything of the friendly relations which now exist between our people and theirs, they stopped as usual, stole a parcel of horses, were pursued and the killing aforementioned was the consequence, they assert that they will control their people hereafter from depredating upon Texas, and that if any of their bad men should cross Red River that they will give immediate notice of the fact that they may be overtaken and killed, and if they should escape notice steal horses and return they will immediately take them from them, deliver them to the Agent with information in reference to the place from which they were taken, so the owners can recover them again. With these facts submitted, I have the honor to be very respect- fully, Your Obedient Servant (Sgd.) M. LEEPER, Indian Agent, C.S.A. 348 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist COPY TO BRIG. GEN'L A. PIKE, APR. 13, 1862. IN REF- ERENCE TO THE CONDUCTING OF THE RESERVE COMANCHES AND WILD BANDS OF COMANCHES, AL- SO REQUESTING A MILITARY FORCE TO BE STA- TIONED ON THE RESERVE WASHITA AGENCY, L.D. April 13, 1862. BRIG. GEN'L A. PIKE, Com'd'g of Indian Terr'y Sir: It becomes my duty under official instructions to keep you advised of the feelings and bearings of the Indians on the Reserve and more particularly of the wild bands adjacent to it who profess friendship for us. The recent friendly relations which have been professed on the part of the Indians and attempted to be cultivated on our part have produced an opposite result upon the Comanche Reserve Indians from that which was anticipated, boys who have been partly reared upon the Reserve and who hitherto have conducted themselves with the greatest propriety are now unruly and are subject to the most unbridled passions and unheard of improprieties, they have destroyed pretty much all the poultry belonging to Dr. Shirley, have shot arrows into his milk cows, killed several of the beeves be- longing to the contractor. They are in the habit of shooting beeves full of arrows in the beef pen before they are issued, killing some of them and rendering others unable to be driven to the different In- dian encampments, this practice was repeated on yesterday in the presence of the chiefs, when one of the interpreters, Mr. H. P. Jones, admonished Buffalo Hump to check such outrages and reprove the boys for such improprieties, but was fiercely turned upon by the old Indian and abused in the most unmeasured terms, the boys then rode to the Agency, approached the horse lot and one of them was just in the act of shooting a horse, I succeeded in preventing him from doing so myself. Those wild fellows come in, hold war dances and scalp dances, speak of their agility in stealing horses and of their prowress in taking scalps of white men and Mexicans, and of the rapture with which they are received and amorous embraces of the young damsels on their return until the young men heretofore inclined to lead an idle but civil life on the Reserve are driven mad with excitement, some of them have left, others are going today with the wild Indians for the ostensible purpose I am told of depredating upon Mexico, but really, in my opinion upon Texas, many depredations have recently been com- Wichita Agency Papers 349 mitted upon that frontier, and lately an Anahdahko Indian and a negro belonging to that band crossed Red River, stole five horses, killed three of them and returned home on the other two, they alledge that it would not have taken place, but for the want of the restraining influence of the Chief who was absent at Fort Davis for presents (this is a mere subterfuge of course). The wild Indians are principally located within two days ride of this place and I suppose could muster two thousand warriors, when they come here they are rather impudent and insolent in their demands and upon one occasion threatened to force the doors of the Commis- sary and help themselves. A few days since three of their young men forcibly opened one of the doors of Dr. Shirley's house and attempted to enter his wife's bed chamber. They were met by the doctor at the door who, after a scuffle and slight altercation with one of them caused them to desist. Many horses have recently been stolen from the Reserve Indians, some of which are known to have been taken by the bands professing friendship, who promised to restore them. I am clearly of the opinion that this Reserve cannot be sustained without a strong military force, and that it would be much better to require those wild fellows either to settle on the Reserve or quit the country, at present they appear to make it a place of convenience, to rest, feed and recruit themselves, on their return from a stealing ex- pedition, and to procure provisions and a suitable outfit, the better to enable them to prosecute their fiendish designs. Therefore permit me respectfully to solicit j^ou to furnish at the shortest practicable period a strong mounted force, say one Regiment at least to be situated here to act in concert with the Civil Authorities in holding those Indians in check, preventing the forays in Texas and in regulating the affairs of the Reserve. I would also with due deference suggest the name of Col. Alexander of Sherman, as a gentleman eminently qualified for the service. Texas troops would be more available here at present than any others, for the Indians have an instinctive dread of them. In the event that it should become absolutely necessary in the absence of suitable protection to abandon the Reserve, a suggestion from you in reference to the proper course to be taken would be ac- ceptable, my notion is to fall back upon Red River or into Texas with all the Indians who are true to the South and if overtaken by the way, defend to the last extremity. 350 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist All my official correspondence I report to the Department but before I could get an expression of opinion from that source, it would probably be too late to avail anything. I shall feel obliged for a reply by the messenger. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant. [M. LEEPER] JONES 594 TO PIKE I have the honor to inform you that the reserve Comanche indians enlisted in the service of the Confederate States by your authority of the 3Oth August 1861 were on the gth April last disbanded with the consent and knowledge of Col. M. Leeper indian agent The reason for so doing was that latterly they would not remain at their encamp- ment and their horses were never at hand when wanted. JONES 595 TO PIKE The indians placed in my charge by your order for the protection of this agency finally proved uncontrollable and utterly useless, and were therefore with the knowledge and consent of the Agent dis- charged on the 1 3th of April last. . . [On the nth of August, 1862, Agent S. G. Colley transmitted to Dole from Fort Larned two documents, 590 one of which he thought reflected upon the loyalty or honesty of Capt. Whittenhall, formerly commanding at Fort Larned.] (A) I have this day received of Lone Wolf a chief Kiowas a paper from Albert Pike of the so-called S.C. which I will give to him again and another to the said Albert Pike after the Indian agent shall distribute the goods to the Indians. D. S. WHITTENHALL, Capt. Com'd'g Post. July 22, 1862 [Endorsement] A true copy. J. H. LEAVENWORTH, Col. 2nd Reg't C.V. (B) WICHITA AGENCY L.D., May 3ist, 1862. The bearer E-sa-sem-mus Kiowa Chief has visited and promised on the part of their tribe to be friendly with the people of Texas and 594 H. P. Jones, late lieutenant-commanding to Brigadier-general A. Pike, commanding Indian Territory, dated Washita Agency L.D., May 8, 1862. 595 H. P. Jones to Pike, dated Washita Agency, May 8, 1862. 596 Indian Office, Land Files, Upper Arkansas, 1855-1865, 1749. Wichita Agency Papers 351 ourselves it is hoped that so long as they carry out that promise they will be treated kindly. M. LEEPER, Ind. Agt. C.S.A. per C. A. ZICHEL [Endorsement] A true copy. J. H. LEAVENWORTH Col. 2nd Reg't C.V. LEEPER TO PIKE WASHITA AGENCY, L.D., June 26, 1862. BRIG. GEN'L A. PIKE, Com'd'y Ind. Terr'y and Act'g Superintendent. Sir: Being desirous of keeping you advised of all my official oper- ations, enclosed herewith you will please find a copy of requests made by Capts. Hart & James. I found those officers courteous and prompt, and manifesting an unreserved degree of willingness to aid me in carrying out the designs of the Confederate States of America in sustaining the Reserve and giving satisfaction to the Indians located thereon. I learn that an annual festival or dance of the Kioways and the wild Comanche bands is expected to be held about this time, which may detain them beyond the 4th of July, and with a view to have reliable information in reference to the matter and ascertain the pre- cise time they may be expected here, three or four days since I dis- patched To-sha-hua and Pinahontsama to visit their encampments for the purpose ; they will return in about six days. Upon the arrival of the Kioway Chiefs here, I shall have your excellent address care- fully interpreted to them and get them to sign the Treaty. If it should be your pleasure they should do so, I apprehend that I can take all the Comanche Chiefs and the Kioway Chiefs to your Head Quarters, which I will cheerfully do, in that event however they would naturally expect in addition to their daily supply of food a few presents in the way of clothing and tobacco. The present fiscal year is now within a few days of being closed, the employees on the Reserve and the trader from whom small pres- ents have been purchased for the Indians are unpaid, no funds have been furnished for the purpose except fifteen hundred dollars which was handed me by the late Superintendent and was in part used in liquidation of my own Salary and the remainder, say six or seven hundred dollars, in the payment of employees, for the want of funds I have been unable to close my account, they will all be ready, how- 352 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist ever, on the first of July, and if you should be in possession of funds for the purpose, after the anticipated meeting of the Indians here, if it should meet your approbation, I will take the accounts to your Head Quarters and submit them to your inspection in order that they may be closed, provided it is inconvenient for you to transmit the money to me. I desire to call your attention particularly to the fact that the present Contract for supplying the Indians with rations on the Reserve will terminate I am told (I have never been favored with a copy) on the 1 6th of August next, and it therefore would seem proper that a new contract should be let in time for the Contractor to have his supplies in readiness for delivery at that time, and it is but justice to Mr. Chas. B. Johnson, the present Contractor to say that he has complied with his Contract to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, kept ample supplies at all times on hand, and disposed to be pleasant and obliging not only to the Indians, but to all other persons with whom he has had business to transact. When the Kioways arrive I apprehend they will have many horses and mules in their possession which will be identified by the Texas people here as the property of people living in Texas; the friendly relations and recent social intercourse of these Indians with those of the wild bands has been the cause of introducing here several horses and mules of that description already. My original instruc- tions under the United States Government was to take possession of all such property and have them delivered to their proper owners, but if a course of that kind was now pursued it would at once defeat the Treaty with the wild bands and cause them to recommence their depredations with increased violence and renewed vigor. The loth Article of the recent Treaty reads thus: It is distinctly understood by the said four bands of the Ne-um, the State of Texas is one of the Confederate States, and joins in this Con- vention, and signs it when the Commissioner signs it, and is bound by it; and that all hostilities and enmities between it and them are now ended, and are to be forgotten and forgiven forever on both sides. Also the I gth Article commencing at the I5th line reads thus: And the same things in all respects are also hereby offered to the Kio- ways and agreed to be given them, if they will settle in said Country, atone for the murders and robberies they have lately committed and show a resolution to lead an honest life; to which end the Confederate States send the Kioways with this talk, the wampum of peace and the bullet of war, for them to take their choice, now and for all time to come. Wichita Agency Papers 353 But the Treaty is silent in reference to the manner in which the owners of property lost in that manner are to be remunerated. In a consultation which I held with Capts Hart and James we determined to take proof in reference to the ownership of the prop- erty, place a fair valuation upon it and submit it to the Confederate Government for their approbation, approval, and allowance, pro- vided, however, that it should meet your approbation in the first place. A short time since a delegation from all the tribes here except the Tonkahwas and Comanches visited the Kioways to obtain from them their horses which were stolen by the Kioways, one of the Waco Chiefs has returned and says they delivered to him ten of the stolen horses, were disposed to be friendly and said all of them should be given up, but after he left a Wichita stole from the Kioways twenty- one horses and a Caddo four and have brought them to the Reserve. I held a consultation with the Chiefs in reference to the matter in which it was determined that the horses should be taken from those who stole them and returned to the Kioways immediately after the return of the Wichita Chief La-sa-di-wah, who will report the facts as they are. In all my official relations I have avoided, as far as possible, in- curring useless or unnecessary expenses, and now the troubled condi- tion of the country would seem to render it doubly necessary, allow me therefore to suggest that the office of Commissiary is a sinecure, a useless expenditure of public money to the Government and an in- jury to the public service, it has never been allowed before at an Agency where an agent could be present and witness the issues him- self, the Interpreters necessarily have to be present, and heretofore have witnessed the issues, the Commissary merely being an impartial weigher between the Contractor and the Indians which can be done just as well by one of the Interpreters without incurring any addi- tional expense to the Government. One of the greatest injuries which I have met with during a term of more than five years service, has been experienced from officious meddlers, idlers and tale-bearers who are apt to hover round Indian encampments, and I have never found one more so than the present Commissary. J. J. Sturm who spends the principal part of his time at the Indian encampments pretends to know more than anyone else, palpably neglects the instructions given him and has produced more disquiet on the Reserve than has been produced from all other causes, he would have been suspended and reported long since, but I was ap- 354 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist prehensive that it might be supposed that I was actuated from vin- dictive feelings towards him on account of an injury which he at- tempted to inflict upon me. At the close of the present Contract if you should deem it necessary to continue such an office, I hope a more suitable man will be appointed. At the close of the present fiscal year I shall report in detail every- thing connected with the Reserve and the Indians thereon, the ex- penses thereof and the reasons and necessities for so doing. I am sir, Very respectfully, Your obt. servant. [M. LEEPER] LEEPER TO PIKE Copy to Brig. Gen'l Albert Pike, Acting Supt., Comr., Etc., in refer- ence to making a treaty with the Kioway Indians and the signing of the amendments of Congress. WASHITA AGENCY, L.D., July n, 1862. BRIG. GEN'L ALBERT PIKE, & Act'g Superintendent, Commissioner, etc., Sir: In compliance with your instructions and authority, I have this day entered into Treaty stipulations with the Kioway Indians and all the wild Comanche bands with the exception of the Kua-ha- ra-tet-sa-co-no who inhabit the western portion of the "Staked Plains," and with those I am negotiating and shall probably conclude a treaty of peace in September or October next. Those who treated in August last have also signed and adopted amendments of Congress. They retired well satisfied with themselves, and with the action of the Confederate Government, consequently peace and quietness may be expected to prevail in future upon the frontier of Texas, provided, however, that a band of fugitives from the various clans who have congregated on the Pecos, numbering it is said one hundred and fifty or two hundred, governed by no law and disposed to spread desolation wherever they go, are destroyed or our troops can receive aid from the bands who have treated in hunting down and destroying those "fel- lows". I am sir, Very respectfully, Your obt. ser't [M. LEEPER] Ind. Agency, C.S.A. NOTICE As Agent and Acting Commissioner on the part of the Confederate States of America, I have entered into Solemn Treaty stipulations of perpetual friendship and peace with the Kioway Indians and wild Wichita Agency Papers 355 bands of Comanches except the Kna-ha-ra-tet-sa-co-no whose habita- tions are on the Western extremity of the "Staked Plains" and with those I am negotiating and will probably conclude a treaty some time in September next. Therefore perfect peace and quietness may soon be expected to prevail on the Texas frontier. In order to convince the Indians of our sincerity and punctuality, it is necessary to comply strictly with the Treaty, and to do that, the Government expects me to employ four or five farmers and twenty laborers which I desire to do; farmers with families would be pre- ferred, to whom fifty dollars per month and rations will be given, and to laborers twenty-five dollars per month and rations, negro men would be preferred. At present there is not the slightest danger there, the agency is one of the most quiet and peaceful places within the limits of the Confederate Government. Apply to the undersigned who will remain a few days in Sherman and afterward at the Washita Agency. July 2 ist 1862. LEEPER [?] TO PARKS SHERMAN, TEXAS, July 28th, 1862. MR. ROBERT W. PARKS, Sir, - Enclosed you will please find the copy of a letter of instruc- tions to me from Gen'l Pike the Acting Superintendent of Indian Affairs (addressed to you) in reference to fifteen thousand dollars appropriated by the Government to purchase farming utensils, oxen, wagons and stock animals for Indians located on the Washita Reserve, which fund was handed to you. The direction of the expenditures of the fund legitimately belongs to the local Agent who is alone sup- posed to know the amount and description of articles necessary to be purchased for the Indians, hence Gen'l Pike's letter. Before making any of the purchases indicated it would be well to see me in order to ascertain the amount and description required, the Indians already have been furnished with a few wagons, oxen and farming utensils, in fact in reference to farming implements they are well enough sup- plied with the exception of weeding hoes and axes; and in reference to the stock animals to be purchased I would like to have a distinct understanding with regard to the quality and the price ; a responsible gentleman whom I met here is willing to furnish cows and calves, 356 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist the cows not to exceed six years old delivered at the agency at sixteen dollars; therefore I should be unwilling to receive on the part of the Government animals of that description at a higher price in the ab- sence of positive instructions to that effect; the quantity also to be purchased is an important item. If you will take the trouble to visit the Agency, I will give you an exact description of the articles necessary to be purchased and will give you the preference as a contractor for furnishing the same. A copy of this letter will be furnished the Acting Superintendent Gen'l Pike, and the Department. Very respectfully, Your obt sevt. [M. LEEPER] WASH., ARK., Aug. 19, 1862. COLONEL: I have forwarded you letters to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Having resigned and been deprived of command in the Indian Country, I am also relieved of duty as Acting Superin- tendent, for which crowning mercy, God be thanked. Mr. Parks returned on receiving your letter and refunded me $15,000 placed in his hands, except $200, paid for a mowing ma- chine. I have deposited the residue, with all other Indian moneys, (Coin and paper), in a safe place, and so advised the Commissioner. As soon as a new Superintendent is appointed, I hope to get rid of it all. If you had written me, before, what you write now, in regard to McKusken[?], you would not have had to complain that I frustrated your efforts. You sent him to me it is true, but with no such charges, and consequently left me bound to pay him off. I had employed him, and no showing was made to me that he did not deserve his pay. I hear the charges now for the first time. As to the corn at Cobb, I think you are misinformed. When I returned there last fall I found it difficult to get a small quantity, because the officer in Command said they needed it all; although the troops were on the point of leaving. I know it had been so wasted that there was not much left and what was left, you needed, as you had none. I wonder you did not send your wagons and get it, as soon as the troops left, if there was any remaining, and account for it. I was sorry to hear that you had made unkind remarks in regard to myself, and though apparently my friend, were secretly my enemy - and I am truly glad to receive your flat contradiction. I have never had any unkind feelings towards you, and was glad to believe after Wichita Agency Papers 357 meeting you this Summer, that you had none towards me. For any imputations against yourself in your official capacity, you are indebted in chief measure to Major Rector who made them openly, anywhere, and in the presence of many. What Mr. Sturm said was not said willingly, but drawn from him. He showed a great disinclination to say anything against you. Believe me, I would now, as always for years past, rather serve than injure you. And I sincerely hope our friendly relations may continue. I expect to settle not far from you and will always gladly aid in cultivating friendship with the Indians and enabling you to succeed with them. I am very truly yours ALBERT PIKE Col. M. Leeper C.S. Agent Etc. DESHLER 597 TO LEEPER Gen. Holmes in reply to your letter of I7th inst. just received, instructs me to say, that Gen. Hindman is going to take command of all the troops in the Indian country, he starts in a day or two. Col. W. P. Lane's Reg't has been ordered to Fort Arbuckle. The gen. com'd'g thinks these measures will be sufficient to insure quiet in your region, but instructs me to say that if he knew of any avail- able force in Texas he would have no objection to sending 5 or 6 Companies to you, but there are no troops available other than Col. Lane's Reg't already ordered to Arbuckle. 597 James Deshler to Leeper, dated Little Rock, Sept 28, 1862. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY I. GENERAL ACCOUNT OF DOCUMENTARY SOURCES. The material for this book has been drawn almost entirely from documentary sources and, in a very large measure, from unpublished documentary sources; namely, the manuscript records of the United States Indian Office. Those records to-day are in a very disorganized state, largely due to change of system and to the many removals to which they have been subjected within the last few years. At the time when they were examined for the purposes of the present work, such of them as were not included in Registers, Letter Books, and Report Books were classified as Land Files, General Files, Special Files, Emigration Files, Miscellaneous Files, Star Files, and the like, the basis of classification being, convenience in the current and routine work of the office. The individual files were arranged according to tribe, agency, or superintendency and every incoming letter had its own file mark. It had a letter to designate the transmitter, that letter being the initial of the transmitter's surname or of the office he represented, and it had a number to indicate its rank in a series, all the papers of which bore the same initial letter and had been received in the same given year. Finally, it was rated as belonging to a particular tribe, agency, or superintendency and to a particular file. In the autumn of 1911, an attempt was made to consolidate the old Land and General Files with the result that now they are no longer distinct from each other; but it has seemed best not to change the reference in the citations. The year, the letter, and the number are permanent indices and, with them at hand, there ought to be no difficulty in the locating of a paper, except for the fact that nearly everything in the United States Indian Office seems, just now, rather transitory and chaotic. Had the inaugural ball for 1913 not been dispensed with, the plan was, to use the records as the base for the band-stand, a decidedly interesting reflection, one must admit, upon the popular notion of the value of the national archives. Among the manuscripts used in the preparation of the present 360 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist work, were two collections of papers that came into the United States Indian Office out of the regular course of its official business. In the citations, one is noted as Leeper Papers, and the other as Fort Smith Papers. Their history, since they came into the Indian Office, proves how urgent is the need for a Hall of Records. Inasmuch as these papers were not required for the every-day business of the office, they were packed away, years and years ago, along with a lot of other commercially useless papers, in huge boxes and stored in the attic of the old Post-office Building. There they were left to be forgotten. In the course of time, the Office of Indian Affairs was moved from the old Post-office Building to the Pension Building; but the packing- boxes in the attic were inadvertently left behind. One day, however, the writer discovered that papers, found at the Wichita Agency at the time Agent Leeper was killed, October, 1862, had really come into the Indian Office; but the question was, where were they? A search high and low was totally without success until it developed that the packing-boxes in the attic were supposed to contain "useless" papers and were still in the old Post-office Building. Permission was obtained to have them examined and, for this purpose, they were transferred to the Pension Building. Among their contents was found a number of interesting and valuable documents which very likely would soon have been lost forever, destroyed by the General Land Office because abandoned by the Indian. The contents included, besides the Leeper Papers for which the search had been especially conducted, letter-books of Michigan territorial governors, file-boxes of all sorts, and a mass of Confederate stuff, brought from Fort Smith. The last-named proved a veritable mine of wealth. It comprised the occasional correspondence of Cooper, Cowart, Crawford, Drew, Dean, Rector, Pike, and many others whose official life had brought them into contact with the Indians. It was all very suggestive and remunerative. To supplement the manuscripts an exhaustive search of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion has been made and with good results. It is a pity that the material in the Official Records is so badly arranged and so much of it duplicated and often triplicated. Had it been better edited and better indexed, the danger of over- looking important documents would have been minimized a hundred- fold. The volumes found particularly useful for Indian participation in the Civil War were the following: First Series, vols. i; iii; iv; viii; ix; xiii; xxii, parts I and 2; Bibliography 361 xxvi, parts I and 2; xxxiv, parts i, 2, and 3; xli, parts I, 2, 3, and 4; xlviii, parts I and 2; liii, supplement. Third Series, vols. i; ii; iii. Fourth Series, vols. i; ii; iii. II. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SOURCES AMERICAN ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, 1861-1865, inclusive (New York). ARKANSAS. Journal of the House of Representatives for the Thirteenth Session of the General Assembly, November 5, 1860 January 21, 1 86 1 (Little Rock, 1861). Journal of the Convention, 1861. Messages of the Governors. BUCHANAN, JAMES. Works, collected and edited by John Basset Moore (Philadelphia, 1908-1911), 12 vols. CAIRNES, J. E. Slave Power: its character, career, and probable designs (New York, 1863), pamphlet. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Journal of the Congress, 1861- 1865. (United States Senate Executive Documents, 58th con- gress, second session, no. 234). Provisional and permanent constitutions; and acts and reso- lutions of the first session of the Provisional Congress (Richmond, 1861). Special orders of the adjutant and inspector general's office, 1862 (Richmond, 1862). CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E., editor. Provisional government of Ne- braska Territory and the Journals of William Walker [Lincoln, Nebraska, 1899]. DEAN, CHARLES W. Letter Book, May 26, 1855 to December 31, 1856 (Manuscript in United States Indian Office). DREW, THOMAS S. Letter Book, June i, 1853 to June i, 1854 (Manuscript in United States Indian Office). FORT SMITH PAPERS. A miscellaneous collection of manuscript materials, transmitted from Fort Smith, Arkansas, at the close of the Civil War. Among them is the fragment of one of Elias Rector's Letter Books. Minutes of the private meetings of the commissioners, 1865 (Land Files, Indian Talks, Councils, etc., Box 4). HAGOOD, JOHNSON. Memoirs of the War of Secession from the original manuscripts of Johnson Hagood (Columbia, S.C., 1912). 362 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist KAPPLER, CHARLES J., compiler and editor. Indian affairs: Laws and Treaties (United States Senate Documents, 58th congress, Second session, no. 319), 2 vols. LEEPER PAPERS. Manuscripts, chiefly letters written or received by Matthew Leeper, successively United States and Confederate States Indian Agent, brought from the Wichita Agency after the massacre of October, 1862. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Writings, edited by A. B. Lapsley (New York, 1905-1906), 8 vols. Complete Works, edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay (New York, 1894), 2 vols. McPHERSON, EDWARD. Political history of the United States of America during the Great Rebellion (Washington, 1864). MASON, EMILY V. Southern poems of the war (Baltimore, 1867). MATTHEWS, JAMES M., editor. Statutes at Large of the Confed- erate States of America from February 8, 1861 to February 18, 1862, together with the constitution of the provisional government and the permanent constitution of the Confederate States, and the treaties concluded by the Confederate States with the Indian tribes (Richmond, 1864). Statutes at Large of the first congress of the Confederate States of America (Richmond, 1862), pamphlet. Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, com- mencing the first session of the first congress and including the first session of the second congress (Richmond, 1864). MISSOURI. Adjutant-general's report of the Missouri State Militia for 1 86 1 (St. Louis, 1862). MOORE, FRANK, editor. Diary, or Rebellion record (New York, 1868), ii vols. and a supplementary volume for 1861-1864. NEWSPAPERS. Arkansas Baptist (Little Rock). Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock). Arkansas Intelligencer (Van Buren). Arkansas True Democrat (Little Rock). Chronicle, The (Little Rock). Daily National Democrat (Little Rock). Daily State Journal (Little Rock). National Democrat (Little Rock). State Rights Democrat, The (Little Rock). Unconditional Union (Little Rock). Weekly Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock). Bibliography 363 PHISTERER, FREDERICK. Statistical record of the armies of the United States (New York, 1890). Supplementary volume to the Campaigns of the Civil War Series. PIKE, ALBERT. Poems, edited by his daughter, Mrs. Lillian Pike Roome (Little Rock, 1900). RAINES, C. W., editor. Six decades in Texas, or the memoirs of F. R. Lubbock (Austin, 1890). RECTOR, ELIAS. Letter Book. A Fragment. Ms. in United States Indian Office among the Fort Smith Papers. Many of the letters have been almost obliterated by exposure. RICHARDSON, JAMES D., editor. Compilation of the messages and papers of the Confederacy, including the diplomatic correspondence (Nashville, 1905), 2 vols. Compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents, 1789-1897 (Washington, 1896-1899), 10 vols. SEWARD, WILLIAM H. Works, edited by G. E. Baker (New York, 1853-1884), 5 vols. SMITH, WILLIAM R. History and debates of the convention of the people of Alabama, January 7, 1861 (Montgomery, 1861). TEXAS. Ordinances and resolutions of the convention held in the city of Austin, January 28, 1861, to February 24, 1861 (Austin, i860. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Attorney-general, opinions, 1791- 1908 (Washington, 1852-). Report of Covode committee, 1860 (House Reports, 36th congress, first session, no. 648). Report of select committee to investigate abstraction of bonds held in trust by the United States government for the Indian tribes (House Reports, 36th congress, second session, no. 78). Department of the Interior, Reports of the Secretary, 1861- 1865, inclusive. Office of Indian Affairs, Land Files, General Files, Miscel- laneous Files, and Special Files. Office of Indian Affairs, Letter Books [letters sent] : No. 50, August 28, 1854 to February 20, 1855. 51, February 21, 1855 to J une I2 > ^SS- 52, June 13, 1855 to October 27, 1855. 53, October 29, 1855 to March 19, 1856. 54, March 20, 1856, to July 30, 1856. 55, July 3* '856 to December 31, 1856. 56, January 2, 1857 to May 25, 1857. 57, May 26, 1857 to October 31, 1857. 364 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist " 58, November 2, 1857 to April 30, 1858. " 59 May i, 1858 to October 23, 1858. " 60, October 25, 1858 to April 29, 1859. " 61, April 30, 1859 to August 23, 1859. " 62, August 24, 1859 to February 9, 1860. " 63, February 10, 1860 to June 26, 1860. " 64, June 27, 1860 to December 7, 1860. " 65, December 8, 1860 to June i, 1861. " 66, June 3, 1861 to October 23, 1861. " 67, October 24, 1861 to March 25, 1862. " 68, March 26, 1862 to August 7, 1862. " 69, August 8, 1862 to January 20, 1863. " 70, January 20, 1863 to June 5, 1863. " 71, June 5, 1863 to October 14, 1863. " 72, October 15, 1863 to January 8, 1864. " 73, January 9, 1864 to April 23, 1864. " 74, April 25, 1864 to July 28, 1864. " 75) July 28, 1864 to December 7, 1864. " 76, December 8, 1864 to April 4, 1865. " 77, April 4, 1865 to August 3, 1865. " 78, August 3, 1865 to December 8, 1865. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Office of Indian Affairs, Registers (letters received) : No. 44, January 4, 1855 to July 31, 1855. " 45, August i, 1855 to December 31, 1855. " 46, January i, 1856 to June 30, 1856. " 47, July i, 1856 to December 31, 1856. " 48, January i, 1857 to June 30, 1857. " 49, July i, 1857 to December 31, 1857. " 50, January i, 1858 to June 25, 1858. " 51, June 25, 1858 to December 29, 1858. " 52, December 30, 1858 to June 27, 1859. " 53, June 28, 1859 to December 31, 1859. " 54, January i, 1860 to June i, 1860. " S5> June *> 1860 to December 31, 1860. " 56, January i, 1861 to June 30, 1861. " 57> J u ^y J i J 86i to December 31, 1861. " 58, January i, 1862 to July i, 1862. " 59 July *> '862 to December 31, 1862. " 60, January i, 1863 to June 30, 1863. " 61, July i, 1863 to January 2, 1864. " 62, January 2, 1864 to May 30, 1864. " 63, June i, 1864 to December 31, 1864. " 64, January i, 1865 to June 30, 1865. " <>5 July i, 1865 to December 29, 1865. Bibliography 365 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Office of Indian Affairs, Report Books : No. 8, May i, 1854 to August 9, 1855. " 9, August 10, 1855 to December 31, 1856. " 10, January i, 1857 to March 31, 1858. " ii, April i, 1858 to September 2, 1860. " 12, September 3, 1860 to December 9, 1862. " 13, December 12, 1862 to August 19, 1864. " 14, August 20, 1864 to December 12, 1865. Department of War, Reports of the Secretary, 1861-1865, inclusive. Statutes at Large (Boston, 1850 -). WAR OF THE REBELLION. Compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies (Washington), 129 serial volumes and an index volume. WELLES, GIDEON. Diary (Boston, 1911), 3 vols. III. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORITIES ABBOTT, LUTHER J. History and Civics of Oklahoma (Boston, 1910). ABEL, ANNIE HELOISE. Indians in the Civil War (American His- torical Review, vol. xv, 281-296). Indian reservations in Kansas and the extinguishment of their titles (Kansas Historical Society, Collections, vol. viii, 72-109). History of events resulting in Indian consolidation west of the Mississippi River (American Historical Association, Report, 1906). Proposals for an Indian State in the Union, 1778-1878 (American Historical Association, Report, 1907, vol. i, 89-102). ADAMS, RICHARD C. Brief history of the Delaware Indians (Senate Documents, 59th congress, first session, no. 501). ALEXANDER, GROSS. History of the Methodist Church South (New York, 1894). BANCROFT, FREDERIC. Life of William H. Seward (New York, 1900), 2 vols. BAPTIST HOME MISSIONS in North America, 1832-1882. Published by the American Baptist Home Missionary Society, New York, 1883. BISHOP, ALBERT WEBB. Loyalty on the frontier, or sketches of union men of the southwest (St. Louis, 1863). 366 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist BOUDINOT, ELIAS C. Speech delivered before the House Committee on Territories, February 7, 1872 (Washington, 1872), pamphlet. Oklahoma, an argument before the House Committee on Ter- ritories, January 29, 1878 (Alexandria, 1878), pamphlet. BREWERTON, G. DOUGLAS. War in Kansas (New York, 1856). BRIGHAM, JOHNSON. James Harlan (Iowa City, la., 1913). BRITTON, WILEY. Memoirs of the rebellion on the border, 1863 (Chicago, 1882). Civil War on the border, 1861-1862 (New York, 1891). BROUGH, CHARLES HILLMAN. Historic battlefields (Arkansas His- torical Society, Publications, vol. i, 278-285). BROWN, GEORGE W. Reminiscences of Governor R. J. Walker, with the true story of the rescue of Kansas from slavery (Rock- ford, 111., 1902). BRUCE, HENRY. Life of General Houston (New York, 1891). CALLAHAN, JAMES MORTON. Diplomatic history of the southern confederacy (Baltimore, 1901). CHEROKEE INDIANS. Memorial of the delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the president and congress of the United States (Wash- ington Chronicle Print, 1886). CHESHIRE, JOSEPH BLUNT. Church in the Confederate States (New York, 1912). CONNELLEY, WILLIAM ELSEY. James Henry Lane (Topeka, 1899). Quantrill and the border wars (Cedar Rapids, 1910). CORDLEY, RICHARD. History of Lawrence (Lawrence, 1895). DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Rise and fall of the Confederate government (New York, 1881), 2 vols. DELAWARE INDIANS. Report on the military service (United States Senate Documents, 6ist congress, first session, no. 134). DRAPER, J. W. History of the American Civil War (New York, 1867-1870), 3 vols. EVANS, GENERAL CLEMENT A., editor. Confederate military his- tory (Atlanta, 1899), 10 vols. FITE, EMERSON DAVID. Presidential campaign of 1860 (New York, 1911). FLEMING, WALTER L. Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama (New York, 1905). FOULKE, WILLIAM DUDLEY. Life of Oliver P. Morton (Indian- apolis, 1899), 8 vols. Bibliography 367 GARRISON, W. P. and F. J. GARRISON. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879 (Boston, 1894), 4 v ls- GIHON, JOHN H. Geary and Kansas (Philadelphia, 1866). GOODLANDER, C. W. Memoirs and recollections of the early days of Fort Scott (Fort Scott, Kans., 1899). GREELEY, HORACE. American Conflict (Hartford, 1864-1867), 2 vols. HALLUM, JOHN. Biographical and pictorial history of Arkansas (Albany, 1887). HILL, LUTHER B. History of the state of Oklahoma (Chicago, 1908), 8 vols. HODDER, FRANK HEYWOOD. The Genesis of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (Wisconsin State Historical Society, Proceedings for 1912, pp. 69-86), (Madison, 1913), pamphlet. HOLLOW AY, JOHN N. History of Kansas to 1861 (Lafayette, Ind., 1868). HOLST, HERMANN VON. Constitutional and political history of the United States (Chicago, 1876-1892), 7 vols. JOHNSON, ALLEN. Stephen A. Douglas (New York, 1908). JOHNSON, THOMAS GARY. History of the Southern Presbyterian Church (New York, 1894). American Church History Series, vol. xi. KAUFMAN, WILHELM. Sigel und Halleck (Deutsch-Am. Ge- sc hie hts blatter, Band x, 210-216). MARTIN, GEORGE W. First two years of Kansas (Topeka, 1907), pamphlet. MEIGS, W. M. Life of Thomas Hart Benton (Philadelphia, 1904). NORTH, THOMAS. Five years in Texas, 1861-1865 (Cincinnati, 1871)- PARKER, THOMAS VALENTINE. Cherokee Indians (New York, 1907). PAXTON, WILLIAM M. Annals of Platte County, Missouri (Kan- sas City, Mo., 1897). PHILLIPS, ULRICH. Georgia and state rights (Washington, 1902). The life of Robert Toombs (New York, 1913). RAMSDELL, CHARLES WM. Reconstruction in Texas (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, vol. xxxvi, no. i). RAY, P. ORMAN. Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, its origin and authorship (Cleveland, 1909). 368 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist REYNOLDS, JOHN H. Makers of Arkansas (Story of the States series), (New York, 1905). RHODES, JAMES FORD. History of the United States from the Com- promise of 1850 (New York, 1893-1906), 7 vols. ROBINSON, CHARLES. Kansas Conflict (Lawrence, 1898). ROBLEY, T. F. History of Bourbon County, Kansas, to the close of 1865 (Fort Scott, 1894). Ross, D. H. and others. Reply of the delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the demands of the commissioner of Indian affairs, May, 1866 (Washington, 1866), pamphlet. Land Files, Treaties, Box 3, M392. Ross, MRS. WM. P. Life and times of William P. Ross (Fort Smith, 1893). SCHOULER, JAMES. History of the United States under the Con- stitution (New York, 1899), 6 vols. SCHWAB, JOHN CHRISTOPHER. Confederate States of America, 1861-1865 (New York, 1901). SHINN, JOSIAH. Pioneers and makers of Arkansas (Little Rock, 1908). SPECK, FRANK G. Creeks of Taskigi Town. American Anthro- pological Association Publications, vol. ii, part 2. SPEER, JOHN. Life of James H. Lane (Garden City, Kans., 1897). SPRING, LEVERETT W. Kansas: the prelude to the War for the Union (American Commonwealth series), (Boston, 1885). STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. Constitutional view of the late War between the States (Philadelphia, 1870), 2 vols. STOVALL, PLEASANT A. Robert Toombs (New York, 1892). TENNEY, W. J. Military and naval history of the rebellion in the United States (New York, 1866). THOMPSON, ROBERT ELLIS. History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States (American Church History series, vol. vi), (New York, 1893). VAN DEVENTER, HORACE, Albert Pike, 1809-1891 (Knoxville, 1910). VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON. John Brown, 1800-1859; biography fifty years after (Boston, 1910). WALKER, WILLISTON. History of the Congregational Churches in the United States (American Church History series, vol. iii), (New York, 1894). WILDER, D. W. Annals of Kansas (Topeka, 1875, 1885). Bibliography 369 WILSON, HENRY. Rise and fall of the slave power in America (Boston, 1872-1877), 3 vols. WOOTEN, DUDLEY G. Comprehensive history of Texas (Dallas, 1898), 2 vols. INDEX ABBOTT, J. B : 245, footnote Abel, Annie Heloise: work cited, 71, footnote, 191, footnote Abolitionists: Indians' slaves enticed away, 23 ; charges against Cal- houn, 30; Quantrill in league with, 48; desire Indian lands, 76, 118; among Cherokees, 132 ; Cherokees re- pudiate idea that they are, 225; charges against, 291-294 Adair, W. P: 219, footnote Address: of John Ross at Cherokee mass-meeting, 220 Agency system: under Confederacy, 179 Alabama: Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws from, 20, 193, footnote] Choctaws in, 20, footnote ; David Hubbard, commissioner from, 108 Alliance: Indians given political posi- tion in return for, 17; reasons for southern Indians entering into, with Confederacy, 18; Confederate State Department to effect, 140, footnote', failure of Pike to effect, with Cher- okees, 156; Choctaw General Coun- cil authorizes negotiation of treaty of, 156; Confederacy paid dearly for its Indian, 177; nature of Sem- inole, with Confederacy, 197 ; prin- ciples of active, inserted by Pike into treaties, 212; McCulloch to ac- cept Drew's regiment of Home Guards as soon as treaty of, be con- summated, 227 ; conditions of, be- tween the Indians and Confederacy, 280; result of Battle of Pea Ridge on Indian, 284 Allies: Indian, 17; hope of finding in Cherokees, 125 Allotment in severally: suggested to Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, 58 American Baptist Missionary Union: 38 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: work among Cherokees and Choctaws, 39; rec- ords of, 40, footnote ; missionaries among Choctaws remove themselves from patronage, 41, 42, 43, footnote American Civil War: [See Civil War] American Historical Association: Re- port, 20, footnote American Revolution: effect upon Cherokee emigration to Texas, 20, footnote; work of Committees of Correspondence in connection with, 83 Amnesty: provided for, 176 Annuities: negro and Indian half- breeds share Indian, 23, footnote; Choctaw, distinct from Chickasaw, 34, footnote; Indian, declared for- feited by Lincoln government, 145 ; John Ross considers Indian, safe, 147; payment of Indian, assumed by Confederacy, 163 ; Indian, diverted from regular channels, 170; to use, of hostile Indians, 274; Crawford makes requisition for Cherokee, 307 Antelope Hills: 55, 136, footnote Apucks-hu-nubbe : district of, 34, foot- note Arbuckle, General: 193, footnote Arkansas: Choctaws and Cherokees tarry in, 19, footnote; Indian Ter- ritory annexed to, for judicial pur- poses, 23, footnote; and Indian pat- ronage, 59; and Indian participa- 372 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist tion in Civil War, 63 ; interest in Indian Territory, 67; Knights of Golden Circle active in, 68 ; inter- est in Indian alliance, 83 ; affairs reach crisis, 97; Hubbard, commis- sioner to, 108 ; sends commission to Indian country, 119; sends Albert Pike as delegate, 132-133 Arkansas Baptist: 47, footnote Arkansas Convention: Journal, 119, footnotes, 120, footnotes Arkansas Historical Association: Pub- lications, 106, footnote Arkansas Legislature: House Journal, 103, footnote, no, footnote, in, footnote Arkansas River: 67, 76, 97, 135, foot- note, 162, 175 Arms: description of, needed for In- dians, 190, footnote; Choctaw- Chickasaw regiment not furnished with, 211; scarcity of, 211, footnote; Cherokees in, at Tahlequah mass- meeting, 217; Ross able to bear, 137, footnote; Creeks under, threaten hostilities, 138, footnote; fear, for Indians will be taken by secession- ists, 228, footnote; Confederate dif- ficulty in securing, 253 and footnote Armstrong Academy: 40, footnote Armstrong, William: 193, footnote Asbury Mission: Indian amity com- pact concluded at, 69, footnote Assinneboin: suggested Territory of, 32, footnote Atchison, David R: letter to, men- tioned, 33, footnote Austin State Gazette: 80, footnote Averell, William W: 101, footnote BAKER, GEORGE E: work cited, 58, footnote Balentine, H: 79 Ball-playing: connected with secret or- ganization of "Pins," 86, footnote Bancroft, Frederic: work cited, 58, footnote Barnes, James K: 260, footnote Barnesville: 245, 246 Beams's Negroes: 23, footnote Beaver Creek: 55 Beening, S. T: 102, footnote Benjamin, Judah P: 140, footnote, 200, footnote, 21$, footnote, 252, footnote Benton, Thomas H: plan for a na- tional highway, 28; request, 33, footnote Big Chief: merit chief of Great Osages, 238 Billy Bowlegs: leaves Florida, 20, footnote; communications from, 198, footnote ; refuses to sign treaty with Confederate States, 198-199; death of, 198, footnote; regarded as good commander, 277, footnote Bird Creek: battle of, 138, footnote, 255-256 Bishop, A. W: work cited, 67, foot- note, 68, footnote, 133, footnote Black Beaver: 101 and footnote, 303 Black Dog: see" Shon-tah-sob-ba Blackhoof, Eli: 209, footnote Blain, S. A: 56, footnote, 57, footnote Blankets: furnished Indian refugees, 261 ; to be furnished Indian soldiers in U.S.A., 271, footnote; Indians need, 310; Leeper offers to give Kiowas, 318 ; Rector urges Leeper not to promise, Kiowas, 332; Ki- owas receive from U.S. government, 343 Bloomfield Academy: 40, footnote Bob Deer: 244 Boggy Depot: 91, 230, footnote Bonds: 61, 145-146 Boone, A. G: 210, footnote Boonsboro [Boonsborough] : in and footnote, 125 Boudinot, E. C: 119, 153, 156, foot- note, 219, footnote Bourland, James: appointed commis- sioner, 88 ; report, 91 Branch, Harrison B: 182-183, 2 1O footnote, 22%, 232-233, 249, 271, 279, footnote Brazos Agency: 55 Index 373 Bribery: William Mclntosh guilty of, 236; of chiefs to induce secession, 262, footnote Brigade: jayhawking character of Lane's, 233; Lane's gives John Mathews his deserts, 239; Hunter asks permission to muster, of friend- ly Indians, 250; Kile, quartermaster in, 274; proportion of white troops in Pike's, 280 Brooks, Preston: 45, footnote Brown, James: 217 Buchanan, James: administration charged by free-state Kansans with bad faith, 37 ; endorses pro-slavery policy, 45, footnote; distrusted, 47; "no coercion" policy, 87, footnote; patronage, given to southern men, 262, footnote; work cited, 22, foot- note, 29, footnote Buckner, H. S: 92 Buffalo Hump: 305, 315, 330, 338, 348 Bureau of Indian Affairs (Confeder- ate) : 128, 141, footnote, 190, foot- note Burgevin, Edmund: 105, footnote Burleigh, Walter A: 227, footnote Burlington: 259, 260, footnote Burroughs, B: 120 Burrow, N. B: 99, 298, 305, 330, 341 Bushwhackers: drive Caddoes out of Texas, 19, footnote Butler, George: agent for Cherokees, 45, 47, footnote, 285, 290 Byington, Cyrus: 79 CACHE CREEK: 55 Caddoes: from Louisiana, 19, foot- note; Pike to meet, 189, footnote; horses stolen by, 353 Calhoun, J. M: 90, footnote Calhoun, John C: report, 27; motive, 29; political heresy, 133 Cameron, Simon: 234, 249, footnote Campbell, A. B : 260, footnote Canadian River: 55, 63, 67, 162 Cane Hill: 296, 327 Carolinas: Catawbas in, 20, footnote Carroll, H. K: work cited, 37, footnote Carruth, E. H: report, 84, footnote, *97 footnote, 198, footnote; appoint- ed by Lane, 242; interviews Creek delegates, 245 ; tries to arrange for inter-tribal council, 246; letter, 267 Cass, Lewis: 193, footnote Catawbas: admitted to Choctaw citi- zenship, 20, footnote; in possession of northeastern part of Choctaw country, 20, footnote; in South Car- olina fight with South, 20, footnote "Catron letter": 29, footnote Chah-la-kee: suggested territory of, 31, footnote Chah-lah-ki: district of, 178 Chah-ta: suggested territory of, 31, footnote Chahta Tamaha: 189, footnote Charterton, Charles W: 259, footnote Checote, Samuel: 193, 194 Cherokee Declaration of Independence : written by Pike, 137, footnote Cherokee Executive Council, 136, foot- note; John Ross promises to call meeting of, 153; meeting of, 216, 217; communicates with McCulloch, 226 Cherokee Neutral Lands: location, 21, footnote, 64; size, 21, footnote; in- truded upon, 35, 46, 285, 290; project for selling, 50, 163 ; McCulloch takes position opposite, 225 ; Lane's proposed camp in, 233 ; Stand Watie ordered to take up a position in, 252, footnote; Cowart sets out for, 294 Cherokee Outlet: 54, footnote; 63, footnote, 64 Cherokee Proclamation of Neutrality: I53-IS4 Cherokee Strip: location, 21, 64; cov- eted by Kansans, 21 Cherokee Treaty: 157 and footnote; declares allegiance to C.S.A., 159, footnote; contains guarantee of au- tonomy, 159, footnote; contains prom- ise of representation in Congress, 374 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist I S9> footnote; navigable waters, 174 ; admission to military academy, 1 80; appointment of postmasters, 180; considered by Provisional Con- gress, 206; negotiated, 237; Ross's characterization of, 257 Cherokees: from Tennessee and Geor- gia, 20; tarried in Arkansas, 19, footnote; go to Texas, 20, footnote; removal to Arkansas suggested by Jefferson, 20, footnote; in North Carolina fight with South, 20, foot- note; "Eastern" in controversy with "Western," 20, footnote; character of constitution, 31, footnote; visited by Sacs and Foxes, 36, footnote; work of A.B.C.F.M. among, 39 ; schools among, 39, footnote; religious denominations among, 39-40; desir- able to have slaveholders settle among them, 42; material progress due to slavery, 46 ; search organiza- tion among, 48 ; with Cooper as vol- unteers, 54; antebellum relations with people of Arkansas, 64; repre- sentatives at inter-tribal conference, 71 ; visited by commissioners from Texas, 92; in council with Creeks, Seminoles, Quapaws, and Sacs, 94; Pike's negotiations with, 134, foot- note; to be indemnified, 163; made an exception, 168; at Battle of Wilson's Creek, 214-215, 214, foot- note; secession of, 217; resolutions of, 223-225 ; secret organization among, 291-293 Chickasaw: district, 34, footnote, 52 Chickasaw and Choctaw Herald'. 56, footnote Chickasaw Legislature : act, 68 ; reso- lutions, 122, footnote, 155 Chickasaw Manual Labor School: 40, footnote Chickasaws: from Alabama and Mis- sissippi, 20; character of constitu- tion, 31, footnote ; domestic troubles, 34; political connection with Choc- taws, 34, footnote; religious denom- inations among, 40, footnote; con- struct government, 51 ; as volun- teers, 54 ; country, 63 ; not repre- sented at inter-tribal conference, 71 ; convention of Choctaws and, 91 ; prevented from attending council at North Fork, 94; take charge of property abandoned by Federals at Fort Arbuckle, 102 ; appeal of Bur- roughs to, 120-121 ; resolutions of Choctaws and, 130; negotiations of Albert Pike with, 136, footnote, 196- 197; reported as anxious to join Southern Confederacy, 155; treaty with, considered by Provisional Congress, 204-207; E. H. Carruth communicates with loyal portion of, 246-247 Chilton, William P: 127 Chippewas: from Michigan, 19; war- riors, 227, footnote Chi-sho-hung-ka : 238, footnote Chisholm, Jesse: 313, 320 Choctaw-Chickasaw Regiment: 77, 207, 210, 211, 230, footnote, 252, footnote Choctaw-Chickasaw Treaty: 157, and footnote; declares allegiance to C. S. A., 159, footnote; contains prom- ise of representation in Congress, 159, footnote; suggests ultimate statehood, 160, footnote; recognizes Choctaw country as distinct from Chickasaw, 161 ; transfers lease of Wichita Reserve to Confederate States, 162; navigable waters, 174; amnesty, 175 Choctaw Corn Contract: scandal in- volves Pike, 57, footnote Choctaw General Council: act, 20, footnote; resolution, 72-74; under authority of Chief Hudson declares Choctaw Nation "free and inde- pendent," 156, 196; plan treaty of alliance and amity with Confeder- acy, 156; communication from Pike, 187, footnote, 196, footnote Choctaw Light Horse: 24, footnote Index 375 Choctaws: tarried in Arkansas, 19, footnote ; Catawbas wish to unite with, 20, footnote; intimacy with negroes, 20, footnote; in Mississip- pi fight with South, 20, footnote; prepared to assent to territorial bill, 31, footnote; domestic troubles, 34; political connection with Chicka- saws ended, 34, footnote; religious denominations among, 39-40; schools among, 40, footnote; desirable to have slaveholders settle among them, 42 ; ask relief, 57, footnote ; country, 63 ; antebellum relations with people of Arkansas and Texas, 64; not represented at inter-tribal conference, 71; delegation, 74; af- fairs, 75-79 ; treaty with Confed- erate States, 78, 204; convention of Chickasaws and, 91; prevented from attending council at North Fork, 94 ; resolutions of Chickasaws and, 130; negotiations of Pike with, 136, footnote, 196-197; reported as anx- ious to join Confederacy, 155; en- list in army, 210; Carruth in com- munication with loyal portion, 246- 247 Chuahla: 39, footnote Chustenahlah: battle of, 258 Citizenship : U.S. recommended for In- dians, 31 and footnote; Ottawas ex- press preference for U.S., 36, foot- note; Indians to determine own tribal, 169; Jim Ned's right of, forfeited within Leased District, 306 Civil War (American) : no adequate history of American, 17; Indian al- lies of South in, 20, footnote; in Choctaw-Chickasaw country threat- ened, 34 and footnote; delays Indian removal from Kansas, 37; corrupt practices of Democratic Party just prior to American, 45, footnote; Stand Watie on Southern side in, 49, footnote; responsibility of Tex- as and Arkansas for participation of Indians in, 63 ; early interest of Texas and Arkansas in Indian coun- try, 67; see also Enlistment of In- dians Civilization Fund: 37 Clark, George W: 211, footnote, 240, footnote Clover, Seth: 209, footnote Cobb, Howell : 45, footnote Cockrell, S. R: 119 Coe, Chas. H : work cited, 20, footnote Coffin, William G: 80 and footnotes, 184, 245, 247, 259, 274 Colbert, D: 41, footnote Colbert, Holmes: 261, footnote Colbert, Winchester: 197, 201, footnote Colbert Institute: 40, footnote Coleman, Isaac: 186, footnote, 259, footnote Collamore, George W: 261, footnote Colley, S. G: 350 Collin (Texas) : exodus of non-seces- sionists from, 95 Colorado: indigenous tribes in, 19, footnote; attempts to secure Indian cooperation, 83 Comanche Treaty: 157, footnote, 158; amnesty, 176 Comanches: 51, 52, 55, 189, footnote, zoo and footnote, 201, 206, 313, 320, 323, 324, 33', 337, 347, 3Si Commission: from Texas to Indian nations, 88 et seq; from Arkansas, 108, footnote Concharta: 255 Confederate Contract: for supplying Indians of Leased District, 301-303, 347, 352 Confederate Military History: work cited, 103, footnote Congressional Globe: work cited, 58, footnote Connelley, W. E: work cited, 34, foot- note, 49, footnote Connor, John: 544 Cooley, D. N: 56, footnote, 134, foot- note, 226 Cooper, Douglas H: citizen of Mis- sissippi, 41 ; fears abolitionization of Indian country, 41 ; sends note 376 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist to Superintendent Dean, 42; san- guine as to slavery conditions among Indians, 45 ; survey of Leas- ed District, 53 ; Choctaw Corn Con- tract, 57, footnote; becomes colonel in Confederate army, 76; regiment of Choctaws to be under command of, 77, 207; absent from post, 82 and footnote; apparently disap- proves of Texan interference, 96; receives suggestions from Rector, 106-107, footnote, 187; instructions to, 147, footnote; defection of, 186- 187; asked to continue as agent, 190, footnote; wishes to be agent and colonel, 197, footnote, 212, foot- note; report concerning Indian en- listment, 21 1 ; in battle with Opoe- thleyohola, 254 et seq., 312; com- plains of not having more white troops, 280 Cooper, Samuel: 53, footnote, 147 Corn Contract: see Choctaw Corn Contract Council : Cherokee, in session at Tahle- quah, 50, footnote; Choctaw at Doaksville, 77; composition of Doaksville, 77; at Fort Smith, 226- 227, 241 ; at Tahlequah, 237 et seq., 240; Coffin holds, with representa- tives of non-secession element of various tribes, 267; Agent Johnson holds, with Delaware chiefs, 272, footnote; Indian refugees hold, at Fort Roe, 278, footnote; Creek, de- mands payment of money, 289; Co- wart reports rumor of Cherokee, 294 ; Cherokee, to meet, 296 ; of each tribe to consider amendments to treaties, 323 ; Leeper holds with Indians of Leased District, 346 ; Co- manches propose, to effect everlast- ing peace with Southern people, 347; see also Inter-tribal Confer- ence Covode, John: 276 Covode Committee: 45, footnote Cowart, Robert J: 46, 82 and footnote, 89, footnote, 114 and footnote, 184, 290, 295, 298 Cowetah: 69, footnote Cox, John T: 261, footnote Crawford, John: 183, footnote, 184- 185, and footnotes, 190, footnote, 215, footnote, 216, 218, 219, footnote, 220, 223, 298, 325 Creek Country: Seminoles accommo- dated within, 50; proposal for giv- ing southern Comanches home with- in, 51 and footnote; proposal to al- lot lands in severally, 58 Creek Light Horse: 218, footnote Creek National Council: rejects pro- posal for allotment of lands in sev- erally, 58, footnote; approves draft of treaty with C.S.A., 194 Creek Treaty: 157 and footnote; Dole ignorant of existence, 157, footnote; declares allegiance to C.S.A., 159, footnote; contains guarantee of au- tonomy, 159, footnote; contains promise of representation in Con- gress, 159, footnote; model on sub- ject of recognizing slavery, 166-167; extradition, 173 ; negotiation of, 192-195; considered by Provincial Congress, 206; clauses providing for active alliance, 212 Creeks: from Georgia and Alabama, 19-20; assist in Seminole removal, 20, footnote; mixture with negroes, 20, footnote, 23, footnote; status of free negro among, 23, footnote; Presbyterians among, 40; desirable to have slaveholders settle among, 42; repent giving home to Semin- oles, 51; location, 67; representa- tives at inter-tribal council, 71 ; vis- isted by commissioners from Texas, 92 ; in council with Cherokees, Sem- inoles, Quapaws, and Sacs, 94 Crime: unjustly charged against mis- sionaries, 47; charged against Re- serve Indians, 52 Crutchfield, Major P. T: in Culbertson, Alexander: 210, footnote Index 377 Cumberland Presbyterians: 40, foot- note Curtis, Gen. S. R: 138, footnote Gushing, Caleb: opinion as attorney- general, 22 Cutler, Abram: 229, footnote Cutler, George A: 184, footnote, 249, footnote, 259, footnote, 266 DAVIS, JEFFERSON: influences Gushing, 22; writes to Worcester, 23, foot- note; nominates Hubbard Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs, 128 ; ap- points Pike special commissioner to Indians, 130; message, 202; Mar- shall writes to, 207 Davis, John B: 23, footnote Davis, John D : 199, footnote Davis, William P: 199, footnote Dawson, J. L: 193, footnote Dean, Charles W: 42; work cited, 35, footnote, 60, footnote Debray, X. B: 102, footnote Decotah: suggested territory of, 31, footnote Deep Fork of Canadian: 254 Delawares: from Indiana, 19; tarry in Missouri, 19, footnote; free state men among, 35; anxious to avoid white man's interference, 36, foot- note; Baptist school on reservation, 38; as refugees, 56, footnote; Lee- per to communicate with, 181, foot- note; Pike hopes to meet, 189, foot- note; wealth, 208, footnote; treaty with, 231, footnote; employed as scouts, 232; appeal to, 268; response of, 268 ; and Shawnees attack Wichita Agency and kill Leeper, 329, footnote Delegates: five great tribes should have, in Congress, 31, footnote; Pike sent as, 132-133 ; to be allowed in Confederate Congress, 159, 161, 177, 203, 204, 324; Creek, on way to Washington, 245 ; Gamble to Confederate Congress, 312 Delegation: Choctaw and Chicka- saw, gives assurance to Indian Of- fice of neutrality, 74 and footnote, 75; from non-secession element in various tribes, 265-266 and footnote, 267 and footnote; from Leased Dis- trict visits Kiowas, 353 Denton: exodus from, 95 Denver, J. W: 270 Derrysaw, Jacob: 69, footnote, 194, 218, footnote Dickey, M. C: 209, footnote Dickinson, J. C: 50, footnote, 296 Diplomacy: used to effect Indian al- liance, 17; and intrigue to effect Seminole removal from Florida, 20, footnote District of Columbia: status of slavery in, 22 Disunion: Pike's poem on, 133 and footnote Doaksville: 39, footnote; Choctaw constitution, 51 ; Council at, 77 Dole, William P: 56, footnote, 74, footnote, 75, 80, 231 and footnote, 233, 241-242, 250, 266, 271, 273, 274 Dorn, Andrew J: 30, footnote; takes charge of Neosho Agency, 35, foot- note, 51; absent from post, 82; cit- izen of Arkansas, 82, footnote; tells Neosho River Agency Indians to at- tend Tahlequah meeting, 241 ; letter of, 295 ; Rector complains of con- duct of, 328 Dred Scott Decision: effect upon In- dian interests, 29 Drew, John: 137, footnote, 214, foot- note, 217, 226, 253, footnote, 255 Drew, Thomas: work cited, 30, foot- note; issues permits to peddle in Indian country, 60 Drouth: 57, 146, 208 Du Val, Ben T: 104, footnote Dwight: Cherokee school at, 39, foot- note ECHO HARJO: 58, footnote, 80, footnote, 192, 193, 243 Edwards, John: 78 378 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Elder, Peter P: 81, footnote Elk Horn Tavern: battle of, 138, foot- note Ellis, Jo: 244 Emigration: of Indians voluntary, 19, footnote Emissaries: 83, 88, 89, footnote, 113 et seg., 114, footnote, 115, footnote, 132, 142, 148, footnote, 183, 208, 210, footnote, 218, footnote, 219, footnote, 242 Emory, William H: 96-102, 98, foot- notes Enlistment of Indians: Pike favors, 132; McCulloch instructed to se- cure, 144, 147 ; no intention of Con- federacy to use as Home Guards exclusively, 148 ; Pike objects to use outside of Indian country, 149 ; Hy- ams urges, 155; Chief Hudson au- thorizes, among Choctaws, 156; Federal attitude towards, 227 et seg.; compulsory, illegal, 228, foot- note; Lane resolves upon, 229-230 and footnotes; Fremont favors, 231- 232 ; Delaware chiefs oppose, 232 ; Lane persists in urging, 248 ; urged by Hunter, 250; to be resorted to by Federals in invading Indian Terri- tory, 270-271 and footnotes, 272, footnote; U.S. War Department re- verses action respecting, 275, 279 and footnotes ; Coffin's views on, 277, footnote; muster roll showing, 344; among Comanches abandoned, 350 Euchees: 52 FACTIONS: among Cherokees, 49-50, 151 et seg., 215, 223, 240; among Creeks, 192-194, 254; among Sem- inoles, 198-199 ; among Comanches, 306 Fairfield: Cherokee school at, 39, foot- note Fall Leaf: 231, footnote, 232 and foot- notes, 233, footnote Farnsworth, H. W: 229, footnote, 272 Fayetteville: 67, footnote, 184, 310, 326 Female seminaries: Indian girls at- tend, 67, footnote Finch, John : 30, footnote Finley, C. A: 270 Fishback, William Meade: 104, foot- note Fleming, Walter L: work cited, 108, footnote Floyd, John B: 53, 296 Folsom, George: 23, footnote Folsom, Israel : 74 Folsom, Joseph P: 77 Folsom, Peter: 74, 76, 196 Folsom, Sampson: 41, footnote, 76, 196 Food: Indian refugees need, 260; to destitute Delawares from Cherokee country, 268, footnote; Creek refu- gees destitute of, 273, footnote, 278, footnote; supposed fraudulent char- acter of contract for supplying, 285- 289 ; Confederate contract with Charles B. Johnson for supplying, 301-303; for Comanches, 313; to be furnished Indians in council consid- ering amendments to treaties, 323 ; receipt for, furnished, 345 Fort Arbuckle: 54, 87, footnote, 97, 135, footnote, 201, footnote, 297, 303, 345, 357 Fort Belknap: 88, footnote Fort Caleb: 295 Fort Cobb: 82, footnote, 84, footnote, 9&> 97, 98 and footnote, 189, foot- note, 296, 332, 356 Fort Coffee Academy: 40, footnote Fort Davis: 349 Fort Gibson: abandoned as military post, 53; Major Emory and, 104; distance from Fort Smith, 108 ; Pike returns to, 137, footnote; Armstrong to meet emigrating Creeks at, 193, footnote; Cooper draws off in direc- tion of, 256 ; money at, 325 Fort Leavenworth: 88, footnote, 103, 208, footnote, 251, 259, 266, 267, 270 Fort Lincoln: 229, footnote, 230, 243 Fort McCulloch: 139, footnote, 284 Fort Randall: 227, footnote Index 379 Fort Roe: 259 and footnote, 27$, foot- note, 277, footnote Fort Scott: 249, footnote, 266 Fort Smith: headquarters of southern superintendency, 64; evacuated, 76; W. G. Coffin fails to reach, 81, foot- note ; Emory reaches, 97 ; Emory tarries at, 99; hot-bed of sectional- ism, 103 ; distance from Fort Gib- son, 1 08; J. J. Gaines reaches, 113; Pike proceeds to, 138, footnote; McCulIoch at, 150; talk of confis- cating Rector's property at, 182, footnote; distance from Scullyville, 211 ; fire at, 298 Fort Smith Council: 192, footnote, 226- 227, 241 Fort Smith Papers: cited, 41, footnote, 43, footnote, 50, footnote, 104, foot- note , 197, footnote, 198, footnote, 285-328 Fort Smith Times: cited, 47, footnote Fort Sumter: 118 Fort Towson : 40, footnote Fort Washita: 77, 91, 96, 189, foot- note, 297, 303 Fort Wise: 210, footnote Forty-niners: covet land in Indian country, 28 Frauds: William Walker, head chief of Wyandots, takes part in Kansas election, 22, footnote Frazier, Jackson: 41, footnote Free negroes: status among Creeks and Seminoles, 23, footnote; among Choc- taws, 24, footnote; Leased District rendezvous for, 56-57 Free-soilers: 45, 46, 113 Free-state expansion: charge that Cal- houn intended to prevent, 30 Free-state men: intrenched among Delawares north of Kansas River, 35 Fremont, John C: 214, footnote, 215, footnote, 231, 232, 233, footnote, 248, 312 Frontier: action along Missouri-Ar- kansas in Civil War, 17; character of men of, 114; Indians exploited for sake of men of, 170; trouble on, to be expected, 183, footnote Frozen Rock: 53 Fugitive Slave Law: operative within Indian country, 22, 166, 178 GAINES, J. J: 113, 115, footnote, 116 Gamble, James: 41, footnote, 54, foot- note, 197, 312 Garland, Samuel: 74, 76 Garrett, William H: 58, footnote, 82, and footnote, 183, 184, 192, 194, 212, footnote, 324 Georgia: Creeks and Cherokees from, 20, 193, footnote; D. E. Twiggs from, 87 Grayton: exodus from, 95 Green, J. J: 105, footnote Greenwood, A. B: 36, footnote, 45, footnote, 46, 48, 113, 192, 209, foot- note, 291, 292, 294 "Grier letter": 29, footnote Griffith, Samuel: 119, 182, footnote, 183-184 Grimes, Marshal: 56, footnote, 57, footnote, 98, footnote, 336, 337 HAGERSTOWN (Md.) : Quantrill, native of, 48 Half-breeds: status of, 23, footnote; generally slaveholders, 46; influence sought in holding Indian country for South, 67; planter class in In- dian Territory, 67, 75; white men and Choctaw, hold secession meet- ing. 77? missionaries fear, 78; hated by "loyal" Cherokees, 139, footnote ; attempt to force full-bloods into alliance with Confederacy, 216 Halleck, Henry W; 215, footnote, 275 Hamilton, Charles A: appointed com- missioner, 88 ; report, 91 Harris, C. A: 193, footnote Harris, Cyrus: 41, footnote, 69, foot- note, 80, footnote; visited by com- missioners from Texas, 91 Harris, Thomas A: 130 380 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Harrison, James E: appointed com- missioner, 88 ; report, 91 ; referred to by Governor Clark, 131, footnote Helena (Ark.) : 104 Hemphill, John: 100, footnote Hester, G. B: 230, footnote Hicks, Charles: 237, footnote Hindman, Thomas C: 48, footnote, 105, footnote, 357 Hobbs, Reverend Doctor S. L: 79 Hotchkin, Ebenezer: 42, 76 Houston, Sam: 31, footnote, 90, 93 Howard, O. O: work cited, 220, foot- note Hubbard, David: 108; letter to Gov- ernor Moore, 109-110; nominated as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 128 ; Pike hopes for cooperation, 141 ; receives instructions from Walker, 142-143; ill-health, 143, footnote', writes to John Ross, 144- 145 ; reply of John Ross to, 146- 147; instructed not to offer state- hood, 161 ; advice to Crawford, 308 ; advises economy, 315 Hudson, George: 77, 80, footnote; de- clares Choctaw Nation "free and independent," 156; dealings with Pike, 196; proclamation, 196, 210 Humboldt: 243, footnote, 247 Humphreys, John J: 185, 218, footnote Hunter, David: 248, 249, and foot- note, 250, 251, 260, 266, 270, 275, 276, 3'2 Hyams, S. M: 155 ILLINOIS: tribes from, 19 Indian adoption: 169 Indian camp: Lane plans establish- ment to prevent foraging into Kan- sas, 230; to be located in Cherokee Neutral Lands, 233; Cooper reaches, 254 Indian country: west of Arkansas and Missouri, 19; tribes within, indige- nous and emigrant, 19 and footnote; population, 2021 ; cut in two by Missouri Compromise line, 20; res- ervation system established, 21 ; listed with District of Columbia as strictly federal soil, 22; Fugitive Slave Law declared operative with- in, 22; presence of free negroes sometimes source of grave danger, 23, footnote; constantly beset by dif- ficulties, 24, 27; likely to be greatly reduced in area by Manypenny treaties, 35; intruders attracted by supposed mines of precious metals, 35, footnote; rivalry among churches, 37; intruders to be removed by Agent Cowart, 46; practically no U.S. troops within, 52-53 ; northern tribes of less importance politically than southern, 62, footnote; slave- holding politicians work through halfbreeds to hold for South, 67; strategic importance of, appreciated by Arkansas, 108 ; military neces- sity of securing, 131; Pike describes sojourn in, 134 et seq., footnote; McCulloch to give military protec- tion to, 148 ; McCulloch lays plans for taking possession of, 149 ; estab- lishment of Confederate States courts promised by treaty with great tribes, 177; postal system to be maintained throughout, 180; U.S. War Department resolves upon ex- pedition to, 270 Indian Home Guards: Pike in favor of Indians as, 132; no evi- dence that Indians wanted ex- clusively as, 148 ; individual Cherokees as, 149-151; disposition to keep Indians as, 212; Ross's plan defeated by McCulloch, 226-227; authorized by Cherokee Executive National Council, 226 ; Drew's regi- ment tendered to McCulloch, 227; Drew's regiment escorts Pike Park Hill, 240 Indian Intercourse Law: difficulty it enforcing, 24, footnote ; Greenwood's exposition of, 290; Leeper asks fo copy, 315; Leeper reports troops Index necessary to enforce law within Leased District, 346 Indian Property Rights: put in jeop- ardy by pioneer advance, 28; in trans- Missouri region, 29; rendered secure by treaty promises, chap, iii Indian Removal: policy, 19, footnote; Jaw for, 19, footnote; indemnifica- tion for, 164-166 Indian States in Union: suggested by southern politicians, 31; suggested by Texas newspapers, 31, footnote; Confederacy promises to Choctaws, 78 ; no assurance of, to be given by Hubbard, 143 ; promised in treaties made by Confederacy, 160 and fool- note, 161; Davis calls attention to clauses in Indian treaties providing for, 203 ; Provisional Congress mod- ifies treaty guarantee for, 204 Indian Territory: small tribes find their way to, 19, footnote; annexed for judicial purposes to Western District of Arkansas, 23, footnote; in danger of being abolitionized, 41-42 ; only home for Indians from Kansas, 36; drouth in, 58; political status of tribes in, 62, footnote; position with respect to Texas and Arkansas, 63 ; topographical de- scription of, 63 ; early interest of Texas and Arkansas in, 67 ; half- breeds of, a planter class, 67, 75; Knights of Golden Circle active in, 68 ; Indians to be driven out of, 76 ; cut off from communication with U.S. Indian Office, 81, footnote; agents within, all southern men, 82; Commissioner Dole urges reoccupa- tion of, 241 ; strategical importance of, 242; included within Trans- Mississippi District of Department No. 2, 280 Indian trade: licenses for, 59-60; reg- ulations respecting, 169-171 Indiana: tribes from, 19; W. G. Cof- fin from, 80 Indians: lands granted in perpetuity, 18; participation in American Civil War inevitable, 18 ; as emigrants, 19; number of colonized, 20-21; proportion of southern to northern, 21 ; slaves enticed away by aboli- tionists, 23 ; seized as fugitives by southern men, 23 ; interests militated indirectly against by Dred Scott de- cision, 29 ; territorial form of gov- ernment for, 30, footnote, 31, foot- note; treaty rights likely to be seri- ously affected by repeal of Missouri Compromise, 34; plan for coloniz- ing Texas, 52, 55 ; Knights of Gol- den Circle active among, 68 ; con- dition of, reported by Texas com- missioners, 94; Choctaw and Chick - asaw friendly to Confederate States, loo, footnote; enlistment, 132, 147- X 49 *55 '81, footnote, 207, 210, 211-212, 227, footnote, 248, 250, 252, footnote, 270, 275, 279; treaties with Confederate States, 157-158, 202- 206; judicial rights under treaties with Confederate States, 172-174; military support secured early by Confederacy, 207; use of, by U.S. as soldiers uncertain, 227 et seq.; not subject to conscription, 228, foot- note; reported arming themselves on southern border of Kansas, 228, footnote; conference with Lane at Fort Lincoln, 230; totally abandoned by U.S. government, 262, footnote; see also under names of individual nations and tribes Interior Department: 53, 80, 218, foot- note, 242, 265, 273 Interlopers: encourage slavery within Indian country, 22; see also In- truders Inter-tribal Conference: documents re- lating to, called by the Chickasaws, 68, footnote; assembling of, at Creek Agency, 70; attendance, 71; action, 71-72 ; action not officially re- ported to U.S. government, 82; Motey Kennard and Echo Harjo in 382 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Washington at time, was planned, 192; Indians solicit, 209, footnote ; Lane arranges for, to meet at Fort Lincoln, 243, 246; Coffin desires, at Humboldt, 247; plans for, at Le- roy, 248 ; Hunter instructed to hold, 250; difference between, as planned by Lane and by Hunter, 250, foot- note; John T. Cox gives account of, 262, footnote Interview: of Pike and McCulloch with Cherokee Confederate sym- pathizers, 135, footnote, 152; of Lane with representatives of various tribes at Fort Lincoln proposed, 243, 246; of Coffin with Carruth, 243, footnote; of Carruth with Creek delegation, 245 Intrigue: and diplomacy to effect Sem- inole removal from Florida, 20, footnote; Pike expected to succeed in, with Southern Indians, 86, foot- note Intruders: to be removed by Agent Cowart, 46; interfere with slavery, 47; Confederate military authority to supplement tribal in expulsion of, 169; Agent Butler's reports, 285; Greenwood discusses matter with Rector, 290-291 ; Cowart reports progress in removal of, 295, 296, 297; Cowart gives notice to John B. Jones to leave Cherokee Nation, 296 ; see also Interlopers lowas: 189, footnote Irish, O. H: 227, footnote lyanubbi: Choctaw school at, 39, foot- note JACKSON, ANDREW: 19; inducements offered to Indians, 58 ; procedure of, 72; opposed to political tenets of John C. Calhoun, 133 Jay hawking: of Lane's brigade, 233, 234, 277 Jennison, C. R: 275, footnote Jesup, Thomas S: 164, footnote, 165 Jim Ned 1306, 330, 341 Jim Pockmark: 306, 338 John Chupco: 198, footnote, 199 John Jumper: and Seminole removal 20, footnote ; favors boarding schools for youth of tribe, 40, footnote ; ap- proached by Albert Pike, 85, foot- note, 197, footnote, 198, footnote; signs complaint against Genera Jesup, 164, footnote; signs treaty with Confederate States, 198; sig- nature attached to Comanche treat- ies, 200, footnote; doing duty faith- fully, 319; letter to, 337 Johnson, Charles B: 56, footnote, 98 footnote, 105, footnote, 190, footnote 199, 287, 289, 301, 314, 323, 332 352 Johnson, F: 231, footnote, 232, 248, am footnote, 329, footnote Johnson, James B: 105, footnote Johnson, Richard H : 47, footnote, 105 footnote Johnson, Robert W: 31, footnote, 47 footnote, 105, footnote, 127; corre- spondence with Albert Pike, 131 132; motion, 204; Crawford serves by request, 308; elected senator, 334 Johnson, Thomas: slavery-propaga- tion work among Indians, 22, foot- note, 39 Johnson, W. Warren: 303 Johnson: exodus from, 95 Jones, Evan: 47, 93, 135, footnote, 217, 218, footnote, 236, 240, footnote, 292, 293 Jones, H. P: 199, 348, 350 Jones, John: 309 Jones, John B: 47, 269, footnote, 296 Jones, R. M: 75, 77, 79, 197, 344*345 Journeycake, Charles: 231, footnote, 268, footnote Jumper, John: see John Jumper KA-HI-KE-TUNG-KA: 238, footnote Kannady, J. R: 125 Kansa: indigenous to Kansas, 19; suf- fering of, 209, footnote Kansas: Indian tribes in, 19; agita- Index 383 tion for the opening up of, 28 ; com- pared with Choctaw country, 31, footnote ; suggested organization causes excitement among Indians, 33^34 >' citizens encroach upon Cher- okee Neutral Lands, 46; drouth in, 58; political status of tribes in, 62, footnote; and Cherokee Outlet, 64; Elder, citizen of, 186; Pike desires to raise Indian battalion, 207; In- dians wish to fight, 227, footnote Kansas Historical Society: Collections, 19, footnote, 34, footnote Kansas-Nebraska Bill: effect upon In- dian interests, 29, 35; settlers de- mand Indians to vacate territory covered by, 36; Seward's speech on, 58-59 Kansas Territory: first districting il- legally included Indian lands, 35 ; free-state settlers charge Buchanan government with bad faith, 37 Kappler, C. J : work cited, 20, footnote, 34, footnote, 49, footnote, 50, foot- note, 52, footnote Kaskaskias: from Illinois, 19 Keitt, Lawrence M: 127, 129 Kennedy, John C: 211, footnote Kickapoos: from Indiana, 19; tarry in Missouri, 19, footnote; denomina- tionalism among, 37, footnote; ref- ugees, 56, footnote; Leeper to com- municate with, in name of Albert Pike, 181, footnote; Pike hopes to meet, 189, footnote Kile, William: 261, footnote, 274 Kingsbury, Rev. Cyrus: 40, and foot- note, 43, footnote, 76 Kingsbury Jr., Cyrus: 79 Kiowas: 52; Texans reported tamper- ing with, 210, footnote; messengers from, 309; talk for, 320; treaty with, to be effected, 323, 331 ; dele- gation of, 324; Big-head, chief of, 342; Lone Wolf, chief of, 350; E-sa- sem-mus, chief of, 350; annual fes- tival of, 351; treaty with, 354 Knights of Golden Circle: probable influence with Arkansas Legislature, 68, footnote; evidence of activity among Indians, 68; halfbreeds be- long to, 86, footnote Koonsha Female Seminary: 40, foot- note LANDS: plot to dispossess Indian of, 18 ; pledged by U.S. government as Indian possession in perpetuity, 18, 28 ; of Cherokees extended north of thirty-seventh parallel, 21 ; of In- dians coveted by Forty-niners, 28 ; of Indians in Kansas excluded from local governmental control, 35; al- lotment in severally proposed to Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, 58 ; violation of treaties to cost In- dians their, 86, footnote; property rights of Indians guaranteed by Confederacy, 161 et seq. ; Indians to have right to dispose of by will, 172; Cherokee halfbreeds fear de- signs upon Indian, 216 Lane, James H: 125, 229, 231, foot- note, 233, 242, 251 and footnote, 265, 270, 276, 278 Lane, W. P: 357 Laughinghouse, G. W: 120 Leased District: 52 and footnote, 54, 56, 57, footnote, 63, 67, 96, 179, 199, 297, 340, 349 Lee, Robert E: 88, footnote, 98, foot- note, 99 Lee, S. Orlando: letter, 75-79, 197, footnote Leeper, Matthew: 57 and footnote, 82 and footnote, 96, 98 and footnote, 99, 180, footnote, 199, footnote, 303, 304-307, 311, 315-319; removal of, asked for by Rector, 323 ; death of, 329, footnote; charges against, 333 Leeper Papers: cited, 57, footnote, 99, footnote, 102, footnote, 181, footnote, 186, footnote, 199, footnote, 200, footnote, 201, footnote, 329-357 384 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Lee's Creek: Cherokee school at, 39, footnote Lefontaine, Louis: 208, footnote Leroy: 248, 266 Lincoln, Abraham: 68, 76, 80, 86, foot- note, 93, 95, 118, 122, footnote, 182, 185, 234 and footnote, 250, 265, foot- note, 266, 274, 276, 278 Little Captain: 277, footnote Little Rock: 103, 108, 190, footnote London, John T: 104, footnote Long John: 198, footnote Love, Overton: 23, footnote Lower Creeks: 50, 80, footnote, 192, 244 Lowrie, Walter: 75 "Loyal Creeks": 192, footnote, 193, 194, footnote, 195, 199, 243-246, 250, 254, 259; sufferings, 260; measures for relief of, 260 et seg., 272 ; annuities of "hostiles" to be applied to relief of, 274 Luce, John B: 125, 182, footnote MCCARRON, THOMAS: 311 McClellan, George B: 265, footnote, 275, 276 McCulloch, Ben: 85, footnote, 120, *35 footnote, 141, 143-144; letter of Hubbard to, 144-145 ; attempt to se- cure Cherokee help, 149-153; com- munication with John Ross, 149 ; re- ply of John Ross to, 150; correspon- dence with Secretary Walker, 151, and footnote; reports Choctaws and Chickasaws as anxious to join Con- federacy, 155 ; accompanies Albert Pike, 189, footnote; gives authority for calling out six hundred rangers from Fort Cobb, 198, footnote; ob- jects to appointment of Garrett as colonel of Creek regiment, 212, foot- Mote; acts under direct orders from Richmond, 225 ; promises to protect Cherokee borders, 227 ; orders Stand Watie to take up position in Chero- kee Neutral Lands, 252, footnote; goes to Richmond, 257, footnote McCulloch, Henry E: 99, footnote, 207 McCulloch, Thomas C: 210, footnote McDaniel, James: 262, footnote, 268, and footnote Machinations : secessionist sympathy of Indians not due to, of agents and others, 219, footnote Mclntosh, Chilly: 92, 140, footnote, 193, and footnote, 200, footnote Mclntosh, D. N: 92 Mclntosh, James : 256 et seg. Mclntosh, Roily: 193, footnote Mclntosh, William: 191, footnote, 193, footnote; attempts to bribe John Ross, 236, footnote McRae, John J: presents petition for removal of Choctaws, 20, footnote McWillie, M. H: 207, footnote Mails: insecurity, 116; none in Indian country, 190, footnote; irregularity, 230, 252, footnote; must be provided for in Leased District, 309 ; Rector has no authority to establish, 332 Malfeasance: Rev. Thomas Johnson suspected of, 39, 41 ; few Indian Office officials free from, 56, foot- note; Washburn implicated in, 85, footnote; Indian agents guilty of, 262, footnote Manassas Junction: battle of, 216 Mandan: suggested territory of, 32, footnote Manypenny, George W: 30, footnote; Indian treaties made by, 33, foot- note, 35; promises to look into ex- pediency of Comanche removal, 51, footnote; suggests giving Indians control of trade, 170 Marcy, William L: 165, footnote Marshall, F. J: 207 Marysville: 207 Mass-meeting: of Cherokees at Tahle- quah, 217 et seg., 226, 234 Mathews, John: 235, footnote, 239 Mayers, Abram G: 56, footnote, 197, footnote, 230, footnote, 287, 288, 289, 312 Mayes, Joel : 214, footnote Index 385 Medicines: Texans seize, 305, 308; Leeper's requisition can not be hon- ored, 330-331 Memphis (Tenn.) : 97, 104, 134, foot- note Methodist Episcopal Church South: 37, footnote, 38, 40, footnote Methodists: 38 Mexican War: effect upon Indian in- terests, 28; service of Pike in, 132 Miamies: from Indiana, 19; charges against Agent Clover, 209, footnote Michigan: tribes from, 19 Mikko Hutke: 194, 244 Military Board of Arkansas: 190 Minnesota: territory of Decotah to be carved out of, 31, footnote Mission: of Pike, 134 et seq.; of Hub- bard, 143 e t seq. ; of Carruth, 242, 246-247 Missionaries: encourage slavery with- in Indian country, 22 ; among In- dians, 39 et seg.; suspected of at- tempting to abolitionize Indian country, 41 ; charged with inciting to murder, 47; search organization among Cherokees due to, 48 Missionary Herald: cited, 40, footnote, 41, footnote Missions: 39 et seq., 143 Mississippi: Choctaws and Chickasaws from, 20 ; Choctaws in, fight on side of South, 20, footnote; Cooper, citi- zen of, 41 Mississippi River: 17, 63 Missouri: Kickapoos, Shawnees, and Delawares tarry in, 19, footnote; in- terests herself in Indian alliance, 83 Missouri Compromise: line approxi- mately boundary between northern and southern Indian immigrants, 21 ; encroachment upon northern rights under, 22 ; as affected by Kansas- Nebraska bill, 30 Mitchell, Charles B: 97, 98, 334 Montgomery: 76, 87, footnote, 94, 109, 192, 196, 297 Moore, Andrew B: 108 Moore, Frank: work cited, 45, foot- note, 125, footnote, 227, footnote Moore, Thomas O: 155, 192, footnote Moo-sho-le-tubbee: district of, 34, footnote Moravians: 38 Morton, Jackson: 127 Motey Kennard: 58, footnote, 80, foot- note, 92, 94, 119, 191, and footnote, *93> !99> 200, footnote, 218, footnote, 243, 337 Mound City: 230, footnote Munsees: from Ohio, 19; Moravians among, 38 Murphy, J: 119 Mus-co-kee: territory of suggested, 31, footnote NAVAJOE: suggested territory of, 32, footnote Ne-a-math-la: 193, footnote Nebraska: indigenous tribes in, 19, footnote; agitation for opening up of, 28 ; drouth in, 57 Ne-con-he-con : 268, footnote Negroes: Choctaws charged with mix- ing with, 20, footnote; Creeks al- most completely mixed with, 22, footnote; Creeks possess no aversion to race mixture, 23, footnote; no rights that white men are bound to respect, 29; Quantrill plans to res- cue, 48; Indians agree to return fugitive, 166, footnote; six hundred, seized by Kansans, 334 Neighbors, Robert S: 56, footnote Neosho: suggested territory of, 31, footnote Neosho River: 208, 277, footnote Neosho River Agency: 30, footnote; invaded, 35, footnote; Elder put in charge of, 186; Indians of, at Fort Smith Council, 241 Neutrality: McCulloch agrees to re- spect Cherokee, 136, footnote; of Indians scarcely possible, 145 ; Chief Ross gives reasons for preserving, 147, 150; Chief Ross objects to vio- 386 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist lation of, 150; majority of Chero- kees favor, 153 ; Chief Ross's Proc- lamation of, 153-154; discussion in Cherokee meeting at Tahlequah, 220 et seq. ; McCulloch orders Stand Watie's men not to interfere with Cherokee, 227 New Hope Academy: 40, footnote New Orleans Picayune: 32, footnote Newspapers: 47, 75, 80, footnote New York Indians: from Wisconsin, 19; reservation invaded, 35; mem- bers of Neosha River Agency, 51; Refugees camp upon lands of, 260 North Carolina: Cherokees fight on side of South, 20, footnote North Fork Village: 92, 94, 95, 157, 188, 192 North Fork of Canadian: 67, 136, footnote, 189, footnote, 254 Northern Baptists: 38, 39 Northern Indians: colonized within limits of great American desert, 18; relative position of, 21 ; Pike hoped to exert influence over, 208 ; report- ed organized into spy companies by Federals, 306 OAK HILLS, or Wilson's Creek: battle of, 215, 216, 225, 257, footnote Ochiltree, William B: 129 Office of Indian Affairs: plans for re- moval of Catawbas from Carolines, 20, footnote; takes measures for re- moval of Seminoles from Florida, 20, footnote; refuses to remove Choctaws from Mississippi, 20, footnote; unable to execute plan for removal of Texas Indians before 1859, 52 ; reply of Creeks to pro- posals, 58; patronage of, 59; out of communication with Indian Terri- tory, 81, footnote; complaint filed at, 96 ; in possession of documents incriminating D. H. Cooper, 186; discontinues Indian allowances, 192 ; supports War Department, 271 Ogden, John B: 89, footnote, 108, footnote, 115, footnote Ohio: people of, desire information about Manypenny treaties, 33, foot- note Okanagan: suggested territory of, 32, footnote Ok-ta-ha-hassee Harjo [Sands] : 194, 244, and footnote Old Choctaw Agency: 211, footnote Oldham, W. S: 100, footnote Old Scottish Gentleman: 107 and footnote Old Settlers Party: 49 Omaha Mission School: youths from, enlist in army, 227, footnote Omahas: 227, footnote Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la: 138, footnote, 193 and footnote, 194, 195, footnote, 198, footnote, 236, footnote, 243, 253, footnote, 254 et seq., 268, 278 Oregon: occupied, 28 Osage Manual Labor School: 38, footnote Osage Mission: 182, footnote Osage River Agency: 208, footnote Osage Treaty: 157 and footnote; lands in Kansas guaranteed by, 162; model on subject of rendition of slaves, 167; navigable waters, 175; negotiated, 237 Osages: indigenous to Kansas, 19; Great and Little, 20, footnote; res- ervation invaded, 35, 295; deter- mined to resist removal, 36; Roman Catholicism among, 38 ; members of Neosho River Agency, 51;. negotia- tions with Pike, 137, footnote; de- scribed as "lazy," 208, footnote; letter to, from John Ross, 235, 236, footnote; bands of, 237 Otis, Elmer: 210, footnote Otoes : 209, footnote Ottawas : from Michigan, 19 ; regard removal as useless, 36, footnote; Baptists among, 38 Ozark Mountains: 19, footnote Index 387 PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEYS: cited, 54, footnote Pa-hiu-ska: 238, footnote Panola: county of, 68, footnote Pape, Henry: 182, footnote Park Hill: Cherokee school at, 39, footnote ; residence of John Ross, 135, footnote, 188, footnote ; John Ross at, 150; W. S. Robertson re- tires to, 218, footnote', Pike invited to, 234; treaties negotiated at, 237 Parker, Eli S: 228, footnote Parker, Thomas Valentine: work cit- ed, 49, footnote Parks, Robert W: 355 Pas-co-fa: 198 and footnote, 319 Pawnees: purchase from, 33, footnote; offer to enlist in U. S. army de- clined, 227, footnote Pea Ridge: battle of, 138, footnote, 284 Pearce, N. Bart: 120, 131 Pegg, Major: 256, 257 Peoria, Baptiste: 235, footnote Peorias: from Illinois, 19 Petition: of Representative John J. McRae, 20, footnote Phelps, J. S: 81, footnote; 211, foot- note, 240, footnote Phillips, U. B: work cited, 134, foot- note, 191, footnote Piankeshaws: from Illinois, 19 Pickens: county of, 68, footnote Pierce, Franklin: 41, footnote, 56, foot- note Pike, Albert: dislike of Van Dorn, 55, footnote; concerned with Choctaw Corn Contract, 57, footnote; and Choctaw commissioners, 78 ; writes to Seminole chief, 84, footnote; tel- egram, 105, footnote; poem in hon- or of Elias Rector, 106; correspon- dence with Robert Toombs, 129, 131, 134 and footnote, 152 and foot- note; appointed by President Davis special commissioner to Indians west of Arkansas, 130; correspon- dence with R. W. Johnson, 131, 132; writings, 132, footnote, 133 and footnote; unjust to John Ross, 134, footnote; commissioner from Arkan- sas, 190-191 ; views on use of In- dians as soldiers, 149 ; continues intercourse with Ridge Party, 156 and footnote; moderate in promises to strong tribes, 163 ; assumes finan- cial obligations in name of Confed- eracy, 163-164; opens communica- tion with Indian field service, 180- 181; offers post to Leeper, 180, foot- note; negotiates with Creeks, 192- 195 ; negotiates with Choctaws and Chickasaws, 196-197; negotiates with Seminoles, 197-199; negotiates with western Indians, 200-202, 200, footnote; report submitted by Pres- ident Davis to Provisional Congress, 202; invited to be present at con- sideration of Indian treaties, 205 ; desires to raise an Indian battalion from Kansas, 208; informed of Cherokee willingness to treat, 234; assigned to command of Indian Territory, 253-254, 322; Van Dorn's plans for, 280, 283 ; retires to Fort McCulloch, 284; continues Charles B. Johnson as contractor, 301-303 ; receives Leeper's apology, 356 Pike, W. L: 194 Pine Ridge: 43, footnote Pins: 86, footnote, 135, footnote, 137, footnote, 138, footnote, 216 Pioneers: 18, footnote Pitchlynn, P. P: 74, 77 Pitchlynn, W. B: 197 Policy: of U. S. government with re- spect to Indians, 18 ; of Confeder- ate States government, 147 Politicians: as influencing Indian pol- icy of government, 18, footnote; mo- tives of, 21 ; demands of, for In- dians, 31; reason for urging seces- sion among Indians, 98, footnote; unjust charges against Ross, 150 Polk, James K: work cited, 49, foot- note, 166, footnote Pomeroy, Samuel C: 231, footnote 388 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Pontotoc: county of, 68, footnote Pope, John: 105, footnote Population: of Indian country, 20-21; of southern superintendency, 211, footnote; of Creek Nation as esti- mated by Agent Garrett in report to Hubbard, 252-253, footnote Postal system: to be maintained by Confederate States throughout In- dian country, 180 Potawatomies: from Indiana, 19; Ro- man Catholicism among, 38; South- ern Baptists among, 38 Poteau River: 108 Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis- sions: 37, footnote, 40, footnote, 41, 79 Presbyterians (Old School): 38, foot- note, 39, 40, footnote, 41 Price, Sterling: 138, footnote, 225, 257, footnote, 280, 283, 312, 326, 334 Prince, J. E: 98, footnote, 231, footnote Proclamation: of Ross pledging Cher- okee neutrality, 153-154; of Hudson announcing Choctaw independence, 196, 210 Pro-slavery men: intrenched among Shawnees south of Kansas River, 35 ; settled upon Cherokee Neutral Lands, 35, footnote Protectorate: over Indian tribes sug- gested, 130, 142, 158, 190 Provisional Congress of Confederate States: act of, May 21, 1861, 130, 158 and footnote; considers treaties with Indian tribes, 202-206 Pulliam, Richard P: 183, footnote, 184, 294, 295, 297, 311, 324 Pushmataha: George Folsom, chief of district of, 23, footnote; District of, 34, footnote QUAKERS: 39 Quantrill, Wm. Clarke: 48, 214, foot- note Quapaw Treaty: 157 and footnote Quapaws: 51, 64, 67; in council with Creeks, Cherokees, Seminoles, and Sacs, 94; negotiations with Pike, 136, footnote, 235, footnote, 237 Quesenbury, William: 183, footnote, 184, 190, footnote, 194, 303, 323 RAY, P. ORMAN: work cited, 22, foot- note, 34, footnote, 38, footnote Reagan, J. H : 230, footnote Rector, Elias: superintends removal of Seminoles, 20, footnote, 182, foot- note; demands for Indians, 31, foot- note; Cooper writes to, 42; urges that Frozen Rock be converted into military post, 53 ; enters into sort of private contract with Johnson and Grimes, 56 and footnote; Grimes and, 57, footnote, 285-289; relieved, 80, footnote; seconds ef- forts of cousin, 106 ; suggestion to Cooper, 106-107, footnote, 187; gives letter of introduction to Gaines, 113 ; gives information concerning Choc- taws and Chickasaws, 120; attempt of U. S. government to find success- or to, 182; uncertainty as to when entering Confederate service, 182, footnote; interview with Pike, 190, footnote; in company of Pike, 197, 198, footnote; writes to Leeper, 199, footnote; expense account of, 304; complaint against Pike, 328 Rector, Henry M: 102, 112 Red Fork of Canadian: 67, 255 Red River: 55, 63, 77, 91, 95, 100 and footnote, 108, 139, footnote, 175, 347. 349 Refugees: Opoethleyohola, leader of, 195; Coffin prepares to meet, 259; take up station between Verdigris and Arkansas Rivers, 259 ; approx- imate number of, 260 and footnote; sufferings of, 260-261 and footnotes, 265, footnote, 272; absolute destitu- tion of, 273, footnote; Dole furnish- es supplies to, 274; joint resolution for relief of, 274; annuities of hos- Index 389 tile Indians to be diverted to relief of, 274 and footnote Regiment: Colonel Cooper's filled with Texans, 78 ; Choctaw-Chickasaw and Creek, 210-211; Creek, to elect its own officers, 213 ; Drew's, or- ganized, 226-227; work and char- acter of Drew's, 240 and footnote; of Choctaw-Chickasaw Mounted Rifles, of Creeks, and of Cherokee Mounted Rifles, 252, footnote, 262, footnote; Drew's deserts Cooper, 256; only one white, in whole In- dian Department, 280; Leeper asks for at least one, to keep order on Reserve, 349 Reid, Alexander: 76, 78 Removal: of Indians more or less compulsory, 19 and footnote ; slav- ery advanced as objection to Indian, 21-22 ; makes no difference in mat- ter of slavery among Indians, 22; difficulties within Indian country in- cident to, 27; Calhoun's plan for, 27 ; U. S. government slow to adopt policy of, 27-28 ; settlers demand, of Indians from Kansas, 36; certain tribes contemplating, 36, footnote; of Indians from Kansas delayed on account of Civil War, 37; Mission- ary Herald useful for history of, 40, footnote; reasons for, 48; pro- ject for, of Cherokees causes dis- sensions within tribes, 49 ; of Texas Indians, 52 ; Wichitas ask for im- mediate, 56 ; guarantee of territorial integrity in treaties arranging for, 160-161 ; indemnification for, 164- 166 ; Choctaw claims under treaty of, 196 Reservation: system, introduced into trans-Missouri region, 21 ; Creeks disgusted with idea of individual, 58 Reserve Indians: see Indians of Leased District, Wichitas, Tonkaiuas, Eu- chees, etc. Resolutions: of Choctaws, February 7, 1861, 72-74, 75; of Chickasaw Leg- islature, May 25, 1861, 122-124 an d footnote ; offered by Chilton of Ala- bama, 127; offered by Toombs for appointment of special agent to In- dian tribes, 129; of Choctaws and Chickasaws showing friendly dis- position towards South, 130 and foot- note ; passed at Cherokee mass-meet- ing at Tahlequah, August, 1861, 218, footnote, 223-225 ; joint, for re- lief of Indian refugees in Kansas, 274 Rhodes, J. F: work cited, 45, footnote, 129, footnote, 146, footnote Richardson, James D : work cited, 129, footnote, 158, footnote, 202, footnote Ridge, John: 47, footnote Ridge, or Treaty Party: in favor of Cherokee removal, 49; connives with Ben McCulloch to circumvent wishes of Chief Ross, 151; minority party, 153; Pike's intercourse with, continues, 156; attempts to develop public sentiment in favor of Con- federacy, 215 ; collision with Ross faction, 240 Robertson, W. S: 101, footnote, 192, footnote, 218, footnote Robinson, Charles: 228, 234 Rock-a-to-wa : 231, footnote Rogers, H. L: 332, 333, 336, 337 Rolla: W. S. Robertson fleeing from Indian country, reaches, 218, foot- note Roman Catholics: 38, footnote Ross, John: correspondence, 69, foot- note, uncle of Wm. P. Ross, 71; instructions of, 71, footnote; influ- ence, 72; character, 72, footnote; letter of Dole to, 80, footnote; no one firmer friend to Union than, 86, footnote; correspondence with John B. Ogden, 89, footnote, 115, footnote; called upon by commis- sioners from Texas, 93 ; letter from Governor Rector, 112; letter to Rec- tor, 117; letter from citizens of 390 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Boonsboro, HI, footnote, 124.; J. R. Kannady communicates with, 125; issues proclamation of neutrality, 125, 153-154; Albert Pike unjust to, 134, footnote] letter of Hubbard to, 144-145 ; reply to Hubbard, 146-147 ; correspondence with Ben McCul- loch, 149-151; sincerity possibly doubted, 168; declared shrewd, 189, footnote; Ridge Party attempts to undermine popularity, 215; attends meeting of Cherokee Executive Council, 217 ; address, 220, 223 ; suspected of not acting in good faith, 226 ; notifies Pike of Chero- kee willingness to treat, 234; com- municates with Creeks and Osages, 235; called upon to rally Cherokees, 256 Ross, Lewis: 138, footnote Ross, Mrs. John: 220, footnote Ross, Mrs. William P: work cited, 71, footnote Ross, William P: 71, 89, footnote, 116, footnote, 137, footnote, 139, foot- note, 217, 223 Ross, W. W: 210, footnote Ross Party: opposed to removal, 49; majority party, 153 Round Mountain: 255 Route: of Opoethleyohola's retreat, 261-262 and footnote Rust, Albert: 105, footnote Rutherford, A. H: 30, footnote, 190, footnote Rutherford, Samuel M: 86, footnote, x ^3f J 99 an< l footnote, 319 SACKETT, MAJOR: 98, footnote Sacs and Foxes: of Missouri, 36, foot- note San Antonio: 52, footnote Sands: see Ok-ta-ha-hassee Harjo Schoenmaker, John: 182, footnote Scott, S. S: 198, footnote, 201, footnote, 314, 32i Scott, Winfield: 88, footnote, 97, 249 Scottish Songs: work cited, 108, foot- note Screw Fly: work cited, 56, footnote Scullyville: Choctaw constitution of, 51; Creek regiment forming at, 211 Sebastian, William K: 106, footnote, 2*7 Secession : meeting held by white men and Choctaw half-bloods, 77; Pres- byterian ordained missionaries favor, 79; Indian country threatened by advocates for, 80; Indian agents ac- tive for, 82-83 a d footnote; mer- cenary motives in urging, 98, foot- note; sentiment in Arkansas, 103 et seq.; Pike offers arguments for, 133 ; secret organization of "Pins," 135, footnote; Stand Watie's party afraid to raise flag of, 140, footnote ; large element within Cherokee Na- tion favors, 153; Griffith appointed commissioner to interview Indians in interests of, 184; Indian oppon- ents absent from Pike's meeting at North Fork Village, 192; Jones most prominent of Choctaw advocates, 197; traces of influence of, 208; August mass-meeting of Cherokees ending in, 217 Second Seminole War: 20, footnote, 23, footnote, 164, footnote, 164-166 Secret Society: purpose of organiza- tion, 32, footnote; in Missouri, 35, footnote; among full-blooded Cher- okees, 48; "the Pins," 86, footnote, 135, footnote, 216; among Chero- kees for abolition purposes, 291, 293 ; Greenwood orders its dissolu- tion, 292; Cowart's views upon schemes of, 294 Sells, Elijah: 186, footnote Seminole Treaty: 157 and footnote; declares allegiance to C.S.A., 159, footnote; contains guarantee of au- tonomy, 159, footnote; contains promise of representation in Con- gress, 159, footnote; negotiated, Index 391 197-199, 197, footnote; considered by Provisional Congress, 206 Seminoles: from Florida, 20; removal in late fifties, 20, footnote ; status of free negro among, 40; Presby- terians among, 40; manifest only slight interest in education, 40, foot- note; given home in Creek country, 50; destitute, 57, footnote; represen- tatives at inter-tribal conference, 71; letter to chief of, 80, footnote; condition reported by Carruth, 84, footnote; in council with Creeks, Cherokees, Quapaws, and Sacs, 94; negotiations of Pike with, 136, foot- note; complaint against General Jesup, 164, footnote; Rector's trans- actions with, 182, footnote Seneca and Shawnee Treaty; 157 and footnote Senecas: 51, 64, 67; negotiations of Pike with, 136, footnote; from Cat- taraugus Reservation, 227, footnote Senecas and Shawnees: 51, 64, 67; ne- gotiations of Pike with, 136, foot- note, 237 Settlers: in Kansas demand that In- dians vacate territory, 36 Seward, William H: reference to "higher law" speech, 42, footnote; Chicago speech, 58, 75; Senate speech, 58 Shawnee Manual Labor School, 38 Shawnee Mission: work of Rev. Thomas Johnson at, 22, footnote Shawnees: from Ohio, 19; tarry in Missouri, 19, footnote; pro-slavery men among, 35; reported by Agent Dorn as anxious to leave Kansas, 36, footnote; Baptist school on res- ervation of, 38; Southern Method- ists among, 38; as refugees, 57, footnote; trouble over tribal elec- tions, 209, footnote; attack Wichita Agency, 329, footnote Shon-tah-sob-ba [Black Dog]: 235, footnote, 238, footnote Short Bird: 319 Shoshone: suggested territory of, 32, footnote Siebert, W. H: work cited, 23, foot- note, 49, footnote Sigel, Franz: 215, footnote Simon, Ben: 329, footnote Sioux: uprising, 21, footnote; warriors, 227, footnote Slaughter, Thomas C: 208 Slavery: in Kansas, 22; encouraged, 22; among Southern Indians, 22, 292; influence of churches upon, 37; white men to prevent abolition among Indians, 42; opposition among Choctaws and Chickasaws, 45 ; is being interfered with by in- truders, 47; cause in jeopardy among Cherokees, 48 ; North to ex- terminate among Indians, 145 ; rec- ognized as legal institution by treat- ies, 166 and footnote; offers easy solution of labor problem, 219; Co- wart reports complaints of interfer- ence with, 293 Slaves: 22, 142, 143, 144-145, *&S> 166, footnote, 167, footnote, 172, 216, 261 Smith, Andrew J : charges against, 41, footnote Smith, Caleb B: 74, footnote, 183, 242, 271, 274, 275 Smith, E. Kirby: 100, footnote Smith, John G: 192 Smith, William R: work cited, 108, footnote, 109, footnote Snow, George C: 198, footnote, 199, footnote Southern Baptist Convention: 39, foot- note Southern Baptists: 38, 39 South Carolina: 20, footnote Southern Indians: 18, 21, 32, 34, 36 Southern Methodists: 38, 39, 40 Southern Superintendency : 30, foot- note Sparrow, Edward: 127 39 2 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist Spencer Academy: 40, footnote, 75, 76,78 Springfield: 214, footnote, 217, 255, 283, 312, 334 Spy companies: reported equipped by Federals, 306 Stand Watie: 49, footnote, 137, foot- note, 153, 156, footnote, 227, 240, 283, 324 Stanton, Edwin M: 276, 279 Stanwood, Edward: work cited, 106, footnote Stark, O. P: 76 State Department (C.S.A.) : Albert Pike, commissioner from, 134, foot- note, 152; Bureau of Indian Affairs, part of, 188, footnote Stephens, Alexander H: work cited, 118, footnote, 119, footnote Stevens, R. S: 209, footnote Stevens, Thaddeus: 210, footnote Stidham, G. W: 194 Stocks: 61, 76, 203, footnote Stockton, G. B: 107, footnote, 186, footnote Strain, J. H: 285, 287 Sturm, J. J: 199, 201, footnote, 330, 331, 353, 357 Sumner, Charles: 45, footnote Sur-cox-ie: 268, footnote Surveyors: 53 TAHLEQUAH: 39, footnote, 93, 188, footnote, 217, and footnote, 218, footnote, 226, 234, 237, 293 Tallise Fixico: 194 Tatum, Mark T: 50, footnote, 104, footnote, 296 Taylor, J. W: 193, footnote Taylor, N. G: 30, footnote Tennessee: Cherokees from, 20; John J. Humphreys from, 185 Tenney, W. J : work cited, 90, footnote Tents: furnished to refugees, 261 Territorial expansion: 28, 58 Territorial form of government: 30, 31, footnote, 33 Texas: indigenous tribes in, 19, foot- note; Indians expelled from, 19, footnote, 52, 340; Cherokees in, 20, footnote ; annexed, 28 ; troops from, 53; Indian patronage, 59; Indian participation in Civil War, 63 ; in- terest in Indian Territory, 67; in- terest in securing alliance of In- dians, 83, 88, 90; interest in am- nesty provisions of Indian treaties, 175-176; commissioners from, 183; attitude of northern countries of, 200, footnote ; desires Reserve In- dians placed under her jurisdiction, 297 Texas Historical Association Quarter- ly: work cited, 20, footnote Texas Superintendency: 56, footnote Thomason, Hugh F: 202, 335 Thompson, Jacob: 45, footnote, 46, 54, 56, footnote Tishomingo: county of, 68, footnote Tonkawas: 52 and footnote, 189, foot- note, 200, 201, footnote, 340, 353 Toombs, Robert: 129, 131, 134 and footnote, 135, footnote, 152 Totten, James: 103, 104 Traders: 22, 27, 59-60, 169 et seq., 193, footnote, 238-239, 319 Trammel, Dennis: 288, 289 Treat, S. B: 43, footnote Treaties: 34, footnote, 37, footnote, 53, 78, 84, footnote, 102, 117, 122, foot- note; made with Indians as with foreign powers, 17 ; Ohio desires in- formation as to Manypenny, 33, footnote; relations to U.S. in, 70, footnote; obligation to abide by, 71, footnote; reduction of forts viola- tion of guaranties in, 97, footnote; resulting from council at Tahle- quah, 237 et seq. ; with the Chero- kees in part the result of intimida- tion, 240, footnote; with the Neosho Agency Indians, 241 ; money due the Creeks under, 289 ; Pike reports all ratified, 320; amendments to, 323; manuscript copies of, 329-330, footnote; no Indian Department to Index 393 be organized until ratification of, 331; terms of the, with the wild Indians, 352; Leeper makes a, with the Comanches, 354-355 TROOPS: Confederate -in Cherokee country, 136, footnote; no Arkan- sas, available, 253, footnote; Van Dorn's erroneous surmise as to pro- portion of white, in Pike's brigade, 280; Van Dorn's plans as to dis- position of, 283 ; Leeper inquires when, may be expected, 310; Pike's confidence in white, 320; lack of, in Leased District, 343, 349; non-ar- rival of, 345. Indian - Confeder- acy secure before negotiation of treaties of alliance, 207 ; plans for distribution of, 207; Cherokee, un- der McCulloch, 226-227; Northern, offer to furnish U. S. with, 227, foot- notes', large and increasing number in Indian Territory, 252; not pos- sible to keep order, 346. United States - few within Indian country, 52-53 ; Secretary Floyd disposed to withdraw from Indian frontier, 53 ; from Texas ordered to protect U. S. surveyors, 53 ; number to be re- tained in Indian country queried, 72, footnote; Carruth reports all gone from Indian Territory, 86, footnote; ordered to leave, 87 and footnote; disposition, reported upon by Texas commissioners, 95 ; under Emory ordered to Indian Territory, 96 et seq.; flee from Indian Ter- ritory, 101 ; dissatisfaction at report- ed change in disposition in Arkan- sas, 103, 105 ; to counteract influ- ence of secessionists, 216 ; method of warfare under Lane, 233; Dole urges to re-occupy Indian Territory, 241 ; sudden withdrawal spreads alarm in Leased District, 299 True Democrat: work cited, 47, foot- note, 48, footnote, 106, footnote Tuckabatche Micco: 51, footnote Tuckabatchee Town: 193, footnote Tulsey Town: 255 Turnbull, John P: 189, footnote Turner, J. W: 260, 272, footnote Tusaquach: 247 Tush-ca-hom-ma : district of, 179 Twiggs, D. E: 55, footnote, 87 UMATILLA: suggested territory of, 32, footnote Underground railroad: 42 Upper Arkansas Agency: 210, footnote Upper Creeks: 50, 208, footnote, 191, footnote, 192, 193, footnote, 236, footnote, 244, 319 Usher, John P: 56, footnote, 228, foot- note VAN BUREN (Ark.) : 64, footnote Van Dorn, Earl: 55, 138, footnote, 280, 283 Vann, Joseph: 217, 223 Verdigris River: 259, 272 WAH-PA-NUC-KA INSTITUTE: 40, foot- note Walker, David: 116, 298 Walker, Leroy P: 119, 127, 142, 147, 151, 161, 200, footnote, 207, 215, footnote Walker, William: head chief of the Wyandots, 22, footnote Walker, William: 105, footnote Wall, David: 23, footnote Walnut Creek: 259 War Department: C.S.A., 128, foot- note, 139, footnote, 140, footnote, 193, footnote, 257, footnote; U.S.A., 52, 80, 87, 96, 228, footnote, 234, 241, 250, 264-265, 275 Washburn, J. W: 84, footnote, 164, footnote, 238, and footnote Washita: Indians driven from coun- try of, 19, footnote Wattles, Augustus: 229, footnote Waul, Thomas N: 127, 205 Weas: from Illinois, 19 Weber's Falls: 86, footnote Welch, George W: 84, footnote 394 The Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist West Florida: seizure of, 28 West Point: 215, footnote Wheelock: Choctaw school, 39, foot- note White, Joseph: 209, footnote White, S. W: letter of, 33, footnote White Cloud: 227, footnote Whitney, Henry C: 208 and footnote Whittenhall, Daniel S: 350 Wichita Agency: site for, 54, 56, foot- note, 136, footnote, attack upon, 329, footnote Wichita Mountains: 51, 55 Wichita Treaty: 157, footnote, 158, 163, 176 Wichitas: 52; colonization of, 55; sub- sistence given to, 57, footnote', Leas- ed District of, 63 ; colonized on land claimed as their own, 166; Pike hopes to meet, 189, footnote; Pike fears hostility of, 200; refuse to be cajoled or intimidated, 201 Wilson, Henry: work cited, 32, foot- note Wilson, William: 23, footnote Wilson's Creek: battle of, 225 Winneconne: 219, footnote Wisconsin: tribes from, 19 Wolcott, Edward: 273, footnote Worcester, Reverend S. A: 23, foot- note; opposed to slavery, 41 Wyandots: from Ohio and Michigan, 19 ; William Walker, head chief of, 22, footnote; initiate movement for organization of Nebraska Territory, 34; interested in Kansas election troubles, 34, footnote; Methodism, 38 YANCTON Sioux: Agent Burleigh sug- gests that garrison Fort Randall, 227, footnote Young, William C: 100 Yulee, David L: 238, footnote DEC JU Form L University of California Library Los Angeles low. UCLA URU1LL NON-RENEWABL mC'O LD-URL ODE 2 INKS rip WE RECEiVED JUL0 71997 VRY-6 ^ ^