^m .'.^v- ■:.!•- .;:■■;■■ ■■••/.:".'-%■ '/':%'■'''' HR^i^V IK''"'-'-' ^^Hfi' ' ' '^ ' ^HE~, ^''.^ '''.' ^P;;*\;'^;' t<' ^^^B "' • ' ' ,'•' . .;. ^K.rj'.'":: :/'■■■. ^K^Vs;^ ' '' HI"''"/."""'-' 'r ' ^V ' ^ ' ; ■''; d I- 1- CATALOGUE OP 7* \ 1 '. --s THE LONDON LIBKAEY rniNTICD BY SFOTTZSWOODE AND CO. LTD., XLW-SimniT ^QUAltF. LONDON CATALOGUE OF THE LONDON LIBRARY ST, JAMES'S SQUARE, LONDON BY C. T. HAGBEEG WEIGHT, LL.D. SECRETARY AND LIBRARIAN LONDON WILLIAMS \- NOKGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STEEET, COVENT GARDEN 1903 THE LONDON LIBEAEY, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, S.W. ins MAJESTY THE KING. '^tesibcni. SIP. LESLIE STEPHEN K.C.B. ^icc-^rcoibcni5. Eight Hon. A. J. BALFOUE, M.P. Eight Hon. W. E. H. LECKY, M.P., D.C.L. GEOEGE MEEEDITH, Esq. HEEBEET SPENCEE, Esq. ■grusfecs. The EAEL OF EOSEBEEY, K.G. Eight Hon. LOED AVEBUEY, F.E.S. Eight Hon. Sm M. E. GEANT DUFF, G.C.S.I., F.E.S. gommitkc. Eev. Canon Aingek, D.D. 0. H. Bridges, Es(i., M.D. Professor Lewis C.\mi>bell, LL.D. Austin Dobson, Es(|., LL.D. Sydney Gedge, Es(|. Kir A. Geikie, F.E.S. Sir E. GiFFEN, K.C.B., F.E.S. Edmund Gosse, Esq., LL.D. Mrs. J. E. Gkeen. Frederic H.a.ubison, Esq. Eev. W. Hunt, M.A. Sir C. P. Ilbkut, K.C.S.I. Sir C. M. Kennedy, K.G.M.G., C.B. Sidney Lee, Esq., Litt.D. W. S. Lilly, Esq. Sidney J. Low, Esq. Fe.\nk T. M.\rzi.\ls, Esq., C.B. Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. Eev. J. H. Eigg, D.D. S. A. Strong, Esq. H. E. Tedder, Esq. Eev. H. Wace, D.D. Sir Spencer W.\lpole, K.C.B. A. \Y. W.\KD, Esq., Litt.D., LL.D. gccvcfare anb jfiibrarion. C. T. HAGBEEG weight, LL.D. BAECLAY k COMPANY, Limited, 1 P.^ll Mall Bast. London Libeart, St. James's Square, S.W. The Libkahy offers to its Members over '2'^0,000 volumes selected from the literature of all countries, including a large proportion of old and valuable Works not supplied by ordinary Circulating Libraries. Additions are continually made, both of the standard Works of the day and of older and rarer Books. Fifteen volumes at a time are allowed to Country Members ; Ten to residents in London. For every extra pound per annum, an additional number of Volumes may be had at the rate of five Volumes at one time of old Works, or the supply of any new Work (provided it is aJ)'cad!j in the Lihranj) by the purchase of another copy. Fourteen days are allowed for the perusal of new Books {i.e. Books published within the last twelve months), and two months for Books of older date. The Beading Booms, which are open daily from Ten to Half-past Six, are furnished with Periodicals, English and Foreign, together with a selection of new Books for use in the rooms only. The Library is closed three days at Easter and three days at Christmas, on Whit- Monday and Aitgitst Bank Holiday. Subscribers are admitted on the recommendation of a Member, subject to the approval of the Committee. C. T. HAGBEBG WEIGHT, Secretary and Lihrarian. 1903. PREFACE Since the London Library issued its last Catalogue in 1888, there has been an immense increase in the accumulation of books and in their circulation, and likewise in the number of the members. In 1888 the volumes catalogued numbered 100,000 ; there are at present on the shelves about 220,000 volumes. In 1888 the members numbered 1,952; now they number 2,897. In 1888 the receipts were £5,221 ; they are now £7,481. This very considerable growth of the Library, and the extension of its importance and influence, made the issue of a new and complete Catalogue a matter of necessity. The Catalogue of 1888 was merely an enlarged edition of the Catalogues of 1842, 1847, 1865, and 1875. Within a very few years it became more or less ol:)Solete, and the stock was nearly sold out. The Committee accordingly resolved to issue an entirely new Catalogue ; and, in 1894, they appointed a sub-committee (which consisted of Sir Leslie Stephen, K.C.B., the president, Mr. Austin Dobson, Mr. Frederic Harrison, Mr. Sidney Lee, and Mr. Henry 11. Tedder) to consider the form which the Catalogue should take, and the best mode of preparing it for publication. The sub-committee found at once, and convinced their colleagues, that no mere extension or revision of the existing catalogues would ensure efliciency. The work liad to be organised entirely 'Je novo, as if no materials upon which to build existed ; and the first thing to be done was to draw up a scheme of rules to govern the entries, and to decide upon the most convenient form in which the Catalogue should be printed. The time required for the preparation and printing of the present Catalogue has somewhat exceeded the period that was at first anticipated. But, considering the difficulties to be overcome, it is scarcely surprising that this should be the case. To catalogue accurately and exhaustively a collection of 220,000 volumes in almost every language ancient or modern, is in itself no ordinary task. And it should be remembered that the Loudon Library is a lending Library, with from 15,000 to 16,000 volumes constantly in transit, and in the hands of members. A large and fluctuating percentage of the 220,000 volumes were not available at the moment when they were needed by the cataloguer, for each entry has been compiled from the book itself. It should also be remembered that from the beginning of 1896 to the end of 1898 the building was under entire reconstruction, and the continual displacement of volumes due to such conditions caused great and prolonged inconvenience to all those engaged in the administration and in the cataloguing of the Library not less than to the members. The reconstruction of tlie building with ample space for the extension of the Library for many years to come, and the completion of the new Catalogue — both accomplished within vi PREFACE tlie period I'rum l)s95 to 1U03 -promise still further to promote the usefulness of the Library, which in the last fifteen years has more than doubled the number of its volumes, and has increased its income by £2,260. One of the most difficult problems to be solved was how to produce an exhaustive and minute catalogue of 220,000 volumes, with all the sub-entries and cross-references needed to make it efficient, and yet to set it up in a form that could be conveniently handled by a large body of general readers. The previous Catalogues, finally embodied in that of 1888, were large octavos of some hmidreds of pages, with about 45 entries on each page. The Catalogue of 1888 has 1,624 8vo pages (including an Ajipendix). The present Catalogue has 1,626 larger pages of double columns, each having an average of about 104 entries. The entries contained in this Catalogue are nearly three times as many as those in the Catalogue of 1888. For example (to take the names of standard authors long deceased;, the entries under the name of Dante in the Catalogue of 1888 number 58. In the present Catalogue they amount to over 200. The entries under Charles Darwin in the Catalogue of 1888 number 26. In the present Catalogue they amount to 54. The entries under .Jonathan Swift in the Catalogue of 1888 amount to 28. In the present Catalogue they number 55. AVhile it is to be regretted that the smaller page of octavo had to be abandoned for a. double column page of cpiarto, of smaller and closer print, it will be seen that the change became inevitable in a work wherein nearly three times the amount of matter had to be comprised. Every possible contrivance has been adopted to economise space and to obtain clearness for reading, while offering the work to subscribers at a moderate price. The type, the paper, and the form were only chosen after long consideration and various experiments. The objection to issuing a serviceable catalogue in anything but a single volume seemed decisive, and reasons of cost prevented the resort to any of the specially line papers. The system of abbreviations (of which a table is added) was adopted to reduce the bulk. It is hoped that subscribers will easily accustom themselves to their use. To have dispensed with such abbreviations would have added materially to the size and cost of the work, and would have rendered it too large for convenient handling. The preparation of the Catalogue had to be carried on without interfering with the daily business of the Library as a circulating collection in continual movement, and without interfering with the duties of the Librarian and the staff in the ordinary administration of the Society. The cataloguing staif consisted of the Librarian (Mr. llagberg Wright), the late Mr. Paissell, and two, recently three, junior assistants. In August 1001 the sudden death of Mr. Eussell, who devoted his whole time to this most laborious work, greatly impeded the task of cataloguing the large collections and serial publications, and of revising and editing for press the slips on which the entries were made. This very important part of the task was thereupon undertaken by the Librarian in addition to the general supervision which he had given from the first. Mr. Eussell's decease was a disaster the effect of which could only, be fully estimated by those engaged in the work. Expertus disces quam gravis iste labor. PEE FACE vii One of the assistants began his hihours in the cataloi^'uing room in 1895 at the age of fourteen, and the other in 1898 at the age of sixteen, both having come straight from school. Their diligence and application have been exceptional. The cataloguing of -220,000 volumes (omitting large collections, and serial publications of societies) occupied three years, from June 1895 to July 1898, giving an average of 2G0 voUimes for each working day, at a cost of £100 for every 32,000 volumes. Then the revision and editing for the press of the slips on which the entries were made occupied three and a half years more, from August 1898 to February 1902. The printing was begun in February 1902, and has been carried on by Messrs. SroTTis- wooDE & Co., Limited, with remarkable rapidit}- and completeness. This firm, to whom the Committee entrusted the work, provided a special set of types, machinery, and staff of compositors and readers. They have completed a work of a peculiarly complicated nature, which probably contains 2,170,000 words, within about twelve months, sending out the quarto sheets at the rate of eight pages (or 8,000 words) jjfc diem. The correction of sO' large a quantity of proofs, at such a rate of progress, has entailed great and protracted labour. The total cost of preparing the MS. copy and of printing and binding an edition of 3,000 copies of the Catalogue (irrespective of the labours of the Librarian in editing the entire work) has amounted to £1,250. The London Library, which has now been established more than sixty years, is so well known, and its history and progress have been so often described in various reports, that it is unnecessary to refer to them at length. It may be useful, however, to remind the menibera of the following facts. The Library was founded by a body of eminent scholars and public men, primarily at the suggestion of Thomas Carlyle, and it was opened for use on May 1, 1841. It was designed to " contain books in all departments of literature and philosophy, and in all languages, its chief distinguishing feature being the privilege enjoyed by subscribers of having books at their homes, both in London and in the country." In the th'st year of its work the number of volumes issued amounted to 14,804. At the date of the last lleport the number amounted to 120,071. The progress of the Library may be practically measured by the increasing bulk of its Catalogue. The Catalogue of 1842 was a thin octavo volume of 140 pages ; that of 1847 had grown to 512 pages ; that of 1805 had 930 pages ; that of 1875' had 1,022 pages : the Catalogue of 1888 contained 1,161 pages, with an Appendix in a separate volume of 463 pages. The present Catalogue, by the use of smaller type, double columns and contractions, contains, in one volume, nearly three times the matter, without increasing the number of pages. The Library contains every sort of book, from books on Sundials to books on the ancient Sabaeans. Among its treasures are such valuable books as the 1557 edition of Sir Tliomas More's English works, Migne's complete collection of the Patrologia, Bouquefs llecueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, Pertz's Monumeuta Germaniie historica, Acta Sanctorum, besides rare county histories and numerous original authorities in English history. Perhaps one of the most distinguishing features of the Library is the excellence of the collection of foreign works, which is carefully kept up to date. The only absolute restriction imposed by the Society in the selection of books is the exclusion of new books of a merely ephemeral and trivial character, and of purely viii PREFACE technical or professional works. " The London Library," it has been frequently repeated, " was not designed to compete with ordinary circulating liliraries, or with libraries of a special or professional character," such as those of Universities, Inns of Court, or scientific societies. The present premises in St. .James's Square (formerly known as Beauchamp House) were occupied by the Society under a lease in 184.5, and in 1879 the freehold of the whole of the premises was purchased. On this ground the Iniildings were reconstructed in 1896 at a cost of something under £20,000, and the new rooms were opened in December 1898. There is now, within the Society's own freehold, shelf-room for about B.50.000 volumes, a number which will not be reached for very many j-ears to come. The Presidents of the London Library since 1811 have been the Earl of Clarendon (1841), Thomas Carlyle (1870), Lord Houghton (1881), Lord Tennyson (188.5), Sir Leslie Stephen, K.C.B. (1893). The Librarians have been Mr. J. G. Cochrane (1841), Mr. William Bodham Donne (1852), Mr. Robert Harrison (1857), and Mr. C. T. Hagberg Wright, LL.D. (1893). During the sixty-two years of its existence the London Library has had the support of a large proportion of the most eminent scholars, writers, and public servants of the country, who have often given expression to their lively sense of the assistance which they have derived from it in their literary and public work. It may now fairly claim to be the largest and most important lending library of its kind in Europe. The Library is honoured by the patronage of His Majesty the King, and within the last ten years it has included among its office-bearers three Prime Ministers, together with a considerable body of men who have held high offices in the public service. The Committee has always numbered in its ranks not only scholars and men of letters, but also men trained in business and in practical administration. And it is largely due to the care which they have given to the conduct of its financial affairs that the Committee has been able to report in a uniformlj- favourable sense on the material prosperity of the Library and its property. It is intended to issue a new Subject Catalogue at a later date. In sendhig out this volume it is pleasing to acknowledge the help which has been received from members and others. Dr. -T. Morison and Mr. Frederic Harrison have read through the proof-sheets, and made many valuable suggestions. Mr. Geoffrey Williams and Herr Theodor von Wilmersdoeeffer, of Munich, have during the last seven years devoted much time and labour to answering the numerous queries raised during the compilation of the Catalogue, and special thanks are due to them. Mr. H. B. Wheatley, Mr. David Hannay, Mr. E. Hilliard, and Mr. A. ^Y. K. Miller have at various times been equally liberal of their knowledge and advice. Acknowledgments are also due to the numerous publishers who, during the preparation of the Catalogue, have so obligingly replied to the many questions addressed to them. This Catalogue contains all books added to the Library up to December 31, 1901. NOTES ' THE FOLLOWING HINTS MAY ASSIST IN THE USE OF THIS CATALOGUE. General Plan.— The tii-st principle on which the books are arranged is that they are put under the names of their authors. These are given in alphabetical order, and under eacli the titles of their books are alphabetically arranged. Where books arc catalogued under the same name, as " Henry " for example, they are arranged in the following order : \ !^' '" (1) Anonymous Books (and Place-names) Henry Dunbar, (novel). (2) Periodicals and Societies Henry Bradshaw Society. ,^ (3) Christian names with distinctive title, epithet or place-name Henry I, King of England. , l-i) Surnames Henry (Alexander). Books to be found under Christian Names.— (A.) Where either a book's title or the author thereof is known by a Christian name without a surname, but with a distinctive title, epithet, or place-name, the books have been arranged according to the alphabetical order of the place-name or nickname, neglecting the prepositions of, da, von etc., and such words as bishop, king, arclibishop : John, Mug of Abyssinia. John the Faster. John of Alexandria. 1 John of France. John o/ Amundesham. I John, pope. John, lihuj of England. | John de Troyes. &c. (B.) Christian names appearing on title-pages have generally been given in full. If the author has other Christian names, only the initials of these have been given as a rule. Where the insertion of such initials throws a name out of its expected alphabetical position, a cross-reference has been given. Names of Noblemen. — Noblemen have been entered under their titles except where the family names are better known, as for example Horace Walpole under Walpole, not under Orford. Modified Vowels.— The modified vowels have been treated, as regards their alphabetical arrangement, as simple a c i o u. Apostrophe. — An apostrophe occurring in a title heading,* e.g. Smith's Diet*', has been neglected in the alphabetical arrangement. Compound names etc. — In the case of authors having compound surnames, or changing their names, or whose names include a preposition or an article or both, that form has been adopted to which a reader would most readily turn. Variations of Names. — Variations of the name are given in small capitals within brackets, and cross-references have been liberally supplied. Anonymous Books etc. — (A.) The entries of anonymous books are marked by an asterisk ; and such works have been catalogued under (1) the first word of the title, excluding the article, (2) the author's name, when that has been ascertained, (3) the important word of the title, (i) initials of authors, when these are given. (B.) Books whose authors are indicated by initials only, or by a descriptive phrase, have been treated as anonymous. (C.) In addition to searching all available works of reference to discover the authorship of anonymous books, or to verify the author's name when authorities were doubtful or conflicting, much original investigation has been undertaken ; the correspondence thus occasiojied with authors, publishers, and others, in Great Britain and abroad, has amounted to more than 2,000 letters, which contain much valuable information, and have been preserved for reference. Many authors, however, while acknowledging authorship, have preferred to conceal their identity ; and in such cases the name has not been revealed. * The "title heading '' is the technical tenn used for the words printed in antique (or black) type in the catalogue. X NOTES British Museum Catalogue. -As regards general plan and arrangtment the B.M.C. has been takeu as the standard and chief reference-book. Many of its bibliographical notes have, after verification., been embodied in the London Library Catalogue. .\nd, in order to facilitate reference to the B.M.C, the form of an author's name therein adopted lias been added in brackets and preceded by a (t), in all cases where a different form of name has been preferred as the catchword or heading in the London Library Catalogue. Further, in the case of authors with similar names, a designation (e.r/. M.A. ; engraver ; minister) corresponding to the designation in the B.]\I.C. has been added after the names of such authors with a view to their ready identification. Change of Title of Book. — Change of title from one edition to another is noted. See, for example,, the entries under Hastings (Warren), Osborne (0.). and Tremenheere (H. S.) Editors and Translators. — References have been made from editors and translators only when- the work is difficult to find under its true title, as in the ciise of Oriental names, etc., or., when exceptional interest attaches to the editor, as in the case of -T. A. Symonds's translation of Cellini's Life. Incomplete Works. — When the publication of a work has been arrested before completion, care has been taken to ascertain from publishers, etc., the exact amount of actual publication, and also if further publication is to be expected. If a work is incomplete or in progress, this is indicated in the entry, as e.g. vl-6 ; if complete, Cv. London Suburbs. Places which are only in modern times, and in popular language, counted as parts of Ijondon, are not grouped under London, but are given separately under their respective headings. Place of Publication. — Much space has been saved by omitting systematically the names of certain places of publication which frequently recur. For example : — Berlin is omitted where titles of u'ur?:s ore in tierraan Bucuresci ,, ,, „ Rnumauian Biida-Pesth „ „ „ Hungnrian Chriatiania ,, „ ,, Norwegian Copenhagen ,, „ „ Danish Lisbon ,, ,, ,, Portuguese London „ ,, ,, English Madrid „ „ „ Spanisli Paris ,, „ „ French Rejkjavik ,, „ „ Icelandic Rome „ „ ,, Italian St. Petersburg ,, ,, ,, Russian Stockliolin ,, „ „ Swedish The follou'inri are the nbbrcv'. of I'laces of piibl". A. =Amsterdara M'ter. = Manchester C. = Cambridge 1 N.Y. = New York D. = Dublin I O. = Oxford E. = Edinburgh St. = Stuttgart L. = Leipzig j Str. — Strasaburg Liv'l. = Liverpool | W. = "Washington Publishers. — Publishers' names have been inserted when of special literary importance. Size. — The manner of dealing with the sizes of books has been rough and ready. Three sizes^ have been used, octavo, quarto, folio, and each has been subdivided into three, as small octavo,, octavo, and large octavo, etc. Works in Several Vols. — The contents of works in several volumes have been carefully given, wherever such indications would save consulters from asking for the whole of a work when they need part only. Such indications are necessary also, for the reason that many works, especially Crerman works, have second, or even third, title-pages for each volume. Other Details. An asterisk placed before the title of a book indicates that the book was published' anonymously. When the heading in the London Library Catalogue differs from that of the British Museum Catalogue, a -^ has been placed in front of the B.^^L form which has been put in square brackets. [ ] Information not derived from the title-page of a volume is placed within square brackets : thus, v[l-14^ shows that volumes 1-14 are not numbered on their title-pages. 3v in G[2i iv . Small Roman figures indicate the parts of a volume: thus vl ; 2i, ii, iii, iv ; 3- means that the second volume has four parts. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The list appended is given in Is the great majority of cases the contractions used are, it is hoped, clear from tl.e context. "■'"ln°nH™ ^^:^l^Ztrnan^on. are variable aeoordin, to context, one form alone is given below. The following endings, among others, are systematically omitted :— able ais[se] al[e] atic ation[8] atioues ensis etical eux [euse] ical ieneis niaive iBUx[se] inal[e] inary ion[9] ional[e] ique iscli, ische itioii[s] li,/hre] 0X7 ous ural ution A. abbr. Abd. Abhdl. d. k. s. (ics. d. Wiss. AWidl-. :d.ol. ill) or. 111. abp. abr. iibrint. Abthlj;. a.e. Acad. Ar-ad. d'iuch. de Belt:. Ac;id. Rniii a.c.b.w.li. accomp. - accord. iicct. add. [addit.] adbib. adj. A.d.M.G. adiiiin. adv. aep. aff. Afh. aft\ A°&.i.K. ayric. aj;st. abd. iij. Akad. all. Allen's X.L = Anflage, Auegabe = andere ; annum antlior — abbreviated = Abdruck = Abbaiidlungen der kuniglich siichs- ischen Gesell- scbatt der Wis- senscbatten = Abhandlung — abolition = ab origine ninndi = archbiabop = abridged = abridgment = Abtheilung = another copy = Academie, Acixdeniy = Acade'mie d'Arche- ologie de Belgique = Acadeinia Eomana = another copy bound with his [her] — accession ; accord- ing ; account ; accedit, accedunt, accessit ; aceu- rante, etc. = aocompagnee, ac- companied 1 = according = account '. : added, additions, additanieiituin, ad- dita, addidit, etc. adliibuit adjecit, adjimxit, etc. = Annales du Musee tTuiniet - administration : adventure, adven- tures; ad versus = archiepiscopus = aSaires ; Afliandling = afterwards - aggiunta = AUgemeine Ge- Bchichte in Einzel- darstellungeu = agriculture ~ against = althoclideutsche = ajoute = Akademie = alleniand = Allen's Naturalist's Library allg. allit. althd. Araer. Revol. an. aiiad. anal, anc. Anc. class, for Eng. read. Anf. augl. Anlig. aaimadv. Amn. ann. annot. ant. Anthrop. Soc. antig. autiq. ap. Apoc. app. app". apptd. archd. Arch, du Min. des Aff. Etrang. arg. arr. ascr. ass. A«., A"^". attr. a.u.c. auct. Aua. augm. aum. Ausg. aut. auth. av. B B. b. = allgemeine : alliterative -althochdeutsoli ] = American Revolu- tion -anni = anadidas [ - analysis j ^ancient, ancien = Ancient classics for English readers = Anf ang = anglais, Angleterre = Anhang = animadversions = Anmerkungen = annual = annotations, anno- tationes, etc. = aiionyme, anony- mous = answer = anteriores = Anthropological So- ciety = antiguos — antiquarian, an- tiquities, antiquse, etc. = apres = Apocryphal = apparatu; ap- pended, appendice, appendix = appeared = appointed = archduke = Archives du Minis- tere des Affaires Etrangeres — argunienti = arranged = ascribed = assisted by = Angelegeubeit(en) ~ attributed --- ab urbe condita = auctor, auctoris, etc. = Auflage — augmente, aug- mented — aumentado = Ausgabe — auteur ; autres = authorised ~ avant = Band = baron; bis; birth, born ; bound Bampton = Hampton Lectures ; coUab. £^> , com. Bearbtg. =Bearbeitung bef. = before Beit. = Beitriige bell. =bellica bes. =besonderer betr. = betreffend betw. = between bibl. =bibliotheca, biblio- Comm.inA, thfeque, etc. Gneca. Bibl. d. =Bibliothek der , Commsrs. Spr.-kde. Sprachen-Kunde comp. bibliog. = bibliography biog. = biography, biogra- phie bk., bks. =book, books B.M. = British iVIuseum Bodl. = Bodleian bp. = bishop I comp-. Brief w, = Brietwechsel compl. Brit. = Britain, British ■ bull. = bulletin ; b.w. = bound with b.w.h. = bound with his [her] c = central ; century ; circa ; conte ; cura = Cabinet Cyclopaedia = Cambridge Anti- quarian Society = canon , = cantique = capitaiiie ■ = cardinal ' = carm,iuibus, etc. ; - catalogue -cathedral = Collection des Me- moires sur I'Art ' dramatique | = century = Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen = cliapitre, chapter = chevalier = chretieune = chronicle, chro- nique, chronica, etc. = circulated, circula- tion = circumjacentium ^ciyil, civile = county = codex, ctJdtces — coleccionadas Coleccion de Ramon Fernandez coll., [colls.] - collected, collection, collectio, coUectis ; coUegit, college con J. conf. Cab. Cycl. Caiub. Ant. S. can. cant, cap. card, catm. cat. cath. C.d.M.s. I'A.D. cent. C. f. Bibl. ch. chev. cliret. chion. circmnjac. civ. Co. cod. [codd.] col. Col-deR.F. conn. conq. cons. confer. consec. cont. contemp., con- temp 9. controv. cont^. conv. convert. Corp. Corp. apol. chr. scec. corr. C.R.d'h. de Belg crit. — collaboration ^comedia, comedic — commencement; commented, coni- mentes, commen- taries, commeu- taire, coramcn- tario, etc. ; com- missioQ, committee = Commentanaiu Ar- istotelem Grteea — Commissioners — coraparee, compara- tive, compared, comparison ; com- pendium ; com- piled ; compilata ; composee; com- plete ; comprishig — comprehending = complectens ; com- plete = concernaut, con- cerning, etc. ; con- cilii, conciliorum ; concordance — condidit etc. — conf ecit, confer- ence ; confessor ; confutatio — congestum ; con- gress — connected, connec- tion, etc. = conquest, conquctc = consilio — conscripta — consecration — containing, coute- nant, continet, contiene ; con- tinued, continua- tion, continuata = coutemporaine, con- temporary, con- temporaries — controversy = contains — con versa — convertendis = corporation — Corpus apolo- getarum Clirib- tianorum Sicculi secundi = corrected, corrige ; c r r e s p ondauce ; correxit — Commission royale d'histoire de Bel- gique ^critical, critica, critiche, critique xu C.S.E.Lat. C.s.h. Byz. C.S.N. cssa. esse. cte., ctsse. Curab. & Westm. A. & A. Soc. cur. curav. D d. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS d'ap. ded. del. dep. Dep«. descr. dev. diet. Diet, de I'A.F. diff. dig. dir. disc. disp. disq. diss. distiug. div. diz. doc, dcc^. Doc\ ined. doct. don. D.o.t.E. dsse. dm-. E E. e. ee. ecc. ecclcB. econ. ed. edd. E.D.S. E.E.T.S. = Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latiiiorura = Corpus scriptorum hist. Byzantinie = Confederate States Navy - contessa = comte8se = comte, comtesse ^ Cumberland and Westmorland An- tiquarian and Ar- chieological So- ciety = curante, curantibus = curavit = Deel - daughter ; deacon, diaconus ; der, die, das, etc. ; died ; duke, duchess = d'apres - dedicated, dedica- tion - defensio = depuis = Department = described, descrip- tion, descripta, de- scriptio, descritti etc. - devant = dictionary, diction- naire ^Dictionnaire de I'Academie fran- vaise = different, dMerentes = digesta, digestte etc. = direction = discovered, dis- covery ; discursus, discourse - disputatio -disquisition, tlis- quisitiones etc. = dissertatio, disser- tation, disserta- zioni = distinguished = divers, diversas, diverses, diversis etc.; divided, divi- sion = dizionario = document, docu- ments = Documents inedits = doctrina, doctrine = donata -Dramatists of the Restoration - duchesse -during = Eaat, Eastern = earl, emperor ; episcopus ; ein, erne, etc. = eccetera -eccellenti -ecclesiastical - economy = edited, editor, edi- tion, edition, editio, editione, edidernnt = editors = Enghsh Dialect So- ciety = Early Enghsh Text Society [& E. S. = Extra Scries] E.G. =Etats Generaux Einltg. i^Einleitung eiuz. — einzigen emend. = emendatur, emeu- data, emendatione etc. Eng. ^England, English Engl. = Englished enl. — enlarged epigram. — cpigrammatum Episc. - Episcopal epist. — epistola, etc. erkl. =erkl;irt Esp. = Espague esp. = especial, especially, esposto espafi. = espaiSolas et. = etude etc. = etcetera etr. — etrangers etc. exam. = examination, ex- amined exc. — exceptis excls. = excluding exec. - = executive expl. =explique expld. - explained explic. ==explieavit, expli- catio expos. — expositione extr. [extr'.] = extracted, extracts, extrait f. fac. facs. fer. fin's. tlor. fog. form. f.p.c. t.p.d. f. p. use fr. fragm" Frhr., ) Frlnn. f -- family ; foreign ; fran(,'ais ; from = faculte - facsimile - feruntur -finished = floruerunt - fogata = formavit ; formerly = for private circula- tion = tor private distribu- tion = for private use = fratris etc. ; fran- i;ais, frani.-aise - fragmenta = Freiherr, Freiherrn G G. e. do laF. gen., gen. genealog. gen. t. geogy. gesamm. Gesch. gest. gloss. ' gouv. gov. govt. Gr. grumm. graV. Gr. ecr. Guimet Grands ecrivaius de la Prance general, generals genealogical, genea- logist general title geography gesammelt, gesam- melte — Gescliichte, Ge- scliiedenis = gestorum — glossarial, glossa- ries, glossaire — gouvernement := governo = government ^ Greek — graiumatica etc. = gravures fr. = Grands ecrivains frani^ais Annales du Musee Guimet H.E. = Bibliotheque de I'ecole des Hautes Etudes h.e. = hoc est heut. = heutigen Hft. -Heft Hib. -= Hibernia hist. -= history, histoire, historische etc. Hist. Gez. = Historisch Gezel- te Utrecht schap te Utrecht H.K.S. = Hanserd Knollys Society hrsg. = herausgegeben Hss. = Handschriften Hunt. C. = Hunterian Club H H. -Heft h. ^-lier, his hab. -^habita H.C. = Hunterian Club Hdbcli. — Handbuch hdbk. = handbook I. Arch. & Celtic Soc. I.A.S. Icel. illust. [ill.] imp. maug. incl. ined. inlust. insbey. inscr. iustr. [in- strux.] int. interj. intern at. interp. intr. [in- trod.^ 1% Isl. ist. Jhdt. Jhrg. J. H. U. studies in hist, il- polit. sc. E. V. K K. k. Kat. - K.-M. Knackfuss - Kom. Komm. L. lafol. laq. lat. Latein. Littdkmlr. = ihre = Irish Arclueological & Celtic Society = Irish Archaeological Society = Icelandic - illustrated, illus- trations, illustrant, illustrative, iUus- trazione; illustres = imperfect ; impera- tor, imperiale ; impreuta, impres- sions, impressis, imprime -inaugurales = including -inedits -inlustratum = insbesondere -inscription, inscrip- tions, iuscriptus, etc. -instruxit -integris ; intenio, , intorno ^interjectis -international = interpretatione, in- terpretatiouem, in- terpretes = introducmg, intro- duction = Islands = Islenzka, isliindisch ^ istoria Jahrhundert Jabrgang Johns Hopkins Uni- versity studies in historical & politi- cal science, Extra volume lect. [Iect^] - lex. lez. hb. Lib. of En- tert. K. Lib.oEU.K. lit. Utt. Lit. V. in St. livr. Lend. & Mid. Arch. S. Lp. : Kaiserlich ; Ki.>nig- lich = king - Katalog = Kiinstler - Mono- graphien :Knackfuss (H.) Kfinstler - Mono- graphien = Komedie -Komraentar = Liefening = large folio :-laquelle = latinam -LateinischeLittera- turdenkmiiler lecture, lectures, lectiones lexicon lezionc libellis ; library, libraire ; libri Library of Enter- taining Knowledge Library of Useful Knowledge literally, literature, literarv, literatura, etc. litterature, Littera- tur Literariecher Ver- ein in Stuttgart livraison London iV Middle- sex Archceological Society Litteratures popn- laires M mag. mar. march. mart. me. mem. merid. mgr. mi lit. 3Iin. Blin. des Aff. Etrang. misc. mise. mod. mon. Monast. Mon. Germ. Hist, mons. mor. M. r. a la R. F. MS. [MSS.]- mso. mts. M. Tud. Miiller (Lv.t Hdbch. d.k A.AW marchioDcss; mure- chal ; marquis ; mein, etc.; minis- ter ; monachus : magazine ; marechal ^marchesa martyris :mittelenglisch memoir, memoire, meraorie, memora- biha meiidien mousignor etc. military, militaire Ministre Miuisti-re des Affaires Etran- g'l-res miscellaneous, mis- cellany marquise modern monachus Monasticou Monumenta Ger- manite Historiea monuments morale, morales Memoires relatifs a la Revolution Fran<;aise manuscript, manu- scripts, manuscrit, manuscrits — manuscritto — mountains A. ---^Magyar Tudoman- yos Akademia = Miiller (Lv.) Hand- buch der klas- sischen Alter- thums - Wisseii - schaft N narr. nat. n.d. n. ed. n.e.t. New S. Club n. imp. u.l.t. no. nom. not. notat. nouv. = North ~nach; new, neu, nouveau ; northern = narrative, narratio = natural, naturel = no date = new edition, nouvelle edition -not earlier than = New Spalding Club = new impression = not later than = number = nomine = notice ; notitiam = notatiouibu3 - nouveau etc. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XllI 11.11. 11. publ''. N.S. N.T. N. T. extr. Can. 0. obs. occ. oA. o.e. off. op. o.p. opi. opt. opnsc. or. or3. orig. o.s. OSS. o.t. O.T. O.T.F. ouvr. overf. P P P- pag. cont. Palest. P. T. Soc. Pal.Expl.F. pap. par. pari. = 110 place [of publi- pr^c, prec. cation] = not published ^new series pref. [pref-.] -New Testament = Novum Testanien- prcni. tuiii e.v;tra Canouem pres., pn's. part, partic. Pat. p.c. = pcss. = pcsse. = pend. = per. = perp. pers. = pert. phil. Pliil. & Lit. = Soc. of Leeds philol. plus. poem. - P. of E. H. = polit. fpol.] = pop. poss. p.p. pr. priec. prtef. priem. pries. = other = observations etc. - occasion ; occorso ; occurrunt = Oder - other essays = office : officer, oliicier ; official = opera = other poems = oplage = optimus = opiiscula = orationes - ordinem - origine = other stories = osservazione = other tales = 01d Testament = Oriental Transla- tion Fund = onvrage = overfort Pamphlet part, parts, partie ; pin*e ; pour ; prince pagination continu- ous Palestine Pilgrims Text Society Palestine Explora- tion Fund papers, papiers parallel parliament, parlia- mentary partim particularly, parti- culier, particulic're- ment, etc. Prttrologia per ciirain princess prinoesse pendant periodical perpetuo personne pertaining, perti- nentia philosophy Philosophical & Literary Society of Leeds philology plusieurs pocmatum Periods of Euro- pean History political, politics, politique — popular, population, populaire, popu- laires — possession --privately printed = principally ; printed — prajcipere, praecipue = priefatio = pv;emisit, priemissa, pra?mittitur = priBsertim princ. prist, priv. proc. prod, prof, prog, proleg. pron. prop. proT'. ps. [pss.] p. serv. p. serv. d'intr. pssa. Pt. publ.[pubh.l^ - precede, prececlee, precedres, pre- ceded, precediito = X>reface, prefaces, prefazione,prefixed = premiere = present, presente ; President = principalement, principaux, etc, = pristina = private, privately = proceedings -production - professeur -progress, progres = prolegomena - prononce ^propriis = province ^p3eudonym[s] = pour servir = pour servir d'intro- duction - principessiL = part imblished, publica- tions, publie, pub- likationer, publicus Q 1- = queen ; quibns R r. = i'eign,regne. Royal ; rex, rey race. - raccolte, racconto rais. = raisonne R. Astr. Royal Astronomical Soc. Society rec. - recensione, recen- suit ; recognitione ; recueil, recueilli, record, etc. recog. ^ reoogidos, recog- Ditio, recognovit Recoil'. == Recollections red. — redacta'', redaction; redditus ; redige redig. - redigerade re-ed. = re-edited ref. = reference reg. = regarding Reg. -^ Register rel. [rels.] = relates, relating. relation, relations, relative, relazione ; relegit rehg. ^^ religion, religious, religiiis, religieux reliq. -^ reliquiic, reliques reminisc. = reminiscences rep. ^ repertas, report rep. = reponse repr. — represente repr. — reprinted reprod . = reproductions resp. = respect, respecting, respicieutia, res- puesta rest. — restituit rev. — reverend ; revised rewr. - rewritten R.I.A.Cuii- = Royal Irish Aca- iiingliain demy, Cunning- M. liam Memoirs risguard. i^ risguardanti R. 1st. dei = Reale Islituto dei Studi Slip Studi superiori rived. n-iveduto rivol. = rivoluzioue rom. [rum.] — romaine, rilmische rp. — reverend pcre It.V. = Revised Version s. sS". sac. siee. saml. Sat. S. Club. scol. Scot. scr. S.C. to Know- ledge S.d.A.T.F. S. de I'h. deF. S. de I'Or. l.s.g. S.del'Or. l.s.h. seg. sel. [sels.] Sep. seq. serm. serv. sev. shld. Smlg. soc. sogen. souv. [souvs.] S.P. Span, spec, spect. Spr. S.t.u.a.g. n.l. subj. Bub-t. suiv. sup. suppl. =- South = saint ; sein ; sen, sive; siecle, secolo; son, sa, ses ; series = small octavo = sacadas ; sacerdos ; sacrorum = steculuni = sainlade^ = Saturarum = Spalding C'Uib = scolastici = Scotia — scriptus, scritta, scritte, scriptores — Smithsonian Contri- Imtioiis to Know- ledge = Society des anciens textes fraiii^ais ^ Societe de I'histoire de France — Societe de I'Orient latin, serie geo- graphique — Societe de I'Orieut latin, serie liis- torique = secolo ; secondu, secundum ; secre- tario, secretary ; secrete ; secula = seguido, seguite, seguito = select, seleccion, selections, seleetis, selectos = separate = sequel = sermonem = servir — several = should = Sainmlung = social, socially; so- ciete, society = sogenannt = souvenir, souvenirs = Santo Padre = Spanish — special = spectantiuiii — Sprache = Samfund til ud- givelse af gammal nordisk litteratur = subjects ; subjoined, subjecit, subjungi- tur =- sub-title = suivant ; suivi = supersunt ; supervi- sion, superintend- ence = supplement, supple- mentum tr. [tr\] tract, trad. T. t. temp. Test, theol. Theos. Publ. Soc tir. tit. topog. tp. = TlieiI -title; toir.o, tomo, torn us — temporibus = Testaineiituni = theology = Tlieosoiiliical Pub- lishing Society = tirage =:titulus, titulo — toiiograiihical, topo- graphy — title-ptige trag. Tr. f. tril). u MS. — translated, transla- tion, translations, translator ; tra- dotte, traduit, tra- duite, traduction = tractatu = traducidas, tradu- zione = tragedie = translated from manuscript = tributus ti. — liber u. = und tjbers. [iib.]-= Ubersetzt or Uber- setzung tjbertragen iibrigen udgivet uitgegeven uingearbeitet ■ unabridged ; universal, univer- sities, university, universam unpublished utgifna Ubertr. iibr. udg. uitg. unigearb uuabr. univ. unpubl. utg. Va. var. velit. Vereeii. t. bevord. d.O.N.L. Verf. vers. vert. vet. vindic vir. voc. w w. a coll. Wbch. w.li. wh. Wilts. Arch Soc. Wilts. Top. S. Wiss. wr. w. ref. w. reg. w. sel. f. h. w. Sep. tp. w.t. = volume ; von = Virginia = various, variantes, vaiiis, varies = velitatioue -Vereeniging ter be- vordering der Oudc N e d e r 1 a n d s c h e Letterkunde = A'er£assung = vermehrt, vermeer- dert - versibus ; versione - vertidos, vertit = veteruiu = viudicatus = virorum = vocibus = west, western ; with = with a collection = Wurterbuch = with his [her] = which = Wiltshire Archwo- logical etc. Society = Wiltshire Topo- graphical Society = Wissenschaften = written ^ with reference = with regard = with selections froiiL his [her] = witli separate title- page = witli title X Xt ^ Christ Xtn. [Xtns.] = Christian, Chris tians Xty. =Chrisi.ianity Y yr. [yrs.] = year, years z z. =zu, zur, etc, zed. =zedert zw. = zwischen CORRIGENDA AND ADDENDA >'At.K i 1)1.. I.TNK 94 1 58 F'll- 130 2 7" tJCG 2 ^ j> 296 1 51 „ 300 1 23 „ 431 2 ;j2 33 ., 492 1 499 1 39 506 1 10* „ r,lo 2 15 „ .j80 1 9* „ 602 1 26 „ Oil - 35 014 1 30 „ 640 2 14 649 1 12 „ 049 1 13 „ 775 1 17 794 2 32 „ 794 2 33 „ 887 1 8 >, 920 2 5' >, 920 2 7' „ 921 1 22 „ 921 1 27 „ 954 1 26 „ 1018 1 12 „ 1037 2 27 „ 1075 2 27 1161 1 21* „ 1165 2 34' „ 1211 2 10* ,, 1287 2 13* ., 1322 2 2* „ Barre (P. Yon). r,iis. [i.e. A. F.]. Gaskell \Mrs. Eliz. Cleghorn). Wives and daughters. 2v. 80. 1866 ; n. ed. 8». 1874 Hennequin (A. C), ete. de ViUerniont, see Villermoxt. Johnston (Henry P.) Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. [Long Island Hist. Soc.] laS". Brooklyn (N.Y.). 1878 Lewis (Mrs. Agnes Smith i. Some pages of the 4 Gospels, re-tran- scribed f. Sinaitic palimpsest; \v. tr. of whole text. 4*^'. 1896 A tr. of the 4 Gospels, f. the Syriac of the Sinaitic palimpsest. s&>. 1894 Moses (William Stainton) ' i>s. M.A., 0.co)i.], see Psvchogbaphv, by M.A. [;.(. W. S. M.l, 2"'i ed., 1882. Norman i^Commander Francis Martin), B.N. [ps. Martello Tower], see Maktellu Tower, ps. Rouvier {Mme. Noemie) form. Constant, form. Cadiot, [ps. C. ViGNox], see ViGXOX (C.)ps. Smith (Sarah 1, see Strettox (Hesb.\)^)s. [i.e. S. S.] United States. American Archives [ed.] P. Force. Ser. IV, 6v., Ser. V, vl-3 [_no more jnibl.]. fol. W. 1837-1853 * Counted from the bottom uf the column upwards. CATALOGUE A. (Anna d'). *Lacly'svisit to Manilla & Japan, byA. d'A., 1863, sec Almeilia (Mrs. A. d'). A. (C. F.), sec Alexander (Mrs. Cecil Frances). A. (M. I.) [i.e. Miss Margaret Isabella Arden], see Sir Evelyn's Charge, by M. I. A., 12th ed., 1885. A. E., 7)S., a. of "Homeward soiiQS by the toay" etc., see Russell (G. W'.) *A. I., Conversations, 1870, see Conversations. A. K. H. B., sec Boyd (A. K. H.) " A. L. A." Library, see American Lidraby Assoc. A. L. 0. E., see Tucker (Miss C. M.) *A la ville et a la campagne : nouvellcs trad., 1885, see Marmiek (X.) tr. *A travers les livres, 1895, see Quentin-Bauciiart (E.) Aa (A. J. van der), see Der Aa (A. J.) Aanrud (H.). Fra Svipop til Venaasen. s8". K. 1892 *Aanwysing der heilsame politike gronden en maximen van de Eepublike van Holland en West-Vriesland, 1669, see De la Court (Pieter C.) Aarestrup (C. L. Emil). Samlede Dlgte. Udg. af F. L. Lieben- berg. 8". K. 1877 Aarssens (Frans van), Heer van Sommelsdijk [F. van A. van S., Heer iiau de Plaat]. *A journey into Spain. s8°. 1670 Aasea (Ivar). Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog. 8". 1850 see Boss (H.) Norsk Ordbog : Tillieg til " N. 0." at A., 1895. Abaelardus (Petrus), Abailard (P.) [Abaillard], Abalard (Peter), see Abelard (P.) Abbadie (Antoine T. d'), see Beke (C. T.) Enquiry into A.'s journey to Katt'a, 1850. Abbadie (Jacques). L'art de se connoitre soi-meme. s8°. La Haye. 1771 Defense de la nation britann. centre I'aut. de 1' " Avis important aux r^fugi^s." s8°. La Haye. 1693 The " Ai^is " is anon. ; for possible authors see Avis. *History o£ the late conspiracy against the king & the nation, with account of the Lancashire plot, etc. sS". 1696 A tr. of " Hist, de la dern. co^ispiratlon d' Angleterre," 1696. Traits de la v6rit6 de la religion ohr6tienne. 3t. sS". La Haye. 1771 Abbatt, see also Abbot, Abbott. Abbatt (Richard). Linear perspective. 8". 1853 Abbattutis (Gian Alessio), ps., see Basile (G. B.), eontc di Toronc. Abbaudus, abbas, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t]66. *Abbe (L') de Morvan. Par une grande dame russe, aut. Des consequences d'une faute. Publ. par le bibhophile Jacob. 2" 6d. s8». 1884 Abben-Ezra, see Abbaha:m, ben Meir Aben Ezra. Abben-Jachia (Bonsenior), see Bonsenior, Aben Yachya. Abbey (Charles John). The divine love. s8". 1900 The English Church & its bishops, 1700-1800. 2v. 8°. 1887 Religious thought in old Eng. verse. s8°. 1892 & J. H. Overton. The EngUsh Church in 18"" c. 2v. 8°. 1878 „ n. ed., rev. & abr. s8». 1887 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1896 *Abbeys & churches of England & Wales, vl, 2, 1887-90, see Bonney (T. G.) ed. Abbo, Saint, abbot of Fleury, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t2. see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl39. Abbo {suniamed Cerncus], monk of St. Germain [Abbon]. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t8. „ Duchesne (A.) Hist. Norm. Soriptores, 1619. ,, Guizot (F.) cd.. Coll. des mems. : t6, Siige de Paris, par les Normands, po^me d'A., 1824. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl32. „ MoNuiiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t2. *Abbot (The), 1820, se. Bedford. 1802 Abbot (Edward). Travels of four Englishmen, see Harlehn Voyages, vl. Abbot (Ezra). Authorship of 4"' gospel. Ia8'. 1880 see Alger (W. R.) Ciit. hist, of a future life ; w. bibliog''. of the subject [by E. A."], 4"' ed., 1866 ; 10'" ed., 1878. Abbot (Francis Ellingwood). The impeachment of Xty. ; w. letters f. F. P. Cobbe A F. W. Newman, giving their reasons for not calling themselves Xtns. [P710]. s8°. Ramsgate. [1872] Truths for the times. [P710]. s8". Ramsgate. [1872] *Abbot's Cleve, 1864, see Hakwood (Isabella). Abbotsford, sec Scott (Sir W.) Cat. of lib. at A., 1838. Abbotsford & Newstead Abbey, 1835, sec Irving (W.) Abbotsford Club. List of members, rules, & cat. of bks. pr. for the A. C. since 1833. 4°. E. 1866 see Coventry Plays. *The presentation, a pageant by the weavers in Coventry, 1836. „ DiGEY Mysteries. *Anc. mysteries f. the Digby MSS., 1835. „ Gardy-ne (A.) [(»- G.arden]. A garden of grave etc. flowers ; &, The theatre of Scotish kings. With misc. poems by J. Lundie, 1845. Abbott, see also Aeb.^tt, Abbot. Abbott (Angus Evan). The gods give my donkey wings. s8°. 1895 Abbott (Augustus), sec Low (C. R.) Afghan war, 1838-42, f. journals & corr. of A., 1879. Abbott (Charles Conrad). Primitive industry of native races of N. Atlantic seaboard of America. 8°. Salem. 1881 Upland & meadow. s8". 1886 Abbott (Edwin), ISOS-S^J, head-master of the Philological School. Concordance to works of Pope. ^8°. 1875 Abbott (Edwin Abbott). 'Philochristus : mems. of a dis- ciple of the Lord. 8°. 1878 Philomythus : discussion of Newman's Essay on eccles. miracles. s8<>. 1891 St. Thomas, h. death & miracles. 2v. 8°. 1898 A Shakesx^earian grammar. n. ed. Bb". 1871 „ [rejjr.] sS". 1894 The Spirit on the waters : evolu- tion of the divine from the human. 8°. 1897 Through nature to Christ. 8». 1877 Anglican career of Card. New- man. 2v. 8». 1892 Bacon : his life ct works. 8». 1885 Bacon & Essex : B.'s earlier life. 80. 1877 *Flatland : a romance of many dimensions. By a Square. s4". 1884 How to write clearly. 58°. 1872 •The kernel & the husk. s8». 1886 *Onesimus, mems. of a disciple of Paul. 8». 1882 Oxford sermons. 8°. 1879 ABBOTT ABELL Abbott (Edwin Abbott) Icontiniied]. & "W. G. Kushbrooke. The common tradition of the Synoptic Gospels in Hev. Version. s8°. 1884 & J. K. Seeley. Eng. lessons. s8". 1871 s8». 1877 Abbott (Evelyn). Pericles & the golden age of Athens. sS". N.Y. 1891 Subject-index to the Dialogues of Plato (Stephens' ed.l. Ia8». O. 1875 ed.f Hellenica : essays on Greek poetry, etc. 8». 1880 Hist, of Greece. pl-3. 68°. 1888-1900 1, to the Ionian revolt. 2, 500- 445. 3, 44.5-403. „ pi, 2. 2nd ed. 88°. 1S92-S & L. Campbell. Life & letters of B. Jowett. '2v. 8°. 1897 & Letters of B. .Jowett. 8«. 1899 Abbott (George Frederick). Songs of modern Greece, w. intr'., tr'., and notes. s8». C. 1900 Abbott (George "Washington). Events in the life of an octogenarian, 1796-1S1.5. al [no more iJubl'' .]. s8". 1878 Abbott (Col. James). From Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, etc., dur. the Kussiau invasion of Khiva. 2v. 8°. 1843 2"'' ed. 2v. 8°. 1856 Abbott (John S. C.) The romance of Spanish hist. s8". N.y. 1869 Abbott (Lyman), ed., H. Ward Beecher. Ia8°. [1883] Abbott (Richard) servant of Caryll, Lord Molyneux, see Goss (A.) ed., A.'s journal [1689-91], 1864. Abbott (Thomas Kingsmill). Essays, chiefly on the orig. texts of O. & N. T". 8°. 1891 Evang. versio antehieronymiana ex cod. Usser. (Dublin), adjecta collat. cod. Usser. alterius, etc., ed. A. s8". D, 1884 Par palimpsestorum Dublinensium : the Codex Eescriptus Dubl. of Matthew, n. ed. ; also fragm". of Isaiah in the LXX, w. newly disc'', fragm'. of the Codex Palatinus. ed. A. 4". D. 1880 Sight & touch : attempt to disprove the received theory of vision. 8». 1864 Abbott (William), see East India Co. Corr. of A., T. Parry, R. A. Maitland, w. Court of Directors, 1813. *Abbreviatio placitorum, 1811, sec Placitobumetc, Abbreviatio. ♦Abbreviatio statutorum [1451], see Mom. Franciscana, v2, 1882. 'Abd Al 'Aziz, sultan of the Turks, see Abdcl-Aziz. 'Abd Al-Hamid II, s}iitau of the Turks, see Abdul Hamid II. 'Abd Al Kadir ibn Muhyi Al-Din, cwiir of Mascara, see Abd-el-Kaiiek. 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd Al Kadir, munslii. Translations from the Hakayit AhduUa : w. comments_ by J. T. Thomson. s8°. 1874 'Abd Al Latif ibn Tusuf ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn Abi Al- S'ad ^/ Baghdddl, called Ibn Al-Labbdd. Relation de I'Egypte suivie de div. extraits d'ecrivains orieutaux, etc. Tr. et enrichi de notes par Silvestre de Sacy. 4<>. 1810 Relation cone. Egypt, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl.5. 'Abd Al-Rahman ibn 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd Al-Hakam (Abu Muhajijiad), sec Iex Abd-el-Hakem. 'Abd Al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr (Yalal Al-Din AbuAi. Fadhl), Al Suyuti. Hist, of the temple of Jerusalem. Tr. f. the MS. of the Imam Jalal-Addin by J. Reynolds. [O.T.F.] laS". 1836 'Abd Al-Ratiman ibn Munammad ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldiin (Wall Al-Din Abii Zaid) AlHadhrami Al IshbiH,see Ibn Khaldiin. 'Abd Al-Salam ibn AJimad ibn Ghanim ('Izz Al-Din) Al Mi!idasl,see \7.y.-'E,i>his, cl Moaiddessi. [f'ARD Al-Sal.im, etc.] 'Abd Al Salam-Shabini, see Jackson (J. G.) Ace. of Timbuctoo etc. by El Hage, A.S.S., 1820. Abd-el-Hakem (Ibn), sec Ibn Abd-el-Hakem. Abd-el-Kader [t 'Abd Al Kadir ibn Muhyi Al-D£n], amir of Mascara, see BoRRER (D.) Campaign agst. the Kabailes ; w. mission of Suchet to A., 1848. „ Daumas (M. J. E.) Les chevaux du Sahara, et les moeurs du desert, 3" ed., avec des comm. par A., 1855. „ Gordon {Ladij Duff) tr.. The French in Algiers : The prisoners of A. [from A. de France], 1845. „ Scott (Col.) Journal of residence in the Esmailla of A., 1842. „ yVi}^cBu.sEA [G. 3., /o"' earl of), viscount Maidstone. A.-el- K., a poem, 1851. Abd Salam Shabeeny, sec 'Abd Al S.alaji Shabini. Abdul-Aziz, sultan [t 'Abd Al 'Aziz], see Millingen (F.) La Turquie sous A.- A. (1862-7), 1868. see OsMAN, Bey. La Turquie sous A.-A., (1802-7), 18G8. Abdul Hamid II, sultan of Turkey, see Kt-NTZEK (C.) A. H. II. u. d. Reformeu, 1897. „ LusiGNAN (jyrin.ce.is A. de). The reign of A. H. II., 1889. Abdullah, a. of " Hakayit Abdtilla," see 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd Al K.iiiiR, MuHshl. 'Abdul-Latif, sec 'Abd Al LaT ir etc. 'Abdu'l-Masih, surnamed Gabra KrestOs, see Budge (E. A. W.) ed., Lady Meux MS. 1, Lives of G. K. etc., 1898. 'Abdul-Qadir, see Add-el-K^der. Abdur Rahman, amir of Afghanistan. Life of A. R. Ed. by Mir Munshi Sultan Mahomed Khan. 2v. Ia8". 1900 see Gray (J. .\.) At the court of the Amir, 1895. „ Wheeler (S.) A. R., 1895. Abdy (Edward Strutt). Journal in the U.S. (1833-4). 3v. s8". 1835 Abdy (John Thomas). Civil procedure among the Romans. s8«. C. 1857 Feudalism. s8". 1890 Abdy-Williams (E. M.) [Mrs. Behnhard Whishaw]. For his friend. 3v. s8". 1885 Two ifs. 3v. 38". 1884 The world below. 3v. s8". [1887] Abe (Saint). *Saint Abe & his seven wives, 1872, sec BucH.iNAN (K. W.) A'Becket (Thomas), see Becket (T.) A'Beckett (Gilbert Abbott). The comic hist, of England. 8". n.d. Comic hist, of Rome. 8°. n.d. Abedoc, abbas Hibernus, see Mignb (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t96. Abeilard (P.) [Abeillard], see Ab^labd (P.) Abeken (Bernhard Rudolf). Ace. of life & letters of Cicero, tr. ; ed. C. Merivale. s8°. 1854 Beitriige fiir d. Studium d. Gottl. Comodie. 8°. 1826 Cicero in s. Briefen. 8". Hannover. 1835 Goethe, 1771-5. 8". Hannover. 1861 Abeken (Hermann), see *B.AiiYL0N & Jerusalem ; letter [by C. I. Nitzsch ? or A ?], tr. 1851. Abeken (Wilhelm). Mittelitalien vord. Zeiten rom. Herrschaft, nach s. Denkmalen. 8". St. 1843 Abel, see also Abell. 'Abel redivivus ; by T. Fuller, ass. by sev., n. ed., 1867, see Fuller (T.) Abel (Carl), " Times " correspondent at Berlin. Letters on internat. rel". before & dur. the war of 1870. 2v. 8°. 1871 Linguistic essays. 8°. 1882 Abel (Clarke). Journey in interior of China ; ct voyage to & i. that country 1816-7. 4". 1819 Abel (Sir Frederick Augustus), /' bart., & C. L. Bloxam. Hdbk. of chemistry. 2'"' ed. 8°. 1858 Abel (H. F. Otto). Die Legende v. heil. Johann v. Nepomuk. [P154]. 8". 1855 Abel (Sigurd). Jahrbiicher d. Friink. Reiches unter Karl d. Gr. 2B. 1,768-88. 2,789-814. [B2 by B. Simson.] 8". L. 1866-83 Abela (Giovanni Fr.) Malta illustrata. 2v. fol. Malta. 1772-80 Abelard (Pierre) [Abailakd ; .Abeilard ; IAe.elakdcs (Petrcs)]. ee Combayre (G.) A. & the origin of universities, 1893. „ Deutsch (S. M.) a., ehi krit. Theologe d. 12 Jhdts., 1883. „ Guizot |P.) et Mmc. A. et Heloisa- opera. Ed. ex MSS. codd. F. Amboesii. 4". Parisiis. lOliJ Lettres d'A, & d'He'loise. Tr. nouv. ; pref. iiar Gr^ard. , s8«. ».(?. I Opera. Nunc primum in unura i coll., notas etc. adj. V. Cousin, adjuv. C. Jourdain & E. Despois. 2t. 4". Parisiis. 1849-59 | Ouvrages ined. Publ. par V. Cousin. [Doc\ ined.] 4°. 1836 Sic et non. Ed. E. L. T. Henke et G. S. LindenkoU. 8°. Marburgi Cattorum. 1851 i see Bebington (J.) Hist, of A. &• Heloisa, 1787. „ Bohringeb (F.) Die Kirche Christi: B15,A.;2<'A.1S04. „ Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, j des Gaules, tl4. i Abell, see also Abel. Abell (Mrs. Lucia Eliz.) Recoil", of Napoleon at St. Helena. s8". 1844 Abel-Remusat (J. P.), see Remds.4t (J. P. Ai;el). Guizot. A. et Heloise ; suiv. des lettres d'A. iV d'H., tr., n. ed., 1853. Hausrath(A.i a., 1895. Havd |H.) a. u. s. Lehre, 1SU3. Heloise for refs. to works oil Heloise. Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl78. Remusat {le c. C. de). A. [a studji, in French], 1845. A. : drame, 1877. Tosti (L.) Storia di A., 1851. ABENDANA ABNEY Abendana (Isaac) [I' Isaac Abendan'a]. Discourses of the polity of the Jews. s8". 1706 Aben-Ezra, see Abraham, ben Mcir Aben Ezra. Abentarique (Abulcacim Tarif) ps., see Luna (M. de). Aben-Yachya (Bonsenior), see Bomsenior, Aben Yachya. Abercrombie, xec also Abeeoromby. Abercrombie (H. E.), see Scoble (J.) & A. Rise & fall of Krugerism, 1900. Abercrombie (John), horticulturist. The garden mushroom. [P21]. 8". 1779 Abercrombie (John), M.D. Inquiries cone, the intellectual powers. Philosophy of the moral feelings. 10"' ed. s8». 1840 8". 1833 6th ed. s8". 1841 7th ed. s8". 1846 Calendar of the Univ. of A. for the sessions 18(50/1 to 1863/4. s8». Aberdeen. 1900 The calendar for 186i\5 was the first to be issiied. The work above was compiled [by W. John- ston} in order to render the series of calendars complete from the unification of the U. of A. in 1860. Cat. of the general library of the U. of A. 3v. Ia8». Aberdeen. 1873-4 v3iv.sub-t.: Law, Medicine, etc. Suppl., works added, 1875-87. Ia8". A. 1887 Cat. of books added to the gen. lib. 1887-9. la^". A. 1889 Cat. of books added to the g. 1., 1889-91. Ia8». 1891 Cat. of books in the Celtic Dep'. Ia8». Aberdeen. 1897 Cat. of books in the Students' Theolog. Lib. : w. appendix giving lists of divinity students for sessions 1753/4 to 1774/5. s8'J. Aberdeen. 1901 King's College, Fasti Aberdonenses : sel". f. re- cords of Univ. & King's Coll. of A., 1494-1854. [Spalding C, 20.] 4". 1854 Officers & graduates of Univ. & K.'s Coll. A., 1495-1800. Ed. P. J. Anderson. [New Spald- ing C] 4°. Aberdeen. 1893 Roll of Alumni in Arts of the U. & K.'s C. of A., 1590-1800 : ed. P J. Anderson. [Aber- deen Univ. Studies, No. 1.] 4". Aberdeen. 1900 Aberdeen [continued]. University of [continued]. Abercromby, sec also Abeecrojibie. Abercromby (James), baivn Dunfermline, see Dunfermline. Abercromby (ffojt. John), 2'"' son of ^'''' baron. Trip through E. Caucasus, w. chap, on the languages of the country. 8». 1889 The pre- & proto-historic Finns ; w. magic songs of the West Finns. 2v. s8". 1898 Abercromby (Patrick). The martial atchievements of the Soots nation. 4v in 2. 8°. E. 1762 Abercromby {Gen. ,S'ic Ralph), see Dunfermline (J., baron), Sir R. A. (1793-1801), 1861. see PiNCKAED (G.) Notes on the W. Indies, dur. the exped. under A., 1806. Abercromby (Hon. Ralph), 3"' son of 3"' baron. *Weather. s8°. 1887 2'«ied. S8''. 1888 Seas and skies in many latitudes. 8". 1888 Aberdare (Henry Austin Bruce, /st baron). National educa- tion : address, Manchester, 1860. [P252]. 8". 1866 see Napiek (Sir \V.) Life of N., ed. H. A. B., 1864. Aberdeen. Chuech of, see Geddes (W. D.) iSr P. Duguiu. Lacunar Basilicie S. Macarii Aberdon., 1888. Eegistrum episcopatus Aberdonensis. [Spalding C, 13, 14.] 2v. 4°. E. 1845 Selections f. the records of Kirk session, Presbytery & Synod of A. [Spalding C, 15.] 4°. Aberdeen. 1846 Cartularium Eecles. S. Nicholai Aberdonensis ; reo. .1. Cooper. [New Spalding C] 2t. 4". Aberdoniie. 1888-92 County of. Coll", for hist, of the shires of A. it Banff. [Ed. J. Robertson.] [Spalding C, 9.] _ 4". Aberdeen. 1843 Illust'. of topog. & antiq*. of .shires of A. & Banff. [Spalding C, 17, 29, 32, 37.] 4v. 4°. Aberdeen. 1847-69 Town of. Extracts from Council Register of A. [Ed. J. Stuart]. [Spald- ing C, 12, 19.] v[l], 2. (1, 1398-1570. 2, 1570-1625.) 4". Aberdeen. 1844-8 Reports upon the harbour of A. by Smeaton, Rennie, Telford. [P208]. 8". Aberdeen. 1834 Records of old A. [New Spalding Club], in inog., 1899, etc., sec MuNEo (A. M.) ed. University of. [King's College . Aberdeen. 1889-98 cl, 2, " ed. P. J. Anderson." 1, Endowments. 2, Officers, graduates, alumni. 3, Index to v2. Comp. by J. F. K. Johnstone. Officers of the Marisehal Coll. & Univ., 1,593-1860. 4°. Univ. Press [A.]. 1897 [These are copies of sheets A to K of v2 of the New Spalding Club's " Fasti Acad. Mariscal- lancBy" but lo. sep. tp.] Aberdeen Magazine (The). Lit. chronicle, & review. 4v. [Wants vIS.] 8«. Aberdeen. 1788-91 Aberdeen ((Jeorge Gordon, -r' earl of). Letters illust. of public affairs in Scotland addressed by statesmen to A., 1681-1684. [Spalding C, 22.] 4". Aberdeen. 18-51 Aberdeen (George Hamilton-Gordon, 4"' earl of). Inquiry into the pruiciples of beauty in Grecian architec- ture. sSo. 1822 see DuNLOP (Alex.) Letter to A. on the corr. recently publ. by his lordship, 1840. „ Knioht (H. G.) Letter to A., 1829. „ La M.iBBE (V. be). La Bel- gique etc. ; lettre k A., suiv. de la tr. de s. disc, a la Chainbre des Pairs, & de notes, 1832. see Macknight (T.) Thirty years of foreign policy : secretary- ships of A. & Palmerston, 1855. „ Stanmoee (Arthur H. Gordon, 1" baron). The E. of A., 1893. „ Wedderburn (J. W.) Reply to Knight, 1829. Aberdeen (George John James Hamilton-Gordon, 5"' carl of) [Lord H.U)Do], see Elliott (E. B.) Mem. of Lord Haddo. 2'"' ed., 1867 ; 5"' ed., 1869 Aberffraw Royal Eisteddfod, 1849. Trans., etc., & Essay on Welsh & Eng. syntax. s8". 1850 Aberigh-Mackay (Geo. E.) Twenty-one days in India: the tour of Sir Ali Baba. 3"' ed. s8°. 1881 Abernethy (John), M.B.C.S. Surgical ob». on local diseases & aneurisms. 11"' ed. 8". 1829 .see Macilwain (G.) Mem", of A., 1853 ; 2°" ed., 1854. Abessinus (Gregorius), sec Gregorius, Abessinus. Ab Habernfeld (Andreas), see H.abernfeld (A. ab). Abhandlungen. For Abhandlungen of societies, see uiuler the society. Abhandlungen der Fries'chen Schule. Hft. 1, 2, [no more publ.] s8". L. 1847-9 Abhandlungen zur Naturgesch. Physik, u. (jkonomie aus den Philosoph. Transaktionen, etc., Bl. 4". L. 1779-80 Abhidhamma Pitaka, see Dhajijia-Sangani. *A Buddhist manual of psyeholog. ethics, being a tr. f. Pali of the 1"' book of the A.P., entit. D.-S., 1900. Abhinishkramanasutra, see Beal (S.) tr., The legend of Buddha, f. the Chinese- Sanscrit, 1875. Abi Mohammed Alcasim, see Al Hariri. Abingdon, monastery of. -Accounts of the obedientiaries of A. Abbey. Ed. R. E. G. Kirk. [Camden Soc, N.S. 51.] s4°. 1892 Chronicon monast'. de A. [to r. of Rich. I]. Ed. J. Stevenson. [Rolls Ser., 2, i, ii.] 2v. laS'. 1858 Abingdon (Willoughby Bertie, 4'" earl of). On letter of Burke to Sheriffs of Bristol on affairs of America. [P62]. 2"" ed. 8°. 0. [1777] Abinger (James Scarlett, /■' baron). Speech, 1" reading of Bill for Reform, H. of C. ; w. letter to Vise'. Milton. [P203]. 8". 1831 see Scarlett (Hon. P. C.) Mem. of A., 1877. Abington (Mrs. Frances). *The life of Mrs. A., inch notes upon the hist, of the Irish stage, etc. By the ed. of the " Life of Quin." s8°. 1888 Ablett (William H.), of Eastwick, Herts. English trees & tree planting. 8°. 1880 Market-garden husbandry. 8". 1887 see Draper. *Reminisc. of an old d., ed. A. 1876. Abney (Sir William de W.) Colour measurement & mixture. s8». 1891 Colour vision : Tyndall lectures (1894). 8". 1895 Evening talks at the Camera Club on the action of Ught in photography. sS". 1897 Instruction in photography. 7'" ed. s8°. 1886 Scientific requirements of colour photography. [P769]. 8°. 1897 b2 ABORIGINES ABU Aborigines Protection Soc. Report of the Pari'. Select Comm. on aboriginal tribes (Brit, settlements). 8". 1837 see Martin (R. M.) Hist. etc. of E. India [intr. to v-i, circ. by A. P. S.], 1B38. Abou-Djafar Tabari, see Muhammad ibn jAiiiit (AjsC Ja'far), Al-Taban. Abou'lfaradj, see Abulfakaj. Aboulfeda, see Abulfeda. Aboul-Ghazi, sec Abu Al Ghazi, Bahadur. Abou'lkasim Firdousi, see Fiedausi. Abou Mohammed El Kassem Ben Ali, see Al Hariri. About. *About in the world, 1804, sec Feiswell (J. H.) *About money & other things, 1880, sec Craik (Mrs. D. M.) *About some fellows, 1878, sec Bankes {G. N.) About (Edmond F. V.) A B C du travaiUeur. sS". 1868 Alsace, 1871-2. s8». 1875 Le cas de M. Guerin. 2''ed. s8°. 1862 Causeries. s8°. 1865 Le xix siocle ; intr. par J. Eeinach. sS". 18S2 Le fellah. S". 1869 „ 2'>cd. s8». 1870 Germaiue. 2' ^d. s8». 1857 La Gr^ce coutemp. 4" e'd. s8». 1860 L'homrae a Toreille cass^e. s8«. 1862 „ 9<- ed. 88". 1878 L'iiitame. 8°. 1867 Lettres d'un bon jeune hoiimie it sa cousine Madeleine. s8». 1861 Demiferes lettres d'mi b.j.h. etc. s8». 1863 Madelon. 8°. 1863 Maltre Pien-e. s8». 1858 Les mariages de Paris. 9^ed. s8». 1860 Les mariages de province. 8°. 1868 „ 2''ed. s8". 1869 , O-ed. s8°. 1880 Le nez d'un notaire. 98°. 1862 Nos artistes au salon de 1857. s8». 1858 La nouvelle carte d'Europe. [P158]. 8». 1860 De Pontoise i Stamboul [with i O.S. <& 4 discourses]. s8». 1884 Le progres. 8". 1864 La Prusse en 1860. [P158]. 8». 1860 La question romaine. 8°. Brux. 1859 Les questions d'argent : I'assu- rance. s8". 1865 Le roi dea montagnes. 2« ^d. s8». 1857 „ 1.5" e'd. sS". 1883 „ n. 6d., illus. par Dore. la.So. 1896 Le roman d'un brave lionime. sS". 1880 La Rome contemporaine. 2" ^d. 8". 1861 Theatre impossible. [Guillery — L'assassin — L'education d'un prince — Le chapeau de S. Catherine]. 2' ed. s8°. 1864 Tolla. 2'-ed. sS°. 1856 „ 5'6d. s8°. 1858 Trente et quarante — Sans dot — Les parents de Bernard. 3« ^d. s8». 1860 La vieille roche : Le mari imprevu. 8**. 1865 Les vacauces de la comtesse. 8". 1865 Le marq. de Lanrose. 8". 1866 Translations. Col. Fougas' mistake. Tr. J. E. Maitland. 2v. s8°. 1878 The fellah. Tr. Sir E. Roberts. sS". 1870 Greece & the Greeks of the present day ; tr. s8». E. 1855 Handbook of social economy : or the worker's ABC, tr. 2"i ed. 88°. 1885 A new lease of life, & Saving a daughter's dowry. 58". 1880 The notary's nose & 0. s. s8". 1882 The Roman question. Tr. H. C. Coape. s8". 1859 Tolla. Tr. byL. C. C. s8°. E. 1855 see Peteuccelli della G attina (F.) Preliminaires de la Question romaine de E. A., 1860, Abram, forename [or Abraa.m], see Abraham. Abram (William Alexander). A hist, of Blackburn. 8'. Blackburn. 1877 Abramo, see Abrahasi. Abrantes (Laura Junot, duchesse d'). Abou-Zeyd-Hassan, see Hasan ibn Yazid (Abu Zaid) Al Sirdfl. Aboyne. Records of A., 1230-1081. Ed. Charles, Marq. of Huntly. [New Spalding C] i'. Aberdeen. 1894 Abraham, ben Chiya, sec Schrkckenfuchsius (0.) tr., Sphsera Mundi aut. A., etc., etc., 1540. Abraham, ben Meir Aben Ezra. [Abben-Ezra ; Aeen-Ezra ; A. Avenare ; A. Ben Hezra ; Ibn Ezra.] see Hyde (T.) Shahi — ludium : A. Abben-Ezne poema etc., 1094. *Abraham, the patriarch. [Abram ; Abeamo.] see Bernstein (A.) Ursprung d. Sagen v. A., etc., 1871. „ Origin of the legends of A., etc., tr., 1872. „ Blunt [Rev. H.) Twelve lects. on A., 1831. „ *Texts & Studies : v2. The testament of A., Greek text w. intr. tt notes by M.R.James, [ct]extr\ f. the Arabic version of the Testaments of A, Isaac A- Jacob, by W.E.Bames,1892. „ ToMKiNs (H. G.) Studies on the times of A., 1878. Abraham (May E.) \_Mrs. H. J. Tennant] & A. L. Davies. The law. rel. to factories & workshops. 2"" ed. sS". 1897 Abrahams (B. L.) The expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290. 8". b. 1895 Abrahams (Israel). Jewish life in the Middle Ages. s8". 1890 Abrahamson (Werner H. F.) ed., see Danske. *Udv. d. Viser etc., 1812-4. Mfims. ; ou souv". Iiistor. sur Napoleon, etc. 18t. in 9. 8». 1831-4 ^ lOt. s8'>. [1893] Memoires sur la restauration ; ou souv. histor. sur cette (ipoque, la revol. de 1830, et les pre- miferes amines du r. de Louis- Philippe. 7t. sS". Bruxelles. 1835-7 Une soiree chez Mme. Geoffrin. s8'>. Brux. 1837 Souvenirs d'une ambassade etc, en Espagne et en Portugal, 1808-11. 2t. s8». Brux. 1838 Mems. of Napoleon, h. court & famUy. 2v. 8». 1836 „ [if.*.] N., h. court & f. ; Meras. of A. 3v. n. ed. 8". 188.5 see Malling iM.) Guvern/rens Prue [i.e. Mvie. Jiniot.'j [Novel], 1895. Abranyi (Kornel). Edmund Parbaja. 5k. [Wa^iting S^J.] s8°. 1879 Abrege. *Abrege chronolog. de I'liist. & du droit public d'Alleuiague [1754, n. ed., w. t. : Nouvel abrege etc.], 1776, see Pfeffel von Kriegelstein (C. F.) * Abrege de la vie des peintres, 1699, see Piles (R. de). * Abrege de la vie des plus fameux peintres etc., par M., n. ed., 1762, see Dez.allierd'Aegen- VILLE (A. J.) *Abreg6 de I'hist. de I'Ordre de Saint - Benoist, 1684, see Bulteau (L.) *Abreg€ de I'hist. ecclesiastique, n. ed., 1752-62, see Racine [I'abbe B.) *Ahrege du recueil des actes etc. couc. les aff^ du clerg6. This "abrege" [by Da Sauhei], although ivithoat a ihjI. No., forms a3 of Le Merre (P.) jjere <(■ fih,ed'., Recueil etc., 1768-71, q.v. Abreu de Galindo (Juan de). *Hist. of the discovery & conq. of the Canary I'. Tr., f. a Span. MS., by G. Glas. 4". 1764 *Abridged (An) account of the misfortunes of the Dauphin [i.e. Naiwndorl)'], tr., 1838, see Nauendoeff (C. G.) ealling himself Loids XVII. ■* Abridgment (An) of the Debates of Congress, 1789-1856, re- issue, 1800-1, sec Benton (T. H.) Absalon, fcjj. of Roeskilde, abp. of Lund, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t209. Absalon, abbas Sprincherhac., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, 1211. ♦Absent-minded (An) war. By a staff officer. [9"" ed.] sS". [1900] Absolute (The) necessity of laying open the trade to the E. Indies, 1767, see East Indies. *Abstracts of Inquisitions post mortem made by Towneley & Dodsworth, 1875-0, sec Inquisitiones post moetem. ♦Abstracts of Yorkshire wills in time of the Commonwealth illust. of Dugdale's visitation (1005/0), 1890, see Clay (J. W.) cd. Abu Abdallah, see ibn Batutah. Abu 'Abd Allah Baha Ad- Din (Tusiif?) ibn Tusuf ibn Ya'kiib, Al-Janadi, sec Al-Janadi. Abu Abdo'llah Mohammed Ebn Omar Alwakidi, see Muhammad ibn 'Umar, Al-W(iliidi. Abu Al Grhazi, Bahadur, khdn of Khuwdrazm. [Aboul-Ghazi ; Abulgasi ; Abu'l GhAzi Bah.adee.] Gen. hist, of the Turks, Moguls, & Tatars, vulgarly called Tartars : in 2v ; 1, Genealog. hist, of the Tatars, tr. f. the MS. written by Abu'l Ghazi Bahader ; 2, Ace. of the pres. state of Northern Asia. The whole made Eng. f. French. 2v. 8". 1729-30 Abii 'Ali Husain ibn 'Abd Allah, called Ibn Sind, see AVICENNA. Abii Bakr ibn Al-Tufail (Abii Ja'far), Al-Ishbili, see Ockley (S.) Improvement of human reason, by A., tr., 1708. Abii Beer Mohammed ibn Zacariya Ar-Kazi, see Muhamm.ad IBN Zakaeiya (Abu Bake). Abucara (Theodorus), bp. of Caria, see Migne (J. P.) ed., graca, 197, T. A., 1800. Abudacnus (Josephus). Hist. Jacobit., sen Copt. s8". 0. Abu-Dschaferi Mohammed ben Dscherir Ettaberi, see MuiiAMM.iD IBN Jaeie (AbC Ja'far), Al-Tabar't. Abugalius, /!Z(?fS Since, see Avicenna. Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail, see Arc Bakr ibn Al-'Tufail etc. Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir, Al-Tabari, see Muham.mad IBN Jarir (Abu Ja'far), Al-Tabari. Abii'l 'Abbas Al-Fadl Ben Hatim An-Nairiz£, see Anaeitics. Abu 'l-'Ala [Arulola; jAhmau ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Sulaiman (Abu Al 'Ala), Al-Tanulihi Al Ma'arri]. Letters of Abu 'l-'Alii of Ma'arrat Al-Nu'man, f. the Leyden MS., w. life , Pat. 1075 ABULCACIM ACADEMIE by Al-Dhahabi, & tr., notes, biog>'. etc. by D. S. Margoliouth. [Anecdotii Oxon., II, 10.] s4". 0. 1898 Abulcacim Tarif Abentarique, ps., see Luna (M. ue). Abulcasis, see Albucasis. Abu'l Faradsch Muhammad Ben Ishak Al-Warrak, see Muhammad ibn Isu.Ik, called Ibn Abi Ya'kub Al-Nadim. Abulfaraj. [Aboo'lf.^eadj ; Abdlphahaohnus ; Gkeuorius AEni,- PH.iRAoius ; Bar-Hebb.eus ; Geegokius, Bar 'EV'rdija ; Gke- GOKY, Bar-Hebrieus; IGkegoby (Adu Al-F.araj), called Bar- Hebrceus.] Hist, conipendiosa dynastiariim ; arabice ed., & lat. versa, ab E. Pocockio. 3p in Iv. [1, Text. 2, Version. 3, Siippl., in quo hist. Orient, series a A', exitu ad nostra usque temp, deducitur ab E. Pocockio.] 4". 0. 1663 The laughable stories coU. by Greg. Bar-Heb. Syriac text, w. tr. by E. A. W. Budge. 8". 1897 Specimen hist. Arabum, a. A', de orig. & moribus Arabum, in ling. Lat. conv. etc. opera E. Pocookii. [Arab. £ Lat.] s4". 0. 1650 Oriental wit & wisdom, or the 'Laughable stories.' Tr. E. A. W. Budge. 8«. 1899 Abulfeda [tlsMA'iL ibn 'Ali ('Im.ad Al-Din Abu Al-Fid.a), prince of Hainat]. Annales muslemici, arabice & latine. Opera J. J. Reiskii, nunc primum ed. .J. G. C. Adler. 5t. 4". 1789-94 De vita etc. Mohammedis. Ed., lat. etc. J. Gagnier. fol. 0. 1723 Hist, anteislamica, arabice. Ed., vers, lat., notis etc. auxit H. 0. Fleischer. 4°. L. 1831 Geographic d'Aboulfeda, tr. & accomp. de notes par Eeinaud. [t2, p2 par S. Guyard.] 2t [t2 has ^p in /]. 4°. 1848-83 see YusnF ibn Kafi ibn Tamim etc., Vita Saladini, nee non excerpta ex hist. Abulfedse etc., 1732. Abu'l Grhazi Bahader, see Abu Al Ghazi, Bahadur. Abu-1-Hasan JehudaHallewi.sct' Judah ben Samuel, the Levitc. Abu'l-Hassan Juda Ha-Levi, see Judah, ben Samuel, tlie Levite. Abulola, see Abu 'l-Ala. Abulpharagius (Gregorius), see Aeulfakaj. Abul-Walid Merwan ibn Djanah, of Cordova. Le livre des parterres Heuries : gramm. hebra. en arabe. Publ. par J. Derenbourg. [HE66]. 8°. 1886 Le livre des parterres fleuries ; tr. sur les MSS. arabes par M. Metzger. [HE81]. 8». 1889 Abu Obeyd. The stealing of the mare ; tr. Ijady Anne Blunt, done into verse by W. S. Blunt. s6". 1892 Abu Othman Amr ibn Bahr Al-Djahiz, de Basra. Le livre des beaut^s & des antitheses attr. a A. 0. Texts arabe publ. par G. van Vloten. 8». Leyde. 1898 Abii Salih, tlie Armenian. The churches & monasteries of Egypt ; attr. to A. S. Ed. & tr. B. T. A. Evetts, w. notes by A. J. Butler. [Anecdota Oxon., II, 7.] s4». 0. 1895 *Abuses of the Irish Church, 1866, see InisH. Abu Talib ibn Muhammad, Isfahdnl. Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan in Asia, Africa, Europe, 1799-1803 ; tr. C. Stewart. 2°" ed. 3v. s8". 1814 Abii Tammam Habib ibn Aus, Al-Tdl, see Habib ibn Aus (Abu lAM^tAil) Al-tili. Abu Temmam, see Habib ibn Aus (Abu Tamh.am) Al-tiTl. *Abyssinia & its people, 1868, see Hotten (J. C.) Acacius, Berrhceensis episcopus, see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. grffica, t77, A. B., 1864. Acacius, bp. of Conslantinop., see Migne (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t58. Acacius, bp. of Melitene [A. Melitenes], sea Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. gra;ca, t77, A. M., 1864. Academia et Universitas Vilnensis [Soc. Jesu], see Innocentia PIETATE SEBVATA CtC, 1750. Academia Litterarum Cracaviensis,S(;e AKADEMUAljMiEjfTNosci. Academia Real da Historia Portugueza. CollecQam dos doc e memorias da A. E. da H. P., 1721-34. 13v. [1731-2 are in Iv; 1733/tas2p; 1121 wantinfj.'] fol. Lisboa. 1721-34 Academia Heal das Sciencias de Lisboa. Academia Romana. [Form. Societ.\tea Academioa Eomana.] Collec^ao de noticias para a liist. e geografia das uai^oes ultra- mariuas, que vivem nos donii- nios portug., ou Ihes sao visinhas. tl, 2 in 1. 8». 1812-13 Memorias da litteratura portu- gueza, publ. pela Acad. Real d. So. de L. tl-8. 4°. Lisboa. 1792-1812 Memorias ecoutJmicas da Acad. Real a. So. de L. tl-5. i". Lisboa. 1789-1815 see Albuquebque (A. de). Car- tas etc., tl, 1884. „ Collec(;ao de livros ined. de hist, portug., 1790-1824. „ C0LLEC9AO dos princ. auct. de hist, portug., 1806. „ SouSA (J. de) ed., DoC. ara- bicos para a hist, portu- gueza, 1790. Analele Acadejuici Romane. tl.5-21. [tlj. Hi haoe 3i>\ tl7, 19, 21 haoe Hji ; tl8, HO have Ip], (Desbat. Acad. ; Mem. Lit. ; Mem. 1st. ; Mem. Sci.) 4°. 189H-1900 Indice alfabetic al suprinsului volumelor 11-20 din seria 2, 1889-98. Ia8". 1900 see Abbure (Z. C.) Basarabia in sec. xix., 1898. „ BiBi.E, RoujiANiAN. Codicele Veronetean, 1885. „ Bible, Roumanian. Psaltirea publ. Romanesce 1577 de Coresi, tl, 18B1. „ Bible, Roumanian. Psaltu-ea Scheiana (1482), tl, 1889. „ Beandza (D.) Flora Do- brogei, 1898. „ Cu.ARLES I., King of Boil- mania, 1806-96. Trei-deci de ani de Domiue ' ai Regelui Carol I., ed. Acad. R., 1897. „ DosoFTEiu. Psaltirea in versuri, ed. 1887. „ Ekbiceaxu (C.) Vieta, etc. ; Protosinghelului Naum Rimnicenu, 1900. Academia Scientiarum Imperialis see GoBO\'Ei (A.) Cimiliturilc Eomauilor, 1898. „ HuEMUZAKI (E. de) Doi-. priviturela 1st. Roniiinilor, cul. do E. de H., in xiro;)., 1876 etc. „ lOEGA (N.) Studi! asupra Cliiliei etc., 1899. „ Li\T. Istoria, tr. de N. Barbu, tl, 1884. ,, Manolescu (N.) Igiena teranului etc., 1895. „ Makianu (S. F.) Nasoerea la Roman!, 1892. „ Nuuta la Roraaiii, 1890. „ Serbatorile la Roman i, vl, 2, 1898-9. „ VrSji, farmece ^i des- faceri, 1893. „ Naum I A.) Cuvlatu de primire etc., 1894. „ Neagoe (Ioan) Studiu asupra pelagrei, 1900. „ Peteiceicu-Hasdeu (B.) Etymologicum magnum Romaniffi, tl-4 (v4, Introd. only). [Probably no more will appear]. 1886-98. „ Popea (N.) Andreiu Baron, de Saguna, 1900. [St. Peteesbubg], see ACADJ^MIE LmPEEIALE DES SCIENCES DE St. P. Academicus, ps., *The 3"' Hampden agitation [signed A.], 1847, see Hampden (E. D.), bp. Academie Celtique. [Beorgatiised as Soc. Eoyale des Antiq. DE Fe.ance]. Mimoires. 6t. 8«. 1807-12 Academie d'Archeologie de Belgique, see Feeeiol (C, marq. de) Corr., 1870. see H.\GEMANS (G.) ed.. Relations ined. d'ambass. venitiens'. dans les Pays-Bas sous Phil. II it Albert & Isabelle, 1865. Academie de Prusse, see Koniglich peeussischb Ak.ademik DEE WiSSENSCHATTEN. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. [One of ilie 3 luh. form the Institut de France.] Choix des meraoires de I'A. R. d. 1. 3t. 4<>. Londres. 1777 Compte rendu des seances, n. ser. tl, 2, 7. 4e s&. tl, 2. 4-6. 8". 1865-79 Hist, de I'Acad., avec les Memoires de Litterature. 51t. [Table in 11, 22, S3, U, bl : tiO app. in 1H08: 51, Table of :i5-j0 in 1843.] i". 1717-1843 Hist, et Memoires de i'ln- stitut, classe d'hist. etc. tl-9. Cont. as Memoires de I'Listitut ; Acad, des Inscr. etc. tlO-36. [Ji is Table of 1-10; 22, Table des mat.,tl2- 2i:\ 4°. 1815-1901 „ TablesdesMem.del'Acad. des Liscr. etc. et de I'Acad. des Sciences Morales etc. 4°. 1856 Memoires presentes par divers savimts. 4°. 1843-97 si, Sujets divers d'erudition, tl-10. s2, Antiq. de la France, tl-6. Academie des Sciences. [One of the 5 wh.form the Institut de France.] Comptes rendus hebdomadaires. t[l]-27 (1835-48), 66-131 (1868-Dic. 1900). 4°. 1835-1900 Hist, de I'Acad. Avec les m^m. de matWmatique et de physique. Annfl'e 1699-1722, bound in '27v. s8°. Amsterdam. 1706-27 Memoires de mathem. et de physique. Ann^e 1692, 93. Tirez des registres. [2v]n. ed. s8°. Amsterdam. 1723 seeGKiiiAUDDEC.iUx(G.) L'-\. d.S. pendant lesi^gede Paris, 1871. Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres & Arts de Savoie. [Form. SociETii Academique de Savoie.] see Eabut (L.) Habitations lacustres de la Savoie, 1867-8. Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. [One of the 3 ivh. form tlie Institut de France.] Memoires de I'Academie etc., ser. 2, t]-14i. 4°. 1837-83 sec Acad, des Inscriptions etc. : Table des Memoires etc., 1856. BibliothJ:que Nationale. Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bibl. N. etc., tl-36, 1787-1897. Guignes (Jos. de). Hist, des Huns etc., 1756-8 [on 1p, 'Suite des mems. de I'Acad.' etc., 1756-8.] *HisT0iEE Utteraire de la France, commence par d»-s relig. bene'dietins de S. Maur, cont. par des meiu- bres de I'A., tl-32, inproij., 1733-1898. •Recueil des historians des croisades, inprog., 1841 etc. Tallem.int (P.) & C. Gkos de Boze. Histoire de l'-4. des I. etc., 1740. Walckenaer (C. A.) *Recueil des notices hist. sur raembres decedes, 1841-50. ACADEMIE ACCOUNT Academie Fran9aise, I'rance.J Dictionnaire de I'Acadi'inie Fram-aise. 2t. 6<- I'd. 4°. 1835 2t. 7" e'd. i". 1878 „ Complement du Diet, de I'A.F., publ. sousladir. d'un membre de I'A.F. Prft. par L. Bari-e'. 4°. 1842 Diet, liistorique de la langue fr., publ. par I'A.F. tl-4, A-Azy. 4°. 18G5-94 Nouv. diet, de la langue £r. d'ap. I'Acad. 8°. 183li Registres, 1672-1793. St. la 8». 1895 [One of the 5 wh.forvi the Institut de AiMALE (H.) Acad. Fr. ; lect. faite par A., 1897. Claretie (J.) Acad. Fran^., 1889. Hi.RKDiA (J. M. de) Dis- cours, 1895. Maety-La\-eaiix (C.) ed. Cabiers de remarques sur I'orthogi'apbe, pour estre examinez par cbacmi de Messieurs de I'Acad., 18B3. PELLISSON-FONTANrEB (P.) Hist, de I'A. F. [t2 of wh. is by fahbe d'Olivet], 2' ed., 1730 ; 1858. Recueil des discours rapports et pieces direrses, 1803-99. [16t.] [List below is only Discours de Re'ception]. 4". 180.3-1900 Aijjnau (1815) Albert de Mun (1898) Amp'ere (1848) Ancelot (1841) Arnault (1829) Audiffret-Pasquier (1880) Augier (1858) d'Aumale (1873) Autran (1869) Ballanche (1842) Barante (1828) Bai-bier (1870) Bernard (1869) Berryer (1855) Bertrand (1885) Biot (1857) Blanc (1876) Boissier (1876) Bornier (1893) Bourget (1895) Brifaut (1826) Broglie, due de (1856) Broglie, prince de (1863) Brunetiere (1894) Campenon (1814) Cai-ne (1864) Caro (1875) Cliallemel-Lacour (1894) Cbampagny (1870) Cberbuliez (1882) Claretie (1889) Coppe'e (1884) Esmenard (1810) Etienne (1811, 1829) Falloux (1857) i Fa%'re (1868) I Feletz (1827) Feuillet (1863) Flourens (1840) Foui-ier (1827) France (1896) Prayssiiious (1822) Freycinet (1891) Gratry (1808) Greard (1888) Guillaume (1899) Guiraud (1826) Guizot (1836) Hal^^-y (1886) Hanotaux (1898) d'Haussonville, G. P. O. (1888) d'Haussonville, J. O. B. (1870) Heredia (1895) Herve (1887) Houssaye (1895) Hugo (1841) Janin (18711 Jay (1832) Jurien de la Graviere (1889) Labicbe (1880) Lacordaire (1861) Lacretelle aine (1804) Saint- Aulaire (1841) Lacretelle le jeune Saint-Marc-Girardin Montmorency (1826) Musset ( 18.52") Nisard (1851) Noailles (1849) Nodier (1833) OlIiTier (1874) Psdlleron (1884) Paris (1897) Pamy (1803) Parse val- Grand- maison (1811) Pasquier (1842) Pastern- (1882) Pastoret (1820) Patin (1843) Perraud (1883) Picard (1807) Pongerville (1830) Ponsard (1856) Prevost-Paradol (1806) Prudhomme (1882) Quelen (1824) Rajniouard (1807) Re'inusat (1847) Renan (1879) Roger (1817) Rousse (1881) Rousset (18721 Royer-Collard (1827) Sacy (1885) Saint-Aiige (1810) (1811) Costa de Beauregard Lamartine (1830) (1897) Cousin (1831) Cuvier (1818) Cuvillicr-Fleury (1807) Dacier (1822) Dai-u (1806) Delavigne (1825) Deschanel (1900) Des'eze (1816) Doucet (1800) Droz (1825) Du Camp (1880) Dufaure (1864) Dumas, ^fc (1873) Dumas, J. B. (1876) Dupauloup (1854) Dupaty (1836) Dupin (1832) Dui-eau-Delamalle (1804) Dui-uy (1885) Duvai (1813) Duvergier de ranue (1872) Empis (1847) Hau Lapmde (1859) Laujon (1807) Lavedau (1899) Lavisse (1893) Lava (1817) Lebrau (1828) Legouve (1856) ' Lemaitre (1896) Lemercier (1810) ' Lemoinne (1876) Ldmontey (1819) Lesseps (1885) Lisle (1887) Littre (1873) Lomenie (1874) Loti (1892) Marmier (1871) ' Martin (1879) Maui-y (1807) Mazade-Percin (1883) Meilhac (1889) Merimee (1845) Mezieres (1874) Mignet (1837) MoW (1840) (1845) Saint-Priest (1850) Saint- Rene Taillan- dier (1874) Sainte-Beuve (1845) Salvandy (1836) Sandeau (1859) Sardou (1878) Say (1886) Scribe (1836) Segur (1830) Simon (1876) Sorel (1895) Soumet (1824) Taine (1880) Theuriet (1897) Tbiers (1834) Thureau-Dangiu(189S) Tissot (1833) Tocqueville (1842) Tracy (1808) Vandal (1897) , Viel-Castel (1873) Viennet (1831) Vigny (1846) Vilet (1846) I Villemain (1821) ; Vogiie (1889) de St.-Petersbonrg. Moutalembert (1852) Academie Imperiale des Sciences [Imper.vt. Akao. Nauk. fSx. Petersburg. Acadejiia Scien IIAKUM Imp.] Compte rendu de I'A.I. 1850-7. 7v in 1. laS". St.-P6tersbourg. 1851-8 tJber d. Organisation d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. zu S. P. fSigwd " Luttrow "]. [P116]. 8«. Wieu. 1838 Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg [amtin.] sec BiinssKT (M. F.) '*Hi.'-t. de la Georgie, tr. pur B., pi, 1849 ; additions 1851. ,, Chwolsox (D. a.) Achtzehn hebra. Grabschriften aus d. Krim, 18(i5. Academie Royale de Belgique. [Foi-m. Acauemie IiiPhRULE ET Koyale des Sciences et Belles-Letires etc.] Annuaire. 1859-62, 1871. 25'- 28'-, 37» ann. s8°. Bnix. 1859-62, 71 Centieme anniversaire (1772- 1872). 2c. laS". Brux. 1872 see BlOGRAPHIE Nationale, tl- 15, 1866-99. „ Ch.^stell.un (G.) CEuvres, 8t, 1803-6. „ Fhoiss.uit (J.) Le 1"' livTre des Cbron. de F., teste iued., 2t, 1803. see Gravis (A.) Organes vege- tatifs de I'Urtica Dioica, 1885. Mem', couronnes & Mem', des sav. etmngers, t47. „ Le Bel (Jean). Les vrayes cbron. de J. Le B., 2t, 1868. ,, Looz (Comte de). Le livre des fiefs du c. de L. sous Jean d'.Arckel, 1875. „ Onufrr'S. Mem. sur lesat- faires de Liege (1408), 1885. Academie Eoyale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Seance mai 1827, juin 1828. 2t in 1. 8". 1827-28 Academy (The). vl-(iO, in 2->rog. 4". 1869-1901 Academy Notes, cd. by H. BLACKsriix. [Wanting /S7J-7.] 8". 1875-1900 Acadia, see Nova Scotia. Accademia del Cimento. [t Florence.] Essayes of natural experiments ; Engl, by Kichard Waller. s4". 1684 Accademia della Crusca, see Vocaeolario degli Accadeihci d. C, vl-8, in prug., 5' imp., 1863-99. Accarias de Serionne (J.) *La richesse de la Hollande. 2t. 4'. Londres. 1778 *Accessible Field Sports, etc., 1869, see Gillmore (P.) Acciaiuoli (Niccola). Vita, see Palmerius (M.) Accius (Lucius), see Lucilics (C.) Saturarum reliq. ; aco. Acci (prffiter sca-n.) carm. lel., 1872. *Accomplisli'd Maid (The), 1767, see Goldoni (C.) Accompt, see Account. Account. 'Account (An) of a ricb illuminated missal executed for John, Duke of Bedford, 17'.*4, s^t Guugii (Kichaiu>). •Account of a voyage to Lidia etc., in H.il.S. Caroline, 1806, set- Caroline, H.M.S. *Accompt (.An) of all the proceedings of the Commissioners for review of the Book of Common-Prayer, 1601, see Prayer-Book. •Account of an exped. to the interior of New Holland, 1837, sec Fo.\ (Lady M.) ed. •Account (An) of Jamaica etc., 1808, see Jam.uca. •Account (An) of late voyages etc. to S. it N., towards the streights of Magellan, the S. Seas, etc., by Sir J. Narborough, J. Tasman, Capt. John Wood, A" P. Marten, etc. s8». 1694 *Aceount of Livonia, etc., 1701, see Blomberg ( de). •Account (An) of pubhc charities in Eng.it Wales, 1828, see W.tDE (J.) •Account of remains of a Roman viUa at Bignor, 1811, see BigNob. Accoimt (An) of several new inventions etc., by T. H., 1691, see Hale (T.) •Account (An) of S.-W. Barbary etc., 1713, see Ockley (S.) ed. •Account of the celebrated Peruvian manure guano, 1843, see Guano. •Accoimt of tlie Cessares, a people of S. America, in letters from Mr. Vander Neck, 1764, see Bcrgh (J.) •Account (An) of the Church A" Priory of St. Mary Magd., Daviugton, [by T. WiUeniont '.'], 1852, see Davingtox. •Account [An) of the conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marl- borough, 1'742, see Hooke (N.) •Accoimt (An) of the Coiu-t of Portugal under Pedro II, 1700, see CoLEATca (John). •Account (An) of the Earl of Peterborow's conduct in Spain etc., 2'"' ed., 1708, see Freind (J.) •Account I An) of the European settlements in .America, B"" ed., 1877, see Bl'RKE (Edmcnd). *Accoiuit of the executors of Richard, bp. of London, 1303, &: of the executors of Thomas, bp. of Exeter (1310), 1874, see Gr-U^esend (R. de), bp. of London. •Account ( An) of the expedition to Carthagena, 1743, see Cabth-\gena. •Account of the growth of deism in Eng., 1709, see Stephens (W.) •Account (An) of the Ufe it writings of Spinoza, etc., 1720, see Spinoza (B.) •Account (An) of the hfe of G. Berkeley, etc., 2"'' ed., 1777, see Berkeley iG.) ♦Account of the life of Sieyes, tr., 1795. [A tr. of the 'Notice sur la vie de S., 1795,' wh. has been attr. to S. himself, u-d w. Acosta's " Hist." above, Hakluyt Soc, no number.'] 8". [1880] Acosta (Uriel) [form. Gabriel Acosta or D'Acosta]. The re- markable life of A., w. h. reasons for rejecting revealed religion [both by A.]. Added, Limborch's Defence of Xty. in ans. to A., etc. [b.w. Curll (E.) Mem", of Tindall, 1733]. 8°. 1740 A'Court (Charles) [ ps. Chaeles Maetel]. Milit. Italy. 8\ 1884 Acre, Pelrinages et pardouns de A. (1280), see Miohelant (H.) & G. Raynaud, Itin(!>raires a Jerusalem, 1882. Acropolita (Georgius), see Manasses (Constantinus). Brevia- rium ; G'. Annales ; reoog. Bekkerus, 1837. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. gra;ca, tl40, G.A., 1857-66. Across. ♦Across France in a caravan, 1892, see B.\nkes (G. N.) *Across the Atlantic, 1851, see Lewis (J. D.) ♦Across the Carpathians, 1862, see MniR Mackenzie {Miss G. M.) & Miss A. P. Irby. Acsady (Ignacz). Magyarorszag penziigyei, 1526-64. [M. Tud. Akad.] 8". Ket penziigytortenelmi tanulmany. [M. Tud. Akad.] 8°. Acta. 1888 1894 Acta Apostolorum apoc, 1851, see Bible ; Apocrypha. Tiscli- endorf (L. C.; A. etc. ♦Acta Cancellarife, 1847, see MoNEO (Cecil). •Acta Dominorum Auditorum (1466-94), 1839, see Scotland : Lords Auditors. Acta et deereta sacrorum Con- ciliorum recentiorum. Coll. Lacensis. Auct. presbyteris S. J. E. domo B. V. M. ad Lacum. 7t. 4°. Friburgi Br. 1870-90 1. Cone, ab ep. ritus latini, 1682-1789, celeb. 2. Cone, ab ep. rituura ori- ental., 1682-1789, indeque ad 1869. Ace. deereta Romana de ritibus ori- ental., celeb. S. Cone, ab ep. Ameriese Septentrion. & Imperii Britann., 1789-1869, celeb. 4. Cone, ab ep. Gallise 1789-1869, celeb. 6. Cone, ab ep. Germanioe, Hungarifie & HoUandise, 1789-1869, celeb. 6. Cone, ab ep. Italise, Ame- ricEe Merid. & Asife celeb. Ace. supplementa. 7. Acta & deereta S. Cone. Vaticaui. Ace. permulta alia doc. ad Cone, ejusque hist, spectautia. Cum indicibus gen. septem vol. totius coll. ♦Acta genuina SS. QScumenici Cone. Tridentini, 2t. [1874], see Trent, Council of. *Acta Imperii inedita seculi xiii, 1880, see 'Winkelmann(E.) ed. ♦Acta pacis executionis publica, 1736-7, see Meieen (J. G. v.) •Acta pacis Wesphalicse publica, 1734-B, see Meiern (J. G. v.) •Acta Pilati, see Pilate (Pon- tius). ACTA ADAM Acta [contintad]. Acta Pontificum Eoman. ine- dita, Bl-3, in prog., 1831-8, see Pflugk-Hart- TUNG (J. V.) ed. Acta Sanctorum Hibemite ex cod. Salmantic. nunc primum ed. opera C. De Smedt & J. De Backer, auctore J. P. march. Bothte. 4°. E. 18SS Acta Sanctorum ord. S. Bene- dict!, 1733-8, see Acheky (L. D'). Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, etc., quas coll. J. Bollandus. Operam etc. cont. G. Henschenius [(& subsequently Jtianif others']. In prog. fol. 1734-1894. Prfefationes etc. 3t. Tene- tiis, 1749-51. Januarii 2t. V. 1734. — t3, decern postremos dies compl. ed. uoviss. Brux. 1863. Februarii 3t. V. 1733-6. Martii 3t. 1735-6. Aprilis 3t. 1737-8. Mail 6t. V. 1737-9. — Propyleum ad Acta SS. Maii. Antuerpise. 1742. Forms t7 of Mag. Junii 7t. V. "1741-6. Julii 8t. V. 1746-9. August! 6t. V. 1750-3. Acta Sanct. \cont^ Septembris 8t. [1-4, V. ; 5-S, Parisiis]. 1761-[1868]. Octobris 13t. in 14 [7, i, ii. 1, 3-6, ed. 2a. 1-12, Brux. ; 13, Parisiis]. 1845-83. 6'ee below Ad Acta SS. suppl., compl. Auctaria Octobris etc. Novembris tl, 2i. [1, Parisiis; 2 i, Brux.] 1887-94. ■ — Ad Acta SS. Supplementum ; vol. compl. Auctaria Octobris & Tabulas Generales, sc. Epbemerides & ludicem de- cern priorura mensiujn, etc., etc. Cura L. M. Rigollot. fol. Parisiis. [1853 ?] — Acta SS. BoUandiana, apolo- geticis libris in unum vol. con- tractis vindicata, s. Suppl. apologeticum ad Acta BoUan- diana. fol. Antuerpia;. 1755 see N-oiBEV (C.) Suppl. auxA.S. pom- des vies de saints de I'epoque merovingienne, in prog., 1899. „ PiTE.1 (J. B.) Etudes sur la coll. des Actes des SS. par les BoUandistes, 1850. „ PoTTH.tST (A. I Bibl. historica medii sevi : vollstiind. In- lialtsverzeichniss zu " Acta SS." etc., 1862; 2e A., 1896. ♦Acte ^i documente relative la istoria i-enascerei romaniei, inpi-og., 1888 etc., sec Petrescu (G.), D. A. Stcrdz.i, D. C. Sturdz.^, edd. *Acte ^i fragmente cu privire la ist. rommilor, tl, 1895, see loBGA (N.) ed. *Actes des Etats G^n. des Pays-Bas (1576-85) : Notice chronolog. & analyt., tl, 2, 1861-6, see Gachard (L. P.) ed. •Actes & doc. anciens int^ressant laBelgique, 1898, see DuviviEr. (C.) •Actes & dec', rels a I'hist. de la regeneration de la Eoumanie, in Xwog., 1888 etc., see Petrescu (G.), D. A. Stukdza, D. C. Sturdza, edd. *Actes, memoires etc. cone, la paix d'Utrecht, tl-4, 1712-13, see UlBECHT. *Actes officiels de la Eep. Bom., 1849, see Eome : Republic of IS4S. ♦Action of the Corn Laws, etc., 1841, sec Page (R.) Actjus Sincerus Sannazarius, ps., see Sannazaro (Jacopo). Active. *A stoi-y of active service in foreign lands : extr. f. letters f. Crimea, 1854-6, by an Edinburgh boy. s8». E. 1886 Acton (E. Hamilton), see Darwin (F.; & A., Physiology of plants, 1894. Acton (John E. E. Dalberg-Acton, •/■' baron). Lecture on the study of hist., Cambridge, 1895. sS". 1895 Acton "(William), surgeon. Prostitution. 8°. 1857 „ 2nded. 8'. 1870 *Actor (The) ; n. work, by a. of the former, 1755, see Hill (J.), M.D. Acts. •Acts (The) of Pilate, see Pilate (Pontius). •Acts of Stephen [a. uyiltnoivn']. For ed. see Stephen, hing of England. *Acts of the High Commission Court within the diocese of Durham, 1858, see Durham. Acts of the Lords Auditors (1466-94 1, 1839, see Scotland : Lords Auditors. Acts of the Lords of Council in civil causes (1478-93;, 1839, see Scotland : Lords of Council. Acts (The! of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1814-75, see Scotland: Laws, etc. Acts of the Privy Council, see Privy Council. Acts of the Scillitan Martyi's, see SCILLIT.AN M.IBTVBDOJI. Actuaries, see Institute of Actuaries. Acuna (Cristoval de) [Acunna], see Markh.am (Sir C. K.) Ex- ped'. into Valley of the Amazons : [New discovery of the Elver of the .\maz0n3, by A. (1639), tr.], 1859. Acuna (Diego Sarmiento de), conde de Gondmnar, see Gondomab. Acusilaus, see Pherecydes, LeriMs, Fragm.; fragm". A'., etc., 1824. Acuto (Giovanni) [Acutus Johan->-es], see Hawkwood [Sir John). Acworth (William Mitchell). Eailways & traders. sS". 1891 The railways of England. 8°. 1889 2Dded. 8". 1889 5th ed. 8«. 1900 Ihe railways of Scotland. s8°. 1890 Ada, de Marisco, see Adam, de Marisco. Adair (Ca^yt. Frederick Edward Shafto), a. of " S2>ort in Ladakh." A summer in High Asia ; w. appendix on C. Asian trade by S. H. Godfrey. 8". 1899 Adair (James). Hist, of the American Indians. 4°. 1775 Adair (James Makittrick) [f Makittrick (J.), aft. J. M. Adaik]. Essays ; with ded. to P. Thicknesse ; [&] A di-amatic dialogue. 8". [1789?] Adair (Patrick). Eise & prog, of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1023-70. Also, Hist, of Church in Ireland since the Scots were naturalised, by A. Stewart. s8°. Belfast. 1860 Adair (ii7. Hon. Sir Robert). Hist. mem. of mission to Vienna, 1806 : w. sel. f. h. despatches. 8". 1844 The negotiations for the peace of the Dardanelles, 1808-9 ; w. dispatches etc. 2v. 8 . 1845 Adalbero, ip. of Laon. [A., Laudunensis ; Adalberon]. see Bouquet (JI.) Eee. des hist, des Gaules, tlO. „ GuizoT (F.) cd.. Coll. des. m^m'., tG, Podnie d'A. sur le rigne de Eobert, 1824. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl41. Adalbero, bp. of Metz. Vita, see Monuiienta Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Adalbero, abp. of Rlieims, see Mign-e (J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tl37. Adalbero, abp. of Treves, see Albero, abp. of Treves. Adalbero, bp. of V,'urzburg. Vita, see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl2. Adalbert (Saint), bp. of Prague. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl37. „ Monumenta Gebm. Hist., Scr., tl, 15. Adalbert, p>rince of Prussia [tHENRv Williaii Adalbert, prince, etc.] Travels, in S. Europe, Brazil, up the Amazon A Xingii ; tr. Sir E. H. Schomburgk A- J. E. Taylor. 2v. 8". 184'J Adalbertus, see Adrevaldus, Floriac. Adalbertus, Babenberg. Vita Henrici II., imp., see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Adalbertus, Metensis scholast, see Migne (J. P.) Pat. latina, tl36. Adalbertus, arch. Mogunt., see Migne (J. P.) Pat. latina, tl63, 172, 179. *Adalet, ^is. Hadjiia; a Turkish love story. s8°. 1896 Adalgerus, bp. of Augsburg, see JIigne (J. P.) Pat. latina, tl34. Adalhard, Saint, abbot of Corbey [AdalarDj. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Patrologia latina, tl05, 120, 147. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t2, 15. *Adam Blair, see Lockhart (J. G.) Some passages in the life of Mr. A. B., 1822, 1843. ♦Adam Brown [1843], see Smith (Horace). ♦Adam Graeme, see Oliphant (Mrs.) Memoirs of A. G., 1852. Adam-Oannes, see *Book (The) of God : [pi]. Apocalypse of A.-O. [i.e. The Book of Eevelation], 1867. Adam, tlw patriarch. Codex Nasaraus, Liber Adami appeUatus, syriace transscriptus, lat. redd, a M. Xorberg. 3t in 1. 4°. Londini CJothorum. 1815-6 Thesaurus s. Liber magnus vulgo "Liber Adami" app. Con- scripsit tt ed. H. Petermann. 2t. 4". L. 1867 The book of Adam & Eve. Tr. f. Ethiopic, w. notes by S. C. Malan. 8". 1882 see NoRBERG (M.) Lexidion cod., cui Liber Adami nomen, 1816. *Ad.a,ia, le Bossu [Adam, rf'^lrras ; jAdam, de la Halle; Adan. DE LE Hale]. Le jeu de Eobin & Marion. Publ. par E. Langlois. sS". 1896 see Gut (H.) Essai sur Adan de le Hale, 1898. Adam, of Cobsam. The wright's chaste wife. Ed. F. .J. Furnivall. [E.E.T.S. 12, 84]. 8°. 1886-91 No. 1-2 is an ib9t repr. [3"' ed.]. The 2 nos. are b. in /v., i£ tlie xiagin. is cont. Adam, of Domerham, see Domerham (Adam, of). Adam, abbot of Eynsham [fonn. a monk of tlie Iwuseliold of St. Hugh, bp. of Lincoln ; -f Adamus, of tlie monastery of St. Augustineat Canterbury], see Htjos, Si.,bp. of Lincoln. Magna vita S. Hugonis [of wh., ace. to tlie pref., this Adam is a.], 1864. see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t27. Adam, de Marisco [Adam von Marsh ; ^Ada., de Marisco]. *see Monumenta Franciscana : vl, Ada; de M. epistolie, 1858. Adam, of Murimuth, see Mcrimuth (Adam, of). Adam, de Saint Victor. (Euvres po^tiques. Texte crit. par L. Gautier. 3" ed. 38". 1894. Liturgical poetry of A., f. text, of Gautier, w. tr*. in the orig. metre, & notes by D. S. Wrangham. 3v. s8°. 1881 Adam, of Vsk. Chronicon, 1377-1404. Ed. E. M. Thompson. [E. S.'of Lit.] S". 187G Adam (Adolphe C), 1803-56, see Pougin (A.) A., sa vie, sa carri^re, s. ic^m'. artistiques, 1877. ADAM ADAMS Adam (Alex.), LL.D., Roman antitis. 7'" ed. 8°. 1814 Summary of geog>. & hist. 8°. 1810 Adam (Charles), prof, a la Fac. da Lettres de Dijon. Philo- sophie de F.Bacon, 8". 1890 Adam (Sir Charles Elphinstone), /"' hart, see Scotland. *View of the polit. state of Scotland in the last century : a confidential report (1788), ed. A., 1887. Adam (Christian) ps., see Andersen (Carl Chk. T.). Adam (Mine. Edmond) [fLAMBER (.J.) aft. Mme. La Messine, aft. Mme. Adam], he g^-u. Skobeleff. [P480]. 8°. 1886 Grecque. s8°. 1879 Jalousie de jeune fiUe. 28°. 1889 Paienne. s8°. 1883 La patrie hongroise : souv". 2" 6d. Ia8°. 1884 Adam (Sir Frederick), see Napier {Gen. Sir C. J.) The colonies : the Ionian I'. — strictures on the admin, of A., 1833. Adam (James), architect. Practical essays on agriculture. 2v. 8". 1789 see Adam (R.) & J. A. Architecture etc., 1880. Adam (Melchior), see Adamus (M.). Adam (Paul). La force du mal. s8°. 1896 La bataille d'Uhde. b8«. 1897 Lettres de Malaisie. s8°. 1898 Adam (Kobert), architect. Ruins of the palace of Diocletian, at Spalatro. fol. 1764 & J. Adam. The architecture, decoration, & furniture of R. & J. A., sel. f. " Works in architecture, 1778-1822." fol. 1880 Adamantius. Dialog irepi ttjs us @eov op8ri$ Triareas. Hr.sg. V. W. H. van de Sande Bakhuyzen. 8°. L. 1901 see also Origen. Adamnan, Saint, abbot of Hy. Life of St. Columba, notes, etc., by W. Reeves [I. Arch. & Celtic See] 4". D. 18.57 tee Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latiua, t88. , Scotland. Historians of S., v6, Life of S. Columba, by A., ed. W. Reeves, 1874. Vita S. Columbse. Ed. w. intr. on early li-isli Cbnrcli hist., gloss., etc. by J. T. Fowler. sS". O. 1894 Vita S. Columbse, new tr. 88". 1895 Life of S. Columba. Tr., eel., w. notes, by D. MacCarthy. s8». b. n.cT. Adamo, see Adam, the patriarch. Adam-Oannes, see *Book (The) of God : [pi]. Apocalypse of A.-O., [i.e. The Book of Revelation], 1867. Adamoli (Giulio). Da San Martino a Montana. s8°. Milano. 1892 Adams (Jl/)-s. Abigail), imfeofprcs. John Adams, see Adams (.John) jircs. Familiar letters of A. tthi.swife; w. mem. of Mrs. A., 1876. Adams (Andrew Leith). Field & forest rambles ; with notes on nat. hist, of E. Canada. 8". 1873 The Fossil Elephants. [Palteont. Soc] 4'>. 1877-81 Notes of a naturahst in the Nile valley & Malta. 8". 1870 Wanderings of a naturalist in India, the W. Himalayas, & Cashmere. s8''. E. 1867 Adams (Arthur). Travels of a naturalist in Japan & Man- churia. 8". 1870 Adams (Bertha Jane), wife of Leith Adams, see Adams {Mrs. Leith). Adams (Brooks). The law of civilization & decay. s8". 1898 America's economic supremacy. sS". N.Y. 1900 Adams (Majm- Charles). Great campaigns in Europe, 1796- 1870. Ed. C. C. King. 8". E. 1877 Adams (Charles Francis), U.S. minister at the Court of St. James's; iSoy-Si. The Union & the Rebellion. Farewell address of A. upon acceptance of mission to England, & speech of Everett in behalf of the families of volunteers. [P168, 207]. 8". 1801 see Adams (C. F.), tlie yoJinger. C. F. A., [Amer. Statesmen], 1900. „ Adams (J. Q.) Life of J. Adams ; comijl. by C. F. A., rev., 1871. „ Adams (John), prcs. Familiar letters etc. ; with mem. of Mrs. Adams, by C. F. A., 1876. Adams (Charles Francis), the younger ; 3'"' son of C. F. A.; b. IS33. C. P. Adams, 1807-86. [Ameri- can Statesmen.] s8°. 1900 A Chapter of Erie. 88". 1869 The double anniversary : '76 & '63. A 4th of July address. [PS88]. 8°. Boston. 1869 Massachusetts, its historians & hist. s8». Boston. 1894 Notes on railway accidents. s8°. N.Y. 1879 Three episodes of Massachusetts liist. : The Settlement of Boston Bay — The Antinomian controv. — Study of chmxh & town govt. 2v. [o'h ed.] sS". Boston. 1896 Adams (Charles Kendall). Manual of hist', literature. 3"' ed. s8». N.Y. 1889 Adams (Francis), of Birininglmm. Hist, of the elementary school contest in Eng. 8°. 1882 Adams (Si»- Francis Ottiwell). Hist, of Japan. 2v. 8°. 1874-5 & C. D. Cunningham. The Swiss Confederation. 8°. 1889 The Australians. 8». 1893 38°. 1894 s8». 1892 s8°. 1893 s8». 1894 the modern 8<'. 1885 Adams (Francis W. L.) A child of the age. The Melbournians. The new Egypt. Tiberius : drama. Introd. by W. M. Rossetti. Adams (Rev. Frederick A.) My man & I ; or, Nehemiah. Adams (George), tlie younger, mathcmat. instrument maker. Descr. etc. of Hadley's quadrant & sextant. [P145]. 8°. 1789 On the barometer, thermometer, & 0. meteorolog. instruments, w. prognostic signs of the weather. [P145]. 8". 1790 Adams (George Burton). European hist. s8". N.Y. 1899 & H. M. Stephens, edd. Select doc", of English constitu- tional hist. s8». N.Y. 1901 Adams (Henry), essayist, 3"' son of C. F. Adams, U.S. minister. Hist, of the United States, [1801-17]. 9v. s8». N.Y. 1889-91 1, 2, First administr. of Jefferson, 1801-5. 2v. 3, 4, Second administr. of Jefferson, 180.5-9. 2v. 5, 6, First administr. of Madison, 1809-13. 2v. 7-9, Second administr. of Madison, 1813-17. 3v. 9, also cont^. Index to the entire work. John Randolph. s8«. Boston. 1890 Life of A. Gallatin. Ia8". Philadelphia. 1879 Adams (Henry B.), see Ad.\ms (Hy. G.) * H. B. A., Smaller Brit, birds, 1874. Adams (Henry Cadwallader). Charlie Luoken. s8°. 1886 For James or George. s8°. 1886 Schoolboy honour. s8». [1861?] Tales of Nethercourt. bS". 1876 [Gontaitis ttco tales "The chief of the school, 1874," & " The lost rifle, 1876 " toll, were at first publ''- separately^ Who did it ? s8». 188'2 The Winborough boys. sS". 187'i Wykehamica : liist. of Winches- ter Coll. & Commoners. s8». 0. 1878 Adams (Henry Carter). Public debts. 8". N.Y. 1887 Adams (Henry E. Fane Goold-), see Goold-Adams. Adams (Henry Gardiner) & H. B. Adams. Smaller Brit, birds ; nests, eggs, etc. laS". 1874 Adams (John), of the Inner Temple. *Index viUaris: or a geograph. table of all the cities, market-towns, jjarishes, villages, & private seats in Eng. and Wales, etc. Fir.^t published in 1680. fol. [1700 ?] Adams (Father John), Jesuit, see Schall (J. Adamus). Adams (John), M.A., B.Sc. The Herbartian psychology applied to education. s8". 1900 Adams (John), president of the U.S. Works. Life, notes etc. by C. F. see Ad.^ms (J. Q.) Life of J. A. compl. by C. F. Adams, rev., 1871. Morse (John T.) J. A., 1890. Sparks (J.) ed.. Diplomatic corr. of the Amer. Revol. ; letters of A. etc., 1829-30. Adams. lOv. 8». Boston. 1850-6 Defence of the constitutions of gov', of the U.S. 8v. [Wants v2, 3.] 8°. 1787-8 Familiar letters of A. ifc his wife during the Revol. With mem. of Mrs. A. by C. F. Adams. s8". N.Y. 1876 I Adams (lohn), piovost of King's, Cambridge. Essay cone, self- murther. s8°. 170O Adams (John), riding-master. Anal, of horsemanship. 8". 1799 Adams (John ^Mincj), president of the U.S. Answer to Pain's Rights of man. [PI, 894]. 8°. 1793 Life of John Adams. Begun by J. Q. A., compl. by C. F. Adams. Revised. 2v. sS". Philadelphia. 1871 Letters on Silesia,1800-1. 8».1804 Letters on the Masonic Listitu- tion. 8°. Boston. 1847 Menioirs, comp?. portions of his diary, 1795-1848. Ed. C. P. Adams. 12v. laS". Philadelphia. 1874-7 see Morse (J. T.) J. Q. A., 1890. Adams (Mrs. Leith) [aft. Mrs. R. S. Hepsy's foundling. De Codrcy Laffan]. 3v. s8". Aunt 1881 n. ed. s8". 1882 3v. s8". 1891 3v. 58°. 1882 3v. s8°. 1683 Collector's manual of Brit, shells. s8». 1884 Adams (Nicholas) see Bodrugan (N.) [alias N. Adams]. Bonnie Kate. Cosmo Gordon. Geoffrey Stirling. Adams (Lionel Ernest). ADAMS 10 ADDRESS ' Adams (Oscar Fay). Biiel lull'', of Anu-r. authors. s8". Boston. 188i T"- ed. sS". Boston. [1884J A diet, of American authors, [^ji " outgrowth " of his " Hdblc' ] &°. Boston. 1897 Adams (Robert), sailor. Narrative of A. wrecked on W. coast of Africa, 1810. & resided in Torabuctoo. 4°. 181G Adams (Robert Noble). Gt. Brit.'' rank among the nations. s8". 1883 Adams (Samuel), gor. of Massachusetts, etc., see Hosmer (J. K.) S.A., 1880. Adams (Thomas), D.D., 2>reacher at Willington, aft. at St. Gregory's. Works. Mem. by J. Angus. 3v. 8°. E. 1861-2 Adams (Walter Marsham). The book of the master: Egyptian doct. of light born of the virgin mother. sS". 1898 The drama of empire. s8". 1891 Shilling manual of trigonometiy. s8". 1881 Adams (William), piW, see Dalton (W.) W. A. ; a romantic biography, 1801. Adams (Sir "William), oculist; aft., [1825] Sir W. Eawson, see Eawson {Sir W.) I7S3-/S27. Adams (William Bridges). Roads & rails. s8". 1862 Adams (William Davenport), son of W. H. D. Adams. A book of burlesque. sS". 1891 Comic poets of 19"' c. : poems sel., w. notes by A. s8". lloutledge. [187G] Modern anecdotes, ed. A. 8". 1886 Rambles in book-land. sS". 1889 Adams (William Henry Davenport). Anecdotal nienr. of English princes etc. 2v. 38". 1863 Buried cities of Campania. sS". 1868 The Eastern Archipelago. 88°. 1880 Eminent soldiers. sS"*. n.d. England at war. 3v. 8°. 1886 EngliBli party leaders & parties ; Walpole to Peel. '2v. 8°. 1878 Famous regiments of the Brit. Army. s8". [1861] Clood Q. Anne : men, maimers, Ufe, letters in Augnstan age. 2r. 8°. 1886 *Crreat shipwrecks. 1544-1877. sS". [1877] The land of the Incas k the city of the sun. sS". [1883] Lighthouses and lightships. n. ed. s8°. 1875 Blaster minds in art, science, letters. sS". [1886] Memorable battles in Eng. hist. n. ed. 2v. s8». 1879 The merry monarch : Eng. under Charles II. 2v. 8°. 1885 Plain hving & high thinking. s8°. 1880 Warriors of the Crescent. 88°. [1892] The white king ; or, Charles I. & England in first half of 17"' c. 2v. 8". 1880 Witch, warlock, ct magician. 8". 1889 Women of fashion & representa- tive women in letters and society. 2t. 8". 1878 Young Marmaduke. s8". 1881 see FiGUiER (L.) Earth & sea, tr. & enlarged bv A., 1870. „ HoziER (H. M.) ed., Frauco- Pruss. War ; w. topogy. Sz hist, of the Rhine Valley by A., 1870-2. s8">. E. 1881 E. 1879 T.ui, & A.-E., des & H. Giacomelli. The bird world. laS". 1878 Adamson (Henry). The muses threnody : mirthful mournings on the death of Mr. Gall, 1638. n. ed., [w.] notes, list of magistrates of Perth, etc., by J. Cant. 2v.ini. s8". Perth. 1774 Adamson (John). Life * writings of Camoens. 2v. s8°. 1820 Adamson (Robert), M.A., prof, of Logic in Glasgow UniVJ. Fichte. On the philos". of Kant. Adams-Reilly (A.), see Shairp (J. C), P. G. Life etc. of J. D. Forbes, 1873. Adamus, see Adam, the patriarch. Adamus Bremcmis, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl46. see MoNusiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t7. Adamus Claromontensis, see Bouquet (M.) Reo. des hist. Gaules, t21. see MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t26. Adamus, de Domerham, see Domerham (Adaji, of). Adamus, Murimuthensis, see Murimuth (Aiiam, of). Adamus Persenicc Abbas, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t211. Adamus Frcemonstrat. [Scotxis'], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl98. Adamus, form, of the inonastenj of St. Augustine at Canterbury. see Adam, abbot of Eynsham. Adamus, eanon S. Vict., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl96. Adamus (Melchior). Decades duse cont. vitas theologorum exter. princ, qui eccles. superior! sec. propagarunt. s8". 1618 Dignorum laude virorum immortalitas ; seu vitie theolog., jure- consult, et politic, medic, atque philosophorum, max. part. German. fol. Francofurti ad M. 1705 Adan, de le Hale, see Adam, le Bossu. Adanson (Michel). Voyage to Senegal, see Pikkerton (J.) Voyages, vlO. Adcock (A. St. John). In the wake of the war. s8». 1900 Addai. *The doctrine of Addai ; ed., w. tr. & notes by G. Phillips, 8". 1876 Adderley (.Sir Charles Bowyer), oft. baron Norton, see Nor.Tox (C. B., /■' baron). Adderley (James). Francis of Assisi. s8". 1900 Looking upward. 38". 1896 Paul Mercer. 2nd ed. s8". 1898 Stephen Eemarx ; a venture in ethics. s8-. 1893 n. ed. s8°. 1893 Adding^ton {Ilcv. Henry). Some ace. of the Abbey Church, Dorchester. [Soc. for prom, study of Gothic iirchit.] 8°. O. 1845 Addington (Rt. Eon. Henry), aft. visct. Sidinouth, see SiDMOUTH ( /'' visct.) Addington (John Gellibrand Hubbard, /' baron). Letter to Sir C. Wood on the monetary pressure & commercial distress of 1847. [P269]. 8°. 1848 Addis (William E.) & T. Arnold. A Catholic diet. 8°. 1884 , n. ed., rev. w. assist, of T. B. Scannell. 8°. 1893 see Bible : Hexateuch. Doc", of the H., tr. & arr. by A., 1892-8. Addison ( ) cwnpiler, [_ps. .*]. Interesting anecdotes etc. lov, [not numbered] . p. p. 8". 1794-7 Addison (Charles Greenstreet). Hist, of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, & the Temple. s4°. 1842 2'"'ed. 8°. 1842 Addison (Daniel Dulany). Life & times of E. Bass. 8». Boston. 1897 Addison (George Augustus). Indian reminisc. ; or the Bengal Moofussul miscellany. Chiefly by A. 8°. 1837 Grig. corr. betw. residents in India, incl. sketches of Java etc. s8". E. 1846 Addison (Rt. Hon. Joseph). oration in defence of the new philosophy, 1728. see 'GoAKDiAN (The) [1713; hy A., etc:] „ Hansen (A.) A. som Ki-itiker, 1883. „ "Lover and Reader (The); prefixed, The Whig Ex- aminer [this by J. A.\ n. ed., 1789. „ MissoN (F. M.) Voyage d'ltalie, 5^ ed., cont. les re- marquee qu'A. a faites dans son voyage, tr., 1722. „ *Mdsaruji Anglicanarum Analecta [v2 has ded. hi/ A.], ed. 4», 1721. „ ScoLARi iF.) Saggio di crit. sul Paradiso perduto e suUe annot. di A., 1818. „ Steele (Sir R.) Corr. ; pref., fragments of 3 plays, the tliird supposed to be A.'s, 1809. Cato. [b.te. Banks (J.) E. of Essex, 1767]. s8°. 1773 Misc. works. 4v in 2. 88°. 0. 1830 Sel'. f. A.'s papers contrib. to Spectator. Intr. & notes by T. Arnold. s8». O. 1900 Works. Coll. by Tickell. 6v. Ia8'>. 1804 „ Notes by R. Hurd. n. ed., w. add^. by H. G. Bohn. 6v. sS". Bohn. 185() *Addisoniana. 2v. s8". [1803] [By Sir Richard Phillips ?] "Joseph A. & Sir Andrew Foiui- taiue ; or the romance of an hist, portrait. [Froi7i the Athenwum. P318.] 8°. 1858 see AuiiN (Lucy). Life of A., 1843 ,, Bel.tame (A.) Le public Sz les liommes de lettres eu Angl., 1660-1744 : A. etc., 1881. „ COURTHOPE (W. J.) A., 1884. „ Fontenelle. Plurality of worlds, S""! ed., [w.] A.'s Addison (Lancelot), dean of Lichfield. Travels in W. Barbery, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vId. Addison (W. Innes). Roll of the graduates of the Univ. of Glasgow, 1727-1897, w. biog. notes. Ia8". Glasgow. 1898 *Addisoniana, 1803, see Addison (.Jos.) Additional. *Additional Letters to G. D'Oyly, in answer to his remarks on the ' (Edipus Judaicus ' [of Sir W. Drummond]. By Vindex, Bibhcus, & Candidas. 8°. 1813 *Additional papers cone, the province of Quebeck, 1776, sec Maseres (F.) ed. Address. "Address to conforming Arians [autlwr not known, 1735]. For an ed. see Priestley (J.) Letters to candidates for Orders ; w. Address etc. [1790 ?] "Address (An) to R, B. Sheridan on the public & private pro- ceedings dur. the late election for Westminster [a. not known], 2"'« ed., 1807, see Sherid.^n (R. B.) "Address to the Bishops upon a letter from one of their Lordships to certain clergy [by J. Disney, D.D. ?] [I'19]. 8". 1790 "Address (An) to the freeholders of Middlesex, 1779, see Middlesex. "Address to the friends of free inquiry & free expression [1865 ?], see Scott (T.) "Address (An) to the legal world on the centralisation of the Courts of Law etc., 1851, see Kooth (R. A.) & C. W. Wetherell. ADDRESS 11 ADMIRALTY Address [contimwd]. •Address (An) to the opposers of the repeal of the Corporation & Test Acts, 1790, see Bareavld (Mrs.) •Address (An) to the Pari, of Gt. Brit, on the claims of authors to copyright, 2nd ed., 1S13, see Duppa (R.) Address (An) to the people occas. by [Lord Brougham's'] "A letter to the Queen." [PlOyj. S". 1839 •Address (An) to the people of England ; or, a change for the better. [P277]. 8°. Shrewsbury. 1798 •Address to the proprietorsof E.I. Stock etc., 1769, sec East India Cu. *Address to the public cone, the business betw, the govt. & the E.I.C., 1767, see East India Co. •Address (An) to the public, in wh. an answer is given to objections urged by North it Pitt ag". repeal of the Teat Laws etc., 1790, see CoKPOR.\TioN & Test Acts. ♦Address (An) to the public on the E. India dividend, 1767, see East Indl\ Co. •Address (An) to those citizens who resisted the claim of the House of Commons to nominate the Ministers. [PIO]. Srd ed. 8". 1788 ♦Address (Proposed) to be signed by leading reformers, Nov. 0, 1857, see *ProP(>sed. Addresses. *Addr6sses (The) & Messages of the Presidents to Congress, Washington, [to] Van Buren, 1837, sec United States. *Addresses of the Hungarian Diet of 1861, tr., 1862, see Hong.^ey. see *History (The) of Addresses, [by Defoe ? or Oldviixonl], 1709. Addy, see also Adv, Adye. Addy (Sidney Oldall). Evolution of the Eng. house. s8». 1898 Glossary of words used in the neighbourhood of Sheffield, incl. a sel. of local names, etc. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 57.] 8". 1888 „ Suppl. to S. glossary. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 62.] 8". 1891 The Hall of Waltheof : early condition it settlement of Hallamshire. 4°. 1893 Adelaer (C. S.), see Adeler {Admiral C. S.) ^Adelaide Lindsay, 1850, see Marsh (A.) Adelaide, Madame, Iy3'2-I80(j [jMary Adelaide (de Boukbon), princess of France, d. of Louis XV.], see Mirabeau (la esse. de) ed., Talleyrand & la raaison d'Orleans: lettres de Mme. A. etc., 1890. Adelaide, of Savoy, consort of Louis, grandson of Louis XIV., daujjhin, see Burgcndy (Marie Adelaide, duchess of). Adelaide, q. consort of Will. IV., l\ of Gt. Brit. <£■ Ireland, see DoRAN (.J.) Mem. of A., 1861. Adelbertus, c^isc. Virdun., see Migne (.1. P.) Pat. latina, tl97. Adelboldus, bp. of Utrecht, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl40. see MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. *Adele et Theodore, 1782, see Genus {Mme. de). Adeler, see also Adlee. Adeler (Admiral Curt Sivertsen), see Bruun (C.) A., 1871. Adeler (Max) 2'S- [i.e. Cuakles Hebek Clark]. Out of the hurly- burly. Author's ed. s8°. n.d. „ ,1 s8". Koutledge. n.d. Eandom shots. s8". [1879] Adelgorius, arch. Magdeburg., see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl57. Adeline (Jules). Lexique des termes d'art. n.ed. 8». [1884] Adelmanus, bp. of Brescia, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl43. Adelung (Friedrich v.) Altdeutsche Gedichte in Rom., oder fortgesetzte Nachricliten, j etc. [6. io. h. Nachrichten, 1 1796]. s8». Konigsberg. 1799 Krit.-literarische Ubersicht der Reisenden in Russland bis 1700 2Bin 1. Ia8°. St. Petersbui-g. 1846 Nachrichten v. altdeutschen Gedichten etc. s8». Konigsberg. 1796 i Adelung (Johann Christoph). Auszug aus d. Wbche. d. hoch- deutschen Mundart. 4T. 8». L. 1793-1802 Grammatisch-krit. Wbch. d. hochdeutschen Mundart. Mit : Soltau's Beytriigen, revid. v. ' F. X. Schijnberger. 4T. 4». Wien. 1808 Leben, etc., d. Grafens v. Briihl ' in vertraulichen Briefen. , 3T in Iv. s8°. Gottingen. I 1760-4 ■ Ubersicht aller bekannten Spra- chen u. i. Dialekte. 8°. St. Petersburg. 1820 Versuch einer Literatur A. Sauskrit-Sprache. 8''. St. Petersburg. 1830 Translation. Hist, sketch of Sanscrit lit. [Tr. D. A. Talboys.] 8». O. 1832 Mithridates, oder allg. Spracheu- kunde. [Fortges. v. J. S. Vater.] 4T in 5\'. 1806-17 see Du Cange (C.) Gloss, man. med. & inf. Latinitatis, in comp. redactum [by A.], 1772-84. „ WiLLicH (A. F.M.) Elements etc. ; added, 3 philol. essays, cliiefly tr. f. A., 1798. Ademarus, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t5-10. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tI41. „ MoNUMENTA Gebm. Hist., Scr., t4. Ademollo (Agostino). I teatri di Roma nel sec. xvii. 8". 1888 Adeney (Walter F.), st-e Bennett (W. H.) & A. Biblical intr. : N.T., by A., 1899. Adenez, surnamed "Lc roi" [or Adenet]. CUomadte, tr. d'A. le roi, par le chev. de Chatelain. s8°. London. 1859 Adeodatus, Saint, pope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t87. Adhemar {la vicomtcsse d'). La femme catholique & la d6mo- cratie fran^aise. s8". 1900 Adhemar (Joseph A.) Traite de geom^trie descr. i" 6d. 8". 1859 [Atlas]. 4' ed. fol. 1863 Adhemar de Monteil (Frangoise M.), comtcsse de Grignan, see Grignan {Mme. de). Adhemar de Monteil (Louis Provence d'), marq. de Grignan, see Grignan {le marquis de). •Adi-G-ranth. The A. G. or scriptures of the Sikhs. Tr., w. essays, by E. Trumpp. Ia8". 1877 Adlard (George), Amye Robsart, & the Earl of Leycester ; & hist, of Kenilworth, w. mems. & corr. of Sir R. Dudley, son of L. 8». 1870 Adler (Cyrus). Theshofar; use & origin. [P886]. 8°. Washington. 1893 Adler (Felix). The Monroe Doctrine & the War Spirit in the U.S. [P632]. s8». Philadelphia. 189(1 Moral instruction of children. b8". N.Y. 1895 Adler (Hermann), entomologist. Alternating generations: biolog. study of oak galls * gall flies. Tr. C. R. Straton. s8". 0. 1894 Adler (Marcus Nathan). The temple at Jerusalem. [P783]. 8". 1887 Adler (Sigmund). Organisation d. Centralverwaltung unter Maximilian I. 8°. L. 1886 Adlerfeld (Gustaf). Milit.hist.of Charles XII. Tr. 3v. 8°. 1740 Adlzreiter (Johann). Annalium Boicte gentis partes iii., usque ad 1651. Ace. A. Brunneri annalium Boicorum, ad 1311, partes iii. Ed. nova, cum praif. G. G. Leibnitii. fol. Francofurti ad M. 1710 Administration. ♦Administration (L') de Seb. J. de Carvalho e Melo, marq. de Pombal, 1786-7, see Desoteux de Cobmatin [leb.) Administration of the affairs of G. B., Ireland, & their de- pendencies, at coram, of 1823. [P229]. Sf ed. 8°. 1823 „ „ ace "Opinions as to the real state of the nation, w. strictures on a pamph. entitled " The a. of the affairs of G. B.," 1823. ♦Administration (The) of the colonies, 4"' ed., 1768, see POVVNALL (T.) see *Fbee appeal etc. on the con- duct of the a. since July 30 (1766), 2"'' ed., 1767. „ ♦Imp.\rtial enquiry into the a. of affair's, 1683. „ * Thoughts on the present a., by an Old Whig, 1806, Administrative Reform Assoc. A.R.A. Official paper. No. 2. The devising heads & executive hands of the Govt, as described by Privy-Councillors and Servants. [P288]. 8°. 1855 3, Unfitness of the present Home Govt. [P288]. 8". 1855 4, Appointments for merit discussed etc. [P28S]. 8". 1855 5, Naval officers upon naval administration. [P288]. 8°. 1855 *Admirables efectos de la providencia suced. en la vida etc. de Leopoldo primero [signed D. M. G. P.], 1696, see Leopold I, emjy. of Germany. Admiral Aplin, ship. The letters taken on board the A. A. ; tr. Pref., the French official ace. of the engagement of Linois' Eng. Civil squadron. Admiralty [incl". Court of Admiralty Department]. For regulations cone, the Navy, for signal books etc., <£ fcrr anon.iuorJisinwhich^^Navy'^ is the catchword, see Navy. ♦Monumenta juridica : the Black Book of the A. ; w. an appen- dix. Ed. Sir T. Twiss. 4v. [Rolls Ser., 55, i-iv]. Ia8». 1871-6 vl, B. B.; d; App'., [pi]. v2-4, App., p2-4. see Des Babres (J. F. W.) ed., The Atlantic Neptime, 4v, la.fol., 1777-81. „ ♦Lighthouses of the Brit. P., 1836. [P463]. 8». 1804 £■ Hydrographic se^*MANUAL of scientific enquiry for use of H.M.'s Navy [knoton as " Admiralty manual of s.e."], 1849 ; 5'>> ed., 1886. „ Marsden (R. G.) Reports of cases (1758-74), by Sir W. Burrell, w. extr". f. records of the High Court of Admiralty etc. (1584- 1839), & cases & opinions (1701-81), 1885. „ Thomson {Sir C. W.) Voy- age of the " Challenger." The Atlantic : prelim, ace of gen. results, 1877. ADMORSUS 12 ^LFRIC Admorsus (Fridericus), see Frederick I, lamlgrave of Thuringia, etc. Ado, Saint, abp. of Vicnne, see Bodquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaiiles, t2, 5-7. set; Martyrologium Ro5iANua, etc. ; aoc. Miirtyrologium A"'-., 1613. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl23. „ MoxuMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t2. Adolf (Gustaf), see Ghstavus AooLrHcs, king of Sweden. Adolphe. For jynnces etc., see Adolphus. Adolphe {la vtesse.), sec Du Barry {la v. A.) Adolphe (Gustave), see Gdstavcs Adolphus, king of Sweden. Adolphus II., count of Nordalbingen, see Helmoldds. De Vita A. II, etc., 1580. Adolphus (F.) Some memories of Paris. s8°. E. 1895 Adolphus (Gustavus), see GnsTAvn.s Adolphus, king of Sweden. Adolphus (I. H.) TJiis is the form on tp. of " Tlie royal exile etc.," 18"' ed., 1822, where Adolphus (John) q.v., is meant. Adolphus (John), barrister. Hist, of Eng., f. access, of Geo. Ill to 1783. 2»>' ed. 3v. 8". 1805 „ „ [w. t.] H. of E., f. access, to decease of G. III. vl-7. [" .4. loas working at the S"' v. when he died."] 8°. 1840-5 Mem', of John Bannister, comedian. 2v. 8°. 1839 Political state of the Brit. Empire. 4v. 8°. 1818 see Caroline, g. consort of Oeo. IV. The Eoyal exile, 18th ed., 1822. lAttrih. to J. A.] „ The last days etc. of C, 1822. [Attrib. to J. A.] „ Henderson (Mrs. E.) BecoUs. of A., \v. extracts f. his diaries, 1871. Adolphus (John Leycester). Letters f. Spain, 1856-7. sS". 1858 *Letters to E. Heber on the series of novels beginning w. "Waveiiy." 8°. 1821 *Adonia etc., 1613, see Cruceus (E.) Adonis martyrologium, see Ado, Saint, abp. of Vienne. Adorni (Giuseppe). Versi e traduzioni. s8°. Parma. 1809 Adrevaldus, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl24. see Moxumenta Geem. Hist., Ser., tl5. Adria, II cieco d', ps., see Groto (Luigi). Adriaan. For popes, see Adrian. Adrian, emperor of Rome, see Hadrian. Adrian, tlie Tyrian, see Adrlanus, Tyrius. Adrian I, pope, see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t5. see MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, 196, 98. „ Muhatori (L. a.) Berum Ital. Script., t3ii. Adrian II, pojje, see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t7. see MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl22, 129. Adrian III, piope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl26. Adrian IV, pope, see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, tl5. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl88. Adrian V, pojie [Octoronus ; Othobonus; Oitorone Fieschi], see Lyndewode (W.) Provinciale; adj. constitut. Othoboni, 1679. Adrian VI, pope [Adrian Boyers], see Bubman (C.) Hadrianus VI, analecta hist, de Had. VI, 1727. see CuAKLEs V, Corr. de C. & d' A., 1859. „ Giovio (P.) Vite di Leon X, e d' A. VI, tr., 1549. Adrian (Johann V.) Mittheilungen aus Handschriften u. sel- tenen Druckwerken. 8". Frankfurt. 1846 Adrian! (Giovanni Batt.) of Florence. 1st. de' suoi tempi [1536- 73]. 8t. 8°. Prato. 1822-3 Adriano, emperor of Borne, see Hadrian. Adrianus, Tyrius [jAdrian, the Tyrian'], sec Polemon (A.) Declam". ; ace. excerpta e A', libris, rec. Hinck, 1873. Adshead (Joseph). Wreck of the " Bothsay Castle." s8». 1834 Adso, abbas Dcrv., see Migne (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl37. see MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t4, 15. *Advantages (The) of reform, etc., 7''' ed., n.d., see Eefobm. Adventure, H.M.S. ; <£- H.M.S. Beagle. Narrative of voyages of A. & B., 1826-36. 3v ; d, App. to v2. 8°. 1839 vl, 2, are by Admiral E. Fitzroy. v3 cont'. the /*' ed. of Darwin's Journal. *Adventurer (The). By J. Hawkesworth, [S. Johnson], & others [1753-4]. For an ed. see *British Essayists, v20-22, 2'"' ed., 1823. Adventures. Adventures [continued], ^Adventures in the moon & other worlds. 88", 18-11 '"Adventures of a dramatist etc., ii'"! ed., 1813, sec PuEHE (Ben.i.) *Adventure8 of a Frencli ser- geant (180.5-23), by liimself, 1898, see Guillemard (R.) *Adventures (The) of a griflfin, 1867, see Melville (H. S.) 'Adventures of a younger son, 1835, see Trelawny (E. J.) •Adventures of an attorney in search of practice, Q"** ed., 1840, see Warren (S.) 'Adventures of British seamen in the S. Ocean. [Ed. Hugh Murray.] sS". E. 1827 •Adventures of Capt. Blake, 1850, see Maxwell (W. H.) •Adventures (The) of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, 2'"' ed., 1824, see Morier (J.) •Adventures (The) of Harouu Alraschid, 185.5, see Manning (A.) •Adventures of Hatim Tai, tr., 1830, see Hatim, Ta'i. •Adventures (The) of Peregrin* Pickle, var. ed'., see Smollett (T.) •Adventures of Roderick Ran- dom, var. ed'., see Smollett (T.) •Adventures of Susan Hopley, 1841, see Crowe (Mrs. C.) ^Adventures of the children of the King of Norway [Irish Texts Soc, 1], 1899, see Ibisu Texts Soc. sec •Stories of strange a»., by Mayue Reid & others, 1890. *Adversaria, notices [by D. Laing] of some of the earlier works, printed for the Bannatyne Club, 1867, see Bannaty-se Club. *Advertiser's ABC (The). Ia8». [1897]-1901 *Advice to a young gentleman on entering society. [6. to. *Naval & mil. anecdotes, 2"'' ed., 1824.] sS". 1839 *Advice to .Julia, 1820, see Luttrell (H.) Advice to the officers of the British Army, [by John William- son ?] 7th ed. s8". 1783 *Advlce to the privileged orders etc. pi, [no more app'. 7 P22]. 8". 1792 *Advocacie (L'). Notre-Dame, ^d. 1855, sec .Justice, Jean de. *Advocacy in the County Courts : letter to Sir A. Cockburn. By a barrister of the Inner Temple. [P133, 300]. 8". 1851 Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, see Faculty of Advocates. *Advocatus [anon. Latin play of the middle ages]. For an ed., see *Vetebator und A., 1901. Ady, si'f also Addy, Ady-e, MacAdie. Ady (Mrs. Henry), see Cabtwright (Julia) [Mrs. H. Ady]. Adye (Gen, Sir John Miller). Indian frontier policy. 8". 1897 Recoils, of a military life. 8". 1895 Review of the Crimean War to the winter of 1854-5. 8°. 1860 Sitana : mountain campaign on the borders of Afghanistan, 1863. 8°. 1807 A. E. ps, see Russell (G. W.). -fflgidius, cardinal [Gilo]. Hist, gestoruni vifc nostri temporis Hierosolymitanas, see Migne (J. P.) Pat. lat., tl50, 159, 173. -ffigidius, Aureie-VaUis mon,, see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, tl3, 18. see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., 125. -Slgidius, Saint, see Giles, St., abbot, .3)gidius, bp, of Evreux, see Migne (J. P.) ed,, Pat. latiua, t200. ^gidius diac. Parisiens., see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, tl7. see Migne (.J. P.) cd„ Pat. latina, t212. .ffigidius Columna, Uomanus, sec Colon-na (Egidio). Aegyptische monumenten van het Nederl. Museum van Oudheden te Leyden, 1839 etc., see Nederlandsch Museum te Leyden. .ffigyptius (Cosmas), see Cosmas, Indieopleustes. .ffigyptius (Macarius), see Macarius, Saint, of Egypt. .SIgyptius (Mosseus), see Maimonides. .Alfred, see Alfred, the Great, king of England. .3)lfredi regis res gestae [printed by John Day in Anglo-Saxon character, 1574], see Asser (J.) .Sllfric Soc, see Bible, Solomon, etc. Salomon & Saturnus, 1848. see .Elfric. Homilies of the A.-Saxon Church : pi. Homilies of A., vl, 2, [?jo more publ,], 1844-46. ,, Veroelli Codex, Poetry of Codex Vercellensis, 1843-56. -Sllfric, bp,of Wilton, abp. of Canterbury. [.Elfricus; .Elfrike ; Alfric ; Elfric]. '.idventures & anecdotes of the South Army of Austria dur. the Hungarian Campaign, by eye-witnesses, 1850, see Tyn- DALE (J. W. W.) ed. •Adventures in Borneo, 1849, see Borneo. •Adventures in search of a real friend etc., 1822, see Fielding (Sarah). An Enghsh Saxon homily [by JE^ on the birthday of St. Gregory. Tr. etc. by E. El- stob. 4p in Iv. 8°. 1709 Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church, pl, conts. the " Ser- mones Catholici " or homilies of A., ill A.-Saxon, with Eng. version. By B. Thorpe, vl, 2, \jio more publ. ^Elfric Soc] S". 1844-6 Fur a 3rd seiies, see the following : A.'s lives of saints : sermons ou saints' days. Ed. f. MS. Julius E. VXI in the Cottonian Coll. by W. W. Skeat. 2v. [E.E.T.S., 76, 82, 94, 114.] 8°. 1881-1900 The half-t'., " A.'s homilies, 3rd series," prefixed to three of th^: 4}) in which these ^u were Issued, refer ^LFRIC 13 -SSCHYLUS ^Ifric, bj). of Wilton, n6j). of Canterbury [continued]. Novo Test., Pentateuch, losua, Riohter, Hiob, 1S72. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlS9. to the 2v of A.'s Homilies printed for the ^Ifric Soc. in 1844-6. sec BiBLioTUEK del' angelsiichs. Prosa: Bl, A. de Vet. et iElianus, Tacticim. [.Euan ; Elien ; Eliano.] The tactiks of JK., or art of embattailing an army. fol. 1616 .ailianus (Claudius) Praneslinus. [/Elian ; ^lien ; Eliano.] De natura aniinalium, varia ' Varia historia, cum notig in- hist., epistolEe, fragraenta, ex \ tegris Gesneri, Schefferi, T. recog. R. Hercheri : ace. rei accipitrarite scriptores etc. 2v. sB". L. 18(U-G „ Gr. et lat. ed. I. G. Schnei- der. [2t. in 1.] 8". L. 1784 „ Annot. illus. P. Jacobs. 2v. 8°. Jenre. 18.32 A registre of liystories etc. ; de- livered in Eng. by A.\hraham] Fleming. 4». 1576 Fabri, Knhnii, Perizonii, & iuterp. lat. J. Vulteji, cur. A. Gronovio. 2p. 4". Lugd. Bat. ITiil Varia historia, cum vers. J. Vul- teii et comm. J. Perizonii. s8°. Lugd. in Bat. 1750 Varia hist. Heraclidis Pontici & Nic. Damasoeni qute sup. ed. ster. s8". L. 1829 .Sllius Aristides, see Aeistides (jElius). .ffilius Donatus, sec Donatus (.Elius). ^lius Herodianus, Tcchnicus, see HERociANns (M.) ^lius Lampridius, see LAHPEii>ins (^lius). ^lius Spartianus, sec Sr-AKxuNns (Julius). .Sllred, abbot of Rievaulx, Saint. [^Eleedus, Rhievallensis ; /Ethelkedus, Rievallensis ; Aileed ; Ethelred]. Eelatio de Standardo. see Howlett (R.) Chron. of the reigns of Stephen etc., 1884-89. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl84, 195. „ Scotland. Historians of S., v5, Lives of S. Ninian [by A.], etc., 1874. .ffimilianus (Palladius Rutilius Taurus), see PALLinius. .ffimilius Papinianus, sic Papinianus (^Em.) .ffineas, sec Eneo, Eneas, Enee. .ffineas, Gazceus. [^Eneas, Platcmicus], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grffica, t85, M., 1864. ^neas, bp. of Paris, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl21. .^neas, Tacticus. Comm. de toleranda obsidione. I. Casauboni etc. annot. ill. ed. L C. Orellius. [Suppl. ed. Polybii Schweighajus., Gr. & hat.] 8". L. 1818 .3]neas, the Trojan. *Eneas. Texte publ. par J. Salvevda de Grave. [Bibl. Norraannica, 4.] 8°. Halle. 1891 .ffineas Silvius, sec Pius II. .Slnesidemus [.EnesidemeI, see Saisset (E. E.) Le scepticisme : iE. etc., 1865. .3Ischines, the orator. [Eschine ; EsqcInes.] Aiax"""^ " "ara Krr]a'ifl>o:vros Kai Ari/j.o(T6ivovs o irept crreipavou Xoyos. Interp, lat. etc. adjec. P. Foulkes, J. Freind. ed. 2". 0. 1715 „ Cum delectu annot. ed. 3*. 8°. 0. 1814 Interp. et not. adj. J. Stock. 2t. s8". U. 1818 Orationes. Post F. Frankum cur. F. Blass. ed. major. s8». L. 1896 see Bekkee (I.) cd., Oratores Attici : 3, A., 1822-3. ,, Demosthenes, ffiuvres de D. & d'E., en grec & en fr., tr. Auger, n. 6d., 1819-21. .Slschines, Socraticiis. [Eschine, Socratico.] Dialogi tres Gr. & Lat. Vertit & notis illust. Joannes Clerieus. 8". Amstelodami. 1711 Dialogi tres Gnece. Tertium ed. J. F. Fischerus. 8". L. 1786 .ffischylus. [^scHYLOS ; Aischulos ; Eschilo ; Eschile ; Esquilo]. Tragcediee quie sup., ex ed. T. Stanleii, cum vers. lat. ; ace. notse etc., quibus suas inter- texuit S. Ijutler. St. 8°. C. 1809-16 Tragoedia>. Not. adj. Aug. Wellauer. 3v in 2. v3 is Lexicon jEschyieum ; comp. A. Wellauer. 8«. L. 1823-31 „ Rec. J. Scholefield. 2v. laS". C. 1829 Tragcediie. Ed. P. H. Bothe. 2t. in 1. 8". L. 1831 Tragcediaj, & fragm. Ex rec. G. Dindorfii. St. [Wants tS, 00711". the " Scholia grieca."] 8». O. 1841-51 M. & Sophoclis tragoediai & fragm. [Gr. & Lat.] Ia8^ Parisiis. 1842 Tragoedia;. Rec. C. H. Weise. Nova ed. ster. s8°. L. 1843 Tragoedioe ; rec. G. Hermannus. 2t. 8°. L. 1852 Tragoedise; rec. G. Dindorfius. ed. 5». sS". L. 1865 Tragedies. Re-ed.,w. Eng. comm. by F. A. Paley. [Bibl. CI.] Srd ed. 8». 1870 „ 4th ed. 8". 1879 Dramatum fragmenta. Rec. F. H. Bothe. 8». L. 1844 L* Eschilo Laurenziauo. Fac- simile, obi. fol. Pirenze. 1896 Fabulse ; ed. N. Wecklein. 2v. 38°. Berolini. 1885 Oresteia. Gr. u. deutsch. Hrsg. V. J. Franz. 8". L. 1846 Orestie. Gr. u. deutsch v. U. v. -ffischylus [continued]. Wilamowitz-MoUendorft.Stiick 2, Das Opfer am Grabe. Ia8». 1896 Agamemnon. Agamemnon. Not. adj. C. J. Blomfield. ed. 2". 8". C. 1822 „ ed. 4''. 8». Loud. 1832 Ayafj.efj.vwv. Graice, notas adj. J. Kennedy. Teutsch, v. H. Vosd ; Eng., by Kennedy. 8'. Dublin. 1829 Agamemnon. Ed. R. H. Klausen. [^Esch. q. sup., ed. K., vl, i.] 8°. Gotha;. 1833 Agamenmon. Notes by T. W. Peile. 8". 1839 Agamemnon. Rev. & tr. J. P. Davies. 8°. 1868 Agamemnon. With metr. tr. & notes by B. H. Kennedy. s8». C. 1878 Agamemnon. Comm., tr. etc. by A. W. Verrall. 8». 1889 Choephobi [or Choephobce], Choephoroe. Not. adj. C. J. Blomfield. [b.w. Perste, Blom- field, 1848.] 8°. Cantab. 1824 „ [b. w. Prometheus, 1825.] ed. 2". 8''. Cantab. 1827 „ Notes by T. W. Peile. 8». 1840 Choephori. Com. & tr. by A. W. VerraU. 8". 1893 „ Cum annot. & comm. ed. F. H. M. Blaydes. 8°. Halis Sax. 1899 EnMENIDES. Eumenides. Withcrit. remarks f. K. O. Muller. S». Cam. 1835 „ Rec. G. Linwood. [b. w. h. Agamemnon, 1832.] 8°. 0. 1844 PeKS2E. Perste. Not. adj. C. J. Blom- field. [b. w. h. Agamemnon, 1832.] 8". Cantab. 1814 „ ed. 2». 8». Cantab. 1818 „ ed. S«. 8". Lond. 1826 „ ed. 4". 8". Lond. 1831 Prometheus Vinctus. Prometheus Vinctus. Notas adj. C. J. Blomfield. ed. 3». 8°. C. 1819 „ ed. 4". 8". Lond. 1825 UpofxTfB^vs SetTyUWTTjs. Text of Diudorf, notes by J. Griffith. 8°. 0. 1834 Prometheus. Griech.u. deutsch; Anmerkgn. v. G. F. Schumann. 8». Greifswald. 1844 Prometheus. Text of Dindorf, notes by J. S.Watson. 8 . 1870 Septem contra Thebas. Septem contra Thebas. Not. adj. C. J. Blomfield. [b. lu. h. Persffi,1818.] ed.2». 8». C. 1817 „ [6. w. h. Prometheus, 1825.] ed. 3". 8°. Lond. 1824 The "Seven agst. Thebes." With intr., comm., & tr. by A. W. Verrall. 8°. 1887 Supplices. Supi^lices. Rec. G. Burges. 8". Lond. 1821 ,, Cum potiore lectionis var. etc. Auct. C. G. Haupt. 8". L. 1829 „ Rec. F. A. Paley. 8°. C. 1844 Translations [without texts]. Tragedies, tr. R. Potter. new ed. 8°. O. 1808 Trag., ex ed. Stanlii lat. redd. etc. 8°. O. 1819 The seven tragedies of A., lit. tr. w. notes etc. 8°. O. 1829 Trag"., tr. into prose, from texts of Blomfield &Scholefield,with notes. 2'"! ed. 8°. O. 1829 .^scliylos, v. H. Voss ; zura Translations [contitiued]. Theil v. J. H. Voss. Wohl- feile A. .. 8". Heidelberg. 1839 Werke. Ubers. v. J. G. Droy- sen. 2« A. sS". 1842 „ 3" A. b8». 1868 Trag., lit. tr., with notes etc. by T. A. Buckley. 88°. 1849 The lyrical dramas. Tr. into verse by J. S. Blackie. 2v. s8». 1850 Tragedies. Tr. [verse], with essay etc. by E. H. Plumptre. 2v. s8<>. 1868 JEi. tr. into prose by F. A. Paley. 2"'' ed. 8». C. 1871 Leconte de Lisle : Eschyle, trad. nouvelle. s8». [1872?] Dramas, tr. A. Swanwick. 2v. 88°. Bohn. 1873 „ 4«' ed. s8». Bohn. 1899 The 7 plays, in Eng. verse, by L. Campbell. s8". 1890 Agamenmon, Choephori, & Emnenides. Tr. into verse by Anna Swanwick. s8". 1865 The house of Atreus : Agamem- non, Libation-bearers, (fe Furies. Tr. mto verse by E. D. A. Morshead. sS". 1881 [Translations.] Agamemnon. Transcribed by R. Browning. s8°. 1877 Agamemnon. Tr. Earl of Car- narvon. sS". 1879 The Oresteia of A. Tr. G. C. W. Warr. [Athenian drama, 1.] K8". 1900 [Translations.] Prometheus. Tr. into Eng. metre, by C. G. Prowett. 8". C. 1846 Prometheus Bound. Tr. Earl of Carnarvon. s8». 1892 see Du Pontavice de Heussey (H.) Poemes virils [c07it'. tr. of "Prometheus"], 1862. „ Pember (E. H.) Voyage of the Phocteans, w. Prome- theus Bound done into verse, 1895. References. „ BocKH (A.) JSschyli etc., num ea quas sup. genuina etc., 1808. „ BucHHoLZ (E.) Die sittl. Weltanschaumig d. Piu- daros u. A., 1869. „ Buenev (C.) Tentamen de metris ab .^. in chor. can- tibus adhib., 1809. „ Casar (J.) Der Prome- theus: s. theolog. Bedeu- tung, 1860. „ Copleston (R. S.), bp., A. [Ano. Classics], 1870, repr. 1877. „ Dindorf (W.) Metra A. etc., 1842. „ Dronke (G.) Die relig. u. sittl. Vorstellgn. d. A. u. Soph,, 1861. „ *Enchiridion .aSschyleum ; s.uotffiin^.trag.S". C. 1832 „ Flaxman (J.) Compositions from A., 1795. „ Franz (J.) Die Didaskalie zu Septem contra Thebas, 1848. „ Hermann (G.) Obs. in locos A\ etc., 1798. „ Index in tragicos Grascos ; vl. Index graecitatis .^s. [bij B. W. Beutsun], 1830. „ Klausen (R. H.) Theologu- mena ^schyli, 1829. „ Linwood (W.) Lexicon to A., 1843. 2'"' ed., 1847 „ Newman (F. W.) Corri- ^SCHYLUS 14 AGASSIZ ^schylus [continued]. genda in quibusdam A. canticis, 1859. see Patin (H. J. G.) Etudes sur les ti-agiques gr. : E. 4' (^d., 1871. „ •Prometheus the Fire-giver; attempted restor. of the lost part of the tragedy, 1877. „ S.MNT-VlCTOR {le cte. P. de). Les deux masques : 1, E. 2« ed., 1880-4. „ ScHOMANN (G. F.) Nochein Wort ii. Prometheus, 1859. „ Smith (Goldwin). Speci- mens of Greek tragedy, tr. [into verse"] ; [1], .ffischylus etc., 189.3. see TiTiWHiTT (Th.) Conjec- ture in JS.., 1822. „ Welckeb (F. G.) Die aeschylische Trilogie, Pro- metheus u. d.Kabirenweilie zu Lemnos etc., 1824. „ „ Nachtrag zu d. Sehrift ii. d. aeschyl. Ti-ilogie, 1826. „ Westphal (R.) Prolego- mena zu A.Tragi;dien,1869. „ WlLAMOWITZ-MoLLENDOBPF (U. T.) Griech. Tragodien. 1, . 1882 A voyage of discovery. 38". 1892 Carr of Carlyon. 8v. 88". 1862 The clifl mystery s8». Bristol. 1888 *Coufidenees. s8". 1859 Elizabeth's pretenders. sS". 1895 In that state of life. s8". 1871 Introduced to society. 2v. S80. 1884 „ D. ed. s8<>. 1884 Jane Treachel. s8". 1899 *Aide-memoire, a I'usage des oft', d'artillerie, 2« 6d., [1798], see G-issENDi (J. J. B. de). Aids (Feudal), see Feudal Aids. *Aids to Faith : essays by sev. writers [in reply to " Essays and reviews "]. Ed. 'NV. Thomson. 8". 1861 S-'ed. 8°. 1862 Aignan (Etienne). Hist, du jury. 8°. 1822 Extr' des memoires rel. a I'hist. de France, 1757, jusqu'a la Rivol., ed. A. [1, A. ; 2, Norvins.] 2t. 8". 1824 Aiguillon (A. Vignerod-Du Plessis-Richelieu, due d'). *Me- moires du ministere du due d'A., etc., 1790, see Mirabeau (H. G., cte. de). Aiguillon (Marie de Grimoard de Beauvoir-Du Roure de Combalet, duclicsse d'), see Bonneau-Avenant {le c. A. de) A., 1604-75), 1879. Aikenhead (Mary), *M. A. : her life, work, etc. By S. A. Ia8°. D. 1879 Aikin (Anna Letitia), aft. BarbaiUd, ■>743-'tS23, see Bakbauld {Mrs.} Aikin (Anna Letitia), aft. Le Breton ; 'jS0S-$5, see Le Breton {iMrs. A. L.) Aikin (John), M.D. Elli's Ehe. Ubertr. s8°. 1896 s8°. 1899 Annals of the r. of George III., 1760-1815. 2v. 8". 181C Descr. of the country f. 30-40 miles round Manchester. 4". [1795] England described. 8". 1818 This is another ed. of his " Eng. delineated," 1788 etc., w. add'. Essays on song-writing, w. a. coll. of Eng. songs, n. ed., w. add'. & corr., & suppl. by R. H. Evans. sS". 1810 Gen. biography : lives of the most em'inent persons. Chiefly by J. A., & W. Enfield, [also by — , Nicholson, T. Morgan, W. Johnston, etc.]. fol. 1799- 1815. Letters f. a father to h. son. 2v. 2"" ed. 88". 1794-180S Letters to a yoimg lady on a course of Eng. poetry. b8". 1804 Lives of Selden & Usher, etc. 8". 1812 AIKIN 17 AINSWORTH Aikin (John), M.D. [continued], ed.y Sel. works of the Brit, poets, w. biog. & crit. prefs. «". 18'2i *A sketch of the animal economy. - [P.50]. a8<'. Warrington. 1781 Thoughts on )iospitals. ' [P66]. 8". 1771 I Vocal poetry : a sel. coll. of Eng. I songs. Pref., essay on song- & Mrs. Barbauld. Misc. pieces in prose. s8". 1773 & Evenings at home. Eev. s8». n.d. [1874 ?] Aikin (Lucy). Life of Addison. 2v. b8». 1843 Mem. of John Aikin. With sel. of his misc. pieces. 2v. 8**. IH'23 Mems., miscellanies & letters of L. A., includ. those to Chaii- ning, 182(j-42. Ed. P. H. Le Breton. sS". 1864 Mems. of the court of Charles I. 2v. 2"'t ed. 8". 1833 Aileran, Saint, see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tSO. Ailesbury (Thomas Bruce, s;'"* earl of), 3"' earl of Elgin. Mems., by himself. [Boxburghe Club]. 2v. 4°. 1890 Aillecourt {le marq. A. U. M. de Choiseul d'), see Choiseul d'Aillecodrt. Ailly (Pierre d'), cardinal, bp. of Cambruy. [Petrus, de Alliaco]. sec Aurok.i, t5, J. Gersonii & P. de A. testimonia pro domo fratrum de communi vita, 1857-9. see Gerson (.1.) Opera ; aco. P. de A. tractatus etc., 1700. Ailred, of Ricvautr, see Aelred. Aimard (Gustav), ps. [i.e. Olivier Glodx]. Le grand chef des Aucas. Les rodeurs des frontii-res. 2t. sH". 1858 sS". 1861 Valentin Guillois. sS". 1862 Tlie following 3~v, b. in Sv,form a complete tr. of A.'s Indian Tales. There is no gen. tp., and no No. on tlie sep. tp'. but the tales fall into S series : — writing. s8". 1810 see Aikin (Lucy) Mem. of J. A. ; w. sel. of his misc. pieces, 1823. „ *Spirit (The) of the Consti- tution & of the Church compared [bij A.] ; etc. etc., 1790. Mems. of the court of James I. 2v. 8". 1822 „ 2v. 2'"'ed. 8''. 1822 Mems. of the court of Q. Eliza- beth. 2v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1818 „ 2v. 4'!' ed. 8». 1819 see Chan.ning (W. E.j Corr. of C. & L. a., 1874. The adventurers. Rev. by P. B. St. John. sS". 1877 The bee-hunter. Rev. by P. B. St. John. s8". [1865] The Border Rifles. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. w. h. Trappers etc., 1876]. sii". 1876 The buccaneer chief. Rev. by P. B. St. John. s8'>. [1864] The flying horseman. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. w. h. Guide of the desert, 1867]. s8". n.tl. The freebooters, St. John. [b. etc., 1876]. The gold-seekers. St. John. Rev. by P. B. w. h. Trappers 88". 1876 Rev. by P. B. s8". [1877?] The guide of the desert. Rev. by P. B. St. John. sS". [1867] Tlie Indian chief. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. IV. h. Gold- seekers]. s8". u.d. The Indian scout. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [6. w. h. Missouri outlaws, n.d.\. s8". n.d. The insurgent chief. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [&. w. h. Guide of the desert, 1867]. sH". n.d. The last of the Aucas. Rev. by P. B. St. Jolm. [b. i«. h. Guide of the desert, 1867]. s8". n.d. The Missouri outlaws. Tr. P. B. St. John. 88". n.d. The pearl of the Andes. Rev. by P. B. St. Jolm. [6. w. h. Adventurers, 1877]. sS". n.d. The pirates of the prairies. Rev. by P. B. St. John. s8". [1878] The prairie flower. Rev. by P. B.St. Jolm. [6. «..;/. Mis- souri outlaws, n.d.']. sS". n.d. The queen of the savannah. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. w. h. Bee-hunter, 1865]. s8". n.d. The rebel chief. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. to. h. Buccaneer chief, 1864]. sS". n.d. The red track. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [6. w. h. Gold- seekers]. 68". n.d. The smuggler hero. Rev. by P. B. St. John [b. w. h. Buc- caneer chief, 1864]. s8". n.d. Stoneheart. Rev. by P. B. St. Jolm. [b. w, h. Bee- hunter, 1865]. b8". 1877 Stronghand. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [J. w. h. Missouri outlaws, n.d.]. s8". 7i.d. The tiger-slayer. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. w. h. Pirates etc., 1878]. s8". n.d. The trail-hunter. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [6. JO. h. Adven- turers, 1877]. s8". n.d. The trapper's daughter. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. w. h. Pirates etc., 1878]. 68". n.d. The trappers of Arkansas. Rev. & ed. P. B. St. John. s8". 1876 The white scalper. Rev. by P. B. St. John. [b. w. h. Trappers etc., 1876]. s8°. [1876] & J. B. d'Auriac. Le scalpeur des Ottawas. sS". n.d. Aime, inoine du Mont-Cassin. [f Amatus, monachus Casinensis]. L'ystoire de li Normant, & la ohron. de Rob. Viscart, par A. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8°. 1835 Aime-Martin (Louis). De I'education des m^res de famille. 2t. s8". Brux. 1837 Education of mothers. Tr. E. Lee. 8". 1851 Aime-Martin (Louis) [continued]. Plan d'une biblioth^que universelle, suiv. du cat. des chefs- d'amvre de toute.'s les langues, etc. 8". 1837 Aimericus, patriarcha Antioch., sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t201. Aimericus, de Peiraco, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t23. Aimeri de Narbonne, see Aymeri de Naebonne. Aimo, abbas S. Petri Divens., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tI81. Aimoinus, monach. Floriac. see Bouquet (M.) Beo. des hist, des Gaules, 13, 9, 10-12. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl39. Aimoinus, monachus S. Germani, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlI5, 126. Ainay, sec S.wigny. Cartulaire de I'abb. de S., suivi du petit cartulaire de I'abbaye d'A., 1853. Ainger, see also Aungier. Ainger (Alfred), Master of the Tcmpilc. Charles Lamb. s8''. 1882 Sermons preached in the Temple Church. s8°. 1870 see Lamb (C.) Works ed. by A. etc., var. edd. Ainger (Arthur Campbell), see Badminton Lib. : Tennis, etc. Fives, by A., 1890. Ainscough (J. Ashton). London of the past. s8"'. 1890 Ainsley (Ellis). Loves & lives. s8°. 1872 Ainslie (Gen. Charles P. de), see De Ainslie. Ainslie (Herbert), jjs. *The pilgrim & the shrine, or passages f. the life etc. of H. A., 1868, see Maitland (E.) Ainslie (J. B.), see Ainslie (P. B.) Ainslie (Noel). An ening pilgrimage. 98°. 1896 The salvation seekers. sS". 1901 Ainslie (Philip Barrington) Ips. Philo Scotus]. Reminisc. of a Scottish gentleman, commencing 1787. sS". 1861 Tlie autlwr's name is P. B. A.yHot J. B. A.,as is sometimes given. Ainsworth (Henry). Annots. upon the 5 Books of Moses, Psalms, & Song of Songs. Ainsworth (William Francis). The illust. univ. gazetteer. Ed. W. P. A. Ia8". [1863] Personal narrative of the Eu- phrates exped. 2v. 8". 1888 Researches in Assyria, Baby- lonia, & Chaldaja; part of the labours of the Euphrates e.xped. 8". 1838 Ainsworth ("William Harrison) Auriol. s8". 1850 Beatrice Tyldesley. 3v s8». 1878 Beau Nash. Sv. s8». [1879 ?] „ s8". 1880 Boscobel. Sv. s8». 1872 „ sS". 1879 Cardinal Pole. 3v. s8". 1863 s8». 1880 Chetwynd Calverley. 3v. s8». 1870 The Constable de Bourbon. b8". 1866 „ s8°. 1880 „ s8°. n.d. The Constable of the Tower. 3v. 68". 1861 „ n. ed s8". n.d. Crichton. 4* ed. 8". 1853 „ s8". 1879 „ b8". 1892 „ n. ed. s8". n.d. The fall of Somerset. 3v. s8". 1877 The flitch of bacon. s8". 1879 s8». 1892 „ author's copyright ed. s8°. n.d. The goldsmith's wife. 3v. s8". 1875 Guy Pawkes. s8". 1891 8". n.d. „ author's copyright ed. s8". n.d. Hilary St. Ives. s8". 1881 Jack Sheppard. s8» 1891 John Law. 3v. 80. S8". s8". n.d. n.d. 1864 fol. 1627 The river Kari'm ; an opening to Brit, commerce. 88". 1890 Travels etc. in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Ar- menia. 2v. s8". 1842 Travels in the track of the Ten Thousand. s8". 18*4 The Lancashire witches. 88". 1878 „ 8". n.d. The leaguer of Lathom. s8o. 1880 The Lord Mayor of London. s8". 1880 Merry England. 3v. s8". 1874 Mervyn Clitheroe. s8». 1879 The miser's daughter. s8". 1879 „ ... 3'' ed. 8". 1848 „ 88". 1892 „ author's copyright ed. s8". 1895 Old Saint Paul's. s8". 1891 „ 8". [1896] „ 8". n.d. Ovingdean Grange. 8". „ copyright ed. s8". Preston Fight. 3v. s8". Rookwood. s8". s8". 1860 n.d. 1875 1878 1891 „ 88". fl.d. Saint Jamee's. s8". n.d. The Spanish match. 3v.s8". 1865 „ ...v3. 2'"' ed. s8». 1865 The spendthrift. 980. 1879 Stanley Brereton. 3v. s8". [1881] „ s8». 1882 The Star Chamber. 2v. s8". 1854 „ 68". 1892 The Tower of London. laS". 1844 8". 1854 „ sS". 1891 „ author's copyright ed. 8". 1897 Windsor Castle. s8». 1878 „ 88". 1891 c AIOL 18 ALABASTER *Aiol. I'ulil. J. Xorinaiul & G. Kaynaiul. [S.d.a.t.f.] 8". 1877 Aird (David Mitchell), banister. Blackstone economized ; a comp. of tlio laws of Eng. s8°. 1873 Aird (Thomas). The old bachelor in the Scottish village. •2"" ed. s8". E. 18-57 Poetical works. n. ed. 38°. E. 185G 5"' ed., w. mem. by Kev. J. Wallace. s8°. E. 1878 Airoldi (Alfonso), abp. of Heraclea. see Vella (G.) *Codice diplomat, di Sicilia sotto il gov. degli Ai'abi, pubbl. per op. di A. A., 1789-1(2. „ 'Gesch. d. Araber in Sicilien, etc. [ilb.], 1791-2. Airthj Tlie Earldom of, see Nicolas (SirN. H.) Hist, of the E". of Strathern, A. etc. : w. report of proceedings on claim of E. B. Allardyce to E. of A., 1842. *Airy fairy Lilian, ls7ii, see Hcxgebford {Mrs.) Airy (Sir George Biddell). Autobiography, Gravitation etc. Ed. W. Airy. 8". C. 1896 a'"! ed. s8». 1884 ' Instructions it chart for obs. of Mars in R,A. at opposition, 1860, for obtaining measure of sun's distance. [R. Astr. Soc, PlSn], H". 1858 Lects. on astronomv, 184H. 2°'' ed. 8". [1S49] Notes on the earlier Hebrew Scriptures. 8". 1876 Airy (Osmund). Charles II. The Eng. Restoration ct Louis On the undulatory theory of optics. n. ed. 8". 1866 Popular astronomy. n. ed. sS''. 1866 Sound & atmospheric vibra- tions, w. mathemat. elements of music. s8». 1868 Theory of errors of obsen-ations. ■i'" ed. s8". 1879 see MmDLETON (E. E.) Im- peachment of modem as- tronomy [attack upon G. B. A.\ 1879. 4». 1901 88°. 1888 XIV. Aischulos [AisrnYi.os\ see .Eschtlus. *Aislinge Meic Conglinne, ed. K. Meyer, 1892, see Mac Conglinxe. Aisse (MUc. Charlotte Elizabeth). see AssK (E.). ed., Letti-es du 17' et 18' s. ; Lettres de Mile. A., etc., 1873. „ Daydik (le cliev.). Corr. ined. de D'A., faisant suite aux lettres de MUe. A., 1874. Aitchison, see also Achesox. Aitchison (Sir Charles Umpherston). Coll. of treaties, en- gagements, sunnuds rel. to India it neighb. countries. 7v. Ia8". Calcutta. 1862-6 Index ; by M. Belletty. 8". 1866 „ , Eev. it cont. by auth''. of the Foreign Dep'. vl-11. laS". Calcutta. 1892 Lord Lawrence. [Eulers of India]. sS". 0. 1892 Aitchison (George). The principles of restoration. [P328]. 8». 1877 Aitchison (William John). The Bank of England's reserve, it exceptional issues of legal-tender notes. [P314]. 8°. [1873] Aitken (Edward Hamilton) [j«. Eha]. ♦Behind the bungalow. sS". Calcutta. 1889 3"' ed. s8". 1890 •The tribes on my frontier. s8">. Calcutta. 1883 Aitken (George Atherton). Life of E. Steele. 2v. S". 1889 see Arkuthnot (.Iohn), M.D., Life it works ; by A., 1892. Aitken (George Shaw). The abbeys of Ardbroath, Balmerino, it Lindnres. 4". Duudee. 1884 Aitken (Mary Carlyle), ed., Scottish song ; sel. of the choicest lyrics, w. notes. sS". 1874 Aitken (.Sir "William). Evolution in its applic. to pathology. 8". Glasgow. 1886 Alton, see also Avtox, Evton. Alton (John). *Eight weeks in Germany. s8". 1842 Lands of the Messiah, Mahomet, & the Pope. 3"" ed. s8-. 1854 Life & times of Alex. Henderson, giving hist, of the Second R-e- form.ition dur. r. of Ch. I. 8°. E. 1836 Alton (William). The rencounter at Drumclog * battle at Bothwell Bridge ; w. ace. of what is correct in " Tales of my Landlord." 8». Hamilton. 1821 Aitona (F. de Moncada, ?)Mrg. de), see Moncada. Aitzema (Lieuwe van). Saken van Staet en Oorlogh, in, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, [1621-69]. 6D in 7v, [6 i,ii. 6 ii, cont'. : Verhael vande Nederl Yrede-Hiindeling [1021-48], op nieuws gecorrigeert, itc. — Herstelde Leeuw, ofte Discours over hetgepas,seerde 1G.50-51--Gen. Register over alle 6 Delen]. fol. 's Gravenhage. 1669-72 Vervolgh van Saken v. S. en 0. etc., 1679-86. 2' Stuck v. het Vervolgh op de Historic van L. v. A fol. A. 1688 Tweede Vervolg etc., 1687-92. 3- Stuk, etc. fol. A. 1698 Derde Vervolg etc. 1692-97. 4' en laatste Stuk etc. fol. A. 1699 Aitzema (Lieuwe van) [continued]. sec SvLvirs (L.) Historien onses Tyds, belielzende Saken van Staet en Oorlogh, in, en omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, etc. (1609, daar L. v. A. heeft gelaten), 1685. Aix (Albert, d'), sec Albert, d'Aii. Aix [il coiite Vittorio Seyssel d'), see Seyssel n'Aix. Aja [Frau) ps., see Goetue (Cath. Elis.) Ajalbert (Jean). Quelques dessous du proces de Eennes. sS". lUOl Sous le sabre. b8°. 1898 Akadeoiija Umiejftnosci [Cra.cow. Form. Towakzvstwo Nau- KO«K. ACADEMU LlTTEr.AKU5[ Cb.\COVIENSIS]. Pamietnik Akad. U. Wydzial Zbii5r wiadomosci do Antropolo- matematyezno-przyrodniczy. gii krajowe'j, wydawany stara- T14, If). 4". w Krakowie. 1888 niem Komisyi Antrojiol. Akad. Eocznik zarzadu Akad. U. Rok U. tl2. 8". w Krakowie. 1888 1887. s8". w Krakowie. 1888 see CRicius(A.)Carmina,Corpus Rozprawy i sprawozdania z antiquiss. poet. Polonise posiedzeii "Wydziahi Histor- Latin, usque ad I. Co- yczno-filozoficznego Akad. U. chanovimn, 1888. t21. 8". Krakow. 1888 „ Moncmenta medii sevi his- Rozprawy i sprawozdania z torica res gestas Polonise posiedzen Wydziahi Matema- illustrantia. tyczno-przyrodniozego Akad. „ OssowsKi (G.) Wielki Kur- U. tl7-18. 8". Krakow. 1.S88 han Ryzanowski etc., 1888. Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyo- „ Scrii'Tores rerum Poloni- graficzn^j etc. 1886. cai-um. tai. 8". Krakow. 1888 Akbar, emperor of Hindoostan. Ayeen Akbery ; the institutes of A. tr. F. Gladwin. 2v. 4". 1800 see Brouwer (P. A. S. van Llmeurg) A., tr., 1879. ., M.ALLEsoN (G. B.) A. [Eulers of India], 1890. ,. NoEi! (F., Grafv.) A., tr., 1890. A' Kempis (Thomas), see KEsifis (T., a'). Aken (Hein, van), see Hei.s, van Akex. Akenside (Mark). Pleasures of imagination. [P124]. o'" ed. 8». 1754 Poet, works. [With life by A. Dyce]. s8°. Pickering. 1835 Poet, works. [With life by Dyce''. s8°. Bell db Daldy. n.d. see BucKE (C.) On A., 1832. Akerman (John Tonge). Archa?olog. index to remains of ; On some weapons of the Celtic Celtic, Romano-Brit., Anglo- & Teutonic Races. Saxon periods. 8^ 1847 ' [P76]. 4". 1852 Cat. of rare & uned. Roman see Charles II. 'Moneys re- coins. 2v. 8°. 1834 ^ ceived it paid for secret ser- Coins of the Romans rel. to vices of C. II. it Ja. II. Brit. [anJ ed.] 8". 1844 (1679-88), 1851. Glossary of words etc. in use in ' „ Skeat (W. W.) Repr. glos- Wiltshire. s8". 1842 ' saries : 19, "Wilts, words f. Intr. to anc. it mod. coins. Britton's"Beautiesof Wilts s8». 1848 I ll»'^5)," compared w. A.'s Numismatic iUust'. of the New j " Glossary (1842)," 1873-9. Test. 8». 1846 A. K. H. B., see Boyd (A. K. H.) * Akhlak-i-Jalaly, see Davaxi {.JalIl Al-Dix). Pract. philos>'. of Muhammadan people : tr. of the A.-i-.I., 1839. Akhundzadah (Fath 'All) Mirza, see Fath 'Ali Akhcxdzadah. Akominatos (Nicetas) Choniates, see Nicetas, Choniata. Akritas (Digenis). see Digenis Akeilas [tDiGEXEs (B.) Akrites]. Aksakov (Sergyei T.) Eussische Familienchronik. Ub. v. S. Eaczynski. 2T. in IB. s8°. L. 1858 Alabama, Confederate States cruiser. •Case (The) of the U.S. to be bum's statement, etc.], 1872, laid before the Tribunal of sec Loxnos Gazette. Arbitration at Geneva, under 'Narrative of the cruise of the A., the treaty concluded at Wash- by one of the crew. [P373]. ingtou. May 1871. 8". 1864 8". Wasliington. 1871 Offic. corr. on the claims of U.S. *EngUsh neutrality : is the A. a in resp. of the A. 8". 1867 Brit, pirate ? 1863, sec Low- 'Our cruise in the A. : priv. rev (G. P.) journal of an officer. [P373]. London Gazette Suppl'., Sept., 8". Cape Town. 1863 Oct., 1872 [Award, Lord Cock- Alabama, State of. The bill country of A. [Publ. under sicperv of the Eng. Comm. of Alabama Bonds of 1870, and of tlie Ala- bama Great Southern Eailway Co. 137 pp. P336]. 8-. 1878 Alabaster (Sir Chaloner), see Alabaster (E.) Notes etc., 1899 Alabaster (Ernest), barrister. Notes it comm'. on Chinese criminal law it cognate topics, w. spec. ref. to ruling cases. With ALABASTER 19 ALBERT Life E le , e con excursus on the laws of property chiefly founded on tlie writings of Sir C. Alabaster. 8°. 1899 Alabaster (Gulielmus) [W. Axablaster]. Eoxana, a plagiarii unguibiis vindic. etc. s8°. 1632 Alabaster (Henry). The modern Buddhist ; views of a Siamese minister [Chao Pliija Thijiakon], tr. with remarks. s8°. 1870 The wheel of the law : Buddhism illust. f. Siamese sources. 8°. 1871 Alablaster (W.), see Alabaster (G.) Alacoque (Marguerite Marie) [Al-Coq], see Tickell (G.) of blessed Marg. Mary, etc., 18G'.). Alain, de Flandre, see Alanus, de InsiiHs. Alain, de Lille [or de I'lsle], see Alanus, de Ins2ilis. Alam (Shah), see Shah '.\L.iM, emperor of Hindoostan. Alamanni (Luigi) the elder, 1490-JS56. La coltivazione. Api di G. Rucellai. Colle annot. di R. Titi sopra Le Api, gli epigrammi tosc. dell' A. Lettera del G. Chenozzi in difesa del Trissino, etc. 4". Padova. 1718 Lettere di L. A., B. Varchi, V. Borghini, L. Salviati, e d' altri autori citati dagli Accad. della Crusca ec. {h.w. Manetti (M.) Novella, 1858]. 8». Lucca. 1853 Alan [abbot] of Teiokeshunj [I' Alands, abbot etc.'] Scripta quie est., ed. ab I. A. Giles. [Caxton Soc] 8". 0. 184G see Becket (T.) Materials of the hist, of B., 1875-85. „ MiGNE (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl90. „ MoNHMENTA Gebji. Hist., Scr., t'27. Alanus, de InsiiUs, the "Doctor Uiiirersalis" [Alain, de Lille; Alain, de I'Isle ; Alanus, Insiilejisis ; Alanus, Flandrensis, bp. of Auxerre ; Alain, de Flandre; Alanus, Authiodorensis]. see B-iumgabtner (M.) Philosophie des A., 1895. „ Migne (J. P.), ed., Pat. latina, tl85, 201, 210. Alanus (Henr.), see Ali.en (Henbv E.) A Lapide (Cornelius), see Lapide (C. a). Alarcon (J. Kuiz de) [tKuiz i>e Alabcon y Mendoza (Juan)]. Comedias. Col. ilust. por J. E. Hartzenbusch. [Rivadeneyra, 20]. laS". 1852 La verdad sospeohosa— Mndarse por mejorarse. sS". 1877 Alarcon (Pedro Antonio de). La Alpujarra. 3-> ed. s8". 1892 El Capital! Veneno — [if-, Hist, de mis libros]. 5" ed. s8". 1889 El clavo. s8». n.d. Cosas que fueron. 3" ed. 38". 1890 De Madrid a N:! poles. 2t. 3" ed. s8». 1886 Diario de un testigo de la Guerra de Africa. 2t. 3" ed. s8». 1892 El escindalo. 12" ed. s8". 1S93 El final de Norma. 7" ed. s8". 1893 Juicios literarios y artisticos. s8". 1883 Manuel Venegas. Ubers. s8". St. [1882] El uiuo de la bola. 5" ed. sB". 1890 Novelas cortas. 3s. 1, Cuentos amatorios. 2, Historietas nacionales. 3, Narraciones iuverosimiles. n. ed. S8". 1885 Poesias serias y humorist. Xn- cbides El bijo prodigo. 3 ' ed. 88". 1885 La prodiga. 5" ed. s8". 1893 El sombrero de tres picos. 11' ed. s8o. 1894 TJItimos escritos. 2'' ed. sS". 1891 Viajes por Espana. 2" ed. s8". 1892 of). *The tragedy Alarcos (Count), see Be.^consiield (B., of C. A., 1839. Alard, see also Allabd. Aiard (Paul). Condition & droits des enfants naturels. 8°. 1896 Alaric I, king of the Visigoths, see Thiekky (Am.) R^cits de I'hist. rom. au 5" s. : A. 2'' ed. 1880. Alarm. *Alarm (An) to Gt.-Brit., in rel. to exportation of our money to the East-Indies, w. pref. inscribed to Sir .J~n B-d. [Sir John Barnard ? P186]. 8°. 1755 see *Teue Al.uim (The), 1770. *Alarum for London, or the siege of Antwerp. With The spoyle of Antwerp, by G. Gascoyne. [The school of Shake- speare ; ed. R. Simpson. N". 1]. sS". 1872 Alas (Leopoldo) [ps. Clabin]. La Regenta. 2t. sS". 1901 A Lasco (Joannes) [J. Alasco], see Lasco (J. a). Al-Atlidi, sec MuiiA.MMAi) Div.Ib, Al-Atlidi. Alaux (Gustave d'). L'empereur Soulouque et son empire. s8«. 1856 Alaux (Jules Emile). La philosophie de M. Cousin. s8 '. 1864 La religion au 19'' s. : Philosophie religieuse. s8" Alb,ps., see Paris. *Living Paris & France, by Alb, 1886. Alba (J. M. Gutierrez de), see Gutierrez de Alba (.J. M.) Albalat (Antoine). L'art d'^crire. Ouvriers et proc6d4s. s8" 1857 Le mal d'^crire, et le roman contemp. 1896 s8". [1895] Albana (Marguerite) [aft. Mignaty], see Mign.\ty {Mme. M. A.) Albanes (A. d') ps., s«e Havabd (J. A.) -.'.'■'. Albanes-Havard ( — d') ps., see Havaed (H.) ' Albanipsalter, see Goldschmidt (A.) Der A. in Hildesheim, 1895. Albanis de Beaumont (Jean Frangois). [Albanis Beaumont^. Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps ; itinerary, Lyons to Turin, etc. fol. 1800 Albanus Ghibbesius (J.), see Ghibbesius (J. A.) Albany. Dudley Observatory, see Dudley Observatory. . Albany {The countess of) [ILonisA Maximiliana Caroline Ejianuel, princess of Stolberg, calling] herself C. of Ai ; wife of Prince Charles Edward Stuart], sec Lee (Vernon) j's. [V. Paget] The C. of A., 1884. I „ Reumont (A. v.) Die Gi-iifin V. A., 1860. , ''■ ,, SisMONDi (J. C. L. de). Lettres de S., de M. de Bonstetten, de Mnie. de Stael, de Mme. de Souza a A., 1863. Albe (F. Alvarez de Toledo, due d'), see Alva. Albeca (Cesar L. d'). Livre de guerre moderne. s8°. 1872 Albemarle (George Monk, /''duke of), i60S'-70, see Monk (G.) /-' duke etc. -' '■ Albemarle (George Thomas Keppel, 6"' earl of). Across the Balcan, visit to Azani, etc., 1829-30. - 2v. 8», 1831 Fifty years of my life. 2v. 8". 1876 „ 2v. [wanting v2]. 2"'' ed. enl". 8". 1876 Journey from India to England, 1824. 2vinl. 2'"'ed. 8°. 1827 [Tlie 3"' ed., 1S2y, liad t. : Personal narrative of travels'in Babylonia, etc., 1824.] Mem', of Rockingham & h. contemiJ"., w. orig. letters and doc. 2v. 8». 1852 Albemarle (William Coutts Keppel, 7"' carl of), [visct. Bury]. Exodus of the western nations. 2v. 8°. 1865 see Badminton Lib. : Cycling, by A. etc., 1887 ; n. ed. 1895. Alberg (Albert). Gustavus Vasa & h. stirring times. sS". n.d. Alberi (Eugenio), ed., Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato [dur. il sec. xvi], ed da E. A. 15v. 8". Firenze. 1839-63 si, Relazioni degli stati europei tranne 1' Italia. 6v s2, Relazioni degli stati italiani. 5v. s3, Relazioni dell' impero ottomano. 3v. App. Iv. Vita di Caterina de' Medici. Ia8''. Firenze. 1838 Alberi (G. B.), detto V Indiviso. Hippanda. [P843]. 58°. Brescia, l4l4 Albericus, diaconus c. 333, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlS6. Albericus, Casinensis, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des. hist, des Gaules, tl5. Albericus, monachus Trium Fontium. A', monachi T. ■ F. chronicon, ed. a G. G. Leibnitio. [This vol. really forms t2 of Leibnitz (O. W. v.), Accessiones historicee, lOOS-ljOO.'] i". L. 1698 see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t9-ll, 13, 18, 21. „ MoNUJiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t23. Albericus Gentilis, see Gentilis (A.) Albero, abp. of Treves [Adalbero]. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4. „ MoNUMENTA Gerji. Hist., Scr., t8, Gesta, 24. Alberoni (iZ card. Giulio) [J. M. Alberoni]. Card. A.'s scheme for reducing tlie Turkish Empire to the obedience of X'''. princes ; w. scheme of a Perpetual Dyet. Tr. f. MS. ■ [P571]. 8°. 17'36 Lettres intimes au cte. I. Rocca. Publ. par E. Bourgeois. [Annales de I'Univ. de Lyon, t4]. Ia8°. 1892 see Moore (Geo.), Lives of A. etc., 3"' ed., 1814 ; n. ed., 1819. „ Ormonde (2'"' dzike of). Jacobite attempt of 1719 : 1895. „ EocssET de Missy (J.) *Histoire du c. A., par J. E., 1719. Albert, the Great [A., der Grosse ; A., le Grand], see Albertus, Mcujnus. Albert, d'Aix [tALSEBTus, Aqitensis], see Guizot (F.) ed., Coll. des m^ms., t20, 21. Hist, des croisades par A. d'A., 1824. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl66. Albert, cardinal, archduke of Austria, governor of the Nether- lands, see Campan (A.) ed., Abreg6 du r. d'A. it Isabelle (1592- 1602), 1867. see Hagemans (G.) ed.. Relations in^d. d'ambass. vi§nitiens dans les Pays-Bas sous Phil. 2 & A. & Isabelle, I860. Albert, of Bohemia [A. v. Beham]. A. v. B. u. Regesten Pabst Innocenz IV, hrsg. v. C. Hofler. [b.w. Carmina Burana, 1847]. [Lit. V. in St., 16]. s8''. St. 1847 Albert, bp. of Lifge [Vita], see Monumenta Ger m. Hist. Scr., t25. c2 ALBEET 20 ALBRIGHT Albert, prince consort of Queen Victoria. Albertus, Magnus, bp. of Ratisbon [continued]. Addresses on public occasions. Publ. by the Soc. of Arts. [P212, 321. People's ed.] sS". 1857 Cat. of bks., maps, plans in the military lib. of H.R.H. the P. C, Aldershot. 8". 1860 Le p. A. : s. caractere, s. dis- cours, tr. par Mme. de W. Pr6f. par Guizot. 2^ e'd. 8». 1868 Principal speeches & addresses ; w. outlines of h. character. [Ed. Sir A. Helps]. 8". 1862 see Bonn. 'University (The) of B., w. College life of A., 1845. „ •Crown (The) & the Cabi- net : 5 letters on the Bio- graphy of the P. C, by Verax, 1878. French (O. R.) Ancestry of Q. Victoria & A., 1841. Geffcken (F. H.) The Brit, empire ; w. essay on A., tr., 1889. Grey (Lt.-Gen. the Hon. C.) Early years of the P. C, 1867. KiNGSLEY (C.) Sermon on death of P. C, 1862. M.utTiN {Sir T.) Life of the P. C, 1875-80. MooBE (Morris). P. A. & the Apollo & Marsyas by Raphael, 1859. RiMMER (A.) The early homes of Prince A., 1883. s8°. 1874 s8°. 1882-3 s8°. 1872 Albertanus, Albert V, duke of Bavaria, see Maierics (A.) De laudibus A.V, 1882. Albert Frederick Kudolph, arcluluke of Austria, iSl7-93, [Erzherzog Albbecht]. *Das Jahr 1870, u. d. Wehrkraft d. Monarchie. 2" A. 8°. Wien. 1870 Albert Victor, duke of Clarence £ Avondale [f Albert Victor Christian Edw.uid, duke of Clarcuce]. see Bees (J. D.) The D. of C. in S. India, 1891. „ Vincent (J. E.) C, a mem., 189.S. & George, prince of Wales. The cruise of the " Bacchante," 1879-82; w. adds, by .J. N. Dalton. 2v. 8°. 1886 Albert {le prof.) La boxe fran(;aise. s8°. 1896 Albert (Charles d'), due de Luijnes, see Luynes. Albert (Charles Philippe d'), due de Liujnes, see Luynes. Albert (J. F. M.) Principes de la classification bibliographique, etc. [P639]. 8°. 1847 Albert (Jacques), see *Eelations veritables & curieuses de Mada- gascar, trois relations d'Egypte [par A.] etc., 1651. Albert (Mary). The shelling of the peas. 3v. s8°. 1892 Albert (Manrice). La litt. fran?. sous la Revol., I'Empire & la Eestauration, 1789-1830. 4' 6d. s8». 1898 Les theatres de la foire, 1660-1789. s8°. 1900 Albert (Paul), professor of rlieioric at Dijon. La litt. franf. au 18« s. La litt. fran(;. au 19' s. 2t, La litt. iranq. des origines au 17" s. Albertanus, Judex, see Chaucer Soc. : II, 8, Jiidex, Liber oonsilii et consolationis; ed. T. Sundby, 1873. Albertazzi (Adolfo). Novelle umoristiche. 58°. Milano. 1900 Albert d'Ailly (Marie J. L. d'), due de Cliaubics, see Chaulnes (M. J. L., djic de). Albert d'Ailly (Michel F. d'), diic de Chaulnes, see Chaulnes (M. F., due de). Alberti (Eduard). Die Frage ii. Geist u. Ordnung d. platon. Schriften. 8°. L. 1864 Zur Dialektik d. Platon. [P495]. 8". L. 1855 Alberti (Friedrich v.) Beitrag zu einer Monographie d. bunten Sandsteins, Muschelkalks u. Keupers. s8°. St. 1834 Alberti (Leon Battista). De conjuratione Porcaria, see Mura- tori (L. a.) Eerum Ital. Script., t25. Opuscoli morali. Tr. ec. da C. Bartoli. 4° Venetia. 1568 see Fb^ard de Chameray (E.) Parallel etc. ; w. A.'s treatise of statues, 3"> ed. 1723. Alberti (Luigi), dramatist. Commedie varie. s8°. Firenze. 1876 Albertinelli (Mariotto), see Gruyer (G.) A. 1886. Albertis(L. M. d'). New Guinea. 2v. 8°. 1880 Albert-Levy ( ) [tLivY (A.)] & G. Pinet. L'argot d. I'X, illustr^ par les X. 8°. 1894 Albert-Montemont, see Montemont (Albert). Alberto. For princes, etc., see Albert. Albertuccius de Bursellis (Hieronymus). Annales Bononi- enses, 1418-97, see Muratori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t23. Albertus. For princes, etc., see Albert. Albertus, Aquensis, see Albert, d'Aix. Albertus, Magnus, bp. of Ratisbon. le Grand, tlie Great.] Opera omnia. Ex ed. Lugdun. castigata etc., anctaque Alberti vita ac bibliogi-aphia operum a Qu6tif & Eohard exaratis, etiam revisa cura A. Borgnet. 38v. [Complete, except the Index vol., wh. is in preparaVwn.] ^8". P. 1890-1900 [Albert, der Grosse, I, 2, Logicte, p. i, ii. 3, Physicorum libr. viii. 4, De coelo & mundo, lib. iv. De generatione & corrup- tione, lib. ii. De meteoris, lib. iv. 5, Mineralium lib. v. De anima, lib. iii. Philosophia pau2>erum, seu Isagoge in lib. Aristotelis physicorum etc. Liber de apprehen- sione a quibusdam Alberto adscr. 6, Metaphysicorum lib. xiii. 7, Ethicorum lib. x. 8, Politicorum lib. viii. 9, 10, Parvorum naturalium p. i, ii. II, 12, Animalium lib. xxvi. 13, Sermones. 14, Conim. in opp. B. Dionysii Areop. 15-17, Comm. in 1""' [-3"">] partem Psalmorum [15, Ps. 1-50; 16, Ps. 51-100; 17, Ps. 101-150]. 18, Liber de muliere forti. Comm. in Threnos Jeremia?. Comm. in Baruch. Comm. in Danielem. 19, Enarrationes in xii pro- phetas miuores. 20, 21, Enarrat. in Matt.— in Marcum. 22, 23, Enarrat. in Luc. 24, Enarrat. in Job. 25, 26, Coram, in I Sententi- arum. 27, Comm. in II Sententiaruni. 28, Comm. in III Sententi- aruni. 29, 30, Comm. in IV Sententi- arura. 31, Summge theologiae p. i, 32, 33, Summee theologiae p. ii (Qua;st. 1-141). 34, Compend. theologicte veri- tatis in 7 lib. digestum. Prima pars Summee de creaturis. 35, Secunda pars Summse de creaturis. 86, De laudibus Mariaj libri xiii. 37, Mariale, s. 230 qusestiones super Evangelium Missus est — Biblia Mariana — Para- disus anirate, s. libellus de virtutibus — Liber de adhse- rendo Deo — Libellus de alchimia — Scriptum super arborem Aristotelis. 38, Distinctiones in sacramen- tum eucharistiffi — Enarra- tiones in Apocalypsim. see AS.S.ULLY (0. d'), Albert le Gr. : I'anc. monde devant le nouveau, 1870. „ Bach (Jos.) Des A. M. Verhiiltniss zu d. Erkenntnisslehie d. Griechen, Lateiner, Araber u. Juden, 1881. Albertus, Stadensis. see Bocler (.J. H.), ed. .Enea Sylvii hist., etc., 1685. ,, MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl6. Alberuni, see Albiruni. Albescola della Rovere (Francesco d') [aft. Sixtus IV], see Sixtus IV, Pojx'. Albi, see Catalogue gen. des mss. des bibl. publ. tl. A. 1849. Albigeois. 'Chanson (La) de la croisade centre les Albigeois, comm. par Guillaume, de TudWe, cont. par un po^te anon. Editie & tr. P. Meyer. 2t. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8°. 1875-9 *Histoire de la croisade contre les A., en vers proven?, par un poete contemp. Publ. par C. Fauriel [Docs, intid.] 4°. 1837 see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4, 19. „ Cenac-Moncaut (J. E. M.) Lettre sur I'aut. de la Chanson de la Croisade albigeoise, 1869. „ Guibal (G.) Le po^me de la croisade contre les A., 13' s. ; itude, 1863. „ GuizoT (F.) ed., Coll. des m^m". : tl5. Hist, de la guerre des A. [anon, in prose], 1824. Albini, Familij of, see Yeatman (J. P.) Early genealog. hist, of the House of Arundel ; origin of the f. of A., etc., 1882. Albini (F. de), sic De Albini (F.) Albinus, 7^/f(/o)iic»s, see Fbeudenth.al (J.) Hellenist. Stud.: 3, A. etc., 1875-9. Albion, see 'Letters from Albion to a friend on the Continent, 1814. Albiruni, [Muhammad ibn Ahmad (Abu Al-Eaih.\n) Al-BirUni]. Chronology of the ancient nations ; Eng. version of the Athar-ul-Bakiya, or ' Vestiges of the past,' a.h. 390/1, a.e. 1000. Tr. & ed. C. E. Sachau. [0. T. F.] Ia8°. 1879 India, ab. 1030. Eng. ed., w. notes, etc., by E. C. Sachau. 2v. 8". 1888 Albius TibuUus, see Tieullus (A.) Albizzi (Bartolommeo), see Pisa (B.artholom.eus [Alrizzi], of). Albizzo (Francesco d'), see Belcaei (F.) Laude di B., di F. d'A., ecc, 1863. Albon (Claude Camille Fran9ois, comte d'). Discours sur I'histoire, le gouv., la litt. etc. de plus, nations de I'Europe. 4t. s8°. Geneve. 1782 Albon (William), abbot of St. Albans, see Eiley (H. T.) ed.. Chronica monast. S. Albani ; VI, 2. Eegistra, W. A., etc. [Eolls Ser., 28, VI, ii], 1873. Alboquerque (A. de), see Albuquerque. Albouy Dazincourt (J. J. B.), see Dazincourt. Albrecht. For pinces, etc., see Albert. ALBEECHT 21 ALDEK Albrecht (Erzhcrsog), see Aldebt Fbedebick Rudolph, archdiike. Albrechtsberger (J. G.) Methods of harmony, figured base, and composition. Tr. as augm. by v. Seyfried, w. the remarks of Choron, tr. A. Merrick. 2v. 2"'' ed. 8° [1844] Albret (Jeanne d'), q. of Navarre, see Jeanne [d'Albret], queen, etc. Albricus, pldlosophus. see Munckebus (T.) ed., Mythographi Latini : A. etc., 1681. ,, Staveeen (A. van) ed., Auct. mythographi : A. etc., 1742. Albucasis [Abulcasis ; Bulchasin Benaberazekin ; f Khalaf lEN 'ABB.is (Abu kX-Ko-siTa) Al-Zalirdw'i]. De chirurgia. Arab. & lat. Cura J. Channing. 2t. 4°. 0. 1778 Albufera (L. G. Suchet, clue d'), see Suchet (le marichal), due d'Albufiira. *Album d'un Diplomate. sS". Brux. 18G1 Albuquerque (AfFonso de), governor of India, ' the Great,'' 1.^33-/3/3. [Alboquebque ; Dalbuquerqde]. Cartas, seg. de doC. que as elucidam, publ. sob a dir. de B.A. de Bulhao Pato. tl. [Acad. R. das Sci. No more has yet app''.] 4". 1884 see Albuquerque (A. de) the younger. Comm". do grande A.D., 1774. „ Comm'. of the great A.D., tr., 1875-84. „ Stephens (H. Mobse) A., [Rulers of India], 1892. Albuquerque (Affonso de) tlie younger. [Orig^. called Bbaz de A., took name of A. de A. after death of tiis natural father, A. de A., tlic great ; Alboquebque ; Dalbuquerque]. Commentaries do grande A. Dalboquerque. 4t. s8°. 1774 Commentaries of the great A. Dalboquerque. Tr., w. notes, etc., by W. De G. Birch. 4v. [Hakluyt Soc, 53, 55, 62, 69]. 8°. 1875-84 Albuquerque Coello (Duarte de), marq. de Basto, condc de Per- nambuco, see Basto. Alby (A. R. J. G. G. de Sartine, cte. d'), l-ng-lSO/, see Sabtine. Alby (Ernest). Hist, des prisonniers fran^ais en Afrique, depuis la conquete. 2t. in 1. s8°. 1849 Alcaeus, of Mitylene [Alkaos], see Kock (T.) A. u. Sappho, 1862. *Alcandre. lAttrib. formerly to the princesse de Conti, more recently to the due dc Bellegarde.] Les amours du grand A., suiv. de pieces p. serv. a I'hist. de Henri IV. 2t. s8°. 1786 see Janmabt de Beouillaut (L.) Liberte de la presse aux 17-18« s. ; suiv. d'une not. d'un livre, " Hist, des amours, etc.," 1888. Alcantara (Miguel Lafuente), see Lafuente y Alcantara. Alcazar (Jose de). Hist, de los dominios espafioles en Oceania : Filipinas. s8». 1897 Alcedo (Antonio de). Geograph. & hist. diet, of America & W. Indies, cont". tr. of A., w. adds. etc. by G. A. Thompson. 5v. 4°. 1812-15 Alcestis, 1873, see Cornish (Mrs.) Alcharisi, see Chaeisi. *A1-Chazari, var. ed'., see Judah, ben Samuel, the Levite. Alcberus, monachus, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl94. Alchofni, see Cuaeisi. Alchorne (Stanesby). Cat. of Lib. of A., sold 22 May 1813. [MS. prices, P753]. S". 1813 Alciatus (Andreas). A. A', emblematum flumen abundans. Ed. H. Green. [Holbein Soc] 8». M'ter. 1871 A. A', emblematum fontes quatuor. Ed. H. Green. [Holbein Soc] 8°. M'ter. 1870 Omnia A', emblemata. Adi. comm. etc per Claud. Minoem. s8°. Antuerpiie. 1573 Omnia A', emblemata ad quffi adiecta sunt iiri/xvBia. s8°. Lugduni. 1574 see Green (H.) A. & h. book of Emblems, 1872. „ Grijialdus (A.) G.'s funeral oration, 1550, for A. : tr., ed. H. Green, 1871. Alcibiades, see *Geveinsde Alciblade (De), [play] 1671. see Houssaye (H.) Hist. d'A., 1873. Alcidamas, see Bekkeb (I.) ed., Oratoi-es Attici : 4, iv. A., 1822-3. Alcinous [Alkinoos], see Feeudenth.al (J.) Hellenist. Stud. : 3, Albinos u.d. falsche A. 1875-9. Alciphron. Epistola?. CumS. Bergleri oomm., cuinot. adj. J.A. Wagner. 2t. 8°. 1798 Epistolae. Gr. et lat., ad ed. S. Bergleri impr. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 8». 1791 Epistles. 8°. 1791 Alciphron, pi^etid. see Physic and its phases, by A., [i.e. S. Dickson, M.D. ?], 1857. Alcock (Deborah). *The Czar. s8». 1882 *In the shadow of God. s8°. 1877 Conts. two narratives, also publ''. separately: In the desert. — In the city. The Roman students. pop. ed. sS". [1888] *The Spanish brothers. 8°. 1883 *Under the Southern Cross. sS". 1880 Alcock (Henry) of Melbourne, sec Fehgie (H. P.) Report of Alcock V. Fergie, Supreme Court of Victoria, 1867. Alcock (Sir Eutherford). Art & art industries in Japan. s8". 1878 The capital of the Tycoon : three years in Japan. 2v. 8". 1863 see Margaby (A. R.) Journey f. Shanghae to Bhamo etc. ; con- cluding chap, by A., 1876. „ Michie (A.) The Englishman in China as illust. by the career of A., 1900. „ Moss (M.) Seizure by the Japanese of M., & h. treatment by the Consul-General [i.e. A.], 1863. Alcock (Thomas), Esq., M.I'. Tenure of land in Ireland. [P135]. 8°. 1848 Alcock (Thomas St. Leger). The militia [tt o. pamp/dets, coll. by A. into one vol.] 8°. 1867-75 Cont\ : The militia, 1867 — Remarks upon some movements of the pres. time, 1872 — Relative equality of men, 1873 — Relative power of nations, 3"' ed., 1873 — Relative power of nations, p2, 2'"» ed., 1875. The relative power of nations. [P259, 266]. 8°. 1872 „ [P259]. 2"" ed. 8°. 1872 „ p2, Proposed change in system of providing recruits for the army. [P330]. 8°. 1874 [P352]. 2'"' ed. 8». 1876 Remarks upon some movements of the present time as they affect the progress of the nation. [P260]. 8». 1872 Alcoforado (Marianna). Letters of a Portuguese nun [M.A.] Tr. E. Prestage. s8°. 1893 ''Love letters of a Portuguese nun [il/.^.] [Tr.]R. H. s8°.O.1901 see AssE (E.) ed., Lettres du 17' et 18* s. ; Lettres portug. avec les riponses, etc., 1873. Alcofribas, 2>S; see Rabelais (F.) Alcohol question (The), by Sir James Paget & others. 38°. [1879] Al-Coq (M. M.) see Al.acoque (Maeg. Mabie). *Alcoran [Alooranus], see Koran. *Alcoran des Cordeliers (L'), n. 6d., 1734, see Pisa (Bartholo- JI.EUS, of). Alcott (Louisa May). Eight cousins, or the aunt-hill. sS". 1875 „ „ ... s8". 1894 Good wives : seq. to " Little women." sS". ^i.d. Jack and Jill. n. ed. sS". n.d. Jo's boys : seq. to *' Little men." sS". 1886 Little men. n. ed. s8». 1894 „ „ u. ed. sS". n.d. Little women. n. ed. s8". 1875 „ „ 8». [1883?] L. M. A. ; her life, letters. journals. Ed. E. D. Cheney. s8». 1889 An Old-Fasliioned Girl. b8». n.d. La petite Rose, etc. Adapt, par Stahl et Lermont. s80. 1887 Recoils, of my childhood's days. 88°. 1890 Rose in bloom : seq. to " Eight cousins." n. ed. 38°. n.d. First pub. 1876. Shawl-straps : 2nd ser. of " Aunt Jo's scrap-bag." 88". 1873 Under the lilacs. 68". 1878 Alcuin Club. Alcuin Club Tracts, 1, see Micklethwaiie (J. T.) The ornaments of the rubric, 1897. Alcuinus, see Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum : v6, Monu- menta Alcuiniana, 1804-73. see Bouquet (M.) Rec des hist, des Gaules, t5. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed. Pat. latina, tlOO, 101. „ Monumenta Geem. Hist., Scr., tlo. Alcyonius (Petrus). Medices legatus ; aco. J. P. Valerianus et C. ToUius de infelicitate litteratorum ut et J. Barberius de miseria poetarum grsc Cum prief. J. B. Menckenii. [half-t. : Analecta de calamitate litteratorum]. s8". L. 1707 Aldama Ayala (Jose de). Compendio geogrdf.-estadist. de Portugal. 8". 1855 Aide, Les, see Manuzio, The family of. Aide Manuce, the elder, see M.ANUzio (Aldo Pio). Aide Manuce, the younger, see Manuzio (A.) Alden (J), see Beooks (E. S.) & A. The long walls, 1896. Alden ("William L.) Van Wagener's ways. sS". 1898 Aldenham (Henry Hucks Gibbs, /»' baron). Colloquy on currency. S"" ed. 38°. 1894 & H. R. Grenfell. The bimetallic controv^ 8°. 1886 Alder (Joshua) & A. Hancock. Brit, nudibranchiate moUusca. 7p, bound in 2v [Ray Soc.]. 4°. 1845-55 AXDEBLEY ALEXANDER barmi StanUy of), see Staniey of baroyi Stanley of), see Stanley of 1860 1887 Alderley (Henry E. J., 3' Aldebley. Alderley (John Thomas, /■ Aldehley. Alderley (Maria Josepha, baroness Stanley of), see Stanley of Alpekley. Aldershot, see Albert, p. consort. Cat. of the milit. lib. o£ the Prince Consort, Aldershot. 1860. Alderson {Sir Edward Hall), baron of the Court of Exclieqver. Sel". f. charges A o. detached papers of A. Witli not. of his life by C. Alderson. s8°. 1838 Alderson (Edwin A. H.) Pink & scarlet. 8». 1900 ^Yith the Mounted Infantry it the Mashou;Uand Field Force, 1896. 8». 1898 Alderson (Si>- James). Annual address, R College of Physicians, [P320]. 8°. 1871 The Haryeian oration, 1867. H". [1867] Alderson (Laih/ Mary Anne). The record of a humble life. Ed. B. Francis. b8°. [1881] Aldhelm, St., bp. of Sherborn. Opera. Nonnulla nunc primum ed. J. A. Giles. 8°. 0. 1844 segUiGSE (J. P.), ed., Pat. latina, t89. , Aldi, The, see M.ujuzio, I'lie family of. Al-DIn (Tafisin), see Tahsin Al-Din. Aldis (Charles J. B.) The power to prevent melancholy. [P79]. s8°. Aldis ("Wm. Steadman). Text book of algebra. s8°. O. Aldobrandini (Silvestro), see Passarini (L.) *Memorie int. alia vita di S.A., corredate di varie sue lettere ec, race, da L.P., 1878. Aldrich (Henry), D.D., dean of Christ Church. *Ai'tis logicae compendium. s8". 0. 1704 „ „ *5tli ed., ui.<. Artis log. rudimenta. sB". 0. 1835 . „ „. w.t. Artis log. rud. Text of A., \v. notes etc. by / H. L. Mansel. 4''' ed. 8°. 0. 1862 Elements of civil architecture etc. Tr. P. Smyth, Lat. & Eng. 2p in 1. 4». 0. 1789 Aldrich (Thomas Bailey). Prudence Palfrey. Author's ed. s8». E. 1885 The Queen of Sheba. Author's ed. e8'>. E. 1885 Wyndham Towers. s8°. Boston. 1890 Aldricus, bp. of Mans, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tll5. see MoxuiiENTA Gekji. Hist., Scr., tl5. Aldricus, abj). of Sens, see Miqne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl05. Aldridge (John), M.D. Trip to German Spas & Vichy. 88°. D. 1856 Aldridge (Reginald). Eanch notes in Kansas, Colorado, etc. s8". 1884 Aldridge (Robert). Sermon to those seeking truth; Lewes, 1850. [P156]. 8". Brighton. 1850 On auricular confession. [P313]. 38°. 1873 Aldrovandi (Ulisse). De auimalibus iusectis libri vii. ' fol. Bonon. 1638 | Dendrologise nat. scilicet ar- borum liistoria? libri ii. O. Moutalbauus opus coUegit. fol. Bouonia3. 1668 De piscibus; et dp cetis. I. C. Uterverius coUegit. 1 fol. Boiioniffi. 1638 I De quadrupedib' digitatis vivi- paris et oviparis. B. Ambro- ' sinus coUegit. fol. Bonou. 1637 i De quadrupedibus solidipedibus. I J. C. Uterverius coUegit. fol. Bononite. 1639 De reUquis auimal. exanguibus nempe, de inoUibus, erus- taceis, testaceis, zoopbytis. fol. Bononiffi. 1606 ' Aldus Manutius, the elder, see Manczio (A. Pio). Aldus Manutius, the younger, see Manczio (A.) Aleardi (Aleardo). Epistolario ; con. intr. di G. Trezza. s8°. Verona. 1879 Aleardus (Franciscus). Oratio in laudem F. Sfortise, see MuBATOEi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t25. Alec's bride, 1867, see Stephenson (Mrs. E.) foim. Tabor. Alecsandri (V.), see Aleks.indri (V.) Alejandro. For kings etc. see Alexander. Aleksandri (Vasilie) [Alecsandri], see Ollanescu (D. C. fcV. A., etc., 1894. Aleksandrov (A.), sec Alexandrow (A.) Monstrorura liist. ; cum paralip. hist. oimi. animalium. B. Ambrosiuus vol. comp. fol. Bononiffi. 164*2 Musasuru aietallicum. B. Am- brosinus vol. comp. fol. [1648] Oniitbologia3 lib. xii. St. fol. Bononia;. 1599-1637 Quadrupeduiii omiiiu biyulcorCi bistoria. I. C. Uterverius colUgere inciepit, T. Demp- sterus perf . absolvit. fol. Bououiffi. 1621 Serpentum et draconum hist, libri ii. B. Ambrosinus opus concmnavit. fol. Bononiie. 1640 Aleman (Mateo). Guzman de Alfaracbe. 2p. n. imp. sS". Ambeies. 1736 2p. s8". Valencia. 1787 G. d' A. ; [&] Celestina. [Tr.] by sev. hands. 2v. s8°. 1707-8 Guzman of Alfaraque. Tr. E. Lowdell. s8°. 1888 „ _ „ s8°. 18K5 Vida y hechos del picaro Guzman de Alfarache. 8°. Paris. 1847 Alemand, see also Allemand. Alemand (Louis Augustin). *Monasticon Hibemicuin : or monast. hist, of Ireland. 8°. 1722 This is a tr. [by J. Stevens], w. add\ i.t alterations, of A.'s " Hist, monastique d'Irlande, i690." Alembert, sec also Alojibeht. Alembert (Jean Le Rond d'). CEuvres & corr. in^d. Notes etc. par C. Henry. 8°. 1887 CEuvres philosoph., hist. & litt. 18t. 8°. 1805 see Bertrand (Joseph). A., 1889. „ Diderot (D.) & A., Encyclopfdie : partie mathemat. pai' A., 1751-65 ; 1781. „ Do Deffand {la vutrq.) Corr. ined. avec d'A., etc., 1809. Alen^on (Fran9ois, due d'), 1534-64, see Anjou (F., due ii'),duc d\'ileiu;on. Alengry (Franck). Essai snr la sociologie chez Comte. 8°. 1900 Aleph, 2>s., a. of " London scenes," " Tlie old city," etc., see Habvey (Wm.), of Islington. Aleppo. *Journey (A), from A. to Damascus, 1736, see Green (John), geographer. Aleppo (Paul, of), see Paul, of Aleppo. Alert, ship, sec Bbitish Museum. Keport on zoological coll', made in Indo-Pacifie Ocean during voyage of A., (1881-2), 1884 . Alessandrino (Erone), see Hebo, of Alexandria. Alessandrino (Filone), see Philo, Judieus. Alessandro. For kings etc., see Alex.ander. Alessandro, Afrodiseo, sec Alexander, Apihrodisieus. Alessio, Santo, see Alexis, Saint. Alethes (Irenee), ps. of Voltaibe, q.v. Alewyn (Abraham). Philippyn, Mr. Koppelaar. [PS77]. s8". Amsteldam. 1707 *Alexander and Dindymus, see Alex.ander, tJie Great. Alexander. Alexander's East India Magazine, etc. 23v [Wanting vlo-2S]. S". 1831-42 Alexander, Family of, see Rogers (C.) Memorials of the Earl of Stirling * House of A., 1877. Alexander, monaehus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, 87, iii. A. M., 1860. Alexander I, Saint, pope, see Migne (J. P.) Pat. latina, tl30. Alexander II, Saint, jnpe. see Bouquet (M.) Eee. des hist, des Gaules, tl4. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl45, 146. Alexander III, pope [Rolando Bandinelli]. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl3, 15. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t200. „ Eecter (H. F.) Gesch. A.'s III. u. d. Kirche s. Zeit. [Bl, 2'- A.] 1860-4. Alexander IV, pope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, tl40. A'. IV. Constitutio Cypria, 1857-66. Alexander VI, 2>ojm; [Rodebico Lenzuoli Borgia]. sec BuKCHABDUS (Joannes), fc^j.. Hist, arcana, s. de vita A. li, sen exeerpta ex diario J. B., 1097. „ Diarium, 18.55. 3v, ed. Thuasne, 1883-5. ,, Gordon (Alex.) Lives of A., & C. Borgia, 1729. ,, Leonetti (A.) A. VI sec. doc. e carteggi del tempo, 1880. Alexander VII, jx>pe [Fabio Chigi]. see Babgrave (J ) A. VII * the Cardinals, 1867. „ Pallavicino {il card. S.) Vita di A. 7, 1839-40. „ SoMERs (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Alexander YlII, pope, see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Alexander, scribe. Voyage a Constantinople du scribe Alexander (1393), sec Khitrowo (B. de). Itineraires Russes en Orient, 1889. Alexander, Acquicinctensis, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4. Alexander, Saint, bj). of Alexandria [A., Aleiandrinus], see Migne (J. P.) ed.. Pat. Giffica, tl8, A. A., 1857. Alexander, ab Alc.i-anclro, see Alexandro (A. ab). Alexander, Aphrodisceus [Alessandro, Afrodiseo]. A. ill Aristotelis Meteorologi- A. in Metapbysica. Ed. M. Hay- corum libros conini. Ed. M. ' duck. [Couim. iii Aristotelem Hayduck. [Comni.in A. Grseca, ' Grajca, 1.] ^8°. Beroliui. 1891 8, ii]. 8". Berolini. 1899 \ ALEXANDER 23 ALEXANDER Ell. M. Aristo- A. ill Priora Analytica. Wallies. [Coirim. in telera Grteca, 2, i]. laa". Berolini. 1883 A. in Topica. Ed. M. Wallies. [Comm. in ;\j-istott'lem Grteca, 2, ii]. Ia8". Berolini. 1891 A. 4Uod fertur in Aristoteliy Sophist. Elenchos comm. Ed. Alexander, A2iluvclisaics [ALEss.iNDKo, Afiodiseo] [conthiiied]. M. Wallies. [Comm. in A. Grasoa, 2 iii]. 8". Berolmi. 1898 Comm. in libvoB metaphys. Ai'is- totelis. Rec. H. Bonilz. 8". Berolini. 1847 see NouRRissoN (J. F.) De la liberte & du hasard : essai sur A. d'A., suivi du traite du destin etc., tr., 1870. Alexander [of Batteiibcrr/], prince ; prince of Bulgaria f. iS'~9 III /S.S6; aft. Crraf V. Hartcnan, see Hartenau (A. J., Graf v.) Alexander I, prince of Bulgaria isyj-issd, see Haktenac (A. J., Grafv.) Alexander, abbot of Canterbury, see Migne (J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tl53. Alexander, caiwn. Lcodiens., sec Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tU'2. Alexander, bp., of Lycopolis [A., Lijcopolita], sec Methodius, St., bp. Writings of M., A. of L., etc. [tr.], 1869. see MiGNK (J. P.) ed., Pat. grjvca, tl8, A. L., 1857. Alexander, the Great, king of Macedon. Alexander & Duidimus. A 2nd fragment of the romance of Alisaunder, tr. ab. 1340-50. Re-ed. W. W. Skeat. [E.E.T.S., ES31]. 80. 1878 *Wars (The) of A. ; allit. romance tr. chiefly f. the Hist. Alrx. Magni de preliis. Re-ed, W. W. Skeat. [E.E.T.S., ES47.] 8". 1886 see Akrian, Anabasis etc. : scrip- torum de rebus Alex. M. fragm., 184G ; (0 o. ed^. of Annan. „ Bi'DGE (E. A. W.) Life etc. of A. : tr. of the Ethiopia hist, of A., by the Pseudo- Callisthenes etc., 1896. „ Clarke (E. D.) The tomb of A. : on the sarcophagus f. Alexandria in the Brit. Mus., 1805. „ CuRTius RuFus (Q.) De rebus gestis A., ear. edtl. „ Hist, of A., tr., ear. edd. „ De Vere (A. T.) A. [poeni], 1874. „ Dodge (T. A.) A. etc. [Great Captains], 1890. „ Dkovsen (J. G.) Gesch. A.'s, 1833: 2= A., 1877. „ Frankel (A.) Quellen der Alexanderhistoriker, 1883. „ Gautier (P.) Alexanders saga : norsk Bearb. af G.'s lat. Digt, udg. 1848. „ Geieb (R.) ed. '&.. M. his- toriarura scriptores setate suppares, 1844. „ HoGABTH (D. G.) Philip & A., 1897. 1 Alexander [Neckavi], see Necham (A.) Alexander, Folyldstor, see Fbeudenthal (J.), Hellenist. Stud. 1, 2, A. P., 1875. Alexander I, emperor of Russia. Alex. I. et le prince Czartoryski see JuRiEN de la Gravieke (J. P. E.) Les campagires d'A., 1883-4. „ Lampbecht, der Pfaffe. Alexander [poem], 1850. „ M'Chindle (J. W.) The in- vasion of India by A. : tr. of such portions of classical authors as descr. A.'s cam- paigns in Afghanistan, the Panjab, Sindli, Gedrosia, & Karmania ; w. life of A., notes, etc., 1893. ,, Meyer (Paul). A. dans la litt. fr. du moyen age, 1886 [tl conf. "Textes," t:l " Hist, de la legende."} „ Sainte-Croix (le haron de). Examen des anc. historiens d'A., 21- ed., 1810. „ Saint-Mabtin (J. A.) Nouv. recherches sur I'epoque de la mort d'A. etc., 1820. „ Steele (R.) The story of A., 1894. „ Valerius (Julius). Res gestje A^ : ace. collatio A*, cum Dindimo, 1888. „ Wheeler (B. I.) A., [Heroes of the Nations], 1900. „ *WlLLIAM OF P.4LEBNE, tr. ; added, fragment of the allit. romance of Alisaun- der, tr. f. Latin (about 1340), 1867. „ ,, see 'Alexander and Dindimus, 1878, above. „ Williams (Jonx), arch- deacon. Life of -A., 1829. 2"'' ed., 1829. corr. partic. & conversations (1801-23). Publ. par le prince L. Czartoryski avec intr. par C. de Mazade. 8". 1865 ce Choiseul-Gouffier (la ctesse. de). Reminisc. sur A. etc., 1862. „ CzABToRYSKi (Prince A. J.) Mems. & corr. w. A. I., 1887, 1888. „ Fbedebick William III., king of Prussia. Brief w. F. W.'s III. u. d. Konigin Luise mit A. I., 1900. „ GoLOViN (I.) Hist. d'.\. I., 1859. Alexander II, emperor of Russia. see GoLoviN (I.) La Russie dep. see Lkouzon Le Dug (L. A.) A. II., 1859. . A. II. : souv«., 1855. „ JoYNEViLLE (G.) *Life of „ OsMAN, Bey. Revelations A. II., 1883. sur I'assassinat. d'Alex, II., „ Lafebte (V.) A. II.: de- . 1886. tails in&l. sur sa vie & sa „ *Russlanu unter A, II., mort, 1882. 1860. Alexander III, emperor of Russia. Souv. de S^bastopol, Tr- de N. Notovitch. 2" dd. 8°. 1894 see Lowe (C.) A. III., 1895. „ Samson-Hijimelstiekna (H. V.) Russland unter A. III., 1891. ,, llussia under A. III., tr., 1893. Alexander, de Swereford, see Swereford (Alexander, de). Alexander, Telesinus. De rebus gentis liogerii Siciliie regis, see MDu.vroRi (L. A.) Herum Ital. Hcript., t-5. Alexander [surname] Family of, see Rogers (C.) Mem'. 1877. Alexander (Mrs.) ps. [i.e. Mrs. Annie Hector, leife of Alex. Hector]. JOYNEVILLE (C.) Life & times of A., 1875. Lee (R.), M.D. The last days of A. & first days of Nicholas, 1854. ScHNiTZLEB (J. H.) Btudes sur I'empire des tsars : Hist, intime de la Russie sous A. & Nicolas, 1847. Secret hist, of the court & govt, of Russia under A., 1847- Tatishchev (S.) a. I. & Napoleon d'ap. leur corr. ined. (1801-12), 1891. Vand.Uj (A.) Napoleon et Alex. L, 1891-6. The admiral's ward. pop. ed, s8", 1883 At bay, &"' ed, s8». [1887] Barbara, lady's maid and peeress. s8". 1897 Beaton's bargain. sSo. [1886] Blind fate. 3v. s8". 1890 Brown, V.C. s8". 1899 By woman's ivit. 2v, s8", 1886 A choice of evils, 3v, s8", 1894 A crooked path. 3v. s8". 1889 The executor. ov. s8». 1883 A fight with fate. sS". 1896 For his sake. 3v. s8». 1892 Forging the fetters. s8'>. 1890 Found wanting. 3v. sS". 1893 The Freres. 3v. 88". 1882 A golden autumn. s8°. 1896 Her dearest foe. Sv. s8". 1876 The heritage of Langdale. 3v. s8". 1877 A life interest. 3v. 88". 1888 Look before you leap. n. ed. s8». 1882 Mammon. 3v. s8», 1892 A missing hero. 2°'' ed. s8». 1901 Mona's choice. 3v. s8». 1887 Mrs. Crichton's creditor. sS". 1897 Ralph Wilton's weird. 2v. 88". 1875 A second life. 3v. s8". 1883 The snare of the fowler. 3v. s8». 1892 The step-mother. s8°. 1899 Through fire to fortune. s8". 1900 A ward in Chancery. 2v. s8". 1894 What gold cannot buy. s8". 1895 Wliich shall it be ? 7"> ed. 38". 1886 A woman's heart. 3v. s8". 1891 The wooing o't. 3v. s8". 1873 C* ed. s8". 1881 see Three notable Stories, 1890 [eont'. To be or not to be]. ' Alexander (Archibald). Theories of the will in the hist, of philosophy. s8°. N.Y. 1898 Alexander (Mrs. Cecil Frances) [C. F- \. ; C. F. H. ; f Hujiphreys (G.F.) aft. Ale.eaiider]. Poems. Ed. W. Alexander. sS". 1896 Alexander (Francesca) [Fbancesca]. Christ's folk in the Apen- nine. Ed. J. Kuskiu. sS". Orpington. 1887 2"" ed. sS". Orpington. 1889 Eoadside songs of Tuscany. Tr. & illus. by F. A., ed. .1. Ruskin. lOp ill Iv. 4". Orpington. 1885 *The story of Ida. Ed., w. pref. by J. Ruskin. 2""' ed. 38°. Orpington. 1883 Alexander (Geo. Gardiner). Confucius : a study. 88". 1890 Doctor Victoria. 3v. sS". 1881 Lao-Tsze ; w. tr. of h. thought on God. s8°. 1895 Alexander (Sir James Edward). L'Acadie : 7 years' explorations East, through Russia and in Brit. Amer. 2v. s8". 1849 Crimea, 1829. 2v. s8". 1830 Bush fighting : the Maori war. Voyage among the colonies of 8". 1873 W. Africa; and campaign in Passages in the life of a soldier. Kaffir-land, 1835. 2v. 8". 1837 2v. s8". 1857 see *Canada. Salmon-fishing in Travels to the seat of war in the C, by a resident, ed. A., 1860. Alexander (Joseph Addison). Commentary on Isaiah, n. ed., -J. Eadie. 2v. 8°. 1865 Alexander (Michael Solomon), bp. of Jerusalem, see .Jcdicin (T. .J.) Cat. of the libraries of Judkin, Lt.-Col. Baron, M.S.A., etc., sold .January 24, 1872. Alexander (Natalis), see Ai.exandre (Noisl). Alexander (Patrick Proctor). Carlyle redivivus : an occas. disc. on Sauerteig. By Smelfungus. Ed. [i.e. lorittcn] by P. P. .\. [P390]. s8-. Glasgow. 1881 Exam, of J. S. Mill's doctrine of causation in rel. to moral freedom ; w. disc, on Sauerteig by Smelfungus. s8°. E. 1866 Moral causation ; notes on Mill's Notes. s8°. E. 1868 Alexander (S.), Fellow of Lincoln. Moral order and progress : analysis of ethical conceptions. 8°. 1889 Alexander (W. Gordon-), sec Gobdon-Alexandeb (W.) Alexander (Wm.), Writer to tlw Signet. Rules and forms for bills of exchange and promissory notes. s8". E. 1846 ALEXANDER 24 ALFONSO Alexander (Wm.), 0/ the Aberdeen Free Press. Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk. 711' ed. s8°. E. 1881 *Notes etc. of Northern Rural Life in 18"' c. s8". 1877 Alexander (Wm.), assistant keeper of Aiitiq\, Brit. Museum. Dress and manners of the Austrians. 4°. [1813] Alexander (Wm.), bp. of Deny and liaphoe. Leading ideas of the Gospels. n. ed. s8". 1892 Primary convictions. [Columbia Coll. Lects.] 38°. 1893 Verbum crucis : sermons on the Cross, etc. sS". 1892 Witness of the Psalms to X". and X''. [Bampton L".]. 8». 1877 Alexander (Wm.), M.D.. of Edinburrjli, tlic younger. Hist, of women. ' ' " 2v. 8". D. 1779 Alexander {Sir Wm.), aft. earl of Stirling, see Stirling (\V. A., earl of). Alexander (Wm. Lindsay). Switzerland and the Swiss Cliurchcs. sS". Glasgow. 1846 Alexander's East India Magazine, see ALEx.\NDr.B. Alexanders Saga : norsk Bearb. af Gautiers lat. Digt, udg. 1848, see G.^uiiek (P.) Alexandra, queen consort of Edward VII., king of Great Britain and Ireland, see Bukhett (H. C.) Prince, Princess, and people : our times illust. by public life of the P. and Princess (1863-89), 1889. see EussELL (Sir W. H.) Diary in the East dur. tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1869. Alexandra Feodorovna, cmptress consort of Nicholas I, emperm-, see Geijim (A. T. v.) A., tr., 1870. Alexandra magazine (The) & Englishwoman's journal. 2v [wanting v2]. 8°. [1865-6] Alexandre. For kings etc. see Alex.. S.-Pburg., 1891 Euss.-Eng. diet. s8°. „ 1885 2"'' ed. Ia8". „ 1897 Alexis, Saint. [Alessio ; Alexo ; Alexius.] Laviede St. A., po^me du xi s. et renouv*. des xii-xiv s. Notes etc., par G. Paris et L. Pannier. [HE7]. 8». 1872 see Amiaud (A.) La legende syriaque de S. A., 1889. „ FuBNivALL (F. J.) ed., Adam Davy— The life of St. A., etc., 1878. Alexis Petrovich, tsarevich. *The tryal of A. P., 1718, tr. s8°. 1725 sec Bri-ckxeb (A.) Der Zarewitseh Alexei (1690-1718), 1880. „ VoGt-E (E. M. de). Le fils de Pierre le Gr., 1885. Alexis (Paul). L'education amoureuse. 8°. 1890 Trente romans : Le cceur — la chair^l'esprit. s8°. 1895 E. Zola, notes d'un ami ; avec des vers ined. de Z. 88°. 1882 sec Soirees (Les) de Med'an ; [byl Zola, A., etc., 3' ed., 1880 ; n. ed., 1892. Alexis (Willibald) ps., see Hieing (G. W. H.) Alexius, Saint, see Alexis, Saint. Alexius I. [CoMXENU.s], emperor of Constantinojilc. see Anna Comnena, Alexiadis lib. xv, 1839-78. „ CiNNAMus (J.) Epitome rerum ab I. & A. Connienis gest., 1836. „ MiQNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. gi-a3ca, tl27, A. C, 1864. „ WiLKEN (F.) Eerum ab Alexio etc., gestarum libri IV., 1811. Alexius II [CoMNENUs], emperor, see Wilkex (F.) Rerum ab Alexio etc., gestarum libri IV., 1811. Alexo, San, see Alexis, Saint. Al-Fajumi (Saadia), see Saadiah, ben Joseph Fayumi, Goon. Al-Fakhri, sec Ibn At-Tikt.ik.a. Alfarache (Guzman de), fictitious name. Vida y hechos del Picaro G. de A., 1736, d- 0. cdd., see Alem.^n (M.) Al-Fayyoiimi (Saadia ben Josef), see S.kadiah, ben Joseph Fayumi, Giion. Alferez, la monja, see Eeauso (Catalixa de). Alferius (Ogerius), see Mueatoei (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., til. Alfieri (;/ c. Carlo). L' Italia liberale : ricordi ec. 8". Firenze. 1872 Alfieri (Pietro). Notizie biogiaf. di N. Jommelli. [P347]. 8». Roma. 1845 Alfieri (il coh /cVittorio). Opere. 22v in 19. sS". vl-10, Italia ; vll-20, Piacenza. 1809-11 1, 2, Vita. 15, 16, Poesie orig. 3-8, Teatro tragico orig. 17, 18, Poesie trad. 9, Teatro trag. trad. 19, 20, Prose orig. 10, 11, Teatro comico orig. 21, Prose trad. 12-1-i, Teatro com. trad. 22, Commeutari suUe tragedie. Tragedie. 6t in 3. 8°. Pisa. 1819 Tragedie scelte. 88°. Parigi. 1841 Tragedies : tr. Ed. E. A. Bowring. 2v. s8". 1876 sec Copping (E.) A. & Goldoni : lives etc., 1857. „ Parnaso degli Ital. viventi, v38, 1803-24. *Alfiyya, ou quintessence de la grammaire arabe, 1833, see Ibn Malik. Alfonse, de Poitiers [+Alphonso [son ofLouisVIII, k. of France}, count of Poiton £ Toulouse]. Corr. administrative d'A. de P. ; publ. A. Molinier. tl. [Doe", in^d.] 4°. 1894 see Bout.aeic (E.) S. Louis & A. de P., etc., 1870. Alfonso, fabulist [tALFUNSi (Petkus), formerly Rabbi Moses Sejyhardi], see ^Ksop. Fables ; with those of A., ed. Jacobs, 1889. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl57. Alfonso VII [IAlphonso VII, king of Castile and Leon], see Sandoval (P. de). Chron. del emp. A. VII., 1600. Alfonso VIII [I" Ai.PHONSo VIII, suriiamcd the Noble, king of Castile <£ Leon], see Mondejae {cl marq. de). Memorias delr. A. 8, 1783. see Nunez de Castro (A.) Coronica de A. VIII., etc., 1665. Alfonso X [i.e. Alphonso X, sumamed the ^Vise, king of Castile if- Leo)i]. Las siete Partidas del r. A., cotejadas con var. cod. antig. por la R. Acad, de la Historia. 3t. 4". 1807 ALFONSO 25 All Alfonso XI [i.e. AlphonsoXI, king of Castile S Leon]. *Cronica de A. XI [Attr. to J. Nunez tie Villazaii], 2" ed., Uust. p. F. Cerda y Rico. 4". 1787 Alfonso Maria [de' Ligiioti], St., see LidroRi {St. A. M. de'), ftp- of SanI' Agata dci Goti. Alford. Kecords of the meeting of the Exercise of Alford, 1G02-88. Ed. T. Bell. [New Spalding C.l 4". Aberdeen. 1897 Alford (Miss Eliz. M.) Netherton-on-Sea. 2'"i ed. s8". 1870 Alford (il/)s. Fanny). *Keminisc. ; by a clergyman's wife. Ed. by the Dean of Canterbury. s8". 1860 see Alfohd (Hy.) Life, etc. ; ed. by h. widow [F. A.], 1873. Alford (Henry), dean of Canterhurij. The Riviera. Ia8". 1870 Chapters on the poets of anc. Greece. 8». 1841 Divine love in creation & re- demption. aS". 1855 Essays & addresses, chiefly on Churcli subj. 8". 1869 Fireside liomilies. Ed. by h. widow. s8". 1875 How to study the New Test. 3v. s8". 1867-8 Genesis & part of Exodus, w. comm. by A. 8". 1872 Letters from abroad. b8". 1865 Life, journals, letters. Ed. by his widow. 8". 1873 , 2"''ed. 8». 1873 New Test, for Eug. readers : A. V., w. conim. etc. by A. 2v. in 4. \eucli v. 2p,pagin. cont.]. 8". 1868-6 Poetical works. 2vinl. s8". 1845 Quebec Chapel sermons. 7v. [Wants v5. v4, 2'"' ed.] s8". 1854-7 The Queen's English. s8n. 1864 2"'' ed. s8". 1864 Alford (Henry S. L.) & W. D. Sword. The Egyptian Soudan, its loss & recovery. 8". 1898 Alford (Z.(7(/;/ Marian Margaret). Needlework as art. Ia8". 188G Alford (Michael) [i.e. AM'nRDU.s, otherwise Gkiffith (M.)1. Fides regia (1) Britann., (2) Anglo-Saxon., (3,4) Anglicana; s. Annales Ecclesias Anglicanse. 4t. tol. Leodii. 1G6.S Alford Nicholls (Henry A.), see Nioholls (H. A. A.) Alfordus, otJierwise Griffith (Mich.iei,), see Alford (Mich.\el). Alfred, j)s., a. of " Hist, of the factm'y movement, IS.}'," see Kydd (S.) Alfred, of Beverley, see Alcredus, Beverlacensis. Alfred, dnke of Edinburgh [f Alfred Erne.st Albert, d. of E.] see Capper (J.) The d. of E. in Ceylon, 1871. „ MiLNER (J.) & Bkierly. Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea, 1809. Alfred, the Great, king of England. A. the G. : chaps, by Frederic Sermons adapted to the seasons of the Xtn. year, f. Quebec Chapel SS 2v. s8». 1888-9 see BiiiLE : New Test. [Greek]. Alford. Tlie Gr. Test., rev. text, comm. etc., by A., 1849-61 ; v3, 4, 5"' ed., 1871-5 ; n. ed., 1880. „ 'Commentators & hiero- phants [remarks on A.'s " Neir Test, for Eng. readers "J, 1869. Hare (A. J. C.) Biograph. sketclies ; A. etc., 1895. Moon (G. W.) The Dean's Enghsh, 1864 ; 1865. Defence of the Queen's English : reply to [A.], 1863. Second defence, 1863. Scott (T.) Letter to A. [on " Brasotiahleness of the Xtn. life," an article hi/ A. in " Good words "], 1869. Harrison, Sir F. Pollock, & others. Ed., w. pref., by A. Bowker. sS". 1899 Description of Europe, & voy- ages of Ohthere & Wulfstan. With tr. etc., by J. Bosworth. 8". 1853 Whole works of A. With essays illust. of the g"" c. 2v. Jubilee ed. 8". O. 1852 112 has 2p, pagin. sep., the signatures of 2, ii. being " vol. III." see Assek (J.) .^Ifredi res gestsB, 1574. „ Annales A'., 1722. „ Bede {The Ven.) Hist, ecclee. ab A. exarainati, ejusque paraphrasi Saxon. expliciiti, tribus MSS. col- lati, 1644. „ Besant {Sir W.) Story of A., 1901. ,, BiBLioTHEK d. angelsiichs. Prosa, B4, 1899, for anoth. ed. of A.'s tr. of S. „ BicKNELL (A.) Life of A., 1777. „ BoETHius : B. Consol. philos. libri v, Anglo- Saxon, redd, ab A., ed. Eawlinson, 1698. ■ : A.'s Anglo-Saxon ver- sion, w. tr. & notes by J. S. Cardale, 1829. CoNVBEARE (E.) A. in the chroniclers, 1900. Earle (J.) The Alfred jewel : hist, essay, 1901. Giles (J. A.) Life & times of A., 1848. Gregory I., St., Pope. A.'s version of G.'s Pastoral Care, w. Eng. tr. etc., 1871-2. GnizoT (M. G.) A. le Grand, 1856. Harrison (F.) G. Wash- ington, etc. Hughes (Th.) A., [1868?]. Ingram (Jas.) Inaug. lect. on the utility of A.- Saxon Ut. ; added, the geography of Europe, by A., 1807. MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl38. Orosius (P.) The Anglo- Saxon version f. O. by Alfred, w. Eng. tr., 1773 ; another ed., [E. E. T. Soc, 79], 1883. Alfred, the Great, king of England [contimied]. see Pauli (R.) A. u. s. Stelle in see Schilling d. Gesch. Englands, 1S51. „ Life of A., tr., 1852. „ Life of A., tr. ; apps., see Badia-t-Leyblich (D.) Ali, Klum [jAli, Mibza, commonly called Waziu 'Ali, Nawab of Olde], see Davis (Sir J. F.) Vizier Ali Khan, etc., 1844. ^ • 'Ali, Mirzd, commonly called Wazir 'Ali, Nawab op Ocde, see Ali, Klmii. Ali, has, of Begcmder, see Plowdes (W. C.) Travels in Abys- siniii ; mission to K. A., 1848. Ali (Cherefeddin), see Sharaf Al-Din 'Ali, Tazdi. Ali (Jephet ibn), see .Jepheth ben Eli, Die Karaite. Ali (Mrs. Meer Hassan), see Meer Hassan Ah (Mrs.) 'Ali (Muhammad) Paslia, khcdive of Egypt, sfc Muhammad 'Ali. 'Ali (Shahamat), sec Shahamai 'Ali. 'Ali (Sharaf Al-Din) Tazdi, see Sharap Al-Din 'Alt, Yazdi. *Alice ; or the mysteries, 1875, see Lyttox (E., baron). Alice, prijicess of Great Britain and Ireland [i.e. Alice Macd Mary, consort of Louis IV., grand duke of Hesse- Darmstadt. A.: Mittheilgn. aus i. Leben u.Briefen etc. [By Carl Sell.] S". Darmstadt, 1883 Alice : biog. sketch & letters. [By Carl Sell, tr. by Princess Christian]. 8°. 1884 see Stokes (H. S.) *Memories, n. ed., w. lament for A., 1879. Al-Idrisi, see Edrisi. Alien, ps. [i.e. Mrs. L. A. Baker]. Wheat in the ear. sS°. 1898 Aliens. *Eeturns of aliens in London, Hen. Vlll.-Ja. 1.. in prog., 1900 etc., see Kihk (E. E. G.) & E. F. Ivirk, edd. Alif LaUa, see Arabian Nights. Alighieri (Dante), see Dante. Alighieri (Jacopo). Chiose alia cantiea dell' Inferno di Dante attr. a .1. suo tiglio. 8". Firenze. 1848 Alighieri (Pietro). P. A. super Comosdiam comm. ed. consilio (i. .]. Baron Vernon. 8". Florentise. 184-5 'All ibn Abi Bakr (Burhan Al-Din Abu Al Hasan), Al Margliinanl Al Farghdni. The Hedaya, or guide ; a comm. on the Mussulman laws. Tr. C. Hamilton. 4v. 4". 1791 'All ibn Husain ibn 'Ali (Abii Al Hasan), Al Mas'iidi, see El-Masvcl 'Alijjauhar, Shahzildah, calling himself Slulh \ilam, see Shah 'Alam, emperor of Hindustan. A Limborch (P.), see Limeorch (P. tan). Ali Moorad Meer, sec Langley (E. A.) Residence at court of A. M., ISfiO. 'Ali Muhammad Klian. Hist, of Gujarat [to 1762], tr. etc. by „ J. Bird. [O.T.F.] la8». 1835 Alin (Oscar), sec Sveriges histoeu ; v3, Nydaningstid (1521- 1611). af A.. 1877-81. Alione (Giovanni Giorgio). Poesies tran(joises d'A., 1494-1.520 ; publ. par .J. C. Brunei. s8°. 1836 'Ali Pasha, surnamed Arsldn, vizier of Epirus, see Davenport (E. A.) Life of A. P.. 1861. Ali Eeis (Sidi), see Sn^i Ali Eeis. Alisaunder. *Alliterative romance of A., sec Ale-iuniiee, the Great. Alison, 1883, see Butt (B. M.) Alison (Alex.) The philosophy & hist, of civilization. 8°. 1860 Alison (Archibald), p)v6f?wZar!/ of Sarum. Essays on taste. 6"' ed. 8". E. 1825 Sermons. 2v. [v2, 3'" ed.] 8». E. 1814-25 Alison (.Sir Archibald), I'' bart. England in 1H1."» A: 18-lo : or, a sufficient & a contracted currency. 8°. E. 1845 Essays : polit., liist. & misc. 3v. 8". 1850 Hist, of Europe, 1789 [-1815]. lOv. Iwanting vl, 2, 5. 6]. 8". E. 1833-42 „ 1-7 [1-4, S"! ed.; 5-7, 2"" ed.]. «". E. 1839-40 „ 20v. 7"' ed. s8". E. 1847-8 „ Atlas to A.'s Hist., by A. K. Johnston, w. vocab. of luilit. & marine tonus. obi. 8". E. 1848 ,. Epitome of A.'s hist, of Europe, 1789-1815. S"" ed. s8». E. 1849 „ 8"> ed. sS». E. 1S53 „ Hist, of Europe, l«15-5'2. 8v. Index, Iv. «". E. 1852-9 Lives of Lord Castlereagh & Sir C. Stewart, S""" & 3" marq. of Londonderry. 3v. 8". E. 1861 MiUt. life of Mailborongh. 8". E. 1848 „ 2'"' ed., greatly eid., w.t.: Life of M., w. ace. of h. contemps. & of the War of the Succession. 2v. 8". E. 1852 Principles of population, & their conn. w. happiness. 2v. 8". E. 1840 Some account of my life -iiiN (Yi sup ?) ibn YCsof ibn Ya'kCb, Al-Jatmdi], see Kay (H. C.) «^, Yaman etc. ; & ace. of the Karmathians of Yaman by Al-J. ; w. tr. & notes, 1892. Alkaos, see Alcsus. Al-Khatib, see Muiummad ibn 'Abd All.Vh, Al-Khatlb. Alkhayyami (Omar), see Omar Khayyam. Al-Khuwarazmi [Al Kharezmi], see Muhamjlad ibn MCs.V, Al- Khmeilrazmi . ■^Alkibla etc. [1728-31 ?], see Asplin (W.) Al-Kindi [fY-vKUB lbn Is'haj: ibx SrBB.in (Abu Yusuf) Al- Kindi\. Die philosoph. Abhandlungen des Al-Kindi. Hrsg. V. A. Nagy. [Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. Mittelalters, 2, v]. 8». Miinster. 1897 see Fluuel (G.) Al-K., 1857. Alkinoos, see Alcinous. *A11 along the river, 1893, see Be.addon (Miss). •All for greed, 1868, see Blaze de Bury (la baronne M.) *Airs a Delusion : a comedy. [Plol]. 8". 1847 *A11 the blocks. By Flagellmn, 1807, see Ireland (W. H.) *A11 the Talents, by Polypus, 18'" ed., 1807, see Barrett (Eaton S.) ■^All the year round. 20v. rAp. 30, 18.59-Nov. 28, 1868. S. Ill, vl3 & Gen. Index leantitig]. Ia8°. 1859-68 „ New series. 43v. [Dec. 5, 1868-Dec. 29, 1888]. Ia8». 1869-88 „ Third series. 13v. [.Ian, 5, 1889-Ap., 1895\ ^8°. 1889-95 At first " conducted by C. Dickens." After Ap., 1S95, was incorp'. w. " Houselujld Words." see Dickens (C.) Mugby Junction ; extra Xmas. no. of " A. the y. r.," 1866. Allacci (Leone) [Leu Allatius]. De libris & rebus eccles. Graecorum. 2p in Iv. 4". Parisiis. 1646 Drammaturgia di L. A., accresc. e cont. fino all' a. 1755. 4°. Venezia. 1755 Allah (Habeeb Risk), see Habeeb Risk Allah. Allain (Eugene). L'teuvre scolaue de la revolution, 1789- 1802 ; etudes et docs. ined. 8°. 1891 Pliue le Jeune et s. heriteurs. tl. 8°. 1901 Allain (Mnu-. Laure), dit Surville, see Surville (Mine. L.) Allaire (Etienne). Le due de Penthidvre. Mems. de Dom Courdemanche. Doc", ined. sur la fin du 18' s. 8". 1889 La Bruyere daus la maison de Cond^. 2t. laS". 1886 Allais (Alphonse). L'affaire Blaireau. s8". 1899 Allais (Gnstave). Malherbe & la poesie franj.a la fin du 16" s. (1585-1600). 8". 1892 Allais (Henri). Tantine. s8'. 1891 Allan Kardec,_ps. [i.e. H. L. D. Brail], see Kardec (Alla^j) jos. Allan [surname], see also Ali.en, Alleyn, Hallen. Allan (Ch. Stuart Hay) [^w. Ch. Edw. Stu-^et], see All-ax (J. H.) 'jjs. J. S. S. Stuart: & C. S. H. A. Lays of the Deer Forest, 1848. Allan (David), see Ramsay (Allan). The gentle shepherd, w. mems. of D. A. etc., 1808. Allan (Sir Henry Marshman Havelock-), /' bart., see E..^\e- lock- Allan. Allan (James McGrigor). The cost of a coronet. 3v. s8". 1862 Grins and wrinkles ; or, Food for thought & laughter. s8°. 1858 The wild curate. 3v. s8». 1887 Woman suffrage wrong. 8°. 1890 Allan (John Hay) [ps. John Sobieski Stolberg Stuart] A C. S. H. Allan [ps. C. E. Stuart]. Lays of the Deer Forest, sketches of deer-hunting, etc. By J. S. S. & C. E. Stuart. ' 2v. s8". E. 1848 Allan (Robert). The currency question, the bullion question, the banking question. [P272]. laS". E. 1858 Allan-Olney (Miss Mary). *Harmonia. 3v. 58". 1887 *The new Virginians. 2v. s8''. E. 1880 *Private life of Galileo, princ. f. h. corr., & that of h. eldest daughter, Maria Celeste. s8°. 1870 Allard, see also Alard. Allard (Alph.) Depreciation des richesses, etc. 8''. [1889] Allard (Leon). Maison de famiUe. s8". 18s4 Allard (Paul). Les esclaves chretiens jusqu'a la fin de la domination rom. en Occident. 8". 1876 ALLARD 27 ALLEN Allard (Paul) [continued]. Esclaves, serfs, et raainmortables. sS". 1883 Hist, des persecutions pendant les deux premiers s. 8". 1886 2=6d. 8°. 1892 Allard (Stephen), character of fiction, see Sjiitii (Williaji Garnet). *The melancholy of S.A. ; ed. Garnet Smith. 1894 Allardice (Robert Barclay) [ps. Capt. Barclay]. Agric. tour in the U.S. .s8». E. 1842 see Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Hist, of Earldoms of Strathern, etc. ; w. report of proceedings on claim of A. to Earldom of Airth, 1842. Allardyce (Alex.), a. of " The City of Sunshhie." Balmoral. 3v. s8<'. E. 1893 The city of sunshine. 3v. s8". E. 1877 Earlscourt. .3v. s8°. 1894 Mem. of G. K. Elphinstone, Visct. Keith, Admiral of the Red. 8°. E. 1882 Allardyce (James), LL.D. Hist, papers rel. to the Jacobite period, 1099-1750, ed. J. A. [New Spalding C] 2v. 4°. Aberdeen. 1895-6 Allardyce (R. B.), see Allarwce (R. B.) Allary (Camille). Nouvelles choisies. s8''. 1889 AUatius (Leo), see Allacci (Leone). Allbutt (Thomas Clifford). Science & medieval thought. [Harveian Oration, Oct. 1900.] s8". 1901 A system of medicine by many writers. 8v. 8°. 1896-9 Alldridge (Lizzie). By love and law. 3v. s8". 1877 The queen's house. 3v. sS". 1886 ' The world she awoke in. 3v. s8". 1879 Alle (Girolamo). Le chimera pitagoriche, cabaliste, chimiche, e giudiciarie dissipate dal vento della verita. [P834]. sS". Bologna. 1654 Alleaume ( ), avocat. *Suite des caraetSres de Th^ophraste et des pensees de Pascal. s8". 1699 AUegretti (Allegretto degli), see Muratoki (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t23. Allegri (Antonio) called " Correggio," see Correggio. Alleine (Joseph) see Stanford (C.) J. A. : a memorial of " Black Bartholomew " (1662), 1861. AUemagne. *Eecueil des trait^s, conventions etc. rel. a la paix avec I'A., 1872, see France : Treaties etc. AUemagne (L') nouvelle, 1897, see Memor (Andreas) lis. Allemand [stiniame], see also Alemand. AUemand Lavigerie (C. M.), card., see Lavigerie (Ic card.) Allen's naturalist's library. see Forbes (H. O.) Primates, 2v, 1894. „ KiKBY (W. F.) Lepidoptera, vl-5, 1894-7. (1-3, Butter- flies. 3, Hesi)eriidEe. 3-5, Moths.) „ Lydekkeb (R.) British Mam- malia, 1895. seeLvDEKKEK (R.) Camivora: pi. Cats, civets, mun- gooses, 1895. „ Marsupialia & mono- tremata, 1894. „ Ogil VIE - Grant (W. R.) Game-birds, vl-2, 1895-7. „ Sharpe (R. B.) Birds of Gt. Brit., vl-4, 1894-7. Allen, see also Allan, Alleyn, Hallen. Allen, publishing firm. Book of Dignities, 1890 ; 3"' ed., 1894, see IJooK etc. Allen (A. P.) The ambassadors of commerce. s8°. 1885 Allen (Alex. "V. G.) The continuity of X'°. thought. s8°. 1884 Life A letters of Phillips Brooks. 2v. 8". 1900 Allen (C. Bruce). Cottage building, etc. s8". 1849-50 Allen (Carl Ferdinand). De tre nordiske Eigers Historic, 1497-1530. 5B. s8«. 1864-72 *0n nationality & language in Sleswick, or S. Jutland. [Tr., P77, 317]. 8°. Copenhagen. 1848 see Marckmann (J. W.) Danskhedens SkJEebne i Slesvig, udarbeidet efter A.'s Vserk, 1860. Allen (Charles Dexter). American book-plates : guide to their study. Bibliogy. by E. N. Hewins. s8". 1895 Allen (Ch. H.) Visit to Queensland, & her goldfields. s8°. 1870 Allen (Clement Francis Romilly), see She King. *The book of Chinese ballads, known as the Shih Ching, tr. A., 1891. Allen (F. M.) ps., see Downey (Edmund). Allen (Grant) [ps'. Cecil Power; Olive Pratt Eayner ; J. Arbuthnot Wilson]. Au African millionaire. s8o. 1897. Babylon. 3v. H"'' ed. s8". 1885 Anglo-Saxon Britain. [Early „ n. ed. s8". 1886 Britain.] sS". [1881] The beckoning hand, & o.s. „ „ sS". 1884 b8». 1887 At market value. 2v. sS". 1894 n. ed. s8". 1892 Allen (Grant) [contimced']. Blood royal. 98". 1893 The British barbarians. S80. 1895 Colin Clout's calendar, April- October. 88". 1883 Colours of flowers. s8". 1882 The colour-sense. 8". 1879 Darwin. s8". 1885 Tlie desire of the eyes, & o.s. s8". n.d. „ „ ... 6"' ed. s8". n.d. The devil's die. 3v. s8". 1888 The duchess of Powysland. Sv. b8". 1892 The evolution of the idea of God. 8". 1897 The evolutionist at large. s8°. 1881 Falling in love, w. o. essays. s8o. 1889 1899 Flashlights on nature. s8". Flowers & their pedigrees. 88". 1883 For Mairaie's sake. s8". 1886 Force and energy. 8". 1888 The great taboo. s8". 1890 Hilda Ware. s8". 1900 In all shades. 3v. s8". 1886 „ n. ed. s8". 1887 In memoriara : G. P. Macdonell. b8". 1895 In nature's workshop. s8". 1901 The incidental bishop. s8". [1898] Ivan Greet's masterpiece, etc. 8". 1893 Allen (H. N.) Korean tales ; chaps, descr. of K. Allen (Henry Ellis) [Heni!. Linnet. s8". 1898 Miss Cayley's adventures. s8". 1899 Moorland idylls. bS". 189B Philistia. n. ed. s8». 1885 Physiolog. [esthetics. 88". 1877 Post-prandial philosophy. 88°. 1894 The scallywag. 8v. s8». 1893 Science in Arcady. s8". 1892 A splendid sin. 3''' ed. sS". 1896 Story of the plants. sS". 1899 Strange stories. s8». 1884 The tents of Shem. 3v. s8». 1889 „ „ ... n. ed. b8". 1890 Tliis mortal coil. n. ed. s8". 1889 Twelve tales ; sel. stories by G. A. 8°. 1899 The type-writer girl. 88", 1897 Under sealed orders. 8v. s8". 1895 Vignettes from nature. 88">. 1881 What's bred in the bone. s8». 1891 The while man's foot. s8». 1888 The woman who did. s8". 1895 see Cluihi (E.) G. A., a mem., w. bibliography, 1900. „ Tkaill (H. D.) The bar- barous Britishers \(i parody ()/" A.'s " The Brit, bar- barians "], 1896. „ Williamson (G. C.) The cities of N. Italy, 1901. tr. from Korean folk-lore ; with s8". N.Y. 1889 Al.anus]. Hannibal : contra criminationes ijuasdam T. Livii. Nunc iterum ed. auctior. [P247]. s8". D. 1860 Allen (Inglis). A 'Varsity man. s8°. 1901 Allen (Ira). Nat. & polit. hist, of the State of Vermont ; added, answers to queries. 8°. 1798 Allen (Isaac N.) Diary of march through Sinde & Affghanistan under Sir W. Nott ; & sermons dur. campaign 1842. s8°. 1843 Allen (J. Romilly). Early Xtn. Symbolism in Gt. Brit. & Irel. before 13"' c. [Khind Lect'.] 8". 1887 see Langdon (A. G.) Old Cornish crosses, w. article ou their ornament by A., 1896. Allen (James) tlie elder, of Adelaide. S. Australia, & how to get to it. Allen (James Lane). Aftermath. Part second of " A Kentucky cardinal." s8". N.Y. 1900 The blue-grass region of Ken- tucky, & o. Kentucky articles. s8". N.Y. 1900 The choir invisible. s8". N.Y. 1897 [P592]. s8». 1847 Flute and violin, & o. Kentucky tales etc. s8". N.Y. 1900 The increasing purpose. s8". 1900 A Kentucky cardinal. 88". N.Y. 1900 Summer in Arcady. [Repr.] s8". N.Y. 1900 Allen (John), archdeacon of Salop, see Grier (E. M.) J. A., a mem., 1889. Allen (John), M.D., Master of DiUwich College. *0n Gliurch property. [P105]. 8». 1834 Reply to Lingard's Vindication. [b.w. Lingard (J.) Vindic, 4"> ed., 1827]. 8". 1827 „ [a.c. in P660]. 2"\ Boston. 1832 Allen (Wm.), F.R.S., of Lindficld, Sussex: Life of W. A., with sel. f. his eorresp. 3v. 8». 1846-7 Allen (Capit. William), B.N. Plan for extinction of Slave trade, etc. [P136]. 8°. 1849 Views on the Niger, sketched 1832-3. ob. fol. 1840 & T. R. H. Thomson. Exped. to the Niger, 1841, under Capt. Trotter. 2v. 8". 1848 AUeyn (Edward). AUeyn Papers: orig. docs, illust. of life etc. of Edw. .\neTn. A of the early stage. Intr. by .J. P. Collier. [Shakespeare Soc". 8°. 1843 see Blanch (\V. H.) Dulwich Coll. & A., 1877. „ Collier (.1. P.) Mems. of A., 1841. „ Young (W.) Hist, of Dulwich Coll., w. life of A., & transcript of h. diary (1617-22), 1889. Alleyn's College of God's Grift at Dulwich, see Dulwich. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Hrsg. durch d. histor. Comm. bei d. K. Akad. d. Wissenschaft [Miinchen]. [Excludes living X>erscms. B. 4.5 cont\ Zeisberger to Zyrl, lO Nachtriige bis 1899 : A— Anderssen.l 4.5B. laS". L. 1875-99 Allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyklopadie, var. edd. Brockhaus, see Brockhaus. Allgemeine Encyklopadie der Wissenschaften u. Kiinste. Hrsg. V. J. S. Ersch u. J. G. Gruber [d- after tliem by otiiers]. In prog. 4°. L. 1818, etc. [The u-ork is divided into 3 sections, as follows'] : Sect. LAG. 99T in 57v. [There is a Be'gister in T'J^J.] 1818-82 Sect. II, H-N. Tl-43 [to Ligatur], in 29v. 1827-89 Sect. Ill, 0-Z. Tl-25 [to Phyxios], in 18v. 1830-50 ♦Allgemeine (Jeschichte in Einzeldarstellnngen. Unter Mit- wirkung v. [many icriters] hrsg. v. W. Uncken. Hauptabtheilung I, Gesoh. d. Alterthums. 8B. sec Hertzrebg (G. F.) Gesch. v. Hellas u. Kom, 1879. „ HoMMEL (F.) Gesch. Babyloniens u. Assyriens, 1885. „ Jcsti (F.) Gesch. d. alten Persiens, 1879. „ Lefmann (S.) Gesch. d. alten Indiens, 1890. „ Meyer (Ed.) Gesch. d. alten Agyptens : Geographie, Schrift, Sprache, v. J. Diimichen, 1887. „ Pietschmann (E.) Gesch. d. Phonizier, 1889. „ Stade (B.) Gesch. d. Volkes Israel, 2B, 1887-8. Hauptabtheilung II, Gesch. i>. Mittelai-ters. 16B. .see Dahn (F.) Urgesch. d. german. u. roman. Volker, 4B, 1881-9. „ Geiger (L.) lienaissance u. Humanismus in Italien u. Deutschland, 1882. „ Hertzberg (G. F.) Gesch. d. Byzantiner u. d. Osman. Eeiches bis gegen Ende d. 16"" Jhdts., 1883. „ Hertzberg (G. F.) Gesch. d. riim. Kaiserreiches, 1880. „ KuGLEB (B. v.) Gesch. d. Kreuzziige, 1880. „ Mt'LLER (A.) Der Islam im Morgen- u. Abendland, 2B, 1887. .. Prutz (H.) Staatengesch. d. Abendlandes im Mittelalter v. Karl d. Gr. bis auf MaximiHan, 2B, 1885-7. „ EcGE (S.) Gesch. d. Zeitalters d. Entdeckungen, 1881. Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen [continued]. Hauptabtheilung II, Gesch. d. Mittelalterk [conliiiued]. see SciiiEUANN (T.) Eussland, Polen u. Livland bis ins 17'''* Jhdt., 2B, 1887. „ WiNKKLMANN (E.) Gesch. d. Angelsachsen bis z. Tode K. Alfreds, 1883. HiUPTABTHEILUNci III, Gesch. l. neueren Zeit. 13B. see Bezold (F. v.) Gesch. d. deutschen Eeformation, 1890. „ Bruckner (A.) Katharina II, 1883. ,, Brlxkner (A.) Peter d. Grosse, 1879. „ Drovsen (J. G.) Gesch. d. Gegenreformation, 1893. „ Erdmannsdoreeer (B.) Deutsche Gesch. v. westfal. Frieden bis z. Eegierungsantritt Friedrichs d. Gr., 2B, 1892-3. „ Oncken (W.) Das Zeitalter Friedrichs d. Gr., 2B, 1881-2. „ Philippson (M.) Westeuropea im Zeitalter v. Philipp II, Elisabeth u. Heinrich IV, 1882. „ Philippson (M.) Das Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV, 1879. „ Stern (A.) Gesch. d. Revolution in England, 1881. „ Winter (G.) Gesch. d. 30 jiihr. Krieges, 1893. [Droysen was orig. issued in /4'SS, w. 2'"' tp. : Das Zeitalter d. 30 jiihr. Krieges, Gesch. u. Vorgesch., v. G. Droysen (as 3 of the Series) ; but in iH9iS new tp'. were given to it, w. t. Gesch. d. Gegenreformation (as 3 i of ttie Series) ; and the conf. of tlie work {3 ii of Die Series) as orig. planned teas fanned by the work of Winter.] „ Wolf (A.) & H. v. Zwiewneck-Scuenhorst. (jsterreich unter Maria Theresia, Josef II. u. Leopold II, 1884. Hauptabtheilung IV, Gesch. d. neuesten Zeit. 8B. see Bamberg (F.) Gesch. d. oriental. Angelegenheit im Zeitraume d. Pariser u. d. Berliner Fiiedens, 1892. „ BuLLE (C.) Gesch. d. 2'"" Kaiserreiches u. d. Konigreiches Italien, 1890. „ Flathe (T.) Das Zeitalter d. Eestauration u. Revolution, 1883. „ Hopp (E. 0.) Bundesstaat u. Bundeskrieg in Xordamerika, 1886. „ Oncken (W.) Das Zeitalter d. Kaisers Wilhelm,2B, 1890-2. „ Oncken (W.) Das Zeitalter d. Revolution, d. Kaiserreiches u. d. Befreiungskriege, 2B, 1884-6. Namen- u. Sachregister. 4B. 8°. 1890-3 Hauptabthlg. I : Altertum. II : Mittelalter. Ill : Neuere Zeit. IV : Neueste Zeit. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte, see Zeitschbift fur Geschichtswissenkchaft. Allgemeines evangel. Gesang- u. Gebetbuch, 1846, see Evan- gelisches. Allgemeines historisches Portratwerk. 600 Portrats der beriihmtesten Personen v. ca. 1300-1840. OB. (1, Fiirsten u. Papste. 2, Staatsmiinner u. Feldherren. 3, Dichter u. Schriftsteller. 4, Kitnstler u. Musiker. 5, Gelehrte u. Miinner d. Kirche. 6, Beriihmte Frauen.) 4°. Miinchen. 1883-90 Allgemeines hydrograph. Lexicon aller Strome u. Fliisse in Ober- u. Xieder-Deutschbind. Von e. Nachforscher in histor. Dingen. s8°. Frankfurt a. M. 1743 Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexikon. Hrsg. v. J. Meyer [£ otliers]. 2' umgearb. Aufl. von Nagler's K-L. Bl-3, [A-Bezzuoli ; 7io more app''.]. US". L. 1872-85 Allgemeines Kiinstlerlexicon, oder Leben u. Werke d. beriihm- testen bildenden Kiinstler. 2' A., umgearb. etc. v. A. Seubert. 3B in 1. 8°. St. 1878-9 [This is a 2""' ed. of Miller (F.) Die Kiinstler aller Zeiten, 1857-70.] ' All-Hallows, Frioi-y of [Dublin], see Butler (Eichard). Regis- trum, 1845. Alliaco (Petrus de), see Ailly (P. i>'). Alliance Cooperative Internationale. Compte rendu officiel du 4' Congres de I'A.C.l. 8". Londres. 1900 Alliance (L') franco-russe devant la orise orientale. Par un diplomate etranger. [PG83]. 8". 1897 Allibond (John), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. AUibone (S. Austin). Crit. diet, of Eng. lit., d- Brit. cSr Amer. authors, to middle of 19'" c. 3v. Ia8». Philadelphia. 1859-71 Suppl. to A. [to eiirf 0O888], by J. F. Kirk. 2v. Ia8». Philadelphia. 1891 Gieat authors of all ages. Sel'. f. prose works. Ia8°. Philadelphia. 1882 Poet, quotations, Chaucer to Tennyson. Ia8». Philadelphia. 1884 Prose quotations, Socrates to Macaulay. ■la8". Philadelphia. 1884 ALLIES 29 AL-NUWAIRI Allies (Jabez). British, Eoman, Saxon antiq'. & folk-lore of Worcestershire. i'"' ed. 8<>. 1856 Allies (Mss Mary H.) Hist, of the Church in Eng. to access. of Henry VIII. Allies (Th. Wm.) Church & State as seen in the Formation of Cliristendom. 8". 1882 The Church of E. cleared from the charge of schism etc. 2°'' ed. 8». O. 1848 The Formation of Christendom. 3p. 8". 1865-75 The Holy See & the wanderings of the nations : Leo I. to Greg. I. 8". 1888 Journal in France 184.5, & 1848 ; Letters from Italy 1847. s8". 1849 A life's decision. s8". 1880 The monastic life, f. the Fathers sS". 1892 of the Desert to Charlemagne ; v8 of the Formation of Chris- tendom. 8". 1896 Per crucem ad lucem : the result of a life. 2v. 8". 1879 St. Peter, h. name it office as set forth in Scripture. 8". 1852 The See of St. Peter, the Rock of the Church, Centre of Unity etc. 8". 1850 „ ... 2". 0. 1821 see Whiston (W.) Reply to A., 1711. „ Second reply to .\., 1711. Allman (George James). Fresh-water Polyzoa. [Ray Soc] 4". 1856 Gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. 2p in Iv. [Ray Soc] 4». 1871-2 Method & aim of nat. hist, studies. [P456]. 8". E. 1868 Allman (George Johnston). Greek geometry, from Thales to Euclid. 8'. D. 1889 Allnatt (Charles F. B.) Cathedra Petri : titles & prerogatives of P., & of h. see, etc. [P356]. 2"'' ed. 8°. 1879 .S"' ed. 8». 1883 Allonville (le cointe Armand F. d'). Memoires secrets, 1770- 1830. 6t. S". 1838-45 *M^moires tir^s des papiers d'un homme d'etat, etc. 13t. s8>. Brux. 1838 Allotments & Small Holdings Association. Conference at Wellingborough : speeches. [P545]. s8". Wellingborough. [1889 ?] Allsop (Thomas), sec Coleridge (S. T.) Letters, convers" etc of C. [ed. A.], 1836, 3"' ed., 1864. All Souls College, Oxford, see Oxford, Univ. of, A.S.C Allston (Washington), see Flagg (J. B.) Life & letters of A 1893. Allworden (Henricus ab). Hist. M. Serveti. .,, „ J ■, 4°._ Helmstadii. [1728] Ally (Hyder), see Haidar Sh.\h, called " Haidar 'Ali," etc. Allyn (Jack) 2>s. see O'Rell (Max) ;)S. & J. A. Jonathan, 12' ed., 1889. ,, ct Jonathan, etc., tr., 1889. Aim (Richard v. der). Theolog. Briete an d. Gebildeten d. deutschen Nation. 33. go, l 1862-3 Die Urtheile heidn. u. jiid. Schriftsteller ii. Jesus u d ersten ^.P^"^^1- [P6S8]. 8°. 1864 *Alma Mater ; or, seven years at the Univ. of Cambridge, 1827, see Wright (John). Almacheu (P. F. Prodez de Beragrem, mn)^. d')2Js., see Prouez (P. F.) ps. Almack (Edward). Bibliography of Eikon Basilike. 4°. 1896 see *Cavalier soldier's vade-mecum, ed. E. A., 1900. *Almack's. A novel. Sy. 2"'' ed. s8°. 1827 Almae Matres ; by Megathym Splene [1859], see Thomson ( J. C.) Al-Mahdi. When the MaMi who died iSSo at Otndtirm/ii'. is ■meant, see Mahdi (The). Almain (Jacobus), see Gerson (J.) Opera ; aoc. A', tractatus 1706. Al-Makri [Al-Makkari], see Ahmad ibn Muhajijiad ibn Ahuae iiiN Yahya etc., Al MaHRarl, or Al MaUrl. Al Makrizi, see Makrizi. Almanach de Gotha. 88-139' ann^e, 1851-1902. lln prog.\ ^ J , S8''. Gotha. 1851-1902 Almanach des gourmands. [By A. B. L. Grimod de La Reyni,>re £ J. F. Coste]. 8 annees, [1803-12, annee 1, 4« ed. ; 2. 3, 2« kA.]. s8„ 180.5-11* 11 " see NoUVEL almanach des GOURMANDS. Almanach national : annuaire officiel de la R^publique Fran- Qaise. Pour 1899. g,. ig'jy Almanach royal officiel. Annfie 1897. [Publ. by the Belrjian ii'^w"''^.)- ^ ,, la8'. Brux. 1897 Al Mas'udi, see El-Masudi. Alma-Tadema (ffiss Laurence). The crucifix, & 0. t. 88" 1895 Love's martyr. ^g„\ ^gg^ The wings of Icarus. gg„ 1894 Alma-Tadema (Sir Lawrence), R.A. see Eders (G.) Eine Frage, 1881. „ A question ; the idyl of a picture by A. T. related bv E., [tr.], 1881. ^ „ ZniMERN (H.) L. A. T. [Art Annual], 1886. Almazan (E. F. M. J. de Guignard, vie. de Saint-Priest, due d'). La guerre d'ltalie, campagne de 1859. 8°. 1882 Almeida (Mrs. Anna d'), unfe of W. Barrington d'Al'meUla. *A lady's visit to Manilla & .lapan. go, igyg Almeloveen (Theodoor Jansson van). De vitis Stephauorum. Subj. est H. Stephani querimonia artis typograph.; ejusdem epist. de statu suie typographia. s8». Amstelsedami. 1683 Opuscula ; s. antiquitatum e sacris profanarum specimen, con- jectanea, etc. [b.w. De vitis Stephan.] s8°. Amsteleedami. 1686 Almen (Joh.) Atten Bernadotte. lago. [lg, Al-Snltrairnrdi. Al-Suytiti, see 'Abu Ax-Eahmax ibn Abi Bake (Jal.\l Al-Dix Abu Al Fadhl) Al Suyilti. Alt (Heinrich). Der christl. Cultus histor. dargestellt. 8°. 1843 Die Heiligenbilder. 8». 1845 Theater u. Kirche in i. gegenseit. Verhiiltniss histor. dargestellt. 8'. 1846 Al-Tabari, see Muhamjiad ibn Jarir (AbC Ja'fak) Al-Tabar'u Altahensis (Hermannus) see Hekmannur, abbas Altahensis. Al-Tai,st'c Habib ihx Aus (Abu Tamm.Im) Al-tdl. | Altaich (Hermann, [Abt] von) see Herjuxxus, abbas Altahensis. Altamira y Crevea (Rafael). De historia y arte (estudios). s8". 1898 Hist, de Espaiia y de la civilizacion espanola. tl. sS". Barcelona. 1900 ■* Altar (The), 1849, see 'Williams (Isaac). *Altdeutsche 'Walder, 3B, 1811-16, see Geimji (.J.) & CW.) Altdorfer (Albrecht). The fall of man. Ed. A. Aspland [Holbein Soc] 8°. M'ter. 1870 Siindentall u. Erlosung d. Menschengeschlechtes. [Liebhaber- bibl. alter lUustratoren, 12]. s4". Miinclien. 1888 see Moore (T. S.) A., 1900. *Alte hoch- u. niederdeutsche Volkslieder, Bl [no more publ.], 1844/5, see Uhlaxd (J. L.) ed. Altenburg (Otto). De sermone pedestri Italorum vetustissimo. [P39o]. 8". L. 1898 *Altenglische Legenden,neue Folge, 1881, see HoRSTMAXN(C.)cd. Alteserra (A. D.), see Dalinuh Alteserra (Antomus). *Altesten "Weltkarten (Die), 1895-6, see Miller (C ) ed. Altfridus, bp. of Munster. see MidXE (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, t99. ,, MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr.. t2. Altham, see Fishwick (H.) ed.. Note book of T. Jolly — Extr*. f. the Church Book of A. * Wymondhouses (1649-1725), 1894. Althaus (Friedrich). Englische Charakterbilder. 2B. 8''. 1869 Althaus (Julius). Pathology and prevention of influenza. s8». 1892 *Althochdeutschen (Jlossen (Die), 4B, 1879-98, see Steinmeyek (E.) & E. SiEVEEs, edd. Althorp (John Charles Spencer, visct.) aft. 3''' earl Speyicer ; sec Le Marchant (Sir D.) Mem. of Visct. A., 3"' Earl S., 1876. „ Myers (E.) Lord A., 1890. Althusius (Johannes), see Gierke (O.) A. u. d. Entwieklung d. naturrechtlichen Staatstheorien, 1880. Altieri (la pri)icesse Olga Cantacuzene-), see Cantacuzene- Altiebi. Altmann ('Wilhelm), see Bohjier (J. F.) Eegesta Imperii XI : Urkunden Kaiser Sigmunds (1410-37) v. A., 1896-1900. Altmannus, bp. of Passau, see Monumexta Gekm. Hist., Scr., tl2. ■•Altnordische saga-bibliothek. Hrsg. v. G. Cederschiold, H. Gering, E. Mogk. Inprog. Hl-8. see Ari PrcSi. Ares Islander- 1 see Floire et Blanchefleur. buch, 1892. j *FMres Saga etc., 1896. „ *Egils S.\ga 1894. • „ '{Irettis S.iga, 1900. „ *Eyrbyggja Saga, hrsg. v. „ *I\-ens Saga, 1898. Gering, 1897. „ 'L.txc-ELA Saga, 1896. „ ♦0RVAR-ODDS Saga. *Altnordische Texte, hrsg. v. E. Mogk. see Edda, hrsg. v. F. Jonsson, 1888. „ Gunnlaugssaga, 1886. ♦Alton Locke, 18.50, see Klxgsley (C.) Alton-Shee (le cte. d'). Chambre des pairs : Disc. d'A.-S., 24 mars 1841. [P.309]. 8". 1841 ■^Altprager Stadtrecht (Das) aus d. 14"" .Jhdte., 1845, see KossLER (E. F.) ed. Altswert, Meister. A. [Minnelieder], hrsg. v. W. Holland u. A. Keller, [b. tc. Laser (H. v.) H.'s L. Jagd, 1850]. [Lit. V. in St., 21]. s8«. St. 1850 Alulfus, Tornacensis, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t79. Aluredus, Beverlacensis. A. B. annales. Ed. T. Hearnius. 8». O. 1716 Al-Utbi, see Muhammaii ibn 'Abd Al-Jabb.\r, Al-Utbi. Alva (F. Alvarez de Toledo, duke of). Corr. du due d'A. sur I'invasion du cte. Louis de Nassau en Frise, 1568, & les batailles de Heyligerl^e & de Gemraingen. Publ. par M. Gaehard. [P334]. 8". Brux. 18-50 see ErsTAXT (.7. V. de). Hist, de A., 1751. Alvares (Francisco), j^riest. Hist, de las cosas de Etiopia. Tr. por T. de Padilla [M. de Selves]. s8°. Anvers. 1557 The Portuguese embassy to Abyssinia, 1520-27. Tr., w. notes etc. by Lord Stanley of Alderley. [Hakluyt S c, 64]. 8«. 1881 Alvarez ( ), a. of " Cours graduf de versions espagnoles" J' ed., /S6S, sec Valdeiioros y Alvarez (P.) Alvarez (Francisco), a. of "Hist.de Etiopia," see Alvares (F.) Alvarez (Miguel de Los Santos), see Los Saxtos Alv.\rez. Alvarez Espriella (Don Manuel) ps., see Southey (E.) Alvarus Curdiih., see JIigxe (J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tll5, 121. Alvary (W. C). Gilbert Freethorne's heritage. 2v. s8». 1888 Alveydre (Ic marq. Alex. Saint-Yves d'), see Saint-Yves 1i'.\LVEYDEE. Alviella (le cte. Eug. Goblet d'), see Gobset d'AltieiiLa. Alvisi (Edoardo). Cesare Borgia, Duca di Romagna. sS". Imola. 1878 Alvord (Benjamin). The tangencies of circles & of spheres. [S.C. to Knowledge, 8]. 4°. 1856 AL-WAKIDI 31 AMBULATOR Al-Wakidi, sec MunAMM.U) ip.x 'Ujiar, Al-Wdliidi. Alwalo, see Mignic (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl.51. Alzog (Joh. Bapt.) Grundriss der Patrologie. 8". Freiburg im Br. ISGii , 3= A. 8". Freiburc; im Br. 1876 Manual of Church Hist. Tr. F. J. Pabiseh & T. S. Byrne. 3v. Ia8". Cincinnati. 1874-8 Amadeus, Hnri of Spain, see Pirala (A.) El rey [i.e. A.] en Madrid y en provincias, 1877. Amadi (Francesco) of Venice. Chroniques d'A. & de Stram- fbaldi. Publ. par R. de Mas Latrie. 2p. [1, Aniadi. 2, Strambaldi. Doo>. in6d.] 4°. 1891-3 Amadis, de Gaula. This romance consists of an orig. leork by V. de Lobcira, in i Books, and of four cont'., cont". Books o-JJi, by var. a'. for tlw most 2Hirt anon. *Amadis. Erstes Buoh. [By V. de Lobeira]. Hrsg. v. A. v. Keller. [Lit. v. in St., 40]. s8". St. 18.57 Amadis de Gaul ; freely tr. f. the 1" p. of the French version of N. de Heberay, sieur des Essars, w. notes by W. S. Rose. s8". 1803 Amadis of Gaul. [Tr. Soutliey]. 4v. 58°. 1803 A. of G. Tr. Southey. 3v. n. ed. s8°. 1872 see DuQUE y Mekino (D.) El argumento de A. de Gaula, 1881 „ Mayer (C. J.) Lisvart de GrSce : suite d'A., 1788. Amador de Los Rios (Jose). Etudes sur les Juifs d'Espagne. Ia8". 1861 Hist, critica de la lit. espafiola. 7t. [t7 ends w. the r. of Carlos I. 8". 1861-5 Amalarius (F.), abp. of Treves, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t99. Amalarius (Symphosius), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl05. Amalie, Primessin v. Sar.lisen [1794-1^701, see Ajielia, princess of Saxony. Amalrich, von Bcna, see Bena (A. von). Amalricus Augerius, sec Augekius (A.) Amalteo (Cornelio) & Giov. Batt. A. & Girolamo A. Trium fratrum Amaltheorum carmina. ed. 2". s8". A. 1689 see Greswell (W. P.) Mems. of Politianus, the A'., etc. ; tr*. f. their poet, works, etc., 2"'' ed., 180-5. *Amalthea, oder Museum der Kunstmythologie etc. Hrsg. v. C. A. Biittiger. 3B. 8». L. 1820-5 Amaltheus (C.) & J. B. A. & H. A., sec Amalteo (C.) & (G. B.) & (G.) Amandus, Saint [Heinrich von Bebg], see Suso (Heinrich). Amant. *L'amant rendu cordelier a I'observance d' Amours ; attr. a Martial d'Auvergne. Publ. A. de Montaiglon. [S.d.a.t.f.] 8°. 1881 A Marck (Joannes), see Marck (J. a). Amarga (Naranja). The settling of Bertie Merian. s8°. Bristol. [1897] Amari (G. Carnazza), see Carnazza Amari (G.) Amari (Michele). Biblioteoa Arabo-Sicula. Vers. ital. Ia4°. Torino. 1880 Guerra del Vespro Siciliano. 2v in 1. 2' ed. 8°. Parigi. 1843 4" ed. s8". Firenze. 1851 Hist, of the war of the Sicilian Vespers. Ed. w. notes, by the Earl of Ellesmere. 3v. s8''. 1850 Un periodo delle istorie siciliane del sec. 13. 4". Palermo. 1842 La Sicile et les Bourbons. [P315]. 8". 1849 Amasis, see Roth (E. M.) Die Proklamation des A. bei d. Besitznahme Cyperns : Entzifferung etc., 18.55. Amat (F. Torres), see Torres Ajiat (Felix), bp. of Astorga. Amateur. *Amateur angler's (An) days in Dove Dale (1884), see Marston (E.) ''Amateur clubs & actors, 1898, see Elliot (W. G.) "Amateur poacher (The), 1879, see Jefeeries (R.) *Cat. of books sel. f. the lib. of an Eng. a., in prog., 1893 etc., see Carnarvon (.5"' earl of). Amateur casual, The, ps.,sce Greenwood (.Ja.) Amateur photographer (The), vl-12 (Oct., 1884-Dec., 1890). 4». 1884-90 Amatus, abp. of Bordeaux, see BoL'QCET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl55. Amatus, monachus Casinensis, see Aim6, moine du Mont-Cassin. Amatus, Lusitamis, pi.'iend. [i.e. JoXo Rodriguez de Castello Bkanco]. Curationum medicinalium centuria; quatuor. fol. BasilefE. 1556 Amazon, The British, sec Talbot (Mary Ann). Amazons. '^Exped". into the Valley of the Amazons, tr., 1859, see Markham (Sir C. R.) ed. Ambales Saga, see Gollancz (I.) ed., Hamlet in Iceland ; the A. S., ed. & tr. etc., 1898. "■Ambassades de la Compagnie Hollandaise des Indes d'Orient vers I'empereur du Japon, 1686, see Montanuk (A.) Ambassadeurs, sec Recueil des instructions donnees aux a'. & ministrc'S de la France, in prog., 1884 etc. Ambassador, see *His Excellency the A. E.xtbaordinaby, 1879. ■* Amber witch (The), var. ed\ d tr\, see Meinhold (J. W.) Amberley (John Russell, visct.), eldest son of /"' carl Russell ; d. IS7IJ. Analysis of relig. belief. 2v. 8". 1876 A few words on clerical subscription. [P330]. 8°. E. 1864 Ambert (le gen. baron Joachim M. J. J. A. J.) Hist, de la guerre de 1.S70 1. [Atlas fol.] Ia8". 1873 Ambly (D. A. Paul Boiteau d'), sec Boiteau d'Ambly. Amboise (Louis de Clermont de Bussy d'),. sec Bussv d'Amboise. Amboyna. Dutch proceedings at A. against the English, see Haklkian, Voyages, v2. Ambras Song Book. Das Ambraser Liederbuch v. Jahre 1582. Hrsg. V. .J. Bergmann. [Lit. V. in St., 12]. s8«. St. 1845 Ambre (Mme. A. C. J. Voisins d') [ps. P. Cceub], see C. 1899 Resume' de I'hist. de I'Egypte. s8<>. 1894 Le tombeau d'Osiris, 1897-8. [Mission Amelineau]. 4°. 1899 Amelias (Petrus), see Petbus Amelii. Amelot de La Houssaie (A. N.) Hist, du gouv. de Venise. It. Suppl., It. s8°. 1677 Amenta (Niccolo). La Gostanza. s8°. Napoli. 1699 II Forca. [b.w. La Gostanza, 1699]. s8°. Venetia. 1700 La Fante. [b.w. La Gostanza, 1699]. s8°. Napoli. 1701 America. For anon, works in French see Am^riqde, in German see Amerika. ♦Account (An) of the European settlements in A., C"" ed., 1777, see Burke (Edm.) ♦America & Europe: a study [hij 3 a".] of mternat. relations. [3 essays-]. ' . sS". N.Y. 1896 ♦America vindicated from ingratitude & rebellion. [P30]. 8". Devizes. 1774 ♦Baggage & Boots : Smith's first peep at A., 1888, see Baggage etc. •Bibliotheca Americana nova : cat. of books rel. to A., pr. since 1700, by O. Rich, 1835 ; ami Suppl., 1841, see Bibliotheca etc. ♦British colonist (The) in N.A., 1890, see British etc. ♦Catalogue of a coU. of valuable misc. books, comprs. a large no. rel. to A. etc., sold 1862, see Catalogue etc. Collection of interesting etc. papers rel. to the dispute betw. Gt. Brit. & A., 1777, see Collection etc. •Considerations on the measures carrying on w. rasp, to the colonies in N. A., 1774, see Rokeby (M., 2'"' baron). •Correspondence rel. to A., presented to Parlt., 1810. S". 1811 [Wants the " Further papers rel. to A., 1811."] Discoveries made by the English in America (f. Henry VII to Q. Ehz), see Pinkerton iJ.) Voyages, vl2. ♦Divers voyages touching the discovr. of A., 1850, see Hakluvt (B.) ed. ♦Facts & arguments resp. the great utility of an extensive plan of inland navigation in A., 1805, see Inland. •Finding (The) of Wnieland: Icelandic discovery of A., ed. & tr. f. the earliest records, 1890, see Beeves (A. M.) •First three (The) Eng. books on A., 1885, see Arbek (E.) ed. ♦Geography (The) of A. & the W. Indies. [Lib. of Useful Know- ledge. Ed. G. Long.] 8». 1841 America [continued]. •History (The) of South A., by a i American [R. C], tr., 1899, see History etc. •Memoirs of N. Amer., see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl3. •Memorial of celeb, of establ. of normal schools in A., 1866, see Normal .Schools. •Men & manners in A., by T. H., 1833, see Hamilton (Capt. T.) •Papers rel. to A., presented to Pari., 1809. 8". 1809 •Poetry of A. ; se!"., 1878, see Linton (W. J.) ed. •Railways of A., w. intr. by T. M. Cooley, 1890, see Railways etc. •Rejected stone (The); or, insurrection v. resurrection in A., 2"**ed., 1862, see Conway (M. D.) •Reminiscences of A. in 1869. By two Englislunen. 88". 1870 •Result of astronom. obs., made in the interior parts of North A., [chiefly by P. Turnnr. h. w. Long (J.) trader, Voyages, 1791]. 4°. 1794 •Scenes & adv. in Central A. [based on C. Sealsfield's works], ed. F. F. Hardman, 1852, see Se.ilsfield (C.) ps. [i.e., C. .4. Postl]. •Spanish America : obs. on instructions by President of U.S. (1826) on conduct of Mr. Poinsett, etc., 1829, see Spanish etc. •Travels through the interior parts of America, n. ed., 1791, see Anburey (T.) •War (The) in A. [No tp. 28pp. P2111. 8°. n.d., [1862?] Americains. Recherches philosoph. sur les A., 1770, see Padw (C. DE). American. American Catalogue (The) of books ; or, Eng. guide to American lit., giving full t. of orig. works publ. in U.S. since 1800. 8'*. 1856 American hist, told by contemporaries. Ed. A. B. Hart. 4v. s8". N.Y. 1897-1901 1, Era of colonization, 1492-1689. 2, Building of the Republic, 1689-1783. 3, National expansion, 1783-1845. 4, Welding of the nation, 1845-1900 ; w. general index. *American lectures on the hist, of rehgions, sl-3. 1, set' Davids (T. W. Rhys) Buddhism, its hist, and ht., 1896. 2, „ Brinton (D. G.) The religions of primitive peoples, 1897. 8, „ Cheyne (T. K.) Jewish relig. hfe after the exile, 1898. 'American Odyssey (The), 1876, see Linton (W. J.) •American orations : studies in Amer. polit. hist. Ed., w. introds. by A. Johnston, re-ed. w. notes by J. A. Woodbum. s4. 88". N.Y. 1897 „ see Johnston (A.) ed.. Representative American orations. 3v, 1884. American poems, sel. & ed., 1872, see Rossetti (W. M.) ed. •American railway (The), etc., 1890, see *Railways of America, 1890. Annual American catalogue (The). 1886, 1890. 2v. Ia8°. N.Y. 1887-91 •Bacon's guide to A. politics, 1863, see Bacon & Co. •Change for the "A. notes"; by an A. lady, 1843, see Change, etc. Corr. of the Amer. Revol., 4v. 1853, see Sparks (J.) ed. •Detail & conduct of the A. War, with the Evidence, are wanting, viz. Foreign rel'., vl, and Indian affairs, vl]. fol. Washington. 1832-61 C — Congress ; s = session. Claims. Iv. 1834 lst-17th C. ; Feb. 5, 1790-Mar. 3, 1823. Commerce & Navigation. 2v. 1832 1, Ist^lSth C. ; Apr. 12, 1789-Feb. 9, 1815. 2, 14th-17th C. ; Dec. 18, 181.5-Feb. 25, 1823. Finance. .r,v. 1832-59 1, lst-7th C. si ; Apr. 11, 1789-Apr. 29. 1802. 2, 7th C. s2-13th C. ; Dec. 20, 1802-Mar. 2, 1815. 3, 14th C. sl-17th C. si ; Dec. 8, 1815-May 3, 1822. American State Papers [continiied]. Finance [continiied]. 4, 17th C. s2-18th C. si ; Dec. 8, 1822-Mar. 22, 1824. 5, 18th C. sl-20th C. si ; Apr. 19, 1824-May 16, 1828. Foreign relations. 6v. [wants vl.] 1832-59 1, lst-4th C. ; Apr. 30, 1789-Feb. 28, 1797. 2, 5th-9th C. ; May 19, 1797-Feb. 19, 1807. 3, 10th-13th C. ; Oct. 27, 1807-Mar. 3, 1815. 4, 14th C. sl-17th C. si ; Sep. 1, 181.5-May 3, 1822. 5, 15th C. sl-19th C. si ; Feb. 9, 1818-Apr. 15, 1826. 6, 19th C. sl-20th C. si ; Apr. 25, 1826-May 24, 1828. Indian affairs. 2v. [icants vl.] 1834 1, 1st 13th C. ; May 25, 1789-Nov. 18, 1814. 2, 14th-19th C. ; Dec. 6, 1815-Mar. 1, 1827. Military affairs. 7v. 1832-61 1, lst-15th C. ; Aug. 10, 1789-Feb. 25, 1819. 2, 16th C.-18tb C. s2 ; Dec. 27, 1819-Feb. 28, 1825. 3, 18th C. 8l-20th C. si ; Dec. 3, 1823-May 10, 1828. 4, 20th C. s2-22nd C. si ; Dec. 2, 1828-Mar. 8, 1832. 5, 22nd C. sl-24th C. si ; Mar. 15, 1832-Jan. 5, 1836. 6, 24th C. si & 2 ; Jan. 12, 1836-Feb. 25, 1837. 7, 24th C. s2-25th C. s2 ; Mar. 1, 1837-Mar. 1, 1838. Miscellaneous. 2v. 1834 1, Ist-lOth C. ; Apr. 18, 1789-Feb. 16, 1809. 2, llth-17th C. ; June 8, ISOO-Feb. 20, 1823. Naval .affairs. 4v. 1834-61 1, 3rd-18th C. ; Jan. 20, 1794-Mar. 5, 1825. 2, 18th C. sl-19th C. s2 ; May 13, 1824-Jan. 10, 1827. 3, 19th C. s2-21st C. s2 ; Jan. 12, 1827-Mar. 1, 1831. 4, 21st C. s2-24th C. si; Mar. 1, 1831- June 15, 1836. Post Office Department. Iv. 1834 lst-22nd C. ; Jan. 22, 1790-Feb. 21, 1833. Public Lands. 8v. 1832-61 1, Ist-lOth C. ; July 31, 1789-Feb. 27, 1809. 2, llth-13th C. ; June 12, 1809-Feb. 4, 1815. 3, 14th C. -18th C. si ; Dec. 22, 1815-May 26, 1824. 4, 18th C. sl-19th C. s2 ; Dec. 8, 1823-Mar. 3, 1827. 5, 20th C. si & 2 ; Dec. 4, 1827-Feb. 25, 1829. 6, 21st C. sl-23rd C. si ; Dee. 8, 1829-Apr. 11, 1834. 7, 23rd C. si & 2 ; Apr. 11, 1834-Mar. 3, 1835. 8, 24th C. si & 2 ; Dec. 8, 1835-Feb. 28, 1837. American Tear-Book & National Register for 1869. vl. 8». Hartford. 1869 Americana, see Bibliotheca Americana : cat. of bks. rel. to America, sold 1861. Americanisation : a letter to J. S. Mill. By an old Whig. [P247]. 8°. 1866 Americanos, see *Poetas Americanos, 1880. Americans. Aco. of proceedings at dinner by P. to A", conn. w. the Gi'eat. Exhib., 1851, see Peaeody (G.) *Notions of the A., 1828, see Cooper (J. F.) Amerika [incl. Nord-A., etc.], see *Hamboboische Festschbift 2. Erinnerung an d. Entdeckung A.'s, 1892. see *Handelspolitik N.'s, etc., 1892. „ *KiECHLicHES Adressbuch fiir N.-A., 1884. Amerique. *Essai sur cette question : Quand etc. I'A. a-t-elle ^te peuplce ? Par E. B. d'E., 1767, see Enc.el (S.) Amero (Constant). see Tissot (V.) & A. Les aventures de Gaspard v. der Gomm, 1879. „ & La Russie rouge, 4' 6d., 1880. „ & La vie en Siberie : Trois fugitifs, 1881. „ & Adv. of three fugitives f. Siberia, tr., 1883. Amero (Justin). Les jolies filles de Grovehill. sS". 1868 Silhouettes britanniques : I'eveque anglican, pr^c. d'une lettre a Dupanloup. [P239]. S". [1869] Amery (C. F.) Notes on forestry. s8°. 1875 Ames (Hugo). The tragedy of a pedigree. 58°. 1900 Ames (J. Gr.), see U.S. Miscell. Publs. Index, Comprehensive, of the pubis, of U.S. Govt., 1889-93 ; by A., 1894. Ames (Joseph). Typographical antiqs. ; aco. of printing in Gt. Brit. & Ireland. Augm. by W. Herbert. 3v. 4°. 1785 „ Greatly enl., with notes, etc., by T. F. Dibdin. vl -4 [no more piM.] 4°. 1810-19 Ames (Joseph S.) Theory of physics. s8». N.Y. 1897 Amenney (Antonius). Notes f. the life of a Syrian, etc. sS". 1860 Amey (Henriette). La litt. franc;, de la jeunesse. 3t in 2. 8». Londres. 1830 Amezeuil [f Aclocqde (Ch. Paul), dit cte. d'Amizeuil]. L^gendes bretonnes ; souv. du Morbihan. s8'>. 1863 Amfrie de Chaulieu (Gr.), see Chaulieu (Vahbi de). AMHERST 34 AMOREUX Amherst Papyri (The) : ace. of the Greek papyri in the coll. of Lord Amherst at Didlington Hall, [in ^J'Of/.], I'JOO. etc.. see GuENFELi, (B. P.) A A. S. Hunt, ed\ Amherst (Hon. Alicia). Hist, of gardening in England. Ia8". 1895 Amherst (Nicholas), see Amhthst (N.) Amherst (William Archer Amherst, d "' earl), see Ritchie {Mrs. R.) * K. Ev\Ns. A. & the advance to Burma, 1894. Amherst ("William Joseph), S.J. Hist, of Catholic emancipa- tion etc., 1771-1820. 2v. 8«. 1886 Amhurst (Nicholas) [ps. Caleb D'Axvers]. *Epistle from a student at Oxford to the Chevalier. [P6.5j. 8°. 1717 Poems on sev. occasions. 2"'' ed., in \vh. is The Test of Love. [6.W. Terr£E-Filius, 1726]. s8". 1723 *Terr8e-Filius : or, secret hist, of Univ. of Oxford. Added, Remarks upon " Univ. Education, by R. Newton." 2v in 1. sS". 1726 see Craptsjun (The) /or atu/ii.publ. conn. ^v. tlw " Craftsman." ,, Raleigh (\V.) ps., Obs. on the publick affairs of 6t. Brit., etc. : letter f. W. R. to C. D'A., 1729. *Ami (L') des hommes, 8t [var. ed".], 1760-4, see Mirabe.au (V., marq. hk) & F. Quesn.ay. Amiand (Arthur). La l^gende syriaque de Saint Alexis. [HE79]. 8°. 1889 Amic (Henri). George Sand ; mes souvenirs. 8°. 1893 Renee. s8». 1879 Amicable. *Amicable accommodation (An) of the difference between the representer & the answerer, 1686, see Gotheb (J.) *Answer (An) to the " Amicable accommodation etc.," 1686, see Sherlock (W.) Amicia,, daughter of Hugh Cyvcliok, earl of Cliester ; aft. A. de Mesiiilwarin [tMEsxiLWARix (A. he)], see Beamoxt (W.) ed., Tracts in the controv. lesp. the legitimacy of A., (1673-9) by Sir P. Leycester d- Sir T. Mainwaring. w. intr. [Chetham Soc, 78-80], 1869. Amicis (Edmondo de). Alle porte A' Italia. $8". Roma. 1884 La carrozza di tutti. s8". Milano. 1899 Constantinopoli. 10» ed. sS". Milano. 1879 Cuore, libro per i ragazzi. 22«ed. sS". Milano. 1887 Fra Bcuola e casa. 2» ed. s8». Milano. 1892 „ 6« ed. sS". Milano. 1894 Gli amici. 2v. 7". ed. s8». Milano. 1883 11 romanzo d* mi maestro. s8°. Milano. 1890 II vino ; illus. da A. Ferragati. s8''. Milano. 1890 La maestrina degli operai, 2» ed. s8". Milano. 1895 Morocco. 5» ed. 880. MUano. 1878 Memorie. s8". Milano. 1900 Novelle. s8". Firenze. 1872 „ n. ed. s8". Milano. 1878 „ 10" imp. s8o. Milano. 1892 Olanda. S» ed. sS". Firenze. 1876 Pagine sparse. u. ed. b8'>. Milano. 1876 Ricordi di Londra ; seg. da una visita ai quartieri poveri di Londra di L. Simonin. [PS69]. 5» ed. S". Milano. 1877 Ricordi d' infanzia e di scuola — Bambole e marionette — Gente minima — ■ Piccoli student! — Adolescent! — Due di spade e due di cuori. sS". Milano. 1901 Ricordi di Parigi. 4'' ed. s8<>. Milano. 1880 Ritratti letterari. 2» ed. s8". Milano. 1881 Spagna. e" ed. sS". Firenze. 1878 Sull' oceano. 6" ed. sS". Milano. 1889 La vita mihtare. s8". Firenze. 1869 „ 28" imp. s8». Milano. 1895 Translations. Glioses vues et choaes vecues. Tr. G. Du Puy. 8». Chaux-de-Fonds, n.d. Constantinople ; tr. C. Tilton. s8o. 1878 Holland ; tr. C. Tilton. s8». 1880 Morocco : people & places ; tr. C. RoUiu-Tilton. 8". 1882 Skizzen aus dem Soldatenleben. Ubers. s8". [1886] Souvenirs de Paris & de Lon- dres. sS". 1880 Spain & the Spaniards. Tr. W. W. Cady. Saragossa ed. St'. N.Y. n.d. Amicus, jjs., see *Chuech org.anis.ation, by A., 1850. see *New Catholic Church (The), [signed A.\ 2'"» ed., 1867. Amicus Curiae, ;is. o/n. 0/ "Criticisms on tile Bar, 'lSt9" see Collier (.T. P.) Amicus ok Amilius rimur, see Amis and Amiloun, nebst A ok A. r., 1884. Amiel (Emile). Un libre-penseur du 16' s. : Erasme. 58". 1889 Un publiciste du 16' s., Juste-Lipse. 38". 1884 Amiel (Henri Fred.) Fragm. d'un journal intime, prte. d'une etude par E. Scherer. 2t. s8°. 1883-4 2t. 4' i^d. sS". Geneve. 1885 Journal intime ; tr. with notes, etc., by Mrs. H. Ward. 2v. s8'>. 1885 see Botoget (P.) Nouv. essais de psyohol. : A. etc., 4' ^d., 1886 „ Vadier (B.) ps. A. : itude biograph., 1886. Amiens (Jacques, d'), see Jacques, d'Amicns. Amir 'Ali, Maulaici Sanyid, see .\meer Ali, Syed, M.A., CLE. Amir Khan (Amir al-Daulah Muhammad), ka\s of Tank, sec Ameer Kn\N, d. /s.y;. Amirola (Eugenic de Llagnno y), see Llaguno Ajheola (E. de). *Amis (Les) de la marquise de SabU, etc., 1865, see SablIc (la m. de). Amis and Amiloun mit d. altfranzos. Quelle. Nebst : Amicus ok .\milius rimur. Hrsg. v. E. Kolbing. s8°. Heilbronn. 1884 Amitai' (L. K.) Remains et Juifs : jusqu'ii. la prise de Jtrusalem par Titus. 8". 1894 Amitayur-Dhyana-Siitra, see Sacred Books of the East, 49, ii, Buddhist Mahayana texts, p2, The A., tr., etc., 1894. Amitie amoureuse. Preface fragmentee de Stendhal. [Ded. signed H. L. N.] 2' (5d. s8°. 1897 .5'6d. s8°. 1897 Amman (Jost) [Ammanus ; Ammon]. Fiauentrachtenbuch, 1586 [Liebhaber-bibl. alter Illustratorcn. 1]. s4''. L. 1880 Kartenspielbuch : charta lusoria, 1588. [Liebhaber-bibl. alter Illustratoren, 2]. si". L. 1880 Stande u. Handwerker, 1568. [Liebhaber-bibl. alter Illus- tratoren, 7]. s4». L. 1884 Wappen- u. Stammbuch, 1589. 'Liebhaber-bibl. alter Illus- tratoren, 3]. ' s4-. L. 1881 see MoDius (F.) Gynseceum, or theatre of women : Designed by A., 1872. Ammann (F. E. v. Hurter-), see Huhter (F. v.) Ammanus (J.), see Amman (Jost). Ammen (Daniel). The .Ulantic coast. [The Navy in the C. War, 2.] 38°. N.Y. 1883 The old Navy & the new ; w. letters f. Grant. 8>\ Philadelphia. 1891 Ammergau, see Ober-Ammergau. Ammianus Marcellinus [I'Marcellinus (Ammianus)]. Quk supersunt. Ace. auct. ignoti de imperatoribus excei-pta. Ed. ster. s8». L. 1835 Qua! supersunt. Cum not. Lindenbrogii etc. ; suas adi. I. A. Wagner. Ed. abs. C. T. A. Erfurdt. 3t. 8". L. 1808 Rerura gest. libri qui sup. F. Eyssenhardt rec. Ed. minor. 8». B. 1871 Rerum gest. qui de 31 sup. libri 18. Emend, ab F. Linden- brogio cV H. Hi"'. Valesiis cum obs. etc., item exeerpta vet. de gestis Constantini & regum Italite. Omnia nunc reeog. ab J. Gronovio. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1693 The Roman hist. Tr. P. Holland. 4». 1609 Roman hist. Tr. C. D. Yonge. s8°. 1894 Ammon (Christoph Fr. v.) Die Fortbildung d. Christenthums zur Weltreligion. 3B in 2. 8°. L. 1833-5 , 4B in 2. 2' A. 8". L. 1836-40 Die wahre u. d. falsche Orthodoxie : geschichtl. Darstellung. 8°. L. 1849 Ammon (Jost), see Amman (J.) Ammonius, Grammaticus, Ale.ra>ulrimcs. De adfinium voca- bulorum differentia. Cum Valckenarii not., suasque obs. adj. C. F. Ammon. 8°. Erlangse. 1787 see MiGXK (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, t68. Ammonius, Hermcei. X. in Analyt. Priorum lib. i. Ed. M.Wallies. [Comm.in AristotelemGra-ea,4, vi]. Ia8°. B. 1895 A. in Aristotelis de interp. comm. Ed. A. Busse. [Comm. in Aristot. Grffica, 4, v]. 8». B. 1897 A. in Categorias. Ed. A. Busse. [Comm. in Aristotelem Giffca, 4, iv]. Ia8°. B. 1895 A. in Porphyrii V voces. Ed. A. Busse. [Comm. in Aristotelem Grseca, 4, iii). Ia8°. B. 1891 Ammon-Ea. Hymne a A., tr. etc., 1874, see Gr^baut (E.), tr. Amnelius (Anders), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 15, A.. 1871. Amcenus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t61. * Amongst machines. By the author of " The young mechanic." [Pref. signed J. L.] s8°. 1876 Amor. *Varios prodigios de a., en once novelas, 1709, see ROBLES (I. de). Amor non inteso : opera seenica rappres. in Reggio ec. s8". Bologna, n.d. [1600?] 'Amores Britannici, 1703, see OLD>nxoN (J.) Amoretti (Carlo). Viaggio da Miano ai tre laghi, Maggiore, di Lugano, e di Como, e ne' monti che li circondano. 8°. Milano. 1814 Amoreux (Felix d') [ps., Jules de Saint-F^lix], see Saint-Felix (J. de) ps. AMORGINUS 35 ANALECTA Amorginus (Simonides), sec Sijionides, of Aiiio7-(/os. Amort (Eusebius). De orig., fructu etc. indulgentiarum. 2p in Iv. fol. August* Vindelic. 1735 Amory (T.) *Life of John Buncle. 4v. n. ed. sS". 1770 ♦Memoirs eont. the lives of several ladies of Gt. Brit., a hist, of antiquities etc. 2v. s8". 1769 Amos (Andrew). Advantages of a classical as auxiliary to a commercial education ; w. letter to Whewell upon h. " On liberal education." 8". 1846 Geras of Latin poetry, w. tr". by var. a\, notes etc. 8". C. 1851 The Great Oyer of Poisoning ; trial of Somerset for poisoning Overbury, etc., from contenip. IISS. 8". 1846 Observations on the statutes of the Reformation Parlt. in r. of Henry VIII. 8" 1859 Ruins of time, exemplified in Sir JI. Hale's Hist, of the Pleas of the Crown. 8». 1856 Amos (Sheldon). An English Code ; difficulties & modes of overcoming them. 8". 1873 The existing laws of Demerara for the I'egulation of Coolie immigration. [P261]. 8°. 1871 Fifty years of the Eng. Consti- tution, 1830-80. s8". 1880 Hist. &: principles of the Civil Law of Rome. 8". 1883 Laws for the regulation etc. of vice in Eng. & other countries. 8". 1877 Amott (Lennox R. P. C.) Chimes. s8". Lewes. 1887 Amour. *L'amour est raon pech6. Par I'a. de " Amitifi amoureuse." s8°. 1898 *Nouveau tableau de I'a. conjugal, 1863, sec Piiudhon (G. H.) ^«. Amourath [Amouhat]. For siUtans etc. see Murad. Amours de Chereas et de Callirrhoe, sec Chaiuton, .iphrodi- sieiisis. *Amours (Les) d'Horace, 1728, see Solignac (P. J. de la PlJIPIE IiK). Amours (Les) du grand Alcandre, 1786 etc., see Alcaxdre. Amours (F. J.) ed., Scottish alliterative poems in riming stanzas. [Scott. Text Soc. 27, 38]. 8°. E. 1897 Ampelius (Lucius). Liber memorialis, see Flokus (Iuliu.s) Epitome, 1783. Ampere (Andre Marie). Essai sur la philosophie des sciences 2p in 1. 8". 1838-43 Bee. par Mme. H. C[hevreux]. s8». 1872 9'-6d. s8°. 1893 The story of his love ; journals & early corr. of A., 1793-1804. Ed. Mme. H. C[hevreux]. Tr. 8°. 1873 & J. J. Ampere. .A. M. A. Ji J. J. A.: corr. et souv., 1805-04 ; rec. par Mme. H. C[hevreux]. 2t. 4' ed. s8". [1875 ?] Philosophie des deux Ampere. Publ.parBarthelemy- Lecture on the best modes of studying jurisprudence. [P260]. 8". 1870 Political & legal remedies for war. 8". 1880 Primer of Eng. constitution & government. 2'"' ed. s8". 1875 The science of law. 88". 1874 „ 2°" ed. 88". 1874 The science of politics. s8". 1883 Systematic view of jurispru- dence. 8". 1872 Journal et corr., [1793-180.5J. Saint-Hilaire. Ampere (Jean Jacques). L'empire remain it Rome. 2t. 8". 1867 La Gri'ce, Rome, et Dante. s8". 1848 „ ... n. e'd., rev. 8". 1859 Hist, de la litt. fran^. au moyen age comp. aux litt*. etrang. : Intr., Hist, de la formation de lalangue. 8". 1841 Hist. Utt. de la France avant le 12" s. St. 8". 1839-40 Hist. litt. de la France sous Charlemagne et dur. les 10*^ et 11» s. 3'^ e'd. s8o. 1870 L'hist. roraaine a Rome. 8". 1866 Litterature, voyages et poesies. 2t. s8". 1850 JLHanges d'hist. littcraire et de htterature. 2t. 8". 1867 Promenade en Amerique. 2t. 8". 1855 La science et les lettres en Orient. 8". 1805 Voyage en Egyple et en Nubie. 8". 1868 see Ampere (A. M.) & J. J. Ampere. Corr. et souv. (1805-64), 4' e'd., [1875 ?] jj & Philosophie des deux Ampere, 1866. 4t. 8°. 1862-4 1 AmpMlochius, Saint, bp. of Iconium. TA. Iconiensis]. see MioNE (J. P.) eel., Pat. grajca, 39, L I., 1863. ,, MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t73. Amphilochius, Sidenus cjnscoptis, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. graica, t77, A.S., 1864. Amphlett (John), novelist. A short hist, of Clent. sS". 1890 Under a tropical sky ; first impressions of the W. Indies. s8'>. 1873 see Nash (T. R.) Colls, for hist, of Worcestershire : Index, by A., pi, 1894. Am Khyn (Otto Henne-), see Henne-Am Rhyn. Amsinck (Paul). Tunbridge Wells, iUus. The etchings by L. Byrne. 4". 1810 Amsterdam. Oprecht verhiel van het gene op d. 8. Sept. 1672, tusschen de Burgermeesteren der stadt A., en eenige der bnrgerye is voor-gevallen. [P874]. 84". [Amsterdam]. 1672 see W.acht-piuetje etc. over de oude Voor-rechten d. A. burgers, 1672. Amthor (Eduard), piMisher. Beriehtigungen u. Nachtriige zu A.'s Tirolerfiihrer. s8». Gera. 1870 Amulo, abp. of Li/ons, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tll6. Amundesham (Johannes), see Riley (H. T.) ed.. Chronica monast. S. Albani : V, Annales mnnast. S. Albani, a J. A., ut videtur, conscr. (1421-40) ; ijuibus prasfigitur Chron. rerum gest. in monast. S. Albani (1422-31), a (luodam auct. ignoto, [Rolls Ser., 28, V, i, ii], 1870-1. Amurat [Ajiurath]. For sultans etc. see Mur.ui. *Amy Herbert, n. ed., 1859, see Sewell (Miss E. M.) *Amy Stennett. 3v. s8''. 1872 Amyand (Arthur) ps. [i.e. Capt. Edward Arthur Haggard]. Comrades in Arms. s8°. 1895 Only a drummer boy. sS". 1894 Amydenus (Theod.), see Mevden (Th. von). *Amyntor, or a defence of Milton's " Life," 1699, see Tol.vnd (J.) Amyntor (Gerhard v.) ps., see Gerhardt (D. v.) Amyot (Joseph). Diet, tartare-mantchou-franc,'. Red. aveo des add. etc. par L. Langlte. 3t in 2. 4". 1789-90 Amyraut (Moyse) [M. Amykaldu.s]. Replique au livre de M. de Launay sur le r^gne de mille ans. s8°. Saumur. ] 656 Treatise cone, religions. [Tr.']. s8". 1660 *Ana, ou coll. de bons mots etc. des hommes eel. [" By Gamier •i Beaucousin ? "] lOt in 5. 8». an vii, [1798?] Anabaptists. The humble petition & representation of the sufferings of several subjects, called A*., now in the Goal of Maidstone. [Signed W"'. Jeffery, Geo. Hammon, John Reve, James Blackmore.] [P27.5]. s4'>. 1660 see Catkou (¥.) *Hist. des anabatistes, 1695. ,, WiEDERTA r FFEU /or aiioii. works in German. *Anacharsis. Voyage du jeune A. en Grece, 3' ed., 1790, sec Barth^lejiy (J. J.) Anacletus, antipope [Pietro Leone]. see Bouql-et (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, til, 15. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl79. Anacletus I, Samt, pope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, t2, A. Papa, 1857. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl30. AJiacreon. par Mme. Dacier, notes de Le Fevre. n. e'd. s8o. A. 1699 Works. [Text] tr. into Eng. verse, with notes. Fragments of Sappho. By Mr. Addison. s8'>. 1735 see Hesiod. H., A. etc., tr. par Leconte de Lisle, 1869. „ Stanley (T.) A., w. o. tr'. (1651), n. ed., 1815. Anagnosta], see Pheantzes (G.) , [C. s. h. Byz.], 1838. A. et Sappbonis carmina. Notas add. T. Faber. s8". Salmurii. 1680 A. With T. Stanley's tr., ed. A. H. Bullen, illus. by J. R. Weguelin. 8". 1893 Carmina. E rec. G. Baxteri. Tertium ed. J F. Fischerus. 8". L. 1793 Poesies d'A. et de Sapho, trad. *Anadol, 1853, see Skene (J. H.) Anagnostes (loannes) [fJoHN, G.P., I. A., etc., ex rec. Bekker Anagnostes (Theodorus), see Theodore, Anagnostes, Analecta Bollandiana, tl-19, [in prog.]. Ia8°. [1, Brux.]. 1882-1900 see BiHLioTHEQUE Royale de Belgique. Cat. codd. hagiograph. Bibl. B. Brux. : pi, Codd. lat. membranei (Analect. Boll., 2-8), 1886-9. „ Chevalier (U.) Repertorium hymnolog., etc. (extr. des A. B.), 1892-7. *Analecta de calamitate litteratorum. This is the half-t. of Alcyonius (P.) Medices legatus, 1707, q.v. *Analecta Divionensia : docs. in^d. pour serv. a l'hist. de France & partic. de Bourgogne tiris des Arch. etc. de Dijon. see GuiGNARD (Ph.) Mons. primitifs de la regie cisterc. d'ap. les mss. de Citeaux, 1878. Analecta hymnica medii aevi are b. in 6v]. Cantioues it Muteti : Lieder u. Motetten. 2F. [20, 21.] Cantiones Bohemicse : Leiche, Lieder, Rufe. [1.] Conradus Gemniceusis : Kon- rad's v. Haimburg u.s. Nach- 1-37 [in prog.] [/.', lias Jp : i^JJ 8». L. 1886-1901 ahmer, Albert's v. Prag u. Ulrich's v. Wessobrmin Reim- gebete u. Leselieder. [3.] Historise rhythraicae : Liturg. Reimofficien. Folge 1-T. [5, 13, 18, 24, 25, 26, 28.] D 2 ANALECTA 36 ANCILLON Analecta hymnica medii aevi ^confiwited]. Hyninarius Moissiaceiisis : I'ia dictamiiia : Reimgebete u. Leselieder. Folge 1-6. [15, 20, SO, 81, :^2, 38.] Prosarium Lemovicense ; die Prosen d. Abtei St. Martial zu Limoges. [7.] Psalteria rhythinica : gereimte Psalterien d. Mitbelalters. Folge 1, 2. [85, 36.] Sequentise ineditse : liturgische Prosen. Folge 1-5. [8-10, 34, 37.] Udalricus Wessofoutanus : Ul- ricli Stocklins von Rottach, Abts zu Wessobrunn, 1438-43, Reimgebete u. Leselieder. [6.] spe *Hymnologische Beitrage: im Anscliluss an ihre .4. H. lirsg. V. C. Blume u. G. W. Dreves, m prog., 1897. Hymnar d. Abtei Moissac im 10. Jhdt. [2.] _ Hyninarius Severinianus : Hymnar d. Abtei S. Severin in Neapel. [14a.] Hymni ined. : liturg. Hyimien. Folge 1-6. [4, 11, 12," 19, 22, 23.] Hyranodia Gotica : d. niozarab. Hymnen d. alt-span. Ritus. [27.] Hyiniiodia Hiberica ; spaiiische Hymnen. [ItJ.] Hymnodia Hiberica : spanisclie Reimofiicien aus span. Bre- ^^eren. Anhg., Carmina Com- j)oste!lana. [17.] Orricus Scacabarotius : Origo Scaecabarozzi's Liber offici- orum. [14b.] Analecta medii svi ad illust. iura & res Germanicas, 1764, see HiBEItLIX (F. D.) (•(?. *Analecta monumentorum omnis sevi Vindobonensia, 1761-2, see Koi.LAi:ii-s {.\. F.) ed. Analecta Nicaena, 1857, see Cowper (B. H.) ed. *Analecta Scotica, etc., 1834, sec M.iipjient (J.) ed. Analogies. Analogies & contrasts ; or, compar. sketches of France & Eng.. 1848, see Hun.n'ingsen (C. F.) Analogies of organised beings, 1831, sec Duxcax (J. S.) *Analogy (The) of nature & religion ; good & evil. By a clergy- man. [P706]. s8'. Eamsgate. 18(59 *Analyse raisonnee de la " Sagesse " de Charron, 1763 ; 1789, see LrcHET {tnarq. de). Analysis. *Analysis (An) of Xty., 1823, see Chiusthxity. *Analysis of the evidence given before the Sel. Comm'. upon the Slave Trade, 1850, sec Si..\ve. Analysis (Fidian) /)s., see *L.4y sermons, etc. ; 2, the argument of design equal to nothing, by F. A., 1842. *Analytical index to the series of records known as Remem- brancia, 1878, see Eemejipraxch. Anamodus, sec Migxe (.7. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl2!t. Ananius, see Hipponax. H. et A. iambographorum fragm., coll. Welckerus, 1817. Anaritius [i.e. Abi'l 'Arb.4s Al-Fadi ben Hatim An-Naibizi], sec ErcLin, Opera : Suppl., A', in x lib. priores comm., 1899. Anastas (Charles). Histoire it description des lies SSchelles. [P1004]. s8°. Maurice. 1897 *Anastasia [poeni], 1858, see Starkey (D. P.) *Anastasius, 4th ed., 1827, see Hope (T.) Anastasius, bibliotliecarius. sec Mi(iXE (J. P.) Pat. gi-seca, tl08, A', [hist, ecclesiast.], 1863. „ Migxe (.1. P.) Pat. latina, tSO, 127-9. „ Mi-RATORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t2, 3. ,, Theophaxes. Chronographia, 1839-41. Anastasius I, St.. pope, see Migxe (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t20. Anastasius III, pope, see Mioxe (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl31. Anastasius IV, j'ojx. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl5. „ Migxe (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl88. Anastasius I, Saint, patriarch of Antiocli, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, t89. A., 1860. Anastasius I, emperor of Constantinople, see Migxe (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t63. „ PnisciANus. De laude A'., 1828. Anastasius, Sinaita, presbyter, see Migxe (J. P.) Pat. gi-ieca, t89. Anatomy. 'Anatomy (The)of melancholy, rar.('rW.,s<'('BuRTON(E.) *Descriptive atlas of a. 4°. Smith, Elder. 1880 *Essay (An) on comparative a., n. ed. [w.t.. Treatise on c. a.], 1783, see Moxho (A.) Anaxagoras, Clasomeniiis. A. et Diogenis Apolloniatre frag- menta disp. et illustrata. Diss, quam scripsit W. Schorn. [P495]. 8». Bonnte. [1829] Fragmenta qufe sup. Coll. etc. ab E. Schaubach. Aco.de Anax. comm. ii. 8°. L. 1827 Anaximenes,'o/ Lamjisacus. Ars rhetorica, quie vulgo fertur Aristotelis ad Alexandrum. Eec. L. Spengel. 8°. Turici. 1844 Anazarbeus (Oppianus), sec Oppiax. Anburey (Th.) 'Travels through the interior of America. 2v. n. ed. 8°. 1791 Ancelot (Jacques Arsene P. F.) Six mois en Russie. 2« ^d. 8'. 1827 Ancelot (Mmc Marguerite Louise Virginie). Antonia Vernon. s8°. 1863 Un draine de nos jours. 88°. [1860] XJn salon de Paris, 1824 -64. Ia8». 1866 Les salons de Paris : foyers eteints. s8°. 1858 Ancey (Georges) p.<.. [i.e. Geobges de Curnieu]. L'ecole des veufs. Ia8°. 1889 Anchnesraneferab, see Budge (E. A. W.) The sarcophagus of A., w. notes etc., 1885. Ancien. sec *Drtioxxaii:e de Pane, regime etc., par Paul D. de P.. 1820.. *Anciens gouv. (Des) federatifs etc. de Crite, 1799, see Sainte- Cr.nix {le baron de). Ancient. [Axtiext.] Ancient accounts of India &■ China, by two Mohammedan travellers in 9tb c. : Tr. E. Renaudot, w. notes etc. [(f- rctr.f. French into Eng.}. s8». 1733 *Ancient and modern, 187.5, see Mar {26"' earl of). Ancient and modern Britons, 1884, see Britons. Ancient & modem Scottish songs etc., 2"" ed., 1776, see Hebd (D.) ed. •Antient (The) & present state of Muscovy, 1698, see Cbull (J.) Antient (The) & pres. state of the Co. of Doivn, 1744, see Smith (Ch.irles) & W. Harris. *Ancient ballads & songs of the N. of Scotland, 1828, see BucH,\.v (P.) ed. Ancient British drama (The). 3v. laS". 1810 Ancient Buildings, see Society for the Protection of A. B. *Ancieut charters prior to 1200, pi, 1888, see Round (J. H.) ed. •Ancient Xty., & the doctrines of Tracts for the times, 2""' ed., 1840-2, see Taylor (I.) Ancient collects & other prayers, 2°'' ed., 1862, see Bright (W.) ed. *Ancient Cornish drama (The), 1850, see Norris (E.) ed. Ancient critical e.ssays upon EngUsh poets & poesy, 1811-15, see Haslewood (J.) ed. •Ancient Danish ballads, tr., 1860, see Prior (E.G. A.) Ancient dialogue (The) cone, the Exchequer, tr., 1758, see FiTZ- Neale (R.) bp. Antient drolleries, nos. 1, 2. [P872]. 8". f.p.c. [2, O.] 1890-1 1, Cobbe's prophecies, 1614. In facs. by C. Prietorius; pref. by A. H. BuUen. 2, Pimlyco, or, Ruune Red-cap (1609). In facs. ; prcf. by A. H. Bulleu. •Ancient Engleish metrical romances, 1802, see Ritson (J.) ed. •Ancient liistory, English & French, exemplified in a regular dis- section of the Saxon Chronicle etc., 1880, see English (H. S.) •Ancient Irish histories : Works of Spencer, Campion, Hanmer, Marleburrough, 1809, see Ibish. *Antient kalendars I The) & inventories of the Treasury, w. o. doc^ ed. Palgrave, 1836, see Treasury. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, 1840, see England. •Ancient Laws [it Institutes] of Ireland, in prog.^ 1865 etc., see Ireland; Laws etc. Ancient Laws and Listitutes of Wales, 1841, see Wales. Ancient Laws of Ireland, 1865-1901, see Ireland. Antient liturgies etc., [jc. o.t. " Liturgies, eastei-n <£■ tvestem"'\, 1878, see Hammond (C. E.) ed. •Ajicient hturgy (The) of the Church of Eng. ace. to the uses o Sarum, Bangor, etc., Z'^ ed., 1882, see Maskell (W.) ed. •Ancient lives of Scottish saints, tr., 1895, see Metcalfe (W. M.) •Antient metaphysics, etc., 1779-99, see Monboddo (J. Burnet, Lord). Ancient metrical tales etc., 1829, see Hartshorne (C. H.) ed. Ancient mysteiies f. the Digby M3S., 1835, see Digby Mysteries. Ancient poems, ballads, etc. of the peasantry of Eng., 1857, see Bell (R.) ed. Ancient poems, ballads etc. of the peasantry of England, 1846, see Dixon (J. H.) ed . Ancient poet, tracts of the Ifi"" c, 1842, see Rimbault (E. F.) ed. •Ancient relicjues, etc., 1812-13, see Greig (J.) & J. Storer. •Ancient Scotish poems f. MS. coll', of Sir R. Maitland, 1786, see Maitland [Sir R.) •Ancient Scottish ballads, 1827, see Kinloch (G. R.) ed. •Ancient songs and ballads, f. the r. of Hen. II to the Revo!., 3''**ed. 1877, see Eitson (J.l <■(?. •Ancient Spanish ballads, tr. Lockhart, 1823, see Lockhart (J. G.) •Descriptive eat. (A.) of a. deeds in P. Record Off., in prog., 1890 etc., see Record Office. Ancillon (Charles). M^moires cone, plusieurs modernes c^lebres dans la rep. des lettres. s8". A. 1709 Ancillon (J. P. Friedrich). Tableau desr^volutionsde I'Europe depuis la fin du Ih' s. 2t. [t2 wanting]. 8°. Brux. 1839 ijber Glauben u. Wissen in d. Philosophic. 8°. 1824 Zur Vermittlung d. Extreme in d. Meinungen. Tl, Gesch. u. Politik. 2' A. 8". 1838 ANGINA 37 ANDERSON Ancina (Giovanni Giovenale). Life of J. J. A. Ed. C. H. Bowden. 8". 1891 Anckarstroem (J. J.), see Ankabsteom (J. J.) Ancona (Alessandro d'). Origini del leatro in Italia. 2v. s8». Firenze. 1877 La [loesia popolare italiana. s8". Livorno. 1878 Sacie rappresentazioni dei sec. 14, 1.5 e 10. s8". Firenze. 1872 Studj sulla letteratura Italiana de' primi secoli. 2" imp. sS". Milano. 1891 Ancre {le mcin'chal d') [tCouciNi (Concino), marq. d'Ancrc, marshal of France], see Dcpvy (P.) *Hist. des favoris ; avec . ft ()iii s'est pass6 a la raort d'A., 1(5(50. Ancren Rule. *The Ancren Kiwle. Ed. & tr. f. MS. of IS'" c, by .1. Morton. [Camden Soc, 57]. s4''. 1853 Ancyranum, monumcntum, see Augustus, emperor. A', index renun a se gest., s. nionumentum Ancyranum, 18-15, etc. see SiETOMis. *Opera ; insunt reliquia; mon'. Anc'. etc., 1802. Ancyranus (Theodotus), sec Theodotus, 6^). of Anajra. Andagoya (Pascual de). Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in Tierra Firnie, discovery of the S. Sea & coasts of Peru iS; Nicaragua. Tr., w. notes i& intr., by C. R. Markham. [Hak- luyt Soc, 34]. 8". 1865 Andalousie et Portugal, 1886, sec G.vsparix (la c. i>e). Andaluces, see *Cuentos y chascarillos a., 1896. Andalusia. For anon, works in French sec Andalousie. Summer (k) in A., 1839, sec Dennis (G.) *Andalusien ; aus d. Briefen e. jungen Deutschen, 1842, sec HXr.i.NG (G. WiLH.) ed. Andaman Islands. Progress report of forest admin, in A. For 1.S94/5. fol. 1896 Ki'port on the admin, of the A. & Nicobar Islands. & the Penal Settlements of Port Blair & the Nicobars. 1894-1899/1900. fol. Calcutta. 189-5-1901 sec Pout Blah:. Report on P. B. & A. I., 1864/.5. „ TuHNEit (C. H.) Note on the A. I'., 1897. Anderdon (John Lavicount). *Life of T. Ken. 8". 1851 , Iv in 2p. 2"" ed. 8". 1854 Anderdon ("William Henry), S.J. The Gainsborough dis- cussion : a contrib. [P869]. s8°. 1888 Andersen (Carl Christian Thorvaldus) [ps., Christian Adam]. see Bain (R. N.) A., a biog., 1895. Gcnrebilleder. Samling 1 3. Ingolfs og Hjflrleifs Saga. Liv i Lasnker. Poesier. Andersen (Hans Christian), tlic novelist. NyUdi 1873 s8°. 1860 s8«. 1873 Opl. s8«. 1870 Briefw. init d. Grossherzog Carl Ale.x. V. Saclisen-Weimar- Eiseuacli u. and. [w. 2'"' t. : Suppl.-Bd. zu alien Ausg. A.'s.] s8». L. [1887] Christmas greeting to ray Eng- lish friends. s8". 1847 Corr. with the Grand-Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Dickens, etc. Ed. F. Crawford. S8". [1891] Danish fairy legends & tales. sS". 1846 2"J ed. s8'>. 1852 Eventyr og Historier. OB. [1,2, 7'; 3-5, 2<^° Opl.] s8". 1893-4 Faii7 tales. New tr. by Mrs. Paull. n. ed. s8". n.d. Fairy tales & stories. Tr. H. W. Dulcken. s8". n.d. Gesanunelte Werke. SOB. Vom Verf. selbst besorgte A. s8". L. 1847-70 1, 2, Das Marcheii meines Lebeus. 3-.'), Der Improvisator. (i-8, O. Z. Roman. 9-11, Nur ein Geiger. 12-15, Geeamnielte Miir- -fhen. 16, Bilderbuch ohue Bilder. 17, Reisescbatteu etc. 18-21, Eiiies Dichters Bazar. 22-25, Draniat. Werke. 26-28, Gedichte. 29, 30, Ahasverus. :U, Neue Miirchen. :>2-35, Die zwei Baronessen. 36, 37, In Schweden. 38, Historien. 39-41, Sein oder uicht seui. 42, 43, Gesamnielte Histo- rien. 44-47, 50, Neue Miirchen u. Geschichten. Fl-5. 48, Ein Besuch in Portugal. 49, Der Gliickspeter. Geschichten. Ausgewiihlb u. iibers. v. J. C. Poestiou. sS". .St. [1884] The ice-maiden ; tr. Mrs. Bushby. sS". 1863 Der Improvisator. sS". St. [1882] The Improvisatore. Tr. M. Howitt. 2v. 88". 1845 In Spain ; tr. Mrs. Bushby. s8''. 1864 In Spanien. s8". L. [1864] Letzte Miirchen. s8". L. 1876 •Only a fiddler. And, o. t. Tr. M. Howitt. 3v. s8". 1845 Pictures of Sweden. sS". 1851 A poet's bazaar. [Tr.] C. Beck- with. 3v. S8". 1846 A poet's day dreams. sS". 1853 Rambles in the Hartz, Saxon Switz''., etc.; [tr.] C. Beck- with. s8". 1848 Siinuntl. Miirchen. 9"^ A. s8». L. n.d. The Sand-hills of Jutland. s8". 1860 Story of a mother, in 15 lan- guages. Ia8''. Copenhagen. 1875 Andersen (Hans Christian), the novelist [continwd]. The story of my life. Tr. The will-o'-the-wisp, & o. 8. Author's ed. s8". Boston. 18S0 The two baronesses. 2v. sS". 1848 Werke, neu iibers. v. E. J. Jonas. 8B. s8". 1877 ' Andersen (J. Andreas), ps.. see Feldboiio (A. A.) Andersen (N.) Fferoerne, 1(500-1709. 8°. 1895 Anderson's College, (Hasgoio, sec Glasgow ; Anderson's Coll. Anderson (Adam). Deduction of the origin of commerce, cont. hist, of the conimerc. interests of the Brit. Empire. 4v. 4". 1801 Anderson (.^neas). Journal of the forces wh. sailed from the Downs, April 1800, to the surrender of Alexandria, w. ace. of Malta dur. the time it was subj. to Brit. govt. 4". 1802 Narrative of the Brit. Embassy to China, 1792-4. 3'" ed. 8°. 1796 Anderson (Alex.) The recent commercial distress. [P268j. 8». 1847 Anderson (Andrew A.) Twenty-five years in a waggon in the gold regions of Africa. 2v. s8". 1887 Anderson (Arthur). Revision of taxation. — The national reckoning w. the protectionists : speech, H. of C, 19 Feb. 1850. [P295]. 8°. 1850 Anderson (Benj.) Appendix to A.'s journey to Musadu : facs. of letter f. the King of Musadu to the President of Liberia, w. tr. by E. W. Blyden. [P261]. s8". N.Y. 1870 Anderson (Rev. Charles), M.A. The curate of Shyre : parish reform, etc. 8". 1875 Words it works in a London parish. 8". 1873 Anderson (Christopher). Annals of the Eng. Bible. 2v. 8". 1845 Hist, accounts of the ancient native Irish & their descendants. sS". E. 1828 Anderson (David). " Scenes " in the House of Commons. s8<'. 1884 Anderson (Edw. L.) How to ride & school a horse. s8°. 1881 Jlodern horsemanship. 8". E. 1884 Anderson (Fortescue L. M.) Seven months in Russian Poland, 1863. s8\ 1864 Anderson (George), of Inverness, & Peter Anderson. Guide to Highlands ct islands of Scotland, inch Orkney A Zetland. n. ed. s8". E. 1842 Anderson (Geo.), of tJie Trcm Church, Edinburgh. Reinforce- ment of the reasons proving the Stage an unchristian diversion. [P556]. 8". E. 1733 Anderson (Isabel Harriet). Inverness before railways. s8". Inverness. 1885 Anderson (J. W.) Travel in Fiji & New Caledonia, etc. 8°. 1880 Anderson (Ucv. James), of Edinburtjh. The Ladies of the Covenant. Memoirs. s8". Glasgow. 18-57 Memorable women of Pui'itan times. 2v. s8°. 1862 Anderson (James), D.D., of tlic Scots Church in, Westminster. Royal genealogies. 2'"' ed. lafol. 1736 Anderson (James), LL.D., of Monk's Hill, Aberdeenshire, see Bec (The) etc. Anderson (James), Writer to tlw Signet. CoUs. rel. to Mary Q. of Scotland. 4v. [.J has 2p in /u.] 4°. E. 1727-8 Essay shewing the crown etc. of Scotland is imperial & independent. s8'. E. 1705 Anderson (James Maitland). The Univ. of St. .\ndrews : hist. sketch. [P582]. s8". Cupar. 1878 Anderson (James Keddie), sec Ruskin (J.) St. Mark's Rest : 2nd suppl.. The Place of Dragons, [6^] A., 1879 ; 2-' ed., 1894. Anderson (James S. M.) Addresses on misc. subjects. s8". 1849 The cloud of witnesses : disc", on 11th & 12th chap", of Hebrews. 2v. [vl, 2'"i ed.] 8". 1843-5 Hist, of Church of Eng. in the Colonies. 3v. 8". 1845-56 Memoir of The Chisholm. sS". 1842 Anderson (John), prof, of Nat. Philos. in Glasgow Univ., see Glasgow : Andeeson's College, founded bij J. A. Anderson (John), supcruttendcnt, Indian Museum. Mandalay to Momien ; two expeds. to W. China, 1868-75, under Col. E. B. Sladen & Col. H. Browne. 8". 1876 Report on the exped. to W.Yunani;i(iBham6. ^8°. Calcutta. 1871 Anderson (John Corbet). Antiqs. of Croydon Church, destroyed Jan. 1807. Ia8». 1867 Chronicles of Croydon. 4°. 1874-9 The Roman city of Uriconium at Wroxeter. s8°. 1867 Shropshire : early hist, it antifjs. ^8". 1864 see Rule (W. H.) it A., Biblical monuments, 1871-3. Anderson (John Parker). The book of Brit, toijography : classified cat. of topograph, works in Brit. Mus. 8". 1881 ANDERSON 38 ANDREW Anderson (Joseph), heepcr of the Nnt. ifits. of Antiquities, Edinburijli. Scotland in early Xtn. times, si, 2. [Khind L"., 1870-80J. 8°. E. 1881 Scotland in pagan times : Bronze & stone ages. 8". E. 1886 , Iron age. 8». E. 1883 Anderson (Co^|^ Lindsay). A cruise in an opium clipper. s8". 1891 Anderson (Mary), aft. Mme. A. Navarro. A few memories. 2"' ed. 8». 1896 Othello's occupation. s8°. 1895 see Faerae (.J. M.) M. A., h. life, etc., 1884. Anderson (Mrs. Mary). A son of Noah. s8''. [1892] Anderson (Peter), of Inverness, see Andehsos (Geo.) & (P.) A Guide to Hiyhhinds and islands of Scotland, n. ed., 1842. Anderson (Peter John), see Aberdeen, Univ. of. Fasti Acad. Mariscallanse Aberdon. : sel'. f. records, etc., vl, 2, ed. A., 1889-97. „ „ EoU of alumni of arts of the U. it King's CoU. of A., ed. A., 1900. Anderson (Philip), H.E.I.C.chaplain. The English in W. India ; early hist, of Surat, & subordinate factories. [P564]. 8°. Bombay. 1854 Anderson (Kasmus B.) America not discovered by Columbus : the discovery by the Norsemen. s8°. Chicago. 1874 Norse mythology. s8". Chicago. 1875 Anderson (Richard), F.C.S. Lightning conductors. 3"' ed. 8°. 1885 Anderson (Robert), M.D. A complete ed. of the poets of Gt. Britain, ed. A. 14v. Ia8». 179.5-1807 The i'"' tp\ have t. : The works of the Brit, poets, w. prefs. by A. Anderson (Robert), of Carlisle. Ballads in Cumberland dialect : w. gloss., biog. sketch, etc. sS". Wigton. 1834 Poet, works. Life, by himself ; essay by T. Sanderson. 2v. s8». Carlisle. 1820 Anderson (Robert), jvr^ifiiffl/ curate of Trinity CJiapel, Brighton. The Lord's prayer : a manual. s8°. 1840 Anderson (Robert E.) Extinct civilizations of the East. 38°. 1896 Anderson (Robert Patrick). Personal journal of the siege of Lucknow. Ed. T. C. Anderson. s8''. 1858 Victories & defeats : causes wh. bave led to them. 8". 1873 Anderson (Thos.) Hist, of shorthand. sS". 1882 Anderson ("William), F.B.C.S. The i)ictorial arts of Japan. fol. 1886 Japanese wood engravings, their hist. etc. [Portfolio mono- graphs]. laS". 1895 Anderson (William), LL.D. Regeneration. 2"' ed. sS". E. 1861 Anderson (William), ))jise. jOTJ to-. The Scottish nation : sur- names, families, biograjjh. hist, of the people of Scotland. 3v. [I" imbl., IS.yj^OS.] Ia8». E. 1880 Anderson (Rev. William). Sketches of the hist, and present state of the Russian empire. 8". 1815 Anderson (William Cliffe Foley), see Engelsunx (K.) & A. Pictorial atlas to Homer, 1892. Anderson (William J.) The architecture of the Renaissance in Italy. 8°. 1896 Andersson (Carl Johan). Lake Ngami ; explorations in S. W. Africa. Ia8'. 1856 2"" ed. Ia8». 1856 The lion & the elephant ; ed. L. Lloyd. 8". 1873 Notes of Travel in S. Africa ; ed. L. Lloyd. 8". 1875 The Okavango River : travel, etc. 8°. 1861 Anderton (Samuel (J.), see Feeemasonrt. Masonry the same etc. {affidavit of A. cone, murder of ^Y. Miller], 1830. Andigne (le gin. d'). Mems. [1765-1857.] Intr. & notes par E. Bu-e. 2t. 8°. 1900-1 Andilly (Robert Arnauld d'), sec Arnadld d'Andilly. Andlau (le etc. (Jaston d'). *Metz, campagne and n^goc. 8". 1871 Andler (Charles). Les origines du socialisme d'etat en Allemagne. 8°. 1897 Andocides, sec Bekker (I.) ed., Oratores Attici : 1, A., 1822-3. Andom (R.) ps. \i.e. A. Baekett]. Industrial exploriugs in & around London. 2"'' ed. s8". 1896 Andrada (J. C. Paiva de), see Paha de Ande.\iia. Andrae (Poul). Via Appia, dens Historie. Bl. 8". 1882 Andrassy (Graf Julius). Ungarns Ausgleich mit Osterreich. 8". L. 1897 Andre. Foi- saints etc. see Ajnueew. Andre, de la Vigne, see La Vigse (A. i>e). Andre (le i)ire), S.J. [tL'IsLE ANWiii (Yves Marie de)]. CEuvres philosoph. : intr. par V. Cousin. s8». 1843 Andre (Bernard), of Toidouse [B. Andeeas Tholosas ; t-AsDREA;* (Bkiinai;m-s)]. see Gaihpxei! (J.) ed.. Memorials of Hen. 7 : B. A. vita [to. interns supposed to he by B. A.], etc., 1858. Andre (Edouard). Un mois en Paissie. s8". 1870 Andre (Emile). Les trues du duel. sS". [1900] Andre (George G.) Draughtsman's hdbk. of plan & map dniwing, etc. 4». 1891 Andre (Jean Fran9ois). Hist, polit. dela monarchic pontificale au 14' s., ou, La papaute a Avignon. 8". 1845 Andre (M.) Droit canon, see Migxe (J. P.) Encyclopedie SI, ix, x. Droit civil eccles., sec Mi(iXE (J. P.) Encyclopedie S3 Ixiv ; Ixv. Andrea, d'Aguulo, called Andrea del Sarto, see Del Saeto (A.) Andreae (Percy). The signora. sS". 1895 Andreani (A.) Guide pratique del'administrationfranf,-. 8°. 1894 Andreas, see Ai.selh-s, abbas. Andreas. For saints see Andrew. Andreas, ^>?(!s6. Bergomas, see Mibne (.J. P.)fd.,Pat.latina, tl-jl. see Monumenta Gerji. Hist., Scr. Lang. Andreas, Cretcnsis, Hierosolymitanus, see Andbew, Saint, abp. of Crete. Andreas, inonuchus Fontis Ebraldi (Fontevrault), sec Migxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl62. Andreas, Batisbonensis, see Bocler (J. H.) ed., .-Enea- Sylvii hist., etc., I680. Andreas de Bedusiis, see Redcsos (A. de). Andreas, abbot of St. Michael Monast., Bamberg, see Mond- sienta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl2. Andreas (B.), abbas Stncm.lVallumbrosanus], seeMioNE (.J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, tl43, 146. Andreas (Bernardus), Tholosas, see Andee (B.) Andreas (Valerius), Dessclius. BibUotheca Belgica. s8°. Lovanii. 1623 Andreas-Salome (Lou). Nietzsche in s. Werken. 8'. Wien. 1894 Andred, jis. Bianca Capello : tragedy. 38". [1879] Andree (Richard). Allg. Handatlas. 2' A. fol. Bielefeld. 1887 A. H. Suijpl. z. 2. u. 3. Anfl. v. A.'s Handatlas, enthaltendd. 33 Seiten neuer Kiirten d. 4. Anfl. v. 1899. Hrsg. v. A. Scobel. fol. Bielefeld. 1899 Andreini (Francesco). Le bravure del cap. Spavento. [P845]. 8". Venetia. 1615 Kagiouamenti fantastici. [P845].'8'\ Venetia. 1612 Andreini (Giov. Batt.) L'Adamo. 8". Milano. 1617 Lo schiavetto. s8«'. Venetia. 1620 see Scoi.AEi (F.) Saggio di crit. sul Paradiso pcrduto ; aggiuntovi 1' Adamo di G. B. A., 1818. Andrejevich (le major Vladimir) 2)s., see Osman, iiey [F. Millingen). Andreossi (le etc. Antoine Francois). Hist, du Canal du Midi. 8". an. viii, [1800] Andres (Giov.), see Andres (Hrks), Jesuit. Andres (3ua,n), Jesuit. Cartas a su hermauo. 6v in 3. s8". 1791-94 1-5. Viage a varias eiudades de Italia, 1785-91. 6. De la literatura de Viena. Deir orig., prog, e stato attuale d' ogni letteratura. 22t in 11. 8°. Venezia. 1783-1800 Andresen (Carl Gustaf). Sprachgebrauch u. Sprachrichtigkeit un Deutschen. T A. 8». L. 1892 Uber deutsche Volksetymologie. 6' A., besorgt v. H. Andresen. s8". L. 1899 see Gi;ni.M (J.) Deutsche Gramm. ; Register, v. A., 1865. Andrew, Saint it ((jtostle. *A.-Saxon legends of St. Andrew & St. Veronica. Ed., w. tr., by C. W. Goodwin. [Camb. Auticj. Soc] 8°. C. 1S51 see Verceli.i Codex (Legend of St. Andrew etc.), 1843-56. Andrew, Sai)it, abp. of Ciesarea, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. graica, tl06, A. Andrew, Saint, abp. of Crete, tlie Jerusalcmitc [Andreas Cretensis, Hierosolymitanus']. The great canon of S. A. of C. Tr. Lady Lechmere. 8°. 1875 see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grBBca, t97, A. C, 1860. Andrew, Saint, of Scotland, sec Andrew, Saint if ajmstle. Andrew, of Wyntotin, see Wyntocn (Andrew, 0/). Andrew (John Albion). Address at Brattleborough by invita- tion of the jVgricult. Soc. of Vermont. [P224]. 8°. Boston. 1k66 Errors of prohibition. [P228]. 8°. Boston. 1867 Valedictory address to the legislature of Massachusetts, .Jan. 4, 1866. [P224]. 8°. Boston. 1S66 sec Chandler (P. \V.) Mem. of A., 1880. ANDREW 39 ANECDOTA Andrew (John Albion) [contiiuicd]. see. Union League Club of New York : Proceedings in ref. to death of A., 1807. Andrew (William Patrick). India A her neighbours. 8". 1878 Memoir of Euphrates Valley route to India ; with official corr. 8". 1857 On the completion of the railway system of tlie valley of the Indus ; w. maps, etc. [P220]. 8". 1869 Our scientific frontier. 8". 1880 Andrewes (Lancelot), bp. of Winchester. Ninety-six sermons. 5v. 8°. 0. 1841-3 Pattern of catechistical doctrine, & o. minor works. 8". O. 1846 Resp. ad apol. card. Bellarmini. 8". 0. 1851 Tortura Torti, s. ad M. Torti lib. resp. 8". 0. 1851 Two answers to Perron, & o. misc. works. 8". 0. 1854 Worship of imaginations. Ed. H. H. Victor. [P489]. 8". 1839 see Ottlev (R. L.) A., 1894. Andrews (Alex.) The 18th c. ; manners etc. of our grand- fathers. s8\ 18.56 Hist, of Brit. journaHsm, to 185.5. '2v. s8°. 1859 Andrews (Charles McLean). Hist, development of modern Europe. 2v. (1, 1815-50, 2, 1850-97.) 8". N.Y. 1896-8 The old. Eng. manor. [Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist. A polit. science. Extra vol. 12.] 8". Baltimore. 1892 Andrews (E. Benjamin), president of Broivn Univ. Hist, of tlie last quarter-century in the U.S., 1870-95. 2v. Ia8-. 1897 Hist, of the U. States. 2v. rev. ed. s8". 1895 Andrews (Ethan Allen), see Feeunu (W.) Lat.-Eng. lex., w. add', by A., n. ed., 1854. Andrews (James Bruyn). Contes ligures, traditions de la Eivi^re. s8'. 1892 Andrews (James Pettlt). Hist, of Gt. Britain, conn, with the chronology of Europe, vl, to aeo. of Ed. VI. [v I has ip in 1v.~\ i\ 1794-5 Hist, of Gt. Brit. f. death of Hen. VIII, to access, of James [I.] : cont. of Henry's hist. 2v. 8°. 1796 Andrews (John), geographer. Topograph, map of Kent, by A., A. Dury, A W. Herbert. lafol. 1769 Andrews (John), LL.D. Hist, of the war w. Amer., France, Spain, Holland, 1775-83. 4v. 8°. 1783 Andrews (John Kichard). G. Whitefield ; a light in obscurity. 2"'' ed. s8''. n.d. Life of Oliver Cromwell to death of Ch. I. 8°. 1870 Andrews (Capt. Joseph). From Buenos Ayres to Potosi, Arica, Santiago de Chili & Coquimbo, 182.5-6. 2v. s8''. 1827 Andrews (Thomas), M.D., F.R.S. Address on education. [P252]. 8°. 1867 The Church in Ireland : a 2nd chapter of contemp. hist. [P249]. 8°. 1869 [P23.5j. 2"" ed. 8°. 1869 Scientific papers of A. Mem. by P. G. Tait d- A. C. Brown. 8°. 1889 Studium generale : a chap, of contemp. hist. The Univ. of London, Queen's Univ., Catholic Univ., Maynooth. [P235, 627J. 8°. 1867 Andrews ("William). Bygone Cheshire. 8". Chester. 1895 Bygone church life in Scotland. 8". 1899 Bygone England : social studies etc. 8". 1892 Bygone Essex. 8». Colchester. 1892 Bygone Lincolnshire. 8». Hull. 1891 Bygone Middlesex. 8". 1899 Bygone Norfolk. 8". 1898 Bygone Northamptonshire. 8". 1891 I Andrews (Wm. Eusebius). Eeview of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, showing the falsehoods, etc. 3v. [v3 lo. t. : Exam, of Fox etc., contrasted w. biog. sketch of Catholic Priests etc., executed 1535-1684]. 8". 1824-6 Andrieux (Louis). Souvenirs d'un pr^fet de police. 2t. .s8°. 1885 *Andromeda liberata, seu Colonia ab Ernesto Boico adv. hostes fidei defensa : dramma musicum, exhibitum ab Electorali Coll. Soc. Jesu Monachii. 34°. 1725 Andronicus, Callistus, Byzantimis, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. graica, tl61, A. C, 1866. Andronicus II IPalcBologus], emperor of Cmistantinople, see Pachyjieres (Georgius). De Micheele et A. Palffiologis, 1835. Bygone Warwickshire. 8». Hull. 1893 The Church treasury of hist., custom etc. 8". 1898 Curiosities of the Church. 8". 1890 Curious Church Customs & cognate subjects. 8". Hull. 1895 Old church life. 8". 1900 Old church lore. 8». Hull. 1891 Old-time punishments. 4°. Hull. 1890 Andronicus Rhodius. Ethic Nicomach. paraphrasis, cum interp. D. Heinsii. Subjung. Uept riaflwr, De animi affect. 8°. O. 1809 The ^^paraphrasis " is wrongly assigned to A. Rhodius. see Aristotle. Ethica. Moral Philosophy, tr. of the N. E., & of the paraphrase attr. to A. of Rhodes [btU now assigned to Heliodorns Prusensis], by Hatch, 1879. ■^Androphysia (La) racconsolata, 1604, see Teezo (G. B.) Andros (A. C.) Sketches of a scamper in Spain. s8». 1860 Androtion, see Philochoeus. P'. fragm. ; ace. A. reliquiie, 1811. Andryane (Alexandre). Mems. of a prisoner of State in Spiel- berg ; w. app. by MaronceUi. Tr. F. Prandi. 2v. sS". 1840 Anecdota. Anecdota delphica, 1843, see Cubtius (E.) ed. Anecdota gi"8eca, 1814-21, see Bekker (I.) ed. Anecdota graica. E codd. MSS. Bibl. Reg. Paris, descr. L. BachmannuB, 1828-9, see Bachmann (L.) ed. Anecdota grseca e Regia Paris., & e Veneta S. Marci Bibl., 1781, see Ansse de Villoison (J. B. G. d') ed. Anecdota helvetica quai ad gramm. lat. spect., 1870, see Hagen (H.) ed. Anecdota literaria ; a coll. of short poems illust. of Eng. in 13**^ c, 1844, see Wright (T.) ed. Anecdota Oxoniensia : texts, does., & extracts chiefly f. MSS. in Bodleian ct o. Oxford libs. In prog. 4". 1881-98 Series I. Classical [pl-8]. Aristotle. Physics, b7 : collated by B. Shute [p3], 1882. Bentley (R.) B.'s Plautine emendations f. h. copy of Gronovius [p4], 1883. Cicero. Collations f. the Harleian MS. of C, 2682 ; by A. C. Clark [p7], 1891. Conybeare (F. C.) ed.. Collation w. the anc. Armenian versions of the Greek text of Aristotle's Categories, De inteii5., De mundo, De virtut. & vitiis, and of Porphyry's introd. [p6], 1892. Conybeare (F. C.) ed., The dialogues of Athanasius & Zaccha;us & of Timothy & Aquila [p8], 1898. Ellis (E.) ed., Collatio Cod. Harleiani 2610 Ovidii Meta- morphcseon I, II, III, 1-622. — Epigrammata latina 24 ex codd. Bodleianis A Sangall. — Glossas in Apollinarem Sidonium ex cod. Digbeiano 172 [p.5], 1885. Nonius Marcellus. De compeudiosa doctrina. Harleian MS. 2719 collated by J. H. Onions [p2], 1882. Stewart (J. A.) The Eng. MSS. of the Nicomachean Ethics [pi], 1882. Series II. Semitic [pl-10]. Abu 'l-'Ala. Letters, with life.tr., etc., by Margoliouth [plO], 1898. Abfi Salih, tlie Armenian. The churches * monasteries of Egypt ; attr. t^> A. S. Ed. & tr. B. T. A. Evetts, w. notes by A. J. Butler [p7], 1895. Gwilliam (G. H.) Biblical & patristic relics of Palestinian Syriac lit. f. MSS. in Bodl. Lib. & Lib. of St. Cath. on Mt. Sinai. Ed. G. H. G., F. C. Burkitt, J. F. Stenning [p9], 1896. Palestinian [Syriac] version : 5 more fragments recently acquired by the Bodleian. Intr. & annots. by G. H. Gwilliam [p5], 1893. Jephet ibn Ali, the Karaite. Comm. on Daniel. Ed. & tr. D. S. Margoliouth [p3], 1889. Jubilees. Ethiopic version of the Hebrew Book of J". Ed., etc., E. H. Charles, [p8], 1895. Neubauer (Ad.) ed.. Medieval Jewish chronicles & chronolog. notes [p4, 6], 2p., 1887-95. Saadiah (Rabbi). Comm. on Ezra & Nehemiah. Ed. H. J. Mathews [pi], 1882. Shelemon, Nestorian bishop [en' Solomon]. The Book of the Bee; text w. tr., ed. E. A. W. Budge [p2], 1886. Series III. Aryan [pl-5, 7, 8]. Asvaghosha. The Buddha-A.arita ; ed. E. B. Cowell [p7], 1893. Dharma-Sa?Hgraha ; prepared for publ. by Kenjiu Kasawara, ed. F. Max MiUler & H. Wenzel [p5], 1885. Katyayana. K.'s Sarvanukramajii, etc. ; ed. A. A. Macdonell [p4], 1886. Ed., w. comm. of Haradatta, & tr. by Inter., text, var. lect., apps. [p8], 1897. Bunyiu Nanjio, edd., The anc. palm- Praj7«.a-paramita-h)jdaya-sutra & the UshMisha-vijiaya-dharaMi [p3], 1884. Sukhavati-vyfiba; ed. F. Max-Miiller & Bunyiu Nanjio. With apps. [p2], 1883. Vagrafcfc/iedika : ed. F. Max-Miiller [pl-3]. Buddhist texts from Japan [pi], 1881. Mantrapatha (The). M. Winternitz, pi, Max-Miiller (F.) & leaves contg. the r ANECDOTA 40 ANQLETERRE Anecdota Oxoniensia [continued]. Sk1;IES IV. MEDI.IiVAL & MODKHN [pl-8, 10]. AJphita : ii medioo-botan. glossary £. Bodl. MS., Selden B. 35. Ed. J. L. G. Mowat [p2], 1887. Cath Finntraga; or the Battle of Ventry. Ed. K. Meyer [p4], 1885. Crawford Coll. (The) of early charters & docs., now in Bodl. Ed. A. S. Napier & W. H. Stevenson [p7], 1895. Llyvyr Agkyr" Llandewivrevi. Elucidarium (The) & o. tracts in Welsh, f. Llyvyr Agkyr Llandewivrevi, 1346. Ed. J. M. Jones, and J. Rhys [p6], 1894. Lismore. Lives of the saints, f. the Book of L. Ed., w. tr. W. Stokes [p5], 1890. Marfelde (John) [or Mirfeld". Sinonoma Bartholomei. Ed. J. L. G. Mowat [pi], 1882.' Meyer (Kuno) cd., Hibernica minora ; fragm'. of treatise on Psalter, w. tr. & gloss., & extr". f. MS. Eawlinson, B. 512 [p8], 1894. Saltair na Rann. Ed. W. Stokes [p3], 1883. Urte (P. d'). Old Test. The earliest tr. of 0. T. into Basque (a fragment) : by P. d'U., c. 1700. Ed. LI. Thomas [plO], 1894. Anecdotes. •Anecdotes atricaiues, 1775, see Dubois-Fontanelle (J. G.) *Anecdotes americaines, 1776, see Hobnot (Ant.) *Anecdotes angloises depuis I'etabl. de la mouarchie, 1769, see Le Ckoix (J. F. de). •Anecdotes arabes etc., 1772, see L.iCEOix (J. F. de) & A. HoBNOT. •Anecdotes, biograpb. sketches etc., vl [?io mcyre publ.\ 1822, see H.AWKINS (L. M.) ed. •Anecdotes cbinoises, 1774, see Castilhon (J.) •Ajiecdotes du ministere de Carvalbo, 1783, see Pomba (S. J. DE Carvalho e Hello, marq. DEL ♦Anecdotes du nord, 1770, see La Place tP. A. de) J. F. de La Croix, A. HORNOT. •Anecdotes ecclesiastiques, coiit. tout ce qui est passe dans les ^glises d'Orient et d'Occident, 1772, sec Jaubeet (P.) & J A. T. Dinouabt. •Anecdotes et recueil de coutumes etc. de la Russie, 1792, see SCHERER (J. B.) '{Anecdotes of] British topography, 1780, see Gougb (E.) •Anecdotes of George P. Handel it J. C. Smith, 1799, see CoxE (W.) *Anecdotes of Olave the Black, etc., 1780, see Johnstone (J.) tr. •Anecdotes of some dieting, persons, 4"" ed., 1798, see Sewabd (W.) •Anecdotes of the life of W. Pitt, E. of Chatham [camp, by J. Almon], w. h. speeches etc., 6'i" ed., 1797 ; 7'" ed., 1810, see Chatham (W. Pitt, 1" e. of ). •Anecdotes of the Russian Empire, 1784, see Rich.abdson (W.) •Anecdotes orientales. [By Mentrlle ? Mailhol ?] 2t. s8". 1773 •Anecdotes secretes sur la Revol. du 18 Fruetidor ; & nouv. mems des deportis a la Guiane, etc. Faisant suite an Jom-nal du gen. Ramel. 2" ed. 8°. 1799 •Anecdotes sur Mme. la comtesse Dubarri, 1780, see Pidansat de Maikoeert (M. F.) •Biographical, liter, etc. anecdotes of emment persons, 3v, 1797, see aIiMon (John). •Dictionary (A) of anecdotes. 2v. sS". 1809 •Modem a"., 1886, see Abajis (W. D.) ed. •Naval & military a'., 2""* ed., 1824, see Naval etc. Anekdoten. Anekdoten u. Characterziige aus d. Leben Fried- richs d. Gr., 1829-35, see Hildebeandt (C.) ed. *Anekdoten von Konig Friedrich II, etc., 1788-91, see Nicolai . (C. F.) ed. Anelier (CJuillem), of Toulouse. Hist, de la guerre de Navarre, 1276 -7. Publ. F. Michel. [Doc. ined.] 4°. 1856 Anel le Rebours {Mme. M. A.), sec Le Rebouks (Mme.) Aneurin. The Gododin of A. Gwawdrydd : an Eng. tr., w. notes, life of A., and diss"., by T. Stephens. Ed. T. Powel. [Cymmro- dorion Soc] 8". 1888 see Jones (0.) My vyrian archaiology ; added, notes upon the Gododin, 1870. „ Skene (W. F.) ed.. The four anc. books of Wales [The Book of Aneurin ; w. Eng. tr. by D. S. Evans], 1868. Anfange (Die) des Christenthums : Vortrags-Cyclus. [P516]. 80. 1877 Anfrie de Chaulieu (G.), see CHAUuEn {I'abbi de). Angas (George Fife), see Hodder (E.) G. F. A., "father of S. Aiistralia.'' 1891. Angas (George French). Savage life in Australia & N. Zea- land. 2v. 88°. 1847 Ange (Michel-), /473-'/364, see Michael Angelo. ♦Angela, 1848, see M.aesh (A.) Angeli (M., Edler v.) Erzherzog Carl v. Osterreich als Feldheir u. Heeresorganisator. 5B. Ia8°. Wien. 1896-7 Angelico {Frd) [tGiovANNi, da Ficsole, [Guido da Mugellu], known as Frd Angelico. see Crawkoed (V. M.) Fra A., 1900. „ DocoLAS (L.) Fra A., 1900. „ Phillimoee (C. M.) Fra A., 1880. ,, Smith (1. Geegoey). *Fra Angelico, & o. poems, sS". 1872. „ Sweetsee (M. F.) *Fra Angelico, 1879. Angelicus, Doctor, see Aqcinas (T.) *Angelika Kauffman ; ein histor. Roman, 1860, see Kacffmann (A.) Angelique {la mire) abbesse [tAENAULD d'Andillv (Angelique)]. see Dall (G.) La m. A., 1893. „ Maetin (Frances). A. A., 1873. Angelita (G. F.) Santa Caterina. [P819]. s8°. Venetia. 1607 Angeli (John), Goveminent science teacher. The alcohol question. [P353]. s8». M'ter. 1878/9 Personal & household arrangements in rel. to health. [P337]. s8». [1878?] see Manchester Geammah School : a statement, Angeli v. Dill, 1888. Angellier (Auguste). R. Burns. 2v. 138°. 1893 *Angelo Sanmartino ; Lombardy 1859. 88°. E. 1860 Angelo (Henry). Reminisc, w. mems. of h. father & friends. 2v. 8°. 1830 Angelo (Michael), L',"; 5-156 J,, see Mich.ael Angelo. Angelo (Michel), of Gattitui, see Geattini (M. A. de). Angelomus, monachtis, sec Migne (J. P.) cd. Pat. latiua, tll5. Angeloni (Batista) jis., see Shebbeaee (J.) Angeloni (Francesco). Gl' irragionevoli amori. [P637]. s8». Venetia. ICll Angelramnus, abbas Cental. [Ingeleailnus], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl41. Angelramnus, bjJ. of Metz, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t96. I Angels. *Leetures on the Scripture revelations resp. good cS; evil angels. By a country pastor, 1851, see Whately (E.) abp. Angelus (Joannes), Silesius, ps., see Schefflee (J.) Angers (David d'), sec David (P. J.) cVAngers. I Angevin Chronicles, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des I Gaules, t5-8, 10 12, 17. Anghiera (Pierre Martyr d'), see M.vbtyr (Petee), AngUrius, I4.VJ~I-,J5. Angilbert, Saint, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t99. see MoNi-MENTA Geem. Hist., Scr. t2, 15. Angilbertus Pusterla, arch. Mcdiol., sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. ! latina, tl51. Angiulli (Andrea). La filosofia e la scuola. Ia8°. Napoli. 1888 La pedagogia. lo stato e la famiglia. 2" ed. s8°. Napoli. 1882 Anglais. *Anglais (L') a Paris. Par M. D' . . . y, I'aine. 8". 1783 *Anglais (Les), peints par eux-memes. Par les sommites ; Utt^raires de I'Angleterre. Trad, de E. de Lab6doUiere. tl. Ia8«. 1840 ♦Instructions patriotiques etc. addi-. aux A., 1780, see Instecctions etc. Lettres sur les Anglois & les Fran(;ois, 2' 6d., 1727, see Muealt (B. L. de). Anglaises. *Nuits (Les) anglaises, 1770, see Costant d'Obville (A. G.) Anglas (le c. F. A. de Boissy d'), see Boissy d'Angl.4s. Anglerius (Petrus Martyr), see Maetye (Peter) Angkriits. ■L',.59- I5.'.h Anglers' Evenings ; by members of the Manchester Anglers' Assoc. 8°. M'ter. 1880 Anglesea. *History of the island of Anglesey [by N. Oicen?], as suppl. to Rowland's Mona. Added, mem-, of Owen Glendowr [orig:'. by T. Ellis] £. a MS. [P900]. 4'>. 1775 Anglesea (Arthur Annesley, /'' earl of). Memoirs, etc. Publ. by Sir P. I'ett. s8". 1693 see Castlehaven (3.,earlof). C.'s review, etc. : w. A.'s letter, 1815. „ SoMEEs (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Angleterre. •Angleterre (L') eu 1800, 1801, see Saladin (C.) •Angleterre (L') et les petits etats i la Conf. de BruxeUes psu: le ge'n. T. s8". Brux. 1875 •Associations (Les) ouvricres en Angleten'e, 1809, sec Paris (le cte. de). •Collection gen. des doc^ fr. en A., tl [no more puhl.], 1847, see Delpit (J.) ed. •Conspirations (Les) d' Angleterre, 1600-79. s8". Cologne. 1680 •Des sentimeuts de justice & d'humauite de I'A. dons la question indienne. 8°. 1857 ANGLETERRE 41 ANICIA Angleterre [continued]. •Description exacte de tout ce qui s'est pasee dans les guerres entre A., France etc., 1U68, see Description etc. *Du mouvement religieux en A., 1«44, see Gandon (J.) •Etat de I'A. au comm. de 1822. Tr. par D[ufau] it G[uadet]. 8". 1822 Tr. of an Eng. govt, puhl., "The State of the Nation." »Etat de I'A. au comm. de 1823. Tr. par Dufau ct Guadet. [b.io. •Etat de I'A. au comm. de 1822]. 8". 1823 Tr. of an Eng. govt, pnbl., " Administrations of the affairs of Gt. Brit, etc., at the comm." •Histoire d'A., re'pre'sente'e par figures, gravies par F. A. David. 3t. [12,3, wanting.'] i". 1784-1800 ♦Livere (Le) de reis de Brittanie e le livere de reis de Engleten'e, 1865, see Ln-KE. •Memoires it obs. par un voyageur en A., 1698, see MissoN (H.) •Me'moires touchant le gouvernement de 1' Angleterre. 2p in Iv. s8". A. 1764 •Nouvelles observations sur I'A., 1779, see Coyer (G. F.) •Roi (Le) d'A. & le jongleur d'Ely, see *Roi (Le) etc. •A travers I'A. ct I'Ecosse. [Headed Verax.] sS". Neufchatel-en- Bray. s8'>. 1888 •Vie (La) de village en A., 1862, see Remus.it (C. F. M. de). Anglia : Zeitschrift fiir englische Philologle. Bl-21 [in prog. B13-21 have second numbers Neue folge 1-9]. 8». Halle a.S. 1878-1900 Beiblatt : Mitteilungen aus. d. gesamten Gebiete d. engl. Sprache u. lit. Monatsschrift fiii' d. engl. Unterricht. Jahrg. \-W[inprog.]. 8°. Halle a.S. 1891-1900 Anglia Christiana. sec Battle Abbey. Chron. monast. de Hello, 1846. „ GiBALDus, Cambrensis. De iustruct. principum, 1846. „ *LiBER Eliensis, vl [)jo mofc publ.], 1848. "■Anglica Hiberniea, etc., ex bibl. G. Camdeni, 1602, see Camden (W.) Anglican. •Anglican (The) pulpit of to-day ; 40 biographies & 40 sermons. sS". 1886 •Anglican sister (The) of mercy [S* ed.], 1895, see Dill (Mrs. A.) ♦Are the A. orders valid ? [P2C.0]. 8". [1863] •Calendar (The) of the A. Church illustrated, 1851, sec Calendar etc. ♦Inquiry into the theology of the A. Reformers, 1852, see Theology. Anglicana, see •Glossogeaphla A. nova, 1707. set' *Miscellanea antiqua Anglicana, vl [no mcrrc publ.], 1816. Anglicanus (Phileleutherus) ps., see Donaldson (J. W.) Anglicanus (Presbyter) ps., see PHEsiiVTEK, Aiujlicanus, ps. Anglicarum. *Rerum A. scriptores postBedam priecipui, 1601, •iee Saville (Sir H.) ed. Anglicised, see 'Stanford dict. of A. words <$; phrases, 1892. Anglicus (Alfredus), sec Alfredus, Angliciis. Anglicus (Bartholomjeus), sec Gl.\nville (B., de). Anglicus (Ducange) ps., see Ducange, Anglicus, 21s. Anglicus (Galfridus),/. I.i40, see Geoffrey, tlui Grammarian. Angliviel de La Beaumelle (V. Laurent S. M.) Vie de Maupertuis ; suiv. de lettres ined. de Fr6d6ric le Gr. et de M., avec notes. s8». 18-56 see Maintenon (Mme. de). Mto". & lettres : tl-6, M§m'. p. serv. a I'hist. de M. par A. de La B., n. &i., 1789. Anglo- American. Anglo-American Bible Revision. By Members of the Amer. Com- mittee. s8». 1879 •Recent recoils, of the A.-A. Church in the U.S. 2v. s8". 1861 Anglo-Catliolic, see *SoLE5iNiTYof our A.-C. ritualism defended, 4'" ed., 1851. Anglo-Genevan critical journal for 1831. [Ed. Sir S. E. Brydgcs]. 2p. s8". Geneva. 1831 Anglo-Indian. *Surrows of A.-I. life, 1889, see Cusx (B. N.) *Anglo-Indian Codes (The), 1887 etc., see Stokes (W.) cd. Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, see Davis (M. D.) cd., Hebrew deeds of English Jews before 1290, 1888. see J-\coBS (J.) & L. Wolf. Bibl. Anglo-Judaica, 1888. Anglo-Latin (The) satirical poets & epigrammatists of the Vi"" c, 1872, see Wright (T.) cd. *Anglomaniacs (The), 1891, see Harrison {Mrs. Burton). *Anglo-Norman poem on the conquest of Ireland, ed. Francisque Michel ; intr. essay by T. Wright. s8". 1837 Anglo-normandes. *Chroniques a.-n'., 1836-40, see Michel (F.) cd. Anglo-normannische. *Ungediuckte a.-n. Geschichtsquellen, 1879, see Liebermann (F.) ed. Anglo-Parisian, ps., sec "Paris by day & night. By A.-P., 1889. *Anglorum speculum, or the worthies of Eng., in Church & State [in part abridged f. Fuller] ; also, ace. of the trade etc. of each county. [Pref. signed G. S., i.e. Geo. Sandys ?] s8". 1684 Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxon [Limlisfarne] & Early Eng. Psalter, 1843-7, see Bible : Anglo-Saxon. •Anglo-Saxonica, par P. de Larenaudiere et F. Michel. 2[t]: [1], see Wright (T.) Litt. Anglo-Sax. en Angl., tr., 1836. [2], see Michel (P. I Bibl. Anglo-Saxoime, 1837. •Essays in A.-S. law, 1876, see Essays etc. •Latin hymns (The) of the A.-S. Church, w. interlinear A.-S. gloss [Surtees Soc, 2.'5], IS.jI, sec L.^tin Hymns etc. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. •The A.-S. C, ace. to the several orig. authorities. Ed., w. tr., by B. Thorpe. 2v. [Rolls Series, 23, i, ii]. Ia8". 1861 •The Saxon chronicle, w. tr. & notes; by J. Ingram. 4". 1823 •Two of the Saxon chronicles parallel, w. extracts f. the others; ed. etc. by C.Pluuuiier, on basis of ed. by J. Earle. 2v. s8". O. 1892-9 vl. Text, app"., glossary. 2, Intr., notes, & index. Transl'. : •A lit. tr. of the Saxon C. [6;/ Miss Gurney]. s8». Norwich. 1819 see TiETtE (Ven.) Eccles. liist. ; also the A.-S. Chron., w. notes etc. by J. A. Giles, Bohn, 1847. „ •Church historians : 2, i, The A.-S. Chron. [reprint, w. a few corr^., of Petrie's tr.], ed. J. Stevenson, 1853. ,, En(jlish (H. S.} *Ancient histoi*y, English it French, exemplified in a dissection of the Saxon Chron., etc., 1830. Anglure (le seigneur d). Le saint voyage de Jherusalem du s. d'A. Publ. par F. Bonnardot & A. Longnon. [S.d.a.t.f.] s8->. 1878 Anglus (J. Philippus), see Phillips (John), Milton's nephew. Angora. Fur the Monumentum Ancyranum at A., see Ancy- RAXVM, Monnmcntam. Angot (rflifct' A.) Dict. historique, topograph.* biograph. de la Mayenne, tl, 2 [in prog.] laS". Laval. 1900-1 Angot (Alfred). The Aurora Borealis. s8". 1896 Angouleme Chronicle, sec Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t7, 8, 10-12. Angouleme (la duchcsse A.') [t Mary Theeesa Charlotte de Bourbon, duchcsse d' Angouleme]. '"M^m". partic*. formant avec I'ouvr. de Hue et le journal de CU-ry I'hist. de la captiv. de la famille roy. a la Tour du Temple. 8". 1817 3= ed. 8°. 1817 Private memoir.s, wh. complete the hist, of the Eoyal Family of France in the Temple. Tr. s8°. 1817 sec Imbert de S-aint-.^mand (A. L.) Les femmes des Tuileries, 1.5, 16, I88.5 etc. „ Youth of the D. of A., tr., 1892. „ The D. of A. & the two Restorations, tr., 1892. „ EoMEE (Mrs.) Filia dolorosa ; mems. of M. T. C, 1852. Angouleme (CharlesdeValois,rf!icd')[t V.ALOIS (C.DE),d((cfr .4.], sec Collection Univ. des mem. partic. etc., t62, Mems. de A., 178.5-90. „ MicHAUD (J. F.) & J. Poujoulat edd., Nouv. coll. I, 11, 1850. „ Petitot (C. B.) ed.. Coll. I, 44, 1819. Angouleme (Louise [de Savoic], duchcsse d'), l4'!6-lo.32, see Louise [de Sacoic], duchcsse etc. Angouleme (Marguerite d'), 1492-/049, see Margaret [d' Angou- leme], queen of Navarre. Angniillesi (Giov. Domenico), sec '^Pabnaso degli Italiani viventi, vl5, 1803-24. *Angus Graeme, gamekeeper. 2v. sS". 1883 Angus, Family of, see Hume (D.), of Godscroft. Hist, of House of Douglas & A., 1743. Angus (J. Keith). A Scotch play-house ; records of the Old Theatre Koyal, Aberdeen. 2'"' ed. s8". Aberdeen. 1878 Anhalt, see Hekcynianus (F.) ps. [i.e. J. Keller]. Bolradt's v. Plessen Bittersprunck, oder App. zue Anhaltinischen Cant- zeley, 1625. Anhalt (Christian I, prince of), d. 1630, see Christian I, pritice of Anhalt. Ani, see Book of the Dead : the papyrus of A. in Brit. Museum etc., var. ed'. Anichini (P.) * Strictures on the publ". of Dal Pozzo, " The happiness wh. Italians might attain." [P148]. 8°. 1834 Anichkov (V.) tAnitschkof]. Der Feldzug in d. Krim ; iib. v. G. Baumgarten. 3T. [P315]. 8''. 1857-60 Anicia, Gens, see Aschealh (J.) Die Anicier u. Proba, 1870. ANIELLO 42 ANNALS Aniello (Tommaso), of AmaXfi, called Masaniello, see Masa- MELI.O. Aniensis (Samuel), sec Samcel, presbyter Aniensis. A Nijeholt (T. M., clieialier L.), see Lycklama a Nijeholt. Anima Vincta, ;«., sec *Birii.K (The) for man, etc. [signed A. V.], ISTO. *Animadversions. Animadversions on the Unitarian tr. of the New Test., 1811, see Eexnki.l (T.) 'Animadversions upon Sir E. Baker's chronicle etc., 1672. see Blount (T.) Animal. •Animal story book (The), 189G, see Laxg (A.) ed. 'Sketch (Ai of the a. ecouomy, 1781, see Aikin (J.) Animal World (The). vl-31 Ihiprogr, fol. 1869/70-1900 Animals. Curious facts for little people about animals. sS". 1870 •Description (A) of more than 300 a., n. ed., 1812, see Descrip- tion, etc. Some talk about a. & their masters, 1873, see Helps (Si)' A.) Animanx (Les) diplomates, 1863, see Wollheiu da Foxseca (.\. E.) Anis El-'Ochchaq, see Sh.vraf Rami. Anisy (A. L. Lechaude d'), see L^ch-vud^ d'Axisy. Anitchkow (Michael). War * labour. 8°. 1900 Anitschkof (B.), sec Anichkov (V.) Anjou. *Chroniques des Comtes d'Anjou, avec introd. par 6. MabiUe. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8". 1856-71 *Chroniques des eglises d'Anjou. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8°. 1869 Ex chronico Andegav.. see Bocquei (M.) Eeo. des hist, des Gaules, t7, 8, 10-12. Anjou (Charles, cte. d'), see Charles I, king of Naples £ Sicily. Anjou (Francois, due d'), due d' Alcneon, son of Henry II, king of France. 1.3.54_84 [+Fi!axcis. duke of Anjoti}. fc'f MuLLEK (P. L.) iV A. DiEGERicK, cd'., Docs. conc. les rel'. entre A. A- les Pays-Bas |l.i76-84), 1889-99. Anjou (Marguerite, d'), see ilAKGAKET [of Aiiioti'j, qiieen consort of Hcnnj VI. Anjou (Philippe, due i'),nft. Pliilip Y of Spain,l6S3-l';46,see Philip Y. king of Spain. Anjou (Rene, d), king of Naples db Sicily, see Eexe [D'Anjou^, king etc. Anjou (Robert d'), king of Najjles, d. t3'f.3, see Robert [D'Anjou], king etc. Ankarstrbm (Johan Jacob TAnckarstroem], see Nervo (le b. de) Gustave III A A. (1746-92), 1876. Anlagen zu d. Motiven d. Entwurfs e. deutsehen Strafprozess- Ordnung, 1872, see Extwi'Rf. *Anleitung zu wissensehaftl. Beobachtungen auf Reisen, 1875, see Neumayee (G.) cd. Anley (Charlotte). *Miriam ; or, the power of truth. 7'" ed. s8°. 1841 Ann, see also Axxe. set *OrR little Ann, 188-5. *Anna Hammer: Roman. 2 Abthlgn. [Each Abthlg. has SB, b. in 1. Abthlg. 2 luis 2'"' tp. : Josephe Miinsterberg.] 88°. Eisleben. 1850 Anna, von Luxemburg, see Axne [of Bohemia], q. consort of liichard II. Anna, infanta di Spagtia, see An-ne [of Austria], queen etc. Anna Amalia [tAxN-E Amelia, ccmsort of Ertiest Augustus Con- stantine. Grand duke of Saxe-Weimar'\, see Beauliec- M.vp.coN'NAY, Frhr. v.) A. A., Carl August u. d. Minister v. Fritzsch, 1874. Anna Catharina, ps. The home of the Dragon. [Pseud. Lib.] s8». 1893 Anna Comnena [tANXE Comxexa, daughter of tlie emperor Alexius]. Alexiadis lib. xv. 2v. [vl, rec. etc. L. Sehopenns; t2, a. Eeifferscheid. C. s. h. Byz.] S". Bonns. 1839-78 see MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. grteca, tl31, A. C. Anna Faustina [Faustina junior], see Faustina (Axxia). Annseus Cornutus (Lucius), see Corxutus (L. A.) Annseus Floms (Lucius), see Florus (L. A.) Annseus Seneca (Lucius), see Seneca (L. A.) Annans Seneca (Marcus), see Sexeca (M. A.) *Annalen der deutbchen u. ausland. Criminal-Rechtspflege. Begriindet v. Hitzig, fortges. v. Demme 'and vom 31. Band an hrsg. v. H. T. Schletter]. 73B. 8". Altenberg etc. 1837-55 The first series 17B. 1828-37, & Bl-30 of second series, wanting. *Eepertorium zu B17-45. [b.w. B45]. S°. L. 1849 *Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. v. J. C. Pog.gendorff. B82-10.', (der ganzen Folge 158-181). 8°. L. 1851-8 Ergiinzungsbiind 3 (naeh 87 einzuschalten). 8°. L. 1848 Ergiinzungsband 4 (nach 90 einzuschalten). 8°. L. 1853-4 Annales. •Annales Bertiniani, see Saixt-Bertin, Abbey of. •Annales Cambria; [477-1288J. Ed. J. Williams ab Ithel. [Rolls Ser., 20]. Ia8». 1860 •Annates de Burton, see Bubton, upcm Trent : Abbey. •Annales de la bienfaisance, 1772, see La Combe de Prezel (H.) •Annales de Margan, see Mabgam Abbey. •Annales de Saint-Bertin, see S.uxt-Bebtin, Abbey of, at Sithiu. •Annales de Theokesberia, see Tewkesbury Abbey. •Annales de rois d'Assyrie, tr. etc., 1874, see Menant (J.) •Annales du moyen age, 1825-39, see Fbantix (J. M. F.) •Annales IslantUci, see Islenzkir Ansal.ib (803-1430), 1847. •Annales Minorum, see Wadding (Lucas). •Annales monasterii de Bermondeseia, see Beruoxdsey : Monas- tery. •Annales monast'. de Oseneia, see Osney ; Monastery. •Annales monast*. de Waverleia, see Waverley, Monastery oj. •Annales monast'. de Wintonia, see Winchester : Monastery. •Annales nionastici, 5v, 1864-9, see Luard i H. E.) ed. •Annales Patherbmnnenses : eine verlorene Quellenschrift d, 12. Jhdts. aus Bruchstiicken wiederhergestellt v. P. Scheffer- Boichorst. 8". Innsbruck. 1870 •Annales prioratus de Dimstaplia [the earlier portion by B. de Morins], see Dunstable : Priory. •Annales prioratus de Wigomia, see Worcester : Priory. •Annales Sithienses, see Satnt-Bertin, Abbey of, at Sithiu. •Annales Ultoniensis, see •Ulster Ann.vls. *Annales archeologiques. 28t. 4". 1844-81 tl-2.5. dir. par Didron arne. 26, 27, cont. par E. Didron. 28. Table analyt. & methodique ; par X. Barbier de Montault. •Annales de chimie et de physique. Ser. III. t31-36. 8». 1851-2 *Annales de I'industrie franjaise et etrangere. tl-6. 8». 1828-30 ""Annales des mines [form. Jocen.u. des mtxes], see De la Beche {Sir H. T.). Sel. of geolog. mems. in "Annales d. m.," tr., 1824. Annales des sciences naturelles. 8". 1864-1900 Zoologie tV paleontologie. s5, 20t [tl-10 wanting: Ser. 5, "Zoologie" only. s6, 20t. s7, 20l [15-17 described as S4r. 8, by mistake]. s8, tl-12 [in 2nvg.]. 720 has table to each series]. Annales des voyages, etc., ou coll. des voyages nouveaux. Publ. par Malte-Brun. 24t. [1-8, 2' ed.] 8». 1809-14 , Table des mat. dans les 20 prem. vol". 8". 1813 From 1814-19 nothing appeared, but from 1819 to 1865 it was cont'. as " Nouvellesa'. des v'." [wh.is wanting] and from 1866-70 again as " Annales des v'." Piiblicatimi then ceased. •Annales encyclopediques. Annees 1817, 18. 12t. S'. 1817-18 This u-as a eont.of the *Magasin encyclop^dique, 1795-1816, q.r. •Annales politiques, civ. and litt. du 18 s., par Lingnet, 1777-84, see Lixguet (S. N. H.) Annali. *Annali bolognesi. 1784-95, see S.itioli (L. V.) *Annali civili del regno delle dn SicUie. 24v. in 8, 1833-40. 4°. Xapoli. 1833-40 Annals. •Annals, anecdotes it legends ; a chron. of life assurance, 1853, see Fbaxcis (Johx). •Annals of a fishing village, 1891, see Sox of the M.\ESHES,ps. •Annals of a pubUshing house, 1897-8, see Blackwood, House of. •Annals (The) of England; an epitome etc., 1855-7; 1876, see Exglaxd. •Annals of Great Britain, f . ascension of Geo. Ill to peace of Amiens, 1807, see Campbell iT.) •Annals (The; of King James & K. Charles etc., 1681, see Peank- L.VXD (T.) •Annals of Lloyd's Register, 1884, see Lloyd's. •Annals (The) of Loch Ce : a chron. of Irish affairs, 1014-1590. Ed., w. tr., by W. M. Hennessy. 2v. [Partly by Brian Macdermot. Rolls Ser.,54,i,ii]. laS". 1871 •Annals (The) of St. Helen's, Bishopsgat«, 1876, see Cox (J. E.) ed. •Annals of the Army of the Cumberland, 1863, see Fitch (J.) •Annals (The) of the Church. sS". 1712 •Annals of the parish, 2"" ed., 1822, see Galt (J.) •Annals of the Peninsidar Campaigns, 1829, see Hamiltox (Capt. T.) •Annals of the 29. 1866-68 Annals of chemical medicine. vl, 2. 8". 1879-81 Anne, see also Ann. *Anne Askew, 186B, see Manning (Anne). •Aniie Dysart, 1M50, see Douglas {Miss C. J.), aft. Davies. *Anne Grey, •l"^> ed., 183.5, see Lister (T. H.) *Aiine Furuess. By a. of " Aunt's Margaret's trouble." Sv. sS". 1871 *Aune Hatliaway's cottage etc. [2>oems\ n.d., see Freeland (H. W.) Aime's Bounty, see Queen Anne's Bounty. Anne [of Austria], q. consort of Loicis XIII, k. of France. see Baschet (A.) Le roi chez la reine : I'hist. sec. du mariage de Louis XIII A d'A., 2' ed., 1866. „ FnEEii (M. W.) Married life of A., 1864. „ The regency of A., 1866. Anne [of Bohemia], q. consort of Richard II, king of England. [Anna v. Luxembukg]. see HtjFLER (C. V.) A. v. L., (1382-94), 1871. Anne [of Brittany], q. consort of (1) Charles VIII, (2) Louis XII, kings of France, see CosTELLo (L. S.) Mems. of A., 1855. „ Lacboix (P.) Louis XII & A. de B., 1882. „ Le Roux de Lincy (A.) Vie de la r. A., 1860-1. Anne [Bnlicn], queen consort of Henry ]'III, k. of England [Anne Boleytj]. see Fried.mann (P.) A. B. (1527- 36), 1884. „ Henry VIII, king of Eng. Lettres it A., avec tr. ; prec. d'une not. sur A. B., [by Crapelet], 1820. „ MiLMAN(H. H.) A. B. jdram. poem, 1826. „ Round (J. H.) The early life of A., 1886. „ Savaro (Cr. F.) L'Auna Bo- lena [platj], 1667. Anne, jyri^icess of Denmark, see Anne, queen of Gt. Brit. <£ Ireland. Anne, 2irincess of Eholi, see Eboli (la princesse d'). Anne, queen of Gt. Britain £ Ireland. see Bell (D. C.) Notices of hist. persons buried in the Tower ; w. ace. of disc, of supi>osed remains of A. B., 1877. „ Benger (Miss) Mems. of the Ufe of A., 3''' ed., 1827. „ Blaze de Bury (Mile.) Un divorce royal : A. B., 1890. „ Dixon (W. H.) Hist, of 2 queens, 1873-4. (W. H. D.) Good men, maimers, etc., see Adams Q. A. 1886. „ Ashton (John). Social Ufe in r. of A., 1882. „ BoYER (A.) Hist, of the reign of A., digested into an- nals, 1703-13. „ Burton (J. H.) Hist, of the r. of A., 1880. „ Gloucester (\Vm Henry (duke of). Q. Anne's son, mems. of W. H. (178'J), repr. 1881. „ Hamilton (C.) Transactions dur. r. of A., 1790. „ Morris (E. E.) The age of A., 1877. „ Oliphant (Mrs.) Hist. sketches of r. of Anne, 1894. „ Queen Anne's Bounty, Governors of the B. of Q. A. see Ralph (J.) *Hist. of Eng. dur. r. of Will., A. etc., 1744-6. *The other side of the question ; attempt to rescue the characters of Q. Mary & A. out of the hands of the 'D[ucliess of Marl- borough], 1742. Salomon (F.) Gesch. d. lez- ten Ministeriums A.'a (1710-14), 1894. SoMERS (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Stanhope (5"' earl). Hist, of Eng., comprising r. of A. to Peace of Utrecht (1701- 13), 1870. Thomson (Mrs. A. T.) Mem', of S., Duchess of Marl- borough & of the Court of A., 1839. WvoN (F. W.) Hist, of Gt. Brit. dur. r. of A., 1876. Anne, Amelia, consort of Ernest Augustus Constantine, Grand duke of Sure- Weimar, see Anna Amalia. Anne Comnena, daughter of the emperor Alexius, see Anna CoMNENA. Anne Genevieve [de Bourbon-Condi], duchess de Longueville, see Longueville (Mine. de). Anne Mary [de Bourbon], pi-incess de Conti, see Conti (A. M., iwincesse de). Anne Mary Louisa [cVOrlians], duchess de Montpensier, see MoNTPENsiEii (Mile. de). Anne (Theodore), M6ms. etc. sur I'int^rieur du palais de Charles X, A les 6vi>nemens de 1815 a 1830. 2t. 8°. 1831 Annee (Une) en Italic, 1847, see Italie. Annee (L') artistique. Par V. Champier. Annee [l]-4, 1878- 81/2, [no nwre app.]. 4t. 8". 1879-82 Annee (L') des poetes. Morceaux choisis r^unis par C. Fuster. vl-8, [cunt, as L'ann^e po^tique]. 1890-97. 8». 1890-7 Annee (L') geographique. 7' ann^e, 1868. sS". 1869 Annee litteraire (L'), ou Suite des Lettres sur quelques Ecrits de ce temps, 1754-1777 [wanting r' pi. of 1754, 64, 65, 74\ 58t. s8'. A. 1754-1790 Annee (L.) litt. & dramatique : revue annuelle de la litt. fr. et des tr. Par G. Vapereau. Annee 8, 9 ; 1865-6. 2v. s8". 1866-7 Annee (L') philosophique. Par F. Pillon. Ann^e 1, 2. s8°. 1867-8 Annee (L') poetique (1899-1901) [ed. C. Fuster], cont. o/L'Annee despoMes. s8". 1899-1901 Annely (Bernard). Theory of the winds. [P6]. 8''. 1729 Annerstedt (Claes). Upsala Universitetsbiblioteks hist, intill ar 1702. [P632]. 8". 1894 Annesley (Arthur), I'-' earl of Anglesea, see Anglesea (/>'(•.<)/). Annesley (George), J'"' earl of Mountnorris, viscount Valentia, see Mountnorris. Annet (Peter). *A coll. of the tracts of a certain free enquirer [i.e. P. A., P613]. 8". [1739-46] Judgmg for ourselves ; or, Free- thinking the great duty of religion. 8°. 1739, repr. 1797 Lectures, [h.w.h. Judging etc., 1797]. 8". [1708 ?] *Letter to S. Chandler, [b.w.h. Anne [de Oonsagues de CUves], consort of prince Edward of Bohemia [Anne de Go'szho-CEn, pi-incesse palatine], see Sophia, consent of Em. Aug., elector of Hanorer. Corr. de S. avec Ch. Louis, cte. palatin du Ehin ; & de ce dernier avec Anne de G., 1886. Anne, duclwss of York, 163T-J1, sec York (Anne, duchess of). Hist, of the man etc., 1761]. s8». 1762 see Free-Enquirer (The), vl [contg. 9 Nos. by P. A. No more app.], 1761 ; anoth. ed., 182B. ,i*HiSTORV (The) of the man after God's own heart, [by A. »], 1761. *Annette, 1877, see Stephenson (Mrs. E.) Annia Faustina [Faustina junior], see Faustina (Annia). Annibal, see Hannibal. *Annie's story, 1873, see Martin (Mrs. C.) Annius (Joannes) Vitcrbensis [G. Nanni]. Fratris loannis Annii Viterb...de comentariis Antiquitatii ad Christianissimos Hispan. reges...Epistola iucipit. Per Eucharium Silber al's Franck. fol. Rome. 1498 I cinque libri de le antichita di Beroso [or rather the spurious fragments of B., written by A.]. Con lo comm. di G. Annio, tr. per P. Lauro. s8°. Venetia. 1550 Annius Florus (Publius), see Flobus (P. A.) Anno, St.,abp. of Cologne, see Migse (J. P.) ed., Pat. Iatina,tl43. see Monumenta Gehm. Hist., Ser., til. „ Monumenta Gebmani.e Hist., Deutsche Chr., 1, Das Annolied. Annolied (Das), see Anno (St.) Annotations on the four gospels, 1799, see Elsley (H.) An-Nowairius, see Al-Nuwaiei. Annuaire-Almanach du Commerce etc. (Didot-Bottin), 1889, 2 pts. [1, Paris ; 2, Departements et Pays etrangers.] 138". 1889 Annuaire de la noblesse de France, et des maisons souveraines de I'Europe. Publ. par Borel d'Hauterive, annee 1-59', want- ing 1860-5, 67-93. s8». 1843-1901 Annuaire de I'instruction publique & des beaux-arts. Pour 1898. 8«. 1898 Annuaire de I'Observatoire de Bruxelles, 1834-43. 9t. [teanting 1837]. s8°. Brux. 1834-42 Annuaire des deux mondes, 1-14. Annee 1850-1867. 8°. 1851-68 Annuaire des etablissements frangais de I'lnde. Pour 1853. Par F. E. Sice. 4' ann6e. [P383]. 8». Pondich^ry. 1855 Annuaire des Sciences Historiques. s8°. 1877 Annuaire diplomatique de I'Empire Francj'ais pour 1859. 2' ann^e. s8°. 1859 Annuaire historique, publ. par la S. de I'H. de F., 1836-63 see SoCI^TE DE l'HiSTOIEE DE FRANCE. ANNUAIRE 44 ANSON Annuaire historique universel ou Histoire politique, 1818-53. 8». 1819-36 Annuaire international de la Bulgarie, 1898. Par A. Duiaste). 8°. Sopliia, 1897 Annuaire necrologique. Anniie 1820-25 in 5v. Continued as : Annales biogiaphiques. Annte [1826]-27. 8°. 1821-28 Annuaire scientlflque, publ. par P. P. Deherain, avec collab. Annie 2, 3, 5, 8. 1863, 64, 66, 69. [1869, 2' ed.] s8". 1863-69 Annual biography, The, and obituary, 1817-37. 21v. 8". 1817-87 Annual charities register & digest, 1898, 1901. 8". 1898-1901 Annual index of periodicals A photographs for 1890, see Review OK Reviews. Annual literary index (The), 1892-5. Ed. W. 1. Fletcher & R. R. Bowker [wanting 1893]. Ia8". N.Y. 1893-6 [TJits jyiibl. is a cont. of the " Cooperative Index to Periodi- cals," q.v.] Annual miscellany (The), for 1694, 2'"' ed., 1708. This is t. of p4 of DitvDEX (J.) Miscellany poems, q.v. Annual monitor (The). Quaker Records : index to -A. M., 1813-92 : eont. over 20,000 obit. not'. 8". 1894 *Annual (The) of British landscape scenery : an autumn ramble on the Wye, 1839, see Meredith (Mrs. L. .\.) Annual register. Annual register. The, for 1758-1900 [New Ser. began in 1863]. [Index, 1758-1819, Iv. ; f. 1820 there isan Index 'in each vol.]. 8". 1758-1901 see Haerison (F. B.) The contemp. hist, of the French Revol., comp. f. ".\. R.," 1889. Annual report of the progress of Chemistry etc., by J. Liebig, H. Kopp, etc., vl, 2 i, 1847-48. 8°. 1849 Annual retrospect for 1831. [Lardner's Cabinet Library.] 2v. [vl wanting'. s8". 1831 Annual (The) retrospect of public affairs for 1831. 2v. in 1. s8". 1831 Annual review, The, and History of literature, 1802-8. 7v. Ia8". 1803-9 Annuario statistico italiano, 1898[-1900, in prog.] Ia8". 1898-1900 Annubio, sec Maxetho. Apotelesmaticorum etc. ; ace. A.fragm. astrologica, 1858. Annuity. Report from the Sel. Comm. on Annuity Tax (Edin- burgh). [P292]. 8». 1851 Annunzio (Gabriele d'). L' aUegoria dell' autunno. Tbanseations. [P602]. s8". Firenze. 1895 The child of pleasure [II La cittil morta. sS". Milano. 1898 piacere] . Tr. G. Harding. H fuoco. 8». Milano. 1900 Intr. & verse tr. by A. La Gioconda : tragedia. Symons. s8". 1898 8". Milano. 1899 The dead city. Tr. A. Symons. Giovanni Episcopo. s8°. 1900 8». Napoli. 1892 L'enfant de volupte. Tr. G. La gloria : tragedia. He'relle. 18' e'd. s8<>. 1897 88". Milano. 1899 Episcopo et C". Tr. G. He'relle. In morte di G. Verdi : canzone. 2^ g(j ggo^ 1595 laS". Milano. 1901 Le feu. Tr. G. He'relle. L' inuocente. sgo. [1900] 3" ed. s8". Napoh. 1892 The flame of life. Tr. K. Ilpiacere.6»ed.s8". Milano. 1894 Vivaria. 88°. 1900 ... sS". Milano. 1896 L'intrus. Tr. G. Htrelle. Poesie ; L'Isotteo — La Chimera. 3' ed. s8". 1893 (1885-8). _ \>}f ^d. s8». 1898 2» ed. s8». Milano. 1895 Triomphe de la mort. Tr. G. Poesie. Poema paradisiaco ; Herelle. S* e'd. sS". 1896 Odi navali. (1891-3). ^^ 1S« ed. s8». 1898 2" ed. s8". Milano. 1893 ^^ ige a^ sgo jgQQ San Pantaleone. Triumph of death. Tr. G. s8". Firenze. 1886 Harding. s8'>. 1898 Sogno dW mattino di prima- The victim. Tr. G. Harding. vera. [P887]. laS". 1897 gg„ Jygg Sognod'uutraaiontod'autuniia ^^^ ^.^ ^^^ rochers! Tr. -r • , ;, n V '"'• &• He'reUe. 2- ed. sS". 1897 Tnonio della morte. , 2" ed. s8». Milano. 1894 " " — ^'■'° '-"''■ ^'^ ■ !*'•'' „ 8» ed. s8». Milano. 1894 The virgins of the rocks. Tr. Le vergini delle rocce. -'^. Hughes. s8». 1899 s8«. Milano. 1896 see Properzio (G. oil. A., „ 2« ed. s8o. Milano. 1896 1896. La ville morte. 68". 1898 «Annus Sanctns, hymns etc., 1884, see Shipley (O.) ed. Anoblissements. Die. des a". (1804-68), 1869, see Paris (A. L.) ed. Anois (la ctesse. d'), see Aulnoy (M)ne. d'). Anold ( ). A quoi tient la superiorite des Fran(,ais sur les Anglo-Saxons ? s8°. 1899 *Anonymi de situ orbis libri ii., 1884, see Situ. *Anonymiana, ISUH, see Pegge (S.) tlie elder. Anouymus (Eavennas), see Ravennas, Anonymits. '■'Another leaf omitted out of the Record Report, 1837, sec BurcE (John). * Another world : fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah. By Hermes. s8'. 1873 Anquetil (A. Thomas-), see Thomas- jInquetil (A.) Anquetil (Louis Pierre). L'esprit de la ligue. 3t. 2-' ed. s8". 1771 L'intrigue du cabinet sous Henri IV et Louis XIU, terminee par la Fronde. 4t. s8°. 1780 Louis XIV, sa cour, et le Regent. 4t. [v3 wanting]. sS". 1789 Precis de I'hist. universelle. St. n. ^d. 8°. 1818 Anquetil Du Perron (Abraham Hyacinthe). L'Inde en rapport avec I'Europe. 2t. 8". 1798 sec Jones {Sir W.) Works : vlO, Lettre a A. Du P., 1807. Anscharius, .S'^, abp. of Hamburg db Bremen, sec Ansgab. Ansegisus, abbot, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t97, 105. Anseis, de Carthage. A. v. Karthago. Hrsg. v. J. Alton. [Lit. V. in St., 104]. s8". Tiibingen. 1892 Ansell (Charles), the younger. Rate of mortality at early periods of life & 0. statistics of families in upper and middle classes. Ia8». 1874 Ansell (George Frederick). The Royal Mint. 4°. 1870 Ansellus, sclwlasticus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl51. Anselm, St., abp. of Canterbury. Cur Deus homo ? s8". 1863 see Life of A., tr. & abr., „ „ Tr., w. anal., by a 1850. clergyman. s8". O. 1858 „ Migne {J. P.) ed., Pat. see BoHRiNGER (F.) Die Kirche latina, tl58, 159, 191, Christi: B14, X., '1' A., 199. 1864. „ MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist. Scr., tl3. des Gaules, til. „ Remi'S.it (le c. C. de). S. A. Church (R. W.) A., 1870, de Cantorbery, 1853. 1871, 1881, 1888. 2' e'd. 1868 Eadjieb, the monk, Hist. „ Eigg (J. M.) A., 1896. uovorum in Auglia, 1884. ' „ Rule (M.) Life Sc times of France (G. F.) A. von A., 1883. Canterbury, 1842. „ Vorges (ate. D. de) A., Hasse (P. R.) A. V. Canter- 1901. bury, 1843-52. Anselm, St., bp. of Lucca, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl48, 149. „ MoNUiiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl2, 20. Anselme, de la Vicrge Marie [Pierre de Guibours], see Anselme, le piire. Anselme, le pere, {f Anselme, de la Vierge Marie [Pierre de Gdibours] [ . Hist, genealog. & chronolog. de la maison royale de France, des pairs, grands officiers de la couroune, chevaliers de I'ordie du Saint-Esprit. Cont. par Du Fourny. 9t. 3' ed. fol. 1726-33 „ „ [4« ki. w.t. Hist. etc. par les pp. Anselme, Ange, et Simplicien, t4, 9, i, ii]. Ia4". 1868-90 [It is stated that no more will appear of this cd.] 9, i, ii, cont. le cat. de I'Ordre du Saint-Esprit, augm. de la suite des genealogies du p. A., & de ceUes des membres 1733- 89, par Potier de Courcy. Anselmus, Gemblac, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl60. sec MoNOMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t6. Anselmus, bp. of Havelberg, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl88, 189. Anselmus, Laudiinensis Eccl. diaconus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl62. Anselmus, canonicus Lead, sec Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, til. „ MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl39, 142. ,, MoNu.MENTA Germ. Hist., Sci., t7, 14. Anselmus, Remcnsis, see Migne (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, tl42. Ansgar, St. [.\nsch.\rius (St.), abi). of Hamburg tfi Bremen], see BomuNGER (F.) Die Kirche Christi. [B13, A., 2' A.] 1864 „ Migne (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, tll8. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t2. Anson (George Anson, baron). Voyage round the world, 1740-44, by G. A. ; compUed f. papers, etc. of A. by R. Walter. 4°. 1748 15"" ed. 8". 1780 see B.iRROw (Sir John). Life of A., 1839. Anson (0. H. S. G.) With H.M. 9th Lancers dur. the Mutiny : the letters of A., ed. H. S. Anson. sS"-. 1896 ANSON 45 ANTHOLOGIE Anson (Sir Wm. Reynell), barf. Law aud custom of the Constitution. 2p. 8". O. 1880-92 , 2p (1. Parliament. 2. The Crown). 2'"' ed. 8". O. 1892-6 p. 1, 3"' ed. 8". O. 1897 Principles of the Eng. law of contract. 3"' ed. 8". 0. 1884 Ansorge (W. J.) Under the African sun. Ia8°. 1899 Anspach (Eliz., margravine of) [fCiuvEN (Eliz.) baroness Craven, aft. margravine of Anspach]. Letters f. Lady Craven to the Margrave of Anspach dur. her travels, 178.5-0. 2°'i ed. [inch letters not before publ''.] 4". 1814 Memoirs, by herself. 2v. 8'. 1820 Ansse de ■Villoison (Jean B. G. d') ed., Anecdota grreca e K. Paris, et e Veneta S. Marci Bibl'. 2t. in 1. 4". Venetiis. 1781 Ansted (David Thomas). The great stone book of nature. sB". 1863 In searcli of minerals. 8". 1880 The Ionian Islands. 1863. S". 1863 Physical geography. s8". 1867 Scenery, science, & art. H". 18.54 Trip in Hungary & Transylvania, 1862. s8". 1862 Water and water-supply. 8°. 1878 & R. Gr. Latham. The Channel Islands. 8». 1862 Revised by E. T. NicoUe. S"" ed. s8». [1893] *Anster Fair, etc., 2'"' ed., 1814, sec Tenna\t (W.) Anstey (Christopher). The farmer's daughter. [P785]. 4». Bath. 1795 *The New Bath Guide etc. n. ed. s8°. 1807 Poetical works, w. life, by J. Anstey. 4°. 1808 Anstey (F.) ps. [i.e. Thom.\s Anstey Gdthrie]. Tlie ancient world. s8". 1847 Applications of geology to arts etc. Ia8". 1865 ElemJ. geology, mineralogy etc. 2". Bristol. n.(l. The travelling companions. s4". 1892 Vice versa. sS*^. 2'"' ed. s8". 12"> ed. 68". Voces populi. 2'"' ed. s4». 1890 „ , s2. s4". 1892 Anstey (Henry) ed., Epistolae academicas Oxon. (Registrum F.) ; letters & o. docs, illust. of Oxf. in 15th c. 2p [jiHigin. cont. Oxford Hist. Soc, 35, 36]. 8°. O. 1898 Munimenta acaderaica, or doc", illust. of life & studies at Oxford. 2p [2>agin. cont. Kolls Ser., 50, i, ii]. laS". 1898 pi, Libri cancellarii & procuratorum. p2, Libri cancellarii & procuratorum ; ace. acta Curise Can- cellarii & memoranda ex registris nonnulla. Anstey (John) [ps. John Scrrebutteb]. The pleader's guide etc. By the late J. J. S. i'" ed. s8". 1804 Anstey (Thomas Chisholm). Crime tt govt, at Hong Kong. [P207]. 8". 1859 Guide to the hist, of the laws & constitutions of Eng. s8". 1845 Guide to the laws of Eng. affect- ing Roman Catholics. 8". 1812 Notes upon " The representa- tion of the people Act, 1867," etc. 8". 1857 Anstie (Francis E.) Stimulants & narcotics. 8°. 1864 Anstruther (Robert). Epistola Herberti de Losinga, Osberti de Clara, et Elmeri ed. 8°. Bruxellis. 1846 La vraie cronicque d'Escoce — Pretensions des Anglois a la couronne de France — Diplome de Jacques VI, roi de la Grande Bretagne. From the Burgundian Lib. ed. A. [Roxburghe Club]. 4°. 1847 Answer. [Answers]. •Answer (An) from the electors of Bristol to the letter of E. Burke, 1777, ser IJuRKE (Edmund). 'Answer (An) in defence of the truth agst. the Apology of private mass (1562), ed. 18.50, see Cooper (T.) bp. 'Answer of the Archbishops of Eng. to the Apostolic letter of Leo XIII on Enghsh ordinations. [P666]. 8". 1897 Plea of the unrepresented Com- mons for restitution of fran- chise. [P252]. 8". 1866 Report of Law Coram, on A.'s Bill " for better administra- tion of charitable trusts for benefit of Roman Cath. sub- jects," 1847, see Assoc, op St. 'TnoM.'is of C.\nt. Answer [continued]. •Answer (An) to a late printed paper, given about by some of the Chnrch of Rome. 2"'i ed., l(i«6, see Williams (John), Itp. •Answer (An) to a printed book, " Obs. upon some of H.M.'s late answers" etc., 1642, see Digges (D.) •Answer (An) to Mr. Molyneux his Case of Ireland etc., 1698, see Carey (J.) •Answer (An) to Mr. Pitt's attack upon Earl St. Vincent,* the Admiralty etc., 1804, see Pitt iW.) •Answer I An) to some papers lately printed, cone, the authority of the Cath. Church etc., 1686, see Stillingfleet (E.), 6^. •Answer (An) to the " Amicable Accommodation " etc. [of J. Goth&y], 1686, see Sherlock (W.) •Answer (An) to the inquiry " Why are you a Dissenter ? " 1772, see TOWGOOD (M.) •Answer (An) to the " unanswerable " speech of Lyndhurst on abol. of arrest for debt, 1837, see Ly-ndhurst (J. S,, baron). •Answer (An) to " War in disguise " [/. Ste2}lieii's], 1806, see Morris (Gonvertiem-). •Answers to Mr. Macaulay's criticisms on Croker's Boswell, 2'"' ed., 1856, see Macaulav (T. B., baron). •Full a. (A) to all the pop. objections for not taking the oath to their pres. Majesties, 1689, see Long (T.) 'Antarah ibn Shaddad Al 'Absi. Antar, a Bedoueen romance. Tr. T. Hamilton. 4v. 88°. 1819-20 [Pp. l-'i'Jf of !■/ arc of 1st issue, /SlO.] sec Chauvin (V.) Bibliographie (1810-85) : 3, 'A. etc., 1898. Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Other works in this coll. arc ottered under their respective authors. Early Xtn. works discov. since completion of the ser., & sels. f. the Comins. of Origen. Ed. A. Menzies. [A.-N.C.L. 9]. Ia8". E. 1897 Antenor, ;w. '•Voyages d'A., tr. par [or rattier, written by] Lantier, 2'' ed., 1797, see Lantiek (E. F. de). •"Anteros, 1871, see Lawrence (G. A.) Anterus, St., pope, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl30. Anthing (Friedrich). Les campagnes du cte. de Souworow. Tr. par M. de Serionne. 3v. 8". Gotha. 1799 Hist, of campaigns of Suworow. Tr. 2v. 8". 1799 Anthoine (Jacques) & Jean A. La raort de Louis XIV : journal des A. Intr. de E. Drumont. 88°. 1880 Anthologia (Jermanica : tr'. f. German poets, 1845, see Mangan (J. C.) Anthologia (Jraeca [fGREEK Anthology]. A. G. Ad. Palat. cod. fidem ed. 3t. ed. ster. sS". L. 1829 A. G., 3. poet. Gnec. lusus. Ex rec. Brunckii. Indices & comm. adj. F. Jacobs. ISt in 11. 8". L. 1794-1814 Select epigrams from the Greek Anthology. Text, tr. etc., by J. W. Mackail. 8". 1890 Translations. Coll». f. the Greek A?., by R. Bland etc., n. ed., by J. H. Merivale. sS". 1833 Tlie Greek Anthology, as sel. for Eton etc. Lit. tr., chiefly by G. Burges ; [w.] metr. versions by Bland etc. s8». Bohn. 1854 see Garnett (E.) Chaplet f. the Greek A., 1892. HiLLER (E.) ed. Antho- logia lyi-ica, s. lyric. GrsBC. rel. potiores, post Berg- kium, ed. E. Hiller, 1897. Neaves (C.-, Lord). The G. A. [Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers], 1874. Thackeray (F. St. J.) ed. A. G., passages f. the poets, sel. by Thackeray, 6"' ed., 1895. Welleslev (H.) Antho- logia jrolyglotta: a sel. of versions, cliiefly f. the Greek A., 1849. Anthologia Hibernica : or monthly oolls. of science, belles- lettres, & hist. January 1793-December 1794. 4v. 8". 1793-4 see Farrar (H.) Irish marriages : w. app. f. notes of Sir A. Vicars of births, etc., 1897. Anthologia Latina. Anthologia latina, s. Poesis hit. lat. supplementum. [Ed. F. Biieeheler i(- A. Biese.] 2p. s8". L. 1869-97 pi, Carmina in codd. scripta, rec. A. Riese. p2, Carmina Lat. epigra- phica, ooul. F. Buecheler. pi has 2f w. Sep. pagin. in lv.,p2 has 2f, pagin. eont., in Iv. Anthologia latina, passages f. the poets, sel. by Thackeray, a"" ed., 1892, see Thackebay (P. St. J.) ed. Anthologie arabe, tr., 1828, Anthologia lyrica, anacreontea etc., coutinens, 1827, see Mehlhobn (F.) ed. Anthologia Oxonieusis, 1846, see Lin WOOD (W.) 'AvdoKoyia, seu selecta poemata Italorum qui Lat. scripserunt. Ed. F.Atterbunj.) s8». 1684 Anthologia veterum Latinorum epigrammatum et poematum, Ed. Bnrmaim. auxit etc. H. Meyerus. 2t. 8". L. 1835 see Epigrammatum anthologia Palatum, 8v. 1864-90. see Grangeret de Lagrange (J. B. A.) tr. Anthologie des poetes frangaiSjdep. le 15' s. sS". Lemerre.\19ilS\ ANTHOLOGIE 46 ANTOINE *Anthologie japonaise, tr. avec texte, 1871, see Eosny (L. L. dk). Anthon (Charles), see Lkmi'iiiei-.e (J.) Coll. of suppl-. to all edd. of L.'s Class. Diet, by A. 1837. Anthony, Saint, of Padua [Fernando Bclhon ; Antonio, de Lisboa ; A. P.^tavinus ; A. Olisipensis ; jAntony, of Padua, Saint], see Mandach (G. de) S. A. de Padoue & I'art italien, 1899. Anthony (Charles), ^wii^ic. writer. Popular sovereignty. s8». 1880 *Social d- polit. dependence of women. 8°. 1867 5'" ed. 8°. 1880 Anthropological Institute of Gt. Brit. & Ireland. [This Soc. u-as formed lS~Ojt by tJie amalgamation of the Ethnological Soc. with the Anthropological Soc.]. Journal, vl-20J. 8". 1879-91 Index to Publ-. of the A. I. [1843-91] ; by G. W. Bloxam. 8". 1893 Anthropological Soc. After IS70 this Soc. was amalganuited loith the Ethnological Soc, Institute. Anthropological Review. 8v. ^No^ 1-29). 8°. 1863-70 Journal of Anthropology. Iv. [«o more app.'] 8". 1870-1 Journal of the Anthrop. Soc. 8v. [vl-3 b.w. Anthrop. Rev. vl-3 ; yl, called Transactions]. 8". 1863-70 Memoirs. 3v. 18B3-i, '65-t;, '67-8-9. 8". 1865-70 Popular Magazine of Anthro- pology. Anthropologie (L'). becoming tlie Anthropological vl. 1866 [no more app.] 8". 1866 [a.c. ; b.u: Anthrop. Rev., v4, 1866.] ft' Bll'MENBAch (J. F.) Anthro- polog. treatises etc., tr., 1865. „ GAST.ALDI (B.) Lake habit*. & pre-hist. remains of N. & C. Italy, tr., 1865. „ Waitz (Th.) Introd. to Anthropology, 1863. tl-12. Ia8". 1890-1901 Anthropology. Congres Internat. d' Anthropologie & d'Arch^o- logie pri'historiques. Rapport sur la session de Lisbonne, par E. Cartailhac. 8". 1880 Compte rendu de la 2-8' session, 18(37-76. [sess. 1, 3 wanting]. 8". v.p. 1868-76 Anti-Annuity Tax League. Address to the inhab>. of Edin- burgh bv the Exec. Comm. ; w. letters f. J. Hume. [P292]. s8°. E. 1850 Anticipation. •-Anticipation [for 1778] : H.M.'s speech at opening of Session, 4'" ed., 1778 ; 8"- ed., 1778. sec Tickell (R.) * A.nticipation [for 1779] : H.M.'s speech etc. [Vli, probably not 6y Tickell]. 8M779 *Anti-Caquet (L'), see Caquets (Les) de I'acoouchee, suiv. de I'A., etc., 1888. Anti-Corn Law Tract. Sir E. Peel's " Burdens on land." [P494]. s8«. 1842 Anti-Critic (The) for .SiUg., 1821, & Mar., 1822 ; 1822, see Brydges (Sir S. E.) ^Antidote au Congres de Eastadt, etc., n. M., 1817, see PK.iDT (D. D. de). Antifonte, see Antiphon. Anti-Gallican (The) ; or standard of Brit, loyalty etc., inch a coll. of papers etc. on the threatened invasion. 8°. 1804 Antigone. *The new A., 1887, sec Barry (W. F.) Antigua & the Antiguans. [By Mrs.Flannigan?] 2v. sS" Anti-Jacobin (The), or Weekly Examiner. 2v. 4'" ed. 8° Poetry of the A.-J. s8» n. ed., w. notes. 38°, Ed., w. notes, by C. Edmonds. 3"" ed. sB". 1890 " I, 4"' ed. 4°. 1801 see MoKLEY (H.) ed., Parodies etc., w. the whole poetry of the A.-J., 1890. Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine (The), vl-42. 8". 1799-1812 AntijudEeus, jtscud., see Agnew (Sir .\.) *Letter to A., etc. [sig^ved A'.], 1849. see Candlish (E. S.) *Letter to C, etc. [signed A.], 1847. Antike Denkmaler. Hrsg. v. K. Deutscheu Archiiolog. Institut. Bl;2, H. i-iv. In firog. lafol. B. 1891^901 Antik'en' Miinzen (Die) Nord-Griechenlands. Unter Leitung V F Imhoof-Blumer hrsg. v. d. K. Akad. d. Wissenschafteu. Bl, i. 4«. 1898 Bl, Dacien u. Moesien. Bearb. v. B. Pick. Halbband 1. Antimachus, Colophonius, sec Benecke (E. F. M.) A., of C, li- the position of women in Greek poetry, 1896. see Hesiod, H'. carmina ; .\\ fragm'. adj. Diibner, 1840. Anti-Masonic Convention, see United States Anti-Masonic Convention. *Anti-Mathanase (L'). For an ed., see S.unt-Hyacixthe (H. C. de) [ps., C. Matanasius] Chef-d'ceuvre d'un inconnu, 9« ed., [with] I'A-M., 1807. Antinoensis (Serenus), see Sekenus, of Ami. 1844 1799 1799 18.52 Antinori {il march. Giuseppe), see Paknaso dcgl' Italiani viventi, v48, I'oesi del m. A., 1803-24. Antinsensis (Serenus), see Seuenus, of .inH. Antioch (Renaud [de Chatillon, prince of), d. / IS~, see Chatil- LON (K. Di;). Antioche. Chanson (La) d'Antioche. Comp. par le p^lerin Hichard, renouv. par Graindor de Douay. Publ. par P. Paris. 2t. s8«. 1849 Antioche (le etc. .\dhejhr d'). Changarnier. 8". 1891 Deux diplomates : Raczynski et Donoso Cortes ; depeohes et corr. polit., 1848-53. 8°. 1880 Antiochenus (Ephraimus), see Epheaim, of Antioch. Antiochenus (Eustathius), see Ecstathius, Saint, bp. of (1) Bero'a, (2) Antioch. Antiochenus (Gregorius), see Gregory, bp. of Antioch. Antiochenus (Ignatius), see Ign.^tics, St., bp. of Antioch. Antiochenus (Joannes), became bp. of Antioch, 42S, see John I, b2>. of Antioch. Antiochenus (Joannes Malala), see Malada (Joannes). Antiochenus (Lihanius), see Libanius. Antiochenus (Theophilus), see Theophilus, bp. of Antioch. Antiochus, Laurie S. Sabce monachus, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. gneca, t89, A. Antipater, Saint, bji. of Bostra [A. Bosirensis], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. gneca, t8.5, A. Antiphon, the Orator [AntifonteJ. sec Bekker (I.) ed., Oratores .\ttici : 1, .\., 1822-3. *Antiqua mater etc., 1887, sec Johnson (Edwin). *Antiquse lingruse Britannicfe etc., et lingus Latinse, diet, duplex, 1632, sir Davies (John), D.D. *Antiquse literaturae Septentrionalis libri duo. Quorum primus Hickesii Thesaurum etc., it .\. Fountaine Numismata com- plectitur ; alter cont. Wanleii Catalogum, fol. 1703-5. see HicKES (G.) Ling. vett. septentrion. Thesaurus, 2v, 1703-5. ,, Wanley (H.) Antiqua? lit. Septentrion. liber alter, s. Cata- logus etc., 1705. *Antiquae musicse auctores septem, 1652, see Meibomius (M.) ed. Antiquarian Repertory (The), n. ed., 1807, st't; Grose (F.) Antiquaries of London, see Society of Antiquaries of London. Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, see Society of Antiqua- ries of NEWCASTLE-npON-TYNE. Antiquaries of Scotland, see Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land. "Antiquary (The) [nocel], var. ed"., see Scott (Sir W.) Antiquary (The). vUm [in prog.]. 4°. 1880-1900 Antique. Vvr an anon, work in German see Antiken. *Antiquis (De) ecclesiae ritibus, 1783, see Mabtene (E.) ed. *Antiquis legibus (Liber de), var. ed'., see *Liber de antiquis legibus [attr. to A. FitzTtiedmar]. *Antiquitates culinariae, 1791, see Warner (R.) ed. Antiquitates Ecclesiae Orientalis, clariss. vir. Card. Barberini, L. Allatii, J. Morini etc., dissert, enucleata;. Praef. est, J. Morini vita. s8°. Londini. 1682 *Antiquitates Sarisburienses, n. ed., 1777, see Ledwich (E.) *Antiquites Mexicaines. Relation des 3 expeds. du cap. Dupaix, 1805-7, dessins de Castafieda. Suivie de notes, docs. etc. [Ed. by H. Barad^re.] 2t. fol. 1834 *Antiquities of Ionia, pl-4, 1769-1881, sec *Ionian antiq'., joh. is the t. uf ^)l-3. Antiquities (The) of St. Peter's, or, the Abbey-Church of West- minster. S"" ed., 1722 ; 4"' ed., 1741, see Cruel (1.) Anti-Salt Monopoly of India Assoc. The A.-S.A. (Eeport of public meeting, 20 May, 1847). Anti-Slavery, .sir .American A.-S. Soc. Anti-Slavery Conference, Paris, Aug., 1867. [P292]. 8°. 1847 Special report. 8°. [1867] & emancipation : Anti-Slavery Reporter, see *Sugar, slavery, articles orig. in the A.-S. R., 1854. Antissa (Serenus, von) see Serenus, of And. Antisthenes, sec Bekker (I.) ed., Oratores Attioi, 4, iv. A., 1822-8. *Antithelemite (The), or an ans. to the D. of B., 1685, see Maurice (H.) Anti-Times. [No. 1], November 20, 1819. [P324]. 8°. 1819 Antoine. For saints see Anthony. Antoine [de Bourbon], king of Nai;arre, see Antony [de Bourbon], king etc. Antoine, arch, de Novgorod. Descript. des Lieux-Saints de Constantinople [1200], see Khiirowo (B. de). Itint:raires Busses en Orient, 1889. ANTOINETTE 47 APOLLONIATES Antoinette Marie, qncett consort of Louis XVI, sjc Mabie Antoinktte. Antologia. Antologia de poetas hispano-ameiicaiios, piibl. por la R. Acad. Espafiola. 4t. laS". 1893-5 1. Mexico y America Central. 2. Cuba — Santo Domingo — Puerto Rico — Venezuela. 3. Colombia— Ecuador — I'eru — Bolivia. 4. Chile— Reinibl. Argentina — Uruguay. ♦Antologia de poetas liricos castellanos, tl-10, 1890-1900, see MenIcndez \- 1'el\yo (M.) ed. *Antologia espanola, col. de trozos escog., 1860, sec Ocho.v (C. de) cd. *Antolngia espanola : poesias liricas, 1875, see Michaklis (C.) ed. Antona (BuoTO d'), sec Bevis, 6'ic, of Soutliampton. Antona-Traversi (Camillo). I genitori di Leopardi. 2v. 8°. 1887-91 Spigolature classiche leopardiane. vl. s8°. Parma. 1889 see FoscoLo (Ugo). Curiosita foscoliane in gran parte ined. a cura di A.-T., 1889. Antonelli {card. Glacomo), see Bianchi-Giovixi (A.) Diario di Burcardo ; biografia del A., ec, 2" ed., 1861. Antonides (Michael). Essai sur I'hist. de I'humanite. 8°.L. 1859 Antonin (Marc), sec Aurelius Antoninus (Makcus). *Antonine Wall (The) Report : ace. of excavations etc. under dir. of the Glasgow Archjeolog. Soc, 1890-3. [Glasgow ArchsBolog. Soc] la8". Glasgow. 1899 Antoninus, Augustus. Iter Britanniarum : or that part of the Itinerary of A. wli. rel. to Britain, w. a new comni. by T. Reynolds. 4°. C. 1799 Iter Britanniarum, comm. T. Gale. Ed. etc. R. G[ale]. Ace. anonymi Ravennatis Britannije chorographia, etc. b4». Londini, 1709 see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. „ Burton (W.) Master etc. Comm. on A. : his Itinerary, so far as cone. Britain, 1658. see Gibson (K.) Comment upon part of 5"' journey of A. through Brit., in wh. the situation of Durobrivffi is discussed, & Castor shewn to have claim to that situation, 2'"i ed., 1819. „ Itineb.akium Antonini. „ Wesselinu (P.) ed; Vet. Roman, itineraria. A'. Itin. etc., 1735. Stewart, annot. C. 8". 1885 ACBELIUS FULVIUS Antoninus, St. [Forciglioni], ahp. of Florence. Chronicorum opus, emend, etc. opera P. Maturi. 3v. fol. Lugduni. 1586 Antoninus Honoralus, see Honohatus (A.) Antoninus, Liberalis. Transformationum congeries. Interp. G. Xylandri, cum Munckeri not. ; suas adj. H. Verheyk. 8" Lugd. Bat. 1774 see *Mythographi Gk.eci, 2, i, A.L. fieTafiop(pu<7€aiy ewayoiyri, 1896. Antoninus, martyr. De locis Sanctis qua; perainbulavit A. 11. circa 570. Hrsg. v. T. Tobler. sS". St. Gallen. 1863 Perambulatio locorum sanctorum (c. 570), sec Toblek (T.) etc.. Itinera Hierosolymitana, 1877-85. Of the holy places visited by A. Tr. A. W. Wilson. [Palestine P. Text Soc.]. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t72. Antoninu's, Fins [IAntoninus (Titus BojoNius Plus)], emperor of Rome, see Bryant (E. E.) Reign of A. P., 1895. „ Fronto (M. C.) Op. ined., cum epist". ined. A', etc., 1832. „ F. et A', epist., 1867. Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius), emperor of Rome, sec Aurelius Antoninus (M.) Antonio, de Lisboa, see Anthony, Saint, of Padua. Antonio, di .icjostino da S. Miniato, see Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t25. Antonio (Nicolas). Bibliotheca Hispana nova ; Hispan. scrip- torum 1500-1684 notitia. 2t. fol. Matriti. 1783-88 Bibliotheca Hispana vetus ; Hispani scr. ad. a. 1500. Cur. F. P. Bayerio. 2t. fol. Matriti. 1788 Antonius. For saints see Anthony. Antonius [Astesanus], sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, to. Carmen de varietate Fortunse, sec Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl4. Antonius, Diogenes, see Diogenes (A.) Antonius, Gailus, see Gallus (Antonius). Antonius, Hyvanus, see Hyvanus (A.) Antonius, Melissa [IAntony, Melissa, tlic monk], sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. griEca, tl36, A. M. Antonius, Olisipensis, see Anthony, Saint, of Padua. Antonius, Faduanus [A., Patavinus}, see Anthony, Saint, of Padua. Antonius, discipulus Simeonis Stylitai, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t73. Antonius (Marcus), the tritimvir, see Antony. Antony, Father, O.S.F., see Maccabe (J.) [Form. Father A.] Antony {de Bourbon'], king of Navarre, & Jeanne d'Albret. Lettres. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8». 1877 Antony, Melissa, the monk, see Antonius, Melissa. Antony, of Padua, Saint, see Anthony, Saint, of Padua. Antony, tlie triumvir [f Antoniu.s (Marcus)], see Cicero (M. T.) PhilippicEG, I'ar. edd., d tr\ see Marescalchi ( ). Antonio e Cleopatra : trag., 1787. Antony Philip Id'Orlians], duke de Montpensier, see Mont- PENSIEB. Antrobus (C. L.). Quality corner. s8". 1901 Wildersmoor. 3v. s8». 1895 Antverpianus (Abraham Ortelius), sec Obtelius (A.) Antwerp. see *Alarum for London, or the siege of A. ; w.. The spoyle of A. [by G. Gascoigne .<'], 1872. „ *Emperor's claims (The) : descr. of A. & the Schelde, 1785. •Antwerpener Liederbuch, hrsg. 1855, see HoFiaANN v. Fallers- LEBEN (A. H.) Horse Belg., pll, 1855. Anugita, see Sacred Books of the East : 8, The Bhagavadgita, w. the A., etc., tr. Kashinath Trimbak Telang, 1882. Anvar-i Suhaili : Persian vers, of Bidpai, var. edd., sec BiDp.ii. Anvers. Catalogue du Musie d'Anvers. s8°. n.d. Anvers (N. d') ps. [i.e. Mrs. Arthur Bell], see D'Anvebs (N.) ps. Anville (J. B. B. d') [fBouRGuiGNON d'Anville (.Jean Baft.)] Compend of anc. geography. Tr. 2v. 8". 1791 Considerations gen. sur I'etude etc. que deraande la composi- tion des ouvrages de geo- graphic. 8". 1777 Etats formes en Europe apr^s la chute de I'empire rem. en Occident. i". 1771 L'empire de Russie. [b. w. li. L'empire turc, 1772.] s8". 1772 L'empire turc. b8". 1772 Geographic ancienne abreg. 3t. s8". 1768 Mem", sur I'Egypte anc. it mod., suiv. d'une descr. de la Mer Rouge. i". 1766 Memoire sur la Chine. 8'". 1776 Anwill (Catherine) [fictitious name ?] see Catherine Anwill : her book, 1895. Anzeiger fiir indogerman. Sprach- u. Altertumskunde : Bei- blatt zu d. "Indogenuan. Forschungen," in prog., 1892 etc., see Indogebmanische Fobschungen. Anzengruber (Ludwig) [ps. Ludwig Gbubeb]. Feldrain u. Waldweg. sS". St. [1882] Wolken u. Sunn'schein. s8". 1888 Apamensis (Posidonius), see Posidonius, of Apamca. Apastamba, see Sacked Books of the East : 2, Sacred laws of the Aryas, tr., pi, 1879. Apelles, see HoussAYE (H.) Hist. d'A., 1867. Apelt (Ernst Friedrich). Die Epochen d. Gesch. d. Menschheit. 2B. 8°. Jena. 1851 Religionsphilosophie. [P479]. 8". L. 1860 Die Theorie der Induction. 8". L. 1854 *Aper5u de la situation inttirieure des Etats-Unis, 1826, see Poletika (P.) Aper^u des chemins de fer russes, 1897, see Chemins de fer. Aphrodisseus (Alexander), see Alexander, Aphrodisccus. Apicius (Coelius). De opsoniis et condimentis, s. arte coquinaria. Cum annot. M. Lister, notis etc. ed. 2" s8". Amstelodami. 1702 De re coquinaria. Explan. etc. C. T. Schuch. ed. 2'. s8». Heidelbergse. 1874 *Apocalypse (The) of Baruch, tr. etc., 1896, see Bakuch. Apocalypses, see "Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, w. the A", of each, ed. Harris, 1900. Apocrypha, see Bible : Apocbypha. *Apocrypha anecdota, ei.. M. R. James, si, 2 [Texts & studies, v2, 5], 1893-7, see *Texts & studies. ApoUinaris, sec Hebmias. Irrisio : A. reliquite, 1872. Apollinaris Sidonius (Caius Sollius), see Sidonius (C. S. k.), bp. of Clermont. Apolline (Oro) Niliaco, see Horapollo. Apollo (Orus) Xiliacus, see Horapollo. Apollodorus, Atlwnwnsis [Apollodoho]. Bibliothecfe libri iii. Ad codd. MSS. tidem rec. a C. G. Heyne. s8°. Gottingte. 1782 „ „ Curis secundis ill. C. G. Heyne. 2t.[l,tej:t; J, obs.]. 8". Gottingaj. 1808 „ „ ed. ster. s8». L. 1882 see Hey-ne (C. G.) Ad A. Bibl. notffi, 3t. 1783, which may be considered as tlw completion of Heyne's cd. of /yS'J above. „ *Mythooraphi Gr.eci : 1, A. bibliotheca, ed. R. Wagner, 1894. Apollodorus, Damascenus, see Thevenot (M.) ed.. Vet. mathema- ticorum A. etc. opera, 1698. Apolloniates (Diogenes), see Diogenes, Ajxilloniates. APOLLONIUS 48 AP RICHARD ApoUonins, Rhodius. Argonautica. Ex rec. et cum not. R. F. P. Bruuckii. ed. nova. 2t. 8". L. 1810-13 Argonautica. Rec. A. Wellauer. 2v in 1. 8". L. 1828 Argonautica. Eecog. etc. R. C. Seaton. s8". O. [1900] Argonauticorum 1. iv. Gr. cum vers, lat., eel. C. D. Beckius. vl [no morepuhl] 8". L. 1797 Argonauticorum 1. iv. Ed., J. Shaw. Ed. »>. 8". O. 1779 Argonuutics. Tr. into verse, \vitli Apollonius, Tyaneus. sec B.UTB (F. C.) A. v. T. u. Christus, 1832. • „ CONVBEAEE (F. C.) The Apology & Acts of A. etc. [tr.] w. notes, 1894. „ Le Nain de Tillemont (L. S.) Life of A., tr., 1702. „ Neivm.^n (Co)v7. J. H.) Life of A., 1850. „ Hist, sketches, vl, A. of T. n. ed. 1891-6 „ Philostr-atus. Qucb sup. ; notes by W. Preston. 8v. s8". D. 1803 Argoiuiutics. Tr. into prose by E. P. Coleridge. s8". 1889 Argonautics. Tr. suiv. de notes, par H. de La Ville de Mii-mout. i". 1892 sec Hesiod. H'. Carmina ; A'. Argonautica. ed. Lehrs. 1810. „ La Vir.LE DE MiRMONT (H. de). a. it Virgile : mytho- logie & dieux dans les Argonautiques etc. 1894. ace, A. T. epistolse, 1709. 1870-1 see The two first books of P., cone. A. T., in Eng., w. notes by Blount, 1680. „ Life of A., tr. w. notes by Berwick, 1809. „ Priaulx (0. De B.) The Indian travels of A., 1873. „ Reville (A.) A., tr., 1866. „ Tredwell (D. M.) Life of A., 188G. Apollonius, Tyriiis. The Anglo-Saxon version of A., upon wh. is founded Pericles. With lit. tr. by B. Thoiije. sS". 1834 see HiHscHiG (W. A.) cd., Erotici scr. etc. ; A. T'. hist., ed. Lapaume, 1856. „ Klebs (E.) Die Erziihlung von A. aus Tyrus, i. Urforra u. i. spiiteren Bearbeitgn.. 1899. „ Smyth (A. H.) Shakespeare's Pericles & A., 1898. Apologie pour les catholiques, centre les faussetez etc. d'un livre intit. " La politique du clerg6 [by F. Jtirieii]," 1681-2, see Akxauld (A.) ♦Apologues & contes orientaux, 1784, see Blanchet (F.) Apology [Apologie]. * Apology (An) for the believers in the Shakspeare papers, 1797, see Chalmers (G.) *Apologie (An) for the Church of Eng., agst. the clamours of the men of No-Conscienoe : or the Duke of Buckingham's seconds. By E. B., Esq. [P277]. s4". 1685 *Apology for the moral & literary character of the 19th cent.: delivered in Trin. Coll. Chapel, on Commem. Day, 1830. [P102]. 8°. n.d. Aponte (Lorenzo d') th^ elder, see Ponte (L. da) the elder. Apostol (Paul). L'artile & la cooperation en Russie. Tr. E. Castelot. s8». 1899 Apostles. Apostolical Constitutions (The), or. Canons of the Apostles, see Apostolical etc. AiSaxv TWf SoihfKa airoffToKujv, var. echh, see Didache. •Gospel (The) of the Twelve Apostles, see Gospel. •Lectures on the characters of our Lord's apostles etc., by a country pastor, 1851, see Wh.itely (R.), abp. The teaching of the twelve a., var. edd ,, see DtDACBE. AiSaxi The twelve A. [P710]. s8". Ramsgate. 1870 Apostles' Creed, see Sw.ainson (C. A.) Nicene d- A. Creeds, 1875. sec Swete (H. B.) The A. C. : its rel. to primitive Xty., 1894, 3'" ed., 1899. Apostolic. •Apostolic Fathers (The), texts, tr\ etc., 1877-85, 1891, see LiGHTFOOT (J. B.), 6^., ed. Constitutiones Apostolicre. Recog. G. Ultzen. 8". Suerini. 1853 Liturgies of S. Mark etc., it the fornuila of the A. Constitutions, 2'"' ed., 1868, see Neale (J. M.) ed. Sources of the A. Canons etc., tr., 1895, see H.irnack (A.) The writings of the Apostolic Fathers [to 325]. Tr. Dr. Roberts, Dr. Donaldson, & F. Crombie. [Aute-Nicene X'". L., 1.] 8". E. 1867 Apostolical. •Apostolical Christians (The), or Catholic Church of Germany, 1845, see Smith (Henry) ed. The A. Constitutions, or the Canons of the Apostles, m Coptic. "With tr. by H. Tattam. [0. T. F.] Ia8». 1848 Homilies The A. C, tr., 1870, see Clemens, liomantis. Apbstolos. Los doze triumphos de los doze a., see Padilla (J. de). *Apotelesniata, see M.^netho, the astrologer, for the "A." w/j. asualhj go under his name. Appeal. •Appeal (An) from clamour to common sense : the reform proposed for Eng. & Wales. [P92]. 8". 1831 •Appeal from the country to the city etc., 1695, see Blount (C.) Appeal [continiied]. •Appeal (An) from the new to the old Wliigs, 1791, see Burke (Edm.) ■•Appeal (An) to Englishmen in behalf of the Polish exiles [hi/ E. H. Hundley ? 1837], see Polish. •Appeal (An) to reason to reform itself. By a fool of a Columbus. [P262]. 8». 1872 •Appeal to the candor etc. of those in power, to relieve fellow- subjects [i.e. the Dissenters]. [P19, 590]. 8". 1787 *Appeal (An) to the thoughtful [1805 ?], see Scott (T.) •Appeal to the wisdom and piety of our ancestors : Church reform. [P112]. 8". 1835 Appel (Carl). Die Berliner Hss. d. Rime Petrarca's. [P776]. 8». 1886 Provenzalische Chrestomathie. 8°. L. 1895 Appellants, The. Many pamphlets, c. l~2.')-.i3, rel. to the A\, vnll be found in Pi'JI, see Unigenitus. see *Calomnie portee au dern. excez contre les A., n. ed., 1728. Appendix. *Appendix etymologise [1595; attr. to A. Diincuii], see Duncan (Antirew). ♦Appendix to the first part of the Enquiry into the nature of the human soul, 17.50, see Baxter (A.) Appendix (An) to the former book, touching the interposings in behalf of the Lady Jane Gray, 1660. This, w. sep. tp., is part of Eccl. restaurata, 1661, see Heylyn (P.) Apperley (Charles James) [ps. Nisieod]. The chace, the turf, the road. 8°. 1837 ,, , n. ed., w. portraits etc. 8°. 1898 The horse & the hound. 8°. E. 1842 Life of John Mytton. 4"" ed. 8°. n.d. „ ...n. ed., w. mem. of Niinrod, by E. S. Surtees. Ia8°. 1899 Nimrod's hunting tours. Added, Nimrod's letters on riding to hounds. 8». 1835 see Malet (H. E.) Annals of the road ; added. Essays on the road, by Nimrod, 1870. Appia (Louis), see Moynier (G.) & A. Help for sick & wounded, tr., 1870. Appian, of Alexandria. [Appianus.] fol. H. Stephanus: [Parisiis]. 1592. Hist, of A. Made Eng. by J. D. fol. 1679 Roman hist. Tr. H. White. 2v. s8". Bohn. 1899 see Fbonto (M. C.) F. epist. ; A. epist. rel. etc., 1867, d- 0. ed. A'. Romanarum historiarum quee sup. Rec. etc. J. Schweighieuser. Gr. d- Lat. Sv. 8". L. 1785 Roman, hist, quie sup. 4t. ed. ster. s8". L. 1829 VuifxaiKa. Rom. hist, fragmenta, item de bellis civil, libri v. H. Steph. annot. [Gr. ,f- Lat.] Appleton (Charles Edw. Cutts Birchall), see Appleton (J. H.) & A. H. S.iYCE. Dr. A., his life & lit. relics, 1881. Appleton (Daniel) & Co., publishers. Appleton's Cyclopsedia of American biography. [Contains " all noteworthy persons of the New World . . . including living persons."] Ed. J. G. Wilson it J. Fiske. 6v. Ia8°. N.Y. 1887-9 Appleton's guide to Mexico, inc. Guatemala, & Eng.-Mex. voca- bulary. By A. R. Conkling. 2""' ed. s8°. N.Y. 18.84 Appleton's guide to the U.S. & Canada, n. ed. sS". N.Y. 1891 Appleton's handbook of American travel : N. A E. Tour. s8°. N.Y. 1870 Appleton (Gr. Webb). Catcliing a Tartar. 3v. 88". 1879 Jack Allyn's friends. 3v. sS". 1880 The Co-respondent. 2v. s8". 1894 A philanthropist at large. Fram,'ois the valet. s8". 1899 s8". 1896 Frozen hearts. 3v. s8". 1878 .K terrible legacy. s8'*. 1887 Appleton (John Hoblyn) & A. H. Sayce. Dr. Appleton : life * lit. rehcs. 8°. 1881 Appleton (Lewis). Britain & the Boers : who is responsible for the war ? 8°. 1899 Visit to the battle-fields of Sedan, Gravelotte etc. s8°. 1872 Appleton (Thomas G.) A Nile journal. s8°. 1876 Appleyard (Ernest Silvanus). cipliue of the Greek Church. [P156J. sS". [1852] •Principles of Protestantism ; w. view to unity. 2"'' ed. 88°. 1849 *Welsh Sketches. ser. 3. 2"'^ ed. s8". 1854 The Kafii' language. 8". King William's Town. 1850 ♦Application of Barruel's Mems. of Jacobinism etc., 1798, see Cliefohd (Hon. R.) Apprentice (The). New ser., vl, 2 in 1. 4°. 1845 Ap Khys (Udal), see P.hys (U. ap). Ap Richard, ps., sec *MAur.iAGE & Divorce, by Ap E., 1888. •Claims of Cliurch of Rome ; w. view to unity. 2'»' ed. sH". 1850 •Eastern Churches : sketches. 2'"' ed. sS". 1850 •The Greek Church. s8". 1850 Supplement on the doct. & dis- Appleyard (John Wm.) APULEIUS 49 ARATUS Apuleius (Lucius) Madatircnsis. [Apulke.] Opera omnia. 3t in 2. 4". Lugd. Bat. 1780-1823 [tl ^v.t. : Apuleii Metamor- phoseon lib. xi. Cum notis integ. Colvii, Wowerii, Stewechii, Elmenhorstii etc., inprimis cum animadv. hucusque ined. F. Ouden- dorpii. Prtef. pi'sem. D. Rulmkeuius ; t2, 3, ed. J. Bosscha ; t3, ut.t. Ap'. Oudendorpiani t3, sive App*.] Op. omnia. [Delpliin Class. Regent's ed., 70-75.] 8". Lond. 1825 Opera omnia. Rec. etc. G. F. Hildebrand. 2v, la8". L. 1842 Apologia, s. de magia liber ; et, Florida. s8<>. L. 1900 Metaraoqihoseon libri xi. Rec. J. van der Vliet. 380. L. 1897 Translations. Works. New tr. : added, Metr. vers, of Cupid & Psyche, & Mrs. Tighe'a Psyche. s8". Boh II. 1853 *Cupid & Psyche [a poem], f. A., 1844, see Gurnev (H.) Cupid & Psyche. Eng. by W. Adlington, w. disc, by A. Lang. s8". 1887 Cupid & Psyche. [Tr.] W. Pater. s8o. Portland, Maine. 1897 Eros it Psyche, a fairy-tale of anc. Greece, retold after A. by P. Carus. 38". 1900 Golden Ass. Tr. by W. Adling- ton, 1566 ; intr. by C. Whibley. [Tudor tv>., 4]. b4". 1893 Metamorphoses. Tr. Sir G. Head. s8'\ 1851 The Metamorphoses, or Goldeu Ass ; & philos. works. Tr. T. Taylor. 8». 1822 see Petronii-s. P., A. etc. : oeuvrcs, avec tr., 1843. „ RoHDE (E.) Lucian's " AOVKIOS i] "OfO!," u. ihr Verhiiltniss zu d. Metamorphosen des A., 1869. „ ZiNzow (A.) Psyche u. Eros ; in d. Darstellung d. A. beleuchtet etc., 1881. ♦Aquarium book (The), iw, 1889-90. Div. 1, .S(V Batkmas (G. C.) Fresh-water aquaria, 1890. Div. '2, see Bennett (K. A. E.) Marine aquaria, 1889. Aquarius, ps., see Jackson (L. D'A.) Aquensis (Albertus), sec Albert, d'Aix. Aquila, of Sinope, see Bible : Kings. Fragments of K., aco. to the tr. of A., 1897. see Field (F.) Otium Norvicense ; tentaraeii de reliquiis A. etc. e ling. Syr. in GrKcam convert., 18(14-86. Aquiliensis (T. Rufinus), see Eufinus (T.) Aquinas (Thomas), Saint [" Doctor Angelicus " ; T. D'AguiNo ; tTnoMAs, Aquinas, Saint]. Opera. 28v in 14, ed. altera veneta. 4''. Venetiis. 1775-88 Opera omnia, iussu Leonis XIII ed. tl-10. fol. Roma?. 1882-99 1. Comm". in Aristotelis libros peri hormeneias ife posteriorura analyticorum, cum synopsibus & auuot. T. M. Zigliara. 2. Comm". in octo lib. physi- corum Aristotelis. 3. Comm". in libros Aris- totelis de cielo & mundo, de generatione & corrup- tione, & meteorologicorum. 4. Pars prima summte theo- logipe, a qutest. 1-49, cum conim. T. de Vio Caietani. 5. Pars prima summse theo- logiie a quiBSt. 50-119, cum comm. T. de Vio Caietani. 6. Prima secunda? summae theologian a quiest. 1-70, cmn comm. T. de Vio Caietani. 7. Prima secundse summ» theologias a quaist. 71-114, cum comm. T. de Vio Caietani. 8. Secunda secunda? summte theologiie a quasst. 1-56, cum comm. T. de Vio Caietani. 9. Secunda secunda? surama? theologia? a quKst. 57-122, cum comm. T. de Vio Caietaui. 10. Secunda secundte summse theologiie a qusest. 123- 189, cum comm. T. de Vio Caietani. Catena aurea. Comm. on the 4 Gospels, coll. out of the Fathers by A. 4v.8". O. 1842-5 Summa j>liilosoph. seu de veri- tate Catiiol. fidei contra Gentiles. ed. n. s8'>. Parisiis. 1877 Summa theologica. Accur. J. P. Migue. 4t. 18". 1858 Suramie contra gentiles lib. iv. Cura P. A. Uccellii, novis sumptibus etc. recog. J. P. Migne. Ia8». Lutetia? Paris. 1863 Translations & References. Aquinas ethicus : moral teach- ing of T. Tr. of the princ. portions of p2 of " Summa theolog.," w. notes by J. Rickaby. 2v. s8". 1892 see Baumann (J. J.) Die Staats- lehre d. A., 1873. „ Billuart (C. R.) Surama summte S. Thoniie, s. Comp. theologiw, 1754 ; 1836-8. „ Cavanagh (P.) Life of A., 1890. „ Contzen (H.i Zur Wiirdi- gung d. Mittelalters, mit bes. Beziehg. auf d.Staats- lehre d. T. v. A., 1870. „ CoRNOLDi (G. M.) The physical system of St. T., tr., 1893. „ Delitzsch (.J.) Die Gottes- lehre d. T. v. A., 1870. „ JouRDAiN (C.) Philosophic d'A., 1858. „ LiBERATOBE (M.) On uni- versals ; expos, of Thom- istic doctrine, tr., 1889. „ PoLETTO (G.) Dizionario dantesco, con richiami alia Somma teoloffica, 1885-7. ,, Vaughan (R. B.i, ni^;. Life & labours of T. of A., 1871-2. Aquines (Juan de), we Hawkins (rear-adm. Sir .John). Aquitanus (Prosperus), .see Prosper, of Aquitaiiie, Saint. Arabi, leader of llie inxurrection in Egypt, 1882. see Broadley (A. M.) How we defendedArabi & his friends, 1884. Arabian. *Arabian poetry for English readers, 1881, sec Cloc- ston (W. a.) ed. Arabian tales and anecdotes ; sel. from the notes to the tr. of the • Nights,' by E. W. Lane. s8°. 1845 "^Arabian tales, being a cent, of the Arabian Nights. Tr. into French by Chavis & Gazette, now tr. into Eng. 4v. s8°. E. 1792 ""Memoirs of an A. princess. Arabian Nights. The Alif Laila, complete in Arabic: ed. W. H. Macnagh- ten. 4v. [v3is without tp?^ Ia8°. Calcutta. 1839-42 English Translations. A. N. Tr. E. W. Lane. 3v [vl wanting]. laS". 1841 „ „ '3v. s8o. 1850 Ed. E. S. Poole. 3v. n.ed. 8". 1865 Ed. E. S.Poole. 3v. n.ed. s8". 1877 , Tr. f. Arabic, n. & complete ed. laS". E. 1870 The new A. N. Select tales, not included by Galland or Lane. [Tr. W. F. Kirby.] s8". [1882] A plain & lit. tr. of the A. N. ; w. intr., notes, & essay upon the hist, of the Nights, by R. P. Burton. lOv. [Kamashas- tra Soc] 8". Benares. 1885 Supplemental Nights; w. notes, by R. P. Barton. 6v. [Kama- shastra Soc] 8". Benares. 1886-88 88°. 1888 German Translations. Tausend u. eine Nacht. Ub. v. G.Weil. 4B in 2. 8". St. 1889 French Translations. Le livre des mille nuits & une nuit. Tr. par [A.] Galland. 6t. n. e'd. s8". 1786 ,, Tr. litterale & com- plete par J. C. Mardrus. tl-lO. 8". [ininog.] 1899-1902 References. Sep Arabian tales ; a cout. of the A. N., 1792. „ Arabian tales & anecdotes, 1845. „ Chauvin (V.) Bibliographie des ouvr. arabes : 4, Les raille et une nuits, 1900-1. „ Hole (R.) Remarks on the A. N., 1797. „ Laeoulaye (E.) Abdallah ; suiv, de Aziz et Aziza,conte des Mille et une nuits, 8« ed., 1882. Biographies of distinguished men. Tr. W. H. Smj'th, B. Powell, R. Grant. 8°. 1857 Hist, of my youth. Tr. B. Powell. 68". 1855 Meteorological essays ; intr. by A. V. Humboldt. Tr. , 8". 1855 Pop. astronomy. Tr. W. H. Smyth & R. Grant. 2v. 8". Pop. lects. on astronf. K. Kelly. 1 1855-8 Tr. W. 8". 1854 Arabsiades (Ahmed), see Ibn 'Arabshah. Arachnophilus, pseud., see White (Adam) Arago (D. Francois J.) Qiuvres completes. Publ, sous la dir. de J. A. Banal. 17t. 8». 1854-62 Astronomic populaire, 4v. 1-3, Notices biograph. 4-8, Notices scientif. 9, Instructions etc. sur les voyages scientif. 10, 11, Me'raoires scientif. 12. Melanges. Tables, Iv. Des cometes; en partic. de celles qui doivent paraitre en 1833, 35. 3- e'd. s8". 1834 Arago (Jacques E. V.) Souvenirs d'un aveugle : Voyage autour da monde. n. ed., enr. de notes par F. Arago. 2t in 1. Ia8°. [1844] Aragon, see *Cortes de los antiguos reinos de A. &c., tl-5, IS^fi- 1901. Aragon (le marq. d'). Un paladin au 18'' s. : Le prince Charles de Nassau-Siegen, d'apr^s sa corr. ined., 1784-9. 8°. 1893 Aragon (Alvaro Cubillo de), see Cubillo de Aragon (A.) Aragon (Catherine, of), see Catherine, of Aragon, queen tCe. Aram (Eugene), see Lytton (E., baron). Eugene Aram [novel], var. cd'. Aranda (Emanuel de). Diverses hist, morales et divertissantes. [h.w. Mazaiun, le card. M. etc., 1671]. s8». Leyde. 1671 Arany (Janos). The legend of the wondrous hunt ; w. misc. pieces. Tr. E. D. Butler. s8». 1881 Ararat. *The Land of Ararat ; or up the roof of the world. By a special correspondent. s8". 1893 Arator, subdtaconus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t68. Aratus, of Soli. Aratus cum scholiis. ' Rec. I. Bekkerus. 8". Berohni. 1828 Phienoraena et Diosemea. Gr, .et lat. Ace. Theonis scholia, Leontii libellus, et vers Arati poetic, qua? sup. Cur. 1. T. Buhle. 2v. 8". L. 1798-1801 Pha?nomeua et Prognostica. In- k terp. Cicerone, Avieno, Ger- nianico Ciesiire. C. lulii Hygini Astronomicon. 4". Parisiis. 1559 Translations. Astronomy & meteorology; ti*. C.L. Prince. s4o. Lewes. 1895 Phenomena & Diosemeia ; tr. £ ARATUS 50 ABCH Aratus, of Soli [continued], into verse, with notes by J. Lamb. 8". 1848 Repebences. see Ellis (R.) Noctes Manili- anse ; ace. coniect. in Ger- manici Aratea, 1891. Arber (Edward) ed. An English Garner. vl-8. s8". 1877-96 English reprints ; ed. by E. A. [These are under their authors in catalogue']. 8". 1868 The first 3 Eng. books on America [?1511]-1553 ; chiefly tr«., com- pilations etc. by R. Eden. Ed. A. 4". B'ham. 1885 Intr, sketch to the Marprelate Controv., 1588-90. [Eng. Schol.'s Lib., 10.] 8". 1895 The story ot the Pilgrim Fathers, told by thcm- Gebmanicus, Cseear, Amtea in Phffidrus, Fab., 1831. Thiele (G.) Antike Him- melsbilder ; mit For- schungen zu A. etc., 1898. selves, their friends, & ene- mies. Ed. f. the orig. texts. s8". 1897 ee Grenville (Sir R.) Last fight of the " Revenge," descr. by Raleigh, G. Markham, Linschoten, ed. A., 1871. „ Stationers' Cojip.iny. List, based on the Reg'. of the S.C. of 837 London pubUshers (1553-1640), by A., 1890. „ — Registers (1554-1640), 1875-94. 1606-23; as Artery (C. J.) Hand-book of military photography. [India Govt. Publ.]. [P1013]. s8°. Simla. 1899 Arbib (Edoardo). Catene. s8°. Milano. 1894 Mogli oneste. s8°. Milano. 1894 Arbiter (T. Petronius), see Petronids Arbiter (T.) Arbitration, American (The) Conference on Internat. A., in Washington, 1896. la8o. N.Y. 1896 Arbitration (International) & Peace Association. Ann. reports. 10th,13th, 14th, a.r. 1890,93, 94. [P547, .583, 4G3.] S". 1891-5 Assoc. Int. de I'.^rbitrage it de la Paix de la Gr. Bret. & de I'lrlande. Proces verbal de la Conference Int. tenue a Bruxelles, Oct. 1882, eonvoq. par I'Assoc. [P384]. S". Londres. 1883 see Concord : the Journal of the I. A. & P. A., v3-ll, 1887-96. Arbitro (T. Petronio), see Petronius Arditer (T.) Arblay {Mme. d') [fBuBNEY (Frances) aft. D'Arblaij]. Camilla. 5v. sS". 1796 Cecilia. 5v. 8"' ed. s8». 1802 4v. 9"> ed. s8". 1809 „ ...[a(K)f/i.erf.],see British Novelists, y40-2, n. ed., 1820. „ ... Pref. etc. by A. R. Ellis. 2v. s8». 1882 Diary and letters. Ed. by her niece. 7v. s8». 1842-6 „ Ed. by her niece. 7v. n. ed. s8". 1854 3v. Notes etc. by W. C. Ward. sS". 1890-1 „ 4v. n. ed., rev. 8". n.d. Early diary of F. B., 1768-78 : ed. A. R. Ellis. 2v. 8". 1889 •Evelina. 2v. n. ed. s8". 1791 2t. n. ed. 88". 1794 [anoth.ed.],seeBRn:isH Novelists, vS8-9, n. ed.,1820. , Intr. by A. R. Ellis. s8». 1881 „ s8". n.d. Fanny Bui*ney& h. friends ; sel. passages f. h. diary & o. writings. Ed. L. B. Seeley. 2"ii ed. sS". 1890 Mems. of Dr. Burney. Sv. 8». 1832 The wanderer. 5v. s8''. 1814 Arbois de Jubainville (M. Henri d'). Clours de litt. celtique. Par A. de J. [<£• J. Loth], tl-10, [in prog.]. 8". 1883-1901 1, Intr. a, IMtnde de la litt. celt. 1883 2, Le cycle mytholog. irland., & la mythologie celt. 1884 3, 4, 'Mabinogion, tr. J. Loth. 1889 5, L'epopee celt, en Irlande ; par A. deJ.,aveccollab. tl. 1892 6, Civilisation des Celtes & celle de l'epopee homerique. 1899 7, 8, Etudes sur le droit celt., §ar A. de J., avec coUab. de '. ColHnet. 2t. 1895 9, 10, Intr. an Livre Noir de Carmarthen & aux vieux galloise. Par J. Loth. tl ; 2, i. 1900-1 1, du 15' s. jusqu'a nos joura. 2, du 9' a la fin du 14« s. : partie i, Laisses et strophes; cynghanedd vocalique. Deux manieres d'ecrire I'hist. s8°. 1896 Essai d'un catalogue de la litt. ^pique de I'lrlande, prec. d'une etude sur les mss. en langue irland. &". 1888 Les premiers habitants de I'Europe. 2t. 2» ed. Ia8». 1889 Recherches sur I'orig. de la pro- priete foncifere & des noms de lieux habites en France (Per. celt. & per. rom.). Par A. de J., avec la coUab. de G. Dottin. laS". 1890 poemes gallois : La me'trique Arboit (Angelo). Villotte friulane. s8°. Piacenza. 1876 Arbousse-Bastide (Ant. Fr.) Le christianisme et I'esprit moderne. sS". 186"2 A propos de tout, quelque chose ; ou, Mes impressions a Paris. s8'>. 18.57 Arbousset (Thomas) & F. Daumas. Exploratory tour to the N.-E. of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope ; tr. J. C. Brown. 8". Cape Town. 1846 Arbouville (Sophie, comtesse d'). The village doctor ; tr. Lady D. Gordon. s8». 1853 Arboux (Jules). Les prisons de Paris. sS". 1881 Arbrissello (Robertas de), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl62. Arbure (Zamflr C.) Basarabia in sec. xix. 8". 1898 Arbuthnot (Sir Alex. John). Lord Clive. 68». 1899 Sir T. Muiu'o ; a mem. Arbuthnot (F. F.) Ai-abic autliors : manual of Ara- bian hist. & lit. 8". 1890 •Construction (The) of the Bible & the Koran. [P573]. sS". n.d. *Early ideas : a group of Hindoo stories. 8». 1881 Free trade in land. [P580]. 8". 1885 s8». 1889 The mysteries of chronology : w. proposal for new English Era to be called the Victorian. 8". 1900 Persian portraits : sketch of Per- sian hist., lit,, & politics. 8". 1887 Arbuthnot (John), M.D. The life and works of J. A. By G. A. Aitken. S". 0. 1892 Misc. works. 3v. [Wanting v.3.] s8°. Glasgow. 1751 Tables of antient coins, weights, measures. 2"'' ed., [w.] obs. by B. Langwith. 4". 1754 see Pope (.i.), Gay, & A. ♦Three hours after marriage, 1717. Arbuthnott (Hon. Mrs. Elrington), see Blair {Mrs. F.). aft. Hon. Mrs. E. A. Arc (Alex. d'). La steppe. Pr^f. de P. Loti. s8». 1893 Arc (Jeanne d') [Joan of Arc ; tJie Maid of Orleans ; La Pucelle]. •Decree cone, the canonisation etc. of J., w. vers. & notes. Ed. F. M. Wyndham. [P582]. s8". 1894 *Proces de condamnation de J. d'A. Tr. etc. par J. Fabre. n. ed. s8". n.d. •Proces de condamnation et de re'habilitation de J. d'A. Publ. par J. Quicherat. 5t. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8". 1841-49 Proces de condamnation de J. Dare. Tr. etc. par A. Vallet. S-". 1867 Proems de rehabilitation de J. d'A. Tr. etc. iiar J. Fabre. 2t. s8<>. 1888 see Boucher de Molandon ( ) (fe A. DE Beaucorps. L'armee angl. vaincue par J. sous les murs d'Ork'ans ; doc*, ine'd. et plan, 1892. „ Brav (Mrs. A. E.) J. of A., & the times of Ch. VII, 1874. „ Caddy (Mrs. P.) Footsteps of J. d'A., 1886. „ Chapelain (J.) La Pucelle [poem], ed. 1891. „ Charles (Mrs. E.) *Joan the Maid [tiovel], 1879. „ Choussy (J. E.) J. D. : sa vraie mission, 2*^ ed., 1896. „ *CoLLECTiON univ. des me'm. partie. etc., t7, Me'm". cone, la Pucelle r^/ie ono». "lems. of the 15"' c., publ. bij Godefroij'], 1785-90. EvsELL (G. P.) Johanna d'Arc, 1864. Genlis (Mme. de) Jeanne de Prance [novel], 1816. GowER (Lord Ronald) J. of A., 1893. Hase (C.) Neue Propheten : l,Die Jungfrau,2«A., 1861. Lamartine(A. de). J. d'A., 1852. see M.4HRENH0LTZ (R.) J. Dare, 1890. „ Marin (P.) L'art milit. dans la prem. moitie du 15*-' 8, : J. Dare tacticien & strate- giste, 1889-90. „ Michaud (J. F.) & J. Pou- joulat, edd., Nouv. coll. : 1, 3, •Mem', cone, la Pucelle [anon] [,f, by M. ,(: P.] Indication analyt. des doc**, p. serv. ^. I'hist. de J. d'A., 1850. „ Oliphant (Mrs.) Jeanne d'Arc, 1896. „ Parr (if MS H.) Life & death of J. d'A., 1866. „ Petitot (C. B.) ed., Mem"., 1, 8,*Mem'. cone, la Pucelle, Fragm. rel. a J. d'A., etc., 1819. „ Semmig (H.) Die Jungfrau V. O. u. i. Zeitgenossen, 2<' A., 1885. „ Skkine(J. H.jJoantheMaid: dramatic romance, 1895. „ Stanhope (P. H., .5'* e.) [Lord Mahon]. J. of A., 1853. „ TucKEY (J.) J. ot A., 1880. „ Twain (Mark) ps. [i.e., S. L. Clemens] •Personal recoil*, of J. of A. by Louis de Conte, 1896. „ Vill.aret (A. de). Cam- pagnes des Anglais, 1421- 8; Campagnes de J. sur la Loire poste'rieures au siege d'Orleans, 1893. „ ViLLiAUME (N.) Hist, de J. D., 1863. „ Wallon (H. a.) J. d'A., 2« • ed., 1876. „ Witt (Mme. H.) Les chroni- queurs de I'hist. de France, ta, 1895. „ Wyndham (P. M.) The Maid : h. life &" mission, 1891 ; 2'"' ed., 1894. Arc (Louis C. Douet d'), see Douet d'Arcq (L. C.) Arcadius, GrammaticKS, see Dindorf (C. W.) Grajci : vl, Var. lect, ad A., 1823. Arcana Fairfaxiana Manuscripta. Apothecaries' Lore etc. in facsimile. Introd. by G. Weddell. 4°. Newcastle. 1890 Arcangeli (A.) La fedelta delle donne. 58". Siena. Argay (Joseph d'). Indiscretions contemp. sS". Notes ined. sur M. Thiers. 2' ^d. s8<'. Arce (Graspar Nunez de), see Nunez de Arce. Arch (Joseph). J. A. : the story of h. life, by himself. Ed. the Countess of Warwick. 8°. 1898 2'"'ed. 8». 1898 Grammatici 1622 1884 1888 ARCHiEOLOGIA SI ARCHIVIO Archaeologia Cambrensis. Record of antiij'. of Wales & its Marches, & journal of the Cambrian Archajolog. Assoc. 4v ; new ser. uv ; 3"' lov ; 4"' 14v ; 5"' ser. vl-17 [in i>ro inure issued]. 8". 1877 *Arch8eologia Oxoniensis, 1892-5. 8". 1895 Consists iif Op, (iiifiin. cont., issued in /(', w. tp. as above. Archaeologica Imperii Kussici, sec Impebatohskoe Akch.eolog. Obschchestvo. ArchEeological. Archteological album (The), 1845, see Weight (T.) ed. ArchEeological Survey of S. India, vl, 1882, sec Indu. Archseological Institute of America, see American journal of ai'chteology [of which ser. /, ISS.'i-iSgO, was " the organ of the A. I. of A." ; and ser. II {in prog.), iS97etc., has sub-t. : Journal of the A. I. of A.] Archasological Institute, Royal, see Royal Akch. Inst. ArchEeological Journal, sec Royal Arch.eological Institute. Archaeological Review (The). vl-4. 8". 1888-90 sec *FoLK-LniiE; incorp'-'. The a. r., vl-11 [iii profj.], 1890-1900. Archaologische Zeitung. Hrsg. v. E. Gerhard. Jahrg. 1-4, and Neae Folge Jahrg. 1. 4°. 1843-47 Archaeology, see American .iournal of a. [in prog.], 188.0etc. Archaeology, International Congress of Prehistoric A. Trans- actions of 3rd Congress, 1808. Ia8». 18G9 'ApxaioXoYiKTi 'Exaipia [Athens], sec 'EWrjiiiKi) 'ApxatoKoyiKTi 'Eratpta. Archaionomia. *'Apx"""'<'M"'. ed. 1644, see Lambard (Wm.) Archbishops, see *.\nswer of the A', to the Apost. Letter of Leo XIII on Eng. ordinations, 1897. Archbold (John Frederick). The poor law. [Tliis, aWmuyh complete in itself, is v.j of h. " The justice of the peace "]. 11"' ed. s8°. 1863 Archbold ( W. A. J.) The Somerset religious houses. s8°. C. 1892 Archdall (Mervyn). Monasticon Hibernicum : hist, of abbies, priories, and o. relig. houses in Ireland. 4". D. 1786 Archdeacon (Richard), see Archdekin (R.) Archdekin (Richard) [Arsdekin]. Theologia tripartita universa. 3t in 1. Ia8". Colon. Agrippins!. 1700 Archelaus, Saint, bp. of Caschara [A., bp. of Mesojmtaviia]. see Gregory, Thaumatiirgus, Works of G., A., etc., tr., 1871. „ Socrates, ScJioIasticus. S. hist, ecclesiastica ; aco. A. adv. Manichteum, 1720. Archenholz (Johann Wilhelm v.) Gesch. d. 7 jiihrigen Krieges. 2B in 1. 5' A. 8». 1840 Gesch. Gustavs Wasa. 2B in 1. 8". Tiibingen. 1801 Hist, des fiibustiers. Tr. 8». 1804 Archer (Charles P.) -\ common sense remedy for Ireland. [P263]. 8». D. 1868 Archer (E. M.) *My sister Rosalind. 2v. s8». 1876 Under the Umes. 2v. s8'>. 1874 Iv. 2°ied. s8". 1874 Archer (Edmund), D.D., archdeacon of Wells, see Domerham (Adam, of). Hist, etc., descr. Hearnius ; [with] E. A. excerpta 6 registris Wellensibus, 1727. Archer (Frank). How to write a good play. sS". 1892 Archer (J. H. Lawrence-), see Lawrence-Archer (J. H.) Archer (T. A.) ed.. The crusade of Richard I, 1189-92 ; extracts [Eng. hist, by contemp. writers]. s8". 1888 & C. L. Kingsford. The Crusades : story of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. s8°. 1894 Archer (Thomas), a. of " Wayfe Summers," & hist, writer. "About my Father's business": amidst the sick etc. 88°. 1876 Gladstone & h. contemps. : 50 yrs. of progress. 4v. Ia8''. 1883 The highway of letters. s8". 1893 Archer (Thomas), of Queensland. Hist., resources etc. of Queens- land. [P348]. 8°. 1881 Archer (Wm.) About the theatre ; essays. s8». 1886 America to-day. 8". 1900 Masks or faces ? Psychology of acting. b8". 1888 Study & stage: a year-book of criticista. s8". 1899 The theatrical "world" for 1893. s8». n.d. W. C. Macready. s8». 1890 Archer (Wm. Henry), registrar-gen. of Victoria. Progr^s de Victoria, 1835-60. Tr. E. Lissignol [Expos. Intercol. I860]. [P219]. S". Melbourne. 1866 see Victoria. Statist, notes on progress of V., pi, 2, by A., 1860. Archer-Hind (H. D.) eY?., sec Cambridge compositions, ed. A., 1899. Archilochus. A. lambographorum principis reliquite. Ed. I. Liebel. 8°. L. 1812 sec Hebmesianax. Fragm. ; A'. & Pratinie fragm. duo, 1839. Archilochus, pseud. *What style ? for the new House of Pari'. [P107]. 8°. 1837 Archimandrita (Dorotheus), sec Doroiheus, Saint, tlie Archi- mandrite. Archimedes [Archimede]. Opera omnia cum comm. Eutocii. Rec, Lat. vertit, etc., J. L. Heiberg. 3v. s8«. L. 1880-81 (JuiEsup. omnia, cum Eutocii comm. Ex rec. J. Torelli, cum nova vers, lat., etc. fol. O. 1792 Works. Ed. in modern notation, w. intr*'. chap", by T. L. Heath. 8". C. 1897 see Thurot (C.) Recherches histor. sur le prineipe d'A., 1809. Architect's, engineer's, A building-trades' directory. Ia8». 1868 *Architectural, historical etc. illusf. of the Chapel of St. Augus- tine, Skirlaugh, 1855, see Skirlaugh. '* Architectural notices of the churches of the archdeaconry of Northampton, 1849, see Northampton. Architectural See, see Buckler (J. C.) Elevations etc. of S. Peter's, Wilcote, 1844. Architecture, .'i.rchitecture a profession or an art : 13 essays, ed. R. N. Shaw A T. G. Jackson. 8". 1892 Architecture (The) of birds, 1831, see Rennie (J.) *Rudiments of ancient a., etc. 3"' ed. 8". 1804 see Twenty styles (The) of a., 1881. Archiv ftir Geschichte der Philosophie, Bl-7. 8-13 (Neue Folge, Bl-0). 8». 1888-1900 [Bl-11 (£• Register zu Bl-10 wanting, inprog.] *Archiv fUr Philosophie, [in prog.], 1888etc. This periodical publ". consists of 2 Abthlgn. For Abthlg. I, see Archiv fiir Geschichte d. Philosophie. For Abthlg. -2, see Archiv fiir systematische Philosophie. ■•Archiv fiir systematische Philosophie. Neue Folge der Philo- sophischen Monatshefte. Bl-0 [wanting Bl-J„ inprog.]. 8°. 1895-1900 For tJie periodical publ. of wh. it is a cont"., see *Philoso- PHiscHE Monatshefte. Archives. •Archives de I'Hotel-Dieu de Paris (11.57-1300), 1894, see P.ABIS : H:,tel-Dieii. •Archives judiciaires: rec. des discussions legislat. resultant des grands proces polit. en France (1792-1840), 2* e'd., 1869, see Ketschendorf {b"'K de) ed. •Archives of the London-Dutch Church, 1892, see Hessels ( J. H.) ed. Archives ou corr. ined. de la maison d'Orange-Nassau, 183.5-96, see Groen van Prinstekeb (G.) ed. Archives curieuses de I'histoire de France depuis Louis XI jusqu'a Louis XVIII. Sir. 1, 15 t. Sir. 2, tl -12. 8". 1834-40 Archives de Droit International, tl. 8". Londres. 1874 Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires. t4-15ii [/3U table of sir. /^], 3" sSr. 8°. 1877-90 „ Nouvelles Archives etc. tl-9. [Contin. of Archives etc. in progress]. 8". 1891-9 see Flammermont (J.) Rapport sur les correspondances des agents diplomat, etrangers en France avant la Revol. con- serv. dans les archives de Berlin, Dresde, Geneve, Turin, Genes, Florence, Naples, Simancas, Lisbonne, Londres, La Haye & Vienne, 1896. [N.A. 8.] ■* Archives parlementaires de 1787 a 1860 : rec. complet des dfibats des Chambres. S6r. I (1787-1799), tl-58 [in prog, tl-6, 2« 6d.] Ia8». 1879-1900 1-6, Etats Gen^raux : — Cahiers des Senechauss^es & Bail- liages. 7, Table des Cahiers des Etats Gen. 8-32, 5 mai 1789-30 sept. 1791. [31, 32 conUdn tlie An- nexes: "opinions non prononcees, mais publ. par des deputes, ainsi que des rapports & projets de loi imprimis par ordre de TAssemblee Nat."] 32, Table gi^'n. chronolog. de I'.Vssemblee Nat. Constituante [5 mai 1789-30 sept. 1791 ; i.e. of tS'^2]. 33, Table gen. alphabet, de I'Assemblee Nat. Constituante [5 mai 1789-30 sept. 1791 ; i.e. of tS'-32]. 34-50, 1 Oct. 1791-21 sept. 1792. [30 contains tlui Annexes]. 51, Table gen. alphabet, de I'.Vssemblee Nat. Legislative [1 oet. 1791-21 sept. 1792; i.e. of t3i-30]. 52-58, 22 sept. 1792-18 fev. 1793. Archivio delle Tradizioni Popolari ; rivista trimestrale. vl-19. 8». Palermo, Torino. 1882-1900 £2 ARCHIVIO 52 AE.ETIN 18t. 8". Firenze. 1855-63 26t. 8». Firenze. 1865-77 , Nuova ser. e 3' serie 8". Firenze. 1874 Archivio Storico Italiano. Ser. 1, 16t in 20. 8". Firenze. 1842-51 Appenclice. 9t. H". Firenze. 1842-5.S „ Indice triijartito della 1" serie dell' A. s. i. cio^ dei 16t di esso Archivio e dei 9 dell' Appendice. 8». Firenze. 18.57 „ Nuova ser. „ Ser. III. „ Indice gen. dell' A. (18.55-72). Tins index is to Kiiora ser., (d to t1~l6 of S" serie. Suppl. all' Indice gen. dell' A. s. i., 3" serie (1873-7). 8». Firenze. 1877 This sitppl. index is to I17-S6 of 3" serie. „ Ser. IV. 20t. 8".' Firenze. 1878-87 „ Indice tripartite della 4' serie dell' A. s. i. 8". Firenze. 1891 „ Ser. V. tl-26 [i)i7: v.) Bayerns auswiirt. Verhaltnisse. 213 in 1. 8". Passau. 1839 Gesch.,tl. Hei'zogs Maximilian d. Ersten. Bl. [no more publ.]. 8». Passau. 1842 Aretino (Leonardo) [tBEUNi (L.) Aretino]. Tltpl rris iroXirelai T(vv ^XwpefTivwv ; hi'sg. V. L. W. Haspei". [P52(j]. 8". L. 1861 Aretino (Pietro) [l' Austin ; fPiExun, Aretino]. Alcune novelle
  • :i. [Are Frode; Arius Multiscius; fTnoRGiLssoN Ari)]. Ares Isliinderbuch. Hrsg. v. W. Golther. [Altnord. Saga-Bibl., 1]. 8". Halle a. S. 1892 sec IsLENDJNGA SuGUR : Bl, Islendingabcjk — Landntimabc'ik [both by A. F.], 1843-7. ,, *Keistni Saga [hi/ A. .*] n.d. Arialdus, Saint, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latiua, tl43, 147. Arians. ^Address to conforming A\ [1735], sec Address, etc. Monumenta Vetera ad Arianorum historiam pei'tinentia, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl3. Arianus (Candidus), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t8. Arias d'Avila (Pedro) [Pedrarias Davila], ste Andagoya (P. de). Proceedings of P. D. in Tierra Firme etc., tr., 1865. Aribo, Musicus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl50. Aringhus (Paulus). Roma subterranea novissima : antique Christianorum, price, martyrum ctcmeteria. 2t. fol. Romie. 1651 Ariosto (Lodovico). La Cassaria. sS". Venetia. 1587 < O. F. Tr., w. notes bv W. S. Gh Soppositi. Rose. 8v. s8". 1823-31 [P817]. 88". Venetia. 1587 O. F. Recato ad uso della Lettere. Per c. di A. Cappelli. 1 giovenlil da G. Avesani con 2" ed. s8". Bologna. 1866 : annot. L. A. ; his Mad Orlando. 3v. m 1. 2» ed. s8". Londra. Englished in octaves by H. 1832 Bent. 3v. 88". [p.p.] n.d. Bhne e satire. Con annot. Opere varie. [Ed. G. Pezzana]. 8". Firenze. 1822 3t. s8i>. Parigi. 1776 Rinaldo Ardito : frammeuti Orlando Furioso. ined. ec. ^8". Firenze. 1846 O. F. Tr. en romance castel- see Boiaedo (M.) Orl. Innam.di lano por I. de Urrea. B. ; 0. F. di .\. ; w. essay, 8". Ijyon. 1556 inem., & notes by A. O. F. Con argom. di L. Dolce, Panizzi, 9v, 1830-4 [1, ec. ["I cinqne canti " luis Essays. 2, Lite of B. 2-5, Sep. fp.] sS". Venetia. 1629 Orl. Innam. 6, Life of A. O. F. in Eng. heroical verse, by ■ 6-9, Orl. Fur.] Sr. J. Harington. Now Srdly „ Oarducci (G.) Delle poesie rev. sra.fol. 1634 latme di A., 2" ed., 1876. O. F. Tr., w. notes, J. Hoole. . „ Espinosa (N.) La 2" partede 6v. sS". 1807 ! Orlando etc., 1557, w/t. iS i;;;i O. F. 5v. 8". Milano. 1812-14 ! of a work " La V' parte PiGNA (G. B.) Romanzi, in tre libri, ne' quali della vita ec. deir A. si tratta, 1554. Rajxa iP.) Le fonte dell' Orlando Fuiioso, 1876. added. The love A', studiis De ARIOSTO Ariosto (Lodovico) [confhaied], de Orlando, tr. por J. de Urrea etc." see FABHoNi(A.)Elogidi Dante, A. ec, 1800. „ HOLL«AvX'.^LTHBfir(H. C.) Paladin 3v. 80. Lend. 1823 Comoediie. Ace perdit fab. fragm. ex rec. G. Dindorfii. 4t in 7, [1, 2, Text. 3, Anuot. 4, i-iii, Schoha greeca. t3 is bound in 2 ; t4 has 3p]. 8». O. 1835-S Comcediffi & deperdit. fragm., ex nova rec. G. Dindorf. Ace. Menandri Sc Pliilemonis fragm. Gr. d- lat.la.^". Par. 1860 ACHABXENSES. Acharnenses. Emend, etc. [hy E. Elmsley]. 8". O. 1809 Acharnenses. Notes by T. Mitchell. 8». 1835 EcCLE.SL\ZUS.E. see Faber (T.) [i.e. T. Le Pe\-ke] Epist. : [to i>'4 "add. sunt EkkA., cum interp., uotis etc.], 1674. Eqiites. Equites. Notes by T. Mitchell. 8". 1836 The Knights of A. Ed. by E. A. Neil. 8". C. 1901 NCBES. Nubes. Notes by T. Mitchell. 8". 1838 Plutus. see PoBSox (E.) Notiw in A., quibus"Plutum "pi-iemisit etc. P. P. Dobree, 1820. Rax.e. Eanse. Notes by H. P. Cookes- ley- 8". 1837 Eanie. Notes by T. Mitchell. 8". 1839 Eanse. Notes by W. W. Merry. s8<>. O. 1884 Froga. Adapted for the Oxford Dram. Soe. 1892; with Eng. vers, partly from Frere, partly by D. G. Hogarth & A. D". Godley. s8». O. [1892] Vesp^i:. Vespse. Notes by T. Mitchell. 8". 1835 Wasps. Text rev., with tr. it- notes by B. B. Rogers. 4°. [1875] Wasps. Intr., notes, & comiu. by W. J. M. Starkie. s8". 1897 Scholia. Schoha Grteca m A. ; cimi. var. lect. opt. codd. Integra, annot. selecta, cui sua quEedaiu in- seruit P. Diibner. 188". Paris. 1842 Tbanslatioxs. Comedies. By T. Mitchell, vl, 2 [Ach., Kn., CI., Wa. ; nu inore publ.'] 8". 1820-22 A ., V. J. H. Voss, mit Aiim. v. H. Voss. 3B. 8". Braunschweig. 1821 Werke, ii. v. J. G. Droysen. 3B in 2. s8". 1835-38 Comedies, tr. into blank verse, with notes, by C. A. Wheel- wright. [With] diss, from Wochsmuth. 2v. 8". O. 1837 Comedies. Lit. tr., with notes bv W. J. Hickie. 2v. sS". [Bohn]. 1353 „ „ 2v. S.8". 1890-3 Aehai-ner— DieWolkeu. Ub. v. C.M.Wielaiid. 8". Wien. 1813 Achaniians, Knights, Wasps & Birds. Tr. into prose by a gi-ad. of Oxford. 8". O. 1830 Metr. vers, of Knights, Birds. Frere]. Birds. notes. Birds. Tr. H. F. Tr, into Aristotelian Soc. Acharnians, [By J. H. s4o. 1840 s8». Car\ 8». verse 1886 with 1824 with Proceedings. •• .. New series. vl. 1900-1. 8<> Eeport of the first three sessions, w. rules iV members. [P834]. 8». 1882 Tbanslatioxs [continued]. notes by B. H. Kennedy. s8". 1874 Clouds, Plutus, Frogs, Birds; tr. with notes [l)y E. Citmhcr- land']. 8". 1812 Die Ritter— Die Vijgel. Ub. v. C. M. Wieland.8". Wien. 1814 Eug'ene Talbot : Ai-istophane, tr. iKmvelle ^i.e. by K. T.] Pn-'f. de Sully Prudhonune. 2t. 8". 1897 Eefeeexces. see Browxixg (E.i Ai-isto- phanes' apologj- etc., 1875. „ CoLi.ixs (Mo.) The British Birds, a communication f. the ghost of A., 1872. „ CoLLixs (W. L.) A. [Ano. class.], 1872. „ Deschanel (E.) Etudes sur A., 1867. „ Dixdoef I W.) Metra A. etc., 1842. „ Doxnav (M.) Lysistrata [comedie], n. ed., 1896. „ Dt;xbab (Hex-by) Concord- ance to A., 1883. „ Haleebtsma (T.) Specimen, cont. priorem partem Pro- sopographise Aristopha- nese, 1855. „ KocK (C.) A. u. d. Gotter d. Volksglaubens, 1857. „ Meixeke (A.) Vindiciaruni Aristophanearum liber, 1865. „ Mi'ller-Stbubixg (H.) A. u. d. histor. Ki-itik, 1873. „ PoEsox(E.|Not»inA.,qui- bus " Plutum " prsemisit etc. P. P. Dobree, 1820. „ EiiTSCHEB iH. T.J A. u. s. Zeitalter, 1827. „ Ei:theefobd(W.G.) Scholia Aristophanica in the Codex Eavennas, 1896. „ Saixt-Victoe [le etc. P. de) Les deux masques: 2, A. etc., 1880-4. „ Saxxay (J.) Lexicon Aristo- phanicura Grseco-Angl., ed. u., 1811. „ Si-VERX (.J. W.) Two essays, on the " Clouds " it the " Tripas " tr., 1836. „ T\-BWHiTT (Th.) Conjectura; in .Esch., Eur., it A., 1822. vl, 2. 8». 1891-4 1901 I Aristotle. Vita AristoteUs ex cod. Marciano. Com. ill. L. Eobbe. 8<>. Lugd.-Bat. 1861 WOBKS. Opera omnia. Gr. et lat. Cum K. Sti-oziE de repubhca. Ace. in A. comm., anthore G. Du Val, etc. etc. 2t. fol. Lutetiw, Paris. 1619 Opera omnia. 16v. ed. ster. L. 1831-84 Opera. Ed. Acad. E. Bornss. 5v. 4". Berolini. 1831-70 1, 2, A. gi-sece ex rec. I. Bekkeri. 3, A. latiiie interp. variis. 4, Scholia in A., coll. C. A. Brandis. 5, A. qui ferebuntur librorum fragm. — Schohorum in A. suppl. — Index. Opei-a. Ex rec. I. Bekkeri : ace. Indices Sylbnrgiani. lit. 8". O. 1837 Opera omnia. Gr. et lat. Sv in 6. [vl-4i, leanting]. Ia8». Parisiis. 1848-74 4, ii, Fragmenta; coll. etc. iE. Heitz. 5, Index nom. et rei-um. Opera. Werke. Gr. u.Deutsch mit Anm. Bl-7 [no more app. Bl, 2, 5-7 wanting]. s8o. L. 1853-79 3, Zeugung u. Entwickelung d. Thiere, 1860. 4, Uber d. Dichtkunst, 1865. De axima. De anima. Eec. F. A. Trendelen- burg. 8". Jena?. 1833 Psychology. Gr. & Eng., with notes etc. by E. Wallace. 8°. C. 1882 De AxiMALiBus, see Historia aximalilm, beloiD. De coloribus. Uber die Farben. ErI. durch e. tJbersicht d. Farbenlehre d. Alten V. C. Prantl. 8". Miinchen. 1849 ARISTOTLE 55 AHISTOTLE Aristotle [contimied], De repcblica Atheniensium. A. on the con«titution of Athens : fac9. of Papyrus CXXXI. in Brit. Mnseum. 2'"' ed. fol. ISiU A. on the c. of A. Ed. F G. Kenyon. [Brit. Mus.]. 2°'! ed. 8". 1891 Constitution of Athens. Text with notes by J. E. Sandys. 8". 1893 Ermc.i. Eth. Nicomach. libri x. Not. illust. etc. a G. Wilkinson. ed. 4". 8». 0. 1818 Eth. lib. X. Eec. etc. C. L. Miehelet. 2v. [v2, ed. 2»]. 8". Berolini. 1829-48 Nicomach. Ethics. With notes by J. S. Brewer. 8". 0. 1836 Etliica. Ex rec. Bekkeri. s8". O. 1845 Ethics. Notes by W. E. Jelf. 8". O. 1856 Ethics. lUus. w. essays & notes by Sir A. Grant. vl. [Only vl, 2 app. in this ed.'] 8". 1857 „ 2v. 1"^ ed. 8". 1866 „ 2v. Si-o ed. 8". 1874 Ethica Nicomachea. Eecog. I. Bywater. 8". O. 1890 Eleschi. On fallacies ; or the Sophistici Elenclii; tr. & notes by E. Poste [Gr. fi E»f/.] 8°. 18B6 HiSTOKIA ANIMALHIM. De animalibus historia3 libri x. Gr. et lat. Textum rec, J. C. Scaligeri vers, recog., etc., J. G. Schneider. 4t.8".L. 1811 Histori* aniraalium. ,, Thier- kunde: Text mit Ubers. v. H. Aubert u. P. Wimmer. 2B. Ia8". L. 1868 LoGicA, see Obganon, below. Metaphysica. Metaphysik. Grundtext, Ubers., u. Comm. etc. v. A. Schwegler. 4B. in 2. 8". Tiibingen. 1847-48 Metaphysica. Recog. etc. H. Bonitz. 2p. 8". Bonnie. 1848-9 Meteokologica. Meteorologicorura libri iv. Rec. etc. J. L. Ideler. 2v. 80. L. 1884-36 Nicomachean E., see Ethica, ahove. CEconomica, see his Politica et CEc, 1810, below. On Fallacies, see Elenchi, above. On the Constitution of Athens, see De republica Atheniensium, above. Organon. See also Elenchi above. Organon. Grsece. Ed. T. Waitz. 2v. 8°. L. 1844-46 Phvsica. Physics, b7 ; collated by R. Shute. [Auecdota Oxon., 1, 3.] s4<>. O. 1882 Poetica. De poetica : gr. et lat. Lect. constituit etc. T. Tyrwhitt. 8". O. 1794 Poetics. Tr., w. crit. text, S. H. Butcher. 8". 1896 „ 2'"i ed. 8". 1898 see Butcher (S. H.) A.'s theory of poetry & fine art : w. text & tr. of the Poetics, 1895. „ Egger (A. E.) Essai etc. : suivi de la Poet. d'A. avec tr. & comm., 1849. Politica. Politica et Qilconomica. Ex ed. P. Sylburgii, cum vers, lat. D. Lambini, etc. 2v in 1. 8". O. 1810 Politik. Urtext nach Bokker auf's Neue berichtigt etc. v. A. Stahr. 4». L. 1839 Politics. With notes by R. Congreve. 8". 1855 Pohtics. Bks. 1, 3, 4, (7). Text of Bekker. Tr. by W. E. BoUand, lutrod. by A. Lang. S8". 1877 [For sep. ed. of the intr. 18S6, see Lang (A.)] Politics. Introd. etc. by W. L. Newman. vl-2. 8». O. 1887 1, Int. ; 2, Bks. 1, 2, & notes. Politics. Text etc. by P. Susemihl . L. 1876 Moral Philosophy; tr. of the Nicomachean Ethics, & of the paraphrase attrib. to Andro- nicus of Rhodes [but now aS' signed to Heliodorus Prusen- sis] ; with anal, of each bk. By W. M. Hatch ; completed after his death by others. 8». 1879 Nicomach. Etliics. Tr. with notes by J. E. C. Welldou. s8n. 1892 HiSTORIA ANIMALIUM. Hist, of Animals. Tr. by E. Cresswell. s8". 1862 Hist, des animaux. Tr. et notes par J. B.-St. Hilaire. 3t. 8». 1883 LoGicA, see Organon, 6cto!«. Metaphysica. Metaphysics. Tr., w. notes, etc. By T. Taylor. 4». 1801 La metaphysique. Tr. etc. par A. Pierron et C. Zevort. 2t. 8". 1840 Metaphysics. Lit. tr., w. notes by J. H. M'Mahon. s8<'. 1857 M6taphysiqne. Tr. et notes par J. Barthllemy-St. Hilaire. 3t. 8°. 1879 fficoNOMicA, see Politica, belmo. Politics & Economics, tr. Wal- ford, 1853 On the Constitution or Athens, see De republica Athenien- sii'M, above. On youth & OLD AOE ETC., See P.\RVA naturalia, below. AHISTOTLE 56 ARLINCOTTRT Aristotle [conHnued]. Orgaxon. Logica. Ab I. Perionio ex magna parte conv., et per N. Gru- cliium corr. etc. 4". Parisiis. 1578 Logique. Tr. et notes par J. Barthelemv-St. Hilaire. 4v. in 2. H". 1839-44 Organon, w. the intr. of Por- phyry. Lit tr., w. notes etc. by O. F. Owen. 2v. sS". Bohn. 1853 see also Posterior-^ Analytic.^, befoio. Parva naturalia. On youth & old age, Ufe &: death & respiration. Tr., w. notes etc., by W. Oghe. 8". 1897 Psychologie : opuscules (Parva naturaUa). Tr. & notes par J. BarthelemySt. Hilaire. 8". 1847 Physica. Physique. Tr. et notes par J. "Barth^lemy-St. Hilaire. 2t. 8». 1862 Ptysik. tjb. etc. v. C. H. Weisse. 8". L. 1829 POETICA. Treatise on poetry. Tr. w. notes etc. by T. Twining. 2v.in 1. 2"'' ed. S". 1812 Poetik. TJbers. u. eingeleitet v. T. Gomperz. Hit Abhrtlg. : Wahrheit u. Irrtuin in d. Katharsis-Theorie d. A. v. Alf., Frhm. v. Berger. 8". L. 1897 see Rhetorica, below. R. ; also Poetic. [Tr.] T. Buckley, 1850. POLITICA. Politics & Economics. Tr. with notes etc. by E. Walford. .sS". 1853 Politik. Buch 1-3. Ubertr. v. J. Bemays. 8". 1872 Politique. Tr. par J. Bar- thelemy-St. Hilaire. 2' ed. 8". 1848 Politics. Tr. etc. by B. Jowett. vl ; 2 i, [»o more pull.']. loB". O. 1885 1, Intr. & text. 2, i. Notes. Pohtics. Tr. with notes etc. by J. E. C. Welldon. s8». 1883 „ [2°'l ed.] sSo. 1888 „ [Repr.]. 88". 1897 see also Ethica, above. Ethics & P., tr. GilUes, 2'"' ed., 1804. POSTERIORA An.KLYTICA. Posterior Analytics, tr. E. Poste. 880. o. 1850 Problemata. Les problt*mes. Trad, et notes par J. Barthelemy-St. Hilaire. 2t. 8". 1891 Psychology, see De Anijia, above. Ehetorica. Rhetoric. Lit. tr., with notes, etc. Analysis by T. Hobbes. 2"4 ed. 8". O. 1833 Rhetoric. With anal, by T. Hobbes, etc. ; also Poetic. By T. Buckley. [Bohn]. s8>'. 1830 Rhetoric. Tr., w. anal. & notes by J. E. C. Welldon. 88". 1886 Beferences. see Albertus, Magnus, Opera, 1890etc., t5 : ' Philosophia pauperum, seu Isagoge in lib. Arist'^. pliysicorum etc. „ Alexander, Aphroil., Coram, in lib. metaphys. A**., 1847. „ Anaximenes, of Lamp- sacus. Ars rhetor., quae vulgo fertur Aristotelis ad Alexandrum, 1844. Aquin.is (T.I Opera onuiia, 1882-97. 1, Comm-^. in A. libros peri hermeneias & posteriorum analyticorum. 2,Comni". inoctolib.physi- corum A. 3, Coram, in libros A. de cjelo & mundo, de genera- tione & corruptione, & raeteorologicorura. Bain (F. W.) Realisation of the possible & the spirit of A., 1899. B.VRTHELEMY - SaINT Hi- LALBE (J.) De la meta- physique ; p. serv. d'intr. a la Me't. d'A., 1879. BAUMCtRT (H.), A., Lessing, Goethe : d. eth. u. d. jisthet. Princip. d. Tragodie, 1877. Bede, Sententise ex Aris- totele collectie in Migne (J. P.) ed., Patrologia latina, t90. Berxays (J.) Die Dialoge d. A. Verhaltniss z. s. iibr. Werken, 1863. Zwei Abhdlgn. ii. d. aristotel. Theorie d. Drama, 1880. Biese (F.) Die Philosophie d. A., 1835-42. Blakesley (J. W.) Life of A., etc., 1839. BoETHii:s. B'. topicorum Aristotelis Interpretatio in Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t64. Brandis (C. A.) Hdbch.ete.; 2, ii. A, s. Zeitgenossen u. Nachfolger, 1853. Bbentako (P.) Von d. mannigfachen Bedeutung d. Seienden nach A., 1862. Die Psycliologie d. A., insbes. s. Lehre v. fovs TTOiTJTi'COS, 1867. Bruckner (T.) De tribns ethices locis, quibus differt Kantius ab A., 1866. Butcher (S. H.) A.'s theory of poetry & tine art : w. text & tr. of the Poetics, 1893. CONYBE.ARE (F. C.) ed., Col- lation w. the anc. Armenian versions of the Greek text of A.'s Categories, De in- terp., De mundo, De virtut. lV vitiis, it of Porphyry's Introd., 1892. Cope (E. M.) A.'s system of ethics, 1867. Intr. to A.'s Rhetoric, 1867. Cousin (V.) De la M^ta- physique d'A., suiv. d'un essai de tr. du l*"" livre de la M., [1835]. Dareste (R.) La science du droit en Grece : A. etc., 1893. Devcks iF.) De Megaric. doct., eiusque apud A. vestigiis, 1827. Droste-HLlshoff (C.A.v.) De Aristotelis justitia, etc., 1826. Druetus (J.) Coram, in 4 lib. Phys. Anscult., t7 [MS. wily~\, 1652. Eberh.ard (E.) Die ari- stotel. Definition d. Seele, etc., 1868. Aristotle Icontinued]. see Egger (A. E.) Essai sur I'liist. de la critique chez les Grecs : suivi de la Poet. d'A., avec tr. it comm., 1849. „ Eucken (E.) Bedeutung d. aristotel. Philos. fiir die Gegenwart, 1872. „ Furnivall (F. J.) ed., Babees book — A.'s ABC, etc., 1868. „ GoTSCHLiCH (E.) Lessing's aristotel. Studien, 1876. „ Grant (St)- Alex.) A. [Anc. class.], 1877. „ Gbote (G.) A., 1872. „ Plato resp. rotation of earth, & A.'s comment, 1860. „ Heliodorus, Prusensis. For the " Eth. Nicomach. paraphrasis " wrongly attr. to Andronicus Tiho- dius. „ Hertling (G., Frhr. v.) Materie u. Form u. d. Defi- nition d. Seele bei A., 1871. „ JouRDAiN (A.) Recherches sur I'age & I'orig. des tr^. lat. d'A., & sur des comm. employes par les docteurs scolastiques, n. ed., 1843. „ Kampe (F. F.I Erkenntniss- theorie d. A., 1870. „ KiRcHMANN (J. H. v.)Erlau- tetgn. z. Nikomach. Ethik, 1876. „ Lang (Andrew) Politics of A. : intrody. essays [ /. Bol~ land 7, see Tbochu (le gin.) *.irmee fraiifaise (L') en 1879, 1879, see Tkochh (le gen.) •Armee iL') russe & sea chefs en 1888, par I'aut. du Marechal de Moltke, sS". 1888 Armellini (M.) Le chiese di Konia dal sec. 4 al 19. 2" ed. 8". 1891 Armengaud, ps. Escapades d'un homnie siirieux. s8". 1861 Armenia, see Key (The) of truth : manual of the Paulician Church of A., ed. & tr., 1898. Armenian. The Armenian liturgy tr. [PG18]. 8". Venice. 1862 The divine ordinances aco. to the A. Ritual. Tr. etc., J. Issaverdenz. [P618]. s8». Venice. 1867 Armenius (Haython) [.Akmens Ayton], see Hetooji, prince of Gorigos. Armfield (Rev. H. T.) The gradual psalms : a treatise on the 15 songs of degrees, w. comm. based on anc. Hebrew, Chaldee & Xtn. authorities. sS". 1874 Armies. Fur cmon. tmrhs in German, sec Heere. *.\rmies (The) of the native states, 1884, sec India. *.\rmies (The) of to-day ; a description. 8". 1893 Armin, Filrst der CJwrusker, see Armikius. Armin (Robert), sec *Fools & jesters ; w. A.'s Nest of ninnies (1608), 1842. Arminell, 1890, sec Bari.ng-Gould (S.) Arminius, ^)»'iHC« o/ /?j. 1850 Armstrong (Walter), 11. of " Wrcstliana," 1870, sec Badminton Lid. : Fencing, Boxing, Wrestling. Wrestling, by A., 1889. Armstrong (Sir "Walter), director, Nat. Gallery of Ireland. Art of Velazquez. [Portfolio M,] [ W. Q. Orchardson. [Portfolio laS". 1890 : M.]. laS". 1895 Gainsborough. [PortfoUo M.]. : Sir H. Raebum. With intr. by laS". 1894 ' R. A. M. Stevenson. Biog. & Gainsborough, & li. place in cat. by J. L. Caw. fol. 1901 Eng. art. fol. 1898 ' Sir J. Reynolds. fol. 1900 Life of Velazquez. [Portfolio Riviere. [Art .Annual], fol. 1891 M.]. Ia8". 1890 Peter de Wint. oblong fol. 1888 Sir J. E. Millais. [Art Annual, ' 1885]. fol. 1885 Armstrong (Wm.), assist, adjutant gen. to tlie forces. Errors committed by generals etc., from 1743 ; added, new system of fortification etc. 8°. 1808 Armstrong (Wm. Geo. Armstrong, baron). Electric move- ment in air and water. Ia4"'. 1897 see Halsted (E. P.) The .Armstrong Gun : rejoinder to A., 1862. Armstrong (Sir W. G.) & Co., Neiocastle-upon Tyne, see Naval. *Modern n. artillei^, 1891. Army. •Argument (The) agst. a standing army rectified. [P231]. s4**. 1697 •Argument (Au) shewing that a standing a. is inconsistent w. a free govt., etc., 1697, see Trenchabd (J.) & W. Moyle. •Army (The), the Horse-guards, and the People. By a soldier. [P161]. s8". 1860 •Army Book for the Brit. Empire, 1893, see Goodenough (W.) & J. C. Dalton. •Army (The) from within. By a. of " An absent-minded war." s8». 1901 •Amiy Lists of the Roundheads & Cavaliers, 1612. Ed. E. Pea- cock. s8". 1863 •Army Reform Tracts : Notes on the war, by a barrister. [Army Reform Assoc. P297]. 8". 1855 Englisli Army Lists & Commission Registers, 1661-1714 : ed. C. Dalton. vl-4 [in prog.] 1*8". 1892-8 •Hist, records of the British A., 1837 etc., see Cannon (R.) ed. •Sanitary reform of the British A., 3"' ed., 1859, see Sanitary, etc. •Social life in the British A., 1900, see Social Life, etc. •Some reflections on a pamphlet [by Trenchard tO Moyle] lately publ., entituled " An argument showing that a standing army is inconsistent w. free govt, etc.," 2°^ ed., 1697, see Defoe (D.) Army Reform Assoc, sec .\kmy. A. refonn tracts : Notes on the War, 1855. Armytage, see also Armitage. Armytage (Hon. Mrs. Fenella Fitz-Hardinge). Old Court customs & modern Court rule. 38°. 1883 Armytage (George John). Index to the visitation of the Co. of Yorke 1665-6, by W. Dugdale [tuh. forms v36 of Surtees Soc] 8". 1872 Armjrtage (Lewis). The Blue Mountains, & o. s. for children. s8°. 1890 Arnaldus, London, sec Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t28. Arnason (Jon), of Reykjavik. Icelandic legends. Tr. G. E. J. Powell iV E. Magnusson. 2s. s8°. 1864-6 Islandische Volkssagen, ausgewahlt u. iib. v. M. Lehmann- Filh6s. Neue F. 8°. 1891 Arnand (Charles A. de), see De .^.rnaud. ARNAUD 58 ARNOLD Arnaud (E. F. A.d'), sccViTnoixEs (E.F.A. d' Aenaud, ftaroK de). Arnaud (Eugene). Hist, des protestants de Provence, du Com- tat Venaissin, & de la [jrincipaute d'Oiange. 2v. 8°. 18H4 Hist, des protestauts du Vivarais & du Velay, de la Rt-forme a la E^vol. 2t. Ia8°. 1888 Arnaud (Frederic). La ri^volution et I'eglise. 2t. sS". 1869 Arnaud (Henriette E. F.), aft. Reijhaud, see Eeybai-d (H. E. F.) Arnaud (M. Marcet de la Roche-), see Marcet de La Koche- Arnavi>. Arnaudin (Felix). Contes pop. rec. dans la Grande-Lande etc. Tr. et texte. s8'. 1887 Arnaudo ((Jiov. Battista). Le nihilisme et les nihilistes ; tr. H. Bellenger. s8°. [1880] Arnauld, see also Arnold, Arnodld. Arnauld (Agnes), abbesse de Port Royal [jAgnes de Saint Paul. Mi're\ Lettres, publ. avec inti'. par P. Faugfire. 2t. 8». 1858 Arnauld (Angeliqne) [la 7n^re Angelique], see Angeliqpe (la mi'ye). Arnauld (Antoine), doctor of the Sorboniie. •Apologie pour les catlioliques, centre "La politique duclerge {by P. Jurieii]." 2p. [Wants pi]. s8». Liege. 1681-2 see Lancelot (C), A., & P. Nicole. *Nouv. raethode pour la langue grecque, n. ed., 1754. „ — , — , & — . *Nouv. methode pour la langue Inline, 12" 4d., 1761. see Leibnitz (G. W. v.) Ges. Werke : II, 1, Briefw. zw. L., A., u. d. Landgrafen Ernst V. Hesseu-Rhein- fels, 1813-63. „ QUESNAY (P.) *Histoire de la vie & des ouvr. de Mr. A., 1697. & C. Lancelot. Grammaire gen. & raisonnee de Port-Eoyal. 8°. 1803 & P. Kicole. *Logica, s. ars cogitandi, in lat. versa. s8». Londini. 1674 * „ , ed. 5". s8°. Lugd. Bat. 1694 & *Logic, or the art of thinking : being the Port- Eoyal logic. Tr. T. S. Baynes. s8". E. 18-50 Arnauld (I'abbe Antoine), see Michaud (.J. F.) & J. Poujoclat ed'., Nouv. coll. : II, 9, Mem', de I'abbe A., 1850. see Petitot (C. B.) ed.. Coll., II, 34, 1819. Arnauld (Simon), marq. de Pomponne, see Pomponne. Arnauld d'Andilly (Angelique) [la viire Angilique] , see ksai.- LIQUE (la mere). Arnauld d'Andilly (Robert), see Michaud (J. F.) & 3. PoDJOULAT ed'., Nouv. coll. des m^m"., II, 9, JKm'. d'A. d' A., 1850. see Petitot (C. B.) ed.. Coll., II, 33, 34, 1819. Arnd(Eduard). Gesch. d. .lahre 1867-71. 2Bin 1. 8". L. 1872-3 Arndt (Augustinus), S.J. De libris prohib. coram'. 8». Eatisbonffi. 1895 Ursprung u. Verwandtschaft d. 8". Frankfurt a. M. 1818 Nothgedrungener Bericht aus s. Leben, etc. 2T in Iv. s8». L. 1847 Scbriften fiir u. an s. lieben Deutsehen. 3T. s8". L. 1845 Versuch in vergleichender Vtil- kergesch. 2' A. 8". L. 1844 Arndt (Christian Gottlieb). europii. Sprachen. Arndt (Ernst Moritz). Erinueruiigeu aus d. jiusseren Leben. 3= A. s8<>. L. 1842 Gedichte. Der neuen Ausg. 2« A. sS". L. 184S Life & adv. of A. ; compiled f. the German. I?ref. by J. E. Seeley. sS". 1879 Marchen u. Jugeuderinnerungen. 2B. [1, 2' A.] s8". 1842-3 Arndt (Julius). Das Bewusstwerden der Menschheit. 8°. 1852 Arne (Thomas Augustine), see Metastasio (P.) *Artaxerxes, an Eng. opera, musick by A., n. ed., [1780]. Arneth (Alfred, Ritti'i- v.) Gesch. Maria Theresia's. lOB. 8". Wien. 1863-79 1-3, Erste Eegierungsjahre, 1740-48. [These SB have only this special /.] 4, Nach d. Erbfolgekriege, 1748-66. 5, 6, Der 7jiihrige Krieg, 1756-63. 7-10, Letzie Eegierungszeit, 1763-80. Prinz Eupen v. Savoyen. 3B. Neue A. 8°. Wien. 1864 1, 1663-1707 ; 2, 1708-18 ; 3, 1719-36. & A. Geoffroy ed'., Marie-Antoinette : corr. sec. entre Marie-Therese & le cte. de Mercy-Argenteau, aveo les lettres de Marie-Ther^se & de Marie-Antoinette. Intr. & notes par A. & G. 3t. 8°. 1874 Arnett (John Andrews) ps., see Hannett (John). Arnheim (Marie v.) Memoirs. Tr. s8'\ 1848 Arnim (Bettina v.) [tBaEMANo (Elisabeth), aft. Voii Amim, calling herself Bettina]. Arnim (Bettina v.) [contimied]. *Dies Buch gehcirt dem Konig. 2B in 1. s8°. [1843] see Goethe (J. W. v.) G.'s Briefw. mit e. Kinde [i.e. B. v. A..]< 2' A., 1837. ,, Varnh.vgen von Ense (C. a.) Aus d. Naohlass V.'s : Briefe v. B. v. A., etc., 1.865. Arnim (Hans von). Leben u. Werke d. Dio v. Prusa. Mit Einltg. : Sophistik, Ehetorik, Philosophic in i. Kampf um d. Jugendbildung. 8». 1898 Arnim (Graf Harry Kurd Ed. Carl v.) *Pro nihilo. The prelude to the A. trial, pi. [No nwre jiubl.] 8". 1876 *Pro nihilo ! Vorgesch. d. Arnim'schen Processes. Htt. 1. [P375.] 8". Zurich. 1876 E^plique a la lettre de Bismarck, 1873. 8°. 1873 Arnim (Ludwig Achim v.) Die Kronenwachter. Einltg. v. J. Scherr. sS". St. [1881] & C. Brentano. Des Knaben Wunderhorn. 3v. 8". Heidelberg. 1806-8 Amis (W. H. Maigne d'), see Maigne d'Arnis. Arniston Memoirs (The), 1571-1838. Ed. G. W. T. Omond. Ia8». E. 1887 Arno, Reicherspcrg, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl94. Arnobat (C. P. Coste d'), see Coste d'Arnobat (C. P.) Arnobius, Afcr. A disput. adv. gentes lib. vii. G. Elmenshorstius rec. etc. fol. Hamburgi. 1610 Adv. nationes. Adnot. illust. F. Oehler. s8». L. 1846 Adv. nationes. Comm. illust. etc. G. F. Hildebrand. 8". Hate Sax. 1844 Adv. nationes. Rec. etc. A. Reif- ferseheid. [C. S. E. Lat., 4.] 8=. Vindobonae. 1875 The seven books of A. adv. gentes. Tr. H. Bryce & H. Campbell. 8". E. 1871 see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t5. Arnobius, The younger, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t53. Arnold, of Brescia, se/" Brescia (Arnold, of). Arnold [von Seclenliofen], abp. of Mentz, see Fontes hercm Germanic, B3, Martyrium A'., etc., 1853. Arnold (.Sir Arthur) [I-Arnold (Egbert Arthur)]. Hist, of the cotton famine. 8°. 1864 Free Land. sS" 1880 The promises of Turkey. [P335]. 8°. [1877J Social politics. 8°. 1878 Through Persia by caravan. 2v. 8°. 1877 Arnold (Benedict), see Arnold (I. N.) B.A., 1880. see CoDMAN (J.) A.'s exped. to Quebec, 1901. Arnold (Cecil). Index to Shakespearian thought. 8°. 18^0 Arnold (E. Th.) Der Mensch u. s. Vergeistigung. [P499] 8». Salzungen. 1864 Arnold (Edward Vernon) & R. S. Conway. Eestored pro- nunciation of Gr. & Lat. [P620]. 8". C. 1805 Arnold (Sir Edwin). Adzuma, or The Japanese wife. s8". 1893 Dalhousie's administration. 2v. 8". 1862-5 Death— & afterwards. 38°. 1887 East & West. 8". 1896 Griselda, & o.p. s8^''. 1856 In my Lady's praise : poems to F., Lady Arnold. 88". 1889 India revisited. sS". 1886 „ 2"'' ed. s8". 1891 The Indian song of songs, f. Jayadeva, w. o. oriental poems. s8". 1875 n- ed. [tc. t. Lidian poetry : a new ed. of " The Indian song of songs " f. Jayadeva; 2 bks. f. the Mah^- bharata; "proverbial wisdom" f. the Hitopadesa, etc.] s8°. 1881 Japonica. laS". 1892 The light of Asia. 68°. 1879 10"' ed. s8". 1883 28»' ed. s8". 1885 n.ed. s8". 1889 The light of the world. s8". 1891 Lotus Sc jewel, cont. " In an Indian temple," " A casket of gems," " A queen's revenge," w. o. p. s8». 1887 Pearls of the faith ; or, Islam's Rosary, the 99 names of Allah, w. comments in verse, etc. 88". 1883 Poems national & non-Oriental (w. some new pieces) ; sel. f. works of A. s8''. 1888 The poets of Greece. 8». 1869 Potiphar's wife, Ar o. p. 88°. 1892 The Queen's justice. sS". 1899 Seas and lands. 8°. 1891 , S"" ed. 8». 1891 , n. ed. s8». 1892 The secret of death (f. Sanskrit', w. some collected poems. s8'>. 1885 The tenth muse, * o. p. s8". 1895 Transliteral grammar of Turkish. s8". 1877 Victoria, Q. & Empress. The sixty years. (P636, 680]. 68". 1896 Wandering words. 8". 1894 With Sa'di in the garden : the "Ishk" or 3"i chap, of the " Bostan " embodied in a dia- logue in the garden of the Taj Mahal. _ s8". 1888 see Bhagavadgita. *The song celestial, or B., tr. [into verse] by A., 1885. „ Hitopadesa. The book of good counsels, f. the H., 1861. „ Mah.\bharata. *Indiau idylls f. the M., by A., 1883. ARNOLD 59 ARNOLDUS Arnold (Edwin Lester Linden). Bird life in England. Coffee, its cultivation On the Indian hills planting in S. India. 2v. sS". 1881 I Arnold (Ethel M.) Platonics. b8». 1887 Phra the Phoenician. s8". 1891 & profit. „ ... 8v. '2"'^ ed. s8». 18U1 8". 1880 I The story of UUa, A o. t. ; coffee- '• 88". 1895 Summer holiday in Scandinavia. s8". 1877 s8«. 1894 Arnold (T. W.) The preaching of lalam. 8». 1896 Arnold (Theodor). Compleat vocab., English & German. s8». L. 1757 Arnold (Thomas), D.D., Iiead master of Rugby College. Robertson of Brighton, w. nof. of h. times & contemps. s8". 1886 Three-cornered essays. By a middle-aged Englishman. s8". [1882] Turning-points in life. 2v. s8". 1873 , n. ed. s8". 1882 s8". 1858 s8". 1879 s8». 1880 s8». 1867 s8". 1868 Arnold (liev. Frederick), B.A., of Christ Church, Oxford. Arm-chair essays. s8". 1888 Hist, of Greece'. s8". [1871] Our bishops and deans. 2v. 8". 1875 0.xford & Cambridge : their col- leges etc. 88". [187a] *The philosopher in slippers. 38". 1890 Pubhc life of Macaulay. 8". 1802 *Remiuisc. of a lit. Sz clerical life. 2v. sS". 1889 Arnold (Frederick), jnn., princixml of Sussex House Sclwol, Strcatham. Hist, of Streatham, etc. 8". 188G Arnold (George Moss Brock), see Bbock-Abnojj. (Geo. M.) Arnold (Gottfried), sec Kuf (A.) Geoffroi A., 1847. Arnold (Mrs. Henry). Better than gold. 3v. s8". 1873 Arnold (Isaac Newton). Life of A. Lincoln. 3"' ed. s8°. Chicago. 1885 Life of Benedict Arnold. 8°. Chicago. 1880 Arnold (J. K.) Kangaroo & Kauri, Australia & N. Zealand. 8». 1894 Arnold (John Muehleisen). Ishmael : a natural hist, of Islamism A- its rel. to Xty. 88°. 1859 „ 3"" ed., j«.<. : Islam, its hist. etc. 8". 1874 Arnold (Julian T. Biddulph). Palms & temijles ; four months upon the Nile. 8°. 1882 Arnold (Matthew). Alaric at Rome. s8". 1896 Merope. Bible-reading for schools ; Pro- Mixed essays. phecy of Israel's restoration „ 2'"' ed. (Isaiah, ch. 40-66), arr. & ed. New poems. for learners by A. s8". 1872 „ 2'"^ ed. Culture & anarchy. 8". 1869 On the study of Celtic lit. 8". 1867 „ 2'"' ed. s8". 1875 pop. ed. s8". 1900 Culture & anarchy — Friend- I On translating Homer. sS". 1861 ship's garland. s8". N.Y. 1883 On translating Homer; last Discourses in America. sS". 1885 words. s8». 1862 England & the Italian question. Passages f. the prose writings of [P15S, 501]. 8». 1859 A. s8'>. 1880 Essays in criticism. Poems. n. ed. s8». 185S 2"'' ed. s8". 1869 2v. n. ed. sB". 1869 „ Sfi ed. s8". 1875 „ 2v. n. it compl. ed. s8». 1881 , s2. s8". 1888 i Poet, works. s8>'. 189G „ si, 2. sS". 1889 The popular education of France, A French Eton : or, Middle- . w. not", of that of Holland & class education & the State. i Switzerland. 8". 1861 88<*. 1864 Reports on elementary schools, Friendship's garland. s8". 1871 I 1852-82. Ed. Sir F. Sandford. 2°ii ed. s8". 1897 [ sS». 1889 God & the Bible : review of I St. Paul & Protestantism, w. objections to " Lit. & Dogma." | intr. on Puritanism & the 38". 1875 Church of Eng. sS". 1870 „ ... pop. ed. s8". 1884 „ 2'"' ed. sS". 1870 Higher schools & univ'. in Ger- Schools & universities on the many. s8>'. 1874 conthient. 8". 1868 „ , sS". 1892 Selected poems of A. sS". 1878 Irish essays & others. sS". 1882 'The strayed reveller, & o. p. Isaiah in the A. V.; w. intr. I s8». 1849 notes etc. by A. s8". 1883 ! see Fitch {Sir J.) T. & M. A., Isaiah (40-56), w. the shorter j & their influence on Eng. prophecies allied to it. Notes education, 1897. by A. s8". 1875 „ Galton (A.) Two essays Last essays on Church & reli- upon A., w. some of his gion. s8». 1877 letters to the author, 1897. Letters, 1848-88. Arr. by G. W. „ Jacobs (J.) G. Eliot, A. E. Russell. 2v. s8<>. 1895 etc., 1891. Lit. & dogma. s8<>. 1873 ' „ Saintsburv (G.) M. A., 1899. „ 2"'i ed. sS". 1873 , „ Smart (T. B.) Bibl. of A., „ 5'i' ed. s8". 1876 i 1892. „ pop. ed. s8». 1883 > „ Wkight (I. C.) Letteron the „ pop. ed. s8". 1895 Homeric lect. of A., 1864. Arnold (Richard). The Customs of London, otherwise, Arnold's Chronicle; cont. among o. matters, the Nutt-Brown Maid. Eepr. f. 1" ed., w. the adds, in 2'"'. [Ed. F. Douce]. 4». 1811 Arnold (Robert Arthur), see Aknold (Aeihuh). Christian life, its course, hin- drances, helps : sermons. 3"' ed. 8". 1844 Clu'istian life, its hopes, fears, close : sermons. 8". 1842 2'"! ed. 8". 1843 Divisions & mutual relations of knowledge : lecture, 1835. [P157]. s8". Rugby. 1839 Fragm". on the Church. 8". 1844 Hist, of Rome. 3v. 8". 1838-43 „ ... 3v. 2'>'> ed. 8". 1840-45 , vl. S^-ii ed. 8". 1844 Hist, of the later Roman Com- monwealth. 2v. 8". 1845 Intr. lects. on mod. hist., 1842, w. inaug. lect., 1841. 8". O. 1842 2"'' ed. 8". 1843 „ 3'-'i ed. 8". 1845 Misc. works. Coll. etc. [A. P. Stanley]. 8". 1845 The second Punic war. Ed. W. T. Arnold. s8". 1886 has t. : Sermons, w. essay on the right interp. of the Scrip- tures]. 8". 1829-34 ■ 3v. [1, 6'i'; 2, 5'"; 3, 4"> ed.]. 8". 1850-3 Sermons cliiefly on interp". of Scripture. 8". 1845 Two sermons on interp". of Prophecy, w. notes. 2'«l ed. 8". 1844 see FiNDLAV (J. J.) ed., A., h. school life & contrib'. to education, 1897. „ FiTCU (Sir J.) T. & M. A., & their influence on Eng. education, 1897. „ Neander (J. Aug.) Bedeu- tung d. A. fiir d. Stand- punkt d. kirchl. wart, 1846. „ The theology of A., tr., 1840. „ Stanley (A. P.) Life & corr. of A., 1844 ; IS"" ed., 1881. Sermons. 3v. [Wants v3. vti Arnold (Thomas), M.A., of Univ. Coll., Oxford. Manual of Eng. lit. s8". 18()2 4"' ed. s8». 1877 7"'ed. s8". 1897 Passages in a wandering life. 8". 1900 see AiiDis (W. E.) * A., A Catholic diet., 1884 ; n. ed., 1893. Arnold (Thomas), uf Northampton. Method of teaching deaf & dumb ; w. exercises. Ia8". 1881 Arnold (Th. James). The law rel. to Municipal Corporations. s8°. 1851 The law upon Church rates vindicated. [P10.5]. 8°. 1837 Arnold (Walter). Life & death of the sublime Society of Beef Steaks. 38°. 1871 Arnold (Wilhelm), Prof, dor Bechte an d. Univ. Marburg. Ansiedelungen u. Wanderungen deutsoher Stiimme. Zumeist nach hessischen Ortsnamen. 2' A. 8". Marburg. 1881 Cultur u. Eecht der Homer. 8". 1868 Cultur u. Eechtsleben. 8». 1865 Deutsche Gesch. B2, Friinkische Zeit. [Ill is formed by his Deutsche Urzeit, 1879]. 2H. 8°. Gotha. 1881-.=! Deutsche Urzeit. 8". Gotha. 1879 Verfassungsgesch. d. deutschen Freistiidte im Anschluss an d. Verfassungsgesch. d. Stadt Worms. 2B. 8". [1, Hamburg. 2, Gotha]. 1854 Arnold (William Delafield). Oakfield ; or, Fellowship in the East. 2v. 2"''ed. 8°. 1854 Arnold (William Thomas). The Roman system of provincial s8°. 1879 *F. Deak, a mem. 8». 1880 Studies in church dedications or 3v. 8«. 1899 In a conning tower. 5"> ed. s8». 1891 Our great city : London. s8". 1900 The truth about the Land League. [P780]. 3'''i ed. 8". 1883 The War Office, the Army, & the Empire. s8<>. 1900 administration Arnold-Forster (Florence) Arnold-Forster (Frances). England's patron saints. Arnold-Forster (Hugh 0.) Army letters, 1897-8, repr. f. " The Times." s8o. 1898 The citizen reader. s8". [1885] The coming of the kilogram. s8». 1898 Guilty or not guilty ? opinions of Liberals w. reg. to the Par- nellite Party. 1 [P780]. 8<>. [1886?] I Arnoldt (J. F. J.) F. A. Wolf in s. Verh-altnisse z. Schulwesen etc. 2B in 1. 8". Braunschweig. 1861- Arnoldus, Brixiensis, see Buescia (Abnolu, of). Arnoldus Carnotensis [Ernaldus Boncevallis]. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, 1185, 189. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t26. Arnoldus vionachiis Emmeramm, see Aknulphus, count of Cham. Arnoldus, n66oi of Lubeck, see Mokvue'sta Gebm. Hist., Scr., t21. Arnoldus, aep. Moguntinus, see Arkold [von Seelenhofen], abp. of Mentz. ARNOLDUS 00 ART Arnoldus II, abp. of Treves, Gesta, sec Monumenta Gi:rm. Hist., Scr., 124. Arnoldus Borchout, inagister Leodicnsis. De gestis abbatum Leod., 1342-1404, see Moncment.i Gekm. Hist., Scr., t20. Arnot (Fred. S.) Gurenganze ; mission work in C. Airica. 2'"i ed. 8». [1889] Arnot (Hugo). Coll. of celeb. criminiU trials in Scotland, 1536-1784. 4". E. 1785 Hist, of Edinburgh. S". E. 1816 Arnott (G. A. W.), see HouKEit {Sir W. J.) & A. Brit. Flora, 6"' ed., 1850. Arnott (Neil). Arithmetic simplified. 8^ 1867 „ n. ed. s8". 1870 Elements of physics. , On educational training. vl, 2, i. [1, 3'" ed.] 8°. 1828-9 [P539]. 8". 18.59 „ „ 2v in 1. 6*'^ & com- Smokeless fireplace, chinmey- pleted ed. 8". 1864-5 valves etc. 8". 1855 Obs. on some principles & de- Sui-vey of human progress, fects of national education. 8". 1861 [P460]. s8". 1869 Arnould (Arthur) [ps. A. M.^tthey]. Beranger, ses amis, ennemis, ' de la Croix-Rouge ; 2, La critiques. 2t. s8<>. 1864 , femme de Judas. sS". 1882 Le billet de mille. s8>'. 1888 '. Marcelle Mauduit. sS". 1886 189. H. 981. Suite et fin du , La mariage d'Odette. s8». 1887 Billet de mille. s8". 1888 j Le point noir. s8». 1885 Calvaire d' amour ! S8". 1888 La iirincesse Belladone. s8". 1886 Le corps d'Ehsa. s8". 1888 '■ Therese Buisson. sS". 1886 La fi'te de Saint-Eemy. S8". 1886 I Les tombes d'Egypte. Un gendre. s8". 1885 ' s8". Genl-ve. [1872] Jean Sans-nom. 2t. 1, Le drame Arnould (.Sir Joseph), puisne judge of Supreme Court of Bo»tbai/. Mem. of T., Lord Denman. 2v. 8°. 1873 Memorial lines on Sir E. Peel. [P151]. S". 1850 Arnould (Louis). Un gentilhomine de lettres au 17' s. : Eacan. 8°. 1896 ... n. id. 8". 1901 Eacan (1589-1670) Hist, anecdotique et critique de sa vie et de ses ceuvres. 8°. 1896 Arnould (.1//Zc. Sophie), sccGon'oouht (E. de) & J. deGoxcourt. S. A. d'ap. sa corr. A- s. m^ms. in^d., 1893. Arnulph, Saint, bp. of Soissons. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4. „ Monument.^ Gebm. Hist., Scr., tl5. Arnulphus, count of Cham [Arnoldus Emmcramml. see Mign-e (J. P.) eU., Pat. latina, tl41. .. Moxu.MEXT.4 Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Arnulphus, emperor of Germany, see BocgCET (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t9. Arnulphus, bp. of Lisieux. Epistolje ad Henr. II, S. Thomam arch. Cant. * alios. Ed. J. A. Giles. 8°. 0. 1844 see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4, 16. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t201. „ MoNUMEXTA Geum. Hist.. Scr., tl2. „ Mur.^tori (L. a.) Eerum Ital. Script., t3. Arnulphus, historiograp)u;r of Milan. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl47. „ MoNUMENTA GeRJI. HisT., Sci'., tS. ,. MuRATOHi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t4. Arnulphus, abp. of Blieims. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tlO. ., MiGNK (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl39. Arnway (John). *Tablet (The) or moderation of Charles I ; w. an alarum to the people. s8''. 1649 Arois (Armand d'). Le sergent Balthazar. Pref. de A. Dumas fils. s8°. 1895 Arolas (Juan). Poesias caballerescas y orientales. 3° ed. 38°. Valencia. 1860 Arosell (Carl), sec Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten ; 12, A., 1871. Arpa y Lopez (S.) Hist, de la lit. espanola. s8°. 1889 Arpentigny (.le cap. C. S. d'). The science of the hand; tr. E. Heron-Allen. sS". 1889 Arquien (Marie de La Grange d'), queen of Polatul, see Maky, queen consort of John III, Sobicski, king of Poland. Arranged catalogue (An) of pubP. rel. to toleration of Dissent- ing-ministers A repeal of Corp. & Test-Acts, 1790, see Catalogue. Arras, see Cat.ilogfe g^n. des mss. des bibl. publ., t4. A., 1872. Arras, bps. of, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t8, 14. Arras (Adam, d'), see .4j)am, le Bossu. Arras (Gautier, d'), sec Gautier, d'Arras. Arras (Jean d'), see Jean, d' Arras. Arreat (Lucien). La morale dans le drame, I'dpopte et le roman. 2' ed. s8". 188'.l Arrests, see *Lettei! to a nobleman, cone, the Bill to prevent frivolous a\, 1721!. Arrhenius (Jacobus), sec Hansexli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 7, A., 1871. Arrian (Flavius). A. Anabasis it Iiidica, ex opt. cod. Paris, emend, etc. F. Dubner. Reliqua Arriani, A: scriptornm de rebus Alex. M. fragm. coll., Pseudo-CalU- sthenis liist. ed. etc. C. Midler. laS". Parisiis. 1846 Anabasis. Lit. tr. with comm. by E. J. Chinnock. s8". 1884 A. exped. Alex. A: Hist. Indica,ex B. Vulcanii interp. lat , opera J. Gronovii, Gr. & Lat. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1704 Ars tactica, etc., cum interp. lat. etc. Ex rec. N. Blancardi. s8'*. Amstelodami. 1683 De exped. Alex. Magni hbri \'ii. ; ejusdem Indica. N. Blancardus rec. sS". Amstelodami. 1668 Exped. Alexandii. ed. ster. s8". L. 1829 Exped. Alexandri et Historia indica. Gr. et lat. cum aun. G. Raphelii. Ace. Eclogie Photii ad Arrianum. 8". Amsteliedami. 1757 Hist, of Alex.'s exped. Tr. with notes by Rooke, etc. 2v. 8". 1729 De venatione, see Xenophon, Opuscula etc., 177S, and Qme extant, t6, 1838. see Epictetus. E. dissertatio- nnm ab A. digest, libri iv., var. edd., & ti*. „ Guischabdt (C. T.) Meras. niilit. sur les Grecs etc. ; on y a joint la tr. de la Tactique d'A., 1758. „ JIcCrindle (J. \V.) tr., Anc. India as descr. by A. etc., 1877. Arrighi (Cletto). Dizionario milanese-italiano. sS". Milano. 1896 La Scapigliatura e il 6 Febbraio. s8°. Milauo. 1862 Arrigo. For kings, princes etc., see Henry. Arrigo, St., see Henry II, emp. of Germany, Saint. Arrigo, da Seitinwllo [Henricus, Pauper ; tHEXRicus, Septi- mellensis]. Arrighetto, o. Trattato contro all' avversita dcUa fortuna. Hul Testo del 1730. s8". Milano. 1815 see Migne (J. P.) eel, Pat. latina, t204. Arrigo, Valesio. see Henry II, king of France, tvlien, bij •• A. V.," H. II is meant. „ Henry III, king of France, lolien H. Ill is meant. Arrivabene (il contc Carlo). Finances of Italy. [P206]. 8°. 1865 I poeti italiani ; sels. f. the Ital. poets, w. biog. not'., ed. A. sS". London. 1855 Italy under Victor Emmanuel. 2v. 8°. 1862 Arrivabene (Ferdinando). Amori e Eime di Dante. sS". Mantova. 1823 II secolo di Dante, commento storico, etc. 2»ed. 2v. s8°. Firenze. 1830 Arrivabene (il eonte Giovanni). D'une cpoque de ma vie, 1820- 22 ; avec 6 lettres inid. de S. Pellieo. Tr. par S. Morhange. s8°. Brux. 1861 An epoch of my life : Mems. of J. A., w. docs., notes, cfe six letters of Silvio Pellieo, Tr., w. notes, C. Arrivabene. s8". 1862 Memorie della mia vita. 2v. s8°. Firenze. 1879-84 1, 1705-1859, 2, 18.59-80. Arrom de Ayala (Cecilia F, J,) [ps. F. Caballero], see Caballero (F.) ps. Arrows in the Dark. By a. of " Said and done." 38». 1863 Arrowsmith (Aaron). Anc. & mod. geography, for Eton. 8". 1831 Arrowsmith (John), F.R.G.S. The London atlas of univ. geography. lafol. 1840 Ars (le etc. G. de Bremond d'), see Buejiond d'Ars (G., vte. de). Ars Moriendi (ed. pr., c. 1450) : reprod. of the copy in Brit. Mus., ed. W. H. Eylands, intr. by G. BuUen. ^Holbein Soc] 4». 1881 Arsacides, The, see S.iint-Martin (J. \.) Fragm*. d'une hist, des A'., 1860. Arsdekin (Eichardus), see Archdekin (E.) Arsenius, Saint, called Tlie Great [A. Ebemita ; A. Magnijs], see Miqne (J. P.) ed.. Pat. gra)ea, t66, A. Art. Art & nature under an Italian sky, by M. J. M. D., 1852, see DuNB.iB (M. J. M.) Art (L') d'aimer, 1748, see Gouge de Cessiebes (F. E.) *Art (L') de plaire dans la conversation [ivrongly attr. in some ed'. to Prevost <£• others], see Obiigue de Vaumobiebb (P. d'). Art (L') de plumer la poulle sans crier. sS". Cologne. 1710 'Art (L') et la vie de Stendhal, 1868, see Collignon (A.) 'Art (The) of contentment. [My the a. of " The wImIc duty oj man"— i.e. Lady Pakington .?] n. ed.,ed. W. Pridden. s8". 1841 ART 61 ARTHUR Art [continued]. *Art (The) of diiiiiig, 1852, see Havward i A.) •Art (The) of dress, 1717, see Breval (J. D.) Art (The) of improving the voice and ear. 8". 1825 Art (The) of hmilscape painting in oil colours, 25"' eel., n,d., see Edwards (J.), M.A. Art (The) of letter writing, etc. s8'\ 17G2 Art (The) of needlework, xee Wilton {cniintess of) ed. •Art (The) of prolonging lite, e"- ed., 1828, see Kitchiner (W.) •Art (The) of restoring, 1714, see Toi.and (J.) •Art (The) of stock-jobbing explained, (>"' ed., 1818, see Stock- .lOBBING. Art Students' Guide to the proportions of tlie human form, 188S, see SCH,VDOW (Ci.l Art-studies from nature, as applied to design. Four papers bv F. E. Hulme, J. Glaisher, S. J. Mackie, E. Hunt. 4". 1872 see SociETE dk i/Art Fran9.ais. Art (L'), t8-5'J 'JS~~-SI, ',t in each year ; /Sf^J-93, Jt in each year; IS'J',. ',1. I--', of s/r. -J {S6~:)'j'de lii. coll".)]. £ol. 1877-94 Art Annual [& Easter' a.a.] 1884-1901, [iis i^vg.]. ■ 4". 1884-1901 The '' A.n." consists of tlie Xmas no', of the '' Art Journal " cant", monographs on separate artists. See also Art Journal. Artaud (Nicolas Louis). Fragm>. pour serv. A I'hist. de la corar-die iinti(jue. 8". 1863 Artaud de Montor (Alexis Prangois). Armstrong (Sir W.) Briton Eiviere, 1891. Sir J. E. Millais, 1885. Baldry (A. L.) Marcus Stone, 1891;. Cartwriuht (Julia). Sir E. Bume-Jones, 1894. G. F. Watts, 1890. CoiiBTNEV (W. L.) Hubert Herkomer, 1892. Crane (Walter). The work of C., w. notes by the artist, 1898. Day (L. F.) W. Morris, 1899. Gilbert (W. M.) Peter Graham, 1899. HuisH (M. B.) Birket Foster, 1890. Lang [Mrs. A.) Sir F. Leighton, 1884. Little (J. S.) W. Q. Orchardson, 1897. Meynell (W.) Lady But- ler (Miss Eliz. Thompson), 1898. & F. W. Farrar. Hol- man Hunt, 1893. Munkhouse (W. C.) Sir E. J. Poynteb, 1897. Sir J. Teiiniel, 1901. Peyrol (E.) Eosa Bon- heur, 1889. BoBiNsoN (L.) Meissonier, 1887. Stephens (F. G.) J. C. Hook, 1888. Thomson iD. C.) Luke Fildes, 1895. Vallanc'E (A.) The decora- tive art of Buriie - Jones, 1900. Zimmebn (H.) L. Alma Tadema, 1886. Art (L') de verifier les dates. [3p]. 8°. 1818-42 [pi], Avant I'ere chretienne. 5t. [The Table is in t5.] 8". 1819 [p2], Depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur. 18t. 8°. 1818-9 Table des iioms propres dans cette "2' p. 8°. 1830 [p31, Depuis 1770 jusqu'ft iios jours. 18t. 8». 1821-44 Table des noms propres dans vl-8 de cette 3' p. 8°. 1831 Table des noms propres dans v9-12 de cette 3' p. 8°. 1832 Art (L') et I'ldee ; revue coutemp. illus., publ. par 0. Uzanne. tl, 2, Jan.-Di-c, 1892. Ia8». 1892 Art Industry. Furniture, upholstery, house decoration. Ed. G. W. Yapp. fol. [c. 1879] Metal-work. Ed. G. W. Yapp. fol. [c. 1879] Art Journal (The). 18i'3 Hm, [in prog.]. 4°. 1849-1900 The A.j. vas coiit'. from Art-Union monthly journal of the fine arts, 9v, 1839-48 [lah. is joanNng]. 1849-54 are numbered New Ser., vl-6. 18.5-3-1)1, New Ser., vl-7. 1862-80, New Ser., vl-19. 1881-4 [by asterisks], New Ser., vl-4. After /SS4 tlicre is no further numbering. The A. j. illnst''. cat. : the industry ol all nations [Exhibition of 1851]. 4". 1851 The A. j. cut. of the Internat. Exhib., 1862. 4°. 1862 The A. j. cat. of the Univ. Exhibition, 1867 [b.iv. Art journal, 1868]. 4°. 1868 see also Art Annual [for Xmas and Easter extra nos.] Art Union of London. Annual report. For 1844, '46, '50, '51, '53-'.57, '61, '62, '65-'(i8, '71, '74-'82. 8". 1844-82 Art [MacMnfrogh], king of Lcinster, see MacMurrogh (Art), king, etc. Artagnan (d') ps. *M6ms. de M. d'A. [by Courtilz de Sandras], 1896, see Col'rtilz de Sandras (G. de). Mems. of M. d'A., tr., 1898-9, see Courtilz he S.andras (G. de). Artaria (Epimaco) & Pasquale A., imbHsliers. Nuoviss. guida dei viaggiatori in Italia. 3* ed. s8". Milano. 1834 Artaud (Ic cJu-valier A. F.), see Artaud de Montor. Hist, du pape Pie VIII. 8". 1844 Machiavel, son genie, ses erreurs. 2t. 8". 1833 La papaute et les emeutes ro- maines. 8". 1849 •Voyage dans les catacombes de Eome. 8". 1810 Hist, de Dante. 8". 1841 •Hist, de I'assassiuat de Gustave III, par un off. polonais, teuioin oculaire. 8". an. V, [1797] Hist, du pape Leon XII. 2t. 8". 1843 Hist, du pape Pie Vll. 2t. 2' ed. 8". 1837 Artaxerxes, an English opera : mnsiok by Arne, n. ed. [1780?], see Metastasio (P.) Arte (L') [gid .\r(Hivio storico dell' arte]. Anno 1-3 [injjrog.] 4». 1898-1900 Arteche (Jose Gromez de), see Gumez de Arteche (J.) Artemi, of Wagarschnpat [tBooDANOv (Artejiy) Araratsky]. Mems. of life of Artemi, f. the Armenian [or rather, Russian], by himself. 8". 1822 Artemidorus, Daldianus. Artem. et Achmetis Oneirooritica. Astrampsychi et Nioephori versus. Eigaltii not*. 4°. Lutetiai. 1603 Oneirooritica. Notis Rigaltii et Reiskii suisque illust., etc., J. G. Eeitf. 2v. 8°. L. 1805 Artemidorus, Kpliesius. see Marcianus, of Heracleia. Periplus, Menippi peripli fragm. quod Artemidori nomine ferebatur, 1841. ,, Periple de M., epitome d'A., 1839. Artevelde (Jacob van), acf Ashley (W. J.) J. & P. v. A., 1883. see Conscience (H.) J. v. A., aus d. Vliim. [novel], 1849. „ HuTTON (James), J. * P. van A., 1882. ,, Vanderkindere (L.) Le si^cle des A., 1879. Artevelde (Philip van), see Ashley (W. J.) J. * P. v. A., 1883. see HuT'PON (James), J. ed., 1895. „ M.alory (Si)- T.) for all ed'. of Malory's luork. „ •Merlin, or the early hist, of King A. : prose romance (ab. 1450/60), [E. E. T. S.], 1899. „ . •Eomau de M., or early hist, of A., ed. Som- mer, 1894, „ Rhys (J.) Studies in the Arthurian legend, 1891. „ RiTsoN (J.) The life of A., 1825. Arthur III, duke of Brittany [etc. de Bichcmont, connHahle de France], see Cosneau (E.) Le connetable de Kichemont (A de Bretagne, 1393-1458), 1886. see Gruel (G.) For ed. of tlie *" Hist. d'Artus III," by G. Gruel. Arthur, of Little Britain. The hist, of the valiant knight A. of Little Britain. Orig. tr. by Lord Berners. n. ed. s4". 1814 Arthur, 2)ri7ice of Wales, see Mozley (T.) Henry VII, Prince A., [chromolithographs, etc.], 1878. Arthur Isjirnanui], see also Macarthur. Arthur (T. C.) ps., see Crawford (A. T.) ARTHUR 62 ASCHAU Arthur CWilliam), Wesleyan mmister. The pope, the kings, & the people : f. issue of the sylla- bus to close of the Vatican council, [1864-70]. 2v. 8". 1877 Religion without God & God without religion. author's ed. s8". 1885 The successful merchant : life of Sam. Budgett. 3"' ed. s8". 1852 The difference betw. physical & moral law. 8". 1888 Italy in transition, 1860. S"! ed. s8». 1860 The modern Jove ; review of the coll. speeches of Pio IX. s8". 1873 " The people's day " : appeal to Lord Stanley etc. [P302J. i"' ed. 8». 1855 [P23S]. 6'" ed. 8". 1855 ♦Article (The) "Government,"!. theSuppl. to "Eacyc.Britann.," [182.5 ?j, .sw Mill (.T.) Article on the Six Acts, esp. Taxes on Lit., 1830, see Six Acts. Articles. •Articles et conditions sur lesquelles les marchands negotiants supplient le roy de leur accorder I'etablissement d'une Corupagnie pour le commerce des Indes Orientales. [b. lo. Charpentier (P.) Relation etc., 1666]. s8''. 1665 Articles of the Synod of Dort etc., tr., 1818, see Dort. 'Articles of the treaty signed at Seville, betw. their Cath. & Brit. Majesties, etc., 1729, see TRE.iTY. Articles of the Church of England. The articles of the Church of England, with notes etc. 2'"' ed. S8". O. 183S •Queries reconmieuded to the consideration of the public, with reg. to the 39 articles. [P71]. 8". 1772 "Thirty-nine articles (The) i' the creeds. By a country parson. pi, 2. [pt. 3 watiting']. [P707]. s8<>. T. Srntf. Ramsgate. 1869-70 see Browne (Edw. H.), bp., Expos, of the a"., i* ed., 1858 ; 12"' ed., 1882. „ Burnet (G.), bp., Expos, of t the a"., 1831; rev. Page, ] 1839; notes etc. by Page, | 1841. „ Cloquet (R. L.) Expos, of the a^, 1885. „ Collins (Anth.) *An his- tor. & crit. essay on the ] 89 a»., 1724. „ Forbes (A. P.), hp., Explan. of the a*., 4'" ed., 1881. „ Gibson (E. C. S.) The i see Habdwrke (C.) Hist, of the a'., 1884. „ Harvey (W. W.) Eccl. Anglic, vindex, s. Articu- lorum cum scriptis Patrum nova coll., 1841-3. „ Hopps (J. 1?.) ;W questions cone, the a'., 1871. „ KiDD (R. B. P.I Testi- monials etc. in confirma- tion of the a«., 1848. ,, Lamb (John ). Hist. ace. of the 39 a^, 1829. „ Maclear (G. p.) & W. W. Williams, Intr. to the a*., 1896. „ Maurice (J. F.D.) Thoughts on the purpose of the a^. etc., 1845. „ Pusey(E.B.) 'Dr. Hamp- den's theolog. statements & the 39 a', compared, 1836. „ Rogers (T.) Catholic doc- trine of Church of Eng. : expos, of the 39 a"*., 1854. „ Welchman (E.) The 39 a»., w. notes, etc., tr., 6"" ed., 1774. 39 a", explained, 1896-7. Artigues (Mine. Alix d') [nde Bressant (Alix), aft. Mine, la princessc Kotschoubey, aft. Mine, d' Artigues]. Gabriel Pinson. s8<>. 1867 Artillerie. Aide-mfanoire, a I'usage des off. d'A., 2' ^d. [1798], see Gasseniii (J. J. B. de). Artin (S. E. Tacoub), iiacha. Contes pop. in^d. de la vallee du Nil, tr. [Lltt. pop., 32.] s8». 1895 Artis. *Artis logicse compendium, 1704, see Aldeich (H.) *Artis logicte rudimenta, 5"" ed., 1835, see Aldrich (H.) *Artis rationis, lib. tres, 1673, see Walker (0.) Artis ( d'). Hist, abr^g. des martirs fr. 38°. Amsterdam. 1684 Artist and craftsman. s8°. C. 1860 Artois. *Notioe de I'^tat d'A., 1748, see Bultel (A. L. E.) Artois (A. d') [or Artois de Bouhnonville (A. d')], b. ISJ,~. see CopPKE (F.) & A. d'A. La guerre de cent ans, 2' 6d., 1878. Artois (Charles Philippe [de Bourbon], cte. d'), I~57~1S36, see Charles X, of Fraticc. Artois (Mahaut, comtesse d'), d. 1329, see M.vhaut, comtesse,etc. Artom (Benjamin). Sermons, si. 2°'' ed. s8°. 1876 Arts, sec *Ciiiionique des arts & de la curiosity, in prog. *Arts & crafts essays ; by members of the Arts & Crafts Exhibition Soc. Pref. by W. Morris. s8». 1893 s8°. 1899 Arts & Crafts Exhibition See, see *Akts & crafts essays, 1899. *Arts & industries in Ireland, by S. A., 1882, see Ireland. Artus III, due de Brctngne, see Arthur III, duke etc. Arundel Soc, see Euskin (J.) Giotto & h. works in Padua [orig. issued for tlie A.S.. in 3p, f. ^S33 to IS60, hut w. tp. dated /So.',], 1900. Arundel, TJw earls of, see Wright (C.) Hist, of Arundel Castle ; w. abstract of the lives of the Earls of A., 2°'' ed., 1818. Arundel, Faiiiili/ of, see 'Genealogical coll'. illust>^. Roman Cath. families': 3, A., ed. J. J. Howard, H. S. Hughes, 1887, etc. see Ykatman (.1, 1'.) Early genealog. hist, of the H. of A., 1882. Arundel (Anne Howard, countess of) [b. Anne Dacre]. see Arundel (P. Howard, e. of). *Lives of P. H. & of Anne Dacres, h. wife ; ed. 1857. Arundel (Philip Howard, earl of), l.'t.yy-'j.'i. *Lives of A., & of Anne Dacres, h. wife. Ed. f. MSS. by the D. of Noi-folk. s8". 1857 Arundel & Surrey (Henry Granville Fitzalan-Howard, earl of) aft. V ;"' dulcc of Norfolk, /Sl.1- 60, see Norfolk (H. G., /_)"' duke of). Arundelian Collection, see SArNBBUEY (W.N.) ed., Papers illust. of the life of Rubens ; w. doc', resp. the A.C., etc., 1859. Arundell, sec also Arundel. Arundell (F. V. J.) Discoveries in .\sia Minor. 2v. 8°. 1834 Arundell (John F.), /2"' baron Arundell of Wardour, see .Arundell of Wardour (/S'* baron). Arundell (Richard), clievalier. Will of A., dated 8 July, 5 Hen. V. [Ed. Sir C. G. Young. P787]. 8". n.d. Arundell (Thomas), incumbent of St. Peter's, Hammersmith. Hist, reminise. of the City of London & its Livery Companies. 8°. 1869 Arundell of "Wardour (John Francis Arundell, /2"' baron). Scientific value of tradition : corr. betw. Ld. A. & E. Riley, etc. s8". 1879 Secret of Plato's Atlantis. 8°. 188-5 Tradition, princ. w. ref. to mythology & the law of nations. 8". 1872 *Arnndines Cami, sive musarum Cantabrig. lusus canori. Coll. H. Drury. 8". C. 1841 ed. 4«. 8». C. 1851 Arve (Stephen d'). Les fastes du Mont-Blanc. 8°. Geneve. 1876 Arvernia (Girardus de), see Girardcs dc Arvernia. Arvieux (Laurent d'). Memoires, cont. ses voyages etc. ; mis en ortbe, avec des reflexions par J. B. Labat. 6t. sS". 1735 Arvine (A. Kazlitt). Cyclopedia of moral & relig. anecdotes. la"8». N.Y. 1881 *AryaSiira: the Giltakamala, tr., 1895, see *Sacred books op the Buddhists, tr., vl, 1895. Arzelier (F. Martin). La mythologie et la th^ologie des contes d'enfants. sS". Neuchatel. 1871 As. •As he comes up the stair, 1878, see Mathers (H.) •As others saw him ; a retrospect, A.D. 54. sS". 1895 •" As others see us." Ed. J. Jacobs. 1, see Martins (0.) England of to-day, tr., 1896. Asad Yakiib Khayyat, see Kayat (A. Y.) A Sancto Amante (J. Tristanus), see Tristan (J.), sieur de St. Ainant. Asanes Cantacuzenus (Matthaeus), emperor, see Cantacuzenus (M.) Asbjornsen (Peter Christen). Round the Yule Log. Norwegian tales ; tr. H. L. Brajkstad. s8». 1881 Tales from the Fjeld ; a 2'" ser. o£ pop. tales ; [tr.] G. W. Dasent. s8°. 1874 & J. I. Moe. Norske Folke-Eventyi-. i' Udg. sS". Christiania. 1868 St Norweg. Volksmarchen. Deutsch v. F. Bresemann. 2B in 1. 88". 1847 JB Popular tales f. the Norse. Tr'. by G. W. Dasent. s8". E. 1859 Ashoth (Janos). Almok almodoja. s8°. 1878 Official tour through Bosnia & Herzegovina, etc. Eng. ed. laS". 1890 *Ascanius, or the young adventurer [1746], 1890, see Charles Edward [Stuart], prince. *Ascension (The) of Isaiah, v. cdK, see Isaiah, tlie propliet. Ascent to the summit of Mont Blanc, Aug. (1837), 1838, see Atkins (H. M.) Ascham (Anthony), Eng. ambass. at Madrid: Of the con- fusions A revolutions of Governments. s8°. 1649 Ascham (Roger). English works. With Ufe & notes. n. ed. s8°. 1815 Epistolarum libri iv. Ace. J. Sturmii aliorumque ad A. etc. epist. ed. noviss. 8°. 0. 1703 Toxophilus, 1545. Ed. E. Arber. [Eng. reprints]. s8». 1868 The whole works of A. Life by Giles. 8v in 4. [1 i, ii]. s8». 1864-5 ASCHBACH 63 ASHTON Aschbach (Joseph). Die Anicier u. d. Dicliterin Proba. 8". Wien. 1870 Aschrott (P. F.) The English Poor Law system. Tr. H. Preston-Thomas. 8". 1888 Strafensystem u. Gefiingnisswesen in England. 8». 1887 Volksbibliothek u. Volkslesehalle eine kommvmale Veranstal- tung I [P632]. 8°. 189G Asclepius, o/ Tralles. A. in Metaphysica. Ed. M. Hayduck. [Comm. in Aristotelem griEca, 6, ii]. laS". Berolini. 1888 Ascoli (Cecco d') [P\ dkgli Stabili], sec Cecco d'Ascoli. Ascoli (Graziadio Isaia). Corsi di glottologia. vl, Fonologia eonipar. del sanscrito, del greco, e del latino. 8°. Torino. 1870 Zigeunerisches : Nachtrag du d. Pott'schen Werke " Die Zigeuner in Europa u. Asien." 8°. Halle. 1865 Ascrseus (Hesiodus), see Hesiod. Asensi (J. de). Leyendasy tradieiones en prosay verso. s8°. 1883 Novelas cortas. s8". 1889 Asgill (John). Apology for an omission in h. late publ". [i.e., h, " Defence." P875]. 8». 1713 Argument, that man may be translated into eternal life without passing through ileath. [P875]. 8'\ 1715 Asgill upon Woolston. [P875]. 8". 1730 The assertion is, that the title of the House of Hannover to the succession is hereditary etc. [P875. The half-t. is: Mr. Asgill De jure divino], S'"" ed. 8". 1715 Defence upon his expulsion f. H. of Commons, 1707. [P875]. 8". 1712 , With intr. etc. [6. w. Ingebsoll (K. G.) Wliat niust we do etc., 1882]. s8". M'ter. 1881 1 *An essay for the press. [P875]. 8". 1712 Metamorphosis of man by Xt. pi. [)io more app. 1 P875]. ! 8". 1727 ' The Pretender's declaration ab- I stracted f. "Jus sacrum" & " Mems. of the Chevalier St. George." With mems. of 2 o. Chevaliers St. George [i. Simnel c. MSS. at Cambridge by M. Bateson. [E.E.T.S., E.S. 76]. 8». 1899 Ashby-Sterry (J.) Boudoir ballads. sS". 1876 Cucumber chronicles. s8°. 1887 The lazy minstrel. sS". 1886 A tale of the Thames. s8». 1896 Tiny travels. s8°. 1874 Ashe (E. Oliver), M.D. Besieged by the Boers : in Kimberley. s8<'. 1900 Ashe (Robert P.) Chronicles of Uganda. 8». 1894 Two kings of Uganda; life by the Victoria Nyanza. sS". 1889 Ashe (Thomas), poet. Song.s now & then. 38°. 1876 Ashe ("Waller) & Hon. E. V. Wyatt Edgell. The story of the Zulu Campaign. 8". 1880 Ashenhurst (Thos. E.) Pract. treatise on weaving and design- ing of textile fabrics. 5"' ed. 8°. Huddersfield. [1893] Asher (Greorg Michael), see Hudson (Henry). H.H. ; the orig. doc", in wh. h. career is recorded, 1860. Ashley {lit. Hon. A. Evelyn M.), 4"' son of ;"' earl of Shaftesbury. Lite & corr. of Pahuerston. 2v. s8°. 1879 Life of Palmerston, 1846-65 ; w. sels. f. h. speeches & corr. 2v. 8°. 1876 2v. 2"ied. 8°. 1876 Ashley (Anthony Ashley-Cooper, baron), see Shaftesbury (A., 7"' earl of). Ashley (John Marks). The relations of science. s8". C. 1855 k year with great preachers : 52 serm". on the Gospels, for every Sunday. Ed. f. Latin by A. Iv.lvl ivantiiuf]- s8°. 1871-2 A festival year with great preachers : 28 serm". on festivals. Ed. f. Latin by A. [Tlie signature is v3, i.e. v3 of " .\ year with great preachers "]. sS". 1873 Ashley (William James). Edward III & his wars, 1327-fiO. Ed. W. J. A. 58". 1887 J. 1% P. van Artevekle. a8". 1883 Surveys, historic & economic. s8''. 1900 see FusTEL de Codlanges (N. D.) Origin of property in land, tr. w. chap, on the Eng. manor, by A., 1891. Early hist, of the Eng. woollen industry. [Amer.Econ. Assoc] 8". 1887 Intr. to Eng. economic hist. & theory. p[l], 2. s8". 1888-93 [1], The Middle Ages. 2, The end of the Middle Ages. „ p2. 2'"'ed. s8". 1893 „ pi. 3' cent, in Eng- land : a social sketch. 2v. 8". 1886 „ pop. ed. s8". 1886 The devil in Britain and America. 8". 1896 Eighteenth century waifs. s8o. 1887 Eng. caricature & satire on Napoleon I. 2v. 8». 1884 The Fleet : its river, prison, & marriages. 8". 1888 „ ... pop. ed. s8". [1888?] Hist, of Eng. lotteries. 8°. 1893 Hist, of the chap-books of the 18'!' c, w. facs». s8". 1882 Humour, wit & satire of the 17*** c. - s8". 1883 Hyde Park, from Domesday to date. 8". 1896 Men, maidens, manners a hun- dred years ago. s8'>. 1888 Modern street ballads. 88". 1888 Old times ; social life at end of IS"" cent. 8». 1885 The romances of cliivalry, told & illus. in facs. sS". 1887 Social England under the Re- gency. 2v. «". 1890 ASHTON 64 ASSIZE Ashton (JohJl), antig^uarian [continued]. Social life in the t. of Aune. 2v. 8". 1882 When William IV was King. 8". 1896 Sfe Cross. *Legendary iiist. of the C. : 64 woodcuts, 148:-!, w. intr. bv A., 1887. Ashton Ainscough (J.), see ArxsrouGn (.7. A.) Ashton-under-Lyne, see Hahlanii (.J.) ed., Three Lanes, doc". : Custom EoU <$: Rental of the Manor of A.-u-L. (Nov. 11,:1422), 1868. Ashwell (Arthur Eawson). God in His work A nature. s8». 1863 Lectures on the Holy Cath. Church. 2'"' ed. s8». 1878 see WiLBERFOiicK (Sam.) Lite, [vl] by A., 1880-2. Ashworth (Henry). Cotton : cultivation etc. [P1G8]. 8". 1858 Recoils, of li. Cobden. s8°. [1876] Statist, illust'. of past and present state of Lanes., partie. Hundred of Salford. [P114]. 8". 1842 Ashworth (John H.) *The Saxon in Ireland : rambles in search of a settlement in the West. 2'"' ed. s8". 1852 Ashworth (T. R.) & H. P. C. Ashworth. Proportional repre- sentation applied to party government. s8°. 1901 Asia. Fur an anon, work in French see AsiE. Account of the pres. state of the Northern Asia, etc., v2, 1729. This is V'2 of Abii Al Ghazi, Bahadur. Gen. hist, of the Tartars, etc., [tr.], 1729-30, q. v. *Diplomatic transactions in Central A., 1834-9. 4°. 1841 *Memoirs of the late war in A. etc., 1788, see Thomson (W.), LL.D. Asiatic annual register (The), for 1799-1810/11. 12v. in 13 [8, i, ii]. 8°. 1800-12 Asiatic journal, The, etc. 28v. New ser., 40v. 3'' ser., 4v. 4'" ser., 1 no. [iirniting]. 8°. 1816-45 Asiatic miscellany (The) ; by W. Chambers, Sir W. Jones, etc. s8". Calcutta, London reprinted. 1787 Asiatic quarterly review (The), [lOv, 1886-90]. This is the t. of series I of Imperial & Asiatic quarterly review, q. v. Asiatic Society of Bengal. .loui-nal. vl-19i, 35i, 40, 41i, 42-44i, in 40. 8". Calcutta. 1832-75 see BiBLioTHECA Indica. Publ. under the superint. of the A. S. of B. „ Rajendkal.ila Mitba. San- skrit Buddhist lit. of Nepal, 1882. Asiatic Researches. 20v., <(■ In- dex to 1-18, Iv. 4". Calcutta. 1788-1836 Cat. of Birds in the Museum of the A. S. of B. Bv E. Blvth. 8". Calcutta. 1841) Descr. cat. of fossil remains of Vertebrata in Museum of the A. S. of B. Bv H. Falconer & H. Walker. 8°. Calcutta. 1859 Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions, vl-28 [wants v. 25]. 8". Yokohama. 1874-1900 Asie. *Itin^raire d'une partie i)eu connue de I'A. Mineure, 1816, see Coiuxcez (L. A. 0. de). *Recueil d'itineraires A' de voyages dans I'Asie Centrale & I'Extreme Orient. [Ecole Spec, des Langues Orient. Viv.] Ia8". 1878 Asius, Samius, see Caij,inus. C ., A', carminum quae sup., 1831. sec Hesio]>, H'. carmina; A', fragm". adj. Diibner, 1840. *Ask Mamma, 1858, see Scbtees (R. S.) Askew (Anne), sec M.iNNiNci (A.) *The Lincolnshire tragedy : passages in life of A. [novel], 1866. see Wehu (M.) The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall, 1865. Askew (Anthony). Bibl. Askeviana : s. cat. lib. rariss. A. A., quorum auctio fiet ajmd S. Baker it G. Leigh, York St., 13 Feb. 1775, etc. 8". 1775 Askwith (G. R.), see Bovill (M.) & A., "Roddy Owen," 1897. Asmar (Maria Theresa). Mems. of a Babylonian princess _ (M. T. A.), by herself, tr. 2v. s8". 1844 Asmundarson (Grettir), sec *Geettis Saga. Asmus, jis., see Claudics (Matthias). Asmus (P.) Die indogerman. Religion in d. Hauptpunkten ihrer Entwickelung. 2B in 1. 8". Halle. 187-5-7 Asoka, emperor of India, see SiiiTH (V. A.) A., the Buddhist e. of I., 1901. Asop, see Aesop. Aspasia, see Becq de Fouquiekes (L.) A., 1872. see Capefigue (J. B. H. R.) A. et la siecle de Pdricl^s, 1862. ,, HoBssAYE (H.) Aspasie etc., O' 6d., 1896. Aspasius. A. in Ethica. Ed. G. Heylbut. [Comm. in Aristotelem Gra-ca, 19, i]. ^8°. Berolini. 1889 ♦Aspects of the social problem, 1895, sec Bosanqdet (B.) ed. Asper (.3!milius), the elder, see Propus (M. V.) In Vergilii comm. ; ace. Aspri qua>stionum Vergilian. fragmenta, ed. Keil, 1848. Aspern (F. v.) Beitriige zur iiltern Gesch. Holsteins. HI. [P2661. 8". Hamburg. 1H49 Asphodel, is.sl, sec Bp.addox (Miss). Aspinall (Clara). Three years in Melbourne. .s8". 1862 Aspinall (James). Sermons, chiefly for partie. Sundays etc. »<•. 1834 Aspland (Lindsey Middleton). The law of blasphemy : exam. of the views of -Justice Stephen, etc. [P387]. 8". 1884 Aspland (Robert Brook). Strictures on Martineau " On the Unitarian Position." • rp493l. 8". 1859 Asplin (Wm.) *Alkibla : upon worshiping towards the East. 2p in Iv. 8". n.d. [1728-31] *Aspromonte, & o. p., 2'"' ed., 1871, see King (Harriet E. H.) Assaad Y. Kayat, see Katat (A. Y.) Assailly (Octave d'). Albert le Grand : I'anc. monde devant le nouveau. 8". 1870 Assam. Assam Code (The). Ia8". Calcutta. 1897 Report on the admin, of A. For 1894/5. fol. Shillong. 1895 Asse (Eugene) ed. Lettres portugaises avee les r^ponses ; lettres de Mile. Aisse etc. Notes etc. par E. A. s8°. 1873 Assedio (L') di Firenze, Capitoli xxx. sS". Parigi. 1847 Asselijn (Thomas). door 1692 etc. De schoorsteen veeger hefde. [P878]. s8». De schyuheilige Vrouw, [b.w.h. Melchior, 1691]. s8f. Amsterdam. 1691 De spilpenning, of verkwistende vrouw. [P878J. sS-'. Amsterdam. 1693 Asseline (Alfred). Asseline (David). Melcliior, Baron de Ossekop. s8". -Amsterdam. 1691 Van Jan Klaasz, en Saartje Jans. [P881]. sS". Amsterdam. 1685 see FocQUESBRocH (W. G. v.) De kwakzalver. F. ge- Tolgd, door A., 1692. V. Hugo intime. s8°. 1885 Les antiquitez ct chroniques de Dieppe. 2t. 8". Dieppe. 1874 Asseline (Jean Bene), 6/;. of Boulogne. Oiuvres choisies. Publ. par Premord. 6t. s8". 1823 Asseline (Louis). Hist, de I'Autriche dep. la mort de Marie- Ther^^se. s8". 1877 Asselineau (Charles). L'ltalie et Constantinople. s8". 1869 Asselyn (T.), sec .^ssf.i.ux. Assemanus (Josephus Simonius). Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, in qua MSS. codd. bibl. Vatic, addictos rec. etc., addita sing, auctorum vita, J. S. A. 3t in 4 [3 i, ii]. fol. Roma;. 1719-28 Kalendaria Eccl. Univ. tl-6, Kal. Eccl. Slavicse, s. Grseco- Moschce [no more pubL] Asser (Joannes), Mencvensis, bp. jElfredi res gestte. fol. [1574] Printed Inj J.Day in Anglo- Saxon character, d- al- ways hound with iin this copy in front of I Walsing- ham (T.) Hist, bieris, 1574. Annates rerum gest. ^Ifredi Magni. Rec. F. Wise. 8". O. 1722 4". Rom®. 1755 , of Shcrbiirn. 3 Bouquet (M.) Rec. des liist. des Gaules, t8. •Church Historians: 2, ii, A.'s Annals of Alfred, tr. J. Stevenson, 1854. Giles |J. A.) Six chron'., tr. : A. etc., 1848. Monumenta Gebm. Hist., Ser., tl3. ♦Assertion (The) is, that the title of the House of Hannover to the succession is hereditary etc., 3"' ed., 1715, see .\sgill (J.) Assheton, see also Ashtox. Assheton (Nicholas). .Journal, for part of 1617, & part of [1618] ; interspersed w. notes f. the life of his contemp'., John Bruen. Ed. F. R. Raines. [Chetham Soc, 14.] s4'>. 1848 Assheton (William). *The Royal Apology: or ans. to the rebels plea ; w. a parallel [on a separate sheet, but b. w. this v.] betw. Doleman, Bradshaw, Sidney, & other of the true Protestant party. s4°. 1684 Assheton Smith (Thomas), see SraTH (T. A.) Assier (Alexandre). Legendes etc. de la Champagne et de la Brie. 8-. 1860 Assigny (Vahhe L. Troiad'), see Trova d'Assigny. Assing (Ludmilla), aft. Assing GrimMi. Fiu-st Hermann von Piickler-Muskau. ' 2H in Iv. 8". Hamburg. 1873-4 see Vap.xhagex von Ense (Rahei.). Aus Rahel's Herzensleben : Briefe u. Tagebuchbliitter, 1877. ♦Assises du royaume de Jerusalem, v. edd., see Jerusalem. Assisi (.S7. Francis,!)/), see Francis (St.), of Assisi. Assisi (Leo, of), see Leo, of Assisi. Assize Rolls. *Three early A. R". : for Northumberland, seec. xiii, 1891, see Noethumberl.^nd. ASSMANN 65 ATHANASITTS Assmann (Bruno) ed., see *Bibliothek d. angelsiichs. Prosa : B3, Homilien u. Heiligenleben, 1889. ♦Associate Minstrels (The). [Ed. J. Conder.] s8». 1810 Association. *A discourse touching the Addresses or present- ments to the King agst. the A., w. an ace. of the Association made in the r. of Eliz. [P276]. s4». 1682 Sketch of an Association for gathering etc. information on condition of the poor. [P108]. 8". 1833 Association for preserving inviolate the ancient rites etc. of Israel, see *Ho\vaiii)'s Coffee House. Report of meeting at H.'s C. H., 1843. Association for preserving liberty and property, see Impoktant consid. for the people etc., 1803. Association for promoting improvement in the dwellings & domestic condition of agricult. labourers in Scotland. Report of adjourned meeting of the Assoc, Edinburgh, Jan., 1854. [P227]. 8". E. 1854 Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa. Proceedings. 2v. 8°. 1810 see BniiCKHARDT (J. L.) Travels in Nubia, 2'"' ed., 1822. Association for the Defence of Personal Eights. Report of Comm. for amending the law in points wherein it is injurious to women. [P392]. 8». M'ter. 1871 Association for the Reform & Codification of the Law of Nations. Reports of 8th-16th Conferences, 1880-93. Tlie ^th is in [P351] ; lith, [P77t)] ; 16th, [P582]. 8». 1881-93 Territorial waters. 8°. 1893 Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors. Celeb, of 2"" anniv. dinner of the Assoc, 1885. [P384]. 8°. 1885 Position of sanitation in Eng. : Celeb, of 1" anniv. dinner of the Assoc, 1884. [P384]. 8°. 1884 Association of St. Thomas of Canterbury. Report of the Law Comm. to the Gen. Comm. on Anstey's Bill " for better ad- ministration of charitable trusts for benefit of Roman Cath. subjects." [P300]. 8». 1847 Association pour I'encouragement des etudes grecques en France. Annuaire : 2'' ann^e, 1868 [conf. "Fragm'. de Aristo- dfime"]. [P215], 5' annte, 1871. [P370]. 8°. 1868-71 see EicHTHAL (G. d'). Notice sur la tondation de I'Assoc, 1877. Association Eeformiste de Geneve. Exposition & defense du systome de la liste libre. [P226 & P248J. 8". Geneve. 1867 La liste libre, ou la libre concurrence des listes. [P248]. 8°. Geneve. 1867 La patrie & les partis : discours par le directeur [E. Naville] pro- visoire. [P248]. 8". Geneve. 1865 Petition au Grand Conseil pour la reforme elect. : discours etc. [P248]. 8". Geneve. 1866 Pratique du nouv. systome electoral ; rapport. [P248]. 8°. Geneve. 1866 La question electorate en Europe & en Araerique : rapport par E. Naville. [P248]. 8". Geneve. 1867 R^forrae ^lectorale : Tableau compar. du systems actuel & du systfeme nouveau. [P248]. 8". Geneve. 1867 Reforme ^lectorale; Travaux de rAsaoc, 1865-71, rec. par E. Naville. 88". Geneve. 1871 Stance du 21 nov., 1865 : reforme du systcme electoral. [P248]. 8". Geneve. 1865 ♦Associations ouvrieres (Les) en Angleterre, 1869, see Paris (le cte. pe). Associazione Tipografico-Libraria Italiana, see Cataj,ogo eollet- tivo della librcria ital., 1878 ; n. ed., 1891. Assol[l]ant (Alfred). Acacia. 58^*. [1883] Lee crimes de Polichinelle. La bataille de Laon (1814). aS". 1883 88". ti.d. ; Marcomir. 88". [1861] La confession de I'abbe Pas- ,, n. ed. b8". 1873 sereau. s8". 1869 , Un quaker a Paris. s8". 18G6 *Assumptio Mosis, see Moses, the lawgiver. Assurbanipal, king of Assyria. *History of A., tr. f. cuneiform inscr'., 1871, see Smith (Geo.) Assyrie. *Annales des rois d'A., tr., 1874, see M^ant (J.) Doc", jurid. de I'Assyrie * de la Chald^e, 1877, see Oppert (J.) & J. Menant. Ast(G.A.F.)[F.AsTius]. Lexicon Platonicum. 3v. 8». L. 1835-8 Astarac (Louis d'), vte. de Fontrailles, see Fontrailles. Astegiano (Lorenzo), see Cremona, Codex diplomat. C«'., 1895-8. Astell (Mary), sec NoRRis (John), of Bemerton, Letters cone the love of God, betw. [M. A.] & N., 2"" ed., 1705. Astete (Miguel de), see Markham (Sir C. R.) Reports on discov. of Peru ; Report of A. on the exped. to Pacbacamac, tr., 1872. Astius (Fridericus), see Asi (G. A. F.) Astle (Thomas). Origin & progress of writing, etc. 2°'' ed. 4". 1803 see Grose (F.) The Antiquarian Repository ; chiefly by &., A., etc, n. ed., 1807. Astley (Sir John Dugdale), 3-'' bart., " The Mate." Fifty years of my life. 2v. 8». 1«94 Astley (Philip), see De Castro (J.) Mems. ; w. analysis of life of A., 1824. Astley (Thomas) ed. A new gen. coll. of voyages & travels. 4v. 4°. 174.5-7 Aston (W. G.) Hist, of Japanese lit. s8". 1899 Astonished at America, by Zelotes Zigzag, 1880, see Zigzaq (Z.}ps. Astor Library. Alphabet, index to the A. L. laS". N.Y. 1851 Astor ("Wm. Waldorf). Storza. sS". 1890 Valentino. sS". 1886 *Astral light (The), by Nizida, 1889, see Nizida, ^js. Astrampsychus. *Oracula metrica lovis etc. ; item Astram- psychi Oneirocreticon a los. ScaUgero digestum Greece & Latine, 1607. IViis, w. sep. tp. d pagin., is part of Sibyllina Oraeula, see *Sib\xline. see Artemidorus, Oneirocritica ; A', etc. versus, 1603. Astronome, L',ps., see Guizot (F.) ed., Coll. des m^ms. ; t3, Vie de Louis-le-d6bonnaire, par I'astronome, 1824. Astronomica Veterum Scripta Isagogica Grreca et Latina. 2p in Iv. s8". In officina Sanctandreana. 1589 ♦Astronomy for amateurs, 1888, see Oliver (J. A. W.) Astros (Ic card. P. T. D. d'), see Caussette ( ) Vie d'A., suiv. de pieces justific et de docs. in6d., 1853. Astruc (Jean). M6ms. pour I'hist. naturelle de Languedoc 4'. 1737 Asvaghosha. The Buddha-/i:arita ; ed. E. B. Cowell. [Anecdota Oxon., m,7]. 34». O. 1893 see Sacred Books of the East ; 19, The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, by A., tr. Beal, 1883. „ : 49, i. The Buddha-S:arita of A., tr. Cowell, 1894. ♦Asylum (An) for Fugitive Pieces. [Coll. by J. Alinon]. 4v. n. ed. s8». 1785-98 Asylum Press Almanac (The), for 1873-83. Nos. 72-82. 8°. Madras. 1872-82 ♦At her mercy, 1874, see Payn (J.) At home in the wilderness, 1867, see Lord (J. K.) ♦At school it at sea, 1899, see Martello Tower, ps. Atahuallpa, see Sancho (Pedro). Report on partition of the ransom of A. Atalantis. ♦Secret mem', of persons of quality t. the New Atalantis, 7"" ed., 1736, see Manley (Mrs.) Atanagi (Dionigi) ed., De le lettere di tredici huomini illustri libri tredici. s8». Venetia. 15S'4 Atcherley (Rowland J.) A trip to Boerland. 8". 1879 Atchison (Ch. C.) A winter cruise in summer seas; through the Brazils to Buenos Aires & back. 8°. 1891 ♦Atelier Du Lys (The), 1876, see Roberts (Maro.) Atenagora, see Atuenagoras. Athanasian Creed (The). ♦The A. C; by LL.D. [H. W. Freelandl P213]. 8". 1861 Authorized report of the meet- ings in defence of the A. Creed, Jan. 81, 1873. [P313J. 8". 1878 see BiJLBRiNG (C.) ed., The ear- liest Eng. prose Psalter, w. a tr. of the A. C, pi, 1891. „ Burn (A. E.) The A. C. & its early commentaries, [Texts & studies, v4], 1896. „ Pfoulkes (E. S.) The A. C, by whom etc., 1871. „ Hardy (Sir T. D.) The A. C. in conn. w. the Utrecht Psalter; report, 1872; and, A. C, see Ommanney (G. D. W.) The A. C, 1875. „ Crit. diss, or 1897. „ Richardson (Ja.) The A. C. vindicated, 1822. „ SwAiNSON (C. A.) Nicene etc. Creeds ; w. ace. of the growth of the sermon on the faith, called " Creed of St. A.," 1875. ,, SwEDENBORG (E.) De do- mino, & de Athanasii sym- bolo, 1840. „ On the A. C. & subj^. conn. w. it, 1856. Further report, 1874. Athanasius, Saint, patriarch of Alexandria [Athanase ; A.. the Great]. Opera omnia quae extant, vel quffi ejus nomine circumf. Opera monachormn Ord. S. Benedicti e congreg. S. Mauri. 2t in 3, [1 i, ii]. fol. Par. 1698 Festal epistles. Tr. f. Syriac, w. notes. 8 O. 1854 Die Fest-Briefe des A. Aus d. Syrischen iibers. u. eri. v. F. Larsow. 8". L. 1852 Historical tracts. Tr. w. notes. 8°. O. 1848 Hist, writings of A., ace. to ATHANASIUS 66 ATKINSON Hehmant (G.) Vie de A., 1671. Kaye (J.) bp; Coimeil of Nicsea, in conn. w. the life of A., 1853. MiGNE (J. P.) ed, Pat. grceca, 125-8, A., 1857. MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t8, 103. MONTFAUCON (B. DE) (i(?., Coll. nova sciiptorum A. etc., 1707. NicENE. 'Sel. lib. of N. & Po3t-N. fathers, tv. ; II, 4, A. : sel. works & letters, 1892. VoiGT (H.) Die Lelirc d. A. V. A., 1861. Athanasius, Saint, patriarch of Alexandria [continued]. Beneilictine text. Intr. by W. Bright. [Gr.] s8". O. 1881 Orations against the Arians. Benedictine text, w. life by W. Bright. [Gr.] 38". 0. 1873 Select treatises in controv. w. the Arians. Tr., w. notes. Iv [b. lit ^]. 80. O. 1842 see Athanasian Creed. „ BoHRiNGEE (P.) Die Kirche Christi: Bl ii. A., 2' A., 1864. „ CoNYEEABE ( P. C.) ed., Dia- logues (The) of A. & Zac- chseus etc., 1898. „ PiALON (E.) A.; suiv. de I'apol. a Constance & de I'apol. de sa fuite, tr., 1877. Athanasius, patriarch of Constantinople, see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. griEca, tI42, A., 1857-60. Atharvaveda, see Vedas. *Atheist, sec Testimony to the truth ; or, Autob. of an A., 1848. Athelney Abbey, see Muchelney Abbey. *Two cartularies of the Benedictine Abbeys of M. & A., 1899. Athelstan, king of England, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, U38. *Athenae Britannicae, etc., 1716, see Dxyiks (Myles). Athense Cantabrigienses, vl, 2 [no more publ.], 1858-61, see Cooper (C. H.) & T. Cooper. Athenseum (The), conducted by J. Aikin. 5v. 8°. Jan. 1807-June 1809 Athenaeum (The), 1832-June 1901. i'. 1832-1901 see Morley (H.) A review in the A. commented on by M., 1864. „ Strauss (D. F.) *Dr. Strauss & the A. [by C. Bray ?], 1866. Athenaeum, Liverpool, see Liverpool, Athenaum. Athenaeum Club [London]. Cat. of the Lib. of the A. laS". 1845 : Suppl., w. classified index, [b.to. Cat., 1845]. laS". 1851 : 2"" suppl., cont. add". 1851-58. Ia8°. 1859 : Add', to the Lib. 1872-1890/1. 19v. Ia8°. [1873-92] Letter to the Committee f. D. Burton on the plans for altering the House. [PI47]. 8». [1854] see Waugh (F. G.) Members of the A. Club f. its foundation, 1900. Athenaeus, Mechanicus, see Thevenot (M.) ed., *Vet. mathe- maticorum A. etc. opera, 1693. Athenaeus, Naucratita. Deipnosophists. Lit. tr. by C. D. Yonge. 3v. sS". 1851 see Bouquet (M.) Rec. deshist. des Gaules, tl. „ Jacobs (Pr.) Additamenta animadv. in Deipnos., 1809. „ Meineke (A.) Philolog. exercitationum in A'. Deip- nosophistas specimen se- cundum, 1846. Athens, see Parthenon. Atherstone (Edwin). Thehnndwritingon the wall. 3v. sS". 1858 Atherton (Gertrude Franklin). American wives & English hus- ■ Patience Sparhawk & her times. bands: novel. s8". 1898 s8". 1897 The Cahfomians. , [4"' ed.] s8". 1897 [2°'' ed.] s8". 1898 , A question of time. sS". [1892] „ [S'-'i ed.] s3". 1898 Senator Nortli. Los Cerritos. s8». 1891 S"" ed. s8". N.Y. 1900 A daughter of the vine. s8". 1899 The valiant runaways. s8". [1898] Athis und Prophilias, 1846, see Gkimm (W.) Athletic. *Handbook of a. sports, 8v, Bohn, 1890-4, see Bell (E.) ed. Athole (James Murray, ■2'"' duke of), see Harrison (W.) Eecords of Tynwald, etc. : w. appendix cont. ace. of k. taking poss. of I. of Man, 1871. Athravaeth (Jristnogavl (1568), 1880, see Clynoc (M.) Atienza y Huertos (Rafael). La Munda de los Romanes y su concordancia con la Ciudad de Ronda. 8°. Ronda. 1857 Atkins (Henry Martin). Ascent of Mont Blanc, 22-23 Aug., 1837. 8". notpiM. 1838 Atkins (James). Coins and tokens of the colonies etc. of the A. ex rec. G. Dmdorfii. 3v. 8". L. 1827 Deipnosophistarum libri xv. Ex opt. codd. emend., nova lat. vers., et animadversionibus I. Casauboni etc. ill. J. Scliweig- hiiuser. 14v. 8". Argentorati. 1801-7 1-5, textum et vers. 6-14, Animadv. „ Cum indie. 4v. ed. ster. bS". L. 1834 „ Rec. G. Kaibel. 3v. sS". L. 1887 i Athenagoras [A. Atheniensis ; Atenagora]. The Apologeticks of A., etc. Eng., w. notes, etc. by D. Hum- phreys. S". 1714. Opera. Rec. etc. I. C. T. Otto. [C. apologet. Xtn. Siee. 2; 7]. 8«. Iena>. 1857 see Justin, Marti/r. Opera ; item A. tract, aliquot, ed. n., 1686. „ Writings of J. & A., tr., 1867. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. gra:ca, t6. A., 1857. Athenian drama. Ed. G. C. W. Warr. [In 2>rog.] see iEscHYLus. Oresteia of A. Tr. Warr, 1900. ♦Athenian Letters : or, the corr. of an agent of the king of Persia at Athens dur. the Peloponnesian War. [By many 11'riters]. 2v. n. ed. 4°. 1810 Athenian Society. The Athenian Oracle. By member of A.S. [i.e. S. Wesley]. 3v, ami Suppl., Iv. 3"' ed. [Suppl., I" ed.]. S". 1706-16 Atheniensis (ApoUodorus), see Apollodorus, AtJicniensis. Atheniensis (Athenagoras), see Athenagoras. Atheniensis (Solon), see Solon. 8". 1889 8". 1892 s8». 1900 sS". 1899 Brit. Empire, Tradesmen's tokens of the I8th c. Atkins (John Black). The relief of Ladysmith. The war in Cuba. Atkins (Sir Eobert), see Atkyns (Sir R.) Atkinson (A.), of Dublin. Ireland exhibited to England, in a survey of her population, & tour of certain districts. 2v. S-. 1823 Atkinson (Benj. Andrews). Xty. not older than the first Gospel-promise : ans. to " Xty. as old as the Creation " \by M. Tindal]. 8"! 1730 Scripture hist., precepts & prophecy vindicated : ans. to " Xty. as old as the Creation " [b.w.h. Xty. not older, 1730]. 8". 1731 Atkinson (D. H.) Ralph Thoresby, h. town & times. 2v. 8". Leeds. 188.5-7 Atkinson (Edmund). see Ganot (A.) Nat. philos., tr. A., 1872 ; 2"'' ed., 187-5. „ Elem. physics, tr. A., 1863; 12"' ed., 1886. ,, Joubeet (J.) Elem. treat, on electricity etc., founded on J. by A. etc., 1896. Atkinson (Edward), toriter on polit. economy. The distribution of products : or. Metaphysics & mechanism of exchange. 8°. N.Y. 1885 The industrial progress of the nation. Ia8°. N.Y. 1890 On the collection of revenue. [P228]. 8°. Boston. 1867 Report on the cotton manufacture of 1862. [P208, 223]. 8°. 1863 The science of nutrition : the Aladdin oven, etc. 8°. Springfield, Mass. 1892 Atkinson (Edward Dupre). An Ulster parish : hist, of Donaghcloney (Waringstown). s8°. D. 1898 Atkinson (Henry (Jeorge) & H. Martineau. Letters on the laws of man's nature & development. s8°. 1851 Atkinson (James) of tlie E. India Co.'s Bengal Medical Ser- vice. The exped. into Affghanistan; notes, 1889-40. s8°. 1842 see EuLsuM NIni. *Customs of the women of Persia, tr. A., 18.32. Atkinson (John Christopher). Forty years in a moorland parish. s8". 1891 Glossary of the Cleveland dia- lect. s4». 1868 The last of the giant-killers. sS". 1891 Memorials of old Whitby. sS". 1894 Playhours & half-hoUdays : or i Atkinson (Joseph Beavington). capitals of Europe. further experiences of two schoolboys. s8». 1892 Scenes in fairyland. sS". 1892 Sketches in nat. hist., etc. 8". 1861 Walks, talks, travels & exploits of two schoolboys. s8". 1900 see Skeat (W. W.) ed.. Grig. glossaries : Cleveland words (supply.), by A., 1876. An art tour to northern S». 1873 Atkinson (Josias). Suggestions for facilitating the transfer of land. [P300]. 8^ Skipton. 1853 Atkinson (Robert). The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac Text. Transl. ifc glossary (with introd. lectiu-e on Irish lexicography). [R.I.A. Todd Lect. S. 2 i, iil. 8°. 1.885-87 see Keating (G.) The three shafts of death, 1890. Atkinson (Sarah). Essays. s8». D. 1895 Atkinson (Thomas Dinham). Cambridge described A-c. 8". 18;i7 ATKINSON 67 AUBERT Atkinson (Thomas Witlam). Oriental & Western Siberia ; explorations. laS". 1858 Travels in the regions of the Upper A Lower Anioor A the Russian acquisitions on tlie confines of India and China. Ia8°. 1860 Atkinson {Mrs. Thomas Witlam). liecoll". of the Tartar steppes. sH". 1863 Atkinson (William), of Landsdotune Crescent, KenningtoH. The Church : explaii. of the meaning in the Bible &c. 2v. S". 1854 Atkinson (William), member of tlie Statistical Soc. Principles of polit. econ. 8". 1810 The spirit of Magna Charta [b. w. h. Principles of polit. econ., 1840]. 8". 1841 State of polit. econ. [P113]. 8<>. 1838 Atkyns (Sir Robert), chief baron of the Exchequer. Pari'. & polit. tracts by A. 2°" ed. 8". 1741 Atkyns (.Sir Robert) the younger. Anc. & pres. state of Gloces- tershire. 2"'> ed. fol. 1712 *Atlante statistico del regno d' Italia, 1882, see Italy, ministcro di agricolt. cc. Atlantic. "Across the A., 1851, sec Lewis (J. D.) •Atlantic Neptuue (Tlie), 1777-81, see Des Barbes (J. F. W.) ed. •Junction of the A. & Pacific, by Panama. [P143]. Priv. tt confid, 8". 1843 •Scenes on the shores of the A., 184.5, see Dickson (M. F.) Atlantic & Paciflc Railway Co. Keport of survey of rivers Atrato, Pato, Baudo, by J. C. Lane. Also, the Act to incorp. the A. & P.C. Co. [P136]. 8°. N.Y. 1854 Atlantic Monthly (The). v21-87 [v22, wanting, in prog.]. 8". Boston. 1868-1901 Index to 1-38, 1857-76. 8°. Boston. 1877 Atlantis, see Atalantis. Atlas. 'Atlas de FiiJande, 1809, see Fislande. Atlas de ge'ographie historique, 1896, see Schrader (F.) ed. Atlas de la nionarcliie prussienne, 1788, see MiRAr-EAU (H. C, cte. de). Atlas de touteB les parties connuea du globe dress^ pour I'hist. dee etabl. etc. des Europeena dans les deux Indes [half-title'], n.d., see Eaynal (G.) Atlas (An) of physical *t hist, geography, to acconip. the Manual of geograph. science [1859], see Manual. Atlas para el viage de las goletas Sutil y Mexicana al reconoci- niiento del estrecho de Juan de Fuca, 1802, see SvTJh, frigate. Atlas to the Memoirs of J., Duke of Marlborough, 1848, see CoXE (W.) Atlay (J. B.), 6(iJTis?i')-. Famous trials of the century. s8". 1899 The trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord Ellenborough. 8". 1897 Attache (The) : or Sam Slick in Eng., 1843-4, sec Halibdbton (T. C.) Attainted, see *List of such names of nobility, gentry, Ac. who are by Act of a pretended Pari., Dublin, May 1689, attainted. Sic, 1690. Attaliata (Michael) [M. Attaliota]. M. A. hist. Eecog. I. Bek- kerus. [C. scr. hist. Byz.] 8°. BouniB. 1853 Attalus Philadelphus, see Zuzzeri (G. L.) Una medaglia di A. F., 1747. Attar (Farid Uddin), see Farid Al-Din Attar. Attempt (An) to pay otf the National Debt by abolishing the E.I.C., 1767, see East India Co. Atterbom (Pehr D. A.) Lycksahghetens 0. 2A in Iv. s8°. Upsala. 1824-7 Atterbury (Francis), bp. of Rochester. Epistolary corr., charges, speeches, & miscellanies. Notes [bg J. Nichols]. 5v. S". 1783-96 v5 has t. : Misc. works, w. hist, notes by Nichols, v5. Mems. & corr. of A., w. not*^. of h. distiug. contemp"*. Com- piled by F, Williams. 2v. 8". 1869 ^Rights etc. of Convocation stated, in ans. to Wake, etc. 8». 1700 Sermons & discourses. 4v. 8'" ed. 8». 1766 see Anthologia. 'AvBoKoyla. sen sel. poemata Italorum qui Lat. scrips, [ed. A.], 1684. see Boyle (Hon. C.) Bentley's diss, on Phalaris etc. exam, by B. [a- by A. etc.], 1698. „ Kennet (White) Eccles. synods etc. vindic**. f. mis- representations of A., 1701. „ Oldmixon (J.) Reply to A.'s vindic". of Smallridge, Aldrich, & himself, 1732. „ SoMERS (J. S., fenrort). Coll. of tracts. „ 'Stuart Pateks ; vl, Letters of A. to the Chevalier de St. George etc., vl [no viore publ.], 1847. „ Wake (W.) State of the Church of E. ; occ**. by [A.'s] book " Rights etc. of Convocation," 1703 Atteridge (A. Hilliard). Towards Khartoum : the Soudan war, 1896. 8^ 1897 Atthill (Caroline A.), see Halsted (C. A.), aft. Atthill. Atthill (William) ed. Doc', rel. to foundation & antiq". of the Collegiate Church of Middleham, co. of York. With hist, intr., Ac. [Camden Soc, 38.] s4«. 1847 *Atti della Giunta per la Inchiesta Agraria, 1881-6, see Italy : InCHIESTA AoHAIilA. Atti (Gaetano) Ccntcse. Intorno alia vita e alle opcre di G. Barbieri, detto il Guercino. 8°. 1861 Attici. *' orpus iuris Attici, 1868, see Telfy (I. B.) Atticista (Moeris), see Mleris, Atticista. Atticus, Saint, patriarch of Constantinople, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. graaca, t65, A., 1864. Atticus Herodes (Tiberius Claudius), see Hebodes, the orator. Attila, Idnij of the Huns, see Charles (Mrs. Eliz.) A, A his conquerors [novel], 1894. „ Thiebuy (Am.) Hist. d'-\. A de s. successeurs, 1856. Attischen Grabreliefs (Die) ; hrsg. im Auftrage d. k. Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Wieii. Text Bl. 2 Tafeln B[l]2. fol. 189.-3-1900 Attlmayr (Ferdinand, Hitter von}. Der Krieg Osterreichs in d. Adria, 1866. !a8''. Pola. 1896 Atto, 6/). of Pistoia, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl46, 188. Atto, bj). of Vercelli, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl34. Attwell (Heni-y). Book of golden thoughts. s8°. 1870 Attwood, see also Atwood. Attwood (J. S.), sec Oliver (G.) Hist, of Exeter: Index by A., 1884. Attwood (Matthias). Speech in H. of C Apr. 9, 1821, on seconding Baring's amendment. [P121]. 8°. 1821 Atwood (William), barrister, S chief justice of NeiO York, see Brady (R.) Intr. to old Eng. hist. : 1, Ans. to Jani Anglorum fades nova [unun. work by A.], 1684. Aubais (Charles de Baschi, marq. d') ed., see *Pieces fugittves p. serv. il I'hist. de France, 1759. Aube (Benjamin). Les ehriitiens dans I'empire remain (180- 249). 8". 1881 L'Eglise et I'Etat dans la 2« moiti^ du 3' s. (249-284). 2- &d. s8°. 1886 Hist, des persecutions de I'Eglise jusqu'a la fin des Antonins. 2= ed. s8°. 1875 Hist, des pers^o. de I'Eglise : La pol^mique paienne a la fin du 2= s. 8°. 1878 Aube (Leonce), see Ddtot (S.) France A Bresil. Notice sur Dona Francisca, par A., 1857. Aubel (Carl), see Aubel (H.) A 0. A. Ein Polarsommer, 1874. Aubel (Hermann) & C. Aubel. Ein Polarsommer : Reise nach Lappland u. Kanin. 8°. L. 1874 Aubenas (Joseph Adolphe). Hist, de Mme. de S6vign6 etc. 8°. 1842 see Walckenaer (le bar.) Mems. touchant Mme. de Sevigne [p6 par A.], 1852-75. Auber (Peter). Analysis of the constitution of the E.India Co., and of laws passed by Pari, for gov', of their affairs. 8°. 1826 Suppl. Ia8». 1828 China, its gov'., laws, policy, Brit. A foreign embassies to [C], etc. 8°. 1834 Rise etc. of the Brit, power in India. 2v. 8". 1837 see India. '"Letter to E. of Buckinghamshire on open trade to I. [by A. ?], 1813. Auherlen (Carl Aug.) Beitrage zu chriatl. Erkenntniss. 8°. Basel. 1865 The divine revelation. Pref''., mem. Tr. A. B. Baton. 8». E. 1867 Aubert (Mile. Claire). '"Souvenirs de Tante Claire [i.e., of C. A.] sS". Geneve. 1895 Aubert (Etienne), aft. Innocent VI, see Innocent VI, pope. Aubert (Felix). Hist, du Parlement de Paris del'orig. a Fran?. 1, 1250-1515. 2t. [1, Organisation — Competence A attribu- tions. 2, Procedure.] 80. 1894 Le Parlement de Paris de Philippe-le-Bel a Charles VII, 1314- 1422. 2t. [1, Son organisation. 2, Sa competence, ses attributions.] 8°. 1886-90 Aubert (Georges). Les nouvelles Am^riques : notes sociales et economiques. sS". 11. d. Le Transvaal A I'Angleterre. s8°. [1899] A new ed., w. omission of a few chap', of h. " L'Afrique du sud," 1897. f2 AUBERT 68 AUERBACH Aubert de La Chenaye des Bois (F. A.), see La Chenave des Bois (F. A. A. he). Aubert de Vertot d'Aubeuf (R.), see Veriot (I'abU Ben£). Aubertin, ser also Auburtin. Aubertin (Charles). L'esprit public au 18' s. 2' ed. sS". 1873 Oi'ieines et fonnation de la langue et de la m^trique franc;. 3' ed. s8^ 1883 Sur les Seneque et S. Paul. 8°. 18.57 [another ed.] S". 1S69 Aubertin (Dominique), see Hugo {le gin. J.) M^ms., 1823 [_tl of wh. includes " Ufms. sur la guerre de Vendee 1793-4," by A.] Aubertin (J. J.) A flight to Mexico. s8". 1882 A fight with distances : the States, Hawaiian I'., Canada, etc. s8«. 1888 Sis months in Cape Colony & Natal, A- one in Tenerife & Madeira. s8». 1886 Wanderings * wonderiugs. 88°. 1892 Aubier (Fernand). Hors de I'envoutement. s8°. 1901 Aubigne ( d'). Hist, de Bayart. Notes by J. Bue. s8». 1885 Aubigne (Francoise d'), marq. de Maintenon, see Maintenon (Mnic. i>e). Aubigne (Jean Henri Merle d'), see Merle d'Acbigne. Aubigne (Theodore Agrippa d'). Mema. Publ., suiv. de fragm. de I'Hist. Univ. A' de pieces ined., par L. Lalanne. sS". 1854 M^moires. Notes etc. par L. Lalanne. s8». 1889 CEuvres completes. Notices, variautes, comin., gloss, etc. par E. Reaume et F. de Caussade [t5, 6 par A. Legouez]. 6t. s8°. 1873-92 de Les avantures du Ijaroii Foeneste. 2t. n. 6d., augm. de I'hist. secrete de I'auteur etc. sS". Amsterdam. 1731 L'hist. luiiv. du sieur d'A. 3t. [t2 to. i. : Les liistoires du s. d'A.] fol. Maille. 1616-20 Hist, universelle, tl-9 [in J'rog. S. de I'H. de F.] 8". 1886-97 The life of T. A. d'A., etc. 8". 1772 Aubin (Eugene). Les Anglais aux Indes & en Egypte. s8". 1899 Aublet de Maubuy (J. Z.) Hist, des troubles & des demeles litt. 2p in Iv. 8". Amsterdam. 1779 Aubonne (Jean Bapt. Tavernier, baron d'), see Taveenter. Aubrey (Frank). A studio mystery. 2"" ed. s8». 1897 Aubrey (John). Ar- h. extr^. autob. f. h. Lives of E. J. E. Jackson. [Wilts, chseolog. etc. Soc] i". Devizes. 1862 see Bbitton (J.) Mem. of A., embracing sketches, corr. etc., 184' „ GonmN (W.) i- J. Philips ; added, colls. for life of Miltou by A. f. MS., 1815. „ *Letters written by eminent persons in 17''' & IS**^ c. ; added, Lives of emuient men by A., 1813. 8«. 1896 "Brief lives," set down by A., 1669-96. Ed. f. MSS. by A. Clark. 2v. 8°. 0. 1898 Miscellanies, w. life. n. ed. S". 1784 Nat. hist. & antiq'. of Surrey. 5v. 8". 1718-19 The nat. hist, of Wiltshire ; ed. etc. J. Britton. 4". 1847 Remaines of Gentihsme & Judaisme, 1686-7. Annot. by J. Britten. [Folk-Lore Soc, 4]. 8». 1881 Wiltshire : the topograph, colls, of A., 1G59-70, corr. & enl. by Aubrey (W. H. S.) Stock Exchange investments, Auburtin, see also Adbeetin. Auburtin (F.), see IjE Pl.vy (F.) Econ. sociale lextr'.f. Le P. by A.], 1892. Aucassin & Nicolette. A. & N. Ed. & rendered etc. by F. W. Bourdillon. 88°. 1887 „ „ 2"^ ed., text collated afresh, tr. rev''., intr. rewritten. 38°. 1897 A. & N. Eng. by A. Lang. sS". 1887 Auceps (Henricus), sec Henry I, empercyr of Germany. Aucher (Paschal) [IAukerian (Haroutiun)]. Diet., Eng. . 1881 Audsley (William James) & 6. A. Audsley. Guide to the art of illuminating S: missal painting. 14"' ed. sS". 1868 Hdbk. of Xtn. symbolism. 84". [1865] Audubon (John James). A. & h. journals. By M. R. Audubon, w. zoolog. & o. notes by E. Coues. 2v. 8". 1898 Ornithological biography : birds of the U.S. 5v. Ia8". E. 1831-9 see BucHAN.^N (R. W.) cd. Life & adv. of A., 1868. Aue (Hartmann von) [fHARTjiAXN, von der Auc]. H. v. A., hrsg. v. F. Bech, 8T : 1, Erec ; 2, Lieder, Der arme Heinricb etc. ; 3, Iwein. 2' A. s8°. L. 1870-3 Tl, 2. 3' A. sS". L. 1891-3 Iwein der Bitter mit dem Lewen. Hrsg. v. Benecke u. Lachmann. s.B". 1827 see RoTTEKEN (H.) Die epische Kunst H.'s v. Aue, 1887. Auer (J. E.) Julian im Kampfe mit d. Kirchenviitern. 8". Wien. 1855 Auerbach (Berthold). Auf der Hcihe. 3B. 68". St. 1865 „...2Binl. Q'A.sS". St. 1873 3B. 14« A. 88". St. n.d. Barfiis8ele.5'-'-Abdr.s8<'. St. 1862 „ ... IS'^'-Abdr. s8». St. 1875 „ ... 21'"' Abdr. s8<>. St. 1877 „ ... 26'''- Abdr. 88". St. 1885 Briefe an J. Auerbach. 2B. 8". Frankfurt. 1884 Brigitta. 88". St. 1S80 „ ...2« A. s8». St. 1881 Deutsche Abende. 2' A. s8". Mamiheim. 1851 Neue Folge. s8". St. 1867 Deutsche iUustrirte VoUiB- biicher. 3B. s8". Karlsruhe, n.d. Dramatische Eindriicke. bS". St. 1893 Drei einzige Tiichter : Novellen. 88°. St. 1875 Edelweiss. 88''. St. 1861 , 6- A. b8». St. 1875 Der Forstmeister. 2B m 1. 88''. 1879 Joseph im Schnee. s8». St. 1860 „ „ ... 6« A. s8». St. 1874 Das Landhaus am Rhein. 3B. 68". St. 1869 „ ... SB. 4* A. s8°. St. 1874 Landolin von Eeutershiifen. sS". 1878 Nach dreissig Jahren : Neue Dorfgeschichten. 3B in 1. 68". St. 187G AUERBACH 69 AUGUSTINE Auerbach (Berthold) [coniimted}. Neues Leben. 3B. s8'>. Mannheim. 1852 SchwarzwiilderDorfgeschicliten. Neue PnlgB. s8". Mamilleini. 1849 Spinoza. ster. A. s8". Maimlieim. 1854 Taf;ebucli aus Wien {Sept.-Nov. 184M). 68". Breslau. 1849 ITnterwegs : kleine Gegchichten etc. 2° A. sS". 1879 Wold fried. SB. sS". St. 1874 Wieder unser : Gedenkblatter zur Gesch. dieser Tage. k8". St. 1871 Translations. The barefooted maiden ; [tr.]. s8". 1857 Brigitta. [Tc] C. Bell. s8". L. 1880 ChriBtian Gellert, and 0. Bketches. 98". 1858 The country house on the Rhine. 3v. s8". 1870 Edelweiss. Tr. E. Prothing- ham. 88". 1869 Events in Vienna, Sept.-Nov. 1848. Tr. J. E. Taylor. 8". 1849 Florian S: Crescenz ; tr. M. Taylor [6. w. Arbouville : Village doctor]. b8". 1853 On the heights. Tr. F. E. Bunnett. Sv. s8". L. 18G7 Spinoza ; [tr.] E. Nicholson. 2v. 88". L. 1882 Walfried. [Tr.] 3v. 68". 1874 see LowDELL (J. L.) German evenings [ty\ of A.'s " Deutache Abeiide," tO of o. t.bijo. a-.],2>"i ed. 1886, Auerbach (Bertrand). Les races et lea natioualites eu Autriche- Hongrie. 8«. 1898 Auerbach (Leopold), jurist. Das neue Deutsche Keich u. s. Verfassung. 8". 1871 Auersperg (Cf™/ Anton Alex, v.) [ps. Anastasius Guun]. \n Jakob Grimm. [P108]. 8°. Jt.^j. n.d. Der letzte Ritter. 2" A. s8». St. 1838 Schutt : Dichtungeu. 8' A. s8". L. 1847 Auerstadt (L. N. Davout, due d'), pyince d'Echmilhl, see Davout {Ic marfcluil L. N.) Aufrecht (S. T.), & A. Kirchhoff. Die umbrischen Sprach- denkmiiler. 2B in 1. 4". 1849-51 Aufschliisse iiber "Eritis sicut Deus," 1860, sec Schwab (M.) *Aufstand (Der) der Braunschweiger a. 6. u. 7"'' Sept. 1830, see Kocn ( ). Augeard (Jacques Mathieu). Mems. secrets de A., sec. des commandements de Marie Antoinette (1760-1800). Intr. par E. Bavoux. 8". 1866 Augerius (Amalricus). Vitie pontificum Eom., see Mubatoei (L. A.) lierum Ital. Script., t3 ii. Augia dives, sec Ekiciienau. Augier (G. "V. Emile). L'aventuriere. n. kA. 38". 1870 La contagion. 2« ed. 8". 1866 Diane. 2" ed. sS". 1853 Le ills de Giboyer. 3<^ ed. 8". 1863 ■ " h. Theatre complet. 7t. s8". 1876-90 see Lacoub (L.) Trois theatres ; A. etc., 1880. „ Saint-Victor (Zeeic. P. de) Le the'atre contemp. : A. etc., 1889. Le post-scriptum. [h. L'aventurijre, n. ed., 1870]. n.ed. s8". 1879 i & J. Sandeau. Le gendre de M. Poirier [b. to. h. L'aven- turiere, n. id., 1870]. n. ed. s8". 1877 Augier de Marigny (Frangois), see Mai;igny {Vabbi de). Auguis (P. K.) ed., *Les poc'tes frauvais jusciu'a Malherbe. 6t. 8". 1824 Augusta, cmpres.'i of Germany, see T.scnri>i (C.) A., tr. 1900. Augusta Wilhelmina Amelia Louisa, ijriecn, of Prussia, see Louisa, q. consort of Fred. Will. Ill, k. of Prussia. Augusta (Irene), see Ikene, empress of Constantinople. Augustan History. scc*Historia; Auuust,e soriptores sex, 1661 ; 1671. „ Jordan (H.) & F. Eyssenhardt, ed\ Seriptores hist. Aug. ab Hadriano ad Numeriauum, 1864. „ Peter (H.) ed., Seriptores hist. Aug., iterum rec.P., 1884. Auguste, dc Bourboii, a. of " TJic Daupliin etc.," isyfi, see Meves (Augustus), the younger, callinfj himself Auguste de Bourbon. Augustenburg (Christian Charles Frederick Augustus, duke of), see Wegener (C. F.) A. et la rtvolte du Holstein, 1849 ; also in German, 1849. Augusti (Brigitte) ps., see Plehn (Fran Auguste). Augusti (Johann Christian Wilhelm). Denkwiirdigkeiten aus d. christl. Archiiologie. 12B. 8". L. 1817-31 1-3, Feste d. alten Christen. 4-10, Die heil. Handlungen d. Christen. 11, Die gottesdienstl. Pcrsonen u. Orter d. christl. Kirche. 12, Die gottesdienstl. Sachen d. alten Christen. Augustine, Si.iter [i.e. A. v. Lasaulx], see Lasaulx (Amalie v.) Augustine, Sai)it, abp. of Canterbury, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t80. Augustine. Sai)it, bp. of Hipipo. Opera. Post Lovaniensium theo- I ord. S. Benedict! e congreg. log. rec. castig. opera monach. 1 S. Mauri, ed. 3'^ Veneta, cum i Augustine, Saint, bp. of Hippo \ suppl. nuper Vindobonje rep., I etc. 18t in 13. [Index in tl8]. I fol. Bassani. 1797-1807 1 Opera omnia post Lovaniensium theolog. rec. castig. opera mo- nach. S. Benedicti e congreg. S. Mauri. ed. Parisiua 2^, emend. & aucta. lit in 22 [each t has '2p\ la8". Parisiis. 1836-9 Opera. [Corpus Script. Eccles. Latinorum, tl2, 25, 28, 33, 34, 40, 41]. 8". 1891-1900 „ Confessionum lib. xiii. Rec. etc. P. KuUll. [l,i]. „ Contra Felicem — De natura boni — -Epistula Secundini — Contra Secundinum. Ace. Euodii de fide contra Mani- chaios, efc Commonitorium Augustiui quod fertur. Rec. I. Zycha. [6, ii]. „ De civitate Dei libri xxii. Rec. etc. E.Hoffmann. 2v.vl, hb. 1-13. [5,i, ii]. „ De fide it symbolo — De fide & operibus — De agone Chris- tiana — De continentia — De bono coniugali — De sancta uirginitate — De bono uidui- tatis — De adulteriis coniugiis liber 1, 2 — De mendacio — Ad Consentium contra menda- cium — De opere nionacho- ram — De diuinatione dcemo- num — De cura pro mortuis gerenda — De patientia. Loci librorum Retractionum. In- dex scriptorum : A, Loci scripturie sacrte. B, Loci aliorum scriptorum. Rec. I. Zycha. [5, iii]. „ De Genesi ad litteram lib. xii — Eiusdem libri capitula — De Gen. ad litt. inperfectus hber — Locutionum in Hepta- teuchum libri vii. Rec. I. Zycha. [3, ii]. „ De utilitate credendi — De duabus animabus — Contra- Fortunatum — Contra Adi- mantum — Contra epistulam fmidamenti — Contra Faus- tum. Rec. I. Zycha. [6, i]. ,, Epistulas. Rec. etc. Al. Goldbacher. pi, Prief. ; Ep. 1-30 ; p2, Ep. 31-123. [2, i, ii]. „ Quiestionum in Hepta- teuchum lib. vii — Adnot. in lob lib. unus. Rec. I. Zycha. [3, iii]. ,, Speculum et Lib. de div. scripturis sive Speculum quod fertur S. A'. Rec. etc. F. WeUirich. [3, i]. Confessionum lib. tredecim. Ex recog. P. KnuU. sS". L. 1898 De civitate Dei. 2t. s8". L. 1825 De civitate Dei. Ace. coram. J. L. Vivis ac L. Coquei. 2p. 4". Francof. IGCl Enchiridion ad Laurentium etc. Rec. etc. J. G. Krabinger. 8". Tubingifi. 1861 Opusc. quasdam sel ad hieresin Pelag.pert. 88°. Berolini. 1827 S.Aug, philosophia ; A. Martin collectore. Nov. ed. rec. & emend. J. Fabre. 8". Parisiis. 1865 Select Anti-Pelagian treatises of A. & Acts of 2'"! Council of Orange. Intr. by W. Bright. s8". O. 1880 Translations. Worka. New tr. Ed. M. Dods. 15v. 8». E. 1871-6 1, 2, City of God. 1871. ^continued']. 3, 11, Comm. on John, [leant- ing]. 4, 12, 15, Anti-Pelagian Works. 1872-6. 5, Writings in con. w. the Manichffian heresy. 1872. 6, 13. Letters. 1872-5. 7, On the Trinity. 1873. 8, Sermon on Mt.— Harmony of EvangeUsts. 1873. 9, On Xtn. doctrine — Enchi- ridion — On catechising — On faith & the Creed. 1873. „ 2"'led. 8". 1877 14, Confessions. 1876. Citie of God ; w. comments of I. L. Vives. Eng. by J. H[ealey]. 2'"l ed. fol. 1620 Confessions. Rev. f. a former tr.,byE.B.Pnsey. 8». 0.1838 „ 8". O. 1853 Confessions. Newly tr. s8". D. 1851 Confessions. Tr. par P. Janet. sS". [1857] Confessions. 98". 0. 1864 Expos^. on the Psalms. Tr. w. notes. 6v. 8". O. 1847-57 Homilies on Gospel ace. to John, & h. ls« Ep. Tr., w. notes. 2v. 8". 0. 1848 Sermons on sel. lessons of the N.T. vl. Matt.— Mark— Luke. 8". O. 1844 Seventeen short treatises of A. [Tr.] 8". O. [c.1838?] References. see Bersot (E.) Doctrine de A. sur la liberte et la provi- dence, 1843. „ Bindemann (C.) Der heil. A., 1844-69. „ BtJHRiNGER (P.) Die Kirche Christi: Bll, A., 2« A., 1864. „ Cole (H. W.) A. [poem], 1877. „ Cunningham (W.) A. & h. place in the hist, of Xtn. thought, 1886. „ CuTTS (E. L.) A. [Fathers for Eng. readers], 1892. „ EuGVPPius Opera; pi, Ex- cerpta ex op. A'., rec. Knoell, 1885. „ Fbancken (C. H. J.) Diss, exh. fragm. Varronis in libris A'. De civ., 1836. „ Harnack (A.) A.'s Confes- sionen, 2» A., 1895. „ Jansenius (C.) bp., Augus- tinus, s. doct. A*, de humanai natura; sanitate etc., 1652. „ Mason (A. J.) ed., The mis- sion of A. to Eng., ace. to the orig. docs., 1897. „ Melanchthon (P.) Lib. de Bcr. eccl. ; ace. orat^. de vitis A'., etc., 1780. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, 132-47. „ Mozlev (J. B.) Augustinian doctrine of predestination, 1855 ; 2°" ed., 1878. „ P0U.10ULAT (J. J. F.) Hist. de S. A., 6* ed., 1875. „ Rivius (J.) Vitse A', libri iv, 1646. „ ScHAFF (P.) Life & labours of A., 1854. „ Thebv (A.) Le genie philo- 3oph. & litt. de S. A., 1861. „ Trench (R. C.) abp.. Expos. of Sermon on Mount, f. writings of A.: w. essay on A. as interpreter of Scrip- ture, 2"'! ed., 1851. AUGUSTINUS 70 AURIAC Augustinus.jJfl rt'ici»s, Senensis. Desciiptio adventus Friileiici III, see MuK.iTORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t23. Augustinus Eutychus Niphus, Suesanns, see Niphus (A.) Augustodunensis (Honorius) Solitarius, see Honoritr, Angiis- t'lduncnxis. Augustus, of Kste. xec D'E.^te {Sir A. F.) Augustus Frederick, diile of Sussex, see Sussex. Augustus (Caius Julius Csesar Octavianus), emjyeror of Rome. C. Aug', index rerum a se gest., | see BeulE (C. E.) A., sa famille et ses amis, 2' ed., 1867. „ Blaze de Bi'KY (le baron H.) Les femmes et la soc. au temps d'A., 1875. „ Dezobky (L. C.) Rome au siecle d'A., ii. ed., 164G-7. „ Egger I A. E.) Examen des liistoriens anc. d'A., 1844. „ G.UiDTHAUSEN (V.) A. U. 8. Zeit, in prog., 1891-G. Aumale (Henri, due. d') [continued]. sive raonumentura Ancy- raiium. Ex reliquiis Griecse interp. restituit I. Franzius, coiiun. instrnxit A. W. Zurap- tius. 4". Beroliiii. 1845 Eea gestae divi Augusti. Ex mou^. Ancyrano et Apol- louiensi iteium ed. T. Momm- Beu. 8". Berolini. 1888 Tabulo) xi. fol. Beioli. 1883 Augustus (Hieronymus Oliverius). De imperio Eomano in pristinam gentem etc. lestituto. Eiusdem, de pavtitione orbis ; addita eiusdem nonnuUa epigrammata. [P896.] s4«. Augusts; YindeUc. 1548 Augustus (Philip), Icing of France, see Philip AuGusirs, Mng, etc. Aukerian (Haroutiun), see Aucher (Paschal) [i.e. Aukefuax (H.)]. Aula (Hugh de), sec De Aula (Hooh)^js. 1 Aulard (Frangois V. Alphonse). Le culte de la raisoii tt le culte de rttie supreme, 1793-4. 88». 1892 Etudes et lemons sur la Eevol. Fran^. Ss. 8». 1893-1902 Hist, polit. de la revolution franifaise (1789-1804). laS". 1901 Paris pend. la reaction thenni- dorienne & sous le Directoire : rec. de doc**. [Coll. de doc^. rel. S I'hist. de Paris pend. la Hist, des princes de Conde pend. les 16" & 17'^ B. 7t, for all forms of the work ivhich he put forth under the name of M. A., variously known asthe^^ Lihro aureo di M. A.," " The golden bokeof M.A.," "Lelivre d'or de M. A.," etc. „ 'Vita ec. di M. A. [tr.], 1557. „ Een.an (E.) M.-A. & la fin du monde antique, 1882; 7" e'd., 1893. „ THE0PHRASTUS,Charactere8, M. A', comra., etc., 1840. „ 'Watbox (P. B.) M. Aurelius, 1884. Commentarii. Cur. J. M. Schultz. ed. ster. sS". L. 1865 Commentarii. Eec. J. Stich. sS". L. 1882 De rebus suis, sive de eis quie ad se pertinere censebat, hbri xii. Vers. lat. etc., opera T. Gatakeri. Ace. annot. select. D'Acei-ii. 2" ed. 4°. Lond. 1697 Traxslatioxs. His conversation with himself ; with the disc, of Gataker, etc. Tr. by Jeremy ColUer. 8"! ed. 8". 1726 M. A. A. [Tr. Long]. s4<>. 1896 M. A. A. to liimself ; tr.w. study on stoicism etc., by G. H. EendaU. sS". 1898 , 2"^ ed. s8». 1898 Meditations. 2v. 4"» ed. s8". Glasgow. 1764 Pensees. Tr. d'A. PieiTon, Buir. des lettres a Fronton. 2' fid. s8°. 1867 „ 3« ed. s8". 1878 Thoughts. Tr. G.Long. s8o. 1862 „ 2"'^ ed. s8<>. 1869 Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus (Marcus), see Nesiesianus. Aurelius Propertius (Sextus), see Propertiu.s. Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, sec Prupextius Clejiexs (A.) Aurelius Theodosius (Macrobius Ambrosius), sec Macrobius. Aurelius Victor (Sextus). Hist. Eom. [Delphin Class., Ee- geut's ed., 124-5.] 8". Lond. 1829 Historia Eomana. ed. ster. s8". Lipsise. 1829 Hist. Eomanie breviai'ium. Cum Schotti etc. notis. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1670 Historise Eom. breviarium. Schotti, Machanei, Gruteri et Annee T. Fabri filise comm. Eec. etc. S. Pitiscus. s8". Trajecti ad Elienum. 1696 Quae vulgo habentur scripta historica. Ed. F. Sehroeter. 2t. 8". Lipsiffi. 1829-31 Aurelle de Paladines (Claude M. L. d'). Campagne de 1870-1 : La premiere arnice de la Loire. 8". 1872 Aureole, pseud. The impressions of Aureole. s8". 1895 Aurevilly (J. A. Barbey i'),see Bakeey d'Aurevilly (J. A.) Auria (Jacobus). Annales Januenses 1270-1'293. SCI Monumexta Germ. Hist., Scr. tl8. ,. MuRATor.i (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t(j. Anriac (Eugene d'), [or Dauriacj. Hist, anecdot. de I'industrie frnuQ. s8^ 1861 AURIAC 71 AUSTRALIA Auriac (J. Berlioz d') [fBEKLioz d'Acriac (Jples)], see Aimaed (Ci.) ps., & d'A. Le scalpeur des Ottawas. "Aurora, s. Bibl. selectii ex scriptis eorum, qui ante Lutheruin ecclesiffi studuerunt restituendm ; ed. F. SchiipiJ. 8t [6-8 wanting; tl-3, 5 arc in P618 ; t4 in P515]. s8». Dresdae. 1857-64 1. Hugonis a Sto. Viotore de laude caritatis. 2. Nicolai de Clamengis de studio theolog. 3. H. Savonarolse medit. in psalmos 5i & 31, prBefatione Lutheri in hos libros. 4. Hugonis a Sto. Victore epistola ad Joannem aep. Hispal. de confitendi officio ; aoc. speciniina Hugoniana partim dogmat., partim exeget. 5. Geraidi Zerbolti, Zutphaniensis, de Uteris sac. in lingua vulg. legendis A' de precibus veinaculis libellorum partes — Joa. Gersonii A Petri de Alliaco testimonia pro domo fratrum de communi vita — Gerardi Magni sermonis de focaristis * notoriis fornioatoribus pars prior. 'Aurora Floyd, 8"' ed., 1864, see Beaddon (Miss). Aus. *Au3 den Memoiren eines russischen Dekabristen, 1869, see Rosen {Baron A. v.) •Aus dem Schiller-Arcliiv, 1890, see Mince (J.) ed. •Aus der Kanzlei Kaiser Sigismunds, 1879, see Caho (J.) ed. 'Aus Galizien, 1851, see Galizien. *Au3 zwei Welten ; von Dito u. Idem, 1884, see Carmen Sylva, ps. [i.e. Elizabeth of Bouinania] & M. Kkkmnitz. *Ausfiilirliclies Lexikon der griech. u. rbm. Mythologie [in prog.], 188G etc., see Eosciier (W.) ed. *Ausgewahlte deutsche Dichtungen, erl. v. Leimbach, in prog., see Leimbach (C. L.) ed. *Ausgewalilte Ornament-Schnltzwerke d. 1518. Jlidts., 1897, sec KoPER (A.) eil. Ausius (H£kan), sec H-iNSELU (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 15. A., 1871. Ausonius (Decimus Magnus). Mosella. Ed. crit. & tr. frani;., etc., par H. de La Ville de Mirmont. i". Bordeaux. 1889 Opera. s8". Lugduni. 1558 Opera. I. Tollius rec. sS". Amstelodami. 1671 Opera. Interp. & notis illug. J. Floridus, in usum Delphini. 4°. Parisiis. 17S0 Op. omnia. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed.] 8". Loud. 1823 *Aussercanonische Paralleltexte zii d. Evangelien, 1893-7, see Resch (A.) ed. Aussy (P. J. B. Legrand d'), see Legkand d'Acssy. Austen (Jane). Novels. Ed. K. B. Johnson. lOv Opuscula ; rec. C. Schenkl. [Moil. Germ. Hist., A., 5ii]. 4". Beroliui. 1883 see Bolt (H.) Silva critica, 1766. „ Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist. des Ganles, tl. „ Hobace. Selected parts, w. a piece of A. [tr. B. Fan- shaive], 1652. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latiua, tl9. s8". 1892 1, 2. Sense it Sensibilitj'. 3, 4. Pride & Prejudice. 5, 6. Mansfield Pari:. 7, 8. Emma. 9. Northanger Abbey. 10. Persuasion. Emma. s8". 1849 , s8". 1856 n. ed. s8". 1882 , n. ed. s8". 1886 Letters. Ed. Ld. Brabourne. 2v. 8». 1884 Pride & prejudice. sS". 1849 s8". 1853 ,, ,, BO . „ „ n. ed. „ „ n. ed. s8°. Sense & sensibility. Mansfield Park. sS^. 1833 J, „ s8". 1847 „ „ s8». 1856 ,j „ n. ed. s8". 1885 Northai ger Abbey. s8». 1833 „ s8o. 1848 s8». 1856 „ n.ed.s8". 1870 „ „ n.ed.s8». 1885 NorthangerAbbey — Persuasion. s8". 1850 1856 1870 1885 1853 1896 see Austen-Leigh (J.E.) Mem. of J. A., 1870; •2"^ ed., to wh. is added '* Lady Susan," & fragm*. of 2 o. unfinished t. by Miss A., 1871; G*" ed., 1886. „ Malden (Mrs. S. F.) J. A., 1889. „ Pollock (W. H.) A., 1899. „ Ritchie (Mrs. R.) A book of sibyls : A. etc., 1883. „ Smith (Goldwinj. Life of J. A., 1892. „ Tytleb (S.) ps. [i.e., H. Keddie] J. A. & her works, 1880. Austen (Robert A. C. Godwin-), sec Godwin-Austen. Austen (William Chandler Roberts-), see Roeerts-Austen. Austen-Leigh (J. E.) [tLEiGH (J. E. Austen)]. Mem. of Jane Austen. 8". 1870 ,, „ .. 2"'' ed. to wh. is added " Lady Susan," & fragm. of 2 o. unfinished t. by Miss A. sS". 1871 „ „ e'l'ed. sB". 1886 Austin (Alfred), poet laureate. At the gate of the convent, & o. p. 88". 1885 The conversion of Winckelmann, & o. p. 88". 1897 England's darling. 2°'! ed. s8". 1896 „ S'-'l ed. s8» 1896 English lyrics, by A. A. ; ed. W. Watson. 88". 1890 Five years of it. 2v. sS". 1858 Fortunatus the pessimist. sB". 1892 The garden that I love. 8°. 1894 The human tragedy. 8". 1862 „ [anoth. ed.] s8". E. 1876 4«" ed. s8". 1891 In Veronica's garden. sS". 1895 Interludes. s8». E. 1872 Lamia's winter-quarters. sS". 1898 Love's widowhood, &: o. p. 68". 1889 Madonna's child. 8". E. 1873 „ [anoth. ed.] s8o. 1895 My satire & its censors [b. vi. h. The season, 1861]. s8». 1861 A note of admiration, to ed. of " Saturday Rev." [P16B]. 8". 1861 The poetry of the period. s8». 1870 Prince Lucifer. 88°. 1887 8'. 1859 Scriptores rerum Austriacanim, 1721-45, see Pez (Hieron.) ed. Austria (Anne, of), see Anse 'of Austria^, g. conso>-t of Louis XIII, k. of France. Austrian, see Austria. Austro-Hungarian Empire (The), and the policy of Beust, 1866-70 ; by an Englishman. 8". 1870 Auswahl. *Auswahl aus d. hochdeutschen Dichteru d. 13. Jhdts., 1820, see Lachmann (C.) cd. *Auswahl der wichtigsten Urkunden d. agypt. Alterthuma, 1842, see Lepsius (C. E.) ed. Auswahl deutscher Gedichte, 24' A., 1878, see Echterjieyer (T.) Aut Diabolus aut nihil, & o. t. [novel]. By X. L., a. of " Little Hand & Muckle Gold." s8". 1894 Autenrieth (Georg). Worterbuch zu d. homer. Gediehten. 4' A. 8". L. 1884 Auteroche (J. Chappe d'), see Chappe d'Acteroche (J.) Authentic. Authentic copy (An) of the new plan of the French Constitution etc., 1793, see French. ♦Authentic mem', of the life it gallant actions of Lord Nelson [1806 ?], see Nelson (H., visct.) Authentic narrative of the oppressions of the islanders of Jersey, 1771, sec Sherreare (J.) *Authentic narrative of the Eussian Bxped. agst. the Turks, 1772, see Eussian. 'Authentic particulars of the life of the duchess of Kingston, n. ed., [1788 ?], see Kingston (duchess of). •Authentic records (The) of the Court of Eug. for the last 70 years [1832, later ed., w.t. Secret hist, of the Court etc.], 1878, see Hamilton {Lady A>;ne). Author (The). The Organ of the Incorp"'. Soc. of Authors. vl-10. 4". 1891-1900 •Author's (An) love : [purpcn-ting to be, but not being] the unpnbl. letters of P. M^rim^e's " inconnue," 1889, sec Merim^e (P.) ♦Authority & archaeology: essays etc., 1899, sec Hogarth (D. G.) cd. 'Authorized report of the meetings in defence of the Athanasian Creed, January 31, 1873, see Athanasian. Authors. *Catalogue of 500 celeb, a. of Gt. Brit, now living, their publ'. etc., 1788, see Cat-ilogue. Authors {ccf>itinued]. •Eeasons for establishing an Authors' Publication Soc, 1843, see Petheeam (J.) Authors, Soc. of, see Society of Authors. * Authors & publishers : suggestions for beginners, 7th ed., 1897, see Putnam (G. H.) Autisiodorensis (Alanus), sec .Alaxus, dc Insulis \bp. of Auxerre ?]. Autobiography. •Autobiogi-aphy of a child. [Orig. jiiibl''. in " Blaclacuod's."] s8». E. 1899 •Autobiography of a French Protestant condemned to the galleys etc., 1866. [w. t. Mem', of a P. etc.], 1895, sec Marteilhe (J.) •Autobiography of a Manchester cotton manufacturer by H. S. G., 1887, see GiBBs (H. S.) •Autobiography of a small boy, 1869, set- Fitzgerald (P. H.) •Autobiography of a working man. Ed. Hon. E. Eden. 88°. 1862 •Autobiography (The) of a working man, 1848, see Somerville (A.) .^utobiograpliy of an Irisli traveller, 1835, see Irish. Autobiography of an Italian police-officer [1884], see It.u.ian. Autobiography (The) of Satan ; ed. J. R. Beard, 1872, see S.4TAN, Autobiography of Thomas Allen, 1882, see Bbookfield (A. M.) Autobiography. A coll. Uves, etc. Baireuth (Frederica S. W., Margravine I of). 20, 21 I Cellini iB.) 16, 17 Clarke (Charlotte). 7 Cibber iC.) 1 Creichtou (Capt. John). 11 Doddington (G. Bubbi. 22 Di-ury (Robert). 5 Du Bany (Mme.) 29- 32 This, hoicever,is not of the most instructive & amusing 34v. [IIn)i(s vl8, 34.] s8''. 1826-33 Kotzebue. 9, 10 LiUy. 2 Marmontel. 3, 4 Robinson (Mary). 7 Sampson iWm.) 33 Tone (T. Wolfe). 19 Vaux (James Hardy). 13 Vidocq. 25-28 Voltaire. 2 Whitefield (G.) 6 an antob., but by le b™ E. L. de Lamothe-Langon. , Ellwood (T.) 11 Eugene (Prince). 8 j Ferguson (James). 6 I Gibbon (Edw.) 14, 15 t Gifford (W.) 11 ! Goldoni. 23, 24 Herbert of Cherbury I Lord). 8 Holberg (Lewis). 12 Hood (W. G.) 11 Hume. 2 Autocrat (The) of the breakfast table, 21s., see Holmes (0. W.) the elder. Autography, see ♦British Autography [1788-93 ?]. Auton (Jean d'). Chroniques. Notes etc. par P. L. Jacob. 4t. 8". 1834-5 Chroniques de Louis XII. 4t. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1889-95 ♦Autos sacramentales, [Eivadeneyra, 58], 1865, see Gonzalez Pedeoso (E.) ed. Autpertus, abbas Cassin.. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl29. Autpertus (Ambrosius), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t89. Autran (Joseph). (Euvres completes. 8t. [tS La comMie de I'histoire. tl-7 jcanting]. 8". 1874-81 Autriche. 'De I'Autriche & de son avenir, tr., 1843, see BucQUOY (le etc. de). ♦Eecueil des traites, etc. cone. IW. & I'ltalie, 1859, see Austria. Autriche (Anne d'), see Anne [of Austria], queen, etc. Autriche (Marguerite, d'), 14SO-I330, see Marg.aret [of Aus- tria], eo>isort of John, Infant ; regent of the Netherlands. Autriche (Margiierite, d')", /Ji?2-S6, see' Margaret, duchess of Par>na. Autriche (Marie Antoinette Josephine Jeanne d'), see Marie .Antoinette, queen consort of Louts XVI. Autriche (Marie Therese d'), I6SS-S3, see Marie Th^b^se [d' Autriche], queen consort of Louis XIV. Autumn (An) near the Ehine, 2°-' ed., 1840, see Dod (C. E.) Autun. Cat. des mss. de la bibl. du semiuaire d'A. red. par Libri. [P84]. 4". 1846 Catalogue gen. des mss. des bibl. publ., tl, A., 1849, see Cata- logue etc. Autun (Honore, d'), see Honohius, Augiistodunensis. Auvard (Gaston). Une tete de femme. s8". 1896 Auvergne. Summer days in A. By H. de K. s8". 1875 Auvergne (le 2^''i>'ec Edouard de La Tour d'), see La Tour I''AUVERGNE. Auvergne (Emm. Theodore de La Tour d'), card., duke de Bouillon, see Bouillon {le card. de). Auvergne (Guillaume d') [fGuLiELMus At.vernus, bp. of Paris'}, see Baumgaktner (M.) Erkenntnislehre d. W. v. A., 1893. Auvergne (Henri de la Tour d'), due de Bouillon, f33S-i623, see B0UU.L0N (H., due de). Auvergne (Henri de la Tour d'), vte. de Turenne, i6il-~5, sec TURENXE. Auvergne (Martial d'), see Amant. ♦L'amant rendu cordelier, attr. a A., 1881. Auvergne Corret (T.M. de La Tour d'), see La Tour d'Auterohb. AUXERRE 73 AWLIYAI Auxerre. Chronicles etc., sec Bodqoet (M.) Rec. des hist, de Gaules, t'J-12, 13. Auxerre, bps. nf. De gestis episcoporura Antissiodorensium,sf(; MiGNK (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl38. Auxerre (St. Germain d'), sec Germain (St.), d'Auxerre. Auxilius, see Di-mmlek (E. L.) A. u. Vulgarius, 1866. sec MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl29. „ MoiuN (J.) Comm. etc. ; ace. A. de ordinationibus Forniosi PapiB non iterandis, cd. nova, 1695. Ava. *Two years in Ava, 1827, see Tkant (T. A.) Avadana-^ataka: Cent l^gendes (bouddhiques), tr. par L. Feer. [Annale^^ du Uusie Guimet, 18]. 4". 1891 Avalle (Ernest). Notices sur les colonies anglaises. Ia8". 1883 Avalon (Hugh, de), sec Hugh, bp. of Lincoln. Avalos (Ferdinando d'), viarch. di Pescara [F. Davalo]. sec Giovio (P.) Vita di F. Davalo, 1551. Avalos (J. M.) Die Kunst, d. span. Sprache zu erleruen. [Bibl. d. Spr.-kde.] 3' A. s8". Wieu. n.d. Avalos (Vittoria i'),ma7-chesadi Pescara, see Coi.onna (V.), aft. march, di P. Avancini (Avancinio). All' ombra del faggio: novelle per i giovinetti. s8". Milano. 1899 *Avant la bataille, 1886, see Barthelemy (H.) Avanzini (Pietro). De Constitutions Apostolicoe Sedis qua censuraa latte sententite limitantur comm'., ex Lat. epheme- ridibus, quibus titulus Acta S. Sedis, excerpti. Ed. manualis cura P. A. [P3311. s8". Eomaj. 1872 Avaux (Claude des Mesmes, comic d'). Corr. avec son p^re, (1627-42). Publ. par A. Boppe. 8». 1887 see BoDQEANi (G. H.) Hist, des guerres & nc-goc. qui prec6d. le traite de Westphalie, compos, sur les m6ms. d'A., 1767. Avaux (Jean Ant. de Mesmes, etc. d'). N(?goeiations d'A. en HoUande, 1079-[88]. [Ed. Edme Mallet.] 6t. s8". 1752-53 N^gociations a la cour de Su^de, 1693, 97, 98. Publ. par J. A. Wijnne. 3t in 4 [3 i, ii]. [Hist. Gez. te Utrecht, N.S. 33-86]. 8". Utrecht. 1882-83 Avedichian (Gabriel). Origines de la liturgie catholique en forme de diet., see Mione (J. P.) EncyclopiJ'die SI viii. Avebury (J. L., /*•' baron), see Lcbbock (Sir John). Av6-Lallemant (F. C. B.) Physiologie d. deut. Polizei. 8". L. 1882 Ave-Lallemant (Robert C. B.) Eeise durch Nord-Brasilien, 1859. 2B. 8". L. 1860 Reise durch Siid-Brasilien, 1858. 2B. 8". L. 1859 Aveling (E. B.), see *Socialism a curse : reply to A. " The curse of capital," by Humanit.as, 1884. Aveling (James H.) Yorkshire : Roche Abbey. 4". Worksop. 1870 Aveling (S. T.), see Bodtell (C.) Heraldry, ed. & rev. A., 1892. Avellana Collectio, see *EpisTnL.i: imperatorum pontificum aliorum, 367-553, Av». quos dicitur Coll., 2p, 1895-8. Avellaneda (Alonzo Fernandez de), sec Fernandez de A. Avenant (le c. A. de Bonneau-), see BoNNEAn-AvEN.\NT. Avenare (A.) [Avenaels], see Abkaham, ben Meir Aben Ezra. Avenarius (Ferdinand). Deutsche Lyrik der Gegenwart seit 1850. 8". Dresden. 1884 Avenarius (Ricliard). Philosophic als Denken d. Welt gemass d. Princip d. kleinsteu Kraftmasses. [P516j. 8". L. 1876 Avencebrol [Ibn Gebieol ; Salomo ben Jehuda ien Gebirol ; AvicEBEON ; f Gabieol (Salomo)]. Fons vita;. In Lat. tr. ab lohanne Hispano & D. Gundissalino. Ed. C. Baeumker. [Beitrr. z. Ges. d. Phil. d. Mittelalters, 1, ii-iv.] 8". Monasterii. 1895 Avenches (Marius d'), see Monod (G.) Etudes etc., 1872-85. Avenel (le rte. Georges d'). Hist. 6conom. de la propri^t^, des salaires, des denrees & de tous les prix en gen., 1200-1800. [Doc. in^d.] tl-4. Ia8>'. 1894-8 Le mecanismc de la vie moderne. si, 2 [in prog. 1, 2, 2" 6d.] s8". 1898-1900 La noblesse franoaise sous Richelieu. s8". 1901 Richelieu & la monarchic absolue. 4t. 8". 1887-90 , 4t. 2'^d. 8". 1895 Avenel (Paul). Le docteur Hatt. s8». 1887 Avennes (A. C. T. Emile Prisse d'), sec Peisse d'Avennes. Aventicensis (Marius), sec Marids, bp. of Avenches. Aventinus (Joannes) [IThdenmaiee (J.), Aventinus]. Annalium Boiorum lib. vii : eiusdem A'. Abacus, simul ac F. (Juillimanni de Helvetia tractatus. Prtef. cur. N. H. Gund- lingio. [6. to. Verheiden (J.) Imagines etc., 2" ed., 1725]. fol. L. 1710 ste LoNicER (P.) Chvon. Turc, ace. I. A. liber, 1578. Aventius, bp. of iletz, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl21, 125. *Aventures (Les) de Kamrup, tr., 1834, sec Tahsin Al-Din. *Aventures d'un grand seigneur italien [inarcli. di Bassano] A (ravers rEmope (1606), 1899, sec BizoNi (B.) Averoult (Antoine d') [Davroultius]. Flores exemplorum, s. catechismus historialis. pi- 4. ed. postr. 4". Colonic Agrippinee. 1624-9 Averroes, the elder [tMoBAMiiAn ibn AAjiad, called Ibn Ruslid, or Averroes], sec Nipnus (A.) In destructio destructionum Averrois comm., 1542. see Renan (E.) A. & I'averroisrae, 1852 ; 2- ed., 1861 ; i' id., 1882. „ Zimaua (JI. a.) De priino cognito [et solutiones contradic- tioniuu in dictis A.], 1542. Avesbury (Robert, cf) [IRobeetus, de Aicsbiiry]. Hist, de gestis Ed. III. ,Vcc. (1) Libri Saxonici, qui ad nianus J. Jos- celini venerunt (2) nomina eorum, qui scrips, hist, gentis Angl., ct ubi exstant, per J. Joscelinum. Ed. etc. T. Hearnius. 8". 0. 1720 see MuEijiuTH (A., of). M., cont. Chronicarum, E. de A. De gestis mirabilibus regis Edwardi tertii. 1889. *Avesta, see Zend-Avesta. Avezac (M. P. d') r i-Avezac-Macaya (M. A. P. d').] lies de I'Afrique. Par A., avec collab. 8". 1848 Le Ravennate et son expose cosmographique. Notice biog. et bibliog. par G. Gravier. s4». Rouen. 1888 Avezac-Macaya (M. A. P. d'), see Avezac (M. P. d'). Avianus (Flavius). Fables. Ed. R. Ellis. 8". 0. 1887 sec ^sor. Fables ; w. those of A., ed. Jacobs, 1889. „ Heeviecx (L.) Les fabulistes lat. : 3, A. & s. anc. imita- teurs, 1894. Avicebron, sec Avencebrol. Avicenna. [Abuoalius filk-s Sin.e ; Avicenne ; Ebn Sina ; fHusAiN ibn 'Abd All.ah (Abu 'AlS), called Ibn Sinii, or Avicenna]. Compendium de anima ; de mahad ; aphorismi de anima; de diffinitionibus, & qusesitis; de divisione scien- tiarum. Ab A. Alpago versa. 4". Venetiis. 1546 see Carea di; Vaux (le b.) Avicenne, 1900. Avienus (Rufus Festus), see Eutropius, F., Brev., 1793. see Mela (P.) De situ orbis ; ace. A. descnptio orbis terrse, 1809. Avignon (Lambert d'), see Lajibeet (F.), if Avignon. Avila (Pedro Arias de), sec Arias d'Avila (P.) Avila y Zuniga (Luis de). Gesch. d. schmalkald. Krieges [Tr.], mit Zusiitzen, etc. 8". 1853 *Avillion, & o.t., 1853, see Ceaik (Mrs. D. M.) *Avir6tavuntiyar, tr., [1860 ?], see Foulkes (T.) tr. Avis. •Avis aux meres qui veulent iiourrir leurs enfans, 1770, see Lk Rebourk (Mme. Anel). *Avis important aux refugi^s etc. Par M. C. L. A. A. P. D. P. [i.e. P. Baijle I or D. de La Rogue ? or P. Pelisson-Fontanicr ?] see Abbadie (J.) Defense de la nation britann. centre I'aut. de 1' " Avis important aux refugies," [The "Avis etc." is it-anting], lljifi. Avison (Charles). Essay on musical expression. 2"'' ed., to \vh. is added a letter to [A.] cone, the music of the ancients, etc. 8". 1753 Avitus (,S/. Alcimus Ecdicius), abp. of Vienne. Opera qua; sup. ; rec. R. Peiper. [Mon. Germ. Hist., A. a., 6, ii.] 4". BeroHni. 1883 sec MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t59. Avity (Pierre d'), siear de Montmartin. *Exact description of Sicily ; tr. D. Macnab. 8". Falkirk. 1784 Avranches, see Catalogue g(5n. des mss. des bibl. publ., t4. A., 1872. Avrigny (H. Robillard d'), sec Robilk^rd d'.\vrigny. Avril (Adolphe d'). S. Cyrille et S. Methode : Prem. lutte des allemands centre les slaves, etc. s8". 1885 Avril (J. T.) Diet. proveni;al-fr. ; suivi d'un vocab. fr.-prov. 8". Apt. 1839 Avril (Philippe). * Voyage en div. 6tats d'Europe & d'.\sie, pour dt'couvrir un nouv. chemin 4 la Chine. 4°. 1692 Avrillon (Mile, d') ps., see Villemarest [tCxTHEEiNEi de Villemaeest (M.)]. Avrillon (J. B. Elie). A guide for passing Lent holily. Tr. & adapted to the Eng. Church. 58". 1844 'Awarifu-l-Ma'arif, see 'Ujiar ibn Muiiammad, Al-Suhraivardi. Awdeley (John), see Viles (E.) & F. J. Furnivall, ed". The fraternitye of vacabondes, by A., 1869 ; 1880. Awliyai, Efendi. Travels in Europe, Asia, .\frica, in 17"' c, by EvliyA Efendi. Tr. J. v. Hammer, vl, 2, in 3 [no more publ. O.T.F.] 4". 1834-50 AXE 74 AZEVEDO Axe. *Ax (The) liiiti to the root of popery, I'M, see Dc Lude (J. UK Dailldn, cIc.) Axon (William Edward Armitage), Annals of Manchester. [" Rev. ed. of the Manchester Hist. liecorder, virtually a new work."] Ed. A. sS". M'ter. 1886 Cheshire gleanings. sS". M'ter. 1884 Lancasliire gleanings. 88°. M'ter. 1883 The mechanic's friend. 88°. 1875 see Bailev (X.i Eng. dialect words in 18th c, as shown in the " Univ. etymolog. diet." of B., 1883. „ 'Miscellanies by var. HTiterB,[Eng. Dialect Soc.j: IV, George Eliot's use of dialect, by A., 187B-87. Ayala (C. F. J. Arrom de) \jis. F. Caballero], see Cabai.lero > (F.) rs. i Ayala (I. Lopez, de), f:ec Lopez de Ay.alx (I.) ! Ayala (Jose de Aldama), see Aldama Ayala. ' Ayala (P. Lopez de), see Lopez de Ayala (P.) Ayder-Ali-Khan, see Haidar Shah, called '• Haidar 'All," etc. Aydie (Ic chev. B. M. d'), see D.^ydie (B. M.) Ayeen Akbery, tr., 1800, see Akbar, emperoy. Ayen (A. L. H. de Noailles, ducliesse d'). sec L.\STEYRiE {Mine. de). Vie de Mme. de Lafayette ; prec. d'une not. sur la d. d'A. [by Mvie. de Lafaiiette],2' ed., 18fi9. ,, Lite of Mme. de Lafayette ; prec. by life of A. by Mine. de Lafayette, tr., 1872. "'Ayenbite of inwyt, see Michel, Dan. "■Ayesha, the Maid of Kars, 1846, see Morier (.Tames). Aylesbury, see Ailesbury. Aylesford Library. The Aylesford Library : Cat. of the Lib., from Paekington Hall, the seat of the Earl of Aylesford, wh. will be sold. Mar. 6, 1888, etc. [With prices and buyers.] laS". 1888 Aylesford (Charles Wiglitwick Finch, S"' carl of), see Ayles- ford Library, sold, 1888. Aylesford (Heneage Finch, 4"' e. of). *Eemarks on resolutions at meeting of noblemen, clergy, etc. of C. of Warwick, Feb. 2, 171I0, in 3 letters to A., etc. CPlSj. 8». B'ham. il790j Ayliffe (John), LL.D. Anc. & pres. state of the Univ. of Oxford. 2v. s8". 1723 Parergon juris canonici Anglicani : Comui. by way of suppl. to the Canons & Constitutions of the Church of England. fol. 172c Aylmer (John), bp. of London, see Strype (.J.) Hist, colls, of the life of A., n. ed., 1821. Ayloffe (Sir Joseph), bart. Calendars of the anc. eharter.s, and of the Welch & Scotish Rolls, in the Tower, etc. etc. 4". 1774 Aylward (Alfred). The Transvaal of to-day. 8". E. 1878 Ayme (Jean Jacques). Deportation et naufrage de A., etc. 8". [1800?] Aymeri de Narbonne. *A. de N., chanson de geste, d'ap. les mss. de Londres & de Paris, par L. Demaison. [S. d. a. t. f.]. 2t. 8». 1887 *La mort A. de N. Publ. J. Couraye Du Pare. 'S. d. a. t. f.]. 8". 1884 Aymon. Les quatre fils Aymon. Suiv. de Jean de Calais & de Genevieve de Brabant. 2t. sS". n.d. see Charlemagne. *English C. romances : plO. 11, The foure sonnes of Aymon, englisht by Caxton (ab. 1489), 1885. Aymon (Jean). Tous les synodes nationaux de.? eglises reformees de France, etc. 2t. 4". La Haye. 1710 Aymon de Montepin (Xavier), see Moktkpix {le cte. X. de). Aymonier (fitienne). Mission E. A. : Voyage dans le Laos. [Annales du Must^e Guimet Bibl. d'^tudes, t-5, 6]. 2t. 8". 1895-7 Aynsley, see also Ainslky, Ainslie. Aynsley (Mrs. Harriet G. M. Murray-), see Muekay-A\-xh.ey. Ayodhya, see Pratap Narayan Singh, raja of Ayodhya. Ayr. Charters of the friar preachers of A. [Ayrsliire & Gall. Arch. Assoc] I". 1881 Charters of the royal burgh of A. [Ayrshire & Gall. Arch. Assoc] 4". 1883 Obit book of the church of St. John the Baptist, Ayr ; w. a tr. & hist, sketch, notes, index etc. by J. Paterson. 4°. E. 1848 Ayre (Wm.) Life of Pope. 2v. s8". 1754 Ayres (Anne). Lite A- work of W. A. Muhlenberg. 8". 1881 Ayrshire legatees (The), 1821 ; 2"'' ed., 1823, sec Galt (J.) Ayrshire & Galloway Archaeological Assoc. IForm.' k\v.- shire it Wigtosshire Ar.cHa;oLOGic.iL Assoc, i Irvine. Muniments of royal burgh of I., 1890-1. Wai:s {Sir P.) Corresp. (1540-07), 1887. Ayrshire & Galloway Archaeological Assoc, contimud]. see Ayr. Charters of friar preachers of A., 1881. „ Charters of the royal . burgh of A., 1883. 1 „ Cboska<;uel, Abbey of. Charters of A. of C, 1886. i Ayrshire & Wigtonshire Archaeological Assoc, see Aykshibe * Galloway A. Assoc. [Form. A. A W. A. A.] Ajrrton (J. Calder) ps., see Chapman (J/js.9 Mary Frances). Ayrton (Matilda Chaplin). Child-life in Japan, and Japanese child-stories. 4". 1879 Ayrton (Wm. Edw.) Practical electricity. sS". 1887 Ayscough (Samuel). Cat. of MSS. in Brit. Museum hitherto undescribed. 2v [jiafjin. cont.]. i". 1782 Index to remarkable passages & words made use of by Shake- speare. laS^ 1790 Ayton, Armeno, see Hetoum, prince of Gorigos. Ayton [surname], see also Aiton, Eyton. Ayton (Eichard). Essays & studies of character ; w. mem. s8". 1825 Aytona (F. de Moncada, marq. de), see Moncada. Aytoun (Wm. Edmondstoune) [ps. T. Percy Jones]. Norman Sinclair. 3v. sS". E. 1861 see Martin {Sir T.) Mem. of A., 1867. „ MARTiN(6'(rT.), & A. 'The book of ballads, ed. Bon Gaultier, var. ed'. The ballads of Scotland. Ed. A. 2v. sS». E. 1858 Bothwell. 8". E. 185G Finnilian ; the student of Badajoz. s8". E. 1854 Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, ife o. p. 8". E. 1843 I „ ... a"* ed. sS". E. 1849 i Aytta (Viglius Zuichemus ab). Epistolae ad J. Hopperum. sS". Leoardiffi. 1661 see HoYKCK (C. P.) ed., Analecta Belgica [cont\ Vita V'. ab A. ab ipso Viglio scripta, ejusque opera hist., etc.], 1743. Ayuso (F. Garcia), sec Garcia Aviso (F.) Azam (le dr. ). Hypnotisme S: double conscience, etc. Ia8'\ 1893 Azamat-Batuk, ps., see Thieblin (N. L.) Azara (Felix de). Voyages dans I'Ajiicr. Merid., 1781-1801, etc. Publ. avec not. par C. A. Walckenaer; notes par Cuvier. 4t. [Planches iranling.] 8". 1809 Azarius (Petrus). Chronicon 1250-1362. sec Miratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl6. Azeglio (la march. C. d') [jTapparelli d'Azeglio (la vi. Costanza)]. Souv. histor., tires de sa corr. avec s. fils Emuianuel, avec quelques lettres de s. mari, R. d'A., 1835-61. 8". Turin. 1884 Azeglio (il march. Emanuele d') [ITapparelli d'Azeglio {il m. E.)], see Azeglio {la m. C. d'). Sout., tiivs de sa corr. avec s. fils E., etc., 1884. Azeglio (Massimo d') [tTAppARELLi d'Azeglio (il march. Massi.mo)]. Ettore Fieramosca, o La disfida di Barletta. s8». Parigi. 1833 „ 6» imp. bS". Fireuze. 1895 I miei ricordi. 2v. s8o. Firenze. 1867 „ IS-- ed. 58". Firenze. 1895 L'ltalie de 1847 a 1865 : corr. polit. de M. d'A. Intr. etc. par E. Rendu. 80. 1867 Lettere a G. Torelh, con fram- menti di questo in cont. dei " Miei ricordi." 2» ed. s8". Milano. 1870 Lettere a sua moglie, Luisa Blondel. Par c di G. Carcauo. sS". Milano. 1870 Lettere iued. di M. d'A. al march. E. d'Azeglio, documentate a cura di N. Bianchi. [tl], Lettere. [t2], w.t.: N. Bianchi. La politica di M. d'A., 1848-511. Dooumenti in cont. alle sue lett. al m. E. d'A. Niccolb de' Lapi. sS". Firenze. 1866 „ „ ... s8i'. Fu-enze. 1895 Scritti postumi ; a cura di M. Ricci. sS". Fireuze. 1866-71 TK.iNSLATIONS. Austrian assassinations in Lom- bardy. Tr. [PlSl]. 8». J848 The challenge of Barletta. [Tr.] Lady L. Magenis. 2v. s8». 1880 The present movement in Italy. Tr. [P131]. 8°. 1847 Recoil*. Tr. w. not«9, Count Maftei. 2v. 88°. 1868 Archseolog. & hist. coll'*, rel. to Ayrshire & Galloway [vl-4 " rel. ton " to co\ of Ayr tt Wig- . vl-10. 4". E. 1878-99 2t. 8». Torino. 1883-4 ' Azeglio (il viarch. K. d') [ITappakelli d'Azeglio (il m. Roberto)]. The Court of Rome ct the Gospel. [Tr.; iiitr. signed A. H. Layard, PIGO]. 8". [1859] sec Azeglio {la march. C. d'). Souv., avec quelques lettres de R. d'A., 1884. Azeredo Coutinho (J. J. da Oanha de), sec Da Cunha de AzEKKIiO COTTINHO. Azevedo (Joze d'). Dice. portuguez-inglez-allemSo. s8". Grimma. n.d. AZINCOURT 75 BACALLAR Azincourt (J. J. B. Albouy d'), sec Daziscourt. Azo (Fortius), sec Selden Soc. Select passages f. works of Bracton & A., 1895. Aztecs, see "Through the land of the A"., 1802. Azurara (Gomes Eannes de). Chron. do clesoob. e conq. de Guin6. Intr. etc. pelo vise, de Santarem. H". I'ariz. 1841 Discovery & conq. of Guinea. [3V.] C. R. Beazley & E. Prestage. 2v [pagin. cont. Haklnyt Soc, 1)5, 100]. 8". 189G-9 Azz-Eddin, el Mocaddessi [I'Abd Al-Salam idx Afijun ibn Ghanim ('Izz Al-Din) Al Mi^dasi]. Les oiseaux et les fleurs. Avec tr. etc. par [J. H.] Gavciii. 8". 18-21 Azzolini (il card. Decio), 1&i3^9. see Christina, g. of Sweden. C. & A. : lettres inid. (lOtJG-H), avec intr. etc. par le b. de Bildt, 1899. B B. Ober, American schooner, see Doyle (Wili,. H.) Judgment of D., Chief Justice [of the Bahamas^ in the case of the B. 0. [1870]. B. (A. K. H.), see Boyd (A. K. H.) B. (B.), see *Travel pictures, by B. B., 1860. B. (C), sec *CoNFESsioNAL (The) unmasked, by C. B., 1851. B. (C), sec *Managemext of the last four years vindicated [signed C. B., 1714 ?] B. (le sieiir D.) *The voyages by the s. D. B. (1669-72), tr., 1697, see Dubois { ). B. (E. v.) *Ros rosarum, by E. V. B., 1885, see Boyle (Hon. Mrs. E. V.) *Seven gardens & a palace, by E. V. B., 1900, see Boyie (Hon. Mrs. E. V.) B. (G. S.) Prologue & epilogue in E. lit., see Prologue etc. B. (H. M.), C. E. B., & T. B., a', of " On either side of the Bed Sea, 1895," sec Buxton (H. M.), C. E. Buxton, & T. Buxton. B. (Mr. L. D.) Hist, civile etc. de La Trappe, 1824, see Dubois (L.) B. (W. S.), see Exgr.wing. *Origin etc. of e. [ded. signed W. S. B.], 1872. Baader (Bernhard). Neugesammelte Volkssagen aus Baden etc. s8". Karlsruhe. 1859 Volkssagen aus Baden etc. s8". Karlsruhe. 1851 Baader (Franz Xaver v.), see Fischer (K.) Zur Geburtsfeier B.'s; Characteristik etc. 1865. *Baar-I)anush, tr., see 'Inayat Allah. Bab (The) [or Mirza 'Ali Muhammad, the Bdb]. see Browne (E. G.) ed., A travel!ei-'s narrative, to illustrate the hist, of the episode of the Bab, ed. & tr., 1891. „ MiRz.Y HuREYN of Haviadan, the Tarikli-i- Jadid, or new hist, of the Bab, tr. Browne, 1893. Baba, Haji, ps. *The adv. of Hajji B., 2"" ed., 1824, sec MORIER (J.) Babar, emperor of Hindustan, sec Baber. Babbage (Charles). Passagea from the life of a philosopher [C. B.] 8". 1864 Principles of taxation, w. ref. to a Property Tax etc. [P168]. 8°. 1848 A word to the wiae : Obs. on peerage for life. LP142].8". 1856 see Babbage (H. P. 1 B.'s occult- ing telegraph, 1889. Economy of machinery & mauu- factures. aS". 1832 4"' ed. sS". 18a.3 The Exposition of 1851. 8". 1851 „ 2"'! ed. 8". 1851 The ninth Bridgewater Treatise : a fragm. 8°. 1837 Obs. to Pres. it Fellows of Roy. Soc, after delivery of the medals. [PHI]. 8". 1856 Babbage (H. P.) Babbage's occulting telegraph. [P452]. 8°. [1889] Babeau (Albert). L'icole de village pend. la Ri'vol. 2'-^d. sS". 1885 Hist, de Troyes pend. la Rcvol. 2t. 8". 1873-4 Le Louvre et son hist. 4". 1895 La province sous I'anc. re'gime. 2t. 8°. 1894 La vie milit. sous I'anc. regime. 2t. 8". 1889 La vie rurale dans I'anc. France. S". 1883 Le village sous I'anc. regime. 8». 1878 „ „ ... 2<- e'd., rev. s8". 1879 La ville sous I'anc. regime. 2t. 2' id. sS". 1884 Les voyageurs en France dep. la RenaisB. jusqu'A la Revol. 38". 1885 Babees, see Babies. Babel, 1839-40, see Societe des gens de lettres. Babelon (Ernest). La gravure en pierres fines. 8». [1894] Manuel d'archiJologie orientale. 8". [1889] Manual of oriental antiqs. Tr. A- enl. T. A. Evetts. s8". 1889 Baber. [Muhammah Babar (Zahik Al-Din), emperor of Hindustini]. Life of B. By R. M. Caldecott [i.e. the life by B. himself, air. by C] 8". 1844 Mems., by himself, tr. J. Leyden & W. Erskine. Map etc. by C. Waddington. 4". 1826 see Erskine (W.) Hist, of India under B. & Humayun, 1854. „ Lane-Poole (S.) Babar, 1899. Baber (Edward Colborne), see Tekrien de Lacouperie (A.) Formosa notes ; [w.] note on 9 Formosan languages by B., 1887. Babes (Victor). Despre transmiterea proprietatilor immuni- san'te etc. [Acad. Rom., Disc, de recept. b.tv. Naum (A.) Cuvlntu etc., 1894.] Ia8". 1895 Babeuf (Frangois KoSl), [or Baboiuf]. *Haute-Cour de Justice : Copie des pieces saisies dans le local que B. occupait. And, Suite de la Copie. 2v in 1. 8°. an v. [1797] see Buonarroti (P.) Conspiration pour I'^galit6 dite de B., 1828. „ Fleukv (E.) B. et le socialisms en 1796, 2' 6d., 1851. Babies. *Babees book (The), etc. etc. [E.E.T.S., 32], 1868, see FURNIVALL (F. J.) ed. Babinet (Jacques). Etudes & lectures sur les sciences d'obser- vation et leurs applic. prat. 8t. s8". 1855-68 Babington (Charles Cardale). Ancient Cambridgeshire : Roman & o. anc. roads, w. record of places where Roman coins & o. remains have been found. [Camb. Antiq. S.] 8". C. 1853 Manual of Brit, botany. 7"' ed. sS". 1874 Babington (Churchill). Macaulay's character of the clergy in latter pt. of 17"' c. considered, etc. 8". C. 1849 see Potter (T. E.) Charnwood Forest; botany, & ornithology, by B., 1842. Babington (J. A.), M.A. The Reformation. 8". 1901 Babington (Wm. Dalton). Fallacies of race theories as applied to national characteristics. s8°. 1895 BabcBuf (F. N.), sec Babecf (F. N.) Babou (Hippolyte). Les amoureux de Mme. de Sevign^. Les femmes vertueuses du grand si^cle. 8°. 1h62 Les payens innocents : nouvelles. s8". 1858 Babrius. Babrius. Ed. W. G. Rutherford. 8". 1883 B. fabulse ^sopeee. Recog. O. Crusius. Ace. fabularum dactylic. & iambic, reliquiae ; Ignatii & aliorum tetrasticha iambica rec. a C. F. Mueller. ed. minor. s8». L. 1897 Fabulffi ^sopete. Rec. G. C. Lewis. 8". 0. 1846 „ „ E cod. ms". partem 2"" nunc primum ed. G. C. Lewis. nH". Lond. 1859 The fables composing this '2nd part are a forgery by Minoides Menas. Fab. choliambicse cum fragm. etc. ed. ster. s8". L. 1845 Fabulee iambicse cxxiii. I. F. Boissonade rec. 8". Parisiis. 1844 Fables. Tr. into verse by J. Davies. sS". 1860 Babut (Jules). F^lix Batel, ou I'Hollande a Java. 2t. ^8". La Haye. 1869 Babylon. "'Babylon & -Jerusalem. A letter addressed to Ida, Countess of Hahn-Hahn ; with pref. by the translator. By C. I. Kitzsch? or Dr. Abcken? sS". 1851 La devise des chemins de Babiloine (1289-91), see Michelant (H.) it G. Raynaud. Itineraires a Jerusalem, 1882. see Charlemagne. "'EngUsh C. romances ; p5, The romaunce of the Sowdonc of B. * of Ferumbras his sone, 1881. Babylonian. *Mems. of a B. princess, 1844, see Asmar (M. T.) Bacallar y Saiia (Vicente), marqn^s de San Felipe, see San Felipe (V., marq. de). BACCHANTE 76 BACON Translations. B. a prose tr., by E. Poste. s8". 1898 Poemes. Tr. A. M. Desrou3- seaux. sS". 1898 Bacchante, see Ai/Bekt Victor, duke of Clarence, & George jyi-iiic- of Wales. Cruise of the B. (1879-82), 188G. Bacchylides. The poems of B., f. a papyrus in the Brit. Mils. Ed. F. G. Kenyon. 8". 1897 The poems of B. : facs. of papyrus 733 in B.M. lal". 1897 Carmiua cum fragm. Ed. F. Blass. s8". L. 1898 Bach (Alberto B.) The art ballad : Loewe & Schubert. 8". E. 1890 Musical education & vocal culture. 3"' ed. 8". E. 1883 The principles of singing. 38". E. 1885 Bach (C. Philipp Emanuel), st'e*LETTERs of disting'. musicians, B. etc., tr., 1867. see NoiiL (L.) cd, Musiker-Briefe v. B. etc., 1867 ; 2' A., 1873. Bach (Johann Sebastian). see Keissmann (A.) B., s. Leben u. s. Werke, 1881. ,, NiETSCHMANN (H. O.J [pS., Armin Stein]. B. : ein Kiinstlerleben, 189G. „ Poole (R. Lane) B., 188-2. „ Spitta (P.) B., 1873-80. „ B. (1685-1750), tr. 1884-3. see Bitter (C. H.) Life of B. ; abr. tr., 1873. „ Cart (W.) Etude sur B. (1(385-1750), 1885. „ David (E.) Vie & ceuvres de B., 1882. ,, Forkel (J. N.) Vie etc. de B., tr., u. ed., 1876. „ Hilgenfeldt (C. L.) B.'s Leben etc., 1850. Bach (Joseph). Des Albeitus Magnus Verhiiltniss zu d. Erkenntnisslehre d. Griechen, Lateiner, Araber u. Juden. 8". Wien. 1881 Meister Eckhart der Vater d. deutschen Speculation. 8". Wien. 1861 Bach (P. E.), see Bach (C. P. E.) Bach (Wilh. Friedemann), see Brachvogel (A. E.) F. Bach [novel ; cidaptcd into Eng.], 1875. Bacha (Eug-ene) ed.. La chronique liSgeoise de 1402. sS". Bruxelles. 1900 Bacha (Feringhee), see Cajipbell (John) [Feringhec Baclu:C\. Bachaumont, ps., sec Lemer (J. B. R. Julien). Bachaumont (L. P. de) [fpETiT de Bachaumont (Louis)]. see *M65ioiREs secrets p. serv. a I'hist. de la republ. des lettres en France dep. 1762 [ed. by B. d: others, and usuallyknoton as " Mtim". de Bachaumont "], 1777-89. Bache (A. D.) Magnetic iS; meteorological ob'. made at the Girard College Observatory, 1840-45. 12p. [S. C. to Know- ledge 11, 13, 14.] 4". 1859-65 Magnetic survey of Pennsylvania cS: adjacent States 1840 & 1841. [S. C. to Knowledge 13.] 4". 1863 Bache (Constance). Brother musicians : reminisc". of E. A- W. Bache. 38". 1901 Bache (Edward), see Bache (C.) Brother musicians : reminisc. of E. & W. Bache, 1901. Bache (Walter), see Bache (C.) Brother musicians : reminisc'. of E. & W. Bache, 1901. Bachelet (Hippolyte). Nouveau guide du dyspeptique: dyspepsie ileo-ccecale. s8". 1865 Bachelin (Auguste). Descv. du livre d'heures du prieure de Saint- Lo de Kouen. [P783]. 4". 1869 see GoDKT (P.) Art & patrie : B. d'ap. s. teuvre & sa corr., 1893. Bacheller (Irving). Eben Holden. :4th ed.]. 38". 1901 ^Bachelor (The) of the Albany, 1848, see Savage (M. W.) Bachiarius, monachus, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, 120. Bachmaier (Anton). Diet, pasigraphique, piec. de la grammah'e. s8". Augsbourg. 1868 Pasigraphical diet. & grammar. s8". Augsburg. 1870 Pasigrapliisches Worterbuch. s8". Augsburg. 1868 Bachmann (Adolf). Deutsche Reichsgesoh. im Zeitalter Fried- rich III u. Max. I. Bl, 2. >*■■. L. 1884-94 sec *Geschichte der europii. Staaten : Bohmen, v. A. B., Bl, 1899. Bachmann (Joh. Heinr.) ed., Zwolf Urkunden zur Gesch. der Gefangennehmung Philipp Landgrafen zu Hessen. [b.w. Mogen (L. G.) Hist, captiv. P'.] s8". Mannheim. 1768 Bachmann (Ludwig) ed.. Anecdota Gra>ca. E codd. MSS. Bibl. Reg. Paris, descripsit L. B. 2v in 1. 8". L. 1828-9 Bachmann (W.) Kerkerwonne. s8". 1859 Bachofen (Joh. Jacob). Das lykische Volk. [P534]. s8". Freiburg im Br. 1862 Das Mutterrecht. 2«. A. 4". Basel. 1897 Bachtold (Jacob). Gesch. d. deutschen Lit. in d. Schweiz. 8". Frauenfeld. 1892 Bacillus, ps., see Keeling (J. H.) Back (Aug. L.) Merkwiii'dige Hexenprozesse etc. [P154]. Bl. s8". -Uteubuig. 1848 Back {Sir George). The .\^rctic Land Exped. to the mouth of the Great Fish River, etc., 1833-5. 8". 1836 see King (K.) Journey to Arctic Ocean (1833--5) under B., 1836. Backer (Auguste de), see De Backer (A.) Backer (J. de), see De B.^cker (J.) Backer (Louis de) [BaeckerI. Chants historiques de la Flandre, 400-1650 ; rec. par B. ' 8». Lille. 1855 L'Extreme Orient au moyen-age, d'ap. les mss. d'un flamand, moine de Saint-Bertin a Saint-Omer & d'un prince d'.\rm6nie, moine de Preraontr^ a Poitiers. 8". 1877 Les llamands de France. 8". Gand. 1850 Backhouse (Edward). Early Church Hist, to death of Con- stantine. Ed. & enl. by C. Tylor. 8". 1884 & C. Tylor. Witnesses for Xt. & memorials of Church Life, 4-13"' c: Seq. to " Early Ch. Hist." 2v. 8". 1887 Backhouse (James), of York, the elder. Visit to the Australian Colonies. 8». 1843 Visit to the Mauritius & S. Africa. 8". 1844 Backker (Mme.) [fHEEBSiER {F.),aft. Metaal Barker]. Le sou- terrain. 7' ed. s8°. Londres. 1825 Backstrom (C.) Voyage to Spitzbergen, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl. *Backward glances. Ed. by the a. of " Episodes in an obscure life." [Tlie a. of " Episodes etc." is Richard Rowe.] s8". 1874 'Backwoods (The) of Canada, 2"^ ed., 1836, see Tr.ull (Mrs. C. P.) Baco (Franciscus) Verulamius, see Bacon (F.), viscount St. Albans. Bacon, publisliing jinn. *Bacon's guide to .American politics : view of the national A- State govt". s8". 1863 see British. *New large scale ordnance atlas of the B. Isles, 1884. ,, London. *New large-scale ordnance atlas of L., 1886. Bacon (Lord), see Bacon (F.), viscount St. Albans. Bacon (Alice Mabel). Japanese girls and women. 38". 1891 Bacon (Anthony), see Birch (Th.) Mems. of r. of Eliz., f. papers of B., 1754. Bacon (Delia). *Delia Bacon : a biog. sketch, 1888, see Bacon (Theodore). Bacon (E. D.),sce Hakdv (W. J.) & B. The stamp collector, 2"' ed., 1898. Bacon (Francis), viscount St. Albans, baron Vcrulam [F. Baco Verulamius ; Lord Bacon ; F. Bacone ; F. Baconus]. *Life & corr. of F. B. [By J. F. Foard'! ] s8". 1861 Works. 16v in 17, [16 i, ii.]. n. ed. by B. Montagu. 8". 1825-36 Works. 2v. Ia8». 1841 Works. Ed. J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, & D. D. Heatb. 14v. 8". 1857-74 Letters & life of B., incl. all h. occasional works, in chrouo- log. order, w. comm. by Spedding. 7v. [8-14]. Life : by W. Rawley. [1]. Literary & professional works. 2v. [6, 7]. Pliilosophical works. 3v. [1-3]. pi, Workspubl., or designed for puhl., as parts of the InstauratioMaqna. Novum Organum. [1]. Parasceve ad bistoriam naturalem et experi- mentalem. [1]. De augmeutis scien- tiarum. [1]. Historia veutorum. [2]. Historia vitse et mortis. [2]. Historia densi et rari. [2]. liiquisitiodemagnete. [2]. Topica inquisitionis de luce et lumine. [2]. Sylva sylvarum. [2]. Scala intellectUB, s. Filum labyrintbi. [2]. Prodromi s. Anticipa- tiones pbilosophice secundae. [2]. p2, Works on subjects conn, w. the Instauratio.biU not meant to be in- cluded in it. Cogitationes de natnra rerum. [3]. De fluxu et reflnsu maris. [3]. De principiis atque origiuibus, etc. [3]. New Atlantis. [3]. Magnalia naturae. [3]. p3, Works originally de- signed for parts of the Insiauratio, but super- seded or abandoned. Cogitationes de scientia liumaua. [3]. Valerius Terminus. [3]. Advancement of learning, bk. i, ii. [3]. Filum labj'rinthi. [3]. De interpretatione naturae prooemium. [3]. Temporis imrtus mas- culus. [3]. Partis Instaurationis Secunda; deUneatio et argumentura. [3]. Redargutio philosopbi- arum. [3]. Cogitata et visa de inter- pretatione naturte. [3]. Inquisitio legitima de motu. [3]. Calor et frigus. [3]. Historia soiiietauditus. [3]. Phienomena universi. [3]. Descriptio globi intellec- tualis. [3]. Thona cceli. [3]. BACON 77 Bacon (Francis), viscmmt St. Albans, baron Verulavt [_cont.]. ^^^""^^ s,e Campbell (John, baron). Life ot B. [fro7n. C.$ "Lives of the Chan- BADDELEY see Bacon & Co., De interpretatione nature Bcntentire XII. [S]. ; Aphorismi et consilia. [iij. i PliyBiological & medical | remains. [S]. Translations ot the philosophical : works. 2v.[4,5]. „„ i^TO ' Moral & hist, works of B. s8". 185 J ^ Physical & metaphysical works, inch h. Adv. of learning, and Novum Organon. Lt^^l-J J- Devey. ^^°- ^^"^ Single Wobks. . „ Vrl Advancement ot learning. E.cl. B. Montagu. f°- 1°;:1 Ed W.A.Wright. 880.0.1869 A conference of pleasure, comp. about 1592. Ed.J.Speddmg^ Considerations touching '^ wu'je with Spaine. [I'278]. s4». 1629 Essays. With amiots. by Abp. ^^^*'^^^- 3- ed. 80-. 1857 " " '.'.'.'.'.. 6* ed. 8°. 1864 Esskys. I"t.-. notes etc. by E^A. Abbott. 2v. s8o. 187b Essays. With mem. &^not^es^ Ed. S. H. Eeyuolds. " 8". 0. 1890 Essays; and, Advancement of learning, n. ed., w. mem. it notesbyW.C.Taylo.^_^^^^ Essays. With The colours ot good & evil. Added, Ihe wisdom ot the ancients. , s8". 1d8U Essays.-Colours of good & evil. Notes etc. by W. A.Wright s8**. lobo ' Essays; & Wisdom of the ancients. Ed. B. Montagu. . s8". n.d. 1 For anoth. ed., see Locke (J.) Conduct etc. by L.— Essays, by B., n.d. . ! Hist, naturalis et experiment.; i 8., Phcenomena universi, q. e. lustaur. Magnfe pars 3" sS". Londini. 162.2 j Hist, of Henry VII; w. notes by | J. B. Lumby. s3'\ C. 1881 I Nova Atlantis, see Hall (Jos.) i Mundus alter et idem, 1648. see MoBE [Sir T.) Utopia- I New Atlantis, by B., notes i by St. John, 1852. ' Novum Organum[Bn9.] 88°. 1844 Novum Organum. Ed. J. fc>. Brewer. s8°. 1856 Novum Organum. Ed^T. Fowl^er^ Ordinances made by B. tor better administr. of lustice m the Chancery. [P626]. s4». 1642 The Promus of formularies iK elegancies. Uhis. by pas- sages f. Shakspeare by Mrs. Pott. P^f'byE.A.Abbot^t. Sel». f. the writings of B., w. mem. ^S". n.d. Verulamiana : opinions on men, manners, Ut. etc. Pref.,hfe^^g Eeferences. For rep. to works on tne Shakespeare-Bacon theory, see Shakespeare. see Abbott (E. A.) B., his hte & works, 1885. B., & Essex, 1877. ", Adam (Ch.) Philosophie de B.. 1890. cellora "], 1853. Chukch (R. W.) Bacon, 1884. Collins (Abthub). Pro- ceedings cone, baronies by Writ etc., w. arguments of B., 1734. Colonies. 'Sel. tracts rel. to C^ [On plantations, by B. etc.], 1700 ? Cbaik (G. L.) B.: writings etc., 1846. Dixon (W. H.) Personal hist, ot B., 1861. Storv of B.'s life, 1862. ', DoBNEB "(A.-) De Baconis philosopliia, 1867. , Finch (A. E.) On the induc- tive philosophy; parallel betw. B. & Comte, 1872. , FiSCHEB (KUNO). B. V. Verulam; d. Realphiloso- phie etc., 1856 ; 2" A. [w.t. B. u. s. Naclifolger], 1875. B. : realistic philosophy " etc., tr., 1857. FONREGBIVE (G. L.) Fran(;ois " Bacon, 1893. „ Fowleb (T.) B., 1881. Hall (Jos.), 6i)., Mundus etc. : ace. Nova Atlantis B., 1643. „ „ „ Heusslee (H.) F. Bacon, 1889 „ LiEBiG (J. V.) Lord B., tr., " \into French], 1866, 2" 6d., 1877 „ LovEJ^Y (B. G.) B : life & character, with sel'., 1888. „ MACAULAV(T.B.,6aro»). B., 1852. „ Maistee {le c. J. DE). Examen de la philosophie de B., 1888. Mabtin [Sir T.) Shakespeare orB.? 1888. , Napiee (Macvey). B., ' of the 4p are : ri], Le miroir etc. [21 L'elixir des iihilosophes etc. [3]' R Bachon de 1' admirable pouvoir etc. de I'art, & [*], Des choses merveilleusea etc. [by G. Celestiji]. Opus mains. Prlmum a S. Jebb ed. 1733, nunc recusum. Aco. Prologus Galeatus in rel. opera ejusdem aut. laS". Venetiis. 1750 Opus majus;ed.^J._H. Bridges. The o. in. Suppl. "voh: rev^. text of first 3 parts— corrections — emen- dations— & addit. notes. 8". 1900 Chaeles (Emile). E. B., sa vie, s. ouvr». etc., d'ap. des textes ined., 1861. Monvmenta Gebm. Hist., Scr., t28. MoBLEV (H.) ed., Eariy prose romances ; Friar B., etc., 1889. Webnee(Cael). Kosmologie u. allg. Natuiiehre des B., 1879. see Bacon"(G. Mackenzie). On the writing of the insane. 8". 1870 de nature etc. I ._„ B.... ,Th..d.r., -Mi. B.» j^. b».. .'•»J; /^; Jg? TiJrnnmere-Salverte (A. J. Eusebe), see Salveete (E.) ra^°Son^P. J. Ja^.. Becherches sur ies origines c^IUqu^ Ba=TI"K«'diritFo™i.B DE BAC0.ET (ADOLPHE)]^ Souv. d'un diplomate : lettres sur l'Am|r. s8 . 188.. B^acqueville d/la Pot^ene (-),^.. La Potheexe ^^^^^^^^^^^_ opponents on his disqu.sS on Matter and Spm^t^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ see Haewood (E.) Letter to B., his abuse of Priestley exposed, 1 7ft4 White (Jos.) W.'s obligations to B. etc., 1790. raS^(M:/.t)rcXw"ard:^S. Thorough Guide Series. Devon (N.) & N. Cornwall. ^^^^ Ireland : pi, N. counties, inch Dublin & neighbourhood. sS". 1887 p2, E., W., S., inch Dublin & " "^^Howth. 880. 1888 Lake District. , s8". 1880 Scotland, pi, Edinb., Glasgow, the Highlands as far as Aber- deen, etc. 8'- ed, sS" 1895 r,2 The northern Highlands. " ^ ' Sti ed. 88". 1894 nS. The " Lowlands." " '^ ' 3''i ed. s8°. 1894 Baddeley ("Welbore St. Clair) Bedoueen legends, &o.p.^^^^^ Charles HI of Naples & Urban VI- also, Cecco d Ascoh. Two essays. 1^8°. 1894 Wales (North), pi. S'-i ed. s8». 1889 5"> ed. s8». 1895 " ...... p2. 4'hed. s8». 1895 Wales (South), & the Wye dis- trict ot Monmouth. sS". 1885 Yorkshire: pi, E. Coast, & country betw. N.B. mam line & the sea ; also the cathedral ot Durham. 88". 1890 p2, W., & pt. of N. Ridings, " & all west of the N.E. main line ; also Barnard Castle. sS". 1890 Dramatic & narrative sketches. 88<>. 1885 Oueen Joanna I. ot Naples, etc. ^ 8". 1893 BADDELEY 78 BAEDEKER Baddeley (Welbore St. Clair) ^continued}. Robert the Wise & iiis heirs, Tchay & Chianti : Wnnderiiigs 1278-1352. 8". 1897 in Russia & Italy. sS". 1887 Travel-tide. 8". 1889 Badeau (Adam). Milit. hist, of U. S. Grant, 1861-5. 3v. 8". 1881 Badeker (Carl), sec Baedeker (C.) Badeley, .•;i'i" aho Baddeley, Badlley. Badeley (Edward), bcorister. The privilege of relig. confessions iu Eng. courts of justice consiiiered. [P358]. 8". 186-5 Speech before Jud. Coram, of Pi'ivj' Council, Dec. 1849, upon Appeal, Gorham A bp. of Exeter. 8". 1850 see PrsEY (E. B.) Marriage w. a. deceased wife's sister : evi- dence etc., w. speech by B., 1849. Baden (Stephanie [de Bcauhamais], grand-ditclicss of), I7S9~ /Sou, see Beauharnais (S. de), (jrand-dticliess etc. Baden Powell ( ), prof., )796-/S60, see Powell (B.) Baden-Powell (Baden F. S.) In savage isles & settled lands : Malaysia, Australasia, Polynesia, 1888-91. 8°. 1892 Baden-Powell (Baden Henry). Creation & its records. 8". 1886 Hdbk. of economic products of the Punjab. 2v [v2 wantingl. Ia8". Eoorkee. 1868172 The Indian vill.age community. 8°. 1896 Land-systems of Brit. India. 3v. 8". 0. 1892 vl, General — Bengal. v2. Village or Mahal Settlements. v3. The Eaiyatwari & allied systems. see Punjab. Sel. f. records. N. S., 15. The " Chos " of Hoshiar- pur, by B., 1879. Baden-Powell {.Sic George Smyth), K.C.M.G. New homes for the old country : pers. experience of Australia & New Zealand. 8". 1872 Protection & bad times. 8". 1879 The saving of Ireland. So. E. 1898 State aid & state interference. s8". 1882 see Baden-Powell (E. S. S.) Downfall of Prempeh ; w. chap. on the position of Ashanti by Sir G. B.-P., 1896. .. *Tkuth (The) about Home Eule, ed. B.-P., 2"" ed., 1888. Baden-Powell (R. S. S.) Badische Historische Commission, see ISeiucsta episcoporum Constantiensium, 1894-1901. see ScHULTE (A.) Gesch. d. mittelalterl. Handels zw. West- deutschland u. Italien etc., 2B, 1900. Badminton Library (The) of Sports & Pastimes. Ed. by the Duke of Beaufort, assisted by A. E. T. Watson. s8". 1888 etc. Aids to scouting. s8". [1899] The downfall of Prempeh. With chap, on polit. & conimerc. position of Ashanti by Sir G. Baden-Powell. 8". 1896 The Matabele campaign, 1896. 8". 1897 8". 1900 Pigsticking or hoghuiiting. 8". 1889 Sport in war. s8">. 1900 see Begbie (H.) The story of B.-P., 1900. „ Neilly (.I.E.) Besieged with B.-P., 1900. Baden-Powell (Warington). Canoe travelling : cruise on the Baltic, and practical hints. s8". 1871 Bader (Mile. Clarisse). Le cte. de Chambrun : ses etudes polit. et litt. 8". 1889 La femme romaine. 8°. 1877 Badger, Detached, ps., see Halford (F. M.) Badger (Geo. Percy). Eng.-Arabic lexicon. 4>. 1881 The Nestorians & their rituals ; w. mission to Mesopotamia & Coordistan, 1842-4, & visit 1850. 2v. 8". 1852 ."ce Salil ibn PiUZAiK. Hist, of the Imams <$r Seyyids of 'Oman. tr. etc., 1871. Badger (Henry C.) The humble conqueror: disc, commem. of Lincoln. [P222] 8". Boston. 1865 Badham (Charles), D.D. Adhortatio ad juventutem academi- \ cam Kydneiensem. [P243]. 8". Sydneiai. 1869 Badham (Charles), lf..4., vicar of All Saints', Siidbury. Life of ,T. D. Hume. s8°. 1859 j Badham (Charles David). Esculent funguses of England. i 80. 1847 I Insect life. s8<'. E. 1845 i Badham (F. P.) The formation of the Gospels. s8». 1891 I Badiale (Griacomo). L'Elmira, overo Non k sposo perehe k padre. [P83li. s8<>. Napoli. n.d. [c. 1715-20] II finto Don Luigi, overo L'onore difeso dall' amore. [P804]. S8". Napoli. 1719 Badia-y-Leyblich (Domingo) [ps. Ali, Bey, El Abbassi]. Voyages d'.\. B. en Afrique & en Asie, 1803-7. 3t. 8». 1814 „ Explic.des planches, eomp. I'Atlas des voy". d'A. B. obi. fol. Badiley {Vke-Admiral Richard), sec Spalding (T. A.) Life of B., 1899. Badin (Adolphe). Jean Bart. s8''. 1867 6' ii. s8o. 1888 Petits cot^s d'un gi'and drame. sS". 1882 Archery. By C. J. Longman, Col. H. Walrond, etc. 1894 Athletics & Football. By M. Shearman. ' 1887 Bandy, see Skating, etc. Big Game Shooting. By C. PhiUipps-WoUey,etc. 2v."l894 1, Africa, America. 2, Europe, Asia, Arctic Regions. Billiards. By Major W. Broad- foot, w. contrib''. by o. authori- ties. " 1896 „ „ n. ed. 1897 Boating. By W. B. Woodgate. 1888 Boxing, see Fencing, Boxing, etc. Coursing & Falconry. Coursing, by Harding Cox — Falconry, by Hon. Gerald Lascelles. 1892 Cricket. By A. G. Steel & Hon. H. H. Lyttelton. 1888 Curling, see Skating, etc. Cycling. By the Earl of Albe- marle it G. Lacy HiUier. 1887 „ „ n. ed. 1895 Dancing. By Mrs. L. Grove, & o. writers. 1895 Driving. By the Duke of Beau- fort. 1889 Falconry, see Coursing & Fal- conry. Fencing, Boxing, & Wrestling. [Fencing, by W. H. Pollock, F. C. Grove, & C. Prevost ; Boxing, by E. B. Michell; [ Wrestling, by W. Aiinstrong. App*.,Bibliotheca artis dimica- torise, by Egerton Castle]. 1889 „ 4«i> ed. 1H97 Fishing. By H. Cholmondeley- PenneU. 2v. 1883 1, Salmon tt trout. 2, Pike & o. coarse fish. Fishing, see Sea Fishing. Fives, see Tennis, etc. Football, see Athletics & Foot- ball. Golf. By Horace Hutchinson, Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, A. Lang etc. 1890 „ 6"> ed. 1898 Bade Aureo (Joannes de), sec TJpion (N.) De studio mUit. ; I. de B. A. tract, de armis, 1654. Badon (Edmond). Gingines, on, Lyon en 1793. 3t. s8". Brux. 1847 Badrick (Frederick C.) The Spanish galleon. s8". 1889 Baecker (Louis de), see Backer (L. de). Baeda, see Bede {the Yen.) Baedeker (Carl). Austria, incl. Hungary, Transyl- vania, Dalmatia, Bosnia. 8"> ed. s8°. L. 1896 Eastern Alps (Tlie), incl. the Bavarian Highlands,the Tyrol, Salzkammergut, Styria, Ca- rinthia. P>'ei. s8<>. L. 1879 „ 7"' ed. s8». L. 1891 Belgium & Holland. o'i'ed. s8". L. 1878 „ 12"' ed. [The 12"' ed. has t.: B. & H., incls. Luxembourg]. sS". L. 1897 Canada ; w. Newfoundland, & an excursion to Alaska. sS". L. 1894 „ 2°'' ed. s8'^>. L. 1900 Egypt : pi, Lower E., w. the Favum, & Peninsula of Sinai. s8". L. 1878 „ 2>"i ed. s8". L. 1885 „ p2. Upper E., w. Nubia Hunting. By the Duke of Beau- fort & Mowbray MoitIs, etc. 2"'i ed. 1894 Ice-Sailing, see Skating, etc. Lawn Tennis, see Tennis, etc. Mountaineering. By C. T. Dent, W. M. Conwav, etc. 1892 „ „ ....".. 2°'i ed. 1892 Poetry (The) of Sport. Sel. & ed. H. Peek, etc. 1896 Polo, see Riding & Polo. Racing & Steeple-chasing. Ra- cing, by E. of Suffolk, & W. G. Cr.iven, w. contrib^. by Hon. F. Lawley. Steeple-chasing, by A. Coventry & A. E. T. Watson. 1886 Rackets, see Tenuis, etc. Riding & Polo. Riding, by Capt. R. Weir, etc. Polo, by J. Moray Brown. 1891 4* ed. 1899 Sea Fishing. By John Bicker- dyke, etc. 1895 Shooting. ByLordWalsiugham it Sir E. Payne-Gallwey, etc. 2v. 1886 Shooting, see Big Game Shoot- ing. Skating. By J. M. Heathcote & C. G. Tebbutt. Figure- skating, by T. M. Witham : w. contrib'. on Curling, Tobog- ganmg, Ice-Sailing, Bandy. 1892 Steeple-chasing, see Racing & Steeple-chasing. Swimming. By A. Smclair & W. Henry. 1893 Tennis, by J. M. Heathcote. Lawn Tennis, by C. G. Heath- cote, etc. Rackets, by E. O. P.-Bouverie. Fives, by A. C. Ainger. 1890 Tobogganing, see Skating, etc. Wrestling, see Fencing, Boxing, Wrestling. Yachting. By E. T. Pritchett, the Marq. of Duflerin, et«. etc. 2v. 1894 as far as 2'"' cataract & W. oases. 88°. L. 1892- Fbance. Le Nord de la France jusqu'a la Loire, excepte Paris. sS". L. 1884 Northern Frjince. 2°''ed. s8<>. L. 1894 „ 3"" ed. s8«. L. 1899 South-Eastern France, f. the Loire to the Ririera iS; the Italian frontier, incl. Corsica. 2"ed. s8". L. 1882 „ Sweden, & Denmark. O'lied. s8". 1893 „ 7"'ed. SB". 1899 Palestine & Syria. sS". L. 1876 2'«'ed. 88°. L. 1894 P.uiis & environs Iw. routes f. London]. 8"ied."s8o. L. 1884 „ 13"' ed. s8'>. L. 1898 Rhine. Les bords du Rhin. S" ed. s8". Coblenz. 1870 The Rhine. 12"' ed. s8». L. 1892 „ 13"' ed. b8". L. 1890 Tlie Rhine & N. Germany. 4"'ed. sS". Coblenz. 1870 Sp.ux & Portugal. 38". L. 1898 Sudbay'ern, Tirol u. Salzburg, Ober-Italieu. 6« A. sS". Coblenz. 185,5 „ 14«A. sH". Coblenz. 1870 Switzerland. La Suisse. Tr. C. F, Girard. 21'ed. 68°. Coblentz. 1854 Switzerland it adj. portions of Italy, Savoy, & the Tyrol. 4"'ed. 88". Coblenz. 1869 Switzerland 16'" ed. s8». L. 1895 1 United States, w. excurs. into i Mexico, sS", L, 1898 Bsehrensius (S\m.), si^e Bahrens (Emil). Baer (Costantino). Del presente valore dell' ore e dell' argento. [P254]. 8". Napoli. 1857 Baerle (Kasper van) [C. Barl^eds]. Poematum ed, nova, sS". Lugd. Bat. 1631 Poematum pars ii, Elegiarum et misc. carm, s8<>. Amstelodami. 1655 Rerura per octennium in Brasilia et alibi gest. sub prsefectura I. Mauritii hist. Cui ace. G. Pisonis tractatus [4]. sS". Clivis. 1660 sec Haktsoeker (C.) & P. v.»n Limbokch. Prajstant. vir. eplst. eceles. ; A. B. etc, ed, 2°, 1684. Baffin (William), Voyages, 1612-22. Notes etc, by C, K. Markhara. [Hakluyt See, 63]. 8°. 1881 *Bag Bahar, tr., 1878, see Garcin de Tassy (J. H.), tr. Bagatelle, ^)s., see Bagot (A. G.) Bagdad. *Description du pachalik de B., 1809, see RoussE.\n (J. B. L. J.) Bagdon (J. 0.), tr., etc. *The brigands of the Morea : captivity of S, Soteropoulos ; chiefly tr. 2v. [v/ wantinr/']. s8°, 1868 Bage (Robert), see Bhitish Novelists (The), v48, Man as he is not, by B,, n, ed,, 1820. Bagehot (Walter). Biographical studies. Ed. R. H. Hutton. 8". 1881 „ Ed. R. H. Hutton. 4"' imp. s8'\ 1899 Economic studies. Ed. R. H. Hutton. 8". 1880 „ 2o"'ed. 38". 1873 „ „ 8"' ed. 88". 1887 Works ; w. mem. by R. H. Hutton. Ed. P. Morgan. 5v. 8". Hartford, U.S. 1891 Bagot (C. H.) Bagot (Dosia). Baggesen (F. L. August Haller v.) Der diinische Staat, geograph, u, statistisch dargestellt, 2B in 1. 8», Kopenhagen. 1845-7 Baggesen (Jens I,) Vasrker, 8B in 4, s8", 1882 Bagot (A, G.) [ps. Bagatelle]. Shooting and yachting in the Mediterranean. aS", 1887 Bagot (Alan). Civil engineering as applied to agriculture. s.S». 188.T National importance of emigration. [P83]. 8". 1863 Shadows of the war. Ia8". 1900 Bagot (Sichard). The casting of nets. .s8". 1901 A Roman mystery. s8". 1899 Bagot (Hon. Richard), up. of {/) O.cford, (.') Bath ig Wells, sec GooDE (W.M.) Difficulties in late charge of bp. of 0., 2"" ed., 1842. Bagreeff-Speranski {Mme.) [tBAGRSEVA (Elizaveta)], sec Dcket (V.) Uu portrait russe : I'oeuvre & " Le livre d'une femme " de Mme. B.-S., 1867. Bagshaw (Christopher), see Law (T. G.) Conflicts betw. .Jesuits .t Seculars in r. of Eliz. ; w. repr. of B.'s " True relation of the faction begun at Wisbech," 1889. Bagshawe (Edward G.), R.C. bp. of Nottingham. The monstrous evils of Eng. rule in Ireland. [P389, 552, 579, 778]. 8". Nottingham, 1886 Bagshawe (John B.) The Church : what do Anglicans mean by ■' The Church " ? s8». 1890 Bagster (Samuel), i/i<; elder, 2niblisJier, see Bibi^e. Bible (The) of every land, Baijster £ Sons, 1848. Baguenault de Puchesse (Fernand). L'immortalite. la mort et la vie. 8". 1864 Baguenault de Puchesse (Gustavo). Jean de Morvillier, eveque d'Orlians : la politique franv-. au 16° s. 2' ed. s8". 1870 Bagwell (Richard). Ireland under the Tudors ; w. ace. of earlier hist. ^ 3v, 8". 1885-90 Bahader (Abu'l Ghazi), see Abu Al GH.i.zi, Bahddiir. *Bahar-Danush, tr., sec "Inayat Allah, *Baharistan (The), see .Lim. Bahlmann (Paul), Jesuiten-Dramen d, uiederrhein. Ordens- provinz. [Beihefte z. Cent, fin- Bibl., 15]. 8'. L. 1896 Bahlow (Ferd.) Lathers Stellung z. Philosophic. [P664]. 8°. 1891 Bahr (C. Christian W. F.) Der salomonische Tempel. 8». Karlsruhe. 1848 Symholik d. mosaischen Cultus. 2B. 8". Heidelberg. 1837-9 Bahr (Carl J. G. F.) Gespriiche u. Briefwechsel mit Schopen- hauer. Hrsg. v. Ii, Schemann. [P585:, 8", 1894 Bahr (Hermann). Der Franzl. 3' A. s8". 1901 Die gute Schule. s8'. 1890 Renaissance : neue Studieu zur Kritik der Moderne, sS", 1897 Bahr (Joh, Christian Felix). Gesch, d, rom. Lit, 2" A, 8°, Carlsruhe. 1832 „ „ Supplem,-Bd., DiechristL-rom, Lit. 3A in Iv. 8". Carlsruhe. 1836- 40 1. Die christl. Dichter u. Geschichtsschreiber Kouis. 2. Die christl. -rom. Theologie ; nebst Anhang ii. d. Eeohts- quellen. 3. Gesch. d. rom. Lit. im karoling. Zeitalter. Bahrdt (Carl Fr.) Gesch, s, Lebens, s, Meinungen u. Schicksale. 4T in 2v. sS". 1790-1 Gesch. u. Tagebuch meines Gefangnisses. s8". 1790 Bahrens (Emil) [B.ehrexsius], XII panegyrici Latini. Eec. JEm. B, b8°, L, 1874 Fragmenta poetarum Romanorum, Coll, & emend. Mm. B. s8', L, 1886 Fiec, & emend, ^Em, B, 5v. s8», L, 1879-83 Bunsen's Bibelwerk. Ia8". L, 1861 S". 1849 Poette Latini minores. Bahring (Bernhard). Thomas von Kempen. Baiazeth, set' Bajazet. Baierische Landbot (Der). 12 Hft. in 48. s8°. Miinchen. 1791 Baiern. *Geographisches statist.-topogi'aph. Lexikon v. Baieni. 1796, see Melchinoek (.J. W.) *Geschiehte von Baiern, fiir die Jugend etc. [Baier. Akad. d, Wis.senschafteu], 2B, 88°. Miinchen. 1785 Baiern (Jacobaa von) [.Iakobine von Baiern], see Jacoi;a, countess etc. Baif (Jan Antoine de) [Baieils]. Envies eu rime de B. Notice biograph. it notes par C. Marty-La veaux. [P16iade Fr.l. 5t. s8". 1881-90 BAIF 80 BAILLON Baif (Lazare de) [Bavkius]. De re navali. s8\ Lugduni. 1537 sec l'iNvi:i!T (L.) li. (14y()?-1547), 1000. Baigent (Francis Joseph) & J. E. Millard. Hist, of Basing- stoke ; w. the siege of Basing House, 1G4.S-5. 8°. Basing.stoke. 1889 & C. J. Russell. Manual of heraldry A of heraldic illumi- nation. 8". 1864 Baikie ("Wm. Balfour). Exploring voyage up the Kwora & Bi'nue (Niger and Tsadda), 1854. 8°. 1856 Baikov (Feeder Isakovitch). Voyage to China, sec Chuhchill, Voyages, v2. Bail, see also Bale, Bayle, Bei-le. Bail (Louis). SummaconciliorumomDimu. 21. to!. Patavii. 1701 Baildon, see also Bayldon. Baildon (Henry Bellyse). The spirit of nature. 8». 1880 K. L. Stevenson. s8». 1901 Baildon ("William Paley) ed. Notes on the religious & secular houses of Yorkshire, f. the Public Records, vl, [i» 2^>'0(l- York- shire Archa'olog. Soc., Record Ser., 17j. 8". 1895 Bailey, sec also Baillie, Bailly, Baylee, Bayley, B.^yly. Bailey (Henry) Qis. Bui.a N'zau]. Travel etc. in Congo Free State, and its big game shooting. H". 1894 Bailey (J. M.) [" The Danbury News Man "J. England from a back window. s8". 1881 Bailey (Jacob Whitman). Microscopical exam, of soundings made by the U.S. Coast Survey. [S. C. to Knowledge, 2]. 4". 1851 Microscopical obs". in S. Carolina etc. [S. C. to Knowledge. 2]. 4". 1851 New species and localities of microscopical organism. [S. C. to Knowledge, 7]. 4". 1848 Bailey (James), A.M., of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Hierogly- phorum origo etc. [b.iv. Muss Cantabrigienses. 1810J. 8". C. 1816 Bailey (James Blake) ed., etc. The diary of a Resurrectionist, 1811-12 ; added, aoc. of the Resurrection Men etc. s8". 1896 Bailey (John Burn). From sinner to saint ; cliaracter transfor- mations. s8". 1892 Modern Methuselahs, etc. laS". 1888 Bailey (John Eglington) ed. Inventories of goods in churches tt chapels of Lancashire, taken 1552. 2p, [pagin. cant. Chetham Soc, 107, 113]. s4". 1879-88 1. Salford Hundred. 2. West Derby, Blackburn, & Leyland Hundreds. Life of T. Fuller, D,D. 8'>. 1874 Bailey (John M.) The book of ensilage. Fanner's cd. Bailey (L, H.) The principles of agriculture. Ia8' N.Y. 1881 Ed. B. s8" . N.Y. 1898 s8" N.Y. 1897 sS" N.Y. 1901 s8« N.Y. 1896 The principles of fruit-growing. The principles of vegetable-gardening. The survival of the unlike. Bailey (Miss Nancy), see Times (The). T., 1899 etc. Bailey (Nathan) [o>- Nathaniel B. ?]. more compleat univ. etymolog, Eng, The mathemat. pt. by G. Gordon, the botan. by P. Miller. The whole rev. by N. B. ' fol. 1730 Eng. dialect words of 18"" c. as shown in the '• Univ. etymolog. diet." of B. Ed., w. intr., by W. E. A. Axon. [Eng. Dialect *Bailey's index to the Diet. Britannicum : a diet, than anv extant. Soc, 41]. Bailey (Philip James). Tlie age. s8". 1858 The angel world, & o. p. sS". 1850 *Causa Britannica : w. Eng. para- phrase. [P378]. 8". Hfracorabe. [1883 ?] Bailey (Samuel), of Sheffield. Disc', on various subjects. 80. 1852 •Dissertation on value. sS". 1825 *Es3ays on formation & publica- tion of opinions. 2"'' ed. 8". 1826 „ , S"led. sS". 1837 'Essays on the pursuit of trutb etc. 8". 1829 'Letter to a pol. economist on value [b.w.h. Diss, on value, 1825]. s8». 182B "Letters of an Egyptian Kafir on a visit to England in search of a religion, 8", 1839 8". 1883 Pestua. 2n. 1900 Baillie Hamilton (W. A.), sec Hamilton (W. A. B.) Baillie Reynolds (Mrs. L.) [G, M. Robins], sec Robins (G. M.) [Mrs. L. B. Rf.ynolds], Bailliere (F. F.), publ., see New South Wales. Bailliere's N.S.W. gazetteer, 1866. Baillon (le etc. Charles de). Henriette-Anne d'Angleterre, sa vie et sa eorr. avec Ch. II. 8". 1886 Henriette-Marie, reine d'Angleterre. 8". 1877 „ 2«M. s8". 1884 Lord Walpole a la cour de France (1723-30). s8°. 1867 Gaddings with a primitive people. 2v. 680. 1878 Sport in the Alps. Ia8". 1896 Tyrol & the Tvrolese. s8°. 1876 BAILLON 81 BAKER Baillon (Henri). Diet, dc botanique ; par B., avec collab. 4t. 4". 1876-92 Bailly, see also Baii.ey, Baillie, Baylke. Bailly ( ). *Hist. sacra et profana, usque ad Constantinuin M., auet. D.R.B. 2p in Iv. fol. Arastelodanii, 1669 Bailly (Mme. Emma) ' ps. Claiee de Chandeneux], see Chan- riENEUx (Ceaiiuc hi:) ps. Bailly (Jean Sylvain). Hist, de I'astronomie anc. 2' ed. 4". 1781 Hist, de Tastronomie moderne, jusqu'a 1730. 3t. u. ^d. 4". 1785 Lettres sur I'Atlantide de Platon, et sur I'anc. hist, de I'Asie : suite aux L". sur I'orif,'. des sciences. 8". Londres. 1779 Lettres sur I'orig. des sciences, et aur celle des peoples de I'Asie. 8". Londres. 1777 Mi-moires. 3t. 80. 1821-22 Bailly (Louis), theologian. Theologia dogmatica et moralis. 8t. s8". Divione. 1789 Baily (Francis). Ace. of Flamsteed ; added, his Cat. of Stars. 4". 183.5 Baily (Walter). Proportional representation in large constitu- encies. [P260]. 8". 1872 Scheme lor proportional representation. [P260]. 8". 1869 Bain, sec also Bayxe, Macbaik. Bain (Alexander). Companion to higher Eng. gnimmav. 2."'^ ed. 98", 1877 Education as a science. 98^, 1870 „ „ ... 8"> ed. s8". 1892 The emotions & tlie will. 8". 1859 „ „ ... 2'"' ed. 8". 186.5 , S"' ed. 8". 1880 Eng. compoBition & rhetoric. s8". 1866 An English grammar. s8". 1868 Higher Eng. grammar. n. ed. s8". 188J James Mill : a biogJ. s8". 1882 John Stuart Mill ; a criticism, w. pers. recoils. sS*^. 1882 Bain (Alexander), electrician clocks. Bain (Ebenezer). Merchant < Aberdeen incorporated trades. Bain (F. W.) Body & soul, or tlie method of economy. 8". 1894 Cliri9tina,Q. of Sweden. sS". 1890 A digit of tlie moon ; a Hindoo love story, tr. f. MS. by B. Ia8». 1899 TJie work is a 'part of the Logic, 2p : pi. Deduction ; p2, Induction. sS". 1870 Mental & moral science. s8". 1868 „ „ ... 3''' ed. 58". 1884 Mind & body. 2"'' ed. sS". 1873 „ „ ... 3'''' ed. s8». 1874 On teaching Englisli, etc. 88". 1887 On the applications of science to health etc. ('P5!)7]. S". 1848 Practical essays. 88". 1884 The senses & the intellect. 80. 1855 4"' ed. 8". 1894 Study of character. 8". 1861 Short hist, of the electric [P290]. 8". 1852 craft guilds : a hist, of the 8". Aberdeen. 1887 Dmitri. sS". 1890 On the principle of wealth creation. 8°. 1892 On the realisation of the possible, ifc the spirit of Aristotle. 8". 1899 Treachery. s8". 1891 Sausara-sagara-mantlianam. Bain (Joseph). The Stirlings of Craigbernard & Glorat, some leaves of Lennox history, etc. Bain (E. Nisbet). Charles Xll, A: the collapse of the Swedish empire, 1682- 1719. s8". N.Y. 1895 The daughter of Peter the Gt. : Russian diplomacy it the Court under Ehzabeth, 1741- 62. 8". 1899 Bain (Robert), of Dingwall. Eoss. s4". E. p. p. 1883 Gustavus III and his contempt., 1746-92. 2v. 8». 1894 H. C. Audersen, a biog-'. 8". 1895 The pupils of Peter the Gt., 1697-1740. 8". 1897 Hist, of the ancient province of 8". Dingwall. 1899 Bainbridge (cardinal Christopher). Liber pontificalis C. Bain- bridge, aep. Eboracensis. [Surtees Soc, 61]. 8". Durham. 1875 Baines, see . 1886 Modern Greece ; travels etc. s8". N.Y. 1856 T. Beza, 1519-1605. 38". N.Y. 1899 Baird (Robert), D.D., of New Yorh. Impressions etc. of the W. Indies & N. America, 1849. 2v. s8". E. 1850 Religion in the U.S. 8". Glasgow. 1844 Baird (William). F. S. A. Scot. Gen. Wauehope. s8". E. 1900 Baird (William), M.D. Nat. hist, of Brit. Entomostraca. [Ray Soc] 8". 1850 Student's nat. hist. s8°. 1863 Baireuth (Die Markgrafin v.) JtFitEDEKiCA Sophia Wilhelmdja [0/ Prussia], consoii of Frederick William, margrave of Brandenburg-Baireuth]. Memoires. 2t. 8». Brunswick. 1812 „ 2t in 1. n. ed. 8". Brunswick. 1845 Memoirs. Tr. Princess Christian. 80. 1887 For another tr., see Autobiography, v20, 21, B., 1826-33 sec Horn (G.) Die Markgriifin v. B. u. Voltaire, 1865. ,; The M. of B. * Voltaire, tr., 1888. Baissac (Charles). Le folk-lore de I'lle-Maurice (texte creole et tr.) s8'>. 1888 Baissac (Jules). De I'origine des denominations ethniques dans la race aryane. [P456]. 8°. 1867 Baissac (Leon) [^w. Leon Deluzy]. La Russie, s. peuple, s. avrnde. 8". 1860 Baital-Pachisi. [Buetat, Puoheesi-.e ; Bytal-Pacheesee ; Bytal- PucHisi]. *B.P., Oder die 25 Erziihlungen eines Diimon. [Bibl. oriental. Erzahlungen in deutscher Bearbtg., mit Einltg. etc. von H. Osterley, 1]. s8». L. 1873 see Burton {Sir R. F.) Vikram & the vampire, adapted [/. the B. P.] by B., 1870. Baius (Michael), see Bay (Michael de). Bajazet II, saltan of the Turks. [Bal\zeth ; Bajesid ; Bayeceto ; Iliirimius Ottomanus]. sec Lonicerds (P.) Chron. Turcic. ; ace. narr. de Baiazethis filiorum seditionibus, 1578. Bajovar (Joseph). Fleurs des Alpes ; episode de la vie du roi Louis II de Bavi^re. s8". Lausanne. 1888 Bake (E. W. J. C. De Menthon). Disp. de deliberationibus, super provinc. Belgic. Hispanite, a J. de Witt cum Francia habitis. [P559]. 8". Lugd. Bat. 1834 Baker MSS., see Baker (Thomas). Baker (Anne Eliz.) Glossary of Northamptonshire words * phrases ; added, customs of the county. 2v. s8". 1854 Baker (Arthur) ed. "New Moral World" series: 2, Shakers * Shakerism. [P63.5]. 8'. 1896 Baker (Barwick Lloyd). see HoLTZEXiioREF (F. v.) Ein engl. Landsquire, 1877. ,, An Eng. country-squire at Hardwicke Court, tr., 1878. Baker (David Erskine). Biographia Draraatioa ; mem", of dram, writers & actors, etc. To 1764 by B., cont. to 1782 by I. Reed, to 1811 by S. Jones. 3v in 4 [1 i, ii]. 8". 1812 Baker (Eden). Preliminary tactics. sS". 1892 Baker (Edw. B.) Sport in'Bengal. laS». 1887 Baker (F. Grenfell). The model republic : hist, of the Swiss people. 8". 1895 Baker (Frank), D. O. X., ;w., see Burton {Sir R. F.) Baker (Geoffrey),. /?. I.JoO, chronicler. [Walter, of Su-inborn ; Walter, of Su'inbrokc; jLe B.ikek (Galfbidus)]. Chronicon. Ed. w. notes, E. M. Thompson. 4". 0. 1889 Chronicon Angli« temp. Ed. H & III. Ed. J. A. Giles. [Caxton Soc.]. 8". 1847 G BAKER 82 BALDI 2v. s8". 1871 1576-1888. 2v. 88°. 1889 2v. 8". 1878 sS". 1899 r in Europe. 8". 1877 Baker (Geoffrey) [continved?i. see Stcbbr (William) ed. Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I Si II, 1882-3. Baker (George) of Xorthampton. Hist. & antiq'. of the Co. of Northampton. \1, 2, [no more publ.]. lot 1822-41 Baker (Henry), F.R.S. Tlie microscope made easy. 3'" ed. 8". 1744 Baker (Henry Barton). French society f. the Fronde to the Eevol. The London Stage, its hist, etc., Om- old actors. Stories of the streets of London. Baker (James), Lt.-Col. Baker {3a,mes), of Clifton. Bristol. By the western sea. s8". 1889 A forgotten great Englishman : Peter Payne, the Wycliffite. s8". 1894 Our foreign competitors ; their life & labour. s8». 1892 Pictures from Bohemia. Ia8". n.cl. Baker (John), Solicitor-Gen. to tlie Leeward I'., see *Lettek toa friend on his having thoughts of marrying a Catholick [on tlie tp. of loh. is written " bij J. B. etc."]. 1762. Baker'(John F.) The Federal Constitution. s8". N.Y. 1887 Baker (John Gilbert), see Hookek (Sir W. J.) & B., Synopsis Filicum, 2"'' ed., 1874. Baker (Joseph Brogden). Hist, of Scarborough. 8". 1882 Baker (Josephine R.) Tom's heathen. s8". 1880 Baker (.Vcs. L. A.) [ ps., Alien], see Alien, jm. Baker (Oliver). Ludlow town iS neighbourhood. 2'"' ed. 8". 1889 Baker (.Sir Richard). Chrou. of the kings of Eng. unto the r. of Charles [I]. 4p in Iv. [Tp. lost ; each p. has sep. jiarjin.] 4". 1643 C. of the k'. of E. to death of James [I]. Added, the r. of Ch. I, & first 13 years of Ch. II. 7"' imp. fol. 1679 C. of the ks of E., etc. With cont. to 1660, by E. Phillips [d-] 2"^ cont., cents, the i-s.of Ch. II-Geo. I, by an impartial hand. fol. 1733 see Blocxt (T.) Animadv. upon B.'s Chronicle etc., 1672. Baker (Robert), grammnrian. Remarks on the Eng. language iu the manner of Vaugelas. 2"'' ed. 8". 1779 Baker (Sir Samuel White). The Albert N'yaiiza, & explora' tious of the Nile sources. 2v. %'\ » „ 2v. 98". Cast up by the sea. n. ed. s8", Cyprus as I saw it in 1879, 8". Eight years in Ceylon. n. ed. s8". 1874 Israail'fa; esped. to C. Africa for Baker {Sir Sherston), bart. Coast. 1866 1867 1890 1879 suppression of slave trade. 2v. 8". 1874 The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, etc. S". 1867 Rifle & hound in Ceylon. 8". 1854 True tales for my grandsons. b8'\ 1883 Wild beasts & their ways. i 2v. 8". 1890 j „ „ s8». 1890 j see Murray (T. D.) & A. Silva White, B., a mem., 1895. The office of Vice-admiral of the [P385] s4». p.p. 1884 sec Halleck (H. W.) International law, rev. by B., 1878. Baker (T. Barwick Lloyd). " War with crime " : repr. papers. Ed. H. Phillips & E. Verney. 8". 18H9 Baker (T. H.) Records of the seasons, prices of agricult. produce, etc. S80. [1883] Baker (Thomas), civil engineer. Elements of mechanism. s8o. 1852 Land * engineering surveying. s8». 1850 Statics & dynamics etc. sS". 1851 Baker (Thomas), of St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Hist, of the Coll. of St. John, Cambridge. Ed. J. E. B. Mayor. *Eeflections upon learning. 2v. 8". C. 1869 3"" ed. s8". 1700 6"'ed. 8". 1727 Index to the Baker MSS. [both in London and Cambridge] ; by 4 members of the Cambridge Antiq. Soc. 8". C. 1848 see Fisher (card. J.) Fvmeral sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond ,s. Alfred). Richard Dare. 2v. s8". 1894 The shadow on the blind, & o. ghost s. s8". 1895 The story of a marriage. n. ed. s8". 1895 Where town it country meet. s8». 1891 Baldwin (James). The book-lover : guide to the best reading. 4"' ed. s8». Chicago. 1886 s8». 1893 Story of Siegfried. s8°. [1882] Baldwin (James Mark) ed., Dictionary of philosophy & psychology. Written by many hands. vl [ill prog.'} laS". N.Y. 1901 Mental development in the child it the race. 8". N.Y. 1895 The story of the mind. s8°. 1899 Social it ethical interpretations in mental development. 8". N.Y. 1897 Baldwin (John Denison). Ancient America. s8". 1872 I're-historic nations etc. sS". 1869 Baldwin (Joseph). Elementary psychology & education. s8». N.Y. 1891 Baldwin (William), attmiiey, see Knapp (A.) ttB. The Newgate Calendar, 1824-8. Baldwin (Wm. Charles). African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, 1852-60. 8". 1863 Bale [s-iLrnanu;], sec also B.ul, Bayle, Beyle. Bale, Sivit^crlaiid, see Basel. Bale (John), bp. of Ossory. Illustrium Maioris Brit, scriptorum, h.e., .\jigli;e, CambriiE, ao ScotiiB summarium. S4". Gippeswici per I. Overton. 1548 „ „ [another ed. w. <.] ; Scriptorum illus- triii maioris Brytannie catalogus usque ad annu hunc 1557. ' 2p. fol. Basileffi. [1557-59] Kynge Johan : play. Ed. J. P. Collier. [Camden Soc, 2]. s4». 1838 Select works. [Parker Soc. 36]. 8". C. 1849 Baleicourt, ps., see Hugo (L. C.) Balestier (Wolcott), see Ko'ling (R.) & B. The Naulahka, 1892. Baletta (I. N.) 'ETrio-roXi^aia Siarpi^r], Kara rwv K^yovrwv, on eVfOTjTc'op errri 7rp6 Tov Q' &p9pou TOV 2u,U(8(iAou ttJf TTItTTCtCS rb prifj.a " Tnirrepu)." 8". 1871 Balfe (Michael William), see Kenney (C. L.) Mem. of B., 1875. Balfour, see also Belfouk. Balfour (Alice Blanche). Twelve hundred miles in a waggon. 8". 1895 Balfour (Andrew). By stroke of sword. s8". 1897 To arms. Passages f. the early life of Allan Oliphant. s8". 1898 Balfour (Rt. Hon. Arthur James). A defence of philosophic doubt. 8". 1879 Essays & addresses. 2"'' ed. s8". 1893 Foundations of belief. 8". 1895 2°ii ed. 8". 1895 „ a^^ ed., revd., w. new intr. etc. 8". 1901 Industries & intemat. bimetal- lism, & o. addresses. [PC16]. 8". 1892 Balfour (,PU. Hon. Arthur James) [continued]. see Badminton Lib. : Golf, by H. Hutchinson, B. etc., 1890. „ Beesly (E. S.) Positivism before the Church Con- gress ; reply to B., 1889. , Cecil (H. M.) Pseudo- philosophy at end of 19th c. ; 1, B. etc., 1897. Balfour (Ladii Betty) i L<«/(/ Eliz. Edith Lvtton, eldest d. of I'' earl of Jji/lton ; aft. wife of Rt. Hon. Gerald W. Balfour]. Hist, of Lord Lytton's Indian administration, 1876-80. 8". 1899 Balfour (Ladii Blanche M. H.), wife of J. il. Balfour ; it d. of J'"' iihirij. nf Sniisbiirji, see Roisektson (Ja.) Lady B., 1897. Balfour (.Vr.s. Clara Lucas). Sketches of Eng. lit. s8". 1853 Balfour (Francis Maitland). Comparative embryology. 2v. 8". 1880-1 Development of elasmobranch fishes. 8". 1878 see FosTEii (M.) it B. Elem. of embryology, 1874. Balfour (Frederic Henry). Leaves from my Chinese scrapbook. 8". 1887 Taoist texts, ethical, polit., it speculative. Ed. F. H. B. Ia8'. 1885 Waifs & strays from the Far East : essays rel. to China. Ia8'. 1870 Balfour (G-eorge), C.B. Budgets & accounts of Eng. '. 1898 2, The Central Alps. n. ed. sS". 1866 „ „ ... n. ed. sS". 1876 Ball (John), priest, see An atlas of astronomy. s4". 1892 The cause of an ice age. S8". 1891 Dynamics it mod. geometry : a new cbapt. in the tlieory of screws. [R. I. A. ~ M. 4.' Cunningham 4". D. 1887 Elementary lessons on applied mechanics. •')"' ed. s8». [1891]. Elements of astronomy. 58". 1880 Experimental mechanics. 2'>'i ed. s8". 1888 Great astronomers. sS". 1895 In starry realms. 8". 1892 G 2 BALL m BALSAMO Ball {Sir Robert Stawell) [continued]. In the high heavens. s8". 1893 Star-land ; talks w. young people about the heavens. sS". 188!) Tlie story of the heavens. 8". 1885 „ ... 2"*'' ed., ed. B., 188li. Comparison of Establ. & Dissentinf; 2'"' ed. 8'. E. 1830 Ball (Samuel). Cultivationd-manufaetureoftea in China. 8". 1848 Ball (V.) Piaiiioncls. coal, * gold of India. _ 8". 1881 Jungle life in India ; journals of an Indian geologist. 8". 1880 Ball (Walter "Win. House). Mathemat. recreations & problems. s8". 1892 Short ace. of the hist, of mathematics. s8". 1888 Student's guide to the Bar. s8". 1878 Ball CWilliam Piatt). Are the effects of use and disuse inherited ? s8". 1890 Mrs. Besant's socialism. [P545]. s8°. n.d. *Ballad Book (The), 18G.5, see Ali,ixgh,\m (W.) ed. 'Ballad (The) of Reading Graol. By C. 3. 3. [by Oscar Wilde] [4"> ed.] 8". 1898 Ballad poetry (The) of Ireland, 5"- ed., 1845 ; 39"' ed., 186G, sec Duffy [Sir C. G.) ('. repr., 1872 •English (The) & Scotch pop. b*., 1882-98, sec Child F. J.) ed. "Gude (The) & godlie ballates" (repr. f. ed. 1578), 1868, see GuDE etc. *01d b»., hist, i- narrative, coll. by T. Evans, n, ed., 1810, .see Evans I Thomas) ed. •Original b'. by living authors, 1850, see Thompson (H.i ed. Scottish traditional versions of ancient b'., 1815, see Dixon (J. H.) ed. Ballagi (Aladar), Colliert. 2r. 8". 1887-90 Ballanche (Pierre Simon), ffiuvres. tl-6 [no more ap}'-]- S8". 1833 Ballantine (James). Life of D. Eoberts, E.A. 4". E. 1866 Ballantine (Wm.), serjeant-at-law. Some experiences of a barrister's life. 2v. 8°. 1882 The old world & the new. Cont, of "Exper." 8". 1884 *Ballantyne-humbug (The) handled, 1839, set- Lockh.aut (J. G.) Bailantyne ;i«6//.s/«»y./ir»(. Eelutation of misstatements etc., in Lockhart's Life of Scott resp. the Messrs. B. s8". 1838 Eeply to Lockhart's " The Ballantyne-humbug etc." [b.w. their Eefut., 1838]. 38". 1839 see LoeKH.\KT (J. G.) *The Ballantyne-humbug handled, 1839. Ballantyne (Archibald). Lord Carteret, a polit. biography, 1690-1763. 8°. 1887 Voltaire's visit to England, 1726-9. s8°. 1893 Ballantyne (James Robert). Bible for Pandits. First 3 ch. of Genesis commented, in Sanskr. & Eng., by B. 8". 1860 Xty. contrasted w. Hindu philosophy. Sanshr.ct Eng. 8". 18.59 Synopsis of science, Sanskrit & Eng., reconciled with the truths in the Nyaya Philosophy. 8". Mirzapore. 18-56 see Patanjali. The Mahiibhashya, vl, [no more publ.], 1855. Ballantyne (John), A. U.S. A. What is Pre-Eaphaelitism ? [P147]. 8". E. 1856 The lonely island. sS". [1880] The Norsemen in the West ; or, America before Columbus. 3'-^ ed. s8". 1877 The pirate city. sS". [1874] „ , 4"' ed. bB". 1878 Post haste. sS". 1880 Rivers of ice. 3''>' ed. sS". 1878 The settler & the savage. sS". [1877] Six months at the Cape. s8». [1878] Under the waves ; or, diving in deep waters. s8". 1,S80 Ballantyne (J^ev. John). Churches. Ballantyne (Robert Michael). The batterv iV tlie boiler. s8". 1883 The big otter. s8". 1887 Erling the Bold. sS". 1869 Figliting the flames. 68°. n.d. The floating light of the Goodwin Sands. s8". n.d. \ The giant of the north. sS". 1882 j The gorilla hunters. s8". 1888 ; Hudson's Bay : everyday life in the wilds. 2'"> ed. s8". E. 1848 j In the track of the troops. new ed. s8". 1879 ' The iron horse. ll'i> ed. s8». 1879 , The lifeboat. 19'i' ed. s8". 1880 Ballantyne (Thomas). Nett result of manhood suffrage & the ballot in U.S. : letters to E. Cobden. [P146]. s8". [18-)7^ Ballard (Adolphus), Chronicles of the Eoyal Borough of Woodstock, s8". 0. 1896 Ballard (Edward), M.D. On pain after food. 8". 1854 Ballard (Frank). The miracles of unbelief. 8". E. 1900 Ballard (George), of Magdalen Coll., Oxford. Mems. ofBiit. ladies, celebrated for their writings or skill in learned languages. arts, etc. 8". 1775 Ballard (Joseph), The Poor Fund etc., held in trust by t';e Old South Soc, Boston. 8". Boston. 1868 Ballard (Julia P.) Among the moths and butterflies. 8". 1890 Ballard (Robert). The solution of the Pyramid problem. 8». N.Y. 1882 Balle (A.) Unge Damer. s8°. Kristiania. 1887 Balleroy (la marquise de), see Baeth^lemy (Ic cte. E. de) ed., Les covrespondants de la m. de B., 1,883. Ballet (Gilbert), Le langage interieur et les diverses formes de I'aphasie. s8'. 1886 Ballet (Jules). La Guadeloupe; hist., flore, faune, geologic, commerce etc. tl in 3 : 1625-1715 [each jMrt having sep. pagin. The parts of tl are numbered : tl— tl-II — tl-H-III'' : t2,' 1715-74. In prog. 8°. Basse-Terre. 189416 Balleyguier (Eugene), dit E. Lotidun, see Loudun (Eugene). Ballhorn (Friedrlch). Alphabete oriental, u. occidental. Spraehen. 2' A. 8'. L. 1844 Ballin (Ada S.) The science of dress. s8". 1885 Ballingall (James). The mercantile navy improved. 8". 1832 Ballinger (John) ed., Cardiff : an illust. hdbk. 8". Cardiff. 1896 Ballot. *0n the b. etc., 3"' ed., 1830, see Mill (J.) *Testimony to the working of the ballot. Coll. by a committee. [P237, 730]. Ia8°. Hawick. 1,S71 Ballot Soc. Leaflets, etc., publ. by this Soc. are in P305 [c. /S5J-6]. The ballot in France. [P305]. 8'>. 1853 see Walker (.\.) The test of experience : working of the B. in the U.S., 1854. Ballot (Jules). Hist, de Pinsun-ection crStoise. Ia8". 1868 Ballou (Maturin Murray). sent. S8". Boston. 1S»5 Edge-tools of speech : striking passages, sei. by B. laS". Boston. L-j-se New Eldorado : Alaska. s8'>. Boston. 1889 The story of Malta. S8". Boston. 1893 Alaska. The new Eldorado, a summer journey to A. Tourist's ed., w. maps, [a re- print of New Eldorado 1889]. s8'i. Boston. 1891 Due North : Scand>-'. A' Russia. s8". Boston. 1887 Due South : Cuba past & jjre- Ballymote, booh of, see MacCarthy (B.) The Codex Palat. Vaticanus, 1892.' Balmaceda (Jose M.), president of Chile, see Montt (P.) The illegal acts of B. wh. caused the civil war, 1891. Balmat (Jacques), sec 0.xley (T. L.) B., or the first ascent of Mont Blanc, 1881. Balme (Joshua Rhodes). Synopsis of the American war. 4"' ed. s8°. 1866 Balmez (Jaime Luciano) [J. B.u.mes]. Fundamental philosophy. Tr. H. F. Brownson. 2v. 8o. N.Y. 1856 PhUosophie fondamentale ; tr. par Manec. 3t. s8°. 18.52 Protestantism it Catholicity in their effects on the civilisation of Europe. Tr. C. J. Hanford * E. Kershaw. 8°. 1849 Balsamo (Giuseppe), calling himself count Alcssandro Cagliostro, see C.\gliostro. BALSAMON 85 BALZAC Balsamon (Theodorus), patriarch of Anfiocli. sec MiGNE (J. p.) ccl, Pat. graca, 1137. 138, T. B., 18t;5. Balscopo (Gio. Batt.) ps., sec Thottku (.1.) Travels in Phrenologasto, 1829. Baltet (Ch.) Grafting & budding. s8". 1873 Baltic, i'or (iiion. u'orks iit, Gcrnuin. sec B.iltisciien. Letters £. the sliores of the B., 1844, see E.\stl.\ke [Ladij). *A residence on the shores of the B., 1841, see E.vsTL.UiE (Lady). Baltic Provinces, sec Ostsee-Peovinzen. Baltimore (Frederick Calvert, 7"' baron). Tour to the East, i7<;3-4, etc. sS". 1767 Baltischen, sec *FOxfzig J.^hue russ. Verwaltung in d. b. Provinzen, 1883. Baltus (Jean Franjois). *Defense des SS. Peres accusez de Platonisme. 4». 1711 *.rugemeut des SS. Peres sur la morale de la philosoxihie payenne. -l". Strasbourg. 1719 Baltzer (Kichardy. Theorie u. Anwendung d. Deterininanteu. ■d' A. 8". L. 1870 Baluchistan. The Baluchistan Code coutg. the local enact- ments in force, w. chronolog. tables it index. [2"'' ed. Govt. of India, Legisl. Dept.]. laS". Calcutta. 1000 Balue (Jean), cardinal iVAiujers [/ J.'/ .'-y;], set' Foeoeot (H.) •J. B., 1895. Baluffe (Auguste). Moliere inconnu, sa vie. tl. s« '. 1886 Baluze (Etienne) [Stephanus Baluzius]. Capitularia reguni Francorum. .\dd. sunt Jlarculfi monachi '^t aliorum f.trmulie vetcres, et Notte doetiss. vir. 2t. fol. Parisiis. 1677 i C< lucilia Galliie Narbonensis. S. B. coll., notisq. illust. ' s8". Parisiis. 16()8 Judicium aquje frigidaa [et] ualidie. Formulae exorcis- morum, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t4. i Balwhidder {Rec Micah) jIjs., see Galt (.J.) Baly (Wm.), M.D., ctW. S. Kirkes. Physiology of motion etc.; suppl. to MiUler, -Elem. of Physiology." 8". 1848 Balzac (H. de). Lex Salica, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, 14. Miscellanea novo ordine digesta et aucta op. J. D. Mansi. 4t. fol. LuciB. 1761-64 Nova coUectio Conciliorum [tl, 710 )nore pitht.\ ed. B. fol. Parisiis. 1707 Vitie Paparum .Ivenioniensiura, 1305-94. 2t. 4". Parisiis. 1693 "Works. G^^uvres completes. 24t ed. definitive. 8". 1869-76 For small works not in this list consult the index to cl9 for the 30 Contes drola- tiques. o:l-l for the 'M headings of Physionomie & esquisses parisiennes, tt- for the 39 of Croquis & fantaisies. vJ:lfor the 2i headings o/Por- traits & critique litteraire. c'Si for the 37 Etudes liistor. it politiques. fidfor the ^6 Coutes & nou- velles, and the 15 Essais iinalytiques. Adieu. 16 Alljert Savarus. 2 Auberge (L') rouge. 16 .\ntre etude de femme. 4 Avant-propos. 1 Bal (Le) de Seeaux. 1 Beatrix. 3 Bourse (La). 1 Cabinet (Le) des antiques. 7 Catherine I Sur) de Medicis. Celibataires (Les). see Pierrette. 5 „ Cure de Tours. 6 „ Rabouilleusse (La). Chef -d'ceuvre(Le) inconnu. Chouaus (Les). 12 Colonel (Le! Chabert. 4 Comediens fLes) sans lesavoir. 11 Contes drolatiques. 19 Contes et nouvelles [26]. 20 Contrat (Le) de mariage. 4 Correspondance, 1819-50. 24 Cousin (Le) Pons, see Parents (Les) pauvres, ei). 2. 10 16 6 15 Cousine (La) Bette, see Parents (Les) pauvres, e]}. 1. 10 Croquis et fantaisies [39]. 21 Cure (Le) de Tours. 6 Cure (Le) de village. 14 Debut (Un) dans la vie. 2 Depute (Le) d'Arcis. 13 Deux (Les) poetes, sec Illusions perdues, ]}1. 7 Double famille (Une). 2 Drame au bord de la mer. 16 Elixir (L') de longue vie. 16 Employes (Les!. 11 Enfant I TV) maudit. 16 Envers (L') de I'hist. contem- poraine. 12 Episode (Un) sous la Terreur. 12 Essais analytiques [15]. 20 Etude de femme. 2 Etude (Autre) de femme. 4 Eludes histor.etpoUt. [37]. 23 Eugenie Grandet. 5 Facino Cane. I) *Faiseur (Le). 18 Fausse maitresse (La). 2 Femme abandounee (La). 3 Femme (La) de trente ans. 3 Fille(Une)d'Eve. 2 Gambara. 15 Gaudissart II. 11 Gobseck. o Grand homme (Un) de pro- vince a Paris, see Illusions perdues, p2. 7 Grenadiere (La). 3 Hist, de la grandeur et de la decadence de CesarBirotteau. 8 Hist, des treize. 8 Homme (Un) d'affaires. 11 Honorine. 3 Illusions perdues. 7 pi, Les deux poetes. Balzac (H. de) [continued}. p2, Un grand homme de province a Paris. Illustre (L') Gaudissart. C Interdiction (L*). 4 Jesus-Christ en Flandre. 15 Louis Lambert. 17 Lys (Le) dans la vallee. 5 Madame Firmiaui. 2 Maison (La) du chat qui pelote.l Maison Nucingen (La). 8 Maitre Cornehus. 16 Marana (Les). 16 *Maratre (La). 18 Massimilia Doni, 15 Medecin (Le) de campagne. 13 Melmoth reconcilie. 15 Memoires de deux jeunes mariees. 1 Message (Le). S Messe (La) de I'athee. 4 Modeste Mignon. 1 Muse (La) du departement. 6 Paix (La) du memvge. 2 *Pamela Giraud. 18 Parents (Les) pauvres. 10 Episode 1, La cousine Bette ; „ 2, Le cousin Pons. Parisiens (Les) en province, see Illustre (L') Gaudissart. 6 „ Muse du departement. 6 Passion (Une) dans le desert. 12 Paysaus (Les). 14 Peau (La) de chagrui. 15 Pere (Le) Goriot. 4 Petites miseres de la vie con- jugalc. 17 Petits (Les) bourgeois. 11 Peytel (Proces de), see Polemique judiciaire. 22 Physiologic du mariage. 17 Physionomie et esquisses parisieimes [26]. 21 Pierre Grassou. 9 Pierrette. 5 Polemique judiciaire : proces de Peytel. 22 Portraits et critique litteraire [24]. 22 Prince (Un) de la Bohcme. 11 Proscrits (Les). 16 Provinciaux (Les i a Paris, see Cabinet (Le) des antiques. 7 Rabouilleuse (La). 6 Recherche (La) de I'absolu. 15 Requisitionnaire (Le). 16 *Ressources (Les) de Quinola. 18 Sarrasine. 9 Secrets (Les) de lapriucessede Cadignan. 9 Seraphita. 17 Splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes. 9 Surville {Mnic. L.) Balzac, sa vie et ses ceuvres. 24 Tenebreuse (Une) affaire. Ursule Mirouet. a *Vautrin. 18 Vendetta ( La). 2 Verdugo (El). 16 Z. Marcas. 12 ffiuvres posthumes. tl. tres a I'etraugere.] Two or more works, Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu — Les Marana — Un drame au bord de la mer — L'auberge rouge — Maitre Cornelius. 38". 1891 Les Chouans, ou la Bretagne en 1799 — Une passion dans le desert. [" Scfen. d. 1. vie milit."] s8". 1859 Le colonel Chabert — Honorine — L'interdiction. s8". 1892 Le contrat de mariage— Le gre- uadifere— Gobseck. sS". 1892 "Un debut dans la vie — Mme. Firmiani — Le message — La messe de I'athee. 38". 1891 12 [1, Let- s''. 1899 Les employe's — Un prince de la Bohfime — Gaudissart II — Pierre Grassou. s8". 1892 L'enfant maudit — Gambara — Massimilia Doni. s8". 1892 L'envers de I'hist. contempo- raine— Z. Marcas. sS". 1892 La fausse maitresse — la paix du manage — Etude de femme — Autre e. de f. — La gi'ande Brett'che — Une double famille. s8". 1892 Une filled'teve— Albert Savarus. s8'J. 1891 L'illustre Gaudissart — La muse du departement. s8". 1892 Louis Lambert — Les proscrits — Adieu — Jj*i i-equisitionnaire — El Verdugo. s8'>. 1892 La maison du Chat-qui-pelote — Le bal de Seeaux —La Bourse —La vendetta. s8". 1891 La maison Nucingen — Les secrets de la pcesse. de Cadig- nan — Sarrazine — FacinoCane Un homme d'affaires — Les comediens sans le savoir. 88". 1892 Pierrette— Le cure de Tours. s8o. 1892 Seraphita — Jesus- Christ en Flandre — Mehnoth reconcilie — L'elixir de longue vie. s8». 1892 Une tenebreuse affaire — Un episode sous la Terreur. s8". 1892 Theatre complet. 2t. n. ed. s8". 1874 1, Vautrin — Les ressources de Quinola — Pamela Giraud. 2, La maratre— Mercadet. La vieille fiUe — Le cabinet des antiques. s8". 1892 Single works. Albert Savarus. s8". Brux. 1842 Balthazar Cla'es ; ou, La re- cherche de I'absolu. n. e'd. s8". 1839 Be'atrix. s8". 1892 Ce'sar Bii'otteau. n. e'd. s8". 1847 „ „ s8". 1891 Contes drolatiques. [111. by Dore.] S8". [1855] „ „ 2t. s8''. 1892 Correspondance, 1819-50. „ tl, 2. n. ed. sH". 1877 Le cousin Pons. s8». 1891 La cousine Bette. 3t in 1. sS". Brux. 1847 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1887 „ „ s8<'. 1891 „ „ s8». 1896 Le cure de village. sS". 1861 „ „ sS". 1891 Le danger des mystifications. s8". Brux. 1842 Le depute' d'Arcis. 2t. s8». 1892 La deririere incarnation de Vautrin. s8". Brux. 1847 Euge'nie Grandet. n.ed.sS". 1850 „ „ s8". 1853 „ sS". 1891 La femme de soixante ans. s8". Brux. 1846 Hist, des treize: Ferragus — La duchesse de Laugeais — La fiUe auxyeuxd'or. u. ed. 98". 1840 „ ,> s8". 1892 Illusions perdues. 3t. 88". 1892 1, 2, Les deux poetes— Un grand homme de province i). Paris. 3, Les souffrances de I'inven- teur. Jean-Louis. b8". 1867 Le lys dans la vaUee. 38". 1891 s8o. 1898 BALZAC 86 BAMFORD Balzac (H. de) [continueJ']. Le medeciu de campagne. n. 6a. sS". 1884 „ sS". 1891 Un menage de gari;on en pro- vince ; suite des Deux Freres. sS". Bruxelles. 184S b8". 1892 IKnioires de deux jeanes raariecs. sS". 1891 Modeste Mignou. sS". 189B Lespaysans. s8". 1892 La peau de chagrin. s8". 1876 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1888 „ „ >i8o. 1891 Le pere Goriot. n. ed. s8". 1846 „ n. ed. s8". 1888 , sS". 1891 „ „ • 88°. 1895 Petites misere.s de la vie conju- gale. s8". Brux. 1846 „ „ ...... s8". 1892 Les pefcits bourgeois. 2t. s8". 1892 Les petits maneges d'une femme verfcueuse. sS". Brux. 1845 Physiologic du manage. u. ed. sS". 1847 „ „ s8». 1891 La recherche de I'absolu. s8". 1892 Scenes de la vie de province. ser. 1, 2. u. ed. s8". 1839 Nouvelles scenes de la vie de province. 2t in 1. 58". Brux. 18S7 Scenes de la vie parisienne. ser. 1, 2. n. ed. sS". 1839 1, La comtesse .i deux maris — Mme. Firniiani — Sarrasine — Le papa Gobseck — La Bourse. 2, La femme vertueuse — Profil de marquise — L'interdictiou — Les Marana. Scfenes de la vie privee. si, 2. n. ed. s8". 1849 , si. n. &d. sS". 1859 Splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes. 2t. sS". 1891 Sur Catherine de Medicis. 88°. 1892 Ursule Mirouet. s8°. 1891 Translations ICompMe troH-s]. Comedie hnraaiue. [Tr. Mrs. C. Bell, Miss E. Marriage, Mrs. S. S. Scott, J. Waring]. Ed. G. Saintsbury. 40v. s8». 1895-8 The above is f. the half-f. The voV. are not num- bered. There is a gen. introduction by G. S. in the vol. first issued — " The wild ass's sMii" — ; and a sjyec. intr. to each vol. In the list below the names of the orig. ivorks tr<'. in each vol. follow in italics the entry of that vol. About Catherine de' Medici. Tr. C. Bell. s8". 1897 Sur Catherine de Medicis. At the sign of the Cat and Racket. Tr. C. Bell. s8». 1897 La inaison dn Chat-qui- 2ielote—Le baldeSceaux — Jja bourse — ha ven- detta — Mme. Firmiani. The atheist's mass, & o. s. Tr. C. Bell. s8". 1896 La messe de I'athee — Hono- rine — Le colonel Cha- bert — L' interdiction — Pierre Grassou. A bachelor's establisliment. Tr. C. Bell. sS". 1896 Un menage de gar^on. Comedie hmnaine [cont.] Beatrix. Tr. J. Waring. sS". 1896 Bea trix. Les Chouans. Tr. E. Mamage. s8". 1896 Les Chonans. The country doctor. Tr. E. Mar- riage. s8". 1895 , [2"'' ed.]. S8". 1898 Le medecin de caniiiagne. The country parson. Tr. E. Marriage. sS". 1896 Le cure de village. Cousin Betty. Tr. J. Wai-ing. s8». 1897 La cousine Bettc. Cousin Pons. Tr. E. Marriage. s8". 1897 Le cousin Pons. A daughter of Eve ; i'. Letters of two brides. Tr. E. S. Scott. ^ s8». 1897 Une fille d'Ece — Memoires de 'deu.r Jeunes mariees. A distinguished provincial at Paris.Tr. E. Marriage. sS". 1897 Un grand homnie de pro- vince a Paris. Illusions l>erdues: II. Eugenie Grandet. Tr. E. Mar- riage. s8°. 1895 Eugenie Grandet. A father's curse, iSr o. s. Tr. J. Waring. s8". 1898 L'eyifant ntaudit — Gamhara — Massimilla Doni —Mai- tre Cornelius. A Gondreville mystery. Tr. E. Marriage. s8". 1898 Une tenebreuse affaire — Un episode sous la Terreur. La grande Bretcche, ct o. 8. Tr. C. Bell. s8o. 1896 La grande Breteehe— La paix du menage — Lafaussemal- tresse — Etude de femme — Autre etude de femme — Albert Savarus. A harlot's progress. Tr. J. Waring. 2v. sS". 1896 Splendeurs <('■ luiseres des courtisanes. The jealousies of a country town. Tr. E. Marriage. 88". 1898 Les riva litis — La vieille fille — Le cabinetdes antiques. The lily of the valley. Tr. J. Waring. s8". 1897 Le lys dans la vallee. Lost illusions. Tr. E. Marriage. sS". 1897 Illusions pei'dnes : I, Les deuxpoetes — Eve et David. A marriage settlement, & o. s. Tr. C. Bell. sS". 1897 Le confrat de mariage — Un debut dans la vie — Une double fauiille. The member for Arcis. Tr. C. Bell. s8". 1898 Le depute d' Arcis. The middle classes. Tr. C. Bell. sS". 1898 Les petits bourgeois. Modeste Mignou. Tr. C. Bell. s8". 1896 Modeste Mignou. Old Goriot. Tr. E. Marriage. 88". 1896 Le iiire Goriot. Parisians iii the country. Tr. J. Waring. sS". 1898 Les 2>arisicns en i>rovince — L'illustre Gaudissart — La 7nusedu departement. The peasantry. Tr. E. Mar- riage. ■ 88°. 1896 Les paysans. Balzac (H. de) \eontinuect]. Comedie humaine [cant.'] Pierrette; and, The abbe Birot- tcau. Tr. C. Bell. sS". 1896 Pierrette — Le cure de Tours. A princess's secrets. Tr. E. Marriage. s8°. 1898 Les secrets de la jjrincesse de Cadignan—Les em- ployes. The quest of the absolute. Tr. E. Marriage. s8". 1895 La recherche de I'absolu. Tlie rise & fall of Cesar Birot- tean. Tr. E. Marriage. 88". 1896 Grandeur if decadence de Cesar Birottcau. The seamy side of history. Tr. C. Bell. s8". 1897 L' en vers de Vhistoire con- temporaine — Z. Marcas. Seraphita. Tr. C.Bell. s8°. 1897 Siraphita — Louis Lambert — Les jn'oscrits. The thirteen. Tr. E. Marriage. sS". 1898 Histoire des treize — Fer- ragus — La duchesse de Laugeais. The unconscious mummers, Sc o. s. Tr. E. Marriage. 88". 1897 Les comediens sans le savoir — Un prince de la Boheme — Un homme d'affaires — Gaudissart II — La maisonNucingen — Facino Cane. The unlmown masterpiece, & o. s. Tr. E. Marriage. s8». 1896 Le ehef-d'ceuvre inconnu — Jesus-Christ en Flandre — Mclmoth reconcilie — Les Marana— Adieu— Le requisitiminaire — El Verdugo — Un drame au bord de la mer — L'au- bcrge rouge — L'elixir de longue vie, Ursule MirouiJt. Tr. C. Bell. s8". 1895 Ursule Mirouiit. The wild ass's skin. Tr. E. Marriage. sS". 1895 p""! ed.]. 580. 1896 La i>ea\i de chagriu. A woman of thirty. Tr. E. Mar- riage. s8". 1897 La femme de trente ans — La femme abandonnee — ■ Comedie humaine \cont^ La grenadiire—Lc mes- sage — Gohsech. Translations [J/iscW/.] The cat & battledore, & o. t. Tr. P. Kent. 3v. sS". 1h79 Cesar Birotteau. Tr. J. H. Simpson. b8". l.-i6() The country doctor. s8". 1887 Cousin Pons. s8". 1880 Droll stories. Tr., complete & unabridged. sS". [1874J Droll stories. [Tr.] R.Whitthng. s8". n.d. The Duchesse deLangeais; with. Episode under the Terror, Gaudissart, Passion in the Desert, Hidden Masterpiece. s8". Boston. 1885 „ „ s8". 1886 Eugenie Grandet. [Tr.] 8". 1886 [Pere Goriot] Unrequited aftec- tion. b8». [1878] Pere Goriot. s8". Boston. 1885 „ „ 88°. 1886 The personal opinions of B., f. h. corr. & misc. writings. Compiled ,t tr. by K. P. Worraely. s8". Boston. 1899 • The two brothers. s8». 1887 Eefeeences. see Bike (E.) B., 1897. ,, Ceefberr (A.) it J. Chkis- TOPHE. Repertoire de la Com. Hum., 1887. „ Faa-be (H.) La France en eveil : B. Sc le temps i)r6- sent, 1888. „ FEBItY(G.)^S.[G.DEBELLE- mabe]. B. & ses amies, 1888. „ GozLAN (L.) B. chez lui; Bouv. des Jardies, 1862. „ B. en pantoufles, 1863. „ Saltus (E. E.) B., 1888. „ Spoelbekch de LnVENJOUL (le vte.): Hist, des oeuvres de B., 1879. „ Un dernier chap, des ceuvres de B., 1880. „ SuR^'ILLE (Mme. Lauke). B , sa vie & s. ceuvres, d'aj). sa corr., 1858. „ Walker (H. H.) The Com. hum. it its author; with tr. from B., 1879. „ Wedmoke (F.) Life of B., 1890. „ WoRMELEV (K. p.) Mem. of B., 1892. Balzac (Jean Louis Guez, sieur de) [.J. L. Gcezius Balzacius]. CEuvres. Publ. i)ar L. Moreau. 2t. s8". 1854 [1], Le prince — Diseours — Lettres et peus(5es. [2], Socrate cliietien — Aristippe — Entretiens. Balzani (il conic Ugo). Un' ambasciata inglese a Boma, 1487. \a.c. in P587]. 8°. 1879 Le cronache italiane nel medio evo. 2" ed. s8". Milano. 1900 Italy [Early chroniclers of Europe]. s8». 1883 The Popes * the Hoheustaufeu. s8<>. 1889 Bamberg, sec Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum : v5, Monu- nienta Bambergensia, 1864-73. Bamberg (F.) Gesch. d. oriental. Augelegenheit im Zeitraurae d. Pariser u. d. Berliner Friedens. [A. G. i. E. 4, v]. 8". Berlin. 1892 Bambergensia, see Bibliotheca lerum Germanicarum : v5, Monuraenta B., 1864-73. Bambergensis (Otto), sec Otto I, Saint, 6^). of Bamberg. Bamberger (Ludwig). Die Arbeiteifrage unter d. Gesichts- punkte d. Yereinsrechtes. s8". St. 1873 Bismarck, a polit. biog'. Tr. C. L. Lewes. s8". Breslau. 1869 Bamboo-hewer. '*The old b.-h.'s story [tr. w.] text etc., 1888, see DicKiN.s (F. V.) ed. Bamford (Mary E.) Up and down the brooks. s8". Boston. 1889 Bamford (Samuel). The dialect of S. Lancashire ; or Tim Bobbin's Tininuus A Meary etc. 2"" ed. s8". 1854 BAMFORD 87 BANK Bamford (Samuel) [contiiuied]. Passages in the life of a radical. 2v in 1. s8". 1844 Ed. H. Dunckley. 2v. s8". 1893 Bana [BAnaphatta]. The Harsa-Carita of B. Tr. E. B. Cowell JL-E.W." Thomas. ' 8». 1807 The K.idambnrl of B. Tr., w. occasional omissions, & abstract of the cont. by the author's son Bhushanabhatta, by C. W. Ridding. ■ 8". 1896 Banbury Peerage, see Nicolas (Sir N. H.) On the Law of Adulterine Bastardy, w. report of the B. Case, 1833. Banbury (G. A. Lethbridge). Sierra Leone ; or, the white man's grave. B". 1888 Bancel (Frangois Desire). Hist, des revolutions de I'esprit franc,',, de la liingue et de la litt. fran?. au moyen ilge. s8". 1878 Les revolutions de la parole. laS". 1869 Banchi (Luciano), see Bokghesi (S.) A B., edd., Nuovi doc. per la storia dell' arte senese, 1898. Banchleri (Adriano) Qfs. Scalioeei Dalla Fhatta (Ca.millo)], see Crock (G. C.) Bertoldo con Bertoldino [by G. C. C] e Cacasenno {by A. B.], in ottava rima, etc., 5" ed., 1741. Banchorensis (Nennius), see Nennius, abbot of Bangor. Banck (Laurentius). De tyrannide Papee in reges etc. Christianos. s8". Franequeras. 1649 Bancroft (Lodi/) [form. Makie Wilton], see Banckoft (Sir S. B.) & Lady B., Mr. & Mrs. Bancroft, 1888. Bancroft (Edward), M.D. Essay on nat. hist, of Guiana. 8». 1769 Researches cone, permanent colours, etc., vl, [" no more ajrp. in. thised."] 8». 1794 Bancroft (Frederic). Life of W. H. Seward. 2v. Ia8". N.Y. 1900 Bancroft (George), historian. Hist, of formation of Constitu- tion of U.S. 2v. 8". 1882 „ „ 2v. 5"> ed. 8". N.Y. 1885 Hist, of the American Revolu- tion. 3v. 8». 1852-4 sef (ilso Hist, of the U.S., v7-10, 1860-74, bt'/inv. History of the colonization of the U.S., ser below Hist, of the U.S., vl-8. Hist, of the U.S., f. the dis- covery of the continent. 6v. Thoroughly rev. ed. s8°. 1876 „ „ 6v. The author's last revision. 8». N.Y. 188.5-6 „ vl-3. [1, 2, 5th; 3, 3rd ed.]. 8". Boston. 1839-40 These 3v. have lind t. : Hist. of the colonization of the U.S. Bancroft (Hubert Howe). CaUfornia pastoral, 1769-1848. 8". San Francisco. 1888 Chronicles of the builders of the Conunonwealth, 7v. Iude.x, Iv. 8". San Francisco. 1891-2 Hist, of the Pacific States of N. Amer., 34v. 8". San Francisco. 1882-90 1, CentralAmerica.vl, 1501-30. 2, „ „ v2, 1530-1800. 3, „ „ v8, 1801-87. 4, Mexico, vl, 1516-21. 5, „ v2, 1521-lCOO. 6, „ v8, 1600-1H03. 7, „ v4, 1804-24. 8, „ v5, 1824-61. 9, „ v6, 1861-87. 10, North Mexican States [Texas etc.], vl, 1531-1800. 11, Texas, v2, 1801-89. 12, Arizona & New Mexico, 1530-1888. 18, California, vl, 1542-1800. 14, v2, 1801-24. 15, „ v3, 1825-40. 16, v4, 1840-45. 17, v5, 1846-8. 18, „ v6, 1848-59. 19, v7, 1860-90. 20, Nevada, Colorado,AVyoming, 1540-1888. „ „ Anoth. ed. of these in Iv., lo.t. : Hist, of the U.S., etc., including vl-3, [1497- 1748], of the orig. ed. Ia8°. E. 1847 „ „ V7-10. laS". Boston. 1860-74 These 4fD. have 2nd t. : The Amer. Revolution, 4v. „ „ vl-7. n. ed. 380. 1861 Joseph Reed : a hist, essay. Ia8". N.Y. 1867 Martin Van Buren, to end of h. publ. career. 8". N.Y. 1889 On progress & reform. [P49-i]. 8". Liv'l. 1858 see Reed (W. B.) Rejoinder to B. on Pres. Reed, 1867. 21, Utah, 1540-1886. 22, Northwest Coast (The), vl, 1543-1800. 23, „ v2, 1800-46. 24, Oregon, vl, 1834-48. 25, „ v2, 1848-88. 26, Washington, Idaho, Mon- tana, 1845-89. 27, British Columbia, 1792-1887. 28, Alaska, 1730-1885. 29, California pastoral, 1769- 1848. 30, California inter pocula. 31, 32, Popular tribunals, 2v. 33, Essays & miscellany. 34, Literary industries. Native races of the Pacific States. 5v. ^8". 1875-6 1, Wild tribes. 2, Civilized nations. 3, Myths & languages. 4, Antiqs. & arcliitect. re- mains. 5, Aboriginal hist. & migra- tion. Index. The new Pacific. 8". 1900 A pop. liist. of the Mexican people. 8". 1888 Resources & development of Mexico. 8uoth. ed., w. <.] Genealog. etc. hist. of the d. ct e. peerage. vl, [no more publ.] 8". 1812 •Bannatyne (The) MS., 1873 etc., see Banxatyne (G.) •Bannatyne (The) miscellany : orig. papers, chiefly rel. to hist. & lit. of Scotland. [Ed. Sir W. Scott, D. Laing, T. Thomson : 3v. [v3 wanting]. "4". E. 1827-55 Bannatyne Club]. Bannatyne Clnb. " Members it rides; w. cat. of books printed for the B. C. since 1823. S". E. 1807 •Adversaria; not^ illus. of some of the earlier works printed Bannatyne Club [continued], ser B.ULLIE (E.), principal of the Univ. of Gla.tgow. Letters & journals (1637- 62), 3v, 1841-2. ., B.vLc.ABREs (Colin, 3'"' earl of). Mem", touching tlie Revol. in Scotland (1688- 90), 1841. „*Bannatvne miscellany (The), 3v, 1827-55. „ Bannatyne (G.) Memorials of G. B. (1545-1608), 1829. „ Bann.ityxe (R.) Journal (1569-73) [not publ. by the B. C, on Club paper\ 1836. „ Boduel (cte. de). B., 1829. „ Buchanan (D.) De scriptor. Scotis, 1837. „'C0NCILIA ScoTix, 2t, 1866. ,,'D.IBIEN P.IPEHS (1695-1700), 1849. „ Dauney (W.) Anc. Scotish melodies, 1838. „ Dempster (T.) Hist. eccl. gentis Scotormn, ed. 2"., 1829. ,,*DiuRN.AL of remarkable occurrents f. death of Ja. IV till 1575, f. MS. in poss. of Sir J. Maxwell, 1833. „ Douglas (Gawyn), bp.. The pahce of honour [facs. of ed., 1079], 1827. „ Dunfehmltne: Abbey. Regis- trum de D. : liber cartarum Abbatie etc., 1842. „ Fountainhall (Sir J. Lauder, Lord). Hist, ob- serves of occurrents (1680- 86), 1840. „ Hist, notices of Scotish affairs, sel. f. the MSS. of F. (1661-88,1, 1848. „ Gray (Patrick). Letters etc. 1835. „ HoLYROOD. *Chronicon S. Crucis Edinburg., 1828. „ . Liber cartarum S. Crucis ; munimenta Eccl. S. Crucis de Edwinesburg, 1840. „ Hope (Sir T.) Diary of the corr. of H. (1633-45), 1843. „ James I, king of Gt. Brit. •The hist, it life of J., being ace. of affairs of Scotland ( 1566-96 ), w. short cont. to (1617), 1825. see James V, k. of Scotland, Exccrpta e libris domicilii J. V (1525-33), 1836. „ L.UNG (D.), ed., Coll. of anc. Scottish prophecies in alhtt. verse, 1833. „ Lanebcost. •Chron. de L. (1201-1346), 1839. „ Lesley (John), bp. of Boss, Hist, of Scotland (1436- 1561), [bought for mem- bers of B. C, hut not publ. by the Club], 1830. ,3 Leven and Melville Papers ; chiefly addr. to G., Earl of Melville (1689- 91), 1843. „ Mary, q. of Scots. Inven- taires de la Royne Des- cosse, 1863. ., Melville liter. Jamf.s), Diary (1556-1601), 1829. „ Melville (Sir J.\mesJ of Balhill. Mem', of h. own Ufe (1549-93), 1827. „ Newbattle Ajjeev. Eegis- trum S. Marie de Neubotle, etc., 1849. „ NicoLL iJoHN'. Diai7(1650- 671, 1836. „ Nova Scotu. 'Royal letters, charters & tracts rel. to colonization of N. S., & the Order of Knight Baronets of N. S., 1867. „^Origines parochiales Scoti.e : antiqs. of the parishes of Sootld., 2v in 3, 1850-5. „ PiTCAiRN (R.) Criminal trials in Scotland (1488-1624), 3v, 1833. „ Rothes (J., earl of). Pro- ceedings cone, the Kirk (1637-8;, 1830. ,, Roundhead. •Letters f. R. oiHcers written f. Scot- land, chiefly to Capt. A. Bayues (1650-60), 1856. „ Teulet (J. B. A.) ed.. Rela- tions de la France & de I'Espagne avec I'Ecosse au 16"' s., n. ed., 1862 [«>7i. is a n.ed. of tlie 3t publ. for the B. C, 1851-60, w. t. ^^ Papiers d'etat etc. rel. d Vhist. de VEcosse all 16' s."]. „ Turner {Sir Ja.) Mem«. (1632-701,1829. for the B. C. [By D. Laing]. 4". E. 1867 see Baillie (Rt. Hon. G.) of Jerviswood. Corr. (1702-8), 1842. Bannatyne (Dugald J.) Hdbk. of republican institutions in the U. S. sS". E. 1887 Bannatyne (George). Anc. Scottish poems, publ. f. the MS. of G. B., 1568. 8°. E. 1770 Bannatyne MS. ; compiled by G. B., 1568 [in verse]. [Hunt'. Club]. pl-5 [b. in 2v]. 4". [Glasgow]. 1873-9 Memorials of G. B., 154.5-1608. [Ed. by Sir W. Scott,u: mem. etc. Bannatyne Club]. 4°. E. 1829 Bannatyne (John Millar). Our milit. forces * reserves. [P246]. 8". 1867 Bannatyne (Richard). Journal of transactions in Scotland, 1570-3. [Ed. J. G. Dahjell]. 8». E. 1806 ., [ic. /.] Memoriales of t. in S., 1569-73. [Ed. B. Pitcairn]. 4". E. 1836 Banner (Edw. Gregson). Wholesome houses : the Banner system. sS". 1878 Banning and blessing, 1890, see Roberts (Marg.) Banning (Emile). Africa iS: the Brussels Geograph. Conference. Tr. R. H. Major. e8". 1877 L'Afrique et la Confiirence G^ogi'aph. de Bruxclles. 8'^. Brux. 1877 Le Jjartage politique de I'Afrique (1885-8). 8". Brux. 1888 Bannister (Arthur T.) Lost labour : sermons. sS". 1900 Bannister (John), actor, see Auolphus (J.) Mems. of B., 1839. Bannister (John), LL.D. Glossary of Cornish names, etc. 8°. [1871] BANNISTER 89 BARBER Bannister (Saxe), attomeij-general of N.S.W. Pictorial maps on the wallB of large buiklings, etc. : letter to C. L. Eastlake. [P157]. n. ed. 8". 1849 Wm. Paterson, founder of the Bank. s8». E. 1858 see SHEBID.4N (T.) Some revela- tions in Irish hist., [a repr., n\ vein t., of S.'s anon. " Discourse of the riBe & power of Parliaments, 1077"], 1870. Classical sources of the hist, of tlie Brit. I». ; or, rise & fall of the Romans in Brit., a colonial warning. 8». lHi9 Colonial reform : letter to C41iul- stone. [PlSl]. 8". 1846 Humane policy : justice to aborigines. 8^*. 1830 On abolishing transportation, & reforming the Colonial Oif. [P106]. 8". 1837 On the right to be heard on Petitions to the Crown, & I Control of the Privy Council. 1 [P78, 138]. 2"'' ed. 8». 18« Bannow (Waldemar). The colony of Victoria. s8". Melbourne. lS9(j ♦Banquet (The) of wit, 1882, scv Gray (.J.i.) * J. M.mdmext. Bansley (Charles), see Gohkon (S.) Pleasant quippes etc., 1841. Banting (Wm.) Letter on corpulence. 4"' ed. 8". 1881 Bantuish-Kamenski (D. N.) Si^cle de Pierre-le- Grand, tr. 8". 1820 Banville, see also B.^isvilli;. Banville (Theodore de). L'anie de Paris : nouveaux souvenirs. s8". 1890 Les Cariatides — Roses de Noel. s8». 1889 Comedies. sS". 1878 Contes bourgeois. s8". 1885 Contes feeriques. sS*". 1882 Contes hero'iques. sB**. 1884 Contes pour les femmes. s8**. 1881 Dames et demoiselles ; et. Fables choisies. s8". 1886 Dans la fournaise ; deniiferes poesies. sS". 1892 Esope. sS". 1893 Esquisses parisiennes. s8". 1876 La lanterne magique — Camees parisiens — La Comedie Fran- ijaise. s8". 1883 Lettres chimeriques. s8''. 1885 Marcelle Rabe. s8". 1891 Mes souvenirs. sS". 1882 Paris vecu — Feuilles volantes. s8''. 1883 Poesies completes. [3t]. ed. definit. s8''. 1879-87 t[l], Odes funambulesques, etc., 1883. [2], Les exiles etc., 1887. [3], Les Cariatides ttc, 1879. Poesies : Idylles prussiennes (1870-71). s8". 1872 Poesies : Les stalactites — Ode- lettes— Amethystes. (1843-721. sS". 1878 Poesies nouvelles : Nous tous, Dec. 1883-Mars 84. s8". 1884 Poesies nouvelles : Sonnailleset clochettes. sS". 1890 Bapst (Edmond). Deux gentilshommes-poMes [Eochford d Surrey] de la cour de Henry VIIL 8". 1891 Bapst (Germain). Essai sur I'bist. du theatre : mise en scene, decor, costume, architecture, ^clairage, hygiene. 4°. 1893 Le marshal Canrobert. tl, 2. 8°. 1898-1902 Le musee r^trospectif du m(5tal a I'Expos. de PUnion Ceutrale des Beaux-Arts, 1880. Ia8". 1881 Baptie (David). Hdbk. of musical biography. s8". [1883] Baptisma. Acta et monumenta de baptismate h*reticorum dis- putationis, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t3. Baptist Churches. *Confessions of faith, & o. doc. illust. of B. C\ of England in 17"' c, 18.54, sec Undebhill (E. B.) ed. Baptist Hand-Book (The) for 1894, 1900. 8«. 1893-1899 Baptist Missionary Soc. Brief narrative of the B. Mission in India: incl. ace. of tr\ of Scriptures. [P153]. 4"' ed. 8". 1813 Baptista (Joannes), see .John, the Baptist, Saint. Baptista (Pedro Joao) & A. Jose, see Cazembe. Lands of C. : etc. — .Journey of the " Pombeiros," B. & J. f. Angola to Tette : tr. B. A. Beadle— etc., 1873. *Baptistery (The), 1842-4, see Williams (Isaac). Bar (Adolf). Der Alcoholismus. 8°. 1878 Der Verbrecher, in anthropolog. Beziehg. 8". L. 1893 Bar (Carl Ernst v.) Nachrichten u. B., v. ihm selbst. 8°. St. Petersburg. 1866 Eeden u. kleinere Aufsiitze. 2B. 8". St. Petersburg. 1864-76 Welche Auffassung d. lebenden Natur ist d. richtige? [P502]. 8". 1862 Bar (Catherine, duchessc de), see Cathebine \de Bourbon], ducliesse de Bar, sister of Henri IV. Barabe (A.) Eecherches sur le tabellionage royal, i)rinc. en Normandie, etc. 8°. Rouen. 1863 Barach (C. S.) Nominalismus vor Eoscellin. [P538]. H". Wien. 1866 Baradere (H.) ed., etc., see *Antiquit£s Mexicaines, etc., [ed. B.], 1834. Baramada (G. de Guzman, dicque de San Lucar de), conde de Olivares, /.■>S'7-/6.^.;, sec Olivaees (el conde duqtie de). Baranowski (Jan Jozef). Anglo-Polish lexicon. sS". Warsaw. 1883 Baranowsky (M. Tugan-), see TuGAN-BAKANowsia-. Barante (le baron de) [tBiiuoiEBE de Babante (I Gril.LAlME Pkosi'ebj]. Etudes hist, et biograpli. 2t. 8". 1857 Etudes htt. et hist. 2t. 8". 1858 Hist, de la Convention Nationale. 6t. 8". 1851-3 „ Ot. s8". Bru.^c. 1851-3 Hist, des dues de Bourgogne de la maison de Valois. lot. 6- ed. 8". Brux. 1835-6 Hist, du Directoire. 3t. 8". 1855 Me'langes hist, et litt. 3t. s8". Brux. 1835 Le Parlement et la Fronde ; vie de M. Mole, notices sur Ed. Mole et le cte. Mole. 8". 1859 6. AlIABLE Questions constitutionnelles. [b.w. Guizot (F.) De la demo- cratic en France, 1849]. 8<>. 1849 Souvenirs du b. de B., 1782- 1860. Publ. par C.de Barante. 8t. 8". 1890-1901 tS has a Table des lettres cont. dans les " Souve- nirs ; " avd an Index. Vie poiit. de Royer-CoUard, ses discours et ses ecrits. 2t. 80. 1861 , 2t. 2" ed. 88". 1863 see GuizoT (P.) M. de B. ; n mem., tr., 1867. *Baratariana. Fugitive polit. pieces, publ. dur. administration of Ld. Townshend in Ireland. 2"'' ed. s8°. D. 1773 Baraudon (Alfred). La maison de Suvoie et la Triple Alliance (1713-22). 8«. 1896 Barbadoes. Blue book, 1873. fol. 1873 Barbarelli (Giorgio), see Giokgione, of C»stelfnineo. Barbarj (Jacopo de), sec ErHBUs.si (C.) Notes biograph. sur J. de B., 1876. Barbaro (George C. C. A. Crispo-), viarq. of Saint-George, see Saint-Gkobge. Barbaro (Giosafat) & A. Contarini. Travels to Tana & Persia, by B. & C. Tr. W. Thomas, Clerk of the Council to Edw. VI, & by S. A. lioy ; ed., w. intr., by Lord Stanley of Alderley. [Hakluyt Soc, 49]. 8". 1873 Barbaro (Marco Antonio), see Subiaxo (M.) Despatches of S. & B., 1560-3: ed. Sir H. Layard, 1891. sec Ybiabte (C.) La vie d'un patricien de Venise [B.] au 16' s., 1874. *Barbarorum leges, 5t, 1781-92, sec C.o-ci.\ni (P.) Barbarossa II, (?('»/ of Algiers. [Babbeeousse ; Babba-Eoxa ; Haii!ai>in B. ; Habiadencs B. ; tKiiAiB Ai.-Di>', called Bar- barossa II, dey\. see Jukiex de La Gbaviebe (.1. P. E.) Doria et B., 1886. Barharossa (Frederick), see Fbedebick I, cmp. of Gcrmanij, called ■• B." Barbaroux (Charles Jean Marie). Mem', (iniidits). s8". 1822 see Petion (.1.) Mem". ; & mem', de B., 1866. Barba-Koxa II, dey of Algiers, sec Babbaeossa II. Barbary. "Account (An) of S.-W. B., etc., 1713, see Ocklev (S.) ed. "Leaves from a lady's diary of h. travels in B., 1850, see Leaves. "Letters f. B. etc., 1V88, see J.utDiNE (A.) "Several voyages to Barbary ; maps etc. by Capt. H. Boyde. 2"'' ed. s8". 1736 Barbati (P.), see Babbato (Petkonio). Barbato (Petronio). Eime ; con alcime lettere al medes. ser. da div. uomini illustri. s8". Foligno. [1712] Barbauld (Mrs.), //^S-'/SVj. [tAiiciK (Anna Letitia), aft. Barbauldj. Address to the Opposers of Repeal of Corporation & Test Acts. [P19]. 8". 1790 Civic sermons to the people. No. 1. [P240]. 8". 1792 No. 2. [P227]. 8». 1792 On Wakefield's " Expediency of Public Worship." [P32]. 80. 1792 Works. Mem. by L. Aikin. 2v. 8". 1825 I srr AiKiN (John) & B. Evenings at home, rev., [1874 ?]. | Barbazan (Et.) ed. Fabliaux et contes des poetes frauvois, xi-xv sieclcs. 4t. n. i'A. 8". 1808 Barbe (Louis A.) Kirkcaldy of Grange. s8". [1897] Barbe-Bleue, ps., see Eetz (le viaricJml de), d. 1440. Barbe-Marbois (le marq. FaANfois de). Hist, de Louisiane, etc. 8». 1829 see PoMPADOUB (Mine. i.-itnlien et it.-fr., revu par A. lionna. ed. diamant. s8". 1850 Barberini (il card. Maffeo), aft. Urban VIII, see Veb.\s \U.1, xmpe. Barberino [il card. Francesco) the elder, see Antiquitatks Eeci.Ksi.Ti Orikn'talis, B'., Allatii etc. dissert, enucleatse, 1682. Barberius (Josephus), see Alcyonius (P.) Medices legatus ; aco. B. de miseria poet. griEC., 1707. Barberousse II., dey of Algiers, see Bahi>aros.sa. Barbes (Armand), see Pladchui (E.) Autour de Nohant — Lettres B. a O. Sand, 1898. Barbey d'Aurevilly (Jules A.) -\maVaee. s8". 1800 Ce qui ne meuvl pas. sS". 1881 I.e chevalier Des Touches. 68». [1893] Les critiques ou Ics juges juges. 8». 1885 Les Diabohques : les six pre- mieres. s8**. n.d. L'eusorcelee. s8i>. 1889 Une histoire sans uom. 6"^ ed. s8". 1882 Les historiens. 8". 1888 'Journalistes et poleniistes, chro- niqueurs et pamphletaires. 88". 1895 Litterature epistolaire, sB**. 1893 Litterature dtrangere. s8**. 1891 Meinoires histor. etlitt. sS°. 1893 Memoranda. Prcf. de P. Bour- get, s8". 1883 Les philosophes & les ecrivains rehg. 8". 1887 Les poetes. s8". 1862 Poussieres. 8". 1897 Premier memorandum, 1836-38. sS". 1900 Un pri'tre marie. 2t. s8**. 7t.d. Rhythmes oublies. 8". 1897 Sensations d'histoire. 8". 1887 Le theatre cuutemp. 3t. s8". 1888-9 Une vieille maitresse. 2t. sS». n.d., [1879 ?] see AuDOUARD {Mme. O.) B. d'A. : reponse a ses re- quisitoires contre les bas- bleus, 1870. „ BUET (Ch.) B. d'A.: im- pressions et souv^., 1891. Barbeyrac (Jean). Hist, des aneien traitez jusques a Charle- magne, see DiMONT (J.) Suppl. au univ. dipl., 1739. Traits de la morale des p^res de I'Eglise. 4". Amsterdam. 1728 Barbie du Bocage (J. D.), see Bakthklemy (J. J.) Eec. de cartes [jiar B. du _B.] de I'anc. Gr^ce, rel. au voyage du jeune Anacharsis, 3' ed., 1790. Barbier (Antoine Alex.) Diet, des ouvrages anonymes & pseudonymes en fr. & en latin. 4t. 2'' ed. 8". 1822-27 see Brunei (G.) Diet, des ouvrages anon, [b'j B.] : suppl., 1889. & N. L. M. Desessarts. Nouvelle' bibliothlque d'un homme de gout ; cont. des jugemens tires des journaux et des critiques, sur les meilleurs ouvrages. 5t. 8°. 1817 Barbier (Edmond Jean Frangois). Journal du r. de Louis XV. 4t. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1847-56 Barbier (H. Auguste). Souv. personnels et silhouettes contemp. sS". 1883 Poesies : iambes it po^mes. s8°. 1898 see EoYER (A.) ct B. *Les mauvais garvons, 1830. Barbier (J.), of Algiers. Itin^raire de I'Algerie etc. sS". 1855 Barbier (P. Jules). Blandine. 88". 1898 Barbiera (Kaffaello). Figure e figuriue del secolo che muore. s8°. Milano. 1899 Barbier de Montault (X.), sec Palustee (L.) & B. be M. Ortevrerie & emaillcrie limousines, pi, [no viore inibl.'], 1887. Barbier du Bocage (J. D.), see Barbie du Bocage (J. D.) Barbieri (Carlo). *Direzione pe' viaggiatori in Italia. s8». Bologna. 1771 Barbieri (Griovanni Francesco), called "II Chuercino," see Guercino, II. Barbieri (Nicolo), called " Beltrame." L'inavertito. [P828]. S8''. Torino. 1629 Barbin (Fr.), see Becueil des plus belles pieces des pontes fr., [n. ed.], 1752, [o/ wli. B. was one ed'. The coll. is sometimes culled " Becueil de Barbin "]. Barbo (Guifred de), cardinal. Synodus anno 1287 habita etc. sec Muratori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t8. Barbon Mazarini Mancini (Louis J.), due de Nivcrnois & d'On^iois, sec Nivebnais (L., due ue). Barbon Mazarini Mancini (Marie Therese), dsse. de Nivernois, see EocHEFORT [la esse, de), aft. dsse. dc Nivernais. Barbosa (Duarte). The coasts of E. Africa & Malabar in beginning of 16"' c. Tr. f. MS., w. notes, by Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. [Hakluyt Soc, 35]. 8°. 1866 Barbosa Machado (Diogo). *Suramario da Bibliotheca Luzitana [o/L'.il/.] 4t. rt4 M'au/iii^J. s8°. 1786-7 Barbot (Gabrielle Susan), dame dc Vtllenevve, see Villeneuve {Mme. I'e). Barbot (Jacques). Description of Guinea & Angola etc., see Churchill, Voyages, v5. Barbon (Alfred). V. Hugo ; h. life & works. [Tr.] F. A. Shaw. s8o. Chicago. 1881 ,, „ [anotlier ed., w. /.] : V. Hugo& h. times, tr. E. Frewer. Ia8». 1882 V. Hugo : sa vie, ses a-uvres. s8°. [1880] Barbour (,Sir David M.) The cunency question from an Indian point of view. [P610]. 8°. 1894 Theory of bimetallism. 8°. [1885] Barbour (Geo. F.) Prevention of railway accidents : letter. [P296]. 8». 1854 Barbour (George M.) Florida ; practical information. s8". N.Y. 1883 Barbour (John). I The Bruce, w. notes etc. by ' W. W. Skeat. [Scott. Text i i Soc. 31-33]. 2v. 8". 1894 [ The Bruce. With pref., notes, & gloss, index, by W. W. Skeat. [E.E.T.S., ESll, 21, 29, 55], 8". 1870,89 *The Bruce ; and, Wallace [by Henri/ the Minstrel] ; i. 2 MSS.'in Lib. of Fac. of Advo- cates, w. notes etc. \by John JinniesonX 2v. l". E. 1820 The Brus; poem: f. collation of the Cambridge & Edinburgh MSS. [Spaldhig C, 28], 4". Aberdeen. 185('> LegendensauuiJung, nebst d. Fragmenten s. Trojancr krieges. Hrsg. v. C. Horst- mann. 2v. 8". Heilbronu. 1881-82 see Brown (.J, T. T.) The Wal lace & the Bruce restudied, 1900. Barcelona. Chronicle etc. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t9, 11, 12, 19. „ Marca (P. de). Marca Hispan. ; ace. Gesta vet. comitum Barcinon. etc. scripta c. 1290 a quodam monacho Eivipullensi, Chronicon Barcinonense 1130-1310, etc. etc., 1688. Barchou de Penhoen (le baron Aug. T. H.) Hist, de la Ijhilosophie allemande. 2t. 8". 183() Hist, de I'Empire Anglais dans I'Inde. 6t. 8°. 1840-1 *Barcinonense, see Marca (P. de). Marca Hispan. ; ace. chronicon B. (1130-1310), 1688. Barcinonensis (Pacianus), see Paciancs, Saint, bp. of Barcc'lona. Barclay (capt.) ps., see Allaedice (E. Barclay-). Barclay (Alexander), priest. The cytezen tt uplondyshman. Ed. F. W. Fairholt. [Percy Soc. 71.] sS". 1847 see Brandt (S.) Ship of fools, 1874. „ Ellis (A. J.) On early Eng. pronuuc. ; incl. repr. of B. on French (1521), 1869-75. Barclay (Edgar). Mountain life in Algeria. 4". 1882 Stonehenge cV its earth-works. 4". 1895 Barclay (Isabella). The way the world went theu. s8». 1898 Barclay (John), M.D., of Edinburgh. Inquiry into opinions cone, life * organization. 8°. E. 1822 Barclay (John), poet, d a. of the " Argenis." Argeuis. Cimi clave. Ed. noviss. 88°. Amstelodami. 1659 Argenis. Prsef. est I. Winkelmannus. Ed. xviii. 8". Norimbergas. 1776 Argenis. Tr. K. Long. 2"" ed., w. a key. 4». 1636 Poematum lib. ii. s4°. Londini. 1615 Barclay (P.), minister at Napier, N.Z. Notes on New Zealand. [P314]. 8°. 1873 Barclay (Kobert), director of the Mancliester C. of Commerce. The silver question and the gold question. 2'"' ed. s8". 1886 4"'ed. s8». [1894] Barclay (Robert), of Tottenltam. Inner life of the religious societies of the (Commonwealth. laS". 1876 Barclay (Robert), the elder. Apology for the true Xtn. divinity : vindication of the (Quakers. 8"' ed. s4''. 1780 9"' ed. 8». 1825 11"' ed. 8». 1849 Barcley (A.), see Barclay (Alex.) *Bard (The) of the Dimbovitza : Roumanian folk-songs etc., tr., 1891-4, see Vacaeesco (H.) *Bard (The) of Totham [by J. Hollamby ?], 1842, see Totham. Bard (Alphonse), docteur en droit, & P. Robiquet. Droit constitutionnel compare : La constitution franc, de 1875 etc. 2' ed. s8». 1878 BARD 91 BARING-GOULD Bard (E.) Les Chinois chez eux. 2- ed. s8". 1900 *Barddas : coll. of orig. doc"., illiist. of the Biirdo-Dniidic s}-.stem of Britain : w. tr. & notes by J. Williams, 1862-74, sec Wn.r.uMS (J.) Bardesan, sec Cdreton (W.) Spicilegium Syriacum; remains of B., etc., w. tr. & notes, 1855. sec Hii.c.ENFELD (A.) B., der letzte Gnostiker, 1864. „ Mf.rx (A.) B., etc., 1863. Bardi (Donate), called Donatella, see Donatei.lo. Bardo, Liiccnsis. Vita Anselmi epi.sc. Luc, see Monumenta Geioi. Hist., Scr., tl2. Bardo, «6j). of Mentz, see Monumenta Geem. Hist., Scr., 11. Bardoux (Agenor). La bourgeoisie frant^aise, 1789- 1848. 8". 1886 „ „ s8". 1893 La duchesse de Duras. 8". 1898 Etudes sec. it litt. : Mine, de CuBtine. 8<>. 1888 Etudes soc. & polit. : Le cte. de Montlosier et le gallicanisme. 8". 1881 „ ,, Les deru. annees de La Fayette, 1792-1834. 8<-. 1893 Etudes sur la fin du 18*^ s. ; Pauline de Beaumont. 8". 1884 Guizot. sS". 1894 Les legistes : leur influence sur la societe iia.ni;. 8". 1877 Curiosities of Puritan nomen- clature. s8". 1880 Diet, of Eng. & Welsh surnames, \\. special American instances. 84". 1901 Bardsley (Joseph). Barenbacli (Friedrich v.) Circumstances of the Church of England. [P82]. sS". 1862 tjber d. Teleologie in d. Natur. [P455]. 8». 1878 Barentsz (Willem) [Bahents; Bakextz; Baeexz]. see De Veek (G.) three voyages by the N.-E. (1594-6), tr., 1853 ; 2"'' ed., \iv.t., Three voyages of B. to Arctic Regions], 1876. Barere de Vieuzac (Bertrand). Memoires. Publ. par H. Carnot d- David (d'Angers). 4t. 8". 1842-44 Baret (Eugene). Les troubadours et leur hifluence sur la litt. du midi, avec des extraits et des pieces rares ou ined. 2' ed. 8". 1867 Baretti (Giuseppe). Diz. ital. ed inglese. 1-' ed. livornese. 'it. [t2 w.t. : Eng. <. diet, etc.] 40. Livorno. 1828-9 New diet, of Ital. it Eng., based upon B., it compiled by G. Comelati it J. Daven- port. 2v. [1, It.-Eng. ; 2, Eng.-It.] 8". 1860 „ „ 2v. 8". 1873 Journev f. London to Genoa. 4v. 8». 1770 Iiettere instruttive, famil. ec. s8". Torino. 1829 Manners & customs of Italy. 2v. 8".' 1768 A]>p. to Account of Italy in answer to S. Sharp \h.w. Sharp (S.l Letters from I., 176.5-6]. 8". 1768 Opere in lingua italiana. tl, 2 in 1. [v3-6 ivnnting]. 8°. Milano. 1813-18 Scritti scelti ined. o rari. Con nuovi mem. della s. vita. 2v in 1. 8". Milano. 1822-3 see Neumax (H.) & B. Diet, of Eng. & Span., [5'i',6"' ed.], 1837. „ SH.ua> (S.) View of Italy as descr. in the Fnista lette- rariaj & in the ace. of Italy in English by B., compared \Y. the Letters f. Itabj, hy S., 1768. „ V.\LL.\NCEY (C.) Essay on antiquity of Irish ; also mistakes by B. corrected, 1772; 3"' ed., 1818. Barezzi (Barezzo). Disc, de la conqueste par Demetrius du sceptre de son pdre, 1605. n. kA., annot. par le prince A. Galitziu. s8". 1858 Bargrave (John), D.D., canmi of Canterbury. Pope Alexander VII it the College of Cardinals. With cat. of B.'s Museum. Ed. .1. C. Eobertson. [Camden Soc, 92.] s4". 1867 Barham (Francis). Life & times of J. Eeuchlin. s8". 1843 Barham (Rich. Harris), minor canon of St. Paul's [ps., Thomas Ingoldsby]. Ingoldsby Legends. 3s. [Wants s2j. s8". 1840-7 3a, S"- ed. S8". 1852 The Ingoldsby Lyrics. By T. I. Ed. by h. son. b8o. 1881 Some account of my Cousin Nicholas. s8". 1846 Some ace. of ray Cousin Nicho- las. Added, The Rubber of Lite. 3v. b8''. 1841 see Bakham (R. H. D.) Life it- letters of R. H. B.; with sel. f . Ids misc. poems, 1870. Bardoux (Jacques). La mouvement id^aliste et social dans la litt. anglaise au 19' s. : John Eu.skin. s8°. [1900] Bardsley (Charles Wareing). English surnames. s8". [1874] „ , 4">ed. 88". 1889 „ e"" ed. s8». 1898 John Lexley's troubles. 3v. s8». 1877 Barham (Eich. Harris Dalton). Life and letters of E. H. Barham ; with sel. f. his misc. poems. 2v. 8". 1870 Life ct remains of Tlieodore Hook. 2v. s8". 1849 Barham (Th. Foster), the yoitnger. Philadelphia : the claims of humanity. s8". 1858 Bar-Hebrseus (Gregorius), see Abulfaraj. Ba,Ti\ (V.Jj.), cic. (le La Hme. L'empire du Br^sil. 8". 1862 Barine (Arvede)jjs. l»-c. Mmc. Vincens]. A. de Mussel. sS". 1898 Bemardin de S.-Pien-e. sS". 1891 „ ... Tr. J. E. Gordon. s8o. 1893 Bourgeois et gens de peu. 88". 1894 Essais et fantaisies. sS". 1888 La jeunesse de la gi'ande Made- moiselle (1627-52). 88". 1901 N6vroses : Hoffmann — Quincey — Poe— G. de Nerval. sS". 1898 Portraits de femmes. 88°. 1887 Princesses et grandes dames. 2« ed. s8". 1890 Saint FrauQois d'Assise : it. La legende des troiscompagnons. s8". 1901 Baring (Alex.), /'' baron Ashbwton, of the 2'"' creation, see A.sur.uuTox (A., ■/■' baron). Baring (Daniel Eberhardt). Clavis diplomatica, etc 4°. Hanoverite. 1737 „ Iterata hae ed. sic ab auct. emend, ut novum opus videri possit. 4". Hanoveris. 1754 Baring (Sir Evelyn), aft. earl Cromer, see Crojier (E., earl). Baring (Sir Francis), bart. Principle of the Commutation - Act. [P2]. 2°" ed. 8". 1786 Baring (Thomas George), /'' earl of Northbrook, see Northdrook. Baring (Wm. Bingham), 2'"' baron Ashburton, of the 2'"' crea- tion, see AsniiURTo.v (W. B., 2'"' baron). Baring-Gould (Sabine). *Arminell. Bladysof the Stewponey. s8".l 2""r ed. s8". 1 b8». 1890 n. eil. sSo. 1890 '.1897 1897 A book of Dartmoor. s8". 1900 A book of the West ; intr. to Devon it Cornwall. 2v. [1, Devon. 2, CornwallJ. 88". 1899 The book of werewolves. 881. 1865 The broom-squire. s8». 1896 „ 3'-'' ed. s8». 1896 Cheap Jack Zita. 3v. sS". 1893 Church in Germany. s8'*. 1891 *Court Royal. 3v. 88". 1886 ,, n. ed. s8». 1886 Curiosities of the olden times. 88". [1869] Curious myths of the Middle Ages. Ser. 1, 2. 88". 1866-08 „ Ser. 1 [2°'' ed.] s8'>. 1868 , [si, 2]. 88". 1876 „ n. ed. 38°. 1897 Dartmoor idylls. 8". 1896 The deserts of Southern France. 2v. 8". 1894 Domitia. s8". 1898 English miustrelsie. Notes & hist. intr». by B.-G. Airs by H. F. Sheppard, F. W. Bus- sell, W. H. Hopkinson. 8v. 4". E. [1895-9] *Eve. 2v. s8". 1888 „ u. ed. s8». 1889 Freaks of fanaticism, & o. strange events [first issued as s2 of Hist, oddities]. 38". 1891 The Probishers. s8". 1901 •The Gaverocks. 3v. 88". 1887 n. ed. s8". 1888 Germany. By B.-G., w. collab. of A. Gihnau. [Story of the Nations.] s8". 1886 S'^ed. s8°. 1893 Germany present & past. 2v. s8". 1879 38". 1881 Grettir the Outlaw. s8. 1884 88'>. 189.'-. characters, f. In troubadour land it Languedoc. Jacquetta, it o, *Johu Herring. Kitty Alone. Legends of O. T the Talmud it o. sources. 2v. s8<>. 1871 Life of Napoleon. tol. 1897 •Little Tu'penny. s8». 1887 The lives of the saints. 12v in 15, [Jul., Oc, Nov. have 2p. each], var. edd. [l«'-3"i]. s8". 1873-.S2 „ ... vl6, App". s8». 1898 The lost & hostile Gospels. s8». 1N71 Margery of Quether, & 0. s. 38". 1H91 •Mehalah. n. ed. s8». 1.S84 n. ed. s8". 1«89 Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven. 3v. e8°. 1893 „ ... 3v. 2'"'ed. 38". 1H98 Noemi. s8". 1895 Old country life. s8». 1890 An old Enghsh home & its de- pendencies. s8». 1898 Origin it development of re- ligious behef. 2p. 8". 1869-70 1, Heathenism & Mosaism. 2, Xty. Our inheritance : the Eucharistic Service in first 3 cent. 8". 1888 Pabo the priest. 38°. 1899 The Peunvcomequicks. u. ed. s8°. 1890 Perpetua. s8". 1897 Post-mediteval preachers, 15- 17"' c. s8". 1865 Queen (The) of love. 3v. sS". 1894 „ n. ed. 88". 1894 •Red spider. n. ed. s8». 1887 •Richard Cable. 3v. 38". 1888 The silver store, f. mediaeval, Christian & Jewish mines. 38". 1868 Some modern difficulties. 38°. 1875 Strange survivals. s8». 1892 A study of St. Paul. 8°. 1897 Tlie tragedy of the Coesars. 2v. laS". 1892 Urith. 3v. s8". 1891 BARING-GOULD 92 BARNABE Baring-Gould (Sabine) [cuutinucdl. The vicar of Morvvenstow : life of R. S. Hawker. sS". 1876 „ n. ed. sS". 1899 Virgin saints it martyrs. s8". 1900 Winefred. s8". 1900 Yorkshire oddities, incidents, & strange events. 2v. sH". 1H74 , n. ed. sK". lH;m 8». 1828 1884 1894 1893 1890 & H. F. Sheppard. Songs & ballads of the West. 4«. 1895 Barker (Charles), J/..4., o/ Trin. Coll., Camhridfjc Character ct anecdotes of Charles II. s8". 1853 Barker (Edmund Henry). Lit. anecdotes of Person & others. 2v. 8«. 18.52 Parriana ; notices of S. I'arr, coll. A in iiart written by B. 2v. Barker (Edward Harrison). Through Auvergne on foot s8> Two summers in Guyenne. 8' Wandering by southern waters : E. Aquitaine. 8' Wayfaring in France. S< Barker (Eraser) & J. Cheyne. Ace. of the fever in Ireland. 2v. 8". 1S21 Barker (Frederick), bp. of Sijdney. Judgment of the bp. of S. in the case of Bev. G. King, 1861. [P379J. 8». Sydney. 1801 Barker (Gr. F. Russell). Slemoirs of Rich. Busby (160(j^95), etc. Ia8". 1895 & A. H. Stenning. The Westminster school register, 1764^1883. Ia8». 1892 Barker (Geo. M.) A tea planter's hfe in Assam. s8". Calcutta. 1884 Barker (Henry J.) Orig. English as written by our little ones at school. s8<'. 1889 Barker (John), consul-general at Alcjjpo. Syria it Egypt under the last hve Sultans of Turkey ; experiences during 50 years. 2v. 8". 187(5 Barker (Joseph), of Ohio, sea Bebg (J. F.) Discussion on the Bible betw. E. it 13., 1854. Barker (Lady Mary Anne), aft. Broome, see Bkoome (Lady M. A.) Barker (Robert), carpcntei- on board the Thetis. Barker's genuine life, etc. s8". 1810 Barker (T. Childe). Aryan civilization ; based on De Coulanges. s8". 1871 Barker (Wilberforce Ross), see Daniel (C. H 0.) A- B., Wor- cester Coll., 1900. Barker (William Burckhardt). Grammar of Turkish. s8". 1854 Lares * penates, or, Cilicia A its governors ; a hist, account. Ed. W. F. Ainsworth. 8". 1858 [anoth. ed.,w. t.]: The birthland of St. Paul : Cilicia etc. 8". n.d. *Odessa & its inhabitants. s8". 1855 Reading book of Turkish, w. grammar etc. s8". 1854 Barkley (Henry C.) Between the Danube & the Black Sea ; 5 years in Bulgaria. s8'>. 1870 Bulgaria before the war. s8''. 1877 Ride through Asia Minor it Armenia. s8". 1891 Barksdale (Clement). Memorials of worthy persons. Two decads. s8<>. 1661 „ „ Two new decads. s8". 0. 1664 Tlic 2 deauls in this last v. have also sep. tp'. : " Tim a'*' dccad, 106 J " ; " Tlui J,"' decad, I66:i." Some copies of the 1661 V. have the different tp. : " Characters <& hist, memorials on the lives etc. of England's late worthies." *A remembrancer of excellent men. [Ded. signed C. B.] s8". 1670 Barlaam, Saint. Barlaams ok Josaphats Saga, overt, paa Norsk af Kong Haakon Sverresson. Udg. af Keyser og Unger. [b.iv. Marie, de France, Strengleikar, 1850]. 8". Christiania. 1851 see Chauvin (V.) Bibliographic (1810-85) ; 3, B. etc., 1898. „ MiGNE (J. P.) Pat. griEca, t90 {pjy. SJ7-I2S0 for Greek text of B. & J.) in u'orks of John of Damascus. Barlaamus [formerly Bernardo], bp. of Gierace [B. Gybaceksis], see MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. gra:ca, tl51, B., 1865. Barlseus (C), see B.\erle (Kasper van). Barlee (Ellen). Life of the Prince Imperial. s8". 1880 Barlement (Noel). *CoIloquia et diet, octo linguarum. s8". 1630 Barling (Rev. John). Lecture in behalf of the Nat. Sunday League. [P61.5]. 8". 1856 Barloci (Giovanni). *Madama Ciana. [P850]. s8°. Milano. 1737 Barlow (Frederick). The complete Eng. peerage to 1775. 2v. 2°" ed. 8". 1775 38", s8' 1883 1884 s8". 1890 s8". 1888 88". 1871 Barlow (George) [ps. James Hi.ntonI. An actor's reminiscences, & o. p. An English Madonna. From dawn to sunset. The pageant of hfe. Poems it sonnets. pi. Barlow (Sir George Hilaro), bart. *Exposure of misrepre- sentations etc. iu Marsh's " Review etc." ; by the relatives of B., 1813, see Mahsii (C.) Letter signed bj' [10] directors of the E. India Co., cont. vindie. of the measures adopted by B. during dissensions at Madras. [P176]. 8". 1812 see Marsh (C.) Review of administration of B. at Madras, 1813. Barlow (Henry Clark). Francesca da Riniini,her lament, (t vindication ; w. brief, not. of the Jlalatesti. [P159j. 8". 1859 „ [PS58]. 2°'! ed. 80. IbTiJ On the Vernon Dante, w. o. dis8\ [Pa25]. 8". 1870 The Sixth Centenary festivals of Dante. [P325, .511]. 8". 18(;b 1895 Kerrigan's quahty. s8°. 1894 Maureen's fairing, it o. s. s8". Mrs. Martin's uonipany, it o. s. s8". 189U Strangers at Lisconnel.sS". 1895 *I!ede me and be nott *A brief mem. of B. [P378]. 8". jKji. 1808 Causes & effects of disease in ref. to moral constitution. 8". Edin. 1837 Contribs. to the study of the Divina Commedia. Ia8". 1864 „ Suppl. [P200]. 8". 1865 Essays on Symbolism. s8". 1866 Barlow (James Wm.) Short hist, of the Nornums in S. Europe. 8". 188(; The ultimatum of pessimism. 8". 18S"i Barlow (Jane). Bogland studies. s8". 1894 A creel of Irish stories. sS". 1897 Irish idvlls. s8". 1892 „ ... 2°'l ed. s8". 1893 ... 1"' ed. sS". 1891 Barlow (Jerome), see Roy (W.) & B wrothe etc., [1528], repr. 1845. Barlow (Joel), see Todd (C. B.) Life it letters of B. : with ixtr. f. his works & unpubl. poems, 1886. Barlow (John), F.Ii.S. Connection betw. physiology & intel- lectual philosophy. [Small books on great subjects.] s8". 1842 On man's power over himself to prevent or control insanity. s8-. 1843 2-J ed. sS". 1849 Barlow (John), .17..!. Christian restraint & Christian love : 2 sermons, 1857. [PloOj. 8". not puU. 18-57 Barlow ("PeisT), F. U.S., prof, at Woolwich. Theory of numbers. 8". 1811 Barlow (Thomas), bp. of Lincoln. AvToaxeSidcrfiuTa : Directions for choice of books in study of Divinity. Publ. W. Offley. s4". Oxford. 1700 Barlow (Thomas Worthington) ed., see Cheshire & L.ascs. Hist. Collector, vl, 2. 1853-5. Barlow (Wm.) New theories of matter * of force. 8'. 1885 Barlowe (Jerome), see Barlow (Jerome). Barmby (James). Gregory the Great. The Fathers for Eng. readers]. " s8°. 1892 see DuRHAii : St. Giles. *Memorials of St. G.'s, ed. B., 1896. *Barnabae Itinerarium, 3"' ed., 1723, see Bbaithwait (Bioh.) Barnabas, Saijtt. Note : Wlietluir by B. or not by B., tlie Epistle wh. goes by h: name, and ref'. to loorks rel. to it, are pilaced here. Barnabfe epistola catholica. Ace. S. Hermai Pastor. s8". O. 1685 Epistula, gr. et lat. Rec, Papise quae sup., presbyterorum re- liq., Eccl. Rom. symbolum, epist. ad Diognetum adiec. O. de Gebhardt [&J A. Har- nack. ed. 2^. laS". Lipsiit. 1878 Epistula. Ed., vet. interp. lat., comm. it adnot. add. A. Hil- genfeld. [N.T. extra caiL, 2]. 8". L. 1866 „ ... ed. 2". 8". L. 1877 The Epistle of B., f. the Sinaitic MS., w. tr. by S. Sharpe. s8". ISSO see Bible ; Apocrypha. „ CoTELERirs I J. B.) ed., SH. patrum B*«. etc. opera, 1672. „ Clxnixgham IW.) Diss, uu Ep. of B. ; w. text, Lat. vers., it Eng. tr., 1877. „ Kavser (J.) ijber d. sogeu. B.-Brief, 1886. „ LiGHTEOOT (J. B.) .ed., Apost. Fathers ; The Epistle of B., etc., 1891. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. grffica, t2, S. Barnabas, 1857. „ ToLASD (J.) Nazaremis : contG. hist, of the Gospel of B., etc., 1718. Barnabe (P.) deseript. d'AUacc. Le mont Thabor, notices hist, et 8». 1900 BARNABY Barnaby. *Drunken B.'s four journeys etc., 3"' ed., 1723, see Bhaithwait (R.) Barnard (Alfred) Notetl breweries of Gt. Brit. * Irel'. 3v. Ia8'. [1889-90] Barnard (The Lady Anne). S. Africa a century ago : letters written f. the Cape bv B., 1797-1801. With mem. etc. by W. H. Wilkins. " s8«. 1901 Barnard (Francis Pierrepont) e<}., Strongbow's conquest of Ireland; tr-. A extr'. FEnfj.liist. t. contcmp. writers]. s8". 1888 Barnard (Frederick) & (jh. Henry Koss. Behind a brass knocker. 8". 1883 Barnard (Frederick A. P.), xee Folton (J.) Mems. of B., 1896. Barnard (.S'ir Frederick Augusta), see Bbitish Museum. Bibl. Eegiffi catalogus [bij B.\ 1820 9. Barnard (George), artist. Drawing from nature. Ia8". 1865 Tlieory iind practice of landscape painting in water colours. n. ed. Ia8". 1885 Barnard (Henry), see Pestalozzi (J. H.) P. & Pestalozzianism, 1859i Barnard {Sir John), see *Al.\km (An) to Gt. Brit., in rel. to ex- portation of money to the E. Indies, inscribed to Sir .T-n B-d, [Sir J. Barnard l], 17.55. Barnard (Jonathan G.) On the internal structure of the earth. [S. C. to Knowledge, 23]. 4". 1877 Problems of rotary motion. [S. C. to Knowledge, 19]. 4". 1874 Barnard (Ludwig). Die Debatten ii. d. .Judenfrage auf d. ersten preuss. u. letzten weimar. Landtage. s8". Grimraa. 1847 Barnard (Mordaunt R.) Lite of Thorv;ildsen, collated from Thiele. s8». 1865 Sketches in Norway. s8". 1871 Barnardiston (Nathaniel W.) Hdbk. of the Belgian Army. [War Omcel. s8". 1899 Handbook of the French Army. [War Office]. sS". 1901 Baruato (B. I.), see Rayiioni. (H.) B., 1897. Barneby (W. Henry). Life A labour in the far FarWest. 8". 1884 Tlie new Far West & the old Far East. 8". 1889 Barnefield (Richard), see Baknfield. Barnes ( ), satirist, see Borde (A.) Introd. of knowledge — Barnes in defence of the berde, answerynge Borde, 1870. Barnes (Ambrose). *Menr. of the life of B. [Tlie ded. is signed M.R. Ed. 11'. H. l>. Longstaffc. Surtees Soc, 50]. 8". Durham. 18(17 Barnes (Arthur Stapylton). St. Peter in Rome & h. tomb. Ia8". 1900 Barnes (C. L.) Eock history ; esp. Eng. A- Welsh. s8". 1884 Barnes (G. Stapylton), see Buxto.n- (S.) A B. Hdbk. to the death duties, 1890. Barnes (James). Drake A his yeomen, as told by Sir Matthew Maunsell [novel]. s8". N.Y. 1899 David G. Farragut. s8". [1899] Naval actions of the war of 1812. 8". 1897 Barnes (Joshua), jwof. of Greek at Camb. Hist, of Edward III, with that of the Black Prince. fol. C. 1688 Barnes (Dame Juliana) [IBernes (July-\sa)]. The boke of S. Albans, by Dame J. Berners, 1486, reprod. in facs., w. intr. by W. Blades. 4". 1881 An older form of the Treatyse of Fysshynge etc. attrib. to B. ; from MS. in poss. of A. Denison, glossary etc. by T. Satchell. '8". 1883 The treatyse etc. sH". 1827 Barnes (Ralph). On the judgment of the Judicial Comm. in the case of the bp. of Natal. [P2491. 8". 1866 Barnes (Richard), bi>. of Durham. The injunctions & o. ecclesiast. proceedings of B., bp. of Durham, 1575-87. [Ed. J. Raine. Surtees Soc, 22]. 8'. Durham. 1850 Barnes (Thomas), D.D. Disc, at the commencement of the Manchester Academy, 1786. This, w. sep. tp. <& pagin., is part of Harrison (Ra.) Sermon ; w. disc, by B., 1786, q.v. Barnes (Thomas), ed. of the " Times " [ps., Ceiticus]. 93 BARONIUS "Parliamentary portraits. Barnes (William), B.D. Early England & the Saxon- English : w. notes on the Frisians. s8". 1869 Outline of English speech-craft. s8». 1878 A philolog. grammar. 8". 1854 Poems of rural life in common English. sS". 1868 8". 1815 Poems of rural lite in Dorset dialectiW.diss.&gloss.sS". 1814 „ „ sS". 1879 Se gefylsta: an Anglo-Saxon delectus. 2'"J ed. sB". 180G Tiw : roots & stems of English as a Teutonic tongue. S8". 1862 sec ScoTT (Leadek) ps., [i.e. L.E. Baxter]. Life of B., 188V. Barnet. East Barnet, see Bows' Home, Church Farm, E. B. Barnett (Edith A.) A champion in the seventies. 88". 1898 Suiniingham A- the curate. s8". 1890 see O'Neill (H. C.) A B. Our nurses, 1888. Barnett (Mrs. Henrietta), see Bakxett (S. A.) A Mrs. B. Practicable socialism, 1888 ; 2'"' ed., 1894. Barnett (Henry C.) Suggestions resp. sanitary improvement in W. Australia. [P364]. 8". Perth. 1876 Barnett (Percy Arthur), JVf..4. Common sense in education A teaching. s8". 1899 Teaching & organisation : a manual of practice ; ed. P. A. B. s8». 1897 Barnett (Samuel A.) & Mrs. S. A. Barnett. Practicable socialism : essays, etc. .s8". 1888 2'"i ed. S8". 1894 Barneveld (Jan van Olden) [tOLDENSARNEVELD (Joan van)]. *Den waren B., waer in ons klaer vertoont werdt, wat hem met alle zijne martelaren is overgekomen. [P874]. si", n.p. 1673 see GiioEN VAN Prixstekeu (G.) Maurice et B., 1875. „ Mm-LEV (J. L.) Life A death of J. of B., 1874. Barneville (Pierre de). Le rythmedans la poesie fr. s8". 1898 Barnfleld (Richard) [Barnefield]. The affectionate shepherd. Ed. J. O. Halliwell. [Percy Soc. 57]. s8". 1845 Complete poems. Notes etc. by A. B. Grosart. [Eoxburghe Club]. 4". 1876 Barni (Jules). Les martyrs de la libre pensee. 2'' ed. s8". 1880 La morale dans la democratic. 8". 1868 Napoleon I et M. Thiers. s8". 1869 Philosophie de Kant ; Examen de la Critiijue du jugement. 8". 1850 „ Examen des Fondements de la m6ta- physique des mceurs et de la Crit. de la raison pratique. 8". 1851 Barnreither (J. M.) English Associations of working men. Tr. A. Taylor. 8". 1889 Barnsley (Sidney Howard), see Schultz (R. W.) A B. The monast. of St. Luke of Stiris, & monast. of St. Nicolas, etc., 1901. Barnum (Phineas Taylor). Struggles & triumphs : 60 years' recoil-., etc. s8". Buffalo. 1889 Barnum (Sarah), /?c/i/!o?/.s name, see Bernhardt (Sarah). Barnwell, Cambridgeshire. The observances in use at the Augustinian Priory at B. Ed., w. tr. A- glossary by J. W. Clark. 8". C. 1897 Bare (Roulox), see "Relations v^ritables & ourieuses de Madagascar, A du Br^sil [pnr B.], 1651. Barolo (Giulia Falletti, marchesa di), sec Pellico (S.) Life of B. fr.], 1866. *Baron Grimbosh. s8°. 1872 Baron {Lt.-Col. ). see Judkin (T. J.) Cat. of the libraries of J.„ B. etc., sold 1872. Baron (Auguste A. F.) Hist, abreg. dela litt. trsiru;., jusqu'an 17' s. 2t in 1. 8". Brux. 1841 Baron (John), M.D. Life of E. Jenner, M.D., etc. 2v. 8». 1838 Baron (Samuel). Description of Tonqueen see Churchill, Voyages, v6. „ „ Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, v9. Baronage (The) of Scotland. vl [no more fy)p.], 1798, see- Douglas (,S(r R.) Baron du Taya (A. M. R.), see Du Taya (A. M. R., baron). Baronetage, see Cokayne (G. E.) "Complete b., ed. G. E. C, in. prog., 1900 etc. see Collins (Arthur). "Baronetage of England, 1720. Baronlus (card. Caesar), .\nnalesecclesiastici ; una cum critica hist.-chronologica P. A. Pagii, etc. 19t. fol. Luca'. 1738-46 Tliese Annales of Bskvonins e.itend to A.D. ll'JSi. For the emit". [/l'jS~i.'J63]\ see Ray.v.aldus (0.) Annales, 1747-56 ; for the cont. [1366-7!^] see Laderchi (G.) Annales, 1728- 37 ; for the cont. from 1.3~2 see Theixer (A.) Annales, tl-3, 1856. „ , Annalium eccles. Baronii, cont. Raynaldi, etc. apparatus. fol. Luceb. 1740 „ „ Index univ. rerum in B. annalibus, Pagii critica, annalibus Raynaldi, etc. 3t. fol. Lucfe. 1757-9 De I'origine des Eussiens A de leur conversion; tr. par M. Lescarbot. n. id., rev. par le prince A. Galitzin. s8". 1856 see Casaubon (I.) De rebus sacris A eccl. exercitationes xvi ad B'. Annales, 1615. „ Casauboniana : animadv. in Annales B'. iueditje, etc 1710. BARON-WILSON 94 BARRILI Baron- Wilson {Mis. Marg.) [t Hahhiks (Mahgahet), aft. Barun-tt'ihon}. *Life & corr. of M. (J. Lewis; \v. many pieces never publ. 2v. 8'. 1839 Mems. of Miss Mellon aft. cIuelieHS of St. .\lbans. 2v. n. ed. 8". 1886 Barossa Range, S. Australia. *Descr. of tlie B.R., S.A. ; by AKiicola. JIaps & coloured plates by G. F. Angas. fol. 1849 Barot (F. Odysse). Hist, de la litt. contemp. en Angletene, 1830-74. s8". 1874 Lettres sur lu pliilosophie de I'hist. s8". 1864 Barozai (Gui) /w., .siv La Monxovk (B. de). Barozzi (Nicolo) & G. Berchet, edd. Kelazioni degli stati europei lette al Senato dagli ambascialori veneti nel sec. 17. [app. Venezia A Turchia 3v wanting}. 8". Venezia. 18.56-77 si, Spagna. 2v. s3, Italia : Torino. Iv. Eoma. 2v. s2, Francia. 3v. s4, Inghilterra. iv. Barr (Mrs. Amelia E.) Bemicia. Between two loves. A border shepherdess. A daughter of Fife. Piiend OUvia. I, thou, & the other one. sS". 1896 Jan Vedder's wife. s8». 1886 8>^ ed. sS". 1886 sS". 1887 : The last of the MacaUisters. s8o. 1886 , bS". n.(J. s8". 1890 I The preacher's daughter. sS". 1893 s8i>. 1899 Prisoners of conscience. 88". 1897 Trinity bells. s8». 1900 Barr (James), architect. Anglican church architecture, w. re- marks upon ecclesiastical furniture. 2"'' ed. s8". O. 1843 Barr (Robert) [ps. Luke Sharp]. The Countess Tekla. 88°. 1899 In a steamer chair, & o. s.s8". 1892 In the midst of alarms. sH". 1894 The mutable many. 88°. 1897 Revenge ! sS". 1896 The strong arm. s8<>. 1900 The unchangmg East. s8». 1900 A woman intervenes. sS". 1896 Barracand (Leon). Le roman nuptial. s8". 1901 Barral (le etc. Dominique de). Etude sur Tliist. diplomat, de I'Europe, 1648-1791. 8". 1880 Barral (Louis Mathias de), hp. of (/) Troyes, {^) Mcaux, abp. of Tunis. *Fragniens rel. a I'hist. eccles. des prem. annees du 19" E. 8». 1814 Barras (Julius). India & tiger-hunting. 2s. sS". 1885 The new Shikari at our Indian stations. 2v in 1. s8". 1885 Barras (k cte. Paul F. J. N. de). Memoires; publ. par G. Duruy. 4t. 8". 1895-6 1, Ancien Regime — Revolution. 2, Le Direetoire jusqu'au 18 fruct. 3, Le Direetoire du 18 fruct.-18 brum. 4, Consulat— Empire — Restauration — Index. Memoirs. Tr. C. E. Roche. 4v. 8". 1895-6 Barratt (Alfred). Physical ethics ; or the science of action. 8°. 1869 Physical metempiric. 8". 1883 Barratt {Mrs. Francis) [F. L.\yland]. Doubts are traitors. s8". 1889 The shadow of the church. s8". Plymouth. 1886 Barrault (Emile), sccPropeiete Indust., Congres Internat. de la, Rapport, sect, des brevets d'invention, par B., 1878. Barre (Lt. Col. Isaac), see Britton (J.) Authorship of Junius ; w. mem. of B., 1848. Barre (P. Ton). Radet, Desfontaines, et Saint-Felix. Dugai- Trouin, prisonier a Plymouth, [b.iv. Anglais (L') a Paris. 1783]. 8". 1804 *Barren honour, 1802, sec Lawrence (G. A.) Barrera (.V»(('. A. de). Gems & jewels. s8". 1860 Barrera (P. M.) El arco-iris ; cuentos y articulos. s8». 1885 Barrere (Albert). Argot & slang; a new Fr.-Eng. diet, of cant Barrett (Eaton Stannard) [ps. Polypus]. All the talents. By P. [P482]. 8"' ed. 8". 1K07 IS'i-ed. 8". 1807 *Six weeks at Long's. 3v. s8". 1817 see Irelanii (W. H.) *A11 the blocks; antidote to All tiu talents. 1807. Barrett (Eliz. Barrett), aft. Browning, see Brownino (Mrs.) Barrett (Francis). The Magus, or celestial intelligencer; a system of occult philosophy. Barrett (Frank). The admirable Lady Biddv Fane. 3v. s8". 1888 Between life & death. 3v. b8". 1890 Fantoccini. -iv. s8". 1874 Fettered for life. 3v. s8». 1M89 Folly Morrison. 3v. sS". 1881 Found guilty. 3v. sS". 1887 The Harding scandal. 2v. s8". 1896 His helpmate. sS". 1887 Honest Davie. 3v. sS". 1883 John Ford. 2v. s8<>. 1885 „ u. ed. s8». 1892 The justification of Andrew Lebrun. sB". 1894 Kitty's father. 3v. s8». 1893 Lieut. Barnabas. 3v. s8". 1881 1801 Little Lady Linton. 3v. M". 18K4 „ n.ed. s8". 1893 A missing witness. s8". 1897 Out of the jaws of death. 3v. sS". 1892 A prodigal's progress. 3v. 88". 1882 A recoiling vengeance. n. ed. s8». 1889 A set of rogues. s8". 1895 The smuggler's secret. sS". [1891] Two knaves & a queen. 3v. s8». 1877 Under a strange mask. 2v. s8». 1889 The woman of the iron bracelets. 3v. s8o. 1893 „ n. ed. sS". 1897 Barrett (John), vicc-jyrovost of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Earher life of Swift ; subj., pieces ascr. to S. etc. 8°. 1808 Barrett (Joseph), Presbyterian minister, etc. Duty of Britons to jnomote Christianity etc. in India ; sennon. [P170]. 8". 1813 Barrett (Richard A. F.) Synopsis of criticisms upon passages of the Old Test., in wh. mod. conmientators have differed f. ii ; 3, i. Gen.-Esther. Ia8". 1847 List of pictures at the A. v., etc. vl-3i in 5, [1, i, ii; No more app. ?] Barrett (T. B. Brydges), see Lee Priory. seat of B., at L. P., 1817. Barrett (Thomas Squire). Exam, of Gillespie : crit. of the argument a priori for a first cause. 8". 1869 2"''ed. s8». 1871 Intr. to logic & metaphysics. 8". 1875 Xew view of causation. s8". 1871 see Present D.iY (The), nos. 37-40, 1887. Barrett (Wm.), surgeon. Hist. & antiqs. of Bristol. 4». Bristol. [1789] Barrett (Wm. Alex.) English Church composers. s8". 1882 Barrett-Lennard (C. E.) Travels in Brit. Columbia, w. a yacht voyage round Vancouver's I. 8". 1862 Barrett-Lennard (Dacre). Tales f. Moliere's plays. s8". 1859 Barretto (Francesco), see C.ardiji (A. F.) Relation etc. ; p2. Relation des missions de Malabar, par' B., tr., 1645-6. Barretto (Joseph), tlie younger. Diet, of Persian A- jViabic. [Witli e.cplaii'. in Eiig.] 2v. 8". Calcutta. 1804-6 Barri (Giraldus de), see Giraldus, Ca7nbrensis. Barrie, see also B.arry, Berry. Barrie (James Matthew). Auld hcht idylls Better dead. sS". S"" ed. sS". 6* ed. s8". s8<>. „ sS". The little minister. 3v. 8". „ 2»J ed. 8". i"' ed. 8". words etc. used in Paris. Barres (Maurice). Un amateur d'ames. s8". 1899 Du sang, de la volupte, et de la mort. sti". 1894 Un hommelibre. 3° ed. s8". 1889 Huit jours chez M. Renan. 2» ed. s8o. 1890 Le jardin de Berenice. 4" (id. s8». 1891 8». p.p. 1887 Margaret Ogilvy. 1888 ! My Lady Nicotine. sS". 1890 1890 ; „ 3'" ed. sS". 1892 1891 I Sentimental Tommy. s8". 1896 1890 ; Tommy & Grizel. s8». 1900 1896 I When a man's single. 1891 ' 2''<'ed. s8". 1889 1892 ' „ 4'i> ed. sS". 1892 1892 , „ 7"" ed. sS". 1893 8". 1894 A window in Thrums. sS>'. 1889 sti". 1896 I 4'i> ed. sS". 1890 i „ lO'iied. sS". 1892 XJne journee parlementaire. 8". 1894 Le roman de I'energie nationale : [1], Les deracines. sS". 1897 [2], L'appel an soldat. s8<>. 1900 Sous I'ceil des Barbares. n. e'd. s8». 1892 Barrett (A.) [ps. R. Andom], see Andom (R.) ps. Barrett (C. E. B.) Essex : higlrways, byways, waterways. si, 2. laS". 1892-3 Somersetshire. 4". 1894 The Tower ; etchings, descr. letterpress, etc. 4». [1889] The Trinity House. laS". 1893 Barrier (Gustave), sec Gouhaux (A.) it B. The horse, tr., 1892. Barriere (J. Franjois). La cour & la ville sous Louis XIV-XVI. 8". 1830 Tableaux de genre et d'histoire ; morceaux ined. sur Louis XV, A Louis XVI. 8". 1828 Barriere (Theodore), see Sardou (V.) d- T. B. Les gens nerveux, 1893. Barrili (Anton Giulio). Amori antichi. 2-'ed. s8". Milano. 1S91 La bella Graziana. sS". Milano. 1892 II biancospino. 3" ed. 68». Milano 1B92 Castel Gavoue. 5,8°. Milano. 1875 La castellana. sB". Milano. 1894 Con Garibaldi alle porte di Roma, 1B67. sS". Mdano. 1895 Le confessiom di Fra Gualberto. 6-' ed. s8". Milano 1B92 BARRILI 95 BARRY Barrili (Anton Giulio) [contln I) conte rosso. ■2"ea. s8». Milano. 1884 Diamante nero. s8". Milano. 1897 Diaua degli embriaci. s8". Milauo. 1877 Le due Beatiici. 2" ed. sS". Milano. 1892 I figli del cielo. s8». Milano. 1893 Pior d'oro. 68". Milano. 1895 Galatea. sS". Milano. 1896 II lettore della principessa. 2" ed. s8". Milauo. 1885 Monsu Tome. a* ed. s8". Milano. 1885 LftMontanara. s8". Milano. 1886 II prato maledetto. sS". Milauo. 1896 llAid]. Raggio di Dio. s8". Milano. 1899 Rosa di Gerico. s8". Milano. 1891 I Rossi e i Neri. 2v. [1, 4» ; 2, 5» ed.] s8". Milano. 1893 Santa Cecilia. 8" ed. s8". Milano. 1894 Soi-risi di gioventu : ricordi e note. s8». Milauo. 1899 La spada di fuoco. s8". Milano. 1887 Terra vergine sS". Milano. 1901 Tra cielo e terra. s8". Genova. 1894 L' undecinio comandaniento. s8». Milano. 1881 ,, ... 2" ed. s8". Milano. 1882 Barrow (Isaac), D.D.. si'f *Coiirusponi)ence of .scientific men or IT"- cent., B. etc., 1841. see Pope (W.) Life of Seth [Ward], bp. ; w. ace. of B., 1(307. Barrow (John), D.D. Cuse of Queen's Coll., Oxf., in letter to Gladstone. [P157, 288]. Barrillon (Jean), sec. du chanciiier Duprut. Journal, 1515-21. Publ. par P. de Vaissi^re. [S. de I'H. de F.] 2t. 8". 1897-9 Barrington (Htm. Baines). Miscellanies. 4". 1781 Obs. on Statutes from Magna Charta to 21 James I, cap. 27 ; w. proposal for new modelling the Statutes, o'' ed. 4". 1796 Probability of reaching the N. Pole discussed. [P78G]. 4". 1775 Barring1;on ((Jeorge) ps. [real name Walimion]. Hist, of New Holland, etc. ; w. disc, on banishment by W. Eden. 2"'' ed. 8". 1787 Hist, of New South Wales. 8^ 1802 [2"'ied.] 8». 1810 Voyage to New S. Wales ; fw.] life, etc. 8'>. 1810 Barrington (John Shute Barrington, /' visct.). Theolog. works. Pref''., life ; w. mem. of h. son Shute, bp. of Durham, by G. Townsend. 3v. S". 1828 Barrington (Sir Jonah). Personal sketches of his own times. Hv. 8". 1827-32 „ „ 2v. 3"' ed.. w. mem., essay on Irish wit etc., & notes by T. Young. 8". 1869 Barrington (Mrs. Russell). Lena's picture, [n. ed.J s8". 1893 A retrospect, & o. articles. s8». 1896 Barrington (Hon. Shute), bp. of (1) Llandaff (2) Salisbury (3) Darhum. Charge, at primary visitation, 1792. IP257]. 2"'i ed. 4". 1794 *Letter to Shute, bp. etc. Fiom a Petitioner. [P72]. 8". Marlborough. 1774 Polit. life of W. W., Visct. Barrington. 4". 1814 ,sc. 1777 Barron- Wilson (Mrs. Cornwell). see Baron-Wilson {Mrs. Marg.) [fHAKitiEs (Makuaket) aft. Baron- Wilson]. Barros (Joao de) & D. de Couto. [Decadas] da Asia. Da Asia de J. de B., dec. 1-4 [each has -Jp]. 8v. Vida de J. de B., por M. Severim de Faria, e Indice das 4 dee. de sua Asia. Iv. Da Asia de D. de Couto, dec. 4-10, 12 [S, 9, U have Ip ; 4-7, 10 have Jp]. 13v. Decada undecima da Asia, supprindo a que falta de D. de C, Iv. Indice das dec. de Couto. Iv. Barros e Sousa de Mesquita de Macedo Leitao e Carvalhosa (M. F. de), vise, dc Santarem, K'JO IS.V,, see Santakem. Barrot (C. H. Odilon). Memoires posthumes. 4t. [tl, 3, 4, 2« ed.] 8°. 1875-6 Barrow (Si>- Gi-eo.), ia;^ Ceylon : irast and present. s8''. 1857 In 24v. n. ed. s8". 1778-88 9v. 8" O. 1854 C. 1859 Prayer — Decalogue — Theolog. works. Ed. A. Napier. 1, 15 sermons on sev. occasions. 2, 21 s\ on sev. occ. 3, 13 s*. on sev. occ. 4, 16 s'. on sev. occ. 5, 17 s*. on the Creed. 6, 16 s'. on the Creed. 7, Expos, of the Creed — Lord's Doctrine of the Sacraments. 8, Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy — Unity of the Church — App«. 9, Opuscula— Poemata — 2 diss". — Sermons attr. to B. — Notice of B.'s life A academ. times by W. Whewell. Theolog. works. 8v. 8". 0. 1830 Barrow (John), F.R.S., son of Sir John Barrow. Excursions in the N. of Europe. n. ed. 8". 1835 Life & corr. of Adni. Sir \V. S. 1848 Smith. 2 Lite etc. of Sir P. Drake, w. letters f. him & the Lord High Admiral. 8". 1843 „ 2"'ied., abr. s8". 1844 Naval worthies of Elizabeth's reign. 8". 1845 Barrow (John), nwinber if the Alpine Club. in Westmoreland A Cumberland. Barrow (Sir John), /' bart. Auto-biographical memoir, 8". 1847 Chrouolog. liist. of voyages into the Arctic regions for dis- covering a N.E., N.W., or Polar passage. 8". 1818 *The eventful hist, of the mutiny of H.M.S. Bounty. s8<>. 1831 Life of Earl Howe. 8". 1838 Life of Lord Anson. 8". 1839 Public life lir sel. f.unpubl. writ- ings of the Earl of Macartney. 2v. 4". 1807 Tour in Lombardy, the Tyrol * Bavaria, 1H40. sB". 1841 Tour round Ireland, 1835. s8". 1836 Visit to Iceland, 1834. s8". 1835 see Coats (W.) Geography ol Hudson's Bay etc., ed. .T. B. 1852. Mountain ascents s8". 1886 Travels in Cliina. 2'"'ed. 4". 1806 Travels into the interior of S. Africa. 2v. 2""' ed. 4". 1806 Voyage to Cochin-China, 1792-3; annexed, journey 1801-2, to residence of the chief of the Booshuana nation f. a MS. journal [by — Truier]. i'\ 1806 Voyages within the Arctic re- gions, 1818 to the present time. 8". 1846 see Holland. 'Family tour in SouthH., [6)/ £..?], 1831. Barrow (Wm.), LL.D.. of Queen's Coll. Eight sermons, 1799, at the lecture founded by Bampton. 8". 1799 Barrowcliffe (A. J.) ps.. see Mott (Albert). Barrows (Charles M.) Acts & anecdotes of authors. s8<>. Boston. 1887 Barrows (Mrs. Isabel C), see Barkows (S. J.) & I. C. B. The Shaybacks etc., 1887. Barrows (Samuel J.) & [Mrs.] I. C. Barrows. The Shaybacks in camp. s8". Boston. 1887 Barrows (William), Oregon : the struggle for possession. [Amer. Commonwealths]. 4'" ed. s8°. Boston. 1886 Barruel (Augustin). *Application of B.'s Mems. of Jacobinism to the secret societies of Ireland & Gt. Brit., 1798, sec Clifford {Hon. E.) Les Helviennes ; ou lettres provinciales philosophiques. 4t. 6» &d. s8". 1823 Hist, du clerge pend. la Revol. 2« &d. 8", Londres, 1794 Mfimoires pour serv. a I'hist. du Jacobinisme, 4p. 8°. Londres. 1797-8 Mems. illust. the hist, of Jacobinism. Tr. Hon. B. Clifford. 4p. [pi, 2, 2"'> ed.] 8». 1798 Barry, see also Bahrie, Berry. Barry (Alfred), bpi- of Sydney. Ecclesiastical exiiansion of Eng. : Hulsean lects., 1894-5. s8". 1895 Life & works of Sir C. Barry. 8". 1867 The manifold witness for Xt. ; Boyle lects., 1877-8. 8". 1880 Masters in Eng. theology ; the King's Coll. lects. for 1877, ed. A. B. s8". 1877 Barry (Sir Charles), see Barry (A.) Life & works of B., 1867. Some lights of science on the faith. [Bampton L*., 1892]. 8". 1892 see Pugin (E. W.) Notes on the reply of B. to the " in- fatuated statements " made by P. on the Houses of Pari., 2"'' ed., 1868. BARRY nii BARTHOLMESS Barry (Edw.). ^'-D- l^i^c. to the young gentlemen of the Grammar-School, Readinf;, 24 Nov. i7!(9, on a mournful occa- sion. [P45]. 8". Reading. 17!»'.l Barry (Edward), prof, d'hisloire, Toulouse, see Devic (C.) * J. V'mssktf. Hist, (le Languedoc ; tl-'j, Ree. des inscr. antiques de 1... par 13. etc., 1872--',r2. Barry (Sir Edward), hart. Obs. on the wines of the ancients, etc. 4". 1775 Barry (Edward Middleton). Lects. on architecture ; ed., w. mem., by A. Barry. laS". 1881 Barry (George), jtiinister of Sluqyinshaij. Hist, of the Orkney Islands. 2"'' ed., \v. adds.' etc. by J. Heatkick. 4". 1808 Barry (Giraldus de), ■;<(■ Gikaldus. Cambrcnsis. Barry (Henry Boothby). On the three proposals for refonning Oxford. [P157:. 8". 0. 1854 Thoughts on renovation of cathedral in-titutions. :P899]. 8". 1852 Barry (Herbert). Ivan at home. 8". 1872 Russia in 1870. 58°. 1871 Barry (James), i?.. 4. Works ; pref'., life. 2v. 4". ISO'.l •i/'c P.uxTiNfi. *Lects. on p., by B., Opie. Fuseli, 1848. ., Wood (H. T.) Note on the pictures by .1. B. in the Great Room of the Soc. of Arts, 1880. Barry (tlohn "Warren). Studies in Corsica. 8". 189S Barry (.Sir Jolin Wolfe), engineer, seeVfr.un (C.) Hist, of the Tower Bridge ; with descr. by B., 1894. — & F. J. Bramwell. Railways * locomotives. 8". 1882 Barry (Michael Joseph). The songs of Ireland. Ed.B. s8». D. 1843 Barry (Patrick). The workman's wrongs & rights. r2'"' ed.]. s8". 1871 Barry (E. Milner). Bayrenlh & Franconian Switzerland. s8''. 1887 Barry (Sir Redmond). Music * poetry. 8». Melbom-ne. 1872 Barry (William Francis), D.D. Arden Massiter. s8". 1900 *The new Antigone. 3v. s8". 1887 s8". 1888 The two standards. s8". 1898 2'"' imp. s8". 1890 Barry (Wm. Jackson). Up * down ; 50 years' colonial ex- periences. s8". 1879 Barry (Wm. Whittaker). *A walking tour round Ireland in 18IJ5. s8". 18(J7 Barrymore, The earls of. sec Robinson (.(. R.) The last Earls of B. (1769-1824), 1894. Biirsch (Greorg). F. v. Schill's Zug u. Tod im J. 1809. s8". L. 1800 Bar Serapion (Mara), see JIara, bar Serajnon. Barskett (Sir James), see Pl.\citik-Justin ( ) Hist. d'Haj'ti, ecr. sur des notes commun. par B., etc., 1826. Bart (Jean), see B.ujin (A.) .1. B.. 1867 ; r, ed., 1888. see Yanhekest ( .) Hist, de J. B., 1841. Bartas (William of Saluste, Tjord of), see Dc Baktas (G. de Sai.uste). Bartell (Edmund). Cromer as a watering place. 2»''ed. 8". 1806 Bartels (Adolf). Der Bauer in d. deutschen Vergangenheit. i Monographien z. deutschen Kulturgesch., 6]. Ia8". L. 1900 Deutsche Diehtung d. Gegenwart. 2' A. 8". L. 1899 Gerhart Hauptmann. 38". Weimar. 1897 Bartels (Joh. Heinr.) Briefe ii. Kalabrien u. Sizilien. 3T in 2. 2" A. 8". Gottingen. 1791-2 Barter (Charles). The Dorp * the Veld ; 6 months in Natal. s8". 1852 Barth (A.), member of the Soc. Asiatique de Paris. The religions of India. Tr. J. Wood. 8". 1882 Barth (Heinrich). Travels etc. in N. * C. Africa. 1849-55. 5v. 8". 1857-8 Wanderungen durch d. Kiistenliinder d. Mittelmeeres, 1845-7. Bl, Das nordafrika'n. Gestadeland. [no more publ.^. 8". 1849 Barth. (Jacob Bbchmann). Naturskildringer og Optegnelser etc. s8". Kristiania. 1877 Barth (Paul). Die Philosophie d. Gesch. als Sociologie. Tl, Einltg. u. krit. Ubersicht. 8". L. 1897 Barthelemy. For saints etc. see B.vRTHOLOMiiw. Barthelemy (Adrien) ed. etc., see Gcjastak Aealish, 1887. Barthelemy (Antoine) ^'s- [i.e. Antoine Pkocst]. Un philosophe en voyage. s8". 1804 Barthelemy (Aug. Marseille). Douze journees de la Revol. ; auivi de Ma justification. s8". Brux. 1832 Nemesis, satire hebdomadaire. sS". Bru::. 1832 . Barthelemy (Aug. Marseille) & J. P. A. Mery. (Euvres de i>- A M. s8". Brux. 1830 & L'insurrection ; pr6c. de 1830, etc. [b.w. B. & M. ; (ICuvres. 18.30]. .s8». Brux. 1830 Barthelemy (Charles), of Paris. La bourgeoisie et le paysaii sur le theatre au 17' s. ; La comMie de Dancourt, 1685-1714. s8''. 1882 Etudes sur le 7 ' siecle, see Ocen, 57. Tie de S. Eloi ; tr. par B., etc., 1847. Barthelemy (le ate. Edouard M. de). Les correspondants de la mar- Mesdames de France, filles de quise de Balleroy ; avec notes Louis XV. 8". 1870 etc. 2t. 8°. 1883 Une m«ce de Mazarin : Laprin- Etablisseinents des ordres du cesse de Conti d'ap. sa con- Temple, de S. Jean de Jeru- ined. laB". 187.5 salem &■ de y. .-Vntoine de La princesse de Coude, C. C. Viemiois dans I'anc. archi- de La Tre'moille, d'apres des diocese de Reims. lettres ined. sH". 1872 [P592]. 8". Paris. 1883 see S.UiLE ila marq. DE). Les La marquise d'Huxelles A: ses amis de la m. de S. : lettres amis. Ia8". 1881 etc., 1865. Barthelemy (le marq. Francois de). Papiers de B., ambass. en Suisse. 1792-7. Publ. par J. Kaulek. tl-o, [to Sept. t';9l). Inventaire analyt. des Arch, du Min. des Aff. Etrang.j. Ia8". 1887-94 Barthelemy (Hippolyte). *Avant la bataille. s8'. 1886 Barthelemy (Jean Jacques). see Caylus (7e c. de). Corr. avec Paciaudi ; suiv. de celles de B. etc. avec le meme, 1877. „ Du Deff.\nd (la m. JI.) Corr. avec B. etc., n. ed., 1866. Travels 111 Italy ; tr. 8". 1S02 *Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece. 7t. 3' e'd. »". 1790 „ 4t. n. i-'\. sS". 1838 Eecueil de cartes etc. de I'anc. Groce, rel. au voyage du jeune Anacharsis; [^«r Bar- bier du Bocage]. 3' ed. 4". 1790 Barthelemy Haureau (Jean), see H.^ubeau (J. B.) Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire (Jules). Le Bouddba A- sa religion. Lettres sur I'Egypte. 8". IS.'iG 8". 1800 Mahomet & le Cforan, etc. De la ini'taphysique ; p. serv. 8". 186r> d'iutr. a la Met. d'Aristote. La philosophie dans ses rapports s8". 1879 avec les sciences cSfc la religion. De I'ecole d'Ale.tandrie, etc.; 8". 1889 siiivi d'une tr. de morceaux de V. Cousin : sa vie & corr. Ploliii. 8". 184,5 3t. «". ISO.'; EgjiJt it the Suez Canal; (a-avels. see Ampere (A. M.) & J. J. 8". 18.57 Ampere. Philosophie des LTnde anglaise ; s. etat actuel, deux A.,publ. par B.St. -H., s. avenir. 8". 1887 1866. Barthema (Lodovico) TL. de B.artheme], see Varthema (L.) Barthez (P. J.) Sur le traitemeut des fluxions, et sur les coliques iliaques etc. [P55]. 8". Montpellier. 1816 Barthold (Friedrich Wilh.) Deutschiaud u. d. Hugenotten. Bl. [no more 2»ibl.] 8°. Bremen. 1848 Georg V. Frundsberg, oder d. deutsche Kriegshandwerk z. Zeit d. Reformation. 8'\ Hamburg. IS33 Gesch. d. deutschen Stiidte u. d. deutschen Biirgerthums. [to /SOT". 4T. s8<'. L. 1850-53 Die gesehichtl. Personlichkeiten in J. Casanova's Memoiren. 2B in 1. s8". 1846 Bartholdy, Mendelssohn-, The family of, see Mendelssohx- Baktholdy, The famibi of. Bartholdy (Carl Mendelssohn-), see Mendelssohn-Bar- TIIOLIiV (C.I Bartholdy (J. L. Felix Mendelssohn-), composer, see Mex- DELSSOIIN (F.) Bartholeyns (A. O'D.) The legend of the Xmas rose. i". 1899 The wonder workers. 40. 1900 Bartholi (Frater Franciscus) de Assisio ; fl. c. l33o. Tractatus de indulgentia S. MariiE de Portiuncula. Ed. P. Sabatier. Ace. varia doc, inter qu£e duo S. Francisci opuscula ined.. ct diss, de operihus fr. Mariani de Florentia. 8". 1900 Bartholinus (Casparus), of Malmoe. Enchiridion logicum. ed. 3'. s8". L. 1618 Bartholinus (Thomas), tlie elder. De cruce Christi hypo- mnemata iv. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1695 Bartholmess (Christian J. G.) De Bernardino Telesio. Hist. crit. des doctrines relig. de [P457]. 8". Parisiis. 1819 la philosophie modeme. Le grand Beausobre et ses amis, 2t. 8". 1855 erc.,168o-1740.[P-J37]. 8".1854 Hist, philosoph. de I'Acad. de BARTHOLMESS 97 BARTSCH Bartholmess (Christian J. G.) [cimtinned]. Prusso, partic. sous Freilrric | Huet, Jvc'cjue d'.Vvranches, ou, le Gr. 'It. y^. 1H50-1 Le scepticisnie theologique. I 8". 1850 : Jordano Bruno, it. 8". 1846-7 Bartholomaeis (Joannes Bmdino de). Hist. Senensis, sec .Mui;.uoui (L. A.) Reruin Ital. Script., t20. Bartholomaeus. For Saints etc. see B.\BTaohoiiEW. Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, see Gl.\ntillk (B. i>i:). Bartholomgeus, dc Cotton, see Cotton (B.) Bartholomgeus, Edcssenus, see Migxe (J. P.) cd., Pat. gneca. tl04, B. E., 18G0. Bartholomaeus Gemccnsis. Annales .Tanuensea 12'2.3_48. M'c MoNOMENTA Cteum. Hist., Scr., tl8. ., J[pi:\Toiu (L. A.) Reruin Ital. Script., tii. Bartholomaeus, bp. of Laon, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist. ties Gaules, tl4. Bartholomaeus de Lucca, see Ptolom.eus Lucensis. Bartholomaeus, abbas Maj. Monatt., see Migxe (J. P.) ed., Put. hitina, tl4e). Bartholomew, Saint it Apostle, see Migxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. Krieca, t2, B., 1857. Bartholomew, de Cotton, sec Cotton (B.) Bartholomew, of Edcssa, sec Bartholom.eus, Edesscnus. Bartholomew, anchorite of Fame. Vita S. B., see Simeox of Durham. Opera omnia, vl, 1882. Bartholomew, of Visa, see Pisa (B., of). Bartholomew, tlie T'ortniiiiese, buccaneer, sec Poktugues (B.) Bartholomew (John), F.R.G.S. Gazetteer of the Brit. Isles, statist. A topograph. Ia8". E. 1887 Bartholomew (John Geo.) Atlas of commercial geography ; w. notes by H. R. Mill. 4". C. 1889 B.'s physical atlas. Under patronage of the E.Geograph. Soc. In prog. v3. lafol. 1899 3, Atlas of meteorology ; by J. G. B. & A. .T. Herbertson. Ed. A Buchan. Bartle (George W.) Scriptnral doctrine of Hades, etc. S"" ed. s8". 1873 Bartlet (J.), surgeon. The gentleman's farriery. 10"> ed. s8". 1782 Bartlet (Wm.) 'lx''oypa. L. 1901 Chrestomatliie proven(,-aIe, ac- comp. d'une gramm. it d'un gloss. 5' e'd. 8". Berlin. 1892 Denkmiiler d. provenzal. Litte- I'&Xuv. [h.w. Langenstein(H.v.) Martina, 1856]. [Lit.V. in St., 39]. sS". St. 1850 Gesammelte Vortriige u. Auf- siitze. 8". Freiburg i. B. 1883 Grundrissz. Gesch. d. provenzal. Lit. 8". Elberfeld. 1872 H BAETSCH 98 BASSE Bartsch (Carl) & A. Horning. La langue & la litt. frano., 9-1 4« s. : Textes iV gloss, par B.. gramm. par H. Ia8". 1887 Bartsch (J. Adam von). Lp Peintre Graveur. 21v. in 9. 8". Vienne. 1803-21 „ „ Planches, Iv. 8". u.rf. see Passav.\xt (J. D.) Le peintre-graveur ; cont. un cat. suppl. aux estampes du 10 & 1(5 s. du Peintre-Graveur de A. B., 18G0-4. „ Weigel (Pi. I Siippl. au pt'intre-graveur, 1843 etc. Barttelot (Edmund Musgrave), xce Bahttelot {Sir W. G.) Life of E. JI. B., f. h. letters * diaries, 1890. Barttelot (Sir Walter George), J-' bart. Life of E. il. Barttelot. From his letters * diary. 8". 1890 Baruch, ps. *The Apocalypse of Baruch, tr. f. Syriac. Notes, indices etc. by R. H. Charles. sS". 1896 see also Bible : .\pocrypha. Bamffaldi ((Jirolamo) tlw elder. Vite de' pittori e scultori ferraresi, con annot. 2t. 8". Ferrara. 1844-G Barwell (Mrs. Louisa Mary). *Letter3 from Hofwyl on the educat. institutions of De Fellenberg, etc. 8". 1842 Barwick (John), dean of St. Paul's, sec Barwick (P.) Vita .7. B., etc., 1721. Barwick (Peter), 2I.D. Vita .T. Barwick. App. epistolaram tarn ab ipso Carolo ii quam a suo Cancellario exulantibus, allarumque chartarum. 8". Londini. 1721 Barwise (John), see Electric clocks: specific, of patent, [/. B. ,C .1. Bain], 1841. Bary (Anton de). Comp. anatomy of vegetative oi'gans of phanerogams & ferns : tr. F. 0. Bower & D. H. Scott. Ia8'>. O. 1884 Comp. morphology & biology of the fungi, mycetozoa it bacteria ; tr. H. E. F. Garnsey etc. " laS". 0. 1887 Barye (Alex. Louis), .see Alexandre (A.) B., 1889. Barzellotti (Griacomo), Doctor of Letters. D. Lazzaretti, i suoi seguaci e la sua leggenda. 38". Bologna. 188.5 Bas (F. de), see De Bas (F.) Basanville (la esse. A. DE)2>s.,see Bassaxville {la esse. A., de) jjs. Basavanna Lal(a), calkd Shdddu, see Bosawdn Lal. Baschet (Armand). Les archives de Venise : Hist, de la Chancellerie Secrete, etc. 8". 1870 Les coraediens italiens a la eour de France sous Ch. IX, Hen. Ill, Hen. IV, Louis XIII. 8-. 1882 La diploraatie venitienne : Les princes de I'Europe au 16" s. S". 1862 Le due de Saint-Simon, son cabinet et I'historique de ses MSS. 8». 1874 Hist, du depot des Archives des Affaires Etrangeres. 8". 1875 Le roi ehez la reine; ou, I'hist. sec. du mariage de Louis XIII et d'Anne d'Autriche. 2' ^d. 38". 1866 see DuF.iY (C.) Un erudit du 19' s. : B., 1887. & F. S. Feuillet de Conches. *Les femmes blondes selon les peintres de I'ecole de Venise. 8". 186.5 Baschi (Charles de), niarq. d\iubais, see Aubais. Bascle de Lagreze, see Lagreze. Bascom (John). Philosophy of English lit. s8». N.Y. 1874 Basel, Sicitierland, see Basler Chronikex, B1, 1872. Baseley {Mrs.) Millicent's children. 3v. sS". 1883 Bashforth (Francis), B.D. 2"'' suppl. to rev', account of experiments made \v. Bashforth chronograph. [P1004]. 8». C. 1900 see Krcpp { ) Pieplica alia protesta di B., tr., 1898. Bashkirtseff (Marie). Further mems. of B. : together w. a oorr. between B. & G. de Maupassant. s8". 1901 Journal de M. B. 2t. sS". 1888 „ „ ... 2t. 38°. 1890 Journal. Tr., w. intr., by M. Blind. 2t. S". 1890 „ 8°. 1890 Letters. [Tr.] 8". [1891] Nouveau journal inedit de B. sS". 1901 see Bastlen-Lepage (J.) B.-L. & his art, by A. Theuriet. A study of M. B., by M. BUud, etc., 1892. Basil, yjs., see King (Richard Ashe). Basil, merchant. P^lerinage (146.5-6(>), see Khitrowo (B. de). Itin^raires Kusses en Orient, 1889. Basil, Saint, the Oreat, abp. of Ciesarea in Cappadocia. [Basilius, Magnus']. The Book of B. on the Holy Spirit. Rev. text, w. notes by C. P. H. Johnston. sS». 0. 1892 De la lecture des auteurs yii'o- fanes [Aiiteicrs gr.expliq. par deux trad, fr.] sS". 1863 ObseiTe-toi toi-m6me [Auteurs ijrccs etc.] sS". 186.5 Basil, Saint, the Great Icontinned]. Opera. 3t. ed. Parisina2". Ia8" 1 see Migxe (J. P.) -•'?., Pat. Parisiis. IS.S'J latina, tioa. Tjjs KfiTovpytas tou o. B. „ Nicexe. 'Sel. lib. of N. & fTvvTOfios fKhotris. Post-N. Fatliers, tr. : II, 8, s8". Venetiis. 164.) B. ; letters & sel. works, .set'BoHRiNGER (F.) Die Kirche 189.5. Christi : B7, B., 2'' A., 1K64. „ Weiss (H.) Die Grossen „ MiGNB (J. P.) ed., Pat. , Kappadocier B., 1872. grieea, t29-32, B., 1857. Basil, of Ciesarea, the younger. [Basilits C.esariensis, cognomine Minimus]. see MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. gra»oa. till, B. C. Basil I, the Macedonian, emperor of Constantinople, sea *Basilica. Basil, Neopatrensis, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grajca, till, B. N., 186.3. Basil, Saint, abp. of Seleucia in Isauria [Basujus Seleuci- ENsis], see MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. grieea, t85, B., 1864. Basile (Giov. Batt.), conte di Torone [ps., .\bbattctis (Gian AlessioI]. *n Pentamerone. Tr. J. E. Taylor. 2"'> ed. s8". 18.50 Tr. Sir R. Burton. 2v. 8". 1893 Basilica. Basilicorum libri Ix. Post A. Fabroti cuias ed., transl. lat. etc. adj. C. G. E. Heimbach. Gr. £ Lat. 6t. 4". L. 1833-76 ., Suppl. ed. Basilicorum Heimbach., lib. 1.5-18 cum schol. ant. integros nee non lib. 19 novis auxiliis restit. cont. Ed. etc. C. E. Z. a Lingenthal. 4". L. 1846 Basilides, see Hofstede de Grooi (P.) B. als erster Zeuge ftir Alter etc. neutestamentl. Schriften, 1868. see Jacobi (J. L.) B''. sententias illust. J., 1852. ,, Uhlhorn (J. G.) Das basilidian. System, mit bes. Kiicksicht auf d. Angaben d. Hippolytus, 18-55. Basilides (Joannes), Magnus Dux Moscoruin, see Ivan IV, Tsar, ■■ the Terrible." Basilius. For emperors. Saints, etc., see B.isil. Basilius, Magnus, see Basil, Saint, tite Great. Basilius, Minimus, Ccesariensis, see Basil, of Casarea, tlie ijounger. Basilius, Neopatrensis, see B.\sil, Neopatrensis. Basin (Thomas), 6^1. of Lisicn.e, abp. of Ccesarea. Hist, des regnes de Charles VII ct de Louis XI. 4t. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8». 1855-9 Basingstoke, Ricardus Vitus of B., see Vitus (R.j Basinius (Basinius), Parmensis. Opera prtestantiora. 2t, [t2 has 2p in Iv]. 4". Arimini. 1794 see Pandoxi (P.), called Porcelius. Trium poet., P., B., etc., opusc, 1539. Basis of a new reformation. [P705, 710]. s8». T. Scott, Riunsgate. 1868 Baskerville (Alfred). The poetry of Germany : sel'. tr. into verse. 2°'' imjj. sS". L. 1.854 Basle, see *Monumesta Conciliorum Gen. sec. xv : Cone. Basil. scriptorum, tl, 2, 1857-73. Basler Chroniken, hrsg. v. d. Histor. Gesellschaft in Basel. Bl-5. 8". L. 1872-95 Basnage de Beauval (Jacques). Annales des Provinces-Unies. Paix de JIunster jusqu'a celle de Ximegue. 2t. fol. La Haye. 1726 Hist, des .Juifs, depuis J.-Christ. 9t in 8, [141 by half-titles']. u. 6d. s8". La Haye. 1716 Hist, of the Jews, from Jesus ; tr. T. Taylor. fol. 1708 Basone, da Gubbio, see Busone [Raffaelli], da Gubbio. Basque, see *Romaxcero du pays b., 1859. Bass Kock. The Bass Rock : Hist., by T. M'Crie— Geology, by Hugh Miller — Martyrology, by J. Anderson — Zool'. A- bof., by Profs. Fleming & Balfour. ' s8'^. E. [1847] Bassano (Hagues Bernard Maret, due de), see Eilleaux {ctesse. d') [ps., C. de Sor]. Le d. de B. : souv. de la Revo!. & de I'Empire, 1843. sec Ernouf {le b. A. A.) M., d. de B., 2' M., 1884. Bassano (Vincenzo Giustiniano, march, di). *Aventures d'un grand seigneur italien [i.e. B.] a travers I'Europe (1606), 1899, sec Biznxi (B.) Bassanville {la esse. Anais de) ps. [or, Basanville ; i.e. Axjiiis Leerux, 1802-84. The ps. has since also been used by Mme. C. Guijot, of " La Patrie "'. Les salons d'autretois. 4s. [si, 4' ^d.] s8o. [1862-70] Basse (Wm.) I'oet. works of B. (1002-53). Xotes etc. bv R. W. Bond. Ia8°. 1893 BASSELIN 99 BATES Basselin (Olivier). V:iux-de-Vire; suiv. d'uii 'choix il'auc. Vaux-ck'-Viiu etc. Publ. par L. Da Bois. 8 '. Caen. 1821 Basserie (J. P.) La eonjuvation de Cinq-Mars. s8". ISyii Bassermann (Alfred). Dautes Spuren in Italien. Kleine .\. s8". Miiiichen. i 1898J Basset (J.), mv Catholic. *Eirenicou (.■Vn) of the IS"' c. : Priiposal for Catholiu Communion [by B. ?'\, n. ed., 1879. Basset (Rene). Contcs pop. berb^res. Tr. etc. sS". 1887 soe Bakhty.vh. Contes arabes : Bakhtiar-Nameh, tr. B., 1883. Bassett (Fletcher S.) Legends A siiperstition.s of the sea . 1887 Basseville (N. J. Hugou de), set' Hugou de B.issevii.le. Bassler (Ferdinand). Auswahl altchristl. Lieder v. 2-1-5 .Ihdt. : im Urtext u. in i'bcis. 8". 18o8 Bassnett (Th.) True theory of the sun. 8". N.Y. 1884 Bassompierre (Ic maricUal Frangois de). .Joiunal de ma vie. ^hi. de I'H. de F.] 4t. .8". 1870-7 For aiioth. ed., sea Michaud (.J. F.) & .1. Pou,ioui.\t. Xouv. coll., II, (i, Menr. de B., 1850. For anoth. cd., see Petitot (C.B.) ed., CoU., II, 19-21, 1819. Memoirs of embassy of B. to Eng. 1620, tr. [-7. W. Croker]. S". 1819 Bassompierre (Louis de), bp. of (/) OU'ron (?) Saintes. Dis- sertations eccles. sur le pouvoir des evesques pour la diminu- tion etc. des testes, par les evesques de S., etc., 1691, see Thiers (J. B.) Bassompierre (la hannme Louise Marg. de), set' Conti (L. M., prbiec!. E. 1860-70 1, Chaps 1-10. 2, Add", publ. postlmmously. „ ... 2"<' ed. sS". E. [1883] s8". 1872 s8". 1880 s8". 1885 s8". 1874 sS". 1871 A tr. of w. notes by s8' . 1846 Popular fallacies. " Sopbismes etc.,' G. A. Porter. Pop. fallacies reg. trade & foreign duties. " The Sophismes etc." of B., adapted to the present time by E. R. P. Edgcumbe. [P422 Cobden Club], l'" ed. sS". 1893 Protectionisme et oommunisme. s8". 1849 Sophismes economiques. sS". 1846 Bastide (A. F. Arbousse-), see AunoussE-BAsiiDE (A. F.) Bastide (J. Jules). Hist, de France: luttes relig. des prem. siecles. [P372]. 3" ed. s8'. n.d. Bastide (Jenny) pn. C\mille Bonis], see Bodin (C.) pis. Bastien (J. Fr.) Petit diet, d'anecdotes. 3t. s8". 1826 Bastien-Lepage (Jules). .1. B.-L. A his art ; by K. Theuriet. .1. B.-L. as artist, by G. Clausen. Modern realism in painting ; by W. Sickert. Marie Bashkirtseff ; by M. Blind. Ia8". 1892 sec Caktwright (.Julia). B., 1894. Bastille, Paris. 'Bastille (La) devoilee, 1789-90, sec Ciiak- I'icntii;h ( .) *Memoires sur la 13. : Linguet, Dusaulx. Notes etc. par H. Monin. s8". 1889 Basto (Duarte de Albuquerque Coello, iiump de), coiide de I'eniambuco. Memorias diarias da guerra do Brasil por nove annos, comei;ando em 1630, deduzidas das que escr. B., pelo dr. Mello Moraes, e I. Accioli de Serqueira e Silva. 4". Rio de Janeiro. 1855 *Basuto War (The). IWants tp. P366.] 8". n.d. Bat, the Portuguese, bnccaiieer, see PonTuonES (Bartholomew). Bataille. *Avant la b., 1886, see Barthelejiy (H.) •"Bataille (La) et la retraite de Leipzig ; extr. des souv. d'un ex-othcier, [1870], sec Martin (.T. F.) Bataille (Albert). Causes criminelles et mondatnes de 1880. s8'. 1880 Bataille (Henry). Ton sang; pnie. de La lepreuse. s8". 1808 *Batavia sacra, 1714, sec Heussen (H. F. van). Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. Deel 1-4. s8". [1-3], Batavia ; [4], Amsterdam. 1779-86 Batavieren, .^cc *Toets-steen voor de herten der B., 1673. Batavus (Philalethes), ps., see Burman (P.) Batbie (Anselme). Tnigot. 8". 1861 Batchelor (John). The Ainu of Japan. s8". 1892 Batchelor (Thomas). Gen. view of agric. of Bedford. [Board of Agric] 8". 1808 Bate (C. Spence) & J. 0. Westwood. Brit, sessile-eyed Crus- tacea. 2v. 8". 1863-8 Bate (George), M.D. Elench[«s] motuum nuperorum in Anglia. [Pars 1" ab anthore aucta. Pars 2", ed. nova]. 2p in Iv. s8". Londini. 1663 Elenchus motuum nuperorum in Anglia : hist. ace. of the late troubles, by B. Motus compositi : hist, of the Eestauration, by T. Skinner. Made Eng. s8". 1685 Bate (Rev. Henry), ctft. Sir H. Bate Dudley, bart., see Dudley (Sir H. B.) Bate (John), sec. to the Colonial Emigration Soc. Emigra- tion to Brit. Colonies. [Col. Emig. S. P82.] 8". 1862 Bate (Percy H.) The English Pre-Eaphaelite painters. 4". 1899 Bate (Wm. Thornton), sec Baillie (John). Mem. of B., 1859. Bateman (Lord) ps. *The grand opera of Lord B. and his Sophia. 1863, see Scourfield (J. H.) Bateman (Ch. Somerville Latrobe). First ascent of the Kasai : service under the Lone Star. 8". 1889 Bateman (Frederick). Darwinism tested by language. s8'\ 1877 Bateman (Gregory C.) Fresh water aquaria. s8". 1890 Bateman [Mrs. J. C.) Irene of Armoriea. s8". 1873 Bateman (John). The great landowners of Gt. Brit. & Irel. 4"' ed. s8". 1883 Bateman (John Frederic). Jletropolis water supply : on the supply f. the sources of the Severn. [P252]. 8". 1865 Bateman (Josiah) [ps. Sknex]. Clerical reminis. s8". 1880 Life of I>. Wilson, bp. of Calcutta. 2v. 8". 1860 Lite of H. V. Elliott. s8". 1868 Bateman (May). The altar of life. s8". 1898 Bateman (Thomas), st'c. /or Derbj/shircof the S. of Antiquaries. Descr. cat. of antiqs. etc. in the Museum of B., at Lomberdale House, Derbyshire. 8". Bakewell. 1855 Ten years' diggings in Celtic & Saxon grave hills in Derby, Stafiord, York, 1848-58. _ 8". 1861 Vestiges of the antiqs. of Derbyshire & the sepulchral usages of its inhabs. By B., ass. by S. Glover. 8". 1848 sec Bateman (W.) & T. B. The Bateman heirlooms : Cat. of the lib. of W. & T. B., sold 1893. Bateman (W.), of Lomberdale House, Dei-bi/shire, Ic T. Bateman. The Bateman heirlooms : Cat. of lib. of books & MSS. formed by W. & T. B., wh. will be sold 25 May, 1893, etc. [MSS. iirices. P699]. Ia8". 1893 Bates (Anderson). A gossip about old Grimsby, w. list, of mayors f. 1202, & members f. 1639. 8". Grimsby. 1893 H 2 BATES 100 BAUCHART Bates (Arlo). The Puritans [iiorel]. s8". 1899 Bates (Cadwallader John). Glance at the wages question in Enslanil. [l'33(il. 8". 1878 Hist, of Northumbevliind. 8". 1895 Bates (E. Katherine). Kaleidoscope: shifting scenes from E. to W. 8". 1889 A vear in the Great Republic. 2v. sS". 1887 Bates (Ely), r.ural philosophy. 2"' ed. 8". 1804 Ba.tes (George), a. I'/-' Eletichusiiiotmimetc.." seeBAtE {G.).M.D. Bates (Henry Walter). The naturalist on the Amazons. 2v. s8<>. 1803 2"" ed. s8". 18(54 ......... Mem. bjE.Clodd. Repr. of unabr. ed. Ia8". 1892 sec *Illusteated travels [Cri»scll, 18()9 etc.] ., *STANFoiii)'s compendium etc. : C. America, the W. Indies. & S. America, by B., 1878. Bates (Joshua,), i)rcsidcnt of Middlebimi Coll., Boston, Afass. \ memorial of -J. B. from the city of Boston. 8". Boston. 1865 Bates (Katharine Lee). The Eng. leligious drama. s8". N.Y. 1893 Spanish highways & byways. s8". N.Y. 1900 Bates (Thomas), esq., of Ridley Hnll. Hist, of improved Short- horn, or Durham cattle, etc. ; w. mem. by T. Bell. s8". Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1871 Bates (William), i'..4., 2"o/. o/ C/ossjcs in Queen's Coll., Bir- mingliam. G. Cruikshank, w. ace. of his brother Eobert. 2"" ed. 4". 1879 sec Maclise (D.) The M. portrait-gallery, \v. mem', by B.. 1883. Bates (Wm.), D.D. The harmony of the divine attributes etc. 2"<' ed. s4", 107-5 Vitae sel. aliquot virorum qui doct., digiiit., aut pietate in claruere. Ed. W. B. [The livci are bi/ several autlwrs.] i". Londini. 1081 Works. Life, in a funeral sermon by Mr. Howe. fol. 1700 !^ee SoMEKS i-T. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Bates (William W.) American Marine : the shipping question in hist. & politics. 8°. Boston. 1893 Bateson (Edward), B.A., sclwlar of King's, Cavib., see Noeth- riiEEnLANi.. Hist, of N. : vl, 2, by B., 1893-5. Bateson (Mary) cd., see Leicester. *Records of the borough [1103-1-509;, 1899-1901. Bateson (W.) Materials for the study of variation, w. esp. regard to discontinuity. 8". 1894 Bath, Somersetsliire. Bath & Wells, & of H. Bowett, bp. of Bath * Wells, 1899, see GiFFABD (Walter), bp. Abbey Chvreh of SS. Peter ,{■ Paul. Registers. Ed. A. J. Jewers. 2v. [Harleian Soc, Registers, v27, 28]. Ia8". 1900-1 Priory of St. Peter at B. Two chartularies of P. of St. P. at B. Ed. W. Hunt. [Somerset Eec. S., 7]. i". 1893 Ob^. on Bul- s8". 1880 88". 1885 Treatise on zoology : Bathes (The) of Bathe's Ayde etc., ed. 1883, see DA\^s (C. E.) The municipal records of B. (1189-16041, see King (A. J.) & B. H. W.MTS, 188.5. *Xew Bath guide {Tliel, n. ed., 1807, sef Anstey (C.) •Original (The) Bath guide, en- larged. s8". Bath. [1817] •Register of K. Fox, bp. of Bath & Wells (1492-4), 1889, see Fox (R.), bp. 'Registers of W. Giffard, bp. of Bath (Sir John Alex. Thynne, 4"' vmrq. of). garian affairs. Bathe (Anthony). Not drowned. Bather (F. A.), see Laxke.ster (E. Ray). p3. The Echinoderma, by B., 1900. Bathgate (Alex.) Colonial experiences : Otago, N.Z. s8°. Glasgow. 1874 Waitaruna : N. Zealand life. s8". 1881 Bathgen (Fr.) ed., Der giiech. Text des Cureton'sehen Syiers wiederhergestellt. 8". L. 1885 Bathilda, Sainf, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl7. Bathoeng, see Lloyd (E.) Three chiefs ; B. etc., 1895. Bathory (Istvan), Aiw;/ of Poland, see Sz.Ideczky ^I.) B. L lengyel kiralylya valasztasa (1574-6), 1887. Baths. *Bathes (The) of Bathe's Ayde, etc., ed. 1883, see D.ms (C. E.) Bathurst (Hon. Charles), 4"' so^i of .3"' earl Bathurst. Notes on nets ; the quincunx etc. s8". [1838] *Remarks on the differences in Shakespeare's versification in different periods. & on the like points of difference in poetry generally. s8". 1857 Bathurst (Henry), Iqi. of Korwich, see Thistlethwaite {Mrs.) Mems. & corr. of B., 1853. Bathurst (Henry Bathurst, 3'' earl), see Do.vkin (Sir R.) On govt, (if Cape of Good Hope, etc. ; to B.. 1827. Batiffol (Louis). .lean Jouvenel (1360-1431). 8". 1894 Batiffol (Pierre). Hist, du br^viaire romain. n. ed. s8». 1895 Batines (/<■ tie. P. Colomb de)p.s., sec Colomb (Pafl). Batissier (Louis). Hist, de I'art monumental dans I'antiq. A-au uKiycn age. >uiv. d'un traitu delapeinture sur verre. Ia8". 184-> 'Batrachomyomachia, see Hojiek. Batris Singhasan. Contes indiens. Les 32 recits du trone (Batris-Sinhasan). Tr. etc. par L. Feer. s8". 188;j. Batsch (t;ice-afZ»JMV(7). Deutseh' See-Gias : ein Stiict Reichs - gesch. 8". 1892 Batte (Leon). Le Raphael de Morris Moore : Docs, accomp. J-une etude. rp218]. 8". 18.5'.> Battel (Andrew). Voyage to Angola, .?(•(■ PrsKEnTON (-J.) Voyage^. vlO. Battely (John). Aniiquitate» Rutupinse. 8". 0. 1711 [For ed. 2", 1747, sec Opetia posth.. pi, 1745.] Opera posthuma, viz., Antiq. liutiipinof it Antiq. S. Ednuindi Biircji ad a. 1272 perductse. 2p in Iv. 4". O. 174.5 1, Antiq. Rutnpinep, ed. 2". 2. Antiq. S. Ednnmdi Burgi. Battely (Nicholas), see Sohnee (W.) Antiqs. of Canterbury. 2'"' ed. [p2 rv.t. : The second part, Cantuaria Sacra, by N. B.''. 1703. Batten (Edmund Chisholm). Charters of the Priory of Beauly ; w. not", of the Priories of Pluscardine & Ardchattan, it of the family of .John Byset. [Grampian Club\ 8". 1877 see Fox (R.), bp. Register of F. (149'2-4), ed. B., 1889. Batten (John), F.S..1. Hist.it topog. colls, rel. to early hist. of parts of S. Somerset. 8". Yeovil. 1894 Batten (John M.) Two years in the U.S. Navy. s8". Lancaster, Pa. 1881 Battenberg (Franz Joseph, Prim v.) Bulgaiiens volkswirth- schaftl. Entwicklung. Ia8". L. 1891 Battenberg (c ed., 1875. Battlefields. Battle-fields of the South, Bull Run to Fredericks- burg. By an English Combatant [signing T. E. C. in ded".'\ 2v. s8'. 186a ■^Battles of the Nineteenth Century. Descr. by Archibald Forbes, iV 0. writers. 2v. Ia8". 1896 Batts (H. J.) Pretoria from within dm-, the war, 1899-1900. s8". n.d. Batty (John). The spirit * influence of chivalry. 58". 1890 Battye (Aubyn B. E. Trevor-), sec Tkevor-B.\ttye. Battye (Richard F.) Experimental inquiry into the existence of a sixth sense, etc. [P229]. 8°. E. 18.59 Batutah (Ibn), see Ibn B.itrr.AH. Batz (le baron Jean de), see Lenotre (G.) Vn conspirateur royaliste, etc.; B., (1792-.5), 1896. *Baubie Clark, 1880. see Laeean (M.\y). Bauchart (Ernest Quentin-), see QcENTiN-BArcHARi. Bauchart (Maurice Quentin-) [ps. Jean BerleuxI, see Beblevx (J.) BAUDE 101 BAUMKER 7t. [6d. definit.]. s8'\ 1808-70 Baude (lo baron Jean Jacques). L'Algerie. 2t in 1. 8". 1841 Baudeau (Nicolas), see I^miie (E.) (y/., Physiocrates ; B., etc., avec conim. etc., 184t). Baude de Maurceley (Ch.) L'aimi'e du Mahdi, etc. [P533]. s8". 1884 Baudelaire (Charles P.) (Euvres couipl. 1, Lcs fleurs du mal. 2, Cuviosites esth^t. 3, L'art roniant. 4, Petits poiimes en prose — Les paradis avtificiels. 5, Hist", extraordinaires par E. Poe, tr. de B. (i, Nouvelles hist, extraord. par E. Poe, tr. de B. 7, Aventiires d'Artluir Gordon Pym— l. Miinchen. 1899 see MiJLLi;ii (1. v.) dc B. Die griech. Privat- u. Kriegsalterthumer, 2' A.. 1893. Bauer (Bruno). Die biirgerl. Revolution in Deutschland. 8'. 1849 Gesch. d. Politik, Caltur u. AufklJirung d. 18. Jhdts. 2B. 8". Charlottenburg. 1843-4 rhilo, Strauss u. Kenan, u. d. Urchristenthum. s8". 1874 Der Untergang des Frankfurter Parlaments. 8". 1849 Bauer (Caroline), aft. Grilfin v. Briil-Plater. Posthumous 1 memoirs. 4v. 8". 1884-.5 vl, 2. S'" ed. 8". 188.5 Bauer (Clara) [ps. Carl. Detlep], see Detlee (C.) ps. Bauer (Georg Lorenz). Kur/.cs Lehrbuoh d. hebrii. Alterthiimer. s8". L. 1797 Bauer (Johann Jacob). Bibliotheca librorum rariorum : Ver- zeichniss rarer Biicher etc. 4T A3 Suppl.-B.rieajfYiu!/ Suppl.-B. 3J. s8". Niirnberg. 1770-2 Bauer (Juliette), tr. Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, A. & W., tr. ct arv. f. Klencke * Schlesier. sS". 18-52 Bauerliche Zustande in Deutschland. Bl-3 [Verein f. Social- pohtik, 22-24]. 8". L. 1883 Bauerman (Hilary). Metallurgy of iron. 6"' ed. s8". 1890 Bauernfeind (Carl M. v.) Elemente d. Veimessungskunde. 2B. Ia8'>. Miinchen. 18.56-8 Bauernfeld (Eduard v.) Die Freigelassenen : Bildungsgesch. aus Osterreich. 2B. s.9". 1875 Die Republik der Thiere. 8". Wien. 1848 Baughan (Rosa). The infiuenee of the stars. 8". 1889 Baum (Johann Wilhelm), see *Leiien u. ausgew. Schriften d. Viiter d. reforiii. Kiiche, hrsg. v. B. [tC others], 1857-62. Baumann (Arthur A.) Betterment. s8". 1.H93 Baumann (Heinrich), head-masterof the Ancjlo-German School. Londonismen : alpliab. geordnete Sammlg. s8". 18S7 Baumann (Johann Julius). Die Lehren v. Raum, Zeit u. Mathcmatik in d. neueren Philosophie. 2B. 8". 1868-9 Sechs Vortrage aus d. Gebiete d. prakt. Philosophie. 8". L. 1874 Die Staatslehre d. Thomas v. .\quino. s8". L. 1873 Baumann (Oscar). Diu-ch Massailand zur Nilquelle. Ia8>'. 1894 Baumeister (August). Culturbilder aus Griechenlands Re- ligion und Kunst. 8". Mainz. 1865 Denkniiiler d. klass. Alteitums. Ed. B. 3B. Ia8". Miinchen. 188o-.S Baumgart (Hermann). .Elius .^ristides, als Repriisentant d. sophist. Rhetorik. 8". L. l.^^T-^ Aristoteles, Lessing, Goethe : d. eth. u. d. listhet. Princip d. Tragodie. [P526]. 8". L. 1877 Handbuch der Poetik. Ia8". Stuttgart. 1887 Baumgarten (Alex. Gottlieb), see Schmidt (Joh.) Liebnitz u. B., 1875. Baumgarten (Hermann). Gesch. Spaniens v. .Ausbruch d. fran/.os. Revol. bis auf unsere Tage. 3T. [Staatengesch. d. neuesten Zeit, 9, 14, 171. 8". L. 1865-71 Gesch. Spaniens zur Zeit d. fianzos. Revol. 8". 1861 Baumgarten (Martin v.) Travels through Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, cV.- Syria, see Churchili,, Voyages, vl. Baumgarten (Michael). The Acts of the Apostles; hist, of the Church in the Apostolic Age. Tr. [vl, 2, A. .J. W. Morrison ; 3, T. Meyer" Die .\postelgesch.. etc. Die Gesch. .Jesu. Baumgarten (Paul Maria). Vers, per G. Bonavenia. 3v. S". Edinb. 1854 2T in Iv. 80. Halle. 18-52 8". Braunschweig. 1859 B. de Rossi : cenni biograf. ed. accresc. 4". Roma. 1892 Untersuchungen u. Urkunden ii. d. Camera Collegii Cardinalium, I 1295-1437. Baumgarten-Crusius (L. F. 0.) Auelegung d. johauneischen j Schriften. 2B iu 1. 8". Jena. 1843-3 | Compendium d. cbristl. Dog- [ mengesch. 2T. S». L. 1840-6 Excget. Schriften z. Neueu Test. | Bl-3i in 2. 8". Jena. 1844-6 1, i, Comm. ii. Mattliiius. 1, ii, Connn. ii. Markus u. Lukas. Hrsg. v. J. C. T. Otto. 2, i, Comm. ii. d. Brief an d. Romer. Hrsg. v. E. J. Kimmel. 2, ii, Comm. ii. d. Brief an d. Baumgartner (Alex.), S.J. Giithe :;B. 2" A Baumgartner (Heinrich) Die Naturreligiou. Baumgartner (Matthias), von Auvergne. [Beitrr 2,i]. Philosophie d. Alanus de Insulis, etc. d. Mittelalters, 2, ivj. Ia8". L. 1898 Hrsg. E. J. Galater. Kimmel. 3, i, Comm. ii. d. Brief an d. Epheser. Hrsg. v. E. J. Kimmel. Griindziige d. bibl. Theologie. 8". Jena. 1828 Lehrbuch d. eliristl. Dogmen- 2 Abthlgn. 8". Jena. 1832 Lehrbuch d. christl. Sittenlehve. 8". L. 1.826 Uber Gewissensfreibeit, Lehr- freiheit, etc. [Po03j. 8». 1830 Uber Schleiermacher. 8". Jeua. 1834 s. Leben u. s. Werke. s8". Freiburg i. B. 1885-6 Natur u. Gott. s8". 1870 s8". L. 1865 Die Erkenntnislehre des Wilhelm . Gesch. d. Philos. d. Mittelalters, 8". Miinster. 1893 [Beitrr. z. Ges. d. Phil. W>. Miinster. 1896 Baumker (Clemens), sec Beitrage zur Gesch. der Philosojihie d. Mittelalters, 1891 etc BAUMSTARK 10-2 BAXTER Baumstark (Keinhold). Pliilippc II d'Espai-'ne. Tr. G. Kurth. .s8". Lieye. IHll Thomas Morus. sH". Freiburj,' im Br. 1B7'.» Baunack (J.)&T. Baunack. Die Inschiift v. Govtyn. 8". L. 1885 Baunack (Theod.), see Baunack (J.) d- T. B. Die Iuh.chii(t v. Gortyii. 1885. Banr (Ferdinand Christian v.) An Karl Hase : Beantwortung d. Sendschreibeus " Die Tiibin- ger Schule v. F. C. B." [6. iv. h. : Tiibinger Schule, 2'' A., I860]. 8». Tiibingen. 1855 ApoUonius v. Tyana u. Christus. 8"." Tiibingen. 1832 Das Christliche des Platonismus, Oder Sokrates u. Cliristus. 8". Tiibingen. 1837 Die christliche Gnosis. 8". Tiibingen. 1835 Die christl. Lehre v. d. Drei- einigkeit u. Menschwerdung Gottes. SB. 8". Tiibingen. 1841-3 Drei Abhdlgn. z. Gesch. d. alten Philosophie. 8". L. 1876 Epocheu der kirchl. Geschicht- schreibung. 8". Tiibingen. 1852 Der Gegensfttz des Katholicis- mus n. Protestantismus. 2" A. 8». Tiibingen. 1836 Gesch. d. christl. Kirche : [1] Das Christenthum u. d. christl. Kirche d. drei ersteu Jhdte. 8". T. 1853 „ 3*' A., w.t. : Kirchengesch. d. drei ersten Jhdte. 8". T. 1863 [2j Die christl. Kirche v. An- fang d. 4. bis z. Ende d. 6. Jhdts. 8". T. 1859 „ 2" A. 8". T. 1863 [3] Die christl. Kirche d. IVIit- telalters. Hrsg. v. F. F. Baur. S". T. 1861 „ 2' A. 8". L. 1869 [4] Die christl. Kirche v. d. Reformation bis z. Ende d. 18. Jhdts. Hrsg. v. F. F. Baur. 8°. T. 1863 [5] Kirchengesch. d. 19. Jhdts. Hrsg. V. E. Zeller. 8". T. 1862 Die ignatian. Briefe : gegeu Bunsen. [P477]. «". Tiibingen. 184S Kritiker u. Fanatiker in d. Person d. Thiersch, [i. )'■. Thiersch (H. W. J.) Versnch etc., 1845]. 8". St. 1846 Lehrbuch d. christ. Dogmen- gesch. 8°. St. 1847 „ 2« A. 8". Tiibingen. 1858 Die Lehre v. der Versiihnung in ihrer Entwickelung. 8". Tiibingen. 183S Das manichiiische Religious- System. 8". Tiibingen. 1831 Das Marlaisevangeliuni : An- hang ii. d. Evang. Marcions. 8". Tiibingen. 1851 Paulus der Apostel. 8". St. 1845 Die sogen. Pastoralbriefe d. Paulus. 8". St. 1835 Symbolik n. Mythologie. 2B in 3. 8". St. 1824-5 Die Tiibinger Schule. 2> A. 88". Tiibingeu. 1860 tjber die kanonischen Evan- gelien. 8". Tiibingen. 1847 Ursprung d. Episcopate in d. christl. Kirche 8". Tiibingen. 1838 Vorlesgn. ii. d. christl. Dogmen- gesch. SB in 2. 8". L. 1865-7 Vorlesungen ii. neutestamentl. Theologie. 8». L. 1864 *Worte d. Erinnerung an F. C. v. B. [By sev. authors. P457]. 80. Tiibingen. 1861 Translations & References. Church hist, of first 3 centuries. 3'''' ed., tr. A. Menzies. 2v. .S". 187S-9 Paul, h. life, worlt, epistles, doc- trine, a""! ed., ed. E. Zeller ; tr. A. Menzies. 2v. 8". 1873-5 „ ... vl. 2'"! ed. 8°. 1876 SCI' Hase (C.) Die Tiibinger Schule : Sendschreiben an B., 1855. Baur (Gustav A. L.) Der Prophet Amos. 8». Giessen. 1847 Baur (Samuel). Histor.biograph.literav. Handwcirterbuch. 5B. 8". Ulm. 1807-10 Lebensgemiilde d. denkwiirdigsten Personen d. 18. Jhdts. Bl-4, C. s8». L. 1803-7 Baur (Wilhelm), evangelischer Pfarrei: Relig. life in Germany dur. the Wars of Independence. Tr. '2v. sS". 1870 Baurein (Jacques). Varietes bordeloises. (it. s8>'. Bordeaux. 1784-86 Bausset (le card. Louis Francois de). ?>/). of AJais. Hist, de Bossuet. " 4t. 8°. Versailles. 1814 n. ^d. 8-. Besanvon. 1841 Hist, de Feuelon. 3t. [wants tl]. 8'. 1808 „ n. i'd., augm. par I'cd'. des ceuvres de F. 8". 1850 *Lettre a M. de B., p. serv. a suppl. a s. hist, de Ft-nelon, 1809. .sec TAEABArn (M.) Bausset (le baron Louis Frangois Joseph de). Memoires sur I'interieur du Palais etc., 1805-14, pour .serv. a I'hist. de Napoleon. 4t. 8°. 18'27-28/0 Bautain (Louis E. M.) Art of extempore speaking. Tr. 38°. 1858 La conscience. 8". 1861 Philosophie des lois an point de vue chr^tien. 8". 1860 n.ed. s8'\ 1860 Bautista (Juan), sec John, tlte Baptist, Saint. Baux, Fuinibj of, sec Beeval (J.) Hist, of House of Nassau; likewise of the House of B., 1758. Bavaria. For German anon, books, see Baiern. fee Ofei.e (A. F.) ed., Rerum Boicarum scriptores, 1763. Bavaria (Charlotte Elizabeth, of), duchcsse d'OrUans. sec Charlotte Elizabeth, of Bavaria etc. Bavarus (Ludovicus), arc Loi-i.s IV, emperor of Germany. Bavay (Charles Victor de). Hist, de la revel, beige de 1830. 8°. Brux. 1873 Bavian, sec Pounon (H.) L'inscription de B., texte, tr. etc., 1879-80. Baviere (Jacqueline de), sec Jacoba, countess etc. Bavoux (Evariste). La France sous Napoleon III: L'empire ct le regime pavlementaire. 2t. 8°. 1870 La Prusse et le Rhin. 8°. 1870 Bawdwen, icc also Balduin, Baldwin. Bawdwen CWilliam). see DoMi;siJAY. D. Book for Dorset, w. tr. by B., 1815. ., Do3iEsi).u-. Dom Boc ; a tr. of D. as rel. to Middlesex etc., by B., 1812. ,, Domesday. Dom Boc ; tr. of D. as rel. to York etc., by B.. 1800. Bawr {Mme. de) [ISaint-Simon {la ctesse. A. S. de), aft. baronnr de Baivr] . Mes souvenirs. 2' ^d. sS". 1853 Eobertine. n. id. s8". 1862 Bawtry. *Topographical hist. (A) of B. and Thorne, 1813, see Peck (\V.) Bax (Ernest Belfort). The etliics of socialism. 3"ied. s8". 1893 German society at close of the Middle Ages. 8". 1894 Hdbk. of the hist, of philosophy. • s8". 1886 J. P. Marat. s8". 1900 Outlooks f. the new standpoint. s8". 1891 Outspoken essays on social sub- jects. 88°. 1897 The Peasants' War in Gennanv, 1525-6. 8°. 1899 The religion of socialism. 88". 1887 The story of the French Revol. 2'"i ed. s8».' 1892 see Mobris (W.) <(■ B. Social- ism, 1893. Baxley (H. Willis). Spain : art-remains etc. 2v. s8°. 187-5 Baxmann (Rudolph). Die Politik d. Piipste v. Gregor I bis auf Gregor VII. 2T. 8". Elberfeld. 1868 Baxter (Andrew), metaphysician. *Enquiry into the nature of the human soul. 2v. S"" ed. 8". 1745 ., App. to the 1" part of the Enquiry etc. 8°. 1750 Baxter (G. R. "Wythen). The book of the Bastiles : hist, of the New Poor Law. 8°. 1841 Baxter (John Alex.) Church hist, of Eng. 2°i ed. 8°. 1849 Baxter (Lucy E.) [ps. Leader Scott^, .see Scott (Leader) ps. Baxter (Richard). The Practical Works of B. ; w. life & crit. exam, bv W. Onne. 23v. 8". 1830 The certainty of the world of spirits, etc." S8". 1691 The Grand Question resolved : what we must do to be saved. Ed. A. B. Grosart. [Issued ti: h. w. it, but w. Sep. fp. " Anuot. list of the writings of B., by A. B. G."] s8». f.p.c. 1868 A Key for Catholics to open the juggling of the Jesuits, etc. u. ed., w. notes by J. AUport. 8". 1839 *The Nonconfonnists' advocate. [P275]. s4". 1680 Of saving faith. [P275]. s4". 1658 Poet, fragments of B. s8". 1821 Reliquifp Baxteriana? : R. B.'s narrative of h. life tt' times, publ. f. h. MSS. by M. Sylves- ter. 3p and App., in Iv. tol. 1696 „ Abridgement of B.'s Hist, of his life & times, with ace. of ministers ejected after the Restoration. By E. Calamy. 2v. [" The re- formed liturgy " is app''. to vl, w. Sep. parjin.] 2n'i ed. 8". 171a ■e C.vL.iMY (E.) Cont. of the Account of the Ministers etc. who were ejected in 1660, 1727. , Chaexcy (I.) *A theolog. dialogue cont. defence of John Owen from 42 errors charged upon him by B., 1684. , Gros.irt (B.) Representa- tive nonconformists : B., etc., 1879. , L'Estraxge (Sir R.) The casuist uncas'd, in a dia- logue betw. Richard &' B., 2'"i ed., 1680. , MuRLEV (G.) hp.. Letter for vindication of himself f. B.'s calumny, 1662. ,, Syla-bster (BI.) Ehsha's crv, w. ref. to decease of B.. 1696. , Titlloch (J.) Eng. Puri- tanism : B. etc., 1861. Baxter (Robert). Disestablishment A- disendowment of the Irish Church not warranted, etc. [P253]. 8". 1868 Irish Church question : speech, Hull. [P253]. 8". 1868 The voice of the country upon the Irish Church. T263]. 8". 1860 Baxter (Robert Dudley). English parties and Conservatism. [P243]. 8". 1870 The new Reform Bill : the franchise returns exam*. rP237:. 2'"' ed. 8". 186G The taxation of tlie United Kingdom. 8". 1869 BAXTER 103 BAYRENSIS Baxter (Thomas), en tint. An illustration of Egyptian, Greciiin, lioman costume. Iii8". 1814 Baxter (William), master of the Mercers' School, London. Glossarium antiquitatum Britannic. Ace. E. Luidii de fluviornm, njont., urb., etc. in Brit, nominibus adversaria. Ed. 2". 8". Londini. 1733 Glossarium antiquitatum Roman. Ace. [B.] vitae a seipso conscr. frasm'"., & sel. epistolce. 8". Londini. 1731 Baxter {Ht. Hon. "Wm. Edw.) America & the Americans. s8o. 1855 England & Russia in Asia. s8°. 1885 Impressions of Central & S. Europe. 8". 1850 Our land laws of the past. [Cob- den Club. P422, 778]. 88". [1880] Tagua & Tiber, 1850-1. 2v. sS". 1852 A winter in India. sS". 1882 Baxter CWilliam L.) The Sabbath not for the Jew but for man. [P3G3]. 8". E. 1880 Bay (Chr. Fr.) Engelsk og Dansk Ordbog. •2D. 8". 1800 Bay (Michael de) [tBAus (M.)] see LixsENMANN (F. X.) M. Biiius u. d. Grundlegung d. Jansenismus, 1867. Bayard [fDu Terrail (Pierke), seigneur de Bayard], see AuBiGNE (n'). Hist, de B., w. notes by Bue, 1885. „ GuYARD DE BERVIIJ.E ( ). Hist. de B., 1765. „ MAiLr.Es (.7. pe). r" Le loyal serviteur "]. Chron. de B., var. ed'. ,, *History of B., by the loyal servant, tr., 1825. ,, *History of B., set forth in English by E. C. Kindersley [condensed hij J. de Mailles], 1848. Bayard (Emile). La caricature et les oaricaturistes. 4". [1900] Bayardi (Ottavio Antonio), abp. of Tyre. Catalogo degli monumenti dissotterrati dalla citta di Ercolano. tl, {no more publ^ fol. Napoli. 1755 Bayart, see Bayarh. Baye (Ic baron Joseph de). Etudes arch^olog. : tpoque des invasions barbares — Industrie longobarde. 4". 1888 Industrial arts of the Anglo-Saxons ; tr. T. B. Harbottle. 4". 1893 Baye (Nicolas de). .Tourual. 2t. [S. de I'H. de F.]. S". 1885-88 Bayeceto, sec Ba.iazet. Bayer (C. Robert E. v.) [ps. Robert Byr], see Bvr (Robert) ps. Bayer (Francisco Perez) [Bayerius (F. Pekezius), see Perez Bayer. Bayet (Charles). L'art byzantin. n. ed. 8". [1883] Precis d'hist. ile l'art. n. ^d. 8". [1894] Bayeux Tapestry. La tapisserie de B. ed. variorum. Texto par A. Jubiual ; dessins & graV. par V. Sansonetti. la. obi. fol. 1838 see FowKE (F. R.) The B. t. : a hist. & descr., 1898. Bayeux (A. Marc). Les amours de jeunesse. s8". 1886 Benjamine. sS". 1878 Diana. sS". 1878 Bayeux (Jean de), abp. of Rouen, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl47. Bayflus (J. A. de), sec Baif (J. A. de). Bayflus (L.), see BaVe (Lazaiie de). Bayford Harrison (F.), see H.\rbison (F. B.) Bayldon, see also Baii.dox. Bayldon (George). Grammar of old Norse or Icelandic. s8". 1870 Bayle, see also Bait,, Bale, Bey-le. Bayle (Pierre). Hist, d'une ouvrii're. sS". 1886 Profils et contes iiormands. sS". 1861 Qi^uvres diverses, t-ont. tout ce que [B.] a publ. sur theol., philos., crit., hist., et htt., e.xcepte son Diet. 4t. fol. La Haye. 1727-31 Choix de la corr. ined. de P. B., 1670-1706. Publ. par E. Gigas. 8". Copenhague. 1890 •Critique de I'hist.du Calvinisme de Mairabourg. 2= e'd. B8". Ville-Franche. 1683 Diet, historique et critique. 16t. n. e'd. s8". 1820 Extrait du diet, de B. 2t. n. e'd. 8°. Berlin. 1767 Lettres choisies de B., avec des remarques [bi/ P. Ma rchanil]. 3t. s8». Rotterdam. 1714 *Pens^es diverses, a Toccas. de la comete 1680. 2t. S-- ed. s8". Rotterdam. 1699 „ 'Cent, des pense'es div. etc. 2t. s8f. Rotterdam. 1705 Translations. The diet, historical & critical of Mr. P. B. 2"'1 ed., to wh. is pret". lite of [B.] by Des Maizeaux. 5v. fol. 1734-.S Disc, on the life of Gustavus Adolphus. Tr. 2"al of St. Aidan's Coll., Birlcenhead, see Brown (Thomas J.), B.C. bp. Infallibility of the Church of Rome : a corr. betw. B. & B., 1851. Bayley, see also Bailey, Baillie, Bailly, Bayxee, Bayly. Bayley (A. M. C. Clive-), see Clive-Bayley. Bayley (Edric). Education in London Board Schools. [P539]. 8". 1888 Notes on local and national taxation. [P501]. 8°. 1888 Bayley {Sir Edward Clive). Local Muhammadan dynasties : Gujarat. [Hist, of India by its own historians]. 8°. 1886 Bayley (F, W. N.) *Scenes & stories by a clergyman in debt. 3v. 88°. 1835 Bayley {Eev. Sir J. R. L. Emilius), bart. Thorough : value of thoroughness etc. s8°. 1878 Bayley (John), F.S.A. Hist. & antiqs. of the Tower, w. mems. of royal & disting. persons. 2p. 4°. 1821-5 2"ied. 8°. 1830 Bayley (Jonathan). The dixine wisdom of the Word of God, etc. s8°. 1871 Twelve disc', on Essays & Reviews. s8°. 1862 Baylis (E.), M.D. Botanical Dispensary etc., Jacob's Well, n'. Bristol. [P8]. 8". Bristol. [1789] Baylis (T. Henry), K.C. Introd. address on office of reader or lector ; & lect. on Treasure Trove, deliv'. in Inner Temple Hall, Michaelmas term, 1898 ; to which is appended report of a moot held in same term. s8°. 1901 Bayliss (Sir Wyke). The enchanted island, the Venice of Titian, & 0. studies in art. s8". 1888 The higher life in art, etc. s8". 1879 Rex regum ; study of the likeness of Xt. sS". 1898 The witness of art, or ths legend of beauty. s8". 1876 Baylor (Miss Frances Courtenay). On both sides. s8'\ Philadelphia. [1885] Bayly (Ada Ellen) [ps. Edxa Lyall], see Lyall (Edna) jw- Bayly (Elisabeth Boyd). Jonathan Merle. 38°. 1890 Bayly (J. A. Sparvel-), sec Sparvel-B.wly. Bayly (Mis. Mary). Life and letters of Mrs. Sewell. s8°. 1889 Ragged homes, & how to mend them. 2"'' ed. s8°. 1859 Bayly (Th. Haynes). Songs, ballads, & o. p. Ed. by h. widow, w. mem. s8". 1857 Bayma (Joseph). Elements of molecular mechanics. 8\ 1866 Bayne, see also Bain. Bayne (A. D.) Royal illust. hist, of East England, etc. 2v. Ia8''. Gt. Yarmouth, n.d. Bayne (Emily). Sighs of hope. s8». 1870 Bayne (Peter). The chief actors in the Puritan Revol. 8°. 1878 The days of Jezebel. s8°. 1872 Lessons f. my masters : Carlyle, Tennyson, Ruskin. 8». 1879 Life & letters of Hugh Miller. 2v. 8°. 1871 Luther, h. life and work. 2v. 8°. 1887 Baynes, sec also Baines. Baynes (capt. Adam), .^ee Roundhead. *Letters f. E. officers, chiefly to B. (1650-00), 1856. Baynes (Arthur Hamilton), bp. of Natal. My diocese dur. the War : f. diary of B. s8». 1900 Baynes (C. E.) Album of Indian ferns. 4°. 1887 Baynes (Edw. Dacres). Annals of England. 8". 1847 Baynes (Thomas Spencer), LL.D. On the new Analytic of logical forms. Shakespeare studies and essay on English diet'. s8°. 1894 see Arnai-ld (A.) * P. Nicole. * Logic : being the Port-Royal Logic, tr. B., 18.50. Baynes CWilliam) & Son. Bibliotheca selectissima : Cat. of bks. pr. in 15"' c, etc., on sale by B. [P757]. 8°. 1826 Bayrensis (Haririus), see Al Hariri. BAZAIXE 104 BEALE Bazaine (Ic marfchal Frangois Achille). L'apnu-e 29 Oct 13 Aoiit- 8". 1872 et le L'afifaire see Dalskme (A. J.) B., 1873. „ Regnieb (E. V.) What is your name ? a strange story, 1870. „ RrviKRE(?<,'3e'«.DE). Proces B. : rapport du g. de K,, 1873. „ Robinson (G. T.) The be- trayal of Metz, rev. ed., w. summary of the Court - Martial upon B., 187-J. Lexpedition de Crimee 2p. 8". 1856 8t. s8°. Brux. 1851 1846 1862 1862 du Rliin 1870, Episodes de la guerre blocus de Jletz. Ia8". Madrid. 1883 Rapport : Bataille de Rezon- " ville. [P2.54]. s8". Brux. 1870 Rapport sommnire siu'Ies opera- „ tions de I'armee du Rhin, du 13 aout au 29 Oct., 1870. rP231]. 8". Berliii. 1870 Bazan (E. Pardo), sec Vw.ko Daz.Ix Bazancourt {le baion Cesar de). jusqu'a la prise de Sebastopol. [Georges] le montagnard. Hist, de la Sicile sous la domin. des Normands, 2t. in 1. 8^ Le Mexiijue eontemp. 38"". Les secrets de I'epee. laS". Bazano (Joannes de). Chionicon Mutinense, 502-1363, see MuKATOKi (L. X.) Uerum Ital. Script., tl5. Bazeley ("William), see Hyktt (F. A.) & B.. Manual of Gloucestershiie lit., 1805-7. Bazely (Henry), see Hicks (E. L.) B.. the O.xfd. evangelist, 1886. Bazile (Humbert-), see HrMBin-.T-B.^ziLE ( ). Bazin (Anais) ^fB-^zix de B.iucou (A.)J. Hist, de France sous Louis XIII et sous Mazarin, 1610-01. 4t. [v3 ivanting}. i' ed. sS". 1846 Notes histor. sur la vie de Moliere. 1' ed. s8°. 1851 Bazin (Antoine Pierre Louis) TBazin «(«m. f .) Cases of Westerton, it B. agst. Liddell etc.. 1H57. Beal (Samuel), ^'i-of. of Chinese. Alroy. n. ed. sS". 1862 Alroy — I.\ion — Infenial Mar- riage — Popanilla. Iv. n. ed. sS". n.d. Coningsby; or, The new gene- ration. 3v. 2°<' ed. s8'J. 1844 n. ed. sS". 1862 „ ... Ed., w. notes etc., by F. Hitchman. sS". 1889 ,, n. ed. s8°. n.d. Contarini Fleming. Iv. n. ed. s8<'. 1862 Contarini Fleming — Alroy. 3v. 2'xi ed. 68". 1846 Contarini Fleming — The rise of Iskander. Iv. n. ed. sS". 1871 Corr. with his sister, 1832-52. s8». 1886 Endymion. 3v. s8». 1881 s8". 1880 Henrietta Temple. n. ed. s8". 1871 „ n. ed. S80. 1891 „ n. ed. sS". n.d. Home letters by B., 1830-1. s8». 1885 Ixion in Heaven— The Infernal Marriage — Popanilla— Count Alarcos. Iv. n. ed. sS». 1862 Letters, n. ed. of Home letters and Corr. etc. ; with addit. letters ed. by his brother [R. Disraeli]. 8". 1887 •The letters of Runnymede. s8°. 1836 „ anoth. ed., w. t. : The " Runnymede Letters " ; notes by F. Hitchman. 88°. 1885 sutra], f. the Chinese-Sanscrit, tr. S. B. 88". 1875 see Dhamiiapada. Texts f. the D., w. aecomps. narratives, tr. f. Cliinese by B., 1878. ,, Heuen-Ts.ino. Si-vu-ki, tr. B., 1884. Abstract of 4 lects. on Buddhist Ut. in China. 8». 1882 Buddliism in Cliina. s8». 1884 A catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Cliinese, tr. S. B. 8". 1871 The romantic legend of Sakya Buddha [Abhinishkramana- ! Beale (Anne). CharUe is my darling. The miller's daughter. 2v. 88''. 1891 3v. s8°. 1878 Courtleroy. 3v. sS". 1887 ' Nothing venture, nothing hiive. Fay ArUngtou. 3v. 88". 1875 ! 3v. s8o. 1864 The fann on the down ; and, Old Restitution. 3v. s8". 1889 Gwen. , SimpUcity & fascination. •Gladys, the reaper. 3v. sS". 1860 3v. s8o. 1855 Beale (Dorothea) ed.. Reports issued by the Schools Inquiry Commission on the education of gii'ls. With pref. etc. by B. 8°. [1869] see Heeb-ibt (.T. F.) Psychology with preface by B., 1898. „ Work tV play in girls' schools, by B., etc., 1898. Beale (Lionel John). Laws of health, in lel. to mind <$; bodv. sS". 1851 BEALE 105 BEAUCORPS Beale (Lionel Smith). Bioplasm : intr. to physiology etc. sH". 1872 How to work witli the micro- scope, y"! ed. B". 1SG5 „ 3"' ed. S". LSSO Life theories : their influence upon relig. thought, sa". 1871 The niachinei-y of life : a lect. 8". [1875J Beale (Mary), wife of IT. Fhipson Beale [ps. Mine. Makie de JoNCOi'irr]. Wholesome cookeiy. C' ed. sS". 1895 Beale (S. Sophia). The churches of Paris, f. Clovis to The mystery of life: reply to Gull. s8o. 1871 On shght ailments. 8". 1880 Our morality & the moral ques- tion. s8". 1887 Protoplasm. s8". 1870 „ 2"ied. s8". 1870 An Orientiil biograph. sH". 1803 diet., n. ed., Ia8". 1894 enterprising s8". 1867 2v. 8«. 1890 Charles X Beale (Thomas William). rev. H. G. Keene. Beale (Willert) [^)s. Walter Maynard]. The impresario. The light of other days. Beales (Edmond). Speech in support of the [Reform] League, May 13, 180.5. [P206]. 8°. 186-5 Beaman (A. Gr. Hulme), see Hulme-Beaman. Beaman (Edmund A.) Swedenborg & the new age. s8". Philadelphia. 1881 Beames (John), il.R.A.S. Comp. grammar of the modern Aryan languages of India. 3v. 8". 1872-9 Beames (Thomas). The rookeries of London. s8". 1850 Beamish (North Ludlow). Discovery of America by the Northmen. 8". 1841 Hist, of the King's German Legion. 2v. 8". 1832-7 On the uses etc. of cavalry, f. the text of Bismark, w. examples f. history, by B. 8'. 1855 The hooli is so recast f. tJte /"' tr., /S-J7, <^ to be new. Beamish (Richard). Mem. of Sir 11. L Brunei. Psyclionomj' of the hand. 2°'' ed. Beamont (William). Annals of the Lords of Warring- ton for 5 centuries after the Conquest, w. hist. not"^. of the place. 2p, [pftgin. cont. : Chetham Soc., 86,87]. s4'>. 1872 To Sinai & Syene * back, 1800- 61. 2'>'i ed. 8". 1871 Tracts written in the controvJ. resp. the legitimacy of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of Chester, l(i73-!), by Sir P. Leycester & Sir T. Mainwaring. With intr. by B. Bean, sec also M.ubkan. Bean (Tarleton H.), see Goode (G. B.) & B. logy, 1895. Bean (W.), sec Watscjx (W.) & B. Orchids, 1890. Bear (William E.) The Brit, farmer & h. competitors. [Cobden Club]. s8". [1888] A study of small holdings. [P422. Cobden Club]. s8». 1893 Beard (Chai-les). Luther it the Reform", in Germany until the close of Diet of Worms. Ed. J. F. Smith. H". 1889 Port Royal. 2v. s8". 1801 The Reformation in its rel. to modern thought. [Hibbert L'., 1883]. 8". 1883 University College and Mr. Martineau. [P242]. 8". [1807] Beard (John Reilly). Letters on the grounds &: objects of relig. knowledge. 2v. s8». 1856 Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture; and sketch of hist, of [Hayti]. s8". 1853 Progress of relig. thought as illust. in the Protestant Beard (Thomas), see *Pedantius [by B. ?], 1631. Beardsley (Aubrey). Fifty drawings by B. Iconography by A. Vallance. 4». 1897 see Sy.moxs (A.) A. B., 1898. Beardsley (E. Edwards). Life & corr. of S. .lohnsou, D.D.. Pres. of King's Coll., N. York. 8". N.Y. 1874 Life & corr. of S. Seabury. sS". 1884 Beam (Gaston, ete. ie),see Gaston IV, cte. de Fou, vte.de Beam. 8". 1862 4". 1865 4". 1805 3p, [pagin. cont. Chetham Soc, 78-80]. 64". 1869 h'Arley Charters ; calen- dar, by B., 1866. , *DiscouRSE of the warr in Laircashire [by Major Bdw. Bobinson'/] Ed. W.B., 1864. , 'Jacobite trials at Man- chester (1694), ed. W. B., 1853. , 'W.UiRiXGTON in 1405, etc., 1849. Oceanic ichthyo- Church of France : essays [by var. writers'\, tr. With essay on " Essays & Reviews " by B. s8». 1861 Voices of the Church, in reply to Strauss. 8". 1845 see Satan. *The autoh?. of S., ed. B., 1872, Bearne (Catherine). Lives & times of the early Valois Queens. s8". 1899 Pictures of the old French court. 8". 1900 Bease (G.), see Sci.nue. *Sind directory, [by B.], 1862. *Beaten tracks : sketches in Italy, 1866, see Tcckett (E.) Beaton, see also Bekton. Beaton (,cnid. David), abp. of St. Andrews, [or Bethdne]. see Heuki.ess (J.) B., 1891. Beaton (Patrick), see Frankl (L. A.) The .Jews in the East, by B. from F., 1859. Beatrice Id'Este], duchess of Milan, see Este (B. d'). Beatson (Alex.) Tracts rel. to St. Helena, written dur. residence. 4'>. 1816 Beatson (Benjamin Wrigglesworth), see Ixi>ex in tragicos GriECOs ; vl. Index graecitatis .Eschylese [by B.] ; v3. Index griBcitatis Sophocleaa, by B., 1830. Beatson (Robert). Chronolog. register of both Houses of Pari., 1708-1807. 3v. 8". 1807 Naval & milit. mems. of Gt. Brit., 1727-83. Ov. 8". 1804 Polit. index to the histories of Gt. Brit. & Ireland. 3v. S"" ed. 8'. 1806 see Haviin (J.) B.'s polit. index modernised ; the book of dignities, 1851. Beattie (James). Essay on the nature etc. of truth. 'Scoticisms, in alphabet, order: a'"! ed. 8". E. 1771 ' to correct improprieties of Essays on poetry it nuisic, on speech etc. s8°. E. 1787 laughter etc., on the utility of I see Forbes (Sir W.) Life & classical learning. 8'\ E. 1778 writ, of B., inch many orig. Evidences of the Xtn. Religion. letters, 2"" ed., 1807. „ „ ... 5'h ed. sS". 1806 „ Priestley (J.) Exam, of „ „ ... 6"' eel. 88". 1814 , B.'s Essay on truth, etc., Poet, works. s8". 1831 ! 1774. Poet, works. [Aldine ed."' ' 88". ?(.. Weimar. 1874 Beauty, priory of. see Batten (E. C.) Charters of B. etc., 1877. Beaumanoir (Philippe de) [P. de Eeimes ; fREMi (P. de), sire de Bcaunianoir]. Les coutumes du Beauvoisis. [S. de I'H. de F.] 2t. 8°. 1842 ffiuvres poitiques. Publ. par H. Suchier. 2t. 8". 1884-5 The romance of Blonde of Oxford A Jehan of Daminartin. Ed. Le Rous de Lincy. [Camden Soc, 72.] s4'>. 1858 sec Jerusalem, kingdom of. Assises etc. [v2, Coustumes de Beauvoisis, par B.], 1690. Beaumarchais [jCaron de Be.\uiiarchais (Pierre Acgcsiin)]. see Bettelheim (A.) B. ; eine Biographie, 1886. „ Gi:dix de La Brenellerie (P. P.) Hist, de B., 1888. „ Hallays (A.) B., 1897. „ HuoT (P.) B. en Allemagne, 1869. „ LoMEsiE (L. de). B. ifc s. temps, 1856. „ B. & h. times, tr., 1856. Qi^uvres completes. 7t. [v2 wanting]. 8". 1809 1, ii, Theatre. 3, 4, Ukm. ."), EpoqueH. 6, 7, Corr. Theatre de B. Notice etc. par Auger. 88". 1874 Theatre; suiW de ses poesies diverses. Obs. par Sainte- Beuve. s8". n.d. Theatre. Notice par L. de Lomenie. n. ed. 88^ 1866 Beaume (Georges). Les amoureux. s8». [1895] Les Robinsons de Paris. 2" M. s8<'. 1901 *Beaumont papers : letters rel. to the family of B., of Whitley, 15"'-17"' c. Ed. W. D. Macray. [Eoxburghe Club]. 4". 1884 Beaumont (Albanis), see Alb.anis de Beaujiont (J. F.) Beaumont (Alexander). Hist, of Spain. 8". 1809 Beaumont (Averil) ps., see Hust (Mrs. Alfred W.) Beaumont (C. G. L. A. A. T. d'Eon de), see Eos (le chev. d'). Beaumont (Edgar) [ps. Clifeoud Halifax, M.D.], see Halifax (CI I's. Beaumont (Francis) & J. Fletcher. "Works. Intr. A: notes by H. Weber. 14v. 8". E. 1812 Works. Intr. by G. Darley. 2v. Ia8". 1840 Works. Notes & biog. mem. by A. Dyce. llv. 8". 1843-6 Biographical -memoir. [1] Commendatory poems. [1] Dedication, etc. [1] Didcr to the notes. [11] Beggars' bush. [9] Bloody brother (The) ; or, EoUo, duke of Normandy. [10] Bonduca. [5] Captain (The). [3] Chances (The). [7] Coxcomb (The). [3] Cupid's revenge. [2] Custom (The) of the countiy. [4] Double marriage (The). [6] Elder brother (The'. [lOJ Fair maid (The) of the inn [10] Faithful friends (The). [4] Faithful shepherdess (The). [2] False one (The). [6] Four plays in one. [2] Honest man's (The) fortune. [3] Humorous lieutenant (The). [6] Island princess (The). [7] King (A) & no king. [2] Knight (The) of Malta.' [5] Knight (The) of the burning pestle. [2] Laws (The) of Candy. [5] Little French lawyer (The). [3] Little thief (The), see Night- walker (The I ; or, The 1. t. Love's cure. [9] Love's pilgrimage. [11] Lovers' (The) progress. [11] Loyal subject (The). [6] Mad lover (The). [G] Maid (The) in the mill. TO] Maid's (The) tragedy. [1] Masque (The) of the Inner Temple & Ciray's Inn. [2] \ Monsieur Thomas. [7] I Beaumont (Geo.) & Ca2:it. H. Disney. 1765-7. [10] The The Nice valour (The) l^assionate madman. Night-walker (The); little thief. [11] Noble gentleman (The). [10] Passionate madman CThe), see Nice valour (The) ; or, the p. m. Philaster. [1] Pilgrim (The). [8] Poems by Beaumont. [11] Poems by Fletcher. [11] Prophetess (The). [8] Queen (The) of Corinth. [5] KoUo, duke of Normandy, see Bloodv brother (The); or, R., d. of N. Rule a wife & have a wife. [9] Scornful lady (The). [3] Sea voyage I The). [8] Spanish curate (The). [8] Thierry & Theodoret. [1] Two noble kinsmen (The). [11] Valentinian. [5] Widow (The). [1] Wife (A I for a month. [9] Wild-goose-chase (The). [8] Wit at several weapons. [4] Wit without monev. [4J Woman-hater (The). [11 Woman's (The) prize. [7] Women pleased. [7] Best plays. Intr., notes etc. by J. St. Loe Strachey. 2v. 88". n.d. sec Coleridge (S. T.I Notes on Shakespeare, [B. & F.], etc., 1849 ; 1875 etc. „ Deighton (K.) Mai-ston, B. it F. ; conjectural readings, 1894. „ MAC.\UL.4y (G. C.) B. : a study, 1883. „ Rymer (T.) Tragedies of the last age consider'd, [a criticism of 3 plays of B. it- F.\ 1692, a-"! ed. New tour thro' England, 8°. n.d. Beaumont (Geo. D. B.), barrister. Origin of copyhold tenure. [PI 14]. 8». 1835 Beaumont {Sir George H.),7"' bart.,sce Coleortox. Memorials of C. : letters f. Coleridge, Wordsworth etc. to Sir G. & Lady Beaumont of C, 1887. Beaumont (Gustave de). Ireland : soc, polit., relig. Ed. W. C. Taylor. 2v. 380. 1839 L'Irlande soc, polit., religieuse. 2t. 3' ed. s8". Brux. 1839 „ 2t. 7' ed., prec. d'une not. sur I'^tat pr^s. de IT. s8". 1863 Marie, ou I'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. 5' ^d. s8". 1842 Notice sur Alexis de Tocqueville. 8". 1897 & A. de Tocqueville. Systeme peuitentiaire aux Etats-Unis, et de son application en France. 2t in 1. 3' ed. s8°. Brux. 1837 BEAUMONT 107 BECCARIA Beaumont (J. B. A. L. Leonce Elie de), sec Er.ii: in-, Bi: umont. Beaumont (J. T. Barber), sfi' Bkavmoxt (W. S.) Brief ace. of the Beaumont Trust, & its founder, B., 1887. Beaumont (Mine. Jeanne M. Le P. de), see Le Pkixce de Beau- mont (Mine.) Beaumont (John), instructw in the Yorkshire Coll., Leeds, !^ec McLai;i:n (\V. S. B.) 4' J. B. Technical Schools of the Continent, 1877. Beaumont (Sir John), bart., the elder. Poems. With me- morial-intr. A notes by A. B. Grosart. 8". /.;j.e. 1869 Beaumont (John), of Stony-Easton, Somersetshire. Gleanings of antiquities. 88". 1724 Treatise of spirits, witchcrafts etc. 8". 1705 Beaumont (Joseph), barrister. The new slavery; Indian & Chinese immigrants in Brit. Guiana. [P'ifil] 8". 1871 What is Lord Elgin to do '? The Canton dispute etc. [P377]. 8". 1857 Beaumont (Joseph), D.D. Complete poems (Itil5-y9). lUe- morial-intr., notes, glossarial index etc. by A. B. Grosart. 2v. i".f.p.c. 1880 Psyche, or love's mystery : the intereoiu'se betwixt Christ ik the soul. 2"" ed. fol. C. 1702 Beaumont (Miles Thomas Stapleton, baron), d. /s.;^. sec CooPEi; (C. P.) ed.. The ultra party amongst the Roman Catholics ; extr. of letter of [B.] to C., 1851. „ Fkeeland (H. W.) Remarks on the letters of B, etc., 1850 ; 1874. Beaumont (,1a comtessc Pauline de), see Baki>ocx (A.) P. de B.. 1884. Beaumont (Roberts). Woollen and worsted cloth manufacture. 2'"' ed. s8". 1890 Beaumont (W. Spencer). Brief ace. of the Beaumont Trust. and its founder, .J. T. B. Beaumont. 4". 1887 Beaumont (W. "Worby). Motor vehicles & motors. Ia8". 1900 Beaumont- Vassy (le rte. Edouard de). Hist, de la Commune, ItlTl. s8". 1871 Hist, des etats europ. dep. le Congi-es de Vienue. tl-6, [iiu more apji.] 8". 184S-53 Hist, intime du Second Empire. s8". 1874 Memoires secrets du 19" s. s8'i. 1871 Papiers curieux d'uii homme de eour, 1770-1870. s8". 1875 Les salons de Paris et la see. paris. sous Napoleon III. s8». 1868 Beaune (Jacques de), barmi de Semblauray, see Cl£jient (P.) E. de Marigny, B. de S., etc., 1857 ; 2" ed., 18G8. Beaunis (Henri). Impressions de campagne (1870-1). S8". 1887 Beauplan (G. Le V.), see Le Vasseur (G.) Beaupoil de Sainte Aulaire (Louis Clair de), coiait. sec Sainte-Aii.aiiie (/(■ etc. he), l~^,S-1'i.'>4. Beaupre (C. J. Beautemps-), see BEAi-rEMPs-BEAiTiiK (C. J.) Beauquier (Charles). Philosophic de la musique. s8". 1865 Beauregard (le marq. C. Albert Costa de), sec Costa deBeadee- GAKli. Beauregard (G. M. OUivier-), see Ollivier-Beaureoaed. Beauregard (le iikiiij. H.J. Costa de),S(V Costa de Beaueeo.ard. Beaurepaire (Charles M. de Kobillard de), see Robillaeb de BEALiiErAiin:. Beaurepaire (Jules Quesnay de) [ps. J. de Glouvet], see Qeesnay he Beal'i:kpaire (J.) Beauriez (Louis de). Une fille de France [Louise Elisabeth lde Bourbon)], et sa corr. vatA. s8". 1887 Beausobre (Isaac de). Hist, de la Reformation, 1517-30. 4t in 2. 8". Berlin. 1785-6 Hist, de Manichee A du manicheisme. 2t. i". Amsterdam. 1734-9 New vers, of JMatthew, [Tr.] f. B. * Lenfant. 8". C. 1790 Kemarques sur le Nouv. Test. ; avec vie de I'aut. 2t. 4". La Haye. 1742 Suppl. a riiist. de la guerre des Hussites de Lenfant. Auquel on a joint, 1 exam, de Mosheim touchant les Nu^ariens ; 2, Obs. sur I'extrait que Du Pin a donnc d'Optat. 4". Lnus. 1745 see Barthoi.mes.s (C.) B. et ses amis, 1854. Beausset (le card. L. F. de), see Bacsset. Beaussire (Emile). Antecedents de rHegelianisme dans la philosophic fran(,aise. s8". 1865 Les principes de la morale. 8". 1885 Les principes du droit. 8". 1888 Beautemps-Beaupre (C. J.) ed., Le Livre des Droi?. et des Com- mandemens il'Oliiee de Justice, d'aprcs le MS. ined. de la Bibl. de I'Arsenal. 2t. 8". 1865 Beauties. Beauties from the British dramatists. s8". K.rf., [1868?] Beauties [contimw^. "'Beauties (The) of the Press ; w. Speech of A. O'Connor on the Catholic Question, May 4, 1795 : & his letter to Castlereagh. 8". 1800 '►Beauties (The) of England & "Wales. 18v in 25. 8". 1801-18 vIO has 4p, and a cont. of p3 ; vIS, 13, IS, have 2p each ; vt-6, by Brayley ct Br it ton ; ~, 5\ by Brayley ; 9, by Britton ; 10, by Brayley, Nightingale, Brnoer ; I -I, by Evans d- Britton; 12, by Hodgson, Laird, Brewer: ■13, by Nightingale; lJi,by Shoberl ; 13, by Brewer, Britton, Hodgson, Laird; 16, by Bigland; /~, by Evans ; IS, by Recs. Intr. to " The beauties of E. & W." By J. N. Brewer. 8". 1818 '^'Beauties (The) of Scotland, 1805-8, see Forsyth (R.) Beauties (The) of Wiltshire, 1801-25, sec Britton (J.) Beauty. ^Inquiry into the original of our ideas of b. etc., 2"' ed., 1726, see Hutcheson (F.) "'Beauty's daughters, 1880, sec Huxgerford (Mrs.) Beauvais (le gi'n. Ch. Theodore), see '►Biogeaphie univ. classique, [by B. £ others\, 1829. Beauvais (Jean Baptiste Ch. Marie de), b2>. of Senez. Sermons. 4t. s8". 1807 Beauvais (Vincent), see Vixcentius, Bellovacensis. Beauvais-Nangis (Nicolas de Brichanteau, viarq. de). M6ms. de B.-N., * Journal du proems du marq. de La Boulaye. [S. de I'H. de F.] 8". 1862 Beauval (J. Basnage de),sce Basnage de Beauval (Jacques). Beauvillier (Paul, due de), 16-',S-1714. [i.e. Paul de Beau- vii.r.iEi;, due de Saint-Aignan, Inoion as " Ic d. de B."] see VoGi-E (le marq. de) ed., Le due de Bourgogne & le duo de B. : lettres ined., (1700-8), 1900. Beauvilliers (Antoine B.) L'avt du cuisinier. 2t in 1. 8". 1811 Beauvoir (le marq. Ludovic de). Australie : voyage autoui- du A fr. of the first two of the monde. sS". 1860 . above three French v. Java, Siam, Canton; voyage, ThcfoUo^eingbooJiisatr. etc. 4« ed. sS". 1870 ' of the third. Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco ; Pekin, Jeddo, S. Francisco. The voyage etc., 1872. ' conclusion of a voyage round Voyage round the world. theworld; tr. A.ArH. Steplien- 2v. s8". 1S70 I son. s8°. 1872 Beauvoir (Roger de) ps.. see Roger de Bui.ly (E.) Beauvoir en Ternois (Jacques du Clercq. sieur de), see Du Ci.ERCQ. Beauvoisis, see jEiasAi.K^r, lingdom of. Assises etc. [v2, Coustumes de Beauvoisis, par B. de Beaunianoir], 1690. Beavan (Arthur H.) James * Horace Smith. Marlborough House it its occupants. Popular Royalty. Beaven (James). Life it writings of Irenseus. Beaver (Alfred). Memorials of old Chelsea. Beaver (Philip). African memoranda ; rel. establ. a settlement on Bulama, 1792. see Smyth (rear-adm. W. H.) Life * services of B., 1829. Beaux-Arts, sec SncHcTii Nationai.e des B.-A. Beazeley(Alex.) Reclamation of land from tidal waters. s8i>. 1900 Beazley (C. Raymond). The dawn of modern geography. 2 p. 8". 1897-1901 J. & S. Cabot ; the discovery of N. Amer. s8°. 1898 New light on some mediaeval maps. 2p. [P1006]. 8". [1899-1900] Prince Henry the Navigator. s8". N.Y. 1895 Bebb (John). Two letters lesp. the 11''' Proposition submitted 22 Mar., 1813, to Pari'. [P170]. 8". 1813 Bebel (August). Wonum in past, pies., future. Tr. H. B. A. ^\■alther. 2"'' ed. s8". 1894 4''' ed. S8". v.d. Bee Chronicle etc., sec Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4, 23. Bee (Timur-), see Timur-Bec. Becanus (Gulielmus), see Hosschius (S.) Elegiarum etc. ; item B'. idyllia and elegia', 1667. Beccadelli (Lodovico), (/) bp. of Ravcllo (2) abp. of Ragusa. Ijife of Card. Pole. T'r. w. notes etc. ; app.. Plagiarisms etc. in Phillips's Hist, of Pole, by B. Pye. 8". 1766 Beccaria (Cesare) [IBeccakia Bones.vxa (il march. C.)] '*Dei delitti e delle pene. s8". Monaco. 1764 "'On crimes it punishments, tr. ; w. comm. attrib. to Voltaire. 2v. 2"'' ed. 8". 1769 Opere. 8". Milano. 1821 sec Farree (.1. A.) Crimes it punishments ; incl. tr. of B., 1880. s8». 1899 8». 1896 Ia8" 1897 8» if. of CMd dclla Pieoc. Delia istoria ecilesiasticii dell' em. card. G. .\. Orsi proseguita. 17t. s«". 1770-88 „ „ [anotli. cd.] tl, 2. sS". Venezia. 1771-3 Istovia (legli iiltimi quattro secoli della Chiesa dallo seisma d'ocoidente al legiiaute H.P. Pio VI. IXv. s8". 1788-97 Beccus (Joannes), sec Vkccus ii.), patrinrch of Constantinople. Bec-Fola. Tochniaic B.-F., see Koyal Irish Acad. Irish >ISS., sli. Bechard (Ferdinand). La commune, I'iglise, I'etat dans leurs rapports a\cc les classes laborieuses. 2p in Iv. s8". 1849—50 Becher (Alex. Bridport). The landfall of Columbus on h. first voyage ; w. tr. of Boniiefoux's Hist, of h. previous life. 38". 1856 Becher (Gen. John Keid). *Sketch of the career of B. ;P79o]. 8". f.p.c. 188i Becher (John Thomas). The constitution of Friendly Societies. [P102]. 4'!' ed. 8". 1828 Becher (Siegfried). BevOlkerungs-Verhiiltnisse d. Osterreich. Monarchic. 8". Wien. 184G Becher (W.) It. Yirchow ; eine biograph. Studie. [P587]. 2'- A. 8-. 1894 Bechstein (J. M.) Xat. hist, of cage birds. [Tr.] s8<>. 188.5 „ , [ffiiiott. C(/., «.'.^] Caged chamber-birds, etc. s8". Bohn. 1881 Bechstein (Ludwig). Wanderungen durch Thiiringen. 8". L. [1838] Sir *JIanm;u (Dik) der Reformation: Portraits, Biographien V. 1!. etc., 1800. Bechstein (Reinhold L. B. M.) Das Spiel v. d. zehn Jung- frauen, e. deutsches Drama d. Mittelalters : Vortrag. s8". Rostock. 1872 *Bechuanaland. By a member of the Cape Legislature. [PG12]. 8«. 1885 Beck (Carl), dean, of Reutlintjen. Christliche Dogmengesch. 8". Weimar. 1848 2" A. 8°. Tiibingen. 1864 Beck (Carl August). Gesch. d. kathol. Kirchenliedes. 8". Koln. 1878 Beck (Christian Dan.), see *Isdex in tragicos Gnccos : v2, Index grajcitatis Euripidea; \bii £.], ed. accuratior, 1829. Beck (John B.), sec Beck (T. il.) & J. B. B., Medical jurispru- dence, <)'" ed. 1838. Beck (Theodric Romeyn), see Hamilton (F. H.) Eulogy on B., 18,56. & J. B. Beck. Elements of medical jurisprudence. 6"' ed. 8\ 1838 Beck (baroness Wilhelmine v.) Personal adv. during the war in Hungary. [Tr. M. A. Garvey]. 2v. s8". 1850 s8». 1851 Beck (William), architect. The Friends: who they are— what they have done. 8''. 1893 Beck-Bernard (Carl). La Rfipublique Aigentine. s8<'. Lausanne. 1865 Beck-Bernard (Miue. Lina). Causes preventives chez les femmes : Mem. pres. a la Soc. suisse de r^forme penitentiaire. [P370]. 8>'. Lausanne. 1872 Becks (Louis). By reef & palm. s8". 1894 The ebbing of the tide : S. Sea stories. 38". 1896 His native wife. s8". n.d. Pacific tales. sS". 1897 Rfdanthe Devil, & o. s. sS". 1899 &W. Jeffery. Admiral Phillip. & A First Fleet family. & The mutineer. & The naval pioneers of Australia & The Tapu of Banderah. Becker (August), nooelist. Das alte Bild. Auf Waldwegen Rodman the boatsteerer, & o. s. 580. 1898 Tessa, the trader's wife. s8». 1901 Tom Wallis. 8<>. n.d. AVild life in soiitliem seas. 38". 1897 s8<>. 1899 s8". 1896 s8°. 1898 s8". 1899 s8". 1901 s8". [18851 s8». St. [1881] 2B in 1. s8". 1872 Retold fr. A. B. by M. W. Macdowall. s8". 1888 Becker (Bernard Henry). Adventurous lives. 2v. s8". 1878 Disturbed Ireland : letters, 1880-1. s8". 1881 Holiday haunts. s8". 1884 Scientific London. sgu. 1874 Gallus. Rein. „ Neu bearb. Der Nixenfischer. Tempted of the Devil. Becker (Bernhard), t^ilit. writer. Zinzendorf in Verhiiltniss zu Philosophic u. Kirchentlium s. Zeit. 8". L. 1886 Becker (Carl Ferdinand), il.D.. of Offenbach. Organism dir Sprache. 2' A. 8". Frankfurt a. M. 1841 Becker (Carl Ferdinand), orrjanist, of Leijisic. Darstdlung d. musikal. Lit. ' la8". L. 1836 Becker (Dietrich). Das System Platen's in s. Beziehung z. christl. Dogma. 8". Freiburg i. B. 1862 Becker (F.i, C. Roose, & J. G. Thiele. Litthauisehe u. preuss. Volkssagen poet, bearbeitet, mit .\nmerkgn. s8". KiJnigsberg. 1847 Becker (George F.) Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific Slope. 'U.S. Geolog. Survey, Monograph 13]. Ia8". Wash. 1888 Becker (Gustavus) ed. Catalogi bibliothecarum antiqui. 8". Bonnse. 1885 1. Catalogi siec. xiii vetustiores. 2, Catalogu.s calalogorum posterioris aetatis. Becker (Johann August), sec Schopenhauek (A.) Briefw. zw. 5. u. B., 188:^. Becker (Johann Carli. Die Grenze zw. Philosophic n. exacter Wissenschaft. [P4.53J. 8". 187t; Becker (Lydia E.) The franchise for women. [P214]. 8". Manchester. 1867 Liberty, equality, fraternity; reply to F. Stephen's .strictures on J. S. Mill's Subjection of women. [P328]. 8". JIanchester. 1874 Rights A duties of women in local govt. [P353]. 8". M'ter. 1879 Becker (Sarah Cary) & F. Mora. Spanish idioms w. Eng. equivalents. 8". Boston. 1887 Becker (Sophie). Vor hundert Jahren. Elise v. d. Reckes Reise durch Deutschland 1784-86 nach d. Tagebuche ihrer Begleiterin S. B. s8". St. [1884] Becker (U. J. H.), see Dahlmann (F. C.) Forschungen etc. [2, ii, U. B. : Vorarbeiteu zu e. Gesc)i. d. 2. pun. Krieges], 1823. Becker (Wilhelm Adolph). 3T. i' verm. A., v. W. 8". L. 1849 1-. H. Glill. 3T. s8". 1880-2 Gallus : Roman scenes etc. Tr. F. Metcalfe. [•2°'' ed.] 8". 1849 „ 4*1' ed. s8». 1873 Die riim. Topographic in Rom. [P208]. 8". L. 1844 & J. Marquardt. Hdbch. d. riim. .^Iterthiimer. 5T in 8v, [Tj has .iA : T3 has JA : To has 2A in /[■]. 8". L. 1843-67 Beckers (Hubert), Schelling's Geistesentwieklung. [P774]. 4". Miiuchen. 187-5 D. Unsterblichkeitslehre Schelling's. [P774]. 4". Miiuchen. 1865 Becket (J. B.) Use of the hydrostatic balance etc. [P52]. 8". Bri-stol. 1775 Becket (Thomas), Haint {A'Becket ; Beckett ; Bkket ; Thomas, Cantaariensis; Thom.^s, of London; 1 Thomas [Becket, Saint, abp. of Canterbury]. Epistohe S. Thoma; & aliorum. Ed. ab I. A. Giles. 2v. 8". O. 1845 'Fragments d'une vie de S. Thomas en vers accouples ; avec fac-s. Par P. Mever. [S. d. a. t. f.] s4". 1885 Materials for the hist, of B. Ed. J. C. Robertson. [Rolls Ser. 67, i-vii]. 8". 1875-85 1, Introduction, Vita anctore Willelmo. 2, Benedict of Peterborough, .Tolm of Salisbury, Alan of Tewkesbury, Edward (Ti'im. 3, WiUiiim FitzStephen, Her- bert of Bosham. 4, Anonymous lives, Quadri- logus etc. .'), Epistles, i-ccxxvi. 6. Epistles, ccxxvii-Dxxx. 7. Epistles, DX-xxi-Dcccviii. *Thi)mas Saga erkibyskups: a life of B. in Icelandic, w. tr., notes & gloss. Ed. E. Mag- Charikles : Bilder altgriech. Sitte. 2T. 8". L. 1840 „ Neu bearb. v. H. Giill. 3B. s8". 1877-8 Charicles : illusts. of the private life of the Greeks. Tr. P. Metcalfe. 8". 1845 „ , n. ed. s8". 1854 Gallufe : rom. Sceneu aus d. Zeit Augusts. 2T. in Iv. 8". L. 1838 niisson. 2v. [Rolls Ser. 65, i, ii]. laS". 1875-83 see Abbott (Edwi.n A.) St. T., h. death A' mu-acles, 1898. „ Arsulphls, Ijp. of Lisieuic, EpistolfP ad T. etc., 1844. „ Berixgtox I J.) Hist, of Henry II, etc. ; in wh, B. is vindic. f. attacks of G., Lord Lyttcltou, 1790. „ Bol;qi-et (jr.) Rei'. deshist. des Gaules, tl4, IG. „ Buss (F. J.I Der heil. T., u. s. Kampt etc., 1856. „ C.^ttermole (Rich.) *Bec- ket, an histoncal tragedy etc., 1832. „ De Vebe (A. T.) St. T. [poe}){\j 1876. ,, Gabniek, de Pont-Sainte- Maxence. Vie de S. T., 1859. „ Giles (J. A.) Life & letters of B., 1846. „ Vita S. Thomse ab aactoribns contemp., 1843. BECKET 109 BEDFORD Becket (Thomas) [continued]. «!■!■ HopK (ilfrs. A.I Life of B., ISBS. „ HiiTTON (W. H.) ed., S. T., (Eng. hist, by contemp. writers], 1889. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed. Pat.latina, tl90, 199. „ MiGNOT (E.). *Hist. (lu lie- inMe de Henri II a\ec B., 1756. „ MONI.MENTA GeKM. HrsT., Scr., t27. SCI Moitiiis (JoHxi, S.J. Life & martyrdom of B., 18.'')9. „ Rapfokd (L. B.) Thomas of London before his con- secration, 1894. „ KoBERT, of Gloi/rcslff. Life A' martyrdom of B., 184.5. „ ROEEKTSON (J. C.) B., a biogr., 1859. „ Tennyson (A., 1'' boron) B. [frocjcdij], 1884. Beckett (Sir Edmund), .;"' baronet, aft. baron Clri)ntlior2>e, see Guumionvv (E., baron). Beckett (Gilbert Abbott A'), sec A'Beckett (G. A.) Beckett Denison (Christopher), sec Denison (C. B.) Beckford Library, sold ltSH-2 a, see H.\mii,ton P.^l.^ce. Beckford (Peter). Familiar letters f. Italy. 2v. H". Salisbury. 1805 Thoughts on hunting. 8". [1820] Beckford ("William), of FontJnll Abbey. kyxQ. [Parker Soc. 13]. Early works. Ed. J. Ayre. [Parker Soc. 9]. I Prayers & o. pieces of B. Ed. J. Ayre. [Parker Soc. 8". 1900 8". 1898 C. 1895 8". 1862 8". 1862 8". 1885 8". 1870 ^'athek. Ed. R. Garnett, notes by S. Henley. 8". 1893 ♦Vathek. s8". Londres. 1815 Vathek ; & European travels. s8<>. 1891 see Eepdtkg (C.) Memoirs of W, B., 1859. *ltaly, Spain, Portugal, etc. 2v. N". 1834 „ ,, n. ed. s8". 1840 Monasteries of Alcobaija & Batalha. 8". 1835 Vathek. [Tp. lost. S"' ed. ? ] s8". [181t! ?] „ S8". 1834 Beckington (Thomas), bp. of Bath rf; n'clls. [Bekynton]. *.Tiiurnal by one of the suite of B., dur. embassy to negociate marriage betw. Hen. VI tt daughter of the Count of Annagnae, 1442. Notes etc. by N. H. Nicolas. 8". 1828 Memorials of the r. of Hen. VI : official corr. of B., sec. to Hen. VI. Ed. f. MS. at Lambeth, w. illust. doc-., by G. Williams. 2v. [Rolls Ser., 56, i, ii]. Ia8». 1872 sir MoNito (C.) ed., Letters of Margaret of Anjou. B. etc., 1863. Beckmann (Johann). Hist, of inventions & discoveries, tr. \V. .Johnston. 4v. S"* ed. 8". 1817 2v. 4"'ed. 8". 1846 Beckwith (Arthur). Majolica and fayence. 2'"' ed. s8". N.Y. 1877 Beckwith (J.), sec Wtim (E. A.) itB., Hist, of Chislehurst, 1899. Beckwourth (James P.) Life & adv. From his dictation, by T. D. Bourne. n. ed., pref. by C. G. Leland. .s8". 1892 Becon (Roger), see B.\con (R.) Becon (Thomas). Catechism of B.. w. o. pieces by him. Ed. J. I". C. 1844 lo. C. 1843 17]. 8". 0. 1844 Becq de Fouquieres (Louis). Asijasie de Milet. s8". 1872 Lcs jeux des anciuns. Ia8". 1869 Lettres crit. sur A. Chenier. s8". 1881 Traite gen. de versification franc;'. 8". 1879 Becque (Henry). Theatre complet. 2t. s8". 1890 Becquer (Gustavo Adolfo). C)hras. 2t. 8" ed. sS". 1881 Beda, 7'lie Venerable, see Bkhk. Bedacier (il/iKc. Catherine), see Dleani. (C), aft. Bedacier. Bedarride (Jassuda). Les .Juits en France, en Italic, en Eapagne. 2' ed. 8". 1861 Beddard (Frank E.) Animal coloration. 8". 1892 A book of whales. The structure & classification of birds. Text-book of zoogeography. 88°. Beddie (James). The mechanics of the heavens etc. [P167]. Vis inertia; victa, or fallacies affecting science. [P167]. Beddoe (John). The races of Britain. Stature A bulk of man in the Brit. Isles. Beddoes (Thomas), M.l>. Alternatives compared : what shall the ncli do to be safe ? [P23J. 8". 1797 Lecture introd. to course on the human body. [P29]. 8». Bristol. 1797 Letter to Sir .1. Banks on causes of discontents, abu.ses etc. in medicine. [P44]. 8". 1808 Beddoes (Thomas Lovell). *Death's jest-book; or, The fool's tragedy. s8". 1850 Letters. Ed., \v. notes, bv E. Gosse. a8". 1894 Beddoes (Thomas lovell) [conthntcd]. Poems, posth. A collected of B. [Mem. by T. F. Kelsall, etc.] 2v. s8». 1851 Poet. work,-. Ed., w. mem., by E. Gosse. 2v. s8". 1890 Bade [tBEr.A, The Venerable]. Biograph. writings & letters. Tr. J. A. Giles. 8". Bohn. 1845 Complete works (opera qua? sup.) Accomp. by new tr. of the hist, works, it life, by J. A. Giles. 12v. 8". i843-4 1, Life, poems, letters etc. 2, 3, Eccles. hist. 4, Hist, tracts. 5, Homilies. C, Scientific tracts & App'. 7-12. Comms. on the Scriptures. De locis Sanctis (c. 720), see ToBLER (T.) etc., Itinera Hierosolymitana, 1877-85. Hist, eccles. gentis Anglorum libri V ; ab Alfredo examinati, ejusque paraphrasi Saxon, explicati, tribus MSS. Saxon. coUati. Cum anuot., it analectis e publ. vet. Eccles. Anglic. homJliis aliisqueMSS. Saxon. Ace. [«■. S€2>. tp. " ' Apxaiovofiia, s. de priscis .lnf}lorunt legibus libri, G. Lamhard interp. etc."] Anglo- Saxon, leges, et leges Henrici I. fol. C. 1C44 Historia eccles. gentis Anglorum. Rec. J. Stevenson. [Eng. Hist. Soc, 1]. 8". Londini. 1838 Hist, eccles. gentis Anglorum lib. 3, 4. Ed. J. E. B. Mayor & J. R. Luniby. s8". C. 1878 3"l ed. s8'\ C. 1881 Hist, eccles.. Hist, abbatum, Epist. ad Ecgbertum ; una cum Hist, abbatum auct. anon. Eecog. etc. C. Plunimer. 2t. b8". O. 189G Opera historica minora. Rec. J. Stevenson. [Eng. Hist. Soc, 21. 8". Londini. 1841 Tkanslations. Eccles. hist. etc. Rev. t. tr. of Stevens, bv J. A. Giles. 8°. 1840 Eccles. hist. Also, the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle. With notes etc., ed. J. A. Giles. sS". Bohn. 1847 „ „ ... 2". 1842-46 Bedford (William), 'f.S.A. Cat. of tlie Lib. of W. B., sold 1 .Tul.v, 18.^:5. \ MS. prices. P699]. 8" 1833 Bedford (William K. Riland). Blazon of episcopacy. 8". 1858 Malta & the Knights Hospitallers. [Portfolio Mon.]. hi8°. 1804 Notes on old hospitals of the Order : paper read before the Knights of St. .Jolni in Eng. [P602]. Ia8". 1881 Bedfordshire. Visitations of B., 1.5(1(1, l.-)H2, l(j34, by W. Harvey, 1(. Cooke, & G. Owen as deputy for Sir 11. St. George ; w. addit. pedigrees chiefly f. Harleian MS. 1.J31, & app., cont. list of pedigrees entered at the V. of Kidl), also lists of B. knights & gentry f. Lansdowne MS. 887. Ed. F. A. Blaydes. [Harleian Soc, 19]. 4". 1884 Bedier (Joseph). Les fabliaux. [H.E.98]. 8". 1893 [H.E.] 2' ed. Ia8". 189-5 Bedingfeld (Charlotte Georgiaa, Lad;/), irife of Sir U.Bcdiiuj- fcld. see Jekningham Lettees, (1780-1843) ; excerpts f. corr. it diaries of Lady .Jerninghara and Lady B., 189G. Bedloe (William). Narrative etc. of the horrid Popish Plot. 4". 1(579 Bedmar (A. de La Cueva, murq. de), cardinal, see La Cueva (A. DE). *Bedrieger (De), bedrogen, ii.d., see Boom (N.) ■'Bedrooge schaakers (De), 1(572, sec Codde (P. A.) *Bedriickung d. Deutschen etc. in d. Ostsee-Provinzen, 1886, sec Ostsee-Provinzen. Bee (The), or Literary Weekly Intelligencer. By James Anderson, LL.D. 18v. s8". E. 1791-94 Jan. Bee (The), or Univ. Literary Intelligencer. Prospectus. ;P2]. fol. E. 1790 Bee Bee, vs. *Passages in the life of an undergraduate. 88". 1887 Bee (Jon), pseud., see B.adcock (John). Beecham (John). Ashantee & the Gold Coast. s8». 1841 Beecher (Henry Ward). Presentation memorial to work- ing men ; oration at the raising of " the old flag " at Sumter ; & sermon on death of Lincoln. [P359]. 380. M'ter. 1865 sec Abbott (Lyman) ed. B. ; career, analyses of his power, etc., [1883]. „ Beecher (W. C.) & S. Sco- viLLE, etc. Biography of B., 1888. „ Lloyd (J. T.) B., his hte & work, 1887. American Rebellion : speech, Manchester, 9 Oct. 1863, w. Ijroceedings. [P359]. 8". 1863 American Rebellion : speeches of B. at public meetings, Manchester, Glasgow, London etc. 8». 1864 Eyes & ears. sS". 1862 H. W. B. in England, 1886: addresses, sermons etc. s8». [1886] Lectures on preaching. s3. sS". 1874 Norwood : village lite in New England. 3v. 880. 1867 Beecher (Mrs. Henry Ward) [IBeecheb (Eunice W.)] sec Beecher (W. C.) <£■ S. Scoville, ass'', by Mrs. B. Biog'. of H. W. Beecher, 1888. Beecher (Lyman). Autob., corresp., etc. ; ed. C. Beecher. 2v. s8». 1868 Beecher (William C.) & S. Scoville, ass'', by Mrs. Beecher. Biography of Rev. H. Ward Beecher. laS". 1888 Beecher Stowe (Mrs. Harriet Eliz.), sec Stowe (Mrs. H. E. B.) Beechey (Frederick Wm.) Voyage towards the N. Pole in H.M.S. Dorothea & Trent under Capt. D. Buchan, 1818. 8". 1843 Voyage to the Pacific & Behring's Strait, in the Blossom, 1825-8. 2v. new ed. 8". 1831 & H. W. Beechey. Proceedings of the exped. to explore the N. coast of Africa 1. Tripoly eastward, 1821-2. 4". 1828 Beechey (Henry Wm.), see Beechey (F. W.) & H. W. B., Pro- ceedings of the exped. to explore N. Africa, 1828. Beeching (Henry Charles). *Confer". on books * men. s8". *Pages from a private diary. Two lectures intr'. to the study of poetry. sec *Love's looking glass [by B., etc.], 1891. Beeckman (Daniel). Voyage to Borneo, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vll. Bee-hunter (The), 1848, .see Cooper (J. F.) Beejapore, see Bmapur. Beer (Jacob Liebmann), aft. Meyerbeer, see Meyerbeer (J. L.) 1900 88". 1898 8". C, 1901 Beerbohm (Julius). Wanderings in Patagonia; among ostrich- hunters. 8". 1879 Beerbohm (Max). More. s8". 1H99 The works (jf 1!., with bibliog. by J. Lane. s8". 189(1 Beere (Ricardus), abliot of Glastonbury; see Glastoxiiery (John, o/'l. Chronica, multaque excerpta e K. B., 1726. Beers (Henry A.) Hist, of English romanticism in the 18"' c. s8". 1899 Initial studies in American letters. 8". IH'.tO Beers (W. G.) Lacrosse. s8". Montreal. 18(59 Beesley (Alfred). Hist, of Banbury. 8" [1841] Beesly (Augustus Henry). The Gracchi, Marius, Sulla. 4'" ed. s8". 1884 Life of Danton. 8°. 1899 Sir .Tohn Franklin. s8". [1881] Beesly (Edward Spencer). Catiline, Clodius, Tiberius. 8". 1878 Home Rule. [P.5431. 88°. 1886 Life & death of Wra. Frey. [P180]. 8". 1888 Positivism before the Church Congress ; reply to Balfour. [P338]. 8". 1HS9 Queen Ehsabeth. b8". 1892 A word for France. [P246]. 68». [1870] Beeston (C.) In fair Bruges. sS". 1880 Beet (Joseph Agar). Comm. on Corinthians. 6"' ed. s8". 1895 Comm. ini Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. 2-' ed. s8". 1895 5'" ed. s8». 1897 3"' ed. s8». 1898 see NOHL. Life of B., tr., 1884. „ An unrequited love : episode in the life of B. f. the diary of a young lady [Fanny Del Rio\ tr., 1876. „ Nottebohm (G.) Beethove- niana, 1872. „ ZweiteBeethoveniana, 1887. „ Schindler (A.) Life of B., incl. h. corr. etc. [tr. 1, 1841. „ Thayer (A. W.) B.'s Leben, nach d. Orig.-Manuscript deutscli bearbeitet, 1866- 79. „ Wagner (R.) B. : w. suppl. from Schopenhauer, tr., 1880. „ W.ASIELEWSKI (J. W. v.) B., 2' A., 1895. „ Wilder (V.) B., sa vie, s oeuvre, 1883. „ Wyzew.a (T. de) B. et Wagner, 1898. Comm. on Galatians. The last things. Beethoven (Ludwig van). Aus Beethoven's Briefen. Von J. Schliiter. sS". L. 1870 Briefe B.'s. Hrsg. v. L. Nohl. 8". St. 1865 *Furioso; or, passages f. life of B. From the German ["altered from the diary of P. G. Wegeler by W. Miiller "]. sS". C. 1865 Letters (1790-1826), f. the coll. of Nohl. Also h. letters to Archduke Rudolph, Card.-abp. of Obnutz. Tr. Lady Wallace. 2v.' s8". 1866 Neue Briefe B.'s. Hrsg. v. L. Nohl. [i. w. h. Briefe. 1865], 8". St. 1867 see Primmel (T. v.) B., 1901. „ Neue Beethoveniaaa, 1888. „ Graeme (E.) B. ; a mem. Intr. by P. Hiller, 21^ ed., 1876. „ Grove (Sir G.) B. & h. 9 symphonies, 1896. „ Mensch (G.) B., 1871. „ Nohl (L.) B. depicted by h. contemps., tr., 1880. Beeton, sec also Beaton. Beeton diet, of univ. information. 8'. S. 0. Beeton. [1859] Beeton (Henry R.) Bimetallism: its advantages. [P616]. 8". 1895 The case for monetary reform. [PCIO]. 8". 1894 Beeton (Samuel 0.) Our soldiers & the Victoria Cross. Ed. S. 0. B. 8". [1867] see Bi;eton. Diet, of univ. inform., 1859. Beets (Nicolaas) [ps. HiLDEBK.iNn]. Scenes de la vie hollandaise. Tr. L. Wocquier. aH". 1856 Beever (William Holt). Daily lite of our farm. 8". 1871 Notes on fields & cattle. 8". 1870 The parson's round of parish duty. sS". 188-5 Successful farming. 2'"' ed. 8". 1871 Beeverell (James). Les delices de la Grand' Bretagne A de rirliinde. 8t. n. ed. s8". Leide. 1727 *Befestigung (Die), und Vertheidigung der deutsch-franzos. Grenze. Von e. deutschen Oflizier. [P685]. 8". 1879 Beg (Scander), [ninee of Epirus, see Sc.anderbeg. Begas (Reinhold), see Meyer (A. G.) R. B., [Knackfuss, 20', 18,17. Begbie (Harold). The story of Baden-Powell. s.8'^. 1900 Begbie (Matthew B,) Partnership en commandite : limited liability permitted by the law. [P291]. 2''<' ed. 8". 1852 Begg (Alex.) Hist, of Brit. Columbia. 8". [1894] Hist, of the North-West. 3v. 8". Toronto. 1894-5 BEGG 111 BELFAST Begg (James), see Sjiith (Thomas), D.D. Mem', of B., 1885. Beggar. *The b.'s wedding: opera, [1720], see Coffhy (C.) Beggar boy (The), ps., see Bchn (J. D.) Beggs (Thomas). IiKiuiry into juvenile (lepi-avity. 8". 1849 Beggynhof. *Tbe '• Beggynhof," 1869, see Byrnk (Mrs. W. 1\) Begriindung d. Ent\vui-fs e. deutschen Civilprozessordnung etc., 187'2, see Extwuhk etc. Beguillet (Edme), see Courtkpke (C.) <0 E. B., Descr. de Boui-KOKne, 2" kl, 1847-8. Beha-Ed-din. Life of Saladin. [Palest. P. Text Soc] 8". 1897 Behaghel (Otto). Short hist, grammar of German. Tr. f. B. by E. Treehmann. s8". 1891 Behagle (Ferdinand de), see Ch.\piskau (E.) Au pays de I'esclavage : mains de IWfrique Centrale d'ap. B., 1900. Behaine (Je c. E. L. de), see Lefeevkk dv. Bkhmne {le e. E.) Beham (Albert v.), see Ai.nERT, of Bohemia. Beham (Barthel), see Burlington Fink Arts Club. E. of tlie works of H. S. Beliam & B. B., 1877. Beham (Hans Sebald), see Burlington Fine Arts Club. E. of the works of H. S. B. & B. Beham, 1877. Behan (/.■.•n. John). Dr. Maguire's pamphlet. [P778]. 8". D. 1880 Beharamaji M. Malabari, see Behbamji IM. Malabar:. Behari Day (Lai), see Lal Behaki D.\y. *-Beharistan (The), see J.laf. Beheim - Schwarzbach (Max). Hohenzollernsche Colonisa- tionen. 8". L. 1874 Behind. Behind the bungalow, 1889 ; 3"' ed., 1890, see Aitken (E. H.) Behind the veil, 1871, see Prior (H. L.) Behmen (Jacob), see Bohme (.J.) Behn (Aphra). AUthe histories & novels [9, l)y B. : with mem. [&] pleasant love letters. C" ed. 8". 1718 Oroonoko ; the royal slave. s8". Bepr. from orig. ed. 1890 Plays. 4v. S"" ed. sH". 1724 Behnke (Emil), see Browne (L.) <£ B., Voice, song, & .speech, 1883. Behnke (Mrs. Emil). The speaking voice. pi. 2'"' ed. s8». [1897] Behnsch (Ottomar). Was verstehen d. bibl. Sehriftsteller unter d. Ausdrucke ■' Sohn Gottes " ? [P499]. 8". L. 184(j Behr {leburon ). Heoherches sur I'hist. des temps hero'iques de la Grice. 8". 1856 Behr (Kamill von). Genealogie der in Europa regierenden Fiirstenhiiuser etc. 2" A. 4". L. 1870 „ „ Huppleinent. 4". L. 1890 Wappenbuch zu d. 2'" Aufl. v. B.'s Genealogie d. in Europa regierenden Fiirstenhiiuser. 4". L. 1872 Behramji M. Malabari. [IBehar-Ijiaji M. Malabari]. Gujarat & the Gujaratis. b8°. 1882 see Karkaria (R. P.) Life etc. of B. M. M., 1896. Behrend (J. Fr.), see *Lex Salica, hrsg. v. B., 2' A, 1897. Behrens (Fil. Bertha) [/w.W. Heimrurg], see Heimburg (W.) jjs. Behrens (Julius W.) Guide for microscopical investigation of vegetable subjects. Tr. A. B. Hervey & E. H. Ward. 8". Boston. 1885 Behrings (V.), see Bering (V.), the navigator. Behrs (C. A.) Eecolh. of Tolstoy ; tr. C. A. Turner. s8". 1895 Bei (Mehemet), see Muhammad, Bey, calling himself J. M. Cigala. Beijer (Johan (Jabriel von) [or Beyer], see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 9, B., 1871. Beijeren (Jacoba van), see Jacoba, countess etc. Beijnen (L. R. Koolemans), see Beynen (L. R. K.) Beillard (Alfred). Eecherehes sur I'horlogerie. 8". [1895] Beireis (G. C), sec Heister (C. v.) B. (17.59-1802), 1800. Beitrage z. Geschichte der deutschen Sprache u. Literatur. BU23 [Bl-15 hrsg. v. H. Paul u. W. Braune, 16-23 hrsg. v. E. Sievers]. 8" Halle a/S. 1874-98 ... Register zu Bl-12, V. C. Dorfeld [6.!('. Br2]. H". Halle a/S. 1888 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters [in. progress]. 8". Miinster. 1891 etc. Al-Kindi. Die philosoph. Abhandlungen des A., 1897. [B2 v]. AVENCEBROLIS. Fous vitie, in Lat.ti-., 189.5. [HI ii-iv]. Baumqartner (M.) Er- keiintnislelire d. Wilhelm V. Auvergne, 1893. [B2 i]. Die Philosophie d. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters [conliimed]. src Von d. Unstcrblichkeit, see Worms (M.) Lehre v. il. 1897. [B2 iii]. Anfangslosigkeit d. Welt, „ SiGER, V. Brabant. Impos- u.ihreBekampfung, 1900. sibilia, 1898. [B2 vi]. [B3 iv], Beitrage zur Kunde der indogerman. Sprachen. Hrsg. v. Bezzenberger u. Prellwitz. Bl-25. In prog. 8". Gottingen. 1877-99 .1 .1 ••• Suppl.-bd., sec Ho.mkr. Odyssey. Die 0. in d. urspriingl. Sprachfonn, v. A. Fick, 1883. **eitrage zur Philosophie u. Gesch. d. Religion u. Sittenlehre 1797-9. see St.vudlin (C. F.) ed. Bejart (Armande C. C. E.), aft. wife of Moliire, aft. Mine. l!io''i ill, see Gukrin (A.) Beke (Charles Tilstone). Tlie Biil Alanus de Insulis, 1890. [B2 iv]. Doctor (M.) Philosophie des Josef (Ibn) Zaddik, 189.5. [B2 ii]. DomaSski (B.) Psychologie des Nemesius, 1900. [B3i]. GuNDisALvi(D.)De imitate, 1891. [Bl i]. aptives in Abyssinia. 2". 1871 Lect. on the Sources of the Nile etc. [P203]. 8°. Not pub!. 1864 Beke (Emily) [wife of C. T. Beke]. .Jacob's flight ; a pilgrimage to Harran, tV into the Promised Land. s8". 1865 Beken (Geo,) Freehold disfranchisement. [P521]. 8" [1884/51 Beket (Thomas), see Becket (T.) Bekk (Adolf). Shakespeare u. Homer. s8". Pest. 1865 Bekker (Balthasar). l,e monde enchante. Tr. 4t. s8". Amsterdam. 1694 sec BiM 1 {[).) *Idee de la th^ol. payenne ; refut. de B., 1699. Bekker (Immanuel). I. Bekkeri aneedota gra>ca. 3v in 1. 8". Berolini. 1814-21 Ex rec. L B. 4t in 7, [4, i-iv]. 8<>. 0. 1822-3 4, iv. • 4, i-iv. Gorgias. 4, iv. Herodes. 4, iv. Isieus. 3. Isocrates. 2. Lesbonax. 4, iv. Lycurgus. 3. Lysias. 1. Oratores Attici. Contents : .li^scliines. 3. Alcidaiuas. 4, Audocides. 1. Antipbon. 1. Antisthenes. Demades. 3. Demosthenes. Dinurchus. 3. s(>e*HisioRiA polit. * patriarch. Constantiuopoleos— Epirotica 1849. ,. Plato. *Seholia in P., coUata ab I. B., 1824. Bekynton (Thomas), bp. of Bath it Wells, see Beckington (T.) bii. Belair (Antoine de Laval, sieiir de), sec Laval (A. i.e). Belcari (Fee). Laude spirituali di B., di Lorenzo de' Medici, di Francesco d'Albizzo, di Castellano Castellani e di ultri. T, , ,. r , «■ 4"- Fii'enze. 1863 Belcher {Lady Diana). The mutineers of the Bounty, & their descendants. gyo. 1870 see L'Estkange (A. G.) Lady B. & her friends, 1891. Belcher {Admiral Sir Edward). The last of the Arctic voyages, in H.M.S. Assistance, under B., 1852-54. With notes ondie nat. hist., by Sir .J. Richardson, Prof. Owen etc. 2v. Ia8". 1855 Voyage of H.M.S. Saraarang, 1843-46, surveying the E. Archipelago. Nat. hist., by A. Adams. 2v. 8". 1848 Voyage round the world in H.M.S. Sulphur, 1836-42, incl. the naval operations in China, 1840/1. 2v. 8". 1843 Belcher (B. Henry). Degrees & " degrees." [P883]! 8"! 1872 Belcher (Thomas Waugh). E. Brett : life & work [2-'' ed.] s8o_ [1891] Belcher (W. D.) Kentish brasses. vl. 4". 1S88 Belck (Waldemar). Gesch. d.Montanismus. [P168]. 8''. l! 1883 Beldam (Joseph). Recoil', of scenes etc. in Italy & the East. T, , X, .r 2v. s8". 1851 Belethus (Joannes), see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t202 Belfast. -Belfast politics : debates etc. of that town, 1792-3. With strictures oil the test of United Irishmen ; also, thoughts on the Brit Con- ^"'"''""- 88°. Belfast. 1794 BELFAST 112 BELL Belfast [continned]. Belfast Chamber of Coimneice (Tlie) ami Gliulbtone: Report. [P579]. 8". ISns Hist, of the town of B. 8". Belfast. 1823 sri' QrKEx's Coll., Bel/nsf. Belfast Library & Society for promoting knowledge. (Linen Hull Lib.) General Cat.; conip. by G. Smith, Librarian. s4". Belfast. 189G Belfast (Frederick Kichard Chichester, co)/ of), eldest son of .?■•' inarq. of Donegal!. *The farce of life. By Lord B. 3v. s8°. 1852 *Masters and workmen. 3v. s8<>. 1851 *Xaples. By Lord b ***** *. 2v. sS". 1856 Poets * poetry of the 19"' c. sS". 1852 Belfour, sec also Balloue. Belfour (F. Cunningham), sec UvRx^niw 'Ai.i Hvzlx. Life, tr. B., 18.B0. Belga (I. Livineius), see Livineios (Joanni>i. Beige. Code penal beige, see Bicloium. Beiges, 6i't' *PEcrLE (Un) vole par un roi : doc. rec. par une see. de patriotes beiges, 1838. Belgiojoso (Carlo). La nostra casa. 88". Milano. 1877 Belgiojoso (la 2'ssa. Cristina di) [tTniuLZi-BELuiojoso (C.) princess]. Hist, de la maison de Savoie. u. ed. 8". 1878 Belgique [or Eelge or Bel(iiu.mj. -Belgium (The) of the East. Ed. [/.«. iiMtteii] by B. Jerrold, 1882, see Jebrold (Blanchard). *Bibliotheques (Les) de Madrid & de TEscm-ial; Notices & extr^. des MSS. qui cone. I'bist. de B.,1875, spi? Gachabd (L. P.) •BibUotheque Nat. (La) a Paris : Notices it extr'. des MSS. qui cone, riiist. de B., tl, 2, 1875-7, see Gach.ird (L. P.) Cat. de la Bibl. du Ministere de la Guerre, vl, Art it hist, milit. Ia8". Brux. 1882 Chemin de Fer. Compte-rendu des oiJerations jusqu'au 31 Dec, 1841. fol. Brux. 1842 •Chrouiques relatives a I'hist. de la Belgique sous la domin. des dues de Bourgogue, tl-8, 1870-73, see Kervvx de Lettenho^-e {le b. J. M. B. C.') ed. Code Penal Beige. Prec. d'un tableau de concordance, suiv. d'mie table, par HoiTmann etc. 6= ed. sS". Brux. 1884 Inventaire des Archives des Chambres des Comptes, prec. d'une not. historique. 5t [t2-.'j wantinq]. fol. Brux. 1837-79 Inventaire des cartulaires conserv. dans les depots des archives de I'etat en Belgique. [C. R. d'H. de B.] 8". Brux. 1895 'Inventaire des cartulaires conserves en B. ailleurs que dans les d(5p6ts des Archives de I'Etat. [C. R. d'H. de Belg.] H". Brux. 1897 *Papers rel. to the affairs of B. pi, 2, 1830-33 [6. w. Belgium. Protocols etc., 1882-3.] 8". 1834 'Protocols of conferences in London, rel. to the affairs of B. 2p in Iv, 1830-82. 8». 1832-3 Rapi)ort du ministre des aft'*, etr^. sur nos relations exterieures, Mars, 1831. [P95]. s8". Brux. 1831 *Table chronolog. des Chartes it Diplonres imprimes cone. Vhist. de la B., tl-9, 1866-96, see Wauters (A.) see AcADEJUE Roy.\i.e de Belgique. „ *Almanach royal ofljciel, 1897. „ Blbliogb.\phie de B., ann. 1-3, 1875-7. „ Bourson (P.) *Hist. parlementaire du traite de pais, 1839, entre la B. et la HoUande, 1839. „ Commission Royale d'Histoibe de Belgique. „ D.iREAS (P.) "Les causes celebres de la B., 1888. „ Gach.uid (L. P.) ^i?. *Coll. de docs. ined. cone. I'hist. de la B., tl-3, 1883-5. „ Moke (H. G.) *Les splendeurs de I'art en B., 1848. „ NoTHOJiB (le h. J. B.) Chemins de fer it routes ordinaires ; Rapport, 2= ed., 1840. „ Recueil de pieces rel. aux affaires de la Hollande it de la B. (en 1830-2), 1881-3. „ W.ARGNY (de). *Esquisses hist, de la Revolution de la B. (en 18301, 1830-1. Belgrade. *Sougs etc. in the siegeof Belgrade, an opera, [1732], see Cobb (J.) see Visit to Belgrade, 1854. Belgrand (Eugene). La Seine : tl. Le bassin parisien aux ages antchistoriques. [Histoire gen. de Paris : La Seine]. 4". 1869 „ Planches de gcologie it de conchyliologie. 4". 1869 'Belgravia, a poem, 1851, .sec Gascoigne (Mrs. C. L.) Belhaven (John Hamilton, J'"' bormi). Speech in the Scotch Pari., 2 Nov.. on union betw. Scotl. it Eng. [T217]. 88". 1706 Belidor (B. Forest de) [fFoi;i;sT I'l: Belidob (Berx.^kd)]. Ai-chi- tecture hydraulique. 4t [i.e. 2p, of 2t each]. 4". 1737-53 Diet, de I'ingenieur ct de rartilleur. n. ^d., ref. par C. A. Jombert. s8". 1768 Belinaye (Henry G.) Sources of health ct disease in communi- ties. 8". 1832 Belisarius. *Den grooten Bellizarius. [b. ir. Asselijn (T.) Mel- chior.] Den laatsten druk. s8", Amsteldam. 1697 see Staxhope (P. H., .j'* e.) [Lord Mahox_. Life of 11, 1829. .,*Voi.taire, Anecdote sur " B^lisaire," n.d. Beljame (Alexandre). Le public et les hommes de lettres en Angletcrre mu IK' s., 1660-1744: Dryden —Addison — Pope. 8". 1881 Belknap (Jeremy), D.D. American biography. Add*. ;., sec BnoxTii (Anne). Bell (Alex. Graham). Address: condition of articulation teaching in American schools for the deaf. .Tune 29, 1892. [P391]. 8'. Boston. 1893 Methods of instructing the deaf in the U.S. [P391]. 8". Washington. 1898 The science of speech. 84". Washington. 1897 [P247]. s8". 1865 laS". 1867 Bell's elocutionist, n. ed., 1873. Inquiry into the prohibition of use rP31]. 8". E. 1808 Bell (Mrs. Arthur) ' ps. N. D'Anvers], see D'Axvebs (N.) ^)S. Bell (Arthur John). Whence comes man? 8". 1888 Bell (C. F. Moberly). From Pharaoh to fellah. 4". [1874] Bell (C. Napier). Tangweera. 8". 1899 Bell (Sir Charles). Essays on the anatomy of ex- pression in painting. 4". 1806 „ 4"' ed. [le. t.] The anatomy etc. of expression, as conn, w. the fine arts. Ia8». 1847 „ 7"> ed. [«■. i.] The ana- tomy etc. of e. 68". 1890 The hand : as evincing design. 8". 1837 „ ... 5'" ed. s8". 1852 i Bell (Charles Dent). Gleanings from a tour in Palestine it the East. s8°. 1887 Henry Martyn. 38°. 1880 A winter on the Nile, in Egypt, it Nubia. s8". 1888 Bell (Currer) /ix.. see BiioxTi-: (CH.iBLOiiE). Bell (David Charles) & A. M. Bell. Bell's standard elocutionist. n. ed. 68". Belfast. 1873 Bell (Doyne Courtenay). Notices of historic persons buried in the chapel of St. Peter ad Vinoula, in the Tower; w. ace. of Bell (Alexander Melville). Visible speech. .wBell (D. C.) ct A. M. B. Bell (Archibald), ndvocatc. of grain in distilleries. . liis 1870 Letters: sel. f. h. co brother G. J. B. The nervous system. o"» ed. S". 1844 see P.ALEY ( W.) Nat. theblf., etc. ; added, suppl. diss*, by B., 1836. „ PicHOT (k.) Life it labours of B., 1860. disc, of supposed remains of Anne Boleyn Bell (E. Weston). The Scottish deerhoiind. la Bell (Ellis) ps., sec Bkoxti-': (Emily). Bell {Mrs. Emily Ernst), see Bell (Mrs. Evaxs). Bell (Ernest) ed. Handbook of athletic sports. 8v. [\'2, 3, 5-8 iva^iting]. s8". Bohn. 1, Cricket — Lawn tennis — Tennis — Backets — Fives- Hockey. 4, Rugby - Association — Baseball — Rounders Bowls— Skittles— Curling. Bell (Evans). The annexation of the Punjaub, it Duleep Singh. 8". 1882 The Empire in India: letters from Madras it 0. places. 68". 1864 The English in India : letters f. Nagpore, 1857/8. s8". 1859 •Holkar's appeal ; " The Office " or the Empire. Kutftrr puhl. fol. 1881 LettertoH. M. Durand. 8". 1884 Letter to Hon. Sir C. U. Aitchi- son. 8". 1886 Letter to Sir .T. I>. Gordon. [P378]. 8°. 1882 & F. Tyrrell. 8". 1877 i". E. 1892 1890-4 Golf— - Quoits — Mem. of Gen. J. Briggs. Ia8''. 1885 The Mysore reversion. 8". 1865 2"'i ed. 8°. 1866 "Our great vassal empire." 8". 1870 The Oxus it the Indus. 80. 1869 „ 2"'i ed. 8". 1874 Remarks on the Mysore Blue- Book, w. a few words to Mangles. 8". 1866 Retrospects it prospects of In- dian policy. 8". 1868 see Mysore. 'The Rajah it Principality of M. [61/ B. ?] 1865. Public works & the public service in India. 8". 1871 Bell (Mrs. Evans) [tBr.LL (Mrs. Emily Eenst)]. A first appearance. 3v. s8". 1872 Bell (F. J.) 7«., Habdress O'H.uh], see O'Haba (H.) ps. Bell (Fred. W.), F.S.S. The S. African conspiracy. 8". 1900 BELL 113 BELLESHEIM Bell (Muj.-gcn. George). Bell (George William). London : Eough notes by an old soldiei'. 2v. 8". 1867 letter to the " Times." [P392]. 8". 1881 Bell (Gertrude). True to the prince. s8". [1892] Bell (Henry), arcJtitect. Hist, essay on the original of painting. s8". 1728 Bell (Henry Glassford). Life of Mary, q. of Scots. 2v. [v2, 2'"i ed.] s8". E. 1828-31 Selections of the most remarkable phenomena of nature. Ed. B. s8'>. E. 1827 see Maet, queen of Scots. *Mary Stuart & the Casket Letters, by J. F. N., w. intr. note by B., 1870. „ Sv.iiKs (M.) Embassy to Ava ; [w.] narrative [hij B.] of the operations in the Birmese Empire, 1827. Bell (Henry Nugent). The Huntingdon peerage : evidence & proceedings conn. \v. the restoration, etc. 4". 1820 Bell (Henry T. Mackenzie). A forgotten genius : C. Whitehead. n. cd. s8". [1885] Bell (Hesketh J.) Hist., resources etc. of the Gold Coast Settlement. [P622]. 8". Liv'l. 1893 Bell (Horace). Railway policy in India. 8". 1894 Bell (Mrs. Hugh). Chamber comedies. s8". 1890 Theatre de la jeunesse. 12 little French plays, ed. H. B. n. ed. ,s8". 1890 Bell (Sir Isaac Lowthian), bart. Manufacture of iron & steel. 8". 1884 Bell (J. Munro). Chippendale, Sheraton, & Hepplewhite furni- ture designs. 4". 1900 Bell (.Si)- James), bart.,!c J. Paton. Glasgow: its municipal organization A administration. Ia8". Glasgow. 1896 Bell (James Stanislaus). Journal of residence in Cireassia, 1837-9. 2v. 8". 1840 Bell (John), M.D., of Philadelphia. Treatise on baths. 8". Philadelphia. 18,50 Bell (John), of Antermovy. Travels f. St. Petersburg to div. parts of Asia. 2v. 4". Glasgow. 1763 Travels in Asia, see Pinkekton (J.) Voyages, v7. Bell (John), surgeon. Obs. on Italy. 4". E. 182.5 Bell (Lilian). The love affairs of an old maid. s8". 1895 The under side of tilings. s8". 1896 Bell (Mackenzie). Christina Rossetti : biograph. & crit. study. 8". 1898 2"''ed. 8». 1898 Bell (Malcolm). Sir E. Burne-Jones, a record & review. [3'" ed.] 4". 1894 Bell (Mrs. Nancy), form. Meiigens ; wife of Arthur Bell; [ps. N. D'Anvers], see D'Anvers (N.) ps. Bell (Paul) ps., see Chorley (H. F.) Bell (Robert), a. of " The Life of Canning." Wayside pictures : Prance, Bel- gium, Holland, a""" ed. 8". 1850 see Fairfax Corresp. Memo- rials of the Civil War etc. Ed. R. B., 1849. „ Mackintosh (Sir J.) Hist, of Eng., [vJr-lO cont. by W. Wallace ,C- B. B.\ 1830-40. „ SouTHEY (R.) Lives of the British Admirals : [v5, cont. by R. B.], 1840. „*Story-teller (The), vl, 1843. Ancient poems, ballads, songs of the peasantry of Eng. Ed. R. B. s8". 1857 Early ballads. Ed.R.B. 98". 1856 •Hist, of Rome. 2v. [Cab. Cycl.]. s8". 1833-5 Hist, of Russia. [Cab. Cycl.]. 3v. s8". 1836-8 The ladder of gold. 3v. s8<>. 1850 Life of Geo. Canning. 88°. 1846 Lives of Eng. poets. [Cab. Cycl.]. 2v. 38". 18S9 Songs from the Dramatists. Ed. R. B. s8". 1854 I Bell (Robert), M.D. Our children : how to keep them well etc. 88". Glasgow. 1887 Bell (Sydney Smith). Colonial administration of Gt. Brit. 8". 1859 Bell (Thorcis.^), prof.of :>oologijin King's College, London. Hist. of Brit, quadrupeds.' 8". 1837 Hist, of Brit, reptiles. 8". 1839 Hist, of Brit, stalk-eyed Crustacea. 8". 1853 see Owen (R.) The Reptilia of London clay, 1849-80 : vl, by 0. & B., 1849-58. Bell (Eev. Thomas) ed., see Alford. Record of meeting of the Exercise of A., 1897. Bell ("William), Phil. Dr. Shakespeare's Puck, & his folkslore, illust. 3v. s8o. 1852-[64] Bell (William Abraham). New tracks in N. America. 2v. 8". 1869 Bell (William Morrison). Other countries. 2v. 8". 1872 Bella (Ardelio della), .we Dei.i.a Bella (A.) Bellairs (Ladi/ Blanche St. John). The Transvaal War, 188(j-l. 8". 1885 Bellaius (G.), see Du Bellay (G.) Bellaius (Joachimus), see Dn Bellay (J.) Bellaius (Martinus), sec Du Bellay (M.) Bellamy (Edward), novelist. Equality. 88". 1897 Looking backward. ' sS". [1888] 21" ed. s8". n.d. Bellamy (G. Somers). Essays from Shakspere. s8". E. 1879 I Bellamy (George Anne). Apology for the life of B., by her.self. Annexed, her orig. letter to J. Calcraft. [Ed. A. Bicknell]. 6v in 3. [1-5, 2'"i ed.] s8". 1785 Memoires, avee notice sur sa vie par M. Thiers. 2t. [C. d. M. s. I'A. D.] 8". 1822 Bellamy (John), Hebraist. The hist, of all religions. 2"^ ed. s8". 1813 Jesus Christ the only God : to Priestley. [P12]. 8". 1792 Bellamy (Thomas), jnisc. writer. Miscellanies in prose * verse. 2v in 1. 8". 1794-5 [The life of W. Parsons, . Siena. 1844 Bellarmin (card.), see Bellarmino (il c. E. F. E.) Bellarmino (il card. Roberto F. R.), abp. of Capua, [ps. Matth.'eus Tortus]. De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creataruni ; cur. etc. F. X. Dieringer. sS". Coloniaj. 1850 Disputation[es] de controversiis Christianse fidei etc. 4t. ed. 1-^ Romana. i.^. Romie. 1832-8 Selbst biographic, hitein. u. deutsch. Hrsg. v. Dolliuger u. Beusch. 8". 1887 seeANDREWEs (L.) bp., Tortura Torti, s. ad T'. lib. resp., 1851. „ Resp. ad apol. B'., 1851. „ Humphrey (W.) Pitzjames Stephen & B., 1874. Bellars (William). The fine arts * their uses. sS". 1876 Bellasis (Edward), barrister. Cherubini : memorials illust. of h. life. s8". 1874 Memorials of Mr. Serjeant Bellasis (1800-73). Ia8<>. 1893 Review of [S. Tackcr's] review of J. Foster's "Peerage." [P356] 8". f.p.c. 1880 Bellasis (Edw.), serjeant-at-law, see Bellasis (E.), barrister, Mems. of B., (1800-73), 1893. Belleau (Remi). ffiuvres poet. Notice biograph. & notes par C. Marty-Laveaux. [Pleiade Fr.] 2t. 88". 1878 Bellecour de Laugier (Ic cfe. Cesare de). *0bs. sur la Pologne etc., p. serv. d'intr. aux m^m. de M. Oginski. [Exir. d tr. f. the anon, work of B. de L., " Gl' Italiani in Russia " ; 6. w. Oginski (M.) Mims., t4, 1827]. 8». 1827 Bellegarde (Gabriel Dupac de), sec Dupac de Bellegarde. Bellegarde (Roger de Saint-Lary et de Termes, due de), see Alcanijiu:. Les amours du grand A., [attr. by some to B.] Belle-Isle (Nic. Fouquet, marq. de), see Fouquet. Bellemare (Gabriel de), b. iS.iS, son of L. de B. [ps. G. Ferry'], sec Ferry (Garkiel) ps. [2]. Bellemare (Louis de), f809-5-i, \_;ps. G. Ferry], see Ferry (Gabriel) ps. [1]. Bellenden (John), sec Boethius (Hector) [Boeoe]. Hist, of Scot- land, tr. B., ed. 1821. Bellenden (William) [fBELLENDENUs (Gul.)]. De statu libii iii. 38". Parisiis. 1616 De .statu libri iii. ed. 2". [by S. Parr]. 8". Londini. 1787 *Free translation (A) of the preface [i.e. of the pi'ef. by Parr] to B., 1788, see Park (S.) Bellenden Ker (John), see Ker (J. B.) Bellendenus (Gulielmus), see Bellehiien (W.) Bellenger (Henri). Londres pittoresque et la vie anglaise. s8». [1876] Bellesheim (Alphons). Gesch. d. kathol. Kirohe in Schottland. 2B. 81. Mainz. 1883 Hist, of the Catholic Church of Scotland. Tr., w. add', by 0. H. Blair. 4v. 8". E. 1887-90 I BELLESHEIM 114 BELTZ Bellesheim (Alphons) [continued]. Wilhelm, Card. Allen (1532-94) u. die englischen Seminare auf d. Festlande. 8". Mainz. 1885 Bellessort (Andre). La jeune Ami-rique : Chili et Bolivie. s8". 1897 Bellett (J. C.) God's witness in piopliecy & hist., etc. sS". 1884 Belleval {le marq. Rene de). Les dernieis Valois : Fr. II, Ch. IX, Henri III. 8o. 1900 La grande guerre : fragm. d'une hist, de France aux 14"" & 15' s. 8". 1862 Bellew (Francis J.) Memoirs of a griffin. 2v. s8". 1843 n. ed. 88". 1880 Bellew (Henry Walter). Afghanistan A the Afghans. sS". 1879 From the Indus to the Tigris, 1872 ; with grammar of Brahoe, meteorol. oh'., & altitudes. 8". 1874 Kashmir & Kashghar ; narrative of the embassy to Kashghar, 1873-4. 8". 1875 Polit. mission to Afghanistan, 1857, under Lumsden. 8". 1862 The races of Afghanistan. 8". Calcutta. 1880 Bellew (J. C. M.) [.T. C. M. Hnitux, up to 1^44]. Poets' corner : a manual for students in Engl, poetry, w. biog. sketches. s8". 1868 Sermons. 2v. [vl,u'.t. Serm\in St. Philip's, Regent St., etc.] s8". 1856-7 ^Bellicose garre (Le) tra Geremei e Lambertazzi ec, 1735, see FoiiTUNATI (D.) Bellievre (Pierre de) & — de Bellievre, see Moxtereul (J. de), Diplom. corr. of M. * the brothers de B., French ambassadors in Eng. & Seotl., 1645-8, w. tr. etc., 1898. ♦Belligerent rights asserted ; answer to " Exam, of the British Doctrine etc." [P48]. 8<>. 1806 Bellingham (H. Belsches (Jraham). Ups & downs of Spanish travel. 2'"' ed. s8". 1883 Bellingham (Henry), banister, see H.vclleville (baron i.e). Social aspects of Catholicism & Protestantism, tr. & adapted by B., 1878. Bellinghausen (E. F. J., Frhr. v. Munch-), sec Munch- Bkllinghavsen. Bellini (Giovanni), see Fry (E. E.) G. B., 1899. Bellini (H. L.) Best method of developing the national talent for music. [P245]. 8". 1869 Bellini (Vincenzo), musical composer, sec Pougin (A.) B., sa vie, s. oeuvres, 1868. Bellizarius, see Belisarius. Bellman (Carl Michael). *BelIo (De) Judaico, auct. this wwh vh. usually Hegesippus. Bello (Richard de), see H.aldingham (R. de). Belloc (Mme.) [tPAPKEs (Bessie Rayner), aft. Belloc]. Essays on woman's work. The flowing tide. In a walled garden. A passing world. Vignettes : 12 biog. sketches. Belloc (Hilaire). Danton. Paris. Belloc (Marie Adelaide), aft. Mrs. F. S. Lovndes, see Lowndes (Mrs. Belloc-). Belloguet (le baron D. F. 1. Roget de), see Roget (D. F. L.), baron de Belloguet. Bellonius (Petrus), see Belon (Pierre). Bellonus (Antonius). De vitis patriareharum Aiiuilejensium, see MuRATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script. tl6. Bellori (Griovanni Pietro). Le vite de pittori, scultori, archi- tetti moderni. pi, [iio nivre a})j}.'] 4». Roma. 1672 „ „ [anoth. ed.]. 3t in 1. 8». Pisa. 1821 Bellot (Joseph Rene). .Journal d'un voyage aux mers polaires, 1851-2. Notice sur I'aut. par J. Leniei-. 8°. 1854 Memoirs of B. ; with his journal of voyage in search of Franklin. 2v. s8". 1855 Bellows (Henry "Whitney). The Old World in its new face: impressions of Europe, 1867-8. 2v. s8". 1869 Provision required for relief of disabled soldiers & sailors. [U.S. Sanitary Commission, no. 95. P210]. 8». 1865 Unconditional loyalty. [P790]. 88". N.Y. [1863 ?] Bellows (John), Gloucester. Chapters of Irish hist. [P778] 8". [1886] Belmeis (Joannes de), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t209. Samlade skrifter. 4d. s8". 1889 anon., sa;c. iv exeunte. For ed". of bears the iiauie of Hegesi2)2^us, see IT" s8. 1882 Folies de jeunesse. 6» ed. sS", s8'\ 1883 1883 1881 1877 Les fugitives de Vienne. s8". 1883 La grande Florine ; suite et tin des Etrangleurs. .5'ed. s8". 1879 Helene et Matliilde. S-^ed. S80. 1874 Une maison centrale de femmes ; fin de la serie des Mystferes mondains. 2^ ed. sS". 1875 Melinite. s8". 1888 Mme. Vitel et Mile. Lelievre; suite des Baigneuses de Troo- \-ille. fi8». 1875 Les mysteres mondains. 3<^ ed. s8". 1875 P'tit horame. 58". 1892 Le pigeon. 2= ed. s8'\ 1884 La prinoesse Sophia. 6«ed. Reine de beaute. Le roi des grecs. 2v. Le secret terrible: mem. d'un caissier. 2' ed. sS". 1876 La Bultane parisienne. 4'ed. sS". La tete du ponte. 16«ed. s8<'. La Venus nou-e. 6» ed. 58". see Daudet (A.) & B. Fremont jeune it Risler aine: piece, I 1886. 1876 I & E. Daudet. La V^nus de Gordes. 3' ed. s8". 1873 & J. Dautin. Le parricide. 4' ed. sS". 1873 & .DacolardetLubin:suiteduParricide.4'6d. s8". 1873 Belouino (Paul). Diet, des persecutions, see Migne (J. P.) Encyclopedie S2 iv, v. Belsham (Thomas). The Episf. of Paul, tr., w. expos. 4v. 8". 1822 Importance of truth etc. ; disc, Apr. 1790. [P17 ;. 8". 1790 Philosophy of the mind. Pref., comp. of logic. W'. 1801 see EsTLix (.7. P.) Sermon on ordin. of Jardiue, w. charge by B., 1791. ,. Priestley (J.) Objects of educ. ; [untli] prayer by B., 1791. „ Williams (John), Unitarian viin., Mems. of B., extracts f. h. diary, w. letters, 1833. Belsham (William). •Essavs. 2v. s8". 1789-91 „' 2v. s.8». 1799 Hist, of Gt. Brit., 1688-1802. 12v. 8". 1805-6 Mems. of the Kings of Gt. Brit, of the House of Brunswiclt. 2v. S". 1793 1884 1878 Mems. of the r. of George III, 1802-20. 2v. 8". 1824 see Marsh (H.) hp., The hist, of the politicks of Gt. Brit, it France vindic"'. f. attack of B., 1801. Belt (Thomas). The naturalist in Nicaragua. s8'>. 1874 [2"' ed.]. s8". 188S Belton (Fred). Random recoils, of an old actor. 8". 1880 Beltrame, ps.. see Barbieri (N.) called ■' B." Beltrami (J. C.) \ pilgrimage in Europe A America. 2v. S' . 1828 Beltz (Geo. Frederick). Memorials of the most noble Order of the Garter, etc. Ia8". 1841 BELTZ 115 BENEKE ft of tile pretensions 8". 1834 Beltz (Geo. Frederick) [coiitimmd]. Keview of the Cliandos Peerage case, 1803, of Sir S. E. Brydges. Baluchistan, vr Bai.cchistan. Belville (John Henry). Manual of the barometer. [P456]. s8". 1849 Belvoir Castle. Cat. of the Lib. at B. C, the seat of the Duke of Kutland. _ 4". 1827 Belzoni (Griov. Batt.) Operations it discoveries within pyi'aniids, tombs, etc. in Egypt &■ Xubia, etc. 2v. 3'-' ed. 8". 1822 Bern (Gen. Jozef), see. Czetz (J.) B.'s Feldzug in Siebenbiirgen (1848-!)), 18.50. Bembo {Caril. Pietro), bp. of (/) Gnbbio (2) Bergavio. [P.Bembus]. Lettere. .")V. s8". Verona. 1743 hH". Verona. 1743 f. their poet, works, etc., 2™' 6(1., 180.-). IsTomci delle cose vene- ziane, ec, t2, B., 1718-22. LoNGOLius (C.) Epist. ; item B. etc. epistolarum ad L. lib. unura, 1533. Prose. .src Carmisa quiuque ill. poet., [Bembi lib. i, etc.], 1.552. „ Gbeswell iW. p.) Mems. of Politianns, B. etc. ; tr"^. Bemis (George). American neutrality. 8". Boston. 1866 Hasty recognition of rebel belligerency, and our right to com- plain of it. [P228]. 8". Boston. [1865] Mr. Eeverdy .Tohnson : the Alabama negotiations, and their just repudiation by the Senate of the U.S. [P236]. 8". N.Y. 1869 Precedents of Amer. neutrality. [P373]. 8». Boston. 1864 Bemmel (te hanm Eugene P. P. van), see V.an Bemmel. Bemont (Charles). Simon de Montfort. 8". 1884 Bemrose (William). Bow, Chelsea, A- Derby porcelain : further information, ed., with notes, by B. 4". 1898 Life * works of .J.Wriyht, A.E.A., •' Wright of Derby." fol. 188.5 Bena (Amalrich v.), see Hahn (C. U.) Gesch. d. Ketzer etc. : B8, A. V. B. etc.. 18-50. Benaberazerin (Bulchasin), see .Albucasis. Benaduci (L. Boturini), see Boturini Benabuci (L.) Benalt (Thomas), see Lancashibe. *Visitation of L. & part of Cheshire (1533), by Spec. Commission of B., Clarencieux, 1876-82. Benard (Charles), 2)rofesseur de philosophie. Hegel : philoso- phic de Part. Essai analyt. & crit. 8». 1852 Benard (Joseph Abraham), called Pleuvji, see Fleuby. Benazet (Theodore) {tTiiEonoBE [Benazet]). Regne de Louis XL 8". 1847 Bence, The famib/ of, see Thorington. *Registers of T., w. not'. of the B. f., ed.'T.' S. Hill, 1884. Bence Jones (H.), see .Jones (H. B.) Bence Jones (William), see Jones (W. B.) Ben Chiya (Abraham), sec .Abraham ben Chiya. Bendall (Cecil). Journey of literary & archoeolog. research in Nepal & N. India, 1884-5. 8". [1886] see CAMHRinoE, Univ. of : Library. Cat. of Buddhist Sanskrit MSS., by B., 1883. Ben David (Jehuda) Clmt/ug, see Judah ben David Chayug. Bender (Joseph). Die deutschen Ortsnamen. 2'- A. laS". Wiesbaden. 1855 Bender (Wilhelm). Mythologie u. Metaphysik. Bl. 8". St. 1899 1, Entstehung d. Weltansehauungen im grieeh. -Altertum. Sehleiermacher's Theologie. 2B. 8". Nordlingen. 1876-8 Bendire (Charles), Ceqit. Life histories of N. American birds, w. special ref. to their breeding habits & eggs. [2v.] fS. C. to Knowledge, 28, 32]. 4". W. 1892-95 Benecke (E. F. M.) .\ntimachus of Colophon, . 1854 8". 1838 s8". 1876 8". 1895 Grundziige der Wahrheit. Beneden (P. J. van). Animal parasites & messmates Benedetti (Ic cte. Vincent). Essais diplomatiques. Essais diplomat., (nouv. s^r.) ; prte. d'intr. sur la question d'Orient. 8". 1897 Ma mission en Prusse. 8". 1871 2* ^d. 8". 1871 Studies in diplomacy. [Tr.] 8". 1896 Benedetto. For popies, .viints etc. ■•Jtv Benedict. Benedetto (Giovanna di). La fedelta'ingegnosa,rapportatrt [dal verso alia prosa, or composed!] dalla Signora Gr. di B. [P802]. s8". Bolognii. 1(;h7 Benedict 111, pope, sceUio-x-E (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, til.'), 129. Benedict IV, pope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl31. Benedict VI, popie, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl3.5. Benedict VII, pope, see Mione (J. P.) rd., Pat. latina. tl37. Benedict VIII, pope, .■see Mioxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina. tl39. Benedict IX, pope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl41. Benedict XIII, jxi^ic, sec Mtbatori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t3, ii. Benedict XIV, ^'^pe [Prospero Lambertini]. Hei-oic virtue : portion of the treatise of B. on the beatification etc. of servants of God, tr. 3v. s8". 1850-2 Benedict, Saint, abbot of Anian. sec MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl03. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl5. Benedict, Saint, [Crispus], abp. of Milan, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t89. Benedict, Sccint, abbot of Monte Cassino. The rale of S. Benet ■ Latin & Anglo-Saxon interlinear ver- sion. Intr. & notes by H. Logeman. [E.E.T.S., 90]. 8". 1888 •Miracles (Les) de Saint Benoit. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1858 see Benedictines. „ Bibliothek d. angelsiichs. Prosa : B2, Bearbeitung d. Benedictinnerregel, 1885. see Migne (J. P.) n1., Pat. latina, tOli, 124. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t9, 10, 15. „ Newman {card. J. H.) Hist. sketches, v2. Mission of B., n. ed., 1891-6. „ Tosti (L.) B., tr., 189B. Benedict, of Peterborough. [fBENEDicTus, abbas Petroburgensis']. rerast of liis lost " Tri- columnus." see Becket (T.) Materials tor the hist, of B., 1875-85, [Rolls Ser. 07, ii]. „ Bouquet |M.) Rec. des liist. des Gaules, tl3, 17. [Vita S. Thomae etc.]. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl90. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t27. Benedict (Sir Julius). The chron. of the r*. of Hen. II & Rich. I, 1169-92, known under the name of B. of P. Ed. f. the Cotton MSS., by W. Stubbs. 2v. [Rolls Ser., 49, i, ii]. laS". 1867 De vitaife gestis Henr. II & Eic. I. Ed. T. Heamius. Ace. alia. 2t. [payin. cont.]. 8". 0. 1735 This ivork goes hy the na)ne of B. of P., but he was not the author ; It may be hy Bichard Fitz-Nrale, bring a Sketch of life & works of Mendelssohn. 2"'' ed. 8". 1853 Weber. s8". 1881 Benedictheuern, see *Caemina Burana : Lieder etc. e. Hs. d. 13. Jhdts. aus B., 2' A., 1883. Benedictines [Order of St. Benedict]. For the " Rule of S. Benedict," see Benedict, Saint, see BuLTEAU (L.) Abrege de I'hist. de I'ordre de S. Benoist, 1684. „ Mabielon (J.) Annales ord. S. B., 6t, 1703-39. „ Saent Maur, Benedictine Monks of the Congregation of S. M. Benedictson (Victoria) [ps. Ernst AHLGREN],see Aheoben (E.)2)s. Benedictus. For saints, j^opes etc. see Benedict. Benedictus, pseud. Was Sueton v. Caligula erziihlt. [P583]. 16' A. 8". n.d. Benedictus Clusiens. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl50. ,. Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl2. Benedictus rfkrcoiKts [Levita], see Migne (J. P.) cii., Pat. latina, t97. Benedictus, abbas Petroburgensis, see Benedict, of Peterborough. Benedictus monaehns Saint Andreie. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl39. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t3. Benedictus ccoion. S. Petri, sec Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl79. Benedite (Georges). Le temple de Philse, see Mission Arch. Fe. au Caire, tl3. Tomljeau de la reine Thiti, see Mission Arch. Fr. au Caire, to. Tombeau de Neferhotpou, -tee Mission Arch. Fr. au Caire, t5. Benedite (Leonce). Deux idualistes : G. Moreau, E. Burne- 4". 1899 Dramat. Werke. 27B in 22. s8». L. 1851-80 4" A. s8". L. 1871 By a. of Eliz. & her German garden. s8". 1901 Eduard). Lehrbuch d. Psychologie als •2' A. »\ 1845 1 2 .Jones. Benedix (Roderich). Hanstheater. *Benef actress (The). Beneke (Friedrich Naturwissensehaft. BENEKE 116 BEN MAIMON 3' A , mit 8". 1861 8". 1845 1. 8". 1850 '. 8". 1842 t. Studien. Beneke (Friedrich Eduard) '[ccnifbnicd]. Lehibuch d. I's.vchologie ids Naturwissensehaft. Anhiing u. B.'s Selirifteu v. J. G. Dressier. Die nene P?ychologie. Prngmatisclie PsTchologie. 2B. [T!J wnnthig]. System d. Logik ills Kunstlehre des Denkens. '2B in 1. Beneke (Otto). Von unehiiichen Leuten : cultur-hist. s8". Hamburg. 1863 Benencasa (Caterina), sec Catheeixe {St.). of Sienna. Ben Ephraim Caro (Joseph), see .Joseph, ben Ej>hraim Caro. Benet. For j>opes, ,'^aint!; etc. sec Bexewct. Benevento (C. M. de Talleyrand-Perigord, 2»t»c(? of) {le 2'riiicc DE Benetent], sec Talleyeand. Benevenutus [de Batubaldis], de Iinola, see Bexvexcto, da Imola. Benevenutus de S. Georgio. see Sax Giohgio (B. pa). Benezet. For j'opcs, soints etc. see Bexeiiict. Benezet (Anthony). Caution to Gt. Brit. etc. in repres. of state of the uegioes. [P73]. 8". Philadelphia pr., London repr., 1707 Ben Ezra (J. J.) ps., sec Lacuxza (JiAxrEL). Beniey (Theodor). Gescli. d. Sprachwissenschaft u. oriental. Pliilologie ill Deutsch- land. 8". Miiucheu. 18G9 Grammar of Sanski'it. 8". 1863 Griech. Gramm. : Abthlg. 1, Griech. Wurzellex. 2B. 8". 1839-42 Kurze Sauskiit-Gramm. laS". L. 1855 Bengal, Govt, itblicatioxs. Ann, report ou tbe administra- tion of B. 1860/1-1895/6. [Wants 1S65 6 - 186819, 1870 1]. 8"; a/t.,i". Calcutta. 1861-97 List of anc. monuments in B., revised to Aug. 1895. fol. Calcutta. 1896 List of consultations, x^roceed- ings, etc.: Bengal, 1704- 18,58, preserved in the Record Dept. of tbe India Off., London. fol. 1899 List of Proceedings, etc. ; Ben- gal, 1859-97, preserved in Record Dept. of India Oft., London. fol. 1899 Selections from tbe records of tbe Bengal Go\i;- Corr. rel. to vernacular edu- cation in tile lower pro- vinces of B. ; native print- ing presses and publ*. ; names & ivritiiigs of 500 persons conn. w. Bengali lit. ; cat. of Bengali news- papers etc. 8o. Calcutta. 1855. [22] Gen. report of a tour of in- spection, by W. B. Jackson. Also, reixjrt on Singbboom, by H. Ricketts. Ia8". Calcutta. 1854. [16] Papers rel. to indigo cultiva- tion in B. laS". Calcutta. 1860. [33, i] Report, by C. H. Lusbington, of b. proceedings in taking tbe land etc. for tbe railway. 8°. Calcutta. 1851. [4] see Chevers (N.) Report on medical jurisprudence in the B. Presidency, 1854. „ Gaya. *Report on agri- culturists & labourers in G., by C. J. Stevenson- Moore, 1898. „ Forsyth (Sir T. D.) Re- port of a mission to Yar- knnd, 1873, under com- mand of Sir T. D. For- syth, 1875. „ Hunter (Sir W.W.) Ben- gal MS. Records; sel. Die pers. Keilinscbriften mit tjbers. u. Glossar. 8". L. 1847 Uber d. Aufgabe d. Kratylos. [P774]. 4". GUttmgen. 1866 Uber d. Verbiiltniss d. iigypt. Spraclie z, semit. Spracb- stamm. 8". L. 1844 list of letters (1782-1807), 1894. see WiLsox (C. R.) Early amials of the Eng. m B., being the B. Public Con- sultations for tbe l*'balt of tbe 18'!' c, 1895. Anox. works. •Bengal sugar : method of cul- tivating sugar-cane in B., etc. [P178]. 8". 1794 •Case (The) of tbe cultivators of B. ; petition of Protes- tant missionaries. [P241J. 8». Calcutta. 1856 •Glance (A) at the East; by a retired B. civilian, 1857, see Glance etc. •Leaves f. a diary in Lower B., by C. S. (retired), 1896, see Leaves etc. •Life in the Mofussil, or tbe Civilian in Lower B., 1878, see Life etc. •3Iemoir on tbe bind tenure & principles of taxation ob- taining m tbe B. Presidency. By a civilian in the E. India Co.'s service. 8". Calcutta. 1832 •Memoirs of tbe revolution in B. (1757), 17B0, see Watts (Wm.) •Mutiny (The) of the Bengal Army ; by one who has served under Sir C. Napier, 2p, 1858, see Malleson (G. B.) Nan-ative \A) of what hap- pened in B., 1760. [Bi/ Col. GaiUuiidl P192]. 8^'. 1764 Suppl. [P19-2]. 8". 1764 •Present condition of tbe Ben- gal native army. iBij John Jacob? P56S]. s8". 1851 •Remarks on tbe husbandry & internal commerce of B. [P201]. 8». Calcutta, 1804, repr. London, 1806. Rural life in B., 1860, see Grant (Co.) •Timely retreat (The\ or a year in B. before the mutinies, 2'"i ed., 1858, see Dunlop (M. A. W.) & E. DuxLOP. Bengal (The) & Agra annual guide & gazetteer. For 1841-2. 8". Calcutta. 1841 2 Bengal British Indian Assoc, see British Ixdux A-ssoo. Bengalee, ?-■<■ Memoius of a cadet, by a B., 1839. Bengel (Johann Albrecht). Erkliirende Umscbreibung d. Uffenbarung .Jesu Xti. [b.w. Schmid (C. F.) Ob d. Oflenbarung etc., 1771]. ' 8". L. 177? Gnomon Novi Test. 2t. ed. 3", per E. Bengelium recusa, adjuv. .7. 0. F. Steudel. 8". TubingEB. 183-5 Mems. of Mrs. Eliz. Hamilton, w. sel. f. h. corr. & o. unpiibl. writings. 2v. 8". 1818 Mems. of the life of Anne Boleyn ; w. mem. of the a. bv Miss Aikin. ' 3"" ed. 8"". 1827 Mems. of the life of Mary, Q. of Scots. 2v. 2"' ed. 8". 1823 Bengesco (Georges). Voltaire: Bibliogiaphie de ses oeuvres. 4t. 8". 1882-00 Ben Gorion (Joseph) ps., see Joseph, ben Gorion, jis. Bengough (Maj.-Gcn. H. M.) C.B. Notes & reflections on the Boer War. s8». 190(> Benham (Charles). The fourth Napoleon. [Novell. s8". 1898 Benham (W. Blaxland), sec L.\xkester (E. E.) ed., A treatise on zoologv; p4, The Platyhelmia, Mesozoa, & Nemertini, by B., 1901. " Benham CWilllam). Catharine & Craufurd Tait ; a mem. Ed. W. B. s8o. 1«79 Diet, of religion. Ed. W. B. laS". Cassell. 1887 Winchester. [Diocesan hists.] s8o. 1884 see Daviiisox (R. T.) & B., Life of A. C. Tait, abp., 1891. & C. "Welch. Media?val London. [Portfolio Monographsl. Ia8". 1901 Ben Hezra (Abraham), see ABR.iHAsi, ben Meir Aben Ezra. Beni (C.) Guida iUustrata del Casentino. 88". Firenze. 1889 Beni Hasan. [E. Expd. F.]. pl-4. 4". 1893-1900 1, 2, by P. E. Newberrv, w. plans etc. by G. W. Fraser. 3, by F. L. Griffith {5"> mem.) 4, Zoolog. & 0. details f. facs. by H. Carter [& o.], (7"" mem.) Benin, see British Museum : Benin. Antiquities from B. etc. in B.M., 1899. Beniovsky (Count Moritz August), see Bexyowsky. Benisoh (Abraham). Judaism siu-veyed. sS". 1874 Ben Israel (Menasse), sec Maxasseh, ben Israel. Benito. For /lo/x's, saints etc. see Bexedict. Benivieni (Girolamo). Commento di B. sopra a piii sue canzone et sonetti dello amore et della beUeza divina. fol. [Firenze. 1500] Opere. ff. 200. s8<>. [Firenze. 1519] Benjafleld (John). *Letter to M. T. Cocksedge, on the '-State- ment of facts, by J. B." [a. not ktiown. P164]. 8". Bury St. Edmunds. 1813 *Benjamln. A sketch by E. * A. sS". [1885] Benjamin, Ben Jonah, of Tudela, Babbi. Itinerarium Ben- jaminis, lat. redd, opera Const. I'EmpereiU'. Hehreic & Lat. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1633 Travels through Europe, see Pixkerton (J.) Voyages, v7. Voyages. Tr., etc. par J. P. Baratier. 2t. s8". Amsterdam. 1734 Benjamin, Ben Mordecai, ^'s-, see Tayxor (Hexry), rector of Craidcij. The apology of B. B. M., by H. T., 2-"' ed. 1784. Benjamin, Tudclcnsis, sec Bexjamix, Ben Jonah, of Tudela. Benjamin (Israel Joseph), Eight years in Asia & Africa, 1840-55. 2"'> ed. in Eng. 8". Hanover. 1803 Benjamin (Park), journalist. The intellectual rise in electricity. 80. 1895 Benjamin (S. G. W.) The Atlantic Islands as resorts of health etc. Ia8". 1878 Persia & the Persians. 8". 1887 s8». 1888 3"'ed. s8". 1891 Ben Joseph Fayumi (Saadiah), Gao7i, see S.\.u>uh, ben Joseph Fai/unii, Gaon. Ben Joshua (Joseph), sec Ha-Cohex (Joseph). Benkert (Karoly M.) [2^s. K. M. Kertbexy], see Kertbexy (K. M.) ps. BenloBW (Louis). La Gr^ce avant les Grecs. 8". 1877 Les lois de I'histoire. 8". 1881 Ben Maimon (Moses), see Maimoxides. BENN 117 BENSON Benn (Alfred William). The Greek philosophers, -iv. .S". 18H2 The pliilusophy of Greece in rel. to character A hist, of the people. s8". 189.S Benndorf (Otto). Festseluift fiir 0. B. zu s. OO"". Geburtstage. 4". Wien. 18',I8 iJie Jletopeii von Selinunt. Ia8". 1873 Bennet (Henry), earl of ArUncjton, see Ahlington (H., earl of). Bennet (James Henry). La Corse et la Sardaigne. s8". 1870 Mentone A- the Riviera as a winter climate. s8". 18(11 ,, „ ... 3"' ed. ,«!.<.: Winter in the S. of Europe. s8". 1865 „ „ ... 4"' ed., (6'.i. : Winter & spring on the shores of the Mediterranean. s8". 1870 Nutrition in health * disease. S"' ed. 8". 1877 Bennet (Thomas) flic i/oimger, ps., see Cochrane (.T. G.) Bennet (William). The King of the Peak, llepul)!. by E. Bennet. s8". 1883 Bennet (William Heath). Select biograph. sketches from note- liooks of a Law IJeporter. 8". 1H(;7 Bennett Prosecution, sec Bennett (W. J. E.) Bennett (il//s. A. M.) The beggar girl & her benefactors. 5v. 3'" ed. s8". 1813 Bennett (A. E.) Telephone systems of the Continent. s8". 189.5 Bennett (Alfred William). The flora of the Alps. 2v. s8". 18'.lt) sro Sehotii (.1.) Alpine plants, 1879-84. & Gr. Murray. Hdbk. of eryptogamic botany. 8". 1889 Bennett (Cyril). The massage case. 2v. s8". 1887 The modern malady : sufferers from " nerves." s8". 1890 Bennett (E. A.) A man f. the north. s8". 1898 Bennett (Edwaxd). Amenities of social life. s8". 1887 Bennett (Ernest N.) The dowifall of the Dervishes : the campaign, 1898. s8". 1898 With Methuen's column on an ambulance train. s8". 1900 Bennett (Frederick Debell). A whaling voyage round the globe, 1833- Ij. •2v. 8". 1840 Bennett (George), esq., B.L. Hist, of Bandon, & princ. towns in the W. Riding of Cork. Enlarged ed. 8». Cork. 1869 Bennett (George), F.L.S. Gatherings of a naturalist in Aus- tralasia. 8". I860 Wanderings in N. S. Wales, Batavia, etc., 1832-4. 2v. 8". 1834 Bennett (J. F.) Account of S. Australia. [P1.52]. s8". 1843 Bennett (James), bookseller, of Tewkesbury. Hist, of Tewkes- bury. 8". Tewkesbury. 1830 Bennett (James), D.D. Hist, of dissenters, 1808-38. .8". 1839 see Bocui: (D.) * B., Hist, of dissenters, 4v, 1808-12. Bennett (James Gordon). *Menis. of J. G. B. * his times. By a journalist. s8". N.Y. 185-5 Bennett (.sir John), see Rye (W.) B. d- the ward of Cheap : legality of the right of veto claimed by the mayor A aldermen considered, 1877. Bennett (John Hughes). Physiology a pathology of the brain. 8". E. 1837 Bennett (Joseph), hilintrd-plaijer. Billiards. 8". 1873 Bennett (Reginald A. R.) JIarine aquaria. s8". 1889 Bennett (Richard) & John Elton. Hist, of corn milling: vl, 2. (vl, Handstones, slave ct cattle mills.) 8". 1898-9 Bennett (Walter). Jlme. de llaintenon, a mem. s8". 1880 Bennett ( Wm.), see Fane (C.) Tenant right etc., no. 3, B. c. Duke of Bedford, n.d. Bennett (William Cox). Contribs. to a ballad hist, of Eng. * the States sprung f. her. s8". [1868] Our glory-roll, * o. national poems. 8". [1867] Queen Eleanor's vengeance, & o. p. s8". 1857 Bennett (William Henry) & W. F. Adeney. Biblical intr. : O.T., by B. ; N.T., by A. Bennett (Wm. James Early). The Bennett Prosecution : sum- mary of the Eucharistic doctrine. [P489]. s8". [1870] Farewell letter to h . parishioners. 8». 1851 First letter to Ld. J. Bnssell on the persecution of a portion of tlie Eng. Church [b. w. h. Farewell letter, 1851]. 8". 1850 Benno II, b/i. of Osiiabnrfj,see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl2. Benny (Philip Berger). Criminal code of the Jews. s8". 1880 Benoist (Charles). Bismarck : psyehologie de I'homme fort. s8". 1900 La crise de I'etat moderne : du suffrage univ. Ia8". [189.5] Sophismes polit. de ce temps. s8". 1893 Benoist (Elie) ! jBenoit (E.)] *Hist. de I'Mit de Nantes, etc. 3t in 5, [.S has .'Jj)]. 4". Delft. 1693-5 Benoist de Matougues. Dict^ de giographie, see JIiune (J. P.) Encyclopedic SI xxviii-xxx. Benoit [Benoict ; Benoist]. For popes, saints etc. see Benedict. Benoit, de Sainte-More. Chronique des dues de Normandie. Publ. par F. Michel. [DoC. incd.] 3t. 4". 1836-44 see Vauquelin de Lafhesnaye ( .) Nouv. hist, de Normandie ; term, par les Amours d'Arleitte, extr. d'un poime par B. de S.-M., 1814. Benoit {ifiite.) *Celiaune. s8". 1768 Benolte (Thomas), Clarcncieux King of Anns. Visitation of Berkshire in 1.5.52, by B. : ed. 0. Barron. 8". Exeter. 1898 Ben Pedahzur (Gamaliel), see Ga^ialiei,, Ben Pedahzur, ps. Beniath (Carl). ]5crnaidino Ochino. Tr. H. Zimmern. 8". 1876 Ben Salomo (Jehuda), see Charisi. Ben Samuel (Jehuda), .lee Judah, ben Samuel, the Levite. Benseler (Gustav Eduard), see Pape (W.) Hdwbch. d. griech. Sprache : B:i, Wbch. d. Eigennamen, 3" A. ; neu bearb. v. B., 18H4. Ben Sheshetli (Moses), see Moses, ben Sheslieth. Bensley (E. R.), see Lopes (.J. M.) A B., Nuevo dice, ingl.-esp. y esp.-ingl., [n. ed.J, 1892. Benso di Cavour ()7 conte Camillo), sec Cavoui;. Benson (Arthur (Christopher). Essays. s8». 1890 Fasti Etonenses ; biograph. hist. of Eton sel. f. lives of celeb. Etonians. 8". Eton. 1899 Life of E. W. Benson, abp. 2v.8". [repr. ; firxt is.v(c(l, 1899]. 1900 i Benson (Christopher). Disc, upon the powers of the clergy, prayers for the dead, * the Lord's supper, [b. w. h. Disc. upon tradition, 3"' ed., 1840]. 8". 1841 Discourses upon tradition * episcopacy. S"" ed. 8". 1840 The Israelites asking a king: sermon, Nov. 18, 1832. [P326]. 8". 1832 Benson (Edward P.) The Babe, B.A. s8". 1897 The Capsina. hH". 1899 Dodo. ll'i> ed. sS". 1.M94 „ 12"' ed. s8". 1894 The judgment books. sS". 1895 Limitations. s8°. 189G „ 2">'>ed. s8". 1896 Luck of the Vails. s8». 1901 Mammon A' Co. s8o. 1809 s8". 1899 Last sermons at Knightsbridge & Pimhco. 8". 1851 Lecture-sermons on tlie errors of Romanism. 3'<' ed. 8". 1842 Letters to my children on Church subjects. 2v. S""! ed. s8". 1850 Second letter to Ld. J. Russell etc. [b. to. k. Farewell letter, 1851]. H". 1852 see Stkange (T. L.) The B. judgement, 1872. Bennett (Sir William Sterndale). On harmony. s8". 1849 Bennett-Edwards (Mrs. Harry) [tEDWAnns {Mrs. H. B.)] A Tantalus cup. 3v. s8'>. 1879 Bennewitz (A.) Congreve und Moliire. 8'>. L. 1890 fjord Vyet & o. p. s8'>. 1897 Lyrics. s8". 1895 ?oems. s8". 1893 W. Laud : a study. s8". 1887 The money market [novel]. s8°. Bristol. [1898] The Princess Sophia. s8". 1900 The Rubicon. 2v. 2">'i ed. s8". 1894 , 2v. 3'' Eai'ly voyages a: travels in the Levant ; 1, Diarv of T. Dallam, 1599-1000; 2,' Extracts f. diaries of J. Corel, 1670-9; w. ace. of the Levant Co., intr., & notes. [Hakluvt Soc., 87]. 8". 1898 A freak of freedom ; San Marino. sS". 1879 'oil., Chforcl. Vocab. .\iif,'lo- 8". 0. 1701 handicraft iV design. sH". Is'.Ci Genoa ; how the Republic rose &fell. 8". 18H1 Life of Garibaldi. s8". 1881 , 2"^ ed. s8". 1882 Huined citie.s of Mashonaland ; excavation etc. 1891. 8". 1811'2 The sacred city of the Ethiopi- ans: travel in Abyssmia, 1893. With chap, by H. D. Midler on inscriptions f. Yeha S: Aksum, etc. 8". 1893 & Mrs. T. Bent. Southern Arabia. 8". I'.lOO Bent (Mrs. Mabel V. A.), u-ife of T. Bent, sec Bent (J. T.) ed. 8". 1818 Traite des preuves judiciaires : extr. des MSS. de B. ipav E. Dumont. 2t. 8". 1823 Traites de legislation civile et penale ; extr. des MSS. de B. par E. Dumont. St. S' ed. 8". 1830 View of the Hard-Labour Bill, etc. [P20]. 8". 1778 sec Gbote (G.) Q)S. P. Beau- CHAMP]. Analysis of the influeuce of natural religion etc. [foz( ml eil on MS. ma- terial given to G. by B.], n. ed., 1875. „ Halkvv (E.) La formation du radicalisme philoso- phique ; tl, la jeunesse de B., 1901. „ Stephen (L.) The Eng. utili- tarians : 1, B., 1900. Bentinck ((.)•«/ Wilhelm Friedrich C. v.) Aufzeichnungen d. i;. u. Maria theresia. Hrsg. v. A. Beer. 8". Wien. 1871 Bentinck (LonI William) [i.e. Wm. HexhyCavexihsh-Bentinck, -""' son of J''' d. of Porllandl, see Boilgeii (D. C.) Bulers of India : B., 1h;)2. Bentinck (William H. Cavendish-), sec Bbntinck {Lord \Vll.I.I\MI. Bentivoglio (Ercole). Les fantumes ; et, Le jaloux. Tr. [.J. Fabre'. 8". 0. 1731 Bentivoglio (;/ card. Guido). Opere storiche. ov. 8". Milano. 1806-7 Hist, of the warrs of Flanders. Eng. by Henry, Earl of Mon- mouth. ' " 4". 1678 *Bentley Ballads (The) : sel. of b-. etc. eontrib. to " Bentley's Misc." Ed. Dr. Doran, w. four ballads by the ed. 38". 18.58 Bentley (Richard), D.D., Master of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. B'. et doct. virorum epistola?, partim mutu.e. Ace. E. Dawesii ad J. Taylorum epist. singularis. 4'\ Londini. 1807 Correspondence. 2v. 8*'. 1842 Critiea Sacra. Notes on tlie Gr. & Lat. text of the N.T., f. the Bentley MSS. With Bulotta's collation of Vatican Cod. B., specimen of Bentley's intended ed. Ed. A. A. EUis. App, 6 letters of B. 8". C. 1862 Diss.de Phalaridis, Themistoclis, Socratis,Euripidis, aliorumque epistolis, & de fabulis .^sopi. Nee non ejusdem resp. qua diss, vindicat a censura C. Boyle. In Lat. couv. I. D. a Lennep. \b. ic. Phalaris, Epist., 1777]. 4°. Groningse. 1777 Diss, on Epistles of Phalaris ; with answer to Boyle. Ia8". 181B Plautine emendations f. h. copy ot Gronovius. [Anecdota Oxou., I, 4]. s4". O. 1883 *Review of the Proceedings agst. Bentley in Cambridge. [P614]. 8". 1719 Works. Ed. A. Dyce. 3v. 8". 1836-8 see Boyle {Hon. C.) B.'s diss'. on Phalaris &'.Esop exam*'., 1698. Jebb (E. C.) B., 1882. Johnson (Ei.) Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus, 46 B'. errores super Horatii Oda- rum lib. i ostendens, 1717. Mahlv (J. A.) B., eine Bio- graphic, niit Anhaug bent- ley'scher Anecdota zu Ho- mer, 1868. Middleton (C.) "Full (A) &• impartial account of all the late proceedings in Cam- bridge agst. B., 1719; Second part etc., 1719. *Eemarks uix>n " The case of B. farther stated," 1719. ^'True account (A) of the pres. state of Trinity Coll., under B., 1720. Monk (J. H.), bp. Life of B., etc., 2">'i ed., 1833. Eld (E.| Diarv; added, un- publ. letters of B., 1860. SvKES (A. A.I 'Case (The) of B. farther stated, etc., 1719. 'Case (The) of B. truly stated, etc., 1719. WoTTON (W.J Eeflections etc.; w. B. upon Phalaris, 2"'l ed., 1697. Bentley (Richard), grandson of Dr. Bentley. *Considerations upon the state of public aii'airs at beginning of 1798. pi, France. [p2 iranting]. [P23]. 8". 1798 see CuKSOKv. *A few c. remarks upon the state of parties dur. admin", ot Addiugton [by R. B. .'], 6'" ed., 1803. Bentley (Robert). Manual of botany. 2""' ed. s8". 1870 Bentley (Samuel), printer, ed., see *Ex(.ekpta histohica, 1831. Bentley's Misc. Tales from "Bentley," vl-2 in 1. s8". 185» Bento. For ^Ktpes, .''aints etc. sec Benedict. Benton (Thomas Hart). *Abridgment of the debates of Congress, Reissue. Ia8". N.Y. 1860-61 3, 1803-8. 4, 1808-13. 7, 1821-24. 8, 1824-26. 11, 1830-32. 12, 1832-36. 15. 1843-46. 16, 1846-50. 1789-1856. 16v. 1, 1789-96. 2, 1796-1803. 5, 1813-17. 6, 1817-21. 9, 1826-28. 10, 1828-30. 13, 1835-39. 14, 1839-43. *Thirty years' view; hist, of the working of the .Amer. govt. 1S20-50. 2v. 8". N.y. 1861 see KoosKVELT (T.) B., 1890. Ben Tsaddik (Joseph), see Joseph, ben 2'sc(ddik. Bentzon (Th.) 21s. [i.e. Mnie. Therese Blaxc]. Choses et gens d'Ameriqne. s8". 1898 Constance. s8". 1891 „ 3' ed. sS". 1891 Un divorce. s8". 1872 Une double epreuve. sS". 1896 Femmes d'Ameriqne [biograjdi. sketches}. s8". 1900 Genevi&ve Delmas. 3«ed. s8". /;.(?. Jacqueline. s8". 1895 Le manage de Jacques Uii accident— Le plat de Taillac. sS". 188S Notes de voyage : Les Ameri- caines chez elles. s8". 189(> Le parrain d'.\nnette. s8". 1893 Tony. 4«ed. s8". 1885 Une vie mauquee. sS*". 1874 see D.1VIS (Mrs. M. E.) La Eose- Blanche en temps de guen-e; adapt, d'ap. D. par B., 1896 BENVENUTO 119 BERENGER-FERAUD Benvenuto, chi Tmulo [tEAjrn.u,Dis (Benevenutus de) de Iinola]. Coraentum super Daiitis Aldigherij Comctdiam, siimptibus G. W. Vernon, cur. J. P. Lacirita. 5v. laH". Florentise. 1887 see NoKTOX (C. E.) Keview of transl. into Italian of the Com- mentary by B. da I. on the Divina Commedia, 1861. „ Vernon {Hun. W. W.) Readings on the Paradiso, chiefly based on the Couim. by B. da I., 1900 ; Purgatorio, 1889. Benwell (William), see Beading : Grammar School. Poems, etc. ; added, .\cc. of B. [by H. Kett], etc., 1804. Benyowsky | jBuniovsky {count Moiiitz August)]. Memoirs it travels: Siberia. .Japan, etc. From the tr. of his MS. (1741-71), by W. Nicholson. Ed. P. Oliver. 8". 1893 Mems. et voyages de B. ; par lui-meme. 2t. 8". Londres. 1790 Benzo, bp. of Albi, see Moni-menta Geioi. Hist., Scr., til. Benzon (Ernest). How I lost £250,000 in two years. 2"" ed. s8". [1890] 5"' ed. s8". j!.rf. Benzone (Giorgio), sec Marcello (P.) Vite de' prencipi di Vinegia ; con le vite di quei prenc. dopo il Barbarigo tin al Priuli [6// B. etc.], 1-557. Benzoni (Girolamo). Hist, of the New World : shewing his travels, 1541-56, w. partiC. of the Island of Canary. Tr. W. H. Smyth. [Hakluyt Soc, 21]. 8". 1857 Beoico (Angelo) [ps., Ruzzante], see Euzzante, j's. * Beowulf [Beovulf]. B., the Traveller's Song, & Fimies-burh. Ed. J. M. Kemble. s8". 18SS B. Tr. w. gloss., pi'ef., notes, by J. M. Kemble. sS". 1837 B., the Scop or Gleeniairs Tale [Widsi*], and the Fight at Finuesburg, with tr. by B. Thorpe. 88". 0.1855 B. With tr. & notes by T. Arnold. 8". 1870 B. Hrsg. V. M. Heyne. 4' A. 8". Pad'erborn. 1879 B. Tr. into rhymes by H. W. Lunisden. sS". 1881 „ 2°'l ed. s8". 1883 B. ; it, the fight at Finnsburg. Tr. J. M. Garnett. sS". Boston. 1882 B. : autotypes of tlie MS., w. a transliteration ed. 8". 1849 Social & polit. bearings of the Amer. disruption. [P204]. 8". 1863 Social influence of the Prayer Book. [P83]. 8». 1863 Strictly tied up. 3v. sS". 1880 •Two years of Church progress. [P386]. 8". 1862 Worship & order. 8". 1883 Worship in the Church of Eng. 8". 1874 Berg (Heinrich von), see Suso (Heixrich). Berg (Joseph F.) Discussion on the origin etc. of the Bible, betw. B. * J. Barker. 8". Stoke-upon-Trent. 1854 Bergaigne (Abel). La religion vedique d'apr^s les hymnes du iJig-Veda. 3t in 1. [HE36, 53, 54]. 8". 187S-83 Bergalli (Luisa), aft. contessa Gozzi. Componimenti poet, delle pin illustri rimatrici. 2p. s8''. Venezia. 1726 Bergamo, sec Frizzoxi (G.) La Galleria Morelli in B., 1892. Bergasse (Nicolas). Essai sur la proprii^te. 8". 1821 Bergbohm (Carl). Die bewaffneteNeutralitat, 1780-83. 8". 1884 Bergen op Zoom. For French, anon, u-orks, see Beboites sue le SooM. Bergenroth (Gustav Adolph), see Caetwright (W. C.) G. B., 1870. Berger (Alf., Frkr. v.), see Aristotle. Poetik, iib. v. Gomperz. Mit Abhdlg. : Wahrheit u. Irrtum in d. Katharsis-Theorie d. A., V. B., 1897. Berger (Arnold E.) Die KuUuraufgaben d. Reformation. s8". 1895 Luther in kulturgeschicht. Darstellung. T2, i, 1525-32. s8». 1898 Berger (Elias), Eoyal Historiographer [Beegeecs]. Domus Austria columnae sidera Ca?sares monarchiE archiduces, 1281- 1490, heroico carmine descripti. 2p. ijxigin. cont. P896]. s4". Viennse Austria. 1602 Berger (Florence K.) A winter in the city of pleasure ; or, life on the Lower Danube. 88". 1877 Berger (Hugo). Gesch. d. wissenschaftl. Erdkunde d. Griechen. 4A in IB. 8°. L. 1887-93 Berger (Samuel), of Bcaucoiirt. Hist, de la Vulgate, pend. les prem. siccles du moyen iige. laS". 1893 sir Fi.EUHY. *Le palimpseste de F., 1889. Bergerac (Savinien Cyrano de), see Cyrano de Bergerac (S.) Bergerat (Emile) \ ps. Cai.ibax]. L'amour en r^publique : etude sociolog., 1H70-M9. s8". 1889 P'igarismes de Caliban. b8'>. 1888 Le livre de Caliban. Pref. de A. Dumas. s8". 1887 La lyre comique. s8". 1889 Plus que rcine. 5» 6d. s8". 1899 Vie et aventures du sieur Caliban, 1884-5 (decadence frani;aise). s8". 1886 Berger de Xivrey (Jules). Recherches sur les sources antiques de la litt. franv- la8». 1829 Bergeret (Gaston). Priucipes de politique. 8". [1888] Bergeret de Grancourt (P. J. 0.) & J. H. Fragonard. B. & F. : journal ini'd. d'un voyage en Italie, 1773-4. Prec. d'tt. par A. Tornizy. Ia8". 189.5 Bergeron (Pierre), Parisicn. Voyages, princ. en Asie, 12-15' sit'C. : accomp. de I'hist. des Sarasins & des Tartares etc. Ed. B. 2t in 1. 4". La Haye. 1735 Bergeron (Pierre), prof, a rVniv. Libi-e de Bru.velles. Hist, de la litt. romaine, jusqu'au 5" s. de I'ere vulg. 2t. 8". Brux. 1840 Bergerus (Elias), see Berger (E.) Berghaus (Heinrich C. W.) Deiitschlaud seit hundert Jahren. Gesch. d. Gebiets-Einthlg. u. polit. Verfassung d. Vaterlandes. 2Abthlg. in 5B. s8". L. 1859-62 1. Deiitschlaud vor hundert Jahren. 2B. 2. Deiitschland vor funfzig Jahren. 3B. see Humboldt (A. v.) Briefwechsel mit B. (1825-58). 1863. Berghaus (Hermann). Physikal. Atlas. 3' A. fol. Gotha. 1892 Bergier (Nicolas), Jtistorian. Hist, des grands chemins de I'Empire Remain. 2t. n. ed. 4". Brux. 1728 Bergier (Nicolas Sylvestre). Diet, de th^ologie dogmatique, sc e JIigne (J. P.) Encyclopedic SI xxxiii-xxxv. Bergk (Theodor) [Bergkhs]. Commentatiouura de reliquiis Comifdia; Atticie antiqiiffi libri ii. 8". L. 1838 Griech. Literaturgesch. 4B. 8". 1872-87 , Register : v. R. Peppmiiller u. W. Hahn. H". 1894 Poetoe lyrici Grseci. Ed. B. 8". L. 1843 v2, 3. 3'> curis. 8°. L. 1866-7 3v. ed. 4». 8". L. 1878-82 „ „ P. 1. G.,coll.T.Bergk. ed. 5», [m_p»-05.] pi, vl, sec Pindar. Carmina, rec. 0. Schroder, 1900. see HiLLER (E.) ed.. Anthologia lyrica ; post E. quartum ed. H., 1897. Bergmann (Benjamin F. B.) Nomadische Streifereien unter d. Kalmiiken, 1802-3. 4T. s8». Eiga. 1804-5 Voyage chez les Kalmuks. Tr. M. Morris. 8". Chatillon-sur-S. 1825 Bergmann (Frederic Guillaume). Les Getes, etc. 8". Strasbourg. 1859 Bergmann (Friedrich W. E. Julius). Zur Beurtheilung d. Kriticismus v. idealist. Standpuncte. 8". 1875 Grundziige d. Lchre v. L'rtheil. [P774]. 4". Marburg. 1876 Bergmans (Paul). Essai bibliograiih. sm- les journaux dYtudiants. J'lOlS]. s8». Gand. 1890 Bergner (Rudolf). Rumiinien. 8". Breslau. 1887 Berg-Nesselrbden (Moritz v.) ps., see Kaisesberg (M. v.) Bergsee (Vilhelm). The bride of Roervig. Tr. N. Francis. s8». 1877 Fra Piazza del Popolo. 3D in Iv. 3'' Udg. s8o. 1873 I Ny og Na;. 3' Udg. 58". 1873 Bergson (Henri). Les donn^es inunediates de la conscience. 8". 1889 Berguedan (Guillem de). Lieder. Hrsg. v. A. Keller. [P684]. 8". Mitau. 1849 Bergues sur le Soom [i.e. Beegen op Zoom], see Cajip.^n (C. A.) ed., Bergues sur le S. assieg^e 1622, selon la descr. pai" les 3 pasteurs [S. de I'H. de Belg.], 1867. *Berichte u. Akten d. hans. Gesandtsehaft naeh Jloskau (1603). 1894, sec Blumcke (0.) Bering (Veit), tlie navigator [Beheixg ; Beheings], see Laubidsen (P.) V. B.. tr., 1889. Bering (Vitus). Florus Danicus. fol. Otthinise. 169.S Beringer (J/;,s. Oscar). The new virtue. s8". 1896 Bering Liisberg (H. C.) Christian IV. For Krigshistoriens vedkommende bearb. af A. Larsen. Ia8". 1890-1 BERINGTON 121 BERMUDAS Berington (Joseph). Hifit. of Abeillai-d l^' Heloisa, w. their letters. 4". B'hiim. 1787 Hist, of tlie r. of Henry II, Richard & John; inwh. Becket is vindicated f. the attacks of G., Lord Lytt«lton. 4". B'ham. 1790 Lit. hist, of the Middle Ages. i'\ 1814 Lit. hist, of the Middle Ages. s8". 1840 *The state & behaviour of Engl. Catholics, from the Reform", to 1780. [P32'2]. 8". 1780 see P.tNZANi (G.) Mems., etc. ; added, state of the Eng. Catholic Church, etc., by B., 1793. & J. Kirk. The faith of Catholics on certain xjoints of controv., confirmed by Scriptuie & the Fathers. 3v. 3"' ed. enl. .J. Waterworth. 8". 1846 Berington (S.) *Meniou-s of Gandentio di Lucca. Tr. E. T., Rent. [" or rather trritten by S. B."]. s8". 1737 Berjeau (Jean Philibert), .sec Book-Wor.m (The) ; ed. & illus. by B., v2-5, 1807-71. Berjeau (Philibert Charles). The horses of antiquity, middle ages, & Renaissance. 4". 1864 Berkeley Castle. Descr. eat. of charters & muniments in poss. of LordFitzhardingeatB.C; by I. H. Jeayes. 8". Bristol. 1892 Berkeley MSS. *Berkeley MSS. : abstracted f. Smyth's lives etc., 1821, see Foshiioke (T. D.) ^Berkeley MSS. (The), by .John Smyth, 3v, 1883-5, see Smyth (.John) of Niblei/, b. 15(>y. Berkeley Peerage. Narrative of the minutes of evidence resp. the claim to the B. P., 1811, etc. 8". 1811 Berkeley, The family of. sec FosBROKE (T. D.) Berkeley MSS. ; abstracts f. Smyth's lives of the B'., hist, of Berkeley, etc., 1821. „ S>n-TH (John) of Nibley, b. /.;6;. The Berkeley MSS. : lives of the B'., etc., by S., 1883-5. Berkeley (Ch. de). Marcelle (suite de lettres) ; *, Aventure en voyage. s8". 1897 Berkeley (Hon. F. Henry F.) The "Election screw": f. a speech, H. of Commons, by B., June 14, 1853. [P305]. 8". 1853 Berkeley (Francis W. Fitzhardinge), Jnd baron FiWtardinge, see Fn'zHAiiiiiN<;i:. Berkeley {Hon. G. C. Grantley F.) Anecdotes of Thousand. the Upper Ten 2v. 8". 1867 practically considered. 2v. 8". 1874 A month in the forests of France. sHo. 1857 My life & recoils. 4v. 8». 1865-6 Reminisc. of a huntsman. 8". 1854 The English sportsman in the western prairies. 8". 1861 Fact against fiction; animals Berkeley (George), bp. of Cloyne. Works. Added,life[byJ. Stock], & sev. letters to Prior, Gervais, Pope etc. 2v. 4". Dublin. 1784 Works. Added, life & sev. letters. 8". 1837 AVorks; w. life, tr. of Latin pas- sages, etc. by G. N. Wright. 2v. 8". 1843 Works. Prefs., anuots., life, & ace. of h. philosophy, Ijy A. C. Eraser. 4v. 8". 0. 1871 „ Pref., annotations, ap- pendices, A: ace. of his life by A. C. Fraser. 4v. 8°. O. 1901 "Works. Ed. George Sampson, w. biog. intr. by A. J. Balfour. 3v. sS". Bohn. 1897-8 Abhdlg. ii. d. Principien d. meuschl. Erkenntniss. Ubers. V. F. ijberweg. s8o. 1869 •Account (An) of the life of G. B., etc. [P581]. 2""' ed. 8'*. D. 1777 Sels. f. B., w. notes etc. by A. C. Fraser. s8°. O. 1874 „ „ ... i'^ ed. s8". O. 1891 Berkeley {Hon. G-eorge), M.P., see Suffolk (Henriett.v, countess of), * B. Letters to & t. S. & h. 2-"i husband, B., 1824. Berkeley (Hastings). Japanese Letters; eastern impressions of western men & manners. Ed. B. sS". 1891 Wealth * welfare ; our trade policy & its cost. s8". 1887 Berkeley (Sir John). Memoirs, cont. his negotiation with Cromwel, Ireton etc., for restoring Ch. I. s8». 1699 Berkeley (Miles Joseph). Hdbk. of Brit, mosses. 8". 1863 Intr. to cryptogamic botany. 8". 1857 Outlines of Brit, fungology. 8°. 1860 Treatise cone, the principles of human knowledge; Hylas & Philonous. n. ed. 8". 1776 see B.ULEY (S.) Review of B.'s theory of vision, 1842. „ Fr.\ser (A. C.) B., 1881. „ Huxley (T.H.)Con. essays: 6, Hume ; w. helps to the study of B., 1894. „ Ibeland. Coll. (A I of tracts etc., [v2 coiits. B.'s Querist, if', A word to the wise], 1860. „ Penjon (A.) Etude sur la vie & les ceuvres de B., 1878. „ Spickeb (G.) Kant, Hume u. B., 1875. „ Stock (Jos.) D.D. Mems. of B., 2-1 ed., 1784. „ Swift (J.), dean. Irish polit. econ. etc. ,[confs. B.'s " Extracts f. the Querist " l, 1847. Berkenhout (John). Eiographia literaria: lives of Eng., Scotcli, Irish authors, chronolog. & classically arranged, vl, '' to end 16''' e. [no more piibl] i". 1777 Berkley (E.) The Pharaohs & their people. s8". 1884 Berkshire. Visitation of B., 1664-6, by Elias Ashmole for Sir E. Bysshe. Ed. W. C. Metcalfe. laH". Exeter. 1882 Wills tt administrations, Archdeaconry of B., 1508-1652 : ed. W. ]'. W. Phiilimore, sec Emt. Rec. Soc: Index Lib., 1888- 1900. Berkshire. For enrls [coimtcsses'] of Suffolk ct B., see Suffolk. Berkshire Ashmolean Soc. sec Laiii (W.), abj). Letters, & o. doc'., rel. to benefactions of L. to Berks, 1841. „ Unton inventories (The), etc., 1841. Berkshire Notes and Queries, vl, July 1890-Ap., 1891, \no more piibl.\ 8". 1890-1 Bound with Hie rol. is a MS. index to it, by J. C. Welcli, F.C.S. Berlan (Francesco). I due Foscarj. S". Torino. 1852 Berleburg (Emil, I'rinz zu Say n- Wittgenstein-), see Sayn- \VlTTIiENSTEIN-BEltLEBUR ed. 8". 1880 see Koniglich Preuss. Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin. ,, KiiNiGLiCHEs Museum [Berlin]. „ Philosophische Geskllschaft zu B. Berlinische Gesellschaft fiir Deutsche Sprache u. Alter- .""' t./j. : Germania]. Bl-10 in 5. 8°. 1836-53 Grandmougin (C.) AH.B., 1878. Hadow (AV. H.t Studies in mod. music : [si], B. etc., S'O ed. 1896. HIPPEAU (E.) B. intime, 1883. B. & s. temps, 1890. JuLLiEN (A.) B. ; la vie A' le combat, etc., 1882. B., sa vie, s. oeuvre, 1888. Nohl (L.) ed., Musiker- Briefe v. B. etc., 1867 ; 2' A., 1873. thumskunde. Neues Jahrbueh. |; Berlioz (Hector). A travers chants : etudes. b8". 1862 Autobiography, 1 803-65. Tr. E. & E. Holmes. 2v. s8°. 1884 Corr. ined., 1819-08. Not. biog. par D. Bernard. aH". 1879 Life [hi/ D. Bernard] & letters of B. Tr. H. M. Duustan. 2v. sS". 1882 Memoires, 1803-65. Ia8". 1870 On modern instrumentation & orchestration ; app., the chef d'orchestre. Tr. M. C. Clarke. n. ed., rev. J. Bennett. laS". n.d. see Ernst (A.)L'ffiUvredramat. de B., 1884. Berlioz d'Auriac (J.), see Aueiac (J. B. d'). Berlyn (Mrs. Alfred) [jw. Vera]. Sunrise-land : rambles in E. England. s8". 1894 Vera in Poppy-land. 4". [1891] Berlyn (Peter). Popular narrative of the Great Exhibition, 1851. s8". 1851 & C. Fowler. The Crystal Palace, etc. 8". 1851 Bermondsey, see Lcard (H. E.) ed., Annales monastici : v3. A'. monast. de Bermundeseia (1042-1432), 1866. see Saint Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey. *Bermuda ; a colony, fortress, & prison. By a Field Officer. 8". 1857 Bermudas. ''The historye of the Bermudaesor Summer Islands. Ed. f. MS. by Sir J. H. Lefroy. [Hakluyt Soc, 65]. 8". 1882 Attr. in the Intr. to Capt. Joliu Smith; some attribute it to Capt. Nathaniel Btitler. BERMUDEZ 122 BERNARDIE Bermudez (J. A. Cean), si'e Cean--Bermudez (J. A.) Bermudiennes. *.Soirte3 bermudiennes, par F. C, 1802, see Cahtk-ux (F.) Bern (Dietrich, of), see Dietrich, of Bern. Bernadette, de Tiourdes [Sn>ur MAniE-BERNAiii)]. see Lassehre (Henri) B., 1«92. „ KiCAiiD (A.) La vi-aie B., 1894. Bernadille, ;«., see Fm hxel (V.) Bernadotte, The House of, sec Almen (J.) Atten Bernadotte, 1893. Bernadotte (Jean Bapt. Jules), 2»hice de Ponte Corvo, aft. Cliaiies XI]', John, kinij of Sweden d No)~ivai/, see Charles XIV, John-, king of Sirediii etc. see PiNGAi-D (L.) B., Napolt-on et lea Bourbons, (1797-1844), 1901. „ Wiehr (E.) Napoleon u. B. im Heibstfeklzut'e 1813, 1893. Bernadus Iterius, sec Iteiiu-s (B.) Bernagie (Pieter). Arminius. [P881]. s8". Amsterdam. 1686 Constantinus tie groote. [P881]. s8". Amsterdam. 1684 Bernal (Ealpli). Cat. of the coll. of works of iut, f. the Byzan- tine period to Louis XVI, of B., also of the furniture it plate, wli. will be sold Mar. 5 [etc.], 18.55. Ia8". 18.5.5 Bernaldus, /f)vs6(/;<>)- of Constance [Bertholm's, ))io». S.BlasU]. sec BouQiET (M.I Eec. des hist, des Gaules, til, 14. ,. MiGNE (J. r.) ed., I'at. latina, tl47, 148. ,, MoM.MEXTA GiaiM. HisT., Scr., to. Bernal Osborne (Mis. Ralph), see Osborne {Urs. C. I.) Bernan (Walter) jis., sec Meikleham (E.) Bernard, jis. From world to cloister, or, my novitiate. s8". 1888 Bernard, tJic IFisc [+Bernardcs monachus Francus]. Itine- lurium B. (c. 870), see Tobler (T.) etc.. Itinera Hierosolymi- tana, 1877-85. The itinerary of B. (a.i>. 870) ; How the citv of Jerusalem is situated. (1090 ?). Tr. J. H. Bernard. [P'alest. P. T. Sod. 8". 1893 sec MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl21. Bernard, Saint, abbot of Clairvanx, [B. Clarevai.lis ; B. in Chiar.walleI. S. Bemardi vl, genuina opera; [, 1850. Ellendorf (J. O.) B. u. d. Hierarchic s. Zeit, 1837. GuizoT (P.) cd. Coll. des mems.. tlO, Vies de S.-B., 1825. Hi-PFER (G.) Derheil. B. : Bl, Vorstndien, 1886. MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latum, tl82-185. MoNUJiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t2C. Morison (J. C.! Life & times of B., 186S ; n. ed., 1868. Neander iAi'g.) B. n. s. Zeitalter, 2" A., 1848. Life & times of B., tr., 1848. Eatisbosse (M. T.) Hist, de B. & de s. siecle, 8* 6d., 1875. Stores (E. S.) B., 1892. Vacand-vrd (E.) Vie de E., 1895. Bernard, Saint, of Menthon. Le mystere de S. B. de M. Publ. par A. Lecoy de La Marche. [S. d. a. t. f.] 8". 1888 Bernard, cniW the Great, duke of Sa.ve-Weimm; see Bernharp, i'l( r Grossc, dnke of .S'.-IP. Bernard, le Tresoricr. see GrizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des m^ms., tl9, Cont. de I'hist. des croisades deGuiUaume de Tvr, parB. le T.. 1824. „ MuBATORi (L. a.) Kerum Ital'. Script., t7. De aequisitione Terrffi-SanctfB, 1095- 1230. Bernard, etc. de Trives, see Bernaedus, Trevisomis. conte delta Marca di Treviso. Bernard (Aug-ustin). L'archipel de la Nouvelie-Caledonie. Ia8". 1895 Bernard (Carl Beck-), see Beck-Bernahjj (C.) Bernard (Charles de) ps. [i.e. Dcgrail m: La Villette (Ch. Bernari))^. Les ailes d'Icare. n. ed. s8". 1883 Un beau-pere — Un veau d'or. Notice par A. de Pontmartin. 2t. n. ed. s8". I8(i;i L'ecueil. n. ed. s8". 186S Le gendre. s8". Brux. 1841 Le gentiUiomme campagnard. 5t. s8o. Brux. 1846-7 Gerfaut. 2t in 1. 5' ed. 8". 1840 Un hommo serieux. n. ed. s8". 185» „ ... 2t in 1. s8". Brux. 1843 Le uoeud gordien. n. ed. s9<>. 1854 „ n. ed. sS". 1857 Le paravent. n. ed. sS". 1866 La peau du lion ; et. La chasse aux amants. n. ed. S8". 1871 Bernard (Claude), M.D., of Paris. De la physiologic generale. 8". 187-2 A nnv ed. of his Rapport to the Ministerc de V Instruc- tion. La science experimentale. 88". 1878 see Fosteb(&7)-Michael). C. B., 1899. Artliur de Bretague : drame. Pref. par G. Barral. 8". 1887 Cours de medechie du Coll. de France : Physiologic et patho- logic du systeme nerveux. 2t. 8". 1858 Cours de physiologic gen. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. ; Pheno- m^nes de la vie connnuns aux animaux et aux vegetaux. 2t. 8". 1878-79 | Bernard (Daniel), see Berlioz (H.) Life [by £.] and letters, tr., IKS-J. Bernard (Edward), pi-of. of Astronomij at O.rford. Catalogi Librorum MSS. Angliffi et Hibernise, cum indice [bi/ H. Wan- leij]. 2t in 1. fol. 0. 1697 see HuxTixGTO.N (E.), bp. Epistolae ; ct vet. mathematicorum synopsis, coll. E. B. H'. & B'. vitffi, scr. T. Smitho, 1704. Bernard (Felix). Elements de paleontologie. 8". 1895 Bernard (Fernand). Ij'Indo-Chine. sS". 1901 Bernard (Frederic). De Lyon a la Mediterranee. s8". [1855?] Bernard (Hermann Hedwig). Guide of the Hebrew student. 8". 1839 see Lessixg (G. E.) Cambridge free thoughts it letters on biblio- latry, tr. B., 1862. Bernard (J. A.), sec Bohux (E.) Geograph. diet., cont. by B.^ 1683. Bernard (Jean Frederic) ed. Eecueil de voiages an nord. Ht rt4-8 vantincf. s8". Amsterdam. 171S-27 Bernard (John Henry), ()■. Guide-book to Palestine (c. 1850). [Palest. P. T. Soc.l. 8". 1894 see Kaxt (I.) K.'s philos. for Eng. reader.s, bv Mahaffy & B., n. ed., 1889. & E. Atkinson, see Liber hymxoruji. Irish Liber hym- nurum ; ed. w. tr., etc., by B. it A.. 1898. Bernard (John Peter), see Bayle (P.) A gen. diet., a tr. of that of Bayle, etc. ; by B.. & o. hands., 1734-41. Bernard (Mmc. L. Beck-), see Beck-Bep.xari. [Mmc. L.) Bernard (Marie Paul). Hist, de rautorite paternelleen France. Ia8". Montdidier. 186.5 Bernard (Rt. Hon. Mountague). Four lect-. on diplomacy. 8". 1868 Neutrality of Gt. Brit. dur. the American Civil War. Ia8<'. 1870 Two lect! on the pres. American War. [P642[. 8". 0. 1861 Bernard (Nicholas), dean of Ardagh. Life it death of J. Usher. s8». 1656 Bernard (Pierre Joseph) [Gentil-Berxard]. Poesies choisies. Notice bio-hibliog. par F. Drujon. sS". 1884 Bernard (Thales). La Lisette de Beranger. sS". 1864 Bernard (Sir Thomas), bart. Case of the salt duties. 88". 1817 Spurinna, or the comforts of old age. 8". 1816 Bernard (Thomas Dehany). Progi-ess of doctrine in the New Test. [Bampton Lect"., 1864]. 8". 1864 Bernard (W. D.) Voyages A- services of the Nemesis 1840-43 ; it the operations in China : from notes of Commander W. H. Hall, w. personal obs. 2v. 8". 1844 2'"ied. 8". 1844 Bernard (Wm. Bayle). Life of Sam. Lover. 2v. 88". 1874 Bernard de Lacombe ( ), see Lacombe (B. de). Bemardi (Joseph Elzear Dominique). De I'origine & des progri's de la legislation fr. 8». 1816 Bemardi (Petrus), see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latiua, 1204. Bernardie, Graf von der Marck und Terris, sec Bekxardcs, Trevisaniis, conte delta Marca di Treviso. J- BEENARDIN 123 BERNOULLI Bernardin, Saint, of Sienna, 1380-/4 i-i [BEiiXAiiniNo, da Sieva ; iiEiixHAiiiiiNus]. Opera omnia, syiiopsibus oniata etc. opera J. de la Haye. 5t in 2. fol. Venetiis. 1745 see Thuiieau-Dangin (P.) Un predicateur pop. etc. ; B. de S., 13S0-1444, 4'- ed., 1«97. Bernardin (N. M.), b. /SJ6. Tristan I'Hermite, (1601-55). 8". 1895 Bernardin de Saint Pierre (J. H.), see St. Piebbk (J. H. Bek- NAIlIlIN de). Bernardino, da Siena, l.fyO-IJ,/,^, see Beenakdin, 57., of Sienna. Bernardino [Ucltino], da Siena, 1487-/364, sec Ociuno (B.) Bernardino [Ta)nita7io], da Feltre, called Piccolino, see Tojii- I.ANO (B.) Bernardinus, St., of Siena, see Bernardin, St. Bernard-Lazare ( ), sec Lazaee ( Bernard). Bernardo [afterwards Barlaamus, bp. of Gieracc], see Bar- LAAJU's, bp. etc. Bernardoni (Francesco), sec Th.^xcis (St.) of Assist. Bernardus. For saints etc. sec Bernard. Bernardus Andcgav. \_Scholasticus], see Mioxe (.J. P.) ed., Pat. Intina, tl41. Bernardus Cremifan. [Norieus], see Monumexta Ge!!M. Hist., Scr., t25. Bernardus, abbot of Font-Caude, see Mk;xe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t204. Bernardus, pnior of La Cliartreuse des Poi-tcs, see Miune (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl53, 181. Bernardus, Sylvester. De muudi universitate, sive megacosnnis et microcosnius. Hrsg. v. C. S. Baraeh u. J. Wrobel. [Bibl. philos. med. !Et., 2j. 8". Innsbruck. 1876 Bernardus, Trerisaiuis, eonte della ilarca di Treviso [Ber- nard, etc. dc la Marclie Trevisane ; BERXAKn, etc. de Tn'ves ; Bernardie, Graf von der Marclc iiiid Terris ; B. Trevireitsts ; Bernhard, earl of Trevisun ; Bernhardus von Trierl. Traicte de la nature de I'ceuf des philosophes. [6. if. Valentinus (B.) Les douze clefs etc., 1624]. s8". 1624 Bernardus Andreas, 2'liolosas, see An]>re (B.) Bernays (Adolphus). Intr. lecture, liing's Coll., Nov. 2, 1831. [P469]. 8". 1831 Bernays (Albert James). Science of home life, based on [Ids] "Household Chemistry." s8". 1862 Bernays (Jacob). Die Dialoge d. Aristoteles in i. Verhiiltniss zu s. Ubr. Werken. laS". Berlin. 18G3 Gesammelte Abhdlgn. 2B. S". 1885 Die beraklitischen Briefe. Ia8'\ 186a J. J. Scaliger. 8". 1855 L^ber d. Cbrojiik d. Sulpicius Severus. [PTOTJ. 4°. 1861 Zwei Abhdlgn. ii. d. aristotel. Theorie d. Drama. 8". 1880 Bernays (Michael), sec Goethe (.J. W. v.) Der junge G. : s. Briefe u. Dichtungen, 1764-76, mit Einltg. v. B., 1875. Berncastle (Julius), Voyage to China, etc. 2v. s8". 1850 Berndt (G-ust.) Der Fuhn. 8". Gottiugen. 1880 Berne. *Chroni(jue de Berne. For lite chron. cited by Kervtjn dc Lcttenliove under this title sec *Chronooraphia regum Francorum (1270-1405), 1891-7. Bernelinus, sec Mkixe (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl51. Berner (Ernst) cd. Aus d. Briefwechsel Konig Friedrichs I v. Preussen u. s. Faniilie. 8". 1901 Berneri (Giuseppe). La coaversione di S. Agostino. [P802]. s8". Bologna. 1687 Berners (John Bourchier, -'?irf baron), see Fkoissaut (J.) Chron., tr. B. ; addeil, mem. of [B.], 1812 [it 0. cd'. icithout mem.] Berners (Dame Juliana), sec Barnes (Dame J.) Bernerus, Ilumolartens, sec Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl37. Berneville (Guillaume de). Vie de S. Gilles. Publ. G. Paris A- A. Bos. l«- ''• "■ t- £•] 8". 1881 Bernham (David, de), bp. of St. Andrews, see Lockhart (\V.) Church of Scotl". in 13"' c. ; life cV times of D. de B., 1889 ; 2-' ed., 1892. Bernhard. For saints etc. see Bernard. Bernhard, der Grosse, d-nlxc of Saxe- Weimar [tBEBXARD, called the Great, duke of S.- IK.] see Droysex (G.) B. v. Weimar, 1885. „ EosE (B.) B., 1828-9. Bernliard, earl of Trerisan, see Bernardus, Trevisanus, conte della Marca di Trcriso. Bernhard {Fran Marie). Verkauft u. verlorea. s8". 1894 Bernhardi (Theodor v.) Aus d. Leben T. v. B's. Tl-8. 8". L. 1893-1901 1, .Jugenderinnerungen. 2, Unter Nik. I. u. Fr. Wilh. IV, 1834-57. 3, Anfiinge d. neuen Aera : aus d. Zeit d. Kegentschaft d. Prinzen v. Preussen. 4, Die ersten Kegierungsjahre K. Wilhelms I. 5, Der Streit um d. Elbherzogthiimer, 1863-4. 6, Aus d. letzten Tagen d. deutschen Bundes. 7, Der Krieg 1866 gegen Osterreich u. s. unmittelbaren Folgen. 8, Zwischen zwei Kriegen. Friedrich d. Gr. als Feldherr. 2B. 8". 1881 Gesch. Eusslands u. d. europii. Politik, 1814-31. 3T in 4v, [2, i, ii. Staatengesch. d. neuesten Zeit, 7, 19, 21, 23]. 8". L. 1863-77 Bernhardi ("Wilhelm). Konrad III. 2B. 8". L. 1883 Lothar v. Supplinburg. 8". L. 1879 Bernhardinus, St., of Sienna, see Bernardin, St. Bernhardt (Ernst). ' Gotische Gram. s8". Halle. 1885 sec Ui.FiLAs, hrsg. v. B., 1875 ; 1884. Bernhardt (Sarah) [i.e.. Mine. Damala, nee Bosine Bernhardt, called Sarnli], sec Colomrier (Marie). M^m. de Sarah Barnum, 10' 6d., [1883]. see HuRET (.J.) S. B., tr., 1899. Bernhardt (Theodor). Gesch. Boms v. Valerian bis zu Diokletians Tode (253-313). Abthlg. 1, [nomore cqip''.] 8". 1807 1, Polit. Gesch. von V. bis zu D., (253-284). Bernhardy (Gottfried). Eratosthenica. s8", Berolini. 1822 Geographi Grreci minores. vl, in 2p, ed. B. [no more publ.]. 8". L. 1828 Conts. Dionysius Gra-ce * Lat., cum vet. comm. etc., 2v. Grundriss d. griech. Litt. 2T in 3v. 2'^ Bearb. 8". Halle. 1852 Grundriss d. riim. Litt. 4' Bearb. 8". Braunschweig. 1865 Bernheim (Ernst). Lehrbuch d. histor. Methode. 8". L. 1889 2' A. 8". L. 1894 Bernheim (Hippolyte). De la suggestion et de ses applications. 3'^^ M. s8". 1891 Berni (Francesco), tin- poet. II primo, [it- II secondo — ; et, II terzo — ] libro dell' opere burlesche del B.. di G. della Casa, del Varchi, del Mauro, del Bino, del Molza, del Dolce e del Firenzuola [it otJiers]. 3v. s8". Usecht al Reno, [Roma ?]. 1771 Orlando Innaraorato [di Boiardo], rifatto da F. Berni. For cd'. of this, .?ee Boiardo (M. M.) see ViR(iiLi (A.) B., 1881. Berni (Guernieri). Chronicon Eugubinum, 1350-1472, see MuKATORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t21. Bernier (rabbc) ps.. a. rf " Thi'ologic jiortntirc, /yf}S," see Hor.RAcii (/(' hiiron). Bernier (Frangois). Hist, of the late revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol : added, letter to Col- bert. English'd [" bij H. O."]. 3p in Iv. s8". 1671 Travels in the Mogul Empire. Tr. I. Brock. '2v. 8". 1826 Travels in the Mogul Empire 1656-68 ; rev. ed. based upon I. Brock's tr., by A. Constable. s8". 1891 Voyages ; Etats du Grand Mogol, Hindoustan, Kacbe- mire etc. 2t. sS". Amsterdam. 1709-10 The t. of the 1" ed., l(i?0, was : Hist, de la derniere revol. des Etats du Grand Mogol. .inil t/ic three tr\ above, t/ioug/i differing in t., arc all tr\ of t/ris one worfc. Voyage to Surat, see Harleian, Voyages, v2. Voyage to the East Indies, see PiXKERTON (J.) Voyages, v8. see Tavernier (J. B.) The six voyages of T. etc. ; v2 Colls, of travels etc., being the travels of T., B. etc., 1684. Berniera (Giovanni Angelo). Hist, eccles. a reformatione compendium. ed. 2". s8". Ultrajecti ad E. 1753 Bernis (le card, de) [jPieure de Behnis (F. J. de), curd., etc. de Lyon]. Poesies diverses du c. de B. Notice par F. Drujon. s8". 1882 Mems. et lettres de B., 1715-58. Publ. par F. Masson. 2t. Ia8". 1878 see Masson (F.) B. dep. a. minist^'e (1758-94), 1884. Berno, 0660^ of Ecichcnaa, see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl42. Bernoldus, nion. S. Blasii, see Bernaldus, piresbyter of Constancy. Bernoldus Watinensis. Chronicon monast. Watin., see IVIoxc- MEXTA Gei:.m. Hist.. Scr., tl4. Bernoulli (Carl Albrecht). Die Heiligen der Merowinger. 8". Tubingen. 1900 BERNOULLI 124 BERTHELOT Bernoulli (Jean) the elder, prof, of mathematics at Bale, aee Bokkili (G. A.) De motu animalium; add. sunt B. medit. niatheiuatieiE de motu musculorum, ed., noviss., 1710. Bernoulli (Joh. Jacob). Aphrodite, eiuBaustein z. griech. KuustniytholOHie. 8". L. 1873 Griechische Ikouographie iiiit Ausschluss Alexanders u. d. Diadochen. 2T. 8". Miincben. IIJOI 1. Die Bildnisse beriihmter Griechen v. d. Vorzeit bis an d. Ende d. 5. Jhdts. v. Chr. •2. Die Bildnisse beriihmter Griechen v. 4. Jhdt. bis in d. Romische Zeit. llomische Ikonographie. 2T in 4v. Ia8". St. 1882-94 Tl, Bildnisse ijeriihmter Eomer [exclud. the emperois]. T2, Bildnisse d. rom. Kaiser. Bernstein (Aaron). Origin o£ the legends of Abraham, Isaac, A .Jacob. Tr. [P714]. s8". [1872] ! rsprung d. Sagen v. .\braham, Isaak, Jacob. [P458J. 8". 1871 Bernstein (Ed.) F. Lassalle as social reformer. Xr. E. M. Aveling. sS". 1893 Die Voraussetznngen d. Sozialismus u. d. Aufgaben d. Sozial- demokratie. 8". St. 1899 Bernstein (Georg Heinr.) De initiis et originibus religionum in oriente dispersarum etc., e cod. arab., Getting., intei-p. lat. etc. ed. B. 4". Berolini. 1817 Lexicon linguiE Syriacse. fasc. 1. [no more 2>tM.? irants tp. P762]. fol. Berolini. 1857 Bernstein (Julius). The five senses of man. s8". 1876 4'" ed. s8". 1883 7"' ed. s8". 1896 Bernstorff (Griinu Elise v.) E. v. B., geb. Griifin v. Dernath. Eiu Bild aus d. Zeit v. 1789 bis 1835. Aus i. Aufzeichnungen. 4" A. 2B. 8". 1899 EernstorfLfj (Grev Johan Hartvig Ernst af). Corr. entre B. et le due de Choiseul. 1758-66. 8". Copenhague. 1871 Bernward, Saint, bp. of Hildesheim, see Moxumkxta Geeji. Hist., 8cr.. t4. Berny (Hugues de Lionne, marq. de), see Lionxe (H. de). Beroalde de Verville (Francois). Le moyeu de parvenir. Pabl. etc. par P. L. .Jacob. ' s8". 1841 Berosus, tite Chaldean. Berosi Chaldseorum liistoria; quae sup. Cum comm. cur. I. D. G. Itichter. 8". Ij. 1825 For the spurious fragments of B. written by J. Anniiis [_G. Nanni], see Axxtus (.J.) Fratris I. .\. de eoiuentariis antiquitatvi etc., 1498. I cinque libri de le antichitii di Beroso, tr., 1550. see WiLKixsnx (.J. J. G.) Cannes, according to B., 1888. Berquin (Arnaud). The looking-glass for the mind. Eepr. of ed. 1792, w. the orig. illust-. by Bewick, w. intr. by C. Welsh. s8o. 1885 Berrhoeensis (Acacius), see Acacius, Berrhceensis episo. Berri (Louis Augusts, due de), aft. Louis XVI, see Louis XVI, kincj of France. Berrini (Osvaldo), see Vallaui;! (T.) Inscriptiones ; ace. B'. app. de stilo iiiscriptionum, 1880. Berry, lu'ranlt du roi, see Le Bocviee (Gilles) dit Berry. Berry, see also Baeeie, B.aeky. Berry (le due de), l~7S-lSJ0 {I'Cuaeles Feedixaxd \de Bourbon], dnhe de Berri), see Chateaubbland (le vie. de). Melanges — Mems. sur B. etc., 1839. Berry (Arthur). Short hist, of astronomy. s8". 1898 Berry (C. B.) The other side. 8". 1880 Berry (Caroline F. L., ducliesse de) [tCAEOnxr, Feedixanda Louisa, duchess de Berry]. Berry CWilliam), of the College of Arms. County Genealogiea : Berksliii-e. „ , fol. 1837 „ , „ „ ... : Buckinghamshire „ , [6. w. Berks]. fol. 1837 „ „ ... : Essex, fol. [1840?] „ „ ... : Hauts. fol. 1833 • The d. of B., & the Revel, of 1830, tr., 1893. Mexiere (P.) La captivite de B. a Blave (1833), 1882. N.iUBOY (C.) ■ La d. de B., 1889. Thtkria (H.) La d. de B. (1798-1870), 1900. see Clemext (H.) L'arrestation de la d. de B., 1899. „ Imbert de Saint Amand (A. L.) Les femmes des Tuileries, 17-22, 1885 etc. „ The d. of B. & the court of Louis XVIll, tr., 1892. „ Tlie d. of B. & tlie court of Cluu-les X, tl-., 1892. Berry (Greorges). Fran(,ais Boers : conference. [P1002]. s8". [1900] Berry (Miss Mary). *A comparative view of the soc. life of Eng. & France, f. the Restoration to the French Eevol. 8". 1828 2v in 1. n. ed. 8". 1834 Extracts of the journals & corr. of B., 1783-1852. Ed. Lady T. Lewis. 3v. 8». 1865 see Russell (Rachel Rcssell, Lady). Some aoc. of life of Lady R. [bij -V. B.\, etc., 3'J ed., 1820. „ : Kent. fol. 1830 „ „ ... : Sussex, fol. 1830 „ „ ... : Surrey. [b. w. Berks]. fol. 1837 Geuealogia antiqua,ormytholog. it classical tables. fol. 161U Berryer (Pierre Antoine). (Euvres. 9t. 8". 1872-8 Speech on the trial of Moutalembert. [Imperfect. P378]. 8". 1858 see jAxzii (la vtessc. A. de). B., souv. intimes, 1881. ., Lacomise (C. de). Vie de B., 1894-5. Berryer (Pierre Nicolas). Souvenirs, 1774-1838. 2t in 1. s8». Brux. 1839 Bersezio (Vittorio). Corruttela. s8". Milano. 1877 Palmina. s8". Milano. 1876 II regno di Vittorio Emanuele II : trent' anni di vita italiana. 8 L. 8". Torino. 1878-95 II segreto d' Adolfo. [6. iv. h. Palmina, 1876]. s8". Milano. 1875 Bersier (Eugene). Sermons, Tr. 2"'' ser. sS". 1883 Sei-mons choisis. 8". 1891 La solidarite. sS". 1870 s8". sS". s8". 1872 1886 1887 1874 Etudes sur lel8<^s. 2t. 88". 1855 [1], Et. gen. ; [2], Et«. partic*. ; Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu. Libre pliilosophie. 58". 1868 Litterature et morale. s8**. 1861 Morale et politique. 8". 1868 Questions actuelles. sS^. 1862 see Voltaire. La philosophic de V. ; notes etc. par B., 1884. Etudes sur le 16" s. : Coligny avant les guerres de religion. 8». 1884 Sermons, tl-7. [1, 8' ; 2, 6« ; 3, 5' ; 4, 4' ; 6, 2« ed.] s8". [n.d., n. 1864etc.] Bersier (Mme. Eugene). La bonne guerre. Hist, d'une petite tiUe heureuse. Le journal de Marc. Micheline. Bersot (P. Ernest). Doctrine de S. Augustin sur la liberte et la Providence. Ia8". 1843 Du spiritualisme et de la nature. 8». 1846 Essais de phUosophie et de morale. 2t. s8'>. 1804 Etudes etdiscours (1868-78). sS". 1879 Etudes sur la philosophic du 18' s. : Diderot. sS". 1831 ,, ,,; Montesquieu. sS". 1832 I Bert (J. Chailley-), see Chailley-Beei (Joseph). Bert (Paul), M.D. A I'ordre du jour. 3'' ed. sS**. 1885 i L'instruction religieuse dans Discours parlementaires. I I'ecole : conference, 28 aout 88". 1882 I 1881. [P367]. sS". 1881 First year of scientific know- La morale des Jesuites. s8**. 1880 ledge. Tr. Mme. Bert. I see Chailley-Bert (J.) B. au sS". 1886 ' Tonkin, 1887. Bertacchi (Cosimo), see Vaccheei (G. G.) & C. Beetacchi, Cosmografia della Divina Commedia, 1881. Bertarius, abbas Cassineasis, see Migxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl26. Bertarius Virdun [canon. S. Vitoni}. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl32. ,. MoNUMENTA Gebm. Hist., Scr., t4. Bertauld (Charles Alfred). De la ijhilosophie sociale. s8». 1877 L'ordre sociale et I'ordre moral. s8". 1874 Philosophic politique de I'hist. de France. 8°. 1861 Bertaut (Jean), bji. of .SVcs. CEuvies poetiques. Notes etc. par A. Chenevi^re. s8". 1891 Bertha, consort of Pepin, king of France, see Bekthe aux grans pi(!'S. *Li romans de B., [ed.] 1830. Bertha, queen, wife of Ethelbcrt, king of Kent, see Hudson (E. H.) B. * her times, 1868. Bertha (A. de). JIagyars A Roumains devant I'histoire. 8". 1809 Berthe aux grans pies. *Li romans de B. a. g. p. Prec. d'une diss, par P. Paris. s8". 1836 Bertheau (Ernst). Die sieben Gruppen mosaischer Gesetze. 80. Gottingen. 1840 Zur Gesch. der Israeliten : zwei Abhdlgn. [b. to. h. Die siehen Gruppen, 1840]. 8". Gottingen. 1842 Berthelot (Marcellin P. E.) La chimie au moyen age. 3t. 4". 1893 1, Transmission dc la science antique au moyen age. 2, L'alchimie syriaque ; avec coUab. de R. Duval. 3, L'alchimie arabe ; avec coUab. de O. Hondas. Explosives. Tr. & condensed by C. N. Hake & W. MaoNab. 8". 1892 Les origines de l'alchimie. Ia8». 1885 BERTHELOT 125 BERTY Berthelot (Marcellin P. E.) Icontimicd]. Science et morale. 8". 1897 .sec Kenan (E.) * D., CoiT., (1847-92), 1898. Bertheroy (Jean). Cleopatre. s8". [1891] La danseuse de Pompei. 10' 6d. s8". 1899 Berthet (Elie B.) Lcb calacombes dc Parit,. 4t. s8". Brux. 1854 The catacombs ot Paris. [Tr.] M. C. Helraore. s8". 1900 Le dernier Irlandais. 8t. sS". Brux. lsr,l Les draines du cloitre. s8". 1S74 La fcrme de I'Oseraie. 2t. s8". Brux. 184! La Roche-tremblante. 2t in 1. sS". Brux. 1851 Romans prehistoriques : Le moude inconnu. 2= ed. s8". 1877 The sergeant's legacy ; [tr.] G. Venables. s8". 1881 Tout est bien qui 6nit bien. s8". 1877 Berthier (Guillaume Francois), see Longuev.\l (J.) Hist, de I'cglise sallicane, [tl;i-IS are bi/ L'.], 1732-49. Berthod (Frangois), see Michavh (.J. F.) * .J. Poujoulat, edd., Nouv. coll.: II, 10, Menis. du pere B., 18.50. For anolh. ed., see Petitot (C. B.) ed., Coll., II, 48, 1819. Berthold, see also Bekthoi.ul-s. Berthold, von Regensburg, a Fraveiscan, see Rotteken (H.) Berthold, abbot of Zweifalt, see Moxumenta Gehm. Hist., S., tlO. Berthold (Georg). Die deutschen Arbeiterkolonien, 1889-91. 8". 1893 Entwicklung der deutschen Arbeiterkolonien. 8". L. 1887 Statistik der deutschen Arbeiterkolonien, 1887-9. 8". 1891 Weiterentwicklung d. deutschen Arbeiterkolonien, 1886-7. [P681]. 8°. 1889 Bertholdt (Leonhard). Christologia ludseorum lesu aposto- lorumque letate. 8". Erlangce. 1811 Daniel aus d. hebr.-aramiiischen iibers. v. B. 2v in 1. 8". Erlangen. 1806-8 Einleitung in d. kanon. u. apokryph. Schrit'ten. 6T in 7, [5 i, ii]. 8". Erlangen. 1812-19 Hdbch. d. Dogmengesch. 2T in Iv. 8". Erlangen. 1822-3 TheologischeWissenschaftskunde. 2Bin 1. 8". Erlangen. 1821-2 Bertholdus, Angiensis. Annales, 1054-1080, see Monumenta Geii.m. Hist., Scr., t5, 13. BerthoUet (le cte. Claude Louis). The art of dyeing. Tr. A. Ure. 2v. 8". 1824 Berthoud (Samuel Henri). Fantaisies scientifiques de Sam. 4 i&i: s8". 1861-2 Les feiumes des Pays-Bas et des Flaudies. s8°. 1862 Les petites chroniques de la science. 1861, 2t; e Ekesev (//'* [oc 1(1"' ?] baron). Bertie (Richard), see Beetie (Lady G.) Five generations of a loyal house : pi, lives of R. 15., etc., 1845. Bertie (Willoughby), ',"' earl of Abingdon, see Abingdon. Bertillon (Jacques). Cours elem. de statistique administrative. Ia8°. 1895 Le probUme de la depopulation. s8'>. 1897 Bertin (Antoine de). Pot'sies et oeuvres diverses. Notice par E. Asse. s8". 1879 Bertin (Ernest). Etudes sur la society fran^aise : Litt. et maurs. s8". 1889 Bertin (George). Grammars of the languages of the Cuneiform inscriptions. 88". 1888 Bertin (Georges). La campagne de 1812, d'ap. des t^moins oculaires. sS". [1895] La ftampagne de 1813, d'ap. des temoins oculaires. s8". [1896] La campagne de 1814, d'ap. des teraoins oculaires. s8". [1897] Mme. de Lamballe d'apres des docs, infed. 2' 6d. s8". 1894 Bertinatti (F.) Elementi di anatomia applic. alle belle arti. 2v. laS". Torino. 1839 Bertiniani. *Annales B., see Saint-Beutin, abbey of. Bertius (Petrus). Commentariorum rerum Germanic, libri iii. sS", Amsterdami. 1635 Bertola (Aur.), sec Gioegi-Bertola (A. de'). Bertolacci (Anthony). View of Ceylon. 8". 1817 Bertoldino, see Ci;oce (G. C.) Bertoldo con Bertoldino in ottava rima, 5" ed., 1741. Bertoldo. Bertoldo con Bertoldino \bij G. C. Croce] e Cacasenno [by A. Banchieri], in ottava rima [by sev. writers], 5' ed., 1741, see CuocE (G. C.) Bertolini (Francesco). Storia d' Italia 1814-78. Ia8». Milano. 1881 Bertolini (Stefano), sec Xijienes (L.) *Esame [by A'.] dell' esame [by II.] di un libro [by X.] sopra la Maremma senese, 1775. Bertolinus Bonifacius, see Bonifacius (B.) Bertoloni (Antonio). Nuova serie de' testi di lingua italiana. VA. B. Ia8". Bologna. 1846 Bertolotti (A.) Artisti belgi ed olandesi a Roma nei sec. 16. e 17. s8". Firenze. 1880 F. Cenci e la sua famiglia. 2" ed. s8". Firenze. 1879 Bertolotti (Davide). Viaggio in Savoia. 2vin 1. s8". Torino. 1828 Berton (Charles). Diet, du parallele entre diverses doctrines, see Migne (J. P.) Encyclopedie ,S3 xxxviii. Bertotti Scamozzi (Ottavio). *I1 torestiere istrutto nelle cose piu raredi architettnra ec.della citta di Vicenza. 2" ed. 8". 1804 Bertram family, 1876, see Chaeles (Mrs. Eliz.) Bertram (Carl Julius). Descr. of Britain, tr. f. Richard of Cirencester; w. the orig. De situ Britannue, & comm. on the Itinerary. 8". 1809 De situ is not by R. of C, but is a forgery by Bertravi. sec Devizes (Richaed, of) Chron. ; alsoR. of C.'s descr. of Eng., tr. * ed. Giles, 1841. „ Gn.ES (J. A.) Six chron"., tr. : R. of C. etc., 1848. ,. Stukely (W.) Acc. of R. of Cirencester, & h. works, w. h. map of Roman Brittain, & the itinerary thereof, 1757. „ Itinerarium : [v2 «'. the Itinerary of R. of C], 1776. Bertram (Cha,x\&5), conjurer. Isn't it wonderful'? A hist, of magic it mystery, by B., w. h. reminisc. 8". 1896 Bertram (James G.) The harvest of the sea. 3"' ed. s8". 1873 Bertran, Saint, bji. of Mans [Beeticheamncs], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t80'. Bertrand (Alexandre), niic. ?H€?K6r(; de I'Ecole Fr. d'Athines; b. IS:i(). Les dieux proteeteurs dans I'lliade. Ia8". Kennes. 1858 Etudes de mythologie et d'archfologie grecques d'Athenes a Ai-gos. s8". Rennes. 1858 Nos origines. t[l-4, i». ^jTOi;.]. [1, 2, 2'-^d.]. Ia8". 1889-97 [1], Archeologie celtique ct gauloise. [2], La Gaule avant les Gaulois. [3], Les Celtes dans les valines du P6 & du Danube. Par B., & S. Reinach. [4], La religion des Gaulois, les Druides & le druidisme. Bertrand (Alexis). Franijois Rude. Ia8''. 1888 Bertrand (Alfred) . The kingdom of the Barotsi, Upper Zambesia. Tr. A. B. Miall. 8°. 1899 Bertrand (Alphonse). L'organisation fran(;aise. s8". 1882 & E. Ferrier. F. de Lesseps, sa vie, son oeuvre. Ia8". 1887 Bertrand (Edouard). Un critique d'art dans I'antiquite : Philo- strate & s. 6oole. 8". 1882 Bertrand (Fran9ois Marie). Diet, de toutes les religions, sec Migne (.J. P.) Encyclopedic SI xxiv-xxvii. Bertrand (Joseph L. F.) D'Alembert. s8". 1889 Pascal. 8". 1891 Bertrand (Louis). La fin du classicisme & le retoura I'antique. s8°. 1897 Le sang des races. s8». 1899 2'- ed. s8<>. 1899 Bertrand de Moleville (le marg. Ant. Fr. de). Annals of the French Eevol. ; w. corr. of the a. w. Fox, refut. of Miss Williams, etc. Tr. R. C. Dallas. p2, in 5v. 8". 1813 Chronolog. abridgment of the hist, of Gt. Brit. 4v. 8". 1812 M^moires pour servir a I'hist. de la fin de la regne de Louis XVI. [2- kh] 2t. 8". 1816 Berty (Adolphe). Topographic historique du vieux Paris. t[l-6, in prog. Histoire gen. de Paris]. 4". 1866-97 to-5 have " cotnmencipar A. B., compl.par L. M. Tisscrand." t6 has ''commend par A. B., cont. par L. M. T., avcc collab. de C. Platon." [1, 2], Region du Louvre A" des Tuileries. 2t. 1866-8. [3], Region du bourg Saint-Germain. 1876. [4], Region du faubourg Saint-Germain. 1882. [5], Region occidentale de I'Universit^'. 1887. [6], Region centrale de I'Universit^. 1897, BERUETE 126 BEST Beruete (Aureliano de). Velazquez. 4". 1898 BeruUe {/<• card. Pierre de). sec Hoi-ssAYK (M.) B. * Richelieu, (1625 'J), 1875. „ Tabakaud (M. M.) Hist, de B., 1817. Berville ( Guyard de), see Guyard de Berville. Berwick (J. F., .■""' duke of), /"' duke of Liria, see Liria. Berwick (James Fitzjames, /*' duke of), marshal of France. Mems. by himself, w. summary cont. f. 1716 to h. death, 1734. Tr. 2v. 8". 1779 see MiCHAUD (J. F.) & J. Pou- JOULAT, pdd., Nonv. coll. : III, 8, Mems. de B., 18.50. .■ice Petitut (C. B.) ed., Coll., II, 6.5, 66, 1819, for anoth. ed. „ Wilson (C.T.) B. (1702-34), 1883. „ James II & the D. of B., 1876. Berwick (John). A philosopher's romance. s8". 1898 The secret of Saint Florel. s8". 1897 Berzelius (Jons Jakob). Letters of B. & C. F. Schonbein, 1836-47. Ed. G. W. .\. Kahlbauin; tr. F. V. Darbishire * N. V. Sid-wick. s8". 1900 Besancenet (Alfred de) ed., etc. Le portefeuille d'un g^n^ral [Dommartiii] de la Eepublique. 8". 1877 Besanfon (Bernard de), .■icigiuur du Ples.sis, see Du Plessis- BESANpOX. Besant {Mrs. Annie). 8». 1893 sS". 1898 or the [Theos. s8". 1901 1883 s8". sS". s8". A. B. : an autob?. Death— and after ? Esoteric Christianity lesser mysteries. Publ. Soc] Intr. to theosophy. [P630]. s8". ]894 Legalisation of female slavery in Eng. [P49i]. s8". 1876 Marriage. s8". 1882 Besant {Sir Walter). All m a garden fair. 3v. sS". 1883 All sorts & conditions of men. 3v. sS". 1882 „ „ ... n. ed. s8", Armorel of Lyonesse. 3v, „ „ ... n. ed The bell of St. Paul's. .3t, „ „ ... n. ed Beyond the dreams of avarice. s8". 1895 Capt. Cook. s8". 1890 The captain's room, etc. 3t. s8''. „ „ ... n. ed. s8". The changeling. sS^. Children of Gibeon. 3v. s8". „ n. ed. s8". City (The) of refuge. 3v. s8". 1896 Demoniac (The). s8". Bristol. 7i.d. Dorothy Forster. 3v. s8°. 1884 „ n. ed. East London. Eulogy of R. Jefferies. Fifty years ago. For faith & freedom. 3v. „ ... n. ed. A fountain sealed. The fourth generation „ „ ... - eu. The French humourists. 8". HerrPaulus. 3v. s8''. „ „ ... n. ed. s8". The holy rose, etc. sS", In deacon's orders, etc. s8". The inner house. s8". Bristol, The ivory gate. 1890 1891 1889 1890 1883 1884 1898 1886 1887 88", 1885 8". 1901 s8<>. 8". 1888 1888 s8». s8". s8". 1889 1889 1897 s8". 1900 s8". 1900 1873 1888 1888 1890 1895 3t. s8. 1895 Uncle .Tack, etc. sS". 1885 Verbena Cainelha Stephanotis etc. sS". 1892 AVestminster. 8". 1893 The world went very well then. 3v. sS". 1887 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1887 see Brodribb (W. J.) & B., Constantinople, 1879. „ 'DoBOTHV W.\LLis, an autoh.'. : mtr. by B., 1892. „ R.4BELAIS (F.) Readings in R., by B., 1883. Besant (.Si)- Walter) Icont.'] & W. Pollock. The Charm. A- o. drawing room plays. s8". 1896 & James Rice. By CeUa's arbour, iiv. s«'\ 1878 „ „ Lib. ed. 8". 1888 •The case of Mr. Lucraft, & o. t. 2v. s8". 1876 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1888 The chaplain of the Fleet. 3v. s8". 1881 „ „ ... n. ed. sM". 1,S81 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1888 *The golden butterfly. 3v. s8". 1876 ,, „ s8". 1885 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1887 The monks of Thelema. 3v. s8». 1878 „ n. ed. s8". 1894 „ „ ... n. ed. s8". n.d. •My little girl. 3v. s8". 1873 n. ed. s8". 1877 „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1887 •Ready-money Mortibov. 3v.' s8". 1872 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1HN7 The seamy side. 3v. s8". IHHO „ „" ... Lib. ed. 8". 1888 Sir Richard Whittmgton. s8". 1881 The ten years* tenant, & o. s. 3v. s8'\ 1H81 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8». 1888 •This son of Vulcan. 3v. s8". 1876 „ ,, ... Lib. ed. 8". 1887 'Twas in 'Trafalgar's Bav, & o. s. s8". 1873 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1888 With harp & crown. n. ed. sS». 1877 „ „ ... Lib. ed. 8". 1887 „ „ ... n. ed. s8". «,r?. Jerusalem, the city of Herod & Saladin. sS". 1871 *Beschrijving der vroegere nederlandsche Gemeentezegels, 1878, sec Ni;iii;kl\xiische. *Beschwerden (Die) u. Klageu der Slaven in Ungarn. Vorgetragen V. e. ungar. Slaven. 4". L. 1843 Beseler (Georg). Die engl.-franzos. Garantie v. 1720. [P206]. 8". 1864 Der Londoner Vertrag vom 8. Mai 1852. [P206]. 8'>. 1863 Beseler (Wilhelm). Das deutsche Verfassungswerk naeh d. Kriege. 8». L. 1859 T685]. 2"Abdr. 8". L. 1859 Besenval {le baron Pierre Victor de). M^moires. 4t. [wants t^\ 8". 180.5-6 ,"M. r. a la E. F.]. 2t. 8". 1827 „ [anoth. ed., xcitli] Coll6: La verity dans le vin. Not. etc. par F. Ban'iere. s8°. 1882 Beskow (Bernhard von). Minne ofver E. Svedenborg. sS". 1859 Besobrasoff, sec Bezobrazov. Bessarion (card. Joannes), nhp. of Xice, aft. of Sij^onto, or Manfrcdonia. see MiGXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. grajca, tl61, B., 1866. „ V.4ST (H.) B., (1403-72), 1878. Bessas de La Megie {le etc. Oscar de). L^gendau-e de la noblesse de France. Ia8". 1865 Besse (Joseph). A coll. of the sufferings of the Quakers, 16-50-89. 2v. tol. 1753 Bessel (Friedrich Wilh.) Populare Vorlesgn. ii. wissensohaftl. Gegenstande. 8". Hamburg. 1848 Besson ( ), of Berne. Manuel pour les savans etc. qui voyagent en Suisse. " 2t in 1. s8". Berne. 1786 Besson (Ch. Jean Bapt.),s<'e Besson (HYAcrNTHE)[C. J. B. Besson]. Besson (Hyacinthe) [Ch. Jean Bapt. Besson]. A Dominican artist : life of B. [by H. L. Farrer, aft. Lear; taken cJiiedi/ f. E. Carticr, Vic de B.] s8". 1870 Besson (Louis de), ^«. Etudes sur les forces morales de la societe contemp. : La religion et I'Eglise. 8". 1883 Besson (Nicholas F. L.), bp. of Nimes, Uzes, d- Alais. F. F. X. de Merode. aep. Melitinensis. Tr. Lady Herbert. s8". 1887 Bessot de Lamothe (Alex.), .sec Lamothe (A. de). Best. *Best (The) hundred books, 1886, see Pall Mail Gazette, extra, 24. *Best (The) hundred Irish books ; intr. etc. byHistoricus, [1886], see O'Brien (Barky). *Best reading (The). sri]^3. [1, 4"' ed. v4 wanting]. s8". N. Y. [1877-87] [1], to August. 1876. Ed. F. B. Perkins. 2, For the 5 yrs. ending Dec., 1881. 3, For the 5 yrs. ending Dec, 1886. Best {Capt. George) [Beste], see Frobisher {Sir M.) The three voyages of F. in search of a passage by the N-W. (1576-8), repr. f. 'B.'s account ^)^^ the 1" ed. of Hakluyt. etc., 1867. Best (Henry), M.A. *Four years in France; preceded by account of the conversion of the author to the Catholic faith. 8". 1826 *Italy as it is. 8". 1828 'Personal and lit. memorials. 8". 1829 BEST 127 SEVAN Best (Henry), of Klinsivell. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641 : being the larminf; & account books of B. [Ed. C. B. Robinson. Surtees Soc, 33]. 8". Durham. 1857 Best (J. R.), sfc Beste (J. R. D.) Beste (A. F. Wilhelm). Die bedeutendsten Kanzelredner d. Inthorsclicn Kirclie. 2B in 1. 8". L. 1856-8 Beste (Gapt. George), xee Bekt {Capt. G.) Beste (John Richard Digby) [fBEsi (J. R.) oft. J. B. Beste, aft. J. R. Digbi/ Beste}. Modern society in Rome [a novel]. 3v. 8". 1850 The new Poor Law in practice. [P.S101. 8". 1837 The Wabasli : adv. of an Eng. family in interior of America. 2v. s8". 1855 Bestiarius. Ein toscovenezianischer Bestiarius herausg. v. M. Goldstaub u. R. Wendriner. 8". Halle a. S. 1892 Betagh (William). Account of Peru, see Pinkerton (.J.) Voyages, vl4. Voyage round theworld, 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards. s8". 1728 see SiiELvocKE (G.) Voyage round the world, 2'"' ed., 1757. Betencourt, .sec also BicTHENconnT. Betencourt (Dom P. L. J. de). Noms f^odaux ; ou noms de ceux qui ont tenu fiefs en France. 4t. 2'' ed. 8". 1867 Betham (G. K.) Story of a dacoity ; and, The Lolapur week. s8". 1893 Betham (Rcr. William). Baronetage of England, w. genealogi- cal tables. 5v. 4°. [1, Ipswich]. 1801-5 Genealog. tables of the sovereigns of the world. lafol. 1795 Betham (.5(> William). Etruria-Celtioa ; Etruscan lit. it antiq'. 2v. 8". D. 1842 The Gael * Cymbri. 8". D. 1834 Irish antiquarian I'esearches. vl, [no more pitbl.'] 8". D. 1827 Betham-Edwards {MUs Matilda B.) Love and mirage, (t o. t. 2v. 88". 1885 Mile. Josephine's Fridays, tt o. s. 88". 1874 Next of kin wanted. 2v. sS". 1887 The parting of the ways. 3v. s8". 1888 Reminiscences. 8". 1898 *The romance of a French parson- age. 2v. 88". 1892 The root of Prance, or the Gausses of the Lozere. 8". 1889 Six life-studies of famous women. sS". 1880 A storm-rent sky. 88°. 1898 A Suffolk courtship. s8o. 1900 The Sylvestres. 3v. s8". 1871 Through Spain to the Sahara. S". 1868 A winter with the swallows. 8". 1807 A year in W. France. s8". 1877 Anglo-French reniinisc, 187:5- ] 99. 8". 1900 Bridget. 3v. s8». 1877 Brother Gabriel. 3v. sS". 1878 The curb of honour. 98". 1893 •Doctor Jacob. 8v. s8". 1864 Exchange no robbery, & o. novelettes. 2v. sS". 1883 I Felicia. new ed. s8". 1877 The flower of doom, & o. s. , s8". 188.-) I For one and the world. 2v. s8». 1889 Forestalled ; or. The life-quest. \ 2v. s8''. 1880 ; Prance of to-day. 2v. 8". 1892-4 Half-way. new ed. sS". 1889 Holidays in E. Prance. 8». 1879 'John and I. 3v. s8o. 1862 Kitty. 3v. s8». 1869 Iv. sS". 1877 •Lisabee's love story. 3v. s8». 186.5 The lord of the harvest. s8". 1899 Bethe (Albrecht). Diirfen wir d. Ameisen u. Bienen psychische Qualittiten zuschreiben ? 8". Bonn. 1898 Bethe (Erich). I'roleg. zur Gesch. d. Theaters ira Alterthum. s8". L. 1896 Bethell {Hon. Augusta), '/'• d. of /•" ba.ron Westbury ; aft. Hon. Mrs. H. C. Adanison Kenyon-Parker ; aft. Hon. Mrs. T. A. Nash. Among the fairies. ' s8". [1883] Echoes of an old bell, * other fairy lore. s8". 1865 Bethell (Christopher), bp. of ( l)Gkineester (.-■) Exeter {3) Bangor. The doctrine of regeneration in baptism. 2"' ed. 8". 1836 Bethell (G. R.) Letter on the Irish question. [P557]. s8". Beverley. 1886 Bethell (Richard), sec Westbury (R. B.) bc(ron. Bethell (Slingsby), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Bethencourt, see also Betencourt. Bethencourt (Francisco Fernandez de), see Fern.indez de Bethencouht. Bethencourt (Jean de), baron ele Saint-Martiii-le-Gaillard. see BoNTiER (P.) ct J. Lii Verrieu. The Canarian : conquest etc. of the Canarians (1402) by B., tr., 1872. Bethlehem Hospital. Obs. of the Governors upon Report of Commissioners in Lunacy on B. H., w. app\ [P134]. 8". 1852 Bethlen (Gabor), prince of Transylvania. Acta et doc. hist. G. B. illustrantia. Ed. A. Gindely. (Okm.anytar B. G. etc.) [M. Tud. Akad.] 8". 1890 Bethlen (Gabor), prinw. of Transylvania [cotitinued]. Diplomatarium relationum G. B. cum Venetorum republica. (Oklevcltar B. G. etc.) [M. Tud. Akad.] 8". 1886 see SziL.iGYi (S.) B. G. es a sved diplomaczia, 1882. Bethmann (Ludwig Conrad) ed. Gesta pontifioum Cameracen- sium, see Mn;NE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl49. & W. Wattenbach. Chronicon S. Huberti Andaginensis, see MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl54. Bethuly-Huc (Valeska, Griijin) [ps., Moritz v. Reiohenb.\ch]. Siihnopfer. s8". Dresden. 1897 Bethune (David), see Beaton {card. D.) Bethune (J. E. D.), see Jones (D.) Value of annuities, w. treatise on probability, by B. etc., 1844. Bethune (Cn/. John), see Drinkw.\teh {Col. J.) aft. Bethune. Bethune (Maximilien de), due de Sulli/, see Si-lly. Betley (R.), see Folk.ush (H. T.), B. etc. Industries of Wigan, 18K9. Betrachtungen. ♦Betrachtungen liber das Universum. 5'' A. s8". Mannheim. 1806 *Betrachtungen fiber d. Transvaalfrage etc., v. Vs., [18971, see Tl;lXSVAAI,FRAQE. 'Betrothals and bridals etc., 1879, see Marchani (W. T.) Betrothed. *Letters (The) of a b., 1856, see Power (M. A.) Bettany (Geo. Thomas). Eminent doctors. 2v. S8". [1885] Life of Darwin. 8". 1887 The world's religions. Ia8". 1890 see Parker (W. K.) A B. Morphology of the skull, 1877. „ Wii.Ks (S.) & B. Biograph. hist, of Guy's Hospital, 1892. Bettany (Mrs. George Thomas), aft. Mrs. C. Kemahan, see Kernaiian (Mrs. C. ) Bettei (Ariodante). ,\manti seguiti. [P803]. s8". Macerata. 164(; Bettelheim (Anton). Beaumarchais : eine Biographie. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1886 *Better days, lH'. 1860 St. David's. [Diocesan hists.] s8". 1888 & H. "W. Phillott. Mediaeval geography : in illust. of the Hereford Mappa Mundi. 8». 1873 Bever (Ad. van), sre V.a.x Bevek (Ad.) Beveridge (David). Between the Ochils & Forth : a descrip- tion. s8". E. 1888 Beveridge (Henry). The district of Bakarganj. 8". 1876 Trial of Jfaharajah Nanda Kumar. 8". Calcutta. 1886 Beveridge (William), bp. of St. Asaph. Theolog. works. ' 12v. [Wants v7, /O]. 8". 0. 1842-8 1-6, Sermons. 7, 39 articles. 8, Catechism expld. — Private thoughts on relig. — Advan- tage etc. of public prayer & frequent communion — Defence of Sternhold * Hopkins. 9, 10, Thesaurus theolog. 11,12, Codex canonum Ecclesiae primit. vindicatus ac illust. Beverlacensis (Aluredus), see Aluredus, Beverlacensis. Beverley Minster. Memorials of B. M. : the Chapter Act Book of the Collegiate Church of S. .John of Beverley, 1286-1847. With illust. doc", it intr. by A. F. Leach. vl, [i» proo- Surtees Soc, 98]. 8". Durham. 1898 Beverley Sanctuary, sec Dukh.vm : Sanctuary. Sanctuarium Dunelm. et Sanctuarium 'Re.veA&cenze'iregistcrs of persons xolio claiined snnctnari/], 1837. *Beverley Town documents, 1900, see Selden Soc. Beverley (Alured, of), sec Aluredus, Bevei'lacensis. Beverley (May). The moor cottage. sS". C. 1861 Beverley (Robert Mackenzie). *Fulmen Beverleium. [P107]. 8". C. 1833 *Horrida Hystrix, Satyricon Castoreanum ; quod ex schedis mss. deprompsit Civis Beverlacensis. 8". Villa>-Regis quae super Hullam est. 1826 Beverningk (Hieronymus van). Verbael tusschen B. etc. aen de Republ. van Engeland, 1725, see Witt (Jan t.e). Brieven etc. 6d, 1723-5, of wliich this Verbael, tlierc entered,, is tlie cont. sec ScHOTEL {G. D. J.) H. van B. etc., 1847. Bevis, Sir, of Southanq^ton, liero of rcrmance. [Beves of Hamtoun ; BcEVE he Haumtoxe ; Bovo d'Antona ; Buovo di Akton.v]. Der anglonormann. Boeve de Haumtone. Hrsg. v. A. Stimming. [Bibl. Nermann., 7]. 8°. Halle. 1899 *The romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun. Ed. f. 6 MSS. & the old printed copy, w. intr., notes, gloss., by E. Kolbing. [E.E.T.S., ES46, 48, 65]. 8". 1885/94 *Sir Beves of Hamtoun : now first ed. f. the Auchinleck MS. [Maitland Club, 44]. 4". E. 1838 Bew (Charles). Causes & effects of diseases in teeth & gums. 80. 1819 Bewes (Wyndham Anstis). Church Briefs. 8". 1896 Copyright, patents, designs, tiade marks, etc. : manual of practical law. s8°. 1891 Bewick (John), engraver. see Berqcin (A.) The looking-glass for the mind, repr. of ed. 1792, w. the orig. illusts. by B., 1885. „ Bewick (T.) & J. Bewick. Choice coll. of woodcuts by T. & J. B., 1882. „ Peapson (E.) Cat. of books &■ wood engravings by or rel. to T. * J. E., coll. by P., sold 1868. Bewick (Joseph). Geolog. treatise on the district of Cleveland, etc. Ia8". 1861 Bewick (Thomas). Hist, of Brit, birds. Hist, of quadrupeds ; figures on 2v. 8". Newcastle. 1847 ' wood by B. i S" ed. 8°. Newcastle. 1792 Bewick (Thomas) [amtinued]. Hist, of quadrupeds : etc. ■ " ' "" 1824 ace Peabsox (E.) Cat. of books & wood eugiavings by or rel. to T. & J. B., coll. by P., sold, 18G8. „ Thomson fD. C.) Life & works of B., 1882. „ Thoknton (R. J.) Family Herbal, 1810. 8* ed. 8". Newcastle Memoir ; by himself. 8". NewcaBtle-on-Tyne. 1862 Select fables of jEsop '& o. s8». (Newcastle, 1784, rejir.) 1871 see DoBSON (Austin). Bewick & his pupils, 1884. & John Bewick. A choice collection of woodcuts by T. & .T. B. fol. [imbl. b)i Walter Broun,]. 1882 see Hugo (T.) The Bewick collector, 1.866, d- Suppl., 1868. Bewick (Wm.), artist. Life & letters. Ed. T. Landseer. 2v. s8". 1871 Bewicke (Alicia E. N.), see Little {Mrs. A.) [A. E. N. B.j Bey (Hadji-abd-el-Hamid), see Du Couket (L.) [Hadji-.abd-el- Hamiii BkyJ. Bey (Hekekyan), see Hekektax, Bey. Bey (Iskander), pirince of Epdrus, see ScANiiEiiBEG. Bey (Kesnin), see Kesnix, Bey. Bey (Mariette-), see Mariette (F. Auijcste F.) Bey (Muhammad), see Muhammad, Bey, calling himself J. M. Cigala. Bey (Pitzipios), see PiTzinos (prince J. G.) Beyer (Conrad). Deutsche Poetik. .3B. 2' A. 8". St. 1887 see Kt'LKERi (F.) Nachgelassene Gedichte u. neue Beitrage zu dessen Leben etc. ed. B., 1877. Beyer (F.), piublisher. Beyer's guide to W. Norway, w. coast- route to the N. Cape A' overland routes to Christiania, by V. Olsvig. s8". Bergen. [1887] Beyer (J. G. v.), sir Bei.ier (J. G. v.) Beyerlinck (Laurentius). Magnum Theatrum Vitse Humanse; h. e. rerum divin. humanarumque syntagma, alphabetica serie. 8t. noviss. ed. fol. Lugduni. 1678 Beyle, see also Bail, Bale, Bayle. Beyle (Marie Henri) [2}S'., Stendhal ; rf, L. A. C. Boubet]. L'abbesse de Castro; suiv. de La duchesse de Palliano — Vaniua Vanini — Vittoria Ac- coramboni — Le philtre. 88". 1890 La chartreuse de Parme. Notice sur B. par Colomb, etude par Balzac, etc. s8". 1846 „ „ ... n. ed. s8o. 1890 Corr. med. Intr. par P. Merimee. 2s. s8". 1855 De I'amour. seule id. compl. s8". 1891 *Hist. de la peinture en Italic. Par M. B. A. A. 2t. 8°. 1817 Journal, 1801-14. Publ. par C. Stryienski et F. de Nion. s8». 1888 Lamiel. Publ. par C. Stryienski. sS". 1889 Lettres intimes. s8". 1892 Life of Haydn [bi/ G. Carpani], lite of Mozart (by A. H. F. v. ScliUclitegroU], w. obs. on Metastasio, & state of music in France & Italy. Tr. f. L. A. C. Bombet ; notes by [IT. Gardiner]. 8". 1817 Lucien Leuwen ; oeuvre posth., reconstit. par J. de Mitty. s8". n.d. Melanges d'art et de litt. s8». 1867 Memoires d'un tom-iste. 2 ser. [si, u'anting]. n. ed. s8". 1854 „ „ 2t. n. ed. 88". 1877-9 Nouvelles ined. s8". 1855 Promenades dans Rome. 2t. 8». 1829 Racine et Shakspeare. n. ed. s8o. 1854 Rome, Naples et Florence. seule ed. compl. sS". 1854 Le rouge et le noir. 2t. seule ed. compl. s8». 1889 Souvenirs d'egotisme : autobio- gi'aphie. Et, Lettres ined., publ. C. Sti-yienski. 38°. 1892 Vie de Henri JSrulard : autobio- gi'aphie. Publ.parC. Stryien- ski. s8". "1890 Vie de Napoleon ; fragments. 38". 1876 Vie de Rossini. 2p in Iv. 8". 1824 iee'AMiTii; amourecse ; preface fragmentee de S., 2' ed., 5' ed., 1897. „ CoLLiijNoN (A.) *Art (L'j & la vie de Stendhal, 1868. „ Paton (A. A.) H. B., a study, 1874. „ Rod (E.) Stendhal, 1892. *Beyminstre, 1856, see Wall.\ce (Ellex). Beynen (L. E. K.) [fBrxTXEX (L. E. Koolemaxs)], see Bois- SEVAiN (C.) Life & aspirations of B., 1885. Beynon (/.iof^ W. Gr. L.) With Kelly to Chitral. 8". 1896 Beyra (Armand), ^Jscwd. [i.e. F. Ccel]. L'honneur et le sang. s8". 1887 Beyrich {Fraii Clementine) [pis. Clementine Helm]. Back- fischen's Leiden u. Freuden. 26'^ A. s8". L. 1885 Beyschlag (Willibald). Zur joharmeischen Frage. 8". Gotha. 1876. Beza (T.) [jBeze (Theodore de)]. Hist.eccles.deseglises reformees au royaume de France. 3t. ed. nouv., avec comni. par G. Baum i- E. Cunitz. 4". 1883-9 Les Juvenilia. Teste avec tr., et recherciies sur la qnerelle des " Juvenilia " par A. Machard. s8". 1879 BEZA 129 BIBLE Beza (T.) [continued]. Poematum ed. 2", ab eo recog. Item ex G. Biichanawo aliisque excerpta carm. s8". 1569 Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum libri v., arguni. etc. ilhist., ac var. canninum gen. lat. expr. Nunc postre- mum recog. s8o. Loiidiui. 1580 Bezenval (Ic barun P see Baied (H. M.) T. Beza (1519-1605), 1899. „ BoLSEC (J. H.) Vita Bezce, etc., 1584. „ Leben u. ausgew. Schriften d. Vater d. reform. Kirche : B. 6, T. B., V. H. Heppe, 1857-62. V. de), see Besenval (le b. P. V. de). Bezobrazov (Vladimir Pavlovich). Etudes siir reconomie niitionale de la Kussie : Region de Moscou. tl, 2i, ii, b. in 2v. 8". St. P6tersbourg. 1883-6 Bezold (Carl), sec Swainson (C. A.) cd. The Greek liturgies ; w. the Coptic ordinary canon of the Mass, ed. & tr. by B., 1884. Bezold (Friedrich v.) hishwical writer. Gesch. der deutschen Keformation. ! A. G. i. E., 3, i.] 8". 1890 Bezold (Wilhelm v.) The theory of color in rel. to art A art- industry, tr. S. K. Koebler ; iiitr. & notes by E. C. Pickering, auth. Araer. ed. 8". Boston. 1876 Bezsonov (Petr Aleksandrovich). Kalyeki perechojie. lir ns hiiind. Imperfectly 8". Moskva. 1861-64 Bezzenberger (Adalbert) ed., sec Beiteaoe zuk kunde d. indo- (IKRM. SPIl\(-HEN. Bhadra Bahu. The Kalpa Siitra [by B. B.] ; & Nava Tatva : illust. of the Jain religion etc. Tr. J. Stevenson. [0. T. F.]. laS". 1848 *Bhagavadgita. [Bhag.wat-Geeta ; Bhagvat-Geeta ; Bhagwat GiTA ; tM.4H.iBH.iB.lTA.— BH.\GAVAI)GiTA]. Hindfi philosophy: the B. G. or the sacred lay. Tr., w. notes, by J. Davies. 8". 1882 The song celestial, or Bhagavad- gita. Tr. [into verse] by E. Arnold. 88". 1885 see Sacked Books of the East ; 8, The B., etc., tr. Kashinath Trimbak Te- lang, 1882. Thakore Sahib of Oundal. s8". Bombay. 1886 s8". 1896 Bhagavad-gita. Textuni rec, adnot*. & interp. Lat. adi. A. G. a Schlegel. ed. 2", cuva C. Lasseui. 8". Bonnie. 1846 Tkansl*. The Bhagvat-Geetii, w, notes. Tr. by C. Wilkins. [With prelim-', finficc by Wurren Hastings]. 4». 1785 The Bhagavad-Gitii. Tr., w. notes etc., bv J. C. Thomson. s8". Hertford. 1855 Bhagvat Sinh Jee {H.E. Sir), Journal of visit to England, 1883. A short hist, of Aryan medical science. Bhagwat (Jita, sec Bhagavapgita. Bhamini-Vilasa, see Jaoannatha Panpitaka.ja. *Bharliut. The Stupa of B., 1879, see Cunningham (Alex.) Bhattacharya (Jogendra Nath). Hindu castes * sects. s8". Calcutta. 1896 Bhavnagri (M. M.) M.P. [or, Bhowxagree]. *The Indian estimate of B. sS". Bombay. 1897 Bhikshu (Subhadra). A Buddhist catechism, with notes. s8". 1890 Bholanauth Chunder. [fBHOLANATu Chande.\]. Travels of a Hindoo to parts of Bengal & Upper India. 2v. s8". 1869 Bhownagree (M. M.) M.P., sec BHAVN.\oia. Bhuslianabhatta, see B.ana. Kadambari ; tr., w. abstract of the cont. by [Brina's] son, B., 1896. Biagl (Guido). Last days of Shelley. s8". 1898 Private life of the Renaissance Florentines. Ia8". Florence. 1896 Bialloblotzky (C. H. F.) tr., see Ha-Cohen (Joseph) [Joseph, ben Joshna\ Chron., tr. B., 183.5-6. *Bianca Capello : a tragedy, by Andred, 1879, sec Andeed, ps. Bianca [Capello], consort of Francis de' Medici, grand duke of Tuscany, see Capello (Bl\nca). Bianchi (Antonio). U templo, ovvero il Salomone. 4". Venezia. 1753 Bianchi (Bianco). II martirio di S. Agnese. [P818]. s8". Lucca. 1645 II martirio di S. Vittoria. [P803]. s8". Lucca. 1645 Bianchi (Nicomede). Cavour. Doc. ed. e ined. 5» ed. Ia8''. Torino. 1863 Storia della monarchia piemontese, 1773-1861. 3v. 8». Torino. 1877-9 see AzEGLio (M. n'). Lettere ined., documentate a c. di B., 1883-4, t[2], w.t. : N. Bianchi : La politica di M. d'A., ec. ,, C.4V0DE : N. Bianchi. La politique de C, 1852-61 : lettres in(5d., etc., 1885. Bianchi-Giovini (Aurelio). Biografia di Fra P. Sarpi. 2v. s8". Brux. 1836 Critioa degli evangeli. 2v. s8». Zurigo. 1853 Bianchi-Giovini (Aurelio) [continued]. II diario di Burcardo, quadro dei costumi della corte di Roma ; storia del legno della croce ; biogr. del card. Antonelli ee. 2" ed. s8". Firenze. 1861 Bianchini (G. M.) Evangeliarium Quadruplex lat. versionis antiquae nunc primuni in lucem ed. ex Codd. MSS. a Jos. Blanehino. 2p. in 4v. fol. RomiE. 1749 Bianconi (Carlo), see O'Connell (Mrs. M. J.) C. B., 1786-1875. Biard (F.) Deux annees au Brisil. Ia8". 1862 Biart (Lucien). Les explorations inconnues. Le fieuve d'or. 88". 1885 Laborde et Cie. sS". 1872 My rambles in the New World. Tr. M. de Hauteville. h8». 1877 Quand j'etais petit. sS". [1886] 1887 Adv. of a young naturalist ; adapted by P. Gillmore. s8». 1870 Le Bizco. sS". 1890 Les clientes du Docteur Benia- gius. s8". 1873 The clients of Dr. Bernagius. [Tr.] Mrs. C. Hoey. s8°. 1881 Bias (Camille) pis. [i.e. Mme. Martin]. La Faustine. s8". Biasi (Giovanni). Cenni sopra Recoaro e le sue acque. [P660]. 8''. Verona. 1837 Biber (Geo. Edward). Christian education. 8". 1830 English Church on the Continent, ed. B. [P156]. 2»'' ed. s8». 1846 Pestalozzi & h. plan, etc. 8". 1831 *Biberius Torquatus. Dedere ludis saturnalibus DD. Convic- tores Collegii S. Ignatii Martyris Ingolstadii. s4". Ingolstadii. 1739 Bibesco (/p?»-Mie« Alexandre). La question du vers fran^ais etc. 3' ed. 4". [1893] Bibesco {le prince Georges), son of le pi-. G. D. Bibesco. Au Mexique, 1862 : Combats et retraite des six mille. Ia8°. 1887 Roumanie, 1843-59. R^gne de Bibesco : Lois et d^erets, 1843-8— Insurrection de 1848. 2t. Ia8''. 1893-94 Bibesco (Ic prince Georges Demetre), cx-liospodar de Valachie, sec Bibesco {le pr. G.) Roumanie, 1843-59. R^gne de B., etc., 1893-4. Bible. Tlic Bible is arranged in otie alphabet according to the variozts Books, Divisions of tlie Bible, d languages : tlie com- plete texts & gen. connm\ etc. of the loliolc Bible coming first. For Patristic Commentaries, see Migne (J. P.) Complete Texts, Gen. Comms., etc. The Bible [A.V.] 8». C. n.d. „ Revised version. 8°. 0. 1898 Abdruck aller auf dieses Wort [Tiibel] in d. AUg. Encyc. v. Ersch u. Gruber Bezug habendeu Artikel. 8°. L. 1823 The Bible, \v. comm. ; Minor Prophets, by Pusey. Ia4°. 1860 Bible (The) considered as a record of historical development. [P514, 700]. 8«. 1864 Bible Folk-lore. A study in Comp. Mythology. s8°. 1884 Bible (The) for man, not man for the Bible. By a country vicar. [Signed Anima Vincta]. [P716]. sS". Ramsgate. 1870 Bible (The) of every land ; a hist, of the Scr. in every lang. & dialect into wh. tr. have been made, w. spec. 4°. [1848] Cambridge (The) Bible for Schools * Colleges. Ed. J. J. S. Perowne. Acts ; J. R. Lumby. 1883 Amos, see Joel & Amos ; S. R. Driver, 1898. Corinthians; J. J. Lias, 2v: I Cor. 1882 II Cor. 1885 Ecclesiastes ; E. H. Plumptre. 1881 — [another copy]. 1882 Ephesians ; H. C. G. Moule. 1898 Ezekiel ; A. B. Davidson. 1892 Ezra it Nehemiah; H. E. Ryle. 1893 Galatians; E. H. Perowne. 1891 Haggai & Zechariah; T. T. Perowne. 1893 Hebrews ; P. W. Farrar. 1883 Hosea ; T. K. Cheyne. 1889 Isaiah, eh. 1-39 ; J. Skinner. 1896 James ; E. H. Plumptre. 1884 Jeremiah & Lamentations ; A. W. Streane. 1892 Job ; A. B. Davidson. 1884 Joel & Amos; S R. Driver, ater.ed. 1898 s8°. C. 1881-98 John (Gospel) ; A. Plummer. 1886 — [another cojiy]. 1889 Jonah, see Obadiah & J. ; T. T. Perowne, 1898. Joshua ; G. F. Maclear. 1883 Jude, see Peter & J. ; E. H. Plumptre, 1886. Judges ; J. J. Lias. 1884 Kings ; J. R. Lumby, 2v : 1 Kings. 1886 II Kings. 1887 Lamentations, see Jeremiah & L. ; A. W. Streane, 1892. Luke ; F. W. PaiTar. 1882 Malachi ; T. T. Perowne. [b.w. Haggai & Zech., 1893]. 189S Mark ; G. F. Maclear. 1895 Micah ; T. K. Chejme. 1895 Nehemiah, see Ezra & N. ; H.E. Ryle, 1893. Obadiah & Jonah; T. T. Perowne. ster. ed. 1898 Peter (I, & II) & Jude; E. H. Plumptre. 1886 I Philippiaus ; H. C. G. Moule. 1895 BIBLE 130 BIBLE Bible [contintted]. Complete Texts, Gen. Comm"., etc. [continuni]. Cambridge (The) Bible for Schools & Colleges [continued]. Psalms; A. P. Kirkpatrick. I Samuel ; A. F. Kirkpatrick, 2v : 3 Books in 2v : I Sam. 1884 Bk. 1, Ps. 1-41. 1892 I II Sam. 1884 Bks. -2 & 8, Ps. 42-89. 1S95 i Timothy & Titus ; A. E. Hum- EeveIation;W.H.Simcox. 1890 j phreys. ster. ed. 1897 Romans; H.C.G. Moule. 1884 Zecliariah, see Haggai & Z. ; 1 T. T. Perowne, 1893. Clarke (Adam). H. B. Comm. by C. 6v [O.T., 4v. ; N.T., 2v], n. ed., w. final eorr'. Ia8". 1836 Codex Alexandrinus. Facsimile of the C. A. [Brit. Mus. ; ed. E. M. Thompson]. 4v. fol. 1879-83 0. T., 3v: 1, Gen.-II Chron.; 2, Hosea-IV Mace: S, Psahns-Ecclesiasticus. N. T., Iv : N. T. & Clementine Ep^ Critical comm. (A) on 0. ed. 1898 II Cor. ; J. Denney. 1894 Daniel ; P. W. Farrar. 1895 Deuteronomy ; Andrew Har- per. 1895 Ecclesiastes, w. new tr.; S. Cox. 1890 Ephesians ; G.G. Pindlay. 1892 Esther, see Ezra, Nehemiah, E. ; W. P. Adeney, 1893. Exodus ; G. A. Chadwick. 2'"' ed. 1892 Ezekiel; J. Skinner. 1895 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther ; W. P. Adeney. 1893 Galatians ; G. G. Pindlay. 4a ed. 1893 Genesis; M. Dods. 1889 Hebrews ; T. C. Edwards. 5* ed. 1892 Isaiah ; G. A. Smith. 2v. [1, S* ; 2, 4'i']. 1893-4 — 2v. [1,12'"; 2,7""]. 1900 James &: Jude ; A. Plummer. 1891 Jeremiah. The prophecies of J. [eh. 1-20], w. sketch of h. life & times; C. J. Ball. 2°'l ed. 1893 — J., ch. 21-52 ; W. H. Ben- nett. 1895 Job ; R. A. Watson. 1892 John (Epistles). 21 discourses, w. text, comp. versions, & notes ; W. Alexander. 3"i ed. 1892 John (Gospel); M. Dods. 2v [l,3«'ed. ;2,2"ed. 1892 Minor Prophets ; G. A. Smith. 2v. 1896-8 Nehemiah, see Ezra, N., Es- ther i W. P. Adeney, 1893. Numbers ; R. A. Watson. 1894 Pastoral Epistles (The); A. Plummer. 4"> ed. 1894 Peter (Epistles of); J. R. Lumby. 1893 Philemon, see Colossians & P.; A. Maclaren, B"" ed., 1893. Philippians ; R. Rainy. 1893. Prophets (Minor), see Minor Prophets. Proverbs ; R. P. Horton. 2'«ied. 1894 Psalms ; A. Maclaren. 3v [vl, 2, 2"'' ed.] 1894-5 Revelation ; W. Milligan. 1895 Romans : H. C. G. Moule. 1894 Ruth, see Judges & R. ; R. A. Watson, 2'"' ed., 1893. Samuel (I & II); W. G. Blaikie. 2v. S"" ed. 1893 Song of Solomon, & Lamenta- tions ; W. P. Adeney. 1895 Thessalonians ; J. Denney. 1892 Timothy, see Pastoral Epistles. Titus, see Pastoral Epistles. Plummer, 1891. Facsimiles of the Biblical JISS. in Brit. Museum. Ed. F. G- Kenyon. fol. 1900 Geddes (A.) The Holy Bible, tr., w. notes, etc., by A. G. vl, 2 [no more piibl] 4°. 1792-7 Ginsburg (C. D.) [Heln-ew Bible. Ed.\C. D. Ginsburg. vl, 2]. Ia8«. London. 1894 1, Gen—Kings. 2, Prophet, books. Hussey (T. J.) Bible ; w. comm. * rev. vers, by T. J. Hussey. 3v. laS". 1844-5 International Critical Commentary. Ed. S. R. Driver, A. Plummer, & C. A. Briggs. Colossians, see Ephesians it C; T. K. Abbott, 1897. Deuteronomy ; S. R. Driver. 1895 8". E. 1895-1901 Ephesians & Colossians; T- K. Abbott. 1897 Jude, see Peter & Jude ; C. Bigg, 1901. Judges ; G. P. Moore. 2'"'ed. 1898 Luke ; A. Plummer. 1896 Mark ; Ezra P. Gould. 1896 Peter & Jude; C. Bigg. 1901 Philemon, see Philippians it Philemon ; M. R. Vincent, 1897. Philippians & Philemon ; Marvin R. Vincent. 1897 Proverbs; C. H. Toy. 1899 Romans; W. Sanday & A. C. Headlam. 1895 , 3"i ed. 1898 Samuel ; Henry Preserved Smith. 1809 par les membres du rabbinat 1899 Esra, Nechemia, Ester ; v. E. Berthoau. Exodus u. Leviticus. 2* A. ; Neubearb. ^ Kahn (Z.) La Bible. Tr. fran^ais sous la dir. de K. tl, Pentateuqufi-Premiers proph^tes. [In prog.] Kurzgefasstes exeget. Hdbch. z. A.T. In 18d [12v tvaniing]. 8". var. d. 8". L. 1862 . A. Dillmann. 8». L. 1880 Ezechiel. Piir d. 2« A. ; erkliirt v. R. Sraend. 8». L. 1880 Genesis; v. A. Dillmann. 5' A. 8". L. 1886 Hiob ; Neubearb. v. A. Dillmann. 3' A. 8". L. 1869 Numeri, Dent., u. Josua ; v. Dillmann. 2' A. 8°. L. 1886 Lange (J. P.) Theolog.-homilet. Bibelwei'k. Hi'sg. v. L. Des Alt. Test., Tl, 5 [no mm-e publ.?] Des Neuen Test., Tl-16 [icants T16, Offcnbarung]. 8°. Bielefeld. 1861-5 Meyer (Heinr. Aug. W.) Krit. exeget. Kommentar iiber d. Neue Test. hrsg. H. A. W. M. 16 khl\i\g. bound in 6v. [i-arioused\] 8°. Gottingen. 1868-77 [a.c. Abthlg. 13, 4" A. 1878. For a neiv ed. of B/4, see Weiss (B.) D. drei Briefe d. Apostel Johannes, 1899]. 1, Matthaus. 1 ii, Markus u. Lukas. 2, Johajines. 3, Apostelgesch. 4, Riimer. 5, 6, Koriuther. 7, Galater. 8, Epheser. 9, Philipper, Kolosser, u. Philemon 10, Tliessalonicher; bearb. v. G. Liinemann. 11, Timotheus u. Titus ; bearb. v. J. E. Huther. 12, I Petrus, Judas, II Petrus ; bearb. v. J. E. Huther. 13, Hebrjier ; bearb. v. G. Liinemann. 14, Johannes (Briefe) ; bearb. v. J. E. Huther. 15, Jakobus ; bearb. v. J. E. Huther. 16, Offcnbarung Johannes ; bearb. v. P. Diisterdieck. Crit. it exeget. comm. on New Testament. Tr". rev. by W. P. Dickson & F. Crombie. 20v. [v2 of Matthew & Mark & Luke 2v wanting]. 8». E. 1873-95 Acts, 2v. Corinthians, 2v. Ephesians & Philemon, Iv. Gala- tians, Iv. Hebrews, [by G. Liinemiinyi], Iv. James & John (Eps.), [bij J. E. Huther], Iv. John (Gospel), 2v. Matthew, 2v. Pastoral Ep^., [&;/ ./. E. Huther], Iv. Peter it Jude, [bi/ J. E. Huther], Iv. PbiUppians it Colossians, Iv. Thessa- lonians, [by G. Liinetiiauu], Iv. Parallel B. (The) A.V. in par. columns w. Rev. V. Ia8". C. 1885 Pictorial Bible (The). Notes [by J. Kitto]. 4v. C. Knight d- Co. 1838-9 Polychrome Bible, [i.e. The sacred books of the 0. 'i ed. 1884 Chronicles. Exp. & Hom., P. C. Barker. 2v : I Chr. 1884 II Clir. 1890 Colossians. Exp. & Hom., G. G. Pindlay. [6. jc. Ephe- sians]. 1886 Corinthians. Exp., P. W. Farrar; Horn., D. Thomas. 2v: I Cor. 4"' ed. 1888 II Cor. 1885 Deuteronomy. Exp., W. L. Alexander; Horn,, C. C'le mance. 1882 BIBLE Bible [continued]. Complete Texts, Gen. Comins., Pulpit Commentary [contiimed]. Ecclesiastes. Exp., W. J. Deane ; Horn. T. AVhitelaw. 1893 Bphesians. E-xp. & Horn., W. Ct. Blaikie. 1886 Esther. Exp., G. Rawlinsob ; Horn., J. R. Thomaon. [h.w. Ezra]. 2"<'e ed. 1881 Habakknk. Exp., W. J. Deane; Hoin.,T. Whitelaw. [b ID. Nalimni. 1893 Haggai. Exp., W.J. Deane; Horn., T. Whitelaw. [b. w. Nahuni]. 1893 Hebrews. Exp., J. Barmby ; Horn., G. Jerdan. 2"" ed. 1887 Hosea. Intr., W. J. Deane; Exp & Horn., J. J. Given. ^ 1888 Isaiah. Exp. & Horn., G. Raw- linson. 2v. 20-i ed. 1887 James. Exp. & Horn., B. C. b. Gibson, [b. w. Hebrews]. 2"" ed. 1887 JerenUah. Exp., T. K. Cheyne ; Horn., W. P. Adeney. 2v. [vl, 2'"' ed.]. 1883-5 Job. Exp., G. Rawlinson; Honi., T. Whitelaw. 1891 Joel. Intl., W. J. Deane; Exp. & Horn., J. J. Given. [6. w. Hosea]. 1888 John (I. & II. Ep'.). Exp., A. Plummer; Horn., C. Cle- niance.[6.iy. Peter]. 2v. 1889 John (Gosp.) Exp., H. R. Reynolds; Horn., T. Cros- kery. 2v. 1888 Joshua. Intr., A. Plmimier ; Exp. & Horn., J. J. Lias. ^ 1881 Jude. Exp. & Horn., S. D. P. Salmond. [b. w. Peter]. 1889 Judges. Exp. & Horn., A. C. Hervey, bji. 1881 Kings. 2v : I Kings. Exp. & Horn., Jos. Hammond. 1881 II Kings. Exp. & Horn., G. Rawlinson. 1890 Lamentations. Exp., T. K. 131 BIBLE etc. [continued]. Cheyne; Horn., W. P. Adeney. [6. "'. Jeremiah, v2]. 1885 Leviticus. Intr»., R. CoUins, A. Cave ; Exp. & Horn., P. Meyrick. 1882 Luke. Exp., H. D. M. Spence ; Horn., J. M. Lang. 2v. 1889 Malachi. Exp., W. J. Deane ; Horn., E. S. Prout. [b. w. Nahum]. 1893 Mark. Exp., E. Bickersteth ; Hoin., J. R. Thomson. 2v. 1883 Matthew. Exp., A. L. Wil- liams [& v2, W. J. Deane] ; Horn., B. C. Caffin. 2v. 1894 Nahum. Exp., W. J. Deane ; Horn., T. Whitelaw. 1893 Neheniiah. Exp., G. Rawlin- son ; Hom., G.Wood, [h.w. Ezra]. 2"i ed. 1880 Numbers. Intr., T. Whitelaw ; Exp. & Hom., R. Winter- botham. 1881 Peter (I & II Ep».). Exp. & Horn., B. C. Caffin. 2v in 1. 1889 Philemon. Exp. & Hom., S. J. Bales. [6. tv. Thess.]. 1887 Pliihppians. Exp. & Horn., B. C. Caffin. [b. w. Bphe- sians]. 1886 Proverbs. Exp., W. 3. Deane & S. T. Taylor-Taswell ; Hom., W. P. Adeney. 1891 Revelation. Intr., T. Randell ; Exp., A. Plummer, T. Ran- dell, A. T. Bott; Horn., C. Clemance. 1890 Romans. Exp., J. Barmby; Hom., J. R. Thomson. 1890 Ruth. Exp. & Hom., J. Mori- son, [b. w. Judges]. 1881 Samuel. Exp., R. Payne Smith ; Horn., C. Chapman. "l Sam. S'l ed. 1881 II Sam. 1888 Song of Solomon. Exp., R. A. Redford ; Hom., B. C. Cat- fin. [6. w. Eccles.]. 1893 Thessalonians (I & II) Exp. & Horn., P. J. Gloag. 2p. in Iv. 1887 Timothy (I & II). Exp. & Hom., A. C. Hervey, bp. [b. w. Thess.]. 1887 Titus. Exp. & Horn., A. C. Hervey, bi>. [b. w. Thess.]. 1887 Zechariah. Exp., W. J. Deane ; Hom., W. S. Lewis. [6. w. Nahum]. 1893 Zephaniah. Exp., W. J. Deane; Hom., S. D. Hill- man. [6. w. Nahum]. 1893 Eeuss(Ea.) La Bible. Tv- nouv., avec inti^. *Jomm..^_P^^^^ A.T., 7p in 9t [p2, 3 have 2t]. , N.T., 6p in .5t [p3 has 21 in 1 : p4 * 5 are in It]. Table akn. des matiSres. It. , . Scott (Thomas). The Holy Bible. With notes e c. by T Scott. 3v in 8 divisions, n. ed. 4". 1841 Sharne (S.) The Hebrew Scriptures, tr. S. S. bhaipe \a.) x r _^^ ^^^ toantingl s8<>. 1865 The Holy B. Tr. S. A revision of the A.V. 8". 1881 Speaker's Commentary. rcc „,i,<„.'o Pnmml The H B., .'i..V. : w. crit. comm. etc. 12vin ^' fl >.ii] ox; 6'i"^; ^'T- ^v.: ed. p. C.Cook. Ap<.ry^ phi, 2v. ; ed. H. AVace.] 1*8"- 18^1-88 Bible [continued]. Complete Texts, Gen. Commn., etc. [cuntimiud]. SlJeaker's Commentary [continued]. see KiiENEN (A.) Three notices of the " Speaker's Commen- tary," tr., 1878. Sth.^nge (T. L.) The S.'s Comm. reviewed, 1871. Student's Commentary, founded on the Speaker's Corura., abr. Aed. by J. M. Fuller, (jv. [O.T., 4v ; N.T., 2vJ. s8". 187y-87 Wielif (J ) The H. B., w. apoc. bks., in earliest Eng. vers, by Wvcliffe & h. followers. Ed. J. Forshall * Sir F. Madden. •' 4v. 4". 0. 1850 Wordsworth (Chr.) The Holy Bible, in A.V. With notes by W. Old Test. 6v in 11. [Wants v2, i]. [1, 2, 3, 5, n. ed.]. Ia8". 1870-85 1 i, ii, Gen.-Deut., 2v. 2, i, Josh.-Ruth, Iv. 2, ii, Sam., Iv. 3 Kings-Esther, Iv. 4, i, ii, iii, Job-Song of Solomon, Iv. 5, i, ii, Isaiah-Ezekiel, 2v. 6, i, ii, iii, Daniel, Minor Prophets, & Index [btj F. H. Scriuener], 3v. Zunz (Dr.) Die 24 Biicher d. Heiligen Schrift. Nacb d. masoret. Texte. Unter Bed. v. Z. ubers. 8" Abdruck d. A. v. 1837. 8". 1863 see Abbott (T. K.) Essays, chiefly on the orig. texts of 0. & N. T»., 1891. AiBEBTUs, Magnus. Opera, 1890-1900 [cont\ Comm". on many hks.] „ Anderson (C.) Annals of the Eng. B., 1845. Anglo-Americ.\n Bible revision ; by members of the Amer. Committee, 1879. Akbuthnot (F. F.) Construction of the B. & the Koran, n.d. Abisteas. a. ad • Philocrateni, cum ceteris de orig. versionis LXX interpretum testimoniis, 1900. „ Aehstbong (G.) Names & places in 0. & N.T., * -^poo., w. modern identifications, [Pal. Explor. Fund], 2'"' ed., 1895. ^ , , Arnold (M.) Literature & Dogma, 1873, £ o. cdd. God & the B. : review of objections to " Lit. & D.," 1875; 1884. BiHEiNG (B.) Bunsen's Bibelwerk, 1861. " Behnsch (O.) Was verstehen d. bibl. Sohriftsteller unter "Soiin Gottes " •? 1846. Beke (C. T.) OriginesBiblieiB, vl [»io more ^itoi.], 1834. Bennett (W. H.) & W. F. Adeney. Biblical introd. : O.T., " byB.; N.T., by A., 1899. Beechobius (P.) Opera: s. Reductormm etc. utnusque Test., 1730-1. . T, ,. . -D Beeg (J. F.) Discussion on origin etc. of B., betw. Berg ed., 1812. Oriental lit. : illust. of the Scriptures, 1822. " BuRGON (J. W.) The revision revised ; added, reply to EUieott, 1883. K 2 BIBLE 132 BIBLE Bible [conlim(P(l]. Complete Texts, Gen. Conams., etc. [contiiuicil], see BcxTON (Mrs. S.) Side lights upon B. hist., 1892. „ Calmet (A.) Comni. .sur tous les livres (le I'A. & (lu N.T., 1724-0. „ Cakter (Eliz.) Mem'. ; added, h. notes on the B. etc., 3'" ed., 181G. „ Cextones. [Homero-centrones ; Hoinero-centra]. „ Chaljiehs (T.) Mod. science nhl.], 1800. ,, Geiger (A.) Urschrift u. Ubersetzungen d. B. etc., 1857. „ Geikie (.1. C.) The Holy Land * the B.; Scripture iUusf. gathered in Palestine, 1887. „ Hours w. the B., vl-6 [cmnpleting the O.T. ; no more publ.'], 1881-5. „ Gibson (M. D.) How the Codex was found, 1893. „ GiLEiLi.AX (G.) Bards of the B., 1851. „ GiNsDURG (C. D.) Intr. to Masoretico-critical ed. of the Hebrew B., 1897. „ Glalpstoxi; (W. E.) The impregnable rock of Scripture, 1890. „ GoDET (F.) Etudes bibliques, 2s, [si, 2' ed.], 1873-4. „ GouLBCEN (E. M.) Intr. to devotional study of the Scr., 7"" ed., 1864 ; 10"' ed., 1878. „ Gray (R.), bp. Connection betw. the sacred writings iSr the lit. of .Jewish * heathen authors, 1816; 2'"' ed., 1819. „ Key to O.T.. & Apocr^'pha. 6"" ed., 1811 ; [added, key to X.T., by T. Percy, 18421. ,, Griffith (T.) Behind the veil : B. metaphysics comp. w. anc. & mod. thought, 1876. „ Groser (W. H.) Trees A- plants in the B., 1888. „ Hannah (J.) Relation betw. divine & human elements in Scripture, 1863. ,, Hare (F.), bp., Difficulties etc. wh. attend study of the S., 14"' ed., 1866. „ Har.mer (T.) Obs. on passages of S., 5"' ed., w. add', by A. Clarke, 1816. „ Harper (H. A.) The B. & modern discoveries, 3'" ed., 1890. „ Harris (J. R.) Codex Bezse, a study, [Texts it studies, v2], 1891. „ H.\sE (T.) * C. Iken, edd.. Thesaurus novus, s. sylloge disserf". ad select. Y. it N. Instrumenti loca, 1732. „ Hatch (E.) Essays in Biblical Greek, 1889. „ H.\THERLEV (W. P. W., baron) Continuity of S., 1867. „ Hawkins (W.) Discourses on S. mysteries, 1787. „ HiGGiNs (G.) On the corruption of the Xtn. Scriptures etc., 1857. „ HiLPRECHT (H. V.) ed.. Recent research in B. lands, 1897. „ Hogarth (D. G.) cd.. Authority it archasology : essays [6] on the rel. of monuments to Bibl. etc. literature, 1899. „ Holbein (H.) Dance of death, w. H.'s Bible cuts, 1872. „ Holborow (A.) Evolution it Scripture, 1892. „ Hooker (J.) The B. it women's suffrage, 1877. „ Hoene (T. H.) Intr. to crit. study & knowledge of the S., 8'" ed., 1839. „ Landscape illusts. of the B., w. descr'., 1836. „ HOETOX (R. F.) Inspiration it the Bible, 1888. „ Revelation it the B. ; attempt at reconstruction, 1892. „ Ikons (W. J.) The Bible & its intei-preters, its miracles * prophecies, 2"" ed., 1869. „ Jacobs (J.) Studies in Biblical archieology, 1894. ,, Jacolliot (L.) La B. dans I'lnde : vie de lezeus Christna, 1869. „ Jahn (J.) Areha'ologia Biblica. tr., 3"' ed., 1836 ; 4"' ed., 1839. „ KU.ISCH (M. M.) Bible studies, 1877-8. „ Kehrein (J.) Zur Gesch. d. deutschen Bibeliibersetzung vor Luther, 1851. „ Kenyon (F. G.) ed.. Facsimiles of Biblical MSS. in Brit. Museum. 1900. „ Our B. * the MSS. : hist, of text it its tr., 1895 ; 2'"' ed., 1896. „ KixNS (S.) Graven in the rock : accuracy of B. confirmed by Assyr. & Egypt, mon'., 1891. „ Kirk (J.) Age of man in its bearing on the B., 1866. „ KiEKUS (W.) Orthodoxy, Scripture, it reason, 1865. „ KiTTO (J.) ed., Cyclopa;dia of Biblical lit., 1845. „ Scripture lands, descr., & illust. by a Bibhcal atlas, 1850. „ KtiENEN (A.) Gesammelte Abhdlgn. z. bibl. Wissenschaft, iibers., 1894. BIBLE 133 BIBLE Bible [continued]. Complete Texts, Gen. Comms., etc. [continued]. see Lange (J. P.) Theolog.-liomilet. Bibelwerk, 1861-5. „ Lapide (Coknelius a) [Latin Commentary on the wlioleB., except Job £ Psalms, in /.; sy). divisions, of var. ed'., Ifi3l-I~l l~i, without collective title]. „ The Great Comnientary of L., tr. [in prog.], 1876 etc. „ Memoiiale pifedicatorum, s. synopsis comm"™"'. C. a L., auct. .1. M. Peioune, 1863. „ Lee (W.) D.D., The inspiration of Scriptiu-e. its nature & proof, 4'" ed., 1865. „ Leiuh (E.) Critica sacra, eil. 3", oui ace. prodromus in voces Clialilaieas V.T., a .J. Heeser, 16i)6. „ Lelanh (.J.) D.D., Divine authority of O. * N.T. asserted, 1739-40. „ Lenokjunt (F.) Les orig. de I'hist. d'ap. la Bible etc., 1880-4. „ Lewis (John) Hist, of the sev. tr'. of the B. * N.T. into Eng., both MS. ci' in print, 2'"' ed., 1739. „ Lias (J. .J.) Principles of Biblical criticism, 1893. „ LiGHTFOOT (.1. B.), bp.. Biblical essays, 1893. ,, Litton (E. A.) Guide to study of Scripture, 1871. „ Llewelyn (T.) Acc. of Welsh versions, w. the ded. pref. to first impressions, 1768. „ Lofiie (W. .J.) A century of Bibles : the A.V., 1611-1711 etc., 1872. ,, Lowth (W.) Directions for reading the Scriptures, 4"" ed., 1735. „ LuTZ (.1. L. S.| Bibl. Hermeneutik, 1849. „ M.VC5IILLAN (H.) B. teachings in nature, S'"" ed., 1869. „ The Sabbath of the fields, 1876. „ Madden (F. W.) Jewish coinage in O. A- N. T., 1864. „ Malan (S. C.) Vindication of the A.V., 1856. „ Maksh (H.), bji.. Hist, of the tr". of the Scriptures, 1812. „ Lect*. on crit™. ia Biblica et Ecclesiastica : by members of U. of Oxford, vl-4, 1885-90. SwEDKNr.oRG (E.) Dicta probantia V. * N. Test., 1845. Index Biblicus. l,s5o£. 1827 8". [Londini]. 1860 Expo&itois B., etc., see !«?i(ffr Bible : [New Testament]. Amhaeic. Psalteriuui. Amos. For ed-. in Camb. B.. Compl. texts, etc. see Bacr (G.) A., 1847. An(;lo-Saxon & Gothic. The Gothic it A.-Saxou Gospels in par. columns, w. the ver- sions of Wycliflfe tV Tyndale ; w. notes bv J. Bosworth [&} G. Waring. " 8". 1865 Henshall (S.) Gothic Gospel of M., f. Codex Argenteus : w. the Saxon f. the Durham Book ; a lit. Eng. lesson of each, etc. : by H. Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian. Luke. Mark. Anglo-Saxon. Northumbrian. 8". 1807 Ed. W. ^^■. Skeat. 4". C. 1874 Ed. W. W. Skeat. 4". C. 1871 Matthew. Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, Mercian. Ed. W. W. Skeat. new ed. 4". C. 1887 Quatuor evang. vers, perantiqute dua\ Gothica scil. A Anglo- Saxon ; illam ex cod. Argenteo depromp.^it F. Junius, banc cur. T. Mareschallus, cujus obs. in utramque vers, subnect. Ace. glossarium Gothiciun. cui pream. alphabetum Goth., Runic, etc.. opera F. Junii. In 2t. 4". AmsteUedami. 1684 BIBLE 135 BIBLE Bible [contintied]. Anglo-Saxon & Gothic [continuetl]. Sac. Evang. vers. Gothica, cum interp. Lat. & annot. Benzelii. Ed., gramm. Goth, pruf., etc. E. Lye. 4". O. 1750 Stevenson (.1.) *Anglo-Saxon [Lindisfarne]
  • . 1897 Short grammar of Bulgarian. s8". 1897 Simplified gi-ammar of Serbian. sS". 1887 Slavonic lit. [The dawn of Euroi)ean Ut.] . s8». 1883 Grammar of Bohemian or Cech. s8'. 0. 1899 Grammar of Russian. s8". O. 1889 A hist, of Russia; f. b. of Peter the Gt. to d. of Alexander II. sS". 1902 Poland. [Story of the Nations]. sS". 1893 Russia. [Foreign countries & Brit, colonies]. s8". 1880 ■ Morga (Antonio de). The Philippine I'., Moluccas, Siam, Cam- bodia, Japan, China, at clo.se of 16"' c. Tr., w. notes, & letter f. L. Vaez de Torres, describing h. voyage through Torres Straits, byHon. H.E.J. Stanley. [Hakluyt Soc, 39]. 8". 1868 Morgan, The family of, see Morgan (G. B.) Hist. * genealog. mems. of the M. f., as repres. by Baron Tredegar, vl, 1891. Morgan {Lady), noi-elist, see Morgan (Sydney), Lady Morgan. Morgan (Aaron), sec Concanen (M.) & A. M., Hist. etc. of St. Saviour's, Southwark, 1795. The springs of conduct : evolution. Water it its teachings. see CoMPTON (T.i A valley ; w. chap. geolog. hist, of the Mendips bv M., 1892. essay in i8". 1885 i8o. 1882 Mendip on the Morgan (Appleton), see Morgan (J. A.) Morgan (Augustus de), see De MoRriAN (.\.) Morgan (C. Lloyd). Animal behaviour. 8». 1900 Animal life & intelligence. 8». 1890/1 Animal sketches. s8'>. [1891] Habit & instinct. 8". 1890 Intr. to comp. psychology. s8". 1894 Psychology for teachers. 2'"i ed. sS". [1894] Morgan (C. Octavius S.) Goldcliff & the Roman inscribed stone found there. 1878, w. o. papers by M. [Monmouthshire & Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. P406]. laS". Newport. 1882 & T. Wakeman. Notes on the anc. residences of Pentre- Bach, Crick, Ty-Mawr, the Gam, Crindau, & St. Julian's. [Monmouthshire & Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. P406]. Ia8". Newport. 1860 & Notes on the anc. residences of Tre-Owen, Killwch, & the Waen. [Monmouthshire ct Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. P406]. Ia8'. Newport. 1861 & Notes on the eocles. remains at Runston, Sudbrook, Dinham, & Llan-Bedr. [Monmouthshire * Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. P406]. Ia8". Newport. 1858 & Notes on Wentwood, Castle Troggy, * Llanvair Castle. [Monmouthshire & Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. P406]. Ia8'. Newport. 1863 & Notices of Pencoyd Castle & Langstone. [Monmouth- shire & Caerleon Antiq. Assoc. P406]. Ia8 '. Newport. 1864 Morgan (Czesar). The trinity of Plato & of Philo Ju(l;t;us. 8". C. 1853 Morgan (D. T.), tr.. Hymns &o. poetry of the Latin Church, tr. ; arr. ace. to Calendar of Ch. of England. 88". 1880 Morgan (Edward Delmar) & C. H. Coote, edd. Early voyages & travels to Russia it Persia by A. Jenkinson it o. Englishmen ; w. aco. of first intercourse of the English w. Russia it C. Asia by the Caspian. 2v, [pagin. cont. Hakluyt Soc, 72, 73.] 8". 1886 Morgan (Francis Henry). The Prior of Gysebume. sS". Saltburn-by-the-Sea. 1887 Morgan (George Blacker). The endowed charities of Mon- mouthshire. [P387]. 8". p.p. 1885 Hist, it genealog. mems. of the Morgan family as repres. in the peerage by Baron Tredegar, vl, [no more has app' .] i>\p:p. 1891 *The titular barony of Clavering': its origin in the Norman house etc. illustrated f. the Public Records. 4". p.p. 1891 see *Genealogica curiosa, ed. M., no*. 1-3 [no more have app''.], 1885. Morgan (Sir Henry), see Buccaneers. *Hist. of the B'., tr., S'" ed., 1704. Morgan (Henry James), see "Canadian men & women of the time, 1898. Morgan (J.), gent., ed.. Phoenix Britannicus : being a misc. coll. of scarce it curious tracts. vl, [no tnore publ.]. 4". 1732 Morgan (J, Appleton). Shakespeare in fact & in criticism. s8'\ N.Y. 1888 The Shakespearean myth. 58". Cincinnati. 1881 see ScHippER (L.) Shakespeare u. dessen Gegner, M. etc., 1895. Morgan (Jacques de). Mission scientif. au Caucase : et'. ar- chi5olog. it hist. 2t. laS". 1889 Mission scientif. en Perse. tl, 2 ; 3, ii ; 4, i, ii. 4 '. 1894-7 1, 2, Etudes gSograph. S, Etudes geolog. : p2, palSontologie, par G. Cotteau, V. Gautier, H. DouviUe. 4, Recherches archeolog., pi, 2. Cartes [4] des rives m6rid. Kurdistan, du Moukri it de I'Elam. Recherches sur les orig. de I'Egypte. [1], L'age de la pierre ct les m^taux [2], Ethnographic prehist. & tombeau royal de N^gadah, par M., avec collab. see Delegation en Perse : Mfm". publ. sous la dir. de M., in I'rog., 1900etc. U. Bouriant, & G. Legrain. Les canieres de PtoUmais, st'i' Mission Arch. Fr. An Caire, t8. Morgan (James F.) England under the Norman occupation. s8'\ 1858 Morgan (John). Hastings, by camera it in canto. 8°. Hastings. 1897 de la Mer Caspienne, du fol. 1895 2t. Ia8". 1896-7 MORGAN 1024 MORISON Morgan (John Edward). Danger of deterioration of race from great cities. s8". 1866 University Oars, 1829-69. s8". 1873 Morgan (John Lloyd). Life of Rev. W. Morgan ; w. sermons. s8". 1886 Morgan (John Minter). The Christian commonwealth, fol. 184-5 *Hampdeii in the 19"' c. ; or colloquies on the errors & improve- ments of society. 2v. 8". 1834 „ CJolloqnies on religion. Suppl. to " Hampden etc." 8°. 1837 Letters to a clergyman on institutions for ameliorating the con- dition of the people. s8". 1846 *The revolt of the bees. 2"'' ed. s8>'. 1828 The triumph, or the coming age of Xty. : sel'. f. authors, rehg. &philosoph. s8". 18.51 Morgan (Joseph), misc. writer. Hist, of Algiers; pref., gen. hist, of Barbary. 4". 1731 Morgan (Lewis Henry). The American beaver & h. works. 8". Philadelphia. 1868 Ancient society. 8". 1877 Systems of consanguinity * aiSnity of the human family. [S. C. to Knowledge, 17]. 4". 1870 Morgan (Maurice), sec Morgans (M.) Morgan CSicholeiS), phrenologist. Phrenology. s8^'. 1871 Morgan (Octavius), see Morgan (C. 0. S.) Morgan (Richard Williams). Xty. & modern infidelity. s8". 1854 Notes on distinctive verities of the Xtn. Church. 8". 1849 Morgan {Mrs. S. E. de), see De Morgan {Mrs. S. E.) Morgan (Sydney), Lady Morgan, wife of Sir T. C. Morgan. [tOwENSox (S.) aft. Morgan]. Florence Macarthy. Meras. : autobr., diai-ies & corr. iv. 3'-'' ed. sS". 1.S19 [Ed. W. H. Dixon]. , s8». n.a. 2v. 8". 1862 Ital'v ' 3v. sS". Paris. 1821 The O'Briens &the O'Flahertys. •*■ o J Qo 1C11 4v in 2. s8». Paris. 1828 8v. n. ed. 8 . 18-1 o'Donnel. rev. ed. s8o. [1835] Letter to Card. Wiaemau, m Passages from my autobio- ans. to h. "Remarks on Lady t^raphy. 8". 1859 M.'s statements." tj^^ ^jj^ j^i^jj ^^ 3g„ ^gjg [P156]. 8". 1851 Woman & her master. Life & times of Salvator Rosa. 2v. S80. 1840 2v. 8". 1824 I see FiTZPATRicKiW. J.) M., h. * „ „ 2v, s8''. Paris. 1824 I career etc., 1860. Morgan (Sir Thomas), see Souers (J. S., haron). CoU. of • tracts. Morgan (Thomas), M.D., pJdlosophical tvriter. A coll. of tracts rel. to private judgment etc., occas. by the trinitarian controversy. Revised, w. pref. [P464]. 8". [1726] *The moral philosopher : dialogue betw. Philalethes, Xtn. deist, & Theophanes, Xtn. .Jew. 3v. 8». 1737-40 vl. 2°<' ed. 8". 1738 see Lelasd (J.) Divine authority etc. ; w. vindic. of Xt. etc. agst. [M.'s] " Moral philosopher," 1739-40. „ Warburton (W.) bp. *Brief exam, of Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses, [by M. ?], 1742. Morgan (Vaughan). Not in Society. Ed. J. Hatton. 38". 1868 Morgan (Walter) ps., sec Meding (0.) Morgan (William), F.B.S. Exam, of Crawford's theory of heat. [P52]. 8". 1781 Facts, resp. the expence of the war, & state of the National Debt. [P316]. S'" ed. 8°. 1796 „ Addit. facts resp. the expence etc. [P316]. 80. 1796 Morgan (William), pro/, of Theology at Carmarthen, see MoRGAX (J. Ll.) Life of W. M., 1886. Morgan (William Edward Thomas), see Skeat (W. Vf.) ed., Orig. gloss'. : Radnorshire words, by M., 1881. Morgann (Maurice). *An essay on the dramatic character of Sir John Falstafl. [b.w. Whiter (W.) specimen, 1794]. S80. 1776 n. ed. 8°. 1825 *Morgante Maggiore (II), see Polci (L.) *Morgenstunden des Konigs von Sr., sec '"Matinees (Les) royales. Morhain (C.) De I'empire aUemand : sa constitution, s. administration. Ia8". 1886 Morhof (Daniel (Jeorg). Polyhistor literarius, philosoph. & practicus. 3t in 2. [t^i, 3 Imve pagin. cotit.] 4* ed. 4'. Lubecffi. 1747 Mori (Ascanio de'), see De' Mori (A.) Mori (Lod.) La Cinthia, ovvero gli amanti cangiati. [P819]. 38". Venetia. 1612 Moriarty (Gerald P.) Dean Swift & h. writings. sS". 18ii3 Morice, see also Maurice, Morris. Morice (Burton). '*Essay towards hist, of the Jurisdiction of the Marshalsea; subj., ace. of the Court of the Palace of the King at Westminster. [P142J. 8'. 1812 Morice (Charles). La htt. de tout a I'heure. 58". 1889 Morice (Emile), see Langle (J. a. F.) L'historial du jongleur, par L. A- M., 1829. Morice (Francis David). Pindar. [Anc. class.]. sS". E. 1879 Morice (P. Hyacinthe) [Morice de Beaubois], see Lobineac (G. A.) Vies des saints de Bretagne : t6, L'(5ghse de Bretagne, publ. d'ap. les mat^riaux de M. de B., par Tresvaux, n. ed., 1836-9. Morier (David K.) The basis of morality. [P34.5]. s8'. 1869 Morier (James J.) ''The adv. of Hajji Baba of Ispahan. 3v. 2"" ed. s8". 1824 Rev""., etc. 38". 1835 „ Intr. by Hon. G. Curzon. s8». 1895 Ed. C. J. Wills. Ia8". 1897 ''The adv. of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, in Eng. ReV., etc. s8 '. 1835 .. s8''. 1850 '*Ayesha, the Maid of Kars. sS". 1846 Journey through Persia, Armenia, & Asia Minor, to Constanti- nople, 1808-9 ; includ. ace. of mission under Sir Harford Jones, to the K. of Persia. 4". 1812 *Martin Toutrond ; a Frenchman in London, 1831. s8». 1849 The Mirza. 3v. s8<'. 1841 Second journey through Persia, Armenia, & Asia Minor, to Constantinople, 1810-16 ; w. voyage by the Brazils & Bombay to the Persian Gulf, [&] ace. of the embassy under Sir G. Ouseley. 4". 1818 ''Zohrab the hostage. 3v. s8". 1832 S8". 1836 Morigia (Bonincontrus). Chronicon Modoetiense ad 1349, see MuRATOiu (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl2. Morikofer (J. C.) Bilder aus d. kirchl. Leben d. Schweiz. s8». L. 1864 Die schweizer. Lit. d. 18. Jhdts. 8°. L. 1861 Morillot (Paul). Le roman en France dep. 1610. s8". [1892] Morimbeau (Durand-) [ps. H. DesHoux], see Des Houx {H.)ps. Morin (Arthur J.) Salubrite des habitations : Manuel du chauffage & de la ventilation. S". 1868 Morin (Frederic), essayist. Diet, de philosophic et de theologie scolastique, sec Migne (J. P.) Encyclop^die S3 xxi, xxii. Politique A- philosophic. s8". 1876 Morin (Jean), tlicologian. Comm. de sacris Ecclesiae ordina- tionibus, etc. Ace. Symeonis Thessalon. aep'. de sacramento ordinis ; Auxilii de ordinationibus Formosi Papse non iterandis ; Cophticarum ordinationum exemplar, etc. etc. ed. nova. fol. Antverpise. 1695 see Antiquitates Ecclesi.e Orient., J. M'. etc. dissert, enu- cleataB ; prief. est M'. vita, 1682. Morin (Jean Baptiste). Astrologia Gallica principiis et rationibus propriis stabilita. fol. Hagte-Comitum. 1661 Morins (Ricardus de),s<;c Dunstable. Chron., s.annales priora- tusde V). [the earlier portion of wh., l-li4l,is by M.], var. ed\ Moris (Henri), see Krebs (L.) & H. M., Campagnes dans les Alpes, (1792-3), 1891. Morison, see also Morrison, Murison. Morison (Fynes), see Moryson (F.) Morison (James), D.D., of Glasgoio. Crit. expos, of 3"" chap. of Romans. 8"- 1866 Pract. coiiiin. on Matthew. n. ed. 80. 1883 Morison (James Cotter). Gibbon. [Eng. Men of Letters]. s8o. 1878 Life & tunes of St. Bernard, 1091-1153. 8°. 1863 n. ed. s8". 1868 Macaulay. [Eng. Men of Letters]. 38°. 1882 The service of man : essay towards the religion of the future. 8". 1887 4"'ed. s8". 1889 Morison (Jeanie) [i.e. Mrs. Jean Morison Campbell]. Jiolus. sS". E. 1892 Of " Fitine at the fair," " Chi'istmas Eve & Easter Day," i o. of Browning's poems. s8". E. 1892 Sels. f. poems of J. M. sS". E. 1890 Sordello ; outline analysis of Browning's poem. s8>. E. 1889 Morison (John), D.D., LL.D. Fathers & founders of the London Missionary Soc. ; w. sketch of Methodism A notices of sev. Protestant missions, 1556-1839. 2v. 8". [1840] MORISON 1025 MOROSINI Morison (K.) Origin A results of the clearing system on the narrow KiiugP railways. [P24(;]. 8'. 184() Morison (M.) Time table of mod. hist. (400-1870). Comp''. . [1879] Nests & eggs of Brit, birds. Rev. by W. B. Tegetmeier. 3v. 4«'>ed. Ia8». 1896 The Godavery district 8». 1878 2v. 8°. N.Y. 1900 80. [1891] s8". 1895 s8<'. 1885 s8o. 1868 1892 1891 " The 1859 Arabia to the Holy Land. Morris (Francis Orpen). All the articles of tlie Darwin faith. [P548J. s8". 1875 Hist, of Brit, birds. 6v. 2'"i ed. laS". 1870 Hist, of Brit, butterflies. S'l-ed. 4". 1895 Morris (Goiiverneur). *An answer to [/. Stephen's'] "War in disguise." [P48]. 8". N.Y. 1806 Diary A letters. Ed. A. C. Morris. 2v. 8". 1889 see Roosevelt (T.) M., 1891. „ Sparks (.Jared). Life of M., w. sels. f. h. corr. & misc. papers, 1832. Morris (Henry), Madras Civil Service. of Madras. Hist, of colonization. Morris (Isabel). A summer in Kieff. Morris (J.), of Japan. Advance Japan, Kotaka : a Samurai's daughter. Morris (James), M.D. Irritability. Morris (John), F.G.S. Cat. of British fossils. 8". 1843 & J. Lycett. Mollusca f. the Great Oolite. [Pala;ont. Soo.]. 2p. w. suppl. [by L.], in Iv. [pagiu. sep.]. 4". 1854 Morris (John), S.J. Catholic England in mod. times. Ia8". *The Catholics of York under Elizabeth. 8°. Re-issiie in sep. form of one of the three series of troubles of our Catholic forefatJiers." Life & martyrdom of Becket. 68". The troubles of our Catholic forefathers, rel. by themselves, 3s. 8". 1872-7 Two missionaries [W. Weston, A. Tyrrell] under Elizabeth. 8". 1891 Orig". formed s3 of " Tlie troubles etc." see Gerard (J.) Narrative etc., w. life by M., 1871 ; 3'^ ed., w. t. Life of G., by M., 1881. „ Rerr {Mother H. M. E.) Life of K., ed. M., 2'" ed., 1887. „ Pollen- (J. H.) Life * letters of M., (1826-93), 1896. Morris (John E.), M.A. The Welsh wars of Edward I. Ia8". O. lyoi Morris (Joseph William). Milton; a vindication, spec. f. Arianisni. s8°. 1862 I sS". 1877 4". 1879 s8°. 1879 S8". 1886 s8". 1901 s8". 1896 s8». 1880 Songs of Britain. s8". 1887 *Songs of two worlds. By a new writer. 8s, [1, 2, 2">. 1901 see Badminton Lib. : Hunting, by the Duke of Beaufort, M., etc. Morris (Peter) j;s., see Lockhabt (J. G.) Morris (Richard), LL.D. Early Eng. alliterative poems in West-Midland dialect of 14"" c. From a MS. in Brit. Museum ; w. intr., notes, & gloss, index. [E.E.T.S., 1]. 8". 1864 Hist, outlines of Eng. accidence. s8°. 1872 S^ied. s8". 1873 S8-. 1895 Legends of the Holy Rood ; Symbols of the Passion & Cross- poems, ll"", 14"', 15"' c". With intr., tr'., & gloss, index, by M. [E.E.T.S., 46]. 8". 1871 Old Eng. homihes & homiletic treatises. With intr., tr., A notes. [E.E.T.S., 34, 53]. 2s. 8". 1868-73 An old Eng. miscellany : contg. a bestiary, Kentish sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, relig. poems of 13"' c. With intr. A index of words. [E.E.T.S., 49]. 8'^. 1872 On survival of Early Eng. words in our dialects. [Eng. Dialect Soc, H. Notp.]. 8". [1876] Specimens of early English, 1250-1400. sS". 0. 1867 „ „ pi, 1150-1300. n. * rev. ed., by R. M. s8". 0. 1882 „ „ p2, 1298-1393. n. & rev. ed., by R. M., & W. W. Skeat. s8". 0. 1872 Story of Genesis A Exodus : an early Eng. song, ab. 1250. Intr. notes & gloss, by M. [E.E.T.S., 7]. 8". 1865 see *Blickling Homilies, 1880. „ Chaucer (G.) Poet. Wks. with mem. by Sir H. Nicolas [ed. Morris] 1866. „ *CUKS0R MUXDI, 1874-93. ,, *Miscellanies by var. writers, [Eng. Dialect Soc] : I, On survival of Early Eng. words in our dialects, by M. Morris (Robert), of Philadelphia, see Sumner (W. G.) The Financier & Finances of the Amer. Revol., 1891. Morris (Rupert Hugh). Chester in the Plantagenet & Tudor reigns. Morris (William), ^oc<. Address, Birmingham Municipal School of Ai-t.'Feb. 21, 1894. 8". [1898] Architecture & history. &, Westminster Abbey. 8". [1900] Art & the beauty of the earth. 8". [1898] The defence of Guenevere & o. p. s8». 1858 „ &%". 1875 „ „ Repr. without alteration f. ed. 1858. s8». 1896 Dream of John Ball ; &, A king's lesson. s8". 1888 „ „ s8o. 1895 The Earthly Paradise. 4p. [p2,5<'>ed.]. s8". 1868-70 laS". [1893] Hopes & fears for art : 5 lects., 1878-81. s8». 1882 „ ... 4"' ed. s8». 1896 The House of the Wolfings, 8°. 1896 Life &■ death of Jason. 7'" ed. sS". 1889 „ „ ... O'l" ed. s8". 1897 Love is enough ; or the freeing of Pharamond. 8". 1873 „ „ ... 2°. of Troy, etc., in ans. to Bryant. [P7.52]. 4". 1800 Vindic. of Homer ct of anc. poets etc. who have recorded the siege of Troy, in ans. to Bryant. [P750]. 4". York. 1798 see Bryant (J.) Some obs. upon the vindic. of Homer etc. by M., 1799. Morrow (W. C.) The ape, the idiot, & o. people. sS". 1898 Bohemian Paris of to-day. From notes by E. Cucuel. 88". 1899 Mors (Roderyck) ;>.«., see Brinklow (H.) Morse (Edward Sylvester). Japanese homes & their surround- ings. [2'"' Eng. ed.] Ia8". 1888 Morse (John Torrey). Abraham Lincoln. 2v. s8». 1893 Benjamin Franklin. s8". Boston. 1890 John Quincy Adams. sS". Boston. 1890 Thomas Jeflt-rson. s8<>. E. 1886 see Holmes (O. W.) Life & let- ters ; by M., 1896. John Adams. 38". Boston. 1890 Denominational schools v. Board Morse (Thomas D. C.) schools. [P319]. s8". n.d. [/SJ.-J]. Morselli (Enrico). Critica e riforma del metodo in antropo- logia fondate sulle leggi statistiche e biologiche dei valori seriali. 8<'. Roma. 1880 Suicide. s8". 1881 Morse Stephens (Henry), see Stephens (H. M.) Morssheim (Johann v.) Spiegel des Regiments. Hrsg. v. K. Goedeke. [b. jo. Henry Julius, d. of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel, Schauspiele, 1855]. [Lit. V. in St., 37]. s8". St. 1856 Mort. *Mort (La) Aymeri de Narbonne, 1884, see Aymeri de Narbonne. *Mort (La) de Garin le Loh^rain, publ. 1846, see Gakik. Morte Arthur. *Morte (Le) Arthur. For all ed'. of Malory's " M. .4.," see Malory {Sir T.) *Morte Arthur, f. Harleian MS. 2252, ed. Furnivall, 1864, see Arthur, king etc. ♦Morte Arthure [by an unknown a. of I4"'-1S"' c], 1865, see Arthur, king etc. Mortality. *Coll. of the yearly Bills of M., 1759, see Bills of Mortality. Mortemer Chronicle. Ex chronico Mortui-Maris, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules. tl2, 14, 18, 23. *Mortgagee (The), [noveV], see *MEracASTER (The) ; &, The mort- gagee, 1838. Mortier (le marichal E. A. C. J.), due de Trevise, see Alo.m- bert {le cajy.) Campagne de 1805. Le corps d'arm6e aux ordres du m. M., 1897. Mortillet (Gabriel de). Formation de la nation franpaise. »\ 1897 Le prehistoriyue : antiquity de I'homme. s8". 1883 Le signe de la croix avant le christianisme. 8". 1866 Mortimer (Gilbert). Six hundred Robinson Crusoes ; or, the voyage of the Golden Fleece. sS". 1878 Mortimer (James), writer on chess, ed., Chess player's pocket- book. G'" ed. s8». [1890] Mortimer (Thomas), vice-consul for the Atistrian Netherlands. Every man his own broker. 8"> ed. s8". 1775 Mortimer (William Williams). Hist, of the Hundred of Wirral, w. sketch of the city & co. of Chester. 4". 1847 Mortimer-Ternaux (Louis). Hist, de la Terreur, 1792-4. 8t. 8". 1862-81 Morton (Edward), M.D. Travels in Russia, etc., 1827-29. 8". 1830 Morton (Edward John Chalmers). Astronomers. [Heroes of science]. s8''. [1882] Morton (Ifr.s. G. E.) [ICave (HARRrET), aft. Morton]. A trio of cousins. s8". [1891] Morton (James), B.D., vicar of Holbeach. Monastic annals of Teviotdale : hist. & antiqs. of the Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros, Drybuigh. 4". E. 1832 Morton (James Douglas, 4"' earl of), see Crawfurd (D.) Mems. of the affairs of Scotland, 3'' ed., to which is added, M.'s con- fession, 1767. Morton (cardinal John), see Budden (J.) Reverendiss. I. M. vita obitusque, 1007. see Mozley (T.) Henry VII, Prince Arthur & JI., [chromo- lithographs etc.], 1878. Morton (John C.) ed., Cyclopedia of agriculture. 2v. Ia8". Glasgow. 1851-5 Morton (John Lockhart). The resources of estates. Ia8". 1858 Morton (Margaret) ^is-i see 'History of M. M., by a contemp. [novel], 1878. Morton (Samuel George), see Nott (J. C.) Types of mankind, illust. by seb. f. ined. papers of M., 1854. Morton (William John Thomas). Calculous concretions in horse, ox, sheep, do^-. 8". 1844 Mortreuil (J. Anselme B.) ed.. Poesies provemjales, 16 et 17 si^c. 3t [t2. 3 wanting]. s8". Marseille. 1843 Mortuum Mare, see Mortemer. Morus (Henricus), see More (H.), D.D., the Plaionist. Morus (Thomas), see More {Sir T.) Morvan. see *Abbe (L') de M., 2' id., 1884. 3x2 MORVILLIER 1028 MOSS Morvillier (Jean de), bp. of Orleans, sec Bagcenault de Pu- CHKSSE (G.) M. : la politique fr. au 16' s., 2= M., 1870. Morwood (Vernon S.) Facts A phases of animal life. s8". 1882 Our gipsies. 8". 188.5 Moryson (Fynes). Hist, of Ireland, 1599-1603, w. short narra- tion of the state of the kingdom f. 1169, [*] descr". of Ireland. 2v. 8". D. 1735 A rcpr. of pJ, w. chap. 3 of Book ,J of p3, of M.'s" Ifiiieraii/." Itinerary. 3p in Iv. fol. 1617 see MoRLET (H.) ed., Ireland as descr. by M. etc., 1890. Mosaic. *Mosaic origin (The) of the Pentateuch, etc., 1864, see WAErXCTON (G.) *Mosaic Sabbath (The), 18.50, see hmtviLLE {Sir W.) Mosaique : anecdotes etc. eomiques, 1862, see M^nler (A.) Mosby (John Singleton), see Scott (John). Partisan life with M., 1S67. Moscheles (Charlotte). scv Men-delssohx (F.) Letters to I. & C. M., tr. 1888. „ Moscheles (I.) Aus Moscheles' Leben, hrsg. v. [C. M.], 1873. „ Life ; w. sel'. f. h. corr. etc. by [C. M.], 1873. Moscheles (Felix). Fragments of an autobiogi-aphy. 8". 1899 In Bohemia with Du Maurier. 8". [1896] Moscheles (Ignaz). Aus Moscheles' Leben. Naeh Briefen u. Tagebuchern hrsg. v. s. Frau. 2B. 8". L. 1873 Life of Moscheles, with sels. f. h. diaries & corr. by h. wife. Adapted by A. D. Coleridge. 2v. s8'\ 1873 see Mendelssohn (F.) Letters to I. & C. M., tr., 1888. „ Schlndleb (A.) Life of Beethoven, [tr.], ed. M.. 1841. Moschini ((Jiovanni Antonio). Letteratura veneziana del sec. 18 iino a' nostri giorni. 3t. s4". Venezia. 1806 ,, „ App., la quale puo servire di t4 : [i. w. t3]. s4". Venezia. 1808 Moschino, L'accademico, see *P.azzla (La) de' due veechi amanti [Ini '• .V. N., detto I'a. .V."], 1683. Moschopoulos (Emanuel) [M. Moschopdlus], see GREOomns, Corinthius. De dialectis ling. Grfficffi ; add. M. M. lib. de vocum passionibus, 1811. Moschas. For ed'. of Bion d: Moschus togetlier, see Bion. For ed'. or tr\ of 31. forming part of ed'. or tr'., of Theo- critus see Theocbitus. see Hesiod. H., tr. Elton ; M., by Fawkes, 1832. „ H., M. etc., tr. par Leconte de Lisle, 1869. „ *PoETa: bucolici * didactici M. etc. [Gr. £ Lai.], Parisiis, 1846. ,, Stanley (T.) Anacreon, Bion, M., w. o. tr'. (1651), n. ed., 1815. Moschus (Joannes) [1John, Moschus, called Eucrates]. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, 87, iii, J. M. „ ed., Pat. latina, t74. Moscovie. [see also Musco'st:]. *Eelation exacte etc. de la guerre entre la Moscovie et la Su4de, depuis 1740. 2p in Iv. s8°. Utrecht. 1742 Moscovite. *Doc. rel. au patriarcat m. (1589), tr., 1857, see Galitzis (le pr. A.) tr. Moscow. *Historica! ace. & descr. of M., by I. A. M. S., 1813, see Shlkowski (I. A. M.) Mose, hen Maimun, sec Maimoxides. Moselekatse, [Moselikatse], see Harris (Sir W. C.) Exped., 1836-7, through the territories of M., 1838. Moseley, see also Mosley, Mozley. Moseley (Henry). Astro-theology. 38". 1847 Mechanical principles of engineering A architecture. 8°. 1843 Mechanics applied to the arts, etc. 3"' ed. s8». 1847 Moseley (Henry Nottidge). Notes by a naturalist on the '• Challenger," 1872-6. 8o. 1879 Moseley (Joseph). Polit. elements. s8". 1852 Moseley (William), of Long BucTxhy. On translating etc. the Scriptures in Chinese. [P466]. 2°'' ed. 8". Coventry. [1830?] Moseley (William Willis). (Quantity & music of the Greek chorus. 8°. 0. 1847 Moselli (le cap. Alphonse). Ecole militaire de Belgique, avec annot. sur les 6coles milit. de France, de HoUande, & d'ltalie. 2' 6d. 4". Brux. 1869 Mosenthal (Julius de), see De Mosenthal. Moser (Andreas). Joseph Joachim, 1831-1899. Tr. L. Durham. 8". 1901 Moser (Grustav v.) Der Bibliothekar. [/" ed. aiyp. ISJS]. 2' A. sS". n.d. see L'Arbonqe (A.) & G. M., Der Registrator auf Eeisen, 1883. & A. L'Arronge. Papa hat's erlaubt. 13' A. s8". n.d. Moser (Heinrich) the younger. A travers I'Asie Centrale. 4". [1886] Miiser (Justus). Osnabriickische Gesehichte. 3T. 3' A. 8°. 1819-24 Patriotische Phantasien. 4T. 4' .^.. 8». 1820 Moses, of Choren. [M. Chobenensis ; M. vox Chorexe ; Mosfi Corenese ; MoisE de Corexe ; Moyse de Khoren]. M. C. hist. Armeniaca; lib. iii ; ace. ejusdem epitome geographiie. Prsef., de lit. ae versione sacra Armeniaca ; subj. app., qu.-e cont. epist. duas Armen., 1"", Corintbiorum ad Paulum, 2*'", Pauli ad Corinthios. Ed., Lat. vert. etc. Gul. & Geo., Gul. Whistonii filii. [Arm. <£ Lat.] 4". Loudini. 1736 Moses, tJie Lawgiver. *Sechste (Das) u. siebente Buch Mosis, d. i. : Mosis magische Geisterkunst. [6. w. Faust (J.) Magia etc., 1849]. s8". St. 1849 see Cabpenter (E.) M. : drama, 1875. „ Clemens, Romanns. Epist. ; Mosis assumptionis quae sup. add. A. Hilgenfeld, [Nov. Test, extra can., 1], 1866 ; Fed. 2"], 1876. ,, Gfroreb (A. F.) Proph. pseudepig. lat. versi : Liber de vita morte M., 1840. „ Ixgersoll (R. G.) Some mistakes of M., 5"' ed., 1880. ,, Lex Mosaica ; or the law of M. * the higher criticism, [14 essays by var. a'.], ed. R. V. French, 1894. „ RiEBM (E.) Die Gesetzgebung Mosis in Moab, 1854. „ Salvador (J.) Hist, des institutions de Moiae, 1828 ; 3° ed., 1862. Moses, hen Maimon ; [M., f. JIaimon; M., f. Majemon], see Maimoxides. Moses, ben Sheslieth. Comm. upon Jeremiah & Ezeqiel, w. tr. & notes, by S. R. Driver. s8". 1871 Moses Sephardi,ra66i, aft. Petrus Alfunsi, see A-LTOi!so, fabulist. Moses (Bernard). The establ'. of Spanish rule in America. sS". N.Y. 1898 Moses {Messrs. Elias) . 1883 Mosheh. Fur persons of ihis name see Moses. Mosheim (Johann Lorenz von) [J. L. Moshemius]. Conim'. on the aifairs of the Xtns. before Constantine. Tr. S. Tidal. 3v. 8<>. 1813-35 De rebus Xtnorum. ante Constantinum M. 4". Hclmstadii. 1753 Hist. Tartarorum ecclesiastica. 4". Helmstadi. 1741 Institutes of eecles. hist. New tr.,\v. notes, by J. Murdock. Ed., w. add'., by H. Soames. 4v. 8". 1841 2°" rev. ed. 4v. 8». 1850 An eecles. hist. Tr., w. notes, by A. Maclaine. 5v. [v1, 3 have /S.5S, by mistake.] 2°^ ed. 8". 1868 Mosilikatse, see Moselekatse. Moskowa (M. Ney, prbice de la), see Ney (le marichal M.) Mosler (N.), Pfarrer. Zur Gesch. d. Colibats, mit bes. Riick- sicht auf d. ersten christl. Jhdte. [P340]. 8°. Heidelberg. 1878 Mosley, see nho Moseley, Mozley. Mosley (Sir Oswald), -•""' bart. Nat. hist, of Tutbury. With fauna A flora of the district by E. Brown. Ia8». 1863 Moslicheddin Sadi, see Sa'di. Mosnier (Louis). Origines et d^veloppements de la grande Industrie en France du xv sitele. 8". 1898 Mosnier (S. M.) Les saints d'Auvergne. 2v. 8°. 1900 Mosquito Coast. Deseript. of the M. Kingdom in Amer., see Chlkchill. Voyages, v6. Moss (Charles), bjJ. of Oxford, see More (Hannah). *Statement of fai-ts rel. to H. M.'s schools, [by C. M. I], 3'" ed., 1801. Moss (Edward Lawton). Shores of the Polar Sea ; narrative of the Arctic Exped., 1875-6. lafol. 1878 Moss (John E. Edwards-), see Edwards-Moss. Moss (Joseph William). Manual of classical bibliog>. 2v. 2"'! ed. 8«. 1837 Moss (Michael). Seizure by the Japanese of M., & h. treat- ment by the Consul-General. [P204, 214]. 8<>. 1863 Moss (Robert), dean of Ely. Sermon before the Ld. Mayor, etc. [P255]. 34". 1706 Moss (Samuel). The English Land Laws. 8°. 1886 Moss (William George). Hist. A antiqs. of Hastings. 8". 1824 Hist. & antiqs. of S. Saviour, Southwark : engravings from drawings by M., hist., A- descx'. delineations by J. Nightingale. 4». 1818 MOSSE 1029 MOUNTAIN Mosse (Bartholomew), ^[.D. *Biograpli. mem. of M. [1'630]. 8". D. 1846 Mosseus, .■Kgifptius, see Maimonides. Mossman (Samuel). Gen. Gordon in China : the ■' Ever Vic- torious Army." sB'\ [187.5] .Iiipan. ■ s8o. 1880 New Japan ; its annals during tlie last 20 years. 8". 187.3 see Banistku (T.) Corr. resp. assumption by M. of sole author- ship of " Australia visited etc ," 1853. Mossman (Thomas Wimberley). Bishops by Act of I'arl. it Letters Patent: letter to F. G. Lee. [P331]. 8". 1877 Freedom for the Church of God : appeal to my High Church bri'lbren. [P331]. 8». 187G Mosso (Angelo). Fear. Tr. K. Lough & F. Kiesow. sS". 18!»0 Der Menscli auf d. Hochalpen. laS". L. 1899 La peur. Tr. P. H^ment. s8». 1880 Mossom (Robert), bp. of Derrij, see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. *Most true (A) A exact relation of that as honourable as unfor- tunate exped. of Kent, Essex, & Colchester, 16.50; [anoth.ed., 17.")0?], sec Cartek (M.) Mostyn (Sydney) ps.. sec Russell (W. Clark). Mot. *Mot (Un) sur la brochure [of La Gii^ronnUre] " L'emp. Napoleon III & I'Angleterre." [P158]. 8". 1858 *Mot (Un) sur I'ouvrage du niarq. de Custine "La Rus.sie etc.," piir un Russe, 1843, see Custine (le marq. A. de). Motets. *Recueil de m". fr. des 12''-^13'' s., 1881-3, see Raynaud (G.) ,',/. Motezuma, see Montezuma. 'Mother Bunch's closet, see Chap-books etc. si, no. 3, M. B.'s c. etc., 1H85. Mothers. *Mothers & daughters, 1834, see Gore (Mrs. C. F.) 'Mothers (The) of Kngland, 1843, sec Ellis (Mrs.) Motherwell (William). Minstrelsy : anc. A mod., w. notes etc. s4o. Glasgow. 1827 Poet, works. Mem. by J. M'Conechy. s8". Glasgow. 1847 Motier (Marie Jean P. K. Y. &.), marq. de Lafayette, see L vt'AVETTE (Ic gen.) Motier (Marie Madeleine), comtesse de La Fayette, see La Favktte {Mmc. de). Motive zu d. Entwurf e. deutschen Strafprozess-Ordnung, 1872, sec F]XTWURF. 'Motives (The) d- designs 1729, sec Vienna. Motley, sec also Mottley. Motley (John Lothrop). Causes of the Civil War in Amer. [P394]. sS". 1861 Corr. of M. Ed. G. W. Curtis. 2v. 8". 1889 Four questions for the people, at the Presidential election : address, 1868. [P236]. 8". Boston. 1868 Hist, of the United Netherlands, f. the death of Wm. the Silent to [1609]. 4v. 8». 1860-7 The t. of oi, 'i is " to the Synod of Dort." For the cause of the change see " Advertisement " to v3. „ „ 4v. n. ed. b8'>. 1875-6 Hist, de la foudation de la Republ. des Prov.-Unies. Tr. nouv., prec. d'iutr. parGuizot. 4t. 8". 1859-60 of the Vienna Alliance examined. Life & death of John of Barue- veld. With view of the causes etc. of the Thirty Years' War. 2v. 8». 1874 The rise of the Dutch Republic. Sv, [vl wonting]. 8". 1856 „ „ 3v. s8i'. 1858 „ „ ... 3v. n. ed. 8». 1864 ,, „ n. ed. s8». 1873 „ „ ... 3v. n. ed. s8<>. 1884 „ „ 8". 1894 „ ,, 3v. n. ed., w. biograph. intr. by M. D. Conway. s8". Bohn. 1896 The student's Motley : Rise of the Dutcli Republic. Con- densed, w. notes, sketch of the Dutch : 1584-1897), etc. by W. E. Griffis. s8». 1898 see Holmes (O. W.) M., a mem., 1878. Mott (Albert) [ps. A. J. Babbowcliffe]. Normanton. s8». 1862 Mott (Henry A.) Was man created ? »'. N.Y. 1880 Motteville (.!/»«'. de). [fLANOLois de Motteville (Fran9oise)]. Mems. de M. sur .\nne d'Autriche & sa cour. 4t. n. ed., avec annot. etc. par F. Riaux. s8». 1886 lanoth. cd.], see Michaud (J. F.) * J. Poujoulat. Nouv. coll., II, 10, 1850. [afwih. cd.]. see Petitot (C. B.) ed., Coll., II, 36-40, 1819. Mottie de La Fayette {le gi'n.), see Lafayette (le gin.) Mottley (John) [ps. Robert Seymour]. Hist, of Peter I. 3v. 8". 1739 see Cooke (Th.) & J. M., 'Penelope, 1728. „ Miller (Joe). J. M.'s jests, [compiled by J. Mottley], var. ed'. „ Stow (J.) Survey of London etc., by R. Seymour, being an improvement of Stow's etc., 1734. Mottu (F. A.), sec Rhine. 'Traveller's guide down the R.. printed for M., 1825. 'Motuum Britannicorum verax Cu.shi ex ipsis Joabi et oculati testis prototypis totus translatus. s8" Roterodami. 1647 Motz (Heinrich). Empfindung d. Naturschonheit bei d. Alten. b8». L. 1865 Mouat (Frederic John). Adventures & researches among the Andaman Islanders. 8". 1863 Trip to Reunion, Mauritius, Ceylon, their eligibility as sanitaria etc. Ia8>>. Calcutta. 1852 & H. S. Snell. Hospital construction '"' cari of ). Musical reminisc, cont. ace. of Italian opera in Eng., f. 1773. 4"" ed., cont. to pres. time, incl. the festival in Westminster Abbey. s8". 1834 Mounteney (T. J. Barclay De), see De Modnteney. Mounteney-Jephson (A. J.) Emin Pasha & the rebellion at the Equator. 8". 1890 Mountfleld (David). The Church & Nonconformists of 1662. [P80]. s8". 1861 On revision of Canons & Liturgy of Church of Eng. [P79l. s8''. 1860 Mountfort (William). Six plays. Prefix'd, some memoirs of M. 2v. s8". 1720 Mountmorres (Hervey Redmond Morres, Jnd visct.) Hist, of the princ. transactions of the Irish Pari., 1634-66. Prec, disc, on the anc. Pari', of that kingdom. 2v. 8". 1792 see *D.\NGER of the balance of Europe, tr. M., 1790. Mountnorris (George Annesley, J'"' carl of j. viscount Valentin. Voyages & travels to India, Cevlon, Ked Sea, Abyssinia, Egypt, 1802-6. 4v. [v4. Plates]. 4". 1809-11 see Robinson (F.) Refut. of Wellsted's attack on Lord Valen- tia's (now E. of Mt. N.) work upon the Red Sea, 1842. Mourad. For sultans etc. see MnB.\D. Mourant (A.), see Jersey. *Chroniques de J., dont I'aut. est inconnu, 1858. Mouravieif, [Mour.wiev]. Fw all persons of this name see Mukav'ev. Antonio Canal, dit le Canaletto. Ia8i>. 1894 ^8". 1893 laS". 1894 Cceurs en detresse. s8", Jeux paasionnes. 2"^ ed. s8". Passe le detroit: la vie et I'art a Londres. sS". 1895 1898 1901 de Paris : hist, de Taveuement 8". [1869] Publ. par le Moureau (Adrien) Les Moreau. Les Saint-Aubin. Mourey (Gabriel). Across the Channel (life & art in London). Tr. G. Latimer. 98». 1896 ; Les brisants. sS". 1896 i „ „ ... 2« ed. s8». 1896 I Mourin (Ernest). Les Comtes de la troisieme race. Mouskes (Philippe). Chronique riraee de P. M. baron de Reift'enberg. 2t. Suppl., It. [C. R. d'H. de Belg.]. 4". Brux. 1886-45 Description rimee des Saints-Lieux (1241), see Michelant (H.) & G. Raynaud. Itin^raires a Jerusalem, 1882. Hist, regum Franeorum, see Bouqoet (M.) Ree. des hist, des Gaules, t22. „ ,, [For anoth. ed.], sec Monumenta Germ. Hist., Ser., t26. Mouton (Eugene) [2W. M^HiNos]. Contes. sS". 1881 *Mouvement (Du) religieux en Angleterre, 1844, see Gandon (J.) Moiiy (,1c etc. Charles de). Lettres ath^niennes. s8". [1887] Mouze ( ). Traits de fortification souterraine, etc. 4°. 1804 Movers (Franz Carl). Krit. Untersuchungen ii. d. bibl. Chronik. 8". Bonn. 1834 Die Phonizier. Bl ; 2 i ; 2, ii ; 2, iii, Hiilfte 1, [no more piibll 8". Bonn. 1841-56 1, , d. P. Untersuchgn. ii. d. Religion etc. 2, Das phijniz. Alterthum, in 3T : i, Polit. Gesch. u. Staatsverfassg. ii, Gesch. d. Colonien. iii, (Halfte 1, no more puhl. ?), Handel u. Schifffahrt. Phonizische Texte. Tl, 2, [no more publ.]. 8". Breslau. 1845-7 1, Die punischen Texte im Pctnulus d. Plautus. 2. Opferwesen d. Karthager : Comm. z. Opfertafel v. Marseille. Mowbray, see also Modbbay. Mowbray (J. P.) A journey to nature. s8". 1901 Mowbray (John de), s"' baron M., earl of Noll., see Norfolk (J. HE M., --""' duke of), Earl Marshal. Mowbray (Sir John), bart. Seventy years at Westminster. Ed. by his daughter. ' s8". E. 1900 Mowbray, Segrave, & Stourton (Charles B. J. S., M"' baron). Hist, of the House of Stourton. 2v. 4". p.p. 1899 Moyes (Henry). Heads of lectures upon philosophical che- mistry. [P6]. 8". ["1780?"] Moylan (Denis Creagh). The case of the Antenatus in Scot- land claiming as heir in England : report of Birtwhistle v. Vardill. laS". 1841 Moyle, see also Moile. Moyle (John Baron). The Contract of Sale in the Civil Law. 8". O. 1892 Moyle (Walter). Democracy vindicated : essay on the con- stitution A govt, of the Roman state. Pref. ct notes by J. Thelwall. [P316]. 8°. Norwich. 1796 Works of M., none of wh. were ever before publ*". [Ed. T. Sergeant]. 2v. sS". 1726 The whole works of M. that were publ. by himself. Pref""., ace. of [M., by A. Hammond]. 88". 1727 sec Tbenchard (J.) & W. M., *Argument shewing that a stand- ing army is inconsistent w. a free govt., etc., 1097. Moynet (Georges). La machinerie theatrale ; trues et decors. 4». [1893] Moynier (Gustave) & L. Appia. Help for sick * wounded. Tr. J. Furley. s8». 1870 Moyses, Bergomas, see Muratobi (L. A.) Rerura Ital. Script., t5. Moysie (David). Mems. of the affairs of Scotland, 1577-1603. [Maitland Club, 3]. 4". E. 1830 Mozarabic Breviary. Liturgia Mozarabica in duos tomos divisa, see Migxe (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t85, 86. Mozart (J. C. Wolfgang Amadeus). Letters (1769-91). Tr. f. the coll. of Nohl by Lady Wallace. 2v. s8°. 1865 see Beyle (M. H.) [jjs. Bombet]. Life of Haydn, life of Mozart [by Schlichtegroll], etc., tr., 1817. „ Geheing (F.) M., 1883. „ Holmes (Edw.) Life of M., incl. h. corr., 1845. „ Jahn (0.) M., 2' A., 1867. ,,*Neue Plutarch (Der) : 8, M., v. A. Reissmaun, 1874-88. „ NissEN (G. N. V.) Biographic M.'s, 1828. ,, NoHL (L.) M. uach d. Schilderuugen s. Zeitgenossen, 1880. „ Life of M., tr., 1877. ,, Oulibicheff (a.) Nouv. biographie de M., 1842-3. ,, M.'s Leben, fiir deutsche Leser bearb., 1847. „ PoNTE (L. da). M^m'. de P., coUaborateur de M., tr., 1860. „ Wilder (V.) M., sa vie etc., 2' ed., 1881. Mozley, see also JIosley, Moseley. Mozley (Miss Anne). Essays from Blackwood. [Ed. F. Mozley, w. 7nem. by J. Wordsworth, bp. of Salisbury]. sS". 1892 Mozley (James Bowling). The Augustinian doctrine of pre- Eight leot'. on miracles. Essays, hist, ct theolog. [Bampton L=., 1865]. 2v. 2» 1855 1878 1S65 1878 1884 1883 1885 70. 1891 1856 1895 1877 1876 1876 1877 1879 1891 destination ed. s8''. 8". 2v. 8". ' ed. 8". Lectures & o. theological papers. 8». Letters. Ed. by h. sister. 8". Letters f. Rome on occas. of the fficumen. Council, 1869- 2v. s8o. The primitive doctrine of baptismal regeneration. 8". Review of the baptismal controversy. n. ed. s8°. Ruling ideas in early ages & their rel. to 0. Test, faith. 8". Sermons bef. Univ. of Oxford, & on var. occasions. 8". 2°* ed. s8». 3'^ed. sS". Sermons, parochial & occasional. s8". The Son. s8\ The theory of development : erit. of Newman's Essay on the development of Xtn. doctrine. s8». 1878 The word. 88°. 1889 see Fowler (W.) M. & Tyndall on miracles, 1868. Mozley (Thomas). The Creed, or a philosophy. s8". 1893 Henry VII, Prince Arthur & Card. Morton [clircrmolithographs] f. a group repres. the Adoration of the 3 Kings, Plymtree. With not. of " Nich. Monk " (a.c. laS". without plates) lafol. 1878 Reminisc, chiefly of Oriel & the Oxford Movement. 2v. s8". 1882 Reminisc, chiefly of towns, villages, schools. 2v. s8'>. 1885 Mozoomdar (P. C.) [fPRATApACHANDEA Majumdae]. The oriental Christ. s8°. Boston. 1883 Mozzagrugno (Giuseppe). Hierotichia, ouero il sacro parto. [P814]. s8». Venetia. 1620 M.P., see '"Political letters written in Mar. ct Apr., 1784, by a late M.P., 1785. Mr. •Mr. Caroli : an autob. Ed. [i.e., written] by L. G. SJguin, 1881, see Seguin (L. G.) *Mr. Dooley iu peace ct war, 1S99, see Dunne (F. P.) 'Mr. Facey Romford's hounds, 1865, see Suetees (R. S.) •Mr. Kinglake ct the Quarterlys, 1868, see Haywakd (A.) •Mr. Magnus, 1896, .sec Statham iF. R.) ^ MR. 1031 MUHAMMAD Mr. [contimu'd]. *Mi-. Midghipmau Easy, var. eil\, see Marhyat (F.) •Mr. Sidney his self- conviction etc., 16B4, see Sidney (Algehnon). •Mr. Sponge's sporting tour, var. er/\, see Suktees (R. S.) •Mr. Warenne, 1848, see Wallace (Ellen). Mrazovic (Milena). Selam : Bosnian life. Tr. Mrs. Wiiugh. s8". 1899 Mrs. 'Mrs. Geoffrey, 1881, see HuNGBiiEORi) [Mrs.) "Jilrs. Jerninghum's journal, 2"ii ed., 1870, see Hart (Mrs. P.) •Mrs. Keith's crime, n. ed., 1885, see Clifford [Mrs. W. K.) •Mrs. Lancaster's rival, 1880, see Price (E. C.) •Mrs. Raven's temptation. By a. of " Dr. Hardy's marriage." 3v. sS". 1882 •Mrs. Sharpe. By a. of " Shadrach." 3v. s8o. 1887 •Some account of Mrs. Clarinda Singleliart, 1855, see Manning (A.) Mu'allaUat. i'Moallakat], see Jones (Sir W.) Works: vlO, Jloallakat. 1H07. " Mucedorus. PIrsg. v. N. Delius. [Pseudo-Shakspere'sche Dranien, 4]. s8". Elberfeld. 1874 *Much darker days, n. ed., 188.5, see Lano (A.) Much (Matthaus). Die Kupferzeit in Euiopa u. ihr Veihaltniss •/.. Cultur d. Indogermanen. 2' A. 8". Jena. 1893 Much (Rudolf). Deutsche Stammsitze. Ein Beitrag z. Altesten Gesch. Dcutschlands. 8". Halle a.S. 1892 Sonderabdruck aits den " Beitrcigcn z. Gesch. d. deutschen Sprache u. Literatur," Bl~, is on tp. Muchelney abbey. *T\vo cartularies of the Benedictine Abbeys lit M. cV- Athelney. Ed. E. H. Bates. [Somerset Record Soc, 14;. s4". 1899 Mucite (A.) Die Dogmatik d. 19.Jhdts. etc. 8". Gotha. 18(57 Muckley (William J.) Hdbk. for painters & art students on colours. 2°" ed. 8". 1882 Muda (Nakhoda), see Nakhod.I Mid.I. Muddock (J. E.) [j'S. Dick Donovan]. Baaile the Jester. s8». 1896 Caught at last ! s8o. 1889 Chronicles of Michael Danevitch. s8'>. 1897 Deacon Brodie. s8". 1001 The dead man's secret. s8"\ 1889 Eugene Vidocq; a romance founded on facts. s8°. [1895] The great white hand ; or the tiger of Cawnpore. 88**. 189G The " J. E. M." guide to Switzer land : The Alps & how to see them. 3''' ed. sS". 1883 The man from Manchester. s8". 1890 The man-hunter. s8". 1888 The mystery of Jamaica Terrace. 2"'' ed. 88". 189B The records of Vincent Trill. s8". 1899 Riddles read. sS". 1896 Stories weird & wonderful. sS". 1889 Stripped of the tinsel. sS". 1896 Tracked & taken. 88". 1890 Tracked to doom. s8". 1892 Mudge, The family of, see Flint (S. K.) Mudge Mem'., 1883. Mudge (Zachariah), sfu Flint (S. R.) Mudge Mem'.: record of Z. M. A some of h. family, etc., 1883. Mudie (Charles Edward). *Stray leaves. s8". 1872 *C. H. M., a memorial sketch. By s8". f.jJ.c. 1879 Forbes. The felonry of New South 8". 1837 I*. 2". 1831 „ Tr. etc. F. C. Belfour [O.T.F.] la8". 1830 Muhammad 'Ali Khan, Nawab of Arcot, see Akcot. Muhammad Babar (Zahir Al-Din), emperor of Hindustan, see Babek. Muhammad bin Khavendshah bin Mahmud, see Mia Khw.Ind. MUHAMMAD 1032 MUKHARJI Muhammad Diyab, Al-Atlidi. 'Ilam-en-Xiis : Hist, tales etc. Tr. cV- annot. Mrs. G. Clerk. s8". 1873 Muiammad ibn 'Abd Al-Jabbar, Al.'Vfbi. The Kitab-i- Yamiui. Tr. f. the Persian version, by J. Beynolds. [O.T.F.]. Ia8". 1858 Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah, Al-Khat'ib. Mishcat-uI-Masabih ; or a coll. of trailitions reg. the actions & sayings of Muham- med. Tr. k. N. Matthews. 2t. 4". Calcutta. 1809-10 Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah, called Ibn Baiuiah, see Ibn B.iTUT.iH. Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah, called Ibn Malik, see Ibx M.vlik. Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah, called Ibn Zafar, see Ibn Zafar. Muhammad ibn Abi 'Talib (Shams Al-Din) Al-Dimashiy. [Shems Ed-Din]. Manuel de la eosmographie du moyen age, tr. de Shems Ed-din Abou-'Abdallah Moh'ammed de Damas. Tr. par A. F. Mehren. 8". Copenhague. 1874 Muhammad ibn Ahmad, called Ibn Rnslid, or Averroes, see AVERROES. Muhammad ibn Ahmad (Abu Al-Raihan) Al-Binlni, see ALEIBrNI. Muhammad ibn As'ad (Jalal Al-Din) Al-Sadik'i Al-Dawani, see Dav.Ini. Muhammad ibn Haukal, see Ibn Haukal. Muhammad ibn Ishak, called Ibn Abi Ta'knb Al-Nadim. Mani, s. Lebre u. s. Schriften. Aus d. Fihrist des Abu'l Faradsch Muhammad Ben Ishak Al-Warrak. Im Text nebst Ubers., Comm. u. Index, hrsg. v. G. Fliigel. 8". L. 1862 Muhammad ibn Jarlr (Abii Ja'far) Al-fabarl. [Abou-Djafak Taeari; Abc Dschafebi Mohammed ben Dschebib Ettabeki ; Tabaei ; T.iBERisTANExsis\ Chronique d'.A.bou-Djafar . . . Tabari . . . tr. sur la vers, persane par L. Dubeux. tl, [no more 2)ubl. O.T.F.]. 4". Paris. 1836 Chronique d'Abou Djafar . . . Tabari . . . Tr. sur la vers, persane par H. Zotenberg. [O.T.F.]. 4t. 8". [4, Nogent-Le Eotrouj. 1867-74 Gesch. d. Perser u. Araber z. Zeit d. Sasaniden. Aus d. Chronik des Tabari ubers., mit Erliiuterungen u. Erganzungen, V. T. Noldeke. »: Leyden. 1879 Taberistanensis annales regum & legatorum del. Ed. & in Lat. tr. .J. G. L. Kosegarten. 3v in 2, [\S irantiibj]. 4". Grypbisvaldise. 1831-.53 Muhammad ibn Khavand Shah Mir Khwand, see Mir Khw.and. Muhammad ibn Muhammad, Al Ghazzall, see Aloazzali. Muhammad ibn Muhammad, Al Idrlsl, see Edrisi. Muhammad ibn Misa, Al-Ehuwaraznu. [Mohamjied bex MorssA Al Kharezmi]. The algebra of Mohanuned ben Musa. Ed. ,t tr. F. Eosen. [O.T.F.]. Ia8". 1831 Muhammad ibn 'Umar, Al-Wakidi. [Abu Abdo'ij.ah MoHAsrjiED EBN OjIAR AlW.AKIDI ; M0H.A5IMED BEN OilAR EL WaKEDI ; Mohammed ebn-Omar El-Tounsy ; Vakidi ; "Wakedius]. Muhammed in Medina : d.i., Vakidi's Kitab al-maghazi in verkiirzter deutscher Wiedergabe v. J. Wellhausen. 8". 1882 Muhammad ibn Zakariya (Abu Bakr) AL-E.\zi. A treatise on the small-pox and measles. Tr. \V. A. Greenhill. [Sydenham Spc.]. " 8". 1848 Muhammad Latif, Syad. Hist, of the Panjab. laS". [1889] La.hore, hist., antiq'., customs, etc. 8". Lahore. 1892 Muhammad Masih Al-Din. [iloulvee Mohummud Musseehood- deen]. Oude : its princes & govt, vindicated. [P241]. 8". 1857 Muhammad Mustajab, Khan Bahadur. [MoosVujab Klian Buhadoor]. Life of Hatiz-ool-Moolk, Hdfiz Rehmut Khan, entif. Goolistan-i-IIehmut. Abr. & tr. C. ElUott. [O.T.F.]. 8". 1831 Muhammad Nisameddin, der Gendscher, see Niz.vMi, Ganjavi. Muhammad Niszamin-d-Din, see Nizami. Muhammad Sadik, Isfalulni, see S.iDiK, Isfahunl. Muhammadan. [Mahometan ; Mahumetan ; Mehemet.an ; Mo- HUMMEDAN ; tMoHAMMEDAN]. *Hist. of Muhammadau dynasties in Spain, tr., 1840-3, see Ahmad ibn MuftAMM.U) ibn Ahm.ad IBN Yahta, Al Makkarl. see *Ancient accounts of India and China, by two M. ti-avellers, tr., 1733. Muhammadans. *Four treatises cone, the Mahometans. Pref., life of Mahomet, chiefly f. Mahometan authors. s8". 1712 Travels of two Mahometans in Asia, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, v7. see ToLAND (J.) Nazarenus, contg. the Gospel of the Mahome- tans etc., 1718. Miihlbach (Luise) ps., see Mcndt (Clara). Miihlbacher (Engelbert). Deutsche Gesch. unter d. Kaio- lingern. Ia8". St. 1896 Miihleisen (John). Genuine iV spurious religion. 2v. 8". 1849 Muhlenberg (William Augustus), see Atres (Anne). Life & work of M., 1881. Miihlenpfordt (Eduard). Schilderung d. Eepublik Mejiko. 2B in 1. 8\ Hannover. 1844 Muir, sci' also Mure. Muir (Alan)2)S. [i.e. Eev. H. Robinson]. Children's children. 3v. sS". 1879 Harold Saxon. 3v. sS". 1880 Hearthrug farces. sS". [1883] Muir (Francis). The Stamp & Tax Office manual. s8". E. 1861 Universal geography. 8". E. 1864 Muir (J. B.) W. T.'Frampton &" The Dragon." Ia8". 1895 Muir (James), j^''"/- of agi-icuUure in Yorkshire Coll., Leeds. Agriculture. sH". 1895 Muir (Jolin), D.C.L. *Brief examination (A) of prevalent opinions on the inspiration of the Scriptures, bv a lay member of the Church of Eng. ; w. intr. by H. B. Wilson. 8°. 1861 Metrical tr'. f. Sanskrit w. intr., prose ver*., & parallel passages f. classical writers. s8<>. 1879 Embraces the contents of lielig. etc. sentiments, w. 3 coll. of versified tr\ subsequently printed, but not publ., £ a repr. of metr. pieces in V'2 i£ ,5 of Orig. Sanskrit. Orig. Sanskrit texts on origin & hist, of the people of India, collected, tr., etc. 5p in 4v. 8". 1858-72 1, Caste. 2, Trans-Himalayan origin of Hindus, & their afiSnity w. the Western branches of the Arian race. 3, The Vedas : their origin, inspiration, authority. 4, Comparison of Vedic w. later representations of the princ. deities. 5, Cosmogony, mythology, relig. ideas, Ufe & manners, in the Vedic Age. _ „ „ p4. 2«'' ed. 8". 1873 Eehgious & moral sentiments metrically rendered f. Sanskrit, w. intr., (V exact tr". in prose. s8". 1875 Muir (John), explorer. The mountains of California. sS". 1894 Muir (M. M. Pattison). Heroes of science : chemists. s8". 1883 Muir (Thomas), advocate. Trial, Aug. 1793, on charge of sedition, etc. [P22]. 8". E. 1793 Muir (Thomas), M.A.. F.R.S.E. Theory of determinants ; w. exercises. sS". 1882 Muir (W. J. Cockburn). Pagan or Xtn.? Notes on our national architecture. sS". 1860 Muir {Sir "William). Annals of the early CaUphate. Life of Mahomet etc. 8". 1883 n. ed., abr". 8". 1877 The CaUphate. 8". 1891 „ „ ... S"! ed. 8". 1894 The Coran, & testimony it bears The Mameluke or Slave dynasty to the Scriptures. sS". [1878] I of Egypt, 1260-151". 8'', 1896 TheHon. J. Thomason, Lt.-GoT., see *Sweet first-fruits [Bakoo- N.-W. P., 1843-53. s8<>. E. 1897 I rah Shahii/a', tr. etc. M., Life of Mahomet etc. j 1893. 4v. 8°. 1858-61 I Muir (William), mechanical engineer, see Smiles (R.) Mem. of M., 1888. Muirhead (James), i>ro/. of Civil Law in Univ. of Edinburgh. Hist. intr. to the private law of Eome. 8'. E. 1886 2""' ed., rev. H. Goudy. 8 '. 1899 Muirhead (James Fullarton). The land of contrasts: a Briton's view of h. American kin. 8". 1900 Muirhead (James Patrick). Life of James Watt, w. sels. I. h. coir. 8°. 1858 Origin of the mechan. inventions of J. Watt, Ulust. by his corr., etc. [With 7nem. of Ti'.], by J. P. M. 3v. 8". 1854 Muirhead (John Henry). Chapters f. Aristotle's ethics. s8'. 1900 The elements of ethics. s8". 1892 Muir Mackenzie (Miss Georgina Mary), aft. Lady Sebright, & Miss A. P. Irby. *Across the Carpathians. 8". C. 1862 Travels in the Slavonic Prov. of Turkey-in-Europe. 8". 1867 Muir Mackenzie (Montague J.), see *rEARLY Supreme Court Practice, by M. etc., 1899. Mukaddasi. Description of Syria, includ. Palestine (985), tr. G. Le Strange. [Palestine P. Text Soc.]. 8". 1886 Mukharji (T. N.) [tTRAiLOKYANATHA MtrKHOPADHY.iYA]. Art- manufactures of India. sS". Calcutta. 1888 MUKHOPADHYAYA 103:3 MULLER Mulhall (Michael years, 1870-80. Diet, of statistics. Mukhopadhyaya (Sambhuchandra), see Sajibhuchandra Mok- IlOi'.VDIIYAVA. Mulcaster (Richard). Positions. Witli ace. of h. life etc. by B. H. Quick. 8". 1888 see Quick (K. H.) K. M., 1888. Mulder (Gerrit Jan). Chemistry of vegetable A- animal phy- siology. Tr. P. F. H. Fromberg. »\ E. 1849 Chemistry of wine. Ed. B. .Jones. s8". 1857 Muley Arxid, king of Tafiletta, see Frejcs (R.) Voyage into Mauritania, to M. A., w.' letter by A. Charant, [tr.J, 1G71. Mulfuzat Timiiry, sec Tijiuh, klian. Mulgrave (Constantine Henry Phipps, -Jnd earl of), aft. f 7}uirq. of Nnrmanhti, see NouMAXitv. Mulgrave (Constantine John Phipps, jnd baron), -1744-93, capt. R.N. Voyage to North Pole, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl. sec MAR7UIAM (A. H.) Northward Ho ! With narrative of Phipps' cxped. [bii T. Floyd], 1879. Mulgrave (John Sheffield, earl of), marq. of Normanby, duke of Buckinqhamshire, see Bdckinohamshiue (John, duke of). Mulhall (Edward T.), see Mulhall (M. G.) & E. T. M.', foi- works by K. T. M. £ M. G. M., in collab. Mulhall (Marion), wife of Miclmel G. Mulliall. Between the Amazon i*;* Andes ; ten years of a lady's travels. s8". 1881 G.) Balance-sheet of the world for ten s8". 1881 s8". 1884 laS". 1892 The English in S. America. 8". Buenos Ayres. [1878] Fifty years of national progress, 1837-87. s8". 1887 Hist, of prices since 1850. s8''. 1885 Industries * wealth of nations. s8". 1896 The progress of the world since the beginning of 19"' 0. 38". 1880 Rio Grande do Sul & its German colonies. s8". 1873 & E. T. Mulhall. Handbook of Brazil. s8<>. Buenos Ayres. 1877 & Hdbk. of the River Plate. 2v in 1. laS". Buenos Ayres. 1869 & H.lbk. of the River Plate Republics. sS". 1875 MulhoUand (Rosa), off. Lady Gilbert, wife of Sir John T. Gilbert. A fair emigrant. s8". 1888 The late Miss Hollingford. s8". [1886] The wicked Woods of Tobereevil. 2v. s8°. 1872 Mullach (Friedrich Wilhelm August). Fragmentaphilosoph. Grajcorum. Coll., annot. etc. illust. M. 3t. [Gr. ,(i Lat.]. Ia8". Parisiis. 1860-81 Gramm. d. griech. Vulgarsprache in histor. Entwickelung. 8°. 1856 Mullalla (James). A view of Irish affairs, 1688-1795; w. sketch of the Revolution etc. 2v in 1. 8". D. 1795 Mullen, see also MacMullen. Mullen (W.) [;),5. Oliver North]. Rambles after Americas & at home. Miillenhoff (Carl V.) Beovulf : Untersuchungen etc. Deutsche Altertumskunde. bl-5. 8". b4 has Jnd tp. : & W. Scherer, aus d. 8.-12..1hdt. E. Steinraeyer. Mullens (Joseph). sport s8". laS". 1883^ v. K. ; the 1874 1889 -1900 M. Die Germania des Tacitus, erl. edd., Denkmiiler deutscher Poesie u. Prosa 2B. [1, Texte. 2, Anmerkgn.]. 3« A., v. 8". 1892 Religious aspects of Hindu philosophy. s8». 1860 Twelve months in Madagascar. s8". 1875 Miiller (Corporal A. F.), I'' Regt. of Foot Guards, see Meuller (A. F.) Miiller (Adolph), student at Halle. Aus d. Naohlass Varn- hagen's : Briefe [of A. M.] d. Universitat in d. Heimath. [Ed. L. Assing ; w. pref. by Vamhagen v. Ense]. 8". L. 1874 Miiller (Alfred v.) Der Krieg in Siid-Afrika 1899/1900, u. s. Vorgesch. 5'r in 1 [piagin. cont.]. 8". 1900 Miiller (August), prof. d. oriental. Sprachen in Halle, see Mui.ler (F. Auoust). Miiller (Carl), b. Is.'i-J, iiow [1900] prof, in Breslau. Die Anfiinge d. Minoritenordens u. d. Bussbruderschaften. 8". Freiburg i.B. 1885 Miiller (Carl August), of Dresden. Forschungen aus d. Gfbiete d. neueren Gesch. Lfg. 1-3, in Iv, [no nW7-e piibl.]. 8'. Dresden. 1838-41 Miiller (Carl C), i773-/S47. K. M.'s Leben u. kleine Schrif- ten. Von K. A. Vamhagen v. Ense. s8". 1847 MuUer (Carl Friedrich Wilhelm) [tMuELLER(C. F. W.), prof. am K. Joachimsthalelien. Gymnasium in Berlin]. Plautinische Prosodic. 8". 1869 Naohtriige z. plautin. Prosodie. 8". 1871 Miiller (Carl Otfried), «»-c/((TO%is(; 1797-1840. [CarolusOdo- FREDUs MuELLERUs]. iEgineticormu liber. 8 '. Berolini, 1817 De PhidiiB vita & operibus. 4". Gottingfe. 1827 Die Etrusker. 2 Abthlgn. 8". Breslau. 1828 Gesch. d. griech. Lit. bis auf d. Zeitalter Alexanders. Hrsg. V. E. Miiller. 2B in 1. 8". Breslau. 1K41 Geschichten hellen. Stiinnne u. Stadte. 3B. 2>' A., v. F. W. Schneidewin. (1, Orchomenos u. d. Minyer. 2, 3, Die Dorier). 8". Breslau. 1844 Hdbch. d. Archiiologie d. Kunst. 8". Breslau. 1828 „ „ 2'' A. 8". Breslau. 1835 „ „ 3" A., mit Zusatzen v. F. G. Welcker. 8". Breslau. 1848 Kleine deutsche Schriften. Nebst Erinnerung aus d. Leben d. Verf. 2B. 8". Breslau. 1847-8 Kunstarohaologische Werke. 5B. s8". 1873 Minervse Poliadis sacra & ledem in arce Athenarura illust. M. ; adi. est interp. inscript. Atticse quae ad architectmam ajdis huius pert. [P674]. 4". Gottinga;. 1820 Proleg.zueinerwissen3chaftl.Mythoiogie.s8". Gottingen. 1825 Translations. Anc. art & its remains ; or a manual of the archaeology of art. Tr. J. Leitch. 8". 1847 Hist. etc. of the Doric race. Tr. H. Tufnell & G. C. Lewis. [Tr. of B2, S of " Gesch. liellen. Stammc "]. 2v. 2"'i ed. 8'. 1839 Hist, of lit. of anc. Greece. [Tr. f. MS. by Sir G. C. Lewis]. vl, 2 i-iv, in Iv, [no more publ.]. 8". 1840-2 Intr. to a scientific system of mythology. Tr. J. Leitch. 8'. 1844 References. see DoN.iLDSoN (J. W.) Hist, of lit. of Greece to the taking of Constantinople : cont. of M., 1858. „ Gray (Mrs. E. C.) Hist, of Etruria : p3, w. ace. of manners etc. of the Etruscans, tr t. Jl., 1843-68. „ LocKHART (J. I.) Attica etc., tr. f. M. * others, 1842. Miiller (Carl Wilhelm Ludwig), ed. of " Geographi Gneci miniS. Fertili- sation of flowers. Tr. D'A. W. Thompson. 8". 1883 MuUer (Iwan E. P. v.) Handbuch d. kUissischen Altertumswissenschaft. In prog. Bl ; 2 ; 3, iv ; 4, i, 1, 2 ; 4, ii ; 5, i ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9, i. Ia8». 1892-1898 Einleitende u. Hilfs-Disziplinen. Von L. v. Urlichs [& 3 otlurs'j. 2' A. lliinchen. 1892. [1]. Grieehische u. latein. Sprachwissensehaft. Bearb. v. K. Brugmann, F. Stolz, J. G. Schmalz, G. Autenrietb, F. Heer- degen, K. Volkmann, H. Gleditseh. 2' A. 1890. [2]. Die romischen Altertiimer : [Staats-, Rechts-, Kriegsalter- tiimer v. H. Schiller ; Privataltertiinier u. Kulturgesch. v. M. Voigt;. 2' A. Jliinchen. 1893. [4, ii]. see BusoLT (G.) Die griech. Staats- u. Rechtsaltertiimer, 2' A., 1892 [4, i, (Halite Ij]. ., Christ (W.) Gesch. d. griech. Litt. bis auf Justinian, 2' A., 1890. [7]. ,, Kkciibachek (C.) Gesch. d. byzantin. Litt. (527-1453), 2' A., 1897. [9, i]. ,. MILLER (IwAX T.) & A. Bauer, Die griech. Privat- u. Kriegsalterthiimer, 2' A., 1893 [4, i, (Halfte 2)]. .. PoHLMASS (E.) Grundriss d. griech. Gesch. nebst Quel- lenkunde, 2' A., 1896. [3, ivj. „ ScHASz (il.) Gesch. d. lom. Litt. bis zimi Gesetzgebungs- werk d. Justinian. Tl, 2, 1890-2 ; Tl, 2' A., 1898. [S\ „ SiTTL (C.I Archaologie d. Kunst ; nebst Anhg. ii. antike Numismatik, 1895. [6]. ., WixDELBAXD (W ) Gesch. d. alten Philosophie ; nebst Abriss d. Gesch. d. Mathematik u. d. Xaturwissen- schaften im Altertum, v. S. Giinther, 2' A., 1894. [5, i]. n. A. Bauer. Die griech. Privat- u. &iegsalterthiimer. [Miiller (L v.) Hdbch. d. k. A.-W.. IV, 1, ii]. 2' A. Ia8». Miinchen. 1893 Muller (Jacob Wijbrand). De oude en de jongere bewerking van den Eeinaert. 8". Amsterdam. 1884 Miiller (Johann), Prof. d. Physik an d. Uttiv. zu Freiburg i. B. On animal electricity ; abstract of discoveries of Du Bois- Revmond. Ed. H. B. Jones. s8". 1852 Principles of physics A meteorology. 8°. 1847 Miiller (Johann (Jeorg), of Bash, prof . of Theology; /800-75. Erkliirung d. Barnabasbriefes. 8". L. 1869 Gesch. d. amerikan. Ur-religioneu. 8°. Basel. 1855 Miiller (Johannes von), Edler zu Sylvelden ; historian, /7.5J- I'^og. An univ. liistorv. Tr. [J. C. Pnchard]. 3v. 8". 1818 Siimmthche Werke. Hvsg. v. J. G. Miiller. 27T. [Tl.% 1 4 ed. by F. S. C. Brun.} s8°. Tubingen. 1810 19 Miiller (Johannes), Medizinalrath in Berlin. IJber Alter- thiimer d. ostind. Archipels. Xach Mittheilungen Brumunds u. v. Hoevells aus d. Holland, bearbeitet. 8". 1859 Miiller (Johannes), physiologist, /S0/-3S. Hdbch. d. Physio logie d. Menschen. 2B. [Bl, 3' A.]. 8 '. Coblenz. 1838-40 Elements of physiology. Tr. W. Baly. 2v. [vl, 2°" ed.]. 8». 1840-3 see Baly (\V.) & W. S. Kirkes, Physiology of motion etc. ; suppl. to M. "Elem. of physiology," 1848. MnlleT (John), matlicmaticia^i. Treatise of artillery. 8'. 1757 Miiller (Dr. Julius), of Halle. Die christl. Lehre v. d. Siinde. 2B. 3' A. 8'. Breslau. 1849 The Xtu. doctrine of sin. Tr. W. Pulsford. 2v. 8''. E. 1852-3 Miiller (Ludvig Christian). Danmarks Sagnhistorie. s8''. 1851 Muller (Otto), «oi'fiis^ *Dr. Goethe's courtship. s8'. 1866 An adapt., by V. S., of M.'s "Der Stadtschulfheiss v. Frankfurt." Muller (Paul). L'espionnage militaire sous Nap. I : Ch. Schulmeister. s8". 1896 Muller (Pieter Lodewijk). Nederlands eerste betrekkingen met Oostenrijk, toegelicht uit de corr. der keizerl. Gezanten te 's Gravenhage, 16.58-78. [P718]. 4". Amsterdam. 1870 Wilhelm III von Oranien u. Georg Friedrich von Waldeck. 2B in 1. Ia8". Haag. 1873-80 & A. Diegerick, edd., Doc. cone, les relations entre le due d'Anjou * les Pays-Bas, (1576-84). [Hist. Gez. te Utrecht, N.S., 51, 55, 57, 60, 61]. 5t. 8". 's Gravenhage. 1889-99 Muller (S.), of the R. Acad, of St. Petersburgh. Voyages f. Asia to America for completing the discoveries of the N. W. coast ; pref., summary of voyages by the Russians in search of a N.E. passage. Tr., w. 3 maps by T. Jefferys. [6. ic. Krasheninnikov ( ). Hist, of Kamtscha"tka, 1764]. 4'\" 1761 Muller (Samuel), Archivaris van Utrecht. Lijst van Noord- Nederlaudsche kronijken. [Hist. Gez. te Utrecht, N.S., 31]. [P530]. 8". Utrecht. 1880 Miiller (Sophus). Vor Oldtid: Danmarks torhistoriske Archaio- logi. 8". 1897 Miiller (Theodor), of Gottingen; lSt6-S1,see *Chanson (La) de KoLAN-D. Nach d.'Osforder Hs. hrsg. v. T. M., Tl, 2« A., 1878. Miiller (W. Max). Asieu u. Europa nach altiigypt. Denkmalern. 8". L. 1893 Miiller (Wilhelm), of Dessau ; l~94-lbi~. Homerische Vor- sehule. 2= A. 8». L. 1836 Miiller (Wilhelm), of Gottingen ; 16-12-90. Gesch. u. System d. altdeutschen Religion. 8°. Gottingen. 1844 Jlyt.iologie d. deutsehen Heldensage. 8". Heilbronn. 1886 Versuch e. mytholog. Erkliirung d. Nibelungensage. 8". 1841 Miiller (Wilhelm), professor, of Tubingen ; 1S20-92. Bismarck. 8». St. 1881 Moltke. Tr. P. E. Pinkerton. 38". 1879 Der russ.-tiirk. Krieg, 1877/8. 8". St. 1878 Europiiische Gesch. u. Politik, 1871-81. 8". 1882 Kaiser Wilhelm. 2' A. 38". 1877 Moltke. s8". St. 1878 Miiller (William James), artist. [tMuELLEB (W. J.)], see Solly (N. N.) .Meia. ol il., 1875. Miiller (Wolfgang) [Mixler vox Konigswinter]. Dichtungen eines rheiuischen Poeten. 6B. s8". L. 1871-6 1, Mein Herz ist am Ehein. 4' A. 2, Rheinfahrt. 2' A. 3, Lorelei. 4' A. 4, Im Rittersaal. 5, Bheinisches Marchenbuch. 6, Rheinische Idyllen. Miiller-Striibing (Hermann). Aristophanes u. d. histor. Kritik. 8". L. 1873 Thukydideische Foischungen. 8". Wien. 1881 Mullerus (Carolus), see Muller (Carl). Mullinger (James Bass) .Hist, of the Univ. of Cambridge. s8".1888 St. John's College. [College Histories]. 8". 1901 The Schools of Charles the Great & the restoration of educa- tion in the 9'" c. 8". 1877 The Univ. of Cambridge to 1535. 8». C. 1873 The U. of C. f. 1535 to access, of Charles I. 8 •. 1884 see Gardiner (S. R.) it J. B. M., Intr. to study of Eng. hist., 2'"' ed., lss-2 ; -A" ed., 1894. Mullins (John Davis). Free libraries & newsrooms : their management etc. S"* ed. s8-. 1879 Miillner (A. G. Adolf). Dramat. Werke. 7T. erste Gesammt- Ausg. s8". Braunschweig. 1818 Werke. 4 Suppl.-B. (1, M.'s Leben, v. Schiitz. 2-4, Antho- logie d. Gedanken M.'s). s8». Meissen. 1830 Guilt. Tr. J. Cockle. ' sS". 1888 MULLOIS 1035 MUNK Mullois (Isidore). Clergy & pulpit in rel. to the people. Tr. G. P. Badgei-. s8 ■. 1867 Coiira d'rlo(iuence sacree pop. .5'' eil. s8". 1854 Mulock (Dinah. Maria), nft. Craik, see Cu.uk {Mrs. D. M.) Mulot (Francois Valentin). Mfni. sur I'etat actuel de no.s bibliothicjues. [P639J. 8". 1797 Mulready (William). sec LiEBBEicH (K.) Turner & M. : effect of faults of vision on painting, 1888. „ MARci.nFE (T.) lis. [i.e. W. Godwin ?] The looking-glass ; early years of an artist [the "artist" being prob. W.M.'], 1805, "repr., 1885. „ Stephens (F. G.) Memorials of M., 1890. Multatuli, ps.. see Dekker (E. D.i Multiscius (Arius), see Am, FroSi. ""Multum nobili scientia (De) quod nihil scitur, 1()18, see Sanchez (F.) Mummenhoff (Ernst). Der Handwerker in d. deutsch. Ver- gangenheit. [Monograph, z. deutsch. Kulturgesch., 8]. Ia8". L. 1901 Mummery (A. F.) My climbs in the Alps * Caucasus. Ia8". 1895 & J. A. Hobson. The physiology of industry. s8". 1889 Man (Thomas). England's treasure by forraign trade, 1664. s8'>. N.Y. 1895 „ For anoth ed., see Whitworth (Sty C.) Tracts, 1778. Munby (Arthur Joseph). "Dorothy, w. pref. 80.1880 Verses old lV- new. s8". 1865 Vestigia retrorsum : poems. s8". 1891 Munch (Andreas). The Maid of Norway : romance. Tr. Mrs. E. liirkbeck. s8". 1878 Miinch (Ernst Joseph H. von). Biographisch-histor. Studien. 2B. s8". St. 1836 Erinnerungen aus d. ersten 37 .Jahren eines teutschen Ge- lehrten. 3B. 8". Carlsruhe. 1836-8 Franz v. Sickingens Thateu etc. 3B. 8". [1, 2, St. ; 3, Aachen]. 1827-9 B3 has a J'"' tp. : Beitriige z. Gesch. d. teutschen Adels, Bl, Zur Gesch. Franzena v. S. Margaiiten : Frauen-Charaktere. 2B. [B2 wanting]. 8". Cannstadt. 1840 Munch (Peter Andreas). Det danske, svenske, tydske Sprogs Formliere. [b.w.h. Forn-Swenskans etc., 1849]. sS". Christiania. 1848 Forn-Swenskans och Forn-Norskans Sprakbyggnad. s8". 1849 Kongerigct Norge i Middelalderen. 8 '. Moss. 1849 Det norske Folks Historie, [to 131'J']. 4Din6B, [1, i, ii; 4, i, ii]. 8". Christiania. 1852-9 „ „ Hovedafdeling 2, Unionsperioden. [1319-97]. 2D. 8". Christiania. 1862-3 Oplysninger om det pavelige Archiv og dets Indhold. Udg. af G. Storm. 8". Christiania. 1876 sec Man, Isle of. 'Chronica regum Mannise etc., ed. M., 1860 ; 1874. & C. K. Unger. Det oldnorske Sprogs Grammatik. [b.w.h. Forn-Swenskans etc., 1849]. s8>'. Christiania. 1847 Munchausen (Baron) ;w. *Adv. of M., var. ed\ d tr'., see Raspe (R. E.) Miinch-Bellinghausen (E. F. Joseph, Frhr. v.) [2>s. F. H.al.m]. D. alt. Sammlungen span. Dramen, see Kaiserl. Akad. d. WissENSCH., Denksehr. Der Fechter von Ravenna. s8". Wien. 18.57 Miinchen. [fMuxicn]. Cat. codd. manu scriptoruui Bibl. Eegia Monacensis. t7, Codd. Gall., Hispan., Ital., Angl., Suec, Dan., Slav., Esthn., Hungar. descripti. 8". Monachii. 1858 Cat. des tableaux de la Pinacothek ; par G. de Dillis. s8". Munic. 1839 see KoNiGLicHE Akad. d. Wissenschaften zn M. Coixegidm Soc. Jesl' Monacense. see*ANDR0MEDA liberata, dramma musicum, exhib. ab Elee- torali C. S. J. Monachii, 1725. „ *ToBiAs et Sara ; Maxirailiano Josepho dicatum C. S. J. M.. 1747. MUnchener Muster-Sammlung fvir Kiinstler etc., see Wind (L.) ed. Munck (Johan) [Mpnck], see Munk (Jens). Munckerus (Thomas) ed., Mythogi-aphi Latini : Hyginus-Ful- gentius-Laetantius Placidus-Albricus philos. 2v. s8". Amstelodami. 1681 Munday, .<;c(.> also Mcndy. Munday (Anthony). A briefe chronicle of the successe of times, etc. s8". 1611 Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntington, 1828. This, iv. Sep. tp., is part of Collier (J. P.) ed., Five old plays, 1833, q.v. John a Kent * John a Cumber ; w. o. tracts by the same a. Notes etc. by J. P. Collier. [Shakespeare Soc] 8". 1851 see Hakluyt (R.) Coll. of voyages, v2,/orEnterprise of John Foxe. ■ & H. Chettle. Death of Robert, Earl of Huntington, 1828. This, w. sep. tp., is part of C!ollier (J. P.) ed., I'ive old plays, 1833, q.v. Mundell (Alex.) Tables: home produce * manufacture, 1814-28, etc. Snppl. to "Reasons for revis. of our fiscal code." [P90]. 8". 1829 Munden (Joseph Shepherd), sec Mcnden (T. S.) Mems. of J. S. M., 1844. Munden (T. S.) Memorials of J. S. Munden, by h. son. sS". 1844 Mundt ((iJlara), novelist, [ps. Luise Muhlbach]. Deutsehlaiid in Sturm u. Drang : Kaiserburg und Engelsburg. Abthlg. 1, Der alte Fritz u. d. ; '2B in 1. sS". Jena. 1H71 neue Zeit. ' Kaiserin Josephine, 3B. s8". 1861 4B in 2. sS". Jena. 1867 | Keine Scheidung. [Kleine Prauenherzen. 2B. s8''. L. 1873 j Eomane, 18]. Friedrich der Grosse u. s. Hof. , V A. 88". Altona. 1861 3B in 1. JS"" A. 68». 1858 Kijnigin Hortense. „ „ le Polge; Berlin u. Sans- 2B in 1. 5'- A. 88". 1861 Bouci. 4B in 1. 'A" A. sS '. 18.58 Napoleon in Deutscbland. „ ,, Neue Folge : Friedrich d. 4B. 3« A. sS". 1863-6 Grosse u. s. Geschwister. 1, Rastatt u. Jena. 2 Abthlgn., [pnr/; Ahthlg. hits 2, Napoleon u. Louise. SBinl]. 3'-A. s8'>'. 18.59 3, Napoleon u. der Wiener Kaiser Joseph 11 u. s. Hof. Congress. 3 Abthlgn. in 4B. [6»u. 7'' A.]. 4, Napoleon u. Bliioher. s8". 1860-4 Der Solm seiner Zeit. Kaiser Leopold der Zweite u. s. 2B in 1. 2'' A. s8". 1860 Zeit. 3B in 1. s8». Prag. 1860 Mundt (Theodor). -Esthetik. s8". 1845 Carmela, oder die Wiedertaufe. 38". Hannover. 1844 Gesch. d. Lit. d. Gegenwart. s8". 1842 Macbiavelli u. d. System d. modernen Politik. 3" A. 8°. 1861 Muudy, .sw also Munday. Mundy (Sir G. Rodney). Events in Borneo * Celebes, down to occupation of Labuan, from journals of J. Brooke ; with narrative of the operations of H.M.S. Iris. 2v. 8". 1848 H.M.S. Hannibal at Palermo & Naples, 1859-61, etc. 88°. 1863 Mundy (Grodfrey Basil). Life & corr. of Adm. Rodney. 2v. 8". 1830 Mundy (Grodfrey Charles). Our Antipodes : Australasian Colonies. 3v. 8". 1852 3v. 2"" ed. 8". 1852 Pen iV- pencil sketches ; a tour in India. 2v. 2nd ed. 8". 1833 Mundy (Jaromir, Frhr. v). Necessity for surgical provision for railway accidents. [P662]. Ia8". 1884 Munford (George). Analysis of the Domesday Book of Norfolk. 8". 1858 Munger (Theodore T.) The freedom of faith. s8'>. 1883 Munich, see Mi-nchen. Municipal Association (Metropolitan), see Metropolitan M.A. Municipal corporations directory, 1866. Ia8". 1866 Munimenta. *Munimenta academica : doe', illust. of Oxford, 1868, see Anstey (H.) ed. *Munimenta Gildhallse London., [Rolls Ser., 12], 1859-62, see En.EY (H. T.) ed. Munio, Miiidon, see Miqne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl70. Munk, see also Monk. Munk (Eduard). Gesch. d. griech. Lit. 2T. 2- A. s8". 1863 Die naturl. Ordnung d. platon. Schriften. 8". 1857 Munk (Jens), [J. Monnick; J. Munck; J. Monck]. see Churchill (A.) Coll. of voyages, vl, 1744. „ GoscH (C. C. A.) ed., Danish -Arctic exped". : 2, Exped. of M. to Hudson's Bay (1619-20), 1897. Munk (Salomon). Melanges de philosophic juive & arabe. 8'. 1859 see Maimiinides. Le guide etc., 1856-66. Munk ("William). Ace. of the reintombment of the remains of W. Harvey in the church of Hempstead, 1883. [P717]. s4". fp.c. 1883 Euthanasia : medical treatment in aid of an easy death. 38". 1887 Life & writings of J. A. Paris. 8". 1857 Life of Sir H. Halfoid. 8». 1895 Marvodia. Ia8". Exeter. 1885 MUNK 1036 MURAD Munk (William) [cmifinncd]. Tlie Boll of the R. Coll. of Physicians, [1518-1800]. 2v. 8". 1861 3v. (1, 1518 1700. 2, 1701-1800. 3, 1801-25.) 2»'' ed. 8". 1878 Sir H. Halford, bart. ; a sketch. [P149]. s8". 1857 see Macmichael (W.) *The gold-headed cane, ed. [£ cont.] by M., 1884. Munkacsi (Mihaly) [Munkacsv]. Souvenirs : I'enfance. Pr6£. par Boyer d'Agen. s8". 1897 .w lu.Ks (F. W.) M., [Knackfuss, 40], 1899. Munkr (Oddr), see Oddr, Munkr. Munnipoor, sec JIanipur. Muiioz (Juan Baptista). Hist, of the New World. Ti-., w, notes. y\,[no more publ.]. 8». 1797 Muiioz y Rivero (Jesus). Manual de paleografia diplomat. espafiola de los siglos 12 al 17. 2« ed. 8". [1889] Munro, see also Monro, Monroe, Mcneoe. Munro (Alex. Macdonald),i^..S'..4.,S'ci)(.,cd.,Eecords of old Aber- deen, 1157-1891. [New Spalding Club], vl. 4°. Aberdeen. 1899 Munro (Hector H.) The rise of the Russian Empire. 8". 1900 Munro (Hugh Andrew Johnstone), /ci^JiCo/ Trin. Coll., Cam- bridge. Criticisms & elucidations of Catullus. 8". C. 1878 Munro (James). Practical grammar of Scottish Gaelic. 2"i ed. sS". E. 1843 Munro (John May H.) Soils * manures ; by M. Drainage * land irrprovement ; by J. Wrightson. s8". 1892 Munro (Neil). Doom Castle. sS". E. 1901 Gilian the dreamer. s8". 1899 John Splendid. s8». E. 1898 3"' ed. s8". E. 1898 Munro (Robert), M.A., etc. Ancient Scottish lake-dwellings or crannogs ; w. chap, on remains of lake-dwellings in Eng. 8°. E." 1882 The lake-dwellings of Europe. [Ehind Lect"., 1888]. Ia8». 1890 Prehistoric problems. 8". E. 1897 Prehistoric Scotland etc. : gen. intr. to the " County hist', of Scotland." 8". E. 1899 Rambles ct studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina & Dalmatia ; w. ace. of the Congi-ess of Archfpologists etc. in Sarajevo, 1894. 8". E. 1895 2»'' ed. 8". E. 1900 Munro (Si; Thomas), /•" bart. Sels. f. h. minutes & o. official writings. Ed. w. mem. & notes by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot. 2v. 8". 1881 see Arbothnot {Sir Alex. J.) M., a mem., 1889. „ Bkadshaw (John). M., & the Brit, settlement of Madras, 1894. „ Gleig (G. R.) Life of Sir T. Munro ; w. extr". f. h. corr. A- priv. papers, 1830. Munro (William), M.D., C.B. Records of service & campaign- ing in many lands. 2v. s8". 1887 Eeminisc. of milit. service w. the 93"' Sutherland Highlanders. 8". 1883 Two months' cruise in the Mediterranean in the steam-yacht " Ceylon." sS". 1884 Munro Butler Johnstone (H. A.), see Johnstone (H. A. M. B.) Munroe, see also Monroe, Mcnho. Munroe (Kirk). The golden days of '49. 8°. 1889 Miinscher (Wilhelm). Lehrbuch d. christl. Dogmengesch. 2H in Iv. 3' A., mit Noten etc. v. D. v. Colin. 8". Cassel. 1832-8 H2 has 2 Ahihlgn..fPagin. aep. Ahthlg. 2 of H2 is of the 1' Aufl., (f: has 2'"^ tp. : Lehrhucli d. c D. v. d. Reformationszeit bis auf uusere Tage ; v. C. G. Neudenker. Miinster. Corr. dipl. de los plenipotenciarios Espafioles, en el congreso de M. (1643-48), see Spain, Col. de doc. pai'a la hist. de Espana. Die Geschichtsquellen d. Bisthums M. Hrsg. v. Freunden d. vatprliind. Geseh. Bl-6. s8". Miinster. 1851-1900 1, Die miinsterischen Chroniken d. Mittelalters, brag. v. J. Ficker. 2, Berichte d. Augenzeugen iiber d. miinsterische Wiedertiiufer- reich, hrsg. v. C. A. Cornelius. 3, Die miinsterischen Chroniken v. Ruchell, Stevermann u. Corfey, hrsg. v. J. Janssen. 4, Die vitie sancti Liudgeri, hrsg. v. W. Diekamp. 5, 6, Hermann! a Kerssenbroch : Anabaptistici furoris monas- teriuin Westphalias metropolim evertentis bistorica flarratio. Hrsg. v. H. Detmer. 2H, [pagiii. cant.]. *N^goc". secretes touchant la paix de M. etc., 4t, 1724-6, see Le Clerc (Jean). *Die Urkunden der Friedensschliisse zu 0. u. M., 1848, see Ornabrijck. Munster, Irelaiul. *Tales of the M. Festivals, 1827. set- Griffin (G.) Miinster [surname'], see also Mynsteb. Miinster (Ernst F. H., Graf zu). Refutation des accusations hasard^es par le due de Brunswick coutre son tuteur. [P8(;]. 8". Londres. 1827 see HoEMAYR (J.), Frlir. v. Hortenhurg. *Lebeusbilder aus d. Befreiungskriege : 1, E. F. H., Graf v. M., 1841-4. „ MiJNSTEE (G. H., Graf zu). Polit. Skizzen ; nebst De- peschen d. Grafen E. F. H. ii. d. Wiener Congress, 1867. ,, Polit. sketches ; contg. E. M.'s despatches to the P. Regent f. the Congress of Vienna, 1868. Miinster (G-eorg Herbert, C/ra/zu). Polit. Skizzen ii. d. Lage Europas, 1815-67. Nebst Depeschen d. Grafen E. F. H. zu Miinster ii. d. Wiener Congress. 8 '. L. 1867 Polit. sketches of the .state of Europe, 1814-67 ; cont. Count E. Miinster's despatches to the P. Regent from the Congress of Vienna. 8'. E. 1868 Munster (George FitzClarence, /'' earl of). Journal of a route across India, through Egypt, to England, 1817-18. 4". 1819 Miinster (Harriet, Grafin), sec S.acxi-Clair Erskine (Lady Harriet E.), aft. Grcijin Minister. Munster (Wilhelmina FitzClarence, countess of), wife of i!'"' earl. Dorinda. 3v. S80. 1889 Ghostly tales. s8". 1896 Miinsterberg (Hugo). Beitrage z. experimentellen Psychologie. 4H. 8". Freiburg i.B. 1889-92 Psychology * life. sS". [1899] Muntaner (Ramon). Chronique, trad, du Catalan par J. A. Buchon. [Buchon]. 2t. 8". 1827 Chronik d. edlen En R. M. Hrsg. v. K. Lanz. [Lit. V. in St., 8]. s8". St. 1844 Munter (Balthasar). Conversion & death of Struensee ; added, Hist, of Count E. Brandt f. h. imprisonment to h. death [" bif J. Hee"]. Tr. [G. F. A. Wendibornl. 8°. 1773 Miinter (Frederik C. C. H.), bp. of Zealand. Kirchengesch. v. Diinemark u. Norwegen. 3T in 4v, [2 i, ii]. 8". L. 1823-33 Religion d. Babylonier : 3" Beilage z. Religion d. Karthager. s4". K. 1827 Religion d. Karthager. [3 Beilagen wanting']. 2" A. 4". K. 1821 Sinnbilder u. Kunstvorstellungen d. alten Christen. 2H in Iv. 4". Altona. 1825 Miinter (Friedrich), see MI-nter (Fr. C. C. H.), bp. of Zealand. Munthe (Axel). Letters from a mourning city (Naples, 1884). Tr. M. V. White. Vagaries. Miintz (Eugene). Les arts a la cour des papes peud. le 15" & le IC s. pl-3, i, [(1, 1417-64. 2, 1464-71. 3,i, 1471-1521). nomorepubl.]. 8". 1878-82 Donatello. laS". 188.5 Etudes sur I'hist. des arts it Rome pendant le moyen age. Boniface VIII et Giotto. [P540]. 8". Rome. 1881 Florence & la Toscane. 4". 1897 „ „ n. ed. laB". 1901 Hist, de I'art pendant la Renais- sance. St. 4". 1889-5 1, Italie : les primitifs. 2, Italie : I'age d'or. 3, Italie ; la tin de la Renais- sance. L. de Vinci, I'artiste, le penseur, le savant. 4o. 1899 Les precurseurs de la Renais- sance. [App., Les Collections des Medicis 1888, wanting]. 4". 1882 I Miinz (Sigmund). F. Gregorovius u. s. Briefe an Griifin E. Caetani Lovatelli. 8". 1896 Miinzer (F.) Beitriige z. Quellenkritik d. Natuigesch. d. Pltnins. 8°. 1897 Munzinger (Werner). Ostafrikanisehe Studien. 2' A. s8". Basel. 1883 *Miinzreform (Die) Deutschlands, 1870, sec Nahdys (le c. M.) Murad V, sultan of Vie Turks, see Djemaleddin Bey. M.. (1876-95), 1895. 38°. 1887 s8°. 1898 ceuvre & s. Ia8". 1882 Raphael, sa vie, temps. La renaissance en Italie it en France A I'epoque de Chai-les VIII. Ia8". 1885 La tapisserie. n. ed. 8". [18S2] Tapisseries, broderies, dentelles : modules anc. & mod., prec. d'intr. 4". 1890 Les tapisseries de Raphael. fol. 1897 Translations. L. da Vinci, artist etc. [Tr.\ 2v. 4". 1898 Raphael. Tr. W. Armstrong. n. ed. Ia8'>. 1896 Short hist, of tapestry, to end of IS"^ c. Tr. L. J. Davis. 68". 1885 see EssLiNG {prince d') &E. M., PStrarque, 1902 MURALT 1037 MURPHY I Muralt (Beat Louis de). *Lettres sur les Anglois & les Francois, A sur les voyages. 2" id., a laquelle on a joint I'Apologie (111 earact^re anglois & fran^ois [6;/ P. F. Ouyot- Desfontaiiu-s i& P. Brumoy], etc. 38". Cologne. 1727 Lettres sur les Anglais. n. M. s8". Metz. IHOO sec *Wmii,i) (The) iinraask'd, etc. : tr. [f. M. ?], 1736. Muralt (Edward von). Essai de ehronographie byzantine, 10.57-14.53. 'it, [12 wanting]. H". Bale. 1871-3 Murat. For sultans etc. see Murad. Murat (J. J. A., cte.) Murat, lieut. de I'Empeieur en Espagne 1M(1H. 8". 1897 Murat (Joachim), ki7ig of Naples. {tJo.^cHiM [Murat], king etc. \ Corr. de J. M.. 1791-1808. [Ed. A. Lumbroso]. 8". Turin. 1899 sec Beaudarnais (Ere. de). *Dern. eampagne de I'armee sous B., etc. ; suiv. de ra6ms. [author not known'], sur la eam- pagne des Autrichiens contre M., par S. J., 1817. „ Davies {Hiss C.) Eleven years in the family of M , 1841. „ Macerom (F.) Facts rel. to fall of Murat, 1817. „ Mem*, of Maceroni, aide-de-camp to Murat, 1838. „ MuHAT (U cte.) M. en Espagne, (1808), 1897. „ Weil (M. H.) Prince Eugene & M., 1902. Muratori (Ludovico Antonio). Annali d' Italia, sino all' a. 1750. Colle pref. crit. di G. Catalani. 12t. 4". Monaco. 1761-4 I, (0 222. 2, -400. 3, -600. 4, -840. 5, -1000. 6, -1170. 7, -1300. 8, -1400. 9, -1500. 10, -1600. 11, -1700. 12, -17.50. Antiijuitates Italica; medii aevi, usque 1500. 6t. fol. Mediol. 1738-42 „ Indices chronolog. ad Antiq. Italic. Medii jEvi & ad Opera Minora L. A. M. Cura etc. [C. CipoUa, A. Manno, I. M. Bat- taglino, I. CalligarisJ. fol. Augustie Taurin. 1896 De rebus liturgicis dissertatio, see Migne (J. P.) eel., Pat. latina, t74. Delia perfetta poesia italiana, ec. Con le annot. dell' abate A. M. Salvini. 2t in 1. 4". Venezia. 1724 „ Con le annot. di Salvini. 4v in 2. 8". Milano. 1821 Novus thesaurus veterum inscriptionum. 4t. fol. Mediolani. 1739-42 Rerum Italicarum Scriptores 500-1500. Add. novis tabulis geograph., et var. Langobardorum diplomatibus. 25t in 28, [/-a liave -Jp each], fol. Mediolani. 1723-51 ,, Indices chronolog. ad Rerum Italic. Script. ; scrips. J. Calligaris, J. Filippi, C. Merkel. Opeiis moderamen sibi suscep, C. CipoUa, A. Manno. fol. Augustoe Taurin. 1885 Scritti ined., pubbl. a celeb, il 2" centenario dalla nascita di lui. 2p in Iv. Ia8<>. Bologna. 1872 see Bible : New Test. *Canon Muratorianus, the earliest cat. of the books of the N. T., ed. Tregelles, 1867. ,, Catalani (G.) Prefazioni anteposte agl' Annali d' Italia di M., neir ed. romana, con la storia d' Italia, dall' a. 1750 sino all' a. pies., 1754. „ Tkoya (C.) Studii int. agli Annali d' Italia del M., 1869-77. Muratorianus. *Canon M., see Bible : New T., Canon M. etc., 1867. Murav'ev (Andrei Nikolaevich). Hist, of the Church of Russia. Tr. R. W. Blackmore. 8". 0. 1842 Murav'ev {Count Mikhail Nikolaevich). Der Dictator von \Vilna : Memoiren d. Grafen M. N. M. Aus d. Buss.; mite, biogvaph. Einltg. 8". L. 1883 Murav'ev (Gen. Nikolai Nikolaevich). Voyage en Turcomanie & k Khiva, 1819-20. Tr. G. Lecointe de Laveau. 8". 1823 Murch (Jerome). Mrs. Barbauld & h. contemps. 8". 1877 Murchison (Sir Roderick Impey), liart. Geology of Chel- tenham. [P456]. s8". Cheltenham. 1834 Siluria : hist, of the oldest known rocks contg. organic remains, w. sketch of the distrib. of gold. Ia8". 1854 4"' ed. 8". 1867 The Silurian system, w. descr". of the coal-fields etc. 2p in Iv, [pagin. cont. 3 sheets of maps in a case. Ia4".j. la4o. 1839 Struttura geologica delle Alpi, degli Apennini e dei Carpazi. Trad, ed app. suUa Toscana di P. Havi e G. Jleneghini. S". Firenze. 1850 see Geikie (Sir A.) Life of M., based on h. journals & letters, 1875. , E. de Verneuil, & Count A. v. Keyserling. Geology of Russia in Europe & the Ural Mts. 2v. \\2, which is in French, is wanting]. 4". [v2, Paris]. 1845 Murdin (William), see Burghlet Papers [2], (1571-96), by M., 1759. Murdoch (Emma M.), aft. E. M. Van Deventer [ps. Lawrence L. Lynch], sec Lynch (L. L.) ps. Murdoch (J. Burn), sec Burn Murdoch (.1.) Murdoch (James), member of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Hist, of Constitutional Reform in Gt. Brit. * Irel., etc. s8". Glasgow. 1885 Murdoch (John), of Madras, see Indian Year-book for 1862, by M., 1863. Murdoch (W. G. Burn), see Burn Murdoch (W. G.) Murdoch (William L.) Cricket. s8". 1893 Murdock (Harold). The reconstruction of Europe; from rise to fall of 2°'' French Empire. sS". Boston. 1889 Murdock (James). Sketches of modern philosophy, esp. among the Germans. s8". E. 1843 Mure, of Caldwell, family of, see Mure (W.) Sel'. f. the family papers at Caldwell, 1854. Mure (William), o/ CoWzocH, historian. Hist, of language * lit. of antient Greece. 5v. 8". 1850-7 .Journal of tour in Greece & Ionian I*. 2v. sS". E. 1842 National criticism in 1858. [P140, 159]. 8". 1858 Bepily to an art. in " National Review " on M.'s Hist, of Greek Lit. *Sel". f. the family papers at Caldwell, 1496-1853. [Maitland Club, 71]. 2p. in 3v [pJ has 2v]. 4'\ Glasgow. 1854 TUnre (Sir 'William), of Botoallan; lS'J4-i637. Works. Intr., notes, gloss, by W. Tough. [Scottish Text Soc, 40, 41]. 8". E. 1898 Muret (Marc Antoine) [Muretus]. Ai-gumentorum et schol. in Terentium liber. s8". AntverpiEe. 1680 Epistolro. Ed. ster. s8>'. L. 1838 Hymnorum sacrorum liber, eiusdem alia qusedam poematia. Ace. A. S. Sannazarii de partu virginis, etc. Clariss. heroum elogia adiuneta sunt. s8<'. Ingolstadii. 1584 Opera omnia, cum brevi adnot. Ruhnkenii. Ed. etc. C. H. Frotscher. 3v. 8". L. 1834-41 Orationes. 2v. Ed. ster. sS". L. 1838 Murfree (Miss Mary Noailles) [^'S. Charles Egbert Craddock], sec CRADDorK (C. E.) jts. Murger (Henry). The Bobemians of Quarter. the Latin 8". 1888 Les buveurs d'eau. n. ed. 88". 1875 Les nuits d'hiver ; poesies com- pletes, suiv. cVetudes sur M. s8". 1861 Propos de ville et propos de theatre. n. ed. sS". 1862 Le sabot rouge, n. 6d. s8". 1885 Scenes de la Bohfeme. sS". 1851 n. ed. 88". 1861 „ „ n. ed. 88». 1882 Les vacances de Camille. 3" e'd. 88». 1859 see Maillard (F.) ps. [i.e. P. Pbieurj. M. & s. temps, 1874. „ Schanne (Alex.) Souvenirs de Schaunard, 1887. Muriantheus (L.), see Myruntheus (L.) Murillo (Bartolome Esteban). see Curtis (C. B.) Velasquez & M. : descr. cat. of works, 1883. „ Davies (Capt. Edw.), tr.. Life of M., comp. f. var. authors, tr., 1819. „ Knackfuss (H.) M., [Knaokfuss, 10], 1895. „ Minor (E. E.) M., 1881. Murimuth (Adam, of) [I-Adauus, Murimuthensis]. A. M. contin. Chronicarum. R. de Avesbury. De gestis mirabilibus regis Edward tertii. Ed. E. M. Thompson. [RoUs Ser., 93]. 8". 1889 Chronica sui temporis (1303-1346). Cum eorundem cont. (1380) a quodum anon. Edidit & rec. T. Hog. [Eng. Hist. Soc., 10]. 8". Londini. 1846 see Trivet (N.) Annalium cont. : ut et A. M. chronicon, cum cont., 1722. Murisier (E.) Les maladies du sentiment religieux. sS". 1901 Murison, see also Morison. Murison (Alex. Falconer). On the province of Secondary Education in Scotland. [P1004]. 8". Aberdeen. 1876 Sir W. Wallace. s8". [1898] Murmur (Sir Fretful), knt., ps. More miseries ! ! By Sir F. M. s8". 1806 Muro (Gaspar). La princesse d'EboIi. Tr. A. Weil. 8". 1878 Murphy (Arthur). Life of D. Garrick. 2v. 8". 1801 *M<^moires sur Garrick [by A. Murphy] & sur Maeklin [by J. T. Kirkman]. Tr. ; prec. d'une hist. abr6g. du theatre anglais par M. Despr^s. [C. d. M. s. I'A. D.] 8". 1822 Works. 7v. 8". 1786 Murphy (Denis), .S'./. Cromwell in Ireland, n. ed. 8". D. 1885 Murphy (James C), architect. Travels in Portugal, 1789-90. 40. 1795 MURPHY 1038 MUERAY Murphy (James C.) [continued], sec Shakespear (J.) & T. H. Horne. *Histoi7 of the Mahometan Emph-e in Spain, designed as intr. to the " Arabian antiij". of Spain, by J. C. M.," 1816. Murphy (John Mortimer). Sporting adventures in the Far West. 8". 1879 Murphy (John Nicholas). The chair of Peter. 8". 1883 Ireland, iudustri;il, polit.,* social. 8°. 1870 Terra incognita : the convents of the United Kingdom. 8". 1873 Murphy (Joseph John). Habit & intelligence. 2v. 8". 1869 The scientific bases of faith. 8". 1873 Murphy (Patrick). Inquiry into miasmata, etc. 8". 1825 Murphy (Shirley Forster). Our homes & how to make them healthy. 8". 1883 see Stevenson- (T.) & S. F. M., edd. Treatise on hygiene, 1892-4. *Murphy's master, & o. s., 1873, see Pavn (J.) Murr (Christoph Gottlieb v.) Bibl. de peintre, sculpture, gravure. 2t [pagin. cont.]. s8". Francfort. 1770 Memorabilia hibliothecarum publ. Norimberg. ct Univ. Alt- dorfiuffi. 3p in 2v. 8». Norimberga;. 1786-91 Murray, publishing firm, see Murray's Handbooks. „ Smiles (S.) A publisher & h. friends : mem. & corr. of J. Murray, w. ace. of the house (1768-1843), 1891. Murray, Biver, see Australian (The) irrigation colonies on theM., [1887?] Murray (A. W.) The martyrs of Polyneisia, 1799-1871. s8". 1885 Murray (Alex.), D.D., orientalist. Hist, of the European languages. With life [by D. Scot]. 2v. 8". 1823 Murray (Alex.), F.G.S., & J. P. Howley. Geolog. survey of Newfoundland. A. M., director ; J. P. Howley, assistant. 8". 1881 Murray (Capt. Alex.), Royal Irish Fusiliers. Doings in China. s8». 1843 Mem. of Admiral Durham. 8". 1846 Murray (Alex. Edward), visct. Fincastle, see Fincastle. Murray (Alex. Stuart), keeper of the Dept. of Greek d Bnman Antiq-.. Brit. Museum. Greek bronzes. [Portfolio Mono- graphs]. Ia8". 1898 Hdbk. of Greek archeology. s8". 1892 Hist, of Greek sculpture. 2v. 8\ 1880-3 2v. rev. ed. 8". 1890 Manual' of mythology. 2°" ed. s8». 1874 Murray (Hon. Amelia Matilda), 4"' d. of Lord Geo. Murray, bp. of St. Davids. Letters f. the U.S., Cuba, Canada. 2v. s8''. 1856 EecoUs., 1808-37 ; w. a conclusion in 1868. s8". 1868 Murray (Andrew), i^.i.S. Geograph. distribution of mammals. 4". 1866 Murray (Charles Adolphus), ;"' earl of Dunmore, see Dun- more. Murray (Hon. Sir Charles Augustus), 2'"' son of s'" e. of Dunmore. Hassan. 2v. s8». 1857 ' Travels in N. America, 1834-6, The Prairie-Bird. 3v. s8". 1814 . 1886 The Cockney Columbus. The bishop's amazement. sS". 1898 s8". 1896 Cynic fortune s8". 1886 A bit of human nature ; &, the First person singular. " Lively Fanny." s8». 188.5 8v. s8°. 188C Bob Martin's little girl. „ n. ed. 58°. 1886 3v. s8°. 1892 Hearts. 3v. sS". 1883 By the gate of the sea. In direst peril 3v. 88". 1894 2v. sS". 1883 sS". 1884 .\ capful o' nails. s8». 1896 Goals of fire, &0.S. Sv. s8°. 1882 He fell among thieves. 88**. 1891 One traveller returns. sS". 1887 Paul Jones's alias. sS". 1890 Wild Darrie. s8o. 1889 John Vale's guardian. 8v. s8». 1896 Joseph's coat. 8v. s8". 1881 n. ed. s8». 1882 Murray (David Christie) [continued], A life's atonement. repentance — Bulldog & but- 3v. a"" ed. s8». 1881 tertiy— Julia & her Romeo]. The martyred fool. s8». 1895 ' 2v. s8". 1889 A model father, etc. 880.1883 „ „ 38'=. 1889 My contemporaries in fiction. Tales in prose & verse. s8°. 1898 68°. 1897 This little world. s8°. 1897 A novelist's notebook. s8». 1887 | Time's revenges. 3v. s8". 1893 Old Blazer's hero. 88". 1887 Val Strange. Sv. s8". 1863 A race for millions. s8". 1898 i A wasted crime. 2v. sS". 1893 Rainbow gold. 3v. s8<>. 1885 | The way of the world. A rising star. 3v. 88". 1894 n. ed. s8". 1889 Schwartz [ — Young Mr. Barter's The weaker vessel. 3v. sS". 1888 & Henry Herman. The Bishop's Bible. n. ed. sS". 1891 A dangerous catspaw. s8°. 1889 He fell among thieves. 2v. s8». 1891 I Murray (Bev. Edward), see Enoch. *E. restitutus. etc., by M., 1836. Murray (Mrs. Eliz.) Sixteen years of an artist's life in Morocco. Spain, Canary I». 2v. 8". 1859 Murray (Eliz. Alice). The Flower of Kildalla. 3v. s8". 1870 Robert Chetwynd's confession. 3v. s8". 1868 Murray (Eustace Clare Grenville-), see Grenville-Murkay. Murray (G. Gilbert A.), prof, of Greek, Glasgow Univ. Andro- mache : a play. . sS". 1900 Gobi or Shamo. s8°. 1889 Hist, of anc. Greek lit. s8». 1897 sec *Lieeealism & the empire : 3 essays, by M. etc., 1900. Murray (George), F.L.S. Intr. to study of seaweeds. s8'>. 1895 see Bennett (A. W.) & G. M., Hdbk. of cryptogamic botany, 1889. Murray (Gilbert). Agricultural education. LP776]. 80. n.d., [c. 1886 ?] Murray (Grisell), Lady Murray. Mems. of Geo. BaiUie of Jerviswood it Lady Grisell Baillie. s8". E. 1824 Murray (Henry), novelist. A deputy Providence. s8". 1891 see Bccii.iNAN (R.) & H. M. The charlatan, 1895. Murray (Hon. Henry Anthony),. 3"' so;; of 0"' earl of Dunmore. Lands of the slave & the free: Cuba, the U.S., Canada. 2v. s8". 1855 Murray (Hugh). Enquiries resp. the character of nations, & progress of society. 8". E. 1808 Hist. ace. of discoveries & travels in Africa, including the substance of Leyden's work. 2v. 2'"' ed. 8'. E. 1818 Hist. ace. of discoveries & travels in Asia. 3v. 8". E. 1820 Hist. ace. of discoveries ct travels in N. America. 2v. 8". 1829 Morality of fiction. s8°. 1817 The United States ; hist., etc. With illust'. of the nat. hist., by J. Nicol. 3v. s8". E. 1844 see *AnvENTURES of Brit, seamen in the S. Ocean [ed. M.], 1827. „ Chin.a. '^Hist. & descr. ace. of C, by M. [& others], 3"* ed., 1843. „ India. *Hist. & descr. ace. of Brit. I., by M. [d others], 4»' ed., 1843. „ Jameson (E.) Discovery etc. in Africa, by J., M. etc., 1830. Murray (James), ilf..-l. Life in Scotland 100 years ago. s8". Paisley. 1900 Murray (James A. H.) Dialect of the S. counties of Scotland. [Philolog. Soc.]. 8". 1873 The evolution of Eng. lexicography. [Romanes Lect., 1900]. 8". 0. 1900 A new Eng. diet, on histor. principles etc., in prog., 1888etc., see Oxford English diet. Murray (John), F.S.A. , F.L.S. , etc. ; d. IS5I. Communica- tions on coal mines. [P593]. 8". 1844 *Economy of vegetation. s8». [1888] Murray (Sir John) of Broughton. Mems. of M., sec. to Prince Charles Edward, 1740-7. Ed., w. app. of docs., by E. F. Bell. [Scottish Hist Soc. 27]. S". E. 1898 Murray (Col. John) of Pulmaise, see T.\nci!ED (G.) Hist. record of medals ; added, cat. of the coll. of M., 1891. Murray (John), publisher, Albemarle Street, the elder, see Smiles (S.) A nublisher & h. friends : mem.* corr. of M., w. ace. of the house (1768-1843), 1891. Murray (John), publisher, Albemarle Street, the younger, see Murray's Handbooks. MURRAY 1039 MURRAY'S Murray (John Clark). Hdbk. of psychology. sS". 1885 Murray (John Fisher). Tour of the Thames. Ia8". 184.5 Murray (John Hale). Travels in Uruguay ; w. ace. of sheep- faruiint^ etc. s8". 1871 Murray (John Walton). X'". vitality : 6 disc. s8". D. 1884 Murray (Lindley). English grammar. 2v. T'^ed. 8". York. 1842 Murray (,Iiev. Nicholas), of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey. Preachers & preaching. sS". 1860 Murray (Patrick Joseph). Life of J. Eanim ; w. extr". f. his corr. s8". 1857 Murray (R. W.) The disunited states of S. Africa. [Pe22]. 8". [1896] S. Africa ; from Arab domination to Brit. rule. 8". 1891 Murray (Richard), dean of Ardagh. Ireland & her church. 2"! ed. 8". 1845 ' Murray (Robert), C.E. Marine engines it steam vessels. s8i>. 1852 I Murray (Hon. Robert Dundas), .i "' son by 2'"' wife of 7"' baron Elihanl;. Cities & wilds of Andalucia. 2v. s8". 1849 A summer at Port Phillip. s8". E. 1843 Murray (T. Douglas) & A. Silva White. Sir Samuel Baker : a mem. 8". 1895 Murray (Thomas Boyles). Pa.st A- present of the Soc. for pro- moting Xtn. Knowledge. [P208]. s8<'. [1860] Murray (William), /' earl of Mansfield, 1703-93, see Mans- Fiixri. Murray (William Henry Harrison). Daylight Land: parlor- car excursion etc. 8", 1888 Murray-Aynsley (Mrs. Harriet G. M.) [i.e. Mrs. J. C. Murr.w]. Our visit to Hindostan, Kashmir, Ladakh. 8". 1879 Symbolism of the East & West. Ia8'<. 1900 Murray-Kynynmond (E. E. E. Elliot-), countess of Minto, see MiNTO. Murray-Prior (Rosa Caroline), aft. Mrs. Campbell Praed, see Pi-.AEU {Mrx. C.) Murray's Handbooks. Algeria & Tunis ; by Sir R. L. Playtair. i"' ed. s8<>. 1890 Bengal Presidency, w. ace. of Calcutta City. s8". 1882 Berks, Bucks, Oxfordshire. 880. I860 Bombay Presidency, w. ace. of Bombay City. 2'"» ed. sS". 1881 CatbeJrals of England. St. Paul's. 88". 1870 E. division : Oxford —Peter- borough — Norwich — Ely — Lincoln. s8». 1862 N. division. 2p. (1, York, Ripen, Carlisle. 2, Dur- ham, Chester, Manchester.) s8". 1869 S. division. 2p. (1, Winches- ter — Salisbury — Exeter — Wells. 2, Chichester- Canterbury —Rochester.) 88". 1861 S. division ; Saint Alban's [sep. vol.]. s8". 1877 W. division : Bristol — Glou- cester, Hereford —Worces- ter-Lichfield. s8". 1864 Cathedrals of Wales : Llantlaff, St. David's, St. Asaph, Ban- gor. 88". 1873 Church & State. 88". 1852 Constantinople, Brusa, it the Troad. sS". 1893 [rev"!, ed.]. s8°. 1900 88". 1856 bS". 1859 sS". 1872 Continent. Cornwall. Derby, Notts, ford. s8». 1836 s8». 1843 s8'i. 1850 s8». 1871 68". 1893 4"' ed. 7"- ed. 17"> ed. 11* ed For previous cd\ see Devon below. Corsica & Sardinia. s8**. Denmark, w. Scbleswig & stein, & Iceland. 6* ed. sS". Leicester, Staf- 68". 1868 2'"i ed. s8<. 1874 S'*' ed. sS". 1892 1868 Hol- 1893 Devon & Cornwall. S'lied. i* ed. „ „ 8'!' ed. After the S"' ed. each county became the subject of a Sep. hdbk. Devon. Q"" ed. s8o. 1879 , lit" ed. 88". 1895 Durham & Northumberland. sS". 1864 „ „ n. ed. sS». 1873 „ „ n. ed. sB". 1890 Egypt, n. ed., con- ed., ed. M. Brodrick. s8". 1896 England & Wales. 88". 1878 Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cam- bridgeshire. s8". 1870 „ „ 3"" ed. s8». 1892 Nortbern Europe ; incl. Den- mark, Norway, Sweden, Fin- land, Russia. 2p. n. ed. (1,D., N., S.; 2, F., R.) sS". 1849 France. S"! ed. s8". 1847 „ 2p. 14"! ed. s8". 1877 1, Artois,Picardy,Normandy, Brittany, the Seiue & Loire, the Garonne, Bor- deaux, Limousin, Gas- cony, the Pyrenees, etc. 2, Artois, French Flanders, Champagne, Lorraine, Alsace, the Vosges, Bur- gmidy, Lyons, Marseilles, the Rhone, Franche- Comte, the Jura, Dau- phine, the French Alps, Provence, Nice. „ 2p. 18"! ed. b8o. 1892 Germany. N.G. & the Rhine; incl. the Hartz, Tbiiringer- wald, Saxon Switzerland, Riigen, the Giant Mts., Taunus, Odenwald, Elsass, it Lothringen. 20"' ed. 88°. 1886 Murray's Handbooks [continuecV]. Germany. S. G.; Wiirtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salz- burg, Styria, etc., the Austrian & Bavarian Alps,& the Dii.nube from Ulm to the Black Sea. 2"'l ed. s8". 1840 „ 8''' ed. s8". 1858 „ 9"' ed. s8o. 1863 „ S. G. & Austria. 2p. 15'" ed. s8". 1890 Gloucestershire, Worcester, Hereford. s8". 1867 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1872 „ „ 3"' ed. s8". 1884 Divided into two, after 3"' ed., one for G., one for W. '. 1873 „ „ 2p. 9"> ed., [ic. t. S. L & Sicilv. pi, S.Italy. p2, Sicily]. s8". 1892 Japan. Central & Nortbern ; by B. M. Satow it A. G. S. Hawes. 2"li ed. s8". 1892 Oxfordshire. 88". 1894 Panj<(b,W. Rajpiit^n;f, Kashmir, Upper Sindb. s8°. 1883 Paris. 38". 1864 „ n. ed. s8". 1882 Portugal ; w. short ace. of Madeira, the Azores, the Canary I*. s8". 1855 „ „ 4«" ed. 88". 1887 Riviera (The). s8". 1892 Rome & its environs. lO'i' ed. s8°. 1871 „ „ 13'"' ed. s8". 1881 „ , 14"' ed. s8". 1888 „ ,, IB"' ed. 88". 1894 Russia, Poland, Finland. n. ed. 68". 1865 „ „ 3''i ed. s8". 1875 This, tC sncceeding ed^. add to the t. : inclB. Crimea, Caucasus, Siberia, C . Asia. „ „ 4"ied. s8". 1888 „ „ 5"'ed. s8". 1893 Scotland. s8". 1867 „ 4ti'ed. s8". 1875 „ 6''' ed. s8". 1894 „ 7"» ed. s8". 1898 Shropshire, Cheshire, Lanca- shire. b8". 1870 Divided afterwards info two, one for 8. i£ C, one forL. Shropshire & Cheshire. S'-'l ed. s8". 1897 Sicily. 68". 1864 Somerset. 5"' ed. s8". 1899 Spain;byE. Ford. 2p. 88". 1845 „ 2p. 4"' ed. s8». 1869 „ 2p. 6"' ed. 88". 1882 „ .:.... 2p. B'hed. s8". 1892 Surrey, Hampshire, it the I. of Wight. 3'" ed. s8". 1876 „ 4"' ed. s8". 1888 Divided afte}-wards into three. Surrey lincl. Aldershot). 5"' ed. s8". 1898 Sussex. 4"" ed. s8". 1877 „ 5'!' ed. 38". 1893 Switzerland & the Alps of Savoy & Piedmont. s8". 1838 „ , n. ed. s8". 1843 „ „ 3'-''ed. 88". 1846 „ , 9"' ed. sS". 1861 „ , 14"' ed. s8". 1871 „ 15"' ed. s8°. 1874 „ „ 2p. 16"' ed. s8". 1879 „ „ 2p. 18"' ed. s8°. 1892 Syria & Palestine. 2p. s8". 18.58 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1892 Turkey : deecribing Constanti- nople, European Turkey, Asia Minor, Armenia, Mesopo- tamia. 3'. Londini. 1711 *Mus8e Cantabrigienses ; carmina quaedam numismate aureo ornata. 1810, see Cambridge, L'niv. of. *MusiE Etonenses, s. carminum Etonse conditorum delectus. Op. et cura G. Herbert. 2t in 1. ed. 2-. 8". Etonse. 1817 „ „ ... Series nova. Ed. B. Okes. 2t in 1. 8". Etona?. 1869 *Musarum Anglicanarum analecta, ed. 5" [«'. t. Muste Anglican. etc.], see MDs.iEUM etc. 'ULnsxu.s, tJie grammaririn. [Mns.'ios ; Musee ; Museo]. De Herone et Leandro. Cum coniect. P. Francii ex rec. I. Schraderi. Ed. novam cur. G. H. Schaefer. 8°. L. 1825 see Hesiod. H., tr. Elton ; M., by Fawkes, 1832. „ H'. carmina : M'. de Herone et Leandro, ed. Lehrs, 1840. ,, Homer. Batrachomyomachia, G. Chapman, 1858. *Musarum Anglicanarum analecta : s, iiotse, seu ined., sen sparsim ed, .T. Addison, vl, 2. ed. 4"1. s8". [1, 2, Londini ; 3, Oxon.]. 1717-21 ,. „ *Mus!E Anglicana; : s. poemata etc. [Ed. by V. B., i.e. Vincent Bourne\ 2v. ed. 5*. s8". Londini. 1741 „ ,. *Musffi Anglicanse, etc. 2v. s8o. Londini. 1761 Musaus (Johann C. August). Volksmarehen der Deutschen. Hrsg. V. C. M. Wieland. 5T. s8". Wien. [1813J-16 see C.iRLYLE (T.) German romance, specimens : 1, M. etc., 1827. Muscovy, [see also Moscovie]. *Antient (The) & present state of Muscovy, 1698, see Crdll (J.) Muscry (D. Biordan de), see Biordan de Muscry (D.) Musculus (C. T.), see Goethe (J. W. v.) Werke, voUstiind. Ausg. letzter Hand : Inhalts -u. Namen-verzeichnisse v. M., 1835. Muse, [see also Muses]. *Muse pari^taire (La) & la muse foraine, 1863, see Nisard (C.) *Musee des protestans c^l^bres, 1821-4, see Protestakts. Musee Fol: etudes etc., ann. 1-i, [no more app''.], lS7i-8, see FoL (Walthek). Musee Guimet, see Guimet. Annales du Mus^e G., 1880-97. Musee, the grammarian, see Mds.eus. Muselli {il march. Giacopo) [Musellics]. Antiquitatis reli- quis a J. M. coll. fol. Veronse. 1756 Numismata antiqua. 3t. fol. Veronse. 1752 ,, N. a., reeens adquisita, aliis jam editis addenda. fol. Veronte. 1760 Museo Nazionale [form. Eeal Museo Borbonico]. Coll. of the most remarkable monuments of the Nat. Mus., publ. by B. Gargiulo, Controller of the M. vl-4. 4'. Naples. 1868 Museo, tiie grammarian, sec Musz-eus. Museon (Le). Publ. par la Soc. des Lettres et des Sciences. tS-18 ; Nouv. s6r., vl. \u»'. Louvain. 1889-1900 Incorporated w. the Eevue des Eeligions after vl5, and cont. as : Le Museon it la Eevue des Eeligions. tl6, 17, 18 have two n"'. : 1 & 16, 2 * 17, 3 A 18. The title of Nouv. sir., vl, is Le Museon : etudes philologiques, historiques, et religieuses. *Muses [Muse'sI. Muse's min-our (The), being a coll. of poems [by var. a\]. ' 2v. s8>>. 1778 *Muses (The) of Mayfair : sels. etc., 1874, see Cholmondelet- Pexnell (H.) ed. Museum, see *Unitersal (The) songster, orm. of mirth, 1825-6. Museum (The) : or the literary * hist, register [ed. E. Dodsley]. 3v. 80. 1746-7 Museum criticum ; or, Cambridge classical researches. 2v. 8". C. 1826 Museum d. Alterthumswissenschaft. Hrsg. v. F. A. Wolf u. P. Buttmann. Bl, 2. 8". 1807-10 "•Museum Florentinum, exh. insigniora vetustatis mon'. qu£e Florentiae sunt, etc. : Gemma: ; cum obs. A. F. Gorii. 2v. fol. Florentife. 1731-2 Numismata; cum obs. A. F. Gorii. 2v.fol.Florentise. 1740-2 Bitratti degli ece. pittori dip. di propria mano che esist. nell' Imp. Galleria, colle vite de' medes. descr. da F. Moiicke. 4v. fol. Florenti*. 1752-02 Statuse : cum obs. A. F. Gorii. fol. Florentiae. 1734 Two further voP.,suppl. to the " Bitratti ee.," w. t. " Seric di ritratti di eel. pitt esist. appresso V abate Pazzi, ec." are tvanting. In the pref. to vl of " Gemma- " Gcrri says that there is to be a vol. co7it'. the " protomo' " of tlie Enqierors etc., it another emit?, bronzes. It would seem that they never appeared. *Museum Italicum, 1687-9, see Mabillon (J.) & M. Germain, (!(Zd. *Museum Meadianum, 1755, see Me.ad (E.) Museum of classical antiquities. Nos. 1, 2. Ia8". 1851 Museum of Practical Geology & Geological Survey. Cat. of the Lib. of the M. of P. G. * G. S. ; by H. White & T. W. Newton. Ia8". 1878 Descriptive guide ; by E. Hunt. s8°. 1857 Fossils in the M., Cat. of collection of ; by Huxley & Ethe- ridge. s8". 1865 Geological, mining, <.V: metallurgical models in the M., Descr. cat. of ; by Bauermann. s8°. 1865 ''Lectures on gold for emigrants, deliv. at the M. f. P. G., 1852, see Lectures etc. Mineral coll*, in the M., Cat. of ; by Smvth, Eeeks, Eudler. sS". 1864 Mining Eecord Office, Cat. of contents of ; by Hunt & Meade. s8». 1858 Eock specimens in the M., Descr. cat. of ; by Eamsay, Bristow, Geikie, Bauermann. 3"' ed." s8". 1862 School of Mines and of Science applied to the Arts, Eecords of. vl, i, ii. 8". 1852-3 Musgrave (Anthony) ;«ii. Fishes & fishing ; added, the fishes of Janiaiea, by K. Hill. [P364]. 8". Jamaica. 1881 Musgrave (George Clarke). In South Africa with BuUer. 8". 1900 To Kumassi with Scott, 1895-6. s8". 1896 Under three flags in Cuba. s8'. 1899 Musgrave (George Musgrave). By-roads * battle-fields in Pioardy. Ia8». 1861 Nooks * corners in old France. 2v. s8". 1867 The parson, pen, and pencil : Paris, Tours, Eouen, 1847. With memoranda on French farming. 3v. s8". 1848 A pilgrimage into Dauphine, comprising visit to the Grande Chartreuse. 2v. s8". 1857 A ramble into Brittany. 2v. s8". 1870 A ramble through Normandy : scenes etc. in Calvados. s8". 1855 Ten days in a French parsonage, 1863. 2v. s8". 1864 Musgrave (-V»-s. H.) Illusions. 3v. s8". 1887 Musgrave (Philip), missionary. P. M. : or, mems. of a mis- sionary in N. Amer. Colonies. Ed. Eev. J. Abbott. sS". 1846 Musgrave (iiir Richard), l"' bart.,of Tcmrin. Mems. of rebel- lions in Ireland ; also, partic. detail of that wli. broke out May, 1798. 2v. 3'" ed. 8». D. 1802 see Gordon (James). Hist, of the rebellion in Ireland (1798), 2'"' ed., w. reply to M., 1803. „ Hay (Edw.). Hist, of the insurrection of Wexford [w. Au- thentic detail of the extravagant conduct of M., & refut. of his slander agst. H.], 1803. Musgrave (Capt. Thomas). Castaway on the Auckland P.; the wreck of the " Grafton." Ed. J. J. Shillinglaw. s8". 1866 Musgrave CWilliam), M.D. Antiquitates Britanno-Belgica;, prtecipue Eomanffi. 4vin3. s8". Iscce Dunmoniorum. 1711-20 1, Belgium Britam^icum. 2, Geta Britaunicus. Ace. domus Severianse Synopsis, et de icuncula ^Elfredi. 3, I. Vitalis epitapliiura cum notis Dodwelli et conim. Musgrave. Ace. illius ad CI. Goetzium de Puteolana et Baiana inscript. epist. 4, Appendix. Musgrave (Sir 'William), 0"' bart. Obituaiy prior to 1800 (as far as rel. to Eng., Scotl., * Irel.), compiled by M., & entit. " Gen. nomenclator it obituary, w. ref. to books where the persons are mentioned." Ed. Sir G. J. Ai-mytage. 6v. [Harleian Soc, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49]. 4". 1899-1901 1, A-Chynt. 2, Cibber-Fyttz. 3, G-Kytson. 4, L-Payzant. 5, Peach-Staynoe. 6, Ste-Zyl. MUSHAVER 1041 MY Mushaver Pasha, see Slaul (.Si/- A.) fMisHAVER Pasha]. Mushet (Robert). The trinities of the ancients. 8". 1837 Mushketov (Ivan V.) Les liohesses minirales du Turkestan russc. fol. 1878 Music. Diet, of m. it musicinns, 1879-90, .tee Grove (Sir G.) ed. *Musio, and the art of dress, n. ed., 1854, sec Eastlake (Lady). Musical. Musical miscellany (The) ; being a coll. of choice songs, set to violin & Hute. 6v. s8". 1729-31 *Musical pitch : letters, articles etc. on the proposal to adopt the low pitch, repr. fol. 1899 *Musical recollections of the last half century, 1872, see Cox (J. E.) Musical Association. I'roceedings. 2""' sess., 187.5/6. [P3.50n. 8". 1876 3"i-9"' sess., 187r,/7-1882/3. In 3v. 8". 1877-83 Musici scriptores Greeci, 1899, sec .Janus (C.) ed. Musicians. Chronolog. cyclopiedia of ni'. etc., 1896, see Lowe (C. E.) A diet, of ni. ; * summary of the hist, of music. 2v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1827 *Letters of disting. m*., tr. Lady Wallace, 18(J7, see Letters, etc. *Musiker-Briefe, 1867; 2" A., 1k73, sec Nonr. (L.) ed. Muskau (Hermann L. H., FUist v. Piickler-), see Puckler- MfSKAC. Musladie Saadi, [Musle-hiit'Eex Shaik S.\dy], ScJiich, von Schiiiii-, sec Sa'di. Muspratt (J. Sheridan). Chemistry applied to arts & manu- factures. ' 2v. Ia8". [1860] Muss (Nicholas), see Du Bois-Mellv (C.) Le r^oit de N. M., avec notes, 1878. Mussafla (A.) For several essni/.':, see Kaiseri,. Akap. d. Wis- sExsfU., Denkschr. Mussard (Pierre). *Conformite/, des ceremonies modernes avec les anc. s8". Leyde. 1667 *The conformity betw. mod. A anc. ceremonies, etc. Tr. 8". 1745 Mussatus (Albertinus). De gestis Heinrici VII — De gestis Italicorum, see Mpratori (Ij. A.) Rernm Ital. Script., tlO. Musseehood-deen (Mouloec Mohunimud) Khan Bahadoor, see MuHAjniAD Masih Al-Dix. Musset (L. C. Alfred de). Comedies et proverbes. 2t. seule ed. oompl., rev. par I'aut. La s8'>. 1853 „ St. s8". 1878 1, .\vant propos — La nuit venitieuue — Les caprices de Marianne — Fantasio On ne badine pas avec rumour — Barberine. 2, Loreiizftccio — Le chande- lier — II ne faut jurer de rien. .", Un caprice — II faut qu'une porte soit ouverte on fermee — Louison — On ne saurait penser a tout — Cannosine— Bettine. confession d'un enfant du siccle, n. ed. n. ed. n. ed. La niouche— 680. 1852 s8". 1807 s8". 1876 Pierre et Contes Camille— Mile. Mimi Pinson — Le secret de Javotte — Le merle blanc— Lettres sur la littcra- ture. s8. 18G3 Jean le Trouveur. 2t in 1. s8". Brax. 1840 Nouvelles : Les deux maitresses — Enimeline — Le fils du Titien — Frederic et Berne- rette -Croisilles — Margot. s8'. 1852 „ „ [another cd.]. s8'. 1861 (Piuvres posthnmes. s8''. 1860 CEuvres posthumes : Poesies div. — Un souper chez Rachel Fanstine — L'ane& le ruisseau —Lettres. 4". 1895 Poesies nouvelles, 1886-52. n. (id. s8". 1864 „ „ n. ed. 88". 1896 Poesies nouvelles, 1840-49. s8'>. 1850 Premieres poesies, 1829-S5. n. ed. s8". 1852 sec Barixe (A.) M., 1898. ., Ci.ou.iRD (M.) Doc». ined. sur M., 1900. „ Lescukk (M. de\ Eux et elles, 1860. „ Marilton (P.) Une hist, d'auiour : G. Sand & M., 7'" ed., 1897. „ Mi:ssET(P. de). Biographic de A. de M., 4« ed., 1877. ,, Lui et elle, 6" ed., 1868 ; 10' ed., 1877. „ Sand (G.) Elle et lui, 6' ed., 1809 ; n. ed., 1889. „ Lettres i M., 1897. Livia. 38". Brux. 1853 Lui et elle. 6' ed. sS". 1868 „ „ 10' id. s8o. 1877 Puylaurens. s8o. 1856 Mr. Wind & Madam Rain. Tr. E. Makepeace. 88". 1864 sec Lescl're (M. de\ Eux et elles, 1860. Musset-Pathay (V. D. de). Hist, do Ik vie it des ouvr. de Eousseau. n. fid. 8". 1827. *1828. Nouveaux mems. sec. pour serv. a I'hist. de notre temps. 8". 1829' & F. J. Grille. ♦Suite au Memorial de Ste.-Helene [of Las Cases], ou obs. crit. p. serv. de suppl. a cet ouvr. 8". Brux. 1624 Mussis (Joannes de). Chron. Placentinum 222-1402, see Ml'katoiii (L. a.) Uerum Ital. yeript., tlO. Mustafa 'Ali, a Turkish servaiit., see Harrington (Leicester F. C. STAXiinpE, .;"' earl of) [Col. L. St.\nhope]. Greece in 1823-4 ; added, life of M. A., 1824. Mustafa ibn 'Abd Allah, called Kalib Ghclebi, or Hiljl Khalfah,. see Haji Khalfa. Mustafa ibn Hani, ps., sec Vella (G.) Mustafa Nairn, called Naimd. Annals of the Turkish Empire,. 1591-16.59. Tr. C. Kraser. vl, [jw more publ. O.T.F.]. 4". 1832 Mustafa (Hazi Halife), see H.vji Khalfa. Mustajab (Muhammad), see Muiummau Mustajar, Khdn Bahi'idur. Mustapha. For all persons of litis name see Mustafa. *Mustard leaves, by D. T. S., 1886, see Balch (E.) Musters (George Chaworth). At home witli the Patagonians. 8'\ 18711 Musters (Herminia), wife of G. C. Musters, ed.. Book of hunt- ing songs A sport. s8". 1885 Musters (John Chaworth) ed., Hunting songs & poems. 38". n.d. Muston (Alexis). L'Israel des Alpes : liist. des Vaudois, suiv. d'une bibliograi)hie. 4t. 58". 1851 The Israel of the Alps: hist, of the persecutions ot the Waldenses. Tr. S8". 1852 Muter (Mrs. Dunbar Douglas). Travels etc. in India, China,. & N. Zealand. 2v. s8". 1864. Muther (Richard). Hist, of modern painting. 3v. laS". 1895-6 Mutinelli (Fabio). Annali urbani di Venezia : secolo 16". ]a8". Venezia. 1838 Mutinensis (Leo), sec Modexa (Leo). Mutinies. [Mdtiny]. *Mutinies (The) & the people ; or state- ments of native fidelity, by a Hindu. s8''. Calcutta. 1859' ♦Mutinies in India ; extr'. f. letters of an assistant surgeon,. 1857, see India. ♦Mutinies (The), the government. A- the people. By a Hindu. [P344]. 8". Calcutta. 1858-. ♦Mutiny (The) of the Bengal Army, by one who has servedi under Sir C. Napier, 2p, 1857-8, see Malleson (G. B.) Mutu Kumara Svami. [Muti!: Cooji.'vra Sw.biv]. sec ♦Dathavaxsa (The), text A tr. by M., 1874. ,, ♦Sl-ttaxipata, tr. by M., 1874. Miitzell (Alex. Aug.) ed., Neues topograph.-statist.-geo- gi'aphisches WiJrterbuch des Preussischen Staats. Untev Aufsicht d. Herrn L. Krug, hrsg. v. M. 6B. 4". Halle. 1821-5 Muybridge (Eadweard). Animals in motion. obi. fol. 189f» Muza (Emil). (irannu. d. kroat. Sprache. [Bibl. d. Spr.-Kde.]. s8". Wien. [1894] Gramm. d. serb. -kroat. Sprache. [Bibl. d. Spr.-Kde.]. 2' A. s8". Wien. [1894] Muzio (Antonio). Cat. de' libri ec. stampati in Napoli nella stamperia di A. M. rP8241. 88". 1722 My. *My churchwardens. By a vicar. s8'>. 1890i ♦My cousin Maurice, 1872, see Carrington [Mr-i. ). ♦My curates. By a rector. s8''. 1890- *My ducats & my daughter, 1884, see Hunter (H.iv) & W. White. *My escape f. the mutinies in Oudh, 18r,H, see Gibney (B. D.) *My experiences in a lunatic asylum. By a sane patient. s8". 1879 •My friend : sonnet-sequence, by Quex, 1894, see Quex.^s. *My friends & I, ed. .J. Sturgis, 1884, see Sturgis (Julun). ♦My heart's in the Highlands, 1878, see Grant (Maria M.) ♦My Lady Green Sleeves, 1879, see Mathers (H.) I 'My hfe, [n. ed., w. t. changed In '■ Adv. of Capt. Blake "], 1850, see Maxwell (W. H.) •My life, & what shall I do with it? 1862, see Phillipps (Miss L. P. M.) ♦My life, by an ex-dissenter, 1841, see Rawston (G.) ♦My little girl, 1873, see Besant (Sir W.) & J. Rice. I •My little lady, 1871, see Povnter (E. F.) ♦My mother & I, 1874, see Craik (Mrs. D. M.) •"My novel," 1851-2, see Lvtton (E., hiiruii). ♦My Paris note-book, 1H94, sec Vandam (A. D.) ' •My rectors. By a quondam curate. s8". 1890 •My sister Rosalind, 1876, see Archer (E. M.) •My start in lite. By a young " Middy." S8". 1881 •My story : a narrative of the present century. s8". Burns if Oates. n.d.. 3 Y MY 1042 NADAILLAC My [continiifd]. *My three aunts; or Lowminster. [By the a. of "Long, long ago."] s8". 1858 *My trivial life & misfortune. Bj' a plain woman, {^^yilss Ingham.] 3v. s8". E. 18S3 „ „ n. ed. s8". E. 1883 *My uncle the curate, 1849, see Savage (M. W.) *My watch below, n. ed., 1895, see Russell (W. Cl.uik). •My wife's niece, 1885, see Elliot (Anke). 'My wife's relations : a story of Piglaml. By H. A. H. \JMrs. Huxley.] 8". 1884 Myall (Mrs. Ambrose), see Fklswell (Laura Hain) [Mrs. A. M.] Myconius (Oswaldus) , [0. M. Lucehnands], sec *Leben u. ausgew. Schiiften d. Viiter d. reform. Kirche : B2. Ukolampad u. M., V. K. E. Hagenbach, 1857-02. Myddvai, Caermarthenshire. *The physicians of M. ; Meddygon Myddfai: tr., 1861, sec Williams (.J.) cd. Myer (Isaac). Oldest books in the world : ace. of the religion, wisdom etc. of the anc. Egyptians. Ia8". 1900 Scarabs : the scarabanis in anc. Egypt, etc. s8". Paris. 1894 Myers, sec also Mayers, Miers, Myee. Myers (Arthur B. E.) Life with the Hamran Arabs ; a sport- ing tour, 1874-5. sS". 187(1 Myers (Ernest). Lord Althorp. s8". 1890 Poems. s8". 1877 Myers (Frederic), incumbent of St. John's, Keswick. Catholic thoughts on the Bible & theology. s8". 1874 Catholic thoughts on the Church of X'. & the Church of Eng. b8". 1874 Lectures on great men. s8'. 1850 Myers (Frederic W. H.) Essays. 2v. [1], Classical, i Science & a future life, w. o. [2], Modern. s8 '. 1883 ' essays. s8'. 1893 The renewal of youth, & o. p. , Wordsworth. [Eng. men of 8". 1832 letters.] s8». 1881 Saint Paul [poem]. see Gurnev (E.) M., etc., Phan- n. ed. b8". 1879 tasms of the living, 1886. Myers (Gustavus). Hist, of Tammany Hall. s8». N.Y. 1901 Myers (Philip Van Ness). Remains of lost empires. 8". 187.5 Myers (i.Vr. Thomas). The prophecies delivered by X'., and miraculous gifts exercised by the apostles, applied to the state of the Church. s8". 1836 Myfyr, see .Jones (Owen), called Myvijr. Myles CWilliam). Chronolog. hist, of the Methodists. 3"> ed. s8'^. 1803 Mylius (F. H.), of Milan. Acht Tage in Holland. 2«A. £8". Mailand. 1878 Mylius (Johann Christoph). Eibl. anonymorum & pseudo- nymorum. Cum pritf. G. Stollii. ip. s8". Hamburgi. 1740 Myllar (Androw), jjcos/fr, see Miller (Andrew). Mylne, see- also Miln, Milne. Mylne (Robert W.), see Blackfhi.\rs Bridge : designs etc. sub- mitted by M., 1802. Mynshul (Geffray), see Minsholl (G.) Mynster, sec also Mi-nster. Mynster (Jacob Peter), i^j. of Zealand. Af efterladte Breve til J- 1'- M- 8". 1862 Myrc (John). Instructions for parish priests. Ed. E. Peacock. [E.E.T.S., 31]. 8". 1868 Myriam Harry ( ), .':ce Harry (M.) Myriantheus (L.), [Muriantheus], see Lasc.irides (G. P.) Phraseolog. Eng.-anc. & mod. Greek lex. ; founded on MS. of L., comp. by M., 1882. Myrinseus (Agathias), [A. Myrisensls], see Agathias. Myroure, sec Mirror. Myryke (Ryce), see Merrick (Rice). Mysiae. *De numinis regum Mysiae seu Rasciffi ad Venetos typos perc, 1750, see Zanetti (G. F.| Mysore, .\dministration of M. Reports 1860/1 ; 1802/3 ; l«fi3/4. [1800/1, 1802/3, fol.; 1803/4,8"]. 1801-4 TJie Vol. for AS.j.J/,; is b. w. Coorg. Ann. report, 1803/4. *Mysore ct Coorg Gazetteer, 3v, 1870-8, sec Rice (L.) *The Rajah & Principality of M. ; w. letter to Lord Stanley. [/SiiyiJcd Indicus ; i.e., Evans Bell ?] 8". 1865 see Rice (B. L.) Inscr". at Sravana Belgola, 1889. Mystere. [Mistere]. *Mist^re (Le) du si^ge d'Orleans, 1862, see Orleans. *Mistere (Le) dii viel testament. Publ., avec intr., notes iV gloss., par le b°". J. de Rothschild. 6t. [S.d.a.t.f.]. 8". 1878-91 *Myst^re (Le) de la croix, par un disciple de la Croix de Jesus. Acheve le 12 aoiAt, 1732. On y a adjoute quelques poesies lat., comp. aussi dans la solitude de Sonuenstein. [By — Doazc- tcmpsf] s8'. 180O *Mystt're (Le) de S. Bernard de Menthon, 1888, sec Bei;naiii>, St., of Menthon. *Mystere de Saint Crespin etc., 1836, see Crispin. *Myst6re (Le) de Saint Louis, 1871, sec Louis IX, 'king etc. *Mysteres ined. du 15' s., 2t, 1837, sec Judlnal (M. L. A.) cd. Mysteries. '^Mysteries (The) of Heron Dyke, 1880, see Speigut (T. W.) ■'Mysteries (The) of London, by Father North, 1844, sec Nortu {Father) [ps.?] •'•'Mysteries ; or, faith the knowledge of God, 1861, see Cruise (R.) Mystery, [see also Mysteries, & Mystere]. *Mystery (The) of miracles, 1879, see Reynold.s (J. W.) ♦Mystery (The) of pain, 1800, sec Hinton (J.) *Mystery (The) of the good old cause briefly unfolded [1000, repr., w. t. : Sarcastic notices of the Long Pari, etc.], 1803, see Parliament. Mystic. *Mystic rose (The) from the garden of the king : fragment of the vision of Sheikh Haji Ibrahim of Kerbela. [Tr.] F. L. Cartwright. s8'. p.p. [1899] *Mystic Rose Garden (The) of Sa'd ud din Mahmud Shabistari, IMHO, see Mahmud, Shabistari. *Mystiques (Les), 1809, sec Michon (J. H.) Mythographi. *JIythographi Grseci. vl ; 2, i; 3, i, [in prog.]. s8'. L. 1894-7 1, Apollodori bibliotheca — Pediasimi lib. de xii Herculis lab. Ed. R. Wagner. 2, i, Parthenii Trepi 4puniKu}v wad-q^iaTuv ; Antonini Liberalis fj-ETa/xoptpwaeiev tind. Koni- pagnie zu Japan im 17.Jhilt. 8'. L. 1897 Nadaillac (J. F. A. Du Pouget, marg. de). [fDu PougetJ. Affaiblissement de la natalite en France. 2' ed. s8'. 18S0 Manners & mon*. of prehist. peoples. Tr. N.Bell (N. D'Anvers). 8'. N.Y. 1892 Maurs & mons. des peuples prehist laS". 1888 Pre-historic America. Tr. N. D'Anvers. Ed. W. H. Dall. 8". 1885 Les premiers houimes A les temps prehist. 2t. Ia8". 1881 NADAL 1013 NANGIS Nadal (Ehrman Syme). Essays at home it elsewhere. s8". 1882 Impressions of London social life, w. o. papers. s8'. 187.5 Nadal (/'a/<6i' J. C.) Diet, d'eloiiuence sacree, see JIionk (.J. P.) Enoyclopt'ilie, S'2 vi. Nadar, ps., sir Tui:i;n.«'iion (Fklix). Nadaud (Gustave). Chansons ;'i dire. s8 '. 1891 i Chansons legiTes. s8 '. 187'J Chansons de salon. j Chansons populaires. id. Jouaust. s8 '. 1879 , e'd. Jouaust. s8". 1879 Chansons inedites. s8 '. 187G Nadaud (Martin). Hist des classes ouvrieres eu Angleterre. 8'. 1S72 Nadault de Buffon (Henri). Les temps nouveaux. Ia8". 1878 Naden {Hiss Constance C. W.) Complete poet, works. Fore- word hy E. Levvins. s8". 1894 Further reliques of N. : essays etc. Ed. G. WCrie. 8". 1891 Induction & deduction : sketch of philosoph. conceptions resp. the rel'. betw. inductive tt deductive thought, & o. essays. 8». 1890 'Na.d.il Sh.a,h, sha]' of Persia. [Kouli-Kan ; Kouli-Kh.\n; Ki'i.i- Ch4N ; N.iDER CiLvn ; N.^dkp, Shah ; Nadiu-Cha ; Nadiu Kouli ; ■ScnAcn Nauyii; Tahma.s Kodli-Kuan ; Thaiias Kouli-Kiian; Thomas Kouli-Kan]. sec FiiAsEii (.Ja.-vies). Hist, of N. S., 1712. ,, Han'W.w (,I.) Hist. ace. of Brit, trade over the Caspian ; w. liist. of Nadir Kouli, 1753. „ Jones {Sir W.) Works : vll, 12, Hist, de N. S., Intr. to the life of N. S., 1807. „ Oi'TEii (J.) Voyage ; avec relation des exped. de Tahmas Kouli-Khan, 1748. Naegely (Henry) [ps. Heney Gaelyx]. .T. F. Jlillet & rustic art. 8'. 18'.I8 Naerup (Carl). Hkildringer og Stemninger fra den yngrc Litteratiir. 8'. [1897] Nagel (Friedrich), of Augsburg. Gesch. d. Amazonen. s8'. St. 1838 Nagel (S.) Franzos.-engl. etymolog. Wbch. innerhalb des Latcinisclien. 8". 18C)9 Nageli (Carl W.) Entstehung u. Begriff d. naturhistor. Art. [P.502]. 2" A. 8'. Miinchen. 18<)-5 & S. Schwendener. The microscope. Tr. [F. Crisp]. 8". 1887 Nagelsbach (Carl Friedrich v.) Die homer. Theologie. [n.c., b.w. JliiUer(W.)Hoiiicr. Vorsi--hule,2-A., 183(i.J. 8". Niirnberg. 1840 „ „ 2'' A., bearb. v. G. Autenrieth. 8'. Niirnberg. ISIil Lateinische Stilistik far Deutsche. ('>' A. 8'. Niirnberg. lM7(i Die nach-homer. Theologie d. griech. Volksglaubens bis auf Alexander. 8". Niirnberg. 1857 Nagel von Brawe (Hans) ps., see Dincklaoe-Campe (F., Frhr. v.) Nagely (Henry) [II. GaIolynJ, sec N.iegely (H.) Nagler (Gi-eorg Caspar). Die Monogrammisten u. Kiinstler welchc sich eiiies figiirlichen Zeichens etc. bedient haben. 5B. 8'. Miinchen. 1858-79 Neues allg. Kiinstler-Lexicon. 221!. 8'. Miinchen. 183.5-.52 see *Alloemeines Kiinstler-Lexikon, 2' umgearb. A. v. N.'s K.-L., Bl-3 [no more app''.], 1872-85. *Nahere Beleuchtung [a. not known] d. Lebensgesch. d. Frhrn. V. d. Trenck, neue A., 1788, see Tiienck {F., Frln: v. heu). Nahlowsky (Joseph Wilhelm). Allg. prakt. Philosophie (Ethik). Pragmatisch behandflt. 8". L. 1871 Die elhiseheu Ideen als d. waltenden Machte im Einzel- wie im Staatsleben. [P.502J. 8: L. 18C5 Grundziige z. Lehre v. d. Gesellschaft u. d. Staate. [P491]. 8'. L. 1805 Nahuatl, see Biunton (D. G.) Lib. of aborig. Amer. lit. ; 7, Anc. Nahuatl [loetry, 1887. Nahuys (le cte. Maurin T. C. F. N.) Die Mtinzreform Deutseh- lands. . [P251]. 8". Utrecht. 1870 Naik (Hydur), see Haidak Shah. Naillen (A. van der), see Van Deh Naillen (.A.) Naima, see Mr>iAF.v NAi^[, called Nalmu. Nairne (Carolina Nairna, baroness), luifc of .;'■ Lord X. [■fOuPHANT (C), aft. Nairne]. Life tt songs of N. ; w. mem. & poems of (Caroline Oliphant the younger. Ed. C. Rogers. s8». 18(59 Naismith (John). Gen. view of agric. of Clydesdale. [Board of Agric.j. 8". 1801') Najac (te ele. Eraile de), see Sakdou (V.) A E. de N., Divoroons 1 .22' ed., 1891. Najaf-Kuh-Mirza, y/ftncf o/ Persia. [Na.tae Koolf.e Mbekza]. .Journal in Eng., & of journey to iS; from Syria, etc. Tr. Assaad Y. Kayat. 2v. s8". /.p.c. [1839] Najeeb, ps., see India. *Strictures on thepres. govt., [siqned N.], 1808. Najm Ad-Din 'Omarah Al-Hakami, sec 'Om.uiah. '■'Naked gospel (The), 1690, see Buby (A.) Nakhoda Miida. *Mem'. of a Malayan family [i.e. of N. M. iC of h. > sons]. By themselves ; tr. W. Marsden. rO.T.F.]. laS'. 1830 *Nala and Damayanti, var. cd'., see *NAi,nrAKHv.\NA. Naladiyar. *Th(j N., or 400 quatrains in Tamil, w. tr., notes etc. by G. U. Pope. 8". O. 1893 Naldi (Naldo). Vita .J. Manetti 1396-1459, see Muii.itori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., 120. Nail (John Grreaves). Great Yarmouth & Lowestoft, a hdbk. ; w. hist, of the herring lishery, and glossary of dialect of E. Anglia. s8". 1860 Nalopakhyana. [Nala & Daiiayanti ; Nalus ; fMAHABHAitATA. — NalopdUliyuna]. *Nalopakhyanam ; story of Nala, an episode of the M., w. vocab., etc. by Monier Williams, metr. tr. by H. H. Milman. 8". 0. 1860 *Nalopakliyanam ; or the tale of Nala. Text in Eoman cha- racters, w. vocab. etc. Ed. T. .Jarrett. 8". C. 1875 Nalson (John). An impartial coll. of the great affairs of State, f. 1639 to the murther of Ch. I. 2v. fol. 1682-3 "The present interest of England : a confut. of the Whiggish couspiratours Anti-Monyan principle. [P276]. s4". 1683 * „ „ [P281]. 2"'' ed. s4<>. 1685 *Nalus, var. ed'., see *Naloi'."m;hy.vna. Namatianus (Claudius Eutilius) [tRuTiLirs Namatiasus (C.)] N. de reditu suo libri ii. Ace. Hadriani etc. aliorumque Siec. u.u.c. X poetarum reliquite. Kec. etc. L. Mueller. sS». L. 1870 Des C. II. N. Heimkehr. tjbers. u. crl. v. Itasius Lemniacus [i.e., A. V. Rcumont]. 8". 1872 see Mela (P.) De situ orbis ; ace. K. itinerarium, 1809. Names. For aiwn. works in French sec No5is. Cyclopiedia of names, 1894, see Smith (Ben.7amin E.) ed. *Names (The) of the Roman Catholics, Nonjurors etc. who refus'd to take oaths to K. George, [1745, repr.] 1862, see CosiN ( ). Namur. Documents inedits rel. a I'hist. de la province de Namur. 8\ Namur. 1862-78 Cartulivire de la commune de Bouvignes. 2t. Cart, de la commune de Posses. Cart, de la commune de Ciney. Cavt. de la commune de Couvin. Cart, des petites communes. Analyses des pieces publ. par S. Bormans. Monuments pour servir a I'hist. des prov. de N., de Hainaut it de Luxembourg. Publ. par le b. de Reift'enberg [tC others]. tl-8. [C. R. d'H. de Belg.]. 4". 1844-74 1, Clui-rtes de Namur it de Hainaut. 2, Cartulaire de Cambron, pi, 2, in Iv. 3, Cartulaix'es de Hainaut ; suite it fin. 4-0, Le Chevalier au Cygne & Godefroid de Bouillon. [tG hfts 2i) in le,p:i being a Glossaire]. 7, Gilles de Chin, pot'me — Chroniques monastiques. 8, Antres ehron. monast. dn Namnrois & du Hainaut. Namur (J. Pie). Bibliographie pali5ograph. -diplomat. -biblio- logiiiue gen. 2t in 1. 8". Liege. 1838 Nana Furnuwees, [IN.vn.'a Phadbnavis], see Macdonald (Capl. A.) Mem. of N. V., 1851. *Nanasivavathakkattalei, tr., 1860, see Foulkes (T.I, tr. Nangay (Edme de La Chatre, cfe. de), see La Ch.vtke. Nancay {le c. L, Gr. du Buat-), see Du Buat-Nan9av. Nandakumara, Malwnlju. see Nuxcomar. Nangis ((Juillaume, de). [G. Naxgiaci-s; IGiillaume, de Nangis]. Chronique latine de G. de N., 1113-1300, avec les cont'., 1300-68. Nouv. ed. annot. etc. par H. Geraud. 2t. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8 ■. 1843 see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t9, 10, 20. „ GoizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des mems. : tl3, Chroii. de G. de N., 1825. ,, Monumenta Gr.r.ii. Hist., Scr., t26. Nangis (N. de Brichanteau, /;/<(/ 5. de Beauvais-),st'C Beauvais- Nanoi.s. 3i2 NANI 1041 NAPLES Nani (G. Battista F. G.) Hist, do la n'pnbl. tie Yenise. [Tr. I'. Tcdlcmnnt £ P. rfc MascUirW. 4t in 2 [t3, 4, ivantiuy,. sS". Cologne. 1682-1702 Hist, della republ. veneta. 2p. fpl, 4' imp.]. 4". Venetia. 1686 For anoth. cd. sec *Istorici ilelle cose veneziane, ec. : tS, 9, N., 1718-22. Nanjio (Bunyiu), see Bunyiu N.w.iio. Nanni (Fabrizio) 2>s., sec G.vi.lksi (F.) Nanni (G.), see Anniu.s (Joannes) Viterboisis. Nansen (Fridtjof). E.'-kimo life. Tr. W. Aicber. 8". 1893 The first crossing of Greenland. Tr. H. M.Gepp. 2v. 8». 1890 „ , n. ed., abr. ihij C. J. Jjonfjman]. s8". 1892 K.'s " Farthest North," 1893-6 ; w. app. by 0. Sverdrup. 2v. 8°. 1897 The Norwegian North Polar lOxped., 1893-6 : scientific results, ed. N. vl-3. 4". 1900-2 see Bkoggeh (W. C.) ct N. KoLrsKX, N., (1861-93), tr., 1896. Nansen (Peter). Et Hjem. 2' Opl. s8". 1895 Guds Fred. 2'' Opl. s8<>. 1895 Maria. 4' Opl. s8". 1898 Nantes. Ex chronieo Namnetensi etc., see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t7, 8, 11, 12, 18. *Hist. de I'edit de N., etc., 1693 5, scf Bkxoist (ELn;). Nanteuil {le h"". Amaury de La Barre de), see La Baebe i.e Nanti-.uii-. Nanteuil {Mine. Claire Julie de). Yiolette Deschamps. s8'. 1893 Nantucket, see *Six to one : a N. idyl, 1878. Naogeorgus (T.) pj. [i.c.tKmcHMKVER (Thomas)]. Pammachius. Hrsg. V. J. Bolte u. E. Schmidt. [Latein. Littdkmlr. d. 15. u. 16. Jhdts., 3]. s8". 1891 Reprint of the Popish Kingdome. by N., Englyshed by B. Googe, 1570. Ed., w. mem., R. C. Hope. 4". 1880 Naoroji (Dadabhai), see Dahaiuiai Naoiio.ti. Naosnke (Baron li Kamon-no-Kami), see Ii Ka5iox-no-Kami Nadsukk. Napeir (John) of Mcrchiston, see Napiep. (J.) Naper (James L. W.) The elective franchise * fixity of tenure as conn. w. agricult. improvement. [P113]. 8". D. 1843 Napier (Archibald Napier, /" tmron), /J-;6-l64o. Mems., by himself. s4". E. 1793 Napier (Arthur S.) Hist, of the holy rood-tree, a 12"' c. version of the Cross-Legend ; w. notes on the orthograpliy of the Ormulum (w. facs.), & a Middle Engl. Compassio Maria. Ed. N. [E.E.T.S., 103]. 8°. 1894 Old English glosses, chiefly unpnbl. Ed. N. laS". 0. 1900 sec *CiiA\\F0HD Coll. (The) of early Charters etc., 1895. Napier (.V«. Catherine). The lay of the Palace. [P151]. 8". 1852 Napier {Admiral Sir Charles), 'i;s0^lS60. Ace. of the war in I'ortugal between Don Pedro A Don Miguel. 2v. 8». 1836 The Navy : its past & pres. state. 8". 1851 The War in Syria. 2v. s8". 1842 sec Eabp (G. B.) Hist, of the Baltic Campaign of 1854, f. doc". etc. furnished bv N., ed. E.. 1857. „ Napier (Lt.-Gen'.E. H. D. E.) Life & corr. of Sir C. N., f. l)ers. recoils., letters, it oflicial docs., 1862. Napier (Gen. Sir Charles James), /~Si'--iSJ3. sec Bruce (W. N.) Life of N., 1885. „ Butler {Sir \V. The colonies : their value gene- rally, the Ionian 1'. in partic. Strictures on the admin", of Sir F. Adam. 8". 1833 Defects of the Indian govt. Ed. Sir \V. F. P. Napier. 8". 185;.l „ , Billed. 8". 18.-.3 Lights & shades of military life. 2v. s8". 1840 Coiit'. /)-'. [hi/ F. Shoberl] of A. lie Vigny's " Servi- iiuJe ff- grandeur milit." of E. Blaze's "La vie mint." ; with essajjs by N. William the Conqueror; hist. romance. Sir W. Napier, editor. s8". 1858 Sir C. N., 1890. Holmes (T. R. E.) Four soldiers, 1889. Napier {Sir W. F. P.) The conquest of Scinde,w.intry. passages in life of Sir C. N., 1845. Hist, of Sir C. N.'s admin, of Scinde, & cam- l>aigu in the Cutcbee Hills, 1851. Life & opinions of Sir C. N., 1857. Napier (Charles Ottley Groom), see Groom N.^piek. Napier (Lt.-Cen. Edward H. D. Elers), IsoH^yo. The book of the Cape: past & future emigration. Ed. Mrs. Ward. sS". 1851 Excursions along the shores of the Mediterranean. 2v. s8". 1842 Excursions in S. Africa, inch a hist, of Cape Colony, etc. 2v. 88". 1849 Life A- corr. of Adm. Sir C. Napier. 2v. 8". 1862 Scenes & sports in foreign lands. 2v. 88". 1840 Napier (Francis Napier, '/'' baron). Notes on modern painting at Naples. s8». 1855 Napier (George G.) Homes & haunts of Tennyson. 8". Glasgow. 1892 Napier (Gen. Sir George Thomas), /^s {-/s.;.;. Passages in early milit. life of N., by himself. Ed. W. C. E. Napier. 88". 1884 Napier (Hon. d- Hev. Henry Alfred), 3"' son of ;"' baron. Hist. notices of Swyncombe & Ewelme, in the co. of Oxford. 4\ 0. 1858 Napier (Henry Edward). Florentine hist, to .access, of Ferdinand 111. 6v. s8". 1847 Napier (James). Ancient workers in metal. s8". 1856 Folk lore : beliefs in W. of Scotland within this century, etc. 88". Paisley. 1879 Manual of electro-metallurgy. 58". 1851 Napier (John) of Mcrchistoun : I.')30-16I~. [N.^peir ; Neper; .J. Neperus ; Nepiar]. see BucHAx (D. S., //''' carl of) & W. Minto. Acc. of N., 1787. „ Napier (Mark). Mems. of N., 1834. Napier (/?/. Woji. .Sir Joseph), /" hart.; /'iOi-^S:.'. Butler's argument on miracles expl''. Added, crit. diss, by H. L. Mansel. [P83]. s8". D. 1863 The lectures, essays it letters of N. lutr. by h. daughter. 8". 1888 Lectures on Butler's Analogy. sS". D. 1864 see EwALi. (A. C.) Life of N., f. h. priv. corr., 1887; rev. ed., 1892. Napier (Macvey) the elder; I77'>-I^i7- Lord Bacon; & Sir W. Raleigh. [.' essays']. s8". C. 1863 Sels. f. corr. of N. ; ed. by h. son. 8». 1879 Napier (Mark), Life and times of Montrose. s8". E. 1840 Mems. of J. Napier of Merchi.ston, w. hist, of the invention of logarithms. 4". E. 1834 Mems. of Montrose. 2v. 8". E. 1856 Memorials & letters illust. of life it times of Claverhouse. 3v. »'. E. 1859-62 Montrose tt the Covenanters. 2v. 8". 1838 Napier (Kichard). On Outram's "Conquest of Sinde." 8". 1847 Napier (ili s. Robina) ed., Johnsoniana : aneed'. of Sam. Johnson, w. diary of Dr. Campbell, it extr\ f. that of Mme. D'Arblay. Coll. by K. N. s8>'. 1884 Napier (William), F.R.G.S. The Malays: ct Perak & Salan- gore. [P3-50]. 8". 1876 Napier (Hon. "William), i'"' son of s"' baron ; lsjj-~0, see *Ti;axsvaal (The) in ISTfi ; w. extr».' f. diary of N., 1881. Napier (den. Sir William Francis Patrick), /;s. 7-/560. The conquest of Scinde, w. introd'. passages in the life of Sir C. J. Napier. 8''. 1845 2'"' ed. 8". 1845 Hist, of Sir C. Napier's administration of Scinde, it campaign in the Cutehee Hills. 8». 1851 Hist, of the war in the Peninsula it S. of France, 1807-14. 6v, [vl wanting]. S". 1828-40 vl. 2'"> ed. 8". 1832 vl, 2. 3'" ed. 8". 1835-8 6v. n. ed. s8'>. 1851-3 3v. s8". 1882 English battles it sieges in the Peninsula. Extr. f. his " Peni-n- sula War " by N. s8". 1852 Life it opinions of Gen. Sir C. J. Napier. 4v. s8". 1857 *Life of W. F. P. N. ; ed. H. A. Bruce. 2v. s8". 1864 see BowMTCH (J.) Letter in vindie. of N., on his executing- the writ of pardon of Fossey, 1844. ,, CuTCHEE. *Papers reg. the 1" campaign agst. C'. : Bill-.i- more's surviving subaltern r. N., 18.54. „ Holmes (T. R. E.) Four soldiers, 1889. „ O'Byrne (R. W.) Victories, 1808-14 : epitome of N.'s- ■' Peninsular War " etc., 1889. „ TuppER (H.) Obs. in ans. to letter of Bowditch vindicating N., 1H44. Napione (G. F. Galeani), see Gij:.EANi Napione (G. F.), aontc di Cocconato Passerano. Naples. For anon, works in Hcdian sec N.^poli. *Annali civili del regno delle due Sicilie, 1833-40, see AxNAi.r. ♦Court life at Naples. By author of " La Cava." 2v. sS'. 1861 *Naples and the Campagna Felice : letters, 1802. Ia8". 181.S *Naples, bv Lord B., 1856, sec Belfast (F. R., carl of)<. NAPLES 1045 NAPOLEON " Undaunted," & J. " Northumberland,' Precis des {,'uerres fragm'. ined'. Naples [continued}. Neapolitana diaria 12CG-1478, see MuiUToni (L. A.) Rcrum Ita!. Script., fil. sec MusEo Nazioxalk. „ KeALE AccAli. liELI.E SciENZE MoilALI E PoLIT. 1)1 XaPOLI. ,, Soi'iK'i'A Napoletana m Stokia Patbia. Napoleon, The family of, see Boxapaiite, The fumilij of. Napoleon I, emperor of the French. fNAPOLEox Bonapap.te]. *Court (The) & camp of B. ^ s8". 1831 Guerre d'Orient : Campaynes d'Egypte et de Syrie, 1798-9. Mi'ms. pour serv. a I'hist. de N. dicti.s par lui-meme a Ste.- Helene, publ. par le g^n. Bertrand. 21 in 1. 8". 1817 „ ,, ... Atlas de 18 planches, grav. par Moisy. fol. 1847 ♦Impartial hist, life (An) of N. B. By J. M. G., tr. T. Garrett. [ri73]. s8". 1815 *Medallic hist, of N. B., tr. Miss Ann Mudic Scargill, f. the orig. MS. intended to have been publ. by the late govt, of France. Publ. at the Medallic Cabinet, 1.58, Strand. 8'. [c. 1816 ?] M^moires pour serv. a I'hist. de B'rance sous N., ecrits a Ste.- H61ene, par les generauxqui ont partage sacaptivite [G. Gour- gaud it C. J. P. T. de Muntliolon], et publ. sur les mss. corriges de la main de N. 9t. 2' ed. 8". 1830 *Napoleon : extracts f. the "Times" & '• Morning Chronicle " 1815-21 rel. to N.'s life at St. Helena. 8". 1901 *N.'s last voyages : diaries of Adm. Sir T. Ussher on the R. Glover, sec. to Adni. Cockburn on the \v. notes etc. 8". 1895 de Cesar, ecrit a Ste.-Heleue ; suiv. de 8". 1886 Becueil de decrets, ordonnances, trait^s, proclam"., discours etc. de N. & des menibres du gouv. fr., dep. Nov. 1799 [jiisqu'd la dissolution dudit gouv.}. Extr. du Moniteur par L. Goldsmith. 5t. 8". Londres. 1813-15 „ , Suppl., pendant 1815. V&xIj.O. [wanting}. 8". Londres. 1816 Becueil des manifestes, proclam., discours, decrets etc. de N. comnie gen. en chef des armees republ., comme consul it comme emp. Extr. du Moniteur par L. Goldsmith. 3p in Iv. 8". Londres. 1810-11 The table talk ct opinions of N. s8". 1868 Letters. Confidential corr. of N. \v. h. brother Joseph. Sel. & tr., w. notes, f. " M('ms. du roi Joseph." 2v. 8". 1855 Copies des lettres et d^peches ecr. de Paris a Buonaparte pend. son sejour a Dresde, ainsi qu'une corr. de div. personnes de cette meme famille entr'eux, interceptes par les Allies dans le Nord de I'Allemagne. 2' ed. 8". 1814 Copies of original letters f. the army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under Nelson. With tr. 2p in Iv. 8". 1798-9 Correspondance ined. ofiBcielle & confidentielle de N. avec les cours etrang. etc. [Ed. C. T. Beauvais}. 7t. 8". 1809, [i.f . 1819] -20 Correspondance, publ. par ordre de I'emp. Napoleon III. .32t. 8". 1858-70 Lettres de N. a Jos(^phine ; A de J. a N. & a sa fille. 2t. 8". Londres. 1833 Lettres in^d. de N. (an viii-1815). Publ. L. Leeestre. 2t. 8". 1897 Lettres ined. de N. Publ. L. de Brotonne. Ia8". 1898 New letters of N., omitted 1. the ed. publ. under ausj). of Nap. III. [Tr.} Lady M. Loyd. 8». 1898 Aselectiou from th e letters ct despatches of the first Napoleon, w. notes by Hon. D. A. Bingham. 3v. 8". 1884 Refeuences. see Abell {Mrs. L. E.) Eecolls. of N. at St. Helena, 1844. ,, Abrantes (L. Jlnot, dsse. d'). Menis., ou souv'. histor. sur N., 1831-4; 1893. „ AiiMAiLL^ {ctcsse. d'). Une fiancee de N. : Desiree Clarv, reine de Suide (1777-1860), 1897. „ AsHTOx (J.) Eng. caricature & satire on N., 1884. „ BAmxG-GouLD (S.) Life of N., 1897. „ Barxi (J.) N. et M. Thiers, 1869. „ Bausset {le b. L. F. J. de). Mems. sur I'interieur du Palais etc., (1805-14), 1827-9. „ Beyle (M. H.) [ps. Stendhal]. Vie de N. : fragments, 1876. „ BoHTLiNQK (A..) N. bis z. 18. vendeniiaire, 1877. „ Botta (C.) Hist, of Italy dur. Consulate A Empire of N., tr., 1828, Napoleon I, emperor of the French [contimced]. Referexces [continued}, see BoDRGOixG {le b. Paul ue). Itineraire de N. de Smorgoni a Paris, (1812), 1862. „ BounitiEXNE (L. A. Fauyelet de). Mems. sur N., 8'' ed., 1830; 183L „ Mems. of N., tr. Memes, n. od., 1831. „ Mems. of N. ; added, ace. of the Hundred Days & St. Helena, ed. R. W. Phipps, 1885 ; n. ed , 1893. „ BouviER (F.) B. en Italic (1796), 1899. „ Brocghtox (.1. C. HoiiHousE, baron). *Substance (The) of some letter's, by an Ejiglishman resident at Paris dur. the last reign of N., 1816. ,, Browxixg (O.) ed.. lOiig. tt N. in 1.S03 : despatches of Lord Whitworth it others, 1887. „ Bi-CHAXAX (R. W.) N. fallen, [drama}, 1868. „ CAMpiiELL {Sir Neil). X. at Fontainebleau & Elba, 1814- 15, w. notes of conversations, 1869. ,, Capefigue (.T. B. H. R.) L'Europe pend. le Consulat et I'Empire, 1840-1. „ Chaptal (.1. A.) Mes souv«. sur N., 1893. „ CnoisEUL-GouFi'iEK {la ctcsse. de). Rfiminisc. sur Alex. I ct N., 1862. „ Chuquet (A.) La jeunesse de N., tl-3, 1897-9. ,, CocEm.RN {Sir G.) Extract f. a diary of C, w. ref. to N.on passage to St. Helena, 1888. ,, Collin de Plaxcy (.1.) Vie it legendes des deux N. I it II, jusqu'a rav^nemeut de X. Ill, 1867. ,, Concordat, /or anon, works on the C. ,, Constant (L.) Mems. de C. sur la vie priv^e de N., 1830. ,, Consulat. *Registre des driib. du C. provisoire (1799), 1894. „ Cretixeau-Jolv (J.) B., le Concordat de 1801, etc., 1869. ,, Davot (.\.) N. raconte par I'image, 1895. „ Delbare (F. T.) *Relation tidele et detaillee de la dern. campagne de B., 5" ed., suiv. de la campagne de Walcheren etc. (1809) par M. de Eocca, 1816. „ Doris (Cn.) *Secret mems. of N. Buonaparte, etc. ; by one who never quitted him tor 15 years, 2"'' ed. to wh. is added ace. of the Regency at Blois, it Itinerary of B. f. Fontaine- bleau to Elba [by Fabry], 1815. „ Di- Casse {le b. P. E. A.) Hi.st. des n^goc. rel. aux traites de Mortfontaine etc. ; prec. de la corr. ined. de N. avec Fesch, 1857. „ Les rois f reres de N., docs. ini5d. rel. au 1" Empire, 1883. „ DuEAXD {Mme. S.) Mems. sur N. ct Marie-Louise, (1810-4), 1886. „ N. & Marie-Louise, tr., 1886. „ Edmond-Blaxc (A.) N., ses institutions civ. et administra- tives, 1880. „ Fain {le b. A. J. F.) MS. de 1812, de 1813, de 1814, pour serv. a I'hist. de N., 3t, 1824-7. „ Faukiel (C.) Les dern. jours du Consulat, 1886 ; 2' ed., 1889. „ Last days of the Consulate, tr., 1385. „ Fleury de Chaboulon {le b. P. A. E.) Mems. p. serv. il I'hist. de N. (en 1815), 1819-20. „ Forsyth (W.) Hist, of X. at St. Helena, f. letters it journal of Sir H. Lowe, ct offie. doc'., 1853. .. Frederick, king of M'iirtembcrg. Briefw. d. K. Katharina u. d. K. Jerome, sowie d. K. Nap. I init F., 1886-7. „ Polit. u. militar. Corr. F.'s mit X., (1805-13), 1889. ,, Geoffrov-Ch.vteal- (L.N.) N. apocryphe, (1812-32), n.cd., 1841. „ Geoffiioy de Grandmaison (A.. C.) X. ct les Cardinaux noirs (1810-14), 1895. ,, N. e). Hist, du Consulat A- de I'Empire, 1846-8. „ La Jeuxesse (E.) Limitation de notre-maitre N., 1897. „ Laxfeet (P.) Hist, de N. I. [to end of ISHI, 1867-75. „ Hist, of N. I, [to end of /s / /], 1871-9 • 2'"i ed., 1886. „ Las CiSES (le cle. ije). Memorial de Ste. Helene, 4'- ^d., 1828. ,, Lavalette (le etc. de). Mem'., 1831. „ Mem'., [tr.], 1894. „ Levy (A.) N. intime, 1893 ; 7' ed., 1893. „ Private life of N., [/)-.], 1894. „ LoCKH.Ar.T (J. G.) *Hist. of N., n. ed., 1829 ; 3"' ed., 1835. „ . Life of N., [ahr'.f. the larger irork], n. ed., 1883. ,, LrMiiF.oso (A.) N. e 1' Inghilterra : origini del blocco con- tineutale, 1897. „ Maitlaxii (F. L.) Surrender of B. A h. residence on board H.M.S. Bellerophon, 1826. „ Malcolm (C), Ltidy Malcolm. Diary of St. Helena (1816-7), contg. the conversations of N. \v. Sir P. Malcolm, 1899. „ Massox (F.) Cavaliers de N., n. td., 1896. „ N. chez lui : journee de I'empereur aux Tuileries, 1894. „ N. ct les femmes : 1, L'amour, 3' ed., 1894. „ N. & sa famille, tl, 2, [2, 2« id.], 1897-8. ,. N. inconnu : papiers inid. (1786-93), aecomp. de notes sur la jeunesse de N. (1769-93), par M., 1895. „ N. & the fair sex. tr., 1894. „ Mayep. (L.) Death of Bonaparte. Nebuchadnezzar's image etc., 1809. „ Mhxeval (le b. C. F. he). Mems. p. serv. a I'hist. de N., (1802-15), ed. refondue, 1894. „ Mems. of N., tr., 1894. „ N. * Marie-Louise, 1843 ; 2- h\.. 1844. ,, Metterxich (Fiirsf C. v.) Fiirst M. iiber Napoleon, 1875. „ Mitchell (Major-Gen. J.) The fall of N., 1845; 2""' ed., 1846. „ MoXTCHEXu (le marq. ke). La captivite a Ste.-H^lene d'ap. les rapports inSd. de M., 1894. „ Moxtholox (le gi'ii.) Hist, de la captivite de Ste.-H61ene, 1846. „ Hist, of N. at St. Helena, 1846. „ Mor.Ris (W. O'C.) N. ; & the milit. supremacy of Eevo- lutionary France, 1893. „ MrssET-l'ATHAY (V. D. DF.) * F. J. Grplle. *Suite an Memorial de Ste. -Helene, 1824. „ Napoleox hi. Des idees napoleoniennes : opinions it policy of N., tr., 1840. „ Napoleox, prince. N. et ses detracteurs, 1887 ; 14' M., 1887. „ N. A his detractors, tr., 1888. „ *Nece Plutap.ch (Der) : 7, N. I, v. A. Kleinschmidt, 1874-88. „ NisAKD (Dks.) Consid'. sur la Kevol. A- sur N., 1887. „ NomER (C.) *Hist. des soc. sec. de I'armte &• des conspira- tions milit. qui ont eu pour objet la destruction du gouv'. de B., 1815. „ NoRVixs (le b. i>e). Hist, de N., 5' id., 1834. „ O'CoxxoR (T. P.) N., 1896. : opinions etc. of [aiioth. ed., «-.f. : the Consulate & 1803. Napoleon I, emperor of the French [continued]. 1\ EFER EXCEs [con tinned] . see O'Meara (B. E.) Exposition of some transactions at St. Helena since appointment of Sir H. Lowe ; in ans. to "Facts illust. of treatment of N." I by T. E. Hook], 2"' ed., 1819. ,, N. in exile, or a voice f. St. Helen; N. on the events of li. life, 4"' ed., 1822 N. at St. Helena], 1888.; ,, Pardoe (Miss). Episodes of Fr. hist, dur 1" Emp., 18-59. „ Pellet (M.) N. a I'ile d'Elbe, 1888. „ Peltier (J.) Trial of P. for libel agst. N. ,. PixGACD (L.) Bernadotte, N., * les Bourbons, 1901. „ Proudhos (P. J.) N. I : mss. ined., [1896]. „ QnxET (E.) CEuvres : tl3, N., po^me, 1895. „ liAMCAUD (A.) La domination fran^aise en AUemagne : [-2], L'Allemagne sous N. (1804-11), 1874. ,, Baudot (C. M.) N. peint par lui-meme, 1865. „ Beiiacle (le cte.) 13. A les Bourbons : relations sec. des agents de Louis XVIII a Paris sons le Consulat (1802-3), 1899. „ RoDER (F.) DerKriegszugN.'sgegenEussland (1812), 1848. ,, EoDocAXACHi (E.) B. & les lies ioniennes, 1899. „ EopEs (J. C.) The first N., 1895. „ EosE (J. H.)' Life of X., 1902. „ The revolutionary * Napoleonic era, (1789-1815), 1894. „ EosEBERY (Lord). N., the last phase, 1900. „ Eossel (L. N.) Abrege de Part de la guerre : extraits des feuvres de N. etc., 1871. ,, Eo\'igo (A. J. M. E. S.ivARY, due de). Mem', i^. serv. a I'hist. de N., 1828. .. Euth (E.) Gesch. d. italien. Volks unter d. napoleon. Herrschaft, 1859. „ Saint Helena. "Letters from the Island of St. Helena, ex- posing the unnecessary severity exercised towards N., 1818. „ Saixt-Hilaire (E. M. de). N. au Conseil-d'Etat, 1843. „ Sassexay (C. H. E., marq. de). N. & la fondation de la Eepubl. Argentine, 1892. „ Schlarrexdorf (G. v.) *Bonaparte, & the French people under his consulate, tr., 2"'' ed., 1804. „ *Napoleon, and the French people under his empire, [Jr.], 1806. ., Scott (.S'i)' W.) hUe el's, [first 2^ubl. iS'i!~], var. ed'. „ Se.\tox (E. C.) Sir H.Lowe" cV-N., 1898. „ Seeley (Sir J. E.) Courte hist, de N., tr., 1887. ., A short hist, of N., 1886. „ Seour (le gi'n. cte. P. P. de). De 1800 a 1812 : un aide de camp de N. : mem', de S., id. nouv., 1894-5. ,. Histoire & memoires, 1873. „ Hist, de N. * de la Grande-Arm6e (pend. 1812), 1825 ; 2' ed., 1825. „ From 1800 to 1812 : an aide-de-camp of N. : mem', of S., tr., 1895 ; 3"' ed., 1896. „ Hist, of the exped. to Eussia (1812), 1825. „ Sloaxe (W. M.) Life of N., 1896. „ Sorel (A.) Bonaparte A Hoche en 1797, 1896. „ Staffer (P. A.) Bonaparte, Talleyrand, et S. (1800-3), [from the cm-r. of S.], 1869. „ Sti-rmer (B. v.) Berichte aus St. Helena (1816-8), 1886. „ ScRTEEs (Coxyers). Campaign in Italy, 1796, or d^but of B., 1897. prince de). Lettres ined. de T. a N. Alex. I ct N. d'ap. leur corr. in^d., C.) Le Consulat & I'Empire : hist. (1799-1815), 1834-5. Hist, du Consulat et de I'Empire,. of the Eevol., Talleyrand (le (1800-9), 1889. T.nisHCHEV (S.) (1801-12), 1891. TniBArDEAU (le cte. A. de la France & de N. Thiee.s (L. Adolphe). 1845-69. The campaigns of N., extr. f. T.'s Hist. w. Eng. notes by E. E. Bowen, 1873-5. Hist, of the Consulate & Empire, tr., 1845-62. Tolstoy (le c. L.) Physiologie de la guerre : N. & la campagne de Eussie, tr., 1888. TuEQUAN (J.) N. amoureux, 1897. Les soeurs de N., 1896. UxDERWooD (T. E.) "Narrative of memorable events in Paris (1814), f. the diary of a detenu, etc. ; also, anecdotes of B.'s journey to Elba, 1828. NAPOLEON 1047 NARBONA Napoleon I, emperor of the French [continned]. Eefeuencks [continued], sec Vaxiial (A.) N. et Alex. I, etc., 1891-r.. ,, Veiikshch.voin (V.) N. I en Russie, 3'' ed., 18'J7. ., " 1812 " : N. in Russia, 180!). ,. ViKussKUX (A.) N., his sayings & deeds, 1846. „ Wahuen (W.) 'Letters £. the Cape, in reply to Warden, \v. extr'. f. the work compiling under inspection of N., H'" ed., 1817. ,, Letters on the "Northumberland" ct at St. Helena, in wh. the conduct it eonvers. of N. * h. suite are related, 2'"' ed., 181C ; .5"', 181«. „ Warteni-.ukg (Y. v.) N. als Feldherr, 1901. „ WaTj-wekmans (H. E.) N. it Carnot: episode de I'hist. niilit. d'Anvers, (1803-1.5), 1888. „ Welschingek (H.) Le divorce de N., 1889. „ Whately (R.), abj)., 'Historic doubts rel. to N., 2'"' ed., 1821. „ WiEHR (E.) N. u. Bernadotte in Herbstfeldzuge 1813, 1893. ,, WiLLiA5is (H. M.) Narrative of events in France f. landing of N., Mar. 181.5 to the Restoration of Louis XVIII, 1815. ,, Wolseley (I'isc^) Decline & fall of N., 1895. Napoleon II, emperor of the French ; /S/1-3S, see Reichstadt (N., due de). Napoleon III, emperor of the French. [Louis NAroLEON]. (Kuvres. 5t. Ia8". 1856-69 (Ikivres posthumes & autogiaphes ined., rec. par le cte. de La Chapelle : Hist. & plan de la campagne de 1870 — Travanx scientifiques — Lettres — Annotations etc. Ia8". 1873 *Courte notice sur L.-N. B., representant dn penple etc. [P337]. s8". 1848 Des id^es napol^oniennes : on the opinions & policy of Napoleon [J]. Tr. 8". 1840 Etudes sur le piisse * I'avenir de I'artillerie. 6t in 3. [t3-6 are h:/ J. Fai-e. Atlas. 4"]. 4". 1846-71 Hist, de Jules Cesar, tl, 2, {no more pub!. Atlas [o/ 4 + 3- planches]. Ia8". * 4". 1865-G Hist, of Julius Cfesar. [Tr. T. Wright], vl, 2, [no more publ.]. ' [1865-6] „ „ .\tlas : maps to vl. " English, d 32 planches in French. ,, ,, Atlas: maps to v2. Fnglish. *Letters of " An Englishman " on Louis Napoleon, the Empire, and the Coup d'Etat. Repr. f. the " Times." s8«. 18.52 N. Ill on pjugland, sets. f. his own writings. Ed. * tr. Simpson. sS". Polit. it hist, works [tr.]. With mem., * notes. 2v. 8". Posthumous works & unpubl. autographs of N. Ill in Coll. etc. by Count de La Chapelle. [Tr.]. 8". *I'rince L. Napoleon B. ; lite, it escape from Ham. sS". References. see B.woux (E.) La France sous N. Ill, 1870. „ Beaumont- Vassy {le v. i>e). Les salons de Paris , plates m la4". [1865] Contains 32 pilates in la4". [1866] , J. H. 1860 1852 exile. 1873 1852 The prisoner of Ham; captiv. and de). Fun^railles de N. : proces-verbal e di Cavour in Italia e Napoleon III, emperor of the French [continued]. References [continued]. sec Keratrv {le c. E. de). *Le dernier des Napoleon, 1872. „ La Gorce (P. de). Hist, du second Empire, il^p)•0(7., 1894 etc. „ La GuERONNiiiRE {le etc. Alfred de). L'horame de Sedan, 6« 6d., 1870. „ La rani,-on de I'homme de Sedan, 1871. „ La Gueronniere {le vie. L. E. Arthur de). *Empereur (L') N. Ill et I'Angleterre, 1858. „ Lano (P. de). La cour de N. Ill, 1891. „ Maugny (/(> cte. de). Souvenirs ; or last days of the court of N., [tr.], 1891. „ M.wpas (C. E. de). Mems. sur le second Empire, 1884-5. „ . The coup dY'tat, tr., 1884. ,, Ma/.zixi (G.) To L. Napoleon, 3"' ed., 1858. „ MoLiNAKi (G. de). N. Ill publiciste, 1861. ,,*]VIoT (Ux) sur la brochure [of La Gui'ronnih'e] "L'emp. N. Ill & I'Angleterre," 1858. ., Neue Plutarch (Der) : 10, N. Ill, v. R. v. Gottschall, 1874-88. „ Ollivier (E.) L'Empire liberal, in prog., IH;)-) etc. „ Pai'Iers secrets du Second Empire, 13 nos., 1870-1. „ Patterson (R. H.) The new revolution, or the N'". policy in Europe, 1860. ., Per.signy (ic due de). L'entreprise du p. N., 1837. „ St. John (J. A.) L. N., a biog'., 1857. „ Sybel (H. v.) N. III., 1873. „ Sylvain-Blot ( ). N. in, 1898. „ Tenot (E.) Paris in Dec. 1851, or, the coup d'etat of N. Ill, tr., 1870. „ Thirria (H.) N. Ill avant I'Empire, 1895. „ Thouvenel (E.) Le secret de I'Empereur: Corr. entre T., Gramont & Flahault, (1860-3), 1889. „ Thouvenel (L.) Nicolas I ct N. : preliminaires de la guerre de Crimee, 1852-4, d'ap. les pap. ined. de [E.] Thouvenel, 1891. „ Whitehurst (F. M.) Court it social life in France under N. Ill, 1873. Napoleon IV, emperor of the French, -iSoO-TJ, see Napoleon, prince Iiiqxrial. Napoleon, prince, 1H22-9'I. J" Pi.on-Plon" ; I-Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul [Bonaparte], ji?-Mice[. Napoleon & ses detracteurs. sS". 1887 14' ed. s8". 1887 Napoleon it his detractors. Tr., w. biog. sketch [of Prince N.l etc., R. Ledos de Beaufort. 8". 1888 see AujiALE (H., due d'). Lettre sur I'hist. de France, adr. au p. N., 1861. Napoleon, prince Imperial, son of Napoleon III; iS56-~9, ["Lou-Lou"; Napoleon IV; fN.iPOLEON Eugene Lotus John Joseph, prince Imperial of tlie French], see Barlee (E.) Life of the P. I., 1880. Napoleon Francis Charles Joseph, ling of Uome, aft. duke of Jleichstadt : Pi J 1-32, sec Reichstadt (N., due de). Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul [Bonaparte], pirince, ifiSS-91, see Napoleon, prince. Napoleon (Jerome), king of Westphalia, see Jerome Napoleon, /.-. 0/ ir. Napoleon (Louis), aft. Napoleon III, see Napoleon III, cw!2"^ror. Napoletana, see Napolitana. Napoli. *Biografia degli uomini illustri del regno di N. tl-14, in 15. 4". Napoli. [1813]-29 tl is " compil. da D. Martuscelli " ; the rest " da diversi.' t/0 is in 2p,2)agin. cont.; and lias t. : Biografia de' re di N., da N. Morelli di Gregorio e P. Panvini. ■"Napoli e i luoghi celebri delle sue vicinanze. [By sev. a'.]. 2v. Ia8". Napoli. 1845 Napolitana, see *Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napole- tana, 1783-9. Napper-Tandy (J.), see Tandy (J. N.) Naquet (Felix), Fragonard. Ia8°. 1890 Naquet (J. Alfred). Socialisme coUectiviste & socialisme liberal. s8"_. 1890 Narada, Naradiya Dharmasastra, or the Institutes of Narada ; tr. J. .lolly ; with notes etc. 88". 1876 Narbey (Vabbf C.) Suppl. aux Acta sanctorum pour des vies de saints de I't'poque merovingienne. tl. 4". 1899 Narbona (Eugenio). Hist, de Pedro Tenorio, ar^obispo de Toledo. s4". Toledo. 1624 :narbonne 1048 NASSAU Narbonne (Aymeri de), see "Aymeri de Narhoxne. Karbonne (Pierre). Journal des r. de Louis XIV & XV, 1701-44. Notes etc. par J. A. Le Roi. 8". 1860 JIarborough (Admiral Sir John) [NABBRoutin]. see 'Account of late voyages, by N. etc., 1694. „ CoEEAL (F.) Voyages, tr. ; avec le voyage de N., ti'., 1722. *Narcissus, a Twelfe Night inerriment, played at S. .John, Oxford, in 1602. Ed. M. L. Lee. Ia8". 1893 Hardi (lacopo). Istorie della citta di Firenze. Pubbl. p. c. di A. Gelli. 2v. s8". Firen/.e. 18-58 Nardini (Famiano). Roma antica. 4p in 2v. 4" ed. romana, con note ec. di A. Nibby. 8". 1818-20 Nardini (Leonardo) ec?., Scelta di lettere familiari degli autori ,piu celebri. 8" ed. s8". Milano. 1823 Narducci (Enrico), see Boncompagxi (B.) Cat. di mss. possed. da B.. comp. da N. 2" ed., 1892. Nares (Edward). *Heraldic anomalies. 2v. Uiines, hut wrongly, ascr. to F. Wiangham.] Mems. of Lord Burghley. 'Thinks I to myself. 2v [Has been some- s8". 1823 3v. 4'>. 1828-31 . 9"' ed. s8". 1816 10'" ed. s8". 1826 Elements of gen. see WooDnousELEE (A. F. Tytleu, Lord). hist., 9"" ed., w. cont. by N., 1824-5. Hares (Sir George Strong), K.C.B. Voyage to the Polar Sea, 1875-6, in H.M.S. "Alert" & " Discovery ;" with notes on the nat. liist., ed. by H. W. Feilden. " 2v. 8°. 1878 Nares (Robert). Elements of orthoepy. 8". 1784 Glossary of words etc. wh. have been thought to require illus- .tration, in Eng. a'., partic. Shakespeare & h. contemps. 4". 1822 „ 2v. n. ed., w. add. by Halliwell & Wright. 8". 1859 Narfon (Julien de). Pope Leo XIII. Tr. G. A. Raper. s8". 1899 Narischkin (Natalie), [fNAKuisHKiN (N.)], sec Craven (Mme. A.) La s(i!ur N. N., 1877. Narjoux (Felix). En Angleterre. s8". 1886 F. Crispi. sS". 1890 M. le depute de Chavone. 58". 1885 Notes & sketches of an architect in the X.W. of Europe. Tr. J. Peto. 8". 1876 ^Narrative. •Narrative hist. (A) of King James, 1651, see James I. •Narrative of a mission of inquiry to tlie Jews from the Church of Scotland, 2'"' ed., 1842, see Bonar (A. A.) & R. M. M'Cheyne. •Narrative of a yacht voyage in the Mediterranean (1840-1), 1842, see Westminster (E. M. Grosvenoe, marchioness of). •Nan'ative of Lord Byron's voyage to Corsica etc. [" a fabrication "], 1824, see Byron (Lord) the poet. •Narrative of memorable events in Paris (1814), f. the diary of a detenu, etc., 1828, see Underwood (T. R.) ■•Narrative (A) of occurrences in the Indian Countries of N. America, since connexion of Earl of Selkirk with Hudson's Bay Co. [Bif E. Ellice, the elder .«]. 8". 1817 ^Narrative of privations & sufferings of U.S. officers & soldiers while prisoners of war in the hands of the rebel authorities, 18G4, see United States : Sanitary Comm. •Narrative of the burning of the" Sarah Sands," 1870, see Schlotel (F.) •Narrative of the campaigns of the Brit. Array at Washington & New Orleans, 1821, see Gleig (G. R.) •Narrative of the conduct of the tea-dealers etc., 1785, see Tea. •Narrative of the conquest of Finland, 1808-9. From an unpubl. work by a Russian officer, ed. Gen. Monteith, 1854, see Finland. •Narrative of the cruise of the Alabama, by one of the crew, 1864, see Alabama. •Narrative (A) of the cruise of the yacht Maria among the Feroe I'^., 2"'> ed., 1855, see Greig ( ). ••NaiTative (A) of the extraordinary case of G. Lukins etc., 4*"^ ed., 1788, see Lukins (G.) •Narrative (A) of the grand festival at Yarmouth, 19 Apr. 1814, see Y.vrmouth. •Narrative of the late exped. to the Dead Sea, 1849, see Montague (E. P.) ed. •Narrative (A) of what happened in Bengal in 1760 \bij Col. Caillaud .'], 1764, sfc Bengal. •Narrative (A) of what passed at Killalla dur. the French invasion (1798), 1800, see Stock (Jos.) bp. of Killala. Narratives. Narratives illust. of the contests in Ireland (1641 & 1690), 1841, see Ceoker (T. C.) ed. Narratives of Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart & Ja. VI, 1885, see Porbes-Leith (W.) ed. _^arratives of the days of the Reformation, 1859. see Nichols (J. G.) ed Narratives [continued]. Narratives of the detention, marriage etc. of Maria Clementina Stuart, etc., 1894, see Gilbert (J. T.) ed. Narratives of the expulsion of the English f. Normandy (1449,50), 1863, see Stevenson (J.) ed. Narratives of the mission of G. Bogle & journey of T. Manning, 1876, see Markham {Sir C. R.) ed. NaiTatives of the rites & laws of the Yncas, tr., 1873, see Markham (Sir C. R.) tr. Narratives of voyages towards the N.-W. (1496-1631), 1849, see RUNDALL (T.) ed. Narrien (John), see Tabpex (G.) New method of building groined arclies ; added, theory upon wh. the construction of them is founded, by N., 1808. Naruishkin (Natalia), sec Narischkin (X.) Narup (Carl), see N.euip (C.) Nash, Beau, see Nash (R.) Nash (D. W.) The Pharaoh of the Exodus : exam, of modern systems of Egyptian chronology. 8". 1803 Taliesin : bards & druids. A tr. of the remains, & exam, of the bardic mysteries. 8". 1858 Nash (Joseph), artist. Mansions of England in the olden time. 4s. lafol. 1839-49 Nash (Richard) [Beau Nash]. sec AixswoBTH (W. H.) Beau Nash [novel], 1880. ., Goldsmith (0.) *Life of R. N., princ. f. h. orig. papers, 1762. Nash (Thomas), satirist. Complete woiks. Memorial-intr., notes etc. by A. B. Grosart. [Huth Lib.] Ov. /.^j.c. 1883-5 The choise of valentines, or the merie ballad of Nash his Dildo. Ed. J. S. Farmer. s4<'. p.p. 1899 Pierce Penniless's sui^plication to the devil. Notes etc. by J. P. Collier. [Shakespeare Soc] S". 1842 The unfortunate traveller, or the life of Jack Wilton. With essay on N. by E. Gosse. s8°. 1892 see *Almoxd (An) for a parrot [bi/ N. ?]. „ Brydoes {Sir E.) Archaica : vl, N.'s Christ's Tears, etc., 1815. „ *Pap with a hatchet [by N. ! or J. Lyly .']. „ *Plain Percevall [by N. ?]. Nash (Thomas Arthur). Life of Lord Westbury, w. sels. f. h. corr. 2v. 8'. 1888 Nash (Hon. Mrs. Thomas Arthur), see Bethell (Hon. Augusta), aft. Hon. Mrs. A. Parker; aft. N. Nash (Treadway R.) Colls, for the hist, of Worcestershire. 2v, [The Snppl.,at end of v2 hassep.tp.]. 2'"> ed. lafol. 1799 ,, Index to N.'s Colls, for a hist, of Worcestershire ; by J. Amphlett. pi, Names of pereons. [Worcestershire Hist. Soc] lafol. O. 1894 Nash (Vaughan). The gi-eat famine & its causes. sS". 1900 see Smith (H. Ll.) it N., Story of the Dockers' strike, 1889. Nash (Wallis). Oregon : there * back, 1877. s8". 1878 Two years in Oregon. s8". N.Y. 1882 Nasir Al-DIn, king of Oude. [Nussir-d-Deek], sec Knighton (W.) Private life of an Eastei-n king : N.-u-D., 1855. Nasir Al-Din, shah of Persia. Diary during his journey to Europe, 1878. From the Persian. 8". 1879 Diary dur. tour through Europe 1873 ; by J. W. Redhouse, verbatim tr. s8". 1874 Nasir-i-Khusrau. Diary of a journey through Syria & Pales- tine (1047). Tr. G. Le" Strange. [Palest. P. T. Soc.]. 8». 1888 Nasks, see Sacred Books of the East : 37, Pahlavi texts, tr., p4, Contents of the Nasks, 1892. Nasmith (David), barrister. Makers of modern thought, (1200- 1699 A.D.). sS". 1892 Nasmyth (James). J. N., an autob. ; ed. S. Smiles. s8". 1883 & J. Carpenter. The moon. 4». 1874 Naso (Publius Ovidius) [Nasone], see Ovid. Nasr Al-Din, Khicdjar. The Turkish jester : or pleasantries of Cogia Nasr Eddin Effendi. Tr. G. Borrow. s8". Ipswich. 1884 Nasr-Ed-Din, shah of Persia, sec N.i.siR Al-Din. Nassau. *l!ubbles f. the Brunnens of N., 3'" ed., 1834, if a. ed'., see Head (StrF. B.) Nassau, The house of, see Breval (J.) Hist, of the House of N., 1758. Nassau, House of Orange-, see Orange, The House of. Nassau (George). Cat. of lib. of N., sold 16 Feb., 1824. 2p. [P756]. 8'. 1824 Nassau (John William Friso, prince of), lOSj-f; I1, sec John William Feiso, prince of Orange it Nassau. NASSAU 1049 NATIONAL Nassau (Louis, eoiint of), [Lodkwijk van Nassau; fLoi-is, count de Ndssan], see Alva (F., dtihe of). Covr. du due d'A. sur I'invasion du c. Louis de N. en Frise (156''^), ttc, 1H50. Nassau (Moritz, Graf von), I30y-162;'>, see Maihrk, prince of Ortiiir/e etc. Nassau-Siegen (Charles H. N. 0., prince of), sec Charles, jvincc of Nassau- Nief/cn. Nassau-Siegen (Johann Moritz, Fiirst von), /M4~79, see John MAfiiicE, pyince etc. Nasse (Erwin). Die mittelalteil. Feldgemeinsclmft u. d. Einhe- gungen d. 16..Thdts. in England. [P730]. 4". Bonn. 1869 On tlie agvicultunil community of the middle ages * inclosures ofthcl(i"'c. Tr. H. A. Ouviy. (CobdenClub. 8". 1871 see LicniiBUCH i>. I'olitischex Okonomie. beaib. v. A. Wagner u. N., [in /nog.]. 1879-94. Natal almanac (The) directory, & yearly register. 1886-88, 90, 97, 98. 8". Pieterniaritzburg. 188.5-98 Natal Church Committee. *The Soc. for the Propag. of the Gospel, * the Clergy in Natal. [P242]. 8". 1867 [Cont\ a sermon by J. D. Ln Tonchc, an extract f. the " Natal Herald," <('■ the bp. of Natal's pastm'al address]. *Natale (In) illustriss. ae clariss. Lavaniie etc. comitis, IClb see Lk Cler.- (P.) Natalis Alexander, see Alexandre (Nokl). Natalis Comes, see Comes (Natalls). Natesa Sastrl, Sa)igendi Mahrdiiuja, see KiN(islote (Mrs. H.) A N. S., Tales of the sun, 1890. Nathan (Robert), see Indl\. *Tho plague in I., 1890/7 ; conip. by N., 1H9M. Nathanaelis (Nicephorus), see Chumnus (Xicei'hoiu-s). Nathusius (Maria). Gcsammelte Schriften. 15B in 8. 3-^^ A. sS". Halle. 1872-6 Joachim v. Kamern — Diary of a poor young lady. [Tr.] Miss Thompson. s8". L. 1869 Nation. *Nation (The), the Law, it the King, 1790, sec Search (Simon) ps. i Spirit of the nation : by writers of " The Nation," .So"" ed., n.d., see Spirit. National. National atlas (The) of hist., commerc, & polit. geog-^., by A. K. Johnston ; phvs. geogJ. by H. Berghaus ; ethnographic map of Europe by G, Kombst. lafol. E. 1849 •National defences (The), 1848, see Henninosen (C. P.) •National education etc., 18(i4, see Education. 'National education in Scotland [Resolutions etc.], 1850, see Scotland. 'National education, Ireland ; the Board of E. & its assailant, the ft. of " The Catholic case stated," 1859, see Ibel.\nd. •National education not necessarily governmental, sectarian, or irreligious : papers, 1850, see Education. •National education : some proposals, 18(58, see Greenwood (A. B.) •National importance (The; of emigration, 1863, sec Baoot (C. H.) •National life & thought of tlie var. nations : a ser. of addresses [by var. a'.]. »: 1891 •Reiiections & obs. on n. policy etc., 1821, see Reflections. National almanac & annual record. 1863. 04. b8'. Philadelphia. 1863-4 National Anti-Corn-La-w League. [Lecifiets]. [P463]. s8". n.d. Address to farmers on way the families are to be provided for. [By " A farmer's son "]. [PICS]. Authorities agst. the Com Laws. [P-463]. Dialogue on the Corn Laws betw. a gentleman .t a farmer. [P4C3]. Facts for farmers. [P4()3J. Hume (John D.) Evidence of H. upon the Corn Law, 18:19. [P4G3]. Loudon {Mrs.) Sel'. f. L.'s Philanthropic economy. [P4()3]. Noel (Baptist W.) Sel«. f. A plea for the people. [P4(i3]. Thompson (T. Perronet). Extracts f. works of T. [P4«3]. Three prize essays [by G. Hope, A. Morse, W. R. Greg] on agriculture & Corn Law. [P4G:)]. s8". M'ter. 1842 Wellington [duke of). A.-C.-L. Leogue & W. [P463]. s£e Land-tax. *Constitutioual right to a revision of the l.-t., 1842. National Anti-Vivisection Society, sec 'Zoophilist (The), [pnl,l. hi/ the -V.-1-1'.,S.], in prog.. 1882etc. National Assoc, for Supplying Female Medical Aid to the Women of India, see Duiierin and Ava (H.. nuireliioitcss of). 3 yrs'. wk. of the A_ 1889. National Assoc, for the Promotion of Social Science [w. teh. is vnited tlie Hoc. for Phom. Amendment of the Law]. Conference on Temperance legislation, London, 1886. 8". 188(; Trades' Societies A: Strikes. Report of the Committee on Trades' SoC, Sept. ISOO. 8". 18(10 Transactions, 1857-83. 8". 18.58-84 Transportation of criminals : discussion. [P212]. 8". 18(1:! see Briggs (H. C.) Indnstrial Partnerships at Whitwood Collieries, 1868. „ Chadwick (E.) Effect of manufacturing distress etc., 1804. ,, Railway reform, 1865. „ Eddy (C. W.) What are the best means of drawing together the interests of the U.K. & the Colonies ? 1874. „ Hardwicke (W.| Evils of overcrowding, 1805. „ Hastings (G. W.) The N. A. for P. of S. S., 1802. National Assoc, for the Protection of Industry & Capital. Report of the Sub-Connn. on currency. [P270]. 8". 1850 Reports on the state of the agricultural interest received by the N.A. f. local Protection Soc>. [P295]. 8>'. 1850 see Case (The) of tlie Free-labour British Colonies, 1852. National Calendar (The) & annals of the U.S. By Peter Force. vlO (1832). s8". Washington City. 1832 National Colonial Emigration Society. Report of a Public Meeting of N.C.E.S., Apr. 1803. [P8B]. 8". 1863 see Bate (J.) Emigration etc., 1862. National Commercial Convention, Boston, 1808. Proceedings. 1P244]. 8". Boston. 180s National Congress on Penitentiary & Reformatory Discipline, Cincinnati, 1870. Transactions. 8". Albany. 1871 National Currency Reform Association. Manifesto of the N.C.R.A. [P270]. 8". [1850?] Principles & objects of the N.C.R.A. [P270]. 8". [1850] National Debt. *.\ttempt to pay off the N. D. by abol. the E. India Co., 1707, see East India Co. •Select collection (A) of scarce & valuable tracts it o. publica- tions, on the National Debt ct the Sinking Fund, 1857, sec MuCuLLocH (J. R.) ed. National Education Union. Report of the great meeting of friends of relig. education, 1870. [P513]. 8". 1870 National Footpath Preservation Society. Ann. reports. 1", 7"', 8"', 10'", 11'", 13'", 18K4/.5-1890/7. 6v. [1" is in P482: ;"', S"', P573: /'/", P1.55, 588: //"', P012: «"', P809.] 8". 1885-97 National Freedman's Relief Association. Monthly Paper for May, 18(13. [P211]. fol. N.Y. 1803 National Gallery. -\br. cat., w. short biog. not". : Foreign schools, by R. N. Wornum, rev. Sir C. L. Eastlake. [P331]. 8". 1800 Descr. it hist. eat. of tlic pictures in the N.G. British it mod. schools. 57"' ed. s8". 1889 Foreign schools 74"' ed. s8". 1889 Felix Summerly's ri.c. H. Cole's] hdbk. for the N.G. s8". 1843 The N.G. Ed. SirE. J. Poynter. 3v. [1, 2, Foreign Schools: A-Z. 3, British it .Modern Schools.] laS". Casscll. 1899-1900 *The N.G., No. 3 : The site, the Roy. Acad., & the " Times." [Nat. Reform Assoc. [P147]. 8". 1850 Popular handbook to N.G., inch notes f. works of Ruskin : by E. T. Cook, w. pref. bv Buskin. s8". 1888 ,. " 4"'ed. s8". 1893 5"'ed. s8". 1897 C" ed. 2v. s8'>. 1901 Protest it counter-statement against the Report [H. of Coninwns, .', Aug.. IS.lT f. the Sel. Comm. on the N.G. [P147, 203j. 8^ 1855 National Gallery of British Art, see Tate Gallery. National magazine (The). v3-0. 4". 1858-9 National observer (The). v.-i-ls (Nov., 1890-Aug. 7"', 1897). fol. 1890-7 National Portrait Gallery. Cat. of the pictures in the N.P.G. [„. c. in Pl67i. 8". 1859 Hist, tt descr. cat. of pictures etc. in the N.P.G., on loan at Bethnal Green Mus. Bv G. Scharf. n. ed. 8'. 1888 National Provident Institution, [prospectus]. [P118]. 8". 1838 National review (The) . ed., 1842, see Taylok (I.) •Natural hist. (Thel of insects, 1829-33, see Insects. •Natural hist. (Thel of Oxfordshire, ir.77, see Plot (R.) •Natural hist. (The) of superstition, 1709, see Trenchaed J.) •Natural hist, of the passions, 1C74, sec Chakleton (W.) •Natural philosophy. \^B:j var. ri\ Lib. of u. k.]. 4v, [v4 teanting]. S". 1829-38 •Natural rehgion, 1882, sec Seelev (Sir J. R.) •Natural wonders (The) of New Zealand, 2"'l ed., 1881, see New Zealand. Natural history review (The) : a quarterly journal of bio- logical science. 5v. 8o. 1861-5 Natural History Soc. of Liverpool, sec W.altox (W.) Mem. on the naturalization of the alpaca. 1841. Naturalist's. Naturalist's directory of U.S. & Canada, 1895, sec Cassixo (S. E.) Naturalist's (The) library. Ed. Sir W. .lardine. 40v. [vl2, 25, 37 wanting]. sS". E. 1843 Naturalist's note book, 1867, 68. 8". 1867-8 Naturalist's (The) poetical companion, 2"' ed., 1846, see Wilson (E.) ed. ♦Naturalization Bill (The) confuted, 1751, sec Campbell (.Iohn). Nature. *Nature, 1836, see E.merson (R. V!.) •Nature & human nature, 1855, see Halibubton (T. C.) •Nature & utility (The) of expeditions to the coast of France, 1758, see France. •Nature (The) of a quarantine as performed in Italy etc., 1767, see Quarantine. Nature studies [ft!/ 5 rt% Knowledge Lib.]. 380.1882 •On the n. & elements of the external world, 1847, see Collins (T. C.) •On the n. of State interference, 1893, see Seal (H.) •Traite de la n. etc., dern. ed., 1684, see Malebraxche (N.) Nature : a weekly illust. journal of science, vl-64, [ AS69-Oct, I'JOI. in prog'.]. Ia8". 1870-1901 see Daewix (C. E.) C. D. Memorial notices f. " N.," 1882. Nature notes: the Selborne Soc. 's magazine. y1-12, [in prog.]. 8". 1890-1901 *Natiirliche Weg (Der) des Menschen zu Gott, 1858, see EonjiER (F.) Naturwissenschaftliche, see '' Gesajbielte n. Vortriige, 1870. Nau (Claude). Hist, of Mary Stewart. Ed. J. Stevenson. 8°. E. 1883 Nauck (August) ed., Tragicorum Grfficorum fragnienta. ed. 2"'. Ia8''. L. 1889 Naud (Louis). Hist, de la telegraphie en France. 8". 1890- Naude (Gabriel) ^G. Naud-isus]. Apologie puur les grands per- sonnages faussement soup? onnez de magie. s8 '. La Haye. 1653 „ 68". 1669 „ „ dern. ed. s8". Amsterdam. 1712 Meraoire confidentiel adresse a Mazarin apres la raort de Eichelieu. Publ. par A. Franklin. sS". 1870 Naudaiana et Patiniana, ou singularitez pri.ses des convers. de N. A- P. 2p in Iv. s8". Amsterdam. 1703 Naude (Philippe). *La religion des kouakres. s8'\ La Haye. 1720 The /" ed., I69J, hnd t. : *Hist. abregee de la naissance tt du progrez du kouakerisme. Naudet (Joseph). Lettre a Libri au sujet de passages de sa lettre a M. de Falloux rel. a la Bibl. Nat. [P639, 640]. 8". 1840- see Cretaixe (A. C.) Lettre a N. en rep. a quelques passages de sa lettre a Libri, 1849. Nauendorff (Charles Guillaume), caUimj himself Louis XVII,. king of France. [Nauxdorff]. *An abridged ace. of the misfortunes of the Dauphin [i.e. C. G. N.], followed by some doc-. Tr. C. G. Perceval. 8". 1838 Naugerius (Andreas), see N.wageeo (A.) Naum (A.) Cuviutu de primire etc. [Acad. Eom.]. Ia8". 1894 Naumann (Carl Friedrich). Beytriige z.KenntnissNorwegens, gesanimelt 1821-2. 2T in Iv. s8°. L. 1824 Naumann (Emil). Hist, of music. Tr. F. Praeger, ed. Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley. 2v. Ia8''. [1882-6] Naumann (Ferd.), of Dresden. Literatur ii. Lessing's Nathan. [P509]. 8". Dresden. 1867 Naumann (Gustav). Zarathustra-Commentar. Tl-3. s8". L. 1899-190O- Naumann (Moritz E. A.) Die Naturwissenschaften u. d. Materialismus. Ia8". Bonn. 186f^ *Naumbnrg im schmalkaldischen Kriege, 1873, see Opel (.1. 0.) erf. Naiindorff (C. G.), sec Nauexdoeif. Naunton (.sir Robert). Fragmenta regaha: mem", of Eliz., h. court etc. n. ed., w. notes i mem. s8". 1824 „ , Ed. A. Arber. [Eng. reprints]. 38". Southgate. 1870 For atioth. ed., see Hentznee (P.) Travels in Eng., tr. ; added, N.'s Fragmenta regalia, 179'?. For anotli. ed., see Monmouth (E. Carey, earl of). Mems., etc.,. 1808. For anotli. ed.. see Somees (.1. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Nauroji (Jahangir), sec Jehangeer Nowbo.tee. Nauroy (Charles). Les derniers Bourbons etc. sS". 1883- La (luchesse de Berry. s8". 1889> Naiirozji Faridunji, .^ee Noweoz.iee Fcedoon.iee. Nautical Almanac (The) A- astronomical ephemeris for 1842 - by order of the Lords Comm. of the Admiralty. 8". 1838 ■^Nautisch-technisches Wbch. d. Marine, Bl, [no moi-e piibl.], 1883 ; e), d. 1732. *Navigantium etc. bibliothcca, 1764, see Habbis (.J.) Navigation. For " Inland Navigation" see Ixi.anp. ♦Navigation de Vasque de Gamme, par un gentilhomme florentin, 1898, see Da Ga5ia (V.\.scn). ♦Navigation (The) of the Indus etc., 1858, sec Ixiirs. *Short review (A) of the hist, of the N. Laws, by a barrister, 1849, see IriPESLEioH (S. Nobthcote, /"' earl of). Naville (Edouard). Ahnas El Medineh (HeracleopoUs magiial w. chaps, on Mendes, The nomc of Thoth, iV: Leontoi^olis, A- app. on Bvz. sculptures by T. H. Lewis. — The tomb of Paheri at El Kab'by J. J. Tvlor & F. L. Griffith. [11"' mem. of E. Expl. F.]. " " 4". 1894 Bubastis (1887-9). [S"- mem. of E. Expl. F.]. 4". 1891 The festival-hall of Osorkon II in the Great Temple of Bubastis (1887-9). [10"' mem. of E. Expl. F.]. 4". 1892 L'lnd^pendance des Kepubliques sud-africaines et I'Angleterre. [PIOOO]. s8". Geneve. 1900 La Litanie du Solcil : inscriptions dans les tombeaux des rois il Thebes, tr. & coram, par N. 4°. L. 1875 The mound of the Jew & the city of Onias. Belbeis, Samanood, Abusir, Tukh el Karmus, 1887— Antiq". of Tell el Yahiidiyeh, & miscell. work in lower Egypt dur. 1887-8. By F" L. Griffith. [7"' mem. E. Expl. F.J. 4". 1890 La question du Transvaal. [PIOOO]. 0° ed. s8^ Geneve. 1899 The shrine of Saft el Henneh & the land of Goshen (1885) [S"- mem. of E. Expl. F.]. 4". 1887 The store-city of Pithom & the route of the Exodus. [1-' mem. of E. Expl. F.]. 2"'' ed. 4". 1885 The Temple of Deir el Bahari. [13"', 14"', 16"', 19"- mem.- of E. Expl. F.]. pl-4. fol. [1898-1901] The Transvaal question. Tr. [PlOOl]. s&'. E. 1900 see Book of the Dead. *Das iigypt. Todtenbuch, 1886. Naville (Ernest). The Christ. I La physique modenie. 8". 1883 see Association Reform, de GexKve. La patrie & les partis: discours, par [N.], 1865 ; d- La question elec- torale en Europe & en Amedque, 18G7. „ Travaux de I'Assoc, 1805-71, rec. par N., ISTl. Tr. T. J. DesprJs. sS". E. 1880 La definition de la piiilosophie. 8>. 1894 La demoeratie representative. [P680]. 8». Geneve. 1881 Le libre arbitre. 8°. 1890 La logique de I'liypothese. 8o. 1880 Maine de Biran, sa vie & s. pensfes. 2' c'd. 8". 1874 I Naville (H. Adrian). Julien I'Apostat et sa philosophie du polytheismc. 8". 1877 Navy. *Facts tor consideration w. resp. to the N. [P345]. 8". /.^.c. )i.rf., [c. 1858?] Begulations it instructions rel. to H.iM.'s Service at sea. Establ. by H.M. in Council. 4". [180G] see Clowes (W. L.) The Koyal Navy, vl-«, 1897-1901. Navy list (The). 1814-1901. [wnntinr/ 1839-53; 54i, ii ; .55ii-iv ; 5(J-58 ; 59i-iii ; GOi-iii ; Oli-iii ; G2-07 ; 69iv ; 70ii ;, 73ii ; 74iii, iv ; 75-77 ; 78ii-iv ; 79 ; 80i, ii ; 89i ; 98i]. s8". 1814-1901 Navy Records Society. Publ'. vl-19. 1894-1901 see CoRisETT (.1. S.) ed.. Papers reL to the Navy dur. the Siianisli War, 1585-7, 1898. [11.] ,, Gabdineb (S. R.) ed.. Letters * papers rel. to the First Dutch War (1G52-4), vl, 2, 1899-1900. [13, 17.] „ HoixoxD (.7.) Two disc, of the Navy, 1638, 16.59; also, disc, 11)60, by Sir R. Slyngesbie, 1896. [7.] „ Hood (Sir S. H., vise.) Letters, 1781-3, illus. by extr. f. logs & publ. records, 1895. [3.] „ .Iames (Rear-Adm. B.) .lournal, 1752-1828, 1896. [6.] ,, .Jamhs (W.) Index to James' Naval hist. : by C. G. Toogood, 1895. [4.] „ Laugiiton (J. K.) ed.. State Papers rel. to the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 2v, 1894. [1, 2.] „ Leylaxd (J.) ('(/., Dispatches & letters rel. to the blockade of Brest (1803-5), vl, 1899. [14.] „ Loa.s of the great sea fights (1794-1805), ed. T. S. Jackson. 2v, 1899. [16, 18.] „ Martin {Capt. S.) Life, (1666-1740), 1895. [5.] „ Martin (Sir T. B.) Letters etc., ed. Sir E. V. Hamilton, v2, 3, 1898-1901. [12, 19.] ., OrPENHEiji (M.) ed.. Naval accounts & inventories of r. of Henrv VII, (1485-8 & 1495-7), 1896. [8.] „ EooKE (Sir G.) Journal, (1700-2), 1897. [9.] „ ErssiAX. *Hist. of the E. Fleet dur. r. of Peter the Gt., by a contemp. Englishman (1724), ed. C. A. G. Bridge, 1899. [15.] „ Spoxt (.A.) ed.. Letters & papers rel. to the war w. France, (1512-13), 1897. [10.] Nayl, L'affaire. see Simon (J.) L'affaire Nayl, 1883. Naylies (le vte. J. J. de). M^ms. sur la guerre d'Espagne, 1808-11. 8". 1817 Naylor (B. S.) *Time A- truth reconciling the moral & religious world to Shakespeare, etc. s8". 1854 Naylor (F. Hare), see Hare-Nayi.ob. Naylor (Sii- George), see Gloccestek. *A coll. of coats of amis borne by nobility & gentry of the Co. of G. {by N. ?}, 1792. Naylor (S.), see Betnakd tlie Fox. *Eeynard, reprod. in rhyme \h!i A'.], 1845. Nazami, see Nizaiii. Nazanzenus (Gregorius), see Gregory, Naziansen. Nazarius rhetor, see MniXE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t8. Nazelle ( Du Cause de), sec Dc Cause de Nazelle ( ). Nazelle (L. J.) Isaac Casaubon, sa vie et son temps (1559- 1614). s8". 1897 Nazianzenus (Gregorius), see Gregory, Nasianzen. Neagoe (loan). Studiu asupra pelagrei. [Acad. Eomana]. Ia8". 1900 Neal (Daniel). Hist, of New-England. 2v. 8". 1720 Hist, of the Puritans, or Nonconformists, 1517-1688. 5v. n. ed., repr. f. Toulmin's ed., w. life. 8". 1822 sec Grey (Z.) *Vindic. of govt. etc. of Church of Eng. agst. N., 1740, [first app'. 173:i} ; £. Exam, of v2 of N., 1736 ; d\ Exam, of v3 of N., 1737 ; <£, Exam, of v4 of N., 1739. Neale, see also Neal, Neele, Neil, Neill. Neale (Adam). Letters f. Portugal & Spain, comp. an ace. of the operations f. Mondego Bay to Corunna. 4". 1809 Neale (Alfred). Eczema. s8''. 1888 Neale (Edward Vansittart) . The analogy of thought & nature. s8". 1863 Does morality depend on longevity ? [P711]. s8'. Kamsgate. 1871 Feasts & Fasts : laws rel. to Sundays etc. s8". 1845 Genesis critically analysed etc. [P700, 709]. s8". Eamsgate. 1869 May I not do what I will with my own ? The contest betw. the Operative Engineers A their employers. [P494]. s8". 1852 The mythical element in Xty. [P708]. s8». [1872] The new Bible Commentary & the ten commandments. [P713]. s8". [1872] Neale (Erskine). The closing scene : Xty. cV infidelity in last hours of remarkable persons. 2s, [si, 2'"' ed.]. sS". 1848-9 Life of Edward, Duke of Kent, w. extr. f. h. corr., * letters never publ". 8". 1850 The life-book of a labourer : or, the curate etc. 2""' ed. 88". 1850 Sunsets & sunshine : aspects of life. s8". 1862 NEALE 1052 NEDERLANDSCH Neale (Frederick Arthur). Eight years in Syria, Palestine, Asia Minor, 1842-50. 2v. 2"'' etl. s8°. 18.52 Islaraisni : past A pres. condition of the Turks. 2v. s8". 18.54 liesidencp at the capital of Siam. s8". 1852 Neale (John Mason). [Xealius]. *Annals of virgin .saints. s8». 1840 Essays on liturgiology & Church Hist. -^pp. on liturg. quota- tions f. the Isapostolie Fathers, by G. Moultrie. 8". 1863 2'"'ed. 8<>. 1867 Hist, of the Holy Eastern Church : Part 1, Gen. intr. 2v, [pngin. cont.]. S". 1850 „ ,, Patriarchate of Alexandria. 2v. 8". 1847 ,, Patriarchate of Antioch. With mem*, of the Patriarchs of Antioch by Constantius, Patriarch of Constanti- nople, tr. Ed. G. Williams. 8". 1873 Hist, of the .Tansenist Church of Holland ; ace. of the Brothers of the Common Life, etc. 8". Oxford. 1858 Hymns of the Eastern Church, tr. etc. With music f. Greek A 0. sources, by S. J. Hatherly. 4"' ed. Ia8". 1882 Life & times of P. Tony, bp. of St. Andrews. Ed. J. M. N. 8". 1856 The liturgies of S. Mark, S. .Tames, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, S. Basil, A the formula of the Apostolic Constitutions. Ed. N. 2'"» ed. sS". 1868 Sequentiffi ex missalibus. Rec, notulisque instr. J. M. N. s8". 1852 *A statement of the late proceedings of the bp. of Chichester [A. T. Gilbert] agst. [•/. .1/. N.] the Warden of Sackville Coll. [P165j. 8". 1853 Tetralogia liturgica : Chrysostomi, Jacobi, JIarci missae ; ace. Ordo Mozarabicus. Eec. etc. N. 8". Londini. 1849 Theodora Phranza : the fall of Constantinople [novel]. 2'"' ed. s8». 1870 see Popov (Y.) tr., *Hist. of the Council of Florence, tr. f. Russian by P., ed. N., 1861. & E. F. Littledale. Comm. on the Psalms f. primitive & mediaeval writers, f. office-books A hynms etc. 4v, [vl is by N. only : 2, 3, 2"i ed.]. s8". 1860-74 & Liturgies of SS. Mark, .James, Clement, Chryso- stom, Basil, it the Church of Malabar, tr., w. intr. etc. 2"" ed. s8". [1869] Neale (John Preston). Hist. & antiqs. of the .\bbey Church of Westminster, illus. by J. P. N., the literary department by E. W. Bravley. 2v. 4". 1818 Neale (Richard), M.D. The medical digest. 3"= ed. 'S°. 1891 Neale (Thomas), pio/. of Hebrew at Oxford, [T. Nelus], see DoDWKi.L (H.) De Parma equestri ; aec. Neli dialogus inter reginam Elizabetham & 1!. Dudleium [to wli. a sc}}. tp. is pi'ef''. : CoUegiorum etc. Acad.Oxoniensis topograph, delineatio, per T. Nelum, ed. T. Hearne, 1713], 1713. Healius (J. M.), see Xe.\le (.J. M.) Neame Ullah, see Ni'mat All.vh. .Weander (J. August W.) Allg. Gesch. d. ehristl. Religion u. Kirehe. 6B in 11. 8". Hamburg. 1825-52 1, i, ii, iii. Die drei ersteii Jhdte. 2, i, ii, iii, Constaufcin bis Gregor d. Gr. 8, Bis z. Tode Karl's d. Gr. 4, Bis Gregor VH. 5, i, ii, Bis Bonifacius VIII. 0, Bis z. Basler Konzil. Bl-4, in 6. 2'' A. 8". Hamburg. 1842-7 Antignostikus. Geist des Tertullianus u. Einltg. in dessen Schriften. 8". 1825 2' A. 8". 1849 Bedeutung d. T.Arnold fiir d. Standpuukt d. kirchl. Gegenwart. [P458]. 8". 1846 Der Brief .Jakobi erl. iDie heil. Sehrift in Lutherscher ijbers., 2]. " s8". 1850 ■Chrysostomus. 2B in 1. 3' .^. 8". 1848 Denkwiirdigkeiten aus d. Gesch. d. ehristl. Lebens. 2B. 3' A. 8". Hamburg. 1845-6 Der erste Brief -Tohannes. In Lutherseher tjbers. Prakt. erliiutert. 8". 1851 Gesch. d. Pfianzung etc. d. Kirehe durch d. .\postel. 2B in 1, [pagin. cotit.l. 8". Hamburg. 1832-3 , 2B 'in 1. 4' A. 8". Hamburg. 1847-8 Geschichtliehe Bedeutung d. Pens(;-es Pascal's fiir d. Religions- philosophie. [PSl?]. 2" Abdr. 8". 1847 Der heil. Bernhard u. s. Zeitalter. 2" A. 8". Hamburg. 1848 Leben .Jesu. 3' A. 8". Hamburg. 1839 4" A. 8". Hamburg. 1845 Neander (J. August W.) [coutimied]. PaskaPs Auffassung des eigenthiimlich Christlichen. [P458]. 8°. 1847 Theologische Yorlesungen. 5T. 8°. 1857-64 1, 2, Die ehristl. Dogmengesch. 2T. 3, Auslegung d. Briete an d. Corinther. 4, Katbolicismus u. Protestantismus. 5, Vorlesgn. ii. Gescli. d. ehristl. Ethik. Uber d. Leben d. .1. Blanco White. [P458]. 8". 1846 Wissenschaftliche Abhandhmgen. Hrsg. V. J. L. .Jacobi. 8". 1851 TllANSLATIONS. Gen. hist, of the Xtn. relig. cV Church. Tr. J. Torrey. 9v. in 10, [9, i, ii]. {v), -i, rev. by A. J. 11'. Mm-rison). n. ed. sS". Bohn. 1850-8 Hist, of the Xtn. relig. & Cliurch dur. the 3 first cent'. Tr. H. .T. Rose. 2v. [-4 tr. of Bl of the " AlUj. Gesch.'' 8: 1831-41 vl. 2"'' ed. 8". 1842 Hist, of the planting & training of the Church by the .\postles ; also, Antignostikus, or the spirit of Tertullian. Tr. J. E. Rvland. 2v. sS". Bohn. 1851 Julian * his generation. Tr. G. V. Cox. s8". 1850 Life & times of St. Bernard. Tr. M. Wrench. s8". 1843 Life of Jesus. Tr. J. M'Clintock & C. E. Blumenthal. Ia8'\ 1848 s8". Bohn. 1861 Light in the dark places : or, memorials of Xtn. life in the Middle Ages. Tr. s8". ,S. Low. 1850 Memorials of Xtn. life in the early it middle ages, etc. Tr. J. E. Byland. " s8". Buhn. 1852 The theology of T. Arnold. Tr. [P731]. 8". C. 1846 Neapolitan. For an anon, work in Italian .vc Xapolitaxa. *Neapolitanus (Marinus), see Makinvs, the philosojiltcr. *Neate (Charles). Consid". on the punishment of death. [P208, 2.59]. 8". 1857 Neaves (Charles Neaves, Lord). The Greek Anthology. [Ane. classics for Eng. readers]. s8". E. 1874 *Songs & verses, social and scientific. By an old contributor to Maga. 5'" ed. s8°. E. 1879 Nebel (Heinrich C.) Der Kampf ums Gold in Transvaal. [P1003]. 2' A. 8". L. 1900 Kebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. [Xabdcco ; Nabucdonasor ; Naisuchodoxosok ; Nabuco; Nebukadhezah]. *Nabuchodo- nosor. Maximiliani et Maria; .\nna! coniugio condecorando, in Soc. Jesu Gymnasio, Monaohii Boiorum, in theatrum prod. s4''. 1635 *Necessite d"une alliance entre la France it la Russie, p. fixer Its destinies de I'Orient etc., 1836, see France. Necessity. *Discourse (A) cone, the n. of reformation, pi, 1685, see Strateord (X.) bj). 'Necessity (The) of reformation, p2, 1686, see SxR.iTFOBD (N.) 6^^ Neck (,J//-. Vander) jjs., see Bihgh (J.) Neckam (Alexander) [Nequam]. De naturis rerum libri duo. — De laudibus divinas sapientise. Ed. T. Wright. [Rolls Ser., 34]. Ia8". 1863 Necker (Jacques). Compte rendu par N. au roi, .Janv. 1781. [P47]. 4". 1781 De la revolution fr. 4t. n. ed. s8". an v, 1797 (Euvres compl. Publ. par le baron de Stael. 15t. 8". 1820-21 see Stake (Mnie. de). (Euvres : tl7, Vie privee de N., 1820-1. Necker (,]\Iiiie. Suzanne), irife of Jacques Xecler. see Hafssonville {le e. O. n'). Le salon de N., d'ap. des does, des Archives de Coppet, 1882. ,. The salon of N.. tr., 1882. Necker de Saussure {Mine. Albertine A.) [ISausscre (A. A.), aft. Xccker], L'iducation progressive. 3t [tl icanting]. s8". Brux. 1840 2t. 4'ed. S8". 1864 Necrologia Grermaniae. tl, Dioeeeses Augustensis, Constan- tiensis, Curiensis : ed. F. L. Baumann. [Mon. Germ. Hist.] 4". B. 1888 *Ned Locksley, the Etonian. 2v. s8". 1863 Nederlanden. For all publ'. of the Dutch govt., see Holland. see CoNsn>Ei!ATiEN over den tegenwoordigen toestant van hel Vereenighde Xederlandt, 1672. Nederlandsch Museum te leyden. Aegyptische monumenten van het N. M. van 0. Uitg. door C. Leemans. [" Of litis series the following parts are all that liave been issued;" E. J. Brill, publisher — Dec., /.59S.] Aegyptische Hieratische Lijkpapyrus. (T16) [afd. 5. 6. w.afd. .3\ fol. 1867-76 NEDERLANDSCH 10.-53 NELSON Nederlandsch Museum te Leyden [ci.nlimieiP.. Aegyptisohe monxuneuten etc. [ciiiifiiiiieiJ]. Aeg.vptisclie lijk-papyrus in hieroglvphisch scluift, uil het N.M. van 0. Uitg. door C. Ijeemans. [Tliei-e is no tai to this.'] lafol. Leyden. 1841/2 Aegyptische monnmenten van het N. M. van O. hifol. Leyden. 1842^(i Afd. 1. Wonumenten belioorende tot de godsdienst en de openlijke of afzonderlijUe eeiedienst. Afd. '2, Monnmenten behooicnde tot het hurgerlijlc leven. [In 2r. Tlic tc.rt of both Afd. forms jxi.rt of the u-ork]. Aegyptische monnmenten iii, Monnmenten behoorende tot de graven [Afd. 3]. fol. Ifi07 Aegyptische monnmenten iii, Monnmenten behoorende tot de graven. Jfumien. [Afd. U. All puH. b. ir. afd. .3.] fol. it.d. Aegyptische papyrns in demotisch schrift met grieksche over- schrijvingen, uit liet N. M. van 0. Uitg. door C. Leenmns." [Tlic S" Tckst is b. w. the Plates.] lafol. Leyden. 183'J Nederlandsche. Beschrijving der vroegeren. Gemeentezegels, in het Rijks-Arcliief en ook elders bewaard, benevens der buitenlandsche in het K.-A. 8". 's Gravenhage. 1878 *Nederlandsche diclit- en prozawerken : bloemlezing, dl-6. 1889-'J3, see Pengs (G.) ed. Nederlandsche Hervormde Gemeente, see Dutch Chuiich. Austin Frinis, Lnndou. Nedham (Marchamont). *The case of the kingdom stated. [P278]. s4'>. 1647 Nee de la Bochelle (Jean Francois). Eloge de J. Guttenberg. 8". 1811 see Debuee (G. F.) Bibliographie instructive, tlO, Table a faciliter la recherche des livres anon, [b;/ N. de La /?.], 1782. Needell (Mrs. John Hodder). Lucia, Hugh, * another. 3v. s8". E. 1884 Passing the love of women. 3v. s8". 1892 Stephen Ellicott's daughter. 3v. [vl, 2"" ed.l. s8". 1891 Needham (ilrs. Ellen C), see Clavton (E. C), aft. Keedhmn. Needham (Frederick). Brain exhaustion. rP253]. 8". 1871 Needlework. *Diet. (The) of n., 1882 ; 2"'' ed., 1898, see C.ux.- FEILD (S. F. A.) & B. C. Sa\vabi>. Neele, see also Ni:ai,, Neale, Neil, Neii.i.. Neele (Blondel, de), .^ee Blonhel, tie Nt'ele. Neele (Henry). Lect". on Eng. poetry, w. misc. tales* poems ; being the lit. remains of N. " 2"'" ed. s8". 1830 The romance of hist. : England. 3v. 3"' ed. s8". 1829 Neera, jis. [i.e. Sir/nora Radius]. Addio! [h. rr. h. Novelle gaie, L' indomani. 1879]. s8". Milano. 1877 2» ed. s8». Milano. 1889 „ „ 8» ed. sS". Firenze. 1897 I' marito dell' arnica. ^ , „■, ,„„„ s8". Milano. 1891 L amuleto. s8". Milano. 1897 Novelle gaie. s»'. Milano, [1879 ] Aninui sola. s8". Milano. 189.5 Un romanzo. s8". Milano. 1877 Neff (Felix), see Giixv (W. S.) Mem. of N., 1832. Negociations. Negociations de la France dans le Levant. Publ. par E. Charriere. 4T. (1, 151.5-47. 2, 1547-6G. 3, 1567-80. 4, 1581-9.) [DoC. inM.]. 4". 1848-1)0 Negociations diplomatifiues de la France avec la Toscane. Doc", rec. par G. Canestrini, publ. par A. Desjardins. 6t. [Doc-, ined.]. 4». 18.59 -8() 1, Dep. le comm. du 14- S.-1498. 2, 1498-1530. 3, 1530-74. 4, 1574-89. 5, 1589-1610. 6, Index historique. Negociations diploniatiques entre la France it I'Autriche dnr. les 30 prem. annees du 10'' s. Publ. par A. G. Le Glay. 2t. [Docs. inid.]. 4". 1845 Negociations, lettres etc. rel. a la Conference de Loudun, 18G2, see Lori>rx. Negociations relatives a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. Intr. etc. par P. M. A. Mignet. 4t. [DoC. ined.]. 4". 1835-42 Negociations secretes touchaut la paix de Munster etc., 1724-0, see Le Cledc (Jean). Negri (Ada). Fatality : poOsies. Tr. sS". 1890 Tenipeste. sS". Milano. 1890 see Henckeli. (C.) A. X., 189C. Negri (Gaetano). I^' imperatore Giuliano 1' Apostata. 58". Milano. 1901 Negri (Giovanni). Divagazioni leopardiane. vl-5, [^;^ prog. ?] s8". Pavia. 1894-9 Negro (Marino). La pace. [P.S39]. s8". Venetia. 1592 Negrone (F.) II pedante staftilato. [P813]. s8". Modeua. 1041 Neidhard v. Gneisenau {Fcldmarschall Graf A. "W. A.), sec Gneisenau. Neigebaur (Johann D. Ferdinand). Die Insel Sardinien : Entwicklg. d. gegenwiirt. Zustiinde derselben in i. Verbindung mit Italien. 2' A. 8". L. [1855J Neil, see also Neae, Neai.e, Neele, Neill, O'Neil, O'Neill. Neil (James), M.A. Palestine explored. s8". 1882 Palestine re-peopled, etc. 4"' ed. s8". 1877 Neil (Ross) ps., see Harwooh (Miss I.) Neil (Samuel). The home of Shakespeare ; engravings by Fairholt. sS". Warwick. [1871] Neill, sec also Macneill, Neal, Neale, Neele, Neil, O'Neil, O'Neii.i.. Neill (Edward Duffield). The Eng. colonization of America, dur. 17"- c. 8". 1871 Hist, of the Virginia Company of London. s4". Albany. 1869 Neill (J. Martin Bladen). Four years' service in the East with H.M. 40"' leg., 1839-42 ; under Sir W. Nott. 8". 1845 Neilly (J. Emerson). Besieged with B.-P. s8". 1900 Neilson, see also Nielsen. Neilson (George). Trial by combat. s8". 1891 Neilson (Joseph). Memories of Eufus Choate, etc. 8". Boston. 1884 Neilson (Nellie). Economic conditions on the manors of Ramsey Abbey. 8". [Philadelphia. 1899J Neison (Francis G. P.) Contribs. to vital statistics. 2"" ed. 4<>. 1846 Neitzel (Otto). C. Saint-Saens. Ia8". Berlin. 1899 Nekrasov (Nikolai Aleksyeevich). ro.nnie ciirin^iiiK' iriivorM- 11 ii. 2 Tom. 7 m:v. 8". 1899 Nekusia. " NeKvana Maximiliano II, etc. 1577, see Maximilian II, eiiip. of Germany. Nelson ( ), navigator, see Hajiel (J. v.) Eng. & Russia; voyages of N. etc., tr., 1854. Nelson (Alex. Abercrombie), see CocKnur.N {Sir A.) Charge to Grand Jury : Queen v. N. iV Brand, 1807. Nelson (Edmund). The moon & its surface. 8". 1876 Nelson (Horace), barrister. Selected Cases, Statutes, Orders, illust. of Private Internat. Law in Eng. Ia8". 1889 Nelson (Horatio Nelson, viscount). *.\ntheutic nieni'. of tJie life & gallant actions of Lord N. ; added, ace. of the late action. [P212]. s8». [180C ?] Dispatches & letters; w. notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas. 7v. 80. 1841-6 1. 1777-94. 2, 1795-7 S, 1798-Aug. 1799. 4, Sep. 1799-1801. r>, 1H02-Apr. 1S04. (!, May 1801-Jiilv 1805. 7, .\ug.-Oct. ISIW. Letters & despatclies. Sel. etc. by J. K. Laughton. 8». 188G N.'s words it deeds; a sel. f. despatches & coiT. of N., ed. W. C. Russell. s8". 1S90 see Beowne (G. L.) N. : publ. it priv. life, as told by himself, h. comrades, &: friends, 1891. „ Claeke (J. S.) & J. M'Ahthuk. Life etc. of N., 1840. ,, 'Considerations on the state of the nation ; added, 2 letters ou theWeliingtou it N. Tribute, 1839. „ Forgues (E. Daurand). Hist, de N., 1800. „ Gamlin [Mrs. H.) N.'s friendships, 1899. „ H.tREisox (Ja.) Life of N., 1«06. Haniiltun it N. ; based on letters etc., in poss. of A. Mon-ison, 1888. Jeaffreson |,J. C.) The Queen of Naples & N., 1889. Lamahtine (A. de). N., n. ed., 1871. Laughton (J. K.) N., [Eng. Men of .\ction], 1895. The N. memorial : N. & h. companions in arms, 189fi. IjVTTon (E., bnron). Riche- lieu; added, the death of N., 7>1' ed , 1839. Mahan (A. T.) Life of N., 1897. MATCHA.M (G.) 'Notes on the character of N., 1861. Napoleon I. *Copies of orig. letters f. the anny of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under Nelson, 1798-9. *Neue Plutakch (Deb) : 8, N., v. P. Althaus, 1874-88. Pettigrew (T. J.) Mems. of life of N., 1849. Russell ( W. C.) N. & the naval supremacy of Eng- land, by R., w. coUab. of W. H. Jaques, 1890. Scott (Alex. J.I Recoils, of S., N.'s chaplain, 1842. Southey (R.) Life of N., 1813 ; <(■ ear. o. ed\ „ Jeaffreson (J. C.) Lady I Nelson (James Henry). The scientific studv of the Hindu law. ' 8". 1881 Nelson (Jane) ps., see Smith (Gektisude). Nelson (John), of Islington. Hist., topog'., antiqs. of the parish of St. Mary, Islington. 4". 1811 Nelson (John Y.), see O'Reilly (H.) Fifty years on the trail [./. r. .v.], 1889. Nelson (.Uiss M. E. E.) The emigrant's daughter. s8". 1&60' My wife's pinmoney ; or the marriage in extremes. s8°. 1860 JTELSON 1054 V NETHERLAND -Nelson (Robert). Comimnion for festivals A fasts of the Church of Eng. 33"' ed. 8". 1818 see Bull (G.), 6j). Works ; pref'., life by N., 1827. „ Sechetax (C. F.) Memoirs of life etc. of N., 18C0. Nelson (Wolfred). Five years at Panama. s8". 1891 Neincova (Eozena). Graiul'niere. Tr. E. Thit-rot. s8". I'JOO Nemeitz (Johann Chtistoph). *Memoires cone, le comte tie Stenbocli. I'arX... s8". Fraucfort sur le Mayn. 174.5 Uemesianus (Marcus Aurelius Olympius) [XibiEsiEN]. Carmina qu* supersunt, sec L.vhkexs (E.) Poetie, v3, 1879. EclogfE iv, et Calpurnii ecloga; vii. Cum notis. 8". Mitaviie, 1774 ■Opera, see Maittaibe (M.) Opera etc., v2, 1713. Nemesis (The) of faith, [a review of Froude's " JV. of /.," signed H. C. 11., a. not knoicn], 1849, see Fboude (J. A.) Nemesis, jts. of ei. of " Five years of Tory rule, -/S79," etc., see RoBBixs (A.F.) Nemesis Hall, ^js., see Hall {Sir \V. H.) 'Sem.esins, bp. of Einesa. [N. Emesencs]. De natura hominis. Gr. et lat. Ed. C. F. Mattheei. 8". Hala; MagdeburgicK. 1802 ■see DoMANSKi (B.) P.sychologie des N., 1900. „ MiGNE (J. p.) ed., Pat. gra?ca, t40. Nemirovich-Danchenko (V. I.) Personal reminisc. of Skobeleff. Tr. E. a. B. Hodgetts. 8". 1884 iTemmersdorf (Franz v.) jjs. [i.e. Baronin Frauziska v. Eeizen- steo]. Der Kanipf d. Geschleehter. sS". L. 1892 Nemo, ps., see *Ijai;olk A: luxury, by N., 1895. JNemours (Dupont de), see Dupont (P. S.) Nemours (Marie, duehesse de), d. lyoy. [fMAEv [of Oeleans], see Petitot (C. B.) ed.. Coll. : II, 34, Mems. de N.. 1819. ytene. River. *To whom does the Nene belong ? [P167]. 8". 1862 -Nennins, abbot of Bane/or. [N. Banchokensis]. Tlie Irish version of tlie Historia see HotiAN (Ed5IUND). The Britonum, ed. witlitr. by J. H. Irish Neiinius etc., 1805. Todd [ed. fr. the Book of „ La Bokdebie (A. de). Ballymote] [I. Arch. Soc.]. I/Hist. Britonum attr. a 4». D. 1848 N., etc., 1883. .sec GiLDAS. Works of G.& N., „ Zimmeu (H.) X. vindicatus, tr. Giles, 1841. I 1893. ,, Giles (J. A.) Six chron*., tr. : N. etc., 1848. "Nentwig (Heinrich). Das iilterc Buchweaen in Braunschweig. [Cent. f. Bibl. Beiheft 25]. 8". L. 1901 Neocastro (Bartolomseus de). Hist. Sicula, 1250-1294, see MuBATOiii (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl3. Neocorus (Ludolphus) jw., sit Ku.steh (L.) Neo-grecque. Etudes de philologie neo-grecque, 1892, sec PsiCHARi (Jean) ed. Neon. *N^ov iirKTroKapwy K.r.\. s8". Anrcria. 1778 ITeopatrensis (Basilius), see Basil, Neopiitrcusis. Neot, Saint, see Whitakeii (.T.) Life of N., 1809. *Neotetaeria : a country tale. In the first letter of Humj)hrev Blinkinsop to his nephew. [P473]. 2"" ed. 8". 1812 Neovius (Ad.), see Aloi'.ecs, Family of. Ur Finlands hist. : I'ubl. ur de Alopieiska Pappren, redig. af A. N., 1890—5. Nepaul. East India Co. Papers respecting the N. War, 1824, see East Ixiua Co. *Hist. of Xepaul, sec Wright (Dan.) ed. Neper (John) [N'epiar] of Merchistoun, see Napier (J.) Nepomucenus (D. Criniius), sec Crinitus (D.) Nepomucenus (Joannes) [Nepomi-k], sec .John, of Nejpmuk, Saint. Nepomukl (A. I.) ps., sec Cheirisopiios, ps. C. des Spartiaten Beise etc., [" a skit " ; Vortvort signed A. I. N.], 1872. Nepos (Cornelius) [Nepote ; Nipote]. Vitte excellentium imperatorum. (.)bservationibus etc. illustratte. s8'. Lugd. Bat. 1675 „ „ Obs. etc. s8^ Amstelodami. 1707 „ „ Cum notis selectis Ba-cleri etc.; suas add. A. van Staveren. ed. 2\ S'\ Lugd. Bat. 1773 „ „ [Delphin Class., Eegent's ed., 36, 37]. 8». Lond. 1822 see Hedsinger (J. M.) Spicilegium emendationum etc. ad N. vitas xviii priores, 1744. „ JusTixfs, historian. J., N. etc., tr., 1875. „ Mallivs Theodohus (F.) De metris ; C. N. fragm". Guelpherbytana adj. J. F. Heusinger, 1760. Nepotianus (Januarius), see Du Kieu (W. X.) Seheda; Vaticana', in q. retiactantur I. X. etc., alii ab A. JIaio ed., 1860. -Nepotism. For an ar.on. work in Italian see Xipotisjio. Nequam (Alexander), sec Neckam (A.) Neralco, _;irts/ors., sec K.usenberg (M. v.) Nestesuranoi (Iwan Iwanowitz) ps., see Eousset de Missy Mean). Nestle (Eberhard). Intr. to textual crit. of Greek Xew Test. Tr. W. Edie. s8". 1901 Syriac grammar. Tr. E. S. Kennedy. s8'^. Berlin. 1889 Nestle (Wilhelm). Euripides, d. Diehter d. griech. Aufkliirung. laS". St. 1901 Nestor, the annalist. La Ch'onique de X. Tr., notes etc. par L. Paris. 2t. 8". 1834 Nestorians. Scripta ad Xestorianam hiuresim pertinentia, see MiGNE (J. P.) cd.. Pat. latina, t48. Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople, see MiGNE (J. P.) t-J.,'Pat. latina, t48. ,. Thierry (A.I X. et Eutychos, 1878. Nestor-Schnurmann (Ivan). .Aid to IJussian composition. s8". 1888 Netherclift (Frederick G.) Hdbk. of autographs. Index etc. bv K. Sims. s8". 1862 Nethercote (H. 0.) The Pytchley Hunt. s8''. 1888 *Netherland-historiin (The) ; relation of the late warrs agst. the States Generall f. 1671 to the peace, w. cont. to 1674. s8". Amsterdam, S. Swatt. 1675 UETHERLANDS 1055 NEUVAIN Netherlands. For all govt, pubis, of the Dutch Netherlands <£■ anon, icorks in tch. the form Holland is iiscd, sec Holland. For anon, works in French, see Pa\s-B.4s ; in Spanish, Paysos Bajos. 'Justification (A) of the present war agst. the United N., 1672, see Stubbe (H.) *Repoi'ts rel. to re-estabh of fortres.se.5 in the N., 1861, sec Jones {Sir H. D.) cd. 'Netherton-on-sea. 3v. s8". [1869] Neton (Alberic). Sieyes, 1748-1836. 8». 1900 Netscher (Pieter Marinus). Les Hollandais au Bresil, 17" s. Ia8". La Haye. 1853 Nettelbeck (Joacliini C.) J. N., eine Lebensbeschreibung von ihm selbst. Hrsg. v. J. C. L. Haken. 2' A. 8". 1845 2B. s8". [188.5] Nettement (Alfred F.) Hist, de la concjuete d'Alger, suiv. du tableau de la con(]. de I'Algelie. 8". 1856 Hist, de la Eestauration. 8t. 8°. 1860-72 1, 2, liestauration de 1814 — Cent-Jours. 3-6, li^gne de Louis XVIH [1815-sept., 1824]. 7, 8, Et-gne de Charles X [sept., 1824-iuil., 1830]. Poetes it artistes conterap. 8". 1802 Les ruines morales & intellectuelles. 8". 1836 .see Bin'; (E.) La presse royaliste de 1830-52 : N., s. vie & s. leuvres, 1901. Netter (Thomas) Wa!dcnsis,sce *Fasciculi zizaniorum Magistri J. Wyolif cum tritico, [ascr. to N.], 1858. Nettlcship (Edward). Student's guide to diseases of the eve. 5"' ed. s8". 1890 Uettlesliip (Henry). Ancient lives of Vergil, w. essay on the poems of V. in conn. w. h. life & time*;. 8". O. 1879 Contrib". to Latin lexicography. 8". 0. 1889 Lect". ct essavs on Latin lit. & seholarshij). s8'\ 0. 1885 Lect'. & essays. s2. s8". O. 1895 The moral influence of literature — Classical education. Two addresses. sS". 1890 The Eoman Satura : its orig. form etc. [P155]. 8". 0. 1878 Vergil. s8». 1879 Nettleship (John T.) Essays on E. Browning's poetry. s8". 1808 E.Browning: essays & thoughts. [The 1^90 U'ork includes 12 essays not in that of /SOS]. s8°. 1890 G. Morlnnd, & the evolution f. him of some later painters. ^Portfolio monographs]. Ia8". 1898 Nettleship (Richard Lewis). Philosoph. lectures & remains. Ed., w. biograph. sketch, by A. C. Bradley & G. E. Benson. 2v. sS". 1897 Lects. on the Eepublic. Ed. G. E. Benson. s8\ 1898 -■1 re-issue of vJ of h. " Philosoph. lectures etc., /S'J/." Netto (C.) & G. Wagener. Japanischer Humor. laS". L. 1901 Neubauer, see also Xeuuauii. JTeubauer (Adolf). La geographic du Talmud. 8". 1868 Medifeval Jewish chronicles & chronolog. notes. 2p. [Anecdota O.xon., II, 4, 6 J. s4'. O. 1887-95 Neubaur (L.) Die Sage vom ewigen Juden. [P368]. 8'. L. 1884 Neubert (K. H.) Im Banne Moskaus : d. luther. Kirche in d. Ostsecproviuzen. [P624]. s8". Barmen. [1888] Neubotle, see Newbattle Abbey. Neubrigensis (Gulielmus), see Newbuky (William, of). Neucastel (Emile). Gambotta. s8». 1885 Neuchatel, cantmi i>f. f IXeifchAtel]. Statuts pour le cercle des travailleurs de N. [P367]. s8'. Neuchatel. 1805 Neudeck (Georg) & H. Schroder. Das kleine Buch v. d. Marine. s8". Kiel. 1899 Neudecker (Christian Gotthold). Lehrbuch d. ehristl. Dogmen- gesch. v. d. Ecformationszeit bis auf unscre Tage, 8', Cassel, 1838. Tliis, thoiicih w. sep. tp. d pacjin.. is Ahtlilf). i of Hi of Mi'NscHEE (W.) Lehrbuch d. ehristl. Dogmengesch., ipv. *Neue Pitaval (Der). Eine SammUmg d. interessantesten Criminalgescbichten. Begriindct v. J. E. Hitzig u. W. Hiiring (W. Alexis). [Fortges. v. A. Vollert.] 36B. [B25, 2- A., 1871]. s8". L. 1842-65 „ Neue Serie. Bl-24. sS". L. 1866-90 *Neue Plutarch (Der) : Biographien hervorragender Charaktere. Neue Plutarch (Der) {continued]. Friedrich II, KJJnig v. Preussen ; I V. M. Philippson. [11.] Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Kiinig v. Preussen ; v. T. Flathe. [12.j 1 Goethe ; v. A. Stern. [12.] ; Grosse Kurfiirst (Der) [i.e. ! Frederick William, Elector of Brandenhurfi; v. B. Erd- mannsdiirtfer. [6.] Heinrich IV v. Fraiikreich ; v. M. Pliilippson. [1.] Herder; v. F. v. Biirenbncli. [0.] Hutten tUlrich v.) ; v. H. Prutz. [4.] Joseph II ; v. A. Beer. [9.] Leasing ; v. J. Schmidt. [11.] Luther; v. H. Eiickert. [1.] Maria Stuart ; v. AV. Friedeus- burg. [12.] Maria Tlieresia ; v. A. Beer. [2.] Metternich ; v. A. Beer. [5.] Moritz von Siiclisen ; v. H. Prutz. [9.J Mozart ; v. A. Reissmann. [8.] Napoleon I ; v. A. Kleinsclunidt. [7.] Napoleon III; v. E. v. Gott- scball. [10.] Nelson ; v. F. Althaus. [8.] Pbilipp II V. Spanien ; v. M. Philippson. [S.] Robespierre ; v. R. Gottseliall. [2-] Rousseau; v. F. Brockerhoff. [5.] Russell (Graf John) ; v. F. Althaus. [6.] Schiller ; v. R. Gottscball. [3.] Sickingen (Franz v.) ; v. H. Prutz. [8.] Tasso; v. 0. Speyer. [10.] Voltaire; v. K. Rosenkranz. [1.] Wallenstein ; v. B. Kugler. [10.] Wellington ; v. R. Pauli. [6.] Hrsg. V. E. v. Gottsehall. Beaconsfield ; v. F. Althaus. [!).] Byron ; v. B. Gottsehall. [4.J C'avour ; v. 0. Speyer. [2.] Cornelius (Peter) ; v. ^I. Car- riere. [7.] ■Cromwell ; v. R. Pauli. [1.] 12T. s8". L. 1874-88 Ekhof (Konrad); v. H. Uhde. [4.] Eugea (Prim) von Savoyen ; v. W.Rogge. [5.] Fox (Charles James) ; v. F. Althaus. [3.J Neue jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. J lug. 1-7. 4". L. 1842-48 Neue teutsche Merkur (Der) vom Jahr. 1800. Hrsg. v. C. M. Wieland. Bl, 2. [Jan.-Aug.]. s8". Weimar. 1800 Neues. *Neues allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, 1835-52, see Nagler (G. C.) *Nedes topograph. -statist.-geograph. Worterbucli d. Preuss. Staats, 1821-5, xce Me-rzELL (A. A.) ed. Neues Patriotisches Archiv etc. sec Patriotisches Akchiv etc. Neufchatel, canton of, see Necch.atel. Neufeld (Charles). A prisoner of the Khaleefa. 8'. 1899 2"'' ed. 8". 1899 Under the rebel's reign. s8". [1900] Neuhauser (Joseph). Cadmilus, s. de Cabirorum cultu. [P478]. 8". L. 1857 Neuhoff (Frederic de), son of Theodore, king of Corsica, see FiiEiiEKiCK, son of Tlicodorc etc. Neuhoff (Theodore Etienne de), see Theodobe, king of Corsica [T. E. de N.i Neukomm (Edmond). F^tes & spectacles du vieux Paris. s8". 1886 Neuman (B. Paul). The story of Roger Kiug. s8". 1901 Neuman (Henry) & G. Baretti. Diet, of Eng. * Span. 2v. [1,5"'; 2, 6- ed.J. 8". 1837 Neumann (Arthur H.) Elephant-hunting in East Equatorial Africa. 8". 1898 Neumann (Carl), prof, of Anc. Hist, at Univ. of Breslau. Die Hellenen im Skythenlande. Bl, [no more piM.]. 8". 1855 Neumann (Carl Friedrich). Versuch e. Gesch. d. armen. Lit., nach d. Werken d. Mechitaristen. 8". L. 1830 sec Ciioo-HuNG. Catechism of the Shamans, tr. N'., 1831. ,, Vahbam. V.'s chron. of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, tr. N., 1831. ,, YiNo LuN-YuEN. Hist, of the pirates [in] the China Sea, tr. N., 1831. The titrec tr\ above are in one vol., w. a t. prefixed : Transl". f. Chinese & Armenian, by N., [O.T.F.], 1831. Neumann (Carl Joh.) Der riim. Staat u. d. allg. Kirche bis auf Diocletian. Bl. 8". L. 1890 Neumann (Friedrich Julius), ;))o/. at Freiburg; now [1900] at Tubingen. Die Steuer. lil. (I, Die Steuer u. d. offentl. Interesse). [No more publislied. 8". L. 1887 Neumann (T.) Das moderne Agypten. 8". L. 1893 Neumayer (Georg) ed., Anleitung zu wissenschaftl. Beobach- tungen auf Eeisen. 8". 1875 Neumayr (Melchior). Erdgeschichte. 2B. Ia8-. L. 1887 ,, „ 2B (1, Allg. Geologic. 2, Beschreibende Geologic). 2« A., neubearb. v. V. Uhlig. Ia8". L. 1895 Neunzehnte Jahrhundert (Das) in Deutschlands Entwicklung. Hrsg. V. P. Schlenther. Bl, 3. [In prog.] 8'. 1899-1900 see Meyer (E. M.) Die deutsche Lift. d. 19. jhdts., 1900. [3.] „ ZiEiii.ER (T.) Die geist. u. socialen Striimungen d. 19. Jhdts., 1899. [l.J Neutral. 'Discourse (.\) on the conduct of the Govt, of Gt. l!rit. in resp. to n. nations, n. ed., 1837, see Liverpool (C, /-' earl of}. *Neuvaine (La) de Colette, lO' ed., 1888, see Scuultz (J.) NEUVILLE 1056 NEW Nenville (Didier) [fCHK.vNEAr i.i; Nkcvillk (D. P.)] lO C. Breard. Voyages ile Savorgnan ile Brazza, 1875-82. laS". 1884 Neuville {le baron J. G. Hyde de), sec Hyde de Neuville. Neve (Felix). Essai siir le mythe des Kibhavas; avec texte & tr. des hynines adr. a ces divinik-s. 8". 1847 Etudes sur les hymnes du Big- Veda. 8". 1842 Expose des guerres de Tamerlan A de Sehah-Eokh, d'ap. la chion. aimen. ined. de Thomas de Medzoph. 8". Brux. 1860 Neve (John). Concordance to poet, works of Cowper. Ia8". 1887 Neve (Timothy). Animadv. upon Phillips's Life of Pole. s8". 0. 1766 Nevers, see Societk Nivehnaise. Nevers, counts of. Ex origine et liistoria brevi Nivernensium comitum, sec Boiquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tlO-12. Nevile, see also Nevill, Neville. Nevile (Christopher). Defence of Paley's moral philosophy, in ans. to Whewell A Sedgwick. ' s8". 1839 The new Poor Law justified, etc. [P310]. 2-"i ed. 8". 1838 Eeview of Newman's lects. on Bomanism, etc. s8". 1839 Nevile (George). Horses A riding. s8". 1877 Nevill, Family of. sec also Neville, Familij of. „ Swallow (H. J.) De Nova Villa : or, the house of N., 1885. Nevill (F.), a. of " The Service of God." Eetrogi-ession or development. s8°. 1890 Nevill (John Henry Napper). The biology of daily life. 8". 1890 Nevill (JoUan de) justice itinerant in r. of Hen. Ill, see *Testa r.E Nkvill, [named after J. de K. .^], 1807. Nevill (Kalph). Old Cottage & domestic architecture of S.W. Surrey,* notesonearlyhist.oftlie Division. 4". Guildford. 1889 Nevill (Ralph de), accountant in the Exchequer in r. of Hen. Ill, see ''Testa de Nevill, [named after R. de N. .'], 1807. Neville, The family of . sec *Histories of noble British families : v2, N., 184G. „ also Nevlll, Family of. Neville (Henry) lOJO-9 i. Plato redivivus : dialogue cone. govt. 4'" ed. s8". 1763 Neville (Henry G.), see Campdell (High), E. F. Beewee, & N., Voice, speech etc., 1895. Neville (Richard), see Wahwick (E. N.. earl of). Neville {Hon. Richard Cornwallis), aft. 4"' baron Braybrooke, see Braybeooke. Neville-Rolfe (Eustace). Naples in the nineties : seq. to " Naples in 1888." s8". 1897 Pompeii, popular * practical. 88". Naples. 1888 & H. Ingleby. Naples in 1888. s8". 1888 Nevin (William Wilberforce). Vignettes of travel in Eng. * Italy. sS". Philadelphia. 1881 Nevins ('Willis Probyn) Ij""- Chuistiaxus]. Ireland iV the Holy See in the Xtn. thought illust. by Xtn. art. s8'. ISSii Conversations on tlie Vatican Council. sS". 1878 Development versus fossilized Xty. [P374]. s8". 1881 Dixit Dominus : Genesis cleared. s8". 1881) Driven to Rome. s8". 1877 England & the Holy See, lUdfi- ICOS. s8". 18811 Nevinson (Henry W.) Herder * h. times. 8". 1884 Ladysmith : diary of a siege. s8". 190(1 Life of Schiller. s8". I88;i Neighbours of ours. sS". Bristol. [1893] Nevius (John L.) China d- the Chinese. sS". 1869 Demon possession ct allied themes. With index, bibliographical, patholog. etc. sS". 1897 Nevsky magazine (The). 2v in 1. Ia8". St. Petersburg. 1863 New, Sft' NorVEAU. NolVEAUX, NoUVEL, NoCVELLE, X0U^'ELLES, Neue, Neces, NrovA, Nrovi, Nova, Nceva. For places etc. in which " New" forms part of the place name, as in Xcir Amsterdam, Neu- Haven, d New York, see under New Amsteeham, etc., as one word. •New analogy (.\) betw. revealed religion it the course etc. of nature, by Cellarius, 1881, see Fhwle (T. W.) •New (A) & compleat survey of Iioudon, by a citizen, 1742, see London. Jliddle Ages. s8". 1879 TJie persecution of Protestants bv St. Fran^'ois de Sales. [P791]. 8». 1880 Theolog. influence of the Virgin on the Apostolic School. 8°. 1888 AVhy Englishmen should join the Liberal pai-tv. [P352]. s8». [1878] The plea of Pan. s8». 1901 Scenes in the 30 days war betw. Iheece & Turkey, 1897. sS". 1898 New [continued]. New & general biograph. diet. (Tlie). 15v. n. ed., [ed. II'. Tooke], 8". 1798 Fur the ed. of lSl'2-l'i , see Ch.ilmebs (A.) ed. •New l.\) & merrie prognostication, assigned to W. Summers (1623), repr. 1860, see Prognostication. •New Antigone (The), 1887, see B.UiEV (W. F.) •New .\postles (Tlie) ; or, IrWngism. s8". [1859] •New Bath guide (The*, etc., n. ed., 1807, sec Anstey (C.) New Biographia (The) Britannica, [two tentative lists of articles in A], [1861-2], see Biographu. •New book (A) of knowledge etc. [6. to. Way (The) to save wealthl. sS". 1697 •New book (A) of sports, 1885, see Sports. •New book | Aj of v-ases [48], n.2)., n.d., see Vases. New calendar (The) of great men, 1892, see Harrison (Frederic) ed. [,(■ part author]. •New Catholic Church iThe). [Signed Amicus. P314, 700]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1867 New cliarter (The) ; rights of men & animals. [By var. auihros]. s8». 1896 •New Clarissa (The), tr. f. the French of Lord Monroe, 1885, see MoNEOE {Lord) ps. New coll. (A) of poems on sev. occasions, by Mr. Prior & others, 172.1, see Prior |M.) •New description (A) of Blenheim, 7"' ed., 1806, see Mayor (W. F.) New diet. (A) of foreign phrases etc., 1900, see Jones (H. P.) ed. New diet. (A) of quotations f. Greek, Latin, & mod. languages, tr., n. ed., 1867, sec Quotations. New English diet. (A), on histor. principles, founded mainly on materials coll. by the Philolog. Soc, in prog., 1888-1901, see OxEORD Enghsh diet. *New facts cone. Paul etc., fasc. 1, [no more appX 1842, see LlovdiW W.) •New Forest (The) : novel, 1838, see Smith (Horace). •New Foundling Hospital (The) for wit, 1784, see Foundling. New gen. biograph. diet. (A), projected by H. J. Eose, 1848, see EosE(H. .J.) New (A) general coll. of voyages & travels, 4v, 1743-7, see Astley (T.) ed. •New Godiva (The), etc., 2"^ ed., 1885, see Chapman (E. R.) •New ground, 1868, see Yonge (Miss C. M.) •New hist. (A) of Jamaica, 1740, see Jamaica. •New hist. (A) of the life tt r. of Wm. -Henry, prince of Orange, K. of Eug. etc., 1747, see H.uiRis (Walter). •New horse-houghing husbandry (The) [1731, n. ed., »'. t. : The horse hoeing h.], 1822, see Tull (J.) •New introduction to logic, 1852, see Logic. •New lamps or old ? A few addit. words etc., 1880, see Halliwell- Phillipps (J. O.) New large scale ordnance atlas of London, 1886, .see London. New large scale ordnance atlas of the Brit. Isles, 1884, see British. New list oi the Offices A: Officers of Eng., 1697, see List. New London jest book, 1871, see Hazi.itt (W. C.) ed. •New Party (The*, by some of its members, 1895, see Reid (A.) ed. •New philosophy (The). pl-3 in Iv, [pagin. cont.]. s8". 1847-9 •New plays, by an old author, 1876, see Puselev (D.) •New Reform Bill (The) : an abstract etc., 1852, see Reform. •New Reformation (The) : narrative of the Old Catholic Movement. Hist. intr. by Theodorus. 8". 1875 •New republic (The), 1877, see M.iLLOCK (W. H.) New set of logarithmic solar tables for determining latitude, 6"' ed., 1781, see L.iTiTUDE. •New spirit {A) of the age, 1844, see Hoene (R. H.) ed., etc. New (The) statistical account of Scotland, 15v, 1845, see Scotland. 'New system of domestic cookei-y, 60'-* ed., 1837, see Rundell [Mrs.) •New tax (A) of £100,000 a year : On the proposal to abolish official Assignees in Bankruptcy. [Signed, Franciscan. P161]. 8". B'hara. 1859 •New Timoii (The), 2"'' ed., 1846, see Lytton (E., baron). •New Tory guide (The), 1819, see Tory. •New (.\) tract for the times : practical suggestions for the present crisis, etc. By a layman. [P129]. 8». 1851 •New truth (The) ct the old faith. By a scientific layman. 8". 1880 •New view (A) of London, 1708, see Hatton (E.) •New view of Society, see Owen (R.) •New Virginians (Tlie), 1880, see Allan-Olney {Miss Maby). •New voyage (A) to Italy, [tr.], 4"' ed., 1714, see MissoN (F. M.) •New world (.A.) of words, 5''' ed., 1696, see Phillips (E.) •New Zealanders (The), 1830, see Chaik (G. L.) •Secret meni». etc. of persons of quality f. the New Atalantis, 7"' ed., 1730, sn- Manley [Mrs.) New College, London. Introd". Lectures at Opening, Oct. 18.51. s8'\ 1851 New (The) magazine of choice pieces. [Ed.] J. Perry. 2v. 8". 1810 NEW 1057 NEWBIGIN New memoirs of literature, etc. [By II. de In Rocbel. Gv. H". 182.3-7 Tliis is a cont". of " Memoirs of literature," q.v. New (The) monthly magazine & literary journal, [cont. f. N.m.m. A universal register: which is wiinliiu/. v4!l-9G Imve title N.m.ui. iV- liuniourist. v97-117 Jiave title X.m.iii.]. V3-117. [V76-90 «)amii)!<)>]. 8". 1821-59 New (The) moral world. vl-r,. sm. fol. [3, M'ter, 4, B'ham, 5, Leeds]. 1835-39 New (The) navy list. By .J. Alien. Feb. 1846, .Jan. 1849, l-'eb. lN-5(i. 8". 184()-5() New (The) quarterly magazine. vlO ; New ser. 3v. 8". 1878-80 New (The) quarterly review, etc. [form., v1~3. The foreign * roloiiial ci- r. |. vl-8, [v7 wanting]. 8". 1843-7 New (The) quarterly review, etc. Nos. 1-41 iiillv. 8". 18.52-132 New Reformation Society. Progress of the Mew Reformation. Essays, nos. 1, 2. [P165). 8". 1861 New (A) review ; with literary curiosities etc. By H. Maty. 9v in .5. 8". 1782-6 New (The) review. vl-17. Ia8". [1889-97] New (The) Scots magazine, vl, 2 (Dec. 1828~.Jan. 1830). 8". E. [1828-30] New Shakspere Society. The X.S.S.'s Transactions. 1874 ; 1875-6 ; 1877-9. 3v. 8". [1874-9] see Brooke (A.) llonieus & luliet, [by] B. ; Rhomeo & lulietta, [6(/] W. Bainter : ed. P. A. Daniel, 1875. „ Chester (R.) Love's martyr (1601) ; w. it.s suppl. "Diverse poet, essaies" on the Turtle ct Phcenix. Notes etc. by A. B. Grosart, 1878. „ *DioEV Plays, re-issued f. the plates of the text ed. for the N.S.S. in 1882, [Early Eng. Text Soc. The X.S.S. copy of this is icantinyl, 1896. ,, •'Discouiisi: of the Common Weal, for Stafford's Exam, of certayne complaints (1581) ; otherwise, " A briefe coneeipt of Eng. pollicy," ed. Furnivall, 1876. „ Fletcher (.J.) & W. Sihkespeare. The two noble kinsmen, repr. of 4", (1634), ed. H. Littledale, 1876. ^, Furnivall (F. .J.) ed. Tell-trothes Xew-Yeares Gift ; and The liassionate Morrioe, 1593— .John Lane's Tom Tell- troths message, cSr his Pens complaint, 1600 — T. Powell's Tom of all trades, 1631 — The glasse of godly love [by John Rogers?] (1569), 1876. ,. Harrison (W.) H.'s descr. of England in Shakspere's youth : the 2'"' it 3"' books of h. Descr. of Britaine etc. Ed. F. J. Furnivall, 2p, 1877-8. 1, The 2'"' book, w. extr. f. H.'s Chronologie, & foreign writers on Eng. ; also Norden's map of London, 1593, & notes on it by H. B. Wheatley. 2, The 3"' book, w. map of Shakspere'sroutes to London, plans, etc. etc. ,, Ingleby (C. M.) Shakespeare's century of prayse, 2'"' ed., rev., w. adds., by L. T. Smith, 1879. ,, Shakspere allusion-books, jjI, [no mure publ. under that title], 1874. „ Shakespeare (\V.) King Henry V : parallel texts of 1" 4" & 1" fol, 1877. „ Chron. hist, of Hen. V, repr. of 1" 4", 1875. „ Life of Hen. V, repr. f. 1" fol., 1875. „ Life of Hen. V, ed. of 1623, newly rev. by W. G. Stone, 1880. .,, Romeo * .Tuliet, repr. of 4" I, 1874. „ Romeo A- .Juliet, repr. of 4" II, 1874. „ . Romeo ifc Juliet, rev. ed. of 2"' 4", 1875. ,, Spalding (W.) Letter on Shakspere's authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen etc., n. ed., w. life, by J. H. Burton, 1.87(). .,, Sturbes (P.) Anatomy of abuses (1583), ed. F.J. Furnivall, 2p, 1877-82. .„ ViLES (E.) cS: F. J. FuKsn'ALL, cdd.. Rogues & vagabonds of Shakspere's youth, descr. by Awdeley, Harman etc., ed. by V. A F. in IWC.U ct now repr., 1880. JTew Spalding Club. Annual reports [b. w. publ'. of tlic Soc] : 4". 1887 1899 [1"], [b. w. Skene (W. F.)] [2°''], [6. u: Geddes (W. D.l ,[3""], [b. If. Wodrow (R.)] & P. Duguid] [4"'], (Conf. Rules, report A list of members), [b. it'. Miscellany] 5'', [6. v. Geddes (W. D.) vl] 6'", [6. iv. Cramond (W.) v2 ; 7"', [6. w. Boethius] 8"', [i.!f.Geddes(W.D.) v2; 9'", [b. w. AUardyce] 10'", [b. w. Alford] 11'" a- 12'", [/-. ir. Aberdeen, .VflC. Coll. v3] J.3'", [b. u: MacdonaldJ New Spalding Club [continued]. Miscellanyof the N.S.C. vl. 4". Aberdeen. 1890. Rules * list of members, 1887. [b. w. Aberdeen, St. Nicholas], see Aberdeen : Church of Sr. Nicholas. Cartularium Eccles. S. Nicholai Aberdonensis ; ree. J. Cooper, 1888-92. „ Univ. oe : Kino's Coll. Officers * graduates of U. & K.'s C, A., (149.5-1860), 1893. „ Univ. oi- : Makisciial College. Fasti Acad. Maris- callanie Aberdon. : sel". f. records of M. C. & Univ. (1593- 1860), vl-3, 1889-98. „ Aboyne, Records of A., (1230-1681), 1894. ,. Ali'ORI). Records of the meeting of the Exercise of A. (1662-88), 1897. „ Allardyce (J.) ed.. Hist, papers rel. to the Jacobite period, (1699-1750), 1895 6. ., Boethius (H.) Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium Episco- porum vitiE : ed. & tr. Moir, 1894. „ Cramond (W.) Annals of Banff, 1891-3. „ Geddes (W. D.) ed., Musa Latina Aberdon., vl, 2, 1892-5. „ cS; P. DuGuii). Lacunar Basilicie S. Maearii Aberdon., 1888. „ Macdonald (J.) Place names of W. Aberdeenshire, 1899. „ MuNiio (A. M.) cd.. Records of old Aberdeen (1157-1891), vl, 1899. ,, Robertson (A. W.) Hand-list of bibliog. of shires of Aber- deen, Bantif, & Kincardine, 1893. „ Skene (W. F.) Memorials of fanL of Skene of Skene, 1887. „ Wodrow (R.) Sel'. f. W.'s Biog. Coll'. : Divines of N.-E. Scotland : ed. R. Lippe, 1890. New Sydenham Society. The N.S.S. 's lexicon of medicine ifc allied sciences. [Based on Mayne's Lex.]. By H. Power & L. W. Sedgwick, vl-3, [to Lingua). Ia8". 1881-8 sec Bright (R.) Clinical mems. on abdominal tumours etc., 18G0. ,, Casper (J. L.) Hdbk. of the practice of forensic medicine, 1861-5. ,, DiDAY (P.) Treatise on syphilis etc., 1859. „ Frerichs (F. T. v.) a clinical treatise on diseases of the liver, 18G0-1. ,, GoocH (R.) Disea.ses peculiar to women, 1859. „ Schroder van deu Kolk (J. L. C.) On the minute struc- ture & functions of the spinal cord A medulla oblongata, & on ejjilepsy, tr., 18-59. „ Selected monographs, 1859-01. „ Semple (R. H.) Memoirs on diphtheria, 1859. ,, Stricker (S.) cd., Manual of human A comparative histo- logy, 1870-3. ,, Yearbook of medicine, surgery & their allied sciences, 1859-62, 18G0-3. New (Charles), ntissiouary. Life etc. in E. .\frica. s8". 1873 Newall (J. T.) The Eastern hunters. 8". 1866 Hog hunting in the East, * other sports. 8". 1867 Scottish moors & Indian jungles ; sport. 8". 1889 New Amsterdam. The records of N.A., 1653-74. Ed. B. Fernow. 7v. Ia8'>. N.y. 1897 1-7, Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters it Schepens, 1653-74. 7, .'Vdministrative Minutes, Mar. 8, 1657 -Jan. 28, 1661 — Index. New Atalantis. *Secret mem", etc. of persons of quality from the New Atalantis, 7'" ed., 173G, see Manlky {Mrs.) Newbattle Abbey. Registrum s. Marie de Neubotle. Ace. iippendix cartarum originalium, 1140-1528. [Ed. C. Innes. IJannatync Club]. 4". E. 1849 Newberry, see also Newbery, Newbury. Newberry (John Strong). Fossil fishes A plants of triassic rocks of New Jersey * tlie Connecticut Valley. [U.S. Geolog. Survey, Monograph 14J. laS". Wash. 1888 Paleozoic fishes of N. Amer. [U.S. Geolog. Survey, Monograph 10]. ^8". Wash. 1889 Newberry (Percy E.) Life of Bekhmara. 4". 1900 see Beni Hasan, 1893-1900. & F. L. Griffith. El Bersheh. [E. Expl. F.]. 4". n.d. Newbery, The family of, see Welsh (C.) A bookseller of the last century : life of J. Newbery, w. notice of later N'., 1885. Newbery (John), publisher, see Welsh (C.) A bookseller of the last cent. : life of N., the bks. he publ., \v. notice of later Newbcrys, 1885. Newbigin (Marion I.) Colour in nature. 88". 1898 3 Z NEWBOLT 1058 NEWMAN" Newbolt (Henry J.) Admirals all, it o. v. sS". 1898 6"'«L sS". 1898 The island race. sS". 1898 sec FiioissAHT (J.) F. in Eritaiu : [se!:] by N., 1900. New Brunswick & Nova Scotia Land Co. Pi-act. information resp. N.i;. [P784]. 8". l*4a Newburgh CWilliam, of), see Neheury (William, of). Newbury (William, of) [Willelmus P.iuvos ; Williah of New- burgh ; tPETiT (Ctulieliiuh) Nejlbricjensis]. Hist., s. chronica rerum Anglic. Ed. studio T. Hearuii, qui J. PicaitU aiinot"., suas etiam notas etc. subj. Ace. homiliee treseidem Guitielrrto adscr. 3v. 8". O. 1719 Hist, rerum Anglic. Kec. H. C. Hamilton. [Eng. Hist. Soc, 16]. 2v in 1. 8". Londini. 1850 see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl3, 18. „ Howlett (E.) cd., Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., & Eichard I., 1884-9. „ MoxuiiENTA Germ. Hist., Ser., t27, 28, for Hist. Anglicana. Newcastle [-iqjoyi-Tync}. *Collection (A) of songs, comic etc., in the Newcastle dialect ; by [sev. ivriters']. sS". Newcastle u. T. n.d. [c. 1830 ?] *Extracts f. the records of the Merchant Adventurers of N.-u.-T. [Ed. J. R. Boyle ct F. W. Dcndifj. 2v. [Surtees Soc, 93, 101]. 8". 1895-9 *Hist. of N. A- Gateshead, v3, 1887, see Welfoed (E.) ed. see Literary tt Philosoph. Soc. of N.u.T. „ Society of Antiquaries of N.u.T. Newcastle (Margaret Cavendish, duchess of), 3'"' wife of ■)'' duke. Lives of W. Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, & of h. wife M. ; ed. IVI. A. Lower. s8'. 1872 Ed. C. H. Firth. 8". 188G True relation of the life of M. C, by herself. Pref. etc. by Sir E. Brydges. 8 '. Lee Priory. 1814 see Montegut (E.) Davout— Le ducet laduchesse de N., 1895. Newcastle (Thomas Pelham-HoUes, /-' duke of), marg^uess of Clare ; d. i^OS. [N'ewcastle-uxiier-Lyme]. Narrative of changes in tlie Ministry, 1765-7 ; told by N. in letters to J. White. Ed. M. Bateson. [R. Hist. Soc, NS59]. 8». 1S98 sec *CoxDUCT of the two B rs vindicated, 2°'' ed., 1749. Newcastle ("William Cavendish, /■' duke of), 1o92-lC,-;6. [Newcastle-upox-Tyxe]. see MoNTEGDT (E.) Davout — Le due it la duchesse de N., 1893. ,, Newcastle (Marg., duchess of). Lives of N. & h. wife M., by M., 1872 ; 1K8(1. Newcomb (Raymond Lee) ed.. Our lost explorers : the Jeannette Arctic exped., as rel. by survivors, it last records of Lieut. De Long, etc. 8". Hartford, Conn. 1882 Newcomb (Simon). An investigation of the orbit of Neptune. [S. C. to Knowledge, 15] . 4•^ 18fiG An investigation of the orbit of Uranus. [S. C. to Knowledge, 19]. 40. 1874 On the gen. integrals of planetarv motion. [S. C. to Know- ledge, 21]. " 4". 187G Pop. astronomy. 8". 1878 Newcome (Henry), Independent minister. Autobiography. Ed. K. Parkinson. 2v, [^Wf/iu. cont. Chetham Soc, 26, 27]. s4". 1852 Diarv, Sept. 30, 1661-Sept. 29, 1663. Ed. T. Heywood. [Chetham Soc, 18]. S4". 1849 Newcome (Peter), rector of Shenlei/. Hist, of the Abbey of S. Allian, 793^1539. ' 4". 1795 Newcome (William), abjJ. of Armagh. Attempt towards improved vers., metr. arrangement, tt explan. of the 12 Minor Prophets. By N. Enlarged, w. notes, * comp. of var. renderings of Horsley, on Hosea, it Blayney, on Zechariah. 8". Pontefract. 1809 Attempt towards revising our tr. of the Greek Scriptures. 2v. Ia8". D. 1796 Duration of our Lord's ministrv ; in reply to Priestley. s8'. D. 1780 Hist, view of Eng. Biblical tr'. ; expediency of revision etc. 8". D. 1792 Obs. on our Lord's conduct as instructor etc. 3'^ ed. 8". 1820 see Priestley (.T.) Two letters to N. on duration of Saviour's ministry, 1780. Newcourt (Eichard). Eepertorium eccles.parochialeLondin. : parochial hist, of the diocese of London. 2v. fol. 1708-10 Newdegate (A. E. N.), Lad;/, see Newdigate-Newdeg.ate. Newdegate (Charles Newdigate). Church rates. Speech, 6 Mar. 1861. [P80]. 8'. 1861 Newdegate (Charles Newdigate) [contiimed]. Speech on motion for admission of Bradlaugh to H. of Commons, .June 22, 1880, [P346]. 8°. 1880 Newdigate-Newdegate (Anne Emily), Ladij Newdigate- Newdegate : wife of Sir E. N.-N. The Cheverels of Cheverel Manor. " 8". 189S Gossip from a muniment room : passages in the lives of Anne ct Mary Fytton, 1.574-1618. Transcribed & ed. by Lady N.-N. 8". 1897 Newdigate-Newdegate (Sir Edward) [fNEwraoATE (li.)]. The frontal-attack of infantry. \Tr. f. the Militair. Wochen- schrift]. s8». 1873- Newell, see also Newill. Newell (Charles M.) Kameham^ha : a romance of Hawai. s8". N.Y. 1885- Newell (Ebenezer Josiah). Hist, of the Welsh Church to the dissolution of the monasteries. 8". 1895 Newell (Eobert Henry) [ps. Orpheus C. Kerr]. The Orjiheus C. Kerr papers. Notes etc. by E. P. Hingston. s8 '. 1866 New England. *New-England primer (The) : hist., w. repr^ etc Ed. P. L. Ford. _ 84". N.Y. 1897' *New England's first fruits, w. o. matters cone that country, [1643. Sabin, 4" ser., 7]. s4". N.Y., repr., 1865- Reports on the laws of N.E., presented to the N.E. meeting, at the Meionaon, Sept. 1855. [Cone, laws rel. to women. V-2i\J. 8». 1855. New England Company. Some corr. betw. the Governors and Treasurers of the N.E.C, in London, it the Commissioners of the Colonies in Ainer,, the missionaries of the Co, etc, 1657- 1712 ; added, the journals of Experience Mayhew, 1713-14, 8". 1897 New England Loyal Publication Society, Boston. ILeaflets etc.. piibl. at the ttme of 11k Rebellion]. [P790], 8', 1864 etc. Newfoundland, Commission for the well-governing of New- foundland [Charles I], see Harleian Voyages, v2. Consid'. on the trade to Newfoundland, see Hakleia^ Voyages, y2. Geolog, survey, 1881, see Murrat (A,) it J, P. Howley. *Newgate Calendar (The), 4v, 1824-8, see Kxapp (A.) & W. B.^LDWIX. ♦Chronicles of crime, or tliie new N.C., 1886, see Pelham (C.) New (Juinea. Discoveries of the French, 1768-9, to S.E. o£ N.G., tr., 1791, sec Claret he Fleurieu (le ate. C. P.) Newhall (Charles S.) Trees of N.E. America. 8". 1890> New-Hampshire Historical Society. Coll", for 1824. vl. 8". Concord. 1824 New Haven, see Coxnectkxt. Code of 1650 ; also, the laws of N.-H.. called the Blue-Laws, [1830 ?]. New Hebrides. Slave Trade (The) in the N.H. : papers at ann. meeting of the N.H. Mission, 1871. Ed. .T. Kay. [P379]. 8". E. 1872: New Holland. *Hist, (The) of N,H., etc., 2'"' ed., 1787, see Barrington' (G.) Newill, see also Newell. Newill (Henry). In the tilt-yard of life : tales. _ sS". 1892 Newington, Surrei/. Monumental inscriptions in the old churchyard of S. Mary, N. pi. 8". 2M^- l^S* New Jerusalem Church. Minutes of a General Conference, Aprill791 = 3o. [P27]. 8". 1791 Newland (Abraham). *Life of A. N., etc., 1808, see Collier (.John-). Newland (Henry (Jarrett), The Erne, its legends & fly- fishing, s8", 1851 *Letter to N,, author of " Whom has the Pope aggrieved ? "' By a Sussex layman, [P129]. s8". 1851 South Church Union leets. : Three lects. on Tractarianism. 3"" ed. s8". 1853. Newlands (John A. E.) On the discovery of the periodic law, etc. s8». 1884 New Lymington, see St. Barbe (C.) Records of the Corpora- tion of N.-L., 1848. Newman (Arthur). Pleasures vision ; with. Deserts complaint,, it a dialogue of a woman's properties, 1619. s8". [Ryde ? 1840 ?J Newman (Charles L. Norris), see NorrisNewman. Newman (Edward). Ulust. nat. hist, of Brit, butterflies, [b. w. Brit, moths, 1874]. la*'. 1874 lUust. nat. hist, of Brit, moths. 1"8". 18J4 *The insect hunters, or entomology in verse. s8 : [1857] Intr. to the history of insects: n. ed. of " Grammar of ento- mology [1.835;." *>. 1841 see Montagu (G.) Diet, of Brit, birds, repr. etc., ed. N., 1866. NEWMAN 1059 NEWMAN Newman (Ernest). A study of Wagner. Newman (Francis William). Against lioro-makint,' in religion. [P'JUO, 5i!), 70a]. s8". 1865 Anthroporaorpliism : acoininent by N. on some poetry sent liini by a lady. [P716]. s8>. Rarasgate. 1870 The bigot & tlie sceptic : what is their Euthanasia ? [P700]. sS". Ramsgate. [1869] Catholic union : essays towards a Church of the future, as the organization of philanthropy. sS". 1854 Character of the Southern States. [P508]. 8". M'ter. 1863 A Xtn. commonwealth. s8". 1883 Xty. in its cradle. 88". 1881 Contribs. chiefly to the early hist, of Card. Newman. s8». 1891 The controversy about prayer. [P716]. s8". 1873 Corrigenda in quibusdam .^s- chyli canticis. [P526]. 8". [1859] Crimes of the House of Haps- burg against its own liege subjects. s8°. 1853 Diet, of modern Arabic. 2v. 880. 1871 Divergence of Calvinism from Pauline doctrine. [P713]. sS". Rarasgate. 1871 Essays on diet. s8". 1883 Europe of the near future ; w. 3 letters on the Franco-Prus- sian war. s8». 1871 Four lectures on the contrasts of ancient & modern history. sS\ 1847 The good cause of Lincoln. [P508]. s8". n.d. Handbook of modem Arabic. s8'. 1866 *Hist. of the Hebrew Monarchy, f. Samuel to the Babylonish captivity. 8". 1847 James ik Paul. [P706]. s8'\ Ramsgate. 1869 Lectures on polit. economy. sS". 1851 Libyan vocabulary : essay to- wards reproducing the anc. Numidian language. s8". 1882 Life after death ? Palinodia. [P644]. 2"'' ed. 8", 1887 Miscellanies, chiefly addresses, academ. & histor. Sv,[\-2,-iwantingl. 8". 1869-89 On a free Xtn. Church. [P668]. s8". Croydon. 1877 On the constitutional & moral right or wrong of our National Debt. [P146]. 8". 1859 On the defective morality of the New Test. [P703]. s8". Ramsgate. 1867 Newman (George). Bacteria 8". 1899 Newman {Card. John Henry) On the historical depravation of Xty. rP71i;]- s8". 1873 On the philosoph. classification of national institutions. [P214, 49G]. 8". 1867 On the relations of free know- ledge to moral sentiment. [P450]. 8". 1847 On the relations of theism to pantheism ; & on the Galla religion. [P716]. s8o. Rarasgate. 1872 The Permissive Bill more urgent than extension of Franchise. [P549]. 8". M'ter. 1865 Phases of faith : passages f . the hist, of my creed. s8". 1830 „ „ 2'"i ed. s8". 1853 „ , 9"' ed. s8». 1874 The presence of God. [P668]. s8". 1875 Regal Rome: intr. to Roman hist. sS". 1852 The relations of professional to liberal knowledge. [P496]. 8». 1859 Religious freedom. [P531]. 8". [1859] The religious weakness of Pro- testantism. [P70S]. s8". Ramsgate. 1866 Reply to a letter f. an evan- gelical lay preacher. [P716]. 88". [1873] Reply to the question " What have we got to rely on, if we cannot rely on the Bible ? " [P707]. sK". Ramsgate. 1869 The service of God. [P668]. S8". 1875 The soul, her sorrows it her aspirations. s8». 1849 „ „ 2"'! ed. s8". 1849 „ „ 9"' ed. s8". 1874 Theism, doctrinal & practical. 4". 1658 Thoughts on a tree & compre- hensive Xty. [P705]. 88". Ramsgate. [1868] Thoughts on the existence of evil. [P716]. s8". Ramsgate. [1872] The true temptation of Jesus. [P709]. s8 '. Ramsgate. [1871] What is Xty. without Xt. ? [P363]. 8". 1881 see Abbot fF. E.) Impeach- ment of Xty. ; w. letters f. F. P. Cobbe & N., giving reasons for not calling themselves Xtns., 1872. „ Dkfoe(D.) RebiliusCruso: Robinson Crusoe in Latin, by N., 1884. „ RociEKs (H.) 'Defence of " The eclipse of faith," by its a.; rejoindertoN., 1854. s8". 1899 2"'i ed. s8". 1900 Newman (Henry Stanley). Banani : f. slavery to freedom in Zanzibar & Pemha. 8'. [1898] Days of grace in India : visits to missions. 8". [1882] Newman (Jeremiah Whitaker). The lounger's commonplace book, etc. Newman (Card. John Henry). Apologia pro vita sua : reply to [C Kiiigslrij's] " What, then, does Dr. Newman mean ? " 8". 1864 „ „ ... [w. f. : Hist, of my relig. opinions]. sS". 1865 .1// succeeding ed'. have f. " Apologia etc." „ „ s8". 1883 „ „ 88". 1883 „ „ sS". 1890 3v. 3'" ed. 8". 1805 The Arians of the 4"' c, etc. 2'"ied. 8". 1854 „ „ S"" ed. s8». 1871 Callista. new. ed. sS". 1890 ,, „ ... new. imp. sS". 1898 Certain diflicultiesfelt by Angli- cans in Catholic teacliing. 2v. s8". 1891 1, Twelve lects., 1850. 2, Letter to Pnsey, 1S64— Letter to the D. of Nor- folk, 1874. vl is anoth. ed. of Lects. on certain diCf. etc., 1850, beloiu. Characteristics from the writ- ings of N. Arranged by W. S. Lilly. 21'' ed. 88". 1875 „ , 5'^ ed. s8". 1880 The Church of the Fathers. n. ed. s8°. D. 1857 Disc', on University education. 8". Dublin. 1852 „ „ ... S"' ed., \xi: t. : Idea of a University defined etc.]. s8». 1873 „ „ ... 9"' ed., [w. t. : Idea etc.]. s8". 1889 „ „ ... n. ed., [w. ^ .■ Idea etc.]. s8". 1891 Disc^. to mixed congregations. 6"' ed. 38». 1881 „ „ u. ed. s8". 1892 Discussions & arguments on var. subjects. s8". 1872 'The dream of Gerontius. [b. w. Keble (J.) The Xtn. year, 98"' ed., 1866]. s8". 1866 Essay in aid of a grammar of assent. 38'. 1870 „ „ S'^ed. s8". 1881 Essay on the developraent of Xtn. doctrine. 8". 1845 „ n. ed. s8". 1878 Essay on the miracles recorded in the eccles. hist, of the early ages. 8". O. 1843 Essays, critical & hist. 2v, [vl wanting']. S80. 1871 „ „ 2v. [2"'' ed.]. 88°. 1872 Hist, sketches. ■i\,\yZwanting\ s8". 1872-3 „ vl. 3'''ed. 88". 1876 „ „ ... 3v. n. ed. 88". 1891-6 1, The Turks in their rel. to Europe — Cicero — Apol- lonius of Tyana — Primi- tive Xty. 2, The Church of the Fa- thers — Chrysostom — Theodoret — Mission of St. Benedict — Benedic- tine schools. S, Rise & progress of uni- versities — Northmen & Normans in Eng. & Ire- land — Medieval O.vford — Convocation of Can- terbury. Idea of a University etc., sec Disc"^. on Univ. education, 8"' ed., 1873, above. Lectures & essays on University subjects. s8". 1859 Lectures on certain difficulties felt by Anglicans in submi tting to the Catholic Church. 8". 1850 For anoth. ed., see Certain diff. etc., vl, 1891, above. Lectures on justification. 8". 1838 •Lectures on the hist, of the Turks in rel. to Xty. s8°. D. 1854 Lectures on the pres. position of Catholics in Eng. 8". 1851 Lectures on the prophetical oflice of the Church, relatively to Romanism tt popular Pro- testantism. 8'. 1837 Letter to Pusey on his Eirenicon. [P242]. 8". 1860 Letter to the Duke of Norfolk on occasion of Gladstone's recent expostulation. [P313, 514]. 8". 1875 [continued]. Letters & corr. of N. in the Eng. Church, w. brief autob?. Ed. A. Mozley. 2v. 8». 1891 Life of Apollonius Tyan., w. comp. betw. miracles of Scrip- ture & those related elsewhere. Tliis forms j>p. 3il to end, of the vol.of the Encyc.Metrop^ 2"^ ed., catalogued under Hinds (S.) Rise & prog, of Xty., 1850. •Loss & gain. s8°. 1848 i „ „ lO'" ed. s8». 1891 Meditations & devotions. S80. 1893 ! Miscellanies f. the Oxford ser- mons & o. writings of N. b8". 1870 Office & work of Universities. s8". 1850 Parochial & plain sermons. 8v. j n. ed., [ed. W. J. Copeland]. 88". 1868 ' „ Selection adapted to the sea- sons of the eccles. year f. P. & p. sermons. [Ed. W. J. Copeland]. 5'h ed. s8". 1891 Parochial sermons. Ov, [vl, 3'^ ; 2, 3, 2"'' ed.]. 8". 1830-42 Passages, of a corr. betw. N. it R. C. Jenkins, 1866-90. [P620]. s8". Folkestone, n.d.. Sayings of N. 8". [1890] Sermons, chiefly on the theory of relig. belief, bef. the Univ. of Oxford. 8". 1843 Sermons on subjects of the day. I 8". 1848 I Tracts, theolog. & ecclesiastical. s8". 1874 ' Two essays on Scripture miracles I & on ecclesiastical. 2"'t ed. s8». 1870 •Verses on var. occasions. s8". 1868 „ „ s8". 1874 „ „ s8'. 1888 The Via Media of the Angli- can Church : lectures, letters, tracts, 1830-41. 2v. s8°. 1377 References. see Abbott (E. A.) Anglican career of N., 1892. ,, — — Philomythus : discus- I sion of N.'s Essay on eccles. miracles, 1891. ,, Butler (W. A.) Letters on the development of Xtn. doctrine, in reply to N-, ] 1850; 2'"i ed., 1858. „ Fauee (L. F.) 1^1., sa vie, s. ceuvres, 1901. „ Fletcher (J. S.) Short life of N., 1890. „ FLEiiRV (C.) Eccl. hist, to end of 4*'* c, tr., w. notes & essay on the miracles of the period [bij N.\ 1842. „ Eccl. hist. (400-29), 1843. ' „ Eccl. liist. (429-56), 1844. „ Haiie(J.C.) The contest w. j Rome; w. notes, esp. in ans. to N., 1852. „ Hutton(A.W.) TheAngli- I can ministry etc. ; pref. by N., 1879. „ Hutton (R. H.) N., 1891. \ „ Jacobs (J.) G. Eliot, N. etc., 1891. „ Jennin'GS (H. j.) N., story 1 of h. life, 1882. „ Kixgsley (C.) K. & N.: corr. on the question whether N. teaches that truth is no virtue, 1864. 3 z2 NEWMAN lOGO NEWTON Newman (Card. John Henry) [continued]. see Lives of the English Saiuts [jD-Z of wh., w. t. " Cister- cian S'.," (£■ p:i, were ed. bij N.l 18H-0 ; 1900. „ Maurice (J. F. D.) The [ „ Epist. to Hebrews ; pref'., [ review of N.'s theory of ] » development, 1846. „ Mevnell (W.) [/is. J. Old- castle]. Catholic life & " letters of N., etc., 1887. „ MoBEBLY (G.) bp., The say- ings of the great 40 days | „ etc. ; w. exam, of N.'s theory of development, 4"' ed., 1871. I Newman (Mrs. Mary Wentworth) see MozLEV (J. B.) The theory of development; crit. of N.'s Essay on the develop- mentof Xtn. doctrine, 1878. „ Nevile (C.) Review of N.'s lects. on Romanism, 1839. „ Newman (P. W.) Contribs. chiefly to early hist, of N., 1891. „ Thureai-Dan-gin (P.) La renaissance cathol. : pi, N. & le mouvement d'O.Ktord, 1899. „ *Tracts for the times [where the no", of those " Tracts " wh. are' bi/ N. will le found], 1837-41. Begun in jest. 3v. sK". 1891 sS". 1887 3v. s8". 1878 2v. s8". 1874 lUust'. of Boman Her will & her way, A o. s. The last of the Haddons. Too laic. Newmarch (C. H.), see Bockman (J.) & N. art in Cirencester, 1850. Newmarch (Rosa). Tchaikovsky : w. extr. f. h. writings, & diary of h. tour, 1888. s8". 1900 Newmarch ("William). On the loans raised by Pitt, 1793- 1801. [P132]. 8". 1855 see St,vtistical So'c, Session 18C9/70, inaug. address by the Pros., N., 1869. „ TooKE (W.) Hist, of prices [v5, 6 by T. & N.], 1838-57. Newminster, Cistercian abbey of. *Chartularium abbathiie de Novo Monasterio. [Ed. J. T. Foicler. Surtees Soc, 06]. 8". Durham. 1878 ITewnham ("William), surgeon. Human magnetism, etc. s8'. 1845 Newnham (William Orde). Alresford essays for the times. s8". 1891 Newnham- Davis (Nathaniel). " Baby " Wilkinson's V.C., A- o. s. s8". 1899 The Transvaal under the Queen. Ia8". 1900 Newport, I. of Wight, see Smith (Ciiaiu.es Koach). Public dinner to S. at N., 1855. Newport ( Andrew). *Mems. of Col. A. N., n. cd., 1792. Fur this 'Worl',of li'liiclt the authorship is doubtful, .set' Defoe (D.), to witom it is frequently attr''. Its more usual t. is " Mons. of a cavalier." New Princeton review (The). vl-0. laS". X.Y. 1886-8 *Newry Bridge ; Ireland in 1887. Kepr. f. " St. James's Gazette." [P557]. s8". E. 1886 News. *News from P'rance : giving a rel. of the pres. state of the difference betw. the French King & the Court of Rome. [P279]. s4". 1682 *News from the stars : or astrological predictions of 1680. By •J. P., student of the said science. [P281]. s4". 1685 New Scotland, sec Nova Scotia. Newsholme (Arthur). The elements of vital statistics. :y ed. 8". 1899 Newsome (Reid). Proposal for alteration in the law of Church Rates. :P289]. 8'^. 1851 New South Wales. Bailliere's New S. Wales gazetteer & road guide. By E. P. Whitworth. 8'. Sydney. 1866 Calendar & Gen. Post Off. Directory, 1835, [4'"' vear]. 8". Sydney. [1835] Cat. of the exhibits in the N.S.W. Courts. [Chicago Exhib.]. Ia8". Sydney. 1893 Docs, regarding the Presbyterian church in N.S.W. [P364]. 8". 1839 Geographical encyclopaedia of N.S.W. Publ. by govt, for the Exhibition, Chicago, 1893 ; by W. Hanson. Ia8". Sydney. 1892 Mineral map * general statistics of N.S.W. [P374]. 8". Sydney. 1876 Mining report of the Dep. of Mines & Agriculture. Fur 1899, 1900. fol. Sydney. 1900-1 *N.S.W. contingents (The) to S. Africa, 1899-1900, w." a " Roll Call of honour." 2"'' ed. obl.8". Sydney. 1900 "■N.S.W. : its past, present, future condition. By a resident of twelve years' experience. s8". 1849 *N.S.W. : its state & prospects. Statement in support of peti- tions to Parliament. 8". 1837 New South Wales [continued]. N.S.W. : statistics, hist., it resources. [Chicago Exhib. P578]. 8°. 1893 N.S.W. ; " the mother colony of the Australias." Ed. F. Hutchinson, 1896. ' la8". Sydney. 1896 N.S.W. wool exhibits ace. to wool districts. [Chicago Exhib. P577]. 8'. Sydney. 1893 Sheep & wool in N.S.W. [Chicago Exhib. P577]. 8'\ Sydney. 1893 i Social Kefoi-m Acts of 1866. T230]. 8". Sydney. 1867 Statistical register for 1890 A previous years. By T. A. Coghlan. 8". Sydney. 1891 „ „ 1891 & previous years. By T. A. Coghlan. 8". Sydney. 1892 „ „ 1892 ct previous years. By T.A. Coghlan. 8". Sydney. 1894 I Ways tt means : financial statement of Hon. Alex. Stuart, col. tre'nsurer of N.S.W., 24 .Ian. 1877. [P327]. 8". Sydney. 1877 *Wealth (The) * progress of N.S.W. 3"', 5"'-12"' issue[s]. 8". Sydney. 1889-1900 All these are compiled by T. A. Coghlan. The S"' & 'J"' issues have each Ji: sec Coghlan (T. A.) Statist, ace. of the 7 colonies of Austra- lasia, 1894 ; 1896. „ PiTTMAN (E. F.) Mineral resources of N.S.W., 1901. „ PcLSFOEii (E.) Rise, progress etc. of trade in N.S.W., [Chicago Exhib.], 1892. „ WArrEX (W. H.) Australian timbers, 1892. Newspaper. *Eead A reflect : the n. & general reader's com- panion. By a. of " Live and learn." 18"' ed. s8". Ji.iZ. Newspaper Press directory (The) & advertisers' guide. 1899- 1901. laS". Mitchell cf Co. 1899-1901 Newstead (Robert). Monogmph of the eoccidsE of the British 1\ [Ray Soc.]. vl. 8°. 1901 Newth (G. S.) Text-book of inorganic chemistry. 5'" ed. sS". 1897 Newth (Samuel). Lects. on Bible revision ; app., the prefs. to the chief ed'. of the Eng. B. s8". 1881 '*Newton Forster, var. cd'., .■see Makryat (F.) Newton (XMreA), prof, of Zoolugy etc. at Cambridge. Diet, of . birds. By N., ass. by H. Gadow, etc. 4p. S". 1893-6 Newton (Benjamin Wills). Remarks on " Natural law in the spiritual world" by H. Drumniond. sS". 1884 Newton (Sir Charles Thomas). Essays on art A archiEology. 8". 1880 Hist, of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, tt Branchidas. By N., ass. by R. P. Pullan. 2v. [1, lafol. ; 2, 8']. 1862-3 1, Plates [100]. 2, Text. Map of Brit, ct Roman Yorkshire. 8". 1846 Travels & discoveries in the Levant. 2v. Ia8°. 1865 Newton (Ernest). A book of houses. fol. [1890] Newton (Florence). Trials of F. N., 1661, see Witchcraft farther display'd, 1712. Newton (Sir Isaac). Opera quje exstant omnia. Comm. illust. S. Horsley. 5t. 4". Londini. 1779-85 The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended. Pref''., a short ehron. to the Conq. of Persia. n. ed. 4'. 1770 Corr. of N. & C'ote.s, incl. letters of o. eminent men, unpubl. letters & papers bv N.; notes, view of [N.'s] life, etc. by J. Edleston. " 8». 1850 The present state of Ireland : being N.'s representation about the gold & silver coins. [P217]. 38". 1729 PRINCiriA. Philosophise naturalis principia mathematica. Perpetuis comm. illust., communi studio T. Le Seur & F. .Tacquier. ed. altera long^ accuratior. 3t. 4". Colonia; Allob. 1760 Matheinat. principles of nat. philosophy. Tr., w. comm. by R. Thorp. \1, [no more publ.]. i". nil Principia. Tr. A. Motte; added, N.'s .system of the world, w. life bv N. W. Chittenden. Ia8". N.Y. [1848] Principia. Repr. [ f. the cd. of 17 j6] for Sir W. Thomson & H. Blackburn. ' 4». Cilasgow. 1871 Principia, Bk. I, sect. 1-3. Notes & problems by P. Frost. 8». 1878 References. see Brewster (Sir D.) Lite of N., 1831. ,, Mems. of the life, writings, discoveries of N., 1855. ,, Brougham (H., baron) & E. .J. Routh. Analyt. view of N.'s " Principia," 1855. „ '^Correspondence of scientific men of l?"" c. : N., etc., 1841, „ De Morgan (A.) N., h. friend, & h. niece, 1885. „ Dieterich (C.) Kant u. N., 1876. NEWTON 1001 NEW Newton (Sir Isaac) [conlhuieill. Befkhences [continued]. see Maclauris (C.) Acc. of N.'s discoveiies, 3"' ed., 1775. „ MoNnoDDO (J., Loirl). Antient metaphysics, w. exam, of N.'s philosophy, 1779-99. „ Pembebton (H.) View of X.'s philosophy, 1728. „ EiGAUi) (S. P.) Essay on tlie first puhl". of N.'s Prinoipia, 1838. „ TuENOit (E.) Coll", for the hist, of Gi-anthiim, cont-. mem*. of N., 180G. ,, Vauemus (B.) Geographia generalis, emend, etc. ab I. N., ed. 2", 1681. Newton (John), rector of SI. Mary Woidnoth. Works. Mems. by 1!. Cecil. ' ' Iv in 2. 8". 1828 see Bull (J.) Mems. of W. Bull, f. h. letters and those of N. etc., (1738-1814), 1864. Newton (Margaret). Glimpses of lite in Bermuda & the tropics. s8". [1897] Newton (Margaret), countess of Coningsby ; ivife of Sir M. Newton, see Coxinc:shv (M., eojintess of). Newton (Richard), D.D., pinciital of Hart Ilall, Oxford, see Amkuiist (N.) TerriE-filius ; added, Kemarks upon Univ. education, by N., 1726. Newton (Samuel), aldcrnian of Comhridgc. Diary of N., 1662- 1717. Ed. .1. E. Foster. [C'amb. Antiq. Soc.]. 8". C. 1890 Newton (Thomas), hp. of Bristol. Diss', on the prophecies, fulfilled A fulfilling. 3v. 4'" ed. 8". 1771 Works. Witli life, & anecdotes of h. friends, by himself. 6v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1787 see TwELLs (L.) Lives of E. Pocock, by T. ; of Z. Pearce & of N., by themselves. 1816. Newton (Thomas William), see Ocvky (F.) Cat. of old ballads in poss. of O., by N., 1877. Newton (William), a. of " A display of heraldry." London in the olden time : a topograph, it hist. mem. of London, West- minster, & Southwark, accompanying a pictorial map of the city & suburbs iu the r. of Hen. VIII, before the dissolution of monasteries. fol. 185.5 Newton-Robinson (Charles). Tintinnabula : new poems. s8". 1890 Ver lyrce: sel. poems of X.-E., w. seven new lyrics. 8". 1898 The viol of love : poems. s8". 1895 New York, City d State of. Anon, works & misc. publ. Documentary hist, of State of N.Y., arr. bv E. B. O'Callaghan, 4v, 1849-5i, sec O'Callaghan (E. B.) Docs. rel. to the colonial hist, of the State of N.Y. ; procured in Holland, Eng., France, by J. E. Brodheiid, agent. Ed. E. B. O'Callaghan. vl-10. 4". Albany. 1856-58 1, Gen. intr.— Holland docs., 1-8, lOOH-.Jti. 2, Holland docs., 8-1(1, 1(1.57-78. 3, London docs., 1-8, 1G14-92. 4, London does., ;)-16, 1003-1706. .5, London docs , 17-24, 1707-33. 6, London docs., 25-32, 1734-55. 7, London docs., 33-40, 1750-67. 8, London docs., 41-47, 1708-82. 9, Paris docs., 1-8, 1631-1744. 10, Paris docs., 9-17, 174.5-74. „ Gen. index ; by E. B. O'Callaghan. 4". Albany. 1861 Docs. rel. to the colonial hist, of the State of N.-Y. Ed. B. Fcrnow. vl2-15. 4". Albany. 1877-87 12, Docs. rel. to the hist, of the Dutch it Swedish settle- ments on the Delaware. 13, Docs. rel. to the hist. & settlements of the towns along the Hudson * Mohawk Eivers (w. exc. of Albany), 1630-84, also illust. the relations of the settlers w. the Indians. 14, Does. rel. to the hist, of the early settlements, princ. on Long Island, w. a map of its W. part, made 1666. 15, New York State .\rchives : X.Y. in the Revolution, vl. *New York illustrated. Ia8'. N. York. 1881 *Public Service of the State of N.Y'., during the administration of A. B. Cornell. 3v in 1. 4°. Boston. 1882 Eeport of Conmiittee of Merchants for relief of coloured people, suffering from the late riots in N.Y. [P211]. 8". N.Y. 1863 Departments of State, etc. Assembly of the State of N.Y'. Documents of the A. of the S. of N.Y. 73"'-81" session, [1850-58]. Bound in 52v. 8". Albany. 1850-8 The 7-J"' »ess. [tS.K'], (£• v3 of the '<)"' scss. [7S56], u-anting. New York, City d- State of [continued]. Departments of State, etc. [ronlinueil]. AssEsiiiLv OF THE State OF N.Y. [conthulcd]. Journal of the A. of the S. of N.Y. 73"'-81" session, [1850-38]. Bound in lOv. 7.j"' it 79"' sessions wanting. 8". Albany. 1850-8 Eeport on capital punishment. [Assembly doc, no. 249. P139]. 8». 1841 Bukeal' of statistics of L.iBOR [of tlie state of AM'.]. B. of S. of L. 5"' annual report : for 1887. 8». 1888 Commlssioxees apptii. to kevise the Laws fop. Assessment & Collection of Taxes in [the State of] N.Y'. Eeport of the C\ etc., 1871. [Cobden Clubi. s8". M'tcr. 1871 Insurance Depap.tment of the State of X.Y. Superintendent of the I.D. 6"" annual report. 8". Albany. 1865 IjAWS. Laws of the State of X.Y., passed at the 73'-'', 74"" session[s]. 2v. 8". Albany. 1850-51 Library. [New-Y'ork State]. Cat. of Coins ann. report of the Triangulation of the State. 8". Albany. 1880 Senate of the State of N.Y'. Documents of the S. of the S. of N.Y. 73"'-81>' session, [1850- 5H]. Bound in 24v. [the 7S"' session, [7S5-'] tranting']. 8". Albany. 1850-8 Journal of the S. of the S. of N.Y. 73"'-81" session, [1850-58]. Bound in 7v. [t^ic 7,>"' ct 79'* sessions wanting}. 8". Albany. 1850-8 State Engineer & Surveyor. Annual report of the S.E. * S. for 1858. 8". Albany. 1859 Eeport on the railroads of the State, for year ending Sept. 1857. 8". Albany. 1858 Tklangulation, see Nugaba Falls, above. University of the State of N.Y. Instructions from Eegents of the Univ. to Academies subject to their visitation, etc. rev. ed. 8". Albany. 1845 Eegents of the U. of the S. of N.Y. 68"'- 70"' annual reports. 3v. 8». Albany. 1855-7 Regents of the U. of the S. of N.Y'., on the condition of the State Cabinet of Nat. Hist., etc. 20''' report. rev. ed. fol. Albany. 1868 [by mistake for 1870] References. see General Theoloo. Seminary, Keiv York. „ Medical Society of the State of N.Y. „ New Amsterdail '^The records of N.A., (1653-74), 1897. „ Prison Assoc, of New Y'ork. „ Union League Club of New Y'ork. „ Wines (E. C.) & T. W. Dwight. Eeport on prisons A- reformatories in U.S. iV Canada, 1867. New York Historical Society. Collections for 1809. 1814. vl, 2. 8°. N.Y. 1811-4 „ ,. 2"" ser. vl. 8". N.Y. 1841 see Jones (T.) Hist, of New York dm-, the Eevol. War, 1879. New- York nation. Critical & social essays repr. f. the N.-Y. N. s8». N.Y. 1867 New York State Agricultural Society. 2'"' National Trial of Mowers, Reapers, Horse Powers, etc., 1866. [P222]. 8". Albany. 1867 New York Times, see Seces.sion. ♦Effect of S. upon commercial rel'. betw. North & South, 1861. New Zealand. Census, 1896. Eeport on the results of a Census of N.Z., taken 12 Ap., 1896 ; by E. J. Von Dadelszen. fol. Welhngton. 1897 Eesults of a Census of N.Z., taken 12 Ap., 1896. ol Wellington. 1897 NEW 1062 NICEPHORUS New Zealand [contin-itcd]. Colonial Museum * Geological Survey. Cat. of stalk- & sessile-eyed Crustacea of N.Z., 1876. see Miers (E. J.) Coal deposits. Firet general report. By J. Hector. [P226]. 8". Wellington. 1866 Geological explorations during 1879/80, 81, 82, 83/4, 87/8, 88/9. Reports. 6v. 8°. Wellington. 1881-90 Manual of birds of N.Z., 1882, sec Buller (W. L.) Misc. govt, publ'., & .ujos. works. A pamjihlet , icithout tp.,"f6rpriv. circ," cmhodyincj grievances of tJie colonists. [39pp. P294]. S". 18.52 Corrected report of the Debate in H. of Commons. .Tune [1845J, on state of N.Z., * the case of the N.Z. Companv. [Pi38]. 8". 1845 Handbook (The) for N.Z. By a late magistrate of the colonv. sS". 18"48 *The literature rel. to N.Z. : a bibliog'. [Pref. sigiucl J. C] 8".' Wellington. 1889 ♦Natural wonders (The) of N.Z. 2"" ed. s8'>. 1881 N.Z. Notes on its geog., etc., by E. A. Loughnau. {Nciv Zealand Govt. Puhl.l sS". [1901] N.Z. official year-book. 1892-7. 9v. S". Wellington. 1893-1900 The volume for 1>i02 has t. : N.Z. o. handbook. *N.Z. War (The) of 1860 : its origin etc. From the " Colonial InteUigencer." [P207]. 8". n.d. Official handbook of N.Z. Ed. by the Agent-Gen. 2p in Iv. 8». 1883 *01d New Z., by a Pakeha Maori, 1893, see Manixg (F. E.) Papers & reports rel. to minerals and mining. fol. Wellington. 1896 „ „ fol. Wellington. 1900 *Taken in : sketch of N.Z. life, by Hopeful, 1887, ice T.iKEN etc. *Truth (The) about the N.Z. compulsory arbitration etc. act. [P884]. sS". [1898] Statistics. Eeport on the statistics of N.Z. 1889, 1890. 2v. 8". Wellington. 1891 Statistics of the Colony of N.Z. For 1898 ; w. statistics of local governing bodies for year ended 31 Mar., Is99. fol. Wellington. 1899 , for 1900. fol. Wellington. 1900 New Zealand Association. Brit. Colonization of N.Z.; account of the Ass". s8". 1837 New Zealand Company. Directors of the N.Z.C. 14''' Eeport, 1844. 8". 1844 Docs, appended to 12"" report of directors. 8". 1844 *New Zealanders (The), 1830, sec Cbaik (G. L.) Nay (le marichal HHchtil), prince de la Moskoiea. see Welschixgeh (H.) Le mar. N. (1815). 2>' ed., 1803. „ Westo.n (.T. .\.) Hist, doubts as to execution of N., 1895. Neymarck (Alfred). Turgot et ses doctrines. 2t. 8". 1885 Neyrat (Alex. Stanislas). L'Athos. s8». 1880 Niagara, see New York : Niagara Falls. Report of the N.Y. State Survey on preservation of the scenery of the N.F., 1880. Nials Saga, see Nj.ila. Nibbs (Richard Henry), see Lower (M. A.) The churches of ! Sussex, etched by N., 1872. I Nibby (Antonio). Analisi della carta de' dintorni di Homa. 3t. [The " Carta " is wanting'], ed. 2'. Ia8". 1848-9 Del Foro Homano ; della Via Sacra ; dell' Anfiteatro Flavio, ec. 8». 1819 Element! di archeologia. 8". 1828 Itinerario di Koma. 2t in 1. n. ed., rettif. da A. Valeutini. s8". 1847 Eoma neir a. 1838. 4p. (E. antica,2p. R.mod., 2p). 8". 1838-41 Viaggio antiquario alia Villa di Orazio, ec. 1880. Pesaro. 1828 Viaggio antiiiuario ne' contorni di Roma. 2t. 8". 1819 Nibelungenlied. Der Nibelungen Noth. Aus d. St. Galler Urschrift luit d. Lesarten aller iibr. Hss. hrsg. v. F. H. v. d. Hagen. 3<- A. 8". Breslau. 1820 There is a 2'"> tp. : Der Nibelungen Lied etc. hrsg. v. F. H. V. d. H. Bl. If anyiohere in tlie vol. tlxere was a further tp. for Bj, it is xeanting. DerNibelunge Not mit der Klage. Hrsg. v. K. Lachmann. 4". 1826 Der Nibelunge liet. Hrsg. v. K. Simrock. [Text mit Ubers.']. 19' A. 8". St. 1868 Nibelungenlied. Hrsg. v. K. Bartsch. 4' A. s8". L. 1875 Der Nibelunge Not mit e. Worterbuche hrsg. v. K. Bartsch. 2T in 3B. 8». L. 1870-80 Nibelungenlied Icontimuxl]. Translations. Das Lied der Nibelungen. Metrisch iibers. v. J. G. Biisching. 8". Altenburg. 1815 Nibelungenlied. Tr. W. N. Lettsom. 8". 1850 Das Nibelungen Lied. _Tr. .J. Birch. 2"" ed. 8". Munich. 1878 Das Nibelungenlied. Ubers. d. Hs. A., nebst Einltg. etc. v. W. Hahn. s8°. [1884] Nibelungen-Lied. Tr. .\. G. Foster-Barham. s8». 1887 sS". 1898 The fall of the Nibelungs. Eng. by M. Armour. 8". 1897 The lay of the Nibelungs. Metr. tr. by A. Horton, ed. E. Bell. Prel''., the essay by T. Carlyle. s8". Bohn. 1898 References. sec Lichienberger (H.) Le poeme et la legende des Nibelungen, 1891. „ MuLLER (W.) Nibelungensage, 1841. „ Raszmann (.\.) Die NiUungasaga u. das N., 1877. „ Wii.MANNs (W.) Gesch. d. Nibelungenhedes, 1877. Niboyet (Paulin) [^w. Fortunio], sec Fortcnio, ps. NiCEea, stv Nice, in Bithynia. Nicseensis (Parthenius), sec Parthenius, of Xie imp., 1857. „ Lee (R.), M.D. Last days of Alex., & first days of N., 1854. ,, 'Russia under N. I, tr. [/. art, 200-1882 ; & of Amer. hist., lit., art. S'-'i ed. laS". Glasgow. 1884 see Hall (P.) *Doctor indoc- tus ; strictures on N., w. ref. to his " Eng. Compo- sition," 1880. „ Knight (W.) Mem. of N., 189G. The planet Neptune. s8". E. 1848 Some points rel. to the system of the world. s8". E. 1846 The stellar universe. b8". 1848 Views of the architecture of tlie heavens. 2'"' ed. s8". E. 1888 „ „ ... 4'ii ed. s8". E. 1843 Nicholas, of Bray. [Nicolas, dc Bray ; -f-KicoLAUs, de Braia.'] see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl7. „ Du Chesne (A.) Hist. Franc, Scr., t.5, 1G49. „ GuizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des m^mg. : til, Des faits & gestes de Louis VIII, poeme par N. de B., 1825. ,, MoNUMENTA Gebm. Hist., Sci'., t26. Nicholas I, patriarch of Constantinople, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. -jrfflca, till, N. C. Nicholas, of Damascus, see Nicolaus, Damascctins. Nicholas, bp. of Methane. N. M. refutatio institutionis theolog. Proeli, ed. Vojmel, 182.5. This, w. scp. tp. li pagin. is p4 of Pboclus, Diadoclitis. luitia philos. etc., 1820-5, J.t'. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grasca, tl35. Nicholas I, j'oj'c, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t7. sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tll9. Nicholas II, pope, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaule';, til. „ Migne (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl43. ;Nicholas IV, 2'ope. Taxation of Pope N. [c. l-'9/], sec *Taxatio lEaclesiastica [or. Taxation of Pope N.J " Conversations-Lex. d. Gcgeuu'art"] by A. C. Sterling, 1811. Schnitzlee (J. H.) Etudes sur I'empire des j'taars : Hist, intime de la" Russie sous Alex. & N., 1847. Secret hist, of the Court & Govt, of Russia under Alex. & N., 1847. Thou\-enel (L.) N. I & Naj). Ill ; Preliminuires de la guerre de Crimee 1852-4, d'ap. les pap. ined. de (E.) Thouvenel, 1891. TUENEBELLI {E. T.) What I know of N., & his family, 1855. Ustevalov (N. G.) Review of r. of N. I, tr., 1854. Nicholas II, emperor of Russia. *The Tzar's rescript : papers [bn far. a'.] issued by the Peace Soc. s8". 1899 SfC*BcLLETiN russe de statistique etc., Ann^e I, no. 9, 1894, Icont'. the Manifeste of N. 2 on ascending the throne]. „ Hebepia (J. M. r>E). Salut a I'Empereur, 189C. „ Leudet (M.) N. II intime, 1808. „ Pruiihojime (Sdlly). La nymplie des bois de Versailles, etc. 189C. Nicholas, dc Troyes, see Tbover (N., de). Nicholas [surname], sec also Nicolas. Nicholas {Sir Edward). Nicholas Papers: corr. of N. Ed. G.F.Warner, wl-3, [in prog. Camden Soc. NS40, 50, 57]. 34". 1880-97 sec EvELVN (J.) Mems. etc. ; subj., corr. betw. Ch. I and N., n. ed., 1827. Nicholas (John Liddiard). Voyage to New Zealand, 1814-15, with Rev. S. Marsden. 2v. 8°. 1817 Nicholas (S. S.), of Louisville. Conservative essays, legal & polit. si, 2. Ia8". Philadelphia. 1863-5 Nicholas (Thomas), M.A., Ph.D. Dr. [S.] Davidson's removal from Professorship of Bibl. Lit. in Lanes. Independent Coll., M'ter., on ace. of alleged error in doctrine. [P79]. 8". 1860 Hist. & antiqs. of Glamorganshire & its families. Ia8''. 1874 The pedigree of the Eng. people. 2"<' ed. 8". 1868 4>''ed. 8". 1874 5"'ed. 8". 1878 Nicholaus. For saints, emperors etc. see Nicholas. Nicholay (Nicolas de), see Nicolay (N. de). Nicholl (Edith M.) Obs. of a ranchwoman in New Mexico. s8°. 1898 Nicholl (John), F.S.A., /TOO-JS71. Some aec. of the Comp. of Ironmongers. 2"'' ed. 4°. jj.^j. 1866 Nicholls, see also Niccols, Nichol, Nicholl, Nichols, Nickalls, NiCKOLLs. XiroL, NiroLi., Xrolls, Xicols. Nicholls (Benjamin Elliott). Help to the reading of the Bible. IS"' ed. s8". 1855 Nicholls (Mrs. Charlotte), see Beonti: (Chaelotte), aft. Nicholls. Nicholls (Sir George). Hist, of the Eng. Poor Law. 2v. 8". 1854 „ ,, 2v. n. ed., eont. revisions by the a., & biog''. by H. G. Willink. (vl, 924-1714. v2, 1714-1853.) 8». 1898 For r.3 see Mackay (T.) Hist, of the Eng. Poor Law: v3, from 1834 to the pies, time, being a suppl. v. to " H. of the E. P. L." by N., 1899. Hist, of the Irish Poor Law. S". 1856 Hist, of the Scotch Poor Law. 8". 1856 Poor Laws— Ireland : 3 reports by N. 8". 1838 Nicholls (Henry A. Alford). Text-book of tropical agriculture. s8". 1897 Nicholls (Henry George). The Forest of Dean. 58". 1858 Nicholls (J. H. Kerry-), sec Kebey-Xicholls. Nicholls (James Fawckner). Life etc. of Sebastian Cabot. s8". 1869 & J. Taylor. Bristol past & pres. 3v. 4". Bristol. 1881-2 Nicholls (Norton), sec Mathias (T. J.) All' enidito N. N., 1807. Nicholls (William), D.D. Comment on the Book of Common Prayer, etc. fol. 1710 „ Suppl. fol. 1711 NICHOLS 1064 NICKALLS Nichols (Francis Morgan). Tlie Eoman Forum. 8». 1877 see 'MiiiABii.i.v uibis Eomte, IHBO. Nichols (Major George Ward). Pottery; how made etc., w. bibliog". s8". 1878 The story of the Great March [of Slierman']. s8». 18G5 Nichols (John), F.S.A., printer; i~46~1S"2C, ft/., BibUotheca topographicii Britannica. 8\- in 7, [7, 8 arc in Iv]. 4<>. 1780-?0 1, Antiqs. in Kent & Sussex. 2, Middlesex & Surrey. 3, Lincolnshire. 4, Bedford, Berks, Derby, Northampton, Stafford, Warwick. 5, Cambridge, Suffolk, Scotland, Wales. 6, Biograph. it misc. antiqs. 7, 8, Leicestershire. [Misc. antiquities, in cont. of the B. t. B. 2v. 1791-1800 viaiitincj]. For another copii of pc(rl of r.l. hound cis a separate work, see GouGH (K.') Hist, of Croyland, 1783. Biograph. it lit. anecdotes of W. Bovvver. and of h. friends, etc. 4". 1782 *Coll. of all wills extant of Kings & Queens of Eng., & every branch of the Blood Koyal, %v. notes etc. 4". 1780 Hist. & antiqs. of the Co. of Leicester. 4v in 8, [each v. has '2p : Sii isirantinei ; .',. i, is 2"'' pf?.]. lafol. 1795-181.5 1, i, Introd. records, etc. — Hist, of the town of Leicester. ii. Hist, of the town of L., concl. ; Indexes to the whole work. — Additions. 2, i, Framland Hundred. 2, ii, Gartre Hundred. 3, i. East Goscote Hundred. 3, ii. West Goscote Hundred. 4, i, Gutlilaxton Hundred. l, ii, .Sparkenhoe Hundred. Illustrations of the lit. hist, of the IB"- c. : seq. to the Lit. anecdotes. 8v [i7, S, bij J. B. NicholsX 8". 1817-58 Illustrations of the manners it expences of antient times in Eng., 15-17"' c, w. notes. 40. 1797 Literary anecdotes of the " 8''' c. ; comp'^. biog. mems. of W. Bowyer, & many friends, it aneed. of writers & artists. 9v. 8». 1812-15 v6 is called " vO, 2>t. i,'' as the Tnde.r, -ich. forms v7, was to have been pt. ii; ?7 is Index to vl~6; S, 9 are cont'. <£■ add'. Progi-esses & public in-ocessions of Q. Eliz. ; w. hist, notes. etc. 3v. n. ed. 4". 1823 Progresses, processions, * festivities of James I, his court etc. i\-.[v3, -ihare pagin. c-ont.}. 4». 1828 A sel. coll. of poems, w. notes. 8v. s8". 1780-82 see HoG.\r.TH (W.) Works; essay etc. by N., 1822. .. Works; w. life etc. by Ireland it N., 1883. ..*Opigix (The) of printing, in 2 essavs, \Tlie siipph, -lySi, is by N.]. 2"'' ed., 1776. „ *Six old plays etc., 1779. ,. W.\BBurTox (J.) Alien priories 1779. Nichols (John Bowyer), I77'^-/S0j. Ace. of the Royal Hospital it Coll. Church of S. Katherine, near the Tower. 4". 1824 A brief ace. of the Guildhall. 8". 1819 see Nichols (John). lUusts. of lit. hist, of 18'" c. [t7, 8 by J. B. X.J, 1817-58. Nichols (Johi Bowyer Buchanan), see *Love's looking glass Jqi X. etc... 1891. Nichols (John (Jough), JSOo^T.i. Autographs of persons con- spicuous in Eng. hist., Rich. Il-Ch. II, w. some illus. foreigners, cont. passages f. important letters, engraved under dir. of C. J. Smith. Concise biog. mems. etc. by N. fol. 1829 London pageants. ' [P775]. 8". 1837 Narratives of the days of the Reformation, chiefly f. MSS. of .T. Foxe; w. 2 eontemp. biog". of abp. Cranmer. [Camden Soc, 77]. s4". 1859 see Bowles (W. L.) & N., Annals etc. of Lacoek Abbey, 1835. „ C.tL.us. *Chronicle of C. [6;/ B. Tnrpt/n ?] in r'. of Hen. VII & VIII, 1846. „ COMDEX Soc. Descr. cat. of the works [nos. 1-801 of the C.S., by N., 1862. „ *Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, [Camden Soc. 53], 1852. „ Edwaed V. Grants etc. f. the Crown dur. r. of E. V, etc.. [Camden Soc, 60], 1854. „ Herald (The) & genealogist, 1863-74. „ Nichols (R. C.) Mem. of J. G. N.. 1874. „ Topogeapher (The) it genealogist, 1846-58. „ *UxT0X- inventories, w. mem. of the family, bv N., 1841. Nichols (Richard), .^ec Phiestlev (J.) Hist. ace. of navigable rivers etc. of Gt. Brit., as a ref. to N., P., & Walker's map of inland navigation, 1831. Nichols (Robert Oadock). Mem. of J. G. Nichols. s4". 1874 'Sichols (Thomas), of tlie Brit. Mtisevni. A hdhk. for readers at the Brit. Museum. s8". 1866 Handy-liook of the Brit. Museum. 8". 1870 Nichols (Thomas L.) Eating to live ; the diet cure. sSo. [1877] Esoteric anthropologv. s8". Malvern. [1S73J Fortv vears of American life. 2v. 8". 1864 Nicholson, sec also Nicolsox. Nicholson (Mrs. Asenath). Fortv vears of American life. 2»'i ed. sS". 1874 Human physiology tlxe basis of sanitarv A: soc. science. s8°. 1872 Lights it shades of Ireland. s8". 1850 Nicholson (Cornelius). Aninils of Kendal. 2'"' ed. 8". 1861 Nicholson (Edward W. Byron). The Christ-Child, * 0. p. s8". 1877 New comm. on the hist. hks. of the New Test, vl, [1, Matthew, no more pnbl.]. 8". 1881 The rights of an animal ; w. repr. of ,T. Lawrence " On the rights of beasts" etc. 88". 1879 Sequanian : first steps in investigation of a newly discov"'. anc. European language. [P887]. 8". 1898 sec Biple : Hebkews. Gospel ace. to the H., tr. etc. by N., 1879. „ *Oriii>;e della solenniss. processione ec. per la destruttione della setta ugonotana, [1572], photolith., 1891. Nicholson (George), curatvr, B. Botanic Hardens, Keu: The illust. diet, of gardening. 4v. 4". [1884-8] ., The " 1900 " suppl. to the d. of g. 2v, [pagin. cont.l. 4". 1900-1901 v2 has i. : The century suppl. etc. Nicholson (George), 0/ C'a^jf Toini ; nmv (1900) of Robertson. The Cape it its colonists, with hints to settlers in 1848. s8". 1848 Fifty years in S. Africa. Nicholson (George), printer at guide. 3"' ed., Nicholson (Henry Alleyne). s8". 1898 StourjJort. N.'s Cambrian rev. E. Nicholson. .8". 1840 The anc. Ufe-history of the earth. s8». E. 1877 Manual of palieontology. s8". E. 1872 „ „ 2v. 2'«i ed. 8". E. 1879 „ ,, 2v. S''^ ed., rewr. by N. it R. Lydekker. 8<>. E. 1889 Manual of zoology. 3'" ed. s8». 1873 Nicholson (Henry Joseph Boone), see Page (W.) w. extr-. f. the liist. of the Abbey by N., 1898. Nicholson (Henry Whalley). From sword fortune in live years at Hawaii. Nicholson (J. G. F.) Love in earnest. Nicholson (Jessie L.) 'Twixt will & will not. Manual of zoology. 5"' ed. s8o. E. 1878 „ „ ... 7"' ed. s8". E. 1887 The Stromatoporoids, [Palteont. Soc.l. 4". 1886-92 Structure it affinities of Monti- culipora it its sub-genera. Ia8". E. 18S1 St. Alban': to shai-e ; a s8". 1881 S8". 1892 s8". 1895 Nicholson (7)j«7nrfi>r-6'i'/!. John), /'i22- Life of N., ISI17 ; 2'"' ed., S'^ ed. 1898. Nicholson (John), lion, treasurer Hall Literary Club. Folk speech of E. Yorkshire. s8". 1889 Nicholson (Joseph Shield), *A dreamer of dreams. s8". E. 1889 Effects of machinery on wages. [Cambridge Cobden Prize Essay, 1877]. n. ed. 68". 1892 Hist, progress it ideal socialism. sS". 1894 Principles of polit. econ. vl-3, [in prog.]. 8". 1893-1901 Nicholson (Meredith). The Hoosiers. s8' Nicholson (Nathaniel Alex.) Matter it motion. [P246]. 8". 1870 Nicholson (William), bjK of (/) Carlisle {2) Derry, abp. of Cafhcl, see Nicolsox (W.) 6;). etc. Nicholson (William), bp. of Gloucester; IS9l-lfh2. Expos, of the Catechism. ' 2"'' ed. 8°. O. 1844 Nicholson (William), chemist. The British encyclopedia : diet, of arts it sciences. 6v. 8". 180!> Nick (A. Friedrich). Die Hof- u. Volksnarren, sammt d. niirr. Lustbarkeiten aller Volker. 2B. s8". St. 1861 Nickalls, see also Niccols, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickolls, Nicolls. NiCOLS. see Trotter (L. J.) Strikes & social problems. s8". 189G Thoth; a romance. s8<>. E. 1888 Toxar. s8<>. 1890 Treatise on money, it essays on monetarv problems. s8". E. 1888 „ 2'"' ed. sS". 1893 „ , 3'e). Nicolas [sui-naine'], see also Nicholas. Nicolas (J. J. Auguste). Du protestantisme & de toutes les heresies dans leur rapport avec le socialisme, prec. de I'exam. d'un ecrit [" Meditations etc."] de Guizot. 8". 1852 Etudes philosoph. sur le christianisme. 4t. 16'' ed. s8°. 1863 sec Lecebe (P. Ij.) Le protestantisme A- la soci^te ; r^p. au livre [" I)i( protestantisme etc."} publ. par N., 1853. Nicolas (Michel). Des doctrines relig. des Juifs iiend. les 2 sieo. anter. a I'ere chret. 8". 1860 Essais de philosophic & d'hist. relig. 8". 1863 Etudes crit. sur la Bible. 2t, [1], Anc. Test. [2], Nouv. Test. 8". 1862-4 Etudes sur les ^vangiles apoeryphes. 8". 1866 Le symbole des aputres. 8". 1867 Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Biograph. not', of the con- tributors to [F. T-kivison's] " Poet, rhapsody." 8". /.p.c. [1826] A separately issued portion of A'.'s cd. of D.'s " P. ?■.," 1826. The chronology of hist. [Cab. Cycl.]. s8». 1833 [Cab. Cycl.]. 2'"' ed. sS". 1838 This work is an irtiprovcd ed. of his Notitia etc., below. The historic peerage of Eng. n. ed. of [A'.V'] " Synopsis of the Peerage," reV. by W. Courthope. 8". 1857 Hist, of the battle of Agincourt & the exped. of 1415 ; added, the roll of the men at arms in the Eng. army. 2"'' ed. 8". 1832 3"' ed. 8". 1833 Hist, of the earldoms of Strathern, Monteith, ct Airth ; w. report of proceedings on claim of K. B. Allardyce to Earldom of Airth. 8'>. 1842 Hist, of the Navy, to the French Revol. vl, 2, [no more pinbl. Incomplete , extends to 1/22 only]. 8". 1847 Nicolas (Si; Nicholas Harris) [conliiuted]. Hist, of the orders of knighthood of the Brit. Empire ; of the Order of the Guelphs ; it of medals, clasps etc. for naval * milit. seivices. 4v. Ia4''. 1842 ♦Letter to the Duke of Wellington on propriety of creating Peers for life : with precedents. [P97J. 8". f.p.e. 1830 Life A times of Sir Christopher Hatton, inch h. corr. w. the Queen A- o. disting. persons. 8". 1847 Life of W. Davison, Sec. of State to Q. Eliz. 8". 1823 Mem. of A. Vincent, Windsor Herald. sS". 1827 Notitia historica: cont". tables, calendars A- misc. information. 8". 1824 For an imjiroved ed. of this see his Chronology etc., above. Obs. on the offices of Sec. of State, Lord Privy Seal, * Lord Chamberlain; w. remarks on the Great Seal. 8". 1837 Obs. on the state of historical literature, it on the Soc. of Antiqs., it o. institutions for its advancement in Eng. 8". 1830 On tbe Law of Adulterine Bastardy, etc., w. report of the Banbury Case, it of all o. cases, 8". 1833 Privy Purse expences of Hen. VIII, 1529-32, w. notes etc. 8''. 1827 Privy Purse expenses of Elizabeth of York — Wardrobe accounts of Edw. IV. With mem. of Eliz. of Y., it notes. 8». 1830 *Public Records : a descr. of the contents, objects, it uses of the var. works printed by auth'. of the Record Comm. rP90]. S". 1831 Record Commission : a letter to Brougham. [P107]. 8". 1832 Refut. of Palgrave's reply to " Obs. on state of hist, lit.," etc. [P90,"l07, a. e. b. ir. h. Obs. 1830]. 8". 1831 Report of proceedings on tbe claim to the Barony of L'Isle, etc. 8». 1829 The Scrope it Grosvenor controversy [1385-90]. Ed. N, 2v. 4", p.p. 1832 1, De controversia inter R. Le Scrope it R. Grosvenor milites, e recordis in Tun-e Londin, asservatis, 2, Hist, of the family of Scrope, (t biograph, not"', of the Deponents, by N, Testamenta vetusta ; illust", f. wills, of manners, customs etc, f. Hen, II to Eliz, 2v, [j>agin. coiit.]. laS", 1826 see Carlaveeock, *The siege of C„ w, tr. etc. by N., 1828. „ London, *Chroniele (A) of L, (1089-1483), 1827. „ , Panizzi (Sir a.) On the supply of printed books to the Reading Room of B.M., [corr. bcttv. P. it A'.], 1846. Nicolas (Paul Harris). Hist, record of the Royal Marine Forces. 2v. Ia8", 1845 see Johns (R.) The calendar of victory, compl. by N,, 1855. Nicolaus. For saints, emperors, etc. sec Nicholas. Nicolaus, Ambian. see Boi'Qi-ET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl4, 18. „ MoNUJiENTA Gee5i. Hist., Scr., t6. Nicolaus, Aragoniie. cardinal, see Roselli (N.) Nicolaus, Botrontinensis. De itinere Italico Heinrici VII, 1310-1313, sec Mur.^tori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script,, t9. Nicolaus, de Braia, dean of the Church at Bray, sec Nicholas, of Bray. Nicolaus, Clanrv., see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl96. Nicolaus, Constaniinopolitanus patriarcha, sec Nichol.\s I, patriarch of Constantino2)lc. Nicolaus, de Ciirhio. Vita Innocentii IV, see Muratobi (L. A.) Rerura Ital. Script., t3. Nicolaus, de Ciisa, see Cusa (N. de). Nicolaus, Damascenus. [Nicholas, of Damascus]. Vie de Cesar, fragm. rec. dec. Nouv. ed. par N. Piccolos, accomp. d'une tr, 8", 18.50 .•see .Elianus (C) Varia hist. ; N'. qua> sup. etc., ed. ster., 1829. Nicolaus, Gnercius. see GrEBCics (N.) Nicolaus, de Jamsilla, sec Jamsilla (N. i>e). Nicolaus, de Lyra, sec Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tll3. Nicolaus, Methiinensis. sec Nicholas, bp. of Methone. Nicolaus, Smeregus. Chronicon 1200-1279 ; suppl., 1280-1312, see MmuTORi (L. A.) Berum Ital. Script., t8. Nicolaus, Specialis. see Speclalis (N.) Nicolaus, Ticoii. Hist. Vicon. Cont., sec Monumenta Geem. Hist., Scr., t24, Nicolay, sec also Nicolai. Nicolay (Charles Grenfell). The Oregon Territory. s8». 184G Nicolay (John George). The outbreak of rebellion. s8". N.Y. 1881 & J. Hay. A. Lincoln ; a hist. IQv. Ia8'>. N.Y. 1890 NICOLAY 106f. NIEBUHR Nicolay (Nicolas de). Voyages into Turkey etc., see Hableian, Voyages, vl. Nicolaysen (Nicolay). Laugskibet fia Gokstad. [Tlie Vil-hig- shii) discovered at Gokstad. Dan. it Eng.]. 4". Kristiania. 1882 Nicole, de Margival, see Maegival (N. de). Nicole [siiniayne], see also Nicol, Nicolle. Nicole (Pierre), ffiuvres pbilosoph. & morales. Notes etc. i^ar C. Jourilain. s8". 1845 L'esprit de M. Nicole ; ou, instructions sur les veritts de la religion, tir. des ouvr'. de [N.]. sH". 17G5 Essais de morale : ou lettres par feu M. N. 8t. sB". 1733 ,, Lettres de feu M. N., p. serv. de cont. aux 2v de ses lettres. n. i'd. s8». 1743 The hatf-t. of this is " Suite du t8." „ „ Cont. des "Essais de m." 19-13. n. ed. s8". 1741 I, „ Cont. des " Essais de m." tl4. [This lias 2p in /r]. s8». Luxembourg. 1732 Instructions sur le premier command, du decalogue. 2t. s8". 1730 Instructions sur le symbole. 2t. s8". 17t;i Instructions sur les saeremens. 2t. n. ed. s8". 1741 Instructions sur I'oraison dominicale, etc. sB". 1740 Trait(5 de la priere. 2t, [/»' ed., KA'i, teas anon. cC had t. : X. de I'oraison]. n. M. s8". 1740 ■see k-RSk^-LD (ky.i.) & N., *Logica, 1674; ed. 5", 1694; tr. Baynes, 1850. „ Lancelot (C), A. Arnacld, & N., *Nouv. methode pour la langue grecque, n. 6d., 1754. !i * *Nouv. methode pour la langue latine, 12' ^d., 1701. „ Pascal (B.) Pens^es, suiv. d'un choix des pensees de N., 1843. Nicolet (Jean Baptists), see Manne (E. de) & C. Menetiuek. Galerie de la troupe de N., 1869. Nicolini, see also Niccolini. Nicolini (Giov. Batt.), of Rome, deputy to tlic Tuscan Con- stituent Assembly. Hist, of the Jesuits. s8". By/iJ!. 1854 NicoU, see also MacNicoll.Niccols, Xichol, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickalls, Nickolls, Nicol, Nicolle, Nicolls, NiCOLS. Nicoll (Augustus). Hypnotism. s8". 1890 NicoU (Donald). *Publicity : an essay on advertising. 8". 1878 Nicoll (Henry James). ' Great movements, & those who achieved them. s8". 1881 T. Carlyle. s8". E. 1881 Nicoll (John). Diary of occurrences, chiefly in Scotland, Jan. 1650 to June 1667. [Ed. D. Laing. Bannatyne Club]. 4". E. 1836 Nicoll (Robert). Poems. 2"'> ed., w. add'., & mem. s8". E. 1842 see Drummond (P. R.) Life of N., w. some uncollected pieces, 1884. Nicoll (S. W.) Ace. of the York Saving Bank. [P126]. 8". York. 1817 View of report * evidence rel. to the Poor Laws. publ. by House of Commons. [P1261. 8". York. 1818 Nicoll (William Robertson). .James Macdonell, journalist. 8". 1890 . & T. J. Wise, cdd., Lit. anecdotes of the 19'" c. 2v. 8". 1895-6 Nicolle (Marcel). Rembrandt aux expos. d'Amsterdam & de Londres. I'ref. de L. Bonnat. 40. 1899 Nicolls (James A.) & W. Eglington. The sportsman in S. Africa. go. 1892 Nicolovius (Alfred) ed., tjber Goethe : literar. u. artist. Nach- richten. Hrsg. v. N. Tl, {iio more 2mbl.]. S«. h. 1828 Nicols, see also Nichol, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickalls, XiiKOLLs, Nicol, Nicoll, Nicolls. Uicols (Arthur). Chap>. f. the phys. history of the earth. s8". 1880 Nat. hist, sketches among Carnivora. s8". 1885 The puzzle of life : a short hist, of animal & vegetable life. s8". 1877 \yild life in the .Australian Bush. 2v. s8". 1887 Nicols (William), rector of Stockport. Tlept apxo>v libri septera. Ace. liturgica. s8". Londini. 1717 Nicolson, sec also Nicholson. Nicolson (Arthur). A sketch of the German constitution * of the events in Germany, 1815-71. 8". 1875 Nicolson (Joseph) & R. Burn. Hist. & antiqs. of Westmorland & Cumberland. 2v. 4". 1777 Nicolson (William), 6/'. of (/) Carlisle (2) Dcrry, nbp. of Cashel. [Nicholson]. Diss, de jure feudali veterum Saxonum, sec WiLKLNS (D.) Leges Anglo-Saxon., 1721. The Eng., Scotch, A- Irish historical libraries; view of most of our historians, either in print or MS., \v. aec. of oar records, law-books, coins, etc. Added, letter to W. Kennet in defence of the Eng. Hist. Library. 3p in Iv. n. ed. 4". 1776 The Irish historical libr.iry. 8". D. 1724 Leges marchiaruin, or border-laws. 8". 1705 Letters on var. subjects to & f. N., 1683-1726/7. lllust. by J. Nichols. 2v in 1, [jiagin. cont.]. 8". 1809 Letters to Abp. of York (1716), see Scottish Hist. Soc. Miscell. vl (Rebellion Papers), 1893. Miscellany accounts of the diocese of Carlisle, w. the terriers delivered in to me at my primary visitation. Ed. R. S. Fer- guson. [Cumb. * Westm. A. & A. Soc.]. 8°. 1877 Sermon liefore the Lords, 30 Jan., 1702. [P256]. 84". 1702 Nicolson (William Millar). Classical revision of the Greek New Test, tested etc. s8". 1878 Nicomachns, Gciasin'KS. N'. introd. arithmetica; libri ii. Bee. 11. Hoche. s8". L. 1866 Nicomediensis (Georgius), see GEOEOirs, Nicomediensis. Nicon, Saifit, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. grieca, tll3, N. Nicon, 6"' patriarch of Moscow ; fOOoS-l, [+Nikon], see Paljiee (W.) The Patriarch {i.e. N.'] & the Tsar ;' [tr. f. var. worls by or on A'.] by P., 1871-6. Nicosia, in Cypn-iis [othencisc Levkosial, see Levkosia. Nicoullaud (Charles). Ca.simir P^rier," 1817-30. laS". 1S94 Nieboer (Dr. H. J.) Slavery as an industrial system. 8". The Hague. 1900 Niebuhr (Barthold Georg) rNiEBiHEirsl. Brief an e. jungen I'hilologen. ' ' 8". L. 1839 Gesch. d. Zeitalters d. Revolution. 2B. 8". Hambui-g. 1845 Grundziige liir eine Verfassung Niederlands. 8". 1852 Histor. u. philolog. Vortriige. 4 Abthlgn. in 8v. 8". 1846-58 1, i-iii, Eiim. Gesch. 2, i-iii, Alte Gesch. uiit Ausscliluss d. rilm. Gesch. 3, Alte Lander- u. Vulkerkuiule. 4, Rijm. Altertliiiiner, Kleine histor. u. philolog. Schriften. 2 Sanimlgn., in Iv. 8". Bonn. 1828-43 Lebensnachrichten ii. N., aus Briefen desselben, u. aus Erin- nergn. \Ed. Mme. D. Hensler]. 3B. 8'. Hamburg. 1838-9 Nachgelassene Schriften nicht-philolog. Inhalts. 8". Hamburg. 1842 Romische Gesch. 3T. [1, 4' ; 2, 3" A.]. 8". 1832-6 Translations. Hist, of Rome. Tr., [vl, 2 by Hare d- Thirlwall ; v3 by Smith d- Schmitz'i. 3v. 8". [1, 2, C.]. 1828-42 vl, 2. 3"' ed. 80. 1837-8 Hist, of Rome. Epitomised by T. Twiss. 8'. 0. 1845 Lects. on anc. ethnography tV geography. Tr. L. Schmitz. 2v. 8". 1853 Lects. on anc. hist. Tr. L. Schmitz. 3v. 8". 1852 Lects. on the hist, of Rome, to 1st Punic War. Tr. L. Schmitz. 8". 1848 ,, Hist, of Rome, f. 1st Punic War to death of Constantine, in lects. Ed. L. Schmitz. 2v, (forming v4, 5 of the entire hist.). 8". 1844 „ Lects. on the hist, of Rome to the fall of the Western Empire. Ed. L. Schmitz. 3"' ed. s8". 1870 These are translations of Abthlg. 1 of Histor. u. philolog. Vorti'iige. Life it letters of N. With essays by Bunsen, Brandis, Loebell. [Founded Ujion Lebensnachrichten]. 3v. 8". 1852 v3 adds to the t. "<£■ sel". f. h. minor writings, ed. & tr. S. Wiiihivorth." On the geography of Herodotus, Researches into the hist, of the Scythians etc. Tr. 8". 0. 1830 Stories of the gods & heroes of Greece. Tr., ed. S. Austin. s8o. 1843 References. see Gau (F. C.) Antiq'. de la Nnbie [part of wh. is fanned by " Inscr'. copi<'es en Xubie 4' en Egypte par G., cotnmenties par N."], 1822. „ LiEBER (F.) Reminise. of an intercourse w. N., 1835. ,, Pl.^tner (E. Z.) Beschreibung d. Stadt Rom, mit Beitriigen V. N., 1829-42. Niebuhr (Carl). The Tell el Amarna period. Tr. J. Hutchison. e8". 1901 NIEBUHR 1067 NIGHTINGALE Niebuhr (Carsten). Dcsci-. de I'Arabie. [Tr. F. L. Muuricr], 4". Copenhague. 1773 lleisen durch Syiien u. Paliistina. 4". Haiubuig. 1837 This work, complete in itself, forms B3 of Itis lleise- beschreibg. iiiich Arabieu u. umliegenden Liindeni, 3C, 1774-1837. 'Travels in Arabia, sec Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vlO. Voyage en Arabie, & en d'autres pays circonvoisins. Tr. [F. L. Mouricr]. 2t. 4". Amsterdam. 1776-80 Niebuhr (Marcus V.) Gesch. Assur'su. Babel's geitPbul. 8". 1857 Niecamp (J. L.) [Nikcampius], see Niekamp (J. L.) Niecks (Frederick). Chopin, as man & musician. 2 v. 8". 1888 Niedek (Matthaeus Brouerius van). De populorum vet. ac recentior. adorationibus. sK". Amstelsdami. 1713 & I. Le Long. Kabinet van Nederlandsche en Kleefsche Oudkeden Vermeerderd etc. 8D in 4v. 8". Amsterdam. 1792-1803 Nieheim (Dietrich von), see Niem (Theouoiulus dk). Niekamp (Johann Lucas) [NiEtAMpirs^. Hist, de la mission ■danoise dans les Indes Orientales, 1706-36. Tr. 3t. 8". Geneve. 174.5 Nielsen, see also Xeilson. Nielsen (Rasmus), see Scharlino (C. H.) N.'s Philosophi, 1867. Niem (Theodoricus de), bp. of (I) Verden (i) Cambray. [Die- trich VON NIEIIEI^r ; T. a Nveji]. De seismate. Eee. etc. G. Erler. 8". L. 1890 Niemann (Albert). The French Campaign, 1870-1. Tr. E. Newdigate. Niemann (August), novelist. 8". 1872 Bakchen u. Thyrsostriiger. Maskenspiel d. Lebens. Niemann (Eduard). Das 17' Der Agitator. 2B. s8". Dresden. 1895 2B. 8". L. 1882 2B. 8". L. 1894 Jhdt. : 3 Vortriige. T518]. 8". Hannover. 1868 Niembsch von Strehlenau (N. F.) [ps. N. Lenau], see Lenau (N.) Uiemcewicz (Julian XJrsyn), sec Noire-Isle (C. i>e) ps., Poetes de la I'ologne etc., tr. : Cycle litUuanien, p2, N., 1876. Niemeyer (August Hermann). Beobachtungen auf Reisen. 2^ebst Erinnergii. 4B in 5, [4, i, ii]. 8'. Halle. 1822-6 Bl, 2. 2'^ A. 8". Halle. 1822-3 Grundsiitze d. Erziehung. Mit N.'s Biographic. Hrsg. v. W. Eein. 3T in Iv. 8". Langensalza. 1878-9 Niemeyer (Hermann Agathon) ed., Coll. confessionum in Ecclesiis Koform. publicatarum. 8 '. L. 1840 Niemojowski (Ludwik). Siberian pictures. Ed. from the Polish by Major Szulczewski. 2v. s8'\ 1883 Niendorf (M. Anton). Kontraste d. Gegemvart : aus d. deut- schen Kulturleben. s8». 1867 Nietschmann (Hermann 0.) [ps., Akmin Stein]. J. S. Bach : ein Kiinstlerleben. s8". Halle a.S. 1896 *Luther . 1899 The case of Wagner — Nietzsche contra Wagner — The twilight of the idols— The Antichrist. Tr. T. Common. laS". 1896 A genealogy of morals — Poems. Tr. W. A. Haussmann & J. Gray. 8°. 1899 Thus spake Zarathustra. Tr. A. Tille. 8". 1896 Wagner a Bayreutli. Tr. M. Baumgartner. s8". Schloss-Chemnitz. 1877 Eeferences. see Andreas- Salo.me (L.) N. in s. Werken, 1894. „ FiiRSTEK-NiETzscHE (E.) Lcbcn F. N.'s, in prog., 1895. ,, Kretzer (E.) N. nach ijersonl. Erinnerungen, 1895. „ KuFFERATH (M.) Musiciens * philosophes : N. etc., 1899. „ Liciitenbekoer (H.) V. N., 1960. „ La philosophie de N., 1898. ,, Die Philosophie F. N. Eingeleitet u. fibers, v. E. Forster-Nietzsche, 1899. „ Naujiann (G.) Zarathustra-Commentar, Tl-3, 1899-1900. „ Eiehl (A.) N., Kiinstler u. Denker ; Essay, 1898. „ RiTscHL (0.) N.'s Welt- u. Lebensanschauung in i. Entste- hung u. Entwieklung, 2" A., 1899. ,, Steiner (B.) N., ein Kiimpfer gegen s. Zeit, 1895. „ ToNNiES (F.) Der N.-Kultus, 1897. Nieuhof (Jan). [Nieuhovids]. Gedenkwaerdige zee- en lantreize. [1, Brasiliaense Zee- en Lant-reize ; 2, Zee en Lant-reize, van Oostindien.si'2).pfl(/. b. in one vol.] [2p'\]fol. Amsterdam. 1682 Embassy from the E. India Co. of the United Provinces to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperour of China, delivered by P. de Goyer & J. de Keyzer. Also, epistle of John Adams [really by an anon. Jesuit^; also remarks taken out of A. Kircher. Engl, by J. Ogilby. fol. 1669 Travels in China, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, v7. Voyage to Brazil, see Churchill, Voyages, v2. „ „ ... „ Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl4. Nieuwenhuysen (J. N. Gustave van) [ps., G. Vaez], see Vaez. Nievo (Ippolito). Le confession! di un ottuagenario. 2v. s8". Fireuze. 1867 .sec Mantovani (D.) II poeta soldato : N., (1831-61), 1900. Niflungasaga, see Raszmann (A.) Die N. u. d. Nibelungenlied, 1877. Nigellus (Ermoldus). [Ermold, le Noir]. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t6. „ GuizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des mems. ; t4, Faits et gestes de Louis-le-Pieux, po^me, par E. le Noir, 1824. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlOo. „ MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t2, for Carmina. „ Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t2 ii. *Niger Flora etc., 1849, see Hooker {Sir W. J.) ed. Niger (Radulphus), see Monumexta Germ. Hist., Scr., t27. Night [iiud". Ni<;ht School]. *Few (A) words on a night school, by one who has tried it. [P232]. 8". 0. 1859 *Night & morning, var. ed'., see Lytton (E., baron). ■^Night (A) in a workhouse, 1866, see Greenwood (Ja.) Nightingale Valley, a coll. of lyrics f. time of Shakespeare, 1862, see ALi.iN(iHAM (W.) ed. Nightingale (Florence). Notes on nursing. 8". [1860] Nightingale (James E.) The Church plate of Dorset. With extr". f. the returns of church goods by the Dorset Commis- sioners, 1552. 8°. Salisbury. 1889 Contrib'. towards the hist, of early Eng. porcelain. Added, reprints f. Christie's sale cat", of Chelsea, Derby, Worcester * Bristol manufactories, 1769-85. hi8". /.p.c, Salisbury. 1881 Nightingale (Joseph). Mems. of the last days of Caroline, Q. of Gt. Brit. 8°. 1822 NIGHTINGALE 1068 NISSEN Nightingale (Joseph) [continued]. Mems. of the publ. & priv. life of Curoliiie, Q. of Gt. Brit. •2v. [vl, 10"' ed.]. 8". 1820-1 A portraiture of Methodism. s8". 1807 see CAROLrNE, q. consort of George /!'. Report of proceedings agst. C. ; by N., 1821. „ Moss (W. G.) Hist. & antiqs. of S. Saviour, Southwark : engravings f. drawings by M., hist, delineations by N., 1818. *Nigh.tless city (The) ; or " the hist, of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku." By an English student of sociology. s8". Yokohama. 1899 Nigra (Costantino). Canti popolavi del Piemonte. 8". 1888 * Nihilistes (Les) ou les dames nisses emancipees ; par le prince Alexn de G. [P321]. s8". Londres. 1867 Nijeholt (T. M., chevalier L. a), see IjYcklaji.4 a Nijeholt. Nijenhuis (J. T. Bodel), see Bodel Xi.ikxhuis (J. T.) Nijmegen, see Nimeiuex. Nikaschinovitsch (Bozidar). Bosnien u. d. Herzegovina unter d. Verwaltung d. usterr.-ungar. Monarchie. Bl, (1, Berliner Kongress 187.S u. d. Agrarfrage). [in prog.]. 8". 1901 Nikephoros. For 2}ersons of tliis navic see }\icei'iwrvs. Nikoladze (N.) Du desarmement et de s. consequences. lP21.5]. 8". Geneve. 1868 [ Nikolai'des, see Nicol.udes. i Nikolaus. For saints, emperors etc. see Nicholas. Nikon, 0"' patriarcii of Moscow, see Nicos. Nikosia, in Cyprus, [otherwise Levkosi.a], see Levkosia. Nil, ^J.s. *Heidelberg etc., by N., 184-5, see Whitlino (H. J.) Nile. *Nile notes, by a traveller, 18-51, see Cuhtis (G. W.) *Reservoirs in the Valley of the N., 1894, see Besekvoius etc. Niliaco (Oro Apolline), see Houapollo. Nilsson, La librairie. Cat. mensuel de la librairie fran^aise. 1891, 2. 2t. 8'. 1891-2 Titis is the cont.of Lurenz (0.) Cat., [1840-90], g.c. ; <£■ i is itself cont'. by Jordell (D.) Cat-, [1893-6], q. v. ' Nilsson (Sven). Les habitants primitifs de la Scandinavie. pl, L'age de la pierre, tr., [no more pitbl.]. Ia8". 18t)8 The primitive inhab'. of Scandinavia. 3"' ed., tr., ed. \v. intr., by Sir J. Lubbock. 8". 1868 Nilus, Saint, see Migne (.7. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, t79, N. Ni'mat Allah. [Neame Ullah ; Ximet Allah mx Habid Ai.lah ■. Hist, of the Afghans. Tr. f. the Persian bv B. Dorn. 2p. [O.T.F.]. 4". 1829-36 Nimeguen. *Missive, geschreven uyt X-, rakende bet gene gepasseert is gedurende het belegh etc- [P874]. 84°. Dordrecht. 1672 Nimes. *Catalogue gen. des mss. des bibl. publ., t7, N., 1885, sec Catalogue etc. *Eclaircissemens des antiquites de Xismes, 1766, see Cau- METTE (C.) Nimet Allah ibn Habib Allah, see Xi'mat All.\h. Nimmo (James). Narrative. I(i54-1709. Ed. W. G. Scott- Moiicrieff- iScottish Hist- Soe-, 6^- 8". E. 1889 Nimmo (William). Hist, of Stirlingshire. 2v. 3"> ed. 8". 1880 Nimrod, ps., see Apperlev (C. J.) Nimshivich, ps. [i.e. Septijus Bekhmore], see Philipsox (J.) Harness, w. remarks on traction & the Cape cart, by N-, 1882. Nimwegen, see Nimeguen. *Nina Balatka, 1867, see Trollope (A.) Nine. *Nine men's morrice (.\), 1889, .sec Pollock (W. H.) IX poems by V., 2'"' ed., 1841, see Clive [Mrs. A.) Nine specimens of Eng. dialects. 1896, see Skeat (W. W.) ed. Nineteenth. For an anon, irork in German see Xeuxzeunte. Nineteenth century (The). vl-oO (Mar. 1877-Dec. 1901). Ia8". 1877-1901 The title of vJ,9, ;V) is. The n. c. A after. 'Ninette, 1888, see Dempster {Miss C. L. H.) Nineveh. *The buried city of the East, N. [National lUust. Lib.]. s8". [1851] Reports (The) of the magicians & astrologers of N. & Babylon in the Brit. Museum, 1900, see Thojipson (E. C.) ed. *Ninfa, eine Novelle, 1846, see Graxt (L. K.) Ninian, Saint, bp. of Galloway, IXixiaxus], see Ailred, of Rievau.r. Life of X\, ed. 1874." Nino (Pedro Alonso), condc de Buelna, see Diez de Gajies (G.) Cron. de 1'. X.. 17«2. Niphus (Augustinus) Suesamis. [Eotychus A. Nyphcs ; Agos- Tixo DA Sessa]. In Destruetio destructionum Averrois comm. Eiusdem de sensu agente. sS". Lugd. 1542 "Nipon dai itsi Ran, tr., 1834, see Titsixgh (I.) tr. Nipote (Cornelio), see Nepos (Corxelius). *Nipotismo (II) di Roma, tr., 1073, see Leti (G.) Nippold (Friedrich). Hdbch. d. neuesten Kirchengesch. Bl-4 in 5, [3, i, ii]. 3' A. 8". 1880-96- 1, Einltg. in d. K.-g. d. 19-Jhdts. *i, Katholizismus seit d. Restauration d. Papstthums. y, i, ii, Protestantismus seit d. deutschen Befreiungskriege. 2 Biieher- 4, Amerikan. K--gesch. seit d. L'nabbiingigkeitserkliirmig. Die Jesuit. Schriftsteller d. Gegenwart in Dentschland. [P168!. 2" A. 8". L. 1897 Papacy in the 19"' c. Tr. L- H. Schwab. 8". N.Y. 1909 see BovEx (H. v.) Erinnerungen. Hrsg. v. N., 1889-90. ,, Rauwexhoff (L. W. E.) it F. N., Strauss' alter u. neuer Glaube : 2 Abhdlgn., 1873. Nisami Kendschewi, [Xisamius], see Niz.vMi, Ganjav'i. Nisard (J. M. N. Desire). Considerations sur la Rtvol. it suv Xapoleon I. s8". 1887 Discours acad^m. & universitaires, 1852-68. s8<>. 1884 Discours en rep. an disc. pron. par le due de Broglie a I'Acad. Fr., 1856. [P793]. 8°. 1856 Essais sur I'ecole romantique. s8°. 1891 Etudes de critique litt. 88". 1858 Etudes d'hist. & de litt. s8". 18-59' Etudes sur la Renaissance : Renaissance ct E^forme : — Erasrae — T. Morus— Melanchthon. [2' 6d.]. s8". 18-5-5 2t. [3»ed.]. s8». 1877 The jcords "Etudes sur la I!." aie omitted f. tlie tp. of this JS~~ ed. Etudes sur les poetes latins de la decadence. 3t. s8". Brux. 1834 Hist, de la litt. frani,'. 4t. 8'. 1844-61 4t in 2. sS". Brux. 1846-50 tl-3. 2« ed. 8". 18.54-7 Nonv. etndes d'hist. it de litt. 88". 1864 Nouv. melanges d'hist. it de litt. s8<>. 1886 Souvenirs de voyage. 2t. n. ed. s8". 1881 Souv'. et notes biograph. 2t. 8". 1888 Nisard (M. E. Charles). Des chansons pop. chez les anciens ct chez les Franvais, etc. 2t. 88". 1867 Etude sur le langage pop. ou patois de Paris etc. 8". 1872 G. Du Tillot : un valet ministre etc. Episode de I'hist. de France en Italic, 1749-71. 2= ^d. S8". 1887 Les gladiateurs de la republ. des lettres, 15-17' s. 2t. 8". 1860 Hist, des livres pop., ou de la litt. du colportage. 2t. 8". 1854 *La muse parietaire et la muse foraine, ou, Les chansons des rues depuis xv ans. 8". 1863 Notes sur les lettres de Ciceron. (Addition au t. 5°). laS". 1882 Le triumvirat litt. au 16« s. : Juste Lipse, J. Scaligep, I. Casaubon- 8". [1852] Nisbet (Alex.), antiquary. Heraldic plates orig. intended for his " System of heraldry. System of heraldry. Nisbet (Hume). Bail up ! sS". 1890 The black drop. sS". 1891 The busliranger's sweetheart. s8". 1S9'2 A colonial tramp ; in Australia it New Guinea. 2v. 8". 1891 Comrades of the Black Cross. s8". 1899 The great secret. s8". 189.5 In sheep's clothing. sSo. 1900 ed. 4". E. 1892 fol. E. 1816 I The .Jollv Roger." 3'Jed. sS". [1891] Tlic land of the liibiscns blos- som : a varn of the Papuan Gulf. Lessons in art. My love Noel. The savage queen. Where art begins. sS". 188» sS". 1891 s8i. 1896 s8". 1891 sS". 1892 s8». 1899' Nisbet (J. F.) The human machine. The insanity of genius etc. physiologically considered. 8". 1891 „ ." n. ed. s8». 1891 Marriage * heredity. s8". 1889 2'"' ed. s8". 1890 Nisbet (James), of San Fi-ancisco, see Sri.-LE (F.), J. H. Gihox, it J. N., .\nnals of San Francisco, 18.55. Nisbet (John), D.'Kc, of the Indian Forest Service. Brit. forest trees. ' s8". 189S- Our forests * woodlands. sS''. 190O Studies in forestry. s8''. 0. 1894 see Bjiowx (Ja.mes). The forester, 6"' ed., ed. N., 1894. Nisco (Niccola). II Banco di Napoli. ^P248]. s8". Napoli. [1866] Pel credito fondiario. [P251]. 8». Napoli. 1865^ Nismes, sec Nimes. Nissen (G. N. v.) Biographie Mozart's. [The Anhang has se]i. tp. il' pagin.]. 8". L. 1828- Nissen (Heinrich). Pompeianische Studien z. Stadtekunde d Altertums. Ia8". L. 187r UISZAMIN 1069 NOBLE Niszamin-d-Din (Muhammed), sec Nizami. Nitham (Shaikh), sec Shaikh Nitham. Kithardus, N. likhaiii iihbus. ^Nitard ; NithabdI. De dissensionibiis tiliorum liiuloviei Pii, ace B;.'cler (J. H.) erf., iEneffi Sylvii hist, etc., 108-5. sec Bouquet (M.) liee. des hist, des Gaules, t7. „ GoizoT (F.) erf., Coll. des niems., t3, Hist, des dissensions des tils de Louis-le-D^bonnaire, par N., 1824. „ MiGNE (.7. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, tll6. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., f2. Nitobe (Inazo [Ota]). The intercourse betw. the U.S. & .lapan ; hist, sketch. [J. H. Univ. hist. * polit. sc. E. v. 8]. 8". Baltimore. 1891 Nitsch, see also Nn/.scii A' Xietzsche. Nitsch (F. A.) View of Kant's principles cone, man, the world, deity. 8". 1790 Nitschmann (Heinrich). Gesch. d. poln. Litt. 8". L. [1882] Nitti (Francesco). Jjeone X e la suapolitica. sS". Firenze. 1892 Nitti (Francesco Saverio). Catholic socialism. Tr. II. Mackintosh. 8". 1895 L' Italia all' alba del secolu XX. 8". Torino. 1901 Population & the social system. Tr. s8". 1894 Le socialisme catliolique. Tr. 8". 1894 Nittis (Joseph de). Notes etsouv. du ijeintre J. de N. s8". W)'^ Nitzsch, sec also Nitsch iV- Nietzsche. Nitzsoh (Carl Immanuel). Praktische Theologie. 3B in 4, [3, i, ii]. 8°. Bonn. 1847-07 1, EinltiJ:. — AUg. Theorie d. Itirchl. Lebens. 2, Das liirchl. Verfahren iidev d. Kuustlelu'en. y, i, Die eigenthiiml. SeclenpHege mit Riicksiclit iiuf d. innere Mission. 3, ii. Die evangel. Kirchenordnung. „ „ Eegister: aufgestellt durch K. L. Schmidt. 8". Bonn. 1872 Kine protestant. Beantwortung d. Symbolik Miihler's. 8". Hamburg. 183.5 System d. christl. Lehre. 4" A. 8". Bonn. 1839 System of Xtn. doctrine. Tr. Pi. Montgomery & J. Hennen. 8". E. 1849 see *Babyi,on & .Jerusalem ; letter [by N. ?orDr.Abchen ! Tr.'], 18.51. Nitzsch (Carl "Wilhelm). Gesch. d. deutschen Volkes bis z. Augsburger Eeligionsfrieden. Hrsg. v. G. Matthiii. 3B. 8". L 1883-5 3B. 2' A. 8". L. 1892 Die Gracchen u. ihre niichsten Vorgiinger. 8". 1847 Nitzsch (Christian Ludwig). Pterylography, tr. [Ray Soc.l. 4". 1807 Nitzsch (Friedrich A. B.) Das System d. Boethius u. d. ihm zugeschriebenen iheolos. Schriften. 8". 1800 Nitzsch (Gregor "Wilhelm) [Nitzschius]. Beitriige z. Gesch. d. ep. Poesie d. Griechen. 8". L. 1802 De hist. Homeri maximeijue de scriptorum earminum .-etate nieletemata. 2 fasc. [Jasc. 2 is in P70,5]. 4". Hannovera;. 1830-37 Erkliirende Anmerkgn. zu Homers Odyssee. 3B in 1. 8". Hannover. 1820-40 Die Heldensage d. Griechen. [P477J. 8". Kiel. 1841 Qusestionum homericarum specimen primum. [6. )('. Spohn (F. A. W.) Comnientatiu de extrema Odysses parte, 1810]. 8". Hannovera?. 1824 Die Sagenpoesie d. Griechen. IB in 2. 8". Braunschweig. 1852 Nitzschius ((J. G.), «',• Nuzsch (G. W.) Nivelle (Philips van Montmorency), count van Hooni, see Horn {count}. Nivernais (L., dxc de), [1-BAi\i!nxMAZAiuNi Mancini (L. .!.), due de Nivcrnois if- d'Omiois'. sec Perey (L.) ps. [L. Heri'InI. Un petit-neveu de Mazariu : N., 1890; 5- id., 1891. „ La fin du 18" s. : N. (1703-98), [conf. of " Un petit- ncvcu etc."}. 4" ed.. 1891. Nivernais (Marie Therese Barbon-Mazarini-Mancini, dssc. de), see EocHicEuRT (/(( esse. iu;). aft. dssc. dc N. Nixon (Brinsley). Theism : address. [P320]. 8». 1876 Nixon (Francis Russell), bp. of Tasmania. Lects. on the catechism. " 2'"' ed. 8". 1844 Nixon (John), mining engineer, d coalowner, see XitiCEUT (J.E.) N., pioneer of steam coal trade in S. Wales, 1900. Nixon (John), .S'. African traveller. The complete story of the Transvaal. 8'. 1885 Nixon (Robert), Ike Clwsliire Life by .T. Oldmixon. Nizam. For the Nizam of the AlZUI.-OO-DoWI.AH, A'i.:Y(»t ctC. NizimI, Gaujavi. [Muha.mmi-.d Ml'IIA.MMEB NlS/,AMIN-II-Dl.N ; NiSAMiuSj. Laili & M-ijnun. .J. Atkinson. [O.T.F.]. proplu't. Cheshire prophecy. [P554]. IS"- ed. s8". 174.5 Deccan from iS.J'}' to ISOO, see NisAMEDDiN, der Clendscher ; Nazami ; NisAMi Keniisciiewi ; From the Persian of N., by laS". 1830 see .ToNi;.s (Sir W.) Works : v4, Tales & fables, by N., 1807. Nizida, ^'s. The astral light. s8". 1889 Nizo, uioii. S. Luurentii Lead, Vita Friderici episc. Leod., see MoNLMKNTA GeK.M. IllsT., ScT., tl2. Nizolius (Marius) [JI. Nizzoli]. Lex. Ciceronianum ; ex reo. A. Scoti. Ace. phrases & formulffi ling. lat. ex lomm. S. Doleti. 3t. 8». Londini. 1820 Njala. [Nials-Saha ; Njaai.s Saua ; Story oe Burnt N.ial ; ■jNjALL, called Brenmi-Njdll]. The story of Burnt Njal. From the Njals Saga, by G. W. Dasent. 2v. s8". E. 1801 s8». 1900 sec *Isi.ENDtN. Halle. Die christl. Dogiuengesch. 2<' A. Ia8'. Erlangen. Die clu'istl. Mystik. 2Tinlv. 8'. Kiinigsberg. 1833 Firhte. 8'. L. 1862 18.53 1856 Die Freidenker in d. Religion. 3T. sS". Bern. 1853-5 Die Pliaraoiien im Bibellande. [P4!)9]. 80. Frankfurt a.M. 1870 Schelling u. d. Philosophie d. Eomantik. 2T. 8". ISoU Der Ursprung d. Cliristentliums. 2B. So. L. 1857 1850 1849 de). Noad (Henry M.) Chemistry in conn. w. agriculture. 8". Lectures on electricity. 3"" ed. 8'>. see NoRM.\Ni)Y (A.) Chemical Analysis, new ed. Noailles (la baronne de), sec Montagu (A., marquise *Mem'. etc., ;1870, vh. is said on the tp., but without apparent authority, to lie by " the Baroness de Noailles." Noailles (Adrien M. de Noailles, due de), see Mili.ot (C. F. X.) Mcms. composes sui les piO-ces rcc. par N.. 1777, ci otlwr cd\ Noailles (Anne Louise Henriette de), duchesse d'Ayen, sec Ayen. Noailles (Anne Paule Dominique de), margtiise de Montagu, see Montagu. Noailles (Antoine de), see Vertot (I'abbi de). Ambassades dc MM. de N. en Angleterre. 1703. Noailles (Francois de), bp. of Da.r, see Vertot (Vabbi^ de). Ambassades de MM. de N. en Angleterre, 1703. Noailles (Ic card. Louis Antoine de). Instruction pastorale de N. sur [Lc Cuaraycr's] "Diss, sur Anglois," it " Dcffense de la diss."' Noailles (Paul de Noailles, due de). aux Etats-Unis. Hist, de Mme. de Maintenon A des princ. ivenements du r. de Louis XIV. 4t. 8'. 1848-58 4t in 2. s8". Brux. 1849 Noailles (Philippe de), due de Mouchrj, IJlS-'j^, sec Mouchv. Noake, .■..'(■ aUo Noack. Noake (John). The Monastery & Cathedral of Worcester. s8". 1866 Notes & queries for Worcestershire. 88". n.d. Nobility. *An alphab. ace. of the N. & Gentry of Eng. & Wales (1673), 1892, see Blome (R.) Nobili-'V'itelleschi (il march. Francesco) [ps. Pompoxio Leto]. Otto mesi a Roma dur. il Concilio Vaticano, [1809-70]. 38". Firenze. 1873 The Vatican Council : 8 months at Rome dur. the V. C. Tr. 8". 1876 Noble. *Noble life (A), ISOti, see Craik [Mrs. D. M.) *Noble purpose (.\) nobly won, 1862, see Manning (A.) valid, des ordin. des [P891]. 4". 1727 Cent ans de repubhque 2t. 8". 1886-9 NOBLE 1070 NOIRE Noble [sjtrname], see also Knobel. Noble (Daniel), M.B.C.S. The mind in its lel-. w. tbe brain * nervous system. s8". 1858 Tfohle (,'E.), fi- of " Dora's diamonds." Irish pride. 38". 1885 Noble (Edmund). Eussia & the Russians. sS". Boston. 1900 The Eupsian revolt. sS". 1885 Noble (Frances). Through thorny paths. s8». 1882 Noble (James Ashcroft). The sonnet in England, & o. e. sS". 1893 Noble (Jolin), xcritcron finance. Fiscal legislation, 1842-65. 8\ 1867 Free trade, reciprocity, & the revivers. [P23G]. 8". 1869 The Queen's Taxes : taxation of the U.K., direct & indirect. 8". 1870 Noble (Louis L.) After icebergs with a painter; voyage to Labrador it Newfoundland. 8°. 1862 Noble (Mark). Hist, of the College of Arms, & lives of all heralds etc., f. the r. of Richard 111. 4". 1805 Lives of the Eng. Regicides, & o. Commissioners of the pretended High Court of .Justice. 2v. 8". 179S Mems. of the Protectoral-House of Cromwell. 2v. 3"» ed. 8". 1787 sec Grangek (J.) Biograioh. hist, of Eng., f. the Revol., 1806. Noble (Samuel). Appeal in behalf of the views held by [//iosr] who believe that a New Church is signified (in Rev., c. xxi) by the New .Terusalem. 9'" ed. sS". 1870 Noble (Thomas), sec Gi.over (S.) Hist, of co. of Derby, ed. N.. vl, i, 2, i, 1829. Noble (William Mackreth). Huntingdonshire * the Spanish Armada. *■. 1896 Nobleman. sec Catalogue of a rare & uncommon coll. of books, chiefly formed by a foreign n., sold 1833. Catalogce of a small & uncommon coll. of books coll. by a foreign n., sold 1829. „ CiTALOouE of an exceedingly rare etc. coll. of books, formed by a foreign n. etc., 1834. Noblesse oblige, ps., see Ev.\ns (Howai;ii). Nodal (John Howard), see Skeat (W. W.) * N., «?. 1842 ,, Corn Laws : sel". f. "A plea for the poor." [Anti-Corn- Law League. P246]. 8". M'ter. [1842 ?] The Rebellion in America. s8o. 1863 see GiLLMOR (C.) Reply to N.'s Essay on Church & State, 2'"' ed., 1849. 'Soe\ {Hon. 'Eiwaxi), 2'"' son of 2'"' e. of Gainsborough. The science of metrology : natural weights A measures. 8>'. 1889 Noel (Eugene). Michelet & s. entants. 8". 1878 Voltaire. s8». 1855 Noel (Francois J. M.) Diet, de la fable, ou mythologie grecque, latine, etc. etc. 2t. 4' M. 8". 1823 Noel {.Sir Gerard H. U.), K.C.B. The gun, ram, & torpedo: manffiuvres of a naval battle. Added, essays by J. K. Laughton * C. Campbell. s8». 1874 Noel (Octave). Les banques d'emission en Europe, tl. 8°. 1888 Les chemins de fer en France et a I'etranger. s8>'. 1887 Etude hist, sur I'organisation tinanciere de la France. s8". 1881 Hist, du commerce du monde. tl, 2, [in 2n-og.]. Ia8°. 1891-4- 1, Temps anc. — Moyen age. 2, Dep. les decouv*. du 15'' s. jusqu'a 1789. Noel (Robert R.) Physical basis of mental life. 8". 187» Noel {Hon. Roden B. W.), /,"' s. of /" e. of Gainsborough [cr. JS4/]. Beatrice, & o. p. sS". 1868 j Livingstone in Africa [])oent]. Behind the veil, & o. p. s8". 1863 sS". 1874 Essays on poetry & poets. A modern Faust, & o. p. 8". 1886 ' s8". 1888 The House of Ravensburg [draniti]. s8". 1877 Life of Byron (& bibliography). , ,„ , o„ -to-n. 8". 1890 A red flag, iV o. p. sB". 1872 A little child's monument. Songs of the heights & deeps. s8'. 1881 s8". 188& Noel (William King-), /■"' e. of Lovelace, see Lovel.we. Noel-Fearn (H.), see Christmas (H.), aft. Noel-Fearn. Noer (Friedrich C. C. A., Graf von), JiSO-SI. [IFhedeeick Christian Charles Augtstus, 2n'iiice of Schleswig-Holstein- Sonderburg-Al'gustenburg, wh. title he exchanged in iS'^Ofor that of Graf von Noer], The Emperor Akbar. Tr., & in part rev., by A. S. Beveridge. 2v. 8". Calcutta. 1890 Nogent (Guibert, de), see Guibertus, ahbas Novigentinus. Nbggerath (J. Jacob). Das Gebirge in Rheinland-Westphalen. 4B. [Wants BJ, 4]. s8<'. Bonn. 1822-6 Nohl (Ludwig), tvriter on music. Mozart nach d. Schilder- ungen s. Zeitgenossen. 8". L. 1880 Musiker-Briefe : eine Sammlung Briefe v. [Lasso], Gluck, Bach, Haydn, Weber. Mendelssohn, [Cherubini, Berlioz, u. a.]. 8". L. 1867 „ . „ 2' A. 8'. L. 1873 For a tr. of tliis work see *Lettees of disting. musicians, tr. Lady' Wallace, [w. pref. by N.], 1867. Neue Bilder aus d. Leben d. Musik u. ihrer Meister. s8'. Miinchen. 1870 Translations. Beethoven depicted by h. eontemps. Tr. E. Hill. s8". 1880 Life of Beethoven. Tr. J. J. Lalor. s8". [1884] Life of Mozart. Tr. Lady Wallace. 2v. sS". 1877 An unrequited love : episode in the life of Beethoven, f. the diary of a young lady [Fanny Del Bio], by N. Tr. A. Wood. 8'. 1876 Nohl (Maximilian A.) Tagebuch e. italien. Reise. Hrsg. v. W. Liibke. sS". St. 1866 Nointel (Charles F. Olier, marq. de), see Vandal (A.) L'odyss^e d'un ambassadeur : voyages de N. (1670-80), 1900. Noinville (J. B. Durey de), see Durev de Noixville. Noir, see Lenoir. Noire (Ludwig). Aphorismen z. monist. Philo- soplue. s8". L. 1877 Development of philosoph. thought from Thales to Kant. 8". 1900 Die Doppeluatur d. Causalitiit. »>. L. 1873 Die Entwicklung d. Kunst. [P453]. 8". L. 1874 Die Lehre Kants n. d. Ursprung a. Vprnnnft. 8". Mainz. 1882 Max MiiUer & the philosophy of language. 8". 1879 Der Ursprung d. Sprache. 8". Mainz. 1877 Die Welt als Entwicklung d. Geistea. 8". L. 1871 NOIRE-ISLE 1071 NORDEIT Noire-Isle (Charles de) ps. [i.e., k etc. Charles Pbzezdziecki], tr., Poetes illustifs de la Pologne au 19' s. [Tr. into French verse]. [5v.] s8". Nice. 1878-1881 Cycle galicifii : V. Pol — K. Ujejski — .k. Fredro. Cycle lithuanieii. 2p. pi, Adam Mirkiewicz- -E. Odyniec. „ ,, pU, L. Syrokomla — J. Niemcewicz. Cycle uki-ainien : A. Mal(;zewski — B. Zaleski — S. Goszcziiyski. Deniifere st'rie : T. Lenartowicz — 8. Krasiuski — J. Slowai;'ki — J. Kraszewski. There are three more vol', in the scries ; hut they arc wtinting. Noirit (Jules). Pumes viriles. tl {no more publ'!]. s8". Bordeaux. 1894 Noirot (Joseph). Lemons de philosopliie. 8". Lyon. 18-52 Noirot (N. J. E.) L'art de ooiijecturer appliq. aux sciences mor. polit. it t'conom. 8". 1851 Noirot (Oscar). Les fiance.f de Laufen. sS". 1883 Nolan (Edward Henry). lUust. hist, of the war agst. Eussia. 2v. Ia8". [1855-7] Nolan (Frederick). Analogy of revelation p. of Nola. Nbldeke (Theodor). Aufsiitze z. pors. Gesch. 88^ L. 188V Beitriige z. Kenntniss d. Poesie d. alten Araber. 8". Hannover. 1804 Gramm. d. neusyr. Sprache. 8". L. 1868 Das Leben Muliammed's. 38". Hannover. 1863 Mandciische Graniniatik. laS". Halle. 1875 For several r.ssf///s, s<',e Kai- SEBL. AKAD. D. WiSSENSCU., Denksehr. Nole (Paulin, de), see Paulinus, St., hp. of Kola. Nolen (Desire). La critique de Kant & la ni^taphysique de Leibniz ; hist. A' theorie de leurs rapports. 8". 1875 Nolhac (Pierre de). La bililiutht'4ue de Fulvio Orsini. [HE7i]. 8». 1887 La daujihiiie Jlarie Antoinette. 4". [1896] Erasme en Italic ; avec 1*2 lettres ined. d'E. s8^ 1888 Lonis XV et Marie Leczinska. i". 1900 Marie Antoinette, the Qneen. [T?-.]. 4». [1898] sec Vebsailles. *Le Musee Nat. de V., descr. par N. etc., 1896. Noll (Fritz), see Stuasbukger (E.), N. etc.. Text-book of botany, tl-., 1K98. Nollekens (Joseph F.), [Old Nollekens], see Smith (.Tohn T.) N. A his times, 2"'' ed., 1829 ; ed. E. Gosse, 1895. Nolte (Frederic), historical writer. L'Europe milit. & diplomat, an 19 s., 1815-84. 4t. 8". 1884 Nolte (Johann Friedrich) [Noltenius]. Lexicon Latinse lingnsB antibarbarum. 2t in 3. [ti is b. in 2p. tl, ed. 3']. laS". L. 1768-80 Nolte (Vincent). Fifty years in both hemispheres. Tr. 2"'i ed. S8". 1854 Noltenius (I. P.), sec Nolte (J. F.) Nombela (Julio). Historia de un minuto. 2' ed. s8". 1870 Nomenclator liternrins etc., ed. 2', 1892-5, see Hurter (H.) Nomenclature (The) of diseases : by a Joint Conim. of the p.. Coll. of Physicians. Ia8". 1869 Nomentino, F.U.ii.S., ps.. see MacCosh (,J.) Nompere de Champagny (/e etc. Francois J. M. T.), see ClIASIPAGNY (F. de). Noms ftodaux, 2'' ed., 18G7, sec B£tencourt (P. L. J. de). Nonae Rolls. *Nonaruni Inquisitiones in Cmia Scaccarii, temp. Es., see Parisot (P.) Norbury (Henry F.) The Naval Brigade in S. Africa, 1877-9. s8". 1880 Nordalbingen (Adolphus II, count of), sec Adoli'iius II, count. Nord-Amerika, see .\merika. Nordau (Max S.) [son of G. Sildfeld]. Aus d. wabren Milliardenlaude ; Pariser Studien. 2B. s8''. L. 1878 Die conventionellen Liigen d. Kulturmeuschheit. W A. 8». L. 1889 „ , lot- A. 80. L. 1893 Drohiienschlaelit. 2B. s8->. 1898 Entartung. 2B. s8'>. 1892-3 Die Krankheit d. Jabrhundert.i!. 2B. s8". L. 1889 Die Kugel. 2<- A. s8". 1895 Paradoxe. 4>- A. s8>. L. 1886 Das Rechfc zu lieben. sS". 1894 Translations. A comedy of sentiment. Tr. J. Haynes. s8". 1896 The conventional lies of our civilization. [Tr.]. 2"<' ed. s8''. Chicago. 1887 „ „ ... s8". Chicago. [1895] Degeneration. Tr. 8". 1895 „ 5"ied. 8". 1895 D^g^nerescence. 2t. 8". 1894 The dvone-s must die. s8". 1899 The malady of the century. [Tr.]. s8". 1896 Paradoxes. [Tr.]. s8". Chicago. 1886 „ „ ... Tr. .J. R. Mcllraith. 8». 1896- Paradoxes psycholog. Tr. A.. Dietrich. s8°. 1896 Reference. sec *Reoeneration : reply to N., 1895. Norden, s-cc also Noorden. Norden (John), devotional author, ft. lOOO. A progress of piety. [Parker Soc, 29]. s8". C. 1847 Norden (John), topographer, i.'>4S"-[t62o?]. Maps of London & Westminster, engraved by P. van den Keere, 1593. [London Topograph. Soc.]. lafol. [1900] Preparatiue to his Speculum Britannia;. s4". 1723 This is the onlji tp., but besides the ''preparatiue" the vol. contains [1], Speculum Brit., the 1" parte : discr. of Middlesex. By N. [2], SpecnH Brit, pars : descr. of Hartfordshire. By N. Each of these two has sep.pagin.. NORDEN 1072 NORMAND Norden (John), to/xiQrajilin- [continued]. if- half-t. It would sfcni that a gen. tp.. wh.ran " Spec. Brit. ; descr. of Mid. & Haiti. To wh. is added, a Pre- parative etc." is missing. Speculi Britannia; pars ; histor. & cliorograph. descr". of Essex, 1.594. Ed. Sir H. Ellis. [Camden See, 9]. si". 1840 Speculi Britannii* pars : topograph. & cliorograph. descr. of Cornwall. fol. 1728 see Harhison (\Vm.) Descr. of Eng. etc. ; w. N.'s map of London (l.^i!i:i). & notes on it by H. B. Wheatley, 1877. Nordenskibld (G.) The cliff dwellers of the Mesa Verde (S\V. C.)l.:.rado). Tr. D. LI. Morgan. Ia4". Stockholm. [1893] Nordenskibld (Friheire N. Adolf Erik) 'NoRBExsKbLnj. Fac- simile-Atlas to the early history of cartography with repro- ductions of maps printed in xv lV- xvi c. Tr. .1. A. Ekelof & C. E. Markham. fol. Stockholm. 1889 Gronland : seine Eiswiisten. Schilderung d. 2'" dicksou'schen Expedition, 1883. deutsche A. 8". L. 188G Studien etc. veranlasst durch nieine lieisen im hohen Norden. 8". L. 188.5 Voyage of the Vega round Asia & Europe etc. Tr. A. Leslie. •2v. 8". 1881 see FL.^H.iULT (C.) X., notice sur sa vie, 1880. „ HovGAAED [a.) X.'s voyage, tr., 1882. „ Leslie (A.) *The Arctic voyages of N. (1858-79). 1879. NordhofF (Charles). Communistic societies of the U.S. 8". 1876 N. California, Oregon, the Sandwich I'. Ia8». 1874 Peninsular California : aec. chiefly of Northern half of Lower California. ^8". N.Y. 1888 Nordische. *Nordische Heldenromane, iibers., 1814-28, see Hagek (F. H. v. dek), /)■. *Nordisclie Meisternovellen, 1896, see Bkausewetter (E.) ed. Nordiske. *Nordiske Ka;mpe-Historier fordanskede, 1821-6, sec Eafn (C. C), fr. *Nordiske Toner : Digte af norske, svenske og danske Forfattere. s8». Cliristiania. 1878 Noreen (Adolf (J.) Valda stycken a svenska furfattare, l-52(j- 1732, med anm. etc. utg. af A. N. och E. Meyer. 8". Uppsala. 1893 Norfolk. *Bygone N., 1898, sec Andrews (W.) ed. ^Norfolk official lists, 1890, see L'Estraxoe (H.) Norfolk Parish Registers : Marriages. Ed. W. P. W. Philli- more, F. .Johnson, A .J. H. Bloom. v2. 8". 1900 Visitacion of N'., by W. Hervey, 15G3, enlarged with another Visitacion by Cooke, w. many o. descents; also the Vissitation by J. Raven', 1613. Ed. W. Rye. [Harleian Soc, 32]. 4". 1891 Norfolk & Norwich Archsological Association. see HrsEXBETH (F. C.) Emblems of saints, 3'" ed., 1882. ,, WoiisHir (F.i A >[S. genealogy of the Paston family, 18.32. Norfolk & Norwich Literary Institution. Cat. of the Lib. of the N. & N.L.I. 8". Norwich. 1842 Ia8". Norwich. 1870 Norfolk (Charles Howard, 10"' duke of), d. i'sO. Hist, anecdotes of some of the Howard family. sS". 1769 n. ed. s8». 1817 Norfolk (Henry Gr. Fitzalan-Howard, I 'i'' duke of), /S/J-60. [Lord FiTZ.u.AN ; Karl uf Aiundei. iV" Svrrey]. A few remarks on the condition of Brit.' Catholics. rp287J. 8". 1847 sec Fbeeland (H. W.) Remarks on the letters of Lord Beaumont \- N., etc., 1S.')0; 1S74. Norfolk (Horatio Edward). Gleanings in gravevards : curious epitaphs. 3'" ed. s8". 1866 Norfolk (John de Mowbray, J"'' duke of), earl marshal; d. I.',ii, sec YoiNG (Sir C. G.) Controv. for precedence betw. M., & Rich., E. of Warwick, n.d. Norgate(Kate). England under the Angevin kings. 2v. 8°. 1887 Noriac (Jules) ps. [i.e. C. A. Jii.es Cavron]. Le chevalier deCerny. s.S". 1879 ' La maisou verte— La graude La comtessede Bruges. s8". 1878 veuve. _ s8". 1876 La dame a la plume noire. „ „ 2"^ ed. s8'\ 1876 2'- ed. s8u. 1863 Monsieur Edgard. s8". 1899 Norie (E. W. M.) Note on the Philippine Islands. fol. Simla. 1896 Norie (John "William), see *Naval gazetteer, n. ed., 1827. Noriega (F. M.) Nouv. mOthode pour apprendre la langue espagnole. s8". 1835 Noris, see also Norkis. Noris (Matteo). Galieno. [P815]. sS". Venetia. 1676 Nork (F.) ps. [i.e. F. A. Korx]. Andeutungen e. Systems d. Mythologie. 8". L. 18.50 Bibl. Mythologie d. Alten u. NeuenTesf. 2B in 1. 8». St. 1842-3 Etyinolog.-.symbol.-mytholog. Real-Wbch. fiir Bibelforscher, Ai-chiiologen u. Kiinstler. 4B in 2. laS". St. 1843—5 Die Gotter Syriens. 8''. St. 1842 Der Prophet Elias ein Sonnenmythus. 8". L. 1837 Eabbinische Quellen u. Parallelen zu neutestamentl. Schrift- stellen. 8". L. 1839 Sonnencultus u. s. geistige Bedeutung. [P537]. s8". Heilbronn am N. 1840 Normal Schools. *Memorial of the quarter-centennial celebra- tion of establ. of N.S. in America, Framingham, 1864. [P210]. s8''. Boston. 1866 -Norman people (The), & their existing descendants in the Brit. Dominions iV the l^S. 8". 1874 Norman Rolls, wc ■^Itnrri.i Normanniie in Turri Londin., .Joh. <& Hen. V regibus, vl. (1200-5; & 1417) [no more publ], 1835. Norman snriianie[. sec alto Lkxorjiaxt, Nokmand. Norman (Benj. Moore). Rambles in Yucatan. 8". N.Y. 1843 Norman (Charles Boswell). Armenia, & the Campaign of 1877. s8". [1878] Colonial France. 8°. 1886 The Corsairs of France. 8". 1887 Norman ((Jeorge Warde). Exam, of some opinions as to pressure of taxation. [P292]. 8°. 1850 [P593]. 2'"' ed. 8". 18-50 [P369]. 4"' ed. 8'>. 1864 Letter to C. Wood on mouev, & means of economizing the use of it. " [P163]. s8". 1841 Norman (Henry), b. IS5S. Peoples & politics of the Far East. 8". 1895 The real .Japan. s8". 1892 Norman {Mrs. Henry), sec Xokman (Mrs. Me.nie M.),form. M. M. Doicie. Norman (John Henry). Brit. India's future standard currency. [P888]. 8". 1898 Complete guide to the world's 29 metal monetary systems ; also to exchanges etc. 8". [1892] Lecture upon Locke's " School of money." 8°. 1900 Norman's single grain system for determ'. par value of all moneys etc. 8". 1887-96 i'S 0. pamph'. by K. on money etc., ivith MS. notes by the author, are bound with this. Prices * monetary exchanges of the world. [P463]. 8°. 1895 Reckoner of foreign & colonial exchanges between seven cur- rency intermediaries : [w.] addenda to the world's exchanges in 1898. [P1013]. 8". 1898 The science of money, etc. [P610]. 8". 1895 The scientific method of working the world's exchanges : Money, what it is, how it does its work. [P586]. 8". 1894 The world's two metal cV- four other currency intermediaries. [P609]. 8". 1895 see Sharlaxk (E. C.) Coin of the realm : [w.] an exchange calculus, five papers, A" a memorandum on money, by N., 1888. Norman (Mrs. Menie Muriel), form. M. M. Dowie, wife of Henry Xorman. The crook of the bough. Love & his mask. sS"^. 1901 sS". 1898 Some whims of fate. s8". 1897 (lallia. sS". 1895 Women adventurers; lives of A girl in the Karpatliians. Miue. Velasquez, H. Suell, s8o. 1891 31. A. Talbot, Mrs. C. Davies. „ „ 3'" ed. 88". 1891 , sb". 1893 Norman (Philip), F.S.A. London signs & inscriptions. Intr- by H. B. Wheatley. s8». 1893 s8". 1897 sec Remh.e I W.I A X., The inns of old Southwark, 1888. Normanby (Constantine Henry Phipps, /'■ marq. of), 2'"' earl of Mulgravc. The Congress & the Cabinet. [P79, 161]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1859 *The contrast. 3v. s8". 1832 A year of revolution : f. a journal kept in Paris, 1,848. 2v. 8". 1857 see *TREi.Axn under Lord Mulgrave, 3'* ed., 1837. Normanby (John Sheffisld, marq. of), earl Mulgrave, duke of IJuckinnJiain, sec IU'ckixghamshire (.Johx, duke of). Normand (Charles), ^jio/. «» Lycec de Lyon; b. i'>4fi'. J. B. Greuze. Ia8". [1892] NORMAND 1073 NORTH Normand (Charles P. J.), sec Si'ii:ns (K. P.) The orders of lU'chitecture, scl. f. N.'s " Parallels'' etc., IS'JO. Normand(Jacques)[^>s.J\cQri:sMADi:LEiNEj. Un couple. sSo.lSSG Uu triste au gai. s8". [1900] sec Maupassant (G. de) * N., Musette, 1891. Normandie [Nprmande]. Chronique de Normandie etc., see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, til, 12, 1.3. *Histoire des dues de Normandie * des rois d'Angleterre; publ., suiv. de la relation du tournoi de Ham par Sarrazin, par Francisque Michel. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1840 *Nouvelle histoire de N., etc., 1814, see Vauquelin de Lai'iiksxaye ( ). st'e*CHU0NiQUE normande dn 14" s., [S. de I'H. de F.], 1882. „ Duchesne (A.) Hist. Norm. Scr. 1019. ,, MuiiATORi (L. A.)EerumItal. Scr., ta for Chronicon 1041-85. Normandie (Gruillaume, de), le clcrc, sec Guillauue, Ic clerc. Normandy, [sec also N'okmanhie, Xokmanni.v.]. *Excnrsions in N., 1841, see Venedev (.J.) ♦Life in N., 1863, sec Campbeli, (W. F.) Magni Kotuli Scaccarii Normannia' sub regibus AngliiB, [1180- 1201]. Opera T. Stapleton. 2t. [Soc. of .\ntiquaries]. Ia8'. Londini. 1840-4 ♦Narratives of the expulsion of the F.iiglish t. N. (1449/50), 18el3, see Stevenson (.1.) cd. *Six days tour in Normandy, July, 1789, etc. s8". 1789 Normandy (Alphonse R.) Commercial hdbk. of chemical analysis. n. ed., enl. etc. by H. M. Noad. s8". 1875 Norman-Neruda (L.) The climbs of N.-N. Ed. May Norman- Neruda. " 8''. 1899 Normanniae. [Nop.mannokuii]. Chronicon de gestis Norman- norum in Francia, sec Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t6-8. *Magni rotuli Scaccarii Normannise sub regibus AngliiB, 1840-4, see Normandy. see Dri'HESNE (A.) Historife Normannorum Scriptores, 1619. *Norman's Bridge, 1847, sec Map.sh (.\.) Norris Papers (The). Ed. T. Heywood. . [Chetham Soc, 9]. s4". 1846 Norris (Alfred). Inner tt outer life poems. s8". 1875 Norris (Anthony). Cat. of the Norris MSS. Coll. rel. to the Co. of Norfolk it of the coll. of MSS. formed by Sir John Fenn, inel. tlie Paston Letters & MSS. of the Et. Hon. J. H. Frere, sold 31 July, 1888. [P754]. 8". 1888 Norris (Cecil Marryat). Hugh's sacrifice. s8". 188G Norris (Edwin). AncientCornish drama. Ed.&tr.N.2v.8".0.1859 Assyrian diet. pl-3. [iw niorc app''. p.i comes dmvn to Nun]. 4". 1868-72 Norris (M;-s. Emilia Marryat). [fMAREVAT (E.), aft. Norris]. Tlie early start in life. ' s8'>. [1807] Norris (Frank). Blix. s8". 1900 McTeague. s8». 1899 A man's woman. 2"'' ed. s8". 1900 Shanghaied. s8". 1899 Norris (John), rector of Bemcrtoii. Account of reason & faith, in rel. to the mysteries of Xty. s8". 1697 A coll. of miscellanies by N. 5"' ed. 8". 1710 Essay towards tlie tlieory of the ideal world. 2v. s8". 1701-4 Letters cone, the love of God, betw. the a. of the Proposal to the Ladies [Mary Astcll] & N. 2". 189C „ „ s8». 1896 A deplorable affair. sS". 1893 The despotic lady, & others. b8'. 1895 Tlie fight torthe crown. 58". 1898 The flower of the flock. s8". 1900 Giles Ingilby. s8 '. 1899 Heaps of money. 2v. s8". 1877 His Grace. 2v. s8". 1892 „ „ 3"> ed. S8". 1894 His own father. s8". 1901 Mile, de Mersac. 3v. s8". 1880 Major Si minor. 3v. 88". 1887 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1888 A man of his word, & o. s. 3v. s8". 1885 Marcia. s8'. 1891 Marietta's marriage. s8'. 1897 Matrimony. 3v. sS". 1881 Matthew Austin. a""! ed. s8 '. Misadventure. 3v. s8i. Miss Shafto. 3v. 38". Miss Weutwortli's idea. 2v. s8". Mr. Chaine's sons. Sv. s8''. Mrs. Peuton. s8». „ „ 3'- journal. „ Index to vl-125, 1815-77: 1, subjects— 2, writers. By W. Cushing. 8". Cambridge, [Mass.]. 187» see *CnAiiACTERisTics of men of genius : essays, chiefly £. " N. .k. E.," 1846. North British Railway. N.B.E.— West Highland Railway Guide to Scotland ; by W. Melven. sS". E. 1900- North British review (The). 53v, (1-49, <£• New Ser. 1-14). 8". E. 1844-71 North Briton (The). By J. Wilkes, etc. w. notes etc. 2v. s8-. 1763: 4v. S.S". 1772 The N.B. from nos. 1-46. w. notes, [ctj index. fol. 1769 A N.B. extraordinary, printed, but never publ. : Apr. 7th, 1763, [iC " A fragment, supposed to have been intended for A'b. 46, Apr. 30th, 176.3." P185]. " 8". 1763 A N.B. extraordinary, publ. at Edinburgh. [P189]. 8". 1765 North West provinces, see North-West provinces, as one word.. North (Dr.), sec Mitchell (S. W.) Dr. N. * his friends, 1900. North {Father) [^w. ?]. The mysteries of London. s8". [1844] North (Brownlow), registrar of diocese of Winchester, see Moody-Stuart (K.) B. N., records iV recoils., 1878. North (Christopher) ps., see Wilson (John), prof. etc. North {Hon. Sir Dudley), t(iJ,l-<)l, .!■■' s. of' .',"■ baron, see- North {Hon. R.) Lives of F. North. D. N., etc., n. ed., 1826 ;. ed. Jessopp, 1890. North (Dudley North, .',''' baron), 1602^77. *Observations A advices o-conomical. s8". 1669' North (Francis), /' baron Guilford ; l6,J7-fs5 ; Lord Chancellor, see North {Hon. E.) Lives of F. N., etc., n. ed., 1826; ed.- Jessopp, 1890. 4 A NORTH 1074 NORTH-WEST North (Frederick Nortli, S"' baron), 2'"' carl of Guilford; 1~32-'J2 ; [kiioini as Lord North]. see CoKPORATioN. 'Address ; answer to objections by N. etc. to repeal of Test Laws etc.. 1790. „ Fox (C. J.) Beauties of F., N., Burke, 1784. „ George III, king. Corr. of G. Ill w. N., (1768-83), 1807. North (Isaac William). A week in Scilly. 8>. Penzance. 18.50 North {Hon. John), D.D., .5"' s. of J,"' baron, see North {Hon. R.), Lives of F. North, .1. N., etc., n. ed., 1820 ; ed. Jessopp, 1890. North (John), of East Actoti. Cat. of the lib. of N.: will be sold Mar. '29-[May 28], 1819. 3p in Iv. S\ 1819 North {Miss Marianne). Eecolls. of a happy life : autob'. of M. N. Ed. Mrs. J. A. Symonds. 2v. sS". 1892 2v. 2°'' ed. s8». 1892 Some further recoils, of a h. 1. ; sel. f. the journals of M. N., chiefly 18.59-09. Ed. Mrs. J. A. Symonds. s8'. 1893 North (Oliver) ps., sec Mullen (W.) North {Hon. Roger), aitomey-gen. under Jatues II; ft"' s. of 4"' baron. -Autobiography. Ed. A. Jessopp. 4". 1887 Examen : enquiry into the credit etc. of a pretended complete history \_W. Kennet's]. 40. 1740 Lives of Et. Hon. F. North, Baron Guilford, Hon. Sir D. North, Hon. & Rev. J. North. 3v. n. ed. 8". 1820 ;, With autob. of [R. N.]. Ed. A. Jessopp. 3v. 88°. Bohn. 1890 Mem", of musick. Notes by E. F. Eimbault. 4". 1846 North (S. N. D.), st'o United States : /O" Cfiisas, v8. News- paper & Period. Press, by N., 1884. North {Sir Thomas), see Binp-ii. Earliest Eng. vers, of B., " Morall philosophy of Doui," by N., 1888. North (Thomas), of Leicester. Chronicle of S. Martin, Leicester, dur. r". of Hen. YIII-EUz., etc. Compiled by N. s4». 1806 The church bells of Bedfordshire. 4°. 1883 The church bells of Hertfordshire. Compl. by J. C. L. Stahl- schmidt. 4<'. 1880 English bells & bell-lore. Ed. W. Beresford. 8". Leek. 1888 North Africa. For anon, works see Africa. Northall (G. F.) English folk-rhymes. s8». 1892 Folk-phrases of four counties (Glouc, Staff., Warw., Wore). [Eng. Dialect Soc, 73]. S". 1894 Warwickshire word-book. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 79]. 8». 1896 *Northam Cloisters, 1882, sec Cornish (Mrs.) North America. For anon, works see America. Northampton. *Architectural notices of the churches of the archdeaconry of N. : Deaneries of Higham Ferrers & Haddon. Ia8'. O. 1849 Records of the borough of N. 2v. laS". 1898 Northampton, count;/ of, sec Northamptonshire. Northampton (Margaret Compton, marchioness of), wife of 2'"' vuuq. Irene— Misc. poems. 8\ 7!oi^uW''., 1833 Northamptonshire. *Bygone N., 1891, sec Andrews (Wm.) ed. Copies of the polls taken at sev. elections for Members to represent the eo. of N., 1702, 5, 30, 45, 1806, at Northampton ; from poll books in poss. of G. Baker. 4'\ Northampton. 1832 Copy of the poll for two Knights of the Shire for the co. of N., Mav, 1831. [b. w. Northamptonshire : Copies of polls etc.. 1832]. 4». Northampton. 1831 N. & Rutland Wills, 1.510-1652 : ed. W. P. W. Phillimore, see Brit. Bec. Soc. : Index Lib., 1888-1900. 'Tracts (chiefly rare & curious reprints) rel. to N. 8'\ Northampton. 1870 Northhrook (Thomas (Jeorge Baring, ;' carl of). N.-W. frontier of India : speech, H. of L., Mar. 7, 1898, w. notes etc. rP872]. 8". 1898 Northbrooke (John). Treatise agst. dicing, dancing, plays ; w. notes, etc. [Shakespeare Soc.]. 8". 1843 Northcote (James), li.A. Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 2v. 2°" ed. 8". 1819 Life of Titian : w. anecd'. of dis ing. persons of h. time. 2v. 8". 1830 see Fletcher (E.) ed., Conversations of N. w. J. Ward on art A- artists, 1901. „ Hazlitt (W.) Conversations of N., by H., 1830 ; ed. Gosse. 1894. Northcote (James Spencer). Epitaphs of the Catacombs. 8". 1878 A pilgrimage to La Salette : exam, of the facts conn. w. the apparition of the Virgin. [P249]. 8". 1852 Northcote (James Spencer) & "W. R. Brownlow. Roma sotterranea : ace. of the catacombs, esp. of the Cemetery of San Callisto, compiled f. De Rossi by N. & B. 8". 1809 2v. n. ed. 8'. 1879 & C. Meynell. The " Colenso " controversy from the Catholic standpoint. [P213]. 8'. 1863 Northcote {Sir John), /" hart. Note book of N., M.P. for Ash- burton, dur. 1" sess. of Long Parlt., 1640. Ed., w. mem., by A. H. A. Hamilton. s8». 1877 Northcote {Sir Stafford H.), s"' bart., aft. r< e. of Iddeslcigh, see Iddesleioh. Northern, [see also North, Nordische, Nordiske]. Illustratious of N. antiquities etc., 1814, see Weber (H. W.), R. J.iMiEsoN, & Sir W. Scott. *Nortbern circuit (Tlie) : or brief notes of Sweden, Finland, Russia. sS". C. 1862 Northern Garlands (1784-93), 1810 ; 1887, see RiTsos (J.) ed. 'Northern impostor (The) : life etc. of J. G. Semple Lisle, S"" ed., 1786, see Semple (J. G.), calling himself Semple Lisle. •Northern wortliies (The); or the hves of Peter the Gt. [bi/ Fontenelle], & Catharine \anon.'\. Tr. [by J. Frice\ 2"'l ed. sS". 1730 •Notes & sketches of N. rural Ufe in the 18"' c, 1877, see Alexander (Wm.) •Popular tales & romances of tbe n. nations, 182.3, see PoprLAB etc. Volume (A) of English miscellanies illust. the hist. & language of the N. Counties, 1890, see Eaine (J.) ed. Northern star (The) ; or, Yorkshire magazine. 3v. 8". 1817-18 Northesk (Georgina Maria Carnegie, countess of), wife of S"' earl. The sheltering vine : sel'., by N. 58". 1864 Sequel. sS». 186G Northington (Robert Henley, /" earl of). Lord Clianccllor,sce Henlev {2'"' baron). Mem. of N., 1831. Northmen. *C'hronicon Nortmannorum, etc., 1851, see Kbuse (Fr. C. H.) Northof (Levoldus a), see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t24. Northook (John), see Noorthocck (J.) *Northowram Register, 1881, see Heywood (0.) & T. Dickenson. Northumberland. *Hist. & descr. view of the co. of N.. & of Newcastle, w. Berwick, etc. 2v. 8'. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1811 Hist, of N. : under dir. of N. Co. Hist. Committee. vl-6. 4". Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1893-1902 1, Bamburgh, w. Belford : by E. Bateson. •2, Embledon, Ellingbam, Howick, Long Houghton, & Lesbury ; by E. Bateson. 3, Hexhamsbire, pi : by A. B. Hinds. 4, Hexhamsbire, p'2 : by J. C. Hodgson. 5, Parish of VVarkworth, w. Chapelry of Clieviugton — Parish of Shilbottle — Chapehy or extra-parocliial place of Brains- haugh : bv J. C. Hodgson. 6, Parish of Bywell St. Peter— Parish of Bywell St. Andrew w. Blanchland— Chapehy or Parish of Slaley ; by J. C. Hodgson. Inventories of Church goods for York, Durham, N., 1897, see Pa&e (W.) ed. Magnus Eotulus Pipas for N., (1130-1272), etc. etc., 183-5, sec HODOSON (J.) cd. Metrical legends of N., 1834, sec Service (J.) ed. Three early .\ssize Rolls for N., siec. xiii. [Ed. 11'. Page. Surtees Soc, 88]. 8'. Durham. 1891 Northumberland (Henry Algernon Percy, .;"' earl of). Regu- lations ct' household expenses of N., at Wresill & Lekiutield, begun 1512. Ed. T. Percy, bp.]. 8'\ 1827 Northumberland (Henry Percy, 6" earl of), see Simpson (R.) Some notices of H., Lord P., 1879. Northumberland (Henry Percy, b'' earl of), see Sojn;R.s (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Northumberland (Henry Percy, 9"' carl of), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Northumberland (Robert Dudley, duke of),seeDxivixx (Sir R.), calling himself earl of Warwick £ d. of N. North- West, sec *RisiNr,s (The) on the N.-W. Frontier, 1898. North- West Company of Montreal, see Selkirk (T., 5"' earl of). Sketch of fur trade, w. obs. rel. to the N.-W. Co. of Montreal, 1816. North-West Provinces [India]. Gen. report on public in- struction in the N.-W. P. A Oudh. For 1899/1900. fol. Allahabad. 1900 Report on the administration of the N.-W. P. 1800/1-1874/5. Hv. Ia8". Allahabad. 1871 2 Report on the admin, of the N.-W. P. & Oudh. Year ending 31 Mar., 1896-year ending 31 Mar., 1901. fol. Allahabad. 1897-1902 NORTH-WEST NOTES North-West Provinces [India] [continued], see Hali, (F.) Conti'ib. towards index to bibliog'. of Indian pliilosoph. systems, li^59. „ WiLMAMS (G. li. C.) Memoir of Dchra Doon, 1874. Horth-West Transportation & Land Company. Memoranda ci- Prospectus. [P78]. 8". 18-58 Northwich, Cheshire. Petition, [.igst. the E. India Co.'s Duty on Salt. ]'->'.\2]. 8». [1853 ?] Norton (Andrews). The evidences of the genuineness of the Gospels. 3v. 8". [1, Boston ; 2, 3, Cambridge, Mass.]. 1837-44 Norton {Hon. Mrs. Caroline E. S.), wife of Hon. G. C. Norton; aft. wife of Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, 9"' bart. Norway (Arthur H.) Highways A byways in Devon & Cornwall. Illnsts. by J. Pen- nellit H. Thomson. s8". 1897 Higliways it byways in York- Tales & sketches hi jirose & verse. s8". 1850 The undying one, & o. p. 2>"> ed. 8". 1830 see Sierra Leone. ^A residence at S. L., by a lady, ed. N., 1819. The clrild of the islands : poem. 2"<' ed. 8". 1S46 The dream, it o, p. 8". 1810 The Lady of La Garaye [poem], 8". C. 1862 Lost & saved. 3v. 3''J ed. s8". 18C3 Old Sir Donglas. 3v. s8". 18G8 Stuart of Dunleath. 3v. s8°. 18.')1 Norton (Charles Bowyer Adderley, /*' baron). A century of experiments on secondary punishments. [P204]. 8'>. 1863 X/etter to Disraeli on rel'. of Eng. w. the Colonies. [P82, 220]. n. ed. 8". 18G2 Eeview of " The colonial policy of Ld. Russell's administra- tions," by Earl Grey, 18.53, * of subseq. colonial hist. 8". 1809 Socialism! 8". 1895 Transportation not necessary. [P139]. 8". 1851 Norton (Charles Eliot). Hist, studies of church-building in the Middle Ages : Venice, Siena, Florence. 8". 1881 Notes of travel * study in Italy. sS". Boston. 1860 Eeview of a transl. into Italian of the Commentary by B. da Imola on the Divina Commedia. [Poll]. 8". Canib., Mass. 1861 see Dantk. New Life, tr. C. E. N., var. ed'. „ Emerson (E. W.) Letters f. E. to a friend, 1838-53, ed. N., 1899. Norton (Charles Ledyard). Hdbk. of Florida. s8". 1891 Norton (Edward), a. of " Xational jinance etc." The Bank Charter Act of 1844, & how to remedy its evils. [P272]. 3"> ed. 8". 1857 Norton (George), barrister. Comms. on hist-'., constitution etc. uf the Citv of London. 8". 1829 S"" ed. 8". 1869 Proselytism in India : letter to Sir G. Clerk. [P344]. 8". 1859 Norton (James), .\ustralian essays, polit., moral, religious. 8". 1857 Norton (John Bruce), Administration of justice in N. India. [P13C]. 8°. Madras. 1853 Administration of justice in S. India. [P282]. 8'\ Madras. 1853 Xetter to R. Lowe on condition etc. of Madras. 8". Madras. 1851 Memories of Merton [verse']. 2'"' ed. 8". Madras. 1805 Nemesis : poem. s8". 18C1 The rebellion in India : how to prevent another. 8". 1857 Topics for Indian statesmen. Ed. G. R. Norton. 8». 1858 Norton (John Nicholas). Full proof of the ministry: seq. to " The boy trained up to be a clergyman." s8". N.Y. 1855 -Norton (Philip). Sub sole : missionary adv. in the Great Sahara, By Artegall Smith ; w, intr. [or rather, written] byN. s8". [1890] TTorton (Thomas), barrister, see Udall (N.) Ralph etc.; *, Gorbodnc. by N. ct T. Saekville, 1847, Norton-Kyshe (James William), Hist, of the laws * courts of Hongkong, 2v, 8". 1898 Norvins (le baron de). [tMARQUET de Montbreton he Nokvins (,Jacques), bnron]. Hist, de Napoleon, 4t, 5' ed. 8". 1834 Portefeuille de 1813, etc. 2t. H". 1825 see AiGNAN (E.) Extraits des m6ms. rel. a I'liist. de France, dep. 1757 jusqu'a la Revol., {t2 is by N.), 1824, !Norway. , 'Adventures of the cliildren of the King of N., [Irish Texts Soc, 1], 1899, nee Irish Texts Soc. Norske Rigsregistranter, in prog., 1801etc., see Norske etc. Official publication for the Paris Exhibition, 1900. Ia8". 1900 "One & a half in Norway [by S. R. Bird]. s8". 1885 •Peasantproprietors(The)of N. [No tp. ¥557]. sS". n.d., [c. 1889?] ■♦Three in N., 188a, see Lees (J. A.) & W. J. Clutterbixk. •Tracks in Norway of four pairs of feet. s8". 1881 ■*Two summers in N., 1810, see Bilton (W.) •Unprotected females in N., 1857, see Lowe (E.) sliire. 8". 1899 Hist, of the Post-Off. Packet Service, 1793-1815. b8". 1895 Naples past & present. s8". 1901 Parson Peter, s8". 1900 Norway (G,) How Martin Drake found his father, s8". 1891 The loss of .John Humble, s8". 1890 Norwegian, For anon, works iu Danish [or Xortvegiaii], see NoKsK, Norske, *Norwegian ace. [i.e. Hdkonarsaga, by S. Thor^arson] of Haco'.'S exjied. etc., 1782, see Thordarson (S.) Norwegian North Polar Exped, (1893-6) : scientific results, 1900-2, see N.^xsen (F.) ed. Norwich. Norwich Pageants : the Grocers' Play. From JIS, in poss, of E, Fitch, la8", Norwich, 1856 Visitations of the Diocese of N., (1492-1532). Ed. A. Jessopp. [Camden Soc, NS43]. s4". 1888 Norwich antiquarian miscellany, Ed, W, Rve, vl, 2 i, 8", Norwich, 1877-80 Norwood (Cid.) Voyage to Virginia, see Chcrchill, Voyages, v6. *Nos fautes : lettres de province, 1886, see Chaejies (G,) NiJsgen (Carl Friedrich), Coram, iiber Lukas. 8", L, 1882 Nosov (Sergy), sec Nossoef (Seroe) /).s, Nosselt (Friedrich A,) Mythology, Greek & Roman. Tr. by Mrs. A. W. Hall. , s8'\ 1885 Nossig (Alfred), tiber d. bestimmte Ursache d. Philosophie- rens : Vcrsuch e. prakt. Kritik d. Lehre Spinozas. [P591]. Ia8". St. 1895 Nossoff (Serge) 2'5- [i.e. — Godleski ; fNosov (S.)J La Russie comique. s8", 1891 Nostitz (Mathilde Pauline, countess), form. Mme. Hclfcr. Travels of Dr, & Mme. Heifer in Syria, Mesopotamia, Burinah & o. lands. Rendered into English by Mrs. Sturge. 2v. 8", 1878 Die crstaunl. sS". St. 1850 . Turin. 1720 Nostradamus (M.) [tNosTREnAUE (Michel de)]. Biicher des N. tJbertr. v. E. Roseh, 2T in Iv Les propheties de N, Avee la vie do I'aut. s8 see Waiid (C. A.) Oracles of N,, [1891] Not, *Not a strike, but a feud ! *Not in society, 1868, see Morgan (V,) *Not too late, 1868, sec Brookfielii {Mrs. *Not wisely, but too well, 1867 ; n. ed, (IIhoda). Nota (Alberto), Commedie scelte, Notaras (Chrysanthus), patriarch of [P164], 8^ 18.39 J, 0.) 1869, see BnouoHTON s8". Parigi. 1829 Jerusalem, see *Bir.- i.ii>Tni:Qri; miEcQiE vclgaire : 5, Epistolaire ; lettres a C. N., 18«8. Note, [see also Notes]. *Note (.4) on Jlr. Gladstone's '' The peace to come," by Scotus, 1878, sec Gladstone (W. E.) *Note sur la fondation d'une nouv. colonic dans la Guyane etc., 1844, see Gfvane, *Noten zur Beleuchtung der angebl, " Thatsachen " in il. Memoir on the constitut. rights of Schleswig etc. presented by Bunsen, [anon.], 1848, see Buxsen (Baron C. C. J.) Notes. ■Notes & questions on the Cathohc faith etc. 1. works of Pusey, 2"" ed., 1895, see Pusey (E. B.) •Notes & reflections dur. a ramble in Germany, 1S2G, see Sheker {J. M.) •Notes & sketches of northern rural life in 18 '' c, 1877, see Alexander (Wm.) ♦Notes & various readings to Shakespeare, 1779-80, see Capell (E.) •Notes at Paris, 1854, see Wordsworth (C. t, bp. •Notes (for private circulation). By F. M. s8". 1882 •Notes of a journey through France & Italy, 1826, see Hazlitt (W.) •Notes of an attache in Spain, 1851, see Warren (J. E.) *Notes on Bishop's Magee's pleadings for Xt,, 1871, see Magee (W, C), abp. •Notes on buildmg construction, 1891-8, see Building. •Notes on collecting etc. nat.-hist. objects, n. ed., 1883, see Tavlob (J. E.) e,l. •Notes on Croydon Palace, 1877, see Kershaw (S. W.) •Notes on political economy, f. the colonial jxiint of view, 1897, sre Political. •Notes on sanitary reform, 1872, see Brown (S. S.) •Notes on some of the princ. pictures, exliib. in the E, Academy etc., 1855-9, .set' Euskin (.J.) •Notes on the Caucasus, by Wanderer, 1883, sec Caucasus. •Notes on the cliaracter of Admiral Lord Nelson, ISl'.l, see Matcham (G.) 4.1 2 NOTES 1OT6 NOUVEATJ Notes ^continued]. 'Notes on the defence of the Book of Daniel ; by a clergyman, 1878, see Bible : Daniel. *Xote5 on the distribution of gold, n.d.j sec Gold. •Notes on the Govt. Surveys of the princ. countries, etc., [War Office], 1882-99, see Surveys. *Notes on the origin A: effect of the prohibition of marriage in cases of collateral affinity, 1842, see Co.\tes (T.) *Notes on the Oxfordsliire Domesday, 1892, sec Domesdav. *Xotes on the Reform Bill, by a barrister [.S'/c J. T. Colerhlgc 1 , 1831, see Reform. *Notes on the relations of Brit. India w. some countries W. of the Indus, 1839, see India. *Xotes on the religious ct secular houses of Yorkshire, in prog., 1893etc., see B.uldon (W. P.) ed. *Xotes on un-natural history. By a. of " Notes on the mouths etc." s8". 1868 Notes rel. to the late transactions iu the Marhalta Empire, Dec. ISOiJ, 1804, sec Welleslev (R. C. Wellesley, marq.) Notes & queries. Ser. 1-8, [each in 12v] ; Ser. 9, vl-8. (Nov. 1849-Dec. 1901). s4°. 18.50-1901 „ „ General indices to Ser. 1-8, in 8v. s4". 18-56-98 „ Choice notes f. " N. & Q." Folk Lore. s8». 1859 ., Choice notes f. " N. i Q." History. s8". 1858 ■^Nothing new, ISOl, sec Cr..uK {Mrs. D. M.) ' Nothomb (/<■ baron J. B.) Tiavaux publ. en Belgique ; 1830-9 ; Chemiiis cle fer A routes ordiuaires. liapport jiar N. 2> k\. Ia8°. Brux. 1840 Notice. *Kotice de I'etat anc. et mod. de la province etc. d'Artois, 1748, see Bultel (A. L. E.) *Notice sur la salle des ancetres de Thouthmes III an temple de Kainak etc., 1845, sec Pri.sse d'Avexxes (A. E.) *Xotice sur le chateau de Pierrefonds, n. id., 1855, see Pierrf.- FOXDS. Notices. *Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bibl. Nat. & aiitves bibl., publ. par I'Acad. des Inscriptions, t35, 1897, sec Acad£mie des Inscriptions etc. *Notices sur I'hotel de Cluny & sur ie Palais des Thermes, 1834, sec Du Sommeraj-.d (A.) *Noticias histor. sacadas del Ai'chivo de Ucles, fi. 1793. Tliis. though jf. /. anon., as above, is ti of Morales (A. de). Opusc. castellanos, 1793, g.v. 'Notions of the Americans, 1828, sec CoofEP. (.J. F.) Notitia. '''Notitia dignitatum et administiationum in partibus Orieutis et Occidentis. Kec, comm. illust., Hieroclis 2w(k- Srifiov etc. add. E.Boeking. 2t [5 tasc] in 3.8". Bonnse. 1839-50 „ „ Index, ex ed. E. Booking. 8". Bonnie. 1853 *Xotitia dignitatum imperii Bomani. Ex nova rec. P. Labbe. Cum aliis opusc. etc. 88". Parisiis. 1G51 see TicTOR. lyp. of Vita. Hist, persec. etc. ; ace. Notithi pro- vinciarum & civitatum Africtc. 1881. *Notizia d' opeie di diseguo nella prima meta del sec. xvi in Padova ec, ser. da un anonimo di quel tempo, 1800, see MoRELLi (I.) ed. Notkerus Balbuliis. sec MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latinu, tlol. .. Moncmenta Germ. Hist., Ser., t'i. Notkerus, bp. of Lii'gc, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl39. Notley (Fanny Eliza Millett). i Cordelia. 3v. s8 '. 1S79 , Mind, body, & estate; it, Sea Love's crosses. 3v. sS". 1878 maidens." 3v. s8". 1883 Love's voung dream. Olive Varcoe. n. ed. s8". 1879 3v. s8». 1877 I Red Riding-hood. 38". [1887J Notovitch. (Nicolas). [tKoxovicii (Nikolai)]. La vie inconnue de .Tesus. 5' ed. s8'\ 1894 I *Notre-Dame, 183i;, sec Hn.o (Y.) Notre Dame de Paris. Cartulaire de Notre Dame de 1'. Publ. par B. E. C. Guirard. [DoC. ined.]. 4t. 4". 1850 Nott (Georg-e Frederick). Eeligious enthusiasm considered, i [Bampton L.. 1802]. 8". O. 1803 : Nott (J. Fortune). Wild animals i)hotographed * described. Ia8". 188G ■ Nott (Josiah Clark) & Gr. E. Gliddon. Indigenous races of the ! earth, inel=. monographs by Maury etc. 4". 1857 Types of mankind, etc. illust. by seK i. ined. papers of S. G. i Morton, ed. So. 1881 Nottingham (Charles Howard, /' carl of), J.5.36-162;: i""' baron Huicardof Effingham, see Bakrow (.J.) Life of Drake, w. letters f. him' A the Lord High Admiral, 1843 ; 2"" ed., 1844. Nottingham (Daniel Finch, carl of), sec Somers (.1. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Nottinghamshire. MSS. rel. to the Co. of N., in poss. of .J. Ward. Transcribed & ed. J. T. Godfrey. Ia8'. 1900 Nottinghamshire Parish Eegisters. Marriages. Ed. W. P. W. Phillimore & J. Standish, [an {Mrs. F.) Nourrisson (J. Felix). L'anc. France tt la Revol., etc. Philosophies de la nature-; sS '. 1873 Bacon — Boyle — Tolaud — De la liberte A' du hasard : essai Buffon. s8". 1887 sur Alex. d'Aphrodisias, suivi La polititpie de Bossuet. du traite Du destin etc., tr. 58". 1867 8". 1870 Spinoza & le uaturalisme con- Bssai sur la pliilosopbie de Bos- ' temp. s8\ 1866 suet, avec des fragm. ined. Tableau des progresde la pensee 81. 1852 humaine. 8". 1858 Histoire iS: philosophie : etudes. ! „ „ ... 3'" ed. s8'. 1867 s8". 1860 „ „ ... G'- ed. 8». 188C Machiavel. s8". 1875 Yoltaire et la voltairianisme. La philosophie de Leibniz. 8'. [18961 8°. 1860 : Nourrisson (Paul). Le club des .Jacobins sous la Troisieme Picpubl. : etudes sur la franc-mac/onnerie contemp. s8'\ 1900 Nourse (Joseph Everett). Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition made by Ch. F. Hall. 4". 1879 Nouveau, sec also Xocveaux, Xoi'vel, Xoevelle, Xoi'velles. *Nouveau conducteur de I'etranger a Bordeaux. Par E. L., I80S sec Ch.yesias (Pail). 'Xouveau eoutumier general, 1724, see Coutemier. Nouveau diet, d'economie polit., 1891-2; d-, Snppl., 1S07, see Say (J. B. Lf'ox^ & J. Chaillev-I5ert, ed". Nouveau diet, de medecine & de chirurgie, lOt, 1864-86, see Mldecine. Nouveau diet, historique des sieges & batailles mcmorables etc., par M. M., 1809, see Sieges. Xouveau reeueil de comptes de I'argenterie des rois de France, 1874, sec Dou'et d'Abcq (L.) ed. Nouveau reeueil de contes, dits, fabliaux etc., 1839-42, see Juiunai, (M. L. A.) ed. N'onveau reeueil de fabliaux & contes ined., 1823,Sf c Ml-;ox (D. M.) ed. Xouveau reeueil de traites etc. fdepnis 1808), 1817-42, sec Marten--^ (G. F. v.) NOUVEAU 1077 NOVELS Kouveau [contimied]. Nouveau recueil gen. tie ti'aites elc, coiit. (Jii grand recueil de Martens, [in /iroij.], 1843 etc., scr M.4Iitkxs (G. F. v.) •Nouveau tableau de I'amour conjugal, 1863, see Pbudbom (G. H.)J«. •Nouveau tliciitre de la Grande-Bretagne etc., var. d., [1715 etc.], see Kip (J.) "Nouveau tlieatre du Pieniont etc., IT'i.'i, sec Blaeu (J.) •Nouveau traite de diploniatii|Ue, (it, 1750-C5, sec T.\ssiN (R.) & C. F. TOUST.IIN. •Nouveau voyage aux isles de TAnierique, 1722, see Lauat (.T. B.) •Nouveau voyage de France, par M. L. R. [Lerouge '? Saugrain ?J, dern. ed., 1750, sec France. Nouveaux. •Nouveaux contes (Les) du Palais, [sl]-3, 1888-9, .sec •CoxTEs (Les) duP. Nouveaux doc*', ined. ou pen connus sur Montaigne, 1850, sec P.UEN (J. F.) cd. •Nouveaux eclaircissenieuts sur Marie [I], reine d'Angleterre, 1760, see GniFiET (H.) *Nouveaux nienioires secrets pour servir a I'hist. de notre temps, 1829, see Musset-Pathav (V. D. DE}. Nouvel. 'Nouvel abrege clironolog. de I'liist. de France, u. ed., 1775, sec Henaiilt (.J. F.) Nouvel atlas pliys., polit. & histor. de I'empire ottoman, dresso par J. J. Hellert, 1813. This is the Atlas to Hamheh-Purgstall {J. V.) Hist, de I'empire o., tr. Hellert, 1835-43, q.r. Nouvel atlas p. serv. i I'hist. des iles ioniennes, 1823, see Schneider [le b. V. A.) •Nouvel essai sur les grands evenemens par les petites causes, 1759, scr Richer I A.) Nouvel almanach des gourmands. Par A. B. de Pcrigoid [H. N. Raisson]. iinnt^e US. 3t. s8". 1825-7 Nouvelle. 'Nouvelle bibliothcque bleue, 1813, sec Bibliotheqle. •Nouvelle bibliothcque d'un honime de gout, 1777, see La Porte (J. DE). Nouvelle biographie universelle, 46t, 1855-66, see Biographie. Nouvelle coU. des mems. ponr servir A I'liist. de France, [1836-9], see MiCHAUD (J. F.) & J. J. F. PoujouL.iT, mid. •Nouvelle histoire de Normandie etc., 1814, see Vauquelis de Lapbesn.ue ( ). •Nouvelle le'gislation prussienne reglant les rapports entre I'etat & I'eglise, 1874, see Prussienne. •Nouvelle lettre de Junius ii son ami A D , etc.,4'' ed., 1872, see Dumas {A.)Jils. •Nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement la langue grecque, n. ed., 1754, see Lancelot (C.i, A. .Arnauld, it P. Nicole. •Nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement la langue latine, 12'' ed., 1761, see Lancelot (C), A. Arnauld, iV P. Nicole. Nouvelle revue (La). 120t, [nov., 1879-oct. 1, 1899]. Ia8'. 1879-9') „ „ ... Table : premise periode. 1879-88. laS". 1890 „ Nouv. ser., tl-15, foet. 15, 1899-avril, 1902, in prog.']. Ia8". 1899-1902 "La n. r." ajtpears on the 1st <(- lijth of each inontJi, . 1891-9 •Nouvelles des missions orientales rei^ues a Londres (1793-6), suite aux " Lettres edifiantes," 1797, sec Jesuits. •Nouvelles frant;oise8 en prose du 13<' s., 1856, see Moland (L.) & C. d'Hericault, cdd. 'Nouvelles lettres edifiantes, 1818-23, see Jesuits. ^Nouvelles observations sur I'Angleterre, 1779, sec Coyer (G. F.) •Nouvelles observations sur le texte & les versions du Nouveau Testament parR. S. P., 1695, .sre SiMox (Richard). Nouvelles suisses [hi/ C. Tj. de Bons, P. Seioberet, L. Favrat Dii Sois-Meilly, I'.Fciiillaye]. ^S". Laus.anne. 1870 N. der Eoraantilier, 1901. Exotics : tr. of the spiritual songs of N. Nouvelles de la republique des lettres, 1684-17X8. [" Par M. Bayle," to Fi'r., 1687, after which De Beauval, at liotterdtnn, cont. it as " Histoire des ouvrages des .savans " ; it being also cont. at Amsterdam tinder its old title]. 56t. 2' M. [tl,3' ed. ; t5, 4' cd.]. s8". Amsterdam. 1715-20 Nouvelles extraordinaires de divers endroits. 1 juin, 1787- 29 mui, 17M0, in 2v. s4". Leyde. 1787-1) Nouvion (Victor de). Hist. d« r. de Louis-Philippe, 1830-48. 4t. 81. 1857-01 Nova. *Nova bibllotheca Hebraica, 1783 4, see Kochei; (H. F.) *Nova collectio Conciliorum, tl, 1707, see B.u-uze (E.) cd. Novairi, sec Al-Nuwairi. Novalis, ;i.s. [i.e. F. L. v. HMiDKNDERci]. v. v. H. : Naehlese aus d. (Juellen d. Fumilien.irchivs. s8". Gotha. 1873 Heinrich von Ofterdingen. Einltg. u. .\nmerkgn. v. J. Schmidt. s8". L. 1870 Scluiften. Hr.sg. v. L. Tieck u. F. Schlegel. 8". Paris. 1840 „ „ Tl, 2, in 3, [2, i, ii ; in prog.]. Neuausgabe v. E. Heilborn. s8". 1901 Translations. Les disciples a Sais, et les fragments de N. Tr., & pr6c. d'intr. par .M. Maeterlinck. s8". Brux. 1895 N., h. life [by Just], thoughts, works. Ed. A tr. M. J. Hope. s8". 1891 References. see Heildorn (E.) „ Macdoxald [G.] etc., 1876. Novanticus (Scotus) ps., sec Laurie (S. S.) Novara, Austrian frigate. Reise d. osterreich. Fregatte N., uni d. Erde, 1857-9 : Anthropologischer Theil, Abthlg. 2 : Korper- niessungen. 4". Wien. 1867 sec SiHERZER (C.) CircuiTinavlgation of the globe by the N., (1857-9), 1861-3. Novaro (A. So L' angelo risvegliato. 38". Milano. 1901 Nova Scotia. Memorials of the Eng. ct Fr. Commissaries cone. the limits of N.S. or ,\cadia. 2v. [Eng. d' Fr. ; vJ has I.: Memorials etc. cone. St. Lucia]. 4". 1755 *Remarks on the climate, produce etc. of N.S., in a letter to the E. of Macclesfield. iP.581]. 8". [1784] Royal Letters, charters, & tracts, rel. to the colonization of New Scotland, * the institution of the Order of Knight Baronets of N.S., 1621-38. [Ed.D.Laing. Bannatyne Club]. 4". E. 1867 sec *Letters from N.S. A- New Brunswick, 1829. Novatian. [tNovAxiAsus]. sec CvrBiAX (St.) Writings, tr. Wallis, rv2 w. writings of N., tr.], 1868-9. „ MiGNE (3. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t3. Novatus, see Migxe (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl8. Novelistas. *Nove!istas anteriores a Cervantes. For list of aiitliors, sec under JUradcncyra]. *Novelistas posteriores a Cervantes. Col. revis. y prec. de noticia por C. Rosell. [Rivadeneyra, 18, 33]. 2t. Ia8'. 1851-4 tJ, " coll bosqitcjo hist, sobre la novelaesp., por E. Fernan- dez de Navarretc." For list of a'., see tinder Eiradeneyra. *Tesoro de n". espanoles, 1847, see Ochoa (E. de) cd. Novella, *Novella di un vicentino. [Attrib. to Ant. Toaldo. b. ir. Poggio Bracciolini (lac. di) Nov. della pulzella, 18501. 8". [Milano. 1824] *Novella d' incerto autore del see. xvi [16]. Nuovam. ristamp. [6. n: Poggio Bracciolini (lac. di) Nov. della pulzella, 1850J. 8". Lucca. 1803 Novelise Constitutiones. For N. C. of .Justinian, see Justinian. *Xovella3 Constitutiones imperatorum Theodosii II, Valen- tiniani III, Maximi, Maioriani, Severi, .^nthemii. 18 consti- tutiones, quas J. Sirmondus divulg. Recog. etc. G. Haenel. 4". Bonna?. 1844 Novelle. Dodioi novelle di sei celtbri autori 1848, see Dodici. *NovelIe italiane di quaranta autori, dal 1300-1847. Per eura di G. Loeella. s8". L. 1879 *Novelle per far ridere le brigate. Di varii autori. [Ed. B. damba]. s8". Venezia. 1824 *Novelle scelte rarissime stampate a spese di XL amatori. [Pref. signed S. W. S., i.e. S. W. tSingcr]. 88". Londra. 1814 Novellenschatz, see "Deutscher N., 24B., 1871-9. 'Novellette inedite di autore anonimo del sec. six. [6. u\ Manetti (M.) Novella, 18-58]. 8». Lucca. 1856 Novellieri, see *Raccolta di n. italiani, 1833-4. Novels. For the Xovcls [XorclUc Constitutiones] of Justinian sec Justinian I, cvi2>. For others sec Novell.t; Constitutiones. [Rivadeneyra, 3. ^8". 1846 NOVELTIES 1078 NUTTALL 1858 1892 1805 18'J3 *Novelties, inventions, it curiosities in arts A niaiiuf*. 5"' ed. s8". Uoutlcdge. Novi Monasterii, ahhatia, sec Newmixstek, ahbetj of. *Novlbazar luul Kossovo (das alte Eascien) : eine Studie. 8". Wien. Novice (George "William). Lights in art, by an artist. s8». E. Novicow (J.) Lcs luttcs entre les societfe humaines. 8". Novigentinus (Guibertus), see Gvibekti-s, ahbas Xovigcntinus. Noviltoff (Mine.) [0. K. ; fKiRVEEVA (Oloa), aft. Xovikovo;. *Is Russia wrong ? Pref. by J. A. Froude. s8". 1877 Russia & England from 187G to 1880. Pref. by J. A. Froude. 8". 1880 2'"' ed. »>. 1880 Russia & England : " proposals for a new deiiarture." [FG44]. s8". 1896 Skobeleff & the Slavonic cause. 8'. 1883 Novoa (Mattias de). Hist, de Felipe III A- IV etc., see Spain. Col. de doc. piira la hist, de Espana. Nowell (Alex.), dean of St. Paul's. Catechism, in Latin, w. tr. by T. Norton. Ed. G.' E. Corrie. [Parker Soc. 53.] 8\ C. 1853 .-.ff Churton- (K.) Life of N., 1809. Nowrojee (Jehangeer), see Jehaxgeer Nowrojee. Nowrozjee Furdoonjee. [fNAnrozji FARinuxji]. On the civil iidministration of the Bombay Presidency. [P282]. 8". 1853 Noyes (Alex. Dana). Thirty yrs. of American finance, (18G5-96). s8". N.Y. 1898 Noyes (John Humphrey). Hist, of American socialisms. 8". Philadelphia. 1870 Nozrani in Egvpt d- Syria, 2"'' ed., 1818, sec Wilsox (Tu.), of C.C.C. Camb. Nua (F.), see La Noue (F. de). Nubiensis, see *GE0(iKAi'HiA Nubiensis, 1019. Niibling (Eugen). Die Judengemeinden d. Mittelalters, iusbes. d. lieichsstadt Ulm. 8\ Ulm. 189G Nucius (Nicander). The 2"" book of the travels of N. Ed., w. tr., by .J. A. Cramer. [Camden Soc, 171. s4". 1841 *Nuda Veritas : shall wrong pre\ ail ? [la ref. to the Mar I'eerarje]. s8". 1888 *Nueva coleccion de documentos im'd. para la hist, de Espaila etc., tl-G, 1892-0, see Spain. Nugje. *NugiE antiqua', 1804, sec Harixgtox (H.) ed. *NugiE jnetric*, 1824, see Guenville (W. W., baron). Nugent (Claud). Mem. of K., Earl Nugent ; w. letters, poems f'e. 8". 1898 Nugent (George Nugent Temple-Grenville, baron). Lands, classical & sacred. 2v. s8". 1845 Some memorials of Hampden. 2v. 2"'' ed. 8". 1832 3'" ed., w. mem. of [N.]. s8". 1854 Nugent (Norman). The amusements of a man of fashion. 3v. s8". 1873 Nugent {Hon. Mrs. Patrick Greville-), sec Greville-Nugext. Nugent (Robert Craggs-Nugent, carl), sec Nugent (C.) Mem. of N.. w. letters, poems etc.. 1898. Nugent (Thomas), LL.D. Hist, of Vandalia : anc. A pres. state of Mecklenburg. 3v. 4o_ l7(jc,-73 Primitives of the Greek tongue ; from the French of MM. de Port lioyal. 8". 1773 Nuhn (Anton). Lehrbuch d. vergleichenden Anatomie. 2T. [t2 wanting]. Ia8". Heidelberg. 1875-8 Nuits. *Nuits anglaises (Les), 1770, see Coxt.\xt l'Orvili.e (A. G.) *Nuits (Les) de Paris, 1788, sec Restif i.e La Bretoxxe (N. E.) Nuitter (Charles) j^s. [i.e. C. L. E. Tkcixet]. Le Nouvel Opera. s8". 1875 2'M. s8". 1875 see Meilhac (Hexri) & C. N. Vert-vert, 1871. & E. Thoinan. Les orig. de I'opera fran(,-. S". 1886 Number. *No. 747. Autobiography of a gipsy, ed. F. W. Carew, M.D., n.d.. see Carew (F. W.), M.D., ps. Number One, ps., see Tynan (P.) ["Number One "]. *Nummi Britannioi hist., or an hist. ace. of Eng. money, 1G20 [bij mistaliefor lyiiO], we Leake (S. Martin). *Nummis (De) regum Mysise seu Rasci» etc., 1750, sec Zaneiii (G. F.) *Nun (The) of Kenmare : an autob'., 1889, sec Cusack (M. F.) Nuncomar. [E.^jah Nunoco-mar B.ihai.ur ; Eajaii Nundocohak ; fNAXDAKUMARA, Maluiraja]. sec Beyeridge (H.) The trial of N. K., 188G. Nuncomar [coiitimud]. see .Stephen {Sir J. F.) The story of N. A impeachment of Impey, 1885. Nunes Do Liam (Duarte). Primeira parte das chronicas dos- reis de Portugal. 2t. [Ti iras never publ.K 3' ed. s4". 1774 Niiiiez (C. J. Gutierrez de Los Rios, conde de Fernan-), see Ferxan-Xi'xez. Nuiiez (Eug. Ant. Del Riego), see Dei, Riego Nunez. Nunez (Hernan), see Xcxez he Guzman (Fernando). Nuiiez (Miguel del Riego y), see Del Riego v Nunez (M.) Nunez Cabeja de Vaca (Alvar), [Nunez Cabeza de Vac.*.J, see DoMixGUEZ (L. L.) ed., Conq. of the River Plate: The comm". of N. C. de v., tr., 1891. Nuiiez de Arce (Gaspar). Gritos del combate. 8' ed. sS". 1891 Un idilio y una elegfa. •26" ed. sS". 1894 Maruja [6. ic. /(.Un idilio, 1804]. 16^' ed. sS". 1891 Obras dramat. %>. n.d. La pesca [b. w. h. Un idilio, 1894]. 22" ed. sS". 1898 Handle Gil. s8". 1901 La selva oscura [&. w. h. Un idilio, 1894]. 20« ed. s8". 189S Sursum cord.i ! I" ed. s8". 1900 Ultima lamentacinn de Lord Byi-on [b. u\ h. Un idilio, 1894]. 29" ed. s8°. 1«9() El vertigo [b. iv. h. Un idilio, 1894]. 34" ed. sS". 1893- La visiu'n de Fray Martin, [b. iv. h. Un idilio, 1894]. 20» ed. s.y. 1891 Nuiiez de Castro (Alonso). Coronica de los reyes Sancho el Deseado, .\lonso VIII y Enrique I. fol. 1665 sec Saaveiira Fa.tardo (D. de). Corona gotica [;;2-4 frj/N. de C.^, 1789-90. Nunez de Guzman (Fernando) [Herx.ix Nunez]. Eefranes o proverbios en romance. s8". Valladolid. 1602 see Romero (V. F.) Epicedio en la muerte de H. N., 1002. Nuiiez de Villazan (Juan), sec Alfonso XI. *Cronica de A., [attiib. to N. de V.], 2' ed., 1787. Nunquam, ^1.5., see Bl.\tchfori> (Rorert) [Nunqua.m]. Nuova. *Nuova Italia, a poem; by Nomentino, F.R.G.S., 1872-.5, sec McCo.sh (.J.) Nuova raccolta di lettere sulla pittura ec, 1844-56, see GuALAXPi (M. A.) ed. Nuova serie de' testi di lingua italiana, 1846, see Berio- LONi (A.) ed. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. 2' serie, v31-54, (della raccolta vGl-84j. 8". 1882-5 „ „ ... 3" serie, vl-60, (della raccolta V85-144). S». 1886-95 V06 d v.J7 of this 3" serie are both, bi/ mistake, numbered ill tlie 2"' numbering " della raccolta vl.'/J " ; to make up for this no vol. is numbered " d. r. 1 i-i," v59, 60 of tlie .i' serie having 2'"' nuniberings " d. r. -14^," " d. r. 144" respectivclij. ,, „ ... 4" serie, v(31-94, (della raccolta vl45-178). [In I'rog.]. &■'. 1896-1901 Nuovi. Nuovi documenti int. alia vita ec. di G. Leopardi, 1882, sec PiERGiLi (G.) ed. *Nuovi racconti di una donna, 1876, sec Piatti (R.) Nuptiis, see *Phant.\sia poetica de n. aquilse, 1590. Niirnberg. *Kleine Chronik der Reichsstadt N., 1790, see SiKLEXKEEK (.J. C.) Niirnberger (Woldemar) [pis. M. Solitaire]. Das braune Buch ; Novellen, Phantasiestiicke u. Historien. s8". L. 1858 Niirnbergische. *Acta pacis etc., od. Niirnberg. Friedens- Executionshandlungen etc., 1736-7, sec Meieen (•!. G. v.) NurseiT rhymes of England, 1842, see Halliwell (J. 0.) ed. *Nurses for the needy, 1875, see Eanyard {Mrs. E.) Nursing (The) profession, 2°" year, 1900, sec Bukdett (SirH.) cd. Nus (Eugene). Choses de I'autre monde. [First jiubV. /SSO]. 2'- ed. sS". n.d. & A. Brot. Le testament de la reine Elisabeth : drama. s8'>. 1867 Nussir-u-Deen, king of Oude, see N.isiR Al-Dix, king etc. -Nut-Brown Maid (The), see Arnold (Rich.) Customs of Lon- don ; cont. the orig. of the N.-B. M. etc., repr., 1811. Nutt (Alfred). The Celtic doctrine of re-birth, etc., 1897. This, w. Sep. tp., is v2 of the " Voyage of Bran " etc., for wJi. sec Bran. Studies in the legend of the Grail, w. esp. ref. to the hypothesis- of its Celtic origin. [Folk-lore Soc, 23]. 8". 1888. Nutt (David), p?(&i. Cat.of theolog. booksonsaleby N. 8". 1857 Nuttall (P. Austin). Class. & archseolog. diet, of antiquity & the Middle Ages. Ia8". 1840 Diet, of scientific terms. s8". 1869 NUVEIRIUS 1079 O'BRIEN Nuveirius, sec Al-Nuwaiiu. Nuwab Ameer-ood-doulah Mohummud Amear Khan, d. !S3'„ aec Amkki; Kh.vn. Nuwairi, [Niwaikils ; Nuweihius], sec Ar,-NL"WAii:i. Ny illustreret Tidende. Aarg. 1-4. fol. Kristianin. 1874-7 Nyary ilidn) Albert). A heraldika vezeifonala. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 4". 18.y6 Nyary (biin) Jeno). Az aggteleki barlang mint oskori temeto. [M. Tiul. A.]. Ia4". 1881 Nyasa news (The). 10 nos. (Aug. l.s93-Deo. 1895), in Iv. laS". Likoma. 1893-5 Nye (Philip) & J. Robinson. The lawfiUnes of hearing the ministers of the Cliurch of Eng. proved. [P'27(J]. s4". 1083 Nyem (Theodoricus a), sec Niem (T. he). Nyerup (Rasmus), see Danske. ♦Udv. d. Viser etc., 1812-4. Nyphus (Eutychus A.) Siccsaiius, see Niphts (A.) Nyren (John). Young cricketer's tutor. Intr. by C. Whibley. n. ed. s8». 1893 In some cd'. tJie t. loas " N.'s cricketer's guide." For anolh. ed., see Cricket. 'Chronicles of c. : facs. repr. of N. etc., 1S88. Nyrop (Cam.) Bidrag til den danske Boghandels Hist. 2v. 8". 1870 Nys (Ernest). Etudes de droit international ct de droit politique. s[l], 2. Ia8". Bruxelles. 1896-1901 Notes p. serv. a I'hist. du droit internat. en Angleterre. [pi, )!0 ))iorep((6Z.]. 8'. Brux. 1888 Les origines du droit international. Ia8'. Brux. 1894 Reoherches sur I'hist. de I'icon. polit. 8". Brux. 1898 Researches in the hist, of economics. Tr. N. F. it A. R. Dryhurst. 88". 1899 Theories polit. & droit international en France jusiiu'au 18'- s. 2' ed. 8". 1899 Nyssenus ((Jregorius), see Ghecory, of Kyssa. o 0. K., 2's., sec NoviKOFF (Mine.) Oakeley (Frederick). Hist, notes on Tractarian movement (1H33-4.5). 88". 18(35 Oakley (Richard Banner). The Co-operative Credit Bank. [P550]. 8". 1891 fiCC PicKKEixr; (A.) The Co-operative Credit Bank, etc., 1877. Gates (Eugene W.) Birds of Brit. Burmah etc. 2v. Ia8". 1883 Gates (Frank). Mataliele Land * the Victoria Falls. 8». 1881 Gates (Titus) [Oats; Otes]. *A display of tyranny; proceedings in Courts of Westminster & Guild Hall, 1678-88. 2p in 1. s8". 1689-90 see L'EsTRANGE [Sir R.) Discovery upon discovery, in defence of 0. agst. B. W.'s libellous vindication of him, 1G80 ; 2°'' ed., 1080. „ Seccomi'.e (T.) Twelve bad men. 1894. ,, SoMKiis (.T. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Gbedenaru(MicuIuG.) Texte Macedo-Romane : basme ^i poesii poporale de la Crusova. Publ. cu glosar de I. Bianu. Ed. Acad, liom. ' 8". Bucuresci. 1891 Ober (Frederick A.) Camps in the Caribbees : a uaturahst in the Lesser Antilles. 8". E. 1880 Travels in Mexico A Life among the Mexicans. 8". Boston. 1884 Young folks' hist, of Mexico. s8". Boston. 1883 Gber-Ammergau. '^The passion-play at O.-A. With the whole drama tr". [by M. Trench^. 2'"' ed. Ia8". 1890 The passion play at 0. A., 1900 : complete text w. tr. side by side. s8". Review of Ecviews. 1900 sec Faerah (F. W.) The Passion Play at Oberammergau, 1890. „ MacColl (M.) The A. Passion-play, 2'"' ed., 1870. „ Stanfoiui (E.) "'Ober-Ammergau & its jjassion play, 1880. Oberholtzer (Ellis Paxson). The referendum in America. [I'ennsy. U. of; Pol. Econ. Ser., v4]. 8'. Philadelphia. 1893 Oberkampf (Christoph Philipp), see Laboucheke (A.) 0. (1738- l.slo), IsOO. Oberkirch (Henriette Louise, haronnc d'), comtesse de Moni- brison. Mems., by herself. Ed. by the Count de Montbrison. 3y. s8". 1852 Oberlin (Jean Frederic). Mems. S"" ed. sS". 1838 Oberlin (Jeremie Jacques) [Obeblinus]. Essai sur le patois lorrain. s8". Strasbourg. 1773 Obermiiller (Wilhelm). Die Abstammung d. Magyaren. [P315]. 8". Wieu. 1872 Obertus Stanconus, see Stanconus (0.) "Obiter dicta, 1901, see Birhell (A.) Obituary notices. Index to the o.n*., for 1880-1882. [Index Soc, 9, 12, 141. 3v. 8". 1882-1884 Obituary Roll of W. Ebchcster ct .J. Burnby, Priors of Durham, 18.50, sec Er.CHESTEU (W.) Oblata Rolls, sec *Fine Rolls. 'Obligation (The) resulting f. the Oath of Allegiance etc., 1088, see I'Eir {iiir P.) Obolensky {le prince Evgeny Petrovich) [Obolenski]. Mon exil en hiiberie. [P347]. s8". L. 1862 Obras escogidas de lilosofos, con disc, prelim, del S. A. de C, Lliivadeneyra, 65], 1873, see Castro (A. de) ed. etc. Obrenovic, Th^ House of, see Bresnitz (P. F.) Das Ende d. Dyiiastie O., 1899. O'Brien, see also Brtan. O'Brien, The faviily of. see LiNHSAY (W. A.) The O'B'., 1870. „ O'DoxoGHUi-: (.J.) Hist. mem. of the O'Briens, w. notes, app., & genealog. table, 1860. O'Brien (Augustin P.) Petersburg & Warsaw, 1863-4. s8». 1864 O'Brien (Charlotte Grace). Light & shade. 2v. 88". 187S Separation of the sexes on emigrant vessels. [P573]. 8". f.p.c. 1881 O'Brien {Ccq>f. Donat Henchy), IJ.N., see Choyce (J.) The log of a Jack Tar ; w. O'B.'s captivity in France, 1891. O'Brien (Edward), barrister. The lawyer, his character & rule of holy life. s8o. 1842 O'Brien (Fitz-James). The diamond lens, & o. s. Ed. with sketch of a., by W. Winter. s8°. 1887 O'Brien (Henry), B..I. The round towers of Ireland. 8". 1834 2""ed. 8". 1834 O'Brien (James Thomas), bp. of Ossory, Ferns it LeigUlin. Attempt to explain etc. the doctrine of justification by faith only : 10 sermons upon faith. 2'"' ed. 8". [1862J Disestablishment of the Irish Church considered. 2p. [P618]. 8». 1869 Appendix. [P618]. 8". 1869 Prayer : 5 sermons. 8". 1875 O'Brien (John Thomond). Corr. w. the Brit. Govt. rel. to the War betw. Buenus Ayres cV: Monte Video, & free navigation of It. Plate, etc. [P131]. 8". 1845 O'Brien (IStr Lucius), .S''' bart. Letters cone, trade etc. of Ireland, princ. iron : in wh. facts set out by Lord Shetfield are exam"'. LP63]. 8". 1785 see Gibbons (W.) Reply to O'B. : iron trade etc., 1785. O'Brien (M. D.) SociaUsm tested by facts. [Liberty & Property Defence League]. s8». 1892 O'Brien (Sir Patrick), -2'"' bart. Journal of residence in the Danubian Principalities, 1853. s8". 1854 O'Brien (R. Barry) [ps. Histobicvs]. *The best hundred Irish books. Intr.. A closing essays by Historicus. [P530]. laS". [1886] Fifty years of concessions to Ireland, 1831-81. 2v. 8". [1883-5] A hundred years of Irish hist. With introd. by J. E. Redmond, M.l'. sS". [1902] The lite of Lord Russell of Killowen. 8°. 1901 Life of Parnell. 2v. sS". 1898 Parliamentary hist, of the Irish Land question, 1829-69; & origin it results of the Ulster Custom. s8'>. 1880 T. Drummond, Under-Sec. in Ireland 1835-40 : life it letters. 8". 1889 O'Brien (Col. Torlogh) ps. *The fortunes of Col. T. O'B., 1847, sec Le Fani- (.1. S.) O'Brien (William), M.P. for Cork \jip to /S9.;]. Home Rule question : speech on 2"'' reading of Gladstone's Bill. [P389, 7791. s8". 1886 The Irish national idea. [P553]. s8». 'Cork. 1880 When we were boys. sS". 1890 O'BRIEN 1080 OCHSNER O'Brien (William Patrick), C.B. The great famine in Iielaml; A a retrospect of 50 years, 1845-95. 8". 18!lO O'Brien ("William Smith). Principles of govt., or meditations in exile. 2t. 8". D. 1850 Beport of the trial of O'B. for high treason, 1848 : by J. G. Hodges. 8". D. 1849 Speech : causes of discontent in Ireland, H. of C, July 1843. [P135]. 8". D. 1843 Obsequens (Julius). [.Jiles Obsequent; Giruo Ossequeste]. J. 0. qua; sup. ex libro de prodigiis. Cur. I. Kappio. s8". Cm'ia; Eegnitiana>. 1772 *Observata quwdara in nonnulla Novi Test, loca, 1865, see Linwood (W.) Observations. Foy anon, works in Italian see Osservazioki. ■ *Obs. & advices cBconomical, 1669, see North (D., 4"' baron). *Obs. by the Clerks of the Peace on the Criminal Justice Bill, 1853, see Criminal. *Obs. in ajourney to Paris, 1776, see Jones (W.) *Obs. of the International Polar Expeditions, 1882-3 : Fort Rae, 1886, see Polar. *Obs. on a letter t. Croskey & Co., proposing steam transport to India, 1858, see India. *Obs. on a pamphlet [by J. Macpherson] entitled "A short hist, of the Opposition etc." [P59]. 8". 1779 *Obs. on a pamphlet falsely attr. to [Broughatn'], " Friendly advice to the Lords on the Reform Bill," 1831, see Friendly. *Obs. on a pamphlet wh. has been privately circulated, said to be "A concise statement etc. by Sir H. Popham," [1803], see Tucker (B.) *Obs. on certain verbal disputes in pol. econ'., 1821, see Political. *Obs. on India, 1853, see India. *Obs. on ... J. Manning's Sketch of M. Towgood, 1792, see Manning (J.) *Obs. on mod. gardening, 5"" ed., 1793, see Whately (T.) *Obs. on Mr. Vansittart's narrative, 1767, see Scrafton (L.) *Obs. on poetry etc., 1738, see Pemberton (H.) *Obs. [by G. Home, bp. .'] on " The case of the Dissenters w. ref. to the Corporation & Test Acts," 1790, see Corporation. *Obs. on the commerce of the Amer. States, 2"'^ ed., 1783, see Sheffield {!'' e. of). *Obs. on the conduct of Gt.-Brit., w. reg. to the negociations etc. abroad. [P629]. 8". 1729 J, see *Craftsman Extraordinary (The) ; remarks on " Obs. etc.," 1729 ; (f- Craftsman Extraordinary (The second). „ „ 'Craftsman (The) : Some farther remarks on " Obs. etc.," 1729. 'Obs. on the conversion etc. of Paul, n. ed., 1763, see Lvttelton (G., 1" baron). *Obs. on the depositions cone, the birth of the Prince of Wales, 1711, see James Edward [SI uart], prince, the Pretender. •Obs. on the new Sale Law Bill ; by a member of the Brit. Indian Assoc. [P241]. 8o. Calcutta. 1857 'Obs. on the present state of Denmark, Russia, Switz''. 8". 1784 •Obs. on the present state of the E. India Co., 4"' ed., 1808, see Scott- Waring (J.) •Obs. on the i>rohibition of marriage in certain cases of relationship etc., 1840, see Marriage. ■•Obs. on the project for abole. the slave trade, 1790, see Sheffield (l->e.of). •Obs. on the publick affairs of Gt. Brit., w. some toughts on tlie Treaty at Seville : letter f. W. Raleigh [i.e. Bolinghroke .'] to C. D'Anvers, 1729, see Raleigh (W.)^s. ■^Obs. on the reflections of E. Burke on the revol. in France, 1790, see Macaulay (Mrs. C.) ^Obs. on the religion, law etc. of the Turks, 1768, see Porter (Sir 3.) *Obs. on the territorial rights etc., of the E.I. Co., 1813, see East India Co. •Obs. on the three first vols, of the Hist, of Eng. Poetry [by T. Warton'], 1782, see Ritson (J.) *Obs. on the treatment of convicts in Ireland, etc., by tour visiting justices, 1862, see Ireland. ^Obs. [author nnknown] on two pamphlets attr. to Mr. Brougham, 1830, see Brocgh.wi (H., baron). *Obs. sur la Pologne etc., p. serv. d'intr. aux mem. de M. Oginski, 1827, see Bellecour de Laugier {le cte. de). 'Obs. sur Londre etc., 1777, see Lacombe (F.) •Obs. sur un livre intitule " Philippe le IPrudent " par Lobkowitz, 1640, see Priezac (D. de). •Obs. upon certain Roman roads & towns in the S. of Britain, 1736, see Long (H. L.) •Obs. upon Lord Orrery's Remarks on Swift, 1754, see Delany (P.) •Obs. upon Mr. Fox's letter to Mr. Grey etc., [1809], see Davy (M.) •Obs. upon the Bills of Mortality, by John Graunt [but ascr'. by some to Sir W. Petty], ear. ed'., see Gbaunt (J.), F.B.S. •tObs. uj)on the Roman Catholic Oath, 1837, see Catholic. Observations [continued]. 'Obs. [by Sir B. Walpole .'] upon the Treaty concluded at Sesille, 1729, sec Tbe.^ty. 'Spanish America: obs. on instructio.is by the President of the U.S. on conduct of Mr. Poinsett etc., 1829, see Sp.^nish America etc. *Observator (The) observed, etc., 105(5. TItis is a sep. tp.2)ref'. to the additions in L'Estkange (H.) Eeign of Charles, 2"'' ed., 1G50, g.r. Observator (The). v4, no. 15; v5, no. 98. (May 23, 1705; Feb. 22, 1706/7). [P076]. fol. Printed for the author, -John Tutchin. 1705-0/7 sec Eehears.vl (The) of Observator. Observer (The), see Biutish essayists, v32, 33, 2"' ed., 18'23. Obsopoeus (Joannes), see Opsopceus (J.) O'Byrne (Robert W.) Victories of the Brit. Army, 1808 14 : epitome of Napier's " Peninsular War " & of Wellington's Despatches. sS". 1889 O'Byrne (William Richard). Naval biograph. diet.: life & services of every living olheer. Ia8". 1849 Ocagne (Mortimer d'). Les grandes ecoles de France. s8". [1874] n. id. \a,S". 1887 O'Callaghan (Edmund Bailey). Documentary hist, of the State of New York, arr. under direction of C. Morgan by O'C. 4v. 8". Albany. 1849-51 see New-York. Docs. vel. to the Colonial Hist, of State of N.Y., vl-10, ed. O'C, 1856-58; <{: Index, 1801. O'Callaghan (John Cornelius). Hist, of the Irish Brigades in the service of France. 8". Glasgow. 1870 Ocampo (Florian de). Coronica gen. de Espana que recopilaba F. de 0. lOt. s4". 1791-2 tS-S have t. : C. g. de E. que continuaba A. de Morales, t3-8. to, 10 have t. : Lasantigiiedades de las ciudades nombradas en la Corunica, que escr. A. de Morales, tO, 10. For cont. see Sandoval (P. de). Hist, de los reyes de Castilla y de Leon, Fern. I-Alonso VII, ed. 1792. Occam (William) [G. Occamus], sec Ockham (William). Occasional. *Occasional essays on var. subj". chiefly polit. iV hist., partly f. newspapers etc. etc., 1809, sec Maseres (F.) cd. *Oecasional letters on the present affairs of the Jesuits in France, [c. 1764], sec Jesuits. ♦Occasional poems, written in 1811, I^ee Priory, 1814, sec Brvdges {Sir S. E.) Occham (William), see Ockiiam (W.) Occhin (B.), see Ochino (Bernardino). Occitanien. *Essai d'un glossaire o., 1819, sec Rochegude (H. p. de). *ParDasse (Le) o., 1819. sec Rochegude (H. P. de). Occleve (Thomas), sec Hoccleve (T.) Ocean steamships ; by F. E. Chadwick [it sec. oilicrs]. 8". 1892 *Ocellum Promontorium etc., 1821, see Thompson (Th.) Ocellus, Lucaiuis. De rernm natura. Gra'ce rec. A. F. G. Rudolph. s8'\ L. 1801 Ochenkowski (Wilhelm v.) Englands wirthschaftl. Entwickel- ung im Ausgange d. Mittelalters. 8". Jena. 1879 Ochino (Bernardino) da Siena, 1J^7-l.)6-i. [B. Occhin; B. OcHiNcs Senensis]. The tragedy. Repr. f . Bp. Ponet's tr. out of O.'s Latin MS. in 1549. Ed. w. notes by C. E. Plumptre. 8". 1899 see Benrath (C.) B. C, 1870. Ochoa (Carlos de) cd., Antologia espanola : col. de trozos escog., en prosa y \erso. s8". Paris. 1800 Ochoa (Eugenio de). [IOchoa y Ronna (E. de)]. Cat. razonado de los mss. espanoles en la Bibl. B. de Paris, seg. de un supl. que cont. los de las Bibl. del .\rsenal, de S. Genoveva y Maza- rina. [Doc", ined.]. 4". 1844 Epistolario espanol: col. de cartas de espanoles ilustres. [Riva- 2t. Ia8". 1850-70 s8'>. 1855 3t. 8". Paris. 1847 5t. 8". Paris. 1838 de Moratin — Piezas deneyra, 13, 02]. Guia de la conversacion espariol-ingl6s. Tesoro de novelistas espanoles. Tesoro del teatro espanol. 1, Orfgenes del teatro esp. por L. F. anteriores a Lope de Vega. 2, Teatro escog. de Lope de Vega. 3. Teatro escog. de Calderon. 4, 5, Desde el siglo xvii hasta nuestros dias. Ochsle (Ferd. Friedrich). Beitriige z. Gesch. d. Bauernkrieges. [There is a 2'"' tp. : Beitriige z. Gesch. Deutschlands]. 8". Heilbronn. 1830 Ochsner (Heinrich Meyer-), sec Meyer-Ochsner. OCKHAM 1081 ODELEBEN Ockham (William). [0( cam ; Occa.mus; Occiiam; Ockam ; " DocToii iNviNciiiiLis " ; tGuLiEi.Mus, dc Occatii], sec Goi,uast (M.) Monarchia etc. ; [to U ace. opera omnia de potestate eccles. A- pulit. G'. Ockam], IGU. Ockley (Simon) [Ocklkk-.iJ. An ace. of S.-W. Barbaiy, by a person who hail been slave there, etc. Publ. by S. 0. s8". 1713 Hist, of the Saracens. 2v. 3"i'ed. s8". C. 17.57 4"'ed. k8". 1847 The improvement of hnman leason, by Abu .laafar Ebn Tophail, tr. ; w. app. possibility of salvation without instruction con- sider'd. 8". 1708 see MoDENA (L.) Hist, of the pres. Jews, tr. by 0., 1707. O'Clery (Conary), see Foun Masters (The), of whom O'C. is one. O'Clery (Cucogry), see Four JUsters (The), of wlumi O'C. isone. O'Clery (Lughaidh). Life of Huf;h Roe O'Donnell, Prince of Tirconnell (l;38ri KiO'i) ; w. hist, intr., tr., etc., by IX Murphy. 4". D. 1893 O'Clery (Michael). Martyrologium Dungallense seu Calen- darium Sanctorum Hibernia; 1630 : Martyrology of Donegal etc. tr. by J. O'Donovan ed. with Irish Text by .1. H. Todd A W. Reeves. [I. Arch. & Celtic Soc] 8'. D. 18()4 sec Four Masters (The), if idiom M. O'C. is one. O'Clery (Patrick Keyes) [The O'Clery]. Hist, of the Italian Revolution: 1' period, 1790-184',), [»<; )»o/e o^^)''.]. 8". 187.5 The making of Italy. 8". 1892 O'Connell (Daniel) [The Libeeatob]. Corr. Ed., w. notices of b, life ' tibl.]. 8". D. 18-13 Report of proceedings on an j Indictment for Conspiracy, in the Queen i'. O'C. etc., 1843-4 ; by J. S. Armstrong & E. S. Trevor. 8'. D. 1844 Speeches & publ. letters of the Liberator. Notes etc. by j\I. P\ Cusack. 2v. 8". D. 187.J sec CusACK (M. F.) The Libera- tor, h. life etc., 1872. i O'Connell iConnt Daniel Charles), see O'Connell {Mis. M. .J.) The last colonel of the Irish Brigade, O'C, etc., 1892. O'Connell (John). Recoils, etc. dnr. a Parly, career, 1833-48. 2v. s8". 1849 O'Connell {Mrs. Morgan John). [IO'Connell (JLvrv Anne), Mrs.] C. Bianconi, 1786-1875. s8". 1876 The last colonel of the Irish Brigade, Count O'Connell, & old Irish life at home * abroad, 1745-1833. 2v. 8 '. 1892 O'Connor (Arthur), aft. Ic yi'iu'ral A. Condorcet O'Connor. Address to the free electors of Antrim. [P316]. 8 '. D. 1797 see *BEAnTiEs (The) of tlie Press : w. speech of O'C. on the Catholic question, (May 4, 1795), cV: h. letter to Castlereagh, 1800. O'Connor (Evangeline M.) Index to the works of Shakspere. s8". N.Y. 1887 O'Connor (Murroghoh) ;if. A Kerry p.istoral in imitation of the first eclogue of Virgil, 1719. Ed. T. C. Croker. [Percy Soc, 33J. s8". 1843 O'Connor (Roderic). Introd. to the tield sports of France. s8". 1846 O'Connor (Thomas Power). Gladstone's House of Commons. 8'. 1885 Lord Beaconsfield. newed. (6*''), with add. s8". 1884 This is a different work f. tliat of irh. O'C. wrote cl, to wh. there is r.iAN \,po2)e, [O. FieschiJ. Octogenarian. *Some thoughts of an o. on public matters. rP167]. 8". 1800 O'Curry (Eugene). [fCuRRv (E.), aft. O'Curnj]. Lects. on the MS. materials of anc Irish hist. 8». D. 18G1 Manners it customs of the anc. Irish. Ed. W. K. Sullivan. 3v. 8". 1873 O'Daly (Daniel) [Father Dominic O'Daly of the Rosary]. *The Geraldines, Earls of Desmond, & the persecution of the Irish Catholics. Tr. C. P. Median. s8'. D. 1847 3"i ed. s8". D. [1878 ■?] O'Davoren (Donald), .sco Stokes (W.) ed.. Three Irish glos- saries : O'D.'s glossary etc, 1862. Odbertus Traject., [Otiiertus], see Monu.menta Ger.m. Hist., Scr., tl5. Odd. *Odd neighbours, 18G5, see Harwood (.1. B.) *Odd volume (.\n) for smokers, 1889, see Hamilton (Wa.) cd. Odde (Orfuar), see Oddr, called Orvar-Oddr. Oddi (Sforza degli), see Deuli Oudi (S.) Oddo. For persons known by this forename, sec Odo. Oddo (Henri). Les gloires oubliees : le chevalier Roze. 8'. 1899 Oddo (Sforza d'), see Degli Oddi (S.) Oddoni (6. B.) L' Edemondo. [P820]. s8". Milano. 1021 Oddr, culled Orvar-Oddr ; [Orfuar Odde], see *ORVAR-0Dris S.iGA. Oddr, Miinkr, [Oddr Snorrason ; Snorreson], sec Olaf I, king. Saga 0. Tryggvasunar, forf. af Odd Snorreson, 1853. Odds. Odds it ends. [10 papers bii car. a'.]. s8". E. 1866 *Odds iV ends, 1872, sec Maski.ll (W.) Oddy (J. Jepson). European commerce : new channels of trade w. the Continent, view of the trade etc. of the U.K. 4". 1805 Ode. *Ode (An) humbly inscrib'd. to His Grace the abp. of Canterbury [T. Tenisom, on H.M.'s happy accession. rp75ij. foi 1715 *Ode (The) of life, 1880, see Morris (Sir L.) Odeleben (E. Otto I, Frkr. v.) The Campaign in Saxony, 1813. Subj''., notes of Aubert de Vitry. Tr. K. J. Kempe. 2v. 8". 1820 ODELEBEN 1082 OF Odeleben (E. Otto I, Frin-. v.) [continued]. Relation ile la camiJagne de 1813, en Saxe. Tr. Aubert de Vitry. 2t. 8". 1817 Odell (Jonathan). Elements, accents, A- prosody of English. sS". 1805 *Odeon, Tlu'dtre Nat. dc V. Conferences faites aux matinees elassiques de I'O. tl, 3, 5. [1, 5' ; 5, 2'^ 6d.]. s8". 1891-5 Odes. *Odes, [1868], see Patmoiik (Coventry). *Odes & addresses to great people, S"" ed., 1826, see Hood (T.) * .T. H. Keynolds. Odescalchi (Prinzessin). Kronprinz Kudolf u. d. Verbrechen d. Yetsera. [ri007]. 5.A. s8". L. 1900 Odescalchi (Benedetto), aft. Innocent XI, see Innocent XI, pope. *Odessa A- its inhabitants, 1855, sec Bakker (W. B.) Odet de Selve ( ), see Seeve (Ohet he). Odgers (William Blake). Local govt. s8». 1899 Odier (Pierre). Traite du contrat de mariage. 3t. 8". 1847 Odilo, .S7., Cluniac. see MioNE (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl42. ,, Moncmenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Odilo, S. Medardi Suession. sec Migne (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl32. ,. Monimenta Gekm. Hist., Scr.. tl5. Odilon Barrot (C. H.), see Bakkot (C. H. Odilonj. Odinus (F.), see Oumn (FEANfois). Odling (Eliz. Mary). *Mem. of Alf. Smee, by h. daughter [O.J ; w. sel. f. h. misc. writings. 8". 1878 Odling (William), prof, of Chcmistri/, in Univ. of O.vford. Lect*. on the chem. changes of carbon. s8''. 1869 Odo Astens., sec Micne (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl65. Odo, 6^). of Bcauvais, sec Mione (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl24. Odo, fcp. nf Canitjray, see Wigne (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlGO. Odo, al)p. of Canterbury, St., see Mione (,T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl33. Odo, abbot of Cluni/, Scdnt. Occnpatio. Ed. A. Swoboda. s8". L. 1900 see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t2. „ Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina. tl33'. Odo, de Dcorjilo. [Odon, de Dcnil]. De Ludovici VII profectione in Orientem, see Mignk (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl85. see Guizot (F.) ed.. Coll. des m^'ms. : t24, Hist, de la croisade de Louis VII, par 0. de D., 1825. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t2fi. Odo, Fossatensis inonachus. [Eudes; Ohon]. sec Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, tlO. ,, Guizot (F.) ed.. Coll. des mtim'. : t7, Vie de Bouchard [by 0.], 1825. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl43. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl5. Odo, ling of the Franks, see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t9. ,, Havet (L.) 0. Eudes, comte de Paris, et roi de France (882-98), 1893. Odo, &'. Gcnovefcc Paris., see Migne (.T. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl96. Gdo dc Soliaco, see Sully (O. de). O'Doherty (Sir Morgan), 6o)■^, ps., see Magikn (W.) *Maxims of Sir M. O'D., IxV.). O'Donnell (Charles James). The ruin of an Indian province: an Indian fiiniine explained. [P358]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1880 O'Donnell (Francis Hugh). How Home Eule was wrecked. [P630]. 8". D. 1895 Mixed education in Ireland. vl, [no more publ.]. 8". 1870 Public Education. [P027]. 8\ D. 1867 sec *Parnellism A- crime : O'D. v. Walter, 1888. O'Donnell (Hugh Eoe), Lord [prince] of Tijrcomicl, 137-1 ?^ Kiirj, see O'Clkhy (L.) Life of O'D., (1-386-1602), w. tr. etc., 1893. O'Donnell (Mrs. Jane), form. Chesney, see Chesney {Mrs. L.) A O'D., Life of F. R. Chesney, 1885.' O'Donnell (Eory), /■' earl of Tyrconncl, J.)7,1-/60S, see Tyk- connel. O'Donoghue (David J.) Life * writings of J. C. Mangan. 8". E. 1897 The poets of Ireland ; a biograph. diet. 8". 1892-3 see Carleton (\V.) Life : being autob'"., cV ace. f. point at wh. autob>. breaks off. by O'D., 189G. O'Donoghue (Freeman M.) Descriptive & classified cat. of portraits of Q. Eliz. Ia8". 1894 O'Donoghue (John), barrister. Hist. mem. of the O'Briens, w. notes, app.. ct genealo^. table. 8". D. 1860 O'Donoghue (Mrs. Power) [Nannie Lajibekt]. Ladies on horse- back. sS". 1881 Biding for ladies. S8". 1887 O'Donovan (Edmond). The Merv Oasis ; travels 1879-81. 2v. 8». 1882 Merv ; epitomised from " Merv 0." s8". 1883 O'Donovan (John). The Banquet of Dun na n-Gedh and the Battle of Magh Bath, with a tr. by ,T. O'D. [I. Arch. Soc.]. 4°. D. 1842 Grammar of Irish. 8". D. 184.5 The topographical poems of John O'Dubhagain & Giolla na Naomh O'Huidhrin with tr. etc. by J. O'D. [I. Arch. * Celtic Soc.]. laS". D. 1862 The tribes & customs of Hy-Many called O'Kelly's country for the Book of Lecan, with tr. by .T. O'D. [I. Arch. Soc. 5]. 4». D. 184S sfc*LEABHAR na g-Ceart, ov the Book of rights, 1847. ,, MacFirdis (D.) Annals of Ireland. Three fragments copied f. anc. sources by M. ; ed. etc. by O'D., 1860. ,, The genealogies etc. of Hy-Fiachrach,w. tr. by J. O'D'., 1844. „ O'Clerv (M.) Martyrologium, tr. J. O'D., 1864. ,, O'CoNOR {Rt. Hoti. C. 0.) O'Conors of Connaught. Com- piled f. MS. of O'D., w. adds, by O'C, 1891. O'Donovan (P. M.) ps., see Peacock (T. L.) Odorannus. see Bouquet (M.) Eeo. des hist, des Gaules, t8, 10. ., Duchesne (A.) Hist. Franc. Scr., t2, 1636. „ Migne (.T. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl42. O'Dowd (Cornelius) ;js. *C. O'D. upon men, women ete., 1864-5, sec Lever (C.) O'Driscol (John). Hist, of Ireland. 2v. 8". 1827 Views of Ireland, moral, polit. it religious. 2v. 8". 1823> O'Driscoll (Florence). Noteson treatment of gold ores. Ia8". 1889 O'DriscoU (W. Justin). Mem. of D. Maclise. sS". 1871 O'Dru (Joseph) dc Hcvcl. Message de Dieu aux hommes de mon temps etc. [P349]. s8". Grenoble. 1877 O'Dubhagain (John), see O'Donovan (J.) Topog. poems, 1862. O'Dwyer (A. V.) Orangeism. [P389]. 8". 188(> Odyniec (Antoni Edward), sec Noire-Isle (C. de) ^js., Poiites de- la I'ologne etc., tr. : Cycle lithuanien, pi, 0., 1876. Odysse-Barot (F.), see Baiiot (F. O.) Odysssus, ps. Turkey in Europe. 8". 1900 (Ecolampadius (Joannes) [EcoLAjrpADE ; J. H.u'sschein ; tiKOLAMPAu], sec *Leeen u. ausgcw. Schriften d. Viiter d. reform. Kirche ; B2, 0. u. Myconius, v. K. K. Hagenbach, 1857-62. '(Ecumenical documents (The) of the Faith, 1899, see Bindley (T. H.) cd. (Ecumenius, bp. of Triccci, see Migne (J. P.) erf. Pat. grseca, tll8, 119, (Kc. (Efelius (A. F.), sec Ufele. Oehlenschlager (Adam G.), see Ohlenschl.Kger (A. G.) Oehler (G. F. v.), see (inLER. Oelsner (H.), sec Olsner (H.) Cengus, tlie Culdee. sec Stokes (Whitley). On the Calendar of 0., 1880. ,, ed.. Three Irish glossaries : a glossary to the Calendar of 0. the Culdee, etc., 1862. Oer (Sebastian v.), sec Or (S.) Cera Linda Book. *The O. L. B. : Frisian text as verified by .1. Ottema. [w.] Eng. version by W. B. Sandbach. 8". 1876. Oersted (Hans Christian), see Orsted (H. C.) Cettinger (Edouard Marie), see Uttinger (E. M.) CEuvre (L') soeiale delaBevol. fran^aise. [Essays by ,5 autJiors.'] Intr. par E. Faguet " Sur les idtes maitresses de la Eevol." s8". n.d. (Euvres. *ffiuvres diverses du sieur D. . ., etc., 1675, sec- Boileau-Despreaux (N.) ■''ffiuvres du philosophe bienfaisant, 1764, sec Stanislaus I [Lcszczyiiski], Icinej of Poland. Oexmelin (A. 0.), sec Exquemelin (A. 0.) Of. *Of London, 1790, sec Pennant (T.) *0f the origin & progress of language, 1774-92, sec Monboddo (Lord). *0f the use & abuse of Parliaments, in 2 disc'. [6;/ A. Sidney,, it T. Ital2ib], sec Parliaments. OFELE 1083 OHLENSCHLAGER Ofele (Andreas Felix v.) [or, iiiTnu: ; 1-lEi'-emi's (A..'F.)]ecl., Berum Boicarum scriptores nusquani antehac eel. 2t. Aiifzustro Viiiclelic. 17li3 *Ofif the chain, etc., by " Gowiie," 1868, see Gowhie, ps. Offele (A. F. v.), see Ofklk. Offenbach (Jacques). 0. en Amerifiiie : notes il'un musicien en voyage. Piee. cVune not. biof,'. par A. Wolff. sS". 1877 Officer. *Lea\es from the diary of an O. of the Guards, 1854, see Leaves. *Young officer's (The) companion, n. ed., 1808, see De Ros (:iU"' haron) ed. Offices. *Ne\v list of 0'. & Officers of England, ir,97, see List. *Offices (The) of the Old Catholic Prayer-Boole, done into Eng., 1870, see Old C.ithoi.ic. Official Intelligence tor 1893. 12"' year. 4". 1893 Offor ((Jeorge). Cat. of the lib. of O., which will be sold 27 .June, istir), etc. 8". 1805 Offray de la Mettrie (J.), see L,v Mettiue. Offroy de La Mettrie (J.), see L\ Mettiue. O'Fiaherty (Roderick). Chorographical description of West or H-iar Connaught, 1()84, ed. J. Hardiman. [I. Arch. Soc.]. 4". D. 1846 Ogygia : seu renim Hibernic. chronologia. Liber 1. Ace. carmen chronograpliiciim, [*] catalogus regum in Britannia Scotorum, etc. 4". Londini. 108.5 Ogygia, or, a chronolog. ace. of Irish events. Tr. .J. Hely. 2v. 8". D. 1793 O'Flanagan, sec also Flasag.ix. O'Flanagan (James Roderick). Bar life of O'Coiniell ; w. luenis. Lives of the Lord Chancellors & of coiitemps. sS". D. 1873 Keepers of the Great Seal of The Blackwater in Jlunster. Ireland. 2v. 8". 1870 4". 1811 The Munster Circuit. s8". 1880 The Irish Bar. sS". 1879 Ogarev (Nikolai Platonovich) [Ogareef]. Essai sur la situa- tion russe. s8". Londres. 1802 see Bakouxine (il. A.) Lettres a Herzen et a O., 1896. Ogborne (Eliz.) Hist, of Essex. 4». 1814 Ogden (Samuel). Sermons. Pref'"., life, w. vindic. of h, writings. 2v. 2"" ed. s8'>. C. 1780 Two sermons before the Univ. of Cambridge, 1758. [P257]. 4". C. 1758 Oger, le Danois, see Oqier, the Bane. Ogerius, abbot of Lvcedia, [or Ooleiiics], sec Iitico (G. A.) Ueruin etc. ; ace. diss, de 0., 1745. Ogerius Panis, sec Panis (0.) Ogier, tJie Dane. [Holoer Danske ; Holgerus Danus ; Oger, le Danois ; Olger Danske ; Othgerius]. *La chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche. Par Raimbert de Paris [i.e., from R. de P.'s version of the " Conrcrsio Othgerii militis "]. 2t. s8". 1842 Ogier, The family of, see Sturmer (H. H.) Some Poitevia Protestants in London : £". of O. & Creuz6, 1896. Ogier (Eugene Pegot-), sec Pegot-Ogiek. Ogilby (J. Douglas). Cat. of Australian Mammals, w. notes on gen. mammalogy. [Australian Museum. P578]. 8". 1892 Ogilby (John), misc. trritcr. Britannia depicta, or Ogilby im- prov'd: a copy of O.'s survey of roads in Eng. & Wales, etc., by J. Owen, descr. of all towns etc. 8". 1720 4"' ed. 8". 1749 London survey'd : explan. of the map of L. by 0. & Wm. Morgan, 1677. Eeprod. in facs., ed., w. intr. by C. Welch. [L. ct M. Arch. Sue. i. fol. 1895 Map of the city of London, by 0., 1677. Facs. reprod. Ed., w. intr., by C. Welch. [London & Middlesex Archwolog. Soc. | lafol. 1895 Ogilvie (Charles Atmore). The divine glory manifested in conduct A disc", cif our Lord. [Bampton L"., 1836]. 8". 0. 1830 Ogilvie (George). The genetic cycle in organic nature. s8". Aberdeen. 1861 The master-builder's plan : organic architecture in typical forms of animals. s8". 1858 Ogilvie (Sir George), see Somers (■!., baron). Coll. of Tracts. Ogilvie (John), D.D., minister of Midtnar, Aberdeenshire. Britannia : epic poem. Pref., diss, on epic machinery. 4». Aberdeen. 1801 Ogilvie (John), Jesuit, sec Forres (J.) L'eglise cathol. en Ecos.se a la tin du 16' s. : niartyre de J. 0., 1885. Ogilvie (William), Astronomer of Dept. of Interior, Canada, see Klondike otiicial guide, hy 0., 1898. Ogilvie-Grant (W. R.) Game-birds, vl, 2. [Allen's N. L.].- s8». 1895-T *Ogilvies (The), 1849 ; 1875, see Craik {Mrs. D. M.) Ogilvy (John) af Poiiry, & John Cecil. Memorials presented to the king of' Spain 1590, see Scottish Hist. Soc. Miscell. vl, (Doc. illust. Catholic policy), 1893. Ogiriski (Michal Kleofas). M^moires sur la Pologne etc., 1788-1815. ]Ed. J. L. Chodzko]. 4t. 8". 1826-7 see Bellecour de Laugier (cte. C. I)e). *Obs. sur la Pologne etc.,. p. serv. d'intr. aux mem. de M. 0., 1827. Oglander (Sir John). The Oglander Mems. : extr. f. MSS. of 0., deputy-gov. of Portsmouth etc., 1595-1648. Ed. w. notes etc., W. H. Long. 8'>. 1888. Ogle, The family of, see Collins (Ar.) Hist, colls, of the f'. of 0. etc., 1752. Ogle (Anna C.) \ vs. Ashford Owen]. The storv of Catherine. s8». 1885 Ogle (Arthur). The Marq. d'Argenson. s8". 1893 Ogle (John J.), of Bootle Free Library. The free library: its- hist. etc. s8". 1897 Ogle (Nathaniel). Direct or indirect taxation? [P113]. 8<>. 1843. Mariamne, the last of the Asmonean princesses. s8". 1839 Western Australia : manual for emigrants. 8". 1839' Ogle (Octavius), sec 0.\foed. *Eoyal letters addressed to Oxford, 1892. Oglerius, abbot of Lucedla, see Ogerius. Oglethorpe (Gen. James Edward). see DoissoN (Aistin). A paladin of philanthropy [0.], etc., 1899. ,. Wright (Rob.) Mem. of 0., 1867. Oglethorpe (Sir Theophilus), see Shaftoe (F.) Narrative of her being in O.'s family, where, hearing that the pretended Prince of Wales was Sir T.'s son, she was trick'd to France,. etc., 1708. Ogorek (Joseph). Sokrates im Verhiiltnisse zu s. Zeit. 8". Lemberg. 1888. O'Gorman, see also Gorji.vn. O'Gorman ( ). The practice of angling, partic. in Ireland. 2v. 8". D. 184.S O'Grady (Standish). The Bog of Stars, & o. s. s8°. Dublin. 1893 Hist, of Ireland, vl, '2, [no more pnbl.]. s8". 1878-8& 1, 'The lieroic period ; 2,. Cuculain & h. con- temps. Hist, of Ireland, critical & philosoph. vl. 8". 1881 Lost on Du-Corrig. 38". 1891. The chain of gold. s8». 1S95 The coming of Cuculain. s8". 1894 The flight of the eagle. sS". 1897 O'Grady (Standish Hayes) ed., etc., Silva Gadelica (i-xxxi) : a coll. of tales in Irish, ed. & tr. by O'G. 2v (1, text. 2, tr. it notes). laS". 1892. O'Hagan (Thomas O'Hagan, /" baron). Occasional papers * addresses. s8". 1884 O'Halloran, see also Halloran. O'Halloran (Joseph). Trial of Lieut. O'H., for defamation of Lieut.-Col. S. H. Showers. [P174]. 8". 1796 sec Showers (S. H.) Proceedings on trial of S. (1791), 1790. O'Halloran (Sylvester). Gen. hist, of Ireland, to close of 12"- c. 2v. 4". 1778 Intr. to study of hist. & antiq'. of Ireland, etc. 4". 1772 O'Hanlon (Alice). A costly heritage. 3v. e8". 1882 O'Hanlon (John), Canon [ps. Lageniensls]. Irish local legends.. 58". D. 1896 Life of St. Dympna, w. notices of St. Gerebern. s8". D. 1863 Life of St. Malachy O'Morgair. 8". D. 185!> Lives of the Irish Saints. yl-S,[to Atuj.SI]. Ia8». D. [1875], efc. O'Hara Family (The) ps., see Baxim (.Tohx) & Michael Baniji. O'Hara (Hardress) ?«. [i.e. F. J. BellI. Conquered at last. 3v. s8". 1874 O'Hart, sec also Hakt. O'Hart (John). Irish landed gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland. 2"" ed. 8". D. 1887 Irish pedigrees ; or, the origin & stem of the Irish nation. 3"* ed. 8". D. 1881 Ohio, State of. Board of Directors of House of Refuge. For 1886. 16"' Rep. [P224J. 8". Cincinnati. 1866. State Board of Agriculture. 12"' Rep. For 1657. 8". Columbus. 1858. Ohlenschlager (Adam G.) Digtervarker og prosaiske Skrifter. 24B in 12. 8'. 1851-2. Erindringer. Hi i" 2- *'• 1850-L 0HLENSCHLAGER 1084 OLD Dhlenschlager (Adam G.) [continued]. Tragodiev. lOB in 5. 8". 1849 Tbanslatioxs. Werke. Zum zweiten Mule gesammelt. 21B in 10. s8". Breslau. 188!) 1, 2, Selbstbiograpliie. 3-14, Dramat. Dichtungen. 15-20, Erziihlende Dichtungen. 21, Gedichte. Axel A Valborg. Tr. H. W. Freeland. 8". [1873] ■Coi'reggio, a tragedy. Tr. \v. notes by T. Martin. s8". 18-54 Meine Lebens-Erinnerungen. deutsche Originalausg. 4B in 2. 8'. L. 1850 sec Depping (G. B.) & F. Michel, Wayland Smith, \v. amplified legend by O., 1847. ., PiGOTT (G.) Manual of Scandinavian mythology, illust. by tr. f. (K's " The Gods of the North," 1839. i>hler (Gustav Friedrich v.) Theology of the O. Test. Tr. S. Taylor. 2v. 8'. E. 1874-5 ■dhme (Frz.) Gottinger Erinnerungen. S80. Gotha. 1873 'Ohnefalsch-Kichter (Max H.) Kypros, the Bible & Homer: oriental civilization, art, religion in anc. times. Text, 4". Plates, 4". 1893 Ohnet (Georges). TItc collective t. " Les hataillcs de la vie," wh. occurs on manij of O.'s novels, lie L'ame de Pierre. s8 '. 1890 Au fond du gouffre. 11' ed. s8". Le brasseur d'affaires. SI' ed. sS". La cointesse Sarah. 19<-ed. s8». 1883 Le crepuscule. sS". 1902 Le cure de Favijres. s8' La dame en gris. s8' Les dames de Croix-Mort. 1890 1901 1897 1895 : been neglected. Noir et rose. Roi de Paris. Serge Panine. La teuebreuse. 1886 1889 1891 Dernier amour. sS*" Dette de liaine. 19<^ ed. s8" Le docteur Rameau. (59' ed. s8 '. 1889 Le droit de I'enfant. Wed. 88". 1894 Gens de la noce. 11' ed. s8". 1900 La Grande Marniere. 60' ed. s8". 1885 L'inutile richesse. 28' ed. sS". 1896 Le lendemain des amours. 18' ed. s8». 1893 Lise Fleuron. sS". 188i Le maltre de forges. 25'- ed. sSo. 1882 Les minutes parisiennes ; 6 heures, la Salle d'armes. s8'. 1902 Nemrod & C^'. S' ed. s8". 1892 s8". 1887 86' e'd. sS". 1898 28' ed. s8". 1882 17' ed. s8». 1901 Les vieilles rancuues. 31' ed. s8 '. 1897 Volonte. 21<' ed. b8». 1888 TB.4NSLATI0NS. Cloud it sunshine (Noir et rose): two love stories. Tr. Mrs. H. Stott. s8". 1887 The Countess Sarah. [Tr.] Lady - Godolpliin Osbonie. 2v. 68". 1884 Doctor Eameau. Tr. Mrs. C. Hoey. 88°. 1889 The ironmaster. Tr. s8j. Vizetelly. 1884 [Tr?i by Lady G. Osborne. ;3v. sS' A last love. Tr , Wtjman. 1884 , A. D. Vandam. s8e Galway]. Diet. des cris d'armes et devises de la Belgiquc anc. et mod. 8". Brux. 18()5 O'Kelly (Charles). Macarias exeidium or the destruction of Cyprus ; being a secret hist, of the War of the Kevolution in Ireland, ed. by J. C. O'Callaghan. [L Arch. Soc.]. 4". D. 1850 Lise Fleuron. G. Osborne. The marl-pit mystery. s8". Prince Serge Panine. Tr. 88". 1885 The rival actresses. [Tr. of " Lisr Fleuron"]. sS". 1889 A weird gift. [Tr. of " L'dtnc de Pierre"]. Tr. A. D. Vandam. s8". 1890 Okely (W. Sebastian). Development of Xtn. architecture in Italy. Ia8'\ 18G0 Oken (Lorenz). Elements of physiophilosophv. [Tr. Bay Soc.^. 8". 1847 see EcKEH (A.) 0., 1880. ,, 0., w. notes etc., tr., 1883. Okey (Thomas), see King (B.) & 0. Italy to-day, lUOl. Okolampad (Johann), see fficoLAsiPALuus (.J.) Okonomie, see *HANr>nucn d. polit. O., 3' A., 1890-1. ftkumenische (Das) Concil. Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. Neue Folge 2, Die Stellung d. Papstes auf d. Concil. [P31.5]. 8'. Freiburg im Br. 1869 Olaf I [Trijgrivason], king of Norway. Saga O. Konungs Trygg- vasunar ; Olaf T.'s Saga, forfattet af Odd Snorresan, og siden bearb. paa Norsk. Udg. P. A. Munch. [P895J. 8".Christiania.l853 Saga of 0. T. Tr. .T. Sephton. laS". 1895 see Flateyjar-bok, 1860-08, /oc Saga etc. „*FoRNMANNA SoGUR : Bl-3, Saga Olafs Konungs Tryggva- sonar, 1825-7. „ MoNUMExiA Germ. Hist., Scr., t29. Olaf II [Haraldsson]. king of Norivaij, Saint. *< >lafs Saga bins Helga. Udg. af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger. [b. w. Fagrskinna. Kortfattet etc., 1847]. 8". Christiania. 1849 see Flatey,7ar-bok, 1860-8, /or Geisli ; 0. Saga bins Helga etc. „ Langebek (.J.) Scr. rerum Danic, t2, \lli,for LegendiT. „ Moxumenta (Jer5i. Hist., Scr., t29. Olaf II, the Black, king of Man ; [r. 1 1 S'!- 1 23}], sec Johnstone (J.) cd.. Anecdotes of Olave the Black [by TliorSr, taken f. Flateyjarbijk], w. version etc., 1780. Olascoaga (Manuel J.) La conquete de La Pampa : rec. de docs, rel. :l la eampagne du Rio Negro sous les ordres du gen. J. A. Roca, pr(5c. d'une et. topograph, par M. .T. 0., suiv. du rapport du gen. Villegas sur I'expod. a Nahuel-Huapi, etc. Ia8 '. Buenos Aires. 1881 Glaus Magnus, [0. de Groote], see Magnus (C), abp. of Upsal. Olave. For kings etc. see Olaf. Olawsky (Eduard). Die Vorstellungen im Geiste des Menschen. 8". Berlin. 1868 Olbertus, (Icmbluc, Miracula S. Veroni Lembec, sec Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl5. Olbiano (Metisto) j)s., see Capece (C. S.) Olbreuze (Eleonore Desmier d'), sec Brunswick LtNERURo (E., diicJicss of ). Olchowik (Pierre), sec Olkhovik (P. V.) Olcott (Henry Steele). Tlieosophy, religion, A- occult science ; w. glossary. s8". 188-5 Old. [see also Olde & Oldex]. Old ballads, 1842, see Collier (J. P.) cd. Old ballads, hist. & narrative, w. some of mod. date, n. ed., 1810, see Evans (T.) ed. Old ballfids illustrating the great frost of 1683-1, 1844, see Rimbault (E. F.) ed. *01d bamboo-hewer's (The) story, [tr., w.] text etc., 1888, see Dickins (F. V.) ed. Old book collector's (The) miscellany, 1871-3, see Hindley (C.) ed. Old Catholic, sec Old Catholic, as one word. Old Celtic romances, tr. f. Gaelic, 2"'' ed., 1894, see Joyce (P. W.), tr. 'Old church life, 1900, see Andrews (W.) ed. *01d City (The), by Aleph, 1865, see Harvey (W.) *01d Edinburgh beaux & belles, 1886, see Edinburgh. •Old Edinburgli pedlars, etc. 1886, see Edinburgh. Old English drama (The). [A coll. of plays]. 4v. s8". 1830 Old English drama (The) : a sel. of plavs f. the old Eng. dramatists. 2v. 8°. 1825 Old English glosses, 1900, see Napier (A. S.) ed. Old English liomilies etc., 1808-73, see Morris (R.) ed. •Old English nnirtjTology (An', 1900, see Martyrologv. Old English miscellany, 1872, set' JIorris (R.) ed. Old English plays, being a sel. etc., 6v, 1814-16, see Dilke (C. W.) ed. Old French romances, done in Eng., 1890, see Morris (W.), tr. •Old gi-ey church (The), 1856, see Scott (Hon. C. L.), Lady Scott. •Old halls, manors, & families of Derbyshire, by J. T., 1892-3, see Derbyshire. •Old house (The) by the river, 1853, see Prime (W. C.i •Old judge (The), 1849, see Haliburton (T. C.) •Old lieutenant (The) & his son, 1863, see Macleod (N.) •Old (Au) man's favour, 1887, see Elliot (Anne). •Old (An) man's holidays. By the amateur angler. sS". 1900 •Old (An) man's thoughts about many things, 1802 ; 2'"i ed., 1872, see Long (G.) •Old Mortality, fa?-, ed'., see Scott (Sir W.) •Old New Zealand, by a Pakeha Maori, 1863; 1893, see Maning(F.E.) •Old roads and new roads, 1852, see Donne (W. B.) OLD OLIPHANT Old [conliniied]. *OId Koine & London compared, 2"'' ed., 1710, see Souligne ( de). *()lrl school !.(?.,[(•. I860?] •Old stories re-told, 1870, sec Thorsbltrv {C. W.) •Old world story (an) : leaves from the jonrnal of Molly Deans, etc. 88". 1887 •Old Yorkshire, 1881-91, sec Smith (William) cd. Old paths (The), [orig. ptibl. as a weekli/, 183G-7], 1854, see MacCaul (A.) Old Q., J>S., sec QUEENSBERRY (W., 4"' cliii.e of). Old Shekarry (The) j)s., see Levesok (H. A.) Old South Society, Buston, see Boston. Old stager (An) ps. of a. of " The coachinrj nr/e " etc., sec Harris (SrAM.KV). Old Wick, 2's., see Tonou (.J. R.) Old (Walter K.) What is theosophy ? 2"' ed. s8». 1892 Oldacre (Cedric) ^is., sec Warter (J. \V.) Old Bohemian (An) i^s., sec Strauss (CI. L. M.) Old Boomerang, ps., see Houli>i.\g (.J. B.) Old Buffer (The) ps., see Gale (F.) Oldcastle (John) ps., see Mevnell (Wilfrid). Oldcastle ISir John), styled Lord Cobham ; d. I.',l~, see Maurice (C. E.) Lives of Eng. pop. leaders in Middle Ages, 1875. Old Catholic. The Offices of the Old Catholic Prayer-Book, done into Eng. etc. s8". Oxford. 1876 sec *New Eeeormation (The) : narrative of the 0. C. movement, w. hist. intr. by Theodoras, 1875. Olde. *01de ffrendes wyth newe faces [ballads etc.], 1883, sec CllAWHALL (.J.) ed. *Olde tayles newlye relayted. 4'. Leadenhall Press. [1883?] Olden, [see also Old]. *In the olden time, 1883, see Piorerts {Miss M.\eg.) Olden (Thomas). The Church of Ireland. sS". 1892 Oldenbarneveld (Joan van), see Barneveli.. Oldenberg (Hermann). Aus Indien u. Iran. 8". 1899 BiuUllia : s. Lebcn, s. Lelue, s. Gemeindo. 8". 1881 Buddha : life, doctrine, order. Tr. W. Hoey. 8". 1882 Die Religion des Veda. »'■ 1894 Oldenburg, House of. see Schlegel (.T. H.) Gesch. d. Konige v. Diincmark aus d. oldenburg. Staiume, 1709-77. Oldendorp (C. J.) Gnstav's Ileise-Abenteuer mit e. alten Muse. [6. u: Laun (F.) Die Nacht etc., 182.5]. s8". L. 1828 *01dest (The) Eug. texts, 1885, see Sweet (H.) ed. Oldfield (Anne), see Eonixs (E.) The jjalmy days of Nance 0., 1S98. Oldfield (Edmund), of Long Sutton. Ace. of Wainfleet & the Wapentake of Candleshoe. lab". 1829 Oldfield (Henry Ambrose). Sketches from Nipal, essay on Nepalese Buddhism, etc. 2v. 8''. 1880 Oldfield (E. A. K.), see L.urd (M.) * 0., Exped. into interior of Africa, 1837. Oldfield (Susan H.) Some records of the later life of Harriet, Countess Granville. 8". 1901 Oldfield (Thomas Hinton Burley). The representative hist. of Gt. Brit. & Irel. ; a hist, of the H. of Commons, & of the counties, cities, boroughs. Gv. 8". 1810 Oldham (Ch. Hubert), see Durlix U.niversitv : Trinity College. T.C. Pictorial, written by 0., 1892. Oldham (John). The compositions in prose & verse of 0. Mems. A- notes by E. Thompson. 3v. s8". 1770 Oldknow (Reginald C.) The mechanism of men-of-war. s8". 1890 Oldmixon (John), jui.sc. writer. Amores Britannici : Epistles in imit. of Ovid. s8". 1703 »Tlie Brit. Empire in America. 2v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1741 'Clarendon A- Whitloek compar'd, etc. 8'. 1727 *The critical hist, of Eng., eccles. ct civil. 2v. [1, 3"' ; 2, 2'"' ed.]. 8". 1728-30 *Essay on criticism, [b. v. h. Critical hist, etc., vl, 3"' ed., 1728. a.c. 6. lu. Bouhours. Arts of logick, 1728]. 8". 1728 Hist, of England dur. r'. of Hen. VIII, Ed. VI, Mary, Eliz. ; inchid-. hist, of the Reformation etc. fol. 1739 *Hist. of England dur. the r-. of the House of Stuart, fol. 1730 Hist, of England dur. r'. of W.* Mary, Anne, Geo. I. Pref''., vindic". of the author. fol. 1735 Mem", of the Press, 1710-40. s8'\ 1742 Reply to -Atterbury's vindic". of Suiallridge, .\.khich, it himself. \b. w. h. " Hist, of Eng., r'. of House of Stuart "J. fol. 1732 *Secret hist, of Europe. 4p. [p4 irantinr/]. 8\ 1712 5 Oldmixon (John) [contimced]. see BouiiooRS (D.) The arts of logick etc. ; added, [6;/ (X] quotations out of Eng. authors, 172H. „ Grey (Z.\ch.) Defence of our historians agst. the cavils of a late pretender to erit. hist. [./. O.], 1725. „ *HisT0RY (The) of addresses, [b;/ 0. !], 1709. Old Q., ps., sec QuEENSBERRY (\V., 4"' duke of). Old Shekarry (The), ps., sec Leveso.n (H. A.) Old South Society, Boston, see Boston. Old stager (An),ps. of a. of " The coachincj age " etc., see Harris (Stanley). Old Wick, 2>s., sec Tudor (J. R.) Oldys (Francis) ps.. see Chalmei:s (G.) Oldys (William). a'<;*BRrrisH Librarian (The), [bij O.], G nos., 1737. „ ♦Collection of epigrams : [(«.] diss., [bi/ 0. .'], 2"' ed., 1735-7. „ *Harleian Miscellany, \v. annots. by 0. etc., 1808-13. „ Yeowell (.T.) a lit. antiquary : mem. of 0., 1862. Olearius (Adam). Voyages en Moscovie, Tartaric, Perse. Tr. * augm. par le sr. de Wicquefort. 2t in 1, [pafiin. cont.]. n. 6d. fol. Amsterdam. 172.7 sec Maniielslo (.J. A. v.) Voyages etc., n. ed., 1719. O'Leiry (John). Eecolls. of Fenians & Fenianism. 2v. 8". 189(> Olevares {el condc duquc de), see Olivares. Olevianus (Caspar), [Olevian], see *LEnEN u. ausgew. Schriften d. Viiter d. reform. Kirche : B8, 0. u. Ursinus, v. K. Sudhoff,. 1857-02. Olga, princess. ]>s. Eadna, or the great conspiracy of 1881. s8". 188Z Olger, Danske, see Ogier, the Dane. Olguerdovitch ( — ) [fOLCERDovicH ( — )]. Les questions du, jour en Russie. 8". 1858. Olhagaray (Pierre). Hist, de Foix, Beam, ct Navarre. 4". 1009/ Oliden (Manuel Luis de), see *Oliiien's Grant, 1854. *01iden's Grant, a land for emigrants. [.1 prospectus. VIS]. 8'. 1854 Olier (Charles Francois), marq. de Nointel, see Nointel. Olier (Jean Jacques). *Vie de M. 0., fondateur du semiuaise de S.-Sulpice, etc., 2" ed., 1853, see Faillon (I'abbe). see Thompson (E. H.) Life of 0., founder of S. Sulpice, 1861 ;, enl'i. ed., 1885. *01im (Les), ou registres des arrets rendus par la Oour du Eoi, St. Louis-Philippe le Long. Publ. par le cte. Beugnof. [Does. ined.]. 3t in 4. i". 1839-48 1,12.54-73. 2,1274-1318. 3,1,1299-1311. 3, ii, 1312-18. Olinger (Vabbe ). Nouv. diet, flamand-fr. 2' ^d. 8\ Malines. 1839 Nouv. diet, fr.-flainand. 2' ed. 8". Malines. 1830 Oliphant, see also Ollivant. Oliphant (Mrs. Alice), see Oliphant {Mrs. M. 0.) Mem. of L. Oliphant * A., h. wife, 1891 ; n. ed., 1892. Oliphant (Miss Amy M.), aft. Mrs. Smith; [ps. A. Dunsmuir]., si'c Dunsmuir (.\my) ps. Oliphant (Carolina), aft. baroness Nairne, sec Nairne. Oliphant (Caroline) tlie younger, see Nairne {baroness). Life- (.V songs ; \v. mem. ct poems of C. O., 1869. Oliphant (Francis Romano). Notes of a pilgrimage to Jeru- salem it the Holy Land. s8". E. 1891 see Oliphant {Mrs.) & F. E. O., The Victorian age of Eng. lit.. 1892. Oliphant (George Henry Hewit). The law of horses ; also of racing, wagers etc. Oliphant (Laurence). Altiora peto. 2v. 8". E. 1883 „ „ 2v. 5"" ed s8°. E. 1883 Episodes in a life of adventure. sS". E. 1887 „ „ 4"' ed. s8 '. E. 1887 n. cd. 88". E. 1887 Fashionable philosophy, & o. sketches. sSo.'E. 1887 Haifa; life in modern Palestine. 8". E. 1887 „ „ 2'"' ed. 8". E. 1887 A journey to Katmandu. s8'. 1852 The Land of Gilead ; with ex- cursions in the Lebanon. 8". E. 1880 The I«ind of Khemi ; up & down the Middle Nile. s8". E. 1882 2-' ed. s8". 1854 MasoUam. 3v. s8". E. 1S8C' Minnesota & the Far West. 8". E. 1855 Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China & Japan 1857-9. 2v. 8". E. 1839' Patriots & filibusters : incidents of travel. s8". E. 18G0 Piccadilly. s8". E. 187(»- „ ..'. 5>i' ed. s8". E. n.d. „ ... lO" ed. s8". E. 1891 The Russian shores of the Black Sea, 18r(2, w. a voyage down the Volga etc. 8", E. 183S „ „ 2"'i ed. 8". E. 1853 „ 4"' ed. 8". E. 1851 ScientiEc religion. b». E. 1888< OLIPHANT 1086 OLIVER Oliphant (Laurence) [continued] Sympneumata : evolutionary forces now active in man. 8». E. 1885 Traits & travesties, social & poUt. s8". E. 1882 I The Trans-Caucasian Campaign of tlie Turkish Army under Omer Pasha. s8". E. 18.5(i 'Oliphant {Mrs. Margaret Olipliant) Agnes. 3v. sS''. 186G At his gates. 3v. s8>. 1872 The Athelings. 3v. sS". E. 1857 Autobr. & letters. Ed. Mrs. H. Coghill. 8". E. 1899 „ „ 2n'i ed. 8\ E. 1899 A beleaguered city. s8>. 1880 „ „ ... s8". 1892 Brownlows. 3v. sS". E. 1868 "Caleb Field. 38". 1851 ■Carita. 3t. sS". 1877 n. ed. sS". 1883 s8°. E. 1880 see C.iL'LFEiLD (S. F. A.) True philosophy : reply to " Scientific religion " by O., 1888. „ Oliph.\nt {Mrs. M. 0.) Mem. of L. O. & Alice, h. wife, 1891; n. ed., 1892. John. Joyce. Katie Stewart. Kirs teen. . s8». E. 1870 3v. sS". 1888 S8''. E. 1853 ■Cervantes. Chronicles of Carlingford : *Miss Marjoribanks. 3v. 68". E. 1866 „ „ n. ed. s8". E. 1869 „ „ n. ed. s8». E. 1897 *The perpetual curate. 3v. sS". E. 1864 „ „ n. ed. s8». E. n.d. The p. c. ; &, The rector. u. ed. s8". E. 1897 *The rector; &, The doctor's family. s8». E. 1863 „ „ n. ed. sS". E. n.d. *Salem Chapel. 2v, [vl wanting]. 88°. E. 1863 „ „ n. ed. sS". E. n.d. S. C— The doctor's family. n. ed. 58". E. 1897 A country gentleman & his family. 3v. 88". 1886 „ s8o. The cuckoo in the nest. 3v. s8". „ „ ... 5"'ed. s8". The curate in charge. 2v. l"" ed. s8j. Dante. sS". E. Diana Trelawny. 2v. s8°. E. ■Dress. 88". The duke's daughter 1887 1892 1893 &, 88°. E. 1876 1877 1892 1878 The 1890 fugitives. Effie Ogilvie. 2v. sS". Glasgow. 1886 For love & life. 3v. sS". 1871 Francis of Assisi. sS". [1870] „ „ 2"'! ed. s8'\ 1871 The greatest heiress in England. 3v. s8". 1880 Harry Joscelyn. 3v. s8". 1881 "Harry Muir. 3v. s8". 1853 He that will not when he may. 3v. 68". 1880 =*Heart & Cross. s8». 1863 The heir presumptive & the heir apparent. 3v. 88". 1892 „ „ s8". 1893 Hester. 3v. s8". 1883 „ s8°. 1884 Hist, sketches of r. of Anne. s8". 1892 ■Hist, sketches of r. of Geo. II. 2v. s8°. E. 1869 A house divided against itself. 3v. s8». Edinb. 1886 A house in Bloomsbury. 2v. s8". 1894 *The house on the moor. 3v. s8<>. 1861 In trust. 8v. 88". 1882 Innocent. 4"> ed. s8°. 1874 It was a lover & his lass. 3v. 88". 1883 Janet. 3v. 88". 1891 Jeanne a' Arc. s8". N.Y. 1896 'Jerusalem, its history & hope. Ia8". 1891 3v. s8" „ s8'. The Ladies Lindores. 3v. s8». E Lady Car. s8". Lady ■William. 3v. s8". The Lady's 'Walk. s8". *The laird of Norlaw. 3v. s8" *The land of darkness ; further chapters in the 1890 1891 1883 1889 1893 1897 1858 with ex- periences of the little pilgrim. s8". 1888 *The last of the Mortimers. 8v. 88". 1862 The hfe of Edward Irving. 2v. 8". 1862 *Lilliesleaf : concluding ser. of passages in hfe of Marg. Maitland. 3v. s8". 1855 The lit. hist, of Eng. in end of 18"' & beginning of 19'!' c. 3v. s8". 1882 *A little pilgrim in the unseen. s8". 1884 See The land of darkness, ciboi^e. *Lucy Crofton. sS". 1860 Madam. 3v. s8". 1885 Madonna Mary. 3v. s8'>. 1867 The makers of Florence : Dante, Giotto, Savonarola. And their city. 8". 1876 „ „ ... 2'"i ed. 8". 1877 „ „ s8". 1897 The makers of modern Rome. S". 1895 The makers of 'Venice. 8". 1887 „ s8». 1891 The marriage of Elinor. s8". 1892 May. 3v. s8". 1873 Mem. of Count de Montalem- bert ; a chap, of recent French hist. 2v. s8". E. 1872 Mem. of J. Tulloeh, D.D. 8". E. 1888 Mem. of Laurence Oliphant & Alice, h. wife. 2v. s8". E. 1891 „ „ 2v. 2°'! ed. s8». E. 1891 „ „ ... n. ed. sS". E. 1892 '■'Memoirs S: resolutions of Adam Graeme. 3v. s8". 1852 *Merkland. 3v. 88". 1851 The minister's wife. 3v. 88". 1869 Miss Marjoribanks, see Chro- nicles of Carlingford, above. Mrs. Arthur. 3v. s8". 1877 The mystery of Mrs.Blencarrow. s8". [1890] Neighbours on the green. Sv. 88". 1889 Old Mr. Tredgold. Oliver's bride. Ombra. 3v. *Orphans. "'"Passages in the life Margaret Maitland. 3v. s8". „ „ 3v. 2". 1894 „ „ s8». 1894 The railway man, A: his children. 3v. s8». 1891 „ , 88". 1892 The rector; &, The doctor's family, sec Chronicles of Carhngford, above. A rose in June. 2v. s8". 1874 Royal Edinburgh, her saints, kings, prophets, poets. 8". 1890 Salem Chapel, see Chronicles of Carlingford, above. The second son. 3v. s8". 1888 Sheridan. s8". 1883 Sir Robert's fortune. 88". 1895 Sir Tom. 3v. 88°. 1884 „ „ sS". 1885 The sou of his father. 3v. s8». 1887 *A son of the soil. 2v. s8». 1866 Sons & daughters. s8". E. 1890 The sorceress. 3v. s8». 1833 Squire Arden. 3v. s8". 1871 The story of "Valentine & his brother. 3v. s8". E. 1875 That little cutty— Dr. Barrl-re —Isabel Dysart. s8'>. 1898 Thomas Chalmers. sS". 1H93 The three brothers. 3v. s8« .1870 The two Marys. sS"! 1896 'Two stories of the seen & unseen. The opsn door— Old Lady Mary. s8". E. 1885 Two strangers. s8 ' 1894 The unjust steward ; or the minister's debt. sS". 1896 The ways of life : 2 stories s8". 1897 Whiteladies. 3v. s8». 1875 „ ... n. ed. s8«. H.d. ■Who was lost & is found. sS". E. 1894 A widow's tale, cfe o. s. ■With note by J. M. Barrie. s8°. E. 1898 ■Within the precincts. 3v. s8". 1870 The wizard's son. 3v. s8". 1884 & F. K. Oliphant. „ „ ... s8". 1884 Young Musgrave. 8v. s8". 1877 Zaidee. 3v. s8". E. 1856 see Bl.ickwood, House of. Annals of a publishing house: vl, 2, by 0., 1897. „ Ck.ivex tM:ne. A.) Le cte. de Montalembert : et. d'ap. Mme. O., 1873. „ 'WojiEx noveUsts of Queen Victoria's reign, by 0. [>C eight utlf.rs], 1897. Tlie Victorian age of Eng. lit. •2v. sS'. 189-2 & F. Tarver. Moliere. s8". E. 1870 Oliphant (Nigel). Diary of the siege of the legations in Peking, I'.IOO. I'ref. by A. Lang. s8». 1901 Oliphant (Thomas), hon. sec. to the Madrigal Soc. La musa madrigalesca ; coll. of madrigals, ballets, etc., w. remarks. 8". 1837 Oliphant (Thomas Lawrence Kington), see Kixgtojj Ouph.^xt (T. L.) Olisipensis (Antonius), .siv Anthony, Saint, of Padua. Oliva, b]>., sec MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl42. Oliva (R. Calderon, condc d'), v.arq. dc Siete Tcjlesias, see Caliiekon (K.), nwrq. etc. Olivares {cl condc de), 1.iS~--l6/,.J, [Olevabes; fGuzjUN (G.vsp-iR de), duyc de San Lucar de Baramada, count de Olivares], see M.\lvezzi (il march. V.) Pourtract of the Christian-favourite, orig. drawn f. the Duke of St. Lucar, 1047. *01ive, 18-50, sec Craik {Mrs. D. M.) Oliveira e Daun (J. C. de Saldanha de), dnqiw de Saldanha, .''Cc Saldanha. Oliver [surname], see ft/.so Oi.iviek ; Ollivier. Oliver & Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac [form. 0. & B.'s New E. A.]. 1S4.5, 49-5.5, .58-70. .sb, 95-97, 99-1902. s8". E. 184-5-1902 Oliver (Mrs. ) of Tliomioood. The Gledstones ifc the siege of Coklaw. s8". E. 1878 Oliver (Andre'w), .sec. of tlie Province of Massachusetts Bay, sea Hutchinson (T.), Gov., Letters of H.,"0. etc., 2""' ed., 1774. Oliver (Daniel), F.R.S. First book of Indian botany. sS". 1869 Lessons in elem. botany. sS". 1864 2"<' ed. s8". 1809 Oliver (Ed^ward E.) Across the Border ; or, Pathto & Biloeh. lUust. by .T. L. Kipling. 8". 1830 Oliver (George), D.D., rector of South. Hykelunn ; iyS2-l!S-67. Hist, landnnirks & o. evidences of freemasonry explained. 2v. [v2 wanting]. 8". 1845-6 Hist. & antiqs. of Beverley, etc. 4". Beverley. 1829 The Pythagorean triangle, or the science of numbers. s8" 1875 Signs ct symbols illust''. : lecf. on freemasonry. 8". Grimsby. 1826 Oliver (George), o/ St. Nicliolas' Priori/, Exeter; lysi-l&Ol. Colls., illust. the hist, of the Catholic religion in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, Gloucester. 8". 1857 Colls, towards biography of the Scotch, Eng., Irish members of the Soc. of Jesus. 8". 1845 Historic coll. rel. to the monasteries in Devon. 8". Exeter. 1820 Hist, of Exeter. With mem. [by E. Smirke], and app. of doc". 8'. 1861 „ Index ; by J. S. Attwood. [b.w. tlie Hist, itself]. 8". Exeter. 2).;^ 1884 OLIVER 1087 OLYMPIC Oliver (George) [continued]. Monasticon ditecesis Exoniensis : records & instruments illust. ancient foundations in Cornwall & Devon. fol. Exeter. 1R4G „ „ Additional supp!. fol. Exeter. 1854 Oliver (Grace A.) A. P. Stanley, b. life, work, & teachings. 3"' ed. s8". 1885 A study of Maria Edgeworth, w. notices of h. father & friends. 3"' ed. s8". Boston. 1HS2 Oliver (John A. Westwood) cd., .\stronomy for amateurs. r8". 1888 Oliver (John Robert) ed., Monumenta de Insula MannisE : coll. of national doc', rel. to I. of Man. Tr. A- ed. 0. [Manx Soc. 4, 7, 9]. 3v. 8". Douglas. 1860-2 Oliver (Pen) ps., see Tho.mpson (Sir H.) /"' bart. Oliver (Peter), cJdef justice of Massachusetts. The Scripture lexicon: proper names etc. u. ed. 8'. 0. 1810 Oliver (Samuel Pasfield). Madagascar i^' the Malagasy. ■ Pendennis & St. Mawes. laS". [1866] s4». Truro. 1875 Madagascar : hist, it descr. ac- \ True story of tlie French dispute count. 2v. 8». 188G in Madagascar. 8°. 1885 On & oR duty : leaves f. an [ see Dujiois ( ). *The voyages officer's note-book. 4". 1S81 , made by D. B., 16G9-72, On board a Union steamer. | tr. 0., 1897. Added, " A sketcli abroad " by , Miss Doveton. 8". 1881 i Oliver (William Dudley). Crags & craters : rambles in Keunion. s8». 1890 Oliverius Augustus (Hieronymus), see Augustus (H. 0.) Olivet (I'abhe d'), [tTHouLiEii d'Olivet (P. J.)], see Pellisson- FoNTANiEii (P.) Hist, de I'Acad. Frant^aise : t2, [mi. t. : Hist, dc I'Acad. Fr. {lOry'-l'OO), par Vabhi d'O.], 2° kA., 1730; \anuth. cd.], 18-58. Olivet (N. Fabre d'), see F.\bke d'Olivet (N.) de Gang;s. *01ivia's lovers. By E. V. E. 3v. s8<. 1873 Olivier, see also Oliver, Ollivier. Olivier (Vabbe). *Mem\ of the life it adv. of Signor Rozelli. Done into Eng. [by Defoe !■]. S'" ed. 8". 1725 „ *Cont. of the life etc. 8". 1724 Olivier (Guillaume Antoine). 'Voyage dans I'empire othoman, I'Egypte A- la Perse. 6t 8". an 9, [1801]-7 Atlas fol. [1807] Olivier (Juste). Le batelier de Clarens. 2t. s8". [1861] Olivier (Urbain). L'orphelin. s8". Lausanne. 1863 Olkhovik (Petr V.) [()lchowik]. IIiici.m.t c. on,,i:iauTaiiiiii oif. iiniiiicuo.l i;(iBiMii»-Tri lib 1895 I., etc. [P885]. 8'. .loii.iom. 1897 Lettres de P. 0., qui a refusiJ de faire son service militaire en 1895. Avec lettre du ote. L. Tolstoi, etc. Tr. [P885]. 8". Geneve. 1898 ■^Olla podrida, [1875], sec Maekyat (F.) OUa podrida (The). [By T. Munro & others]. 2»i ed. 8". 1788 Ollanescu (D. C.) Vasile Alecsandri, etc. [Acad. Eom., Disc. de recept., 6. w. Nadm (A.) Cuvintu etc., 1894]. Ia8". 1894 OUech (Carl Rudolf von). Gesch. d. Feldzuges v. 1815 nach archival. (Juellen. 8". 1876 Ollefen (Lieve van). Leven van Joost van den Vondel. 2'- druk. 8". Amsteldam. 1783 ■OUe-Laprune (Leon). De la certitude morale. 8". 1880 E. Yacherot, 1809-97. s8". 1898 Ollendorff (Heinrich Godefroy). New method of learning Italian. g'" ed. s8". 1892 OUerton, Nottingham. Parish Kegisters of 0., 159'2-1812, ed. G. W. Marshall. 8". Exeter. 1896 Oilier (Charles). Fallacy of ghosts, dreams, omens, etc. s8". 1848 Ferrers. 3v. s8". 1842 Oilier (Edmund). Cassell's illust. univ. hist. 4v. Ia8". 1882-5 1, Early & Greek liist. 2, Rome. 3, Middle Ages. 4, Modern liist. Pop. hist, of sacred art. fol. [1882] Oilier de Marichard (Jules). Recherches sur I'anciennete de I'homme dans les grottes & mons. megalithiques du Vivarais. Ia8". Montpellier. 1870 OUiff (Emm. Petavel-), see PET.iVEL (E.), aft. Petavcl-Olliff. OUivant, sec also Oliphaxt. OUivant (Alfred), grandson of A. OUivant, the bp. of Llandaff. Owd Bob, the grey dog of Kenmuir. s8". 1898 Ollivier, sec also Oliver, OLrviEB. Ollivier (0. Emile). Democratie & liberie, 1861-7. I Le 19 Janvier. 8" ed. sS". 1869 8". 18C7 I „ „ 10« ed. s8'\ 1869 Ollivier (0. Emile) [continued']. L'Empire liberal. tl-7, [ill pcojr.]. 8". 1803-1903 [1], Du principe des natio- nalites. [2], Louis - Napoleon & le coup d'etat. [3], Napoleon III. [ [4], Nfipoleon III it Cavour. \ [5], L'inauguration de I'Em- ' pire liberal — Le roi Guillaume. [6], La Pologne— Les elec- tions de 18G3 — La loi des coalitions. [7], Le demenibrement du Danemark — Le sylla bus — La niort dc Jlorny — L'entrevue de Biarritz. Michel-Ange. s8". 1892 Une visite a la chapelle des Medieis; dialogue sur Michel- Ange & Raphael. s8'. 1872 Ollivier-Beauregard (G. M.) La caricature egyptienne. 8". 1894 En Asie : Kacbmir ct Tibet. Etude d'etbnographie. 8<>. 1883 OUon (Gustaf ), sec Hanselli (P.) Sanil. vitterhetsarbeten : 7, 0., 1871. Olmstead (Denison). On the recent secular period of the Aurora Borealis. [S. C. to Knowledge, 8]. 4". 1856 Olmsted (Frederick Law). cotton kingdom : cotton & slavery in the Slave States. 2v. s8". 1861 Public parks etc. [P220]. S'\ Cambridge, Mass. 1870 Walks & talks of an American farmer in Eng. 8". 1852 Journey in the back country. sS". 1860 Journey in the seaboard Slave States. s8". N.Y. 1856 Journey through Texas. [Ed. ,T.H.0lmstcd].s8'>. N.Y. 1857 Journeys & explorations in the Olmiitz. Laurea Partheuia; Sodalitatis Academics. In honorem Candidatorum, cum in Acad. Soc. lesu Olomutii prima laurea condecorarentur, ab eiusdem congreg. sodalibus Academicis scripta. [P896j. s4". Olomutii. 1598 Olney (.Viss Mary Allan-), sec Allan-Olney. Olomutium [Olomutii', see Olmutz. O'Looney (Brian). Tocbmarc Bec-Fola, sec Royal Irish Acad. __ Irish MSS S„ li. Olrichs (Johann) cd., Coll. opusculorum hist.-philolog.-theolog. selecti aigumenti inprimis separ. ed. cur. 0. 2t. 4". BremiE. 1768-70 *01rig Grange, 2'"' ed., 1872, see Smith (Walter C.) blscUager (Hermann). Strange folk. Tr. F.Grant. 2v. sS". 1872 Olshausen (Hermann). Biblical comm. on Corinthians. Tr., w. notes, J. E. Cox. 8". E. 1851 Biblical comm. on N. Test., tr. ; Romans. 8". E. 1849 Biblischer Commentar ii. siimmtl. Schriftend. Neuen Test'. 7B. [1, 2, 3- ; 3, 2' ; 4, neue A.]. 8". Konigsberg. 1837-62 Bl, 5, have :i .ibthlgn. each ; B6 has i Ahthhjn. B3 has a Brilarjc. B5-I arc " nach d. Tode d. Vcrfasscrs fortgrs. v. ■/. H. .1. Ebrard u. .1. Wirsiiigcr." 1, Matthlius, JIareus, Lukas. 2, Evang. d. Johannes— Apostelgesch. 3, Eijmer— Korinthier. Beilage : Rumer u. Koriuthier iibers. 4, Galater, Ephesier, Kolosser, Thessalonicher. 5, i, Philipper, Titus, Timotheus, Philemon ; v. A. Wiesinger. 5, ii, Hebriier ; v. J. H. A. Ebrard. G, i-iii, Jakobus, Petrus, Judas ; y. AViesinger. 6, iv, Briefe Johannie ; v. Ebrard. 7, Offenbarung ; v. Ebrard. For a tr. of 5, ii, i& a tr. of 0, iv, see Errard (J. H. A.) Olsner (Carl Ernst), see Varn-hacen v. Ense (C. A.) Briefw. zw. _ V. u. (3., 1805. Olsner (Conrad Engelbert), see SiEviis (E. J.) ■* Account of the life of S., tr., 1795, [tt tr. of " Xotice sur la vie dc Sieijcs, /79-i," ii'h. lias been attr. to S. himself, tli to 0.] Olsner (Hermann). Dante in Frankreich bis z. Ende d. IS.Jhdts. 8°. 1898 Intluence of Dante on modern thought. s3". 1895 Olsner (Ludwig). Jahrbiicher d. fWinkischeu Keiehes unter Pippin. 8". L. 1871 Olson (Julius E.) Norwegian grammar it reader. s8'>. Chicago. 1H98 Olsvig (Viljam), see Beyer (F.) B.'s guide to Norway, by 0., 1887. Oluf. For kings etc. sec Olaf. Olympia, in Elis. Die Fundc v. Olympia. Ausgabe in 1 Bdc., hrsg. V. d. Direktorium d. Ausgrabungen. [/JTafeln]. fol. 1882 Olympias, Saint, see Bohiunger (F.) Die Kirche Christl : B9, 0., 2- A., 1864. Olympic Games (The), !:.c. 770-a.d. 1896. \Fng. ,C- German]. 2p. fol. Athens. 1896-7 1, The 0. G. in ane. times, by Sp. P. Lambros & N. G. Politis. Tr. by C. A. 2, The 0. G. in 1890. OLYMPIODORUS 1088 ONCKEK Olympiodorus, the Aristolclian philosopher. O'. in Aristotelis Jleteora conim. Eil. G. Stiive. [Coram', in Aristot. Grseea, 12, ii]. laS'. Berolini. 1900 Olympiodorus, //«• deacon, see Migxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. gi-aeca, t93, 0. Olympiodorus, the Plalonist. 0\ in Alcibiadem comm., ed. Creuzer, 18'21. TItis, ir. scp. tp. d- parjin., is p-i of V^ocixs. Diadoclius. Initia [iliilos., etc., 1820—5, q.v. Olympius Nemesianus (Marcus Aurelius), see NE>[Esiixus. Oman (Charles William Chadwick). The art of war in the JlidtUe Ages, 378-1515. [Lothian Prize, 1884]. sS". O. 1885 The Byzantine Empire. s8>. 1892 Enghxnd in tlie 19"> c. s8". 1899 Europe, 476-918. [Periods of European hist., 11 s8". 1893 a"'! ed. s8". 1895 Hist, of England, ed. in 3 divi- sions, [pagin. coni.\ 88 '. [1897] Hist, of Greece. 5"' ed. s8". 1893 Hist, of tlie art of war : The Middle Ages, 4-1 1"" c. 8". 1898 A hist, of the Peninsular War. vl, 1807-1809. 8". O. 1902 Seven Roman statesmen of the later Republic : The Gracchi, SuUa, Crassus, Cato, Ponipey, Ciesar. s8\ 1902 Warwick, the kingmaker. s8>. 1891 Oman (John Campbell). The Kamavana A- Mahabharata. Indian epics : stories of the s8". 1894 s8". 1899 Indian life. s8'. 1889 Otd&x , pasha : /-Sr>6.'-~/, [Michael Latt.\s], see Oliph-Wt (L.) The Trans-Caucasian Campaign of the Turkish Army, 1856. Omarah, [Najji Ad-Din 'Om.Irah Al-Hakami : 'Um.Irah ibx 'Alt, Al-Hakum'i}, see Kay (H. C.) Yaman, its mediseval hist. ; by N. A. '0. Al-H., etc., w. tr. & notes, 1892. Omar Khayyam. [Khkyam ; O.mai; AlkhavyAmi ; Omak Ch.u- JAM ; 0-MAi! Chi.iam ; Omei; Chej.iam ; t'Uji.iE Khaiy.vm]. Arranged in order of piublication. Rubaiyat. Tr. into verse [Ijij E. Fitzgerald]. 8". 185'9 Rubaiyat of O. K., & the Salam:in & Absal of J;jmi ; rendered into Eng. verse [hij i'. F'dsgrrald. i'l' ed.']. s8'. 1879 Rubaiyat of 0. K. Tr. J. H. McCarthy. s8". 1889 Ruba'iyat of 0. K., rendered into Eng. verse [hij E. Fitzqeru hi] 8". 1890 The quatrains. Tr. into verse bv , E. H. Whinfield. 8". 1882 2"'l ed. 8". 1893 Ruba'iyat of 0. K. Eng., Fr., & Germ. tr". comparatively ar- ranged, in accord, w. text of Fitzgerald's version, w. notes etc. by N. H. Dole. 2v. s8'. Boston. 189G RubiJiyat of O. K. A paraphrase f. sev. lit. tr., by R. Le Galhenne. 8'. 1897 Quatrains of O. In Eng. prose, bv J. H. McCarthy. [i"" ed.]. s8>. 189S The quatrains. Done into Eng. verse, in accordance w. the orig. forms, w. intr., by J. Payne. [Villon Soc.]. 8". 1898 The Ruba'iyat. Facs. of MS. in Bodleian, w. transcript ; tr., w. intr., notes & bibliography, by E. Heron-Allen. Ia8". 1898 Tlic Ruba'yat of 0. K. Tr. Mrs. H. M. Cadell. Intr. by R. Garnett. 8". 1899 Rubaij'a't of 0. K. Rendered into verse [by E. Fitzgerald]. S80. 1899 Fitzgerald's Ruba'iyat of O. K., w. their sources, collated f. h. own MSS., & lit. tr. by E. Heron-Allen. Ia8". 1899 The Ruba'iyat of 0. K. Tr. E. Fitzgerald ; w. comm. by H. M. Batson, & biograph. intr. by E. D. Ross. s8". 1900 The book of Omar & Rubaiyat : a book of miscellanies on O. K. 8". N.Y. 1900 sec Hay f J.) In praise of Omar, 1898. Some hist. nots. O'Meagher, family cf, sec O'Meagiiei; (.1. C.) of the O'M*. of ikerrin, 1880. O'Meagher (Joseph Casimir). Some hist, notices of the CJIeashers of Ikerrin. 4". [1886] O'Meara (Barry Edward). E.\posltion of some transactions at St. Helena since appointment of Sir H. Lowe ; in ans. to " Facts illust. of treatment of Napoleon " [by T. E. Hook']. 2'"' ed. s8^ 1819 Napoleon in exile ; or, a voice f. St. Helena : opinions etc. of N. on the events of his life. 2v. 4"' ed. 8". 1822 ,, [anoth. cd.. w. t. : Napoleon at St. Helena]. 2v. 8". 1888 O'Meara (John J.) Municipal taxation. s8'>. 1894 O'Meara (.VJ5oMAi!nsl, see Mig.ne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl47. Ommanney (George Druce Wynne). The Athanasian Creed. s8". 1875 Crit. diss, on Athanasian Creed. 8'. 0. 1897 *Omnia vanitas : a tale of society. s8''. 1884 *Omniana, or horoe otiosores [by Soiithey. ir. contrib'. f. Cole- ridge], 1812, see SoL'THEY (R.) Omnium (Jacob) j's., see Higgixs (M. J.) Omond (Greorge W. T.) The Lord Advocates of Scotland f. close of 15"' c. to the Reform Bill. 2v. 8". E. 1883 Miserrima. s8». 1895 see ArxisTON Memoirs, 1887. Omond (T. S.) The Romantic triumph. [Periods of European lit., 11]. s8'>. E. 1900 O'Monroy {Ic vie. Richard) pis., [i.e. le rte. he Saint-Gexies], see Richard O'Monroy {le vie.) ps. Omont (Henri). Ath^nes au 17'' s. : Dessins des sculptures du Parthenon attr. a J. Carrey ; vues cSr plans d'Athenes it de I'Acropole. lafol. 1898 see BiBLioTHKiR'E Nationale, Cat. des MSS. etc. [many of ich. are by H. 0.) O'Morgair (Saint Malachy), see Mal.vchy [0''Morgair], Saint, bp., ahp. Ompteda (Christian Fr. Wilh., FrUr. v.) A Hanoverian-Eng. officer a hundred years ago : Mems. of 0.. 17C5-I815. Tr. J. Hill. 8». 1892 Ompteda (Georg, Frhr. v.) Leidenschatten. s8". 189G O'Mulconry (Ferfeasa), see Four, Masters (The), of ivliom O'M. is one. On. *0n both sides of the sea, 1868, see Ch.vrles (Mrs. E.) *0n cases of death by starvation, by J. L., 1844, see Lhotsky (J.) •On Her Majesty's Secret Service. s8". 1878 *0n mankind etc., 1872, see M.inkixd. *On moral evil, [.-■. 1870?], see Moral. *0n nation.ality & language in Sleswick etc., [fr.\ 1848, see Allen (C. F.) *0n public worship, 1871, see Public *0n religion, by a former elder, 1870, see Religion. *0n Surrey hills, 1891, see Son of the Marshes, j^s. *0n the advantages of good roads, 1862, see Freeland (H. W.) *On the ballot etc., S"' ed., 1830, see Mill (J.) '*0n the banks of the Delaware. Bv a. of " Chateau de Vesinet." 2v. 88". 187S *On the banks of the Seine, by A. M. F., 1900, .see Seine. *On the currency in conn. w. the corn trade etc., 1829, see TooiCE (W.) '•On the deity of Jesus, 1873, see Jesvs. *0n the divinity of Jesus Christ, 1837, see Stoddart {W. W.) *On the edge of the storm, 1809, sec Roberts (Miss iMARG.) *On the law of debtor & creditor, 2'"^ ed., 1834, see Debtor. *On the national etc. importance of a railway f. Halifax to Quebec, 1858, see Halifax, Novi Scotia. *0n the nature & elements of the external world, 1847, see Collins (T. C.) *0n the nature of State interference, 1893, see Seal (H.) *On the principles of criminal law, 1846, see Coenwallis [Miss G. F.) *0n the reform of the testamentary jurisdiction, 1853, see Testamentary. *0n the refornuition of young oiTenders : papers, 1855, see Symons *0n tlie resijousibilities of emplo3'ers, 1819, sec Responsibilities. *0n tlie reverence due to holy places, 3"' ed., l&iG^ see Makklaxd (J. H.) *0n the rise, progress etc. of public opinion, 1828, see MacKinnon (W. A.) *0n the supply of printed books f. the Library to the Reading Room of the Brit. Museum, 1846, see Panizzi {Sir A.) *0n the ventilation of mines, 1847, see Gibbons (B.) *Onbedreeve Minnaar (De), 1699, see Crosnier ( ). *Once A again, 1805, see JENiax {Mrs. C.) Once a week, vl-13 ; New ser., vl-4 ; New [3""] ser., v3-l.^ Ia8\ [1859-71J Oncken (August). Adam Smith u. Kant. Abthlg. 1, [Ethik u. Politik. vo more publ.]. s8". L. 1877 Oncken (Wilhelm). Aristoteles u. s. Lehre v. Staat. [P503]. 8". 1870 Athen u. Hellas : Forschungen z. nationalen Gesch. d. Griechen. 2T in Iv. 8». L. 1865-0 t)sterreich u. Preussen im Befreiungskriege. 2B. Ia8". 1876-9 Die Staatslehre des Aristoteles. 2B. 8". L. 1870-5 Unser Heldenkaiser : Festschrift zum lOOjiihrg. Geburtstage Wilhflms d. Gr. ~ 4". [1897] Das Zeitalter Friedrichs d. Grossen. [A. G. i. E.. 3, viii]. 2B. 8". 1881-8-> ONCKEN 1089 OPPERT Oncken (Wilhelm) [coHtinued]. Das Zeitalter d. Revolution, il. Kaiserreiches, u. d. Befreiungs- ki-iege. [A. G. i. E., 4, i]. 23. 8". 1R84-86 Das Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm. [A. G. i. E., 4, vi]. 2B. 8". 18'J0-92 sec Allgejieine Geschiciite in Einzeldarstellungen hrsg. 0. Ondaatje (Pieter P. J. Quint), sec Davies (Mrs. C. M.) Memorials of 0., 1870. One. *Oiie ct a half in Norway, 1885, arc Norway. •One Easter Even. ByKlotho. 3v. s8". 1875 •One hundred romances of real life, 1888, scr Hunt (Leigh) ed, •One life, one love, 1890, see Braddon (Miss). •One only, 1871, sec Price (E. C.) 'One that wins, 1887, see Caiiid (Mona). •One thing needful, 1880, sec Braddon (Miss). One who lias whistled at the itlough, j;s., sec Somerville (Alex.) O'Neil (Charles A.) American electoral system. sS". N.Y. 1887 O'Neil (Henry). Modern art iu England & France. [P253]. sS°. 18G9 Two thousand years hence. s8". [1868] O'Neill, see also Neill. O'Neill (Mrs.) *The bondman ; times of Wat Tyler. s8". 1833 O'Neill (H. C.) & E. A. Barnett. Our nurses. s8'. [1888] 'O'Neill (Hugh), .-""' earl of Tyrone, ■)"' baron of Dungaimon, il. II, Id. sec Tyrone. O'Neill (John), of the War Office; '/S37-9o. The Night of the Ciod.s : cosmic A cosmogonic mythology & symbolism. 2v, [pagiii. cant.']. Ia8». 1893-7 O'Neill (Moira). An Easter vacation. s8". 1893 The elt-errant. n. ed. s8°. 1902 Songs of the glens of Antrim. 2'"i imp. s8". E. 1900 3'-'' imp. s8». E. 1900 O'Neill (Owen Eoe), IJ90?~-I640, see Taylor (.T. E.) O'N., 1890. O'Neill (William), M.D. The cattle plague & its preventatives. [P347]. 8". Lincoln. 1860 *Onesimus : mems. of a disciple of Paul, 1882, see Adbott (E. A.) One who has whistled at the plough, ps., see SoMEKvrLLE (Alex.) Onexander, sec' Oxosasdeii. Ongar, Essex. The parish registers of 0. Priv. pr. for F. A. Crisp. 4". 1886 Onions (Oliver). The compleat bachelor. aS". 1900 Only. *Only a clod, 1865, see Braddon {Miss). *Only a tiddler ; *, o. t., tr., 1845, sec Andersen (H. C.) *Only a woman, 1878, see Braddon (Miss) ed. *Only George, 2'"' ed.. 1866, see Brookfield (Mrs. J. 0.) dnody (Geza von). Tisza-Eszlar. Ubers. v. G. v. Marczianyi. [P619]. 8". Budapest. 1883 Onofrio, Papal leejatc, d. I^y I, sec Onuerii's. Onorio. For popes see Honokil.s. Onosander, [Onexander ; Onosandre ; Onosandi;o Platonico], sec Gi'isciiARDT (C. T.) M^ms. milit. sur les Grecs etc. ; on y a joint la tr. d'O., 17.i8. ^Onpartydige consideratien over de missive van de Prins van Orange aen de burgermeesters etc. [P874]. s4". Muyden. 1672 Onslow (Denzil), sec Somers (.J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Onslow (Phipps), see S.iiith (I. Gregory) & P. 0., Worcester, 1883. *Ontleiding (D') van Euroop. 2d. [P874]. s4". n.p.v.d., [1672?] "■Ontroerde (D') leeuw : of historisch verhael der saecken, voorge- vallen in deu unrlogh der Koningen van Vranckrijck en Euge- lundt, 1671-4. [By Jolianncs Gri/biiis !]. s4". Amsterdam. 1G74 Dnufrius, d. 1,^7 1. [Honopiiriuw ; Honuphriu.s; Onofrio]. Mtmoire du legat 0. sur les affaires de Liege (1468). Publ. par S. Bormans. [.Vcad. Roy. de Belg.]. 8". Brux. 188.5 Onulfus Bland inicnsis. Vita Popponis, sec Monumenta Germ. Hi.sT.. Scr., til. Onuphrius, Pmn-inius, sec P.^nvinio (0.) *.Onwards, 1859, sec Douglas (MissC. .T.),aft. Davies. Onwarenhiiaki, sec Williams (E.) Onyx, ps. A reported change in religion. s8". 1899 Oollah (Einaiut), sec 'In.4yat All.4h. .Oopunishud[s], sec Upanishads. Oordt (J. F. V.) P. Kruger en de opkomst d. Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. 4". Amsterdam. ri898; 'Oort (Henricus). The worship of Baalim in Israel ; based upon li. Dozy. Tr., w. notes, J. W. Colenso. 8". 1865 & I. Hooykaas, «•. assistance of A. Kuenen. The Bible .for young people, .\uthorised tr. 6v. s8". 1873-9 Oosterzee (Jan Jacob van). Goethe's Stellung z. Christenthum. [P480]. 8". Bielefeld. 1858 The image of Xt. in Scripture. Tr. M. .1. Evans. 8". 1874 .Tohn's Gospel : apologet. lects. Tr. J. F. Hur.st. s8°. E. 1869 Opdyke (George). Polit. economy. s8". N.Y. 1851 Opel (Julius Otto). Elisabeth Stuart, Konigin v. Bohmen, Kurfiirstin v. d. I'falz : Vorlesung. [P333]. 8". Bonn. 1870 Naumburg im schmalkaldischen Kriege. Hrsg. v. 0. [1*333]. 8". Halle. 1873 "Open verdict (An), 1878, sec Braddon (Miss). *Opera et fragmenta vet. poetarum Latin.. 1713, see Maittaire (M.) cd. *Ophiolatreia : ace. of serpent worship etc. 8". p.p. 1889 Opicius (M.), sec Opitz (Muitin). Opido (Helena), o/V. Jt'i/cii/ — Modrzejewski, see Modjeska (H.) ps. Opie (,Mrs. Amelia), wife of John Opie. The father & daughter. 9"' ed. s8". 1824 New tales. 4v. s8". 1818 Tales of real life. 3v. 3"> ed. s8". 1816 A wife's duty. s8>. 1847 see Brightwell (C. L.) Memorials of A. 0., f. h. letters, diaries, & 0. MSS., 1854. „ Ritchie (Mrs. R.) A book of sibyls : 0., etc., 1883. Opie (John), R.A. Lect". on painting, w. letter on the proposal for a public memorial of the naval glory of Gt. Brit. Mem. by Mrs. Opie. 4". 1809 ,, For anoth. cd., see Painting. *Lects. on p., by Barry, 0., Fuseli, 1848. sec Rogers (J. .1.) O. & h. works : cat. ol 760 pict'., prec. by biog. sketch, 1878. Opinions. •Opinions as to the real state of the nation; w. strictures on a paniph. [by an, unknown a.] intitled "The administration of the affairs of Gt. Brit." By the ghost of the Marq. of Londonderry. [P474]. 8». 1823 srr *Administration of the affairs of Gt. Brit., etc., S''** ed., 1823. •Opinions (The) of certain authors on the bookselling question, 1852, see Bookselling. •Opinions (The) of nine Connsel that the eucharistic vestments are lawful (18C6), 1877, see Vestments. •Opinions (The) of some Protestants reg. their Irish Catholic fellow-countrymen, 3"' ed., 18SG, see Wedb (Alf.) eil. Opinions of women on Women's Suffrage, 1879, see Women. •Opinions on the admission of dissenters to the Universities, etc., 1847, see Dissenters. Opitz (Martin). [Opicius ; Ornius ; f Opitz von Borerfeld (M.)] Buch V. d. deutschen Poeterei. Abdruck d. 1'" A., (1624). 'P761]. s8". Halle a/S. 1876 Teutsche Gedichte. Erl. v. D. W. Triller. 4B. H". Frankfurt a.M. 1746 Opium. *Statement of claims of the British subjects interested in 0. surrendered to Capt. Elliot at Canton for the public service. [P310]. 8". 1840 Opium-eater. *Confessions of an English o.-e., 2'"' ed., 1823, sec De Quincey (T.) Oppede (la marq. de Forbin d'), see Foriiin d'Oppede. Oppen {Madame Isabella Julia von). No fatherland. 2v. s8". 1872 Oppenheim (E. Phillips). As a man lives. s8". [1898] A daughter of the Marionis. 88". 1895 The man A his kingdom. 88°. [1899J A millionaire of yesterday. s8". n.d. Oppenheim (M.) Hist, of the administration of the Navy & of Merchant Shipping in rel. to the Navy. vl, [1, 1509-16()0, in prog.]. 8". 1896 Naval accounts it inventories of reign of Henry VII, 1485-8 & 1495-7. L^'avy Records Soc, 8]. 8". 1896 Oppenheim (W.) Geograph. etc. ace. of the Cisalpine Republic, A maritime .Austria. Tr. f. the German, by W. O. 8". 1798 Oppermann (Andreas), see Rietschel (E.) E. R. ; autob'., & mem. by A. 0., tr., 1875. Oppert (Ernest). A. forbidden land: voyages to the Corea, its geography, hist. etc. 8". 1880 Oppert (Gustav). On the classiticatioH of languages. 8'. Madras. 1879 Original inhabitants of India. 8". 1893 Oppert (Julius). Elements de la gramniaire assyrienne. 2' ed. 8". 1868 L'immortalitc de I'ame chez les Chaldeens. [P320]. 8". 1875 & J. Menant. Doc~. juridiques de I'.Vssyrie & de la Clmldee. Ia8". 1877 4 B OPPIAN 1090 OKDNANCE Oppian. [Oppiaxo; OpriANUs Anazarbeus ; Oppies de Cilicie]. CvneKetica et Halieutica. Emend. I. G. Schneider. Ace. vers'. lat. 8°. L. 1813 see *P(iKT-F. bueolici A didactic! : 0. etc., Parisiis, 1846. Oppler (Adolph). Tliiee lectures on education. 4"' ed., w. lect. [on] some of Goethe's educational views. sS". 1875 Opposition. * Short defence of the 0. etc., 1778, see Eardley- WlLMOT (.J.) *Short hist, of the 0. dur. the last session, 1779, see Macpuer- SON (J.) Oprecht. [Opf.echte ; Opkechten]. *Oprecht verhael van alle het gepasseerde 24 Feb.-2 Maert, soo over het eligeren van d'Heer Prince van Orangie etc., [1672], see William III, h.,of Gt. Brit. *Oprccht verhael van het gene op d. 8 Sept. 1C72, tusschen de burgermeesteren dev stadt Amsterdam en eenige der burgerye is voorgevallen, 1672, see Ailsterham. *Oprechte (D') Oranje oogen-salf, etc. [PH74]. s4". in d'Oranje Druckery. 1672 *Oprechten (Den) patriot. [PS74]. s4'. Uytregt. 1672 *Oprecht-sprekeiide (D') Fransman. [A ir. of an anon. pampJi. " Veridicus Gallicus." r874]. s4». Fredrickstadt. 1671 Opsopoeus (Joannes), [Obsopieus], see Sibylline Okacles. *Sibyllina oracula [iritli, Oracula magica Zoroastris ; and, Oracula lovis etc.], 1607. Optatus, Saint, bp. of Mela. [0. Milevitanus ; Ottato Mile- vitano]. 0' libri vii. Kec, etc. C. Ziwsa. Ace. x mon". vet. ad Donatistarum hist. pert. [C.S.E. Lat., 26J. 8". Vindobona;. 1893 see MiGNE (J. P.) eel., Pat. latina, til, for Opera. *Optogt der Batavieren, voor de vryheyt des Vaderlants. [P874]. s4o. Dordrecht. 1673 [anoth.ed. P874]. s4'\ Middelburgh. [1673 ?] Opuscula. *Opuscula Groecorum vet. sententiosa cfe moralia, 1819-21, see Orelli (.T. C. v.) ed. *Opuscula mythologica, physica it ethica, 1688, see Gale (T.) ed. *Opuscula theologica, 1830, see De Wette (W. M. L.) *Opuscules de M. F., 17.53, see FitiiRox (E. C.) *Opweckingh voor alle trouwe liefhebbers van ons diergekoclite Vaderlant, etc. [P874]. s4". Middelburgh. 1672 Opzoomer (Miss Adele) [its. A. S. C. Wallis], see Wallis (A. S. C.) ps. Opzoomer (CornelisWillem). Die Religion, tjbers. v. F. Mook. 8". Eberfeld. 1868 De weg der wetenschap : hdbk. van logica. 8°. Leiden. 18-51 Or (Sebastian v.) A day in the cloister. Tr. Bede Canim. s8°. 1900 Oracles. *Oracles (The) ascribed to Matthew by Papias, 1894, see Papias. ♦Oracles of Sibylla, see *Sibylline Oracles. Oracula. *Oracula magica Zoroastris, see Zokoastek, the magician. *Oracula metrica lovis, Apollinis. Hecates, Serapidis, & aliorum, a I. Opsopu?o coll., etc., 1607. Tliis, ?c. sep. tp. £ pagin., is part of Sibylline Oracles. *Sibyllina Oracula, 1607, j.r. *Oracula Sibyllina, see *Sibylline Ouacles. O'Kahilly (Egan). Poems of O'E. Added, pieces illust-'. their subjects A language. Ed., w. intr., tr., notes, & gloss, by P. S. Diniieen. ' [Irish Texts Soc, 3]. 8». 1900 Drain (Adolphe). Contes de I'lUe-et-Vilaine. s8°. 1901 Folk-lore de I'llle-et-Vilaine : De la vie a la mort. sS". 1897 Folk-lore de I'lUe-et-Vilaine : De la vie a la mort (suite). S8''. 1898 Orange [including Council of Orange']. For anon, leorks in Dutch, see Oranje, Oranjen. *Orange lily, 1879, see Cromjielin (M.) see AuonsTiNE (Si*.) Select Anti-Pelagian treatises, w. Acts of 2"" Council of 0., 1880. ,,*GuiLLAu.iiE, d'Orange, [chanson de geste]. Orange, House of. *Archives ou corr. ined. de la maison d'Orange-Nassau [i3S2--t6SS], iS3S-96, see Geoen v.an Prin- STEREK (G.), ed. Orange (Charlotte [de Boiirbon], princcsse d'), '/■j46-S2, see Charlotte [de Bourbon-Montpensier'], jn'inccsse etc. Orange (John William 'Pxi^o, prince of), 16\7-/7I /, see Jobs William Fitiso, 2>rince etc. *Orangeism, l.':'8(i. .•sec O'Dwver (A. V.) Orange River Colony, [Orancje Free State], see Tk.\nsvaal. *The polit. laws of the S. African IJepublic ; w. the constitu- tion of the Orange Free State, tr., 1896. *Oranje in't hnrt. [P874]. s4». ».;;. 1672 *Oranjen (Den) kap, geset op't hoofdt van den Eotterdamschen I'aus ende sijn Kardinalen. [P874]. s4". n.j}. 1672 Oranje Vrijstaat, see Orange Eiver Colony. *Oratio [de cnnio'diaAtticuruin] cancellarii pni'iuio don., 1833, see Palmkk (W.) Oratores. [OR.iTORUu]. Oratores Attici, ex rec. Bekkeri, 1822-3, see BioKKER (I.) ed. Oratores Attici, 2v, 1847-58, see Ml-llek (C.\el) ed. Oratorum Romanorum fragmenta, 1832, see Meyek-Ochs- NER (H.) ed. Oratorical year book, 180.5. Ed. by A. H. Hill. s8". 1866 Orazio, see Horace. Orbigny (Charles d') [tDsssAiiiNEs d'Orbigny (C.)] & A. Gente. Geologic appliq. aux arts & a I'agriculture, etc. 8". 1851 *Orbis antiqui tabulie geograph. sec. CI. PtoleniiBum, 1730, see PrOLIOMV. Orce (Henri de Valois, seigneur d'), see V.\lesius (Henricus). Orchard (Robert). A new select coll. of epitaphs etc. 2"'' ed. s8i'. 1827 Orchardson (William Quiller). sec Armstrong (Walter). The art of 0., 1895. „ Little (.J. S.) 0., [Art Annual], 1897. Ord (John Walker). Hist. * antiqs. of Cleveland. 4". 1846 Orde (Vice-Adm. Sir John), /'' bart. Copy of corr. betw. the Admir.-ilty, Earl St. Vincent.Earl Spencer, & 0. [P67.5]. 8». 1802 Orde Newnham (William), see Newnh.\m (W. 0.) Order [inclnd. religious Order]. For anon, works in French Order of Cluuy, see Cluny. Francis, see *Order of Field Service of the German Army, tr., 1893, see German. Order of St. Benedict, see Benedictines. see Ordee. Order of St. Franciscans. Order of St. John of Jerusalem, see St. John of Jerus.vlem, Order of. Order of the Garter, see G.akter, Order of the. Ordericus Vitalis. [0. V. Uticensis ; Orderic Vital]. Eccles. hist, of Eng. ct Normandy. Tr., w. notes, & the intr. of Guizot, by T. Forester. 4v. s8». Bohn. 1853-6 Hist, ecclesiasticas libri tredecim. Ex vet. cod. Uticensis colla- tione emendavit A'suas animadversiones adjecit A. Le Prevost. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 5t. 8». 1838-55 see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t9-12. „ DuciiESNE (A.) Hist. Norm. Scriptores, 1619. „ Guizot (F.) <■<;., Coll. des mems., t25-28, Hist, de Nor- mandie, par 0. V., 1825-7. „ MiGNE (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl88. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t20, 20. Orders, [incl. Holy Ordef.s]. *Enquiry into the studies in the Univ. preparatory to Holy O. ; letter to Peel by a graduate. [P475]. 80. 1824 Orders in Chancery, in 2p, 1656, sec Chancery. Orders in Council : or, exam, of the new system of commercial regulations. [P48]. 2"" ed. 8°. 180S Orders of architecture, see Spiers (R. P.) Ordin (K. F.), see D.anielson (J. K.) Finland's union w. the Russian Empire; w. ref. to O.'s "Finland's subjugation," tr., 1891. *Ordinale conventus Vallis Caulium, 1900, see Val-des-Chou.v. Ordinances. *Ordinances of Manu, .sec Manu. ♦Ordinances of some secular guilds of London (1354-1496), etc., 1871, see Coote (H. C.) ♦Ordinary (The) of Newgate's account of the behaviour etc. of 3 malefactors, viz. John Rice etc., 1763, see Roe (Stephen). Ordinations. *Diss. sur la validite des o. des Anglois, 1723 ; a>id ♦Defense de la Diss.. 1726, see Le Cour.^yer (P. F.) ♦Ordine della solenniss. processione, fatta del s. poutif. per la- noua della destruttione della setta ugonotana, [1572]. Photo- lithograph, w. note by E. W. B. Nicholson. [P618]. 8". [1891] Ordish (T. Fairman). Early Loudon theatres. s8'. 1894 Shakespeare's London. sS". 1897 Ordnance [inel". Board of Ordnance, Ordnance Survey etc] New large scale o. atlas of London & suburbs, [Bacon publ.'jf 188G, see London. New large scale o. map of the Brit. Isles, [Bacon jiull.'], 1884, see British. Ordnance Survey : England & Wales [surveyed 18jT-9S]. 5t; (t. Index, la. obl. fol.'Sto)i/oj-(?. [1859-97J „ „ Ireland [sjo-i'Cfycr? iS.?j^.59]. 3v; ff, Index, la. obl. fol. Stanford. [1826-61} „ „ S,co\,\a\\A [surveyed 1850-9S]. 2v; if, Index, la. obl. fol. Stanford. [1861-973 ORDNANCE 1091 ORIENTALISTS Ordnance {continued]. O. S. ; abstracts of the princ. lines ot spirit levelling in Eng. & Wales. By Sir H. James. [Plates. 4".] i". 18C1 see Clakke (A. R.) Comparisons ot standards of length made at the O.S. Office, 18CB. ,, Scott (A. De C.) Photo-zineographj- & o. photograph, pro- cesses at the O.S. Office, 1802. *Ordo consecrandi regem solum, regiuam cum rege, reginam solam, rubrica de regi.s exequiis, 1870, see Lider reg.ilis etc., 1S70. Ordonnances des rois de France de la 3° race, par ordre chronolog. [The orig. cd.ioas E. LaurUve']. 21 v. fol. 1723-18411 ,, Table gen. & clironolog. des 9v., [1-9], par M.de Vilevault. fol. 1757 ,, Table chronolog. jusqu'au r. de Loui.s XII incl., suiv. d'une table alpbab., par -J. Pardcssus. fol. 1847 *Ordre (L') naturel etc. des societes politiijues, 17G7, see Lk MkUUIEU de IjA RlVIEIiE {P. F. J. H ) Ordre Teutonic[ue, sec Tectonic Osuier. Orecliovius (S.), sec Orichovu-s. O'Reilly (Bernard), Ij.D. Life of Leo XIII. Ia8". 1887 True men as we need them. n. ed. s8". D. 1883 O'Reilly (Edward). Chronolog. ace. of nearly 400 Irish writers, to 1750 ; w. descr. cat. of their works. [Iberno-Celtio Soc, Trans., 1, i]. 4". D. 1820 Irish-Eng. diet. n. ed., w. suppl. by J. O'Donovan. 4". D. [1864] O'Reilly (Mrx. Eleanor (Jrace), ii-ifc of Robert O'Reillii. David Broome, artist. ' 3v. s8". 1881 Sussex stories. 3v. sS". [1880] „ s8". n.d. O'Reilly (Harrington). Fifty years on the trail [/. Y. Nelson]. 8". 1880 O'Reilly (Jolin Boyle). Songs from the southern seas, & o. p. s8". Boston. 1873 .■.re KocuE (.1. .J.) Life of O'R. ; w. b. poems & speeches, 1891. O'Reilly (Joseph P.), sec Silliv.^x (W. K.) & O'R., Geology & mineralogy of Santander & Madrid, 1863. O'Reilly (iirs. Robert), see O'Reilly (Mrs. E. G.) O'Rell (Max) j«. [i.e. L. I'.\ul BLoi;iiT]. L'ami Mac Donald. sSo. 1887 „ 2<^ ed. s8o. 1887 Les chers voisins ! 10<- ed. s8''. 1885 Les fiUes de John Bull. 21' ed. s8". 1884 John Bull & s. ile. s8". 1883 „ „ ... 29« ed. s8°. 1884 La maison John Bull & C'*^. : Les grandes succursales, le Canada, I'Australic etc. 2" ed. s8". 1804 Translations & Engl, works. The dear neighbours ! s8". [1885] Drat the boys ! s8". 1886 A Frenchman in America. s8». Bristol. [1891] Her Royal Highness Woman. s8'>. 1901 John Bull & his island. Tr. sS". [1883] John Bull, Junior ; or French as she is traduced. s8". [1889] John Bull's womankind. sS". [1884] Woman & artist. s8". 1900 & Ja;k Allyn, ps. Jonathan it s. continent. 12'' M. s8". 1889 . & Jonathan & his continent. Tr. Mme. P. Blouet. sSo. Bristol. 1889 Orellana (Francisco de), see Markham (Sir G. R.) Exped'. into Valley of the Amazons : [Voyage of 0. (1540-1), tr. f. A. de Herrera], 1859. Orelli (Conrad v.) Die alttestamentl. Weissagung v. d. Vollend- ung d. Gottesreiches. 8". Wien. 1882 Spinoza's Leben u. Lehre. Nebst e. Abrisse d. scbelling'schen u. hegel'schen Philosophie. 8". Aarau. 1843 2'- A. 8". Aarau. 1850 Orelli (Johann Caspar v.) [Orellius] ed., Inscriptionum Lati- narum selectarum amplissima ooUectio ad illust. Rom. antiqui- tatis disciplinam aecommodata. Cum ined. Hagenbuchii suisque adnof. ed. I. C. Orellius. 3v. Ia8". Turiei. 1828-5(i v3, Coll. Orell. suppl. emendationesque exhibeus, ed. G. Henzen ; ace. indices. see Strauss (D. F.) Opinions etc. ; w. address to the people of Ziiricli by 0., 1844. Orelli (Johann Conrad von) [Orellius]. Collectio epistolarum Griecarum. Gr. iV Lat. Reo. 0. tl, Epist'. Socraticorum & Pythagoreorum cont., [)!o mo;-ep!(i2.]. 8". L. 1815 Opuscula Grajcorum vet. seutentiosa & moralia. Coll. etc. 1. C. 0. 2t. 8". L. 1819-21 Orendel. *0rendol. Ein Spielmannsgedicht, mit Anmerkgn. etc. V. A. E. Berger. 8". Bonn. 1888 Orendel [continued]. *Der ungeniihte graue Rock Chvisti ; wie Konig O. von Trier ihn erwirbt, etc. Hrsg. v. F. H. v. d. Hagen. 8". 1844 Orflla (Mathieu J. B.) & 0. Lesueur. Traite des exhumations juridiques. 2t. 8". 1831 Orford (Horace, earl of), see Walpole (H.), .',"' carl of Orford. Orford (Horatio "Walpole, -V earl of ) [creation ISOO]; tyS3- ■/s.;s. Cat. of the lib. of 0., sold 14 March, 1859. [P738]. 8". 1859 Orford (Robert, enrl if), see Walpole (R.), -/»' earl of Orford. ♦Organization in daily life, 18G2, see Helps (.Sir A.) Orgival (H. Le Moine d'), sec Le Moine d'Orgival (H.) Orichovius (S.) [Orechovics ; IOrzechowski (Staxis£.\w)], see Dlui;osz (.J.) Hist. Polon. : t2, 0'. annales etc., 1712. Orient, see *Etudes pratiques sur la question d'O., 1869. Orient Latin, see Socieie de l'Oriext Latin. Orient Line. *Orient Line guide ; ed. Loftie. Ia8". n. ed. 1885 Oriental. •Miscellaneous translations f. 0. languages, [O.T.F.], 1831-4, sec Miscellaneous. •Oriental fragments, 1834, sec Moor (E.) •Oriental geography (The) of Ebn Haukal, tr. Ouseley, 1800, see Ibn Haukal. •Oriental wit & wisdom, or the " laughable stories," tr., 1899, see Arulfaraj. Oriental collections (The). [Ed. Sir W. Ouselev]. vi, 2. 4". 1797-8 Oriental Translation Fund. Report of 1 prospectus etc. Report of 3"' ann. meeting etc. Report, Puhl'. etc. of O.T. Committee, 1861, [PURLIC.ATIONS]. see 'Abd Al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr (Jalal Al-Din Abu Al Fadhl). „ Ahmad ibn Muhamm.\d ibn Ahmad ibn Yahva. „ Albiruni. „ Al HarTri. „ 'Ali MuiiAMMAD Khan. „ Apostolical. ,, AwLiVAi, Efendi. „ Bhadba B.ihu. „ Chodz'ko (A.) „ cureton (w.) „ Dabistan (The), „ DiVANl. „ Davis(S«> J. F.) „ DuLAURiER (E.) Biblio- theque hist. armeni- enne : [Chronique de Mat- thieu d'Edesse]. „ Elisha, Vartabed. „ El-Masudi. „ FiRDAUsf. „ Garcin de Tassy (J. H.) „ GnUL.iM HUSAIN Kh.\n. „ Ha-Cohen (J.) „ Haji Khalfa. „ Han. „ Harivanba. „ H.ATIM, T.^'i. Adv. of H. T., tr., 1830. „ 'HOEILAN Kl. ,, HUDSAILITES. „ Hus.uN 'Ali. „ luN Batijtah. gen. meeting, w. 4". 1829 4°. 1830 [P80]. S". [1861] 40, 8". 1829-88 see Ibn Khallikan. „ Ibn Malik. „ isV.ARAKRISHNA, „ Jahangir. „ Jauhar. „ Kahdasa. „ KULSUM N.iNI. „ Laou-Tsze. „ Makrizi. „ MJr Khwand. ,, 'Miscellaneous. „ Muhammad Ali Hazin. „ MuHAMJUD ibn MUHAJIM.IE. „ Muhammad ibn Mijsa. „ Muhammad Musta.iab. „ MUHAM.MAD TaB.ARI. „ Mustafa Na'im. „ N-iKHODA Muda. „ Neumann (C. F.) „ Ni'mat Allah. „ NiZAMI. „ OusELEV (Rf. Hon . Sir G.) „ F.WL, of .ile2>j>o. „ PURANAS. „ R.iMA Ra.i.i. „ RiN SlFEE. „ Sadik. „ S.kngerm.j.no (V:) „ Tahsin Al Din. „ Timub. „ TlTSINr.H (I.) „ 'Umar Bu.-navI. „ Vedas. „ Yakkun N.\ttansawa, etc. „ Zain-al-Din. „ „ New ser. Puhl. under the patronage of the Royal Asiatic Society. Inproej. 8'. 1891-190a see Al Hariri. | see Jerahmeel. „ BIna. „ ♦Katil^kosiia. „ DhammaSangani. I ,, Mir Kuw.Xnd. Oriental University Institute, Woking, sec Leitxer (G. W}) Dardistan in 1895, 1895. Orientalische Bibliographie. Bl-14, [1887-1000. In j'rog. Bl, 2, wanting]. 8". 1888-1901 Orientalists. International Congress of 0". : Transactions : 2"'' session, London. Report of proceedings. [P354]. laS". 1874 Trans. 8". 1876 5"', Berlin. Verhandlungen. 2T in 3 [2 i, ii]. 8". 1881-2 6'\ Leide. Aetes. 4p. 8 '. Leide. 1884-5 7"", Vienna. Berichte, <£ Verhandlungen. I'ip.]. 8". Vienna. 1888-9 4b2 ORIENTALISTS 1092 OBLEANS Orientalists. Int. Congr. of 0'. Trans', [continued]. 8"\ Stockholm, & Christiiinia. Actes. p2-4. 8". Leide. 1891-B 9'\ London. Trans. 2v. 8". 1893 lO"-, Geneva. Actes. 4p. 8". Leide. 1895-7 , ll", Paris. Actes. 7 sections in 5v. 8". 1898-9 ' *Oriente (Ex) : sonnets etc., 1858, sec Minchin (J. I.) | Orientius, Saint, see Migxe (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tCl. I sec PoET.E Christiani minores, 1888. Origen. [Oeigexe ; Orioexes AnAM.4NTius]. 0. opera omnia, quae j Gr. vel Lat. exstant, et ejus nom. eircumteruntur. Eec, Lat. versa etc. opera C. Delarue. 4t. fol. Parisiis. 1733-59 t4, manum cxtrcmam i)iip. C. V. Delarue. O. opera omnia. Denuo rec. etc. C. H. E. Lommatsch. 25t, [tl-17, 21-25 ivantingl 8^ Beroliui. 1831-48 18- 20, Contra Celsum lib. pars i-iii — Exhort, ad martyi-ium. Origenes Werke. Bl, 2, hrsg. v. P. Kotschaii. B3, hrsg. v. E. Klostermann, [in pi'og.]. [Die gi'iech. christl. Schriftsteller d. ersten 3 .Jhdte.]. Ia8'\ L. 1899-1901 Contra Celsura ; ejusdem Philoealia. G. Spencerus recog. ; ace. notee Hoeschelii, una cum notis J. Tarini. 3p in Iv. [Gr. ct Lat.]. 4". C. 1677 De principiis. Ed. etc. E. E. Eedepenning. 8". L. 1830 Hexaplorum 0. quoe supersunt. lUust. etc. B. de Montfaucon. Ace. opusc. quiedam 0. aneodota, et Lexicon Hebraicum, itemque Lexicon Gr;i>cum etc. 2t. fol. Parisiis. 1713 Pliilosophuraena sive omnium hteresium refutatio. E cod. Paris, ed. E. Miller. 8". 0. 1851 Translations. Writings. Tr. F. Crombie. 2v. 8». E. 1809-72 0. agst. Celsus. Tr. J. Bellamy. 2 bks. in Iv. S-\ [1600 ?] Eeferesces. see Adamaktius. „ Daillk (J.) De scr. qua> sub Dionysii Areop. nom. circumf. ; adj. est commonefactio de RuflinianaOrigenicorum aliquot operum interp., 1000. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. graica, til- 17, 0., 1857, for Opera. „ Pat. latina, t21, 24-20. „ Patrick (John), B.D. The Apology of 0., 1892. „ Eedepenning (E. E.) 0., 1841-0. „ TiscHENDORF (F. C.) Notitia etc. ; item Origenis scholia in Prov. Salomonis, 1800. *Origenes de la lengua espafiola, reimp., 1873, see Mayans y Siscak (G.) ed. Origin. For anon, works in French d- Italian sec Oisigine. *Of the origin & progress of language, 1774-92, see Monboddo | {Lord). •Origin (The) & antiquity of engraving, 1872, see Engraving. •Origin (The) it authentic narrative of the pres. Marratta War etc., , 1781, see Mahratta. •Origin it proceedings of the Agricultural Associations in Gt. Brit., j 1819, see Agricultural. •Origin (The) & progress of despotism etc., 17G4, see Boulaxger IN. A.) •Origin (The) it results of the clearing system on the narrow gauge railways, etc., 1846, see Morison (K.) •Origin (The) of printing, in 2 essays : 1, the substance of Middle- ton's diss. ; 2, Meerman's ace. of the invention. 2"* ed. 8". 1776 The " Suppl." [/)(/ .7. Nichols] has a half-t., dated irSl. •Origin (The) of the Eng. drama illust. by specimens etc., 1773, see j Hawkins (T.I n?. Original. Original it genuine letters sent to the Tatler & Spectator, 1725, sec LiLLiE (C.) ed. Original ballads, by living a"., 1850, see Thompson (H.) ed. •OriginalBeitrage zur deutschen Schaubithne, 1836-44, see A-iiELi.\, 2>rincess of Sa.rony. •Original familiar correspondence betw. resi.lents in India, etc., 1846, see Addison (G. -\.) Original family sermons [by var. a\]. 5v. s8**. 1833-35 Original glossaries ['>. Eng. Dialect Soc, 12], 1876, see Skeat (W. W.) cd. Original glossaries [ fivp in number. Eng. Dialect Soc, 32], 1881, see Skeat (W. W.i cd. •Original hist. (An) of the relig. denominations in the U.S., 1844, see Rurpll. D.) cd. Original letters it o. doc", rel. to benefactions of Laud to Berks, 1841, see Laud (W.), abp. Original letters it Papers of State addr. to Cromwell (1649-58), found among the coll', of J. Milton, 1743, see Nickolls (J.) ed. Original letters, illust. of Eng. hist., 3s, 1824-46, see Ellis (Sir H.) ed. i Original letters of eminent lit. men of 16"', 17''', IS'"" c'., TCamden Soc, 23], 1843, see Ellis (Sir H.) ed. Original [continxu'd]. Original letters of Sir John Falstaff it his friends, 17i'0, see White (Jas.) Original letters, written dur. the r'. of Hen. VI, Ed. IV, & Ei. Ill, etc., 1787-1823, <('■ o. ed'., see Paston Letters. Original (The) lists of persons of quality, emigrants, etc. etc., who went to the American plantations 1600-1700, 1874, see Hotten (J. C.) ed. Original pa^^ers, etc., 2v, 1775, see Macphersox.( J.), misc. zvrifer, ed. •Original sin. [P705]. s8». T. Scott, Ramsgate. 1868 Original treatises dating f. 12-18''' c. on painting etc., w. tr*. & notes, 1849, sec Merbikield (Mrs.) ed. Original unpubl. papers illust. of the life of Rubens, etc., 1859, see Sainsbury (W. N.) cd. Originalia Rolls. *Eotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii abbreviatio, temp. Hen. III-Edw. III. [Ed. by — Playfordj. rRecord Commission". 2v. fol. 1805-10 vl. Hen. Ill, Edw. I, Edw. II. v2, Edw. IIL Origine. *De I'o. des loix, des arts etc., 1758, see Goguet (A. Y.) •'Deir o. e della anticliita della inoneta viniziana, 1750, see Zanetti (G. F.) Origines. *Origines, 1824-9, see Drummond {Sir W.) *Origines (Les) de la langue tran(,oise, 1050, sec Menage (G.) "Origines (Les), ou Pane. gouv. de la France etc., 1757, see Dn Buat-Nancay {le c. L. G.) Origines parochiales Scotia' : antiqs. of the parishes of Scot- land. [By W. Anderson, J. Robertson, J. B. Brichan it J. M'Nab ; ed. C. Inncs. Bannatyne Club]. 2v in 3, [2, i, ii]. 4". E. 1850-5 Oriuna, wife of Caraiisius, sec Stukeley (W.) Palteographia Britann., 3, 6., 1752. *Oriya instructor. sS". Cuttack. 1846 Orkney. *Tlie genei-al grievances etc. of 0. it Shetland [ly.'iO, »('^n-.]1830, see M.ickenzie (.J.) "^Thoughts on Orkney it Zetland, 1831, see Groat (A. G.) Orkney (George "Wiiliam H. F., 6"' earl n/j, visct. Kirkwall, ff/.. Four years in the Ionian P. ; with hist, of Brit. Protec- torate. " 2v. s8". 1864 Orkney (J. Hepburn, earl of Bothwell ct duke of), sec Both- WEI.L. Orkneyinga Saga, [or, .Jarla Saga ; fORKNEYJiEx]. ""O. S. Tr. .1. A. Hjaltalin it G. Goudie. 8". E. 1873 see ViGFussoN (G.) ed., Icelandic Sagas, 1887-1894. Orlando. *The modern 0., 1840, sec Ceoly (G.) Orlando, the Paladin, sec Eoland. Orleans. *Mistdn-e (Le) du siege d'O. Publ. par F. Guessard& E. de Certain. [DoC. incd.]. 4". 1862 Orleans, The House of. see Taylor (W. C.) Mem', of the House of 0., 1849. „ Yriarte (C.) Les princes d'O., 1872. Orleans, The Maid of, [Die Jnngfrau von Orleans], sec Arc (.Jeanne d'). Orleans (Charles, due d.'), l3 ed. sS'. Chiswick. 1824 Eefekences. see Gekhahd (E.) 0. u. die Orphiker, 1801. „ Hesioc. H., Hynmes orphiques etc., tr. par Leconte de Lisle, 1869. „ ScHusTEK (P. E.) De OrphiciE Theogoniie indole & orig., etc., 18(;9. *Orpheus Caledonius, 1733, sec Thomson (W.) Orr (Mrs. Alexandra), see Orb (Mrs. S.| Orr (H. B.) A theory of development * heredity. s8". N.Y. 1893 Oir (James), piof. in the Vnited Presbyterian Coll., Edinburgh. Authenticity of .John's Gospel, f. internal evidence, etc. 8 '. 1870 The Eitschlian theology it the evangel, faith. s8'. 1897 .sec Eainy (E.) O., etc.. The supernatural in Xty., 2'"' ed., 1894. Orr (M. A.) Southern stars : a guide. s8". [1S9GJ Orr (Mrs. Sutherland). [fOnR {Mrs. Alexaxdba).] Handbook to the works of 11. Browning. sS". 1885 5"'ed. s8". 1890 e'l-ed. s8". 1892 Life & letters of E. Browning. 8". 1891 Orred (Meta). Honour's worth. 2v. sS". 1878 A long time ago. s8". 1876 Orrery (Charles Boyle, ;"' carl of), see Boyle {Hon. C), aft. 4"' e. of O. Oir's Circle of the sciences. 9v. 8". 1854-0 Orgiinic nature, by Owen A: Latbani. Mathemat. science, by Twisden & Jartlnie. Element, chemistry, by Scoffeni. In- organic nature, by Ansted &. others. Nautical astronomy, by Young. Pract. chemistry, by Gore. Photography, by Starling. Mechanical philosophy, by M. Mitchell. Mechani- cal di awings, by Imray. Orrery (Eoger Boyle, /'' earl of') [Lord Broghill]. Coll. of the state letters of 0., w. o. letters & pieces of a diff. kind, [tt] life of C, by T. Morrice. 2v. 8°. D. 1743 Dramatick worJcsi added, "As you find it," by C. Boyle, aft. E. of 0. 2v. 8". 1739 Parthenissa. fol. 1670 Orridge (Benj. Brogden). lUusl-. of Cade's rebellion, w. some newly-found letters of Bacon, etc. Added, contrib". by W. D. Cooper on the rising of Cade, etc. 4". 1869 Some ace. of the citizens of London & their rulers, lOGO-1867. 8>. 1867 Orrinsmith (.Vrs. Lucy). The drawing-room. s8». 1877 Orronville (Jean Cabaret, d'), sec Cabaret (J.) d'Orronvillc. Orsato (il contc Sertorio). [S. Ursatus]. Explanatio notaium et litterarum, quie in antiq. lapid., marmor. etc. occ. s8". Parisiis. 1723 This isanotlwr ed. of p2 of h, " De notis Bomaiiorum comm.,"^p, ^6/2. Otsay (Harriet, comtesse d'). L'ombre du bonheur. s8". 1853 Orschall (Johann Christian), see Neri (A.) Art de la verrerie, auquel on a ajoute le Sol sine veste d'O., tr., 17-52. Orsi (Count ). Eecolls. of the last half-centui-y. 88". 1881 Orsi (il card. Giuseppe Agostino). Delia ist. eeclesiastica [ fino air a. 600]. 20v. s8". Ferrara. 1749-62 see Becchetti (F. A.) Delia ist. eccles. dell' 0. proseguita, 1770-8,s. Orsi (Pietro). L' Italia moderua : stoi'ia degli ultimi 150 anni. s8". Milano. 1901 Modern Italy, 1748-1898. [Story of the Nations]. s8". 1900 Orsini (Felice). Austrian dungeons in Italy; imprisonment & escape f. S. Giorgio. Tr. from MS. by .1. M. White. sS". 1856 Mems. & adv., by himself, cont. unpubl. State Papers of the Roman Court. Tr. f. the orig. MSS. by G. Carbonel. 8'. E. 1857 Orsini (Fulvio), see Xoluac (P. de). La bibl. de F. 0., 1887. Orsini (Marie Anne), duclicss di Bracciano, sec Des Uesins. Orsisius, St.. see Mioxi; (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t73, 103. Orsola, Sai}it, see Ursula, Saint. iirsted (Hans Christian). Translations. Gesammelte Schriften. Deutsch v. K. L. Kannegiesser. OB in 3. [I, 4'- ; 2, 3'^^ A.]. 8". L. [1849-51] 1, 2, Der Geist in d. Natur. 2B. B2 of " Dcr Geist etc." has i""' tp. : Die Naturw. u. d. Geistesbildung. 3, Neue Beitriige zu d. Geist in d. Natur. 4, Charaktere n. Reden. 5, >>achgelassene Beitriige zu d. Geist in d. Xatur. 6, Ver- mischte Schriften ii. allgemein menschl. Verhiiltnisse. Der Geist in d. Natur. deutsche Orig.-Ausg. s8". Miiucheu. 1850 „ [B] 2. Die Naturwissenschaft u. d. Geistesbildung. 2'- A. 8 •. L. 1850 Die Naturwissenschaft in i. Verhiiltniss z. Diclitknnst u. Eeli- gion. Suppl. zu : Der Geist in d. Natur. Deutsch v. Kanne- giesser. [b. n: h. Geist in d. Natur, 2, 2' A., 18501. 8". L. 1850 The soul in nature. Tr. by L. & J. B. Horner. s8". Bohn. 1852 Orsiia (Pedro de), see Southey (E.) The exped. of O. etc., 1821. Ortega y Frias (Ramon). Guzman el Bueno. 2t. s8". 1859 Ortel (Friedrich Maximilian). Genealog. Tafeln z. europii. Staatengesch. d. 19..Jlults. 3' A. obl.8'. L. 1877 Ortelianus (Jacobus Colius), sec Colius (.!.), surnamcd Orteli- anus [.I. Oitclii sororis Jilius]. Ortelius (Abraham), [.\. Okielio; A. 0. Antverpianus], see Hessels (.J. H.) Eccl. Lond.-Bat. Archivnm, tl, A. 0. tt virorum erudit. ad eundem & ad J. Colium Ortelianum epist., 1887. Ortenberg (Emil Fr. Jul. v.) Bestandtheile d. Buches Sacharja. [P491]. 8". Gotha. 1859 ♦Orthodox London, 1873, see Davtes (C. M.) Orthodoxy. sec *MoDERN orthodoxy : a satir. poem, 1806. ,, *MoDERN 0. it modern liberalism, [1868]. Orthographe. *Cahiers de remarques sur I'o. franv. pour estre examinez par chacun de Messieurs de I'Academie, etc., publ. 1863, sec Marty-L.iveaux (C.) ed. Orthography. For an anon, icork in Sj'cini.'ih sec Obtografia. see *FBrEXDLY advice to the correctour of the Eng. press at Oxford cone, o., 1082. Ortigue (Joseph Louis d'). Diet, de plain-chant et de musique. sec Migxe (.T. p.) Encyclopedic, S2, xxix. Ortigue de Vaumoriere (Pierre d'), see *Elemexts de la politesse, avec r.\rt de plaire dans la conversation, par Mr. Prevost [or ratlu'r by 0. de 1'.], 1766. Ortliebus, .sec Moxi-.menta Germ. Hist., Ser., tlO. *Ortografia de la lengua castellana, comp. por la Real Acad. Espan. 6" imp. s8". 1779 Ortolan (Joseph L. E.) Hist, of Eoman Law. Tr., etc. by I. T. Prichard & D. Nasmith. 8°. 1871 Les penalites de I'Enfer de Dante ; suiv. d'et. sur B. Latini. s8". 1873 see Justinian I, emp. Explication histor. des Instituts, avec texte, tr. etc. par 0., 4'' ed., 1847 ; 7" id., 1863. „ Meaes (T. L.) Analysis of O.'s Instit. of Justinian, 1876. Ortolani (Giuseppe Emanuele) ed., *Biografia degli uomini iUustri della Sicilia ; comp. daU' 0. e da altri. 4t. 4". Napoli. 1817-21 Ortcli (J. B. Frederic). Les contes pop. de Pile de Corse. s8"'. 1888 Les voceri de File de Corse. s8". 1887 Orts-Lexikoa von Deutschland, 1870, see Rudolph (H.), publ. Ortns (le col.) Madagascar . 1574 Hist, of the Portuguese dur. r. of Emmanuel. Tr. J. Gibbs. 2v. 8". 1752 Osorkon II, see Naville (E.) The fe.stival-hall of 0. II, 1892. O'Squarr (Flor), see Flob O'SguAUR (C. M.) Ossat (le card. Arnaud d'). Lettres. Avec notes de M. Amelot de La Houssaie. 5t. n. ed. s8'. Amsterdam. 1708 Ossequente (Giulio), see Obsequens (Jphus). *Osservazioni sopra i cimiterj de' martiri ec, 1720, see Boldetti (M. A.) OSSIAN 1096 OSWELL Ossian. Altliougk not bit 0., the poems wh. MaciiJierson pretended to have ti'Kf. him are x^hiced here for convenience. The poems of 0. Tr. J. Macplieison. " 2v. n. ed. 8". 179C The genuine remains of 0. Literally tr., w. diss., by P. Mac- gregor. s8". 1841 sec Bhyijoes (Sir S. E.) Sonnets etc., w. versification of the Six Bards of 0., n. ed., 1785 ; n. ed., 1795. „ Cameron (A.) ReliquiiE Celt. : vl, Ossianica, 1892. „ D,vviEs (Edw.) The claims of 0., 1825. ,, Macpherson (Ja.) for ref. to other works dealing w. tliesc poems. ,, Sjiith (John), «i(H(s/c )•- Galie antiq'. : diss, on O., etc., 1780. Ossington (John Evelyn Denison, risct.) Notes f. my jomnal when Speaker. s4". 1900 sec Bible. " Speaker's Commentary," lOv, 1871-81, so called because loritten at D.'s siiggestiwi. Ossip-Lourie ( ), sec Lounii: (Ossip). Ossoli (.la marchcsa Margaret Fuller), see Fuller (M.), oft. march. d'O. OssolWski (Jerzy), coiint of T^csyn, Zycie. Trve copy of the Latine oration of O., as iironounced to h. Maiestie, 1620 ; w. tr. [P1013]. 4". 1621 Ossory (Anne, countess of), d. /S(j/„ sec Upper Ossory (Anne, countess of). Ossowski (Godfryd). Wielki Kurhan Eyzanowski wedtug badaii dokonanych w latach 1884 i 87. etc. Wydanie Kom. Antropolog. Akad. Umiej^tnosci. [Polish with French resume]. 4". w Krakowie. 1888 Ost (Leopold), sec Georg (C.) Schlagwort-Katalog : Bl, v. G. u. 0., 1889. Ostade (Adriaan van). see Rosenberg (.4.) A. u. I. van 0., [Knackfuss, 44], 1900. „ Van de Wiele (Marguerite). Les van 0., 1893. Ostade (Isack van). see Eosenbero (A.) A. u. I. van 0., [Knackfuss, 44], 1900. ,, Van de Wiele (JIarguerite). Les van 0., 1893. Osten (Anton, Craf v. Prokesch-), sec PEOKEstn-OsiEN. Osterlen (Friedrich). Medical logic. Tr. & ed. by G. AVhitley. [Sydenham Soc.]. 8". 1855 Osterley Park Library : cat. of this coll. of books, property of the Earl of -Jersey, sold May, 1885. 8". 1885 Osterley (Hermann). Historisch-geograph. Wbch. d. deut- schen Mittelalters. Ia8". Gotha. 1883 Wegweiser durch d. Literatur d. Urkundeiisammlungen. 2T. 8". 1885-6 see *BAiT.\L-PACnisi, in deutscher Bearbtg. etc.. 1873. „ GoDEicE (C.) Deutsche Dichtung hn Mittelalter, 2" A., vermehrt um Buch 12 [Niederdeutsche Dichtung] v. 0., 1871. Osterreich. [Osterreichs]. see also Osterbeichisch-ungaiiisciie Monarchy;. *Garantieu (Die) d. Maclit etc. O.'s, 1859, see Garantiex. *Osterreicli n. dessen Zukunft. S'' A. s8". Hamburg. 1843 *6sterreichs Theilnalime au d. Betreiungskriegen, nach Aufzeicli- nmigen v. Gentz, etc., 1887, see Gentz {P. v.) *OBterreich-Ungam : das Heer, v. E. v. Kiihlig ; die Flotte, v. E., Bitter v. Jediua, [1898], sec *Heere and Flotten der Gegenwart, B4. *PersoimUa:edit (Der) d. liindl. Kleingruudbesitzes iu O., 1898, see Person.ilkredit etc. •Riickblicke auf d. polit. Bewegung in O., 1848/9. Von F. v. P. [PC85]. 2'^' A. 8".. Wien. 1849 'Untersucliungen ii. d. Lage d. Handwerks in O., 1896, sec Untersuchungen etc. *Untersuchungen ii. d. Lage d. Hausiergewerbes in 0., 1890, see Untersuchungen. Osterreiclier (Ic baron A. de Dumreiclier von), see Dcmbekher VON Usterreicher. Osterreicliischie. [Osterreichischen]. *Fontes rerum Austria- caruni : o. Geschiohtsquellen, in prog., 1849etc., see Fontes, etc. *Geschichte der o. Land- u. Forstwirtsehaft (184.5-95), 1899, see Gesciiichte etc. *Osterreichische 'Wei.sthiiraer, gesammelt v. d. K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften. B8, Niedertisterreich. Weisthiimer, 2. 8'. Wien. 1896 In progress. tjbersichtsband. 2 Abtblgii. 1, Naturgeschichtl. Till. 1887. 2, Geschichtl. Thl. 1887. Byhmen. Abthlg. 1,2.1894-fi. Bosnien u. Hercegovina. 1901. Bukowina. 1899. Croatien u. Slavonien. 1902. Dalmatien. 1892. Galizien. 1898. Klirnten u. Krain. 1891. *Osterreichiscli-ungarische Monarchie (Die), in Wort u. Bild. s4'\ Wien. 1887-1902 Kiistenland (Gorz, Gradiskai Triest u. Istrien). 1891. Miiliren u. Schlesien. 1897. Oberiisterreicb u. Salzburg. 1888. SteiermarU. 1890. Tirol u. Vorarlberg. 1893. Ungarn. Bl-6 iu 7 \Ji i, ii]. 1888-1902. Wien u. Niederusterreich. 2B. 1, Wien. 1888. 2, Niederusterreich. 1888. Ostervald (Jean Frederic). Les salutes ecritures de I'A. Test., d'iip. la vers. rev. par 0. Heb. iV Fr. s8". Londres. 1859 Osterwald(Carl'Wilhelm). Homer. Forschungen: Tl, Hermes — Odysseus, [no more publ.]. s8". Halle, 1853 Iwein ein kelt. Friihlingsgott. [PS95]. 8". Halle. 1853 Ostini (Fritz, baron v.) Thoma. TKnackfuss, 46]. Ia8". Bielefeld. 1900 Ost-Mongolen. *Geschichte d. O.-M., iibers. etc., 1829, se^ Skanang Ssetsex. Ostrogorski (M.) [Ostuogorsky]. La femme au point de vue du droit public. 8». 1892 Partis politiques aux Etats-Unis. [P549]. 8°. [1886] The rights of women. Tr. s8". 1893 Ostrovsky (Aleksandr Nikolaevich). Co'iiiiie;iir. 10 rini. [in 5v]. 10 113;. 8". Moscow. 189G The storm. Tr. C. Garnett. s8". 1899 sec Tolstoy (L.) Ija puissance des t^n^bres, par T. ; L'orage, [et] Vassilissa Melentieva. par 0., [tr.], 1893. Ostrowsici (Christien), sec Ostrowski (J. K.) Ostrowski (Jozef Krystyan). Legendes et oontes populaires du sud. s8r 1803 Theatre complet. s8". 1852 2t. 3=ed. s8". 1862 Ostrowski (Jozefat Bolesiaw). Adam-George, Prince Czar- toryski : fragm. de I'hist. de Pologne. [P368]. 8". 1845 Ostsee-Provinzen. *Bedriickung d. Deutschen etc. iu d. O.-P. [P624]. 8°. L. 18Sr> *VergewaUigung d. russ. O.-P. Von e. Balten. [P624]. 8". 1896 Ostwald (Wilhelm). Outlines of general chemistry. Tr. J. Walker. 8". 1890 O'Sullivan, see also Sullivan. O'Sullivan (E. "W.) Social, industrial, jiolit., & co-operative assoc. etc. in New South Wales. [Chicago Exhib. Po77]. 8". Sydney. 1892 O'Sullivan (John L.) Peace the sole chance for reunion. [P204]. 8". 1863 O'Sullivan (Mortimer). Guide to an Irish gentleman in h. searcli lor a religion. 58". D. 1833 Osuna (F. de Moncada, condc de), sec Moncada. Osuna (Pedro Tellez Giron, 3" duque de). Documentos etc., see Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. Oswald, .S7., king of Northumbcrlnud . see Mi(,NE (J. P.) «/., Pat. latina, tl47, 159. ,, Si.MKON, of Durham. Oi^era omnia, vl, 1882-5. Oswald (E. J.) By fell & fjord : scenes in Iceland. s8". E. 1882 Oswald (Eugen). Austria in 1868. [P220, 263]. 8". 1808 Carlvle : ein Lebensbild; u. Goldkorner aus s. Werken. s8'. L. 1882 sec *DiRECT legislation by the people, versus representative government, tr. 0., 1869. „ Furnh-all (F. J.) ed., Q. Elizabethes Achademy, etc. ; w. essavs on early Italian & German books of courtesv by 0. etc.,"l869. Oswald (Felix L.) Hummerland sketches ; backwoods of Mexico A C. America. 8". Philadelphia. 1880 Oswald (H. K.), F.A.S. Vestigia Ins. Mannia; antiquiora ; armorial bearings of I. of Man, etc. [Manx Soc, 5]. 8". Douglas. 1860 Oswald (James), D.D., sec Priestley (J.), LL.D., Exam, of O.'s -Appeal iu behalf of religion, etc., 1774. Oswald (Ttt. Hon. James), /y/o-O'J. Memorials of public life of 0., in a corr. w. disting. men of last cent. 8". E. 1825 Oswell (W. Edward). W. C. Oswell, hunter & explorer. 2v. Ia8". 1900 OSWELL 1097 OTTONE Oswell CWilliam Cotton). sec Bad-minton Library : Big Game, w. contrib". by 0. etc., 18!)4. „ OswKLi, (W. E.) W. C. O., 1900. Oswin, liing of Northumhria, see Kaine (.1.) ed., Miscellanea bionriiph. : Oswinus [an nnon. life], 183S. Otes (Titus), see Gates (T.) Otfried, of Weissenburd. [OTi'itin ; OTriunus]. Evaiigelienbuch. ' Hrsg. v'. P. Piper. 2T. 8". [1, Patlerborn ; 2, Tiibingen]. 1878-81 Other. *Other people's children, n.rf., see HAunEUTON (.7.) *Other side (The) of the question, etc., 1742, sec Hm.vh (.1.) ♦Other world (The), or glimpses of the .supernatural, 187.5, see Lee (F. G.) eel. Othgerius, Danits, see Ogier, the Dane. Othlonus. sec Mh;ne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl46. ., Moxu.MENTA Gerjt. Hist., Scr., t2, 4, 11, 15. Othmar, Saint, see Monumexta Gkrji. Hist., Scr., t2. Otho. For all persons Icnown hij this fore-naute not entered here see Otto. Otho, lip. of linmt>crg. Saint, sec Otto I, Saint, bp. Otho, cardimd, papal legate in England, see Lyx!>e\voiie (W.) Provinciale ; cui adj. oonstitutiones 0., 167'J. Othobonus O'ctrd.), aft. Adrian V, see Adrian V, pope. [O. l''iEs< in]. Othon. For /icrsons linown bij this fore-name see Otto. Othonis oonstitutiones, sec Otho, cardinal, papal legate. dtker (Friedrich) the elder. Verfassung u. Recht auf Hclgo- lauil (Constitution * right in Heligoland). Nachtrag zu " Helgoland." [Germ, d- Eng. P329]. 8". St. 1878 j Otley, sec Ottlev. ' Otrante (countess Gustave d'), see Grey [Hon. Mrs. W.), aft. countess d'O. Otrante (J. Fouche, due d'), see Fouchk (J.), due d'Otrante. Otranto. *.Jefferv's edition of the Castle of O., u. ed., 1796, see Wali'Ou: (H.) Otranto (Tin: duke of), see Foucinc (J.), due d'Otrante. Ott (Auguste). Diet, des sciences polit. et sociales, see Mioxe (.J. P.) Eucyclopedie, S.S, i-iii. Hegel ct la philosojihie allemande. 8". 1844 Ottato, Milcvitano, see Optatus, Saint, bp. of Mela. Ottaviano (Antonio). L' Ignatio : tragicoraedia. s8". Napoli. IGoti Ottawas, see .Iesuit relations, 1896-1901. Otte (Elise C.) Scandinavian hist. s8". 1874 Simplified grammar of Swedish. s8'. 1884 Otte (Heinrich). Archiiolog. Katechismus d. kirchl. Kunst- archaologie d. deutschen Mittelalters. 3" A., bearb. v. H. Bevgner. 8". L. 1898 Archiiolog. Wbch. z. Erklarg. d. in Schritten ii. mittelalterl. Kunst vorkommenden Kunstausdriicke. 8". L. 1857 Otter (Jean). Voyage eu Turqnie & en Perse. Avec relation des exp(5d. de Tahmas Kouli-Khan. 2t. s8". 1748 Otter (R. H.) Winters abroad. sS". 1882 Otter CWilliam), hp. of Chichester. Life & remains of E. D. Clarke. 2v. 8". 1825 Otterbourne (Thomas), sec He.ir.se (T.) ed.. Duo rerum Anglic. scr. : 0. etc., 1732. Ottey (George Philip). "How shall the Church retain her influence over boys after thev leave her dav-schools ? " ' [P.S13]. 8". 1874 Ottin (L.) Le vitrail. 4". [1896] Ottingen (Alexander v.) Die MoralstatisUk u. d. christl. Sittenlehre. 2T. 8". Erlangen. 1868-74 „ „ 2'- A., [ic. /. .- Die Moralstatistik in i. Bedeutung fiir eine christl. Socialethik]. 8". Erlangen. 1874 „ „ 3° A., [w. t. : Die M. in i. B. fiir eine SocialethikJ. 8". Erlangen. 1882 Ottingen (Max von). Abriss d. russ. Staatsreehts. 8». 1899 ■ Ottingen ("Wolfgang v.) Daniel Chodowiecki. laS". 1893 | Ottinger (Eduard Maria). Bibliographie biographique. j 4". L. 1850 I „ , -it in \, [pagin. cont. 2' &(\.]. 4". Brux. 1854 Historisches Archiv, (Archives historiques). 8". Carlsruhe. 1841 Moniteur des dates. : 6t in Iv, [17p of a Supph wanting]. 4". Dresde. 18GG-8 Ottino (Giuseppe). Manuale di bibliografia. s8". IMilano. 1885 & G. Fumagalli. BiWiotheca bibliographica Italica : cata- logo ec. 2v. laS". Torino. 1889-95 I „ ,, Primo suppl. ann., 1895. [A '2'"' Suppl. u-anting]. \ la8". Torino. 1896 i Ottley (Drewry). Observations on surgical diseases of the head & neck. [Sydenham Soc.;. 8». 1848 Ottley (Henry) the younger. Diet, of recent* living painters & engravers : sup))!, to Bryan. Ia8". 1866 Ottley (Henry Bickersteth). Modern Egypt : its witness to Xt. sS". 1884 Ottley (Robert Lawrence). Aspects of the Old Test. [Bampton Lect-., 1897J. 8". 1897 Doctrine of the incarnation. 2v. 8". 1896 Lancelot Andrewes. sS". 1894 Ottley (William Young). Inquiry cone, the invention of printing. Intr. by .J. P. Berjeau. 4". 1862 The Italian school of design ; fac-similes of drawings by eminent painters & sculptors, w. biog. not'., A obs. on works, fol. 1823 Origin & early hist, of engraving. 2v. 4". 1816 Plates, engraved after masters of the early Florentine school. lafol. 1826 Otto, sec also Obo, Oiho. Otto I, hp. of Bamberg, d. II.I'J, Saint. [0. Bahreroensis]. see JniiiTHCH (G.) Gesch. d. Bischofs 0. I (1102-39), 1889. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl73. „ MONUJIE.NTA GeRJI. HiST., ScT., tl5. Otto !i. Braunschweig, see Otto IV, empi. of Germany. Otto, bp. of Frisingen. see Boucjuet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, til, 13. „ Monu.menta Geum. Hist., Scr., t20. „ Mueatori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., tG. Otto I, emperor. [O. deb Geosse ; 0. Magnus]. see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t9. „ MiGXE {3. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t98, 138. ., Moxu.MENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t.3, 4. „ LTrkundex d. deutschen Konige u. Kaiser, Bl, 1879-93. Otto II, emperor. [0. der Kothe]. see Migxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t98, 138. „ UiiLtRz (K.) Jahrbiicher des deut. Belches unter 0. II, 1902. „ Urkuxdex d. deutschen Konige u. Kaiser, B2, 1879-93. Otto III, cmjocror. see Uhliez (K.) Jahrbiicher d. deutsch. Eeielies unter 0. Ill, 1902. „ Urkuxdex d. deutschen Kiinige u. Kaiser, B2, 1879-93. Otto IV, emperor. [0. der W^lfe ; O. vox Braunschweig]. see Laxgeri-eldt (G.) O. IV, der Welfe. 1872. „ WrNKELMANX (E.) PhiUpp V. Schwaben u. 0. IV, 1873-8. Otto, king of Greece, see KouLouRiOTEs (A. J.) Greece : her past under 0., etc., 1863. „ Thouvenei, (E.) La Grece du roi Othon, 1890. Otto de S. Blasio. see MoNUMEXTA Ger5I. Hist., Scr., t20. „ MuR.\TORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t6. Otto ( ), member of the Philosoph. Soc. of Philadelphia, see Cudera (C.) Investigaciones sobre los descubrimientos de los Esijafioles, en resp. A O., 1794. Otto (Bernhard), misc. writer. *DreihundertJ!ihriges deutsches Kloster-Kochbuch. Bearb. v. 0. s8". L. 1860 Otto (Carl Wilhelm). Deealogische Untersuchungen, nebst e. Anhange ii. d. Todtentaufe in Corinth. 8". L. 1857 Die geschichtl. Verhiiltnisse d. Pastoralbriete. 8'. L. 1860 Otto (Friedrich). Hist, of Russian lit., w. lexicon of Russian authors. Tr. G. Cox. 8". 0. 1839 Otto (Hermann), ed. of " Der artist. Organ d. Circus, etc. ; " [ps. Signor Saltarixo], sec Saltarixo, ps. Otto (Johann Carl Theodor v.) De epist. ad Diognetum S. Justini nomen pne se ferente. [P495]. 8". Jenffi. 1845 De Justini mart, scriptis it doct. 8". Jense. 1841 see *CoRPUs apologet. Christian, stec. 2'., 9t, 1851-81. Ottobonus seriba. Annales Januenses 1174-96, see Monument.v Gi:rji. Hist., Scr., tl8. Ottocar, von Stciermark. [Ottocaeius Horxeckius ; fHoRXECK (0. v.)] Osterreich. Eeimchronik. Hrsg. v. J. Seemiiller. [Mon. Germ. Hist., D. Clir., 5]. 4». HannoversB. 1890-3 Ottoman Public Debt. Administration of O.P.D. : Report of Council of Administration. Tr. [I'lOOO]. 8". 1898/9 Ottomano, padre, see Evelyn (J.) Hist, of 3 impostors, 0. etc., ICC,'.). Ottomanus (Ildrimius), see Bajazet II, sultan. Ottone. For persons knoivn by this fore-name see Otto. OTUEL 1098 OUSELEY Otuel. sec Chaelemagxe. *English C. romances : p'2, " The romance of Duke Rowland & Sir Otuell " f. the MS. of E. Thornton in Brit. Mus., 1880. .„ *English C. romances ; pG, The fragments of " Otuel," 188-2. 'Otway (CsBsar). *Sketches in Erris & Tyrawly. s8r D. 1841 *Sketches in Ireland. 2"'i ed. s8". D. 1839 *Tour in Connaught. s8". D. 183'.1 (Otway (Thomas). Best plays. Notes etc. by Hon. R. Noel. [Mermaid Ser.]. s8\ 1893 Don Carlos. [P733]. 4" ed. s4". 169-5 Works. Notes * life by T. Thornton. 3v. 8". 1813 Oudaen (Joachim). O.'s aanmerkingen over Horatius dichtkunst, op onze tyden gepast, door A. Pels. [P880]. s8". Amsterdam. 1713 Oudart Feudrix de Brequigny (Louis Georges), sec Bekqcigxi- (L. G. 0. F. de). Oude. Admin, of 0. Annual Rep. 1800/1-1804/5. 5v in 2. fol. 1861-5 *Cat. of Arabic, Persian, & Hindustani MSS., of the libraries of the Kings of Oudh : by A. Sprenger. vl, [»o more cj'Jj'.]- laS". Calcutta. 1854 *Eemarks on the Oude Question. [P177]. 8". 1800 see East Ixtjia Co. *Papers resp. a reform in the admin, of the Nawaub Vizier [of O.], etc., (1808-1.'5), 1824. .,, GiBNEY (E. D.) *My escape f. the mutinies in Oudh, 1858. „ Muhammad Masih Al-Dix. *Oude : its princes & govt, vin- dicated, 1857. „ Nohtii-West Provixlks. *Report on admin, of N.-W. P. & Oudh, (1890-9), 1897-1900. Oude (Grhazi Al-Din Haidar, king of), a. of " The seven seas : a diet, it grammar of Persian, iSi2," see Ghazi Al-Dix Haidae, ling etc. Ondenburg. Chronicon monasterii .\ldenburgensis, see Migxe (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl74. Oudheidskundige Kring van bet Laud van Waes, see Waes. Livre des feudataires des comtes de Flandre au pays de ^Yaes aux 14-10- s., 1872. Oudin (Casimir). [Oudixus]. Comm'. de scriptoribus Ecclesiae antiquis illorumque scriptis tam impr. quam MSS. a Bellar- mino, Possevino, etc. omissis, ad a. 1400. Cum multis diss'. 3t. fol. [1, Francofurti ad Mtenum. 2, 3, L.]. 1722 Oudin (Francois) [F. Odixus] ed., *Poemata didasoalica, nunc primum vel ed. vel coll. 3t. sS". Parisiis. 1749 see Memoiees p. serv. a I'hist. des hommes illustres dans la republ. des lettres [by 0. cfc.], 1727-45. Oudinot (le marichal Nicolas Charles V.), due de Reggio, see Stieglei; (G.) 0. d'ap. les ouv. de la marechale, 5" ed., 1894. Oudney (Walter), see Dexham (D.), 0., etc., Travels in Africa (1822-4), 3'" ed., 1828. Onen, Saint, abp. of Rouen. [Audoexo; Audoexts ; Dodon ; tOwEx, Saint etc.'] . Vie de S. Eloi. Tr. C. Barthaemy ; suiv. de notes sur le 7' s., etc. 8". 1847 see Migxe (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t87. Oughton (Thomas). Ordo judieiorum ; s. methodus procedendi in foro eccles.-oivili Britann. & Hibern. 2v in 1. 4". Londini. 1728-38 Ouida, ps. [i.e. Mile. Louise de La Ramef.]. All altruist. s8». 1897 Ariadjii' : the story of a dream. 3v. 68". 1877 Bimbi : stories for children. s8». 1882 Cecil Castlemaine's gage, & o. novelettes, [i" cd. pubV. 1S67]. n. ed. sS". n.d. Chandos. n. ed. [2 ' ed. 2>ubl''. 1SB6]. sS". 7i.d. Critical studies. S». 1900 A dog of Flanders, & o. s. sS". 1872 Don Gesualdo. sS". 1886 FoUe-Fariiie. 3v. a8». 1871 Frescoes, etc.; dramatic sketches. s8°. 1883 Friendship. Sv. sS". 1878 „ n. ed. s8". n.d. Guilderoy. 3v. sS". 1889 „ n. ed. sS". 1889 Held in bondage. [1'' ed. puhlf'. 1863]. n. ed. s8». u.d. A house party. Idalia. In a winter city, In Maremma. „ „ ... n. ed The Massarenes. Moths. 3v. n. ed. Othmar. 3v. „ n. ed. Pascarel. 3v. Pipistrello, it' o. s. Princess Napraxine. 3v. s8o. 1887 3v. s8». 1867 s8<>. 1876 3v. 68". 1882 s8». [1884] 58". 1897 . sS°. 1880 s8». 1880 s8>'. 188.5 s8". 1886 s8'. 1873 sS". 1880 1884 „ „ ... n. ed. s8". 1885 Puck. 3v. s8'. 1870 „ 2"'! ed. s8». n.d. A rainy June. sS^. [1885] RufHno, etc. s8^ 1890 Conts. : Ruffino — Au orchard — Trottoliiio — The ball- fincli. Ouida, ps. [i.e. inie. Louise de La Rameu] [continued]. Santa Barbara etc. [Tales]. s8". 1891 Le solve. s8». 1890 Sigiia. 3v. s8o. 1875 Tlie silver Christ ; &, A lemon tree. s8'i. 1894 Strathmore. 3v. S80. 1865 „ ... a. ed. 68". 1889 Street dust : A- o. s. s8". 1901 La Strega, & o. s. s8". 1899 Syrlin. 3v. s8". 1890 , n. ed. s8". 1891 Tlie tower of Taddeo. 3v. s8". 1892 Toxin. s8". 1895 Tricotrin. 2v. s8». 1869 Two little wooden shoes. n. ed. s8i. 1888 Two offenders. s8". 1894 Under two Hags. 3v. s8». 1867 „ „ ... n. ed. s8». n.d. Views & opinions. s8". 1895 A village commune. 2v. b8". 1881 Wanda. Sv. s8". 1883 „ n. ed. 88". [1885] The waters of Edera. imp. s8\ 1900 one! Ouin-La Croix (Charles). Hist, des anc. corporations d'arts A' mi'tiers & des confreries relig. de la caiiitale de la Nor- niandie. laS'J. Rouen. 1850 Oulibicheff (Alex.) [I-Uluibuishev (A. D.)] Nouv. biographie de Mozart, suiv. d'apercu sur I'hist. gen. de la musique etc. 3t. Ia8". Moscou. 1842-3 Mozart's Leben, nebst Ubersicht A. Gesch. d. Musik etc. Fiir deutsche Leser bearb. v. A. Schraishuon. 3T. 8". St. 1847 *Oulita the serf, 1858, sec Helps (Sir A.) Oulton (Richard). Repeal of the Union. [P028]. 8'. D. 1808 Oupanischat[sj, see Upanishads. Our. *Our burden & our strength. [An American pamphlet, without tp. P223]. ... 8"- n-d; [c. 1865] *Our civil &: military establishments. no. 1, [no more publ.]. [P288]. 8". 1855 *Our commerce in war, etc., 1897, see Dansox (J. T.) *Our cruise in the Alabama, 1863, ser Alabama. *Our doctor, & o. tales of Kirkbeck, 1852, sre Le.^k (Mrs. H. L.) *Our educational Frankenstein : incapacity etc. of tlie School Board for Loudon. By au impartial observer. [P385]. 8". [1884 ?] ♦Our English home, 1860, sre Home. •Our farm of tour acres, etc., 1859 ; 13"' ed., 1871, seeCouLTOX {ilf jss). •Our first century. [P710]. s8 '. [1873] *Our great niilitarv & naval Parliaments. From the " Standard of Freedom." " [P146]. 8". n.d., [c. 1849] •Our homes & how to make them healthv, 1883, see MCBPBY (S. F.) ed. •Our little Ann. By a. of " Tip cat." " s8'>. 1885 •Our little life, etc., 2s, 1882-4, see Boyd (A. K. H.) •Our living painters, 1859, see Paixteks. •Our lost explorers : the Jeaunette exped. etc., 1882, see Newcome (R. L.) ed. -Our naval position & policy, 1859, see Dunsaxy (E., 16''' baron). •Our new ministers, by H. B. C, 1858, see Mixistebs. •Our next war, in its commercial aspect, 1894, see Daxsox (.J. T.) *Our ocean highways universal route book. Ed. J. M. Dempsey. s8". 1870 •Our own misanthrope. By Ishmael. Repr. f. " Vanity Fair." s8". 1876 •Our own Pompeii : a romance of to-morrow. 2v. sS'. E. 1887 •Our Public Schools, Kegan Paul, 1881, see Public. •Our resources, 1804, see Haz.\ed (E. G.) Our sensation novel, ed. [i.e. written] by J. H. McCarthy, 1886, see MacCakthy (J. H.) Our soldiers & the Victoria Cross, 1867, see Beeton (S. 0.) ed. •Our summer in the Harz Forest, by a Scotch family, 1865, sec BuBTOx (Mrs. J. Hill). •Our wars in India, [Peace Congress Comm.], n.d., see India. Ourliac (Edouard). Contes du Socage. n. ed. s8". 1870 Nouveaux contes du Bocage. sS'. 1866 Les portraits de famille. s8". 1866 *Ourselves in relation to a deity A a Church. 8". 1897 Ouseley {Sir Frederick Arthur (Jore), 2'"' barf. Harmony. 4". O. 1808 Musical form ct gen. composition. 4". 0. 1875 Treatise on counterpoint, canon, & fugue, based upon that of Cherubini. 4''. 0. 1869 see H.ueegal (F. T.) Memorials of 0., 1889. ,, Joyce (F. W.) Life of 0. ; w. 2 chapters apprec. of 0. as musician, by G. R. Sinclair, 1890. Ouseley (Rt. Hon. Sir Gore), /' bart. Biograph. notices of Persian poets. Memoir of 0. by J. Reynolds. [O.T.F.]. Ia8°. 1840 see MoniER (James). Second journey etc. ; \v. ace. of the embassy under 0., 1818. Ouseley {Sir William). Travels in various countries of the East, partic. Persia, 1810-2. 3v. 4". 1819-23 see Ahmad ibx Muhammad ibx 'Add .\l Ghaffab, Al Kasuunl Al Ghifdr't. Epitome of the anc. hist, of Persia, tr. f. the Jehan Ara by 0., 1799. OUSELEY 1099 OVID Ouseley (Sir "William) [contintw/U. sec Bakhtyak. *The Bakhtyfu- NAma, tr. 0., 1S83. „ *CBiTicAr, essay on var. MS. works, Arabic & Persian, etc., tr., 1832. ,, InN HAUKAr,. The oriental geography of I. H., tr., 1800. „ Or.iENTAL (The) collections, eel. O., vl, 2, 17il7-8. Out. *Out of door sports in Scotland, 188!l, sec Ellangowan, ps. *Oiit of the depths : the story of a woman's life. s8". C. 18.59 Outamaro, : Yusuke KitagawaI, see Goncourt (E. pe). 0., 181)1. -^Outcasts (The). ' 2v. s8». E. 1888 Outhier (Reginald). Voyage to the North, see Pixkertox (.T.) Voyages, vl. Cutis, jis., see *HiATi's : the void in modern education, by 0., 18(ii). Outis, ps. of a. of " Poems hnmorons £ philosoph. ; incl., rlii/iiies ill W. of Englnnd dialect by Agrikler," n. ed., iS7'>, see Edwauds (.Jos.) Outline. •Outliue (An) of snmatology, 1831, sec S.maut (B. H.) •Outline of tlie laws of thought, 2'"' ed., [ti: I. : O. of the necessary laws of t.], 1849, scr TuoMsoN (W.), abp. 'Outline (An) of the various soc. systems etc. founded on cooperation, 1841, see Hennell (M.) Outline or skeleton maps of the diocese of Exeter, pi, 1825, see Exeter. Outlines. •Outlines for the classi6cation of a library etc., 1825, see Hobne (T. H.) •Outlines of history, [Cab. Cycl ], 1830, see Keightley (T.) "Outlines of Jewish hist., 1886, see Magnus (Katie\ Lailij Magnus. •Outlines of social economy, 2'"' ed., 1850, see Ellis (W.) •Outlines of Swedenborg's doctrines, n. ed., 1873, see Clowes (J.) •Outlines of the hist. A: formation of the understanding, 1847, see Ellis iW.) *Outrageous fortune : being the story of Evelyn Grey, Hospital Nurse. ' .s8°. 1900 Outram (Sir James), /■' hart. The conquest of Scinde. 2p 8'. E. 1846 Rough notes of the campaign in Sinde & Affghanistan, 1838-9. 8". p.p. ; Bombay. 1840 see Chapman (.1.) Baroda & Bombay : removal of 0. f. the office of Resident etc., 18.53. „ GoLPSMin (Sir F. .1.) 0., a biog'., 1880. „ NAriEH (R.) On O.'s -'Conquest of Sinde," 1847. Outram (William). De sacriiiciis : Ecclesite Cathol. sententia contra F. Socinnin defenditur. 4". Londini. 1077 *Outre-mer, a pilgrimage bej'ond the sea, 2'"' ed., 1851, sec Longfellow (H. W.) Outremeuse (Jean d'). [IDes Preis (J.), called Outremetise]. Le myreur des histors : chronique. 6t. Intr. & table. It. Publ. par A. Borgnet {& S. Bormans). [C. R. d'H. de Belg.]. 4'. Brux. 1804-87 Outsider (An),p.s. (fa. of " Dqyloinatic sketclics, -/sys-g" see Malortie [baion C. v.) Outzen (Nicolaus). Glossarium d. fries. Sprache, bes. in nord- fries. Mundart. Hrsg. v. L. Engelstoft u. C. Molbeoh. s4'\ Kopenhageu. 1837 Ouvaroff (Ic cte. Serge). [fUvAROv (Seegyei Sejiexovich), coitii^]. Esquisses polit. * litt. ; avec e.ssai biograph. & crit. par L(5ouzon Leduc. 8". 1848 Essay on the mysteries of Eleusis. Tr. J. D. Price, w. obs. by .T. Christie. 8'. 1817 Etudes de philologie & de critique. Ia8'. St.-Petersbourg. 1843 Ouvrard (Gabriel Julien). Mcms. de (). sur sa vie & s. opera- tions financieres. 3p. [pi, 4" ; 2, 3" lid.]. 8'. 1827 Ouvre (H.) Les formes litteraires de la penste grecque. 8". 1900 M^leagre de Gadara. 8". 1894 *Ouvrier (L'), tel qu'il ttait, tel qu'il est, etc. [Question socialel. s8". 1879 Ouvry (Francisca Ingram). Henri de Rohan. s8". 1865 Hubert Montrenil. s8". 1873 Ouvry (Frederic). Cat. of old ballads in poss. of 0. ; by T. W. Newton. s4''. 2^.p- 1877 Cat. of the lib. of MSS. & printed bks. of 0., wh. will be sold 30 Mar. 1882, etc. Ia8'. 1882 see Hearne (T.) Letters to H., ed. 0., 1874. Ouvry (Henry Aime). Cavalry experiences & leaves from my journal. 8". Lymington. 1892 The Land Question in Eng. explained. s8". 1871 Stein & h. reforms in Prussia, w. ref. to the Land Question in JSng., etc. s8''. 1873 Ouvry (Henry Aime) [continued], see Bible. Soxg of Solomon, w. notes etc. by Satyam .Tayati [i.e. 0.1, 1867. „ *Megha Di-ta (Le), tr., 1869. Ouvry (Peter Thomas). Practical sermons. s8". 1882 Ovalle (Alonso de). Voyage to Chili, see Churchill. Voyages, v3. „ „ „ Pixkertox (J.) Voyages, vl4. (5vary (Lipot) ed., A Magyar Tud. Akad. tortenelmi bizottsaganak oklcvel-masolatai. " [M. Tnd. Akad.]. fl, 2. 8". 1890-4 Overall (John), bp. of (/) Liditicld (i) Coventry {■'!) Korwich. The Convocation Book of MDCVL called O.'s C. B. 8". 0. 1844 Overall (William Henry). see Guildhall. *Cat. of engraved portraits etc., ed. O., 1872. „ *Cat. of sculpture, paintings etc., w. bks. not in the Cat. of the G. Library, [bij O.], 18G7-8. „ Resie.mbbaxcia. *Analyt. indexes to v2 * 8, [by W. H. O. &. H. C. Overall], 1870. „ *Analyt. index to the [9v of] B., [by W. H. 0. & H. C. O.], 1878. „ Saixt Michael, Cornhill. Accounts of the Churchwardens (14.56-1608) etc., 1871. Overbeck (Franz). Studien z. Gesch. d. alten Kiicho. Heft 1, [no more app''.]. 8". Schioss-Chemnitz. 1875 see Zeller (E.) Contents etc. of Acts ; pref''., O.'s Intr. to Acts, tr., 1875-6. Overbeck (Johannes Adolph). Die antiken Schriftquellcu z. Gesch. d. bildenden Kiinste bei d. Griechen. 8". L. 1868 Gesch. d. griech. Phistik. 2B in 1. laS". L. 1857-8 „ „ 2B. 2" A. las '. L. 1870 „ „ 2B. 4'' A. Ia8". L. 1893 Griech. Kunstmythologie. B2-4. (Besonderer Theil. SB), [no murepiibl]. Ia8". 1871-89 „ Atlas d. griech. Kunstmyth- ologie. Liefg. 1-5, [vontg. Tafeln 1-26. No more pnhl'K]. lafol. L. 1872-87 1, Zeus. 2, Hera. 3, Posei- don. 4, Deraeter u. Kora. 5, Apollon. Kunstarchajolog. Vorlesuugen. 8". Braunschweig. 1853 Pompeji. 2B. 2- A. 8'\ L. 1866 Overbergh (Cyp. van), sec Van Overueegh (C.) Overbury (Sir Thomas) tlic elder. Misc. works in verse & prose, w. mems. 10'" ed. sS". 17.53 Misc. works in verse & prose. Notes & biog. ace. by E. F. Rimbault. s8". 1856 Obs. upon the Provinces United & on France, see Haeleian Collection oe Voyages, vl. sec Amos (k.) The great Oyer of Poisoning, trial of Somerset for poisoning 0., etc., f. contemp. MSS., 1846. „ NicroLs (R.) Sir T. Overburies vision, (1616), 1873. Overland. *Overland, inland, & upland : a lady's notes. By A. U. 2"'" ed. s8-. 1874 ♦Overland mail (The) & the Austrian Lloyd's, 1847, see Lloyd's. •Overlegislation in 1884, 1884, see Liberty & Property Defence League. ''Overmatched, 1876, see Prior (H. L.) Overstone (Samuel Jones), baron Overstone. sec MacColloch (.J. li.) ed., for llie Tracts, ed. by J. R. McCulloch for Lord O. ,, Macdonald (J. H.) The errors & evils of the Bank Charter act of 1844 as divulged by O., 18.55. „ Stans'feld (H.) Comments on the currency fallacies of Lord 0., n.d. Overton (Gwendolen). The heritage of unrest. s8'. N.Y. 1901 Overton (John Henry). ,Tohn Wesley. 88°. 1891 Life iu the Eng. Church, 1660- 1714. 8". 188-3 W. Law, nonjuror & mystic. 8". 1881 see Abbey (C. J.) & O., Eng. Church in 18"> c, 1878; n. ed., 1887; 1896. The Church in England. [The National Churches]. 2v. s8». [1897J The Eng. Church in the 111''' c, (1800-33). 8". 1894 The Evangelical Revival iu the 18«'> c. b8". 1886 „ „ ... n. imp. sS". 1900 John Hannah, a clerical study. 68". 1890 & Eliz. Wordsworth. Christopher Wordsworth, bp. of Lincoln, 1807-85. 8". 1888 Overton (Richard). *Mau wholly mortal, etc. By E. O. [Tlie /■' ed., 1043, had t. : Man's mortalitie etc.]. 2"" ed. s8'>. 1674 Ovid. [OviDE ; OviDio Nasone ; tOviDics Naso (Publius)]. Works. Opera omnia. Cum N. Heinsii etc. notis ; quibus non pauca ace. studio B. Cnippingii. 3t. 8". Amstelodami. 1683 OVID 1100 OWEN Ovid [contiiiiieJ]. Opera omnia iv. vol. conipiehensa. Cum MicyUi, Ciofani, Heinsii notis etc., cura P. Bunnaniii. 4t. 4". Amstelodami. 1727 Opera omnia. [Delphin Class., Kegent'sed., 27-35]. 8".Lon(i. 1821 Opera. E. textii Bunnanni, cum notis Bentleii hactenus ined.. etc. 5v. 8". O. 182.5-20 O. Ex iterata E. Merkelii recoR. 3t. s8". L. 1889-91 EPIST0L.E Heeoidum. [HeboihesI. Heroides. With the Greek tr. o£ Planudes. Ed. A. Palmer. 8". O. 1898 Ibis. Ibis. Ed. etc. R. Ellis. 8". 0. 1881 Tbistia. Tristium libri V. Eec. S. G. Onen. Ia8'. 0. 1888 Tkansl.^tions. [TForts. 3r :] There is no ip. common to the 3v ; hut they are usnalli/ cat'', as a complete tr. of O.'s " Works," it are advertised as such. [1], Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, Halieuticon. Lit. tr. into prose by H. T. Kiley. s8'>. Bohn. 1851 [2], Metamoi-phoses. Lit. tr. into prose by H. T. Riley. s8". Bohn. 1893 [3], Heroides, Amours, Art of Ii0\'e, Remedy of Love, * minor works. Lit. tr. into prose by H. T. Riley. s8'. Bohn. 1852 Epistol.e heroidum. IHekoiije.sI. Heroyda.s trad, por D. Mexia. [C. de E. F., 19]. s8\ 1797 Epistole d' O., trad, da Remigio Fiorcntiuo. 8". Pisa. 1818 Fasti. Fasti. ITr. info verse'] by J. B. Rose. s8<>. 1S6G Metamokphoses. Metamorphoses. Tr. A. Golding. [T/;. if- last p. losl^. s4". [1-575 ?] Metamorphosis englished, mythologiz'd, etc. — An essay to the tr. of Virgil's .Eneis. By G. S/oirfvs]. fol. 0. 1632 Metamorphoses. [Tr. into verse] by .J. B. Rose. s8'. 18(;ii Metamorphoses. Tr. into blank verse by H. King. 8". E. 1871 References. see Catcllvs. Seh. £. C, O., etc. ; notes by Donne, 1860. „ Church (A. J.) 0., [Anc. class, for Eng. read.], 1876 ; repr. 1880. „ Dryden (J.) Fables, tr. t. 0., etc., 1700. ,, Ellis (R.) cd., Collatio Cod. Harleiani 2010 Metamorpho- seon 1, n. III 1-022, etc., 1885. Oviedo y Valdes (G. F. de). 'fFERN-.vxDEz i.e Oviedo y Valdes (GoxzALo)]. Hist, de las Indias, islas y tieria-firme del Mar Oceano. Publ. la E. Acad, de la Hist., illust. etc. por J. Amador de los Rios. 4t. 4°. 1851-5 Ovington (John), il.A. Voyage to Suratt, 1089. s8". 1690 Owain, .Sir. *Owain Miles, A o. ined. fragments of anc. Eng. poetry. [Ed. D. Laincf]. s%". E. 1837 Owen. *Owen : a waif, 1862, see Robinsox (F. W.y *0\Yen Gwynne's great work, 187-5. see Noel [Lad;/ Arc.) *Owen Tudor ; hist, romance, 1849, sec Robinson (E.) Owen, Saint, abp. of Bonen, sec Ouen, Saint etc. Owen (Miss A. C.) The art schools of mediaval Christendom. Ed. J. Buskin. s8". 1876 Owen (Aneurin), see W-ales. *Ancient Laws A- Institutes of W., 1841. Owen (Ashford) jjs., sec Ogle (Anna C.) Owen (Charles), D.D. An essay towards a nat. hist, of sei-pents. 4". 1742 Owen (Charles H.), I. M.S. TJiis is a mistake, on the tp. of a pamphlet by W. M. Haffkinc, E. H. Hankin, cf 0., for 0\yex {Charles William), ^.r. Owen {Major-Gen. Charles Henry). Principles & practice of modern artillery. 8". 1871 Owen (Charles William), I. M.S., medical adviser to H.H. the Mdluirajah of Fatiala. see HAi-t'KiNE (W. M.), E. H. Hankin, & O., Technique of Haffkine's inoculations, 1894. [O.'s name is (liren hii mistake, on the tp. of this pamphlet, as '• Ch. H. Oiren'']. Owen (Daniel). Ehys Lewis, minister of Bethel. Tr. .J. Harris. s8". [1888; Owen (Douglas). Declaration of war : belligerents & neutrals. 8". 1889 Owen (Edward), barrister. Cat. of MSS. rel. to Wales in Brit. Museum, pi, [(« ^wui/. CyramrodorionRec. Ser., 4]. Ia8". 1900 Owen (Edward Roderic), ls.',fi^. 1880 Owen ((Jeorge), of Hcnlhjs, I5.',/-I(jl.'i. The descr. of Pem- brokeshire. Ed., w. notes . 1892-7 Owen (Hales),.swRoTH(H. L.) Bibliog.A chronology of 0., 1887. Owen (Harold). The Staffordshire potter. With chap, on dangerous processes by Duchess of Sutherland. 8". 1901 Owen (Henry), D.C.L.', High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire (1902). Gerald the Welshman. 8". 1889 Old Pembroke families. 4". 1902 see Fenton (R.) Hist, tour through Pembrokeshire : ludes, by O., 1894. Owen (Hugh) of Shrewsbury, & J. B. Blakeway. Hist, of Shrewsbury. 2v. 4". 1825 Owen (Sir Hugh), sec. to the Local Govt. Board. The Elem'. Education Acts, 1870, 1873, & Agricultural Children Act, 1873. With intr., notes etc. 9'" ed. s8". 1874 Owen (Mrs. Jean A.), aft. Mrs. Visgcr. The story of Hawaii. 88". 1898 see Son, A, or tue jiaksiies, ps., for the books written by Mrs. O. in collab. with "a working naturalist in Surrey." Owen (John), f).D., /6/6-S3. Works. Ed. T. Russell. Mems. by W". Orme. 21v. 8". 1826 yv of the " £.)-j)os. of Hebreics," cat. separately below, are usually added to this cd.,wh. is then described as con- sisting of ilSV. *A brief & impartial ace. of the nature of the Protestant re- ligion. [P276]. s4". 1682 Brief vindic. of the Non-conformists f. the charge of schisme, as managed agst. them by Stillingtieet. [P270]. 2'"' ed. 54". 1080 Expos, of Hebrews, w. prelim, exereitations. 7v. 2"'' ed. 8". E. 1812 Of temptation. s8'. 0. 1658 *Sonie consid'. about union among Protestants etc. [P279]. s4». 108O *Theological dialogue (A) contg. the defence of 0. f. 42 errors charged upon him by E. Baxter, 1084, see Chauncy (I.) Owen (John), rector of East Anstey, North Devon. Evenings w. the skeptics. ' 2v. 8". 1881 The five great skeptical dramas of history. 8". 1890 The skeptics of the French Eenaissance. 8". 1893 The skeptics of the Itahan Eenaissance. 8". 1893 Owen (John), rector of Paglesham, Essex ; ■l~66-1S-2:i. Address to Chairman of E. India Co. occas''. by Twining's letter on danger of interfering in relig. opinions of natives. 3"' ed., [ic. I strictures on the preface to " Obs. on the present state of the E. India Co." [P406]. 8". 1807 Hist, of origin & first 10 years of the Brit. & Foreign Bible Soc. " 2v. 8'. 1816 see Scott-Waeing (J.) Letter to O. in reply to " Brief strictures on the pref. to f&'. Tl'.'s] Obs. on the present state of the E. India Co.," 1808. Owen (John Pickardj^js., see Bctlee (Sail), of St. John's Coll. Owen (Nicholas), sec Anglesea. *Hist. of A., [by O. ?], 1775. Owen (Mrs. Octavius Freire). [fOwEN (Mrs. E.mily)]. Snowed up. 3v. 88". 1863 Owen (Sir Richard), K.C.B. The anatomy of vertebrates. 3v. 8". 1866-8 Antiquity of man, as deduced f. a skeleton at Tilbury. 8". 1884 Cetacea f. the Bed Crag. [Palteont. Soc.]. 4". 1S70-89 Descr". of skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth etc. [E. Coll. of Surgeons]. 4". 1842 Hist, of Brit, fossil mammals & birds. 8'. 1840 Hist, of Brit, fossil reptiles. 4v. 4". 1849-84 Lect'. on comp. anatomy & physiclogy of invertebrate animals, 1843. From notes by W. W. Cooper. 8". 1843 2'"' ed. laS'. 1855 Lect". on comp. anatomy ct physiology of vertebrate animals. pi, Fishes Tno »(o;'cj;«(W.]. 8". 1840 The Mammalia of the Mesozoic Formations. [Palseont. Soc.T. 4^. 1871 On extent tt aims of a National Museum of Natural History. 8°. 1862 On parthenogenesis. 8". 1849 On the classitication A geograph. distrib. of Mammalia. [With] app. " on the gorilla " & -'on extinction cfr transmutation of species." s8". 1859 On the nature of limbs. 8'. 1849 OWEN 1101 OXFORD Owen {Sir Richard), K.C.B. [continuecC]. Paln'ontoloKy. 8". E. 18G0 The Eeptilia of Cretaceous Formations. fPalRJont. Soe.]. 4". 1851-04 Beptilia of the KimmcridKe Clay A- Poithind Stone. [Palieont. Soc.]. 4". 1861-89 Eeptilia of the Liassic Formations. [Palfeont. Soc.]. 4". 1861-81 Eeptilia of the Mesozoic Formations. [Pala>ont. Soc.]. 4". 1874-80 Eeptilia of the Wealden & Purbeck Formations. [Pala'ont. Soc]. 5p & 9 Suppb. in 2v. 4". 1853-H9 sec Owen (Rer. R.) Life of 0. ; [ju.] essay on O.'s position in anatom. science by Huxley, 1894. „ Tavlor (Tom). Leicester Square ; \v. sketch of Hunter by 0., 1874. & T. Bell. The Eeptilia of the London Clay. [Pala!ont. Soc.]. vl, 2i, hound in Iv. [(•--', i is by 0.]. 4". 1849-80 Owen (/^cc. Richard), il.A. Life of Richard Owen ; essay on Owen's pusitioii in anatomical science by T. H. Huxley. 2v. s8'. 1840 Owen (Robert), B.T>. Institutes of Canon Law. 8". 1884 Sanctorale Catholicum, or Book of Saints, w. notes. 8". 1880 Owen (Robert), the Socinlist ; l77t-1S5S. The book of the New Moral World. fpl]. 8". ISSO „ „ 7p in Iv. [Each p. has sep. tp. £ pagin.]. 8". 1840 Life, by himself ; \v. sels. f. h. writings & corr. vl, [?w more 2>ubl.]. 8'. 18.57 Millennial gazette. No. 14. [P78i. 8". 18-58 A new \ lew of society : essays on formation of character. hi8". /)./). 1813 see .Tones (Lloyp). Life etc. of 0., 1800. „ Pembeuton (R.) Address on O.'s proclamation of the millennial state, 18.55. „ Saucant (W. L.) 0. & his social philosophy, 1860. Owen (Robert), of ircZs/yww/. Welsh Pool * Powys-Land. 8'. Welsh Pool. 1807 Owen (Robert Bale), l><()l-77. Footfalls on the boundary of another world. s8". 1860 The future of the North-West. [P373]. 8". [1863] Threading my way ; 27 years of autobiography. s8". 1874 Owen (Roddy), sec Owen- (Edwarh Eoderic). Owen (Thomas Ellis). Hints to heads of families. [P267]. S'J ed. 8". 1802 Owen (Thomas William). Hist, of S. Nicholas' Church, Leicester. s8". 1884 Owen ("William), aft. Owen Pughe, xec Pughe (W. 0.) Owen (William), bookseller. Owen's new book of fairs. n. ed. s8". 1783 „ For 18.50, by .J. Donaldson. s8". 18-56 Owen (William Bickersteth) ps., see Butlek (S-) Owen (William Fitzwilliam W.) Voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, * Madagascar, in H M.S. Leven . 0. 1852 Cat. of all Graduates. 1659-1850; added. Chancellors, High- Stewards, Vice-C'., Proctors, Heads. * Burgesses of the Univ., etc. H\ O. 1851 *From 0. to Rome, 1847, see Haiuus (Miss F. E. S.) Handbook for visitors to Oxford. new ed. 8'. Oxford, /. Parker. 1875 The hist, register of the U. of 0- : suppl. to the O.U. Calendar. With alphabet, record of Honours etc. To 1888. s8'. 0. 1888 To end of Trinity Term, 1000. s8'. 0. 1900 Honours Register, to end of Trin. Term, 1883. 88". O. 1883 "■Letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. .J. Russell on the constitutional defects of the Univ. etc. of 0., w. suggestions for a Eoyal Commission, by a member of the 0. Convocation, 1850, sec Row (C. A.) Munimenta academica : doC. illust. of lite & studies at 0., [Rolls Ser., 50], 1868, see Anstev (H.) ed. Conf. : Libri cancellarii & procuratorum ; ace. acta curiae cancellarii it memoranda ex registris nonnulla. Oxford & Cambridge Miscellany Poems. [Ed. E. Fenton]. »'. [1709] Oxford it Oxford lite, 1892, see Wells (J.) ed. Oxford book (The) of English verse, 1900, sec Qliller- Coi'cH (A. T.) Oxford English dictionary (The). The work is known by tlie t. above, but the tp. is ns follows : A new Eng. diet., on histor. principles, founded mainly on materials coll. by the Philolog. Soc. Ed. .T. A- H- Murray, vl-5. J)j proq. 4". O. 1888-1901 1, A it B. 2, C. 3, D it E : D by .1. A. H. Murray; E by H. Bradley. 4, F it G : by H. Bradley. 5, H-K : by J. A. H. Murray. Oxford English prize essays. 4v. sS". 1830 new ed. vl, & 5. 88". 1836 Oxford essays. 4v. 8". 1855-58 The Oxford hist, of music. Ed. by W. H. Hadow. vl. linj)rog.]. »'. 0. 1901 1, The Polyphonic period, by H. E. Wooldridge. pi; method of musical art, 330-1330. Oxford Honours, 1220-1804; alphabet, register. s8''. O. 1804 Oxford house papers [by scv. a'.]. For working men. 3s. [s3 new imp.]. s8". 1800-09 "■Oxford in 1888, a fragmentary dream, by a Sub-Utopian. iBy Rich. Walker, B.D., of Magdalen ; I"775]. 8". 0. 1838 *Oxford, its life & schools, 1.S87, see SxEDM.iN (A. M. M.) ed. Oxford Lent Sermons, 1868, see *Peiisox.al responsibility etc., 1869. OXFOED 1102 OXFORD Oxford [continued]. Auon. works [contiiiited]. Oxford Lenten Sermons, 1870, sec below *Prophet3 (The) etc., 1870. Oxford prize poems : English. S'l" ed. sS". 0. 181() 8"' ed. s8°. O. 1831 Oxford (The) Univ. ct Citv Kuide. n. ed. s8'\ Oxford; Miindai/ £ Blatter. 1821 Oxford Univ. calendar, 1824, 1840-1902 [i856, 1887, 1891, 1894 icantinrj]. s8". 0. 1824-1901 Poemata prsem. cancellarii academ. douata, etc., (1772-1805). 3v in 1. s8'>. 0. 1810 Poemata etc., [1806-31]. sS". 0. 1831 Prophets (The) of the Lord : their message. Sermons dur. Lent, 1869 in 0., by [11 a'.]. 8°. Oxford. 1870 The register of the Visitors of the Univ. of 0., 1647-58. Ed., w. ace. of the U. dur. the Commonwealth, by M. Burrows. | [Camden Soc, NS29]. s4". 1881 ! Eoyal letters addressed to 0., now in the archives. Ed. 0. Ogle. Ia8<'. 0. 1892 Sels. f. the records of the City of 0., w. extr'. f. o. docs, illust. the municipal hist. : 1509-1583. Ed. W. H. Turner, under dir. of E. S. Hawldns. laS". 0. 1880 Student's Handbook to the Univ. . 0. 1853 Statutes of the Univ. of 0., codified 1636, under Laud. Ed. J Griffiths w. intr. on the hist, of the Laudian code bv C. L. Shadwell. *"• 0. 1888 ■Wadham College. Eeuisters of W. Coll., (1613-l^'71). 2v. Ed., w. biog. notes, by E. B. Gardiner. 2v. S". 1889-95 Eeferences. see AMurnsT (N.) *Terra;-Filius, or, Secret Hist, of Univ. of 'o., 1726. Oxford [conti)iued]. References \routinucd]. sec Boase (C. W.) it A. Clark. Eegister of the Univ. of 0., 1885-9. „ Burrows (M.) Pass ct class : an O. guide-bk., 2'"' ed., 1861. „ Clark (Andrew) ed., The Colleges of 0., 1891. „ Grifeiths (J.) Index to wills proved in the Court of the Chancellor of Univ. of O., etc., 1862. ,, Heywood (J.) Eecommendations of the 0. Univ. Commis- sioners ; hist, of the Univ. Subscription Tests, etc., 1853. ,, *Letter (A) to the authors of " Suggestions for an improve- ment of the Examination Statute," etc., 1848. „ Pechell {Sir J.) *History (The) of the Univ. of 0., to the death of Will. Conq., 1772. „ *History (The) of the Univ. of 0., f. the death of Will. Conq. to the demise of Q. Eliz., 1773. „ Eow (C. A.) 'Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord J. Russell, orii defects of the Univ. & Colleges of 0., 1850. ,. Somers (.J. S., bnron). Coll. of tracts. Oxford, count!/ of, see Oxfordshire. Oxford Almanack, Explanation of the design of the. [P554]. s8". 1711 Oxford & Cambridge Club. Cat. of the Lib. of the 0. & C. C. Ia8». 1887 Oxford & Cambridge review (The). 5v. S\ 1845-7 Oxford diocesan calendar & clergy list, 1862 (5"' year). s8'. 0. 1862 Oxford Historical Society. Objects 1898. [35, 36.] „ Bloxam (.1. E.) Magdalen College ct James II, (1686-8), 188(5. [6.] „ Boase (C. W.) Eegister of Exeter Coll., 1894. [27.] „ * A. Clark. Eegister of the Univ. of Oxford, 1885-9'. [1, 10-12, 14.] „ Brodrick [Hon. G. C.) Memorials of Merton, 1885. [4.]i ,, Couch (L. M. Q.) erf.,Eeminisc.of Oxford men, (1559-1850), 1892. [22.] „ Fletcher (C. E. L.) A M. Burrows, cdd.. Collectanea, 1885- 96. [5, 16, 32.] „ Fowler (T.) Hist, of Corpus Christi Coll., 1893. [25.] „ Green (.1. E.) & G. Roberson. Studies in Oxf. hist., chiefly in 18"' c. : ed. C. L. Stainer, 1901. „ Heakne (T.) Remarks & coll'. (1705-14), 1885-98. [2, 7, 13, 34.] „ Hurst (H.) Oxford topography ; companion v. to [v38] " Old plans of 0." & incorporating L. Hutten's diss. (1625-30), 1899. [39.] „ Little (A. G.) The Grey Friars in Oxford, 1892. [20.] „ M.acleane (D.) Hist, of Pembroke Coll., Oxford, 1897. [33.] „ M.ID.AN (F.) The early Oxford press (1468-1640), 189-5. [29.] „ Parker (J.) The early hist, of Oxford (727-1100), 1885. [3.] ,, Phillimore (W. p. W.) ed.. Index to wills proved A' adminis- trations granted (1508-1652), 1893. [23.] „ PLU5I.1IER (C.) cd., Elizabethan Oxford, 1887. [8.1 „ Eadcliffe (E.) * J. James. Letters (1755-83), 1888. [9.J „ EoGERS (J. E. T.) ed., Oxford city docs. (1268-1665), 1891. [18.] ,, Stapleton (Mrs. B.) Three Oxfordshire iJarishes, 1893. [24.] „ WitiRAM (S. E.) cd., Cartulary of the monastery of St. Frides- wide, 1895-6. [28, 31.] „ Wood (Anthony -a). Life* times, 1891-1900. [19,21.26, 30, 40.] ., Survey of the antiq". of Oxford (1661-G), 1889-99. [15, 17, 37.J Oxford magazine. Echoes f . the 0. M., being reprints of 7 years. 8". 0. 1890 Oxford magazine (The) & church advocate. 3v. 8'. O. 1861-a Oxford Military College, sec Tecklenrorough (J.) Seven years' cadet-life : contg. the records of the O.M.C., etc., 1885. Oxford spectator (The), [bv E. S. Coijleston, E. Xolan, & T. Humphrey Ward]. " repr. s8". 1869' Oxford University magazine (The), vl ; v2, no. 1. 8". O. 183-1-5 Oxford, The carls of, sec Collins (Ar.) Hist, colls, of the f*. of Harley etc., w. lives of the E'. of 0., 1752. OXFORD 1103 PACKE Oxford (Edward Harley, J'"' earl of). sec HvKLEiAN Coll. of Vovagks. *A coll. of voyages etc., f.lib. of O., 174.5. „ »Hahleian Miscellany (The), f. the lib. of 0., 1808-13. Oxford (Robert Harley, /" earl of), see SoMEiis (•!. S., barun). Coll. of tracts. „ ToLAND (.J.) *The art of restoring, or piety etc. of Monk ; w. ace. of Sir Koger [i.e. of O.] who runs the parallel as far as he can, 17i4. Oxford (Thomas Harley, earl of), sec Hakleux Libkary. Cat. Bilil. Harleianse, 1743-5. Oxfordshire. Lords Lieutenant & High Sheriffs of 0., (1086- 18t)8), 1868, see Daventort (J. M.) *The nat. hist, of 0., 1G77, sec Plot (R.) Three 0. parishes, 1893, see SrArLETON (B.) Visitations of Co. of 0. : 1.5(51), by W. Harvey : 1574, by R. Lee : 1634, by J. Philpott & W. Byley : w. the Gatherings of 0., coll. by K. Lee, 1-574. Ed. etc. W. H. Turner. [Harleian Soc, 5]. 4". 1871 Oxlee (John) the elder, I779-I^J',- A confutation of the diabolarchy ; extr. f. [O.'s'] " Three more letters etc." [P706]. s8". Ramsgate. [1869] 0xle7 (John), iyKl-lS2>i. Journals of two exped". into the intrrinr of New S. Wales, 1817-8. 4". 1820 Oxley (T. Louis). Annunziata Grimani. [^Adapted f. Milkoicsky's " Lcs Uscoqiics "]. 2v. s8". 1882 J. Balniat, or the first ascent of Mont Blanc. [P37.5]. s8". 1881 Oxley (William). Egypt; & the wonders of the land of the I'haraohs. s8". 1884 Oxnead (John, of), see Oxenedes (J., de). *Oxyrhynchus papyri (The). Ed., w. tr. & notes, by B. P. Grenfell & A. S. Hunt. [Egypt Explor. Eund]. pi, 2. Ia8». 1898-9 Oyster Company, sec Socth ok England 0. C. 'Oysters it their cultivation. Compiled by order of the South of Eng. Oyster Co. [P206]. 8'. 1865 Ozaeta y Gallaiztegui (Hipolyto de), see Risco (M.) H. Florez vindicado del vindicador de la Cantabria, 0. y G., 1779. Ozanam (Antoine Frederic). As the 1 1t of O.'s " Oiuvres " belong to var. cd'., they Iiave been cat. under the sep. works. La civilisation au S*" s. [ffiuvres, 1, 2]. at. r>' ed. s8>. 1873 La civilisation clirct. chez les Francs. 81. 1849 „ [CEuvres, 4]. (5» M. s8'>. 1893 Dante & la philosophie catlio- lique au IS"" s. 8". 183') „ „ ... n. ed. 8". 1845 „ [CEuvres, (i]. G^' ed. s8i>. 1872 Docs. ined. p. serv. a I'hist. litt. de ritalie, 8-13^ s., avec des recherches sur le nioyen age ital. 8". 1850 Les Germains avant le christi- anisme. 8". 1847 „ [CEuvres, 3]. 5' cd. s8". 1872 ^^ Etiidrs geniuniiqites " is a gen. half -t. pre f, to (Eiivres, 3, 4. Lettres, 1831-53. 2t. [CEuvres, in, 11]. T ed. s8". 18'Jl Melanges. 2t. [CEuvres, 7, 8]. 4'- ed. sS". 1872 Les poi'tes franciscains en Italie, au 13*" s. ; avec choix des petites fleurs de S. Fran- ijois, tr. 8''. 1852 „ [(EuvreB, 5]. 6« ed. s8<>. 1882 Translations & Refebences. Hist, of civilization in the 5"'' c. Tr. A. C. Cilyn. 2v. sS". 18G8 Letters. Tr., w. connecting sketch of h. life, by A. Coates. ss». 188ft Down to 1841 only ; it was " issued as a first series,*' hut no more ap]>''. sec Dante. Purgatorio. Tr. par O., [« of O.'s CEuvres], 4' ed., 1873. „ O'Meaba (K.) O., b. life &r. works, 1876. Ozanam (Jacques). Recreations in mathematics etc. Enlarged by Montucla ; tr., etc. C. Hutton. 4v. 8'. 1814 , n. ed., rev. by E. Riddle. 8°. 1840 8". 1844 & J. E. Montucla. *Magic squares. Tr. [by C. Hutton], w. corr>. & add", [by T. S. Barrett}. »\ Berkhamsted. 189a P. (F. v.), see Osterreich. *Eiickblicke auf d. polit. Bewegung in 0„ V. F. v. P., 2'^ A., 1849. P. (Giuseppe), sec *Cor.TEGGiANA (L.a) fallita ; da Giuseppe P., 1705. P. (J.), sec *News from the stars, by J. P., 168-5. P. (J. L. W. 0.), see Weldner (.Joh. Leonhard). P {count Paul), see *Conspibator (The); by Count Paul p , 1891. P. (S.), of Cambridge, sec Latitumn.irians. *Brief ace. of the L-., by S. P., of C, 1869. P. (T.), Gentleman, see *Lamport g^uiland (.\) : Vertues due, by T. p.. Gentleman (1603), 1881. P"., see *FivE P'. (The), 1858. Paalzow (Henriette v.) [ps. Verfasserin von " Godwie- Castle "]. •The citizen of Prague. Tr. M. Howitt. 3v. s8". 184G Tr. f. P.'s " Thomas Thyrnau." *Godwie-Castle. 3T. sS". Breslan. 1855 Forming Bl-3 of her " siiuuiitl. liomanc." *Ste. Roche. ST in Iv. s8". Breslau. 1855 *St. Roche. [Tr.] ; ed. J. Morier. 3v. 68". 1847 see Ulbach (L.) Aventures de trois grandes danies de la cour de Vienna [adapted from P.] , 1875-7. Paasch (Heinrich). "From keel to truck": marine diet, in Eng., Fr., Germ. 2"" ed. M". 1894 *Pacata Hibernia, 1810, see St.affoed (T.) Pacatns Drepanius (Latinus). see B.uikens (^E.), xii Panegyrici latini, 1874. „ Mi(;ne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl3. Pacca ((7 card. Bartolommeo). Hist. mem', of P., by himself. Tr. Sir G. Head. 2v. s8". 18-50 Meraorie del ministero, de' due viaggi in Francia e della prigionia del card. P., ser. da lui medesimo. 2t in 1. ed. nuoviss. 8". Orvieto. 1843 Notes on the ministry of P., 1808-9, etc. Tr. 8\ D. 1843 *Pace (Tha) that kills. By L. E. E. 3v. s8". 1872 Pacey (Henry Butler). *Consid'. upon the present state of the wool trade. [P04]. 8". 1781 *Pacha (The) of many tales, var. ed'., see Makbyat (F.) Pacho (Jean Kaimond). Voyage dans la Marmarique, ?a, Cyrenaique et les Oasis d'Audjelah & de Maradeh. 4". 1827 „ Planches, fol. 1829 Pachtler ((J. M.), S.J., sec Jesuits. *Ratio studiorum etc. Soc. -lesu, 1887-94. Pachymeres (Georgius). [PACHY5if:RE ; fP-iCHUMEREs (G.)] De Michaele et Andronico Palseologis libri xiii. Recog. I. Bekkerus. 2v. [C. s. h. Byz.]. 8°., Bonns. 1835 Hist, des emp. Michel et Andronique, see Cousdj (L.) Hist, de Constantinople, t6, 1672. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. gra?ea, tl43, 144, G. P. „ Theon, of Smyrna. Liber etc. ; ace. P. libro astronomic* deleeta fragm., 1849. Pacianus, Saiut, bp. of Barcelona. [Pacux; P. Barcinonensis]. see Cyprian, St., Epistles ; added, extant works of P., [tr.], 1844- „ MiGNE (J. P.) ('<;., Pat. latina, tl3. Paciaudi (Paolo Maria). Monumenta Peloponnesia, comm.. explieata. 2v in 1. 4'. Roma;. 1761 see Caylus (le etc. ue). Corr. avee P., (1757-65) ; suiv. de celles de I'abbfi Barthelemy et de P. Mariette avee le meme, 1877. T&ciicOcea.n.see SouTHSjikforanon.wks. in wk.that formis used.. *Rovings in the P. 1837-49. By a merchant, long resident at. Tahiti. 2v. s8'. 1851 'Statements & docs. rel. to establ. of steam navigation in the P.,. etc., 1838, .'see Wheelwright (W-m.) Pack (Eeynell). Sebastopol trenches. 8». 1878 Packard (Alpheus Spring) the younijer, b. IS3'J. Guide to study of insects, & treatise on those injurious & beneficial to crops. 9'" ed. 8". N.Y. 1889 The Labrador Coast. 8". N.Y. 1891 Our common insects. sS". Boston. [187.3] Text-Ijook of entomology. 8". N.Y. 1898 Packe (Christopher). 'AvKoypat. Edmund), Eoyal Horse Guards, sec Cannon (E.) ed.. Hist, records of the Brit. Army : Oxford Blues (R. Horse-. Guards), by P., 1847. PACKEE 1104 FAILHES Packer (John), sec. to 0. Villicrs, linkc of Bitckinghnm, sec *FoRTEscuE Papers : chiefly letters coll. by P., 1871. Padarn (Gutyn), sec Ei>\vaiu)s (Griffith) [Gutvn Padarn]. ■*Paddiana; or scraps & sketches of Irish lite. By a. of "A hot water cure." 2v. s8°. 1847 2v. 2"^ ed. s8". 1848 Paddock (Judah.). Shipwreck of the Oswego on coast of S. Barbary. [h. w. Adams (Robt.) Narrative, 1816]. 4'. 1818 Paddon (T. Henry). Thoughts for the Xtn. laity. [P321]. 2"" ed. s3». 1873 *Paddy tax (The) in Ceylon : gen. meeting of the Cobden Club, 10 Feb.. 1890. [P421. Cobden Club]. sB". 1890 Paderhorn, siv *Ann ues Patherbrunnensea, 1870. Padfleld (Joseph Edwin). The Hindu at home. s8". Madras. 1896 Padilla (Juan de), caUed -'El Cartuxano,'' see Del Eiego v Nunez (M.) Col. de obras poet, espan. : 1, Triumphos de los doze apustolos, [by P.], 1841. *Padlock (The), n. ed., 1 1768 ?], see Bickerstaffe (I.) Padova, sec *Catalogo di libri che restano esposti alia -vendita in P. coi loro prezzi, 1781. Padron (Antonio Jose Ruiz de), see Ruiz de Padron. Paduanus (Antonius), sec Anthony, Saint, of Padua. Paez (Ramon). Wild scenes in S. America : or, life in Vene- zuela. 38". 1863 Pagan (William). Road reform. 8". E. 184.5 Paganel (Camilla). Hist, de .Joseph II. 8". 1843 Hist, de Scanderbeg. 8°. 1855 Paganel (Pierre). Essai sur la Revol. Fr. St. 3« ed. 8". 1815 Pagat (Henri). Les funerailles de I'aigent. s8". 1897 Page (Augustine). Topograph. * genealog. hist, of Suffolk. [There is a -""' tn. : Suppl. to the Suffolk traveller]. Ia8". Ipswich. 1847 Page (David). Advanced text-book of geologv. Intr. text-book of geology. s8". E. 1856 5'!' ed. s8". E. 18G1 Rtu p,i =s" R 187C, Man:— where, whence, whither ? " so . i.. io< ^^^^ ^ jg^^ Economic geology : geology m , p^^j ^ present life of the globe. its rel". to arts iV nmnufac- ggo }f, jgOl tures. s8". E. 1874 rjj^g philosophy of geology. Geology for geu. readers. s8". E. 1863 s8". E. 18(iC , sec Lapworth (C.) Text-book Hdbk. of geolog. terms. I of geology, founded on P., s8". E. 185S) i 189'J. Page (H. A.) ?k., see .Iapp (.\. H.) Page (Hamilton). The Lady Resident. 3v. s8». 18.80 Page (James Morris). Ordinary differential equations, w. intr. to Lie's theory of the group of one parameter. s8". 1897 Page (John), minstrel, see Gaii!DNeii (.J.) ed.. Hist. coll', of a citizen of London in 15"' c. : P.'s poem on the siege of Rouen etc., 1876. Page (John Lloyd Warden). An exploration of Dartmoor. 8". 1889 s8\ 1889 An exploration of Exmoor. 2'"' ed. s8". 1890 The rivers of Devon. s8". 1893 Page (John T.), of West Haddon, ed., Essex in the days of old. 8". 1898 Page (Richard) [ps. Daniel Hardcastle]. *Action of the Corn Laws * o. Provision Laws. [P113]. 8°. 1841 Exam, of the 12 resolutions of J. Hume, resp. the inilUons for slave compensation. 8°. 1839 Page (S. Flood). Imperial Federation : Home Rule & Imperial Parliament. [P389]. 2"" ed. 8». [1886] Page (Thomas), schoolmaster. Physical geography of moun- tains ct rivers. s8°. 1886 Page (Thomas J.) La Plata, the Argentine Confed. & Para- guay : exploration, 1853-6. 8". N.Y. 18.59 .Page (Thomas Nelson). Among the camps; young people's stories of the war. Ia8". 1892 Red Rock. sB". 1898 Page (William), of Lincoln's Inn, F.S.A., cd. Inventories of Church goods for the counties of York, Durham, & North- umberland. [Surtees Soc, 97]. 8". Durham. 1.S97 Letters of Denization & Acts of Naturalization for aliens in Eng., 1509-1603. [Huguenot Soc, 8> 4". Lyniington. 1893 Pontifical years of the bp\ of Durham. [P540]. s8". n.d. .St. Alban's Cathedral : guide, w. extr. f. the hist, of the Abbey iby H. J. B. Nicholson. ■ 8". 1898 Page (William) [co>itiniicd]. see Hardy (W. J.) iS: P., Calendar to Feet of Fines for London etc., in prog., 1892etG. ,, Yorkshire. "Certificates of the Commsrs. apptd. to survey the chantries etc. in the Co. of York, 1894-5. Pageant (The). Ed. C. H. Shannon * J. W. Gleeson White. 4". 1896-7 Reasonable service. 88". 187C Sir T. Watson : sermon, Dec. 17, 1882. [P381J. 8°. 1883 1896, 1897. Page Roberts (William). Law & God. li'" ed. sS". 187.5 Liberalism in religion. s8". 1886 „ „ '!"•' ed. s8". 1887 Our Prayer Book : Conformity & conscience. s8». 1899 i Pages. *Pages from a private diary, 1898, sec Beeching (H. C.) *l'ages from the day-book of Bethia Hardacre, 2°'' ed., 1895, see Filler Maitland (Ella). Pages ((Jabriel Jogand-) [ps. Leo Taxil], see Taxil (Leo) ps. Pages (Louis Ant. Garnier-), see Garnier-Pagi;s. Paget Papers (The), 1896, sec P.\get (Sir A.) Paget (A. H.) Shakespeare's plays : a chapter of stage hist. [P351]. 8". 1875 Paget (lit. Hon. Sir Arthur). The Paget Papers : diplomatic * 0. corr. of P., 1794-1807, etc. Ed. by h. son ; notes by Mrs. J. K. Green. 2v. laB". 1896 Paget (Admiral Lord Clarence E.), 4"" s. [I" s. bt/ 2'"' tpife] of /■' marq. of Anglcsea. Autob'. A journals. Ed. Sir A. Otway. 8". 1896 Paget (Gen. the Hon. Sir Edward), .;"' son of /" earl r.rbridge. Letters tt memorials of P. ; coll. bv h. daughter, H. M. Paget, ed. E. Paget. " 8". f.p.c. 1898 Paget (Francis), bishop of Crford. Faculties & difficulties for belief & disbelief. S"" ed. s8». 1894 Intr. to S'" book of Hooker. 8". 0. 1899 The spirit of discipline : sermons, w. essay cone, accidie. 2"" ed. 6"' ed. S.8". 1891 1894 1G95. Jtard 1875 A student penitent of [Based on letters of R Graham (1079-97)]. s8' Tales of the village. OS. [si, n. ed.]. s8". 1841 The Warden of Berkingholt. s8". O. 1843 Paget (Francis Edward). *Tlxe curate of Cumberwortb ; & the vicar of Roost. s8". 1859 •Jjucretia, or the heroine of the igii' c. S8". 1868 The pageant ; or pleasure & its price. s8'\ 1843 St. Antholin's; or, old churches & new. 3'" ed. s8". 1842 Paget (Gen. Lord George A. F.), 6"' s. [3"' s. by -'""' n-ife] of /" marq. of Anylesca : /s /b-^O. Letter to Lord J. Russell, cont. suggestions for raising a reserve force. [P297]. 8". j'-P- 1852 The Light Cavalry Brigade in the Crimea : extr-. f. letters & journal of P. [Ed. C. S. Paget]. sB". 1881 Paget (Sir George E.), M.Lj., /S09-92. Some lect'. Ed., w. mem., bv C. E. Paget. s8". C. 1893 Paget (J. ijtho). Hunting. s8". 1900 Paget (Sir James), /■' bart., sec *Alcouol (The) question, by P., A- uthers. 1879. Paget (John), /sos-g.'. Hungary & Transylvania. 2v. 8". 1839 2v. n. ed. 8". 18.50 Paget (John), barrister. An inquiry into the evidence rel. to charges brought by Macaulay against W. Penn. s8". E. 1858 The new " examen " : inquiry into the evidence rel. to passages in Macaulay's Hist. s8». E. 1861 Paradoxes & puzzles, hist., judicial, literary. 8". E. 1874 Paget (John C.) Naval Powers & their policy ; w. tabular statements. Ia8". 1876 Paget (Stephen). Experiments on animals. s8". 1900 •lohn Hunter, 1728-93. s8". 1897 A. Pare & his times, 1510-1590. s8". N.Y. 1897 Paget (Violet) I ps. Vernon Lee], see Lee (Vernon) ;)s. Paglia (Antonio dalla), sec Paleario (Aonio). Pagliardini (Tito). Visit to the Familistery, or Workman's Home, of M. Godin-Lemaire, at Guise. [P263]. 8". 1865 Pagliarici (Antonio dei), sec Paleario (Aoxio). Pahlavi texts, sec Sacred Looks of the East : 5, 18, 24, 37, 47. Pahlavi texts, tr. West, pi -5, 1880-97. Pahlin (Zf c/c. de). *De I'etude des hieroglyphes. 5t. [t5 tcanting]. s8". 1812 *Paid in full. By a. of " Love will find out the way." s8'>. [1892J Pailhes (G.) Etudes crit. avec doc intd. : Chateaubriand, sa femme, s. amis. laB". Bordeaux. 1896 PAILHES 1105 PAL^ONTOGRAPHICAL Pailhes (G.) [continued]. ., Du nouvcau sur J. Joiibcit ; Cbateaubriaiul- tille— Sainte-Beuve. Madame de Chatcaubiiaiul : Lettres ined. A Coussert,'ues. Paillard (Alphonse), ancien prifet. Fontanes & sa s8". I'JOO JI. Clausel de 8". 1888 Hist, de la transnussion du pouvoir imperial a liome & a Constantinople. Ia8°. 187.5 Paillard (Charles). Hist, des troubles relig. de Valenciennes, 15G0-7. 4t. (ed. reserv. pour la France de I'ouvr. publ. par la Soe. de I'Hist. de Belg.). 8". 1874-G Pailleron (Edouard). L'age iiigrat. i^' ed. s8". 188B Le mur mitojeu. u. ed. sS". 1884 Amours & Uaincs. s8". 1889 Le narcotique. s8**. 1882 L'autre motif, n. ed. 38'. 1889 Le parasite. n. ed. s8°. 1879 Cabotins ! s8". 1894 „ „ s8". 1889 Le ehevaliei-Trumeau s8". 1888 Pendant le bal. 7= ed. 68". 1892 Le derniei- tjuavtier. „ „ ... 10- ed. s8°. 1899 4'- e'd. s8". 1882 Petite pluie. ■!■■ ed. s8". 1890 Discours academiques s8". 1880 Pi^'ces et morceaux. s8". 1897 L'etiiicelle. 13" ed. s8". 1890 La poupee. [PG30]. s8". 1890 Las faux mi'uages. Le second mouvement. 8" ed. s8". 1888 n. ed. s8". 1884 Heline. S'^. 1873 La sourig. 17" ed. sS". 1889 Le monde oil Ton s'amuse. Le theatre cbez Madame. r ed. b8". 1893 s8°. 1881 Le monde oi\ Ton s'ennuie. 36'- ed. s8". 1888 Pailliet (Jean Bapt. Joseph). Manuel de droit frani;ais. 2p. 9' <:'d. 138", *Pain * sorrow of evil marriage (1-509). [Percy Soc, 3]. s8". Pain, sec also Paink, Pay.s, Paynk. Pain (Barry E. 0.) Another Englishwoman's love- letters. s8". 1901 In a Canadian canoe, The nine muses minus one, & o. s. s8". 1891 „ 2'"' ed. s8". n.cl. \ Pain (Thomas), sec Paine (T.) Pain (William Percy). Chronology &. analysis national Law. Paine (Thomas), poUt. writer. Agrarian justice opposed to agrarian law it monopoly. [P316. S'-i ed.]. [i-' I'd. npj)''. irOi]. 8". Paris, n.d. 'Common sense; addressed to the inhab'. of America. [P58]. n. ed. 8". [Pliiladelplria, pr. ; London, repr.] , 177C Tlie decline & f.iU of the Eng. system of finance. [PSie]. 8». Paris. 179G •Genuine trial (The) of T. P. for a libel in 2"'' part of " Rights of Man," Dec. 1792. Taken in short-iiand by E. Hodgson. [PI]. 8". 1792 *imp. 1817 The riglits of man : being an ans. to Burke on the French Kevol. [PI]. 8". 1791 This is (inly pil of tlie work ; p2 nppeared 1792. U'heolog. works. 8". 1819 „ sS". 1842 Works. 8». 1792 "Writings. Ed. JL D. Conway. 4v. 8". N.Y. 1894-6 sec Apams (.T. Q.l Answer to P.'b liiglits iif man, 1793. Painesuyt (S. Guichenon, seigneur de), sec GnicBENos (S.) Painter (Richard Eudd). Science a stronghold of belief. 38". 1880 1837 1840 The octave of Claudius. s8". 1897 „ „ ... [2"'l ed.]. s8". 1897 Playthings & parodies. 58". 1892 Wilmay, tt o. s. of women. s8''. 1898 of Inter- s8". 1889 [Tom Paine ; Pain ; Payne]. see Cn.4LMERS (G.) [ps. F. Oldys]. Life of P., 1791. „ Cheethaji (J.) Life of P., 1817. „ Conway (M. D.) Life of P. ; added, sketch of P. by W. Cobbett, 1892. „ *I)efence of the Constitu- tion, agst. libels, partic. in P.'s " Rights etc.," 1791. „ Erskine |T., baron) & S. Kvi). Speeches of E. & K. at trial of T. Williams for i:)ubl. P.'s " Age of reason," 2". Prag. 1830 Paladines (C. M. L. d'Aurelle de), see Aueelle de Paladixes (C. M. L. !>•). Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of MSS. & Inscriptions. Ed.E.A.Bond&E. M.Thompson. pl-13in2v. lafol. 1873-83 Indices to Ser. 1, 2 (1874-94). 8". 1901 PalSBologus (Andronicus), sec Andronicus II [Pahcologus], anpcror. PalsBologus (Constantine), see Constantine XIII [PaUcologus], last cmpcior of the East [by some called C. XV]. Palsologus (Manuel II), emperor of the East, see Mani'el II, [I'ahi'iloriiis], cmp. etc. Palaeologus (Michael VIII), emperor of Constantinople, see Michael Vlll, [I'idicologiis], emp. etc. Palaeontographical Society. [Sharpe (D.) Upper Cretaceous Cephalopoda, & King {Prof.) Fossils of the Permian Formation, air wanting], see Adams (A. L.) The Fossil Elephants, 1877-81. „ Brady (G. S.), H. W. Crosskky, ct D. Rorertson. The Post- Tertiary Entoniostraca, 1874. „ Brady (H. B.) The Carboniferous it Permian Foraminifera, 1870. „ Busk (G.) Polyzoa of the Crag, 1859. „ Dabwin (C. R.) Fossil Balanida: ttVerrucidffi of Gt. Brit., 1854. „ The Fossil LepadidiE, 1851. „ D.wiDSON (T.) The Fossil Braohiopoda, 1851-80. „ DuNCiN (P. M.) Fossil Corals ; 'i"'' series, 1800-72. „ Edwards (F. E.) The Eocene Cephalopoda A Univalves ; by E. contd. by S. V. Wood, vl, 1849-77. „ Edwards (H. M.) * J.Haime. British fossil Corals, 1850-54. „ Forbes (E.) Echinodermala of Brit. Tertiaries, 1852. ,, Gardner (J. S.) & C, Baron Ettingshausen. The Eocene Flora, 1879-80. 4C PAt^ONTOGRAPHICAL HOG PALESTINE Palsontograpliical Society {corjiniiccl]. sec Hind (W.) Caibonicohi, Anthracomya, A Naiatlites, 1894/C. „ HuDLi;sTON (^y. H.) Interior Oolite Gasteropoda : pi o£ Brit. Jurassic Gasteropoda. 1887/96. ,, JoxEs (T. E.) The Cretaceous Entomostraca. Suppl. by J. & G. J. Hinde, 1849-00. „ Foraminifera of tbe Crag, by J., [ass', hii others], 18G6-97. „ The Fossil Estherise, 1862. „ The Tertiary Entomostraca, 185G/89. „ , J. W. KiKKBY, & G. S. Bkai.y. The fossil bivalved Entomostraca, f. Carboniferous formations, pi, 1874-84. „ tt H. Wooi>WAi!D. The Palaeozoic Phyllopoda, 1888-99. „ Ltcett (.J.) The Fossil Trigonife ; £ Suppl., 1872-83. „ MoKEis (.J.) & J. Lycett. Mollusca f . the Great Oolite, 18-54. „ NicHOEsox (H. A.) The Stromatoporoids, 1886-92. „ OwEX (K.) Cetaeea f. the Eed Crag, 1870-89. „ The Mammalia of the Mesozoic Formations, 1871. „ The Eeptilia of Cretaceous Formations, 1851-64. „ Eeptilia of the Kimmeridge Clay * Portland Stone, 1861-89. „ Eeptilia of the Liassic Formations, 1861-81. „ Eeptilia of the Mesozoic Formations, 1874-89. „ Eeptilia of the Wealden & Purbeck Formations, 1853—80 „ & T. Bell. The Eeptilia of London Clay.vl, 2i, 1849-80. „ S.iLTEK (J. W.) The Trilobites of the Cambrian. Silurian, & Devonian Formations, 1864-83. „ SH.iEPE (D.) Fossil Mollusca in the Chalk of Eng. : pl-3, [no more app.. Cephalopoda, 1853-5. „ Whidbokne (G. F.) Devonian Fauna of S. of Eng.,Tl, 1889/92. „ WiLLEoisox (W. C.) Morphology & histol. of Stigmaria Fieoides, 1887. „ Wood (S.T.I Crag Mollusca, 1848-82. „ Eocene Bivalves of Eng., vl, tf vl, Suppl., 1861-77. „ WooDw.iRD (H.) Carboniferous Trilobites, 1883-4. ,, The Fossil Crustacea, order Merostomata, 1866-78. „ Wright (T.) Echinodermata £. Cretaceous formations, 1864-82. „ The Echinodermata of Oolitic Formations, 1857-80. ,. The Lias Ammonites, 1878-86. Palaeontologica Indica, see Ixnu. Geolog. Survey. *Meras. of the G.S. of I. : Palfeontologica Indica. * Palaeoromaica, ls-22, see Bl.^ck (J.) Palafox y Mendoza (Juan de), hp. of (I) Puebla de los Angeles (^) Osiiia. Hist, of the Tartars, their wars w. the Chineses etc. sS". 1679 Palais de Justice, Paris. *l'alais (Le) de Justice de Paris, s. monde, s. miuurs. Pref. de A. Dumas fils. 4°. 1892 see »CoNTEs (Li>) du P., [sl]-3, 1887-9. Palamas (Gregorius), abp. of Tiiessalonica, jtGEEGOisY [Pala- MAS], abp. etc. [ , sec Mioxe (.f . P.) cd., Pat. grffica, tl50, 151, G. P. Palamede, Lc roman dc, see Loseth (E.) Le Eoman en prose de Tristan, le E. de P., ct la compilation de Eusticien de Pise ; analyse crit., 1890. Palante (G.) Precis de sociologie. s8\ 1901 Palaprat (Jean), siexr de Bigot ; lOoO-lr^l. Het ontdekte ge- heim. Het Fransche van P. gevolgd. [P877]. s8". Amsteldam. 1707 Palat (Barthelemy Edmond). Bibliographie gen. de la guerre de 1870/1. 8". 1896 Palatina, sec *Epigi!Ammati'.m anthologia Palatina, 3v, 1864-90. Palatine (Charlotte Elizabeth, in-incess), see Charlotte F.i.izAiiETH, of Bniaria, dllcJiesse d' Orleans. Palatine (Elizabeth, princfss), sec Elizabeth, pii'incess Pidati'M, d. IfiSO. Palatinus (Henricus), son of Henry the Lion, see He.nky, connt Palatine etc. Palavicino (iZ card. S.), [Palavicisi], see Paliaviciko (il c. S.) Paleario (Aonio) [i.e. Antonio nAT.LA Paglia ; A. pei Paglukici ; A. PaleahiosJ. The benefit of Xt.'s death. Eepr. in facs. f. ed. 1543 ; w. Fr. tr. l.jal ; added, Eng. version, 1548, by E. Courtenay, E. of Devonshire. Intr. by C. Babington. s8". 1855 sec YouxG (JI.) Life * times of A. 1'., illus. by orig. letters it uned. docs., 1860. Paleologue (G. Maurice). Alfred deVigny. sS". 1891 Sur les ruines. s8». 1807 L':vrfc chinois. s8°. [1887] , Vauvenargues. s8". 1890 Profils de femmes. sS". 1895 , Palerne, sec *Gl'illav-me, de Palernc, [ronian]. Palestine. THoly Land, see Jekusaleji]. Early travels in P.. 1848, see Wright (T.) cd. Our work in P., since 1865. [Pal. Expl. F.]. s8°. 1873 Palestine under the Moslems, f. Arabian geographers, 1890, sec Le Strange (G.) tr. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly statement. ri870]- 1900, [in prog.V ' s%". [187()]-1900- The first vol. is called "rl " ; after that vol. the ntmiera- tion bij vol', ceases, see Armstrong (G.) Names & places in 0. & N. Test. A'Apocr., w. mod. identif., 2"'' ed., 1895. „ Besant (Sir W.) *T\venty-one years' work, 1865-86, 1886, n. ed., w. t. ; Thirty years' work, 1865-95. sS". 1895 „ Bliss (F. J.) Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-7 : 1898. „ A moimd of many cities : Tell el Hesy excavated, 1894. „ *City & the land, 1892 : 3"' ed., 1894. „ CoNDER (C. E.) Altaic hieroglyphs & Hittite inscriptions,. 1887. „ Heth ct Moab, 1883. „ The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1897. ,, Syrian stone-lore, 1885. „ The Tell Amarna tablets, 1893 ; 2"'' ed., 1894. „ Tent work in Palestine, n. ed., 1883. '., &- H. H. Kitchener. Map of W. Palestine, 1880. „ ct Map of W. Palestine, 1882. „ ct Survey of W. Palestine : Arabic ct Eng. name- lists, 1881. „ ct Survey of W. Palestine, 1881-3. „ Harper (H. A.) The Bible ct mod. discov"., 3'" ed., 1890. ., Hakt (H. C.) Fauna ct Flora of Sinai, Petra, & Wady- 'Arabah, 1891. „ Hcll (E.) The survey of W. Palestine; mem. on the- physical geology etc., 1886. „ Le Strange (G.) /;., P. under the Moslems (650-1500;, tr. f. medisEval Arabian geographers, 1890. ,, P.vlestine. Our work in P., 1873. „ Petrie (W. M. Flinders). Tell el Hesy. 1891. „ ScHCM.«HER (G.) Abila of the Decapolis, 1889. ,, Across the Jordan : survey etc. of part of Hauran &. Jaulan, w. add', by L. Oliphant ct G. Le Strange, 1889. „ The Jaidan, surveyed, for the German Soo. for Explor, of the Holy Land, by S., tr., 1888. „ Stewardson (H. C.) Survey of W. Palestine, Gen. index^ 1888. „ Tristram (H. B.) Survey of W. Palestine : Fauna & Flora; of P., 1884. ,, W.^RREN" (C.) Plans, elevations, sections etc., n.d. „ & C. E. CoNDER. Survey of W. Palestine, 1884. „ Western Palestine. Survey of W. P. : special papers on topog'., etc., 1881. .. Whitty I J. I.) Palestine Exploration : after the battle t Companion to " Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-7," 1899. Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. [Publications]. 32v. 8". 1885-97 (jen. index to the library of the Soc. 8". 1897 see Antoninus, Martyr. Of the holy places visited by A., 1885. [1-] „ Arculecs. The pilgrimage of A. in the Holy Land (670)-. 1889. [10.] BehA Ed-din. Life of Saladin, 1897. [32.] Bern.ird, the wise. The itinerary of B. : How the city of Jerusalem is situated, 1893. f'2'i.] Bernard (J. H.) tr., Guide-book to Palestine, 1894. [26.] BuRCHARD, of Mount Sion. Descript. of the Holy Land,. 1896. [30.] Cancy (J. de). Letter f. C. to Edward I, (1282), 1888. [7.) Daniel, Abbot. Pilgrimage of the Eussian in the Holy Land (1106-7), 1888. [6.] Eucherius {St.) Epitome of E. about certain holy places (440), 1890. [13.] EnsEBius. The churches of Constantine at Jerusalem, 1891. [15.] Fabri (F.) Wanderings (1480-3), 1892-3. [20.] Fetellus. Descript. of Jerusalem * the Holy Land, (1130) „ 1892. [19.] Jerome, St. The pilgrimage of the Holy Paula, 1885. [2.] jEKvS-tLEM, City of. The c. of J., 1888. [8.] John, of Wiirzburg. Descr. of the Holy Land (1160-70), 1890. [14.] LvDoi.PHUs, dc Sitchcn. Descr. of the Holy Land (1350).. 1895. [27.] I PALESTINE 1107 PALISSOT Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society [couHnncdl. sec MuKAUDAKi. Description of Syria, iiiclud. I'alestine, 1880. [4.] „ N.vsir.-I-Kiirsr.Au. Diary of a journey through Syria ik Palestine, 1888. [9.| „ Paula, St., & Ecstochtoji, Letter to Marcella, 1889. [12.] „ PuocAS (J.) The pilgrimage of P. in the Holy Land (1185), 1889. [11.] „ PoLONEK (J.) Descript. of the Holy Land, 1894. [2.5.] „ Pr.ocopius. Of the buildings of .Justinian, 188(i. [.?.] „ S.F.wi-LF. An ace. of the pilgrimage of S. to Jerusalem & the Holy Land, 1892. [21.] ,, S.anijTo (M.), the elder. Part 14 of Book 3 of S.'s Secrets for crusaders to help them to recover the Holy Land (1321), tr., 189U. [29.] „ Silvia, St., of Aquitania. Pilgrimage to the Holy places (38.5), 1891. [10.] „ Stewakt (A.) tr., Anonymous pilgrims, 1-8, 11"' & 12"' c, 1894. [24.] „ Extracts f. Aristeas, Hecatreus, Origen, 1895. [26.] ,, tr.. Itinerary f. Bordeaux to .Jerusalem, 1887. [5.] ,, Theodeeich. Descript. of the Holy places, 1891. [17.] „ Theokosius. On the topog'. of the Holy Land, 1893. [22.] „ ViTiiY (J. de). Hist, of Jerusalem, 1890. [31.] „ Wii.LiBAi.i. (57.) Hoda'poricon, 1891. [18.] Palestinian Syriac texts, 1900, sec Lewis (K. 8.) A- M. D. Gibson, edd. Paley (Frederick Apthorp). Bibliographia Grseca : date & origin of book-writing among the Greeks. [P366]. 8". 1881 Greek wit : sayings etc., tr. 2s. [si, 2'"' ed.]. sS". 1881-3 Homeri quae nunc exstaut an rel. Cycli carm. antiquiora jure habita sint. [P329, 49.5]. 8". 1878 *" Homerus " Periclis Estate quinam liabitus sit, quseritur. [P329]. 8". 1877 Manual of Gothic architecture. s8". 1840 On Mahaffy's ace. of the rise of epic poetry. [P534]. 8". 1881 On po.st-epic or imitative words in Homer. [P381]. 8". 1879 Quintus Smyrnseus & the " Homer " of the tragic poets. [P329, 492]. 2»>' ed. 8". 1879 The truth about Homer; w. remarks on Jebb's "Intr. to Homer." [P526]. 8". 1887 Paley CWilliam), arcMeacon of Carlisle. Works. Life etc. by E. Paley. 4v. n. ed. 8". 1838 Advice to the young clergy of the Diocese of Cai-lisle : sermon, July 29, 1781. [P32e]. s8". 1782 Horse Paulinfe : truth of the Scripture hist, of P. evinced. With notes it suppl. treatise " Horre Apostolicse," by T. E. Birks. s8". [1849] Natural theology. 2'"' ed. 8". 1802 „ With notes by Ld. Brougham & Sir C. Bell. Added, suppl. diss'., by Sir C. Bell. 2v. s8". 1830 J'or iv sometimes incUided in this ed., see Brougha.m (H., baron). Diss", on subjects of science conn. w. nat. theology : being the concluding V. of the n. ed. of P.'s Work, 2v, 1839. „ ,, Witli notes by Brougham ct Bell ; added diss'. by Bell, etc. 4v in 2. s8''. 1845 The principles of moral & polit. philosophy. 2v. 7"" ed. 8". 1790 Moral philosophy. With annot". by 1!. Whately. 8". 1859 *lJemarks on P.'s E\ idences : a letter to younger members of the Univ. of Cambridge, by an old graduate. [P713]. s8". 1873 View of the evidences of Xty. 2v. 5"' ed. 8". 1790 , With annots. by R. Whately. 8». 1859 „ n. ed., w. notes etc. by T. R. Birks. s8». 1800 see Hoi.vo.ucE (G. J.) P.'s Nat. Theol. refuted in his own words, 1853. „ Meabley (G. W.) Mems. of P., 1809. The app. to this conf\ .sev. minor works of P., cJiieJly his "Defence of [Law's] " Consids. on the propriety of requiring subscription etc.," tirst publ., 1774, d' *Obs. upon the character etc. of Xt., tirst publ. 1770. ,, Nevile (C.) Defence of P.'s moral philos., in ans. to AVhewell & Sedgwick, 1839. „ Smith (William Henev). Disc, on ethics of the school of P., 1839. „ Tate (Jas.) The Horse PaulintE of P., carried out in a cont. hist, of Paul, 1840. ., Whately (R.), oi^). P.'s works : a lecture, 1859. Palfrey (Francis Winthrop). The Antietam & Fredericks- burg. s8". N.Y. 1882 Palfrey (John Gorham). Academ. lecf. on the Jewish Scrip- tures & antiq'. 4v. Ia8". Boston. 1838-52 Hist, of New England. 5v. 8". Boston. 1859-92 v4, .-, luive 2'"' tp. : H. of N.E., f. the Eevol. of the 17"' c.,2v. Compend. hist, of New England from the Revol. of 17"' c. to death of Geo. I. s8'. Boston. 1872 Papers on the Slave Power. 8". Boston. [1840] *Eeview of Lord Mahon's Hist, of the Amer. Eevol. From " N. Amer. Rev.," July, 1852. [P159]. »\ Boston. 1852 Palgrave (Si)- Francis), IJ^S-tsOl. \^Cohf.^(V.), aft. Sir F. Pal- grav]. Cat. of lib. of P., sold 12 May, 1802. [P743]. 8". 1802 Conciliatory Reform : letter to T. S. Eioc, w. draft of a Bill. [P203]. 8". [1831] Essay upon the orig. authority of the King's Council. [Eecord Comm.]. 8^ 1834 Hist, of Eng. vl, A.-Saxou period, [no more publ.]. sH". 1831 „ „ [anoth. copiy, w. t. Hist, of tlie Anglo-Saxons]. s8". 1831 „ „ \w. t. : H. of the A.-Saxons]. n. ed. s8». 1807 Hist, of Normandy & of England. 4v. 8'. 1851-04 *The lord & the vassal : expos, of the feudal system. s8". 1844 The rise & progress of the English commonwealth : Anglo- Saxon period. 2p. 4". 1832 Scotland : doc". & records illust=. the hist, of S., & transactions betw. the crowns of S. & Eng., preserved in the Treasury of H.M.'s Exchequer. vl, [no more publ. Eecord Comm.]. Ia8\ 1837 Truths . 1901 Palmer ((Jeorge), Conunandcr, R.N. Kidnapping in the S. Seas ; cruise of H.M.S. Rosario. 8". E. 1871 Palmer (Henry Spencer). Sinai. [.\nc. hisf. f. the mon'.]. s8". [1878] n. ed., rev. Sayce. 88". 1892 Palmer (Herbert). Bacon not the a. of "The Xtn. paradoxes": being a repr. of "Memorials of godliness etc." by H. P., \v. mem., notes etc. by A. B. Grosart. 8". f.2>.c. 1865 Palmer (John), nunistcr of a dissenting {unitarian) congregation in New Broad-St. ; ni9 l-tHOO. App. to the " Obs. [The Obs. etc. by Palmer is wanting] in defence of the liberty of man in ans. to Priestley." [b. w. Bryant (J.) Address to Priestley, 1780]. 8". 1780 sec PitiESTLEY (.T.) Letter to P. in defence of philosoph. neces- sity, 1779. „ Second latter, 1780. Palmer (John), unitarian divine, of Macclesfield; /~42-S0. *Free remarks on a sermon [by R. Shejdierd] entit. " Requisition of subscription not inconsistent w. Xtn. liberty." [P71]. 8°. 1772 Palmer (Mrs. Mary). *Dialogue (A) in the Devonshire dialect. Added, glossary by .T. F. Palmer. s8 '. 1837 „ [anoth. ed., u: t.], *A Devonshire dialogue ; added, glossary, for the most part by J. Phillipps. Ed. Mrs. Gwatkin. s8". 1889 Palmer (Roger), carl of Castleinaine, sec Castlemainh (E., earl of). Palmer (Sir Roundell), aft. /'' e. of Selborne, see Selborne. Palmer (Samuel), artist ; /so.5-s-/, see P.\lmer (A. H.) Life & letters of S. P., 1892. Palmer (Samuel), bookseller. St. Pancras : antiquarian etc. mem». rel. to tlie parish, etc. 8". 1870 see *EriTArns it epigrams, 1869. Palmer (Samuel), presbyter of the Church of Eng. ; d. t~-i- Moral essays on Eng., Scotch, & foreign proverbs. s8". 1710 Palmer (Samuel), printer ; d. I~3i. Hist, of printing. 4". 1733 Palmer (Shirley). A pentaglot diet, of terms in anat-'., physiol'., etc. 8". 1845 Palmer (Lady Sophia Matilda), 3''' d. of /"' c. of Selborne. Mrs. Penicott's lodger, it o. s. ' s8\ 1887 Palmer (Thomas W.), of Michigan. Univ. suffrage : speech, Senate, Feb. 6, 1885. rP39-2]. 8". Wash. 1885 Palmer (William), M.A., fellow of Magdalen Coll., O.rford ; 1S1-I^~9. Diss', on subj'. rel. to the " Orthodox " or " Eastern- Catholic " communion. 8". 1853 Egyptian chronicles; w. harmony of sacred it Egyptian chronology, it app. on Babylonian & .Assyrian antiq'. 2v. 8". 1861 Letter to a Protestant-Catholic. [Pl'29]. 8'. O. 1842 Notes of a visit to the Russian church, 1840-41. Sel''. by Card. Newman. s8''. 1882 Oratio ["de comcedia Atticornm "] cancellarii prmmio don., 1833. [P575]. 8". 0. 1833 The Patriarch [i.e. Nicon, (>"• patriarch of Moscow] & the Tsar. [Tr. f. var. works by or on N. etc.] by W. P. 6v. 8-. 1871-0 see BiRKBECK (W. .J.l ed., Russia it the Eng. Church etc. : vl, Corr. betw. P. it Khomiakofl', (1844-54), 1895. PALMER 1109 PANIS Palmer (William), M.A., of Worccslci- Coll., Oxford : /SO.i-SJ. Compendious ecclesiast. hist'. n.eci. bS". 1841 Doctrine of development & conscience in I'el. to evidences of Xty. & of tlie Catholic system. _ 8". 1846 Letters on errors of Komanism, in controv. w. Wiseman. 3"' ed. s8". 1851 Narnitive of events conn. w. the pnljl. of Tracts for the times, etc. s8". 1883 Origines lituvgicre ; antiq'. of the Eng. ritUiil, ct diss, on primitive liturgies. -'V. 8". O. 1832 -Jv. S"' ed. 8». 0. 1839 Treatise on the Church of Xt. 2v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1830 see W'Aitn (W. G.) Ideal of a Xtn. Church, eont. defence of articles in the Brit. Critic in reply to P., 1844. Palmer (William) & Co., of Hydciahad, see East Indu Co. Tapers rel. to transactions of W. P. & Co. w. the govt, of the Nizam hif Hi/dcrcibad], 1824. Palmer (William James). The Tyne A its tributaries. 4". 1882 Palmerin, of Eiujland, hero of roinctnce. [Palmeibisi, de Ingla- terra; P., d'Anyleterrc ; Pai.meeino, d'lnghilterra]. The romance wh. has P. of E. for hero is ascr'., by some to Luis Hurtado, by some to F. dc Moraes. *Cronica de Palraeirim de I., 1" e 2" parte, por F. de Moraes. Se ajuntao as mais obras do mesnio autor [i.e. of F. de M.]. 3t. 4". 178G *Palmerin of England. By F. de Moraes. [Tr. bt/ A. Munday. the tr. corr. by B. Soulhey]. '4v. s8". 1807 Palmerius (Matthias). Vita Nicolai Acciajoli — De Captivitate Pisarum, see Mueatoiii (L. A.) lierum Ital. Script., tl3, 19. Palmerston (Henry John Temple, .j"' viscowit), iTS4-ti6S. liOrd P., sa corr. iutime. Tr. etc. par A. CraTeii. {Ex- tracted f. the works bi/ Dal- ling .0 Ashlci/]. 2p. 8". 1878-9 Opinions & policy of P. [a "se/. of passages in speeches "]. With mem. by G. H. Francis. 8». isr;2 Sels. f. private journals of tours in France in 1815 & 1818. [P349J. 8". 1871 see Ashley {Bt. Hon. A. E. M.) Life & corr. of P., 1870. ,, Life of P., 18iC-G3; w. sels. f. h. speeches it corr., 1876. „ CzARTOBvsKi (princc A. J.) Mems. etc.; w. [C'.'s] con- vers. w. P. (1832), etc., 1888. ,, DaLLIXG (H. L. BlLWEB, Lord). Life of P., w. sels. f. h. corr., 1870-71. ,, FiCQUELMONT (G')'((/C.L. V.) p., I'Augleterre & le Con- tinent, 1852. , essay on Brit. Empire P., tr., 1880. see Laugel (A.) P. et Lord Russell, 1877. „ LoRNE (marq. of). P., 1892. „ MacFablane (C.) Sicily, & P.'s Sicihan Blue- Book, 1849. „ Macknight (T.) Thirty years of foreign policy : secretaryships of Aberdeen & P., 1855. ,, S.WDEBS (Ll. C.) Life of P., 1888. „ Stirling - Ma.wvell (Sir W.) Cantillon's legacy etc. ; w. reply of P., etc., 1858. ,, Tbollope (Anthony). P., 1882. ,, Walton (W.m.) Letter to P. on h. speech resp. rels. of Eng. w. Portugal, ISSO. „ WiLKiNS (J. W.) Letter to P. on Camb. Univ. Reform, „ Geifcken (F. H.) The ! 1855. Palmerston (Henry Temple, 2'"' viscount), /T-iO-tSO^, see GowER (G. G., enrl). Despatches ; added, diarv of P. in France (1791), 1885. Palmfelt (Grustaf), see Haxselli (P.) Sanil. vitterhetsarbeten : 19, 1'.. 1875. Palmieri (Luigi). The eruption of Vesuvius, 1872. With notes etc. by K. Mallet. Ia8". 1873 Palmieri (Matteo), see Palmerus (Matthias). Palmieri (Niccolo). Sulla costituzione del Regno di Sicilia infino al 181 (i. Con app. sulla rivol. del 1820, ec. 8". Losanna. 1847 *Palmoni, 1851, see Hooper (F. J. B.) Palmyra. Letters from P., 1838, see Ware (Wh.), Unitarian. 'Palmyra. The ruins of P., 1753, see Wood (Robert). Palomino de Castro y Velasco (A. Antonio). [A. Palosiino Vei.asco]. Vidas do los pintores y estatuarios cspanoles. 8". Londres. 1742 Palsgrave (John). [J. Palsgravius]. L'esclaircissement de la languc fr., suivi de la grammaire de Giles Du Guez. Publ. F. Genin. [DoC. inc^d.T. 4". 1852 Paltock (Robert). *Life etc. o£ Peter Wilkins. laS". n.d., [1861 ?] , Pref. by A. H. Bullen. 2v. s8°. 1884 Paludan-Miiller (Caspar P.) De forste Kongcr af den Olden- borgske Slffigt. Ia8". 1874 Paludan-Miiller (Frederik). The fountain of youth. Tr. H. W. Freeland. sS". 1866 Palumbo (Raffaelle). G. C. Vanini e i siioi tempi. 8». Napoli. 1878 see Caroline, qtieen of Naples. Carteggio di Maria Carolina con Lady Hamilton, 1877. Palustre (Leon). li'architecture de la renaissance, sg". [1892] La renaissance en France, tl-3, [no more i^ubl.]. fol. 1879-8-5 & X. Barbier de Montault. Orf^vrevie it fimaillerie limousines, pi, Tpl, Pieces expos, a Limoges en 1886. no more publ.]. ' 4°. [1887] Pambour (le cte. de). [jGcyonneau de Pambour (F. M.), count]. Locomotive engines. [Tr.]. 2"'' ed. 8°. 1840 *Pamela, 12"" ed., 1783, see Rich.vkdson (S.) Pamflli (Giov. Batt.), oft. Innocent X, see Innocent X, ^xv^^c. Pamir Boundary Commission. Report on the proceedings of the P.B.C.; by Major-Gen. M. G. Gerard, Col. T. H. Hol- dich, Lt.-Col.E. A. Wahab, Surgeon-Capt. A.W. Alcock, 1896. fol. Calcutta. 1897 Pamphilus, Cratinides, ps., see Burman (P.) *Philalethes Batavus [i.e. B.] gewroken, door P. C, 1757. Pamphilus (Eusebius), see Eusebius, Pamphili. ♦Pamphlet (A) towards the hist, of the Madras famine, 1877, sec Maiiras. Pamphleteer (The). [Ed. A. J. Valpy]. 29v. [vl, 2"'' ed.]. 8". 1813-28 Pamphlets. *EiKii>' (uiKpo-i3iy3AiK{), sive Icon libellorum, or, a crit. hist, of P"., pi, 1715, see Davies (M.) Elizabethan A- Jacobean p'., 1892, sec Saintseuri' (G.) ed. Famous p\, 1886, sec Morley (H.) ed. Political p'., 1892, see Saintsbury (G.) ed. Pampolitanus (Richardus), see Roli.e (Eicharii) of Hampole. Panama, see Atlantic. *Junction of the A. tt Pacific, by P., 2irii: £ eonfid., 1843. Pananti (Filippo). Avventure ec. sopra le coste di Barberia. s8'\ Firenze. 1817 Paiichatantra. [Pantciu-Tantba; P.\nisch.\t.\ntra]. Le Pan- tcha-tantra, Aventures de Paramarta, etc. Tr. J. A. Dubois. 8". 1826 Pantschatantra, ein Lehrbuoh d. Lebensklugheit. Aus d. Sanscrit neu iibers. v. L. Fritze. sS". L. 1884 Panchkouree Khan, ps. Revelations of an orderly. s8>. 1849 Panciera (B.) I musulmani. s8". Firenze. 1877 Panciroli (Guido). [Pancirolius ; Pancieollus ; Panziroli]. De Claris legum interpretibus. Ace. J. Fichardi vitce, etc. etc. ; cura C. G. Hoffmanni. 4". L. 1721 The hist, of many memorable things now lost, etc. Done into Eng., it illus. f. Salmuth's annot"., etc. 2v in 1, [pagiii. cont.]. sS". 1715 see *JnRispEUDENTiA Eomana & Attica : 2, B. Chesii interp. juris lib. ; item P'. var. leet., 1738. Pandectae. For the Pandecltc [Digest, Digesla] of Justinian see .JrsTiNiAN I, emperor. Pandimo (Ant.) L' amorosa fede. s8". Venetia. 1029 Pandolfini (Agnolo). Tratt. del governo della famigha d'A. P. Colla vita [di P.] ser. da V. da Bisticei. 8". Milano. 1802 Pandoni (Petrus), called Poreclius. Trium poetaruni. P., Basinii, it Trebani opuso". Dilig. C. Preudhomme in lucem ed. s8». Parisiis. 1539 Pandulphus, Pisanus [Aletrinus]. Vitfe pontificum, see Mcra- TORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t3, i, ii. ♦PandurangHari, ed. 1873, see Hockley (^y. B.) Panegyric!. [PanegyrisI. XII panegyrici Latini, 1874, see BJvHBENs (E.) ed. XII panegyrici veteres, 1599, see Livineius (J.) ed. Panegyrici veteres, 1779, see Jager (W.) ed. Panegyrici veteres. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed., 120-4]. [5p]. 8". Lond. 1828 ♦Panegyris in univ. vita; reeursum S°. Szubai oblata a S. Liicio S., 1600, see Szuhai (S.), bp. of Erlau. Panfili (Giov. Batt.), aft. Innocent X, see Innocent X, pope. Pange (Francois de). " CEuvres, (1789-96). Avec et. etc. par L. Becq de Fouquieres. s8'\ 187i Pangerl (Matthias), .sec Goht}F.:xKnos, monastery of. *Urkun- denbuch, 1872. Panin (Ivan). Lects. on Russian lit. : Pushkin, Gogol, Tur- genev, Tolstoy. s8». N.Y. 1889 Panini, [Paxinius], see Goldstucker (T.) P., his place in Sanskrit lit., 1861. Panis (Ogerius). Annales Januenses, 1197-1219, see Mubatori (L. a.) Eerum Ital. Script., t6. see MoNi-jiENiA Gebm. Hist., Ser., tl8. PANIZZI 1110 PAPHLAGO Panizzi (Sir Anthony), principal librarian of llw Brit. Museum. Cat. of lib. of P., sold 10 .June, 1879. [P743]. 8». 1879 Letter to President of Eoyal Soe. on the new cat. of the library of that institution. [P108]. B". [1837] "Lettere ad A. P. di uomiiii illustri o di amici italiani. Pubbl. da L. Fagan. S". Firenze. 1880 Obs. on the address by the President & statement by the Council of the Royal Soc, resp. 1'., Nov. aO, 1837. [P108]. 8". [1838] On the supply of printed books f. the Library to the Beading Eoom of the Brit. Museum. [.4 con: bctic. P. d- Sir A'. H. Nicolas. P149]. 8". 184G see Boi.uinn (M. i\I.) Orlando innamorato, di B. ; Orlando furioso, di Ariosto ; w. essay on the romantic narrative poetry cf the Italians, mem'., * notes, by P., 1830-4. „ Fagan (L.) Life of P., 1880. „ Mkrimke (P.) Letti'es a P., (1850-70), 1881. „ Letters to P., [tr.], 1881. Pannier (Leopold). Lnpidaires fran(,-ais des xii-xiv sieo. [HE.52]. 8°. 1882 Panofka (Theodor). Bilder antiken Lebens. 4". 1843 Manners l^- customs of the Greeks. Tr. 4". 1849 Terracotten des k. Museums zu Berlin. 4°. 1842 Der Tod des Skiron u. des Patroelus, ein Vasenbild d. k. Museums. 4". 1836 Panopolitanus (Nonnus), see Nonxi-s, of Fanopolis. Panshanger. *Biograpli. cat. of the portraits at P., 188-5, see Boyle (M. L.) *Pantagruel, var. ed\ d- tr'., see Eabelais (F.) Pantaleon, diaconus, see Migne (.1. P.) cd., Pat. grieca, t98, P. Pantaleoni (Dioraede). Storia civ. e costituz. di Eoma. vl. [no mvre piuhl-l. laB". Torino. 1881 *Pantcha-Tantra, see *I'anchataxtba. Panteniiis (Theodor Hermann) [ps. Theodoi; Hekmann]. Wil- helm Wulfschild. 2'' A. s8". Mitau. 1873 Pantheism. *Gen. sketch o£ the hist, of P., 1878-9, sec PLU>!rTi;E (C. E.) see *SpiKiTrAi, p., by F. H. J., [1872]. Bantling (Robert), see King (Sir G.) & E. P., Orchids of the Sikkim-Hinialaya, 1898. Panton (Edward), Speculum juventutis : mirror, where errors in breeding are made manifest. s8'>. 1671 Panton {Mrs. Jane Ellen), xcifc of James Panton. Bypaths & cross-roads. 88°. 1889 Coimtry sketches in black it white. s8". [1882] From kitchen to garret : hints for young householders. s8". 1888 A tangled chain. 2v. s8". 1887 *Pantschatantra, see *Paxchatantra. Pantulf (Aubrey) ps. Sunken rocks. 3v. s8». 1874 Panvini (Pasquale), sec Xapoli. *Biogratia degli uomini ill. del regno di X. ; [tlO, " Biog. de' re di Xapoli, da Morelli di Gregorio A P."], 1813-29. Panvinio (Onofrio), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat, latina, tl48. Panyasis, the poet, P. Halicarnasscnsis~\, see Hesiod, H'. car- mina ; I"-, fragm". adj, Diibner, 1840. Panzani (Gregorio). Mems,, giving ace. of h. agency in Eng., 1634-6, Tr. ; added, state of Eng. Catholic Church, etc., by J. Berington. H". B'ham. 1793 see Someks (.1. S., baron). Coll. of Tracts. Panzer (Friedrich). Beitrag z. deutschen Mythologie. 8". Miinchen. 1848 Panzer (Georg Wolfgang). Annales typograph. llv. (1-5, ad a. 1500. 6-11, 1501-36). 4'. Norimberga>. 1793-1803 Conspectus mouumentorum typograph. sec. XV. 4". Norimb. 1797 Tliis is not a scp. work, but is r.': of It. Annales typog., w. new fp. Panziroli (Guido) "PAXzrnoLus], see Pan-cip.oi.i (G.) Paoli (it jcii.Pasquale de') [P. PaoliI, sfc Bosweix (.J,) Corsica; * mem, of P., 1768 ; 3"> ed., 1769.' Paolino. For persons of this name not mentioned here see Paelinus. Paolino, da San Bartolommco. \i.e. J. P. Wekhin, or Wesdix ; tPa-Lixus, a Sancto Bartholomceo']. Voyage to the East Indies. Notes by .J. E. Forster ; tr. W. -Johnston. 8°. 1800 Paolo. For 2}ersons of this ncmic not mentioned here sec Vkvl. Paolo, il padre, dclV Ordine di'' Servi, see Sabpi {Fra Paolo). Paolo, Scrvita, [PiEino Saepi], sec Sahpi (Fra Paoi.o). *Pap with a hatchet [1589. By J. Ltjhj ] or T. Xash ?] For an cd. sec PvHiTAN Discipline Tba<;ts, 1842-60. Papacy, [see also Papal, Pape, etc.] For anon, leorlcs in French see Papautk. Codex diplomaticus Dominii Temporalis S. Sedis, 1861-2, see Theineh (A.) ('(/, Papadopoli (il conte Nicolo). Le bimetallisme a Venise au moycn Age. [P660], 8", Brux, 1892 Del piccolo e del bianco, antichiss. monete veneziane. [P765]. 4". Venezia. 1887 Enrico Dandolo e le sue monete. [P532]. 8». Milano. 1890 Francesco Foscari e le sue monete (1423—57). [P633]. Ia8". Milano. 1892 Moneta DaJmatia;. [P591]. Ia8". Milano. 1889 Monete italiane ined. della raccolta P. nos. 1-5 it app. al N. 1. Ia8". [1-3, Jlilano], 1893-1902 nos. 1-3 arc in P3~4 ; no. 4 in PJSo ; no. .5 in PO.-i^ ; app. in P 1030. No further no', have as yet (! 902) appeared. Les plus anciens deniers ou carzie frappes par les Yenitiens pour Chypre (1515-8). [P1006]. 8". Bruxelles. 1900 Sul valors della moneta veneziana. 4". Venezia. 1885 Tarifs v^nitiens, avee dessins de monnaies du 16" s, [P1008]. 8°, 1900 La zecca di Nasso : monete di Sanudo, [P621i. laS". Milano. 1805 Papal. *Formulary (A) of the Papal Penitentiary in the 13"' c, 1892, see Foinu'LABY etc. *Papal infallibility it persecution, etc. By an Eng. Catholic. [P213]. 8". 1870 Papal registers. Calendar of enti-ies in the P. E'., illust''. the hist, of Gt. Brit. & Ireland. [Calendars of State Papers] : Papal Letters, vl-4, [1, 1198-1304. 2, 1305-42. 3, 1342- 62, 4, 1362-1404. in prog.]. Ia8". 1893-1'J02, vl, .', cd. W. H. Bliss; .i, W. H. B. it C. Johnson; 4, ir. JI. B. £ J. A. Tu-cmlow. „ „ Petitions to the Pope. Ed. W. H. Bliss. vl, [1, 1342-1419. in prog.]. Ia8". 1896 Paparrhegopoulos (Konstantinos). 'lo-Topm tov 'EWrinKov 'EfJj'Ous UTTO Tci'i' ap^aioTaT'xr xpov(x:i' fJ-^xpi 7icv KaO' T,fjLa.^. 5t, it Atlas eKSoms rpir-n. 8". eV 'M-qvais. 1896-1900 Papaute. *Histoire philosoi)h. de la P. [in o. cd'. tr. t'. : Eendez a Cesar ; id Hist, de la P.], 1798, see Histoiee etc. ♦Relation de I'accroissement de la p. etc. en .Angleterre, tr,, 1680, see Marvell (A,) Pape. [sec Papes]. *Du pape etc., 1844, sir Maistre (le etc. .J. de), *Pape (Le) [Pius 7.Y] et le Congr^s, [Attr. to the vtc. de La Chu'ronniirc. P160]. S". 1859 *Pouvoir du pape au moyen age, etc., n. fed,, 1845, see Gosselin (J, E, A.) Pape (Jacques), seigneur de Saint-Auban, sec Saint-Auban, Pape (Wilhelm). Hdwbch, d, griech. Sprache, 4B. [Bl-3, 2« A, liiwanting]. Ia8'>, Braunschweig. 1845-50 1, 2, Griech, -deutsches Hdwbch, 3, Wbch, d, griech. Eigennamen. 4, Deutsch-griechisches AVbch. ,, ,, B3, [Wbch, d. griech. Eigennamen]. 3' A,, neu bearb. v. G, E. Benseler, lrt8", Braunschweig. 1884 Papendiek (.V;-5. Charlotte Louisa Henrietta), Court it private life in time of Q, Charlotte : journals of P,, reader etc.toH.M. Ed. Mrs. V. D. Broughton. 2v. 8". 1867 Papendrecht (C. P. Hoynck van), see Hoynck (C. P.) *Paper boat (The), I-'-i'.)7, siv Palisukus, 2'-s. Papers. For anon, zuorks in French see Papiehs. Papers illustrating the hist, of the Scots Brigade in the Nether- lands, 1800-1901, sec Ferguson (J.) al. *Papers in relation to the antient topography of the Eastern Counties etc., 1869, see Taylor (Arthur I. •Papers on preaching Sz public speaking, 18G1, see Davies (G, J.) •Papers ou Sillidar Cavalry, 1848, see Jacob (John), •Papers on the doctrine of the Eug, Church cone, tlie Eucharistic Presence, n.d., [c. 1870?], see Eucii.abistic. •Papers regarding the 1"' campaign agst. the tribes of Cutchee, etc., 1854, see Cutchee. •Papers relating to Free Labour it the Slave Trade, etc., 1861, sec Slave. Papes. [see also Pape]. *Essai hist, sur la puissance temporelle des papes, etc., S' ^d,, 1811, sec Daunou (C. P. F,) *Hist, des papes depuis St, Pierre jusqu'a Eenoit XIII, 1732, see Bruys (F,) Paphlago (Nicetas), sec Nicetas, of Paphlagonia ; called also David. PAPIANUS 1111 PARINI Papianus (^milius), sec Papinianus (.Em.) Papias, bp. of Hiciapolis. *Oi'acles (The) asci''. to llatthew by r. : a contiib. to the ci-iticism of the New Test. s8 '. 1894 see Barnahas, Epist. ; Papiaj qua: sup., etc., 1878. „ Hall (E. H.) P. A h. conteiup'., 189!). „ LiiiHTtooT (.J. B.) (.'d., Apost. Fathers : Fragments of P., 18'Jl. ,, MioxK (.J. P.) cd., Pat. gr., t5, for Fragmenta. Papiers. *l'apiers secrets (Les) du Second Empire. Docu- ments authentiques annotes. 13 nos. in Iv. 8". 13rux. 1870-1 I'apiers trouves chez Robespierre, St. -Just, etc., 1828, see RniiKsi'iERKH (F. Max. J. I.) Papillon (E. T.) Alleyne. s8". 1804 Papillon (Philibert). Bibliotheque des auteurs de Bourgogne. {Ed. P. L. Juhj]. 2t. fol. Dijon. 1745 Papillon (Thomas Leslie). Manual of oomp. jihilology applied to Greek & Latin inflections. sS". 0. 187<) 2"''ed. s8". O. 1877 Papin (Denis), [D. Papixls], sec Leibnitz (G. W. v.) L.'.s u. Huygens' Briefw. mit P., nebst d. Biographie P.'g, etc. ; bcarb. u. lirsg. v. E. Gerland, 1881. Papinianus (.ffimilius), [Paitaxus; Papiniano], sec Vkcsey (T.) -Em. P. palyaja cs mi'ivei, 1884. Papinius Statius (Publius), see Statius (P. P.) Papinus (Dionysius), sea Papi.n (D.) *Papist (A) mis-represented & represented, by J. L., 1685, sec (ioTiiER (.John). "Papists protesting against Protestant Popery, l()8(i,.s«cGoTHEii(.J.) Pajon (Jean Pierre). De la peste. 2t in 1. 8". Paris, [an] 8, [1800J Hist. gi-n. de Provence. 4t, [tl, 2, publ. aiwn.]. 4". 1777-811 Pappaffy ( ). Corn duties of Eng., * its grain trade with the Mediterranean. [P109]. 8". 1839 Pappenheim (Matthsus von ). Chronicie Australis 853- 132() etc., see Freheh (M.) Germ, rerum scriptores, tl, 1717. *Papst (Der) u. d. Concil, v. Janus, 1809, see Dollinger (L v.) & .1. FiuKimicH. Papste. *Acta Pontiiicum P^oraanorum inedita; Urkunden der Piipste, 1881-8, see Pflugk-Hartti-xg (J. v.) cd. Papus, i>s. [i.e. Gerard Encausse]. Prem. elements de cbiro- mancie. s8". 1891) The tarot of the I'.ohcmians. Tr. A. P. Morton. s8". 1892 Papwortli (John Woody). An alphabetical diet, of coats of arms. ed. by A. W. Morant. Ia8«. 1874 Paquet-Syphorien ( ). Voyage dans les Pays-Bas etc. 1811-3. 2t in 1. 8". 181() Paquier (Jean Bapt.) Hist, de I'unite polit. & territoriale de la France. 2t. 8". 1879-80 Le Pamir. Ia8". 1870 Paquot (Jean Noel). *Jlcms. p. serv. a I'hist. litt. des 17 prov'. des Pays-Bas, de la priucipaute de Liege, & de quelques contrees voisines. 3t. fol. Louvain. 17ti5-70 *Para la historia del Ecuador, 1891, see Ecu.ador. 'Sa.vk, province of . Album do Para em 1899. Parte descriptiva do dr. H. Santa Rosa. fol. n.p. [1899] Parabere (Marie Madeleine de Beaudeant, cointessc de), sec CArEFiGUE (.T. B. H. It. J La P. et Ic Palais Royal sous la Ri'gence, 18(J3. *Parables (The) of judgment, 1878, see Macpheuso.n (Mrs. Bi;kwste1!). Parabosco (Girolamo) [G. Paearosque]. I diporti. [Tp. wanting']. s8'\ [Milano? 1814] II Viluppo. [P839]. s8". Venetia. 1590 Paracelsus (A. T.) Ll^-^i'-^t^ELSE ; IBomb.ast vo>j HoHENHEni i(Pnii.ii'r .-Vcreol Theopheast), called Paracelsus]. The her- anetic * alchemical writings of P., ed. w. notes, etc. by A. E. Waite. 2v. 4". 1894 'See Haetmann (F.) Life of P., & substance of h. teachings, 1887. „ RiixsER (T^) * T. SiisEE, Lebeu beriihmter Pbysiker : 1, P.. 1820-0. ., fiENriwoGXCti (M.) New light of alchemy ; also. Nine books of the nature .of timigs, by P.. tr., 1074. „ Stvnelli (R.) Die 2ii3junfts-Philosophie des P. als Grund- lage einer Heforjuatioa fiir Medicin etc., 1884. Parades (Robert, ,ci(i. die). Moms. sec. de P. 8". n.p. 1789 Secmems. of P., etc. ITr. ; 6. w. 7i. Mems., 1789]. 8". 1791 Paradin (Guillatane). iiP.ibadinus]. Annales de Bourgongne. fol. Lyon. IdtlO GroniquedeiSftVoye. 4". Lyon. 1552 Paiadol (Pierre Anatole Pnevost-), see Prkvost-Paeadol. *Paradoxical philosophy : aa-i. to -The unseen universe," 1878, see Tait (1'. G.) & B. Stjewaet. Paraeus (Ambrcsius), see Pare (A.) Paragon. For an anon, leork in French, sec Parangon. Paraguay. *Hist. du P. sous les Jesuites etc., 1780, sec Echa- VARKI (B. IbANEZ I)E). Paraguay, TUa river, sec Parana, The ricer. Map of the P. * P., 1841. Paramelle (Vu.bbc ). L'art de decouvrir les sources. 2- cd. 8". [1859] '■'Paramesvfara-jnyana-goshthi : a dialogue etc., 185(), see Williams (Rowland). Parana, The river. *ilap of the rivers P. ct I'araguay, f. cursory survey dur. exped. under ausp. of H.M.'s Govt, on board the Argentine brig Palm, 1841. fol. 1841 Parangon. *Le grand p. des niuvelles nouvelles, see Troves (N'liOLAS DK). Paravicini (F. de), sec De Paravicini (F.) Parcival, Iiero of romance, see Perceval, Ic Gallois. Pardaillan de Gondrin (F. A. de), marchioness de Montespati, see Montespan (-1/»;i,'. i>e). Pardessus (Jean Marie) cd., Loi salique, ou rec. eont. les anc. redactions de cette loi & le texte connu sous le nom de Lex J'hnendata ; avce notes etc. Pardo Bazan (Emilia). Oljras coniplptas. Any coV. of this ser. loh. arc possessed are rap', under the t'. ol the sep. works. El Cisne de Vilamorla. 7' ed. sS". 1885 Una cristiana. s8°. n.d. For cont., see La prueba, helotv. Cuentos de amor. s8<>. [1898] Pardee (Miss Julia S. H.) The city of the JIagyar, 1830-iO. 3v. s8". 1840 The city of the Sultan, 183G. 2v. s8". 1837 Court & reign of Francis I. 2v. 8". 1849 Episodes of Pr. hist., dur. the Consulate & 1'' Empire. 2v. s8". 1859 4". 1840 De mi tierra. 2^ ed. sS". n.d. Iiisolaciu'n ; y, Morriila. s8". n.d. Mi romeria. 2" ed. s8". 1888 Pascual Lopez : autobiografia de un estudiante de medicinn. 3^ ed. s8". 1889 La priieba : 2» parte de " Una cristiana." s8". n.d. Un viaje de novios. 2-' ed. 68". 1888 Life of Marie de Medicis, Q. of France. 3v. 8". 1852 „ Sv. 8°. 1890 Louis XIV & the court of France in the 17"> c. 3v. 8". 1847 „ „ ... 3v. 2°. 1838 Pardos (Gregorios), abp. of Corinth, sec Geegoeius, Corintlmis. Pare (Ambroise) [Pae.eus ; Paheus ; A. Parey]. Works. Tr. T. Johnson ; w. 3 tractates out of A. Spigelius. fol. 1678 see Le Paulmiee (le docl.). A. P. d'ap. de nouv. doc"., 1887. „ P.iGET (S.) P. & h. times, (1510-90], 1897. Pare (William). Co-operative agriculture ; hist, of the Rala- hine Assoc. s8". 1870 Plan for suppression of the predatory classes. [P81]. 8". 1862 Parent-Duchatelet (A. J. B.) La prostitution dans la ville de Paris. Notice par F. Leuret. laS". Brux. 1830 ■Parent's school & college guide, or Liber scholasticus, 2'"' ed., 1843, see Gilbert (R.) Pareto (Vilfredo). Cours d'economie polit. 2t. 8«. Lausanne. 1896-7 Parens (Ambrcsius), see Pare (Pl.) Pareus (Johann Philipp), sec Geuterus (J.) Lampas etc. It: ed. by P.], 1002-23. Parey (Ambrose), see Pare (A.) Parfaict (Claude), sec Paefaict (F. fianc;'ois, 1745-9. Parfaict (Francois) iC C. Parfaict. & C. P., *Hist. du theatre *Hist. Parfait (Paul). L'arsenal de la lu theatre fran^ois. lot. s8». 1745-49 ilevotion ; notes p. serv. a I'hist. des superstitions. [First publ'K I'irf/]. 6- ed. s8". n.d. La foire aux reliques. s8". [1879] Pargiter (Frederick Eden). Revenue hist, of the Sundarbans, 1765-1870. fol- Calcutta. 1885 Paria Korigan, ps., see Levy (Mme. Emle). Paride (Giulio), sec P.uus (Julils). Parieu (Esquirou de), sec Esquieou de P.vkiec (M. L. P. F.) Parigot (Hippolyte). Le drame d'A. Dumas. s8>'. 1899 A. Dumas, pere. [Les grands ccrivains franvais.] s8". 1902 Lc the/.tre d'hier. s8'\ 1893 Parini (Giuseppe) [Isepp Paein]. Opere. Pubbl. F. Reina. Ov in 3. 8'). Milano. 1801-4 see *P.AENASO degl' italiani viventi : 13, 14, 24, P., 1803-24. „ *Parnaso italiano ; prec. da un disc. int. a P. da C. Cantu, 1847. PARIS 1112 PARIS *Paris & Vienue, see Pakis, Le cJievaVier. Paris. For Paris cJnirclies, if dcd. to a Saint, sec Hnint, foUoJced by the name of the saint in. question; if IniotL'n by soJue otlier name [e.g. Notre IJainc], see the first tvord of tliat name. A reference is also made here to each particular Paris church U'hich occurs in the catalogue. AnONXMOUS & MISC. WOBKS. Armoiries (Les) de k ville de P., 1874-5, sec Coktlogox {le etc. A. be). Caitulaire general de P., ou rec. de doc", rel. a Phist. & a la topographie de P., in prog., 1887 etc., sec L.isTEYEiE (K. de). Collection de documents reUitits a Phist. de Paris pend. la Eevol. Fr. in progress. Ia8». 1888-96 sec AUL.VRD (P. A.) Paris pend. la n'action tliermidorienne & sous le Directoii-e, tl-4, 1898-1900. „ La Soeiete des Jacobins, tl-6, (1789-nov., 1794, 1889-97. „ Chall.15[EL (A.) Les clubs contre-revolutionnaires, 1895. „ Chabavay (Et.) Asseniblee Electorale de Paris, 2t, 1890-4. „ Chassis (C. L.) Les elections & les ealuers de Paris en 1789, 4t, 1888-9. „ it L. Hennet. Les volontaires nationaux pend. la Eevol., tl, 1899. „ LacroixiS.) Actcs de la Commune de Paris pend. la Rev., tl-7, 1894-8. „ MoNix (H.) L'etatde Paris en 1789; etudes* docs., 1889. „ EoBiNET {Ic iloct.) Le naouvement relig. a Paris pend. la Ee'v., t],2, 1896-8. „ EoBiQUET (P.) Le personnel municipal de Paris pend. la Eevol. : jjeriode constitutionnelle, 1890. *Coutes (Les) du Palais [i.e. the Palais de Justice, Paris}, sl-3, 1887-9, see Coxtes etc. *Curiositez (Les) de P. etc. Par W. L. E. 2t. n. ^d. s8<>. 1742 Barbier, .3' cd., iSy.j, ascribes the worh to G. L. Lerouge ; but othei'S give it to C. M. Saiigrain. Anotiicr work by the same a., whoever he may he, will be found under Fi;.\xce. *Nouveau voyage de F., par M. L. E., dem. ed., 1750. *Diable (Le) a Paris : Paris & les parisiens. [Notes by many writers ; b. v. Beets (N.) Scenes de la vie lioUandaise, tr., 1856]. 88". 1857 *Diary of the besieged resident in P., 1871, sec Laboucheke (H.) *Enghshman (An) in P., 1892, sec Vaxdam (A. D.) Epitaphier du vieux P., 1890-99, sec EAUXiii (E.) Histoire gcnerale de Paris. Coll. de doc. publ. sous les auspices du Conseil municipal, in prog., 4", 1866, etc. : •Introduction a 1'" Histoire gen. de Paris." 4°. 1866 see Beetv (A.) Topograjjliie hietorique du vieux Paris, \_cont. par L. M. Tisscranil etc.], tl-6, in prog., 1866 etc. „ BoiLEAU (E.) Livre des metiers etc. [13< s.], 1879. „ BovKXOX (F.) La Bastille, 1893. „ CoJETLOGOX {le etc. A. de). Les armoiries de la ville de Paris; ouvrage commence par C, refondn etc. par L. M. Tisserand etc., 2t, 1874-5. „ Delisle (L.) Le cabinet des mss. de la Bibl. Nationale: formation etc., St, <( Planches, 1868-81. „ Fkaxklix (A.) Les anc. bibliotbcques de Paris, 3t, 1867-73. „ Laste\"kie (K. de). Cartulaire gen. de Paris, ou rec. de doc". rel. a Thiat. & a la topographic de P., forme par L., tl, in prog., 1887, etc. „ Le Eoi:x de Lixcy (A. J. V.) & L. M. Tisserand. Paris & ses historicns aux 14' it 15' s*. : doc*, rec. & com- mentes, 1868. „ LESPIN.4SSE (E. de\ Metiers etc. de Paris, 14'-18' s., St, 1886-97. „ Periiens(F.} EtienneMarcel, prevut des marchands(lo54-S), 1874. „ Raunie E.) Epitaphier du vieux Paris, 3t, 1890-99. „ Eegistkes des deliberations, tl-8, in 2>rog., 1883 etc., below. „ Seixe. La Seine : tl, Le bassin parisien aux ages ante- Ustoriques, d- Planches, par E. Belgrand, 1869. „ TissEEAND (L. M.) La premiere bibliotheque de I'Hotel de Ville (176U-97), 1873. Inscriptions de la France, rec. par CTuilhenny : tl-5, Anc. diocese de Paris, [Doc-, in^d.], 1873-83, see Giilheehy (F. de). *Inside P. during the siege. By an Oxford graduate. s8». 1871 *Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris sous Franvois I (151.5-36). Publ. par L. Lalanne. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1854 ♦Journal d'un voyage a P. en 1657-8, 1862, sec Faugeke (A. P.), ed. *Living Paris it France : a guide. By Alb. s8''. 1886 *Livre (Le) commode des adresses dc P. pour 1692, 1878, sec Blegsy (N. de) [ps. A. Dv Peadei,]. Paris [continued]. Anonymous it misc. woeks [continued]. *Memoires des intendants sur I'^tat des generalites dresses pour I'instruction du due deBourgogne : tl, Paris, 1881, see France. *M^nagier (Le) de Paris, (comp. vers 1393), 1846, see Mkn.kgiee, etc. Metiers it corporations de la \iUe de Paris [13'] siecle, sec Boileac (E.) „ „ 14'-18' s., see Leseinasse (R. de). *1870 : Paris-Berlin. [P254]. 8". 1870 „ „ [P254, " o«i-. ri Victor Hugo."]. 3' ed. 8». Brux. 1870 *My Paris note-book, 1894, sec Vaxdam (A. D.) *Narrative of memorable events in P. (1814). f. the diary of a detenu, etc., 1828, sec Uxdeewood (T. E.) *Notes at P., etc., 1854, sec Woedswoeth (C.), bji. *Nuits (Les) de P., 1788, sec Eestif de La Beetonne (N. E.) *Palais (Le) de Justice de P., 1892, see Pal.us etc. *Paris a travers les ages ; monuments it quavtiers restitu^s etc., 2' ed., 1885, see HoFrii.vrEE (F.) *Paris it its historical scenes. 1831-2, sec Ceaik (G. L.) *Paris by day it night. By Anglo-Parisian. s8". 1889 *Paris it ses historiens aux 14' it 15' s*., 1868, .sec Le Eoux de Lincy (A. J. V.) & L. M. TissEEAXD. Paris guide, i^ar les prino. ecrivains it artistes de la France. 2p. [1, La science— Part ; 2, La vie]. s8". 1867 *Paris, its historical buildings etc., 1849, see Ceaik (G. L.) *Paris ; ou le livre des cent-et-un. lot. [1-3, 2' ed.]. 8'\ Ladvocat. 1832-4 Paris sous la domination anglaise : docs, etc., 1878, see Loxgxon (A.) ed. *Paris sous Louis XIV : men". & vues, 1889, sec Maquet (A.) Paris sous Philippe-Ie-Bel. notamment d'ap. un ms. cent, le role de la taille 1292, [DoC. ined.], 1837, sec Gkeaud (P. H.) ed. *Photographs of Paris life, by Chroniqueuse, 1861, see Cniio- NIQUECSE, ps. *Pictures from I'aris in war it in siege. By an American lady. s8». 1871 *Bealities of P. life, 1859, sec By-bne (Mrs. W. P.) *Tableau de P., n. ed., 1783-8, see Meeciee (L. S.) *Tales of Paris, ancient it modern. s8". 1855 TopogTaphie historique du vieux P., in prog., 1866 etc., sec Beety (A-) *Voyage pittoresque de P., par M. D., 6' ed., 1778, see Dezae- LiER d'Aegenvii.le (A. N.) Cn'ic IxsTixuTios.s, etc. Archives de I'Hutel-Dieu de P., (11-57-1800) ; publ. L. Briele, avec not. etc. par E. Coyecque. [DoC. ined.]. 4''. 1894 *Description del'Hc'.tel Imp. des Invalides, 1858, s^e GiiE.iED (A.) Livret illustre du Musee du Luxembourg, 1884, see Dumas (F. G.) ed. Eegistres de I'Hotel de ville de Paris pendant la Fronde etc. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 3t. 8°. 1846-48 Eegistres des deliberations du Bureau de la ville de Paris. tl-8. /iij^nw/. [Histoire gen. de Pai-isl. 41.1883-96 1, 1499-1526. 2. 1-527-39. 3, 1539-52. 4. 1552-8. 5, 1558-67. 6, 1568-72. 7, 1572-6. 8, 1576-86. Reniontrances du Parlement de P. an 18' s. Publ. par J. Flam- mermont [£ M. Tournetu. Doc', in^d.]. tl, 2. (1, 1715-53. 2. 1755-68). i". 1888-95 see Bastille, Paris. „ CoMEDiE FEANfAisE, Paris. „ NoTEE Dame de Paris. ,, Palais de Justice, Paris. „ Saint-Geejlaix-des Pees, abbey of, Paris. Univeesity of Paris. Auctarium chartularii Univ. Paris. Edd. H. Denitie, IHm. Chatelain. tl. 2, Liber procuratorum Nationis Anglieante (Ale- inanniK) in Univ. Paris, (tl, 1333-1406. 2, 1406-66). 4». Parisiis. 1894-97 Chartularium Univ. Paris. Coll. etc. H. Denifle, [auxil. .Era. Chatelain]. tl-4. 4°. Parisiis. 1889-97 1, 1200-1286. 2, 1286-1350. 3, 13.50-94. 4, 1394-1452. see Ceeviee (J. B. L.) Hist, de I'Univ. de Paris, 1761. „ JouEDAix (C.) Hist, de PU. au 17 et au 18 siecle, 1862/6. „ Index chronol. chartarum pert, ad hist. U. ad fineni xvi sec, 1862. Paris, Le chevalier, hero of romance. [Parys]. *Paris A Vienne. From the copv bv Caxton, 1485, w. pref., notes etc. [by Tl". C. HadittK ' s4". 1869 Paris, son of Priam, sec "'Judgment (The) of P. ; opera, 1731. PARIS 1113 PARK Paris (k etc. de), /sjs-94. {fLoi-is Philip Albeiit [i/Oiii.kaxs], coimt dc Paris]. *Les associations ouvri^res en Angleterre. k8". 18ti!l De la situation des ouvriers en Angleterre. H". 1873 Hist, do la ^'ueiie civile en Anierique. tl-7. 8". 1874-00 ,, „ Cartes et planches, livr'. l-(i, in Iv. [5!0 J»o)-ep!(6/.l. lol. 1874-H.H Hist, of the Civil War in America. Tr. L. F. Tasistro;ed. H. Coppee. vl-4. 8". [v4, Vhiladelpliia. 1875-88J. Ko more published. These ',v eontain the tr.of the 7 pub- lislied t. of the French ed. The Trades' Unions of England. Tr. N. J. Senior. s8". ISC.'.l see Flkks {Ic marq. de). Le c. de P., 1888 ; 2- ed., 1888. „ H.vrssoxviixE (Ic c. O. i>'). Le c. de P. ; souv. personnels. 18!|:5. Paris (A. Louis). Diet, des anoblissements, 1804_o8. Par une soc. d'heraldistes sous la dir. de L. P. Ia8". IS'i'.t see LouvnK : Les niss. de la Bibl. du L. briiles mai 1.S71 ; par L. P., 1872. ,, Reims. *La chronique de liains, 1837. Paris (A. Paulin). De la ntcessite de publiev le catalogue des livres impriines. [PfJSD]. 2" cd. 8". 1847 Etudes sur Francois I. Pref. par G. Paris. 2t. .S". 1885 Les grandes chroniques de France selon que elles sont eonserw en I'eglise de St.-Denis. 6t. s8". 183G-40 Les mss. fran^ois de la Bibl. du Roi : leur hist, it celle des textes allemands, angl., holland., ital., espagnols de la meme coll. 7t. 8". 1836-48 Le roiuancero fraueois : hist, de quehiues trouvi-res, choix de chansons etc. s8". 1833 Les romans de la Table Konde, mis en nouveau langage etc. 5t. s8". 18G8-77 sec *Bi;iiTHE aux grans i)ies, 1830. „ Gkni.n (F.) Lettre a i'. P., 18.51. ,, Lettre a un ami sur I'article de P. P. dans la Bibl. de I'EcoIe des Charles, 1851. Paris (C.) Voyage d'exploration de Hue en Coehinehine par la route niaiulariuc. Ia8". 1889 Paris (Frangois de) [le diucre Paris]. sec Cakre i>e Mo.NToEi:nN (L. B.) Verite des miracles operes par I'intercession de P., 1737. ,, Matiiiec (P. F.) Hist, des miraeules de S.-Medard, prec. de la vie du diacre P., 1864. Paris (Gaston). Acad. Frau(,:aise : disc, de recep- tion de Li. P. 68". 1897 Chansons du 13' a., d'ap. le ms. de la Bibl. Nat. ; la musique transcr. en notation mod. par A. Gevaert. [S.d.a.t.f.]. 8". 1873 Etudes romaues ded. a G. P., 1890, par s. I'leves etc. Ia8". 1891 Francois Villon. s8". 1901 Le haut enseiguenient hist, ifc philolog. eu France. [PC7n]. s8°. 1894 Hist, poetique de Charlemagne. Ia8". 1805 La litt. fr. au moven age. s8". 1888 Headed "Manuel d'anc. fra lira is," of icJi. if forms tl. No more of the " Manuel " has aii- peared. Pensenrs & poetes. s8o. 1890 Les plus anc. monuments de la laugue fr. (9^\ 10*^ siecle), avec uu comm. philolog. : Albu)ii. [The text has not been pnhl. S.d.a.t.f.]. lafol. 1875 Pocmes k Icgeudes du moyen- age. 8». [1899] La pocsie du moyen age. si, 2, [nomorc pnhl.'\ sS". 1885-95 see *MiRACLES de nostre dame, 1876-81. Paris (Godefroy, de), sec GonEinoY, de Paris. Paris (John Ayrton). Life of Sir Huniphrv Dav\'. 2v. 8o'. isai Pharmacologia : hist, of medi- cinal substances. O"- ed. 8". 1843 Philosophy in sport made science in earnest. 9"' ed. s8». 18G1 Treatise on diet. 5"' ed. 8o. 1837 see MfNK (W.) Life & writings of P., 1857. Paris (Julius), [Gcieio Pamhe], see Du Rieu (W. N.) Sched.i Vatican.T, in q. retractantur 1. P. etc., alii ab A. Maio ed.. 1860. Paris (Louis), sec Paris (A. Loiis). Paris (Matthew) [Matth.eus Parisiensis ; M.\tth.\us von Paris]. For the " Flares hisloriarum " of Roger of M'cndover, fornierlyyiscr'. to P., see Wendover (Roger, of). Chronica majora. Ed. H. 1!. Luard. 7v. [Rolls Ser., 57, i-vii]. Ia8". 1872-83 1, Creation to 1066. 2, 1067-1210. 3, 1216-39. 4, 1240-47. 5, 1248-50. 6, Additamenta. 7, Index— Glossary. Paris (Matthew) [contimied]. Eng. hist., 1235-73. Tr. J. A. Giles. 3v. [v.! " including a gen. index to P. <£ Roqer of Wcndover." \ s8". Pohii. 1852-4 Grande chronique de M. P. Tr. A. Huillard-Bii'hoUes, accomp. de notes, A prec. d'intr. par le due de Luynes. 9t. 8". 1840-1 Hist. Anglorum, s. hist, minor; item, ejusdem Abbreviatio chronicormn AngliiB. Ed. Sir F. Madden. 3v, [1, 1067- 118;i. 2,1189-124-5. 3,1246-1253. Rolls Ser., 44, i-iii]. Ia8\ 1866-9 Historia Major, juxta exemplar Londin.. 1571 recusa etc. Ace. duorum Offarum, et 23 Abbatum S. Albani vita? : una cum libro Additamentorum. Ed. W. Wats. tol. I,ondini. 1640 itineraire de Londres a Jerusalem (1244), attribue a M. P., sec MuHELANT (H.) & G. Ravnaup, Itincralrcs a Jerusalem, 1882. .sec Boui,iuET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl7. „ MoxuMENTA Gerji. Hist., Scr., t2S. Paris (Paulin), see Paris (A. Paelix). Paris (Pierre), viaitrc de Conferences d la Faciiltr des Lcttres de Bordeaux. Manual of anc. sculpture. Ed. tt augm. by Jane E. Harrison. s8". 1890 La sculpture antique. sS". [1889] Paris (Raimbert, de), sec Raimbert, de Paris. Paris (Thomas Clifton). Letters f. the Pyrenees, 1842. s8". 1843 Parise. *Li romans de Parise la duchesse. I'ubl. par G. F. de Martoune. sS". 1830 Pariset (Georges). Historique sommaire du conflit anglo- v^nczuclion en Guyano, 1493-1897. [P888]. 8". 1893 Parish. List of P. Registers, etc., 1897, sec Crisc (F. A.) ed. *Parish clerk (The), 1841. see Hewlett (J. T. J.) Parish Clerks' Company, London, sec Christie (.1.) Ace. of parish clerks, esp. of the C. of P. C, 1893. Parish (Edmund). Hallucinations & illusions. s8". 1897 Parish (Henry Headley). *Briti3h diplomacy illust''. in the affair of the " Vixen." [P139]. 8°. 1838 Tin- diplomatic hist, of Greece f. 1830. 8". 1838 Parish (William Douglas). Diet, of the Sussex dialect. 8". Lewes. 1875 2'" ed. 8". Lewes. 1875 List of Carthusians, 1800-79. Ed. by 1'. 8". Lewes. 1879 & W. F. Shaw. Diet, of Kentish dialect. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 54]. 80. 1887 Parish {Sir Woodbine). Buenos Ayres, & the provinces of the Rio de La Plata. S«. 1839 2'"' ed. 8". 1852 ♦Parisian sights & French principles, through American spectacles. s8". N.Y. 1852 Parisiana, see ^Bihliotheca Parisiana : a cat. of books, sold 1791. *Parisians (The), 1873, see Lvtton (E., baron). Parisien, see *VivAciTfe (Les) du langage dans le journalisme p., 1M87. Parisiensis (Guntherus), sec Gontherus. Cisterciensis. Parisinus (Petrus Lescaloperius), .■.fc L'EstALoriER (P.) Parisius dc Ccrcta. Annalts Veronenses 1117-1277, see Moxe.mexta Germ. Hist., Ser., tlO. Chronicon, 1117-1375, see Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t8. Parisius (Oliverius Maillardus), sec Maillari. (0.) Parisot (Pierre) [ps. C. P. Platel; best Icnoini as " le p ri has t. : Journal of a mission to the interior etc., 1805, 2"'> ed., 1815. Travels in the interior of Africa. s8". E. 1860 TARK 1114 PARKEE Park (Mungo) [continued], sec BowDicH (T. E.) Digcoveiies of the Portiij^uese in Angola etc. ; added, note on a geograpb. error of P., 1824. „ Thomson (.JosErH). JI. P. tt the Niger', 18ij0. Park (Thomas) cd., Heliconia: sel. of Eng. poetry of the Elizabethim age. 3v. 4". 1815 Si'c^ 'Haiileiax Miscei.i.any, w. addit. notes by P., 1808-13. Parke (Thomas Heazle). My experiences in Equatorial Africa, Emin Eelief Exped Parker Society. ■Gen. Index to Pubis, of P. S. : •coinp. by H. Gough. 80. C. 1835 Publications. 53v. 8". 18il-53 sec Bale (J.) Select works, 1849. [36.] „ Becon (T.) Catechism, etc., 1844. [13.] „ Early works, 1843. [9.] „ Prayers, &c., 1844. [17.] „ Bbadfokd (J.) Writings, 1848-.53. [31, 51.] 5, Bull (H.) Xtu. prayers etc., coll. by B. (IJCGI, 1842. [6.] „ Bellinger (H.) The De- cades, tr., 1849-52. [35, 39, 42, 47.] „ Calfhill (J.) Answer to Martian's Treatise of the Cross, 1840. [25.] „ Cooper (T.) hp., Answer in defence of the truth agst. the Apology of private mass, 1850. [41.] „ CovERD.iLE (M.) Remains, 1840. [22.] „ Writings & transla- tions, 1844. [15.] „ Cranmeb it.) Works: cd •J. E. Cox, 2v, 1844-G. [12, 24.] „ F.ABR (E.) Select poetry, chiefly devotional of r. of Ehz., 1845. [21,] „ FuLKE (W.) Defence of tr*. of Scriptures into Eng., agst. G. Martin, 1843. [10.] 3, Stapleton's fortress overthrown — Rejoinder to MartiaU's reply — Dis- covery of dangerous rock of Popish Church com- mended by Sanders, 1848. [33.] „ GRIND.4L (E.) Remains, 1843. [8.] „ Hooper (J.) Early writings, ed. Can-, 1843. [11.] „ Later writings, w. letters &c., ed. Neviuson, 1852. [46.] „ Hutchinson (R.) Works, 8". 1891 see Jewel (J.) Works, 1843-5U. [19, 20, 30, 40.] „ Latimer (H.) bp., Works, ed. Corrie, 2v, 1844-5. [16, 20.] „ Liturgies. Liturgical ser- vices : Is &c. set forth in r. of Eliz., 1847. [27.] „ The two 1»., 1549, 1552 : &e., ed. J. Ketlev, 1844. [14.] „ XoRDEN (J.) A progress of piety, 1847. [29.] „ XowELL (A.) Catechism in Latin, w. tr., 1833. [53.] „ Parker (M.i Corresp., (153-3-75), 1853. [49.] „ Philpot (J.I Exam". & writings, 1842. [5.1 „ Pilkington (J.) Works, 1842. [3.] „ Prayers. Private p*. put forth dur. r. of Eliz., 1851. [43.] „ Ridley (N.) Works, 1841. „ Robinson (H.) cd., Orig. letters rel. to Eng. Refor- mation, chiefly f. Archives of Zurich, tr., 1846-7. [23, 28.] „ ed., The Zurich letters, 1842-5. [7, 18.] „ Rogers (T.) Catholic doc- trine of Church of Eng.; an expos, of the 39 Art"., 1854. [52.] „ S.4NDYS (E.) Sermons, 1841. [2.] „ Tyxdale (W.) Answer to Sir T. Jlore's dialogue, etc., 1850. [38.] „ Doctrinal treatises, 1848. [32.] „ Expositions & notes on Scriptures, together w. l^ractice of Prelates, 1849. [ST.] „ Whitaker (W.I Disirata- tion on Scripture agst. the Papists, tr., 1849. [34.] „ WhitgiftiJ.) Works,1851- 3. [44, 48, 50.] „ WooLTox (J.) The Chris- tian Manual, 1851. [45.] Beihell {Hon. Augusta) see 1842, Parker {Hon. 2Irs. Adamson), aft. P. ; aft. Hon. Mrs. T. A. Nash. Parker (Mrs. Angelina), tcife of Geo. Parker, of the BodUian. see Skeat (W. W.) ed., Orig. gloss'. : Oxfordshire words, by Mrs. P., 1876. » • <■<'■• Orig. gloss'. : Oxfordshire words, (suppl- .), by Mrs. P., Lssl. Parker (Charles Arundel). The anc. crosses at Gosfortb. 8". 1896 Parker (Charles Stuart), see Peel (Sir B.) P. f. h. private papers, 1S!I1. Parker (Edward Griffin). Eeminisc. of Kufus Choate. _ , 8». N.y. 1800 Parker (Edward Harper). China : hist., diplomacy, ct com- merce. 8». A thousand years of the Tartars. 8"' Up the Yang-Tse. 8". Shanghai, Parker (Eric). The sinner & the problem. s8", Parker (Frances), countess of Morley, see JIoeley. Parker (Francis Edward). Tributes of the Massachusetts -Hist. Soc. to P. [P480]. 8". ^.p. Cambridge [U.S.]. 1887 1901 1895 1899 1901 Parker (Franke). The church. lafol. 0. 1851 Parker (G. W.) Grannniir of Malagasy. s8". 1883 Parker (M's. George), icife of G. P., of the Bodleian, see Pakkeh (Mrs. .\ngi;i,ina). Parker (Sir Gilbert). An adventurer of the Xorlh. The ijomp of the Lavilettes. S8". 1895 s8". 1B97 The battle of the strong. The seats of the mighty. s8". 1898 sS". 1890 „ „ 2°i' cd. sS". 1890 Tlie lane that had no turning, it The trail of the sword. s8<>. 1895 0. t. cone, the people of Pou- The translation of a savage. tiac ; w. " Parables of pro- s8". 1894 vinces." s8". 1900 When Valmond came to Pontiac. Mrs. Falchion. 2v. s8". 1893 sS". 1893 Pierre & his people. s8". 1892 „ , 3"i ed. s8". 1893 Parker (Henry), /I'Ztoit-'o/ Oriel Coll., Oxford. The nature of the line arts. s8". 1885 Parker (Henry), of Lincoln's Inn, see Digges (D.) *Answer to [P.'s] " Observations upon some of His Majesties late answers & expresses," 1642. Parker (Hon. Mrs. Henry Charles Adamson Kenyon-), see Bethei.l {Hon. .-VrKUsrA), oft. P. Parker (Henry Meredith). Bole Ponjis; cont=. the tale of the buccaneer, etc. 2v. s8'i. 1851 Caste it conver.-ion. Xo. 3 of Short sermons on Indian texts cone, the empire of the middle classes. [P344]. 8-^. 1858 Nos. I i£ 2, fonning iv, u: f. : The empire of the middle classes, 1858, are wantina. A plan for the Home Govt, of India. [P283]. S". 1858 Parker (James), 2^iiblishcr, of O.xford. Did Q. Eliz. take ■• other order" in the". \dvertisemeuts" of 1566? 8°. 0. 1878 The early hist, of Oxford, 727-1100 : prec. by sketch of myth, orig. of city it Univ. [Oxf. Hist. Soc. 3]. 8". 0. 1885 Intr. to hist, of revisions of the Book of Common Prayer. s8». 0. 1877 Parker (Joel), chief justice of the Sup-erne Court of Neio Hampshire. Origin etc. of the towns of New England : read before Massachusetts Hist. Soc. [P222, 228]. *■. Cambridge [Mass.;,. 1867 Parker (John Henry). .\ B C of Gothic architecture. lO"" ed. sS". 1898 The archteology of Rome, pl-12, [no more publ.]. 8". 0. 1874-7 Ticsidcs the tp'.,or hulf-t'. of the Sep. parts, there are some other tp^. grouping one or more jjarts together, e.g., there is a tp. grouping pl-3 into " vol, i," another grouping p-j, fi into " vol.'i." These tp'. have been ncgl''., as tending only to confusion. Kaeli part has sep. pagin. 1, The primitive t'ortiiicatious. 2, The walls and gates of Rome. 3, The historical construction of walls. 4, The Egyptian obelisks ; added, suppl. to the first 3p. 5, The Forum Ronianum. 0, The Via Sacra. 7, The Flavian Amphitheatre, commonly called the Colosseum. 8, The aqueducts. 9, Tombs in it near Rome. 10, Sculpture. 11, Cliurch & altar decorations and mosaic pictures. 12, The catacombs. pi, 4, 5. 2"'i ed. 8". 0. 1878-9 Architectural antiqs. of Wells. 8". 0. 18G6 The Ashmoleau Museum ; its hist., it prospects. [P246]. 8". 0. 1870 Early hist, of Eome : remarks on the art. in "Edinb. Rev.," Apr., 1879, it another. [P331]. 8". [1879?] Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, it Gothic architecture. 2p. (p2, Plates.) 4"> ed. 8'. 0. 1845 2v in 3, [2, i, ii]. 5'" ed. 8". 0. 1850 9"' ed. s8'\ 1896 „ Companion to the 3"" ed. of a Glossary etc. 8". 0. 1841 „ Companion to the 4"' ed.of a (t. cic. 8". 0. 1846 *An introd. to the study of Gothic architecture. s8". 1849 2"'ied. s8". 0. 1861 g'l-ed. s8". 1891 The medieval architecture of Chester ; hist. intr. by F. Grosvenor. 8». Chester. 1858 *Some ace. of domestic architecture in Eng., f. Edw. I to Rich. II. 8". 0. 1853 *Some ace. of domestic archit. in Eng., f. Rich. II to Henrv VIII. 2p. 8". 0. 1859 Tlie two works above arc in cont. of Turner (T. H.) Some ace. of domestic archit. in Eng. f. Conquest to end ol 13'>> c, 1851 ; 2"'i ed., 1877, q.v. TARKER 1115 PARLIAMENT Parker (Joseph), Independent ni'mistcr. *Eece Deus. With conti'ov. notes on " Eccc Homo." s8". E. 1867 Parker (Mrs. K. Langloh). Australian legentlary tales, coll. by P. 8". 18!IG Jlore Australian legendary tales. 8". 1898 Parker (Martin). Tlie king A- a poor northern man; f. ed. of 1040. [Percy Soc. 5]. s8". 1841 Parker (Matthew), ahp. of Canterbury. [M. Parkehits]. Corresp., f. 1.5.S5-75. Ed. J. Bruce Je T. T. Perowne. [Parker Soc. 49]. 8". C. 1853 De antiquitate Britann. EcclesiiE it privilegiis Ecclesioe Cantuar., cum archiepiscopis ejusdeni LXX. liec. S. Drake ; ace. Academire hist. Cantebrigiensis, etc. fol. Londini. 1729 ^scc B.4ILKY (T. J.) Ordinuni sac. del. etc.: unacum registro consecrationis aep. P. photozincogvaphice expresso, 1870. „ CAJinRiDGE : Coiipus C. Coll. : Cat. lib. MSS. quos legavit P., 1777. „ Strype (.J.) Life * acts of P., 1821. Parker (Reginald A.) Remuneration of attorneys * solicitors. [P300]. 8". 1853 Parker (Capt. Robert). Mem*, of niilit. transactions, 1(183- 1718, in Ireland * Flanders. 8". 1747 Parker (Samuel), bp. of Oxford. De rebus sui temporis com- inentariorum libri. 8". Londini. 172G sec Makvell (A.) *The Rehearsal transpros'd ; animadv. upon [P.'s] "A preface etc.," 2'"' imp., 1673. ,, SouEns (J. S., baroti). Coll. of tracts. Parker (Samuel), minister of tlie High-Street Chapel, Stock- port. Primitive Xty. : disc'. Added, notes. s8°. 1813 Parker (Theodore). Disc, of matters reliKion. pertaining to sS". 184(1 „ „ s8». 1872 „ Pref. by C. Voysey. s8o. 187:! Historic Americans. s8°. 1871 Ten sermons of religion. a8». 185:i Theism, atheism, & the pop. tlieology : sermons. s8». 1853 sec CoBBE (F. P.) Religious demands of the a^^e ; repr. of the pref. to works of P.^ 18(53. Conference of progressive thinkers : \v. 4 sermons by P., 1860. Dean (P.) Life & teachings of P., 1877. RiiviLLE (A.) P., sa vie & s. oeuvres, 18G5. Weiss (J.) Life & corr. of P., 1803. Parker (Thomas), /-' earl of Macclesfield, see Macclesfield. Parker (Thomas Jeffery). Course of instruction in zootomy (Vertebrata). [liepn:}. s8". 1897 Lessons in elem~. biology. .sS". 1893 W. K. Parker ; l)iograph. sketch. s8". 1893 & "W. A. Haswell. Manual of zoology. s8". 1899 . & A text-book of zoology. 2v. 8". 1897 Parker (Thomas Netherson). The construction, hanging etc. of gates. 2'"' ed. *'. 1804 Parker {Admiral Sir "William), of Shenstone, /" bart., see PniLi.iMoiiE (A.) Life of P., (178lll866), 1876-80. Parker (William Kitchen). On mammalian descent. [Hunte- rian Lect"., 1884]. H". 1H85 . of Freebridge Hundred & Halt, Norfolk, contg. the hist. of King's Lynn, etc. fol. Lynn. 1762 see Blomeeield (F.) Essay towards hist, of Norfolk [cont. by P.], 1739-75 ; 1805-10. Parkin ((Jeorge E.) The great Dominion ; studies of Canada. s8". 1895 Imperial Federation. s8". 1892 E. Thring : life, diary, letters. 2v. s8». 1898 Parkin (John). Causation * prevention of disease. 8". 1859 Parkinson (Anthony). *Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica : antiqs. of the Eng. Franciscans. With app. cone. Eng. nuns of the Order of St. Clare. 2p in Iv. 4". 1720 Parkinson (Henry "William). Modern pleas for State-Churches exanv'. 8". 1874 ■' The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath ; " *, " Three ways of spending Sunday." [P507, 615]. 8". Rochdale. 1857 Parkinson (James), F.G.S. Outlines of oryctology : intr. to fossil remains. 2'"' ed. 8". 1830 Parkinson (John), apothecary. Theatrum botanicum : the theater of plants etc. [Wants the last page]. foh 1640 Parkinson (Joseph Charles). The ocean telegraph to India. 8". E. 1870 Places * people. s8". 1869 " Under Government '■ : key to Civil Service. s8°. 1859 Parkinson (Stephen). Treatise on optics. 3"' ed. 8". 1870 Parkinson (Sydney). .Journal of a voyage to the South Seas in H.M.S. Endeavour ; ct appendix, etc. fol. 1784 Parkinson (Thomas), vicar of N. Otterington. Yorkshire legends & traditions. 2s. 8". 1888-9 Parkman (Francis) tlie younger ; lM3-ejS. J'rance A Eng. in N. Amer. : ri], Pioneers of France in the New World. 12"' ed. 8". Boston. 1875 25"' ed. 8". Boston. 1887 [rev. ed.]. s8". 1899 r2], Jesuits in N. Amer. in the 17"- c. 10'" ed. 8". Boston. 187G 20"' ed. s8'>. 1885 [3], The discovery of the Great West. 8". 18G9 8'" ed. s8". Boston. 1875 Later ed'. hare t. : La Salle & the d. of the G. W. [4], The old regime in Canada. 8". 1875 [51, Frontenac & New France under Louis XIV. 8". Boston. 1877 [(!], A half-century of conflict. 2v. 8". 1892 „ 2v. [new lib. ed.]. s8o. 1899 [7], Montcalm & Wolfe. 2v. 8". 1884 2v. 8". 1901 Hist, of the conspiracy of Pontiac, & the war of the N. American tribes after the conquest of Canada. 8". Boston. 1851 2v. 9'" ed. s8". Boston. 1880 The Oregon trail. 8". 1892 Parks. '*The famous parks and gardens of the world. 4". 1880 Parkyns (Mansfield). Lite in Abvssinia. 2v. 8". 1853 2'"'ed. .s8'>. 1868 Parkyns (Sir Thomas), J'"' bart. The inn-play: or, Cornish- hugg wrestler. S"" ed. 54". 1727 Parlatore (Filippo). Viaggio alia catena del Monte Biauca e al Gran San Bernardo, 1849. 8'\ Firenze. 1850 Parlement. ]]'here this is not a French tcord, but an old English form for the modem form Parliament, see Parlliment. Piulement de Paris, see P.\ris: Civic Institutions etc. Parliament, [Parliaments]. For anon, tcorks in ich. " Parlia- mcntarij " is the catchicord, see Parliamentary. N.B. Arrangement: (/) deneral, [i. Anon, ivorhs. ii. Gen. collections if debates,^ Hi, Bcf\], (2) House of Commons [i. Gen. coll'., ii, Library, Hi, Proceedings, iv, Ref'.], (3), H. of Lords [i, Gen. coll'., ii, Proc\, Hi, Refs.] Anonymous Works. *Catalogue of the designs for the new H'. of P.. now exhibiting. [P730]. 4». 1830 PARLIAMENT 1116 PARLIAMENT Parliament [contiiuicd]. Anonymous Woi-.ks [continficd]. ♦Conduct (The) of the present 1'. considereil, etc. [P9]. '2'"i ed. 8". 1789 Declaration of the Lords & Commons cone, the papers of the Scots Commissioners, Mar. 13, 1G47. [P278]. s4". 1G47 *Modus tenendi I'arliamentom : anc. treatise on the mode of holding the Pari'. Ed. T. D. Hardv, [»'. ti: d- notes. Record Coram.]. ' H". 1840 *0f the use & abuse of I'\, in two histor. disc". : (1) A gen. view of govt, in Europe [bij AUicrnon Sidney] ; (2) A detection of the Parliaments of England from the year 16G0 '^by T. lialph''. •2\. s8". 1744 *Parlement (The) of the thre ages. Ed., with notes, the poem of " Winnere it wastoure," etc., by I. GoUanca. [Eoxburghe Club]. 4". 1897 ♦Privileges (The) & practice of Parliaments in Eng. [First puhl''. in Ibis. P279]. s4". 1680 ♦Sarcastic notices of the Long Parliament : list of tlie" members that held places, contrary to the Self-denying Ordinance, etc." Kepr., [«'. inir. by J. C. Hot ten], from [" The mystery of the good old cause etc.," IGGO]. 34". 1863 Several exam", taken before one of H.lL's prine. Sec\ of State ; \v. 2 letters referred to in some of the said exams. [P751]. fol. 1723 ♦Sketches personal & polit. in the House of Commons. By a silent member. sS". 1871 Genee.\l collections & DEu.vTES [ill oi'dcT of dcttc of piM.] N.B. Collections of such Acts of Parliament as hare received the Itoynl Assent are entered under ENGL.iND : Laws, etc., q.i\ Sjjecial Acts, Bills etc. liarhuj a short or ^'Oj'idar title, are entered under that title, q.v. [e.g. Copy- right Acts, Licensing Act, lieform Bill] ; there arc special ref'. to snch titles under England : Laws. -For I'arliamentari/ Papers sec special catalogue, ticc cdso Parliamentary /or cd\ of Debates. Collection of all the imblicke Orders, Ordinances & Declara- tions of both Houses, Mar. 9, 1G42-Dec., 46, w. .sev. of His Majestie's Proclamations etc. printed at Oxford. [Covqjilcd by E. Husband, tlic printer]. fol. 164G A i)erfect journall of the daily proceedings in that memorable P. begun 3 Nov. 1640. Coll. by the same hand that lately publ. the weekly newes. 2v. s4". 1G56 vi has t. : True eoU. of speeches etc. in that m. P. etc. v2. Collection (A) of Acts & Ordinances of general use made in the Parliament, 1G40-. 56; a cout. from Pulton's coll. By H. Scobell. 2p. Iv. fol. 1657-8 The debate at large belw. H. of li. A H. of C, at the Free Con- ference in the Painted Chamber, 1688, rel. to the word " abdicated," & the vacancy of the throne, in the Commons' vote. s8». 1695 Rolls of Parliament, comprising Petitions, Pleas, Proceedings of P., 6 Edw. 1-19 Hen. VII, 1278-1503. [Coll. etc. by JR. Bhjkc, P. Morant, T. Astlc, £ J. Topham ; ed. J. Straehey]. 6v. fol. [1767-77] There is no yen. tp. The half-t. to each vol. reads : Itotuli Parliamentorum ; ut et Petitiones, et Placita in Parlia- mento. Tlw t. is taVcn from the Index vol. jch. folloics. Index to the Rolls of P., etc. Ed. in part by J. Straehey, & J. Pridden ; A completed by E. Upham. fol. 1832 Narrative of all proceedings A debates in both H'. on East- India Affairs in pres. session, & partic. of the Bill of Pitt for better management of the E. India Co., etc. 8". 1784 Debates in Parliament [I'J Nov., 1740-23 Feb., 17-iS]. By Sam. Johnson. 2v. 8". 1787 Debates in both Houses on the King's Speech, Dec. 1792. [P9]. 8". 1792 Papers resp. Austria, Denmark, the Porte, Portugal, Russia, & U.S., presented to Pari. 1808. 8". 1808 Papers presented to P. in 1809. 8\ 1809 Papers presented to P. in 1813. 8". [1814] References. Sfe*APDRESs (An) to those citizens who resisted the claim of the H. of C. to nominate the Ministers, 3"' ed., 1788. „ America. ♦Coir. rel. to A., (presented to Pari. 1810), 1811. „ *Papers rel. to A., presented 1800. „ Beatson (It.) Chronolog. register of both Houses (1708- 1807), 1807. Parliament [continued]. References [continued], see Beloium. ♦Papers rel. to the affairs of B., (1830-33), 1834. „ *Protocols of conferences in London, rel. to affairs of B., (18.30-2), 1832-3. ,, Cautions. ♦Some c". offered to the consid. of those who are to chuse members to serve in the ensuing Pari., 1695. „ Charles I. ♦Exact coll. (An) of all remonstrances, declara- tions, votes, orders, & o. remarkable passages betw. the Kings Majesty & Pari., Dec. 1G41-Mar. 21, 1G43. „ Cooper (C. P.) ♦Rules for the guidance of M.P.' in the management of Select Committees, & preparation of Reports, 1837. ,, Cotton {Sir R. B.) Exact abridgement of the records in the Tower, of pari", f. Ed. II -Rich. Ill ; coll. by C. [" o)- rather by W. d' Tl. Bowi/cr''], 1657. „ 'Curse (The) of Poperv demonstrated f. the debates (1680) rel. to Bill of Exclusion [1716, repr.] 1807. „ D'EwEs {Sir S.) .Tournals of all I", during r. of Eliz., 1682. ,, E.\sT India Bill. *Divisions on the E. I. B., 1784. „ FoRSTKi; (.Iohn). The debates on the Grand Remonstrance (1641), 1860. ■ „ France. ♦Papers rel. to F., (presented 1800), 1800. „ Papers rel. to the discussion w. F., (1802-3), 1803. „ ♦Papers rel. to the discussion w. F., (1806), 1807. ,, Fraser (S.) Proceedings in sev. cases of controverted elections, 1791-3. ., *Freei>o.m of elections to Pari., a fundamental law tt liberty of the Eng. subject, etc., 1690. „ *FuLL view of the British Commons, 1821. ,, Fuller {T.).D.r>. *Ephemeris Parliamentaria; transactions in P. in 3 A 4 Charles [I], 16.i4. „ George IV. ♦Hist. A proceedings of the Lords A Commons w. reg. to the Regency, etc., 1789. „ Greece. ♦Papers rel. to affairs of G., (1826-32), 1835. ,, Hatsell (J.) Precedents of proceedings, n. ed., 1818. „ ♦Historical collections : or a brief ace. of the two lust Parliaments, at Westminster A Oxford [dialogue betir. Fame d Truth], 2'"' ed., 1685. „ .Jennings (G. H.) Anecdotal hist, of P., 1880 ; 4"' ed., 1899. ,, Larking (L. B.) ed. ♦Proceedings, princ. in Kent, in conn, w. P". called in 1640, esp. w. the Committee of Religion [Camden Soc., 80], 1862. „ 'List of such names of nobility, gentry etc. who are by Act of a pretended P., Dublin, May. 1689, attainted etc., 1690. ,, ♦Long (A) hist, of a short session of a certain P., 1714. „ Lucy (H. W.) ♦Mtn A manners in P., 1874. ,, Madras. *Extracted from papers laid before P. [rel. to troubles in U.], 1810. ,, M.utland (F. W.) ed. Records of the Parliament holden at Westminster (a.d. 1305). 1893. „ Marvell (A.) ♦Flagellum Parliamentarium : sarcastic notices of members of 1"' P. after Restoration, (1661-78). 1827. ,. May {Sir T. E.), aft. Baron Farnboroiigli. Law, privileges. proceedings A usage of Pari., 1844 ; 10"' ed., 1896. „ ♦Our, great military and naval P*. [c. 1849]. ., Parry (C. H.) *Paiiiaments (The) & Councils of England. etc., chronolog'-. an"', (to 1688), 1839. ., Persia. ♦Corr. rel. to P. A Affghanistan, 1839. „ PiTTis (W.) ♦History (The) of the present P. A Convocation, 1711. „ S.uNT Stephen's chronhle. vl, 1867. ,, Scheldt. ♦Paiiers rel. to the cxped. to the S., (presented 1810), 1811. „ ScoEELL (H.) ♦Power (Thel of the Lords A Commons in jjoint of judicature, 1680. ,, ♦Serious charge against the British P., 1868. „ Sheridan (T.) ♦Discourse of the rise A power of P'. [1677; w. new t., Some revelations in Irish hist.\ 1870. „ Sl.\ve Trade. ♦Substance of debates (.June 1806), 1806. „ Spain. ♦Papers rel. to the discussion w. S., (1802-4), 1805. „ Thrin<; (H., baron). Practical legislation : composition A language of Acts of P., 1877. „ ♦Tre.^ties a corr., presented to P., 1806. „ Victoria, queen. The Queen's Speeches f. her accession, 1882. PARLIAMENT 1117 PARLIAMENT Parliament [coiUlnued]. ' II, House of Commons. GeNKHAL I'OLI.IXTIONS. *Histoiy iSi rroceeaings of the H. of C. liiGO 1743. 14v. H". Pi-./ui- lii. Chandler. 1742-4 j ♦History (The) it proceedings of the H. of C, \v. tlie speeches & debates f. the death of Q. Anne [to I'.'//]. 7v. [Waniiiuj vy7. r.i comes dotuii to -l/.l ',]. 8". 1741-2 Journals of the H. of C. vl-153, [1-547-1898. 7u j>rorj.]. fol. 1803-[98]. Vifi, 101 arc in >p each. v/OJ, ;0J, and all after vlJ9 (Aug. 7, 1874) wanting. „ ,, Indexfes] to vl-10 in Iv. [i.e. a se2y. inde.r for each v. from J to 10. -Yd tp'.]. fol. n.d. „ „ Gen. index to the .Journals of the H. of C. rvl-8]. fol. 1803-57 [IJ, to vl-7, 1547-1(;.j9. [i], to v.S-11, 16(;0-97. [3], to V12-17, 1097-1714. [4], to vlS-84, 17U-74. [5], to v3o-3.5, 1774-1800. [6], to v5G-75, 1801-20. [7], to V75-92, 1820-37. [8], to v98-107, 1887/8-52. Parliamentary Papers (Blue Boohs) sec special Catalogue. Proceedings & debates of the H. of C, 1620-21. Coll. by a mem- ber, & publ. from his MS., in Queen's Coll. 2v. 8". O. 1766 Heports from Committees of the H. of C. Eepr. 1.5v. tol. 1803 1, Misc. subjects, 1715-35. 2, Misc. subjects, 1738-G5. 3, Misc. subjects, 1771-3 ; aud, East India, 1772-3. 4, East Indies, 1772-3. 5, East Indies, 1781-2. C, East Indies, 1783. 7, 8, East Indies : Carnatic War, etc., 1781-2. 9, Provisions ; Poor; 1774-1802. 10, Misc. subjects, 1785-1801. 11, Misc. subjects, 1782-99. 12, Finance reports, I-XXII, 1797-8. 13, Finance reports, XXIII-XXXVI, 1798 ; with Proceedings etc. thereon ; and Index to the whole [i.e. to the 36 F. i?\, li'JT-8, li Proceed ings thereon]. 14, Misc. subjects; Port of London, w. engravings, 1793-1802. 15, Reports f. Sel. Comni. apptd. to inquire into state of the Public Records. Reported, 1800. „ „ Gen. index to the Reports from Comm'., 1715-1801, forming the series of 15v. fol. 1803 LiHR.Vr.Y OF THE HoL'Ki: OF CoMMOXK. Cat. of books in the Lib. of the H. of C. fol. 1857 PnOCEEDIN'GS KEL. TO .SPECIAL SUU.IELTS, 01'. ON SrECIAL DATES [in chronological order]. For other debates see under Gen. coll. above, page 1 1 16, £ Parliamentary. Parly, debates [of the H. of C. only] in 1610. Ed.,f. notes of a Member of the H. of C, by S. E. Gardiner. [Camden Soc., 81.] s4". 1862 Debates in the H. of C, 1625. Ed., f. MS. in lib. of Sir R. Knightley, by S. R. Gardiner. [Camden Soc, NSOJ. s4". 1873 Report f. Comm. of Secrecy apptd. to examine books it papers laid before the H. rel. to tlie late negotiations of Peace etc., .June 1715. Reported by R. Walpole. s8". 1715 Report f. the Committee apptd. to view the Cottonian Lib., & publick records, 1732, see Record Commission [imder wh. are placed for convenience, Be2)orts of Committees of either House. Substance of the Speeches in H. of C, 15 Dec. 177'j on Burke's notice of Bill for retrenchment tt for securing independence of Pari. rP59]. 8". 1779 Report of Debates in H. of C, 10, 15, IS .July 1806, on E.India Budget. [P36]. 8°. 1806 References. see Annuity. ''Report f. Sel. Comm. of H. of C. on Annuity Tax (Edinburgh). 1851. ,, Bedfokd Level. '''Minutes of the evidence taken in the H. of C. on 2'"' reading of the Bill for improving the drainage of the B. L. etc., 1794. „ BoiiEN (W.) Coll. of debates etc. of the C, touching right of electing members, 1702. ,, Caldwell {.Sir J.) *Debates relative to the aftaii's of Ireland (1763-4), taken by a milit. officer. 2v, 1766. ., Caveni>ish {Sir H.) Debates of the H. of C. (1788-81), [cd.] Wright, 1841. ,, Deptford & Dover Railway. Select Committee on the D. ct D. R. subscription lists, 1837. „ East India Co. *Nos. 1-4. East India Question : abstract of evidence in H. of C. etc., 1813. ,, "Reports f. Sel. Comm. of H. of C. to enquire into state of the E.I.C., 1830-33. „ *Minutes of evidence before Sel. Comm. of H. of C, 1832. Parliament [continued]. II, House of Commons [continued]. Referexi'i;s [continued], sec Electric Lighting Act (1882) : minutes of evidence before Select Comm. of H. of C, etc., 1882. „ George III. Report f. the Comm. apptd. to examine the physicians who have attended H.JI., 1778. „ Report f. the Comm. etc., 1779; n. ed., 1789. „ Grant (.J.\mes). *Eandoni recoils, of the H. of C, (1830-5), 3"' ed., 1836. „ Great Western Railway. *Extr*. f. evidence before Committee of H. of C. on G.W.R. Bill, 1834. „ Grev {Hon. Anchitell) erf.. Debates of the H. of C, (1667- 94), lOv, 1769. „ India. ""Interesting extracts f. evidence before Comm. of the House (1813), illus. of improvement in manufacture by the Natives of I., 1814. „ *Letters to a member of tlie pres. Parlt. upon the extraord'. etc. transactions in the last H. of C, 1784. „ *LiNi;s of the Lower House : alphabet, list of members etc., 1821. „ LuDERs (A.) Reports of proceedings in Committee of H. of C. upon controverted elections dur. the present Pari., 1785-90. „ M.\cKwoRTH {Sir H.) *Vindication (A) of the rights of the Commons of Eng., 2'"' ed., 1701. „ Metric Systeji. 'Debate in H. of C. on the M. S., 1 July, 1863. „ National Gallery. ''' Protest etc. agst. Report [', Aug., 1^.1^] f. Sel. Comm. on the N.G.. 1855. „ New Zealand. 'Corrected report of debate in H. of C, June [1845] on state of New Zealand, A the ease of the N.Z. Comjiany, 1845. „ Palgrave {Sir R. F. D.) The H. of C. : illusf. of its hist. it practice, 1809 ; n. ed., 1878. „ Record Commission. 'Report of debate on motion of Buller for Select Committee to inquire into the R. C, 1836. ,, 'Report, resolutions etc. of the Select Committee " to inquire info the R. C. etc.," 1837 ; ct, Papers rel. to evidence before the Select Committee " to inquire etc.," 1837. ,, 'Resolutions of E. & Ireland rel. to commercial intercourse, 1785. „ Scotland. 'Report of debate in H. of C, 3 Ap. (1894), on Home Rule for S., 1894. „ Slave. 'Papers rel. to free labour & the Sla\e Trade ; w. debate in H. of C. (26 Feb., 1861), upon resolutions for suppression of the Slave Trade, 1861. „ 'Thoughts on the present proceedings of the H. of C. [as to a Regencij], 2"'' ed., 1788. „ Women's Disabilities Bill. Debate in H. of C. on W. D. B., May, 1871. Ill, House of Lords. General colleitions. A complete coll. of Protests, 1641 to 1737. 8". W. Wehh. 1737 A complete coll. of the Protests of the Lords, w. hist. intr. Ed. J. E. T. Rogers. 3v. (1, 16'24-1741. 2, 1741-1825. 3, 18-26-74.) 8". 0. 1875 History & Proceedings of the H. of L., 1060-1742. 8v. 8". l>r. for E. Timbcrland. 1742-4 Journals of the H. of L. vl-loO, [1509-1837. In prog.]. fol. n.d. Tlie app'. of fi'i, fi'^-'J are bound separately. r5S', 63, and all after v6'J, (1837) wanting. „ „ ... Gen. index to the Journals of the H. of L. v[l-4]. fol. 1817-36 [1], to vl-10. 1509-1649. ['21, to vll-19, 1060-1714. [3], to v20 35, 1714-79. [4], to v36- 52, 1780-1819. „ „ ... Calendar of the Journals of the H. of L. [vl, 2]. (1, 1509-1808. 2, 1808-26). [a. e. of i-'i^, 6. 10. Gen. inde.r v ;.] fol. n.el. „ ,, ... Classified index to the Journals of the H. of L., 1833-03. 2p. (1, Gen. it misc. 2, Public Bills), fol. 1865 Proceedings rel. to special subjects, or on special dates. [in chronological order]. For other debates see under Gen. coll. above, 2>age //JO, iC Parliamentary. The humble representation or address of the Lords in Pari., presented 31 Mar., 1704 ; & H.M.'s answer. [P751]. fol. 1704 PARLIAMENT 1118 PARNEIL Parliament [continued]. Ill, House of Lords [continued]. Prochkiiingj. r.EL. TO SPECIAL SUBJECTS [coH tinned]. Report of the Lords Committees, apptd. by the H. of L. to view the Records, 1719, see Record Commission luiicler v:h. arc jilaccd for convenience, Reports of Committees of either House 7qnn the Eccords]. Authentic ace. of the Debates in H. of L., Dee. 9, 15, 17, 1783, on Bill " for establ^. regul*. for better management of the territories etc. in E. -Indies " ; added, list of the divisions. [P195]. 8". 1783 Debates in H. of L. on the Regency. [No tp. P86Gj. 8». 1788 EEFIiI;E^-CES. see East India Co. *Report from Select Comm. of H. of L. to enquire into state of E.I.C., 1830. „ Elsyxge (H.) [Elsin-g] Notes of Debates in H. of L.. ofB- ciallv taken by E. |1621). 1870. „ Notes of Debates in H. of L., officially taken by E. (1624 & 1626), 1879. „ GEor.GE III. Report of the Lords Committees, apptd. to examine the physicians who attended H.M.. etc., 1789. „ *Peep (A) at the Peers : alphabet, list etc., 1820. „ Reid (A.) ed. *House of Lords (The) question, 1898. ,, SHr.EWsnrEY Peerage Claim, 18-58. „ Vindication (A) of the rights etc. of the H. of L., 1701. Parliament [Ireland], sec Ireland: Govt. Pur,L\, Parliament. Parliamentary. Foi- other debates see under Parliament, H. of C. lV- H. of L. Proceedings. Collection of the Parliamen- tary Debates in England 1668 to the pres. time [1741]. 21v. [There is a short index in vS!]. 8". Dublin. 1741-2 *Historv of the Session (18-52-3) : a p. retrospect, 1834, see Whitty (E. M.) Key to the Parly. Debates [1786], see Key etc. Parliamentary & political miscellanies. 1851, see Coopek (C. P.) The Parliamentary Debates; forming cont. of "The Parly. Hist." [Ser. 1], 22 Nov., 1803-28 Feb., 1820. 41v. Ia8\ 1812-20 „ New Ser. [Ser. 2", 21 Ap., 1820-23 July, 1830. 25v. Ia8°. 1820-30 „ Ser. 3, [to. t. : Hansard's P.D'.\ 26 Oct., 1830- 5 Aug., 1891. 356v. Ia8". 1831-91 „ Ser. 4, [«'. t. : Pari'. D'., authorised ed.], [in prog.]. vl-112 (9 Feb., 1892-8 Aug., 1902). Ia8". 1892-1902 Hansard's analytical Pari'. Digest. p2. Index to the 66v of Hansard's Parly. Debates, 1803-30. vl. [pi wanti-nr/]. Ia8'\ 1832 Parly, debates on the Dissenters' Chapels Bill, 1844, see Dis- senters. The Parliamentary hist, of Eng., f. the earliest period to [Aug. 12], 1803 ; f. which epoch it is conf. in " The Parlia- mentaiy Debates." 36v, [v7, 32 u-antinci]. Ia8'. It06-20 From Tr. Cobbett, projector <(■ first ed'. of the work, rl- 12 liavc t. : Cobbett's P. h. of E., etc. vl-/S are ed. bii W. Cobbett ct J. Wright : r 1-3-36 by J. Wright alone. The Parliamentary or Constitutional hist, of Eng. to the Restoration. By sev. hands. ■2Sv.\AII vol', except 2.i are of 2'"' ed.]. 8". 1762-3 [v24]. Gen. index. 8". 1761 Parliamentary Papers {Blue Books), see sj^ecial Catalogue. Parliamentary Papers, consisting of a complete coll. of Kings Speeches, etc., 1660-1796; Lords Protests, 1242-1796 ; Stand- ing Orders etc. 3v. 8'. 1797 Parliamentary (The) Poll Book of all elections (1832-80), w. list of candidates, 2'^ ed., 1880, sec MacCalmost (F. H.) Parliamentai^ portraits, 1815, see Barnes (Th.) Parliamentary Register (The) : or, hist, of the proceedings & debates of the House of Commons of Ireland, vl-17, 1784- 1801, sec Ireland : House of Commons. The Parliamentary Writs * Writs of Militaiy Summons [Edw. I & Edw. II reign] ; w. the records etc. rel. to the suit * service due * performed to the King's High Court of Parlt. 6 the Councils of the Realm, or affording evidence of attend- ance at Parlt. & Councils. Coll. A ed. Sir F. Palgrave. vl, 2, in 4, [2, i_iii; jso more publ. Record Commis.sion]. fol. 1827-34 "Times (The) " Parliamentary Debates: H. of Lords. vl-6 in 3, (Jan. 12. 1886-Aug. 5, 1891). 4". 1886-91 „ „ H. of Commons. t1-19, (Jan. 12, 1886-Ang. 5, 1891). 4". 1886-91 The pubf. of the T.P.D'. toas cont'. to IS94 ; the vol'. after titose entered above are tcanting. Parliamentary guide A- work of general reference for Canada, The Provinces, N.W. Territories, & Newfoundland, 1898/9. s8". Winnipeg. 1898 Parliamentary Papers {Blue Books), see special Catalogue. ' Parliamentary Reform. For anon, works in wh. this phrase is used sec Refor:;. Parliamentary review (The). Session of 1826-7. 8". 182i* Parma. Clnonicon Parmense, 1038-1309 — Diarium Parmense, 1477-82, sec iIcE.iTORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t9, 22. *Parma liberata. Azione accademica [tcnuta] dai Convittori del Ducale CoUegio di Modena. [P842]. s4". Modena. 1784 Parme (Marguerite, de), 13J2-s(j, sec Marg.aret, duchess of I'arma. Parmegiano. [Le Parmesan ; P.U!>nGiANO ; Pakmeggianino ; G. F. M. Mazzuoli ; fMAZzoLA (Francesco), called II Parmi- gianino]. *Sketches of the lives of Correggio & P., 1823, sec CoxE (W.), aichdeacon. Parmenides, the ]}liilosoplier. [P. Eleates]. P. Lehrgedicht. Griech. u. deutseh v. H. Diels. Mit Anhangii. griech. Thiiren u. Schlosser. 8". 1897 see Ejipedocles. *E. ct P. fragm. illust. ab A. Peyron, 1810. „ Kaestex (S.) ed., Philos. Giaec. etc. reliquia; : 1, ii, P. 1830-8. Parmensis (Salimbene), see Saliudene (Fro) Minorite. Parmentier (A.), see L.uisse (E.) A- A. P., Album historique, tl-3, 189H-1900. Parmesan, Le, ^ce Parmegiano. Parmigiano (Gius. Adorni), see Adorni (G.) Parnaso degl' italiani viventi. 54v in 27. [t4 wanting']. sS". Pisa. 1803-24 Alfieri(i7c. V.) [S8.] Auguillesi (G. D.) [15.] Antinori iil m. Gius.) [48.] Bettinelli (S.) [19.1 ' BondiiC.i [11,12.] Casti (Giov. Batt.) [30, [35], 52.] Cesarotti IM.I [30,37.] Cerretti i L.) [14, [20], 28.] Elci (Angiolo d'). [47.] Fantoni (Giov.) [ps. Labindo], [10, 45, 40.] *Faoniada (La), iuni ed odi di Saffo, see Imperiale (G. V.) beloic. Fiacchi (L.) [ps. L. Closio]. [58.] Gargallo (T.) [51.] Ghirardelli (F.) [35.] Giorgi-BertJla (A. de'l. [8-10.] Imperiale (G. V.) *LaFaoniada, iniii ed odi di Saffo [not a tr. f. S., but the work of I.]. [20.] Lamberti iLnigi). [13.] Mazza (Aiigelo). r31, 32, 41.] Monti IV.) "17,18,3!).] Xiecolini (G. B.) [37.] Parini (Giuseppe). [13, 14, 24.1 Peruzzi (A.) [44.] Pignotti (L.) [1-8, 21, 2G, 30.] Pindemonte (I.) [7, 27, 54.] Rosiiii (G.) [33, 34, 44, 49, 50.] Rossi (G. G. de). [5, 6, 40.] Salomone, Fioreniino. [25.] Saluzzo (Diodata), aft. D.Roero, cssa. di Bevello. [22, 23, 42, Vittorelli. [29.] Parnaso espanol : col. de poesias etc., 1768-78, see Lopez pe Sedano (J. J.) ed. Parnaso italiano : poeti italiani contemporanei. Prec. da ua disc. int. a G. Parini, da C. Cantu, ee. Iv in 2. 8°. Parigi. 1847 Parnasse. Parnasse (Le) contemporain : ree. de vers nouveaux. Ia8". 1866 Piuuasse (Le) oeeitanien, etc., 1819, see Rochegude (H. P. de). HapvaCTCTos, see ^iKoXoyiKos "^uWoyos Tlapyafftros. Parnassus. sec *Pilc.rimage (The) to P., w. the Return from P. (1.597-1601), 1886. „ *1>ETUEN (The) from P., or the scourge of simony. Parnell Commission, [i.e.. Special Commission to inquire into- charges A- allegations agst. certain Members of Parliament & otliers]. Parnellism & crime : the Special Commission. Repr. f. " The Times." 35p, [p33, 34 wanting]. s8». 1888-90 Verbatim copy of the P.O. Report. With index etc. [Ulster Loy. Union. P623]. 8". 1890 sec Davitt (M.) The TimesParnell Comm. : speech by D. in defence of the Land League. 1890. „ DicEV (A. V.) The verdict : polit. significance of the report of the P. Commission, 1890. ., Macdonald (John). Diary of the P. C, rev. f. the "Dailv News," 1890. „ Russell (C, baron) of KiUowen. P. C. : opening speech for the defence. 1889. Parnell (Hon. Arthur), J"* s. of 3"' baron Congleton. The action of lightning. s8". 1882 British policy. s8". 1893 The defences of the kingdom. [P357]. 8". 1882 The War of Succession in Spain, 1702- 11. 8". 1888. PARNELL 1119 PARSLOE Parnell (Charles Stewart). sec MoojiE (U.) p. & his island, 1«S7. „ O'Brien (R. Baekv). Life of P. (184(1-911, 189H. „ O'Connor (T. P.) The P. Movement, 188G; "Com- mission " ech, 1889. nee P.4RXELI. Commission. „ •P.UiXKLLISM AND CRIME, repr. f. the " Times," 1888 etc. Parnell {Sir Henry Brooke), .;"' bart., aft. I" haron Congletoii, sec CoNOJ.ETON. Parnell (Thomas), archdeacon of Clogher. Poems on sev. ocoasions, by P. With the life of Zoilus, etc. n. ed., to wli. is prof., life of P. by Goldsmith. sS". 1770 Poet, works. [Aldine ed.]. s8". 1833 Parnellism & crime. P. ct c Repr. t. " The Times." s8". 1888 This is a repr. of the articles if letters loh. gave rise to the subsequent action " O'Donnell v. Walter," cf afterwards to the Coniinissiou. P. &C. : O'Donnell i'. Walter. Repr. f. " The Times." sS". 1888 P. & c. : the Special Commission, 1888 etc., see Paenell Com- mission. Parny {le vie. de) [tFoRGEs de Paexy (E. D. be), viscounf]. ffiuvres : 616gies & poesies div. n. ed., avec pref. de Ste- Beuve. s8". 18G2 Parochial. *Correspondence, etc. rel. to the p. system & p. charities of London, 1870, see Cokeesponiience etc. Detailed list of the old parochial registers of Scotland, 1872, sec Scotland. Parodies. Parodies & o. burlesque pieces, 1890, see Morley (H.) ed. Parodies of the works of Eng. & Amer. authors, 1884-9, see Hamilton (Waltkr) ed. *ParcEmiographi Grseci, 1836, see Gaisfori' (T.) ed. Paroy (Jean P. Gui Le Gentil, marq. de), i^'M-t^^-i; [etc. de Parol/ lip lo tlic dentil uf his father in /SO;]. Mem', du c. de P., 1789-97. Publ. ]■:. Charavay. 8». 1895 Parr (,Miss Harriet) [ps. Holme Lee]. Adv. of Tuflongbo etc. through the enchanted forest. 58". 1801 Against wind and tide. Sv. s«». 1859 Annie Warleif^h's fortunes. 3v. 88". 18U3 Basil Godfrey's caprice. 3v. s8". 18C8 Tlic beautiful iNIiss Barrington. Sv. sS". 1871 Ben Mihier's wooing. s8°. 1870 Contrast ; or, the schoolfellows. s8". 1868 Country stories, old and new, in prose and verae. 2v. s8". 1872 For richer, for poorer. 3v. s8». Gilbert Massenger. s8", Her title of honour. s8". In the silver age : essays. 2v. s8", Lite tt death of Jeanne d'Arc. 2v. s8». 1866 Loving and serving. 3v sS«. 1883 s8". 1870 1870 isr.o 1871 1804 The Kafir * Zulu Wa Parr (Samuel), LL.D. [contimied]. Metaphys. tracts by Eng. philosophers of t'ue 18"' c. Ed. P. |2p in Iv. [The collective tp. is missing]. 8". 1837 Cunts, : Collier (A.) Clavis Univ., d-, Spec, of true philo- sophy. — Hartley (D.) Conjectune de sensu, motu, it idearum generatione. — *Encjuiry into the origin of the appetites etc. [" of uncertain authorship "].— Tucker (A.) [ps. C. Comment] Man in quest of himself. Sequel to the printed paper by C. Curtis. [P7]. 8". 1792 \b.w. Warburton (W.) bp., Tracts etc., 1789]. 2"'i ed. 8°. 1792 A Spital Sermon, Ap. 15, 1800. Added, notes. 4". 1801 see Baeker (E. H.) Parriana, 1828. „ Belleni.ex (W.) De statu, ed. 2« by S. P.], 1787. „ FiELP (W.) Life, writings, etc. of P., 1828. „ Godwin (W.) Thoughts occas. by P.'s Spital Sermon (1800), 1801. ,, Wahbukton (W.) bp., Tracts by W. & a Warburtonian not in the colls, of their works, [ed., v. pi'cf.. P.], 1789. ., White (.Jos.) W.'s obligations to Badhara & P., 1790. Parrhase (Theodore) ps. of a. of " Farrhasiana," see Le Cleec (.Jean). •^Parrhasiana, etc., 1699-1701, see Le Cleec (J.) Parry (.Sir C. Hubert H.) M. and E. de Guerin. Mrs. Deuys of Cote. 3v. s8». 1880 A poor squire. 2v. 88". 1882 Straightforward. 3v. s8". 1878 Sylvan Holt's daughter. 3v. sS". 1858 This workaday world. 3v. 88". 1875 Thorney Hall. sB". 1855 The vicissitudes of Bessie Fair- fax. Sv. s8". 1874 Warp ct woof : or the reiuinisc. of Doris Fletcher. Sv. s8". 1861 The Wortlebank diary. Sv. s6". 1S60 The art of music. 8". 1893 Evolution of the art of music. sS". 1890 Studies of great composers. s8". 1887 s8". 1880 The Prescotts of Pamphillon. 3v. s8». 1874 Robin. 3v. s8". 1882 Royalty George. Sv. sS". 1888 The squire. Sv. sS". 1892 „ „ s8". 1893 Parr (Henry Hallam) Parr (Mrs. Louisa). Adam and Eve. 3v. s8». 1880 „ „ pop. ed. s8». 1881 Can this be love ? s8". 1893 Dorothy Fox. 3v. s8i'. 1871 „ , pop. ed. s8 Journal of a 3"' voyage for diseov>'. of a N.-W. Passage, 1824-5, in H.M.S. Hecla . 1885-G CEuvres. n. ed., par P. Faugere. [G. E. de la F.]. tl. S". 1886 Pensees. Pensees. Free, de sa vie par Mme. Perier, suiv. d'un choix des pensees de Nicole. sS". 1843 „ ,, Fragra*. & lettres. Publ. par P. Faugere. 2t. S". 1S44 „ „ 2t. 2'ed. 8". 1807 „ „ s8". 1847 „ „ Avec comm. suivi et uue et. par E. Havet. 8". 1852 „ „ Ed. varioruai, cont. les lettres & oi^usc, I'hist. des ed., notes etc., par C. Louandre. sS". 1S69 ,, „ Texte crit., notes etc. par C. Michaut. 4". Fribourg (Suisse). 1896 Provinciales. Litteroe provinciales. A. W. ■Wendrockio [i.e. P. Nicole] trans]., etc. ed. i". sS". Colonia!. 1665 Lettres provinciales. Rev. par P. E. Auguis. 2t. s8». 1822 Lettres ecr. a uu provincial. Prec. d'eloge par Bordas De- nioulin, suiv. d'essai par F. de Neufcliateau. sS". 1843 Les provinciales, & leur refut. par I'abbe Maynard. 2t. S". 1851 Les provinciales. 8". F. Didot. 1853 Provincial letters. Ed. J. De Soyers. 8". C. 1880 Translations. Misc. writings. Tr., w. notes etc. by Ci. Pearce. 8". 1849 Provincial letters ; w. essay on P., by 'Villemain. Tr., w. mem., notes etc. by G. Pearce. 8°. 1849 Sel. f. P.'s Tbonghts. Tr. H. L. S. Lear. s8". 187S The thoughts of P. Tr. f. text of Mohnier by C. K. Paul. s8''. 1885 Thoughts on religion, A: evi- dences of Xtj'. Tr., w. notes etc. by G. Pearce. 8 •. 1850 References. see Alleaume ( ). 'Suite des caractcres de Tbeophraste et des pensees de P., 1699. „ Bertrand (Jos.) P., 1891. „ BouTEorx (E.) P.. 1900. „ Church (R. 'W.) P., & o. sermons, 1895. „ Cousin (V.) Des Pensees de P., 1843 ; 5« ed., [w. t. : Etudes sur P.], 1857. „ Ma\-n.\ed (M. U.) P., sa vie etc., 1850. „ Neander (Aug.) Auffass- ung des eigenthiimlich Cbristlichen, 1847. ,, CTeschicbtlichc Bedeu- tuiig d. Pensees, 1847. „ Saisset (E. E.) Le scepti- cisme : P. etc., 1865. „ Tulloch (J.) P., 1882. ViNET (A.) Etudes sur P., 2' ed., 1856 ; 3* cd., 1876. Pascal (Cesar). La fiancee du proserit. 2t. s8". 1879 Pascal (George), .V.A.. B.D. Jean de Lasco, 1499-1560. laS". 1894 Pascal (Jacqueline), see Cousin (V.) J. P., 1845. see Dutoit (M.) J. P., 1897. Paschal I, po2)e. sec MiGNE (J. p.) ed., Pat. latina, tl02, 129. „ Mue.atoei (L. a.) Rerum Ital. Script., t2. Paschal II, p>ope. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl-5. ., MiGNE (J. P.) <>(/., Pat. latina, tl63. Paschalis. Liber 1". Codicis Cizensis a. 447, see Mommsen (T.) cd.. Chronica minora, vl, 1892-4. Paschale, see *Chp,onicon I'asch.ile. Paschasius, diacojins, see Migne (.T. P.) ed., I'at. latina, t62. Paschasius [Radrertds], Saint, see MiGNH (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl20. „ MoNC.MENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t2. PASCHWITZ 1121 PASTEUR Paschwitz (J. Rudolph v.) Der Znckeiahoin. [P158]. 8". Erlangen. 1837 Pascoe (Charles Eyre). The dramatic list : princ. performances of living actors. s8". 1879 Everyday life in our Public Schools ; by head scholars. Ed. P. 8". 1881 Schools lor girls & colleges for women. sS". 1879 .sec LoNiioN UK To-nAY, by C. E. P., 1888, 91. Pascoe (Francis P.) The Darwinian theory. sS". 1890 Pascoli (Giovanni). Pocmetti. 2" ed. sB". Milano. 1900 Fascoli (Lione). Vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti mod. 2v, [vl wanting'], i". 1730-6 Pasha (Ahmad), see Eonneval {le de. C. A. de), aft. Ahmad Pasha. Pashley (Robert). Obs. on the Govt. Bill for abolishing the removal of the poor & redistributing the poor-rate. [P289]. 2". [1841] Travels in Italy : a guide. Tr. C. E. Clifton. 8". Paris. 1839 Voyages en Corse, a Pile d'Elbe, et en Sardaigne. 2t. 8". 1837 Voyages hist., litt. & artist, en Italic. 3t. 2' ^d. 1838 Pasquino, ps. *Pasquin et Marforio : hist, satirique des papes. Tr. Mary Laton. s8". 1861 Passages. ♦Passages from the auto-biogy. of a " Man of Kent," 18GC, see COWTAN (R.) •Passages from the life of Agues Home. bS". 1860 ♦Passages in the life of an undergraduate, by Bee Bee, 1887, see Bee Bee, ps. ♦Passages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, 184!), see Oliphant (Mrs.) ♦Passages in the life of Sir Luciau Elpliin, etc., 188!), see Maxwell {Sir H.) Passaglia (Carlo). The four pamphlets of P. on the temporal power of the Pope. [Tr.]. s8". 1862 Passarge (Louis). Drei Sommer in Norwegen. sS". L. 1881 Passarge (Siegfried). Adamaua: Expedition des Deutschen Kamerun-Komitees, 1893-4. laB". 1895 Der Kricg in Siidafrika. [PIOOO]. s8". 1899 Passarini (Ludovico). ''Memorie int. alia vita di S. Aldo- brandini, corredate di varie sue lettere ec. 8". 1878 Passau. *Sacra metamorphosis centenariie Soc. lesu in palmam converso!, Passarii, 1640, see .Jesuits. Passavant (Johann Carl). Lebensmagnetismus u. Hellsehen. 2' A. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1837 Passavant (Johann David). Kunstreise durch England u. Belgien. »\ Frankfurt a.M. 1833 Le peintre-graveur. Cont. I'hist. de la gr.avure jusque vers la fin du 10' s., I'hist. du nielle, & cat. supplem. aux estampes du 15 & 16. s. de A. Bartsch. 6t. 8". Leipsic. 1860-4 Rafael u. s. Vater G. Santi. 3T. [Atlas, lafol.]. 8". L. 1839-58 Raphael & his father. Ia8". 1872 Tour of a German artist in Eng. 2v. s8». 1836 Passenans (P. D. de) ps., see Ducbet (Paul). Passerano (Alberto Radicati, conte di) [Passeban ; fRADioATi]. Reciieil de pieces curieuses. 8". Rotterdam. 173G Passeri (Giovanni Battista), antiquary. [J. B. Passerius]. In Dempsteri libros de Etruria paralipomena. Ace. dissertationes etc. ^ fol. Luca;. 1767 Passille (Guy de). Hist, d'un gentilhomme de province. s8". 1897 ♦Passing thoughts on religion, n. ed., 1868, see Sewell (E. M.) Passio, see Victob, bp. of Vita. Hist, persec. etc. ; aec. Passio septem monachoruni, 1881. "Passion (La) d'un auteur : r^ponse a M^rim^e. Lettres d'une inconnue, 1889. For a tr". of this anon, work [wk. is a fabrication by an anon, writer], tr''. as " An Author's lore etc., -ISfiQ," see Merimee (P.) Passional, [i.e. the Golden Legend], see Jacobus, de Voraginc. Passion-play (The) [of Obcrammergau], see Ober-Amjieroau. Passions. *Essay on the nature & conduct of the p. etc., S"" ed., 1742, see Hutcheson (F.) ♦Passions-Spiel [of Oberammergau], see Ober-Aji.mergac. ♦Passive resistance : or the position of Ulster in certain con- tingencies. [P623]. 8". 1892 Passow (Arnold T. G.) ed., tpayoviia VunaaKa: popularia carmina Greecite recentioris. Ia8". L. 1860 Passow (Franz L. C. F.) Hdwbch. d. griech. Sprache. 2B. 4' A. 8". L. 1831 The Anhang " Lehre v. Zeitmasse d. griech. Sprache ; auf 6 Tafeln " has sep. p)agin. Vermischte Schriften. Hrsg. v. W. A. Passow. 8". L. 1843 Passy (Frederic). La barbarie moderne. [P367]. sS". 1871 Conference sur la paix & la guerre. [P372]. s8". 1867 Passy (Hippolyte P.) Syst^mes de culture, & leur influence sur r^conomie sociale. [b.w. Mounier (L.) De I'agriculture en France, 1846]. 8". 1846 Passy (Louis). Hist, administrative (1789-1815) : Frochot, prefet de la Seine. 8". Evreux. 1867 Passy (Pierre). Traits d'arboriculture fruitiere. s8'>. 1897 ♦Past and present policy of England towards Ireland, 1845, see Gbeville (C. C. F.) Pasteur (Louis). Etudes surlabiere; avectheorie nouv. de la fermentation. 8". 1876 Etudes sur le vin. 8". 1866 Etudes sur le vinaigre. 8". 1868 Etudes sur les maladies des vers a soie. 2t. 8". 1870 see DucLAUx (E.) P., 1896. „ PranklaNd (P.) & Mrs. P. Fbankland. p., 1898. see SuzoR (R.) Hydrophobia: P.'s system, 18"87. „ Vallerv-Radot (R.) ♦M. Pasteur : hist, d'un savant par un ignorant, 8' id., 1888 ; 8f id., n.d. „ • ♦Pasteur, his life & labours, tr., 1885. „ Vie de P., 1900. 4D PASTON 1122 PATIN Paston Letters. *Oiig. letters, wiitten dur. r". of Hen. VI, Ed. IV, Rie. Ill, by var. persons of rank or eonsequence. With notes by J. Fenn. .5v. [vl, 2, 2»'' ed.]. 4". 1787-1823 ,, ,, 2v. n. ed. in wh. less important letters are abr''., & add", made to the notes, by A. Eamsay. s8". 1840-1 ,, ,, 3v. n. ed., contg. upwards of 400 hitherto unpubl. ; ed. J. Gairdner. s8». 1872-5 *Papers on the authenticity of the P. L., eommunie. to the Soe. of Antiquaries, w. report of a Committee apptd. to collate v5. [P707]. i". 1866 Paston, /a))M7!/ of. see Paston Letters. „ VVoKSHip (F.) A MS. genealogy of the Paston family, 1852. Paston (George) ;)s. [i.e. Miss E. M. Svmonds]. A bread & butter Miss. tS". 1895 ' Mrs. Delany (Maiy Granville), The career of Candida. s8<>. 1896 1700-88. s8'>. 1900 A writer of books. sS". 1898 A fair deceiver. s8<>. 1898 Little memoirs of the IS''^ c. b8'J. 1901 ♦Pastor geloFo (II), 1744, see Hota (V.) Pastor (Cristobal Perez), see Pebez Pastoh. Pastor (Ludwig). Gesch. d. Papste seit d. Ausgang d. Mittel- [B2, 2' A. ; B3, 1' u. 2' A.]. 8". Freiburg im Br. 1880-95 2, z. Tode Stxtus' IV. alters. Bl-3. In prog. 1, z. Walil Pius' II. 3, z. Tode Juhus' II. Hist, des Papes dep. la fin du moyen age. Tr. F. Raynaud. tl-6. 8". 1888-98 Hist, of the Popes f. close of Middle Ages. [Tr.], ed. F. I. Antrobus. vl-6. 8". 1891-8 Pastoret (Claude Emm. Jos. Pierre, marq. de). Hist, de la legislation. _ lit. 8". 1817-37 Pastrana (Ana, duquesa de), pri;ic<;ss of Eboli, see Eholi {la pr. x>'). Pasture (Mis. Henry de la), see De La Pasture (Mrs. H.) Pataiijali. The Mahabhashya ; with its comm., & the comm. thereon. Ed. J. R. Ballantyne. yl,\_no viore pull.], obi. fol. [Mirzapore.] 1855 56 Patavium, see Padda. Patchett Martin (Arthur), see Martin (A. P.) Patent Rolls. Calendar of the Patent Rolls. [Calendars of State Papers] : Henry III. 1216-25. Ia8". 1901 Edward I. 4v. Ia8°. 1893-1901 [y1 has been printed in Reports 4^2-50 (p-uhl'' . 1 SS I ~9) of the Deputy Kcejjer of the Public Eecords.] [1], 1272-81. [2], 1281-92. [3], 1292-1301. [4], 1301-7. „ „ Edward II. [vl, 2 ; in^^roj.]. Ia8". 1894-8 [1], 1307-13. [2], 1313-17. Edward III. [vl-5 ; in iirog.']. Ia8». 1891-1900 [1], 1327-30. [2], 1330-34. [3], 1334-38. [4], 1338-40. [.5], 1340-43. Richard IL [vl-3 ; w^jj-o^.l. laS". 1895-1900 [1], 1377-81. [2], 1381-85. [3], 1385-89. Henry VI. 1422-29. Ia8'. Norwich. 1901 see Edward IV, v[2], immediately below. Edward IV. 2v. laS". 1897-1900 [1], 1461-67. [2], Edward IV, Henry VI : 1467-77. *Calendarium Rotulorum Pateutium in Turri Londin., [3 Juh.- as Edw. IV. Ed. T. Astle, w. indexes by S. Ayseough. Record Comm.]. " fol. 1802 Patent Rolls of the Chancery of Ireland, see Ireland : Chancery (Court of). "Rotuli Litteraium Patentium in Turri Londin. asfervati. Accur. T. D. Hardy, vol. 1, i, 1201-16, [no more publ. Record Comm.l. fol. 1835 see Hardy (Sir T. D.) Descr. of the P. R'., etc., 1835. Patents. *Letters & suggestions upon the amendment of the laws rel. to 1'-. for inventions : orig. publ. in the London Journal of Arts (0 Sci., etc. Ed. W. Newton. [P304]. 8". '[1835] *llecent discussions on the abolition of patents for inventions, etc. 8". 1869 Pater patrite, see Cosjio [de' Medici], chief of the Ttepmblic of Florence, 1389-1404. Pater ("Walter H.) Plato & Platonism. b8o. 1893 „ „ [Repr. of 2°« ed.]. 68". 1898 Studies in the hist, of tlie Renaissance. s8**. 1873 „ [3" ed., w. t., The R., studies in art & poetry]. 88o. 1888 „ [!"' ed., le. t., The E. etc.]. S8". 1893 Appreciations ; w. an essay on style. 8". 1889 Essays f . " The Guardian." Ia8». 1901 Gaston de Latour ; an unfinished romance, prepared for press by C.L. Shadwell. 8', 189C Pater (Walter H.) [continued]. Greek studies. Prepared for press by C. L. Shadwell. s8". 1895 Imaginary portraits. s8<*. 1887 Marius the Epicurean. 2v. 8'. 1885 „ 2v. 2°'' ed. 80. 1885 Misc. studies. Prepared for press by C. L. Shadwell. s8". 1895 *Paterfamilias's diary of everybody's tour, 185G, see Tuiter (M. F.) Paterius, Saint, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t79. Paterno (J.), see Paterno Castello (I. V.), princ. di Biscari. Paterno Castello (Ignazio Y.),2n-inc. di Biscari. Viaggio per le antichitii della Sicilia. s8". Palermo. 1817 Paterson, see also Patterson, Patteson, Pattison. Faterson (A. B.) The man from Snowy River, & o. verses. s8". 1896 Paterson (Arthur Henry). Cromwell's Own. s8>'. 1899 Father & son. s8". 1898 A son of the plains. s8". 1895 Paterson (Daniel). Descr. of all direct it principal crossroads in Eng. & Wales, & part of Scotld. 14"' ed. 8". 1808 18"' ed., by E. Mogg. [1826] The App'. to the /«'* ed. has sep. pagin., d date 1S2S'. Paterson (James), A.M. Pietas Londinensis ; ecclesiast. state of London, contg. ace. of all churches etc., w. names of ministers etc. s8». 1714- Paterson (James), barrister. Comm'. on the liberty of the subject & the laws of Eng. rel. to security of the person. 2v. s8". 1877 Compendium of Eng. & Scotch law ; w. diet, of parallel terms etc. Ia8». E. 18G0 The Game Laws, w. intr., cases, notes etc. sS". 18G1 The Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Acts, 1872, 74, etc. 3"' ed. s8o. 1874 The liberty of the press, speech, & public worship : being comm'. on the liberty of the subject & the laws of Eng. s8". 1880 On the Fishery Laws, inch the laws of Angling. s8". 1863 Paterson (James), 0/ £f/i;iiH)(7;i. Hist, of the co. of Ayr, w. genealog. ace. of the families of Ayrshire. 2v in 1. Ia8n. [1, Ayr; 2, Paisley]. 1847-52 Life & poems of W. Dunbar. s8". E. 1860 Origin of the Scots & the Scottish language. 2'"' ed. s8". E. 1858 see Ayr. Obit book of Church of St. John, Ayr, etc., 1848. „ K.AY (John). Kay's Edinburgh portraits; mostly by P., ed. 1885. Paterson (Malcolm McCulloch). Mountaineering below the snow-line ; Snowdonia ct elsewhere. s8 '. 1886 Paterson (Peter) [ps. ?] Glimpses of real life in the theatrical world A Bohemia: being confessions of P. P. s8'. E. 1804 Paterson (Lieut. William). Four journeys into the countiyof tlio Hottentots A Caffraria. 1777-9. 4'. 1789 Paterson (JWilham), founder of the Bank of England. Writings of P. Ed. S. Bannister, with biograph. not'. 3v. 2">i ed. 8". 1859 see Bannister (S.) P., 1858. Paterson (William), publisher, see EwxiiiRGti. '^Old E. beaux * belles, 1886. „ *01d E. pedlars etc., 1886. Paterson (William Komaine) [-ps. Benjamin SwihI, see Swift (G.)ps. Pathan. *Dict. of the Pathan tribes on the N.-W. Frontier of India. s8". Calcutta. 1899 Jathay (V. D. de Musset-), see Mvsset-Patiuy. Pathe.in. I'or an anon. Latin adaptation, sec ""VETER-ixoR etc., 1901. Patherbrunnenses, see *Annales Patherdhtjnnenser, 1870. Pathological Society of London. Transactions. v7-52 [v44 wanting. Index to vl 15 ; to 16-25; to 26-37; to 38-50; 3v. 8". 1856-1901 Patin (Charles). [C. Patincs]. Relations de voyages en Alle- nnignc, Angleterre, etc. s8". Lyon. 1674 ,1 s8". Amsterdam. 1695 Patin ((lUi). [Gcido PaMnos]. *L'esprit de P., tiri- de s. con- . versations etc. e8'. Amsterdam. 1710 PATIN 1123 PATTERSON Patin (Gui) [contintied]. La France, au milieu du 17'' s. (1C48-G1) : d'ap. la coriesp. de P. Extraits ijubl., avec notice bibliog. par A. Brette. s8". 1901 Lettres. n. ed. auKm. etc.par J. H. Keveille-rarise. 3t. 8". 184C see Naude (G.) NaudiEana & Patiniaiia, etc., 1703. Patin (Henri J, Gr.) Etudes sur la poiisie latine. 'it. s8". 1868-9 2t. 4' id. s8". 1900 Etudes sur les tiagiques grecs : Euiipidc. 2t. 4' ed. s8". 1873 Eschyle. 4" M. s8". 1871 Sophocle. 5" 6d. s8". 1877 Patinus (Guido), sec I'ati.n (Gci). Patkul (Johann Eeinhold v.), count, see Soiiees (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Patmore (Coventry K. D.) Amelia, Tamerton Church- With prefy. study Tower, etc. ot Eng. metr. law.' s8». 1878 The angel iu the house. 2p. s8o. 18G3 „ „ ... 7"" lib. ed. s8'J. 189C Florilegium amantis. [Sel\ f. P.'s peons] ; ed. R. Garnett. 68». [1879] •Odes. [P862]. sS". n.p. 1808 Poems. 4v. [v2 wanting]. s8». [1879] Principle in art, etc. s8". 1889 Patmore (Peter George) [ps. Victoike, count de Soligny]. Letters on England. Tr. \or rather, written by P.]. s8". 1823 Eeligio poetffi etc. [Essays]. sS". 1893 The rod, the root, & the flower. 58". 1895 Tamerton Church-Tower, & o. p. B8". 1853 The Unknown EroB. 3"! ed. 88°. 1890 The victories of love. 4'!' ed. s8'>. 1878 see Champneys (B.) Mem*. & corr. of P., 1900. My friends & acquaintance. Paton, see also Patton. Pavtox Paton (Andrew Archibald). The Bulgarian, Turk, & German. s8». 1855 The Goth it the Huu : Transyl- vania, etc., 1850. 8". 1851 Henry Beyle ; a study. e8". 1874 Highlands & islands of the Adriatic. 2v. 8". 1849 Hist, ot the Egyptian Revolu- tion, from the period of the Mamelukes to the death of Mohammed Ali. 2v. s8". 18(53 The Mamelukes : a romance ot Grand Cairo. 8v. s8». 1851 3v. s8\ 1854 Peyton. Melusina. 8". 18G0 *The modern Syrians ; notes 1811-3. s8". 1844 Researches on the Danube & Adriatic : contrib*. to modern liist. of Hungary, Transyl- vania etc. 2v. s8 '. 1862 Servia ; residence in Belgrade, etc., 1843-44. s8°. 1845 Sketches of the ugly side of hunnxn nature. s8". 18C7 Paton (Chalmers Izett). Paton (Frederick Noel). Ereeniasonry & its jurisprudence. 8". 1872 Body & soul. e8". E. 1889 Paton (James), cmutor of the Glasgoiu Industrial Museum, see Bell {Sir J.) & P., Glasgow, etc., 1890. Paton (James), presbyterian minister. British hist>'. & Papal claims. 2v, [1, 1000-1700. 2, 17C0-1892]. 8". 1893 Castlebraes. s8'. E. 1898 Paton (John Gibson). P., missionary ; autob'., ed. by h. brother. 3"' ed. s8". 1890 0"' ed. s8'. 1890 Paton (Maggie Whitecross), n-ife of John O. Paton. Letters A sketches from the New Hebrides. 8'. 1894 Paton (Robert). The Scottish Church & its surroundings in early times. s8". E. 1884 Paton (W. R.) & E. 1. Hicks. The inscriptions of Cos. Ia8». O. 1891 Paton (William Agnew). Down the Islands ; voyage to the Caribbees. Ia8". 1888 Pictnresciue Sicily. 8". 1898 ■^Patraiias, 1870, see Brsic (Hiss II. H.) Patrensis (Lucius), see Lucius, of Patra. Patres. For two anon, xcorks in Latin, see PATEU>r. *Patria, La France anc. et mod., ou coll. de tous les fails rel. a I'hist. physique & intellectuelle de la France & de s. colonies [by manii writers]. 2p. sS'^. 1847 ■* Patriarch '(The) A the Tsar, [tr.elc], 1871-C, see Palmer (W.) Patrici (F.), see Patkizi (F.) Patricius (Petrus), sec Dexippus (P. H.) D., P. etc. hist, qute sup- l''^29. Patrick, Saint, Apostle of Ireland. Epistles & hymn, tr. Ed. by Rev. T. Olden. 3'" ed. s8'\ 1894 P'. synodi, cauones, opuscula, et scriptorum qure sup., fragm. ; scholiis ill. a E. L. Villanueva. 8". D. 183.5 The tripartite life of P. : w. o. docs. rel. to that Saint. Ed. w. tr. & indexes by W. Stokes. [Rolls Ser., 89, i, ii]. 8'\ 1887 „ „ Rev", tr., „ Rev. tr., see CvBACK (M. F.) „ Hadiian (A. W.) Patrick, Saint, Aiiostle of Ireland [continued]. Writings. Revi. tr., w. notes by G.T. Stokes &C. H.H.Wright. 8". 1887 w. notes by S. & W. 2'"' ed. 8". 1888 w. notes by W. 3'" ed. s8". [1889] The Trias thaumaturga : P. etc., 1877. I tSc W. Stubbs. Councils & eccles. docs. : Memorials of P., 1878. ,, JocELiN, of Furness. Life of P., tr., w. elucid". of D. Eotlie, by E. L. Swift, 1809. ,, MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t.53,/o)' Opera omnia. „ Sheauman (.1. F.) Loca Patriciana ; identif". of localities visited by P. etc. ; \v. essay on the 3 P'., apostles of Ireland in S'l-c, n.ed., 1882. „ Towi (.1. H.) P., h. life & mission, 1864. Patrick (David), see Chamiieks's biograph. diet., 1899. Patrick (John), B.D., minister of Crreensidc Parish, Edinb. The Apology of Origen : a chap, in the hist, of apologetics. 88". E. 1892 Patrick (Simon), hp. of (1) Chichester {i) Ely. The parable of the pilgrim, new ed., w. intr. by T. Chamberlain. s8". 1840 Sermon before the Lords, 26 Nov., 1091. [P0S6]. s4". 1691 see Bible. Crit. comm. ; by P., Lowth, Arnald, Whitby, & Lowman, 4v, n. ed., 1842. „ GuNTON (S.) Hist, of the church of Peterburgh, by G. ; illust. w. sculptures, & set forth by P., 1686. „ Smith (.John). Sel. elisc". ; added, sermon at [S.'s] funeral, by P., 4'i' ed., 18.59. Patrie (La) Frangaise. Le proces de " La P. F." s8\ 1899 Patriot, see "Shout considerations upon some late extiaord. grants, lV o. particulars of a late P.'s [ChatJiam's] conduct, 1766. Patriotisches Archiv fiir Deutschland. Bl-12. s8". Frankfurt. 1784-90 „ „ Neues Patriotisches Archiv fiir Deutschland. Bl-2. 80. Mannheim. 1792-4 Patriotism. ^Letters on p., tr., 1780, see FBEDEnicK II, k. of Prussia, the Great. Patrizi (Francesco), pliilosoph. writer, [Patbici ; Patbicius ; Patkitius], see Rixnkk (T.) & T. Siber. Leben beriihmter Physiker ; 4, P., 1820-6. *Patrologia : disc. cone, the Fathers etc. [By John Edioards, D.D.?]. »'■ 1730 Patroni ecclesiarum, or list of patrons of the Church of Eng. & Ireland, w. valuation of livings not exceeding £150 per annum, as returned to Pari., 1818. 4". Rivington. 1831 Patrons, see Patboni ecclesiarum, or list of p'., 1831. Patnim. Patrum apostolicorum opera ; annot. etc. C. I. Hefele, ed. 4», 1855, sec Hefele (C. J.) ed. SS. Patrum, qui temp. Apostolicis floruerunt, opera, 1072, see Cotelerius (.J. B.) ed. Patten, sec also Pat'io.n. Patten (Robert). Hist, of the late rebellion. 2'"' ed. 8". 1717 Patten (Simon Nelson). The consumption of wealth. [Pennsy., U. of; Pol. Econ. Ser. vl, p4, P797]. 8'>. Philadelphia. 1889 Principles of rational taxation. [Pennsy., U. of ; Pol. Econ. Ser. vl, pO. P797]. 80. Philadelphia. 1889 The theory of dynamic economics. [Pennsy., U. of ; Pol. Econ. Ser. v3, p2i. 8". Philadelphia. 1892 Patten (Wni.) 0/ W'ayn/lcte, bp. of Winchester, sec Wavn- flete (W.) Patten-Saunders (W. H.) Black & gold. 3v. s8". 1804 Patterson, see also Paterbon, Patteson, Pattison. Patterson (Arthur John). The Magyars. 2v. s8". 1869 Bonaparte (Mme. Elih.) [i.e. E. P.] Tour in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, 8". 1852 Adv. of Capt. J. P., w. notices of the officers, etc., of the 50"' Reg'., 1807-21. s8". 1837 Patterson (Pev. R.), M.A. R. Elwyn, Master of Charterhouse, 1885-97. s8'. [1900] Patterson (Robert), zoologist, fS02-72. lutr. to zoology. s8". 1849 Patterson (Robert Hogarth). The economy ot capital : gold & trade. s8». E. 1865 Essays in hist, it art. 8°. E. The new golden age, & influence of precious metals. 2v. 8". E. The new revolution, or the Napoleonic policy in Europe. 8". E. Railway finance. ^"^ E- 4 D Patterson (Elizabeth), sci Patterson (James laird). Greece. Patterson (Major John). 1862 1882 1860 1867 PATTERSON 1124 PATJLI Patterson (Robert Lloyd). Birds, fishes, & Cetacea frequent- j ins Belfast Lough. 8". 1880 [ Patterson CWilliam Hugh). Glossary of words in use in | Antrim Jc Down. [E\v^. Dialect Soc., 28]. 8°. 1880 [ Patteson (John Coleridge), missiotiary-b]}. of tlie Melanesian Islands. *Life of Bishop P. [Soe. for prom. Xtn. knowledge]. sS". 1872 „ „ rev. ed., [jy. i. ; Sketches of the 1. etc.]. s8". n.d. see YoNoE (Chahlotte M.) Life of P., 1874. Patti (Adelina Maria Clorinda), [Baroness Rolf CEDEnsiiioii], sec Lauw (L.) Fourteen years w. P., tr., 1884. Pattison, see also Pateiison, Patterson, Patteson. Pattison (Andrew Seth-Pringle-), see Seth (A.), aft. S.-P.-P. Pattison (Dorothy Wyndlow), [Sister Dor.\], see Dora {Sister). Pattison {Mrs. Emilia F. S.), wife of Mark Pattison, aft. Lady Dilke, see Dilke (E., Lady). Pattison (Mark). .Sermons. sS". 1885 Suggestions on academ. organi- sation, w. esp. ref. to Oxford. s8^ E. 1868 see Toi.lemaciie (Hon. L. A.) Recoils, of P., 1883. Essays. Coll. bv H. Nettleship. 2v. s8". O. 1889 Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. 8". 1875 „ „ ... 2'"! ed. S". O. 1892 Memoirs. s8". 1885 | Milton. [Eng. men of letters]. | s8". 1879 I Pattison ^^^rs. Mark), aft. Lady Dilke, see Dilke {Lady). Pattison (Samuel Rowles). The earth & the word: geology for Bible student.-. s8». 1858 Pattison Muir (M. M.), sec Mcir (M. M. P.) Patton (Arthur St. (Jeorge). Modern hist. s8". 1887 Forms r.J of A sketch of univ. hist., in 3v, for the otlier vol', of wh. see Sketch. Patton (Jacob Harris). Nat. resources of the U.S. 8". N.Y. 1888 Tins is a different icork f. one by P. u: same t., dated tS/O. Patton (James Blythe). Bijli the dancer. s8». 1898 Paturet (G.) Condition juridique de la femme dans Banc. Egypte. Ia8''. 1886 Paul. *Paul Clifford, 1830-1 ; 1835, see Lytton (E., baron). '^^Paul Ferroll, 4'" ed., 1856, see Cute {Mrs. A.) "Repentance (The) of Paul Wentworth, 1889, stv Repentance etc. Ta-ul, of AlejiiM. Travels of Macarius. Tr. F. C. Belfour. [O.T.F.]. 2v. 4". 1829-36 Paul, the deacon, see Paulcs, Diaconus. Paul, bj>. of E7nesa, [Paulus Emesenus], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grfeca, t77, V. E. Favd, le jyere, de I'Ordrc des Serfs dc la Vierge, see Sarpi {Fra Paolo). Paul I, 2Jope. Saint. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t5. „ Migne (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, t89, 98. „ Mukatori (L. a.) Rerum Ital. Script., t3 ii. Paul III, 2}ope, [Alessaxdro Farnese], sec *State (The) of the Church of Rome when the Reform, began ; advices given to r. Ill etc., [tr. Tr. Clagctt], 1688. Paul IV, 2}0P''< [Giovanni Pietro Caratfa ; J. P. Caeaph.^], see Car-acciolus (A.) De vita P. IV collectanea, 1612. Paul V, 2}opc. [Cashllo Borghese]. see Cornet (E.) P. V e la Republ. Veneta : giornale (dal 22 ott., 1605-9 giugno 1607), 18.59. „ Trollope (T. A.) Paul the pope [P. V] & Paul the friar [P. Sa)7»], 1861. Paul I, em2>eror of Russia, see Masson (Ch. F. P.) *M^ms. sec. sur la Russie, partie. sur Cath. II & le comm. du r. de P. I, 1800-3 ; 1859. „ *Secret mem', etc., ti'., 1895. „ St. Petersburgh. Secret mems. of Court of St. P., tr., 1895. „ Stanislaus Aug., k. of Poland. M^ms. sec. [leith] Journal pend. s. voyage pour le couronnement de P. I, 1862. Paul, Saint d Apostle, see Bible : Paul & Pauline Epistles. Paul, Servita. sec Sarpi [Fra Paolo). Paul, the Silcntiary. see Paulus, Sileniiariiis. Paul, the Venetian, of the Order of the Servie, see Saepi (Fra Paolo). Paul (Adrian). Une dette de jeu. sS". 1861 Paul (Eenj. H.), see Payen (A.) Industrial chemistry, ed., w. chap', on chemistry of metals, by B. H. P., 1878. Paul (Charles Kegan). Biograph. sketches. sS". 1883 Coufessio viatoris. sS". 1893 Faith ctuufaith.ito.e". s8". 1891 W. Godwin, h. friends & eon- temps. 3v. sS". 1876 Memories. s8". 1899 Paul (Ewald). The future of Egypt f. a French point of view. Tr. W. D. McSwiney. [P377]. 8°. 1884 Paul (.Sir George), d. 16.37, see Paule {Sir G.) Paul (.Sir George Onesiphorus), 2'"' bart., {cr. 1-6-2). Address to the Magistrates of (ilocester, 1789, on the New Prisons etc. [P6]. 8". [Gloucester?] 1789 Paul (Herbert Woodfleld). The life of W. E. Gladstone. sS". 1901 Matthew Arnold. [Eng. men of letters]. sS". 1902 Men * letters. s8". 1901 Paul (Hermann), j);-o/. in Vniv. of Freiburg, now [J9(M] in MiincJien. Mittelhochdeutsche Gramraatik. 8''. Halle. 1881 Principles of the history of language. Tr., f. the 2"'' ed., by H. A. Strong. 8". 1888 sec *BEiiR.'iGE z. Gesch. d. deutschen Sprache u. Lit., 1874 etc. „ *Geundriss d. german. Philologie, 1891-3. Paul iSir James Balfour), Li/on king of Arms. Heraldry in rel. to Scottish hist, it art. '[Rhind Lect'., 1898]. 8". E. 1900 Hist, of the Royal Company of .\rchers. 4''. E. 1875 An ordinary of arms in the public register of all arms & bearings in Scotland. Ia8\ E. 1893 Paul (Jean) 2's., see Richter (.J. P. F.) Paul (John), aft. Paul Jones, admiral in the Russian Navy, see .JoNKS (Paul). Paul (John Dennis). Origin of the Corporation of Leicester : w. sel. f. the borough charters. [P384, 776]. 8". 1885 Paul (Mrs. Margaret Agnes) [fCoLviLLE (M. A.), aft. Paul}. *De Cressy. sS". 1856 'Martha Brown. s8". 1861 Gentle & simple. 2v. s8'. 1878 *Still waters. 2v. sS". 1857 „ , n. ed. s8". 1879 'Uncle Ralph. s8'i. 1858 •Maiden sisters. s8". 1858 , *Three weddings. sS". 1870 Paul (N. C.) Treatise on the Yoga philosophy. rP241]. 8". Benares. 1851 Paul (Robert Bateman) [ps. James Hamley Tregenx.\]. -\utob'. of a Cornish Rector. 2v. s8^ 1872 *A hist, of Germanv. On the plan of Mrs. Markham's histories. s8". 1847 n. ed., sS". 1869 Paula, St., see Jerome, St. Peregrinatio S. Paulae (404), 1S77-9. & Eustochium. De locis Sanctis (386), set- Todler (T.) Itinera Hierosolymitana, 1877-85. Letter to Marcella about the Holy Places (386). Tr. A. Stewart, annot. C. W. Wilson. [Palest. P. Text Soc.]. 8'. 1889 Paulden (Capt. Thomas), see Somees (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Paulding (James Kirke), see Irving (W.) Salmagundi [by L, ass. by P.'], n. ed., 1824. Paule (Sir George), d. lOSy. Life of J. Whitgift ; added, "Conspiracy for pretended Reformation," wi'itten 1591, bv R. Cosin. s8». 1699 Paule de Clermont (F. de), marg. dc Montglat, see Montglat. Paule de Rigaud (J. ~ " Paulet (Sir Amias), Paule Tillette (L. F. Paulhan (Fr.) L'activite mentale et les ele- ments de I'esprit. 8". 1889 Les caract^res. 8". 1894 Lenouveaumysticisme.sS''. 1891 H. de), etc. de Vaudreuil, see Vaudreuil. ee PouLET (.Sir A.) de), chcv. de Matitort, sec Mautort. Psychologie de I'invention. s8". 1901 Les types intelleetuels : esprits logiqaes et esprits fans. ; S\ 189G Pauli, sec also Pauly. Pauli (Carl), Rektor d. Realprogymnasiums lu Ulzen. Altitalische Forschungen. 3B. 8". L. 1885-94 1, Die Inschriften d. nordetrusk. Alphabets. 2, Eiue vorgriech. Inschrift v. Lemnos. 2 Abthlgn. in Iv. 8, Die Yeneter a. i. Schriftdenkmiiler. Pauli (Carl Friedrich). Allg. preuss. Staats-Geschiebte. 8B. 4». Halle. 1700-9 Pauli (Eeinhold). .Aufsiitze zur engl. Gesch. 8\ L. 1869 ,, ,, Neiie Folge, hrsg. v. 0. Hartwig. 8». L. 1883 Bilder aus Alt-England. 8". Gotha. 1860 Drei volksvrirthschaf tl. Denkschrif ten aus d. Zeit Heinrichs VIH von England. ' 4°. Guttingen. 187S Der Gang d. internat. Beziehungen zw. Deutschland u. England. [P685]. S80. Gotha. 1859 Gesch. Englands seit d. Friedensschliissen v. 1814-15. 3T in 2v. [Staatengesch. d. neuesten Zeit, 8, 13, 22]. 8". 1804-75 Konig Aelfred u. s. Stelle in d. Gesch. Englands. 8°. 1851 Simon v. Montfort, Graf v. Leicester. 8". Tiibingen. 1867 PAULI 1125 PAVIA I'aris qui uiendie. Paulician Church Pauli (Eeinhold) [conlinned]. TliANSLATIONS. Life of King Alfred. Tr. ; ed. T. Wright. 8°. 1852 Life of Alfred the Gt. App''., Alfred's version of Orosius, w. tr. etc. by B. Thorpe. sS". Bohn. 1857 Pictures of old England. Tr. E. C. Otte. s8'. C. 1861 Simon de Montfort. Tr. U. M. Goodwin ; w. iutr. by H. Martineau. s8". 1876 sec *Geschichte der eitrop.a. Staaten : England. l!3-5, [Ilo',-i300], V. P., 1834etc. Paulian (Louis). The beggars of Paris. Tr. Lady Hcrschel. 88". 1897 7' cd. s8». 1894 ■ 8- id. s8". 1894 of Armenia, see *Key (The) of truth : manual of the P. Cliurch of Armenia, ed. & tr. etc. by F. C. Conybcare, 1898. Paulinus, Aquileiensis, St.,see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t99. Paulinus Mediolan., sec Migne (.T. P.) «/., Pat. latina, t20. Paulinus, bp. of Nola, Saint. [P. Nolanus ; Paulin de Nole ; Pontius Meiiopius Anicics Paulinus]. Opera. 2p. Bee. etc. G. de Hartel. (1, EpistuliB. 2, Car- mina— Indices.) [C. S. E. Lat., 29, 30]. 8'. Vindobonaj. 1894 see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t61. „ MiNucius Felix (M.) Octavius ; P'. poema .adv. pagauos, 1847. Paulinus Pctrkord., sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t61. Paulinus, a Sancto Bartholovuco, [i.e. 3. P. Weudin, or Weslin], see 1'aolino, da San Bartolommco. Paulinus (Johannes), Finlandus, see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbcten : 6, 1'., 1871. Paulitschke (Philipp). Harar : Fovschungsreise naeh d. Somal- u. Galla-Liindern, ausgefiihrt v. K. v. Hardegger u. V., beschreiben v. P. 8". L. 1888 PauUus. For jicrsoiis of tJiis name sec Paul. Paulmy (M. Antoine Rene de Voyer d'Argenson, niarq. de), /~.'J^S7, & A. Gr. Contant d'Orville, edd. *Melanges lirfes d'une grande bibliotheque. 70t. [(3.1-70 wanting ; tl-Jiarc b. in :.'Tv. tl, 2, n. &d. ; 3, 2' cd.] 8". 1780-8.5 Paulmy (Rene Louis de Voyer de), marq. d'Argenson, 1094- 17.77, sec Akgenson. Paulo (Marco), see Polo (Maiico). Paulsen (Friedrich). Einleitung in d. Philosophie. 2« A. 8". 1893 The German Universities. Tr. E. D. Perry. s8o. N.Y. 1895 Gesch. d. gelehrteu Unterrichts auf d. deutschen Schulen u. Universitiiten. 8". L. 1885 2B. 2« A. 8". L. 1896-7 System d. Ethik, mit Umriss d. Staats- u. Gesellschaftslehre. 2B. 3« A. 8". 1894 System of ethics. Ed. & tr. F. Tbilly. 8". 1899 Versuch e. Entwicklungsgesch. d. kantischen Erkeutniss- theorie. 8". L. 1875 Paulson (Johannes). Index Hesiodeus. 8". LundiB. 1890 Paulucci de' Calboli (Luigi). Maggio e Calendimaggio : costumi popolari ec. s8". 1894 Paulucci di (Calboli (R.), segretario all' Ambasciata di S. M. in Londra. I girovaghi italiani in Inghilterra ed i suonatori ambulanti. 8". Citta di Castello. 1893 Paululus (Eobertus). De cffiremoniis, Sacramentis, otBciis, sec Migne (.J. P.) cd.. Pat. latina, tl77. Paulus. For iiersons of this name not mentioned here see Paul. Paulus, ^I'.gincta. Seven books of P. A., tr. w. comm. by F. Adams. [Sydenham Soc.]. 3v. 8". 1844-7 Paulus, Bcrnried. sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl48. „ MuBATOEi (L. A.) Berum Ital. Script., t3. Paulus, diaconus. [P. Levita ; tV^AnNEFiiiDus (Paulus), dlaconus]. In S. Begulam comm. 4". Typis abb. M. Casini. 1880 see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, tl, 2, 5. „ Festus (S. p.) De verb, signif., cum P. epitome, var. edd. „ Jor.NANDES. J. de rebus Gothorum. P. D. de gestis Langobardorura, 1515. ,, MiGXK (.J. 1'.) ed., Pat. latina, t75, So, for Scripta etc. „ MoNUMENTA GEiiji. HiST., Scr., t2, 13. ,, Scr. rerum Langobard., 1878, /nr Hist. Laugob. ,, MuKAToni (L. A.) Berum Ital. Scr., tl, fur Hist. Miscella etc. Paulus, Emeriten., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t80. Paulus, Emesenus, see Paul, bp. of Enicsa. Paulus, S. Petri Carnot., see Migne (.J. P.) e4.< Pat. latina, tl55. Paulus, Servita, see Saepi (Fra Paolo). Paulus, Silentiarius. Descriptio S. Sophia; et Ambonis, ex rec. I. Bekkeri. Georgius Pisida et S. Nicephorus Cpolitanus. [C. s. h. Byz.]. 8». Bonnoe. 1837 see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, 86, ii, P. S. „ Salzeniserg (W.) Alt-ohristl. Baudenkmale v. Constantino- pel ; im Anhange d. S. P. Besohreibung d. heil. Sophia u. d. Ambon, metr. libera, etc. v. C. W. Kortiim, 1854. Paulus (A.), see Bouinais (A.) & P., La Cochinchine con- temp., 1884. Paulus (Eduard), see Stieler (C.) P. etc., Italy, tr., 1877. Paulus (Heinr. Eberhard Gottlob). Die positive Philosophic d. Oflenbarung ; oder Entstehungsgesch. etc. der v. schelling- isehen Entdeckungeu ii. Philosophie etc. d. dogmat. Christentbums. 8". Darmstadt. 1843 Paulus (Marcus) Vcm^tus, sec Polo (Marco). Pauly, sec also Pauli. Pauly (August F. v.) cd.. Real-Encyclopadie der classischen .■Vltcrthumswissenschaft. Von d. Herausgeber A. P., [it manii others]. fiB in 7. 8". St. 1839-52 B4-6 "naeh [P.'s] Todc fortge.i. v. C. Walz u. W. S. Teuffel." „ „ Neue Bearbtg., hrsg. v. G. Wissowa. Bl-4, [A-Demodoros. In prog.]. Ia8'>. St. 1894-1901 Pauper (Henricus), see Arrigo, da Settimello. Pauperism. Tauperism & emigration. By a Fellow of the Colonial Soc. [P369]. 8". 1869 ■^Pauperism & its remedy, 1871, see Ash (W. C.) Pauquet, jfiV^res. Modes et costumes historiques, dessinespar P. freres. i"- n.d.. [c. 18G5 ?J Pausanias, the traveller. [P. Perieoetes]. P. descriptio areis Atbenarum. Ed. O. .Tahn. [P481]. 8". Bonnse. 1860 GritciiE descriptio, a. G. Xylandro recog. Add. E. Amasa'i versio etc. 2v in 1. fol. Fnincofurti. 1583 GrtEcitE descr. Ed., Latinam Amasaji interp. castigatam adj. etc. C. G. Siebelis. 5v. 8". L. 1822-8 De situ GriseiiB libri x. Recog. I. Bekkerus. 2t. 8". Berolini. 1826-27 GrtEciie descr. 3t. ed. stcr. s8". L. 1829 Descriptio Graioia;. Interp. lat. etc. instrux. I. H. C. Schubart et C. Walz. 3v. 8". L. 1838-39 Descr. Grseciie. Recog. I. H. C. Scliubart. 2v. r8". L. 1862-70 Grifcia; descr. Ed. etc. H. Hitzig ; comm. add. H. Hitzig et H. Bluemner. vl in 2p, [jiagin. cont. In itrog.]. Ia8". [1, i, Berolini ; 1, ii, L.]. 1896-9 Translations. Descr. of Greece. Tr. w. notes [by T. Taylor]. 3v. 8". 1794 3v. n. ed. S". 1824 Descr. de la Grece. Tr. par Clavier. 6t. 8". 1814-21 Descr. of Greece. Tr. w. notes & index by A. E. Shilleto. 2v. s8". Bohn. 1886 Descr. of Greece. Tr., w. comm., .J. G. Frazer. 6v. 8". 1898 References. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. „ Frazer (J. G.) P. & 0. Greek sketches. 1900. „ Gell (Sir W.) Itinerary of Greece ; w. comm. on P., 1810. „ Harrison (.Jane). Mytliology & mon». of anc. Athens ; a tr. of nortion of "Attica" by M. De G. Yerrall, w. essay & comin. by H., 1890. „ Immerwahr (W.) Die Lakonika d. Pausanias, 1889. „ Kruger (F. W. Ci.) Theologumena Pausaniin, 1860. Pauthier (J. P. Guillaume). Les livres sacres de I'Orieut : Chou-King— Sse-Chou— Lois de Manou -Koran ; tr. ou rev. laS". 1875 Siuico-.llgyptiaca : orig. & formation similaive des ecritures figuratives chin. & 6gypt. 8". 1842 see Ta Heo. Le Ta-Hio, tr. etc. par P., 1837. & G. Brunet, tr\ Les livres sacris de toutes les relig., sauf la Bible, tr., ou rev. par P. & B. 2t. Ia8°. 1865-6 Pauty (F.) Supplice de Tantale. s8'. 1900 Pauw (Cornelius), ■/7J'J~'J'J. [C. he Pauw ; C. he Paw]. Diss'. on the Greeks. Tr. 2v in 1. 8". 1793 Eecberches philosoph. sur les Amcricains. 3t. s8". 1770 llccliercbes philosoph. sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois. 2t. s8''. Berlin. 177.-! Pauw (Napoleon de) ed.. Obituarium S. Johannis : Kccrologe de I'cglise S.-Jean (S.-P.avon) a Gand, 13-16' s. 8\ Brux. 1889 Pavia. [Ticinum]. De laudibus Papifc, see Muratori (L. A-) Eerura Ital. Scr., til. see Spain. Col, de doc. para la hist, de Espafia, PAVIE 1126 PEABODY Pavie (A.) Mission Pavie Indo-Cliine, 1879-1895. Etudes diverses. [t]l, 2. In prog. 4". 1898 1, Eecherches sur la lilt, du Cambodge, du Laos & du Siam; par A. Pavie. 2, Recherches sur I'hist. du Cambodge, du Lacs & du Siam ; par A. Pavie. Contenant la transcr". & la tr". des inscrip- tions par M. Sclimitt. Pavie (R. de Beccarie de), baron de Fourquevaux, see Four- QUEVAUX. Pavie (Theodore). Scenes etc. des pays d'outre-mer. sS". 1853 * Pavilion (The). [By Mrs. Crespitjuy^nH Clark 1] 4v. s8». 1796 Pavlovsky (Isaac). Souvenirs sur Tourgueneff. sS". 1887 Pavy (Fred. "William). Food & dietetics. 8». 1874 2»'"ed. 8". 1875 Paw (C. de), sec Pauw. Paxton (Sir Joseph). Britain. Botanical diet, of all plants known in n. cd., rev. S. Hereman. 8". 1868 Payan du Moulin (Joseph Francois de), see Eobespiebre (F. M. J. I.) Papiers trouvis chez B., P. etc., 1828. Payen ( — ), Ueut.-gin. de Meaux. Voyages : deser. d'Angleterre, etc. dern. ed. 88". Amsterdam. [1G68 ?] Payen (Anselme). Industrial chemistry. Based upon a tr. of P.'s " Precis " ; ed., \v. chap", on chemistry of metals etc. by B. H. Paul. 8". 1878 Payen (Jean Frangois) ed., Nouv. doc. ined. ou peu conuus sur Montaigne. 8». 1850 Payen (Pontus). 16* si^cle. Mems. de P. ; avec annot. etc. par A. Henne. 2t. 8'>. Brux. 1861 Payer (Julius). New lands within the Arctic Circle : discoveries of the " Tegethoff " 1872-74. Tr. 2v. 8". 1876 Payn, see also Pain, Paixe, Payen, Payne. Payn (James). Another's burden. b8». 1897 "At her mercy. 3?. s8o. 1874 The backwater of life ; or essays of a Ut. veteran. Intr. by L. Stephen. sS". 18519 The Bateman household. sS". 1860 1885 1886 1865 1888 1884 1884 '. 1885 essays '. 1881 The best of husbands. 3v. s8°. 1874 The burnt million. 8v. sS". 1800 „ , n. ed. 68". 1891 By proxy. 2v. 8\ 1878 „ „ ... 2v. aitled. sS". 1878 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1879 The canon's ward. 3v. 88n. 1884 „ „ n. ed. 66°. 1884 •Carlyon's year. 2t. s8<>. 1868 *The Clyffards of Clyde. 3v. s8". 1866 A confidential agent. 3v. S8". 1880 „ „ n. ed. s8'\ 1881 *A county family. 3v. S8". 1869 The disappearance of George Driffell. 58". 1896 Fallen fortunes. 3v. s8'. 1876 For cash only. 8v. 58". [1882] *The foster brothers. s8'. 1859 Prom exile. 3v. s8'. 1881 Gleams of memory, w. some reflections. sS". 1894 Glow-worm tales, n. ed. s8". 1888 A grape from a thorn, 3v. s8». 1881 Halves, & o. t. Sv. s8'>. 1876 The heir of the ages. 3v. s8". 1886 High spirits ; stories. 3v. 88". 1879 „ „ ... Sv. 2"s (H. C.) & P., London water supply, 2"" ed., 1899. Payne-Grallwey {Sir Kalph W.), a'" bart. The book of duck decoys. 2, Production, I la8". 1886 The fowler in Ireland. 8". 1882 Letters to young shooters. 1, Ou choice gun. & 1890-6 use of a preserva- tion, & killing of game. 3, Brit, wildfowl. see Badminton lib. : Shooting, by Lord Walsingham & P.-G., etc., 1886. Payne Smith (Robert), dean of Canterbury ; 1S19-95. Pro- phecy a preparation for Xt. [Bampton Lect'., 1869]. 8". 1869 Thesaurus Syriacus. 2t. fol. 0. 1879-1901 sec Lewis (.J. D.) *Dean (The) of Canterbury on science & revelation : a letter by M.P., [1871]. Paynter (William), see Painter (W.) Payot (Jules). De la croyance. 8". 1896 Pays-Bas. [sec also Netherlands, Paises-Bajos]. Actes des Etats G^n. des P.-B., (1576-85) ; Notice etc., tl, 2, 1861-6, see Gachard (L. p.) ed. Coll. des vovages des souverains des P.-B. 4t. [1, 2, publ. par Gachard : 3, 4, par G. * Plot]. [C. B. d'H. de Belg.]. 4". Brux. 1876-82 *M^ms. pour servir a I'hist. litt. des 17 prov. des Pays-Bas, etc., 3t, 1765-70, see Paqcot f.I. N.) Relations polit. des P.-B. & de I'Augleterre sous le r. de Philippe II, tl-10, 1882-92, sec Kervyn he Lettenhove (le b. 3. M. B. C.) Payton (E. W.) Round about New Zealand. s8". 1888 Paz (Eugene). Moven infaillible de prolonger I'existence etc. 8". 1879 Pazig (Christianus). Treatise of magic incantations. Tr. ; ed. E. Goldsmid. 8". E. ; p.p. 1886 *Pazzia (La) de' due vecchi amanti. [By " N. N., defto V Acca- deniico Mosehino." P836]. s8>. Bologna. 1683 Peahody Education Fund. Reports of the Gen. Agent of the I'.E.F., .Tan. 1808-July 1869, etc. [P388]. 8". [1869] Peabody (Andrew Preston). Eeminisc. of European travel. s8". N.Y. 1808 Peabody (Eliz. P.) Identification of the artisan & artist the object of American education. Illust. by a lecture of Card. Wiseman on the relation of the arts of design w. the arts of production. With essay on Froebel's reform of primary edu- cation. [P243]. 8'. Boston. 1869 PEABODY 1127 PEARSON Peabody (George). Ace. of proceedings at dinner by P. to Americans conn. w. the Great Exhibition, Oct. 1851. 8". 1851 Peace. *Thoughts on the Peace, in a letter from the country. [P61]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1783 Peace Association, see Akditration & P.A.., International. Peace Congress Committee, see India. Our wars in I., [c. 1847]. Peace League. [Lioce Internationale et Permanente de la Paix]. 13ibl. de la Paix. Livr. 1-5, 0-11. [All in P372]. sS". [1866-70] Deuxieme assembles gen., juin, 1869. [P372]. s8". 1869 [9.] Un meeting a Londres, 17 mai 1870. [P372]. sS". 1870 [11.] see Be.\udemoulin (L. A.) La guerre s'en va, 8' 6d., [18C8 ?] [4.] „ Dreuille (c. L. de). Comment on pourrait r^duire I'ai'm^e, 3" ^d., 1863. [2.J „ Guri.HAUsioN (F.) La guerre & les fipid^mies, 3' ^d., 1868. [3.] „ Larrieu (A.) Guerre a la guerre, 3° ed., 1869. [5.] „ Leroy-Beaulieu (P.) Lesguerrescontemp.,.3"'ed., 1868. [1.] „ Martin (.J. F.) La bataille etc. de Leipzig, 1870. [10.] Peace Society. Facts & illusts. in ref. to war, peace, & internal, arbitration. [P387]. 8". 1872 see Darky (W. E.) Internat. tribunals, 1897 ; n. ed., 1800. ,, Nicholas II, emperor. The Tzar's rescript : papers, 1890. Peace ("Walter). Our colony of Natal. 8°. [1883] Peach (E. E. M.) Annals of Swainswick. s4». [1890] Historic bouses in Bath. 23. s4». 1883-4 Hist, of the Hospital of St. .John Baptist, Bath, w. mem. of the founder, bp. Fitz-.Jocelyn. 4". Bath. 1886 Life it times of Ealph Allen, introduced by ace. of Lyncombe & Widcombe, w. notices of h. eontemps. Ia8'\ 1805 Peacock (Edward), F.S.A. Eng. Church furniture etc. at the Reformation. 8". 1866 Glossary of words used in the Wapentakes of Manley & Corring- ham, Lincolnshire. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 1.5]. 8". 1877 „ „ 2y m\,\_i>agin. eont. Eng. Dialect Soc.]. 2"" ed., enR 8". 1889 Index to English speaking students who have graduated at Leyden Univ. [Index Soc, 13]. 8". 1883 Index to engravings in proceedings of Soc. of Antiq'. [Index Soc, Occ I., 1]. 8". 1885 John Markenfield. 3v. s8''. 1874 List of E. Catholics in the co. of York, 1604. From the MS. in Bodleian, w. notes. 8". [1872] Mabel Heron. 3 v. sS". 1872 Ealf Skirlaugh. 3v. sS". 1870 see *Army Lists of the Roundheads & Cavaliers, (1642), 1863. Peacock (George), dean oj Ely. Life of T. Young, M.D. 8°. 1855 Obs. on report by syndicate apptd. to confer w. the architects who were desired to furnish the Univ. w. designs for a New Library. [P118]. 8". C. 1835 Obs. on the Statutes of the Univ. of Cambridge. 8". 1841 Treatise on algebra. 8°. C. 1830 Peacock (George), F.E.G.S. Hand-book of Abyssinia. s8". 1867 Peacock (Mabel G. W.) Index of Royalists whose estates were confiscated dur. the Commonwealth. [Index Soc, 2]. 8". 1879 N. Lincoln dialect. Tales & rhymes in Lindsey folk-speech. s8". 1886 N. Lincolnshire dialect : taales fra Linkisheere. sS". Brigg. 1889 Peacock (Reginald), 6^. of (I) St. Asaph (2) Chichester. [Reynold Pecock ; Pecockics]. The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy. Ed. C. Babington. 2v. [Rolls Ser., 19, i, ii]. M". 1860 see Leots (.John). Life of P., n. ed., 1820. Peacock (Richard Atkinson). Patent dock gates. [P81]. 8". 1862 Saturated steam, the motive power in volcanoes etc. 2'"' ed. s8'.lS82 Peacock (Thomas love) [ps. P. M. O'Donovan]. Works. Pref. by Ld. Houghton, biog. notice by E. Nicolls; ed. H. Cole. 3v. s8". 1875 Crotchet Castle. Ed. R. Garnelt. s8". 1891 The genius of the Thames : poem. s8". 1810 •Gryll Grange. sS". 1861 „ „ Ed. R. Gamett. 2v. b8». 1891 Headlong Hall. Ed. E. Gamett. b8». 1891 Headlong Hall — Nightmare Abbey. sS". N.Y. 1887 •Headlong Hall — Nightmare Abbey — Maid Marian — Crot- chet Castle. s8". 1837 Maid Marian. Ed. B. Garnett. 3"! ed. s8<>. 1899 •Melincourt. cheap ed. s8». 1856 „ „ Ed. R. Garnett. 2v. b8i. 1891 „ „ Intr. by G. Saiutsbury. s8o. 1896 •The misfortunes of Elpbin. s8". 1829 „ „ Ed. R. Garnett. sS". 1891 Nightmare Abbey. Ed. R. Garnett. sS". 1891 Sir Proteus. sS". 1814 see Shelley (P. B.) Notes on sculptures ; w. criticism of P.'s" Rhododaphne," 1879. Inconsequent lives. s8'*. 1891 Jaco Treloar. 2v. 58". 1893 Tales of the masque. s8 '. 1894 dur. Ed. 1831 Peake, see also Peek. Peake (A. S.) Guide to Biblical study. s8". 1897 Peake (James). Rudiments of navalarchitecture. 88". 1849 Peake (Richard Brinsley). Mems. of the Colman family; inch their corr. w. distingJ. personages. 2v. 8'. 1841 Peake (William), historian. Austria during its late revolu- tionary crisis. 2v. s8". 1851 Court intrigues : novel. 3v. s8". 1846 *Peaks, passes, & glaciers. [s/], ed. J. Ball. 2"'' ed. 8". 1859 5">ed. s8". 1860 s2, ed. E. S. Kennedy. 2v. 8". 1862 Pearce, see also Pears, Peakse, Peikce, Pierce. Pearce (Alfred J.) Text-book of astrology. 2v. 8". [1870]-89 Pearce (Charles Thomas), M.D. Vaccination : an essay. 8". 1868 Pearce (J. H.) Drolls from shadowland. b8". 1893 Esther Pentreath. b8°. 1891 Ezekiel's sin. sS". 1898 Pearce (Nathaniel). Life & adv. of N. P., by himself, resid. in Abyssinia, 1810-9 ; w. Coffin's visit to Gondar. J. J. Halls. 2v. s8'>. Pearce (Robert), solicitor. The charities of St. Giles Without Cripplegate. fol. 1882 Pearce (Robert Richard). Hist, of the Inns of Court & Chancery. 8". 1848 Pearce (Robert Rouiere). Mems. & corr. of the Mavq. Wellesley. 3v. 8'. 1846 On voting by ballot. [P108]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1838 Pearce (Samuel), Baptist minister. Oppressive nature of Cor- poration & Test Acts ; sermon, Feb. 1790. [P18]. 8". B'ham. 1790 Pearce (Thomas) [ps. Idstone]. The dog, with directions for treatment etc. s8'. [1872] Pearce (Zachary), bp. of (/) Bangor (^) Rochester. Concio ad synodum hab. die 2. Dec, 1741. [P277]. s4\ Londini. 1741 see TwELLs (L.) Lives of E. Poeoek, by T. ; of P., & of T. Newton, by themselves, etc., 1816. Pearce-Edgcumbe {Sir Edward Robert). [tPsARCE (E. R.), aft. Pcarcc-Echjcnmbe]. Zephyrus : Brazil A- the R. Plate. sS". 1877 Pearch (George), publ., see Collection (A) of poems, by sev. hands, 1768-70. Peard (Frances Mary). AHcia Tennant. 2v. sS". 1886 The Baroness. 2v. s8". 1892 The Blue Dragon. 88». [1890] The careerof Claudia. s8". 1897 •Cartouclie. 2v. sS". 1878 Contradictions. 2v. s8". 1883 The country cousin. 3v. sS". 1889 Donna Teresa. fS". 1899 His cousin Betty. 3v. s8-i. 1888 An interloper. 2v. b8". 1894 Jeannette. s8'. 1883 Madarae's grand-daughter. s8". [1887] •A madrigal, & o. s. s8". 1876 Mother Molly. s8". 1880 „ „ S"" ed. 88°. 1889 Near neighbours. 2v. s8". 1885 Number one & number two. s8». 1900 Paul's sister. Sv. sS". 1889 Princess Alethea. s8'>. 1883 •The rose-garden. s8<>. 1872 Schloss & town. 3v. s8i. 1882 The swing of the pendulum. 2v. s8\ 1893 •Thorpe Regis. 2v. s8 '. 1874 •Through rough waters. sS". 1878 •Unawares : a story of an old French town. ' s8'. 1870 „ „ s8>. [1877] •The white mouth. sS^. 1880 Peard (William). Practical water-farming. s8". E. 1868 A year of liberty ; salmon angling in Ireland. sS". 1867 Pearker (Peter, tite), ps., see Peter, the Pearkcr. Pearl. *Pearl, 1868, see Jolly (Miss). *Pearl : poem of the 14"' c. Ed., w. mod. rendering, by I. Gollancz. 8". 1891 Pearl (Cora), [fCROucH (Emma Eliz.), calUii/j herself Cora Pearl]. Memoires de C. P. s8". 1886 Pearless (Mrs. John), see Pratt (Anne), aft. Mrs. P. Pearman (Morgan Thomas). Hist, of the Manor of Bensing- ton. 8". 1896 Pears, see also Pearce, Pearse, Peibce. Pears (Steuart Adolphus). The true end of education : sermon, Repton, 1854. [P233]. 8». 1854 Pearse (H. H. S.) Four months besieged : Ladysmith. bS\ 1900 Pearson, see also Pierson. Pearson {Lt.-Col. Alfred), see Symonds (J. A.) Short hist, of the Renaissance in Italy : taken f. the work of S. by P., 1893. Pearson (Charles), solicitor. What is to be done with our criminals ? Letter to the Ld, Mayor, w. P.'s speech, H. of C, May 15, 1840. [P308]. 8". 1857 PEARSON 1128 PEDROSO Pearson (Charles Buchanan), Church expansion. s8". 1853 Thoughts on the Management Clauses. [1'150]. 8». 1848 see Salisbury. *Sequences f. the Sarum Missal, w. tr'., 1871. Pearson (Charles Henry). Ans. to Freeman's strictures in the "Fortnightly" on the " Hist, of Eng. dur. early c. s8». 1876 Hist, maps of England, dur. first 13 centuries, w. essays etc. fol. 1869 Hist, of Eng. dur. the early & middle ages. 2v. 8«. 1867 An enlarged^ or re-wr., ed. of " Early ik middle ages of Eng." National life & character. 8". 1893 [2"'' ed.]. s8». 1894 Reviews & critical essays. Ed. H. A. Strong, witli biograph. sketch. 8". 1896 •Russia, by a recent traveller. 88". 1859 Pearson (Christopher Ridley). Hints on Bible-teaching. [P232]. 8". Weston-super-Mare. 1856 Pearson (Edwin). Cat. of hooks & wood engravings by or rel. to T. * .]. Bewick, coll. by P., sold 10 June, 1868. [P6i)9]. 8°. 1868 Pearson (iliss Emma Maria). One love in a life. 3v. s8". 1874 & L. E. Maclaughlin. Our adventures dur. the War of 1870. 2v. s8». 1871 Pearson (Henry J.) " Beyond Petsora eastward " : 2 voyages to Novaya Zemlya A' the islands of Barents Sea. With app'. on the botany & geology, by H. W. Feilden. Ia8". 1899 Pearson (Hugh Nicholas), dean of Salisbmij. Life * eorr. of C. F. Swartz ; pref., sketch of hist, of Christianity in India. 2v. 8". 1834 Life & writings of Claudius Buchanan. 2v. 3"' ed. 8". 1819 Pearson (John), tji. of Chester. Minor theolog. works. Mem., notes etc. by E. Churton. 2v. 8o. 0. 1844 see Mill (W. H.) Analysis of the Expos, of the Creed by P., 4'h Eng. ed., 1874. Socialism in theory & practice. [P545]. s8". [1884] see Clifford (W.K.) Common sense of the exact sciences, [ed., ft partly ivr., by P.], 1885 ; 3"' ed., 1892. „ TODHUNTEB (I.) Hist, of the theory of elasticity & strength of materials, compl. by P., 1886-93. Adversaria Hesychiana. 2t. 8". 0. 1844 An exposition of the creed. S"' ed. 4". 1669 ,, „ 2v. n. ed., rev'', by E. Burton. 8'>. 0. 1833 „ „ B.ev'^. by T. Chevallier. 8". C. 1849 Pearson (Karl). The chances of death, & o. studies in evolution. 2v. 8". 1897 The ethic of freethought. 8". 1888 Die Fronica: z. Gesch. d. Christusbildes im Mittelalter. ti». Strassburg. 1887 The grammar of science. s8>. 1892 „ „ 2"'i ed. 8". 1900 National life f. the standpoint of science : address at New- castle, 1900. sS'. 1901 I Pearson (William Henley), aft. Jervis, see Jeevis (W. H.) Peart (Emily), .sw *.M.u'i>e Maynard [? by E. P.], 1876. Peary [siimatiic'l, see also Peehy. Peary {Mrs. Josephine Diebitsch), wi/e of R. E. Peary. My Arctic journal. Witli aoc. of the great white journey across Greenland, by R. E. Peary. 8<>. 1893 Peary (Robert; Edwin). Northward over the " Great Ice," 1886, 1891-7. 2v. 8>. 1898 see Heilpkin (A.) The Arctic problem it P. Relief Exped., 1893. „ Peahy (.J. D.) My journal, w. ace. of the journey across Greenland, by R. E. P., 1893. Peary Chand Mitter. [fPv.iiucH.i.vDA Mitr.\]. The spoilt child. Tr. G. D. Oswell. s8". Calcutta. 1893 Peasant. 'Peasant life : sketches in Glenaldie. 2s. [By M. Maclennan ? Wants si]. s8". 1869-72 *Peasant proprietors (The) of Norway, [c. 1889], see Norway. ♦Peasants' (The) Rising & the Lollards : doc. forming app. to " Eng. in the age of Wycliffe," ed. E. Powell * G. M. Trevelyan, 1899, sec TuEVEi.vAN (G. M.) Peas3 (Alfred Edward). The Cleveland hounds as a tiencher- fedpack. 8". 1887 Pease (Joseph Gerald) & H. Chitty. On the Law of Markets & Fairs, \v. princ. statutes. sB". 1899 Pecaut (Felix). Le Christ & la conscience. s8". 1863 Etudes au jour le jour sur Teducation nptionale, 1871-9. s8°. 1879 Peccadut (J.) Les Catholiques ; etude. 88". [1896] Pecchio (,il eoiife Giuseppe). Semi-serious ohs. of an Italian exile in England. s8". 1833 Storia della economia pubblica in Italia. 2" ed. s8". Lugano. 1832 see Greece. *Picture of G. in 182.5 : narratives of P. etc., 1826. Pecci (Vincenzo Gioacchino), aft. Leo XIII, see Leo XIII, 2>ope. Pech (Antal). Also magyarorszag banyamivel^s^nek tortenete. 2k: [M. Tud. Akad.] 8'. 1884-7 *Peche (L?) de Madeleine, n. ^d., 1872, see Caro (Mme. Elme). Pechell (Sir John) [Peshall]. *Hist. of the Univ. of Oxford, to the death of Will, the Conqueror. 8'. 0. 1772 *Hist. of the Univ. of Oxford, f. the death of Will. Conq. to the demise of Q. Eliz. [6. w. h. Hist, of the Univ. etc. to death of Will. Conq., 1772]. i". 0. 1773 Pecinus Sejanus ( — ), see Sejanos (P.) Peck (B. C.) Recollections of Sydney. s8". 1850 Peck (Francis), antiquary. Academia tertia Anglicana ; anti- quarian annals of Stanford. fol. 1727 Desiderata curiosa : coll. of pieces rel. chiefly to Eng. hist. 2v in 1, [pagin. ccrnt.]. u. ed., w. mems. of P. [by T. Evans]. i". 1779 Mems. of 0. Cromwell, in 3 panegyrics in Latin, the 1" [*] 2"'', it is thought, composed by Milton, as was the 3"*; w. Eng. version, etc. etc. Added, coll. of divers pieces rel. to C. & o. persons. 4°. 1740 Each panegyric has sep. tp. ; also each tr. of each pan'. ; and the " Coll. of curious hist, j^ieccs." New mems. of Milton ; w. [S' o. 2neces ; b. w. It. Mems. of Crom- well, 1740]. 5p in Iv. 4'^'. 1740 see Jones (T.) Cat. of tracts for & agst. Popery, in wh. is incorp., w. add'. S. ♦Recollections of a p. [T. A. Bosurll?], 1826, see Recollec- tions etc. Pediasimus (Joannes), [t.ToHN, sumamed rediasinius], see ♦Mythographi Gr-eci : 1, P. de xii Hei"culis lab., ed. R. Wagner, 1894. *Pedlar's pack of ballads A songs, 1869, see Logan (W. H.) Pedley (Charles). Hi.st. of Newfoundland. 8". 1863 Pedley (Joseph George). Case of P., bankrupt of Bristol : pro- ceedings etc. [P27]. 8". Bristol. 1783 Pedley (R. Denison). Hygiene of the mouth. 8'. [1899] Pedrarius Davila ( ), see Arias d'Avila (Pedro). Pedro. jPor nwiiaichs, saitits, etc., see Peieb. Pedroso (Eduardo Gonzalez), sec (JonzaijEz Pedroso (E,) I PEEK 1129 PEIP Peek, see also Peake. Peek (Francis). Relig. education in elera. schools. [P3(i9]. 8". 187G Social wreckage : tlie laws of Eng. as they affect the poor. s8". 1883 2"'' etl. s8". 1883 .5"' ed. s8". 18<,)3 Peek (Hedley). TIk- chariot of the flesh. 88". 1897 see Badminton- Liu. : The poetry of sport, 189G. Peek (Sir Henry William), /■' bart., .«'<• Commons. *Six essays on C. Preservation, tor prizes offered by P., 1867. Peel, sec also PnELE, Peile. Peel (Edward Lennox). A Highland gathering. s8". 1885 Peel (George), sec Peele (G.) Peel (Helen). Polar gleams : a voyage on the "Blencathra." 8". 1894 Peel (Sir Lawrence). Sketch of life etc. of Sir E. Peel. 88". 1860 Peel (Et. Hon. Sir Kobert), 2'"' hart., 1~SS-lSS0. Address to the electors of Tamworth. [P324, 3.55, 1013]. 8". 1834 Menis. by P., publ. by Earl Stanhope, A E. Cardwell. 3 pts. in 2v. s8". 185G-7 1, The Rom. Cath. question, 1828-9. 2, The new Govt., 1834-5— Repeal, 1845-0. The opinions of P., expressed in Pari. & in public. 2"-' ed., w. mem. e8". 1850 Sir E. P. f. h. private papers ; ed. C. S. Parker. With chap, by Hon. G. Peel. 3v, (1, 1788-1827. 2, 1827-42. 3, 1843-50). 8". 1891-99 r/ has t. : Sir E. Peel, 1788-1827, f. h. priv. corr. Publ. by Visct. Hardinge & Bt. Hon. A. W. Peel ; ed. C. S. Parker. Speech, July C, 1849, on state of the nation. [P163]. 8". 1849 Speecli, Merchant Tailors' Hall, May 11, 1835. [P513]. 8". 1835 Speech of P. on Mr. Herries's motion, Aug. 22, 1848. [P269]. s8". 1848 Speeches in H. of C. 4v, [1, 1810-29; 2, 1829-34; 3, 1835-42; 4, 1842-50]. 8". 1853 see Anti-Cohn Law Trict ; P.'s " Burdens on land," 1842. ,, Arnould (Joseph). Memorial lines on P., 1850. „ Banfield (T. C.) *Six letters to P., to expose dangerous tendency of theory of rent advocated byEicardo etc., 1843. „ Cobbett (W.) C.'s legacy to P., 1836. „ Dallino {baron). P., a hist, sketch, 1874. „ DouBLEDAV (T.) Polit. life of P., 1856. „ GuizoT (F.) P. ; etude, 1856. „ Mems. of P., 1857. „ *Is Parliament or P. responsible for " Peel's Bill " ? 1848. „ Lefevre (G. Shaw). P. & O'Connell, 1887. ,, MacCarthy (J.) P.. 1891. „ Montague (F. C.) Life of P., 1888. ,, Orders. 'Enquiry into the studies in Univ". preparatory to Holy Orders : letter to P., 1824. „ Peel (Sir L.) Sketch of life etc. of P., 1860. ,, "^Beply to the author [E. Copleston, bp.^ of "Letter to P. on pernicious effects of a variable standard," 1819. „ EosEBEBY (earl of). P., 1899. „ Scottish. "Scotch currency system (The),. Chicago. 1892-9 1, The mound builders : their works it relics. 2, Emblematic mounds, it animal effigies. 3, The cliff dwellers, it Pueblos. Pegge (Samuel) the elder, ■l~iU4-96. 'Anonymiana : ten cen- turies of obs. on var. authors it subj'. 8". 1809 2»''ed. 8\ 1818 Life of Robert Grosseteste. 4 '. 1793 Two coll', of Derbicisms. With 2 intr". by [W. W.] Skeat & T. Hallam. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 78]. 8". 1896 see Form. *The forme of cury etc., 1780. „ Skeat (W. W.) ed., Orig. gloss'. : Alphabet of Kenticisnis, by P. (1736), 1876. Pegge (Samuel) the younger, 17.13-1^00. Anecdotes of the Eng. language, chiefly leg. the dialect of London ; added, suppl. to Grose's " Provinc. glossary." 2"" ed., [ed. J. Nichols]. 8". 1814 3"' ed., ed. H. Christmas. 8». 1844 Curialia : hist. ace. of some branches of the Royal Household etc. 5p, [7)1-3 are in Iv, w. t. " vol. -/," p4 it 5 leantiiig]. 4". 1791-1806 Curialia miscellanea, or anecdotes of old times etc. [Ed. J. Nichols]. 8". 1818 Peggs (James). Pilgrim tax in India. [P1721. 8". [1827] The suttees' cry to Britain. [P172]. 8°. 1827 Pegot-Ogier (Eugene). The Fortunate Isles ; the Canaries. Tr. F. Locock. 2v. s8". 1871 Hist, des iles de la Manehe. 8". 1881 Pegu. Report on the admin, of P. 1860/1. fol. [1861] Peigne-Delacourt (Achille), see Eloi, St. *Les miracles de S. E., n.d. Peignot (E. Gabriel) [pis. G. P. Philomnesie]. Choix de testa- mens anc. it mod. 2t in 1. 8". 1829 Diet, des livres condamnes au feu, supprimte etc. 2t. 8". 1806 Diet. raisonn6 de bibliologie. 2t. it suppl. [2>ag. cont.]. 8". 1802 Manuel du bibliophile. 2t in 1. 8". Dijon. 1823 Predicatoi'iana : revelations amusantes etc. sur les pr^dicateurs. 8". Dijon. 1841 Eeoherches sur les danses des morts it I'orig. des cartes a jouer. 8". 1826 Repertoire des bibliographies speciales etc. 8". 1810 The Notice sur une nouv. ed. de la tr. de Longus, par Amyot, by A. A. Bcnouard, at the end of this work, lias scp. pagin. Peile, see also Peel, Peele. Peile (John). Christ's College. [Univ. of Cambridge : College hist-.]. s8". 1900 Intr. to Greek & Latin etymology. 8". 1869 2"''ed. 88". 1872 Peile ("Walter Octavius). West of Swardham. 3v. s8'\ 1885 Peinlich (Fiirchtegott) jjs. Gedanken u. Erinnerungen an d. Krieg Englands gegen d. Burenstaaten in d. Jahren 1899 '1900. 8'. 1900 Peintres. "'Abrege de la vie des plus fameux peintres, etc., n. ed., 1762, see Dezallieu d'Argenville (A. J.) ''Entretiens sur les vies it les ouvr. des plus excellens peintres, 2" ed., 1685-8, see Fklibien (A.) *Peinture frangaise (La). [Bibl. de I'enseignement des beaux arts], tl, '2 [in 2>rog.] see Mantz (P.) La p. f. du 9' s. a la fin du 16', 1897. [l.J „ Merson (0.) La p. f. au 17' s. & au 18', 1900. [2.] Peip (Albert). Die (jegch. d. Philosophic als Einleitungswis- genschaft, [P51p]. 8", Gpttingen, 1863 PEIPERS 1130 PELS Peipers (David). Untersuchungen u. d. System Plato's. Tl, Inomorcpubl.]. 8\ L. 1874 1, Die Erkenntnisstheorie P.'s mit bes. Hiicksicht auf d. TJieatiit. Peirce, sec also Peakce, Peabs, Pearse, Pierce. Peirce (Charles Sanders). Descr. of a notation for the logic of relatives, resulting f. an amplification of Boole's Calculus of Logic. [P730]. 4". Cambridge [Mass.]. 1870 Peirce (William). Eccles. principles & polity of the Wesleyan Methodists. 3"' cd., rev. by F. .J. .Jobson. 8". 1873 Peiresc (Nicolas Claude de Fabri, seigncid- de) [fFABiii de Peiresc (N. C.)J Lettres de P. aux frt-res Dupuy. Publ. par P. Tamizey de Larroqiie. (D^c, 1G17-1687). tl-7. [Doc. in^d.]. 4\ 1888-98 Peiser (Felix Ernest). Keilschriftl. Acten-Stiicke aus babylon. Stiidten. Ia8°. 1889 see KEiLiNscHiiiFTLicHE BiBLioTHEK : 4, Textc jurist, u. geschiiftl. Inhalts, v. P., 1896. Peixoto (Floriano), IS ',2-93, see Brazil. Message to Con- gress by P., vice-pres., 1" sess. of 2'"' Legislature, 1894. Pekin. Mems. cone. I'hist. etc. des Chinois ; par les mis- sionaires de P., 1770-1814, see Chinois. Pelagaud (E.) Un conservateur au second siecle : Celse & les prem. luttes entro la philos. antique & le christianisme. 8\ 1879 Pelagianism. Scripta ad Pelagianam hferesim pertinentia, sec MiGNE (.J. P.) eel, Pat. latina, t48. Pelagius, the licrcsiarch. [Palace ; Pelagio], see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t21, 22, 48. „ Okosius (P.) Adv. Paganos lib., ut et apologetious contra P., vm: eel'. „ ZiMMER (H.) P. in Irland, 1901. Pelagius I, jw/'c, sec Mione (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tG9. Pelagius II, pope, see Migxe (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t72. Pelagius, liomnna; Eccl. diaconus, De Vitis Patrum liber, see MiGNE {.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t73. Pelayo (Marcelino Menendez), see Men^ndez y Pelayo (M.) Pelet, sec alto Pellet. Pelet (le gi'n. baron Jean Jacques (Jermain). Miims. sur la guerre de 1809, en Allemagne. 4t. 8°. 1824 see • Memoires militaires rel. a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV, extr. par de Vault, publ. par P., 1835-62. Pelet (Paul), see Lebon (A.) * P., France as it is, tr., 1888. *Pelham, 2"'' ed., 1828, see Lytton (E., baron). Pelham (Camden) ps. The chronicles of crime, or the New Newgate Calendar. 2v. 8". 1886 Pelham (Bt. Hon. Henry), 2'"' son of /'' baron Pelham. see *CoNr>ucT of the two B— rs vindicated, 2'"' ed., 1749. „ CoxE (W.) Mems. of the admin, of P., 1829. Pelham (Henry Francis). Outlines of Roman hist. s8». 1893 pelham-HoUes (Thomas), earl [aft. marqtiis] of Clare, duke of Newcastle, sec Newcastle. Peligot (Eugene M.) Le verre : s. hist., sa fabrication. 8°. 1877 Pelisso (Gulielmus), see Molixier (C.) De G. Pelisso veterrimo inquisitionis historico; ace. [P.] chronicon, 1880. Pelisson (Paul Fcntanier), see Pellisson-Fonhnier (P.) Pell Eecords. see Brantingham (T. de). Issue roll of T. de B. (1370) tr., [10. half-t. : Pell R'.], 18.S5. ,, Devon (F.) ed.. Issues of the Exchequer : payments dur. r. of Ja. I, f. the Pell Oliice, 183G. „ ed.. Issues of the Exchequer f. Hen. III-VI, extr. & tr. f. the Rolls of the Pell Oliice, 1837. Pell (Albert), M.P., see Rathiione (W.), P., etc.. Local govt. & taxation, 188.5. Pell (John), mathematician, see Vauohan (R.), D.D., ed.. The Protectorate etc. illus. in letters betw. P. & o. disting. men, 1839. Pellatt (T.) The witch-finder. s8". 1.896 Pellechet (Marie). Cat. gen. des incunables des biblioth^qnes publ. de France. Abano-Biblia. 8". 1897 Pellegrino (Cammillo) the younger. Hist, principum Lango- hardorura, sff Mubatori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t2, 3. Pelleport {le gin. vie. Pierre de). Souvenirs milit. & intimes, 1793-1853. Publ. par s. fils. 2t. 8". 1857 Pellet, see also Pelet. Pellet (Marcellin). Napoleon a I'ile d'Elbe. s8\ 1888 VarietSs ri5volutionnaires. 3s. s8". 1885-90 Pelletan (Camille). La semaine de mai. s8\ 1880 Lanaissauced'uneville. S". 1861 La nouvelle Babylone. s8". 1862 Les rois philosophes. Les uns & les autres. 1858 1873 Pelletan (Eugene). Elisee, voyage d'un hommc k la recherche de lui-raume. b8». 1877 Les f^tes de riutelligence. [P368]. 8". 1863 i Pelletier, sec Lepelletier. Pellew (Edward), /" rise?. Exmoulh, see Exmouth. Pellew {Hon. George), dean of Xo}-wich ; 3"' son of <'' visct. Exmoulh. Life ct corr. of H. Addington, 1" vise'. Sidmouth. 3v. 8". 1847 Pellew (W. George). In castle * cabin ; talks in Ireland, 1887. s8'. N.Y. 1.888 John Jav. s8\ Boston. 1890 Woman \v the commonwealth. [P392]. 8". Boston. 1888 Pellew Smith (Mary Ann), see Smin (,VI. A. P.) Pellham (Edward). Account of preservation of eight English- men in Greenland 1630, see Churchill, Voyages, v4. Pelliceia (Alessio Aurelio). De Xtnte. ecclesiie politia. Ed. nova cura .T. W. .J. Braunii ; ace. tomus in quo mantissa; et diss-, vii cxhibentur. 2v. 8 '. Colonia; ad Rhenum. 1829-38 Polity of the X'". Church. Tr. J. C. Bellett. 8". 1883 Pellicer y Saforcada (Juan Antonio), d. 1S()6. Ensayo de una bibliotheca de traductores espanoles. 4". 1778 Vida de Cervantes. s8". 1800 Pellicier, .■!('<■ also Pellissier. Pellicier (Guillaume), bp. of Montpellier. Corr. politique de P., ambassadeur a Venise, 1540-42. Publ. par A. Tausserat- Radel. [Inventaire analvt. des archives du Min. des Aff. Etrang.]. ' la8'>. 1899 see Zelleb (J.) La diplomatie fr., 16« s., d'ap. la corr. de P., ambass. a Venise (1539-42), 1881. Pellico (Silvio). Tragedie. 68». Fircnzo. 1859 TEANSL.4TI0NS. Life of tho BlarchesaG.Falletti, di Barolo. [Tr.} Lady G. Fullerton. s8'. 18C6 My imprisonments. Tr. T. Roscoc. S"' ed. sS". 1835 References. see Abrivabene (il conte G.) D'une epoque de ma vie (1820-22), avec 6 lettresde P., tr., 1861. „ An epoch of my life ; w. 6 letters of P., tr., 1862. Le mouvement litt. contcmp. s8". 1001 The lit. movement in France dur. the 19"> c. [Tr?\ A. G. Brinton. 8'>. N.Y. 1897 Epistolario di S. P. Pubbl. per c. di G. Stefani. s8". Firenze. 185G Francesca da Rimini ed Euferaio di Messina ; tragedie, s8', Parigi, 1833. This, though w. sep. tp. lO pagin., is part of M.\bon- CELLI (P.) "AUe mio prigioni" di S. P. addi- zioni, 1833, q.v. Le mie prigioni. sS". Parigi. 1833 ,, „ ... Con note ec. 58". Parigi. 1812 Opere complete. tl, 2 in 1. 68". Parigi. 1836-7 Pellissier, sec also Pellicier. Pellissier (Georges). Es.sais de litt. contemp. 3«ed. s8'. 1894 Etudes de litt. contemp. si, 2. s8". 1898-1901 Le mouvement litt. au 19'' s. s8>. 1889 Pellissier (P. Augustin). La langue fran?. dep. s. origine. £8". 1866 „ ,, ... 2" ed., It', i. : Precis d'hist. de la langue fr. s8". 1873 Pellisson-Fontanier (Paul). [P. Fontanier Pelisson]. Hist, de I'Acad. Fran^aise. Avec des remarques et des add". 2t. 2>- ed. s8''. 1730 12 is : Hist, de I'Acad. Fr., 1632-1700, par d'Olivet. „ „ par P. et d'Olivet. Avec intr., notes etc. par C. L. Livet. 2t. 8". 1858 see *Avis important aux retugies, [6j/ P. ? 1690]. „ Delort (.1.) Hist, de la detention des philosoiihes ; pr^c. de celle de P. etc., 1829. Pelloutier (Simon). Hist, des Celtes, partic. des Gaulois et des Germains, jusqu'a la prise de Rome par les Gaulois. 8t. n. ed., augm. par de Chiniac. sS". 1770-71 Pellew (Thomas). Adv. of P., 23 years in captivity amongst the Moors. By himself ; ed. w. notes etc. by R. Brown. s8". 1890 Pelly (.Sir Lewis). *The miracle play of Hasan ct Husain, coll. f. oral tradition by P. Rev. w. notes by A. N. Wollaston. [English]. 2v. Ia8". 1879 Pels (Andries), see Oud.aen (.1.) O.'saanmerkingen over Hora- tius op onze tyden gepast door P,, 1713. PELSAERT llBl PENN Pelsaert (Fran^oys). Voyage to Australasia, sec TiNKEnTON (J.) Voyages, vll. see Majoi! (K. H.) Voyages to Terra Australis [Hakluyt Soc] 1850. Peltier (Adolphe Charles). Diet, des conciles, see Migne (J. P.) Encyclopodie, SI, xiii, xiv. Peltier (Jean G.) Dernier tableau . 1867 Pemberton (Henry). Observations upon poetry, occasioned by [R. Glover's] " Leonidas." s8\ 1738 View of Newton's philosophy. 4". 1728 Pemberton (J. Dsspard), surveyor-general. Facts & figures rel. to Vancouver I. * Brit. Columbia, Pemberton (Max). Christine of the hills. sS'. 1897 F«o. e8i. 1900 „ „ 2"" ed. sS". 1900 The footsteps of a throne. 8^ 1860 68". 1898 1900 1899 Kronstadt. The little Huguenot. 2"'' ed The phantom £\rmy. Pro patria. A puritan's wife. Queen of the jesters. The sea wolves. Signers of the night. Address on R. Owen's proclamation of [P899]. 8'<. 1855 s8». 1895 s8\ 1898 s8". 1901 s8". 1896 68". 1897 s8<'. 1894 sS". 1899 Mem. of E. A. Sothern. 8". 1889 A very old question. 8v. s8". 1877 The garden of swords. s8". A gentleman's gentleman. s8". 1896 The impregnable city. sS". 1895 The iron pirate. S"' ed. sS". 1895 Pemberton (Robert). the millennial state. Pemberton (T. Edgar). C. Dickens & the stage. £8". 1888 The Kendals. 8". 1900 Life & writings of T. W. Robert- son. 8". 1893 Pemberton (Thomas), aft. Pcmhcrton-Leigh, baron Kingsdown, sec Kingsdown. Pembridge, jw. Whist ; or bumlilepuppy ? Ten lectures to children. 3"' ed. s8". 1887 Pembroke (George E. C. Herbert, /.:!"• carl of), /O"' carl of Montgomery. Liberty * socialism. [P521]. s8'. [1885] Polit. letters * speeches. 8". 1896 *Eoots : a plea for tolerance. 8". 1873 & G. H, Kingsley. *South Sea bubbles ; by the Earl & the Doctor. 8'^ 1872 5'" ed. s8". 1873 Pembroke (Mary Herliert, countess of), .T'' wife of 2'"' carl, [fSiDNEv (M.), aft. Herbert, countess etc.], see Sidney {Sir P.) Psalms, tr. into verse, begun hy S., fin'', by P., 1823. Pembroke (Philip Herbert, ',"' carl of), see Somehs (.7. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Pembroke (Thomas Herbert, S'"' earl of), .>"' carl of Mont- gomery. Numisraata antiqua. Coll. etc. T., Pembrochia; etc. Comes. 4". 1746 see Kennedy (.Ja.) Descr. of \YiltQn-House ; [w.] the anecdotes etc. of P., n. ed., 1786. "" ' ' ' ' Pembroke (William, carl of), Knight-Marshal, [f William, c. of P., etc.] *L'histoire de Guillauine le Marc^chal, comte de Striguil * de Pembroke. 3t. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8>. 1891-1901 Pen, *Pen. By a. of "Tip cat" etc. sS". 1888 •Pen Owen, 1842, see Hook (J.) ""Pen pictures of popular Eng. preachers, 1851, see Dix (J.) Peiiafiel (Antonio). Nombres geograf. de Mexico. Cat. de los nombres de lugar pertenec. al idioma " Nahuatl." Estudio jeroglifico de la Matricula de los Tributos del Cod. Mendocino, etc. [& Atlas, fol.]. fol. Mexico. 1885 Penal, see *Five years' p. servitude, 1877 ; 4"' ed., 1878. Penal Laws [against the Recusants]. *Examination of the bishops upon their refusal of reading H.M.'s declaration; and the nonconcurrence of the Church of Eng. in repeal of the Penal Laws & Test, fully debated, 1688, see Examination etc. *Penal Laws & Test Act : questions propounded by Ja. II, 1882-3, see Di-ckett (Sir G. F.) cd. '''Eeasons humbly olfered, proving it is inconsistent w. the in- terest of England, that the Civil Magistrate should put the Penal-Laws in execution agst. Protestant Dissenters. [P276]. s4o. 1682 Penancoet de Ke'roualle (Louise Renee de), duchess of Ports- mouth, sec PoUTSlIOUTH. Penaranda (Carlos). Mas j)rosa : articulos (Manila 1895-7). s8''. Manila. 1898 Pencerdd Gwalia, sec Thomas (John), called Pencerdd Gwalia. Penck (Albrecht). Vergletscherung d. deutschen Alpen. 8». L. 1882 *Pendeh-i-Attar, [Pend-Nameh], see Farid Al-Din Attar. Pendennis (Arthur), esq., ps., see Thackeray (W. M.) Pendlebury (John), M.D. Address : duties of medical men. [P117]. 8". 1836 Pendleton (John). Hist, of Derbyshire. 8". 1886 Newspaper reporting. s8". 1890 Our railways. 2v. Ia8'\ 1894 *Pend-Nameh, see Farid Al-Din AMab. Pene (Henry de) [ps. Mane]. Paris mysterieux. s8". 1861 ♦Penelope, a dramatic opera, 1728, see Cooke (Th.) & J. Mott- LEY. Penfleld (Frederic Courtland). Present-day Egypt. 8". 1899 Pengelly ("William). Mem. of P., w. sel. f. h. corr. Ed. H. Pengelly, w. summary of his scientific work by Prof. Bonney. 8". 1897 Fenhoen (/e b™. A. T. H. Barchou de), see Barchou de PENHOiiN. Penington, sec also Pennington. Penington, Family of, sec Webb (Maria). The Penns & P.'s of 17"' c. etc., 1867. Peninsula. [Peninsular]. *Annals of the P. Campaigns, 1829, sci' Ha.milton (Capt. T.) Excerptos hist. etc. rel. a guerra da P. etc., 1863-82, see Chart (C. de). ♦Peninsular sketches, 1845, see Maxwell (W. H.) *Poems founded on the events of the War in the P., 1819, sec Poems etc. ♦Recollections of the P., 4"' ed., 1825, see Sherer (J. Moyle). Penitent. *Story (The) of a p. soul, pop. ed., 1893, see Ser- geant (.\.) *Penitsntial discipline (The) of the primitive Church, etc., n. ed., 1814, sec Marshall (N.) Penitentiary, see *Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the 13"' c, 1892. Penitentiary Congress (International), London, July 1872. Prisons & Reformatories at home & abroad, being the Transac- tions. Ed. by E. Price. 8". 1872 Penjon (Auguste). Etude sur Berkeley. 8". 1878 Penley (Aaron E.) The Eng. School of painting in water- colours. H.ed. lafol. 1871 System of water colour painting. SS"" ed. s8''. n.d. Penn, FamiUi of, see Wedb (Maria). The P.'s etc. of 17"' c, 1867. Penn (Arthur) ps. of a. of" The home library," see Matthews (J. Brander). Penn (Granville). Memorials of Sir W. Penn. 2v. 8". 1833 Penn (Richard). Maxims on anghng, chess, shooting, etc. n. ed. sS--. 1855 The /'■' cd. I>i3.3, iras anon., «'. t. : Maxims * hints for an angler etc. Penn (Admiral Sir ■William), see Penn (G.) Memorials of P, (1644-70), 1833, PENN 1132 PENROSE Penn (William), founder of Pennsylvania. Brief ace. of the Quakers. 12"' ed. s8". M'ter. 1834 *Cat. of a coll. of books, MSS. etc., f. the lib-, of W. P. & h. descendants etc., sold 29 Feb., 1872. [P743]. 8". 1872 No cross, uo crown. 2p in 1. s8». 18j1 Select works. Pref""., a journal of his life. fol. 1771 Some fruits of solitude, etc. n. ed. s8». 1841 „ „ n. ed. 68". 1886 „ „ ... Intr. by E. Gosse. s8". 1900 see Clakkson (T.) Mems. of P., n. ed., w. pref. in reply to Macaulay, by W. E. For- ster, 1849. „ Colonies. *Select tracts Pennant (Thomas). Hist, of the parishes of White- ford, & Holywell. 4". 1796 Lit. life of P., by himself, [b.w.h. H.of Whiteford,1796]. 4". 1793 Of London. 4". 1790 ,, „ ... S'l" ed., [ic. ^ ; Some ace. of L.]. 8". 1813 A tour in Scotland, 1769. 4'h ed. 4". 1776 A tour in Scotland & voyage to the Hebrides, 1772. 2p. 2"'' ed. 4". 1776 A tour in Wales, 1773. 2v. 4". 1778-84 In the t. of V2 "1773" is Fennazzi (il conte Luigi). La Grecia moderna : ricordi. 8". Milano. 1879 Pennefather (Frederick William), see Mubk.\y's Handbooks. New Zealand, by P., It^OB. Pennefather (William), see Bbaithwaite (R.) Life & letters of P., 4"> ed., [1878?] Pennell {Mrs. Eliz. Robins), wife of J. Pennell. Fu7- works hi/ J. Pemiell . 1892 Modern illustration. 88". 1893 Pen drawing & pen draughts- men, p""! ed.]. 4". 1894 see MacCakthy (J.) Charing & E. E. Pennell. A Canterbury pilgrimage. s4". 1885 Lithography it lithographers. 4". 1898 Our journey to the Hebrides. s8". 1890 Pennethorne (John) rel. to c'.: ["The benefit of plantations," by P., etc.], 1700? see Dixon (W. H.) P., a biog?., w. chap, ou " The Macaulay charges," 1851 ; n. ed., 1872. „ FORSTER (W. E.) P. & Macaulay, 1849. „ Paget (J.) Inquiry into the evidence rel. to charges brought by Lord Macaulay agst. P., 1858. „ Proud (R.) Hist, of Penn- sylvania, w. intr. resp. life of Penn prior to grant of the provhice, 1797-8. „ SoMERS (J. S., inron). Coll. of tracts. „ SlOUGHTON (J.) p., 1882. omitted. In some copies of the work "1770" is found in place of "1773." „ „ ... [anoth. ed., ic. t. : Tours in W.]. 3v. 8 '. 1810 ,, ,, ... [anoth. ed., w. t. : Tours in W. Notes, pref., index, by J. Rhys. Added, ace. of the 5 Royal Tribes, & of the 15 Tribes, etc.]. 3v. S». Caernarvon. 1883 Tours iu Scotland, see Pinker- TON (J.) Voyages, v3. Cross to St. Paul's ; plates f. drawings by P., 1893. see Van Rensselaer (Mrs. S.) English cathedrals, illust. by P., 1892. Our sentimental journey through France & Italy. s8». 1888 Play in Provence. s8». 1892 The stream of pleasure : on the Thames f. Oxford to London. £8°. 1891 Geometry & optics of anc. architecture, atlas fol. 1878 Pennetier (Georges). L'origine de la vie. 3'' ^d. s8". 18(38 Pennington, see also Pinnin'gton. Pennington, The famihi of, see Penington, The family of . Pennington (Arthur Robert). The Church in Italy. sS". [1893] Life it character of Erasmus. sS''. 1875 Pennington (Arthurs.) British Zoophytes. s8". 1885 Pennington (George James). Prouunciation of Greek. 8". 1844 Pennington (Rooks). Barrows it bone-caves of Derbyshire ; w. a descent into Elden Hole. 8°. 1877 Pennsylvania. *Brief state of the province of P., [repr.] 1865, sec Smith (William), D.D., etc. ♦Historical review (An) of the Constitution & Govt, of P., 1759, sec Franklin (Benj.) *Mems. of a life chiefly passed in P., 1822, see Gr-AYDON (A.) see Woman's Mepjc.u, Cqli,.. of P, Pennsylvania [continued]. Board op Commissioners of Public Charities. B. of C. of P. C'. : 6'\ 7'S 9'" ann. report[s]. 8". Harrisburg. 1876-9 Committee on Lunacy. C. on L. : 2"^ 3'^ 5", 6"' report[s], 1884, 85, 87, 88. 8". Harrisburg. 1886-9 Geological Subvey of P. Report on oil it gas fields of West P. For 1887/8 ; by J. F. Carll. 8". Harrisburg. 1890 IToiversity of Pennsylvania. Babylonian Exped. of the U. of P. Ser. A. : Cuneiform texts ; ed. H. V. Hilprecht. vl, i, ii, 9. 4". Philadelphia. 1893-98 ,, see Petees (J. P.) Nippur, or explorations etc. on the Eu- phrates : Univ. of Pennsvlv. exped., (1888-90), 2v, 1897. Comm. app. by LT. of P. to investigate modern spiritualism in accord, w. bequest of late Henry Seybert. Prelim, report. 8\ Philadelphia. 1887 Dep'. of hist. Tr'. iU(Mrs.)l^s, PENROSE 1133 PERCY Penrose (John), vicar of Lanolon. 54 sermons for Smulny in families. 8'. 1851 Lives of Sir C. V. Penrose & dipt. J. Trevenen. 8». 1850 Moral principle of the atonement ; also, of faith etc. 8". 1843 Penry (John) [I'enhi; Pexiue]. Viewe of some part of such publikc wants and disoiilers as are in the service of God, etc., 1588. Kd. J. O. Halliwell. 4". 1861 see Makpiielate (M.) jys. \of J. P. and others]. Pensa (Henri). L'K{,'ypte et Ic Soudan 4gyptien. s8". 1895 *Penscellwocd Papers, 1846, see Armitage (Kob.) Pensees. *l'ens(;es diverses Sorites a un Docteur de Sorbonne, a I'occ. de la com^te 1680, 3" ed., 1699 ; and Cont., 1705, see Bavle (P.) *Pensee3 (Les) d'une reine, 1882, sec Carmen Sylva, jis. [i.e. Ei.TZABETn, q. of Roumania], *Pentamerone (II), var. add., see Basils (G. B.),conte di Toronc. Penthievre (le due de), l~J3~'J3. jtLouis John Maria [ue Bourbon], ditke of P., High-admiral of France, ctc.\ sec Allaire (E.) Le due de P., etc. : docs. incd. sur la lin du 18" sitV., 1889. Penwortham, prionj of. *Doc'. rel. to the Priory of P., etc., 1853, sec HuLTON (W. A.) cd. Penzance (James Plaisted Wilde, baron), see Cockburn (Sir A. J. E.) Letter to P. on h. judgment in " Corabe r. Edwards," 1878. People. [People's]. ♦People (The) of India, 18I3S-75, see India. •People (The) of Turkey, 1878, see Turkey. 'People's answer (The) to the Court pamphlet. [Wants tp. PlOl. 8". ii.d. •People's (The) Blue Book: taxation etc., 1857, see Tennant (C.) •People's Sunday (The), by an Oxford M.A., 1855, see Sunday. People's journal (The), see *Poems by the people; f. competi- tion for prizes offered by the P.'s j., 1868. Pepe (Guglielmo). Mems., by himself. 3v. s8". 1846 Scenes & events in Italy, 1847-9, incl". the siege of Venice. Tr. f. MS. 2v. s8". 1850 Pepericornus (J.), sec Pi-effebkobn (J.) Pepin I, king of Aquitaine, see Bouquet (M.) Ree. des hist. des Gaules, t6, for Diplomata. Pepin II, king of Aqiiitaine, see Bouquet (M.) Ilec. des hist, des Gaules, tS, for Diplomata. Pepin, Mug of the Franks, called the short. [P. le Bkef]. Annales Franeorum sub Pipino, see Freiier (M.) Germ, rerum scrip- tores, tl, 1717. see Bouquet (M.) Ilec. des hist, des Gaules, to. ,, Duchesne (A.) Hist. Franeorum scr., t2. ,, Olsnef. (L.) Jahrbiicher d. friink. Reiches untcr P., 1871. Pepin, king of Italy, sec Pippin, king of Italy. Pepin, /(' Vieiix. [Pippinus ; fPspiN, of Landen, mayor of the Palace], sec Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t2. ,, Duchesne (A.) Hist. Franeorum scr., tl. „ GuizoT (F.) (■(/., Coll. des mems. : t2, Vie de P.. 1823. Peploe (Mrs. 3. B. Webb), sec Webb (Mrs. J. B.), aft. Webb Peploe. Pepper (John Henry). The boy's plavbook of science. n. ed. s8°. [1878] Pepusch (Johann Christoph), see Haotcer (E.) The wedding ; pref., overture by P., 1729. Pepys, Family of, see Pepys (W. C.) Genealogy of the P. f., (1273-1887), 1887. Pepys (Charles Christopher), /'' carl of Cottenham, sec Cottenham (C. C, /"' ('. of). Pepys (i((f^/ Charlotte M.), eldest d. of I" earl of Cottenham. On a plank from Kiev to Eanx-Bonnes, 1859. 2v. s8". 1860 Pepys (Samuel). Memoires rel. to the state of the Navy, for ten years, dotermiu'd 1688. s8". 1690 Mems., comp". h. diary 1659-69, deciph''. by J. Smith, and a sel. f. h. priv. corr. Ed. Lord Braybrooke. 5v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1828 3"' ed., [w.t. : Diary & corr. etc., enK]. 5v. s8'>. 1848-9 Life, journals, & corr. of P., incl''. h. voyage to Tangier, deciph'i. by J. Smith. 2v. »\ 1841 Mems. of P., comp". h. diary ct a sel. f. h. priv. corr. Ed. Ld. Braybrooke. [Chandos Lib.]. s8'\ [1871] Diary & corr. Life & notes by Lord Braybrooke. De- ciphered, w. addit. notes, by M. Bright. 6v. 8". 1875-9 Diary. Transcribed by M. Bright, w. Lord Braybrooke's notes. Ed., w. add'., by H. B. Wheatley. 9v. 8». 1893-9 „ „ Suppl'. vol. ; Pepysiana, w. app\ 8". 1899 Pepys (Samuel) [continued], see Cooke (C. W. Radcliffe). *Diai'y (The) of P. while an undergraduate at Cambridge, 2'"' ed., 1860. „ Leigh (P.) Manners of ye Englysshe ; [lo.] extracts f. Pips hys diary, 1849-50. „ Partridge (J.) *Hystorie of Plasidas [by Partridge] ; & o. rare pieces, coll. into one book by S. P., [Roxburghe C!lub], 1873. „ Wheatley (H. B.) P. & the world he lived in, 1880. Pepys (Hon. Walter Court8nay),6"' s. of /'' carlof Cottenham. Genealogy of the Pepys family, 1273-1887. s4". 1887 Perak Civil Service list. 1900. laS". Taiping. 1900 Peralta (Manuel Maria de). Costa-Rica, Nicaragua y Panama en el s. xvi. ia8". 1883 Costa-Rica y Colombia, 1573-1881. 8». 1880 Perate (Andre). IVarcheologie chretienne. s8\ [1892] *Peratoran radjaradja malayou, see *Shajrat maiAtu. *Perc8ment de I'isthme de S. : Enfantin— Lesseps, 1869, see Suez. Perceval, see *Plain Percevall [by T. Nash ?]. Perceval, le Gallois, Knight of the Round Table. [Sib P. of Galles ; P.^RCEVAL ; PARZIF.U, ; Parzival ; Perchevael]. Das Lied vom Parzival u. vom Gral, bearb. v. E. Engelmann. n. Ausg. 8". St. 1895 „ „ mit 3 Facs. etc. v. Th. Hoffmann etc. 2"- A. 8". St. 1894 see *TnoKNTON romances : early Eng. metr. r'.of P. etc. [that of P. being an abr^. tr. of the Anglo-Norman romance by Chrestien de Troyes], 1844. Perceval, Tl: • fa)nilii nf, .see *Histouies of noble Brit, families: v2. P., 1S46. Perceval (A. P. Caussin de), sec C.iussiN de Percev.al (A. P.) Perceval (Hon. Arthur Philip), .;'' s. of 2'"' baron Arden. Coll. of papers conn. w. the theolog. movement of 1833. 8". 1842 Perceval (Hon. Charles George), 4"' s. of 2'"' baron Arden, see Nadendorff (C. G.), calling himself Louis XVTI. Abridged ace. of the misfortunes of the Dauphin [i.e. N.], tr. by P., 1838. Perceval (Dudley M.) The Queen's Ministers responsible for the Pope's new hierarchy; Earl G.'s circular. [P129]. 3"* ed., w. letter to Ld. J. Russell f. D. M. P. S". 1851 The /" ed., isyj, hadt. : Earl Grey's circular [a memento]. Perceval (John), ;""' earl of Egmont, see Egiiont (J., 2'"' e. of). Perceval (Rt. Hon. Spencer), -J'"' s. of 2'"' earl of Egmont, see Walpole (Spencer). Life of P., inch h. corr. w. disting''. persons, 1874. Perceval (Victor). La dot de Genevieve. s8\ 1877 La marchesa di Douhault, o un dramma giudiziario. s8". Milano. 1875 Perceval (Sir Westby B.) New Zealand timbers & forest pro- ducts. [P022]. 8". n.d. Perch. *Pike & perch, 1900, see Fur, feather, & fin series. Perchevael, hero of romance, sec Perceval, le Gallois. Percival [surname] ; see also Perceval. Percival (Mrs. Edward Hope) [IPebcival (Mrs. Louisa Jane)]. Life of Sir D. Weddeiburn, f. h. journals & writings. 8°. 1884 Percival (John). Some helps for school life : sermons, Clifton Coll., l«(;2-7'.l. s8". 1880 Percival (Mrs. Louisa Jane), see Percival (Mrs. E. H.) Percival (Peter). The Land of the Veda : India in some aspects. s8". 1854 Tamil proverbs w. their Eng. tr. 3"^ ed., (1" Eng. issue). s8". 1875 Percival (Robert). Account of Ceylon, embassy to the court of Candy, etc. 2°" ed. 4". 1805 Percival (Thomas), M.D. App"^. to inquiry cone, principles of taxation. [PlOl. The " Inquiry " itself is wanting]. 8°. M'ter. 1803 Essays, medical & e.xperimental. 3v. [v3, 3'^ ed.]. 8". 1773-7 Medical ethics. 8". M'ter. 1803 3"" ed. s8". O. 1849 Percival (William Spencer). The land of the Dragon ; boating & shooting excursions to the gorges of the Upper Yangtze. 8". 1889 Percopo (Erasmo), see Wiese (B.) & E. P., Gesch. d. italien. Litt., 1899. Percy. *Percy Anecdotes (The), by S. & R. Percy [psK], 1823, see Robertson (J. C.) & T. Byekley. *Percy Mallory, 1824, see Hook (J.) •Percy Pomo ; autob'. of a S. Sea Islander [fiction]. s8». 1881 Percy Society [Publications]. 91v. [as bozind]. s8". 1842-51 see Addel.vy (J.) Poems, 1844. [47.] „ Bacon, Friar. Friar Bakon's prophesie, 1844. [52.] „ Barclay (A.) The cytezen & uplondyshman, 1847. [71.] PERCY 1134 PERCY Percy Society [contimied\. see Baenfiei.d (E.) The affectionate shepherd, 1845. [57.] Bible, Psalms. Croke (J.) Thirteen psahns & the first chapter of Ecelesiastes, tr., 1844. [40.] „ BiEDS, Harmony of b., 1843. [32.] „ Bon (John). Enterlude of B. & Mast. Person, 1852. [94.] „ Book. The boke of curtasye, 1841. [13.] „ BKAMrxnx (T.) Paraphrase on the seven penitential psalms, 1842. [22.] „ Beandan, Saint. St. B. : medieval legend of the sea, 1844. [48.] „ Biutanxia's pastorals : a third book, 1852. [93.] „ Buckingham (G. V., •/" duke of). Poems & songs rel. to B., Ac, 1850. r90.] „ CH.ArcER (G.) Canterbury tales. Ed. T. Wright. 1847-51. [68, 72, 91.] „ Chettle (H.) Kind-he,irt's dream, 1841. [14.] „ Cock Lokel. C. L.'s bote, 1843. [30.] „ CoLLiEK (J. P.) cd. Lyrical poems, etc., 1844. [51.] „ ed., Old ballads, 1842. [1.] „ Ckokeb (T. C.) cd., Historical songs of Ireland, 1841. [C] „ ed. The keen of the S. of Ireland, 1844. [46.] ,, ed. Popular songs, illust. of French invasions of Ireland, 1845-7. [54, 07, 70.] „ Dekkek (T.) a knight's conjuring, 1842. [21.] „ Deloxev (T.) Garland of good-will, 1851. [92.] „ Strange histories, 1841. [I'O.J „ Denham (M. a.) Coll. of proverbs & popular sayings, 1846. [66.] „ Dixon(J. H.) cd.. Ancient poems, ballads etc., 1846. [62.] „ ed., Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads, 1845. [.58.] „ Drayton (M.) Harmony uf the church, 1843. [29.] „ Elements. Interlude of the tour e". : an early moral play, 1848. [74.] „ Elizabeth [of York]. The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy, 1847. [09.] „ Faibholt (F. W.) cd , The civic garland, 1845. [61.] „ Lord Mayors' pageants, 1843-4. [38, 43.] „ cd.. Satirical songs etc. on costume, 1849. [81.] „ George, Saint. An Anglo-Saxon Passion of St. G. ; w. tr. 1850. [88.] ,, GiEFoKD (G.) Dialogue cone, witches * witchcrafts, 1842. [24.] „ Goodfellow (Pv.) Mad pranks & merry jests of Pi. G., 1841. [9.] „ GoopwiN (J.) cd.. Six ballads, w. burdens, 1844. [50.] „ GossoN (S.) Pleasant quippes for gentlewomen, by G . : &, Treatise on pride &c. of women, by C. Bansley, 1841. r95, 96.] „ Geisel (— ). Hist, of patient G., 1842. [18.] „ Hall (J.) Historiall expostulation against abusers of chyrurgerie & physyke, 1844. [41.] „ Halliwell (-T. 0.) Descr. notices of popular Eng. hist'., 1848. [79.] „ Early naval ballads of England, 1841. [8.] „ cd.. Loyal garland, 1850. [89.] ,j Notices of fugitive tracts & chap-books, 1849. [83.] „ cd., Nursery rhymes of England, 1842. [17.] J, cd.. Poetical miscellanies, 1845. [55.] „ H.awes (S.) The pastime of pleasure, 1845. [60.] „ Heywood (.J.) Dialogue on wit A- folly, 1840. [05.] ,, Heywood (T.) Marriage triumph, 1842. [20.] „ HoBSON ( — ). Pleasant conceits of old H., 1843. [30.j „ HcTTON (H.) Follie's anatomie, 1842. [25.] Ingelend (T.) The interlude of the disobedient child, 1848. [75.] „ Jack, of Dover, His quest of inquirie etc., 1842. [20.] „ Johnson (R.) The crown garland of golden roses, 1842. [23.] Km, Kindc,of Kir.gstonc. Westward for smelts, 1848. [78.] Lydgate (D.J.) A sel. f. the minor ijoems of L., 1840. [4.] " M.ACKAY (C.) cd., Coll. of songs & ballads, 1841. [7.] „ Man (The) in the moone, 1849. [84.J „ Mauoccus extaticus, 1843. [37.] „ Massinger (P.) Believe as you list, 1849. [SO.] , Meeting (The) of gallants at an ordinarie : or the walk in Powles, 1841. [15.] O'Connor (M.) A Kerry pastoral in imit. of the first eclogue of Virgil, 1843. [33.] „ OcTAviAN, emperor. Eomance of 0., 1844. [49.] Percy Society [ccyiitinued']. • Owl (The) & the Nightingale, 1843. [39.] Pain ct sorrow of evil marriage, 1840. [3.] Parker (M.) The king ct a poor northern man, 1841. [5.] Poem on the times of Edward II, ed. C. Hardwick, 1849. [82.] Porter (H.) The two augiy women of Abington, 1841. [12.] Eeynaed, ttc Fox. Hist, of Pi. the F. ; w. notes etc. by W. J. Thorns, 1844. [45.] Rich (B.) Honestie of this age, 1844. [44.] RiMBAiLT (E. F.) cd., Anc. poet, tracts of the IC' c, 1842. [27.] eel., Old ballads illust. the great frost of 1683-4, 1844. [42.] Robert, of Gloucester. Life & martyrdom of T. Beket, 1845. [59.] Rowlands (S.) The four knaves, 1843. [34.] Rowley (W.) Search for money, 1840. [2.] Seven Sages, ed. T. Wright, 1845. [53.] Seven Sages, Introd. to : by T. Wright, 1846. [64.] Shoreham (W. de). Eelig. poems, 1849. [85.] Songs. Festive s'., princ. of 10'-' & 11"' c, 1848. [77.] Thomson (J.) Poem to the memory of W. Congreve, 1843. [35.] Treasure. Trial of T., 1850. [86.] Tryamoc-re, Sir. The romance of T., 1846. [63.] W.ALKEK (Gilbert). Manifest detection of the most vyle & detestable use of dice play, 1850. [87.] Warwick (M., countess of). Autob., 1848. [7C.] Wotton (H.) Poems, 1843. [31.] Wbigut (Th.) ed., Polit. ballads. 1841. 1 11.] ed., Sel. of Latin stories f. MSS. of 13''^ ct ll"- c, 1842. [28.] ed., Songs & carols, 1847. [73.] cd., Specimens of lyric poetry, 1842. [19.] ('?., Specimens of old Christmas carols, 1841. [16.] Percy (C. M.) Miners and the eight hours movement. [P5801. 8". Wigan. 1891 see FoLKAKD (H. T.) p. etc., Industries of Wigan, 1889. Percy (/i- c. H. de Li Ferriere-), see La Ferriere (le c. II. de). Percy (Henry), C"' earl of Xorthamherland, see Northcjiber- LAND. Percy (Henry), S"' carl of Northumberla:id, see Northumber- land. Percy (Henry), 9'' carl of Korthumbcrland, see Northumber- land. Percy (Henry Algernon), .;'' carl of Xorthumherland, see Noktiicmbekl.vnd. Percy (Henry Algernon George, earl), eldest son of 7"' duke of Xorthuinherland. Highlands of Asiatic Turkey. 8". 1901 Notes f. diary in Asiatic Turkey. " la8". 1898 Percy {John), Jesuit, /o6s-/0.'f/, [or Piekcy, etc.; better known as .J. Fislier], see Fisher (John), Jesuit Percy (John), M.D., metallurgist. Metallurgy. vl-4, [no more imil.]. 8". 1861-80 fl]. Fuel — Fire-clays — Copper — Zinc— Brass— etc. [2], Iron it steel. [3], Lead. [4], Silver A gold. pi. Percy (Lord Josceline William), 2'"' son of 5"' duke of Xortlnnnhcrland. Romanism as it exists at Rome, in inscrip- tions etc. ; coll. by P., ed. J. 0. French. s8". 1847 Percy (Reuben) ps., see Byerlev (T.) Percy (Sholto) its., see Robertson (Joseph Clinton). Percy (Thomas), bp. of Dromorc. Bp. Percy's folio MS. Ed. J. W. Hr.les &- E. J. Furnivall. 4v. 8'. 1867-8 Ballads & romances, 3v. Looae and humorous songs. Iv. The bov's Percy. Ed. S. Lanier. sS". [1881] Kev to New Test. n. ed. 8°. 1841 Reliques of auc. Eug. poetry, w. some few of later date. Ed. P. laS". 1830 ,, ,, ... 3v. [vl leanting']. n.ed. s8i. L.A.Lewis. 1841 „ „ 8v. s8'. £. AfoKOH. 1844 „ „ ... Ed. J. V.PricUard. 2v. 38". Bolin. 1870 Reliques etc. Ed., w. intr., addit. prefN, notes, etc. by H. B. Wheatley. 3v. 8'. 1876-7 „ „ ... Nach d. 1. Ausg. 1765 mit d. Varianten d. spiiteren hrtg. v. M. M. A. Schrlier. 2 Hiilften, [pagin. cant.]. sS". Heilbronn. 18S9-U3 see Bl.icklev (W. L.) Review of P.'s folio MS., 1867. „ Chinese. *Misc. pieces rel. to the C, 1762. „ Gb.ay (Rob.) 6/)., Kev to O.T. ; added, Key to N.T. by P., 1842. „ Haou Kew Chuen. *Hau Kiou Choaan, a tr. etc., [ed. P.], 1761. PEECY 1135 PEREZ Percy (William), son of s" carl of Norlltumberland. Culia, oont. 20 sonnets by P., 1594. [Ed. Sir E. Brydges]. s4". Loe Priory. 1818 Perdita, yjs., sec Rohinson {Mrs. Mary), jioet. writer, l73'i-/SV0. Pereda (Jose Maria de). Obras completas. tl-10, [m;)?-0(7. tl-5, 9, 2" ed.]. s8". 1839-96 1, Los hombrcs de pro. 2, El bucy suelto. 3, Don Gonzalo Gonzalez. 4, De till palo, tivl astilla. r», Escenas inontaiiesas. (*>, Tipos y paisajes. 7, Esbozos y rasgunos. 8, Bocetos al temple, Tipos trasbumautes. ' Pachiii Gonzalez. 9, Sotilcza. 10, El labor do la tierruca. 11, La pncbera. 12, La Montalvez. 13, Pedro Sancbez. 14, Nubes de estio. 15, Penas arriba. 10, Al primer vuelo. 3" ed. s8". 189G Perefixe (H. de) [fBEAL-.voxT de Ptr.iiFixE (HAiiDoriN de), bp. of liliodez, ahp. of Parish. Hist, du rci Henri le Grand. 2t. n. ed. s8". 17-19 *Peregrine Pickle (The adventures of), var. ed'., see Smollett (T.) Feregrinius (Camillus), see Pellegrixo (C.) tlic younger. Pereiia (A.), oft. Pcreira de Figueiredo, see Pereiiia de Fkheihedo (A.) Pereira (Jonathan). Elements of Mateiia Medica & thera- peutics. 2v. 2"' ed. 8". 1842 *Lectures on polarised light. 8". 1843 , 2'"> ed., ed. Baden Powell. s8". 1854 On food & diet. 8". 1843 Pereira (Thomas), sec Orlkaxs (P. J. d'). Tartar conquerors of China ; added, P.'s journey into Tartary, f. the Dutch of N. Witsen, 1854. Pereira da Silva (Mathias) ed., A fenix renascida ; ou obras poeticasdosmelhoresenj,'enhosportugnze.>!. 5t. 2" imp. s8". 174G Pereira de Figueiredo (Antonio). Teiitativa theologica: epi- scopal rights ct ultramontane usurpations. Tr., w. notes by E. H. Landon. 8". 1847 Fereire (Isaac). Principes de la constitution des banques it de rorganisalion du cn'dit. 8". 1865 Perelaer (Michael Theophile Hubert). Baboe Dalima; the opium tieiid. Tr. E. J. Venning. s8". 1888 Kan away from the Dutch ; or, Borneo from S. to N. Tr. M. Blok, etc. 8". 1887 Perennes (Francois). Diet, de bibliographic catholique, sec MiONE (.1. P.) Encyclopedic: S3, xxxix-xlii. Diet, de biographie, see Migne (J. P.) Encyclopedie : S2, i-iii. Diet, de lemons ct exemples de litterature chret., sec Migne (J. P.) Encyclopedie : S3, Ixi-lxii. Diet, des cantiques, sec Migxe (J. P.) Encyclopedie : S3, Ixiii. Peres, sec also Perez. Peres (Jean). I/art A le reel. 8". 1898 Peresio (Giovanni Camillo). II Maggio Itomauesco, overo il Palio conquistato : poema. 8'. Ferrara. 1688 Peretti (Felice), oft. Sixtus V, see Sixtus 'W,pope. Percy, sie also Perky. Percy (Lucien) jiw. [i.e. Mile. Luce Herpin]. Figures du temps passe : 18'' s. s8". 1900 Mini", d'une grande dame au 18'- s. 2t, [t2, 2" ed.]. 8". 1887-8 [1], La princesse Helene de Ligne. {she aft. became Countess Potoeka ; hence the stib-t. of ti]. [2], La comtesse Helene I'otocka. Mem?, of the Princesse de Ligne. Ed. P., tr. L. Ensor. 2v. s8». 1887 Un petit-neveu de Mazarin : L. Mancini-Mazarini, due de Nivernais (1715-1763). 8". 1890 5-ed. 8'. 1891 „ La fin du 18= s. : le due de Nivernais, 1763-98. [7'/(i.s is in cont. of " Un petit-neveu "J. 4' 6d. 8^ 1891 Le President Renault & Mme. Du Deffand. 8'. 1893 Le roman du grand roi, Louis XIV & Marie Mancini. 8'. 1894 „ Une princesse romaine au xvii siecle : Marie Mancini Colonna. [T/iis is in cont. of " Le roman etc."]. 8°. 1896 & Gr. Maugras. Une femme du monde aul8" s. : Jeunesse de Mme. d'Epinay. 8\ 1882 „ „ . .... Dern. ann^es de Mme. d'Epinay, s. salon & s. amis. 5' id. S\ 1884 & La vie intime de Voltaire aux Deliees A- a Ferney, 1754-78. 8'. 1885 Pereyra (Juan de Solorzano), sec Solokzano Pekevha. Perez, see also Peres. Perez (Antonio), sec. of State to Philip II of Spain. [A. Perezius]. Las obras y relaciones de P. sS''. Ginevra. 1676 see Mignet (F. A. M.) A. P. et Philippe II, 1845. „ A. P. & Philip II, tr., 1846. „ Spain, Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espaila, for Doeu- mentos etc. Perez (Bernard). Le caractere Je I'enfaiit i | La psycbologie de I'enfant : riiomnie. 8". 18D2 i Le3 trois premieres anneea. L'e'ducation di'a le berceau. ; ^8'. 1878 8'. 1880 I >■ " 3'-ed. 8". 18SC L'education morale dis le ber- ' " " L'enfant de troisjl sept ceau. 2 ■ ed. 8". 1888 ^ •"■?' t i - • ' , T,, r , ,, r 1 ■, 1 ! "■■''-' '"'•' * I'l poesie Chez The first tbree years of child- , l'enfant. 8'. 1888 hood. Tr. A. M. Christie ; j Tbierri Tiedemann & la science mtr. by J. Sully. s8 '. 1885 de l'enfant -Mes deux chats. ' s8i. 1881 Perez (Paolo). I sette cerchi del Purgatorio di Dante. 2" ed. s8". Verona. 1867 Perez Bayer (Francisco), [F. Pehezids Bayerius], see Sallust. Conjuraeion de Catilina [tr. G. A. de Borhon ; pp. ;i37-:iya conlg. " Del alfabeto y lengua de los Fenices," by B\ P. B.], 11T2. Perez de Guzman (Aionso), dugue de Medinasidonia. see WojiERS (.J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. ., Spain, Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana,/o»- Doc'. Perez de Guzman (Fernando). Cronica del r. .Juan II, con las generacionesete.delCnriquelllyJuanll.ete. fol. Valencia. 1779 Perez de Hita (Gines). Hist, des Maures de Grenade. Notes par A. M. Sane. 2t in 1. 8". 1809 Hist, de las guerras civiles de Granada. [This ■I'! -^ed. cont'. pi only]. s8». Amberes. 1714 The early ed'. were in 2p, w. i . : Hist, de los vandos de los Zegris y Abencerrages etc. and Segunda parte de las guerras civiles de Granada. 2t. sS". 1833 8'. Paris. 1847 4t. s8'. Granada. 1847-50 For another ed. sec IIivahexevra (M.) Novelistas a'.it. a Cervantes. Perez de Montalban (Juan) [il dottore M. ; Montalvan]. Coraedias. tl,2. [KacJit. contains I icoin\]. s4'. [l,Alcala]. 1638 Comedias. tl. [Cont'. the same l£ com', as tl of the ed. above]. s4'. Valencia. 1G52 Para todos, exemplos morales etc. 4'\ 1633 Sucessos, y prodigies de amor, en ocho novelas exemplares ; las tres novelas que estan en su Para-Todos ; y el poema del Orfeo. Corr. segun el expurgatorio del ano de 1707. 8 '. 1723 Perez Galdos (Benito). El abuelo. sS'. 1897 De Oiiate a la Granja. Angel Guerra. Sp. s8 >. 1891 Luchaua. Doiia Perfecta. S-' ed. s8\ 1881 La campafai del Maes- „ „ 8» ed. s8". 189C trazgo. Electra. s8". 1901 La estateta roma'ntica. Episodios nacionales. sl-4 in Vergara. lot each ; in prog. \ Monies de Oca. var. ed. s8". 1888-1002 Los ayacuclios. I. Trafalgar. Bodaa reales. La corte de Carlos IV. IV. Las tormentas del 48. El 19 de Marzo y el 2 de La familia de Leija Roob. Mayo. 3p. 5' ed. s8'. 1888-9. Bailen. La fontana de ore. s8 '. L. 1872 Napoleon en Cbamartin. Gloria. 2t. 3-' ed. s8 '. 1882 Zaragoza. Halma. s8". ISOB Gerona. Marianela. 4» ed. s8'. 1882 Ca'diz. „ „ ya ed. s8". 1893 Juan Martin el Empeci- Misericordia. s8". 1897 nado. Nazan'n. s8". 1895 La batalla de los Arapiles. La uovela eu el tranvia. II. El equipaje del rey Jose. bS\ 1900 Memorias de un cortesano Torquemada y Sau Pedra de 1815. s8 ■. 1895 La segunda easaca. Translations. El Grande Orieiite. Dona Perfecta. Tr. D. P. W. 7 de Julio. sti". 1880 Los e'en mil hijos de San Gloria. [Tr.] C. Bell. Luis. 2v. 98". N.Y. 1883 El Terror de 1824. Leon Eocli. [Tr.] C. Bell. Un voluntario realistA. 2v. s8". N.Y. 1838 Los apostiSlicos. Marianela. [Tr.j C. Bell. Un faccioso mtfs y algunos s8'. N.Y. 1883 frailes menos. „ „ ... Tr. M. Wharton. III. Zumalacarregui. sS". [1896] Mendizabal. Tr.vfalgar. Tr. s8'. 1981 PEREZIUS 118G PERRAUD Perezius (Antonius), see Perez (A.) Perezius Bayerius (F.), see Perez Bayer (F.) Perez Pastor (Cristobal) ed., Doc. eervantinos in^d. 8". 1897 Perez Pujol (Eduardo). Hist, de las instituciones sooiales de la Espafia goda. 4t. laS". Valencia. 1896 Perfall (Anton, Frhr. v.) Die Siinde. [First imbV. in -AS95]. 2« A. s8''. n.d. Perfect. *Perfeet Adonis (A), 1875, see Harris {Mrs. M. C.) *Perfeet journall o£ the daily proceedings in that memorable Parlt. iiegiin Nov., (1640), 1066, see Parliament: Froceedings. *Perfect politician (The), etc., 3"' ed., 1681, see Fletcher (H.) *Per£ect way (The), 1882, see Kingsford (A.) & E. Maitland. *Pericla, 1858, see Gallot (Mile.) Pericles, of Athens. [Periki.es.] Sfe Abbott (Evelyn). P.&tlie Greece in age golden age of Athens, 1891. Capefigue (J. B. H. R.) Aspasie & le sifecle de P., 1862. Coknwallis (C. F.) *Peii- eles ; a tale of Athens, 1840. Filleul (E.) Hist, dusiicle de P., 1878. see Geant (A. J.) of P., 1893. „ Landor (W. S.) p. and Aspasia, 1836. „ Lloyd (W. W.) The age of P., 1875. ,, Schmidt (A.) Daa perikle- ische Zeitalter, 1877-9. Periegetes (Dionysius), see Dionysius, Pericgetes. Periegetes (Pausanias), see Paus.anias, the traveller. Perier, see also Peurier. Perier (A. Casimir V. L.), IS 11-76. [Casimir-Periee, after 1874]. L'article 75 de la Constitution de Pan VIII sous le regime de la Constitution de 1852. [P254]. 8". 1867 Perier (Casimir) the elder, /;77-/S"3^, sfeNicouLL.AUD (C.) C. P., depute de I'opposition (1817-30), 1894. Perigord (A. E. de Talleyrand-), ducdeDino, see T.\lleyr.\n'd- Pekigorii (A. E. he), due de Dino. Perigord (Charles M. de Talleyrand-), pHjice of Beneveuto, see Talleyrand. Perikles, of Athens, see Pericles. Perils. *Perils : a novel. By a. of " Eeminisc. of a lawyer." 2v. s8". 1877 *Perils & captivity : Sufferings of the Picard family after ship- wreck of " Medusa," 1816 — Captivity of de Brisson, 1785 — Voyage of Mme. Godin along the Amazons, 1770. s8". E. Constable. 1827 *Perils (The) of the nation, 1843, see Seeley (R. B.) Perin (Charles). Les doctrines econom. depuis un siecle. s8". 1880 L'ordre international. 8°. 1888 Peringerus Tegemsee, see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl41. Perini (,le gt'it. Hardy de), see HardV de P£rinl •Periods of European history. Gen. ed., A. Hassall. vl-8. s8'>. 1895-1901 sec Hassall (A.) The balance of power (1715-89), 1896; 2'"' ed., 1898. [6.] „ Johnson (A. H.) Europe (1494-1598), 1897 ; 2»'> ed., 1898. [4.] „ Lodge (R.) The close of the Middle Ages (1273-1494), 1901. [3.] „ Oman (C. W. C.) Europe, (476-918), 1893; 2"'i ed., 1895. [1.] • „ Phillips (W. A.) Modern Europe (1815-99), 1901. [8.] „ Stephens (H. Morse). Revolutionary Europe, (1789-1815), 1893 ; 4"' ed., 11-97 ; u"- ed., 1000. [7.] „ Tout (T. F.) The Empire & the Papacy, (918-1273), 1898. [2.] „ Wakeman (H. 0.) The ascendancy of France, (1598-1715), 1894 ; 2'"' ed., 1897. [5.] •Periods of European lit. Ed. by Prof. Saintsbury. v2-6, 8, 11, llnin-og.] : s8». 1897-1901 sec Elton (0.) The Augustan ages, 1899. [8.] „ Hannay (D.) The later Renaissance, 1898. [6.] „ Omond (T. S.) The Romantic triumph, 1900. [II.] „ Saintsbury (G.) Earlier Renaissance, 1901. [5.] „ The flourishing of romance etc., 1897. [2.] „ Smith (Geo. Gregory). The transition period, 1900. [4.] „ SxELL (F. J.) The 14"' century, 1899. [3.] *Peripezie del merito. Dal d. G. I. G. [6. tv. Luco Sereni (F. M. de) II Pnrismondo, 1671]. s8". Bologna. 1682 Perizonius (Jacobus). Origines Babylonicse et iEgyptiaca?. 2t. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1711 t2 has t. : J. P. iEgyptiarum originum etc. investigatio. Perkins, Tlie family of, see Court, ^^- of the P.'f., 1892. Perkins (Augustus Thorndike) works of J. S. Copley. Perkins (Charles Callahan). Ghiberti & s. ecole. 4". 1886 ' Hist, lidbk. of Italian sculpture. 8". 1883 Italian sculptors : liist. of sculp- ture in N., S., & E. Italy. i". 1868 Sharp (A. JI.) Hist, of Uflon Sketch of life, & list of some 84". Boston. 1873 Tuscan sculptors. •2v in 1. 4". 1804 see Eliot (Sam.) The liberty of Rome : lUuat'., engraved by P., 1849. „ Painters. 'Cyclopedia of p'. etc., 1888. *Best (The) reading, [si], 4"' Perkins (Frederic Beecher), sec ed., 18.M1. Perkins (Frederick) of Chipstead, Kent. Cat. of lib. of P., sold 10 July, 1889. [MS. 2)rlces. P693]. 8". 1889 Perkins (Henry) of Hamoorth Park. Cat. of lib. formed by P., sold June 3, 1873. [MS. phcfs]. 8". i873 Perkins (James Breck). France under the Regency, etc. s8". Boston. 1892 Richelieu. s8". N.Y. 1900 P., ed. G. W. Worksop. 1887 d'Angleterre et France under Louis XV. 2v. s8". 1897 France under Mazarin, w. review of the adniinifitr. of Richelieu. ; 2v. 21"! ed. 8". N.Y. 1880 Perkins (Justin). Eight years in Persia, among the Nestorian Christians. 8'. Andover. 1848 Perkins (Thomas). The churches of Rouen. s8". 1900 see Gilchrist (J. G.) Itinerary of the Eng. cathedrals: revd. A- ed. w. intr. by P., 1901. Perkins (William), fellow of Christ's Coll., Cambridge [G. Perkixsus]. Disc, of the damned art of witchcraft. s8". C. 1608 Perks (Lily). From Arcady to Babylon. s8". 1892 Perks (Thomas), sec Durbin (H.) Things that happened to R. Giles's children ; added, letter f. [A.] Bedford, rel. to T. P., who had dealings w. spirits, 1800. Perlbach (Max), see Hortzschansky (A.) & P., edd., Lombard. Urkunden, 1890. Perlethorpe, Nottinghamshire. *Register of Marshall. Ia8". Perlin (Etienne). Description des royaumes d'Ecosse, 1558 ; par E. P. — L'entr6e de la reine m^re dans la Grande Bretagne par P. de La Serre, 1639. With cuts, A Eng. notes [by li. Gougli]. 4". London. 1775 *Per-M-Hru, sec *Book of the Dead. Pernambuco (D. de Albuquerque Coello, conde de), marq. de Basto, sec Basto. Perodi (Emma). Ilpiincipedella Marsiliana. s8". Milano. 1891 Peroges (C. Favre de Vaugelas, baron de), sec V.auoelas. Peron, sec also Pkuonne, Perowne, Perron. Peron (Francois) ed., Voyage de d^couvertes aux teiTes australes, 1800-4 : Historique. R^d. par P., eont. par L. de Freycinet. 4t. [Atlas fol.]. 2' id. H". 1824 Voyage for discovery of South Lands, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vll. Peronius {Card.), see Du Perron {le card.) Peronne, see also Peron, Perowne, Perron. Peronne, 2>s. The veil of liberty. Peronne (Joseph Maxence), see Lapide Memoriale pra;dicatorum, s. synopsis comm"" P., 1863. Perowne (J. T. Woolrych). Russian hosts & English guests in C. Asia. 8". 1898 Perowne (John James Stewart), bp. of U'orccster. s8». 1895 (Cornelius a). '". C. a L., auct. Psahus etc. 9"> ed. s8". 1898 Remarks on Donaldson's " Ja- shar." [P899J. 8". 1855 Sermons, etc. sS". 1874 see Donaldson (J. W.) •Expo- sure of P., 1855. ,j * Reply to P.'s renewed attack, 1855. Confession in the Church of Eng.; sermon, w. app. on conf. in Greek Ch. & Ch. of Rome, etc. [P3ii8]. 8". 1677 Immortality. [Hulsean Lect'., 1868]. 8<>. C. 1869 Psalms: new tr., w. notes etc. by P. 2v. 8". 1861-8 Perpetua, Saint . 1883 Perrot (CteOrges) & C. Chipiez [continued]. Hist, of art in Chalda;a cfe Assyria. Tr. W. Armstrong. 2v. Ia8". 1884 Hist, of art in Persia. Ia8". 1892 Hist, of art in Phoenicia & its dependencies. Tr. W. Armstrong. 2v. Ia8". 1885 Hist, of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, & Lycia. Ia8<'. 1892 Hist, of art in primitive Greece. 2v. Ia8". 1694 Hist, of art in Sardinia, Juda-a, Syria, & Asia Minor. Tr. I. Gonino. 2v. ^8°. 1890 Perrot d'Ablancourt (Nicolas). Les apophtegmes, ou bons mots des anciens, tirez de I'lutarche, Diog. Laerce, etc. etc. Avec traitte des stratagemes etc. des Ilomains, par Frontin. sS". Amsterdam. 1095 Perrott (Sir John), Lord Deputy of Ireland. ''Hist, of P. ; f. MS. written about end of r. of Eliz. 8'>. 1728 Perruchon (Jules), ed. Les chron, de Zar'a Ya'eqob et de Ba'eda Maryani, rois d'Ethiopie de 1434-78 (teste et tr.). [HE93]. 8". 1893 Perry (Arthur Latham). Polit. economy. 18"' ed. [The t. ill early ed\ was : Elements of p. e.], 8°. N.Y. [1883] 20'" ed. 8". N.Y. 1888 Recent phases of thought in polit. econ. [P216]. 8". Boston. 1868 Perry (Charles), M.D. View of the Levant. fob 1743 Perry (Charles Copland). Eeports on German eleni''. schools * training colleges. s8". 1887 Perry (Edward Delavan). Sanskrit primer, based on G. Bubler. 8". Boston. 1885 Perry (Sir Erskine), see Perry (.S'j?- T. E.) Perry (Frederick). Fruits of the Spirit ; w. fragments of Xtn. ethics. s8". 1863 Perry (George Gresley), Hist, of the Church of Eng. f. death of Eliz. 3v. S80. 1861-4 Hist, of the Eng. Church. [Student's Eng. Church hist.]. 3v. 88". 1881-7 [1], l"' period, [500-1509]. [2], 2"'' period, 1509-1717. [3], 3'" period, 1717-1884. Hist, of the Reformation in England. s8°. 1886 2"'' ed. s8". 1888 Life of St. Hugh of Avalon, bp. of Lincoln, w. ace. of h. predecessors in the see. s8". 1879 Religious pieces in prose & verse, f. R. Thornton's MS. in Lincoln Cath. [E.E.T.S., 20]. 8". 1867 [rev. ed.]. 8". [repr.]. 1889 Perry (Hillert). Magneopathy: philosophy of health. [P83]. 8°. 186S Perry (Cajit. John). The state of Russia, etc. s8<'. 1716 Perry (John), M.E., F.R.S. England's neglect of science. s8". 1900 Spinning tops. sS". 1890 The steam engine & gas & oil engines. [Repr.]. 8". 1900 Perry (John Tavenor). Chronology of mediaeval * Renaissance architecture. 8". 1893 Perry (Matthew Calbraith). see Geiffis (W. E.) P., 1890. „ H.wKs (F. L.) Exped. to China Seas & Japan (1852-4), under P., 1856. Perry (Samuel). State of the Universities it Church. [PI 12]. 8". 1843 Perry (Samuel Gideon Frederic) ed.. Secundam synodum Ephesinam, necnon excerpta quie ad earn pert,, e codd. Syriacis ed. P. 8". 0. 1876 The 2'"' Synod of Ephesus. Ed. P. Eng. version. 8". Dartford. 1881 Perry (Sir T. Erskine), clnef justice of H.M. Supreme Court, Bombai/. A bird's-eye view of India. s8". 1855 Perry (Thomas Sergeant). Eng. ht. in 18"' c. s8". N.Y. 1883 The evolution of the snob. s8». Boston. 1887 see LiEBEE (F.) Life & letters, ed. P., 1882. Perry (Walter Copland). The Franks, to death of Pepin. 8". 1857 German Univ. education. 88". 1845 Greek & Roman sculpture : a pop. intr. Ia8". 1882 The women of Homer. s8<>. 1898 Perry-Coste (F. H.) An extraord*. ease of colour blindness. [P678]. 8°. 1897 Perse. see ""Delegation en Perse: Mt-m'. etc., in prog., 1900 etc. „ *HisTorRE des dioouvertes faites par div. savalis voyageurs dans plus, contri^-es de la Russie & de la P., 1779-87. 4 E PERSE 1138 PEST A Perse, the Latin poet, see Peesics. ♦Persecution of the Jews in Russia, 1890, see Jews. Persia. For anon, worls in French see Perse. Corr. rel. to P. & Affglianiston [officialX 8". 1839 •Customs & manners of the women of P., tr. f. the MS. [Eituli Kuhuiii Xiini], 1S32, see KuLSCM N.ixi. Description cf Persia, see Piskerton ( J. t, Voyages, t9. Eastern P., etc., 1876, see Persian Boundary Comjiissiok. Famine (The) in P. : general fund in aid of sufferers. Report etc. [P259]. s8". [1872] ♦Sketches of P., n. ed., 18'28, see Malcolm [Sir J.) Persian. Biographical not", of P. poets, [O.T.F.], 1846, see OrsELEY (.Sir Gore). Persian plays, three, w. lit. tr. etc. by A. Rogers, 1890, see Path 'Ali Akhusdzapah. Mirsa. Persian Boundary Commission. *Eastern Persia : an ace. of the journeys of the P.B.C., 1870-2. 2v. 8". 1876 1, Geography. With narratives by Majors St. John, Lovett, & Euan Smith ; [ed., w.] intr. bv Sir F. J. Goldsmid. 2, Zoology & geology. By W. T. Blanford. Persiani (0.) GU amori di Giasone e d' Isifile. [P813]. s8". Venetia. 1642 Persico (Giovanni Battista da). *Descri2ione di Verona e della sua provincia. 8". Verona. 1820 Persico (Tommaso). Diomede Carafa; con framm. dei Doveri del principe ec. 8". Napoli. 18911 Persigny Qc due de). [fFuLiN de Persiony (J. G. V.), dicke^. L'entreprise du prince Kapoleon-Louis etc. [P103, 106]. 8». Londres. 1837 M^moires. Publ. avec des docs. ined. etc. par H. de Laire, cte. d'Espagny. 8°. 1896 Persius. [Perse ; Persio Flacco ; f Persius Flaccus (Aulcs)]. For ed'. £ tr'. of P. fornmig part of ed'. or tr'. of Juvenal, see JCVENAL. Opera omnia. [Delphin Classics, Regent's ed., 14]. 8». 1820 Satires vi. Eec. a G. L. Koenig. S". Gottinga;. 1803 Satirte. Bee. etc. F. Plum. 8'. Havniie. 1827 Satirarum liber. Ed. by A. Pretor. s8». 1808 Satires. With tr. it comm. by J. Conington, [<£•] lect. on life etc. of P. Ed. H. Nettleship. 2"'' ed. 8'\ 0. 1874 Translations. New & lit. tr. of the Sat'. By M. Madan. 8\ D. 1795 Satires. Tr. [into verse] by W. Drummond. s8". 1797 References. see BossuET (J. B.) CEuvres ined., [Perse en prose & en yers etc.], 1883. „ KoNic. (G. L.) Comm. in P. satiras, 1803. Persius (Charles), csq.,ps., see Dunne (C.) Persius Flaccus (Aulus), see Persius. Personal. •Personal & literary memorials, 1829, see Best (H.), M.A. •Personal liberty in its more social aspect. [P353]. 8». Glasgow. 1878 •Personal recoil', of Enghsh engineers etc., 1866, see English. •Personal recoils of Joan of Arc by Louis de Conte, 1896, see Twain (Mark) ps. [i.e. S. L. Clemens]. Personal responsibility of man : sermons. Lent, 1868, Oxford, by [9 authors], w. pref. by bp. of 0. 8°. O. 1869 Personal Representation Society [New Toi-k], see Sterne (S.) Report on Personal Represent"., 1867. ♦Personality the beginning & end of metaphysics, etc., 3"" ed., 1886, see Momerie (.\. W.) Personalkredit. Personalkredit (Der) d. liindl. Kleingrund- besitzes in Deutschland. [Verein f. Socialpolitik, 73, 74]. 2B bound in Iv, (1, Silddeutschland. 2, Mittel- u. Nord- deutschlandj. 8'. L. 1896 Personalkredit (Der) d. liindl. Kleingrundbesitzes in Osterreicb. [Verein f. Socialpolitik, 7.5]. 8". L. 1898 Perspective. *Practice (The) of p., by a Jesuit of Paris, tr., 4"" ed., 176.3. see Dubrecil (J.) Persuasive. *Perswasive (A) to an ingenuous tryal of opinions in religion, 1685, see Clagett (N.) Perth.. The Blackfriars of P. Chartulary & papers of their House. Ed. R. Milne. 4». E. 1893 Perth (James Drummond, 4"' earl of), stylinrj himself I" duke of Perth. Letters f. J., Earl of P. to b. sister, the Countess of Erroll, & o. members of h. family. Ed. W. Jerdan. [Cam- den Soc, 33]. b4". 1845 Perth (James Drummond, 4"' earl of) [contiiiued]. see SoMEits (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Perthes (C. Friedrich). see Perthes (C. T.) F. P.'s Leben, 1855-0. „ Mem', of F. P. (1789-1843), 3"' ed., 1857. Perthes (Clemens Theodor). Das deutsche Staatsleben vor d. Revolution. 8". Hamburg. 1845 F. Perthes' Leben. 3B in 1, [1, 2, 3' A. ; 3, 2' A.]. 8". Gotha. 1855-6 Mems. of F. Perthes, 1789-1843. [Tr.]. 2v. 2"-' ed. 8". E. 1857 2v. 3''ed. 8". E. 18.57 Polit. Zustande u. Personen in Deutschland z. Zeit d. franzos. Herrschaft. 2B in 1, [1, 2' A.]. 8\ Gotha. 1802-9 Perthes (Friedrich Christoph), see Perthes (C. F.) Perthes (J. Boucher de Crevecceur de) , see Boucher de Perthes. Perthes (Justus). Atlas antiquus. s8'. Golha. 1893 Pertusier (Charles). Promenades dans Constantinople etc., suiv. d'une not. sur la Dalmatie. 3t. [Atlas it'n7i/i)i3]. 8". 1815 Perty (Maximilian). AUg. Naturgesch. als philosoph. u. Hunianitiitswissenschaft. 3B, [B2, 3, wanting]. 8<'. Bern. 1837-41 Anthropologie als Wissenscbaft v. d. Wesen d. Menschen. 2B. 8". L. 1874 Die mystischen Erscheinungen d. mensclil. Natur. 8". L. 1861 2B in 1. 2' .\. 8". L. 1872 Die Natur im Lichte philosoph. Anschauung. 8'. L. 18C9 Das Seelenleben d. Thiere. 2« A. 8'. L. 1876 Pertz (Georg Heinrich) ed., Epistolte steculi xiii e regestis pontiticum Romanorum. Ed. C. Rodenberg. [Mon. Germ. Hist.]. tl-3. 4\ Berolini. 1883-94 Leben d. Feldmarschalls Neithardt v. Gneisenau. 5B. 8". 1864-80 1, 1760-1810. 2, 1810-13. 3, 8. Juui bis 31. Dec, 1813. 4, 5, 1814-15— Schluss. B4, .5 have t.: Leben etc., B4, 5, v. H. Delbriick. Fort- setzung d. Weikes v. G. H. P. Leben d. Frhrn. v. Stein. 63 in 7. 8'. 1849-55 see MoNUMENTA Germanle HisTORicA [w. Index Vol. up to 1890]. Peru. Documentos etc., see Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. Reports on the discovery of P., tr., 1872, see Markhaji (Sir C. E.), tr. Perucci (Gio. Angelo). La Giuliaua. [MIS]. s8". 1645 Perugino, [jVannucci (Pieteo), called Pcrugino], see VfuAAAn- soN (G. C.) P.. 1900. Perusinus (Brachius), see Braccio of Perugia. Perusse (Jean Fr. de), due des Cars, see Des Cars. Peruvian tales, tr., 1786, s?c Goeullette (T. S.) Peruviana, sec *Biijliotheca Peruviana : a cat. of books etc., sold 1873. Peruzzi (Agostico), see Parnaso degl' italiani viventi : 44, 1.S03-24. Pervigilium Veneris. [Carmen de verb ; Venus' vigils ; fVENUs]. see B.vHRENS (E.) Poeta; latini minores, v4, 1882. „ C.iTULLUs/or translations (Kelly & Fleay). „ Ph.edrus. Fabuloe ; ace. P. V., 1831. „ Weper (G. E.) Corpus poetarum latinorum, 1833. Pescara (F. d'Avalos, march, di), see Avalos (F. d'). Pescara (Vittoria, marchesa di), see Colonna (Vittoria), aft. march, di I'. Pesch (Tilmann). Kant 4 la science mod., tr. s8'>. [1894] Pescheck (Christian Adolph). Gesch. d. Gegenreformation in BOhmen. 2B. 8'. Dresden. 1844 2B in 1. 2' A. 8". L. 1850 T. KOrner u. d. Seinen. 2B. Ia8». L. 1898 Peschel (Oscar F.) Abhdlgn. z. Erd- u. Vijlkerkunde. 8'. L. 1877 Races of man A their distribution. [Tr.]. s8". 1870 Volkerkundc. O" A. S: L. 1885 Pesel (Louisa P.), see Towxsend (W. G. P.) Embroidery; by T., ass. by P. etc., 1899. Peshall (.Si)- John), sec Pechell [Sir J.) Pessard (Hector). Les gendarmes. 68". 1809 •Pessimus : a rhapsodv, & a paradox. By Young England. s8". 1865 Pesta (Hermann), G. Crabbe ; eine Wiirdigung. [Wiener BertrUge, 10]. 8". Wien. 1899 Peschel (Emil) & E. Wildenow. PESTALOZZI 1139 PETERMANNS Pestalozzi (Johann Heinrich) *Po8talozzi & Pestalozzianism : life, principles etc. of P., w. biog. sketches of sev. of h. disciples. From " Amer. Journ. of Educ".," ed. H, Bar- nard. 2p in Iv. S", N.Y. ISnO sec BiBER (G. E.) P. & h. plan, 1831. „ GuiLLAUME (J.) p., 1890. „ GuiMPS {le h. E. de). Hist, de P., 1874. „ P., tr., 2''<' ed., 1900. „ JuLLiEN (M. A.) Esprit de la methode d'education de Pesth, sec Buda-Pest. Pesty (Frigyes). Az eltiint r^gi varmegy^k. P. iYverdun, 1812; S^c^d., 1842. sec JuLLiEN (M. A.) L'inslitut d'education d'Yverdun dirig^ par P., 1812. „ Mayo (C.) Mem. of P., 2"<' ed., 1828. „ Payne (J.) P. : influence on elem. education, 1875. „ Raumer (C. v.) Life & sys- tem of P., tr., 185.5. ,, Russell (John). The stu- dent's P. : ace. of h. life & system, based on R. de Guimps, 1888. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 2k. 8". 1880 Miigyarorsziig helynevei tiirt^neti, fiildrajzi is nyelv^szeti tekintetben. kl. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 8". 1888 A magyaroi'szagi vilrispaiisigok t6rt(5nete, kiilonosen a 13. sziizadban. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 8». 1882 A szorenyi bansag os Szurcny varniegye tortcnete. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 3k. 8". 1878 Petau (Alexandre). ExFranoorum annalibus, see Bouquet (M.) Hec. dcs hist, dea Gaules, t2, 5. Petau (Denis) [Dioxvsius Petavius]. Opus de theologicis dog- matibu5 ; auctoris vita, F. A. Zacharite notis illust., etc. Gt in 3. fol. Venetiis. 1757 Eationarium temporuni. ed. ult., ab auct. recog. 2p in Iv. s8". Parisiis. 1652 see Epiphanius, St., Opera, D. P. rec, ed. nova ; ace. vita P'. ab H. Valesio, & app'. geminm ab ipso P., 1CH2. Petau (Paul). De NitharJo Caroli niagni ncpote, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t7. Petavel (Emmanuel), aft. Ft'tavcl-OlUff. La Bible en France : les trad', fr. " 8". 1864 The rights of England in the S. African War. Tr. Eev. Canon St. John. [P1002]. s8". E. I'JOO Petavius (Dionysius), see Petau (Denls). Peter. *Peter Simple, var. ed'., see Maebvat (F.) *Peter Wilkins (Life & adv. of), var. ed'., see Paltock (E.) Peter, sec also Petrus [c6 for churclics S monasteries see Saint Peter]. Peter I, i;). of Alexandria, Saint. see Methodius, St., bp.. Writings of M., P., etc., [tr.], 1869. ,, MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. grteca, tlS, P. A. Peter II, bp. of Alexandria, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grisca, t33, P. n. Peter, Ajvstlc, <£ Saint. [For the Canonical Epistles of St. P., see Bible : Peter ; see also Birle : Apocrypha]. The Akhmim fragm. of the Gospel of P. Ed., w. notes etc., H. B. Swete. 8°. 1893 Ecrits attribu^s a P., see Mission Akch. Fr. au Caire, t9. see Cassels (W. E.) *Gospel (The) ace. to Peter, a study, 1894. „ Harris (J. E.) Pop. ace. of the G. of P., 1893. „ EoBiNSON (J. A.) & M. E. .James. The Gospel aco. to Peter, ct Revelation of Peter : 2 lecf., 1892 ; 2"" ed., 1892. Peter, bp. of Argos, [Petrus, Argoruiii e^nscoxnts], sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grreca, tl04, P., 1860. Peter, of Blois, archdeacon of Bath [tPEXEUs, Blesensis]. Opera omnia. Ed. I. A. Giles. 4v. 8". 0. 1846-7 see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl9, for Epistohe. ,, Ingulph, Chronicle, with cont*. of P. of B. „ Mione (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t207, for Opera omnia. Peter I, king of Castile, the Cruel, sec Ledo Del Pozo (J.) Apologia del rey P., contorme a la ci'on. de P. Lopez de Ayala, [1785?]. „ Lopez de AY.iLA (P.) Cron. de P. etc., 1779, „ MiSrimee (P.) Hist, do Don Pedre I, 1848. „ Hist, of Peter the Cruel, [tr.], 1849. ,, Eivadeneyra (M.), under Cronicas etc. Peter, Chrysologns, Saint, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t52, Peter, Comestor, see Petrus, Comcstor. Peter [Damianus], St. see Migne (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl44, 145. ,, MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Peter, der Grausame, see Peter I, king of Castile, the Crticl. Peter, the Hermit, ps., see Egypt. ''The brigands in E., by P. the H., tr. [/. "Les brigajvds en E.,par Pierre Lermilc "], 1882. Peter, Hisimntis, aft. Pope John XXI, see Petrus, Hispanus. Peter, of Ickltam, see Ickham (P., of). Peter, of Langtoft, see Lanqtoft. Peter, the Pearler, ;)s. *Letter to Disraeli on h. plan for adjustment of taxation. [P292]. 8". Leeds. 1852 Peter II, ling of Portugal, see Colratch (.John). *Account of the Court of Portugal under Pedro II, 1700. Peter I, emperor of litissia, the Great. Journal de Pierre le Grand, dep. 1G98 jusqu'a la paix de Neu- Btadt. Tv.[byJ.H.S.Formey]. i". Berlin. 1773 see Bain (R. N.) Pupils of P., see Eousset de Missy (J.) [ps. 1. 1. Nestesuranoi]. Mem. du r. de P. le Gr., 1725-6. „ Sadler (C.) Die geistige Hinterlasaenschaft P.'s, 1862. „ Schuyler (E.) P. ; a study 1884. ,, Vellebois {le sicnr de). Mems. sec. p. serv. k rUist. de la Gour sous P., etc., 1853. „ Vogue (le vie. E. M. de). Mazeppa — The son of P. — etc., tr., n.d. „ Wahszewski (K.) L'heri- tage de Pierre le Grand : r^gne des femmes — gou- veraement des favoris, 1725-41, 1900. „ • Pierre le Gr., 1807. „ P., tr., 1898. „ Peter d. GroBse, deutsche Ausg., 1899. (1697-1740), 1897. „ Bantuisu-Kamenski(D.N.) Sitele de P., tr., 1820. „ Browning (O.) P., 1898. „ Bruce (P. H.) Mems. ; also, anecdotes of P., 1782. „ Brijckner (A.) P. d. Gr., 1879. „ Davenport (R. A.) *Memoir (A) of the life of P., 1832 ; 2'"! ed., 1836. ,, Halem (G. a. v.) Lebeu P.'s d. Gr., 1803-7. ,, KoRB (J. G.) *Diary of an Austrian Sec. of Legation at the Court of P., tr. 1863. „ Mottley (J.) Hist, of P., 1T39. „ "Northern (The) worthies; lives of P. [by PonfeneVe] etc., tr., 2"" ed., 1730. Peter III, emperor of Russia, sec Laveaux (J. C. T. de). *Gesch. Peters d. Dritten, etc., 1799. „ *Hist. de Pierre III, an vii [1799]. Peter, Samensis, sec Petrus, Sarnensis. Peter II, count of Savoy, sec Wurstemberger (L.) P. II, 1856 8. Peter, the Sicilian, sec Petrus, SicuUts. Peter, dc Vaulx-Sartiay, see Petbus, Sarnensis. Peter Leopold, gra)id duke of Tuscany, ■ITJf~-'j2, see Leopold II, emperor of Germany. Peter Martyr Anglerius, 1459-1525, sec Martyr (P.) Peter Martyr Vermilius, i500-6'2, see Martyr (Peter), Re- former. Peter [sxirname}, see also Peters, Petee. Peter (Carl), Rector der Kgl. Landesschule Pforta. Chronolog. tables of Greek hist., etc. Tr. G. Chawner. 4". C. 1882 Gesch. Bonis. 3B. 4" A. 8". Halle a.S. 1881 Peter (Franz). Die Lit. d. Faustsage. 8'\ L. 1849 Peter (Hermann), b. /S.i/ [H. Peterus]. Die geschichtl. Litt. iiber d. rdm. Kaiserzeit bis Theodosius I u. ihre Quellen. 2B. 8». L. 1897 Scriptores bistoriffi Augustte. Iterum rec. etc. H. Peter. 2v. s8". L. 1884 Peterborough, sec ''Chbonicon Anglia; Petriburgense [634-1368], post Sparkium [cd.] Giles, 1845. This is an cd. of the Chron. sometimes ascr. to the imaginary John of PetcrborotigJi. see ""Chronicon Petroburgense, [commencing in 1 122. Camden Soc, 47], 1849. Peterborough (Benedict, of), see Benedict, of Peterborough. Peterborough (Charles Mordaunt, 3''' earl of). sec Russell (F.S.) P., amem., 1887. „ Steebtno (W.) p., [Eng. men of action], 1890. „ Warburton (E.) *Mera. of P., 1853. Letters to Gen. Stanhope in Spain. [Not publ.,C>0 printed^ 8°. 1834 see Freind (.T.) 'Account (An) of P.'s conduct in Spain, etc., 2"'i ed., 1708. Peterborough (John, [Abbot] of), fl. 13S0, see John, of Peter- borouqh. Petermann (Julius Heinrich). Linguio Armcniacre gramm., etc. s8<>. Berolini. 1841 „ „ ed. 2». b8". Carolsruhn;. 1872 Lingufo Chaldaiea gramm. ed. 2\ b8°. Carolsruhre. 1872 LinguiB Samaritanre gramm. etc. s8". Carolsruha;. 1873 see Adam. *Thesiiurus, e. " Liber Adami," 1867. Petermanns Mittheilungen avis Justes Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. B[l-14], 15-47. 4". Gotha. [1855-1901] BS2-4J have each a " Beilage," w. <. " Geograph. Litte- ratur-Bericht." 4 e2 PETERMANNS wanting}. Petermanns MittheilungeH [conhnued]. Ersanzungsband 1-29 (Heft 1-137). [E.-B. 13 ^ 4". Gotha. 1874-1901 Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1865-74, 1885-94. 2v. 4°. Gotha. 1877-97 „ „ ... Geogi'aphischer Anzeiger, see Geogeaphischer Anzeiger, Jahrg. 1, 1900. •Peter's letters to his kinsfolk, 3"' ed., 1819, see Lockhart (J. G.) Peters (Carl). Das deiitsch-ostafrikan. Schutzgebiet. [Uber- sichts-Karten. In S". case]. 8". Munchen. 1895 New light on dark Africa : the German Emin Pasha exped. Tr. H. W. Dulcken. laS'. 1891 Peters (Hermann), 6. /S47- Der Arzt. [Monographien z. deutschen Kulturgesch., 3]. Ia8". L. 1890 Peters (John Punnett). Nippur, or explorations * adv. on the Euphrates: I'niv. of Pennsylvania exped. to Babylonia, 1888-90. 2v. 8". N.Y. 1897 Peters (Kichard) the elder, judge of the U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania. Agricult. enquiries on plaister of Paris. [P42]. 8". Philadelphia. 1797 Peters (Wilhelm C. H.), iSlo-SS, see Bleek (W. H. J.) Lan- guages of Mosambique ; vocabs. f. MSS. of P., etc., 1856. Petersburger. *Aus der Petersburger Gesellschaft, 1873, see EcK-iRDT (.J. W. A. V.) Petersen, see also Peterson. Petersen (Christian) [PETEBSENns]. Bedeutung mythologischer Darstellungen an Geschenken bei d. Griechen. [P674]. 4". n.p. 1853 Philosophic Chrysippea; fundamenta in notionum dispositione posita e fragmcntis restituit P. 8". Hamburgi. 1827 Petersen (Clemens). Dramaturgisk Kritik. s8». 1860 Petersen (Eugen). Die Kunst des Pheidias am Parthenon u. zu Olympia. *'. 1873 Petersen (J. C. "Wilhelm). Quajstiones de hist, gentium Attic. : diss. 8". Slesvici. 1880 Petersen (Marie). Prinzessin Use. [First pub¥. 1S30']. s8". Halle a. d. Saale. n.d. Petersilie (Alwin). Das iiffentl. Unterrichtswesen im deut- schen Reiche u. in d. iibr. europii. Liindern. 2B. laS". L. 1897 Peterson, see also Petersen. Petheram (John). *Reason3 for an authors' pubUcation society. [P149]. 8". 1843 see ♦Puritan discipline tracts, repr., 1842 etc. Petherick {Mrs. B. H.), sec Pethebick (J.) & Mrs. P., Travels, 1869. Petherick (Edward Augustus). The Australian colonies in 1896. [P664]. 8". 1897 Petherick (John). Egypt, the Soudan, & C. Africa ; 16 years travel. 8°. E. 1861 & Mrs. Petherick. Travels in 0. Africa, etc. 2v. 8". 1869 Petillon (Corentin), if.J., see 'Variet^s siKOLOGignEs : 8, 13, Allusions litteraires. si, par P., fasc. 1, 2, 1892-1900. Vetim I' abb(>). Diet, hagiographique, see Miose (J. P.) Ency- clopedie : SI, xl, xli. Petion (Jerome) [tl'ETioN de Yilleneuve (J.)]. Mems. ined. de P., i- mems. de Buzot A- de Barbaroux, accomp. de nombreux docs. ined. etc. lutr. par C. .\. Dauban. 8". 1866 Petiscus (A. H.) The Gods of Olvmpos. Tr. K. A. Ealeigh. 8". 1892 Petis de La Croix (Francois) the elder. Hist, of Genghizcan, from oriental authors. 'Ir. [by P. Aubin}. _s8'. 1722 Petis de La Croix (Francois) the younger. Les mille et un jours, tr. [" or rather compiled"] par P. 5t. s8<'. Lyon. 1717 see Shaeaf Al-DIn 'Ai.i, Yazdi. Hist, de Tamerlan, tr., 1723. Petit, see also Petits, Petites. *Petit comite (En) : r^cits etc., 1880, see ComitiS. Petit' surname], sec also Le Petit, Pettitt, Petty, Petyt. Petit' (Edouard), pro/. d'Histoire au Collige Eollin, b. 1S.5S. A. Doria : un amiral condottiere au 16' s., 1466-1560. 8". 1887 Francis Gamier, 1839-74. b8". [1885] F. Mignet. s8'. 1889 Petit (Gulielmus) Neubrigensis, see Newbcrv (Willum, of). Petit (Jean), Dr. Theol, [.T. Parvus], see Gerson (J. C. de). Opera ; ace. men*, omnia ad causam J. P. pert., 1706. Petit (John Louis), M.A., F.S.A. Architectural studies in France. Ia8'. 1854 Heraarks on church architecture. 2v. 8'. 1841 Petit (Joseph). Charles de Valois (1270-1325). 8". 1900 Potit (P. A. S.) [P. I'alni]. L'Anglais a Paris, [6. w. *Anglai3 (L') a Berlin, 1783]. 8". n.p. n.d. 1140 PETITOT [ Petit de Julleville (Louis) ed., Hist, de la langue & de la htt. fran<,'., publ. sous la dir. de P. de J. 8t. Ia8". 1896-1900 1, 2, des orig. a 1500. 3, 16' s, 5, 17' s., (p2, 1661-1700). 6, 8, 1850-1900. Hist, du theatre en France : La France au moyen age. 4, 17' s., (pi, 1601-00). 18' s. 7, 1800-50. com^die & lea moeurs en sS". 1886 Les comediens en France au moyen age. s8». 1885 „ „ Les myst^rea. 2t. 8". 1880 ,, „ Eepertoire du theatre comique en France au moyen iige. laS". 1886 Joan of Arc. Tr. H. Davenport. s8>'. 1901 Le theatre en France : hist, de la litt. dramatique. sS". 1889 Petit de Latour ( ). Abolition de la peine de mort. sS". 1869 Petitdidier (Leon) [ps. Emile Bl^mont], see Blemont (E.) jjs. Petit Du Noyer (Anne Marg.), see Do Noyer (Mme.) Petit-Dutaillis (Ch.) La vie et le regno de Louis VIH (1187- 1220). [HElOl]. 8". 1894 Petites [Petite's]. *Petites comMies rares & cur. du 17 s., 1884, see Fouenel (V.) ed. ■►Petite's romance, by M. J. M., 1870, see Martin (Mrs. C.) ♦Petition from members of the Brit. Indian Assoc, etc. rel. to the E.I. Co.'s Charter, 1852, see East India Company. Petitot (Claude Bernard) ed., Coll. complete des m^ms. rel. a I'hist. de France [jusqu'd 1/63], avec des notices sur chaque auteur etc. [s6r. IJ, 52t; [s^r. II], 79t. [s^r. II, t63 toanting]. S". 1819-29 to-i of si is a Table gen. & analyt. of that ser. s2 has t. : Coll. des mema. etc. ; the later vols, were ed. by A. Petitot it Montnerqui ; its ~. Le panegyric du chevallier sans reproche, ou mems. de La Tremoille. [I, 14.] Boucicaut (le marechal de). •Hist, de B. [I, 6, 7.] Bouillon (Henri de La Tour d'Au\ergne, due de). Me- moires. [I, 35.] Bourgeois (Louise), caHeiZBour- sier. Comment it en quel temps la reine accoucha de [Louis XIJI]. [I, 49.] Brienne [le etc. de). Memoires. [II, 85, 36.] Carloix (Vincent). Mems. de Vieilleville. [I, '26-28,] Casteluau (Michel de), seigneur de Mauvissiere. Memoires. [I, 33.] Caylus {Mme. de). Souremrs. [II, 66.] Charles, the Bold, duke of Bur- gundy, see La Marche (Olivier de). Estat de la maisou de C. Cheverny (Philippe Hurault, cte. de). Me'moires. [I, 36.] Choisnin (Jean). Memoires, ou diacours de ce qui s'est faict pour I'entiere negoc. de I'elec- tionduroydePolongne. [1,38.] miral of France. Discours auquel sont contenues les choses passees dur. le siege de S. Quentin, 1557. [I, 32.] Comines (Phil. de). Memoires. [I, 11-13.] Conrart (Valentin). Mems. [II, 48.] Du Bellay (Martin), seigneurde Langey. Memoires. [1,17-19.] Du Cange (C.) Diss, sur Join- viUe. [I, 3.] Du Clercq (Jacques). Memoires, 1448-67. [I, 11.] Duclos (C. P.) Mems. [II, 76, 77.] Duguay-Trouin (Rene). Moms. [II, 75.] Du Guesclin (Bertrand). *An- ciensmems. surDu G. [1,4,5.] DuPlessis(?e»mr<;e7jai). Mems. [II, 57.] Du Villars (Francois de Boiviu, baron). Memoires. [1,28-30.] Estrees (F. -\. d'Estrees, (?Hcd'), marechal. Memoires. [II, 16.J Fenin (Pierre de). Mems., 1407- 22. [1,7.] Fleurange (Robert de La Marck, seigneurde). Hist. des choses memorables, 1499-1521. [1,16.] Fonteuay - Mareuil (Frani^ois Duval, mnrq. de). Memoires. [I, 50, 51.] Fontrailles (Louis d'Astarac, I'tc. de), marq.de Marestang. Relation des choses partic. de la cour pend. la faveur de M. Le Grand [i.e. Cinq-Marsl. [II, 54.] Forbin (le cte. Claude de). M6ms. [II, 74, 75.] Gamon (Achille). Memoires, [1560-85]. [I, 34.] Gillot (Jacques). Relation de ce qui se passa au parlement, tonchant la regence, 1610. [I, 49.] PETITOT Petitot (Claude Bernard) [continued]. ('(/., Coll. conipl. dos m(5ms., etc. [cont.] Gourville(.T.H6raullde). Moms. [II, 52.] Gramont (A. de Gramont, due de), marichal. IKms. [11, .56, 57.] Groulart (Claude), haron de MonviUe. Memoires,ou voy- ages par lui fails en oour, [1,588-lUOB]. [I, 49.] Gruel iGuillaume). Hist. d'Ar- tusIXIjducdeBretagne. [1,8.] Guise (Henri II [de Lorraine] (?«cde). Mems. [11,55,56.] Hurault (Philippe), hp. of Chartres. Memoires. [I, 36.] Hurault (Philippe), cte. de Che- vermj, see Chevemy. Illiers (Florent d'). Mems. rel. a F. d'l., [comp. by D. Gode- froy]. [1,8.] Jeannin (Pierre), president du Parleinent de Paris. Nego- ciations du preg. J. [11,11-15.] CEuvres melees. [II, 16.] Joiuville. S. Louis. [1,2] Joly (Claude), ehanoine de Notre Dame de Paris. Mems. [II, 47.] Joly (Gui). Mems. [II, 47.] La Chatre (Claude de), haron de la Maison-Fort, mareehal. Mem. du voyage du due de Guise en Italie. [I, 82.] La Chatre (Edme de), cte. de Nanray. Mems. [II, 51.] La Fare (le viarq. Ch. Aug. de). Mems. [II, 65.] La Fayette {Mme. de). Hist, de Henriette d'Angleterre. [II, 64.] Mems. de la cour de France. [II, 65.] La Marche (Olivier de). Me- moires. [I, 9, 10.] Estat de la raaison de CharleR le Hardy. [I, 10.] La None (Franijois de), called Bras-de-fer. Memoires. [1, 84.] La Porte (Pierre de). Mems. [II, 59.] La Hochefouoauld (le ducVtan- (jois de). Mems. [II, 51, 52.] La Tremoille (Louis de), prince de TaizHoni, see Bouchet (J.) Mems. de La T. Lenet (Pierre). Mems. [II, 53, 54.] L'Estoile (Pierre de). Mems. p. serv. h I'hist. de France, et journal de Henri III & IV [<£■ Louis XIII]. [I, 45-49.] Louis (St.), king of France. Extraits des rass. arabes, dans lesq. il est parle des evene- mens rel. au r. de St. Louis ; tr. Cardonne. [I, 8.] Louise [de Savoie], duchesse d'AngouUme. Journal. [1,16.] Marguerite [de Valois]. Me- moires. [I, 37.] Marillac (Michel de). Memoire. [I, 49.] •Memoires de M. de * * * p. serv. k I'hist. du 17" siecle. [II, 58, 59.] Mergey (Jean de). Memoires. [I, 34.] Merle (Mathieu de), baron de Salavas. Memoires. [I, 88.] Millot (C. F. X.) Mems. com- poses sur les pieces orig. rec. par A. M., due de Noailles. [II, 71-74.] Montglat. Me'ms. [II, 49-51.] Montluc (Blaise de). Commen- taires. [1, 20-22.] 1141 Petitot (Claude Bernard) [contitmcd]. cd., Coll. compl. des mems., etc. [cont.] Montpensier (Mile. de). Mems. [II, 40-48.] Montresor (Claude de Bour- deille.e/e.de). Mems. [11,54.] Motteville {Mme. de). Mems. [II, 86-40.] Nemours (Marie [d'OrUans], duchesse de). Memoirea. [II, 34.] Orleans (Gaston J. B. [de France], due d'). •MSms. de G., 1608-36, \bi) E. Algay de Martignac ?]. [II, 81.] Palma Cayet (P. V.) Chrono- logie nov6naire, 1589-98. [I, 88-48.] Philippi (Jean). Memoires [1560-90]. [I, 34.] Piaau (Christine de). Le livre des faits et bonnes raeurs du roy Charles Y. [I, 5, 6.] Pontchartrain (Paul Phely- peaux, seigneur de). Me- moires, [1610-20]. [II, 16, 17.] Conference de Loudun. [II, 17.] Ponti3(Louisde). Mems., [com- piled byV. Thomas Du Fosse]. [II, 81, 32.] Babutin (Fran(jois de). Com- mentaires des dern. guerres en la Gaule Belgique. [I, 81, 82.] Eetz (J. F. P. de Gondi, card. de). Mems. [II, 44-46.] Richelieu [le card. de). M^ms. sur le r. de Louis XIII, 1610- 20. [These cont. the same matter as Livres 1-10 of the folloiving Mems., d- are a reprint of " Hist, de la Mere ,1; du Fils," publ. 1730, attrib. by some to F. Fades de Mezeray]. [II, 10, 11.] Memoires sur le r. de Louis XIII, 1620-38. [t21 his, cont". Livres 1-10, is a reprint from a better MS., U'. add. of a fragin. at end of 1615, of the preceding Mems., 1610-20]. [II, 21 bis-SO.] Eichemont (cte. de), see Arthur III above. Eochechouart (Guillaume de), seigneur de Jars. Mems. [I, 32.] Eohan (Henri de Eohan, due de). Memoires, [1610-29]. [II, 18, 19.] Saint-Auban (Jacques Pape, seigneur de). Memoires, [1572-87]. . [I, 43.] Salignac (Bertrand de). Le siege deMetz, en 1552. [182.] Staal(M7)!e.de). Mems. [11,77.] Sully (Max. de Bethune, due de). Me'ms. des economies d'estat de Henry le Grand. [II, 1-9.] Talon (Omer). Mems., cont. par Denis Talon. [II, 60-63.] Tavan[n]es (Guillaume deSaulx, seigneur de). Memoires. [I, 35.] Tavan[n]es (Jean de Saulx, vie. de). Mems. de Gaspard de Saulx, seign. de Tavannes. [I, 23-25.] Temple (SiV W.) Mems., 1672-9, tr. [II, 64.] Thou (Jacq.-Aug. de). Me'- moires [1553-1601]. [1,37.] Toroy (J. B. Colbert, marq. de). Mems. [II, 07, 68.] Troyes (Jean de). Hist, de Louis XI, ou Chronique scan- daleuse. [1, 13, 14.] Vieilleville (Francois de Sce- peaux, sire de) marechal. see Carloix (V.) Mems. de V., above. Villars {le marichal de). Me'ms. [II, 68-71.] PETRAECH de Con- Villehardouin. Conq. stantinople. [I, l.J ViUeneuve (Guillaume de). M(5m6., 1494-7. [1, 14.] Villeroi (Nicolas de Neufville, seigneur de*. Mems. d'estat. [1,44.] dolm^nique de Mareuil-l^s- s8». 1892 Petitot (Emile). La sijpulture Meaux & s. constructeurs. Traditions indiennes du Canada nord-ouest. s8". 1886 Petit-Radel (Louis Charles Francois). Recherches sur les bibli- otheques jusqu'a la tondation de la Bibl. Mazarine. 8". 1819 *PetitS poMes franvais, 1841, see PoiTEViN (P.) ed. Petit-Senn (Jolin). Bluettes & boutades. 3" 4d. 68°. 1851 Petitus (Samuel), see *Jubisprudentia Eomana & Attica: P. leges AtticfE et Comm., 1738. Peto (Sir Samuel Morton), /" bart. Besources & prospects of America : a visit, 1865. f- 1866 Taxation: our anancial policy. _ o Mormn Petofl (Sandor). P. S. osszes koltemfenyei. b8». [187JJ Poetische Werke. Deutsch von J. Steinbach. s8o. Breslau. 1902 Transl". t. P., by Sir J. Bowring. sB". 1866 Petrarch. [Petrarka; Petrarque ; fPETEARCA (Francesco)]. Librorum F. Petrarche impressorum annotatio, etc. [An ed. of P.'s Latin works only]. fol. [Venetiis. 1501]. De ocio religiosorura— De vera sapientia. s8°. Benife. 1604 De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia. b8°. Genevse. 1609 Eerum memorandarum lib. iv. [b. w. h. De ocio relig., etc., 1604]. ^80. 1610 Canzonierf Eime. Con note scelte da C. Albertini. 2t. 8^ Firenze. 1832 Eime Con 1' interpretazione di G. Leopardi. 3" ed. sS", Firenze. 1851 II oanzoniere. Eived. nel testo e comment, da G. A. Soartazzini. sS'\ L. 1883 Canzoniere. Cronolog. riordinato da L. Maecetta ; eon com. vl. sS". Lanciano. 1895 Le rime di P. Comm. da G. Carducci e S. Ferrari. s8". Firenze. 1899 Die Triumphe P.'s. In krit. Texte hrsg. v. C. Appel. 8". Halle a.S. 1901 Epistol.e. Epistola posteritati. Ed. S. E. Brydges. {23 exempl. sol.) 8". Neapoli. 1820 Ecistolffi de rebus familiaribus & varia;. Cura I. Fracassetti. ^ 3t. 8'>. FlorentiiE. 1859-63 Lettere delle cose familiari— Lettere varie. Volgarizzate con note da G. Fracassetti. 5t. sS". Firenze. 1863-7 Lettere senili. Volgarizzate con note da G. Fracassetti. 2t. s8». Firenze. 1869-70 Translations. A few sonnets attempted f. P. in early life [by F. W., i.e. F. Wrangham]. 4". Kent, Lee Priory. 1817 CEuvres amoureuses de P. Tr., avec texte par L. Gmguene. so". [1875J Poesies. Tr. complete par le cte. F. L. de Gramont. 88°. 1842 The sonnets & stanzas of P. Tr. C. B. Cayley. s8°. 1879 Sonnets, triumphs, & o. poems of P. Tr. into Eng. verse by var. hands, w. life by T. Campbell. sS". Bohn. 18.59 Eeferences. see Appel (C.) Die Berliner Hss. d. Emie P. s, 188b. „ Campbell (T.) Life of P., 1841. *Clarorum virorum, T. Prodromi, P-. etc., epistolie, 1754. EssLiNa {prince »') & E. MOntz, Petrarque, 1902. „ Fabeoni (A.) P". vita, 1799. „ FoscoLo (N. Ugo). Essays on p., 1823. , Garnett (E.), tr., Dante, P. etc : 124 sonnets tr 1896. „ KbRTiNG(G.) Gesch. d. Litt. Itahens : Bl P., 1878. „ L.\MARTINE (A. de). Trois poetes : P. etc, 18J3. „ Landor (W. S.) Works : v8. Criticisms on P. etc., 1876 „ Macgregob (E. G.) Indian leisure : P. [verse tr. f. P.], etc., 1854. ,, ,„^. „ Mezieres (Ale.) P., 2' ed., 1868 ; n. ed., 189o. Fieri (M.) Le petrarquisme au 16- s. : Petrarque . 1896 3'. f.p-c. 1899 Le Satyricon. Tr. par Laurent Tailhade. 1=8". 1902 sec "'Erotica : Satyricon of P. etc., tr., 1854. „ Segeb.ade (J.) A'E. LoMMATZscH. Lex. Petronianum, 1898. „ Thomas (Emile) Petrone, 1902. Petronj (Stefano JEgidio). Gesta navali della monarchia inglese. Con note ec. in francese di J. Lavallee. 2t. 4". Londra. 1814 & J. Davenport. New diet., Eng.-Ital.-French. (Nuovo diz.). 3v in 2. 3'^ ed. 8". 1828 Fetrov (Ivan), sec Petroff (I.) Petrov (Konstantin Petrovich). Tableau de la lift, russe. Tr. A. Eomald. 8". 1872 Petruccelli Delia Gattina (Ferdinando). Hist, diplomat, des conclaves. 4t. 8". 1864-6 Le notti degli emigrati a Londra. 2" ed. s8''. Milano. 1884 Preliminaires de la Question Eomaine de Ed. About. 8". 1860 Petrus. For monarchs, saints etc. of this name not mentioned here see Peter. Petrus, Alexandrinus episc, see Peter II, bp. of Alexandria. Petrus, Alcraitdrinus episc, Saint d martyr, sec Peter I, bp. of A leva ndria. Petrus, de Alliaco, see Ailly (Pieree d'), card., bjy. of Cambray. Petrus Amelii, [Amelius (Peteus)], see Mueatoei (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t3, ii. Petrus archidiaconus, see Migne (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t96. Petrus, Argoriivi cpiscoinis, see Peter, 6/). of Argos. Petrus Bernardi, see Beenaedi (P.) Petrus Biblioth^carius. see Bocqdet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t5-8. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl51. ,, Monumenta Geem. Hist., Scr., tl. Petrus, Blescnsis, see Peter, of Blois. Petrus, diaconiis Casinensis. Chronioon Casinense, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl73. „ „ [anoth. ed.], see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t7. De viris Cassinensibus, see Muratoei (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t6. Petrus I, bp. of Chartres. [Cellensis]. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des (Jaules, tl6, for Epistolie. „ Migne (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, 1202, for Opera. ' Petrus Chrysolaus, see Chrysolancs. Petrus ClarcB Vallis abbas, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t201, 209. Petrus, Comestor. Historia scholastica. 4°. Beneventi. 1699 see MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl98. Petrus de Condeto, d. 1329. Ceratse P. de C. tabulte, sea Bocqoet (M.) Eec, des hist, des Gaules, t22. PETRUS 1143 PEYTON Petrus Erfordensis. Cronioa, sec Monumenta Germ. Hist., Her., t30, i. Petrus, de Herentals. Vita paparum, sec Mi-hatori (L. A.) Keriim Ital. Script., t3, ii. Petrus, 7/isj)nK»s, U2fi-7y ; nft. Pope John XXI, jP. Hyspanos; P. Spani ; fJoiFN W\, impc [Pedro Jcliao Kebello]}, see Prantl (Caul). M. Psellus u. P. H., 1867. Petrus de Uoncstis, see Honestis (P. de). Petrus Lombardus, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl91, 192. Petrus Malleac. see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, tlO. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl4G. Petrus, de Marca, see Marca (Pierre de). Petrus, hp. of Meaux, cardinal, see Bouquet (M.) Rcc. des hist, des Gaules, tl6. „ Mione (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl9!). Petrus, subdiaconiis Xeapolitanus, sfc Muratoki (L. A.) Kerum Ital. Script., t2, ii. Petrus, cantor eccl. Paris, sec Mione (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t20.5. Petrus Pictav., see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t211. Petrus Pisanus, see Mione (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl63. Petrus, PlouUman, see Piers, the Ploughman, ps. Petrus dc Riga, see Eioa (P. de). Petrus II, de Sabatcdia, sec Peter II, count of Sarotj. Petrus .S. Petri Divensis, see Mione (J. V.)cd., Pat. latina, tl81. Petrus, Sarnensis. [Pierre, de Vaidx-Sarnay; Pierre, des YalUcs Sernay]. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl9,/or Hist. Albig. „ GuizoT (F.) cd.. Coll. des m^ms., tl4, Hist, de I'heresie des Albigeois, & de la guerre centre eux, 1203-18 ; par P. de V.-C, 1824. „ Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t213, for Hist. Albigensiuin. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t2G. Petrus Sci/thiciis, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t02. Petrus, Siciiliis, [I-Peteb, the Sicilian] , see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. griEca, tl04, P. S., for Hist. Manichjeorum. Petrus Tj{debodiis, see Tudehodus (P.) Petrus TV)!., sec Maurice de Montboissier (P.) Petrus Alphonsus, form. Rabbi Moses Sephardi, see Alfonso, fabidist. Petrus Guillelmus. Miracula S. J^Igidii, see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl2. Fetrns Ka-Ttyv Anglerius, i4.j9-fS23, see Maetyh (Peter) A71- gleriiis. Petrus Martyr Vermilius, 1500-62, see Martyr (Peter), Re- former. Pett (Sir Peter). *Happy (The) future state of England, etc. fol. 1688 *Obligation (The) resulting f. the Oath of Supremacy, etc. \b. UK h. Happy future state of Eng., 1C88]. 2p in Iv. fol. 1688 Petter (Nicolaes). Eing-Kunst vom J. 1674 mit deutsch. u. hol- liind. Text u. Lichtdrucken hrsg. v. K. Wassmannsdorff. 4". Heidelberg. 1887 ♦Petticoat (The), 2"'' ed., 1716, see Breval (.J.) [ps. Jos. Gay]. Pettigrew (James Bell). Animal locomotion. s8". 1873 Pettigrew (Thomas Joseph). Biograph. mem", of celeb, phy- sicians, surgeons etc. Ia8". 1839 Chronicles of the tombs : coll. of epitaphs. 58°. Bohn. 1857 Hist, of Egyptian mummies ; w. remarks on funeral ceremonies of diff. nations, mummies of the Canary I'., etc. 4". 1834 Inquiry into the death of Amy Eobsart. [P227]. 8". 1859 Mems. of life of Nelson. 2v. 8". 1849 Superstitions conn. w. medicine & surgery. 8°. 1844 Pettigrew ("William Frank). Manual of locomotive engineer- ing, w. hist. intr. With section on American & Continental engines by A. F. Ravenshear. 8". 1899 Pettinger (Charles H.) Alterative epistle to Ed. Spencer. [P43]. 8". Bristol. 1802 Pettitt, see also Petit, Petty-, Petyt. Pettitt (George). The Tinnevelly Mission. sS". 1851 Pett-Eidge ("W.), sec Eidoe (W. Pett). Petty (Sir William), M.D., surveyor-gen. of Ireland to Charles II. Economic writings of P. With the Obs. upon the Bills of Mortalitv, more probably by J. Graunt. Ed. C. H. Hull. " 2v. 8°. C. 1899 Several essays in political arithmetick. sS". 1699 Cont'. : 1, Essay cone, the multiplication of mankind ; vr. another essay in polit. arithmetick cone, the growth of London, 3, Further obs. upon the Dublin Bills. Petty (Sir William), M.D. [continued]. Several essays in political arithmetick [continued]. 3, Two essays in polit. arithmetick cone, the people etc. of London & Paris. 4, Obs. upon London & Rome. 5, Five essays in polit. arithmetick. 0, Political arithmetick, or a disc. cone, the extent & value of lands, people, buildings, etc. Ed. by D. 1851 1769 M. : [the marq. of custom of the b8". 1690 Survey of Ireland, called the Down Survey, 1655-6. T. A. Larcom. [I. Arch. Soc.]. 40, Tracts chiefly rel. to Ireland. 8». D sec Bills oe Mort.^lity. *A coll. of the yearly Bills of subj""., Another essay in polit. arithmetic, by P., 1759. „ FlTZMAURicE (Lord E.) Life of P. (1623-87), 1895. „ Graunt (.John). Obs. upon the Bills of Mortality, authorship of wh. has been disputed, some ascr'. tlie work to P.], var. ed'. „ Hale (T.) Acc. of new inventions; [ct]. Naval philosophy, by P., 1691. „ Ireland. *Co11. (A) of tracts etc., [vi conts. P.'s "Polit. anatomy of I."], 18G0. „ SoMERS (.J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. „ WuiTwoRTH {Sir C.) Tracts, 1748. Petty (William), 2'"' earl of Slielburne, aft Lansdoume, see Lan.sdowne. Petyt, see also Petit, Pettitt. Petyt (George). *Lex Parliamentaria : law & Parliaments of Eng. Petyt (William) [ps. Philanglus]. Jus Parliamentarium : anc, power, jurisdiction, rights etc. of Pari. 2p in Iv, [jMgin. cont.]. fol. 1739 see Brady (R.) Intr. to the old Eng. hist. : 1, ans. to P.'s Eights of the Commons, 1684. „ Whitworth {Sir C.) for Britannia languens [pref. signed Philaufdus, i.e. W. P.]. Petz (Hieronymus), see Fez (H.) Petzholdt (Alex.) Beitriige z. Geognosie v. Tyrol. 8". L. 1843 Der Kaukasus. 2B. 8°. L. 1866-8 Leet". to farmers on agricult. chemistry. [Tr.]. s8". 1844 Turkestan, auf Grundlage einer im J. 1871 unternommenen Bereisung d. Landes. s8". L. 1874 Petzholdt (Julius). Hdbch. deutscher Bibliotheken. s8o. Halle. 1853 Katechismus d. Bibliothekenlehre. s8". L. 1856 see Dresden. Cat. Bibl. Danteas Dresd., ed. P., 1882. Peuchet (Jacques). Diet, universel de la gtegraphie com- mer(;'ante. 5t, [t5 icanting]. 4". an vii-viii, [1799-1800] *Peuple (Un) voU par un roi ; docs. rec. par une soc. de patriotes beiges. S". Brux. 1838 Peutinger (Conrad). [Peutingeeub]. Peutingeriana tabula itine- raria quiP in Aug. Bibl. Vindobon. nunc servatur. Mariee Theresiffi die. a F. C. de Scheyb. fol. Vindobonee. 1753 *Peveril of the Peak, 1822, see Scott {Sir W.) Peyou (Leopold Dupuy-), see Dupuy-Peyoo. Peyrat (Alphonse). Hist, et religion. s8". 1858 Hist, ^l^mentaire & crit. de Jesus. 8". 1864 Peyrat (Napoleon). Hist, des Albigeois. 2v. (1, La civilisation romaine. 2 & 3, La croisade). 8". 1880-2 The 2'"' vol. is nwinbered '• 2 d: 3" on the tp., as represent- ing t2 £ 3 of the /" ed., isjl. Hist, des pasteurs du desert, 1685-1789. 2t. 8°. 1842 Les r(iformateurs de la France it de I'ltalie au 12* s. s8". 1860 Peyrebrune (Georges de) ps. [i.e. Mile. M. Georoina E. de Peyrebrune, aft. Mme. de Judicis]. Les femmes qui tombent. Libres. s8<>. 1897 s8o. 1898 La Margotte. b8". 1896 Les fiancees. sS". 18S7 Les passionnes. sS". 1900 Friiulein von Tremor, tjbers. Vers I'amour. s8o. 1896 s8». [1888] Vietoire la Eouge. sS". 1896 Peyrerius (I.), see La Peyrere (I. de). Peyrol (Rene). Rosa Bonheur. [Art Annual, 1889]. fol, 1689 Peyronnet (Mme. de) [ps. Horace de Lagardie]. Causeries parisiennes. Par H. de L. s8°. 1865 Peyssonnel (Claude Charles de), co7isul-general of France at Smyrna. Obs. histor. ifc geograph. sur les peuples barbares qui out habite les bords du Danube & du Pont-Euxin. 4". 1765 Situation polit. de la France. s^". n.p. 1789 see *Dangeb of the polit. balance of Europe [6^ P. }], tr., 1790. Peyton, see also Paton, Paxton. PEYTON 1144 PFORDTEU Peyton (Anne Montgomery). see Peytom (J. L.) Biog. sketch of A. M. P., 1876. „ Mem. of J. H. Peyton, w. sketch of A. M. P., 1894. Peyton (Sir Edward), 2'"' bart., d. tor,-;, see James I. *Secret hist, of the court of J. 1 : cout. P.'s Divine catastrophe of the House of Stuarts, etc., 1811. Peyton (John Howe), see Peyton (.T. h.) Mem. of .T. H. P., in sketches by h. contemps., w. some of h. letters, etc., 1894. Peyton (John Lewis). The adventures of my grandfather [J. B. Peyton], w. extr'.f. h. letters, & o. family doc", etc. 8°. 1867 The American crisis : note-book of a State Agent dur. the War. •Jv in 1. s8". 1867 ' Biograph. sketch of Anne M. Peyton. [P355]. 8". Guernsey. 1876 Hist, of Augusta County, Virginia. 8". Staunton, Va. 1882 Mem. of J. H. Peyton, w. some of h. letters ; also, sketch of Ann M. Peyton. 8". Staunton, Va. 1894 Mem. of W. M. Peyton, w. some of h. speeches, etc. 8". 1873 Over the AUeghanies & across the Prairies : the Far West 21 years ago. s8°. 1869 see Blcndell (B.) The contrib". of P. to the hist, of Virginia & of the Civil War (1861-.5), 1868. Peyton (John Eowzee), see Peyton (J. L.) Adv. of my grand- father [J. R. P.], w. extr'. f. h. letters, 1867. Pejrton (Thomas). The glasse of time, [1620]. 2p in Iv. s8o. N.Y. 1886 Peyton (William Madison), see Peyton (.T. L.) Mem. of P., w. some of h. speeches, & h. letters in ref. to Secession etc., 1873. Peyton (William Wynne). The Memorabilia of Jesus, com- monly called the Gospel of .John. 68". 1892 Pez (Bernhard). [B. Pezius]. Thesaurus aneodotorum novis- simus, sen vet. monumentorum, pra»c. ecclesiasticorum, coll. recentissima. 6t in 16. [Each t. has 3j>]. fol. Augustas Vindelic. 1721-9 t-5, Gerhohi comm. aureus in Psalmos, etc. 3p in 2v. [pagin. cotit.] t6. Codex diplomatico-storico-epistolaris, opera B. P. et P. Hueber. 3p in 2v. Fez (Hieronymus) [H. Pezius] ed., Scriptores rerum Austria- carum. Notis etc. illust. H. P. 3t, [t3 wanting], fol. Lipsise. 1721-45 see K.\is. Acad. p. Wissensch., Denkschr., under Meillek (A. v.) Pezzana (Angelo). Cat. de' libri impr. in Parma, 1472-1500. [P84]. 4". Parma. 1846 Pezzi (Domenico). Aryan philology. Tr. E. S. Roberts. s8". 1879 Pezzl (Johaun). Vie du baron de Loudon. Tr. par le baron de Bock. n. U. s8". Vienne. 1792 Ffaff (A. B. I. Friedrich). Die Theorie Darwin's u. d. That- sachen d. Geologic. [P548]. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1876 Pfaff (Carl), historian. Gesch. d. Fiirstenhauses u. Landes Wirteraberg. 3T in 2v. s8». St. 1839 Pfaffe Lamprecht (Der), see Lampbecht, Der Pfaffe. Pfaffers. Libri Confraternitatum S. Galli Augieusis Fabariensis, 1884, see Piper (P.) ed. Pfannenschmid (Heino). Germanische Erntefeste im heidn. n. christl. Cultus, mit bes. Beziehg. auf Niedersachsen. 8". Hannover. 1878 Pfanner (Tobias). Systema theologiaj gentilis purioris etc. 4". Basiles!. 1679 Pfeffel (C. F.), see Pfeffel von Kriegelstein (C. F.) Pfeffel von Kriegelstein (Christian Friedrich). Nouvel abreg^ ohronolog. de I'hist. & du droit public d'AUemagne. 2t. 4». 1776 First publ. anon., 17.3J,, u\ t. : Abrtge etc. Pfeffer (Wilhelm). Physiology of plants. 2"" ed., tr. A. J. Ewart. vl. Ia8°. 0. 1900 Pfeflferkorn (Johann). [Pepericornu.^]. Defensio I. P. contra famosas Ohseur. virorum epist.— 0. Gratii Lamentationes obscur. virorum. s8^ L. 18C4 Pfeiffer (Mrs. Emily). Flying leaves f. East & West. sS". 1882 Gerard's monument, & o. p. 2'"' ed. b8». 1878 Glan-Alarch, his silence & song. s8". 1877 Quartermau's Grace, & o. p. s8". 1879 Pfeiffer (Franz). For several cssot/s, see Kaisebl. Akad. ». Wissensch., Denkschr. see *Theologia deutsch, 1875 ; tr., [tv. t., T. Germanical, 2-" ed., 1854. The rhyme of the Lady of the Eock, etc. s8". 1884 Sonnets. rev. & enl. ed. b8». [1886] Under the aspens. sS". 1882 Women & work : essay. s8°. 1888 Pfeiffer (Freimund). Goethe u. Klopstock. Beilagen : Briefw. zw. G. u. K. aus d. Sehreiben e. Freundes Klopstoeks. sS". L. 1842 Goethe's Fi-iedrike. Anhg. : Sesenheimer Liederbuch. sS". L. 1841 Pfeiffer (Ida L.) Eine Frauenfahrt urn d. W'elt. 3B in 1. s8\ Wien. 1850 Keiae nach d. skandinav. Norden u. Island im J. 1845. 2B in 1. s8». Pesth. 1846 Thanslaiions. Journey to Iceland ; & travels in Sweden, Norway. Tr. C. F. Cooper. 8". 1852 A lady's second journey round the world. [Tr. J. Sinnett]. 2v. s8^ 1855 A lady's voyage round the world. A selected tr. by Mrs. P. Sinnett. s8'\ 1851 Last travels ; inclusive of visit to Madagascar, with mem. Tr. H. W. Duleken. s8». 1861 Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, Italy. Tr. H. W. Duleken. 880. 1852 A woman's journey round the world. TTnabridged tr. sS''. [1852] Pfeiffer (L.), M.D., of Weimar. & C. Euland. Pestilentia in nummis : Cresch. d. grossen Volkskrankheiten in numismat. Documenten. 8'. Tiibingen. 1882 Pfeil (Richard, Graf v.) Experiences of a Prussian officer in Russian service, 1877-8. Tr. Col. C. W. Bowdler. s8». 1893 Ffister (Albert v.) Aus d. Lager d. Verbiindeten, 1814-15. laS". St. 1897 Das deutsche Vaterland im 19.Jhdt. 8". St. 1900 Pfister (Christian). Etudes sur le r^gne de Robert le Pieux, (996-10.31). [HE64]. 8^ 1885 Pfister (Johann Christian v.) Herzog Chiistoph zu Wirtem- herg. 2T in Iv. s8". Tubingen. 1819-20 see *Geschichte dek ErKOpJi. Staaten : Gesch. d. Teutschen, V. P., 1829-36. Pflzer (Gustav). Life of Luther, etc., tr. T. S. Williams. Ia8». 1840 Pflzmaier (A.) For several essays, see Kaisebl. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., Denkschr. Pfleiderer (Edmund). Empirismns u. Skepsis in Hume's Philosophie. H". 1874 Die Idee eines goldenen Zeital- ters. 8\ 1S77 Leibniz als Patriot, Staatsmann u. BildungstriCger. 8°. L. 1870 Pfleiderer (Otto). Grundriss d. christl. Glaubens- u. Sittenlehre. 8". 1880 Der Paulinismus. 8°. L. 1873 Die Religion, ihr Wesen u. Gesch. 2B. 8". L. 1869 1, Das Wesen der R. 2, Die Gesch. d. E. Der moderne Pessimismus. [P478]. 8". 1875 Sokrates u. Plato. Ia8». Tiibingen. 1896 Eeligionsphilosophie auf ge- schichtl. Grundlage. 8». 1878 F. W. J. Schelling ; Gedachtniss- rede, 1875, Jena. [P502]. 8°. St. 1875 Das Drchristenthum, s. Schriften u. Lehren. 8". 1887 Tbansl.^tions. Development of theology in Ger- many since Kant, it in Gt. Brit, since 1825. Tr. J. F. Smith. Ia8<'. 1890 Influence of Paul on Xtv. Tr. J. F. Smith. [Hihbert'Lecf., 1885]. 8". 1885 Paulinism. Tr. E. Peters. 2v. 8». 1877 Philosophy & development of religion. 2v. 88". E. 1894 The philosophy of religion on the basis of its hist. Tr. 4v. 8". 1886-8 Pflug (Ferdinand). Souv'. de la campagne de Crim^e. Tr. J. Bai.'isac. 8". 1862 Pfluger (Eduard F. W.) Teleolog. Mechanik d. lebend. Natur. [P455]. 8». Bonn. 1877 Pflugk-Harttung (Julius A. G. v.) [tHARTTUNo (Jul.)]. Acta Pontificum Roman, ined. [Urkunden d. Papste). 3B. (1, 748- 1198. 2,97-1197. 3,590-1197). 4". [1, Tiibingen ; 2, 3, St.]. 1881-8 *Krieg u. Sieg, 1870-1 : ein Gedenkbuch. ^8^ [1895] For the Eng. tr., see *Fe.anco- German Wae (The), tr. J. F. Maurice etc., 1900. see Heeee u. Flotten der Gegenwart, 1896 etc., of wli. P.-H. , icas the first cd. Pfnoi: (Carl Fr. Christian). Das Leben, d. Natur u. i. Wissen- Echaften. 8". Karlsruhe. 186 Pfordten (Hermann, Frhr. von der). Handlung u. Dichtung d. Biihnenwerke Wagners nach i. Grandlagen in Sage u. Gesch. 88". 1899 I PHJEDRUS 1145 PHILASTRIUS Phsedrus. [Fedro ; Fedkcs; Phadhus; Piieube ; Phedro]. Fabularum jEsopiarnm libri v. Cur. P. Burmanno. ed. 3\ 8". Lugd. Bat. 17-1.5 FabuloB ivenienci\ their author being unknown. Epistolfe. Quas Lat. fecit, interpos. C. Boyle notis, coram. illust., I. D. a Lennep. Finem operi imp. L. C. Valckenaer. [Gr. <€• Lat.]. i". Groningte. 1777 sec Bentley (R.) Diss, de P'. etc. epist., nee non ejusdem resp. qua diss, vindioat a censura C. Boyle, in Lat. conv., 1777. „ Diss, on P., w. ans. to Boyle, 1810. „ Boyle (Hon. C.) Bentley's diss", on P. etc. exam""., 1698. „ WoTTON (W.) Reflections upon anc. & mod. learning, 2»'i ed., 1697. Phalereus (Demetrius), see Demetrios, I'halereus. *Phallisin : a description of the worship of Lingam-Yoni, w. ace. of anc. tt mod. crosses, partic. of the Crux ansata, etc. s8". p.p. 1892 Phanocles, see Philetas, of Cos. P., P. etc. reliquios, 1829. *Phantasia poetica de nuptiis aquiloe. [P896]. s4i'. Vienna) Austriae. 1596 *Phantasniion, 1837, see Coleridge (Sara). *Phantom fortune, 1883, see Braddon (Miss). Phaon. *La Faoniada, inni ed odi di Saffo. Not a tr. f. S., but tJw wurl- of Imperiale (G. V.), 5.1'. Pharaoh, see Nash (D. W.) The P. of the Exodus, 1863. Pharisees (Psalms of the), see Solomon, Tcing. *Psalms of SoloDwn. Pharmacopoeia. Tile "British p." was publ. by the General Medical Council as n substitute for the three (Loiulon, Edin- burgh, Dublin) P'., in accordance to. the Medical Act of /S.5S'. British pharraacopffiia. 2v. 8». 1864 8". [1885, repr.]1890 8'". [1898, 3«i issue]1899 *rharn)acopfleia Augustana reformata, et eius Mantissa, oum animadv. Annexa ejusdem Pharmacop. regia. s8". GoudsB. 1653 see Zwelfer (.J.) Appendix ad animadv., 1658. *PharmacopcEia Coll. Reg. Medioorum Lond. [Knoion also as tlie London Pharmacopoeia]. S". 1851 ♦Phases of party, 1869, see Chambers (C. H.) Phaurnavis (Nana), sec N.wa Furncwees. Phavorinus, sec Favorincs. Phayre (Sir Arthur Purves). Hist, of Burma. 8'. 1883 Phear (Sir John Budd). The Aryan village in India & Ceylon. s8". 1880 Pheasant (The), 1895, see Fur, feather, & fin series. Phedro, see Ph.kdrus. Pheidias, sec Phidias. Phelan (Charlotte Eliz.), aft. Tonna, see Charlotte Eliza- beth, ps. Phelan (William). Remains ; bp. of Limericli. see Jedb (J.), bp. of Limericl-. Phelipe. For Icings, saints etc. see Philip. Phelipeaux (Vabbi Jean), see Phelypeaux (J.) Phelips, The family of, see *Genealogic\l coll', illust-'. Roman Cath. families : 2, P., ed. J. J. Howard, H. F. Burke, 1887. Phelps {Lieut. -Gen. Arthur). Lord Dunchester, or end of Dr. Therne. s3'. 1901 This forms a sequel to Haggard (H.E.) Dr. Therne, 1901, q. v. Phelps (Austin). My study, & o. essays. s8\ 1886 biog. mem. by John [Jebb], 2v. 2"" ed. 8". 1832 Mem. of P., 1832. Phelps (Elizabeth Stuart) the younger, b. 1>i,'^^ ; aft. Mrs. H. D. Ward. Beyond the gates, sS'. 1888 Burglars in Paradise. b8". 188t) Fourteen to one. sS". 1891 Friends. s8». 1881 & H. D. Ward. Come forth ! & The master of the magicians. The gates ajar. S^'ed. 68". [1868] The gates between. 88". [1887] An old maid's paradise. 88". 1885 The story of Avis. b8". [1885] s8». 1890 88". 1890 Phelps (John Delafleld). Collectanea Glocestriensia ; cat. of books, prints, coins etc. rel. to the Co. of Gloucester, in poss. of P. laS". 1842 Phelps (Samuel), actor, see Coleman (J.) & E. C, Mems. of P., 1886. „ Phelps (W. M.) & J. Forres-Robertson. Life & life-work of P., 1886. Phelps (Thomas), mariner. Captivity in Barbary, see Har- leian Coll. ok Voyages, v2. Phelps (W. May) & J. Forbes-Robertson. Life & life-work of H. Phelps, 8". 1886 Phelps (William), F.S.A. Hist. & antiqv of Somerset, vl ; 2, pp. 1-274. [TJie " Hist, intr." is b. tv. v2. tio more publ.]. i". 1839 Phelypeaux (I'abbf Jean). [Phelipeaux]. *ReIation de I'origine etc, du quietisme en France. S8". n.p. 1732 Phelypeaux (Paul), seigneur de Pontchartrain, see Pontchar- TKAIN. *Phemie Keller, n. ed., 1870, see Riddell (Mrs. J. H.) Phenicie. *Mission de P. dirig^e par Renan, 1864-74, see Ren.\n (E.) Phenix, .lee Phcknix. Pherecydes, Lerius. adj. F. G. Sturz. Phibbs (Isabella Mary) Fragmenta. Coll., fragm. Acusilai etc. ed. 2" aucta. 8". L. 1824 Visit to the Russians in C. Asia. sS". 1899 Phi Beta Kappa, see Freemasonry. *Ritual (A) & illust". of F., * key to the Phi Beta Kappa, 1870. Phidias. [Fidia ; Fidias; Pheidias]. see CoLLiGNON (Max.) Phidias, 1886. „ Mi'LLER (C. 0.) De Phidioe vita & operibus, 1827. „ Petersen (E.) Die Kunst d. P. am Parthenon u. zu Olympia, 1873. Philadelphensis (Theoleptus), see Theoleptus, bp. of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia. Cat. of the bks. belonging to the Library Com- pany of P. ; pref., ace. of the institution. 8". Philadelphia, 1807 Descr. cat. of the Chinese Collection in P. [by W. B. Langdon]. S". Philadelphia. [1841] The Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia. With ace. of opening, 1867. 8". Philadelphia. 1868 see Pennsylvania, Univ. of. Wharton School Studies, v2. City govt, of P., 1893. „ Woman's Hospital of P. Philadelphia Social Science Association, see Patten (S, N.) Principles of rational taxation, 1889. Philadelpho Libico, ps.. see Frova (G.) Philadelphus (Ptolemy), see Ptolemy II, Philadelphus, I: of Egypt. Phiialethes,ps., sec Boswell (J.) *BosweU again ; by P., 1878. Philalethes, ^)s. of the a. of a translation of Dante into Ger- man, see John, king of Saxony. Philalethes, A.M., Ox'on., ps. of a. of " Hist, of Ceylon," see Fellowes (Robt.) Philalethes, Batavus, jis. of a. of " Ad manes violatos J. Wittii," [/7,57?]. Whether this is ps. of P. Burman the elder, or of P. B. the younger, is not knoxon. Fo/r entries see BuRMAN (P.) the elder. Philalethes (Eugenius), F.P.S.,ps., see S.amber (R.) Philalethes (Irinseus), j),s. of a. of " Rerum nuper in regno Scot. gest. hist.," I64/, see Spang (W.) Philanglus, ;).5. of a. of " Britannia languens [/(5S0]," see Petyt (W.) Philanthropic Farm School (The), Redhili, Surrey. Report for 185.>. [P308]. s,8<\ 18.56 Philanthropic Society. Address to the public ; J annexed. Laws etc, of the Soc. [PC] . 8". 1791 Philargyrius Junius, sec Servius Maurus Hoxoratus. Comm. in Virgilium ; ace. Virgilii interpretes P. etc., 1826. Philastrius, Saint, bp. of Brescia. [P. Brixiensis ; Filas- TBius]. F'. divers, hereseon liber. Bee. F. Marx. [C.S.E. Lat., 38]. 8". VindobonfB. 1898 PHILASTRIUS 1146 PHILIPP Philastrius, Saint, bp. of Brescia [cmitimicd]. sec MiGNE (J. P.) cil, Pat. latina, tl2. PMlbrick (Edward S.) Report cone, cotton lands in S. Caro- lina, 1863. [P223]. 8». [Boston. 1864] Phile (Emanuel), see Phlles (M.) Phileleuthems, Anglicanns, ps. of a. of " Vitidic. of Protestant princij'lcs, /547," see Donaldson (J. W.) Phileleutherus, Glaucomastix, jys., see Wagenaar (J.) Phileleutherus, Hclvetius, ps., see Zimjieb.mann (Joh. Jacob), 2irof. of theol., Zurich. Philelpiius (J. M.), sec Filelfo (Giov. Maku). Philemon, the grammarian. [P. GRAMJuxicrs]. P. G. quee sup. Auctiora ed. F. Osann ; ace. aueedota nonuulla Graica. 8". Berolini. 1821 Philemon, the poet, sec Aristophanes. ComcEdise ete. ex n. rec. G. Dindorf. ; ace. P. fragm., 1860. „ JIen.^ndeh. M. et p. reliquiae, 1709 ; 1823. Phlles (Manuel), [M. P. Ephesics ; Emanuel Phile], see *PoET.E bucoliei & didactici : P. etc., Parisiis, 1846. Philetas, of Cos. [P. Col-s]. P. Coi, Hermesianactis Col., atque Phanoclis reliquia;. 111. N. Bachius; ace. Lennepii et Euhnkenii obs. 8'. Halis Saxonuni. 1829 Philharmonic Society of London, sec Hogarth (G.) The P.S. (l«13-62). 1862. Philibert Soupe (A.), sec Soupe (A. P.) Philidor (A. D.) [Filidor ; Philidore ; jD.vnican (F. AndbA), called Philidor]. L'analyse des tehees. 8". Londres. 1849 Studies of chess ; eont''. Caissa, poem by Sir W..Iones ; introd. to the game ; it the whole analysis of ehess etc. 2v. 8". 1803 see Walker (G.) Sel. of games at chess played by P. etc., 1835. *Philip Augustus [novel], 1837, see .Tames (G. P. R.) Philip, duke of Ayijou, aft. Philip V, see Philip V, king of Spain. Philip, archduke of Austria, aft. king of Sp)ain, see Philip I, kitig of S2'ain. Philip II, duke of Burgundy, " the Bold." [Philippe le Hardi]. Itineraires de P. * de Jean sans Peur, 1363-1419. Rec. etc. par E. Petit. [Doc", inki.]. 4". 1888 Philip III, duh: of Burgundy, [tlie Good], see Freheb (M.) Germ, rerum seriptores, t2, 1717. Philip, duke of Chartres, aft. duke of Orleans, <£ regent, 1674- 1733, see Orleans (Philippe, due d'). Philip I, king of France. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl2-16. „ GuizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des mems. : t7, Proees- verbal du sacre de P. I, 182.5. „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlo9. Philip II, king of France, see Philip Augustus, king etc. Philip III, king of France. [Philippe le Hardi]. ace Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t20-23. „ Langlois (C. V.) Le regnede P. Ill, 1887. Philip IV, king of Fi-ance. [Philippe le Bel]. see Bouquet (M.) Ree. des hist, des Gaules, t20-28. ,, Geraud (P. H.) ed., Paris sous P.-le-Bel, 1837. „ Eexan (E.) Politique religieuse du r. de P. le Bel, 1899. Philip V, king of France. [Philippe le Lono]. see Baudrillart (A.) P. V. & la cour de France, tl-3, 1890-8. „ Bouquet (M.) Ree. des hist, des Gaules, t20-23. „ Lehugeur (P.) Hist, de P., (1316-22), Mi j.Jroj., 1897. Philip VI, king of France, [Philippe de Valois], see Viard (J.) ed.. Docs, parisiens du r. de P. VI (1328-50), in prog., 1899. Philip, emperor of Germany, d. 1-208, [Philipp dek Hohen- staufe ; Philipp von Schwaben ; Philippus Suevus], see WrsKELMANN (E.) P., u. Otto V. Braunschweig, 1873-8. Philip, landgrave of Hesse. [Philipp der Gkossmuthige ; Philippus Magnanimus]. see Bacum.vnn (J. H.) ed., Zwolf Urkunden z. Gesch. d. Gefan- gennehmuug P., 1768. „ Mooen (L. G.) Hist, captivitatis P'., 1766. Philip II, king of Maecdon. sec Hogarth (D. G.) P. * Alexander, 1897. „ Leland (T.) Hist, of P., 1758, n. ed., 1806. Philip, de Navarre, sec Navarre (Philippe, de). Philip [Neri], Saint, see Neri (Filippo), Saint. Philip, duke of Orleans ; 1/47-93, see Orleans (L. P. i!.,duc d') [P. Egalite]. Philip, duke of Orleans, regent of France, I674-I733, see Orleans (P., due d'). Philip, cte. de Paris, iS3S-94, see Pakis (le cte. de). Philip, Solitarius, see Philippus, Solitarius, Philip I, king of S2yain. sec Gairdner (J.) ed.. Memorials of Hen. VII : [.-Ice. of recep- tion of P. in Eng. in 1.106], etc., 1858. ,, Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espafia. Philip II, kiny of Spain. Corr. de P. II, sur les aft. des Pays-Baa, d'ap. les orig. dans les Archives de Simancas ; prec. d'une not. de ce depot par Gachard. 5t. i". Brux. 1848-79 From 1558 to li juillet, 1577. Lettres de P. II k ses filles peud. son voyage en Portugal, 1581-3. Publ. par Gachard. la8o. 1884 see B.iUMSTABK (R.) Philippe II, tr., 1877. „ Cabrera de Cordova (L. DE). F. II, 1619. „ Calvete DE Estrella (J. C.) Viaie d'el p. Phel. A BUS tierras de la baxa Alemafia, 1552. „ Castro (A. de'. Spanish protestantB & their per- secution by P. II, tr., 1851. ,, Dollinger (I. v.) ed., Dokumente z. Gesch. Karls V, P.'s II etc., 1862. „ Fernandez Duro (C.) Estudios histdr. del r. de P. II, 1890. „ FoRNEBON (H.) Hist, de P. II, 1881-2. „ Fbeeb (M. W.) Elizabeth de Valois, & the court of P. II, 1857. „ Gachabd (L. p.) ed., Don Carlos & P. II, 2'- ed., 1867. „ Relations des ambass. venitiens snr Ch. V & P., 1855. „ Hagem.\ns (G.) ed.. Rela- tions ined. d'ambass. venitiens dans les Pays- Bas SOUS P. II, etc., 1865. see Hume (M. A. S.) P. II, 1897. „ Jubien de La Gbavi{;be (J. P. E.) Les chevaUers de Malte Sc la raarine de P. II, 1887. „ Juste (T.) Les Pays-Bas SOUS P. II, (1555-67), n. 6d., 1884-8. ,, Margaret, duche.is of Parma. Corr. de M. avec P. II, publ. par Reiffenberg, 1842. „ — Corr. de M. avec P. II, publ. par Gachard, 1867- 81. „ Mignet (F. a. M.) Antonio Perez et P. II, 1845. „ • ■ A. Perez & P. II, tr., 1846. „ MoiLE (N. T.) P. II : tragedy, 1849. „ *Neue Plutarch iDer); 3, P. II, V. M. PliiUppson, 1874-88. „ Philippson (M.) EinMinis- terium unter P. II : Kard. Granvella am span. Hofe (1579-86), 1895. „ Pbescott (W. H.) Hist, of r. of P. II, 1855-9. „ PaiEZAC (D, de). *Obs. snr un livre " P. le Prudent " par Lobkowitz, 1640. „ SoMERS (J. S., baron). CoU. of tracts. „ Spain. Coll. de doe. para la hist, de Espafia. „ W.atson (Robert). Hist. of P. II, 4'" ed., 1785. Philip III, king of Sjmin. Historia, [<£■ otJur doc], sec Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. see Philippson (M.) Heinrich IV u. P. Ill, 1870-6. „ Watson (R.) it W. Thomson. Hist, of P. Ill, 2°" ed., 1786. Philip IV, king of Spain. Historia [i£ other f7oc'.], see Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. see Agreda (MarIa de). Cartas de M. de A. y F. IV, 1885-6. „ M. d'A. & P. IV : corr. ined. tr., 1855. „ C.vNovAS DEL Ca.stili.o (A.) Estudios del r. de F. IV, 1889. „ Cespedes y Meneses (G. de). Hist, de P. IV, 1634. „ Gu.^LDo Pbiorato {il c. G.) Guerre di Ferd. II e III, e del ri F. IV, [pi, 1630-40], 1640. Philip V, king of Spain, see San Felipe (V., marq. de). Com. de la guerra de Espana, e hist, de Phelipe V, etc., 1756. Philip, king of Suabia, sec Philip, emperor of Germany. Philip, dc Thame, sec Th.^me (P., de). *Philip Augustus [novel], 1837, see James (G. P. E.) Philip Augustus, king of France. [Philippe-Auguste ; fPuiLip II, Augustus, ki7ig of France]. La see Guillaume, le Breton. Phihppide, 1825. „ — Vie de P.-A., 1825. „ Button (W. H.) P. A., 1896. „ MONUMENTA GERM. HIST., Scr., t26, 27. see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist. des Gaules, tl7-19, for Gesta. „ Capefigue (J. B. H. R.) Hist, de P.-A., 3' ed., 1842. „ Delisle (L. V.) Cat. des actes de P.-A., 1856. „ Duchesne (A.) Hist. Fr. Scr. t5, 1636, for Gesta. Philip [surnnme~], see also Philipps, Philips, Phillip, Philllpps, Phillips, Philp. Philip (George) & Son, piiblishey-s, see Vaiurs', publishing firtn. Philip (James), of Almerieclosc. The Grameid, an heroic poem deseript. of the campaign of Vise. Dundee, 1689 it o. pieces. Ed. A. D. Murdoch. [Scottish Hist. Soc., 3]. 8". E. 1888 Philip (Robert). Life & times of Whiteheld. 8". 1838 Life, times etc. of Bunyan. S". 1839 Philipiaas, see Filipinas. Philipp, For kings, saints etc. not mentioned here see Philip. PHILIPP 1147 PHILLIMOEE Philipp, der GrossmiUldge, sec Piiiup, landgrave of Hesse. Philipp, der Hohensiaufe, Jiinij of Siiabia, aft. emperor, see Philip, emperor etc. Philipp, von Scliwaben, see Philip, emperor of Germany. Philippe, le Bel, see Philip IV, king of France. Philippe, Egalili', see Orlkans (L. P. J., due i>'), 174~-93. Philippe, le Uardi, due de Bourgogne, see Philip II, duke of Burgundy, "the Bold." Philippe, le Tlardi, king of France, see Philip III, king etc. Philippe, le Long, see Philip V, king of France. Philippe, de Nararre, see Navakiie (P., de). Philippe, le Prudent, see Philip II, king of Spain. Philippe, le Solitaire, see Philippus, Solitarius. Philippe, de Valois, king of France, b. 1:193, d. t3.V), sec Philip VI, king etc. Philippe-Auguste, king of France, see Philip Auousins. Philippe (Adolphe), auteur dramat. Les enfants du capitaine Grant, pit'ce. 4". n.d. Philippi (Adolf). Beitriige zu e. Gesch. d. attischen Biiiger- rechtes. 8". 1870 Kunstgeschichtl; Einzeldarstellungen. Bl-6, [in prog.]. 8». L. 1897-1901 This is the half-t. onhj. The t'. of the sep. vol', are : 1, 2, Die Kunst d. Renaissance in Italien. '2B, [pagin, conf.], 3, Die Kunst d. 15. u. lO.Jhdts. in Deutschland u. d. Nieder- landen. 4, Die Kunst d. Nachbliite in Italien u. Spanien. 5, Die Bliite d. Malerci in Belgien : Rubens u. d. Flamljinder. ti. Die Bliite d. Miilerei in Holland. Philippi (Friedrich Adolf). Coram, on Romans. Tr. J. S. Banks. 2v, [v2 icanting]. 8". E. 1878 Philippi (Jean), prisident de la Cour des Aides de Montpellier. see *CoLLECTioN univ. des m^m. partic. etc., t46. P., 178.5-90. „ Foj' anoth. cd., Mich.iud (J. F.) & J. ronjonL.\T, edd., Nouv. coll. des m^ms. : I, 8, M^ms. de P., 1850. ., For anoth. cd., Petitot {C. B.) cd.. Coll., I, .34, 1819. Philippine Islands. For anon, works in Spanish, sec Filipinas. Philippo. For kings, sai^its etc. see Philip. Philipps (Fabian). [Philips]. Antiquity etc. of Fines paid in Chancery. [P626]. s4'>. 1663 *Considerations touching the dissolving the Court of Chancery. [PC26]. s4". 1653 see SoMEEs (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Philipps (Henry) *The grandeur of the Law ; an exact coll. of the nobility & gentry, whose honours etc. have been acquired or augm. by the ijractice of the Law, etc. s8". 1684 2"'' ed. s8". 1685 Philipps (Jenkin Thomas) [Phillips] Ir., An ace. of the religion etc. of the people of Malabar ; in letters etc. w. a mapp. [Tr. f. the High Dutch by T. P.]. s8°. 1717 Philipps (John Henry), aft. Scourfield, see Scourfield (J. H.) Philipps (William Thomas). Intr. to Hebrew Grammar. 2-> ed. 8". 0. 1837 Philipps (ilfj-s. Wynford), see Women. *Dict. of employments open to w., by P. etc., 1898. Philippson, see also Philipsox. Philippson (Johannes) Sleidanus, I'lOfj-.JO, sec Sleidanus (J.) Philippson (Ludwig). Development of the religious idea in Judaism, Xty., Mahoinedanism. Tr. A. M. Goldsmid. 8". 1855 Philippson (Martin). La centre-revolution relig. au 16' s. [Les orig. du catholicisme moderne]. 8". Brux. 1864 Friedrich III. [" Fine kiirzcre Lebcnsbeschrcibung "]. 8". 1893 Gesch. d. preuss. Staatswesens v. Tode Friedrich d. Gr. bis zu d. Freiheitskriegen. 2B in 1. 8». L. 1880-2 Heinrich IV u. Philipp III : Begi-vindung d. franzos. Uber- gewichtes in Europa, 1598-1610. 3T in Iv. 8". 1870-6 Hist, du rt^gne de Marie Stuart. 3t. 8". 1891-2 Das Leben Kaiser Friedrichs III. [" Fine neue, umfassendere Lebcnsgcschichte "]. Ia8". Wiesbaden. 1900 Ein Ministerium unter PhiUpp II ; Kard. Granvella am span. Hole (1579-86). 8». 1895 Westeuropa im Zeitalter v. Philipp II, Elisabeth, u. Heinrich IV. [A. G. i. E., 3, ii]. Das Zeitalter Ludwigs des Vierzehnten. [A, Philippus. For kiiigs, saints etc. see Philip. Philippus ClarcBV. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl85. ,, MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t26. Philippus de Earveng., see Habvengics (P.) 8". 1882 G. i. E., 3, v]. 8". 1879 Philippus, Magnanimus, see Phiup, landgrave of Hesse. Philippus, Sulitarius. [Philippe le Solitaire]. Les pleura do Philippe ; publ. par E. Auvray. [HE22]. 8". 1875 see MioNE (.T. P.) ed., Pat. graica, tl27, P. S. Philippus, Suevus, see Philip, emperor of Germany. Philippus, de Thame, see Thame (P., de). Philippus (Joannes) Aiiglus, see Phillips (.John), Milton's ■neplieiv. Philips, see also Phelps, Philip, Philipps, Phillip, Piiillipps, Phillips. Philips', publishing firm. [tPniLip {George) & Son, pub- lishers]. Philips' handy atlas of the counties of Eng. n. ed. sB". 1885 Philips' handy atlas of the counties of Ireland. s8\ 1885 Philips (Ambrose). [Phillips]. Life of .John Williams, abp. of York, w. aco. of h. benefactions to S. John's, Camb. s8". C. 1700 Pastorals, epistles, odes, & o. p., w. tr". s8". 1748 see Ball.ads. *A coll. of old b., [coll'', by P.], 1723-5 ; repr., 1872. „ Freethinker (The), 1718; 1722-3. Philips (Edward), Milton's neplww, see Phillips (E.) Philips (Fabian), see Philipps (F.) Philips (Francis Charles). As in a looking glass. 2v. sS". 1885 1886 1887 88°. 1894 88". 1895 s8o. 1886 Mrs. Bouverie. 2v, A question of colour. Social vicissitudes. The strange adventures of Lucy Smith. 2v. s8". 1887 An undeserving woman, & o. s. s8». 1896 The worst woman in London, & o. 8. 2">'i ed. b8". 1895 Young Mr. Ainslie's courtship. 2v. s8». 1889 „ II n. ed, „ T" ed. sS". The Dean & his daughter. :!v. s8". 1887 A devil in nun's veiling. s8*'. 1895 Jack & three Jills. 2v. s8'>. 1886 Little IMrs. Murray. ster. ed. s8". 1889 A lucky young woman. 3v. s8". 1886 & P. Fendall. A daughter's sacrifice. 2v. 88". 1890 & Margaret Byng. 2v. s8». 1890 & C. J. Wills. The fatal Phryne. 2v. s8". 1889 & The Scudamores. 2v. sS". 1890 Philips (Col. George), R.E. Text-book on fortification, etc. e"- ed. Ia8". 1899 Philips (J.), historian, see Heath (J.) Chron. of the late wars, 2"'' ed., cont. by V[hilips], 1676. Philips (John), a. of " The splendid shilling." Poems attempted in the style of Milton. With life etc. s8". 1762 *The splendid shilling. By the a. of Bleinheim. [P676]. fol. 1705 see Smith (Edmund). Poem on the death of P., [1708 ?]. Philips (John), Milton's ncplu'io, see Phillips (J.) Philips (Thomas) ps. [? Sir W. Drake], see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Philipson, sec also Philippson. Philipson (David). The Jew in Eng. fiction. s8». Cincinnati. 1889 Philipson (John). Harness. With remarks on traction, & the Cape cart, by Nimshivich [i.e. S. Bcrdmore]. 8". Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1882 Philistus, Syracusanus. see Fraomenta hist, grfec, tl. „ GoLLER (F.) De situ Syracusarum ; P'. rerum Sicul. fragm. adj., 1818. Phillimore {Sir Augustus). Life of Adm. Sir W. Parker, 1781-18i;G. 3v. 8". 1876-80 Phillimore (Catherine Mary). Dante at Ravenna. s8». 1898 Era Angelico. s8<>. [1880] Studies in Italian lit. Also, the legend of " II cenacolo," a poem. b8°. 1891 The warrior Medici : Giovanni delle Bande Nere. s8". 1887 Phillimore (Greville). Only a black box. 38". E. 1883 Uncle Z. s8". E. 1881 Phillimore (John George), /S0S-6S. The Divorce Court, its evils & the remedy. [P164]. 2"'' ed. 80. 1859 Hist, ct principles of the Law of Evidence. 8". 1850 Hist, of Eng. dur. r. of Geo. III. \1, [no tnore publ.]. 8°. 1863 Inaug. lect. on Jurisprudence, & lect. on Canon Law, 1851. [P188]. 8". 1851 Introd. to Roman Law. 8". 1848 Principles & maxims of Juris- prudence. 8". 1856 Reply to misrepresentations of the "Edinburgh Rev.," Oct. 1803. 8". 1864 Thoughts on Law Reform, etc. [P183]. 8", 1847 PHILLIMORE 1148 PHILLIPS Phillimore (Joseph), iJJo-lSSS. Eeflections on the nature & extent of the hcense trade. [6. lo. Ashburton (Alex., -/»' haron). Inquiry etc., 3'" ed., 1808]. S"" ed. 8". 1812 Beports of cases in the Arches & Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, & in the High Court of Delegates : cont'. the judgments of Sir Geo. Lee. 2v. laB". 1832-3 vl, Hil. 17.5-2-Trin. 1754. v2, Mich. 1754-Mich. 1758: [it] several cases, 1724-33. Reports of cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, & in the High Court of Delegates. 3v. 8". 1818-27 1, Hil. 1809-12. 2, Hil. 1812-Easter 1818. 3, Trin. 1818-Mich. 1821. Speech on moving for leave to bring in a bill to amend the Marriage Act. [P245]. 2"" ed. 8». 1822 Phillimore (Lucy). Sir C. Wren, h. family & times, w. letters * disc, on architecture hitherto unpubl., (1585-1723). 8". 1881 Phillimore (Sir Robert J.), ^" hart., iSiOSo. Commentaries upon International Law. 4v. 8". 1854-61 Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of Eng. 2v. 8". 1873 „ 2°'' ed., by Sir W. G. F. Phillimore, [A] C. F. Jemmett. 2v. laS". 1895 Mems. & corr. of Geo., Ld. Lyttelton, 1734-73. 2v. 8". 1845 Principal ecclesiast. judgments in Court of Arches, 1867-75, by P. 8". 1876 Phillimore (William Phillimore Watts). How to write the hist, of a family. s8". 1887 Suppl. to " How etc." s8". 1896 Index to wills proved & administrations granted in the court of the Archdeacon of Berks, 1508-1652. [Oxf. Hist. Soc, 23]. 8". 0. 1893 Some ace. of the fam. of Middlemore of Warwickshire & Worcestershire. By P., assisted by W. F. Carter. 4°. p.p. 1901 see Gi.oncESTEE, Hampshike, Nottingham Parish Registers \in prog.'] 1896, etc. ,, London A Middlesex Notebook, ed. P., 1892. &W. H. Whitear,fd4., Hist, colls, rel. to Chiswick. 8". 1897 Phillip [forenmnc']. For kings, saints etc. sec Philip. Phillip (Arthur), first Governor of N.S.W. The voyage of Gov. P. to Botany Bay, etc. 3"' ed. Ia8". 1790 see Barton (G. B.) Hist, of N.S.W. : vl, P., (1783-9), 1889. „ Becke (L.) & W. Jeffery. P., 1899. Phillippo (James M.) Jamaica : its past & present state. s8". 1843 Phillipps, sec also Phelps, Philip, Philipps, Philips, Phillip, Phillips. Phillipps (Ambrose lisle), aft. Phillipps De Lisle. Letter to ] Earl of Slirewsbury on re-establishment of the hierarchv of Eng. Catholic Church, etc. [P129]. 8". 1850 sec Pi-RCELL (E. S.) Life A letters of P. De L., 1900. Phillipps (Charles Spencer March). Horse A man. s8". 1869 .Turisprudencc. 8". 1863 Phillipps (Edward Thomas March). *Reeords of the ministry of E. T. M. P., 1862, see Phillipps (Miss L. F. M.) Phillipps (Evelyn March). The frescoes in the Sixtine Chapel. s8°. 1901 Pintoricchio. s8". 1901 Phillipps (James 0. Halliwell-), see Halliwell-Phillipps. Phillipps {Miss L. F. March). *My life, A what shall I do with it ? 8<>. 1860 •Records of the ministry of E. T. March Phillipps. s8'>. 1862 *Strong & free : or first steps towards social science. 8". 1869 Phillipps (Samuel March). State Trials, prior to 1688. 2v in 1. 8". 1826 Phillipps (Sir Thomas), bart. Bibliotheca Phillippica : cat. of portion of the MSS. etc. of P., sold 21 Mar., 1895. [P758]. 8". 1895 Cat. of the lib. of P., sold 3 Aug., 1886, [A 22 Jan., 1889j. 2p. [MS. i)ric^;s. r7201. 8". 1886-9 Institutiones elericorum In com. Wiltoniie, 1297-1810. 2v in 1. fol. 7)1 typis Medio- Montanis. 1825 see Malmesrury, Monastery of. *Cartularium etc., 1831. „ Middle HrLL,[//ies<;a'. 1895 Savage Svanetia. 2v. s8". 1883 Snap. s8». 1890 „ 2"^ ed. s8». 1890 , n. ed. s8". 1892 Sport in the Crimea & Caucasus. 8°. 1881 A sportsman's Eden. 8". 1888 The trottings of a tenderfoot; the Columbian Fiords, & Spitzbergen. sS". 1884 see Badminton Lib. : Big game shooting, by P.-W., etc., 1894. Phillips (Mrs. Alfred). Benedicta. 3v. b8». 1878 Phillips (Ambrose), see Philips (A.) Phillips (Commodore Arthur), see Phillip (A.), first Gov. of N.S.W. Phillips (Charles), one of the Commissioners of the Insolvent Debtors' Court. Address to electors of Sligo : reasons for declining the poll. [P121]. 8''. 1818 Hist, sketch of Wellington. [P123]. 8". Brighton. 1852 The Queen's case stated. [P212]. 17"' ed. 8". 1820 Recoils, of Curran, A some of h. contemps. 2"'' ed. 8". 1822 3" ed., [w. t. Curran A his c'.]. 8". E. 1850 Speech, Blake v. Wilkins, breach of promise. [P121]. 8". 1817 Speech, Creighton v. Townsend, for seduction. [P121]. 8°. 1817 Speech, Guthrie v. Sterne ; w. P.'s letter in ans. to the Edin- burgh Reviewers. 2"'* ed. s8". E. 1816 Speech, Guthrie v. Sterne, for adultery. [P121]. Hone's 14"' ed. 8". 1816 Speech on dethronement of Napoleon, Ireland, Reform, etc., Liverpool, 31 Oct. 1816; w. poem by him. [P121]. 2"-' ed., [Hone's]. 8». 1816 Vacation thoughts on capital punishments. 8". 1857 4"' ed. 8". 1858 Phillips (Charles Palmer). The Law of Copyright ; with the statutes. 8°. 1863 Phillips (Claude). Antoine Watteau. [Portfolio Monographs]. Ia8'>. 1895 The earlier work of Titian. [Portfolio Monographs]. laB". 1897 Frederick Walker A his works. [Portfolio Monographs]. laS". 1894 Later work of Titian. [Port/olio Monographs]. Ia8". 1898 The picture gallery of Charles I. [Portfolio Monographs]. Ia8". 1896 Sir Joshua Reynolds. s8». 1894 Phillips (E. Watts). Watts Phillips. Ia8". 1891 Phillips (Edith C), aft. Looker. Our Aubrey. 38". 1886 Phillips (Edmund). Letter on the currency, A Bank of England Charter. [P271]. 8". 1856 Third letter on currency, A Bank of England Charter. [P271]. 8". ie56 Phillips (Edward), dramatist. *The livery rake, A country lass : opera. [P85.5]. 8". 1733 Phillips (Edward), Milton's nepheio. [Philips]. '*The new world of words : a univ. Eng. diet. 5"' ed. fol. 1696 Theatrum poetarum : a compleat coll. of the poets. 2p in Iv. sS". 1675 T. p. Anglicanorum : names A characters of all Eng. poets f. Hen. Ill to Eliz. Enlarged [by Sir S. E. Brt/dges]. 8". Canterbury. 1800 T. p. A., etc. 3"" ed., repr. w. notes of Sir E. Brydges. 8". Geneva. 1824 see Baker (Sir Ri.) Chronicle ; with cont. by P., etc., 1733. „ Godwin (W.) Lives of E. A J. P. ; added, life of Milton, by E. P., 181.5. Phillips (Frederick Parr). The trust committed to a church- man's keeping : sermon. [P156, 899]. s8^ 1850 Phillips ((Jeorge). Englische Reichs- u. Rechtsgesch. seit 1066. 2B in 1. 8'. 1827-8 Versuch e. Darstellung d. Gesch. d. angelsachs. Reohts. 8". Giittingen. 1825 Phillips (George), D.D. ; 1^04-02. Comm. on Psalms for Hebrew students etc. 2v. 8°. 1872 Psalms in Hebrew, w. comm. by P. 2v. 8". 1846 see Addai. *The doctrine of A., 1876. Phillips (George Searle) [ps. January Searlf.]. Mems. of Ebenezer Elliott, w. criticisms of h. writings. 8". 1852 Phillips (Henry), of Knightsbridge. Nature etc. of P.'s powder exemplified. ' [P50]. s8". [1779] Phillips (Henry), vocalist: Musical A personal recoils. 2v, [vl ivanting]. sS". 1S64 Phillips (Henry Arthur Deuteros). Our administration of India. s8". 188G see BuNKiM Chandra Chatteejee. Kopal-Kundala, tr. P., 1885. PHILLIPS 1149 PHILO ql W. Smith. 8". 1844 , mts., & sea coast of So. 1853 geology. [Cab. 2v. s8». 1837-9 b8". O. 1869 Phillips (Jenkin Tkonias), sec Pniurps (J. T.) Phillips (John), aulliur of a " Commemoration etc.," see *L.4m- poirr OAKLAND (A) : A commemoration on Sir C. Hatton, by P., (1301), 1881. Phillips (John), F.Ii.S., iiOO-74- Geology of Oxfonl & tlio Valley Mem». of the Thamea. 8". 0. 1871 Rivers, Guide to geology. 2'"' ed. sS". 1835 Yorkshi] Life on the earth, its origin etc. Treatise s8'. C. 1860 Cycl.]. Manual of geology. Ed. R. Vesuvius. Etheridge & H. G. Seeley. 2v. 8". 1885 Phillips (John), Milton's nephew, 1(i3l-1~06. [Philips; J. Pinnrrrs Anglus]. *A satyr against hypocrites. [P360]. 54". 1680 ♦Speculum crape-gownorum. The 2"'' part. [P276]. s4". 1C82 Has been sometimes, but wrongly, ascr. to Defoe, sec Godwin (\V.) Lives of E. A- J. P., 1815. Phillips (John), of Cambridge, see *Eeflectiom on our modern poesy [im wh. is tvritten " by Mr. J. P. of C."], 1695. Phillips (John), surveyor. Hist, of inland navigation. 1". 1792 Phillips (John Arthur), iS^isy. Mining & metallurgy of gold & silver. Treatise on ore deposits. Phillips (John Edward). affects highways. Phillips (John Roland). the Marches, 1642-9. Phillips (Lawrence Barnet). Phillips (Mrs. Lionel). 8". 1867 8". 1884 2'"' ed., rewr. by H. Louis. 8". 1896 The Local Govt. Act, 1888, as it [P.549]. s8". [1888] Mems. of the Civil War in Wales & 2v. 8'. 1874 Diet, of biograph. reference. Ia8". 1871 Some S. African recoil'. S"" imp. 8". 1899 i'l-imp. s8". 1899 Phillips (Maberly), P.S.A. The token money of the Bank of Eiig., 1797-1816. Ia8". [1900] Phillips (P. Lee). Alaska & the Northwest part of N. America, 1.588-1898 : maps in Library of Congress. [P1006]. 8". W. 1898 Phillips (Philip), engineer. The Forth Bridge in its stages of construction ; & compared with the most notable bridges of the world. obl.fol. E. [1889] Phillips (Philip Lovell). Essay on tropical agricul.u;c, etc. [P784]. 3'" ed. 8". Glasgow. 1845 Phillips {Sir Richard). A morning's walk f. London to Kew. n. ed. s8". 1820 see Addison (Jo.) ♦Addisoniana, [by P. ?], 1803. Phillips (Samuel), LL.D. Caleb Stukely. sS". 1862 Essays f. "The Times." 2v. n. ed. sS". 1871 The literature of the rail. [P145]. 8". 1851 see Wellinoton (A. W., duke of). »Mem. of W. [" By S. P. ? "], 1852. Phillips (Stephen), 2>oet. Paolo & Francesca : tragedy. [S'^ed.]. sS". 1900 Poems. s8». 1898 Herod. s8o. 1901 Marpessa. s8o. 1900 Paolo & Francesca : tragedy. [2'«i ed.]. s8o. 1900 Phillips (Thomas), captain. Voyage to Africa & Barbadoes, see Chdhchill. Voyages, v6. Phillips {Sir Thomas), Q.C. Life of J. Davies. s8". 1850 Wales : language, soo. condition etc. in rel. to education. 8'. 1849 Phillips (Thomas), li.A. Lecf. on painting. 8". 1833 Phillips (Thomas), Roman Catholic priest. *Hist. of life of Keg. Pole. 2v. 2'"' ed. 8\ 1767 see Beccadelli (L.) Life of Card. Pole : app.. Plagiarisms etc. in Phillips's Hist, of P., by B. Pye, 1766. „ Neve (T.) Animadv. upon P.'s Life of Pole, 1766. „ liiDLEV (G.) Review of P.'s " Hist, of R. Pole," 1766. Phillips ("Walter Alison). Modern Europe, 1815-99. [Periods of European hist., 8]. sS". 1901 The war of Greek independence (1821-33). s8'. 1897 Phillips (Watts), IS'-2.5-74, see Phillips (E. Watts). W. P., artist iS: playwright, 1891. Phillips (Wendell). Xty. a battle, not a dream. [P213, 243, 245]. 8". 1869 Speeches, lectures, & letters. 2s. 8". Boston. 1863-94 Phillips (Major-Gen. William), . 1851 *Bishop (The) of Exeter & the Premier : letter to Lord J. Russell [author not known] in reply to the bp. of E., by a member of Oxford Convocation. [P128]. 8". 1847 Confession & absolution : letter to [T.H. Lowe] dean of Exeter. [P899]. 8>'. 1852 '•'Convocation : what is it ? A letter [author not kyioion] to the bp. of E. in reply to his perversions of the Hampden Case ; by a churchman. [P130]. 8". Exeter. 1847 Letter to abp. of Canterbury. [P128]. 8". 1850 Letter to Churchwardens of Brampton Speke. [P128]. 8". 1850 Letter to Clergy of Diocese of Exeter on statements of [Sinclair] the Archdeacon of Middlesex. [P129]. 8". 1851 Letter to Lushington on h. judgment in Westerton v. Liddell. [P899]. 8". 1856 Letter to Miss Sellon. [P128]. 8". 1852 Letter to Sir R. Inglis on statements of the Edinburgh Rev., no. 193, entit. " Bp. PhilliJotts." [P128, 386]. 8". 1852 Letter to the archdeacon of Totnes, in ans. to address on episc. ordination. [P156]. 8". 1852 *Rejoinder to the bp. of E.'s reply to the " Edinburgh Review." By the Edinburgh reviewer [a!(//)or not known. P156]. 8'\ 1852 Reply to Ld. J. Russell's letter to the remonstrance of the bps. agst. appointment of Hamijden. [P130]. 2'"' ed. 8°. 1847 see GooDE (W.) Letter to bp. of E., cont. exam, of h. Letter to the abp. of Canterbury, 4"' ed., 1850. „ SnuTTE (R. N.) Life of P., vl, [no more publ.], 1863. „ Sinclair (J.), archdeacon. Church difficulties of 1851 : charge etc., 1851. „ Church difficulties of 1851 : 2"'' letter, w. remarks on [P.'s] Letter to clergy of h. diocese, 1851. Phillpotts (James Surtees), see Gardiner {Mrs. B. M.) [fo-m. B. M. Cordery] & P., Iving & Commonwealth, 1875. Philo, AlcraJidrinus, see Philo, Judieus. Philo, Byblius, see Sanchoniathon. Philo, Bysantius. [Philon, de Byzance]. see Heko, of Alexandria. Opera : vl, Im Anhang, P.'s Druck- werke, 1899. „ Thevenot (M.) f(i.. Vet. mathematicorum P. etc. opera, 1693. Philo, JiirfifMs. [Filone Alessandhino ; Filone Giodeo; Philo Alexandrinus ; Philo, derAlexandriner ; Philon, d'Alexajidrie; Philon, le Juif]. Omnia qme extant opera. Ex Gelenii interp., part, ab Turnebo, part, a Hoeschelio ed. [Gr. ti- Lat.]. Noviss. ed. fol. Fraucofurti. 1691 Opera omnia. Textus ed. ad fidera opt. ed. [Cura C. E. liichter]. 8v. bS". L. 1828-30 Opera qua? sup. Ed. L. Cohn et P. Wendland. vl-4. Ia8", Berolini. 1896-1902 P. about the contemplative life. Ed., w. defence of its genuine- ness by F. C. Conybeare. 8'. 0. 1896 Works. Tr. C. D. Yonge. 4v. aS". Bohn. 1851-5 see Bauer (B.) P., Strauss u. Renan, u. d. Urchristen- thum, 1874. „ Bryant (Jacobs Senti- ments of P. J. cone, the Aoyos, 1797. „ Drummond (Ja.) p. : the Jewish- Alexandrian philo- sophy, 1888. „ Gfkoreh (A. F.) Krit. Gesch. d. Urchristen- thums: Tl, Philo u. d. alexandrin. Theosophie, 1831 ; 2» A., 1835. „ Herriot (E.) P. : I'ecole juive d'Alexandrie, 1898. „ Lake (J. W.) Plato, P., & Paul, 1874. PHILO 1150 PHILOSTRATUS Philo, Juditus [continued]. see Lucius (P. E.) Die Thera- peuten : Untersuchung d. Schrift "De vita contem- plativa"[o/P.]. 1879. „ MoBGAN (C.) Tlie trinity of Plato & of P., 1833. „ Reville (J.) La doctrine du Logos dans P. etc., 1881. see ScHEiL (V.) Deux traites deP. „ Siegfried (C.1 P. ala Ausleger d. Alten Teat'., 1873. „ Soulier (H.) La doctrine du Logos cliez P., 1876. Philo Scotus, ps., see Aisslie (P. B.) Philo-Veritas, ps. of a. of "Diamond cut diamond," 3''''ed., IS06, sec GiLLILAND (T.) Philobiblon Society, [Lo}idon], see Delepierre (0.) Analyse des tiavaux de la soc. des Philobiblon, 1862. Pbilocalus (Furius D.) Kalendaria duo, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl3. Philochorus. P'. librorura fragm. a Lenzio coll. ed. C. G. Siebe- lis. Ace. Androtionis rel. 8". L. 1811 see Fragmenta hist. grjEC, tl. *Philochristus, 1878, see Abbott (E. A.) *Philoctetes, a metrical drama, 18GG, sec Warren {Hon. J. B. L.) Philodemus, of Gadara. [PniLODE.M ; P. Epicureus]. Volumina rhetorica. Ed. S. Sudhaus. s8». L. 1892-6 sec Theophrastus. Cbaracteres; &P. devitiis liber deoimus,1868. Philogordo, ps. *Letter to holders of Greek Bonds, etc. [P867]. 8^ 1830 Philogregorius (Cosmus), see Co3.irAs, HierosoUjniitanus. PhilojohanneSjps., see East India Co. *Modest defence of the E.I.C.'s management of steam communication, by P., n.d. [1838?]. Philolaus, the philosopher, see BocKH (A.) P. d. Pythagoreers Lehren, 1819. „ Chaigset (A. E ) Pythagore etc. ; cont. les fragm. de P. etc., tr., 1873; 2'td., 1874. Pbilological, see *Biblical cabinet (The) : v2, 9, 37, Philolog. tracts, 1833-42. Philological museum (The). 2v. 8". C. 1832-3 Philological Society. 14"" address of the President, May 1886. [" Off-print " /. Trans., IS8.5I6]. 8°. [1886] Transactions. [u'/-6 are called " Proceedings "]. 1842/3-1895/8. 8". 1844-98 see Ellis (A. J.) On early Eng. pronunc., 5p, 1869-89. „ LoEWE (L.) Diet, of Circassian, 1854. [Issiud as, App. to v6 of the Proceedings of the F. S.]. „ Murray (J. A. H.) Dialect of S. counties of Scotland, 1873. „ O.VFORD English diet. *Ne\v Eng. diet. (A) on histor. prin- ciples, founded mainly on materials coll. by the P.S., in prog., 1888etc. „ EoLLE (E.), of Hampole. The pricke of conscience : ed. R. Morris, 1863. „ Stokes (W.) ed.. Old- Irish glosses at Wiirzburg & Carlsruhe, pi, 1887. „ Sweet (H.) Hist, of Eng. sounds, ["from the Transactions oftheP.S."], 1874. Philologie, see *Eevce de p., de litt. & d'hist. anciennes, in prog. l\oXo71K09 luWoyos flapvaacTos- Hapvoffffos, (Tuyypa^fjLa TTCptoBiKQv. To/xos 7;'-lZ. 8'^. €v AQ-qfaLs. 1884-94 „ ETreTTjpis. Etos [1]. 8". AflTjrais. 1896 Philologus. Zeitscbrlft fiir das klassische Alterthum. Jhrg. 1-13. 8". Gottingen. 1846-58 PhilomathiaS. **iAo;»aflms to airopaSrii'. a[-y}, 1809-17, see WVITENBACH (D. A.) Philomneste (G. P.) pis., see Peionot (E. G.) *Philomorus etc., 2"'' ed., 1878, see Marsden {J. H.) Philon, d'Alexa)idrie, see Philo, Judaus. Philon, de Byzance, see Philo, Bijzantius. Philopatris, ps. of a. of " Just viiulic. of learniiig, -1679," see Blount (C.) Philopatris, Varvicensis, ps., see Parr (S.), LL.D. Philoponus (Joannes). [J. Gbammaticus ; ^ions, of Alexandria, the Grammarian, called Philoponus}. De a;ternitate mundi contra Proclum. Ed. H. Eabe. s8». L. 1899 De Anima. Ed. M. Hayduck. [Comm. in Aristotelem Grseca, 15]. Ia8^. Berolini. 1897 De Generatione et corrupt. Ed. H. Vitelli. [Comm. in Aristo- telem GrsEca, 14, ii]. Ia8°. Berolini. 1897 De opiticio mundi. Eec. G. Eeichardt. sS". L. 1897 In Aristotelis categorias comm. Ed. A. Busse. [Comm". in Aristot. GriEca, 13, i]. laS", Berolini. 1898 Philoponus (Joannes) [continued']. In Aristotelis Meteorologicorum lib. I comm. Ed. M. Hayduck. [Comm. in Aristotelem Gra;ca, 14, i]. Ia8". Berolini. 1901 In Phys., 1-3. Ed. H. Vitelli. [Comm. in Aristotelem Grajca, 16]. laS". Berolini. 1887 In Phys., 4-8. Ed. H. Vitelli. [Comm. in Aristotelem Grjeca, 17]. laS". Berolini. 1888 Philo Scotus, pis., see Ainslle (P. B.) Philosophe. *Philo3ophe (Le) anglois, ou hist, de Cleveland, etc., 1732-4, see Prevost {I'abbt'). *Pliilosopbe (Le) ignorant, 1766, see Voltaire. Philosophe bienfaisant (Le) j's. *CEuvres du p. b., 1764, see St.^xislaus I ILeszczynski], king of Poland. Philosophe inconnu (Le) ps., see Saint-Martin (L. C. de). Philosopher. 'Philosopher Dick, 1891, see Chajiier (G.) 'Philosopher (The) in slippers, 1890, see Arnold (F.) Philosophers. Obras escog. de filosofos, see Eivadeneyra (M.) uiuler Obras etc. *Philosophiae ChristianEe idea. Ad imperatorem exercitus AnRlicani ver^ Christianum etc. [b. ic. Socinus (F.) F. et L.S. etc. tract., 1654]. s8". Londini. 1651 Philosophical. 'Philosophical etc. essay (A) on old maids, 1785, see Hayley (W.) 'Philosophical inquiry (A) cone, human liberty, 1717 ; 2°'' ed., 1717, see Collins (A.) 'Philosophical theories cfc philosophical experience, 1841, see CORNWALLIS (C. F.) Philosophical & Literary Society of Leeds, sec Crawfckd (.ToHx), China * its trade, 1858. Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh [estahl. 1S46]. Cat. of the Lib. of the P. I. of E. 8". E. 1857 Philosophical magazine, see London, Edinburgh, & Dublin PHIL. MArog.]. S". L. 1883-1902 'Philosophorum Griecorum vet., pra;s. qui ante Platonem flor., reliquiip, vl, 2, [no more puhl.], 1830-8, see Karsten (8.) ed. Philosophus (Hermias), sec Hermi.vs. Philosophus (Leo), see Leo VI, called the Philosopher, emperor. Philosophus (Meletius), see Meletius, of Tibcriopolis. Philosophy. Dictionary (A) of p. in the words of philosophers, 1887, see Thomson (.J. E.) ed. 'Philosophy (The) of modern humbug. 8". 1875 'Philosophy (The) of ragged schools, 1851, see Cornwallis (C.F.) Philostorgius. see EusEBius. E., P. etc. qufe extant Hist. Eccles., 1720. „ MioNE (.J. P.) Pat. gi-Kca, t65, for Hist. Eccl. „ SozoMENUs (H.) Eccles. hist., tr. ; also, eccles. bist. of P., as epitomised by Photiua, tr., 1855. Philcstratiotes, ps., see 'Sanitary reform of the Brit. Army, by ^iKocrrpaTiUTris, 3'"'^ ed., 1859. Philostratus. [Filostrato ; Philostrate ; i Filostrati], The teoi'ks of all the Philostrati are, for convenience, placed under this one heading. Flavii P'. opera. Ed. C. L. Kayser. Ace. Apollonii epist., Eusebius adv. Hieroclem, Philostrati jun. imagines, Callistrati descr. 2v. sS". L. 1870-1 Flavii P'. vitse sophistarum. Eec. etc. C. L. Kayser. Ace. lib. Galeni -mpi apiVTriT SiSaerxoAias, etc. 8". Heidelberga\ 1838 PHILOSTRATUS 1151 PIATTI Philostratus [continued]. Heroica. Eec. .1. F. Boissonade. 8". Parisiis. 180G I'hilostnitorum iman;ines et Callistrati statuffi. Kec. F. lacobs, obs. add. F. T. Welcker. 8-. L. 1825 riiilostratorum (lufp sup. omnia. Ace. Apollonii Tyan. epistola;, Eusebii adv. Hieroclem, Callistrati descript. statuaruni. Rec. etc. G. Olearius. [Gr. ct Laf.]. fol. L. 1709 Translations. Lettres galantes de P. Tr. par St(^'phane de Uouville. 5' ed. s8". 1877 Life of Apollonius of Tyaiia. Tr. with notes by E. Berwick. Ia8". 1809 The two first books of P., cone. Apoll. Tyan., in Eng., w. notes by C. Blount. fol. 1G80 RKFKr.ENCES. sec Bertuand (E.) Un critique d'art : P. & s. ^cole, 1882. „ Matz (F.) De Philostratorura in describendis imaginibus tide, 18G7. Philotheus, monachus, ps. [i.e. FRANciscns Mauroy], see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t98 {for Ascetica), 18.5 (Vita Bernardi). Philo-Veritas, ps. of a. of " Diamond cut diamond, 3"' ed., /^06," s.'e GiLLir.AND (T.) Philp (Robert Kemp). Index scholasticus : sons & daughters. Guide to choice of schools. 8". 1872 Philpot (Isaline), ivife of J. H. Philpot, see Philpot (Mrs. Joseph H.) Philpot (John), archdeacon of Winchester. Examinations & writings. [Parker Soc, 5], 8". C. 1842 Philpot (Joseph Henry), M.D., [ps. Philip Lafargue], see LaEAUGUE (P.) J)S. Philpot {Mrs. Joseph Henry). The sacred tree, in religion & myth. 8". 1897 Phipps (Sir Constantino), see Someks (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Phipps (Constantino Henry), 2'"' e. of Mulgravc, /»' marq. of Nonnanbii, si'c Nokiiaxuv. Phipps (Constantine John), i'"' baron Mjilgrave, capt. in the Navij ; lyi^'i-'JJ, sec Mulge.a.ve. Phipps illon. Edmund), 3"' s. of 1^' carl of Mulgrave. Adven- tures of a £1000 note; or railway ruin reviewed. [PI 45]. 8". 1848 Mems. of polit. & lit. life of R. p'lumer Ward, etc. 2v. 8". 1850 The monetary crisis. [P268]. 8". 1847 Phipscn (Cecil Balfour). The redemption of labour. 2v. 8". 1888-92 Phipson (Emma). Animal-lore of Shakspeare's time. s8". 1883 Choir stalls A' tlieir carvings : examples of misericords. 4". 1890 Phipson (Thomas lamb). Letters on some mysteries of nature, etc. s8 '. 1870 Meteors, aerolites, & falling stars. 88". 1807 On Southsea Parade. [P581]. 8". 1890 Phisterer (Frederick). Statistics of the armies of the U.S. [Campaigns of the Civil War, Suppl'. vol.]. 88°. N.Y. 1883 Phiz, ps., see Browne (Harlot Knight). Phlegon. Fragmenta, see Fragmenta hist, greec, v3. Phlipon (Marie Jeanne), aft. Boland de La PlatiHre, sec BoLANIi (Mmc.) Phocas (Joannes). The pilgrimage of P. in the Holy Land (1185). Tr. A. Stewart. [Palest. P. T. Soc.]. 8". 1889 see Migne (J. P.) Pat. griEca, tl33. Phocas (Nicephorus), see NicErnoRus II. [FJwcas], emperor. Phoebadius, Saint, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t20. Phcenicia. For an anon, work in French see Phenicie. Phoenix. [Phenix]. For anon, works in Portuguese sec Fenix. The phenix : or, a revival of scarce pieces. 2v. 8°. 1707-8 ♦Phccnix Britannicus, 1732, see Morgan (.T.) Phoenix (The) : a monthly for China, Japan, & E. Asia. Ed. J. Summers, vl-3 (July 1870-June 1873). 4". 1870-3 Phoenix Assurance Company, sec Brown (James). The trial betw. the P.A.C. & B., 1789. Phoenix, of Colophon, sec Herondas. Mimiambi ; ace. P. Coronista;, 1894. Phonetic journal, see Fcenetic jcrnal, Phonizische Texte, Tl, 2, [no more publ], 1845-7, see Moveeb (F. C.) ed. Phornutus (L, A.), see ConNCios (L. A.) Phosphorescence. s8". 18G2 Tlie storm it its portents ; scenes from tlie r. of Louis XVI. 8». 1878 Utilisation of minute life. sS". 1804 Photius, patriarch of Constantinople. [Fozin]. Myriobiblion, s. Bibliotheea librovura quos legit et censuit P. Gra;ce ed. D. Hfcschelius ; Lat. redd. etc. A. Schottus. fol. liothomagi. 1653 Bibliotheea. Ex rec. Bekkeri. 2t in 1, [pagin. cont.]. 4". Berolini. 1824-5 ETTLaxoXai. Atv St/o rou avrov irapripTrirai novriuaTta. A', Y.pwTr,pa-ra SeKx etc. B', Kpifreij Kai eiTiKvo-cis -nevTe K€(pa\aiCd>p. Mera TrpoAey. Trepi ., utto I. N. Ba-Xerra 4". AovSivit). 1804 Ae^tuv X\ivayijyr\. E cod. Galeano descr. R. Porson. 2v. 8". Londini. 1822 see Arrun (F.) Exped. Alexandri ; ace. Eclogse P. ad Arri- anum, 1757. „ Dexippus (P. H.) D. hist, qua; sup. ; aec. eclogte P., 1829. ,, Hergenhother (J.) ed., Mouumenta Grteca ad P. ejusque hist, pertinentia, 1809. „ P. : s. Leben, s. Sclirifteu u. d. griech. Sehisma, 1867-9. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grojca, tlOl-4, P. for Opera. „ Wolf (J. C.) Cune etc. ; [to teitli qutedam ex P'. Amphi- lochiis adhucnon ed., cum interp. et notis], 1741. Photographs. *Photographs of County Wicklow, 18G7, see Mares (F. H.) 'Photographs of Paris life, by Chroniqueuse, 1861, see Chroni- QUEUSE, ps. Photography. 'Dictionary of p., 1867, sec Sutton (T.) * G. Dawson, cdd. Phrantzes (Georgios) [Phrantza]. G. P., loa. Cananus, loa. Anagnostes ex rec. I. Bekkeri. [C. s. h. Byz.]. 8". Bonnffi. 1838 see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grajca, tl5G, G. P. Phrygius (Dares), see Dares, Phrijgius, pis. Phrynichus, of Bithynia, the Qrammarian. Ecloga; nominum et verborum atticorum. Ed. C. A. Lobeck. Aec. fragm. Herodiani etc. 8". L. 1820 The new P., being a rev'', text of the Ecloga. With intr'. & comm. by W. G. Rutherford. 8". 1881 Phurnutus (L. A.), see Cornctus (L. A.) Phusis, see *Cause & effect; or nature's teachings etc., by i'uais. 1894. 'Phyllis, 1877, sec Hdngeeford (Mrs.) Physic. 'Physic and its phases, etc. By Alcii)hron. [S. Dick- son, M.D. ?]. 8'>. 1857 'Physic & physicians, 1839, see Winslow (F. B.) Physical. 'Physical & moral conditions of children etc. employed in mines & manufactures, 1843, see Children. Physical atlas, in prog., 1899 etc., see Bartholomew (J. G.) cd. 'Physical theory of another life, 183G, see Taylor (Isaac). Physical Society of London, see Whe.\t.stone (Sir C.) Scientific papers, 1879. Physici et medici Grffici minores, 1841-2, see Ideler (J. L.) ed. Physico-Historical Society, Dublin. sec Smith (Ch.) Antient & pres. state of Co. & City of Water- ford, 174G. „ Antient & pres. state of Kerry, 1750. Physicus, ps., sec 'Candid (A) exam, of theism, by P., 1878. 'Physiocrates, etc., 184G, see Daire (E.) cd. Physiology. Physiology for practical use, by var. writers, 1874, sec Hinton (J.) cd. Text-book of p., in prog., 1898etc., see Schafek (E. A.) ed. 'Physionomie de la presse, ou cat. des journaux qui out paru 24 fev.-20 aoiit, avec noms des princ. redacteurs. Par un chiffonier, [b. xo. Lesaulnier (C. M.) Biogi'aphie etc., 1848]. sS". 1848 Physiophilus (Joannes) ps., see Born (I., Edler von). Piacenza. 'Chronicum Plaoentinum, etc. 18.50, sec Huill.ird- Breholles (J. L. A.) ed. Piaget (E.) Essai sur I'organisation de la Comp. de Jesus. 8°. Leiden. 1893 Pianciani (Luigi). 'La Rome des Papes. Tr. do I'ouvr. ital. in^d. 3t. 38°. Bale. 1859 Plan de Carpine (John, of ) [Friar Caepini ; Jean Dn Plan Caepin ; j-JoANNEs, de Piano Carpino, abp. of Antivari]. see RcBRCQUia (G. pe). Journey ; w. 2 ace", of the earlier journey of J. of P. de C, tr.,"[Hakluyt Soc, II, 4], 1900. Piassetsky (P.) [I'Pyasetsky (P. Ya.)] Russian travellers in Mongoha & China. Tr. J. Gordon-Cumming. 2v. 88°. 1884 Voyage a travers la Mongolie et la Chine. Tr. A. Kuseinski. ^8". 1883 Piat (Clodius), Lea grands philosophes : Soorate. 8". 1900 Piatti (Rosalia). 'Racconti di una donna. sS". Firenze. 1870 'Nuovi racconti di una donna. s8°. Firenze. 1876 P1A2ZI 1152 FICTORIAL Piazzi {Mme. Adrienne), wife of Carlo Piazzi. [ps. Leila- Hanocm]. Un drame a Constantinople. s8<>. 1879 Piazzi Smyth (Charles), see Sitith (C. P.) Piazzone (Giovanni). La giandezza dalle rovine nella caduta d' Aquilea, e fondazione di Venetia. [P8411. s8<>. Venetia. 1728 Pibo, b}); see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl57, 163. Pic (Josef Ladislav). Abstammung d. Rumiinen. 8°. L. 1880 Zur rumanisch-ungar. Streitfrage. 8". L. 1886 Picard, see also Picibt, Pickard. Picard, The family of, see *Pei!Ils & captivity: Sufferings of the P. f. after shiirareck of " Medusa " (1816), 1827. Picard (Edmond). En Congolie. 2' ed. s8°. Brux. 1896 Picard (Louis Benoit). (Euvres. lOt. [n. ed.]. 8". 1821 Picardie, see Socikte des Astiquaires pe P. Picart (Bernard). Eelig. ceremonies etc. of the world, in above 100 copperplates by P., w. hist, explan'. etc. 6v. fol. 1731-7 Picavet (Francois J.) L'hist. de la philosophie ; ce qu'elle a ete, ce qu'elle peut etre. [P660J. 8". 1888 Les ideologues : essai sur l'hist. des idees en France dep. 1789. 8'J. 1891 Piccardi (G. L.) Saggio di una storia sommaria della stampa periodica. 8". 1880 Piccini (Niccolo). [fPiccixNi (X.)] see GoLDONi (C.) La buona figliuola, a comic opera : music by P., 1775. „ The accomplish'd maid, opera, music by P., 1767. Picciotto (James). Sketches of Anglo-Jewish hist. 8°. 1875 Piccolomineus (Mnea.s Silvius), aft. Pius 11, see Pics II, jxijie. Piccope (George John) ed., Lancashire A- Cheshire wills & in- ventories f. the Ecclesiast. Court, Chester. [Chetham Soc, 33, 51, 54 j. 3 portions. si". 1857-61 see Earwaker (J. P.) ed., Lancashire & Cheshire wills at Chester, etc., transcr. by P., 1884. Pichler (Aloys). Die Theologie des Leibniz. 2T. 8". Miinchen. 1869-70 Die wahren Hindernisse u. d. Grundbedingungen e. Keform d. kathol. Kirche. sS". L. 1870 Pichler (Caroline). Denkvriirdigkeiten aus m. Leben. 4B in 2. s8<>. Wien. 1844 Schriften. 60B in 16. sS". St. 1827-9 The siege of Vienna. [T?-.] from P. s8". 1834 Pichon (le baron Jerome). Vie de C. H., cte. de Hoym, 1694- 1730. [Soc. des Bibliophiles Fr.]. 2t. 8». 1880 Pichot (Amedee). L^on Faucher. [P251]. 8'. 1802 Lite c'fc labours of Sir C. Bell. sS". 1860 Souv". intimes sur Talleyrand, rec. par P. s8". 1870 Picinelli (Filippo), Mondo simbolico : imprese scelte, spiegate ec. fol. Milano. 1653 Pick (Behrendt), sec *Aktiken MtrNZES (Die) Xord-Griechen- lands : Bl, Dacien u. Moesien, bearb. v. P., Halbband i, 1898. Pick (Eduard). Etymolog. diet, of French. 8". 1869 On memory tt the rational means of improving it. s8». 1861 „ '[aiwlh. ed., w. t. : Memory & its doctors]. s8». 1888 Pickard (Edward). Sermon : death of G. Benson, D.D., 1762, etc. [P124]. 8». 1762 Pickard (James). The Sabbath. [P507]. 2°'> ed. 8<>. Leeds. [1856] Pickard (Samuel T.) Life & letters of J. G. Whittier. 2v. 88». 1895 see Hawthorne (N.) H.'s first diary, w. ace. of its discovery it- loss ; by P., 1897. Pickard-Canibridge (Arthur "Wallace) ed.. Select fragments of the Greek comic poets. sS". 0. 1900 Pickering (Anne). The Co-operative Credit Bank. [P550]. 8». 1877 Pickering (Charles), M.D. Chronolog. hist, of plants, etc. 4°. Boston. 1879 Geogi-aph. distribution of animals & plants. [U.S. Exploring Exped., 1838-42, vlo]. Ia4i>. Boston. 1854 A ■2'"' part, ic. t. " The g. d. of a'. & p". : p2, Plants in their wild state," xcas puhl. IS76. It is wanting. On the Gliddon mummy case. [S. C. to Knowledge, ICj. 4<>. 1869 The races of man & their geograph. distrib. [U.S. Exploring Exped., 1838-42, v9J. Ia4<'. 1849 „ „ n. ed., to wh. is pref''., synopsis of nat. hist, of man, by J. C. Hall. s8<'. Bohn. 1850 Pickering (John), LL.D., Counsellor-at-Lau: Vocab. of words iS; phrases wh. have been supposed to be peculiar to the U.S. 8". Boston. 1816 Pickering (Spencer U.), F.B.S., sea Wobcrn Fbuit Farm : 1" Report, by the D. of Bedford & P., 1897 ; 2°'' Report, 1900. Pickering (William Alex.) Pioneering in Formosa. 8". 1898 Pickett (William Vose). New system of architecture. 8". 1845 Pickford (Percy). On true & false spermatorrhoea. [Tr. ;] ed. F. B. Courtenay. 8». 1852 Pickle, the Spy. [i.e. Alastair Ruadh Macdonell, of Glengarry]. see L.tsG (A.) The companions of P., 1898. „ P. the spy, 1897. Pico d;lla Mirandola (Giovanni), oonte della Concordia, the elder ; 146.3-94. [J. Pic de la Mira.ndole ; J. Picus Mirandula]. J. Pici, item tomo 2 J. F. Pici opera qute extant omnia. 2t. [ti h^is t. : J. F. Pici opera]. ed. ult. correctior. fol. Basileie. [1601] Commentationes etc. [J; Disputationes adv. astrologiam etc.]. 2p in Iv. [Xo jxigin. or catchwords], fol. Venetiis. 1498 G. P. della M. : his life, by G. F. Pico, also 3 of h. letters, h. interp". of Psalm 16. Tr. Sir T. More ; ed. J. M. Rigg. la8o. 1890 see Dreydorff (G.) System d. P. v. M., 1858. „ Greswell (W. p.) Mems. of A. PoHtianus, P., etc. ; tr'. f. their poet, works, etc., 2"^ ed., 1805. „ SiGWART (C.) Zningli : Charakter s. Theologie, mit bes. Eiicksicht auf P. v. M.. 1855. Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni Francesco), cotite della Concordia, tlte younger, 1469- 1333. [J. F. Pic de la MiRANDOLE ; J. F. PicL's Mirakdcla]. see Pico della Mirandola (G.) J. Pici, item J. F. Pici opera, [1601]. „ Life, by G. F. Pico, tr., 1890. Picot (Emile). *Les Serbes de Hongrie. Ia9". Prague. 1873 Picot (Georges M. K.) Hist, des Etats Generaux au point de vue de leur influence sur le gouv'. de la France, 1355-1614. 4t. S". 1872 La reforme judiciaire en France. s8'. 1881 Picot (Jean), of Gentva. Tablettes chronologiques de l'hist. universelle. 3t. 8". Geneve. 1808 Picot (Michel Joseph Pierre). *Essai hist, sur I'influence de la religion en France pend. le 17' s. 2t. 8". 1824 *Mems. p. serv. a l'hist. eccles. pend. le 18= s. 4t. 2° ed. 8". 1815-6 see SiLvY (L.) Plainte en calomnie centre un journaliste [P.], 1818. Picquet (H.) Etude g^om^trique des systemes ponetuels & tangentiels de sections coniques. &'•. 1872 Pictaviensis (Gulielmus), see Guillaume, de Poitiers. Pictaviensis (Hilarius), see Hilary, St., bp. of Poitiers. Pictavinus (Hugo), see Hugues, de Poitiers. Pictet (Adolphe). Les origines indo-europiennee ; ou les Aryas primitifs. 2p. Ia8». 1859-63 Pictet (Benedict), [Pictetus], see Hutter (L.) Compendium; add. sunt excerpta ex WoUebii & P'. comp., 1855. Pictet (Charles), [Pictet de Rochemont], see Pictet (E.) Biographic, travaux & corresp. diplomat, de C. P., (1755-1824), 1892. Pictet (Edmond). Biographie, travaux & corresp. diplomat, de C. Pictet de Eochemont, 1755-1824. 8". Genive. 1892 Pictet (Fran9ois Pierre). Letter to a foreign nobleman, on the present situation of France w. resp. to the o. states o£ Europe. s8". 1793 Pictetus (Benedictus), see Pictet (B.) Picton (Harold W.) The story of chemisti^. s8<'. [1889] Picton (James Allanson). The Bible in school : a question of ethics. s8>-'. [1901] The conflict betw. oligarchy it democracy. s8". 1885 CromweU : the man & his mission. 8". 1882 The mystery of matter, & o. e. s8". 1873 Sir James A. Picton, a biog'. 8". 1891 Picton {Sir James Allanson), 1&0S-S9. Memorials of Liverpool ; iucl. hist, of the Dock Estate. 2v. 2"'' ed. s8". 1875 see Liverpool. *Sels. f. the municipal archives etc., by P., 1883-6. „ Picton (J. A.) Sir J.' A. P., a biog'., 1891. Picton (Sir Thomas). sec Draper (E. A.) Address to public en the case of P., governor of Trinidad, 1806. „ Robinson (H. B.) Mem', of P., incl. h. corr., 2'"' ed., 1836. Pictorial. '^Pictorial hist, of England, 1837-44, see Craik (G. L.) it C. Macfarlane. *Pictorial hist, of the Russian War, 1856, see Dodd (G.) PICTOBIAL 1153 PIGAFETTA Pictorial [continMd]. Pictorial maps etc. on tlie walls of large buildings, n. ed., 1849, see Bannister (S.) Picts. »Chronicles of the V:, etc., 1867, see Skene (W. 1<\) ed. 'Picture (A) of Greece in 182.5, etc., 1826, sec Greece. Pictures. Catalogue raisonnee of p". now exhibiting in Pall Mall, 181G, scu Cat.\Logue etc. •Pictures across the Channel, 1873, see Macquoid (K. S.) •Pictures from Paris, in war cfe siege, by an American lady, 1871, sc« Paris. •Pictures from the battle fields, a""" ed., 1855, see Quenville- MURBAV (E. C.) •Pictures in Tyrol & elsewhere, 1867, see Tuckett {Miss E.) •Pictures of Hungarian life, 1868, sec BvBNE {Mrs. W. P.) Picus (Joannes), [Picus Mirandula], see Pico della Mihandola (G.) Picus (Joannes Franciscus), see Pico della Mirandola (G. F.) Pidal (Ramon Menendez), see Menendez Pidal. Pidansat de Mairobert (M. F.) 'Anecdotes sur la eomtesse Du Barri. 2t. sS". Londres. 1780 Piddington (Henry). Sailor's hornbook for the law of storms. 6"' ed. 8". 1876 Piddington (Rose). *The last of the cavaliers. a8'>. 1864 n. ed. s8'. [1863] Piderit (Theodor). Gehirn u. Geist. [P518]. s8". L. 1863 Kurlose Geschichten. sS". 1872 Pidgeon (Daniel). An engineer's holiday: notes of a round trip. 2v. s8". 1882 Old-Workl questions * New-World answers. s8". 1884 Pidgeon (William). Traditions of De-coo-dah ; A antiquarian researches. 8". 1853 Pidgeon (Winter Randell), see Monier-Williams (M. ,S.), P., & A. Dryden. Figure-skating, 1892. Pie. For popes etc. see Pius. Pieces. [Pieces]. Pieces fugitives pour servir iV I'liist. de France. Avec des notes. [Ed. by the Marq. d'Aubais, s., see Le Rebocrs (P. V.) Pierre (Eugene). Traits de droit polit. electoral & parlemen- taire. 8". 1893 Pierre (Victor S.) Hist, de la Republique de 1848. 2t. 8». 1873-8 tl. 2"ed. 8". 1878 Pierre de Bernis (F. J. de), card., cte. de Lyon, see Beenis (le card. i>e). Pierrefonds. "'Notice sur le chateau de P. [P540]. n. ed. 8". Pierrefonds. 1855 Pierret (Paul). Diet, d'arch^ologie i5gyptienne. 380.1875 Vooal)ulaiie hieroglyphique. 8". 1875 Pierre Victor, 2>s.. see Le Rebours (P. V.) Pierron (/<,' gen. Edouard). MiSthodes de guerre aotuelles & vers la tin du xix siucle. tl, i-iii ; 3, i, ii ; 4, i. [tl, i-iii, 2'- ed.]. s8''. 1881-95 Pierrot (Vabb^). Diet, de theologie morale, see Migne (J. P.) Encyclop^die : SI, xxxi, xxxii. Piers, tJic Ploughman, pis. [Petrus, Plouhman ; Pierce the Plowm.u;]. *Pierce the Ploughmans crede (ab. 1394). Ap- pended, God spede the plough (ab. 1500). By W. W. Skeat. [E.E.T.S., 30]. 8". 1867 "■The vision of W^illiam cone. P. the P., var. ed'., see Langl.and (W.) Piersey (John), Jesuit, 7564-/64/, [better known as J. FisJier], see Fisher {.JriHs), Jesuit. Pierson (Paul). M6trique naturelle du langage. [HE56]. 8". 1883 Pierson (William). Aus Russlands Vergangenheit. 88". L. 1870 see Duller (E.) Gesch. d. deutschen Volkes, fortges. v. P., 7" A., 1891. Piesse (G. W. Septimus). The art of perfumery etc. 3"! ed. 38". 1862 Des odeurs, des parfums & des cosm^tiques. Ed. fr., publ. par 0. Reveil. s8". 1865 Piet, JictitioHS name. See "'Figbt (The) for P.'s farm, n.d. Pietrasanta(D. Lo 'Faso),ducadi Serradifalco, see Sebeawfalco. Pietro. For monarchs, saints etc. see Peter. Pietro, Aretino, see Aretino (Pietro). Pietro II, di Savoia, see Peter II, count of Savoy, Pietro Jjeoxiolio, gran duca di Toscana, /;'.;;'-J'^, see Leopold II, emperor of Germany. Pietro Martire, 14.19-/323, see Martyr (Peter), Anglerius. Pietro Martire, / 300 -62, see Martyr (Peter), reformer. Pietrowski (Rufin). [jPiotrowski (R.)] The story of a Siberian exile; [rf:] recent events in Poland. Tr. from French. s8". 1863 Fietsch (Ludwig). Herkomer. [Knackfuss, 54]. laS". Bielefeld. 1901 Knaus. [Knackfuss, 11]. Ia8\ Bielefeld. 1S96 Wie ich Schriftsteller geworden bin ; Erinnergn. aus d. Fiinf- ziger Jahren. 8\ 1893 Pietschmann (Richard). Gesch. d. Phonizier. [A. G. i. E., 1, iv, tl]. 8". 1889 Pigafetta (Antonio), riimo viaggio intorno al globo suUa squadra del capit. Magflglianes, 1519-22. Note da C. Amo- retti. Con un transunto del trattato di navigazioue dello stesso aut. 4». Milano. 1800 4P PIGAFETTA 1154 PILLING Pigafetta (Antonio) [contmrted]. Preni. voyage autour du monde, par F. sur Tescadre de Magel- lan ; suivi de I'extrait du Traite de Navig. du meme aut., & d'une not. sur M. Behaim, etc. 8°. an ix, [1801] Treatise on navigation, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vll. Voyage round the world, 1519-22, see Pinkekton (J.) Voyages, vll. see M.iGELLAX. *First voyage round the world by M., tr. f. P. & o. writers, 1874. Pigafetta (Filippo), sec Lopes (D.) Report of the Kingdom of Congo, drawn out of the writings of L. by P., (1591), tr., 1881. Piganiol de La Force (Jean Aimar). Description historique de ; Paris etc. lOt. n. ed. 1765 Pigault-Lebrun (Guillaume Charles Antoine). (Euvres com- pletes. 20t, [tl5 wanting]. 8". [6, Bruxelles]. 1822-4 , Monsieur Botte. [English]. 3v. s8^ 1803 Piggot, see also Pigott. Piggot (John), F.S.A. Persia, anc. & mod. sS". 1874 Pigna ((liov. Batt.) Eomanzi, in tre libri, ne' quali della poesia e della vita dell' Ariosto si tratta. 4". Vinegia. 1554 Pignolus (Lanfrancus). Annales Januenses ab 12(34, see MuKATOKi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t6. ,, „ [anoth. ed.], see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl8. Pignoria (Lorenzo). [L. Pionoeius]. Mensa Isiaoa ; ace. de Magna Deum Matre disc, etc., nee non J. P. Tomasini Manus-Enea, &devitaP'. diss.3pinlv. [engraved tp. 7ta.sl669]. 4". Amstelodami. 1070 Pignotti (Lorenzo). *Imitazioni di satire di Giovenale [sat. KJ] e d' Orazio [hook 2, sat. l-:i]. s8''. Firenze. 1809 Storia della Toscana sino al principato. 9v. 8". Pisa. 1813-14 see *Parn-aso degl' italiani viventi : 1-3, 21, 26, 30, 1803-24. Pigott (Charles). *The Female Jockey Club. 6'" ed. 8\ 1794 *The Jockey Club : manners of the age. 3p in Iv. [1, 11"' ; 2, 7"' ; 3, 3'^ ed'.]. »'. 1792 Persecution : the case of C. P., in the defence he had prepared, etc. [b. w. h. Female Jockey Club, 1794]. S\ 1793 Political diet?. [6. w. h. Female Jockey Club, 1794]. 8". 1795 Strictures on the polit. tenets of Burke, [b. w. h. Female Jockey Club, 1794]. 8°. 1791 ♦Treachery no crime ; exemplified in the life of Gen. Dumourier etc. [b. u\ h. Female Jockey Club, 1794]. 8". 1793 Pigott (George West Royston). *Savage & civilized Russia. 80. 1877 Pigott (Granville). Manual of Scandinavian mythology. lUust. by tr. f. OehlenschlUger's " The Gods of the North." sS". 18B9 Pigott (Richard). Personal recoils, of an Irish journalist. 88". D. 1882 Pigott (Thomas Digby). London birds & insects, rev. ed., [u'.] o. sketches. 8'\ 1892 Pigott-Carleton (Henrietta-Anne, Hon. Mrs.), d, of S"' baron Dorchester. Fair passions. 3v. s8". 1871 Pigou (Arthur Cecil). Browning as a relig. teacher. sS". 1901 Pigou (Francis), dean of Bristol. Phases of my life. 2»'' ed. 8". 1898 4"' ed. 8". 1899 Pigres, see Homer. Batrachomyomachia [sometimes attr. to P.]. Pigsbrook, j'S., see Swinuukxe. Pijl (Roelof van der), see Der Pyl (R. v.ix). Pike A- perch, 1900, see Fl'r, feather, & fin series. Pike, see also Ptke. Pike (Godfrey Holden). Ancient meeting-houses. s8j, 1870 Golden Lane. With chap, on the costers etc. by the Earl of Shaftesbury. s8". 1876 Pity for the perishing. s8 >. 1884 Piko (Luke Owen). Constitutional hist, of the House of Lords. 8'. 1894 Hist, of crime in England. 2v. 8". 1873-0 Mr. Pike & the " Westminster Review." To ed. of " Anthropol. Rev." [P247]. S". 1866 see Year Books. Y. B'. of r. of Edw. Ill : Years 11-10, [in pi-og.], 1883-1900. Pike (Nicholas), U.S. consul, Port Louis, Mauritius. Sub- tropical rambles in the land of the Aphanapteryx ; adv. in Mauritius. 8". 1873 Pike (Oliver G.) In bird-land w. field-glass & camera. s8°. 1900 Pike (Richard), o/A'^o«i»w7 /(am ? f(Z., Quaker anecdotes. s8'. 1880 Pike (Warburton). The Barren Ground of N. Canada. S». 1892 Through the Subarctic Forest. 8". 1896 Pike (Zebulon Montgomery). Exploratory travels through the W. territories of N. America, 1805-7. ■ 4". 1811 „ „ [atwth. ed., w.t.] Expeditions, 1805-7. n. ed., w. conim., mem. etc. by E. Coues. 3v. Ia8'. 1695 Pilate (Pontius), J^Pilat ; Ponce Pilate; jPilatus (Pontius)]. see Harris (J. E.) The Homeric Centones A the Acts of P., 1898. „ TiscHENDORF (L. F. C.) EvangcUa apoc. 1853, for Gesta. Pilatte (Leon), see *Ei>its, declarations etc. cone, la Religion P. Reformee (1662-1751) etc., 1885. Pilcher (George). On some points in the physiology of the tympanum. [VoiV.. 8". 1854 Piles (le cte. A. T. J. A. M. M. de Fortia de), si-c Fortia de Piles. Piles (Roger de). [.l/ois. Du Piles]. Abi6ge de la vie des peintres. s8'. 1699 The art of painting, w. lives of eminent painters, tr. Added, an essay towards an Eng. school. 3"" ed., [w.] life of Kneller, by B. Buckeridge. 8". [1750 ?] The principles of painting, etc., tr. 8'. 1743 see BrcKRiDGE (J.) *Lives of painters since De Piles, 1754. Pilgrim. *Pilgrim (The) & the shrine, 1868, see Maitland (E.) ♦Pilgrim-travellers (The). s8". 1847 Pilgrim Fathers. sec AiiDER (E.) ed., Story (The) of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606- 23 ; as told by themselves, their friends, and enemies, 1897. ,, Plymouth, Mass. Journal of the P". at Plymouth (1620), 1848. Pilgrimage. [Pylgrtmage]. *Pilgrimage (The) to Parnassus ; with the two pts. of the Return from P. Performed at St. John's Cam. 1597-1601. Ed. W. D. Macray. Ia8". O. 1886 ♦Pilgrimage to the Caaba & to Charing Cross, 1871, see Aiimad Hasan, Sdfith. ♦Pilgrimage to the shrines of Buckinghamshire, [18601, see Leadbetter (J.) ♦Pylgrymage of Sir R. Guylforde (1506), 1851, see Gcylfobde (Sir E.) Pilgrims. see Pilgrim Fathers, %elien, by " tlui Pilgrims," tlie P. F'. arc meant. Anonymous pilgi-ims, 1-8, (11" & 12" c), 1894, see Stewart (A.) tr. ♦Pilgrims (The) of the Rhine, 1834, see Lytton (E., barmi). see FuRNiVALL (F. J.) ed.. The stacions of Home —The pilgrims sea-voyage, f. Trin.Coll. Cam. MS. E,3, 19, t. Hen. VI, 1807. Pilkington (George Lawrence), see Harford Batiersby (C. F.) P. of Uganda, 1898. Pilkington (James), 6^. of Durham. Works. [Parker Soc, 3]. 8'. C. 1842 Pilkington (James), of Derby. View of Derbyshire; w. ace. of its antiq'. 2v. 8'. Derby. 1789 Pilkington (Matthew), vicar of Donabate, Dublin. Diet, of painters. 2v. n. ed. 8>\ 1824 „ „ n. ed., rev. A. Cunningham. laS". 1840 Pilla (Leopoldo). 1st. del tremuoto, 14 agosto, 1846. 8". Pisa. 1846 Pilladius (Laurentius), see Calmet (A.) Bibl. lorraine, [w. V . Kusticiados lib. vi], 1751. Pillans (James). The rationale of discipline as exemplified in the High School of Edinburgh. 8". E. 1852 Pillars of the Empire, 1879, see Escott (T. H. S.) ed. Pillaut (Leon). Instruments & musiciens. Pr^f. par A. Daudet. s8'. 1880 Pillersdorf (Franz, Frhr. v.) Austria in 1848-9 : the polit. movement. Tr. G. Gaskell. s8'. 1850 Pillet (A.) Le droit de la guerre. 2' partie : Conferences, Grenoble, 1892-3. 8". 1893 Pillet (Charles), writer on art. Mme. Vig^e-Le Brun. laS'. [1890] Pillet (Rene Martin). L'Angleterre vue a Londrcs & dans s. provinces. 8". 1815 Pilling (James Constantine). Bibliography of the Chinookan Bibl. of the Muskhogean lan- laiiguage3(iiiclud. the Chinook , guages. B". 18S9 jargon). S». 1898 j Bibl. of the Salishan languages. Bibl. of the Iroquoian langu.i.ge8. j 8". 1893 B". 1888 Bibl. of the Wakashan lan- guages. 8'. 1894 Pilling ('William). Laud tenure by registration. 2"' ed. of " Order from chaos." s8". 1890 see Mitre (B.) Emancipation of S. Amer ; tr. by P. of the Hist, of San Martin by M., 1893. PILLON 1155 PINK Pillon (Fran9ois), see Annee philosophique, par P., 1807-8. Pilo (Mario). La psychologie du beau A de I'ait. Tr. A. Diet- rich. sS". 1895 Pilot. 'Pilot (The), 1824, sec Cooper (J. F.) ♦Pilot (The) that weather'd the storm, see SauTTLEWORTH (G. E.) Pilot (The) : a weekly review o£ ecelesiast. & gen. politics, lit., & learning. vl-4. [Mar. 3, 1900-Dec., 1901. In pi-og.}. fol. 1900 1 Pilpay, see BiDP.ii. Pilsach. (C. F. L., Graf Senfft von), see Senpft von Pilsach. Pim, sec also PvM. Pirn (Bedford C. T.) The Gate of the Pacific. 8". 1863 & B. Seemann. Dottingg on the roadside, in Panama, Nicaragua, & Mosquito. 8". 1869 Pim (John), sec Pym (.John). Pim (Jonathan). The condition & prospects of Ireland, etc. 8". D. 1848 Land Question in Ireland. [P230, 628]. 8". D. 1867 *Pimlyco ; or, Runne red-cap (1609), see *Ancient drolleries, no. 2, P., 1891. Pimodan (Gabriel de La Vallee de Earecourt, maiq. de). [tL.i Vallee de Earecourt]. La reunion de Toul a la France et les derniers 6veques-comtes souverains. 8". 1885 Pimodan (Georges de La Vallee de Earecourt, marq. de). SouV. des campagnes d'ltalie & de Ilongrie. sS". 1851 Pinacothek, see JIinchen. I'inacothck. Pina Ferrer (Victorio). [IPina v Ferrer (V.)]. Paginas de 1808 : niems. de un patriota (levantamiento de Zaragoza). 8". Zaragoza. 1889 Pinard (Albert). Le cocher Etienne. sS". [1885] Pinard (Vabbe C.) Diet, des objections populaires centre I'eglise catholique, see Mic.xe (J. P.) Encyclopedic : S3, xxxiii. Finault (I'abbe Olivier). *Hist. abr^g. de la deru. persecution de Port Hoyal. 3t. di. royale. s8". [Amsterdam]. 1750 The abbe 0. P. icould seem to be a difft. person from Pierre Olivier Pinault, a. of " Jiigeinent sur Ics JisiUtes, J^O/." Pinches (Theophilus Goldridge). Notes on recent discoveries in Assyriology. [P644]. 8". [1892] Finckard (George). Notes on the W. Indies, during the exped. under Sir R. Abercromby. 3v. 8". 1806 Finckney (Eliza), see Ravenel (H. H.) E. P., 1896. Pingon (Pierre), see Denis (F.), P., & de Mahtonne. Nouv. manuel de bibliographie, 1857. Fincott (Frederic). Analyt. index to Kaye's Hist. of Sepoy War, & Malleson's Hist, of the Mutiny. 8". 1880 see GoDDE de Liancourt {le c. C. A. de) & P., Laws of language, 1874. „ Palmer (E. H.) Oriental penmanship; illusts. of the Nagari character, by P., 1886. Pincus (J.) The hair. Pindar. [Pindare ; Pindaro]. Opera qua? sup. Testuin rest., interp. Lat., comui. etc. adi. A. Boeckhius. 2t iu 3. [2, i, ii]. 4». L. 1811-21 C.Mi'snti A[inorder of date of 2)nbt.] Carmiua. Cur. C. G. Heyne. 3v. 8". Gottingie. 1798 Carmiua. Ex ed. C. G. Heyne. 2v in 1. s8". 0. 1808 Carmina, juxta exemplar Hey- nianuni, quibus ace. notie Heynianee, lexicon ex Damuiii opereexcerptuiii,etc. Ed. H. Hungertoi-d. ed. 2". 8°. Londini. 1821 Epinician Odes, w. fragments. Rev. & explained by J. W. Donaldson. ■8". 18il Carraina quee sup., cum deperdit. fragm. selectisconim.perpetuo illust. L. Dissenius. ed. 2" ; cur. F. G. Sclmeidewin. 2v. 8". Gotha:. 1843-7 Epinicia. Ed. C. H. Weise. nova ed. ster. s8". L. 1844 Carmina. Proleg. et comment. instr. W. Christ. laS'. L. 1896 Carmina cum deperdit. fragm. eel. ; iteruni recog. W. Christ. s8'>. L. 189G Carmina. Rec. 0. Schroder. 8». L. 1900 a8". 1882 Selections. Carmina tria. Olymp. 2, 6, Pyth. 1. 111. S. Karsteu. 8'>. Trajecti ad Eheuura. 1825 Isthmian odes. Ed. J. B. Bury. 88°. 1892 Nemean & Isthmian odes. Notes by C. A. M. Fennell. sS". C. 1883 Nemean odes. Ed. J. B. Bury. 8». 1890 Olympian & Pythian odes. Notes by C.A. M. Fennell. 88". C. 1879 Olympian & Pythian Odes. With notea etc. by B. L. Gildersleeve. s8". N.Y. 1892 Sicilische Oden, nebst d. Epi- zephyrisciien. Mit Prosa- iibcrs. u. Erliiutergn. v. E. Bohmer. 8o. Bonn. 1891 ♦UltimiB P'. Isthraio! scholia. Ed. & adnot. crit. instr. J. Resler. [P318]. 8". VratislavicB. n.d. Trakslations [in order of date]. Opera omnia. Latino carm. redd, per N. Sudorium, eiusdcm comm. in Nemea. 88". Lutctin?. 1582 Odes. Tr. J. L. Girdlestone. 4". Norwich. [1810?] Pindar [continued]. Odes. Tr., w. notes, by A. Moore. 2p in Iv. Ia8<'. 1822-31 Odes. In prose with notes ; added. West's diss, on the games. 2v. 8°. O. 1824 P. in Eng. verse ; by H. F. Cary. a8». 1833 Odes. Lit. tr. into prose by D.W.Turner. Metr. vers.by A. Moore. sS". 1852 P.'s Siegesgesange. tJbers. v. C. F. Schnitzer. s8". St. 1866 Odes. Tr. into prose, with notes, by F. A. Paley. sS". 1868 Extant odea. Tr. into [prose] by E. Myers. S80. 1874 „ , 2°'i ed. aS". 1884 P. iu Eng. rhjmc. By T. C. Baring. Ia8". 1875 Olympian & Pythian Odes. Tr. into verse by F. D. Moiice. sS''. 1876 References. see Bipp.4RT (G.) P.'s Lebeii, Kunst etc., 1848. „ BucHHOLZ (E.) Die sittl. Weltanschauung d. P. etc., 1869. Croiset (A.) La poeaie de P. et lea lois du lyrisme grec, 1880. Damm iC. T.) Lexicon Pindaricum, excerpait Huntingford, 1814. De Jongh (A.) Pindarica, 1845. GASP.ut (C.) Essai da chronologic pindarique, 1900. Lloyd (W. W.) Hist, of Sicily, w. elucid*. of the Sicilian Odea of P., 1872. P. & Tbemistocles, 1862. Morice (F. D.) p., [Anc. class, for Eng. readers], 1879. Bauchenstein (R.) Zur Einleitung in P., 1843. SCHOMBERG (R.) Diss. On p. & Horace, 1709. Villem.un (A. F.) EsEaia sur P., 1859. Zeyss (0.) Quid Homerus & P. de virtute, civitate, diis statuerint, 1832. Pindar (Peter) jm., see Wolcot (J.) Pindar (Peter) jun., ^js. The E t's fair ; by Peter Pindar, jun. [0. F. Lawler I]. s8". n.d. Pindarry, sec East India Co. : Papers resp. the P. & Mahratta Wars, 1824. Pindemonte (Ippolito), see *Parnaso degl' italiani viventi : 7, 27, 54, P., 1803-24. Finder (North) ed., Selections from the less known Latin poets. laS". 0. 1869 Pine, see also Pvne. Pine (John), Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms, see Eocque (.John). Index of the plan of London etc., engraved by P., f. survey by E., 1747. Pineau (Leon). Les contes pop. du Poitou. s8'. 1891 Le folk-lore du Poitou. s8". 1892 Les vieux chants populaires scandinaves : etude de litt. com- par6e. tl. (Epoque sauvage). Ia8'\ 1898 see Georgeakis (G.) A P., Le folk-lore de Lesbos, 1894. Pineau-Duclos (Charles), see Duclos (C. P.) Pineda (Pedro). A new diet.. Span. -Eng. & Eng.-Span. (Nuevo die. etc.). 2p in Iv. fol. 1740 Pinelli (il eonte Maffeo). Bibliotheca M. P., a. J. Morellio descr. & adnot. illust. [v4-6 have the title in Italian " Libreria ec."]. 6t. 8°. Venetiia. 1787 Pinelo (Antonio de Leon), see Leon Pinelo. Pinero (Arthur Wing). The Amazons. s8". 1895 The benefit of the doubt. 8°. 1896 The Cabinet Minister. Dandy Dick. The gay Lord Quex. The hobby-horse. Lady Bountiful. The magistrate. The notorious Mrs. Ebbamith. 88". 1895 s8". 1892 s8". 1893 88". 1900 88". 1892 880. 1.891 98". 1895 The princess cfe the butterfly. b8». 1898 The profligate. bS". 1892 The achoolmistress. s8». 1894 The second Mrs. Tanqueray. sS". 1895 Sweet lavender. s8". 1895 The times. 88". 1891 Trelawny of the " Wells." 68°. 1899 The weaker sex. b8°. 1894 4". 1887 Pinet (Gr.) Hist, de I'Ecole Polytechnique. see Albert-Lkvv ( ) & P., L'argot de I'X, 1894. Pinetum Woburnense : cat. [by J. Forbes] of coniferous plants at Woburn Abbey, 1839, see Woburn Abbey. Pineyro (Enrique). Vida y escritos de J. C. Zenea. 88°. Paris. 1901 Pingaud (Leonce). Bemadotte, Napoleon et les Bourbons (1797-1844). 8". 1901 Les Fran(;ai3 en Russie, & les Busses en France. 8». 1886 La politique de S. Gr^goire le Grand. 8". 1872 *P'ing-Chan-Ling-Ten, les deux jeunes filles lettries. Roman tr. par S. Julien. 2t. s8». 1860 Pinheiro Ferreira (Silvestre). Cours de droit public, interne & externe. 2t. 8". 1830 Pink (The) fairy book, 1897, see Lano (A.) ed, 4r2 PINKERTON 1156 PIRATES Pinkerton (Jolin) [ps. Robert Heron]. DisS. on the origin etc. of the Scythians or Goths. 8°- 1'787 Foranoth. cd. sec h. "Enquiry etc." below. Enquiry into the hist, of Scotland preceding Malcolm III, or 1056. 2v. n. ed. 8". E. 1814 •wi also contains P.'s "Diss, on the Scythians." Essay on medals. 2v in 1. S'O ed. 8". 1808 A general collection of the best & most interesting voyages & travels in all parts of the world. 17v. [There is an Index in vi7]. i". 1808-14 Hist, of Scotland f. the ace. of the House of Stuart to that of Mary. 2v. 4". 1797 Letters of literature. 8". 1785 Literary corr. of P., f. orig". in poss. of D. Turner. 2v. 8: 1830 Lives of the Scottish saints. Kcv. & enl. by W. M. Metcalfe. 2v. Ia8». Paisley. 1889 Modern geography. 3v. n. ed. 4". 1807 Petralogy : a treatise on rocks. 2v. 8". 1811 The Scotish gallery; portraits of eminent persons of Scotland, & brief acC 8°. 1799 Scotish poems, repr. f. scarce ed». 3v. s8». 1792 ♦Scottish tragic ballads, [b.to. Union (The) etc., 1759]. s8°. 1781 A S'"' vol., IV. t. " Select Scotish ballads of tlie comic kind " was publ. i7S3. It is wanting, bid the following is anoth. ed. of both. ♦Select Scotish ballads. 2v. s8». 1783 see Maitland (Sir B.) Anc. Scotish poems f. MS. coll', of M., 1786. Pinkerton (Percy E.) Galeazzo, w. o. p. s8^ Venice. 1886 Pinkerton (Kobert). Russia. laS". 1833 sec Platon, abp. of Tver, etc. State of the Greek Church in Russia, tr. P., 1814. Pinkerton (Thomas A.) Amy Wynter. 3v. s8". 1880 John Newborn's ordeal. 2"" ed. s8". 1889 Upton-on-Thames. 2v. s8°. 1882 Pinkney (Miles), [ps. Thomas Carr], see Meyden (Th. v.) Pietas Romana & Parisiensis ; the one [" Pietas Parisiensis "] out of Carr, 1687. Pinkney (Nathan). Travels: S. of France, Provence & Languedoc, 1807-8. '2"" ed. 8». 1814 Pinks CWilliam John). Hist, of Clerkenwell ; w. adds, by the ed'., E. J. Wood. *'. 18G5 2'«i ed. 4". 1881 Pinney (Joel). Influence of occupation on health. 8". 185G Key to attainment of the full term of life. 8<>. 1860 Pinnington, sec also Penninotox. Pinnington (Edward). Sir D. Wilkie, * the Scots school. s8". E. [1900] Pinnock (William Henry). Analysis of eccles. hist>. to a.d. 325. 3'" ed. s8". C. 1852 Analysis of New Test. hist. 8"' ed. s8". C. 1801 Analysis of the hist, of the Reformation. 2"'' ed. 88^ C. 1851 Pinot-Duclos (Charles), see Duclos (C. P.) Pinsent (Ellen F.) Jenny's case. 2°'' ed. s8\ 1893 Pinto (A. de Serpa), see Serpa Pinto [A., de). Pinto (Erasmus). Ye outside fools ! Glimpses inside the Stock Exchange. s8". 1876 Pinto (Fernando Mendes), sec Mendes Pinto (F.) Pinto ( Souza), a. of a rortngucse diet., see Socza Pinto ( ). Pinto de Sousa (Jose Carlos). Bibliotheca historica de Por- tugal e sens dominios ultramarinos. n. ed. s4'\ 1801 Pinturicchio. [I'Betti (Beknaudino), called Pinturicchio]. see Bover d'Agen (A. J.) P. (1454-1513), 1898. „ Phillipps (E. W.) v., 1901. „ Steinmann (E.) p., [Knackfuss, 37], 1898. „ Vermiglioli (G. B.) P., pittorePerugino de' secoH XV-XVI memorie, 1837. Pinvert (Lucien). J. Grevin, 1538-70. S'. 1899 L. de Baif. laS". 1900 Pinwell ((Jeorge J.), sec Williamson (G. C.) P. & his works, 1900. Piolet (J. B.), S.J. La France hors de France: notre Emigra- tion, sa necessite, s. conditions. 8°. 1900 Pion Des Loches (A. A. F.) lies campagnes, 1792-1815 : notes & corr. du colonel P. d. L. Publ. par M. Chipon & L. Pingaud. s8". 1889 Pioneer (The). [Allahabad], see Risings (The) on the N.-W. Frontier; f. the "P.," 1898. *Pioneers (The) of Empire. By an Imperialist. s8». 1896 Plot (G. J. Charles) cd., Chroniques de Brabant & de Flandre [C. R. d'H. de Belg.]. "" ■"-- ''"'"^ Piotrowski (Rufin), see PiETROWSKt (R.) Piovanelli (Emilio). Caledonia. 2v. sS^'. Milano. 1885 Piovano (Arlotto Mainardi), see Mainardi (A.) Piovaiw. Piozzi (Mrs. Hester Lynch). [fTnRALE {Mrs. H. L.), aft. Piozzi], Countesa E. Martinengo Cesaresco. s8". 1892 see Mangin (E.) *Piozziana, or recoil', of P. by a friend, 1833. Seeley (L. B.) ed. etc., Mrs. T. ; sketch of h. lite, pas- sages f. h. diaries, letters, & o. writings, 1891. 4". Brux. 1879 Anecdotes of S. Johnson. sS". 1786 AutobT., letters, & Ut. remains. Ed., w. notes, life, etc., by A. Ha\Tvard. 2v. s8". 18G1 „ „" ... 2v. 2"'' ed. s8». 1861 British synonymy. 2v. 8". 1794 Glimpses of Italian society in 18"' c, f. the " Journey " of Mrs. P. With intr. by *Piozziana, by a friend, 1833, see Mangin (E.) *Pi-Pa-Ki (Le), tr. par Bazin, 1841, see Kao-Tono-Kia. Pipe Rolls [incW. Chancellor's Bolls]. *Intr. to the study of the P. R'. [Pipe Roll Soc, 3]. laS". 1884 Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, vel Magnum Rotulum Pipse, de a. 31 Hen. I, (ut videtur), quem plurimi laudarunt pro Rotulo 5' a. Stephani. Ed. J. Hunter. [Record Comm.]. Ia8". 1833 Rotulus Cancellarii, vel antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pips, de 3 anno regis Johannis. [Record Comm.]. Ia8'. 1833 Great Rolls (The) of the Pipe, for 2, 3, 4 Hen. II, 1155-58. Printed under the care of J. Hunter. Iv. [Record Coram.]. Ia8». 1844 Great Roll of the P. for 5[-21] Hen. II, 1158/9[-1174/5. Pipe Roll Soc, 1, 2, 4-9, 11-13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22. One vol. for each year]. Ia8". 1884-97 (jreat Roll (The) of the Pipe, for 1 Ric. I, 1189/90. Printed under care of J. Hunter. [Record Comm.]. Ia8\ 1844 sec Hodgson (J.) cd., Magnus Rotulus Pips for Northumberland (1130-1272) ; pref., ace. of the P. R'., etc. etc., 1835. „ M.ADOX (T.) Hist, of the Exchequer, w. diss. cone, the anc. Great Roll of the E., commonly called the Roll of Quinto Regis Stephani, 1711 ; 2"' ed., 1769. „ Society of Antiquaries ov Newcastle upon Tyne for Pipe-Rolls for Cumberland, Westmorland, Durham, 1847. Pipe Roll Society. [Pubh.] 24v. [Tlie Soc. is wound up']. ^8". 1884-1900 see Court of Kino's Bench. Three Rolls of the King's Court (1194/5), 1891. [14.] „ Fines. Feet of F'. of r. of Hen. II, & first 7 years of Ric. I, (1182-96), 1894. [17.] „ Feet of F'., 7 & 8 Bic. I, (1196-7), 1890. [20.] „ Feet of F:, 9 Bic. I, (1197-8), 1898. [23.] „ Feet of F'., 10 Bic. I, 1198-9, excepting Bedford, Berks, Buckingham, Cambridge, Devon, Dorset ; also a Boll of the King's Court in r. of Ric. I, 1900. [24.] „ Pipe Rolls. *Intr. to study of P. B'., 1884. [3.] „ Great Roll of the P. for 5[-21] Hen. II, 1884-97. [1, 2, 4-9, 11-13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22] „ RouNii (J. H.) cd., Ancient charters. Royal ct private, prior to 1200, pi, 1888. [10.] Piper (Ferdinand). Einltg. in d. monumentale Theologie. 8". Gotha. 1867 Karls d. Grossen Kalendarium u. Ostertafel, 1858, see Charle- magne. Mythologie u. Symbolik d. christl. Kunst. Bl, [B/ has 2 Abthlgn. bound in IV. no more pnM.]. 8". Weimar. 1847-51 Piper (Paulus) ed., Libri Confraternitatum S. Galli Augiensis Fabariensis. [Mou. Germ. Hist.]. i". Berolini. 1884 Piperno (Nicolo). La noce maga di Benevento estirpata da S. Barbato. [P843]. 88". Napoli. 1682 Pipinus, see also Pepin. Pipinus (Franciscus). Chronicon 1176-1314 etc, see Muratori (L. A.) Berum Ital. Script., t9. Pippin, see also Pepin. Pippin, king of Italy, [Pepin], see Muratori (L. A.) Berum Ital. Ser., tl.'ii. Pique-Nique (En). 1894, 1896, 1S98. Publ. annuelle de la Soc. des Gens de Lettres. s8". 1894-8 Pirala (Antonio). El rey [i.e., Amadeus] en Madrid y en provincias. 8'. 1871 Piramus (Denis), see *Partonope of Blois, [sometimes attr. to P.], var. cd'. *Piratas de la America, trad., 1681, see Exquemelin (X. 0.) ♦Pirate (The), 1822, see Scott [Sir W.) Pirates. Songs etc. in " The pirates," an opera, 1T92, see Cobb (J.) PIRCKHEIMER 1157 PITT Pirckkeimer (Wilibald), [Pirkheimeiius], si'e Eck (J. von). *Eckius iledolatus [of unknown authorship, put forth under the pseud, of J. F. Cotta. Often ascr'. to P.], 1891. Fire (— de EosvLnien, marq. de), sec Bretagne. *Hist. des tlucs de B. : t3, 4, Hist, de la Liguo eu B., [pur P.], 1739. Pirenne (Henri). Bibliographie de I'hist. de Belgique : cat. des sources A des ouvr. princ. rel. a I'hist. de tous les Pays-Bas jusqu'en 1598, & a I'hist. de Belgique jusqu'en 1830. 8". Gand. 189.5 Le soulfevement de la Flandre maritime de 1323-1328 : Docs. in^dits. s8". 1900 see *Geschichte der ecropa. Staaten ; Belgien.Bl, v. P., 1899. Pirie, see also riiUiiE. Pirie (William Kobinson). The God of reason & revelation. bSo. E. 1892 Pirkheimerus (W.), see Pikckheimeh (W.) Pirkis {Mrs. Catharine Louisa). A dateless bargain. 3v. sS". 1887 Wanted, an heir. 3v. s8f. 1881 Pirmez (Octave). Heures de philosoijhie. 2' ki. s8". 1881 Pirminius, Saint, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t89. Piron (Alexis). tEuvres. 2t. n. 6d. s8». Amsterdam. 1764 CEuvres. Notice par E. Fournier. b8". 1857 (Euvres posthumes. Notes etc. par H. Bonhomme. n. 6d. s8'\ 1888 Poesies ohoisies et pieces in^d. Notice par H. Bonhomme. s8". 1879 Pironon (R. Th.) Le livre d'heures. s8». Brux. 1846 Pirrie (William). Diet, of sea terms, phrases, & words in Eng. A- Er. 68". 1895 Pisa. Chronica varia — Monumenta — Fragmenta hist. Pisanes, see MuR.vroKi (L. A.) lierum Ital. Script., t6, 15, 24. Pisa (Bartholomaeus [Albizzi], of). L' Alcoran des Cordeliers, tire du livre des conformitez. [Lat. li Fr.]. n. ^d., par B. Picart. 2t. s8". Amsterdam. 1734 Pisan (Christine de). [Christine de Pise ; Christine Do C.iSTELJ. Qiuvres po^tiques; publ. par M. Eoy. tl-3, [in^yrog. S. d. a. t. f.]. 8". 1886-96 sec Collection univ. des tn&va. partic. etc., t5, C, 1785-90. „ [anoth. ed.], Michaud (J. F.) & J. Pou.rouLAT, cdd., Nouv. coll. des mfims., I, 1, 2, C. de P., 1850. „ [anoth. ed.}, Petitot (C. B.) ed., Coll., I, 5, G, 1819. Pisander, see Hesiod. H'. carmina ; P'. fragm". adj. Diibner, 1840. Pisani (Arcangelo). L' ideale politico di Dante. [P582]. 8°. Bari. 1893 Pisani (Baldassare). Ildecembrefiorito. [P831].s8<|. Napoli. ra.d. Pisani (Camilla Ferri), see Ferri-Pisani (C.) Pisani (Vittore). *JIemorie che possono servire alia vita di V. Pisani, 1777, see MiLiu (G.) Piscator (Johann), of Herborn. Analysis logica sex epistolarum Pauli. ed. 2*. sS". Herbornas Nassoviorum. 1602 Analysis log. 5 postrem. epist. Pauli. [b. w. h. Anal. log. sex etc.]. s8". Herbornffi. 1603 Pischon (Friedrich August) ed., Denkmiiler d. deutschen Sprache. 6T, [1, bis 1300 ; 2, bis 1620 ; Tl,2 bound in f ; 3-6 wanting]. 8". 1838-51 Pisemsky (Aleksyei Theofilovich). Mille Ames. Tr. V. Derely. 2t. sS". [1886] Le pecli6 de vieillesso Tr. V. Derely. s8o. 1888 Der reiche Brautigatn. tjbers. s8». [1890] Uonio; otipaiiit' co'iinhiMi'. 24 loM. 68". 1895-6 Dans le tourbillon. Tr. V. Derely. sS". 1881 Lesfaiseurs (Miecbtchanie). Tr. V. Derely. sS". [1886] Pisida[s] (Georgius), see George, of Pisidia. Piso (Gulielmus), see Baerle (K. van). Eerum in Brasilia gest. hist, ace. G. P. tractatus : 1, de aeribns etc. in Brasilia ; 2, de .arundine saccliarifera ; 3, de melle silvestri ; 4, de radice altili Mandihoca, ed. 2", 1060. Piso (Lucius Manlius) ps., see Ware (Wm.) Unitarian minister. Pistis Sophia, [sec also Bible : ApocaypHA.] *Pistis Sophia, a Gnostic Gospel (w. extr'. f. the Books of the Saviour app). Eng., w. intr. by G. R. S. Mead. 8". 1890 see Migne (.3. P.) Encyclop. theol., t23,/o)- La fidele Sagesse. Pistoia. Atti e decreti del Cone, di P., a. 1780. 4». Pistoja. [1788] sec Mi-RATORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Scr., til, /or Annales, 1300-48. Pistoia (Cino, da), see Cino, da Pistoia. Pistorius (Hermann Andreas). Notes & adds, to Hartley's Obs. on man, tr., etc., S"" ed., 1801. This is not a sep. work, but v3 of Hartley (D.) Obs. on man, 4"" ed., 1801, j.t). Pistorius (Johann), of Nidda, ed., Rerum Germanicarum scrip- tores aliquot insignes ; denuo recog. ed. 3", cur. B. G. Struvio. 3t. fol. Eatisbonm. 1726 see *nisrANi.E illustrate etc., [t.3 by P.], 1603. Pisztory (Mor). A nemzetgazdasagtan haladasa is iranya az utolso tizenot ev alatt. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 8". 1888 Pitagora, [Pitagoras], see Pythagoras. Pitaval (F. Gayct de). [1-Gayot de Pitaval (Fran^ols)]. Biblio- theque des gens de cour, ou Melange des bons mots d'Henry IV, de Louis XIV, etc. 2t. s8'\ 1722 Causes celebres. 26t, [tl, 5 wanting. t23-£6 are : Cont. par J. C. de La Ville, 4t]. n. ed. augm. 68". Amsterdam. 1775 Saillies d'esprit etc. 2p in Iv. sH". 1726 see Nece Pitaval (Der), in prog., 1842etc. Pitcairn (E. H.) ed.. Unwritten laws * ideals of active careers : essays by [IS leritcrs]. sb". 1899 Pitcairn (Robert). Ace. of the prino. families of the name of Kennedy. 4". E. 1830 Criminal trials in Scotland (1488-1624). With notes etc. [Bannatyne Club]. 3v. 4". E. 1833 see Mary, queen of Scots. Colls, rel. to the funerals of M., 1822. Pitcairne (Archibald). [A. Pitcarnius]. Selecta poemata A. Pitcarnii, G. Scot a Thirlestane, T. Kincadii, et aliorum. s8">. Edinburgi. 1727 Pitch, see *Musical pitch : letters etc., 1899. Pithiviers (H. Laurent de), see Laurent (H.) de Pithiviers. Pithou (Franfois), [Pithceus], s«<;*Soaligebana, Pithoeana, etc., 1740. Pithou (Pierre) the elder, [Pithceus], see Epigbammata & poematia Vetera, 1619. Pitiscus (Samuel). Lexicon antiquitatum Romanarum. 2t. fol. Leovardiffi. 1713 Pitkin (Timothy) tlie younger. Statistical view of the com- merce of the United States, etc. 8". Hartford. 1816 Pitman, see also Pittmax. Pitman (Mrs. Emma Raymond). Elizabeth Fry. 88". 1884 Pitman (Isaac). Manual of jihonography, or, writing by sound. [h. w. h. Phonographic teacher, rev. ed. 1877]. s8". 1877 The phonographic teacher, rev. ed. b8". 1877 Pitra (Zi; card. Jean Baptiste). Analecta novissima; Spicilegii Solesm. altera continuatio. 2t. Ia8". Typis Tusoulanis. 1885-88 1, De epistolis & registria Roman, iiontificum. 2, Tusculana. Analecta sacra & classica Spioilegio Solesm. parata. laS'i. Parisiis. 1888 Etudes sur la coll. des Actes des Saints paries boUandistes, etc. 8». 1850 Hist, de S. Leger, & de I'^glise des Fr.ancs an 7' s. 8". 1846 Spicilegium Solesmense, compl. SS. patrum seriptorumque eccles. anecdota opera. 4t. Ia8". Parisiis. 1852-8 Pitra (Louis Guillaume). La journ6e du 14 juillet, 1789 ; fragm. des mems. in^d. de P. Notes etc. par J. Flammermont. [Soe. de I'Hist. de la H6vol. Fr.]. 8°. 1892 Pitre-Chevalier (Pierre). Les r6vol'. d'autrefois : Chroniques de la Fronde, 1648-52. 680. 1852 Fitres (A.) Lesions du centre ovale des h(5misphfires cer^braux, etc. 8". 1877 Pitscottie (R. Lindsay, of), see Lindsay (Robert), of Pitscottic. Pitseus (Joannes) [or. Pits]. Relationum histor. de rebus Anglicis tomus primus, [no 7nore 2^ubl.']. i". Parisiis. 1619 Generally cited as : De illustribus Anglias scriptoribus. Pitt (Thomas), /'' baron Camelford, see Camelford (T., 1'' baron). Pitt (Thomas), (7or<;r»ior 0/ i<'o(i St. George [1633 1-/726?], see Hedges {Sir W.) Diary, illust. by H. Yule : v3, cont. documentary contrib". to biog. of P., 1889. Pitt (Bf. Hon. William), l7J'j~/soo. *Answer (An) [a. not knoivn] to P.'s attack upon Earl St. Vincent, . Philadelphia. 1882 Pitti (Buonaccorso). Cronica. Con annotazioni. 8". Firenze. 1720 Pittington. *Churchwardens' accounts of P., & o. parishes in the Diocese of Durham, 1580-1700. [Ed. J. Barmby. Surtees Soc, 84]. 8». Durham. 1888 Pittis (William). *Hist. of the present Pari. & Convocation. 3p in Iv. 8°. 1711 Nereo : funeral-poem to the memory of Sir G. Rooke. [P7ol]. fol. 1709 Pittman (Edward F.) The mineral resources of N.S.W. [N.S.W. Geolog. Survey]. 8". 1901 Pittman (Josiah). The people in church : their rights A duties. 8°. 1858 Pitton de Tournefort (Joseph), sec Tocrnefort (P. de). Pitt-Rivers (Lt.-Gen.) [tFox (Augustus Henry Lane), aft. Fox-Pitt- Rivers]. Antique works of art from Benin. 4». p.2}. 1900 Excavations. 4v. 4". p.p. 1887-98 1, 2, Excavations in Cranborne Chase. 8, Excavations in Bokerly & Wansdyke, Dorset & Wilts ; w. obs. on the human remains, by J. H. Garsou. 4, Excavations in Cranborne Chase, 1893-0. King John's house, Tollard Royal, Wilts. i\ p.p. 1890 Pitts (Joseph), of E.reter. .\ce. of the Mohammetans etc. s8". Exon. 1704 Pittura. *Della Pittura Veneziana, 1771, see Z.\netti (A. M.) tlie younger. Pitzipios (piinoe Jakobos Georgios). [Pitzipios-Bey]. L'^glise orientale. 4p in Iv. Ia8''. Rome. 1855 L'Orient : les r^formes de I'empire byzantin. S". 1858 Pius, Father, Passio7iist. [i.e. — Devine]. Life of Father Ignatius (Hon. & Rev. G. Spencer). s8». D. 1866 Pius II, pope. [Enea Silvio Piccolomini ; .Eneas Sylvius PiccoLO.MiNEUs]. jEnefe S. P. opera qua! extant omnia. Ace. gnomologia ex omn. Sylvii op. coUecta, etc. fol. Basilese. [1571] De viris illustribus. [b. w. Closener (F.) Strassburg. Chronik, 1842]. [Lit. V. in St., 1]. s8'. St. 1842 see Bocleh (J. H.) ed., JSnese Sylvii hist, etc., 168.5. „ MuBATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t3, ii. „ VoiGT (G.) Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini als P. II, 1856-63. Pius VI, pope. [Giovanni Angelo Braschi]. see Baldassabi (P.) Relazione delle avversiti ee. del p. P. VI, 1889. „ Bovbqoing (J. F. de). *Hist. & philosoph. memoirs of P. VI, etc., tr. 1. the French, 1799. Pius VII, 2^ope. [Gregorio Barnaba Luigi Chiaramonti]. see Artaud de Montor (A. F.) Hist, de P. VII, 2' ed., 1837. „ CnoTARD (H.) Pie VII a Savone, 1887. Pius VIII, yo^JC, [Francesco Xaverio Castiqlioni], see Artaud DE Montor (A. F.) Hist, de P. VIII, 1844. Pius IX, pojie. [Giov.anni Maria G. B. P. P. I. Mastai- Ferretti]. *Commentaire (Un) 'parlementaire du Syllabus approuvc par Pie IX. [P679]. s8". 1876 Recueil des allocutions consistoriales eneycliques & aut. lettres apostol. des pontiles C16m. XII, Ben. XIV, Pie VI, Pie VII, Leon XII, Gr^g. XVI & Pie IX, cities dans I'Encyclique & le syllabus du 8 die. 1864, etc. 2' id. Ia8". 1865 see Arthur (W.) The modern Jove : review of the coll. speeches of P., 1873. „ The Pope, the Kings, & the People, [1864-70], 1877. „ Clave (F.) Vie etc. de P. IX, 1848. „ Gallenga (A.) The Pope & the King, 1879. ,, GoDDE DE LiANCouRT (C. A., cte. de) & J. A. Manning. P. IX, 1847. „ Legge (A. 0.) P. IX, h. life to 1850, 1875. „ Maguire (J. F.) Rome : its ruler [i.e. P. IX] etc., 1857 ; 3"i ed., 1870 ; n. ed., 1878. „ Mazzini (G.) Address to P. IX on h. Encyclical [S Dec, -1^64], 1865. „ Montalembert (le cte. C. de). P. IX & France, tr., 1859. „ *Pape (Le) & le Congr^s [attr. to the vte. de La Guirojiniire], 1859. „ Trollope (T. a.) Story of the life of P. IX, 1877. „ Twiss (Sir T.) The letters apostol. of P. IX, w. ref. to Law of Eng. & of Europe, 1851. „ Zellek (J.) P. IX et Victor-Emm., 1879. Pivert de Senancour (Etienne), see Sknancour (E. P. de). Pixerecourt (R. C. Guilbert d.e),sce Guilbert de Pixerecourt. Pixley (Francis William). Hist, of the baronetage. Ia8". 1900 Pi y Margall (Francisco). Estudios sobrela edad media. 2' ed. sS". 1878 Les nationalites. Tr. L.-X. de Ricard. sS". 1879 Pizan (Christine de), see Pisax (C. de). Pizarro {el marq. Francisco), the conqueror of Peru. [Pizarre]. Relacion de los descubrimientos de P. [<£ otlier doc'.], see Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espafia. see Calvete de Estrella (J. C.) Rebelion de P. en el Peru, etc., 1889. „ Helps (Sir A.) Life of P., w. ace. of h. associates, 1869. Pizarro (Gonzalo), see Markham (Sir C. B.) Exped". into Valley of the Amazons: [Exped. of P. (1539-42), tr. f. Garcilaso de La Vega], 1859. Pizarro (Hernando), see M.^rkham (Sir C. R.) Reports on discov. of Peru : Letter of H. P. to Royal Audience of Santo Domingo, tr., 1872. Pizarro (Pedro). Rel. del descubrimiento y conquista del Perii, [it- other doc\], see Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. Pizzo (G. F. Savaro del), see Savaho. Plaat (F. van Aarssens, Heer van de), sec Aarssens (F. van), Hcer van Sonimeldijk. Placci (Carlo). Un furto. s8". MQano. 1892 Placcius (Vincentius). Theatrum anonymorum et pseudony- morum. Prtem. est vita auctoris, scriptore J. .4. Fabricio. 3p in Iv. fol. Hamburgi. 1708 p)3 cont'. : J. Deckherri de scriptis adespotis conjecturie, u\ diss', by other writers [P. Vinditigiits, P. Bcclius, F. Geislcr, J. F. Mayer] on the same subject. Place (Francis), political reformer, see Wallas (G.) Life of P. (1771-1^54), 1S9S. Placentinius (Dionysius Gregorius). Epitome Grsecse palseo- graphia; et de recta Grteci sermonis pronunciatione. [P634]. s4<'. Eomae. 1735 PLACENTINUM 1159 PLATO Placentinum. *Cluonicon P., 1856, sec HciixAnD-BBteoixEs (J. L. A.) cd. Placidas, The knight, see Eustace, St. S Martyr. Placide-.Iustin ( ). Hist. d'Hayti : 6cr. sur des does. ofBc. & des notes communitiuijes par Sir J. Barskett. 8". 182(5 Placido, St. li Martyr, see Ei-stace, St. etc. Placidus diac. Casin., see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl73. see Mgratobi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Sor., t6. Placidus, 2'rior of Nunantola, see Migne (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl03. Placidus (Luctatius) [or Lactantius], Grammaticus, see Lucta- TIU.S. Placita. [Placitorum]. Placita de quo warranto temp. Edw. I, II, III, in Curia Receptee Scaccarii Westm. asservata. [Ed. 11'. IllingiDorth. Record Commission]. fol. 1818 Placitorum in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservat. abbreviatio. Temporibus Ric. I-Edw. II. [Ed. 11'. Illingivorth. Record Comm.]. lafol. 1811 Plague. *Hist. (The) of the great plague in London in 1G()5, etc. [the orig. t. being " Journal of the plague year], 1764, see Defoe (D.) Plague (The) in India (189C/7) ; comp. by E. Nathan [Indian Govt. Publ.], 1898, see India. A pamph. beginning " To all gentlemen, ladies, & others," ded. to Sir Hans Sloane, cont". rca'ijits far the cure of the j>lag>u:. [P217]. sS". Dublin, printed by C. H. at tlie Rein Deer in Montrath Street, n.d. Plain. •Plain disquisition (A) on the necessity of fortifying Miltord Haven, 1759, sec MiLFOBD Haven. *Plain or ringlets ? 1859, see Surtees (R. S.) •Plain speaker (The), 1826, see Hazlitt (W.) •Plain speaking, 1882, see Craik (Mrs. D. M.) •Plain statement (A) of the power of the Bank of Eng., etc., 2"'' ed., 1833, see Congleton (H. B. Pabnell, 1' baron). •Plain truth ; to inhab'. of America. Conts. remarks on [T. Paine's] " Common Sense." By Candidas. [P58]. 2"!' ed. 80. Philadelphia. 1776 IlaJlcett t£- Laing, giving the Bodleian Cat. for their authority, say " fty Dr. Smith, of Philadeljyhia." But the Librarian of the Lib. of the Univ. of Philadelphia says ^^ the authorship has been attr. to var. persons . . . but never, so far as I can ascertain, to Williani Smith. . . . Hildebnrn decides on evidence wh. appears to be satis- factory in favor of George ChalTners." Feb. 1901. •Plain words addressed to membera of the Church of Eng. By one of themselves. [P326]. 8°. 1833 Plaine Percevall [by T. Nash ?], see PuBiT-iN discipline tracts, 1842-60, for an edition. *Plaintes (Les) des I'rotestans cruellement opprimez dans le royaume de France, kA. n., 188-5, see Clai-de (Jean). Plan. •Plan (A) tor the complete settlement of sale & transfer etc. of land, 1859, see Land. •Plan (A) for the improvement of the Port of London in 1840. By Minimus. [P309]. S8". 1840 •Plan (A) of campaign. A memo for the country. [Suppl. to " United Ireland," Nov. 20, 1886]. Broadsheet. 1886 Planche (James Kobinson). The Conqueror & h. companions. 2v. 8". 1874 A corner of Kent ; ace. of Ash-next-Sandwich. 8". 1864 Cyclopedia of costume or diet, of dress. 2v. (1, Diet. 2, Gen. hist, of costume in Europe). 4". 1876-9 Descent of the Danube f. Ratisbon to Vienna, 1827. 8". 1828 .4 later ed. has t. ; The Danube f. Ulm to Vienna. Extravaganzas of P., 1825-71. Ed. T. F. D. Croker & S. Tucker. 5v. s8". 1879 Hist, of British costume to close of 18"' c. n. ed. 88°. 1847 „ „ S"' ed. s8". Bo/tn. 1874 The pursuivant of arms ; heraldry founded upon facts. [n. ed.]. s8». [1873] Recoils. & reflections. 2v. 8". 1872 Songs & poems, 1819-79. 88". 1881 Stanzas on victories over the French. s8". 1813 Planche (Matilda Anne), aft. Mackarness, see Mackarness (Mrs. M. A.) Planciades Fulgentius (Fabius), see Fulgentius (F. P.) Plancius (On.), sec Cicero (M. T.) Pro P., var. cdd. d tr'. Planck (Carl Christopli). Anthropologic u. Psychologie auf naturwissenschaftl. Grundlage. 8". L. 1874 Gesetz u. Ziel d. neueren Kunstentwicklung. [P453]. 8". St. 1870 Planck (Carl Christoph) [continued]. Jean Paul's Diobtung im Liohte unserer nationalen Entwick- lung. s8". 1867 Seele u. Geist. 8". L. 1871 Planck (Gottlieb Jacob). Abriss e. Darstellung d. dogmat. Systeme. 3' A. s8°. Gottingen. 1822 Gesch. d. Entstehung etc. unsers protestant. Lehrbegriffs bis zu d. Einliihrung d. Concordienformel. 6B in 5. 8". L. 1781-1800 „ Bl, 2. 2° A. 8". L. 1791-2 B3. neue A. 8". 1796 Gesch. d. protestant. Theologie v. d. Konkordienformel an bis in d. Mitte d. IS.Jhdts. 8". Gottingen. 1831 liber d. Behandlung etc. d. histor. Beweises fiir d. Gottlichkeit d. Christenthums. s8". Gottingen. 1821 Intr. to sacred philology & interpretation. Tr., w. notes, by S. H. Turner. sS". E. 1834 A tr. of Abthlg. 1 of Abschnitt 3 of P.'s "Einltg. in d. theolog. Wissenschaften." Plancy (Jacques A. S. Collin de), see Collin de Plancy (J. A. S.) Plant (Thomas L.) Report on the Weather of 1862. [P81]. 8°. B'ham. 1862 Planta (Joseph), principal librarian of Brit. Museum. Hist, of the Helvetic confederacy. 3v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1807 Plantagenet (Richard), carl of Cornwall, aft.emp. of Germany, see Richard, emperor etc. Plantagenet-Harrison ((Jeorge Henry De Strabolgie Neville). The hist, of Yorkshire, vl. Wapentake of Gilling West, [no more publ.]. lafol. 1879 Plantagenets. *The greatest of all the P'., 1860, see Seeley (R. B.) Plantin (ChristoflFel). see Degeorge (L.) La niaison P. k Anvers, 2' ^d., augm. d'une liste des ouvr. impr. par P. (1555-89), 1878. „ RoosES (M.) C. P., imprimeur anversois, 1882 ; 2'' d'd., 1896. ,, RuELENS (C.) & A. De Backer. Annales plantiniennes ; pi, jusqu'a la mort de C. P., (1555-89), [no more publ.], 1866. Planting. *Useful & ornamental jilanting. [Lib. of U. K.]. 8°. 1832 Planudes (Maximus), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. greeca, tl47, M.P. Plasidas, The knight, see Eustace, St. <£■ Martyr. Platel (C. P.) ps., sec Parisot (P.) Platen (August, Graf v.), l796-iS3S. [Platen zu Hallersiund ; fPLATEN-HALLERMt'NDE (A. V.) count]. Gcsammelte W'erke. 5B. s8». St. 1843 Siimmtl. Werke. Mit Biographie v. K. Godeke. 4B. s8". St. [1882-3] Platen zu Hallermund (Adolf, Graf v.) Trial for High Treason of P. With doc'. [P215, 220, 236, 250]. 8". 1868 Plath (Johann Heinrich). Die Vdlker d. Mandschurey. 2B. 8°. Gottingen. 1830-1 There is anoth. tp., w. t. : Gesch. d. iistl. Asiens. Tl. Platina (Baptista), Cremonensis. [B. Platine ; fSAccHi (Bak- THOLosi/Eus) de Platina]. Lives of the Popes to Sixtus IV- Tr. & cont. f. 1471 by P. Rycaat. 2p in Iv. 2'"' ed. fol. 1688 Vita Calixti III — Hist, urbis Mantuffi ad 1464 — Vita Nerii Capponii, see Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t3, ii, 20. Plainer (Eduard). Beitriige z. Kenntniss d. attischen Rechts. s8". Marburg. 1820 Notiones iuris et iustitiEe ex Homeri et Hesiodi carm. 8". Marburgi. 1819 In some copies this is bound as part of tlie Beitrage etc. above. Plainer (Ernst Zacharias). Beschreibung d. Stadt Rom v. P., C. Bunsen, E. Gerhard, W. Rostell. Mit Beitragen v. B. G. Niebuhr etc. 3B in 5. [Bilderheft. fol.]. 8". St. 1829-42 & L. Urlichs. Beschreibung Roms : Auszug aus d. "Be- schreibung d. Stadt Rom." Plato. [Platon ; Platone]. Works [in order of da le of publ.] Platonis quie exstant. Graece, cum M. Ficini interp. ; ace. varietas lectionis, studiis Soc. Bipontinte. [Gr. . 1854 The Platonic dialogues for Eng- lish readers. By W. Whewell. 3v. s8». C. 1859-61 ,, „ vl. 2"i ed. 88". C. 1860 Dialogues. Tr., w. analyses & intr"*., by B. Jowett. 4v. 8o. 0. 1871 „ „ 5v. 2° ed., 1804, see Anstey (.John) [ps. J. Surrebutter]. Pleas, [see also Pl.acit.\]. 'Pleas forfree inquiry. Bv M.A., Trin. Coll. Cam. 4p in Iv. sS". [1874] Pleas of the Crown for the Co. of Gloucester (1221), 1884, see Gloucesteeshibe. PLEASANT 1162 PLOWDEN ♦Pleasant (A) & compendioua hist, of the first inventers [by John Harris ?], 1685, sec Harris (J.) *Pleasures (The) of imagination, 5"' ed., 1754, see Akenside (M.) Flees (W.) Ace. of Jersey. 4". Southampton. 1817 Plehn (Frau Auguste). [ps. Briqitte August:]. Zwillings- Schwestern. 2' A. 8". 1891 Pleiade (La) frani;>oise. For list of the contents of this series see its ed., Marty-Laveaux (C.) Plelo (L. R. H. Brehan, cte. de), see E.^thert (E. J. B.) P., un gentilhomme fr. an 18'' s., 187(i. Plenderleath (William Charles). The White Horses of tlie West of Eng. ; w. not', of o. anc. turf -monuments. 88". [188.5] Plener (Ernst v.) English factory legislation from 1802. Tr. F. L. Weinmann. s8". 1873 2"'' ed. s8^ 1873 Plenge (Johann), see UNiEEsncnuNOEN ii. d. Lage d. Hausier- gewerbes in Deutsohland : B2, Westerwiilder Hausierer u. Landgiinger, v. P., 1898. Pleske (Alricus). see *GRiJNDLicHE Nachricht von denen an P. etc. ausgeiibten Diebstahl, Marter u. Mord, 1714. „ Lezius (C. R.) Leichen-Predigt bey Beerdigung A. P., 1714. Plessseus (Philippus), see Mornay (P. de), seigneur Du Plessis- Marhj. Plessen (Bolradt v.), [fPLEssius (Volhadus)], see Heecynia- Nus (F.) ps. [i.e. J. Keller]. B.'s v. P. Rittersprunck, oder App. zue Anhaltin. Cantzeley, 1625. Plessis (Frederic). Etudes sur Properce. 8". 1884 La lampe d'argile, poesies (1873-86). 38". 1886 Traits de mitrique grecque et latine. bS". 1889 Plessius (Volradus), see Plessen (Bolradt v.) Pletho ((5. Gemistus), siv Gemistds (Georgios), called " Pletlio." Pleydell (J. C. M.), see Mansel-Pleydell (J. C.) Pleydell-Bouverie (Et. Hon. Edward), 2"' son of 3''' earl of liadnor. The province of govt. [Tjiberty & Property Defence League. P371, 549]. 8". 1884 Pleydell-Bouverie (Edward Oliver). J. S. ; or, triviahties. sS". 1886 sec *B.ad5iinton Lib. : Tennis etc. Eackets, by P.-B., 1890. Pleydell-Bouverie (William), 3"' earl of Radnor, see Radnor. Pleyte (C. M.) Die Buddha-Legende in d. Skulpturen d. Tempels v. Boro-Budur. fol. Amsterdam. 1901 Pleyte (Willem). La religion des Pr6-Isra^lites : recherches sur le dieu Seth. 8". Utrecht. 1862 Plimsoll (Samuel). Cattle ships: 5"' chap, of P.'s Second appeal for our seamen. [P155]. s8<>. 1890 Our seamen : an appeal. 4". 1873 pop. ed. sS". 1873 Pliny, the elder. [Pline l'Ancien ; Plinio ; Plinius Major ; tPLiNics Secundus (Caius)]. Nat. hist. Interp. etc. illust. J. Harduinis in usum Delphini. 5t. 4". Parisiis. 1685 Hist. nat. libri xxxvii. Interp. etc. illust. J. Harduinus. 2t in 3, [2, i, ii]. ed. 2\ fol. Parisiis. 1723 Nat. hist, libri xxxvii. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed., 87-98]. 8». Lond. 1826 Hist. nat. libri xxxvii. 5v. ed. ster. sS". L. 1830 Hist. nat. Recog. etc. I. Sillig. Add. excerpta cod. Bamberg. cum adnot. L. de Jan. 5v. s8". L. 1831-36 Nat. hist, [libri xxxvii]. Cum interp. etc. Harduini, adnot. Her- molai Barbari etc., rec. I. G. F. Franzius. lOv. 8". L. 1878-91 Transl.ations. The historie of the world, commonly called, the naturall hist. of P. Tr. P. Holland. 2t in 1. fol. 1601 Histoire naturelle. Trad. nouv. par Ajasson de Grandsagne, annot. par Beudant etc. [Lat. et Fr.]. 20t in 10. 8». 1829-33 Nat. hist. Tr. with notes by J. Bostock ct H. T. Riley. 6v. s8". Bohn. 1855-57 P.'s chapters on hist, of art, tr. W. Jex-Blake, w. comm. & hist. intr. by E. Sellers, & addit. notes by H. L. Urliohs. 8". 1896 References. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. „ Leksch (J. L.) Sprachphilosophie d. Alten ; nebst d. Frag- menten v. P. de dubio sermone, 1838-41. „ MuNZER (F.) Beitrage z. Quellenkritik d. Naturgesch. d. P., 1897. „ SiLLio (C. Jul.) Diet, of artists of antiquity, tr. ; added, P'. Nat. Hist, xxxiv-xxxvi, c. 1-5, 1836. Pliny, the younger. [Pline le Jeune ; Plinio il Giovane ; Plinius Minor ; tPiiNius C^ciLius Secundus (Caius)]. Panegyricus. Rec. G. E. Gierig. 8°. L. 1796 Pliny, the younger [continued], Epistolarum libri x, et Panegyricus. Ex rec. Gesneri ; Heusingerl etc. suasque. notas add. G. H. Schaefer. 8". L. 1805 Epistolarum lib. x et Panegyricus. Eeo. G. E. Gierig. 2v in 1. s8'>. L. 1806 Epistularum lib. ix, epist. ad Traianum 1., Panegyricus. Ex rec. Keilii; ace. index nom.etc. auct. T. Mommsen. 8°. L. 1870 Epistolffl et Panegyricus. Rec. C. H. Weise. Nova ed. ster. nova imp. 38". L. 1871 Select letters. With notes by A. J. Church & W. J. Brodribb. s8». 1871 Translations. Lettere. Tr. dal canon. G. A. Tedesehi. 4". 1717 Letters. [Tr.] by W. Melmoth. 2v. 5"- ed. 8". 1763 Letters. Lit. tr. by J. D. Lewis. 8". 1879 Eeferences. see Allain (E.) Pline le jeune et s. h^riteurs, tl, 1901. „ Church (A. J.) & W. J. Brodribb. P.'s letters, [Anc. class. for Eng. readers], 1872. „ Mommsen (Th.) Etude sur P., tr., 1873. Plomer, see also Plumer. Plomer (Henry R.) Short hist, of Eng. printing, 1476-1898. [Ed. A. Pollard]. s4". 1900 Plon (Eugene). Benvenuto Cellini : recherches sur sa vie, s. oeuvre etc. 4". 1883 Les maltres italiens au service de la maison d'Autriche : Leone Leoni & Pompeo Leoni. 4". 1887 Thorvaldsen, sa vie & s. oeuvre. 2" 6d. s8''. 1874 Thorvaldsen : h. life & works. Tr. Mrs. C. Hoey. Ia8". 1874 Plon-Plon, ;w., see Napoleon, ^toici?, tS2-i-9t. Ploss (Hermann Heinrich). Das Kind. 2B. 2» Aufl., neue Ausg. Ia8». L. 1884 Das Weib. 2B. 8". L. 1885 „ 2B. 4« A., hrsg. v. M. Bartels. Ia8". L. 1895 Plot, see Satirical. *A s. poem on the most horrid Jesuitish plot, 1679. Plot (Robert). The nat. hist, of Oxfordshire. fol. 0. 1677 Nat. hist, of Stafford-shire. fol. 0. 1686 sec Hearne (T.) ed.. Hist. etc. of Glastonbury ; added, P.'s letter to Arlington cone. Thetford, 1722. Plotinus. [Plotin]. Opera omnia, Porphyrii de vita P'. cum M. Ficini comm". ct ejusdem interp. castigata. Apparatura crit. disp. G. H. Moser. Ad fidem codd. mss. emend., annot'. itemque Nicephori Nathanaelis Antitheticum adversus P. & dialogum scriptoris anon. ined. de anima adj. F. Creuzer. 3v. 4". 0. 1835 Opera. Recog. A. Kirchhoff. 2v. s8". L. 1856 Liber de pulcritudine. Ad codd. fidem emend., interj. Wytten- bachii notis, etc. F. Creuzer. Ace. Anecdota grieca : Procli disp. de unitate et pulcr. Nicephori Nath. Antitheticus adv. Plotinum de anima etc. 8". HeidelbergSB. 1814 Translations. Five books, viz. On felicity ; Nature of Evil ; Providence ; Nature, Contemplation, & the One ; Descent of the Soul. By T. Taylor. »>. 1794 Select works. Tr., w. the substance of Porphyry's life of P. by T. Taylor, n. ed., w. bibliog'. etc. by G. R. S. Mead. s8". Bohn. 1895 References. see Barthelemv St. Hilaire (J.) De I'ecole d'Alexandrie ; suivi d'une tr. de morceaux de P., 1845. „ KincHNER (C. H.) Die Philosophie des P., 1854. „ RicHTER (A.) Darstellung d. Lebens u. d. Philosophie des P., 1867. „ Leben u. Geistesentwioklung des P., 1864. „ P.'s Lehre vom Sein, 1867. „ Die Psychologic des P., 1867. „ Theologie u. Physik des P., 1867. Plotius (Hugo), see Hentzner (P.) Itin. ; ace. monita pere- grinatoria [of P. etc.], 1629. Ploughman (Piers), see Piers, the Ploughman, ps. Ploughshare, ;m., see *Ikish land legislation, by P., 2"' ed., 1868. Plowden (Edmund), scrjeant-at-Law. The commentaries or reports of P. Tr., [w.] notes etc. Added, the quteries of P., [tr.]. 2p in Iv. fol. In the Savoy. 1761 "The queries of Mr. P." lias scp. tp d pagin. Plowden (Francis), LL.D. Hist, review of the state of Ireland from the invasion under Henry II to the Union. 2v in 3, [2 i, ii]. 4°. 1803 PLOWDEN 1163 PLUTARCH Plowden (Francis), LL.D. [contintied]. Hist, of Ireland f. its invasion under Henry II to its union w. Gt. Brit. 2v. 8". 1809 Hist. o£ Ireland, f. its Union w. Gt. Brit., 1801, to 1810. 3v. 8". D. 1811 Short hist, of the Brit. Empire dur. 1794. [b. w. h. Hist, of Ireland (1801-10), 1811]. 8". D. 1795 Plowden (Robert). Sermon : opening of B.C. Chapel, Bristol, .Tune 1790. [P45]. 8". Bristol. 1790 Plowden (Walter Chichele). Travels in Abyssinia & the (ialla Country ; with mission to Has Ali, 184H. 8\ 1868 Plowman (Piers), sec Piehs, the Ploughman, ps. Plues (Margaret). British ferns. 88". n.d. British grasses. s8''. 1867 Plumbers' Company, London. Extracts f. speeches & resolu- tions rel. to education & registration of P'., etc. [P572]. 8°. n.d. Plumer, sec aho Plomeb. Plumer (Herbert). An irregular corps in Matabeleland. 8". 1897 Plummer (Alfred). The Church of the early Fathers : ex- ternal hist. s8". 1887 Plummer (Charles) cd., Elizabethan Oxford : reprints of rare tracts. [Oxf. Hist. Soc, 8]. 8». 1887 Plummer {John), factory operative. Freedom of labour. [P229]. 2"' ed. s8". Kettering. 1858 Our colonies : essay. [P229]. s8^ 1864 Plumpton Correspondence : ser. of letters, chiefly domestic, in r-. of Ed. IV-Hen. VIII. Ed. T. Stapleton, f. Sir E. Plump- ton's book of letters, w. not', of the family of Plumpton. [Camden Soc, 4]. s4<'. 1839 Plumpton, The family of, see Plompton Corr., ed. Stapleton, w. not', of the f. of P., of Plumpton, Com. Ebor., 1839. Plumpton {Sir Edward), see Plu.mpton Cork., f. Sir E. P.'s Book of Letters, 1839. Plumptre (Charles Edward). General sketch of the hist, of pantlieism. 2v. [The first cd., tS~S-'J, was anon.]. 8'. [1882] Giordano Bruno ; a tale. 2v. s8'\ 1884 Natural causation. 8°. 1888 Plumptre (Charles John). King's College lectures on elocu- tion, n. ed. 8". 1881 Principles & practice of elocution. s8". 0. 1861 Plumptre (Constance E.) On prog, of relig. thought dur. Q. Victoria's reign. s8". 1902 Plumptre (Edward Hayes), dean of Wells. Biblical studies. s8". 1870 [ Movements in reli; Xt. & Christendom. [Boyle leets., 1866]. 8". 1867 Expos, of the Epistles to the 7 Churches. s8". 1877 Lazarus & o. p. S'l' ed. 88'. [1864] Life of Dante. Ed. A. J. Butler. b8». 1900 Life of Thomas Ken. 2v. Ia8». 1888 thought. bS". 1879 St. Paul in Asia Minor, & at the Syrian Antioch. 88". [1877] The spirits in prison, & o. studies on the life after death. 88°. 1884 Theology & life : sermons. sS". [1865] Plumptre (James). A coll. of songs: sel. & rev. by P. 3v, [v3 wanting]. s8". 1806-8 A coll. of songs : words sel. & rev. by P., the music adapted etc. by C. Hague. 4". [180-5] The English drama purified ; select plays, in wh. passages objectionable are omitted. Ed. P. 3v. s8». 1812 Plunket (David Robert), [/'' baron Eathmore], see Rath.more. Plunket (Him. Frederica L. E.), d. of 2'"' baron. Here & there among the Alps. s8'. 1875 Plunket (William Conyngham Plunket, /" baron). Speech, H. of C, 23 Nov., 1819. [P324]. 8^ M'ter. 1819 Speeches at the Bar & in the Senate. Ed., w. mem. etc. by J. C. Hoey. s8''. D. 1865 sec Plunket (Rt. Hon. D. E.) Life, letters, speeches of Ld. P. ; pref. by Ld. Brougham, 1867. Plunket (William Conyngham Plunket, 4"" baron), abp. of Dublin, see How (F. D.) P. : a mem., 1900. Plunkett (Edward), 16"' baron Dunsany, see Dunsany. Plunkett (George Noble Plunkett, axdiO- Botticelli. 4». 1900 Pluquet (Francois A. A.) Diet, des heresies, etc. 2t. n. ed., augm. par V. de Perrodil. sS". 1845 \anoth. cd.], sec Mione (.1. P.) Encyclopedic, SI, xi, xii. Pluquet (Frederic). Contes populaires etc. de I'arrondissement de Bayeux. 2' ^d. 8'. Eouen. 1834 Essai histor. sur la ville de Bayeux & s. arrondissement. 8». Caen. 1829 Pluralities. '*A defence of p'., 2"^ ed., 1703, sec Wharton (H.) Plurality of worlds, 1853, 2'"' ed., 1854, see Wiiewei.l (W.) Plus. Plus aneiens mon". (Les) de la langue fr., 5° 6(\., 1897, see KoscHwiTZ (E.) ed. Plus aneiens mon". (Les) de la langue fr. : Album, 1875, see Paris (6.) cd. Pluscarden, pruyry of, see Scotland. "Historians of S., v7, 10, Liber Pluscardensis, ed. F. J. H. Skene, 1877. Plutarch. [Plutarco ; Plutahchos ; Plutarque]. AVORKS. Qure exstant omnia, cum Lat. interp. H. Cruserii, Xylandri etc. notis, etc. 2t. fol. Francofurti. 1.599 Quee supersunt, omnia. Gr. et Lat., annot. instr. I. I. Eeiske. 12v. 8". L. 1774-82 1-5, Vitas. 6-10, Op. j>hilo8. 11, 12, Indices. 0per[a. Gr. cf- Lat.]. 5v. Ia8'. Parisiis. 1811-62 1, 2, Vitce. 8, 4, Scripta moralia. 5, Pragm. & spuria. Moralia, [" a term used to include everything except the VilcB "]. Moralia, i.e., opera, exc. vitis, reliqua. Grajca emend., Lat. Xylandri interp. castig. subj., animadv'. etc. adj. D. Wytten- bach. 8t in 15. laS'. O. 1795-1830 1-5, Test. 6, 7, i, Animadversiones. 8, Index Griecitatis. tl-5, d 9 have 2p each. t6 7ms 3p, b. in 2. of t/ only pi seems to have appeared. Varia scripta, quas Moralia vulgo die. fit. Ed. .ster. s8^. L. 1829 Moralia. Eecog. G. N. Bernardakis. 7v. [Epilogus wanting]. 88". L. 1888-96 VlT.E parallel.-e. VitiB parallela;. 9t. nova ed. ster. s8\ L. 1845-6 VitiB parallelfo. Iterura recog. C. Sintenis. 5v. s8". L. 1884-92 Translations. Works. (Euvres. Tr. par J. Amyot. 18t. 4°. 1784 tl5 is a Table des mati^res. tl6-18 have t. : Vies des hommes ill. tr. de plus, langues pom' serv. de suppl. aux OEuvres de P., tl-3. De sera numinis vindicta. On the delay of the deity in the punishment of the wicked. Notes by H. B. Hackett. s8°. Andover. 1844 Moralia. The Philosophy, commonly called the Morals. Tr. by Phile- mon Holland. Eevised. fol. 1657 Morals. Tr. by .sev. hands. 5v. [1, 2, S'^ ed. ; 3-5, 2"i ed.]. s8". 1094 Morals. Tr. by sev. hands ; rev. W. W. Goodwin, intr. by E. W. Emerson. 5v. 8". 1870 Ethical essays, tr. w. notes by A. E. Shilleto. 58". Bohn. 1888 Theosophical essays, tr. C. W. King. sS". Bolm. 1889 ViT.E parallel.?; [in order of date of publ.] Lives. By North ; added, lives of 20 persons, tr. out of A. Theuet, etc. 2p in Iv. fol. 1657 Vies des hommes illustres. Tr., avec des remarques, par Dacier. 9t, [t4 wanting], n. ed. 4". 1734 to w.t. : Vies des hommes ill. omises par Plutarque, cont. Annibal, par Dacier ; En6e, (£■ 7 others, tr. de T. Rowe, par Belleiiger. Lives. Tr. with notes etc. by J. Langhorne & W. Langhorne. 6v. 6"' ed. 8". 1801 „ 6v. new ed. 8". 1823 Civil wars of Eome : select lives, tr. with notes by G. Long. 4s in 2v. sS". 1844-47 Lives. The tr. called Dryden's, rev. by A. H. Clough. 5v. Ia8". 1859 3v. Ia8». 1883 .5v. Ia8". 1893 Shakespeare's Plutarch: a sel. f. the lives in North's Plutarch wh. illustrate Shakespeare's plays. With notes, index of names etc. by W. W. Skeat. s8". 1875 Lives. Corrected from the Greek & rev. by A. H. Clough. Ia8'\ 1876 Lives. Tr. by A. Stewart & G. Long. 4v. s8>. Bohn. 1880-92 Lives. Engl, by Sir T. North, a. 1579. 6v. [Tudor Transl'.]. s4". 1895-6 References. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. „ Clough (A. H.) ed., Greek hist, in lives f. P., 1860. „ DioDORUs, Siculus. Hist, of the successors of Alexander ; & some of their lives by P., out of French by T. Stocker, 1569. „ Elizabeth, 2- of Eng. E.'s Englishings of Boethius, P. De ouriositate, etc., 1899. PLUTARCH 1164 POESTION Plutarch [Plotarco ; Plutarciios ; PLUTAnqnE] [continued]. References lco7itinuerl]. see CrRriARD (0.) De la morale de P., 2' ed., 1874. „ Mmstue {le cte. J. de). Exaraen de Baoon ; suivi de I'ouvr. de P. sur les d^lais de la justioe divine etc., tr., aveo notes etc., 1838. ,, *Neue Plutarch (Der) : Biographien hervorragendev Charal;- tere, 1874-88. „ PARTHENirs. Aventuves etc. — Ev^nements tragiques causes par I'amour, tr. de P., 1822. „ Stew.arton ( — ). *Female revolutionary P. (The), 1806. „ *Eevolutionary P. (The), 4"' ed., 1805. „ Trench (E. C), abp. P. : 5 lectures, 2""' ed., 1874. „ VoLKM.\NN (R.) Leben etc. d. P., 1869. „ Wyttexbach (D.) Animadv. in P. opera mor., 1820. Plyeshcliyeev (S. I.) Survey of the Eussian Empire. S"" ed., tr. J. Smirnove. 8\ 1792 Plymley (Peter) ps., sec Smith (Sydney). Plymouth, Mass. *Journal of the Pilgrims at P., New Eng., 1620. With hist, illusts. by G. B. Cheever. s8<>. N.Y. 1848 P. M. (Sr.), see Leagues. *A brief enquiry into leagues etc. made betw. princes & nations, comp. in 1673, by Sr. P. M., 1682. *Poacher (The), var. ed\, see M.wryat (F.) Pobyedonostsev (Konstantin Petrovich). [Pobedonoszeff ; PoiiEDONOSTZErr]. Questions relig., soc. & polit. Tr. 8". 1897 Eetiections of a Eussian statesman. Tr. E. C. Long. 88". 1898 see Dalton (H.) Sendschreiben an P., 7" Abd., 1889. Pochin (Mrs. Henry Davis). The right of women to exercise the franchise. [P328]. 8°. M'ter. 1873 Pocock (Edward) the elder. [Pocockius]. see Abulfaraj. Hist, dynastiarura ; ed. etc. P., [w. Suppl., in quo hist. Orient, series a G. Abiil-Farajii exitu ad nostra usque temp, deducitur ab E. P.], 1663. „ TwELLs (L.) Lives of P., by T., etc., 1816. Pocock (Isaac). Eob Eoy Macgregor : or, Auld lang syne ! Musical drama, founded on the novel. [P854]. 8". 1818 Pocock (John Innes), see Collyer (J. N.) & P., Eecord of the Light Horse Volunteers, 1843. Pocock (Nicholas). Eecords of the Eeformation : the divorce, 1527-33. 2v. 8". 0. 1870 Troubles conn. w. the Prayer Book of 1549 : doo'. f. Eeooi'd Off., Petyt Coll., the Council Book, the Brit. Museum. Ed. P. [Camden Soc, NS37]. s4o. 1884 Pocock (William Willmer). The drainage of London. [P593]. 8». 1856 Pococke (Edward), historian. Hist, of Greece, Macedonia, Syria, f. Xenophon to the incorp". w. the Eoman Empire. Ed. P. [By .5 authors. Encyc. Met.]. s8". 1852 Hist, of Greece to close of Peloponnesian War. By P., Sir T.N. Talfourd, J. T. Eutt, & J. B. Ottley. [Encyc. Met.]. 2°i ed. sS". 1851 India in Greece; or, truth in mythology. 2"'' ed. s8". 1856 Pococke (Richard), 6;^. of (-/) Ossonj {2) Meath. A description of the East, & some other countries. 2v. [v2 has 2p in -Iv}. fol. 1743-45 „ [anoth. ed.], see Pinkerton (.J.) Voyages, vlO. Tours in Scotland, 1747, 1750, 1760 ; with biog'. sketch. Ed. D. W. Kemp. [Scottish Hist. Soc, 1]. 8°. E. 1887 Travels in Egypt, sec Pixkerton (J.) Voyages, vl5. The travels through England of P., 1750, 1751, & later, i'd. J. J. Cartwright. 2v. [Camden Soc, NS42, 44]. s4o. 1888-9 Pocockius (E.), sec Pocock (Edward) the elder. Poco Mas, ps., see Spain. 'Scenes & adv'. in S., by P. M., 1845. Pecquet (Barthelemy). Les orig. de la Eevol. en Bretagne. 2t. s8". 1885 Podio Laurentii (Gulielmus, de), see Pdy-L.iurens (Guillaume, de). Podmore (Frank). Apparitions & thought-transference. S80. 1894 Studies in psychical research. 8°. 1897 sec Gurney (E.), P., etc., phantasms of the living, 1886. Pee (Edgar Allan). Poe (Edgar Allan) [continued] Poet, works. Ed. J. Haunay. complete ed. sS". [1865] Prose tales. Intr. by J. B. Lowell. s8". 1897 A sel. of 12 tales f. the ed. of 1850. Translation. Seltsame Geschiohten. 68°. St. [1882] References. see Barine (A.) ps. Nevroses : P. etc., 1898. „ Baudelaire (C. P.) Qiuvres : t5, Hist', ex- traord., par P., tr. ; t6, Nouv. hist, extraord., par P., tr. ; t7, Aventuresd'A. G. ]?ym, [<£] Eureka, par P., tr., 18B8-70. see Gill (W. P.) Life of P., 3"! ed., 1878. „ Ingram (J. H.) P., h. life, letters, opinions, 1880. „ Linton (W. J.) 'Pot- Ponrri, [parodies by L. on poems of P.], 1875. „ Woodbekry (G. E.) p., 2"" ed., 1885. Works. With study f. Baude- Works. Mem. etc. by E. H. laire. s8'>. [1872] Stoddard. 6v. 8". 1884 Works. Ed. J. H. Ingram. Poet, works. With orig. mem. 4v. 68". E. 1874-5 8". 1858 Poel (Emma), see Pol (E.) *Poem on the times of Edward II, f. a MS. pres. in the lib. of St. Peter's college, Cambridge : ed. C. H ardwick. [Percy Soc, 82]. sS". 1849 Poema Morale. *Das mittelengl. Poema morale. Hrsg. v. H. Lewin. [P684]. 8°. Halle. 1881 Poemas ^pioos, [Eivadeneyra, 17, 29], 1851-4, seeEosEix (C.) ed. Poemata. *Poemata didascalioa, 1749, see Oddin (F.) ed. Poemata piiemiis cancellarii academ. donata, etc., 1810 ; d 1831, see Oxford, Univ. of. Poemata selecta Italorum, qui sec. xvi Lat. seripserunt. s8". 0. 1808 Septem illustrium virorum p., ed. 2", 1672, see Septem etc. Poemes. Po^mes des bardes bretons du 6° s., 1850, see La Villemarque [vie. de) ed. Poemes nationaux (Les) de la Suede moderne, tr. etc par Leouzon Le Due, [6fm;7 ^)''. o/apoe»ts by Tcgnir], 1867, see Tegner (E.) Po3ms. [see also Poem]. Ancient p"., ballads, etc. of peasantry of England, 1846, see Dixon (J. H.) ed. *Poems by eminent ladies. 2v. s8o. 1755 *Poems, by the a. of " Paul Ferroll," 1856, see Clfve (Mrs. A.) •Poems, by the a. of Uriel, 2"ii ed., 1858, see Jokes (T.), of the Middle Temple. "Poems by the people ; 130 sel. f. 420 entered in competition for prizes offered by " The people's journal." s8f>. 1868 •Poems by two brothers, [2'"i ed.], 1893, see Tennyson (A., 1'' baron) & P. Tennyson. •Poems, by Viator, 1843, see Viator, ^s. "Poems for young people. s8". E., Chambers. 1851 •Poems founded on the events of the War in the Peninsula. By the wife of an officer. 8°. 1819 *Poems humorous & philosopb., etc. by Cutis, n. ed., 1875, see Edwards (Jos.) •Poems of many years & many places, 1887, see Oust (E. N.) Poems of places, 1876-81, see Longfellow (H. W.) ed. •Poems of tlie HuzaiHs, vl, [no more publ.\ 1854, see Hudsailites. Poems of the inner life, sel. cliiefly f. modern authors, 3"" ed., 1877, see Jones (R. C.) Poems on affairs of State, f. the time of 0. Cromwell to the abdic". of Ja. II. (vl has 2p, b. in Iv). 4v. [vl, 5"' ed.]. S''. 1703-7 Poenitentia. Liber de poenitentia et tentationibus religiosorum, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t213. Poesias. Poesias escog. de eancioneros antiguos. [C. de E. F., 16, 17]. 2t. (1, Cancionero, rom. mor., etc. 2, Eom. heroic, etc). s8°. 1796 Poesias selectas castellanas, 1807 ; n. ed., [w. t. : Tesoro del Parnaso espanol], 1838, see Quiktana (M. J.) ed. Poesie italiane ined. di dugento autori infino al sec. 17°, 1846-7, see Trucchi (F.) ed. Poesies. Poesies proven(;'ales, 16" & IT s., 1843, sec Moetreuil (J. A.) ed. Eecueil de poesies fr. des 15' & 1&' s., 1855-78, see Montaiolon (-\. i'e) t^- J. DE Eothschild, cdiJ . Poestion (Joseph Calasanz). Griech. Dichteriunen. 21- A. s8". Wieu. 1882 Isljind. Dichter d. Neuzeit. H". L. 1897 Island, u. s. Bewohner. 80. Wien. 1885 Die Kunst, d. diinische Sprache zuerlernen. [Bibl.d. Sprachen- kunde]. 68". Wien. [1889] Die Kunst, d. schvved. Sprache zu erlernen. [Bibl. d. Sprachen- kunde]. sS". Wien. [1889] Lappliind. Mlirchen. 8°. Wien. 1886 Lehrbach d. norweg. Sprache. [Bibl. d. Sprachenkunde]. 68°. Wien. [1890] i PO£T£ 1165 POITOU Foetx. Isic also PoeTabum]. Poetoe bucdlici et didaetioi : Theo- critus, Bion, Moschus, recog. C. F. Ameis ; Nicander, Oppi- anus, Marcellus Sideta de piscibus, poeta de herbis, recog. F. S. Lehrs ; Phile iambi de proprictate aniinalium, emend. Lehrs & F. Diibner. Gr. & Lat. cum scholiis & ind. Ia8". Parisiis. 184G PoetiE ChriBtiani minores. pi. [C.S.E. Lat., 10]. 8". Vindobonse. 1888 Paulini Petricordise carmina; rec. Petschenig. Orientii carmina; rec. R. Ellis. Pauliui Pelliei Eucharisticos rec. G. Brautlea. Claudii Marii Victoria Alethia ot Probse Cento : rec. C. Sohenkl. PoetiB Latini iBvi Carolini. [Mon. Germ. hist.], [tl, 2, rec. E. Diimmler, t3, rec. L. Traube]. tl-3, 4i. [m2»-og.]. i". Berolini. 1881-99 Poetffi Latini rainores, 1780-99, see Wehnsiiobf (J. C.) ed. Poeta) Latini niinoref?, 1879-83, sec Bahrexs (E.) cd. Poette Latini rei venaticiE scriptores & bucolici antiqui. Cum notis integris Barthii, Vlitii, T. Johnson, Brucei, etc. ; ace. G. Kempheri obs. in Calpurnii eologas. 4". Lugd. Bat. 1728 Poetse lyrici Grieci, 1843 ; ed. 5", [in prog.], 1900, see Bergk (T.) cd. PoetiB minores Gra:ci, ed. nova, 1823, see Gaisford (T.) ed. Poeta; scenici Grjeci, 1830, see Dindokf (C. W.) ed. Poetarum. Poetarum Gr.a-carum fragmenta, in prog., 1899 etc., sec \VlL\BIOWITZ-MoLLENDOUFF (U. V.) cd. Poetarum Latinorum Hostii etc. vitoe et carm., 1830, sec Weicuert (.J. A.) cd. Poetarum Scotorum musa; sacrte, etc., 1739, see Lauder (W.) ed. Poetarum tragicorum Gi'aec. fragmenta, 1814-52, see Waonek (F. W.) ed. Poetas. Poetas castellanos anteriores al siglo xv, [Eivadeneyra, .57], 1864, see SA^•cHEZ (T. A.) ed. Poetas liricos delos siglos xvi y xvii, 2t, [Eivadeneyra, 32, 42], 1854-7, see Castro (A. de) cd. Poetas liricos del siglo xviii, [Rivadeneyra, Gl, C3, 67], 3t, 1869-75, sec Cueto (L. A. de) ed. Poetes. Pontes beiges d'expression francjaise, 2' &d., 1899, sec Mont (Pol de) cd. Pontes d'aujourdhui (1880-1900) : morceaux, 4' ed., 1900, sec Van Beveb (A.) & P. Lkactaud, edd. Pontes (Les) fraufais jusqu'a Malherbe, 1824, see Auouis (P. K.) cd. Poetes (Les) frani^ais : rec. des chefa-d'cEuvre, 1861 ; 1887, .5ft' CBiiPET (E.) ed. Poetes hougrois, 1896, see Polign.ic {le c. M. de) tr., etc. PoiJtes illustres de la Pologne an 19' s., [tr.], 1876-81, see Noire-Isle (Ch. de) ps., tr. [i.e. le etc. Przezdziecki]. Poetesses. Specimens of Brit, p., 1825, see Dvce (A.) ed. Poeti. Parnaso italiano : poeti italiani eontemp., 1847, sec Parnaso. Poeti antichi del dialetto veneziano. 2v in l.s8'. Venezia. 1817 1. Poesie di diversi autori. 2. Poesie di M. Veniero e di altri. Poeti del primo secolodella lingua italiana. 2v. 8".Firenze. 1816 Poeti italiani (I) : sels. etc., 1855, see Arrivabene (il c. C.) cd. Poetical. Poetical calendar (The), 1763-4, see Fawkes (P.) & W. WoTY, cdd. Poetical miscellanies, p5, 6, 1704-9. These form p3, 6 of " Mis- cellany j'oems," catalogued under Dryden (.J.), q.v. Poetical miscellanies of time of James I, 1845, see Halliwell (J. 0.) ed. *Poetical register (The), 1723-4, see J.vcob (Giles). ♦Poetical tales, by Sir G. Gander, 1778, sec Ellis (G.), F.R.S. *Poetical trifles, 3"' ed., 1779, see Moobe {Sir John). *Poetical works of the a. of the " Heroic epistle to Sir W. Chambers," 1805, see Mason (W.) Poetical register (The), & repository of fugitive poetry. 1801-11. 8v. [vl, 2">i ed.]. s8". 1802-14 Poetry. Pieces of ancient p., 1814, see Fry (J.) ed. Pieces of ancient popular p., 1791, sec Kitson (J.) ed. *Poetry (The) contained in the novels, tales, & romances of the author of " Waverley," 1822, see Scott (Sir W.) *Poetry for children, 1878, see Lamd (C.) it M. Lamd. Poetry of America : sel'., 1878, see Linton (W. J.) cd. Poetry of modern Greece, tr., 1884, see Macpiierson (F.) tr. •Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, 1799 ; 1852 ; 1890, see Anti-Jacobin. Select p., chiefly devotional, of r. ot Eliz., ed. Farr, 1845, sec Farb (E.) Poets. For an07i. lOorJcs in Dutch see Dichters. Complete edition (A) of the poets of Gt. Brit., 14v, 1795-1807, see Anderson (K.) ed. Poets (The) it poetry of Europe, 1849, see Longfellow (H. W.) Poets (The) tt poetry of Scotland, 1876, see Wilson (James G.) ed. Poets (The) & poetry of the century, [1891-7], see Miles (A. H.) *Poets' corner : a manual etc., 1868, see Bellew (J. C. M.) Works of the Eng. poets, etc., 21v, 1810, see Chaljiebs (A.) ed. Pogge, Floreiitin, see Bbacciolini (Poggio). Poggendorff (Johann Christian). Biograph.-literar. Hdwbch. zur Gesch. d. exacten Wissenschaften. 3B. laS". L. 1803-98 see *Annai,en der I'hysik u. Chemie. Poggi (Enrico). Stoiia d' Italia dal 1814 al dl 8 agosto 1846. [1, 1814-31. 2, 1831-46.] 2v. s8<>. Firenze. 1883 Poggio, Florenlino [Fiorentino], see Bbacciolini (Pogoio). Poggio (Jacopo). [J. DI Poggio Bbacciolini]. Novella della I'ulzella di Francia. [60 copies printed.] 8". Lucca. 1850 Pognon (H.) L'inscription de Bavian, texte, tr. et comm. etc. It in 2p. [HE39, 42]. 8\ 1879-80 Les inscriptions babyloniennes du Wadi Brissa. [HE71]. 8". 1887 Pogonatus (Constantine), see Constantine IV, Fogonatus, emp. of Constantinople. Pogson (Frederick). Manual of agriculture for India. s8". Calcutta. 1883 Pohath-Kehelpannala (T. B.) Life of Ehelapola, Prime Minister to the last King of Kandy. [P664]. 8 '. Colombo. 1896 Pohl (Richard). Die Hohenziige d. musikal. Entwickelung. s8". L. 1888 Pohle (L.) Die Kartelle d. gewcrbl. Unternehmer. 8". L. 1898 Pohlenz (Maximilian). De Posidouii libris iripi. naeuv. [P39.5]. 8". L. 1898 Pohlmann (Robert). Gesch. d. antiken Kommunismus u. Sozialibiuus. 2B. 8". Miinchen. 1893-1901 Grundriss d. griech. Gesch. uebst Quellenkunde. [Miiller (I. v.) H. d. k. A. W., Ill, 4]. 2' A. Ia8'. Mimchen. 1896 Der Eiimerzug Kaiser Heinriohs VII., u. d. Politik d. Curie, d. Hauses Anjou u. d. Welfenliga. [P68.5]. 8'. Niiruberg. 1875 Poictevin, see also Poitevin. Poictevin (Francis). Derniers songes. sS". 1888 Poillow (Gabrielle Anna), vicomtesse de Saint-Mars [ps. la ctcssc. Dash], see Dash {la ctcsse.) ps. Poinsett (Joel Roberts), see 'Spanish America : Obs. on in- structions by President of U.S. on P. etc., 1829. Poinsignon (Maurice). Hist. g^n. de la Champagne et de la Brie depuis les temps reculiis. 3t. 8". 1885-86 Poinsot (Antoine Edmond) [ps. Georges d'Heilly ; or, G. d'Heylli]. La Comedie-Franc,'. a Londres, (1871-9) : journal in6d. de E. Got — journal de F. Sarcey. Publ. avec intr. par H. s8". 1880 Diet, des pseudonymea. 2' 6d. s8'\ 1869 Journal intime de la Comidie-Frauc;'., (1852-71), publ. par H. s8'>. 1879 Rachel d'ap. sa corr. laS". 1882 *Point and pillow lace. By A. M. S., 1899, see Sharp (A. Mary). Pointu (Jules). Hist, de la chute de I'Empire : 6 juil.-4 sept. 1870. s8». 1874 Poiret (Jean L. M.) Voyage en Barbarie, 1785-6. 2p. 8". 1789 Poirson (Auguste). Hist, du r. de Henri IV. 2t in 3, [2 i, ii. and Atlas, fol. 1865]. 8". 1856 4t. 2«ed. 8<'. 1862-7 Poislo Desgranges (Joseph). Rouget de Lisle et la Marseillaise. s8". 1864 *Poison tree (The), tr., 1884, see Banki.m Chandra Chatterjee. Poissenot (J. B.) Coup-d'ceil sur Aix-La-Chapelle. s8". Aix-La-Chapelle. 1808 Poisson (Simeon Denis), Traite de mtcaniyue. 2t. 2» ed. 8". 1833 Poisson de La Chabeaussiere (A. J. 'ilL.),see La Chadeaubsiere. Poitevin (Auguste) [ps. M. Drack], see Drack (Maurice) ps. Poitevin (Prosper) ed., Petits poetes frani;ais, dep. Malherbe : avec des not'. 2t. Ia8". 1841 Poitiers (Alfonse, de), see Alfonse, de Poitiers. Poitiers (Guillaume, de), see Guillaume, de Poitiers. Poitiers (Hugues, de), see Hl-gues, de Poitiers. Poitou. *Epoiiues antediluv. et celt, du P., [1864], see Brouillet (P. A.) tt A. Meillet. Poitou, counts of, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tlO-12, 18. POITOU 1166 POLITICAL By an English- [P98]. 8'. 1831 o/ the Socinian 8'\ 1892 Poitou (Eugene L.) Du lomaii & du theatre contemp., & de leur induence sur les mceurs. 8". 1857 Pol (Emma) [Poel]. *Life of A. W. Sieveking. [Tr.] ; ed. C. Wiukworth. sS". 1883 Pol (J. Derk van der Capellen, Hccr tot den), see Capellen (Baron J. D. van ueh). Pol (Wincenty ), sse Noire-Isle (C. de)7)s., Poetesdela Pologne, tr. : Cycle galicien, P., 1870. Polacco (Luigi). Concordanza speciale delta Div. Commedia. bS". Firenze. 1898 Polack (J. S.) Manners etc. of the New Zealanders. 2v. s8". 1840 New Zealand ; travels, 1831-37. 2v. S". 1838 Poland, [see also Poloune, Poloni.e, PoLoxoEti.M, & Polsce]. Constitutional Charter of the Kingdom of P., 1815, with remarks etc. [P98]. 8». 1831 *Descr. cat. of pictures purchased for the late king of Poland, 2"'' ed., 1802, sec Desexfans (N.) *Hi3t. (The) of P., 1831, see Ddnham (S. A.) ♦Poland. The Polish Question shortly stated. man. Eacovian catechism. For ilic catechism churches of P., see Eacovian catechism. see London Lit. Assoc, of Friends of P. Poland (Henry). Fur-bearing animals. Poland (John). Eecords of the Miller Hospital A Eoyal Kent Disiiensary. 8". Greenwich. 1893 Polar. *Observations of the International Polar Expeditions, 1882-3 : Fort E.ie. 4". 1886 Pol de Mont ( ), see Mont (Poi. de). Pole (Matthew), sec Poole (M.) Pole (Card. Reginald) [Polus; Poor.]. Epist. E. Poli & aliorum ad ipsum. PriEm. animadv'. in ei)ist. Schelhornii, vita Poli etc. 5p. 4". Brixife. 1744-57 The reform of England, by the decrees of P., 1556. Tr. H. Eaikes, w. essay on the author. 4". Chester. 1839 see AiNswoRTH (W. H.) Card. Pole Inovel], 1863. „ Beccadelli (L.) Life of P., tr. : app., Plagiarisms etc. in Phillips's Hist, of P., by B. Pye, 1766. „ Coventry {Sir W.) *Letter written to Burnet, giving ace. of Pool's secret powers ; added, two Breves that P. brought over, & other of his letters, 1685. „ Lee(F.G.) p., hist, sketch, 18S8. „ Neve (T.) Animadv. upon Phillips's Life of P., 1706. „ Phillips (T.) *History of the life of E. P., 2'"' ed., 1767. „ EiDLEY (G.) Eeview of Phillips's Hist, of P., 1700. ,, Starket (T.) England in r. of Hen. VIII : p2, A dialogue betw. P., & T. Lupset, by S., 1871-8. „ ZiMMEEMANX (A.) P., 1895. Pole (William), F.Ii.S. The evolution of whist. s8». 1897 Life of Sir W. Siemens. So. 1888 The philosophy of music. 8". 1879 The theory of modern whist. 10''' ed. sS". 1878 sec FArKBArBN (Sir W.) Life, compl''. by P., 1877. „ Jeaffbeson (J. C.) Lite of R. Stephenson; w. descr. chaps, ou h. works by P., 1864. Pole (Sir "William), of Cokombe d Shutc. Coll*, towards a descr. of Devon, by P. (d. 1635). 4". 1791 Polehampton (Edward T. W.) & J. M. Good. Gallery of nature & art. 6v. n. ed. 8". 1821 Polehampton (Henry Stedman). A mem., letters, & diary of H. S. P., chaplain of Lucknow ; ed. E. iS: T. S. Polehampton. 2'«i ed. s8°. 1858 Polemius (Silvius) [fSTLvius (P.)] Latereulus a. 449, see Momm- SEN (T.) ('(/., Chronica minora, tl, 1892-4. see MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl3. Polemon (Antonius). Declamationes qua; exstant duas. Ace. excerptae Callinici Adrian! lamblichi Diodori libris, et Isaaci Porphyrog. [scholia in Homerum]. Eec. H. Hinck. sS". L. 1873 Poleni (il march. Griovanni). Utriusque thesauri [" i.e. of Gree- vius li Gronoviiis.''] antiquitatum Eoman. Grsecarumque nova supplementa. 5v. fol. Venetiis. 1737 Polenz (Gottlob v.) Gesch. d. franzos. Calvinismus. 5B. 8". Gotha. 1857-00 Poles. For an anon, work in Latin see Poloxorum. Poles (Stephan). The actual condition of the Brit. Museum. [P328]. s8». 1875 Poletika (P.) *Aperc,ni de la situation interieure des Etats-Unis, et de leurs rapports avec I'Europe. 8". Londres. 1826 Poletti (Francesco). Criticismo e positivismo : lettera a C. Benouvier e A. Franchi. 8°. Pisa. 1866 Poletto (Giacomo). Alcuni studi su Dante, come app. al Diz. dantesco. sS". Siena. 1891 Dizionario dantesco,con ricliiami alia Somma teologica di S. T. d'Aquino. 7v. s8'. Siena. 1885-87 Polevoi (Nikolai Aleksyeevich). Geschichte des Suworoff. In freier Ubers. brs„'. v. J. de la Croix. 8°. Mitau. 1851 Polevoi (Petr Nikolaevich). Eussian fairy tales, sel. it tr. from the Skaski of P. By E. N. Bain. 8'. 1892 Poli (Giuseppe Saverio). Mem. sul tremuoto de' 20 luglio, 1805. [b. w. Spampinato (B.) Oss. sui tremuoti, 1818]. 8". Napoli. 1806 Poli (le vicomtc Oscar de). Le capitaine Ph^bus. 2t. sS" 1884 Polibio, see Polybius. Police. *Treatise on the p. of the metropolis, 2'"' ed., 1790, see COLQUHOUN (P.) Policy. "Policy (The) of England towards Spain, w. ref. to [3''' Earl of Carnarvon's] " Eeview of the state of the Basque Provinces." [P103]. 8". 1837 *Sequel of " The policy etc." [P108]. 8". 1837 „ see Walton (W.) Eeply to " The policy etc.," 1837. *Policy (A) of free exchange : essays, 1894, see Mackay (T.) cd. *Policy of the govt, of Brit. India, 1839, see India. Polieno, sec Poly.bxus. Polignac (le prince Auguste J. A. M. de). Etudes sur Vitat de la soc. europeenne, vers le milieu du 19" s. Ia8\ 1845 Polignac (le card. Melchior de). Anti-Lucretius, s. de Deo et natura. 2t. sS". Lugd. Bat. 1748 „ 2t. sS". Londini. 1748 Polignac (le cte. Melchior de) tr., etc. Pontes hongrois : poesies inagyares rec. par M. de P. s8°. 1S96 Polish. For ation. uwks in German see Polnt.sche. 'Appeal (An) to Englishmen in behalf of tlie P. exiles. [By E.H.Handlcyl Pill]. 8". [1837 ?] *Polaud, the P. question etc., 1831, see Pol.vxd etc. *Polite philosopher (The), 6"' ed., 1760, see Forrester (J.) *Politeuphuia : wit's commonwealth. ["Begun by J. Bodenham, enlarged by N. Ling."] s8». 1669 Politi (Raffaello). II viaggiatore in Girgenti e il cicerone di I'iazza. 8". Girgenti. 1826 Politianus (Angelus), see Poliziano (A.) *Politica segreta italiana (1863-70). 8». Torino. 1880 Political [Politicall ; inchiding Political economy]. Collection (A) of p. poems & songs rel. to Eng. hist., Edw. HI to Hen. VIII, [Rolls Ser., 14], 1859-61, see Wkight (T.) ed. Collection (Al of p. tracts, 1769, see Bolingbroke iviset.) Cyclopredia of political science, polit. economy, & of the polit. hist, of the U.S., by the best Amer. & European writers, 3v, 1888, see Lalob (J. J.I ed. Dictionary of p. economy, 3v, 1891-9, see Palgkave (R. H. I.) ed. •Essays on p. econ. in wh. are illust. the princ. causes of the present distress, 1830, see Robektsox (G.) *Note9 ou p. economy, f. the colonial point of view. By a New Zealand Colonist. e8". 1897 •Observations on certain verbal disputes in p. economy, etc. [P126]. 8°. 1821 •Political & social letters of a lady of the 18"' c, 1890, see OsBORN (Hon. M")-.5. S.) Political ballads, 1841, see Wright (T.) ed. Political ballads of the 17''> & 18''' c, amiot., 1860, see WiLKINS (William W.) ed. *PoliticaI correspondence ; or, letters to a country gentleman on leading characters & events. [P24]. 8°. 1'793 •Political dialogue (A), betw. two illustrious friends. [Tom Paine d- Satan. P785]. 4". Yarmouth. 1793 •Political dictionary. 2v. 38°. C. Knight. 1845-6 'Political disabilities of Women, 1872, see Women. •Political disquisitions, by J. B., 1774-5, see Burgh (J.) •Political hist, of the Devil, var. ed'., see Defoe (D.) •Political lecture on heads, 6"> ed., 1820, see Wooler (T. J.) •Political letters written in Mar. & Apr. 1784, by a late M.P. [P193]. 8°. 1785 ♦Political merriment : or, truths told to some tune, etc. Tr. f. the French etc. ByA lover of h. country. 3p in Iv. s8'. 1714-15 •Political miscellanies. By the authors of the Rolliad & Pro- bationary Odes. pi. [P8]. 8°. 1787 „ For anoth. ed., see *Rolliad (The) iu 2p : Poht. m*. etc., 1795. Political pamphlets, 1892, see S.\intsbuby (G.) ed. •Pohtical perils in 1859. [P161]. 8». 1859 •Political philosophy, 1842-3, see Brougham (H., Lord). •Political portraits, repr. f. "Daily News," 1.S78, see Hill (P. H.) •Political programme (A I, [1882], see Preston (F.) Political, rehgious, & love poems f. the Lambeth MS. no. 306, & 0. sources, 1866, see Fl'eniv.^ll (F. J.) ed. POLITICAL 1167 POLLOCK Political. [PoLiTicALL ; includitig Political economy], [cont.] Political songs (The) of Eng., f. the r. of John to that of Edw. II, [Camden Soc, 6], 1839, sec Wbioiit (T.) ed. Political verse, 1891, see Saintsbuby (G.) ei^ •Politicall reflections upon the government of the Turks etc., 1G5G, see OsuouNE (F.) •Substance of a speech agst. Political Unions, in a Debating Soc. in Cambridge. [P117]. 8". 1832 Political controversy (The) etc. [Ed.] J. CoBsar Wilkes. v2, 3. s8". 1762-3 Political Economy Club. A sel. coll. of scarce & valuable tracts on money, w. notes etc. 8". IS.'iG sec McCcLLocii (.J. K.) ed., Select collection (A) of early Eng. tracts on commerce, w. pref. etc., 1850. Political manual (A) for 18Gi;(-Gy), by E. McPhersou. 8'. Washington City. 18GG-9 Political register (The) etc. vl-4, in 2. 8'". 1707 9 Political science quarterly. Ed. by the Faculty of Polit. Science of Columbia Univ. vl -IC, ^•l -o wanting, in prog.]. 8". N.Y. 188G-1901 Political state of Great Britain (The). OOv, in 57 (1711-40). [t'/-6 are ;?"' «/., under title of " Quadriennium Anna? postre- mum, etc.''] 8". 1719-40 ♦Politics and life in Mars. s8 '. 1883 Politics for the people. \_Cont. 17 nos., May-July 1848. P731]. 8". 1848 Politikos, ps., see Europe. *The sovereigns & courts of E., by P., 1.S91. Politique. *De la politique rationnelle de la France a I'extSrieur. [PIGO]. 8". 1859 ♦Politique franpaise (La) en Tunisie, etc., 1891, see Tunlsie. ♦Politique (La) oriento-mcridionalc du Cabinet de Petersbourg etc., tr., 1830, see .Janowski (J. N.) Politique positive (La) ; revue occidentale. Annee 1 (1872-3). fol. Versailles. 1873 ♦Politiquen (Den) mantel opgeligt in't Princen leger. [P874]. s4'. Utregt. [1672?] Politis (N. G.), see ♦Olympic Games (The) : pi, In anc. times, by S. P. Larabros & P., tr., 1896. Politische Geschichte d. Gegenwart. [BJ21-33, in 6B. 8°. 1887-1900 Politischen. ♦Handbuch d. polit. Okonomie, 3' A., 1890-1, see Haniiuucu. ♦Politischen Lyriker (Die) unserer Zeit. s8'. L. 1847 Pblitz (Carl H. Ludwig). Dieeuropii. Verfassungen seit 1789. Bl-4, i, [ho mure imbl.]. 2' A. 8". L. 1832-47 Poliziano (Aiigelo). [Politiancs ; tAMBEooiNi (A.), Poliziano]. Opera, qute quidera extitere hactenus, omnia ; ace. hist, de Coujuratione Pactiana, etc. fol. Basilese. 1553 Conjuratiouis Pactiance anni 1478 comra. Docuraentis etc. inlust. cura I. Adimari. 4". Neapoli. 1709 Poesie Italiane. s8". Milano. 1825 see Fabhoni (A.) Elogi di Dante, P. ec, 1800. „ Gbeswell (W. P.) Mems. of P., tr'. i. poet, works, etc., 2°'' ed., 1805. Polk (Leonidas), bp. of Protestant Episc. Church in Louisiana, see Polk (W. M.) L. P., bp. & general, 1893. Polk (William M.) Leonidas Polk, bp. & general. 2v. sS". 1893 Polko (Elise). Erinnerungen an einen VerschoUenen : Briefe etc. von u. iiber E. Vogel. s8». L. 1863 Musical tales, phantasms etc. 2s. sS". 1876-7 s2, tr. M. P. Maudslay. Eeminisc. of Mendelssohn, tr. Lady Wallace. With addit. letters to Eng. correspondents. s8". 1869 Sie sohreibt. s8'>. L. 1871 Poll tax, see ♦Letteu to the deputy manager of a Theatre- lioyal, on his notoriety in contriving etc. the Poll Tax, 1795. PoUaiolo (Pietro) [Poll.uuolo], see Moore (M.) The Nat. Gallery : i^urchase of a P., 1857. Pollard (A. F.) England under Protector Somerset. s8". 1900 Henry VIII. Ia4». 1902 Pollard (Alfred William). Early illust. books, 15"' & 16"' c. 8'. 1893 English miracle plays, moralities, & interludes ; specimens. Ed. P. s8°. 0. 1890 Italian book illustrations : chiefly of the 15"" c. [Portfolio Monographs]. Ia8». 1894 Pollard (Bedford). The God of the children. b8». 1889 Pollard (Edward Albert). The first year of the War. [Southern hist, of the War]. [2"'' & S"" year[s] toanting], corrected ed. 8'. N.Y. 1863 Pollard (John Garland). The Pamunkey Indians of Virginia. 8". 1894 Pollemann (Joh. Justus). Disp. de charactere animi M. Lutheri. [6. ^l). Mayer (J. F.) De Catharina L.]. s4". Helmstadii. 1717 Pollen (John Hungerford), the elder. Anc. & mod. furniture & woodwork. s8°. [1875] Gold it silver smiths' work. s8". [1879] Narrative of 5 years at St. Saviour's, Leeds. s8". 0. 1851 Pollen (John Hungerford), the younger, S.J. Life & letters of Father .John Morris, S..T., 1826-93. s8'\ 1896 PoUio (Trebellius), see Trebellus Pollio. PoUnitz (Carl Ludwig, Frhr. v.) Das galante Sachsen. neue A., wozu noch kommet dessen 2. Theil. [6. «'. Frederick William I, King etc. Leben u. Thaten d. F. W., 1735]. s8''. Offenbach. 1735 ♦Hist, secrette de la ducbesse d'Hanover, Spouse de Georges I. s8". Londres. 1732 Lettres de P., cont. les obs. qu'il a faites dans s. voyages. 3t. 5' ^d. s8''. Londres. 1747 Lettres du baron de P. 3t. 4° ^d. sS". Londres. 1741 Mem", du b. de P. 2t. 4« &d. s8'\ Londres. 1741 The .>t above make one icork, xo. one index, at the end of the Mim'. Mem". ; being the obs. in h. travels. 4v. [vl, 2, a-ied.]. 8\ 1738-9 These .',v are a tr. of the 5t of " Lettres et nuHn'." [Tr.]. 5v. 3"'ed. s8'. 1745 Pollock (Arthur J. Osborne). Sporting days in S. India. Ia8'. 1894 Pollock (Arthur Williamson Alsajor). With seven generals in the Boer war. 8". 1900 Pollock (Mrs. Ellen), see Pollock {Mrs. JuLins). Pollock (Sir Frederick), 3'''' bart. Digest of the Law of Partner- ship. 4'!' ed. b8 '. 1888 „ „ ... 7«" ed. 8°. 1900 Essays in jurisprudence & ethics. 8". 1882 First book of jurisprudence for students of the Common Law. sS". 1896 Introd. to the hist, of the science of politics. s8". 1890 „ „ ... [Eepr.]. sS". 1902 King Alfred. [Lecture at the BuiialInstitution,lS99].ii».n.d. The Land Laws. b8". 1883 „ „ ... 3"' ed. s8>. 189G & F. W. Maitland Leading cases done into English, & o. diversions. s8». 1892 O.xf ord lectures & o. disc'. 8°. 1890 Spinoza, Ii. life & philosophy. 8". 1880 „ „ ... 2" ed. Ia8". C. 1898 Pollock (G. H.) The anointed seraph : " the last made first." vl. [It seems that no more app''.]. s8'. Washington. 1888 Pollock (Field-Marshal Sir George), /'' bart. sec Greenwood (Lt. J.) The campaign in Affghan". under P., 1844. „ Low (C. E.) Life & corr. of P., 1873. Pollock (Juliet, Lady), wife of 2'"' bart. him. Story of Marie Dumont. , W. K. Clifford, & W. H. Pollock o. t. & W. H. Pollock. The seal of fate. Pollock (Mrs. Julius). Macready as I knew s8". 1884 s8'. 1882 The little people, & s8". 1874 s8". 1891 [tPoLLOcK (Mrs. Ellen)]. Eunice. 3v. s8". 1876 Pollock (Sir W. Frederick), 3'"' bart. Personal remembrances of P. 2v. sS". 1887 see Macready (W. C.) Eeminisc. etc., ed. P., 1875. Pollock (Walter Herries). Jane Austen, h. contemp'. & herself. eS". 1899 King Zub, it o. s. s8". [1898] Lects. on French poets, at the Koyal Listitution. 68". 1879 A nine men's morrice: stoiiea collected & recollected. b8'. 1889 The picture's secret; added, An episode in the life of Mr. Latimer. b8'. 1883 Songs & rhymes : Eng. & French. s8". 1882 Verse of two tongues. sS". 1884 see B.1DMINT0N Lie. : Fencing, by P. etc., 1889. POLLOCK 1168 POMEY (J., Latiy\ W. K. Clifford, & W. H. P., The little people, 1874. & W. H. P., The seal of fate, 1891. Pollock CWalter Henries) [contimied]. see Besast (Sir W.) & P., The 1 see Pollock charm, & o. drawing-room plays, 1896. „ Dlffield (A. J.) (fc P., Masstun, 1877. „ Lang (A.) & P., 'He, 1887. Pollok (David). Life of R. PoUok. sS'^ E. 1843 Pollok (Fitzwilliam Thomas). Fifty years' reminisc. of India. 8^ 1896 Incidents of foreign sport ct travel. 8". 1894 Snort in Brit. Burmah, Assam, & the Cassyah & Jyntiab Hills. ^ 2v. 8». 1879 & W. S. Thorn. Wild sports of Burma & Assam. 8". 1900 Pollok (Robert). The course of time. IG"- ed. s8". E. 1841 sec Pollok (D.) Life of K. P., w. sels. £. h. MSS., 1843. Pollux (Julius), of JS'aucratis. J. P. onomasticum Gr. & Lat. Post Seberi ed. emend. Ace. comm. G. Jungermanni, J. Kiihnii. Ed. curav. J. H. Lederlinus & T. Hemsterhuis. 2p. fol. Anistelsdami. 1706 Onomasticon. Ex rec. I. Bekkeri. 8°. Berolini. 1846 Polnisch-demokratischer Verein, see Tow.\bz\siwo Demo- KRATYCZXE PoL.SKIE. •Polnische Frage (Die) : Das Central-Comit6 d. Poln.-demokrat. Vereins an d. deutsche Volk, 1847, see Tow.utzvsTwo Demo- KK.VTVCZNE PoLSKlE. Polo (Gaspar (jil), see Gil Polo (G.) Polo (Marco) [M.\bc Paule ; M. Pol ; Marco Paulo ; Marcus Paulus Veneius]. Travels. Tr., w. notes, by W. Marsden. i"- 1818 Travels. [Tr.'], w. notes by H. Murray. 2°'' ed. sS''. E. 1814 „ „ S"' ed. sS". 1815 The book of M. P. Tr. & ed., w. notes, by H. Yule. 2v. [Wants vl]. 8". 1871 „ „ ... 2v. 2"'' ed. sS". 1875 Travels. The tr. of Marsden revised, w. a sel. of h. notes. Ed. T.Wright, s'i". Bohn.lS86 Polo de Medina (Salvador Jacinto). The story of M. P. [A compila- tion f. M. P. by N. Brooks]. sS". 1698 Travels, see PiskerTon (J.) Voyages, v7. see Cordieb (H.) Centenaire de P. : conference, 1896. „ RusTiciAso Di Pisa, Voyages en Syrie de M. P. etc., 1882. „ ZuBLA (P.) Di M. P. ec. diss., 1818-9. Obras en prossa y verso si**. Zaragoza. 1670 Pologne. *Observatlon3 sur la P. etc., p. serv. d'intr. aux mem. de M. Oginski, 1827, see Bellecodb de Ladgieb (cte. C. de). ♦Pofjtes illustres de la P. au 19' s., [tr.], 1876-81, see Noibe-Isle (Ch. de) ps., [i.e. le cte. Puzezdziecki], tr. •Vicissitudes de I'Eglise Catholique des deux rites en Pologne it en Russie ; avant propos par le cte. de Montalembert, 1843, see Theiner (A.) Poloner (John). Descript. of the Holy Land (c. 1421). Tr. f. Tobler's text by A. Stewart. [I'-ilest. P. T. Soc.]. 8". 1894 Polonise, see *Moncme.nta medii a:vi historica res gestas Poloniie illustrantia ; til, Actorum sa;c. xv ad res publ. P. spect. ind[ex], 1888. Polonorum. Chronicae Polonorum, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tlGO if, Moncmexta Germ, hist., Scr., t9. Polonskaya (Marina). *Les causes c614brcs de la Piussie. s8<>. 1888 Polsce, see 'TuLACZE w Polsce w roku 1833, 1844. Poison (Archer). *Law & lawyers. 2v in 1. sS". 1840 Polti (CJeorges). Les trente-.six situations dramatiques. s8<'. 1895 Polus (G. Gillius), see Gil Polo (G.) Polus (R.), see Pole (Card. Reginald). Polwarth (.Sir P. Hume, of), aft. e. of MarcTimont, see March- MONT (P., /" C. of). Polwhele (Richard). Hist, views of Devonshire. vl, [no more jnM.]. Ia8'. Exeter. 1793 Hist, of Devonshire. 3v. [vl, 3, wanting], lafol. Exeter. 1793-1806 Traditions A recoils., etc. 2v. 8». 1826 Polyaenus. [Poliexo]. Strategematum libri viii. Vultejo interp., P. Maasvicius rec, I. Casauboni etc. notas adjecit. [Gr. it Lat.^. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1690 Ex rec. E. Woelfflin. Iterum rec. etc. I. Melber. s8'. L. 1887 see BocyuET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. Polyanthea. •Polyanthea. Ab authore collectore cong., qui ex T. a Kempis lib. 1, cap. 2 amat nesciri. sS". Coloniffi. 1735 ♦Polyanthea librorum vetustiorum, etc., 1822, see Bbtdges (Sir S. E.) Polyanthea [continued]. •Polyanthea (The), or a coll. of interesting fragments, 1804, see Wilson- (C. H.) Polybiblion : revue bibliograph. universelle. [Soc. Biblio- graphiciue]. tl-93, [in prog:]. laS". 1868-1901 The 93t are : Ser. I, 12t ; ser. II, (tl3-93 de la coll.). The Sit of ser. II are : Partie Utteraire, 2« ser., tl-54, [in prog.]. iPartie technique, 2' ser., tl-27, [in prog.]. 21 of "Partie litt." (£• It of " Partie tech." appear in each year. The aivkivard numbering of the 2'*^ ser. is as above. Polybius. [PoLiBio ; Poltde ; Poltbios]. Quidquid superest. Rec. I. SchweighsEUser. 8v in 9. 8°. L. 1789-95 I^, text [Gi. et lat.]. 5-8i, NotiE et Indices. 8ii, Lexicon. Historiarum qua sup. 4t. [ed. ster.]. s8". L. 1816 4t. ed. ster. s8°. L. 1833 Historiarum quidquid sup. Rec. etc. J. Sehweighffiuser. 4t. ed. nova. 8". 0. 1823 Lexicon Polybianum ab Is. et M. Gasaubonis adumb., inde ab Ernesti elab., nunc ab J. Schweighausero emend, etc. 8". 0. 1822 This " Lexicon " is usually counted as a 3"' vol. of the 1S23 ed., above. P. Ex recog. I. Bekkeri. 2t. S\ Berolini. 1844 Hist. Ed. a Dindorfio cur. retract. T. Biittner-Wobst. 4v. [v4 icanting]. sS". L. 1882-93 The hist, of the Achajan league as cont. in P. Ed., w. notes etc., by W. W. Capes. s8". 1888 Selections from P. Ed. J. L. Straohan-Davidson. Ia8". 0. 188S Tbaxslatioxs. Hist, of P. Tr. E. Grimeston. fol. 1634 Histoire de P. Tr. par V. Thuillier, avec un comm. ou corps de science militaire, etc. 7t. n. ed. 4". Amsterdam. 1753 t7 has f. : Suppl. a I'hist. de P., avec le comm. milit. de Folard, etc. The general hist, of P. Tr. by Hampton. 4v. [vl, 2, 3"" ed.J. 8o. 1772 3 The histories. Tr. f. text of Hultsch by E. S. Shuckburgh. 2v. s8°. 1889 see .EsEAS, Tacticus. Comm. etc. [Suppl. ed. P. Schweighsus.], 1818. „ Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. Polycarp, St., bp. of Smyrna. [Polycabpe ; PoLYCARprs ; Poly- KAKI']. see BoBEiNGEB (F.) Die Kirche Christi : Bl, i, P., 2' A., 1864. „ Chev.u,lieb (T.) Tr. of the epist. of P., 1833 ; 2"'' ed., 1851, ,, Clemens Rom., C''., Ignatii, P'. quaj sup. ; ace. I'. cV P'. martyria, rec. Jacobson, ed. 2°, 1840 ; ed. 4°, 1863. ,, Coielebius (J. B.) ed., SS. patrum P. etc. opera ; una cum P'. actis etc., 1672. ,, iGNATirs, St., bp. of Antioch. 1. et P. epist. etc., 1876. „ LiGHTFooT (J. B.) ed., Apost. Fathers : p2. P., [Gr. i0 Eng.], 1885; 1891. „ MioNE I J. P.) ed., Pat. grseca, t5, for Ad Philippenses. Polyhistor (Alexander), see Alexander, Polyhistor. Polypus, ps., a. of " All tJie talents," sec B.abbett (E. S.) Pomai (Francois A.), sec Pomey (F. A.) Pomar (the duke de) [tMEDiNA-PoM.iR (duke de)]. Fashion & passion. n. ed. s8'. 1877 Pomar (Marie Sinclair, ducliesse de), countess of Caithness, see Caithness (M., countess of). Pombal (Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Mello, inarq. de). •Administration (L') de P., 1786-7, see Desoteux de Cormatin (le b. P. M. F.) •Anecdotes du minist^re de C. 58°. Varsovie. 1783 see Da Cabnota (John A. Smith, conde). Mem", of P., w. extr*. f. h. writings, 1843 ; 2°'« ed., 1871. „ Moore (G.) Lives of P. etc., S'^ ed., 1814 ; n. ed., 1819. Pomerius (Julianus), see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t59. Pomeroy (Eltweed), of Xcwai-k, N.J., see U.S. Senate. Direct legislation by the people, July 8, 1898. Paper prepared by P. on d. 1., it 0. papers favouring the referendum, 1898. Pomeroy-CoUey {Sir George), see Bdtlee (Sir W. F.) Life of P.-C. (183.3-81), 1.S99. Pomet (Pierre). Compleat hist, of drugs etc. Done into Eng. 3"' ed. i\ 1737 Pomey (Francois A.) [Pomai]. Le grand diet, rojal : fr.-lat.- allemand, lat.-all.-fr., all.-fr.-lat. [Magnum diet, regium, etc. —Das grosse kouigl. Wbch., etc.]. 3v in 2. 7'. ed. 4». Cologne. 1740 Pantheum mythicum. ed. 6*. g8». Ultrajecti. 1701 POMFRET 11G9 PONTIFICALE Pomfret (Henrietta Louisa Fermor, cuuntcss of), wife of ■/'' coil, sec Hur.TFoiiii (!•'., countess of). Corr. behv. H. it V. (1738-41), 1805. Pommeraye (Jean Frangois). *Hist. des arolievesques de Koiien. fol. Koiieii. 1(507 Pommerol (,^flHc. Jean). .\monK the women of the Sahara. [Tr.] by Mrs. .\. Lcll. Ia8". 1000 Porno (Percy), ^K., sec *Peiuv I'omo, 1881. Pompadour {Mine, de) [fLK Nohmanh d'IOtioi.ks (.Teanm: Antoin]':ttk), inarciuise tU PoiiqH(donr]. Cnirespoiulance. Publ. A. P.- sec C.i.iiPAIiDON (E.) P. it liv Malassis. s8». 1878 cour de Louis XV, etc., ♦Lettres de Mme. de P. [FicH- 1807. lions. Bij the marq. F. tic „ CvPEFIorE (J. B. H. H.) P., Baric- Marbois ?]. 2' cd., 1860. 4t in 2. s8". Londi-es. 1774 ' „ Goncoubt (E. de) & 3. DE ♦Secret iiieins. of P., coU. & arr. | G., P., n. ed., 1878; 1894 ; liy .T. lieaujoint. 8". 1885 189G. Pompee (Trogue), see Trogus Pompeivs. Pompeii. I Pompei ; Pompeji]. 'Last daj's (The) of P., 1834, sec *Pompeii. [Lib. of enlertg. LvTTON (E., bacon). Imowl.]. 4*'' ed., 18SC, see •Our own P., 1887, str OuK. Clakke (G.) » *Poinpei e la regione sottcrrata *Pompeii, 1867, sec DvER (T. H.) dal Vesuvio iiell' a. 7a : Mem. cd., etc. e uotizie piibbl. dall' Uificio 'Pompeji: die neuesten Ausgra- Tecnico degli Scavi delle Pro- buugen (1874-8), i" A , 1882, viiice Merid. sec Presl'Hx IE.) cd. 2p in Iv. 1". Nnpoli. 1879 Pompeius, tJie grammai-iaii. [P. Gi;.uiM.\Ticrs]. Commentum artis Donati, et commentarioUiiii. Ace. ars gramm. Servii. Ed. F. Lindemann. 8". L. 1820 Pompeius (Trogus), xcc Titoors Po.mpeius. Pompsius Festus (Sextus), .lee Festus (S. P.) Pompey, /Jw Little, /«. Hist, of P. the L., a lap-dog, 1751, sec C'nVKN]I;Y (!■'.) Pomponatius (Petrus) [P. P. >1anic.\n-us ; Pompoxazzi]. De immortalitate aninia'. s8". [Boiiouiai ?] 1534 l»e naturaliuin efl'ectuum causis, s. de ineantationibus. Adi. schol. a G. Gratarolo. s8". BasileK. [1550] Pomponius Mela, sec Mela (P.) Pomponne (Charlotte de) ps., see *JonRN.VL d'une eleve de i'ort-lioyal: C. dc P. a M. de Louvois (1678-9), [a novel\ •2'' ed., IM'.lb. Pomponne (Euelle-), sec Edelle-Pomponxe ( ). Pomponne (Simon Arnauld, marq. de). Mems. Prec. de hi vie de P. par .J. Mavidal. 8". 18G0 Pomtow (L.) Das Leben des Epaminondas. L1'730]. 4". 1870 Pona (Francesco). II Christo passo. [P84'2]. 8". Verona. 1C29 Gl' iiifraniezzi apparenti del "Christo passo." [P842]. 8". Verona. 1G27 Pona (Giov. Batt.) Tirrheno. s8". Verona. 1589 Ponce (Alonso). Eel. de cosas que sucedieron al P. en la Xuova E.^pana, sec Sr.UN. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. *Ponce de Leon ; rise of the Argentine Eep. A novel ; by an b'.stanciero. 8". 1878 Ponce de Leon (Luis), sec Leon {Fray Luis de). Ponce de Leon (Kodrigo), marq. de Cddin, see Spain, Col. de doe. para la hist, de Espana, /or Historia etc. Poncel (Alb. Terrien-), see Tei!kien-Pon'cei.. Poncelet (Edouard), sec Lieoe. *Livre des fiefs de I'^glise de I,., 1898. Poncet (Charles Jacques). Voyage to .Ethiopia, see Pixkep,- 'j'ox (.1.) Voyages, vl5. Pond (George E.) The Shenandoah Valley in 18G4. s8". X.Y. 1883 Pond (James Burton). Eccentricities of geniu.s. 8". 1901 Poniatowski (Stanislaus Augustus), l-inrj of Poland, see Sr.vNisLAL-s ArorsTrs IPoniatoicslii, Inng etc.] Ponnat (le baron de). Hist, des variations & contradictions do r.'glise romaiuc. 2t. s8". 1882 Pons (A. J.) Renan it les orlgines du christianisme. s8". 1881 Pons (FranQOis R. J. de) [Depoxsj. Travels in S. America, 1801-4 ; tr. 8". 1807 Ponsard (Francois). Theatre complet. s8". 1851 Le lion amoiireux. 3'' ed. 8". 18GG Pons Boigues (Francisco). Eusayo bio-bibliografico sobre los historiadores y geografos anibigo-espaiioles. Ia8". 1898 Ponson (F.) Lhommc de la lerru iV rhonime du ciel. s8". Eranofort-s.-M. 18GG Ponsonby {Lady Emily Charlotte Mary), .i "' d. of 4"' earl of Bcssborough. *Tlie discipline of life. 3v. s8". 1848 Nora. 3v. s8". 1870 *Pride it irresolution. New ser. of " Disc, of life.'' 3v. s8". 1850 A story of two cousins. s8". 1868 Ponson Du Terrail {le vtc. Pierre Alexis de). La fcnnne immortelle. 2t. s8'. ISfiO Les Gandins. 2p : L'agencc matrimoniale. 3« id. s8'>. 18G7 Les hommcs de clieval. .")'■ ed. s8". 18G9 Maitre Rossignol. s8". IHH'.I Les oiplielins dc hi Saint- Bar- thelemy. sS". 18C9 Le page Fleur-de-mai. 88°. 1884 Pont (Timothy). Topograph, ace. of the district of Cunning- ham, Ayrshire, 1600 ; w. notes etc. [Maitland Club, 74]. 4". Glasgow. 1858 Pontalis (Antonin L.), see Lefevre-Pontaeis {.\..) Pontalis (Pierre L.), see Lefevbe-Poxtalis (P.) Pontano (Giovanni Gioviano), .^ec Poxtanfs (.J. J.) Pontanus (G. B.) [fPoNTAxus ■/, Praitenberka (.Jiiii B.)]. Bruxia IJohiemiii' delineata carmine etc. [P89G]. s4". Pragse. 1593 Pontanus (Joannes), professor at Hardcnpijk. Eerum Dani- carum historia ad doraum usque Oldenburg, deducta. Ace. chorographica Danin^, etc. fol. Anistelodarai. 1631 On the N.E. Passage, see Pixkeiiton (J.) Voyages, vl. Pontanus (Joannes Jovianns) fG. G. Postano'. Pontani opera, \in verse . s8". [E.r ofticin>. 1863 Peches de vieillesse. sS". 1889 Dernieres causeries du samedi : '2' ser. des caus. litt. sS". 1860 Derniers samedis. 3s, {s-i wanting]. 88". 1891-2 Les jeudis de Mme. Char- bonneau. n. e'd. 88". 1872 La mandarine. s8". 1873 Mes memoires : enfauee & jeunesse. s8<^. 188*2 Nouveaux samedis. '20s, [nil ivautinrj except ii, ti- 0]. s8". 1865-81 Ponton (Mungo). Glimpses of the future life. s8". 1873 Pontoppidan (Erik) the younger, bp. of Bergen. Gesta et vestigia Danorum extra Daniam. 3t. s8°. L. 1740-41 Souv*. d'un vieux critique. 10s, [sl-S, 5-8 icanting]. s8". 1881-9 Rouv^. d'un vieux melomaue. s8<>. 1879 Tr. 2p in Iv. fol. 1755 Lille E0dh8ette. 2«' OpI. sS". 1900 Vildt. 2'° Udg. s8o. 1899 Translations. Emanuel, or children of the soil. [Tr.] Mrs. E. Lucas. s8o. [1896] The promised laud. [Tr.] Mrs. E. Lucas. s8o. 1896 , de), see Gabnier, de Pont- IPoxTHi's, hinrf}. s8". see [1890] *BCCH The nat. hist, of Norway, Pontoppidan (Henrik). Det forjiettede Land. 3' Udg. s8". 1898 I Den gamle Adam. 2'-' Opl. s8". 1895 i Det ideale Hjem. I 2'' Opl. s8". Aarhus. 1900 Kirkeskuden. 2'" Udg., 2" Opl. s8». 1897 Pont-Sainte-Maxence (Gamier, Saintc-Ma.rcnce. Pontsevrez (P. de). Criminellc Pontus, t:ing, [Eitter Ponti's ; der Liebe : Bl, Poutus und Sidonia, 1809. Ponz (Antonio). Viage de Espana. 18t. [1-4, 3' ; 5-13, 2« ed.]. S". 1787-94 Viage fuera de Espana. 2t. s8". 1785 Pook (Jan). Hans Koekop, of de gemaakte waterzucht. [P879]. s8". Amsteldam. 1712 Pool (cardinal), see Pole {card. E.) Pool (John J.) Studies in Mohammedanism ; w. a chap, on Islam in Eng. sS". 1892 Woman's influence in the East. sS". 1892 Pool (Maria Louise). Tenting at Stony Beach. sS". Boston. 1888 Pool (Matthew), .si-c Poole (M.) Poole {Mrs. Annie Sampson). "'Jlexicans at home in the interior. 88°. 1884 Poole (Francis). Queen Charlotte Islands. Ed. J. W. Lyndon. 8". 1872 Poole (George Ayliffe). Hist, of eccles. architecture in Eng. 8». 1848 I'eterborough. [Diocesan hist".]. 88". [1881] & J. "W. Hugall. Churches of Scarborough, Filey, & the neighbourhood. sS". 1848 , & Guide to York Cathedral & its antiqs. ; w. hist. & descr. of the Minster Organ. 4". York. [1850] Poole (John), dramatist. Sketches & recoil'- 2v. sS". 1835 Poole (Joshua). The EngUsh Parnassus : a helpe to Eng. poesie. A coll. of all rhyming monosyllables, epithets, it phrases, etc. s8°. 1657 Poole (Margaret E.), aft. Mrs. Henry Sandfctrd, see Sandford (Mr,: H.) Poole (Matthew). [Pole; Pool]. Annot'. upon the Bible. 3v. 4". Glasgow. 1803-4 v3 "a cont. of P.'s work, by certain divines." '„ 3v. Ia8". 1853 Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturie interpretum. 4v in 5, [4 i, ii]. fol. Londini. 1669-76 Poole (Reginald Lane). Hist, atlas of modern Europe f. ' lUusts. of the hist, of medieval the decline of the Eoman thought in theology & eccles. Empire. fol. 0. 1902 politics. 8". 188i Hist, of the Huguenots of the Sebastian Bach. s8". 1882 dispersion at the recall of the ' Wycliffe & movements for re- Edict of Nantes. sS". 1880 ■ form. b8». 1889 Poole (Reginald Stuart), keeper of Coins, Brit. Museum. The cities of Egypt. s8°. 1882 *The genesis of the earth A- of man, ed. E. S. P., 2°'' ed., 1860, see Lane (Edward W.) Horse -Egyptiacie : chronology of anc. Egypt. 8". 1851 see BwTisH Museum ; Coins & medals. Poole {Mrs. Sophia). The Englishwoman in Egypt. 2v in 1, [s2. 1846 u-ant'ing]. sS". 1844 Poole (Stanley Lane), sec Lane-Poole. Poole (Thomas), of Xcther Stowei/, see Sandford [Mrs. H.) P. A- h. friends, 1888. Poole (Thomas Eyre). Life in Sierra Leone & Gambia. 2v. s8'\ 1850 Poole ('William Frederick). Index to periodical literature. Ia8". N.Y. 1853 „ ,. 3"' ed., brought down to Jan. 1882, w. assistance of ■\Y. I. Fletcher, etc. Ia8'>. Boston. 1882 „ „ 1" suppl., .Jan. 1, 1882-Jan. 1, 1887, by Poole & Fletcher. Ia8'>. 1888 „ „ 2"" suppl., Jan. 1, 1887-Jan. 1, 1892, by 'W. I. Fletcher. Ia8°. [1893] „ „ 3'" suppl., 1892-6, by Fletcher ct F. 0. Poole. Ia8". [1897] Poole's Index to periodical literature. Abridged ed., 1815-99 : by W. I. Fletcher A M. Poole. laS". n.d. P'oo Lew-Seen. *Strange stones f. a Chinese studio. Tr. & annot. H. A. Giles. [A tr. of the " Liao-Chai-Chih-I" of ]'. L..S.'_. 2v. sS". 1880 Pooley (Charles). Old crosses of Gloucestershire. Ia8". 1868 Pooley (Edmund). County Courts. [P791]. 8". 1882 Pooley (Thomas), see Buckle (H. T.) Letter resp. P.'s Case, 1859. Poor. ♦Poor (The) artist, etc., 1850, see Horse (E. H.) Poor (The) in great cities : theu' problems etc. [i? essai/s]. ia8". 189G •Poor Nellie. By a. of " My trivial life etc." [/'Miss Ingham.] 3v. b8<>. E. 1887 „ „ n. ed. s8». E. 1888 •Poor relief in Europe etc., tr., 1873, sec Emjiinohaus (A.) ed. srr Society for bettering the condition of the P. Poor Law[s^, Unci-'. Poor Law Board, Poor Law Comjiissioxers, etc.]. i^or Poor L(7!t'[s], [Ireland], sec Ireland : Poor, tt Poor Laws. •English Poor-Law (The), & Poor-Law Commission in 1847. [P289]. 8". 1847 General & Consolidated Orders of the Poor Law Commissioners & Poor Law Board. Notes, etc. by W. C. Glen. 7"' ed. s8". 1871 Poor Law Conferences. 1897/8-1899/1901. [One vol. for each year]. 8°. 1898-1901 •Eemarks on the opposition to the P. L. Amendment Bill. By a guardian, 1841, see Senior (N. W.) Report of H.M.'s Commissioners for inquiring into the administra- tion & operation of the Poor Laws. 8". 1884 Eeport of the Poor Law Commissioners on the continuance of the Poor Law Commission, etc. 8". 1S40 Poor (Henry V.) Money & its laws. [With] hist, of the currencies of the U.S. 8" 1877 Poor (Laura Eliz.) Sanskrit & its kindred literatures. s8". 1881 Poore (Benjamin Perley). The Conspiracy Trial for murder of the President, etc. ed. P. 380. Boston. 1865 Poore (George Vivian). The dwelling house. sS". 1897 2"'' imp. 88". 1898 Essays on rural hygiene. s8". 1893 London from the sanitary & medical point of view. s8". 1889 POORE 1171 PORPHYRY Poore (Richard), bp. of{l) Chichester {^) Hidhhimj (3) Durham, KCC Jl-i-ian-a, Sainl. ■*Lillade of St. J., [by P. ?], 1872. Poor's Manual of the Railroads of tlie U.S. 31" ann. no., 1898. 8". ;/. r. iibl.] Works. WiUi li. last con-uc- tions ; coiiiiu. & notes of Wnr- burtou. 9v. 8«". 1757 „ Siippl. to the Works, cout. poems, letters etc. omitted in file ed. by Warburton. Added, Key to tlie Letters. s8". 1757 Works. Notes by J. Warton & others. 9v. S'. 1707 Works. Added, some letters ; w. obs., & life by W. L. Bowles. lOv. S". IbOC. Works. Notes by himself & others. New life, etc. by W. EoBcoe. lOv. 8". 1821 1, Life. 2, Early poems, tr'., imita- tions. 3, Essay on Crit., Eape of the Lock, etc. 4, Dunciad, etc. 5, Essay on Man, Moral Essays, etc. C, Satires, Fragments, etc. 7, Prose. 8-10, Corr. Works. New ed., inch sev. hun- dred unpubl. letters, ct o. new materials, coll. in part by J. W. Croker ; intr. & notes by W. Elwin [(£• rr. J. CourihojM-]. lOv. 8". 1871-89 1-1, Poetry. 5, Life [hi/ W.J. Courihoiie\ — Index. 6-10, Corr., Prose works. Single works etc. Essay on man. Ed. [1869] by Ma'rk Pattison. s8". O. 1891 The Iliad of Homer. Ed. by Rev. J. S. Watson, M.A. S8". 1898 Odeformusick. [P7.')l]. fol. 1713 Poet, works. Notes it mem. by A. W. Ward. Globe (new) ed. b8o. 1882 *Pope Commemoration, 1888, Loan Museum ; Catalogue. [P621]. 1". Twickenham. 1888 Rape of the lock. 2". 1873 Popular romances of the W. of Eng., 1865, see Hunt (E.) ed. Popular songs &: melodies of Scotland, 1894, see Graha:\i (G. F.) ed. Popular songs of Ireland, 1839; 1880, see Ceoker (T. C.) cd. ♦Popular tales it romances of the northern nations. 3v. sS*'. 1823 ♦Popular topics; or the grand question discussed. Eeform for E. India Co., etc. [P193]. 2"'l ed. 3^ 1784 ♦Popular traditions of England : pi, see EoBV (J.) P. t*. of E. : 1, Lancashire, 3v, 1841. Remains of the early p. poetry of Eng., 1864-0, see Hazlitt (W. C.) cd. Popular magazine of anthropology, see Anthkopological Soc. Popular science review (The). 15v, [v8-10 wanting] ; New ser., 5v (vl6-20). 8". 1861-81 Popularia carmina Gifficise recentioris, 1800, sec Passow (A.) cd. Population. *Essay on the principle of p., G"" ed., 1826, sec Maltiius (T. E.) Poquelin de Moliere (Jean Baptiste), see Molieee. Porcar y Tio (Jaime), see Tio (J.) Porcelain. "'Treatise on the origin etc. of the manufacture of p. & glass, 1832, see Porter (G. R.) Porcelaine. ♦Hist. & fabrication de la p. chinoise, tr., 1856, sec JULIEN (S.), tr. Porcelius (Petrus), see Pandoni (P.), called Porcelius. Porcellius Neapolitanns. CommentariiComitis Jacobi Picinini, see MuEAToiu (L. A.) Keruin Ital. Script., t20, 25. Porcius Latro (M.), see Latko (M. P.) Porny (Marc Antoine) ps. \i.c. A. Pyeon du Martre]. The elements of heraldry. 3'^ ed. 8°. 1777 Porphyrins (Publilius Optatianus), sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl9. Porphyrogenitus (Constantinus), see Constaxtixe VII, sur- namcd I^orphyrogenitus, emperor of the East. Porphyry, 6/). of Gaza, Saint, [Poephyeius Gazexsis], sec Marcus, Viaconus. Vita P., 1895. see MioNE (J. P.) Pat. grajca, 165, for Vita. Porphyry, t lie philosopher. [Pokfirio ; Poephirius]. De abstinentia ab esu animalium. Cum interp. Lat. Feliciani ; ed. cur. etc. I. de Bhocr. Acc. iv epist. de apostasia Por- phyrii. 4". Trajecti ad Ehenum. 1767 De antro nympharum. Gr. cum Lat. Holstenii vers. ; Gra;ca rest. etc. R. M. van Goens. Priem. est. diss. Homerica ad Porplivrium. 4". Traiccti ad Rhenum. 1765 i g 2 PORPHYRY 1172 PORTFOLIO Porphyry, the philosopher [continued}. Isagoge in Categovias. Ed. A. Busse. [Comm. in Aristotelem GriBca, 4, i]. laS". Berolini. 1887 Opuscula selecta. Iterum recog. A. Xauck. s8". L. 188(5 Translations & Eefeef.nces. P. to Marcella. Tr. etc. A. Zimmern. sS". 1890 see Duns (.J.) Scotus, Expositiones tjna;stionura in Universalia P'., 1591. „ Ell\s. E. in P. Isagogen, 1900. „ Iamblichus, of Chalets. De vita Pytbagorica ; ace. Malchus sive Porphyrins de vita Pythagorae, 1707 ; 1815-16. „ De mysteriis; prcem. Epist. P. ad Anebonem, eodera argum., 1678. „ Tatabetus (P.) In P. Isagogen etc. explanationes, 1581. ,, Velseees (M.) Opera hist, etc., 1682. Porree (Jonas) [Poere ; Porbe]. *Hist. des ceremonies et des superstitions qui se sont introd. dans I'Eglise, [Reimpress. of " Traits des anc. cerem'.," omitting the ded'J. letters]. S8". Amsterdam. 1717 Porretanus (Gilbertus), see Mione (.1. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl85, 188. Porru (Vincenzo Raimondo). sardo meridionale. Person (Richard). Adversaria : notro it emend, in poetas Griecos. Ordinarunt etc. I. H. Monk, C. I. Blora- field. ed.nOTa. 8". h. 1814 Cat. of part of tlie lib. of P.,wb. ■n-ill be sold .June 16, 1809, etc. 8'. 1809 Corr. Ed. H. R. Luard. [Cam- bridge Antiq. Soc.]. 8". C. 1867 Letters to Travis, in ans. to b. defence of 1 John V, 7. 8". 1790 Notae in Aristopbanem, quibus "Plutum" pr;emisit etc. P. P. Dobree. »'. C. 1820 Saggio di gramatica sul dialetto s4". Cagliari. 1811 Tracts & misc. criticisms. Coll. by T. Kidd. 8". 1815 sec B.\HKF.R (E. H.) Lit. anec- dotes of P. & others, 1852. „ Rogers (S.) Table talk of B. ; added, Porsoniana, \bi/ W. Maltbij], 1856; 1887. „ Terton (T. bp.) [2's., Cbito Cantab.]. Vindic. of lit. character of P. & animadv. of T. Burgess, 1827. „ Watson (J. S.) Life of P., 1861. ' delta Porta (Bartolommeo della), see Bartolommeo {Fra) Porta." Porta (Giov. Batt. della), of Naj^les, see Della Poeta (G. B.) Porta (Joannes Bapt.), of Naples, see Della Porta (G. B.) Portal (C), see \\o\T.. *Cartu1aire des Templiers de Vaonr, 1894. Portal (.Si/- Gerald H.) Tlie Brit, mission to Uganda 1893. Mem. by E. llodd. 8". 1894 My mission to Abyssinia. 8". 1892 Portalis (A. Edouard). Deux ri-publiques. sS". 1880 Portalis (Jean Etienne Marie). De I'usage ct de I'abus de I'esprit philosoph. dnr. le IH' s. ; prec. d'essai par le cte. Portalis. 2t. 3' ed. S". 1834 Discours, rapports A travaux inid. sur le concordat de 1801, etc. 8". 1845 see LAVoLLfe (R.) P., sa vie, s. oeuvres, 18G9. Portalis (le baron Roger) & H. Beraldi. Les graveurs du 18' s. [s^cBer.alm (H.) /be Graveurs du 19' s.] 3t. 8». 1880-8 Portarlington (Caroline Dawson, countess of), wife of ■/•' earl, see *Gleanings t. an old portfolio, cont. corr. betw. Lady L. Stuart & h. sister C. etc. (1778-1813), 1895-6. Port Blair. Pieport on the administration! 1860/1. fol. 1861 Report on the admin, of P. B. & Andaman Islands. 1864/5. [6. w. Straits Settlement. Ann. report, 1803/4]. 8". 1865 see Andaman I'. *Eeport on admin, of the A. & Nicobar I'., A the Penal Settlements of P. B. etc., 1894/5-1899/1900. *Portefeuille (Le) n^cess. a tons qui font le voyage d'ltalie, 1774. see Italie. Porteous (Beilby), 6^)., see Porteus (B.) Porter (Anna Maria), Honor O'Hara. Sv. sS". 182G The Himgarian Brothers. Rev. sS". 1832 The Knight of St. John. 3v. 2'"l ed. s8". 1817 Porter (George), It.C. cii^'. of Bombay. Letters of Father 1'. 8\ 1891 Porter (George Richardson). Influence of education shown by The sugar cane : culture etc. the criminal tables, 1845-0. 8". 18.30 [P2S4]. 8". 1847 •Treatise on the manufacture of Progress of the nation. poi-celain & glass. [Cab. Cyd.l. ;iv. s.s". 1836-43 sS». 1832 „ „ 11. ed. 8". 1847 'Treatise on the silk manufacture. ,, ,, n. ed. S". 1851 , [Cab. Cyel.]. s8". 1.S31 Porter (Mrs. Gerald), see Blackwood, The family of. *Annals etc. : v3, .John B., by P.. 1898. Porter (Henry), dramatist. The two angry women of Abing- ton. (1.599). Ed. Kev. A. Dyee. [Percy Soc, 12]. s8'>. 1841 Porter (J. G. V.) England's & France's new demands against Russia in the Black Sea not just. [P297, 305]. 8". 1855 Porter (Sir James). '•Observations on the Turks. 2v in 1. s8". 1768 Porter (Jane). The pastor's fireside. With new Sir Edw. Seaward'a narrative of intr. 2v. sS". 1832 his shipwreck etc. Ed. [i.e. The Scottish chiefs. ■ written] by J. P. 3v. eS'J. 18S1 rev". 2v. 6S\ 1831 „ Abr''. s.S". 1852 ,, £8". 1891 ' Thaildeus of Warsaw. ; rev'i. s8>. 1831 Roche-Blanche. 3v. sS". 1822 Village of Mariendorpt. 4v. s8°. 1821 Porter (Admiral David Dixon), U.S. Navy. Incidents A anecdotes of the Civil War. 8". N.Y. 1885 Porter (E. J.) Out of the gloaming. 2v. s8°. 1886 Porter (Endymion), see Townshend (D.) Life & letters of P., 1897. Porter (Frank Thorpe), Gleanings & reminisc. g-" pd, 88". D. 1875 Porter (John), trainer. Kingsclere. Porter (Josias Leslie). in Palmyra etc. Giant cities of Bashan Life iSr times of H. Cooke, of Assembly's Coll. " Through Samaria" to Galilee A the .Jordan Ed. by B. Webber. S\ 1896 Five years in Damascus ; with travels 2v. s8i. 1855 A Svria's holy places. s8". 1805 8\ 1871 i: 1889 Porter (Noah) the younger. American Colleges & the .^.merica^ public. .s8". N.Y. 1890 The human intellect. 8". 1872 N. P. ; a memorial by friends. Ed. G. S. Merriam. sS". 1893 Porter (Sir Robert Ker). Travelling sketches in Russia & Sweden, 1805-8. 2v in 1. 2'"' ed. 4". 1813 Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, anc. Babylonia etc., 1817- 20. 2v. 4". 1821-2 Porter (Robert P.) The West, f. the census of 1880. By P., ass. by H. Gannett & W. P. Jones. 8". Chicago. 1882 Porter (Thomas), tojmgrajjh. writer. Map of London & West- minster, ab. 1000, by P. : tacs. 2 sheets. [London Topo- graph. Soc.]. lafol. [1898] Porter (Whitworth). Hist, of the knights of Malta. 2 v. 8". 18.58 rev. ed. 8", 1888 Hist, of the Royal Engineers. 2v. 8'\ 1889 Porteus (Beilby), iji. of (/) Chester {-J) London. [PoRTEors]. Exhortation to the observance of Good-Fridav. [P326]. 4"' ed. s8". 1781 Lects. on Matthew. 2v. 7'" ed. 8". 1804 Sermon at anniv. meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, May 9, 1776. [P257]. 4°. [1776] Sermons on sev. subjects. 2v. [vl, 9"' ; 2, 5"- ed.]. 8". 1803 Speech on 2"'' reading of the Curate's Bill, H. of L., 27 June, 1808. [P382]. 8". 1808 Summary of evidences for truth etc. of revelation. With detinitions etc. by J. Boyd. 88". E. 1861 Works. Life by R. Hodgson. 6v. n. ed. 8°. 1836 Portfolio. For anon. uvrTcs in French sec Portefeuille. *Portfolio Chinensis, 1840, see China. "■■Portfolio (The) ; or a sel. of lit. curiosities, wonderful events, etc. 8". Bath ; H. Gye. 1818 Portfolio (The). By Oliver Oldschool [i.e. J. Dennie]. vl-3. 4". Philadelphia. 1801-3 Portfolio (The) : [a collection of state papers, etc.]. Ov ; New ser., vl-4. 8". 1886-44 Portfolio (The) : illustrated monographs on artistic subjects. [In prog.]. see AE.MSTKONtt i.S'/rW.) The art of Velazquez, 1896. „ The ait of W. Q. Orchardson, 1895. „ 1 he life of Velazquez, 1896. ,, Thomas Gainsborough, 1S94. „ Anderson {\f.\ Japanese wood engra\ings 1895. laS". 1894-1900 sec Bedford (W.K.R.) Malta & tbeKnigbtsHospitallers, 1894. „ BiNVON (L.) Dutch etchers of the 17'" c, 1895. „ John Crome & John Sell Cotman, 1897. „ Caktwrigut (Jvlia). The early work of Raphael, 1895. PORTFOLIO 1173 POSITIE Greek G. Mor- Antoiiic work of src Hamerton (P. G.) Tlio etchingB of Rembrandt, 18il4. „ HiiTTON (Jl/i'ssC. A.) Greek temicotttv statuettes, 1B9'.). „ LoFTiE (W. J.) Whitehall, 1811.'). ., MUKUAY (A. S.) bronzes, 1898. „ Nkttleship (J.T. land, 1898. „ Phillips (C.) "Watteau, 1895. ,, The earlier Titian, 1897. „ Frederick Walker, 189i. ,, The later work of Titian, 1898. ,, The picture gallery of Charles I, 189G. ,, PoLLAKD (A. W.) Italian book illustrations, 1894. ,, SiiAitp (W.) Fair women, 1894. „ Stepiiess (F. G.) Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1894. „ StevensoniR. A. M.) P.P. Rubens, 1898. „ Waehn(C.) John La Farge, 189U. „ Weale (W. H. J.) Gerard David, 1893. Portfolio (The) Iconlimteil]. sec C.^BTWBiGiiT (Julia). Julos Bastien-Lepo,ge, 1894, „ Raphael in Rome, 1895. „ Church (A. H.) .Josiah Wedgwood : master-potter, 1891. „ COKNISH (C. J.) The Isle of Wight, 1895. „ Tlie New Forest, 1894. „ Gust (L.) The engravings of Albrccht Diirer, 1894. „ The paintings & draw- ings of Albrecht Diirer, 1897. ,, Davenport (C.) Cameos, 1900. ,, Roj-al English book- bindings, 189(i. „ Destree (O. G.) The re- naissance of sculpture in Belgium, 1895. „ Fletcher (W. Y.) Book- binding in France, 1894. „ Gardxei! (J. S.) Armour in England, 1897. „ Foreign ai-mour in Eng., 1898. „ G.iBKETT (R.) Richmond on the Thames, 1890. „ William Blake, 1893. „ Gbahame (G.) C. Lorrain, 1895. *Portia ; or, "By passions vookeil," 1883, see Hungerford (Mrs.) *Portisliead, Somerset. A letter from Peter Brush to Tim. Carmine. [P791]. s8". Bath. 1842 Fortius, 2'^-< ^''^ *Letter to the Earl of S. on the Peace [signed P.], 17G1. Fortius (Simon). Gramm. ling. grcecoB vulg. Eepr. de I'^d. l(jo8 ; comni. par W. Meyer, intr. par J. Psichari. [HE78]. 8". 1889 Portlock (Joseph Ellison). Mem. of Maj.-Gen. Colby; w. sketch of the origin etc. of Ordnance Survey. s8". 1869 Report on geology of Londonderry, & of parts of Tyrone & Fermanagh. 8". D. 1843 Rudimentary treatise on geology. sS". 1849 Portlock (Nathaniel). Voyage round the world, partic. to N.W. Coast of America, 1785^88, Portman (Sir Hugh), hart., see Sypen-iiam (H.) Ijassing-bcU : sermon at fanerall of P., 1630. Portman (M. V.) Hist, of our relations \v. the Andamanesc. '2v, [pngin. eont.']. 4". Calcutta. 1899 Manual of the Andamanese languages. s8". 1887 Notes on the languages of the South Andaman tribes. 4'\ Calcutta. 1898 Fortner (Joannes), Sylionius. Encomion virtutis etc., quod admodum loanni Eausch obtulit J. P. Sylionius Tyrolensis J. Studiosus. [P896]. s4". VienuiB Austria;. 1604 Porto (Luigi da). Giulietta e Romeo : novella. ed. 17«. S". Pisa. 1831 ,, „ lanoth. ed., w. t. : Novella, b. w. Florio (G.) Lippotopo]. 8". repr., [1848?] Lettere storiche di L. da P., 1509-28. Note ec. per c. di B. Bressan. Aggiuntevi : la novella di Giulietta e Romeo, e due lett. crit. del prof. G. Todesehini. s8". Firenze. 1857 Forto-Kiche (Georges de). Les deux fautes. s8". 1879 Un drame sous Philippe IL s8". 1875 Theatre d'amour : La chance de Franfoise — L'infidele — Amoureuse — Le passe. 4' id. s8". 1900 Le vertige. s8". 1873 Porto Seguro (F. A. de Varnhagen, baron de), see Vaenhai^en (F. A. Ill;), baron, cle. Port Phillip. *Petitions of the district of P. P. for separation from N.S. Wales. [P152], 8°. Melbourne. 1844 Portraits. 'Portraits (Les) de Kel-kun. s8". 1875 *Portraits of public characters, 1841, see Gb.^kt (James). *Portraits, par un diplomate, 1883, see Dumbeipher v. (Ester- beiciier (/<; baron). Portraiture. [PouETrAircRE]. *The pourtraiture of bis Royal Highness, Oliver etc., 1659, see Cromwell (O.) Portratwerk, see *Alloemeineb historisches Portratwerk, 6B, 1883-90. The 1789 royall Fort Royal, abbey of. *Diver.s actes, lettres etc. des religieuses de P.-R., touchant la persecution & les violences qui leur ont (:te faites au sujet de la signature du Formulaire. [not2}.]. 4". [1722?] *Hist. des persecutions des religieuses de I'.-R., ecrites par elles- memcs. 4". Ville-Franche. 1753 sec Clemencet (C.) *Hist. gen. de Port-Roial, 1755-7. „ Lanxelot (C), a. Arnauld, & P. Nicole. *Nouv. methode p. app. la langue grecque, [P. E. Greek grammar}, n. id., 1754. ,, , . , & , Nouv, methode i). app. la laiigue latine, [P. B. Latin grammar], 12' ed., 1761. ,, NrcEXT (T.) Ir., Primitives of the Greek tongue, f. the French of MM. de Port Royal, [I'.U. Greek grammar], 1773. ,, PiXAfLT (I'libbe). '''Histoire abreg. de la dern. persecution de 1'. R., ed. roy., 1750. Portsmouth. *A sailor-boy's log-book from P. to the Peiho, 1862, see White (Walter) ed. Portsmouth (Louise Eenee de P. de Keroualle, duchess of), see Capeficue (J. B. H. R.) La d. de P„ etc., 1861. „ FoR-VERON (H.) L. de K., (1649-1734), 1886. „ L. de K., tr., 1887 ; 2»J ed., 1887. Portuensis (Hippolytus), sec Hippolytus, 67., ij). of the Fort of Hume. Portugal. *Account (An) of the Court of Portugal under Pedro II, 1700, see CoLBATCH (John). Coll. de livros ined. de hist, portug., 1790-1798, see CoLLEcgAO etc. *History (The) of the revolutions of Portugal etc., 1740, see Carte (T.I •Journal of a few months' residence in P. etc., 1847, sec Qvillinan {Mrs. D.) •Portugal & the Congo, 1883, see CoxGO. Portugal (Le) geographique, ethnolog., administratif, econom., litt., artist., histor., polit., colonial, etc. Par [18 icriters]. sS". [1899 ?] Portugal (Henri, de), sct^ Hexry, jjeiHc?, the Navigator. Portugues (Bartholomew) [Bat the Portuguese], sec Buccaneers. *Hist. of the B'., tr., 3"' ed., 1704. Portuguese. General collection (.\) of voyages & discoveries made by the P. & Spaniards dur. the 15-16"' C, 1789, sec Voyages. *Iietters of a Portuguese nun, tr., 1893, sec Alcoforado (Mari- anna). Portugueza, see *CoLLEcr.\o de livros ined. de hist, portug., 1790-1793. Fortuguezes, see "Historia dos descob'. e couq'. dos 1'. no novo mundo, 1786. Fortus (.SImilius). Diet. lonicum Gr.-Lat., quod indioem in omnps Herodoti libros eont., etc. Ed. nova, oui subj. app. 8". Londini. 1823 Porzio (Camillo). Congiura de' baroni del Regno di Napoli contra Ferdinando I. 8". Pisa. 1818 Porzou (/(■ etc. A. D. Martel de), see Martel (le c. de). Foschinger (Heinrich, Hitter v.) Aktenstiicke z. Wirthschafts- politik d. Fiirsten Bismarck, 2B. ^8". 1890-1 Bismarck u. d. Bundesrat. 4B. 8". St, 1897-8 1, Bundesrat d, Norddeutschen Bundes, 18G7-70. 2, Bundesrat d, ZoUvereins, 1868-70 ; Bundesrat d, Deutschen Reichs, 1871-3, 3, 4, Bundesrat d, Deutschen Reichs, 1874-8, 1878-81. Conversations w. Bismarck; w. intr,, by S. Whitman. sS". 1900 Preussen im Bundestag, 1851-9. 4T in 2v. Ia8<>. L. 1882-4 Preussens auswiirtige Politik, 1850-58. Bl, 2, [1, 1850-52; 2, 1852-54]. 80. 1902 see Bismarck (Filrst v.) Bismarck-Portefeuille, [in prog.], 1898. „ Manteuffel (0., Frhr. v.) M., hrsg. v. P., 1901. Foschinger (Margaretha v,) Diaries of Emp. Frederick, 1806 A 1870-71. Tr. F. A. Welbv. 8"- 1902 Lifeof Emp.Frederick. [Tr.]; w.inti-.byS. Whitman. ^8". 1901 Fosen. *M6inoire histor. sur les ^vdnements du grand-duch6 de P., 20 mars-18 Mai 1848. [P368]. 8". 1848 ■►Narrative (A) of recent occurrences in P., accomp. by ofiSc. docs., etc. [P131]. 8". 1848 Fosewitz (Theodor). Borneo, its geology & mineral resources. Tr. F. H. Hatch. 8". 1892 Fosidonius, of Apamea, [P. Apamensis; p. Rhodius], sec Poii- ' LENZ (M.) De P. libris Tcpi jrofloji', 1898. *Positie van de gerechtigheyt en het recht van oorloge, in Vranc- ' krijck tegenwoordigh gebruickelijck. [P874]. s4°. Parijs. 1672 POSITIVE 1174 POTTER Positive, sec *ExQnir.Y into the theories of history, \v. spec. ref. to the principles of tlie P. Philosophy, 1802. Positivist. *Positivist comments on public affairs : occas. papers, 1878-92. [London Positivist Soc. PC23]. 8°. [1896] *J'ositivist library (The) of Comte, tr. etc. F. Harrison, 1886, sec CoMTK (Aug.) Positivist review (The). yl-9.[in progX 8". 1893-1901 Posnett (Hutcheson Macaulay). Comparative literature. s8". 1880 Posniakov (Basile). I't-lerinage (1558-01), si'f Kiiniiowo (B. de). Itineraives Eusses en Orient, 1889- Possevino (Antonio) the elder. [Possevixus]. A. P. raissio moscovitica, ex annuls litteris S. J. excerpta etc. cur. P. Pier- ling. Ace. card. Comensis memorandum dc missionibus exteris. s8". Parisiis. 1882 Moscovia, A alia opera de statu hujus seculi etc. fol. [Cologne]. 1587 Ml' PiEiii.ixG (P.) Un nonce du pape [P.] en Moscovie, etc., 1881. Possidius Calamcns., see Migne (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t32, 50. Posson (Anatole). La fiancee de la mort. 2t. s8». 1884 Post, see Post ijoy, as one word. Pest Mortem Inquisitions, sec Inoltsitiones Post Mobtem. Postans (Mrs. Marianne), aft. Young. Facts & fictions, illust. of Oriental character. 3v. s8''. 1844 Western India in 1838. 2v. s8". 1839 Postans (,Caj)f. Thomas). Personal observations on Sindh ; sketch of hist. etc. 8». 1843 *Post boy (The) robbed of his mail. [Ded. signed C. G. Attr. to C. GUdonX 2"i ed. s8\ 1706 Poste (Beale). Britannic researches. 8". 1853 Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish & British coins, etc. 8°. 1861 Postel (Carl A.), see Se.^lsfield (C.) ps. Postal (Guillaume), [G. Posteelvs], sec Havekkamp (S.) Sylloge altera ; ace. lib. P. de Phoenioum Uteris, 1740. * Posthumous works of the a. of "Vindication of the rights of woman," 1798, sec Godwin (il/rs. Mahy Wollstonect.ait). Pbstion (J. C), sec Poestion (J. C.) Postl (Carl A.) [oi-, Postel ; pis. C. Sealsfield], see Sealseield (C.) ps. Postlethwaite (Edward). Letters from Greece. sS". 1868 Postlethwayt (Malachy). Great-Britain's true system. 8". 1757 Post Mortem Inquisitions, sec iNQtrisixioNEs Post Moetem. Post Office. *Post-Office (The) * the Sabbath Question. :P156] 8". 1850 la8». 1830-1902 1874 (in -ivi ; 187S (vl : Essex, Herts, Middlesex). Kent. 1874. Lincolnshire. 1878. London. 1851; 1893-1902. London Suburban. 18G0;1868. Norfolk. 1869. Somersetshire. 1865. Staffordshire. 1872. Surrey. 1870. Sussex. 1874. AViltshire. 1875. Yorkshire. 1857. *Post Office directories. Berkshire. 1869. Cambridgeshire. 1875. Devonshire. 1866; 1873. Dublin. 18C9. Edinburgh, Leitb, Newhaven. 1830-2. Essex. 1878. Gloucestershire. 1870. Hampshire — Isle of Wight. 1867. Hertfordshire. 1874. Home Counties (The six), 1870 ; Poston (Charles D.) The Parsees : a lecture. Ia8". p.p. [1870 ?] *Postulates & data. vl. s4". 1852 Pot, j«., sec *Scai;let city (The), by " Pot " & " Swears," 1899. Potagos (Papagiotis). Dix annees de voyages dans I'Asie Centr. & PAlrique Equatoriale, tr. Avec notes etc. par E. Burnouf. 11, [no more pinl)!.]. laS". 1885 Potapenko (I. N.) The general's daughter. [Pseud. Lib.]. 88". 1892 Lc pope. Tr. L. Golschmann. s8". 1899 Le roman d'un homme raisonnablc. Tr. M. Polonski. s8". 1892 A Russian priest. sS". 1891 S'tied. s8". 1891 Potapski ( ) j«., see ""Scaxcilum magnatum, or P.'s case [« satire on Shaftesbiinj], 1680. Potemkin (prince Grigory Aleksandrovich). *Mems. of the life of P., etc. ; tr. f. German. 8°. 1812 *Potenza della lealta, riverenza, e tedelt,i. Trad, dallo Spagnolo dal D. Honofrio de Castro. [P836]. s8". Bologna. 1685 Pothier (Robert Joseph). CEuvres, annot. & mises en correl. iivec le code civil etc. par Bugnet. lOt. 8^ 1845-7 Table; par J. Sirey. 8\ 1862 Potier de Courcy (Pol), see Anselme (Ze^erc). Hist, genealog. etc. de la maison de France, i' ed., t9, cont. le cat. de I'Ordre du Saint-Esprit, augm. de la suite des genealogies du pere A., & de celles des membres 1733-89, par P. de C, 1808-90. Potocka (/(7 comtessc Anna), d. /S67. [Axna Tyskiewics!, aft. wife of count Alexandre Ir'otocki, £ secondly of count Diinin Wonsowicz']. Memoires (1794-1820). Publ. par C. Strvienski. 8". 1897 Memoirs. Ed. C. Stryienski. Tr. L. Strachey. 8". 1901 Potocka {countess Helene), see Ligxe (la 2)rinccsse A.Ti. dk), aft. countess P. Potocki (count Jan). Chronologic des deux prem. livres de Manethon. 4". St.Petersbourg. 1805 Hist. anc. du gouvernement de Ch^rson. 4". St. Petersbourg. 1804 Hist. anc. du gouvernement de Podolie. 4". St. Petersbourg. 1805 Hist. anc. du gouvernement deWolhynie. -1". St. Petersbourg. 1805 Principes de chronologic pour les temps antur. aux Olympiades. 4". St. Petersbourg. 1810 *Pot-pourri, 187.'j, see T.ixtox (W. .J.) Pott (August Friedrlch). Anti-Kaulen, oder myth. Vorstel- lungen v. Ursprunge d. Volker u. Sprachen. Kebst Beurtheilung d. zwei Abhandlungen Ewald's. 8". Lemgo. 1863 Etymolog.Forschungen aufd.Gebieted.iudo-german. Sprachen. 2T. 8". Lemgo. 1833-6 , OT. 2° A. 8". Detmold. 18-59-70 T-i of the 2' A. has 4 Ahthlgn. T2 ii-5 have second ip'.: Wurzel-Wbeh. d. indo-german. Sprachen, Bl-5, [2''.^ it forviinq Bl of this ;.'"'' title ; 2';?, Hi it /r together forming B2 ; T3-5 forming B3-L>]. T6, [called on the ip. not " Theil fi," btit "Band 6"\ contains : Wurzel, Wort-, Namen- u. Sachregister zu den 5B ; von H. E. Bindseil. Die Personennamen, insbes. d. Familiennamen. 8". L. 1853 Die Ungleichheit menschl. Ilassen, hauptsiichlich v. sprach- wissenschaftl. Standpunkte, unter bes. Beriicksichtigung von des Grafen v. Gobineau gleichnamigem Werke. 8". Lemgo. 1856 Die Zigeuner in Europa u. Asieu. 2T. (1, Einltg. u. Gramm. 2, Einltg. ii. Gaunersprachen, Wbch., Sprachproben). S". Halle. 1844-5 Zur Litt. d. Spraohenkunde Europas. [Internationale Zeit- schrift fiir allg. Sprachwiss'., Suppl. 1]. Ia8". L. 1887 sec AscoLi (G. I.) Zigeunerisches : Nachtrag zu d. Pott'schen Werke " Die Zigeuner in Europa u. Asien," 1865. „ HE.MB0LDT (W. v.) Ubcr Yerschiedenheit d. Sprachbaues etc., hrsg. v. P. Nebst Einltg., W. v. H. u. d. Sprachwis- senschaft, 1876. Pott (David Julius) ed., Sylloge commentationum theolog. 8v, [v3-8 wanting]. s8". Helrastadii. 1800-7 Pott (Mrs. Henry). F. Bacon A- his Secret Society. s8». (jhicago. 1891 Potter (Agathon de). La propri^te fonci^re individuelle & la propriete fonciere collective sociale. [P384]. 8". 1881 Potter (Beatrice), oft. Mrs. S. Webb, see Webb (Mrs. BE.iTnicE). Potter (Dire). Der Minnen Loep. [Vereeniging ter bevord. d. oude Nederl. letterkunde, Jaarg. 2, i ; 2, iii ; 3, i ; 4, i]. 8". Leiden. 184-5-7 Potter (Edmund). Practical opinions against limited liability. [P291]. 8". 1855 Potter (George A.) The instrument of association : manual of currency. 58". N.Y. 1868 Potter (John), bp. of Oxford, abp. of Canterbitry. [PottekusJ. Archceologia Grseca : antiq'. of Greece. 2v. n. ed. 8". E. 1813 2v. n. ed. 8". E. 1827 Disc, of Church Govt. n. ed. s8". D. 1839 Potter (John), musician, see *Theatbical beview (Tue), 1772. Potter (John Philips). Characteristics of the Greek philo- sophers : Socrates & Plato. sS". 1845 On the means of discovering the senses of words. 8". 0. 1828 Potter (Louis J. A. de). Mems. of S. de Eicci. Ed. f. theorig. of P. by T. Eofcoe. 2v. S". 1829 Vie de Scipion de Eicci. 3t. 8\ Brus. 1825 3t. 2'ed. sS". Brux. 1826 Potter (Louisa). Lancashire memories. sS". 1879 Potter (Michael Cresse). Elem. text-book of agricult. botany. sS". 1893 Potter (Paul). see CrxDALL (F.) Euisdael, P. etc , 1891. ,, Wesieeeene (T. v.) P., sa vie, s. ceuvre, ISCT?. POTTER 1175 POWELL Potter (Richard), M.A. Physical optics. 2p, [p2 loanlinr)]. 8". 1856-9 Potter (Thomas Bailey), M.P., see ConnENCLun. Presentation of atUlress to V. etc., 1800. Potter (Thomas Rossell). Hist. * nnliqs. of Cliainwood Forest ; geology by J. B. Jukes ; botany by A. Bloxam d- C. Babington ; ornithology by C. Babington. 4". 1812 Potterus (Joannes), sec Potter (John), abp. Potthast (August). Bibl. historica medii a;vi : Wegweiser (lurch (1. Geschichtswerke d. europii. Mittelalters, 375-1500, vollstiind. Inhaltsverzeichniss zu " Acta sanctorum " etc. 8". 1802 Suppl. 8". 1868 2B. 2- A. 8". 1896 Pettier (Andre A.) Hist, de la faience de Rouen. fol. Rouen. 1870 Pottinger (Rt. Hon. Sir Henry), ^'' bart. Travels in Beloochi- stan ct Sinde. 4". 1810 Pottinger (Sir Henry), J''' bart. Blue & green. 3v. sS". 1879 Potts (John Faulkner). The Swedenborg Concordance, based on the orig. Latin writings of [S.]. Conip., ed., tr. J. F. P. 6v. Ia8". 1888-1902 Potts (Lewis W.) " How can the Church retain her influence over boys after they leave her day schools ? " Prize essay. [P313]. 8». n.d., [1874?] Potts (Thomas), of Chancery Lane. Discovery of witches in the CO. of Lancaster. Eeijr. f. orig. ed., 1013 ; w. intr. & notes by J. Crossley. fChetham Soc, Gj. s4". 184.5 see SoMKRs (.J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Potts (Thomas), of Chiswicl-. Gazetteer of Eng. & Wales. 2v. 8". 1810 Potvin (Charles). De la corruption litt. en France. 2« ed. 8". Brux. 1873 Pouchet (Felix A.) L'univers : les infiniment grands & les infininient petits. s8". 1865 2«M. Ia8». 18G8 Pouchkine (A. S.), see PusHKnc. Pouch-Lafarge (Marie F.), sec Lafakge (Mine. M.) Pougeois (Alexandre). Vansleb, orientaliste : sa vie, sa dis- grace, s. ffiuvres. Ia8". 1869 Pouget (Ic gt'n. baron), I';6~-1S51 [Fban(;ois Ren6 Cailloux, dit Pouoet]. Souvenirs de gueiTe. Publ. par Mme. de Bois- deffre. s8". 1895 Pougin (Arthur) [? ps. of A. Paeoisse]. Mehul, sa vie, s. genie, b. carac- tire. 8°. 1889 „ „ 2»ed. 8°. 1893 J. -J. Rousseau, musicien. 8». 1901 Verdi : vita aneddot. di P., con agg. di Polchetto Ips., i.e. G. Caponi]. 4". [Milano]. 1881 Acteurs it actrices d'autrefois. e8°. [1896] A. Adam: sa vie, sa carriire, e. mems. artistiques. sS". 1877 Bellini, sa vie, s. oeuvres. sS". 1868 Essai bistorique sur la musique en Russic. laS". Turin. 1K97 Pouille de Coutances [Poltptychum], see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t23. Ponillet (Claude Servais Matthias). Elements de physique experimentale & de rauteorologic. 2t. [Planches, 8"]. 5' ed. 8". 1847 Poujade (Eugene). Chretiens & Turcs; sctoes en Orient. 8°. 1859 La diplomatic du Second Empire & celle du 4 sept. 1870. s8". 1871 Poujard'hieu (Gustave). Les chemins de fer & le credit en France. 88". 1862 Poujol (F. A. A.) Diet, de medicine, see Miqne (J. P.) Ency- clop(5die, S2, xvii. Diet, des facultfs de I'ftme, see Migne (J. P.) Encyclopedic, SI, xxxix. Poujoulat (Jean Joseph Frangois). see MiCHAUD (J. F.) & P., edd., Corr. d'Orient, (1830-1), 1841. „ & edd., Nouv. coll. des moms. p. serv. a Vhist. de France, 1850. Hist, de Jerusalem. St. 68". Brux. 1842 Hist, de S. Augustin. 2t. 6« e'd. 8°. Tours. 1875 Lettres sur Bossuet iun homme d'etat. 8°. 1854 Toscane & Rome, correspon- danco d'ltalie. sS". Brux. 1840 Poulain, sec also Poulix, Poullain. Poulain (M. J.) La course au 17° a. : Duguay-Trouiu & Saint- Malo la cite-corsaire. 8". lStt2 The 2-'"^ cd., fSe6, had t. : Hist, de D.-T., etc. Poulet (Sir Amias). Copybook of P.'s letters dur. h. embassy (1577). Ed. 0. Ogle. [Koxburghe Club]. 4». 1860 Letter-books of P., keeper of Mary, Q. of Scots. Ed. J. Morris. 8». 1874 Poulett Thomson (Charles E.), baron Sydenlmm, see Sydenham. Poulin (P.) Qu'est-ce que rhonime ? Qu'est-ce que Dieu ? s8'>. Brux. 1802 Poullain de Saint-Foix (Germain Frangois). CEuvres com- plettes. Ot. s8'>. 1778 see Bickebstaffe (I.) Daphne & Aiuiutor [adapted f. P. de St. F.], n. ed., 1778. Poulot (Denis). *Question sociale. Le sublime, on le travail- leur comme il est & ee qu'il pent etre. 2'' 6d. s8". 1872 Poulson (George). Beverlac ; antiqs. & hist, of Beverley, & of the Provostry etc. of St. John's. 2v in 1, [pagin. eont.']. 4". 1829 Hist. & antiqs. of the seigniory of Holderness, inch the abbies of Meaux & Swine, w. the priories of Nnnkeeling & Burstall. From records, & MSS. of W. Dade, Ijy P. 2y. 4". Hull. 1840-1 Poulton (Edward Bagnall). The colours of animals. s8''. 1890 2"''ed. S8". 1890 Darwin & the theory of nat. selection. S8". 1896 Pound (William). The story of the Gospels in a single narra- tive ; added, a like cont. narrative in the orig. Greek. 2v. 8". 1869 Poupard (L. J. G. A.) Ips. Louis Davvl], see Davyl (L.) ps. Pouqneville (F. C. H. L.) Hist, de la regeneration de la Grcce, 1740-1824. 4t. 3'- ed. 8". Brux. 1825 Voyage dans la Grece. 5t. 8". 1820-21 Voyage en Mor^e, a Constantinople, en Albanie etc., 1798-1801. 3t. 8". 1805 Pourtraiture, see Portkaituke. Poushkine (A. S.), sec Pushkin. Poussielgue (Achille). Voyage en Chine et en Mongolie de M. et Mme. de Bourboulon, 1800-1. s8<'. 1860 Poussin (J. Clovis). Diet, de la tradition, see Migne (J. P,) Encyclopfedie, S3, xii, xiii. sec Ganier (J. C.) it C. P., Diet, d'ascetisme. Poussin (Nicolas). see BoucHiTTK (H.) Le P., 1838. „ Callcott (Lady M.) [form. Graham]. Mems. of P., 1820. Pouvillon (Emile). I Le roi de Rome, [drama']. I s8o. 1898 ' Le voeu d'etre chaste. sS". 1900 ^d., 1845, sec Gosselin 68". [1880] 68°. 1897 68°. 1878 Cesette. L'image. Nouvelles realistes. *Pouvoir du (J. E. A.) Pouvourville (Albert de) [ps. Matgioi] pape au moyen age, n. L'art indo-chinois. s8°. [1894] La Chine des mandarins. s8°. 1901 Povah (Alfred). Annals of the parishes of S. Olave Hart Street * Allhallows Staining. 4". 1894 Povey (Charles). *An inquiry into the miscarriages of the four last years reign. - [P217]. b8". 1714 *The visions of Sir Heister Byley ; w. o. entertainments. v\, [no more publ.]. 4°. [1710/11] Publ. as a periodical, f. Aug. 21, I"; 10 to Feb. 21, nil. see *Management of the last four years vindicated : [ans. to P.'s] " Enquiry etc.," [1714 ?]. Povey (Miss 3. M.) [Sister Mary Agnes, O.S.B.]. Nunnery life in Church of Eng. Ed. W. L. Holland. 88°. 1890 Powel (Daniel). The love of Wales to their prince : relation of the solemnity at Ludlow, 1016. Repr. [Ed. Hon. B. H. dive. Roxburghe Club]. 4". [1837] Powell (B. F. S. Baden-), see Baden-Powell (B. F. S.) Powell (B. H. Baden-), see Baden-Powell (B. H.) Powell (Baden), Savilianprof. of Geometry ; tTJb-lidO. without Judaism : 2 sermons. [P531]. 8". Essays on the spirit of the inductive philosophy, the unity of worlds, the philosophy of creation. sS". 1855 ,, Xty. without Judaism : a 2"'' ser. of essays, incl. the substance of sermons delivered in London etc. sS". 1857 „ The order of nature in ret. to the claims of revelation : 3"" ser. of essays. 68°. 1859 *Few words (A) of apology for the late B. P.'s essay in '• Essays i reviews." By a lay graduate [a. nof inoaju. P1651. 8\ 0. 1861 Powell (Edgar). The rising in E. Anglia, 1381 ; w. Suffolk Poll Tas liots for that year. 8°. C. 1890 sea Tbevelvan (G. M.) The Peasants' Rising etc. : doc", form- ing app. to [T.'s] " Eng. in the age of Wycliffe," 1899. Xty. 1850 POWELL 117(J PRADT Powell (Edward Pay son). NuUilieation it secession in the U.S. : hist, of the first six attempts. 88". N.Y. 1897 Our heredity from God : lect'. on evolution. 4"' ed. s8». N.Y. 1889 Powell (Frederick York). sec F.EKEYiNGA Saga. *T1ic tale of Thrond of Gate, [tr.] P., 1896. ,, SiTiiLuxGA Saga. ,, ViGfussoN (G.) & v., cdd.. Corpus iioetieum Boreale, 1883. „ & Grimm Centenar_v : Sigfred-Arminius & o. papers, 1886. „ A- ed(L, An Icelandic prose reader, 1879. & T. F. Tout. Hist, of Eng. for middle forms. 3p. s8". 1H8-3-98 1, to death of Hen. VII; by Y. P. y, Hen. VIII to the Eevol.; by T. 3, Will. & Mary to present time : by T. On the tp. of ill "'C " Hist, etc." is said to be " by F. Y. P. (£ J. M. Maclaij," ^, ex-Powell (R. S. S.l Powell (Robert Hutchinson). Medical topography of Tun- bridge Wells. 88". Tunbridge Wells. 1840 Powell (Thomas), LomJino-Cambrensis. icc Fup.NivALL (F. .1.) ed., Tell-trothes etc. ; [»'.] T. P.'s Tom of all trades (1(131), IKTCi. ,, SoJiEits (.J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Powell (Walter), merchant, of Melbourne, see Geegoky (B.) The thorough bu.siness man ; mems. of P., 4"" ed., 1872. Powell (Wanngton Baden-), see Baden-Powell (W.) Powell (Wilfred). Wanderings in a wild country; amongst the cannibals of New Britain. 8". 1883 Power. For anon, works in French see Pouvoik. *Power (The) of the Lords & Commons in point of judicature, 1680, see Scobell (H.) Power (Cecil) ps.. see Allen (Geant). Power (D'Arcy). W. Harvey. s8". 1897 sec South (.T. F.) Memorials of surgery in Eng., 1886. Power (Frank). Letters from Khartoum during the siege. 2-' ed. s8". 188.5 Power (George). Hist, of the empire of the Musulmans in Spain A- Portugal. 8" 181-5 Power (Giovanna), see Power (Je.innette). Power (Heniy), M.D. Lond., see New Sydenham Society. N.S.S.'s lexicon of medicine, by P. & Sedg%vick, 1881-8. Power (Jeannette). [Giovanna P. ; formerhj Yilleprciix]. Guida per la Sicilia. 8". Napoli. 1842 Power (Jolin), of St. John's Wood. Handy-book about books. 8". 1870 Power (Marguerite A.) *The letters of a betrothed. s8". 18-56 Virginia's hand, a poem. S8". 1860 Power (Tyrone), )797-!S4-f. Impressions of America, 1833—5. 2v. 8°. 1836 *The king's secret. 3v. s8". 1831 Power (Sir William Tyrone), b. Js/'j. Sketches in New- Zealand. 88". 1849 Power O'Donoghue (Mrs.), see O'Doxoghve. Powles (John Diston). Letter to A. Baring on obs. reported to have been made by him in rel. to foreign mining assoC. [P265]. 8". 182.5 Powles (Louis Diston). The land of the pink pearl : life in the Bahamas. 8". 1888 Powlett, see also Povlet. Powlett (Catharine L. W.), duchess of Cleveland, see Cleveland. Pownall (Henry). *Some particulars rel. to the hist, of Epsom. b8". Epsom. 1826 (lerman, Flemish, ifc Dutch paiuting, 1881. see MoNKHOLSE (W. C.) P., [Easter Art Annual], 1897. ,, National Uallebv. 'The N.G., ed. P., Cassell, 1899- 1900. s8". 1880 Madame dePresneI.2v. s8». 1885 *My little lady. 3v. 88". 1871 Tlie wooing of Catherine, & o. t. 2v. s8». 1886 Pownall (Thomas), ijovemor of Massachusetts Bay. The administration of the colonies. 4"" ed. 8". 1768 On the study of antiquities as the commentary to historical learning. [])1, no more publ,]. 8°. 1782 Eight, interest, tV: duty of Govt, in the affairs of the E. Indies. Kevised. [P196. First publ. in 1771]. 8". 1781 Powys (Caroline), wife of P. L. Fowys, see Powys (Mrs. J'hh.h' L.) Powys (John Cowper). Odes & other poems. s8". 1896 Powys (Mrs. Philip Lybbe) [6. Caboline GuiLEl. Pas.sages f. the diaries of 1'., 17-56-1808. Ed. E. J. Clinienson. 8'>. 1899 Powys (T. de), see De Powys (T.) Powys-Land Club, see MoNTGOMERYSnir.E. Coll', histor. S: archaolog. rel. to M. & its borders, vl-20. 1868-92. Poynder (John) [ps. Ignotus]. *Hist. of the Jesuits : pref''., reply to Dallas. 2v. 8". 1816 *Popery the religion of heathenism : letters of I. in The Times, 1817. [P517]. &'. 1818 The 2'"' ed., IS.i.'i, had t. : P. in alliance with heathenism, etc. Poynter (Sir Edward John). Painting, classic, early Xtn., Italian, Teutonic. s8". 1882 Ten lects. on art. sS". 1879 „ „ ... 4"' ed.,[«>.^, Lectures on art]. sS". 1897 see Buxton (H. J. W.) & P., - - & P. R. Head. Classic & Italian painting Poynter (Eleanor Frances). Among the lulls. 2v. s8". 1881 ♦Ersilia. 3v. s8<>. 1876 The failure of Elisabetli. Sv. s3". 1890 Poynting (J. H.) & J. J. Thomson. Text-book of physics : Sound. 8". 1899 Pozzesi (A.) Vocabulaire poftique : mots & phrases eoiisacrees a la poesic italienne. etc. n. ed. 8". Londres. 1827 Pozzo di Borgo (le etc. Carlo Andrea). Corr. diplomat, du c. P. di B. it du cte. de Nesselrode, 1814-18. Notes etc. par le cte. C. Pozzo di Borgo. 2t. 8". 1890-7 sec Maggiolo (vte. A.) Corse, France, & Kussie : P. di B., (1764-1842), 1890. Practical. •Practical catechism (A), 12''' ed., 1683, see Hammond (H.) •Practical designing, 1S9J, see White (Gleeson) ed. •Practical remarks on the Lord's Prayer, 1S69, see Loed's Pbayer. •Religious progress: the p. Xty. of Xt., 188.5, see Religious etc. Practical mechanic's journal (The). vl-8 ; 2'"' ser. vl-8. 4". Glasgow etc. 1848-64 Practice. •Practice (The) of Xtn. graces [li/ Lady PuJcinylon .''],or the whole duty of man, see *Whole (Thej duty of man, by ult. t. the work is usually known. ^'Practice (Tlie) of perspective, by a Jesuit of Paris, tr., 4''" ed., 1765, see DUEREUIL (J.I •Practice (The) of the Sheriffs' Court, London, [1657, repr. 1823 '?], .see London: Sheriffs' Court. •Practice opposed to theory : inquiry into our commercial distress. By a xn'artical man. 8". 1828 Prade (le sicur de). [fLE Eoyee de Peade (Jean)]. Hist, of Gustavus Adolphus ; w. life of Carolus Gustavus, Count Palatin. Tr. F. Spence. s8°. 1689 Pradel (Georges) ps. [i.e. Emmanuel Peadiei!]. Le compagnon de chalne. s8". 1883 Pradels (Octave). Robert Daniel. s8". n.d. Fradez (Eugenie). D'apres nature. s8". Lausanne. 1892 Pradie (Pierre). La question relig. en 1082, 1790, 1802 * 1848, it historique complet des travaux du Comitc des cultes de 1848. 8". 1849 Pradier (Emmanuel) fps. Georges Pradel], sec Pr.idel (G.) ps. Pradt (D. D. de). [iDufoue de Praut (Dominique), bpi. of Poitiers, abp. of Mechlin']. •Antidote au CongresdeRastadt, 1798, suivi de La Prusae it sa neutralite', 1799. n. ed.8°. 1817 Congres de Cailsbad. pi. S'\ 1819 Congres dc Panama. 8". 1825 De la Greoe dans ses rapports avec I'Europe. 8". 1822 Des colonies it de la revol. actuelle de I'Anit'rique. "2t. 8". 1817 Des Congres de Vienne. 2t..-8<-'. 1815 Des trois dcrniers mois dc I'Ame'rique m^ridionale & du Bresil. 8". 1817 PRADT 1177 PRAXITELES Pradt (D. D. de) [conlinucd]. Du jesuitisme. 8". 1825 Uu Bjsteme permanent cle I'Europe a regard de la Russie. 8o. 1828 L'Europc apres le Congres d'Aix-la-Cliapelle. H". IHVJ L'Europe & I'Amerique en 1821. 2t. 8". 1822 L'Europe & I'Amerique eu 1822 & 1823. 2t.. 8". 1824 L'Europe par rapport a la (rr^cc & a la ri'forniatlou de la Turrpn'o. 8". 1826 Examen du plan presentc aux Cortes pour la reconnaissance de I'independance de I'Anie- riqnc Espagnole. 8". 1822 La France, I'emigi'ation, & les colons. 2t. 8". 182i Hist, de I'ambassade dans le grand duclie de Varsovie, 1812. 2'- cd. 8». 1815 Mcms. liistoriques sur la revol. d'Espagne. 8". 1810 Paralldle de la puissance an- glaise &russe,etc. 8°. 1823 Lcs quatre Concordats, suiv. de consid". sur le gouv'. de I'eglise etc. St. 8». 1818 ,, ., ... Suite des quatre Con- cordats. ^ 8". 1820 Les six derniers mois dc I'Ame- rique & du Bresil. 8". 1818 Les trois ages des colonies. 3t. 8". 1801-2 Vrai sysiemc do TEiirope rela- tivemeut a I'Amerique & i\ la Grcce. 8". 1823 The Colonies, & the present American revolutions. Tr. 8". 1817 see JoN.\MA (S.) "Lettres ;\ M. l'abb(> de Pradt par un indigene de I'Amer. du Sud, 1818. s8". 1883 *PrEeadamit8e, etc., 1655, sec La PEYr.i;r,i: (I. he). Praed (Mrs. Campbell) [i.e. Miss Eosa CAEoLiNEMuRRAv-PRion, oft. wife of A. Campbell B. Maclicorth Praed; fPuAEU {Mrs. Rachel M'.)] Mrs. Tregaskiss. S\. s8". 189G Nadine. 2v. s8". 1882 Nulma. 68". 1897 Outlaw & lawmaker. 3v. 68". 1883 Policy (fc passion. n. ed. s8". 1881 The romance of a chalet. 2v. s8". 1892 The econrge-stick. s8". 1898 The soul of Countess Adrian. s8". 1891 ZJro. 2v. aS". 1881 see Macc.iktuy (Jl'stin) & Mrs. C. Peaed,/o?- novels 1)1/ these hco authors written in collahoration. Affinities. " As a watch in the niglit." s8". 1901 An Australian heroine. 3v. s8". 1880 „ „ n. ed. s8o. 1883 Australian life : black & white. 68". 1885 The bond of wedlock. 2v. s8o. 1887 „ „ 68". 1887 The brother of the shadow. 88". 1886 Christina Chard. Sv. sS". 1894 The bead-station. 3v. s8». 1885 Miss Jacobsen's chance. 2t. s8o. 188G Moloch. 3v. s8". 1883 Praed (Mrs. Rachel M.), sec Phaed {Mrs. Cajipbell). Praed (Eosa Caroline), sec Phaed (Mrs. Campbell). Praed (Winthrop Mackworth). Poems. Mem. by D. Cole- ridge. 2v. [Colcridrjc's cd. was first publ. in 1S64]. 4"' ed. sS". n.d. Polit. cV- occas. poems of P. Ed., w. notes by Sir G. Young. s8". 1888 A selection f. the work.s of P. Ed. Sir G. Young. sS'". 186(3 Prsedestinatus sive Prasdestinatorura hroresis, sec Migne (.J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, t.53. Praeger (Ferdinand). Wagner as I knew him. s8». 1892 *Pr8eraphaelite diaries * letters, 1900, see Bossetti (W. M.) ed. *Prsestantiuni ac erudit. virorum epistolse eccles. & theolog.,etc., 1660 ; ed. 2", 1684, see Hartsoeker (C.) & V. van Limrorch, cdd. Praestita Roll, sec Liberate Rolls. *Eotuli de Liberate ac de Misis * Prajstitis, regn. Johanne, 1844. Praet (Jules van), sec Va-n- Praet (J.) Praetje. see *Eenvoudigh schuyt-praetje etc., 1672. ,, *Vervolgh op het bootsmans praetje etc., 1672. ,, •^WACUT-rUAET.IE, 1672. Praetorius (G. F. Franz), sec Pkatoeius (G. F. F.) Praetorius (Matthseus). Orbis Gothicus. 4p in Iv. ful. Typis Monasterii Olivensis. 1688-89 Prag (Hieronymus v.), see Jerome, of Prague. Praga (Emilio). Tavolozza. ' la8". Milano. 1862 Prager (Ferdinand), sec Praeger (F.) Pragmatica, see Charles VII, k. of France. C. VII Pragmat. Sanctio, 1666. Prain (David). An ace. of the Genus Gompbostemmsi, 1891, see Species of Pedicularis Ac, 1891, below. The species of Pedicularis of lud. Empire * frontiers, 1890 : The Magnoliaceie of Brit. India, by Gi King : Au account of the Genus Gomphostemma, by P. : Species of Myristica of Brit. lodia, by G. King. [Annals of K. Botaiiic Garden, Calcutta, 3]. " 4". Calcutta. 1891 "Prairie (The), 1827, see Cooper (J. F.) *Prai£e (In) of ale, 1888, see Maechant (W. T.) cd. Prajiiaparaniita, see Sacreti Books of the E.ast, 49, ii, Buddhist Mabayana texts, p2. The P., tr. M. Miiller, etc., 1894. Pramatha Nath Bose. [fPRAJHTHAx.lTnA Vasu]. Hindu civi- lisation dur. lirit. rule. vl-3. s8". Calcutta. 1894-6 Prangey ( Grirault de), sec Girault de Pr.anoey ( ). Prantl (Carl), 'jrof. of Botany at Brcslau : i-^4'J-'J.I. Elem. text-book of botany. The translation rev. by S. H. Vines. 2'>'' ed. 8". 1881 Prantl (Carl v.), /'^M-SS. (Jeseh. d.Logik im Abendlande. 4B. 8". L. 1855-70 Michael Psellus u. Petrus Hispanus. [P476]. 8". L. 1867 i'bersicht d. griech.-rom. Philosophic. [P478]. s8". St. 1854 Verstehen u. Beurtbeilen : Festgabe z. Doctor-Jubiliium d. Herrn L. v. Spengel. [P774]. 4". Miinchen. 1877 Prasannakumara Thakura, sec Prossunno Coomar Tagobe. Praslin (C. de Choiseul Du Plessis), due de CJioisenl, marichal, sec Du Plessis (Ic marechal). Prat (M. L. A. de Lamartine de), sec Lamartine (A. de). Prat (Samuel), dean of Rochester. Gi'amm. Latina. 2p in Iv. s8". Londini. 1722 Prata (il cnite Cleandro di). La regata di Venezia ; cui fa seg. una lettera di E. A., cav. Cicogna. [P375]. ed. 2\ 8". Venezia. 1856 Pratapachandra Majumdar, sec Mozoomdar (P. C.) Pratap Narayan Singh, Baja of Ayodhya. Baskusumakar, or book on rhetoric. [Hindi]. ' ' la8». Allahabad. 1894 Prati (Giovanni), o/T?(rm. Armando [i'e?-sc]. s8". Firenze. 1868 Pratinas, see Hebmesl^nax. Fragra. ; Archilochi et 1'"=. fragm. duo. 1839. Pratis (Wibaldus de), [Widaldi-k Corbeicns.], sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl89. Pratorius (G. F. Franz), .\thiop. Grammatik. s8f. Karlsruhe. 1886 Pratorius (Matthaeus), see Pb.etobids (M.) Pratt (A. E.) To the snows of Tibet through China. 8". 1892 Pratt (A. T. Camden), F.E. Mist. Soc. Unknown London, its ronuxnce & tragedy. 8". [1896] Pratt (Anne), aft. Mrs. John Pearlcss. Field, garden, & wood- land, etc. 3"" ed. s8". 1848 Flowering plants, grasses, sedges, ferns of Gt. Brit. ; & club- mosses, pepperworts, & horsetails. 4v. Ia8". 1889-91 - " " 1898 1898 2v. s8 AVild flowers. Pratt (Edwin A.) Catherine Gladstone. sf Leading points in S. African hist., 1486-Mar. 30, 1900. s8". 1900 Pioneer women in Victoria's reign. s8". 1897 A woman's work for women : " L. M. H.'' (Miss L. M. Hubbard). e8". 1898 Pratt (Frederic Thomas). Law of Contraband of War. 8". 185G Pratt (Henry F. A.) The genealogy of creation, newly tr. f. the unpointed text of Genesis by P. 8". 1861 The oracles of God. pi, [no more publ.l]. The revealed Cosmos. 8". 1865 Pratt (Hodgson). A sel. of articles & letters on var. Indian questions, by P. [P241]. 8". 1857 Pratt (John Henry), archdeacon of Calcutta. Scripture & science not at variance. S"* ed. 8". 1859 4"'ed. 8". 1861 Pratt (John Jeffreys), 2'"^ earl Camden, aft. ■!■" marq. Camden, see Camden (J. J., /•' marq.). Pratt (Orson). A ser. of pamphlets, w. a discussion etc. 8". Liv'l. 1851 Pratt (Samuel Jackson) [ps. Courtney Melmoth]. 'Curious particulars etc. resp. Lord Chesterfield & D. Hume. Added, vindic. of the Xtn. cause etc., occas''. by reflection thrown by [iS. J. P.,] a. of " Apology for life etc. of Hume," [. 1800-1 Griech. Mythologie. Bl. i' A., von C. Robert. 8°. 1894 Die Eegionen d. Stadt Eom. 8°. Jena. 184G BiimiEche Mythologie. 8". .Tena. 1858 sec Ritteh (A. Heine.) & P., Hist. Pliilosophise Grteco- Rom., 1838 ; ed. 7% 1888. Premaray (Jules de). Promenades sentimentales dans Londres & le Palais de Cristal. S80. 1851 *Premasagara rPnEst S.icAn], n. ed., 1851, see CnATUEUHv.r MiSR. Premier (Le) (Jrenadier de France, j)s., sec La Touk d'Auvekgne CORRET (T. M. I.E). Premiere (La) hibliotheque de I'Hotel de Ville, 1873, see TiSSERAND (L. M.) Prempeh, see Baden-Powell (R. S. S.) The downfall of P., 1896. *Prem Sagar, or, the Ocean of love [i.e. Premasagara]. Tr. into Hindi by Lallu Lai ; vocab. by Eastwick, n. ed., 1851, sec CHAirRBnu.i MisE. Prendergast (Gruy Lushington). Concordance to the Iliad. 4". 1875 Prendergast (John Patrick). The Cromwellian settlement of Ireland. 8". 1865 2'"'ed. 8". 1870 Ireland f. the Restoration to the Revol., 1660-90. 8". 1887 The Tory war of Ulster, w. hist, of the three Brennans of Kilkenny : descr. of Ireland, 1660-90. pi, [no more app''. P345]. 8". f.p.c. ; D. 1808 Prendergast (Thomas). The mastery of languages. 8". 1864 The mastery series : French. sS". 1868 Prentice (Archibald). Hist, sketches & personal recoils, of Manchester. s8". 1851 Hist, of the Anti-Corn-Law League. 2v. s8'>. 1853 One day's rest in seven the right of the working classes. [P302]. s8<>. [M'ter. 1855] Prentice (Samuel). The proceedings in an action in the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, & Exchequer Divisions. 8». 1877 Prentiss Olrs. Eliz.), see Prentiss (G. L.) Life & letters of E. P., 1882. Prentiss (George Lewis). Life & letters of Eliz. Prentiss. s8". 1882 ■^Pre-Raphaelitism, 1851, see ErsKiN (J.) see Immortality. *The doc- trine of I. in its bearing on education, by P. A., 1871. „ *RiTi:.\LisM in the Estab- lishment, by P. A., 186G. „ Seelev (.S'iVJ. K.I *"Ecee homo '' : a critique by P. A., [«. of ^^ critique" not 1 Jinoion], 1806. i/ a. of " Visiti7ig societies, IS.',4," Presbyter, Anglicanus, ps. tee *Church Congresses, by P. A., 1865. „ 'Eternal punishment, by P. A., 1864. „ 'Follies of a day in Convo- cation, etc. ] signed P. A.'], 1865. ,, 'Government (The) of the National Church, [signed P. A?, 1870. Presbyter, Catholicus, pis. see Harness (W.) Presbyter (Hesychius), see Hesycbius, of Jerusalem. Presbyter (Juvencus), see Juvencus (C. Y. A.) Presbyter (Theophilus), see Theophilus, called also Riigerus. 'Presbytere (Le), 1845, sec Tupffeb (E.) Presbyterian [incl. P. Church]. Digest of the Actings & Pro- ceedings of the P. Church in England, (1836-76), 1877. Arranged by L. Levi. 8". [1877] *Glad tidings : or, an ace. of the state of religion, within the bounds of the Gen. Assembly of the P. Church in the U.S. & 0. parts of the world. [P382]. S". Philadelphia. 1804 The official hdbk. of the P. C. of E. 1900/1. 8". 1900 *Presbyterian sham (The), or a couiin. upon the new old answer of the Assembly of Divines to Stillingfleet's sermon. [By Sir U. L'Estrange? P275]. s4". 1680 Presbyteriana, see 'Biographia Presbyteriana, vl, 2, 1827. Presbyterians. 'Defence (A) of true Protestants, abused for the service of Popery, under the name of Presbyterians, etc. [P275]. s4". 1680 Prescot (Kenrick). Letters cone. Homer the Sleeper in Horace, w. addit'. classic amusements. Iv in 2. s4". C. 1773 Prescott, Tiic family of, see Titcour (S. E.) Early New England people, 1882. Prescott (E. Livingston) ps. [i.e. Miss Edith Kath. Spicer-Jay]. Dearer than honour. s8». 1898 Illusion. b8». 1899 A mask & a martyr. b8^. 1890 'J'he measure of a man. s8". 1898 | Prescott (George Bartlett). Hist. & telegraph. The telephone, phonograph, etc. Prescott (Henry Paul). Stroni Red-coat romances. bS". 1898 The Rip's redemption. s8". 1897 Scarlet & steel. sS". 1897 Prescott (William Hickling). Blograph.it crit.miscell. 8". 1845 „ „ [in^ed., H'.f.Crit.&hist. essays]. b8". 1850 Hist, of Ferdinand & Isabella. 3v. Z'^ ed. 8°. 1842 „ „ ... 3v. 4"' ed. 8". 1846 „ „ ... 3v. 5'!' ed. sS". 1849 „ „ 7"' ed. s8<>. 1854 Hist, of the conquest of Mexico ; with life of Cortes. 3v. 8". 1843 „ „ ... 3v. 2'"' ed. 8". 1844 „ „ ... Sv. 5"> ed. s8°. 1850 Hist, of the conquest of Peru. 2v. 8". 1847 [vl wanting^. 2"'! ed. 8". 1847 4''' ed. s8». 1850 . J. F. Kirk. Iv. s8°. 1902 practice of the electric 68". Boston. 1860 8". N.Y. 1878 Irink & tobacco smoke. 8". 1869 2y. 3v. ed. Hist, of the r. of Philip II. 3v. 8". 1855-9 „ „ ... vl &2, inlv. s8». 1855 'Prescott Memorial. [A coll. of addresses, etc. P159]. 8». [1859] see Haussonville (le c. O. d'). Etudes : G. Sand, P., etc., 1879. „ Mass.\chusetts Historical Soc. ; Proceedings in resp. to memory of P. 1859. „ Rorertson (W.) Hist, of r. of Charles V, w. ace. of [C.^s] life after abdication, by P., 1857 ; n. ed., 1867. „ TiCKNOB (G.) Life of P., 1804. Present. 'Present (The) alteration in religion in France. 1682, see France. •Present (The) condition of the Bengal Native Army, [by J. Jacob .^], 1851, see Beng.al. •Present (The) crisis in France considered w. ref. to Eng., 1830, see France. •Present-day papers on prominent questions in theology, 4s, 1870-4, see EwiNO I Alex.), bp., ed. etc. •Present day thoughts, 1871, see Boyd (A. K. H.) •Present interest (The) of England etc., 1683, sec Nalson (J.) 'Present phase of the U. body, n.d., see Unitabian. •Present politics of Ireland, 1786, see Ireland. •Present position (The) of European politics, 1887, see DlLKE(S"' C. W.) •Present position (The) of the Liberal party, 1362, see Robins (A.) •present state of liberty in Gt. Brit, and her colonies, by an Englishman, 1769, see Liberty. •Present state of Russia, 1671, see Collins (S.) PRESENT 1180 PREVILLE Present fcoiilinued]. 'Present state of the currency practically considered, 1847, sec COKEENCY. 'Present state (The) of the finances & currency of Austria, tr. 1853, see Al'stbia. Present day (The). Ed. liy G. J. Holyoake. vl-3, in Iv. laS". 1884-6 Present day (The) : short essays etc. Ed. T. S. Barrett. Nos. 37-40, in Iv. laS". 1887 *Presentation (The) in the Temple : pageant by the \Yeavers in Coventry, 183G, see Coventry Pl.\y.s. ♦Presentment by the Eector [7/. B. Wilson] of St. Thomas etc., 18-52, sec Wilson (H. B.) ^Preservative (A) against Popery ; discourses by divines, chiefly in reign of James II. [Ed. by E. Gibsoii]. 3v [fS wanting], fol. 1738 S(?c Jones (T.) Cat. of tracts for & agst. Popery; to [p2 of which] are added, a tabular index to the tracts in both ed". of Gibson's Preservative, etc., 1859-65. Presle (C. M. "W. Brunet de), see Brunei de Presle {C. M. W.) Press. 'Arguments rel. to a restraint upon tlic p., handled etc., 1712, sec Arguments etc. *Essay (An) for the p., 1712, sec Asgill (J.) •Letter to a Member of Pari., shewing the necessity of regulating the p., 16IJ9, see Letter etc. 'Press (The) & the Public Service. sS". 1857 ♦Press iThel r. the Salt Monopoly in Brit. India, [1810 ?], see India. Pressense (Edmond de). Le Concile du Vatican, s. hist. & s. consequences. 58°. 1872 L'ecole critique et Jesus-Christ, a propos de la Vie de J6sus de Kenan. [P4931. 8°. [1863] L'^glise & la Eevol., 1789-1802. 8». [1864] Hist, des trois prem. si^cles de I'Eglise. 4s, in 6t. 8". 1858 si, Le prem. sice, 2t. s3, Hist, du dogme. s2, Lutte contre le paganisme, etc., 2t. s4. Vie des Chretiens aux 2' & S" s. [Xo more cqrpeared in this ed.]. n. ed. 8". 1887-9 Brunette et blondinette. s8». 1889 Genevieve. eH">. 1885 Le journal de Ther^se. 5'^ ed. s8°. 1878 Marthe — Georgette — Une vie perdue. b8». 1891 Pauvre petit. 2" ed. s8 ". 1886 Petite mere. 4<' ed. s8». 1880 Le pre aux saules. 68". 1885 ., si, 2, in 3v. refondue. si, L'ano. monde & le chi'istianisme. s2, Le sifecle apostolique. 2 periodes. Jesus-Christ, s. temps, sa vie, s. ocuvre. 8°. [1865] La liberty relig. en Europe dep. 1870. sS". 1874 *La liberty relig. et la legislation actuelle. s8''. 1860 Les origines : le probleme de la eonnaissance, le probleme cosmologique, etc. 8". 1883 .\.. Vinet d'ap. sa corr. ined. avec H. Lutteroth. s8'. 1891 Tr.ANSLATIONS. Xtn. life & practice in the early Church. Tr. A. Harwood- Holmden. S". 1877 This, <£■ the 3v which follow, arc tr'. of h. 4 St'r. of " Hist. des trois prem. siecles." Early years of Xty. Tr. A. Harwood. 8°. 1869 Heresy & Xtn. doctrine. Tr. A. Harwood. 8". 1873 The martyrs & apologists. Tr. A. Harwood. 8°. 1871 Jesus Christ : h. times, life, work. [Tr. A. Harwood]. 8". 1866 A study of origins : the problems of knowledge, being, duty. Tr. A. H. Holmden. 8". 1883 Pressense {Mine. Elise de), leife of Edmond de P. Eosa. 88". Paris. 1858 „ With notes by G. Masson. 2"" ed. 88°. 1881 Sabine — Gertrude de Chanzane. S"- a. E8". [1872] Sauvagette. s8<>. 1887 Seulette. s8». 1882 Les voisina de Mme. Bertrand. sS". 1887 sS". Pressense (Francis de). Le cardinal Manning. sS". 1896 L'lilande & I'Angleterre, 1800-88. 8". 1889 Preston. *The hist, of P., with The Guild Merchant, etc. 4°. 1822 Preston (Edward). Unclaimed money ; a handy book for heirs at law etc. sS". 1878 Pj-eston (F.) A political programm?. [P357]. 8". [1882] Preston {Miss Harriet "Waters). 'Troubadours & trouvferes. 68°. Boston. 1876 A year in Eden. 2v. 680. 1886 Preston (Howard W.) ed.. Docs, illust. of Amer. hist,, 1606- 18li3; w. intr'. & refs. 8<. N.Y. 1886 Preston (Isaac), see Curtis (W.) Lynn law : a sketch of P. ct Co., 179.5. Preston (S. Tolver). Original essays. sS". 1884 Physics of the ether. 8<>. 1875 Preston (Thomas), fellow of the B. Hist. Soc. The Yeomen of the Guard, 1485-1885 ; & the Tower Warders. s8o. [1885] Preston (Thomas), M.A., T.C.D. The theory of heat. 8». 1894 The theory of light. 2"" ed. 8". 1895 Preston (William), master of the Mascmic Lodge of Antiquity. lllosf. of Masonry. 11"" ed. s8". 1804 Prestwich (Grace Anne), Lady Prestwich ; wife of Sir J. P. Life i- letters of Sir J. Prestwich. 8". 1899 Prestwich (.Si> John). Eespublica : or display of the honors etc. of the Commonwealth under 0. Cromwell. [vl. No more puhl.]. 4". 1787 Prestwich {Sir Joseph). Geolog. inquiry resp. water-bearing strata around London. 8". 1851 Geology, chemical, physical, stratigraphical. 2v. Ia8". 0. 1886-8 On certain phenomena belonging to the close of the last geolog. period, & their bearing upon the tradition of the flood. 8". 1895 Papers on controverted questions of geology. 8". 1895 Past * future of geology : inaug. lect. s8". 1875 see Prestwich (Grace A.) "Life & letters of P., written it ed. by h. wife, 1899. Presuhn (Emil) cd., Pompeji, die neuesten Ausgrabungen, 1874-8. 2* A. 4°. L. 1882 *Pretended (The) reformers etc. ; made Eng., 1717, see Varillas (A.) Pretender (The), [or, The Old Pretender], sec James Edward [Stuart], prince, etc. Pretender (The young), see Ch.\bles Edward [Stuart], prince, etc. *Pretensions des Anglois a la couronne de France [Boxburghe Club], 1847, see Anstruther (E.) ed. Pretyman (George), aft. Tomline ; bp. of (i) Lincoln (2) Win- chester, sec Tomline (Sir G. Pretyman), ftjj. Pretyman (John Eadclyff). Dispauperisation. 8». 1876 2"'" ed. 88°. 1878 Premier (August). Hestia- Vesta : ein Cyclus religionsgesehichtl. Forschungen. 8". Tiibingen. 1864 Preuss (F. R. Eduard). Eomish doct. of the Immac. Conception traced. Tr. G. Gladstone. s8°. E. 1867 Preuss (Johann David Erdmann). Friedrich der Grosse : erne Lebensgesoh. 4B. »: 1832-4 „ Urkundenbuch zu d. Lebensgesoh. F.'s d. Gr. 5T. 8». 1832-4 Tl-3 arc b. respectively n\ B 1-3 of the work ; T4 <£ 5, d: the following " Register," are b. together in tv. „ „ Hegister zurLebensgesch. F.'su. zud. Urkundenbiichem. 8". 1834 Friedrich d. Gr. als Sehriftstellev. 88°. 1837 „ „ Ergiinzungsheft. [b. w. the tvorlc itself]. 88°. 1838 Friedrich d. Gr. mit s. Verwandten u. Freunden. S'". 1838 Friedriehs d. Gr. Jugend u. Thronbesteigung. 8". 1840 Preussen und Frankreich (1795-1805) : diplomat. Correspondenz, 1881-7, sec B.ULLEU (P.) ed. Preussenvolk, see *VoRw.iRTs, mein P., 1862. *Preussische Expedition (Die) nach Ost-Asien : Beschreibender Theil. 4B, [B3, 4 wanting]. 4". 1864-73 The 0. parts are wanting; i.e. Ansichten, Zoolog. d Botanisch, Th. Preussische Jahrbiicher. Hrsg. v. Hans Delbriick. B65-108. 8". 1890-1902 Up to Dec, 1S9-2 each B. covers 6 months; after that date 3 months. Register, B51-70. 8". 1893 Preussischen. *Gesch. d. p. Staates v. Frieden zu Hubertsburg, 1819-20, see Manso (J. C. F.) Handbuch des preussischen Adels, 2B, 1892-3, see Handbcch etc. Neues topograph.-statist.-geographisches Worterbuch d. Preuss. Staats, 1821-5, see Mltzell (A. A.) ed. - Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, see Jahebcce v. KoNioucn P. K. Pr^ville (P. L. Dubus, c^iO. [fDcBus-PR^viLLE (Pierre Louis)]. M^m'. de P. & de Dazincourt. [C. d. M. a. I'A. D. Both Mem', are said to be the work of H. A. Cahaisse]. 8". 1823 PREVOST 1181 PRICE Prevost (/'((/)/(■) Fhan^'ois)]. CEuvres clioisies. :!flt. 8". Amstei-diim. 1733-5 'flirsr 391 form p(irt of " CEnvrps rJwisirs tlr Le Sage ,(■ ilr. P.," in r/tt, for tlir other Ijt of till, see Le Saou (A. K.) •Le doyen de KiUerine. 6p. n.ed. sS". Moiitargis. 1784 Mason Lescai't. 'This novel ftrst appeared as t7 of P.'s ^^ Meni^. r-f' avaniures d'un hommc de q}inlife ete." <(■ had there the f. " Histoire dii chev. Des Grieti.v et de Manon Leseaut." Manon Lescaut. Notice et notes parP.Jannet. s8". [1867] Manon Lescnut. n. ed., pr^c. d'e'tude par J. Lemoinne. 88". 187G *Le philosophe anglois, ou hist. de Cleveland, tr. de I'Anglois, etc. 5t. aS". Utrecht. 1732-4 [I'kkvot; fPiiKVosT u'Exiles (Axtoine Translations. Hist, ot Margaret of Anjou. Tr. '2v. sS". 1755 •Life & adv. of Mr. Cleveland, natural son of O. Crorawell. [Tr.X 4v. 3'^ ed. s8". 17G0 Manon Lescaut. \Tr. D. C. Moi/lan, ii\ fife of P.]. Ia8". 1841 „ „ s8'. 188G Refebences. see •Elements de politesse etc. ; avec I'art d© plaire dana la conversation, par Mr. v., [but, notu'ithstandint/ tlie tp., not by P., hut by P. d'Ortigue de Van- 7noriire], 1766. „ H.tKBiSBE (H.) L'ahbe P., sa vie et ses tcuvres, 1886. „ SciiRCEDEK (V.) L'ahbe P., IM'JS. Prevost (Camille). Theorie pratique de I'escrime. VrH. & notes par E. Legouv^ ; biographic de Prevost pire par A. Tavernicr. Ia8". 1886 see *Bai'Minton Lib. : Fencing, by P. etc., 1889. Prevost (E. W.), Ph.D., i'^fl.S.B., .see Dickinson (W.) Glossary ot Cuniherliuul, re-arr. etc. by P., 1899. Prevost {Rev. Francis), sec *Fi,owebs ot literature, for 1801 & 1802, vl, 18();i. Prevost (Lewis De Teissier). Aide to milit. instruction. 8". 13_1 Prevost (Marcel). L'autonme d'une femme. b8'. 189.3 La confession d'un amant. sSi. 1891 Cousine Laura. s8 '. 1890 Les demi-vierges. s8". 1894 Le domino jaune — Lespalombes. sS'. [1901] L'heurenx me'nage. 88". 1901 Le jardin secret. sS". 1897 Lettres il Frant^-oise. 16<' ^d. sS". n.d. Principles of currency. U\ O. 1860 Suggestions for extension of professorial teaoliing in 0.\- ford. :P157]. 8". 1850 „ Nouvolleslettresdefemraes. s8'. 1894 „ Dernitires lettres defemraes. sS''. 1897 Mile. Jaufre. 8.8". 1889 Le mariage do Juliette. sS". 1890 Le moulin de Nazareth. s8". 1S94 Noti'e conipagne. s8". 1895 Le scorpion. b8". 1887 Troisnouvelles. IS^ed. sS". 1898 Les vierges fortes ; Fredcrique. s8". 1900 Lea. s8<>. 1900 Lettres de femmes. s8>. [1892] Prevost (Pierre Adolphe), see PBiivosT (C.) Thuorie de rescrime. liiographie dc P. pere par A. Tavernier, 1881). Prevost d'Exiles (I'abln' Antoine Francois), see Pbevost (Z'o&ii'). Prevost de Longperier (H. Adrien), see Loxca'isKiEB (A. de). Prevost-Paradol (Lucien Anatole). Les anciens partis. ' [P158]. 8". Londres. 1860 i Elisabeth & Henri IV, 1595-8. 2f ed. 8". 1863 „ ,, 8" a. b8". 1863 i Essais de politique & de lit^'. [ 8». 1859 i „ Nouveaux essais da poli- tique & de litt. 8». 1862 Prevot (Vnbbe). sec Prkvost {I'abbt') Preyer (William). L'arae de I'enfant. Tr. IT. de Varigny. 8 •. 1887 Aus Natur- u. Menscbenleben. s8". 1885 Ein nierkwiirdiger Fall v. Fasci- nation. [P587]. 8". St. 1895 Prezziner (Giovanni). Storiadel pubblico studio e delle societa st'ientif. e letterarie di Firenze. 2v in 1. 8'. Firenze. 1810 Priaulx (Osmond De Beauvoir). The Indian travels of Apollonius ot Tyana, & Indian embassies to Kome to the death ot .Justinian. s8». 1873 Qutestioues Mosaioiv ; Genesis comp. w. anc. religions. 8". 1842 Pribram (Alfred Francis). Beitiag z. Gesch. d. Kheinbundes V. 1038. [PC85]. 8". Wien. 1888 Price, see also Pryce. Price (Alice). Who is Sylvia? 3v. s8". [1883] La France nouvelle. 8" ^d. 88". 1868 France. [BngUsh]. 8". E. 1869 Lea moralistes fran^ais. 9' ed. 88". 1901 see Gheard (O.) P.-P.; et. 8uiv. d'un choix de lettres, 1894. Mental developmentin the child. Tr. H. W. Brown. 38°. 1894 The mind ot the child. Tr. H. W. Brown. 2v. 880. N.Y. 1890 Die Seele d. Kindes. 8". L. 1882 Price (Bonamy). The Anglo-Catholic theory. b8'. 18.52 Chap", on pracU. polit. econ?. s8". 1878 Currency &. banking. nR". 1876 Inaug. lecture [O.rford. V'MO\ H". [1868'] Price (Major David). Chronolog. retrospect : princ. events of Mahomniedan liisl., f. the death of 'Maliommed] to accession of Akhar etc. ;5v in 4, [3 i, ii]. 4". 1821 Essay towards the hist, of .\rabia antecedent to Mahommed. 4". 1824 Price (Edwin), I.L.B., ed., see Pexitentiap.v Congress (Inter- national). I'lisons, etc., 1872. Price (Miss Eleanor C.) E. 1878 A lost battle. 2v. s8 Mrs. Lancaster's rival 3v. Off the high road. *One only. 2v. Hdbk. of London bankers, s8". 1871 88". 1880 b8'. 1899 s8". 1874 •Constantia. 2v. s8°. 1876 The foreigners, n. ed. 88°. 1884 *A French heiresB in her own chateau. s8'. 1878 • „ ,, 2'"! ed. 88". 1878 Price (Frederick George Hilton) w. ace. of early goldsmitlis, Temiilc Bar, or some ace. ot " ye Marvgold," No. 1, Fleet Street. [P3(iG]. 8". 187.5 Price (George), late Custos of the Precinct of St. Catherine, Jainaiea. Jamaica iS; the (Jolonial Office : who caused the crisis? 8". 18GG Price (John), D.D., chaplain to Monk. Mems. sur la restaura- tion des Stuart. [Guizot : Rev. d'A., 4]. 8". 1827 Price (Sir John), laiujht, see Car-^doc, of TAancarfan. Hist, ot Wales ; added, descr. ot Wales, by l'.,'l774. Price (John), Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Homes tor the people! Our greatest want, etc. [P31 8]. 8". 1874 Price (John), of Worcester. Hist. ace. of Hereford, w. remarks on the Wye. ' 8". Hereford. 179G Hist. & topograph, ace. of Leominster, & it's vicinity. 8". Ludlow. 179-5 Price (John Edward). Descr". of the Roman tessellated pave- ment in Bucklersbury. [London ct Middl. Arch. Soc] 4". 1870 Descr. ace. of the Guildhall of London, its hist., etc. Ia4". 1880 On a bastion of London Wall : excavations in Camomile St., Bi.shopsgate. [London & Middlesex Archoeolog. Soc.]. 4". 1880 Ronnm antiqs. illust. by remains discovered on the site of the National Sate Deposit Co.'s premises. [London & Middlesex Arch. Soc.]. 4". 1873 Price (Capt. Joseph), see Borke (Edmund). *A third letter to B., etc., [by ]'.?]. 1782. Price (Julius M.) From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea, 1890-91, across Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, and N. China. 8". 1892 The land of gold : W. Australian goldtields, 189.5. 1" ed. sS". 189G Price (Lingford Lovell F. R.) Economic science & practice. s8". 1896 Industrial peace, its advantages & difficulties. 8". 1887 Money ifc its relations to prices. s8°. 189G Polit. econ>. in England. s8'. 1891 Price (Richard), D.D. Disc, on the love of our country. [P17]. 8". 1789 Add'. [P17]. 8". [1790] Preface A- add'. [P17]. 8". [1790?] Disc, to a congregation at Hackney, Feb. 21,1781. [P72]. 8". 1781 Essay on the population of England f. the llevol. to the present time. [PG2]. 8". 1780 2»'>ed. 8". 1780 Evidence for a future period of improvement in the state of mankind. [P17]. 8". 1787 Four diss'. : Ou providence — On prayer — On reasons for expecting after death a state ot happiness— On the importance of Xty., hist, evidence, & miracles. 2"'' ed. 8". 1768 Free discussion of materialism etc. betw. P. it Priestley, etc. 8". 1778 Obs. on reversionary pavments : on schemes for annuities, etc. 2v. 4'i> ed. 8". 1783 Obs. on the importance of the American Revol. 8". 178-5 Obs. on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of govt., the justice & policy of the war w. America. Added, state of the national debt, etc. 8". 177G 6'" ed. 8». 1776 „ Addit. obs. on c. 1. A the war w. America. [6. if. h. Obs. on the nature of c. 1. etc., G'" ed., 1776]. 8". 1777 PRICE 1182 PRIESTLEY Price (Eichard), D.D. [continued]. Keview of the principal questions it difficulties in morals. 2"'' ed. 8". 1760 3"'ecl. 8". 1787 Sermon, Hackney, Feb. 10, [1779], etc. [P4t)]. 2"'i ed. 8". 177'J Sermons on the Xtn. doct. as received by diff. denominations. 8". 1787 Thestateof public debts & finances, Jan., 1783. rP62]. 8". 1783 see HowLETT (.J.) Exam, of P.'s essay on population, 1781. „ Priestley (.J.) Disc, on death of Price, 1791. ., Wmght (Ecv. Th.) Sermon on death of P., 1791. ., \yyviLL (Chi!.) Defence of P. etc., 1792. Price (Robert), //(s/icc, see Somebs (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Price (.Sir Rose Lambart), ■l"' hart., [cr. -tSl.fi. A summer on the Uockies. " sS". 1898 The two Americas : sport & travel. 8". 1877 Price (Thomas), caUcd Cavnhuanaicc. Lit. remains. [Ed. Jane Williams]. 2v. 8". Llandovery. 1854-5 Price (Thomas), D.D., Baptist minister, ed. of Eclectic Piev. Hist, of Protestant Nonconformity in England. 2v. 8°. 1836-8 Price (Sir Uvedale), /' hart., [cr. /5'2.S]. Essays on the picturesiiue. 3v. 8". 1810 Sir V. P. on the picturesque ; w. essav on the origin of taste etc. by Sir T. Dick Lauder. ' 8". E. 1842 Price (William), F.R.S.L. Journal of the Brit. Embassv to Persia. 2v in 1. [vl, 2"'' ed.]. obi. fol. 1832 *Prices (The) of the labour in shipbuilding adjusted, etc., 1717. This, ic. sejJ. tj)., <& pagin., is pJ of Suthebl.\sd(W.) Britain's glory, etc., 2"'' ed., 1729, ^.r. Prichard, sec also Phitchaiui. Prichard (Constantine Estlin). Thoughts on free inquiry, evidences, * subscription. [P205]. 8". 1864 Prichard (Helen M.) Friends it foes in the Trauskei : during the war, 1877-8. s8'\ 1880 Prichard (Hesketh). Where black rules white: Hayti. 8'\ 1900 sec I'eichard (K.) it H. P., Karadac, 1901. Prichard (Iltudus Thomas). The administration of India, 18.59-68. 2v. 8". 1869 The chronicles of Budgepore ; life in Upper India. 2v. sS''. 1880 The mutinies in Rajpootana : pars, narrative. s8". 1860 Prichard (James Cowles), M.D.. F.lt.S. ; IJSd-lSjfS. Analysis of Egyptian niytho logy; [ii!.] exam, of remains of Egyptian chronology. 8". 181'J Eastern origin of the Celtic nations proved by comp. of their dialects w. Sanskrit etc. : Suppl. to *' Researches etc." S". 1831 „ ,} ... Ed. E. G. Latham. 80. 1837 Natural hist, of man. Ia8 '. 1843 „ , 2'"i ed. 8o. 1845 „ „ S'l ed. Ia8». 1848 „ „ ... 2v. 4«''ed.,cd. &enl. bv E. Norris. Ia8\ 1855 ,, Etluiograph. maps to the '* N. h. of man." [No tp^ lafol. n.d. On the different forms of in- sanity inrel. to jurisprudence. b8'. 1842 Researches into the physical history of mankind. 5v in 4, [vl, 4"'; 2-4, 3'" ed.]. 8°. 1837-47 Review of the doctrine of a vital principle. 8». 1829 Treatise on insanity, etc. 8"^. 1835 of Mitcham. Life & times of s8'>. Littlemore. 1849 Prichard (James Cowles), vicar Hincraar. Prichard(K.)&H. Prichard. Karadac, Count of Gerzy. sS". 1901 Prickard (Arthur Octavius). Aristotle on the art of poetry. s8". 1891 Prickett (Frederick). Hist. & antiqs. of Highgate. S". 1842 Prickett (Marmaduke). Hist, of the Priory Church of Brid- lington, n. ed. 8". C. 1835 Pridden (William). Australia ; hist. & present condition. s8". 1843 Pride. *Pride & irresolution, 1850, sec Ponsonby (Lady E. C. M.) ♦Pride shall have a fall, 1824, see So.^ne (G.) Prideaux (Charles (Jreville). Guide to duties of church- wardens. 12"' ed. s8". 1871 ll"" ed. s8'\ 1880 Prideaux 01>'s- Frederick) [fPniDEACX (Mrs. Faxxy Ash)]. Basil the Iconoclast : drama. sS". 1892 Prideaux (Humphrey), dean of Noneich. Eccles. tracts formerly published. 2'"' ed. 8\ 1716 1, Validity of the Orders of the Church of Eng. 2, Justice of the law wh. gives the successor in any benefice all profits f. the day of avoidance. 3, .4u award of Ch. I, shewing that personal tithes are still due etc. There is one pagiv., hut cadi tract has se}). tp. Prideaux (Humphrey), dean of Norwich [continued]. Letters to John Ellis, 1674-1722. Ed. E. Maunde Thompson. [Camden Soc, KS15]. s4°. 1875 *Life of H. P., w. tracts it letters of his never publ. 8". 1748 The 0. & N. Test', connected in the hist, of the Jews etc. 4v. 16'ti ed. 8". 1808 2v. 8". 0. 1838 Original it right of titlies etc. s8". Norwich. 1710 Prideaux (John), 6^,). of Worcester. Fasciculus controversiarum theologicarum ad juniorum captum. s4". 0. 1049 *Hypomnemata logica, rhetovica, etc. s8". O. [1620?] Prideaux (Sarah Treverbian). A cat. of books bound by P. betw. 1890 & 1900. sS'. n.d. Hist, sketch of bookbinding ; w. chap, on early stamped bindings by E. G. Duff. 58". 1893 Prideaux (Thomas Symes). Lecture on prevention of smoke. [P314]. S8". [1854] Prideaux (William Francis), see Mahkham (Su- C. R.) Hist, of the Abyssinian Exped., w. ace. of captivity of Kassam etc. liy r., 1869. Pridham (Charles). England's colonial empire, vl, [1, The Jlauritius. No more 2>ubl. under this t.]. 8". 1846 Hist., polit. etc. aco. of Ceylon. 2v, [pagin. cont.]. 8". 1849 There is a lialf-t. ••England's colonial empire," . 1773 Appeal to the public on the riots in Birmingham. Added, strictures on " Thoughts [a. not hnoicn] on the late riot at Birmingham." 2p. (To p-2 " is added a letter f. W. EicsscU"). [P5]. 8". [pi, B'ham]. 1791-2 Comp.arison of the institutions of Moses w. those of the Hindoos etc. 8". Northumberland. 1799 The conduct to be observed by Dissenters in order to procure repeal of Corp". & Test Acts : sermon, Nov. y, 1789. [P590]. 8'. B'ham. 1789 Consid'. on Church authority, occas''. by Dr. Balguy's sermon. [P661]. 80. 1769 Consid". on differences of opinion among Xtn'. ; w. letter to Venn in ans. to h. Exam, of the Address on the Lord's Supper. [P652]. 8". 1769 Defences of Unitarianism for 1786. [Pll]. 8". B'ham. 1788 for 1787. fPin. 8". B'ham. 1789 for 1788/9. [Pll]. 80. B'ham. [1790] There seem to have been no more vol', than the three above. Directions for impregnating water with fixed air, to communi- cate to it the virtues of mineral waters. [P57j. 8". 1772 Disc, on death of Dr. Price. [P17]. 8". 1791 Disquisitions rel. to matter it spirit, etc. 8". 1777 The doctrine of divine influence : sermon. [P65'2]. 8". Bath. 1779 The doctrine of philosoph. necessity illust'. : app*^. to the " Disq'. rel. to matter & spirit." " 2v. 2"'' ed. 8". E. 1782 Duty of forgiveness : disc, intended to be delivered soon after the riots in Birmingham. [P7]. 8". B'ham. 1791 Essay on a course of liberal education. [P661]. 8". 1768 Essay on the first principles of govt., tt on the nature of polit., civil, it relig. liberty. [P601]. 8". 1768 'i'^ed. 8'. 1771 PRIESTLEY 1188 PRIMER Priestley (Joseph), LL.I>. [continued], Exara. of Reid's Inquiry into the mind, Beattie's Essay on truth, Oswald's Ajipeal in belialf of religion. 8". 1774 Familiar intr. to perspective. 2"'' ed. 8". 1780 Free address to Dissenters, as such. [PG53]. 8". 1769 Free address to Dissenters on church discipline ; \v. disc. cone, the spirit of Xty. [PG53] . 8". 1770 Free address to Dissenters, on the Lord's Supper. [P052]. 8". 1768 „ Additions to the Address on the L.'s S., & letter to a. [un- }inowii\ of the Protestant Dissenter's answer to it. [P652]. 8". 1770 Gen. hist", of the Church to fall of Western Empire. 2v. 8". B'ham. 1700 Gen. hist', of the Church from fall of Western Empire. 4v. 8". Northumberland. 1802^3 Harmony of the evangelists, in English ; w. diss"., etc. 4 '. 1780 Hist, it present state of electricity. 4". 1767 History etc. of discoveries rel. to vision, light, & colours. 2v. 4". 1772 Hist, of early opinions cone. Jesus. 4v. 8°. B'ham. 1786 Hist, of the corruptions of Xty. 2v. 8". B'ham. 1782 2v. 2"'' ed. 8". B'ham. 17;i;i s8". 1871 Lects. on history & general policy ; pref''., essay on a liberal education. u. ed. 8". 1826 Letter to Bryant in defence of philosoph. necessity, [b. «'. Bryant (J.) Address, 1780. o. c. h. w. v2 of Doctrine of phil. necessity, 2'"! ed., 1782]. 8". 1780 Letter to J. Palmer in defence of philosoph. necessity. [6. to. h. Doct. of philosoph. necessity, v2, 1782]. 8". Bath. 1770 „ Second letter to J. P. etc. [b. w. It. Doct. of phil. nee, v2, 1782, 0. c, b.w. Bryant (J.) Address, 1780]. 8". 1780 Letter to Pitt on toleration A Church Establishments, occas''. by h. speech agst. Repeal, 28 Mar., 1787. [nO]. 8'. 1787 Letters to Burke, occas. by his Reflections, etc. [P15]. 8". B'ham. 1791 2-J ed. 8<'. B'ham. 1791 Letters to candidates for Orders; w. an Address [6;/ hji unknoion n.] to conforming Arians, etc. lir.st printed 1735. Repr. |P12]. 8". C. [1790?] Orig. publ''. as " Letters to Dr. Home, to the young men in a course of education for the ministry etc., 1787." Letters to inhab'. of Birmingham, in refut. of charges agst. dissenters by Madan in h. sermon "Claims of dissenters con- sidered." 3p. [P12]. 8". B'ham. [1790] Letters to the a. of " Remarks on sev. late publ». rel. to the dissenters." [PCoS]. 8^ 1770 „ „ An answer to " A second letter to P." [P653]. 8". 1770 The " Second letter " is by the un1i)wwn a. of the " Bemarhs on sev. late publ'. rel. to the dissenters." Letters to the Jews, inviting to discussion. [P12]. 2"'' ed. 8". B'h.am. 1787 „ „ Part 2, occas. by D. Levi's reply. [P12]. 8". B'ham. 1787 Letters to the members of the New .Jerusalem Church. [P12]. 8". B'ham. 1791 Ijetters to the philosophers & politicians of France on religion. [P40]. 8". 1793 The proper objects of education : a disc, 27 Ap., 1791, to sup- porters of the New College at Hackney. Subj., prayer by T. Belsham. [P17;. 8°. 1791 Remarks on some jjaragraphs in 4"' vol. of Blackstone's Com- mentaries, rel. to Dissenters. [P6.53]. 8". 1769 Rudiments of Eng. grammar, w. add', by Kippis ; *, lect'. on oratory & criticism [by P.]. With notes A- app. by J. T. Rutt. Ia8". 182G Scientific corr. Notes by H. C. Bolton. 8". N.Y. 1892 Sermon, Dec. 31, 1780, Birmingham, on undertaking pastoral office in that place. [P0.'>2] . 8". B'ham. 1781 Sermon, Mill-Hill Chapel, Leeds, May 16, 1773, on resigning h. pastoral office. [P652]. 8". 1773 Sermons sel. from P.'s disc, on evidences of revelation. [P46]. sS". ji.p. 1709 Tracts in controv. w. bp. Horsley. .Annexed, review of thecon- trov. in 4 letters to the bps. 8". 1815 Two disc". : 1, On habitual devolution ; 2, On the duty of not living to ourselves. [P731. %". B'ham. 1782 Two letters to Dr. Newcome, bp. of Waterford, on duration of Saviour's ministry. [P73]. 8<>. B'ham. 1780 Priestley (Joseph), LL.D. [continued]. View of the principles & conduct of Dissenters, w. resp. to the civil & ecclesiast. Constitution of Eng. [P653]. 8". 1769 see Badcock (S.) Controv. betw. P. & his opponents on matter & spirit, [1782?] ,, Bellamy (.John). Jesus the only God : to P., 1792. „ Blackstone (Sir W.) *Reply (A) to Dr. Priestley's remarks on the 4"' v. of the Commentaries on the Laws of Eng., 1769. „ BiivAXT (J.) Address to P. on philosoph. necessity, 1780. „ BiiiN (E.) Reply to P.'s Appeal [on the Birmingham riots], 1792. ,, CouRTEXAY (John), M.P. On the Revol. in France : to P., 1790. „ Disney (J.) Sermon : death of P., 2"" ed., 1804. ,, Hajimon (W.) [ ps. .' i.e. 1)'. Turner, .■mrgeuii, of Liverpooll]. Ans. to P.'s Letters to a philosoph. unbeliever, 1826. ,, Harwood (E.) Letter to Badcock : his abuse of p. exposed, 1784. ,, HoHSLEY (S.), bp., Tracts in controv. w. P., 1789. „ Levi (D.) Letters to P. in ans. to those to the Jews, 2'"' ed., 1787. .. Madan (S.) Letter to P. in consec]. of h. " Letters to inhab". of Birmingham," 1790. „ Newiome (W.), abp.. Duration of our Lord's ministry : reply to P., 1780. „ Palmer (J.) App. to " Obs. [by Palmer] in defence of the liberty of man in ans. to Priestley," 1780. ,, Phice (R.) Free discussion of materialism etc. betw. Price A P., 1778. „ "'PitoTESTANT (The) dissentcr's answer to P.'s " Free address on the Lord's Supper," 1770. „ Pi;ot;D (J.) Reply to Priestley's "Letters to members of the New .Jerusalem," 1791. „ *liEMAP.Ks on sev. late publ". rel. to the Dissenters, in a letter to P., 1770 ; and, [catalogued under " Itcnmrhs "], *Hecoud letter to P., [by the a. of the " Remarks "], 1770. „ Rutt (J. T.) Life & corr. of P., 1831-2. „ SiiAKPE (Emily). Rev. J. P., lud. Priestley (Joseph), of the Aire <£ Galder Navigation Office. Hist, of navigable rivers, canals, railways of Great Brit., as a ref. to Nichols, Priestley, & Walker's map of inland naviga- tion. From doc", in poss. of J. I'. [(('■ compiled by Itim], 8". 1831 Prieur (Frederic) [ps. Firmin Maillard], sec Maillard (F.)i-is. Priezac (Daniel de). *Obs. sur un livre " Philippes le Prudent " par J. C. Lobkowitz. s8". 1640 Prig, j)S. of a. of the ''Life of a I'rig" etc. etc., see Longue- ville (T.) •*Prigioneri (I) di Pizzighettone, 1829, see Varese (C.) Prignano (Bartolommeo da),rt//. Urban VI, see Vrb.ksXI, 2>02>c. Prim {Mar.'ilial). .vr Lkonari.on (H.) P., 1901. Prim (John G. Augustus), sec Graves (.J.) & P., Hist. etc. of the Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny, 1857. ■•Prima (La) prodezza di Tristano, 1857, see Tristram. *Primsval (A) British metropolis etc., 1877, see Kerslake (T.) Primasius, bp.. see Mi.;ne (.J. 1'.) ed., Pat. latina, t68. Primatt (Humphrey). On the duty of mercy & sin of cruelty to animals. 8". 1776 Primatus, monachus. Chronique, see Bouqcet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t23. [anoth. ed.], see Monumexta Geum. Hist., Scr., t2C. Prime, see also Pryme. Prime (William Cowper). I go a-fishing. s8". 1873 ■^The old house by the river. s8". 1853 Pottery & porcelain. 8 : N.Y. 1878 Primer. [Prymer]. *New-Eugland P., ed. 1897, sec New- Engl.^ni) etc. Pages in facs. f. a Layman's Prayer-Book in Eng., about 1400 A.D. Ed. H. Littlehales. 4". 1890 Prymer (The), or Lay Folks' Prayer Book (\v. sev. fac".). Ed. H. Littlehales, f. the MS. iib. 1420-.S0 in the Lib. of the Univ. of Cambridge, pi, 2, [in prog. E.E.T.S., 105, 100]. 8". 1805-7 pi, Text. p2, Introduction: Section 1, The origin of the Pi-ymer ; by Edmund Bishop. ■•Prymer (The), or Prayer-Book of the Lay I'eople in the Middle Ages ; in English about 1400. Ed., w. intr. & notes f. the MS. in St. John's, Camb., by H. Littlehales. pi, 2. [in prog.]. Ia8". 1891-2 1, text ; 2, collation of MSS., w. temporary intr., etc. PRIMEVAL 1184 PRISSE Primeval, sec I'v.mmwL. 'Prinio dolore (II), 1877, sir Sa«a, ps. Primogeniture. *Eight (The) of p. exam., 1S37, see Bailey (S.) Primrose (Archibald Philip), ,-;"' carl of Rosebery, see Eoserehy. Primrose (Catharine L. W.), baroness Dabneny, aft. Vane, aft. I'ouiett (C. L. ir.), duchess of Cleveland, sec Cleveland (C. L. W., duchess of). Primrose (E. D.) Fortune's buffets and rewards. 3v. s8'>. 1880 Primrose (Peter) iis. A ijen'orth o' poetry for the poor. [I'37C;i. sS". 1884 An /Ss.; (•(/. has f. : Poems for the poor, by P. P. Prina (Benedetto). Poesie liriche. 2" ed. s8". Milano. 1878 Prince. *l'vince (The) it the page, 1891, sec Yonge (C. M.) *Priiice Bismarck, friend or foe, 1878, sec Bothmeh {Grafin M. v.) *I'rince (The) of Abyssinia [i.e. Basselas], i'. erf"., sfc Johnson (S.) Prince [surname], sec edso Le Prince. Prince (C. Leeson). Obs. upon the climate of Uckfield, 1843-70. •2'"' ed., w. add. obs. & rainfall to 1885. 8°. Lewes. 1886 Obs. upon topography tt climate of Crowborough Hill. 8". 1885 2"" ed. 8'. Lewes. 1898 Prince (John), vicar of Berry-Potneroy. Danmonii orieutales illusties : worthies of Devon. u. ed. 4". 1810 Prince (Morton). The nature of mind, tt human automatism. s8'. Philadelphia. 1885 Prince Edward Island. Judgments of the Supreme Court, 1870, on appeals from awards under " The Land Purchase Act, 1875 " ; w. the Act. [P377]. 8". Charlottetown, P.E.I. 1878 *Prince"s (The) cabala, 1715, see James I. *Princesse (La) de Cleves, var. ed'., see La Payette {Mme. de), J. lilXiNACLl) de SeGKAIS, & F., due DE La EoCHEFOrcAULD. Princetown review, [cont.f. " Biblical repertory "]. 54"'-5G"' year. [6v]. Ia8". N.Y. 1878-80 Principal speeches of the statesmen & orators of the French KevoL, 1802, set' Stephens (H. M.) ed. Principles. *Essay on the p. of human action, [1805], see Hazlitt (W.) *On the p. of criminal law, 1846, see Cobnwallis {Miss C. F.) •Principles at stake: essavs on Church questions, 1868, seeSuMNEK (G. H.) nl. •Principles of education drawn f. nature & revelation, &: applied to female education in the upper classes, 1865, see Sewell (E. M.) •Principles (The) of government, in a dialogue, republ., 2°'' ed., 1797, see Jones (Sir W.) •Principles of Protestantism, 2°'' ed., 1849, see AppLEY.iBD (E. S.) Pring (James Hurly). Briton A Roman on the site of Taunton. 8". Taunton. 1880 Pringle (Hall). The gall of the sugar planters of Jamaica, w. remarks on their agricultural management 85j6 is missiny from the Council Office Series. Proceedings & ordinances of the P.C. of England, 1386-1542. Ed. Sir H. Nicolas. [Record Comm. publ.]. 7v. Ia8". 1834-7 1, 13HG-1410. 2, 1410-22. 3, 1422-9. 4, 1429-36. r,, 1486-43. 6, 1443-61. 7, 1540-2. Privy Council [of Scotland], see Scotland ; Privy Council. Prize. *Prizc essays on a Congress of Nations for the adjust- ment of International Disputes. Ia8". Boston, U.S. 1840 *Prize fighters (The) of Princes Street. Repr. f. the Dublin "Evening Herald." [P630]. 8". [D. 1893] *Prize sermons on the Sabbath, 1883, see Sabbath. *Prize sugars not foreign : rights of the public to the prize sugars. [P61]. 8". 1782 Hilly, f. 1815 to 1878. [ayiolh. ed. w.t. ; I., f. 1315 to 1890]. s8". 1891 National selE-govt. in Europe & America, s8". 1870 see Land. 'Systems of land tenure, n. ed., 1881. Pro. *Pro Christo et ecclesia. s8\ London. 1900 *Pro nihilo ! Vorgesch. d. Arnim'schen Processes, HI, [no more publ.], 1876, sea Auni.m (Graf H. K. v.) *Pro nihilo ! The prelude to the Arnim trial, pi, [no more puhl.], 1876, see Arnim (Gro/H. K. v.) Proal (Louis). Le crime & la peine. 8\ 1892 La criminalite politique. 8'. 1895 Proba. [fFAi.coNiA Proda (Valeria)]. see AscHRACH (.1.) Die Anicier u. P., 1870. „ Migne (.T. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl9. *Probabilities : an aid to faith, 1847, see Tuppee (M. F.) •Probability (The) of reaching the N. Pole discussed, 1775, sec Barrington (Hon. D.) *Probation, 1879, see Fothergill (Miss .1.) *Probationary odes for the Laureateship : with a discourse [feiijiied to be] by Sir J. Hawkins. 7"' ed. 8". 1787 For anoth. cd., see *Rolli.\d (The) in 2p : P> . odes etc., 1795. *Problems in human nature, by a. of " Morning clouds," 18G3, see Penny (Mrs. A. J.) Probus, )J.9. *Letters of P. on the E. -India Question. [P181]. 8\ 1813 Probus (Marcus Valerius). P. in Vergilii Bucol. & Georg. comm. Ace. Scholiorum Veronensium & Aspri quffistionum Vergilian. fragmenta. Ed. H. Keil. [P487]. 8\ Halle. 1848 see Migne (.1. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl30. „ Serous Maurus Honoeatus. Comm. in Virgilium ; ace. Virgilii interpretes P. etc., 1820. Proby (John Joshua), /" carl of Canjsfort, see CiRvsFORT (.1. J., r' earl of). Probyn (John Webb). Armenia & the Lebanon. [P33.-.]. 8'\ [1877] Essays on Italy, Ireland, & the U.S. s8'. 1868 Italy and the war of 1366. [P226]. 8'\ 1867 Italy, f. 1815 to 1878. 8'. 1884 Probyn (Lesley Charles). Indian coinage & currency. 8". 1897 Probyn (May). A ballad of the road, & o. p. 88". 1883 Poems. S8". 1881 Probyn Nevins (Willis), sec Nevins (W. P.) Procedure (The) of our Church Courts in the case of Dr. W. M'Gill, 1792, see M'Gill (W.), D.D. Procedures politiques du r. de Louis XII, 1885, see Louis XII, liing of France. Proceedings. *Proceedings, princ. in Kent, in conn. w. Parlia- ments in 1640, etc., 1862, see Larking (L. B.) ed. ♦Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scotland (1707-88), 1790, see Robertson (W.) Proces. *Proces (Le) de "La Patrie Fran<;'aise," 1899, see P.\TRIE (La) FRAN9AISE. *Proec'>s des Templiers, 1841-51, see Templars. ^Process (Der) von Tisza-Eszlar, 3'' A., 1883, see Tisza-Eszlae. *Processi (I) celebri di tutti i popoli. Race, per c. degli aw. A. Fouquier ecc. 4". Milano. 1889 *Processional of the Nuns of Chester. Ed. f. MS. in poss. of the E. of Ellesmereby.J.W.Legg. [Henry Bradshaw Soo.,18j. 8". 1899 Proces-verbaux des Etats G^neraux, see France. Prochaska (George), see Unzer (.1. A.) The principles of physiology, A Diss, on the nervous system by P., 1851. Prochazka (L'aroi;)- Revelations of Hungary. [Tr.], w. mem. of Kossuth [61/ the translator]. s8". 1851 Prochyta (Joannes), sec Procida (Giovanni, di). Procida (Giovanni, di) [G. da Procida ; Jo.vknes Phochvta ; Joannes, de Procida], sec Renzi (S. de). II sec. 13°, e G. da P., I860. „ ^ Tioclus, Saint, patriarch of Constantinople, see Migse (J. I .) ed., Pat. gijeca, t65, P. Proclus, Dinrfoc/iiJS. [Peoclo; P., L?/ci»s]. Opera. Ed., vers. Lat. etc. illust. V. Cousin. 6t. 8". Parisiis. 1820-7 The coinms. of P. on the 1' book of Euclid. Added, hist, of the restoration of Platonic theology by the latter Platonists, & tr. of P.'s theological elements. 2v. 4». 1792 Ex Procli soholiis in Cratylura Platonis excerpta. Ed. I. F. Boissonade. [P526]. 8". L. 1820 Initia philosophic ac theol., sive Procli et Olympiodori iii Platonis Alcibiadem comm'. Eiusdem Procli institutio theolog. & Nicolai Methonensis refutatio. 4p in 3v. 8". Francofurti ad Mcenum. 1820-25 ■nl-S were ed. by F. Creuzer ; pi by J. T. VOme'. ■^ 4H PROCLUS 1186 PROLETAIRES Proclus, Diadoclnis [continued]. Coium. in Platouis Timitum. Eee. C. E. C. Schneider. Ia8». Vratislaviae. 1847 P. D. in primum Euclidis Element, lib. comm'. Ex recog. G. Friedlein. sS". L. 1873 In riatonis Kem Publicam comm. Ed. G. Kroll. 2v. s8". L. 1899-1901 see EuDOCiA. £"«., P'. carminum Graec. reliquiae, 3897. „ Heph.'estion. Enchiridion, cur. Gaisford ; ace. P. chresto- mathia grammat., 1810. ,, Makinus. Procli vita, var. ed'. „ Philopoxus (J.) De seternitate mundi contra P., 1899. „ Plotisus. Liber etc. ; ace. Procli disp. de unitate & pulchritudine, 1814. „ Sniox (Jules). Du comm. de P. sm- le Timee, 1839. Procne. *Progne traguedia, 1558, see Corkako (G.) Procopius, of CiBsarea. [P. C.esakiensis ; Procope ; Peokop]. see Bouquet iM.) Rec.deshist. des Gaules, t2. „ Damn (F.) P. T. Ciisarea, 1865. Proctor (Ricliard Anthony) [continuecTl. Anecdota. Recog. I. C. Orellius; ace. descriptiones pestis et f amis ex P'. libris de bellis. 8». L. 1827 P. C. E.^: rec. G. Diadorfii. 3v. [C. s. h. Byz.]. 8". Bonnse. 1833-8 Of the buildings of Justinian. Tr. A. Stewart, annot. C. W. Wilson & H. Lewis. [Palest. P. Text Soc.]. 8°. 18SG Dexippus (P. H.) D. hist. quK sup. ; ace. P. Pane- gyricus, 1829. MuKAToRi |L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., tl. c'i ed. sS°. 1820 An autob. fragment & biog. notes, w. sketches of con- temps., unpubl. lyrics, & letters of lit. friends. [Ed. C. Patmore']. 8". 1877 Dramatic scenes & o. p. 2">'' ed. laS". 1844 Procter (John), barrister. Boers & Little Englanders. sS". 1897 Procter (Richard Wright). Lit. reminisc. & gleanings. s8». M'ter. 1860 Manchester in holiday dress. s8'\ 1866 Memorials of bygone Manchester. 4". M'ter. 1880 Memorials of Manchester Streets. 8°. M'ter. 1874 Proctor, see also Pkoctep,. Proctor (Ellen A.) Brief mem. of Christina G. Eossetti. s8". 1895 Proctor ((j.) [;m. H. E.ivelixI. The lucubrations of Humphrey Eavelin, late Major. ^ 8'>. 1823 Proctor (H. B.) j)s. [i.e. Frederick Dresser]. The mummy's dream. s8°. 1898 Proctor (Richard Anthony). The borderland of science. s8<>. 1873 Chance & luck ; w. notes on poker & martingales. s8°. 1887 Easy lessons in differential calculus. sS". 1887 Essays on astronomy; [w\] sketch of life etc. of Sir J. Herschel. 8°. 1872 The expanse of heaven : essays on the wonders of the firma- ment. 2n'i ed. s8<>. 1874 „ , n. ed. 88". 1886 Familiar science studies. s8". 1882 Flowers of the sky. s8°. [1879] „ n. ed. s8". 18S9 The Great Pyramid. s8". 1883 Half-hours w. the stars : guide to constellations, in 12 maps. 40. 1869 Half-hours w. the telescope. 10"' ed. sS-^. 1889 Hdbk. of the stars. sS". 18G6 Light science for leisure hours. 3s. s8'>. 1871-83 Liglit science fur leisure hours. [si]. 2°'ied. s8". 1873 The moon. s8". 1873 Mysteries of time & space. s8\ 1883 Myths & marvels of astronomy. 8". 1878 A new star atlas. 88". 1872 Old & uew astronomy. Compl. by A. C. Eanyard. laSo. 1892 The orbs around us. sS". 1872 Other suns than ours. With 2 essays on whist, corr. w. Sir J. Herschel, etc. sS". 1887 Other worlds than ours. s8''. 1870 „ „ 2»'l ed. s8". 1870 Our place among infinities ; [«'.] essays on astrology & the Jewish Sabbath. s8'>. 1875 Pleasant ways in science. s8<'. 1879 The poetry of astronomy : familiar essays on heavenly bodies. sS". 1881 Rough ways made smooth : familiar essays on scientific subjs. s8". 1880 Saturn & its system ; w. notes on Chaldean astronomy etc. 8". 1865 Science byways ; [}V.~\ essay entit. " Money for science." S8". 1875 A star atlas, w. two index plates. fol. 1870 The starp, in twelve maps on gnomonic projection, l". 1866 Strength & happiness. S8". 1885 The sun. sS". 1871 Transits of Venus, past & coming. sS". 1874 Treatise on the cycloid & cy- cloidal curves. sS". 1878 The universe & the coming transits. 8". 1874 The universe of stars. 2n'l ed. 8". 1878 The universe of suns, & o. science gleanings. sS". 1884 Wages & wants of science workers. s8». 1876 Watched by the dead ; study of Dickens' [" Edwiit X>rood^*]. S80. 188T Proctor (Richard Wright), see Procter (E. W.) Proctor (Robert), traveller in S. America. Across the Cordil- lera of the Andes ; & residence in Lima, etc., 1823-4. 8<>. 1825 Proctor (Robert), irriter on bibliography. Index to early printed books in Brit. Museum, to 1500 ; w. notes of those in Bodleian. 2v, [pagin. cont.X la&\ 1898-9 The printing of Greek in the IS"" c. [Bibliograph. Soc, lUust. monographs, 8]. i<>. 1900 Prodez (Pierre Francois) de Beragrem, marg. d'Almaclieu, ps. M^moires, par luy-meme. 2t in 1. 88". Amsterdam. 1677 Prodicus, see Epictetus. E. enchiridion, P'. Hercules, gr. & lat. per J. Simpson, ed. 5', 1804. Prodrome (Teodoro), see Theodore, Prodromus. *Proeven van dichtkundige letteroefeningen etc., 1780, see Macquet (J. D.) Professional. *Professional (The), & o. psychic stories, ed. A. Goodrich-Freer, 1900, see Goodeich-Feeer (A.) *Some p. recoil'., by a member of the Council of the Incorp''. Law Soc, 1883. see Some etc. *Profetia di Severo, 1596, see *V.iTicDJiuM Severi, 1596. *Progne, tragredia, 15.58, see Cop.raro (G.) Prognostication. *A new & merrie p. ; suppos. assigned to Will Summers, A 3 others. Eepr. fr. ed. 1623 ; ed. J. O. Halliwell. s8°. 1860 *Programma d' associazione ad una nuova trad, delle opere di Shakespeare, [1838?], see Shakespe-aee (W.) Progres, sec *Eecueil de rapports sur les p'. des lettres & des sciences en France, 1867 etc. Progress. •Progress (The) & present position of Russia in the East, 3'''' ed., 1854, see MacNeill {Sir J.I Progress in women's education in the Brit. Empire; Report of Edue. Section, Victorian Era Exhib., 1897. Ed. Countess of Warwick. 88", 1898 •Progress iThe) of England: a poem. s8o. E. 1866 •Progress iThe) of honesty, or a view of a Court & City: a Pin- darique poem, by T. D. [T.D'Ur/ey ?]. 2'"' ed. s4o. 1681 •Progress CThe) of nations : principles of national development. 8". 1861 •Progress of Popery in Brit, dominions etc., 1838, sec Popery. •Progress (The) of reUgious thought illus. in the Protestant Church of France etc. : essays, 1861, see Be.\rd (J. B.) ed. •Progress (The) of the revolutions of 1610 & 1830, 1832, see Revolutions. •Progressive lessons in social science, 1850, see Ellis (W.) *Projected submarine cable (The) to India etc., by H. A. L., 1869, sec Levesox (H. A.) •Projets de gouvernement du due de Bourgogne : mem. attr. au due de Saint-Simon, 1860, see SArsi-SmoN (le due de). Prokesch-Osten (Anton, Graf v.) the elder, t793-iS76. For several essays, see Kaiserl. Akad. d. WisSENSCH.,Denkschr. Mein Verhiiltniss z. Herzog v. Eeichstadt. 8". St. 1878 Prokop, see Procopius. Proletaires. *Des p., etc., 1846, sec Gougenot-Desiiousseaiix (R.) PROLOGUE 1187 PROTESTANT *Prologue it epilogue in Eng. lit., f. Shakspere to Dryden. Bj G. S. U. s8". 1884 Proiss (Johannes). Am Meer : Seaside- Skizzen etc. s8". L. 1878 Sehefl'el's Leben etc, Proiss (Robert). Gesch. d. neueren Dramas. 3B, [B3 umntiiig]. 8". L. 1881-3 Shakespeare's Hamlet. [P429]. s8». L. 1878 Shakespeare's Julius Ciisar. Erluutert v. P. [P129]. s8». L. 1875 Shakespeare's Kaufmann v. Venedig. Erlautert v. P. [P429]. s8". L. 1875 s8". 1887 1889 Er- 1877 Shakespeares Macbeth. [P429]. 68°. Tj. Shakespeare's Eichard II. liiutert V. P. [P429]. s8o. L. Shakespeare's Romeo u. Juliet. Erliiutert v. P. [P429]. s8". L. 1874 Shakespeare's Viel Larmeu um Nichts. Erlautert v. P. [P429]. s8». L. 1874 select pieces of antient poetry, 1760, see Prolusions, or, Capell (E.) cd. *Prometlieus the Fire-giver : attempted restor. of the lost part of the tragedy of ,Eschylus. s8". 1877 *Promine (The), etc., he 1'. H., 1580, see Hume (Sir P.) Prompsault (Jean H. E.) Diet, de droit etc., see Migne (J. P.) Encyclopcdie, SI, xxxvi-xxxviii. *Proniptorium parvulorum, [Prcmptuarium parvulorum cleri- corum], see Geoifkey, the Crainmaiiaii. *Pronea, 1807, see Cksakotti (M.) *Proper dyaloge (An) betw. a gentillman ifc a husbandman, 1863, see Roy (W.) Properce, see I'iiopektius. Propert (John Lumsden). Hist, of miniature art ; w. notes on collectors & collections. 4". 1887 Propertius (Sextus). [Propekce ; Pkopeez ; Peopeezio ; S. Auee- LIUS P.]. Opera omnia. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed., 45-6]. 8". Lend. 1822 Elegiarum libri iv. {Ed. J. van Broelihuisc7i]. 4°. Amstelsedami. 1702 P'. carmina. [J. u\ Catullus. C. & Tibulli carmina, 1740. Lai. d- Ital.']. 84". Mediolani. 1743 Tills is i22 of Corpus om- nium vet. poet. Latin, cum Ital. versione. Elegiarum lib. iv. cum comm. perp. P. Burmanni Sec. etc. Opus L. Santenius absolvit. 4". Trajecti ad R. 1780 Carmina, Rec. C. T. Ivuinoel. 2t. 8°. L. 1805 P. carmina : the elegies of P. Eng. notes by F. A. Paley. 2". Berolini. 1897-8 Prospective revie'w (The). [Cow^'*./. Tue ciiristun teacher]. vl-10. 8». 1845-54 "Prospectus of the English life of Jesus, 1867, see Scott (T.) Prosper, cf Aquiiaine, Saint. [Peospercs Aqditanus ; P. Aqui- tanicus ; P. Tieo]. Epitoma chronicon a. 433, cont. ad 455,- sec Mommsen (T.) cd., Chronica minora, vl, 1892-8. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. „ Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t51. Prossunno Coomar Tagcre. [f Peasannakum.aea Tiiakuea]^ A table of succession ace. to the Hindu Law as prevalent in Bengal. folded laS", in a case. [Calcutta. 1864] Prost (Auguste). Sciences & arts occultes au 16'' s. : Corneille Agrippa. 2t. 8". 1881-2 Protadius, Saint, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, 180. Protagoras, see Feei (J.) Qua^stiones Protagorea;, 1845. Protat (Pierre). Lettre a Lamartine, etc. [P114]. 8". Londres. 1843 Protector (Menander), see Menandee, Protector. "Protectorate (The) & Europe dur. early part of r. of Louis XH', illust. in letters etc., 1839, sec Vaughan (R.) cd. Protest. "Protest against compulsory notification of infectious disease, 1882, see Infectious. "Protest (A) agst. rescinding the E. India Dividend, 1767, see East Inma Co. Protestant. ♦Autobiogra2>hy of a French P., condemned to the galleys etc., tr., 1866, see Mabteilhe (J.) ♦Memoires d'un p. condamne aux galtres etc., n. ed., 1881, se^ Maetejlue (J.) "Memoirs of a Protestant condemned to the galleys etc., tr., 1895, sec Makteilhe (J.) •Brief & impartial account (A) of the nature of the P. religion, 1682, see Owen (John). ♦Certain proposals humbly offered for the preservation etc. of the Protestant religion, 1674, see Certain etc. ♦Five years in a P. sisterhood etc., 1869, sec Five etc. ♦Hist, of the mod. P. divines, 1637, sec Verheiden (J.) & R. Holland. ♦Humble & modest proposals tender'd to the consid. of both Houses, for uniting the P. interest etc. [P27,5]. si". 1680 ♦No Protestant plot, 3p, 1681-2, sec Ferguson (E.) ♦Protestant (The) Dissenter's answer to Dr. Priestley's " Free address on the Lord's Supper," etc. [P652]. 8". 1770 „ see Priestley (J.) Add*, to the Address on the Lord's Supper, & letter to the a. of " The P. D.'s answer etc.," 1770. 'Protestant (The) Eeformation in France, 1847, see Maesh (A.) ♦Protestant (The) resolution of faith, etc., 1686, see Sherlock (W.) Protestant Alliance. 7'" ann. report, 1858. [P153]. 8». 1858 Protestant Association, see Maynooth College. "Dissolution of Pari. : M.C., 18.'")7. Protestant College, Malta, see Malta Peotestant Colijjge. Protestant Electoral Union, sec "Seeious charge agst. the British Parliament, 1868. 4 II 2 PROTESTANTISCHE 1188 PRUSSIA Protestantische, sec *Ri-al-Encyklopadie fiir p. Theologie u. Kirclie, 1854-ri8 ; 3" A., in prog.. 1896 etc. Protestantische Kirchenzeitung fiir das evangelische Deutsch- land. Jhrg. 17-27. 4°. 1870-80 Protestantism. *]Moclern Protestantism : a few words on " Essays & Reviews," 1870, sec Modern etc. *Protestantism contrasted witli Romanism etc. Ed. J. E. Cox. 2v. 8\ 1852 see Soci^TE de l'hist. du P. rn.vNf ais. Protestants. 'Account (An) of the pei-secutions etc. of the P«. in Prance, 1680, sec Claude (J.) *Endeavor (An) for peace among P'., 1680, see Hughes (W.) Lists of foreign P«. etc. resident in Eng. (1618-88), 1862, see CooPEK (W. D.) ed. Minutes of a Conference of the P'.of Scotland, 1854, see Scotland. Musee des p*. celebres. Red. par une soc. de gens de lettres & publ. par G. T. Doin. 5t. [Each t. has Sp h. in Iv']. 8\ 1821-i Protests. Complete (A) coll. of Pv (1041-1737), 1737, sec Paelument : House of Loi!i>s. Complete (A) coll. of the P'. of the Lords, 1875, see Parlu- MENT : House of Lords. Proteus, ps. of a. of " The love-sonnets of P., /SS /," joint-a. of "P. d- Amadcns, i;S7s," etc., see Blunt (W. S.) Prothero (George). The armour of light, & o. sermons. s8». 1888 Prothero (George Walter). Life of Simon De Montfort, w. esp. ret to Parly, hist. sS". 1877 Mem. of H. Bradshaw. 8». 1888 Select statutes A- o. constitut. docs, illust. of the r'. of Eliz. & .James I. s8°. 0. 1894 Prothero (Rowland Edmund). Life A corr. of A. P. Stanley, Dean. By P., w. co-operation of G. G. Bradley. 2v. 8". 1893 The pioneers & progress of English farming. s8". 1888 * Protocol (The), ed. [i.e. written] by L. Cliffe [ps. of G. Jones], 1820, see .Tones (Geo.) *Protoplast (The), 18-53, sec Baillie {Mrs. E. C. C.) Prou (Maurice). Manuel depaleographie latine & fr., 6=-17'' s., suivi d'uu diet, des abrcviations, etc. 8°. [1890] Relations polit. du p. Urbain V avee Jean II et (3h. V (1362-70). [HE70]. 8". 1888 Proud (Joseph). Reply to Priestley's " Letters to members of the New .Jerusalem." " [P12]. 8". B'ham. 1791 Proud (Robert). Hist, of Pennsyh-ania, till after 1742. With intr. resp. life of Penn, prior to grant of the province, & the Quakers, etc. 2v. S'\ Philadelphia. 1797-8 Proudflt (S. V.) A coll. of stone implements f. Columbia. [P8S6]. 8". Wash. 1890 Proudhon, sec also Prudhomme, Prud'hon. Proudhon (Pierre Joseph.). Idee gen. de la revolution an 19'' s. 2'' ed. s8». 1851 Napoleon I : mss. ined. Intr. notes etc. par C. Rochel. sS". [1896] Systeme des contradictions ecouom. 2tinl. 8". 1816 see Desjabdins (A.) P., savie, s. oenvres, sa doctrine, 1896. „ Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) P., sa vie &: sa corr. (1838-18), 3' ed., 1873. [i.e. Antoine La Bible annote'e ; Les evangiles. [A 2'"' vol., A-pHves, want in ff]. s8o. 1866 De la capacite polit. des classes ouvrieres. n. ed. s8'>. 1868 Du principe de I'art etc. s8". 1865 Du principe federatif & de la n^cessite de reconstituer le parti de la revolution. b8». 1863 La guerre & la paix. 2t. sS". Brux. [1861] Proust (Antoine), see Barthklemt (A. Proust]. Proust de La Gironiere (Paul), sec La Gironiere (P. de). Prout (Father) j'S., see Mahony (F. S.) Prout (Ebenezer). Fugue. 2"'! ed., Augener's ed. 8". [1892] Harmony: its theory & practice. Augener's ed. 8°. [1889] „ Augener's ed., 7"' ed. s8". ii.d. Musical form. Augener's ed ., 2'"l ed. 8". [1 893 ?] Prout (^John), of Satrbridgeworth. Profitable clay farming under tenant right.' 8". 1881 2"'' ed. 8°. 1881 Prout (Samuel). Light & shadow etc. as applicable to land- scape painting. n. ed. fol. 1876 see RcsKiN (J.) Notes on P., A- W. Hunt, 1879- 80. ps.. „ „ Applied forms: seq. to " Musical form." Augener's ed. 8". [1895] The orchestra. 2v. [vl, 2'"' ed.l, Augener's ed. 8". [1897-9] Prout (William). Chemistry, meteorology, & digestion, w. ref. to natural theology. 8". 1834 S'^ed. 8\ 1845 Prouvensal de Saint-Hilaire (Aug. F. C), sec Saint-Hilaii-.e (\. de). Proven^ales. *Pofcsies p'., 16' & 17'" s., 1843, see Morteeuil (J. A.) cd. Provence. *Histoire gen. de P., 4t, 1777-86, see Papon (J. P.) Provence (Louis Stanislas Xavier, etc. de), aft. Louis XVIII, see Louis XVIII, ling of France. Proverbes sur les femmes etc., n. 6d., 1889, see Quit.aed (P. M.) Proverbia communia [o?-, Proverbla seriosa ; old coll. of Dutch proverbs], see Hoffm.inn v. Fallersleben (A. H.) Horaj Belg.: 9, .\ltniederliind. Sprichworter nach d. altesten Sammlung, 1854 ; a-, Bijlage. 1865. Proverbs of Alfred, see Moekis (R.) ed., Old Eng. misc. : Pro- verbs of A. etc., 1872. Providence, lihodc Island. *ProceediDgs of the City Council of P. on death of Lincoln ; w. oration by W. Binney. [P359]. 8". Providence. 1865 ■^Province (The) of prayer, by W. E. B., [c. 1873 ?], see Pr.ayer. Provincial Medical & Surgical Association, see *Hom(eopathy : Speeches at 19'*' anniv. meeting of the A., 1851. *Provinciale, 1679, see Lyndewode (W.), bp. Provins (Guiot, de), see Guiot, de Provins. Provis (William Alex.) Ace. of the suspension bridge over Menai Strait, w. not. of Conway Bridge. From designs by T. Telford. lafol. 1828 *Provocations (The) of Mme. PaUssy, 4"' ed., 1863, see Manning (A.) Prowe (Leopold). N. Coppernicus. 2B. (1, Leben. 2, Urkunden). 8". 1883-4 B/ has 2T [each w. sep. tp. i& pagin.], b. in I v. Prower {Capt.) [pis. Emeritus]. The militiaman at home cSr abroad. s8». 1857 Prowse (Daniel Woodley). Hist, of Newfoundland. ^8". 1895 Proyart (Vabbi' Lievain Bonaventure). Hist, of Loango Kakongo etc. in Africa, see Pinkerion (.J.) Voyages, vl6. Louis XVI d6tr6n6 avant d'etre roi, etc. n. ^d. 8\ Li^ge. 1814 (Euvres completes. 17t. sS". 1819 Vie de Marie Lecksinska. s8". Brux. 1794 Prudencio de Sandoval ( ), sec S.andoval (P. de). Prudentius (Galindo), Saint, bp. of Troi/es. see MiciXE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tll5, for Scripta. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Ser., tl. Prudentius Clemens (Aurelius). [Prudence ; Prudexzio Cle- 3IENTE]. Opera omnia. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed., 67-70]. 8". Lend. 1824 Carmina. Rec. T. Obbarius. 8°. Tubings. 1845 see Mii^NE (.1. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t59, GO, for Carmina. Prudenzano (Francesco). Novelle cavalleresche. S". Napoli. 1870 Prudhomme, see also Proudhon, Peud'hon. Prudhomme (Louis M.) Hist. gen. & impartiale des erreurs, des fautes it des crimes commis pendant la Revol. 6t. 8". 1797 tl, 2, Diet, des iudividus condamnes a mort pend. la Eevol. Prudhomme (R. F. A. Sully), see Sully Pkudhomme. Prudhon (G. H.) ps. Nouveau tableau de I'amour conjugal. s8". 1863 Prud'hon (Pierre Paul), sec Gauthiez (P.) P., 1889. Pruen (S. Tristram). The Arab ct the African ; experiences in E. Equatorial Africa. s8\ 1891 Prus(M)«('. ). A residence in Algeria. [Tr.]. 8". 1852 Prusseensis (Dio), sec Diox, Chnjsostom. Prusensis (Heliodorus), .ice Heliodoeus, Prusensis. Prusse. *'De la P. de sa domination etc. : par un inconnu, 1842, see F.A1LLY (G. de). Prussia. •Campaign (The) of 1866 in Germany, by the Dept. of Milit. Hist. of the Prussian Staff, tr., 1872, see Campaign etc. •Controversy cone, the law of nations, spec. rel. to P.'s attachment of British funds etc., 1837, see Controversy etc. Debate on the Macdonald Affair in the Prussian House (May 1861), tr., ISGl, sec Macdonald (Ca^ft. G. V.) Frederician Code or a body of law for tlie dominions of the K. of Prussia. [By Frederick the Gt. & S. v. Cocceji]. Tr. f. French. 2v. 8^ E. 1761 *Nouvelle legislation p. reglant les rapports entre I'etat et I'eglise, 1874, see Prussienne. PRUSSIA 1189 PTOLEMY Prussia [contijiiu'd]. Preussische Expedition (Die) nach Ost-Asien, 166^i etc., see Preussische etc. Verhandlungen ^Ij der ersten, (2) der zweiten Kammer. 2v in 1. 4". 1849 Prussian, sec Pheussische, Preussischen. Prussienne. *Nouvelle legislation prussienne r^glant les rapports entre I'utat & realise, [a. not known]. S". Berlin. 1874 Prutz (Hans G.) Heinrich der Lowe, Herzog v. Baiern. S". L. 1865 Kaiser Friedrich I. 3B in 1. 8\ Danzig. 1871-4 Kulturgesfli. J. Kreuzziige. 8". 1883 Preussische Gesch. Bl-3, [in proi/.]. 8". St. 1900-1901 1, Entstehung Brandenburg-Preussens, bis 1655. 2, Griinduiig d. preiiss, Staates, 1G55-1740. 3, Der Fredericianische Staat u. s. Untergang. (1740-1812). Staatengescb. d. Abendlantles im Mittelalter v. Karl d. Gr. bis auf Maximilian. [A. G. i. E., 2, vi]. 2B. S". 1885-87 Prutz (Robert Eduard). Moritz V. Saclisen : Trauerspiel. s8". Ziirich. 1845 „ , sS". L. 1847 DiepoHt.Wochenstube[come(i2/]. s8". Ziirich. 1845 Vorlesungen ii. d. deutsche Lit. d. Gegenwart. s8". L. 1847 Vorlesungen ii. d. Gesch. d. deutschen Theaters. 8". 1847 Die deutsclie Lit. d. Gegenwart, 1848-58. 2B. s8". L. 1859 Gesch. d. deutschen Joumalis- mus. Tl, [no more pubL]. 8". Hannover. 1845 L. Holberg, s. Leben u. s. Schrif- ten : nebst Auswahl s. Komii- dien. 8". St. 1857 Menschen u. Biicber; biograph. Beitriige z. deutschen Lit.- u. I Sittengesch. d. 18.Jhdts. i s8". L. 1862 I Pryce, see also Price. Pryce (Daisy Hugh). Goddesses three. 2v. s8\ 1896 Valda Hancm : romance of a harim. s8". 1899 Pryce (George). Memorials of the Canynges' family, etc. ; added, mom", rel. to Chatterton. 8'. Bristol. 1854 Pryce (John). The anc. Brit. Church. s8". 1878 Pryce (Richard). The burden of a woman. Miss Maxwell's affections. s8". 1895 2v. sS". 1891 Deck-chair stories. s8''. 1891 The quiet Mrs. Fleming. Elementary Jane. s8o. 1897 88". 1891 Jezebel. s8". 1900 Time & the woman. 2v. sS". 1892 Winifred Mount. 2v. s8". 1894 Pryce (William), M.D. Archseologia Cornu-Britannica : essay to preserve the Cornish language, in a grammar etc. 4". Sherborne. 1790 Mineralogia Cornnbiensis : minerals, mines, mining. Added, terms it idioms of miners. fol. 1778 Prydz (Alvilde). Gunvor Thorsdatter til Hsero. 3' Opl. 8". Kristiania. 189G Pryme, sec also I'hime. Pryme (Abraham de la), see De La Pryme (A.) Pryme (George). Autob. recoils. Ed. by h. daughter [Mrs. A. Baiinel 8". C. 1870 *Frymer, see *1 'rimer. Prynne (William). [Prinn ; Prins ; j)s. W. Huntley]. Breviate of the life of Laud. fol. 1644 A breviate of the prelates usurpations. Publ. by W. Huntley, [i.e. P.]. ^ s4". 1637 Brief register, kalendar etc. of all kinds of Parly. Writs. 4p. s4<'. 1659-64 p3 has t. : Brevia Parliamentaria rediviva. A briefe survay ck censure of Cozens his couzening devotions. s4". 1628 Canterburies doome, or the first part of a compleat hist, of the commitment etc. of Laud. fol. 1646 '►Doc. rel. to the proceedings agst. P., 1634 * 1637. With a biograph. fragm. by J. Bruce. Ed. S. U. Gardiner. [Camden Soc, NS18]. s4'\ 1877 The doome of cowardisze & treachery. [6. tc. h. Soveraigne Power etc.]. s4«. 1643 Exact chronolog. vindication etc. 3t. fol. 1665-70 M'ants tl ; 13 has only the sjiec. tjp. given beloiv. [2], Tlie second tome of an exact chronolog. vindic". & hist, demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English Kings supream eccles. jurisdiction, from 1199 till 1273. [8], History of K. John, Henry III, & Edw. I. Prynne (William) [continued]. Hidden workes of darkenes brought to light : or intr. to the hist, of [Laud's] triall. [b. w. h. Breviate of life of Laud, 1644]. fol. 1645 Histrio-mastix : the player's scourge. i". 1633 Humble remonstrance agst. shipmoney. True copy ; with obs. touching the Great Seale. 2p. [/). w. h. Soueraigne power etc.]. s4". 1843 Mount-Orgueil ; or divine tV; profitable meditations, etc. [^paejin'. : ppHiJ,, 16]. s4». 1641 Opening of the Great Seale, sec his Humble remonstrance etc., above. The Popi.sh royall favourite. 4°. 1643 *Komes master-peece, revealed to A. ab Habernfeld, found by W. I'rynne. [6. lo. h. Soueraigne power]. 84". 1643 The soueraigne power of Parliaments & Kingdomes. 4p, (& App". ; in Iv. 4". 1G43 This is the 2'"' ed., w. new t., of his Treachery etc. of Papists, 1643. Treachery (The) & disloyalty of papists, see his Soueraigne power etc., above, see Simmers (J. S., baron). Coil, of tracts. Przewalsky (N. M.), see Przhev.\l'sky. Przezdziecki [Ic de. Charles) [ps. Ch. de Noire-Isle], tr. of " I'oeles illustres de la I'oloejne au 10' s., «76-S7," see Noire- I;. 1898 Psychical Research, see Society for Psychical Research. *Psychography ; by M.A., Oxon. [by Stainton Moses]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1882 *Psychological inquiries, 1854, see Brodie (Sir B. C), 1" bart. Psychology (International Congress of). I.C. of Experi- mental P. 2'"i session, 1892. 8". 1892 Dritter I.C. f. P., Miinchen, 1890. 8". Miincheu. 1897 Ptah-Hetep, [Ptah-Hotep]. see Chabas (F. J.) tEuvres div., tl, 1899, for Etude sur le j papyrus Prisse. I „ Qi-iBELL (J. E.) The Eamesseum etc. & the Tomb of Ptah- Hetep, 1898. „ Eawnsley (H. D.) Notes for the Nile, w. metr. rendering of the precepts of Ptah-Hotep, 1892. ,, ViKEV (P.) Etudes sur le papyrus Prisse, 1887. Ptolemseus Lncensis. [Bartholo.m.-eus de Lucca]. Hist. Eccle- siastica ad 1312— Annales 1061-1303, see Mdbatori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., til. Ptolemy, the geographer. [V. Alexandrinus ; P. Pelusiensis ; tl'roLEM.EUs (Claudius)]. Omnia qiue extant opera, prajter geo- graphiam. Summa cura castigata ab E. Osualdo Schrekhen- fuchsio etc. foi- Basilea;. 1551 Opera, vl. [1, Syntaxis mathematica ; ed. J. L. Heiberg. pi. Lib. i-vi eont. In prog.]. s8". L. 1898 Orbis antiqui tabular geograph. sec. C. P., cum indice philolog. [Engraved by G. Mercator,f. designs by Agathodamon]. lafol. Amstel.-edami. 1730 Geographia; lib. viii. Gr. & Lat. ed. F. G. Wilberg. Fasc. 1-6, [cont. lib. i-vi ; no more publ.]. 4". Essendia^. 1838-45 Geographia. Ed. C. F. A. Nobbe. ed. ster. 3t. s8». L. 1843-45 PTOLEMY 1190 PUIBUSaUE Ptolemy, the cjcographer [continued]. Geograpliia. Beoog. etc. C. Miillerus. vl, i, [no moiv 2}!ihl.]. laS". Paris. 1883 see Bouquet (M.) Pec. des hist, ties Gaules, tl. „ CooLEY (W. D.) P. A- the Nile, 1854. „ Rylands (T. G.) The geography of P. elucidated, 1893. „ P.'s geography of the coast from Carnarvon to Cumberland, 1878.' Ptolemy II, called Philadclplms, king of Egypt. Eevenue laws of P. P. Ed., w. tr. etc. B. P. Grenfell, intr. by J. P. Mahafty. [13 plates, tol.]. 4". O. 1896 Puaux (N. A. Franck). L'anatomie du papisme, & la reforme d'.\ngers. s8». 1846 Hist, de la reformation fran^. 7t. s8 ". 1859-63 Public [incV'. Public Health, Public Schools]. Great P. Schools. By var. authors. 8". [1893] *I,etter to the Public Advertiser. [P556]. 8". 1764 *On pubhc worship. [P714]. s8". Eamsgate. [1871] *0n the rise, progress etc. of p. opiniou, 1828, see MacKinnon {yf. A.) •Our public schools. s8». Kegan Paul. 1881 *Pubhc & private life of Mrs. Jordan, [repr. 1S86\ see Jordan (Mrs. D.) •Public characters of all nations : biog. accounts of oontemps. 3v. s8\ 1823 *Pubhc debt (The), etc., iu a different point of view f. Sir H. Parnell. By M. B. ■ [PS67]. 8». 1831 •Public documents declaratory of the principles of the Protestant Dissenters, etc., 1790, see Dissentebs. •Public education : why is a new code wanted '? By Omega, 1861, see Education. Pubhc Health Act, 1875. With notes by J. V. Vesey Fitzgerald. •2"^ ed. S". 1876 Public Health [London] Act, 1891. With notes by E. L. Thomas. 8». 1891 •Public Health Bill (The) of 1855 & the " Edinburgh Rev." on Private BiU legislation. [P289]. 8o. 1855 ■"Pubhc holidays, & the abolition of Sunday labour. [P302]. 8°. [18.i6 ?] Public Library manual. Ed. J. Y. W. Macalister & T. Mason. pi (Libraiy legislation), [no more pitbl''.]. [P611]. 8". 1892 Public schools calendar 1865, 66. sB". 1865-6 Public Schools Commission, see Hodgson (W. B.) Report of Commissioners 1864, 2'>'i ed., 1864. Public schools (The) : Winchester etc., 1867, see Collins {W. Lucas). Public Schools Year Book 1896, 1900. s8". [1896-1900] Public works of Great Britain. Ed. F. W. Simms. 153 plates. 4 div'. in Iv. lafol. J. Weale. 1838 Division 4 has sep. tp>. : Survey of the harbour & port of London, by J. EIraes. Reports of the Commissioners apptd. to examine etc. the Public Accounts of the Kingdom. 3v. (i, by W. MoUeson. 2, by .John Lane\ i". 1783-7 •School (The) of life : 7 addresses (1885) to P. School Men, by Head Masters, 1885, see School etc. Public Advertiser, Letter to the. [P556]. 8\ 1764 Public characters of 1798/9-18011/10. lOv. [vl, 4''' ed.]. 8". [1803]-9 Public General Acts, see England : Laws etc. Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia, see Phil^udelphia : Public Ledger Building. Public Record Office, sec Record Office (Public). Public Records, see Records. *Publicity : an essay ou advertising, 1878, see Nicoll (D.) Publicola, pis. ^Addresses : to the people of Eng., to the soldiers, to the sailors. Added, h. postscript to the people of Eng. [P404\ s8". 1803 see Evans (R. H.) *Six letters of P. on the liberty of the subject etc., 1810. ,, Wells (Eoe.) Corr. betw. W. & P. rel. to the Riots at Birmingham, 1791. Publilius, Syriis, see Publics, Stiriis. Pubiilius Optatianus Porphyrius, see Porrhyrius (P. 0.) Publishers. List, based on the Registers of the Stationers' Co., of 837 Loudon p'. (1553-1640), 1890, see Stjitioners' Co. Publius, Syriis. [P. S. Mimus ; Publio Siro ; tPuBLiLics, Syrus]. P. S. & aliorum sententise, cum Laberii pro]. & fragm*. moral. Rec, vers. Grrec. I. Scaligeri adi. etc. I. C. Orelli. 8». L. 1822 Suppl. [6. u\ the loork itself]. 8". L. 1824 see Seneca (L. A.) S. & P. SjtI singulares sententia, 1708. „ Terence : T'. comoodios, S'. & aliorum sententias, rec. Bentleius, ed. 2", 1727. Publius Cornelius Tacitus, see T.icrrus (P. C.) Publius Papinius Statius, see Statius (P. P.) Publius Sulpicius Rufus, see Sulpicius Ecfus (P.) Publius Terentius, Afcr, see Terence. Publius, ps., see *P£deralist (The) etc., by P. [i.e. A. Hamilton, J. Jay, J. Madison], 1802 ; 1888. Pucelle, La, see Arc (Jeanne, d'). Puchesse (F. Baguenault de),seeBAGUENAULT de Puchesse (F.) Puchesse (G. Baguenault de), see Baguenault de Puchesse (G.) Puchstein (Otto), sec Humaxn (C.) & P., Beisen in Kleinasien etc., 1890. Puchta (Georg Friedrich). Cursus der Institutionen. 2B. 10^ A., bes. v. P. Kriiger. 8". L. 1893 1, Gesch. d. Rechts bei d. rum. A'olk, mit Einltg. in d. Rechts- wissenschaft u. Gesch. d. riim. Civilprocesses. 2, System u. Gesch. d. rum. Privatrechts. Puckle (James). The Club ; dialogue betw. a father & a son. s8". Chiswiek Press. 1834 see SosEEKS (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Puckle (John). The church & fortress of Dover Castle. 8". 0. 1864 PUckler-Muskau (Hermann L. H., Fiirst v.) *Briefe eines Verstorbenen : Tagebuch etc. 4T. [Tl, 3= ; 2-4, 2- A.]. s8". St. 1836-7 1, 2, Tagebuch aus Eng., Wales, Irland u. Frankreich, 1828-9. 3, 4, Tagebuch aus Deutschland, Holland u. Eug., 1826-8. Briefw. u. Tagebiicher. Hrsg. v. L. Assing-Grimelli. 9B. 8". Hamburg. 1873-6 *Die Riickkehr. 3T in 2v. (1, Agypten. 2. Syrien. 3, Syrien u. Kleinasien). 8". 1846-8 Egypt under Mehemet Ali. Tr. H. E. Llovd. 2v. sS''. 1845 *Tour iu Eng., Ireland, France, 1828-9." [Tr. by S. Austin f. h. " Bricfe e. Verstorbenen"]. 4v. 8". 1832 v3, /, have t. : *Tour in Germany, Holland & Eng., 1826-8. *Tutti frutti. [Tr.] 2v. s8". 1834 sec A-ssLN-G (L.) P.-M., 1873-4. Puddicombe {Mrs. Beynon) [jis. Allen Raixe], see Raene (A.) ps. Pudsey (,Sir George), sec Somees (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Pufendorf (Samuel, Frhr. v.) [Puffendorf ; Pufendorfius]. Of the law of nature & nations. Done into Eng. by B. Kennett ; added, notes of Barbeyrac, tr. 4"^ ed., to wh. is pret., Barbeyrac's pref'. disc, [tr.] by Carew. fol. 1729 5"'ed. foh 1749 Puget de La Serre (Jean), sec La Serke (P. de). Pugh (Edward) [ps. David Hughson]. Walks through London s8". 1898 s8". 1897 s8". 1900 A street in Suburbia. Tony Drum. Pugh (Edwin W.) Kmg Circumstance. The man of straw. Mother-sister. & G. Burchett. The heritage. Pugh (John), attorney. Remarkable occurrences Jonas Hanway. Pughe (William Owen) [Idrison; fOwEx (W 2v. 8". 1817 s8". 1895 sS->. 1898 s8". 1901 iu life of 8'. 1787 aft. Owen Pughe]. The Cambrian biography. s8'. 1803 Diet, of Welsh. 2v. Ia8'>. 1803 see Jones (0.), E. Willlams, & W. 0. P., IMyvyrian archaiology, 1870. Pugin (Augustus), see Ferkey (B.) Recoils, of A. N. W. P., & A. P., w. not', of their works, 1861. . & J. Le Keux. Specimens of the architect, antiqs. of Normandy. AVith not', by J. Britton. 4". 1827 Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). Photogi-apbs from sketches by P. By S. Ayhug. Ia8". 1865 True principles of pointed or Xtn. architecture. 4" 1841 see Ferrey iB.) Recoils, of A. N. W. P. & Aug. P., w. notices of their works, 1861. Chancel screens & roodlofts. 4". 1851 Contrasts etc. 4". 1841 Glossary of eccles. ornament & costume; w.e.xtr^.f. Duraudus, Georgius, Bona etc. etc., tr. 40. 1844 On the proposed Protestant Me- morial. [P517J. 8'. 1839 Pugin (Edward Welby). Notes on the reply of Alf. Barry, to the " infatuated statements " made by E. W. P., on the Houses of Parliament. [P318]. 2"^ ed. 8". 1868 Pugliola (Bartolomeo della). Hist. Bononiensis 1104-1471, sec MuRATOKi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., tl8. Puibusque (Adolphe L. de). Hist. comp. des litt. espagnole * fr. 2t. 8". 1843 PUIPIN 1191 PUNJAB Puipin (Aleksandr Nikolaevich), see rvrix (A. N.) Puisaye (le etc. Joseph G. de). IWms., yui pouvront sew. ii riiist. (ill parti royalistc diir. la Ilevol. Ot. 8". Lonclres. 1803-lS Puiseux (Leon). L'emigration norraanile * la colonisation .anj^laise en Normandie au 15'' s. Avecdes pieces justific.it la liste des emi;;res. 8". Caen. 18(10 Siege & prise de Rouen par les Anglais, 1418-0, princ. d'ap. un poenie anglais contemp. 8°. Caen. 18G7 Pujo (Maurice). La crise morale. s8". 1898 Essais df critiijue gen^rale : Le r^gne de la grace. s8". 1894 Pujol (Eduardo Perez), sec PiiiiEz Pr-jor.. Pulco (,il mai-clt. Giuseppe). Saggio .storico di letteratura pottica dal sec. di Pericle tino al nostro. 2v. laS". Napoli. 18(57 Pulci (Luigi). II Morgante Maggiore. 4t. s8". Venezia. 1812 Puleston (lu'i: Sir T. H. Gresley), ;"' haii. The story of a quiet country parish : Worthenbury, Flintshire. s8'\ [1893] Pulex Confortus, sec CoNror/rus, dc Ciistodia. Pulford, The barons of, see Sitwell (Sir G. K.) The barons of P. in the 11"' A I'i'"' C. <.V their descendants, 1889. Pulgar (Hernando de). Epistolee ex Hispan. in Lat. conv. a J. Magon, 1()70. This is a part, but leith sep. tp., of M.vetyu (Peteu). Opus epist. ; ace. epist. i\ de P., cum tract. Hispan. de viris Castelhu illust., 1670, q.v. Puliga (Henrietta, comlcsse de) [i)s. Bbaha]. Joug d'amour. s8". iafl(i Lettres d'une amoureuse. s8". 1897 Mnie. de Sevignc, her correspondents ct contemps. 2v. 8°. 1873 PuUan (Leighton). Hist, of early Xty. s8". 1898 Lect\ on religion. s8". 1896 Pullaa (Eicliard Popplewell). Eastern cities* Italian towns. s8". 1879 see Newton {Sir C. T.) Discoveries at Halicarnassus etc., hy N., ass. by P., 1862-3. „ Texiek (C.) & P., Byzantine architecture, 1864. Pullein (Samuel). The culture of silk. 8". 1758 PuUen (Henry William). see 'Civilised Xty. : reply to [P.'s] " Mocleni Xty. a civilised heathenism," '20'' ed., 187G. „ *JoHN justified ; reply to the "Fight etc.," 2S'l'ed., 1871. *Dr. BuU'a Academy. [P553]. s8'>. Salisbury. 188G *The ground ash. sS". Salisbury. 1874 The house tliat baby built. '2"'i ed. s8". 187C *Modeni Xty. a civilized hea- thenism. s8". 1871 Puller (F. "W.) The primitive saints & the See of Rome. 3'" ed. 8". 1900 Pulling (Alex.) tlw ehler. The Order of the Coif. Ia8". 1884 Our law-repurting system. [P378]. 8". 1863 Pulling (Alex.) the i/ounger, sec London Gazette, Index. Pulling (Frederic Sanders). Life . 1875 Local nomenclature, chieHy in W. of Eng. s8". 1857 *Pulpit it pew : popular preachers of the period. By an Anglican layman. s8". 1877 Pulpits. *Good advice to the puljuts, 1687, see Gother (.1.) Pulsford (Edward). Rise, progress ct present position of trade in New S. Wales. [Chicago Exhib. P577]. %". Sydney. 1892 Pulsford (John). Morgenrothe : counterpart of " The supremacy of man." 8". 1883 Our deathless hope : disc'. 88". 1885 Tlie supremacy of man. n. ed. 8". [1883] Pulszky (Agost). Theory of law & civil society. [Tr.]. 8". 1888 Pulszky (Ferencz). Meine Zeit, mein Leben. Autorisierte tjbers. 4B. 8^ Pressburg. 1880-2 A r^zkor Magyarorszaghan. [11. Tud. A.]. Ia4". 1883 &T. Pulszky. Tales A traditions of Hungary. 3v. s8". 1851 . & White, red, black: society in the U.S. dur. the visit of [Tj. Kusstith]. 3v. 88". 1853 Pulszky (Karoly). Ornamente der Hausindustrie Ungarn's. Text V. P., gezeichnet v. F. Fischhach. fol. Budapest. 1878 Pulszky (Terez). Mems. of a Hungarian lady, hy P. Hist. intr. by F. Pulszky. 2v. s8". 1850 see PnLszKY (F.) & T. P., Tales etc. of Hungary, 1851. „ * , White, red, black, 1853. Pulteney (Richard). Gen. view of the writings of Linnseus. 2"' ed., w. adils. & mems. of [P.] by W. G. Maton ; annexed, the diary of Linnreus, tr. 4". 1805 Pulteney (William). Consid". on the pres. state of public affairs, & means of raising necessary supplies. [P58]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1779 Pulton (Ferdinando), see Scobeli. (H.) Coll. of Acts etc., 1040-56 ; cent, ot P.'s coll., 1658. Pumpelly (Raphael). Across America it Asia, residence in Arizona, Japan, China: a five years' journey round the world. 8". 1870 Geological researches in China, Mongolia it Japan, 1862-5. [S. C. to Knowledge, 1.5J. 4''. 1866 see United ST.iTES, 10"' Censu.=:, vl5. Mining Industries, (excl. of precious metals), by P., 1886. J. E. Wolff, & T. N. Dale. Geology of the Green Mts. in Mass. [U.S. Geolog. Survey Monograph 23]. laS". Wash. 1894 Punch. vU121inprog. 4». 1841-1901 B. Disraeli in cartoons from Punch. 4". 1878 *Mr. Punch : his origin and career with a facsimile of his orin-inal prospectus in the handwriting of Mark Lemon. s8". [1870] see Leech (J.) Pictures by L. f. P., 1865. „ Si'iELMANN (M. H.) The hist, of " Punch," 1895. Pungileoni (luigi). Memorie di A. Allegri detto il Correggio. 3v. 8". Parma. 1817-21 *Puniana, 1867 ; and, *Uore Puniana, 1875, see Rowley (Uon. Hugh) ed. Punjab. Anon, works rel. to the P., & misc. govt. publ. Hdbk. of economic products of the P., 2t, lHti8-72, see B.iDEN- POWELL (B. H.) History of services of gazetted officers employed in tlie P. 20"! ed., corr. to !»' July, 1900. 8". Lahore. WOO „ „ 21'" ed., corr. to I'" July, 1901. 80. Laliore. 1901 •Hist, of the P., & of the rise etc. of the Sikhs. 2v. s8". 1810 ♦Leaves from the journal of a subaltern dur. the campaign in the P., 1848, 9. sS". E. 1849 Report on the material progress of the P., 1881-91. fol. Lahore. 1892 Rules for administration of civil justice in the P. & Cis-Sutlej province. [P565]. s8 '. [c. 18.57 8] *Some passages in the life ot au adventurer in the Punjaub [r> ed., anon., 18^2;] 2"" ed., [not anon.], 1816, see Law- KENCE {Sir H. M.I Government Publications. Administration reports. East India Co. : Gen. report on the admin, of the P., 1849 50- 1850 1. fol. 1851 Gen. report on the admin, of the P. [>1- its dependeiicicsl. 1800-1866 ; 1870-1875 ; 1895 ij ; l.S97,8; 1898,9; 1899-1900; 1900 1. Ia8'', ii; fol. [Lahore, J87S .C- after]. 1861-1902 The Gen. report for ISliS i is b. w. Oude. Ann. re- port, 1803, 1. Census. Report on the Census ot the P., 1881 ; by D. C. J. Ibbetson. 3v. fol. Calcutta. 1883 Code. •Punjab Code (The), etc. 2'"' ed. ^8". Calcutta. 1888 CUSTOIHRY L.iW. Punjab Customary Law. vl-18, [in prog.]. Ia8''. [1-5, Calcutta ; 6 etc., Lahore]. 1881-1901. 1, Sel. f. the Records ot the P. Govt.; ed. C. L. Tupper. 1881. 2, Statements of C-'. Law in different districts; ed. C. L. Tupper. 1881. 3, Questions on tribal & local custom : manual for settlement officers. By C. L. Tupper. ISSl. i, Sirsa District ; by J. Wil- son. 1883. .'-., Ludhiifua D. ; by T. G. Walker. 1885. C, Rawalpindi D. ; by F. A. Robertson. 1887. 7, Tahsils ot Moga, Zira & Ferozepore ; by E. B. Francis. 1890. 8, Biwaj-i-ara ot tahsil Kai- thal of pargana Indri in the Karnal D. ; by J. M. Douie. 1892. n, Gnjrat D. ; by Capt. H. Davies. 1892. Amballa D. ; by A. Ken- sington. 1893. Alfstract ot Code ot C^. Law tor the Amritsar D., drawn up at the re- vised settlement 1805 by J. A. Gr.xnt. 1893. Main tribes in the Gur- daspur D. ; by L. W. Dane. 1893. 13, Main tribes in the Lahore D.; by G. C. Walker. 1894. 14, Main tribes of the Sialkot D. ; by J. R. Dunlop- Smith. 1895. 15, Sliahpur District ; by J. Wilson. 1896. 10, Dora Ghazi Khan Dis- trict ; byA. Diack. 1898. 10, 11, 12, PUNJAB 1192 PimCHAS Punjab [continued]. Govt. Publications [cont.] C'L'STdMARV Law [cotit.] 17, Peshawar District ; by J. G. Lorimer. 1899. 18, Lahore. District Gazetteers. [The form of t. is "Gazetteer of the District. Comp. & publ. under authority of the P. Govt." The vol for the " Bohtak District" is want- ing.]. 33v. laS". Lahore; [somen. p.]. Provincial volume, 1888 9. Ambala D,, 1892 8. Amritsar D., 1892 3. rev. ed. Bannu D., 1883 4. Delhi D., 1883 4. Dera Ghazi Khan D., 1883 '4. Dera Ismail Khan D., 1883, 4. Ferozepore D., 1888 9. Gujranwala D., rev. ed., 1893, 4. Gujrat D., 1892 3. a"* ed. Gurdaspur D., 1891 2. Gurgaon D., 1883/4. Hazara D., 1883 4. Hissar D. ; by P. J. Fagan. 1892. Hosliiarpur D., 1883, 4. Jiilaudhar D., 1883, 4. Jhang D., 1883 4. Jhelam D., 1883 4. Kangra D. vl, Kangra Proper, 1883 4. „ „ v2, Kulu, Lahaul, & Spiti, 1883 4. Karnal D., 1892. Kohat D., 1883 4. Lahore D. ; by G. C. Walker, 1893 4. rev. ed. Ludhiana D., 1888 9. Montgomery D,, 1883, 4. Mooltan D., 188.3, 4. Muzaflargarh D., 1883, 4. Piinjer (G. C. Berntard). Peshawar D., 1883 4. Rawalpindi D., rev. ed., 1893 4. Eohtak D. [wanting]. Shiihpur D., 1883 4. Sialkot D.; by Capt. J. K. Dunlop Smith, 1894,5. rev. ed. Simla D., 1888 9. IbRIG.'ITION. Revenue report of Irrigation Dept. 1896 7. fol. Lahore. 1898 Selections from the records. Sels. f. the records of the Govt. of the P. & its dependencies. New ser.,nos. 9, 12, 13, 15-18, 20-22. 8'. Lahore. 1871-83 9, The Dera Ghazee Khan district, & its border tribes : by R. B. J. Bruce. 1871. 12, Report on current rates of interest on loan in the P. 1876. 13, Papers reg. alienation of estates of insolvent pro- prietors to the money- lending class. 1876. 15, The " Chos " of Hoshiar- pur: by B. H. Baden- Powell. 1879. 10, Note on the revenue & re- sources of the P. 1880. 17, Note on the systems of fluctuating assessments in the P. 1880. 18, The trans-border trade of the Bannu district : by R. Udnj-. 1882. 20, Treatment of cattle disease in the Punjab. 1883. 21, Note on coal & iron in the P. 1883. 22, Report on the Punjab Ex- hibition, 1881-2. 1883, De M. Serveti doctrina. [P487]. 8«. Jense. 1876 Hist, of the Xtn. iihilosophy of religion i. the Reform", to Kant. Tr. W. Hastie. go. E. 1887 Die Iteligionslehre Kant'.s. 8". Jena. 1874 Punshon ("William Mcrley), sec Macdon-ai.d (F. W.) Life of P., 2'"' etl., 18S7. Puntschart (Paul). Schuldvertrag u. Treugelobuis d. siichs. llechts im Mittelalter. 8" L 1896 *Pupils (The) of St. John, 1868, see Yonqe (C. M.) *Puppets on show : or England's dilemma & the Boers' mistakes. By an independent American. [P680]. 8". [1896] Puranas. The Vishnu Punina. Tr. * illus. by notes by H. H. Wilson. 4„ 1340 For anoth. ed. of this tr. see Wilson (H. H.) Works v6- 11, The V. P., tr. etc. by W., ed. F. Hall, 1864-77. see *Haeivansa (ai>2)endix to the Mahahharata). *Purcell Papers (The), [talcs], 1880, see Le Fanl- (J. S.) Purcell (Edmund Sheridan). Life of Card. Manning. 2v. 8". 1895 Purcell (Henry). see Bridges (R.) Ode for bieenf. eommem". of P., etc., 1896. ., CUMMINGS (W. H.) P., 1881. Purcell (Theobald Andrew). A suburb of Yedo. s8°. 1889 Purchas (Samuel) the elder. Purchas his pilgrimage. 4''' ed. fol. 1626 Bound as vo of "P. his pilgrimes" ; this is tJie usual practice, but " P. his pilgrimage " is a different worl:. Purchas his pilgrimes. [2p in] 4p [or vol'.], fol. 1625 pi has also an engraved tp. : " Haklytus posthumus, or P. his pilgrimes." In the following list " Conquest of," " VoT/age of," " Travels into," "Relations of," etc., are to be understood. Achmet Khan, Sultan. Letter to James I. [v2, pl4S2]. Acosta (Joseph). Mexican An- tiquities. [v3, plOOO]. Natural hist, at the West Indies. [v3, p918]. Adams (Wm.) V. to Japon, 1598-1611. [vl,3'''6A-.,pl25]. Albuquerques Exploits. Fvl, 2'"' bk., p32]. Alexander, the Gt. Life etc. [vl, p81]. Purchas (Samuel) the elder [continued]. Alexander Vl, pope. Bull touching New World, [vl, i^'"' bk:, pl3]. Algazeli (Mahomet). Epitaphs ou tombe of Jacob Almansor. [v2, pl809]. Alhacen, Hist, of Tamerlan. [v3,pl60]. Alphabets. Letters used by divers nations : etc, [vl, pl76]. Alvarez {Sir F.) Ethiopia, 1520-33. [v2, pl026]. Amboyna. Dutch proceedings at A. [agst.] English. [v2, pl853]. Ambrose, St. Travels of Mu- sieus, Thebseus : etc. [vl, p89]. America, Northern. Planta- tions of the French in Florida & Canada, 1524-82. [v4, pl603]. Augelos (Chri stopheros). Greeks, [vl, pl54]. Antient philosophers, Travells of. [vl, p74]. Archar (Gabriel). Virginia, 1609. [v4, pl733]. Argal {Sir Samuel). Letter touching h. v. to Virginia, 1613. [v4, pl764]. Virginia, 1624. [v4, pl805]. • Virginia to Bermuda, 1610. [v4, pl758]. Asia. CoU*. of A., espec. Arabia. Tr. [v2, pl49o]. Ayton, Historie. [v3, pl08]. Bacon (Roger). Tartarian it- North. rel\ written in Latin. [v3, p52]. Baffin (William). 4"> v. of J. Hall to Groeneland, 1612. [v3, p821]. 1613. [v3, p716]. North-west passage, 1615- 16. [v3, p836]. Balbi (Gaspare). Pegu, 1579- 83. [v2, pl722]. Banda I*., Surrender to Eng. ; V. also of Sir H. Middleton. [vl, p701]. Barbary. Hist, of B., by Ro. C. [v2, p851]. Barkley (George). Travels, 1605. [v3, p625]. Barthema (Lewis). Egypt, etc., 1503. [v2, pl483]. Barton (Ed.) J. w. Great Turke & two letters f. Agria, 1591. [v2, pl354]. Battell (A.) Angola, 1589-1597. [v2, p970J. Benjamin, ben Jonah. Pere- grination of B., discs, state of Jewes, 460 j-rs. since. [\-2, pi 437]. Benzos(Jerom). Extracts, 1641. [v4, pl448]. Bermudez (Jolm). Embassage [of] B. f. Ethiopia. rv2, pll49]. Best (Th.) lO"- v. [of E.I.Co.] to E. India, 1611-14. fvl, p456]. Biddulph (Wm.) Letter f. ' Aleppo. [v2, pl334]. [ Blefkens (Dithmar). Hist, of Island & Groenland, 1563. [v3, p643]. Boty (Ivor). Treatise, 1608. [v3, p518]. Brasil. Treatise of B. rv4, pl289]. I Brerewood (Edw.) Enquiriesof j languages, [vl, p95]. Enquiriesof rehgions. [vl, I pll2]. I Brigges {Master}. South Sea. [v3, p848]. Broniovius de Biezerfedea (Martin). Tartaria. Iv3, pC.32l. Browne (Ai-nold). Journall of Indian v'. & to Japan, China etc. [v2, pl850]. Burrough (Chris.) Persia, Media, Caspian Sea, 1579-81. [v3, p243]. Cabot (Sebastian), Pert, Haw- kins, Drake & others. First V. to divers parts of Amer., 1517-95. [v4, pll77]. Master Thome & others, Voyages to the North-West, 1497-1583. [v3, p806]. Cadiz. V. unto C, 1590 out of Meteranus, Hackluyt & others. [v4, pl927]. Cambalu, Mahometan merchant in C, 1598 & travel! of Bene- dictus Goes, Labor to China, 1603. [v3, p310]. Candish (Th.) Circum-Nav. of globe, 1580-88. [vl, 2'"' bk., p57]. South Sea, 1591-3. [v4, pi 192]. Canner (Thomas). Virginia, 1603. [v4, pl656]. Carder (Peter). Round the world, 1577-86. [v4, pll87]. Cartwright (John). Aleppo to Hispaan & backe, c. 1603. [v2, pl422]. Castro (Jolm of). India to Zoez, 1540-1. [v2, pll22]. Catay & Labin, Descr. of the empires. [v3, p799]. Chaggi Memet, Travels in country of the Great Can. [v3, pl64]. Champlaine (Samuel). Canada, 1603. [v4, pl605]. Cherry (Francis) & T. Lyndes, Report touching Warme sea to S.-E. of the river Ob. [v3, p806]. Childe (Alex.) England to Surat, it to Jasques, 1616. [vl, p606]. Churches peregrination by this Holy Land way, & warre into mysticall Babylon. [v2, pl245]. Clayborne (Th.) 2""•' bk., p4]. Herrada (Martin de) & o. Spaniards, China & Philip- pinas. [v3, p292], Herrera (Antonio de). West Indies, 1601. [v3, p85!)l. Heynes (Edw.) Surat to Moha, 1018. [vl, p622]. Purchas (Samuel) the elder [continued]. Hollanders declar. of affaires of E. Indies, 1022. [vl, p«87]. Hores (Wm.) Surat to Achen, Teco & Bantam, 1018-19. [vl, p05(;l. Hudson (Henry). 1", 0.°', 3'<^ v. 1007-10, w. abstract of h. journal. [v3, pp507, 574, 581, 596]. lambulus, Arabia tt Ethiopia. [vl, p79]. Jacob, ship. Rel. [of capture etc.], 1021. [v2, pH87]. Jenkinson (Anthonie). Citie of Mosco to c. of Boghar, 1558. [v3, p231]. First V. f. citie of London tow. the land of Russia, 1557. [v3, p222]. Jerusalem. [Pilgrimage] to J, [v2, pl230]. Jesuites entrance into Japon & China, 1542-99. [v3, p316]. Jobson (R.) Gambra, 1620. [v2, p921]. River Gambra. [v2, pl507]. John II, ki)iff. Discoveries, [vl, a'"' bk., p7j. John, Prcster, Armenian, liis Report of Sussinus, called Prester J. [v2, pll87]. Jonas (Arngrim>. Chrymogasa, 1609. [v3, p654]. Jones (Th.) Rel. of v. [of Sharpey, q.v.], 1607-10. [vl, p228]. Keeling (Wm.) 3'<' v. to E. India [of E. Ind. Co.], 1607-10. [vl, pl88]. Knight (John). North - west passage, 1606. [v3, p827]. Knivet (Antonie). Adventures, 1591-1601. [v4, pl201]. Lancaster (James). V. to E. India, 1600. [vl, 3''' bk., pl47]. Lane (Henrie). Letter to W. Sanderson, N.East discoverie, 1553-83. [v3, p249]. Las Casas (Bartholomew de). Destr. of the Indies by Spaniards etc., 1542. [v4, pi 568]. Layfield (Eglambie). Port Ricco v., 1590-8. [v4, pll55]. Leigh (Charles). Guiana, 1004. [v4, pl250], Leo (John). Obs. ot Africa, tr. [v2, p749]. Leonard, bp. of Sidon. Jacob- ites & Armenians, [vl, pl50]. Lerius (John). Extracts out of hist, of J. L. who lived in Brasill, 1557-8. [v4, pl325]. Lescarbot (Marke). Voy. of M. de Monts into New France, 1003-9. [v4, pl620]. Linschoten (J. H. van). Goa, 1483. [v2, pl750]. Hands of Azores. [v4, pl667]. Lithgow (Wm.) Candy, Egypt. etc., 1612. [v2, pl831]. Logan (Josias). Pechora, 1611. [v3, p541]. Lopez de Legaspi (Michael). Philippinas. [v3, p284]. Magaliaues (P.) V. [round] world, 1519-22. [vl, 2'"' bk., p33]. Magneticall it Astronomic all instruments. [vl, ^"^ hJf., pi]. Mahumetan authors, Coll*-, out of Arabicke bookes. [v2, pi 499]. Mandevile (.SzV John). Travels, 1332-65. [v3, pl28J. pilgrimage, [vl, Voyage. [v2, Man's life p49]. Mansel {Sir R.) p881]. Marcus Paulus Venetus, First book ot h. v., 1250. [v3, p65]. Marsh (Ant.) River ot Ob, ■ 1584. [v3, p804]. Marten (N.) 7'" v. [ot E.I.Co.] to E. Indies under A. Hippon, 1610-15. [vl, p314]. Marwin, Rel. of the river of M. [v4, pl283]. Mendez Pinto (Fernam). Obs. of China etc., 1521-45. [vS, p252]. Meneses (Duart de). Portugall Indies. [v2, pl506]. Mexican Nation, History of, 1324-1502. [v3, pl066]. Middleton (David). Java & Banda, 1609. [vl, p238j. V. ot Consent, f. Tilburie Hope, 1606-8. [vl, p220]. West Indies, 1601. [v4, pl242]. Middleton {Sir H.). O'" v. ot E. India Co., 1010-12. [vl, p247]. Mildenhall (J.) Persia, India, 1599-1006. [vl, 3"' 6i-.,pll4J. Milward (John). Mems. of v. [to E. Indies), 1014-15. [vl, p524]. Monfart. Cont. ot Jesuites Acts, 1018. [v3, p405]. Monoxe (Edw.) Ormuz busi- nesse, 1621. [v2, pl79S]. Mon**. of antiqu. : commerce betw. our Kings & the [East]. [v2, pl271]. Mun (T.) Trade f. England unto E. Indies, [vl, p732]. Mustapha, Resignation of : ad- vancing ot Amurath. [v2, pl848]. Navigation, Improvement of, in later times, [vl, 5'"' bk., pi]. Newbery (John). Holy Land, Persia etc., 1578-82. [v2, pl410]. Letters, rel. 3'^'^ v. into eastern parts of world, 1583. [v2, pl642]. New-England, Plantation, 1607- 22. [v4, pl827]. New-found-land, Plantation, 1610. [v4, pl870J. Ni(,'a (Marco de), Vasquez de Coronado, Antonio de Espeio, Voyages, 1539-90. [v4, pl560]. Nicholay (N.) Descr. of Alger, etc. [v2, p874]. Nicol (John). Massacre in Santa Lucia, 1605. [v4, pl255]. Nicole di Conti, Indies, Mangi, Cambalu ct Quinsai. [v3, pl58]. Noort (Oliver). V. round the globe, 1598-1601. [vl,2'"' 6*., p71]. Norwood (Richard). Summer I»., 1022. [v4, pl796]. Nova Scotia, Plantation of New Scotland in America. [v4, pl871]. Nunez (Alvaro). Relation 1527-30. [v4, pl499]. Nunnez Baretus (J.) & A. Oviedo. Ethiopia. [v 2, pll74]. Ordonnes de Ceuallos (Pedro). West Indies. [v4, pl420]. Ormuz. Rel. of taking of O. by Engl, t^; Persians. [v2, pl785j. PURCHAS 1194 PUENELL Purchas (Samuel) the elder [con Osmau. Sultan, Death of O., & setting up of Mustafa, 1022. [t2, plSTO]. Oviedo (Gonzalo F. de). ludies. [v8, p970]. Pachaturunxa, Iving of Ormu/i. [v2, pl785]. Pantoia j Diego). Letter to Guz- man written in Paquin, 1602. [v3, p350]. Paris (Matthew). Jerusalem exped., 1118-1292. [t2,p1215]. Parker i Wilham). Taking of St. Vincent & Puerto Bello, lUOl. [t4, pl243]. Paytou (Walter) [Pevtou]. 2"'' V. of W. P. to E. ludies [E. I. Co.], 1614-16. [vl, p528] . 12"' V. [of E.I.Co.] to E. India, 1612-14. [vl, p488]. Percy (George). Plantation in Virginia, 1606. [v4, plOSo]. Perera (Galeotto). China. [v3, pl99]. Perez (Martin). Extracts, 1591- 1605. [v4, pl562]. Peru. Briefe rel. of an English- man in Peru. [v4, pl418]. Philip II. Afric. poss\ [v2, p873]. Phcenician v*^., especially of Hanuo. [t1, p77]. Pigafetta (P.) Congo, tr. [v2, p986]. Pimenta (Nic.) Indian obs., Coromandel & Pegu, 1597-9. [v2, pl744]. Pinder (W.) Ormuz, 1620-1. [v2, pl787]. Pizarro (Francis). Peru, 1531-4. [v4, pl489]. Plimoth, Plantation, 1C22. [v4, pl842J. Poole (Jonas). Cherie Ih\nd, 1604-9. [t3, p5o6]. Cherry Hand, 1610-12. [v3, p699l. Popes Bull. [v4, pl895]. Portugals discontent etc. & disc, of East Indies, [vl, 2'"' 6A-., p26J. Pretty (Francis). Nav. of globe [bv] Thomas Candish, 1586-88. [vi, 2'"* bk., p57]. Pricket (Abacuk). Larger disc. of [Hudson] Voyage, lUlO. [y3, p597]. Pring (Martini. 2 v'. into E. Indies, 1614-16 ; 1616-21. [vl, p629]. . Virginia, 1603. [t4, pl654]. Pursglove CWilliam). Pechora, 1611. [v3, p547]. Pyrard de Laval (F. de). E. In- dies, 1601-11. [v2, pl646]. Rawlins ( J. ) Recovery of 'Ex- change ' of Bristow Ir. Turkish pirats. [v2, pSsy]. Eiccius & Trigautius, Disc, of China. [vS, p380]. Robert, monk S. Remlgiiis, Expedition to Jerusalem by Godfrey of BuUen &c., 1095. [v2, pll89]. Roberts (Nicholas). Escape & victorie of E. etc. taken by Pyrates. [v2, pl577]. Eoe {Sir Th.i Mogols Court, 1614-17. [vl, p.J35]. Eosier (James). Virginia, 1G02. [v4, pl651]. Virginian Voyage, 1605. [v4, pl659]. Eubruquis (William de). Jonr- nall, 1253. [v3, pi]. Eusse Cossacks travailes, out of Siberia to Catay etc., 1619. [v3_, p797]. Russia, Changes in E. since Ivan limied]. Vasilowich, 1570-1615 etc. [v3, p738]. Contracts betw. the Em- perour & the King of Sweden, 1616. [v3, p792]. Salbancke (Jos.) India, Persia, Turkic, Arabia, 1609. [vl, p2S5] . Sauclio (Pedro). Peru after Pizarros departure, 1534. [v4, pl494]. Sanderson (John). Voyages, 1584-1602 : w. descr. of Con- stantinople. [v2, pl614]. Sandys (GeorgeJ. Africa, 1610. [v2, p896]. Journey [to Holy Land], 1610. [v2, pl274]. Sanctos (Joao dos). CoU^. out of Ethiopia Orientalis. [v2, pl53.5]. Saris (John). E. Indies, 1605-9. [vl, p384]. S'i> V. of E. Indian Soc, 1611-14. [vl, p3S4]. Sclmirdel (Hulderike). Travels, 1534-54. [v4, pl347]. Schouten iWm. C.) e"" Circura- Nav., 1615-17. [fl, 2'"' bk., p88]. Scot [Edm.) Java, 1C02-5. [vl, 3'-'' bk., pl64]. Sea fight. [v4, pl7S01 Sharpey (A.J & E. Bowles. 4'" V. [of E. India Co.] to E. Indies, 1607-10. [vl, p228]. Sherley (Sir Anth.) Caspian Sea, & Eussia, 1601. [v2, pl407]. Persia, 1599. [v2, pl383]. Sherley (.SirEobt.) Travels[»! Persia]. [v2, pl805]. Siberia, Samoieda & Tingoesia, 1612. [vS, p522]. Sighelmns, Mamdevile, Stevens, Fitch, & others. Indian v^. [vl, 3"' bk., pl09]. Silva Figueroa (Garcia). Letter to Bedmar, [on] Persia, 1619. [v2, pl533]. Sinai, etc. descr"^. [bj'] Breiden- bach, Baumgarten, Bellonius & Purer. [v2, p]376]. Sixtus V. PopesBuU. [v4,pl895]. Smith iJohnJ. Bermudas, 1613- 23. [v4, plBOl]. New Englands tryalls, 1622. [v4, pl837]. Travels, 1596. [v2, pl361]. • Virginia, 1606. [v4,plG91J. Solomon, King. Navie sent f. Eziongeber to Ophir. [vl, pi]. Soto iFerdinando de). Florida, 1539-43. [v4, pl532]. Sparrey (F)'ancisj. He of Trini- dad, Guiana & river Orenoco, 16G2. [v4, pl247]. Spilbergen (George). V., Ma- gellane Str., South Sea, E. ludies, 1614-17. [vl, 2'"' bk., p80]. Spurway (Th.) Wrongs at Banda to Engl, by Hollanders, 1617. [vl, p608]. Steel (E.) & J. Crowther. Az- mere in India to Spahau, Persia, 1615-0. [vl, p519]. Stonemaii (John). North plan- tation of Virginia, 1606. [v4, pl832]. Strachy iWiUiam). Wracke etc. of Sir Thomas Gates, 1610. [v4, pl734]. Stroza (Peter). Opinions of the Chaldoeans. [vl, pl63]. Studly (Thomas) . 1888 The Lady Drusilla. sS". 1887 Literature & its professors. sS". 1867 PURNEY 1195 PUY-LAURENS Purney ( ). I'astoiala : viz., The bashful swain, &, Beauty * Biniplicity. [1'05]. 8". 1717 rastorals, after tlie manner of Theocritus. [P65]. 8". 1717 Purple, «■(■ *In p. & golil, by C. B., 18(>8. ''Purpose (The) of existence, in rel. to tlie mind. s8". 1850 'Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties, 1831 ; S'" ed., 1834, see Ckaik (G. L.) ♦Pursuits (The) of literature, IS" ed., 180-5, sec Mathias (T. J.) Purton (William), M.A. Bhiloealia : essays on beauty. 2p in Iv. 8". 0. 18(U-6 Purves, fn'c aho Pukvis. Purves (George T.) Testimony of Justin Martyr to early Xty. 8". [1888] Purves (Sir ■William). Revenue of the Scottish Crown, 1681. Ed. D. M. Rose. 4". E. 1897 Purvey (John), sea *RKM0NSTr,ANCK agst. Romish corruptions (l:'.\>o).[byl'.n, 1H.51. Purvis (William Frederick) & L. V. Biggs. South Africa. s8". 1896 Pusch (Georg Gottlieb). Geoguost. Beschreibung v. Polen, so wie d. iibr. Nordkarpathen-Liinder. 2T, [T2, it atlas tvcmtingl 8". St. 1833-6 Puschkin (A. S.), sec Pushkin. Puseley (Daniel) [ps. Frank Foster]. *New plays, by an old author. 8". 1876 Number One, or the way of the world. (A colonial directory, inch Sydney, Melbourne, & New Zealand). Ia8". 1862 Tins is vl. No mure teas 2}ubl. in this cd. Pusey (Edward Bouverie). The Church of Eng. a portion of Xt.'s one Church, etc. : an Eirenicon. 8°. 0. 1865 The Church of Eng. leaves her children free to whom to open their griefs. 2"'' ed. 8". 0. 1850 The Councils of the Church, 51-381. 8". 0. 1857 Daniel : 9 lects., w. notes. 8". 0. 1864 *Dr. Hampden's theolog. statements & the 39 Articles compared. [P497]. 8". 0. 1836 The doctrine of the real presence as in the Fathers, vindicated in notes on a sermon "Presence of Xt. in the Eucharist," preached, 1853. 8". 1883 This was first pttbl. 'iSs6. For a suppl. to it, see his " Real presence " bcloio. Entire absolution of the penitent : sermon. [P128]. %>. 0. 1846 The Eucharist a comfort to the penitent. [P249]. 8". 0. 1843 Hist, enquiry into the causes of the rationahst character lately predominant in the theology of Germany, etc. 2p in Iv. (pi " contg.explan.of the views misconceived by Rose "). 8". 1828-30 Letter to the bp. of London in explan. of statements in a letter by W. Dodsworth. 8°. 0. 1851 Life, the preparation for death : sermon, Cambridge, 1867. [P221]. 8". O. 1807 Marriage w. deceased wife's sister prohibited by Scripture ; evidence given before the Commission, w. pref. by P. Added, speech by E. Badeley. 8". 0. 1849 Notes & questions on the Catholic Faith & Religion ; the notes & answers chiefly f. works, & in words, of P. [2'"' ed.]. s8". 1895 Occas. sermons sel. f. published sermons of P. sS". 1884 On the clause " And the Son " in reg. to the Eastern Church & the Bonn Conference : letter to H. V. Liddon. 8". 0. 1876 Parochial & cathedral sermons. 8". 0. 1882 Parochial sermons. 2v. [1, 3"i; 2, 2'"' ed.]. 8°. O. 1852-3 Patience & confidence the strength of the church : sermon. [P262]. 2°'' ed. 8". O. 1838 The real presence the doctrine of the Eng. Church, w. vindie. of the reception by the wicked of Christ truly present. 8". 1883 First publ. /s.v7- It is a siip2)l. to his " Doctrine etc." above. The Royal Supremacy limited by the laws of the Church. pi, Anc. precedents, [no more publ.]. 8". Oxford. 1850 Sels. f. the writings of V. sS". 1883 Sermons for the Church's seasons ; sel. f . sermons of P. [Ed. R. F. ^Yilson']. s8». 1883 Sermons f. Advent to Whitsuntide. 8". O. 1848 Sermons preached before the Univ. of Oxford betw. 1859 cSr 1872. 8". Oxford. 1872 Spiritual letters of P. Ed. J. O. Johnston & W. C. E. Newbolt. 8". 1898 Unlaw in judgements of the Judicial Committee & its remedies : letter to H, P. Liddon. [P3S6]. 8». 1881 What is of faith as to everlasting punishment '? reply to Farrar's " Eternal Hope." 2"" ed. 8". O. 1880 Pusey (Edward Bouverie) [continued}. Will ye also go away ? sermon, Oxford, 1867. [P221]. 8". 0, 1867 see Bihle : Compi,. Texts. Bible w. comm. etc. : Minor Pro- phets, by P., 1860. „ *CHnrsTiAN faith & the atonement : sermons in ref. to views publ. by Jowett & ethers. By P., etc. etc., 1856. ,, Gallwey (P.) The Lady Chapel & P.'s ijcacemaker, 1865. „ Gacme (J. J.) Advice etc. ; being G.'s Manual adapted, w. pref., by P., 1878. „ Goode (W.) The Case as it is ; reply to letter of P. to abj). of Canterbury, 3"i ed., 1843. „ Harper (T.), ti.J. Peace through the truth ; essays on subj. conn. w. r.'s Eirenicon, 1866-74. „ Harrison (John). Whose are the Fathers ? 1867. „ Liddon (H. P.) Life of P., 1893-7. „ Martin (J. P. P.) La double procession du Saint-Esprit & la conf(5rence de Bonn, lettre a P., 1876. ,, Newman (card. J. H.) Letter to P. on his Eirenicon, 1866. „ OxENHAM (F. N.) What is the truth as to everlasting punish- ment ? Reply to P., 1881. „ Hose (H. J.) Letter in reply to P.'s " Causes of rationalism in Germany," 1829. „ Shipley (0.) Specimen of recent Anglican controversy w. Rome : letter to P., 1880. „*Tracts for the times : [no*. 18, 67-69 by P.], 1837-41. „ Trench (M.) *Story of Dr. P.'s life, 1900. Pusey (Philip), see Ci.aeke (E.) P., 1900. Pusey (S. E. Bouverie Bouverie-), si'cBouvEKiE-PusET(S.E.B.) Pushkin (Aleksandr Sergyeevich). [Pouchkine ; Poushkine ; PnSCHKIN]. Co'iMiiciiii;. 10 Tn.4NSLATIONS. Eugene Oneguine, Spalding. Oiuvres. Tr. S, m 5. s8". 1887 The prose tales of P. Tr. T. Keane. s8". Bohn. 1896 The Queen of Spades, it o. s. With biogr. ; tr. Mrs. S. Edwards. sS". 1892 References. see Borrow (G.) Targutn— The Talisman f. P., n.d. „ Panin (I.) Lects. on Russ. Ut. : P., etc., 1889. Tr. Lt.-Col. S80. 1881 Eiigelliardt. H». 1885 Cont\ Boris Goduuoff — Le chevalier avare — Mozart & Salieri — Les nuits d'Egypte. Q^^uvres cboisies. Tr. H. Dupont. 2t. 8". S.-Petersbourg. 1847 Putnam (Charles E.) Elephant pipes & inscribed tablets in the Mus. of the Acad, of Nat. Sci., Davenport, Iowa. [P795]. 8". Davenport, Iowa. 1885 Putnam (George Haven). Authors ifc their public in anc. times. s8>>. N.Y. 1894 Books & their makers dur. the Middle Ages. 2v. {1, 470-1600. 2, 1500-1709). 8". N.Y. 1896-7 The question of copyright. 2»'' ed. s8". N.Y. 1896 & J. B. Putnam. Authors & publishers : suggestions for beginners in lit. 7"' ed. s8". N.Y. 1897 Putnam (George Palmer). American facts. b8". 1845 see IiiviNii (Wash.) Studies of I. by Warner, Bryant, P., 1880. Putnam (Maj.-Gen. Israel), see Tarbox (I. N.) Life of P., 1876. Putnam (J. B.), see Pctnam (G. H.) & J. B. P., Authors etc., 7'" cd., 1897. Putnam (Kuth). William the SUent. 2v. s8". N.Y. 1895 sec Church (A. J.) & P., The Count of the Saxon Shore, 1887. putter (Johann Stephan). [Pctterus]. An hist, development of the present polit. constitution of the Germanic empire. Tr. w. notes etc. by J. Dornford. 3v. 8'. 1790 Puttick & Simpson, auctioneers. see *BiBLioTHECA Americana : cat. of bks. rel. to America, sold by P. & S., 1861. „ "Catalogue of a coll. of valuable misc. books, compr. a large no. rel. to America etc., sold by P. ct S., 1862. Putz (Wilhelm). Hdbk. of anc. geography & hist. Tr. E. B. Paul. s8». 1849 Hdbk. of mediffival geography & hist. Tr. R. B. Paul. sS". 1849 These two books are trs.of Ahthlg. ! i£2of P.'s " Grundriss d. Geographic u. Geseh. d. alten, mittlern u. neueren Zeit." The tr. of Abthlg. 3 is " Hdbk. of modern g. & h., tr. Paul, 1850 " wanting. Puvis de Chavannes (Pierre), see Vachon (M.) P. de C, 1895. Puy-Laurens (Guillaume, de). [fGunELjius, de Podio Lau rcntii]. see Bouquet (M.) Kec. des hist, des Gaules, tl9, 20. PUY-LAURENS 1196 aUAKERS Puy-Laurens (Guillaume, de) [continued], see Gdizot (F.) ed., Coll. des mems. : tlo, Chron. de G. deP.-L., 1824. „ MoxcMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr. tl8. Puyniaigre {k etc. Alex. de). [tBouDET de Pcym.ugbe {le c. A. de)]. Souvs. sur I'Emigration, I'Empire & la Restauration. 8°. 1884 Puymaigre {le etc. Theodore J. de). [fBouDEx de Puymaigee {le e. T. J. be)]. Chants populaires recueillis dans le pays Messin, augmentee de notes et de pieces nouvelles. n. ed. 2v. sS". 1881 La com- litteraire de Juan II de Castille. 2t in 1. s8". 1873 • Eomanceiro ; vieux chants portugais tr. etc. s8^ 1881 Les vieux auteurs castillans. 2t. sS'. Metz. 1801-2 Puysegur (Jacques de Chastenet, vtc. de), d. /6S2. [fCnAs- TEXET^. Menioires, [1617-581. 2t. sS". 1747 Pyarichajida Mitra, see Pe.^ry Ch.^xd Mittee. Pyasetsky (P. Ya.), sec Pussetsky (P.) Pycroft (George). Origin of Volunteer Movement. [P363]. 8". 1881 Pycroft (James). Agony poi[it : or the gi-oans ot "gentility." 2°'' ed. s8". 1862 A course of English reading. 4>'' ed. 8°. 1801 *The cricket field. s8». 1851 Dragons' teeth [tiovel] . 2v. £8». classical education as auxiliary to commercial education. [P166]. 8". 1817 ©.Kford memories. 2v. 8o. 1880 Twenty years in the Church: autoby. 2'"i ed. s8<>. 1800 „ ... Elkerton Rectory : p2 of "Twenty years etc." s8'. 1860 "Ways & words of men of letters. s8". 1801 1803 Four lect". on advantages of Pye (John), engraver. Notes etc. resp. the Liber studlorum of Turner. Ed. etc. by .J. L. Roget. 8». 1879 Patronage of British art, an hist, sketch. 8°. 1845 Pyfferoen (Oscar). Les r6formes eommunales. s8". Brux. 1895 Pyke, sec also Pike. Pyke (Rivington). The man who disappeared. s8». 1896 Pyl (Carl Theodor). Die grieeh. Rundbauten. 8°. Greifswald. 1861 Mytholog. Beitriige. Tl, [1, Das polytheist. System d. grieeh. Religion. No more pubV. P458]. 8o. Greifswald. 1850 Pyl (Eoelcf van der), sec Deb Pyl (R. van). Pyle (Howard) cd., The buccaneers & marooners of America. new illust. ed. s8". 1891 The book is made up f. that part of Exqucmelin vh. refers to Sir H. Morgan, <& f. C. Johnson's "Hist, of the jiirates." Pyle ("Walter L.), sec Gould (G. M.) & P., Anomalies * curio- sities of medicine, 1897. *Pylgrymage, sec *Pilorimage. Pym, sec also Pim. Pym (John). [Pim; Pimme ; Pvm.m ; Pymme]. The heads of a conference delivered by P. at a Comm. of both Houses, Junii 24, 1641. [P278]. s4". 1041 see FoRSTER (.J.) Statesmen of the Commonwealth : 2, P., 1840. „ S.MITH (Goldwin). Three Eng. statesmen : [P. etc.], 1867 ; n. ed., 1868. „ So.MERS (.1. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Pyne, sec also Pine. Pyne (George). Perspective for beginners. sS". 1874 Pyne (Henry), barrister, sec Debat (Le) des heraulx etc. *Eng- land ct France in the 15"" cent. : " The debate betw. the heralds of France iV Eng." [btj Charles of Orleans '?], tr. etc. H. Pyne, 1870. Pyne (William Henry) [^m. Ephraim Hakdcastle]. Wine & walnuts. 2v. 2"" ed. s8'. 1824 Pypin (A. N.) [tPuipiN (ALEKs.iNDR Nikolaevich)] & v. D. Spasovic. Gesch. d. slav. Literaturen. Ubertr. v. T. Pecb. 2B. 8". L. 1880-4 Fyrard (Francois). [P., de Laval]. Voyage de P. n. id., augm. par Du Val. 4". 1079 Voyage to E. Indies, Maldives, Moluccas, Brazil. Tr. f. ed. 1619, w. notes, by A. Gray, ass. by H. C. P. Bell. 2v in 3, [2, i, ii, pagin.conf. Hakluyt Soc, 76, 77, 80]. 8 >. 1887-90 Pyrenees. *Sketches in the P., etc., 1837, sec Boddington {Mrs.) *Sumnier it winter in the Pyrenees, 1841, sec Ellis {Mrs.) Pyron Du Martre (Antcine) Ips. M. A. Poeny], see Pornt (M. \.)ps. Pyrrho, of Ells, [P. Eliensis], sec Sextcs, Empiricus. Opera; adjuugere visum est Pyrrhonis vitam (ex Diogene Laertio), 1021. *PyrrhoniEme (Le) de I'Eglise Romaine, 1757, sec H.\yer (H.) Pythagorseus (Sextius), see Sextus, Pythagoraus. Pythagoras. [Pitagoea ; Pit-igoras ; Pythagoee]. see Ciiaignet (A. E.) P. & la philosophic pythagor., etc., 1873. ,, Heyder (C!. L. W.) Ethices Pythagoreoe vindicias scr. H., 1854. ,, HiEKocLEs.of .l/t'.caiidj'in. Comm. in aurea [Pythagoreorum] carmina, 1709 ; 1853. ,, Upon the golden verses, [tr.] Hall, 1057. ,, Iamblichos, of Chalcis. De vita Pythagorica ; ace. Malchus, s. Porphyrins, de vita Pythagorie ; itemq. Anonymus apud Photium de vita Pythagorn?, 1707. ,, De vita P. ; ace. Porphyrius de vita P., etc., 1815-16. „ De vita P. ; ace. Epimetrum de Pythagorfe aureo carmine, 1884. ,, M.\rechal (P. S.) *Voyages de Pythagore etc., [1799]. ,, Reinhold (C. E.) Beitrag z. Erliiuterung d. pythagor. Metaphysik, 1827. *Pythouse Papers (The) : eorr. cone, the Civil War, Popish Plot, & a contested election, 1680. From MSS. in poss. of Y. F. Benett-Stanford; ed. W. A. Day. Ia8'. 1879 Q Q., ps. of a. of " Dead Man's Rock " etc. etc., see Quiller- ConcH (A. T.) Q., ps. of a. of " Dramatists of tlic present day, l.^yi," see PURNELL (T.) Q., Old, sec QUEENSBEREY (W., 4"' dtikc of). *Qanoon-e-Islam, tr., 1895, see Jaffur Shuereef. Quadratus, St., bp. of Athens, see Hermias. Irrisio ; Q'. reliquia?, 1872. Quadri (Antonio). Abrege de I'hist. de la Republ. de Venise.- 2' hX. en fr. s8'\ Venise. 1847 Otto giorni a Venezia. 2v. s8". Venezia. 1821-2 Prospetto statist, delle Provincie Venete. s8>. Venezia. 182(i „ „ Atlante. s4". Venezia. 1827 Storia della statistiea, per serv. d'intr. ad un prospetto statistico delle Provincie Venete. s8". Venezia. 1824 Quadrio (Francesco Saverio). Della storia e della ragione d' ogni poesia. 4v in 6, [fi, 3 have 2p each], Indice, Iv. 4". Milano. 1739-52 Quaife (James). The Hackney Coach directory. s8o. 1821 Quain (Jones). Elem". of anatomy. 2v. 5'" ed., ed. R. Quain & W. Sharpey. 8°. 1848 Quain (Jones) [continiced]. Elem". of anatomv. 2v. 8"" ed., ed. W. Sharpey, A. Thomson, & E. A. Schafer. ' S". 1870 Quain (Sir Richard), bart., ed., A. diet, of medicine ; by var. writers. Ed. R. Q. 8". 1882 2v. n. ed. Ed. R. Q., ass. by F. T. Roberts & J. M. Bruce. 8". 1894 ,, 3"' ed. [ic. t., Q.'s diet, of med. ; by var. writers. Ed. H. M. Murray, ass. by J. Harold, & W. C. Bosanquet]. 8<>. 1902 Quain (Richard), prof, of surgery in Univ. Coll., London ; /sOO-'iy. On some defects in gen. education. [Hunterian Oration, 1869]. s8". 1870 *Quaint industries & interesting places in Sussex, ii.d., see Wolff (H. W.) *Quaker anecdotes, 1880, see Pike (R.) ed. *Quakerism ; or, the story of my life, 1851, see Greek {Mrs. S. D.) Quakers. [Society des Amis ; Gesellschaft dee Fi'.eundb ; fFBiENDS, Society of]. *Case (The) of the oppressed Africans, recommended to the Legisla- ture by the Q'., 1784, see Africans. aUAKERS 1197 aUELLEIf Quakers [continiu-. 1834 ,, „ ... Suppl. [Sep-', bound, fC- w. sep. tp.; hut pagin. cont. with thai of the Rules, 3''' ed., 1834J. 4". 1849 A sel. f. tlie Xtn. advices issued at the yearly meetings of Soc. of Friends. fit" ed. s8". 1851 •Tracts [8] illus. the hist., doct. & discipline of the S. of P. s8". 18.51 *Qualified (The) exportation of wool discussed, 1782, see Hanks (Sir .1.) Quandt (Johann Gottlob v.) Briefe aus Italien ii. d. Geheim- nissvolle der .Schtinheit u. die Kunst. s8". Gera. 1830 Quarante-sept. *47, Chaussee d'Antin : recits etc. par Jean d'Alesson [cC ^'^ o. authors. Soc. de.s Gens de Lettres]. sS". 1880 Quarantine. *The nature of a Q., as performed in Italy; w. necessity fur laying open trade to E.Indies. [P188]. 8". 17G7 Quaritch (Bernard). Gen. cat. of bks., arranged in classes, offered for sale by Q. 8". 1860 8^ 1864 8'\ 1868 S". 1874 Sketch of liturgical hist. & lit. s8». 1887 Quarles (Francis). Boanerges * Barnabas : judgment & mercy etc. 8"' ed. s8". 1074 Complete works. Memorial-intr., notes etc. by A.. B. Grosart. 3v. (1, Prose. 2, 3, Verse). 4'. f.p.c. 1880-1 Divine poems, etc. Newly augmented. s8". 1634 Emblems ; with, Hieroglyphics of the life of man. s8'. 1736 *Quarrel (The) betw. Manchester & Cromwell : unpubl. doc'., [Camrlen Soc., NS12], 1875, sec M.^xchester (E., 2'"' earl of). *Quarrels of authors, 1814, see D'Isr.ieli (I.) Quarry (John). Genesis & its authorship. rev. ed. 8\ 1873 Quarterly German magazine. 1871-2. [Inlv]. 8". Berlin. 1871-3 Quarterly journal of economics. vl2~1.5. hi prog. laS". Boston. 1898-1901 Quarterly journal of education. lOv. [Soc. for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge]. ' 8'. 1831-5 Quarterly journal of microscopical science. New ser., v26-45. In prog. 8^ 1886-1902 Quarterly journal of science (The). 7v. ; New ser., 8v. S\ 1864-78 cont. as : The journ.^l of science, q.v. Quarterly review (The). vl-194, [Feb., 1809-Oct., 1901. In prog. l 8". [1809]-1901 v^O is : Gen. index to vl-19. viiO is : Gen. index to v21-39. v60 is : Gen. index to v41-39. v80 is : Geu. index to tC1-79. vlOO is : Gen. index to v81-99. I'lSl is : Gen. index to vlOl-130. vl40 is : Gen. index to vl22-189. vl60 is : Gen. index to vl41-159. vl81 is : Gen. index to vl61-180. see Cr.ooKEs (W.) Psychic force etc. : reply to the Q. r., 1871. „ Lister (T. H.) Answer to an art. on [/lisj " Life of Clarendon " in no. 124 of the Q. v., 1839. *Quasi cursores, 1884, see Edinburgh, Universitv of. *Quatre (Les) tils Aymon, see Aymon. Quatrefages(A. de). [tQD.\TREFAOEs de Brkao (J. L. Armand de)]. Darwin iV s. precurseurs fran(^. 8". 1870 llist. g6n. des races humaines : Intr. 4 I'et. des races hum. 8\ 1889 JPhysiologie comparee : Meta- morphoses de rhomme & des animaux. s8'\ 1802 Les pygmees. s8". 1887 Unite de I'espjce linmaine. s8». 1861 Transl.wions. The human species. s8". 1879 Metamorphoses of man <^' the lower aninuxls. Tr. H.Lawson. s8'>. 1864 Quatrelles, ps. [i.e. Ernest L'Epine]. A coups de fusil. sS". 1876 I Lettres i une honnele femme sur Double face : Raison-Polie. les eveuements contenip. s8". 1890 s8". 1885 Mon petit dernier. sS". 1885 I Sans queue ni tete. s8". 1875 The Prussian race. App., ace. of the bonibardmeut of the Museum of Nat. Hist., Jan., 1871. Tr. I. lunes. s8". 1872 The pygmies. Tr. F. Starr. s8". 1895 Rambles of a naturalist on the coasts of France, Spain it Sicily. Tr. E. C. Otte. 2v. sS". 1837 see •Recueil de rapports sur les prog, des lettres etc. : Antliropologie, par Q., 1867. Quatremere (Antoine), see Qu.vrnEiiERE de Quincy (A. C.) Quatremere (Ei^ienne M.) Melanges d'hist. & de philologie orientalc. Not. sur I'aut. par B. St.-Hilaire. 8". [1861] M&ns. geograph. & hist, sur I'Egypte etc., rec. des mss. coptes, arabes etc. de la Bibl. Imp. 2t. 8°. 1811 Quatremere de Quincy (Antoine C.) [A. Quatremere ; A. C. QuiNcv DE QuATKHSiiiRE]. Hist. de la vie & des ouvr. de Michel-Ange. laS". 1835 Hist, de la vie & des ouvi\ de Raphaiil. 3' ^d. laS". 1835 The nature, end, & means of imitation in the fine arts. Tr. J. C. Kent. 8». 1837 sec DuppA (R.) Lives etc. of Michael Angelo [bij Z).], & Raphael [by Q. de Q., (n], 1846. *Qua,ttro (Dei) cavalli riposti sul pronao della basilica di S. Marco, 1815, see Cicognara (L., confc). "Quatuor Coroniti " Lodge, No. 2076, London. Ars quatuor coronatorum, being the transactions. vl-7. 4». Margate. 1888-94 Classified index to the catalogue slips, Jan. 1888-Nov. 1892; ed. G. W. Speth. Ia8'. Margate. 1893 Quatuor coronatorum antigraphia. Masonic reprints of the lodge. vl-7. 4°. Margate. 1889-1894 St. John's Card, Dec. 1890-3, 1894. .5v in 2. Ia8". Margate. 1890-4 see Freejiasons. *Secret hist, of the F.-M. : known as the " Briscoe " copy, 1891. „ GouLD (R. F.) The Duke of Wharton, w. true hist, of the Gormogons, 1895. Que. *Qu'est-ce que le tiers dtat ? 3° 6d., 1789, see Sieyes (E. J.) Quebec, see Halifax. *0n the importance of a railway from H. to Q., 1858. see Jesuit relations, 1896-1901. „ Literary A Hist. Soc. of Q. „ Masehes (F.) ed., *Additional papers cone, the province of Quebeck, etc., 1776. Quedlinburg. Annales, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl41. , MONUMENTA GeRJI. HiST., ScI. L3. Queen. *Queen (The) of the Colonies : Queensland, 1876, see Thorne (E.) *Queen (The) of the county, 1865, see Marsh (A.) Queen Anne's Bounty. Forms of proposals for augmenting .small livings etc. [P676]. fol. 1714 Letters to the Governors, f. their solicitors, on their duties & remuneration. [P498]. 8". [1873] Rules & orders for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor clergy etc. [P676]. fol. 1713/14 Queen Elizabeth's College, Greenivich, see Greenwich. *Queen's (The) speeches, f. her accession, 1882, see Victoria. Queen's College, Belfast. Cat. of books in Lib. of Q.C. Ia8». Belfast. 1897 Queens' College, Cambridge, see Cambridge, Univ. of : Q. C. Queen's College, Galway. Calendar. 1894-1902. [8v]. s8». D. 1895-1902 Queen's Court, sec Court. Court of King's Bench. Queensberry (John Sholto Douglas, S"' marq. of), b. ■IS\i',, see Gott. Cat. of remaining Gott heirlooms ; pictures of Q. etc., sold 1897. Queensberry ("William Douglas, '/"'duke of), d. IS 10, [Old Q.], see Bnr.iNsoN (J. R.) " Old Q." ; a meni., 1895. Queensberry (William H. W. Montagu-Douglas-Soott, .s"' duke of ), b. 1S31, see Buccleuch & Queensberry (W. H. W., 6''' IS"' duke of). Queensland. •Colony (The) of Q. as a field for emigration. [P214]. 8'. [1866] Garden (Tlie) of Queensland, 1899, see D.arling Downs. •Letters f. Q. : by the "Times" special correspondent. sS". 1893 •Queen (The) of the Colonies : Q., 1876, see Thorne (E.) Queensland : the sugar industry. Acts & regul'. [P622]. 8». 1896 Vital statistics, 1898. 39"' anu. report. fol. Brisbane. 1899 •Work (The) & wealth of Q. [P689]. ^8". Brisbane. 1897 Queille (Eumene) [ps. J. Erdic], see Erdic {J.) ps. Queipo (V. Vazquez), see Va/.quez Queipo (Vicente). Queipo de Llano y Kuiz de Saravia (Jose Maria), condc de Toreno, see Toreno. Quekett (John T.) Treatise on the use of the microscope. 2"" ed. 8 ■. 1852 Quekett (William). " My sayings & doings," etc. ; an autob-'. 8". 1888 Quellen des weltl. Drama in England vor Shakespeare, 1898 see Brandl (A.) ed. QTJELLEN 1198 aUIETISME Quellen iind Forschungen aus Italien. Archiveu u. Biblio- theken. Hrsg. v. d. K. Preuss. Histor. Institut in Rom. El-3, [in prop.]. laS". Rom. 1898-1900 *Quellensainmlung zur Gesch. d. neutestamentl. Canons, 1844, sec KlECHHOFER (J.) «/. Quellien (Narcisse). Annaik, poesies bretonnes. Pref. de E. Renan. s8\ 1880 Contes et nouvelles du Pays-de-Ti-^guier. s8". 1898 *Quelques mots surles communions oocidentales, 185-5, see'Kuon- YAKOV (A. S.) *Quentin DuiwaiJ. var. ed'., see Scott {Sir W.) Quentin (Charles), novelist. Through the storm. 3t. s8'. 1880 Quentin (Maximilien). Diet, de diplomatique ehret., see Mign-e (J. P.) Encyclopedie : SI, xlvii. Quentin-Bauchart (Ernest). A travers les livres. 8". 189.5 Quentin-Bauchart (Maurice) [ps. Je.an Berleux], see Ber- I.El'X (.J.) j«. Quentin de La Tour (Maurice), see La Tocr (M. Q. de). Querard (Jean Marie). La France Htteraire : diet, biblio- graphique dcs gens de lettres etc. de la France, plus partieu- li^remeut aiusi que des etrangers qui ont ecrit en franQais, Ijend. les 18'' & 19' s». tl-12, [no more publ.']. 8'. 1827-64 tl-10, A-Z [from 1700-1826]. The tp. of til indicates its contents as Corrections — Additions — Aufceurs pseudon. & anon. deVoiles. tl. And the tp. of tl2 indicates its contents as Dix-neuvieme siecle. t'2. These Ht answer very slightly to this descrijJtion of their contents^ d- are somewhat in the nature of a siippl. in alphah.forni to tl-10. Bjtt while til covers A to Kazy, tl2 covers only Ee to Eoguet, d- the work ceases at that point. For a continuation of the main work, [i.e. of tl-10], for the period after 1826, see *LiTTER.i- TURE fran^aise (La) contemporaine, [ed, by Q. as far as p282 of t2], 1842-57. ffiuvres posthumes de Q. : Livres a clef. 2t iu 1. [b.w.h. Livres perdus]. 8°. Bordeaux. 1873 „ „ Livres perdus & exemplaires uniques. 8". Bordeaux. 1872 Les supereheries litt. devoilees : auteurs apocryphes etc. de la litt. fr. pendant les 4 dern. siee., etc. .5t. 8». 1847-53 ,, ., 3t. 2" ed., augm., publ. par G. Brunet ct P. Jannet. 8". 1869-72 see Brunet (G.) Diet, des ouvr. anon, [of Barbier] suivi des Suijercheries etc. [of Q.] : suppl., 1889. „ Thomas (Ralph) [ps. 0. Hamst]. A martyr to biblio- graphy: notice of life & works of Q., 1867. Quercetanus (A.), sec Dc Chesxe (Andk^). Querela (Jacopo della), sec Della Quercia (.J.) Quercinois (Olivier de Magny), see Magxy (O. de). *Querelle (La) du Cid ; pieces, 1898, see G.i.ste (A.) ed. *Querelles litteraires, 1761, see Irailh (A. S.) Queries. *Querie3 for queries. [P676]. fol. 1716 *Queries recommended to the consideration of the public, w. reg. to the 39 Articles, 1772, sec Articles. ♦Resolution (A) of certain Q'. cone, submission to the pres. govt., 1689, see Long (T.) Querolus. [The play catalogtted liere, also found u: the t. " Aulu- laria," is not tlie " Aulularia " of Plautus, but a late imitation, sometimes, but wrongly, atir. to him]. *Querolus sive Aulularia, incerti auct. com. togata. Rec. S. C. Eliukhamer. 8°. Amstelodami. 1829 Le Q., texte en vers restitue d'apr^s un principe nouveau et tr. ; pr(5c. d'uu examen litt. [HE41]. 8°. 1880 Quesnay (Francois). see D.URE (E.) ed., Physiocrates : Q. etc., avec comm. etc., 1846. „ McCuLLOCH (-J. R.) Treatises etc. ; w. biog. sketches of Q. etc., 1859. „ MiEABEAu (V., marg. de) & Q., *L'ami des hommes, 1760-4. Quesnay de Beanrepaire (Jules) [ps. J. de Glouvet]. Le berger. sS". 1882 j Histoires da vieux temps. La famille Bourgeois. s8°. 1883 | sS". 1889 Le forestier. n. ed. sS". 1SS9 Le marinier. sS". 1881 France, 1418-29. sSo. 1895 I Le pere. s8". 1886 Quesnel (Pasquier). [Quessellius]. Devotional comm. on Matthew. Tr. s8». 1869 Explication apolog. des sentiments du p. Q. dans ses reflexions sur le Xouv. Test. 2p. s8'. n.p. 1712 *Hist. de la vie et des cuvrages de Mr. Arnauld. augm. en cette ed. e8". 1697 see Mabellon (J.) Corr. de M. etc. avec I'ltalie ; suiv. des lettres du p. Q. a Magliabecchi, 1846. Quesnoy (Ferdinand). Campagne de 1870. Armee du Rbin, j etc. 8°. 1872 *Qu'est-ce que le tiers ^tat ? 3« ed., 1789, see Sieves (E. J.) *Queste (La) del Saint Graal, var. ed'., see Grail. Quested (John). Railway surveying & levelling. 8". 1846 Question. •Question (Tlie) of method as affecting rehg. thought. By a clergy- I man. [P712.] 68". 1873 •Question (The) of unreciprocated foreign copyright: report of meeting, 1851, see Copyright. •Question sociale : le sublime, ou le travaUleur comme il est etc., par P. D., 2' ed., 1872, see Poulot (D.) •Question sociale. L'ouvrier tel qu'il etait, tel qu'il est & tel qu'il pourrait etre. [Pref. signed Un republicain. PS41]. sS". 1879 Questions. •Questions & answers etc. : seq. to "Outlines of see. econ.," 1848 sec Ellis (W.) •Questions (Les) de Zapata, 1766, see Volt.aibe. Questions for a reformed Parliament [10 essays hy var. loriiers]. S". 1867 •Questions for Bible-worshippers. [P206, 701]. s8". 1865 •Questions in political economy etc., 1823, see Bailey (S.) •Questions iThe) put by the Royal Commsrs. on tlie depressed state of trade dealt with, 1885, sec Macfie (R. A.) •Questions : to which answers are asked f. the orthodox, 1866, see \ Scott (T.) Quetelet (L. Adolphe J.) Du systeme social etc. 8". 1848 Letters to the Grand Duke of Saxe-Coburg on the theory of probabilities as applied to moral ct polit. sciences. Tr. 0. G. Downes. 8". 1849 Sur rhomme & le developpement de s. facultes. 2t. s8o. Brux. 1836 „ ... [anoth. ed., w. t. : Physique sociale, ou essai sur le ddveloppement des f'. de I'homme]. 2t. Ia8". Brux. 1869 Treatise on man A: the development of h. faculties. Tr. ; [ed. r. Smibcrt]. laS". E. 1842 Quetteville (Philip "W. de), see De Quetteville (P. W.) Quevedo (F. de). [fGoMEz de Quevedo Yillegas (Fran-cisco)]. Obras. 6t. 8'. 1772 Obr.is. llv. 81. 1791-4 Obras. Ccl. compl., ilust. por A. Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe. [Eivadeneyra, 23, 48, 69]. 3t. laS". 1852-77 t37(ns t.: Poesias; col.orden. por F. Janer, Les visions de Q. V., augm. de I'Enfer reforme. Tr. par le s. delaGeneste. sS^. Rouen. 1678 ■Works. Tr. 3v. sS". E. 1798 see Hidalgo (J.) Romancesetc, por H. ; y los romances de la germania, que escr. Q., 1779. Quex, ps. *My friend : sonnet-sequence. s8''. 1894 *Qui (A) les torts dans la guerre entre le Danemark & rAUemagne? 1849, see Daxem.irk. Quibell (J. E.), B.A. El Kab. In assoo. w. work of Somers Clarke & J. J. Tylor. [Egypt". Res. Ace.] 4'>. 1898 Hierakonpohs, pi. Plates of discoveries in 1898 by Q., w. notes by W. M. F. P. [Egypt". Res. Aec.]. 4°. 1900 Hieratic ostraka & papyri found by Q. in the Ramesseum, 1895-6. Ed. W. Spiegelberg. [Egypt". Res. Aec.]. i". [1898] The Ramesseum, by Q., w. tr'. etc. by W. Spiegelberg ; & the Tomb of Ptah-Hetep, copied by R. F. E. Paget & A. A. Pirie, w. comnr. by F. LI. Griffith. [Egypt". Res. Aec.]. 4°. 1898 sec Petkie (W. M. F.) a- Q., Naqada & BaUas, 1896. Quicherat (Jules E. J.) Aper^us nouveaux sur I'hist. de Jeanne d'.Vrc. 8". 1850 Hist, du costume en France jusqu'a la fin du 18* s. Ia8°. 1875 Rodrigue de ViUandrando. ^ 8<>. 1879 see Arc (Jeanne d'). Proems de condamnation & de rehabilita- tion de J., 1841-9. Quicherat (Louis). Thesaurus poeticus ling. lat. 12= tir. laS". 1867 Traite de versification trans'. 2' 6cl. 8". 1850 Quick (John), minister of the Gospel. Synodicon in Gallia reformata ; acts etc. of National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France. 2v in 1. fol. 1692 Quick (Robert Hebert). Essays on educational reformers. s8o. 1868 Life A- remains of Q. Ed. F. Storr. sS". 0. 1899 R. Muleaster. [P513]. 8". [1888] Quidde (Ludwig). Caligula. [P583]. 25" A. 8". L. [1894] Quiet. *From a quiet place, 1879, sec Boyd (A. K. H.) *Quiet nook (A) in the Jura, 1867, see Ruffini (G. D.) Quietisme. *Eelation de I'origine, du progres & de la con- damnation du q. repandu en France, 1732, see Pheltpeaux (J.) QUILLARD 1199 aUINTON Quillard (Pierre). Lii lyie heroique et dolentc. sS". 1897 & L. Margery. La question d'Orient & la politique per- soniielle do II. Uanotaux. [P683]. s8°. 1897 Quiller-Couch (Arthur Thomas) [ji.s. Q.] Advcnturcsin L-riticism. sS". IHOti The astoniehiug hist, of Troy Town. s8". 1888 The blue pavilions. sS". 1892 Dead Man's Kock. s8". 1887 la Noughts & crosses : The delectable Duchy : stories etc. sS". 1898 „ 21'' ed. s8«. 1894 Fairy tales, far & near, re-told by Q. s8". 1895 The golden pomp : lyrics f . Surrey to Shirley. s8". 1895 Green bays : verses & parodies. s8". 1893 Historical tales f. Shakespeare. s8". 1899 I saw three ships, tt o. winter's tales. s8". 1892 s8". 189G stories etc. bS". 1891 Old fires & profitable ghosts: stories. s8». 1900 The 0.\ford book of Eng. verse, 1250-1900. s8». O. 1900 The ship of stars. sS". 1899 The splendid spur. s8<'. 1889 Wandering Heath : stories etc. s8i. 1895 The Warwickshire Avon. s8". 1892 see Stevenson (R. L.) St. Ives [chap\ 31 to end by Q.-C.\ 1899. „ *Stoby (The) of the sea, ed. Q., ass. by {others], 1895-6. Quiller Couch (Lilian M.), see Corcn (L. M. (J.) Quiller-Couch (Richard), see Coucn (K. Q.) Quiller Couch (Thomas), see Cornwall. *Glossary of words in use in C. : East C, by T. (J. C, 1880. Quillet (Claude) [;is. C.vlvidiusLetus]. Callipoedia : de pulchra} prolis habendse ratione. Juxta ed. Paris. s8". Londini. 1708 Quillinan (Mrs. Dorothea), wife of Edward Q. *Journal in Portugal, A glimpses of S. of Spain. 2v. s8». 1847 Quillinan (Edward). Stanzas. i". Lee Priory. 1814 Woodcuts & verses. 84°. Lee Priory. 1820 Consolation. 8'*. Lee Priory. 1815 Dunluce Castle. 4". 1814 Elegiac verses addr. to a lady [i.e. Lady Brydges], s4". Lee Priory. 1817 Quillot (Maurice), Le nihilisme sentimental : Le traite de la Midusc. [P771]. sS". Dijon. 1892 Quilter (Harry). Giotto. 4". 1880 s8". 1881 Preferences in art, life, & lit. laS". 1892 Sententiie artis : first principles of art. 8". 1886 Quin (Edwin B. Wyndham-), 3"' carl of Diinraven, sec DUNISAVEN. Quin (James), comedian. '*The life of Mr. J. Quin. Added, a suppl. of orig. facts; w. ace. of h. trial for murder. s8". 1887 TJic first part is a rcpr. of " TJie life of Q., /~66." Quin (Michael Joseph). Steam voyages on the Seine, Moselle, Ehine ; with railroad visits to Belgium. 2v. s8". 1843 The trade of banking in England ; embracing the substance of the evidence before the Secret Comm. of the H. of Commons, etc. s8". 1833 2'"i ed. 8». 1824 earl of Dunraven, see Visit to Spain, 182-2-23. Quin ("Windham T. Wyndham-) Dl-NRAVEN. Quinault (Philippe). Theatre de Q. 2t. n. ed. sS". Amsterdam. 1715 Quinctilianus (M. F.), see Quintilian. Quincy, see also De Qiincey. Quincy (/c viarq. de). [fSEvra de Quincy {le marq. Chaeles de)]. L'art de la guorn'. 2t. n. id. s8". La Have. 1741 Quincy (Antoine C. Quatremere de), sec Quatke-ueke de Quincy (A. C.) Quincy (John), see Hodges (N.) Loimologia; [w.] essay on pestilential diseases, by Q., 1720. Quincy (Joseph Sevin, cte. de) [le chcv. de Quincy]. Memoires. Publ. par L. Lecestre. 3t. (1, 1690-1703. 2, 1703-9. 3, 1710- 1713). [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1898-1901 Quincy {Josiah), 2'residciU of Harvard Univ. Hist, of Harvard University. 2v. Ia8». Cambridge, [Mass.]. 1840 Quincy (Josiah Phillips). Lyteria. 2"'' ed. s8". Boston. 18.55 Quincy de Quatremere (Antoine C), see (Juatbemeue de Quincy (A. C.) Quinet (Edgar). CEuvres completes. 80t, [tl3 wanti?!)/]. 980. ifoc/ieHe. [1895] The voP. are numbered only in the publishers' list. [1], Le genie dcs religions. [2], Cours dn College de France : Les Jesuites — L'ultraraontanisme. [3], Cours du College de France : Le christian- isme & la Revol. Frau- V-aise. Qninet (Edgar) [coiUiniied]. [4, 5], Les revol". d'ltalie. 2t. 5" ed. [6], Marnix de Sainte-Alde- gonde — Philosophie de I'hist. de France. 6* ed. [7], Les Roumains — Alle- magne & Italie. i' ed. [H], Premiers travanx : Intr. :\ la philosophie de I'hist. — [Essai sur Herder]^ Examen de la Vie de Jesus [of f^ trail ss], [9], La Grfece moderne — Hist, de la poesie. 4'' ed. [10], Mes vacances en Es- pagne. 5"^ ed. [11], Ahasverus. 5*^ ed. [12], Proraethee — Les es- ulaves. [18], Napol6on : poeme. [leanting]. [14], L'enseiguement du peuple — CEuvres polit. avant I'exil. 6" ed. [15], Hist, de mes idees. 7* ed. [1(1, 17], Merlin I'enchanteur. 2t. 4- ed. [18-20], La Revolution, prec. de la Critique de la Re'vol. St. 13" ed. [21], Hist, de la campagne de 1815. [22, 23], Lacreation. 2t. 4'sed. [24], Le livre de I'exile — [La revol. religieuse au 19® 9.] : ceuvres polit. pen- dant Vexil. [25], Le sifege do Paris & la defense nationale — ■ Q^uvrcs polit. apres I'exil. [26], La Republique : condi- tions de la regeneration de la France. S*' 6d. [27], L'esjirit nouveau. [28], Vie & mort du genie grec. 2'" ed. [29, 30], Corr. : Lettres i sa mfere. 2t. 3« ed. Ahasverus. n. ed. s8">. 1843 Allemagne it Italie : philosophie & poesie. 2t in 1. n. ed. 8». 1846 Le christianisme & la Re'vol. Fr. sS". Brux. 1845 La creation. 2t. 8". 1870 L'esprit nouveau. H". 1875 Hist, de la campagne de 1815. 8". 1862 Lettres d'exil i Michelet & a divers amis. 4t. s8". 1885-6 Mes vacances en Espagne. 8". 1846 La Revolution. 2t. 8". 1865 Tbanslations. Xty. in its var. aspects. Tr. C. Cocks. sSo. 1846 Ultramontanism. Tr. C. Cocks. 8". 1845 References. see Castille (H.) Q., 1858. „ DUFOUK (T.) Lettres il Q. sous I'Empire, (1849-66), 1883. „ Heath (R.) Q.,h. early life & writings, 1881. „ Michelf-t I.J.) & Q., Des jesuites, 5' ed., 1843; 1846. „ Quinet {Mme. E.) E. Q. avant I'exil, 1887. „ E. Q. dep. I'exil, 1889. s8i>. 1887 sS». 1889 s8°. 1868 Vidas de espaiioles celebres. 2v in 1. sS». Paris. 1827 Lives of celeb. Spaniards. Tr. T. R. Preston. 8°. 1833 Mems. of CI. Hernandez de Cor- dova. Tr. J. Russell. s83. [1851] Quinet {]\[mc. Edgar). Edgar Quinot avant Texil, Edgar Quinet depuis I'exil. Mtms. d'exil (Bruxelles-Oberland). Mums, d'exil : L'amnistie 1866 is loanting. Quintana (Manuel Jose). Obras, see Eivadeneitia (M.) under Quintana. Poesias selectas castellanas. 3t. s8". 1807 „ [anoth. ed., w. t. : Tesoro del Parnaso espaiiol, 6 poesias etc.]. n. ed. 8". Paris. 1838 Quintessence, see '*Book of q., ed. 1866. ■"Quintessenz (Die) des Sooialismus, 2= A., 1877, see Sch.\ffle (A. E. V.) Quintilian. [(Juinctilianus; Quintilien; jC^uintilianus (Mai-.cus Fabiuk)]. Declamationes. Emendata;, ex rec. U. Obrechti. 4". Argentorati. 1698 Tlie " Declamationes " form. aitr. to Q., but now believed to be spjirioiis, arc, for convenience, catalogued here. Instit. orat. libri xii. Ad usum schol. aecomm. etc. a C. RoUin. 2t. s8". Parisiis. 1735 De instit. orat. libri xii. Eee. G. L. Spalding. 6v. %". L. 1798-1834 v4, ed. Buttmann. 5, cur. Zumpt. 6, Lexicon et indices cur. E. Bonnellus. Instit. orat. libri xii. Eeo. C. Hahu. 2v in 1. 8". L. 1868-69 Institution oratoire : collation d'un MS. du x" s., par E. Chate- lain et J. Le Coultre. [HE20]. 8\ 1875 Instit. orat. libri xii. Kec. E. Bonnell. 2v. sS". L. 1882-9 Instit. orat. liber x. Kev. text, notes etc. by W. Peterson. 80. 0. Translations. 1891 Institutes of the orator. Institutes of eloquence. Tr. J. Patsall. 2v. 8". 1774 Tr. with notes by W. Guthrie. 2v. 80. 1805 Quintilianus (Aristides),sce Meibohius (M.) ed., Antiquse musicie auct. vii, [v2 «'. t. : A. Q. de musica], 16-52. Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius), see Quintilian. Quinton (Marie), see *Jocbnal (Le) de la belle meuniere. Le gen. Boulanger & s. amie, [pref. signed M. Quinton], 1895. ftUINTUS 1200 RABUTIN Quintus, Sinyrna;us. [Coixtcs S3ITkn;e ; Q. Calaber ; QurxTo CalaekoJ. PraBtermissorum ab Homero libri xiv. Gr. cum vers. Lat. etc., cur. J. C. de Pauw. 8". Lugd. Bat. 1734 Posthomericorum libri xiv. Ree. etc. T. C. Tychsen, ace. obs. C. G. Heynii. 8\ Argentorati. 1807 Q. Smynifpi, Tryphiodovi, loa. Tzetzic et Colutlii carmina de rebus Troianis. Ed. ster. s8». L. 1829 Posthomericorum libri xiv. Eec. etc. A. Koechly. 8°. L. 1850 Posthomericorum libri xiv. Keeog. A. Zimmermann. sS". L. 1891 see Hesiod. H'. carmina : Q'. Posthomerica, ed. Lehrs, 1840. „ Paley (F. a.) Q. S. & the "Homer" of the tragic poets, 2"'> ed., 1879. „ Sainte-Beuve (C. a.) Etude sur Virgile ; suiv. d'etude sur Q., 3' (id.. 1878. Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, see Symmachfs (Q. A.) Quintus Curtius Rufus, sec Curtii's Eufl-s (Q.) Quintus Ennius, sec Enxifs (Q.) Quintus Icilius, ps., see Guischardt (C. T.) Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, see Tektulllan. Quintus Sertorius, see SERToiurs (Q.) *Quinze jours a Londres (1815), ISIIJ, see Defauconpeet (A. J. B.) Quirinus, ^w. Letters f. Borne on the Council. Tr. s8'. 1870 .4 tt: of *Eomische Briefe vom Concil ; von Quirinus, 1870. Quitard (Pierre Marie). Etudes sur les proverbes fr. & le langage proven(;al. 8". 181)0 Proverbes sur les femmes, I'amitie, I'amour, le mariage. n. ed. s8". 1889 *Quits, 9''' ed., 1880, see T.autph. 1820 see Lacretelle (J. C. D. de). Precis de la Efivol. : [1], Assem- blee constituante, par E., 0' ed., 1813. Eabbe (Felix). Les maltresses authentiques de Byron. s8''. 1890 Shellev, sa vie & s. a:uvres. 38". 1887 ^ihelley : the man it the poet. [Tr.]. 2v. s8». 1888 Eabbeno (Ugo). The American commercial policy. 2"" ed., tr. 8<>. 1895 Le societa co-operative di produzione. 8". Milano. 1889 Eabbeth (J. E.) The story of Spenser's Faerie Queene. 8°. 1887 *Eabbi Jeshua : an Eastern story. 38°. 1881 Rabbinowicz (I. J. M.) Le rule de Jesus it des apotres. \aS\ Brux. 1866 *Rabbit (The), 1898, see Fur, feather, & fin series. Eabbulas, Edessenus, see Eabula, bjj. of Edessa. Eabelais (Frangois) [ps. Alcofeibas]. CEuvres, cent, la vie de Gargan- [ CEuvres. ed. variorum, etc. tua et de Pautagruel, etc. Comm. par Esmangart et E. 3p in Iv. I Johanneau. 9t. 8". 1823 £8'\Lyon:i7'.ifa»". Bohn. 1849 Works. Faithfully tr., w. vario- rum notes etc. & illiist*. by Dore. sS". Hotten. [1871] The life of Gargantua etc. Tr. \ Urquhart. [Morley's Univ. Lib.]. s8'. 1883 : Master R. five books of Gargan- tua & Pantagruel. Tr. Sir T. Urquhart & P. .\. Motteux, w. intr. by A. de Montaiglon. 2v. i°. 1892 R., the 5 bks. it minor writings ; w. letters it docs, illust. h. life. A new tr. w. notes by W. F. Smith. 2v. 80. 1893 Eaberti (Eubert). Lnmaculata. Eabou ((jharles). Les grands danseurs du roi. s8\ Brux. 1840 Eabula, bp, nf Edessa, [Eabbulas Edessenus], sec Migne (J. P.) (■(/., Pat. gricca, t77, E. Ea'jus (Leonhard). Logik u. Metaphysik. 11, [no more piitbl.]. 8". Erlangen. 1868 Eabusson (Henry). L'amie. s8». 1886 Bon garc;on. s8\ 1892 Le cahier bleu d'un petit homme. s8". 1898 Les cbimeres de Marc Le Prais- tre. s8'. 1899 Dans le monde. s8\ 1883 GriSes roses. 3' ed. 68°. 1898 Un homme d'aujourd'hui. 2" ed. 68". 1837 Eahut (Laurent) Gargantua & Pantagruel. Tr. Sir T. Urquhart it P. Le Motteux, 1653-94. Intr". by G.Whibley. [Tudor Transl'.]. 3v. s4". 1900 Readings in R. By W. Besant. 88". E. 1883 References. see Besant (Sir W.) R., [1879, repr.], 1885. „ Fleury (J.) R. & s. oeuvres, 1877. „ Gebhabt (E.) R., la Re- naissance & la Reforme, 1877. ,, Heulhabd (A.) E., s. voy- ages en Italie, 6. exil a Metz, 1891. ■ „ Ligier(H.) La politique de R., 1880. „ MAi-RARGUES (A.) R., 1868. „ Millet (R.) R., 1892. „ Sebillot (P.) Gargantua dans les traditions pop., 1883. 2B. sS". St. 1899 Idylle et dranie de salon. s8". 1890 L'illusion de Florestan. 2' ed. B8''. 1889 Mon capitaine. sS". 1888 Monsieur Cotillon. •2' ed. s8'. 1894 Prejuge ? Sans entraves. 2'' ed. 1894 1893 „ „ ... 3' ed. 88". 1893 Value rencontre. 2« ed. s8". 1897 Habitations lacustres de la Savoie. [.Mbum. 4"]. 8''. Chambery. 1867-8 Eabntin (FranQois de). see 'Collection univ. des mem. partie. etc., 137-39, E., 1785-90. „ MicHAUD (J. F.) it J. PoujouL.iT, cdd., Nouv. coll. des mcms. : I, 7, E., 1850. „ For anoth. ed., Petitot (C. B.) ed., Coll., I, 31, 32 1819. EABUTIN 1201 EADET Eabutin (Roger de), r/c. dc Bass;/, see Bilssy-Ratutin'. Rabutin-Chantal (Marie de), siv Skvignk {Mmc. he). Kabutin de Chantal (la baioiuic Jeanne Fran^oise de), Saint, see Cfiantal, Saiiite. Raby (Lord), see Wentwortu (Thomas), enrl of Strafford, ^'"' creation. Racan (Honorat de Bueil, marq. de). CEuvres complies, n. ed., revue * annot. par Tenant de Latour, avec notice biog. par A. de Latour. 2t. s8'. 1857 .see ARNni-i.D (L.) E. (1589-1670), 1896 ; n. M., 1901. Raccolta. Eaceolta cronologico-ragionata di document! ined. che formano la storia diplomat, della rivoluz. e caduta della Kepubbl. di Venezia, 2t, [2" cd.), 1800, sec Tentciri (C.) liaccolta di lettere suUa pittura, scultura ec, 1822-5, see BoTTARi (G. G.) ed. liaccolta di novellieri italiani. 3p. 8". Firenze. 1833-4 liaccolta di tutti gli antichi poeti latini colla loro versione nell' italiana faveila. For this series [c. /y^^], of tch. all but tiro volumes are wanting, sec under the t. on its first tp. Corpus omnium veterura poet. Latinorum, cum Italica versione. *Racconti di una donna, 1870 ; <£, *Nuovi r. di u. d., 1876, sec PHTTI (R.) Rachel (Mile.), the actress. [IFelix (Elisabeth Rachel)]. •Memoirs of R. By Mme. de ' see Janin (J.) R. & la tragedie. B . 2v. s8". 1858 see Imbert de Saint Amand (A. L.) Mme.de Girardin ; avec lettres ined. de R., 188.'^. Bachilde, ps., see Vallette (Mme. A.) Racine (I'abbe Bonaventure). *Abreg(5 de I'hist. eccl(5siastique. 15t. [14, 15 by Vabbe Troi/a d'Assigny wanting]. Nouv. ed. s8". Cologne. 1752-62 Racine (Jean). CEuvrcBcompletes ; notes de tous les comm. 4*" ed. publ. par L. A. Martin. 7t. 8". 1825 CEuvres. Prec. d'une notice. s8". 1840 CEuvres completes. 2t. ed. de Lahure et C'^ s8 '. 1862 CEuvres. 8t. n. ii., par P. Mes- nard. [Grands ecr''. de la France]. 8». 1865-73 „ Album. 8". 1873 „ JIusique des chceurs d'Estber & d'Athalie. 8". 1873 Abrfge de I'hist. de Port- Royal. [4.] Academic Fran(^aise (Dis- cours i 1'). [4.] Additions et corrections. [7.] Alexandre le Grand. [1.] Andromaque. [2.] Aristote. Fragm. de la Poetique [tr.] [5.] Athalie. [8.] Avertissement. [1.] Bajazet. [2.] Berenice. [2.] Britannicus. [2.] Critique de I'Epitre dediea- toire de C. Perrault. [5.] Denys d'Halicarnasse. Ex- traits de la lettre de D. ii C. Pompe'e [tr.] [5.] Despois (Eugf'ne). Tableaux des representations de Comeille et de R. [8.] Discours a 1' Acad. Frani,'. [4.] Epitapbe. Note sur I'epi- taphe de J. R. [1.] Epitaphes. [6.] Epitre h Mme. de Monte- span. [5.] Esther. [3.] Explications de medailles. [5.] Factums pour le marechal de Luxembourg. [5.] Fragments et notes histo- riques. [5.] Harangue faite au roi par I'abbe Colbert. [5.] Iphigenie. [3.] Ipbigenie en Tauride. Plan du premier acte d'l. [4.] Lettres. [6, 7.] Lettresde divers i\ divers. [7.] Lexique de la langue de R., parC.Marty-Laveaux. [8.] Livres annotes. [6.] Lucien. Extraits du traite " Comment il faut ecrire I'bistoire " [tr.] [5.] Memoire pour les religieusea de Port-Royal desCliamps. Mesnard (P.) Etude sur le style de R. [8.] Mithridate. [3.] Notes sur des sujets religi- eux. [5.] Notice bibliographique. [7.] Notice biographique. [1.] CEuvres div. en prose. [4.] Phedre. [3.] Plaideurs (Les). [2-1 Platon. Le banquet [tr.] [5.] Poesies diverses. [4.] Port-Royal des Champs. Memoire pour les religi- euses de P.-E. d. C. [4.] Precis des campagnes de Louis XIV, 1672-8. [5.] Racine (Louis). Mem. sur la vie et les ouvrages de J. R. [1.] Relation de ce qui s'est passe au siege de Namur. [5.] Remarques sur les Olym- piques de Pindare et sur rOdyssee. [6.] Reponse de I'archeveque de Paris aux 4 lettres de I'arch. de Cambrai. [5.] Table alphabet, des oeuvres de R. [7.] Testaments. [7.] Thcbaide (La) ; ou, Les fr&res ennemis. [1.] Abrege de I'hist. de Port-Royal. n. 6d. sS". Vienne. 1770 Lettres ined. de J. R. et de Louis Racine, etc. Vie de J. R. et notice sur L. R. par A. de La Roque. b'. 1862 1859. Kenn.ird (Af;-s. A.) R.,1885. PoiNSOT (A. E.) [ps. G. d'Hevlli]. R. d ap. sa corr., 1882. see Deltoub (F.) Lesennemis de R. au 17' s., 6^' ed., 189S. „ Descuanel(E.) Leroman- tisme des classiques : s2, R., 1884. „ liARBOUMET (G.) R., 1898. „ Monceaux I P.) E., n. dd., 1897. „ Sabcey (P.) Quarante ans de theatre : 3, R. etc., 1900. „ Trollope(H. M.) Comeille & R., 1881. * Lettres ined. de J. R. et de Racine (Jean) [continued]. Translations. Dramatic works. Metr. Eng. vers, by R. B. Boswcll. 2v. sS". 1890 Letters f. R. to his son. Added, Ace. of Port Royal. s8". 1785 De pleiters ; uit bet Fransch. [P878]. s8". Amsteldam. 1695 References. see Beyle (M. H.) [ps. Stend- hal]. R. & Shakspeare. u. ed., 1854. „ Blaze de Buby {la b.) E. | & Fr. classical drama, 1845. 1 Racine (Louis), see Racine (Jean). L. It., & notice sur L. R., 1862. Racinet (Auguste) ed., Le costume historique. 500 planches etc. Pulil. sous la dir. de B. 6t. si". 1888 Eacovian Catechism. The R. catechieme, etc. s8". Amsterledam. 1652 Catechesis Racoviensis, seu liber Socinianorum primarius. Rec. etc. G. L. CEderus. 8". Francoturti. 1739 Racowitza (Frau Helena von), geb. v. DOnniges. [Racovitza- Schewitsch]. For ref'. to works rel. to botli F. Lassalle d H. V. R., see Lassalle (F.) Raczyriski (Gra/ Atanazy). Les arts en Portugal. 8". 1846 Diet, d'artistes pour servir a I'liist. de I'art moderne en AUe- magne. Ia8". Berlin. 1842 Diet, bistorico-artist. du Portugal : pour faire suite k I'ouvrage Les arts en P. [b. w. h. Les arts en P., 1846]. 8". 1847 Hist, de I'art moderne en AUemagne. 3t in 2, [Atlas, lafol.]. 4". 1836-41 see Antioche (le c. d'). Deux diplomates : E. et D. Cortes ; depeches et corr. polit., (1848-53), 1880. Radau (Hugo). Early Babylonian hist., to end of 4"" dynasty of Ur. App., ace. of the E. A. Hoffman Collection in the Cien. Theolog. Seminary, New York. laS". N.Y. 1900 Rada y Delgado (J. de D. de la), see Dios de LaRada v Delqado (J. I.E). Radbod, Saint. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl32. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t2, 15. Radbodus, bp. of Tournay, see Migne (J. P.) ed. tl50. Radcliff (Samuel). Arcachon as a health resort medical app. by Dr. Festal. Radcliffe (Mrs. Ann). [Radcliff]. The Italian. 3v. 2""I ed. bS". 1797 Pat. latina, 2-' ed., w. sS". 189a var. poet, mem.. Alban's Abbey, pieces. Prefi., ex tr'. f . h. journals. 4v. sS". 1835 The romance of the forest. 3v. 7'i' ed. sS". 1806 ,, J'or rtnoWi.cf/., see 'Bbitish NOVELISTS, v43, 44, n. ed... 1820. *A Sicilian romance. 2v. s8». D. 1791 see Le FiivBE-DEUMiEB (J.) Celeb'*, anglaiscs : E. etc., 1895. chapter in the storv ot s8". i88(> f8\ 1876 Life & corr. of A new Journey, 1794, through Holland, Germany, down the Rhine. Added, obs. dur. a tour to the Lakes. 2v. 2"'i ed. 8". 1796 Mysteries of Udolpho. 4v. 7"' ed. s8->. 1816 ,, „ s8''. Milner. n.d. „ For anuth. cd., see 'British NOVELISTS, V45-47, n. ed., 1820. Posthumous works, comprising Gaston de Blondeville, St. Radcliffe (Charles Bland). nature. Vital motion as a mode of physical motion. Radcliffe (Sir George), see Whitakeh (T. D.) W., 1810. Radcliffe (J.) The last lays of Shiloh. s8». 1874 Radcliffe (J. B.) [ps. S.\xon]. Asbgill : or life & times ot J. Osborne. 8'. 1900 Radcliffe (James), earl of Derioentwater, see Deewextwateb (J.,e. (./). Radcliffe (Richard) & J. James, of Queen's Coll. Letters, 1755-83, ed. M. Evans. [Oxf. Hist. Soc. 9J. 8". 0. 1888 Radcliffe Cooke (Charles W.), see Coohe (C. W. R.) Radegunda, St. sec MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t72, 88, 171. ,, Monumenta Ger.m. Hist., Scr. Merov. Radel (L. C. F. Petit-), see Petit-Radel. Radenhausen (C.) Die Bibel wider d. Glauben. 8". Hamburg. 1865 Radet (Georges). La Lydie & le monde grec au temps des Mermnades, (687 546). 8". 1893 41 EADET 1202 KAGUENET Badet (Jean Bapt.), see Barr6 (P. Y.). E. etc., Dugai-Trouin, 1S04. Kadetzky (Feldmarscluill Graf) [fRADETZKY von E.ujetz (JoHANN J. Wenzel A. F. C), count etc.]. *Der k. k. ijsterreich. Feldmarschall Graf Eadetzky. Von e. osterreich. Veteranen. •2"Abdruck. 8°. St. 1858 Eadewijns (Florentius), [Radevyxzoon], see Bohkisgek (F.) Die Kii-che Cluisti : B19, E., 2' A., 1864. Eadford (George). Eambles by Yorkshire rivers. laS'J. Leeds. [1880] Eadford (Lewis B.) Thomas of London before h. consecration. sS". C. 1894 Eadical. *Eadical (The), 1832, see G.u-r (J.) *Eaaical inogramme (The). [iV(yjr., if. add^, f. " Fortnightly Bcrieiv"]. I'ref. by J. Chamberlain. s8». 1885 Eadicati (Alberto), conte di Passerano, see Passebano. Eadius (signora Maddalena [or Elena]) Ips. Neeea], see Neera, J^W. Eadlof (Johann Gottlieb). Neue Untersuchungen d. Kelten- thuraes z. Aufhellungd. Urgesch. d. Teutschen. 8'. Bonn. 1822 Eadloff (Vasily Vasil'evich). [Wilhelm Eadloff]. Aus Sibirien. 2B. s8<>. L. 1884 2B. 2<^ A. sS". L. 1893 Die Sprachen d. tiirk. Stamme. Abthlg. I, Tl-6, [Abthlg. I, Proben d. 'S'olksHtt. Tl-6. in prog.\ 8". St. Petersburg. 1866-86 These vol", arc of the German Vhcrsetzung only. *Eadna, by Princess Olga, 1881, .set' Olga, princess : ps. Eadnor ("William Pleydell-Bouverie, 3"' earl of). *An hist, vindic". of the leading principles in E.'s Bill for Commissioners resp. Oxford & Cambridge. [author not inown ; P105, 116]. 8". 1837 Eadolphus Mediolan. [Kaul, RonrLPUi's]. De rebus gestis Friderici I, see Mue.atoei (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t6. Eado-Eothleld (S.) Die ungar. Verfassung geschichtl. darge- stellt. .. S". 1898 Eadot (Eene Vallery-), see Valleet-Eadot. Eadowitz (Joseph v.) Ikonogiaphie d. Heiligen. 8". 1834 Eadulfus, see also Eudolfhus. Eadulfus, dc Diceto, sec Diceto (E. de). Eadulfus, Niger, see Nigee (E.) Eadulfus, Eeniens. arch., sec Viridis (E.) Eadulfus, Tortarius, monachus, see Toetaeios (R.) Eadulphus, Cadomensis. Gesta Tancredi, see Muratoei (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t5. [anotli. ed.], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl.55. Eadulphus, abp. of Canterbury, see Miqne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl63. Eadulphus, dc Coggeshall, see Coggeehall (E.uiulphcs, de). Eae (Edward), F.B.G.S. The country of the Moors. s8". 1877 The Land of the North Wind. sS". 1875 The AYhite Sea Peninsula. Eae (George). The country banker : clients, work etc. 3'ied. Eae (George Milne). Tne Syrian Church in India. s8 Eae (John), LL.D.. F.S.A. ; . 1889 the 1« to the 3"^ a". 1892 s8°. 1890 Sheridan ; a biography. Egypt to-day : Khedive. 1896 new 1870 Maygrove. 3v. *Miss Bayle's romance, 8v. „ An American pendant to romance." s8». 1887 Duchess; Miss Bayle's 3v. 88°. 1891 •A modem brigand. 3v. sS". 1888 Newfoundland to Manitoba : a guide. sS". 1881 Eae-Brown (Colin). Edith Dewar. Noble love, A o. p. Westward by rail : the route to the East. s8° „ „ ... Colunibia & Canada : notes. Suppl. to " Westward by rail." 8". 1877 Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox : the Opposition under Geo. III. S". 1874 see Ghenville-Muekay (E. C.) for *Men of the Third Republic, 1873, uh. has been sometimes attr., wrongly, to B. 3v. s8». 1875 sS". 1871 Eaeburn (.Sir Henry), B.A., see Armstrong (Sir W.) E., 1901. Eafael, the painter, [Eaeaele ; K.vffaei, ; Eaftaelle], see E\pnAEL, the painter. Eaffaelli (Bosone) da Gubbio, see Busone [BaffaelW], da Gubbio. Eaffald (Elizabeth). The Manchester Directory for 1772, by E. E. 8". M'ter. [repr.], 1889 Eaffalovich (Arthur). [IEavalovich (Aetce')]. Le logement de I'ouvrier A" du pauvre. s8". 1887 Le march^ financier. 8". 1902 see GoYOT (Y.) & E., edd., Diet, du commerce de I'industrie etc., n.d. Eaffalovich (Mark Andre). Cyril & Lionel, S: o. p. sS". 188i ] Tuberose & meadowsweet. In fancy dress. b8\ 1886 s8". 1885 It is tliyself. s8o. 1889 I A willing exUe. 2v. sS". 1890 Eaffenel (C. D.) Hist, des ^v^nemens de la Grece dep. les prem. troubles, etc. 8". 1822 Cont. de I'hist. etc. 80.1824 Eaffet (Denis Auguste Marie), see Lhomme (F.) E., 1892. Eaffles (Sophia), Lady Baffles, wife of Sir T. S. B. Mem. of Sir T. Stamford Eaffles ; w. details of the commerce etc. of the Eastern Archipelago, & sels. f. h. corr. 4"". 1830 Eaffles (Thomas), see Eaffles (T. S.) Life & ministry of E., 1S64. Eaffles (Sir Thomas Stamford). Hist, of Java. 2v. 4". 1^17 see Boclgeb (D. C.) Life of K., 1897. „ Egeeton (H. E.) R., 1900. ,, Raffles (S.), Lady Eaffles. Mem. of Sir T. S. R., sels. f. h. eorr., etc., 1830. see Shajrat Malavu. 'Malay annals, tr. Leyden, w. intr. by K., 1S21. Eaffles (Thomas Stamford), stipendiary magistrate of Liver- ]i.iol. Life i ministry of T. Eaffles. "S^. 1864 Eaffray (Achille). Airique orientale ; Abyssinie. sS". 1876 Eafn (Carl Christian). Antiquites americ. d'ap. les mons. hist. lies Islandais & des anc. Scandinaves. [Soc. Eoy. des Antiq. du Nord]. 4". Copenhague. 1845 Antiquitds de I'Orient, mon'. runogi'aphiques interp. par E. [Soc. Eoy. des Antiq. du Nord]. ^8". Copenhague. 1856 Bemairkninger om en Dansk Eunesteen funden midt i London, og om fiere Danske Eunestene. [P263]. 8". 1854 Inscription runique du Piree. [Soc. Eoy. des Antiq. du Nord]. Ia8°. Copenhague. 1856 Mem. sur la decouv. de I'Amerique au lO" s. [Soc. Roy. des Antiq. du Nord]. 2"'' tir. 8 '. Copenhague. 1843 Nordi.ske Ka^mpe-Historier fordanskede. 3B. s8'. 1821-6 On a Danish runic stone, ll"" c, found in the central part of London. [P263]. 8'^. Copenhagen. 1854 EagamufBn. *The true hist, of a little r., 1866, see Green- wood (J.) Eagewin [R.ihewtncs], sec Moncmenta Geem. Hist., Ser., t20. Eagged School. *Eagged School emigration : shall it be con- tinued? [P285]. 8». [1854?] *Ten years of a E.S. [viz. Clare Market E.S. P153j. sS". 1857 *Eagguagli suUa vita ec. di M. Sanuto, 1837-8, see Brown (Eawdon). Eaghavaiyangar (S. Srini.7asa), see SeinivAsa E.Ighavai- YAN(iAlt, S. *Eaghuvamsa, see K.\liii.vsa. *Eagionamento contro la volg. opinione di nou potere venire a Eoma nella estate, 1749, see Lupi (G. G.) Eagnar, culled Loftbrok, king of Denmark. [Eegnek L. ; Lodbracu ; LoDBRoc ; Lodbeog ; Lodbeok]. Lodbrokar- Quida : death-song of Lodbroc. With tr., glossary etc. by J. Johnstone, [b. w. Thordarson (S.) Haco's exped., 1782]. s8'. 1782 see Hagen (F. H. v. d.) Nord. Heldenromaue, iibers. : Ragnar- Lodbroks-Saga, 1814-28. „ ViGFi;s.soN (G.) it F.Y.Powell. Corpus poeticum boreale, v2. Eagozin (Zenaide A.) Assyria to the fall of Nineveh. [Story of the Nations!. s8>. 1888 „ ., 2'"'ed. s8". 1888 Chaldea, to the rise of Assyria. [Story of the Nations]. s8». 1887 ,, „ 2'>''ed. sS". 1889 Media, Babylon, & Persia, f. the fall of Nineveh to the Persian War. [Story of the Nations]. b8>'. 1889 Yedic India. [Story of the Nations]. sS'. 1895 Kagueau (Fran9ois). Laurii-re. Eaguenet (Frangois). Glossaire du droit fr. Augm. par E. de 2t in 1. d". 1704 Hist. d'Olivier Cromwel. sS". 1691 EAGUSA 1203 RAINY Kagusa (A. F. L. Viesse de Marmont, duke of), see Mabmont (le mari'chal). Rahbek (Knud Lyne), wc Danske. *Uilv. A. Viseretc, 1812^4. Kahden (Wilhelm, hdron von). Wanclei-ungen e. alten Sol- ciateu. 3T in 2v. Ia8'. 1840-51 Kahel [Lcvhi] ; aft. wife of C. A. Vamhagen von Ense ; 1771- /s3.i, see Varnhagen von Ense (Fran Kahel A. F.) Kahewinus, see Kauewin. Eahlenbeck (Charles A.) [tEAHi, (C. A.), aft. Rahlenbeck] ed.. Considerations d'estat sur le traicti! de la pais avec les archidiicz d'Austriche, MS. de 1007. Avec intr. et notes. [Soc. du I'H. de B., 32% 8". Brux. 1809 Eahn (Johann Rudolf), sec Sankt Gallen. *rsiLlterium : Text V. K.. 1878. Raibolini (Francesco), called " II Francia," see Fkancia. Raikes (Charles). The Englishman in India. sS". 1807 Notes on the N.-\V. Provinces of India. 8 '. 1852 Notes on the revolt in N.W. Provinces of India. 8". 1858 Raikes (George Alfred). Hist, records of the 1>' Regt. of MiUtia, or 3"' West York Light Infantry. 8". 1870 Hist, of the Hon. Artillery Company. 2v. 8'. 1878-9 lloU of the officers of the Vork & Lancaster Regiment : 1" Battalion, formerly 65"' Eegt., 1750-1884. 8'. 1885 see Hon. Artili.eiiv Cosipany: Vellum Book, ed. R., 1890. Raikes (Henry), barrister, registrar of the Diocese of Chester. Pop. sketch of the origin & development of the Eng. Constitu- tion. 2v. 8". 1851-4 Raikes (Henry), chancellor of the Diocese of Chester; ■17&2- IS.Ji, see Bi.ENTON (Sir .1.) Mem. of B., ed. E., 1840. Raikes (Henry Cecil), lsSi-91, see Eaikes (H. St. .J.) Life & letters of H. C. K., 1808. Raikes (Henry St. John). Life & letters of H.C. Eaikes. 8". 1898 Eaikes (Thomas). FruiK-e since 1830. 2v. 8". 1841 A portion of the journal kept by E., 1831-47. 4v. s8". 1850 Private corr. of E. w. Wellington & o. coutemps. Ed. H. Eaikes. 8". 1801 Visit to St. Petersburg, 1829-30. 8". 1838 Railway. *Eeport of the public meeting of E. shareholders, Liverpool, 10 Apr. 1849, to consider petitioning to amend the rating of railsvays. [P290]. 8". Liv'l. 1849 Railway chronicle (The). 1844. 4". 1844 Railway register (The), etc. Ed. by Hyde Clarke. vl (1844/5). 80. 1845 Railway times (The). 1844, 43. 3v. 4". 1844-5 Railways. *llail\vays in India, their present state & prospects, etc. [P593]. 2'"' ed. 8 •. 1855 *Eailways (The) of America ; by var. writers, w. intr. by T. M. Cooley. Ia8". 1890 *Eemavks on the comparative merits of cast metal & malleable iron r". ; & ace. of Stockton & Darlington Eailway. 8". Newcastle. 1827 *Visions of the Western E., 1838, see Visions. Raimbach (Abraham). Mems. ct recoils, of E. ; inch mem. of Sir D. Wilkie. Ed. M. T. S. Eaimbach. s4". not piibl. 1843 Raimbaldus, abp., see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latiua, tl43. Raimbert, de Paris, see Ogier, tlie Dane. *La chevalerie Ogier, par E. de P. li.e.,from It. de P.'s version of" Conversio Othgcrii militis "], 1842. Raimo (Ludovico de) the elder. Annales 1197-1480, see MuRAToiii (L. .\.) Eerum Ital. Script., t23. Raimond, d'Agiles, see Agiles (E. n'). Raimond [surname], sec also Eaimund, Eajiond, Eavmond, Eemonii. Raimond (C. E.) p^. li.e. Miss Eliz. Eobixs]. Below the salt. sS". 1896 I The new moon. s8". 1895 George Mandeville's husbimd. The open question. 8\ 1898 sS". 1894 ' Raimondo (M. A.) II parto (into. s8f. Venetia. 1029 Raimund (Golo) 2>s. J.c. Georo Daxnenrerg]. Ein deutsclies Weib. Von Hand zu Hand. 5' A. 68". [1891] 3B. sS". 1882 Gesucht u. gefuuden. s8». 1880 Zweimal venniihlt. o^A. s8". k.(Z. .SclUoss Elkrath. B« A.s8".[1891] Raimundus, de Aguilers, sec Aqiles (Eaimoxd n'l. Rainagola, see Moxciiexta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl3. Raiaaldus, Clnniac. [abbas Vizeli.\c. ; ahjj. of Lyons], see MoxujiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tlo. Rainaldus I, abp. of Elwiuis, sec DeBellay (E.) Rainaldus II, abp. of liheims, see Martiuny (R. de). Rainardus, abbot, see Eaynardus, Cisterc. 1857 Eex episc. 1838 Rainbow (Edward), bp. of Carlisle, see Sojiers (.1. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Raine (Allen) ps. [i.e. Mrs. Beynon Puddicomhe]. By Burweu banks. b8". 1899 I Torn sails. b8°. 1898 Gartboweii. s8". 1900 I A Welsh singer. s8". 1897 Rains (James) the elder, ■l~9/--tS.1S\ Brief hist. ace. of the Episcopal Castle, or Palace, of Auckland. 4". Durham. 1852 Histori;e Dunelm. scriptores tres : Gaufridus de Coldingham, Eobertus de Graystanes, Willielmus de Chambre. Ed. .1. E. [Surtees Soc, 9]. H". 1839 Hist. & antiqs. of North Durham, now united to Northumber- land, lafol. 1852 " This work . . . is the complement of" Surtees's "Hist, of Durham." Mem. of J. Hodgson. 2v. 8". Miscellanea biographica [^ anon, lives] : Oswinus, Northumbrise — Cuthbertus, episc. Lindisfarn.— Eata, Haugustald. Ed. J. E. [Surtees Soc, 8]. 8", St. Cuthbert : w. ace. of the opening of his tomb, 1827. 4". Durham. 1828 see Durham. *Depositions A o. ecclesiast. proceedings f. the Courts of D., 1845. ,, *Testa.menta Eboracensia, vl, ed. J. E., 1830. Raine (James) tlie younger. The historians of the church of York it its Archbishops. Ed. J. E. [Rolls Ser., 71, i-iii]. 8'. 1879-94 Hist, papers & letters i. the northern registers. Ed. J. R. [EoUs Ser., OIJ. 8'. 1878 A volume of Eng. miscellanies illust. the hist. & language of the N. Counties of England. Ed. J. E. [Surtees Soc, 85]. 8'. Durham. 1890 Y'ork. [Historic towns]. s8". 1893 see 'Depositions from the Castle of Y'ork rel. to offences in the Northern Counties in 17"' c, 1801. „ Hexham. *The Priory of H., etc., 2v, [Surtees Soc, 44, 40], 1804-5. „ *MiscELLANEA : brief mem. of Mr. .Justice Eokeby [compiled by Raine, Surtees Soc, 37], 1801. ,, *Testamexta Eboracensia, v2-5, ed. J. E., 1855-84. Raine (John). Hist. & antiqs. of the parish of Blyth, w. docs, etc. 4". 1800 Raine (Matthew). Cat. of lib. of R., sold 27 Feb., 1812. [P739]. 8'. 1812 Rainer, arcMuke of Austria ; b. 1837. Mittheilungen aus d. Sammlung d. Papyrus Erzherzog Eainer. Bl-0 in 3, [Bl is called " Jahrgang 1." Uncertain whetlicr more mill be p>iib- lished]. 4". Wien. 1887-97 sec *CoRrus papyrorum Eaineri, vl, 2, 1895. „ Hartel (W. v.) ij'ber d. griech. Papyri E., 1880. Rainerus. [Eeinerus Gislenianus]. Miracula S. Gisleni, see MoxTMEXTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl5. Rainerus, Leodicns. [Eeinerus]. sec Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t23. „ MiGXE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t204. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t20. Rainerus, mon. S.'Jacobi Lcod. Annales 1000-1230, see Monu- menta Germ. Hist., Scr., tlO. see Bouquet (M.) Eec des hist, des Gaules, tl8. Raines (Francis Robert). The Fellows of the Collegiate Churob of Manchester. Ed. F. Eenaud. 2p, [pagin. cant. Chetham Soc, NS21, 23]. s4". 1891 A hist, of the Chantries within the Co. of Lancaster : being the Eeports of the Eoyal Commissioners of Hen. VIII, Edw. VI, & Mary. 2v, [pagin. cont. Chetham Soc, 59, OOJ. s4i. 1802 The Eectors of Manchester, A" the Wardens of the CollegiatD Church of that town. 2p, [pagin. cont. Chetham Soc, NS5, 0]. s4". 1885 The Vicars of Eoehdale. Ed. H. H. Howorth. 2p, [2yagin. cant. Chetham Soc, NSl, 2]. s4". 1883 Rainolds (John) [I. Eaixolhos]. I. Eainoldiorationes xii, cum aliis npusc. Adi. est oratio in obitu eiusdem, hab. a I. Wake. sS". Londini. 1028 Rains, Ihe French city, see Eeims. Rains (Fanny L.) By land & ocean : journal to S. Australia. s8o. 1878 Rainy (Alex.) Transfer of Laud and Registration of Titles : letter to Ld. Chelmsford. [Pie4]. s8'\ 1858 Rainy (Robert), see Wilson (W.m.), D.D., of St. Paul's Free Church, Dundee. Mems. of E. S. Candlish ; concluding chap. by E., 1880. 4i 2 EAINY 1204 RAMBALDIS Rainy (Robert), J. Orr, & M. Dods. The supernatural in Xty. 2"'i ed. sS". E. 1894 Rais (Gilles de), sec Retz {le marichal de). Kait (Robert Sangster). An outline of the rel". betw. England & Scotland (500-1707). So. 1901 The Scottish Parliament before the Union of the Crowns. 8". 1901 The Universities of Aberdeen : a hist. 8". Aberdeen. 1895 see Maky, ([luen of Scots. M., Q. of S. : extracts, 1899 ; 2»'> ed., 1900. „ Eashdall (H.) & B., New College, 1901. Raith (Josef). Entdeckungen im Gebiete d. geistigen Verrichtungen d. Centralnervensystems. [P516]. 8". Wien. 1876 Raithuensis (Theodoras), see Theodoke, of Rhaithti. Raius (Joannes), sec Ray (John), F.R.S. Raiz ((Jilles de), see Retz (le marichal de). Raja (Rama), see Rama Baja. Rajah, [Rajah's]. *Rajah (The) & principality of Mysore, etc., [bii Evans Bell ?]> 1865, see Mysore. *Rajah's heir (The). n. ed. s8<>. 1891 Rajendralala Mitra. Indo-Aryans: contribs. towards their anc. & mediteval hist. 2v. 8". 1881 The Sanskrit Buddhist lit. of Nepal. [Asiatic Soo. of Bengal]. 8». Calcutta. 1882 see Feegcsson (J.) Archseology in India, w. esp. ref. to B. M., 1884. Rajna (Pio). Le fonti dell' Orlando Furioso. 8". Fnenze. 1876 Le origini dell' epopea francese. 8". Firenze. 1884 *Rajputana gazetteer. 3v. Ia8". Calcutta, [3, Simla]. 1879-80 Raju (Ramasvami), P.V., sec BAmasvami B.\ju, P.V. Rakoezy (Ferencz) II, inince of Transylvania. Archivum Bak6czianum. II Rakoczi F. lev^ltara etc., kiadja a Mag. Tud. Akad. tiirt. bizottsaga. osztaly 1 : Had-es belugy. 10k. 8°. 1873-89 oszt. 2 : Diplomatia. kl-3. 8". 1872-77 Rakoezy (Gybrgy) I, prince of Transylvania. R. G. ^s a porta. Levelek es okiratok. Szerkesztettek Beke A. ds Barabas S. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 8". 1888 Levelek es okiratok I. B. G. Keleti osszekottetesei tortenetehez. Szerkesztette SzilAgyi S. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 8». 1883 Raleigh, TJu family of, see Brcsiifield (T. N.) Raleghana, 1896. Raleigh (Alex.), see Baleioh (Mary). A. R. : records, 1881. Raleigh (Carew), see Sojiebs (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Raleigh (Mary) ed., etc. Alex. Baleigh: records of h. life. Ed. M. E. s8o. E. 1881 Raleigh (Thomas). Elementary politics. s8°. 1886 Outline of the law of property. 8". 0. 1890 Raleigh. (W.) ^w. *Obs. on the publick affairs of Gt. Brit., w. some toughts on the Treaty at Seville. Letter f. W. B. [Bolingbroke ?] to Caleb D'Anvers. [P629]. 8". 1729 sec *Ceaftsmax Extraordinary, [signed W. Raleigh], 1729. Raleigh (Sir Walter). [Ralegh; Eauleigh ; Eawleigh; Rawley]. Works. [ With] the Uves of [B.] by Oldys & Birch. 8v. [v7 wanting]. 8". 0. 1829 Choice passages f. writings & letters of R. [Ed.] A. B. Grosart. s8». 1892 The discoveiy of Guiana. Eepr. f. ed. 1596, w. unpubl. doc", rel. to that country ; ed., w. notes & mem., by Sir E. H. Schom- burgk. [Hakluyt See, 3]. 8». 1848 Fight about the Isles of Azores, see PiNKEBTON (J.) Voyages, vl. Historic of the world, fol. 1628 „ fol. 1676 Poems. With biograph. & crit. intr. by Sir E. Brydges. 4". 1813 Poems of E. ; w. those of Sir H. Wotton, & o. courtly poets, 1540-1650. Ed. J. Hannah. [Aldine ed.]. s8". 1892 see Bbushfield (T. N.) Ralegh- ana, 1896. Raleigh {Sir "Walter) [continued:]. see Stebbing (W.) Sir W. E., 1891 ; reissue, 1899. „ Thomson {Mrs. A. T.) Mem', of E., 1830. „ TuppER (M. F.) E.: a play, 1866. Raleigh (Walter), M.A. The Eng. novel : sketch of its hist, to appearance of Waver- ley. s8S34, iras : Consumption curable etc. RamakrishHa, iS33-S6, see MIxlee (Max). R., h. life & sayings, 1898. Ramakrishna, T. Life in an Indian village. s8». 1891 Ramamohana Raya, see Rammohun Roy, Rajah. Ramann {Frl. Lina). Liszt als Kiinstler u. Mensch. 2B in 3, [2, i, ii]. 8o. L. 1880-94 Liszt, artist & man, 1811-40. Tr. Miss E. Cowdery. [A tr. of Bl of the German work]. 2v. s8°. 1882 Rama Raja. Essay on the architecture of the Hindus. [O.T.F.]. 4». 1834 *Ramaseeana, 1836, see Sleeman (Sir W. H.) Ramasvami Raju, I'.V. The tales of the sixty mandarins. s8". [1886] Rama Varma, Maharaja of Travancore. Cursory notice of statements in Rev. J. Johnston's Reply. [P334]. 8». Madras. 1882. *Ramavijaya : the mytholog. hist, of India. sS". Bombay. 1891 *Ramayana, [Ramayan ; Eamayi'xa ; Eomayunu], see V-iLMiKi. Ramazzini (Bernardino). On the diseases of tradesmen. Done into Eng. 8". 1705 Rambach, see also BAniBAcn. Bambach. (Johann Jacob), p'of. of theology at Giessen. [Ram- BACHius]. Meditations on the sufferings of Jesus. Tr. 2v. 8". 1763 Rambaldis (Benvenutus de) de Imola, see Benvendto, da Imola. HAMBAUD 1205 RAMSAY Hist, de la civilisation fran^aise. 2t. [tl, 2f ed.]- s8''. 1887 1, juBqu';\ la Fronde. 2, juscju'A la Revol. Hist, (le la Russie. sS". 1878 Hist, of Russia to 1877. Tr. L. B. Lang. 2v. 8". 1879 Russes & PruBsieus : guerre de sept ans. 8". 1895 La Russie epique : et. sur les chansons h^roiqiies. Ia8». 1876 see Lavisse (E.) & R., edd.. Hist. gen. du iv sifecle ii nos jours, 189i-1901. Eambaud (Alfred N.) L'anneau de Cesar. 2p. [p2, 2'- 6d.]. sS". [1893] La domination trancjaise en Allemagne. 2t. [tl, i- ed.]. s8\ 1873-91 £1], Les Franc,'ais sur le Rhin, 1792-1804. [2], L'AUemagne sous Nap. I, 1804-11. "Fran^ais & Russes : Moscou & Sevastopol, 1812-54. b8". 1877 La France colonialc. Publ. sous la dir. de R. B" ed. 8". 1893 Hist, de la civilisation contemp. en France. s8'\ 1888 „ e^ed. s8". 1901 Bambaud (Yveling) Ips. Fred. Gilbert] & Dubut de Laforest. Le faiseur d'liommes. 8". 1884 Eambert (Eugene). Les alpes suisses. 5s. s8". [1, '2' ^d., Bale; 2, Lausanne; 3-5, Bale]. 1866-75 A. Calame, sa vie, s. ceuvre. 8". 1884 A. Vinet : sa vie, ses ouvr. 8". Lausanne. 1875 *Rambla-Spain : by the a. of " Other countries." Froru Irun to Cerbere. [bxj Major W. M. Bell, g-t).] s8o. 1883 *Ramble (A) among the musicians of Gennany, 1828, see Holmes (E.) Eambler (The), see British essayists, vllI-18, 2">' ed., 1823. Eambler (The) : a journal of home & foreign lit., etc. 12v ; New ser., vl, 2, 4-10, iC, p61 <€■ 62 of vll [6. w. vlO] ; New [S"'] ser., 6v, In 3. [The " New set:" ends ioithp02.'\ 8". 1850-62 see Simpson (R.) UUathorne & the B., i'^ ed., 1862. „ Ull.\thorne (W. B.), bp. Letter on the R., 1862 ; amd, Second letter, 1863. „ Wiseman (Card.) Letter in reply to one in the R., June, 1858. Hambles, "Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia etc., by R. H. R., 1875, see Istbia. •Rambles in Polynesia, 1897, see Sundowneh, ^w. •Rambles in Sweden & Gottland, 1847, see Sylvanus, j^s. •Rambles in the deserts of Syria etc., 1864, see Syria. ♦Rambles (The) of a rat, 1870, see Tucker {MissC.j [A.L.O.E.]. •Rambles (The) ot the Emperor Ching-Tih,tr., 1843, see Ching-Tih. Eambosson (Jean). Astronomy. Tr. C. B. Pitman. 8». 1875 Les harmonies du sou & I'hist. des instruments de musique. Ia8». 1878 Les lois de la vie & I'art de prolonger ses jours. 8". 1871 Eambot (Gustave Bruno). De la lichesse publique, de la richesse individuelle, etc. 8". 1846 Eambouillet (Mmc. de), d. i663, [Catherine de Vxvonne, aft. marquise de B.], see Bremond d'Aks (le v. G. de). Le pere de R., .J. de Vivonne, 1884. J{am Chandra Bose. [fR-AMACHANDRA Vasu]. Brahmoism : hist. of reformed Hinduism, from 1830 ; w. ace. of Keshub Chunder yen's conn. w. the movement. s8'\ [1884] Hindu philosophy popularly expld. s8". 1884 Rameau (E.) [fRAjiEAU de Saint-Pere (Edme)]. Une colonie feodale en Amerique (I'Acadie, 1604-1710). sti". 1877 La France aux colonies : les Fran^ais en Amerique, Acadiens & Canadiens. 2p in It. 8". 1859 Rameau (Jean) ps. [i.e. L. Labaigt]. Ame tleurie. 4' ed. s8". 1896 La montagne d'or. Le coeur de Regine. a^ed. s8». 1896 S' ed. 88°. Moune. 88". Teudre folie. 2' ed. s8". 1899 1899 1901 L'ensorceleuse. 5' ed. s8". 1897 Yan. s8". 1895 Eameau (Jean Frangois), nephexo of the cmnposer, see Dide- rot (D.) Le neveu de Rameau ; accomp. de la vie de .J. F. R. par E. Thoinan, 1891. Rameau de Saint-Pere (Edme), see Ramead (E.) Ramee (Daniel). Manuel de I'hist. de I'architecture, partic. en France au moyen-;ige. 2t. s8". 1843 Ramel {Ic gin. Jean Pierre), sec *Anecdotes secretes sur la Revol. du 18 Fructidor ; A- nouv. m^ms. des d^port^s a la Guiane. Faisant suite au Journal du g. R., 2' ed., 1799. Barnes (J. B.), F. Garrigou, & H. Filhol. L'homme fossile des cavernes de Lombrive & de Lherm. [b.w. Carro (A.) Mem. etc., 1863]. 8". Toulouse. 1862 Bamesachandra Datta, see Ddtt (Romesh Chunder). Barneses II, hhuj of Egypt, *Rameses, an Egyptian tale, 1824, see Upha.m (Edw.) Barneses (Mr.) clmracter of fiction, see *Twin (The) soul, or experiences of Mr. R., 1887. Eamirez (Jose Fernando). Bibl. Mexicana, a cat. of a coll. of bks. A M8S. rel. to Mexico etc. formed by R., sold July 7, 1880. [P725]. 8-. 1880 Bammohun Boy, Rajah. [fR-iMAjioHANA Rata]. Exposition of the practical operation of the judicial & revenue systems of India. 8". 1832 *Last days in England of R. R. Ed. Mary Carpenter. 8». 1866 The precepts of Jesus the guide to peace etc. Added, reply to Marshman. S". Calcutta. 1823 Transl. of sev. books, passages, texts of the Veds, & of con- troversial works on Brahminical theology. 2"'' ed. 8". 1832 see Carpenter (L.) Labours of R. R., extr'. f. h. writings, 1833. Bamond de Carbonnieres {le baron L. F. E.) Journey to summit of Mont Perdu, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, v4. Travels in the Pyrenees. Tr. F. Gold. 8'. 1813 Bampini (Charles J. G.), LL.D. Hist, of Moray & Nairn. 8". E. 1897 'Letters from Jamaica, " the land of streams & woods." s8''. E. 1873 Bam Bay, see Rama R.\ya. Ramsay (Alex.), F.G.S. Rudiments of mineralogy. sS". 1868 Ramsay (Alex.), ynisc. writer. S. Butler, & his Hudibras & o. works. s8". 1846 Ramsay (Allan) tlie elder, ■I6S6-17SS. The ever green : Scots poems wrote before 1600. 2v. s8». Glasgow. 1824 ,, „ 2v. Repr. f. orig. ed. s8°. Glasgow. 1875 The gentle shepherd. With illusts. of the scenarv, mems. of D. Allan, etc. Pref., life of R. etc. 2v. 8'. E. 1808 Poems. With glossary, life, etc. 2v. n. ed. s8". Paisley. 1877 The tea-table miscellany: coll. of choice songs, Scots & Eng. 4v in 1. 12'" ed. sS". 1763 see Sme.aton (W. H. Olipiiant) R., 1896. Bamsay (le chev. Andre Michel de), see Ramsay (Andrew Michael). Bamsay {Sir Andrew Crombie). Phys. geology & geography of Gt. Brit. : 6 lect'. to working men. 1863 2'"» ed. sS". 1864 3"ied. s8». 1872 4<''ed. s8». 1874 5"' ed. s8". 1878 see Geikie (Sir Arch.) Mem. of R., 1895. Bamsay (Andrew Michael) [Ramsey ; le chevalier de Ramsat]. Histoire de Turenne. 4t [t3, 4 are " Preuves de I'histoire etc."!. s8°. Amsterdam. 1749 Hist, of Turenne. 2v. s8". 1735 Bamsay (Balcarres D. Wardlaw). Rough recoils, of miUt. service A society. 2v. s8'\ E. 1882 Bamsay (Charlotte), aft. Lennox, see Lennox (Mrs. C.) Bamsay (David), M.D., of S. Carolina. Hist, of the revolu- tion of S. Carolina f. a British province to an independent state. 2v. 8". Trenton. 1785 Life of Washington. 8". 1807 Bamsay (Edward Bannerman), dean of Edinburgh. Pulpit table-talk : remarks & anecdotes on preachers etc. s8'\ [1868] Beminisc. of Scottish life & charactei". 2s. [si, 5"" ed.]. s8o. E. 1859-61 [si]. 7"> ed. s8». E. 1860 Bamsay (Sir George) of Bamff, 9"' bart. Analysis & theory of the emo- | The moralist & politician. tions, w. diss^. on beauty, I s8". 1865 sublimity & the ludicrous. Ontology, or things existing. 8". E. 1848 ! s8". 1870 Enquiry into the principles ot Political discourses. 8'. E. 1838 human happiness & human Principles of psychology. duty. 8». 1843 8". 1857 Bamsay (Grace) ps., see 0'ME.iKA (Kathleen). Bamsay (Henry Lushington). Western Tibet: diet, of the laug. & customs of the Ladak Wazarat. ^8". Lahore. 1890 Bamsay (James), vicar of Teston. see ToBiN (J.) Farewel address to R., 1788. „ Rejoinder to R.'s reply [to T.'s " Cursory remarks etc."], 1787. Bamsay (James Andrew B.), /O"' earl, aft. marc[. of Dalhoiisie, sec Dalhousie. Bamsay (Sii- James S.) of Bamff, 10"' bart. The foundations ot England, (b.c. 55-a.d. 1154). 2v. 8". 1898 Lancaster & York, 1399-1485. 2v. 8». 0. 1892 RAMSAY 1206 RANKE Eamsay (John) of Ochtertijre. Scotland & Scotsmen in the 18"> c. From MSS. of E., ed. A. Allardyce. 2v. 8\ E. 1888 Kamsay (Thomas). Life & lit. remains of Barbara Hofland. s8». 1849 Eamsay (.Sir William), K.C.B., prof, of Cliemistry Vniv. Coll., London. Gases of the atmosphere : hist, of their discovery. s8". 189G Eamsay (William), prof, of Humanity in the Z'niv. of Glascjow. Manual of Homan autiif. [Encyc. Metropolitana]. s8". 1851 „ „ 16"' ed., rev. etc. by R. Lanciani. s8". 1898 Eamsay (William Mitchell). The Church in the Roman Em- pire before a.d. 170. 8". 1.S93 „ „ S'l ed. 8". 1894 „ S'" ed. 8". 1897 Cities & bishoprics of Phrygia. vl, i, ii, \in proq.^, iaSo. O. 189.5-7 1, i, Lycos Valley & S.W. Phrygia. 1, ii, W. &W.-CentralPhrygia. Hist, comna. ou Galatians. 8>. 1899 Hist, geography of Asia Minor. [Boy. Geog. Soc: Supp. Papers, 4]. 8". 1890 Impressions of Turkey dnr. 12 years' wanderings. s8o. 1897 St. Paul the traveller & the Roman citizen. 8". 1895 „ „ 4"> ed. 8°. 1898 „ „ B'hed. 8". 1900 Was Xt. boni at Bethlehem? Study on Luke. s8". 1898 Eanalli (Ferdinando). Eanby (John) of St. supijosed increase of Eamses. For kings of this name sec Kameses. Eamsey, ntibcy of. Cartularium Monasterii de Eameseia. Ed. \V. H. Hart & P. A. Lyons. [Kolls Ser., 79, i-iii]. 8°. 1884-93 Chrouicou, a saee. X usque ad an. circiter 1200: in quatuor partibus. Cura W. D. Macray. [Rolls Ser., S3]. 8". 1886 Eamsey (Andrew Michael), sec Ramkvy (A. M.) Eamsey (Laon) ;)';. .' London Deecroft ; a socialistic novel. 8°. [1886] Eamsey (Marathon Montrose), sec Row.\s (A. S.) & R., Cuba, 2'"' ed., 1897. Eamsey (William), P.M. of the Gloss Sellers' Company, see Glass Sellers' Company. The Worshipful C. of G. S., [comp. by B.] , 1898. Eamseyer (Friedrich August). Jours d'angoisse a Con- massie : journal du missionaire R. Redige par H. Perrepaux. s8". Neuchatel. n.d. & J. Kiihne. Four years in Ashantee. Ed. Mrs. Weit- breclit. 8"- 1875 Eamus (Charles Meade). Speed at sea, & the polysphenic ship. [P498]. 8^. 1888 Eamus (Petrus). [tLA Ramke (Pfebre de)]. sec Desmaze (C.) E., sa vie, s. ecrits etc. (1515-72), 1864. ., Waphington (C.) R., sa vie, s. Merits etc., 1855. Eamusio (Giov. Batt.) Navigationi e viaggi, race, da E. 3v. 3» ed. fol. Venetia. 1568-74 Degli ammaestramenti di letteratura. 4v. 2" ed. s8". Firenze. 1857-8 Edmund's Bury. Inquiry into the the influence of the Crown, & expe- diency of Parliamentary Reform. [P506]. 8". 1811 Eanc (Arthur). Le roman d'une conspiration. sS". 1869 Sous I'Empire \jiovel]. sS". 1878 Eance (Armand Jean Le B. de), sec Le Bouthillier de R-ixci; (A. J.) Eanchin (Guillaume). [Eanchinus]. Review of the Councellof Trent. Tr. G. Ujmghainc]. fol. 0. 1638 Eand (Benjamin), Ph.D., Harvard Univ., see Sh.wtesbuey (A., ,i"' carl of). Life, unpubl. letters etc., 1900. Eand (Theodore H.) ed., ''Treasury of Canadian verse, w. brief biograph. notes. s8\ 1900 Eandal (John). Pacifico. s8". 1901 Eandall (Eichard William), dean of Chichester. Life in the Catholic Church : its blessings etc' sS". 1889 Eandall-Maciver (Bavid) & A. Wilkin. Libyan notes. 4". 1901 Eandles (Marshall). First principles of faith. s8^ 1884 Eandolph (Afis. ), iwvelist. The burthen of Reuben. | Reseda. 3v. sS". 1877 Wild hyacinth. Clarice Adair. 3v. sS". 1875 I Wood anemone. Gcntianclla. 3v. s8". 1874 I Woodroffe. Lily of the valley. Sv. sS". 1880 ; Eandolph (Edmund), governor of Virgiiiia, see Conway (M. D.) Omitted chaps, of hist, disclosed in life & papers of R., 1888. Eandolph (F, C. Hingeston), sec Hingeston-E.^ndolph. 3v. sS". 1881 Sv. s8". 1875 3v. s8''. 1878 3v. s8o. 1883 Eandolph (Francis). Letter to Pitt on abolition of Slave Trade. [PIG]. 8". 1788 Present state of the nation ; letter to D. of Bedford. [P38]. 8". 1808 „ see Tinney (J. P.) Reflections on state of the nation ; to F. R., 1808. Scriptural revision of Socinian arguments in letter to Priestley. [P25]. 8". Bath. 1792 „ Script, rev", of Soc". arg". vindicated agst. the reply of Hobhouse. [P25]. 8". Bath. 179S „ see HoBHoCRE (Benj.) Reply to E.'s " Socin. argum.," 1792. Sermon, Oct. 19, 1803, in Bristol, & at Bath. [P45]. 8\ Bath. 1805 Eandolph (Bcv. George), Coulsdon Rectory, Croydon. Poor Law Settlement question. [P3021. 8". 1854 Eandolph (George), M.D. Virtues of Bath-Water. [P14]. 8". 1752 Eandolph (George Barnwell). Aunt Abigail Dykes. s8". 1890 Eandolph (John), bp. of (/) Oxford [J] Bangor (d) London. "■Remarks on Michaelis's intr. to the N. Test., v3, 4, tr. by H. Marsh. [P873]. 2'"' ed., w. pref. it notes in reply to Marsh. 8". 1802 ,, *Suppl. to Remarks ou Miehaelis's Intr. etc. in ans. to Marsh's lUust. [P873]. 8'. 1804 Sylloge Confessionum sub tempus reformandse Ecclesise edr- tarum, etc. Subj. catechismus Heidelberg, et Canones Synodi Dordrecht. ' ed. 2'. 8". 0. 1827 sec M.iKSH (Herb.), bpi. Letters to a. [i.e. B.] of " Remarks oa Michaelis it b. commentator," 1802. „ lUust. of the hvpothesis in the diss, on the first 3 Gospels : rejoinder to [E.l, 1803. ,, Defence of the Illustration etc., 1804. Eandolph (John), of Roanoke, sec Adams (Hexkv). J. E., 1890. Eandolph (Thomas), dramatist. Poems. With, The muses looking-glass, ct Amvntas, [it] The jealous lovers. 5"' ed. 88". 0. 1668 Poet. & dram, works. Notes etc. by W. C. Hazlitt. s8". 1875 Eandom. *llandom recoils, of courts & society, 1888, see Velde (Mnw. M. S. van de). *Eandom recoils, of the House of Commons, (1830-5), 3"' ed., 1836, see Grant (Jas.) *Randora recoils, of the House of Lords, (1830-6), 1836, see Grant (.Tames). Eandom de Berenger (Charles), baron de Beavfain. Helps & hints how to protect life & property ; rifle & pistol shooting etc. 8". 1835 Trial of R. de B., Lord Cochrane etc. for Conspiracy, 1814, w. subsequent proceedings. 8". 1814 Eandon (le mar(>chal etc. J. L. C. A.) Memoires. 2t. 8\ 1875-77 sec R.ASTOUL (A.) R. (1795-1871) : et. milit. * polit., 1890. Eandon de Malboissiere (Genevieve Francoise), see Mal- I!OISSlf;RK (L^l'RETTE DE). Eands (William Brighty) [ps\ Matthew Browne ; Henry HoLBEACii]. Chaucer's England. 2v. sS". 1869 Henry Holbeacb, student in life & philosophy: a narrative & a discussion. 2v. s8". 1865 Eang (P. C. Sander L.) [Axex-indre Rang]. Manuel des mollnsques etc. 38". 1829 Eangabe (A. E.) [tEnizos Ehankabes (Alexander)]. Anti- quites hellion., ou repertoire d'inscriptions etc. d^couv. dep. raffranchissement de la Gr^ce. 2v. 4". Ath^nes. 1842-55 Hist. litt. de la Gr^ce moderne. 2t, [t2 ivanting]. 68". 1877 Der Notar von Argostoli— Leila. s8". Breslau. 1888 & D. Sanders. Gesch. d. neugi-iech. Litt. 8". L. [1884} Eanger, The, ps., sec Flack {Capit.) Eanger-GuU (C.) *The hypocrite. s8°. 1898 ■•Miss Malevolent. ^ s8\ 1899 Eanieri Lamporecchi ( ). Mem. sur la persecution qu'on fait souffrir a M. Libri, etc. [P640]. 8". Londres. 1850 Eanjit Singh, Maharajah of Lahore. [Run.teet Singh]. sec Griffin (Sir L. H.) R. S., [Rulers of India], 1892. „ Lawrence (Sir H. M.) Adv. in service of R. S., 1845. Eanjitsinhji (K. S.) The Jubilee book of cricket. s8''. E. 1897 Eank (Josef). Neue Geschichteu aus d. Bohmerwald. s8''. L. 1847 Eanke (Ernst). [E. Rankius]. Das kirchl. Pericopensystem. 8'\ 1847 see Bible : Latin versions. Fragmenta vers. Lat. antehiero- nymianie, 1860. Eanke (Johannes). Der Mensch. 2B. Ia8". L. 1887 BANKE 1207 RAOUL-ROCHETTE Kanke (Leopold von). Abhandlungen u. Versuche. 1' Sammlung. t A. 8°. L. 1877 „ „ neue Sammlung. 8". L. 1888 Aus d. Briefwechsel Friedrioh Wilhelms IV mit Bunsen. 8". L. 1873 Deutsche Gesch. im Zeitalter d. Reformation. 6B. 8". 1839-47 Die deutschen Machte u. d. Fiirstenbund : deutsclie Gesch. 1780-90. 2B. 8". L. 1871-2 Englisohe Gesch.,vornehralich im 16. u. 17.Jhdt. 7B. 8". 1859-68 Frauziisisclie Gesch., vornehmlicli im 16. u. 17..Jhdt. 5B. 8". St. 1852-61 Friedrich d. Grosse— Friedrich Wilhelm IV. 58". L. 1878 licprint of two hiog'. articles written by li. for the Allg. deutscbe Biogiaphie. Pi'irsten u. ViJlker v. Siid-Europa im 16. n. 17.Jhdt. 4B. 2' A. 80. 1837-9 Bi-4 have 2'"' tp. : Die rom. Papste im 16. u. 17.Jhdt. For anoth. cd. of tlie sep. wk. conV. in these last 3B, see Ms "Die rom. Piipste etc.," heloic. Genesis d. preuss. Staates. 8". L. 1874 This work is a recotistruction in J, books of the introd'^. I" book of ]i. " Neun Bilcher preuss. Gesch., ■/S4/-S," q.v., below. For anoth. ed., see h. Zwolf Biicher preuss. Gesch., Bl, 2, 2« A., 1879. Gesch. Wallensteins. 8'. L. 18G9 Geschichten d. roman. u. german. Volker 1494-1514. 2' A. 8". L. 1874 3= A. 8". L. 1885 Historisch-biograph. Studien. 8°. L. 1877 Neun Bilcher preussischer Gescli. 3B. sS". 1847-8 „ „ [anoth. ed., tv. t.] Zwolt Biicher p. G. 5B in 3. 2= A. 8". L. 1879 Bl, 2 in this last ed. luwe 2'"' t. : Genesis d. preuss. Staates, /or the I'' ed. of which see above, where the note shows how the 9 hks. have become 12. Die rom. Piipste in d. letzten vier Jhdtn. 3B in 1. T A. 8". L. 1878 Tlic former t., " Die r. P. im lb. it. i7.Jltdt." has been cluinged to inchtde a brief cont. of about 100 pages. For the earlier cd. see his "Fiirsten etc.," above. Serbien u. d. Tiirkei im 19.Jhdt. 8". L. 1879 ppi. I-2S2 Juive lieading [bat no sep. t2>.~\ : Gesch. Serbiens bis 1842. 3' A. d. Werkes " Die serb. Eevol." Die serbische Eevolution. 2" A. 8". 1844 For t)ie 3' A., see his Serbien etc., above. tjber d. Epoclien d. neueren Gesch. : Vortriige, 1854. 8". L. 1888 Ursprung u. Beginn d. llevolutionskriege 1791-2. 8°. L. 1875 „ 2' A. 8-. L. 1879 Weltgesehichte. 9T. [Tl-7, l'-3'' A.]. 8'. L. 1881-8 1, Die iilteste histor. Viilkergruppe u. d. Grieclien. 2, Die rom. Republik u. ihre Weltherrschaft. 3, Das altrom. Kaisertlium. Mit krit. Eriirterungen zur alten Gescli. 4, Das Kaisertlium in Konstantiuopel u. d. Ursprung ronian.- gerraanischer Kuiiigreiche. 5, Die arab. Weltherrschaft u. d. Reich Karls d. Grossen. 6, Zersetzung d. karoling., Begriindung d. deutschen Reiches. 7, Hiilie u. Niedergang d. deutschen Kaiserthunis — Die Hier- archic miter Gregor VII. 8, Kreuzziige u. pjipstl. Weltherrschaft (12. u. IS.Jhdt.). Hrsg. V. A. Dove, G. Winter, T. Wiedemann. 9, Zeiten d. tjbergangs zur moderneu Welt (14. u. IS.Jlidt.). Hrsg. V. A. Dove u. G. Winter. Zur deutschen Geseh. Vom Religionsfrieden bis z. 30jahr. Krieg. 8". L. 1869 Zur eigenen Lebensgeschichte. Hrsg. v. A. Dove. 8". L. 1890 Zur Gesch. v. Osterreich u. Prcussen zw. d. Friedensschliissen zu Aachen u. Hubertusburg. 8". L. 1875 Translations. Civil wars & monarchy in France, 16-17"' c. : a hist, of Fr. princ. dur. that period. Tr. M. A. Garvey, [f. " Francos. Gesch. etc."]. 2v. s8". 1852 Ferdinand I & Maximilian II of Austria : state of Germany after the Reformation. Tr. Lady D. Gordon. s8". 1853 Hist, des Osmanlis & de la monarchic espagnole pend. les 16' & IT s. Tr. etc. par J. B. Haiber, [/. Bl of "Fiirsten u. Valker etc."]. 8". 1839 Hist, of England, princ. in 17"' c. [Tr. by var. persons']. 6v. 8°. 0. 1875 Eanke (Leopold von) [continued]. Translations [continued]. Hist, of Servia, & the Servian Revolution. Hist, of the Latin & Teutonic P. A. Ashworth. Hist, of the Popes dur. 16"- A 17"> a\ Tr. Mrs. A. Kerr. 8-. 1847 nations, 1494-1514. Tr. s8". Bohn. 1887 Tr. S. Austin. 3v. 8". 1840 3v. 2"'! ed. 8\ 1841 2v. H'-' ed. &••. 1847 ... Tr. W. K. Kelly. Ia8". 1843 Tr. E.Foster. 3v. s8". if o/m. 1847-53 Tr. f. B2-4 of " Fiirsten it. Volker etc." Hist, of the Refomiation in Germany. Tr. S. Austin, [f. "Deutsclie Gescli. etc."]. vl-3, [no morepubV'.]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1845-7 Mems. of the House of Brandenburg & hist, of Prussia dur. 17-18"' C. Tr. Sir Alex. & Lady Duff Gordon, [/. " Neun Bilcher etc."]. 3v. 8'^. 1849 The Ottoman & the Spanish Empires, in 16"' & 17'" c. Tr. W. K. Kelly, [/. Bl of " Fiirsten etc."]. laS". 1843 Universal history : the oldest group of nations & the Greek. [Tr.],ed. G. W. Prothero. [A tr.ofTi of B.'s" Weltgesehichte"]. 8". 1884 see Hardenberg (C. A., Fiirst v.) Denkwiirdigkeiten, hrsg. v. E., 1877. Ranken, see also RANcnrN, Rankin, Rankine, Ranicing. Eanken (Alex.) Hist, of France (486-1793). 9v in 5. 8". 1801-22 Eanken (Mnjor George). Canada & the Crimea ; a soldier's life. Ed. W. B. Ranken. s8". 1862 Banken (W. H. L.) The Dominion of Australia ; its founda- tions. s8". 1874 Banken (William Bayne). Eng. convicts before & after discharge. [P204]. 8". 1863 Prisons & prisoners. [P314]. 8". 1874 Rankin (Daniel J.) The Zambesi Basin & Nyassaland. s8". E. 1893 Rankin (F. Harrison). The White Man's Grave : visit to Sierra Leone, 1834. 2v. s8". 1836 Rankin (James). Hdbk. of the Church of Scotland. 3"! ed. s8<'. E. 1885 4"' ed. s8'>. E. 1888 Rankine (William John Macquorn). Manual of applied mechanics. S"" ed. sS". 1864 Manual of civil engineering. 5"' ed. s8". 1867 Ranking (John). Hist, researches on the wars & sports of the Mongols & liomans, etc. 4". 1826 Rankius (Ernestus), see Eanke (Ernst). Ranks. "Through the r'. to a commission, 1881, see Acland- Tr.oVTE (.J. E.) Rannie (David Watson). Oriel College. [College hist'.]. s8'. 1900 Ransome (Cyril). Advanced hist, of Eng. s8<>. 1895 Our colonies A: India : how we got them, why we keep them. 2-I ed. sS". 1885 Else of constitutional govt, in Eng. s8". 1883 see AcLAND (A. H. D.) & R. Hdbk. of polit. hist, of England, 1882 ; 3'" ed., 1888. Ransome (J. Stafford). Japan in transition : since the War w. China. 8». 1899 *Ranthorpe, 1847, see Lewes (G. H.) Ranulf, dc Glanville, see Glanville (Randlf de). Ranulph [Higdcn]. a monk of Chester, see Higden (E.) Eanyard (Arthur Cowper), see Proctor (E. A.) Old and new astronomy, compl. by R., 1892. Eanyard (Mrs. Ellen) [L. N. R] *The Book A its story. 9'" ed. S8''. 1856 *The missing link ; or, Bible-women in the homes of the poor. s8'. 1860 *Nurses for the needy : Bible-women nurses etc. s8". 1875 ""Eaoul de Cambrai : chanson de geste. Publ. par P. Meyer et A. Longnon. [S.d.a.t.f.]. 8". 1882 Eaoul, de Caen, see Guizoi (F.) ed.. Coll. des meras. : t23. Hist. de Tancr^de, par E. de C, 1825. Baoul, dc Uoudenc, see Wolf (F.) E. de H. & Roman Merangis de Portlesguez. Eaoul (Maximilien) ps., sec Letellier (C.) Eaoul-Eochette (Desire). Antiquites grecques du Bosphore- Cimmerien. 8". 1822 Hist. crit. de I'etahl. des colonies grecques. 4t. 8°. 1815 Lects. on anc. art. sS". 1854 Lettre a P. Paris sur le projet de mettre en direction la Bibl. Eoyale. [P639]. 8". 1847 RAOUL-ROCHETTE 1208 RATHBONE Eaoul-Eochette (Desire) [contimitd]. Lettre a Schoin : Suppl. au cat. des artistes de rantiquite grecque & rom. Ia8i. 1845 Monumens in^d. d'antiqiiitt' figures. pi, Cycle hSroique. [iio more ]}ubl.]. tol. 1833 Peintures antiques in6d. pr6c. de recherclies sur I'emijloi de la peinture dans la d^coi'. des Edifices chez les Grecs & les Komains, faisant suite aux Monuments int'^d. i". 1836 Eaousset-Boulbon (Ic comfa Gaston Eaoulx de). Une con- version. sS". 1855 *Eape (The) of Helen, mock-opera, 1737, see Breval (J. D.) Eapetti (Pierre Nicolas), see Livke. *Li livres de jostice * de plct, 18.30. Eapliael, the painter. [Rafael; Eaff.4eele; Raffaello d'Urbino; fS.^N-zio (Raffaello)]. see Knackfi;ss (H.) R., tr., [Knackfuss, tr., 11, 1899. „ Llovd (W. W.) Xty. in the Cartoons, 1865. ,, Philosopliy, theology, poetry, in the age & art of R., 1867. „ MooBE (M.) The debate of April 7, & "Apollo & Marsyas," 1856. ,, - — . Prince Albert & the Apollo & Marsyas, 1859. „ MoNTZ (E.) R., sa vie etc., 1882. „ R., tr., n. ed., 1896. „ Les tajiisseries de R., 1897. „ OLLI^^ER (0. Emile). Une visite etc. : dialogue sur Michel- Ange & R., 1872. „ Passavant (J. D.) R. u. s. Vater, 1839-58. „ R. & h. father, 1872. „ QUATBEJIEBE DE QUISCY (A. C.^ Hist, de la vie etc. de R., 3'' ed., 1838. For a tr. of Q. de Q.'s 70ork, see the ref. to Duppa (R.) above. „ Kio (A. F.J Michel-Ange & R., 1867. „ EoBi.NSON fj. C.) Crit. ace. of the drawings by M. Angelo &, R. in the Univ. Galleries, 0.>cford, 1870. „ Strachey (H.) R., 1900. „ wolzogen (c. a. a.) r. Sein Lebenu. seine Werke, 1865. R., [Knack- Acta regia," " Hist, of Enrj." etc., see E.\pin- see Batte (L.) Le Raphael de Morris Moore, 1859. „ BURLI.N'GTON FiNE AbTS Club. R. & M. Aiigelo: Cat. [of exliib. of drawings etc.\ 1870. „ Caetwbight (Julia). The early work of R., 1895. „ R. in Rome, 1895. ,, Cattermole (R.) The book of the cartoons, 1837. „ Clement (C.) Slichel-Ange, R. etc., avec de.'i cat. raisonnes, 1861. „ Ckowe (J. a.) & G. B. Cav.\lc.4selle. R., h. life & works, w. partic. ref. to recently disc, records, etc., 1882. „ D'Anvers (N.) R , 1879. „ Duppa (R.) 'Life of R., 1816. „ Lives of Michael Angelo [by D.\ & Raphael [by Qiiatremere de Quincy, tr.\ 1816. „ Eastlake [Lady). Five great painters, 1883. ,, Fischel (O.) R.'s Zeich- nungen : Versuch e. Kritik, 1898. „ FoRSTER (E.) R., 1807-8. ,, Grimm (H.) Life of R., tr., [1887]. „ Gruyeb (F. a.) Les Viorges de R., 1869. „ Habford (J. S.) Life ol M. Angelo ; [;«.] mem. of R. etc., 1857. „ Knackfuss (H.) fuss, 1], 1895. Eapin (M.), a. of Thoyhas (P. de) Eapin (Eene) [Renatos Rapists]. *Les comparaisons des grands homines de I'antiquite, qui oat le plus excell^ dans les belles- lettres, at in 1. i". 1684 t2 has t. : Les reflexions sur I'^loquence, hi po(^tique etc. On Aristotle's treati.se of poesie ; w. reflections on poets. [Tr.]. s8«. 1674 Eapin-Thoyras (Paul de). Acta regia : ace. of the treaties, letters etc. betw. Eng. & foreign powers, publ. in Rymer. Tr. [S. Whatley]. 4v. 8". 1726-7 Dissertation sur les Whigs & les Torys. s8". La Haye. 1717 Hist, of Eng. Tr. N. Tiudal. 21v, [v20, 21, 1"; 1-5, 8, 13, 4"' ; 6, 7, 9-12, 14, 15, 17-19, 5'" ; 16, 6'" ed.]. 8". 1757-63 vl-13 are by R. vl4-21 are the "Cout". f. the Revol.," by N. Tindal. Eapinus (Eenatus), see R.ipin (Rene). Eapisardi (Mario). Lucitero : poema. 2" ed. s8'\ Milano. 1877 Eapp (C. Moritz). Gesch. d. griech. Schauspiels v. Standpunct d. dramat. Kunst. 8". Tiibingen. 1862 Eapp (le gi'n. etc. Jean). Mems. du g. R., aide-de-camp de Napoleon. 8". 1823 *Eara mathematica, 2"' ed., 1841, sec Halliwell-Phillipps (.j. 0.) •Eare poems of the le'-- A 17''' C, 1883, sec Linton (W. J.) ed. Earecourt (G. de La Vallee de), viarq. dePimodan,see Pimod.an. Earee [Professor] ps. The grand secret of wife taming. [P245]. 8". [1858] Eas. *Ras Mala, or Hindoo Annals of Goozerat, 1856, see Forbes (A. K.) Eas Ali, of Begemdcr, see Ali, Bas, of Begemder. Easch (Gustav). Aus vergangenen Tagen. Reihe 1, [1, Dres- dener beriihmte Hiiuser u. Paliiste. no 7norc j'ubl.]. s8". Dresden. ri875] London bei Nacht. s8". 1873 Easche (Joliann Christoph). Lexicon rei uumariis veterum, pra;c. Grtec. et Roman., cum obs., et explic. monogrammatum. tl-7, [no more ajj^).]. 8 '. L. 1785-1805 Eacli t has %;, & the I4p are b. in i3v. tl-6 i, [bound in l!v], contain A-Z. t6 ii-~, ii, [bound in 2v], contain Su2)jil. tl-3, A-I, after which no more appeared. Easchid Bey (Frau al), see Bohlau (Helene) [Frau al Raschid Bey I. Eashdall (Hastings). Doctrine & development: Univ". sermons. s8'. 1898 Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2v in 3, [2, i, ii]. 8". 1895 1, Salerno — Bologna — Paris. 2, i, Italy — Spain — France — Germany — Scotland. 2, ii, English uniV. — Student life. & E. S. Eait. New College. s8'. 1901 Eashid, Maulay, Sultan of Morocco, see Muley Arxid, king of Ta filet to. Eashid (Harun Al), Caliph, see Haroun ALR.iscHiD. Easi (Luigi). U libro degli aneddoti (curiosita del teatro di prosa). s8<>. Milano. 1891 Eask (Easmus Christian). Alter u. Echtheit d. Zend-Spracbe, etc. Ubers. v. F. H. v. der Hjigen. s8". 1826 Grammar of Anglo-Saxon. New ed. enlarged, tr. B. Thorpe. 8". Copenhagen. 1830 Grammar of Danish. sS". Copenhagen. 1830 „ ,, R.'s Danish gi'ammar. Ed. T. G. Hepp. 2"" ed. 8". Copenhagen. 1846 Grammar of Icelandic or Old Norse. Tr. G. W. Dasent. 8". 1843 UndersOgelse om det gamle Nordiske eller Islandske Sprogs Oprindelse. 8". 1818 see Haldorsen (B.) Lex. Island.-Lat.-Dan., cura R. ed., 1814. „ Vater (J. S.) Vergleichungstafeln etc. ; [d] Hask ii. d. thrak. Sprachclasse, 1822. „ Verner (Karl). Nogle Haskiana [£] V. Thomsen : Nogle andre Haskiana, [1875 ?]. Easo (Joseph Del Campo), see Del Campo Raso (J.) Easpail (Francois Vincent). De la Pologne sur les bords de la Vistule et dans l'i5migration. [P387]. 8'. 1839 see *Accusfe (Les) du 15 mai, 1849. Easpe (Eudolf Erich). Des Freih. v. Miitichhauseu Reisen uiid Abenteuer. Ubers. V. G. .\. Biirger. 6« Orig.-Ausg. 98". Gottingen. 1849 Miinchhausen. Ulust. v. G. Dore. 3'- A. 8". .gt. n.d. Transl.vtions. Munchausen. [Tr.]. 2°''ed. s8». 1859 „ S8". E. 1876 The surprising adv. of Baron Munchausen. lUus. by W. I Strang & J. B. Clark, w. intr. I by T. Seccombe. 8». 1895 Eassam (Hormuzd). Brit, mission to Theodore of Abyssinia. 2v. 8». 1869 see Blaxc (H.) Story of the captives [_in] Abyssinia ; R.'s mission, etc., 1868. „ Markham [Sir C. E.) The Abyssinian Exped., w. ace. of captivity of R. etc., by P., 1869. Eastadt. '.Antidote au Congres de E., etc., n. ed., 1817, see Prai.t (D. D. i.e). Eastall (William Dickinson), aft. W. Dickinson, see Dickinson (W.) Eastell (John), ^)ri)(^'r. The pastime of people, 1529. Repr., w. facs. woodcuts of the portraits. 4". 1811 Eastoul (Alfred). Pages d'histoire contemp. : le marcchal Randon (1795- 1871). 8". 1890 Easzmann (August). Die Niflungasaga u. d. Nibelungenlied. s8". Heilbronn. 1877 Eatdolt (Erhard). [Ratdold; E.^thold], see Redgrave (G. R.) E. It. it h. work at Venice, 1894. Eath (F»-aii) ps., sec Goethe (Cath. Elis.) Eathbone (Mrs. Anne), see Manning (A.) aft. Rathbonc. Eathbone (Mjs. Hannah Mary). *So much of the diary of Lady Willoughby as rel. to h. domestic hist., & to the r. of Ch. I, [fictitious ; by H. M. B.]. si". 1844 RATHBONE 1209 RAUZAT-US-SAFA Rathbone (Mrs. Hannah Mary) [continued]. *Some further portions of the diary of Lady Willoughby, etc. [fictitious ; bij H. M. R.]. s4". 1848 The strawberry girl, w. o. thoughts tt fancies in verse. sS". 1858 Eathbone ("William) tlie younger, M.P. for N. Carnarvon- shire. Sketch of the hist, of district nursing f. 1859. sS". 1890 Social duties, w. ref. to organization of efiort iu benevolence etc. sS". 1867 see Fanshawk (E. L.) Liquor legislation in U.S. & Canada : report of inquiry at request of E. by F., 1893. , A. Pell, & F.C.Montague. Local govt.* taxation. sS". 1885 Rathborne (Ambrose B.), F.Ii.G.S. Camping & tramping in Malaya. Ia8". 1898 Rathborne (Anthony Blake). The true Ihie of defence for India. [P350]. 8". 1876 Turkey & the victims of its bad faith etc. : memorial. [P330]. sS". 1875 Ratherius, hp. of Verona, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl36. Rathery (E. J. B.) Le cte. de PlMo, uu gentilhomme fr. au 18= s. 8". 1876 Rathgen (Carl). Englische Auswanderung u. Auswanderungs- politik im ly'" Jahrhundert. Einwanderung u. Einwander- ungsgesetzgebung in Nordamerika u. in Brasilien, v. R. Mayo-Smithu. 11. A.Hehl. [Ver. f. Socialpol.,72]. 8". L. 1896 Rathmore (David Robert Plunket, /'' baron), :s"^ son of 3''' baron Plunket. Life, letters, A' siJeechesof Ld. Plunket. Pref. by IaI. Brougham. 2v. 8". 1867 Rathold (Erhard), see Batdolt (E.) *Raths?l (Die) der Vorwelt, etc., 184(5, see Lixuexschmit (W.) *Rathslinie (Die) der Stadt Wismar, 1875, see Crcll (F.) cd. Ratier (Felix Severin). Coup-d'osil sur les cliniques miSdicales. [P54]. 8". 1830 Ratio studiorum et institutiones scholasticte Soc. Jesu per Germaniam olim vigentes, 1887-94, see Jesuits. *RationaI piety & prayers for fine weather. By a clergyman. [P716]. s8". T. Scott. [1873] Rationale. *Eationale (The) of market fluctuations. By a City editor. s8". 1876 *Rationale (The) of polit. representation, 1835, see Bailey (S.) Rationes collectorum ponteficiorum in Hungaria (1281-1375), 1882, see *Monumenta Vaticana hist. Hungarise illust., I, 1. *Ratis raving, & o. moral etc. pieces f. Cam. Univ. MS. KK. 1. 5., 1870, see Lumdy (J. E.) ed. Ratisbonne (M. Theodore). Hist, de S. Bernard & de s. si^cle. 2t. 8' 6d. s8". 1875 Ratpertus Sangall. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl26. ,, MoNCMEXTA Gehm. Hist., Scr., t2. Ratramnus, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl21, for Opera. Rattazzi (Mme.) [jSolms (Mmc. Marie Letizia de), aft. Raitazzi ; aft. Rule]. Ufle epoque ; E. Castelar, notes etc. laS". 1S99 La fin d'une ambassadrice. ed. doflnitive. sS". [1900] Lea naariages de la cr6ole. 2t. s8». Brux. 1869 Anthropo-Geographie : Anwend- ung d. Erdkunde auf d. Gesch. 2T. 8". St. 1882-91 Hist, of mankind. Tr. A. J. Butler. 3v. Ia8». 1896-8 Der Lebensraum. 8°. Tiibingen. 1901 Politische Geograpbie. 8". Miinchen. 1897 Viilkerkunde. 3B. laS". L. 1885-8 1, Naturviilker Afrikas. 2, Naturvolker Ozeaniena, Amerikas, Aaiens. 3, Kulturvijlker d. alten u. neuen Welt. Le Portugal h vol d'oiseau : Portugais & Porfcugaises. 88°. [1880] Kattazzi & sou temps. 2t. 8". 1881-7 see*EsPAQNE (L'). Preface : La patrie espagnole, par R. de Bute, 1900. Rattazzi (Urbane), see Eattazzi (Mine.) E. & s. temps, 1881-7. Rattazzi de Rute (Mmc), see Eattazzi {Mmc.) Ratti (Carlo Gius.), see Soprani (R.) Vite de' pittori ec. genovesi, 2" ed., [f.' " scr. da B."], 1768. *Rattlin the reefer, 1838, see Howard (E.) Ratten (J. J. L.) Hdbk. of common salt. 8". Madras. 1877 Rattray (Alex.) Vancouver I. & Brit. Columbia. s8'\ 1862 Rattray (John) & H. R. Mill, cdd.. Forestry & forest products : prize essays of the Edinburgh Internat. Forestry Exhib., 1884. 8". E. 1885 Ratzeberger (Matthaus). [Batzenberger ; Batzenperger]. Die handschriftl. Gesch. E.'g fiber Luther u. s. Zeit. Mit Aumc-rkgn. hrsg. v. C. G. Neudecker. 8". Jena. 1850 Ratzel (Friedrich). Ratzenberger (M.), [R.atzexperger], sec Ratzederger (M.) Rau (Carl D. Heinrich). Uber den kleinsten Umfang eines Bauerngutes. ^^ [P315]. 8". Heidelberg. 1851 see Lehrruch d. politischen Okonomie, bearb. v. A. Wagner u. E. Nasse, [in jtrog.], 1889-90. Rau (Charles). The arcbseological coll. of the U.S. Kational Museum. [S. C. to Knowledge, 22]. 4". 1876 The Palenque tablet iu the U.S. National Museum. [S. C. to Knowledge, 22]. 4». 1879 Prehistoric fishing in Europe & N. Amer. [S. C. to Knowledge, 25]. 4". 1884 Rau (Heribert). Alexander v. Humboldt : culturhistorisch- biograph. Roman. 7T in 4v. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1860 Rauber (August A.) Urgesch. d. Menschen. 2B in 1. 8". L. 1884 Ranch (P. M.) Die Einheit d. Menschengeschlechtes : anthropolog. Studien. 8". Augsburg. 1873 Rauchenstein (Rudolf). Zur Einleitung in Pindar. [P492]. 8". Aarau. 1843 Raucou (A. Bazin de), sec Bazin (An.ais). Raudot (Claude Marie). De la decadence de la France. 8". 1850 3'ed. 8". 1850 Napoleon I peint par lui-meme. sS". 1865 Rauf, Coiltjear, hero of romance, sec Collier (Ralph), licro etc. Rauleigh (.Sic Walter), see Raleigh {Sir W.) Raulich (Italo). Storia di Carlo Emanuele I, duca di Savoia. vl, 2, (1, 1.580-8; 2, 1588-98). s8". Milano. 1896-1902 Rauiner (Carl v.),2>rof. at the Univ. of Erlangcn. Erinuerungen aus d. J. 1813-14. s8". St. 1850 Gesch. d. Piidagogik. 4T in 2v. 8". St. 1813-54 T3 is in i Abthlgn. T3, it, is "^" (/ nverdnderte A ." Eaumer (Friedrich L. G. v.) Beitra'ge z. iieueren Gesch. aus d. britischen Museum u. Reiclisarcbive. 5T. b8». L. 1836-9 1, Elisabetli U.Maria Stuart. 2, Friedrich II. 3-5, Europa v. Eude d. 7- jiihrigen bis z. Ende d. amerikan. Krieges. Briefe aus Frankfurt u. Paris, 1848-9. 2T. s8". L. 18i9 England im J. 1835. 2B. s8". L. 1836 England im J. 1841. s8». 1842 Gescb. d. Hohenstaufen. 6B. 80. L. 1823-5 „ „ 6B in 3. 5-^^ A. S". L. 1878 Gesch. Europas seit d. Ende d. 15. Jhdts. 8B. 8°. L. 1832-50 Die geschicbtl. Entwickelung d. Begriffe v. Recbt, Staat u. Pohtik. 3' A. 8". L. 1861 Hdbch. z. Gesch. d. Litteratur. 2T. 8o. L. 1864 Die Herbstreise nach Venedig. 2T in Iv. sS". 1816 Lebenseriiinerungeu u. Brief- wecbsel. 2T. 8". L. 1861 Schwarz, Strauss, Renan : Vortrag. [P518]. 8". L. 1864 Die Vereinigten Staaten v. T4has2"''tp. : Die deutsclien Universitiiten. Life & system of Pestalozzi. Tr. J. Tilleard. 8". 1855 Paliistina. 3* A. 8". L. 1850 Vorlesungen ii. d. alte Gesch. 2T iu Iv. 2'- A. 8". L. 1847 „ „ ... 2T. S" A. 8". L. 1861 Translations. Contribs. to mod. hist. f. the Brit. Mu9. & State Paper Off. [Tr.]. 2v. 881. 1836-7 [1], Q. Ehz. & Mary, Q. of Scots. [2], Frederick II & h. times. Tr. f. Tl, 3 of h. " Bei- tviige etc." England in 1835. Tr. 3v. s8». 1836 vl, 2, tr. S. Austin. v3, tr. H. E. Lloyd. England in 1841. Tr. H. E. Lloyd. 2v in 1. s8». 1842 Hist, of the IB"- & 17'" C. Tr. 2v. s8°. 1835 Tr. f. h. "Briefe aus Paris z. Erlduierung d. Gesch. d. lGu.17. Jhdts." Italy & the ItaUans. [Tr.]. 2v. s8o. 1840 Polit. hist, of England dur. 16"", 17''>, & 18«>' e'. vl,2, [no 7norepubl.]. 8". 1837 Tr. by B. E. Lloyd f. B.'s " Gesch. Europas etc."; v2 ends with 1660. Nordamerika. 2T. s8'>. L. 1845 Raumer (Rudolf H. G. v.) Einwirkung d. Christenthums auf d. althochdeutsche Sprache. 8". St. 1845 Gesch. d. german. Philologie. 8». Miinchen. 1870 Raunie (Emile). Chansonnier historique du xviii si^c. Avec notes etc. lOt. s8';. 1879-84 Epitaphier du vieux Paris, dep. le moyen iige jusqn'a la fin du 18'- s. FormiS & publ. par E. 3t. [Histoire gen. de Paris]. 4". 1890-99 Raupach (Ernst B. S.), see Lodge (A.) Won, not wooed; adapted f. [E. Raiqyach's] " Die Schule d. Lebens," 1874. Rauschenbusch-Clough (Emma). A study of Mary Wollstone- craft etc. »'. 1898 Rautenstrauch (Johann). Biographie Marien Theresiens. sS". Wien. 1780 RauwenhofF (L. W. E.) & F. Nippold. D. F. Strauss' alter u. neuer Glaubo : zwei Abhaudlungen. 8". L. 1873 *Rauzat-us-safa (The), tr., 1891-4, see Mir Khw.\nd. RAVAILLAC 1210 RAY Eavaillac (Francois). [Kavaillard ; Bavilliack]. see LoisELEun (J.) Questions du 17' s. : R. it s. comi^lices, 1873. „ ScLLY (M. r>E B., due pe). Mems., tr. ; added, Tryal of R., n. ed., 1778. Kavaisse (P.) Essai sur I'hist. et sur la topog. du Caire d'aprfs Makiizi, ['2p"], see Mission Arch. Fk. au Cure, tl, 3. Eavaisson (Felix). Essai sur la M^taphysique d'Avistote. 2t. 8". 1837 La philosophic en France au 19« s., 1867. 2" ^d., suivi du rapport sur le prix V. Cousin (Le scepticisme dans rantiquite), 1884. Ia8". 1885 Eavaisson (Frangois). Archives de la Bastille: doc'. in6d. rec. par R. tl-17. Ia8». 1883-91 Eavalovich. (Artur'), see Raffalotich (A.) Eavelin (Humphrey) ps., see Proctor (G.) Eaven (John), of Neiv Soutlu/ate. The Parly. Hist, of Eng., f. 1832. s8". 1885 Eaven (John Samuel), see Burlington Fine Arts Club. Coll". worivs of R., Catalogue, 1878. Eaven (Mathilde). The two brothers. [Tr.']. 2v. s8". 1850 Eaveneau de Lussan ( ). Journal of voyage into the S. Sea, by R. de L., 2"'' ed., 1704. This, ic. sep. tp. ed. 8". 1875 Outline of the hist, of Assyria. rP259, 864]. 8'. 1852 The Persian inscription at Behistun, decyphered -t tr., w. mem. on cuneiform inscr". in gen., ct on that of Behistun. [6. w. h. Commentary etc., 1850]. 8». 1846-51 Tliis icork consists of portions of the Journal of tlie Royal Asiatic Socicti/. sec Rawlinson (G.) 'Mem. of H. C. R., 1898. Eawlinson (Eichard), LL.D., see He.arne (T.) ed., Hist. & anti(is. of Glastonbury [bii R.], etc., 1722. Eawlinson {Sir Eobert), K.C.B. Address of R., president of Inst, of Civ. Eng., Nov. 1894. [P155, 588]. 8'. 1894 Cosmos, a study by a civil engineer. S'\ 1896 Hygiene of armies in the field. 8". 1883 Influence of the domiciliary con- dition of the people. 8". 1883 On house accommodation. [P164]. Ia8". Verses. S". Wholesome houses. [P266, 318]. 8". Eawnsley (Hardwicke Drummond). 1858 1893 1873 Ballads of the War. s8'\ 1900 Christ for to-day ; internat. sermons by eminent preachers of the Episc. Church. s8". 1885 Edward Thring, teacher & poet. s8o. 1889 Harvey Goodwin, bp. of Carlisle. 8". 1896 Literary associations of the Luke's. 2v. s8 '. Glasgow. 1894 Eawson (Sir Eawson W.) Memories of the Tennysons. s8". Glasgow. 1900 Notes for the Nile. With metr. rendering of the hymns of anc. Egypt & of the pre- cepts of Ptah-Hotep. sS". 1892 The Revival of the Decorative Arts at Lucerne. [P635]. &■'. Lucerne. 1896 K.C.M.G. Analysis of the mari- time trade of the United Kingdom, 1889-91. [P424. Cobden Club]. 2"'' ed. s8^ [1891] Eawson (Mrs. Stepney). A lady of the Regency. sS". 1900 Eawson (Sir William), oculist, lySS-ISi'}'. [his name was orig''. Adams ; he took that of Raioson in ■/Si.j]. Operations & prospects of the Mexican Mine Assoc'. : letter to G. Canning. [P265]. 8". 1825 Eawston ((Jeorge). *My life. By an ex-dissenter. s8". 1841 ♦Your life. By a. of " My life." 88". 1841 Eay Society. Reports & papers on botany ; tr'. f. German. 8". 1846 Reports & papers on vegetable physiology & botan. geography ; ed. A. Henfrey. 8". 1849 Reports on the progress of zoology & botany, 1841-2. Tr. 8". E. 1845 Reports on zoology for 1843-4, tr. [/. Gcrm^Jn]. 8°. 1847 see Agassiz (L. J. B.) Bihliographia zoologiie et geologise. Enlarged etc. by H. E. Strickland, 1848-54. „ Alder (J.) ct A. Hancock. Brit, nudibranchiate MoUusca, 7p, 1845-55. „ Allman (G. J.) Fresh-water Polyzoa, 1850. „ Gymnoblastic or tubularian liydroids, 2p, 1871-2. „ B.URD (W.) Nat. hist, on Brit. Entomostraca, 1850. RAY 1211 RAYNOUARD Bay Society [continiwd]. sec Blac-kwall (J.) Hist, of the spiJers of Gt. Brit. & Ireland, 2p, 1861-2. BocLKNGEK (G. A.) The tailless batraohians of Europe, 2p, 1897-8. BowERBANK {.J. S.) MoHograph of the Brit. Spongiadoe, 1864-82. Brady (G. S.) Monograph of the free & semi-parasitic Copepoda of the Brit. I.slands, 1878-80. Browm (K.) Misc. bntsmical works, 3v, 1866-8. BucKLEB (W.) LarvfE of Brit, butterflies ct moths, 9v, 1885-1901. BocKTON (G. B.) Brit. Aphides, 4v, 1876-83. BiTKMEisTEii (H.) Organization of Trilobites. Ed. f. German by Bell & Forbes, 1846. Cameron (P.) Monograph of Brit. Phytopha,gous Hymeno- ptera, 1882-92. Carpenter (W. B.) Introd. to Foraminifera, 1862. Cet.^cea. Memoirs on the C, by Eschricht, Reinhardt, * Lilljeborg, 18.56. Darwin (C. K.) Mon. on the Cirripedia, 18-51-54. Douglas (.1. W.) & J. Scott. Brit. Hemiptera, vl, [tio more puhl], 1865. Forres (E.) Brit, nalced-eved Medusaj, 1848. GiJNTHER (A. C. L. G.) lieptiles of Brit. India, 18G4. HoFMEiSTER (W.) On germination etc. of Higher Crypto- gamia, * fructification of Coniferse, tr., 1862. Huxley (T. H.) Oceanic Hydrozoa etc., 1859. Leighton (\V. A.) Brit. Angiocarpous Lichens, elucidated by their sporidia, 1851. LuDBocK [Sir J.) Mon. of the CoUembola & Thysanura, 1873 MacLntosh (W. C Masters (M. T.) Meyen (F. .1. F.) 1846. Michael (A. D.) Newstead (R.) I", vl, 1901. Nitzsch (C. L. Brit. Annelids : 2 pts., 1873-1900. Vegetable teratology, 18()9. Outlines of the geography of plants, tr., Brit. Oribatidio, 2v, 1884-8. Monograph of the coccidse of the British Pterylography, tr., 18{)7. Oken (L.) Elements of physiophilosophy, [tr.], 1847. Parker (W. K.) Shoulder-girdle & sternum in Vertebrata, 1868. R.\Y (J.) Correspondence, 1848. ■ Memorials of E. : h. life by Derham etc., 1846. Steenstrup {.J. J. S.) On the alternation of generations, tr., 1845. „ Williamson (W. C.) Recent Foraminifera of 6t. Brit., 1858. Kay (Edgar). Birth-rights [i(or. 1893 ,, „ n. ed. s8". n.tl. The course of true love never did run smooth. s8i>. 1857 The double marriage. u. ed. s8». 1890 „ „ n. ed, s8". n.d. The t. in the 1» ed., 1857, 2vas : White lies. The eighth commandment. 8". 1860 Good stories of man & other PegWofBngtou. n. ed. s8». 1857 „ , s8». 1890 „ „ Intr. by Austin Dob- son. s8». 1809 „ , n. ed. 88°. n.d. A perilous secret. 2v. 68". 1884 „ , n. ed. s8». 1885 „ n. ed. s8». 1891 Put yourself in liis place. 3v. s8'>. 1870 „ „ n. ed. b8". 1891 Beadiana : comments on current events. 88<>. 1883 Sel". f. the works of R. With intr. by Mrs. A. Ireland. animals. Griffith Gaunt. Hard cash. s8". 3v. n. ed. s8". 1884 1866 1891 A simpleton. 3v. s8". „ „ n. ed. 880. Singleheart & Doubleface. 1891 1873 n.d. 1884 n.d. 3v. s8». 1863 „ „ Sv. 2'"l ed. s8". 1864 „ „ ... n. ed. s8". 1889 „ „ ... n. ed. 68". n.d. It is never too late to mend. 3v. 2"'! ed. s8". 1856 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1892 The jilt, & o. s. s8". 1881 Love me little, love me long. 2v. s8". 1859 „ „ ... lib. ed. sS'. 1896 & D. Boucicault. Foul play. Eeade (Mis. Compton). Eeade (John Edmund). Memnon, & o. p. Poet, works. The maid o' the mill. 2v. s8". 1887 The deluge: drama. [With o. 2J.]. Ia8". 1839 s8". 1868 2v. s8". 1852 3v. n. ed. s8^ 1865 Reade (Eaymond N. E.), sec Ashanti Exped., 1893-6 : Precis, by R., 18',t7. Eeade (W. Winwood). The African sketch-book. 2v. s8». 1873 The martyrdom of man. s8». 1872 „ „ ... 14"> ed. s8°. 1892 The outcast. s8<'. 1875 Savage Africa ; a tour. s8o. 1863 Story of the Ashantee Campaign. s8". 1874 The veil of Isis : or, mysteries of the Druids. 8". 1861 Eeader (The) : a review of lit., science, & art. vl-7. [no more puhl.']. fol. 1863-7 Eeader (William), of Coventry, see *Domesi>ay for Warwick, 2"' ed., 1879. Eeading. see *Best (The) reading, sl-3, 1877-87. „ *GooD r. about many books, 1894/5. Reading, Bciksliiie. Churchwardens' accounts of St. Mary's, R., 1550-1602. Transcr. by F. N. A. Garry & A. G. Garry. 4". Reading. 1893 *A legend of R. Abbey, 1845, see Macfarlane (C.) Poems, odes, etc. spoken at R. school. Added, ace. of BenweU [btj H. Kelt] & Butt [by R. Valpy]. 8". 1804 *Reading records : Diary of the Corporation. vl-4 (1431- 1654). Ed. .1. M. Guilding. [No more have ajjp'.] Ia8". 1892-6 Reading mercury (The). [Facsimile o/]vl, no. 31, (Feb. 1, 1723-24). [P266]. Ia8». Reading. 1873 Eeading (Joseph H.) The Ogowe Band ; African travel. 8". Philadelphia. 1890 Eeading (William). The hist, of Sion-CoUege, by R., 1724. This, though w. scp. tp. d pagin. is part of Sion College. *Bibl. cleri Londin. in CoU. Sion. cat., auct. G. Reading, 1824, q.v. *Eeady, o ready ! By the Captain of the " Cumberland." s8". 1873 *Eeady-money llortiboy, 1872, see Besant (SiV W.) & J. Rice. Eeagh (F. MacCarthy), sec MacCarthy (Florence). Real. *Real (The) & the beau-ideal, 1860, see Kelty (M. A.) *Real (The) wants of the Irish people, 1865, see Irish. Real Academia de la Historia [Madrid]. Coleccion de fueros y cartas-pueblas de Esp. : Catalogo. 8". 1852 Memorias de la R. A. de la H. tl-11. 4". 1796-1888 see Alfonso X. Las siete Partidas, cotejadas con var. cod. antig., por la R.A., 1807. „ Cortes de Aragon y Valencia y Cataluiia, tl-5, 1896-1901. „ EspANA Sagrada : [cant, from i47 by tJie A. de la H.'], 1754- 1879. „ Historia general de Espana, escr. por individuos de la E. A. de la H., in prog., 1892 etc. „ Oviedo y Valdes (F. G. de). Hist, de las Indias etc., 1851-5. „ Sepulveda (.J. G. de). Opera, accur. R. H. A., 4v, 1780. Eeal Academia Espanola. Eeade (Charles L.) & Compton mem. Eeade (Compton), see Re.^de (C. L.) A- C. R., Charles Reade, a mem., 1887. „ „ ... n. ed. s8'>. A terrible temptation. 3v. s8", 1871 „ „ n. ed. 88". 1890 Trade malice ; &, The wandering heir. s8". 1875 White lies, see Double marriage (The), above. A woman-liater. 3v. s8i. E. 1877 see Reade (C. L.) & C. Re.\de. Charles Reade, a mem., chiefly f. h. lit. remains, 1887. 3v. s8'. 1868 n. ed. s8\ 1891 n. ed. s8". n. d. Eeade. Charles Reade : a 2v. s8". 1887 Dice, de la lengua castellana comp. por la R.A.E. 3" ed. fol. 1791 Gram^tica de la lengua castel- lana. 3' imp. s8". 1871 see Antologia de poetas his- pano-americanos ; publ. por la R.A.E., 4t, 1893-5. „ Fuero (J.) F. J. en lat. y castellano, cotej. con las Eeal del Monte Mining Co mas ant. cod.; porlaR.A.E., 1815. 'p 'Obtografia de la lengua castellana, comp. por la R.A.E., 6" imp., 1779. I, Urries y Azaba (.J. J. de). Biogratia etc. de Jauregui, 1899. „ Vega (Lope de). Obras, in 2>rog., 1890-7. *Letter to John Taylor, resp. the conduct of the Directors of the R. D. M. Co., 1825, see Taylor (John). Eeal Istituto di Studi Superior! ec. in Firenze, see Tocoo (F. Di). Opere lat. di G. Bruno ec, 1889. Eeal (Antony) ps. [F. F. Fern.and-Michel]. Les grands vins : curiosites historiques. s8". [1887] The story of the stick in all ages. Tr. 38". N.Y. 1892 Eeal ((Jaspar Corte), see Corte Real. Eeale Accademia dei Lincei. see Bodio (L.) Movimento economico in Italia, 2" ed., 1891. „ CoMPARETTii (D.) 11 Kalevala, 1891. „ Corpus luscriptionum Latin. C. I. L. suppl. Italica, fasc. 1, 1884. ££AL£ 1213 EECKE-VOLMERSTEIN Eeale Academia delle Scienze Morali e Polit. di Napoli. [In IH'IJ this Ace. was made a Sezione della Sc. K. Bor- bonica, retaining, however its former noHU']. Atti della R. A. ec. vl-4, in 2. 4°. Napoli. 1864-9 Eendiconto delle tornate e dei lavori della E. A. eo. : Anno 1, 2, (1862-3) in Iv. 4". Napoli. 18G2 „ , Anno 7, Lug.-Dic. 1868. [P243]. 8". Napoli. 1808 see Tocco (F. di). Le opere ined. di G. Bruno : memoria ec, 18'J1. Eeale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia. see Ercolano. Le Antichita di E. esposte, 1757-02. „ Heuculanknsium Voluminum qute sup., tl, 1793. „ HE^cuLA^■I•:u^r. The antiq". of H., tr., 1773. Reale Deputazione Toscana di Storia Patria, see *AECHrvio STORico iTALiANO {foiidato da G. P. Vieusseux, cont. a cura della n. D. T. di S. P.], in prog., 1842eto. Keale Museo Industriale Italiano. lUustrazioni delle Colle- zioni. Didattica. 1, libri scol. e pedagogici per cura del con- servatore Cav. G. .Jervis. ^8". Torino. 18G9 Reale (Antonio). Nazione e famiglia : studio int. al carattere. 8". Milano. 1878 Eeal-Encyklopadie. ♦Real-Encyclopiidie der classischen Alter- thumswissenschaft, 1839-52 ; neue Bearbtg., 1894 etc., see Pauly (A. V.) ed. *Beal-Eneyklopiidie fur protestant. Theologie u. Kirche. Hrsg. V. J. .1. Herzog. 21B [viz., Bl-lS; cC Sujjpl, Bl-3] in 11. 8". [1, Hamburg ; 2-9, St. ; 10-21, Gotha]. 1854-66 „ „ Registerband. 8". Gotha. 1868 „ ,, Hrsg. V. A. Hauck. Bl-10. 3'' A. [in prog.]. Ia8'. L. 1896-1901 Eeali (Eusebio). Gli amici ed i neraici del papato. [P248]. s8". Firenze. 1866 ♦Realities of Paris life, 1859, see Byrne {Mrs. W. P.) Realm (The). vl, 2 (Nov. 1894-Dec. 1895). fol. [1894-5] *Eealmah, 1868, see Helps {Sir A.) Eeaney (Mrs. G. S.) [jReaney {Mrs. Isabel)]. Just in time, or Howard Clarion's rescue. sS". 1884 *Reason the true arbiter of language, 1814, see Gilchrist (J.) ♦Eeasonableness (The) of applying for repeal of the Corporation ife Test Acts considered [by A. A. Sykes ?], 1736, see Corpoba- TION. Eeasons. •Reasons against the Bishop of London's Bill, [a. not known], ti.d., see Blomfield (C. J.), bp. of London. •Reasons (The) & necessity of the Duke of Cambridge's coming to Britam, 1714, see George II. •Reasons for a modification of the Act of Anne resp. the Delivery of Books & Copyright, 1813, see Turner (Sharon). •Reasons for a Royal Visitation [of the Universities], occas''. by the detection of the clergy from the Govt. [P614]. 8". 1717 •Reasons for establishing an Authors' Publication Soc, 1843, see Petheeam (J.) ♦Reasons for returning to tho Church of England, 1871, see Capes (J. M.) •Reasons for the prevalence of disbelief among the working classes, 1869, see Disbelief. •Reasons humbly offered for the liberty of unlicens'd printing. Subj'i., character of E. Bohun. [P892]. s4". 1693 •Reasons humbly offered proving it is inconsistent w. the interest of England, that the Civil Magistrate shld. put tlie Penal-Laws m execution agst. Prot. Dissenters, 1682, see Penal Laws. •Reasons (The) why I corresponded w.'John Hewet, [dated at end, 1696/7]. This, IV. Sep. pagin., is part of S'isnH (M.iTT.) Mems. of secret service, 1699, q.v. •Some r'. agst. the resolutions now pending f. the Secret Comm., Apr. 1782. [P198]. 8°. 1882 •Some r*^. for separation from the Communion of the Church of Eng., etc., in a dialogue. By H. C. [P276]. s4". 1682 Eeaumur (E. A.) [tFERciiACLT de Reaumur (Hen^ Antoine)]. Mems. p. serv. a I'hist. des insectes. 6t. 4". 1734-42 Eeavis (Logan Uriah). Saint Louis: the future great city of the world. Ia8". St. Louis. 1870 Reay, see also Rat, Eea. Reay (Miss Martha), see Hackman (J.) & E., *Love & madness, n. ed., 1780 ; [anoth. ed., w. t.] : *Love letters of H. * E. (1775-9), 1895. Rebecque (Henri B. Constant de), sec Constant (Benjamin). Rebecque (Samuel Constant de), siy Constant DEEEBECQnE(S.) Rebecque (Willem de Constant de), see Constant de Eebecqde (W. de). ♦Rebel (The) Rose, 1888, see MacCarthy (J.) & Mrs. C. Pkaed. Rebell (Hugues). La femme qui a connu I'Empereur. sS". 1901 Eebelliau (Alfred). Bossuet. sS". 1900 Eebellion. *Hist. (The) of the R. (I745-C), 2"'' ed., 1748, see Henderson (Andrew). ♦Memorials of the R. of 1569, 1841, see Sharpe (Sir C.) ed. Eebellion record (The) : diary of events, w. docs., etc. Ed. F. Moore. vl-7. Ia8". N.Y. 1861-8 Eebello (Pedro Juliao), aft. pope John XXI; see Petrcs, His- ]mnus, aft. John XXI. Eeber (Franz v.) Hist, of ancient art. Tr. & augm. J. T. Clarke. 8". 1883 Eebory ( ), see Doonon (J. F.) & R. Les prisouniers franv. en Angleterre, 1798. Eeboul (Henri P. I.) G^ologie de la p^riode quaternaire & intr. a I'hist. anc. 8". 1833 Eebuilding. *Upon the r. the city, 1070. This, w. sejJ. tp. lO pagin., is part of Wild (E.) Iter Boreale etc., 1670, ci.v. *Eebus (I)e)_Iaponicis, Indicis & Peruanis, 1605, see Hay (J.) Eecalde (liiigo Lopez de) do Loyola, St., see Loyola (Ignatius), St. Eecamier (Mrne. Jeanne F. J. Adelaide). see Constant (Ben.t.) Lettres a R. (1H07-30), 1882. „ Lenoemant {Mtne. A.) *Madame E., les amis de sa jeunesse & sa corr. intime, 1872. „ *Memoirs & corr. of Mine. E., tr., 1867. „ ♦Souv'. et corr. tir^s des papiers de Mme. E., 1859 ; 2' 6d., 1860. „ MoHL (Mme.) Mme. E., w. sketch of hist, of society ir» France [/"' ed. of wh., -ISHQ, was aiion.], 1862. Eecanati (Giov. Batt.) Osservazioni critiche, ed apologetiche sopra il libro di J. Lenfant " Poggiana." s8". Venezia. 1721 Eeceipt Eolls of the Exchequer, see Exchequer. Recejac (E.) Fondements de la eonnaissance mystique. 8". 1897 Recent. *Eecent discussions on the abolition of patents for inventions, 1869, sec Patents. *Eecent recoils, of the Anglo-American Church in the U.S., 1861, sec Anglo-American. ♦Eecent researches in Bible lands, 1897, sec Hilprecht (H. V ) ed. ♦Eeception & entertainment of the Chinese Embassy by the city of Boston, 1868, see Boston. Eecess. *Eecess (The) : a tale of other times, 2"'' ed., 1786, see Lee (S.) ♦Eecess studies. Ed. Sir A. Grant. 8". E. 1870 Eecherche. *De la r. de la verity, ou I'on traitte de la nature de I'esprit etc., 4' ed., 1678, see Malebranche (N.) Eeeherches. •Recherches bibliograph. sur le "Telemaque " etc., 2' ed., 1810, see Caron (A. L. P.) •Recherches et consids. sur les finances de France, (1595-1721), 1758, see Veron de Forbonnois (Fr.) •Recherches nouv. sur I'hist. anc, 1814, sec Volney (C. P.) •Recherches sur I'orig. de plus, maieons souveraines, 1868, see KiJHNE (B. V.) •Recherches sur I'orig. etc. des arts de la Grece, 1785, see Hancaeville (d'). ♦Eecht (Das) der Frau : das Vermiichtniss einer Ungliicklichen. s8'>. Ziirich. 1885 Eechtsgeschichte. see ♦Zeitschrift der S.wiqny-Stiftung fOr E., in proq 1880etc. ' „ ♦Zeitschrift fL'ir R., 1861-78. Rechtslexikon, 3« A., 1880-1, see Holtzendorff (F. v.) ed. Eechtswissenschaft. ♦Encyklopiidie d. R., 2T, [Tl, i' ; T2, 3^ A.], 1880-2, sec Holtzendorff (F. v.) ed. Recits d'un m^nestrel de Reims au 13' s., [S. de I'H. de F.], 1876, see Reims. Recke (Elisabeth C. C. v. der), see Becker (S.) Vor 100 Jahren : E.'s Eeise, 1784-6 nach d. Tagebuch ihrer Begleiterin S. B., 1884. Recke (Ernst F. V. von der). Archilochos : en dramat. Skizze. s8". 1878 Heituginden af Burgund : Drama. s8". 1891 Recke-Volmerstein (GrUfin Maria v. der). *Eecolls. of the life of Countess Matilda v. d. Eecke Volmerstein, by her duughter [Maria v. d. M. V.]. Tr. [M. Fox]. s8". 1874 „ , 2°'' ed. s8". 1874 Re :ke- Volmerstein (Grufin Mathilde von der). ♦Recoils, of the life of Countess Matilda v. d. R.-V., by her daughter, tr. 1874, sec Eecke- Volmerstein {Oriifin Maria v. d.) RECLUS 1214 RECORD Eeclus (Elie), h. -IS2 & les Oui-Oui. Primitive folk. Eeclus (J. J. Elisee), b. ii.il. L'Afrique australe. 8". 1901 La Chine et la diplomatie euro- peenne. ;_P1004]. 8". 1000 L'evolution, la revolution et I'ideal anarcbique. s8». 1898 j Nouvellegeographie universelle. lot. 4". 1875-94 1, L'Europe merid. (Grece, Turquie, Eoumanie, Ser- ! bie, Italie, Espague, Por- tugal). 2, La France. 3, L'Europe Centrale (Suisse, Austro-Hongrie, Alle- magne). 4, L'Europe du nord-ouest (Belgique, Hollande, lies Britann.) 5, L'Europe scandinave & russe. 6, L'Asie russe. 7, L'Asie Oricntale. 8, L'Inde & I'lndo-Cliine. 9, L'Asie anterieure. 10, L'Afrique septentrionale. pi, Bassin du Nil, Sou- daa egyptien, Ethiopie, Nubie, Egypte. 11, L'Afrique septeutrionale. p2, Tripolitaiue, Tunisie, Algerie, Maroc, Sahara. 12, L'Afrique occidentalo ; archipels atlantiques, Senegambie & Soudan occidental. 13, L'Afrique meriJionale : lies de I'Atlaatique aus- tral, Gabonie, Congo, Angola, Cap, Zambeze, Zanzibar, Cotede Somal. 14, Ocean & terres oceau- iques : lies de I'Ocean Indien, I n 3 u 1 i n d e, Philippines, jMicronesie, Nouvelle-Guinee, Me- lanesie, Nouvelle-Cale- , donie, Australie, Poly- nesie. 1 1.5, Amerique boreale : Groeu- laud, Archipel polaire, Alaska, Canada, Terre- Neuve. 16, Les Elats-Unis. 17, ludes occidentales, Mexi- t que, isthmes americains, Antilles Le primitif d'Australie, ou les Non-non s8^ [1894] sS". [1891] 1, dad, Venezuela, Colom- bie, Ecuador, Perou, Bolivie, Chili. 19, Amerique duSudiL'Ama- zonie & La Plata. (Guy- anes, Bresil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Eepubl. Argentine). Translations. The earth : a descr. hist?, of the phenomena of the life of the ;4l..l„/ : Continents. Tr. B. B. Woodward. 2 sections, [^ng;«. coiit.] 8". 1871 ,, The ocean, atmosphere & life : the 2"'' series of " A descr. hist, of the phenomena of the globe." Tr. B. B. Woodward. 2v. 8'>. 1873 Tlie earth & its inhabitants : the univ. geography. 19v. Ia8». [1878-1894] 1-ied.bijE. G.B.aDenstein ; 5, 0, by E. G. R. ,('■ A. H. Keane ; 7-19 by A. H. Kfane. S. Europe. France & Switzerland. Austria - Hungary, Ger- many, Belgium, Nether- lands. The British Isles. N.-E. Atlantic, Islands of N. Atlantic, Scandinavia, European Islands of the Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe. Asiatic Russia. E. Asia. India & ludo-Cliina, S.-W. Asia. 10, N.-E. Africa. 11, N.-W. Africa. 12, W. Africa. 13, S. & E. Africa. 14, Australasia. 15, N. America. U. States. Mexico, C. America, W. Indies. 18, S. America, The Andes Regions. 19, Amazonia & La Plata. A new physical geography. Ed. A. H. Keane. 2v. [1, Earth ; 2, Air & Ocean]. Ia8". 1886 The hist, of a mountain. Tr. B. Ness & J. Lillie. s8". 1881 "i 8, 9, 16, 18, Amerique du Sud : Les regions andines, Triui- . & Onesime Eeclus. L'Empire du milieu : le elimat, le sol, etc. de la Chine. 8". 1902 Eeclus (Onesime), b. iSoy. Le plus beau royaume sous le ciel. s4». 1899 see EECLr.s (J. -J. E.) * 0. K. L'empire du milieu etc., 1902. Eecoeuil des memoires et conferences sur les arts ct les scienses, presentees a M. le Dauphin pendant 1672, 1673, par J. B. Denis, qui y contiuuii le Journal des S(,'avans. 2p. [6. w. Journal des scavans, t3]. s8''. Amsterdam. 1682 Eecolin (Charles). L'anarchie litt. sS'^. 1898 Solidaires : essai de sociologie chvetienne. 3« ed. s8". 1895 Eecolin (Numa). Sermons. s8». Paris. 1876 EecoUections. •R. of a chaperon, ed. Lady Dacro, n. ed., 1833, see Dacre (Lady). »R. of a chaplain in the Navy, 1886, see Tucker (W. G.) *R. of a country doctor, 1885, see Spender {Mrs. J. K.) •R. of a pedestrian. By the author of " Journal of an exile." [By Tlwmas Alex. Boswell ?]. 3v. sS". 1826 *R. of a ramble from Sydney to Southampton, 1851, see Sydney. •R. of an Egyptian princess, 1893, see Chennells (E.) *R. of Eton. 1870, see Eton. *R. of Gen. Garibaldi, or travels etc., [. 1836 Comparative account of works produced ct moneys received by the Commissioners on the Public Records, [1826-36. Corn- idled by ^V. H. Black. P107]. 8". 1837 Gen. report to the King in Council f. the Board of Commsrs. on the Public Records. With app. it index. fol. 1887 Report, resolutions etc. of the Select Committee of H. of Commons apptd. to inquire into the R. C, & the state of the Records ; w. notes [1.5 Aug., 1836. P107J. 8". 1837 ,, Papers & docs. rel. to the evidence of certain witnesses before the Select Committee " to inquire into the R. C. etc." 8'. 1837 [II], PcRLic Records published by the R. C. see Brantingham (T. de), bp. Issue Roll of B. (1370), tr. F. Devon, 1835. „ British McsEUSt. Harleian lilSS., 1808-12. „ Lansdowne MSS., 1819. „ C.iRXARvos. Registrum vulg. nuncupatum •• The record of C," 1838. „ Chancery. Calendars of Proceedings in C. in r. of Eliz., [w.] examples of earlier Proceedings, Ric. I-III, 3v, 1827-32. „ Charter Rolls. Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod damnum, 1803. „ Rotuli Chartarum, vl, i, (1199-1216), 1837. „ Close Rolls. Rotuli Litt. Claus., vl, 2, [1204-27], 1833-44. „ Cole (Sir H.) cd., DoC. illust. of Eng. hist, in 13"' & 14" c"., sel. f. the Records of the Dept. of the Queen's Remem- brancer of the Exchequer, 1844. t I EECORD 1211: RECORDS Eecord Commission [continued]. [II], PuBi.ic Recoiuis I'uuLisnED iiY THE R. C. [cont'.] sec Court. Court of King's Bencli. Rotuli Curin; Regis : Rolls 1$; Records of the Court held before the King's Justiciars, C Ric. I-l John, 2v, 1835. „ Ukvon (F.) ed., Issues of the Exchequer : payments f. Hen. Ill-Hen. VI, f. the Pell Office, 1837. ,, cd., Issues of the Exchequer : payments dur. r. of Ja. I, f. the Pell Office, 183(i. „ DoMEsn.iY Book. Libri censualis, 1783-1816. „ Ellis (Sir H.) Gen. intr. to Domesday, "iv, 1833. ,, Enol.^nd: lyOifs. Ancient Laws and Institutes of E., 1840. ,, E.^csiMiLES of national MSS., 186.5-8. „ Fine Rolls. Excerpta e rotulis tinium. Hen. Ill rege, (1216-72), 2v, 1835-6. ,, Rotuli de oblatis & finibus, temp. Johanuis, 1835. „ Fines, s. Pedes finium (1195-1214), 2v, 1835-44. „ Hundred Rolls. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. Ill & Edw. I, 2v, 1812-18. „ Hunter (J.) Intr. to the Valor Eoclesiasticus, w. map in dioceses, 1834. „ Inquisitiones Post Moktesi. Calendarium iuquisitionum p.m. sive esea>tarum, 4v, 1806-28. „ Ireland: Chancery (Court of). [Calendar of Patent Rolls of the C. of I., I Ja. I-/6 Ja. I, 1SO0 ? No title- page], fol. n.d. : Iuquisitionum in Off. Rotulorum Cancellariaj HibernisB asservat. repertoriura, 2v, 1826-9. „ : Rotulorum patontium & clans. Cancellarite Hibernia3 calendarium, vl, i, (Hen. II-VII), [no 7nore publ.], 1828. „ Irish Record Publications. Reports f. the Commrs. apptd. to execute the measures resp. the P. R'. of I., [1810-2.5], 3v, 1815-29. „ L.iNCASTEE, dtichij of. Ducatus Lanoastriai [for contents sec entry], 4p in 3v, 1823-34. „ Liberate Rolls. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis A Priestitis, regn. Johanne, 1844. ,, Nicolas (iii/- N. H.) Public Records : a descr. of the works printed by the R. C, 1831. „ NoN.E Rolls. Nonat'um Inquisitiones in Curia Soaccarii, temp. Ed. Ill, 1807. ,, Originalia Rolls. Rotulorum Originalium abbreviatio, temp. Hen. III-Edw. Ill, 2v, 1805-10. „ Palor.ave (Sir F.) Essay upon the orig. authority of the King's Council, 1834. ,, Scotland : doc". & records illust*. the hist, of S., & transactions betw. the crowns of S. & Eng., in the Treasury, vl, [no more publ.], 1837. ,, Parliament : Anon, works. Modus tenendi Parliamentum : anc. treatise on the mode of holding the P., [w. tr. etc.], 1846. „ House of Commons. Reports from Committees : vl5, Reports f. Sel. Comm. apptd. to inquire into state of the Public Records (reported 1800), 1815. ,, Parliamentary Writs & Writs of Military Summons, etc., ed. Palgrave, vl, 2, [Ed. I & II ; no more publ.], 1827-34. T, Patent Rolls. Calendarium Rotulorum Pat. in Turri Londin., [3 Joh.-23 Edw. IV], 1802. ^, Rotuli Litterarum Patentiuni, vl, i, (1201-16), 1835. „ Petrie (H.) Mon. hist. Britannica, 1848, .„ Pipe Rolls. Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, vel M. R. Pipa;, de a. 31" Hen. I (ut videtur), quern laudarunt pro Rotulo 5' a. Stephani, 1833. „ Great R". of tlie P., for 2-4 Hen. II, 1844. „ Great R'. of the P., for 1 Ric. I, 1844. „ Rotulus Cancellarii, vel antigraphum M. Rot. Pipa:, de 3° a. Joh., 1833. „ Placita de quo warranto, temp. Edw. I, II, III, 1818. „ Placitorum abbreviatio, temp. Ric. I-Edw. H, 1811. „ Privy Council. Proceedings it ordinances of P. C. (1386- 1542), ed. Nicolas, 7v, 1834-7. ,, Rotuli NornianniiB in Turri Londin., vl, (1200-5 ; & 1417), [no more publ.], 1835. „ Rymer (T.) Foedera etc., aucta etc., vl-4, [no more publ.], 1816-69. ,, Scotland: Anon, wwlcs. Inquisitionuni ad Capellam Regis retornatarum in publ. Archivis SootiBS abbreviatio, 3v, 1811-16. „ . Rotuli Scotife [Edw. I-Hen. VIII], 1814-9. Record Commission [continued]. [II], Public Records published by the R. C. [cont'.] see Scotland : Ijaws etc. The Acts of the Parliaments of S., [1134-1707], llv and Index, 1814-75. ,, : Lords Auditors. Acts of the L'. A". (14GG-94) [Acta Dominorum Auditorum], 1839. ,, ; Lords of Council. Acts of the L". of C. in civil causes (1478-95), 1839. „ : Records (Public). Proceedings of the Commrs. for arrangement etc. of the P. R". (1806-8), so far as rel". to S., 1808. „ : Register of lUe Great Seal. Registrum Magni SigiUi Regum Seotorum in Archivis Publ. asservatum (1306- 1424), 1814. „ St.\te Papers dur. the r. of Hen. VIII, llv, 1831-52. „ Statute.s of the Realm [1101-1713], 9v, 1810-22 ; and. Alphabet, index, 1824 ; and, Chronolog. index, 1828. ,, Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliee & Walliie [or. Taxation of Pope Nicholas ; or, Vetus Valor], auctoritate ]'. Nicholai IV, (c. 1291). 1802. ,, Testa de Nevill, s. Liber feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. Ill & Edw. I, 1807. „ Thomas (F. S.) Hdbk. to Public Records, 1853. ,, Historical notes (1509-1714), 1856-8. „ Treasury. The antient kalendars & inventories of the T., w. 0. doc', illust. the hist, of [the T.], ed. Palgrave, 3v, 1836. „ Valor Ecclesiasticus [or. Liber Regis] temp. Hen. VIII, 6v, 1810-34. „ Wales. Ancient Laws & Institutes of W., etc., 1841. Eecord Office (Public). Calendar of doc", rel. to Scotland in r.R.O., 4v, [Scottish Record Publ.], 1881-8, see Scotland. Descriptive cat. of ancient deeds in the Public Record Off. vl-3, [in procj. Calendars of State Papers]. Ia8". 1890-1900 Index to reports of Sir F. Palgrave (1840-61). fol. 1865 Index to reports of Sir T. D. Hardy (1862-78). fol. 1880 Lists it indexes. 'Sos.l-io,[inprog.]. fol. 1892 etc. 1, Index of ancient Petitions of the Chancery it Exchequer in P.E.O. 1892. 2, Declared accounts from Pipe Off. & Audit Off. in the P.R.O. 1893. 3, Vols, of State Papers rel. to Gt. Brit. & Irel. & Channel I». in the P.R.O. WH. 4, Plea Rolls of various courts in P.R.O. 1894. 5, List of orig. ministers' accounts in the P.R.O. pi. 1894. C, Court Rolls in P.R.O. pi. 1896. 7, Index of Chancery Proceedings (series 2), in the P.R.O. vl, 1558-79. 1890. 8, List of orig. ministers' accounts in the P.R.O. App., corr., & index to pi. 1897. 9, List of sheriffs for Eng. & Wales, to a.d. 1831. 1898. 11), List of proceedings of Commissioners for Charitable Uses in P.R.O. 1899. 11, List of Foreign Accounts enrolled on the Great Roll of the Exchequer in P.R.O. 1900. 12, List of early Chancery Proceedings preserved in the P.E.O. vl, 1901. 13, List of proceedings in Court of Star Chamber preserved in the P.R.O. vl, 1485-1558. 1901. 14, List of the records of the Duchy of Lancaster preserved in the P.R.O., 1901. 15, List of ancient corr. of the Chancery & Exchequer pre- served in the P.R.O., 1902. sec ScARoiLL-BiRD (S. R.) Guide to the prine. classes of docs, in P.R.O., 1891 ; 2-1 ed., 1896. Eecord Society, see Chorley (R.) Chorley Survey (1052), 1896. Eecord Society for the publication of criginal documents relating to Lancashire & Cheshire, sec Lancashire & Cheshire. Records in the P. Record Off., ed. W. D. Selby, 2p, 1882-3. Eecords. Including anon, icorks in which " Records" or " Pub- lic Records " is the catchword, and tvorks of a general nature rel. to the Public Records of Gt. Brit, or of England. For gen. ivorks on the Public R-. of Ireland, see Ireland : Records (Public). For gen. works on the Public Records of Scotland, see Scotland : Records. For the Master of tlie Rolls Series see Rolls Series. Exact abridgement of the Records in the Tower, of all Parl^. f. Ed. Il-Rich. Ill, coll. by C. [" or rather by W. & R. Bowyer"], 1657, see Cotton (Sir R. B.) Handbook to Public Records, see Thomas (F. S.) Index to the printed reports of Sir F. Palgrave, Deputy Keeper of the P.E'., 1840-01. [Pubho Record OfiiceJ. fol, 1865 RECOKDS 1216 RECUEIL Records [continued]. •Index to the printed reports of Sir T. D. Hardy, Deputy Keeper, 186-2-78. [b. IV. Index, 1840-61 Public Record Office]. fol. 1880 •Index (An) to the R"., 1789, sec Stbachev ( — ). •Management of the Public Archives, [1837], see Management etc. •Pubhc R". : a descr. of the works pr. by the Record Comm., 1831, see Nicolas (Sir N. H.) •Record revelations etc., 1863, see Record etc. •Records of a stormy life, 1879, see Houstoun (Mrs.) •Records (The) of New Amsterdam, (1653-741, 1897, see New Amsterdam. •Records of old Aberdeen [New Spalding Club], in prog., 1899 etc., see MuNEO (A. M.) ed. •Records of S.E. Africa, in prog., 1898etc.,Sfe Theal (G. McC.) ed. •Records (The) of the borough of Northampton, 2v, 1898, see Northampton. •Records of the English Catholics under the Penal Laws, chiefly f. the Archives of the See of Westminster. vl, 2, [no tnorepiihl.]. 8". 1878-1882 sfe Allen (Card.W.) Letters & memorials (1532-94'. [2.] „ DouAi. First & 2'"' diaries of the Eng. College, Douay. [1.] 'Records of the Governor & Co. of Massachusetts Bay, 1853-4, see Massachusetts. •Records of the ministry of E. T. March PhiUipps, 1862, see Phillipps (Miss L. P. March*. •Records of the past : Eng. tr*. of Assyrian & Egyptian mon'. [Ed. S. Bircli]. 12v. (vl, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, Assyrian texts. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, Egyptian texts). sS". [1873-81] „ „ Eng. tr. of the anc. mon'. of Egypt & W. Asia. Ed. A. H. Sayce. New ser. 6v. s8<>. [1890-2] •Repertorye of R*., 1631, see Agabde (A.) 'Recovery (The) of Jerusalem, 1871, see Jerusalem. Recreations. 'Recreations (The) of a country parson, 1859 etc., see Boyd (A. K. H.) 'Recreations (The) of C. North, 1842, see Wilson (John) prof. etc. Recreative (The) review. 3t. 8". 1821-2 Recreative science. vl. 8\ 1860 *Rectitndines singularum personarum etc., 1842, see Leo (H.) ed. Rector. 'Rector (The) ; and. The doctor's family, 1863, see Oliphant (Mrs.) 'Rector (The) in search of a curate. By a Churchman. [By W. E. Wilkinson, of Cheltenham ?] 88-. 1843 'Rector (The) of Sutton committed with the dean of St. Paul's, etc., 1680, see Atsop (V.) Rectorial addresses before the University of Edinburgh (1859-99), 1900, sec Edinburgh : University. Recueil. Recueil A-H, I, K-T, V, X-Z, &. Ed by var. persons. 24v in 12. 38". [Fontenoy, Paris, Amsterdam, etc.]. 1745-62 " Rectieil R " has H in place of R on the tp., by mistake. " Recueil (£" is the t. of tlw last, tlie S4'\ vol. Eecueil concernant les religionnaires, 188.5. This is the half-t. of Edits, declarations etc. cone, la Religion P. K^formfee (1662-1751), 1885, q.v. Becueil d'actes des 12' & 13' siMes en langue romaae wallonne etc., 1849, see Tailliar (E. F. J.) ed. Eecueil d'anciens testes bas-latins, proven(;aux & fr., pi, 2, [no more pubL], 1874, see Meyer (P.) ed. Eecueil de Barbin, [n. id.], 1752, see Recueil des plus belles pieces etc., 1752, beloiv. Eecueil de chants histor. fran(,\, 1841, see Le Eodx de Lincy (A. J. V.) ed. Eecueil de chroniques de Touraine, 1854 ; if- Suppl., 1856. sec Salmon (A.) ed. Eecueil de contes pop. de la Kabylie, tr., 1882, see Riviere (J.) Eecueil de diss", sur les apparitions etc., 1752, see Lenglet Du Fresnoy (N.) ed. Eecueil de doc*, rel. a la Eussie, pour la plupart secrets etc., 1854, sec Eussie. Eecueil de doc", sur les exactions etc. des armies prussiennes, 1871, see Secours aux Blesses (Soci^te Intern.ationale de). Eecueil de lettres pour serv. a I'hist. milit. de Louis XIV, 1760-64, see Louis XIV. Eecueil de lois & reglemens cone. I'iustruction publique, 1814-28, see Instruction. Eecueil de motets tr. des 12' & 13' s., 1881-3, see Raynaud (G.) ed. Eecueil de pieces curieuses, 1736, see Passerano (A. Eadicati, conte Di). Eecueil de pieces officielles destinies a detromper les Francois etc., 1814-16, sec Schoell (M. S. F.) ed. Eecueil de pieces rel. aux aff. de la HoUande & de la Belgique, en 1830-[32]. 3t. 8^ La Haye. 1831-3 Recueil [continued]. Eecueil de planches, sur les sciences etc., lit, 1762-72. These are tlic "planches" of Diderot (D.) & d'Alembert. Encyclo- pidie etc., g.t'. Eecueil de poesies fran(;oises des 15' <$: 16' s., 1855-78, see Montaiglon (A. de) & J. de Eothschild, ecld. Eecueil de poetes gascons, pi, sec Goudelin (P.) Obros, 1700. Recueil de psaumes et cantiques a I'usage des eglises de Vaud etc., 2' ed., I8G6, see Vaud. Eecueil de rapports sur les progris des lettres rog.]. Ia8'. 1884-1901 1, Antriche. Intr. & notes par A. Sorel. 1884. 2, Suede. Intr. etc. par A. Geffroy. 1885. 3, Portugal. Intr. etc. par le vte. de Caix de Saint- Aymour. 1886. 4, 5, Pologne. Intr. etc. par L. Farges. 2t. 1888. 6, Rome. Intr. etc. par G. Hanotaux. tl, 1888. 7, Baviire, Palatinat, Deux-Ponts. Intr. etc. par A. Lebon. 1889. 8, 9, Russie. Intr. etc. par A. Rambaud. 2t. 1890. 10, Naples & Parme. Intr. etc. par J. Reinach. 1893. 11, 12, 126is. Espagne. Litr. etc. par A. Morel-Fatio [.0 H. Lconardon]. St. 1894-9. 13, Danemark. Intr. etc. par A. Geffroy. 1895. 14, 15, Savoie-Sardaigne et Mantoue. Intr. etc. par le cte. Horric de Beaucaire. 1898-9. 16, Prusse ; avec intr. etc. par A. Waddington. Recueil des memoires(2)modieaZ),sef?REC(EuiL des MEMoniES,1682. Eecueil des mon". inid. de I'hist. du Tiers Etat, si, tl-4, 1850-70, sec Thierry (J. N. Aug.) cd. Eecueil des plus belles piices des poetes fr. : Villon jusqu'a Benserade. 6t. [n. id.]. s8". 1752 The first ed. appeared 1692 ; the 2^><''^i^s were ^mssibhj selected by Fontenclle. From the name of one ed''. [Fr. Barbin] the collection is frequently cited as the " Recueil de Barbin." Eecueil des principaux traitis etc. dep. 1761, [in prog.], 1791 etc., see Martens (G. F. v.) cd. Eecueil des riclamations, remontrances etc. des Parlements, Cours des Aides etc. au sujet de I'Edit de Dec. 1770, etc. 2t. 8'. Amsterdam. 1775 Eecueil des traitis, conventions & actes diplomat, cone. I'Autriche & I'ltalie, 1859, see Austria. Eecueil des traitis, conventions, lois, dicrets etc. rel. a la paix. avec I'Allemagne, 2t, 1872, see France : Anon, works. Eecueil des traitis etc. conelus par la Russie, tl-13, [^?^ 2"'og-]> 1874 etc., see Russia : Treaties. RECUEIL 1217 REED Eecueil [continncd]. Itecueil dcs traites servant a la connaissanee lies lel'. etrang. (les puissances ile rEiuope, 2" ed., 1817-35, see Martens (G. F. V.) Eecueil lies voyages qui ont servi a I'etabl. de la Comp. iles Indes Or., dans les Prov.-X'nies, n. ed., 1725, see Eenneville ■(R. A. C. vk) ed. ■Reeueil d'itineraires it de voyages dans I'Asie Centrale & FExtreme Orient, 1878, see AsiE. Becueil gen. des anc. lois franfaises (420-1789), 1822-33, sec JonRiMN (A. J. L.) ed. lleeueil gi'n. et complet des fabliaux des 13 & 14 s., 1872-90, see MoNTAii;i.oN (A. he) & G. Iiaynapd, edd. Recusants. *A romance of the R" , 1888, see Longuevillk (T.) Keczyiiski (Jerzy) [Renczynski]. Chronology of dates on the two Amychean marble slabs dug out from the ruins of the temple of Apollo at Delphi by Fourmont, 1729-30. obl.8". 1884 see MoABiTE Stoxe. *The last of the Anakims : the M. S. de- ciphered, tr., 1880. ,, RosETTA Stone, deciphered etc. by K., 1882. Eed. *Red as a rose is she, 2'"' ed., 1870, see Broughton (Ehoda '. *Red Book of Derby, see Derby. *Red Book of Hergest, sec Hergest. *Red Book of the Exchequer, 1H96, see Exchequer. •Red deer, ISilG, sre FiR, feather, & fin series. Red fairy book iThe), i'^ ed.. 1893 ; r."> ed., 1895, sre Laxg (A.) ed. *Red spider, n. ed., 1887, see Barino Golxd (S.) Red true story book i The), 1895, see Lang (A.) cd. *Red, white, &' blue, 18G2, see BraNE (Mrs. W. P.) Eed Cross Society, see SiicocRS aux Blesses (Soc. Ixteknat. pe). Ked Sea, see Reh Sea, as one word. Eed Spinner, ;«., sec Senior (W.) Eedclyffe. ^'Heir (The) of E., see Yonge (Miss C. M.I Eeddall (Henry Frederic). Fact, fancy, fable : hdbk. for ref. Ia8». Chicago. 1889 Eeddaway ("W. F.) The Monroe doctrine. Eeddie (James). Law of Maritime Commerce. Mechanics of tlie heavens. Eesearches in Maritime Internal. Law. Redding (Cyrus). s8" C. 1898 8". E. 1841 [PSl]. 80. 1862 8". E. 1844 Mem". *Mem'. of remarkable misers. 2v in 1. sS". 1863 of W. Beckford. 2v. s8". 1859 Past celebrities whom I have known. 2v. s8''. 1800 Personal remiuisc. of eminent men. 3v. sS". 1807 Yesterday & to-day : seq. to "Filty years' recoils." Mv. 88". 1803 (Henry) & J. E., Nina la Fifty years' recoil". 3v. s8". 1858 French wines & vineyards. s8". 1860 Hist. & descr. of modern wines. 1"' ed. 8". 1836 „ S"! ed. k8". Bolin. 1851 lUust. itinerary of Cornwall. Ia8". 1842 Lit. remlnisc. & inems. of T. Campbell. 2v. sS". 1800 Eede [impenitivc], sec Read. Eedelsperg (Jacques), see Meildac tueuse, 1880. "Redemption, imputation, substitution, forgiveness of sins, & grace. [P705]. s8". T. Scott. Ramsgate. 1868 Eeden (Friedrich Wilhelm 0. L., FrJit: v.) Eussland. 8<>. 1843 Redepenning (Ernst Eudolf). Origenes. Eine DarstelUing seines Lebens. 2 Abthlgn. in Iv. 8". Bonn. 1841-(i Tedesdale (John Thomas Freeman-Mitford, i?'"' haron). Thoughts on Eng. prosody, & tr-. f. Horace. [PI 66]. 8". 0. 1859 Furtlier tlioughts on Eng. prosody. [P166]. 8". 0. 1859 Eedfarn (W. B.) Ancient wood & iron work in Cambridge. Letterpress by .J. W. Clark. Ia4". C. [1886] Redford, sec also Radfoko. Bedford (George), D.D., & T. H. Riches. Hist, of Uxbridge. 8". Uxbridge. 1818 Redford (George), F.ii.CS'. Art sales : a hist. 2v. 4". 1888 Manual of anc. sculpture. s8". 1882 2'"i ed. 8". 1886 Redgrave (Gilbert R.) David Cox & Peter De Wint. s8'. 1891 Erbard Ratdolt it h. work at Venice. [Bibliograph. Soc, Illust. monographs, 1]. 40. 1894 Hist, of water-colour painting in Eng. s8». 1892 see Redgrave (R.) Manual of design ; comp. f. writings of R. R. by G. R. E., 1876. Redgrave (Richard). Manual of design, comp. f. the writings etc. of R. R. by G. R. Redgrave. sS". [1876] E. R. : a mem., comp. f. h. diary, by F. M. Redgrave. 8". 1891 Redgrave (Richard) & S. Redgrave. A century of painters of the Eng. school. 2v. 8". 1866 2'"' ed. 38°. [1890] Redgrrave (Samuel). Diet, of artists of the Engl, school, w. not", of their lives & works. 8". 1874 n. ed. Ia8<>. 1878 see Reihirave (R.) & S. R., A century of painters of the Eng. School, 1866 ; n. ed., 1890. Redhead (Thomas W.) The French Revol'., 1789-1848. 3v. sS". E. 1848-9 Redhouse {Sir James William), K.C.M.G. Eng. A- Turkish diet. 2p in Iv. 8\ 1856-7 1, Eng.-Turk. 2, Turk.-Eng. On the hist., system, & varieties of Turkish poetry. 8". [1879] Simplified grammar of Ottoman-Turkish. s8". 1884 [Turkish diet, in Turkish]. 8". [Constantinople. 1849] see Jal.\l Al-Din, Rron'i, Maulnnd. The Mesnevi, book 1, etc.. tr. R., 1881. ,, N.vsiu Ai.-DlN. *Diary dur. lour through Europe 1873, tr. R., 1874. Redi (Francesco). Opcie. 7t. [t/,, 3 arc of an cd., 17601. 2" ed. veneta. 4". Venezia. 1742-5 Opere. 9v. 8". Milano. 1809-11 Sonetti. fol. Firenze. 1702 Eedlich (Joseph). Englische Lokalverwaltung. laS''. I. 1901 Redlich (Oswald), see Bohmer (J. F.) Eegesta Imperii VI, neu hisg. v. R., Abthlg. 1, 1898. Redman (Robert), [Reujiannl-s], sec Cole (C. A.) ed.. Memorials of Hen. V : ^•ita H., R. R. auctore, 1858. Redmond (John E.) The Chicago Convention. [Po51]. s8». 1886 Home Rule question : speech on 2'"' reading of Gladstone's Bill. [P553, 779]. s8". 1886 The truth about '98. [P551]. sS''. 1886 Eedonensis (Marbodseus), sec Marbodus, bj). of Hennes. Redouly & C'''., see Lecl.ure. Maison Leclaire etc., \dcvefiiuc n. d- C".] Redpath (Henry A.), see Hatch (E.) & E., Cone, to Septuagint etc., 1897; . Philadelphia. 1855 The Enq. cd. had t. : Intr. to E. lit., f. C. to T. Lectures on the Eng. poets. n. ed. sS". [1657] Other cd . have t. : L". on the British p". Reed (Is.aac). Bibl. Reediana : cat. of lib. of R., sold 2 Nov., 1807. [iVS. prices]. 8°. 1807 4 K REED 1218 EEFORK The Master of the Shell. s8». [1804] Eegiuald Cradeu. sS". [1894] Roger Ingleton, Minor. sS". 1891 Sir Ludar. S"" ed. sS". [1890 ?] The Willoughby captains. s8". 1887 1881 Apr. 1788 1790 88- 1889 1886 1880 Reed (Isaac) [continued], sec Bakeii (D. E.) Biographia dramat., cont. by E., etc., 1812. „ *Bepopitoii\ (The), a sel. coll. o£ fugitive pieces etc., 1790. Reed (Joseph), dramatist. Tom Jones: comic opera. [P851]. 2'"' ed. 8". 17G9 Reed (Gen. SosBTph), president of Pennsylvania, see Bancroft (G.) J. E., a hist, essay, 1867. „ Eeed (W. B.) Rejoinder to Bancroft on Pres. E.. 18C7. „ Sparks (Jaued). Remarks ou a " Reprint of the orig. letters f. Washington to J. E., etc.," 1853. Reed (T. Smith). The ticket of leave rendered a means of reformation. [P208]. 8". 1857 Reed (Talbot Baines). The adventures of a tluree guinea watch. sS". [1883] The fifth form at St. Dominic's. s8". [1887] Hist, of the old English letter foundries, w. notes on the rise of Eng. typography. 4". 1887 Read (William Bradford). Rejoinder to Bancroft on Pres. Reed. [6. v: Bancroft (G.) J. Reed, 1867]. 8". Philadelphia. 1867 Reemelin (Charles). A crit. review of American politics. 8". Rees (Abraham). Advantages of knowledge ; sermon, 1788. [P17]. 8". Two sermons on death of E. Eobinson. [1*74]. 8". Rees (Charlotte). Sermons written before she was twelve. [P16]. s8". Bristol. 1706 Rees (Claude A.) Chun Ti-Kung, his life & adv. s8". 1890 Rees (J. Rogers). The brotherhood of letters. sS". The pleasures of a book-worm. Rees (J. Ruutz). Horace Vernet. Rees (John David), under sec. to the Govt, of Madras. From Kasveen to Hamadan across the Karaghan country. 8'. Madras. 1885 H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence & Avondale in S. India ; with narr. of elephant-catching in Mysore by G. P. Sanderson. Ia8". 1891 Lord Connemara's tours in India, 1886-90. 8". 1892 Rees (L. E. Ruutz). Personal narrative of the siege of Lucknow. s8". 1858 2»''ed. s8'. 1858 Rees (Lily), see Bees (W. L.) & L. E., Life & times of Sir G. Grey, 2"'' ed., 1892. Rees (Rice), -B.Z3. Essay on the Welsh Saints etc. 8". 1836 Rees (Thomas), Indeiiendcnt minister, iSlSSo. Hist, of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales. 8". 1861 Misc. papers rel. to Wales. s8". 1867 Rees ("William), CZ).. /SO^-sa. [GwiLi-iiHiEAETnoG]. Gwen & Gwhidvs. Tr. W. E. Evans. s8". 1896 Rees (Wiliiam Jenkins). Lives of the Cambro British saints of 5"', etc. C-. ; f. Welsh A Latin MSS., w. tr. etc. by R. [Welsh MSS. Soc, 4]. 8". Llandovery. 1853 see Llaxhafe. Liber Ijundavensis, 1840. Rees (William Lee) & L. Rees. Life & times of Sir Geo. Grey. 2v. 2'"' ed. »'. 1892 Reese (Rudolf). Die staatsrechtl. Stellung d. Bischofe Burgunds u. Italiensunter Kaiser Friedrich I. [P769]. 8°. Gottingen. 1885 Reeve, sec also Reve, Rive. Reeve (Henry), C.B. "Graphida;, or, characteristics of j see Chessey (C. C.) & E., Miht. painters [verse]. sS". p.p. 1838 I resources of Prussia & Petrarch. s8°. E. 1878 | France etc., 1870, Royal & republican France. „ Laughton (J. K.) Mems.of 2v. 8^ 187-2 I the life & corr. of R., 1898. & J. E. Taylor. Translations f. the German. sS". 1847 Reeve (Henry), M.D, Journal at Vienna & Berlin, 1805-6. Publ. by h. son. s8<>. 1877 Reeve (John), Mugrjletonian, & L. Muggleton. Atranscendent spiritual treatise etc. s4<>. repr. 1822 A vol. of spiritual epistles : letters by E. & M. s4". repr. 1820 Reeve (Lovell Augustus). MoUusks [of] the Brit. Isles. s8". 1863 see Jephson- (J. M.) Walking tour etc. ; 1859 [w.] notes of a photographic expedition, by R., 1859. Reeve (Wybert). Sundered lives. 3v. sS". 1871 Reeves, sii- nho ErvES. Reeves' musical directory of Gi-eat Brit, ifc Ireland, 1882. s8'. [1882] Reeves (Arthur Middleton). The finding of Wineland the Good ; the Icelandic disc", of America. Ed. & tr. from the earliest records. 4". 1890 Reeves (Daniel M. G. S.) Treatise on the science of music. 8". 1853 Reeves (Edward). Brown men & women : the S. Sea Islands, lH9.)/6. 8". 1898 Reeves (Mrs. Helen B.), wife of Henry Reeves, see Mathers (Helen B.), aft. lieeces. Reeves (Mrs. Henry), see Mathers (Helen B.), aft. Reeves. Reeves (J. Sims). S. E., h. life & recoils., by hunself. 8". 1888 Reeves (John). The Rothschilds. 880. 1887 Reeves (John), F.R.S. Hist, of Eng. Law, to end of r. of Philip & Mary. 4v. 2»'' ed. 8". D. 1787 A J"' vol., " contt]. the r. of EUz.," ajrpcared 18-29 ; it is wanting. Hist, of Eng. Law. to end of r. of Eliz. 3v. n. ed., w. notes & intr>. diss, by W. F. Finlason. 8". D. 186» Hist, of the govt, of Newfoundland. 8". 1793 *Thoughts on the Eng. govt. Letter 1. LP^73]. 8°. 1795 /f letters apj'eared, iy9S-IS(J0 ; the other three arc icanting. Reeves (William), hp. of Down. Eccles. antiq'. of Down, Connor, it Dromore. 4". D. 1847 see CoLTON (John), abp. Acts of C. ; ed. W. E., 1850. „ Ferguson (M. C), Lady Ferguson. Life of R., 1893. ,, Gordon (Jas. F. S.) Eccles. chron. etc. ; 1, 2, w. R.'s treatise on the Culdees, 1867. Reeves (William), vicar of Reading; 1667-1726. Apologies of .Justin M., TertuUian, Minucius Felix, w. the Commonitory of Vinceutius Lirin., [tr.], & diss, about use of the Fathers. 2v. 2"'' ed. »>. 1716-7 Reeves (William Pember). The Long White Cloud, Ao Tea l!oa. s8". 1898 Reference catalogue of current literature. 8'. /. Whitaker. ISSOi „ 8". /. ^]nlltakcr. 1889 „ 2v. 8". J. Whitaker. [1898] *Reflection (A) on our modern poesy : an essay [in verse. P676]. fol. 1695 It is ded. " to my scJtoolfellow Mr. A. Owen " ; atid " by Mr. John Phillips of Cambridge" is icrittcn on it in an apparently contemporary hand. Reflections. For anon, ivorks in French see Reflexions. *Eeflections & observations on national policy, etc. [Imperfect. P1211. 8». 1821 *Beflections on A Just it modest vindic. of tlie proceedings of the last two ParP., 1683, see Bohun (E.) *Eeflections upon learning, 3"' ed., 1700; 6"' ed., 1727, see Baker (T.) Reflector (The) : a quarterly magazine, etc. vi, 2 (Oct. 1810-Dec. 1811). 8". 1811 Reflexions. *Eetlexions critiques sur la poesie etc., 4' 6d., 1740, see DcBos (J. B.) *Retlexions curieuses d'un esprit desinterresse sur les maticres les plus importantes au salut, 1678. This, in some copies, is the t. of the tr. of Sjnnosa's " Tract, theolog.-polit." by D. dc Saint-Glain,ich.in other copies lias t." Traitti' cles Ci'rHmonies superslitieuses des Juifs," see Spinoza (B.) *Reflexions et menus-propos d'un peintre g^nevois, 1848, see Topffer (R.) *E^flexions (Les) sur I'Moquence, la poetique etc., 1684. This is the t. of ti of Eapin (E.) Les comparaisons de grauds homines etc., 1684. Reform [incl. Eefoem Bill, Parliasientary Reform, etc.] *Advantages (The) of Reform, as proposed by the present ministers. [P324]. 7'!' ed. s8'. n.d., [n.t.t. 1830] •Essays in aid of the r. of the Church, 1898, see Gore jC.) ed. •Essays on r., 1867, see Essays etc. •Friendly advice to the Lords on the R. Bill [attr. to Brougham], 1831, sec Friendly etc. •Obs. on "Friendly advice etc.," 1831, see Friendly. •New Reform Bill (The) : an abstract of the leading clauses, w. pref. notice. [P2881. 8°. 18.52 •Notes on the Reform Bill. By a barrister [Sir J. T. Coleridge ?]. [P203]. 8». 1831 •Official ed. of Ld. J. Russell's Bill to Reform the Representation, etc. [P102]. 8". 1831 •On the r. of the testamentary jurisdiction, 1853, see Testa jientary. •Parliamentary reform, combined w. an enlargement of credit etc. [P867]. 8». 1831 REFORM 1219 REGNAULT Keform [continued]. •Eeform : a letter to Lord J. Russell on R. iu Pari. [By li. B. Seeletj > P203]. 8". 1831 *R«forra & progress in India, 1885, see India. *Keform Ministry (The) & the ref.irmed Parliament. [P4fi9]. 8". 1833 'Statement of the question of Parliamentary Reform; w. reply to the "Eiliiib. Rev.," no. Gl. ' [P2C0]. 8". 18-21 Reform Club. Cat. of the Lib. of the B. C. Ia8". 1883 '2»''ed. laS". 1894 *Reformatio leguni ecclesiasticaruui, ex antli. Hen. VIII. inchoata, etc. s4'>. Londini. 1040 [anoth. cd., iv. t. : *The reforniation of the ecclesiast. laws etc. n. ed., by E. Cardwell]. 8". 0. 1850 Eeformation. •Basis of a new R., 18G8, sec Basis etc. *Miinner (Die) der R., 1860, see Manner etc. *0n the r. of young offenders : papers, 1855, see SvMoxs (J. C.) ed. *Reformation (The) & Anti-Reformatiou in Bohemia; f. German, 1845, see Bohemia. •Reformation (The) of the ecclesiast. laws as attempted in r'. of Hen. VIII, etc., n. ed. by E. Cardwell, 1850, see 'Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum. 'Reformatory (The) at Mettray, 1856, see Leigh (W. H., -""* baron). Reformatory and Refuge Union, London. Metropolitan re- formatories etc. [P79]. i"' ed. 8". 1859 Third annual report, 1859. [P79j. 8". 1859 Reformatory Discipline, see National Congeess on Pesitent. A- I!. D., Cincinnati, 1870. Reformers, see 'Proposed address to be signed by leading re- formers, 1857. Refutation. 'Refutation des accusations basardees pai- le due de Brunswick contre son tuteur, 1827, see Minster (E. F. H., Graf zv). 'Refutation of fallacious arguments anent the American ques- tion, 18C3, sec American. Regaldi (Giuseppe). L' Egitto antieo e moderno. Con un ode di G. Ciirducci. s8". Firenze. 1882 Eegamey (Felix). Japan in art & industry. Tr. M. French- Sheldon * E. L. Sheldon. sS". 1893 Regan (Hi-) ps., sec Hi-Regan, ps. [i.e. Capt. J. Dcnn ?] Regan (Maurice), see Dermot. 'The song of D. & the Earl, [hy U. !] ed. 1K92. Regan (William Frederick). Boer it Uitlander. s8". 1890 Eegelsberger (Ferdinand). Pandekten. BI, [no more has app''.]. 8". L. 1893 'Regeneration : reply to Max Nordau. 8". 1895 Regent, The, of France [dur. minority of Louis XV], sec OkliUns (Philippe, djic d'). Regent's Park Colosseum, see Colosseuji, Regent's Park. Reges, regina?, nobiles, et alii in Eccl. Coll. B. Petri West- nionasterii sepulti, 1600, see Camden (W.) Eegesta. Regesta episcoporum Constantiensium (Regesten 7,. Gescb. d. Bischofe v. Constanz, 517-1496), brsg. v. d. Badiscben Histor. Commission. Bl ; 2, i-iv, [1,517-1293; 2, i-iv, 1293-1361. in p)''og.]. 4". Innsbruck. 1894-1901 Regesta Imperii. For all this scries, whether in Buhmer's orig. edition or in the recast, see Bohmer (J. F.) Regesta pontificuni Romanorum ab cond. Eccl. ad a. 1198, ed. P. Jafft^ 1851 ; ed. 2", 1885-8, sec Jaff£ (P.) Regesta Regni Hierosolymitani, 1893, see Robeicht (R.) Reggio (N. C. v. Oudinot, due de), see Ocdinot {le marichal). Regia Academia Upsaliensis, see Upsala. Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura in Portici. Annali della R. S. S. di A. in P. v2, 1880 ; v4, 1884 ; v5, 1885 ; v[7], 1897/8; serie 2", vl. Ia8". Napoli. 1880-99 'Regiae Navarrse griphus vespertinus. Ultimo Aprilis 1613. [P890]. s8". Parisiis. 1013 Regiam Majestatem, see Hailes (D. Dalrymple, Lord). Exam. of arguments for the high antiquity of R. M., 1769. Regicides. 'The indictment, arraignment, tryal, ct judgment, at large, of 29 regicides, the murtherers of Ch. I. 8". 1714 'Regina von Emmeritz, n.d., see Topelius (Z.) Reginald. 'Reginald Bramble. s8". 1873 'Iteginald Dalton, 1823, see Lockhart (J. G.) Reginald, de Chatillon, prince d^AntiocJie, d, 1 /S~, see Chatillon (Rexavd de). Reginald, a monk of Durham. [Reginai.dus Dunelmensis]. Libellus de beati Cuthberti virtutibus. [Ed. J. Raine. Surtees Soc, 11. 8". 1835 Reginald, a nionlc of Durliam [continued]. Libellus de vita etc. S. Godrici. .\dj. app". miraculorum. [Ed. J. Stevenson. Surtees Soc, 20]. 8". 1847 Vita S. Oswald), see Simeon, of Durham. Opera omnia, Tl, 1882-5. Reginald, hp. of Ostia it Velletri, aft. pope Alex. IV, see Alexandeii IV. Regino Prumiens. [Bheoinvs]. sec Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl32. ., MoNrjiEXTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl. ,. ScHAHDius (S.) cd., Germanic, rerum ehronographi : R., 1,500. Eegiomontanus (Thomas Fabricius), see Farrh ids (T.) Regio- monianii^. Regis (Emmanuel). Les regicides : i5t. m^dieo-psycholog. Ia8". Lyon. 1890 Register, [see also Eegistke, Eegistrum]. 'Register (A) & chron., eecles., & civil, contg. matters of fact etc., vl, [no more imbl.], 1728, see Kennet (W.), hp. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, see Scotland: Register. Register (The) of the Guild of Corpus Christi in York, 1872, see York. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, tj; jimi;., 1877 etc.,. sec Scotland : Privy Council. Register (The), or Rolls, of Walter Gray, abp.of York, 1872, .see Gray (W.), abp. *E 1 Register (The) ; w. annols. by another h;i n.1, 9v, 1780-4, see Combe (W.) Register (The) & magazine of biography. 2v in 1. 8». 1869 Register Office (General), see Registr.vr General etc. Registers, [see atso Registres'. Registers (The) of Walter Giffard, bp. of Bath & Wells, & of Henry Bowett, bp. of Bath cfc Wells (1401-7), 1899, see Giffard (W.), hp. Registrar-Geneial of Births, Deaths, & Marriages, see Death. Registration of the causes of d. ; rcgulation>, & statistical nosology, 1843. Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, & Marriages [Scotlaiul], sec Scotland : Registrar-General. Registration of the causes of death : regulations etc. [Govt. puhl.], 1843, see De.ith etc. Registre des deliberations du Consulat provisoire (1799), 1894, sec C0NSUL.iT. Registres des deliberations du bureau de la ville de Paris, in prog., 1883 etc., see Paris : Civic institution'^. Eegistrum. Registrum de Dunfermelyu, etc., 1842, see Dunfermline. Registrum Fratrura Minorum Londoniffi. For an cd.,see Moxu- menta Franeiscana, v2, 1882. Registrum Magni Sigilli regum Scotomni, sec Scotland: Register of the Great Seal of S. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense ; Register of Richard de Kellawe (1311-16 , 1873-8, see Kell.\we (R. m;i, Ip. Registrum Roffense, 1769, sec Thorpe J.) Registnnn s. liber irrotularius etc. Prioratus B. Marise Wigor- niensis, 1865, see Worcester : priory. Registrum S. Marie de Neubotle, etc., 1819, see Nkwbattle Abbey. Eegistrum vulg. nuncupatum " The record of Caernarvon," 1838, see Cakn.4Rvon. Regius (Urbanus), see Rhegius (U.) Regie (La) du Temple, [S. de I'H. de F.], 1886, see Templars. Eegnard (Jean Francois). aCuvres completes. Eemarques etc. par Gamier. 6t. n. ed. 8". 1810 (Euvres. It. s8». 1825- Journey through Flanders etc., see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl. Eegnaud (Paul). Comment naissent les mythes. s8". 1897 Mat6riaux pour serv. a I'hist. de la philosophie de I'Inde. pi, 2. [HE2S, 34]. 8'. 1876- Origine ct philosophie du langage. s8". 1888 „ 2' i-d. s8'\ 1889 Eegnauld (Jean), sieur de Scgrais, see Seghais. Eegnauld de Segrais (Jean), see Segrais (J. Regnadld, sieur de). Regnault (Elias 6. S. 0.) Hist, de huit ans, 1840-8, faisant suite .a I'Hist. de dix ans, 1830-40, par L. Blanc. 3t. 8». 1851 Hist, des principautcs danubiennes. 8". 1855 Hist, du Gouv'. provisoire. 8'. 1850 Regnault (Henri G. A.) Corr. de R. Annoii et.- par A. Du- parc, suiv. du cat. de I'ceuvre de R. s8". 1872 £,c Marx (R.) R., (1843-71), 1886. Regnault (/c docteur J.), mfdecin de la marin La sorcellerie, s. rapports avec les sciences biolog. laS'. 1897 4e2 REGNAUT 1220 REID Beitrage z. Anthropologic u. Psychologie. 8^. Braunschweig. 1S77 ■Crimiualitiit n. Altruismus. 2B. 8". Arusberg. 1900 Keich (Emil>, historical writer Boman institutions 1'. anti-evolutionist points of view ; Roman Law ; Classical slavery ; Social conditions : 4 lect". s8". 0. 1890 Hungarian lit. ; a survey. s8". 1898 Reich (Gottfried Christian). On fever & its treatment. Tr. C. H. Parry. [P29]. S". Bath. 1801 Eeichard (Christian Gottlieb). [C. Theophilus Eeichaud]. Orbis terrarum veterilnis eognitus. ed. 3*. obl.fol. Norimbergfe. 1839 Reichard (Heinrich August Ottokar). Manuel du voyageur en .\llemagne. Itevu. s8". 1830 Reichardt (Johann Friedrich). Un Trussien en France en 179'2 ; lettres, tr. etc. A. Laquiante. 8". 1892 Reichel (Oswald J.) Complete manual of Canon Law. vl, 2, (1, The Sacraments. 2, Church Discipline), [in prog.]. 8°. 1896 The see of Eome in the Middle Ages. 8". 1870 Keichenau (Wilheltn v.) Die monist. Philosophie v. Spinoza bis auf unsere Tage. 8". Koln. 1881 Reichenbach (Carl, Filir. v.) I'hysieo-physiolog. researches on the dynamics of magnetism, electricity, heat, light etc. in their rel". to the vital force. From the 2"'' German ed., w. notes etc., by J. Ashburner. S". 1851 Researches on magnetism, electricity, heat, light etc. in their rel. to the vital force. Tr., w. notes etc., by W. Gregory. \)l,2.liio morcpubl.]. S\ 1850 Somnambulism ct cramp. Tr. .T. S. Hittell. s8'. N.Y. 1860 ece LiNsixGEX (C. v.) C. v. L. : Briefe etc. aus d. Nachlasse d. Frhrn. v. R., 1880. „ C. v. L. & Will IV : love-letters discovered among the lit. remains ot E., tr., 1880. Reichenbach (Moritz v.) /«., see Bethuly-Hoc (Valeska, Gitiriii). Reichensperger (Peter F.) Erlebnissee. alten Parlamentariers im Revolutionsjahre 1848. 8\ 1882 Keichersberg (Gerhoh von), sec GEitonus, Peiclierspergensis. Reichert (Carl Bogislaus). Das Entwickelungsleben im Wir- belthier-Eeich. 4". 1840 Regnaut, de ilontaiihan, sec Eixalpo, da Montalhano. ] Regner ILodbroK], king of Denmark, sce'B.ji.Gn.iix, called Lo'Shmk, lung etc. Eegnier (Edmond V.) What is .your name ? N. or M. " A strange story " revealed. 8". 1870 Regnier (Francois Joseph Pierre). Le Tartuffe des comediens. 8". 180(1 Regnier (Henri de), b. ISO.',. La double maitresse. S" ed. S8''. 1900 Regnier (Maturin), see Yiaxey (J.) R., 1896. *Regno DanisB (De) * Norwegia: etc., 1629, see Steph.anius (S.) Regula Fratrum Miuorum, see Fisanciscaxs : Rule of St. Francis. Regulations, Regulations & instructions rel. to H.M.'s service at sea, 1806, sec N.ivv. Regulations for prisons. 1840, see Prisons. Rehbock (Th.) Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika; schliessung unter bes. Beriieksichtigung d. Wassers. *Rehearsal (The) transpros'd, 2'"' imp., 1673, see Marvelt. (A.) Rehearsal (The). No'. 138, 185, [Sept. 11, 1706 ; Feb. 22, 1706. P576]. fol. 1706 Rehearsal (The) of Observator, etc. No«. 27, 31, [Feb. 3, Mar. 3, 170J. P67(iJ. fol. 1704/5 Rehm (Herminn). Gesch. d. Staatsrechtswissenschaft. [.4ms Hdbch. d. vlJcntl. ItceJits : Einleitungsband]. ' la8". Freiburg i.B. 1896 Rehorn (Carl W.) Lessing's Stellung z. Philosoijhie d. Spinoza. [P510, 687]. 8 '. Frankfurt a.M. 1877 Rehtmeier (Philipp Julius). [Rexumeiei.]. Braunschweig- liineburgische Chronica. fol. Braunschwc'g. 1722 Rei. *Kei agrarisB auctores legesque variie, 1674, sec Goesius (W.) ed. *Eei poeticfe idea (De), 1843, see Gaebeit (.1.) Reibrach (Jean) ps. [i.e. — Chabriek]. La gamelle. sS'-. 1890 Reich (Eduard). s. wirtschaftl. Er- d. Nutzbarmachung ^8". 1898 Medicinische Abhandlungen. 8". Wiirzburg. 1871 Physiologie des Magischeu. 8". L. 1890 Studien ii. d. Volksseele. 8". Jena. 1876 Hist, of civilization ; Grseco- Ia8>. L. 1900 Vergangenheit. Ia8'. L. 1901 see LixTox Reichert (Edward T.), sec Mitchell (S. W.) A- E. T. R., Re- searches upon the venoms of poisonous serpents, 1886. Reichhart (P. Gottfried), O.S.B. Beitriige zur Ineunabeln- kunde. Bl. [Cent. f. Bibl. Beiheft 14]. 8». L. 1895 Reichlin-Meldegg (Carl Alex., Frhr. v.) System d. Logik nebst Einltg. in d. Philosophie. 2 Abthlgn. in Iv. (1, Einltg. zur Philosophie. 2, System d. Logik). 8". Wien. 1870 see KoRTi M (.J. F.) ct E.-M., Gesch. Europa's im t'bergange v. Miltelalter z. Neuzeit, 1861. Reichlin-Meldegg (Philipp, Frhr. v.) Treatise on p.-.trolling. ['/')■.] C. W. Short. [P160]. 8'. 1830 Reichstadt (Fran Marie v. Schbnberg-) [ps. M. v. Euth], see lU'TH (M. V.) ps'. Reichstadt (Napoleon F. C. J., due de), iSH-.33: son of Xajjoleon I. [Napoleon II ; fNAPoLEOx Fbaxcis Charles Joseph, king of Rome, aft. duke of Reichstadt]. see CoLLix de Plancy (J.) Vie & l^gendes des deux N. I & II, 1867. ., Prokesch-Ostex (A., Graf v.) Mein Verhiiltniss z. Herzog V. E., 1878. „ EosTAXD (E.) L'aiglon, 1900. „ Welschinger (H.) Le roi de Rome (1811-32), 1897. Reicke (Emil). Der Gelehrte in d. deutsch. Vergangenheit. [Monographien z. deutsch. Kulturgesch., 7]. Lehrer u. Unterrichtswesen in d. deutsch. [Monographien z. deutsch. Kulturgesch., 9]. Reid, see also Read, Reade, Reed. Reid (Abel), pis. of a. of ■' American Odyssey, lSyO,' (W.J.) Reid (Andrew), ?)o?;7. !cri7cr. Gladstone or Salisbury? [Ex- tracts on the Irish question]. s8'. 1886 The House of Lords question. s8". 1898 Ireland : a book of light on the Irish problem. By leading Irishmen & Englishmen. s8". 1886 The New Party : by some of its members. s8'\ 1895 Vox clamantium : the gospel of the people. By writers, preacliers * workers. 8". 1894 Reid (Arnot). From Peking to Petersburg. s8". 1899 Reid (Christian) ps. [j.f. Mrs. Fraxces Xierxax]. Heart of skel. s8'. N.Y. 1883 Reid (David Boswell) the elder. Illust'. of theory ct practice of ventilation. 8'. 1844 Reid {Mrs. Elizabeth). Mayne Reid : a mem. s8". 1890 Mayne Eeid ; h. life . 1868 The cliff-climbers : seq. to " The plant hunters." sSri. [1888] The death shot. 3v. s8". 1873 The desert home. s8". [1884] The flagof distress. 3v. s8". 1876 The tree lances. 3v. s8". 1881 Thegiraffehunters. 3v. sS". 1867 Gwen Wynn. 3v. s8". 1877 The headless horseman. 68». [1888?] The land of fire. 8". [1884J The lone ranclie. 2v. sS". 1871 The lost mountain. s8°. 1885 The plant hunters. sS". 1858 The quadroon. 3v. sS'. 1856 The Queen of the Lakes. s8». 1880 The rifle rangers. 2v. s8>. 1850 The scalp hunters. 3v. s8 '. 1851 The wild huntress. 3v. s8". 1861 sec Reid [Mrs. E.) M. R. : a mem., 1890. „ M. R. ; his life etc., by E. R., ass.byC.H.Coe, 1900. „ *Stories of strange adven- tures, by R. ct others, 1890. Reid (Sir Robert Threshie), see Broadhurst (H ) ct R., Lease- hold enfranchisement. 18S5. Eeid (Stuart J.) Life ct times of Sydney Smith. 8". 1884 2'"i ed. 8". 1884 Lord J. Russell. s8". 1895 EEID 1221 REIS Lite of Gladstone. [Bij Sir W. li. <(■ 7 vihers]. 8". 1899 LifeofW.E.Forster.av.b". 1888 Mem". & corr, of Lyon Playfair. 8". 1890 Politicians of to day. ■Jv. s8". 1880 Eeid (Sir T. Wemyss). Book of the Cheese : tracts i.^' stories of *'Y'" Okie Cheshire Cheese," Fleet St. 4'i' ed., ed. E. R. D. Adams. sS". 1901 C. Bronti-. 68". 1877 Gladys Fane. 2v. sS". 1883 Life, letters, friendships of Lord Honghton. i\\ 8\ 1890 Eeid (Thomas), D.D. Works. Pref., notes etc. by Sir W. Hamilton. Ptet'i., Stewart's ace. of K. (;"■ ed. 8". E. 18C3 , 2v, IjOTSiu. co)i(.]. 7"- ed. 8". E. 1872 Analysis of Aristotle's IjOgic. s8". E. 1806 Essays on the intellectual powers of man. Pref''., analysis of Aristotle's Logic. With notes, questions etc. by G. N. Wright. 8". 184a Essays on the powers of the human mind. Pref., an essay on quantity, & an analysis of Aristotle's Logic. 3v. 8>. E. 1812 This is a collected ed. of lite two works '■ E'. on the active poicers of man [first puhl. /^S*] " d " E'. on the intel- lectual jmwcrs of man [tirst piihl. //S j]," with the other essay if the analysis mentioned in the title. Inquiry into the human mind. 7"' ed. 8". E. 1814 see Priestley (J.) Exam, of R.'s Inquiry etc., 1774. „ Stewart (Duuald). Biograph. uiems. of A. Smith, R. etc., ISll. Reid (Thomas Mayne), see Reid (Mavne). Reid (Sir William), K.C.B. Attempt to develop the law of storms etc. 2°'i ed. Ia8". 1841 Progress of the development of the law of storms * variable winds, etc. Ia8". 1849 Reiff (Carl Philipp). English-Russian grammar. 2-' ed. 8". Paris. 1857 4"'ed. s8". 1883 llnni.'i' i,:i «ni{Hi,Tic c.ioBapb PyrcKaro, ♦paimyscKaro Ht-MeUKiro ii Anr.iiilcnaro asbiKOBi. 4 ■jacr. [1 pyccnaii 'lacTb. '2—i wanting,. 84". Kap.icpya. 1844 Parallel diets, of Russ., Fr., Germ., Eng. : Eng., w. expl. in B., F., ct G. S8". St.-Petersburg. 1850 IVie other three jJarts are wanting. Reiffenberg (Ic haron Frederic A. F. T. de), l7'Jo-lS50. see Namur. Mon'. pour serv. a I'hist. des prov. de N., dc Hainaut etc., tl-8, 1844-74. „ Van DE Weyed (S.) Disc, etc., par Van deW. — La direction actuellement [1828] n^c. aux etudes philosoph., par R., 1840. Eeign. [Reigne]. *Reign (The) of George VI, 1900-1925 : a forecast written 1763. Eepubl., w. pref. tfe notes, by C. Oman. s8". 189'J *Reign (The) of King Charles, etc., 2'"' ed., 1656, .sec L'Estkange (H.) the elder. Reigu (The) of Q. Victoria: a survey etc., 1887, see Ward (T. H.) ed. *Reigne (The) of King Henry the Second, 1635, see May (T.) *Reigning vice (The) : a satir. essay [in versel. s8". 1827 Reilly, see also Riley, Ryley. Reilly (A. Adams-), see Adams-Reilly (A.) Reilly (W. Edmund M.), see Sebastopol. *Siege of S. : Ace. of Artillery operations, by R., 1859. Keiminn (Eduard). Preuss. Staats, v. R., Bl-2, 1882-8. ■see CiESCHR'HTE DER EUROP.'i. StA.ATEN. Reimann (Heinrich). J. Brahms. 2'- A. Ia8". 1900 Reimarus (Hermann Samuel) [ps. der Wolfeniu-ttel'sche Uxgenaxnte]. Abhandlungen v. d. vornehmsten Wahrheiten d. natiirl. Religion. 8". Hamburg. 1791 De vita et scriptis J. A. Fabricii eomm. Ace. C. Kortholti I'arentatio Lipsiensis et variorum Epicedia. (The Parentatio it' the Epieedia have sep. pagin.) s8". Hamburgh 1737 *Fragmente des Wolfenbiittelschen Ungeuannten. Hrsg. v. G. E. Lessing. 4' A. 8 . 1835 *Von d. Zwecke Jesu u. seiner Jiinger. Noch ein Fragment des wolfenbiittelschen Ungenannten. Hrsg. v. G. E. Lessing. s8'. Braunschweig. 1778 see Strauss (D F.) R. u. s. Schutzschrift fiir d. verniinftigen Verehrer Gottes, 1862. Reimes (Philippe de), see Beaumanoir (P. de). Reims [Rheims . Archives de la ville de R. Coll. par P. Varin. [Doc. ined.]. 4". 1839-58 Archives administratives. 3t in 5. Archives legislatives. 4t, [CofitumcSy It ; stafitfs, StJ. Table des matieres. It. Reims 'continued]. *Chronique (La) de Rains. I'ubl. par L. Paris. s8\ 1837 Narratio clerieorum Rem. — Chronique de Reims etc., see BouguET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, to-8, 9-12, 18, 22. Recits d'un menestrel de R. au 13 s. Publ. par N. de Wailly. [Knoivn as "Chronique de Rains." S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1876 see Flodoaedus. Hist, de I'eglise de Reims, tr., fUiuvres de F., tl, 2], 18.54. ., Marlot (G.) Hist, de Reims, 1843-6. Rein (Johannes Justus). The industries of Japan, etc. Ia8". 1889 .Japun : travels * researches. Tr. Ia8'>. 1884 Rein (Wilhelm). Outlines of pedagogics. Tr. C. C. & I. J. van Liew, with notes. s8". 1893 *"Reinaart de Vos, see *REYXArD IJie Fo.c. Reinach (Joseph). Diderot. sS". 1894 La Serbie & le Jloutenegro. (iambetta. 2' ed. sS". [1884] 38". 187G Histoire de I'affaire Dreyfus: 1 Tout le crime. [Tj' affaire Drey- le procJ'S de 1894. 8». 1901 I fus]. sS". 1900 Le ministere Gambetta, 1881-2. 8". 1884 I Reinach (Salomon). Chroniques d'Orieut. s[l], 2, la8". 1891-6 [1], Dec'. Bur les touilles & decouv. dans I'Orient hellenique, 1883-90. 2, Doc'*, sur les fouilles etc., 1891-."5. lia colonne Trajane au Mus('e de Saint-Germain. s8». 1886 Manuel de philologie classique. 2t. [tl, 2'' ed.]. 8". 1883-4 Repertoire de la statuaire grecque it roni. 2t in 3, [2, i, ii, pagin. cont. . s8". 1897-8 Repertoire des vases peints grecs A etrusques. 2t.8'. 1899 1900 see Bertrand (A.) & R., Les Celtes dans les vallees du Po etc., 1894. ,,*BiBLioTHKQrE des monuments figures grecs & romains, tl-4, 1888-95. Reinach (Theodore). Hist, des Israelites dep. leuv dispersion. sS". [1884] Mithridate Euiiator, roi de Pont. Ia8". 1890 La musique grecque & I'hymne a Apollon. [Po91]. Ia8". 1894 see Hamdy (0.) Bey, & R. Une necropole royale a Sidon, 1892. *Reinaert de Vos, see *Reynard the Fo.c. *Reinardus Vulpes, see *Reyxard ths Fo.r. Reinaud (Joseph Toussaint). Descr. des niouumens musul- maus du cabinet de M. le due de Blacas. 2t. 8". 1.828 In sonic copies the t. is " Mon\ arabes etc.'' Reindorf (Carl Christian). Hist, of the Gold Coast ct Asante. 8>. Basel. 1895 Reineck (Eeinerus) [Reinecchs]. Origines stirpis Brande- burgicse, seu historiie expositiones gemina; de Welforum pro- sapia ; in Lat. conuers«. Item comm. de marchionum & Electorum Brandeburg. etc. [P897]. fol. Franeofurti. 1581 *Reinecke [Eeineke] Faclis, see *Reynard the Fo.e. Beinerius, Granchi, see Gr.\ncis (R. de). Reinerus, sec Rainerus. Reinesius (Thomas). Syntagma inscriptionum ant., cumprimis Roma;, quarum omissa est recensio in Gruteri opere. fol. Lipsite. 1682 Reinhard (Carl Friedrich, Graf v.) the elder, 17O1-1S37, sec Goethe (.1. W. v.) Briefw. zw. G. u. R. (1807-32), 18-50. 'Reinhart Vnchs, see *Reynard the Fax. Reinhold (C. Ernst G. J.) Beitrag z. Erliiuterung d. pythagor. Metaphysik. [P491]. 8'. .Jena. [1827] C. L. Reinhold's Leben u. litterar. Wirken, nebst einer Auswahl V. Briefen Kant's, Fichte's, .Tacobi's. s8". Jena. 1825 Reinhold (Carl Leonhard), see Reixhold (C. E. J. G.) ed., C. L. Pi.'s Leben u. litterar. Wirken, etc., 1825. Reinholdt (Alex, v.) Gesch. d. russ. Litteratur. 8". L. [1880] *Reinke, de Fos, sec *EEVNARn the Fo.v. Reinkens (Joseph Hubert), bp. of the Old Catholics. Aris- toteles ii. Kunst, bes. ii. Tragodie. 8". Wien. 1870 Reinolt, von. Montelban, sec Rixaldo, da Montalbano. Reinsberg-Diiringsfeld (Ida v.), baroness, see DtiaiNGSFELD (I. V.) Reinsberg-Diiringsfeld (Otto, Frhr. v.), see Dirisgsfeld (I. v.) * 0. v. R.-D. Sprichworter etc., 1872. Reinsch (Paul S.) World polities at end of 19th c, as influ- enced by the Oriental situation. sS'^. N.Y. 1900 *Eeintje, de Vos, see *Reyxakd the Fo.v. Eels (Dr. Paul), of Mayence. Die Sonne. [P7711. s8\ L. 1869 Reis (Sidi AH), see Sim Ali Reis. REISBECE 1222 EELIQUI^ Eeisbeck (Johann Caspar), see Eiseeck (J. C.) Eeisch (Emil), see Hkluu; (W.) Fiihrer durcli d. iiffentl. Sammlgn. in Bom, Qiac* of B-J is by li.], 1891 ; 2' A., 1899. Keischach. (Amalie v.), wife of Frhr. Hans v. Beischacii, see Sa^-n-Wittgenstein'-Sayn (Prhi.ressin A. zu), iiwrganatic wife of Prim Liidicig ; aft. wife of Frhr. H. v. Beisekach. *Keise in den aussersten Norden u. Osten Sibiriens 1843-4, etc., 1847-74, see Middenhoeff (A. v.) cd. Eeiske (Johann Jacob) [Reiskius]. Indices Giaeeitatis, quos in singulos oiatores Atticos conf. B., passim emend, et in iinum corpus redact; opera T. Mitchell. 2t. 8". 0. 1828 Primse linear histories regnorum Arabicorum & rerum ab Arabibus medio inter Christum & Muhammedem tempore gestarum. Cum tabulis genealog. tribuum Arabic. E libro mso. Bibl. Getting, ed. 1'. Wiisteufeld. 8". Gottinga;. 1847 Keissenberger (Lajos) & I. Henszlmann. A nagy-^zebeni (^s a szekesfehervari rcgi temijloni. [M. Tud. A.]. Ia4». 1883 Reissmann (August). G. F. Hiindel. 8°. 1882 F. J. Haydn, s. Leben u. WerlvC. 8". 1879 Illustrirte Gesch. d. deutschcn Musik. 8". L. 1881 F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. 8'. 1867 Eeith (George M.) A padre in partibus : tour through Java, the E. Archipelago A Siam. sS". Singapore. 1897 Heitz (Francis W.) A century of wrong. Pref. by W. T. Stead. 8°. [1900] Zestig uitgesogte Afrikaanse gedigte (met prentjes). s8''. [1897] Eeitzenstein (Friedrich, Frhr. v.) Die Armengesetzgebung Frankreichs. 8». L. 1881 Eeitzenstein (Eichard). Epigramm u. SkoUon : Beitrag z. Gesch. d. alexandrin. Dichtung. 8<>. Giessen. 1893 Eeizenstein (Bajonin Franziska von) [ps. F. v. Nemmersdoiu], see Nemmeksdorf (Fkanz v.) ps. Eejected. *Bejected addresses, 19"" ed., 1839, see Smith (J.a.), solicitor etc., & H. Smith. *Eejected (The) stone, etc., 2'"' ed., 18fi2, see Conway (XI. D.) Eejected, 2)s., see Inglis (C.) [ps. Eejected]. *Eejoinder (A) to the bp. of Exeter's reply to the " Edinburgh Keview " ; by the Edinburgh Eeviewer [author not knoien}, 18.32, sec Phillpotts (H.), 6p. cf Exeter. Eekhmara, Vesir of Upper Egiipt, (c.-a.c. i47l-4-S), see New- i;ekky (P. E.) Lite of B., 1900. Eelacion. *Belaoion del ultimo \iage al Estrecho de Magalla- nes de la fregata Santa Maria de la Cabeza, 1788 ; & Ap^nd., 1793, see Santa Makia de la Cabeza, /Wiya^c. *Eelacion del viage hecho per las goletas Sutil y Mexicana (1792) etc., 1802, see Sviil, frigate. Eeland (Adrian) [Relandus]. Antiquitates sacras vet. Hebra?- orum. ed. 4". s4". Trajecti ad E. 1741 De relig. Mohammedica. ed. 2". sS". Trajecti ad Ehenum. 1717 Poemata. Cur. A. Perrenot. sS". Trajecti ad Ehenum. 1748 Eolation, [see also Eelacion]. •Relation de raccroissetuent de la papaute etc. en Aiigleterre, tr. 1680, see M.iKVELL (A.) *Ilelation de restabliseeuicnt de la Compagnie Fran^-oise pour le commerce des Indes Orientales, 16GC, see Charpentier (F.) •Relation de rinquisition de Goa, 1C88, set- Dellox (C. I •Relation de I'origiue etc. du quietisme repaudu en France, 17o2, see Phelypeau.x (J.) '•Relation des parLicularitez de la rebellion de Steirko-Razin, 1856, see Razin (S.) •Relation des troubles de Gaud sous Ch. Y, etc., 1816, see Ghent. •Relation des veritables causes etc. qui ont contribue au resta- blissement du roy de la Grand' Bretagne, 1661, see Riordan DE MUSCRV (D.) 'Relation exacte etc. de la guerre entre la Moscovie & la Suede, 1742, see Moscovie, •Relation fidele et detaillee de la dern. campagne de Buonaparte etc., par uu temoiu oculaire, 5' ed., 1816, see Deluare (F. T.) •Relation (A) of Maryland [1605, repr.] 1865, see Marvland. •Relation of the triall made before the king of France, 1600, betweene the bp. of Evreux it the L. Plessia Mornay, by N. D., 1604, see P.ussons (R.), Jesuit. •Relation (Al of three embassies f. H.M. Charles II, to Muscovie etc. performed by the Earlc of Carlisle, 1669, sec Miege (G.) •Relation Al, or rather a true aec, [by F. Cnpella?], of the island of England, w. partic". of the revenues under Hen. YII, etc., ab. 1500. Tr. f. ItaUan, w. notes, by C. A. Sneyd. [Camden Sec, 37]. ' 84". 1847 Eelationes oratorum pontificiorum (Magyarorszagi Papai kovetek jelentesei, 1524-C), 1884, see '►Monumenta V.^ticana hist. HungarisB illust., II, 1. Eelations. For anon, icorl^a in ItaUan sec Eelazioni. •Relations and obs. upon the Parliament begun 1640, 1648, see Walker (Clem.) Relations de divers voyages curieux qui n'ont point este pubhees, ou qui ont este traduites, 1663-72, sec Thevenot (M.l ed. Relations des ambassadeurs venitiens sur Ch. V & Phil. 11, 1855, see G.achard iP. L.) ed. Relations ined. d'ambass. venitiens dans les Pays-Bas sous Phil. II etc., 1865, sec Hagemaxs (G.i ed. Relations polit. de la France & de I'Espagne avec I'Ecosse au 16' s., n. ed., 1862, see Teulet (J. B. A.) ed. •Relations veritables & curieuses de Madagascar [par F. Cauche], & du Bresil [/)«?• B. Baro'], avec I'hist. de la dern. guerre faite au Bresil entre lesPortugais it les HoUandais [par P. Moreatt], trois relations d'Egypte [jiar C. Lambert, J. Albert, S. Segiieszi} & une du royaume de Perse, [jiar tin gentilhomme de la suite de Vambass. d'Atigleterre}. 4^. 1651 ''Eelative claims of the University graduates & Corporation licentiates of Edinburgh to practise medicine, 1858, see Edinburgh. Eelave (Vabbe). Vie it ceuvres de Topffer, suiv. de fragm". ined. ou inconuus. s8'\ 188G Eelazioni. Eelazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato, [diir. il sec. XVI]. 1839-03, sec Albehi (E.) cd. Eelazioni degli stati europei lette al Senato dagli ambasciatori Veneti, nel sec. XVII, 185G etc., see B.aeozzi (N.) & Bekchet (G.) cdd. *Eeligieuse (La), i" i-d., 18G4, see Michon (J. H.) *Eeligio clerici, a churchman's 1" epistle, 3"' ed., 1819, sec Smedley (E.) Religion. 'Buch (Das) der Religion etc., 1850, see BccH etc. Dictionary of r., 1887, see Benham (W.) ed. •Essai liistorique sur I'influence de la r. en France pend. le 17'^ s., 1824, see Picot (M. J. P.I •Exphcation de divers mou*. singuliers qui ont rapport ii la r. des plus anc. peuples etc., 173'.), see Martin (Jacques). •Few (A) words on the subject of r. By an outsider. [P83J. 8''. 1863 •For our religion & laws, 1807, sec For etc. •Free thoughts on r. etc., 1720 ; 2'"' ed., 1729, sec Maxdeville (B.) •On religion. By a former elder in a Scotch Church. [P708]. s8". T. Scott, Ramsgate. [1870] •Passing thoughts on r., n. ed., 1868, sec Sewell (E. M.) •Religion & the present hour : an essay. _ 8°. 1893 •Religion (La) des kouakres, 1720, see N.\ude (P.) •Rehgion (The) of nature delineated, 6"' ed., 1738, sec WollasionCW). •Religion (The) of Rome, descr. by a Roman, 1873 see Rome. *Eeligions of the world : by members of each denomination. s8». 1879 *Eeligibse Eeden u. Betrachtungen fiir d. deutsche Volk v. e. deutschen Philosophen. S". L. 1850 Eeligious. Collection of testimonies in favor of r. liberty, 1791, see Col- lection etc. Cycloptedia of religious denominations. By members. sQ^. 1853 •End (The) of r. controversy, o"" ed., 1824, sec MlLXER (J.), bp. •Letter to the Chairman of the E. India Co. ou the danger of inter- fering in the r. opinions of natives, 1807, sec Twining (T.) •Religious ceremonies & customs of the nations of the world, fob, 1731-7, see Picabt (B.I Religious life in Scotland ; f. the Reform", to the present day. By [5 a'.]. s8". 1888 •Religious mystery considered. s8'. 1850 •Religious pieces in prose & verse f. R. Thornton's MS., 1867, sec Perry (G. G.) ed. •Religious progress : the practical Xty. of Xt. S". 1885 Religious republics: essays [by car. a'.] ou Congregationalism. 8". 186 •Religious (A) retreat sounded, 1647, see W.4RD (N.) Eeligious systems of the world : addresses at South Place Insti- tute, 1888-9. Rev. by the authors. 8". 1890 3''> ed. S". 1892 [I'lied.j. 8». 1901 •Religious thought in Germany, 1870, sec Gerjianv. •Vindication of "The end of r. controversv," 1822, see Milner g.Kbp. Eeliquary (The). 2Gv ; New ser., vl, 2. G, 7 ; New [3"'] ser., vG. 8". 1860-1900 The title of the :i"' ser. is, " The r. £ illu.st'. archaologist." Eeliques of ancient Eng. poetry, ear. ed\, see Percy (T.), bp., ed. EeliquisB. Eeliquia; antiquee ; scraps f. anc. MSS. etc., 1841-3, see Weight (T.) ed. EeliquisE liturgica>, 1847, see H.^ll (P.) Eeliquia; sacra>, etc., 1814-8 ; ed. 2», 1846-8, sec Routh (M. J.) erf. EELLSTAB 1223 REMOND Kellstab (Ludwig). IHei Jahie von dieisBigen : Honian. 5B. s8". L. 1858 Zwei Gesprache mit Friediich Wilhelm IV, (23 Nov., 1847 ; H( •Sliirz, 1848). s8". 1849 Eelph (Josiah). A iniscellany of poems by R., \v. piet. * gloss. 8". Glasgow. 1747 Kemacle (Ic rlc.) Bonaparte * les Bourbons : relations see. des agents de Louis XVIII a Paris sous le Consulat, 1802-3. Avec intr. & notes. 8". 1899 Eemacle (L.), of Lit'gc. Diet, wallon & franvais. 8". Liuge. 1823 Bemains. *Kemains of Xtn. antiquity, 177G-80, see H.ules (D. Dalrv.mple, Lord}. Remains of the early pop. poetry of Eng., 1864-G, see Hazliti (W. C.) ,'J. Remarkable. *Eemarkable convictions. By a writer to the signet. sS". E. 18(15 *Eeraarkable (The) history of Sir T. lipmore etc., 1884, see Blackmore (K. D.) Kemarks. ^Remarks, critical tt illustrative, on the text & notes of tlie last [Steeve»s*s] ed. of Shakspeare, 1783, see RiTsoN J.) *Remarks, critical & moral, on the talents of Lord Byron, [1819], see CoLToN (C. C.) *Reniarlcs on a proposed scheme for conversion of assessments on public salaries into a "Provident Fund," 1849, sec Fakr (W.) •Remarks on certain replies attempted by Mansel, 1866, see BoLTOS (M. V. W.) *Remarks on ecclesiastical history, 1751-73, see Jortix f.T.) ♦Remarks on "Michaelis's Intr. to the New Test., tr. Mar.sh," 2'"' ed., 18U2; Suppl., 1804, see RANDOi.rn J.), bp. ♦Remarks on Paley's Evidences ; by an old graduate [a. not l'noxni\ 1873, see Paley (W.) ♦Remarks on prevailing errors resp. cun'ency etc., 1842, see Currency. ♦Remarks on Prof. Rossetti's " Spirito antipapale," 1832, see Hallam (A. H.) ♦Remarks on resolutions at meeting of Noblemen, Clergy etc. of Warwick (Feb. 1790), in letters to the E. of Aylesford,"l790, see Aylesfobd (4"' e. of). ♦Remarks on sev. late publ'. rel. to the Dissenters : in a letter to Dr. Priestley. By a Dissenter. [P653]. 8". 1770 „ „ *A second letter to the Rev. Dr. Priestley. [B>j the n. if " Bemarks" eic.,1110. P053;. 8". [1770 ♦Remarks on the address of the bp. of London [.4. C. Talt^ to the Edinburgh Philosoph. Instit., Nov., 18G4. By an Oxford M.A. [auihornot Known. P205, 200, 701]. s8". 1864 ♦Remarks on the art of making wine, 1816, see JMAcCui.i.ocn (J.) ♦Remarks on the Charter of the E.I.Co., 1818, see East India Co. ♦Remarks on the Christian Commou-Prayer-Book, lately publ. [By R. Flexman ? Pl24j. 8". 1762 ♦Remarks on the civil disabilities of British .Tews, )?.f7., see Jews. ♦Remarks on the climate etc. of Nova Scotia, in a letter to the E. of Macclestiehl, [1734], see Nova Scotia. ♦Remarks on the comparative merits of cast metal & malleable iron railways, etc., 1827, see R.ulways. ♦Remarks on the differences in Shakespeare's versification in different periods, 1857. see B.^thubst (Hon. C.) ♦Remarks on the extension of territory in India etc., 1812, see East India Co. ♦Remarks on the husbandry A internal commerce of Bengal, [1804, repr.], 1806, see Benoal. ♦Remarks on the immolations in India etc., 1821, are India. ♦Remarks on the letters of Lord Beaumont & the D. of Norfolk etc., 1850; 1874, sec Fheeland (H. W.) ♦Remarks on the opposition to the Poor Law Amendment Bill, by a Guardian, 1841, sec Senior (N. W.) ♦Remarks on the Onde Question, 1806, see Oude. ♦Remarks on the rigiit of the landholders of South Australia to the sums withdrawn by Govt. f. the Emigration Fund, 1845, see South Australia. ♦Remarks on the sonnets of Shakespeare, 1865, see Hitchcock (E. A.) j,..*Remarks upon " The case of Dr. Bentley farther stated," 1719, sec MiDDI.ETON (C.) ♦Remarks upon the emigration of Hill Coolies, [A'o tp. 1840 ?], sec Coolies. ♦Remarks upon the hist, of the landed & commercial policy of England to the access, of Ja. I. [By Josejjli Hudsov .']. 2v. 8". 1785 ♦Some remarks upon a speech made to the Grand Jnry for Middle- sex, [siijned J. W.], 1682, see Some etc. Kembert, Saint, [Rimdektus]. sec MioNE (J. P.) ed., I'at. latina, tll8, 1215. ,, Moxumexta Geum. Hist., Scr., t2. Rembrandt, tlie painter. [1Rijn (Uemeranpt van)]. ♦Catalogue raisonn6 de toutesles estampes de R., & des pi'inc. pieces de s. ^Ifeves. Par Ger- saint, Helle, Glomy, P. Yver. n. ed., augm. par le chev. de Claussin. 8". 1824 see Blakc (A. A. P. C.) L'a?uvre complet de R. decrit et comm., 1859-64. ,, British Museum. Guide to an exhib. of drawings ife etchings by R. etc. in B. M. -^ by S. Colvin, 1899. ,, Burlington Fine Arts Club. Cat. of the etched work of R. sel. for exhib., w. intr. remarks by [F. S. Haden], 1877. ,, Claussin (J. de). Suppl. an cat. de R., suivi d'une descr. des estampes de s. el^ves etc., 1828. „ COQUEREL (A.) fis, R. it I'individualisme dans I'art, 1869. „ Daulbv (D.) Descr. cat. of the works of R., 1796. „ Haden (F. S.) L'oeuvre gravi5 do R., 1890. „ Hameeton (P. Vt.) The etchings of R., 1894. ♦Remedies for some of the " I see Imbebt (H.) R. & Wagner, 1897. „ Knackfuss(H.I R..[Knack- fuss, 31, 1895.' „ Lautxeb(M.) WeristR.? I 1891. j „ Michel (E.) R., sa vie, a. cpuvre etc., 4", 1893. j „ R., tr., 1894. ! „ Middleton-Wake (C. II.) I Descr. cat. of the etched I work of R., 1878. „ Notes on the etched work of R., 1877. „ Reply to Haden['8] "The etched work of R.," 1879. „ Mollett (J. W.) R., 1879. „ Nicolle iM.) R. aux exj^os. d'Amsterdam & do Londres, 1899. „ Seidlitz I W. V.) Krit. Ver- zeichnis d. Radierungen R.'s, 1895. ,, Vosmaer (C.) R., sa vie, s. reuvres, 1868; 2« ed., 1877. j ,, R. : s. precurseurs, s. annees d'apprentissage, j 1863. I „ Wilson (T.) ♦Descriptive cat. {.\.) of the prints of R., 1836. Perils of the nation," 1844, see Sekley (H. B.) *Remembrancer (A) of excellent men, 1670, see Barkspale (Cl.) Remembrancer (The) ; or. Impartial repository etc. 1775-811, & 1782ii, in 13v. [imperfect]. Ia8>. 1775-82 Remembrancia. Analyt. index to the ser. of records known as E. 1579-10G4. [Bit W. H. it H. C. Overall. I'ubl. by the Corporation]. Ia8". 1878 This is an index to all the 9v. cf the " R." Analyt. indexes to v". 2 & 8 of the series of records known as the E., among the Archives of the City. 1580-1664. [Bi/ W. H. Overall <& H. C. Overall. Publ. hij the Corporation of London]. Ia8°. 1870 Eemensis (Flodoardus), see FLODo.iRnrs, Remensis. Remensis (Hincmarus), sec Hixcjiae, abjo. of Bheims. Remi (Philippe de), sire de Beaumanoir, see Beacjian-oir (P. pe). Remigius, Antissiodorcnsis. see MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl31. „ Seduliu.s. Opera ; ace. exeerpta ex IV. expos, in S'. paschale carmen, 1885. Remigius, bjy. of Coire, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl02. Remigius, Saint, bp. of Lincoln, sec Gibaldus, Cambrensis, Opera, 1861-91. Remigius, Saint, bp. of Lyons. sec Migne (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl21. Remigius, Saint, Bhcm. sec Bouquet (M.) Hec. des hist, des Gaules, t3, 4. ,, Migne (.T. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t65. Remington (Frederic). Pony tracks. 8". N.Y. 1893 Reminiscences. •R. ct notes of 70 years' life etc., 1893-5, see Houdes (R. G.) *R. ; by a clergyman's wife; ed. by the Dean of Canterbury, 1860, see Alford (Fanny). ♦R. of a boyhood in the early part of the century. s8". 1889 ♦R. of a lit. & clerical life, 1889, see Arnold (P.) ♦R. of a midshipman's life (1850-61, 1893, see Stanley (C. S.) ♦B. of a Scottish gentleman, 1861, see Ainslie (P. B.) ♦R. of a veteran, 1861, see Bunbuby (T.) ♦R. of America in 1869, by two Englishmen, 1870, see AsrEEiCA. ♦R. of an old Bohemian, 1882, see Strauss (G. L. M.) ♦R. of an old draper, 1876, see Draper. ♦R. of old times, of Winchester etc., 1887, see Tbipp (H.) ♦R. of Prince Talleyrand, 1848. see Talleyr.vnd (le prince de). ♦R. of seventy years' hfe, travel etc., 1893-5, see Hobees (R. G.) •R. of thought & feeling, 18.52, sec Kelty (M. A.) Remo (Felix). L'egalite des sexes en Angletei-re. sS". 1886 La musique an pays des brouillards, suivi de quelques bio- graphies ined. d'artistes contenip. s8'. 1885 La vie galante en .\n^leterre. First piibV. ISS'^.] a' ii. s8>. n.d. Remond de Sainte- Albino (Pierre), sec Molk (F. R.) Mem-.de M.— Le comedien, par R. de S.-A, 1825. KEMONSTRANCE 1224 REN AN *Eemonstrance agst. llomish corruptions in the Church, 1395. [Bi/ John Purvey .'] Ed. J. Forsball. 8". 1851 Eemsen (Ira). Inorganic chemistry. 8'. 1899 Intr. to study of compounds of carbon, or organic chemistry. s8". 1893 Eemusat (U etc. Charles F. M. de). Abelard [a study]. 2t. 8". 184.5 Abelard : drarae. Pref. etc. pur P. de Remusat. 8". 1877 L'Angleterre au 18" s. 2t. 8o. 1856 „ „ ... 2t. n. ed. sS". 1865 Bacon, sa vie, sa philos., etc. 8". 1857 *Channing, sa vie, s. ceuvres. 2" ed. sS". 1861 Corr. de R. pend. les prem. annees de la Kestauration. Publ. par P. de Eemusat. 6t. 8". 1883-6 De la philosopliie allemande, etc. 8". 18i5 Essais de philosophie. 2t. 8". 1842 Hist.de la philosophie enAngle- terre : dep. Bacon jusqu'iV Locke. 2t. 8». 1875 Lord Herbert de Cherbury. s8». 1874 Passe et present ; melanges. 2t. s8o. 1817 Philosophie religieuse : tkeologie natnrelle en France & en Angl. s8'\ 1864 Politique liberale ; fragm*. p. serv. i\ la defense de la Revol. 8°. 1860 S. Anselme de Cantorbery. 8". 1853 „ n. ed. 8". 1856 „ ,, 2<^ ed. 98". 1868 La Saint-Barthelemy, drame. Publ. par P. de Eemusat. 80. 1878 *La vie de village en Angleterre. S80. 1862 see Simon (J.) Thiers, Gnizot, E., 1885. Eemusat {Mmc. la c'". Claire Elis. Jeanne de). Essai sur I'edncation des femmes. n. ed. b8^'. 1842 Lettres, 1804-14. Publ. par P. de Remusat. 2t. [tl, 2' ed.]. 8". 1881 M^moires, 1802-8. Publ. par P. de Remusat. 3t. 8». 1880 Mems., 1802-8. Publ. by P. de Etoiusat ; tr. Mrs. C. Hoey & J. Lillie. 2v. 8". 1880 „ 2v. 4"' ed. 8". 1880 A selection f. letters of R. to h. husband & son, 1804-13. [Tr.] Mrs. C. Hoey & J. Lillie. 8". 1881 see Pa-Heen. Foe koui? Id, tr. etc., 1836. „ *Iu-Kno-Li, on les deux cousines, tr. A.-E., 1826. „ TiTsiNGH il.) Mems. sur la dyuastie des Djogouns, 1820. Eemusat (J. P. Abel). Melanges asiatiques. | 2t in 1. 8". 1825-6 „ Nouveaux melanges asia- tiques. 2t in 1. 8o. 1829 Melanges posthuraes d'hist. (fc de litt. orientales. [Ed. F. Lajard]. 8». 1843 Eecherches sur les langues tar- tares. tl, [no more puil^. 4". 1820 Eemusat (Paul L. E. de). A. Thiers. sS". 1889 A. Thiers. Tr. M. B. Anderson. s8''. 1892 Eemy (Jules) & J. Brenchley. Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City ; w. hist. etc. of the Mormons. 2v. laS". 1861 Eemy de (Jourmont ( ), see Gocbmont (Eemy de). Eemy Saint-Maurice ( ) ps. [i.e. Maurice Diaed], see Saint- Maurice (Remy) ps. Eenan (Ary). Le costume en France. sS". [1890] Eenan (Henriette). see Eenan (J. E.) Ma sceur H., 1895. „ ■ & H. E., Lettres intimes, (1842-5) etc., 3"- ed., 1896. „ & , Brother & sister, etc., tr., 1896. Eenan (J. Ernest). L'abbesse de Jouarre. 8". 1886 „ „ 5' ed. 8". 1886 Acad. Fr. : Eeponse de E. an disc, [de reeejjtioii] de J. Claretie [b. w. Claretie (J.) Disc, de re'o.]. 8°. 1889 L'Anteclirist. S". 1873 Les apOtres. 8°. 1866 L'aveuir de la science ; pensees de 1848. 8". 1890 Averroes&l'averroisrae. 8°. 1852 „ „ 2= ed. 8°. 1861 „ „ 4'^^ed. 8". 1882 Cahban, suite de La tempete, drame philosophique. laS". 1878 „ „ 2'- ed. laS". 1878 Le Cantique des Cant., tr., et. sur le plan, I'age etc. du po{;me, par R. 2= ed. 8". 1861 La chaire d'h^breu au College de France ; explications i\ mes collogues. [P363]. I'-ed. 8°. 1862 Conferences d'Angleterre : Eome & le christianisme — Marc- Aurele. s8<>. 1880 De I'origine du langage. 2= ed. 8". 1858 Dialogues & fragm'. philo- sophiques. S". 1876 „ „ 2«ed. 8". 1876 Discours & confe'rences. 8°. 1887 Discours pron. le jour de sa reception ;\, 1' .\cad. Pr., 3 avril, 1879. [P331, 370]. 8". 1879 Drames philosophiques. 8". 1888 L'eau de jouveuce : suite de Caliban. 8". 1881 L'Ecclesiastes, tr. avec et. sur I'lige etc. du livre, par E. E. 8». 1882 L'eglise chretienne. 8". 1879 Essais de morale & de critique. 8o. 1859 „ 4<- ed. 8". 1889 Etudes d'hist. relig. 3'- ed. 8". 1858 Eenan (J. Ernest) [continued]. Etudes sur la politique relig. du r. de Philippe le Bel. 8°. 1899 Les evangiles & la 2" generation chretienne. 8". 1877 „ „ 2' ed. 8°. 1877 Feuilles detachees : faisant suite aux " Souvenns d'entance etc." 8". 1892 Hist, des origines du chris- tianisme. 8t. 8». 1863-83 Aec. to the practice of the French cat'., tl-? have heen cat. as scp. works. 1, Vie de Jesus. 2, Les apntres. 3, Saint Paul. 4, L'Antechi'ist. 5, Les evangiles & la seconde generation chretienne. 6, L'eglise chretienne. 7, Marc-Aurele & la fin dn monde antique. 8, Index general. Hist, du peuple d'Israel. 5t. 8". 1887-94 „ „ ... tl. 11' ed. 8". 1889 Hist. gen. & systeme compare des langues s^mitiques. pi, [no morcpuhl.']. laS". 1855 „ pi. 8» ed. Ia8°. 1863 „ „ ... pi. 5« ed. Ia8». 1878 L'islamisme & la science. [b. w. h. Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? 1882]. 8'. 1883 Le judaisme conime race & comme religion. [b. w. h. Qu'est-ce qu'une nation? 1882]. 8°. 1883 Le judaisme & le christianisme : identite originelle & separa- tion graduelle. [6. ic. h. Qu'est-ce qu'une nation ? 1882]. 8". 1883 Lettre a un ami d'Allemagne. [P331, 353] 8 >. 1879 Le livre de Job, tr. parE. Etude sur I'age et le caractere du Ijoeme. 8". 1859 „ , 2'" ed. 8". 1860 „ „ 4''ed. 8=. 1882 Ma soeur Henriette. sS". 1895 Marc-Aurele & la fin du monde antique. 8°. 1882 „ „ 3" ed. 80. 1882 „ „ 7= ed. 80. 1893 Melanges d'hist. & de voyages. 8". 1878 1802 : dialogue des morts. [P664]. 8". 1886 Mission de Phenicie dirigee par E. Texte. 4°. 1864[-74] „ „ Planches. lafol. 1864[-74] Nouvelles etudes d'hist. relig. 8o. 1884 Le pretre de Nemi. Ia8''. 1886 „ „ ^' ed. laS". 1886 Qu'est-ce qu'une nation ? 8o. 1882 Questions contemp. 8". 1868 La reforme intellectuelle & morale. 8». 1871 Saint Paul. 8". 1809 Souvenirs d'enfance it de jeunesse. 8'. 1883 „ „ 8« ed. s8o. 1883 Spinoza : discours, la Haye, 21 fe'v. 1877. [P323, 511]. 8°. LaHaye. 1877 Vie de Jesus. 8". 1863 „ „ S'ed. 8". 1863 „ , Vi'kA. S". 1867 „ „ 16«ed. 8". 1879 Jesus. 3" ed. [abr. ed.] s8». 1864 „ „ 14= ed. [abr. ed.] sS". 1864 Translations. The apostles. Tr. 8". 18C9 Essay on the age etc. of the Book of Nabathaean Agricul- ture. Added, inaug. lect. on position of Shemitic nations in the history of civilization. sS". 1862 Tr. f. " MemK de I'Acad. des Inscr". it Belles-Let- tres, t:U." Future iThe) of science ; ideas of 1848. Tr. 8°. 1891 Hist, of the origins of Xty. 7v. s8o. [1890] 1, Life of Jesus. 2, The apostles. 3, St. Paul. 4, The Anti-Christ. 5, The Uospels. 0, The X'". Church, com- prising the r'.of Hadrian & Antoninus Pius, 117-161. 7, Marcus-Aurelius. v6 of the original, cont\ the Index, has not been translated. Hist, of the people of Israel- [Tr. C. B. Fit man . 1883 ♦Rendez a Cesar etc., 1783. Tlie ed. of lySS is not possessed, but for a later one see *Histoire de la Papautis 1798. Eendle (William). Old Southwark & its people. 4". 1878 & P. Norman. The inns of old Southwark. Ia8". 1888 Sendu (Louis), bp. of Annccy. Theory of the glaciers of Savoy. Tr. A. Wills ; added, the orig. memoir, ct articles by P. G. Tait A- J. Ruskin. Ed. etc. G. Forbes. 8". 1874 Rendu (Victor). L'intelligence des betes. sS". 1863 McEurs pittoresques des insectes. 88". 1870 Rene [d'Anjon], king of Najiles J; Sicily. (Euvres completes; avec. biog. & not. par le cte. de Quatrebarbes, dessins etc. par M. Hawke. 4t in 2. Ia4". Angers. 1843-6 *Le pas d'armes de la berg^re, maintenu au tournoi de Taras- con, etc. 2' ed. 8". 1835 see Lecoy de La Marche (A.) Le roi Rene, 187.5. „ Villenecve Bargesiont (le etc. de). Hist.de 11. d'A., 182-5. Renee [de France], consort of Hercules II, duhe of Ferrara. [Renata, di Francia]. *.Som6 memorials of R. [Pref. signed I. M. B.] 2"'' ed. s8". 1859 see Font.\na (B.) Renata di Francia, 1889-99. ,, RoDocANACHi (E.) Uiic protectrioc de la r^forme : Ren^e, etc., 18;)G. Renee (Amedee). La grande Italienne (Mathilde de Toscane). 8". 1859 Louis XVI & sa cour. 2<' ed. 8°. 1858 Mme. de Montmorency : moenrs au 17^' s. ed. augm. 8". 1858 Les nieces de Mazarin. ■i'- ed. 8". 1857 : „ „ Ia8". 1858 Renesse {le etc. J. L. Theodore F. A. de). Diet, des figures hi-raldiques. tl-6. 8". Brux. 1894-1902 Renier (C. A. Leon). Melanges Renier ; travaux publ. par I'Ecole des Hautes Etudes (Sect. hist, et philolog.) en m6m. de R. [HE73]. 8". 1887 Rennell, see also Reynell. Rennell (James). Comparative geography of Western Asia. 2v. [Atlas wanting], 8". 1831 The geograph. system of Herodotus. 2v. 2"'* ed. 8". 1830 Illusts. (chiefiy geograph.) of the hist, of the Expedition of Cyrus, & Retreat of the Ten Thousand, etc. 4". 1816 Marches of the Biit. Army in India, 1790-1, illust. by ref. to a map. [P36]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1792 Mem. ot a map of Hindoostan ; added, ace. of the Ganges & Burrampooter. 4". 1788 , 3"' ed., w. 2'"' suppl. map, etc. 4". 1793 Obs. on the topography of the Plain of Troy. 4". 1814 see Majikham [Sir C. R.) R. & modem geography, 1895. „ Ricn (C. J.) Journey to Babylon, 1811 ; remarks on the topography of Babylon by Rennell ; mem. in ref. to E.'s remarks [bi/ liicli], 1839. Rennell (1h.omz&), prebeiulary of Salisbury. Animadversions on the Unitarian tr. ot the New Test. 8". 1811 Remarks on .scepticism. [P74]. 4"' ed. 8". 1819 Sermon at Anniv. of Sons of the Clergy, 1796. [P74]. 2'"J ed. 8". 1797 Renner (Johann), see Livlandische. *Die jiiiigere 1. Reim- clironik, [i» (7. Form, in welche sicdurch R. gebracht ist], 1872. Renner (Michael), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 13, R.. 1871. Renneville (R. A. Constantin de) ed., Recueil des voyages qui ont servi a I'etablissement de la Comp. des Indes Orientales dans les Prov.-Unies. lOt. n. ed. s8". Rouen. 1725 Eenni, see Tylou (J. J.) Wall drawings & mon'. of El Kab : The tomb of R., 1900. Rennie (David Field). Bhotan and the story of the Dooar War. s8". 1866 The Brit, arms in N. China & Japan, 1860, 1862. s8". 1864 Peking & the Pekingese during the first year of the Brit. Embassy. 2v. s8". 1865 Rennie (James), p7-of. of Zoology in King's Coll., London. *The architecture of birds. | *Insect architecture. s8". 1838 s8". 1831 ' 'Insect miscellanies. s8". 1831 ,, „ ... 11. ed,, [«). f. ; Bird 'Insect transformations. s8". 1838 arebitecturej. S8". 1841 Rennie (John), /;6/-M^-/, see Glen (J.) Cat. of lib. of G.. remaining portion of lib. of E. etc., sold 1833. Renny (Sic John), /;y^--/S7^. Autobiography. 8". 1875 Penny (Robert). Hist, of Jamaica. 4". 1807 Renon, dc France. Hist, des troubles des Pays-Bas. Publ. par C. Piot. [C. R. d'H, de Belg,]. 3t. 4". Brux. 1886-91 Renouard (Antoine Augustin). Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide, ou hist, des 3 Manuce & de leurs cd'. 2t. 8". 1803 Suppl. 8". 1812 Annales de Timpriinerie des Estienne. 2" ed. 8". 1843 sec Peignot (G.) Repertoire etc., [at the end of which is " Notice sur une n. id. de la tr. dc Longus par Amyot," hij A. A. R.]. 1810. Renouard (Augustin Charles). Traitc des droits d'auteurs. 2t. 8". 1838-9 RENOUARD 12-20 REPORTED Eenouard (Ph.) Docs, snr les impiimeurs etc., ayant exerc^ a Paris lie 14.50 a 1600. [Soc. de I'hist. de Paris]. 8\ 1901 Eenouf {Sir Peter Le Page). Tlie case of Pope Honoriu.'; reconsidered. [6. tc. h. Hierog. studies, 2, I860]. 8». 1860 Elem'. grammar of anc. Egyptian. s8". 1875 A few words on the supposed Latin origin of the Arabic vers. of the Gospels, [h. tc. h. Hierog. studies, 2, 1800]. 8". 1803 Pf}. J.l-end have o sejJt- tp. : Sir G. C. Lewis on the decipherment etc. of dead languages, 1863. Hieroglyphic studies. No. 2. 8°. D. [1860] Misc. notes on Egyptian philology : letter to S. Birch. [6. u\ h. Hierog. studies, 2", I860]. 8°. 1865 Note on some negative p.irticles of Egyptian, [b. ic. h. Hierog. studies, 2, I860]. 8". 1862 Origin & growth of relig. of anc. Egypt. [Hibbert L., 1879]. 8". 1880 A prayer f. the Egyptian ritual. Tr. f. the hieroglyphic text by E. [P81, 166]. 8". D. 1862 see RyLANDS (W. H.) Biog. record of E., w. list of h. pubK, 1898. Eenouf (Sidney). L'Union americaine & I'Europe. [P168]. 8°. 1861 Eenout, ran Moiitalbacii, sec Einalbo, da Montalbano. Eenouvier (Charles B.) Les dilemmes de la metaphysique pure. 8". 1901 Esquisse d'une classification svstemat. des doct'. philosoph. 2t. Ia8». 188-5-0 Essais de critique generale : Essai 1, Logique gen. et formelle. 3t. 2' ed. s8". 1875 „ „ Essai 2, Psychologie rationnelle d'ap. les principes du criticisme. 3t. 2' ed. s8». 1875 In the first ed., 18ii4-64, there were four "Essais" in 4v, u- t'. as follows : 1, Analyse gen. de la connaissance — Boi-nes de la coimais- sauce — App. sur les principes gen. de la logique & des mathematiques. 2, L'horame; la raison, la passion, la liberte, la certitude, la probabilitt^ morale. 3, Les principes de la nature. 4, Intr. a la pliilosopbie analyt. de I'liistoire. For a n. ed. of the 4"' essai/ see Intr. etc., below. Histoire et solution des probU^mes metaphvsiques. 8". 1901 V. Hugo, le poete. ' 58". [1893] Intr. a la philosophie analyt. de rhistoire. n. ed. Ia8'\ 1896 Manuel de philosophie ancienne. 2t. s8". 1844 Philosophie analyt. de I'histoire : idees — religions — systemes. 4t. Ia8". 1896-7 Science de la morale. 2t. 8". 1869 Uchronie (I'Utopie dans I'histoire). 8". 1876 2''M. 8". 1901 Eenouvier (Jules). Hist, de I'orig. & des prog, de la gravure dans les Pays-Bas & en AUemagne jusqu'a la fin du 15' s. 8'>. Brux. 1860 Eensselaer (ilrs. M. van), «i/e of S. Tan R., see Yax Eensselaef. (Mrs. S.) Eent. *True theory of rent, 7"' ed., 1830, see Tnojirsox (T. P.) Eentmeister (Antal). Lex Falcidia es Quarta Faleidia. [P552]. 8". 1888 Eenton (A. Wood), sec ♦Escyclop.^dli of the Laws of Eng., 1897-8. Eenton (Edward H.) Htraldrv in England ; the hist. & science of heraldry expl'. " si". 1887 Intaglio engraving, past A' present. sS". 1896 Eenton (William), Extensmi Lecturer to the Scottish Univ'. Bishopspool : a romance, 8". 1883 .Tesus. s8'>. Keswick. 1879 Eenvall (Sustav). Suomalainen Sana-Kirja. Lexicon lingua; Finnica\ cum interp. Lat. -German. 2t in 1. 4'\ Abo8e. 1826 Eenwick (James), see Shields (-\.) Life of 1!., 1724. Renzi (Salvatore de). II sec. 13", e Giovanni da Procida. laS". Napoli. 1860 Eenzo (Cola di), tJic tribune, see Eieszi (C. i>i). *Reo innocente (II) : opera tragica dell' Accademico Oscuro. Data in luce da B. Lupardi. [P822]. s8". Bologna. 1696 Eepassy (Janes) Liw. Eibizke]. Csevego habok. sS". n.d. Eepeal. 'Facts & arguments for E. considered, 1841, see Facts etc. *Repeal of the Union comp. w. separation of Belgium & Holland, 1831, sec Faikpi-ay (F.) ps. *Eepentance (The) of Paul Wentworth. 3v. s8». 1889 *Eepertoire gen. des causes eel., 1834, see Cacses. Eepertoire bibliograph. des principales revues fran(;'aise?, sec •loBDELL (D.) Cd. *Eepertorium bibliographicum, etc., 1819, see Clarke (W.) ed., etc. Repertorium f. biblische u. morgenlandische Litteratur. [Ed. J. a. Eiehhorn]. 18T, in 9v. 8". L. 1777-86 Repertory. *Eepertorie of Eerords, 1631, see Agakd (A..) Repertory of arts & manufactures. 16v ; 2"" ser., vl-15, 18-21, 24-27, 30, 31, 36-45. 8". 1794-1824 Index to 1" ser., 1-10, & to 2"'' ser., 1-8. 8<>. 1806 The title of the i'"' ser. is, " B. of a., ?»., tC agrieidture." Eepgow (Eyke v.) Das Zeitbuch des E. v. E. in urspriingl. Niederdeutscher Sprache u. in friiher latein. t'bers". Hrsg. V. H. F. Massmann. [Lit. V. in St., 42]. s8". St. 18.57 "Replies to "Essays & reviews," 1802, sec Essays axd Reviews. Reply. 'Reply of the Church of the East to the Encyclical of Leo XIII on re-union, 1896, see Greek Chlrch. *Reply to a tract by .J. Spurrell, cent", charges cone, the Sisters of Mercy; by the Snperior, 2'"^ ed., 1852, see Sellon (Miss). 'Reply to Mr. Lockhart's pamphlet, entitled, " The Ballantyne- humbug," 1839, see B.allaxtvxe, publishing firm. *Reply (A) to Mr. Perowne's renewed attack etc., 185.5, sec Dox.ald- SON (.J. W.) 'Reply (The) to Pope Gregory's late letter to the abp". & bp^. of Ireland, 1836, sec Gregory XVI, jiope. *RepIy (A) to the Answer made upon the three royal papers. [The " Ansieer " is by Stillingfieet. P277]. 84". 1680 *Reply to the Answer of the Amicable Accommodation, 1686, see GoiHER (J.) *Repiy (A) to the answer of the man of no name to the D. of Buckingham's paper of religion etc., by G. C, [George Care?], 1685, see Bvckingham G., ■?'"' duke of). 'Reply to the author of '" Letter to Peel on pernicious effects of a variable standard of value." [Pl'2-5]. 8". 1819 E. Copleston, bp., is a. of the " Letter "; a. of " Bejjly " is not knowu. 'Reply (A) to the calumnies of the Edinburgh Review against Oxford, 2''d ed., 1810: d-, 'Second reply, 1810; li; 'Third reply, 1811, see Coplestox (E.), bp. 'Reply Ai tn the Essay on population, 1807, sec Hazlitt (W.) 'Reply to " What has Wellington gamed by dissolution ? " Bv a graduate of Oxford. [P91, 102]. 8". 1830 The full t. of the anon, pamph. to ich. thii is a reply is: 'Result of the General Election, or what has W. gained etc., 1830. *Reponse d'un officier infer, a I'off. gen. [L. J. Trochii], aut. de " L'armee fr. en 1807." [Attrib. to Floridor DumasL 2= ^d. 8". 18()7 Report. 'Report, containing an essay for amendment of the silver coins, 1685, see Sllver. Report of a general conference of liberal thinkers, for the dis- cussion of matters pert, to the relig. needs of our time etc., June, 1878, see South Place Chapel. Reixirt of a mission to Yarkund, 1873, mider command of Sir T. D. Forsyth, 1875, see Forsyth {Sir T. D.) Report of proceedings at a meeting, May 4, at house of J. Chap- man, for removal of trade restrictions on the commerce of literature, 1852, see Chapman {3onn\ publr. Report of speeches delivered at meetings etc. in Edinburgh, 22 Mar., 1843, see Edixblrgh. Report of the Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis Con- vention, 1898, see Indiax.\polis. Report of the public meeting of Railway Shareholders, Liverpool, 16 Apr. 1849, see Railway. Report of the Special Comm. apptd. by the Nat. Assembly of France to consider the treatment of juvenile offenders, (18491, [()'.], 1850, sec Juvenile. 'Report of the state of literary, sclent., & mechanics' institutions in Eng., 1841, see Co.\TES (T.I 'Report on the arrangements wh. were made for the internal defence of these kingdoms, when Spain by its Armada, projected invasion etc. of Eng., [1798 ?], see Bruce (John ■, M.P., F.R.S. 'Report on the events & circumstances, wh. produced tlie Union of Eng. & Scotland, cC- App". to the Report etc , [1799], see Bruce (John), M.P. 'Report on the pres. state of the Irish land question, by a land valuer, 1886, see Irish. 'Report on the scientific study of the mental & physical conditions of childhood etc., 1895, see Childhood. Report presented to the bps. of London & 'Winchester by the Comm. of Inquiry on Sunday trading ni the metropolis, 1857, see Sunday. *Eeported change (A) in religion, 1899, see Onyx, ps. REPORTS 1227 RETZ Eeports. Keports from Committees of tlie House of Commons, 1803, sec Parliament ; House of Commons. Eeports of Artisans, Paris Exliiljition, 1867, srr Soc, of Arts. Keports of cases determined by the High Court of Admii'alty (1758-74), etc. etc., 1885, sec Maeslien (R. G.) ed. Eeports (The) of the magicians & astrologers of Nineveh & Babylon in the Brit. Museum, 1900, sec Thompson (E. C.j ed. Eeports on the discovery of Peru, tr., 1872, sec Maekham (Sic C. E.I tr. Eeports relating to the re-establ. of Fortresses in the Netherlands, 1801, see Jones (Sii- H, D.) cil. Eepository (The), a sel. coll. of f ugiiive pieces of wit & humour etc. [Ed. I. Meed]. iv. [vl, 3"' ed., w. add'. ; 2, S'"" ed. ; 3, 4, 2"'' ed.]. sS". 1790 Eepository (The) : or. Treasury of politics & lit. A coll. of letters etc. (includ. those of Junius). 2v. 8°. 1771 Eepplier (Agnes). In the dozy hours, * o. papers. sS". 1894 Philadelphia. s8". N.Y. 1898 Points of view. 88". [1891 ?] Eepresentation. Heprijsentation (La) proportiomielle : i^tudes, publ. sous les ausp. de la Soc. pour I'Ktude de la Representa- tion Proportionnelle. 8". 1888 see SociktjS pour, l'etude de la li. I'Kopoktionnelle. Eepresentative Amer. orations, 1884, sec Johnston (A.) ed. Eeprinted glossaries [Eng. Dialect Soc.i, 1873-9, see Skeat (W. \V.) cd. Eepton (Humphry). On landscape gardening etc. n. ed., by J. C. Loudon. 8°. 1840 Eepublique Eomaine [of iS-iS], see Eome : Republic of /fi.'/S. Eequesens (Luis de), 1-560, sec Sp.un. Col. de doc. para la hist. de Espafia. Eequin (I'abbc'. H.) L'imprimerie k Avignon, 1444. [P872]. 8". 1890 Eeresby (Sir John), J"' hart. Mems. de K. Mems. du due de Buckingham. [Guizot : liuv. d'A., 21J. 8\ 1824 Mems., 1634-89, by himself. Ed. f. MS. by J. J. Cartwright. 8". 1875 Travels * mem\ of K. S"" ed. Ia8». 1831 Eerum. N.B. For anon, tvorks £ collections w. t'. in the form " Rcrum scriiytores " try " scriptores," or the inter- vcitina adjective, if tlicic is no rcf. here. Eerum Anglicarura Henr. VIII, Ed. VI & Maria regnantibus annales [ded. signed F. L.], 1628, see Gojiwin (F.) bp. Berum Anglicarum scriptores post Bedam praicipui, 1601, see Savile (Sir H.) ed. Eerum Anglicarum scriptorum veterum torn. 1. [Ed. W. Fulman]. fol. O. 1084 For ti, .'}, sec Gale (T.) cd., Hist. Anglic, scr. xx, 1687-91. Eerum Boicarum scriptores nusquam antehac ed., etc., 1763, see Okele (A. F. v.) cd. Kerum Germanicarum scriptores etc., 3t, ed. 3", 1717, see Fkeher (M.) cd. Eerum Germanicarum scriptores aliquot insignes, ed. 3", 1726, sec PlSTORICS (J.) erf. Rerum Hibernicarum scriptores veteres, 1814-26, sec O'Conok (C.) ed. Eerum Hungaricarum monumenta Ar^iadiana, 1849, sec End- LICHEU (S.) ed. Eerum Hungaricarum scriptores varii, 1600, see Boxgars (J.) ed. Eerum Italicarum scriptores ab a. 500" ad 1-300"™, etc., 1723-51, see MuRATORi (L. A.) cd. Eerum Italicarum scriptores (1000-1600), 1748-70, sec Tar- TINIUS (J. M.) cd. Ees, [see also Rebus, Rei, Rebum.] *Res gestffi divi August!, 1865-83, see Augustus, onperor. Eesbury (Nathaniel). *The case of the cross in baptism con- sidered. [P276]. s4". 1684 Eesch (Alfred) cd., Agrapba : aussercauon. Evangelienfrag- mente. Anhang : Das Evangelienfragment v. Fajjum, von A. Harnack. 8". L. 1889 Aussercanon. Paralleltextc zu d. Evangelien. 5H. 8". L. 1898-7 1, Text.krit. u. quellenkrit. Urundlegungeu. '2, Paralleltexte zu Jlatthiius u. Marcus. 8, Paralleltexte zu Lucas. 4, Paralleltexte zu Johannes. 5, Das Kindheitsevangolium uacli Lucas u. Matt, tiuellen- kritisch untersucht, see *LoGn Jesu, 1898. Eesearch. *Es3ays on the endowment of r., by var. writers, 1870, sec Essays etc. Eesearches, see Recherches A Ricerche. Eesende (Garcia de). Cancioneiro Geral. Neu hrsg. v. E. H. v. Kauslcr. [Lit. V. in St., 15, 17, 26]. 3B. s8». St. 1846-52 Eesener (Hans). L'Egypte sous I'occupation anglaise & la cjui'stion i''gyptienne. 8". Caire. 1896 Eessrvoirs in the Valley of the Nile. [Soc. for the Preservation of the Mon\ of Ancient Egypt. P583]. 8>. 1894 Eesidence. *Residence (A) at Sierra Leone, 1849, see Sierra Leone. *Ee.sidence (A) on the shores of the Baltic, 1841, see E.\8tlake (Lady). Eesie (le cte. de). Hist. & traitc des sciences occultes. 2t. 8". 1857 Eesolutien van den Commandeur en Eaden van bet Fort de Goede Hoop (1652-62), 1898, sec Cape of Goon Hope. *Eesolution (A) of certain queries cone, submission to the pre- sent govt., 1089, sec Long (T.) *Eesolutions of England & Ireland rel. to commercial inter- course, contg. : Eleven Re.solutions of H. of Commons of Ireland — Resolutions of the Commons— A Bill etc. [P63]. 8". 1785 Eesponsibilities. *0n the r". of emijloyers. [Small books on great subjects, 16]. s8". 1849 *Eest in the Church, 1848, see H.vrbis (Miss F. E. S.) Eestauration. *Hist. de la E., 1831-3, see Capefigue (J. B. H. R.) Eeste (Bernard de), .sec *Histoire des peches etc. des Hollandois dans les mers du nord, tr. R., 1801. Eestif de La Bretonne (Nicolas Edme) [Retif oe La Bretoxne]. *Les nuits de Paris. 16p, [Wants p/3, 16; pl~14arc 0. in Sv.] sS". Londres. 1788 Le paysan perverti. 4p. s8". La Haie. 1776 sec *Ruv.\BEB0HNi (Le), [2)rob. by R. dc La B.], reed., 1881. *Eestitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities, etc., by R. v., 1673, see Verstegan (R.) »Eestoration (The) of belief, 18.55, see Tailor (I.) Eesult. *EeBult of astronom. obs. made in the interior parts of N. Amer., 1794, sec America. *Result (The) of the General Election ; or what has Wellington gained by dissolution ? [P470]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1830 „ sec *Reply to " What has W. gained etc." By a graduate of Oxford, 1830. *Eesults (The) of Free Trade considered, 1850, sec Free. Eesurrection. *Stoiy (The) of the r. in the light of the New Test., by a Bristol artizan. [P573]. s8". Bristol, n.d. Eesurrectionist. *Diary (The) of a r. (1811-12), etc., 1896, see Bailey (J. B.) cd. Eethel (Alfred), see Sciihid (Max). E., [Knackfuss, 32], 1898. Eethmeier (Philipp Julius), sec Rehtmeier. Eethy (Laszlo), Daco-roumains ou italo-roumains ? [P772]. Ia8". Budapest. 1897 Eetif de La Bretonne (N. E.), see Restu' de La Bretonne. *Eetrospect (A) of polit. cV commercial affairs in China (1868-72), ls73, sec China. Eetrospect of medicine. v65, (Jan.-June 1872). .s8". 1872 *Eetrospective (A) view tt eonsid. of India affairs, partic. of the Mharatta War, 17«3, see Mahratta. Eetrospective review (The). 14v ; 2-' ser., 2v. 8". 1820-8 Eetrospective review (The) ; criticisms etc. of old books. 2v. 8". 1853-4 Eettberg (Friedrich Wilhelm). Cyprianus, Bischof v. Car- thago. 8". Gottingen. 1831 Kirchengesch. Deutschlands. 2B. 8". Gottingen. 1846-8 Religionsphilosophie. [Ed. E. L. T. Eenke]. s8». Marburg. 1850 Eeturn (The) from Parnassus. ^Return (The) from P. Ed. E. Arbcr. s8". 1895 see Pilgrimage (The) to Parnassus, w. the two pts. of the R. f. P. (1597-1601), 1880. Eeturns. Returns for the West Riding of the Poll Tax (laid in 1379), 1882, see Yorkshire. Eeturns of aliens in London, Hen. Vlll-Ja. I, inprog., 1900etc., see Kirk (R. E. G.) & E. F. Kirk, edd. Eetz {Ic card, de), t6t/,-79. [jGondi (Jean FRANfois Paul de), card, de Retz, ahp. of Paris]. Memoires. Augm. de lettres ined. etc. 2t. s8». 1842 Memoirs. Tr. [P. Davall]. 4v. s8". D. 1777 (Euvres. lOt. [tlO, Lexique. G. E. de la F.]. n. ^d., rev. etc. par A. Feillet [-/. Gourdault, R. ChantelauT.e]. 8». 1870-9<'> RETZ 1228 REVELS Retz (If card, de) [continued]. see Chantelauze (R.) E. it s. missions a Rome, 1870. „ R. & I'aff. du chapeau ; suiv. des corr. ined. de R., de Mazaiin, etc., 1878. MicHAUD (J. r.) & J. Pou.ioi-LAT. Nouv. coll. des mcms.. Ill, 1, 1850, /or anoth. ed. of IVI^moires. For anoth. cd., sec Petitot (C. B.) Coll. II, 44-46, 1819. Retz (Ic mari'clial de), d. /4 '/J. [" Barbe-Bleue " ; Gilles ees Rai7. : f Laval (Gilles pe), baron de Betz, Marshal of France'], see BossARD (E.) G. de R., (1404-40), 2° kA., 188(j. *Reuben Aysley. 1831, see Smith (Horace). Reuber (Justus) ed., Veterum scriptorum qui Casai-um et Im- peratoium Germanicorum res gestas litt. mandavunt, tomus unus. Luculentis access, auctus cur. G. C. loannis. fol. Francofurti ad M. 1726 Reuchliu (Hermann). Gesch. Italiens v. d. Griindung d. regierenden Dynastien bis z. Gegenwart. [Staatengesch. d. neuesteu Zeit, 3-5, 16, 18]. 4T in 3v. [T-J has 3 Abthlgn.] 8". L. 1859-73 Gesch. V. Port-Royal. 2B. (1, bis 1661. 2, bis 1713). 8". Hamburg. 1839-44 Reuchlin (Johann) [Reuchlinus]. Brief wechsel. Hrsg. v.L. Geiger. [Litt. V. in St., 126]. 8". 1875 see Babham (Francis). Life & times of R., 1843. i „ Geiger (L.) E., s. Leben u. Werke, 1871. ; ,, Holstein (H.) R.'sKomti- dieii, 1888. i Reuleaux (Franz). Kinematic Kenneily. Reumont (Alfred von). Aus Frieilrich "VN'ilhelms IV gesundou u. krankeii Tagen. 8'. L. 188.5 „ „ 2'- A. 8». L. 1885 Beitriige z. italien. Gesch. 6B in 3. s8». 1833-7 Bibliografia dei lavori puljbl. in Germania siilla storia d'ltalia. 8". Berlino. 1863 Biograpb. Denkbliitter nacb personl. Erinnerungen. 8". L. 1878 Die Carafa v. Maddaloni : Neapel imter span. Herrsebaft. 2B. 8". 1831 *Ganganelli — Papst Clemens XIV— : s. Briefe u. s. Zeit. 8". 1847 Gescb. a. Stadt Rom. 3B in 4, [3, i, ii]. 8". 1867-70 Gino Capponi ; ein Zeit- u. Lebensbild. 8". Gotba. 1880 Die Griifiu v. Albany. 2B in'l. s8". 1860 Lorenzo de' Medici. 2B. 8". L. 1874 Rheinlands Sagen, Gescbicbten u. Legenden. sS". KiJln. 1837 sec HoK.iwiTZ (A.) Zur Bio- graphie u. Corr. J. E.'s, 1877. ,, Lilly (W. S.) Renaissance types, 1901. „ M.iJUs(J. H.) VitaEi.,1687. of machinery. Tr A. B. W. 8". 1876 „ Mayor (John E. B.) Reuschle (CJarl Gustav). Reuss (Eduard W. E.) Gesch. d. Neuen Testaments. 2'' A. 8". Braunschweig. 1853 „ 3' A. 8". Braunschweig. 1860 Hist, de la theologie chretienne au siecle apostol. 2t. 8". Strasbourg. 1832 *Kiimische Briefe. Von einem Florentiner [i.e. B.]. 4B. s8o. L. 1840-44 Saggi di storia e letteratura. sS". Firenze. 1880 Tavole cronolog. esincronedella storia tioreutina. 4". Firenze. 1841 „ „ Suppl., 1841-60. [leant- inff]. 4». Firenze. 1875 Zeitgenossen : Biografien etc. 2B. sS". 1862 Tbanslatioks. The Carafas of JIaddaloni : Naples under Spanish do- minion. Tr. sS". Bohn. 1854 La jeunesse de Catherine de Medicis. Tr., annot. A'augm. par A. Bascbet. s8°. 1866 Lorenzo de'Medici. Tr.R. Harri- son. 2v. 8". 1876 see Geschichte deh eubopa. Staaten. Toscana's seit d. Ende d. florentin. Freistaats, v. E., 1876-7. Reunion, see Bonn. *Report of R. Conference at B., 1875. Reusch (Franz Heinrich). Beitriige z. Gesch. d..Jesuitenordens. 8'. Miinchen. 1894 Der Index d. verbotenen Biicher. 2B in 3, [2 i, ii]. 8". Bonn. 1883-5 Nature & the Bible. Tr. K. Lyttelton. 2v. S". E. 1886 Der Process Galilei's u. d. Jesuiten. 8". Bonn. 1879 see Bonn. *Report of Reunion Conference at Bonn (1874), tr. from R., 1875. „ DoLLiNGER (I. V.) & R., Gcsch. d. Moralstreitigkeiten in d. lom.-kathol. Kirche, 1889. F. H. R., 1901. Kepler u. d. Astronomic. 8>. Frankfurt a. M. 1871 Hist, de la theologie chrct. etc. 2t. 3'ed. 8". Strasbourg. 1864 Hist, du canon des ecritures saintes dans Teglise. Ia8". Strasbourg. 1863 „ 2" e'd. 8". Strasbourg. 1863 Reuss (Eduard W. E.) [continued]. Hist, of Xtn. tlieology in the Hist, of the N.T. Tr. E. L. apostolic age. Tr. A. Harwood. Houghton. 8>. E. 1884 Notes etc. by R. W. Dale. see Bible : French. K. La 2v. 8o. 1872-4 I Bible ; tr. nouv., avec intr'. \ & comm». par R., 1876-81. Reuss (Jeremias David). Alphabet, register of all authors actually li\ing in Gt.-Brit., Irel. cV N. Amer., with their publ'. 1770-90. 8". Berlin. 1791 With J'"' tp. : Das gelehrte England etc. „ „ Suppl. & cont. 1790-1803. 2p in Iv, [ijagin. cont.]. 8: Berlin. 1804 With. J'"' tp. in German : Das g. E., etc. Nachtrag. Reuss (Rudolf). La cath^drale de Strasbourg pend. la Re^ol. s8". 1888 Graf Ernst v. Mansfeld iin buhm. Kriege, 1618-21. 8". Braunschweig. 1865 La justice eriminelle A" la police des moEurs a Strasbourg au 16° it au 17* s. s8". Stra.sbourg. 1885 I^a sorcellerie au 16 it au 17' s., partic. en Alsace. 8". 1871 Renter (Christian). SchelmuS'sky. Abdruck d. Ausg. 1696-7. 8". Halle a/S. 1885 Renter (Fritz). [jReutek (Heinkich Ludwig Christian Fried- rich)]. Olle Kamellen. 7T. [var. ed'., 9'--15'=]. s8». Wismar. 1881-3 There are o. fp\ : Sammtl. Werke, 4, 5, 8-10, 12, 13. 1, Twei lustige Geschichteu : 1, Woans icb tau 'ne Fru kamia; 2, Ut de Franzosentid. 2, Ut mine Festungstid. 8-5, Ut mine Sttomtid. 6, Diircbliiuchting. 7, De meckelnbiirgschen Montecchi uii Capuletti ; oder, De Reis' nab Konstantinopel. Briefe an s. Vater, 1827-41. 2B. 8 ■. Braunschweig. 1896 In the year '13. (Ut de Franzosentid.) Tr. C. L. Lewes. s8'. L. 1867 An old story of my farming days (Ut mine Stromtid). [Tt.'] M. W. Maedowall. 3v. copyr. ed. s8". [1878] sec G.viiERTz (C. T.) Aus R.'s jungen u. alten Tagen, 1896-7. Renter ((Jabrielle). Aus guter Familie. 5'' A. s8». 1897 Frau Biirgelin u. i. Sohne. s8". 1899 Frauenseelen. 3- A. s8'. 1902 Der Lebenskiinstler. s8". 1897 Renter (Heinrich Ludwig Christian Friedrich), sec Reuter (Fritz). Reuter (Hermann F.) Gesch. Alexanders d. 3" u. d. Kirche s. Zeit. 3B, [Bl, 2° A.]. 8\ L. 1860-4 Gescb. d. religiosen Aufkliirung im Mittelalter. 2B. 8'. 1875-7 Johannes von Salisbury. [r476]. 8'. 1842 Renter (.\diniral M. [A.] de), see De Ruytek. Reuter ("Wilhelm). Gesch. d. poet. Lit. Deutschlands. [P491]. 8". Freiburg i.B. 1861 Revaler Zollbiicher u. -quittungen d. 14. Jhdts.,1887, see Stieda (W.) ed. Revans (John). Evils of Ireland : causes, it remedy — a Poor Law. [P103, 106]. 2"" ed. 8". [1837] Reve, see also Reeve, Rive. Reve (John), see Anabaptists. The humble petition of several A'., now in the Gaol of Maidstone, ^signed Ii. etc.], 1660. Rsvealed. *Popular objections to r. truth : lect'., 1873, see Popular etc. *Revealed knowledge (A) of the prophecies & times, 1794, see Brothers (R.) Reveillaud (Eugene). Hist, du Canada it des Canadiens frani,'ais. 8". [1884] La question relig. it la solution protestante. 7'' ed. s8°. 1878 Revel. For an anon, work ref'-'. to E. in German see Eevalee. Revel (Cesare). II libro dell' agricoltore. [P251]. s8". Torino. 1869 Revelations. *Revelations from the seat of war : Russians, Turks, Bulgarians, & Gladstone. [P623]. 3"' ed. 8". 1878 *Revelations of an orderly, by Panchkouree Khan, 1849, see P.anchkouree Khan, ps. *EeveIations of Russia, 1844 ; 3"' ed., 1846, see Henningsek (C. F.) Reveley Mitford (R. C. W.), sec Mitfobd (R. C. W. R.) Revell (William F.) Browning's criticism of life. s8». 1892 Revello (R. I. Diodata Roero, cssa. di), sec Saluzzo (R. I. D.), aft. cssa. lievello. Revels, see Cunningham (P.) ed.. Extracts f. acC. of the E. in t'. of Eliz. & Ja. I, 1842. REVENGE 1229 REVUE *Eevenge (The), a bmletta, 1795, sec Ciiaitemon (W.) "Revenge," shi/i, *Ijast fijj;lit o£ the II., descr. by Ealeigh, Jlarkham, Liiischoten, 1871, .««' Gbexvii.i.e (Sir R.) ^Revenue laws of Ptolemy I'hiladelphus, 189(), sec Ptolemy II, rktlath'lplill^, k. nf Krjiipt. Reverdil (Elie Salomon Fr.) Struensre * la cour de Copen- haRiic, 17G0 72: moms, dell., sniv. de lettres iiied. Publ.par k. Uogcr. 8". 1858 Reverence. *0n the r. due to holy places, 1840, S''' ed., see MAliKI.ANI. (.J. H.) Reverend (le vtc. Albert). Aimorial du Premier Empire : litres, majorats * armoiries concedes par Nap. I. 4t. Ia8°. 1894-7 Revett (Nicholas), sec Sivxni (J.\.) & U., Antiq\ of Athens, 17t;2-1830. Review. ■•Eoview (A) of a late treatise " Ace. of conduct of the Dowager D — of M , [i.e. Marlborough], 1742; , M.P. Review (The) of Reviews. Ed. W. T. Stead. vl-22, (.Jan., 1800-Dec., 1900). Ia8". 1890-1900 Inde.': to the periodicals. [1890-1900. In prog.; one vol. for each year]. Ia8>>. [1891-1901] Fuhl. by the B. of E., ,t usually known as the " S. of li. index to 7>\" Tlic vol. for 1890 has t. : Annual index of p". & photographs for 1890. The vol', for 1S91-3 have t. : Index to the jieriodieal lit. of the woi'ld. The vol', for 1S94-1900 have t. : Index to the p». of [1894 etc.]. Heviews. *Ear]y reviews of great writers (1786-1832), n.d., sec Stevenson (E.), ed. Eeville (Albert). Douze sermons. Ia8". Rotterdam. 1874 Essais de critique relig. S". 1860 n. M. 8'. 1869 Etudes crit. sur I'Evang. selon Matthieu. laS'. Leide. 1862 Hist, des religions : 1, Religions des peuples non-civilisfe. 2t. 8". 1883 „ ,, 2, Religions du Mexique, de I'Amer. Centrale tt du P^rou. 8'. 1885 „ „ 3, La religion chinoise. 8". 1889 Hist, du diable. [P320, 542]. sS". Strasbourg. 1870 Jesus de Nazareth : etudes crit. sur les antdcMents de I'hist. evangf^l. & la vie de J. 2t. 8". 1897 Prolegomenes de I'hist. des religions. 8". 1881 Theodore Parker, sa vie etc. s8". 18()5 Ija vie de .J^sus de Benau devant les orthodoxies & devant la critique. 2' &A. laS''. 1864 TnANSL.vrioNS. .\pollonius of Tyana. Tr. sS". 1866 The devil. [Tr.] s8». 1871 Hist, of the doct. of the deity of Jesus. Tr. [A. Sivaine]. 88". 1870 Origin Jt growth of religion, illus. by Mexico . /,S,5.;. La doctrine du Logos dans le 4' Evangile & dans Philon. Ia8\ 1881 Le quatrieme evangile, s. origine & s. valeur histor. [HE : Sci. relig. U\ la8". 1901 Eevillout (Charles J.) De I'arianisme des peuples german. qui ont envahi I'empire rom. 8". 1850 Revillout (Eugene). Nouv. chrestomathie demotique : Mission de 1878, contrats de Berlin, Vienne, Leyde etc. 4". 1878 Les obligations en droit egyptien compare aux autres droits de I'antiquittS. App. sur le di-oit de la Chaldee au 23° & au 6° s. av. J.-C. par V. * E. Revillout. ' la8". 1886 •'Revisal (A) of Shakespear's text, 1765, sec Heath (B.) 'Revision (The) of the map of Europe, tr., 1854, see Eciiope. '■'Revival (The) of priestly life in 17"' c. in France, 1873, see Leak (Mrs. H. L.) Revoil (Benedict Henry). Monaco et Monte-Carlo. s8o. 1878 Shooting & fishing in N. America. Tr. by the Chronicler. 2v. s8". 186.5 Revoil (Louise), aft. Colct, see Colet (Mme. L.) Revolt. -"Revolt (The) of man, 1882, see Bes.vnt (Sir W.) '"Revolt (The) of the bees, 2""' ed., 1828, see Morgan (J. M.) Revolution [Revolution]. Anecdotes secretes sur la r. du 18 fructidor, 2° ed., 1799, see Anecdotes etc. Collection des mems. rel. a la R. d'Angleterre, 1827, sec Guizot (F.) ed. Dictionnaire hist. & biograph. de la R. it de I'Empire, 1899, sec Dictionnaire etc. ""Essai hist, et crit. sur la R. Fran(,-aise, 3" ed., 1815, see Paganel (P.) *Essais sur la' R. Francaise, par une soc. d'auteurs latins. [1801 ■?], see Essai.s etc. "■Etudes histor'iques sur la Revolution F'ranc. Par un etranger. 3t. 8'. 18.57 '■'Histoire de la E. de France, par deux amis de la liberte, 1792- 1803, see Kerverseau (F. M. de) & — Clavelin. '■'Histoire gen. et impartiale des erreurs etc. commis pendant la R., 1797, see Prudhojime (L. M.) ''History of the late E. in England, 1689, sec History etc. '*Journ6es de la E. de 1848, [1848], sec Eichojime (C. E. H.) "■Eevolution (The) — and after : being the secret hist, of a failure. [P680]. 8». Johannesburg. 1890 "■Revolution Franpaise (La) en Hollande, 1894, see Hollanhe. "■Revolution politicks : being a compleat coll. of all reports, lyes, it stories, wh. were the fore-runners of the Great Revol. in 1()88. 8p in Iv. 8''. 1733 "■Revolution (La) roumaine. 2' ed. Ia8". Florence. [1866] Revolutionary Plutarch (The), 4"' ed., 1805, see Stewarton. Revolutions. *Progressof the r-. of 1640 ifc 1830. [P93]. 8 . 1832 Revolutions de Paris, dedi^es a la nation etc. Publ. par L. Prudhonime, a I'epoque du 12 Juillet, 1789. Trimestre 1-17. 17t. s8". 1789-[94] Revue. '•'Revue chronologique de I'hist. de France (1787-1818), 2" ^d., 1823, see Montgaill.^bd (Vctbbe de). "'Revue retrospective, ou archives secretes du dernier gouv. : recueil non jieriodique. 31 no", in Iv. f". 1848 Revue archeologique. Nouv. ser., t41-44; s^r. Ill, tl-39 [iit prorj.]. 8". 1881-1901 t^3 of ■• sCr. HI " j's, •• Tables, 1870-90 ; par M. Graillot." Revue bibliographique universelle, sec *PoLYniiiLioN : revue etc., in prog., I8IJ9 etc. Revue bleue. It is known as the ^^ Bevue bleue" ivhich ivords appeared first on Ser. Ill, vS. This revieio began as: Revue des cours litteraires de la France & de I'etranger, 1864-70. Wanting. Goni''. as: Eevue politique & litteraire (La) : revue des cours litteraires, Ser. II, 1871-81 ; Se'r. Ill, 1881-93. Wanting. Cont '. as : Revue politique & litt&aire : revue bleue, Ser. I'V, tl-16. [in prog.] i". 1894-1901 Eevue Britannique. Societc' en commandite. Statuts etc. [P117]. 8'. [1837] Revue Celtique. tl-22. 8". 1870/72-1901 Table, t7-12. 8". «.(?. sec Eoherts (G.) 'Welsh grammar etc. (1567), facs. repr., publ. as Suppl. to R. C, 1883. Eevue Contemporaine. t51, 53, 55-57, 60-64, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75-78, 81. 83-93, 9.5-103. 107-110. (or, 2' si-r. 16, 18, 20-22, 25-29, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40-43, 46, 48-58, 60-68, 72-75). 8". 1860-70 t04 {II, 29) is wrongly numbered on the tp. tG9. tVti, 9?, (II, 61, 62) are wrongly numbered on thtir tp". t9o, 96. Thus there are two vol', bearing number 95, a)id no vol, bearing mimher 97 ; tite mistake having been eoneeted by omitting 97. The lettt ring takes no notice of these mistakes. Eevue critiqiie d'hist. et de litt. Nouv. ser., tl9-51 (.\nnfe 19-35), in 13v. 8^ 188-5-1901 REVUE 1230 REYNAUD Bevue de droit international & de legislation comparee. tl-30, [1869-1898] ; scr. II, tl, 2, [1899-1900. In prog.']. Ia8". Brux. 1869-1900 „ „ Tables g6n. des mati^res cont. dans les 25 vol". [1-25] ; par E. Eolin. laS". Brux. 1895 Eevue de la revolution. tl-16. 8". 1883-9 Kevue (La) de Paris, anni^e 1^9, [1894-1902. Each ann(e has Ot. numbered I to 6. In prog.]. 8". 1894-1902 Kevue de philologie, de litt, & d'hist. anciennes, 2t ; Nonv. ser., annee & tome 19-25, [in prog.]. 8'", la8''. 1845-1901 No vols, were issued between /S.JS' and /S76, inclusive. Revue des cours litteraires etc., 1864-70. This review is wanting, but for a later cont". of it see Eevue bleue. Kevue des deux mondes. Ski: IV, 32t ; Nouv. ser., 24t ; Nouv. pfiriode, 16t ; 2' sir. de la nonv. periode, 12t ; Periode II, 108t ; Periode III, 120t ; Periode IV, tl21-162 ; Periode V, tl-9. [in prog.]. [Ser. I-III (16t), 1831-4 ; Ser. IV (tl-20), 1835-39 ; Nouv. s6r., t9, loanting]. 8". 1835-1902 „ , Table des travaux de la E. des d. m»., 1831- 53. [Wants tp.]. Ia8». [1853] „ Table gen., 1831-74. 80.1875 , Table g4n., 1874-86. [6. w. Table, 1831-74]. 8". 1886 „ Table. 3' periode, 1886-93. 8". 1893 ., Table. 4- periode, 1893-1901. 8». 1901 Revue des Questions Historiques. t2-29. laS". 1866-81 Revue (La) des Eeligions. Incorporated tv. Le Miisemi, see MusEON (Le) & la lievue des E'eligions, tl & 16 ; 2 A 17 ; 3 & 18 ; 1897-9. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, publ. par les soins de la Soc. d'Hist. diplomat. Annee 1-5. 8". 1887-91 Revu3 encyclopedique. Ann.:'e 1891-1900. 4". [1891-1900] Revue encyclopedique, ou Analyse raisonne des productions les plus remarquables etc. tl-52. Table tl-40 ; 2t. 8". 1819-31 Revue francaise. No. 1-16, in 8t ; [New ser.], tl-12, i?i 6. S". 1828-39 Revue hislorique. [in i^rog.']. tl-79. 8". 1876-1902 „ Table [l]-3, (1876-90), in Iv. 8\ 1881-91 „ Table 4,(18'.)l-y). 5,(1896-1900). 8». 1896-1901 Revue (La) independante. 23t; 2« sfr., tl-8, <{■ Bulletin bibliographique. It. 8". 1841-7 Revue nouvelle. [Ed. by E. For(;^ade.] tl-12 in 10. 8". 1845-G Revue occidentale philosophique sociale et politique. tl 12, 15. 8». [1878-85] Revue philosophique de la France & de I'etranger. annce 1- 27, (tl-53), [1870-1902. 2t to each annee. In prog.]. Ia8". 1876-1902 , Table gen. des mati^res, 1876-87, [ann^e 1- 121. laS". 1888 „ 2' table gen. etc., 1888-95, [annee 13-20]. ]a8°. 1896 Revue politique & litteraire; revue bleue, in prog., see Eevce ELEUE. Revue retrospective ou Bibliotbeque bistoriqne etc. 5t ; ser. 2, 12t ; sir. 3, 3t. 8". 1833-8 Rey (E. Gruillaume). Les colonies franques de Sjrie aux 12'' & 13' s. 8°. 1883 Etude sur les mon'. de rarchiteeture militaire des eroises en Syrie et dans I'ile de Chypre. [Doc\ in(^d.]. 4". 1871 Rey (Joseph A.) Des institutions judiciaires de I'Angleterre comp. avee celles de la France etc. 2t. 8". 1828 Rey (Rodolphe). Hist, de la renaissance polit. de ITtalie, 1814-61. s8". 1864 Turin, Florence, ou Pome : la capitale de I'ltalie et la question romaine. [P238]. s8°. 1864 Keybaud (Henriette E. F.) [fAnxAUP (H. E. F.), aft. Beybaud]. Les ancieus couvents de Paris. Mile, de Malepeire. s8". 1856 3t. sS'. Brux. 18-4C-8 Le moine de Chaalis. sS". 1859 Deux a deux. n. e'd. sS». 1864 L'oncle Cesar. b8». 1860 FHUstiue. sS". Brux. 1851 Sydonie. sS". Brux. 1852 Felise. sS". Brux. 1847 ' Reybaud (M. R. Louis). Keybaud (M. R. Louis) [continued]. Jerome Patnrot. i" ed. sS". 1844 „ „ 2tinl. s8». 1847 „ 4t in 2. 680. Brux. 1848-9 Marie Brontin. 2t in 1. s8". Brux. 1850 Ecouoniistes modernes. S". 1862 Edouard Mongeron. 4t. s8'\ Brux. 1846 Etudes sur le regime des manu- factures : ouvriers en soie. 8°. 1859 Le cotou : nouv. ser. des Etudes sur le r. des m". 8°. 1863 La laine : nouv. ser. des Etudes, etc. 8^ 186V Le ter & la bouille, etc. : dern. ser. des Etudes etc. 8". 1874 Etudes sur les rt'foi'mateurs ou socialistes modernes. 2t in 1. 8». Brux. 1843 L'industrie en Euroue. s8°. 1856 Moeurs & portraits du temps. 2t. 880. 185S Reyer (Ernest). Notes de musiqne. sS'. 1875 Reykjaholts-Maldagi. Orig. dok., 12 og. 13. 3rh. [S.t.u.a.g.n.l., 14] laS". 1885 Reymond (Emil Du Bois-), see Du Bois-Eet.moxd (E.) Reymond (Marcel). Les Delia Robbia. Ia8". Florence. 1897 La sculpture tiorentine : Les pr&Ucesseurs de I'Ecole Florentine & la sculpture tiorentine an 14'" s. 4". Florence. 1897 „ „ : Premiere moiti(5 du 15'' s. 4". Florence. 1898 „ „ : Seconde moiti^ du 15'' s. 4". Florence. 1899 „ „ : Le 16'^^ s. A- les successeurs de I'Ecole Florentine. 4". Florence. 190O Reymond (William). Architecture, sculpture, peinture: hist. de I'art. 8". 1874 Corneille, Shakspeare, Goethe : influence anglo-german. en France au ly s. s8". Berlin. 1864 Etudes sur la litt. du Second Empire. s8". Berlin. 1861 Reynald (Hermile). Succession d'Espagne : Louis XIV & GuiUaume III, etc. 2t. 8'. 1883 Reynard, the Fax [in order of date of p^M.]. Die historic v.a reynaert de vos. Nach der Delfter Ausg. v. 1485 zum genauen Abdrucke befiirdert v. L. Suhl. s8". Liibeck. 1783 Beineke de Voss. Mit eener Vorklaring der olden Worde. [Ed. G. G. Bredoic. With the Catholic gloss]. s8". Eutin. 1798 Reynard the Fox. Tr. f. the Low-German by D. W. Soltau. 8». Hamburg. 1826 Roman (Le) du Eeuart. Publ. par D. M. I\Kon. 4t. 8". 1826 Reinardus Vulpes. Ed. etc. F. J. Mone. [Latin]. 8". Stuttgardite. 1832 Roman (Le) du Eenart : suppl., variantes etc. Publ. par P. Chabaille. 8°. 1835 Reinhart Fuchs. Aus d. Mittelniederliindischen in d. Hoch- deutsche iibers. v. A. F. H. Geyder. 8". Breslau. 1844 Hist, of Reynard the Fox : f. ed. printed by Caxton, 1481. With notes etc. by W. J. Thoms. [Percy Soc. 45]. s8". 1844 Reynard the Fox. Reprod. in rhyme [by S. Naylor]. sS". 1845 Reinke de Vos, nach d. altesten Ausg., (Liibeck, 1498). Mit Anmerkgn. etc. v. A. Liibben. 8'. Oldenburg. 1867 Reinaert : Willem's Gedicht " Van den Vos Reinaerde," u. d. Fortsetzung " Reinaert's Historic." Hrsg. u. erl. v. E. Martin. 8". Paderborn. 1874 Roman (Le) du Renart. Publ. par E. Martin. 3v in 2. 8". Strasbourg. 1882-7 Reinke de Vos. Hrsg. v. F. Prion. [From the Liibeck ed., w. the gloss]. s8". Halle. 1887 Hystorie (Die) van Reynaert de Vos, naar den druk van 1479, vergeleken met W. Caxton's Engelsche vertaling etc. Uitg. door J. W. Muller en H. Logemann. s8". Zwolle. 1892 Reynard the Fox; tr. & printed by Caxton, June 1481. Ed. E. Arber. s8». 1895 The hist, of Reynard. A metr. version of the old Eng. tr., w. glossarial notes in verse, by F. S. EUis. 8". 1897 see Goethe (J. W. v.) Werke, var. ed\, for Goethe's version of B., the F. Refebences. see GiiiMM (J.) Reinhart Fuchs, 1834. „ JoNCKBLOET (W. J. A.) Et. sur le roman de R., 1863. „ LiscH (G. C. F.) Gesch. d. Buchdruckerkunst etc. ; mit e. Anhange ii. d. niederdeutsche Bearbeitung d. Eeineke Voss [of H. van .-Ukmaar], 1839. „ MoELEY (H.) ed., Early prose romances: R. etc., 1889. „ MuLLER (J. W.) De oude en de jongere bewerking van den Reinaert, 1884. „ RoTHE (L. Aug.) Les romans du Renard examines, 1845. ,, SoDBE (L.) Les sources du roman de R., 1893. „ Wolf (F.) Le roman de E. le Contrefait. ,, YsENGRnius. Hrsg. v. E. Voigt, 1884. Reynardson (C. T. S. Birch). " Down the Road " ; reminis- cences of a gentleman coachman. Sf. 1875 Sports & anecdotes of bygone days. s8". 1887 »Reynardus Viilpes, see *Reyn.\kd tlic Fox. Reynaud, see also Raynaud. REYNAUD 1231 RHODES Reynaud (,k baron A. A. L.) ElOmens d'alg^bre etc., sect. 1, 2, [1, S i'd.]. 8". IRIO Reynaud (Frangois Dominique de), cle. de Montlosier, sec MclNTLOSIEll. Reynaud (Jean E.) L'esprit de la Gaule. 8". 18C4 I'hilosophie religieuse : terre & ciel. 2' cd. laS". 18.54 ■•*Reyncke Fosz, see *Reynari> tlic Fox. Reynell, sit aUo Rennell. Reynell (Carew), csj., see Whitwouth {Sir C.) Tracts etc., 1778. Reynerus (Clemens). Apostolatus Benedicliuorum in Anglia. Cum app. instrumeiitorum. 3p in Iv. fol. Duaci. 102(1 *Reynike Foss, see *1!eyn.\rd the Fox. Reynolds, see aho Kainolus, Heynald. Reynolds (Mrs. Fred). An idyll of the dawn. s8". 1898 In the years that came after. 88°. 1899 A tangled garden. s8». 1896 Reynolds (Frederick). The virgin of the Smi : operatic drama. [1'854]. 8". 1812 Reynolds (Frederick Mansel). *Miserrimus. 2'"' ed. s8". 1833 Reynolds ((Jeorge), (itxlidcacmi of Lincoln. Hist, essay npon the govt, of the Church of Eng. 8". 1748 Reynolds (Henry Revell). State of the law reg. marriages w. deceased wife's sister. [1*117]. 'i"^ ed. 8". 1840 Reynolds (Henry Robert). .John the Baptist : contrib. to evidences. 8". 2"'' ed. 187G Notes of the Xtn. life : sermons. s8". 1865 1!., h. life A letters. Ed. by h. .sisters. 8". 1898 .SCI? EtcLESiA : essays \hij var. a\], ed. B., 2s., 1870-1. Reynolds (Herbert Edward). Short hist, of the diocese of Exeter. 8'. Exeter. 1895 see Wells C.iTHEPRAL: its foundation, conslitut. hist., & statutes, [1880 ?]. Reynolds (James), inctwibent of St. Mary's, Great Ilford. see 'Abd AL-EA]i3i.i.\ ibn Abi Bakk (Jal.'vl Al-Din Abu Al Fadhl) Al-Siiyiltt. Hist, of the temple of Jerusalem, tr. E., [O.T.F.], 1836. „ Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-Jabe.yk, Al-'Utbi. The Kitab-i- Yamini, tr. B., 1858. Reynolds (James Emerson). A new spectroscope for minerals. [P523]. 8". [1867] Reynolds (John Hamilton), see Hood (T.) & B., *Odes etc. to great people, 3"' ed., 1826. Reynolds (Sir John Russell), hart. Essays & addresses. 8". 1896 5v. 8". 1866-79 Reynolds (Sidney H.) Reynolds's miscellany. A system of medicine. Reynolds (Joseph William). *The mystery of miracles. sS". 1879 The mystery of the universe our common faith. 8". 1884 Reynolds (.Sir Joshua). Complete works ; w. mem. etc. yv, [vl wantinn]. sS". 1824 Literary works. Life by E. Malone ; mem. by J. Faring- tou. 3t. 5«"ed. 8". 1819 Literary works. Pref''., mem. etc. by H. "W. Beechey. 2v, [vl icanting]. sS". 18S5 ., 2v. n. ed. sS". Bolin. 1890 Notes & obs. on pictures, being extr'. f. h. Italian sketch books ; also W. Mason's obs. on Sir J.'s method of coloring. Sir J.'s account book, etc. Ed. W. Cotton. 8». 1850 sec Armstrong (Sir W.) K., 1900. „ Chesneau (E.) E., 1887. „ Cotton (W.) Cat. of the portraits painted by E., 1857. *The supernatural in nature. 8". 1878 „ 2'"' ed. 8". 1880 Tlie world to come : immortality a physical fact. sS". 1888 see Cotton (W.) E. & his works, 1856. „ DiPPA (B.) 'Life of Eaf- faello ; & Characters of celeb, painters of Italy, by R., 1816. „ Parington (J.) Mems. of R., 1819. „ H.tMiLTON (E.) Cat. rai- sonne of the engraved works of E. [1755-18221, 1874; n. ed., 1884. „ Leslie (C. E.) Lite & times of E. ; concl'*. by Tom Taylor, 1865. „ NORTHCOTE (J.) Life of R., 2'"" ed., 1819. „ Philllps (Claude). R., 1894. „ Times (J.) Anecdote bio- graphy ; R., 1860. Reynolds (Mrs. L. Baillie), [G. M. Robins], sec Bobins (G. M.) [Mrs. L. B. Reynolds]. Reynolds (Michael). Continuous railway brakes. .sS". 1882 Engine-driving life. 88". 1881 Locomotive-engine driving. s8". 1877 Reynolds (Samuel Harvey). System of modern hist. pi, [1, Rise of the modern European system. No more apj/' .]. 8". E. 1865 The vertebrate skeleton. s8°. C. 1897 Ed. G. W. M. Beynolds. [New ser.]. vl-5. 4". 1849-[51] Reyscher (August Ludwig). Erinnerungen, 1802-80. 8". Freiburg i.B. 1884 Reyssie (Felix). I,e card, de Bouillon, 1643-1715. 8». 1899 Rezasco (Giulio). Diz. del linguaggioilaliano storieoed ammi- nistrativo. Ia8". Firenze. 1881 Rezek (Antonin). Gesch. d. licgierung Ferdinands I in Bohmen. [T]l. [1, F.'s Wahl n. Regierungsantritt. P333]. 8". I'rag. 1878 Rhabanus Magnentius, sumamed Mauriis, abp. of Mentz, see Maurvs (Rabaxis). Rhaeticus (G. Joachimus), see Jo.whimus (G.), EluHicus. Rhaithu (Theodore, n/), see Theodore, of Rhaithn. Rham (William Lewis). Dictionary of the farm. s8". 1844 Rhankabes (Alexander Rhizos), see Ean(iab£ (A. B.) Rhapoun (Vahram), see Vahram, Rhapoun. Rhe (C. G.) Uber d. Ursprung d. Kultus. 8". St. 1839 Rhead (G. W.) Etching ; illustr. by the author. s8". [1891] Rhegino, albas Pruniicnsis, see Beoino. Rhegius (Urbanus). [Regius]. Seelen-Arzenei, nebst Lebensbe- schreibung desselben v. G. Haccius. s8". Hermannsbiirg. 1894 see Heimbijbgeb (H. C.) U. B., 1851. Rheims. For anon, leorks in French see Reims. Rhein (Joh.) Der geiibte Bionzeur. 2' A. 8". 1885 Rheinau (B. Bild von), see Bhenanus (Beatus). Rheinbund, see Rhine : Confederation of the Rhine. Rheinisches Museum f. Philologie, Geschichte, u. griechische Philosophie. Jhrg. 1-3. 8'. Bonn. 1827-9 ,, Rheinisches Museum f. Philologie. Jhrg. 1-6 ; Neue Folge, B [" Jhrg." to ISO'J] 1-56. 8». Bonn, Frankfurt a.M. 1833-1901 see Maniiius (M.) Philologisches aus alten Bibliothekskata- logen (bis 1300), 1892. „ Welcker (F. G.) Der episclie Cyclus oder d. homeriscben Dichter, 1835. „ Die griech. Tragodien mit Riicksicbt auf d. epischeu Cyclus, 1839-41. Rheinlands Sagen etc., 1837, see Reumont (A. v.) ed. Rhenanarum. 'Corpus Inscriptionum Rhenanarum, 1867, see Bramhach (\V.) ed. Rhenanus (Beatus) [tBiLDius (B.) lUienanus]. Briefwechsel. Hrsg. v. A. Horawitz u. K. Hartfelder. Ia8«. L. 1886 Rheticus (G. Joachimus), sec Joacuiuus (G.), RJtceticiis. Rhetores Graeci [1853-6], 1885-95, sec Spengel (L. v.) ed. Rhetorica ad C. Herennium. For this work, often attr. loronghj to Cicero, see Cornificius (Q.) *Rheumatic gout A its cure, 2'"' ed., 1865, see Wareiss (T.) Rhievallensis (.Sllredus), sec jElred, abbot of Eievaui.x. Rhind (Alex. Henry). Thebes, its tombs etc. Ia8». 186'.? Rhine. *Autunin (An) near the B., 2'"i ed., 1840, see DoD (C.E.) *Pilgrims (The) of the R., 1834, see Lytton (E., baron). *Slight reminisc. of the R., Switz""., etc., 1834, see Boddington (Mrs. — ). *Sulle cause e gli effetti della Confederazione Renana, 1819-23, see Lucchesini {march. G.) *Traveller's guide (The) down the E. [P207]. 8". Coiogne, 2»-inted for F. A. Mottii. 1825 Rhizos Rhankabes (Alexander), sec Rangabe (A. R.) Rhode (Johann Gottlieb). Die heilige Sage u. d. Eeligions- system d. Baktrer, Meder u. Perser oder d. Zendvolks. 80. Frankfurt a.M. 1820 tjber Alter u. Werth einiger morgenliind. Urkunden in Beziehg. auf Religion etc. s8 '. Breslan. 1817 Rhodes (Albert). The French at home. s.S". N.Y. [187.5] Monsieur at home. sS". [1885] Rhodes (Alfred). Curiosities of the key-board feruutur sententias fragm-'. Sopholsles u. s. Tragiidien. [P503]. 2' A. 8". 1873 Ribbentrop (Berthold). Forestry in British India. [India Govt. publ.]. 8'. Calcutta. 1900 Fibbing {de. Adolphe de), see Leuven (A. de) jjs., [i.e. A. de R.] Ribblesdale (Thomas Lister, i"' haron). & stag-hunting recoils. Ribeiro (Bernardim), sec Braga (T.) r(i] Pi. e o bucolismo, 1897. Ribeiro (Joao), capitano. Hist, de I'isle de Ceylan, tr. par Le Grand. s8". Amsterdam. 1701 Ribera, see Rivera. Ribero, .sic Eivero. Ribeyre (Felix). Cham, sa vie & s. oiuvre. Pref. par Dumas tils. s8". 1884 La nouvelle Chambre, 1885-9 : biographie des 584 ddput^s. s8". 1886 Ribhavas, see Xeve (F.) Essai sur le mythe des Ribhavas, avec texte & tr. des hymnes adr. a ces divinitfe, 1847. Ribier (Guillaume). Lettres & m^ms. d'estat, sous les r". de Franeois I-H. [Ed. M. Belot]. 2t. fol. 1677 Ribier Du Chastelet ( ), see *FRExcn (The) politician found out etc., [in nns. to R. Du C.'s " The French politician "], 1680. Ribizke, ;),s., see liiipAssY (J.vnos). Ribot (Alexandre F. J.) Biographic de Lord Erskine. [P254]. 8<'. 1866 La reforrae de I'enseignement secondaire. 88". 1900 Ribot (Paul). Du role social des id^es chretiennes. 2t. 8". 1879 Ribot (Theodule A.) Essai sur riinaginatioiicreatrice. 8». 1900 L'heredite. 8". 1873 Les maladies de la memoire. s8'. 1881 Les maladies de la personnalite. 88". 1885 Les maladies de la volonte. S8". 1883 Laphilosophie de Schopenhauer. s8». 1871 La psychologie allemande eon- temp. : ecole experimentale. 8". 1879 La psychologie anglaise con- temp. : 6cole experimentale. sS". 1870 Psychologic de Tatteution. s8\ 1889 La psychologie des sentiments. S' ed. 8o. 1899 Transl.^tions. Diseases of memory. [Tr.l. s8». 1882 The diseases of personality. Tr. s8". Chicago. 1891 Diseases of the will. Tr. M.-M. Snell. 2"'' ed. 1-8''. Chicago. 189(i English psychology. Tr. sS". 1873 Heredity. [Tr.]. 2'"' ed. 8». 1875 The psychology of attention. Tr. 8". Chicago. 1890 Psychology of the emotions. [Tr.X s8». 1897 Ribton-Turner (Charles James). Hist, of vagrants. 8°. 1887 Shakespeare's land : descr". of Central & S. Warwickshire. s8". Leamington. 1893 Ricard, sec also Eicart, Eichard, Rickard, Rikart. Ricard (Antoine). L'ecole menaisienne : Lacordaire. s8°. 1882 lettres Ti Zola. s8». 1892 s8'>. [1894] A prix tixe et a la carte : salons et cabinets. s8". 1895 Soiurs. s8". 1893 Mgr. Freppel. I-a \ raie liernadette de Lourdes Ricard (Jules). Le chcmiii de la paix. 88**. 1890 Cristal fcle. s8". 1894 Hnguettc. s8i. 1891 Ricardo. For 2>erso7is [kinijs etc.] hnown by this forename see ElCHARII. Ricardo (David). The high price of bullion a proof of depre- ciation of bank notes. 4"' ed. 8". 1811 Inlluence of low price of corn on profits of stock, [b. zc. h. High price etc., 4"' ed., 1811]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1815 Letters to H. Trower & others, 1811-23. Ed. J. Bonar * J. H. Hollander. 8". 0. 1899 Letters to J. E. McCulloch, 1816-23. Annots. etc. by J. H. Hollander. [Amer. Econ. Assoc.]. 8". N.Y. 1895 Letters to T. B. Malthus, 1810-23. Ed. J. Bonar. 8". 0. 1887 On protection of agriculture, [b. w. h. High price, etc., 4"' ed., 1811]. 4"'ed. 8'. 1822 Plan for a National Bank. [b. w. h. High price etc., 4"' ed., 1811]. 8". 1824 Principles of polit. econ'. & taxation. S". 1817 2'"'ed. 8". 1819 „ ., With essay, notes, it ajjp'., by E. C. K. Gonner. s8'. Bohn. 1891 Proposals for an cconoin. tV secure currencj'. . [6. jc. /;. High price etc., 4'" ed., 1811]. 3"' ed. 8\ 1819 Eeplv to Bosanquet's Obs. on report of the Bullion Committee. \b. w. h. Kigli price etc., 4"' ed., 1811]. 8". 1811 Works. With notice by J. R. McCulloch. 8». 1846 see Banfield (T. C.) Six letters to Sir E. Peel, to expose tendency of theory of rent advocated by E., 1843. „ MacCi'lloch (J. E.) Treatises etc. ; w. biog. sketches of E. etc., 1859. RICAIIDO 1233 RICHARD Bicardo (Jokn Lewis). Anatomy of the Navigation Laws. 8". 1847 The war policy of commerce. [P'295]. 8". 186.5 Eicardo (Ralph). .Juvenile vagrancy. [r308]. 8". ii.cL, [1850?] Ricardou (A.) De I'iileal. 8". 1890 Ricards (James David), bp. of lictimo. Aletheia : expos, of the Catholic rule of faith, etc. 2'"' ed. sS". N.Y. 1885 Eicardus. For kings d- others, if not mentioned here, sec Kichard. Ricardus [d'Aungervile], bp. of Durham, see Buky (Eiciiaed, de). Ricardus, de Circncestria, see Cirencester (Richard, of). Eicardus, Divisiensis, sec Devizes (Richard, of). Eicardus, Floriac, see Migne (J. P.) ed., I'at. latinn, tl36. Eicardus, ^x'ior Hmjustaldensis, see Richard, of Hexham. Eicardus, de Maidstone, see Maidstone (Richard, of). Eicardus, cardinal Narbon., see Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. lalina, tlG2. Eicardus, Pictav. [Cli-niac]. sec Boi'QUET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t7, 9-12. ,, MONCMENTA GeRM. HiST., Sci'., t2C. Eicardus de S. Germano. Chronicon USi) ad 1213, see McRATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t7. sec MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl9. Eicardus, canon. S. Trinitatis Londoniensis, see Eicuaiid, canon of file Holy Trinity of London. Eicardus, prior S. Vidoris Parisiensis, sec Richard, de Saint Victor. Eicart, sec also Ricard, Rikart. Eicart (Eobert). The Maiie of Bristowe is kalendar. Ed. L. Touhnin Smith. [Camden Soc, NS5]. s4". 1872 Eicasoli (it baronc Bettino). Lettere e documenti. lOv. 8". Firenze. 1887-95 Indice. 8". Firenze. 1890 sec Garibaldi (Oen. G.) Speeches in Italian Chamber (.\pr., 18(51), on R.'s interpellation, 1861. „ Gotti (A.) Vita del b. R., 1895. Eicault d'Hericault (Ch. de) ^«., see Herkaui.t (C. D. d'). Eicaut (Sir Paul), see Rycaut. Eiccardo. For kinris see Richard. Eicci (Corrado). Coireggio, h. life, friends, time. [Tr.] F. Simmonds. 4". 1896 Guida di Ravenna. 2" ed. s8". Bologna. 1897 L' ultimo rifugio di Dante. 4". Milano. 1891 Eicci (Griov. Giacomo). La poesia maritata — I poeti rivali. s8". 1632 Eicci (Scipione de'), bp. of Pistoja <£ Prato. see Potter (L. de). Vie de R., 1825 ; 2= ed., 1820. „ Mem', of R., [tr.\ 1829. Eicciardi (Giov. Batt.) Amore i: cieco. [P824]. s8". Bologna. 1084 Chi nou sa fingere non sa vivere ; overo le cautele politiche. [P831]. s8". Bologna, n.d., [1695?] La forza del sospetto. [P836]. s8". Bologna. 1687 Lo sposalizio tra' sepolcvi. [P830]. s8". Bologna. 1695 II Trespolo tutore. [P823]. s»'. Bologna. n.d., [1080 ?] Eicciardi (Giuseppe Napoleone). Autob'. cf an Italian rebel. Tr. sS". 1800 Hist, de la revol. d'ltalie, 1848, etc. s8". 1849 Prose: lavori biografici. [v1 of his Opere, ace. to the half-t.]. s8°. Napoli. 1861 Eicciardus S. Bonifacii comes. Ricciardi Vita, see Muhatori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t8. Eiccoboni (Luigi). Hist, du theatre italien ; avec cat. des trag. & com. impr. 1500-1060, etc. 2t, [t2 wanting]. s8'>. 1728-31 Eiccoboni (Mme. Marie Jeanne), wife of Ant. Fr. Eiccoboni. [b. M. J. Lauoras de Mezieres]. *Histoire de Mr. le marq. de Cressy, tr. de I'Anglois par Mme. de . . . s8'. Amsterdam. 1758 *Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby etc. [6. to. h. Hist, de M. le marq. de Cressy, 17581. s8". Amsterdam. 1759 fKuvres complettes. 8t. n. ed. 8". 1790 Rice (Allen Thorndike), sec Lincoln (A.) Reminisc. of L. by disting''. men, 1886. Rice (Benj. Lewis). Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola. [Mysore Govt. publ.]. 4". Bangalore. 1889 Mysore * Coorg : gazetteer. 3v. 8». Bangalore. 1876-8 Eice (D. Hall). Protective philosophy: discussion of the American system. 8'. Boston. 1890 Eice (James), novelist. For tcor7 ; [P150]. 8<>. 1844 ■ 2, 2""i ed.] 8". 1831 „ „ ... [P75]. 3'"'' ed. 8". 1844 i •Whig Government. •What next ? [P75]. new ed. S '. 1832 [P103]. 2"'' ed. 8». 1837 , *Who is to be Speaker. „ „ ... [P75]. 7'" ed. 8». 1837 : [P75]. 8". 1885 „ „ ... [P150]. 8"'ed. 8". 1837 'Will you have your Church re- piurcd ? [P75]. corr. ed. s8". 1837 Eich (Mary),coi()i/(;ss of Warwick, sec Warwick (Mary, countess of). Eich (Obadiah), see *BinLioTHECA Americana nova, by R., 183.5. Eichard. *Richard Cable, 1888, see B.iming-Gould (S.) *Richard the redeless [poem], see Richard II, king of England. Eichard, de Bello, sec Haldingham (Richard de). Eichard, li Biaus, see Richars, li Biaus. Eichard, de Bury, see Bury (Richard, de). Eichard, of Cirencester, see CJirencester (Richard, of). Eichard, duke of Cornwall, see Richard, cnqi. of Germany. Eichard, of Devises, see Devizes (Richard, of). Eichard, of Ely, see Fitz-Neale (R.), bp. of London. Eichard I, king of England. [R. Cieuh de Lion]. Ex Gestia Ricardi 1, s^e MoKU- I see HowLETT(E.)c(?.,Chronicle6 menta Germ. Hist., Scr., ■ of the reigns of Stephen, t27. Henry 11, & R. 1, 1881-9. 6W Archer (T. A.) ed., The cvn- „ .j^mes (G. P. R.) Hist, of sadeof R.l,[Eng.hist by ^^^^ C.-de-L., 1841-9; n. contemp. writers], 1888. ^^ ^854 „ Benedict, o/PcicrfcoroK^//. ' ',^, , , t^ t> De vita, Henr. II & Rie. 1, „ Knelleu (C A.) Des R. ed. Hearnius, 1735 ; 18C7. Lowenherz deutsche C.e- „ Berington iJ.I Hist, of I fangensohaft (1192-4), Hen. II, & of R., etc., 1790. 1893. „ Francolm (J. A.) [jti.s. E. „ Stdbbs (W.\6^., f (7., Chron*. Risp.\rt]. Die Juden u. d. ifc memorials of r. of R. 1, Kreuztahrcr in England ' 2v, [Rolls Ser., 38, i, ii], unter R., 1841. 1861-5. Eichard II, king of England. *Alliterative poem on the deposition of R. II — Rieardi Maydiston de eoncordia inter Ric. II et civitatem London. Ed. T. Wright. 'Camden Soc, 3]. s4'. 1838 Chronicque de la traison et mort de Richart II. Mise en lumiere, avec un glossaire, par B. Williams. [Eng. Hist. Soc, 12]. 8'. Londres. 1840 see Chronicle. 'English chronicle (An) of the r*. of R. II- Hen. VI, (written before 1471), 1856. „ Hearne (T.J ed.. Hist. R'. II, a mouaobo quodam de Evesham consienata, etc., 1729. 4L RICHARD 1234 RICHARDSON Richard II, /.(«;/ of Ewjland [continiiecT]. see Ijanhland (W.) Vision etc. ; w., Eiciiard tlie reJeless, od. Skeat, 1880. ,, ScHARF (Sh- G.) On tlie Westminster Abbey portrnit A o. representations of li. II, 1867. „ SoMEKS (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. ., Wallon (H.) K. II : episode de la rivalite de la Fr. & de I'Angl., 1SIJ4. Eichard III, king of England. *Ghost (The) of 11. Ill, a poem, pr. 1()14. Notes etc. by J. P. Collier. [Shakespeare Hoc.]. 8". 1844 *True tragedy (The) of E. Ill ; app''., Iticbardiis Tertiiis, by T. Legge. Kutes etc. by B. Field. [Shakespeare Soc.^. 8". 1844 see Gaiiiunee (J.) Hist, of E. Ill, 1878 ; 2"'' ed., 1898. ,, ed. *Letters ct i^apers illust. of the r". of 1!. Ill & Hen. VII. 1801-3. „ Halsted (C. A.) E. III. 1844. ., Jesse (.J. H.) Mems. of E. Ill, etc., w. an hist, drama on the Battle of Bosworth, 1862. „ Legge (A. O.) The unpopular king : life A times of 1!. III.. 1885. „ MoRK (Sir T.) Hist, of E. Ill, var. ed'. Sichard, emperor of Germanij. [E. v. Cornwall]. see Gebauer (G. C.) Leben E.'s, 1744. „ Koch (H.) E. von C, Tl (1209-57), [no more puhL], 1887. Eichard, dulce of Gloucester, aft. Richard III, see Eicharh III, Ai»;7 of England. Eichard, de Grnrcsend, bp. of London, see Gravesend (E. i>e), bp. Eichard, de HaUUngham, see Haldin'guasi (R. he). Eichard, of He.xhum. [IEicaiidl's, pnior Hagustaldensisj. Do gestis regis Stephani, see Howlett (E.) ed.. Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II, & Eichard I, 1884-9. iee*CHURCH HISTORIANS : 4, i, Chron". of J. & E. of H.. Ir. etc. J. Stevenson, 185C. „i MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t27. Eichard, canon of the Holy Trinity of London. [-fEitARDcs. canonicus S. Trinitatis Londoniensis]. Itinerarium pere- grinorum 1187-1194, see Monumenta Geijm. Hist., Scr.. t27. see Stubes (W.), bp., ed., Chron". of r. of Eic. I : vl, Itinerarium & gesta regis Eicardi, auct., ut videtur, Kicardo, Canonico etc., 1804. This is the chron. formerly attr. to Geoffrey Yinsanf. Eichard [de Kellawe], bp. of Durham, see Kellawe (E. de), bp. Eichard, of Maidstone, see Maidstone (E., of). Eichard, de Morins, see Moeins (Eicardus de). "RichiLrA., Ic Pelcrin, see KtiTiocHE. *Chanson (La) d'A., comp. par E., renouv. par Graindor de Douay, 1849. Eichard [Plantagenet], carl of Cornwall, see Eichard, euqicnr of Germany. Eichard [Bolle], of Hampole, sec Eolle (E.) of Hampole. Eichard, de Saint Victor. [fEicARDUs, prior S. Victoris Parisiensis]. see Engelharut (J. G. V.) E. v. S. V. u. J. Euysbroek, 1838, „ MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl9G. Eichard, de Swinfield, hj). of Hereford, see Swinfield. Eichard (Ap) ps., see Marrlvge & divorce, by Ap Eichard, 1888. Eichard (Charles Louis). Analyse des Conciles. ')t. [t5 Jias t. : Suppl. a I'A. etc., t5]. 1772-77 Eichard (Edouard). Acadia. 2v. 8". N.Y. [1895] Eichard (Henry). Evidences of Turkish misrule. [P335]. 8". [1877] Mems. of Joseph Sturge. " 8". 1864 Eelations of the temporal & spiritual power in the nations of Europe. [P325]. s8'. 1877 see Miall (C. S.) E., a biog'., 1889. & J. Carvell Williams. Disestablishment. s8". 1885 Eichard (J. B.) ps. [i.e. J. M. V. Audin]. For all otJier ivories by A., except these guide-boolis {irh. were publ. nnder the ps. of Richard, ti siill retain that 2)5.) see Audin {J. M. V.) Guide classique du voyageur en France et en Belgique. 17'^^ ed. s8'. 1836 „ „ Conducteur s. [i.e. le vte. Jean Edmond de L'IsLE DE Falcon de SAisT-GENif:s]. Histoii'es tendres. Sf ed. sS". 1895 Mme. Manchaballe. S' ed. s8^ 1892 Marcbeurs et marcheuses. s8". 1899 Monsieur Mara & Mme. Venus. lOf ed. s8». 1883 Les petites Maucliaballe. i'^ ed. s8". 1893 „ „ r,'- M. s8». 1893 Les propos dc Mme. Mancha- balle. 2'- ed. s8". 1896 Amours martiales. s8°. [1900] Brochette de coeurs. a-- ed. 68". 1898 La brune & la blonde. s8". 1888 La capitaine Paiabere. sS". 1879 Cocardes et dentelles. 3' ed. s8". 1898 Curieuses d'amour. s8". [1901] Les debutantes. 2' ed. sH". 1899 Les femmes des autres. 12« ed. s8". 1884 Histoires cr.^ues. s8". 1895 & E. Vallier. L'institutrice. [P1007]. s8". n.d. Eichards (Alfred Bate). Oliver Cromwell ; tragedy. 38". 1872 Eeligio auimff, & o. p. sS". [1866] So very human. 3v. s8\ 1873 Eichards (George), TI.D., Fellow of Oriel Coll., Oxford. Divine origin of prophecy illust'. [Banipton L'., 1800]. 8". 0. 1800 Eichards (Sir George Henry), K.C.B. The Arctic expedition of 1875-6 : reply to its critics. [P329]. 8°. 1877 Eichards (H. C), Q.C., & W. H. C. Payne. London water supply, hist., law, & transactions. 2'"' ed., ed. J. V. H. Soper. 8". 1899 Eichards (James Brinsley-), see Brinsley-Eichards (J.) Eichards (Laura E.) Melody. sS". 1895 Eichards (William), LL.D., of Lynn ; /7.i9-ISlS\ Eng. ct Welsh diet. Eev". " s8». Llangollen. 1847 Hist, of Lynn, etc. 2v. 8". Lynn. 1812 The Welsh Nonconformists' memorial ; or, Cambro-Brit. biograpliv ; pref''., essay on Druidism etc. Ed. etc. J. Evans. s8". 1820 Eichardson, The family of, see Boyce (A. 0.) Eecords of a Quaker family : the E'. of Cleveland, 1889. Eichardson (Mrs. Aubrey). Famous ladies of the Eng. Court. 8". 1899 Eichardson (Sir Benj. Ward). Biolog. experimentation ; func- tion A- limits. s8<'. 1896 The commonhealtb : essays on health etc. s8". 1887 Disciples of -.Esculapius : w. life of author by Mrs. G. Martin. 2v. laS". 1900 Diseases of modern life. s8". 1876 The field of disease : a book of preventive medicine. 8". 1883 Health & life. s8". 1878 The health of nations: a review of the works of E. Chadwick, w. biograph. diss. 2v. 8". 1887 Hygeia, a city of health. [P576]. s8». 1876 A Ministry of Health, & other addresses. sS". 1879 On alcoliol : six lectures. s8'. 1880 The sou of a star. 3v. sS". 1888 „ „ s8". 1889 T. Sopwith : w. excerpts f. h. diary. s8". 1891 Total abstinence : addresses. sS". 1878 Vita medica : chapters of medical life & work. 8". 1897 Eichardson (Charles), language. LL.D. A new diet. of the Eng. 2v. i". 1836-7 80. 18.39 „ ... Suppl. [The siippl. has no tp.]. 4". [1856] On the study of language : an exposition of " The diversions of Parley ; by J. H. Tooke." s8". 1854 Eichardson (Charles). The English turf. Ed. E. T. Sachs. 8'. 1901 Eichardson (Mrs. Charles) [IEichardson (Constance)]. Mems. of the private life & opinions of Louisa, Q. of Prussia. s8". 1847 Eichardson (Sir Charles), sec Armstrong (C. E.) A tar of the last war : I!., 1855. Eichardson (Charles Francis). American lit., 1607-1885. 2v. 8". N.Y. 1887-9 1, The development of Amer. thought. 2, Amer. poetry & fiction. The choice of books. s8". 1881 Eichardson (Charles James). Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, etc. Ia8». 1870 ^ „ „ 2"'' ed., [w. t. : The Englishman's house]. s8". [1871] Eichardson (Constance), see Eichardson {Mrs. Charles). RICHAEDSON 1235 RICHELIEU Eichardson (David Lester). Liteiaiv chit-chat, w. misc. poems, iV prose impi-is. 8». 184H Kichardson (Mrs. Eliza) [fSMrni (Ei.i/.a), aft. Ri(Ji(irdson]. rcrsoniil experience of Roman Catholicism, w. incidents of convent life. ' 3"' ed. s8". n.d. A repr., in tv, ir. slicjht cliancies,of two works bt/ S., " Fire l/i'tirs a Calliolic, /S'.W," a}id "Progress of bcgnilemcnt to llniinniisiu. /S.jO.^^ Eichardson(Frederika),fl/"/. 3rncdoiuil(l,s<;eU\CDOs.KT,T){M'rs.F.) Kichardson (George Fleming). Geologv for beginners. 2'"' ed. s8". 1843 ,, ,, n. ed., [(('. t. : Intr. to geology], rev. by T. Wright. s8". Bohn. 1851 Eichardson (George Gibson). Cornet cattle-producing districts of France. 8". [1870J Eichardson (H. D.) Jsat. hist, of the gigantic Irish deer. LP630]. 8°. D. 1840 Eichardson (Henry S.) Greenwich, its hist. etc. sS". Greenwich. 1834 Hichardson (J. Hall), sec Claekson (C. T.) & R., Police ! 1889. Eichardson (James), tlie African traveller, IS06~51. The cruisers : letter to Marq. of Lansdowne in defence of armed coercion for extinction of the Slave Trade. [P14G]. 8". 1849 Travels in the Sahara, 184-5-0, etc. 2v. 8". 1848 Eichardson (James), i/eologist, ed.. Wonders of the Yellowstone liegion, explored 1870-1. 88". 1874 Eichardson (James), cic-ir of Huntington. The Athanasian Creed vindicated. ' ' |r221j. 8". York. 1822 Hichardson (James Daniel) cd., A compilation of the Messages ct Tapers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. lOv. S'. Wash. 1890-9 Eichardson (John), IJj.B. Recoil", of the last half-century. 2v in 1. s8'. 1850 Hichardson (Sir John), M.l)., qsy-lsOj. Arctic Searching Exped. : journal of boat-voyage in search of Franklin. 2v. 8». 18.51 The Polar regions. 8". E. 1861 see Franklin (Sir John). Narrative of 2°'' exped. ; inch ace. of the progress of a detachment to the eastward, by R., 1828. „ MaoIluaith (.1.) Life of E., 1808. Eichardson (John) of Saint John's, Criniherland, ■IHI~->s6. Cumnierland talk : short tales & rhymes in the dialect of that CO. With misc. pieces in verse. 2s. 88". 1871-0 Eichardson (John), 7Cf/or of Annali, 1664-1//,/. The great folly etc. of pilgrimages in Ireland. 8". D. 1727 Hist, of attempts to convert the Popish natives of Ireland. 2'"' ed. s8\ 1713 Eichardson (Jonathan), ?/ic fWi")-, //>6.7-/r /J. Works. [Ed.] by his son. 8". 1773 & J. Eichardson, tlie younger. Explan. notes etc. on Paradise Lost, liy .J. R., father & son ; w. life of [Milton^, & disc, on the poem, hy J. R., sen. 8". 1874 & Traits de la peinture, & de la sculpture. Par Mrs. Eichardson, pere * tils. 3t. 8". Amsterdam. 1728 tl d- 3 are b. in iv ; t3 has 2p. There is a 2'"' tp. : Description de divers tableaux, etc. Bicliardson (Jonathan), the i/onnger, ^69;-/7~/. For irorlis 1)1/ J. H. ill collab. w. h. father, see Richardson (.lo.) the elflcr. Eichardson (Leander). As Yankees see us, or the customs of the cockneys. s8». [1886] The Amer. ed. had t. : The dark city, or customs etc. Eichardson (Moses A.) The local historian's table book of remarkable occurrences etc. conn. w. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, & Durham. 8v. la8^ Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1841-6 Hist, division. .5v. Legendary division. 3v. [v3 icantingl. Eichardson (Oliver H.) The national movement in r. of Hen. Ill, tS: its culmination in the Barons' War. s8". N.Y. 1897 Eichardson (Ealph), F.B.S.E. Coutts A Co. : mem-. 8». 1900 G. Morlan.l, 1703-1804. 8". 1895 Eichardson (Kichard), M.D., of Bierly. Extracts f. lit. & scientilic corr. of R. [Ed. D. Turner]. 8\ Yarmouth. 1835 Eichardson (Eobert), D.D., prehendarii of Lincoln. State of the evidence in the cause betw. the Duke of Hamilton & others, & Archibald Douglas of Douglas. 4". 1709 Eichardson (Eobert), M.D., of London, I779-1S"47. Travels along the Mediterranean, etc., w. the Earl of Belmore, 816-18. 2v. 8". 1822 the Eichardson (Samuel), Clarissa. Sv. n. od. s8". 178."> ., „ ... \Al>ridgrd].'Ec\.F,. S. Dallas. ■ ' 3v. s8". 18G8 „ ,, ... For anotJt. ed., sec British novelists : vl-8, n. ed., 1820. Corr. of E., sel. t. the MSS. Pret., biograph. ace, & obs, on h. writings, by A. L. Bar- bauld. 'Uv. s8". 1801 *Tlie history of Sir Charles Gran- dison. 7v. S"' ed. 38". 1751 „ „ ... 7v. 1"' ed. sS". 17G'2 „ , la8o. 1812 ,, „ ... For anolh. ed., see British novelists: v9-15, n. ed., 1820. •Pamela. 4v. 12"' cd. s8". 1785 ., „ 8'>. 1828 • novelist. Pamela. s8". Milner. n.d. Works. With pref?. chapter of biograph. criticism by Ij. Stephen. 12v. 8".' 1883 1-S, Pamela. 4-8, Clarissa Harlowe. 9-12, Grandison. see Castille (H.) Blanche d'Orbe ; prec. d'essai sur Clarissa Harlowe it La iiouv. Heloise, 1859. „ Jefkkev (F., Lord'. B., 1853. „ Schmidt (E.) E., Rousseau u. Goethe, 1875. „ YouNo(E.) *Conjectures on orig. composition, in a letter to tbe a. of Sir C. Grandison, 2"'' ed., 1759. Eichardson (Thomas), prof, of Chemistry in the Vniv. of Durhuiii, & H. Watts. Manuf. & applies, of acids, alkalies, salts : founded on Knapp. 3v. 2'"> ed. 8". 1803-7 Kichardson (Thomas Miles). Memorials of old Newcastle- upon-Tyne. 4". [1880] Eichardson (Warren). Dr. Zell & the Princess Charlotte [novel]. 3''i ed. s8». N.Y. 1892 Eichardson (William), political economist. For the Essay on the causes of the decline of foreign trade etc., by Sir M. Decker, 2"'' ed., 1750, ii'h. has sometimes been attr. to W. B., see Decker (Sir M.) Eichardson (William), prof, of Humanity in the Univ. of Glasgow, ly^iS-lSL',. Anecdotes of the Russian Empire. 8". 1784 Essays on Shakespeare's dramatic characters, etc. C'l' ed. 8". 1812 Eichardson (William Adams), sec Hackett (F. W.) Life etc. of R., 1898. Eichardson (William L.) Duties A- conduct of nurses in private nursing. s8". 1887 Eichardt (Christian). Blandede Digte. [8- Samling]. s8\ 1891 Vort Land. s4». 1895 Eichardus. For persons [kings etc.] Icnoivn by this forc-namc see Richard. Eichars, li Biaus. [Richaet, li Biel]. '"Richars li Bians. Hrsg. V. W. Forster. sS". Wien. 1874 Eiche (Barnaby), see Rich (B.) Eichebourcq (Jacobus de). Ultima verba tactaque & ult. voluntates morientium imperatorum, regum, principum, item summorum pontificum, cardinal ium etc. 2t. fol. Amstelfedami. 1721 Eichebonrg (C. A. Bourdot de), sec Bocedot de Richeboueg (C. A.) Eichebonrg (Emile). The gen. t. " Les drames de la vie," found on see. novels of B., has been neglected. Leg deux berceaux. 2fc. s8o. 1878 Deux meres. 2t. s8". 1879 L' enfant du Faubourg. 2t. 5'- ed. sS". 1889 Eichelet (Pierre). Diet, fran „ 3t. n. *:'d., [w. t.. Diet. *Eichelieu [play], var. cd'., see Eichelieu (Ic card, due de) [' duke do Richelieu]. Lettres, instructions diplnmat., & papiers d'etat. Publ. par Aveuel. [Docs, ined.] 8t. 4«. 1853-77 1, 1G08-24. 2, 1621-7. 3, 1(528-30. 4, l(!30-5. 5, 1635-7. 6, 1638-42. 7, 1612. Suppl., 1608-12. 8, Additions, corrections, errata, table. •Lives of E. & Mazarin. sS". " Nat. Illust. Library." 1854 Maximeg d'etat & fragments poUt. de E. Publ. par G. Hanotaux. [Doc'. in6d.]. i". 1880 La fdle maudite. 2t. gi- c'd. 68". 1891 1, Le vieux Mardoche. 2, La belle Blanche. L'idiote. 3t. ,5'; ed. sS". 1889 Les millions de M. Joramie. 3t. s8". 1885 cois. n. ed. fol. .\msterdam. 1706 de la langue fr.]. fol. Lyon. 1759 LvTTox (E., baron). Du Pi.Essis (Ahmand Jean), card., Testament politique. j [P1007]. s8°. ?).(?. sec AvENEL (vie. G. d'). R. et la monarchic absolue, 1887-90 ; 2' ed., 1895. , Bbidoes (J. H.) France under E. & Colbert, 1866. , Caillet (J.) L'udministra- tion en France sous E., 2« ed., 1861. , Capefioue (J. B. H. E.) E., Mazarin, etc., 183.5-6. , ESCOI'BLEAIT de SoURDIS (H. d'). Corr., etc.; lettres de Louis XIII & de R. i . E. de S. cone, les opera- 4 l2 RICHELIEU 1236 RICHTER Kichelieu (Ic card, due de) [contimted]. tions des flottes (163G-42), 1839. see Fagniez (G.) Le pere Joseph & E., 1894. Hanotaux (G.) Hist, de R., in prog., 1893 etc. HoussAYE (M.) Lecard. de Berulle & K. (1625-9), 1875. Howell (Jas.) Lustra Lu- dovici : life of Louis XIII (&of R.I, 1646. Jay (A.) Hist, du ministere de R., 1816. Le Clerc (J.) Vie de R., lT)ie i" ed.o/ this,169i, was atiOit.\ S*' ed., 1714. Lodge I R.) R., 1896. Lytton (E.,inro«). 'Kiche- lieu ipiai/], var. ed'. Martineau (A.) R.jtl, [)io more publ.], 1870. MiCHAUD (J. F.) & J. Pou- JOULAT, edd., Nouv. coll. ; II, 7-9, M^ms. du c. de R. [with] Testament \i.e, a reprint of ^^ Hist, de la mere & dit fils,^' ptihl. 1730, attr. bij some to F. Eudes de Mezeray], 1850. see Petitot (C. B.) Coll., II, 10, 11, 21bis-30, 1819, for anoth. ed. o/Mems. „ Perkins (J. B.) France under Mazarin ; w. review of the administration of R., 2"'' ed., 1886. „ R., [Heroes of the Nations], 1900. „ SoMERs(J. S.,6aj'0)i)- Coll. of tracts. „ TopiN (M.) Louis XIII ct E., 1876. „ Zeller (B.) Etudes sur le r. de Louis XIII : R., etc., (1621-4), 1880. „ Louis Xm, Marie de Medicis, R., 1899. Bichelieu (le marichal due de) [fDu Plessis (Louis F. A.), dulie de Eicltelieu}. Memoires. 9t. [tl-4, 2'- ed.]. 8°. 1793 „ „ .. Notes etc. par F. Barril^re. 2t. s8». 1838 *Vie privee du mar. de R., cont. see amours etc. [Ed. d: partly uc. 6;/— Faur.] 3t. 8». 1791 see Ckousaz-Cretet (L. de). R. en Eussie & en Frauce, (1760-1822), 1897. see M.irv-Lafon (J. B.) E. & Mme. de Saint-Vincent, 1803. „ Tenxin (le card. de). Coit. de T. & de Mme. de Tencin avec E., (1742-57), 1790. Richelot (Henri). L'assoe. douaniSre alleniande, ou le Zoll- verein : s. hist. etc. 2' ed. 8". 18.59 Richemont (Arthur, de. de), see Arthcr III, duke of Brittany. Eich^pin (Jean). Les blasph&mes. Flamboche. 88". 1895 2.5'' ed. s8". 1884 La glu. n. ed . s8o. 1897 La bombarde. sS". 1899 Grandes amoureuses. 88°. 1896 Braves gens. 7*^ ed. Les caresses. n. ed. Cesarine. n. ed. s8». 88°. s8°. 1886 1898 1890 Lagibasse. La martyre. s8o. 1900 s8». 1898 Le chemineau. 8". 1898 Les morts bizarres. s8<>. [1876] Le chien de garde. s8». 1898 Le pave. sS". 1883 Contes de la decadence romaine. Quatre petitsromans s8o. [1882] 58". 1898 Les truands. 8". 1899 Contes espagnoles. s8'>. 1901 Vers la joie. laS". 1894 Richer, French chronicler, /O"' cent., [tRicHERus, S. Rcmigii Remensis monachus]. Hist, de son temps. Texte, avec tr. par J. Guadet. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 2t. »\ 1845 see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl38, for Hist, libri iv. „ MoNCJiESTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t3, for Hist, libri iv. Richer (Adrien). *Nouvel essai sur les grands evtoemens par les petites causes. S8". Amsterdam. 1759 Richer (Edmond), ..> Richter (Heinrich Moriz). Eugen v. Savoyen : zwei Vortriige. 8". Wien. 1872 Richter (Helene). Ohatterton. 8'. Wien. 190O Richter (Jean Paul). Lectures on the Nat. Gallery. Ia8°. 1898 Leonardo. s8". 1894 RICHTER 1237 RIDGE Kichter (Jean Paul F.) [Jean Samratl. Werke. 4v. Ia8". Paris. 1836-7 Siimmtl. Werke. ii3B in 17. [2' A., hrsg. V. E. Fijreter]. s8". 1810-2 Blumen-, Fruclit- u. Dornen- .stiicke : Siebeiikiia. 2B. 3'- A. sS". 1846 Denkwiirdigkeiten aus d. Leben von J. P. R. Hrsg. v. E. Fijrster. 4B. s8'>. Mii lichen. 1863 Levaiia. i<' A. k8». St. 1861 Titan. SB. 2' A. sB". 1846 Translations. Extracts f. tlie works of R. Sel. & tr. Lady Chatterton. sB". 1859 Flower, fruit, & thorn pieces ; or, life etc. of Siebenkiis. Tr. E. H. Noel. 2v. sS". 1845 „ „ ... Tr. A. Ewing. s8». Bohn. 1892 Hesperus. Tr. C. T. Brooks. 2v. s8». 1863 Levana. Tr. [liy A. H.] s8». 1848 Life of R., comp''. f. var. sources [by E. Lee] ; w. h. Autob?., tr. i\. s8". Boston. 1842 Paul]. Life of R. etc. 2v iu 1. [Eng. ed.]. 88". 1845 ♦Maria Wuz [hy U.]; and Lorenz Stark \by J. J. EngelA. [Tv. | F. & R. Storr. 88". 1881 ♦Sketches of & from J. P. R. s8». 1859 Titan. Tr. C. T. Brooks. 2v. b8". 1863 Walt and Vult. Tr. [by E. Lee] f. FleqeljaJire. 2t. s8'\ Boston. 1846 sec Carlvle (T.) German ro- mance : specimens, 3, R., 1827. „ Kanne (J. A.) Erste Ur- kunden d. Gesch. ; mit Vorrede v. J. P., 1808. „ Nerklich (P.) J. P., s. Leben, s. Werke, 1889. „ Planck (C. C.) J. P.'s Dichtung im Lichte un- serer nationalen Entwick- lung, 1867. ,, Spazier (R. O.) R. : ein biograph Comm. zu dessen Werken, 1840. This work fias 2'"' tp. : Jean Paul's samratl. Werke, 61-65. Kichter (Ludwig), artist, see Bichter (A. Lucmo). Hichter (Matthaus) [M. Judex], see "Magdeburg Centuries," [hy M. J. d others], 1560-74. Kichter (Max H. Ohnefalsch-), see Ohxef.ilsch-Eicdter. Kichthofen (Ferdinand, Frhr. v.) China : Ergebnisse eigener Reisen u. daraut gegriindeter Studien. Bl, 2, 4. [" bis jctzt nichts mehr erschiencn."] 4". 1877-83 1, Einleitender Thl. 2, Das nordl. China. 4, Palaontolog. Thl. „ Atlas V. China : orograph. u. geolog. Karten, von JF. V. R. Abthlg. 1, Das nordl. China (z. 2. Textband gehurig). obi. fol. 1885 The Comstock Lode. [P222]. 8". San Francisco. 1860 FUhrer fiir Forsehungsreisende. Neudruck d. Aufi. v. 1886. 8". Hannover. 1901 Schantung, u. s. Eingangspforte Kiautschou. Ia8». 1898 Eickaby (John). The first principles of knowledge. s8". 1888 den. metaphysics. 2°'' ed. s8». 1894 Kickaby (Joseph), S.J. Moral philosophy, or ethics & natural law. s8». 1888 Notes on St. Paul : Corinthians, Galatians, Eomans. 88". 1898 Oxford Conferences, Lent & Summer Terms. s8". 1897 Eickard (Thomas). Report on the properties, mines, & works of Kargalinsky, XJvarajinsky, Voskresensky, & Preobrajensky. rP263]. 8». [1869] Kickards {Sir (Jeorge K.), K.C.B. Population & capital ; lecf., Oxford. s8". 1854 Kickards (Eobert). India. 2v. 8". 1829-32 Kicketts (Caroline). Under the lime trees. s8". 1857 Eicketts (Major H. I.) The Ashantee War, etc. 8". 1831 Kickman (Thomas), 1776-/S41. Attempt to distinguish the stvles of Eng. architecture f. the Conquest to the Reformation. 8". [1817] 4'>'ed. 8». 1835 o'" ed., w. add'., [by J. H. Parker]. 8". 1848 „ „ 6"- ed., w. add-, by J. H. Parker. 8". O. 1862 7"' ed. w. add', by J. H. Parker. 8". 0. 1881 Kickman (Thomas " Clio "), ndl-ISa.',. Life of T. Paine. 8». 1819 Kickmers (Mrs. W. E.), sec Duff (C. Mahel) [Mrs. W. E. R.]. Kicks (George), B.Sc. Hand-and-eye training. Book 1, 2. [1, 3"i ed.]. Ia8'\ 1889-90 Kicobaldus. Pomarium Kavennatis ecelesiie 700-1297 et cont. ad 1474 — Chronicon Eomanorum imperatorum ad 1298, sec MuRATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t9. Kicotti (C.) Sposa e madre : libro di educazione popolare. 88". Milano. 1876 Eicotti (Ercole). Storia delle compagnie di ventura in Italia. 4v in 2. 8". Torino. 1844-5 Kicouard (Gustave). For lowlis by R. Vast <£ G. R. in collab., see Vast-Kicouarp, ps. Eico y Sinobas (Uanuel). Mem. sobre las causas que producen las sequias de Murcia y Almeria. 8". 1851 Eicraf t (Josiah). The civill warres of Eng., coll. by J. Leycester [1649, repr. ; w. rcpr. of the tp. of ed. I6^~ : A survey of Eng.'s champions, hy J. R.]. s8". [1818] The statement on the orig. tp., " coll. by Leycester," is false. The work consists of three earlier works by R., w. the add", of a few pages. Kiculfus, b2)., see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl31. Kiddell, sec also Riddle. Eiddell (Charles James Buchanan). Magnetical instructions for the use of portable instruments. 8". 1844 Kiddell (Mrs. J. H.) [ps. F. G. Traffoed ; fRiDDELL (CH.\r>- LOTTE E. L.)]. Above suspicion. 3v. s8". 1876 Alaric Spenceley. 3v. s8". 1881 Austin Friars. [First pttbl. in 1870.] n. ed. s8". n.d. The banshee's warning, & o. t. 68". 1894 Bei-na Boyle. 3v. 58". 1884 „ „ s8". 1885 City & suburb. 3v. s8". 1861 Daisies & buttercups. 3v. s8». 1882 „ „ s8». 1883 Did he deserve it ? s8". 1897 Far above rubies. 3v. sS". 1867 George Geith of Fen Court. 3v. Si-d ed. s8". 1865 „ „ n. ed. s8». 1863 „ „ n. ed. 68". 188C „ „ n. ed. 88'^. 7i.d. The head of the firm. s8". 1899 Home, sweet home. 3v. s8'\ 1873 Idle tales. sS". 1888 A life's assize. 3v. s8". 1871 Maxwell Drewitt. 3v. a-J ed. s8». 1865 Miss Gascoigne. s8". 1887 Mitre Court. 3v. b8». 1885 The moors & the fens. n. ed. s8<>. 1876 The mystery in Palace Gardens. 8v. s8o. 1880 The nun's curse. 3v. 88". 1888 Phemie Keller. 3v. b8". 1866 „ „ n. ed. s8o. 1870 The Prince of Wales's garden party, & o. s. s8". 1882 Theraceforwealth. 3v. sS". The rich husband. n. ed. 88". The senior partner. 3v. sS". 1881 „ „ s8". 1882 A struggle forfame.Sv. s8o. Susan Drummoud. 3v. s8"*. 1866 n.d. Too much alone, n.ed. 88". Weird stories. 68". The world in the Church, n. ed. s8". 1883 1884 1885 1862 n.d. A mad tour ; through central Europe on foot. 8". 1891 ' n. ed. sS". 1865 Kiddell (John), advocate. Comments in refut. of pretensions in [Sir Tf. Stirling-MaxicelVs] " The Stirlings of Keir etc." 4". E. f.p.c. 1860 Inquiry into the law & practice in Scottish peerages. 2v. 8". E. 1842 Remarks upon the Scotch Peerage Law, as connected with the case of the Earldom of Devon. 8". E. 1833 Tracts, legal & hist., w. o. antiquarian matter, chiefly I'el. to Scotland. 8». E. 1835 *Eidder met de Zwaan, see *Chevaher (Le) au Cygne. Eidder (Alfred de). De I'idee de la mort en Grece a I'^poque classique. 8". 1897 Kidderhoff (Kuno). Sophie v. La Eoche. [P620]. 8\ Einbeck. 1895 Kidding (Miss C. M.), s«e B.ANA. 1896. Kidding (Lady Laura E.), eldest of G. Ridding, bp.of Southieell. Riddle, see also Riddell. Kiddle (Edward). Treatise on navigation & nautical astro- The Kadambari, tr. C. M. E., d. of t" e. of Selborne ; wife By' Weeping Cross. s8°. 1899 3'^'' ed. 8". 1836 9"" ed., rev. by A. Escott. 8". 1871 Tables to R.'s " Navigation." 9"' ed. 8». 1892 Latin-Eng. lexicon. Founded on 4". 1849 s8". 1837 nomy. Kiddle (Joseph Esmond) Freund. Luther & h. times. Nat. hist, of infidelity & superstition. [Bampton L"., 1852]. 8". O. 1852 see Scheller (I. J. G.) Lexicon totius Latinitatis, reV". and tr. E., 1835. *Kiddles of the sjihinx, by a troglodyte, 1891, see Schiller (F. C. S.) *Kide (A) on horseback to Florence, 1842, see Holmes {Mrs. D.) Kideing (William H.) Thackeray's London. sS". 1885 Ridella (Franco). Una sventura postiama di G. Leopardi. 8". Torino. 1897 Ridge (William Pett). A breaker of laws. 68". 1900 Mord Em'ly. s8'i. 1898 Outside the radius : stories of a suburb. s8". 1899 The second opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst. b8". [1896] Secretary to Bayue, M.P. s8". 1897 A son of the state. s8». 1900 Three women & Mr. Frank Cardwell. 88". 1898 RIDGEWAY 1238 RIGBY Eidgeway (William), bairister. Report of proceedings in cases of liigli treason, at Special Comni., Dublin, 1798. 8". D. 1798 There is another fp. : *Eeport of trial of H. & J. Sheares. Report of the proceedings in cases of high treason, at a Court of Oyer & terminer, held under a special Commission, 1803. •Ip. [PlOll]. s8". D. 1803 The coll. tp. rf- p.', are iranting. Each p. lias a separate tj). 1, Report of trial of E. Kearney. 2, Report of trial of T. M. Roeiie. 3, Report of trial of 0. Kirwan. Report of trial of .J. M'Cann. 8". D. 1798 Report of trial of M. W. Byrne. 8". D. 1798 Report of trial of 0. Bond. 8". D. 1798 Kidgeway (William), prof, of Grccl; in Queen's Coll., Cork. The early age of Greece. vl. 8\ C. 1901 Origin of metallic currency & weight standards. 8". C. 1892 Ridgway (Robert). Manual of N. American birds. Ia8". Philadelphia. 1887 Ridley (Alice) [Lath/ Ed\vai;ii Ridley]. Anne Mainwaring. s8". 1901 The story of Aline. S8". 189G a-"" ed. s8". 1897 Ridley (Annie E.) F. M. Buss, & h. work. s8". 1895 Ridley (Grlocester). Review of Phillips's Hist, of Reg. Pole. 8". 17G6 Ridley (James) [ps. Sir C. Mohell], see Moeell {Sir Chakle.s) 2>s. Ridley (Nicholas), i;j. fi/ioifZon. Works. [Parker Soc.]. 8". C. 1841 Ridley (William), Presbyterian minister. Kamilaroi, & o. Australian languages. 2"'" ed. 4°. Sydney. 1875 Ridolfl (il cav. Carlo). Le maraviglie dell' arte, ovvero le vite degli illustri pittori veneti. 2v in 1. 2"ed., arricchitad'annot. [bij G. Veduval. 8". Padova. 1835-7 Ridout (T. Gr.) Ten years of Upper Canada, 1805-15 : annot. by M. Edgar, etc. »'. Toronto. 1890 Ridpath. (George), minister of Stilchill. The Border-history of Eng. it Scotland, to the Union. Rev. by P. Ridpath. n. ed. 4". 1810 Riebeek (Jan Anthony van) [+Riedeek (J.\s van)]. Dagverhaal : dl. [Hist. Gen. te Utrecht, N.R. 39]. 8". Utrecht. 1884 see Cave of Good Hoi>e. Precis of the Archives, [1651-62] : R.'s journal etc., 1^97. Riedel (Adolph Friedrich). Die Mark Brandenburg im J. 1250. 2T. 80. 1831-2 Riedel (Carl). Der Friinkisehe Merkur u. J. P., Edler v. Horn- thai, u. mein Verhiiltniss zu beiden. [Pill]. 8". Frankfurt. [1888] Riedesel (Friederike C. L., Freifrau von), see Riedesel (F. A., Frhr. v.) Briele etc. d. Generals u. d. Generalin v. R., 1881. Riedesel (Friedrich Adolf, Frhr. v.) Briefe u. Berichte d. Generals u. d. Generalin von E. wiihrend d. nordamerikan. Kriegs, 1776-83. sS". Freiburg i.B. 1881 see BEi-Hi, (H., Graf v.) Corr. mit R., (1760-2), 1854. Riedesel (Johann Hermann, Frhr. von). Voyages en Sicile, dans la grande Grtee, A au Levant ; suiv. de I'hist. de !a Sicile par le Novairi. 8". 1802 Riedle (Ign.) Eegelbuch d. 3 Ordcns v. heil. Franziskus v. Assisi. 2" A. s8». St. 1893 Riegel (Hermann). Cornelius, dev Meister d. deiitschen Malerei. 2« A. Ia8". Hannover. 1870 Riego Nunez (Eug. Ant. del), sec Del Riego Nunez. Riego y Nunez (Miguel del), see Del Riego t Nunez. Riehl (Alois), ^'ietzsche: eiu Essay. 2'' A. 8". St. 1898 Der philosoph. Kriticismus. 2B in 3, [2, i, ii, 2 i wantbuj]. 8». L. 1876-87 1, Gescli. u. Methode. 2, i. Die sinul. u. log. Grundlagen d. Erkennlniss. 2, ii, Zur Wissenschattstheorie u. Metaphyiik. The principles of the crit. philosophy : intr. to the theory of science & metaphysics. Tr. A. Fairbanks. [Tr. f. " Der philosoph. Krit\," Bj, ii]. »\ 1894 Rietl (Wilhelm Heinrich v.) Aus der Ecke : 7 Novellen. s8". Bielefeld. 1874 Gesammelte Gesehichten u. Novellen. 2B. s8». St. 1879 Die Naturgesch. d. Yolkes als Grundlage e. deutschen Social- Politik. 3B. [2, 4'-' ; 1, 3'' A.]. 8". St. 1856 1, Laudu.Leutc. 2 Die biirgerl.GesclIschaft. 3, Die Familie. Riehm (Eduard C. A.) Die Gesetzgebung Mosis im Lande Moab. [P512]. 8". Gotha. 1854 Der Lehrbegriff d. Hebriierbriefes. 2B. 8". Ludwigsburg. 1858-3 Rieks {Dr. J.) Leo XIII u. d. Satanskult. s8'. 1897 Eiemann (Hugo). Gesch. der Musik seit Beethoven (1800- 1900). 8". 1901 Gesch. d. Musiktheorie im 9.-19..Jhdt. 8". L. 1898 Musik-Lexikon. 4' A. sS". L. 1894 Studien z. Gesch. d. Notenschrift. 8". L. 1878. Riemer (Friedrich Wilhelm). Mittheilungen ii. Goethe. 2B. 8". 1841 Rienzi (Cola di), tlic tribune. [C. di Bexzo ; C. di Rienzo ; tGADUiNO DI Rienzi (Niccolo)]. *Rienzi, [novel], var. ed'., see LvTTON (E., baron). Riese (Alex.) ed., Geographi Latiniminores. Rec. etc. A. Riese. 8". Heilbronnffi. 1878 sec *Antholooia Latina, pars prior, Carmina. in codd. scr., rec. R., 1869-70. Riess (Ludwig). Gesch. d. Wahlrecbts z. engl. Parlament. Abthlg. 1. \r,o more piibl.]. [P559]. 8". L. 1885 Rietberg (W. A., Fiirst v. Kaunitz-), sec Kauxitz (Graf). Riethmiiller (Christopher James). Adv. of Xevil Brooke. Early & late poems. s8^. 1893 Sv. S.S". 1877 F. Lucas, a biogr. sS". 18G2 Ales. Hamilton & h.contejnps. ; Three legends of the Early riseof the Auier. Constitution. Church. b8". 1868 68". 18C4 Rietschel, see also Eitschl. Rietschel (Ernst). E. E., & the lessons of h. life. Autob-'., & mem. by A. Oppeniiann. Tr. Mrs. G. Sturge. s8". 1875 Rietschel (Georg Christian). Luther u. Loyola. [P340J. 8". Wittenberg. 1879 Rietschel (Siegfried). Markt u. Stadt in ihrem rechtl. Ver- hiiltnis. 8». L. 1897 Rietstap (Johannes Baptist). Armorial general; prec. d'ur» diet, des ternu'S du bluson. 2t. 2'= ^d. 8". Gouda. 1884-7 Rievalle, ahbatui de. sec Rievaclx abbey. Rievallensis (.SIthelredus), see ^Elked, abbot of liievaulx. Rievaulx abbey. "Cartularium abbathiie de Rievalle. [Ed. J. C. Atkinson. Surtees Soc, 83]. 8". Durham. 188a Rievaulx {St. JElred, [abbot] of), sec -Eleed. Riezler (Sigmund). Die literar. Widersacher d. Piipste z. Zeit Ludwig d. Baiers. 8". L. 1874 ice *Geschichte itr.u Ernop.'i. Sta.\ten : Baiern, v. R., Bl-4, 1878-99. Riff (A.) Geofiroi Arnold, I'historien de I'eglise. [P457]. 8: Strasbourg. 1847 *Rifle (The) : its uses in war, etc. By Long Range. [P4541. 8". 1852 Riga (Pietrus de), see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latiua, t212. Rigafahrer. *Gesch. u. Urkunden d. Rigafahrer in Liibeck, 1899, see Siewert (F.) Rigal (Eugene). A. Hardy et le theatre franc, a la tin du 16" et au commenc. du 17' s. 8°. 1890 V. Hugo. s8". 190a Le theatre fran<;ais avant la periode classique. s8". 1901 Rigaltius (N.), see Rigault (Nicolas). Rigaud (Gibbes). Celer et audax : services of the 5th Battalion 60th Regt. (Rifies). s8". 0. 1879 Rigaud (J. H. F. de Paule de), cte. de Vaudreuil, see Vaudeeuil. Rigaud (Stephen Jordan), bp. of Antiriua, sec *CossEsrosDEi;cE. of scientific men of 17"' c, [ed. S. J. It], 1341. Rigaud (Stephen Peter). Hist, essay on the first publ". of Newton's Principia. 8'^. 0. 1838 see *CoEEEsroxDEN'CE of scientific men of 17"' c [set. by S. P. 11.], 1841. Rigaudus (Odo), abp. o/ Rouen, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist. des Gaules, t21. Rigault (A. Hippolyte). Conversations litt. et mor. Notice par P. Mesnard. s8". 1859 Hist, de la querelle des anciens & desmodernes. 8". 185(> Rigault (Nicolas), [N. Rigaltius], sec Kiechmann (J.) De funeribus Roman. ; ace. Funus parasiticum N. R'., 1625. Eigby (Edward), M.D., the elder, n.',~~1S,2'l. Chemical ob- servations on sugar. [Pl'l]- 8". 1788 Letters from France, etc., 1789. Ed.Lady Eastlake. sS". 1880 Rigby (Eliz.), aft. Lady Eastlake, sec Eastlake (Lady). Rigby (Gerard' Christopher). Rei)ort on tour through the northern Shan States, 1894/5. fol. Rangoon. 1895 I RIOEL i23y RIMMER Kigel (Franz Xaver). Der siebenjahrige Kampf auf d. pyreniiischon Halbiiisel (1H07-14). 3T. 8". Rastatt. 1819-21 Kigg (James Harrison). The churchmanship of J. Wesley, & relations of Methodism to the Church. s8". [1878] Comparative view of Church organisations, primitive & Pro- testant ; w. suppl. on Methodist secessions ct Methodist union. 3'" ed. 8". 1897 The connexional economy of Wesleyan Methodism in its eccles. & spiritual aspects. s8". [1879] Discourses etc. on leading truths of religion & philosophy. 8". 1880 The living Wesley. 2"'' ed. s8". 1891 Modern Anglican theology. s8'. 1857 „ „ S"' ed., to wh. is pref''., mem. of Kingsley. s8". [1880] National education in its social aspects, & public elementary school education, English & foreign. s8". 1873 Oxford High Anglicanism & its chief leaders. 8". 1895 2"'i ed. 8". 1899 Scenes & studies in the ministry of Our Lord ; w. thoughts on preacliint;. s8". 1901 Kigg (James McMullen). St. Anselra. 8". 189G KiggS (Mrs. G. C), sec Wiggin (Kate Douglas). Biggs (liev. Stephen Return). Grammar & diet, of the Dakota language. [S. C. to Knowledge, 4]. 4". 1851 see United States. Rocky Mtn. Survey, v7, Dakota-Eng. diet., by R., 1890. „ , v9, Dakota grammar, by R., 1893. Right. ♦Right at last, & o. t., 1860, see Gaskeli. (Mrs.) •Right Hon. (The) B. Disraeli, a lit. & poht. biog., 1851, see Mackxigut iT.) *Right in the West India Merchants to a double monopoly of the Sugar Market exam''., [1792 ?], see Sugab. *Right (The) of primogeniture examined, 18.S7, see Bailey (S.) *Right tThe) of Protestant Dissenters to a conipleat toleration, 1787, 2"'i ed., 1789; see Heywood (Sam.) *Right (The) of women to exercise the franchise. By -Tustitia. [P391]. 8". 1855 ♦Right (The) to bear arms. By X, of the " Satnrdav Review." s8". 18911 Bights. •Book (The) of rights, see 'Leabhar na g-Ceart. ♦Rights of kings. 1791, see Wolcot (J.) ♦Rights of the Xtn. Church asserted etc., 1706, see Tindal (M.) ♦Rights of the Kingdom, etc., 1G82, see S.^dler (John), M.P. ♦Rights (The), powers & privileges of an English Convocation, etc., 1700, see ATTEREfiiV (F.), bp. Kigord, chronicler, d. 1-201. lEuvres de R. ct de Guillaume le Breton. 2t. [S. de I'H. de F.]. 8". 1882-85 Gesta Philippi Augusti, sec Bouquet (M.) Rcc. des hist, dcs Gaules, tl7. sec DccHES\E (A.) Hist. Fr.^nc. Scr., i5, for Geste. „ GuizoT (F.) erf., Coll. des ra^^ms. : til, A'ie de Philippe- Auguste, par R., 1825. ,, MoNUMENTA Gerji. Hist., Scr., t2(). Eig vedas, .■.yc Vehas. Eiis (Jacob A.) The children of the poor. 8". 1892 How the other half lives. 8». 1891 Kiis Carstensen (A.), sec Carstensen (A. R.) Kijckel (Guillaume, de), ahW de Saint-Trond, sec Ryckel. Kijk (Frans). De doorsleepen vleijer. [P877]. s8". Amsteldam. 1708 Kijn (Rembrandt van), see Re.mbrandt, the painter. Eijndorp (Jacob van). [Ryndorf]. De geschaakte bruid. [//. »'. Asselijn (T.) Melchior]. sS'. Amsterdam. 1G90 Rikart (Carl von). Menes * Cheops identified under different names, etc. 8". 1869 Eiley, see also Retlly, Ryi.ey. Kiley (Henry Thomas) «7., Chronica monast. S. Albani. 7 div. in 12v, [/, 1', VI have iiv each; IV has ov. Rolls Ser., 28. I, i, ii ; U ; HI ; IV, i-iii ; V, i, ii ; VI, i, ii ; VIIJ. Ia8 ". 186.S-7fi 1, Thonifc Walsingham, qnondam monachi S. .\lbani, hist. Anglicanu. 2v. (1,1272-1881. 2, 13S1-1422.I II, Willelmi Kishanger chronica & annales, 1259-1307. III, Johannis de Trokelowe & Henrici de Blaneforde necnon quorundam auonymorum chronica tt aunales, 1259-96 ; 1307-24; 1S92-H0G. IV, Gesta abbatum monast'. S. Albani, a T. Walsingham com- pilata. 8v. (1, 793-1290. 2, 1290-1819. 3, 1319-1411.) V, Annales monast. 8. Albani, a J. Amundesham, ut videtnr, conscripti (1421-40); quibus pnv^figitnr Chronicon rerum gest. in monast. S. Albani (1422-31', a quodam auet. ignoto compilalum. 2v. Riley (Henry Thomas) [continued]. Chronica monast. [continued]. VI, Regislra quorundam abbatum qui skc. lo'-" floruere. 2v. 1, Registrumabbatim J.Whethamstedejiterumsusceptff-, Roberto Blakency qnondam adscrijitnm. 2, Registra J. Whethamstede, Will. Albon, & Will. Wal- ingforde ; cum app., cont. quasdam epist. a J. Whet- hamstede conscriptas. VII, Ypodigma Neustriie, a T. Walsingham conscriptum. Chronicles of the Mayors & Sheriffs of London, 1188-1274, tr. f. the " Liber de antiquis legibus," attr. to A. Fitz-Thedmar— The French chronicle of London, 1259-1343, tr. f . " Croniques de London." With notes etc. 4". 1863 Diet, of Latin quotations, etc. ; w. sel. of Greek. S8". Bohn. 1860 Memorials of London & London life, 13-15"' c. : being exf. f. the early archives of the City, 1276-1419. Sel., tr. etc. by R. laS". 1868 Munimcnta Gildhallas London. : Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum. & Liber Horn, vl-3 in 4, [2, i, ii, pagin. cont. Rolls Ser., 12, i ; ii (pi) ; ii (p2) ; iiij. laS". 1859-62 1, Liber Albus. 2, i, ii. Liber Custnniarum. :;, Transl. of the Anglo-Norman p.issages in Liber Albus, glos- saries, app^., & index. The Liber Horn has never appeared. see *Lii)er Alrus ; White Book of the City, tr. E., 1801. Riley (J. Athelstan L.) Athos ; the mountain of the monks. 8". 1887 Riley (J. Ramsden). York.shire Lodges: a cent, of Yorks. Freemasonry. 4". Leeds. 1885 Riley (Capt. James). Loss of the American brig " Commerce," on the W. coast of Africa, 1815, w. ace. of Tombuctoo, & Wassanah. 4". 1817 Riley (James Whitcomb). Sketches in prose, & occasional verses. s8". Indianapolis. 1891 Rilliet (Albert). Les origines de la Confederation Suisse. 8". Geneve. 1861? Rimay (Janos). Also-sztregovai es rimai R. J. allamiratai es levelezi:-se. Szerkesztette Ipolyi A. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 8". 1887 Rimbaud (J. N. Arthur). Les illuminations. 8''. 188G (Euvres. 2'' ii. s8<>. 189S Rimbault (Edward Francis). Anc. poetical tracts of the 16"' e. [I'erey Soc. 27]. b8". 1842 Old ballads illustrating the great frost of 1683-4. [Percy Soc. 42]. s8". 1844 Soho * its associations ; ed. f. MSS. of E. by G. Clinch. s8». 1895 see Chapel Royal. *01d cheque-book of the C. R., 1872. „ Hoi'KINs (E. J.) The organ ; [»-.] hist, of the organ etc., by R., 1855. Rimbertus, see Resibert, Saint. Rime. Rime d' alcuni illustri autori viventi aggiuntealla Scelfa d' A. Gobbi, p4, i" ed., 1739. 27ns is p.', of iGobbi (A.) cd.. Seelta di sonetti e canzoni ec, 4p, 4» ed., 1739. Rime di diversi antichi autori toscani [1532], sec Giuxta (B. r.i) ed. Rime oneste de' migliori poeti, ed. 4'', 1791, see Mazzoleni (A.) ed. Rimini. Chronicon Ariminense 1188-1385 ne confinuatum ad 1452 [Cronaca Riininese],.S('t'MuRATORi (L.) Rerum Ital. Ser.. tl5. see Yriartk (C.) Un condottiere au lu' s. : E. Lettres & arts a la cour des Malatesta, 1882. Rimini {le haron de). [Griscelli de Vezzani; IGriscelli (.Jacques Francois), icoojz da liimini]. Mems. of R. [Tr.] 8°. 1888 Rimini (Francesca, da) [IMalatesta (Francesca)]. see Barlow (H. C.) F. da R., her lament & vindication, etc.^ 1859; 2-' ed., 1875. „ Yriarte (C.) F. de R., 1883. Rimius (Heinrich). Rise etc. of the Herrnhuters, called Moravians. 8". 1753 Rimmel (Eugene). The book of perfumes. s8». 1865 Recoil.^, of the Paris Exhibition, 1867. s8''. 1868 Rimmer (Alfred). About England with Dickens. 8°. 1883 Ancient stone crosses of Eng- land. 8". 1875 Ancient streets & homesteads of England. Intr. by J. S. Howson. 8°. 1877 The early homes of Prince Albert. 8". E. 1883 Pleasant spots around Oxford. s4». [1878] Rambles around Eton & Harrow. fS". 1.SS2 Rambles round Rugby. Intr?. chap, by W. H. P. Smith. laS". 1892 Summer rambles around Man- chester. 8". M'ter. [1890] RIUMER 1240 RISTORI Bimmer (Bichard). The land ci- fieshwnter shells of the Brit. I'. s8". 1880 Kimnicenu (Naum), see Ereiceaxu (C.) Vieta etc. a Proto- sinKheluIui N. K., 1900. Kin Sifee, see Bin Sifei:, in alpliahet. order as oiu^ tvord. Binaldo, da Montalbano, hero of romance. [Eegnaut de Mont- AUBAN ; Eeisolt von Montei-iBas ; Eenauii de MoKTArnAN" ; ItENAUS DE MoXTAUnAN; ReXOI'T van MoNTALBAEN ; EiNALDO DE Mont'alv.Xo], see Hoffmann v. Falleksleben (A. H.) Hoiie Belg. : 5, *E€nout van Montalbaen, hrsg. v. H. v. F., 1837. Binck, see also Rink. Einck (Wilhelm Friedrich). Die Eeligion d. Hellenen. 2T in Iv. [T,' has 2 Abthlyn., pngin. cont.]. 8". Ziirich. 1855 Bincon (Antonio del), see Del Eincon (A.) Eindfleisch (Georg Heinrich). Feklbiiefe. Hrsg. v. E. Ornold. 2' A. 8". Halle a. S. 1889 *Bing (The) of Gyses, 188G, see Lisle (C. W.) Bing(B.J. J.Maximiliende). Hist.despeuplesopiques. 8". 1859 Eing (Max). Berliner Leben. 8<>. L. 1882 Frauenherzen. 88". St. [1882J John Milton u. s. Zeit : Eomaii. s8". Frankfurt a.M. 1857 *Bingan Gilhaize, 1823, see Galt (John). Bingrose (Basil), gent., see Buccaneers. The hi.st. of the b"., tr. : [p]2. Voyage of Barth. Sharp etc., by E., 3"' ed., 1704. Eingsted. *Kongegravene i. Eingsted Kirke, aabuede etc. ved Kong Frederik VII. 4». 1858 Cent'. : W'ovsaae : Eingsted Kirke som Graveted — Herbst : Beretning cm den Undersijgelse. Bink (Hinrich Johannes). Danish Greenland, its people A- products. Ed. E. Brown. s8". 1877 De danske Handelsdistrikter i Nordgrenland. 2D. [D2 tranting]. 8". 1852-5 In a later ed., IS5~, the t. is: (3rnnland gcographisk og statistisk beskrevet. Tales & traditions of the Eskimo. Tr. by the author. s8". E. 1875 Binne (Carl Friedrich). Innero Gescli. d. Entwickelung d. deutschen National-Litteratur. 2T in Iv. 8". L. 1842-3 Binne (H. A.) Materialismus u. ethisches Bediirfniss in i. Verhiiltuisse ?.. I'sychologie. [1'499]. 8". Braunschweig. 18C8 'Rin Siiee, of Sendai. San Kokf tsou ran to sets; ou aper^u des trois rovaunies. Tr. J. Klaproth. [O.T.F.]. Ia8". Paris. 1832 Plates & maps. 4". 1832 Eintel (Wilhelm). C. F. Zelter. Nach autobiograph. Manu scripten bearb. v. E. s8". 1801 Einuccini (Gio7. Batt.), ofcp- t\ B.'s " Mem', d'un detenu,'" it a notice on him], 1823. Bioust (Mathieu Noel). Joseph II, peint par lui-meme. 2= 6(\. 8: Brux. 1823 Eipa (Matteo). Mems. dur. 13 years at the Court of Peking, w. ace. of foundation of the college for young Chinese at Naples. Sel. A: tr. F. Prandi. s8". 1844 Bipalta (Antonius de). Annales Placentini 1401-1463 et cont. ad 1484, see Mckatohi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., 120. Eipault Desormeaux (Joseph Louis), see Desormeaux (J. L. R.) Biperda (J. W., banm de), see Riiteisda (J. W., duque de). Eipert de Monclar (Ic marq. J. P. F. de), see MoNCL.in. Eipley (George), misc. writer, see Fkothingham (0. B.) G. E., 1883. Eipley (Henry). Hist. & topog>. of Hanipton-onThames. 8". 1885 Eipley (Eoswell Sabine). The war with Mexico. 2v. ^8". 1850 Eipley (William Z ) The races of Europe. [IFitt] bibliog>. of the anthropology & ethnology of Europe. 8". 1900 Eipon. Acts of Chapter of the Collegiate Church of SS. Peter * Wilfrid, Ripon, 1452-1506. [Ed. J. T. Foirler. Surtees Soc, 64J. 8°. 1875 Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter & Wilfrid, Ripon. [Ed. J. T. Fowler]. 3v. [Surtees Soc, 74, 78, 81]. 8". Durham. 1882-8 Eipon (Frederick John Eobinson, /■' earl of), riscount Goderich. Speech, 21 Feb., on the financial situation. [P474]. 8'. 1823 Eipon (George F. S. Eobinson, l" marq. of), sec British India Committee : Publ. meeting in sujjport of E.'s policy, 1883. Eipper (William). Steam-engine : theory * practice. s8". 1899 Eipperda (Jan Willem, diiqite de), /6SO-1737. [Baron de R. ; EipehdaI. *Mcms. of the Duke of R., 1715-36, etc. Annexed, app. on the balance of Europe, etc. 2"'' ed. 8'. 1740 see Moore (G.) Lives of R. etc., 3"' ed., 1814 ; n. ed., 1819. „ Swetox (G.) Le baron de E., 1896. *Eiquet of the Tuft, 1880, sec Brooke (Stopford A.) Biquet (Victor A. C), due de Caraman, see Ciraman (V. .\. C, due he). Biquetti (Honore Gabriel), cte. dc Mirabeav, 1749-91, see MiRADEAU. Biquetti (Victor), marq. dc Mirabeau, 17IJ-S9, see Miraeeau. Bisbeck (Johann Caspar). Travels through Germany, sec PrxKERTON (J.) Voyages, v6. Eisbrooke (William <>/), see Ruhrcqcis (G. de). Eisco (Manuel). H. Florez, vindicado del vindicador de la Cantabria, Hipolyto de Ozseta y Gallaiztegui. s4''. 1779 see *Espana s.\grada [by R. d others], 1754-1879. Eisdon (Tristram). Cliorogiaph. descr. of Devon. 8". 1811 Else. *0n the r., progress, etc., of public opinion, 1828, see MACKINNON (W. A.) *Ri.se (The) & progi'ess of Sir Timothy Buncombe, 1886, see Wilson (A. J.) Eisell (Johan), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 16, E., 1873. Bishanger (William) [fEisH-iNoER (Gulielmcs)]. sec Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0.) cd., The chron. of W. de E.. etc., [Camden Soc, 15], 1840. „ MoNCMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t28. „ Eiley (H. T.) ed.. Chronica monast. S. Albani : II, W. E. chronica ct annales, (1259-1307), [Eolls Ser., II], 1863-76. Bishton (Edward) [tRisuTONUs (Edvardus)], see Sanders (N.) Eise of the Anglican schism, w. cont. by E., tr., 1877. *Eising (The) o£ 1745, [Scottish hist. f. contemp. writers, 3], 1900, sec Terry (C. S.) *Eisings (The) on the North-W'est Frontier, 1897/8. From the •'Pioneer." 8°. Allahabad. 1898 Bisk Allah (Habeeh), see Habeeb Risk Allah. Bisley (Herbert Hope). The tribes & castes in Bengal : Anthiopometric data. 2v. 8". Calcutta. 1891 Etlinographic glossarv. 2v. 8". Calcutta. 1891-2 Eisley (John Shuckburgh). The Law of War. 8". 1897 Eisley (E. V.) The sentimental vikings. s8". 1897 Eispart (Eugen)p.s., see Fr.^ncolm (J. A.) Bist (Johann). Dichtungen. Hrsg. v. K. Godeke u. E. Gotze. sS". L. 1885 Eistelhuber (Paul). Faust dans I'hist. * dans la legende. 8°. 1863 Bistort (Adelaida), aft. Marchesa Capranica del Grillo. Ricordi e studi artistiei. " 8". Torino. 1877 Studies it mems. sS"". 1888 RITA 1241 RITTEE *Rita, an autob-'., 1858, see Ai'r>K (C. Hamilton). Eita, ^)s. [i.e. Mrs. Eliza M. J. von Booth, nft. Mrs. W. Desmond HUJII'HKEVS]. The Laird o' Cockpen. Sv. s8". 1891 Like Dian's kiss. 8v. s8'>. 1878 Master Wilberforce. s8\ 1895 My Lady Coquette. Sv. s8". 1881 The mystery of a Turkish Bath. b8". 1888 An old rogue's tragedy. s8". 1899 Peg, the rake. 3v. [v2, S'-'l ed.]. s8^ 1894-5 „ „ ... 3v. 4"' ed. s8". 1895 Petticoat Loose. 88". 1898 Sheba. Sv. s8". 1889 l^^or srqiielj sec h. Countess Pharamond, above. A sinless secret. Sv. s8". 1881 The sinner. s8». 1897 Two bad blue eyes. Sv. s8". 1884 Vanity ! 2'"' imp. s8". 1901 Vignettes : stories. 88". 1896 A woman in it. s8". 1895 After long grief & pain. Sv. s8». 1883 Brought together ; a vol. of stories. s8". [1892] Countess Daphne. b8". n.d. The Countess Pluiramond ; seq. to Sheba. 3v. s8". 189S Dame Durden. Sv. sS". 1883 ,, ,, s8'>. n.d. Darby & Joan. Sv. s8'>. [1888] The ending of my day. Sv. sS". 1894 Faustine. 3v. sS". 1882 Fragoletta. 3v. sS". 1881 „ „ s8o. n.d. A gender in satin. s8". 1895 Gretchen. Sv. sS". 1887 A husband of no importance. s8". 1894 Joan & Mrs. Carr. 68'. 1896 Kitty the rag. 88". 1896 The t. "Works" Jiiis been neglected^ rO eaeii vol. cat', under the sep. work ■wh. it contains. Bluebeard's keys & o. stories. s8<'. 1876 A book of Sibyls : Mrs. Barbauld — Miss Edgeworth — Mrs. Opie —Miss Austen. s8". 18&S Chapters from some mems. s8". 1894 •Five old friends ; &, A young prince. Miss Williamson's divagations. 8". 1881 Mrs. Dymond. s8o. 1885 Old Kensington. 8". 1873 , 2"J ed. 8". 1873 „ «"' ed. 8". 187S Records of Tennyson, Ruskin, Browning. sS". 1892 •The story of Elizabeth. sH". 1863 The story of Elizabeth— Two hours— From an island. s8". 1893 To Esther, & o. sketches. S8". 1869 Toilers & spinsters, & o. essays. 88". 1874 *The village on the cliff. 8". 1867 „ „ 2"" ed. 8". 1867 Lord Amherst & the advance to Burma. s8". 0. 1894 Eitchie (Thomas Edward). Life tt writings of D. Hume. 8". 1807 Ritchie (William), F.R.S. Principles of differential & integral calculus. ^ s8". 183G Eitner (Joseph), gov. of Pennsylvania. Vindication of Wash- ington from adherence to secret societies ; with letter to D. Webster & his reply. [P606]. 8". Boston. 1841 ... 8". 88". E. Mme. de Sevigne. Miss Angel. s8" „ „ 2"'! ed. 88", & E. Evans. 1868 1890 1881 1875 1875 Eitchie, sec also MacRitchie, Eicci. Ritchie (Mrs. Anne Isabella), sec Ritchie (Mrs. Richmond). Eitchie (Mrs. Anne Thackeray), see Ritchie (Mrs. Richmond). Ritchie (David George). Darwin A- Hegel, w. o. philosoph. studies. 8". 1893 Darwinism & politics. s8". 1889 Natural rights. 8". 1895 The principles of state interference : four essavs on the polit. philosophy of H. Spencer, J. S. Mill,* T. H.Green. sS". 1891 Eitchie (I. K.) In love * honour. s8". 1888 Eitchie (James Ewing) [ps. Chuistopueii Ce.wos]. 1869 The night side of Loudon. n. ed. s8". On slavery & cheap sugar. [P115]. 8". [1644] On the track of the Pilgrim Fathers ; holidays in Holland. s8". 1876 The religious life of London. 8". 1870 To Canada with emigrants. sS". 1885 About London. s8". 1860 An Australian ramble. sS". 1890 British senators : polit. sketches. s8". 1869 Cruise of the Elena; in the Hebrides. s8". 1877 East Anglia : personal recoils. & hist, associations, 88 '. 188S Famous City men. 8 '. 1884 Life (t times of W. E. Gladstone. 6y. 4". [1882] Modern statesmen : sketches f . ', the Strangers' Gallery. j 68". 1861 Eitchie (John), a. of " The Royal Highland liome." Life of Samson, dramatised. s8". [1870] Eitchie (John), D.D. The crucifixion : poem. s8". 1852 Eitchie (leitch). The Brit. World in the East. 2v. »: 1847 The romance of history : France. 3v. 2'"' ed. s8". 1831 Schinderhannes. s8<'. 1833 Eitchie (Mrs. Eichmond Thackeray) [tTHACKERAv (Anne Isa- bella), aft. liitcliie]. Ritschel (Friedrich Wilhelm), see Ritschl (F. W.) Ritschelius (F.), see Ritschl (F. W.) Ritschel von Hartenbach (3.), see Ritschl von Habienbach (J.) Ritschl, see also Rietschel. Ritschl (Albrecht). Die christl. Lehre v. d. Rechtfertigung u. Veraohnung. 3B. 8". Bonn. 1870-4 The Xtn. doctrine of justification & reconciliation : The positive development of the doctrine. Tr., ed. H. R. Mackintosh & A. B. Macaulay. IThis is a tr. of B3 of the orig. work.] 8". E. 1900 Die Entstehung d. altkathol. Kirche. 8". Bonn. 1850 2' A. 8". Bonn. 1857 Das Evangelium Marcions u. d. kanon. Evangelium d. Lucas. 8". Tiibingen. 1840 Gesch. d. Pietismus. 3B. 8". Bonn. 1880-C Bl, iu d. reformirten Kirche. B2, S, in d. hither. Kirche d. 17. u. 18. Jhdts. sec Gaiivie (A. E.) The Ritschlian theology, 1899. „ Orr (J.) The Ritschlian theology c4- the evangel, faith, 1897. Ritschl (Friedrich Wilhelm) [Ritschel; Ritschelius]. Opus- cula philologica (Kleine philolog. Schriften). 5v. [Tafeln zu B4. fol.] 8". L. 18G6-79 1, ad litt.Grwc. 2, ad Plautuni,et gramm. Lat. 3,adhtt.Lat. 4, ad epigraphicam et gramm. Lat. spectantia. 5, varia. Parerga zu Plautus u.Terenz. Bl, [jio 7nore jfubl.]. 8". L. 1845 *Symbola philologorum Bonnensium in honorem ¥. R'. coUecta. Ia8». L. 1864/7 sec Bbeslau, University of. Index scholarum, 1838 ; prsem. est F. R'. Spicilegium epigraph. I., 1838. Ritschl (Otto). Cyprian v. Kaithago u. d. Verfassung d. Kirche. 8". Gottingen. 1885 Nietzsches Welt- u. Lebensanschauung in i. Entstehung u. Entwieklung. 2" A. s8-. Freiburg i.B. 1899 Ritschl von Hartenbach (J.) [IRitschel von Hartenbach (J.)] Neues System geograph. Charten etc. herzustellen. [P160]. 8". L. 1840 Ritson (Joseph) ed., Ancient Engleish metrical romances. 3v. s8". 1802 Ancient songs & ballads, f. Henry II to the Revol. ■6"' ed., rev. by W. C. Hazlitt. s8'\ 1877 *Bibliogi-aphia poetica : a cat. of Engleish poets, 12-10"" C, w. ace. of their works. s8". 1802 Essay on abstinence f. animal food as a moral duty. 8". 1802 Fairy tales, legends A- romances illust. Shakespeare * o. early writers. Pref''., 2 diss'. : 1, on pigmies ; 2, on fairies. s8''. 1875 " Two books are here amalgamated. . . . Eitson's Fairy tales, 18S1, [&] Halliwell's Illust*. of the faiiy mythology of Mid- summer-Night's Dream, 1845." Fairy tales, now first coll. Pref''., two diss".: 1, On pygmies; 2, On fairies. s8". 1831 Letters. Mem. by Sir H. Nicolas. [Ed. J.Frank]. 2v. s8". 1833 The Ufa of King Arthur. s8". 1825 Mems. of the Celts or Gauls. s8". 1827 Northern Garlands : the Bishopric Garland or Durham Minstrel— the Yorkshire Garland— the Northumberland Gar- land or Newcastle Nightingale — The North-Country Chorister. Ed. R., [1784-93]. s8". 1810 8". E. 1887 *Obs. on the 3 first vol', of the Hist, of Eng. Poetry [by T. Warton]. 4". 1782 Pieces of anc. popular poetry. s8". 1791 *Remarks, critical d- illustrative, on text ct notes of last [Steevens's] ed. of Sbakspeare. 8". 1783 ''Robin Hood : a coU. of all poems, etc. relating to [H.] ; pref., hist, anecd. of h. hfe. 2v. s8". 1795 Scotish songs. 2v. 88°. 1794 A select coll. of Eng. songs, w. their orig. airs, & hist, essay. 2-' ed., w. addit. songs & notes, by T. Park. 3v. s8". 1813 see Haslewood (J.) Life . Hamburg. 1836-53 Tl-4 have ?"■' t. : Gesch. tl. Philos. alter Zeit. 4T. 2' A. T5-i2 have S'"' tp. : Gesch. d. chri&tlichen Philos. 8T. T9-li! have also a 3"' tp. : Gesch. d. iieuem Philos. 4T. Hist, of anc. philosophy. Tr. A. J. W. Morrison. 4v. 8". [1-3, 0.]. 1888-46 Dber Lessing'.s philosoph. u. religiose Grundsiitze. [PolO]. 8'>. Gottingen. 1847 Unsterhlichkeit. s8°. L. 1816 —^ & L. Preller. Hist, philosophise graeco-rom. ex fontium locis contexta. 8". Hamburgi. 1838 ,, „ ed. 7", quam eur. F. Schultess & E. Wellmann. 8«. Gothse. 1888 Kitter (Carl), geographer. AUgemeine Erdkunde : Yorlesgn. Hrsg. V. H. A. Daniel. 8". 1862 EinBlickind. Nil-Quellland. [P141]. 8o. 1844 Einltg. s. allg. vergleiehenden Geographie. &'. 1852 Die Erdkunde im Yerhiiltuiss z. Natur u. z. Gesch. d. Menschen ; Oder, allg. vergleiehende Geographie. Tl-19, [no more inM.'], in 21v, [15, i, ii ; 17, i, ii ; 15, ii ivaiiting]. 2' A. 8". 1822-59 The tp. of TIG has the words Abthlg. 7, as ij it also consisted of more than the one part ; but it does 7iot, a note in Heinsius [2S5:?-6) saying that Abthlg. 1 " ist zii streichen." Tl conts. Buch 1, Afrika. T2-6 cont. Buch 2, [Ost-]Asien. IB in 5, [4, i, ii. The qualifi- cation " Ost-" appears only on T6]. T7-19 cont. Buch 8, West-Asien. T2-19 have :!'••' tp. : Die Erdkunde von Asien. Bl-8, in 20, the very involved numbering being asfoUojvs : Band 1, 2, 3 ; 4, Abthlg. i, ii ; 5, Abthlg. i, ii ; 6, Abthlg. i, ii : 7, Abthlg, i, ii ; 8, Abthlg. i ; 8, Abthlg. i, Fortsetziing ; 8, Abthlg. ii, Absebnitt 1 ; 8, Abthlg. ii, Absclmitt 2, Abthlg. i ; 8, Abthlg. ii, Absebnitt 2, Abthlg. ii ; 8, Abthlg. ii, Absebnitt 2, Abthlg. ii, Fortset^ung ; 8, Abthlg. ii, Absebnitt 3 ; 8, Abthlg. ii, Absebnitt 3, Sclduss ; 9, Theil i ; 9, Theil ii. T14-17 have 3''' tp. : Vergleiehende Erdkunde d. Sinai-Halb- insel, von Paliistina n. Syrian. 4B in 6, [2, i, ii ; 4, i, ii. The indication " Abthlg. 1 " on B3 " ist zu streichen "]. T18, 19 have 3"' tp. : Vergleiehende Erd.kunde d. Halbinsel- landes Kleiu-Asien. Tl, 2. „ Namen- u. Sach-Verzeichniss zu E.'s Erdkunde t. Asien. 2B. 8". 1841-'.) 1, V. J. L. Ideler ; Ost-Asien (zu B2-C d. ganzen Werkes\ 2, V. G.F.H.MiiUer; West-Asiea (zu B7-11 d. ganzen Werkes). By Band 2-6, 7-1 1 the parts called on their ou-n tp'. Theil 2-11 are meant. Europa : Vorlesgn. an d. Univ. zu Berlin. Hrsg. v. H. A. Daniel. 8". 1863 Geograph. -statist. Lexikon. 4' A., v. W. Hotfmann. C. Winder- lich. C. Cramer. Ia8». L. 1855 „ 2B. 8' A., unter Red. V. J. Penzler. 2B. laS". L. 1895 Gesch. d. Erdkunde u. d. Entdeckungen. Hrsg. v. H. A. Daniel. 8". 1861 Die Vorhalle europa. Volkergeschiehten vor Herodotus um d. Kaukasus u. an d. Gestaden d. Pontus. 8". 1820 Translations. Colonization of N. Zealand. Tr. [P131]. s8'>. 1842 Comp. geography of Palestine & the Sinaitic Peninsula ; tr. etc. W. L. Gage. [From " Die Erdkunde "]. 4v. Ia8". E. 1866 Ebferexceg. see Gage (W. L.) Life of 15., 1867. „ KiEPEKT (H.) .\tlas V. Hellas, unter Jlitwirkung v. R. bearb. v. K., 1846. „ Kkajiep. (G.) C. E., 2' A., 1875. Eitter (Constantin). Untersuchungen ii. Plato : Echtheit u. Chronologic d. platon. Schriften. Anhang, Gedankengang etc. v. Platos Theiitet. [P4S1]. sS". St. 1888 Eitter (Eugene), of Geneva. La faniille et la jeunesse de Rousseau. " s8". 1896 Eitter (Frederic Louis). Hist, of music. 88". 1876 Music in Eng., & music in America. 2v. sS". 1884 Eitter (Heinrich), Frof. d. Philosophie in Guttingen, sec RiTTER (A. Heinrich), lyo l-ISfi'J. Eitter (Joseph Ignaz). Hdbch. d. Kirchengesch. 2B. 4' A. £". Bonn. 1851 Eitter (Moriz). Deutsche Gesch. im Zeitalter d. Gegen- reformation u. d. 30jiihrg. Krieges, 1555-1648. Bl, 2, (1555- 1618) linprog.'] Ia8". St. 1889-95 Sachsen u. d. .Jiilicher Erbfolgestreit, 1483-1610. 4". Miinchen. 1873 see *Briefe u. Acten z. Gesch. d. SOjiihr. Krieges, Bl-3, v. B., (1, Griindung d. Union; 2, Die Union u. Heinr. IV; .S, Der .Tiilicher Erbfolgekrieg], 1870-7. Eitter von Bittershain ((Jottfried) [IRitter von Eittershaim (G.)] Geistesleben : d geistige Thiitigkeitetc. 8". Wien. 1871 Der medicin. Wunderglauhe u. d. Incubation im Altherthume. Ia8'. 1878 Bittiez (F.) Hist, du rfegne de Louis-Philippe, 1830-48 : suite a I'Hist. de la Eestauration. 3t [t3 U'aniing']. 8". 1855-8 Eitual. Doctrine of Holy Communion & its expression in r. : report of conference at Fulham Palace, 1900, see Fulham. *Eitual (.\) & illustrations of Freemasonry, etc., 1870, see Freemasonry. *Eitual (The) of the Altar etc., 1870; 2"'' ed., 1878, see Prayer-book. *Eituale Ecclesia; Dunelmensis, 1841, see Derham. *Eitualism in the Establishment. By Presbyter Anglicanus. [P700]. %^. Ramsgate. 1866 Eivadeneyra (Manuel). Biblioteca de autores espafioles, desde la formacion del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias. 71t. Ia8". 1846-80 Indices gene r ale s ; p. I. Bosell y Torres. Precede una biograf la del editor, escr.por su hijo. -ISSO. [71.] Alarcon. Comedias. [20.] Autos saeramentales, hasta fines del s. xvii. [58.] Bibliograficas (Cm-iosidades). [36.] Caballerias (Libros de). [40.] Calderon. Comedias, 4t. [7, 9, 12, 14.] Castellanos (.J. de). Elegias de varones ilustres de Indias. [4.] Castilla, Cronicas de los reyes de C, desde Alf. el Sabio hasta Fern, y Isabel, 3t. [66, 68, 70] see below Cronicas. Castro (A. de) ed., etc. ; Curiosidades bibliograficas ; col. de obras raras, con apuntes biograf. de los autores. [36.] Cervantes. Obras. [1.] Conquista (La gran) de ultramar. [45.] Cronicas de los reves de Castilla desde Alt. el Sabio hasta Fern, y Isabel, 3t". [66, 68, 70.] Alfonso X. [1.] Alfonso XI. [1.] Diego de Valera (M.) Memorial. [3.] Enrique II. [2.] Enrique III. [2.J Enrique IV. [3. J Fernando IV. [1.] Fernando y Isabel. [3.] Hist, de los reyes cato'licos. [3.] Juan I. [2.] Juan IL [1.] Pedro I. [1.] Sancho el Bravo. [1.] Curiosidades bibliograficas ; col. de obras raras, con apuntes biograf. de los autores, por A. de Castro. [36.] Consejo i El) y eonsejeros del prineipe de Furio Ceriol. DiiClogo entre Caronte y el ^nima de Pedro Luis Famesio. Ditilogos de apacible entretenimiento. Discurso de la presa que hizo el armada 1614 por Agnstin de Horozco. Diseursos de la viuda de 24 maridos. Florando de Castilla por Hieronimo de Giierta. Invectiva contra el vulgo. La Sal iJuan de) Cartas. Mendoza (Diego dei Carta. Pia junta en el Escurial. Plauto. Anfitrion. Problemas de Villalobos. Tebaida (La). Vision delectable de la filosof la. Zuniga i^Franeesillo dej Crunica. Dramaticos contemporaneos de Aguilar iGaspar de). [1.] Avila (Gaspar de). [1.] Belmonte Bermudez (Luis de). Boil de Canesma (Carlos). [1.] Castillo Solorzano (Alonso del). [2.] Castro (Guillera de). [1.] Claranionte ' Andres de). [1.] Coello (Antonio). [2.] Godinez (Fehpe). [2.] Grajales (.luan). [1.] Herrera (Jacinto de). [2.] Herrera (Rodrigo de). [2.] Lope de Vega, 2t. [43, 44.] Hurtadode Mendoza (Ant.). [2.] La Cerda (Mexi'a de). [1.] Mira de Mescua (Ant.) [2.] Perez de Montalvan (Juan). [2.] Salas Barbadillo (Alonso Jero- nimo de). [2.] Salustrio del Povo (Damian). [1-] Sanchez (Miguel). [1.] Tjtrrega, Can^mico. [1.] Turia (Ricardo del). [1.] Velez de Gnevara (Luis I. [2.] Villaizan (Jerdnimo de). [2.] Ximenez de Enciso (Diego). [2.] RIVADENEYRA 1-243 RIVADENEYRA Eivadeneyra (Manuel) [contintied]. Biblioteca de autores espafioles [continliecl]. Dramaticos posteriores il Lope de Vega, '2t. [47, 49._ Avcllaneda (Francisco de). [1.] Bonces Cuudamo (Francisco). [2.] Cauizares (Jose de). [2.] Caro(Ana). [2.] Cespedes (Valentin de). [2.] Cubillo de Aragon f Alvaro). [1.] Cuellar (Jertiuinio de). [1.] [ Diamante (Juan Bautista). [2.] Fernandez de Leon (Melchor). f2.] Figueroa y Cdrdoba (Diego de). 11-] Figueroa y Cu'rdoba (Jose de). Gomez (Antonio Enriquez). [1.] lues de la Cruz (Juana). [2.] La Hoz y Mota (Juan de). [2.1 Leiva Bamirez de Arellano (Francisco de). [l.j Martinez (Antonio). [1.] Malos Fragoso (Juan de). [1.] Monroy y Silva (Cristobal de). [2-] Monteser (Francisco de). [2.] Salazar y Torres (Agustin de). [2-] Soil's (Antonio de). [1.] i Velez (Juan). [l.J Villaviciosa (Sebastian de). [1.] Zamora (Antonio de). [2.] Zarate (Fernando de). [1.] Perez de Oliva (Fernan). Sabuco de Nantes Barrcra (Oliva). Seneca (Lucio Anneo). Setanti (Joaquin). Tostado (Alonso). Vivos (Juan Luis). de). Obras ; y escritos [1-] Epistolario esp., 2t. [13, (i2.] Escritores del siglo xvi, 2t. [27, 37.] 87, Fray Luis de Leon. 27, San Juan de La Cruz — P. Malon de Chaide— Fernando de Zarate. Escritores en prosa anteriores al s. xv. [51.] Calila e Dynina. ! Manuel (Juan). Obras. Libro de los enxemplos. | Sancho lit'ij. Castigos e Docu- Libro de los gatos. i mentos. Lima auiipapa. Libro de las consolaciones. I Feijoo y Montenegro (B. G.) [56.] Fernandez do Navarrete (Pedro). Obras. [25.] Filosofo.s ^Obras escog. de) ; con. disc, prelim, del s. A. de Castro. [05.] Abril (Pedro Simon). Albornoz (Bartolome de). Cano (Melclior). Grecian iBaltasar). Guevara Antonio de>. Huarte de San Juan (Juan). Las Casas (Bartolome de). Lulio (Raimundo). Floridablanca (J. Mofiino, conde referentes a su persona. [59.] Gran conquista (La) de ultramar. [45.] Historiadores de sucesos particulares, 2t. [21, 28.] Avila y Zuniga (Luis de). Guerra de Alemania, 1546-47. Caloma Carlos). Guerras de los Estados-Bajos. [2.] Illescas (Gonzalode). Jornada de Carlos V a Tuuez. [1.] Manuel de Melo (Francisco). Guerra de Cataluiia en tiempo de Felipe IV. [1.] Marmol Carvajal (Luis del). Hist, de los moriscos de Grsvnada. Mejia (Pero). Comunidades de Castilla. [1.] Mendoza (Bernardino de). Guerraa de los Paises-Bajos, 15C7- 1377. ['2.] Mendoza Diego de). Guerra de Grauada. [1.] Moncada i Juan de). Expedicion contra Turcos. fl. | Soli's y Ribadeneyra (Ant. de). Conquista de Mejico. [2.J Historiadores primitives de Indias, 2t. [22, 26.] Albarado (Pedro de). Relacion hecha a H. Cortes. [1.] Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Crdnicadel Peru. [2.] Cortes (Fernando). Cartas. [1.] Diaz del Castillo (Bernal). Conquista de Nueva-Espana. [2.J Godoy (Diego). Relacion hecha u H. Cortes. [1.] Hernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo). Hist, do las Indias. Jerez (Francisco del. Conquista del Peni. [2.1 Lopez de Gdmnra (Francisco). Hist, de las Indias. [1.] Nunez Cabeza de Vaca (Alvar). Naufragios. [1.] Zarate (Agustin de). Conquista del Peru. [2.] Isla (J. F. de). Obras escog., 1850. [15.] JoveUanos (G. M. de). Obras, 2t. [4G, 50.] Juan de La Cruz (San). [27.] Leon (Fray Luis de). [37.] Lihros de caballerias ; eon disc, y catdlogo razonado por I', de Gayangos. [40.] Luis, de Granada, Obras, etc., 3t. [6, 8, 11.] Malon de Chaide (Pedro). [27.] Mariana (Juan de). Obras, 2t. [30, 31.] Molina (Tirso de) ps. [i.e. Gabriel Tellez]. Comedias escog. [5.] Eivadeneyra (Manuel) [continued]. Biblioteca de autores espafioles [continued], Moratin (L. F. de). Obras. [2.] Moratin (N. F. de). [2.] Moreto (A.) Comedias escog. [30.] Novelistas anteriores a Cervantes. [3.] Abencerraje y la Hermosa Jarifa, por Antonio de Villegas. Amores (Los) de Clario y Florisea y Trabajos de Isea por Alunso Nunez de Reinoso. Aragones (Juan). Doce cuentos. Celestina (La) por Fernando de Rojas. Ouzmiin de AUaracbe por Mateo Aleman. Lazarillo de Tormes por Diego Hurtado de Mendoza [&] H Luna. Patranuelo (El) de Juan de Timoneda. Perez de Hita (Gines). Guerras civiles de Granada. Selva de Aventuras por Jernnimo de Contreras. Hobremesa (El) y Alivio de Caminantes dc Juan de Timoneda. Novelistas posteriores a Cervantes, 2t. [18, 33.] AlcaliC f Jeri^nimo de). El donado bablador Alonso. [1.] Ardiz de la Porreza y Astucias de Vireiio por Andres de Prado. [20 Caballero (El) invisible. ['2.] Castigo (El de la miseria per Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor. [^.] Cespedes y Meneses (Gonzalo de). El espafiol Gerardo etc. [l.J Curioso y Sabio Alejandro, por Alonso Jenmimode Salas Barba- diUo. ['2.] Dia y noche de Madrid por Francisco Santos. [2.] Diablo (El) cojuelo por Luis Velez de Guevara. [2.] Disfrazado (El) por Alonso del Castillo Solorzano. [2.] Eduardo rey de Inglaterra, por Diego de Agreda y Vargas. [2,1 Espinel (Vicente). Vida del escudero Marcos de Obregon. [l.J Fernandez de Avellaneda (Alonso). Don Quijote de la Mancba. 5' ' parte. [1.] Fuerza (La) del amor, por Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor. [2.] Gavduna (J-a) de Sevilla por Alonso de Castillo Solorzano. [2.] Gonzalez (Estebanillo). Vida. [2.J Hermano (El) indiscreto, por Diego de Agreda y Vargas. [2.] Inclinacion (La) espauola por Alonso del Castillo Solorzano. [2.] Juez (Ell de su causa, por Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor. [2.] Moliiio (Tirso de). Los tres maridos burladoa. [1.] Muerte (La) del Avariento y Guzman de Juan de Dios, por Andres del Castillo. [2.] Nadie Crea de Ligeroj por Baltasar Mateo Velazquez. [2.] No hay desdicbaque no acabe. [2.] Picara (La) justina por Francisco Lopez do Ubeda. [2.] Sucesos y prodigios de amor por Juan Perez de Montalvan. [2.] Tarde Ilega el descngauo, por Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor. [2.] Tres (Los) hermanos por Francisco Navarrete y Ribera. [2.] Vengada (La) a su pesar, por Andres de Prado. [2.] Vida de Gregorio Guadana, por Antonio Enriquez Gomez. [2.] Virtud al uso y mistica a la moda por Fiilgencio Afan de Ribera. [2.] Obras escog. de filosofos. [65.] see Filosofos above. Poemas epicos, 2t, 1851-4. [17, 2'J.] Agresion Britiinica por Juan Maria Maun. [2.] Araucana (La) por A. de Ercilla y Zuniga. [1.] Arauco domado por Pedro de Ona. [2.] Austriada (La) de Juan Rufo. [2.] Bernardo (El) del Bernardo de Valbuena. [1.] Crcacion del mundo por A. de Acevedo. [2.j Cristiada (La del Diego de Hojeda. [1.] Deucalion (El) de A. Verdugo de Castilla. [2.] Endimion de Marcelo Diaz Callecerrada. [2.] Fiibula del genii por Pedro Espiuosa. [2,] Inocencia perdida por A. Lista y Aragon. [2.] luocencia perdida por Felix Jose Reinoso. [2.] Monserrate del Cristi^bal de Virnes. [1.] Mosquea La por Jose de Villaviciosa. [1.] Napoles recuperada por Francisco de Borja. [2.] Naves de Cortes destruidas por N. Fernandez de Moratin. [2.] Naves de Corte's destruidas por J. Mana Vaca de Guzman. [2.] Vida del Patriarca San Josef por Jose de Valdivielso. [2.] Poetas castellanos anteriores al s. xv. [57.] Alexandre, El libro de. Alfonso, rey. Poema. Appollonio, Libre de. Berceo (Gonzalo de). Poesfas. Cid. Cantares del Cid Cam- peador. Danza de la muerte. Gonzalez (Fernan). Leyendas. Ildefonso Vida de San I. Lopez de Ayala (Pero). Rimado de Palacio (El libro de Palagio). Maria Egipciaqua {Santa). Vida. Poema de Jose. Revelacion de un Ermitano. Reyes de Oriente, Libro do los. Ruiz (Juan). [Arcij^reste de Hita.] Cantares. Sem Tob [Ttahhi). Proverbios morales. Tractado de la doctrlna. RIVADENEYRA 1244 ROAMER Bivadeneyra (Manuel) [contbiiied]. Biblioteca de autores espafloles [continued]. Poetas liricos de los siglos xvi y xvii, '2t. [32, 42.] Medrauo (Francisco de). [1.] Mirademeecua (Antonio). [2.] Moreno (Miguel). [2.] Nieto }• Molina (Francisco). [2.] Paclieco (Francisco). [1.] Perez de Herrera (Cristijbal). [2.] Quiros (Pedro de). [1.] Rebolledo (Bernardino de). [2.] Rioja (Francisc* de). [!•] Rufo (Juan). [2.1 Salazar y Torres (Agustin de). [2.] Salinas (.Tuan de). [1, 2.] Setanti (.Joaquin). [2.] Soli's y Rivadeneyra (Antonio de). [2.] Trillo y Figueroa (Francisco de). Valenzuela (Fernando de). [2.J Varros (Alonso de). [2.] Villaraediana (Juan de Tassis, condc de). [2.] Alcrizar (Baltasar del). [1, 2.] Arguijo (Juan de). [1.] Cairasco de Figueroa (Barto- lome). [2.] Cancer y Velasco (Jerunimo de). (2.] Carlos (Don) de Austria. [2.] Castillejo (Cristubal de). [1.] Cespedes (Pablo de). [1.] Cetina (Gutierre de). [1.] Espinosa (Pedro de). [2.] Felipe IV. |2.] Garcilaso de la Vega. [1.] Gomez l Antonio Euriquezi. [2.] Gungora y Argote (Luisde). [1.] Herrera (Fernando de). [!•] Hurtado de Mendoza (Diego). [1.] Jacinto Polo de Medina (Salva- dor). [2.] •Jiiuregui (.Tuan de). [2.] Leonardo de Argensola (Barto- lome). [2.] Leonardo de Argensola (Luper- cio). [2.] Poetas liricos del s. xviii, 3t. Ahuraada ('r»i7He de". [3.] Alonso (Jose Vicente). [S.] Alvarez de Cienfuegos (Nicasio). [3.] Alvarez de Toledo (Gabriel). [1.] Arjona (Manuel Maria de). [2. J Arriaza y Superviela (.Juan Bautista). [3.] Barbero (Francisco Sanchez^ [2.] Bejar (J)H(jr»f' de\ [3.] Beua (Cristobal de). [3.] Blanco y Crespo (JosS Marfa). [8.] Burgos (Javier de). [3.J Cadalso (Jose). [1.] Caiiizares (.Jose de). [3.] Ferreras (Juan de). [3.] Forner (Juan Pablo). [2.] Gallardo (Bartolome Jose). [S.] Gallego (.Juan Nicasio). [3.] Garcia de la Huerta (Vicente). Gonzalez (Diego). [1.] Gonzalez Carvajal ^Tomas Jose). [3.] Hidalgo (Felix Maria). [3.] Here (Maria de). [3.] Iglesias de la Casa (Jose). [1.] Interian de Ayala (Juan). [3.] Iriarte (Juan de). [3.] Iriarte (Tomas de). [2.] Jerica (Pablo de'. [3.] Jaao de la Concepcion (fray). [3.] La Calle (Teodoro de). [3.] La Cruz I Ramon de). [3.] Lista (Alberto). [3,] Lobo (Eugenie Gerardo) [1.] Lopez de Ayala (Ignacio). [3.J Luzan (Ignacio de). [1.] Quevedo : Obras, 3t. [23, 48, 69.] Quiutana (M. J.) Obras. [19.] Ribadeneiia (Pedro de). Obras escog. [OO.t Eojas Zorrilla (F. de). Comedias escog. [54.] Eomancero general, 2t. [10, 16.] Eomancero y cancionero sagrados. [35.] Saavedra Fajardo (D. de). Obras. [25.] Teresa (S.) Escritos, 2t. [53, 55.] Toreno {el conde de). Hist, del levamiento, guerra y revol. de Espafia. [64.] Vega (Lope de). Col. escog. de obras no dramaticas de L. [38.] Comedias escog., 4t. [24, 34, 41, 52.] Zarate (Fernando de). [27.] Eivadeneyra (Pedro de), see Ribadeneiba (P. de). Hivail (H. L. D.) [ps. All.vx K.\rdec], sec Kakdec {A.) jys. [61, 63, 67.] I Marchena (Jose). [3.] Ma'rcos (Pedro Antonio). [3.] 1 Maury (Juan Maria). [3.] Montiano y Luyando (Agustin ' de). [3.] ^ Musso y \aliente (.Jose). [3.] ' Noroiia {conde de). [2.] : Olavide (Pablo de). [3.] Paula Castro (Francisco de). [3.] Paula Nunez y Diaz (Francisco i de). [3.1 Perez de Camino (Manuel Nor- I berto). [3.] Perez de la Morena (.Jerouimo). ! [8-] Pitillas (Jorge). [1.] Porct'l (Jose Antonio). [1.] ! Quintana (Manuel Jose\ [3.] Reinoso (Felix Jose). [3.] Rejon de Silva (Antonio). [3.] Rodriguez de Arellano (Vicente). [3.] Roldan (Jose Maria). [3.] Salas (Francisco Gregorio (le). [3.] Sameniego (Felix Maria). [1.] [ Solis (Dionisio). [3.] Somoza (Jose '. [3.] ] Tapia lEugenio de). [3.] Torres y Villarroel (Diego de). \ aca de Guzman y Manrique ) (JoseM.) [1.] 1 Valdes {Juan Melendez). [±] I Vargas y Ponce (Jose de). [3.] Velazquez (Luis Jose). [3.] ! Verdugo y Castilla (Alfonso). i [1-1 Villanueva (Joaquin Lorenzo). I [3.] *Ki7al (The) candidates, n. ed., 1775, sec Duuley {Sir H. Bate). Bivarol (Antoine), //.j^-iSOt. [A., cte. de IUvaeol]. Memoires. [M. r. 4 1. E. F.]. 8". 1824 Qi^uvres choisies de R. Pr6f. par M. de Lescure. 2t. sS". 1880 Qi^uvres completes, prec. d*une not. sur sa vie. 5t. 8". 1808 see Le Breton (A.) R., 1895. „ Lescure (M. P. A. de). R. & la socie'te fr. (1753-1801), 1883. Eivas (Angel de Saavedra, dugiie de). Obras completas. Col. de nuevo por su hijo. tl-4. s8». 1894-8 Bivaulx abbey, see Eievaulx abbey. Rive {rabbi Jean Joseph). *La chasse aux bibliogiaphes & antiquaires mal-avises. 8". Londres. 1788 Eiveiro, sec Eiheiro. Kivera (Manuel). Hist, de Jalapa, y de las revoluclones de Veracruz. 5t. 8". Mexico. 1869-71 Eivero (Mariano Eduardo) [fRivERo y Ustaeiz (M. E. de)] & J. J. v. Tsehudi. Peruvian antiqs. Tr. F. L. Hawks. 8". 1854 Eivers. *lndustrial r\ of the United Kingdom. Bv experts. 8". 1888 Eivers (Lt.-Gen. Augustus H. Lane Fox-Pitt-), see Pitt- RivEKS {IjI. Gen.) *Eiverside natural history (The). Ed. 3. S. Kingsley. 6v. Ia8". 1888 2, Crustacea & Insects. 4, Birds. 6, Man. J. A. Chanler, aft. of prince Virginia of Virginia. s8». Paris. [1888] „ „ s8». 1889 The witness of the sun. Author's copyright ed. sS". 1889 1, Lower Invertebrates. 3, Lower Vertebrates. 5, Mammals. Elves (Amelie), aft. wife of Troubetskoi. According to St. John. s8>'. 1891 Barbara Dering. 2v. s8». 1892 A brother to dragons, & o. old- time t. s8<>. 1889 Meriel. s8n. 1898 The quick or the dead? author's copyr. ed. s8". 1889 Kives (William Cabell). Hist, of life A times of J. Madison. 3v. 8". Boston. 1859-69 Eivett-Carnac (Edward Stirling). The Presidential Armies of India. 8". 1890 *Eiviera (The), 1870, see Alfoed (H.) Eiviere (le gen. de) [fSEREt; de Eivieee (Raymond Adolphe)]. Proci'S Bazaine : rapport du g^n. de E. 58". 1873 Eiviere (Briton), sec Aejisteosg {Sir W.) R., [Art Annual], 1891. Eiviere (le p. Launceston. 1884 Eoberson (George), see Green (.L R.) & R., Studies in Oxford hist., chiefly in IH'" c, 1001. Robert. *Robert Ainsleigh, 1872, see Braddon (Miss). ♦Robert Ord's atonement, 1873, sec Carey (R. N.) *Robert the Devil [romance], sec Robert, the Devil. Robert [d'Anjou], king of Naples, d. /3.',3, see Baddelev (St. C.) R. the Wise and his heirs (1278-1352;, 1897. Robert, of Avcsbicri/, see Avesbury (Robert, of). Robert [of Bolicmia], prince, son of Fredericlc I, king of Bohemia ; /6/9-S2, see Rupert, prince. Robert, o/ B»p«Mic. [tMANNYNc. (Robert), o/jBri(n»f]. Handlyng synne, 1303. With the treatise on wh. it is founded, "Le manuel des pechiez," by William of Wadington. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. [Roxburghe Club]. 4". 18C2 The story of England, a.d. 1338. Ed. F. .J. Furnivall. [Rolls Ser., 87, i-ii]. 8". 1887 see Bonaventcra, card. Meditations, drawn into Eng. verse by [•?] R. M. of B., 1875. 'Robert 1, duke of Burgundy, sec BougrET (M.) Rec. des hist. des Gaules, til. Robert, the Deril. [R. der Teufcl ; Roberto, il Diavolo ; fRoBERT, le Diablf']. see Lodge (T.) Life of R.. 2-> Duke of Normandy, (1591), 1878. „ MoRLEY (H.) ed.. Early prose romances : R. the Devil, 1889. Robert, le Di'vot, sec Robert II, king of France. Robert, de Ftuctibus, see Fludd (R.) Robert I, king of France, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t9. Robert II, king of France; 971-1031. [R. le Devot; R. le PiEUX ; R. LE Saoe]. see Adalbero, hp. of Lami. Poeme sur le r. de R., 1824. „ Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tlO. „ Helgaud. Vie du roi R., 1824. „ Migne (J. p.) ed., Pat. latina, tl41. „ Pfisteb (C.) Et. sur le r. de R. (996-1031), 1885. Robert, of Gloucester, see Gloucester (Robert, of). Robert, of Graystanes, see Graystanes (Robertus, de). Robert, [Orosseteste'], bp. of Lincoln, see Grosseteste (R.), bp.of Lincoln. Robert [Guiscard], duke of Apulia it Calabria, see Guiscasd (Robert). 'RoheTt, of Juinii'ges, bp.of London, abp. of Canterbury. Missal of B. of J. ; ed. H. A. Wilson. [Henry Bradshaw S., 11]. 8». 1896 „ „ [aiio^/;. erf.], sei; Leofric Missal; w. ace. of the M. of R. of J., ed. Warren, 1883. Robert, le Moine,abbi' [deimscd /096]de Saint-Eemi de Rheims. see GuizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des mems. : t23. Hist, de la prem. croisade, par R., 1825. „ Migne (.7. P.) ed., Pat. Iatina,|tl55. Robert, abbot of Molesme, Saint, sec Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl57. Robert de Monte, see Torigni (Robert of). Robert, king of Naples, d. 13.',3, see Robert [d'Anjou'], king etc. Robert, Ic Sage ; . 185f> Secrets of conjuring. Tr., w. notes, by Prof. Hoffmann. s8". 1881 The sharper detected. s8". 1863 ,, ,, [anoth. ed., w. t. : Card-sharping exposed ; tr., w. notes, by Prof. Hoffmann]. s8". 1882 Roberto. For kings d others see Robert. Roberto, il Diavolo, see Robert, the Devil. Roberto (Federico de). L' arte. bS*^. Torino. 1901 | L'illusione. Gli araori. s8'\ Milano. 1898 I n. ed. sS". Milano. 1900 L' illusione. | Leopardi. sS". Milano. 1898 8 ' ed. :iS'. Milano. 1891 1 1 vicer^. b8". Milano. 189-t Roberton (William). The novel-reader's handbook. sS". B'ham. 1900 Roberts (A.), merchant, see Hacke (W.) Coll. of voyages : I!, etc., 1699. This Roberts lias been identified by some w. Eobeets (Capt. George), q.v. Roberts {Capt. A.), ps. of a. of "Never caught, IS67," see Hobart, Pasha. Roberts (Alex., baion v.) " Es " und underes. Die schiine Helena. 4«A. s8". Dresden. 1890 ; 2B. s8». 1898 Ein modernes Wunder. 1 „ „ 3* A. 68°. Dresden, n.il. 2" A. 88". Dresden. n.d. Um den Namen. Preisgekriint. 3"^ A. s8". Dresden. 18!)1 2B in 1. s8<>. St. 1890 [ „ „ 4= A. 88». Dresden, n.d. Satisfaction — Das zersprungene Translations. Gliick —La Speranza. Lou. Tr. J. Haynes. [F.d. E. sS". St. 1889 I Ciosse], b8°. 189;'. Roberts (Alex.), D.D. Companion to Rev. Vers, of Eng. New- Test. 3'" ed. sS". [1881_ Discussions on the Gospels. 2"'' ed. 8". C. 1864 Greek the language of Xt. & the Apostles. 8'. 1888 Roberts (Arthur), rector of Wooclrising. Life, letters etc. of W. Roberts. Ed. A. R. s8". 1850 Roberts (Barre Charles), Letters & misc. papers by R., w. mem. of his life [by G. C. Bedford]. 4'. 1814 Roberts (Browne H. E.) Hist, of the Colonial Empire of Gt. Brit. s8". 1861 Roberts (C. M.), B.D. Treatise on hist, of confession until it developed into auricular confession, 1215. s8'. 1901 Roberts (Charles), i-'.ii.C.S. Manualof anthropometry. 8'. 1878 Roberts (Charles), sec. of the P. Record Office, sec 'Calenda RiUM genealogicum : Hen. Ill & Ed. I, 1865. Roberts (Charles G. D.) The forge in the forest. s8". 1897 Hist, of Canada. 8'. 189k ROBERTS 124G ROBERTSON Eoberts (David), R.A. The Holy Land, after lithographs by L. Haghe, f. orig. drawings by B. ; w. hist, descr. bv G. Crolv. 4". [1887] sfc Ballantine (J.) Life of B., 18CG. Eoberts (Dorothea). Two royal lives: the Crown Prince & Princess. s8». 1887 Roberts (Ellis Henry). Xew York : planting & growth of the State. 2v. s8". Boston. 1887 Eoberts {Miss Emma). Menis. of the Houses of York A- Lan- caster. 2v. 8°. 1827 Notes of an overland journey to Bombay. sS". 1841 Eoberts (Ernest Stewart). Intr. to Greek epigi-aphy. pi. 8». C. 1887 Eoberts (Frederick Sleigh Roberts, I" carl). Low (C, B.) H. 1883. Robertson (C. G.) Kabul, Kandahar paigns uuder 1881. a mem.. Kurum, : 3 cam- Eoberts, The four voyages of E., etc. ; 8". 1726 Forty-one years in India. 2v. 8". 1897 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1898 The rise ofWellingtoii. sS". 1893 see Gboseb (H. G.) B., 2"'' ed., 1900. j ., .Tertsold (AV.) E., 1900. Roberts (Capt. George),./?. 17 i<' written by himself. Some treat (l. B. as a pseud., but "no reason can be alleged for doubting the existence of R., or the stib- stantial truth of the narrative.'^ The narrative itself lias been often attr. to Defoe, but it is not in Lee's list of D.'s ivorks. Some identify G. B. with that Roberts icho was shipwrecked in 1092, for ichom see Eoberts (A.), merchant, above. Roberts (George), of Lyme Regis. Life of James, Duke of Monmouth ; w. ace. of tho Bloody Assize, etc. 2v. s8". 1844 Social hist, of the people of the S. counties. 8". 185G Roberts (Griffith), a. of a Welsh Grammar. A Welsh gram- mar, A o. tracts by B., 1.507. Facs. repr., as Suppl. to Revue Celtiquc, 1870-83'. s8'. Paris. [1883] Roberts (ficr. H.) Sub-Himalayan: a grammar of Khassi. s8'. 1891 Roberts (Isaac Phillips). The fertility of the land. 3'" ed. s8". N.Y. 1899 Roberts (Dom John), O.S.D., l395!Cj-lOiu, see Cajim (Bede). A Benedictine martyr in Eng. : J. B., 1897. Roberts (John S.) Legendary ballads of Eng. & Scotland. s8". [18G8] Roberts (Joseph), M.R..I.S. Oriental illusts. of the Scriptures, f. customs of the Hindoos. 8". 1835 Roberts (Miss Margaret), novelist. •The Atelier Du Lys. 2v. sS". sS«. ♦Banning and blessing. 1876 1877 n.d. [1890] ". 1883 •Lilian and Lili. sS". 1891 •Alittlestep-daughter.sS". [18871 ♦Madame Fontenoy. sS". 1864 ♦JVIademoiselle Mori. 2"'' ed. s8". 18G0 „ „ n. ed. sS". 189:J „ , n. ed. sS". n.d. •Miss Jean's niece. s8". 1884 •Niccolina Niccolini. bS". [1897] ♦On the edge of the storm. sS". 1869 „ n. ed. 58°. n.d. ♦The secret of Madame de Mon- luo. sS". 1891 ♦Sydonie's dowry, s8^. 186.j ♦That child. s8». 188.1 ♦Women of the last days of old France. ♦A younger sister. •Bride Picotee. *A child of the Bevolution. s8». 188G •Denise. 2v. s8". 186.3 „ ,, 2'"l ed. s8". 1864 „ ,, n. ed. s8"'. n.d. •Fair Else, Duke Ulrich, & o. t. sS". [1877] •The fiddler of Lugau. s8". [1887] „ „ ... n.ed. s8". 1891 •France. s8-'. 1881 •Hester's venture. n. ed. sS". 188G •In the olden time. 2\'. sS''. 188." Roberts {Miss Mary). Popular hist, of Mollusca, Buins A old trees associated w. Eng. hist'. Voices t. the woodlands. Roberts (Morley). The adventure of the Broad Arrow. s8°. 1897 The adventures of a ship's doctor. s8". 1895 The Colossus. eS". 1899 The great jester : some jests of fate. sS". 189(1 King Billy of Ballarat, it o. s. s8". 1892 Lord Linlithgow. 2"'! ed. s8". 1900 b8». 187 38°. 1892 S8». 1851 s8^ n.d. s8°. 1850 The master of the Silver Sea. s8°. 1895 The mate of the Vancouver. s8\ 1892 Maurice Quain. s8". 1897 A question of instinct. s8°. [1895] A son of empire. bS". 1899 „ „ 2"''ed. 58°. 1899 The Western Avernus : toil it travel in farther N. America. s8o. 1887 1843 s8^ 1835 1897 1893 Roberts (Orlando W.) Voyages etc. on the E. coast & in interior of C. America. With notes by E. Irving. s8'. E. 1827 Roberts (Peter), rector of Halkin. Cambrian popular antiqs. 8". 1815 Roberts (Sir Randal Howland), 4"' bart. [ps. The Forester]. Glenmahra ; or the Western Highlands. sS". 1870 In the Shires : novel. s8". [1.887] Modern war : the campaigns of the First Prussian Army, 1870-1. 8". 187"l Roberts (Robert Davies) cd.. Education in the 19"' c. : lects. Cambridge Univ. Extension meeting, Aug. 1900. s8". C. 1901 Eighteen years of Univ. Extension. s8". C. 1891 Intr. to modern geology. s8". 1893 Roberts (Samuel), of Sheffield. The gypsies: or the sealed book opened. ' " 5"' ed. 8\ 1842 Roberts (Thomas), called Lhcynrhudol. English it Welsh vocabulary. s8". 1827 Roberts (William), M..i., barrister, of Lincoln's Inn. Church memorials etc. : a Church hist, of first li centuries. Ed. A. Eoberts. S''. 1874 Hist, of letter-writing to the 5"" century. 8". Mems. of the life & corr. of Mrs. Hannah More. 4v. 3"! ed. s8^ see Boi-.icr.Ts {.\.) Life, letters, opinions of W. E., 1850. Roberts (Sir William), M.D. Collected contrib". on digestion it diet. s8". 1891 Roberts (William), uritcr on English bookselling. The book- hunter in London. Ia8". 1895 The earlier hist, of Eng. bookselling. sS". 1889 Memorials of Christie's : record of art sales, 17G0-189G. 2v. Ia8». Printers' marks. s8". Roberts (William Page), sec Pace Eoberts (W.) Roberts (William Rhys). The ancient Bieotians. 8\ C. 1895 Roberts (William W.) The Pontifical Decrees agst. the earth's movement, it the Ultramontane defence of them. 8\ 0. 1885 Eoberts- Austen (William Chandler). Intr. to study of metallurgy. 3"' ed. 8". 1894 Robertson (Alex.), barrister. Lectures, legal, polit., hist. 8". 1889 Robertson (Alex.), of Dun Donnochy. The laws of thought. 3"' ed. 8". 18G8 Robertson (Rev. Alex.), of San Bcmo, D.D. Tlie Bible of St. Mark : St. ; Fra Paolo Sarni. 58". Mark's, Venice. s8". 1898 j „ , 2""' ed. s8". Count Campello & Catholic Through the Dolomites, reform in Italy. b8<>. 1891 I sS". Robertson (Alexander Webster). Hand-list of bibliography of sliires of Aberdeen, Banff, it Kincardine. [New Spalding C.]. 8». Aberdeen. 1893 Robertson (Andrew), miniature painter, ITil-iS^S. Letters it papers of Andrew E. Also, a treatise on the art, by Arch. Bobert.son. Ed. E. Eobertson. 8". [1895] Robertson (Archibald), D.D. Eeguum Dei : 8 lect'. [Bampton Lect\. 1901]. 8'. 1901 Robertson (Archibald), miniature painter, I'OS-ifiSo, see EoiiERTsoN (Andrew). Letters etc. of And. E. ; also, a treatise on [miniature painting], by Arch. E., 1895. Robertson (C. Grant). All Souls College. [Oxford: Coll. Hisf. . s8». 1899 Robertson (Charles), advocate. Eeport of the Auchterarder Case. 2v. 8'>. E. 1838 Robertson (Charles Gray). Kurum, Kabul, Kandahar : :j campaigns under Eoberts. s8". E. 1881 Robertson (David). Tour through Isle of Man, see Pinkerton (.1.) Voyages, v2. Robertson (David), F.G.S. sec Brady (G. S.), H. W. CROssiiEY, . 1865 Eobertson (John), librarian to the Royal Soc., l~l2-'76. Ele- ments of navigation. 2v. 6"" ed., rev. by W. 'Wales. 8°. 1796 Eobertson (John), of Coupar Angus. The finding of the book : orig. of dogma of Infallibility. [P716]. s8". Eamsgate. 1870 Intellectual liberty the fundamental principle of Xty. it of Pro- testantism. [P710]. s8'. Eamsgate. [1871] Protestantism v. unquestioning submission to authority. [P707]. sS". Eamsgate. 18G9 Eobertson (John Drummond), M.A. Glossary of dialect & archaic words in the Co. of Gloucester. Ed. Lord Moreton. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 61]. 8". 1890 Hdbk. to the coinage of Scotland. 84p. 1878 Eobertson (John Forbes), see Fobbes-Eobertson. Patriotism & Empire. sH". 1891) The Saxon & the Celt. 8". 1897 Short hist, of freethought. 8». 1899 Socialism & Malthusianism. [P545]. b8". 1885 Studies in religious fallacy. s8<'. 1900 Wrecking the Empire. sS". 1901 Letters on Eobertson (John Mackinnon). Buckle & his critics. 8". Wj:, Xty. & mythology. 8". 190U Essays towards a critical method. 8». 1889 The fallacy of saving. s8". 1892 Intr. to Eng. politics. 8". 1900 Modern humanists : sociolog. studies, etc. b8''. 1895 Montaigne & Sliakspere. 8°. 1897 New essays towards a crit. method. sS", 1897 Eobertson (Jolin Parish) & "W. P. Eobertson. Paraguay. Iv3 has t. ; Francia's reign of terror]. 3v. 2'"i ed. s8^. 1839 Letters on S. America : travels on the banks of the Pavanii, * Eio de la Plata. 3v. s8o. 1843 Eobertson (Joseph), LL.D. s«c*CoNciLH ScotiiE, 18G6. „ Maey, queen of Scots. Inventaires de la Royne Deseosse Douairiere do France. Cat', of the jewels, etc. of M., 1.5.5C- 69, [ed. E.], I8G3. Eobertson (Joseph Clinton) ips. Sholto Peecy]. London : memorials of its rise etc. By S. it E. Percy [i.e. J. C. R., S T. Byerley]. 3v. s8". 1823 The Percy anecdotes, by S. * E. Percy [i.e. J. G. R., <& T. Byerley]. 20v. s8". 1823 Eobertson (Keith). A knave of diamonds. s8°. E. 1885 fee Sr.VMoUE (HA^[ILT0^•) & K. E., The golden pin, 1884. Eobertson (Muirhead) ps., see Johnson (Henry). Eobertson (Thomas), dean of Durham, fl. ISJO-61. [or, Eobinson]. Life & death of Mary Magdalene, about 15G5. Intr., Ufe of [E.], * notes by H. O.'Sommer. [E.E.T.S., E.S. 78]. 8". 1899 Eobertson (Thomas William) the elder; lS'i9-~1. Principal dramatic works of E. ; w. mem. by his son. 2v. 88°. 1889 see Pembeeton (T. E.) Life & writings of R., 1893. Eobertson (William). The Kings of Carrick : a hist, romance of the Kennedys of Ayrshire. 2""' ed. 8". 1890 Eobertson (William), D.D., the historian ; 1721-13. Works. Life etc. by Dugald Stewart. 12v. n. ed. 8». 1817 1-3, Hist, of Scotland dur. r. of Mary it Jas. VI, etc. 4-7, Hist, of r. of Charles V. 8-11, Hist, of America. 12, Disq. cone, the knowledge wh. the ancients had ot India, it progress of trade w. that country prior to discov. of the passage by the Cape ; w. app., cont. obs. on the Indians. Works. With life etc. 9v. 8". 1824 Hist, of America. 3v. 7"" ed. 8°. 1796 4v. 8". 1820 Hist, of Scotland dur. r'. of (J. Mary it James 'VI, w. review previous to that period, etc. 3v. 16'" ed.. w. life by D. Stewart. 8". 1802 With life by A. Stewart. 3v. 8". 18-20 Hist, of the r. of Charles V. 4v. 11'" ed. 8". 180G „ „ 4v. 8". 1820 With ace. of [C.'x] lite after abdication, by W. H. Prescott. 2v. s8». 18.57 „ „ With ace. of [C's] life after abdic, by Prescott. 2v. n. ed. a8<>. 1867 see STEW.4ET (Dcgald). Biograph. mems. of A. Smith, E. etc., 1811. Eobertson (William), deputy leeper of the Records, Scotland ; ■17-iO-09, ed.. An index, drawn up about 1629, of many records of charters granted by sovereigns of Scotland 1309- 1413. With state of the records of Scotland, wh. were in that kingdom in 1292. Subj''., indexes of persons it jjlaces in those charters. 4". E. 1798 Proceedings rel. to the Peerage of Scotland, 1707-88. Coll. by E. 4". E. 1790 Eobertson (William), sheriff-substitute, Tobeimory, see *Foeest sketches [by R. .»], 1865. ' Eobertson ('William Archibald Scott). The crypt of Canter- bury Cathedral. [Kent Archa>oIog. Soc.]. s4'. 1880 Eobertson (William Bruce), see Bkown (James), ministeyr etc. Life of W. B. E., w. extr'. f. h. letters * poems, 1888. Eobertson (William Parish). Visit to Mexico, by the W. India I'., Yucatan, ct U.S. 2v. s8'>. 1853 see Eobertson (J. P.) & W. P. E.. Letters on Paraguay, 2""' ed., 1839. „ & Letters on S. America, 1843. £OB££TSON 1248 ROBINSON Eobertson (William Robert), see *Chiiral Expedition (Official ace. of) ; comp. by R., 189S. Eobertson NicoU CWilliam), see Nicoll (\V. E.) Eobertson-Scott (J. W.) The people of China. s8\ 1900 Eobertus. For kings d- otliers see Robert. Eobertus de Abrisello, see Akerissello (R. de). Eobertus Altissiodorensis. sec Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tlO-12, 18. „ MoNUJiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., 126. Eobertus, de Avesbury, see Avesburv (Robert, of). Eobertus, Elgensis. Vita Kanuti, see Monu.uenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t29. Eobertus, de Flacilhus, see Fludd (R.) Eobertus, de Graystanes, see Graystanes (R., de). Eobertus, Lincolinensis, see Grosseteste (R.), hj). of Lincoln. Eobertus, bj). of Metz, see Mioxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl32. Eobertus moiiachiis RJiem., see Hobert le Moine. Eobertus, de Tumbalcna, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl50. Eobertus Pullus card., see Pui.lus (R.) Eoberty (Eugene de). Comte et Spencer. s8". 1894 L'ethique t[l-4. In prog. 2, 2= ed.]. sS". 1896-1900 [1], Le bien & le mal ; 1"^^ essai sur la morale comme sociologie ele- mentaire. [2], Le psychisme social : 1^ essai etc. [3], Les fondements de Vethique : S*" essai etc. [4], Constitution de l'ethique : 4'' essai etc. La sociologie. S". 1881 Eobespierre (F. Maximilien J. I.) *Papiers trouves chez R.. St.-.Just, Pavan, etc. [M. r. a la R. F.l. 8". 1828 see Hamel (E.) Hist, de R., 1865-7. „ HfeicAULT (C. D. d'). La Revol. de Thermidor : R. ct le eomite de salut publ. en Pan ii, 1876. „ Lewes (G. H.) Life of R., w. extr*. f . h. unpubl. eorr., 1819 ; n. ed., 1899. „ *Nece Plutarch (Der) : 2, R., v. R. Gottschall, 1874-88. „ Sardou (V.) La maison de R. : reponse a E. Hamel, 1895. „ Ten Brixk (3.) R. & the Red Terror, \tr.]. 1899. Eobiati (Giuseppe). II romanzo contemporaneo in Italia. s8°. Milano. 1892 Eobida (Albert). Mesdames nos aieules : dix siecles d'elegance. sS". [1891] Le mystere de la me Careme- Preiiant. s8". 1897 Paris de sitcle en siecle. 4°. [1895] „ Le coeur de Paris. 4". [189(iJ La vieille France. 4t. 4". [1890-3] [1], Normandie. [2], Bretagne. [3], La Touraine. [4], Provence. Eobillard d'Avrigny (Hyacinthe). *Meraoires cbronolog. et dogmat., pour servir a I'hist. eccles. 1600-1716. 4t, [Vi, n. ed.]. s8". [Paris]. 1739 Eobillard de Beaurepaire (Charles M. de). Les ^tats de Normandie sous la domin. anglaise. 8". Evreux. 1859 Eobinet (le dr. Jean Fr. Eug.) Centenaire de 1789 ; Danton homme d'etat. laS". 1889 Condorcet, sa vie, s. oeuvre, 1743-94. laS". [1893] Danton : mem. sur sa vie priv^e. 8". 1865 Le mouvement religieux a Paris pend. la R^vol., 1789-1801. tl, 2, [1, 2, Juil , 1789-sept., 1793. In prog. Coll. de doe'. rel. a I'hist. de Paris pend. la Revol.]. Ia8». 1896-8 Kotice sur I'oeuvre & la vie d'A. Comte. 2' ed. 8". 1864 Le proems des dantonistes, etc. 8". 1879 see Dictionnaire hist. & biograph. de la R^vol. & de I'Empire, red. par R. etc.. 1899. Eobinet de Clery (Joseph Felix). Les lies normandes. 2" ed. sS". Eobins, see also Roerins. Eobins (Arthur). *Black Moss. 2v. sS" Les vieilles villes d'ltalie. Ia8". 1878 Le vingtieme siecle; roman d'une parisienne d'aprcs- deraain. 13' M. [First publ'^., 1S83]. sS". n.d. "Yester-year": ten centuries of toilette. [Tc] Mrs. C. Hoev. sS". 1892 1898 1864 *The present position of the " Liberal " party. 8°. 1862 Eobins (Benjamin). New principles of gunnery. [P355]. 8". 1742 Eobins (Edward). The palmy days of Nance Oldfield. 8°. 1898 Eobins {Miss Elizabeth) [i)s. C. E. Raimond], see R.aimoni. (C. E.) ps. Eobins (Gr. M.) [Mrs. L. Baillie Reynolds]. A faUe position. 3t. b8". 1887 I Nigel Ferrard. 88". 1899 Her point of view. sB". 1896 To set her free. 2v. s8". 1895 The Ides of March. 3v. s8°. 1892 I Eobins (Sanderson). An argument lor the Royal Suiireniaey. 8". 1851 The Church schoolmaster. s8". 1850 Eobins (William). Paddingtou : past A present. s8'. [1853] Eobinson (Agnes Mary Frances), aft. Dannesteter, see Darme- steter {Mmc. James). Eobinson (B. Fletcher). Rugby football. [Isthmian Lib., 1]. s8'>. 1890 Eobinson (Benjamin Coulson). Bench & Bar: reminisc. by Serjeant E. 8°. 1889 2"''ed. 8\ 1889 Eobinson (C. Clough). Glossary of words pertaining to dialect of Mid-Yorks. ; w. others peculiar to Lower Nidder- dale. Pref''., outline grammar of Mid-Yorks. dialect. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 14]. 8°. 1876 Eobinson (Charles), of Sydney. New South Wales. [P318, 362]. 8". Sydney. 1873 Eobinson (Charles Edmund). Cruise of the Widgeon : to Hamburg, through the canals etc. s8". 1876 A roval warren : rambles in the Isle of Purbeck. Etchings by A. Dawson. 4". 1882 Eobinson (Charles Henry). Hausa grammar. s8''. 1897 Hausaland ; 1.500 miles through the Central Soudan. 8". 1896 Mohammedanism, has it anv future ? aS". [1897] Nigeria. " sS". 190O Eobinson (Charles John). Hist, of the castles of Hereford- shire ct their lords. 4". 1869 A register of scholars admitted into Merchant Taylors' School, 1562-187-i. 2v. Ia8». Lewes. 1882-3 see Elwes (D. G. C.) Hist, of castles etc. of W. Sussex ; by E., ass. by R., 1876. Eobinson (Charles Napier). The British Fleet. s8^ 1894 Eobinson (Charles Newton), sec Newton-Roblnson. Eobinson (Et. Hon. Sir Christopher), Judge of the High Court of Admiralty. Reports of Cases in High Court of Admiralty, commencing Mich. 1798. 6v. [vl, 3"" ed.]. ^8". 1802-8 Eobinson (Major Edward), sec *Discourse (.^.) of the warr in Lancashire [by R. .'], 1864. Eobinson (Edward), D.D., Biblical researches in Palestine etc., 1838, by E. K., * Eli Smith. 3v. 8". 1841 Harmony of the Gospels in Greek, ace. to text of Hahn, w. notes. rev. ed. 8". Boston. 1859 Later Biblical researches in Palestine etc. ; journal, 1852, by R., Eli Smith, * others. Drawn up by R. 8°. 1856 Eobinson (Edward Forbes). Early hist, of coffee houses in Eng. ; w. a bibliog^ ' s8'. 1893 Eobinson (Edward Jewitt). Tales & poems of S. India ; from Tamil. s8". 1885 .-lit enlarged ed. of n. " Tamil u-isdom, iS~3." Eobinson (Emma). *Cnsar Borgia. 3v. [v3, 2-"' ed.]. s8". 1846-7 •Owen Tudor. 3v. s8". 1849 *Whitefriars. 38". [1844] Eobinson (Forbes). Coptic .\pocr. Gospels, 1896, see Texts & Stuiiils, etc., 4, ii. Eobinson (Frances Mabel) [ps. W. S. Gregg]. Chimara. s8". 1895 i Mr. Butler's ward. s8". 1885 Disenchantment. '• The Plan of Campaign. 2"'' ed. S8". 1886 ' 2v. s8°. 1888 „ „ ... 4"" ed. sS". 1890 | „ „ 2'"i ed. s8j. 1888 Hovenden, V.C. Sv. s8". 1891 A woman of the world. Irish hist, for Eng. readers : f. 3v. s8". 1890 the earliest times to 1885. sS". 1886 Eobinson (Francis Kildale). '•Glossary of Yorkshue words etc., collected in Whitby & neighbourhood. sS". 1855 Glossary of words used in neighbourhood of Whitby. 2p in Iv. [Embodies further research, from iS33-'!6. Eng. Dialect Soc, 9, 13]. 8'. 1876 Eobinson (Frederick), M.D. Diarv of the Crimean War. 8". 185G- Eobinson (Frederick), R.N. Refutation of Lieut. Wellsted's attack upon Ld. Valentia's (now Earl of Mount Norris) work upon the Red Sea, w. diagrams shewing the inventions of Bruce. 4". 1842 Eobinson (Frederick John), viscount Godcrich. aft. 1" earl of Ripon, sec Ripon (F. J., /'' earl of). ROBINSON 1249 ROBINSON-MORRIS Eobinson (Frederick William) [ps. A prison matron). All tliey went tlu-ougli. sRi. 1808 „ 2"'i ed. 880. 1898 Anne Judge, spinster. e8'>. 68". 68". , 88". 1867 1899 1872 1867 , n-eiJ' A bridge of glass. 3v. •Christie's faith. 3v, The courting of Mary Smith. sS". [188;] Coward conscience. Sv. s8". 1879 The fate of Sister Jessica, & o. t. 3v. sS". 1893 *Female life in prison. 2v. s8". 1862 „ „ ... 2v. 2"'' ed. s8". 1862 •Grandmother's money. 37. 88". 1800 „ „ 88". 1862 The hands of justice. 3v. 88°. 1883 Her face was her fortune. 3v. s8". Her love & his life. 3v. sS". ♦High Church. 2v. f8\ *The House of Elmore. f8". In bad hands, & o. t. 3v. S8". The Keeper of the Keys. 3v. s8». 1873 1801 18C0 1865 1887 1890 Lazarus in London. 3v. s8o. 1885 , .■ s8'\ [1887] Little Kate Kirby. sS". [1887] The man she cared for. 3v. s8\ 1884 •Mattic:— a stray. 3v. sS". 1861 •Memoirs of Jane Cameron, female convict. By a prison matron. 2v. sS". 1864 •Milly's hero. 3v. s8". 1866 *No Church. n. ed. s8". [1897] •Owen:— a waif. 3v. s8". 1862 Poor Zepli, & o. t. 3v. sS". 1880 Secoud-cousin Sarah. 3v.88". 1874 A very strange family. s8". 1890 The woman in the dark. 2v. A woman's ransom. 3v. Women are strange, & o. s. 8v. s8". "Wrayford's ward, & o. t. 3v. sS". 1872 The wrong that was done. 3v. s8". 1892 Young Nin. 2"'l ed. 88 '. 1898 The youngest Miss Green. 3v. s8". 1888 1895 .1864 1883 The princely Chandos : Mem. of James Brydges, paymaster- gen. 1705-11, aft " Chandos. 1" Life 1; Robinson (George T.), F.G.H.S. The fall of Metz. 8". 1871 The betrayal of Metz. rev. ed. of " The fall of M.," w. .summary of the Court- Martial upon Bazainc. s8\ 1874 Kobinson (H. M.) The Great Fur Land : life in Hudson's Bay Territory. sS". 1880 Eobinson (Harry Perry). Pictorial effect in photography. 8". 1869 Kobinson (Hastings). Acta -\postolorum : variorum notis suas adj. E. 8". C. 1824 Orig. letters rel. to Eng. Reformation, chiefly f. Archives of Zurich. Tr. A ed. by R. [Parker Sor. 23, 28]. 2v. 8". C. 1846-7 The Zurich letters : corr. of Eng. Bps. w. Helvetian reformers dur. r. of Eliz. [Parker Soc. 7, 18]. 2v. 8>. C. 1842-,5 Eobinson (7i'<'!'. Hayes), sec Muik (A.) j).s. [i.e. Rev. H. Eobinson]. Eobinson (Heaton Bowstead). Mems. of Sir T. Picton, inch h. corr. 2v. 2"" ed. 8". 1836 Robinson (Henry Crabb). Diary, reminisc, & corr. Sel. * ed. T. Sadler. 3v. 8". 1869 Exposure of misrepresentations in the preface to the Corr. of W. Wilberforce. sS'. 1840 Eobinson {Vice- Admiral B.eiCMles), I7S'J-/S6-',. Harry Evelyn. s8". [1860] Another ed., /S6fi, had I. : Romance of the Atlantic. Eobinson {lit. Hon. Sir Hercules G. 'R.),aft. /''baron liosmead, d. IS97, see Eosme.^d. Robinson (Hunter H.), sec Eobinson (J. E.) & H. H. R., Life of R. Coates, 1891. Robinson (J. H.), surgeon in the Venezuelan Service. Journal of exped., 1400 miles up the Orinoco it 300 up the Arauca. 8>. 1822 Eobinson (James Harvey). The German Bundesrath. [Pennsy., U. of ; Pol. Econ. Ser., v3, pi]. 8°. Philadelphia. Isill Petrarch ; sel. f. h. corr., w. intr". ct notes. By R., w. coUab. of H. W. Rolfe. s8". N.Y. 1898 Eobinson (John), pastor of the Eng. Congregation at Lcijdcn, see NvE (P.) & R., The lawfulnes of hearing the ministers of the Church of Eng., 1683. Robinson (Hon. .Sir John), h. 1S39, late prinie minister of Natal. The colonies & the century. 38". 1899 A life time in S. Africa. »\ 1900 Robinson (Sir John Charles). Crit. ace. of the drawings by Michael Angelo ct Raffaello in the Univ. Galleries, Oxford. 4". 0. 1870 Robinson (St?- John Richard), sec " Daily News " Jubilee (The), by R. etc., 1896. Robinson (John Robert). The last Earls of Barryraore, 1769-1824. 8". 1894 "OldQ.": a mem. s8». 1895 Philip, Duke of Wharton, 1398- 1731. 8". 1896 . & H. H. Robinson. "Romeo '' & Duke of 8". 1893 nown as of Eobt. Coates, Diamond " Coates, the " amateur of fashion." sS^ 1891 Robinson (Joseph Armitage), see Texts & sti-dies : v3, Eutha- liana : studies of Euthalius, etc. etc., by E., 189.5. & M. R. James. The Gospel ace. to Peter, & Revelation of Peter : 2 lects. £8". 1892 2'<' ed. s8''. 1892 Robinson (Lionel). J. L. E. Meissonier. [Art .\nnual, 1887]. fol. 1887 Robinson (Louis), M.D. Wild traits in tame animals. S8". E. 1897 Robinson (Mary), nft. Darmesteter, see Darjiesteter {Mme. James). Robinson (Mrs. Mary), poiticaliuriter ; -/ysS- 1^00. [ps. Peedita], Mems. of M. E., " Perdita." Intr. & notes by J. F. Molloy. s8". Philadelphia. 1894 Poems. s&'. 1791 Sappho li Phaon. [b. le. Brydges {Sir S. E.) Sonnets & o. p., n. ed., 179.5]. 88". 1796 sec Autobiography : v7, R., 1826-33. Robinson (Matthew), aft. Robinson-Morris, ;?'"' baron Rokeby, see R11KEHV. Eobinson (Morris), aft. Robinson- Morris, 3™ baron Rokeby, see RoKEIiV. Robinson (Peter Frederick). Designs for farm buildings. 3'* ed. 4". 1837 Rural architecture. 4"' ed. s4 '. 1836 Robinson (Philip S.) [Phil Robinson]. Cyprus & Sokotra. [P352]. 8". Cyprus : its phys., econoni. etc. aspects. [P329]. 8" Noah's ark; etc. n. ed, s8'. 1893 The poets Sz n.iture : reptiles, fishes, insects. sK". 1893 The poets' beasts. s8". 1885 The poets' birds. sS". 1883 Sinners & Saints; tour across the States, w. 3 months among the Mormons. s8". 1883 Under the punkah. s3\ 1881 1878 , hist. 1878 In garden, orchard, & spinney. s8". 1897 In my Indian garden. 2". 1870 The English flower-garden. 8". 1883 „ „ 4'1> ed. 8". 1895 „ 7">ed. 8". 1890 Garden design & architects' gardens. laS". 1892 Gleanings f. French gardens. 88". 1868 God's acre beautiful ; ceme- teries of the future. 8». 1880 Eobinson (William), LL.D., Enfield. Hist, ct antiqs. of Hackney. Hist. & antiqs. of Stoke Newington. Hist, cfc antiqs. of Tottenham. Eobinson (William Clarke). Intr. Conquest. Robinson (William Davis). Mems God's acre etc. [another ed.t iv.t.j Cremation & urn-burial • cemeteries etc.]. b8". 1889 Hardy flowers, n. ed. s8". 1875 „ „ 3"" ed. s8". 1878 The parks, promenades, & gardens of Paris. 8». 1869 The subtropical garden. s8". 1871 The wild garden, w. chap, on the garden of Brit, wild flowers. 88". 1870 4'1'ed. 8". 1894 I777-;.'^4S. Hist. & antiqs. of 2v. 8'. 1823 2v inl. H: 1842 n. ed. H: 1842 2v in 1. 2°i ed. 8'. 1840 to Early Eng. lit., to the sS". 1885 of the Mexican Eevol., etc 2v. 80. 1821 Eobinson-Morris (Matthew), i'"' haron Rokeby, sec Bokeby. 4 M EOBINSON-MORRIS 1250 EOCHETTE Eobinson-Morris (Morris), .3"' haron Eokcby, sec Kokebt. Robiou (Felix). Itineiaire des dix-mille. [HE14]. 8'. 1873 Questions liomtiiques. [HE27]. 8'. 1876 Kobiquet (Paul). Hist, muuioipale de Paris jusqu'a I'avinement de Henri III. 8°. 1880 Le personnel municipal de Paris jjend. la EiSvol. : periode eon- stitutionnelle. [Coll. de doc", rel. a I'bist. de Paris pend. la Bev.]. laS". 1890 Theveneau de Morande. s8". 1882 see Bard (A.) it K. La constitution franp. de 1875, 2^ ^d., 1878. Eobles (Eugenio de). Compendio de la vida del card. Ximenes ; y del Oticio y Missa Muzarabe. 4". Toledo. 1604 Kobles (Isidoro de) cd., Varies prodigies de amor en once novelas de var. autores. s4". Barcelona. 1709 Eobolsky (Hermann) eJ., see Congo. Acte gen. de la Conference de Berlin, trait^s etc. avee I'Assoc. du C, ijar E., 1885. *Eob Eoy, 1818, see Scott {Sir W.) Eob Eoy, ^5S. of a. of " The Rob Eoy on the Jordan" etc., sec Macuregoi; (John), M.A. Eobsart (Amy), d. 1300. [IDudley (Amy), toifc of Lord E. Dudley, aft. e. of Leia'ster]. see Adlard (G.) A. R. & Leycester, 1870. „ Pettigrew (T. J.) Inquiry into the death of E., 1859. „ Eye (W.) The murder of A. E. : a brief for the prosecution, 1885. Eobson (Edward Eobert). School architecture. 8". 1874 Eobson (John), of Warrington, ed., Three early Eng. metrical romances. With intr. & glossary. From MS. in poss. of J. I. Blackburne. [Camden Soc, 18]. s4". 1842 Eobson (Philip A.), see Ssimi (J. N.) & P. A. Eobson. Hockey, 1899. Eobson (William), misc. writer. Great sieges of history. s8". 1855 The old playgoer. n. ed. s8". 1854 Eobson (William James). * Scenes from the lives of Eobson & Eedpath. By .T. B. [Author not known. 1-23*}]. 8'. [1857] Eobson Eoose (E. C), sec Eoose (E. C. Eobson). Eobnsti (Jacopo), called Tintoretto, see Tintoretto. Eoby (Henry John). Grammar of Latin. 2p. [pi, 2'"' ed.]. s8". 1872-4 Introd. to study of Justinian's Digest. 8". C. 1886 Eoby (John). Legendary & poet, remains of E. ; w. h. literary life by h. widow. s8". 1854 Popular traditions of Eng. si, Lancashire. 3v. s8". 1841 This is a re-arranged it condensed ed. of h. " Traditions of Lancashire," loh. first app'. in '2s, 1S29-3I. The series " Pop. traditions of Eng." was not cont^. Eoca (Julio A.), see Olascoaga (M. J.) La conqu^te de La Pampa : docs. rel. a la campagne du Eio Negro, sousles ordres du g^n. R., 1881. Eocca (Albert J. Michel de). Mdms. sur la guerre des Frangais en Espagne. 2' H. 8". 1814 see Deleaue (F. T.) *Eelation de la dern. campagne de Buona- parte, 5' ed., suiv. de la campagne de Walcheren ct d'Auvers, (1809), par R., IRKi. Eocca (Anne Louise Grermaine, baroness), see Staijl {Mme.Tt^), aft. Eocca. Eocca (il gen. Enrico della), sec Della Eocca. Eocca {il confe Ignazio), see Alberoni {card. G.) Lettres intimes au cte. E., 1892. Eocca (Vicente). Hystoria en la qual se trata de la origen y guerras que han tenido los Tuvcos, desde su comien(;o. fol. Valencia. 1556 Eocfort (C. C. de). Keroiiac. s8". 1873 Eocha (Antonio da Silva Lopes), see Da Silva Lopes Eocha. Eocha Pitta (Sebastiao da), see Da Eocha Pitta (S.) Eochas (Victor de). Les parias de France & d'Espagne (cagots & bohemiens). laS". 1876 Eochau (August Ludwig v.) Gesch. Frankreichs v. Sturze Napoleons bis z. Wiederherstellung d. Kaiserthums, 1814-52. 2T. [Staatengesch. d. neuesten Zeit]. 8". L. 1858 Eeiseleben in Siidfrankreich u. Spanien. 2B in 1. 8". St. 1847 Eochdale. Registers of the Parish Church of R., 1582-1016. Ed. H. Fishwick. 8". Eochdale. 1888 Eochdale Oath Case : Appeal. Maden & wife v. Catanach. [P489]. 8". 1801 Eoche, Brasiliano, pirate, [Eock],.scc Bcccakeers. *Hist. of the B'., tr.. 3'" ed., 1704. Boche (A. R.) View of Russian America in conn. w. the War. .[P78, 148]. 8-. Montreal. 1855 Les Fraogais de la decadence. •2" ed. sS". 18S5 „ „ S'ed. sS". 1885 Le palefreuier. s8 '. [1880] see Lantekse (LA),no. 24(7nov. 18681, par R., 1868. For persons of this name see La Eoche- Eoche (Antonin). Hist, des princ. ^crivains fr. 2t. s8». London. 1858 Les poetes trani;'ais ; moroeaux choisis, etc. s8". 1844 & P. Chasles. Hist, de France. 2t. (1, Moyen age, par E. 2, Temps mod., par C). 8'. 1847 Eoche (C. Mills). Transfer of land & registration : letter to Sir R. Bethell. [P78]. 80. 1855 Eoche (Harriet A.) On trek in the Transvaal. 88". 1878 Eoche (Henry Philip). sec Bankruptcy. *Facts for the times : notes on b. refonu, no. 1, [by E. .?], 1867. „ 'HLkziATS {Vf.) the younger, &'R., The Bankruptcy Act, 1801, w. notes, 1861. Eoche (James Jeffrey). Life of J. B. O'EeiUy ; w. h. poems & speeches, ed. Mrs. O'E. Ia8". 1891 The story of the Filibusters ; added, the life of Col. D. Crockett. s8'. 1891 Eoche (Thomas Maxwell), see Eidgeway (W.) Eeport of pro- ceedings in cases of high treason, 1803 ; p2, Eeport of trial of E., 1803. Eochechouart ((Juillaume de), seigneur de Jars, see Collection univ. des mem. partic. etc. : 140, E., 1785-90. „ Fur anotJt. ed., Petitot (C. B.) cd.. Coll., I, 32, 1819. Eochechouart {le gen. cte. L. V. L. de). Souv. sur la Edvol., I'Empire, la Eestaur. Publ. par s. fils. 8 '. 1889 Eochechouart de Mortemart (Grabrielle de), see Cleaient (P.) Une abbesse de Fontevrault au 17' s., E. de M., 1869. Eochefort, see also Eochfoed, Eoquefort. Eochefort {la co}ntessc de), aft. dsse. de Nivernais. [IBabbon Mazarini Mancini (Marie Therese), duchesse de Kivernois], sec LoMF.NiE (L. he). R. it s. amis, n. ed., 1878. Eochefort (Henri) [tEocHEFORT-Lu9.\Y (V. H. de), count]. Les aventurcs de ma vie. Ot. sS". [1896] Tlie adventures of my life. Arr*^. for Eng. readers. 2v. sS". 189C L'evade'. s8°. 1880 „ u. ^d. sS". 1895 Eochefoucauld (la). FOUC.\CLD. Eochegude (Henri Pascal de). *Essai d'unglossaireoccitanien, p. serv. a 1' intelligence des poesies des troubadours. 8'. Toulouse. 1819 *Le Parnasse occitanien : choix de poesies des troubadours. 8". Toulouse. 1819 Eochell (Melchior), see Ml'Nsteb. Die Geschichtsquellen d. Bisthuras M., B3, Die miinster. Chroniken v. E., Stevermann u. Cortey, 1856. Eochemont (Charles Pictet de), see Pictet (C.) Eochemonteix {le p. Camille de). Un coll(^ge de Jesuites aux 17" & 18' s. : le Colli'ge Henri IV de la Fleche. 4t. [Soc. histor. & archi^-olog. du Maine]. s8". Le Mans. 1889 Eochemonteix (Maxence de Chalvet, marquis de). Giuvres diverses. Publ. par G. Maspdro, avecconcours de E. Chassinat. [Bibl. (igyptolog., 3]. laS". 1894 Le Temple d'Edfou, tl, 2ii, see Mission Arch. Fr. au Caibe, tlO, 11. Eooher {Abbi). Hist, de I'abbaye royale de St.-Benoit-sur-Loire. Ia8". Orleans. 1865 Eocher (Emile). La province chinoise du Yiin-Nan. 2p. laS". 1879-80 Eochereau {le col. Denfert-), see Denfert-Eochereau. Eochester. *Custumale Roffense, etc. etc., 1788, see Thoefe (J.) the younger. ♦Hist.'ct antiq'. of E. etc., 1772, see Shrubsole (W.) & S. Denne. Eochester (John Wilmot, ^'"' earl of), /64S-SO. Works; cont'. Poems, Letters to Mr. SavU it Mrs. . . ., w. Valentinian. 4'" ed. s8". 1732 Works of the Earls of E., Roscomon, & Dorset, w. mems. 2v in 1. s8". n.d. see BuKNET (G.), 6;;. Lives of Hale & E., 1829. ., Parsons (E.) Sermon at funeral of E., 1680. Eochester (Laurence Hyde, /" carl of), ■/64l-i7n, see Clarendon (H. Hyde, ^•••' carl of). Corr. of C. * of R. ; w. diary of E. dur. embassy to Poland, 1676, etc., ed. Singer, 1828. Eochester (Mark)/)s., see Kent (W. C. M.) Eochet d'Hericourt (C. E. X.) Second voyage sur les deux rives de la Mer Eouge, dans le pays des Adels & dans le royaume de Choa. Ia8'. 1846 Eochette (Desire Eaoul), see Eaoul-Eochette. EOCHFORD 12,-, 1 EODBIGO Rochford, see also Rocuefort. Bochford (George BuUen, vise), d. t.lSO [ocBoletnI.swBapst (F,.) Dcuxgentilshommes-poetesdela courde Henry VIII, 1891. Eochfort Smith (Miss Mary Lilian), see Smith (Teen-a Roch- eokt). Eochholz (Ernst Ludwig). Deutscher Glaube u. Brauch im Spiegel d. heidu. Vorzeit. 2B. 8". 18(57 1, Deutscher Unsterbliohkeitsglaube. . 2, Altdeutsches Biirgerleben. Drci Gaugottinnen, Walburg, Verena u. Gertrud als deutsche KirchenheiliKP. 8". L. 1870 Eochlitz (Friedrich), sec Goethe (J. W. v.) G.'sBriefw. mit K., 18S7. Eocholl (Heinrich). Zur Gesch. d. Annexion des Elsass durch d. Krone Frankreichs. 8". Gotha. 1888 Eochon (Alexis M.) Voyage to Madagascar & the E. Indies. Added, Brunei's mem. on the Chinese trade etc. Tr. J. Trapp. 8". 1793 Voyage to Madagascar, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vlG. sec Drury (R.) .Journal etc. And, descr. o£ Madagascar by R., 1890. Kock, sec also BocynE. Eock, Brasiliano, ^nrate, see Eoche, Brasiliano. Eock, captain. *Mems. of Capt. R., 5'" ed., 1824, sec Moore (T.) Bock (Daniel). The Church of our fathers, in St. Osmund's Rite for Salisbury, etc. 3v in 4, [3 i, ii]. 8". 1849-53 Hierurgia ; or transubstantiatiou, etc. e.xpounded. 2'"' ed. 8". 1851 Textile fabrics. s8». 1876 Ebckel (August), see Wagner (R.) Letters to R,, tr., 1897. Hockhill ("William Wcodville). The land of the Lamas: journey through China, Mongolia, Tibet. 8". 1891 Life of the Budilha, & early hist, of his order, from Tibetan works ; followed by notices on early hist, of Tibet ct Khoten. Tr. W. W. R. s8>. 1884 S('<; Bkah-Hgvuh. *Udanavarga, etc., tr. B., 1883. "Eockingham, 1S49. •;(■<■ .Tarnac (P. F. A., comte de). Eockingham (Sir Charles) ps., see .Jarnac (P. F. A., etc. he). Eockingliam (Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2'"' marq. of), see Albemarle (G. T., 6'' earl of). Mems. of E. etc., 1852. Eockstro (William Smyth). Life of Handel. sS\ 1883 Mendelssohn. s8'>. 1884 see Holland (H. Scott) & R., Mem. of Jenny Lind, 1891. Eocquain (Felix). La cour de Rome & I'esprit de r^forme avant Luther. 3t. Ia8'. 1893-7 L'esprit revolutionnaire avant la Revol., 1715-89. 8\ 1878 Etudes sur I'anc. France. sS". 1875 La papaute au moyen age. s8 '. 1881 The revolutionary spirit preceding the French Revol. Con- densed & tr. by J. D. Hunting. s8'\ 1891 Eocque (John). flan of London, Westminster & Southwark. fol. 1746 ,, AJphab. index of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys, etc. in the Plan of Loudon, Westminster, & Southwark, engraved by J. Pine f. survey by R. 4". 1747 London in 1741-5, by J. R. ' Photolith. by E. Stanford. [16 Plates. A reprod. (if the orig. vuii)]. lafol. [1878] Eocques de Montgaillard (G. H.), sec Montg.^illard (I'abbe ,.E). Eocques de Montgaillard (le cte. J. G. M.), see Montgaillari. {Ic cte. i>e). Eocquigny (le cte. de). [fRocQuiGNT Du Fayel (H. M. R. de), count]. Les Syndicats Agricoles & leur oeuvre. s8". 1900 Eod, see also Rodd. Eod (Edouard). A propos de I'Assommoir. s8>. 1879 Au milieu du ehemin. sS". 1900 La course A la niort. 5' ed. s8\ 1891 Deniicr refuge. s8'. 1896 Essai sur Goethe. s8". 1898 Etudes sur le 19*^ s. : G. Leopardi. s8". 1888 „ „ a^ed. s8". 1894 La. femiue d'Henri Vanneau. s3'). 1884 Les id6es morales du temps present. sS". 1897 L'innoceute. s8". 1897 L:V-liaut. s8". 1897 Mademoiselle Annette. 88°. 1901 Le manage du pasteur Naudie. sS". 1898 Les Roches Blanches. sS". 1895 La saerifiee. 3"^ ed. s8°. 1892 Scenes de la vie cosmopolite. s8". 1890 La secondeviede MichelTeissier. 88". 1894 Lesensdelavie. 4'ea. sS". 1889 Le sileuce. s8". 1894 „ „ 3' id. s8". 1894 Stendhal. s8". 1892 Eod (Edouard) [continued]. La vie pvivce do Michel Teiasier. s8^ 1893 The private life of an eminent Eodbertus (J. Carl), i&Oo-To. Das Kapital. politician. [Tr.] f. " Vie prive'e de Michel Teissier." 2". 1896 Nature's serial story. aS". 1889 Opening a chestnut burr. s8». [1874] Roe (Mrs. J. Harconrt-), see Hakcocrt-Eoe. Roe (Stephen), Ordinary of Netcgatc. Ace. of the behaviour etc. of John Eice, Paul Lewis, Hannah Dagoe, executed May 4, 1763. [P312]. 84'. 1763 Roe (Sir Thomas). The embassy of E. to the Great Mogul, 1615-19, as narr. in h. journals & eorr. Ed. f. contemp. records by W. Foster. [Hakluyt Soc, II, 1, 2]. 2v, [pagi7i.cont.]. 8". 1899 ,, „ [anoth. ed.], sec Churchill, Voyages, vl. „ „ [anoth. ed.], see Pinkerton (J.), Voyages, v8. Negotiations of E. in his embassy to the Porte, 1621-28 ; his correspondences, etc. etc. [\1, no more jMibl. Ed. S. Richardson], fol. 1740 Travels in India in the 17"" c. : by E. & Dr. J. Fryer. Repr. 8". 1873 sec Carew (SirG.), aft. carl of Totness. Letters to E., (1615-17), 1860. Roebuck (Rt. Hon. John Arthur). The colonies: apian for govt. 8°. 1849 Difficulties in govt, of the Canadas. [P103]. 8". 1836 Hist, of the Whig Ministry of 1880, to the passing of the Reform Bill. 2v. 8". 1852 Life & letters of R., w. chapters of autobiography. Ed. R. E. Leader. 8». 1897 Roederer (Ic etc. Pierre Louis). Chronique de cinquante jours, 20 juin-10 aout, 1792. 8". 1832 Rcehrich (Edouard). La composition des Evangiles. 8". 1897 Roels (Edgar). La question Sud-africaine. [PIOOO]. n. ed. 8". 1900 Roergas de Serviez (Jacques), see Servlez (J. R. de). Roero (R. I. Diodata), cssa. di Revello, see Saluzzo (R. I. D.), aft. cssa. di Revello. Roettier, The family of, [or, Eoettieks ; or, Eotier]. •Memoir on the R'., 1840, see Burn (J. H.) Koffe, $ce also Rolfe. I Koffe (Alfred T.) The ghost-belief of Shakespeare. [P149]. 8°. 1851 Roffensis. *Textus Roffensis [by Emulphus, bjp. of Rochester], 1720, see Hearne (T.) ed. Rogatis (Bartolommeo de). Historia deUa perdita, e riacquisto della Spagna occupata da Mori. 7p in 5v. sS". Bologna. 1676-83 The earlier ed. of -164^ had t. : II regno de' Goti nella Spagna .ibbattuto etc. Kogeard (L. Augusta). Les propos de Labienus. [P508]. 38". Brux. 1805 Roger, de Hovcden [or, Howden], see Hovedex (E., of). Roger, of Wendover, see Wendover (Eogeb, of). Roger (Paul). Etudes sur la R^vol. Fr. 2" ed. Ia8». 1861 Roger (Paul Andre). Archives de I'Albigeois et du pays castrais. Ia8». Albi. [1841] Roger de Beauvoir ( ) ps., see Roger de Bully (E.) Roger de Bully (Edouard) [ps. Roger de Beauvoir]. Les soiipeurs de mon temps. sS". 1868 Roger de Piles ( ), see Piles (Roger de). Kogerius, A2}ulus. Carmen super destructione regni Hungariae, see MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t29. Kogerius, abbot Aurelianensis [Eogerus], see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl99. "Rogerins, jurisconsult., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl46. Rogerius, ynonachus Crot/landice, Vita S. Thomae, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, ti90. Rogerius, de Pontiniaco, Vita S. Thomse, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl90. Roger-Miles (L.) Comment diseerner les styles. St. 4". [1896-8] 1, Objets d'art, curiosit6s, ameublement. 2, Architecture it decoration. 3, Le costume & la mode. Les gaites d'un pessimiste. s8". [1895] Rogers (Alex.), of the Bombay C.S. The land revenue of Bombay : a hist. 2v. 8". 1892 •Persian plays, three, w. lit. tr. etc., 1890, see Fath 'Ali Akhund- ZADAH, Mirza. Rogers (Charles), D.D., lfiJ.j-0O. Genealog. mems. of John Knox iS: of the family of Knox. [Grampian Club]. 8". 1879 Genealog. mem', of the families of Colt ifc Coutts. [E. Hist. Soc.]. 8^. 1879 „ „ aiwth. copy. [Cottonian Soc.]. 8". 1879 Genealog. mem', of the family of Sir Walter Scott, w. repr. of h. " Memorials of the Haliburtons." [E. Hist. Soc.]. 8". 1877 Genealog. mem', of the Scottish House of Christie. [E. Hist. Soc.]. 8". 1878 Leaves from my autob''. [Grampian Club]. 8". 1876 Lyra Britannica, a coll. of Brit, hymns, w. biog. sketches of the writers. 2"'' ed. sS". 1868 Memorials of the Earl of Stirling & House of Alexander. 2v. 8". E. 1877 Monuments & monumental inscriptions in Scotland. 2v. [Grampian Club]. 8". 1871-2 Parting words to the members of the R. Histor. Soc. [P494]. 8". p.p. 1881 Scotland, social & domestic. [Grampian Club]. 80.1869 Social life in Scotland f . early to recent times. 3v. 8". E. 1884-lV Traits & stories of the Scottish people. sS". 1867 see BoswELL (James) the elder, Boswelliana ; with mem. etc. by R., 1874. Rogers (Edward), M.A., student of C.C, 0.rf. Some ace. of a Fifth-Monarchy Man, chiefly f. writings of J. Rogers. 84°. 1867 Rogers (Elisa). Lives of the twelve Cwsars. 5v. 8°. 1811 ,, Maps A- plans, fol. n.d. Rogers (Jl//\s. Ellen M.), see Rogers [Mrs. George Albert). Rogers (Fairman). Manual of coaching. 8". 190O Rogers (Sir Frederic), S'* bart., aft. baron Blachford, see Blachfobd. Rogers (Mrs. George Albert) [fRooERs (Ellen M.)] A winter in .\lgeria, 1863-4. 8''. 1865 Rogers (Henry), ^jz-es. o/ Lanes. Independent Coll. [ps. R. E. H. Greyson]. •Defence of the " Eclipse of fiiitli ; " rejoinder to Prof. Newman. sS". 1854 •The eclipse of faith. b8». 1852 Essay on T. Fuller, w. sel'. f. h. writings. 2p. sS". 185C Essays from " Good words." s8". 1867 Essays, sel. f. contrib'. to " Edinburgh rev." 3v. 8". 1850-5 Life & character of J. Howe, w. anal, of h. writings. 8". 1836 ROGERS 1253 ROHDE Rogers (Henry) [cantinMd]. Reason & faith. s8". 1850 •Sels. f. corr. of R. E. H. Greyson. 2v. b8». 1857 " two vol', (if imaginary letters." Superhuman origin of the Bible inferred f. itself. 5'i' ed. 38". 1877 Vindication of Bp. Colenso. [P213J. s8". E. 1863 & R., Sketches f. a tour Rogers (J. E.), sec Mahafi-y (.J. I through Holland etc., 1889. Eogers (J. W. F.) Grammar & logic in the 19" tioal analysis of the Enp. language. Rogers (James Edwin Thorold). The British rights & privileges. ■Cobden & modern polit. opinion. The economic interpretation of hist. : lect". Education in Oxford. Epistles, satires, it epigrams. The first 9 years of the Bank of Eng, 1694-1703. c. : syntac- s8'. 1883 citizen : h. s8". 188.5 8". 1873 8-. 1888 s8". 1861 s8". 1876 price, of Bank Stock, 8". O. 1887 Hist, gleanings. 2s in Iv. s8». 1869-70 1, Montagu, Walpole, Adam Smith, Cobbett. 2, Wikhf, Laud, Wilkes, Home Tooke. Hist, of agriculture & prices in Eng., 1259-1793. vl-6 (1, 2, 1259-1400. 3, 4, 1401-1582. 5, 6, 1583-1702). 8". 0. 1866-87 Holland. [Story of the nations]. s8». 1888 3"'ed. 88". 1893 Industrial & commercial hist, of Eng. : lect'. Ed. A. G. L. Rogers. 8". 1892 The laws affecting lauded property : address. [r260]. 8". 1869 ■ Manual of polit. economy. 2°'' ed. s8". 1869 Oxford city docs. : Financial & judicial, 1268-1665, [Oxf. Hist. Soc. 18]. 8". 0. 1891 The relations of economic science to social & polit. action. [P424, 1013]. s8". 1888 Six centuries of work & wages : hist, of Eng. labour. 2v, [2^34". wnt.]. 80. 1884 „ „ cheap ed. 8". 1891 „ Eight chap', on work it wages : repr. of chap". 8, 12, 14, 15, 17-20 of " Six C. etc." 5"' ed. s8». 1894 see Gascoione (T.) Loci e libro veritatum, w. intr. by R., 1881. ,, Parliament: House of Lobds. Complete coll. of the Pro- tests of the Lords, 1875. Rogers (James Gruinness). Anglican Church portraits. s8». 1876 Church systems of Eng. in ig"- c. 8". 1881 Present-day religion & theology, incl. review of the Down Grade controv. s8". 1888 Rogers (John), a. of "The summe of Xty." see Fcbnivall (F. .J.) ed., Telltrothes etc. ;— The glass of godly love (1569), [by J. R. ?], 1876. Rogers (John), Fiftlb Monarchy Man, see Rogehs (Edw.) Some ace. of a Fifth-Monarchy-Man, chiefly f. writings of .1. R., 1867. Rogers (John), prebendary of St. Patil's, d. 15,55, see Chester {.J. L.) .1. R., 1861. Rogers (John Jope). Opie & h. works; cat. of 760 pictures, prec. by biog. sketch. 8". 1878 Kogers (Joseph), M.D. J. R. ; reminisc. of a workhouse medi- cal officer. Ed. Thorold Rogers. 58". 1889 Rogers (Mary Eliza). Domestic life in Palestine. 2»'' ed. s8". 1863 Rogers (May). Waverley diet. : characters in the Waverley Novels. 88". Chicago. 1879 Rogers (R.) ps., see Brome (James). Travels etc., 1700, of wh. the /" [stirreptitious ?] ed. app. in 169-i under tlw t. : Hist. ace. of Mr. Rogers's three years travels etc. This ■/" ed. is wanting. Rogers (Robert William). Hist, of Babylonia & Assyria. 2v. 2"" ed." 8". 1901 Rogers (Samuel), the poet. Italy. sS". 1839 Poems. sS". 1839 Recoils, by R. bS". 1859 „ „ 2"'led. s8". 1859 Recoil*, of the table talk of R. [Ed. A. Dycel Added, Por- soniana [by W. Maltbyl. s8o. 1856 Rogers (Samuel Baldwyn). Recoil^, of the table talk of R. ; etc. 8". New Southgate. 1887 see CL.1YDEN (P. W.) Early life of R., 1887. „ R. & h. contemps., 1889. Elem. treatise on iron metallurgy. 8". 1858 Rogers (Thomas), sec Lamport oarland (A) : Celestial! elegies, by R., (1598), 1881. Rogers (Thomas), A.M. ; chaplain to abp. Bancroft. Catholic doctrine of Churcli of Eng. : an expos, of the 39 Articles. Ed. J. J. S. Perowne. [Parker Soc. 52]. 8". C. 1854 Rogers (Thomas Englesby). Records of Yarlington. s4". 1890 Rogers (Walter Thomas). Manual of bibliography. 8\ 1891 Rogers (William), rector of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate. Reminisc. Compiled by R. H. Hadden. s8". 1888 2"' ed. 88". 1888 Rogers (William Henry Hamilton). Antient sepulchral effigies & monumental & memorial sculpture of Devon. 4". Exeter. 1877 Memorials of the West, coll. on the borderland of Somerset, Dorset, Devon. 8". Exeter. 1888 The strife of the Roses & days of the Tudors in the West. 8°. Exeter. 1890 Rogers (Woodes). Life aboard a Brit, privateer : journal of R. Notes etc. by R. C. Leslie. 8". 1889 Eogerson {Col. William). Hist, records of the 53'''' (Shrop- shire) Regt., 1755-1889. 8^ [1890] Rogerus. For persons knoicn by this forename, see Uoa^R. Eogerus, do Hoveden [or, Howden], see Hoveden (Roger, of). Eoget (D. F. L.), baron de Belloguet. [fRooET de Belloguet (D. F. L.)] EthnogSnie gauloise. 4p. 8^ 1861-75 1, Glossaire gaulois. [a.c. 2' ed. 1872]. 2, Types gaulois & celto-bretons. 2"= ed., rev. par A. Maury. 3, Preuves intellectuelles : le genie gaulois. 4, Les Cimmuriens. Roget (John Lewis). Hist, of the " Old Water-Colour Soc," now the Soc. of Painters in Water Colours. 2v. laS". 1891 Eoget (Peter Mark). Animal & vegetable physiology w. ref. to natural theology. 2v. 3'" ed. 8". 1840 Thesaurus of Eng. words & phrases. 8'. 1832 30"'ed. s8». 1871 „ ,, n. ed., enl., w. index, by J. L. Roget. s8". 1894 Roget de Belloguet {le baron D. F. L.), see Roget (D. F. L.), baroyi de Belloguet. Eogge (Walter). Usterreieh seit d. Katastrophe Hohenwart- Beust. 2B. 8". L. 1879 Usterreieh von Vilagos bis z. Gegenwart. 3B. 8°. L. 1872-3 Rogniat {le vte. Joseph). Consid". sur Part de la guerre. 8". 1816 Rohan (Henri de Rohan, due de), tsy^-iOS^. M^moires, dep. la mort de Henry le Grand jusques a 1629, augm. Ensemble le voyage du mesme autheur, en 1600. 2p in Iv. s8'. 1665 „ „ [anoth. ed.], see Michaud (.T. F.) & J. Poujoulat, Nouv. coll., II, 5, 1850. „ lanoth. ed.], see Peiitot (C. B.) ed., Coll., II, 18, 19, 1819. see Laugel (A.) H. de R., s. role sous Louis XIII, (1579-1638), 1889. Rohan (Louis de Rohan, chcv. de), d. I674, see Clement (P.) Trois dr.ames histor. : R., etc., 1857 ; 2' id., 1868. Rohan (le card, prince Louis Rene Edouard de), /734-1S03. see Cagliostro. *Meraorial, or brief, for C. in the cause of R., tr., 1786. „ Collfer, L'affaire du. Two 4" vol', of pamphlets etc., re- ferring to this, dated c. ■l7$5-9, w. MS. notes d add'. Rohan (Marie de), duchesse de Chevreuse, see Chevbecse {Mmc. de). Rohan-Chabot (P. F. A. de), cte. de Jarnac, see Jarnac. Rohault de Fleury (Charles). L'Evangile : etudes iconograph. & archeolog. 2t. 4". Tours. 1874 Rohault de Fleury (Georges). La Toscane au moyen iige: lettres sur I'architecture en 1400. 2t. Ia8". 1874 Rohde (Erwin). Der griech. Roman u. s. Vorlaufer. 8". L. 1876 2' A. 8". L. 1900 Kleine Schriften. 2B. 8°. Tilbingen. 1901 1, Beitriige z. Chronologie, Quellenkunde u. Gesch. d. griech. Litt. 2, Beitrage z. Gesch. d. Romans u. d. Novelle z. Sagen-, Marchen- u. Alterthumskunde. Psyche : Seelencult u. Unsterblichkeitsglaube d. Griechen. 8". Freiburg im Br. 1894 2B. 2'' A. 8". Freiburg i.B. 1898 tjber Lucian's Schrift Xovkios ^ urar u. ihr Verhiiltniss zu Lucius V. PatrfE u. den Metamorphosen d. Apuleius. [P467]. 8'. L. 1869 1 EOHDE 1254 ROLFSEN Eohde (Paul), see Suchier (H.) ed., Denkmaler provenzal. Lit. : 131, Jlit Untersuchung von li. ii. d. Quellen d. ronian. Welt- clirouik, 1883. Kohde (Robert Turner). A practical decimal system. _ [P523]. 8". [1888] Kohl (Hermann). Imagines inscriptionum Grieearum anti- quissimarmn in usum schol. Ia4". Berolini. 1883 Inscriptiones Griecfe antiquissimse prseter Atticas in Attica repertas Cons. Acad. Litt. Keg. Boruss. ed. H. Eoehl. fol. Berolini. 18S2 Kohlfs {Mrs. Anna K.), see Gkeex (A. K.), aft. Mrs. Charles Rohlfs. Eohlfs {Mrs. Charles), see Green (A. K.) [Mrs. C. Eohlfs]. Eohlfs (Gerhard). Mein erster Aufenthalt in Marokko u. Eeise siidlich v. Atlas durcb d. Oasen Draa u. Tafilet. s8'. Bremen. IHli Adventures in Morocco, & journeys through the Oases of Draa & Tafilet. [Tr.]. ' 8 ■. 187-4 Meine Mission nach Abessinien, 1880-1. 8°. L. 1883 Eeise durch Marokko, Ubersteigung d. grossen Atlas, Explora- tion d. Oasen v. Tafilet, Tuat u. Tidikelt, u. Eeise durch d. grosse Wiiste iiber Ehadames nach Tripoli. 8'. Bremen. 1868 Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien, 1808-9. '2B. s8'. Bremen. 1871 Eohling (August). F. Delitzsch u. d. Judenlrage. [P619]. 8\ Prag. 1881 Meiue Antworten an d. Kabbiner : 5 Briefe ii. Talmudismus u. Blut-Eitual d. Juden. [P619]. 4« A. 8^ Prag. 1883 Die PolemLk u. d. Menschenopfcr des Eabbinismus. LP6191. 8". Paderborn. 1883 Der Tahnudjude. [P619]. 6' A. s8'\ Miinster. 1877 see Delitzsch (F.) Neueste Traumgesichte d. antisemit. Pro- pheten, 1883. „ E.'s Tahnudjude, 1' A., ISSl. „ Schachmatt den Blutliignern E. etc., 2" Abdr., 1883. „ Was E. beschworen hat u. will, 2" Abdr., 1883. „ Merx (E. 0. A.) Sinn d. Stellen auf die E. Blutbeschuldi- gung griinden will, 1885. Kohmar (Friedrich). *Kritik d. Gottesbegriiifs in d.gegenwart. Weltansichten. [P477]. 3' A. 8". Xordlingen. 1857 *Der natiirlicbe Wcg d. Mcnscben zu Gott. 8'. Nordlingen. 1858 Eohr (Johann Friedrich). Kurze Gesch. d. Eeformution. 2« A. s8''. Weimar. 1833 Paliistiua : Beschreibung d. jiidischen Landes z. Zeit Jesu. G« A. 8". EeutUngen. 1832 Eohrbach (Carl), see Kbetschmer (A.) & C. E., Costumes of all nations, 1.882. Ebhrich (EJouard), see EtEunicH. Kbhricht (Eeinhold). Beitriige z. Gesch. d. Kreuzziige. 2B. 8'. 1874-8 Deutsche Pilgerreisen nach dem heiligen Lanrte. neueA. 8". Innsbruck. 1900 Gesch. d.Konigreichs .Jerusalem (1100-1291). 8'. Innsbruck. 1898 Gesch. d. Kreuzziige im Umriss. 8\ Innsbruck. 1898 Quinti belli sacri scriptures minores. [S. de I'Or. L. s. h. 2]. 8\ Geneve. 1879 Eegesta Kegni Hierosolymitani (1097-1291). Ed. E. E. laS". (Eniponti. 1893 Studien zur Gesch. d. 5" Kreuzzuges. 8'. Innsbruck. 1891 Testimonia minora de quinto bello sacro. [S. de rOr. L. s. h. 3]. 8'. Geneve. 1832 Ebhrig (Ernst 0.), see Technologisches Worterbuch, 3B, 1887-91. *Eoi (Le) d'Angleterre & le jongleur d'Ely (13" s.). For an ed., sec *EioTE (Li) du monde— Le roi d'A. etc. ; publ. [par F. Michel], 1834. Eoisel {Mme. de) [ps". M. Genin; Fran9ois Yil.\ks]. Lafamille Martin: hist, da plusieurs ours. s8". [1878] Eoisel (Godefroy de). La substance. £8\ 1881 Eoisselet de Sauclieres ( ). Coup d'oeil sur I'hist. du cahin- isme en France. 8 '. 1844 Eoissy (Jean Jacques de Mesmes, sieur de), see Mesmes. Eojas (Agustin de). El viage entietenido deE. Con una expo- sicion de los nombres bistor. y poeticos que no van declarados. 2t in 1. 5' ed. s8'\ 1793 Eojas (Ezequiel). Philosophic de la morale. 8'. S.-Germain-en-Laye. 1870 Eojas (Fernando de), of Montalvan. Celestina ; or, Calisto & Mehbea. Eng. by J. Mabbe, 1C31. [Tudor Transl'.]. s4'. 1894 >■ „ [anoth. ed.'], see Eiv.iDEXEYRA, Biblioteca, t3. Kovelistas etc. Eojas (Fernando de) [continued], see Aleman (M.) Guzman of Alfaraque ; [&] Celestina [by B.], tr., 1707-8. Eojas Zorrilla (Francisco de). De las comedias de E. Z. [pi] d Segunda parte. s4". Francisco Martinez. 1645 Comedias escog. Orden. per E. de Mesonero Eomanos. [Eiva- deneyra, 54\ la8'>. 1897 Eokeby (Matthew Eobinson-Morris, 2"'' baroti), tym-lfiUO. *Consid". on the measures w. resp. to the Colonies in N. America. [PGO]. 8'. [1774J see Brydges {Sir E.) Character of E., 1817. Eokeby (Morris Eobinson-Morris, o"' haron). The fall of Mortimer: tragedy. [P2G2]. 8». 180(> ^^ Biographia dramatica" assigns this to the ^'^'^ baron ; but Vict. of Nat. Biogv. saysit " is probably to be assigned to" the 3''^ ; ({■ B.M. agrees. Eokeby {Sir Thomas), justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Brief mem. of Mr. Justice E. [compiled by J. Hainc], com- prising his relig. journal tt corr., [1861]. Tiiis, w. sep. ip. it pagin., is part of Miscellanea, [Surtees Soc, 37], 1861, g.r. Diary of Justice B., [1688-97], f. MS. in poss. of Sir H. Peek. [Ed. W. Boyd]. 4''. p.p. [1887] Eokitansky (Carl y.) A manual of pathological anatomy. ^Sydenham Soc.]. 4v. [vt wanting]. 8'. 1849-52 Eolamb (Nils). Belation of a journey to Constantinople, sec CnrRCHiLL, Voyages, v4. Eoland, the Paladin [Eoulaxd ; Eowiaxd ; Euolasd ; Ecot- LAXD ; Orlasdo]. see Chanson de Eoland. „ CH.iRLEM.iGNE. English C. romances : p2, The romance of Duke Eowland & Sir Otuell, f. the MS. of E. Thornton, in Brit. Mus., MS. Addit. 31, 142 ; w. a fragment of " The song of Roland," 1880. „ Enghsh C. romances : p6. The fragments of " Eoland and Vernagu" f. the Auchinleck MS., 1882. ,, TuRPiN. For ed'. or tr'. of the " De vita Caroli Magni et R\ hist." ascr. to Turpin. Eoland [siimarne] ; see also Eolland, Eowland, Eowlands,. El'LAND. Eoland (Mme.) 11S4-93. [fPHLipON (Marie Jean'ne), aft.Boland de La Platirre}. Memoires. seule ed. entierement conforme au ms. autographe, publ. avec des notes par C. A. Daaban. laS". 18C4 „ „ 2t. n. ed., revue & accomp. de notes & de pieces ined. par P. Faugere. s8". 1S64 see Blind M.) Mme. E , 1886. „ Daubas (C. A.) Et. sur Mme. R. ; suiv. des lettrea de R. a Buzot, etc., 186*. „ DoBSON (Austin). Four Frenchwomen, 1890. „ T.'tRBELL (Ida M.) Mme. E., 1896. Lettres. Publ. par C. Perroud. tlj [inprog. Doc'*, ined.]. laS". 1900 Lettres en partie ined. de Mme. R. aux demoiselles Cannet, suiv. des lettres de R. a Bosc, Servai), etc. & de does. in^d. Notes etc. par C. A. Dauban. 2t. laS". 1867 Le mariage de Mme. R. : trois annees de correspondance amouieuse 1777-80. Publ. par A. Join-Lambert. S». 1896 Memoires. 2t. [M. r. a la E. F.]. 8" 1820 „ „ 2t in 1. n. dd., avec notes etc. par J. Ravenel. 8°. 1840 I Eoland (Arthur). Farming for pleasure & profit. Ed. W. H. Ablett. 8v. [v7. 189.3 Eolle (Pierre Nicolas). Eecherehes sur leeulte de Bacchus, etc. 3t. 8». 1824 Bolle (Richard) of Hampole. [Hampull; Eichabdus Pampoli- TANDs]. Eng. prose treatises of E. R. de H. Ed. f. E. Thornton's MS. by G. G. Perry. [E.E.T.S., 20]. 8". 1866 The fire of love ; &, The mending of life, or the rale of living. Englisht (143.5, 1434) by E. Misyn. Intr., A glossal? f. MS. CCXXXVI in Corpus Coll., Oxf., by R. Harvey. [E.E.T.S., 106]. »'. 1896 The pricke of conscience. Ed. E. Morris. [Philolog. Soc.]. 8-. 1863 Psalter & certain canticles, w. tr. it expos, in Eng., by E. Ed. H. E. Bramley. 8". 0. 1884 Yorkshire writers: E. E. & h. followers, ed. C. Horstman. 2v. [Lib. of Early Eng. writers, 1, 2]. H\ 1895 Rolleston (George). Forms of animal life : outlines of zoolog. classification. ^^8". 0. 1870 „ ... 2"'i ed., enl. by W. H. Jackson. la8o. 0. 1888 Scientific papers & addresses. Ed. W. Turner, w. biograph. sketch by E. B. Tylor. 2v. S\ O. 1884 see GiiEENWELL (W.) Brit, barrows ; w. deser. of skulls by R., 1887. Rolleston (Lady Maud). Yeoman service : diary of wife of an Imperial Yeomanry otliccr dur. Boer war. 88". 1901 Rolleston (Thomas William H.) Life of Lessing. s8'. 1889 see BuuoKE (S. A.) & E., edd.. Treasury of Irish poetry, 1900. Rollet de I'lsle ( ). Au Tonkin & dans les mers de Chine, 1883-S. 4". [1886] Rolliad [hy several ivriters]. Criticisms on the EoUiad. [nos. 1-7, pp. 43]. 8'. 1784 „ ... pi, corrected & enP. [P561]. 7"' ed. 8". 1787 pi. 8"> ed. 8". 1788 The Rolliad, in two parts : Px'obationary Odes for the Laureate- ship, &, Political miscellanies. Rev. by the authors. 2pin Iv. 8'. 179-5 see Political misc"., by the a', of the R. A Probationary Odes, pi, 1787, /or a sej). ed. of this part. „ Probationary odes for the Laureateshii), 7"' ed., 1787, for a Sep, ed. of this part. Rollin, see also Rolin. Rollin (A. Ledru-), see Ledku-Eollin. Rollin (Charles). CEuvres completes. Observations par JL Letronne. 30t in 15 [Atlas, 1843, ivanting]. n. ed 8". 1821-25 Hist, ancienne, 12t. Hist, romaine, 13t. Traite des etudes, 4t. (Euvres diverses, It. Ancient hist, of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Baby- lonians, Medes & Persians, Macedonians, & Grecians. Tr. 7v. [vl wantingl. S"- ed. 8". 1768 8v. g-i-ed. 8°. 1800 Hist, of the arts & sciences of the antients. Tr. [Compiled f. h. " Hist, ancienne "]. 3v. 2"<' ed. 8". 1768 Rollo, duke of Normaiidy. [Rolf the Ganoer ; Gaungu-Hrulf ; Ron ; Rollon]. see Wace. *Eoman de Eou. „ Wabburton (A.) R. & h. race, 1848. RoUock (Robert). Select works. Ed. W. M. Gunn. [Wodrow *Tlu'ee R". of the King's Court, (1194/5), 1891, see Court : Court of King's Bencli. see Assize Rolls. „ Charter Rolls. „ Close Rolls. „ Fine Rolls. „ Hundred Rolls. „ Liberate Rolls. „ NoNS Rolls. „ Norman Rolls. ,, Originalta Rolls. „ Patent Rolls. „ Pipe Rolls. „ RoTULi de dorainabus etc. (1185), cur. S. Grimaldi, 1830. „ RoTULiNormanniuD, Job. & Hon. V regibus, vl, [no more puhl^, 1835. Soc, 6J. RoUot (Hippolyte). 2v. 8". E. Les chants de la vie. 1844-9 1888 Rolls [sec also Roll]. For anon, works in French sec Roles. Receipt Rolls of the Exchequer, see Exchequer. Rolls ot Parliament, 8v ti Index, 1767-1832, see Parliament : Gen. Coll", etc Rotnli Cuviaj Regis': Rolls & Records of tlie Court held before the King's Justiciars, 6 Rie. I-l John, 1835, see Court : Court of King's Bench. Rotuli Parlianientorum, ut et Petitione.i etc., 8v if Index, 1767-1832, see Parliament: Gen. Coll", etc. Rotuli Scaccarii regum Sco- torum : Excliequer Rolls of Scotland, in proq.^ 1878etc., see Scotland : Exchequer (Court or). Rotuli Seotije [Edw. I-Heu. VIII], 1811-19, see Scotland. Rolls Series. see Abingdon : monastery. Chron. monasterii de A., 2v, 1858. [2, i, ii.] ,, AD>iir.,u,TY. Monumenta juridica : the Black Book of the A., w. app\, 4v, 1871-6. [55, i-iv.] „ Anglo-Saxon (The) Chronicle, ed., w. tr. by B. Thorpe, 2v, 186L [23, i, ii.] „ Annales Cambria; [477-1288], 1860. [20.] „ Annals of Loch Ck [1014-1590], ed., w. tr., 2v, 1871. [54, i, ii.] „ Anstey (H.) ed., Munimenta academica, or doc", illust. of life & studies at Oxford, 2p, 1868. [50, i, ii.] ,, Bacon (Roger). Opera quoedam : vl, Opus tertium — Opus minus — Comiiendium philosophios, [no more publ.'], 1859. [15.] „ Becket(T.) Materials for the hist, of B., 1875-85. [67, i-vii.] „ Thomas Saga, w. tr. etc, 2v, 1875-83. [65, i, ii.] „ Beokington (T.), bp. Memorials of r. of Hen. VI ; official corr. of B., sec. to Hen. VI, 2v, 1872. [56, i, ii.] „ Benedict, of Peterhoroucjh. Chron. known under name of B. of P. [1169-1192], ed. Stubbs, 2v, 1867. [49, i, ii.] „ Boethius (Hector). Buik of croniclis of Scotland : metr. version of the Hist, of B. by W. Stewart, 3v, 1858. [6, i-iii.] „ Bracton (H. de). De legibus et consuetudinibus Anglite, Hb. 5, 1878-83. [70, i-vi.] „ Brut y Tywysogion, 1860. [17.] „ Campbell (W.) ed.. Materials for a hist, of the v. of Hen. VII, 2v, 1873-7. [60, i, ii.] „ Canterbury Cathedral, Liters Cant., 1887-9. [85, i-iii.] „ CAPGR.iVE (J.) Chron. of Eng. [(0 /4/7], 18.58. [1.] „ Book of illustrious Henries ; tr.F.C.Hingeston, 1858. [7.] „ Liber de illustribus Henvieis, 1858. [7.] „ Chbonicon Anglife (1328-88), auetore monacho quodam S. Albani, 1874. [64.] „ Chronicosi Scotorum : a chron. of Irish affairs (to 1135), w. suppl. (1141-50), w. tr., ed. W. M. Hennessy, 1866. [46.] „ Cirencester (RicnARD, o/). Speculum historiale de gestis regum Anglia; [447-1066J, 2v, 1863-9. [lib. Ill, ch. 3 cont'. a treatise on Cerronation by William of Sudbury]. [30, i, ii.} ,, Cockayne (T. 0.) ed., Leechdoms, wortcunning, & starcraft in early Eng. : doc*., 3v, 1864-6. [35, i-iii.] „ CoGGESHALL (E. de). R. dc C. chi'on. Anglicanum — De ex- pugnatioue Terra; Sancta; libellus— T. Agnellus de morte etc. Henrici regis Angliie juuioris — Gesta Fulconis filii Warini — Excerpta ex otiis imperialibus Gervasii TUe- buriensis, 1875. [66.] „ Cole (C. A.) ed., Memorials of Hen. V : Vita, Rob. Eed- mauno auct. — Versus in laudem H. — Elmhami liber metr. de H., 1858. [11.] „ Cotton (B.) Hist. Anglioana (449-1298)— Liber de archi- episc. & episc Anglife, 1859. [16.] „ Coventry (Walter, of ). Memoriale fratris W. de C. : the histor. coll', of W. of C, 2v, 1872-3. [58, i, ii.] „ DicETo (R. de). Opera hist., 1876. [68, i, ii.] „ E,\dmer, the monk. Hist, novorum in Anglia, 1884. [81]. „ Edward, the Confessor. Lives of E., ed. Luard, 1858. [3.] ,, Elmham (Thomas, o/). Hist, monast. S. Augustini Cantuar. [to //9/], 1858. [8.] BOLLS 125G ROMAN Eolls Series Iconlhiued]. see*EvhOGiim : chron. ab orbo condito usque ad a. 13G6, a monacho quoJam Malmesburiensi, 3v, 1858-63. [9, i-iii.] „ Evesham. Cbron. abbatiie de E., ad a. 1418 [by Prior Dominic, T. di' Marleburge,(£ an anvn. continualor], 1803. [29.] „ Fasciculi zizaniorum Magistri J. Wyclif cum tritico [ascr. to T. Nettcr of Waldeii], 1858. [5.] „ Gaimar (G.) Lestorie des Engles, 1888-9. [91. i, ii.] „ GAOtDNER (.J.) ed., Letters & papers illust. of the r'. of Ric. Ill * Hen. VII, 2v, 1861-3. [24, i, ii.] „ ed., MemoriaLs of Henry VII : Beruardi Andrese vita, necnon alia [further details in note to entry], 1858. [10.] „ Gervasius, Canluaricnsis, Historical works, 1879-80. [73, i, ii.] „ Gilbert (.J. T.) ed., Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin, 1884. [80, i, ii.] „ Hist. & municipal docs, of Ireland, 1870. [53.] „ GiRALi>u3, Cambrensis. Opera, 8v, 1861-91. [21.] „ Gloucester. Hist. & cartularium monast'. S. Petri Glouoes- trisE, 3v, 1863-7. [33, i-iii.] „ Gloucester (Robert, of). Metrical chronicle, 1887. [86, i, ii.] „ Graves (.1.) ed.. Roll of the proceedings of the King's council in Ireland, [1392-1393], 1877. [69.] „ Gbosseteste (Robert), 6p. Epistohr, 1861. [25.] „ Hardy (Sir T. D.) Descr. cat. of materials rel. to hist, of Gt. Brit. & Ireland to end of r. of Hen. VII, vl-3 in 4, [1, i, ii ; no raorc puU.], 1862-71. v3 ends w. 1327. [26, i (in 2p) ; ii ; iii.] „ Higden (Ranuli'Hus). I'olychronicon, w. the Eng. tr". of John Trevisa & of an unknown writer of lo"" c, 9v, 1865-86. v9 cont'. a cant, by Johannes Malverne. [41, i-ix.] „ HiNOESTO.v-R.ANDOLPH (F. C.) ed., Roval* hist, letters dur. r. of Hen. IV, vl, [1399-1404, no more publ.], 1860. [18.] „ Hoveden (Roger, o/). Chronica R. de H., 4v, 1868-71. [51, i-iv.] „ HowLETT (R.) cd., Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II, & Richard I, 1884-9. [82, i-iv.] „ HnoH, St., hp. of Lincoln. *Magna vita S. Hugonis [by Adam, a monk of Hugh's Iwusehold, aft. abbot of Eynsham?], 18C4. [37.] „ Huntingdon (Henry, of). Historia Anglorum, 1879. [74.] „ Hyde. Liber monast'.' de Hyda, [155-1023], 1866. [45.] „ Jones (W. H. R.) Charters etc. of Salisbury, 1891. [97.] „ Kellawe (Ricuard de), bp. of Durham. Registrum Pala- tinum Dunelm. : Register of R. de K. (1311-16), 4v, 1873-8. [02, i-iv.l „ Knighton (H.) Chronicon H. K., vel Cnitthon, 1889-95. [92, i, ii.] „ Lanotoft (Peter). Chron. of L., in French verse, to death of Edw. I, 27, 18G6-8. [47, i, ii.] „ LivRE. *Le livere de reis de Brittanie e le livere de reis de Engleterre [by Peter of Ickham ?], ed. J. Glover, 1865. [42.] „ LuAED (H. R.) cd., Annales monastici, 5v, 1864-9. For con- tents see entry. [36, i-v]. „ Maitland (F. W.) cd.. Records of the Parliament holden at Westminster (a.d. 1305), 1893. [98.] „ Maliiesbfry (William, of). De gestis pontificum Anglorum, 1870. [52.] „ De gestis regum Anglorum. Libri quinque, 1887-9. [90, i, ii]. „ Malhesbury, monastery of. Registrum Malmesburiense, ed. J. S. Brewer & C. T. Martin, 1879-80. [72, i, ii.] „ Meaux : abbey. Chron. monast. de Melsa usque ad a. 1396, auct. Thoma de Burton ; aec. cont. ad a. 1406 a monacho quodam, 3v, 1866-8. [43, i-iii.] „ Monomenta Franciscana, 2v, 1858-82. [4, i, ii.] „ Murimuth (\.. of). A. M. cont. Chronicarum. Robert of Avesbury, De gestis mirabil. reg. Edwardi tertii, 1889. [93.] „ Neckam (Alex.) De naturis rerum — De laudibus divin® sapientia?, 1863. [34.] „ Osmund, ,S^, Vetus registrum Sarisberienss, 1883-4. [78, i, ii.] „ Oxenedes (.Joannes, de). Chronica, 1859. [13.] ,, Paris (Matthew). Chronicamaiora,7v, 1872-83. [57,i-vii.] „ Hist. Anglorum, s. hist, minor; item, ejusdem Abbre- viatio chronicorum Anglias, 3v, 1866-9. [44, i-iii.] „ Patrick, 5'.'., The tripartite life of P., 1887. [89, i, ii.] „ Peacock (R.), bp.. The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy, 2v, 1860. [19, i, ii.] Rolls Series [continued], sec Peckham (J.) Registrum epistolarum, 1882-5. [77, i-iii.] ,, Raine (J.) the younger, ed.. The historians of the church of York & its Archbi-shops, 1879-94. [71, i-iii.] ,, ed.. Hist, papers & letters f. the northern registerSi 1873. [61.] ,, Ramsey, abbei/ of. Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia, 1884-93. [79, i-iii.] „ Chronicon, [to 1200], 1886. [83.] „ Red book of the exchequer, 1896. [99, i-iii.] ,, Riley (H. T.) cd., Munimenta Gildhalte London., 3v in 4, 1859-62, [contents in entry]. [12, i ; ii (pi) ; ii (p2) ; iii.] „ ed.. Chronica monast. S. Albani, 7 div". in 12v, 1863-76. [28, I, i, ii ; II ; III ; IV, i-iU ; V, i, ii ; VI, i, ii; VII.] „ Robert, of Brunne. The story of England, 1887. [87, i-ii.] „ St. Edmund, abbey of. Memorials, 1890-6. [96, i-iii.] ,, St. Thomas, abbey of. Register of the abbey of St. T., Dublin, 1889. [94.] „ Shirley (W. W.) cd.. Royal & o. hist, letters illust. of r. of Hen. Ill, 2v, 1862-6. [27, i, ii.] „ Simeon, of Durham. Opera omnia, 1882-5. [75, i, ii]. „ Stevenson (J.) ed.. Letters & papers illust. of the wars of the English in France dur. r. of Henry VI, 18G1-4. [22, vl, i, 2, i, ii.] ,, ed.. Narratives of the expulsion of the English from Normandy (1449—50) : R. Blondelli de reductione Nor- manniie — Recouvrement de Normeudie, par Berry — Confer- ences betw. Ambassadors of France & Eng., 1863. [32.] „ Stubbs (W.) cd.. Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I & II, 1882-3. [76, i, ii.] „ cd., Chron'. cfe memorials of r. of Rich. I, 2v, 1864-5. [38, i, ii.] „ ed.. Memorials of St. Dunstan, 1874. [63.] „ VioFussoN (G.) cd., Icelandic Sagas, 1887-94. [88, i-iv.] „ *\Var of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, text, w. tr. etc., 1867. [48.] ,, Waurin (J., de). Coll. of the chron'. & anc. hist', of Gt. Brit., tr., vl-3 [no more ptibl.], 1864-91. [40, i-iii.] „ Recueil des croniques & anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, 5v, 1861-91. [39, i-v.] „ Wendover (Roger, of). Flores hist, etc., 1886-9; 1890. [84, i iii ; 95, i-iii.] „ Wright (T.) ed.. The Anglo-Latin satirical poets & epigram- matists of the 12'" c, coll. & ed. W., 2v, 1872. [59, i, ii.] ,, ed.. Coll. of polit. poems & songs rel. to Eng. hist., Edw. Ill to Hen. VIII, 2v, 1859-61. [14, i, ii.] „ Year Books. Y. B'. of r. of Edw. I : Years 20-22 ; 30-35, [5v], 1863-79. [31, i-v.] „ Y. B'. of r. of Edw. Ill : Years 11-16, [7v, in i)rog.], 1883-1900. [31, vi-xii.] Rollwyn (J. A. S.) Astronomy for gen. reading, etc. 8°. [1870]. Rom, see *Lernt Rom kennen! 2' A., 1877. Roma, [see also Rome], sec *Mirabilia Roma-, ed. Parthey, 1869. Romagnosi (Giovanni Domenico). La scienza delle costi- tuzioni. s8". Bastia. 1848 Romain (Eusebe) ^w., see Mabillon (J.) Romaine. Actes olBciels de la Republique Romaine 9 F.-2 Juli 1849. Extr. et tr. du Moniteur Romain. [b. w. Correspondence de Rome, 1852]. 8". 1849 Romaldus, Saint, see Romuald, Saint. Roman [& roman, see also romans]. For entries li ref. of anon, works in loh. the form " Roman Catholic" is used, see Catholic. For anon, works in German see Romische, Romischen. Dictiounaire roraan, walon etc., 1777, see PR.ANijois (.J.) History of R. lit., [Encye. Met.], '2"^ ed., 1852, see Thompson (H.) eJ. •Life of Laud, by a " Romish recusant," 1894, see Longueville (T.) •Observations upon certain R. roads it towns in the S. of Britain, 1736, see Long (H. L.) Roman (The) Breviary, tr. inarq. of Bute, 1879, see Breviary. •Roman (Lej de Flanienca, see Flamenca. •Roman (Le) de Galerent, 1838, see Renaut, the troubadour. •Roman (Le) de la rose, var. ed\, see Lokris (G. de) & J. de Meung. •Roman iLe) de la rose, ou de Guillaume de Dole, [not, of course, the well-known " R. de la B."], 1893, see Guillaume de Dole. „ seeSiEPERlE.) Les echoes anioureux ; altfranzus. Nachahmung d. Roseuromans u. i. engl. Ubertragung, 1898. •Roman de Mahomet, ed. 1831, see Du Pont ^ALEX.) •Roman (Le) de Merlin, see Merlin. •Roman (Le) de Roncevcux, see *Ch.\nson de Roland. •Roman de Ron, see Wace (Robert*. ROMAN 1257 ROME Roman [A boman] [cojitintted]. *Romaii (Le) de Thebes, 1890, see Thebes. *Roman de [GiHon tic] Trasignyes, see Gilles, (h Trasiguyes, hero of rottKinre. *Roman (Le) de Tristan et Iseut, sec Tristram. *Roman (Le) des femmes quiont aim6. Par la pcesse. . . . Coram. par A. Houssaye. s8". 1874 *Roraan des sept sages, see Seven Sages. *Roman iLe) du Renard, see *Reynakd the Fox. *Roraaii (Le) du roi Flore etc., 1838, see Flore. •Roman du Saint Graal, see Grail. "Roman empresses iThe), 1899, see Serviez (J. R. de). "Roman imperial photographs, 1874, see Lee (J. E.) •Roman imperial profiles, 1874, see Lee (J. E.) Roman (The) Lxdex ifc its late proceedings, 18G9, see Ffoulkes (E. S.) Roman Martyrology, see Martyrologium Romanura. SelecteJ fragments of R. poetry, 1891, see Merry (W. W.) ecf. Eomana (Lucretia), see LnciiETiA, liomana. Koman Catholic Church. For official publ'., or those of similar nature, see Rome : Church of Borne. Bomance. •Romance (The) of a French parsonage, 1892, see Betham-Edwards (Miss). •Romance {&.) of Acadia, 1874, see Knight (C.) •Romance (The) of Guy of Warwick, 1875-6, see Guy, earl of Warwicle. •Romance (The) of Octavian, ear. ed\, see Octaviax. •Romance (The) of Sir Beues of Hamtoun, 1885/94, see Bevis, Sir, of Southampton. •Romance (A) of the Recusants, 1888, see Longueville (T.) •Romance of the rose. For ed^. tC- tr^. of the " Boman etc la rose,^^ by G. de Lorris tt J. de Meung, sec Lorris (G. de). Eomanceiro : choix de vieux chants portug.iis tr. etc., 1881, see Puymaigke [le etc. T. J. de). Komancero. Romancero castellano, n. ed., 1844-0, see Depping (G. B.) ed. •Romaucero del Cid, var. ed^., see CiD (El). Romancero (Le) du pays basque. s8®. 1859 Romancero (Le) franfois, 1833, see Paris (A. Paulin) ed., etc. Romancero general, [Rivadeneyra, 10, 16], 1851-77, sec Duran (A.) ed. Romancero y caucionero sagr.^,do9, etc., [Rivadeneyra, 35], 1855, see Sancha i J. de) ed. Eomances. Collection (A) of early prose r'., 1828, see Thoms (W. .J.) ed. Romances viejos castellanos, 3t, 1899-1900. These form tS-10 of Menendez y Pelayo (M.) ed., Antologia etc., q.v. Three early English metrical i'., [Camden 8oc., 18], 1842, sec RoEsoN (.J.) ed. Komanes (George John). Animal intelhgence. [Interuat. Sci. Ser.]. s8». 1882 „ „ ... Si-t" ed. s8°. 1883 Darwin & after Darwin. 3v. s8". 1892-7 1, Darwinian theory. 2, Post-Darwinian questions; heredity & utility. 3, Post-Darwinian questions: isolation & physiolog. selection. Essays. Ed. C. LI. Morgan. s8". 1897 An exam, of Weisniannism. sS". 1893 I Jelly-fish, star-fish, sea-urchins : | aresearohon primitive nervous systems. s8". 1885 j Romanes {Mrs. George John) Life & letters. Written & ed. by h. wife. 8". 1896 Mental evolution in animals. With posth. essay on instinct, by C Darwin. [Internat. Sci. Ser.]. 8". 1883 Mental evolution in man. 8'. 1888 Mind & motion & monism. s8". 1895 Scientific evidences of organic evolution. 58". 1882 A sel. from the poems of R. Intr. by T. H. Warren. 88". 1896 Thoughts on religion. Ed. C. Gore. s8o. 1895 „ „ ... 5«'' ed. s8". 1895 sec Romanes (G. J.) Life & letters, by [Mrs. 7f.], 189G. Romania : reeueil trimestre consacr^ a I'^tude des langues & des litt. romanes. Annee 1-30, [1872-1900. Annee 10-14 toaiit- inn. In prog.]. Ia8". 1872-1901 Komaniei. Acte ^i documente relative la istoria renascerei roinaniei, [in 2>rog.], 1888 etc., sec Petkescu (G.), D. A. Stuhdza, eV- D. C. Stukdza, cdd. Romanilor. Documente privitore la Istoria Eomiinilor, in prog., 1876 etc., sec Hurmuzaki (E. de). Romanin (S.) Gli inquisitori di state di Venezia. 8". Venezia. 18.58 Lezioni di storia veneta. 2v. s8". Firenze. 1875 Storia documentata di Venezia. lOt. 8". Venezia. 18-53-61 Romanism. »What is E. ? 26 uos. in Iv. sS". 1846-50 Romanoff, House of, see Edwards (H. S.) The R'., 1890. Romanoflf (H. C.) Rites & customs of Greco-Russian Chureli. s8». 1868 2°'» ed. s8». 1869 Romanos (Ramon de Mesonero), see Mesonero Romanos. Romans. Reeueil de romans historiques. [PiM. par K. Leriglet Du, Fresnoy]. St. s8". Loudres. 1746-47 Romans (Li I de Carite et MLserere, 1885, see Moiliens, Le renclnsde. •Romans (Li) de Garin le Loherain, sec G.abin, le Loherain. •Romans (Les) de la Table Ronde, mis en nouveau langage, 1868-77, see P.iRis (A. Paulin) ed. •Romans (Li) de Parise la duchesse, see Parise. Romantic. •Romantic biography of the ago of Elizabeth, 1842, see Taylor (W. C.) •Romantic episodes of chivalric fc mediaeval France, 1862, see Vance (A.) Romantic fiction ; select tales f. Fouque & others, [2"'' ed., 1843 ?], see FoUQUE. Romantic Scottish ballads (The), their epoch etc., see Chambers (E.) •Romantic stories of the legal profession. s8». [1883] Romanum. see Mautyrologium Eomanum, var. ed'. ., Pontificale Romanum, etc., 1868. Eomanus I, emperor of the East, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. gnica, tll3, E. aurea bulla pro monast. Xeropotami, 1864. Eomanus, 7)o/)C, sec Migne (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl29. Romanus (.Slgidius Columna), sec Colonna (Egidio) Romano. Romanus (Clemens), sec Clemens, Romanus. Romanus (Eusebius), ps. of a. of " Aiiimadv'. in lib. Prceadami- tarum, l(>'}(t," see Le Prieur (P.) Romanus (Eusehius), ps. of a. of " De cultu sanctorum igno- torum," see Mapii.i.on (J.) Romanus (Hippolytus), see HiproLYTUs, St., bp. of the Port of Home. *Romayunu [Ramayana], see V.^lmiki. Romberg (Moritz Heinrich). A manual of the nervous diseases of man. Tr. & ed. by E. H. Sieveking. [Sydenham Soc.]. 2v. 8°. 1853 Rome [Clnirch, City, Empire, Republic, etc., of Rome]. Anon, works, [see also Rom it R0M.1]. *Contemporary annals of Rome : notes, by the Roman corre- spondent of " Westminster Gazette," pret. by Capel. ser. 1, Mar. 1867-Mar. 68. s8^ 1870 Diarium Romana; urbis 1481-1492, see Mubatori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Ser., t3, ii. *Driven to E., 1877, see Nevins (W. P.) •History (A) of R., 2v, 1833-5, sec Bell (R.) ♦Impressions of E., Florence, & Turin, 1862, see Sewell (E. M.) ♦Letters from E. on the Council, by Quirinus, [tr.], 1870, see QuiRiNcs ps. •Mirabilia urbis Eoniie : the marvels of Rome, Eng. version w. suppl. & notes, 1889, see MiBADiLLi etc. *01d Rome & London compared, 2"'' ed., 1710, see Soulione ( ). ♦Priest (The) miracles of E., 1851, see Priest etc. ♦Eeligion (The) of E. descr. by a Eoman. Tr. by W. Howitt. s8". 1873 ♦Eome ct her captors : letters coll. by Count H. d'ldeville, tr., 1875, sec Ideville (cte. H. d') ed. ♦Eome, as it was under paganism, as it became under the Popes, 1843, see Miley (J.) *Eome an siecle d'Auguste, n. *d., 1846-7, see Dezohry (L. C.) *Eome (La) des Papes. tr., 1859, see Pianciani (L.) *Eome in the 19'" cent, 1820, sec Eaton {Mrs. C. A.) *Eomc, pagan & papal : by an Eng. resident. sS". 1846 •Sept (Les) sages de Rome, sec ♦Seven Sages. ♦Seven Wise Masters of Rome, see Seven Sages. Stations (The) of Rome, rar. ed'., see Stations etc. see Spain. Col. de doC para la hist, de Espana, [under Eoma]. Church of Eome. ♦Claims of the Church of Eome; w. a view to unity. 2"'' ed., 1850, sec Appleyakd (E. S.) ♦Correspondance de Eome : Reeueil des allocutions, bulles, etc. etc. du Saint-Siege. Annees 1848, 49, 50. 8". 1852 ♦Driven to Eome, 1877, see Nevins (W. P.) Monumenta Vaticana hist. Hungarian illust. : I, 5, Liber Con- fraternitatis S. Spiritus de Urbe (1446-1523), 1889, see Monumenta etc. ♦Priest (The) miracles of R., 1851, see Priest etc. BOME 1258 EOOKE Borne [continued]. Chukch of Rome [cont'.] *Eeligion (The) of R., descr. by a lloman. Tr. by W. Howitt. s8'. 1873 Koads to Itome : records of converts to Cath. faith. Intr. by Card. Vaughan. Ed. by a. of " Ten years in Anglican Orders." sS". 1901 Sacrarum cerimoniarum, s. ritmim ecclesiast. S. Eoman* Eccl. libri tres. denuo recog. fol. KomiE. 15tiO *State (The) of the Church of E. when the Reform, began : advices given to Paul III etc. [tr. W. Clagett], 1C88, see State etc. see AvANziNi (P.) De Constitutione Apostol. Sedis qua cen- sure latffi sententisE limitantur comm'., ed. man., 1872. „ Breviary. „ Conclaves. *Hist. des c. dep. Clement V., 3' ed., 1703. „ Corpus iuris canonici, rar. cd\ „ Decretale.s, 2v, 1-584. „ FoKjiuLAKY (A) of the Papal Penitentiary in the 13"" c, 1892. ,, Index librorum proliibitorum, var. ed\ „ Lekoy-Beaulieu (.\.) Papacy etc. ; [;«.] the Papal Ency- clical on the condition of labour, tr., 1892. „ Liber diuruus, publ. par E. de Roziere, 18'39. „ Liber pontificalis, var. ed'. „ Papal Registers. Calendar of entries in the Papal Registers illust. the hist, of Gt. Brit. & Ireland, in prog., 189oetc. ,, PoNTiFic.ALE Romauum etc., 1868. Empire. see Codex Theodosianus, ed. n., 1736-4-5. „ Corpus iuris civilis, var. ed'. „ Corpus iuris Romaui antejustiniani, 1841. „ NoTiTiA dignitatum, var. ed'. „ NOVELL.E constitutiones etc., 1844. Republic of 1848. Actes ofliciels de la Eepublique Eomaine, 9 F.-2 Juil. 1849. Extr. et tr. du Moniteur Remain, [h. u\ Rome. *Corre- spoudance de R., 1852]. 8'. 1849 Kome (Kapoleon, king of), son of Napoleon I, see Keich- STADT (N., due de). Komer, see also Eoamer. Komer (Ferdinand). The bone oaves of Ojcow in Poland. Tr. J. E. Lee. 4". 1884 Texas : deutsche Auswanderung etc. 8". Bonn. 1849 .Eomer (Mrs. Isabella F.) Eilia dolorosa; mems. of Jlaiie T. C, duchess of Augouleme. 2v. 8". 18.52 Pilgrimage to temples etc. of Egypt, Nubia, Palestine, 184.5-6. 2v. 8". 1846 The Rhone, the Darro, the Guadalquivir, 1842. 2v. 8°. 1843 Eomer (Jonathan) j'^- *KaIoohih : an autob>. of J. R., ed. [or rather irrittcn] by W. S. Mayo, 1850, see M.ayo (W. S.) *Rbmerfahrt (Die) der lipigonen, 1874, see Meding (0.) Eomero (Matias). Geograpb. & .-statist, notes on Mexico. laS". N.Y. 1898 Eomero (Valerio Francisco). Epicedio en la muerte del Maestro Heruan Nuiiez [6. lo. Nunez (H.) Refranes, 1602J. s8". [Valladolid. 1602] *Eome's master-peece, 1843, see Prynne (W.) Eomesh Chunder Dutt, see Dutt (R. C.) '■■■'Eomfahrt Kaiser Heinrich's VII., 1881, see Henry VII, emp. of Germany. Eomford (Mr. Facey) ps. *Mr. Facey Romford's hounds, 1865, sec Suutees (R. S.j Eomieu (Auguste), Prefect of the Dcpt. of Dordogne. L'ere des Cesars. sS". 1850 Le spectre rouge de 1852. s8". 1851 Eomilly (Edward). Letter to B. Disraeli. [P2G0]. 8». 1867 Eomilly (Hugh Hastings). From my verandah m New Guinea. Intr. by A. Lang. 8". 1889 Letters from W. Pacific & Mashonaland, 1878-91. Ed. w. mem., by S. H. Eomilly. 8". 1893 The W. Pacific it New Guinea : notes on the natives, etc. s8'>. 1886 2'"ied. s8''. 1887 Eomilly (Su Samuel). Mems. of life of R., w. sel. f. h. eorr., ed. by h. sons. 3v. 8o. 1840 2v. S"" ed. s8". 1841 On the Criminal Law as rel. to capital punishments, etc. [P50G]. 2"' ed. 8". 1811 Speeches, in H. of Commons. 2v. 8". 1820 see Constant (B.) Eloge de R., 1819. Eomische. [Romischen]. *Romi3che Briefe vom Concil, v. Quirinus, 1870. The work itself is not possessed, but for a tr. see QuiRiNDS, j;s. *Romische Briefe, v. einem Florentiner, 1840-4, see Reumont (A. V.) Romische Dokumente z. Gesch. d. Ehescheidung Heinrichs VIII, 1893, see Ehses (S.) ed. Wand- u. Deekenschmuck e. romischen Hanses, 1891, see Lessing (.J.) & A. Mau, edd. Eomish. *Life of Laud, by a "E. recusant," 1894, see LONGUEVILLE (T.) Eomney (Dr. 'Edith), character of fiction. *Dr. Edith Romney, 1883, .S(V Elliot (A.) Eomney (George). Exhibition of a selection f. works see GowEB (Lord R.) R. & of B. : Grafton Galleries, 1900. Lawrence, 1882. [P1007]. 3"" ed. s8». [1900] „ Hayley (W.) Life of E., see G.^MLiN (H.) E. & h. art, 1809. 1894. „ Eomney (J.) Mems. of G.E., 1830. Eomuey (Henry Sidney, carl of), ^641-/704, sec Sidney {Hon. Henry), aft. earl etc. Eomney (John), B.D. Mems. of G. Eomney ; also of P. Eomney. h. brother. 4'. 1830 Eomney (Peter), see Romney (J.) Mems. of G. Eomney ; also of P. 1!., 1830. Eomuald, St. see MiGNE (.J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl40, 144. ,, Monu-menta Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Eomualdus, abp. of Salerno, see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl9. ,, MrRATORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t7. Eomundt (Heinrich). Die Vollendung des Sokrates : Kant's Grundlcgung z. Eeform d. Sittenlehre. 8". 1885 Eonalds (Sir Francis). Descr. of an electrical telegraph [1823]. 2"" ed. 8". 1871 Eoncallius (Thomas) ed., Vetustiora Latinorum scriptoruni clironica in unum corpus coll. Prmm. Eusebii chronico a D. Hieronymo e Gneco verso. 2p in Iv. 4". Patavii. 1787 Eonceval. [Eencesval ; Eoncev.au-x]. *Roman de Roncevaux, see *CnANsoN de Rol,vnd. Eonda, ps. *Blanche, Queen of Castile, a poem. s8". 1883 Eondeaux & autres poesies du 15= s., [S. d. a. t. f.], 1889, sec R.vYNAUD (G.) ed. Eondelet (Antonin). Londres pour ceux qui n'v vont pas. 88°. 1864 Les mems. d'Antoine : notions de morale & d'econ. polit. s8". 1860 Eonne (Ludwig M. P. v.) Die preuss. Stadte-Ordnungen V. I9.N0V., 1808 u. V. 17.Miirz, 1831 mit i. Erganzungen etc. 8". Breslau. 1840 Das Staatsrecht d. preuss. Monarchie. 4B. 4" A. laS". L. 1881-4 Eonsard (Pierre de). ffiuvres choisies. Notice etc. par C. A. Saiute-Beuve. 8°. 1828 ffiuvres choisies. Notes et not. biog. par P. L. Jacob. sS". 1844 (Euvres completes. Variantes, et notes par P. Blauchemain. 8t. [Bibl. elz^v.J. s8". 1857-67 Poesies choisies. Notes etc. par L. Becq de Fouquieres. s8'\ 1875 CEuvres. Notice & notes par C. Marty-Laveaux. [Pl^iade Fr.], Gt. s8". 1887-93 sec Mellerio (L.) Lexique de E., 1895. „ Pi^Ki (M.) Le petrarquisme au 16' s. : Petrarque & E., ou I'inrtuence de Petrarque sur la Pleiade, 189fi. Eonsch (Hermann). Itala und Vulgata : d. Sprachidiom d. urchristl. Itala u. d. kathol. Vulgata. 2' A. 8". Marburg. 1875 Das Neue Testament Tertullian's : aus d. Schriften d. letzteren reconstruirt. 8''. L. 1871 Eoo (V. La Perre de), sec La Pekre be Eoo. Eood. *History of the holy rood-tree, 12"' c, 1894, see Napier (A. S.) cd. Legends of the Holy E., etc. [E.E.T.S., 46], 1871, sec Morris (R.) . Boston. 189U O. Cromwell. s8'\ 1900 Gouverncur Moriis. s8'>. Boston. 1891 Hunting trips of a ranchman. Ia8'>. 1880 Root (Edwin A.) INIilitary topog^'. & sketching. 2'"> ed. s8». Kansas City. [1896] Root (J. W.) The Brit. W. Indies & the sugar industry. s8". Liv'l. 1899 Tariff & trade. 8". Liv'l. 1898 *Roots, a plea for tolerance, 1873, see Pembroke (G., 13''' earl of). Ropell (Richard), see *GEScHicnTE der EUKor.i. Sta.^ten : Polen, Bl, V. B., 1840. Roper, sec also Boopeb. Roper (Adalbert). Ausgewiihlte Ornament-Schnitzwerke d. 15-18..Jhdts. Hrsg. v. B., unter Mitwirkung von H. Bosch. lafol. Miinchen. 1897 Roper (Edward), F.B.G.S. By track & trail : through Canada. 8». 1891 Roper CWilliam), fellow of the Mcteorolog. Soc. Weather sayings, proverbs & prognostics, chiefly f. N. Lancashire. [P376]. 2"" ed. s8". Lancaster. [1883] Roper (William), son-in-law of Sir T. More. Life of Sir T. More, w. notes, & app. of letters, n. ed., rev. by S. W. Singer. S8". Chiswick. 1822 Roper (William John Duff). -Chronicles of Charter-House. »>. 1847 Roper (William Oliver) cd.. Materials for hist, of the Church of Lancaster. 2v, [pi'ijin. cont. Chetham Soc, NS26, 31]. s4<'. 1892-4 Ropes (Arthur R.) & M. E. Ropes. On Peter's Island. s8». 1901 Ropes (John Codman). The army under Pope. s8". N.Y. 1881 The campaign of Waterloo. 8°. 1893 „ „ ... Atlas. Ia4». 1893 „ „ 3"'ed. 80. 1895 The first Napoleon. 8". Boston. 1895 Ropes (Joseph S.) The currency. The National Debt. The story of the Civil War, 1861-5. pi, '2, [in prog.]. 8<>. N.Y. 1894-8 pi, to the opening of the campaigns of 1862, p2. Campaigns of 1862. The ma2'S [23] to p2 are in a aep. 8'. case. [P263]. 8". Boston. 1808 [P21C]. 8''. 1868 Ropes (Mary E.), sec Boies (A. E.) & M. E. R., On Peter's Island, 1901. Roquefort (J. B. B. de) [IlnQCEFORT-FLAM^RicooRT]. De I'etat de la pnesie fr. dans les 12'^^ & 13' s. 8». 1815 Glossaire de la langue romane. 2t. <$: Suppl. 8". 1808-1820 Roqueplan (Nestor). Parisine. s8". [1869] Roquette (Otto). Das Buchstabirbuch der Leidenschaft. 2B in 1. s8'. 1878 Erziihlungen. s8". Frankfurt a.JI. 1859 Inga Svendson. sS". St. 1883 Novellen. s8\ 1870 Rorarius (Hieronymus). Quod animalia bruta ratione utantur melius homine. [b.rc. Cardano (G.) De propria vita, 1654]. s8''. Amsteladami. 1654 Rorgas de Serviez (Jacques), sec Serviez (J. Boergas de). Rorico, Moissac. (iesta Francorum, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl39. see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t3, for anoth. ed. „ Duchesne (A.) Hist. Franc, Ser., tl, 1636, /or anoth. ed. *Ros rosarum ex horto poetarum. By "E. V. B.," 1885, ire Boyle (lion. Mrs. E. V.) Rosa (Salvatore). Poesie e lettere ed. e ined. Pubbl., e prec. dalla vita dell' aut., p. cura di G. A. Cesareo. 2v. 4". Napoli. 1892 Satire. Eistamp. a spe.se di G. Balcetti. s8''. Londra. 1791 sec lIor.fiAN {Lady). Life it times of B., 1824. Rosa (Wenceslaus Joannes). Gramm. lingua; Bohemice. s8". Micro-Piagfc. [1672] Rosaeus (Alex.), master of Southampton Grammar School, see Ross (A.) Rosas (Juan Manuel J. D. Ortiz de) [Eozas], x>residcnt of the Arqentine Republic. *Eosas, & some of the atrocities of h. dictatorship. By a Brit, gentleman. [P784]. 8". 1844 sec Mansilla (L. v.) E., 1898. Rosasco (Girolamo). Due novelle di R., una di E. Manfredi, una di T. Crudeli, e un' altra ined. di M. Colombo, [b. w. Florio (G.) Lippotopo]. 8\ Lucca. 1855 Roscher (Wilhelm), ■I&17-94. Gesch. d. Nationnl-O:;onomik in Deutschland. 8'. Miinchen. 1874 Leben, Werk u. Zeitalter d. Thukydides. 8". Giittingen. 1842 There is anoth. tp. : Klio : Beitriige z. Gesch. d. histor. Kunst. Bl. It seems that no more loas pnbl. System d. Volkswirthschaft. 5B. [var. ed\]. 8°. St. 1883-94 1, Natioualulionomie. 17" A. 2, Nationalijiiouomik d. Ackerbaues. 11' A. 3, Nationalokonomik d. Handels ii. Gewerbfleisses. i' A. 4, Finanzwissenschaft. 2' A. 5, Armenpflege u. Armenpolitik. „ B4, in2v. 5= A. 8". St. 1901 Principles of poUt. econ''. With addit. chap", etc. by L. Wolowski ; tr. J. J. Lalor. 2v. 8". Chicago. 1878 & R. Jannasch. Kolonien, Kolonialpolitik u. Auswauderung. 3' A. 8". L. 1885 Roscher (Wilhelm Heinrich), b. 1S4.J, ed., Ausfiihrliches Lexi- kun d. griech. u. rom. Jlythologie. Bl, 2, [inpirog.]. laS". L. 1884-97 Supplement. Ia8^ L. 1893 This has 2'"' tp. : Epitheta deorum qua; apud poetas Graecos leguntur. Coll. etc. C. F. H. Bruchmaun. ♦Roscius Anglicanus, w. adds, by T. Davies, 1789, sec Dowxes (J.) Roscoe (Edward Stanley). The Bishop of Lincoln's Case: Report etc. 8". 1891 On state aid to discharged prisoners. [P330]. S"". 1875 Outlines of civil procedure. sS". 1876 Rambles with a fishing-rod. s8". E. 1883 Roscoe (Henry). Life of W. Eoscoe. 2v. 8". 1833 Lives of eminent Brit, lawyers. [Cab. Cycl.]. s8\ 1830 Roscoe (Mrs. Henry) [fEoscoE (Mrs. Maria)]. Vittoria Colonna. s8<>. 1868 Roscoe (Sir Henry E.) J. Dalton A the rise of mod. chemistry. s8'. 1895 Lessons in elem. chemistry. n. ed. s8'. 1871 Spectrum analysis : 6 lect*. 8». 1869 4'" ed., rev. by [E.] & A. Schuster. 8". 1885 What the earth is composed of. [Manchester Sci. Lects., 1876. P337], sS". [M'ter?]. 1876 & A Harden. Inorganic chemistry for advanced students. s8o. 1899 & New view of Dalton's atomic theory. 8'. 1890 EOSCOE 1260 EOSELL Boscoe (Sir Henry E.) [cont'.] & C. Schorlemmer. Treatise on chemistry. 3v. \1, 2'"i ed.]. 8". 1878-94 1, Non-metallic elements. 2, Metals. 2p in Iv. 3, [in 6p], Organic chemistry. „ „ vl, 2, [in 2}rog.]. n. ed., rev. by K., H. G. Colman & A. Harden. " 8". 1894-7 Eoscoe (Mrs. Maria), see Roscoe {Mrs. Henky). Koscoe (Thomas). The German novelists. Tales ; Life of William the Conq. sel''., tr., with notices. | s8". 184G 4v. s8". 1826 There is a 2'"' tp. : Lives of the kings of Eng., vl. II >. sS". [1880] The Spanish novelists. Tales Ti,^ Ttoi;,„ , „ „1' <„ Q I t. tr., with notices. 3v. sS". 1832 Ine Itaban novelists. Sel., tr., m, !. ■ ^ - t^ i on iooi ... ,„„ , r 1 J -1 The tourist m Italy. sS". 1831 with notes. iv.\v\^vayiti}iq\. rn • i ■ c- - * ^ i ■ Olid A Ho 1 Qqp Tounst in bpain : Andalusia. - ea. so . loso | gg„_ jggg „ , s8". [1880] Tourist in Switz'^. & Italy. s8o. 1830 The last of the Aheneerrages, Wanderings etc. in S. Wales. w. o. p. 8". 1850 s8o. 1854 Eoscoe CWilliam). Causes, etc. of the present War ; Life of L. d. JL 2v. G"" ed. s8". 1825 & expediency or danger of '• With mem. of [R,] peace with France. ' 58*^. 18-16 [P38]. 3"* ed. 8". 1808 ' „ „ lO"- ed., rev. T. Roscoe. Life & pontifieate of Leo X. j sS". Bohn. 1898 4v. 3"! ed. 8". 1827 I On the proposals for negotiations „ „ 2v. 5"' ed., rev. T. Eoscoe. , for peace, 1807. sS". Bohn. 1846 ^ [P38]. 2". 1899 Burns ; 2 addresses. [P636]. s8». E. 1896 Cromwell: speech at Cromwell Tercentenary Celebration, 1899. '[P1005]. 8". 1900 List of persons cone, in the Re- bellion, 1746, w. pref. by E. of R. & annot. by W. Macleod. [Scottish Hist. Soc., 8]. 8". E. 1890 Napoleon, the last phase. 8^. 1900 Pitt. s8o. 1891 Questions of Empire. laS". 1900 Sir R. Peel. [From the "Anglo- Saxon Bevieiv "]. 8". 1899 Speech on the Anti-Corn Law League tt free trade, before the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1 Nov., 1897. [P424. Cobden Club]. S8". 1898 Statesmen & bookmen : address, Philosoph. Inst., Nov. 25, 1898. [P394]. 8\ E. 1898 see Co.vTES (T. P. G.) R., h. life Sc speeches, 1900. „ *E.iRL (The) & the Knight, 1897. „ Seaman (0.1 Tillers of the sand : a fitful record of the R. Administration [verses], 1895. „ Stodd.\rt (Jane T.) R. : an illusfi. biog?., 1900. *Eose-garden (The), 1872, see Peard (F. M.) Eosegarth (Brian) ps. CliS days. s8°. 1894 Eosegger (Peter K.) Als ich jung noch war. Mein Himmelreich. sS". L. 1901 88". L. 1895 Peter Mayr, der Wirt an der Erdsegen. sS". L. 1900 Mahr. s8". Wien. 1893 Das ewige Licht. Die Schriften d. Waldschul- 5<: A. s8». L. 1897 meisters. Hrsg. v. P. R. Gestalten aas d. Volke d. oster- 2.3' A. s8". L. 1900 reich. Alpen. s8J. Pest. 1872 Sonnenscheiu. s8". L. 1902 Der Gottsucher. Waldheimat. 10^ A. s8». Wien. 1900 2B. 14" A. s8'. L. 1899-1900 Huhenfeuer : neue Geschichten aus d. Alpeu. 6«A. S8''. Wien. 1895 Eosell, see also Rossell. Eosell (Cayetano). Cronieas de los reyes de Castilla desde Alfonso el Sabio hasta Fernando y Isabel. [Rivadeneyra, 66, 68, 70]. 3t. laS". 1875-8 Historiadores de sucesos particulares. Col. ilust. por R. [Rivadeneyra, 21, 28]. 2t. laS". 1852-3 Poemas epicos : col. revis., eon notas por R. [Rivadeneyra, 17, 29]. 2t. Ia8". 1851-4 Eoselli (Nicolo) [Nicolacs, Aragonice, cardinal]. Vitte ponti- ticum, see MuR.iTORi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t3. Eosell y Torres (Isidoro), see Rivadeneyra (M.) Bibl. de autores espaii. : t71. Indices gen. por R. y T., 1880. ROSEMAEY 1261 ROSS Rosemary, ps. Under the Cliilterns. [I'seud. Lib.]. s8 '. 18y5 Rosen (Baron Andreas v.) *Aus d. Memoiren e. russischen Dekabristeii. Buitrilge, ziir Gesch. d. Militiiraufstandes vom 14(20) Dec. 1825. s8". L. 1869 *Eussian conspirators in Siberia : a personal narrative. Tr. E. St. John Mildmay [/. " Alls d. Memoiren etc"]. s8». 1872 Rosen (Friedrich), orientalist, see Muhammad ibn MOsa. Algebra, ed. & tr. B., 1831. Rosen (Fritz). Modern Persian colloquial grammar. sS". 1898 Rosen (Georg), Prussian consul at Jerusalem. Gesch. d. Tiii-kei, 1826-5G. 2T. [Staatengesch. d. neuesten Zeit 11, 12]. 8". L. 1866-7 Rosenberg (C. Adolf). Adriaen u. Isack van Ostade. [Knackfuss, 44]. Ia8". Bielefeld. 1900 Defregger. [Kn., 18]. Ia8». B. 1897 E. V. Gebhardt. [Kn., 38]. laS". B. 1899 F. A. V. Kaulbach. [Kn., 48]. Ia8». B. 1900 Lenbach. [Kn., 34]. laS". B. 1898 Leonardo da Vinci. [Kn., 33]. Ia8". B. 1898 Rosenberg (J.) Assjrische SprachleUre u. Keilschriftkunde. [Bibl. d. Spraelienkunde]. s8". Wien. n.d., [n.c.t. 1899] Rosenberg (Marc). Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen. Ia8°. Frankfurt a.M. 1890 Rosenfeldt (Werner von), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhets- arbeten : 16, K., 1873. Rosengarten (A.) Die architekton. Stylarten. 3' A. 8". Braunschweig. 1874 Hdbk. of architectural styles. Tr. W.Collett-Sandars. s8'\ 1870 Rosenhagen (Hans). Liebermanu. [Knackfuss, 45]. Ia8\ Bielefeld. 1900 Rosenhane (Gustaf), see H.«selli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsar- beten : 1, K., Is71. Rosenkrantz (Wilhelm M. J.) Der platon. Ideenlehre u. i. Kritik etc. durch Aristoteles. [P687]. 8 '. Mainz. 1868 Die Wissenschaft d. Wissens etc. Bl, 2, [no more ajjp. B2 wanting]. »'. [1, Miinchen ; 2, Mainz]. 1866-8 Rosenkranz (J. Carl F.) Hegel's Leben. 8". 1844 Hegel's NaturpliiloBOphie, u. d. Bearbeitung derselben durch A. Vera. S". 1868 Die Naturreligiou. 8''. Iserlohn. 1831 Neue Studien. 4B. 8«. L. 1875-8 Schelling. 8". Danzig. 1843 Von Magdeburg bis Konigsberg [an aiiiob'J.]. S». 1873 see Kant (I.) Werke ; B12, Gesch. d. kant'scben Phi- losopbie, V. R., 1838-40. , L. 1823-6 Au3 e. Tagebucb : Kijnigsberg, Herbst 1833 bis Friihjabr 1840. 8°. L. 1854 Diderot's Leben u. Werke. 2B. 8°. L. 1866 Giithe u. B. Werke. 8". Kiinigsberg. 1847 Hdbch. e. allg. Gesch. d. Poesie. 3B in 2. 8'. Halle. 1832-3 Hegel als deutscher National- philosoph. 8". L. 1870 Hegel as national philosopher of Germany. Tr. G. S. Hall. 8". St Louis, Mo. 1874 Rosenmiiller (Ernst Friedrich Carl). Das alte u. neue Morgen- land, etc. OB, [B3-6 wanting]. 8". L. 1818-20 Hdbch. d. bibl. Alterthumskunde. 4B,['B3,4tvanting. Bl,2 have 2T each, b. in Iv]. 8" Scholia in Vet. Test. lip, in 23v, [v8i, 9 i, ii !(,'anfi?j(7]. [I'-S* ed.] 8' 1, [Gen.-Ex.], 2v. 2, [Lev., Num., Deut.], Iv. 3, 4, [Psal.], 3v. 6, [Job], Iv. 6, 7, [Min.proph.],4v. 8, [Jer.], 2v. 9, [Soloiuon], 2v. 10, [Daniel], Iv. 11, [Libri historici], vl, 2, [Joshua ; Judges & Kuth. No more puhl]. Scholia in Vet. Test. ... in compendium redacta. vl-6, [no more publ.]. 8". L. 1828-36 1, In Pentateuchum. 2, In Jesaiie Vaticinia. 3, In Psalmos. 4, In Jobum. 5, In Ezechielis Vaticinia. 6, In Prophetas minores. Biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phoenicia, Arabia. Tr. N. Morren. s8». E. 1841 Biblical geography of Central Asia etc. Tr. N. Morren. 2v. s8-. E. 1830-7 Rosenmiiller (Johann Georg). Scholia in Nov. Test. 5t, [1, 0"; 2-5, S'ed.]. 8". Norimbergfe. 1801-15 Rosenthal (Isidor). Physiology of muscles & nerves. s8". 1881 . L. 1811-35 [Isaiah], 3v. [Ezek.], 2v. Prell. [Kn., 58]. S". B. 1901 Teniers der Jiingere. [Kn., 8]. laS". B. 1895 Terborcb u. Jan Steen. [Kn., 19]. Ia8". B. 1897 Thorwaldsen. [Kn., 16]. Ia8'>. B. 1896 Vautier. [Kn., 23]. Ia8''. B. 1897 A. Watteau. [Kn., 15j. Ia8'>. B. 1896 A. V. Werner. [Kn., 9]. Ia8". B. 1895 Rosenthal (Jacques). Incunabula (ypographica : cat. d'une coll. d'incunabules [i.e. of R.'s own co'U.]. lsi,8". Munich. [1900] Rosetta Stone. Inscription grecque de Kosettc. Texte & tr. etc. par Letronne, 1841. This, tlwugh iv. sejh tp. <£- pagin., is part of Fraomenta historic. Grwcorura, vl, 1841, q.v. The E.S., deciphered & set into mod. Greek & Eng. by Ren- czynski. obi. 8». 1882 see Bkugrch (H.) Inscriptio Rosettana etc., 1851. „ tJbereinstimmung e. hieroglyph. Inschrift v. Philm mit d. Anfangs-Texte d. Dekretes v. R., 1849. Roshem (Marten van) ps., see Waoenaau (J.) Rosier (Joseph Bernard) & A. de Leuven. Le songe d'une nuit d'ete: opera-comique. [P4H2]. s8". 1850 Rosieres (Raoul). Eecherches sur la poesie contemporaine. 88°. 1896 Rosily (A. de), see Tkap.\n-i (D. G.) & R., Nouv. diet, (r.-esp. & esp..fr., 1833. Rosing (Svend). Engelskdansk Ordbog. 6" Udg. sS". 1887 Rosini (Giovanni). II conte Ugolino, ec. : romanzo. 3v. 2''ed. s8". Milano. 1843 „ „ ... 68°. Parigi. 1844 Luiea Strozzi. 4t in 2. s8". Pisa. 1832-3 „ „ Cv in 3. s8". PiEa. 1834 *La nionaca di Monza. Stinl. 8". Pisa. 1829 „ „ 3» ed. s8". Pisa. 1829 Prospetto deir opera : [" Storia delta pittura ital." P1581. 8". 1838 Storia della pittura italiana. 7t in 3. Ia8». Pisa. 1839-47 „ Supplemento. fol. Pisa. 1854 sce'PARNASo degl' italiani vi- venti: 33, 34, 44, 49, 50, R., 1803-24. Rosinus (Joannes). Antiquitatuin Roman, corpus. Cum notis T. Dempster! ; ace. P. Manutii lib. ii, de legibus, & de senatu, cum A. Sehotti electis. ed. postrema. 4". 'Trajecti ad R. 1701 Roskoflf (Georg Gustav). Gesch. d. Teufels. 2B. 8". L. 1869 Rosier (Augustin). La question f^ministe. Tr. de J. de Rochay. s8". 1899 Rosier (E. Robert). Eomiinische Studien : zur iilteren Gesch. Romaniens. 8». L. 1871 Eoslin Missal, .see Eosslvn Missal. Rosmead (Hercules G. E. Robinson, /'' baron), d. IS9~. Speech on border treaties & Australian Federation, 31 Oct., 1876. [P364]. 8». Melbourne. 1870 Rosmini Serbati (Antonio). The origin of ideas. Tr. 3v. 8». 1883-4 The pbilosoph. system of R. S. Tr., w. life, bibhog'., & notes, by T. Davidson. 8". 1882 Psychology. [Tr.]. 3v. 8». 1881-8 The ruling principle of method applied to education. Tr. Mrs. W. Grey. s8". Boston. 1887 see Werner (K.) A. R.'s Stellung in d. Gesch. d. n. Philosophic. Delia cinque piaghe della S. Chiesa. sS". Bastia. 1849 „ „ ... 8°. Napnli. 1800 Scritti vari di metjdo e di peda- gogia. 8o. Torino. 1883 •Life of A. R. S. Ed. W. Lock- hart. 2v. 2'!'i ed. 68". 1880 Tr. f. '' Cenni biograf. di A. R., race, dai sacerdoti deiristitutodella Cariti." Of the five wounds of the Holy Church. Ed. w. intr. by H. P. Liddon. s8". 1883 Rosner (Carl). Hamlet im Lichte d. Neuropathologie. [P463]. 8". 1895 Rosny (J. H.) ps. [i.e. J. H. H. Boi^x & S. J. F. Boi:x]. s8°. 1899 Nell Horn de I'Armee du Salut. sS". 1899 n. 6d. sS". 1900 s8". 1895 Les origines. sS". 1895 b8". [1898] Les profondeurs de Kyamo. s8». 1900 88°. [1890] s8o. 1891 Renouveau. s8". [1894] s8». [1896] I Resurrection. s8^. [1895] s8°. 1896 Le roman d'uu cycliste. s8n. 1890 s8". [1899] s8". 1899 Unc rupture. 58". [1897] s8". [1894] Le serment. s8». 189(> 6d. 880. 1895 Vamireh. sS". [1892] b8°. 1888 LesXipehuz. b8". 1896 Anthologie japonaise, tr. & L'aiguille d'or. Lesames perdues. L'autre femme. LTn autre nionde. La charpente. Daniel Valgraive. Un double amour. Elem d'Asie. Eyrimah. La fauve. L'imperieuse bonte L'indomptee. 2' Marc Fane. Rosny (L. Leon de). texte. Les peuples orientaux connus des anc. Chinois. Les religions de I'Extreme-Orient : Ie<;'on d'ouverture. [P769]. 8". 1886 Le taoisme. 8". 1892 see CoRTAMBEKT (P. F. E.) & E., Tableau de la Cochinchine, 1862. Ross, see also Eosse. Ross na Rig, see Boss na Eia as one word. Ross, Tlie man of, see Kyble (J.) Ross, Mother, ps., see Davies {Mrs. Christian). publ avee 1871 s8°. 1886 EOSS 1262 ROSSETTI Eoss (Charles Henry). sec BAnsAr.i> (F.) * 11. Eoss (David), C.I.E. Ecss (Denman W.) Germans. Eoss (Alex.), master of Southavipton Grammar School. [Kosse; Kos.ku.s ; Eoss^u.s]. Vh-gilii EvangelisantLs Chiis- tiados libii xiii. Intlante A. It. s8». Londini. 1G38 Mel Heliconium : the first book, etc. s8». 1040 Uavdf^iia: view of all religions. G"' ed. 8". 1G'.)6 Ross (Alex.), of tlie " Pacific Fur Co." Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia Eiver : the exped. to estab- hsh the Pacific Fur Co. s8". 184'j Eoss (Alex. Johnstone). Mem. of A. Ewing, bp. of Argyll etc. 8". 1877 Book of cats. sS". 18G8 Behmd a brass knocker, 1883. The Laud of the Five Rivers & Sindh. 8". 1883 Early hist, of land-holding among the 8". 1883 Eoss (Edward Denison), sec Skkixe (F. H.) & E., The heart of Asia, 1899. Eoss (Frederick), E. Stead, & T. Holderness. Glossary of words used in Holderness. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 16]. 8". 1S77 Eoss (George), M.D. Studies, biograph. & literary. 8". [1867] Eoss (H. S. Lockhart-), see Lockhaet-Eoss. Eoss (Hans M. E.) Norsk Ordbog : Tilk-eg til " N. O." af I. Aaseu. Ia8". Christiania. 189-5 Eoss (James). Hist, of Congregational Independency in Scot- land. 8". Glasgow. 1900 Eoss (.Sir James Clark). Voyage in the Southern & Antarctic Eegions, 1839-4.3. 2v. 8". 1847 see Boss {Sir John). Narrative of Second Voyage, inch the reports of J. C. R.. 1835. Eoss (Mrs. Janet Ann). Early days recalled. s8". 1891 Italian sketches. " s8°. 1887 The land of Manfred : remote parts of S. Italy. sS". 18S9 Three generations of Englishwomen : mems. & corr. of Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. S. Austin, & Lady Duff Gordon. 2v. sS". 1888 Eoss (John), antiiiua)ii, of Waru-ichsldre, d. lyjl, sec Rous (Jonx). Eoss (John), biographer of Chatterton, /SOO ?-6o ?, see Dix (.John) [or Eoss]. Eoss (John), b}:/. of Exeter. *Diss''., in which the Defence of Sulla, ascr. to Cicero, is inoved spurious ; after manner of Markland. [P515]. 8°. [1745] Eoss (John), missicmary at Newchang. Hist, of Corea, etc. 8". Paisley, n.d. Eoss (Sir John), rear-admiral. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a N.-W. Passage, etc., 1829-33, incl*. the reports of J. C. Eoss, it discovery of the northern magnetic pole. 4°. 1835 App\ 4". 1835 Eoss (John Merry). Scottish hist. & lit. to the Eeformation. Ed., w. biograph. sketch, by J. Brown. 8". Glasgow. 1884 Eoss (Ludwig) [L. Eossius]. Die Demen v. Attika u. ihre Ver- theilung unter d. Phylen ; nach Inschriften. Hrsg. v. M. Meier. 4". Halle. 1840 Erinnerungen u. Mittheilungen aus Griechenland. Yorwort v. 0. Jahn. s8°. 1803 Inscriptiones Grscffi ined. Coll. etc. E. 3 fasc. [fase. 1 is in P7SS. 2 (1- 3 iranting]. 4". Nauplise, 1834^45 Kleinasien u. Deutschland : Eeisebriefe etc. mit Bezugnahme auf d. Mciglichkeit deutseher Niederlassungen. 8". Halle. 1850 Eeisen nach Kos, Halikarnassos, Ehodos u. d. Insel Cypern. 8". Halle. 1852 Complete in itself, but there folloios on tp. : Auch als B4 d. " Eeisen auf d. griech. Inseln." The other 3B, ■IS/fO-.^o, of this u-ork of E. are icanting. Eoss (M.), of Durham, sec Mackenzie (E.) & E., Hist, view of Durham, 1834. Eoss (Mars) & H. Stonehewer-Cooper. Highlands of Cantabria. S". 1885 Eoss (Martin) ps. [i.e. Miss Violet Martin]. sec SoMEr.yiLLE (E. (E.) if V. M.irtin for ivorJiS by E. CE. Somcr- rille d Boss in collab. Eoss (Percy). A comedy without laughter. 88". 1S87 A misguidit lassie. s8». 1683 Eoss (E. S.) Honour or shame ? [Reply to Gladstone]. 8". 1878 Eoss (Thomas), architect, see Macgideon (D.) & R,, Castellated ci domestic architecture of Scotld., 1887-92. „ & Eccles. architecture of Scotland, 1890-7. Eoss (William), of London. Adaptation of the Sabbath to the well-being of man. [P213]. 8". 1860 Eoss CWilliam A.) An old road & an old river. 2v. s8". 1^00 Yacht voyage to Norway, Denmark, Sweden. 2v. sS'. 1848 Eoss ("William Alex.) Blowpipe analysis. s8". 18.S0 Eossseus (Alex.), master of Southampton Grammar School, see Ross (A..) Eossbach (August) & E. Westphal. Theorie d. musischen Kunste d. Hellenen. 3B in 2. 3' A. 8 : L. 1885-9 The f" ed., tSJ4-0J, had t. : Metrik d. griech. Dramatiker u. Lyriker, etc. Ecsse, see also Eose, Ross. Eosse (J. "Willoughby), see Blair (J.) Chronolog. tables, enl. ed., by R., 1891 ; i(; Index of dates, 1892. Eosse (Laurence Parsons, -2'"' earl of). Obs. on the bequest of H. Flood to Trin. Coll. Dublin ; w. defence of the anc. hist. of Ireland. 8". Dublin. 1795 Eosse ("William Parsons, 3"' earl of), sec Dalton (G. T.) Irish peers on Irish peasants: ans. to E., etc., 1867. Ecssel (Louis Nathaniel). Abrege de I'art de la guerre : extraits des a'uvres de Napoleon, Jomini etc. s8". 1871 R. : papiers posthumes, rec. par J. Amigues. 8". 1871 Postlmmous papers. Tr. sS". 1872 Eossel ("Virgile). Hist, de la litt. fr. hors de France. 2« M. 8°. 1897 Hist, des relations litt. eutre la France & I'AUemagne. 8". 1897 Hist. litt. de la Suisse romande. 2t. Ia8". Geneve. 1889-91 Eosselius (Nicolaus), see Roselli (Niccolo). Eossell (Samuel). Exhortations etc. f. Rossell's Prisoners director, etc. Pref''., exhortation to convicted criminals, by Poems. publ. W. Dodd, LL.D. Publ. by J. Villette. Eossetti (Christina Georgina). Commouplace, & o. short stories. s8'. 1870 The face of the deep : devotioual coram, on the Apocalypse. 3^1 ed."8'>. 1895 Goblin Market, & o. p. s8". 1862 „ , 2'"! ed. s8". 1865 „ ,, The Prince's Progress, & o. p. n. ed. s8i. 1881 „ , s8". 1893 Letter tfc spirit : on the com- mandments. sS". [1883] A pageant, & o. p. s8". 1881 Eossetti (Dante Gabriel). Ballads & sonnets. sS". 1881 „ „ ... 2'"! ed. s8». 1881 The blessed damozel. lutr. by W. M. Rossetti ; decorations by "W. B. Macdougall. 4". 1898 Collected works. Ed., w. pref. & notes, by W. M. Eossetti. 2v. s8°. 1886 The early Italian poets (1100- 1300^, in the orig. metres, w. Dante's Vita Nuova, tr. by D. G. E. 68". 1861 ,, „ n. ed., [w. t. : Dante & h. circle, w. the Italian poets preceding him. Lyrics, ed. & tr. n. ed., w. prel. by W. M. Eossetti]. sS". 1892 Letters of R. to "W. AUingham, 1851-70. Ed. G. B. Hill. 8". 1897 Poems. 68". 1870 , n. ed. s8». 1881 Poet, works. Ed. w. pref. by V?. M. Rossetti. n. ed. sS". 1891 R. ; his family letters. With mem. by "W.M. Rossetti. 2v. 8". 1895 Eossetti (Gabriele) the elder. »". rm u. ed. sS". 1890 n. & enl. ed. s8". 1895 n. ed. s8". 1896 New poems hitherto un- or uncoil. Ed. W. M. Eossetti. 88". 1890 The Prince's Progress, & o. p. sS". 1866 Time flies ; a reading diary. 88"" 1897 see Bell (M.) C.E. : biograph. & orit. study, 1898. „ PnocTOR (E. A.) Brief mem. of R., 1896. sec Burlington Fine Arts Club. [Cat. of E.rhib. of] pictures, drawings, designs & studies by R , 1883. „ Caine (T. H.\ll). Recoils, of R., 1882. „ Knight (Jos.) Life of R., 1887. „ MabillierIH. C.) R., 1899. „ Rossetti (W. M.) D.G. R. as designer & writer, inch prose paraphrase of the " House of Life," 1889. ,. Pra^raphaeUte diaries A letters ; [r07jt\, Some early corr. of D. G. R., 1835-54, etc.], 1900. „ ed., Euskin ; [D. G.] R. ; Preraphaelitism : papers (1854-02), 1899. „ Shabp iW.) R., 1882. „ Stephens (F. G.) R., 1894. „ "Wood (Esther). D. R. & the Pre-Raphaelite move- ment, 1894. La Beatrice di Dante. 8". Loudra. 1842 Disquisitions on the antipapal spirit wh. produced the Refor- mation. Tr. Miss C. Ward. 2v. sS". 1834 SuUo spirito antipapale che produsse la liforma. 8". Londra. 1832 secHALLAM(A.H.) *Rem,arks on R.'s" Spirito antipapale," 1832. Rossetti (Mrs. Lucy Madox). Mrs. Shelley. s8°. 1890 ROSSETTI 1263 ROTH Kossetti (Maria Francesca). towaids studying himself, his Eossetti (Williain Michael). American poems, sel. i^' ed. s8". [1872] Fine art, chiefly coiitempy. s8». 1867 Lite of Keats. S". 1887 liives of famous poets. s8". 1878 Mem. of Shelley (w. new pref.). [Shelley Soc., IV, 2]. b8". 188G First publ. anon., 18?0. Prteraphaelite diaries & letters. b8». 1900 Co7it\ : Some earlv corr. of D. G. Rossetti, 1835-54— Madox Brown's diary etc., 1844-56— The P. R. B. A .sh.idow of Dante : an essay world, etc. s8°. 1871 [Kepr.]. s8». 1894 journal kept by W. M. R., 1849-53. D. G. Rossetti as designer & writer, inch prose paraphrase of the " House of Life." s8". 1889 Rusliiu ; Rossetti ; Preraphael- itisni. Papers, 1854-62, arr. by W. M. R. 88°. 1899 see FuRNiVALL (F. J.) eiL, Q. EUzabethes Achademy etc. ; w. essays on early Italian & German hooks of courtesy by R. etc., 1869. Eossi (Adolfo). Inglesi e Boeii. Ia8". Milano. 1900 Eossi (Ernesto). Quarant' anni di vita artistica. 3v. 8". Firenze. 1887-90 Studii dranimatici e lettere autobiografiche. sS". Firenze. 1885 Eossi (!? car. Giov. Batt. de) [J. B. Rossins]. Apercju g^n. sur les catacombes de Home etc. [P'248]. s8". 1867 Inscriptiones Christiana; urbisEomje septimo seecuIo antiquiores. vl ; 2, i. [no mat'e publ.']. fol. Bomie. 1857-88 LaEomasotterraneacristiana, descr. ed illust. tl-3. 4". 1864-77 The " Analisi geolog. ed architettouica, dichiarata da M. S. de Eossi "in tl has sep. paijin. The author having died, no more has appeared since t3 ; a Commission is [6/i/9] at work upon a cont. „ „ Suppl. alia Eoma sotterranea cristiana ; per 0. lozzi. 4". 1898 see Baumgaktek (P. M.) B. : cenni biograf., [?»•.], ed. accresc, 1892. „ NoETHCoTE (J. S.) & W. E. Browxlow. Eoma sotterranea, compiled f. De E., 1869 ; n. ed., 1879. „ Wa.xl (A. iie) hrsg., Archiiologisehe Ehrengabe d. Eomischen Quartalsehritt zu E.'s LXX. Geburtstage, 1892. Eossi ((Jiovanni Bernardo de) [.T. B. Eossius]. Bibl. Judaica anticbristiana. qua editi tt ined. .Judteorum adv. Christianam religionem libri recensentur. 8". Parma. 1800 Eossi (Giovanni Gherardo de). Commedie. 4t. s8». Bassano. 1790-98 see Parnaso degP Italian! viventi : 5, 6, 40, E., 1803-24. Eossi (Girolamo de'). lutrico d' amore sciolto. [P827]. 880. Pavia. 1629 Eossi (Jean Bapt. de), sec liossi (Giov. Batt. de). Eossi (Ic etc. Pellegrino L. 0.) Cours d'econ. polit. 3t. [1, 2: 2«6d.]. 8". 1843-51 see Ideville {le c. H. d'). R., (1787-1848), 1887. Eossignol ( ), e.v-inspectcur principal de la Surctd. Diet. d'ar^'ot: argotfr. — fr.-argot. 38". 1901 Eossignol (Jean Pierre). Virgile & Constantin le Grand. pi. [no more app''.], 8". 1845 Eossillon (Jean Gaberel de), sec Gaberel (J.) Eossini (Gioacchino Antonio). Lettere ined. e rave di R., per c. di G. Mazzatinti. Ia8". Imola. 1892 see Beyle (M. H.) [ps. Stend- hal]. Vie de R., 1824. Edw.^rds (H. S.) Life of R., 1869. R. & h. school, 1881. WuazBiCH (A. V.) Zeit- genossen [5] 1871. Eossiter ("William). Elem. hdbk. of physics. s8". E. 1871 Eossius (Joannes Bapt.), sec Eossi (Giov. Batt. de). Eossius (Joannes Bernardus), sec Eossi (G. Bern. i>e). Eossius (Ludovicus), set' Eoss (Ludwig). Ebssler (Emil Franz) ed.. Das altprager Stadtrecht aus d. 14.Jhdte. 8". Prag. 1845 Bl o/ Deutsche Eechtsdenkmiiler aus BOhmen u. Mahren, hrsg. V. E. It leould seem that no more apj)''. of this series. Kaiserin Mathilde, u. d. Zeitalter d. Anarchic 8". 1897 Ed. H. J. Lawlor. [Henry Bradshaw S., 15]. 8". 1899 Wedderburn, /"' earl of), 173.3-1805, see LociJHBOKOiT.H (A., baron), aft. /■•' c. of R. Eosslyn (James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5" earl of). Twice captured : during the Boer war. s8". E. 1900 Eossler (Oskar). in England. Eosslyn Missal. Eosslyn (Alex. Eosslyn (Eobert Francis St. Clair-Erskine, .}■'' carl of). Sonnets. s8". E. 1883 Eossmore (Warner "William "Westenra, 2'"' baron). Appeal, in the cause of the ex-parliamentary Peers of Ireland * Scot- land. [P97]. 8". 1830 *Eossmoyne, 1883, see Hungebford (UTrs.) Eoss na Eig, Battle of, see Hogan (Edmund). Cath Euis na Big, 1892. Eoss-of-Bladensburg (John F. G.) The Coldstream Guards in the Crimea. sS". 1897 The Marquess of Hastings. [Eulers of India]. sS". 0. 1893 Eossus (Joannes), of the Inner Temple. Britannica, s. de regibus vet. Brit, historia versibns expr. Ace. apostrophe de in .lacobum I coniuratione etc. s8\ Franeofurti. 1607 Eossus (Joannes), of Warwick, see Eous (John), (7. 1 ',91, anti- quarii. Eostand (Edmond). L'aiglon. s8». 1900 Cyrano de Bergerac : coniedie. sS". 1898 La princesse lointaine. s8". 1898 , s8». 1901 Les romaiiesques La Samaritaiue. S80. 88". s4». laS". 1898 1900 1898 1900 Uu soir ;\ Heruani, 26 fevrier 1902. s8'. 1902 Translations. Cyrano de Bergerac. Tr. G. Thomas & M. F. Guillem.ard. [2'"! imp.]. 88". 1899 The fantasticks. Freely done into Eng. verse by G. Fleming. s8°. 1900 Eostand (Eugene). Les questions d'economie sociale dans une grande viUe [Marseille]. 8". 1889 Eostangus Cluniac, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t209. Eostell ("Wilhelm),.sef Platner (E. Z.) Beschreibung d. Stadt Eom V. P., E. etc., 1829-42. Eostopchin (?c etc. Fedor Vasil'evich). Mems. du c. de E., ecrits en dix minutes, etc. [P117. Publ. par Serge Poltoratsky]. S". Paris. 1839 (Euviesin6d., publ. par la ctesse. L. Eostopchine ; avec et. par J. de Bonnefon. 88". [1894] see Schnitzler (.J. H.) La Eussie en 1812 : E. & Koutousof, 1863. ,, Segur (A., marq. de). Vie du cte. E., 2' id., 1873. Eosveidus (Heribertus), see Eosweydus. Eosvinien ( — de), marq. de Firi, see Piee. Eosvith, see Eoswitha. Eosweydus (Heribertus). [Eosveidus]. Vitse patrum : de vita & verbis seniorum s. hist, eremiticse libri x. ed. 2". fol. .^.ntverpise. 1628 For anoth. ed., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t73.74. Eoswitha. [Hrosvita ; Hroswitiia ; Hrotsvitha ; Eosvith]. Theatre de H. ; tr. avec teste etc. par C. Magnin. 8". 1845 see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl37, for Opera. Eota (Vincenzo). *I1 pastor geloso. [P841]. s8". Venezia. 1744 Eotch (A. Lawrence). Sounding the ocean of air. s8". 1900 Eoth (Abraham). The Doldenhorn A Weisse Frau : ascended for the first time. Ia8'. Coblenz. 1863 Marokkanische Bilder. Nach d. Malers F. Buchser Eeise- skizzen. s8". 1861 Eoth (C. J. Friedrich v.), nS0-lS52. Bemerkung ii. Sinn u. Gebrauch d. Wortes Barbar. [P774]. 4". Niirnberg. 1814 Uber d. biirgerl. Zustand Galliens um d. Zeit d. frank. Erobe- rung. [P788]. 4". Niirnberg. 1827 Eoth (Carl Ludwig), see S.allust. Catilina etc., ed. Gerlach ; ace. historicorum vet. Eoman. reliquia; a E. coll., 1853. Eoth (David), B.C. bp. of Ossory, sec Kyves (SirT.) Eegiminis Anglic, in Hibernia defensio adv. Analecten [nf 1). II.], 1624. Eoth (Eduard Maximilian). Gesch. unserer abendliind. Philo- sophie. 2B in 3, [2, i, ii]. 2' A. 8". Mannheim. 18li2 Die Proklaraation des Amasis an d. Cyprier bei d. Besitznahme Cyperns : Entzifferung d. Erztafel v. Idalion. 4". Paris. 1855 Eoth (Emanuel). Hist.-krit. Studien iiber Vererbung. [P478]. 8". 1877 Eoth (F. "W. E.) Die Buehdruekerei d. J. Kobel Stadtsehrei- bers zu Oppenheim u. ihreErzeugnisse (1503-1572). [Cent. f. Bibl., Beiheft 41. 8". L. 1889 Die Mainzer Bucbdruckerfamilie Schoffer. [Cent. f. Bibl., Bei- heft 9]. 8". L. 1892 Zur Bibliographie d. Henrieus Hembuche de Hassia dictus de Langenstein. [Cent. f. Bibl., Beiheft 2. 6. w. Brambach — Die Reichenauer Siingersohule, 1888]. 8". L. 1888 Eoth (Friedrich), K. Bairisc)ier Staatsrath, 17S0-iS3^, see Both (C. J. F. v.) ROTH 1264 ROUEN Both (Henry Ling). The aborigines of Tasmania. 8". 1890 „ 2"'' ed. Ia8". Halifax (England). 1899 Agriculture & peasantry of Eastern Russia. sS". 1878 Bibliog. & chronology of H. Owen. [Index Soc, Occ. I., 2]. 8". 1887 Roth (Moritz). Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis. 8°. 1892 Roth (Paul). Feudalitiit u. Unterthanverband. 8". Weimar. 18fi3 Gesch. d. Beneficialwesens bis ins lO.Jhdt. 8'. Erlangen. 1850 Roth (Rudolph). On the hist. & lit. of the Veda. Tr. J. Muir. Roth ("Walter E.) Ethnolog. Queensland aborigines. Rothadus, «<■(; Migne (.J. P.) cd. Rothe (A. v.), D'. Kussland. Rothe (L. August). Rothe (Richard). Verfassung. [P392]. 8". [Calcutta?]. 1846 studies among N.-W.-Central laSo. Brisbane. 1897 Pat. latina, tll9. Rothamsted (The) experiments. Memoranda of origin, plan, & results of the field A: o. exi^eriments conducted on farm & in laboratory of Sir J. B. Lawes, at E., by Sir J. H. Gilbert. [P1006]. 8". 1899 Plans & summary tables, arranged for reference in the fields. [PlOOfi]. 8". 1899 see Lawes (Sir J. E.), bart., & Sir J. H. Gilbert. *E. Experi- ments. ,, & *E. Memoirs. ., TiPi'ER (C. J. E.) The E. Experiments & their lessons, 1897. Rothan (Gustave). Les orig. de la guerre de 1870 : la politique fran^aise en 1866. n. 6d. s8". 1883 „ „ 4' ed. s8». 1884 Souvenirs diplomat. : L'affaiie du Luxembourg : le prelude de la guerre de 1870. 3' id. sS". 1883 „ L'Allemagne & I'ltalie, 1870-1. 2t. 88°. 1884-5 tl. 4' ed. s8\ 1885 ,, „ L'Europe & Tavinement du Second Empire. s8<>. 1892 „ „ La France it sa politique exterieure en 1867. 2t. [2' ed.]. sS". 1893 ,, ,, La Prusse & s. roi pend. la guerre de Crimee. 8o. 1888 Med., Warschau. Gesch. d. Psychiatrie in rP621]. 8". L. 1895 Les romans du Benard examines etc. 8». 1845 Die Anfiinge d. christl. Ethik Kirche u. i. Bl, [no more app''.']. 8'. AA'ittenberg. 1837 Stille Stunden : Aphorismen aus E.'s Nachlass. s8". Wittenberg. 1872 Still hours. Tr. J. T. Stoddart, intr. essay by J. Macpherson. s8". 1886 Theologische Ethik. i 3B in 2 [Ahthlg. 2 of BS wantingX 8». Wittenbach. 1845-8 „" .5B. 2' a! 8°. Wittenberg. 1867-71 ' ... Eegister z. Theolog. Ethik v. H. R., 2» A. Aufgestellt durch K. L. Schmidt. 8°. Wittenberg. 1871 \ Zur Dogmatik. vermehrter Abdruck. 8". Gotha. 1863 see AcHELis (E.) R., 1869. Rothenburg (Adelheid v.) Erlost. s8°. Gotha. 1888 Rothenstein (Will). Goya. 8". 1900 Rotherhithe. *Short ace. of Churches, Schools, i:). Rouille de Boissy {la marqnisr Therese), sec Gdiccioli {la ctsse. T.I, aft. fl. de B. Roujon (Henry). Mivemonde. sS". 1895 Roujou (Leconte de), see Leconte de Eoimov { ). Roujoux {le baron P. G. de). Hist. pittores(iue de I'Angleterre et de ses possessions dans les Indes. 3t. Ia8". 1834-36 Rouland, the Paladin, see Eoland. Rouleaux des morts du ix au xv sieele. [S. de I'H. de F.]. »'. 1866 Eoumaine, sec *E6voltjtion (La) roumaine, 2" ed., 1866. *Roumains (Les) hongrois, et la nation hongroise : r^ponse au niemoire des etudiants de Eounianie. [P547]. 8". Budapest. 1891 Roumania (Elizabeth, queen of) [ps. Carmen Sylva], see Caumex Sylva, ps. Roumanian. For anon, worlis in French sec Roumaixe, Eoumains ; iH Roumanian see Eomaniei cf EomAniloh. lioumanian fairy tales etc., 1881, see Mawu (E. B.) tr. Round. '-Eound about France, 1878, see Gkenville- Murray (E. C.) *Eound (The) table : essays, 1817, sec Hazlitt (W.) *Eound the sofa, 1859, see Gaskell (Mrs.) Bound Table. Eomans (Les) de la Table Eonde, mis en nouveau laugage, 1868-77, sec Paris (A. Pal'lix) ed. Bound (John Horace). Ancient charters, lloyal & private, prior to 1200. pi, [Pipe Eoll Soc. 10]. Ia8». 1888 The commune of Loudon & o. studies. 8'. 1899 Domesday studies. laS". f.p.d. [1891] Co)it . : Danegeld & the finance of Domesday — Notes on Domesday measures of land — An early reference to Domesday. The early life of Anne Boleyn. [P886]. 8". 1886 Feudal England: hist, studies on the 11"' & 12'" cent". 8". 1895 Geoffrey de Mandeville : a study of the Anarchy. 8". 1892 The introd. of knight-service into England, w. a note on the Oxford Council of il97. ^8". f.p.d. [1891] St. Helen's Chapel, Colchester. [P783]. 4". f.p.c. [1887] Studies in peerage & family history. 8". 1901 Studies on the Bed Book of the Exchequer. sS"'. f.p.c. [1898] see Colchester School : register (1637-1740), w. add'., 1897. „ France. Calendar of doc. preserved in F., illust. of the hist, of Gt. Brit. * Ireland, vl, [918-1206 ; in prog.], 1899. Boundell (Mrs. Charles) [tRouNOELL [Mrs. Julh. Anne Eliz.}] Cowdray : hist, of a great English house. 4". 1884 Visit to the Azores : w. chapter on Madeira. s8". 1889 Boundhead. *Letters f. R. officers written f. Scotland, chiefly to Capt. A. Baynes, 1650-60. [Ed. J. Y. Akcrman. Banna- ityne Clubl. 4". E. 1856 Round Table, see Round etc. Boupell (Robert P.), Q.C. Cat. of lib. of R., sold 2.5 July, 1870. [P739]. 8". 1870 Rouquet (James), sec Hill (R.) Token of respect to memory of .J. R., 1776. Rous, see also Rouse. Rous (Francis), the elder, -laTg-IOSO. [Rouse ; Rowse]. Mella patrum, u,s(iue ad pacem sub Constantino datam. s8". Londini. 16.50 Rous (Francis), the younger, 16i.i-43? Archa;ologia3 Atticm libri vii, etc. : 7 books of Attick antiq". \b. v:. Godwin (T.) Moses tS: Aaron, 1655]. 4"' ed. s4". O. 1654 S'l- ed. s4". O. 1658 Rous (Admiral tJie Hon. Henry John), ;;'"' son of I" earl of Stradbrohc. On the laws tt practice of horse racing, etc. s8". 1850 Rous (John), antiquarjj, of Warwick, d. 149 1. [Rnss ; Rosses ; fRows (John)]. Hist, regum Angliie. Descr. etc. T. Hearnius. Ace. J. Lelandi Nienia in mortem H. Duddelegi, etc. ed. 2\ 8». 1745 This rol was laburd & finished by .L Rows of Warrewyk [.4 pictorial hist, of the Earls of Warwick, ed. W. Courthope]. 4". 1845-[59] sec Hearne (T.) ed.. Hist. Ricardi II ; ace. J. R. historiola de comitibus Warwic, etc., 1729. Rous (John), incumbent of Santon Downliam. Suffolk. Diary, 1625-42. Ed. M. A. Everett Green. rCamden Soc, 66J. s4". 1856 Rous (Thomas Bates). The mistaken principle on \vh. the Commutation Act [" of the duties on tea "] was founded etc. [P47]. 4'. [1790?] Rouse (Francis), see Rous (F.) Rouse (Nathan). The Anglican doctrine of Apostolical succes- sion unscriptural etc. [P253]. 8». [1867] Rousiers (Paul de). Les industries monopolis^es (trusts) aux Etats-Unis. s8'. 1898 La question ouvriere en Angleterre. S". 1895 Les syndicats industriels de producteurs en France et a I'etranger (Trusts — Cartclls — Comptoirs). s8". 1901 *Bousing (The) of Mrs. Potter, & 0. s., 1893, see Smith (Gertrude). Roussat (Jean), maire de Langres, see Henry IV, k. of France. Corr. avcc R., 1816. Rousse (Edmond). Mirabeau. s8". 1891 see Vogue (Ic rtc. de). Disc, de reception : reponse de R., 1889. Rousseau (Jean Baptiste). (Euvres. 5t. n. 6d., avec comm. etc., [ed. J. A. Aviar]. 8". 1820 see Gacon (F.) Hist, satyrique de la vie et d. ouvr. de R., 1716. Rousseau (Jean Baptiste 1. J.) *Descr. du pachalik de Bagdad, suiv. d'uue not. sur les Wahabis etc. 8". 1809 Rousseau (Jean Jacques). CEuvres completes. St. u. e'd. sS". Van vi, 1797 Q^uvres. 21t. 8». E. A. Leqiiien. 1820-4 CEuvres completes. 8t. sS". 1856-7 Qiiuvrea et corr. ined. Publ. par G. Streckeisen-Moultou. 8". 1861 Conf essiojis. n. ed., pre'c. d'une not. par G-. Sand. s8'. 1847 s8". 1836 ,, „ s8"'. n.d. Du coutrat social. Intr., notes etc. par E. Dreyfus-Brisao. laS". 1896 Contrat social — Discours — Gouvernement de Pologno — Lettre a M. de Beaumont, etc. u. ed. sS*^. n.d. Discours sur I'origine etc. de I'inegalite' parmi les hoinmes. s8". Amsterdam. 1755 Emile, ou de I'education. sS". IHTti „ „ b8". 1894 Lettres ined. : corr. avec Mme. Bov de La Tour. Publ. par H. dtj Rothschild. 8". 1892 La nouvelle Heloise. b8 '. 1866 „ Julie, ou la n. H. sB"^. ji.d. [Some ed,'. had t., Lettres de deux amants ; some, Julie, ou la nouvelle Helo'ise']. Petits ehef-d'ceuvre de R. sS". 1857 H., ses amis & ses enuemifi : corr. publ. par G. Streckeisen- Moultou, etc. 2t. 8". 1865 Un testament litt. de R. Intr. & notes par O. Schultz-Gora. [P688J. 68". Halle a.S. 1897 Translations. Confessions. Abr'*. f. the ed. of 1796. Pref. by [G. J. SuJy- oakel. sS". 1857 „ „ Tr. s8". 1875 „ „ Newly tr. 2v. sS". 1891 ,, ,, Tr. without expurgation. 2v. 8". p-r>. 1896 Emihus. Tr. 3v. s8". E. 1773 „ „ Abr''., tr., & annot. by W. H. Payne. s8". 1893 Inquiry into the nature of the social contract. Tr. s8 '. 1791 „ The social contract. Tr. J. Tozer. s8". 1895 Julia ; or, The new Eloisa. Tr. 3v. sS". E. 1791 Grig, letters of E. to Males- berbes etc. ; also, letters of Butta Fuoco & D. Hnme. Tr. n. ed. sS". 1-820 References. see Beusot (P. E.) Etudes sur le 18I' s. : t2, E. etc., 1855. „ Castille iH.) Blanche d'Orbe ; prcc. d'essai sur 4N ROUSSEAU 1266 ROWAN Rousseau (Jean Jacques) [continued]. see Mobi.ey(J.) R.,1873; 1886, „ MuGNiEB (F.) Mme. de Warens & E., 1891. „ Musset-Pathav (V. D. de). Hist, de E., n. ed., 1827. „ *Neue Plutarch (Der) : 5, R., V. F. Brockerhoff, 187i-88. „ PoUGiN (A.) E. : musicien, 1901. „ EiTTEK (E.) Famille & jeunesse de R., 1896. 3, Saist-Mahc GlKABElN ( ). R., sa vie & s. ouvr'., 1875. „ Schmidt (E.) Eichardson, E. u. Goethe, 1875. „ Stael (.Tfmc. de). CEuvres: tl, Lettres sur R., 1820. „ Texte (J.) E. & les orig. du cosmopolitisme litt., 1895. jj E. & tlie cosmopolitan spirit in lit., tr., 1890. „ Venedey (J.) Machiavel, Montesqnien, u. E., 1850. Clarissa Harlowe & La nouv. He'loise, 1859. sec Chuquet (A.) E., 189S. „ Claretie (L.) E. & s. amies, 1896. ,, CoEANCEZ (O. de). De J. J. Eousseau, ed. 1881. „ Cousin (V.) Pliilosopliie pop. ; suiv. de la l"" partie du Vicaire Savoyard [by li.l 1848 ; 2« ed., 1848. „ Gabebel I J.) E. & les Genevois, 1858. „ Graham (H. G.) R., 1882. „ Ge.\n-d-C.\bteret (J.) E. juge par les Franfais d'aujourd'hui, 1890. ,, Houssave (A.) Les Char- mettes; R. & Mrae. de Warens, 2'' ed., 1864. „ Lowell J. R.) The Eng. poets ; Eousseau : essays, 1888. „ Maugbas (G.) Querelles de philosophes : Voltaire & E , 1886. Eousseau (P. E. Theodore). sec Mollett (J. W.) The painters of Barbizon : E. etc., 1890. „ Sensier (Alfeed). Souvenirs sur E., 1872. Eoussel (A.) Leaendes morales de I'lnde. Tr. du Sanscrit. s8". 1901 Koussel (Napoleon). De men balcon h Cannes. sS". 1859 Les dictoiis du peui^le & les paroles de Jfesus. s8". 1861 Les nations cathol. & les nations protest, comparees. 2t. 8". 1854 Eoussel (Pierre), M.D.,ofAx. Systfeme pbjs. * moral de la feiiinie. n. ed. s8". 1813 Eoussel de Courcy (?c marq. Marie Eene), sec Coukcy (Ic marq. I'e). Eousse et (Louis). India & its native princes : travels. Ed. Lt.-Col. Buckle. Ia4<>. 187(5 The King o£ the tigers. s8". 1888 The serpent-charmer. Tr. by M. de Hauteville. s8". 1879 see Vivien de Saint-Martin (L.) Nouv. diet, de geographic univ. ; comm. par V., cont. par E., 1879-95 ; £, Suppl., 1897-1900. Eousselin (Alex.) [fEonssELiN Cokbe.ic de St.-Alein (U cte. A. C. 0.)] Vie de L. Hoche. 2t. 2' ed. 8". an vi, [1798] Eonsselot (P. J.), oibc. Principes de phonetique exp^rimen- talc. [m prog.]. 8''. 1897 Eousselot (Paul), prof, an Lycic de Dijon. Les mystiques esppgnols. 8". 1867 Eousselot (Xavier). Etudes sur la philosophie dans le moyen 3p. 8<>. 1840-2 8". 1861 Hist, de Lonvois & de s. ad- ministration. 4t. 8°. 1862-3 1, 2, josqn'a la pais de Niraegue, 2t. 3, i, dep. la paix de Nimfegne, 2t. Un ministre de la Restauration : le marq. de Clermont-Ton- nerre. 8''. 1885 age. Hist, de I'fevangile eternel. Eousset (Camille F. M.) Les commencements d'une eon- quete ; I'Algerie de 1830-40. 2t. [Atlas. 8"]. 8". 1887 Le cte. de Gisors, 1732-58. 8". 1868 „ „ n. ed. 8". 1887 La Grande Charte. Eevu par Guizot. s8". 1853 Hist, de la gnerre de Crimee. 2t. [Atlas. 8°]. 8°. 1877 i Eousset de Missy (Jean) [^m. Iwan Iwano^ttz Nestesueanoi]. *Hist du card. Alberoni, jusqu'au comm. de 1719, par J. E., trad, de Tespagnol. s8". La Haye. 1719 Mim. du regne de Pierre le Grand. 4t. s8". La Haye. 1725-26 see Dumont (J.) Corps univ. diplomat. : Suppl. [t2-5, par E. de M. etc.], 1739. Eoustaing (J. B.) The 4 Gospels explained by their writers. With app"'. on the 10 Commandments. Ed. E., tr. W. P. Kirby. 3v. s8". 1881 Eoath (Charles Henry Felix). Overwork & premature mental decay. 3^" ed. s8°. 1878 Eouth (Edward John). Elem'^. treatise on the dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. 3"' ed. 8". 1877 sec Brougham (H., baron) & E. J. E., Analyt. view of Newton's " Principia," 1855. Eoath (Martin Joseph). Eeliquiic sacrK : s., anclorum fere jam perdit. secundi tertiique sa!C'. fragm". ; ace. epistolse synodica' & canonica? Nicieno Cone, antiquiores. 4v. 8". 0. 1814-8 „ 5v, [i;/-.} u'aniing']. ed. 2". 8". O. 1846-8 Seriptorum ecclesiast. opuscula praecipua qutedam. Eec. etc. E. 2t. ed. 2». 8». 0. 1840 2t. ed. 3\ 8». 0. 185S Eouth (Eobert Alfred) & C. W. Eowden. Address to the legal world on centralisation of the Courts of Law & Equity. rPSOO]. 80. 1851 Eoutier (Gaston). L'Espagne en 1897. " s8^ 1897 Eoutledge, publishing firm. Eoutledge's enlarged ready reckoner. By J. Heaton. s8>\ 1890 sec Novelties in arts & manuf'., 5"' ed., 1858. Eoutledge (James). Chapters in the hist, of popular progress, chiefly in rel. to Freedom of the Press . 1843 3'-ied. s8". 1845 Rowden (Ch. Wetherell), see Routh (R. A.) & R., Address on centralisation of the Courts of Law, 1851. Rowe (Charles James). Bonds of disunion : Eng. misrule in the Colonics. s8". 1883 Rowe (Colebrook) ^w. In many queer streets; . Bristol. 1801 Rowe (Joshua Brooking). The topography of Devon. Ia8". Plymouth. 1882 Rowe (Nicholas). The ambitious step-mother, [b.w. Banks (J.) E. of Essex, 1767]. s8". 1761 Mecfenas : occas''. by the honours conferr'd on the E. of Hallifax. [P751]. fol. 1714 Works. 2v. n. ed., to wh. ispref""., life of [R., br/ Dr. Johnson]. s8°. 1792 Rowe (Richard), misc. icriter. '*Episodes in an obscure life. '2v. sS". 1871 ■* Friends and acquaintauces. 3v. s8". 1871 How our working people live. b8o. [1882] Rowe (Samuel), vicar of Crediion. Perambulation of Dartmoor. 2"'' ed., w. mem. s&'. Plymouth. 1856 3'^ ed., rev. J. B. Rowe. 8°. Exeter. 1896 Eo we (Thomas), sec Plutarch. Vies, tr. par Dacier : [19, Vies des hommes illustres omises par P., cont'. Enfe d 7 others, tr. de I'Anglois de Rowe, par Bellenger], n. iA., 1734. Rowel (M.) ?K., see Thisted (V. A.) Eowell (F. T.) The story of a lite : sel. f. MSS. poetry & sermons of R., w. mem. by h. wife. s8''. 1870 Rowell (George Augustus). On the cause of rain * its allied phenomena. 8". O. 1859 Rowell (Thomas). Natal & the Boers. s8". 1900 Rowfant Library : cat., 1886 ; <&, fApp". to the R. L., 1900, see Locker-Lampson (F.) Rowland, duhe, the Paladin, see Roland. Rowland [.surname'], see also Roland, Holland, Rowlands. Rowland (David), solicitor. Evidence in support of apostolic origin of 4"' Gospel. 8". 1869 Laws of nature, the foundation of morals. s8". 1863 Manual of the Eng. Constitution. s8". 1859 Rowland (Thomas), vicar of Pennant, Montgomery. Grannnar of Welsh. s»'. Holywell. 1853 Rowlands (David), called Dewi Mon, see Parry (.J.) Cambrian minstrelsie; words ed. R., 1893. Rowlands (Henry). Mona antiqua restaurata: antiqs. of Anglesey. [P900]. 2"" ed. 4". 1766 see Anglesea. ♦Hist, of the island of Anglesey [by N. Otcen?], as suppl. to R.'s " Mona etc.," 1775. Jack aBoat & ashore. s8". 1875 Passages f . the diary ot an early Metliodist. s8". [1880] see *Backwakd glances, ed. by [R. E.], 1874. Rowlands (Samuel). Complete works, 1598-1628. 3v. [no gen. tp.]. [Hunt". Club]. 4». Glasgow. 1880 Wants the mem. by E. W. Gosse ; also an extra part u'h. was issued as aj^p''. in /Sa6. The four knaves. Ed. E. F. Rimbault. [Percy Soc, 34]. s8». 1843 The letting of Humours blood in the head- vaine, etc. [With " Advertisement " etc. by Sir W. Scott.]. Kepr. s8". E. 1815 Some ed\ have t. : Humors Ordinarie. Rowland-Skemp (Thomas). The D'Eyncourts of Fairleigh. 3v. S8''. 1872 Rowlandson (Thomas), see Grego (J.) B. the caricaturist ; sel. t. h. works, w. life etc.. 1880. Rowley (Henry). Story of the Universities' Mission to C. Africa. 8". 1866 Rowley (Hon. Hugh), .3"' son of 2'"' baron Langford, ed., Puniana. sS". 1867 More Puniana. s8\ 1875 Rowley (Samuel). When yon see me, yon know me. Notes etc. by K. Elze. [P387]. 8". Dessau. 1874 Rowley (Thomas) ^js. For ed. of the Pou'ley Poems, £ for refs. to ivorks resp. litem, see Chatterton (T.) '^Rowley & Chatterton in the shades, 1782, see Mathias (T. J.) Rowley (William), dramatist. A search for money : fr. ed. of 1609. [Percy Soc, 2]. s8". 1840 see Heywood (T.) Fair Maid etc., by H. ; & Fortune by land & sea, by H. & R., 1846. ., Merlin. "'The birth of M., [ascr. to P.], hrsg. v. Delius,, 1856. „ TiECK (J. L.) Shakespeare's Vorschule, 1823-9. Rowney (Horatio Bickerstaife). The wild tribes of India. 88". 1882 Rowntree (B. Seebohm). Poverty. Ia8". 1901 Rowntree (John Stephenson). Quakerism, past & pres. : causes of decline. sS''. 1859 Rowntree (Joseph) & A. Sherwell. The temperance problem & social reform. 3'-'' ed. s8", 1899 g'l'ed. s8o. 1901 Rows (John), sec Rons (John), d. 1.',9I, antiquary. Rowse (Francis), see Rous (F.) Rowsell (.l-/;.ss Mary C.) Traitor or patriot ? sS'^. 1885 Eowton (Frederick). The female poets of Gt. Brit., chronology, arranged, w. sel". etc. 8". 1848 "'Roxana, trag., a plagiarii unguibus vindic. etc., 1632, sea Alabaster (G.) Roxas (Agustin de), see Rojas (A. de). Roxas Zorilla (Francisco de), sec Rojas Zorilla (F. de). Roxburgh (John Ker, .'i'' duke of), see Roxbubghe. Roxburgh (William), sec King {Sir G.) Brief mem. of R., 1895. Roxburghe Ballads. Book (A) of R. B'., 1847, see Collier- (J. 1>.) .•<;. Roxburghe Ballads (The). Ed. C. Hindley. 2v. 8°. 1873-4 Roxburghe Ballads (The), 1871-[99], see Ballad Soc. Roxburghe Club. Chronolog. list of members— Cat. of books — Rules etc. 4". 1855 see AiLESBUBY (T., -2'"' earl of). Mems., 2v, 1890. „ Ansteuther (R.) ed., La vraie cronicque d'Escooe — Preten- sions des Anglois a la couronne de France— Diplome de- Jacques VI, 1847. „ Bancroft (T.) The glutton's feaver, 1817. ,, B.iRNiiELD (R.) Complete poems, 1876. „ Beaumont Papers, 15"'-17"' c, 1884. „ Bokenam (0.) '*The lyvys of seyntys, tr. be 0. B., 1835. „ Burton (Rob.) Philosophaster — Poemata, 1862. „ Colchester. Cartularium monast. S. Joh. Bapt. de C, 2v, 1897. „ Constable (H.) Diana (1592 or 1694), 1818. „ Copley {Sir T.) Letters to Q. Eliz. etc., 1897. „ CowpER (W., /"' corZ). Private diary, 1833. „ DEGUiLEvn,LE (G.) Pilgrimage of the lyf of the manhode, f. the French of D., 1869. „ DiGBv (Sir K.) Poems f. D.'s papers in poss. of H. A. Bright, 1877. „ Drayton (M.) Poems, 1856. ,, Edward VI, S'. o/£)i!;. Lit. remains, 2v, 1857. „ Edwards (T.) Cephalus & Procris — Narcissus, 1882. „ Forrest (W.) Grisild the Second : narrative in verse of the divorce of Kath. of Arragon, 1675. 4n2 ROXBURGHE 1268 ROYAL Eoxburghe Club [continued]. see Garland (J.) De ti'iumphis ec-clesia?, 1850. GoLDiNCiHAM (H.) The garden plot, 1825. GowEK (J.) Vox elamantis ; necnon chronica tripartita, 1850. Gkail. *La queste del S. Graal : in French prose, 18C4. Seynt Graal : partly in Eng. verse by H. Lonelich. A wholly in French prose by Eobiers de Borron, 2v, 1861-3. Hall (.Jos.), bp., The king's prophecie, 1882. Harinuton {Sir J.) On the succession to the Crown (1602), 1880. Henbiccs, de SoHaco. Liber H'. de S., & vocatur A : an inquisition of the manors of Glastonbury (1189), 1882. Herd (John). Hist, quatuor regum Anglia;, 1868. Historical papers, pi, 1846. HooKE {Col. N.) Corr. (1703-7), 2v, 1870-1. Jack Juggler. *Two interludes : J. J., *, Thersytes, 1820. Jeanne, q. of N'avarrc, d. IS.'fi. Thirty-two miniatures f. the Book of Hours of Joan II, cd. H. Y. Thompson, 1899. Lamport garland (A) etc., 1881. ,, *Lii!ee regalis, seu ordo consecraudi regem etc., 1870. Loris IX, king of France. *Le mystere de Saint Louis, 1871. LovEDAY (J.) Diary of tour (1732). 1890. Masdeville ( Sir J.) The buke of M., uupubl. Eng. version t. Egerton MS. 1982, w. French text etc., 1889. „ ^Manners & household expenses of Eng. in 13"' & 15"' C, 1841. „ Pakliaiient : Anon, works. *The parlement of the thrc ages ; w. " Winnere & wastour " etc., 1897. „ '*PARTONorE of Blois. The old Eng. version, 1862. „ Pabtbidoe (j.) *The hystorie of Plasidas, it o. rare pieces, coll. by S. Pepys, 1873. „ Poulet {Hir A.) Copybook of P.'s letters dur. h. embassy (1.577), 1866. „ Powel (D.) The love of Wales to their prince etc. (1610), repr. 1837. „ Robert, o/iJr;«inc. Handlyng synue ; w. " Le manuel des pechiez " by William of Wadington, 1862. „ EuTHVEN Goer., (1615-02) ; w. papers rel. to Sir J. Urry, 1868. „ Shirley (E. P.) ♦The Sherley brothers ; by one of the same house, 1848. „ Sidney {Sir P.) Sidneiana : fragments rel. to S. etc., 1837. „ Sinclair {Hon. John), master of Sinclair. Court-martial upon S., for murder of Ensign Sohaw & Capt. Schaw (17081, 1828. ,, Stuart Papers, rel. to Mary of Modena & the exiled court, 1889. „ Townelet Plays. "Judicium, a pageant f. the Towneley MS., 1822. „ Unton (.Si>H.) Corr. of D., Ambass. to Henry IV (1.391-2), 1847. „ Vibgil. Certain bokes of ^Enseis turned into Eng. by H., Earle of Surrey [rcpr. of cd. 1.537], 1814. „ Wey (W.) Itineraries to Jerusalem (1458, 1462) ; to St. James of Compostella (1456), 1857 ; it Map, 1867. „ WoTTON (.Sir H.) Letters * dispatches (1617-20), 1850. Eoxburghe Library. [Ed. W. C. Hazlitt]. 8v. 8", 4". 1868-70 sec Browne (W.) Cabew (T.) English drama. Gascoigne (G.) Inedited tkacts. Pabis, Le chevalier. Eoxburghe (John Ker, 3''' dakc of). Cat. of lib. of E., sold 18 May, 1812. [MS. prices]. 8". 1812 „ Suppl., sold 13 July, 1812. [b. w. the CH. itself. MS. prices]. 8°. 1812 Eoy, sec also Le Koi, Leroy. Eoy (Just Jean Etienne). Charlemagne & s. siScle. 9'^ ^d. s8». Tours. 1857 Eoy (Uammohun), Rajah, see Eammohun Eoy. Eoy (Rob) ps. of a. of " The Rob Boy on the Jordan " etc., see JIal-greooi; (John), M.A. Key (Major-Crcneral William). Milit. antiquities of the j Eom.uis in Britain. [Soc. of Antiq.]. lafol. 1793 ' 'Roy '^''fT'Vlia.m), Franciscan friar. [Eoye]. Dialogue between [ a Cl'.ristian father & his stubborn son. Hrsg. v. Adolf Wolf. | 8». Wien. 1874 The t. of 1< cd.,lii?G,ums: " A lytle treatous or dialoge very necessary for all Christen men etc." " This work is prob. the 'Book agst. the 7 sacraments ' attr. to Boy, in the proclamation of 1-531." i ' Eoy (William), Franciscan friar [continiiedl. I 'Proper dyaloge (A) betwene a gentillman & a husbandman complaynynge their calamite through ambicion of clergye ; with A compendious olde treatise shewynge howe that we I ought to have the Scripture in Englysshe. 1530. In facs., w. intr. by F. Fry. s8". 1863 & Jerome Barlow. * " Eede me & be nott wrothe For I save no thynge but trothe." S8". Bepn-''., Chiswick. 1845 Eoyal, [Koyall]. Coll. (A) of ordinances etc. for the govt, of the Royal Housuhokl, 1790, see Society of Antiquaries. *Intercepted & publislied royal message from the torrid regions to the members of a Secret Society. [P350]. s8'\ 1876 Royal tt liist. letters dur. r. of Hen. IV^, vl, [no more publ. ; Rolls Ser., IS], 1860, see Hingeston-Bandolph (F. C. ed. Roval & 0. hist, letters illust. of r. of lien. HI, 1862-6, see Shirley (W. W.) ed. *Royal Apology (The): or, an ans. to the rebels' plea, etc., 1684, see Asshetos (W.) Royal atlas (The) of modern geography, n. ed., 1879, see Johnston (A, Keith). •Royal descents etc., 1845, see Long (C. E.) *Royal Exile iThel ; or, mems. of Caroline, Q. Consort, [bt/ John Adolphus ?], 18"' ed., 1822, see C.ibohne, q. consort of Geo. IV. *Royal guard (The): or the King & Kingdoms sure defensative. [Bi/ — Hooke, n.D. ?] [P276]. s4». 1684 Royal letters addressed to Oxford, now in the archives, 1892, see Oxford. Royal Letters, charters & tracts rel. to the colonization of New Scotland etc., 1867, see Nova Scotia. •Royal martyr (The) ; or, the life & death of K. Ch. I, S'-'" ed., 1684, see Charles 1. Royal Masonic cyelopasdia, 1877, see Mackenzie (K. R. H.) ed. •Royal matins, see *Matinees iLes) royales etc. Eoyal Navy (Tlie', by W. L. Clowes [d- others], inprog.,lS91 etc., see Clowes (W. L.) •Royal recollections on a tour etc., 12"' ed., 1788, see Williams (Da.) *R 1 Register (The) ; w. annots. by another hand, 9v, 1780-4, see Combe (W.) •Royal shepherd (The) : an Eng. opera, [altered f. the " Be pastore "], 3"* ed., [1765 '?], see Metastasio i P. I •Royal visit (The): Menenius to h. fellow-countrymen, 1868, see St.\ekey (D. P.) •Royall martyr (The) ; or K. Charles 1 no man of blood etc., 1660, see Charles I. Eoyal Academy. *Notes on some of the princ. pictures exhib. in the E..\., 1855-9, see Euskin (J.) Winter Exhibition, 1892 : [Catalogue:]. [P584]. 8°. 1892 Eoyal Agricultural Society of England. Journal. [Ser. IJ, 2ov, A- Index. Ser. H, 25v, * Index. Ser. Ill, vl-12. 8". 1840-1901 see Fream (W.) Elements of agriculture, 2"'' ed., 1892, 4"' ed., 1892. „ Whitehead (C.) Hints on vegetable & fruit farming, 1881. Eoyal Archsological Institute. Annual meetings. Proceed- ings at a. in'., 1845-53 [18.50 wanting]. 8'\ 1846-58 Mem", illust. of Bristol & Western counties etc. ; a. m., 1851. Mem*, illust. of Lincoln ; a. m., 1848. Mem", illust. of Norfolk & Norwich ; a. m., 1847. Mem». illust. of Northumberland ; a. ni., Newcastle, 1852. 2v. Mem', illust. of Wiltshire it Salisbury ; a. m., 1849. Mem', illust. of York ; a. m., 1846. Proceedings at the a. m. at Winchester, 1845. Report of transactions at a. m. at Chichester, 1853. ArchjEolog. Journal. vl-57. 8 '. 184.5-1900 Index, vl-25. 8". 1878 Nos. -1-6 are " under dir. of the Brit. ArchcBolog. Assoc," of wh. one section became Archceolog. Institute : — see British A. A. ; Journal of B.A.A., vl. The eccles. A- architect, topography of England : Bedfordshire. 8'. O. 1848 „ „ Diocese of Oxford. 8'. 0. 1850 Suffolk. 8". 0. 1855 Old London : papers read at the London Congress, July, 1866. 8". 1867 see Clark (Geo. Th.) The land of Morgan ; repr. f. Journal of A.I., 1883. „ Sciiabf (G.) The visit of Q.Eliz. to Blaekfriars (1600), 1866. Eoyal Artillery, see Seb.vstopol. *Siege of S. : Ace. of artillery operations, 18-59. i ROYAL 1269 ROYAL Royal Artillery Institution [Woolwich]. Cat. of the Lib. of tlie K.A. at W. 8'. Woolwich. 1858 Eoyal Asiatic See. rCAi.cuTTA]. Cat. of birds in the Museum of the It.A.S. By E. Blyth. 8". Calcutta. 1849 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain. Il'oy/is colli', ill llic Orii'iitiil Translation Funil, New series, wh. is bein(j i>nbl. " under Die patronage of the B.A.S.," are entered under their rcsiiective authors. For a list sec Oriental Translation Fund. Journal, vl-20 [Of 11, I J, only pi appeared]. New Ser. 1-21 [v7 wantiiiol 't, for 1890-1900. 8". 1834-1900 Tliere is no gap between N.S. "21 & 1S90. Misc. papers rel. to Indo-China, repr. for the Straits Branch of the R.A.S. 2v. s8°. 1886 2"'' ser. 2v. s8°. 1887 Eeport of Transliteration-Committee, adopted May, 1894. [b. w. E.A.S. Journal, 1894]. 8". 1894 Transactions. vl-3. 4". 1827-30 see H.iiiKNEss (H.) Alphabets of Hindu languages of the S. of India, 1837. Royal Astronomical Society. Memoirs. v5-4G. 4". 1833-81 Monthly notices. vG-61. Iudex[es], vl-29 ; v30-52. 8", 4". 184.5-1901 see Airy (Sir G. B.) Instructions & chart for obs. of Mars, 18(')0, for measure of sun's distance, 1858. Eoyal blue book, etc. 1840, 46-70, 82, 83, 88, 91, 97, 99, 1900. s8". 1840-1900 Royal British Bank. *The suppressed pamphlet : Curious etc. hist, of the E.B.B. By one behind the scenes. [P14.5]. 8". n.d. Royal Caledonian Curling Club, see Kerr (J.) Hist, of curling, tV- 50 years of the K.C.C.C., publ. under authority of the Club, 1890.' Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. To the Lord Advocate. Memorial of the R.C. of 1'. [liesp. medical reform, in conn. to. the Lord A.'s Bill]. [P301]. 8". [E. 1858 ?] Royal College of Physicians of London. Bibliotheca; Coll. R. Med. Londin. catalogus. 8". 1757 Charter, Bye-Laws, etc. 8". 1892 List of Fellows, Members etc. 1893, 1895, 1898, 1899. 8o. 1893-9 see Alderson (Sir J.) Annual address, R.C. of P., 1871. ,, H.^RVEY (W.) Prelect, anatomias universalis, 1886. „ MuNK (W.) The Roll of the R.C. of P., [1518-1800], 1861 ; 2«i ed., [1518-182.5], 1878. „ NoMENCLATUKE of diseascs ; by a Joint Comm. app. by R.C. of P., 1869. „ PnAKMArop(EiA Coll. R. Medic. Lond., 1851. Royal College of Surgeons. Case of the R.C. of S. in rel. to the Medical Bills before Pari. [P301]. S". [1857] see Owen (Sir 1!.) Descr. of extinct sloth, 1842. Royal Colonial Institute. Cat. of the Lib. of the E.C.I. \a.fio. 1886 laS". 1895 „ ,, 1" suppl. catalogue of lib. of R.C.I. Compiled by J. E. Boos6. Ia8". 1901 Proceedings, vl-33. 1869-1900/2. [vl & 2 in 1 ; v3, 5 leanting]. 8". 1870-1902 Eoyal Dublin Society [form. Dublin Soc.]. Scientific proceed- ings. New Ser. vl-8. 1878-98. 8". D. 1878-98 Scientific transactions. Ser. II, vl-6. 1877-1898. 4<>. D. 1877-98 ,, ,, Index to the Scientific Proceedings [vl-8] & Trans. [vl-6]. s8". D. 1899 see Fraser (E.) View of the agriculture etc. of Wicklow, 1801. „ TioHE (W.) Statist, obs. rel. to the Co. of Kilkenny, 1802. ,. TowxsENi) (H.) Statist, survey of the co. of Cork, 1810. Royal Engineers. *The R.E". : being remarks on their duties, etc. [P378]. 8". 1862 see Sebastopol. *Siege of S. : Journal of operations by the R.E., 1859. Royal Geographical Society [form. Geographical Society]. Cat. of Lib. of the R.G.S., May 1865. 8". 1865 : Suppl., cont. add'., 1865-70. 8". 1871 : 2"'' Suppl., cont. add'., 1870-80. 8°. 1882 up to Dec. 1893. 8°. 1895 Cat. of Map Room of the R.G.S., Mar. 1881. 8". 1882 Charters & regulations of the E.G.S., as amended up to May, 1877. 8". [1877] Classified cat. of the Lib. to Dec. 1870. 8". 1871 Geographical Journal, inel. the Proceedings of the E.G.S. vl-18 (lS93-Dec. 1901). 8". 1893-1901 Royal Geographical Society [continued]. Jouriiiil, 50v, [19 ii wanting]. Index to 2"'', 3"", & 4"' ten. 3v. 8». 1832-80 Markham (Clements E.) Fifty years' work of the E.G.S. s8". 1881 Proceedings. v5-22. New Monthly Ser., 14v in 16, [o ii, 7 ii, are maps]. Gen. Index to New Ser., Iv. 8". 1861-96 For cont. of Proceedings sec Geograph. Journal, above. Supplementary Papers, vl, 4, (1, Miscell. papers ; 4, Eamsay (W. M.) Hist, geography). 8". 1886-1890 Year-book * record, 1898, 99. [1"], 2'"' year. 8". 1898-9 see B^iETHOLOMEW (J. G.) ed.. The physical atlas, under patron- age of the E.G.S., in prog., 1899 etc. I, Cazembe. Lands of C: Lacerda's journey to C. in 1798. etc., 1873. „ Coles (J.) Hints to travellers, 8"' ed., 1901. „ CnKzoN (G. N.) The Pamirs iS; the source of the Oxus, 1896. ,, Freshi'ield (D. W.) & W. J. L. Wuarton, Hints to travellers, 6'" ed., 1889. „ Grundy (G. B.) Topog>'. of battle of Plataja, 1894. „ MacCarthy (J.) Surveying etc. in Siam, 1900. ,, Markham (Sir C. E.) Antarctic exploration : plea for a national exped., 1898. „ Thomson (J.) To the C. African Lakes & back ; R. Geogr. Soc.'s exped. (187S-80), 1881. Royal Historical Society. [Founded ]S'6S vith title Historical Society of Great Britain; in ■Iiiy2 became the Eoyal Historical Soc.]. " On May J, IS97> the Camden Soc. was amalgamated w. the B.H.S., it the Camden Series of publ', teas transferred to the Eoyal Hist. Soc." Transactions of the E.H.S. lOv. [vl, S"" ed.] ; New ser., vl-15. [In prog.]. 8". 1873-1901 The no\ (N.S., 58-62. Ill, 1,2; in square brackets) in the list below refer to the Camden Soc. The last volume wh. the Camden Soc. published separately was N". .J^. Tlie volumes which bear the N". below were piublislicd during the transition period it these N"\ have now been dropped. For all no\ preceding N.S. oS' see Camden Soc. see Browning (0.) The teaching of hist, in schools, 1887. ,, Buckinghamshire (J., 2'"' earl of). Despatches & corr. of B., ambassador to Eussia (1762-5), vl, 1900. [Ill, 2.] „ Cely Papers, 1900. [Ill, 1.] „ Clabke (Sir William), d. lOOfj. Clarke Papers, v3, 4 [in jjrojr.], 1899-1901 [t>-/, :^ were piM. by the Camden Soc.]. [N.S., 61, 62.] „ Gibbon (E.) Proceedings of the Gibbon Commemoration (1794-1894), 1895. ,, Henley (Walter, of). H.'s husbandry, etc., 1890. „ Inclosures. Domesday of Inclosures, 1517-18, w. Dug- dale's MS. notes of the Warwickshire Inquisitions, 1517-, 18, 49. Ed., w. notes & tables, by I. S. Leadam, 2v, 1897. „ Law (T. G.) cd., The Archpriest controversy, v2 [v/ was 2mbl. by the Camden Soc], 1898. [N.S., 58.] ,, Newcastle (T., /" duke of). Changes in the Ministry (1765-7), 1898. [N.S., 59.] ,, EoGERS (C.) Genealog. mems. of family of Sir W. Scott; w. repr. of his Mems. of the Haliburtons, 1877. „ Genealog. mems. of House of Christie, 1876. ,, Genealog. mems. of the Families of Colt it Coutts, 1879. „ Parting words to the members of the E.H.S., 1881. „ Venables (Gen. E.) Narrative of V., w. papers rel. to Exped. to W. Indies & conq. of Jamaica (1654/5), 1900. [N.S., 60.] Royal Horticultural Society of London. Journal. New Ser. vl. 8". 1866 Transactions. vl-7. New Ser. vl-3. 4". 1812-48 Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, see Couch (J.) & E. Q. Couch, The Cornish Fauna, 1841-78. Eoyal Institution of Great Britain. Cat. of the Lib. of the R.I. ; w. index of authors ; by W. Harris. 8". 1809 Cat. of the Lib. of the R.I., inch a complete list of all the Greek writers, by C. Burnley, index of authors by W. Harris. 2"'> ed. Ia8". 1821 Cat. (A new classified) of the Lib. of the R.I., w. indexes, & list of hist, pamphlets, chronolog. arr. ; by B. Vincent. 8". 1857 v2, incl. adds., 18.57-82. 8°. 1882 The Charter, Act of Pari., Endowments, & Bye-laws of the R.I. [P362]. 68°. 1868 ROYAL 1270 ROYAL Eoyal Institution of Great Britain [mntinued]. A journal of science & the arts. No. 1 (Apr. 181f)). [P374]. 8°. 1816 List of Members, etc., 1852. [P144]. 8°. 1853 Notices of proceedings. vl-lG, 1851/4-1896-1901. 8». 1854-1902 see Jones (H. B.) The R.I., founders, etc., 1871. „ Lectures on education, deliv''. at the R.I., 1854. „ Wheatlet (H. B.) London stage in Eliz.'s reign, 1890. Koyal Irish Academy. Cat. of antiq". of animal materials . The con- N.Y. 1898 Eoze (le chcraUer Nicolas), 1C~1-1~33,sce Oddo (H.) Lechev. R., 1899. Eozelli, seigneur. *Mems. of the life * adventures of Signer Rozelli, 3"! ed., 1725 ; and, *Cont., 1724, see Oi.ivren {Vabbi'). Eozet (Claude Antoine). Descr. geognostique du bassin du Bas-Boulonnais. 8". 1828 Descr. geolog. de la partie m^rid. des Vosges. 8". 1834 Traite elementaire de geologic, [text wanting']. Atlas. ^8". 1835 Eozet (G.), Uichitect. Diet, de la legislation de la propriete. 2' 6d. Ia8". 1891 Eoziere (T. L. M. Eugene de). see Jekukalem. Cartulaire de I'eglise du S. Sepulcre de J., 1849. „ *Liiiek diurnus, 18G9. Eozmitala a Blatne (Jaroslav Lev z), baron. Ritter-Hof- u. Pilger-Reise durch d. Abendlande, 1465-7. [Lit. V. in St., 7]. s8». St. 1844 Eubbi (Andrea). Rodi presa. Eubens (Sir Peter Paul). Lettres ined. de E. Intr. sur la vie de [R.] etc., par E. GacUet. 8». Brux. 1810 see Gachard (L. P.) Hist. polit. & diplomat, de R., 1877. „ Hasselt (A. V.) Hist, de R., suiv. du cat. de s. tableaux, etc., 1840. „ HuET (C. B.) The land of R. : Belgium, tr., 1888. „ KethC. W.) E., 18.80. „ Knackfuss(H.) R., [Knack- fuss, 2], 1895. „ Michel (E.) E., tr., 2v, 4", 1899. Eubensohn (Otto) Samothrake. Eoye (Eleonore de), princessc de Condt', sec Conde (E., jyrincessc he). Eoye (Jean de). Journal de J. de R., connu sous le nom de " Chronique scandaleuse," 1460-83. Publ. par B. de Mandrot. 2t. [S. de PH. de F.]. 8°. 1894-6 Eoye (William), Franciscan friar, see Roy (W.) Eoyer (Alfred). The Eng. prisoners in Russia. s3". 1854 3'" ed. s8". 1854 , Eoyer (Alphonse) & Aug. Barbier. *Les mauvais gar(,'ons. 2t. 8". 1830 Eoyer {Mdlle. Clemence A.) Origine de I'homme & des sociitds. 8". 1870 Eoyer-Collard (Albert Paul). .sec B.\rante (Ic b. de). Vie polit. de E.-C, s. discours & s. ecrits, 1861 ; 2" ^d., 1863. „ Spulleh (G. Eug.) E.-C, 1895. Eoylance Kent (C. B,), see Kent (C. B. E.) Eoyle (John Forbes). Fibrous plants of India fitted for cordage, clothing. & paper; w. ace. of cultivation etc. of flax, hemp, & their substitutes. 8". 1855 Illustrations of the botany & other nat. hist, of the Himalayan Mts., & of the Flora of Cashmere. 2v. [v2 wanting]. Ia4". 1839 On culture & commerce of cotton in India, etc. 8". 1851 On the production of isinglass along the coasts of India. [P85J. 8". 1842 Eoyston (Philip Yorke, viscount), eldest s. of 3''' carl of Hard- wide: d./S3S'. Remains. Mem. by H. P'epys. Ia8". 1838 Eozan (Charles). Petites ignorances de la conversation. 8' ed. s8». [1878 ?] Petites ignorances hist. * lift. 8". 1888 Eozane (Jean). Maldonne. sS". 1895 Eozas (Juan Manuel J. D. Ortiz ie), president of the Argentine Hepitblic. see Rosas. . Eoze, see also Rose. Eoze (Ernest). Hist, de la pomme de terre. laS". 1898 [P843]. s8». Yenezia. 1773 see MicuiELs (J. A. X.I Cat. des tableaux & dessins de K., 13.54. „ R. & r^cole d'Anvers, 1854. „ Philippi (A.) Kunstge- schichtl. Einzeldaratellgn. ; 5, R. u. d. Plamliinder, 1900. „ .Sainsbuby (W. N.) ed., Orig. papers iliust. of life of R., in H.M. State Paper Office, 1859. „ Stevenson (R. A. M.) E., 1898. „ Waagex (G. p.) R.: h. life & genius, tr., 1840. Die Mysterienheiligtiimer in Eleusis u. 8". 1892 Eufcertus. For persons of this name not mentioned here, see Robert. Eubertus, [Ruperius, abbas S. Heriberti], see Ecpertus, ecbbot of ,S". Ueribert. Eubertus, Lincolnictisis, see Geosseteste (R.), b}). of Lincoln. Eubeus (Augustinus), de Aragonio, sec MuR.iT0Ri (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script , t25. Eubieri (Ermolao). Storia della poesia italiana. s8". Firenze. 1877 Storia intima dclIa Toscami, genu., 1859-ap., 1860. s8". Prato. 1801 Eubino (Joseph). Beitriige z. Vorgeseh. Italiens. 8". L. 1868 Untersuchungen ii. rom. Verfassung u. Gesch. Tl [710 more piibl.]. 8". Cassel, 1839 1, Entwickehmgsgang d. rom. Verfassung bis z. Hohe- punkte d. Republik. Eubinstein (Anton). Autob'., 1829-80. Tr. A. Delano. s8<'. 1890 La musique et ses representants, tr. M. Delines. Ia8". 1892 sec MacArthur (A.) R., a biograph. sketch, 1889. Eubio, 2>s-, see James (T. H.) Eubio (Antonio), Jesuit, see Euvio (A.) Eubner (Max). Lehrbuch d. Hygiene. i' A. Ia8". L. 1892 Eubruquis ((julielraus de) [Eisbeooke ; Eukrik ; Rcbp-cck ; Ri:ysbroei;, etc.]. Tlie journey of W. of Rubruck to the eastern parts, 1253-5 ; by himself. With 2 ace", of the earlier journev of John of Pian de Carpine. Tr. & ed., w. not., by W. W. Eockhill. [Hakluyt Soc, II, 4]. 8'. 1900 Journal, see Haki.uyt (E.) Voyages, vl, 1809. Travels, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, v7. Eucca ((jiacomo). Capua vetere, o sia descr. di tutti i raonn menti di Capua antica. 8». Napoli. 1828 Eucellai (Giov.), see Alamanni (L.) La coltivazione ; e le Api di G. R., etc., 1718. *Eiickblicke auf d. polit. Bewegung in Osterreich 1848/9, v. F. v. P., 2" A., 1849, see ()sterreich. Eiickert (Emil). Troja's Ursprung, Bliithe, Untergang n. Wiedergeburt in Latium. Eiickert (Friedrich), AuB F K.'s Nachlass. Hrsg. v. H. Riickert. s8". L. 1867 C. Colombo, oder d. Entdeckung d. neueu Welt : Creachichts- drama. 2T in Iv. aS'. Frankfurt a.M. 1845 8°. Hamburg. 184t» Gedichte : Auswahl d. Verf". 2B. 68°. Frankfurt a.M. 184C Gesammelte Gedichte. ■iT. iii". Frankfurt a.M. 1843 Hcrodes der Grosse. 2B. £8°. St. 1844 RUCKERT 1272 RUIN Euckert (Friedrich) [conimuedl Nacligelasseiie Gedichte R.'s, u. neue Beitriige zu dessen Leben etc. Von C. Beyer. s8". Wien. 1877 Saul u. David. 58". St. 1844 see Al Hariri. Verwandlungen des Abu Seid, oder Maka- men d. Hariri, in freier Nachbildung v. R., 2' A., . 1837. ;e Habib ibn Aus (Abu Tam- MAM) Al-tdl. Hainasa, oder d. iiltesten arab. Volkslieder, iibers. u. erl. V. R., 1840. , Sadi. Aus Saadis Diwan [verse tr\} von F. R., 1898. Euckert (Heinrich). Annalen d. deutschen Gesch. 3T in Iv. s8°. L. 1850 This forms Bl-3 of a series, Das deutsche Volk, the 0. vol', of irliich arc wantinri. Euckert {Leopold Immanuel). Der Eationalismus. 8". L. 1859 *Eiickkelir (Die) : v. Verf. d. Briete e. Verstorbenen, 1846-8, sec Pltkler-Muskau (H., Fiirst v.) Eud, sec also Rudp. Eud (Edward). Diary, 1709-20, of E., Fellow of Trinity, etc. ; added, unpubl. letters of Bentley. Ed. H. R. Luard. [Cam- bridge Antiq. Soc.]. 8°. C. 1860 Eud (Thomas). Codd. MSS. Eccl. Cath. Dnnelm. eatalogus classicus, descr. a 11. ; cum app. [by J. Baiiie'] eos codd. cont. qui post cat. coiif. comparati sunt. fol. Dunelmise. 1825 Eudbeck (Olof) the elder, [ErDB.-icK : Rudbeckius], sec Hanselxi (P.) Saml. vitterhctsarbeten : 12, R., 1871. Eudbeck (Olof) the younger. [Rudbeckius], see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhet.sarbeten : 12, R., 1871. Eudd {Mrs. Margaret Caroline). Arguments of counsel etc., 16 Sept., 1775, whether R. ought to be tried. By .T. Gurney. [P78C]. 4". 1775 Proceedings on the Commission of the Peace lor London, etc., 1775. No. 1, i, [Trial of M. C. B. P786]. 4". 1775 The trial at large of Mrs. E., Dec. 8, 1775, etc. By Mr. Bailey. [P78G]. 4". 1775 Eudder (Samuel). A new hist, of Gloucestershire. lafol. Cirencester. 1779 Euddiman (Thomas), 1fj~J,-1~;3~. [EucmMAxNcs]. Gramni. Latinie institutiones. 2p. s8'\ E. 1725-31 Vindic. of G. Buchanan's paraphrase of the Psalms, etc. 8-. E. 1745 see Chalmers (G.) Life of E., etc., 1794. Euddiman (Thomas), ed., etc. [fWALTEE Euddiman]. A coll. of scarce etc. pieces. s8". E. 1785 Euddyard (Sir Benj.), see Eudyekd. Eude (Francois), sec Bertrand (A.) F. E., 1888. Eudeen (Thorsten), sec H.\n-selli (P.) Saml. vitterhctsar- beten: 8, E., 1871. Eudelbach (Andreas (Jottlieb). Savonarola u. s. Zelt. 8°. Hamburg. 1835 EudenschiJld (Grefve Carl), [Eudenskold], see Hanselli (P.), Saml. vitterhctsarbeten : 8, R., 1871. Eudenschbld (Ulric), [Rudenskold], see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhctsarbeten: 8,,R., 1871. Eudhart (Ignaz v.) Uber systemat. Eintheilung u. Stellung d. Vertriige. 8". Ntirnberg. 1811 Eudierd (.sic Benj.), see Eudyekd. *Eudimentary treatise on the construction of locks, 1853, sec TojiLiNsoN (C.) erf. *Eudiments of ancient architecture, etc., S"" ed., 1804, see Architecture. Euding (Eogers). Annals of the coinage of Gt. Brit. & its dependencies. fiv. (vC, Plates). 2"' ed., to 1818. 8". 1819 Eudler (F. W.), see Stanford's compendium etc. : Europe, by R., 1885. *Eudlieb, see *Euodlieb. Eudolf, crown prince of Austria ; ISSS-SO- [fRuDOLPH Francis Charles Joseph, croicn prince etc.']. Notes on sport * ornithology. Tr. C. G. Danford. 8". 1889 Travels in the East, etc. [Tr.]. Ia8". 1884 see Odescalchi (Primessiii). Kronprinz R. u. d. Verbrechen d. Vetsera, 5. A., 1900. Eudolph, see also Rudolphus. Eudolph III, ling of Aries, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist. des Gaules, til. Eudolph, St., bp. of Boxirges, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tll9. Eudolph I, emperor, see Mighe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t98. Eudolph, king of France, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des . Gaules, t9. Eudolph (H.), pnblislier. Orts-Lexikon von Deutschland, sowie d. unter Oesterreichs u. Preussens Botmassigkeit ste- hendi'n niclitdeutschen Liinder. 2B. laS". L. 1870 Eudolph (Ludwig). Schiller-Lexikon. 2B. s8". 1869 Eudolphi (Caroline C. L.) Neue Sammlung v. Gedichten. s8". L. 1796 Eudolphus, Ardcns, [Eadulfus], see Mione (.J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tl55,/o)' Homilise. Eudolphus, Fuldensis, see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl, 2, 15. Eudolphus, abbas S. Trudo. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, til, 13. „ Migne (J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tl46, 173, /or Gcsta abbatum. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tlO. Kudorff (Adolph August Friedrich). Das Recht d. Vormund- schaft. 3B. 8'>. 1832-4 EudtorflFer (Franz v.) Militiir-Geographie von Europa. 2' A. der Militar-Geographie in Tabellen. 4". Prag. 1^9 Eudyard (Sir Benj.), see Eudyerd. Eudyerd (Benjamin), great-great-grandson of Sir B. Eudyerd, see Manning (J. A.) Mems. of Sir B. E. : added, letters o£ B. E., Capt. in the Coldstream Guards at Fontenoy, 1841. Eudyerd (Sir Benjamin), [Euddyard; Eudierd; Rudyer ; Eudyard], see Manning (J. A.) Mems. of E., cont. h. speeches & poems etc., 1841. Euelens (Charles) & A. de Backer. Annales plantiniennes. [pi], jusqu'a la mort de Chr. Plantin, 1555-89, [no more piibl.'] 8». 1866 Euelle (Charles). De la ydxitd dans I'hist. du christianisme. 8". 1866 Euelle (Emile) & A. Huillard-Breholles. Hist. gen. du moyen age. 2t in 1. 8°. 1842-3 Euelie-Pcmponne ( ). XJne Epopee au Br^sil. s8". 1869 Euffhead (Owen). Life of Pope, w. essay on h. writings etc. 8". 1769 *Euffianella (La), [b. n: Manetti (M.) Novella, 1858]. 8». Lucca. [1564, Vepr. 1850] ..4sc;'. 0)1 tp. to Boccaccio. Wliether by him or not is doubtful. EufiBni (Giovanni Domenico) [John Euffini]. »Doctor Antonio. 68". E. 1855 „ „ b8". 1891 II dottor Antonio. 2-> ed. S80. Milano. [1894] ♦Lavinia. 3v. sS". 1800 ♦Lorenzo Benoni. 8". E. 1853 *A quiet nook in the Jura. s8". E. 1867 Vincenzo; or, sunken rocks. Sv. s8". 1863 Eufinianus (Julius), [Ruffinunus], see Daille (J.) De scr. etc. ; adj. est commonefactio de Euffiniana Origenicorum aliquot operum interpretatione, 1666. Eufinus, tip., see Migne (J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tl50. Euflnus, minister of Theodosius I d Arcadius ; d. 393. see Thierry (Am.) Nouv. r^cits etc. : E., 1865. Eufinus (Tyrannius) [Ruffinus ; T. R. Aquileiensis]. see Migne (J. P.) erf., I'at. latina. t21, for Opera. „ NicENE. *Sel. lib. of N. & Post-N. Fathers, tr. : s2, v3, E. etc., hist, writings, 1892. Eufus (Caius Valgius), see Valgius Rufus (C.) Eufus (Publius Sulpicius), see Sulpicius Rufus (P.) Eufus (Quintus Curtius), see Curtius Rufus (Q.) Eugby School. R. S. Register. 2v. (1, 1675-1849. 2, 1850-74). 8'. Rugby. 1881-6 Euge (Arnold). Brief w. u.Tagebuchbliitter aus 1825-80. Hrsg. V. P. Nenlich. 2B. (1, 1825-47. 2, 1848-80). 8". 1886 ^Yas wir brauchen. [P315]. s8". Bremen. 1861 Zwei Doppelromane in dramat. Form : Marie Blunttield— Der Probekuss. s8". 1865 Euge (Sophus). Gesch. d. Zeitalters der Entdeckungen. [A. G. i. E.. 2, ix]. S". 1881 Eugerus, called also Theophilus, see Theophilus, called also Bugerus. Euggle (George). Ignoramus. Cum notis, quibus prseponitux- vita auctoris. Accur. J. S. Hawkins. 8''. Londini. 1787 Eiihl (Franz). Chronologic d. Mittelaltersu.d.Neuzeit. sS". 1897 Euhnken (David) [Ruhneken ; fEuHNKENius (D.)] Opuscula. Ace. epist. noveni ad J. P. d'Orvillium. Prref. ct indices add. T. Kidd. [6. w. Wyttenbach (D.) Vita Euhnkenii]. S". Londini. 1807 see Wyttenbach (D. A.) the younger. Vita E., 1799. Euimniksky (A. V. Suvorov-), field-marshal, sec Suvoeov. *Euin (The) of an Indian province, 2°'' ed., 1880, see O'Donneli. (C. J.) RUINART 1273 RURICIUS Kuinart (Thierri) [Theopouiccs Ruinaetos]. Acta primorum martynmi. I'lii'mittitur prtef. in qua lefellitur diss. H. Dodwelli de paucitate martyrura. [Ed. li. MassucQ. ed. 2". fol. AmstelEeUami. 1713 Gregorii episc. Tiiron. hist, eccles. Francorum libri decern, sec Bouquet (M.) Kee. des hist, des Gaules, t2. Hist, peisecutionis Vandalicffi in duas partes distincta : prior comploctitur lib. finimiiie Victoris Vitensis, iV: alia nion., posterior comni. histor.de persecutionis ortu, progressu ct fine. 8'. Parisiis. 1G99 sec Mabillon (.J.) Oiivrages posthumes de M. . 1002 2v. s8". [repr., 1874] Rumsey (Almaric). Legal handbook for executors & adminis- trators. 68". 1891 Moohummudan Law of Inheritance : Sunni doctrine. Comps. the author's " Chart of family inheritance." 8". 1880 *Run to earth, 1868, see Beaddon (Miss). Runciman (James). TheCliequers. ^(i.[i.c. wriiten'] \ Joints in our social armour. by J. R. s8i. [1888] sS". 1890 Grace Balmaign's sweetheart. Schools & scholars. sS". 1887 68". 1885 Skippers & shellbacks. b8". 1885 Rundall, see also Randall, Edndell, Bundle. Rundall (Thomas). Memorials of Japon in 16"- 17'" c With notes. [Hakluyt Soc, 8]. 8'. 1850 Narratives of voyages towards the N.-W., 1496-1031 ; w. sel". f. early records of the E. India Co. & MSS. in Brit. Museum. [Hakluyt Soc, 5]. 8 ■. 1849 Rundell (Mrs. Maria Eliza). New system of domestic cookery. 00"' ed. s8'. 1837 Rundle (Thomas), 5p. of Derry, see Chudb (T.) Some obs. occas. by the opposition to R.'s election to the See of Glouces- ter, 173.5. Runeberg (Johan Ludvig). Fiinrik StSls siigner. 2[b]. Ny uppl. 8". Orebro. 1801 Samlade skrifter. ^ 2b. s8". 1896 Runemester (Saxe), sec Saxo, Grammaticus. Runius (Johan), see H.inselli (P.) Saml. vittcrhetsarbeten : 14, R., 1870. Runjeet Singh, maharajah of Lahore, sec Eanjit Singh, viaJiarajah etc. Eunkle (Bertha). The helmet of Navarre. s8". 1901 Runnymede, ps. *The letters of E., 1830, see Be.\coxsfield {B.\y..earlof). Runnymede, Sccundns, j;s. Magna Charta violated : arrest etc. for debt illegal. [P106]. 8". 1837 ♦Eun-Urkunder, 1833, sec Liljegren (J. G.) ed. Ruodlieb, [ascr. to Fromundus]. *Euodlieb. Hrsg. v. F. Seller. 8". Halle a.S. 1882 see Grimm (J.) & A. Schmeller, cdd., Latein. gedichte : R., etc., 1838. Ruoland, the Paladin, see Eoland. Ruopertus. Vita Adalberti, see Monuiienta Geem. Hist., Scr., tl5. Euotgerus. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl34, for Vita Brunonis. „ MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., ti, for Vita Brunonis. Rupert. *Rui)ert, by the Grace of God , [novel], 1899, see MacChesney [Miss D. G.) *Rupert Godwin, 1807, see Beaddon (Miss). Eupert, prince, son of Frederick I, king of Bohemia. see Scott (Eva). R., 1899. „ Somers (.1. S., 6aro«). Coll of tracts. „ Ware u ETON (Eliot). Mems. of R. & the cava- liers, incl. their priv. corr., 1849. Ruperti (Georg Alex.) *Historical memoires of the life & death of R. s8». 1683 sec Gower (Lord. Ronald). R. of the Rhine, 1890. „ MacChesnev (D. G.) *Eu- pert, by the Grace of God , [iiovel\ 1899. Comm. pei'petuus in Livii hist. 2t in 1. 8". Lond. 1825 For an earlier ed. see Livy. Hist, etc., recog. a R., 1807-9. sec Pott (D. J.) ed., Sylloge commentationum theolog., [vl & 2 of u-h. were cd. by P. ct E. toejcthcr], 1800-7. Rupertus, abbot of St. Heribcrt. sec MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl67-170, /or Opera. ,, Muxumkxta Germ. Hist., Scr., t4, 8, 12. Rupp (Isaac Daniel) cd., Orig. hist, of relig. denominations in the U.S. ; by ministers etc. 8". Philadelphia. 1844 Rupp (Jakab). Magyarorszdg helyrajzi tortenete, etc. 3k, [k2, 3, wanting. M. Tud. Akad.]. 8". 1870-6 Rupp (Julius). Kant : Charakter s. Philosophic, etc. [P251]. 8: Konigsberg. 1857 Riippell (W. P. Eduard S.) Eeisen in Nubien, Kordofan, u. d. pctriiischen Arabien. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1829 Ruprecht, Pfahgraf, son of Frederick I, king of Bohemia; 16I')~SJ, see Eupert, prince. Euprecht (Wilhelm). Wohnungen d. arbeitenden Klassen in London. 8". Gdttingen. 1884 Eural. *Rural life in Austria & Hungary, tr., 1850, see Siifteu (A.) ♦Rural life in Bengal, 1860, see Gkant (Co.) Ruricius, bp. of Limoges, see Faustus, St., bp. of Riez. Opera ; ace. E'. epistula>, 1891. „ MiGNE (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, 158, for Epistolffi. „ SiDoxius (G. S. A.) Epistuloe etc. ; ace Fausti aliorumque epist. ad E., Euricii epistulte, rec Krusch, [Mon. Germ. Hist., A. a., 8], 1887. RURICOLA 127-4 RUSKIN Ruricola, ^'s., see *DAir.5: farming, by E., 1856. Eusberus (J.), sec Euysbkoeck (Jan van). Busbroek (Jan van), see Euysbroeck (J. tan). Euscelli (Girolamo) cd., Lettere di piincipi. 3 libri. s4'\ Venetia. 1562-81 Euschenberger (William S. W.) Voyage round the world 1835-7 ; includ. embassy to Muscat & Siam. 2v. S°. 1838 Kusden (George William) [ps. Vindex]. Hist, of New Zealand. 3v. 8". 1883 Discovery etc. of Port Phillip. [P259]. 80. 1872 The great refusal. [P623]. !a8o. 1890 Hist, of Australia. 3v. 8o. 1883 ,... 3v. 2"!' ed. s8». Melbourne. 1895 Kusden (E. D.) Kusdorff (J. J. V.) [BusDORFj. Mem serv. a I'hist. de la guerre de 30 ans. Home Bule : another suggestion. [P537]. 8". 1879 & negoC. sec. de E., p. E(^d. par E. G. Cuhn. 2t. 8». L. 1789 see KrItjeb (F.) J. v. E., 1876. Bash. ( ), see Metastasio (P.) *The royal shepherd: an Eng. opera, music by E., 3"' ed., [1765 ?]. Bush (.friar), see Morley (H.) ed.. Early prose romances : Friar Eusb. etc.. 1889. Bush (Eichard). Occasional productions, political etc. 8". Philadelphia. 1860 Eesidence at the Court of London, 1817-25. 8". 1833 „ „ d"' ed., w. notes by h. son, Benj. Eush, also, EecoU'. of the Com-t of Louis Philippe & the French Eevol. of 1848, by the same a. [i.e. B. B.}. 8». 1872 Eesidence at the C. of London. 2°<' ser., [1819-2.5]. 2v. 8". 1845 „ „ [anoth. ed., w. t.: The Court of L., 1819-25, «-. subsequent occas. productions. Ed. B. Eush]. 8". 1873 Bushbrooke (William George). Synopticon ; an exposition of the common matter of the synoptic Gospels. fol. 1880 App^. fol. 1881 see Abbott (E. A.) & B., The common tradition of the Synoptic Gospels etc.. 1884. Eushfonh (Gordon M'Neil). Carlo Crivelli. 38". 1900 Latin hist, inscriptions : illust. the hist, of the early Empire. 8». 0. 1893 Eushton (Cecil). George Goring. s8''. 1874 Bushworth Gospels, see Bible : Anglo-Saxon. Stevenson (J.) Linilisfarne A- E. G'., 1854-65. Bushworth (John), il/..4. Hist. coll'. 4p in 7%-. ([1], 1618- 29. II, 1629-40. 2v. Ill, 1640-44. 2v. IV, 164.5-48. 2v.). fol. 16-59-1701 For tlie vol. sometimes calkd vS see the ref. to Strafford below. [pi], fol. 1682 Hist. coll', abridg'd & improv'd. 6v. 8». 1703-8 see Strafford |T., earl of). Tryal of S., publ. by E., 2°'' ed., 1700 [a vol. ivh. is often counted as vS of the Hist. Coll'.]. Bushworth (John), surgeon. L'se of the bark in mortifica- tions. Buskin (John). 0., as abbreviation fur the place of publ ., stands for Orpington, in the case of this writer. "Works, llv. 8". O. 1871-83 The voP. composing this ed.kave been catalogued as Sep. works. Aratra Pentelici : [6 lecf". on the elements of sculpttnre, etc. Works, v3]. 8". 1879 Ariadne Florentina : G lect^. on wood & metal engraving, Oxford, 1872. [Works, v7j. 8°. 1876 Arrows of the chace; letters publ. chieflv in newspapers, 1810-80. " 2v. 8". O. 1880 Tlie art of England : lects. Oxford, dur. 2'"* tenure of Slade professorship. laS". O. 1884 „ „ & the pleasures of Eng- land : lect'., Oxford, 1888-5. ,, „ ... n. ed. sS". 0. 1898 [P465]. sS". 1732 Bibliotheca pastorum. vl, 2, 4, iu 2, [no more jiubl.J. 81. O. 1876-85 1, The economist of Xeno- phon ; tr. A. D. 0. Wed- derbum & W. G. Colling- wood, w. pref. by [R.]. 2, Rock lioneycomb : pieces of Sir P. Sidney's Psalter, w. pref. etc. by [R.]. pi, [no more publ.'. 4, A knight's faith: pas- sages in the life of Sir Herb. Edwardes, collated byE. Cat. of a ser. of drawings made for St. George's Guild under dir. of K. ; w. prefy. note. 8o. 188G The crown of wild olive : 4 lect". on industry & war, [Works, t6]. 8<>. 1873 „ „ ... 9"> ed. s8''. O. 1895 „ „ ... 14"> ed. s8o. 0. 1898 The 1st ed., 1866, had t., Tlie c. of w. o. : 3 lect'. on work, traffic, & war. Buskin (John) [contimied]. Deucalion : studies of the lapse of waves, & life of stones. vl, [eontg. pl-6] ; and, p7, 8, [no 7norepubl.]. 8". 0. 1879-83 „ „ vl. -i-" ed. 8». O. 1891 Deucalion. 1"* suppl., see CoLLiNGwooD (W. G.) The limestone Alps of Savoy, w. intr. by E., 1884. Dilecta. S chap', of this teere issued 1886:7, but they are not jJossessed in that ed. A 3"' chap, uas issued in 1900, tO incorporated, w. the other 'J chap'., into the 3''* vol. of Pra!terita, q.v., below. Drawings & photographs, illust. of the architecture of Verona, shown at the Koyal Institu- tion, Feb. 4">, 1870. [P1009]. 8". 1870 The eagle's nest. [Works, t4]. 8°. 1880 The elements of drawing. £8°. 1857 „ „ ... n. ed. sS". O. 1892 The elements of perspective. s8». 1859 I The ethics of the dust : 10 lect'. \ to little housewives on the elements of crvstallisation. sS". 1866 Fors clavigera : letters to work- men Lt labourers of Gt. Brit. 8v. 8". O. 1871-81 ,, „ Index; ibg J. P. Faunthorpe]. 8°. 6. 1887 In vl-3 \letters 1-36), each letter has sep.pagin. Frondes agrestes, 1875, see Modern painters, beloiv. Giotto & h. works in Padua ; being an explan?. not. of the frescoes in the Arena Chapel. s8». O. 1900 Orig'-'. issued for the Arundel Soc., w. tp. bearing date 1854, but really appearing in 3p, frvm 1853-60. Guide to the princ. pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice. 2p in Iv. 8". Venice. 1877 The Guild of St. George : Master's Report, 1885. [P1009]. 8". 1885 Hortus inelusus: messages f. the wood to the garden, sent to the sister ladies of the Thwaite, byR. [With intr. by A. Fleming, etc.']. s8". O. 1887 A joy for ever, see Polit. economy I of art. below. I *The King of the Golden River : I a legend of Stiria. s8". 1851 „ , 5"> ed. s8". 18Bo The laws of Fesole : elem?". 1 principles & practice of draw- I mg & painting, as determined I by the Tuscan masters. vl, 1 [no more publ.]. 8 '. 0. 1879 Lectures on architecture & j painting, Edinburgh, 1853. 1 s8". 1854 Lectures on art, Oxford, 1870. 8'. O. 1870 Lectures on landscape, Oxford, 1871. With 22 plates. lat". O. 1897 [ Letters to a college friend, 1840- I 5. s8". 1894 I The Lord's Prayerct the Church: letters to the clergy, w. replies I & epilogue by R. Ed. F. A. Malleson. 38". [1880] The Lord's Prayer & the Church. 3i ed. Ia8<'. 1848 „ „ ... vl. 7"'ed.la8". 1867 „ „ ... 5v. complete ed. Ia8°. O. 1888 „ „ ... Gen. index, bibliogy., & notes. Ia8". O. 1888 „ „ ... 5v. [1, 2, n. ed. ; 3-5, and ed. in small form]. 58". O. 1897-8 „ ,, ... Gen.index,bibhogy., it notes. 2'"' ed. jii small form. sS". O. 1898 „ ,, ... vol. 2, 'Of ideas of beauty," and " Of the imagi- native faculty." Re-arranged in 2v, & rev*". s8 '. O. 1883 „ „ Frondes agrestes : read- ings in " M. p*." s8". O. 1875 „ „ S8". 1901 Mornings in Florence : simple studies of Xtn. art. 6 no^., iu Iv, Ipagin. cont.]. 68". O. 1875-7 „ „ ... 4'" ed. s8'. O. 1894 Mimera pulveris. [Works, v2]. 8". O. 1880 The nature of Gothic : a chapter f. The stones of Venice. 8". 1899 Notes by R. on his drawings by Turner, exliib. 1878 ; also, notes by W. Kingslev. [P339].'8'>. 1878 „ „ Notes etc., exhib. 1878 & 1900. [P1009]. 8». [1900] Notes on S. Prout & W. Hunt etc. [b.w.h. Pre-Rapbaetitisra, 1851]. 8". 1879/80 Notes on some of the princ. pictures exhib. in the R. Aca- demy, etc. 5 no*., [No. 1 ivant' ing ; 2 in P1009 ; 3 in F147 ; i, 5, in P218]. 8". 1855-9 Notes on the construction of sheepfolds. [b.iv.h. PreEaph- aelitism, 1851]. 2"S-9, w. the 2 chap", of " Dilecta " publ. 18S6 7, a 3''' part of " Dileeta," <£■ index to all 3v of " Pra-terita," " Di- lecta" has sep.pagin.f. the rest of v3. Pre-EaphaeUtism. 8". 1851 Proserpina : studies of wayside flowers. pl-C, foni:iiig vl ; p7-10, forming part of v2, iBound in 2v. no 7nore jiubl.]. »". O. 1870 The Queen of the Air ; study of Greek myths of cloud & storm. 88". 1860 „ „ 2" ed. 38". 1860 „ „ [Works, vO]. 6°. 0. 1874 Keferences to the ser. of paint- ings &- sketches, f. R.'s Coll., shown in illust. of the rel\ of Flamboyant Arch, to con- temp. & subsequent Art. [PIOOO]. 8". 1869 The relation betw. Michael An- gelo & Tintoret. [b. u: h. Vre- Kaphaelitism, 1851]. 8». 1872 St. Mark's Rest : the hist, of Venice for the few who care for her monuments. 3p. in Iv. s8n. O. 1877 , IS" suppl.. The Shrine of the Slaves ; guide to the priuc. pictures by V. Carpaccio in Venice, [b. u\ the 3p of the ivork]. s8". O. '1877 „ „ ... 2"''suppl.,ThePlace of Dragons ; [by] J. R. Ander- son, ed. J. Ruskin. [b. if. the 3p. or the ivork]. s8". O. 1879 „ „ ... 2"'i ed. s8". O. 1894 Sels. f. the writings of R. sS". Smith, Elder d- Co. 1861 Sel». f. the writings of R. 2s. 88". O. 1893 „ „ ... 2s. (1, 1843-60. 2, 1860-88). i<" ed. s8". O. 1899 »i is based upon the " Set'." of 1861. Sesame & lilies. Two leetS: Of kings' treasuries — Of queens' gardens. s8". 1865 „ „ [Works, vl]. 8". O. 1871 „ „ [Works, vl], rev. ed. 8". O. 1871 „ „ ... 8"" ed., in orig. form, w. new pref. s8». O. 1887 „ „ ... 14"'ed.,inorig.form, w. n.pref. b8°. O. 1894 The seven lamps of architecture. 2"'' ed. Ia8". 1855 „ „ n. ed. 4". O. 1880 „ 4'hed. 4". O. 1883 n. ed. s8". O. 1890 The stones of Venice. 3v. b8). 1851-3 „ „ 3v. laS". O. 1886 „ „ ... 3v. (1, The founda- tions, 2, The sea-stories. 3, The fall), n. ed. in small foini. s8". 0. 1898 Studies in both arts : 10 subjects drawn & designed, fol. O. 1895 Suppl. to (he report [by 0. Hill] of !in attempt lo raise a few of the London poor without gifts ; a letter from R. [P246]. s8». [1870] Three letters & an essay on literature, by R. ; found in his tutor's desk. [Ed. H. P. Sale]. £8». O. 1893 Time & tide, by Weare & Tyne : letters to a working man on the laws of work. sS". 1867 „ „ [Works,lv5]. 8». O. 1872 The two paths : leot'. on art & its applic. to decoration & manufacture, 1858/9. 68°. 1850 „ „ [Works, vlO]. 8". O. 1878 "Unto this last"; 4 essays on the first principles of polit. econT. s8». 1862 „ „ ... lot" ed. s8°. 0. 1895 „ „ 88". O. 1S99 Val d'Arno ; lecf. on the Tuscan art directly antecedent to the Florentine Year of Victories. [Works, v8]. 8°. O. 1874 Verona, & o. lectures. laS". O. 1894 Eeferences. see AcLAND {Sir H. W.) & R., The 0.\ford Museum, 1859 ; [n. ed.], 1893. „ Alexander (F.) Roadside songs of Tuscany, tr. A., ed. R., 1885. „ 'Story (The) of Ida, by Prancesca, ed. E., 2"
  • . Lausanne. 1866 Vaudoise, sec Societe d'Hist. V. Vaudreuil (J. H. F. de Paule de Kigaud, etc. de). Corr. intime de V. & du cte. d'Artois, 1789-1815. Publ. L. Pingaud. 2t. 8". 1889 Vaugelas (C. F. de). ["tFAVuE de Vacgelas (Claude), baron de Perogcs]. Remarques sur la Inngue fran^oise. n. ed., pai- A. Chassang. 2t. 8". [1880] Vaughan (Charles John), dean of Llandaff. Authorized or Revised ? Ser- mons on some tests in wh. the Revised Version differs f. the Authorized. s8°. 1882 The hook & the life : 4 sermons, Cambridge, 1862. s8». C. 1802 The book & tbe life, & o. UnivJ. sermons. 3'''" ed. s8'\ C. 1804 „ „ ... n. el. s8». C. 18G4 St. the light of the world [sermons]. s8». 1866 The Church of the first days : Lects. on Acts. 8[v]. 2'"' ed. s8». C. 1865-6 Foes of faith : sermons. s8o. 1888 Half -hours in the Temple Church. s8<>. 1871 Heroes of faith ; lects. on 11*'' chap, of Hebrews. s8". 1876 I dwell among mine own people : sermon, death of John Bright. [P531]. 8". 188:i Last words in the Temple Church. s8o. 1894 Lects. on the Revelation of John. 2v. s8''. 1863 ,, „ ... 5 ed. 88". 1882 Lessons of life & godhness : sel. of sermons, Doncaster. s8". C. 1862 The Lord's Prayer. s8". 1875 JMemorials of Harrow Sundays ; a sel. of sermons. 2'>'» ed. S8". 1860 >Iy son, give me thine heart : sermons, Oxfd. & Camb., 187C-8. s8o. 1878 Mine sermons, for the most part in the Chapel of Harrow School. s8'. 1849 On vivisection. [P5V3]. 8". 1894 Personality of the Tempter, & o. sermons. 8". 1851 Philippians : w. tr. etc. by V. sS". 1885 Progress the condition of permanence ; commemorative sermon, Han-ow, 1869. [P245]. 8". 1869 Rest awhile : adch-esses. s8'\ 1880 The Revised Code of the Com- mittee of Council on Education considered. [P513]. 2'"" ed. 8». C. 1861 Revision of the Liturgy ; 5 disc*. 88". C. 1860 „ „ 2'"' ed. s8». C. 1860 Romans, w. notes by V. 2i"l ed. s8". C. 1861 „ 4"' ed. s8". 1874 Sermons. 8". 1846 Sermons preached in the Chapel of Harrow School. 2s. [si icanting].^". 1847-53 Solidity of true religion, & o. sermons, 1874. 88". 1874 Temple sermons. s8". 1881 The wholesome words of Jesus ; 4 sermons, Camb., 1866. s8". 1867 "Words from the Cross. Lent lects., 1875; &, Thoughts for these times. University ser- mons, 1874. s8". 1875 Vaughan (Charles John) [continued]. Words of hope from the Temple addresses to Public School Church. s8". 1874 Men by Head Masters, w. see School (The) of life ; 7 i iutr. by V., 1885. Vaughan (David James). The present trial of faith : sermons. 38". 1878 Vaughan (Edward Thomas), rector of Foston. Some ace. of Eev. T. liobinson, etc. 8". 1816 Vaughan (Edward Thomas), rector of Ilarpenden. Some reasons of our Xtn. hope : Hulsean Lect'. 1875. s8". 1876 Vaughan (Henry), aft. Sir H. Halford ; J766-^S44, sec H.ii.- FOitD (Sir H.), /"' bart. Vaughan (Henry), the Silurist ; l6ii^<)3. Poems. Ed. E. K. Chambers. 2v. s8». 1896 Silex scintillans : sacred poems A private ejaculations. [With mem. by H. F. Lyte]. s8". 1847 Works. Memorial-intr., essay, notes, bv A. B. Grosart. 4v. 8°. f.p.c. 1871 Vaughan (Henry Halford), Ilegius prof, of Modern Hist, at Oxfoid; /S//-S.). British reason in English rhyme [rendcri)tgs of Welsh pn-ovei-bs]. s8°. 1889 New readings & new renderings of Shakespeare's tragedies. 3v. 8". 1878-86 Oxford reform & Oxford Professors. [P523]. 8°. 1854 Two lect% on modern hist. [P.52B, 642]. 8°. 0. 1849 Vaughan (James), missionary of the Church Missionary Soc. The trident, the crescent, & the cross : view of the relig. hist', of India. 8". 1876 Vaughan (Sir John Luther). Afghanistan & the milit. opera- tions therein. [Lecture. P378]. f.p.c. 8". 1878 Vaughan {Bt. Rev. Mgr. John S.) Life after death : a pop. treatise. 4"' Eng. ed. s8". 1897 Thoughts for all times. s8''. [1896] Vaughan (Robert), D.D. ; iJO-J-liibs. The age of great cities : modern society in its rel. to intelligence, morals, etc. s8". 1843 Essays on hist''., philosophy, theology. 2v. s8'|. 1849 John de Wycliffe, a monograph, w. ace. of the Wyclifle MSS. 8». 1853 Life & opinions of Wycliffe, illust. princ. f. h. unpubl. MSS., etc. 2v. 8'^ 1828 Mem. of R. A. Vaughan. 2°'' ed. S8". 1864 Memorials of the Stuart dynasty, incl. the constitut. & eccl. hist, of Eng. f. decease of Eliz. to abdic. of James IL 2v. 8". 1881 The modern pulpit in rel. to state of society. s8". 1842 The Protectorate, & Europe dur. early pt. of r. of Louis XIV, illus. in letters betw. Dr. John Pell, Sir S. Morland, Sir W. Lockhart, Secretary Thurloe, & o. disting. men, ed. V., w. intr. 2v. 8". 1839 Revolutions in Eng. hist'. 3v. 8". 1859-63 The way to rest : a life-search after relig. truth. s8". 1866 ■^Wycliffe, his biographers & critics. Eepubl. f. the Brit. Quarterly, 1858. 8". 1858 Vaughan (Robert Alfred), 1S23-37. Hours with the mystics. 2v. s8°. 1856 see Vaughan (11.), D.D., Mem. of R. A. V., 2"" ed., 1864. Vaughan (Roger Bede), abp. of Nazianzus. Life & labours of S. Thomas of Aquin. 2v. s8". 1871-2 Vaughan (Virginia). The new era : dramatic poem. s8". 1860 Vaujany (H. de). Hist, de I'lJgypte. s8". Le Cairo. 1881 Vaulabelle (Achille de) [fTEN-ATLLE de Vaulabelle (A.)] Chute de I'Empire ; hist, des deux Bestaurations. 8t. [1-4, 2= ; 5-8, i' 6d.]. 8». 1847-57 t.')~i luive t. : Hist, des deux Restaurations. Vault (Frangois Eugene de), sec ''Memoires militaires rel. a la succession d'Espagne etc., 1835-62. Vaultier (M. C. Frederic E.) Hist, de Caen, etc. 8". Caen. 1843 Vie etc. de I'abbe de La Rue. [P154]. S8". Caen. 1841 Vaulundurs Saga, see Deppixg (G. B.) & F. Michel, Wayland Smith, w. the amplified legend by (ililenschliiger, 1847. Vaulx-Sarnay (Pierre, [un nioine] de), see Petrus, Sarnensis. Vaumoriere (Pierre d'Ortigne de), see Ortigue de Vaumoriere. Vauprivaz (Ant. Duverdier, seigneur de), sec Dcverdieb. Vauquelin de Lafresnaye ( ), historian. ''Nouv. hist, de Normandie, etc. ; term, par les Amours d'Arleitte, extr. d'un poeme par Beneois de Ste.-More. 8". Versailles. 1814 Vaus (Sir Patrick), see Waus (Sir P.) VATJTHIER 1532 VEGA Vauthier (Ch. Moreau-), see Moreau-Vauthiek (C.) Vauthier (L. L.) Etforme des precedes 61ectoraux par le vote cumulatif. [P678]. 8". 1896 Vauthier (Maurice). Le gouv'. local en Angleterre. 8". 1895 Vautier (Benjamin), see Boseneekq (C. A.) V., [Knackfuss, 23], 1897. Vautier (Claire). M. le marquis. sS". [1886] Vautier (Gnillaume). La Hongrie ^conomique. 8". 1893 Vauvenargues (Luc de Clapiers, marq. de). (Euvres compl. Free, d'une not., A- accomp. des notes de Voltaire, Morellet & Suard. 2t in 1. n. ^d. 8". 1821 Qiluvi-es morales. 3t. s8». 1874 (Euvres posthumes. Pr^c. de s. ^loge par C. de Saint-Maurice, & accomp. de notes ct de lettres ined. de Voltaire. 8". 1821 (Euvres posthumes et a?uvres inedites ; avec notes et commen- taires par D. L. Gilbert. 2t. 8". 1857 see La Rochefoucauld (F., due de) Maximes ; [t£] (Euvres choisies de V., 1861. „ Eetiexions etc. ; [.f] CEuvres choisies de V., [1867]. „ Reflexions etc. ; [tt] Pens^es de V., 1835. „ PALiioLor.uE (G. M.) V., 1890. Vaux (James Edward). Cliurch folklore : post-Reformation usages in Eng. Chinch, now mostly obsolete. 8". 1894 Vaux (James Hardy). Mem'., by himself. 2v in 1. s8'\ 1819 At the end is " A vocab. of the flash langimge, by J. H. Y." 2"<'ed. s8°. 1830 Foranolh. cd., sec Autobiooraphv ; vl3, V., 1826-33. Vaux (Laurence). A catechisme, or Xtn. doctrine. Repr. f. an ed. 1583 ; w. mem. by T. G. Law. [Chetham Soc, NS4]. 84". 1885 Vaux ("William). Benefits annexed to Baptism & Lord's Supper. [Bampton Lecf., 1826]. 8". 0. 1826 Vaux ("William Sandys "Wright). Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor. [Anc. l)ist. f. the nion'.] s8°. 1877 Hdbk. to the antiqs. in the Brit. Museum. sS". 1851 Nineveh and Persepolis : hist, sketch of ancient Assyria & Persia, w. ace. of recent researches. sS". 1850 2"''ed. s8». 1850 Persia, to the Arab conquest. [Anc. hist. f. the mon'.] s8». [1875] Vauzelle (Blaise), sec Honore, de Sainte- Marie, Carmelite. [i.e. B. v.] Vaysse de "Villiers (E. J. F.) Description routiere & geograph. de I'Empire Fram,'. 6p in 20t. [wanting 5t]. 8°. 1813-[39j All but t2 £ 3 of pi, " Region du Sud," are of the ^"'' ed., w.f. : Itineraire descr. de la F., etc. Tlie lov are bound in 9. *Vazir (The) of Lankuran, ed., w. tr. etc., 1882, see F-ith 'Ali Akhundz.vdah. Vazoff (Ivan). Under the yoke. [Tr. : Ed. E. Gosse]. s8". 1894 Vazquez (Alonso), see Si'aix. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espafia. Vazquez Queipo (Vicente). Essai sur les systemes m^triques d' monetaires des anc. peuples jusqu'a la fin du Khalifat dOrient. 3t in 4, [3 i, ii]. 8°. 1859 [t3], Tables, 2p : 1, monnaies grecques ; 2, monnaies rom. & arabes. Veber (Pierre). Chez les snobs. s8'>. 1896 Vecchj (C. Augusto). Garibaldi at Caprera. Tr. s8". C. 1862 Veccus (Joannes), patriarch of Coistantiiiople. [J. Beccus]. sec MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. graeca, tl41, J. V. Vecelli (Tiziano) the elder, [T. Vecellio ; T. Vecelhus], see Titian. Vecsey (Tamas). .Erailius Papinianus palvaja es miivei. [M. Tud. .^kad.]. ' 8'^ 1884 *Vedantasara, see Sad.\nant>ra Vooindra. Vedanta-Siitras, see B.ii>AR.\YANA, tlieir reputed author, Vedas, [see also Bh.4Hmanas, Upasishads]. Atharvaveda, see Sacbed Books of the East : 42, Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, etc., tr. Bloomfield, 1897. Mantrapatha (The). Ed., w. comm. of Haradatta, & tr. by M. Winternitz. pi, Intr., text, var. lect., apps. [Anecdota Oxon., Ill, 8]. s4". 0. 1897 Eig-vedffi specimen. Ed. F. Rosen. 4". Londini. 1830 Eigveda, lib. 1, Sanskrit et Lat., ed. F. A. Eosen. [0. T. Fund ; title missing]. 4". 1838 Rig-Veda-Sanhita, the sacred hymns of the Brahmans, w. the comm. of Sayanacharya. Ed. Max Miiller. 6v. 4". 1849-74 Sama vedas. Tr. of the Sanhita of the SAma Veda. By J. Stevenson. [O.T.F.]. 8=>. 1842 Vedas [ccmtimced]. Translations. Rig-V6da. Traduction de A. Langlois. laS". 1870 Der Eigveda. Ubers. A. Ludwig. 6B. 8". Prag. 1876-88 Eig-veda-Sanhita : a coll. of anc. Hindu hymns etc. Tr. H. H. Wilson. 6v. 8". 1850-88 [1], the 1" Asbtaka. [2], the 2"'' Aslitaka. [3], the S"-" & 4'i> A'. [4], the 5"> A., ed. E. B. Cowell. [5], the f.'i' & part of the 7"> A., ed. E. B. Cowell & "W. F. Webster. [6], part of the T"" & the S"* A., ed. W. F. Webster. Eig veda-Sanhita : the sacred hymns of the Brahmans ; tr. & expld. by F. Max Miiller. vl, [no more pubP.]. 8». 1869 1, Hymns to the Jlaruts or the storm-gods. References. sec Bergaigne (A.) La religion vddique d'apris les hymnes du it'ig-Veda, 1878-83. „ Burnouf (Emile). Essai sur le V., 1863. „ Calmette ( ), S.-J. *L'Ezour-Vedara, tr. par un Brame, [Supposititious work of — Calmette], 1778. „ Deussen (P.) Allg. Gesch. d. Philosophic etc. : 1, i, Einltg. u. Philosophic d. Veda bis auf d. Upauishad's, 1894. „ Elements of metaphysics, tr. ; w. address on the philos. of the Vedanta, 1894. „ Das System d. Vedanta, 1883. „ Jones (Sir W.) Works : vl3, Extracts f. the Vedas, 1807. „ Kagi (A..) The Eigveda ; [i.e. a u-ork by K. on the R.], tr., w. adds, to the notes, 1886. „ LuDwio (A.) Die philosoph. u. religiosen Anschauungen d. Veda, 1875. „ MuiR (J ) Orig. Sanskrit texts, v3. 1858-72. „ Neve (F.) Etudes sur les hymnes du Eig- Veda, 1842. „ Oldenberg (H.) Die Eeligion des Veda, 1894. „ Eammohun Eov. Tr. of sev. books, passages, texts of the v., etc., 2°'i ed., 1832. „ Both (R.) On the hist. & lit. of the Veda, tr., 1846. „ Sacred Books of the East: 32, 46, Vedic hymns, pi, 2, tr., 1891-7. „ Wallis (H. W.) Cosmology of the R., 1887. Vedast, Saint. Annales Vedastini [877-900], see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, t8. .see MoNUiiENTA Germ. Hist., Ser., tl, for anoth. ed. Vedder (Henry C.) American writers of to-day. s8'>. N.Y. 1894 Vedel (E.) Underssigelser angaaende den aeldre Jernalder paa Bornholm. 8". 1873 Vedel (Valdemar). By og Borger i Middelalderen. 88". 1901 Vedette, sec Fitchett (W. H.) [" Vedette "]. Vedia (Enrique de) ed., Historiadores primitivos de Indias. Col. illust. por V. [Eivadeneyra, 22, 26]. 2t. Ia8". 1852-8 Veen (Otto van), sec V.enius (O.) Veer (Gerrit de), see De Veer. Veere, Ter, see Ter Vere. Vega (Juan de) ps.. see Cochrane (C.) Vega (Lope de) [jVega Carpio (L. Felix de)]. Obras ; publ. por la E. Acad. Espafiola. tl-12 [in prog.], i". 1890-1901 1, Nueva biografi'a, por C. A. de la Barrera. 2, :3, Autos y coloquios. iJ, Comedias de asuutos de la S. Escritura. 4, Comedias de vidas de santos. 5, Comedias de vidas de santos y leyeudas piadosas — Comedias pastoriles. (>, Comedias mitolugicas — Comedias histuricas de asuuto extranjero. 7-12, Crclciicas y leyendas dramaticas de Espaiia. Seccion 1-6. Olnas sueltas, assi iu prosa como in verso. 21t. s4''. 1776-i> " Tliis ed. does not contain, the general collection of j^lays." Col. escog. de obras no dramaticas de L., por C. Eosell. [Riva- deneyra. 38]. laS". 1872 Comedias escog., orden. por J. E. Hartzenbuseh. [Rivadeneyra, 24, 34, 41, 52]. 4t. [tl, S" ed.]. laS". 1871-84 *Fama posthuma a la vida y muerte de L. de V., y elogios escr. por los mas esclarecidos ingenios. 8". 1636 Castelvines y Monteses. Tr. by F. W. Cosens. 4". /. 2>. dislr. 1869 De mislukte liefde, en trouw van Rugero, prins van Navarren. Door E. D. S. M. overgeset. [P880]. s8". Amsterdam. 1674 Don FeUx de Mendoza, of de verwarde argwaan. Gevolgt na het Spaansche van V. [P877]. 88". Amsterdam. 1708 see Choklev (.T. E.) Cat. de com', y autos de V., 1860. VEGA 1533 VENDOME Lives etc. of V. & G. de Vegra (Lope de) [contiimcd]. set Holland (H. R., 3"' baicm). Castro, 1817. „ Lewes (G. H.) The Spanish drama : L. de V. & Caldeion, 1846. „ OcHOA (E. de) ed., Tesoro del teatro : t2, Teatro escog. de v., 1838. „ ScHAiFEn (A.) Gesch. d. span. Nationaldramas : 1, Die Periode L. de V.'s, 1890. ,, Spain. Col. de doe. para la hist, de Espafia. ,, Wi-RZEACH (A. V.) V. u. s. Komodien, 189!). Vegetable. *Description * hist, of v. substances : Timber trees : Fruits. [Lib. of Entert. Knowledge]. 2'"' ed. s8°. 1830 ♦Introduction to v. physiology, 1845, see Introduction etc. ♦Vegetable substances : materials of manufactures. 88". 1833 ♦Vegetable substances used for the food of man. [Lib. of Entertg. Knowl.]. s8". 1832 Vegetius Renatus (Flavius). Epitoma rei militaris. Eec. C. Lang. S8". Lipsia\ 1869 Vegius (Maphaeus) [Veggio]. see VmoiL (P. M.) La Eneida [with] Lib. la de M. Veggio, 1614. ,, . ^neid (13 by M. V.) tr. into verse. 1007. „ Virgil rendered into blank verse, by S. Burt : Vegius' Bk. 13, 1883. Vegius (Scipio), see Bibliotheca historica italica : vl, V. etc., 1876. Vehse (Carl Eduard). Gesch. d. deutsch. Hole seit d. Refor- mation. 48B. in 2.5. [B17 wanting]. 8". Hamburg. 1851-60 Tl-ti, Preussen. 7-17, Ostreich. 18-22, Hiife d. Hauses Braunschweig in Deutschland u. England. 23-27, Baierii, Wiirtemberg, Baden u. Hessen. 28-34, Sachsen. 35-48, Kleiue Hijfe. Mems. of the court, aristocracy, & diplomacy of Austria. Tr. F. Demmler. 2v. s8". 1856 Menis. of the Court of Prussia. [Tr.] F. C. M. Demmler. s8". 1854 Veibull (M.), see Weibull (M. J. J.) Veil. *Behind the veil, 1871, see Prior (H. L.) ♦Veil (The) of liberty, 1895, see Pkronne, ps. ♦Veillees (Les) du ch.ateau, 1784, see Genlis (Mme. de). Vein temilla (Marietta de), a. of " Pdginas del Ecuador," see Ecuador. *Para la hist, del E., 1891. Veit (David), see Varnhagen von Ense (Rauel). Briefw. zw. Rahel u. D. V., 1861. Veit (Philipp), see Sp.ihn (M.) V., [Knackfuss, 51], 1901. Veitch (John), prof, in Univ. of Glasgow. Dualism & monism, & o. essays. Intr. by R. M. Wenley. s8". E. 1»95 W. Hamilton ; the man & h. | philosophy. s8". E. 1883 • Hist. & poetry of the Scottish Border. bS". Glasgow. 1878 „ „ ... 2v. n. ed. S". E. 1893 I Veitch (Sophie Frances Fane) Velazquez de La Cadena (Mariano). Diet, of Span. & Eng., abr. f. [V.'s] larger work. 2p. [S.-E. & E.-S.], in Iv. sS". 1878 Velde (van de), the faynily. see Van de Velde, The family. Velde ( van der). Episodes des guerres de religion en AUemagne : Les Anabaptistes — Les Hussites. Tr. Loeve- Veimars. s8". [1856] Velde (Carl Franz van der). Sammtliche Schrilten. 25B in 12. 4" A. s8°. L. 1851 Velde (Mine. M. S. van de), see Van De Velde (Mme. M. S.) Veldeck (Heinrich von), [H. v. Veldeke], see Eotteken (H.) Die epische Kunst H.'s v. V., 1887. ♦Veleda : a dramatic sketch. [P242]. 8". [1860 ?] Veley (Margaret). Damocles. 3v. s8'\ 1S82 "For Percival." 3v. sS". 1878 Garden of memories — Mrs. Austin — Lizzie's bargain. 2v. s8". 1887 Institutes of logic. s8''. E. 1885 Knowing! & being. b8". E. 1889 Lucretius & the atomic theorv. b8". Glasgow. 1875 Mem. of Sir W. Hamilton. 8". E. 1869 Merlin & o. p. 68". E. 1889 The Dean's Daughter. 2v. 38°. 1888 s8". 1890 Duncan Moray, farmer. 2v. s8". 1890 Veitch (William), of Edi7iburgh. Greek verbs, irregular & defective. n. ed. s8". O. 1887 Veitch CWilliam), of Roberton, Lanark. Mems. of V., & G. Brysson, by themselves, w. o. narratives illus. of hist, of Scotland, f. the Restor". to Revol". ; added, biog. sketches & notes by T. M'Crie. 8». Edin. 1825 Velasco (A. A. Palomino), sec Palomino de CA.sTiio v Velasco (A. A.) Velasquez, the painter, [f Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez (Diego)]. see Abmstrong (Walter). The art of v., 1896. „ The Ute of V., 1896. „ Beruete (A. de). v., 1898. „ Curtis (C.B.) V. cfeMurillo: descr. eat. of works, 1883. „ JusTi (C.) V. u. s. Jhdt., 1888. „ V. it h. times, tr., 1889. Velasquez {Mme. Loreta Janeta) [hwwn as Lieut. H. T. Buford], see Norman (Mrs. M. M.) ed., Women adventurers : lives of V. etc., 1893. see Knackfuss (H.) V., [Knack- fuss, G], 1895. „ Lekobt (P.) V. 1888, 1893. „ Stevenson (R. A. M.) V., 1900. „ Stirling - Maxivell (Sir W.) V. & his works, 1855. „ Stowe (E.) v., 1881. A marriage of shadows, & o, p. Biog. pref. by L. Stephen. 88". 1888 Mitchelhursfc Place. 2v. 88". 1884 „ „ s8o. 1885 Velez de Guevara (Luis). El diablo cojuelo. Reprod. de la ed. princii)e de Madrid, 1641, por A. Bonilla y San Martin. 8". Vigo. 1902 see RrvADENEVRA (M.) Novelistas post, a Cervante, t2, for anoth. ed. Vella (G.) Codice diplomatico di Sicilia sotto il gov. degli Arahi ; pubbl. per op. di A. Airoldi. [By V., but prrofessing to be by Mustafa ben Hani]. 3t in 6p. i". Palermo. 1789-92 ♦Gesch. der Araber in Sicilien, etc. [Ubers.] v. P. W. G. Hausleutner. 4B. 8". Konigsberg. 1791-2 Velleius Paterculus (Caius). M. V. P., cum notis G. Vossii. s8». Lugd. Bat. 1639 C. V. P., cum selectis var. notis. A. Thysius ed. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1653 V. P. noviss. recognitus ; preem. H. Dodwelli annales Velleiani studiis Soc. Bipont. Ed. accurata. 8". Biponti. 1780 V. P. QuiE sup. ex hist. Rom. vol. duobus. Ex rec. Ruhnkenii ed. C. H. Frotscher. 2t. [v2 wanting, ?c/t. has H"'' t. " Var. interp. adnot. ad V. P."] 8\ LipsisE. 1830-39 v. P'. ex hist. Romano; lib. ii qua; sup. Ed. C. Halm. 88". L. 1876 Hist. Rom. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed., 35-6]. 8". Lond. 1822 see Sallust. S., Florus, V. P., lit. tr. by J. S. Watson, Bohn, 1852. Velly (Paul Francois). Hist, de France jusqu'au regne de Louis XIV. [tl-7 by V.; 8-16 by C. Villaret; 17 by Villaret £ Garnier; 18-30 by .L J. Gamier]. 33t, [31-33, Table], [tl-9, 18 are n. ed.l. s8". 1761-an vii [1799] sec GAILL.4RD (G. H.) Obs. sur I'hist. de F. de V., V. et G., 1806. „ Laureau (P.) Hist, de France avant Clovis, pr^cedant I'hist. de F. par V. etc., n. ed.. 1789. Velpeau (Alfred Armand Louis Marie). A treatise on the diseases of the breast & mammary i-egion. Tr. M. Henry. [Sydenham Soc.]. 8°. 1856 Velserus (Marcus). Opera historica et philologica. Ace. Porphyrii panegyricus, cum Spicilegio critico C. Daumii, vita auct., etc. Accur. C. Arnoldo. fol. Norioibergie. 1682 see Venise. ♦Examen de la liberty de V., 1677, [attr. to V.] Venables (Edmund), canon of Lincoln. The castle of Herstmonceux & its Lords. 8'. 1851 Episcopal palaces of England. Ia8'>. 1895 Life of Bunyan. sS". 1888 Venables (R. Lister). Domestic scenes in Russia. sS". 1839 Venables (Gen. Robert). The narrative of V., w. app. of papers rel. to the Exped. to W. Indies & conquest of Jamaica, 1654/5. Ed. C. H. Firth. [R. Hist. Soc., NS60]. 84". 1900 see Chetham Miscellanies, vi,for ace. of V. Venables (William), Lord Mayor of London, see Dillon (R. C.) The Lord Mayor's visit to Oxford, 1826. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortnnatus, see Fortunatds (V. H. C.) Venaticse, see Poet.e Latini rei v. scriptores etc., 1728. Vence (C. E. Camoin de), see Camoin de Vence ( ). Vendee, La. Memoires sur La V., comprenant les m^m". indd. d'un anc. administrateur militaire des armies rdpubl. & ceux de Mme. de Sapinaud. [M. r. a la R. F.]. 8''. 1823 Vendeens. Guerres des V. & des Chouaus, par un officier, 1824-7, see Savary (J. J. M.) Vendome (GeofiFioi de), sec Compain (L.) Etude sur G. de V., 1891. VENEDEY 1534 VENTTIRI Venedey (Jacob). *Exeursions in Normandy. Ed. £. the journal of a recent traveller by F. Shoberl. 2v. sS". 1841 Tr. f. r.'s '■ Beise- u. Basttagc in d. Normandie." Irland. 2B. s8\ L. 1844 Maehiavel, Montesquieu, u. Rousseau. 2B in 1. 8". 1850 ♦Venerable Bede (The) expurgated, by the Prig, 1886, see LoNGrEVILLE (T.) Veneta. [Veneti, Veneto]. Codice per la veneta mercantile marina, approv. dal Senate, 1786. It. Suppl., It. 4". [Venezia]. 1786-9 Leggi criminali del Dominio Veneto. race, e ristamp. 4". 1751 Eelazioni degH arabasciatori veneti al Senato, [dtir. il sec. xvi], 1839-63, see Alreri (E.) ed. *Eicerche storieo-critiche sull' opportunity della laguna veneta pel commereio, 1803, see Filiasi {il c. G.) Topogratia veneta, see Topoc.kaeia etc. Venetarum. [VENETiABnr]. Bibliotheea ms. _ ad S. Marci Venetiarum. Dig. & comm. add. J. Yalentinelli : Codd. MSS. Latini. tl-6, in 3. 8". Venetiis. 1868-73 Novissimum statut. ac Venetarum legum volumen. 2p in Iv. 4". Venetiis. 1729 sec Codex Cumanicus Bibl. D. Marci Venet., 1880. Venetian. *Early Venetian printing, illustrated. smfol. Venice. 189-5 ♦Sketches from V. hist., 1831-2, see Smedley (E.) Venetianer (Moritz). Der Allgeist.-Grundziige d. Panpsy- chismus im Anschluss an d. Philosopbie d. Unbewussten. 8". 1874 Schopenhauer als Scholastiker. 8". 1873 Venetianische Depeschen v. Kaiserhofe. (Dispacci di Germania). 3B,(l.'^38a.5.5.3). 2' Abth.,Bl, (1657-61). 8". Wien. 1889-1901 ♦Venetians (The), 1892, sec Br.addon [Miss). Venette (Nicolas). La generation de Thomme, ou. Tableau de I'amour conjugal. 2t. n. ^d. sS". an iii, [17951 Venetus (M. Paulus), see Polo (Marco). Venezia. *Antica pianta di V. delineata circa la nieta del 12. s., 1781, sec Temanza (T.) ed. Documenti riguardanti antiche relazioni fraV.e Ravenna, 1881, see Pasolini dall' Onda (P. D.) ed. Mouografie degli istituti di previdenza ec. nella prov. di V., 1870, sec Errera (A.) ed. Raccolta cronologico-ragionata di documenti ined. che formano la storia diplomat, della rivoluz. e caduta della Eepubbl. di Venezia, 2t, [2» ed.], 1800, see Tentori (C.) Veneziana [Vexeziaxe, Veneziano]. CoUezione delle migliori opere scr. in dialetto v., 1817, see Colleziose etc. ♦Delia Pittura Veneziana, 1771, see Zanetti (A. M.) ♦Istorici delle cose v., i quali hanno scr. per pubbl. decreto, 1718-22, sec IsTonici etc. Poeti antichi del dialetto v., 1817, sec Poeti etc. Venezuela. Alegato de V. : Contestacion al " Libro Azul Britanico." ed. oticial. 4". Caracas. 1890 Corr. betw. the Venezuelan Govt. & H.B.M.'s Govt, about the frontier, the addit'. duty, the treaty of commerce & the pecuniary claims. 3p in Iv. fol. Caracas. 1887 Documents rel. to the question of boundary betw. V. & Brit. Guayana : Submitted to the Boundary Comm. by the Counsel of the Govt, of V. 3v. 8°. Washington. 1896 Venezuela. [U.S., Senate, 52^ Cong., 1" sess. : Ex. Doc. 8, p. ix. A descriptionof Y. P612]. 8". Washington. [1891 ? 92 ?] Venezuela Boundary Comm". Brief for V. pi, Intr. & sum- mary — Note on the Schomburgk Line. By W. L. Scruggs & J. J. Storrow. [P637J. 8". 1896 [P637]. rev. ed. Ia8". Sept., 1896 see ScBUGGS (W. L.) The Venezuelan question, 1896. Venice, see also Veneta, Venetaepji, Venetian, Venetianische, Venetians, Venezia, Veneziana, Venise, V^nitiens. ♦Bravo (The) of V., tr. M. G. Lewis, 1834, see Zschokke (J. H. D.) Calendar of State Papers A MSS. rel. to Eng. affairs, existing in the Archives & collections of V., it in o. libraries of N. Italy, vl-10, [hiproq. v6 has 3p. Calendars of State Papers]. Ia8<>. 1864-1900 ' y1-6, ed. E. Brown ; 7, R. Brown & Bt. Hon. G. Cavendish Bentinck ; 8-10, H. F. Brown. 1, 12112-1509. 2, 1509-19. 3, 1520-26. 4, 1527-33. R, 1584-54. 6, i, 1555-56. 6, ii, 1556-57. 6, iii, 1557-58. 7, 1558-80. 8, 1581-91. 9, 1592-1603. 10, 1603-7. ♦Conspiracy (A) of the Spaniards agst. V., [/r.], 1075, see Saint- BiLiiL (C. V. de). Venice [continued]. Venice under the yoke of France & of Austria, etc. [By the Marchioness Broglio Solari .']. 2v in 1. 8". 1824 see Hardy (.Sir T. D.) Report upon the doc", in Archives & PubUc Lib', of v., 1866. „ lU-SKiN (.L) Guide to pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts, v., 1877. Veniero (Maffeo), sec Poeti antichi del dialetto veneziano : 2, V. ec. 1817. Veniero (Sebastiano), Doge of Venice, see Molmenti (P.) V. e Lapanto, 1899. Venise. Examen de la liberty originaire de Venise [attr. to A. de La Cueva, or M. Velserus], tr. ; avec harangue de L. H(51an, tr. s8". Eatisbonne. 1677 ♦Hist, de la Ligue faite a Cambray contre V., 4' ^d., 1728, see DuRos (.T. B.) ♦Hist, de la revol. de la Republ. de Venise & de sa chute con- somm^e par le traite de Campo-Formio. Par A. N.-P. 8». Milan. 1807 ♦Ville (La) & la republ. de Venise, 1680, sec Limojon (.i. T. de), sieiiy de Saint-Didier. Venitiens. Relation des ambassadeurs venitiens sur les affaires de la France au 16° s. Kec. & tr. par N. Tommaseo. 2t. 4". 1838 Relations des ambass. venitiens sur Ch. V & Phil. II, 1855, see Gacharh (P. L.) ed. Relations ined. d'ambass. venitiens dans les Pays-Bas sous Phil. II & Albert & Isabelle, 1865, see Hagemans (G.) ed. Veniukov (M.), see Michell (.1.) The Russians in C. Asia, by V. A- 0. travellers, tr., 1865. Venn (Henry), B.D. Colonial Church legislation. [P485]. 80. 1850 Missionary life of Francis Xavier, f. h. corresp. ; w. general results of R.C. Missions. s8''. 1862 Venn (Henry), vicar of Huddersfield. The complete duty of man. n. ed., w. mem. sS". n.d. sec Priestley (.1.) Consid*. etc. ; w. letter to V. in ans. to h. Exam, of the Address on the Lord's Supper, 1769. Venn (John), fellon' of Cains. & Biograph. hist, of Gonville Caius Coll., 1349-1897. vl-3. laS". C. 1897-1901 Caius college. [Cambridge ; College histS]. s8». 1901 The logic of chance. 8". 1860 „ 3"'-e4 98°. 1888 On some characteristics of belief : Hulsean L''., 1869. 8". 1870 Principles of empirical or induc- tive logic. 8". 1889 Symbolic logic. S8". 1881 „ „ ... 2nd ed. s8°. 1894 Venn (John), prebendary of Hereford. Paul on holiness ; mean- ing of 6-8"' ch. of Romans. 8". 1877 Venn {Mrs. Susanna C), loife of J. Venn. ♦The Dailys of Sodden Fen. 3v. s8''. 1884 ♦Four crotchets to a bar. 8v. s8<>. 1881 ♦Some married fellows. 2v. s8". 1893 Venner (Tobias). The baths of Bathe. [pp. 309-342. P278]. s4". 1037 Briefe etc. treatise cone, the taking of the fume of tobacco. [pp. 345-364. P278]. s4". 1637 Venning (John), see Henderson (T. S.) Memorials of V., w. not', of h. MSS. rel to the Imperial Family of Russia, 1862. Venosta (G. Visconti), see Vlsconti Venosta (G.) ♦Ventilation (On the) of mines, 1847, see Gibbons (B.) Vento (Claude), pseud, [i.e. Laincel-Vento (la ctesse. Alix de)]. Couronne d'epines. s8". 1886 Les grandes dames d'aujourd'hui. Ia8<>. 1886 Une vie bris^e. s8". 1888 Ventre de La Toulonbre (C. F. L.), called Galart de Montjoie, sec Montjoie (G. de) jjs. Ventry, see Cath Finntraga, or the battle of V., ed. Meyer, 1885. Ventura (Gulielmus). Chronica Astensia etc, 1070-1325, see MuEATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t5, 11. De gestis civium Astensium etc., see Monumenta hist, patrlb, Scr., to. Ventura (Secundinus). Suppl. ad Chronica Astensia 1419-1457, see MvRATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., til. Venturella (Suora Carubbina). S. Cecilia. [P636]. s8». Macerata. 1685- Venturi (Adolfo). La Galleria Crespi in Milano. Modena artistica. 40. Milano. 1900 gg''. Modena. 189fr La Madonna; svolgimento artis- tico delle rappresentazioni. H Museo e la Galleria Eorgbese. 4". Milano. 1900 sS". Roma. 1898. VENTUKI 153£ VERFASSERIN Venturi (A.) [continued]. Storia deir arte italiana. [v] 1,2. crisliana al tempo ill [in prog.]. 8". Milano. 1901-2 Giustiniano. 1, Dai priiuordi dell' arte 2, Dell' arte barbarica alia romanica. Venturi (Mine. Emilie Ashurst). Biographie de Mazzini, etc. Tr. s8". 1881 J. Mazzini ; a mem. With 2 essays by M. : Thoughts on de- mocracy — Duties of man. s8". 187-5 Venturi (Silvio). Le monstruositA dello spirito. s8". Milano. 1899 Venus. ''Latest intelligence from the planet V. [sic/ncd B. T.]. [P328]. 8". M'ter. [1877] Venus" vigils, see ""Pervigilium Venkris. Venuti (Ridolfino). Descr. topograf. delle autichitil di Roma. 2p. 4". 1703 Ver (Gerrit de), [G. Le Ver], sec De Veer (G.) *Vera, 1871, Sfc Dempster (Miss C. H. S.) Vera, i^s. of a. of " Vera in Poppy-land," see Berlyn (Mrs. A.) Vera (Augusto). Essais de philos. hig^lienne. s8". 1864 L'Hegelianisme & la philosophie. s8°. 1861 Intr. a la lAilos. de Hegel. 2= ed. 8". 1864 ses RosENKRANZ (Carl). Hegel's Naturphilosophie u. d. Bearbeit- ung deiselben durch V., 1868. Vera (Gerrit di), see De Veer (Gerrit). "Veracious hist, of a black-and-tan, ed. Ladv Lamb, 1880, see Lamb (Ladij h. M. C.) Veraldo (Domenico). Tacere per fino 1' occasions. [P630]. s8». Bologna. 1694 Verard (Antoine), see Macfakl.ane (J.) A. V., 1900. Verax, ps., see "'Axgleterre (A tiavers 1') et I'Ecosse, 1888. Verax, j«. of a. of " Lettres de V., /SCO," see Auiule (H., due d'). Verax, ps.of a. of " Letters of Verax," iSjS, see Dcnckley (H.) Verax (Theodorus) ps., see Walker (Clement). Vera y Figueroa (Juan Antonio ie), conde de la Boca. Epitome de la vida y hechos del invioto emperador Carlos V. 4". Brusselas. 1656 Hist, de Charles V. Tr. par Du Perron Le Hayer, rev. s8'. Bruxelles. 1667 Verbael gehouden door de Heeren H. van Beverningk etc. aeu de Republyck van Engeland, 172-5, see Witt (Jan de). Brieveu etc., 6(1, 1723-5, of which this Verbael, tliere entered, is the cont. Verbiest {Father Ferdinand), see Orleans (P. J. d'). Hist, of the Tartar conquerors of China, incl. the two journeys into Tartary of V., tr., 18-54. *Verbum diei : or a word in season, [a polit. tract]. [P298]. s4'>. 1685 Vercelli Codex. Poetry of Codex VerceUensis, w. tr., by J. M. Kemble. [.Elfric Soc.]. 2p in 1. 8". 1843-56 Verdenal (Mrs. Dominique Frangois). " Ladies first ! " s8". 1896 Verderevsky (E. A.) *Captivity of two Russian Princesses in the Caucasus, in Shamil's Seraglio, etc.; tr. H. S. Edwards. sS". 1857 Verderius (A.), see Duverdier (Ant.) Verdi (Giuseppe). see Annunzio (G. i>'). In morte di V., 1901. „ Crowest (F. J.) V. : h. biog>'., w. esp. ref. to h. Eng. ex- periences, 1897. „ PouGiN (A.) V. : vita aneddot., 1881. Verdier (Leon). Hist, ijolit. & litt. de la Restauration. 8". 1863 Verdugo (el coronet Francisco). Comm. de la guerra de Frisa. Publ. par H. Lonchay. [C. R. d'H. de Belg.]. ti'^. Erux. 1899 Verdun, see Catalogue g^n. des mss. des bibl. publ., t5, V., 1879. Verdun (Paul), sec Taxil (Leo) pis. [G. Jog.vnd-Pages] & V., Les assassinats mavo'i'ii>l"6S, 1889. Verdy du Vernois (F. v.) Die Frage d. heiligen Statten Paliis- tinas. 8". 1901 Verdy du Vernois (Julius v.) Im Hauptquartier d. zweiteu Armee, 1866. 8". 1900 Studien ilber d. Krieg. Auf Grundlage d. deutsch-franzosischen Krieges, 1870/1. 2T. [T! has 3 Seft in I, paejin. cont. : T.' has 3 in I, pacjin. sep.]. 8". 1891-1901 Studien fiber Truppenfuhrung. 3T, in 10 Heft. [Tl has 4 Heft, T2 has 3, T3 has 3]. 8". 1874-99 1, Die lufaiiterie-Division im Verbande des Armeekorps : neu bearb. durch v. Gossler. 2, Die Kavallerie-Divisiou in ArmeeVerbande. S, Studien iiber Felddienst: neu bearb. v. V. Verdy du Vernois (Julius v.) [continued]. Studies in troop-leading. p3,4inl. Tr. H. J.T.Hildyard. 8°. 1877 The tactical war game ; tr. J. R. MacDonnell. sS". 1884 Witli the Royal Headquarters, 1870-1. 8". 1897 Vere. "Carmen de vera, sec "Pervigilium Veneris. Vere, Ter, see Ter Vere. Vere, The family of, sec Collins (Ar.) Hist, colls, of the f". o£ V. etc., 1752. Vere (Aubrey T. de), see De Vere. Vere (Sir Francis), see Markiiah (Sir C. R.) "The fighting Veres "; lives of F. V. & Sir H. V., 1888. Vere (Sir Horace) [+Vkre (Hokatio), baron Vere of Tilbury], sec Markh.\m (Sir C. R.) "The fighting Veres " ; lives of Sir F. & Sir H. v., 1888. Vere (Max. Scheie de), see De Vere (M. S.) Vere (Sir S. E.), /,"' bart., see De Vere. Vereeniging ter Bevordering der Oude Nederlandsche Letter- kiinde. see Maerlant (J. van). Levea van S. Franciscus, 1847-H. „ Potter (D.) Der Mimieu Loep, 1845-7. „ Vostaert(P. iScP.Vostaeet. Roman van Walewain, 1846-8. Verslagen en Berigten. Ja-arg. 1-5, in Iv. 8". Leiden. 1844-48 sec Boendale (Jan). Der leken spieghel, 1844-8. „ Charlemagne. Eomau van Karel der Grooten, etc., 1844. „ Maerl.\nt (J. van). Dboec I vandeuHoutc, 1844. Verein fiir Hansische Geschichte. see Hanse.\tic League. Hanserecesse, [»i yojr.], 1876-99. „ Hansisches Urkundenbuch, Bl-5, 8, 1876-99. ,, Hansische Geschichtsquellen, inprrog., 1875 etc. „ KuNZE (C.) ed., Hanseakten aus England (1275-1412), 1891. Verein fur Socialpolitik. [Publicatiuiis]. vl-82 [1-19, 21, 26, 29, 34-4S, 52-55, 58, CO, 61, 7'J, 81 zvantinff]. 1882-99. Verhaudlungeu d. Generalversammluug. 1884, 1886, 1897. S\ L. 1884-98. [28, 33, 76] sec Bauerliciie Zustande in Deutseliland, Bl-S, 1883. [22-24.] „ FuCHS (C. J.) Handelspolitik Englands u. s. Kolonien in d. letzten Jalirzehnten, 1893. [57.] „ Handelspolitik d. Balkanstaaten etc., 1892. [51 ] ,, Handelspolitik Nordamerikas, Italiens, Osterreichs, d. Niederlande, Diinemarks, Schwedens u. Norwegens, Russ- lands u. d. Scbweiz ; sowie d. deutsche, (1880-90J : Berichte u. Gutacliten, 1892. [49.] „ Hasbacii (W.) Die engl. Landarbeiter in d. letzten 100 Jalu-en, 1894. [59.] ,, Kolonisation. *Zur innereu K. in Deutschland, 1886. [32.] „ Lotz (W.) Ideeu d. deutschen Handelspolitik (1860-91), 1892. [50.] „ Miaskowski (A. V.) Dag Erbreclit u. d. Grundeigenthums- vertheilung im Deutschen Reiche, 1882-4. [20, 25.] ,, Personalkbedit (Der) d. Hindi. Kleingruudbesitzes in Deutschland, 1896. [73, 74.] „ Personalkredit (Der) d. liindl. Kleiugrundbesitzes in Osterreiuli, 1898. [75.] „ Rathgen (C.irl). Engl. Auswanderung etc. im 19'° Jhdt., etc., 1896. [72.] ,, Sering (M.) Inuere Kolonisation im ostl. Deutschland, 1893. [56.] „ Unteksuchungen ii. d. Lage d. Handwerks in Deutschland, 9B., 1895-7. [62-70.] „ Unteksuchungen ii. d. Lage d. Handwerks in Osterreich, 1896. [71.] ,, Unteksuchungen ii. d. Lage d. Hausiergewerbes in Dentsch. laud, in prog., 1898-9. [77, 78, 80.] I, Unteksuchungen ii. d. Lage d. Hausiergewerbes in Oster- reich, 1899. [82.] ,, WoHNUNGSNOTH (JDie) d. armcrcn Klassen in deutschen Gross- stadten, 1886. [30, 31.] Verein fiir Volkskunde, see Zeitschkift des V'. fiir V., 1891 etc. Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Eheinlande. Jahrbiicher. 1-14, [10, 12, 13 ivantincj]. 8". Bonn. 1842-49 see Bramdach (W.) ed., Corpus Inscrii^tionum Rhenanarum, 1807. Vereker (Hon. Ch. Smith). Old times in Ireland. 3v. sS". 1873 The Sunny South : the Atlas & Algeria. 2v. s8». 1871 Vereshchagin (Vasily). Napoleon I en Eussie. 8«ed. s8». 1897 The war correspondent. s8°. 1894 see Z.ABEL (E.) Wereachtschagin, [Kiiackfuss, 47], 1900. Verey (Joseph). Tales for the twilight. s8<>. [1858?] Verfasserin von " Godwie-Castle," ps., see Paalzow (H. v.) Autob. sketches. Tr. F. H. Peters. 2v. sb". 1887 " 1812 " : Napoleon I in Russia. s8». 1899 VERFESTUNGSBUCH 1536 VERNE Novelle Rusticane. s8». Torino. 1883 Per le vie. s8». Milauo. 1883 Priraavera. sS". Milano. 1877 I reeordi del capitano d'Arce. 2'>ed. s8o. Milano. 1891 Translation. The house by the medlar-tree. Tr. M. A. Craig. s8o. 1891 Verfestungsbuch (Das) der Stadt Stralsund, 1875, see Feancke (O.) ed. Verga (Giovanni). Cavalleria Kusticana ed altre novelle. 5» ed. b8°. 1892 Don Candeloro e Ci. 2» ed. s8°. Milano. 1894 I Malavoglia. 3^ ed. 8". Milano. 1888 II marito di Elena. 68". Milano. 1897 Mastro-dou Gesualdo. s8\ Milano. 1890 Novelle. n. ed. sS". Milano. 1880 Vergani (Angelo). Ital. & Eng. grammar, f. Ital. & French gr. of V. & Piranesi. sS". 1820 „ „ Notes by .7. Guichet etc. n. ed. s8". 1857 Vergennes {Ic chcv. de), see Bonneville he Marsanot (L.) V., s. ambassade I'l Constantinople, 1894. Vergerio (Pietro Paolo). Vitas Carrariensium Principum ad 1.355— Orationes, sec Muratobi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl6. *Vergewaltigung d. russ. Ostsee-Provinzen, 1896, see Ostsee- Peovinzen. Vergil, see Virgilius Maeo (P.) Vergilius (Polydorus). Anglicse hist, libri xxvii. fol. Basileae. 1555 „ ,, fol. Basilese. 1557 Hist. Anglicee lib. xxvi, etc. Ex nova ed. A. Thysii. sS". Lugd. Bat. 1649 Hist. Anglicffi libri xxvii. Ex nova ed. A. Thysii. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1651 De iaventoribus rerum libri viii, et de prodigiis libri iii. Cum indie. ['J pts. in Iv]. s8°. Amsteiodami. 1671 Three hooks of V.'s Eng. Hist., comprising Hen. VI-Bi. Ill, f. an earlv tr. among MSS. of the Old Royal Lib. in Brit. Mus. Ed. Sir H.Ellis. [Camden Soc, 29]. b4». 1844 V.'s Eng. hist. f. an early tr. among MSS. of the Old Royal Lib. in Brit. Mus. vl, contg. the first 8 books, comprising the period prior to the Conq. Ed. Sir H. Ellis. [Camden Soc, 36]. s4o. 1846 The intention of the C. Soc. was to publish tlie ivholc tr., bttt v3 d 3, "wh., w. the " Three books etc." [C. S. ^9], would liave niade tlie wwk ccanplete, have never beenpubV. Vergniol (Camille). Puymirol. s8". 1894 Verhaegen (Arthur). Univ. de Louvain (1740-97). 8". Li^ge. 1884 Verhaegen (Paul). Le tribunal ri-vol. de Bruxelles (1794-5). 8o. Bruxelles. 1893 Verhaegen (Pierre). Socialistes anglais. s8". Gand. 1898 Verhael. Verhael van't gene gepasseert is in of outrent het belegh van Knodsenburgh, 1072, see Knodsenbobgh. Verheal van het seereet der misse, etc. [P874]. S40. n.p. 1672 Verhaeren (Emile). Poeraes (s3). (3, Les villages illusoires — Les apparus dans raes chemins — Les vigiies de ma muraille), 2'' ed. s8o. n.d. Translations. Tlie dawn (Les aubes). Tr. A. Syraons. 8». 1898 Poems. Sel. & Itr.] A. Strettell. 8". 1899 Les aubes. laS". [1898] Le cloitre. Ia8». 1900 Petites legendes. 8". Bruxelles. 1900 Philippe II. 68°. 1901 Pofemes. [1] Les bords de la route. Les Plamandes. Les moines. _ sS". 1895 Pofemes (nouv. ser.) : Les soirs, les debacles, les ilambeaux noirs. s8'). 1896 Verhaghen (Claudine). Une vengeance avortee — Mile. Burdin — Le bouquet de la mariee. sS". 1874 Verhandlungen. VerhandUingen des Deutsehen Parlaments. Officielle A. 2Lfgn. in Iv. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1848 Verheiden (Jacobus). Imagines & elogia aliquot theologorum ; cum cat. lib. ab iisdem ed., opera F. Roth-Scholtzii. 2* ed. fol. Hag£e-Comitum. 1725 . & E. Holland. *Hist. of the mod. Protestant divines. Tr. D. L[upton]. s8". 1637 Verhoeven ( ). *Hist. de C. et J. de Witt, \tr. from V.] 2t. s8». Utrecht. 1709 Vericour (L. Kaymond de). Hist. anal, of Xtn. civilisation. s8\ 1850 Life & times of Dante. s8-^ 1858 Modern French lit. ^8°. E. 1842 Veridicus Grallicus, sec *Oprecht-spbekende (D'), Fransman, 1671, wh. is a Dutch tr. of this anon, pamph. Verifier, ps., see *Scepticis5i in geologv, & reasons for it, by V., 2°'' ed., 1878. Veritas, jIjs., see Consebvatfve. *True C. policy, by V., 1841. Veritas, 7)S., see *WnAT is women's suffrage? etc., by V., 1883. Veritas (Dr.), see Fortis (L.) \_ps. D'. V.] Veritas (PMlo) ps. of a. of " Diamond cut Diamond, 3'''' ed., IS06." see GiLLiLANi> (T.) Veritatis Vindex, j«., see Turk. *That unconscionable Turk, by V. v., 1877. *Verite (La) sur Marie Stuart, 1877, see Meneval {Mgr. de). Verity (Robert), M.D. Homceopathy examined. [P117]. 8". Paris. 1836 Verlags-Katalog, see GEs.iM5iT-Verlags-Katalog d. deutsehen Buchhandels, 1881-95. Verlaine (Paul). CEuvres compl. tl-5. s8". 1899-1900 1, Poemes saturuiens — Ft'tes galantes — Bonne chan- son — Sagesse — Jadis & nagulTe. s8o. 1899 2, Amour- — Bonheur— Paral- IHement — Chansons pour elle — Liturgies in- times — Odes en son bonneur. 3, Elegies — Dans les linibes — Dedicaces — Epigram- nies — Invectives —Chair. 4, Les poetes maudits — Louise Le^lercq — Les memoires d'un veuf — Mes hopitaux — Mes prisons. 5, Confessions — Quinze jours en Hollaude — Les liommes d'aujourd'hui. J. Ricbepin, J. Barbey d'Aureviliy, Sully - Prud- homme, L. Dierx, S. Mal- larme, M. Rollinat, A. Rimbaud, A.Baju, C. Cros, R. Gbil, A. France, L. X. de Ricard, A. Merat, A. • Lemoyne, G. Lafenestre, R. Ponclion, G. Vicaire, J. M. de Heredia, A. Theuriet, F. Poictevin, E. Verhaeren.] Invectives. s8». 189i; Jadis et naguere. n. ed. sS". 1891 Liturgies intimes. s8o. 1893 Louise Leclercq — Le poteau— Pierre Duchatelet — Mme. Aubin. Les memoires d'lui veuf. 68°. 1886 s8". bS". Amour. Bonheur. La bonue chanson. Chansons pour elle. Choix de poesies. s8". 1888 s8». s8". s8". 68^ Confessions. Dans les limbes. Dedicaces. Elegies. Epigrammes. Fetes galantes. 1891 1891 1891 1898 .... s8'>. 1900 sS". 1895 sS". 1891 ed. s8". 1894 s8". 1893 68". 1894 ed. sS". 1891 1886 1891 1893 1893 1889 Les hommes d'aujourd'hui. laS". n.d. [Leconte de Li.sle, F. Coppee, Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, A. Silvestre, E. Goncourt, Meshupitaux. Mes prisons. Odes en son honneur. s8'*. ParaUelement. s8". Poemes saturuiens. 31' ed. s8 1. 1894 Les poHes maudits. n. ed. sS". 1888 Quinze jours en HoUande. 8°. La Haye. [1893] Romances sans paroles — Ariettes oubliees — Paysages beiges — Birds in the night — A<]uar- elles. ed. nouv, s8". 1891 Sagesse. n. ed. e8". 1889 Les uns et les autres. s8'\ 1891 see DoNOS (C.) V. intime, 1898. „ ScHL.iF fj.) Whitman — V., etc., 1897. Verlaque (Vabbi' V.) Jean XXII d'ap. des docs. intd. 8". 1883 St. Louis & la famiUe d'Anjou au 13' s. d'ap. des docs. in^d. sS". [1885] *Verlooren (De) schildwacht. [P881]. sS". A. 1686 Verly (Hippolyte). Le triomphe du socialisme. 2' ed. s8". 1897 Van Brabant * C". : toiles et sarraux. s8". 1891 Vermandois (Louis de Eouvroy, due de Saint-Simon-), see Saint-Simon {le due pe), /6j.j-I~.53. Vermeer (Jan), see Dkr Meer (Jan van). Vermelinus (Petrus Martyr), 1300-62 \ [Vermelics; Vermilius], see Martyr (Peter), licformer. Vermigli (Pietro Martire), 1500-62, see Martyr (Peter), Ecfvriner. Vermiglioli (Griovanni Battista). Di B. Pinturicchio, pittore Perugino de' secoli XV-XVI memorie. 8". Perugia. 1837 Vita e imprese militari di Malatesta IV. Baglioni, con note, doc. ec. 8". Perugia. 1839 Vermilinguis (Gnnnlaugus), see *Gunnlaugssaga. Vermill (P. Martyr), [Vermillics], see Martyr (P.), Reformer. Vermont (marquis de) ps. & Sir C. Darnley. London & Paris : comparative sketches. Vernaleken (Friedrich Theodor). 8». 1823 Deutsche Syntax. 2T. 8". Wien. 1861-3 Verne (Jules). Les Anglais au pule nord ; [jyl of] aventures du cap. Hatteras. 3U<- ed. s8». n.d. L'archipel en feu. sS". n.d. „ „ [6. !('. L'etoile du sud, 4"]. 4". n.d. Autour de la lune. p2 de De la ten*e a la lune. 2'" ed. s8<*. n.d. Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais. 25" ed. s8". ti.d. Un billet de loterie, le no. 9672. Suivi de Fritt-flacc. sS". 1886 VERNE 1537 VERNON-HARCOURT Verne (Jules) [conti7iu4d]. Uii billet dc loterie, etc. [b. w. Eobur, 4". 1886]. i". 1886 Uiicapitaiue de 15 ans. 2p. s8». n.d. Cesar Cascabel. '2p. sS". n.d. Le Chancellor ; journal clu pas- sager J. E. Kazallon — Martin Paz. i'^ e'd. sS". 7i.d. Le chateau des Carpathes. 38'. n.d. Le chemin de France, suivi de Gil Braltar. 68". 1887 LeB cinq cent millions de la Begum ; suivi de Les Eevoltes de la " Bounty." ll'' ed. s8'. n.d. Cinq semaines en ballon. 55" ed. 88°. n.d. Claudius Bombaniac. s8". n.d. Clovis Dardentor. sS". n.d. De la terre a la lune. [p'. 2 of Autour de la lune]. H« ed. s8". n.d. Le desert de glace : {jTl 0/] Aventures du cap. Hatteras. 24« ed. s.'io. n.d. Deux ans de vacances. 2p. s8". 1888 Le docteur Ox — Maltre Zacha- rius — Un hivemage dans les glaces — Un drame dans les airs. 88". n.d. L'ecole des Robinsons. s8'^. n.d. L'etoile du sud : le pays des diamants. 88". n.d. >, *"• «•''• Famille-sans-nom. 2p. 88". 1889 Hector Servadac, a travers le monde solaire. 1". n.d. L'ile mysterieuse.L'abandonnee. 13° ed. S8". n.d. „ „ Les nautragea de I'air. s8". n.d. „ „ Le secret de l'ile. 88". n.d. „ „ 8p in Iv. 4°. n.d. Les Indes-noires. 6= ed. s8". n.d. La jangada. 2p. [pi, ll" ed.]. s8". n.d. K^raban-le-tiHu. 2p. sB". 7i.d. La maison b, yapeur. 2p. sS". n.d. Mathias Sandorf. 8t. s8''. n.d. Michel Strogofl. 2p. sS". n.d. ]i2 has t.: M. S., suivi de Un drame au Mexique. Mistress Branican. 2p. s8'. n.d. Nord centre sud. 2p. s8". 1887 Le pays des fouvrures. 2p. 68". 71.(7. Le rayon vert — Dix heures en chasse. s8'. n.d. Eoburle-conqueraut. 4°. 1886 sB". 1886 Sans dessus dessous. s8". 1889 Seconde patrie. 2t. s8". n.d. Le sphinx des glaces. 2p [p2, 4" ed.]. s8\ n.d. Le testament d'un excentrique. 2p. sS". 7i.d. Le tour du monde en 80 jours. 23'' ed. s8». n.d. Les tribulations d'un chiuois en Chine. s8". n.d. Le village aerien. s8". [1900] Une ville flottante ; suiv. des Forceurs de blocus. 211- cd. s8'. n.d. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. Voyage au centre de la terre. 20" ed. s8". n.d. TB.\NSL.VriONS. Around the world in eighty days. Tr. Cr. M. Towle. 88". 1873 Captain Antifer. sS". 1895 Celeb, travels & travellers; The great navigators of IB^** c. Tr. s8". 1880 Cesar Cascabel. [Tr.] s8". 1891 Child of the cavern. Tr. W. H. G. Kingston. sS". 1877 Clipper of the Clouds. s8". 1887 Dick Sands, the boy captain. pi. 88". 1882 Dr. Ox's experiment, & 0. s. Tr. s8°. 1874 The English at the N. Pole. s8'>. 1875 Field of Ice. s8". 1877 Five weeks in a balloon. s8». 1870 The flight to France ; or. Me- moirs of a dragoon etc. sS". 1888 A floating city ; and. The block- ade runners. Tr. sS". 1874 From the earth to the moon, & a trip round it. Tr. L. Mer- cier & E. E. King. S'" ed. s8». 1874 The giant raft. Tr. W. J. Gordon. 2p. s8'>. 1881-2 Godfrey Morgan. sS». 188.S Tr. M. de !". 1883 E. E. )'. 1882 of the 8". ti.d. The green ray. Hauteville. s) Hector Servadac. Tr. Frewer. S'^^ ed. s! Journey to the centre earth. [Tr.] n. ed. £ Ke'raban the inflexible. 2p. sS". 1887 1, The captain of the Gui- dara. 2, Scarpante the spy. The lottery ticket. sS". 1887 Mathias Sandorf. [Tr.] 2p in 1. s8". 1886 Meridiana: adv. of 3 English & 3 Eussians. Tr. 2"'' ed. s8". 1875 Michael Strogoff. Tr. W. H. G. Kingston. s8". 1877 The mystei'ious island : pi, Dropped f. the clouds. Tr. W. H. G. Kingston. sS". 1875 ,, , n. ed. 88". 7i.d. p2. Abandoned. Tr. King- ston. s8". 1875 „ ,, n. ed. s8". n.d. p3. The secret of the island. Tr. Kingston. s8". 1875 „ „ B'l' ed. 88". Ji.d. North against South. new ed. sS". 1891 The purchase of the N. Pole, seq. to "From Earth to Moon." sS". 1891 The steam house. Tr. A. D. Kingston. 2p. s8'>. 1881 pi, The demon of Cawnpore. p2, Tigers & traitors. The survivors of the Chancellor; Diary of J. E. Kazallon. Tr. E. Frewer. sS". 1875 Tribulations of a Chinaman. Tr. E. E. Frewer. 68". 1880 Twenty thousand leagues under the seas. Tr. author's ed. s8". n.d. 2p. 12'' ed. s8». n.d. & A. Dennery, ps. [i.e. Adolphe PHnjrpE]. Les enfants du capitaine Grant, pi^ce. 4". n.d. & A. Laurie, ps. L'^pave du Cynthia. s8". 1886 Verneilh (Felix de). L'architecture byzantine en France : .Saint-Front de Perigueux & les eglises a coupoles de 1' Aquitaine. 4". 1851 Verner (Karl). Nogle Raskiana, [and] Y. Thomsen : Nogle andre Uaskiana. [Aftryk af Nord. tidsbr. for filol., etc. Ny Ecekke, 1. P562]. 8". 7i.p. [1875 ?] Verner (William Willoughby Cole). The first British rifle corps. sS". 1890 Kapid field-sketching & reconnaissance. Ia8''. 1889 Eirte brigade chronicle for 1890. 8". 1891 Some notes on milit. topograpliy. Ia8°. 1891 Vernes (Jacob). 'Confidences philosoph. 2t. 4= M. s8". Londres. 1788 Vernes (Maurice). Hist, des idees messianiqiics dep. Alexandre jusqu'a Hadrien. 8". 1874 Vernet, The family of. see Bl.\nc (C.) Une famille d'artistes : les Irois V. (.Joseph — Carle— Horace), 1898. „ L.\ciR.iNGE (L.) Les v., etc., 1864. Vernet (Emile Jean Horace), see Kees (.T. E.) H. V., 1880. Vernet (Joseph) etc., see L.\gkange (L.) Les 'V. : .J. V. & la pcinture au 18' s., avec texte des livres de raison etc., 1864. Verneuil (Edouard de), see Murciiison {Sir R. I.) 'V. etc.. Geology of Russia in Europe, 1845. Verneuil (Henri). Par contumace. s8". 1869 Verneuil (P.) Diet, des symboles, emblemes & attributs. s8". [1898] Verney Papers. Verney Papers, 1853, see Verney, The family of. Verney Papers : notes in the Long Parliament, taken by Sir R. Verney, 1845, see Vekney {Sir R.) Verney, TIte family of. Letters it papers of tiie V. f., down to 1639, £. the MSS. in poss. of Sir H. Verney. Ed. J. Bruce. [Camden Soc, 56]. s4". 1853 Mems. of the V. family, f. the letters etc. at Claydon House. 4v [vl, 2 by Lady F. P. Verney ; 3, 4 by Margaret M. Verneyl. 8". 1892-9 Verney {Sir Edmund Hope) in India, 1857-8. Verney (Frances Parthenope) The grey pool, & o. a. sS". 1891 How the peasant owner lives in France, Germany, Italy, Rus- sia. s8". 1888 "Lettice Lisle. s8°. 1870 Llanaly Reefs. s8'. 1873 Bart. The Shannon's brigade 8". 1862 Lady. Peasant projiertics, & o. sel. essays. 2v. s8". 1885 Sketches f. nature. s8". 1877 •Stone edge. s8". 1868 see Verney, The family nf, Mems., [vl, 2, by F. P. V.], 1892-9. Verney (George Hope Lloyd-), see Lloyd-Verxey. Verney (Sic Harry). Our quarrel with Russia. [P136]. 8". 1855 Verney (.Sic Ralph). Verney I'apers : notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Ch. I, taken in the House by Sir R. V. Ed. J. Bruce. [Camden Soc, 31]. s4". 1845 Verney-Cave (Alfred T. T.), ,;"' baron Braye, see Beaye (A. T. T., .;"' baron). Vernier (Valery). Uii viveur— Le bijou vole. sS". 1883 Vernon MS. Tlie minor poems of the V. MS. pi, 2 [E.E.T.S., 98, 117]. 8». 1892-1901 1, Text, ed. C. Horstmaun (side-notes by F. J. Furuivall). 2, ed. F. .J. Furuivall, [ic. a fete poems f. Diyby MSS. 2 A- 86]. Vernon (Arthur). Estate fences ; construction etc., by V. Legal aspect, by T. W. Marshall. 8". 1899 Vernon (Edw. Johnston). Guide to Anglo-Saxon tongue, a gramm. after Rask. 8". 1872 Vernon (Eugene). La demeure enchantee. s8". 1900 Vernon (James). Letters illust.of the r. of Will. Ill, 16U6-1708, addr. to the Duke of Shrewsbury by V. Ed. G. P. R. James. 3v. 8". 1841 Vernon {Hon. William Warren). Readings on the Inferno, cliietly based on the comm. of Benvenuto da Imola. 2v. s8". 1894 Readings on the Paradiso, chiefly based on the comm. of Ben- venuto da Imola. 2v. s8". 1900 Readings on the Purgatorio, chiefly based on tlie comm. of Benvenuto da Imola. 2v. s8'>. 1889 2v. 2»i ed. s8". 1897 Vernon-Harcoui t (Augustus G.) & H. G. Madan. Exercises in pract. chemistry : si, Qualitative. s8". O. 1872 Vernon-HarcDur't (Edward W. H.), 1&33-9I. Sketch of Madeira. s8". 1851 Vernon-Harcourt (Admiral Frederick Edward). Letter resp. the Soc. for I'ropag. of the Gospel. [1'287]. Not publ. 8". Chelsea. 1852 Vernon-Harconrt (Leveson), t~ss'-tS60. Doctrine of the deluge. 2v. 8". 1838 5G VERNON-HARCOURT 1538 VESPTTCCI Vernon-Harcourt (Leveson Francis), 6. iS39. Achievements in engineering dur. the last half-century. 2°'' ed. sS". 1892 Harbours * docks. Sv. (1, Text. 2, Plates). 8^. 0. 1885 Kivers & canals. 2v. (1, Text. 2, Plates). 8". 0. 1882 2v. 8». 0. 1890 Vernon Harcourt (Lewis), see H.^nconRT (L. V.) Vernon-Harcourt (lit. Hon. Sir Williani Gr. G. V.), sec H.in- couRT (Sir W.) Vernulseus (Nicolaus). Orationum sacrarum vol. [b.w. Stenge- lius (M.) S. Michaelis apparitiones etc.] sS". Colonise. 1632 Vero (M. dal) ps., sec Dal Yeeo (M.) ps. Veron (Eugene). L'esthetiqiie. sS". 1878 , Esthetics. Tr. W. H. Arm- Eugene Delacroix. laS". 1887 strong. sS". 187'J Hist.de rAUemaguedep.Sadowa. i see Mexard (R.) La Mj'tho- s8i'. 1874 logie dans I'art; suiv. La morale. sS". 1881 d'un app. sur les orig. de La troisieme invasion. , la raythologie, par V., 2p. Ia8<>. 1876-7 1878.- „ „ 2t. u. cd. Ia8'. 18SU ! Veron (Jean). The godly sayings of the fathers upon the Sacrament, tr., 1550. Ed. C. .J. Daniel. sgo. 1846 Veron (Louis Desire). Mems. d'un bourgeois de Paris. 6t. 8". 1853-5 Kouv. mems. d'un bourgeois de Paris. [tl]. 2' ed. 8". 1860 Paris en 1860 : Theatres de Paris 1800-00. sS". 1800 Veron (Pierre). Les chevaliers du macadam. sS". [1878] Paris a tous les diables. sS". 1874 La vie galante. s8". 1888 Verona. Congress of Verona : War in Spain, etc. From "For. Quart. Rev., no. 42." [Pill]. 8'. [1838] Descriptio Verona; 790, sec MiitAToiu (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t2, ii. *Descrizione di V. cc, 1820, see Persico (G. B. ba). Veron de Forbonnois (Fr.) *Recherches etc. sur les finances de France, 1595-1721. 2t. 4". Basle. 1758 Veronese (Paul). [tCAUARi, Paolo]. see Meissner (F. H.) V., [Knackfuss, 20], 1897. ,, Stearns (F. P.) Four great Venetians : II Veronese etc., 1901 . „ Yriarte (C.) v., 1888. Veronica, Saint, of Jerusalem, sec Andrew {.S7.) A.-Saxon legends of A. & V., ed. w. tr. by Goodwin, 1851. Verrall (Arthur Woolgar). Euripides the rationalist. 8-. C. 1895 Studies lit. & hist, in the Odes of Horace. 8\ 1884 Verrall (Marg. de G.), tr., see Pausanhs, 1890. Verres (J.), U.D. Luther, an hist, portrait. 8". 1884 Verri (Aless.) II medesimo. sS". Firenze. 1837 Le notti romanc. 2v in 1. 2' ed. s8». Milano. 1821 sec Verri (P.), & A. V., Lettere e scritti ined., 1879. Verri (Pietro). Storia di Milano, cont. fino al 1792 da P. Custodi : Discorso suUa vita ec. di Verri per G. Carcano. 2v. s8». Firenze. 1851 sec Manzoni (A.) Storia della colonna iufame ; app. Osserva- zioni snUa tortura, di V., 1843. • & A. Verri. Lettere e scritti ined., pub. da C. Casati. 2v. sS". Milano. 1879 Verrieres [form. Rinteau] (Marie de) & Genevieve de Verrieres, see Maugr.^s (G.) Les ilemoiselles de V., 1890. Verrius Flaccus (M.) M. Verrii F. qute extant et S. Pompeii p'esti de verborum significatione. [Delphin Class., Regent's ed., 82-4]. 8». Lond. 1820 Verrocchio (Andrea), sec Mackowsky (H.) v., [Knackfuss, 52], 1901. Verrue (la clssc. de), see Lkrls (G. de). V. & la cour de Victor- Amedee II, 1881. Versailles. Le Musee National de V. ; description. Par P. de Nolliac & A. Pirate. 8". 1890 * Verscheyde consideratien over den tegenwoordigen toestaut van ons Vadcrlant, 1072. see Borstujs (.J.) Verschuur (G.) At the Antipodes, 1888-9 ; tr. M. Daniels. 58". 1891 Verses. *Verses ct translations, by C. S. C, S* ed., 1874, sec Calverley (C. S.) *Verses on various occasion?, 1868, see Newman {Card. J. H.) Verstegan (Richard). Restitution of decayed intelligence in Antiquities, cone, the Eng. nation. s8°. 1073 "Verstoorde (De) serenade. [P877]. sS". Amsterdam. 1708 *Versus rhythmici in laudem Henrici V, see Henry V, king of England, Vertebrate (A) Fauna of Sutherland etc., 1887, see Harvik- Brown (.J. A.) & T. E. Buckley. Vertesi (Arnold). Fenyes hazassag. s8<>. 1878 Verthamont (Franfois de), see Seouier (P.), chaivcelier. *Diaire [iiv V.] du voyage du chancelier S. en Normandie (1039-40), etc., 1842. Vertoman (L.), [Veriojianxcs], see Varthema (Lodovioo). Vertot (Rene de) [fAnBERi de Vertot d'Adbeuf (R.)] Am- bassades de MM. de Noailles en Angleterre. 5t. s8". 1763 Hist, des chevaliers hospitallers de S. Jean de Jerusalem. tl. 88°. 1720 Hist, des r^vols. arrivtes dans le gouv'. de la republ. romaine. 4t. Ia8". 1790 Hist, des revols. de Portugal. s8". 1820 Hist, des revols. de Portugal ; suiv. de discours [of T'.] extr. des Mems. de I'Acad. 8". 1834 Hist, des revols. de Suede. 2t. Ia8'. 1795 The revols. of Portugal. [Tr.] 8». 1724 Vertue (George). sec HotiBR.iKEN (J.) & v., Heads of illust. persons, etc., 1747. „ ScHARF (Sir G.) Visit of Q. Eliz. to Blackfriars (1600) a new interp. of the Sherborne Castle picture engraved by V. as a Royal visit to Hunsdon House in 1571, 1800. „ W.U-i'OLE (Horace). Anecdotes of painting, coll. by V., digested * publ. f. h. MSS. by W., 1826-8. Verucci (Vergilio). Ersilia. [Pei9]. s8". Venetia. 1011 La moglie superba. s8''. Rouciglione. 1078 La Portia. [P027]. s8'\ Venetia. 1021 Verulam (Francis Bacon, baron), see Bacon (F.), viscount St. Albans. Verus (Joannes Baptista). Rerum Venetarum libri .sex. 5* imp. s8". Patavii. 1092 Verus (L.) s.c Fronto (M. C.) F. epist. ; V. epist. rel., 1867. „ Opera ined. ; cum epist. ined. V. etc., 1832. Verville (F. Beroalde de), see Beroalde de Verville (F.) *Vervolgh op het bootsmans praetje, van het schip Hollandia. [P874J. s4». n.p. 1072 Verwarde. *Verwarde jalouzy (De), [1003], see Focquenbeoch (W. G. v.\n). *Vcrwarde minnaars (De), 1704, see Hoven (.Keq. van). Verworn (Max). General physiology. Tr. F. S. Lee. 80.1899 Very (Edw. W.) The development of armor for naval use. 8". Annapolis. 1883 Navies of the world, & naval battles, 1860-80. 8". 1880 Verze ( Briand-de-), see BRUNo-nE-VERZE ( ). Vesalius (Andreas). Opera omnia anatomica et chirurgica ; cura H. Boerhaave et B. S. Albini. 2t. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1725 see RoTii (M.) A. V. Bruxellensis, 1892. Vescelius-Sheldon (Louise). An I.D.B. in S. Africa. s8\ [1889] Yankee girls in Zulu land. 38'." 1889 Vesey (Francis) the younger. Decline of the English language. s8'. 1841 Vesey (Mrs. Francis Gerald). My own people. s8». 1875 Vesey Fitzgerald (John Vesey), see Public Health Act, 1875, w. notes, 2'"' ed., 1876. Vesi (Antonio). Rivoluzione di Romagna del 1831. s8'. Firenze. 1851 Vespasianus, it Florcntinus, see Bisiicci (V. da) [Floren- tinus]. *Vesper, 1801, see Gasparin (Mine, la c. A. de). Vespucci (Amerigo) [Amebic Vespuce ; Vespucius ; Vesputio ; Vesputiu.s]. The letters of V., & o. doc", illust. of h. career. Tr., w. notes etc., by C. R. Markham. [Hakluyt Soc, 90]. 8". 1891 Viaggi. Vita, diss. ec. di S. Canovai. 4t in 2. 2' ed. s8'. Firenze. 1832 Voyage from Lisbon to India, 1505-6. [Voyage declared fabu- lous by Markhani]. Tr. with notes by C. H. Coote. 8". 1894 see Fernandez de Navarrete (M.) Col. de viages etc. : [t3, Viages de V.], 1825. „ Lester (C. E.) ct A. Foster, Life & voyages of V., 1846. ,, S.^NTAREM (M. F., vise. dk). Researches resp. V., & h. voyages, tr., 1850. „ Varnuaoen (F. a. de). Baron de Porto Seguro. A. V. ; s. caract^re, 3. Merits, sa vie, 1805. „ Nouv. recherches sur les dern. voyages de [V.], & reste des docs. etc. sur lui, n.d. „ Prem. voyage de V. expliqu6 dans s. details, 1809. VESTIGES 1539 VICHY Vestiges of the uat. hist, of creation, 1844 ; 3"' eil., 184-5, sec Chambers (R.) Vestitor (Cosmas), see Cosmas, Vestitor. Vestments. Opinions (The) of nine Counsel that the euchar- istic V". are lawful, furnished 1860, etc. [Eng. Church Union, l'3-i8, 349]. 8'^. 1877 Vetch (Col. K. H.), C.B. Life, letters, & diaries of Lt.-Gen. Sir G. Graham. 8". E. 1901 Vetera [see also Veteecmj. Vetera monumenta Hibernorum ct Scotorum historian! illustrantia, 18G4, see THEiNEr. (A.) ed. Vetera monumenta historica Hun{,'ariam Sacram illust., 1859- 00, see TuEiNER (A.) cd. Vetera monumenta Slavorum Meridionalium etc., 1863-75, see TiiEi.N'ER (A.) ed. Veterans (Our) of 1854, in camp tt before the enemy, 1859, sec ■\VlLSON (Go/. T.) *Veterator, Maistre Patelin ; und, Advocatus : 2 I'ariser Stu- dentenkomOdien aus d. .Jahren 1512 u. 1532. Hrsg. v. J. Bolto. [Latein. Littdkmlr. d. 15. u. 10..]hdts., 15]. s8'. 1901 Veterum [sfcofco Vetera]. Veterum mathematieorum Athenoei, ApoUodori etc. opera, 1093, see Thevenot (M.) ed. Veterum monumentorum quaternio, 1720, see Eckhart (.J. G. V.) ed. Veterum scriptorum & monumentorum ampliss. coll., 1724-33, see Martene (E.) & X. Durand, edd. Veterum scriptorum ([ui Cicsarum etc. Germanicorum res gestas litt. mandarunt tomus unus, 1720, see Eecbeu (J.) ed. Vetter (Theodor). Wallenstein in d. dramat. Dichtung d. Jahr- zehnts s. Todes. [P585]. 8'. Frauenfeld. 1894 Vettori (Francesco). Novelle. \b.w. Manetti (M.) Novella, lts.5.s:. 8". Lucca. 1857 Vetus. Vetus hymnarium ecelesiast. Huugarite, 1893, see Danko (J.) ed. Vetus liturgia alemannica, 1776, see Geebert (M.) Vetus Bomanum Marty rologium, etc., Antverpia', 1013. Tliisis It part, ivith sep. i. iiarje, of Martyrologium Itonianum etc., 1613, q.v. Vetus Valor [c. 1291], see T.axatio Ecclesiastica [ui; Vetus Valor]. Vetus, 2^s. *Letters of V. on the War Office, pref. by Sir G. Chesney, 1893, see Letters etc. Vetusta monumenta, quie, ad rerum Britannic, memoriam conserv., Soc. Antiiiuariorum Lond. edenda lur. 6v. [v6 wanting, in prog.]. lafol. Londini. 1789-1847 Vetustiora Latinorum scriptorum chronica, 1787, see Eon- CALLIUS (T.) ed. Veuillot (Eugene). Louis Veuillot (1813-45). 5' id. 8". [1899] Veuillot (Louis). Vianna de Lima (Arthur). L'homme selon le transformisme. sS". 1888 Vianney (Jean Baptiste Marie), sec Molyxeux (G.) The cure d'Ars ; mem. of V., 1868. Viard (Jules) ed.. Docs, parisiens du r. de Philippe VI de Valois (1328-50). fSoc. de I'hist. de Paris]. tl. 8". 1899 Viard-Louis (.Uwe. Jenny). Music & the piano. Tr. Mrs. W. <.'on-. de V. tl-7 [in proq.] [1, :!, 8'- ; 2, C« ; 4, 3= ; 5, 2' ; C, n. ed.] 8». 1894-9 Le droit du seigueur au moyen ;ige. sS". 1854 Le fond de Giboyer. 6" ed. s8'\ 1863 I.'lioimrte femme. 3<'6d. s8^ 1858 Les odeurs de Paris. 8». 18C7 Paris pendant Ics deux sieges. 2t. 8". 1871 Satires. s8». 18U3 see Chapei.et i'IjE^ de virginite ; intr. de V., 1862. „ MiCHALD (E.) Cinignol & la revol. dans Teglise ro- maine: V. & s. jiarti, 1872. „ Veuillot (E.) V., 0= ed. [1899]. Veyrat (G-eorges). La caricature a travers les siecle?. 4". 1895 Veyrieres (P. Bravard), see Bravard Veyjiikrks (P. C. .J. B.) Veysie (Daniel), fellow of Oriel. The doct. of atonement. [Bampton L"., 1795]. 8°. Oxford. 1795 Veyssiere de La Croze (M.), see La Croze. Vezzani (J. F. Griscelli de), baron da Uii)dni, sec Eimixi [le baron Iie). Via Catholica : or, passages f. the autob. of a country parson. 3p. [Pref. signed E. P. P7U]. sS". T. Scott. [1872] Yiaggi. *Viaggi (Belli) di Enrico Wanton alle terre australi, n. ed., 1772, see Beriman [il c. Z.). Viaggi fatti da Vinetia, ec, 1543, see Manuzio (A.) ed. Viaggiatore (II), in Girgenti, 1826, sec Girgexti. Vial (Paul), missionaire au Yiinna)i. Les Lolos. [Etudes sino- orient., Fasc. Aj. 8". Chang-Hai. 1898 Vialla de Sommieres (L. C.) Revelations : L'Angleterre devoile. Docs. p. donner I'eveil sur I'avenir de nos posses- sions en Afrique. 8". 1840 Viallate (Achille). .T. Chamberlain. s8». 1899 Vian (Louis). Hist, de Montesquieu. 8». 1878 Vianey (Joseph). Mathuriu Eegnier. 8°. 1896 Smyth. Viardot (Louis). Essai sur I'liist. des Arabes & des Mores d'Espagne. 2t in 1. 8". 1833 Hist, des Arabes & des Mores d'Espagne. 2t. 8». 1851 Libre examen. 4" ed. s8". 1874 Les merveilles de la peinture. 2ser. [1, 3<'; 2, 2<- ed.]. sS". 1872-5 Les merveilles de la sculpture. s8". 18G9 Les musees d'Allemagne. S" ed. s8°. 18G0 Les musc'es d'Angleterre, de Belgique, de HoUande & de Russie. 3= &i. s8». 18G0 Viator, ps. *Poems. By V. s8". 1884 Les musees d'Espagne, d'Angle- terre & do Belgique. s8». 1843 Les musees d'ltalie, prec. d'une dies, sur les orig. tradition- nellea de la peinture mod. b8". 1842 Notices sur leg princ. peiutres de I'Espagne. Texte aux gravures de la galerie Aguado. Ia8». 18;;'.) Scenes de moeurs arabes : Es- pagiie, 10= s. 8°. 1834 Translations. Wonders of European art. 880. 1871 Wonders of Italian art. b8». 1870 Wonders of sculpture. s8°. 1872 [P314]. 8°. 1843 Viaud (Louis Marie Julien) [ ps. Pierre Loti],scc Loti (P.) ps. Vibart (Edward Daniel Hamilton), col. The Sepoy Mutiny, f. Dellii to Lucknow. s8<>. 1898 Vibart (Henry Meredith), It.-col. B.E. E. B. Smith, leader of the Delhi heroes, 1857 : private corr. dur. the siege, & o. letters hitherto unpubl. sS". 1897 Vibe (Johan). Alexanders MoUers Erindriuger [a novel]. s8". Kristiania. 1875 Vibert (Jehan Georges). The science of painting. Tr. 88". 1892 Vibius Sequester. De Huminibus, fontibus, lac. nemor. palud. mont. gent, quorum apud poetas mentio fit. Lect. var. etc. adj. .J. J. Oberlinus. 8". Argentorati. 1778 see Mela (P.) De situ orbis ; ace. V. S. de fluminibus, montibus etc. etc. quorum apud poetas mentio fit, 1809. Vic (Claude de), sec Devic (Cl.) Vicaire (Georges). Manuel de I'amateur de livres du 19'' s., 1801-93. tl-4 [to La Mesangere]. Ia8". 1894-1900 Vicajee (Framjee R.) Brief expose of Comte's three stages of thought. [P320]. 8°. Bombay. 1873 Polit. & soc. effects of railways in India. [P362]. 8°. 1875 Vicariarum, see Liber antiquus de ordinat. vicariarum temp. Hugouis Wells Lincoln, ep. (1209-35), 1888. Vicars {Sir Arthur). Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ire- land, 1530-1810. laS". D. 1897 Vicars (Capf. Hedley Shafto Johnstone), sec Maksh (Miss C. M.) Memorials of V., 1850. Vicars (John). England's worthies, under whom all the warres 1042-7 are related. 88". 1845 Jehovah-.Jireh, God in the mount, or Englands Parliamentarie- Chronicle f. 1041 to Oct. 1643. 2p in Iv, [pagin. cont.] s4'>. 1044 These lico " are an expanded ed. of God in the Mount, etc. 1641." Two other pits, appeared. A looking-glasse for malignants, etc. s4". 1043 Vicary (John Fulford). An American in Norway. s8". 1885 Saga time. s8». 1887 Vicary (Rer. M.) Notes of a residence at Rome, 1840. s8o. 1847 Vicary (Thomas). The anatomic of the bodie of man. The ed. of 1548, as re-issued 1577 ; w. life ; notes on surgeons in Eng., Bartliolomew's Hospital, & London, in Tudor times ; app. of doe'. ; it illust'. Ed. F. J. Furnivall & P. Furnivall. pi. [E.E.T.S., ES.531. 8". 1888 Viccajee (Kaikhosru Eustamjee). Elem. chemical physics [in Gujarati'. 8<>. Bombay. 1875 Vicente (Gil). see Braua (T.) Hist, da litt. portug. : [8], G. V. etc., 1898. „ Hist, da 1. p. : [8a], Esehola de V., etc.. 1898. Vicenza. '^Forestiere (II) istrutto nelle cose piu rare di V., 2» ed., 1804, see Bertotti Scamozzi (A.) ♦Vices (Les) a la mode, 1869, see Vir-Liber,^js ed. 8". 1884 The private life of the Queen. By one of H.M.'s servants. s8». 1897 The Queen's speeches f. her ac- cession. Ed. F. S. Ensor. s8°. 1882 see Arnold {Sir E.) V. : the sixty years, 1896. „ Austin (A.) V., 1837-97 [poem], 1897. „ Buckingham and Chandos (R., 2^ duke of). Hems. of court & cabinets of Will. IV & v., 1861. see Coronation. Form & order of the service & ceremonies in the C. of V., 1838. „ Courthope (W. J.) The- longest reign, an ode, 1897. „ Craik (Mrs. D. M.) 'Fifty golden years, etc., 1887. „ Davey (R.) v., 1897. „ Farrae (F. W.) Progress in the r. of V., 1897. „ Fawcett {Mrs. M. G.) Life of Q. v., 1895. „ French (G. R.) Ancestry ot Q. V. & Prince Albert, 1841. „ Holmes (R. E.) Q. V., 1897. „ Hopkins (J. C.) V., h. life- it reign, 1890. „ Jeafereson (J. C.) v.. Queen & Empress, 1893. „ Lloyd iR. D.I Hist, chart etc. on the origin of the British Victorian mon- archy, 1892. „ Saint -Rene Taillaxdieb (E.) Leopold I & v., 1878. ., Smith (Geo, Barnett. Life of v., Jubilee cd., 1887. VICTORIA 1541 YIEW "Victoria, queen of Gt. Brit. £ Irelaixd {contimied']. ■see Smith (Sydnpiy). The new reign : duties of Q. V. Sermon, 1837. „ Tuer(A.W.)&C.E.Fagan. The first year of a silken reign (1837/8), 1887. Victorian. sec TuLLOCH (John). Some facts of rehgion & hfe : sermons bef. the Q., (18fiG-7G), 1877. „ Wabd (Th. H.) eih, The reign of V., 1887. Victorian Govt. Prize Essays, 1860. 8". Melbourne. 1861 "Victorian year-book, 1873-1890/1 (1"-18"' year). [The vol. for A7.i is m P362]. S". Melbourne. 1874-91 Victoria Street Soc, see Victouia Street Soc. Victoriensis (Joannes), sec Joannes, Yictoriensis. Victorinus, Saint, of I'ettau. see Launoy (J. ce). De V., ed. 2', 1664. „ MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t5, for De fabrica mumli. Victorinus (Caius Marius). see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t8, for Opera. „ Tertullian, Writings : [v3 w. extant works of V., tr.], 1869-70. Victorinus (J. B. Santolius), sec Santeul (Jean de). *Victorious (The) reigue of King Edward the III, 1635, see May (T.) Victorius, Aquitanus. Cursus paschalis a. 457, sec Mommsen (T.) ed. Chronica minora, tl, 1892-4. *Victory (The) of the vanquished, 1871, sec Charles {Mrs. E.) Victricius, Saiuf. see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t20. Vicuna (P. Felix). Elporvenirdel hombre. 8». Valparaiso. 1858 Vida (Marcus Hieron.), bp. of Alba. Poematum pars 1*, cont. De arte poetica lib. iii, Bucolica, et epistolam ad J. M. Gibertum. Ed. T. Tristram. 8". Oxonii. 1722 Poematum pars 2", cont. Bombycum lib. ii, Scacchiam ludum, et carm. div. gen. Ed. T. Tristram. 8". Oxonii. 1723 Poeraata qnte extant omnia. Dialog! de rei-publ. dignitate. 2t. s8'\ Londini. 1732 Vidal (Antoine). La lutherie & les luthiers. Ia8». 1889 Vidal (Francois), French Protestant minister. Religion & th^ologie. 8". 186.') Vidal (jMrs. M. T.) [fMrs. Francls Vidal]. Bengala. 2v. s8". 1860 Ellen Raymond. 3v. s8». 1859 Wintertoii. 38". 1846 Vidocq (Eugene Frangois), Memoires jusqu'en 1827. 4t. 8". 1828-9 Memoirs of V., see Autobiography, 1826-83 : v25-28, V. Vidua (C.) 27 conle. Dello state delle cognizioni in Italia [6.K'. D. Sacchi, Intorno all' indole della lett. ital. eo. & F. Salfi, Saggio della commedia ital.]. ed. 2*. con note di C. Balbo. s8". Torino. 1834 Vidyaranyasvami, see S.\yanacharya. Vidyasagar (Eshwar Chandra). Marriage of Hindu widows. [P241]. 8". Calcutta. 1856 Vie. *Vie d'Armand Jean, cardinal due de Richelieu, 3' ed., 171tl, see Le Clebc (J.) *Vie de Charles Henry, cte. de Hoym, 1880, see Pichon (le b. J.) •Vie de J. Pierlot, n. di., 1786, see'PiERLOT (J.) *Vie de la mere Ter^se de S. Augustin, Mme. Louise de France, 3"^ ed., 1867, see Louise [de France], Madame. *Vie de Lazarillo de Tormes, tr., see Hurtado de Mendoza (D.) Vie de M. Emery, etc., 1861, see Gosselin I J. E. A.) Vie de M. Olier, 2' e'd., 1853, see Paillon (I'abbe). *Vie (La) de Philippe d'Orleans, 1737, see Lamothe ( ) called La Bode. •Vie de S. Hugues, par un relig. de la Grde. Chartreuse, 1890, sec Hugh, bj). of Lincoln. •Vie de Turgot, 1786, see Condorcet (le marq. de). •Vie (La) de village en Angleterre, 1862, see Remusat (C. F. M. de). Vie du Karthli, see Brosset (M. F.) Hist, de la Ge'orgie, tr. [/. the " r. du A'."], pi, 1849-51. •Vie (La) du vte. de Turenne, par le cap. Du Buisson, n. ed., 1688, see CouRTiLZ de S.\ndras (G. de). *Vie (La) et les actions de M. C. B. v. Gale, 1679, s^'e Galen (C. B. v.) •Vie (La) et les seutimens de L. Vanini, 1717, see Durand (D.) *Vie et travaux de Cesar Malan, par un de s. fils, 186H, see M.iLAN (C.) the yonnger. •Vie parisienne (La) sous Louis XVI, 1882, see Cognel (F.) •Vie politique & milit. de Napoleon, rac. par lui-m6me etc., 1827, see JoMiNi (le b. de). •Vie priv^e de Voltaire & de Mme. du Chatelet, :V Cirey, par I'aut. des Lettres peruviennes, etc., 1820, see Grafignv (Mme. de). •Vie privee des eccle'siastiques etc., 1791, see Dulaube (J. A.) **Vie privee du raar^ohal de Richelieu [partly by — Faur], see EiCHELiEU (le mar. due de). Viebig (C.) Das tiigliche Brot. 2B. 2' A. aS". 1901 Viehoff (Heinrich). Goethe's leben. 4B. 8". Stuttgart. 1847-54 Die Poetik auf d. Grundlage d. Erfahrungsseelenlehres. 8". Trier. 1888 Vieilleville (Francois de Scepeaux, sire de), man'cJial de France. [tScEPEAu.x]. see Carloix (V.) '*M6ms. de F. de S., sire de V., var. ed'. „ Coignet {Mme. C.) V., (1509-71), tr., 1887. „ Collection univ. des m^m. partie. etc., t28-33, 178-3-90. „ Marchand (C.) V. A s. m6ms., 1893. *Viejo (El) y la nifia, 2" ed., 1795, see Moratin (L. F. de). Viel-Castel (le cte. Henri de). De I'Angleterre & de la France. 8". 1836 Viel-Castel {le etc. Horace de). M(^ms. sur le r. de Nap. Ill, 1851-64. 6t in 3. [tl, 2' 6i.]. Ia8>. 1883-4 Mems., 1851-64. Tr. C. Bousfield. 2v. S". 1888 Viel-Castel (le baron Louis de). Essai sur le theatre espagnol. 2t. sS". 1882 Hist, de la Bestauration. 20t. 8". 1860-78 Vienna. Acten des Wiener Congresses. 9B. [Bl-6, 2» A. B9, Supplement Band, mit Register]. 8». Erlangen. 1819-35 Analeeta monumentorum omnis tevi Vindobonensia, 1761-2, see KoLLARius (A. F.) Congres de V., 1829, see Flassan (G. de Raxis de). Kunsthist. Sammlgn. d. Kaiserhauses : Die Gemiilde-Gallerie. 3T in 1. s8>. Wien. 1896-9 *The Motives . 1884 i „ „ ... s8". Levy. 1898 | Stello, oulesdiablesbleus. Pre- I miere consultation. s8». Brux. 1837 „ Les consultations du Doc- t Vigouronx (I'abbi F.) La Bible Palestine, Egypte, Assyrie. Les livres saints & la critique rationaliste : Hist. & refut. des objections. 2p, in .5t. [pi. Hist., 2t ; 2, Eefut., 3t.] . 3' ed. s8". 1890-1 Viguiere (Jeanne). *Declaration juridique de la servante [.I. v.] de Mme. Calas. [P6I5J. 8". 17G7 Vijn (Cornelius). Cetshwayo's Dutchman : private journal of a white trader ; tr. .J. W. Colenso. s8". 1880 *Viking (The), liy M. R. [i.e. Margaret Richmond Cartmell]. s8'>. 1879 Viktring (Johann, von), see Joannes, Victoricnsis. Vilains. *Des xxiii mani^res de v., (13« siecle). [Ed. F. Michel]. 8". 1833 Vilanova y Piera (J.), see Historia general de Espana : Geologia y protohistoria, por V. y P., etc., 1892. Vilars (Fran5ois) pis., sec Roisel {Mme. he). Vilate (J.), see Desmoolins (C.) Le vieux cordelier [tcith] V. : Causes secretes de la journ<^e du 9-10 thermidor an II, 182.5. Vilbort (Joseph). Nouvelles campinoises. s8". 1877 L'teuvre de Bismarck, 1863-6 ; Sadowa & la campagne des sept jours. s8". 1869 Viles (Edward) & F. J. Furnivall, cdd.. The fraternitye of vacabondes ; by J. Awdeley — Caueat for cursetors ; by T. Harman — Sermon in praise of thieves by Haben or Hyberdyne — Those parts of " The groundworke of conny- catching" (ed. 1592) that differ from Harman. [E.E.T.S., ES9]. 8". 1809 „ „ [tv.t. : The rogues & vagabonds of Shakspere's youth, ed. by V. & F. in 1869 & now repr. New Shakspere Soc.]. 8". 1880 Vilkina Saga, [S.iga of Dietrich of Been], see Hagen (F. H. v. d.) Nord. Heldenromane : Bl-3, Wilkina- u. Niflunga-Saga, 1814-28. *Villa (La) di S. Giuliano, 1830, sec Falconetti (A. F.) teur Noir (premiere consulta- tion) : Stello. IS' cd. 981. Levy. 1882 Theatre complet: Le More de Venise — Le marchand de Ve- nise — La marechale d'Aucre — ■ Quitte pour la x^^ur — Chatterton. n. ed. sS". 1848 „ „ ... 88". Levy. 1897 Translation. Cinq-Mars. Tr. W. Hazlitt. s8". 1847 References. sec Cuaravay (E.) De V. it Baudelaire, candidate ii I'Acad. Fr., 1879, „ Dorison iL.) a. de V., jioi'te philosophe, 1802. „ Un symbole social : V. it la poesie politique, 1894. „ Napier (Sir C. J.) ed., Lights & shades of milit. life [icli. eont". a tr. of V.'s " Servitude rt g. m."], 1840. Paleologl'e (G. M.) v., 1891. Skche (L.) a. de V., et son temps (1797-181331, n.d. les decouv. raodernes en 4t. 4« ed. s8". 1884-5 & VILLA 1543 VILLEMAREST Villa (Antonio Rodriguez), see RoDwonEZ Villa (A.) Villafranca (Pedro de Toledo, marriucs de), see Spain. Col. ile doc. parti la hist, de Espana. Village. *Villa!;e belles, 1833, sec Mannino (A.) ♦Village (The) on the cliff, 1807, sec Kitchie {Mis. Ekiimoxd Thackeray). *Village (The) : opera, 1729, see .Johnson (C.) Villages. *Life in our v., 3"' ed., 1891, see Mn.Li.N (G. T.) Villalba Hervas (Miguel). Ruiz de I'adron y su tierapo. s8". 1897 Villamediana (J. de Tassis, coiide de). [ITassis y Perai.ta]. Obras. s8". Barcelona. 1648 Villandrando (Rodrigue de), see Quicherat (J.) R. de V., 187',». Villani (Filippo), llie historian, sec Villani (M.) Cronica, vG, Le Vite d' uomini illustr. Fiorent., 1826. Villani (Giovanni). Cronica. A niigliorlez. rid. ecc. 8t in 4. 8". Firenze. 1828 Historia universalis ad 1348, .sec Mue.4tobi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl3. Sels. f. lirst 9 bks. of the Croniche fiorentine. Tr. R. E. Selfe, ed. r. H. Wicksteed. s8'. 1890 Villani (Matteo). Cronica. Ov in 4. [vG lias t. F. Villani : Vite d' ilUistri tiorentini, ed. 2"]. 8". Firenze. 1825-6 Historia 1348-1804, set' Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl4. Villanueva (Joaquin Lorenzo). Ibernia Phoenicea. 8". Dnblini. 1831 Phcenician Ireland. Tr. w. notes, H. O'Brien ; w. biog. introd. by [O'B.'s] brother. 2"" ed. 8". 1837 Viage literario a las iglesias de Espana. vl-3. 8". Madrid. 1803-4 Villanueva Hugalde y Parra (M. (Jarcia de), sec Garcia de Villanueva Hugali>k y Parra (M.) Villaret (Amicie de). Campagnes des Anglais dans I'Orleanais, la Beauce chartraine & le Gatinais, 1421-8 ; Campagnes de .Jeanne d'Arc sur la Loire posterieures au si^ge d'Orl^ans. 8". 1893 Villari (Linda) [tMAziNi (L.), aft. Villari]. Here & there in Italy and over the Border. s8>>. 1893 In change unchanged. 2v. s8". 1877 On Tuscan hills & Venetian waters. s8". 188.5 When I was a child : or, left behind. s8". 1885 Villari (Pasquale). Arte, storia e filosofia, saggi critici. s8". Firenze. 1884 Galileo, Bacone, e il metodo sperimentale. [P251]. 8". [Pisa. 1864] Le invasioni barbariche in Italia. sS". Milano. 1901 • Leggende ecc. ehc illustvano la Divina Comni. 4". Pisa. 1805 Le lettere meridionali ed altri scritti suUa quest, soc. 2- ed. s8". Roma. 1885 Machiavelli e i .suoi tempi. 3v. 8°. Firenze. 1877-82 3v. 2» ed. 8". Firenze. 189.5-7 I primidue secoli della storia di Firenze. 2v. 8". Firenze. 1893-4 Scritti vari. s8". Bologna. 1894 Storia di Savonarola. 2v. s8". Firenze. 1859-61 Translations. Barbarian invasion ot Italy. 2v. 8" 1902 Hist, of Savonarola & h. times. Tr. L. Horner. 2v. s8". 1863 Life & times of Savonarola. Tr. L. Villari. 2v. 8". 1888 Tr. L. Villari. 3"" pop. imp. s8". 1899 Machiavelli & h. times. Tr. L. Villari. 4v. 88". 1878-83 „ „ n. ed., [w.t. ;] Life . 1901 Villermont (A. C. Hennequin, etc. de). [IHenneqcin]. Ernest de Mansfeldt. 2t in 1. laS". Brux. 1865-G Tilly ; ou, La guerre de 30 ans de 1618-32. 2t in 1. Ia8". 1860 Villeroi (Nic. de Neufville, sieur de). [fNEcrviLLE (N. de)]. see Collection univ. des mem. partic. etc., t61, 62, 1785-90. „ Michaud (J. F.) & J. PoujonLAT, «AZ., Nouv. coll., 1, 11, 1850. „ Petitot (C. B.) ed., Coll., I, 44, 1819. „ Zellee (B.) La minorite de Louis XIII, Marie de M^dicis & v., 1897. Villers (Charles F. D. de). Coup-d'oeil sur les universit^s etc. de I'Allemagne protestante, en partic. de Westphalie : [_irith appendix ; sep. pagin.} ; liapport sur I'^tat de la litt. anc. & de I'Hist. de TAllemagne. 8". Cassel. 1808 Essay on the spirit & influence of the Eeformation ; w. sketch of the hist, of the Church. Tr., w. notes, by .J. Mill. 8". 1805 Spirit etc. of the Reform"., w. sketch of hist, of the Church to the Ketorm". Tr. & ill. by .James Mill. 8". 1805 see Ulkich (0.) V. : mit V.'s Lettre a Mile. D. S. sur I'abus des grammaires dans I'^tude du fran(,-ais etc., 1899. Villette (Bev. John), see Eussell (S.) Exhortations etc. f. B.'s Prisoners director, etc., 1777. Villiaume (Nicolas). L'esprit de la guerre. 8". 1861 Hist, de Jeanne Dare etc. s8". 1863 Nouv. traite d'econ. polit. 2t. 8". 1857 Villiers (Rt. Hon. Ch. Pelham). *C. P. V. & the repeal of the Corn Laws. [Kcpr. f. '■ Westminster," July, 1883. P381]. 8". 1883 Free Trade Speeches of V. With a polit. mem. 2v. 8". 1883 people's ed. 8". 1884 see CoBDEN Club. SO'"" anniv. of Repeal of Corn Laws : pre- sentation to V. etc., 1896. Villiers (Frances), countess of Jersey, sec Jersey. Villiers (George), /-' duke of Buckinglmm, see Buckingh.am (G., /" duhc of). Villiers (George), 2'"' duhc of Bitckingliam, see Bcckingh.im (G., £>'"' duke of). Villiers (J. E. R. de), LL.M. Hist, of the legislation concern- ing real & personal property in England during the r. of Q.Victoria. [Yorke Prize Essay, 1900]. 68>. 1901 Villiers (John de), sec De Vilmers (J.) Villiers (Ladij M. Theresa), only d. of 3''' son of r' carl of Clarendon; aft. wife of (/) T. H. Lister (i) Sir G. C. Lewis, sec Lewis (Lady M. T.) Villiers (R. J. F. Vaysse de), see V.^ysse de Villiers. Villiers (Victor A. G. Child-), ;"' earl of Jersey, sec Jersey. Villiers de Lisle Adam (Ic comfe Philippe Auguste M. de). Axel. Contes cruels. L'E\e future. 88". sS". Histoires insolites. Histoires souveraines. Ia8". Brux. Morgane. 8", 1890 1889 1891 1888 1899 1891 Villifranchi (G. Cosimo) Volterrano. L'Armanda, o vero Le stravaganze del caso. [P831]. s8". Bologna. 7i.d. Villinger (H.) [ps. H. Willfried]. Sommerfrisohen (5 Novellen). 8". St. 1887 Zenz u. a. Erziihlungen. sS". [1886] Villoison (J. B. G. d'Ansse de), .?cc Axsse de Villoison (J. B. G. d'). Villon, [i.e. Francois Corbueil, dit Villon}. Nouveaux contes cruels ct propoa d'au dehY. s8". 1893 Tribulat Bonhomet. n. ed. 68°. [1887] see T)v Pokt.ivice de Heussey (R.) V. de I'l. A., 1893. ffiuvres corapl. ; suiv. d'un choix des poesies de ses disciples. Notes etc. par P. Jannet. s8". n.rh see Alheim (P. d'). La passion de v., 1900. „ LoNGNON (A.) Etude bio- gi-aph. sur V., 1877. „ Paris (G.) V., 1901. ,, ScHWOB (M.) Spicil^ge : v., etc., 1896. ffiuvres. Corr. etc. par J. H. R. Prompsault. 8". 1635 Qiuvres completes. Glos. notes etc. par P. Jannet. Etude sur v. par T. Gautier. s8 '. [1884] OEuvres de V. : Le Jargon et le Jobelin, comp. 5 ballades ined. avec diet, analyt. du jargon par A. Vitu. 8». 1889 ffiuvres corapl. Publ. par A. Longnon. s8<>. 1892 Villon Society. sec CiiAP-BooKs & folk-lore tracts: si, nos. 1-5, 1885. „ Omar Kiloyam. Done into Eng. by J. Payne, 1898. Villot (Frederic). Notice des tableaux dans les galeries du Louvre : pi, Ecoles d'ltalie A d'Esp. 13- ed. 88°. 1859 Vilmar (August Friedrich Christian). Die Genieperiode. [P366]. 8". Marburg. 1872 Vorlesungen ii. d. Gesch. d. deutscheu National-Literatur. 8-. Marburg. 1845 , 2B in 1. 3- A. s8". Marburg. 1848 sec Metcalfe (F.) Hist, of Germ, lit., based on V., 1858. Vilmar (Otto). Zum Vcrstiiudnisse Gothes. 2' A. sS". Marburg. 1861 Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie. The vegetable garden ; Eng. ed. 8". 1885 Vilodunense. Chronicon Vilodunense, sec Edith (Si.) *S. Editha, s. C. V., 1883. Vinaya texts, see Sacred Books of the East : 13, 17, 20, Vinaya texts f. Pali, tr. Rhys Davids & Oldenberg, pl-3, 1881-5. Vincart (Jean Antoine). 17' s. Relations des campagnes de 1644 & 1641). Texte esp. avec tr., notes etc. par P. Henrard. [Soc. de I'H. de Belg.]. 8". Brux. 1869 sec Spain. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. Vince (Charles Anthony). John Bright. s8". 1898 Vincens (Mnie.) [ ps. Arvede Barine], see Barine (A.) _2JS. Vincens (Emile).' Hist, de la Republ. de Genes. 3t. 8". 1842 Vincent, von. Beauvais, see Vincentius, Bellovacensis. Vincent, of Levins, Saint. [Vincentius Lirinensis]. sec MiGNE (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t50, for Commonitorium. „ NicENE. Sel. lib. of N. * Post-N. Fathers, tr. : s2, vll, V. of L., etc., 1894. „ Reeves (W.) Apol'. of Justin etc. ; Commonitory of V., 2"" ed., 1716. „ Salvianus, Massiliensis. S. A V. opera. Baluzius notis illust., ed. 2\ 1669. „ Opera, quibus add. fuit V. L. 1696. ,, Winzet (N.) Certain tractates, & tr. Vincent [de Paul], Saint, sec Bougaud (E.) Hist, of V. de P., tr., 1899. „ Butler (C.) Life of Fenelon, 3"^ ed., [w.T life of V. of P. etc., 1819. „ CH.1NTELAUZE (R.) V. dc P. & les Gondi, 1882. „ Collet (P.) Vie de V., n. ed. augm. des disc, et des eerits textuels du saint, 1818. „ Wilson (R. F.) Life of V., w. some of h. letters, 1873. Vincent (Alexander). Lex nuindi. s8". 1892 Vincent (Arthur), ed., Lives of twelve bad women. 8". 1897 Vincent (Augustin), sec Nicol.\s (Sir N. H.) Mem. of V., 1827. Vincent (Benjamin), sec H.wdn's Diet, of Dates, 21" ed., by v., 1895. Vincent (Boyd), bp. coadjutor of S. Ohio. God & prayer. s8'>. 1898 Vincent (Sir Edgar) & T. G. Dickson. Hdbk. of mod. Greek. 2"" ed. sS". 1887 Vincent (Ethel Gwendoline) [f-V/s. Howard V.] China to Peru ; over the Andes, etc. s8'>. 1894 opera, commonitorium etc., of V. L., 1888-90. Villiers-Stuart (Henry), M.P. labourers. Obs. etc. cone. Irish agric. [P781]. 8". 1884 Forty thousand miles over land & water. ,, ,, ........ Newfoundland to Cochin China. 2v. s8". 1885 3"! ed. s8". 1886 88". 1892 TINCENT 1545 VINING Siani, Caniljoilia, Cochin- China (1871-2). 8". 1873 Norsk, Lapp, Fiun. sS". 1881 Through & through the tropics. s8". 1876 Vincent {Sir Francis), barf. Aruntlcl. 3v. sS". 1810 Tincent (Frank). Actual Africa. 8". 1895 Around & about S. America. 8". N.Y. 1890 The land of the "White Elephant, S.-E. Asia; travel in Farther ludia, embracing Biuma, Vincent {George Giles). The moral system ; or, law of human nature. 2v ; ct app., Iv. 8". 1841-50 Vincent (Henry), sec Dorlixg (W.) V., a biog. sketch, 1879. Vincent (Jacques L. Samuel). Du protestantisme en France- n. ed., avec intr. de Prevost-Paradol. s8". 1860 Vincent (James Edmund). H.R.H. Duke of Clarence & Avon- dale, 18G4-92 ; a mem. sS". 1893 John Ni.\on, a mem. 8°. 1900 The land question in N. Wales. 8". 1896 Vincent (John Martin), j«-o/. in Johns Hopkins Univ. Go- vernment in Switzerland. sS". N.Y. 1900 Vincent (Balph Harry). The elements of hypnotism. 2»'' ed. s8». 1897 Vincent (Spencer), see Burlington Fine Airrs Club. Exhib. of drawings, in water colour, ct black & white, by V., 1890. Vincent (Vin). Cathedral bells. 2v. s8'>. 1889 The white aigrette. 3v. s8». 1894 Vincent (William), dean of Westminster. Commerce & navi- gation of the ancients in the Indian ocean. 2v. 4". 1807 Sermons on faith, doct'., publ. duties. Life by E. Nares. 8". 1817 Vincent CWilliam Thomas). Eeoolls. of Fred Leslie. 2v. 8". 1894 Vincentius, Bellovacensis [Vincent von Be.^uvais]. see Bouquet (M.) Bee. des hist, des Gaules, t21, for Miroir hist. „ MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t24, 26, /or Speculum hist. „ Schlosser (F. C.) V. V. B. Hand- u. Lehrbuch fiir Prinzen u. ihre Lehrer, 2T, [Tl, Die Schrift V.'s], 1819. Vincentius, Cracov. [Kadlubek]. Chronica Polonorum, see Monuhenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t29. Vincentius, Lirinensis, see VI^■cENT, St., of Lerins. Vincentius, Pragensis, see Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl7. Vincenzo ( Grass-), see Grass- Vincenzo ( ). Vinci (Leonardo da). Les MSS. de L. de V. En facsim., avec transcription, trad., pr6f., et table par C. Ravaisson- Mollien. 6t. fol. 1881-91 [1], MS. A de la Bibl. de I'Institut. [2], B., D. [3], C, E., K. [4], F., I. [5], G., L., M. [6], H. de la B. de I'l.; Ash. 2038, 2037 de la Bibl. Nat. 1 MSS. di L. da V. : Cod. sul volo degli uccelli e var. altre mat. Pubbl. da T. Sabachnikoff. fol. Parigi. 1893 I MSS. di V. della E. Bibl. di Windsor : Dell' anatomia, Fogli A, B, pubbl. da T. Sabachnikoff, transcr. e annot. da G. Piumati, contr. in ling, fr., prec. da uno di Mathias-Duval. fol. Parigi. 1898-1901 Translations. L. da V. & h. works : Life by Mrs. C. W. Heaton, essay by C. C. Black, etc., 1874. Literary works of V., ed. J. P. Riehter. 2v. 4". 1883 Treatise of painting, tr. ; pref''., life. s8". 1721 „ tr. etc. by J. F. Eigaud. Life of [V.] by J. W. Brown. s8". 1835 sec Brown (John W.) Life of L. da V., \v. crit. ace. of h. works, 1828. „ Clkment (C.) Michel-Ange, L. de V. etc., avec des cat. raisonni^'S, 1861. ,, E.iSTLAKE (Lady). Five great painters, 1883. „ Grothe (H.) L. da V. als Ingenieur u. Philosoph, 1874. „ HoussAYE (A.) Hist, de L., 1869. „ Major (E. H.) Mem. on a Mappemonde by V., being the earliest cont-. the name of America, 1865. „ Mcntz (E.) L. de V., I'artiste etc., 1899. „ L. da v., [tr.], 1898. „ Eichtek (J. P.) L., 1894. „ Eio (A. F.) L. de V. & s. ecole, 1855. „ Rosenberg (A.) V., [Knackfuss, 33], 1898. „ Seailles (G.) v., 1892. „ UziELLi (G.) Eicerche int. a V., s. I, vl, ed. 2", 1896. „ V. e tre gentildonne milanesi, 1890. Vincke (Friedrich L. W. P. v.), baron. Darstellung d. innern Verwaltung Grossbritanniens. Hrsg. v. B. G. Niebuhr. [b.w. Schmalz (T. A. H.) Staatsverfassg. Grossbrit.'s, 1806]. &'•. 1815 see BoDELScHwiNGii (E. V.) Leben des Ober-Prasidenten v. V., Tl, (1774-1816), 710 morepiM., 1853. Vindex, 2)s., see *Additional letters to G. D'Oyly, in ans. to h. remarks on " a5dipus Jud." ; by Y., Biblicus, & Candidus, 1813. Vindex, ps., see Ehodes (Cecil). *C. E., h. polit. life & speeches, by V., 1900. Vindex, ps. of a. of " The great refusal, /S90," sec Eusden (G. W.) Vindication. *V. (A) [a. not l-nown^ of a passage in Dr. Sherlock's sermon preaclied before the Hon. H. of Commons, May 29, 1685, see Sherlock (W.), dean. *V. (A) of Bishop Colenso, by a. of " Eclipse of faith," 1863, see Rogers (H.) *V. of Lady Byron, 1871, spcBvron (Lndy), wife of the poet. •V. (A) of Mr. George Buchanan, [by J. Love ?], 1749, see Buchanan (G.) *V. (A) of natural society, [1796], see Burke (E.) *V. |A| of Protestant principles. By Phileleutherus Auglicanus, 1817, see Donaldson i J. W.) *V. (A) of the Case of indifferent things, 1684, see Williams (John), hp. *V. (A) of the divines of the Church of Eng., who have sworn allegiance to Will. & Mary, etc. ; by one, 1689, see William III. * V. of the end of religious controversy, 1822, see Milner (John), bp. ♦V. (A) of the govt. etc. of the Church of Eng., [1733, reissued:} 1740, see Grey (Z.) *V. of the Hindoos f. the aspersions of C. Buchanan, 1808, see Scott-Waring (Major J.) ♦V. (A) of the Hist, of Clemency etc , 1720, see Earberv (M.) *V. (A.) of the late sermon [by E. Hickeringill] on Curse ye Meroz, 1680, see Hickeringill (E.) *V. (A) of the rights & prerogatives of the Et. Hon. the House of Lords ; wherein, [Sir H. Mackworth's] A vindic. of the rights of the Commons, is consider'd. [P751]. fol. 1701 •V. (A) of the rights of the Commons of England, 2'"i ed., 1701, see Mackwobth (Sir H.] V. (A) of those who have taken the new oath of allegiance to Will. & Mary, etc., 1089, see William III. Vindici» Mosaica; : letter to Colenso. [P207, 213]. 8". 1863 Vindobonensia, see Vienna. Vine, sec also Macvine. Vine (Francis Thomas). Caesar in Kent, etc. 88". 1886 Vine (Sir 3. R. Somers). English municipal institutions, 1835-79. 8". 1879 Vineis (P. de), see Della Vigna (P.) Vines (Richard), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Vines (Sydney Howard). Physiology of plants. 8". C. 1886 Text-book of botany. Iv in 2. 8". C. 1894-5 see Prantl (C.) Elem. text-book of botany. The transl. rev. by S. H. v., 1881. Vinet (Alexandre R.) Essais de philosophic morale & de morale relig., suiv. de quelques essais de critique litt. 8". 1837 Etudes evangeliques. 8". 1847 Etudes sur la htt. fr. au ig's. 3t. [v2, 8 ivanting] 8". 1849-51 1, Mme. de Staiil & Chateau- briand. 2, Poetea lyr. & dramat. 3, Pontes ct prosateurs. Etudes sur Pascal. 2' ed. 8». 185C „ „ ... 3<- ed. s8". [1876] Hist, de la litt. fr. au 18« s. 2t. 8". 1853 „ „ ... Tr. by Kev. J. Bryce. 8". E. 1854 Vingt-Cinq. *25 ans de Et'publique. sS". [1896] Vingtrinier (Marie E. Aime). Soliman-Pacha (Col. S^ve), ou hist, des guerres de I'Egypte, 1820^60. \&»". 1886 see Monnier (D.) Traditions pop., par M., aide de V., 1854. Vingt-trois. *Des xxiii manieres de vilains (13" sitele), 1833, see Vilains. Vining (Edward P.) An inglorious Columbus: evidence that Hwui Shiin & Buddhist monks discovered America in 5"" cent., A.D. 8°. N.Y. 1885 Melanges. 8". 1869 MoraUstesdesief & 17" s.8°. 1859 Pontes du siecle de Louis XIV. 8°. 1861 see Chavanneb (P.) V. comme apologiste etc. chrStien, 1883. „ Gevmulleb (H. de) ed., Quelques lettres inedites de V. Arc, 1901. „ MoLiNEs (L.) Etude sur v., critique litteraire, 1890. ,, Pressense (E. de). V. d'ap. sa corr. ine'd. avec H. Lutteroth, 1891. „ Rambert (E.) v., sa vie, ses ouvr'., 1873. VINJE 1546 VIRGILIU8 Vinje (A. 0.) Norske Dikt. sS". Oslo. 1897 Vinke (Hendrik Egbert). Libri symbolici ecclesiee leformatss Nederlandicie. 8". Traiecti ad Rhenum. 1846 Vinogradofif (Paul). Villainage in England. 8". 0. 1892 Vinoy (/e gi'ii. Joseph). L'armee fr. en 1873. laS". 1873 Vinsauf (Geoffrey) [^Geoffrey, de Vinsauf]. see Crusades. 'Chronicles of the C. ; V., etc., [tr.], 1848. „ Stcbbs (W.) cd. Chron'. etc. of i: of Ric. I : vl, Itineraiinm & gesta regis Eicardi, auct., ut videtur, Eicardo, Canonico S. Trinitatis Londoniensis [but formerly ascr. to V.}, 1864. Vinson (:^lie Honore Julien). Le folk-lore du pays basque. [Lplo]. s8«'. 1883 sec HoTELACQUE (A.) & E. H. .J. V. Etudes de linguistique & d'ethnographie, 1878. „ Webster (\V.) Basque legends ; w. essay on Basque by V., 2°"' ed., 1879. Vintimille (la marquise Pauline Felicite de), see Capefigce (J.) Miles, de Nesle & la jeunesse de Louis XV, 1861. *Viola, 1869, see .Jolly {Miss). Virgil Solis, see Solis (V.) Virgili (Antonio). F. Berni. 8". Firenze. 1881 Virgilio (Giovanni del), si'e Wicksteed (P. H.) & E. G. Gardner. D.antc it V. ; incl. poet, remains of V., 1902. Virgilius Maro (Publius). * Violet : or, The danseuse. 2v. sS". 1836 Viollet (Paul). Droit public : Hist, des institutions polit. & administ. de la France. 2t. 8". 1890-8 Precis del'hist. du droit fr., accomp. de notions de droit canon. & d'indications bibliograph. Sources — Droit prive. 8". 1886 „ 2' ed., [«.'.?. ;] Droit prive & sources. Hist, du droit civil etc. 80. 1893 Viollet-Le-Duc (Emmanuel Louis Nicolas). Ancien theatre fran(,'ois : depuis les uiysteres jusqu'a Corneille. Notes, gloss. etc. " lot. [Bibl. ehev.]. s8". 1854-7 Six mois de la vie d'nn jeune homme (1797). s8". 1853 Viollet-Le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). L'art russe. Ia8>. 1877 Diet, raisonne de I'arcbitecture fr. Ou 11-16'' s. lOt.laS'. 1858-68 ,, see Sabine (H.),/or Table, 1889. Diet, raisonne du mobilier fr. de I'epoque carloving. a la Ke- naissance. 6t. Ia8'. 1858-75 Hist, d'nn dessiuateui' : comment on apprend a dessiner. Ia8». [1879] Hist, d'une forteresse. ^8". n.d. Hist, d'une maison. Ia8\ [1873] Hist, d'un hotel de ville it d'une cathedrale. Ia8\ [1878] Lettres sur la Sicile, a propos des evenements de 1860. 8". 1860 Le massif du Mont-Blanc [iC 4 maps, in a case]. laS". 1876 Mem. sur la defense de Paris, 1870-1 ; & Atlas, fol. Ia8°. 1871 TEANSL.iTI0N.S. Annals of a forti-ess. Tr. B. Bucknall. 8". 1875 Essay on the milit. architecture of the middle ages. Tr. M. Macdermott. 8». 0. 1860 Habitations of man in all ages. Tr. B. Bucknall. 8". 1876 Lects. on architecture. Tr. B. Bucknall. 2v. Ia8°. 1877-81 Military architecture. Tr. by M. Macdermott, 2"'' ed., w. pref. by J. H. Parker. 8". O. 1879 On restoration. Notice of [V.'s] works by C. Wethered. s8'. 1875 VioUier (Maria Torelli-) [ps. la mardiesa Colombi], see Colombi (la Hi. I 2>s. Viomenil (A. C. Du Houx, hanm de). Lettressurlesaff.de Pologne, 1771-2, etc. 8^. 1808 Vipan (David Jennings). V. : from the Examiner, Dec. 15, 1S40. [P159]. sS". n.2}. ii.d. Vipertus, margrave, see Wiprecht, Count su Griiitzsch. Virchovr (Rudolf). Vier Eeden ii. Leben u. Kvank- sein. s8". 18G2 sec Becker (W.) V., eine biog. Studie, 2" A., 1894. „ Hackel (E.) Preuves tlu transformisme : rep. a V., tr., 1879. Freedomof science in the modern state. Tr. s8". 1878 Lernen u. Forschen. [P688]. 8". 1892 Die neueren Fortschritte in d. Wissenschaft u. i. Einfluss auf Medicin u. Chirurgie. [HuxleyLectnre. P394]. 8". 1898 Viresalingam, Kandukuri. Fortune's Wheel : Hindu domestic life. Tr. J. E. Hutchinson. sS". 1887 Viret (P.), see Leben u. ausgew. Schriften d. Viiter d. refoi-m. Kirche ; B9. i. Farel u. V., 1857-62. Virey (J. J.) Hist. nat. du genre humain. 3t. n. ed. 1824 Virey (Philippe). Etude sur nn parchemin rapporte de Thebes, see Mission Arch. Fr. au Caire, tl. Etudes sur le papyrus Prisse : le livi'e de Kaqimna et les lec^ous de Ptah-Hotep. [HE70]. 8<>. 1887 Sept tombeaux Thebains de la XVIII'' dynastie, see Mission Arch. Fr. au Caire, t5. Le tombeau de Rekhmara, sec Mission Arch. Fe. ac Caire, t5. Works [arranged in order of date nfpubl.]. P. V. M. appendix I. Scaligeri in eandem conim. etc. s8". Lugduni. 1673 Opera. Interp. & notis illust. C. Ruieus. Ad usiim Delphini. 2» ed. 4". Amstelodami. 1690 „ cum integris comin. Servii, Pliilargyrii, Pierii ; ace. Scali- geri & Liudenbrogii nottc ad Culicem, Cirin, Catalecta. Ad cod. ms. regium Pans. rec. P. Masvicius. 2t,[po3/n. cont.]. 4". Leovardias. 1717 „ „ ... 2t. 4°. Venetiis. 1736 ,, Var. lect. et perp. aduot. ill. a C. G. Hevne. 4v. Ed. 3^ 8^ L. 1803 „ et nonnuUa ejusdemopuscula, ex ed. C. G. Heyne. bS". Lond. 1818 „ [Delphin C. " Regent's " ed. vl-8]. 8". Londini. 1819 „ Ed. I. C. lahn. s8". L. 1825 „ Var. lect. et perp. adnot. ill. a C. G. Hevne. Ed. 4». Cur. G. P. E. Wagner. 5v [v5 wanting]. 8». L. 1930-41 „ Locis parall. ex ant. scr. etc. ill. in iisnni juv. S". O. 1834 „ Ed. etc. A. Forbiger. 3v. 8>. L. 1836-39 „ ,, ... Ed. 2». 8". L. 1845-46 ,, Interp. et notis ill. C. Pinjeus, Clavis metr.j studio G. Duncan. 8". E. 1888 „ Notis ex ed. Heyniana. Ace. index Maittair. 8'." Lond. 18.39 „ „ s8>. O. 1845 „ Ed. H. Paldamus. Ed. ster. 8». L. 1854 „ Comm. by J. Couington. 3v. [Bibl. class. ; Vol. 3, 2'"i ed.]. 8". 1858-75 „ „ vl. 2'"' ed. 8". 1865 „ , 3v. 3'^''cd.[v3,2'<'ied.". 8". 1872-7G „ Notes by T. L. Papillon it A. E. Hai'gh. 2v. 8'. O. 1882-92 Bl'colica & Georgica. Bucolicorum eel. x. With tr. it- notes by J. Martyn. 2"'' ed. S". 1749 „ „ With tr. & notes by J. Martyn. 4'" ed. 80. Oxford. 1820 Bucolica et Georgica. With tr. etc. by J. Martyn. b8'i. O. 1829 Georgicoruin lib. iv. With tr. it notes bv J. Martyn. 5'" ed. 8". Oxford. 1827 ,, „ Scholia Bernensia ad V. Bucolica a'.que Georgica. Ed. H. Hagen. 8". L. 1867 „ „ Notes by C. Anthon. n. ed. sS". 1872 Translations [in order of date ofpubl.]. Works. Tr. J. Ogilby. s8°. 1650 „ Tr. into blank verse, with notes, by .T. Trapp. 3v. ■2'"' ed. 981. 1735 „ In verse: -5i!neid by C.Pitt, Eel. it Geo., with notes on the whole, by J. Warton. With obs. etc. by others. 4v. s8'\ 1763 Werke. Von J. H. Voss. 3B. bS''. Braunschweig. 1799 A tr. of the works of V. : partly orig., it p.vrtiv altered from Drvden & Pitt. By J. Ring. 2V. 8". 1820 Works. Lit. tr. with notes by Davidson ; rev. by T. A. Buckley. new ed. s8<>. Bohn. 1859 ,, ,, 98". Bohn. 188'.> Vergil : rendered into blank verse, by S. Bnrt. App^. : Maphfens Vegius' Book 13, etc. 3v. 8". 1883 Vergil in Eng. verse ; Eel. it JEn. 1-6. By Sir C. Bowen. 2"'! ed. la.8". 1889 .Eneis. Caxton's Eneydos, 1490. Eng- li9ht f. the French Liure des Eneydeg, 1483. Ed. W. T. CuUey & F. J. Furnivall ; w. sketch of the old French Roman d'Eneas by Salverda de Grave. [E.E.T.S., ES57]. 8». 1890 Certain bokes of V.'s JEnieis turned into Eng. meter, by Heurv, earle of Surrey. [Repr. of ed. 15-57. Ed. .Sir W. Bol- lond. RoxburgheClubj. 4". 1814 -•Eneid. 13 bks. (13 by Maphsena Vegius) ; tr. into verse (to the first 3'" pt. of bk. 10 by T. Phaer, the residue by T. T«-yne). 4". 1607 La Eneida, w. L. 13, de M. Veggio. [tr. p. G. Hernandez de Velasco]. b8°. Lisboa. 1614 .Eneis, tr. into verse by Gawin Douglas. n. ed., to wh. is added a glossary ; pref., life of [D.] fol. E. 1710 Eneide. Tr. dal comm. A. Caro. 8". Milano. 1812 Eneide 1824, see DeliUe (J.) Q^u^Tes below. The first 4 bks. of the JEneid, w. o. tr*. it p. ; by Rich. Stany- hurst. [Edited bv J. M. Reprint of 1583 ed.]. i". E. 1836 .Encid. Tr. into verse by J. Conington. s8". 1866 „ 4"! ed. 88". 1873 ,Eneis. Bv J. B. Rose. 58". 1867 .^neid, bks. 1, 2. Tr. into Spenserian stanza by E. F. Taylor. sS". Cambridge. 1867 .Eneid, bks. 1-6. Tr. in blank verse by G. K. Rickards. s8". Edinb. 1871 JSneid. Tr. into verse, by J. M. King. 2°'! ed. s8''. 1875 -Eneids. Done into v. by W. Morris. 8". 1876 6"' bk. of Eneid; by M. P. W. Boulton. 8'. 1877 -Eneid. Tr. into [prose] by J. W. Mackail. 8". 1885 -Eneid, 1-6. Tr. Sir T. Martin. s8". Edin. 1896 Bucolica & Georgica. Eclogues, with his book De Apibus, tr. grammatically, and also ace. to the proprietie of our Eng. tongue, etc. fby J. Brinsley]. i". 1620 Georgickfl. With tr. it notes by J. Martyn. 3"l ed. 8". 1755 Georgicon libri iv. ( : Landl. Gedichte). tjbers. etc. v. J. H. Voss. 4 Bd. in 2. 8". Altona. 1800 Georgiques 1824, see References, H nrfej- DeliUe; J. )Qiuvre9ie?0K'. Eclogen. Metr. iibers. etc. v. F. W. Genthe. s8^ Magdeburg. 1830 VIRGILIUS 1547 VISITATION Virgilius Maro (Publius) IcoHtinued]. BrcoLicA (t CiEORfiii-A [ront.]. Eclogues it Georgics. By J. B. Rose. s8'. 1806 V. in Eng. verse. Eclogues it ^11. 1-6. By Sir Cli. Bowen. Ia8f>. 1887 Eclogues & Georgics. Tr. [ijito prose] by J. W. Mackail. sS"-. 1889 Georgics. Books 1, 2. Tr. into verse by Lord Burghclere. si". 1900 Beferencea. .see Blumaueb (A.1 V.'s .Eneis travestirt, 1872. ,, BoissiER (G.) Nouv. pronie- jiades archeolog. ; Horace & v., 188B, 3'- ed., 1895. ,, The country of Horace & v., tr,, 1890. „ BoSSTETTEN (C. V. V.) Voyage sur la scene des dern. livres de I'Encide, n. ed., 1861. „ Church (A. J.) Stories !. v., 1870 ; 1894. „ CoLLiss (W. L.) v., [Anc. class.], 1870. „ COMPABETTI (D.) V. licl medio evo, 1872 ; 2-' cd., 1890. ,, V. in the Middle Ages, tr., 1895. „ Delille (J.) ffiuvres : t2, Gcorgiques, [tr.1 ; t3-6, Eneide, [tr.], n. ed., 1824. ., Florus (P. Anniusi. Frn.gm. de V. oratore an poeta. „ Henry (.James I. jEneidea, 1873-92. „ HoLDSWORTH (E.) Remarks & diss', on v., 1708. „ Homer: Iliad, tr. Book 1, also passages f. V., tr. by M. P. W. Boulton, 187.5. ,, Horace. Selected parts, w. a piece of V., [tr. H. Fan- shawe], 1652. „ Keightley (T.) Notes on Bucolics & Georgics of V., w. Flora Virgiliana, etc., 1846. „ Klausen (R. H.) jEneas u. d. Pcnaten, 1839-40. ,, Landing (C.) L'.libri iv:Li V'. allegorias, etc., 1508. ,, La Ville de Mirmoxt (H. DE). ApoUonius & V. : mythologie & dieux dans les Argonautiques & I'Eneide, 1894. see Lersch{J. L. ' Antiquitatea Vergilianrc ad vitam populi Rom. descriptfv.', 1843. „ Michel (F.) Qua3 vices quiequo mutat"*. it V. ipsnm it ejus carmina per mediani iptatem exceperint explanarctentavit M., 1840. „ MoRLEY (H.)«7., Early prose romances : Virgilius, etc., 1889. ,, Nettleship (H.) ed., Ancient lives of V., w. essay on the poems of V, in conn. w. h. life it times, 1879. „ O'Connor (M.)7)s., A Kerry pastoral in iniit. of the lirst eclogue of V., 1343. „ Ovid. O.'s Metamorphosis — An essay to the tr. of V.'s .35neis; by G. S[f()K?i/.s], 1632. „ Proeus (M. V.) P. in V. Bucol. & Georg. comm., var. ed'. „ Boss ■ A.) Virgilii Evange- lisantis Christiados iibri xii, 1038. „ BoSBioNoL (J. P.) V. et Constantin le Grand, pi, [no more puhl.\\Bi5. „ Sainte-Beuve (C. A.I Etude sur v., 3" ed., 1878. „ Sellar(W.Y.) Roman poets etc.: v., 1877. „ Servius Maurus Hosora- Tus. Comm. in V. ; ace. Virgilii interpretes Philar- gyrius it Probus, 1820. „ SiBERUS (P.) P. Virgilii fTTL6a\dmov solennitati nuptiali Ferdinandi B. in Herberstein etc. [a sfriiiff- ing together of tags from T'.], 1005. „ TuRNUs it Dranees ; attempt to show who the real persons were that V. in- tended to represent, [by Wm. Beare], 1750. „ Voss (.;. H.) Comm. Virgiliaiii ; EclogiP,1832-36. „ Zappert (G.) V.'s Fortleben im Mittelalter. (A) : Vertues due, by T. P., de). Virgil Solis, see Solis (V.) Virgin. *Annals of virgin saints, 184G, see Neale (J. M.) Virgin Mary, The, see Mary, The Virgin. Virginia. 'Campaign (The) in V. (1781) : rcpr. of rare pamphlets, etc., 1888, sec Stevens (B. F.) ed. Discovery of V., & voyages to Virginia, see Pinkerton (.J.) Voyages, vl2. 'Virginia : a Roman sketch. 1877, see Duff (Miss H. A.) Virginia company of London, sec Neill (E. D.) Hist, of the V. C. of London. 1801). Virginia historical Society. Organization of the V.H.S. : officers it members, w. list of publ". [P717]. Ia8". Eichmond, Va. 1881 Virginia (Cousin) 7i.<;., sec Johnson (Miss V. \V.) Virginite, see ♦Chapelet (Le) de v., 1862. Viridis (Eudolphus) [Radulfus Rcnieiisis], see Migxe (.7. P.) ed., Vsit. Jatina, tl63, for Epistoln?. Virieu (/<; cte. Francois Henri de), see Costa de Beaureg.\bd (le mnrq. C. A.) Le roman d'un royaliste sous la Ecvol. : souv". du c. de V., 1892. Viriot (P.) Croquis angevins. s.8". Angers. 1890 Viriville (Auguste Vallet de), see Vallet de Virivii.le. Vir-Liber, ;)s. Les vices a la mode. sS". 1869 Virmaitre (Charles). Diet, d'argot fin-de si^cle. sS". 1894 Paris-police. s8". 188(5 Virmond (Loudolphe de). Recreations bibliograph. sS'. 1882 Virtue, see '^Lamport oarland Gentleman, (1603), 1881. Virues (El eapitan Cristoval de). La gran Semiramis. Tragedia cscrita a.d. 1579. s8°. liOndon. 18.58 Virunius (L. Ponticus) [Virunnius], see Ponticus (L.) Virunius. Viscardus (Eobertus) [Viscart], duke of Apulia d Calabria, see Guiscaed (Robert). Vischard de Saint-Eeal (Cesar), see Saint-R^al (C. V. de). Vischer (Friedrich Theodor). Aesthetik. 3T in 4 [3i, ii] & Register. 8". 1846-58 Auch einer. 2B. 8" A. nH". St. 1900 Kritisehe Giinge. Neue Folge. Heft in 2B. s8». St. 1860-73 Vortriige v. V. Hrsg. v. R. Vischer. Reihe II, Bl-4 ; [Shake- speare Vortrage]. 8". St. 1899-1901 Vischer (Robert). Luca Signorelli u. d. italienische Renais- sance. 8". L. 1879 Vischer (W.) Klelne Schriften. 2B. (1, Hist. S. 2, Archiiol. u. epigraph. S.). 8". L. 1877-8 Vischering (C. A. M. A. A. P. v. Droste-Hiilshoff, Frhr. zu), sec DRosTE-Hi'i.snoFF. Visconti (Bianca Maria Sforza-), see Sforza (B. M.) Visconti (Caterina Sforza-), sec Sforza (C.) Visconti (Ennio Quirino). ffiuvres : 12t. [Icon, grecque, 3t, it Icon, rom., pi, ^canting]. 8". Milan. 1818-2(> Musee Pie-Cltoientin, 7t. Mens, du Mus6e Chiaramonti, deer, par P. A. Visconti & J. Guattani, serv. de suite au Musee Pie-Cl^mentin, tr. A. F. Sergent-Marceau, It. „ Le opere tutte di V., div. in 3 classi ed in 2 sep. ed. ital. e fr. 8». Milano. 1824 " GU editori ai loro associati." Only a list, of 35 pp., of the vols. publ. <{-to bejiuhl. It is stated that p2 of "^ Icon, rom." [above) has appeared, and thai Su of " Opere varie " are to be publ. ; but neither of these has appeared. Opere varie, italiane e francesi, per cura di G. Labus. 4v. 8". Milano. 1827-31 see Canova (A.) Letter etc. : it 2 mems. by V. on sculptures in the coll. of Elgin, tr., 1810. „ .Tenkins (T.) Cat. di monumenti scritti del nmseo del s. T. .T., [by v.], 17H7. Visconti (Giovanni Battista), of Milan. Arminia. [PG38]. s4». Milano. 1599 Visconti Venosta (Gr.) Novelle. s8". Firenze. 1871 Nuovi racconti. 88". Milano. 1897 Visdelou (C.) & A. (Jalland. Bibl. orientale ; p. serv. de suppl. a celle d'Herbelot. [b.u: Herbelot (B. d'). Bibl. orient., 1697J. fol. 1780 Viseu (Henrique, duritic de), 1394-1463, see Henry, ^jriuce, the Navigator. Visger {Mrs. Jean A.), trife of Harman Visgcr, [Mrs. Owen VisfiEn], sec Owen (Mrs. Jean A.), aft. Mrs. V. Vishnu, see Sacred Books of the East : 7, The Institutes of V., tr. J. Jolly, 1880. Vishnu Bawa Brahmachari. " Shri." [" An essay on the right form or constitution of happiness-yielding govt." P243]. 68°. n.d. [c. 1869?] Vishnu Purana, sec Pdranas. Vishnu Sarman, see Hitopadesa [the H. of V. S.] Vishwanath Narayan Mandlik [IVisvanAtha N.^ravana Mandalika]. Adoption versus annexation : w. remarks on the Mysore question. [P247]. 8". 1866 Visigoths. Lex Wisigothorum, Chronica regujn W.. see Bou- QfET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, t4. see *FuER0 Juzgo, 1815. 'Vision (The) of William cone. Piers the Plowman, var. ed\, see Laxqland (W.) Visions. Visions (The) of Sir Heister Ryley, etc., vl, [2}uhl. as a periodical f. 2 / Aug., 17 10 to 2! Feb., lyiojtl. No more appeared], see Povey (C.) 'Visions of the Western Railways. Ia8". j)-P- 1838 'Visions (The) of Tundale, var. ed'., see Tundale. Visit. 'Visit (A) to Belgrade ; tr. [f. " Siidslav. Waudergn."] by J. Whittle. s8<'. 1854 'Visit to my discontented cousin. s8". 1871 'Visit (A) to the Koom-Posh. [by J. De Soyrcs ?], 1872, sec KooM-Posn. Visitation. Heraldic v. of the Northern Counties (1530), by T. Tonge, 1863, see ToNi;E (T.) Norrog King of Arms. 'Reasons for a Royal Visitation [of the Universities'], 1717, see Reasons etc. VISITATION 1548 VIZCAYA Visitation [continued]. Visitation of Ireland, in prog., 1897 etc., see How.UiD (J. J.) & F. A. Cbisp, edd. Visitation of Lancashire & part of Cheshire (1533), by Spec. Comm. of T. Benalt, Clarencieux, 187G-82, see Lancashire. Visitation of the County of Lincoln, 1592, see Metcalfe (W. C.) ed. Yisitations. Index to pedigrees in printed Heralds' V'., etc., 1866, sec Marshall (G. W.) Indexes to the County V». at Middle Hill, 1841, see Middle Hill, [seat of Sir T. PhilUpps]. Visitations of Churches belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral (in 1297 & 1'158', 1895, see Simpson (W. S.) ed. Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich (1492-1532), [Camden Soc, NS43], see NoBwiCH. Visiting. *Visiting my relations, 1851, see Kelty (M. A.) *Visiting societies & lay readers, 1844, see Harness (W.) Visitor (The) [" The weekly v.," fS33-.5]. 1833-41. 8". 1833-41 Vislie (Vetle). Solvending. [Tr.] par S. ByelkeA S. Voirol. s8J. 11. d. Visscher (Nikolaas) the elder. [Clas Jansz Visschee]. View of London, 1G16, by N. John V. : faes. 4 sheets. [London Topograph. Soc.]. lafol. [1880-87] Visvanatha Narayana Mandalika, sec Vishwanath Narayan Mandlik. Vita. *Vita Jiduuardi B. qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit, see Edward, the Confessor. *Vita B. Edvardi R. et Conf., see Edward, the Confessor. •Vita di Buonamico Buffalmacco pittore, 1762, see Buffalmacco. •Vita di P. Gonnella buffone, 1762, see Gonnella. •Vita, gesti, costumi, ditcorsi ee. di M. Aurelio, [tr.], 1557, sec Gl'EV.lBA (A. de). •Vita Haroldi, ed. Birch, 1885, see Harold, ling of England. Vita italiana (La). Le Conferenze sulla vita ital. 1.5v. i-ar. cd'. sS-. Firenze, Milano. 1892-1901 Gli Albori. Nel rinascimento. Nel einqnecento. Nel seicento. Nel settecento. Durante la Eivoluzione francese e 1' Impero. Nel risorginiento. 3s in 9v. Vita, jis., see *Links and clues, by V., 1881. Vita (Griovanni de), bjK of liieti. *Thesaurus antiquitatum Beneventanarum. 2v. fol. Roinff'. 1754 Vitae. Vitee et fragmenta vet. bistoricorum Roman., 1833, sec Krause (A.) ed. Vitae et res gestse pontificum Romanorum et eardinalium usque ad Clementem IX, A. Ciaconii et aliorum opera descr. 4t. fol. Romse. 1677 Vitee et res gestae pont. Rom. et card, a Clem. X usque ad Clem. XII, a M. Guarnacci. 2t. fol. Romae. 1751 Vital selectorum aliquot virorum etc., 1681, sec B.ates (Wm.), D.D., ed. etc. Vitalian, pope, sec Migne (.1. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t87. Vitalis (Julius), see Musgr.ave (W.) Antiquitates etc. : 3, I. V. epitaphium cum notis Dodwelli & comm. Musgrave, 1711. Vitalis (Ordericus), sec Ordebicus Vitalis. Vite ed elogi d'illustri Italiani, 1818, see Gale.ani Napione (G. F.) Vitelleschi {it march. F. Nobili-), see Nobili-Vitelleschi. Viterbensis (Joannes Annius), .'. 1890 Hist, of Jerusalem, (1180). Tr. A. Stewart. [Palest. P. T. Soc.]. 8". 1896 see GuizoT (F.) ed.. Coll. des mems. : t22, Hist, des croisades, par J. de V., 1825. Vittorelli (Jacopo), see Parnaso degP Ital. viv., [t29], 1803-24. Vittorio Amadeo II, see Victor Am.adeus II. Vitu (Auguste C. J.) Les mille & une nuits du theatre. s6r. 1-9. [3, 4, 6, 7 : 2- ed.] s8". 1884-94 Paris. fol. [1889] Vitus (Ricardus), of Basingstoke. Historiarum libri (1-5) ; cum notis antiquitatum Britann. s8'. Atrebati. 1597 Vitzthum von Eckstadt (Graf Carl Friedrich). London, Gastein u. Sadowa, 1864-6. ' laH". Stuttgart. 1889 St. Petersburg u. London, 1852-64. •2B. 8". Stuttgart. 1886 St. Petersburg & London, 1852-64 : reminisc. of V. Ed. H. Reeve, tr. E. F. Taylor. 2v. 8". 1887 see *GEHEniNissE des Sachs. Cabinets (1745-56), [by V. v. E. ?], 1866. Viva ((juittone del), called " Ouittone d'Arezso," see Guittone (Frd) d'Arc^zo. *Vivacites (Les) du langage dans le journalisme parisien. Glossaire. 88". [1887] Vivanti-Castelli (Eegina). Le tie sorelle. sS". Firenze. 1882 Vivarez (Henry). Les phenomenes electriques et leurs applica- tions. 8". 1901 Vivaria (Kassandra) [i.e. Mrs. Heinejiann]. Via luois. s8<>. 1898 Vivekachintamani, tr., 1860, see Foulkes (Th.), tr. Vivenot (Alfred, Eittcr v.) Quellen z. Gesch. d. deutschen Kaiserpolitik Usterreichs wiihrend d. franzos. Revolutions- kriege, 1790-1801. Bl-4. 8". Wien. 1873-85 Thugut, Clerfayt, u. Wurmser. Original-Docnmente, Juli 1794- Feb. 1797. 8". Wien. 1869 Thugut u. sein politisches System. 8". Wien. 1870 Viventius, hp., sec Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, t67. Vives (Joannes Ludovicus). De disciplinis. s8". Lugd. Bat. 1636 see Braam (H. G.) Diss., exhibens V. Theologiam Clhristianam, 18.53. Vivian (Arthur Pendarves). Wanderings in the western land. 8". 1879 Vivian (Henry Hussey). Notes of a tour in America, 1877. 8". 1878 Vivian (Herbert), M.A. Abyssinia. 8". 1901 Boconnoc : a romance of wild- oat-cake. s8<>. 1895 Servia. 8°. 1897 Tunisia & the modern Barbary pirates. 8". 1899 see WiLKiNS (W. H.) & V. The green bay tree, 1894, Vivian (Lt.-Col. John L.) ed. The visitations of Cornwall, 1530, 1573, 1620, w. add', by V. 4". Exeter. 1887 Vivianus I'riononstrat., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl66. Vivien de Saint Martin (Louis). Hist, de la g<5ographie & des dicouvertes g6ograph. 8". 1873 „ „ Atlas dress^ pour I'hist. de la gi>og. etc. fol. 1874 Les Huns blancs ou Ephthalites. 8". 1849 Nouv. diet, de geographic universelle. Comm. par V., cont. par L. Rousselet. 7t. 4". 1879-95 Suppl. 2t. 4". 1897-1900 Vivisection. [sec also National Anti-V. Soc] '^Few (A) observations on V. [P355]. s8". 1875 The Royal Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, it the Royal Commission. 8". 1876 2"'" ed. 8". 1876 " The woman " & the age : letter to W. E. Gladstone, by members of the Internal. Assoc, for total suppression of V. [P346]. 8". 1881 see Jesse (G. R.) Evidence before the Roy. Comm. on V., 1875. Vivonne (Catherine de), aft. marquise de Bambotiillet, see Raiidouillet (Mme. de), d. 1663. Vivonne (Jean de), see Brehond d'Ars (le v. G. de). Le p^re de Mme. de Eambouillet : J. de V., 1884. *Vixen, 1879, sec Beaddon (Miss). Vixen, ship. *British diplomacy in the affair of the V., 1838, see Parish (H. H.) "'Vizcaya ; or, life in the land of the Carlists etc, 1874, see Bueges (E.) cd. VIZETELLY 1549 VOLKMANN [Bertie Cleue]. The reminisc. of a s8". Bristol. [1897] With Zola in England. sS". 1899 Paris in peril. 2v. 8". 1882 The story of the diamond necls- laee. 2v[v2wanting]. sS". 1867 , 2v [vl u\^ntmg]. s8". 2"'' el. 1867 Vizetelly (Edward) Bashi-Bazouk. Vizetelly (Ernest Alfred). "Vizetelly (Henry). BerUn under the new Empire. 2v. 8". 1879 Facts about Port & Madeira. sS". 1880 Glances back through seventy years. 2v. 8». 1893 ♦Vizier Ali Khan, etc., 1844, sec D.vvis (Sir .1. F.) Vizinn (Denis I. von) [Vizine]. Lettres de France de V. ii sa fct'iir a Moscou. Tr. par nne russe. s8". 1888 Vlachos (A.), see Blacuos {k.) Vladimir, p.s. The China-Japan War. 8". 1896 Russia on the Pacific A the Siberian Railway. 8". 1899 Vliet (Jan (Jeorge van), see Daulby (D.) Descr. cat. of the works of Rembrandt, V. etc., 1796. Vliet (Jeremias van). Beschryvingvan Siametc. [.Sp in Iv]. s4». Leyden. 1692 Vloten (Johan van), sec Spinoza (B.) S. : four essays, by V. etc., [/r.], 1882. Vlugt (W. V. Der), see Der Vlugt (W. van). Vocabolario degli Accademici Delia Crusca. vl-8 [to eml of K]. 5" imp. 4". Firenze. 1863-99 „ „ Glossario [of " parole o forme . . morte, o strane, o plebee "]. pi, [to buturo]. 5" imp. Firenze. 1867 see Monti (V.) Proposta di alcuue correzioni al Vocab. della Crusca, 1817-26. Vocabulaire des dialectes des aborigenes de I'Australie, 1867, sec AuSTIiAI.IE. Vogan (Thomas S. L.) Princ. objections agst. the Trinity etc. reviewed. ^Bampton L., 1837 ; 6. lo. Sermons, 1837]. 8". Oxford. 1837 Sermons. 8". Oxford. 1837 True doet. of the Eucharist. 8^ 1871 Vogel (Eduard), see Polko (E.) Erinnerungen an einen Verschollenen : Briefe etc. v. u. ii. V., 1863. Vogel (Hermann). Chemistry of light & photography etc. n. ed. s8». 1876 Vogel (Sir Julius). Anno Domini 2000, or, Woman's Destiny. s8». 1889 Vogel (Julius Rudolf T.), see Hooker {Sir W. J.) Niger Flora : plants coll. by V., [w.] life of V., 1849. Vijgelin (Anton Salomon). Herder's Cid, die franzos. u. d. spanische Quelle. Zusammengestellt. s8". Heilbronn. 1879 Vogelweide (Walther v. der), see Walther v. der Vogelwcidc. Vogt (Carl), priif. of Xat. Hist, at Geneva. Lectures on man, ed. J. Hunt. 8". 1864 Lettres polit. Tr. A. Marchand. s8». 1871 Studien zur gegenwiirt. Lage Europas. [P158]. s8'\ Genf. 1859 Vogt (Friedrich) & Max Koch, profs. Univ. of Breslau. Gesch. d. deutschen Litt. Ia8". L. 1897 Vogt (Georges). La poreelaine. sS". [1893] Vogt (Hermann). Das Buch vom deutschen Heere. Iv in 3 Abthlgn. 8". 1886 Die kriegerischen Ereignisse in Agypten, 1882. 8". L. 1882 Vogt (Johanne). Fortasllinger. s8". Kristiania. 1887 Vogt (Johannes), j;x(stoc at Bremen. Cat. librorum rariorum, den no recog. Vogt (L. J.) Dublin som norsk By. Vogiie (Charles Jean Melchior de), Bourgogne & le due de Beauvillier : lettres ined., 1700-8. 8°. 1900 Syrie centrale : Architecture, du l"' au 7' s. 2t. Ia4''. 1865-77 Villars d'ap. sa corresp. * des docs. inM. [Soc. de I'h. de Fr.]. 2t. Ia8". 1888 Vogiie {le vte. E. Melchior de) Cceurs russes. s8". 1893 Devant le siecle. s8». 1896 Disc, de reception; reponse de M. Rousse. [P664]. B\ 1889 Le tils de Pierre le Grand — Mazeppa — Un changeinent de regne. s8". 1884 Heures d'histoire. s8". [1893] Hist. & poesie. sS". 1898 Au Mont-Cassin — ARavenne — Cath. Sforza— Le card. d'Ossat — Le moyen age — Rousseau — Robinson Crusoe — G. d'Annunzio. Vogiie (le vte. B. Melchior de) [continued]. Mazeppa — Tlie son of Peter tlie i see Turgenev (I.) CEuvres Gt. — A change of reign. Tr. dern. ; [ivith] T., sa vie & J. Millington. s8". n.d. I s. oeuvre, par V., 1885. Voice. *Art (The) of improving the voice & ear, 1825, see Art etc. •Voice (A) from a Mask. By Domino. s8<>. 1861 •Voice (A) from India to the men of Manchester, 1858, see India. •Voice (A) from the Danube, etc., 1850, see Danube. •Voice (A) from the far interior of Australia, 1847, see Sidney (John). •Voice (A) from the North : or, the Foundation etc. of Legislative & Govt'. Principles. By a Minister of Church of Scotland. [P137]. 8". 1850 •Voice (The) of labour, 1891, sec Jelley (S. M.) ed. Voice, speech, & gesture : a hdbk. [by 5 authors]. Ed. R. D. Blackman. sS". 1895 „ „ n. ed. s8». 1897 Voices. *Voices in solitude. By R. G. H., n.d., sec Hill (R. G.) ♦Voices of the dead, [1879 ?], see Linton (W. J.) Voigt (Friedrich August Ernst), see Reynard, the Fox, Ysengrimus, 1884. Voigt (Georg). Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini als Papst Pius II. u. s. Zeitalter. 3B in 2. 8". 18.56-63 Moritz V. Sachsen, 1541-7. 8". L. 1876 Die Wiederbelebung d. class. Alterthums oder d. erste Jhdt. d. Humanismus. 8". 1859 2B. 2« A. 8'. 1880-1 , 2B. 3' A. besorgt V. M. Lehnerdt. 8". 1893 Voigt (Heinrich). Die Lehre d. Athanasius v. Alexandrien, oder d. kircbl. Dogmatik d. 4'™ Jhdts. etc. 8°. Bremen. 1861 Voigt {Frau Joh.), see Ambrosius (Johanna), aft. Voigt. Voigt (Johan Carel). Fifty years of the hist, of the Republic in S. Africa (1795-1845). 2v. 8". 1899 Voigt (Johannes). Gesch. der Ballei des dent. Ordens in Bohmen, sec Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch., Denksehr. Gesch. Preussens bis zum Untergange d. Herrschaft d. Deutschen Ordens. 9B. 8\ Konigsberg. 1827-39 Hildebrand als Papst Gregorius, u. s. Zeitalter. 2» A. 8". Weimar. 1846 Voigt (Moritz), see Mijller (Iwan v.) Hdbch. d. k. A.-W., IV, 2, Die rom. Altertiimer, [Privatalt"'. u. Kulturgesch. v. M. V.], 2; A., 1893. Voisin (Auguste F.) Lemons cliniques sur les maladies mentales. laS'. 1876 Voisin de La Popeliniere ( ). *L'histoire des histoires, etc. s8\ 1599 Voisins (A. Gilbert de), see Gilbert de Voisins. Voisins d'Ambre {Mtne. Anne C. J.) [;w. P. Cceur], see Cieur (Pierre) ps. Voitnre (Vincent). Familiar & courtly letters, [tr.] ; added, letters by Dryden ct o. hands. (Euvres : Lettres et poesie. n. ed., augm., Tallemant des Reaux, des notes etc. par A. Works, [tr.] Ozell ; pref'. lite, etc., by Pope. s8'. Francofurti. 1793 s8". Christiania. 1896 vtarquis. Le due de Histoires orientates. s8o. 1880 Jean d'Agreve. sS". 1897 Les raortsquiparlent. sS". [1899] Le rappel des ombres. sSo. 1900 Regards hist. & litt. s8». [1892] Remarques sur I'Exposition du Centenaire. s8». 1889 Le roman russe. 8'\ 1886 „ „ 2'^ ed. 88". 1888 Souvenirs & visions. s8". [1887] Spectacles contemp. s8o. [1891] „ 2'ii. s8". [1891?] Syrie, Palestine, Mont Atiios. b8°. 1876 s8' 1700 avee le comm. de Ubicini. 2t. S8''. 1855 [vol. 2 wanting]. s8'\ 1715 . of sel. letters of V., 1696. laS". 1898 see Dennis (J.) Letters etc., w. tr. Volbach (Fritz). G. F. Hiindel. Volbeding (Johann Ernst). Index dissertationum etc. quibus singuli historiie N.T. & anti(iuitatum eocles. loci illust. [b.w.h. Thesaurus, t2, 1849]. 8". L. 1849 Thesaurus comment, select., illust. antiquitatibusXtnis inservi- entium. Recudi cur., etc. V. 2t. 8\ L. 1847-y Vblcker (Carl Heinrich Wilhelm). Die Mythologie d. japeti- schen Geschlechtes. s8". Giessen. 1824 Uber homer. Geographic etc. [b.w. Midler (W.) Homer. Vor- schule, 2- A., 1836]. 8°. Hannover. 1830 Volger (Georg Heinricho). Erde u. Ewigkeit. s8". Frankfurt a.JI. 1857 Volger (Wilhelm Friedrich). Handbuch d. allgemeinen Welt- geschichte. Bl, ii, 2i, ii. 8'. Hannover. 1836-9 Volkelt (Joannes). Franz Grillparzer als Dichterd. Tragischen. 8". Nordlingen. 1888 Das Unhewusste u. d. Pessimismus. 8". 1873 Volkhovsky (Felix). A China cup, cto. s. for children. s8". 1892 Volkmann (Ludwig). Iconografia dantesca : die bildlichen Darstellungen zur Gottlichen Komodie. laS". L. 1897 Iconografia dantesca. [Tr.]. Bev. by the author. laS". 1899 Naturprodukt u. Kunstwerk. s8". Dresden. 1902 Volkmann (Richard). Geschichte u. Kritik d. Wolfschen Pro- legomena zu Homer. 8". L. 1874; VOLKMANN 1550 VOLTAIRE Volkmann (Richard) [contiimed]. Leben, Schiiften u. Philosophie d. Plutarch. 2B. 8". 1869 Syuesius v. Cyrene. 8". 180!) Volkmann ("Wilhelm Fridolin), Bitter v. Volkmar. Grundriss d. Psychologie. 8». Halle. 18.5G Lehrb'uch d. Psychologie. (Des " Grundrisses " 2' A.). 2B. 8". Cothen. 1875-G Volkmar (Gustav). Commentrtr zur Offeubanmg Johannis. 8». Ziirich. 1802 Handbuchd. Einleitung in die Apokiyphen. 2 Abthgl. 8°. Tiibingen. 1863 Abthgl. 2. Das iv. Buch Esra, hrsg. etc. Hippolytus u. d. Biimischen Zeitgenossen, oder d. Philosophu- mena, etc. 8\ Ziirich. 1855 Jesus u. d. erste ehristl. Zeit, mit d. beiden evsten Erziihlem. 8^ Ziirich. 1882 Mose Prophetic u. Himmelfahrt. 8". L. 1867 Die Eeligion Jesu u. ihre erste Entwickeluug. 8". L. 1857 tjber Justin den Miirtyrer u. s. Verhiiltniss zu unsern Evange- lien. [P477]. 8". Ziirich. 1853 Ursprung unserer Evangelien, etc. [P467]. 8». Ziirich. 1866 Volkslieder. Volkslieder (Die) d. Dentschen, 1834-6, see Eblach (F. C, Frhr. v.) cd. Volkslieder d. Serben, iibers. etc., 1825, see Karajic (V. S.) Volksmarchen der Deutschen, 1813-16, sec Mus.\l-s (J. C. A.) Volksthiimliche Lieder der Deutschen ira 18. u. 19.Jhdt.. 181)5, sec BoHME (I'\ M.) cd. Volkswirthschaftliche Chronik : Abdruck aus d. Jahrbiichern fill- Nationalokonomie u. Statistik. 1898, 1900, 1901. Ia8». Jeua. 1899-1902 VoUers (K.) The modern Egyptian dialect of Arabic : a gram- mar. Tr. F. C. Burkitt. sS". C. 1895 Vollert (A.), see Neue Pit.wal (Der), inprofj., 1842 etc. Volliner (W. F.) [ps. Zimmermann (W. F. A.)] L'homme : merveilles de la nature hum., etc. n. ed. Ia8^ St.-Petersbourg. [1869 ?] Vollstandige [VoLLST.'iNDiaEs]. Vollstiindige Eeformations- Acta u. Documeuta, 1720-8, see LbscnER (V. E.) ed. Vollstiindiges Hdbch. d. neuesten Erdbeschreibung, v. Gaspari, Hassel etc., 1820-5, see Gakpari (A. C.) Vollstiindiges Heiligen-Lexikon, 1858-82, sec St.ahler (J. E.) & F. J. Heim, ('(7(7. VoUum (Col. Edward Perry), see Tehh (W.) & V. Premature burial etc., 1896. Volmerstein, sec Eecke-Volmebstein. Volney (C. F.) [IChassebceuf de Volney (Constaxtin Fran- cois),. O^uvres completes. Vie \hii A. Bossangc]. 8t. 8'. 1821 L'aifabet europ. appliq. aux lauguea asiat. 8'. 1819 Lemons d'hist., pron. en I'an iii. 8f. an viii, [1800] •Recherches nouv. surl'hist. anc. Sp. 8". 181-1 Les ruiiies, ou, Medit. sur les revol. des empires. 2'- ed. 8". 1792 Voyage en Syrie it en Egypte, 178;;-.';, avec 2 cartes & 2 plancliea. 2t. 8°. 1787 TltANSLATIONS. New researches inane, liist. Tr. Col. Corbet. 2r. 8". 1819 The Ruins. Tr. sS". 181fi Travels tlirough Syria & Egypt 1783-85: tr. 2v. 8°. 1787 View of climate tt soil of U.S.: tr. 8". 180i Volo non valeo, j)S(??((7., see Was it wise? 1872. Volpe (Girolamo) ed., sec Malincoxthi (F.) F. M., an autob>'., ed. G. v.. tr., 1801. Volpi (Giovanni Antonio). Kime. Imp. 2*. sS". Padova. 1741 Volpi (Giuseppe Rocco), [J. R. Vulpius], sec Corradixi (P. M.) Vetus Latium, lOt, [t3-IO are hy V.'], 1704-45. Volradus, Plessius, see Plessen (Bolradt von). Volsunga Saga ; tr. E. Magnusson, & W. Morris. s8\ 1870 sec Hac.ex (F. H. v. d.) Nord. Heldenromane, 1811-28. Volta Bureau for increase and diffusion of knowledge rel. to the Deaf, Washington City, U.S.A. IPiiMications]. sS", 8". Wash.. Little Pvock. 1897-8 see GiLMAX (A.) Miss Keller's 1" year of college preparatory work, 1897. ,, GoBDOX (J. C.) Difference betw. two systems of teaching English, 1898. „ Hubbard (G. G.) Rise of oral method, 1898. „ Mashbvrn (A. G.) Differences in educ". of deaf & hearing, 1898. Voltaire [^w". Le docteub Kalpii, Tamboxet, Tompsox, Mk. HujiE, Ieex^e Alethes Covelle Robert. IArouet de Voltaire (F. M.)]. N.B. Arranged sic : Works, Single Works, Letters, Trans- lations, References. Works. G-^uvres completes de V. 70t. H*^. De I'imprimerie de la Soc. Litt.-Tvpograpb., [Kehl], 1785-9 „ „ Table des matieres. Par Chantreau. 2t. 8\ 1801 t70 is : Vie de V., par Con- dorcet ; suiv. des mem. de v., par lui-nieme, etc. In some copies it has a sep. tp. CKuvres completes. 42t. [11, 2(), 42, wanting}. u. ed. 8'. Lefcvre, Detervillc. 1817-20 Aimales de I'Empire. [16.] Corneille (Commentaires sur). [30.] Corrcsp. avec d'Alembert. [-11.] Corresp. avec les souverains, 2t. [39, 40.] Corresp. geuerale, 8t. [31-38.] Dialogues & entretiens pliilosoph. [22.] Dictionnaire x^hilosoph., 3t. [•l■i-•2^,.^ Eloges de V. [1.] Essai Bur les mceurs, 3t. [10-12.] Faceties &; melanges litt., 2t. [23, 29.] Hist, de Ch. XII. [15.] Hist, (le I'empire de Russie. [15.] Hist.duParlement de Paris. [16,] Melanges liist. [17.] Mcms., par lui-mf-me. [1.] Pbilusophie geuerale, 2t. [20, 21.] Physique. [19.] Pieces justificat. pour la vie de V. [1.] Poesies, 3t. [7-9.] Politique (t'le'gislation. [18.] Romans. [27.] Sii'cles de Louis XIV & de Louis XV, 2t. [13, 11.] Theatre, at. [2-6.] Vie, par Condorcet, etc. [1.] Q^uvres completes, n. ed., avec not*., pref'"., variantes, table, notes de tous les comm. & notes uouv. Prec. de la vie de V. par Condorcet & d'aut. etudes biograpb. 52t. 8". 1877-85 Annales de I'Erapire. [13.] Appeiidice [;V la correspon- dauce: 6. Loudres. 1824 Hist, de Russie, sous Pierre le grand. s8». 1828 Melanges liistoriques. \fp. ictinf- ing]. tl. 2'' ed. 8". ii.iL M(^moires pour servir a I'liist. de v.: divers ecrits de lui. anec- dotes, etc. [revus par Chau- don]. 2 pts in Iv. 88**. Amsterdam. 178.'» Les mots de Voltaire. [Set. hy A. Lefort & P. Buquet]. s8». [1886] Le philosophe ignorant, [cont. o. small pieces]. s8\ n.^i. 1766 La philosophie de V., avec intr. etc. par E. Bersot. s8". 1848 *Les questions de Zapata: tr. par le sieur Tamponet. [P482]. 8". Leipsik. 1766 Romans. 3t. ed. ster. 58". an viii, 1800 „ „ tl, 2. 4'cd. 8°. Baudouin. 1826-7 VOLTAIRE 1551 vos Voltaire [continued]. SiNdLE WoiiKs ETC. [continiictl]. Ronmus. s8". 1857 Rome sauvee. sS". Berlin. 1752 Sii'cle do Louis XIV & de Louis XV. 3t. sS". 1835 •Traite sur la tolerance. 8". n.p. 1763 Voltaire : doc', ined., reo. aux Archives Nat. par E. Cam- pardon. Ia8". 1880 Letters. Lettre il Elie de Beaumont, 20 Mars 1707. [Pei5]. 2" ed. 8°. 1767 Lettre sur les panegiriques, par Irenee AlethJs. [P615]. 80. [1707?] Lottres & billets ined. Publ. d'ap. lesorig. duBrit. Museum par G. Bengesco. 88". 1887 Lettres ined. de V. Reo. par M. de Cayrol, aunot. par A. Fran- cois. 2t. 8". 1850 Lettres ined. sur la tolerance. Notes etc. par A. Coquerel. s8». 1863 Suppl. au recueil des lettres de V. 2t. 80. 1808 Voltaire a Ferney : Sa corresp. avee la duchesse de Saxe- Gotha, suiv. de lettres et de notes liistor. ined. Rec. par E. Bavoux & A. F. 8". 1860 Voltaire au college. Lettres et doc', in^d., par H. Beaune. s8''. 1867 Voltaire et le President de Brosses : corr. in^d. Suivie d'un suppl. [paqin, srp.'] a la oorr. de V. avec le Roi de Prusse etc. Publ. par T. Pois- set. n. ed. 8". 1858 TR.4NSLATI0NS. Candide [2')-.] : & Rasselas, by Johnson. lutr. H. Morley. 4"' ed. s8o. 1893 Hist. o£ Charles XIL b8". Edin. 1887 Hist, of the misfortunes of J. Galas ; added, letter f. Galas to his wife etc. [P312]. s8\ 1772 Letters cone, the Eng. nation[/.c. Lettres philosoph.1 2°'' ed., w. add. s8". 1711 Life of v., w. notes ; tr. f . French by G. P. Monke. 8". 1787 Philosophical dictionary, tr. 6v. 2"'' ed. s8". 1824 Sliort prose tales. Notes etc. by F. F. Roget, etc. s8". 1894 Soerate, ouvr. dramat., tr. de I'angl. de feu M. Tompson. [Really composed by V. b.w. Riccoboni (M. J.) Hist, de Cressy, 1758]. sS". Amsterdam. 1759 Viiltairiana, sel. & tr. M. J. Young. 4v. s8". 1805 Zadig, & o. t. New tr. by R. B. Boswell. eS'o. 1891 Refehences. see Argental (R. d') ^js., Vie de v., 1878. „ .\t;ToBiouRArHV : 2,V., 1826- 33. ., Ballantyne (A.) V.'s visit to England, (1726-9), 1893. ,, Beccaria (jj marchese C.) On crimes etc., tr. ; with comm. attrib. to V., 1769. „ Bengesco (G.) V. : Biblio- graphie de ses oeuvres, 4t, 1882-90. „ Beusot (P. E.) Etudes sur lelS's.: t2, V. etc., 1855. Broglie {le due de). V. avaut & pendant la guerre de sept ans, 1898. BrunetiJ:re (P ) Etudes crit. surl'hist. de la litt. fr., si, 3, 4, 1886-99. BirNGENER (L. L. Felix) V. et s. temps, 2' tirage, 1851. CHAMnoN (E.) v., 1897. Collins (J. C.) Bolingbroke ; and, V. in Eng., 1886. ConitORCET {le marq.). Vie de V. [For thin life see the Works nhovc.] Desnoiresterkes (G.) V. & la societe frant;. au 18" s., [Jeunesse de V. — V. au chateau de Cirey — V. ii la cour— V. & Frederic— V. au Deliees— V. & J. J. Rousseau — V. & Geneve — v., 8. retour & sa mort], 1867-77. Du Bois-Reymond (E.) V. in s. Beziehung z. Natur- wissenschaft, 1868. Du Deff.^nd {Mme.) Corr. ined. ; suiv. des lettres dc V. a Mme. Du D., 1809. Lettres a H. Walpole ; [&] a V. (1759-75), n. ed., 1812. Espinasse (P.) Life of V., 1892. Paguet (E.) 18' s. : etudes litt., 1890. Gastineau (B.) Centenaire de V. : V. en exil, avec lettres ined. de V., & de Mme. Du Chatelet, 1878. Grafigny {Mme. be). *Vie privee de V. & de Mme. Du Chatelet X Cirey, suiv. de 50 lettres ined. de V., 1820. Guenee (A.) *Lettres de quelques Juifs iY V. [bij A. G.l 5« ed., 1781. 'Letters of certain Jews to v., tr., 1777. Hamley {Sh- E. B.) v., 1877. Havabd I J. A.) [ps. — d'Al- b.ines-Havabd] V. & Mme. Du Chatelet : revelations d'un serviteur, etc., 1863. , Hertz E.) V. u. d. franzijs. Stratrechtspflege im 18. Jhdt., 1887. , Horn (G.l V. u. d. Mark- gr.afin v. Baireuth, 1805. I ' The Margravine of Baireuth & V., tr., 1888. I HoussAYE (A.) Le roi V., 1858. I Hugo (V.) Centenaire de V., 1878 : discours pour V. — lettre -j. I'eveque d'Orleans, 2» ed., 1878. I Lemaitre (J.) Impressions de theatre, ser. 2, lS89etc. , Leouzon Le Dlc (L.) V. et la poUce, 1867. , LoNGCHAMP (S. G.\ Mems. sur v., par L. & Wagniijre, ses secretaires, suiv. de div. ecrits ined. rel. a V., 1826. , M.iNGOLD (W.) ed., Vol- tairiana inedita, 1901. , 'M.iTiNKES (Les) royales, etc. [wh. has been ascr. to V.J, 1766; 1863. , Maugbas (G.) Querelles de philosophes : V. & Rous- seau, 1866. ,, MoBLET (J.) v., 1872 ; 1886. Voltaire [continued]. References [continued], see Neue Plutarch (Der); 1, v., v. K. Rosenkranz, 1874-88. „ Nicolardot (L.) Menage et finances de V., n. ed., 1887. „ Noel (E.) V., 1855. ,, Nonnotte (C. p.) Les er- reurs de V., 6"^ ed., 1770. ,, NouRRissoN (J. F.) V. & le voltairianisme, 1896. „ Parton (J.) Lite ofV., 1881. „ Perey(L.)7M. [f.e.L. Herpin], & G. Maugbas. Vie iutirae de V. aux Delices & ;i Ferney, (1754-78), 1885. see Saioey (E.) La physique de v., 1873. „ Standish (F. H.) Life of V., w. partic*. resp. h. death, etc., 1821. „ Strauss (D. F.) V. : sechs Vortrage, 1870. „ v., trad., 1870. „ Vander (Straeten E.) V. mnsicien, 1878. „ Vinet (A. R.) Hist, de la Utt. fr. au 18" B., 1853. Bilder etc. Volter (Immanuel). Aus England. s8". Heilbronn. 189(1 Volume. Volume (A) of Court Leet Uecords of the Manor of Manchester in l(i'" c, 18G4, see Haeland (J.) ed. Volume (A) of English miscellanies illust. the hist. & language of the N. Counties, 1890, see Raine (J.) ed. Volume (A) of vocabularies, 10'" to 15"' c, 1857, see Weight (T.) cd. ♦Voluntary system (The), 2-i ed., 1837, see Maitland (S. E.) Volunteer, *True hist.of the origin of our V. armv. [tp.missing. Intr. signed F. G.]. [P212]. 8". 1867 *Volupte, 8« ed., 187i, sec Sai.\te-Beuve (C. A.) Voluspa, see Edda. riimische Elegie : Auswahl aus d. 8'. L. 1870 F. Carl, Frhr.), see Stein (H. F. Carl, Volz (Berthold). Die Diehtern d. class. Zeit. Vom und zum Stein (H. Fihr. V05I u. zuji) *Von deni Zwecke Jesu u. Von Booth {Mrs. Eliza M. J.), aft. Humphreys ; [ps. Bita], see Kita.^js. Vonbun (F. J.) Beitriige z. deutschen Mythologie. sS". Chur. 1802 Von Degeii, 2>s. Mystery of the Campagna ; &, a shadow on a s. Jiinger, 1778, see Eeimabus (H. S.) Mrs. ir. Desmond 4'" ed. s8'>. 1892 see LuLOFS (B. H.) J. van don v., 1838. „ Ollefen (L. van>. Leven van J. van den V., 2<' druk, 1783. wave. Vondel (Joost van den). Lucifer. Tr. L. C. Van Noppen. 8". N.Y. 1898 see Edmundson (G.) Milton & v., 1885. „ Looten (C.) Etude sur V., 1889. Von Hoist (Hermann E.), see Holst (H. E. v.) Vonlyarlyarsky (V. Alexandre vitch). I'ne grande dame. Tr. de X. Marmier. s8\ 1888 Von Rikart (Carl), see Rik.irt (C. vox). Von Teuifel {Mrs. B. W.), see Howard (Blanxiie W.), aft. von Teiiffel. *Vonved the Dane. 2v. sS". 1801 Vopiscus (Flavius), see Histori.e Augustse scr. sex : F. V. etc., 1061; 1071. *Vor dem Kampfe etc., 1880, see K.\mpfe. Voragine (Jacobus, de), see Jacobus, de Voraginc. *Vore Bedsteforajldre, 1882, see Janson (K.) Vorges {etc. Domet de). Saint Anselme. 8\ 1901 Vorlander (Franz). Gesch. d. philo.sophischen Moral, Rechts- u. Staatslehre. 8". Marburg. 18.5.5 Schleiermacher's Sittenlehre. 8'. Marburg. 18.51 Vorlaufer (Die) des neueren Sozialismus. BI in 2T, [pagin. colli.]. [(Jesch. d. Soz. in Einzeldarstellgn., 1, i, ii]. laS". St. 1895 1, i, Voiv Plato bis zu d. Wiedertiiufern ; v. K. Kautsky. 1, ii, Von T. More bis z. Vorabend d. franzijs. Revolution, [b;/ sev. «*.] Vorontsov (Prince Semen). [Worontzofc]. Proems en di£fama- tion du p. S. W. contre le prince P. Dolgoroukow. [P248]. 8». Leipzig. 1862 Vorbsmarty (Mihaly). V. koltemenyei. kI-4. s8". 1860 Vorst (Conrad), sec Hartsoeker (C.) it P. v.i\ Limborcii. Prffistant. vir. epist. eccles.: a J. U., etc., ed. 2", 1684. *Vortigern, 1799, see Ireland (W. H.) Vortrage, see Sammlung wissenschaftl. V. gehalten im grosseu stiindisohen Saale zu Wien, 1858. *Vorwarts, mein Preussenvolk ! Von e. Mitglied d. Fortschritts- pavtei. [P31.5]. 8". L. 1802 Vos (Geerhardus), fellow of Princeton Thcolog. Seminary. Mosaic origin of the Pentateuehal codes. s8". 188G vos 1552 VOYSEY Vos (Isaak de). leniant en niemant. [6. lo. Asselijn (T.) Jlelchiorl. 1' Druck. sS". Amsterdam. 1699 Vosmaer (Carel). The Amazon. Tr. E. J. Irving. sS". 1884 Rembrandt : sa vie, s. a-uvres. laS". La Haye. 1868 2'- (5d. Ia8". La Haye. 1877 Rembrandt : ses precurseurs & ses annees d'apprentissage. Ia8". La Haye. 18G3 Voss (Christian D.), see Stover (D. H.) Unser .Jhdt. : B4-8, fortges. V. v., 1791-1800. Voss (johann Heinrich) the elder. Antisymbolik. 2B. g8o. Stuttgart, 1824-6 Comm. Virgiliaiii ; in lat. coav. T. F. G. Reinhardt : Eclogfe. 2v in 1. s8". Rudolpliopoli. 1832-35 Luise. Neue A. 8". KUnigsberg. 1802 Voss (Richard). San Sebastian. Voss (Rudolph). Der Tanz u. s. Mythologische Briefe. 5B. [1-3, 2= A.] s8". Stuttgart. 1827-3i Siimmtliche Gedichte. 7B. sS". Kouigsberg. 1802 1, Luise. 2. Idyllen, 3-6, Lyrische Gedielite. 7, Zeitmessung d. deut- schen Spracbe. see Herest (W.) V., 1872-6. sS". Stuttgart. [1883] Gesch. ; mit Lexikon d. Tiinze. sS". Erfurt, n.d. Voss (Giufui Sophie W. C. Marie von). Neunundsechzig .Jahre am Preuss. Hofe. Aus d. Erinnerungen d. Grafin v. V. 8\ L. 1876 Sixty-nine years at the Court o£ Prussia, f. the recoils, ot V. Tr. E. & A. Stephenson. 2v. s8". 1876 Vossius (Gerardus), canon of Canterbury. De theologia gentili, et physiologia Christiana, [with Mosis Maimonidas de idololatria, cum interp. lat. etc. D. Vossii]. fol. Amsterdam!. 1668 Operum. tl-6. fol. Amstelodami. 1695-1701 see Hartsoekee (C.) & P. vax Limborch. Proestant. vir. epist. cedes. : a V., etc., ed. 2*. 1G84. Vostaert (Pennine) & P. Vostaert. Roman van Walewein. 2D. [Vereen. t. bevord. d. O. N. L.]. 8'. Leiden. 1846-8 Vostaert (Pieter), see Vostaert (Penninx). *Vote by Ballot : comedy. By one of the great unplayed. [P546]. sS". [1880] *Votum divo Ludovico quondam regi pro Ludovici Delphini institutione, 1609, see Louis XIII. VouUieme (Dr. Ernst). Die Incunabeln d. Koniglichen Universitats-Bibliothek zu Bonn. [Cent. f. Bibl., Beiheft 13]. 8". L. 1894 Voulot (Felix). Les Vosges avant I'hist. : habitants primitifs etc. 2" ed. lal". 1875 Voutier {!e col. ). Menis. sur la guerre actuelle des Grecs. 8". 1823 Vowell (John), (ift. Hooker. Life & times of Sir P. Carew, (f. the MS.) ; w. notes etc. by .J. JIaclean. 8». 1857 sec Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. ot tracts. Vox. *Vox clamantium : the gospel of the people, 1894, see Reid (A.) ed. *Vox populi : or newes from Spayne, 1620, see Scott (T.) *Vox populi, vox dei, [by D. Defoe .' or John, Lord Somers ?], 1709. The /'*' ed., 1~09, is wanting. On the tp. of the following ed. the icork is ascr. to Lord Somers. ,, ,, 10"' ed., [w. t. : The judgment of whole kingdoms etc. cone, the rights etc. of kings & the rights etc. of the people]. 80. 1771 Voyage. *Hist. d'uu v. litteraire fait en 1733 en France, Aug!., etc., 1735, see Jordan (C. E.) *.Journal d'un v. sur les costes d'.\frique etc., 1723, see Afrique. •Voyage au pays des roubles, 2' ed., 1877, see Golovin (I.) *Voyage dans les catacombes de Rome, 1810, see Artaud de MosTOB (A. F.) *Voyage dans les departemens dn midi. ■It in 5, [4 i, ii. Atlas, 4"]. 8o. 1807-11 Voyage de de'couvertes aux terres australes, 2<^ ed.,lS24, see Peron (F.) ed. *Voyage de deux Fran^ais en AUemague etc. (1790-2), 1796, see FoRTiA DE Piles (7c cte.) •Voyage (Le) de la saincte cyte' de Hierusalem, (1480), publ. C. Schefer, 1882, set- Jerusalem. Voyage de Siam des peres jesuites, 1689, see Tachard (G.) •Voyage du ci-devant due du Chatelet en Portugal, an vi [1798], see Desoteux de Cormatin. •Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, 3*^ ed., 1790, see Babth^- LEMV (J. J.) 'Voyage d'un Francois en Italie, 3'' ed., 1790, see Lalande (J. de). Voyage [continued]. •Voyage en divers etats d'Europe & d'Asie, eutrepris pour de- couvrir un nouv. cbemin A la Chine, etc., 1692, see Avril iP.) •Voyage en Espagne d'un ainbassadeur marocain (1690-91), tr., 1S84, see Espagne. Voyage (The) of Bran, son ot Febal, ed. & tr. K. Meyer, 1895-7, see Bran. •Voyage philosopb., polit., & litt. tait en Russie 17S8-9 ; tr. [i.e. written'] par Chantreau, 1794, see Chantreau (P. N.) •Voyage pittoresque de Paris, par M. D., 6' ed., 1778, seeDEZALLiEB d'Argexville (a. N.) •Voyage (A) round the world, 1785-8 ; ded. to Sir J. Banks by Capt. G. Dixon, 1789, see Bebesford (W.) •Voyage (A) to South America, & the Cape of Good Hope, in the Protector, coumiauded by Sir G. M. Keith, 1810, sec Keith (Sir G. M.) Voyager. *L'art de voyager utilement. [b.w. Las Casas (B. de). Voyages etc., 1698]. s8». Amsterdam. 1698 Voyages. Account of late voyages to S. & N., by Narborough, Tasman, Capt, J. Wood, & F. Marten, etc., 1694, see Account etc. Coll. de relations de voyages : S. Leczinski — Mesdames tantes du roi — Louis XVI — Louis XVIII — Napoleon, 1823, sec Collection etc. Coll. des %■*. des souverains des Pays-Bas, tl-4, 1876-82, see Pays- Bas. Coll. of orig. vs., 1699, see Hacke (W.) General coll. (A) of the best & most interesting v'*. tfc travels, 17v, 1808-14, see Pinkerton (J.) ed. General coll. (A) of voyages & discoveries, made by the Portuguese & Spaniards, dur. 15-16''' e'. 4''. 1789 Narratives ot v'. towards the N.-W. (1496-1631), 1849, sec Rundall (T.) eJ. Navigantium etc. bibliotheca ; voyages etc., rev. [by -J. Campbell], 1764, see Harris (John*, D.D. ed. A new general coll. of v**. & travels, 4v, 1745-7, sec Astlev (T.) ed. Relations de divers voyages curieux qui n'oiit point este publiees, ou qui ont este' traduites, 1603-72, see Thevexot (M.) ed. Voyages & discoveries in the Arctic regions, 1855, see Mavne (F.) ed. \"oyages d'Ali Bey el Abbassi en Afrique etc., 1814, see B.\dia-y- Leyblicii iD.) •Voyages d'Antenor, tr. [or rather written'] par Lantier, 2« ed., 1797, see Lantier (E. F. de). •Voyages de Pythagore etc., [1799], see Marechal (P. S.) Voyages faits principalemcnt en Asie dans les 1'2-15 s., 1735, see Bergeron (P.) ed. Voyages historiques de I'Europe. Avec cartes par M. de B. F. Suivant la copie de Paris. tit.lja.n&ye, Et. Foulque. s8". 1698-1701 Voyages historiques & geographiques dans les pays situes entre la Mer Noire & la Mer Caspienne. [Tliis is a re-prod, of Memoires hist. & geog. etc. etc., 4", 1796]. 4". 1798 Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions, et romans cabalistiques. 36t. Suppl. Hist, des Nautrages [veritables], 3t. 8". Amsterdam. 1787-89 Voyages (The) made by the Sieur D. B. to JIadagascar etc. (1669— 72», tr., 1897, sec Dluois ( ) Voyer d'Argenson (M. Antoine Kene de), marc[. de Paulmy, I'^JJ-S';, see Paulmy. Voyer de Paulmy (Rene Louis de), marq. d'Arcjenson, 1694- l~'n, see Argenson. Voyle {Major-Gen. G. E.) Milit. diet. By St.-Clair-Stevenson. i 3' Voynich (E. L.) The gadfly. The humour of Russia. Jack Raymond. Voysey (i,Vr. Charles). Defence on charges of heresy, Dec. 1869. [P514]. 8». 1869 Dognia V. morality : reply to Church Congress. [P221, 493, 700]. S". 1866 Farewell address, Healaugh, July 30, 1871. [P493]. s8». [1871] The Greek church in Eastern Europe ; sermon, July 8, 1877. [P325]. 8". 1877 Inaugural discourse at St. George's Hall, Oct. 1, 1871. [PoOO]. 8°. 1871 Lecture on rationalism. [P493]. 8". 1871 Lectures on the Bible, & the theistic faith & its founda- tions. [P348]. 8". 1881 ass. by G. de ' ed. sS". 1876 s8". 1897 sSii. 1895 .sS". 1901 Letter to the Lords on pres. rel. of Church & State. 8>. 1883 The mystery of pain, death, sin : & disc'', in refut. of atheism & pessimism. n. ed. 58". 1892 The priest in absolution : sermon, July 1,1877. [P325]. 8". 1S77 Religion. [P493]. 8". [1872] The revised Prayer-Book, for St. George's Hall. Comp. by V. s8". 187L Sermons [22]. [P493, 496, 500]. 8». 1864-1875 The " sling & the stone." vl-lft [vl, 2, 8, 9 leantiyig]. s8". 1868-9S Testimony ot the Gospels cone. Jesus. 8". 1896: VOYSEY 1553 WACHTER 1871. Jesus. Jesus, On the deity of by the wife of a "Voysey (/iVc Charles) [conlimiedl. Theism as a science. s8". 1895 beneficed clergyman, eJ. Theism: the lelig. o( common t m ,-, tn , m. 1894 **" '^ ToucHE (J. D.) The judgment of tlie Committee see Conway (M.D.) The V. case of Council iu the case of f. an heretical stand-point, y. 1871. „ ■Wheelwright (G.) Three letters on the V. judgment etc., 1871. ^Vraie cronicque (La) d'Escoce [Roxburghc Club], 1847, see Anktiiutheu (K.) ed. Vreede (Georg Willem). Inleiding tot eene Gesch. der Xeder- landsche Diplomatie. Gedeelte 1, 2 in 3v, [2 i, ii]. 8". Utrecht. 1856-01 Geschiedenis der Diplomatie van de Bataafscbe Republiek. Deel 1, 2 in 3v [2, i, ii]. 8". Utrecht. 1863-5 Hederland en Zweden in staatkundige betrekking. AHvg. 1, 2, (1, 1523-1611. 2, 1611-18). [P333]. 8". Utrecht. 1841-4 see M.iULnoRouGH (J., /" duke of). Corr. de M., Heinsius, Hop, etc., 1850. T'ridank, see Frfadxkk. Vries (Hugo de). Die Mutationstheorie. Bl, (Die Entstehung d. Arten durch Mutation). Ia8". 1901 Tries (Matthias de) & L. A. Te "Winkel. Woordenlijst voor de spelling der nederlandsche taal. 3'^ uitg. s8". 's Gravenhage. 1881 Vrignault (Henri) ^is., see Didier (Urb.un). "Vrijmoedige [Vrymoedige]. *Vrymoedige aanmerkingen over de Zedige beproeving etc., 1757, sec Wagen.\ab (J.) Vrijstaat (Oranje), see Orange Eiver Coi-ony. Tsevolojsky (N. S.) Diet, g^ograph.-hist. de I'empire de Eussie. 2t in 1. 2" ed. 8". Moscou. 1823 Tiihrer (A.) Hist, de la dette publique en France. 2t. Ia8". 1886 Vuillier (Gaston). Les iles oubliees : les Bal^ares, la Corse, la Sardaigne. Ia4<>. 1893 Vuillier (Gaston) [cciUimced]. The forgotten isles : travel in the Balearic I., Corsica, Sardinia. [Tr.J F. Breton. laS^. 1896 Hist, of dancing. [Tr.] 4s. ? Vulgarius (Eugenius), see Dummlek (E. L.) Auxilius u. V.. 1866. Vulpian (A.), p'o/. at the Faculti dc MMecinc, Paris. Physio- logic du systeme nerveux. R&d. par E. Brtimond. 8". 1866 Vulpius (Christiane), aft. Goethe, see Goethe (C.) Vulpius (Jos. R.), .st'f VoLi'i (GiosEppE Rocco). Vultejus (Johan), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 13, v., 1871. Vychan (Idris), see Jones (John), called I. V. Vymazal (Fr.) Die Kunst, d. bulgar. Sprache zu erlernen. [B. d. Spr.-K.]. s8". Wien. n.d. Vynne (Nora). A comedy of honour. sS". 1895 The priest's marriage. s8". 1899 Vyre (F. de). Marie-Antoinette, 1755-93. 8". 1889 Vyse (Griffln W.) Egypt : polit., financ, strategical. s8 ■. 1882 Vyse {Mrs. L. Howard-), see Howard-Vyse. Vyse (Richard 'Williain Howard), colonel. Operations at the Pyramids of Gizt-h, 1837 etc. vl, 2 A App., v3. laS". 1840-2 Vyvyan (Courtenay Bourchier). Precis of information cone, the British Central Africa Protectorate, w. notes on adjoining territories. [War Office]. 8". 1899 Vyvyan {Sir Richard R.), bart. Letter to magistrates of Berkshire upon their practice of consigning to solit. confine- ment before trial, etc. [P142J. 8". [1845^ w "W. (J.), see *So3iE remarks upon a speech made to the Grand Jury for Middlesex, [signed J. W.], 1682. "W. (S.), sec Treaties. A gen. coll. of t". etc. [in vJ of ivh. is a dcd. to Sir II. Walpole, signed " ,S. TF."], 1732. W. G., sec Grace (William Gilbert). "Waagen (Gustav Friedrich). Kunstwerke u. Kiinstler in Deutschland. 2B. sS". L. 1843-5 Kunstwerke u. Kiinstler in England u. Paris. 3B. s8". Berlin. 1837-9 tjber H. u. J. van Eyck. [J.jc. Schopenhauer (J.), J. van Eyck, 1822]. s8". Breslau. 1822 Transl.itions. Galleries & cabinets of art in Gt. Brit. Suppl. v. to " Treasures of art." 8". 1857 liubens, h. life & genius. Tr. R. R. Noel, ed. Mrs. Jameson. s8°. 1840 Treasures of art in Gt. Brit. 3v. 8". 1854 Works of art & artists in England. [Tr. by H. E. Lloyd]. 3v. s8'>. 1838 Sfc KuGLER (F. T.) Hdbk. of painting: German etc. schools, enl''. by W., 1860 ; n. ed., 1879. TVaal (Anton de). Archaologische Ehrengabe d. Romischen Quartalschrift zu De Rossi's LXX. Geburtstage. Ia8". Roma. 1892 "Waal (D. C. de). With Rhodes in Mashonaland. Tr. s8". Cape Town. 1896 Wace (Henry), Z>.D. Xty. & agnosticism: reviews of recent attacks on the faith. 8'. E. 1895 JCty. & morality : corresp. of Gospel w. moral nature of man. Boyle L«., 1874, 5. 8". 1876 2"''ed. s8". 1877 Foundations of faith. [Bampton L'., 1879]. 8'. 1880 The Gospel . L. 1854 Schamyl : the sultan etc. Tr. fr. the German of F. W. & F. s8". 1854 C. W., d. t'.agicorum 1844- Bodensfedt, by L. Wraxall. Wagner (Friedrich Christian), see WELTncn (P..) Bauer u. Dichter zu Warmbronn, 1898. Wagner (Friedrich Wilhelm) ed., Poetarum Grajcorum fragmenta. Ed. F. G. W. 3v. 8". Vratislavia>. Wagner (Hermann). Lelubueh der Geographic. Bl, [i>n)rog.]. 8". Hannover. 190O f/ giinzlich uingearbeitcte A.v. Guthe -Wagner's Lclirbtick der Geographic. Wagner (Johann Jacob), prof, at Wiirzburg. Homer u. Hesiod, ein Versuch ii. (1. griech. Alterthum. 8'. Ulra. 1850 ! WAGNER 1555 WAITZ Wagner (Moritz). lliirwiu'sche Theorie u. d. Migra- tionsgesetz. [P548]. 8°. Leipzig. 18fi8 Der Kaukasus, u. cl. Land d. Kosaken, 1843-G. '2B ill 1. b8». Dresden. 1848 Heise nach dera Ararat u. Anne- ' nien. 8". Stuttgart. 1848 ! & C. Scherzer. Die Eepublik Costa Kica etc., 18-53-4. Wagner (Richard) [fWii.HEi.M li. Wagner]. ReisenacliKolchis. sS". L. 1830 Reise nach Persien u. d. Lande d. Kurden. 2B in 1. s8". L. 1852 Travels in Persia, Georgia, Koordiatan. s8". 1856 Eeisestudien 8'. L. 1856 Briefweclisel zw. W. ii. Liszt. 2B. Ia8'\ L. 1887 Dix ecrits dc W. Avant-propos par H. Silege. 88". 1898 Gesammelte Schriften u. Dieh- tungen. lOB in 5. 8". L. 1871-83 lOB in 5. 2<- A. s8". L. 1887-8 Jesus V. Nazareth. Ein dichter- ischer Entwurf. 8". L. 1887 Nacligelassene Schriften u.Dich- tungen. 8". Leipzig. 1895 Oper u. Drama. 2'' A. 8°. L. 1869 Traum u. Rausch. b8". L. v.d. " Zukniif tsmusik." Brief als Vorwort zu e. Prosa-Ubers. s. Operiidichtuugen, [P540J. 8». L. 1861 Tn.VNSLATIONS. W.'s prose works. Tr. W. A. Ellis. 8v. 8'. 1892-90 1, The art-work of the fu- ture, etc. 2, Opera & drama. 3, The theatre. 4, Art & ix)lities. 5, Actors & singers, li, Religion & art. 7, In Paris & Dresden. 8, Postliuinous,etc. — [Chro- nolog. table of con- tents of the 8v]. W. : tr., avec intr. et notes [par] Le cte. de Chambrun et S. Legis. 2t. 8". 1895 Beetho%'en ; w. suppl. from Scho- penhauer. Tr. E. Dannreuther. s8". 1880 Corresp. of "W. & Liszt. Tr. P. Hueffer. Sv. r8". 1888 Letters to A. Rockel. Tr. E. C. Sellar, w. essay by H. S. Chamberlain. s8'. Bristol. [1897] Letters to E. Heekel : w. brief hist, of the Bavrenth festivals. Tr. etc. "W. A. Ellis. sS". 1899 Letters to h. Dresden friends. Tr. .J. S. Shedlock. sS". 1890 Tietters to Wesendonck et al. Tr. W. A. Ellis. s8". 1899 The master-singers of Nurem- berg. [Tr.] H. & F. Corder. s8'\ Mayence. n.d, "The music of the future." Tr. E. Dannreuther. [P331]. 8". 1873 The Nibclung's ring : Eng. words in the allit. verse of the orig. ; by A. Forman. S8". 1877 „ „ ... re-issue. 88". n.d. The Niblung's ring : Eng. words to W.'s Ring d. N. ; tr. by F. Jameson. b8i. [1897] Parsifal. Tr. H. L. & F. Corder. [Germ. (C Eng.] e8". Mayence. n.d. Parsifal. In Eng. verse ; by A. Formau. s8". 1899 Parsifal. Tr. nouv. s'adaptant a la musique par J. Gautier. s8". 1898 Benoit. b8°. 1884 Souvenirs. Tr. C. Tristan and Isolde. [Tr.] in metres of orig. by A. Forman. s8". 1897 References. see Agnew(P.L.) A run through the " Nibelung's Ring," 1898. „ Ciiajibeblain (H. S.) Le drame wagnerien, 1894. „ "W., tr., 1897. „ Ch.^mbri'n (le cte. de). W. A Carlsriihe, 1898. „ W. ;\ Munich, Frauc- fort, Nice, 1898. „ Cor (J.) Les maitres-chan- teurs de W., 1898. „ FiNCK (H. T.) W. & h. works ; h. life, w. crit. comments, 1893. ,, Gautier (Jud.) AV. & s. cvuvre poet., 1882. „ Grand-Carteret (J.) W. en caricatures, 1891. „ Gr.4NDM0UGIn(C.) Esquisse sur W., 1873. ,, Hadow (W. H.) Studies in mod. music, [si], 3'''' ed., 1896. 1 „ Hebert (M.) Le sentiment religieux dans I'of^uvre de R. W., 1894. „ Trois moments de la I pensee de R. W., 1893. I „ HipPEAU (E.) Parsifal & I I'opera wagnerienne, 1883. ' „ Hl-effer (F.) W., 1881; 2'"' ed., 1883. I ,, ■ ■ W. & the music of the future, 1874. ,, . ■ W.'s Parsifal : attempt at analysis, 1884. Imbert{H.) Rembrandt tt AV., 1897. Irvine (D.) AWagnerian's midsummer madness, 1899. W.'s Ring, tt the con- ditions of ideal manhood, 1897. j ,, JuLLiEN (A.l W., sa vie, s. ' ' cEuvres, 1886. ., KiESEWETTER (C.) Faust in d. Gesch. u. Tradition. Als Anhang : Die Wagnersage ' u. d. Wagnerbuch, 1893. j „ KoBBE (G.) How to nnder- ' stand W.'s Ring, 6"' ed., j 1893. ; „ Krehbiel (H. E.) Studies in the Wagnerian drama, n. ed., 1893. ,, KuFFER.iTHlM.) Musiciens & philosophes : W. etc., 1899. „ Theiitre de Wagner: essais [i« j)rog.\ 1891 etc. „ Le theatre de W. : Les maitres-chanteurs, 1898. I ,, Lavignac (A.) Le voyage artistique i Bayreuth, 1897. I ,, Lichtenberger (H.) W., poi!te etc., 1898; S<-M.,1902. Ltszt (F.) Ges. Schriften: B3, ii, W., iibertr., 1881. Maud i Constance). W.'s heroes, 1895. W.'s heroines, 1896. Wagner (Richard) {conlinucd]. References [continuecT\. fee Newman (E.) A study of W., 1899. „ Nietzsche (F.) Werke, B8 ; Der Fall Wagner— Nietz- sche contra Wagner, 1895- 1901. „ — — Unzeitgemiisse Be- trachtungcn : B2, W. in BajTeuth, 2'= A., 1893. „ The case of W. — Nietz- sche contra Wagner ; tr., 1896. „ W. 3,Bayreuth, tr.,1877. „ Pfordten (H., FWjc.v. der). Handlung u. Diclitung d. Biihnenwerke Wagners nach i. Grundlagen in Sage u. Gesch., 1899. „ Pr.\eger (F.) W. as I knew him, 1892. „ ScHURE (E.) Le drame musical : 2, W., 1875. sfi- SERViiSRF.sfG.) W. juge en France, 1887. „ ShawiBern.\rd). The per- fect Wagnerite ; a comm . on the Ring, 1898. „ S0CBIES(A.)i'C.MALHEHBE. L'oeuvre dramat. de W., 1886. ,, Tiersot (J.) Etude sur les Maitres-Chanteurs, 1899. „ Waddell (P. H.) Parsifal at Bayreuth, 1894. „ Weiksheimer (W.) Erleb- nisso mit W. etc., 1898. „ Weston(J. L.) Thelegends of the Wagner drama, 1890. ,, WiNWORTH (F.) The epic of sounds ; interp. of W.'s Nibelungen Ring, 1897. „ WoLZOGEN (H. V.) Fiihrer dnrch d. Musik zn W.'s " Ring d. Nib.," n. A., n.tl. „ Wv/.ewa(T. de). Beethoven et W., 1898. Wagner (Rudolf v.) Manual of chemical technology. Tr. W. Crocker. Ia8". 1892 Wagner (Wilhelm). PJi.D. Asgavd & the Gods ; adapt, by M. W. Macdowall. 8°. 1880 Epics ct romances of the middle age.s ; adapted by M. W. Macdowall, ed. Anson. 8". 1883 Wagniere (Jean Louis), see Longch.uip (S. 6.) Mem\ sur Voltaire, par L. & W., s. secretaires, 1826. Wagstaffe (John), M.A.. of Oriel, Oxford. The question of witchcraft debated. " 2"" ed. s8". 1671 Wagstaffe (Ucv. Thomas), sec Somers (J. S., haron). Coll. of tracts. Wagstaffe (W.), .V.D. Miscellaneous works, w. his life etc. 2"'' ed. 8». 1726 Wah-kee-nah, see Strong (J. C.) W. A her people, 1893. Wahl (Anne de), see De W.<.hl (k.) Wahl (Maurice). L'Algerie. 3' ed. 8". 1897 Wahl (0. W.) The land of the Czar. S''. 1875 Wahle (Julius). Das Weimarer Hoftheater unter Goethes Leitung. [Goethe-Gesell., 6]. 8". Weimar. 1892 Wahle (Richard). Erkliirung d. Ethik v. Spinoza u. Dar- stcllung d. dcfinitiven Philosophic. sS''. Wien. 1899 Wahlstadt (G. L. v. Bliicher, FUrst v.), see BiA'CHEr.. *Wahre (Die) Weihe d. ZweiHcrs, 1' A., [w.t.: Lehre v. d. Siinde u. v. Versohner], 1851, see Tholuck (F. Aug.) *Wahrhafte Beleuchtung d. Lebensge.^ch. d. Frhrn. v. d. Trenck, [a. not knoion, 1787 ; 2' A., lo.t. : *N;ihere Beleuchtung etc. , 1788, see Trenck (F., Frhr. v. d.) Wahrmund (A.) Babjlonierthuni, Judenthum, u. Christen- thum. 8". L. 1882 Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition. Argyllshire ser. 80. 1839-91 1, Argyllshire ser. ; ed. etc. by Ld. A. Campbell. 2, Folk & hero tales ; coll., ed., & tr., by D. Maclnnes. With notes by the ed. & A. Nutt. [Folk-Lore Soc, 25.] 3, Folk & hero tales, ed. etc. J. Macdongall. 4, The Fians ; coll. by J. G. Campbell. Stella & Vanessa. [Tr.] Wailly (Armand F. Leon de). Lady 1850 1899 1). Gordon. 2v in 1. s8 Wailly (Gustave de). Le scrmeut de Lucette. s8'. Wailly (Joseph Noel) [_di( N.walis]. El(5ments de pak'o- graphie. 2t. lal". 1838 Wainewright (Thomas Griifiths). Essays & criticisms. Ace. of the a. by W. C. Hazlitt. s8". 1880 Wainwright (Sam.) Scientific sophisms. s8". 1881 Wairy (Louis Constant), sec Coxst.vnt (L.) Waite (Arthur Edw.) Devil-worship in France. s8». 1896 I Lives of alchemystical philo- I sophers : Bibliography of alchemy it hermetic philo- | sophy. " 8". 1888 | Waitz (Georg). Deutsche Kase The mysteries of magic, a digest of E. Levi. 8". 1886 The occult sciences. 38". 1891 Real hist, of the Rosicrucians. s8». 1887 ' V. Karl d. Gr. bis Maximilian. Neuc \. 8 '. n.d. 5 n 2 WAITZ 1556 WALCOTT [Anthro- 8^ 1863 1868 1889 1888 s8'>. 8-. "Waitz (Georg) [ccmtinucd]. Deutsche Verfassungsgeschiehte. 8B. 8». Kiel. 1865-78 B-IS have J'"' tjf. : Die deutsdie Eeichsverfassung v. d. Mitte d. ix. bis z. M. d. xii.Jhdts. Bl-3, in 4 [2 i, ii]. 8^ 1880-3 1, Verfg. d. deutschen Volks in altester Zeit. •2, 3, Verfg. d. friink. Eeichs. Bl, 2. Gesta episcoporum Tulleiisium ed. G. W., sec Migne {.J. P.) ed., Pat. latiua, tl57. Gesta Treverorum, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl54. Historische Aufsatze dem Audenken an G. W. gewidmet. 8». Hannover. 1886 Jahrbiither d. Deutschen Reichs nnter Konig Heinrich I. Neue Bearb. 8°. 18(33 Urknnden z. deutschen Verfassungsgesch. im 10., 11., u. 12..Jhdt. 2' A. 8". 188G Vidukindi res gestse Saxon, ed. G. W., see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. lat,, tl37. see Carjien de bello Saxonico etc., 1870. „ Dahlm.^xn (F. C.) Quellenkiinde d. deutschen Gesch., 3' A., neu zusammengestellt v. W., 1869 ; i' A., 1875 ; 6' A., 1894. „ H.vxTHAisEN (A. V.) ed., Consid. sur la nature du principe constitutionnel ; trait^s par W. etc., tr., 1865. Waitz (Theodor). Anthropologie d. Naturvolker. Tl-6 in 7. 8". L. 1859-72 1, Einheit d. Menschengeschlechtes etc. 2, Negervolker. 3, 4, Amerikaner. 5 i, ii, 6, Volker d. Siidsee [by G. Gerland]. Inti-od. to anthropology. Ed. J. F. CoUiugwood. polog. Soc] Wake (C. Staniland). Chapters on man etc. The development of marriage & kinship. S.-rpeiit-worship, JL- o. essays : \v. chap, on totemism. 8". sec WrsTitorr (H. M.) & W., Anc. symbol worship, 1875. Wake (Charles Henry Middleton-), sec Midijleton-W.\ke. Wake (Sir Isaac). Ilex Platonicus : s. de Jacobi Brit, regis ad Acad. Oxon. adventu, Aug. 27, 1605. ed. G*. s8". Oxonise. 1663 Wake (Robert). Southwold, and its vicinity. S". Yarmouth. 1839 Wake (William), bp. of (/) Lincoln (J) a6j). of Cankibury. Authority of Xtn. princes over their Synods asserted. s8'\ 1697 *Exposition of the doctrine of the Church of Eng., in the articles proposed by M. de Meaux [i.e. Bossuet], in b. expos, of the doctrines of the Catholick Church. [P277]. s4''. 1686 The genuine epistles of the apostol. Fathers, Clement — Ignatius — Polycarp — Barnabas — the Pastor of Hermas ; & martyrdoms of Ignatius & Polycarp. Tr., w. disc'., by W. 4'" ed. s8". 1737 [ajjo//j. ffZ.] s8". Oxford. 1840 Sermon before the House of Lords, Nov. 5, 1705. [P255]. 34". 1706 State of the Church of England, etc. Occasion'd by a book [by Atterbury] " Rights etc. of Convocation." fol. 1703 see Attekhury (F.), bj). Bights etc. of Convocation, in ans. to W., 1700. „ Kexnet (W.), Ip., The office of a bp. : sermon at conseo. of [W., 1705], 1706. „ Litton (.1. H.) W. it the project of union (1717-20) betw. Galilean ct Anglican churches, 1896. „ S.icHEVERELL (H.) Ti'val [b. u. 7i'Iiieh (as aj)}}'- ?) is : The bp. of Lincoln's & the bp. of Norwich's speeches at opening of the 2'"' article], 1710. Wakedius, see Mchammah ibn 'Umae, Al-Wdkidi. Wakefield. Court Rolls of Manor of W. Ed. W. P. Baildon. I Yurkshiro Arch. Soc, Bee. Ser., 29]. vl. 8". 1901 Wakefield (Charles Cheers). Future trade in the Far East. s8». 1896 Wakefield (Edward). New Zealand after fifty years. 8". [1889] Wakefield (Edward), !774-'tSo.i. An account of Ireland. 2v. 4-. 1812 Wakefield (Edward (Jibbon). •England tt America. 2v. 8". 1833 *A letter from Sydney; ed. E. Facts rel. to the punishment of Gouger. sS". 1829 death in the metropolis. View of tlie art of colonization. s8". 1831 8°. 1849 see G.utNETT(R.) E.G. 'W., 1898. Wakefield (Edward Jerningham). Adventure in New Zea- land, 1839-44. 2v. 8'. 1845 Wakefield (Gilbert). Address to the inhabitants of Notting- ham, with app. on the Test Laws. [P19, 590]. 8'. 1789 Wakefield (Gilbert) [continjied]. Correspondence w. C. J. Fox, 1796-1801, chiefly on classical lit. 8". 1813 Expediency of public worship. [P32]. 8". 1791 In Euripidis Hecubam Londini nuper publ. [P515]. 8". 1797 Letter to J. Bryant, cone. h. dissertation on the war of Troy. [P752]. 4'>. 1797 Mems. of G. W. 2v. (1, by himself, n. ed. ; 2, by the edd. of vl). 8". 1804 New tr. of 1 Thess. as specimen, by W. [P73]. 8". Warrington. 1781 Poemata, Lat. partim scripta, part. redd. ; ace. in Horatium observ. 4". Cantabrigise. 1776 see Bakbauld (Mis.) On W.'s " Publ. Worship," 1792. Wakefield (Priscilla). Nat. hist. etc. of insects. sS". 1816 Wakefield (William), traveller in India. The happy valley ; Kashmir & the Kashmiris. 8'. 1879 Life, yet not life. s8'. 1891 Wakeman (Annie) ps. [i.e. Mrs. L. A. Lathrop]. The auto- biographv of a charwoman. s8'. 1900 see LATHRor (L.) & W.. Lai, [1890]. Wakeman (Henry Offley). The ascendancy of France, 1598- 1715. [P. of E. H., 5.] sS". 1894 Hist, of relig. in England. s8". 1885 Introd. to liist. of Church of England. 2"'* ed. sS". 1896 „ , 31-ii ed. s8". 1897 „ 5"ied. s8". 1898 Life of C. J. Fox. s8». 1890 „ „ 2"''ed. s8'. 1897 The Chnrcli it the Puritans, 1570-lCGO. s8". 1SS7 & A. Hassall, edd. Essays introd. to Eng. Constitut. Hist. ■ s8". 1887 Wakeman (Thomas). For archicolog. papers by 0. Morgan & T. II'. i')! CK'llah., see Morgan (Octavil's). Wakeman (William F.) Archa^ologia Hibernica : hdbk. of Irish antiq'., pagan & Xtn. s8'. D. 1848 2'<''ed. s8». D. 1891 Wakidi, sec Muhamjiad iiix 'Umar, Al-Wukidt. Wakley (Ih.oma.s,), founder of the ''Lancet," see Spbigge (S. S.) Lite .t tnne^ of W., 1897. Walafridus Strabus, see Stiiabo (W.) Walam Olum (The), etc., 1885, see Bbinton (D. G.) Lib. of aborig. Amer. lit., o. Walbeck (Dithmar v.), bp. of Merseburg, see Ditmarus. Walbran (John Richard). The antiq". of Gaintord. pi [no more publ. Wants tp.] 8". Ripon. 1846 A guide to Ripon, Fountains Abbey, Harrogate, Bolton priory etc. 12"' ed., rev. by Canon Raine & W. F. Stephenson. 8'. Ripon. 1875 Memorials of the abbey of St. Mary of Fountains. [Surtees Soc. 42, 67]. vl, 2, i. 8'. 1863-78 Walburga, Saint [Walpubgis] [Vitie], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl29, 140. Walch (Chr. W. F.) Bibl. symbolica ex monimentis 5 priprum seculorum max. coll., etc. s8'. Lemgoviie. 1770 Historic d. Kezereien, Spaltungen etc., bis aut d. Zeiten d. Reformation. IIB. 8\ L. 1762-85 Walch (Johann Georg) [W.vlchius]. Bibl. patristica. ed. nova, adorn, etc. ab I. T. L. Danzio. 8'. lense. 1834 Bibl. theologica selecta. 4t. 8". lenaB. 1757-65 Hist. crit. lingujE Latinae. ed. 3". s8". L. 1761 Walckenaer (baron Charles Athanase). Geographic anc. hist. & corap. des Gaules cisalp. it transalp., suiv. de I'analyse geograph. des itineraires auc. 3t in 1. [Atlas. 4<>.] 8°. 1839 Hist, de La Fontaine. 8'\ 1820 Hist. d'Horaee. 2t. 8'. 1810 Mems. touchant la vie it les ecrits de [Mme.] de Sevigne. Walcker (Carl), Doccnt in Charhow. Russlands. Gp, [to 16S0. p6 par Aubenas. p3, 2'' ed. ; p4, !<■ ed.] s8'. 1852-75 Recueil des notices sur menibres decedes de I'Acad. des Insor. & Belles-Lettres, lSJl-50, suivi d'exam. des ouvr. corap. par Freret. laS". 1850 Vies de plus, persounages celt-bres des temps anc. & mod. 2t in 1. 8". Laon. 1830 Die gegenwartige Lage 80. L. 1873 Walcker (Carl), b. 1S39 ; Doccnt in Leipzig. Grundriss d. Weltgeschichte u. d. Quellenkunde fiir Historiker u. andere Gebildete. 8'. Karlsruhe. 1892 Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles). The Abbey of S. Mary, Cleeve, Somerset, w. illusts. of Cistercian ritual etc. [P638]. 4^ [1876] WALCOTT 1557 WALK Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles) [continued]. Church & conventual arrangement. 8'. [18C1] Church work & life in English minsters. 2v. s8". 1879 The Constitutions * Canons Eccles. of the Church of Eng., referred to their sources, w. notes. s8". O. 1874 The East Coast of England. 88". 1861 The Eng. Ordinal : hist., validity etc. s8». 18-51 Guide to the mts., lakes, it N.W. coast, of England. sS". 1860 Guide to the S. coast. sS". 1859 Hist, of the parish church of St. Margaret in Westminster, f. 1064. 8>. Westminster. 1847 Memorials of Westminster. n. ed. 8". 1851 Sacred archtcology : diet, of eccl. art & institutions. 8". 1868 Scoti-Monasticon : the anc. Church of Scotland : a hist, of cathedrals, conventual foundations, collegiate churches, and hospitals of Scotland. 4". 1874 Traditions & customs of cathedrals. 38". 1872 2'«'ed. s8". 1872 Waldberg (Max Frlir. v.) Die gaknte Lyrik. 8". Strassburg. 1885 "Waldeck (Frederic de). Voyage pittoresque * archtolog. dans la prov. d'Yucatan, 1834-6. fol. 1838 Waldeck (Friedrich Meyer von), ps. [i.e. F. Meyer], see Meyer von Waldeck (F.) ps. Waldeck (Graf Georg Friedrich v.) see EnDM.iNNSDoRFFEK (B.) W., 1869. „ MuLLEK (P. L.) Wilhelm III v. Oranien und G. F. v. W., 1873-80. Waldeck-Rousseau (P. M.) Associations & congregations. 88". 1901 Waldegrave (James W., -'"' earl). Mems., 1754-8. 4". 1821 Waldegrave (Hon. Samuel), bp. of Carlisle. New Test, mille- narianism. [Bampton L'., 1854] . 8". 1855 Waldensis (Thomas), sec Netter (T.) Waldensis. Waldhauser (Conrad), see Bohringer (F.) Die Kirche Christ! : B21, W., 2' A., 1864. Waldmiiller (Robert) ps., see Duboc (C. Ed.) Waldo, The family of, see Jones (M. C.) Notes resp. the f. of W., 1863. Waldo (Frank). Modern meteorology. S8". 1893 Waldron (Francis Godolphin). The literary museum : or ancient tt mod. repository. [I}), irantivg}. Waldron (George) [ps. G. Barrington] (George) ps. Waldron (George), of Queen's Coll., Oxford. Man, 1731. Ed. W. Harri.son. [Manx Soc, 8». 1792 Barrington Wales (George Frederick Ernest Albert, p''""'^ of). see Wallace (D. M.) The web of empire, 1902. „ Watson (.Jos.) The Queen's wish, 1902. Wales (William), F.R.S. On Forster's ace. of Cook's last voyage. [P13]. 8". 1778 State of population in Eng.it Wales, [a.c. b.w. Price (R.) Essay on pop. 2'"' ed. 1780]. [P62]. 8". 1781 Walewain, see Vostaert (P.) it P. Vost.\ert, W., 1846-S. Walezy (Henryk), king of Poland, see Henry III. Walford (Cornelius). Fairs, past * present. 8°. 1883 The famines of the world. 8". 1879 The Insurance Cyclopaedia. \l-5. [no more publ.] Ia8\ 1871-8 Walford (Edward), M.A., of Balliol, Oxfd. Descr. of Isle of 11]. 8". Douglas. 1865 Waldstein (Charles). Essays on the art of Pheidias. laS". C. 1885 The expansion of western ideals, it the world's peace. s8". 1899 The work of Buskin : its influence. sS". 1894 see American School of Classical Stithes at Athens. Exca- vations, 1892 ; by C. W., no. 1, 1892. Waldstein (Louis), il/.I). The sub-conscious self & its rel. to education it health. s8". 1897 Waldteufel (Edouard). La politique etrangure de Louis XIV: eonquete de Hollande. s8''. 1898 Wale (Rev. Henry John). Sword and surplice ; 30 yrs. rerainisc. 8". 1880 My grandfather's pocket-book. 8". 1883 Wales. Ancient laws it institutes of Wales; compr. laws supposed to be by Howel the Good, modified by subsequent regulations prior to the conquest by Edw. I ; it anomalous laws, princ. institutions wh. by the statute of Euddlan were admitted to continue ; with Eng. tr. Added, a few Lat. transcripts, cont. digests of the Welsh laws, princ. of the Dimetian code. Indexes & glossary. [Ed. Aneurin Owen]. fol. 1841 Four (The) ancient books of W., 1868, see Skene (W. F.) Letters from W. : republ. of letters in the " Times." s8". 1889 Love (The) of W. to their soveraigne prince (1616), repr. 1837, see PowEL (Dan.) Ordnance Survey: England & Wales [18-57-95], 1859-97, see Obdn.^nce etc. Tour (A) in Wales [1773], 2v, 1778-84, see Pennant (T.)_ Wales illustrated in a ser. of views engraved f. drawings by Gastineau, 1830, see Gastineau (H.) see Thomas (D. Lleufer). Welsh Land Commission : digest of report, 18%. „ University College of Wales, Aberystwith. Wales (Albert Edward, p-iuce of), see Edward 'VII. Chapters from family chests. 2v. sS". 1887 The crown peerage for 18G8. s8°. 18G8 Editor V. publisher : letter to Lord Talbot de Malabide. [P380]. bHO. 1881 „ „ [P791]. 2'"' ed. 88". 1881 Greater London : hist. etc. 2v. Ia8". n.d. Holidays in home counties. s8'. 1880 Juvenal. [Anc. class, for Eng. read.]. s8". Edinb. 1872 Londoniana. 2v. 88". 1879 W. Pitt, a biog. s8°. 1890 Walford (Lucy Bethia). The archdeacon. sS". 1898 The baby's grandmother. 3v. s8". E. 1884 „ „ ... 4'" ed. s8i. E. 1884 A bubble. sS". 1895 Cousins. n. ed. s8". E, 1879 Dick Netherby. sS". E. 1881 Four biographies from " Black- wood " ; Jane Taylor — Eliz. Fry — Hannah More — Mary Somerville. sS". Ediub. 1888 Frederick. b8». 1895 The havoc ot a smile. s8". 1890 Her great idea, it o. s. S"' ed. s8". 1889 The history of a week. 68". E. 1886 The intruders, new imp. 88°. 1898 Iva Kildare. n. ed. s8<>. 1897 The matchmaker. n. ed. s8o. 1895 A mere child. s8". 7i.d. Pleasant days in pleasant places. s8". 1878 Tales of our great families. [Ser. 1], 2v. Ser. 2, 2v. s8". 1S77-80 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1890 see Shilling (The) baronetage; by E. W., 1859-67. „ Shilling (The) House of Commons ; by E. W., 1859-76. „ SntLLiXG (The) peerage ; by E. W., 18.59-76. „ Thornbury (G. W.) Old & new London [v3-0 by E. IF.], 1873-8. The mischief of Monica. 3v. sS". 1891 „ „ J8» 1892 Mr. Smith : a part of his hie. 2v. s8». E. 1874 „ „ ster. ed. 98°. E. 1875 Nan, & o. s. 2v. s8". E. 1885 The one good guest. s8o. 1892 One of ourselves. 88". 1900 Pauline. S"" ed. e8". E. 1878 „ n. ed. s8". n.d. A pinch of experience. t8". 1891 "Ploughed," it o. s. s8". 1894 A sage ot sixteen. 88". 1889 Sir Patrick : the Puddock. 98". 1899 A stiff-necked generation. 3v. s8\ E. 1889 Successors to the title. 88°. 1896 Troublesome daughters. 3v. s8". E. 1880 „ „ ... n. ed. s8». E. 1880 Walford (Neville Lloyd). The parliamentary generals of the Great Civil War. s8". 1886 Walford's antiquarian etc. vl-12, [v2, 4 wanting]. 8\ [1882-7] Walford's county families of the United Kingdom. 18"', 23'"', 27'", 30"', 32'"', 37'", 41", annual publ[s.] Ia8'\ 1878-1901 Walhouse (Edward John), aft. E. J. Littleton, -I" baron Hatherton, see Hathekton. Walingforde, sec Walling ford. Waliszewski (K.) Autour d'un tidne : Catherine II, s. colla- borateurs, s. amis, s. favoris. Ia8". 1894 L'heritage de Pierre le Grand : vkgne des femmes— gouverne- ment des favoris, 1725-41. bi8". 1900 Litt^rature russe. [Hist', des litf.]. s8". 1900 Marysienka, Marie de La Grange D'Arquien, reine de Pologne, femme de Sohieski (1641-1716). 8". 1898 Pierre le Grand. l'^^"- 1^9'' 2'^. Ia8". 1897 Le" roman'd'une imporatrice : Catherine II d'ap. s. m^ms., sa corresp., docs. in6d. \a.f^'. 1893 ^ i' eHi. 8". 1893 », »» Translations. Hist, of Russian lit. s8". 1900 Marysienka, queen of Poland, wife of Sohieski, 1641-1716. Tr. Ladv M. Loyd. 8". 1898 Peter d. Grosse. deutsche Ausg. v. W. Bolin. 2B. s»'. 1899 Peter the Great. Tr. Lady M. Loyd. 8". 1898 The romance of an Empress : Catherine II. [Tr.]. 2v. 8". 1894 The story of a throne (Catherine II). [Tr.]. 2v. 8". 1895 *Walk (A) round Mount-Edgcumbe, 7"' ed., 1821, see Modnt Edgcumbe. WALKER 1558 WALKER "Walker, The family of, see Bettesworth (W. A.) The W". of Southgate, lyOO. Walker (— ), sec Colombia, [by W. ?], 1822. Walker IDi.), see Loxo (T.) W.'s ace. of the author of Eikon Basilike demonstrated false etc., 1693. Walker (Mrs.), see Walker (M. A.) Walker (Alexander), F.S.A., Scot. Knights Templar in Aber- deen. [P523]. 8'. Aberdeen. 1887 On a bronze pot & what was in it. [P776]. 8'\ Aberdeen. 1880 Walker (Alexander), physiologist. Woman physiologically considered etc. 2'''' ed. s8". 1840 Walker (Alexander Macnamee). On life of Burns. [P450]. s8'>. Tunbridge W. 1858 Walker (Amasa). Governmental interference w. the standard of value, [i'jcvrj)?/. Bankers' Mag., April, 1867. P230]. S". 1807 The science of wealth. 8". Boston. 1860 The test of experience : working of the ballot in the U.S. Intr. bv E. C. Whitehurst. ri;„llot Soc, -5]. [P30.5J. 8". [1854] Walker (Annie L.) Lady's Holm. 3v. s8". 1878 Two rival loves. 3v. s8". 1881 Walker (Anthony), D.D., etc., see Lonx, (Th.), prebendary. W.'s ace. of the a. of Eikon Basilike demonstrated false, 1693. Walker (Archibald Dunbar). Egypt as a health resort, etc. s8". 1873 Walker (Archibald Stodart-), see Stodart-Walker. Walker (Bettina). My musical experiences. 8". 1890 Walker (Charles), of Brighton. Three months in an Eng. monastery. s8". 1804 Walker (Sir Charles Pyndar Beauchamp), General. Days of a soldier's life : letters by W. 8». 1894 Walker (Charles "V.) Electric telegi-aph manipulation. s8". 1850 Walker (Clement) \_ps. Theodokcs Vabax ; T. 'VEK.ix\ *Kela- tions it obs. upon the Parlt. begun 1640. i, The two Junto's ; ii, Hist, of independencv, w. app. [Wants app. d p>t. 3 of " B. of I. "J. " 2p in Iv. s4». 1648-9 „ „ [anoth. ed.'\. s4". 1661 see LiLEURXE (John). *Tryal of L., by T. Varax, 2"'' ed., 1649. Walker (E. D.) Beiucarnation, a study of forgotten truth. s8". 1888 Walker (Sir Edward). Hist, discourses upon sev. occasions; w. copies of all votes, letters, etc. rel. to the treaty at Newport, 1048. fol. 1705 Walker (Edward Johnson), see Walker (W. J.) Chapters on the early registers of HaUfax Parish Church ; from the coll. of E. J. W.. 188.5. Walker (Eev. F. A.), D.D., see Lobley (J. I^.) Hampstead Hill : Insect Fauna, by W., 1889. Walker (Francis), i^'.L..S. Monographia Chalciditum. 8". 1839 Walker (Francis Amasa). Internatioual bimetalUsm. Pol. economy. 3'''' ed. laS". 1802 s8°. 1896 Textbook of political economy. Land & its rent. 8». 188;! 8". 1883 Money. 8". 1878 The wages question. Money in its relations to trade 8". N.Y. 187G & industry. s8". 1880 ,. ., [anoth. €().]. 8°. 1882 Walker (Frederick), A.R.A. see Marks (J. G.) Life & letters of W., 1896. ., Phillips (CLArcE). W., 1894. Walker (George), bank comm. of Mass. Letter to D. A. Wells, on the currencies of Gt. Brit., France, A U.S. [P236]. 8'. Washington. 1868 Wealth, resources, & public debt of the U.S. [P223]. 8<>. 1805 „ „ < anoth. copy, anon., w. different wording. Priv. pr.']. [P223]. S". 1865 „ „ a)!0//i. coK/ i« P247]. 8°. 1865 Walker (Geo.), commodore. Voyages of W. during the late Spanish A French wars. 2v. s8\ 1760 Walker (George), D.D., governor of Londoiulerry. The siege of Londonderry, 1689, as set forth in the lit. remains of W. With notes etc. by P. Dwyer. s4". 1893 see SoMERS (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Walker (George), F.R.S., Dissenting minister at Kottingluim. The dissenters' plea. [P18]. 8^ B'ham. [1790] Eight of individual judgment in religion. Sermon. [P32]. 8". M'ter. 1800 Virtuous remembrance : sermon, Nov. 17, 1805. [P45]. 8°. Liv'l. [180-5] Walker (George), stock-broher. Selection of games at chess played by Philidor & h. coutemps. s8». 1835 Walker (George Alfred), surgeon. Gatherings f. graveyards, 15articularly of London, w. hist, of modes of intei-ment etc. 8". 1839 Lectures [4] on Metropolitan gi'ave-yards. [P134. 1, 2»« ed.]. 8". 1847-9 Walker (Gilbert). Manifest detection of the most vyle & de- testable use of dice play. Ed. J. 0. HalliweU. [Percy Soc, 87 '. s8". 18.5b Walker (Henry), F.G.S. Saturday afternoon rambles round London. ' 8". 1871 Walker (Henry De Eosenhach). Australasian democracy. 8". 1897 Walker (Henry H.) The Comedie humaine & its author ; with tr. from Balzac. s8". 1879 Walker (Sir Hovenden). .Tournal : or full ace. of the late exped. to Canada. 8". 1720 Walker (Hugh). Three centuries of Scottish lit. ; the Eefor- mation to Scott. 2v. s8". Glasgow. 1893 Walker (J.), see Bkachvogel (A. E.) F. Bach, [adapted by 11'.", 1875. Walker (J.) & C. Walker. The British atlas, maps of every county, etc. Ia4». 1860 Walker (James), D.D.; pres. of Hai-vard. Address before the Alumni of Harvard, July 10, 1803. [P211]. 8". C, Mass. 1863 Walker (James), F.ii.S. Kurrachee harbour : second report ; it- report of the Survey 1857-8, by W. Parkes. [a.c. in P565]. 8\ 1858 Walker (James), F.R.S., prof. Univ. Coll., Dundee. Intr. to jjhysical chemistry. 8''. 1899 Walker (liev. John), D.D., rector of St. Mary Majm; Exeter. The sufferings of the clergy dur. the great Rebellion. By W., epitomised by the a. of " The annals of Eng." sS". 1862 Sufferings of the clergy sequester'd etc. in the great Eebellion ; occasion'd by chap. 9 of Calamy's life of Baxter. fol. 1714 Walker (John), fellow T.C.D. Comm. on the compendium of logic, used in Dublin, etc. 4"' ed. 8". Glasgow. 1821 Walker (John), th^ philologist. A crit. pronouncing diet., it- expositor of Eng. Pref., principles of Eng. pronunc". 6"> ed. 8''. 1809 Ehyming diet. n. ed., rev. J. Longmuir. sS". 1865 s8r 1888 Walker (John), vicar of Hornechurch, Essex, see Lettees written by eminent persons in 17"" it IS"" e. [ed. W.], 1813. Walker (Joseph Cooper). Hist, essay on the revival of the drama in Italy. " 8'\ E. 1805 Hist. mem. on Italian tragedy. 4". 1799 Hist. mems. of the Irish bards, obs. on music in Ireland, etc. 4". D. 178G Mems. of A. Tassoni. App., biog. sketches, an ined. poem of T. Tasso. etc. Ed. S. Walker. s8". 1815 Walker (Mary Adelaide). Eastern life it scenery ; w. excursions in Asia Minor, etc. 2v. s8>. 1886 Through Macedonia to the .\lbanian lakes. laS'. 1864 Walker (Neil) & T. Craddock. Hist, of Wisbech & the fens. Ia8°. Wisbech. 1849 Walker (Obadiah). *Artis rationis, libri tres. s8'\ Oxonii. 1673 Greek it Eoman hist., iUust. by coins etc. s8'. 1692 Walker (Patricius) ps., sec Allixgham (W.) [jjs. Walker (Patricius)]. Walker (Patrick), the Covenanter, see Biographia Presby- teriana : vl, Lives of A. Peden, J. Semple, J. Welwood, It. Cameron, by P. W., 1827. Walker (Philip Francis). Afghanistan ; short account of its hist., etc. 88". 1881 Walker (Richard), B.D., of Magdalen, Oxford, see *Oxford in 1888, by a Sub-Utopian [by Tt. W.?]. 1838. Walker (Robert), math, lecturer of Wadham College. Letter on improvements in the present examination Statute, & the studies of the Univ. rp249]. 8". 0. 1848 Walker (Samuel Abraham). The Church of Eng. mission iu Sierra Leone. 8". 1847 Walker (Sears C.) The planet Neptune. [S. C. to Knowledge, 2]. 4". 1851 Walker (Thomas), cornet in Burgoyne's Light Dragoons, see FiTZGERALii (G. R.) .^jjpeal to the Jockey Club: the affair betw. F. & W., 1775. Walker (Thomas), M.A., barrister at law. The original. 4'>' ed. 8°. 1838 „ „ ed. [w. mem.] by B. Jenold. 2v. 58°. 1874 WALKER 1559 WALLENSTEIN "Walker (Thomas Alfred), fellow of Peterhousc. Hisi. ot the Law of Nations, vl (to the Peace of Westphalia, 1G18). In prog. 8". C. 18911 Manual ot public international law. S". C. 189.5 "Walker (Thomas Andrew). The Severn tunnel, 1872-87. 2-' ed. laS'. 1S90 "Walker (Walter Frederick). The Azores. 8'. 18Sli "Walker (Walter James). Chapters on the early registers of Halifax Parish Church ; from the local coll. of E. .T. Walker, liy W. J. W. 4". Halifax. 188."; "Walker (William), drawing master. Mems. of disting. men of science of Gt. Drit. living 1807/8. 8". 18(52 "Walker (William Sidney). Crit. exam, of text of Shakespeare, with notes etc, ;fv. s8". 18(50 Poet, remains. Mem. by J. Moultrie. s8\ 18.32 Shakespeare's versilication. s8". 18.5-4 "Walker (Williston). Creeds & platforms of Congregationalism. 8'. X.Y. 18!):j The Keformation. s8". E. 1900 "Walker's Hibernian magazine, see Farrar (H.) Irish marriages : index to marriages in W. H. M. (1771-1812), etc., 1807. "Walkey (S.) For the sake of the Duchesse. s8". Bristol. [1899J *"Walking (A) tour round Ireland in 1865, 18G7, see 15aeky (W. W.) Walkley (Arthur Bingham). Frames of mind. sS". 1899 Playhouse impressions. s8". 1892 *Walks tV: talks of an American farmer in England, 1852, see Olmsted (F. L.) "Wall (A.) A princess of Chalco. s8\ 1892 "Wall (Charles Baring). A few words to electors ot Guildford on reform. [P20.'!J. 8". 18;il "Wall (Charles William). Exam, of the anc. orthography of the .Jews, A of orig. state of text of the Hebrew Bible. pi, p2, * p3, vl. [pi, 2 wanting]. Ia8". 1837-5G "Wall (E. J.) Diet, of photography. s8". 1889 2"''ed. sS". 1890 "Wall (Greorge). Nat. hist, of thought in its practical aspect. 8'. 1887 "Wall (J. Charles). The tombs of the kings ot England. 8". 1891 "Wall (John), M.li. The Malvern waters. [P56, 57, 202]. 3"' ed. 8". Worcester. 17G3 "Wall (Martin), M.D. Diss', on select subjects in ehemistrv * medicine. IP571. 8". O. 178:; "Wall (Mary M.) & J. Hirsch. Haus u. Gesellschaft in England. s8". 1878 Wall (William), ]>.D. Hist, of infant-baptism. With Gale's lleliections, il- W.'s Defence. n. ed., by H. Cotton. 4v. 8". Oxford. 1835-G "Wallace, [j^oeni], see Henry, Ike Minstrel. * Wallace: an historical tragedy. In live acts. [Pl-tO]. 8°. 1837 Wallace (Alfred Russel). Wallace (Edwin). Outlines of philosophy of .Aiistotle. :3"' ed. .s8 '. C. 1883 Wallace (Ellen). Contributions to theory of iiat. selection. s8". 1870 Darwinism. s8"'. 1889 „ •!"■> ed. s8". 1889 Epping Forest & how best to deal with it. [P:t-29, 1025J. 8". 1878 45 years of rejfistration statistics, proving vaccination useless & dangerous. 8". 1885 Geographical distiib. of animals. •2v. 8". 187C Island life; etc., includ. Problem of geological climates. 8". 1880 „ „ 2'"' ed. s8". 1892 Land natioualisation. sS'*. 1882 „ „ 2'"'ed. bS". 1882 The Malay Archipelago. 2v. s8". 1869 „ , s8». 1898 Miracles S: modern spiritualism. 2'"i ed. b8". 1881 "Wallace (Sir Donald Mackenzie). question, liussia. Miracles &: modern spiritualism, rev. ed., w. chaps, on appari- tions & phantasms. s8". 189G Natural sel. & tropical nature. n. ed. s8". 1891 Studies scientific & social. 2v. s8". 19110 Travels on the Amazon & tlie Rio Negro. 8". 18.5:5 „ „ s8". 1889 Tropical nature & o. essays. 8". 1878 The wonderful century. s8". 1898 sce*EAnTn (TnE) not a globe, f.lcc of tJir conlroeersij betw. W. . his Logic. 2"'ied. s8". 0. 1894 Scotland yesterday, some sS°. 1893 s8\ 1889 8". 1898 8>. 1893 litterarina in Posonii. 1785 Briete u. Scbreiben 1027-34. Mit e. Charakteristik berausg. v. F. Fiirstcr. 3v in 2. 8". 182.S-29 see Forsteb(F. ' W. alsFeldlierr u. Landesfiirst, 1834. sec Hallwich (H.) H. M. Thurn als Zeuge im Process W., 188:1 „ HiBTER (F. v.^ W.'s vier letzte Lebensjahre, 1862. WALLENSTEIN 1560 WALPOLE "Wallenstein [continued], see Hi'RTEB (F. v.) Zur Gescli. W.'s, 1855. „ MiTCHELL(ilfnJ.-Ge)i. John). Life of W., anJ ed., 1840. „ Neue Plutakch (Dee) : 10, W., V. B. Kugler, 1874-88. „ RANKE(L.v.)Gesch.W.'9,1869. Waller (Augustus D.) Introd. to human physiology. S". 1891 Waller (EdmuEd), the poet. see Vetteb (Th.) W. in cl. (Iramat. Dichtung d. Jahr- zehnts s. Todes, 1894. „ ZoBER (E. H.) DieBelage- rung Stralsunds durch W. im Jahr 1628, 1828. see Cartwtiight (Julia). Sacha- rissa: ace. of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sun- derland etc., 1893. „ Sunderland (Dorothy, emintess of), for Waller's " Sacharissa." ; an African sS". 1891 [P632]. s8". 1896 A series of monumental fol. 1864 & Johnson : their eom- s8". [1881] Poems, etcY"" ed., w. add. 8". 1705 Poems. Ed. G. T. Drury. s8<>. 1893 Poet, works, from Fenton*s 4**, 1729, w. life. Cooke's ed. s8». 1796 Poet, works. Ed., w. mera., R. Bell. sS". n.d. Works. Publ. bv Mr. Fenton. s8". 1730 Waller (,Ecv. Horace). '• Ivory, Apes, & Peacocks ' contemplation. Our Zanzibar slaves. Waller (J. G.) & L. A. B. Waller. brasses f. 13"' to 16"" c. Waller (John Francis). Eoswell panions & contemps. see Imperial diet, of univ. biography, 18.57-G3. Waller (L. A. B.), see Waller (J. G.) & L. A. B. W., Series of monumental brasses f. 13"" to 16"" c, 1804. Waller (Richard), F.R.S. Essayes of natural experiments, 1684, see Accademia del Cimento. Waller (S. E.) Six weeks in the saddle : Iceland. sS". 1874 Waller (Sir William), parliamentary general. Vindication of W., by himself, w. intr. 8o. 1793 Wallich (Nathaniel). Plantse Asiaticee rariores ; descr. & figures of sel. unpubl. Indian plants. 3v. [incomplele ; pl-5 waniinrj]. lafol. 1830-2 Wallingford (John, oj). sec CHLiiCH historians : 2, ii. The Chron'. of J. W., tr. J. Stevenson, 1854. „ MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t28, /or Cronica. „ Eerum Anpl. scriptorum veterum, tl, 1684, /of Chronica. Wallingford (William, of), abbot of St. Alban's, see Riley (H. T.) cd., Chronica monast. S. Albani : VI, 2, Eegistra W. W. etc., [Rolls Ser., 28, VI, ii], 1873. Wallington (Nehemiah). Hist, notices of events chiefly in r. of Ch. I. With notes etc. 2v. s8'. 1869 Wallis (A. S. C.) jjs. [i.e. Miss Adele Opzoomer]. In troubled times. Tr. E. J. Irving. 3v. s8". 1883 3"' ed. s8". 1885 Eoval favour. Tr. E. J. Irving. 3v. s8". 188.5 n. ed. s8<'. 1886 Wallis (Henry White), M.A. Cosmology of the Eigveda. 8». 1887 Wallis (Jolin), D.D., Savilianprof. Gramm. linguse Anglicante. i see Correspondence of scien- ed. 6\ 8". 1765 Institutio logiciB. ed. 3». 88". Oxonii. 1702 „ „ ed. i". s8». Oxonii. 1715 Sermons. Mems., etc. by C. E. De Coetlogon. 8". 1791 Wallis (John), timber surveyor. tific men of 17"' cent.: W. etc., 1841. „ Permat (P. de). CEuvres : t3, Tr. par P. Tannery du Commercium epistolicum de W., 1896. Dendrology. 8''. 1835 Wallis (John), vicar of Bodmin, see Exeter. *Outline skeleton maps of the diocese of E., pi, [by 11'.], 1825. Wallis (John Edward P.), see Lilly (W. S.) & W., Manual of the law specially afl'ecting Catholics, 1893. Wallis {Admiral Sir Provo W. P.), see BnioiiTON (J. G.) W., a mem., 1892. Wallis (Capt. Samuel), see Hawkesworth (J.) Voyages in S. hemisphere, by W. etc., 1773. Wallis (Severn Teackle). Spain ; institutions, etc. s8". 1853 Wallis-Tayler (A. J.) Modern cycles: construction A repair. sS". 1897 Wallon (Henri A.) Eloges acade'miques. 2t. sS". 1882 Hist. de I'eaclavage daus I'antiquite. 3t. 2'' cd. 8". 1879 Hist, du tribunal revolutionnaire de Paris, avec le journal de ses actes. 6t. 8°. 1880-2 Jeanne d'Arc. 2" ed. i". 1876 La revol. du 31 mai & le federa- lisme en 1793. 2t. 8°. 1886 Richard II : episode de la rivalite de la France & de I'Angleterre. 2t. 8". 1864 St. Louis & s. temps. 2t. 8". 1875 La terreur : et". crit. sur I'hist. de la Revol. 2t. 68". 1873 Wallon (Jean). Le clerg^ de '89. s8». 1876 La cour de Eome & la France. 2' ed. e8". 1874 La verite sur le Concile, etc. s8". 1872 Wallond (Capt.) *Transport voyage to the Mauritius it back. S8''. 1851 Wallonnes. Choix de chansons et poesies wallonnes. Eec. par B[ailleux] et D[ejardin]. 8". Li^ge. 1844 Walloth (Wilhelm). Tiberius, Roman. 2B in 1. s8". L. [1889] Walmiki, sec V.Ilmiki. Walmsley (Hugh Mulleneux). Branksome Dene. 3v. sS". 1872 The brig & tlie lugger. 88". n.d. Life of Sir J. Walmsley. 8". 1879 Sketches of Algeria during the Kabyle War. s8». 1858 The life guardsman. 3v. sS". 1871 Walmsley (Sir Joshua), see W.\.lmsley (H. M.) Life of Sir J. W., 1879. Walpole, see Lytton (E., baron). W., or, every man has his. price: comedy, 1869. Walpole (Charles George). A short hist, of Ireland. s8". 1882 2"i ed. sS". 1885 Walpole (Hon. Frederick). The Ansayiii, * the Assassins, with travels in the further East 1850-1, includ. visit to Nineveh. 3v. 8". 1851 Four years in the Pacific, in H.M.S. " Collingwood," 1844-48. 2v. 8». 1849 Walpole (Horace), •/" haron Walpole of Wolterton, lO^S- 1737. Answer to Bolingbroke's letters on the study of hist. 8°. 1763 a la cour de France, (1723-30), W. sec Baillon (le cte. de). 1867. „ CoxE (W.) Mems. of W., sel''. f. h. corr. & papers, S"" ed., 1820. Walpole (Horace), 4"' earl of Orford, 1717-1707. Mems. of the last ten years of the r. of George II. 2v. Ia4". 1822 Mems. of r. of Geo. II. Notes Works. 5v. 4". 1798 Anecdotes of painting in Eng., coll. by G. Vertue, digested & publ. f. h. MSS. by W., w. adds, by J. Dallaway. 5v. Ia8». 1826-8 „ „ n. ed., w. addit. notes by R. N. Womum. 3v. 6". 1888 Castle of Otranto[6. w. Beckford (W.) Vathek, 1834]. sS". 1834 „ „ *Jeffery*s ed. of the Castle of Otranto. n. ed. S". 1796 „ „ [anoth. ed.\ see British novelists, v22, n. ed., 1820. Catalogue of royal & noble authors of Eng., Scotl., Irel., w. list, of their works. Enl. & cont. to pres. time by T. Park. 5v. 8". 1806 Con-esp. of H. W., it W. Mason. Ed., w. notes, by J. Mitford. 2t. 8". 1851 H. W. it h. world ; sel. passages f. h. letters. Ed. L. B. Seeley. s8<>. 1884 „ , n. ed. sS". 1893 Journal of r. of Geo. Ill, 1771- 83. Notes by Doran. 2v. 8". 1859 Letters. [SJcetcJi of Life, by Lord Dover in vL] Ov. 8". 1840 Letters. Ed. P. Cunningham. 9v. »'. 1857-9 „ „ [re-issue]. 9v. 8". 1891 Letters. Sel. by C. D. Yonge. 2v. 8». 1890 Letters to Countess of Ossory, 1769-97. Ed., w. notes, by Rt. Hon. R. V. Smith. 2v. S". 1848 Letters to Sir H. Mann, Brit. Envoy at court of Tuscany. Ed. Ld. Dover, w. mem. of [H. W.]. 3v. S'Oed. s8». 1834 „ „ 4v. conelud. ser. 8». 1843-4 Lord Orford's reminisc. [written in 1788 for the amusement of Miss Mary, *£• Miss Agnes, Bei-ry]. s8°. 1818 Walpole (Horatio), ■iSS'S, see Orford. etc. by Lord Holland. 3v. 8'=. 1846 „ „ 2»'' ed., rev. 3v. 8». 1847 Mems. of the r. of Geo. III. Notes by Sir D. Le Marchant. 4v. 8". 1845 „ „... Reed. G. F. R. Barker. 4v. 8". 1894 Miscellaneous antiquities : papers, republ., or first printed f. MSS. Nos. l,2,in Iv. s4". Strawberry Hill. 1772 The old Eng. baron— The castle of Otranto, see British novel- ists, v22, n. ed. 1820. Some unpublished letters. Ed. I Sir Spencer Walpole. s8". 1902 Walpoliana. 2v. s8". [1799] ' „ ... 2v. 2""' ed. 88°. [1799] References. j see DoBsoN (Austin). H. W., a ' mem., w. app. of works pr. : at Strawberry Hill, 1893. ! „ DoRAN (J.) " Mann " & ' manners at Florence, 1 1740-86 ; founded on letters. I of H. Mann to W., 1876. „ Du Deffand (La m. M.) Lettres a H. W., (1766-80), n. ed., 1812. „ EDW.ARDS (E.) A.B.A., Anec- dotes of painters in Eng., intended as cont. to [W.], 1808. „ Mahony (M. F.) a chron. of the Fermors ; H. W. in love, 1873. „ Strawberry Hill : Cata- logue [of sale], 1842. „ Warburton (Eliot). Mems. of H. W. & h. contemps., inol. numerous orig. letters, 1851. •V earl of Orfojd [a-catio7i rS06]; ijSS- WALPOLE 1561 WALTHER Walpole (Rev. Robert). Comicoiura Grrecoium fragmenta quffidam. Cur. etc. W. 8". C. 1805 Mems. rel. to European & Asiatic Turkey, & o. countries of the East, ed. f. MS. journals by W. 2'"i ed. 4". 1818 Specimens of scarce transl*. of 17"' cent. f. Latin poets ; added, misc. tr». f. Greelj, Span., Ital. s8". 1805 Travels in var. countries of the East : a cont. of " Mems. etc." 4". 18'20 ,. 1893 \ Walpoliana, 1799, see Walpole (HoR.iCE). Walpoole (Geo. Augustus) cd. The new British traveller. n. ed. lafol. [1784] Walpurgis, Saint, see Walburga. Walramus, see Migxe (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl48, 159. Walree (E. C. W. van), form. Gobie, [ps. C. Mullek], see MULLER (ChKLSTINE) pS. Walrond ICol. H.), see Badminton Lin. : Archery, by C. J. Longman, W. etc., 1894. Walsh (Benjamin Dann). Hist. ace. of the Univ. of Cam- bridge it its colleges. [P317]. 8°. 1837 Walsh (Edward), M.D. Narrative of the exped. to Holland, 1799. 4°. 1800 Walsh (Edward), /SOS-lSSO, ed., Irish popular songs, w. Eng. metr. ti-., notes, etc. s8". D. 1847 Walsh (John Benn), /"' baron Ormathwaitc, see Ormathwaite. Walsh (John Edward). *Sketches of Ireland, sixty years ago. [Prcf. signed W. ; J. E. Walsh ?]. s8». D. 1847 The t. rvas aftcrioards changed to : Ireland, sixty years ago. Walsh (John Henry) [ps. Stonehenge]. Rev. H. Leeney. IS'" ed. 8». 1899 rtsraau's gun & rifle. 2v. 8". 1882-4 Walsh (Robert), lyS^-ISSO, ed. of American Review. Appeal from the judgments of Gt. Brit. resp. the U.S. : pi. Outline of their merits ct wrongs as colonies, [no more jj?(ii.]. 8". 1819 Letter on the genius & dispositions of the French government, etc., by an American. [r482]. 4" ed. 8". Philadelphia. 1810 Walsh {Rev. Robert), LL.D., rector of Finglas. Coins, medals, gems, illust. Christianity in early ages. 2°'' ed. s8". 1828 Journey f. Constantinople to Eng. S"" ed. s8". 1829 Notices of Brazil, 1828-9. 2v. 8". 1830 Residence at Constantinople during Greek & Turkish revo- lutions. 2v. 8". 1836 see Warburton (John), J. Whitelaw, & R. Walsh. Hist, of Dublin, 1818. Walsh (Cot. Thomas Frendergast B.) Indian emigration : where to settle in W. India. [P214]. 8". 1864 Walsh (Walter). Secret hist, of the Oxford Movement. 2"'' ed. 8". 1897 „ Withnewpref.contg. reply to critics. 5"" ed. 8". 1899 Walsh (William J.), R.C. archbishop of Dublin. Bimetallism & monometallism : how they bear upon the Irish Land Question. [P616]. 8". 1893 Plain expos, of the Irish Land Act of 1881. [P779]. 8". D. 1881 see *No reduction : no rent ! With the abp. of Dublin on the Plan of Campaign, 1886. Walsh (William Pakenham), bp. of Ossory, Ferns, £ Leighlin. The voices of the Psalms. sS". 1890 Walsh (William S.) Handy-book of literary curiosities. s8°. 1894 Walshe (Walter Hayle). The colloquial faculty for languages. 2'"i ed. s8". 1886 British rural sports. The horse IG"" ed. 8». 1886 The dog. 3"l ed. 8". 1879 Modern s^ The horse. n. ed. 8o. 1877 Walshe (Walter Hayle) [continued]. Diseases of the lungs. 3"" ed. s8^ 1860 4"'ed. 8". 1871 Dramatic singing phy.siologically estimated. 58". 1881 Walsingham (Sir Francis), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Walsingham (Thomas). For thechron. vrongly dcscr. in the Cat. of Ilarleian MSS. as " Thonue de Walsingham Hypodigma Neustriie," see ♦Chronicon Anglia; (1323-88), auctore monacbo quodam S. Albani, ed. E. Maunde Thompson, 1874. Hist, brevis ah Edw. I ad Hen. V. fol. Londini. 1574 [His Ypodigma Neustriie, 1574, follows, and Asser's .lEIfredi regis res gestae, 1574, precedes, in the same vol., these twt> works being "always bound with the above."] Ypodigma Neustrire. [b.w.h. Hist, brevis, 1574]. fol. Londini. 1574 see EiLEY (H. T.) cd.. Chronica monast. S. Albani : 1, T. W. hist. Anglicana [1272-1422] ; IV, Gesta abbatum monast. S. Albani, a T. W. compilata [793-1411] ; VII, Ypodigma Neustriae, a T. W. conscriptum, [Rolls Ser., 28, I, i, ii ; IV, i-iii; VII], 1863-76. Walsingham (Thomas de Grey, baron), see Badminton Lib. : Shooting, by W. etc., 1886. Walter, of Aquitaine. Waltbarius [latein. Gedicht], see Eck- HARDus, Primus, dean of St. Gall. Walter, of Coventry, see Coventry (Walter, of). Walter, abbot of Dervy, see Walterus, abbas Dervensis. Walter, Hemingford, [W., de Gisseburne ; W., de Heming- burgh], see Hemingford (W.) Walter, of Henley, see Henley (Walter, of). Walter, de Merlon, bp. of Rochester, see Merton (W., de). Walter, of Swinbom [or, of Swinbroke], see Baker (Geoffrey), fl. ISSO. Walter (Ferdinand), jurist. Das alte Wales. Ein Beitrag z. Vulker-, Reehts- u. Kirchengesoh. 8". Bonn. 1859 Gesch. d. romischen Eechts bisauf Justinian. 8". Bonn. 1834-40 Walter (John), in-oprieior of tlie " Times," see Parnellisji & crime : O'Donnell v. Walter, repr. f. the "Times," 1888. Walter (Richard), naval chaplain, see Anson (George, baron). Voyage round the world ; comp., f. papers of A., by W., 1748 ; IS'" ed., 1780. Walters (Alan). A lotos eater in Capri. s8». 1893 Palms & pearls ; scenes in Ceylon. 8". 1892 Walters (Capt. Herbert Flamstead), see Malakand. Opera- tions of the M. Field Force etc. (1897-8), by H. F. Walters, 1900. Walters (John Cuming). In Tennyson land. 8\ 1890 Tennyson : studies. 8". 1893 Walters (John Thomas), rector of Norton. Ireland's wrongs, & how to mend them. [P778]. 8". 1881 Thrift lessons. 88". 1881 Walters (Sophia Lydia) [Mrs. Walter Coffin]. Lostara. s8°. 1890 Waltershausen (Georg F. C, Frhr. Sartorius von), see Sartorius von Waltershausen. Walterus, de Clusa. Ex historia Ardensium dominorum, see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl3. Walterus, de Coventria, see Coventry (Walter, of). Walterus, abbas Dervensis. W'. abbatis D. epistolse. [Caxton Soc.]. 8". 1850 Walterus, de Hemingburgh, [W., dc Gisseburne], see Hemfng- FORD (Walter). *Waltham : a novel. s8". 1833 Waltham, abbey. The foundation of W. A. The tract " De inventione Sanctie Crucis nostrie in Monte Acuto et de ductione ejusdem apud Waltham," f. MS. in Brit. Museum. Intr. & notes by W. Stubbs. 8». 0. 1861 Waltharius [latein. Gedicht], see Eckhardus, Primics, dean of St. Gall. Walther, von Lille, see Gactier (P.) Walther v. d. Vogelwcide. Gedichte. Hrsg. K. Lachmann. 8". 1827 Gedichte. Von K. Lachmann, besorgt v. M. Haupt. 3" A. 8». 1853 Gedichte. Ubers. u. erl. v. B. Obermann. sS". [1886] Glossarium zu d. Gedichten Walthers, nebst e. Reimverzeich- niss ; v. C. A. Hornig. s8". Quedlinburg. 1844 Walther v. d. Vogelweide. Hrsg. v. F. Pfeifter. 4" A. hrsg. V. K. Bartsch. sS". L. 1873 WALTHER 1562 WAR OFFICE Walther v. d. Vogdweidc [continued', see Uhland (J. L.) W. v. d. V., 1822. „ WiLMAXNS (W.) Leben u. Dichten W. v. d. V., 1882. Walther (Joiann Ludolf). Lexicon diplomaticum ; abbrevia- tiones in Diplom. et Codd. a sec. 8-1(5, etc. exponens. Cum prsef. I. H. luugii. fol. Gottingse. 1752 „ „ [anotli. ed.]. fol. Ulmse. 1751! "Walther (Paul), Guglingensis. Itinerax'ium in ten-am sanctam et ad Sauctara Catharinam. Hrsg. etc. v. M. Sollweck. [Lit. V. in St., 192]. 8". Tiibingen. 1892 Walther (Wilh.) Die deutsche Bibellibersetzung d. Mittel- alters. 3T. i". Braunschweig. 1889-92 Walton (Brian), bp. of Chester. W'. in Biblia Polyglotta proleg. Eecog. etc. F. Wrangham. 2t. 8". Cantabria;. 1S28 see Todd (H. J.) Mem", of the life & writings of W., w. notices of coadjutors, W.'s vindic". of the London Polyglot, 1821. Walton (C.) *Notes & materials for biog>. of W. Law ; comp. an eluoid". of J. Bohme A of D. A. Freher, etc. 8". /.p.c. 1854 Walton {Col. Clifford). Hist, of Brit, standing army, 1660- 1700. Ia8". 1894 Walton (Izaak). Compleat angler. [Repr. ot ed. 1653]. s8". n.d. „ „ ... lutrod. essay, etc. S'-'' ed. s8". 1833 ,, „ ... With lives by Sir J. Hawkins; ed. J. Rennie. Herbert, Sanderson. 2v. n. ed. s8". O. 180.", Lives. n. ed., rev. A. H. BuUen. Mem. of W. by W. DoH'ling. s8°." 1881 laS". )j.p., n.d. new ed. sS". 1833 ! see M.iRSTox (E. B.) W. & some „ „ Ed. Edw. Jesse. sS". 18G1 earlier writers on fish & „ „ Ed. J. Major. 8". 1889 fishing, 1894. Lives ot Donne, Wotton, Hooker, „ /.ouch (T.) Life ot W., 1823. Walton (Joseph), M.P. China A- the present crisis, w. notes on a visit to .Japan & Korea. S"-" ed. s8». 1900 Walton (Kobert). Random recoils, of the Midland Circuit. s8". 1869 Walton (W. L.) The defence of .Jellalabad by Sir E. H. Sale, drawn on stone by W. lafol. [1846] Walton (William), Brit, agent at Hai/ti. Letter to Palmerston on li. .speech resp. rels. of Eng. w. Portugal. 8". 18.S0 Letter to Sir J. Mackintosh on li. motion resp. Portugal. 8". 1829 Mem. on the naturalization of the alpaca. [P8o]. 8". 1841 Reply to "Policy ot England towards Spain." [P106]. 8". 1837 *Waltzburg. 3 v. s8». 1833 Waltzing (J. P.) Etude hist, sur les corporations profes- sionnelles chez les Remains depuis les origines jusqu'a la chute de I'Empire d'Oecident. tl-4. 8'. Louvain. 189-5-1900 Walworth (Nathan), see Fi.ktchki; (J. S.) ed., Corr. of N. W. & P. Seddon of Outwood, [Chetham Soc, 109], 1880. Walz (Christian). Rhetores gra;ci. Ed. C. Walz. 9v in 10. 8". Stuttgartia;. 1832-3G Wamba, Jung of the Visigotlis, see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist. des Gaules, t2. Wandalbertus. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist., t7. for Lotharii elogium. „ MiGXE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl21,/oc Opera. „ MoNU.MENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl5, cC PoetiE lat. iEvi. *Wanderhuche (Aus dem) eines verabschiedeten Lanzknechtes, 1814-8, see Sci!WAi;zExnKR(i (F. Filist v.) ♦Wanderer (The), 1814, see Aeul.w {Mme. d'). Wanderer, ps.. sec Caucasus. *Notes on the C, Ijy W., 1883. Wanderer, ps., sec *Loose {.\) rein, by W., 1887. Wanderer, ps., see *Whims, 1889. ♦Wandering \Yime (The story of), 1870, see Xoel {Lady A.) Wanderings. *Wandei-ings in the land of Ham. By a daughter of Japhet. 88". 1858 ♦Wanderings in West Africa, 1803, see Bukton (Sir E. F.) *Wanderungen durch Sicilien u. d. Levante, 1834-40, sec Pahthev (G.) Wandmalereien v. Mitla, 1895, see Sei.ek (E.) ed. Wandsbecker Bote (Der)i)s., see Claudius (Matthlas). Wa.nsa.nm, Xew Zealand. Letters f. W. [P152]. 8". 1845 Waniek (Gustav). Gottsched u. d. deutsche Litt. s. Zeit. 8". L. 1897 Wanklyn (James Alfred) & E. T. Chapman. Water analysis. 2"J ed. s8". 1870 Wanless (Thomas) jjs., character of fiction. *The life of T. W., 1885, .lec Wilson- (A. J.) Wanley (Humphrey). Antiquaj Lit. septentrionalis liber alter, s. Librorum vett. septentrion. in AngliiE Bibliothecis, nee non multorum alibi Catalogus. fol. 0. 1705 TJiis forms the Liber alter of Antiquse Lit. Septentrion. Libri Duo; for the Liber primus of that work see Hickes (G.), Thesaurus, 1703-5. see Bekxard (E.) Catalogi librorum mss. Anglia; & Hib., cum indicc 'by 11'.], 1697. Wanley (Nathaniel). Wonders of the little world : Hist, ot fol. 1678 Antiquitates Eom. e grfeeis fontibus 8". Eegimontii Pruss. 1846 Michael), [Vansleb ; Vanslebio ; man etc. Wannowski (August). explicatas. Wansleben (Johann Wanslkiiius], see Pougeois (A.) V., sa vie, sa disgrace, s. CEUvres, 1809. Wanton (Enrico), character of fiction. *Delli viaggi di E. W. alle tene australi, n. ed., 1772, see Sekdiax ((7 c. Z.) Wappaus (J. E.) Untersuchungen ii. d. Entdeckungen d. Portugiescn unter Heinrich d. Seefahrer. Tl. [«o more pjibl.']. 8". Gottingcn. 1842 Wappenalbum der grafl. Familien Deutschlauds etc., 4B, 18.S.J-90, see Gritzner (A. M. F.) ct A. M. Hildebraxdt, cdd. War. 'Case (The) of the war considered etc., 1791, see C.vse etc. 'Conversations on w. etc., 1871, see Helps {Sir A.) 'Memorials of tlie late war, n. ed., 1831, see Memorials etc. 'War (The) in America, {u-nnts tp., 1862'?], see Asiebica. •War in disguise, 2'"' ed., 1805, see Stephen (J.) * " War in Disguise " ; Answer to. [By Gouverneur Morris ? Pi8]. 8". N.Y. 1806 War (The) in India : despatches etc., 1S46, see India. 'War medal record (The). Added, index to Tancred's Hist, record ot medals. 2v. 4". Spink k Son. 1896-S *AVar no policv : or the distresses of France a warning etc. [1'316]. 8^ 179G 'War (The) ot the Gaedhil with the Gaill [Cogadh GaedJiil re Gal^ laibh], or the invasions of Ireland by the Danes & o. Norsemen. Irish text ; ed., w. tr. & intr., by J. H. Todd. [Rolls Ser., 48]. Ia8". 18G7 War of the Rebellion, see United States. War songs for Freemen. [P534]. s8^ Boston, U.S. 186-2 War Office. see Ao.AR (E.) Hdbk. ot the German Army, 1897. [For a 2'"' ed., see ref. to Eduionds iJ. E.), Itelotv.^ „ B.uinardiston (N. W.) Hdbk. of the Belgian Armv, 1899. „ Hdbk. ot tlie French Army, 1901. „ British minor expeditions (1746-1811), 1S84. „ British East Africa Protectorate. Precis ot information cone, the B.E.A.P. & Zanzibar, [W.O., Litell. Dept.], 1901. „ Bbonsakt von Schellendorff ( ). Duties of the General Staff, tr., 2v, 1877-80. „ Callwell iC. E.) Small wars, 1896 ; n. ed., 1899. „ Crowe (.J. H. V.) Hdbk. of the Armies of Sweden & Norway, 1901. „ Edmonds iJ. E.) Hdbk. ot the Gerunin Army, 2'"i ed., [a 3'"' ed. of that by Agar lE.), aboee\ 1900. „ Germaxv. Field Service Regulations (1900), tr., 1900. „ Gleichen {Count A. E. W.) Hdbk. of the Sudan, 1898; and, Suppl. to tlie hdbk. of the Sudan, 1899. „ Report on the Nile & country betw. Dongola & Omdurman, 2"'i ed., 1898. „ Orierson (J. M.) Staff duties in the field, after Cardinal v. Widdern, 1891. „ Hare (W. A. H.) tr., 'The armed strength of Italy, tr. f. German ["Die Wehrlcraft Italiens"], 1873. „ Home (R.) Precis of modem tactics, rewritten by S. C. Pratt, 2"'! ed., 189C. „ Maurice (J. E.) Hostilities without declaration of war (1700-1870), 1883. „ Milit. liist. ot Campaign of 1882 in Egypt, 1887. „ Saver iF.) ed.. Despatches etc. rel. to the Campaign iu the Crimea, 1857. „ Schmidt (General-Major Cakl v.) Instructions for cavalrv, tr., 1881. „ Sudan. Report on the Egyptian Provmces of the S., Red Sea, & Equator, to July, 1884. „ SuBVEVS. Notes on the Govt. S'. ot the princ. countries, etc , 1882; and, Suppl., 1899. „ V.vLP-ARAiso. The capture of V. (18911: reports of Commander- in-Chief, & Chief ot Staff of the Constitut. Army, tr., 1892. „ VvvvAN (C. B.) Precis cone, the Brit. C. Africa Protectorate, 1899. „ Ward (M. C. P.) Hdbk. ot the Armies of the Balkan States, 1900. „ Hdbk. of the Turkish Army, 1900. WAR OFFICE 15G3 WARD War Office list (The) etc., O'l'-S"' publicatioii[s]. 8'. [186G-8] Waraker (Thomas). Naval warfare of tlie future. sS". 1892 Warbeck (Perkin), sec GAiiii>xi:n (.1.) Hiat. of Richard III ; added, story of W., 1878 ; 2"'' ed., 1898. aee Hakleian JMiscellant, vO. True hist, of P. W., 1744. Warboys, HiDitingdonsJiire, sec Fexstantox. Records of cliurclies of Xt. gathered at F., W., tt Hexham ; ed. E. B. Underhill, 1854. Warburg (Carl). Svensk litteraturhist. illust. uppl. 8". [1894] Warburton (Acton). Hollo * his race ; or footsteps of the Normans. 2 v. s8". 1848 Warburton (Eliot Bartholomew (Jeorge). The crescent & tlie cross. •2v. sS». 1845 „ „ ... '2v. i>i> ed. s8". 18iG Darien ; or, Tlie iiiercliaut prince. 3v. 38°. 185-2 •Mem. of C. Mordaimt, E. of Pcterboronfrh.etc. 2v. sS". 1853 Mems. of Horace Walpole & h. contemps., incl. numerous orig. letters ; ed. E. W, 2v. 8», 1851 Menis. of Prince Rupert & the cavaliers, iucl. their priv. eorr. 3v. 8°. 1849 Reginald Hastings. 3v. s8". 1850 Warburton ((Jeorse). *Confiuest of Canada. 2v. 8\ 1849 *Hochelaga ; England in the New World ; ed. E. Warburton. 2v. 38°. 1846 2v. 2"'' ed. s8\ 1846 Warburton (John), Dcpulij-Keepcr of the Reconh in Binning- liam Tower, J. Whitelaw & K. Walsh. Hist, of Dublin. 2v. 4". 1818 Warburton (John), Somerset Herald. London & Middlesex illustrated. s8<>. 1749 New it correct mapp of Middlesex, Essex, it Hertfordshire, surveyed by W., .J. Bland & P. Smith. lafol. [1720 ?] *Some ace. of the alien priories, & of such lands as they possessed in Eng. & Wales, [ed. J. N.] 2v. s8». 1779 Vallum Romanum : hist. & antiqs. of the Roman Wall. 4". 1753 Warburton {Col. Peter Egerton). Journey across western interior of Australia ; introd. by C. H. Eden. 8". 1875 Warburton (E. E. Egerton-), sea EiiKBTox-WAnBCM-ox. Warburton (Col. Sir Robert). Eighteen years in the Khyber, 1879-98. 8". 1900 Warburton (William), b^j. of Gloucester. Works. 7v. 4". 1788 *Brief exam, of W.'s Divine legation of Moses. By a soc. of gentlemen. [By T. Morrjcm ?]. 8". 1742 Divine legation of Moses. Pref., life, etc., of the author, by R. Hurd. 2v. u. ed. 8<>. 1837 Letters from a late eminent prelate [W.] to one ot h. friends [Bp. Hurd. App., Letters f. Hon. C. Yorke to W.]. 2"" ed. 8". 1809 Selection f. [his] unpublished papers, by Rev. F. Kilvert. 8». 1841 Tracts by W. & a Warburtonian, not in the colls, of their works. [Ed. etc. S. Parr]. 8". 1789 see *rnTCRE rewards & punishments believed by the ancients ; objections of W., in h. Divine Legation of Moses, considered, [by .J. Tillard ?], 1742. „ Garbett (J.) Essav on W.'s Divine Legation, 1828. „ W.iTsoN (J. S.) Life of W., 1700-79, w. remarks on h. works, 1863. Warburton (William), inspector of scJwols. Edw. III. s8". 1875 2""cd. s8". 1876 Ward (Adolphus William). Cliaucer. [Eng. Men of Lcttersl. s8". 1871) The Counter-Reformation. s8i. 1889 Dickens. s8o. 1.S82 Ot. Britain & Hanover : aspects of the personal union. 88". 0. 1899 Hist, of Eng. dramatic lit. to death of Q. Anne. 2v. 8". 1875 „ ., ... 3v. n. ed. 8\ 1899 The House of Austria in the 30 Years' War : two lects. 8". 1869 National self-knowledge ; a lec- ture. [P238]. s8". ISGU Ward (Artemus) ps. [i.e. Cn.iiiLEs Faueee Beowne] Complete works. 88". [1871] „ „ n. ed. s8o. 1899 A. Ward his book. s8'. 18G5 Ward (Very Vev. Bernard). Old Hall. A. Ward (his travels) among the Mormons. 88'\ 18G5 A. Ward in r;ondon. " Letters to Punch." s8'. [1870] Hist, of St. Edmund's College, 8". 1893 On some academical experiences of the German renascence. [P331]. 8>. 1878 Sir H. Wotton. s8". 1898 see Marlowe (C.) M.'sFaustus, & Greene's Friar Bacon etc., anil ed., 1887 ; 4''" ed., 1901. T/iis work is soincllmes quoted, from, the puh- lishct's lettering [vi::. Old Eng. drcnna — Ward] as W.'s Old Eng. drama. England subsists bv miracle. 8". 1859 Oracles of Nostradamus. sS". [1891] Ward (C. S.), see Baddeley (M. J. B.) & W., cdd.. Thorough Guide Series. Ward (Charles Augustus) [ps. Feltiiaji Burghlev]. Preaching, prosing, & Puseyism, etc. 8". 1868 Sir Edwin Gilderov. By F. B. s8". 185C. Sonnets. By F. B. s8<>. 1855 Ward (Edward), [Ned W.], author of " The London spy." *A compleat & humorous account of all remarkable clubs & societies in London etc. 7"" ed. s8". 1756 *Hudibras Redivivus. 2v. [eeiclt cont. 12p ; pl-3 of vl arc 2"'' ed.]. S4". 1705-9 ♦Secret hist, of the Calves-Head Club. 6"' ed., [?«.] a vindica- tion of the Royal Martyr, by Mr. Butler, a character ot a Presbyterian, by Sir J. Denham, & the character of a modem Whig. 8". 1707 Ward (Edward Matthew), U.A.. see Dafforne (.J.) Life & works of W., [1879.. Ward (Mrs. Eliz. Stuart Phelps), wife of H. D. Ward, see Phelps (E. S.), aft. Ward. Ward (Lieut. G. L. S.), see Mishmi Country. *Militarv report on the M. C, by W., [India Govt. Publ.], 1901. Ward (Miss Genevieve) [i.e. c''". de Guerbel], see Gustafson (Z. B.) G. W., a biog. sketch, 1881. Ward (H. L. D.), see British MnsEUM. Romances, Cat. of, in dept. of MSS., in B.M. ; by W., vl-2, 1883-93. Ward (Mrs. Harriet). Five years in Kallirlaud : w. sketches ot the war. 2v. 2»'> ed. s8". 1848 Ward (Harry Marshall), F.R.S. Diseases in plants. s8". 1901 I The oak ; introd. to forest- Diseases of plants. sS". n.d. botany. 88". 1892 Grasses. s8". C. 1901 Timber & some of its diseases. [repr.]. s8". 1897 Ward (Henry Snowden). Karma & Ee-inearnation. [P630]. s8°. n.d. Ward (Henry William), F.Bi.H.S. My gardener. 8". 1891 Ward (Herbert). Five years w. the Congo cannibals. Ia8". 1890 2'"'ed. Ia8». 1890 My life with Stanley's rear guard. s8". 1891 Ward (Mrs. Herbert Dickinson), sec Phelps (E. S.), aft. Ward. Ward (Mrs. Humphry) [Mary Augusta W.] David Grieve. 3v. s8". 1892 ' Miss Bretherton. 2"''ed. 58". 1883 Eleanor. sa-. 1900 2"" mip. sS". 1900 Qiid j Robert Elsmere. n. ed. s8 '. 1888 Sir George Tressady. s8°. 189C Tlie story of Bessie Costrell. 88°. 1895 Unitarians it the future. s8'. 1894 Helbeck of Bannisdale. 88". 1898 Marcella. 3v. sH". 1894 „ 7"' ed. s8". 1894 Miss Bretlierton. s8o. 1884 Ward (James), I). /7S.',, sec Fletcher (E.) ed.. Conversations ot .T. Xorthcote w. W. on art & artists, 1901. Ward (James), artist. Historic ornament. 2v. 8". 1897 Ward (James), author of " Bailways for the many." Louis Blanc on the working classes ; with notes & refutation. s8'<. 1848 Workmen & wages : Strikes, Unions etc. s8". 1808 Ward (James), prof, of Mental Philos. Univ. of Cambridge. Naturalism A agnosticism. [Gifford Lect'., 1896-8]. 2v. 8". 1899 Ward (John), alum merchant. *The case of J W ; rel. to a charge of forgery to defraud the Duke of Bucking- ham. [Tp. wanting. P312]. s4». [1727] Ward (John), C.B. ; diplomatist. Experiences ot a diploma- tist, being recoils, of Germany, founded on diaries 1840-70. 8». 1872 Ward (John), dissenting minister of Bristol. View & conduct of a Minister ot the Gospel : sermon, Bristol, 28 May, 1770. [P49]. 8". Bristol, n.d. Ward (John), F.S.A. Pyramids & progress. Ia8'. 1900 Ward (John), 0/ Burslem. The borough of Stoke-upon-Trent : also, manorial hist, ot Newcastle-under-Lyme. Ia8\ 1843 Ward (John), prof, in Grcsham Coll. Lives of Profs, of Gresham Coll., [&] ot Sir T. Gresham. fol. 1740 Ward (John), vicar of Stratford-npon-Avon. Diary, 1648-79. .\rranged bv C. Severn. 8". 1839 Ward (John William), earl Dudley, d. ISJ.3, see Dudley (J. W., carl). Ward (Josephine Mary) [i.e. Mrs. Wilfriu W.ird]. One poor scruple. sS". 1899 Ward (Lester Frank). Dynamic sociology; or, applied social science. 2v. s8-. N.Y. 1883 Outlines of sociology. s8". N.Y. 1898 WARD 1564 WARING "Ward (dipt. M. C. P.) Hdbk. of the Armies of the Balkan States. [War Office]. ' sS". 1900 Hdbk. of the Turkish Army. [War Office]. sSo. 1900 "Ward (Mary) [i.e. Hon. Mrs. H. W. C. Ward . Telescope teachings. 8^ 18-59 Ward (Mary), of the Institute of the Eng. Virgins, see Chambeks (M. C. E.) Life of M. W" . ^1585~164.5), 1882-5. „ Coi-EsoN (la e. iik). Quatre portraits de femmes ; W., etc., 189.5. Ward (Mary Augusta), see Wabd (Mrs. HniiPHnv). Ward (Nathaniel), loJS-ldS-i. *A religious retreat sounded to a relisious army. [P278]. s4". 1647 Ward (Nathaniel Bagshaw). Growth of plants in closely glazed cases. 2"'' ed. s8". 1852 Ward (Kobert Plumer) [form. Eoeert Waed]. •De Clifford. 4v. s8\ 1841 •De Vere. 3v. 3'''' ed. sS^. 1S27 „ „ 3v. s8". 1831 Hist, essay on the real character of the Revel, of 1688. 2v. s8". 1838 Rights & duties of Belligerent & Neutral Powers in Maritime affairs. Repr. S". 1875 •Tremaine. 3v. l"" ed. s8n. 1827 „ 3v. 88". 1831 ... 2t in 1. s8i. 183G see Phipps (Hun. E.) Mems. of polit. & lit. life of W., w. sels. f. h. corr., diaries, unpubl. remains, 1850. Sermons it treatises, w. D.D., Works, v3, 1862, q.r. Ward (Samuel), B.D., of Ipswich mem. by .T. C. Eyle, in Adams (T. Ward (Samuel), jwc?. Lyrical recreations. sS'. 1883 Ward (Beth), hp. of (I) Exeter (2) Salisbunj, sec Pope (W.) Life of S., bp. of Salisbury, 1097. Ward (Thomas), schoolmaster. Ereata to the Protestant Bible : or the truth of their English translations exam''., (1737). n. ed. 4". 1807 Ward (Thomas Humphry) a/., The English poets : sels., w. crit. intr'. by var. writers, ct gen. intr. by M. Arnold. 4v, it App. to v4. sS'\ 1887-94 1, Chaucer to Donne. [2], B. Jonson to Dryden. [3], Addison to Blake. 4, Wordsworth to Dobell. App. to 4. Browning, M. Arnold, Tennyson. Men of the reign ; eminent persons of Brit. & Colonial birth who have died during the reign of Victoria. Ed. by T. H. Ward. s8". 1885 The reign of Victoria : a survey. 2v. 8". 1887 H. Sandwith ; mem., f. autob. notes. 8". 1884 Ward (Wilfrid Philip). Life of Wiseman. 2v. s8». 1897 W. G. Ward & the Catholic revival. 8". 1893 W. G. Ward & the Oxford Movement. S". 1889 The wish to believe : temper of mind in wh. a man slild. under- take relig. inquiry. sS". 1885 Witnesses to the unseen, & o. essays. 8\ 1893 Ward (William), M.P. for City of London. Eemarks on the commercial legislation of 1846. [P268]. 8". 1847 Ward (William), missionary. Blessedness of the righteous dead. Sermon, April 180G. [P466]. 8". Dunstable. 1807 View of the hist., lit., <$: relig. of the Hindoos. 2v. 3"' ed. 8". 1817 see JIakshman (J. C.) Life & times of Carey, W. etc. ; hist, of Serampore mission, 1859. Ward (William (Jeorge). the philosophy see Maurice (F. D.) The new Statute & W., 1845. „ Ward (Wilfrid). W. G. W. & the Catholic revival, 1893. „ W. G. W. & the Oxford Movement, 1889. Essays on the philosophy of theism. 2v. 8". 1884 The ideal of a Xtu. Church ; cont. defence of articles in the Brit. Critic in reply to Palmer. 8". 1844 On nature iSr grace. Bk. 1, philosoph. intr. 8°. 1860 ' Ward, Lock, & Co., publishers. Diet, of the leading technical & trade terms of architectural design & building construction. By the ed. of " The technical journal etc." 8". 1888 New pictorial & descr. guide to Great Yarmouth, & the Broads. s8". [1900] Wardale (J. R.), .V..1. Clare College. [Cambridge: College hists.]. s8". 1899 Ward de Charriere (Mjnc. Elisabeth). *Serge Batonrine. sS". 1880 Warden (Mrs. E. A.) [Miss Ellen- Terry], sec Teery (Miss Ellen). Warden (David Baillie). Account of the U.S., f. their coloni- zation. 3v. 8". E. 1819 Warden (Florence) ps. [i.e. Mrs. James] A dog with a bad name. Sv. sS". The farm in the hills. s8». The girls at the Grange. s8°. 1897 The house on the marsh. s8 1885 1899 sS". The inn by the shore Joan, the curate. Kitty's engagement. A lowly lover. Morals & millions. My child & I. 3v The mystery of Dudley Home. s8°. 1897 Our M-idow. s8\ 1896 sS". s8». n.d. 1897 1898 1895 1900 1901 1894 A passage through Bohemia. Sv. s8o. 1893 A perfect fool. 2v. s8». 1894 Pretty Miss Smith. sS". 1891 A Prince of Darkness. 3v. s8». 1885 „ , s8^ 1886 Ralph Ryder of Brent. 3v. s8\ 1892 St. Cuthbert's Tower. 8v. s8''. 1889 Scheherazade. 3v. s8°. 1887 A sensational case. 2'"i ed. sS". 1898 A spoilt girl. 88". 1895 Town ladv tt countiy lass. I " s8". 1900 1 A witch of the hills. 2v. s8". 1888 Warden (Grertrude). The sentimental sex. s8°. 1896 Warden (William). *Letters f. the Cape of Good Hope in reply to W. W. ; w. extr'. f. the work compiling under inspection o£ Napoleon. [Signed C . P173]. S'^ ed. 8". 1817 Letters on board the Northumberland, it at St. Helena ; conduct & convers. of Napoleon. [P173]. 8'. n.d. 2"''ed. 8». 1816 5'" ed. 8". 1816 Wardlaw (Ralph), D.D. Lectures on female prostitution. 2-' ed. s8". Glasgow. 1843 Sermon, Glasgow, Aug. 4, 1843, on death of J. M. Mackenzie. [P5681. 8". Glasgow. 1843 see Yates (J.) Vindic. of unitarianism, in reply to W., 4"" ed., 1850. Wardlaw Ramsay (Balcarres D.), see Kamsay (B. D. W.) Wardle (Thomas), see Sleigh (J.) Hist, of Leek; the geology by W., 18r,2. Wardrop (Marjory), tr., Georgian folk tales. s8'>. 1894 Wardrop (Oliver). Kingdom of Georgia : appended, national music and bibliography. 8". 1888 Ware (Fabian). Educational foundations of trade & industry. S8''. 1901 Educational reform. s8". 1900 Ware (J. Redding) & R. K. Mann. Life A times of Col. F. Burnaby. s8". [1885] Ware {Sir James). De Hibernia A- antiquitatibus ejus. ed. 2"; ace. rerum Hibernic. regn. Henr. VII, annales. 2p in Iv. sS". Londini. 1658 [The whole works of Sir J. W. cone. Ireland. Tr.], rev. etc. by Walter Harris, vl, 2, [cont. : 1, " Hist, it .Antiq'. of Ireland," "The Writers of I."; 2, "Hist, of the Bishops of Ireland." No more publ.]. fol. Dublin. 1739-64 see Ireland. Coll. (A) of tracts etc. [vl conts. W.'s De Hibernia etc.], 1860. „ Irish. Ancient I. historians, [orig. ed. bij Ware, 1633], repr. 1809. Ware {Mrs. Mary Clementina Hibbert). Life it corresp. of S. H. Ware. 8'\ M'ter. 1882 The Water Tower. 3v. s8". 1882 Ware (Samuel Hibbert), see Hiebert Ware (S.) Ware (William), Unitarian minister. Julian: scenes in Judea. laS". [1840] Letters from Palmyra, by L. M. Piso. 2v. s8'^. 1838 Sketches of European capitals. s8". 1851 ♦Waren Barneveld (Den), etc., 1673, sec Barneveld (J. v.in 0.) Warens (Louise Frangoise E. de). see Houss.AVE (A.) Les Charmettes : Rousseau & Mme. de W., •2' ed., 1864. „ Metzger (A.) La conversion de W., 1886. „ Muomer (F.) W. & Rousseau, 1891. Wareston, sec Warriston. Wargny ( de). *Esquisses histor. de la Eevol. de la Belgique, en 1830. It. SuppL, It. 2t in 1. 8". Brux. 1830-1 Warham (William), ab^)., see Erasmus : Pilgrimages, w. character of W.. tr., 1849 ; 2"'' ed., 1875. Waring (Edw. John). The tropical resident at home. s8<>. 1866 Waring (Edward Scott). A tour to Sheeraz : added, hist, of Persia f. death of Kureem Khan to the subversion of the Zund dynasty. 4". 1807 Waring (George Edwin). A farmer's vacation. 4". Boston, U.S. 1876 Handybook of husbandry. 8". Philadelphia. 1876 WARING 1565 WARREir Waring (George Edwin) [continued]. Street-cleaning. sS". 1898 sec United States : Census. 10"' Census, vl8, 19, Social statis- tics of cities, by W., 188(5-7. "Waring (John Burley). Illusf . of aicliitecture & oi-nament. lal". [18651 A reconl of my artistic life. sS". 1873 Stone monuments, tumuli, & ornament of remote ages. fol. 1870 ■■♦The universal Church ; its faith, doctrine, & constit. s8'\ 1866 Waring {Major John Scott-), /747-IS/9, see ScoTT-W.iRiKo. Waring (W.) English rule in Ireland. [P553]. sS'. [1886] Warington (G-eorge). *Historic character of the Pentateuch ed. 1863 1867 ' Crit. 1864 1865 1870 vindicated : reply to Colenso. 2"' The inspiration of Scripture : limits it effects. sS ' *Mosaic orig. of Pentateuch, in conn. w. pi, 2 of Coleaso's exam." 8" Phenomena of radiation: exempl if. the wisdom of God. s8" The week of creation : Genesis in rel. to science. s8 ' Warington (Robert), F.R.S., the yotuujer. Agricultural science : its place in Univ. education. [P635J. 8". 1896 Chemistry of the farm. 6"' ed. b8\ 1891 Lectures on some of the phys. properties of soil. 8". 0. 1900 Wariston, see W.vrkiston. Warkworth Parish Registers, 1677-1812 : transcribed & ed. by J. C. Hodgson. [Soc. of Antiq. of Newcastle-u.-T.] 8". South Shields. 1899 Warkworth (Lord), M.P.. see Percy (H. A. G. earl). Warkworth (John). Chron. of first 13 years of r. of Ed. IV. Kd. .1. 0. Halliwell. [Camden Soc, 10]. s4". 1839 Warltire (John). Ace. of the solar system, electricity etc. [1'581]. 4"' ed. »\ 1766 Essays upon philos. & chem. subjects. [P50]. s3\ Nottingham. 1781 '"Warm corners in Egypt, 1886, see Goodall (W. R.) "Warmer Islands : a tour to Madeira * Jamaica. s8". 1881 Warnaharius, Saint, see Migse (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t80. Warne (Charles). Ancient Dorset: Celtic, Roman, Saxon, Danish antiqs., inch early coinage. Also, intr. to ethnology of D., & 0. archiEolog. notices, by W. W. Smart, fol. Bournemouth. 1872 Warnecke (Frederick). Art in book-plates. 42 orig. ex-libris by J. Sattler, intr. etc. by W. 4". 1896 luue book-plates, 15'" & 16"' c. limited ed. 8". 1894 Warneford (S. W.), sec Thomas (V.) Xtn. philanthropy exemplified in a mem. of W., 1853. Warnefridus (Paulus), diaconus ; see Paulds, diaconus. Warner {le major) ps., see DEprixu (Gdillaume). Warner (Amos G.) American charities. s8'. N.Y. [1894] Warner (Anna Bartlett). Blue flag and cloth of gold. 38". 1880 see Warner (S.) & A. B. W., The gold of Chickaree, 1877. Warner (Charles Dudley). The golden house. s8». 183.> A little journey in the world. (novel). s8<>. 1881) Mummies & Moslems. 8". [1875] My summer in a garden. 880. 1876 My winter on the Nile. [Be- i.s»«eo/' "Mummies" etc., 1875, tvii/i diff. t.] new ed. sS". Boston. 1881 •Jv. The hist, of Ireland, vl, [to i /7-I, no more 2>ubl.] Hist, of the Rebellion & Civil-War in Ireland. Mems. of Sir T. filore ; added, Utopia, tr., w. notes. Warner (Francis). Physical expression. 2'">ed S8". s8'\ The study of children & their school training. s8". N.Y. A roundabout journey. s8». 1883 Studies in the South tt West; w. comments on Canada. s8". 1890 Their pilgrimage. s8". 1888 Washington Irving. 88". 1882 sec Irving (Wash.) Studies of 1. by W., Bryant, etc., 1880. „ Twain (Mark) ps. & W. The gilded age, 1874 ; 1883. Warner (Ferdinando). Ecclesiast. hist, of England to 18"' cent. fol. 1756-7 4". 1763 1767 1758 1885 1885 1899 Warner (George Frederick), sec Dulwich College. Cat. of MHS. etc. at D. ; by W., 1881. Warner (George Townsend), M.A. Landmarks in Eng. indus- trial hist. s8". 1899 sec HowsoN (E. Vf.) & W., edd., Harrow School, 1898. Warner (Rebecca). Epistolary curiosities, unpublished letters of tlie 17"'-18"' c. illust. of the Herbert family. 2v in 1. 8°. Bath. 1818 Warner (Richard), rector of Cltelwood. Antiquitates culinaritB : tracts rel. to the culinary affairs of the old English, w. prelim. .disc, notes etc. 4". 1791 Chronolog. hist, of Jesus, or, Eng. Diatessaron. 8". 1819 Warner (Richard), rector of Cheliuood [contimied]. Hist, of Bath. 4". Bath. 1801 Walk through some of the western counties. 8". Bath. 1800 see Hasipshire. '♦Colls, for the hist, of H., etc., by D. Y. ; w. Domesday of the county, tr. etc. by R. W., [1793]. Warner (Miss Susan) [^is. Elizareth Wetherell]. Queechy. s8>. 1855 n.d. The wide wide world. 2v. 2'"»ea. s8>. 1852 s8^ 1877 •Daisy in the field. s8». [1869] ,, „ n. ed. s8". n.d. ♦The eud of a coil. sS". 1880 ♦Melbourne House. n. ed. s8'. 1880 ! & A. B. Warner. The gold of Chickaree- Warner (Thomas). How to keep the clock right by obs. of fixed stars etc. Ia8". 1869 Warner (William), 2'oct. Albions England. Now revised, etc. s4". 1612 Warner (Sir William Lee-), see Lee-W.i.rner (Sir W.) Warnes (John). Reasons for the cultivation of flax. [P240]. 8". 1843 '♦Warning (A) to gamesters, etc. [P161]. 8". n.d. [c. 1860 ?] Warnke (Carl), 2»'of. at Cobury. On the formation of Eng. words by means of ablaut. [P387]. 8'. Halle a/S. 1878 & L. Prbscholdt, edd., sec PsEnno-SH.iKEspEARiAN Plays. Warnkbnig (Leopold August). Hist, du droit romaiu. 8". Brux. 1836 Institutlones iuris Rom. privati. ed. 2''. 8». Leodii. 1825 „ „ ed. 4\ 8'. Bonnae. 1860 Philosophise juris delineatio. ed. 2 '. 8". Tubingoe. 1855 Analysis of Savigiiy on tlic law of possession. [P625]. 88'. E. 1839 Doctrina juris philosophica aphorismis distincta. 8'. Aquisgrani. 1830 Flandrische Staats- u. Rechts- gesch. bis 1305. 3B. 8". Tubingen. 1835-42 & L. V. Stein, Franzosische Staats- u. Rechtsgesch. 3B. 8". 1846 Warnmark (Peter), sec Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 13, W., 1871. Warre (Richard). The things of i)eace : sermon, 13 Apr., 1659, Wells. [P275]. s4". 1660 Warren & Surrey, earls of, see Watson (JohnJ. Mems. of the anc. Earls of W'. . 1897 Liturgy & ritual of the Celtic Church. 8". 0. 1881 MS. Irish Missal ed. W. sec Oxford, Corpus Christ: Coll. see Leofric Missal, etc., ed. W., 1883. Warren (George). Description of Surinam, see Harleiax coll. of voyages, v2, 1745. Warren iHenry), jiresident of S. of Painters in w. colour. Artistic anatomy of the human figure. 23"" ed. 88". n.d. Warren (John B. Leicester), sec De Tarley. Warren (John Esaias). "'Notes of an attach^ in Spain, 1850. 8". 1851 Warren (Robert), see Ussher (R. J.) & W., Birds of Ireland, 1900. Warren (Samuel), barrister. •Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. 2"'' ed. s8". 1840 Duties of attorneys & solicitors. 88'. 184^ Introd. to law studies [fp. want- ing]. i'"^ ed. 8". 1845 „ 2v. S'"" ed. 8<>. 1863 The lily & the bee : an apologue of the Crystal Palace. 83". E. 1851 WARREN 15GG WASHINGTON "Warren (Samuel) [continued]. Now & then. 8". E. 1848 The Queen, ov the Pope ? Letter The opium question. i to S. H. Walpole. [P309]. 3'" ed. 8". 1840 , [P129]. 2"'' ed. 8'. 1850 Passages f. the diary of a late : Ten thousand a-year. physician. 3v. s8>\ E. 1832-8 , 2v. n. ed. s8°. E. 1854 „ „ ... Iv. s8». E. 1854 , „ „2v in 1. n. ed. s8>. E. 7i.(?. Warren (Ecv. Samuel M.) Compendium of the tUeolog. writings of SwedenborR. 8». 1896 "Warren ("William Fairfield), 2yres. Boston Univ. Paradise found : the cradle of the human race at the N. Pole. s8\ 188-5 "Warren ("William Henry), x'^of. of Enrjinecring Univ. of S. Australian timbers. 8". Sydney. 1892 "Warrender (Margaret). Marchmont & the Humes of Pohvarth ; by one of their descendants. 4". E. 1894 "Warrenne (Gundreda de), see Gdndkeda, countess of Suircij. "Warreston, see W.vRr.isxoN. "Warrington. Warrington in 1465, as descr. in a contemp. rent roll of the Legh family. Ed. W. Beamont. [Chetham Soc, 17]. s4». 1849 sec BE.4M0XT (W.) Annals of the Lords of W. for 5 centuries after the Conquest, 1872. "Warrington (Henry Booth, ca)-; of) [t Booth]. Works. sS". 1694 "Warrington {Rev. "William). Hist, of Wales. 4". 1786 "Warriss (Thomas). Eheumatic gout & its cure. [PSIS]. 2"'i ed. 8". 1865 "Warriston (Archibald Johnston, Lord). Diary of A. J., Lord Wariston, 1639. — The preservation of the honours of Scotland, 1651-2.— Lord Mar's legacies, 1722-7.— Letters cone. Highland affairs in the IS"" c, by Mrs. Grant of Laggan. [Scottish Hist. Soc, 26]. 8". E. 1896 see MoRisoN' (W.) J. of W., 1901. "Wars. »Wars (The) of Alexander : allit. romance, ed. 1886, see Alexander, the Great. Wars (The) of York & Lanes., [Eng. hist, by contemp. writers], 1892, see TiioMrsoN (Edith) ed. "Warschauer (Otto). Gescb. d. Socialismus u. neueren Kom- munismus. 3 Abtlgn. (1, H'. Simon ; 2, Fourier ; 3, Blanc). sS". L. 1892-G [The fp. of A-2~3 reads Gesch. d. S. u. C. im I'J"" Jhdt.] "Warson (R.), to. of Llanduff. Address to people of Gt. Brit. [P120]. 13"' ed. 8". 1798 "Wartegg (Ernst v. Hesse-), sec Hesse-W/Uitego. "Wartenburg (Torek v.) , see YoncK v. WARTENm-RG (M.) "Wartensleben (Count Herrmann L. "W. C. A. F. v.) Campaign of 1870-1. Operations of the South Army, Jan.-Feb. 1871, tr. C. H. V. Wright. 8". 1872 Warter (John "Wood) [ps. Cehric Old.\cre]. The last of the old squires. s8". 1861 An Old Shropshire Oak, ed. E. Garnett. 4v. 8". 1886-01 A plain Protestant's manual. s8". 1851 The seaboard & the down. 2v. 8". 1860 "Warton Club. see I'lTz W.ARiNE (Fulk). *The hist, of F. F. W., w. tr. etc. by T. Wright, 1855. „ HALMWELL-PHiLLirrs (J. 0.) ed. Early Eng. misc'. f. MS. of 15"' c, 1855. „ Mary, g. of Seats. Latin themes, ed. A. de Montaiglon, 1855. „ Weight (T.) ed.. Songs & carols f. a MS. of 15"' c, 1856. "Warton (John)2'S- [i'.e .^VII.I,IAM \Vooi>, viear of Fidham]. Death- bed scenes, & pastoral conversations. 6v in 3. S8". 1828-9 "Warton (Joseph). Thegenius&writingsof Pope.5"'ed.2v.8". 1806 sec WooLL (.T.) Mems. of W. ; added, sel. f. h. works, & a lit. corr., 180G. "Warton (Thomas), poc< laureate. Hist, of Eng. poetry, f. close of ll"'to commencement of 18"" c. From the ed. of 1824 by K. Price, further improved. 3v. 8". 1840 Hist, of Eng. poetry f. 12»'-16"' c. With pref. by K. Price, & notes variorum. Ed. W. C. Hazlitt. 4v. 8". 1871 Life of Sir T. Pope ; w. papers never publ. S". 1772 Observations on the Faerie Queene. 8". 1754 „ „ 2'"' ed. 2v in 1. s8°. 1762 Poems. n- ed. 8". 1777 Poet, works. 5"'ed. ; added, luscript. Roman, delectus,* an inaugural speech. With mems. & notes by R. Mant. 2v. 8". 0. 1802 Specimen of a hist, of Oxfordshire [an account of Kiddington]. [P900]. 2"" ed. 4". 1783 Hist. & antiqs. of Kiddington, first pnbl. as a spec, of a Hist. of Oxfordshire. 3'" ed. 4". 1815 "Warton (Thomas), poet laureate [continued], see lliTsoN (J.) *Obs. on the three first vols, of the Hist, of Eng. Poetry, 1782. „ Union (The) : or select Scots & Eng. poems, [by W. £ otliers], 2-'ed., 1759. „*WiNCHESTER Guii>E (The), u. ed., 1796, [bij W. ?] , J. Bentham, Gaiit. Grrose, & J. Milner. Essays on Gothic architecture, [b.w. Architecture, Rudiments of ancient, S"' ed., 1804]. 2"'i ed. 8". 1802 "Warwick, countij of, see Warwickshire. "Warwick, toivn of. The Black Book of W. Transcr. & ed. T. Kemp. s4". Warwick. [1898] *New guide : hist. etc. aco. of Leamington & W., 2»'' ed., 1825, see Leamington. "Warwick (Arthur). Spare minutes. 8''' ed., [repr. of 6'^ 1637]. s8". 1829 see Selden (.T.) Table-talk ; added. Spare minutes, by W., 1890. "Warwick (Eden) ps. [i.e. G. .Jahet]. Nasology : classification of noses. s8". 1848 "Warwick (Frances Evelyn, countess of), sec Progress in women's education etc., 1898. "Warwick (Gruy, earl of), hero of romance, sec Guy, earl of Warwicti. "Warwick (Mary Rich, countess of). Autob. Ed. w. intr. & notes by T. C. Croker. [Percy Soc. '76]. s8". 1848 see PALGR.WE (M. E.) W. (1625-78), 1901. ., Smith (C. F.) M. E., her family & her friends, 1901. "Warwick {Sir Philip). Mems. of r. of Ch. I, w. cont. to the Restauration. s8". 1701 Mems. sur le r^gne de Charles I, & ce qui s'est pass^ jusqu'a la restauration des Stuart. [Guizot : R^v. d'A., 1]. 8". 1827 "Warwick (Richard de Beauchamp, .;"' earl of), see Young {Sir C. G.) Controv. for precedence betw. J. Moubray, Earl Mar- shal * W., n.d. "Warwick (Richard Neville, earl of). Revolte du conte de W. centre Edward IV. [Caxton Socl 8". 1849 see Oman (C. W.) W. the Kingmaker, 1891. "Warwick (Robert Dudley, earl of), see Dudley (Sir R.), calling himself c. of W. d' duke Message of C. E. Laughton to the Legislature, 1891. 8". Olympia. 1891 Narrative of the campaigns at W. & New Orleans (1814-5), 1821. see Gleig (G. R.) "Washington (Booker T.) Up from slavery. 8". 1901 Washington (George), jjres. of the U.S. Life, by himself, comp. h. mems. ■ "^'ritings, w. life, notes etc. by & corr., inch sev. letters now J. Sparks. 12v. [\^ leiinfitig]. first publ. ; ed. C. W. Upliam. 8». Boston. 1883-i) 2v. s8". 1851 I WASHINGTON 1567 WATLING "Washington (George), /dts. of the U.S. Iconlinucd]. see Sc'UDDEit (H. E.) \V. histor. biogJ., 1889. Sparks (J.) ctl., Corr. of tlie Amer. Revol. : being letters of emiiieiit meu to W., f. li. taking command to end of li. Presidency, 1850. Letter to MaJion : ans. to h. letter to ed. of W.'s writingR, 1852. Life of W. ; added, h. diaries iSc speeches, etc., 1839. Remarks on a " Reprint of orig. letters f. W. to J. Reed, etc.," 1853. Reply to strictures of Mahon & others on mode of editing the writings of W., 1852. W. ; fondation des Etats Unis, vie de W., etc., tr. ; prec. d'intr. par Guizot, 1851. United St.wes ; Lie. ok Congress ; Friedenwald (H.) Calendar of W. MSS., 1901. V.iLE (G.) Life of T. Paine, w. his letters to W., 1841. Wilson {Woodrowi. W., 1897. icc Chester (J. L.) A prelimr. investigation of the alleged ancestry of W., IHIWJ. „ CoNW.w IM. D.I W.'s rules of civility traced to their sources & restored, 1890. „ CusTis (G. W. P.) Recoils. & private mems. of W., 18U0. „ Edmonds (C. R.) Life & times of W., 1835. „ Ford (P. L.) The true G. W., 1897. ,, Fheem.\n |E. a.) Greater Greece etc.; it, W. the expander of England, 1886. ,, OuizoT (P.) W., [t'lTiicli], 1841; n. ed., 1844. „ H.iRiusoN (F.) W. : A- o. addresses, 1901. „ Irving (W.) Life of W., 1855-7. „ Jou.\ULT (A.) W. d'ap. s. mems. & corr., 187(i. „ Lodge (H. C.) W., 1889. ., Marshall (John). Life of W., 1804-7. „ Paine (T.) Letter to W,, 1797. „ Ramsay (D.) Life of W., 1807. „ Ritner (J.) Vindication of W. from adherence to secret societies, 1841. & A. Jackson. W. d- J. on negro soldiers. [P211]. 8". Philadelphia. 1863 "WasHngton (Martha) [fonii.Mrs.Cus-ris], seeWH.\ETON (A. H.) M. W., 18117. Wasianski (E. A. C.) I. Kant in seinen letzten Lebensjabien. s8". Konigsberg. 180-1 Wasielewski (Joseph Wilhelm v.) L. v. Beethoven. 2B. 2'- A. 8". L. 1805 Gesch. d. Instnimentalmusik im IGten Jhdt. 8". 1878 11. Schumann : eine Biographie. 3' A. 8". L. 1880 Life of K. Kchuinann, w. letters, 1833-52 ; tr. A. L. Alger. s8'. 1878 Wasmann (Erich), S.J. Instinct u. Intelligenz im Thierreich. 2' A. 8". Freiburg im Breisgau. 189!l Vergleichende Stiidien fiber d. Seelenlehen d. Ameisen u. d. liohern Thiere. 2'' A. 8". Freiburg im Breisgau. 1(100 Wason (Rigby). Letter to .J. Bright on the remedies he pro- posed for relief of Ireland. [P288]. 8". Ayr. 1850 "Wassenbergius (Everhardus), Embricensis. Florus Germani- cus. ed. nov. et 7". s8''. Dantisci. 1042 Panegyricus Ferdinando III dictus etc. [b. w. above]. s8". Colonise Agrippinje. 1G17 Wassermann (Jakob). Gcscb. d. jungen Senate Fuchs. 2»A. s8'. 1001 Wassiljew (V. P.), sec Vasil'ev (V. P.) Wat Tyler, d. IS'il, sec Tyler (Wat). "Watchman (The), 10 nos., 1798, sec Coleridge (S. T.) *'Waterdale (The) neighbours, 1867, see MacC.irthy (.J.) "Waterfleld ("William). Indian ballads, & o. p. s8". 18G8 "Waterford (Louisa, marcMoncss of), see Hare (A. ,1. C.) Story of two noble lives, 1893. „ Stuaut (Gen. C.) Short life of L., 1892. "Waterhouse (Charles H.) Insignia vita ; five essays on life & character. s8". 1890 Signification & jirinciples of art. 8". 1889 "Waterhouse (George Robert). Nat. hist, of Mammalia. 2v. laS". 1846-8 "Waterhouse (MnJ. Gen. James). Preparation of drawings for photographic reproduction. s8". 1890 "Waterland (Daniel). Works. Life etc. by W. Van Mildert. lOv, [vl lias 2i) ill /v] ; cC, Index, Iv. 8". 0. 1823-8 Suppl. to [his] Case of Arian subscription, in ans. to [A. A. Sykes'] Case of subscription to 39 Art'. 8". 1722 "Water-Lily, ship. *The log of the W.-L., on the Rhine etc., 2"'' ed., 1854, sec Mans- field (E. B.) *The Water Lily on the Danube, 1853, sec Mansfieli. (R. B.) "Waterloo. The battle of W., cont. the accounts publ. by authority, etc. : by a near observer. 7"' ed. 8". 1815 The battle of W., with Ligny ik Quatre Bras ; plans by Geo. .lones. [Ed. J. Booth]. H^k ed. 8". 1852 ♦Campaign (The) of W. illust. w. engravings ; pref., hist, of the campaign, 1816, sec Horne (T. H.) *Le drame de W., 2' ed., 1868, sec Piekart (Z. J.) *Stories of W., 1838, sec Maxwell (W. H.) Waterloo Letters ; hitherto unpublished, bearing on 16-18. June, 1815. By officers ; ed. H. T. Siborne. H '. 1891 "Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames, Company of, London, see Hl-.mi'Hervs (H.) Hist, of the Co. of W etc 1887. "Waters (C.) *Memoires d'un policeman. Tr. V. Perceval. Publ. par A. Dumas. 5' &!. s8". [1861 ?] "Waters (Mis. Clara Erskine), see Clement {Mrs. C. E.), aft. Waters. "Waters (Mrs. John). A young girl's adventures in Paris during the Commune [a novel]. s8". 1881 "Waters (Robert). How to get on, demonstrated by hfe etc. of W. Cobbett ; added, C.'s Eng. grammar, w. notes. ITIic " Grammar" hat Sep. tp. ,(■ paijin.]. s8". N.Y. 1883 "Waters (Robert Edmond Chester). Genealog. mems. of the extinct family of Chester of Chicheley. 2v. 4\ 1878 Genealog. mems. of the kindred families of T. Cranmer abp. A- T. Wood, bp. of Lichfield. (Chapters fr. Memoirs of Cbesters of Chicheley). 4o_ 1377 Gundrada de Warrenne, wife of Wm. de Warrenne, 1" Earl of Surrey : exam, of h. parentage. 8". Exeter. 1884 Parish registers. [P220]. 8". /.p.c. 1870 see Lindsey, Lincolnshire. Roll of owners of land etc ed W 1883. ■ ■' „ Melbourne, Derbyshire. List of inhabitants (1695), w notes etc. by W., 1885. "Waters (Thomas Franklin). Life of John Winthrop the younger. [Ipswich Hist. Soc, Mass.]. Ia8». n.j). 1899 "Waters ("William George). J. Cardan. 8". 1898 Piero della Francesca. "Waterton (Charles). Essays on nat. hist., w. autobiog. s8". 1838 „ 3"'ei. s8'). 1839 „ „ 5'"ed. 68". 1844 ,, ,, 2"'^ser. : w.cont.of autob. 8". 1844 „ „ 3'* ser. 58°. 1857 Wanderings in S. America, the s8». 1901 N.W. of the U.S., & the Antilles, 1812, 16, 20, 24. S'-'i ed. 68 '. 1836 i> 1 4ihed. sS". 1839 „ „ ed., w. biog., J. G. Wood, n. ed. s8». 1879 see HoEsoN (R.) W., 1l home, habits etc., 2"'' ed., 1867. "Wathen (Geo. Henry). The Golden Colony : Victoria, 1854. .s8". 1855 "Wathen- Bartlett ("V".), see B.\btlett (V. W.) "Watherston (Edward J.) Progress of Eng. commerce [P371]. 3'^'' ed. 8". E. 1883 "Watkin (Sir Edward "William), bart., M.P. Alderman Cobden of Manchester. Letters A' reminisc. of E. Cobden, etc. Ia8<'. [1891] Canada & the States : recoil'., 1851-86. s8". [1887] Trip to the US. j)/i'cia)!. Electro-magnetism, etc. 8\ 1828 "Watkins (Henry "William). Modern crit. in rel. to 4'i' Gospel. [Bampton L^, 1890]. %•>_ igyo "Watkins (John), />/../). The life A- limes of "England's Patriot King," William IV. go. ig3j "Watkins (Morgan George). Colls, towards the hist. etc. of the CO. of Hereford, in cont. of Dunoumb's Hist. : Hundred of Huntington. 4". Hereford. 1897 Gleanings f. the nut. hist, of the ancients. go. iggg The worthies of Lincolnshire. [P480]. 8". 188.5 "Watkins (Oscar Daniel). Holy matrimony : divine laws of marriage. go. jggj "Watkins (Owen Spencer). With Kitchener's Army, 1898. "Watkinson (John), M.D. Philosophical survey of the S. of Ireland in a series of letters to W. sgi>. jy I'yyg "Watkins's London directory, & court guide. 1852. Ia8". [18521 "Watling (John), [Watlin , sec Bi-ccaneeks. Hist, of the B- tr., 3"" ed., 1704. WATRIN 1568 WATT "Watrin (H.) Code rural (texte & eomm.) & droit rural usuel. 8°. 1900 "Watson, Tlie family of, see Wise (C.) Eockingbam Castle & the Watsons, 1891. Watson (Alex.), vicar of St. Manjchiirch. Sermons on doct., discipline, practice. 8". 1843 Watson (Alfred Edward Thomas). see Babminton Libraby (The\ ed. by the Duke of Beau- fort, ass. by W., 1888 etc. „ Racing etc. Steeple- chasing, bv A. Coventry & W., 1886. " „ Fl'R,FEATHEB,& FIN SERIES, in prog., 1894 etc. Hunting-crop Hall, & o. b. By W., & o. sporting writers. s8". 1899 Eacing & 'chasing. s8». 1897 Sketches iu the hunting field. 8". 1880 The turf. 8". 1898 Watson (Mrs. Eliz. Sophia), wife of Bev. Bobt. A. Watson, [ps. Deas Ckmiariy], see Cromarty (D.) 2>s. Watson (Ellen), b. 1S56, d. -ISSO, see Buckl-uid (Anna). Record of W., 1884. Watson (Forbes). *Flo\vers A sardens. s8'>. 1872 Watson (George Bott Churchill). Hints for pedestrians. n. ed. s8°. 1862 Watson ((Jilbert). Shuffles. s8'\ [1898] Watson (Henry Brereton Marriott). 18'.I8 The heart of Miranda, & o. s. s8o. 1898 Marahuna. sS". 1888 The rebel. S8". 1900 The adventurers. 68" At the first corner, & o. s. s8". 189.5 Chloiis of the island. s8o. 1900 Galloping Dick. s8". 1890 I Watson (Hewett Cottrell). Cybele Britannica ; Brit, plants ct tbeir geograpb. relations. 4v. 8°. 1847-59 „ „ Suppl., pi. [no more ajyp.] 8°. p.p. 1860 Watson (James), radical, see Linton (W. J.) J. W. : a mem. of the ti^bt for a free press & of the People's Charter, 1879. Watson (James Kenneth), M.D. A bdbk. for nurses. 88°. 1899 Watson (Jean L.), sec Tyti-ek (S.) 2>s. [i.e. H. Keddie] oct. writer. Collected poems. s8". 1898 The eloping angels. s4". 1893 Excursions in criticism. s8'. 1893 The father of the forest, & o. p. s8". 1895 The hope of the world, & o. p. s8". 1898 Lachrymal musarum, & o. i». , s8". 1892 Lj-ric love ; an anthology. s8". 1892 Watson (William H.), F.C.S., F.M.S. living nature Odes & o. p. s8". 1894 Poems. s8°. 1892 The Prince's quest tt o, p. 68". 1893 The purple east. sS". 1896 Wordsworth's grave, & o. p. s8". 1890 The year of shame. b8". 1897 see Perris (G. H.) The Eastern crisis of 1897, w. poem by W., 1897. Science teachings in s8". 1879 Watson- Wentworth (Charles), !?'"' marq. of Bockingham, see lloCKINGUAil. Watt club, see Willi-\jison (G.) Memorials of early life, etc., of .J. Watt, 1856. Watt (Alexander) o/ A'i)i/orc. Early hist, of Kintore. 8". 1865 Watt (Francis). The law's lumber room. s8". 1895 Watt (George). Diet, of the economic products of India. By W., ass. by numerous contrib'. fiv in 9, [v6 has 4p]. 8". [1, 2, Calcutta]. 1889-93 Watt (James), tlie engineer. Correspondence on discov. of theory of composition of water, ed. J. P. Muirhead. 8". 1846 Proceedings of meeting. Freemasons' Hall, 18 June, 1824, for erecting a mon. to W. 8". 1824 WATT 1569 WAYLAWD SMITH Watt (James), the engineer [continued], see BiiAMAH (J.) Letter on Boulton & W. v. Hornblower etc., for infringement of W.'s patent etc., 1797. „ MuiRHEAii (J. P.) Lite of W., w. sel". f. h. corr., 18-58. „ Origin of the mechan. inventions of W., illust. by his corr., & the specilications of his patents, [_w. mem. of W.], 1854. „ Smiles (S.) Lives of Boulton & Watt, 186.5. „ Williamson (G.) Memorials of early life, etc. of W., 1850. "Watt (James Crabb). J. Inglis, Lil. Justice-Gen. of Scotland ; a mem. 8'^. E. 1893 Watt (Joachim von), ■)4^4--l55l, see Vadianus (J.) Watt (Peter), accountant. The science of life insurance, w. tables. 8o. E. 1837 Watt (Eobert), M.D., of Glasgow. Bibliotheca Britannica. 2pin 4v. (pi, [vl, 2], Authors. p2,[v3, 4], Subjects), i". E. 1824 Watt (William). Economic aspects of recent legislation. s8". 188.5 Hist, of Aberdeen & Banff. 8". E. 1900 Watteau (Antoine). sec Dabgenty (G.) ps. [i.e. \ see Phillips (Claude). W., Mallebay d'Echebac]. 1895. A. W., 1891. „ EOSENBEBG (C. A.) W., „ MoLLETT \3. W.) W., 1885. , [Knackfuss, 15], 1890. Wattenbach (Wilbelm). Anleitung z. griech. Paliiographie. 2'- A. 4". L. 1877 XII Schrifttafeln. fol. L. 1877 Anleitung z. latein. Palaographie. 3° A. 4". L. 1878 Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis z. Mitte d. XIII. Jhdts. 8". 1858 2' A. 8". 18GG 2B. G' A. 8". 1893-4 Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. 8". L. 1871 see Bethmann (L. C.) it W., edd., Chronicon S. Hubert! Andagincnsis. Watters (Thomas). Stories of everyday life in China : told by Chinese, A [tr.] by W. s8". 1890 Watts (Alaric Alfred). Alaric Watts ; h. life, by h. son, A. A. W. 2v. s8'>. 1884 Watts (Mrs. Anna M.), sec Howitt (A. M.), aft. Walts. Watts (Benjamin Hick), see King (A. J.) * W^, The municipal records of Bath (1189-ie04), 1885. Watts (George Frederick), sec C.\rtwkight (.Iclia) W., [Easter Art Annual], 189li. Watts (Henry), J'.C.S. Diet, of chemistry. 8v in 9, [8 /irts 2p. ; v4, 5, 2"'i ed. ; v6 is Suppl. ; v7, 2»i Suppl. ; v8, 3"> Suppl.]. 8". 1870-81 „ „ Bewritten by H. F. Morley & M. M. P. Muir. 4v. [v4, n. ed.]. 8'. 1888-98 see Graham (T.) Elems. of chemistry, 2'"' ed., [v2 by G. & W.], 1850-8. „ Richardson (T.) & W., Manuf. etc. of acids, alkalies, salts, 2'"' ed., 18G3-7. Watts (Henry Edward). Life of Cervantes. s8". 1891 n. ed. s8". 1895 Spain, f. Moorish conq. to fall of Granada, (711-1492). [Story of the Nations]. s8". 1893 2"" ed. sS". 1897 Watts (Isaai), D.D. Logic. 5"- ed. 8". 1733 7'" ed. 8". 1740 Works. 9v. 8". 1812-3 Watts (Joshua). liemarkable events in the hist, of man : or, narratives of the most wonderful adventures, etc. 8". 1825 Watts (T.), see Watts-Dunton (T.) Watts (Thomas), keeper of Printed Bks., B.M. Letter to A. I'anizzi on the rejiuted earliest pr. newspaper, " The English Mercurie, 1588." [P348]. 8". 1839 Watts (W. H.), reporter. My private note-book. s8". 18G2 Watts (William). "Mems. of the revol. in Bengal, 1757. [P192]. 8'>. 1760 Watts (William Lord). Snioland ; or, Iceland, its jokulls A fjalls. 88". 187.5 Watts-Dunton (Theodore) [form. T. Watts]. .\ylwin. 2'"' ed. sS". 1899 The coming of love, & o. poems. s8". 1898 Greeting at Spithearl to the men of Greater Brit. [PG80]. s8". 1897 Wauch (Mansie)j)s. *^The life of M. W., 1828, sfc Mom (D. M.) Wauchope (Andrew Gilbert), sec Baird (W.) W., 1900. Waugh (Arthur). Tennyson, a study of h. lifeLtwork. 8". 1692 2"i ed., rev. 8". 1893 Waugh (Rev. Benjamin). *The Gaol Cradle— Who rocks it ? s8°. 1873 Sunday evenings with my children. ^18". 1889 Waugh (Edwin). Besom Ben stories. Ed. G. Milner. Manchester, n.d. The chimney corner. Ed. G. Milner. s8». [1892] Lancashire sketcbes. 3'. [1883] tion. sS". 1890 Wauwermans (Ic gin. H. E.) Najioleon & Carnot : Episode de I'hist. milit. d'Anvers, 1803-15. Ia8". Brux. 1888 Waveney (R. A. S. Adair), baron [jAd.ur (R.A.S.) baron W.] Forty years since : or, Italy tt Rome, a sketch. 8". 1876 Waverleia, Monasterium de, see Waverley, Monastery of. *Waverley anecdotes : illustrative of characters, scenes etc. in the novels of Scott [pref. signed F. ; author not lcnoiC7i\, n. ed., 1841 ; 1884, see Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley, monastery of. see Bouquet (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl8, W. (1179- 1'227). „ LuARD (H. R.) cd., Annales monastici : v2. A', monast'. de Waverleia (1-1291), 1865. Wavrin (Jehan de), seigneur du Forestel, seeWkvurs (J. de), seiijjteiir etc. Wawn (William T.) The S. Sea Islanders & the Queensland labour trade : Voyages in the W. Pacific, 1875-91. 8'. 1893 Way. '*Way (The) thither, 1882, see Field {Mrs. L. F.) *Way (The) to save wealth, etc. s8". n.d „ „ *Notahle things : or. The way to save wealth. [b.ic. above]. 2"'' ed. s8". 1697 *Way (The) we spell now. [signed L. F. P334, 377]. 8". 1882 Way (Gregory Lewis), see Le Grand d'Aussy (P. .J. B.) Fabliaux, 12"' & 13'" c". ; sel. & tr. G. L. W., 1815. Way (T. E.) Later reliques of old London, drawn in litho- graphy by W., w. intr. & descr". by H. B. Wheatley. 4". 1897 '"Wayfaring sketches among the Greeks & Turks etc., 1847, see Skene (F. M. F.) Wayland Smith {Legend of], see Depping (J. B.) & F. Michel, W. S., 1847. 51 WAYLAND 1570 WEBER Wayland (Francis) the elder. Elements of polit. economy. s8". 1838 Mem. of Bev. A. Judson. 2v. 8". 1853 Wayland (Jane). Recoils, of real life in England ; intr. by F. Wayland. s8». N.Y. 1848 Waylen (James). Chronicles of the Devizes. 8\ 1839 Hist.of thetownof Marlborough * Hundred of Selkley. 8'. 1854 The House of Cromwell, & the story of Dunkirk. Ia8\ 1880 Waynflete CWilliam) [tPATTEN (W.) of Waynflele; bp. of Winclicster]. sec CuANDLEK (R.) Life of W. W., 1811. „ Dr.ANE(A.T.) The three Chancellors: lives of W. etc., 1860. Wayte CWilliam), sec Smith (Sir W.) Diet. of Greek* Roman antiq'., 3'^ ed., ed. W. etc., 1890-1. "Wazir 'Ali, Kau-ab of Oiide, see Alt, Klian. [f 'Ali, Mikza, commonli/ called Wazik 'Ai.i, etc.]. We. nVe'Catholics ! 4'" ed., 1885, sec Catholics. *We have all been in the wrong : thoughts upon the late & pres. Pari., '. D. 1886 Webb {Mrs. Beatrice), wife of S. Webb. [jPotter (B.), aft. Webb]. For works wr. by S. Webb cf B. Webb in collab., sec Webb (Sidney). The case for the Factory Acts. Pref . by Mrs. H. Ward. sS". 1901 The co-operative movement in Gt. Britain. 88". 1891 2". 1840 by W. M. Rossetti. Added, 7 (her only other) sonnets. 5.8'. 1895 Portraits. 3" ed. s8<>. 1893 Sels. f. the verse of A. W. s8». 1898 The sentence. s8o. 1887 A woman sold, & o. p. 88". 18B7 "Ju-Pe-Ya's lute. s8'i. 1874 see Hapgood (N.) W., 1899. „ Lodge (H.C.) D. W.,1891. „ Ritneb (J.) Vindication of Washington from adhe- rence to secret societies; w. letter to Webster, & his I reply, 1841. "Webster (David). The angler & the loop-rod. sS". 1885 "Webster (Edward). Business of the H. of Commons in rel. to cconomization of time. [P2.52]. 8". 1868 Scientific Christianity. [P514]. S\ 1871 "Webster (H. Cayley-), see Catley-Weester (H.) "Webster (Henry Kitchell). The banker & the bear. s8». N.Y. 1900 "Webster (John), M.D., F.R.S. Statistics of grave-yards in Scotland. [P145]. 8". [1855] "Webster (John), iiocf. Dramatic works. Ed. W. Hazlitt. 4v. s8'. 1857 Works : notes etc. by A. Dyoe. 4v. s8<>. 1830 n. ed. Ia8\ 1871 & C. Tourneur. Best nlays : notes by J. A. Symonds. [Mermaid S.]. " unexpurg. ed. e8°. 1888 "Webster (John), practitioner in physick. The displaying of supposed witchcraft. 4". 1G77 "Webster (Noah). Amer. dict.of Eug. 2v. 4". New Haven. 1841 see ScuM.Eii (H. E.) N. W., 1882. "Webster (Robert (Jrant). The trade of the world : our system examined. 8". 1880 "Webster (Thomas), barrister. Law & practice of Letter.^ Patent : statutes, etc. [^jzj. Iil-i32. P133]. 3"' ed. 8". [1851] On amendment of law & practice of Letters Patent. [P304]. 8°. 1851 "Webster (Thomas), F.G.S. Encyc. of domestic economy. By W., assist, by Mrs. Parkes. 8". 1844 see Englefield (Sir H. C.) Descr. of I. of Wight ; w. obs. on strata of island, & their cont. in Dorsetshire, by W., 181G. "Webster (Warren). The Army Medical Staff: address at inaug. of Dale Gen. Hosp., Worcester, Mass., Feb. 22, 1865. [P360]. 8". Boston. 1865 "Webster ("Wentworth). Basque legends; with essay on Basque by J. Vinson, etc. 2'"' ed. 8°. 1879 Spain. s8'. 1882 "Webster ("William Bullock). Ireland as a field for invest- ment or residence. s8". D. 1852 "Webster ("William Henry Bayley). Voyage to the S. Atlantic Ocean 1828-30, in H.M. sloop Chanticleer, under Capt. H. Foster. 2v. 8". 1834 "Webster's Eoyal red book : or, Court & fashionable register. Apr., 1847, 48 ; Jan. & Apr., 1849, 50 ; Apr., 1851 ; Jan. & Apr., 1852 ; Apr., 1853, 54; Jan., 1855; Jan. & Apr., 1856 ; Jan., 1857, 58; Jan. A Apr., 1859; Apr., 1860; .Jan. & Apr., 18C1-7 ; Jan., 1868 ; Jan. A Apr., 1869 ; Jan., 1870, 96, 99, 1900, 1901, 1902. s8". [1847-1902] "Wechniakof (Theodore). Intr. aux recherches sur I'economie des travanx scientitiques et esthetiques. [P239]. 8". 1870 "Wechsler (T.) P.umiinische Grammatik. 2' A. s8\ Wien. n.d. "Weckerlin (Jean Baptiste). Chansons pop. de I'-ilsaee. 2t. [Lpl7, 18]. s8". 18i?3 "Weddell (Gr.), see Arcana Fairfaxiana Manuscripta: Apothe- caries' lore etc. Intr. by W., 1890. "Weddell (James). Voyage towards the S. Pole 1822-24, A visit to Tierra del Fuego, etc. 8". 1825 "Wedderburn (Alex.), baron Loughboivtigli, aft. ■/■' c. of Uoaslyn, see Loughborough. "Wedderburn (Sir David), bart., sec Pf.bcivai, (Mrs. Life of W., 1884. "Wedderburn (Sir James "W.) Reply to G. Knight's letter to Aberdeen, on foreign policy. [P90]. 8'^ [1829] "Wedderburne (David). The compt bulk of W., (1587-1G30) : together w. the shipping lists of Dundee (1580-1618). Ed. A.°H. Millar. 8". E. 1898 *"Wedding (The) : opera, 1729, sec Hawker (E.) "Wedelius (Georgiiis "Wolfgangus). Expermientum ehim. novum de sale volatili plantarum. s8°. Jence. 1682 Snecimen experimenti chim. novi de sale volatili plantarum. '■ s8». Jenff. 1682 »"Wederspannige zoon (De), 1702, see De Geest (W.) Wedgwood, Tlie family of, sec Jewitt (Ll.) The W' sec Metey.veo (E.) A group oi Englishmen (1795-1815): the younger W'. etc., 1871. E. H.) The W., 1805. dl2 WEDGWOOD 1572 WEIS Wedgwood (Hensleigh). Contested etymologies in diet, of Skeat. sS". 1882 Development of the understand- ing. sti°. 1848 Diet, of Eng. etymology. 8v. 8". 1859-65 „ „ 2''. Wells. 1890 „ Burials, 1561-1860. [Ed. S. 3. A. Hervey']. s4". Wells. 1890 „ Marriages, 1561-1839. [Ed. S. B. A. Hervey]. s4". WeDs. 1888 "Wedmore (Frederick). The collapse of the penitent. "Weidemann (Carl Albert). Die neuesten Daistellungen des Lebens Jesu. 8°. Gotha. 1864 "Weidner (Johann Leonhard) [ps. GK.iTiANrs Leosthenes Salicetus]. *Elixir Jesuiticum. 2" cura et parte augment., una cum vaticinio Hildegardis Jesuitis accommodato. Authore et coUectore I[oh]. L. W. 0. P., [G. L. Saliceto on i""* tjj.]. s8". [Amsterdam ?]. 1645 *Jubileura, s. speculum Jesuiticum. Opera I. L. W. 0. P. 88". ["Leyden? "]. 1643 "Weigall {Lady Kose S. M.) Brief mem. of Princess Charlotte of Wales; w. sels. f. h. corresp. & o. unpubl. papers. s8". 1874 "Weigel (Rudolph). Suppl. au Peintre-Graveur de A. Bartsch. tl, Peintres et dessinateurs n^erlandais. [no more pnibl.] s8j. Leipzig. 1843 "Weigel (T. 0.) Corpus diss, theolog., s. cat. commentationum etc. qua; in coll. Weigeliana Lipsiensi prostant. S''. L. 1847 "Weigelt (Georg). Bilder aus d. jiid. Geschichte. Sechs Predigten. [P499]. 8". Hamburg. 1852 Die sogen. Beweise f iir d. Dasein e. Gottes. [P476]. 8». Hamburg. 1852 Zur Gesch. d. neueren Philosophie. 8<>. Hamburg. 1855 Weik (Jesse "Wm.), see Herndon (W. H.) & W., Herndon's Lincoln, 1888. "Weil (Georges Denis). Les Elections legislatives dep. 1789 : hist, de la legisl". & des moeurs. s8". 1895 "Weil (Gustav). Gesch. d. Chalifen. 5B. 8". [1-3, Mannheim, 4, 5, Stuttgart]. 1846-62 1, bis zum Untergange d. Omejjaden, etc. 2, 132-334 d. H. = 749-945 n. Clir. 8, 334-656 d. H. = 945-1258 n. Chr. 4, 656-792 d. H. = 1258-1390 n. Chr. 5, 792-923 d. H. = 1390-1517 n. Chr. Gesch. d. islamitischen Volker v. Mohammed bis zur Zeit d. Sultan Selim. 8". Stuttgart. 1866 "Weil (H.), (#"cier. Le prince Eug6ne et Murat, 1813-14. 5t. 8". 1902 "Weil (Henri), inembrc de Vlnstitut. Etudes sur I'antiquitS grecque. sS". 1900 Etudes sur le drame antique. s8 ". 1897 Melanges H. W. : mems. cone. I'hist. iS; la litt. gi-ecques ded. a W., a I'occas. de s. 80' anniv. Ia8". 1898 "Weiland (Ludwig) ed., Constitutiones et acta publica impera- torum et regum. [Mon. Germ. Hist., Leg. Sect. 4]. tl, 2, 911-1272. 4". Hannovera;. 1893-6 "Weill (Alexandre). Der Bauernkrieg. s8". Darmstadt. 1847 Les livres de Dieu : Moise & le Talmud. 8". 1864 Souv". intimes de Heine. s8". 1883 Village tales from Alsatia ; tr. Sir A. D. Gordon. sS". 1848 "Weill (Georges). L'i-cole saint-simonienne : son hist., son influence jusqu'a nos jours. s8". 1896 Hist, du parti republicain en France de 1814 a 1870. 8". 1900 Un pi'ccurseurdu soeialisme : Saint-Simon et son ceuvre. s8". 1894 "Weimar ( duke of), see Spanheim (F.) Deuxieme partie du Soldat suedois ; avec 61oge sur [le] due de W., par le sieur de Grenaille, 1642. "Weimar (Bernhard v.), see Dhoysen (G.) W., 1885. "Weimar (Louisa, grand-duchess of), see Louisa, grand-duchess. "Weingarten. Die Weingartner Liedcrhandschrift, hrsg. v. F. PfeiiTer * F. Fellner. [Lit. V. in St., 5]. s8". St. 1843 "Weingarten (Hermann). Die llevolutionskirchen Englands. 8'. L. 186S "Weinhold (Adolf F.) Introd. to experimental physics. Tr. B.Loewy. 1875 "Weinsberg (Conrad v.) C.'s v. W. d. Eeichs-Erbkiimmerers, Einnahmen- u. Ausgaben-Register v. 1437 u. 1438. [Ed. .J. A. Albrecht]. [Lit. V. in St., 18]. s8'\ Tiibingen. 1850 "Weir (Archibald). The historical basis of modern Europe, 1700-1815. 8". 1886 & "W. D. Maclagan, edd. The Church & the Age : essays [by var. wr'.]. 2s. 8". 1870-72 "Weir (Eliz.), see C.assell's new German diet., by W., 1889. "Weir (George). Hist. etc. sketches of Horncastle. Ia8". 1820 si'e Tattekshall. *A topograph ace. of T., [by TV. ?] 1811. "Weir (James), jr., M.D. The dawn of reason : mental traits in the lower animals. s8". N.Y. 1899 "Weir (Capt. Robert), see Badminton Lie. : Riding, by W., etc., 1891 ; 4th ed. 1899. "Weis (Ludwig). Anti-Materialismus, [B3, " oder Kritik aller Phil. d. Unbewussten "]. 3B. s8". 1871 Gedanken z. Poesie u. Philosophie. 8°. Darmstadt. 1861 Idealrealismus u. Materialismus. 8". 1877 WEISBACH N 1573 WELDON "Weisbach (Julius). Mechanics of machinery & engineering. 2v. 8". 1847-8 "Weise (Arthur James). Discoveries of America, to 1525. 8». 188-1 "Weise (Christian), of Zittau. Die drei argsten Erznarren in il. ganzen Welt. Roman. Abtlruck d. Aufl. v. 1C73. [P701]. s8". Halle a/S. 1878 Weise (Fr. Oscar). Die griechischen Worter im Latein. laS". L. 1882 Sclirift- u. Buchwesen in alter u. neuer Zeit. s8". L. 1899 Weisengriin (Paul). Der Marxismus u. d. Wesen d. sozialen Frage. 8\ L. 1900 Weiske (Benjamin Grotthold). Philosophie d. Daratellung, besonders d. mythischen (Abdr. d. Einltg. d. "rrometheus "). 8". L. 1841 8". L. 1842 Essays upon heredity etc. 2'"' ed. s8". O. 1891 The germ-plagm : a theory of heredity. Tr. W. N. Parker & H. Riiiiiifeldt. s8». 1893 Studies in the theory of descent, tr. R. Meldola, notice by C. Darwin. 8°. 1882 References. see Romanes (G. J.) Exam, of Weissmannism, 1893. „ Spencer (Herbeut). The inadequacy of " natural selection," 1893. „ Rejoinder "All-sufficiency taral selection to W.['s of na- an art. Contem]jorary "], Prometheus u. s. Mythenkreis. Weismann (August). Aussere Einfliisse als Entwick- lungsreize. [P587]. 8". Jena. 1891 Neue Gedauken zur Vererb- ungsfrage. [P602]. S". L. 1895 Cber d. Berechtigung d. Dar- win'schen Tlieorie. [P548]. 8". L. 1868 tjber Germinal-Selection. [P021]. 8°. Jena. 1896 Vortrjige xi. Descendenztheorie. 2B. 8". Jena. 1902 Translations. Effect of external influences upon development. [Romanes L., 1894. P583]. 8". 1894 Essays upon heredity etc., tr. in the E.B. Poulton, S. Schiinland, 1893. & A. E. Shipley. 2B. 8". O. 1889-92 "Weiss (Bernard). Die drei Briefe d. ApostelJohannes. [Meyer. Komm. ii. d. Neue Test., 6' A. neu bearb. v. W.]. 8o. Gottingen. 1899 Der .Johanneische Lehrbegriff in seinen Grundziigen unter- sucht. 8". 18G2 Lehrbuch der Einleitung in das Neue Testament. 3" A. 8". 1897 A manual of introduction to the New Test. Tr. A. J. K. Davidson. 2v. s8". 1896 Der Philipper-Brief u. d. Gesch. seiner Auslegung. 8». 1859 "Weiss (Charles), prof, au Lycee Bonapark. Hist, des refugifs protestants de France. 2t. s8". 1853 "Weiss (Hugo). Die grossen Ivappadocier Basilius, Gregor v. Nazianz, u. Gregor v. NyssaalsExegeten. 8". Braunsberg. 1872 "Weiss (Jean Jacques). Combat constitutionnel, 1868-86. b8". 1893 Essais sur I'hist. de la litt. frau?. Trois annees de theatre, 1883-5. [4v]. sS Autour de la Comedie-Fr. [1] A propos de theatre. [2] Le drame histor. & le drarae passionuel. [3] Les theatres parisiens. [4] "Weiss (John). Life & corresp. of Theodore Parker. 2v. S". "Weiss (Nathanael). La cbambre ardente : Libert^ de science sous Fram;. I * Henri II, 1540-50. s8". *'Weissagungen der zwolf Sibyllen, see Sibylline Oracles. "Weissbueh. Vorgelegt d. Eeiohstage in d. 4. Session, d. 9. Legislatur-Periode. T16. [Afrika, Siidafrikan. Bepublik, etc.]. laS". 189G "Weisse (Christian Hermann). Die Evangelienfrage in ihrem gegenwartigeu Studium. ■ 8°. L. 1856 Die evangelisohe Geschichte, krit. u. phil. bearbeitet. 2B. 8». L. 1838 Psychologie u. Unsterblichkeitslehre, nebst Vorlesungen ii. d. Materialismus. Aus W.'s Naohlass zusammengestellt v. R. Seydel. 8". L. 1869 System d. Aesthetik als Wissenschaft v. d. Idee d. Schonheit. 2B. 8". L. 1830 liber d. Studium d. Homer. 8". L. 1826 "Weissenborn (Georg). Vorlesungen ii. Pantheismus u. Theis- mus. 8". Marburg. 1859 "Weissenburg, Annales, see Migne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, tl41. "Weissenfels (Eduard Schmidt-), see Schmidt-Weissenfels. "Weissheimer (W.) Erlebnisse mit Wagner, Liszt u. a. Zeit- genossen. 8'. St. 1898 b8". 1891 . 1892-96 1863 con- 1889 "Weisthiimer, gesammelt v. J. Grimm, 7T, 1840-78, see Grimm (J.) "Weitemeyer (H.) ed., Le Danemark: hist., g^og., langue, litt., beaux-arts etc. Publ. avec le concours de plus, savants par W. s8". Copenhague. 1889 Denmark : hist., topog''., lit. etc. 8". 1891 Weitzel (Johann Ignaz). Gesch. d. Staatswissenschaft. 2T. 8". Stuttgart. 1832-3 "Weizsacker (Carl v.) Das apostolische Zeitalter d. christ- licben Kirche. Ia8'. Freiburg i.B. 1886 The apostolic age of the Church. Tr. J. Millar. 2v. 8". 1894-5 Theologische Abhaudlgn. C. v. W. zu s. 70ten Geburtstage, 1892, gewidmet. Ia8". Freiburg i.B. 1892 "Welby (Horace). Predictions realised in modern times. 8". 1862 Welch (Charles), F.S.A. Bibliography of the Livery Com- panies of London. [P572]. 8». 1890 Guildhall Library & its work. [P611]. 8". 1893 Hist, of the Tower Bridge, & of o. bridges over the Thames built by the Corporation, incl. aco. of the Bridge House Trust. With descr. of the Tower Bridge by J. W. Barry, ct intr. by Canon Benham. 4". 1894 Modern hist, of the City of London, f. 1760. 4". 1896 see Benham (W.) &. W., Mediaeval London, 1901. Welch (Joseph). List of scholars of St. Peter's, Westminster, since 1663, and of such as have been elected to Christ Church, Oxfd., & Triuity, Cam. £. 1501, etc. n. ed., w. adds, by [C. B. Phillimore]. Ia8<>. 1852 Welch (Reginald Courtenay) ed., The Harrow School Register, 1801-93. 8». 1894 1801-1900. 2"J ed., ed. M. G. Dauglish. 8^ 1901 Welchman (Edward). The 39 articles, w. notes, etc. Tr. [P326]. 6'" ed. 8°. 1774 Welcker (Carl T.), see Rotteck (C. v.) & W., edd., Staatslexikon, 1834-48. Welcker (Friedrich Gottlieb). Die aeschylische Trilogie, Prometheus u. d. Kabirenweihe zu Lemnos etc. %«. Darmstadt. 1824 Alte Denkmiiler. 5T. 8". Gottingen. 1849-64 Der episohe Cyclus, oder d. Homerisohen Dichter. [Rhein. Museum Supp.-Bd. ]]. 2 Abthlgn., in 1, [pagin. cant.]. S". Bonn. 1835 Griech. Gotterlehre. 3B. 8". Gottingen. 1857-63 Die griech. Tragodien, mit Eiieksicht auf d. epischen Cyclus. (Rhein. Mus. Suppl.-Bd. 2, i-iii). 3 Abthlgn. [pagin. cont.]. 8". Bonn. 1839-41 Die Hesiodische Theogonie etc. 8". Elberfeld. 1865 Kleine Schriften. 5B in 3. 8». Gottingen. 1844-67 Nachtrag zu d. Schrift ii. d. aeschylische Trilogie. tt", Frankfurt a.M, 1826 Tagebuch e. griech. Eeise. 2B. sS". 1865 see Humboldt (W. v.) Briefe an W., 1859. Weld (Angelina Grimke). Sacred palmlands : a spring tour. 88". 1881 Weld (Charles Richard). Arctic expeditions : lecture. [P143]. 8°. 1850 Auvergne, Piedmont, Savoy. b8». 1850 Hist, of the Mace given to the Royal Soc. by Charles II. [P157]. 8°. 1846 Hist, of the Royal Soc, w. mem. of Presidents. 2v. 8". 1848 Last winter in Rome. sS**. Notes on Burgmidy. 88". The Paris Exhibition. [P238]. 38°. Bath. 1865 1869 1867 The Pyrenees, west & east. s8o. 1859 Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia, & Skye. s8«'. 1860 A vacation in Brittany. 88°. 1856 Vacation tour in U.S. & Canada. s8<>. 1855 Vacations in Ireland. s8J. 1857 see RoVAL Society. Descr. cat. of portraits in poss. of the R. S., by W., 1860. Weld (Horatio Hastings), see Yonge (C. M.) A W., Aunt Char- lotte's stories of Amer. hist., 1883. Weld (Isaac), JiOi. Statistical survey of the Co. of Roscommon. 8°. D. 1832 Travels through N. Amer., 1795-7. 4"' ed. 8". 1800 2v. 4'1'ed. 8». 1807 Weld (Thomas) of Lulworth Castle, see Cistercian. *Conoise hist, etc., w. life of W., 1852. Weldon (Sir Anthony). see *AuLicus Coquinarl^e, in ans. to " Court etc. of K. James, pretended to be by Sir A. W.," 1650. „ James I. *Secret hist, of the court of J. I : cont. W.'s Court & character of J. etc., 1811. WELDON 1574 WELLINGTON Weldon (Bennet). Pax : chronolog. notes of the Eng. Con- gregation of the Order of St. Benedict. 4°. 1881 ■Weldon (Walter). Pop. explan. of laws of chemistry. 8°. [1825] Welfen (Die), see Guelph, The family of. "Welford (Eichard) cd.. Hist, of Newcastle & Gateshead. t1-3, 14"' A 17"- c, [1801-1640]. laS^ 1885-7 "Welford (Eichard Griffiths). Impolicy of the high duties on tobacco. [P292]. 8". 1848 Influences of the Game Laws, extracts from evidence before Select Comm. 8°. 1846 Wellbeloved (Charles). Eburacum, or York under the Eomans. Ia8". York. 1842 Wellbjr (Montagu Sinclair), cajit. Through unknown Tibet. 8". 1898 'Twixt Sirdar & Menelik. 8". 1901 & N. Malcolm. Eoad report of route across Tibet & China. fol. Simla. 1S97 "Welldon (James Edward Cowell), hp. of Calcutta. Gerald Eversley's fiiendship. 3"' ed. s8". 1895 The hope of immoitality. s8". 1898 Sermons to Harrow boys, 1885- C. 88". 1687 The spiritual life, & o. sermons. e8". 1888 ■Waller (Edward). Dritte Nachkse zu "W.'s Deutschen Zeitungen " v. A. Beyer. [Cent. f.Bibl.,Beiheft 5]. 8". L. 1889 ■Waller (Emil). Die maskirle Lit. Btarb. u. hr=g. v. W. 2T in 1. laS". L. 1856-8 1, Index pseudcnymorum : "Wbucb. d. Pseud. 2, Die falschen u. fingirten Diuckorte. Nachtriige z. Index pseud, [b.w. Die mask. Lit., 1856]. Ia8". L. 1857 Keue Nachtrage z. Index pseud, etc. \h.w. Die mask. Lit., 1850]. Ia8'. L. 1862 Index pseud. : 3" Supplhft. Ia8". Glauchau. 1867 ■Wellesley (Arthur), duke of Wellington, see ■S\'ellington (A. W., •/ ' duke of). ■Wellesley (Heniy), D.D. Anihologia polvglotta : a sel. of versions in var. languages, chietiy f. the Greek Anthology. 8\ 1849 Cat. of the library of W., sold by auction, 8"' Nov. 1866, (MS. prices). [P738]. 8". 1866 ■Wellesley (Eichard Colley VfeWesUj, marquess). Despatches iV corr. of W. dur. h. mission to Spain, 1809. Ed. M. Martin. 8". 1838 . Despatches, minutes, & corr. of W. dur. h. administration in India. Ed. M. Martin. 5v. [vl, 2"'' ed.]. 8". 1836-40 Hist, of all events in India, cont. the negotiations of the Brit. Govt., rel. to the late war. 84". 1805 *Notes rel. to the late transactions in the Marhatta Empire, 4». 1804 h. govt. O. 1877 ttgst. W., on foreign Dec. 1803. Sel. f. the despatches, treaties, * o. papers of W., dur. of India. Ed. S. J. Owen. 8". see Campdell (L. D.) On the " Articles of Charge " 1808. ,1 Eeply to strictures of " Edinb. Eev. policy of W., 4"' ed., 1808. „ HcTTOx (W. H.) W., [Rulers of India], 1893. „ McCuLLAc.rr Top.eens (W. T.) W., 1880. „ Malleson- (G. B.) Life of W., 1889. „ MELvrLLE (/'' risf(.) Opinions of M. & W. upon open trade to India, 1813. ., Pearce (E. E.) Mem". & corr. of W., 184C. "Wellewill (M.) Gramm. d. finn. Sprache. [B. d. S.K.]. s8". Wien. n.d. ■Wellhausen (Julius). Israelitische und jiidische Gtsch. 8'. 1894 Prolegomena z. Gesch. Israels. (2' A. d. Gesch. Israels, Bl). 8". 1883 Proleg. to hist, of Israel, w. repr. of art. "Israel" f. Ene. Britann. Tr. J. S. Black & A. Menzies. 8". E. 1885 Eeste arab. Heidentums. 2' A. 8". 1897 Sketch of the hist, of Israel & Judah. S"' ed. sS". 1891 sec Mi-iiAMMAD lUN 'I'mah, AlAVCikidi. Muhammed in Medina: d.i., Vakidi's Kitab al-maghazi in deutscher Wiedergabe, 1882. ■Wellington (Arthur 'Wellesley, r' duke of) [tWELLESLEv]. Dispatches of W., dur. h. various campaigns. Compiled by Col. Gurwood. 13v, [12v, >f Index, Iv ; vl-9 wanting']. 8°. 1834-9 ., „ n. ed. vl-9. 8°. 1837-8 8v. [\1 leaguing . enlarged ed.]. 8". 1844-47 ■Wellington (Arthur ■Wellesley, /" dtike of) [continued]. Despatches, corr., it memoranda of W., ed. by h. son (in cont. of the former ser.). vl-8 (Jan. 1819-Deo. 1832). 8". 1807-80 „ Supplementary despatches, corr., & memoranda of W., ed. by h. son. 15v. [vl4 leantijig]. 8°. 1858-72 [Tlie number of vS does not appear on the tp., and its t. is : Civil corr. & memoranda of W. : Ireland (1807-9).] Civil corr. & memoranda of W., ed. by h. son : Ireland (1807-9), 1860. This is J'.j of Suppl>'. despatches etc. above. The D. of W. & 'the Whigs. [P91]- 8\ 1830 Letters of W. to Miss J., 1834-51. Ed., w. extr". f. diarv of the latter, by C. T. Herrick. s8". 1890 *Life of W., digested f. W. H. Maxwell, tt in pt. re-written by an old soldier. s8'. 1862 Maxims cV opinions of W., sel. f. h. writings & speeches ; w. mem. by G. H. Francis. 8\ 1845 *Mem. of Wellington. ["By S. Phillips?"] Eepr. f. "The Times," Sep. 1852. sS''. 1852 *The result of the General Election ; or, AVhat has W. gained by dissolution ? [attrib. to Brougham. P470]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1830 „ see under Bkoitgham (H.) Obs. on 2 pamph. attrib. to B., 1830. Sel. f. the despatches, memoranda, & o. papers rel. to India of W. ; ed. S. J. Owen, w. essay etc. S". 0. 1880 Sels. f. the dispatches it general orders of W. By Lt. Col. Gurwood. S'\ 1841 *Three years w. the Duke ; or, W. in priv. lite. By an ex-aid- de-camp. s8". 1853 The words of W., f. h. despatches, letters, etc., w. anecd. ; comp. by E. W'alford. s8\ 1869 Eefebences. see Beialmont (A. H.) Hist, de W., 1856-7. „ Life of W'. ; w. emend'. & add', by G. li. Gleig, 1858-00. „ Bkougham (LorfZj. Wellington orations (1839 it 1852), 1852. „ BnowsE (G. L.) W.; publ. A priv. life, 1888. „ Caiid (H.) Letter to W. on Church Eeform, 2"'i ed., 1830. „ Clinton (H. E.) The War in the Peninsula ; & W.'s cam- paigns in France & Belgium, 3"' ed., 1882. „ 'Considerations on the state of the nation ; added, 2 letters on the W. * Nelson Tribute, 1839. „ ELLENEonoroH (E. L., j'"' 6., aft. e. of). Hist, of the Indian administration of E., in h. corr. w. W., 1874. ,, Essays written for the W. Prize, 1872. „ FiTCHETT (W. H.) *Wellington's men : some soldier autob'., 1900. „ Eraser {Sir W. A.) Words on W., 1889. „ Galesloot (L.) W. a Bruxelles, 1884. „ Gleig (G. E.) Life of W., partly f. Brialmont, partly f. orig. docs., 1862. „ Gribfiths {Major A.) The W. memorial : W., h. comrades tt contemps., 1897. „ Hamley (E. B.) W.'s career, a summary, 1860. „ Hammick (H. H.) W.'s Spanish estate, 1885. „ Hooper (G.) W'., 1889. „ Jones (John T.) Sieges under W. in Spain, 1811-14. „ Larpent (F. S.) Journal of L., Judge-Advocate General attached to head-quarters of W. dur. the Peninsular War, f. 1812; 1853; 2"" ed., 1853. „ Lemoinne (John). W. from a French point of view, 1852. „ Macfarlane (C.) Mem. of W., 1851. „ Maurel (J.) Le due de W., 1853. „ Maxwell {Sir H. E.) Life of W., 1899. „ Maxwell (W. H.) Life of W., 1839-41 ; n. cd., reV"., con- densed, compl''., 1883. „ Nation.\l Akti-Corn-Law Leagce. The A.-C.-L. L. it W., 1842. „ Neue Plutakch (Der) : 6, W., v. E. Pauli, 1874-88. „ Nicolas {Sir N. H.) Letter to W. on propriety etc. of creating Peers for lite, 1830. „ O'Byrne (E. W.) Victories, 1808-14: epitome of W.'s Despatches etc., 1889. „ Phillips (C.) Hist, sketch of W., 1852. „ Eaikes (T.) Priv. corr. of E. w. W. etc., 1861. ,, *Eeplt to " What has W. gained by the dissolution ? " by at graduate of Oxford, 1830. „ *Eesclt of the Gen. Election, or what has W. gained by dissolution? 2»'' ed., 1830. WELLINGTON 1575 WENDELL ■Wellington (Arthur "Wellesley, /" dul-e of) [continued], see EoDERTs (F. S., i" e.) The rise of W., 1895. Stanhope (P. H., Notes of conversations w. W., (1831-51), 1888; 2"'" ed., 1888. „ SwiNTON {Hon. Mrs. J. R.) Sketch of Lady De Eos, w. reminisc. of h. friends etc., incl. W., 1893. „ Te.nnyson (A., /■' 6ar()»i). Ode on death of W., 1852. „ *Two great men : one (W.) in the highest position etc., the other [a Contrabandista], 1861. „ YoNGE (C. D.) Life of W., 1860. Wellow, Nottmgham. Parish Begisters of W., ed. G. W. Marshall. 8». Exeter. 1896 Wells Cathedral : its foundation, constitut. hist., & statutes. Ed. H. E. Keynolds. fol. n.p. [1880?] Wells (Charles), Ph.D. The lit. of the Turks : chrestomathy, w. interlinear ct free tr'., notes, & facs*. of letters etc. 8". 1891 Melicmet, the Kurd, & o. t. s8". 1865 Wells (Charles J.) .Joseph A his brethren ; intr. by A. C. Swinburne. s8". 1876 Stories after nature. Pref. by W. J. Linton. 88". 1891 Wells (Clara L.) The Alban Hills, vl, Frascati. 8". Eome. 1878 Wells (David Ames). Practical ecouoniics. well-being of pociety. laS". N.Y. 1885 68".'N.Y. 1895 Primer of Tariff reform. [Cob- A study of Mexico. s8". 1890 den Club]. [P555]. i-8''. 1885 sec Walkee(G.) Letter to W., Recent economic changes, & on the cun'encies of Gt. their effect on wealth & the Brit., France,* U.S., 1868. Wells (David Dwight). Her Ladyship's elephant. s8o. 1898 Parlous times. s8". 1901 Wells (Edward), D.D. Hist, geography of 0. & N. T. 2v. 8". 0. 1899 1895 Wells (H. G.) Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical & scientific pro- gress upon human lite & thought. S"" ed. s8". 1902 „ „ 5">ed. 88°. 1902 The discovery of the future. s8". 1902 The first men in the moon. s8\ 1901 The invisible man. s8". 1897 The island of Doctor IVIoreau. 88°. 1896 Love it Mr. Lewisham. [2"'l ed.]. 68". 1900 | Wells (Henry Parkhurst). The Amer. salmon fisherman. s8'. N.Y. 1886 City boys in the woods ; trapping in Maine. Ia8". 1890 Wells (Hugh, of), fcp. of Lincoln, see Hugh, bj3. of Lincoln, d. 123.-,. Wells (James William). Three thousand miles through Brazil. 2v. 8". 1886 Voice of Urbano. s8». 1888 Wells (John C.) The gateway to the Polynia. A voyage to Spitzbergen. 8". 1873 Wells (Joseph), felloio of Wadham Coll., cd., Oxford * Oxford life. " sS". 1892 ■U'adham College. [Oxford : College hists.]. s8". 1898 Wells (Bcv. Robert). Corrcsp. betw. R. W. & " Publicola " rel. to the Kiots at B'ham. [P5]. &'. [1791] Wells (Samuel). Hist, of the drainage of the great level of the Fens, called Bedford level. 2v. Ia8". 1830 Revenue * expenditure of the United Kingdom. 8°. 1834 True state of the finances. sS". 1842 Wells (William Charles). Essays upon single vision, [&] upon dew, etc., w. mem. of h. life. 8". 1818 Ou dew; ed. L. P. Casella. 8". 1866 Wellsted (James Raymond). Travels in Arabia. 2v. 8". 1838 Travels to the city of the Caliphs, along the Persian Gulf etc. 2v. 8". 1840 see Robinson (F.) Refut. of W.'s attack on Lord Valentia's (now Earl of Mount Norris) work upon the Red Sea, 1842. Wellwood (Sir Henry Moncreiff), bart. Life & writings of J. Erskine, D.D. 8'. E. 1818 Welp (Treumund) ps. [i.e. E. Pelz]. Petersburger Skizzen. 3B. s8'. L. 1842 Welsby (William Newland). Lives of eminent English judges, 17'" & 18"' c. 8". 1840 1819 The Plattner story, & others. s&\ 1897 Select conversations with au uncle. b8o. 1895 The stolen bacillus, & o. inci- dents. S80. 1895 Tales of space & time. sS". 1900 The time machine. s8". 1895 The war of the worlds. 880. 1898 The wheels of chance. 88°. 1896 When the sleeper wakes. s8". The wonderful visit. Welschinger (Henri). La censure sous le prem. Em- La mission sec. de Mirabeau ;\ pire. 8". 1882 Berlin, 1786-7, d'ap. lea doc». Le divorce de Napoleon. des Archives des Aff. etrang., sS'i. 1889 avec intr. & notes. 8". 1900 Le due d'Enghien, 1772-1804. Ney, 1815. 2'' ed. S». j893 8". 1888 Le roi de Rome (1811-32). 8". 1897 Welsford (Henry). Mithridates minor : an essay on language. 8". 1848 Origin & ramifications of English. 8". 1845 Welsh. Welsh fairy-tales etc., 1894, see Emerson (P. H.) cd., etc. Welsh legends. s8'. 1802 *Welsh sketches, s3, 2°'' ed., 1854, see Appleyard (E. S.) Welsh MSB. Society. [Publications], 1-8. 8", 4". 1840-74 see DwNN (L.) Heraldic visitations of Wales, etc., (1586-1613), 1846. [3.] „ EriEViiN. Dosparth Edeyrn Davod Aur ; or anc. Welsh grammar, 13"' c, etc., tr., 1856. [5.] „ Llandaff. Liber Landavensis, Llylr Teilo, w. tr. by Rees 1840. [1.] „ Rees (W. J.) Lives of the Cambro British saints of 5"' c. : f. Welsh * Latin MSS., w. tr. by R., 1853. [4.] „ Williams (E.) lolo MSS. : sel. f. coll. made by W. ; w. tr., 1848. [2.] „ Williams (J.) Barddas : coll. of orig. doc'., illust. of the Bardo-Druidic system of Britain ; w. tr. & notes by W., 1862-74. [7, 8.] „ cd.. The physicians of Myddvai ; Meddygon Myddfai : tr., etc., 1861. [6.] Welsh (Alfred Hix). Development of Eng. lit. & language. 2v. 8". Chicago. 1882 Welsh (Charles). A bookseller of the last cent. : life of J. Newbery, the bks. he publ., w. notice of later Newberys. 8". 1885 Welsh (Col. James). Milit. reminisc., f. journal of nearly 40 yrs. in E. Indies. 2v. 8°. 1830 Welsh (John), minister of the Gospel at Ayr, see Yovaa (J.) Life of W., etc., 1866. Welsh-Mason (Charles). The rape of the gamp. 3v. s8". 1875 Welsted (Leonard). Works. Hist, notes, & mems. by J. Nichols. 8". 1787 Welte (Benedikt), see Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchenlex., 2' A., 1882etc. Welter (Nicolaus). F. Mistral. sS". Marburg. 1899' Weltkarten. '*Mappa?mundi: die altesten W., 1895-6, see Miller (C.) ed. Welton (James). The logical bases of education. s8". 1899 Manual of logic. 2v. [vl, 2'"' ed.]. s8<>. 1896 Welton (Thomas A.) Statistical papers based on the Census, 1851, rel. to occupations it increase of population. 8". 1860 Weltrich (Richard). Christian Wagner, d. Bauer u. Dichter zu Warmbronn. s8'. St. 1898 F. Schiller. Gesch. u. Charakteristik. Bl, 2. 8". St. 1885-99 Welwood (James). Memoirs of the most material transactions in Eng. for 100 years, preceding the Revol. 1688. 7"' ed. sS". 1736 see Maillaed (Mary). *A true rel. of the cure of M., [w.] letter f. W., [1694, re2yr.] 1787. Wemyss (Francis Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas, 0"" carl of). [Lord Elcho, M.P.]. Letters on military organization. s8". 1871 Socialism at St. Stephen's. [P494]. 8". [1885] Wemyss (Thomas). Job & his times, [w.] new version, notes etc. 8'>. 1839 Key to the symbolical language of Scripture. s8''. E. 1840 Wenceslaus I, duke of Boliemia. sec MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl35, for Vita. „ Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., H, for Vita. Wenceslaus, emperor of Germany, see Lindner (T.) Gesch. d. deutschen Reiches unter Konig Wenzel, 1875-80. Wen Ching. The Chinese crisis f. within. Ed. G. M. Eeith. s8o. 1901 Wendeborn (Gebhardt F. A.) View of England, close of 18"' cent.; tr. 2v. 8". 1791 Wendell (Barrett). The Duchess Emilia. s8». Boston. 1885 A lit. hist, of America. 8". 1901 WENDOVER 1576 WERNSDORF Wendover (Eoger, of). [jEogek, 0/ Wendover]. Flores historiarum. Ed. H. O. Coxe. [Eng. HiBt. Soc. 8]. 4v it- Appendix. 8". Loudini. 1841-44 Flores historiarum. a.d. 1066-a.d. 1326. Ed. by H. B. Luard. [Rolls Ser., 95, i-iii]. 3v. 8°. 1890 Flowers of history, comprising the Hist, of Eng. to 1235 formerly ascr. to Matthew Paris. Tr. J. A. Giles. 2v. sS". Bohn. 1849 Liber qui dieitur flores historiarum ab anno domini MCLIV annoijue Henrici Anglorum regis secundi prime. Ed. H. G. Hewlett. [Rolls Ser., 84, i-iii]. 8". 1886-9 see MoNUMENTA Germ. Hist., Ser., t28. ,, Paris (M.) P.'s Eng. hist., tr. : v3 [" including index to P. . 1712 see Witchckaft farther display'd. 1, Witchcraft of J. W., since condemnation, etc., 1712. Weninger (Franz Xaver), S.J., see Loyola (I. he). Exercitia; meilitationibus illust., auct. W., 1883. Wenkstern (Otto). An anti- slavery pamphlet. [P3G4]. 8". 18G1 Ten years of the Schleswig-Holstein question. [P204, 207]. 8". 1863 Wenman (Thomas), see *LEaEND (The) of Mary Q. of Scots [b:j ir. .?], & o. anc. p., 1810. Wennaesius (Erik), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 12, W.. 1871. Wenstrbm (Edmund) & E. Lindgren. Engelsk-svensk ordbok. ster. uppl. 8». [1889] Wentworth Papers, 1883, sec Wentwokih (T.), Lord Baby; aft. c. of Strafford, of 2'"' creation. Wentworth. (Anne Isabella Milbanke Noel, baroness), see Bykon {Lady), wife of the poet, [aft. baroness Wentworth']. Wentworth (Charles Watson-), i"'' viarg. of BocMngliam, see Rockinc.ham. Wentworth (Paul) ps., see *Bepentance (The) of P. W., 1889. Wentworth (Thomas), carl of Strafford, lo9S-l6i1, see Stbaffoki). Wentworth (Thomas), Lord Ttaby ; aft. carl of Strafford, of the 2'"' creation. The Wentworth Papers, 1705-39 ; sel. f. corresp. of T. W., Lord Raby, created 1711 E. of S. Mem. & notes by J. J. Cartwiigbt. ' 8". 1883 Wentworth (William Charles). Descr. of N.S.W., & Van Diemen's Laud. 8". 1819 Wenzel (Gusztav). MagyarorszAgmezogazdasaganak tort^nete. . [M. Tud. Akad.]. , 8\ 1887 sec KovAcs (N.) Betiirendes n6vmutat6 W. G. ArpAdkori iig okmanytarahoz, [Index Cod. diplomat. Arpadiani cou- tinuatij 1889. Wenzelburger (K. T.), see Geschichte dee eueopa. Staaten: Niederlandc : v. W., 1879-86. Wer. «Wer ist Deutschland's Erbfeind ? For a tr. of this anon, pamph., jo. t. " Who is the real enemy of Germany ? " 1868, sec Germany. *Wer ist schuld am Eriege zw. Danemark u. Deutschland ? For a tr. of this anon, pamph., u\ t. " Who is to blame etc., 1849," see Denmark. Werber (W.J. A.) Die Schweizer-Alpenlutt. s8'. Ziu-ich. 1862 Werburgh, Saint. [Werburge ; Werburohe]. *Holy lyfe & hist, of W., [Chetham Soc, 1.5], 1848, see Br.U)shaw (H.) Bene- dictine, see Bradshaw (H.) Benedictine. Life of W., englisht 1513, [E.E.T.S., 88], 1887. Werder (Carl). Vorlesgn. u. Shakespeare's Hamlet. s8». 1875 Werdet (Edmond). Hist, du livre en France jusqu'en 1789. pl-4, in 5t, [p3 has 2t. no more publ.]. sS". 1861-4 1, Orig^. du livre-ras. 2, Transformations du livre, 1470-1789. 3, Etudes bibliograph. sur les imprimeurs & Ubraires de Paris les plus eel. tl, Les Estienne, leurs devanciers etc. ; t2, Les Didot, leurs devanciers etc. 4, Propagation etc. de rimprimerie & de la librairie dans les provinces, 1470-1700 — Imprimeries clandestines etc., 1470- 1792. Souv. de la vie litt. : portraits intimes. sS". 1879 Werdin (Joannes Philippus) [or, Wesdix ; Paulinus, a Sancto Bartliolo}nao]. see 1'aoi.ino da San Bartolommeo. Wermiiller (Otto). A spiritual & most precious pearl etc. Tr. Miles Coverdale, [1550]. s8<>. [1870] Werne (Ferdinand). Expedition zur Entdeckung d. Quellen d. Weis.sen Nil. (1840-41). 8<>. 1848 Feldzug V. Sennaar naoh Taka, Basa, u. Beni-Amer, etc. 8". Stuttgart. 1851 Eeise durch Sennaar nach JIandera, Nasub, Cheli im Lande zw. d. blauen Nile u. d. Atbara. 8". 1852 Translations. African wanderings ; Sennaar to Taka, Basa, Beni-Amer, etc. ; tr. J. R. Johnston. 2p in 1, [pagin. cont.]. s8<>. 1852 Exped. to discover the sources of the White Nile, 1840-1 ; from German by C. W. O'Reilly. 2v. sS". 1849 Werner (A.) The humour of Italy ; tr., w. intr. & notes. 38°. 1892 Werner (Anton v.), see Rosenberg (C. A.) W., [Knackfuss, 9], 1895. Werner (August), Bfarrer. Bonifacius, dcr Apostel d. Deut- schen. 8". L. 1875 Werner (Carl), prof, of theol. Vienna. Fen- several essays see Kaiseel. Akap. d. Wissensch., Denkschr. Gesch. d. katholischen Theologie, seit d. Trienter Concil. 8". Miinchen. 1866 Grundriss e. Gesch. d. Moralphilosophie. [P491]. 8". Wien. 1859 Die Kosmologie u. allg. Naturlehre d. Roger Baco. [P717]. 8o. Wien. 1879 Psychologie u. Erkenntnisslehre d. J. Duns Scotus. [P774]. I ». Wien. 1877 „ „ [a.c], see Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch., Denkschr. Die Scbolastik d. spiiteren Mittelalters. 4B. 8". Wien. 1881-7 1, J. Duns Scotus. 2, Nachscotist. Schol. 3, Augustinisraus in d. Schol. 4i, D. Eudausgang d. Schol. 4ii, Ubergaug in ibr nachtridentinisehes Entwickluagsstadium. Werner (E.) j)s. [i.e. Elisabeth Bi^rsteneindeb]. Beacou-fireB. [Tr.] 3v. s8". 1891 Clear the track. ( Freie Bahu) ; tr. U. S. Smith. s8o N.Y. n.d. Am Altar. S'A. 2B in 1. e8». L. [1891] Der Egoist. s8». Stuttgart. 1882 FIammeuzeicben.2B. s8<'. L. n.d. Freie Balm ! 68". L. [1893] FriibLingsboten. sB". L. 1880 „ , 2" A. sS". L. 1880 Gebannt u. erlijst. 2B. s8o. L. [188.i] „ „ 2B in 1. 2' A. 68o. L. iLd. Gluck auf ! 2B in 1. sS". L. ji.cl. „ „ 2B inl. 4= A. 880. L. n.d. „ „ 2B in 1. 5<^ A. s8». L. n.d. Heiniatklang. s8i. L. 1891 Sankt Michael. 2B in 1. s8°. L. n.d. Um hoben Preis. 2B in 1. sS". L. 1879 ,, „ 2B in 1. 2'' A. 88". [1891] Vineta. 2B in 1. 2= A. s8». L. 1877 „ „ 2B in 1. 5« A. bS". L. 7i.d. Translation's. At tlie altar. Tr. Mrs. Parker. 2v. s8». 1878 Fickle fortune. [Tr.] C. Tyrrell. 2v. eB". 1881 A heavy reckoning. [Tr.] 3v. s8». 1890 Her sou. [Tr.] C. Tyrrell. Sv. sS". 1887 A hero of the pen. [Tr.l S. Phillips. 2v. 68". 1878 No surrender. [Tr.] C. Tyrrell. 3v. sS". 1879 Partners. Tr. H. G. Godwm. sS". 1882 Eaymond's atonement. [Tr.] C. Tyrrell. 3v. sB^. 1884 Riven bonds. Tr. B. Ness. 2v. sSo. 1877 Sacred vows. Tr. B. Ness. Sv. s8». 1878 Success : and how he won it. [Tr.] C. Tyrrell. 3v. s8". 1876 Under a charm. [Tr.] C. Tyr- rell. 3v. s8». 1877 Werner (Friedrich ludwig Zacharias). Ausgewiihlte Schriften. 13B in 4. s8>'. Grimma. 1840 1-3, poet. Werke. 4-10, dramat. Werke. 11-lS, Predigten. *Martin Luther, oder die Weihe der Kraft. s8». 1807 Werner (J. E.) Visit to Stanley's rear-guard. sS". E. 1889 Werner (Julie). Freund Goethe. s8'>. St. 1884 Wernerus, abbot, sec Mioxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl57. Wernsdorf (Johann Christian) ed.. Poetic Latini minores. Cur. I. C. W. 6v in 10. 8". Altenburgi [5 ii, iii ; 6 i, ii : Helmstadii]. 1780-99 WERRY =^??:W 1677 WESTCOTT Werry (Francis Peter). Personal mems. & letters of W. ; ed. by h. ilaughter. s8". 18G1 Wershoven (Franz Josef). Lehrbuch d. siames. Sprache. [B.d. Hk.]. ., s»\ Wien. [1893] Wertheimer (Eduard). Gesch. Usterreicha u. Ungains im eistcn .Jahrzehnt. d. lOten .Jhdts. 2B. 8". L. 1884-90 Wertheimer (John ), see Cha.ster (A. W.) W.'s law rel. to Clubs, 2"'' ed., 1889. Werther (C. A.) Lebens-Seelen- u. Geisteskraft etc. T2. Der Mensch als geistiges Individuum. 8". Nordhausen. 18G7 Wertomannus (Lewis) [Vertomannus ; jBakthema (L.)], see Vakthema (L.) Werunsky (Emil). Gesch. Kaiser Karls IV. u. s. Zeit. Bl-3 in 4, [2, i-ii]. 8". Innsbruck. 1880-92 "Werwing (J. G.), see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 4, \V., 1871. Wesdin (Joannes Philippus) [or, ■Werdin ; Paulinus, a Sancto liartholomtcu], sec I'aomno, da San Bartolmnmco. Wesemheeck (Jacob van), see William I, p. of Orange. Corr. avec W., 189G. Wesendonck (Otto), see Wagner (R.) Letters to W., tr., 1899. "Wesley (Charles), M.A. sec Jackson (T.) Life of W., 1841. „ Wesley (.J.) Poet, works, 18G8-72. „ & C. Wesley. Hymns on the Lord's-Supper, 9" ed.,1786. ,, Whitehe.ad (.J.) Life of J. Wesley : prefixed life of C. W., 1793 -G. Wesley (John). Works. 14v. 3''' ed. 8". 1829-31 Compend. of nat. philo3., rev. ed. by R. Mudie. 3v. s8". 1886 J. W. & usury. [.4 corr. f. the " Newcastle Weekly Chron." P328]. 8". [1876] Journal, 1735-1790. 4v. 8». 1872-1878 Journal. Abridged by P. L. Parker, w. introd. by H. P. Hughes, & an appreciation of the journal by A. Birrell. bS". 1902 Narrative of a remarkable trans- action in the early life of W., f. MS. in his own handwriting ; added, review of the work, by J. Hunter. [P3I3]. 2"" ed. 8". 1862 Poet, works of J. & C. W., repr. f . the origs., w. last corrections ; w. the poems of C. W. not before publ*". Coll. by U. Osborn. 13v. s8<>. 1808-72 •Political empiricism : letter to W. [P73]. 8". 1770 see Coke (T.) & H. Moobe. Life of W., 1792. „ Oveeton (J. H.) W., 1891. „ EiGG (J. H.) The church- mausbip of W., etc., 1878. „ The hving W., 2-1 ed., 1891. see Smith (Geo.) Hist, of Wesleyan Methodism : vl, W. & h. times, 1857. „ SouTHEV (R.) Lite of W., 1820 ; 3™ ed., w. notes by S. T. Coleridge, & remarks on W. by A. Knox, 1846; ed. J. A. Atkinson, 1889. „ Stevens (A.) Hist, of Methodism, 1858-9 ; n. ed., [«;. t., Hist, of W., em- bracing the hist, of Me- thodism etc.], 1804. „ Taylor (I.) W.& Methodism, 1851. ,, Taylor (John), D.i). Scrip- ture-doctrine of orig. sin, 4"' ed., w. reply to W., 1707. „ Tyebman (L.) Life & times of J. W., 1870-1. „ Urlin(R.D.) J. W.'s place in Church hist., 1870. ,, Watson (Richard), Wes- leyan minister. Life of J. W., 1831. „ . Obs. on Southey's " Life of W.," 1820. ,, Wedgwood (Julia). W. & the evangel, reaction of 18'1' cent., 1870. „ Whitehead (J.) Life of W., 1793-6. & Charles Wesley. Hymns on the Lord's-Supper, etc. With pret. cone, the Sacrament £. Dr. Brevint. 9"" ed. s8". 178G Wesley (Samuel) the elder. sec Atuenian Society. The Athenian Oracle : by [AV.], 170G-16. „ Tyerman (L.) Life & times of S. W., 1866. Wesley (Samuel) the yoiingcr. *The battle of the sexes. [PG5]. 8°. 1723 Wesley (Susanna). see Clarke (Eliza). S. W^, 1-88G. „ Kirk (J.) The mother of the Wesleys, G"- ed., 1876. Wessel (Johann), [Gansfort], see Ullmann (C.) J. W., ein Vorganger Luthers, 1834 ; [lo.t., Eeformatoren vor d. Keforma- tion], 1841-GG. Wesselingius (Petrus). Probabilium liber singularis : prajter alia, vindicire verborum "Et Deus erat Verbum." 8". Franequerse. 1731 Vetera Eomanorum itineraria s. Antonini Aug. Itin., Itin. Hierosolymit. & Hieroolis grammatici syuecdemus. 4". Amstelasdami. 1735 Wessels (J. W.), advocate. Status of the Uitlander. [PG31]. 8". Pretoria [sic']. 1894 Wessely (Carl). For several essays see Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wis SENScn., Denkschr. Deutschlands Lehrjahre. 2B. sS". St. [1882-3] Iconographie Gottes u. d. Heiligen. 8". L. 1874 V.) Briefe an Isfordink-Kostnitz, 2B. 8". L. 1877 Wessely (Ignaz Emanuel). Wessely (Joseph Eduard). Wessenberg (J. P., Frhr. 1848-58. Wesslau (0. E.) see H.uiE (A. E.) & W., The coming individualism, 1895. „ & Free trade in capital, 1890. West Australia, [West India, etc.], see West Australia, Ac., as one word. West (Sir Algernon). Recoil-., 1832-86. 2v. 88°. 1899 Sir C. Wood's administration, 1859-66. 8". 1867 West (Benjamin), pres. of the B.A., see Galt (J.) Life & works of W., 1820. West (Charles), M.D. The profession of medicine. 38". 1896 West (Charles Richard Sackville-), Lord West ; aft. 6"" earl Be La Warr, see De La Warr (C. E. S.-W., 6'* earl). West (George). Yorkshire: luethodism in Marshland. S80. [1886] West (Gilbert). Obs. on hist. & evidence of the resurrection. 8». 1747 West (James), pres. o/ the Roy. Soc. Bibliotheca Westiana : cat. of the Lib. of W., wh. will be sold 29 Mar. 1773 etc. 8». 1773 West (Jane) Mrs. Letters to a young man, on first entering into life. 3v. G"- ed. s8». 1818 West (John), minister of St. John Sq. Chapel, Laiinceston. Hist, of Tasmania. 2v. 8". Tasmania : Launceston. 1852 West (John), rector of Chettle. Journal at Bed Eiver Colony, 1820-23. 8". 1824 West (John Rowland). Reasons for not obeying the State Court of final appeal in eccles. matters. [P260]. s8°. 1871 Statement of the principles for wh. A. Tooth has been suffering imprisonment. [P363]. 8". 1877 West (Maria A.) Romance of missions : Ararat. s8". [1875] West (Mary) p.':. A born player. s8°. 1893 West {Sir Raymond). Higher education in India. [P623]. np. n.d. West (Thomas) of Titcup, Fumess. Antiqs. of Furness, n. ed., w. add'., by W. Close. 8". Ulverston. 1805 •^A guide to the Lakes. 3'" ed. 8°. 1784 4"' ed. 8o. 1789 West (Thomas), Wesleyan minister. Ten years in South- Central Polynesia. 8«. 1865 West (Tuflfen). Half-hours w. the microscope. sS". [1859] West (William), incumbent of St. Columba's, Nairn. Reply to the British quarterly review on the new ed. of abp. Leighton's works. West Africa, see Africa. Westall (William), novelist. As luck would have it. sS". 1900 Ben Clough, & o. s. s8". 1892 Birch Dene A fair crusader. Her two millions, Larry Lohengrin, Nigel Fortescue : man. The old factory. Phantom city. A queer race. 3v. b8". 1889 2v. s8". 1888 3v. s8". 1887 3v. s8». 1881 or The hunted s8". 1888 3v. sS". 1881 Iv. b8". 1885 e8». 1886 sSo. 1887 [P253]. 8". 1870 Ralph Norbreck's trust. sS". 1885 A red bridal. sS". 1899 Red Ryvington. s8o. 1885 Strange crimes. sS". 1890 Tales & legends of Saxony & Lusatia. s8o. 1877 Tales & traditions of Switzerland. s8". 1882 Two pinches of snuff. n. ed. 880. 1887 With the red eagle. sS". 1897 A woman tempted him. 68". 1898 West Australia, see Cape of Good Hope. Rules & orders of the Courts of Judicature in the C. & W. A., 1841. Westhury (Hugh) ps. " Acte." 3v. sS". 1890 Westbury (Richard Bethell, baron) [IBethell], see Nash (T. A.) Lite of W., w. sels. f. h. corr., 1888. Westcott (Brooke Foss), bp. of Durham. The Bible in the Church ; col- lection & reception of the scr". a"'' ed. sS". 1806 Characteristics of the Gospel miracles : sermons, Cambridge, w. notes. s8». C. 1859 Christian aspectsofhfe. s8^'. 1897 Christus consummator : aspects of Xt. in rel. to mod. thought. s8". 1886 „ „ 2'"' ed. sS". 1887 The Epistle to the Hebrews : Greek text w. notes & essays by W. 8°. 1889 Epistles of John : Gr., w. notes & essays by W. 8o. 1883 Essays in hist, of relig. thought in the West. 68". 1891 "From strength to strength : 3 sermons on stages in a conse- crated life. b8". 1890 Gen. survey of hist, of Canon of N.T. dur. first 4 cent'. s8". C. 1855 WESTCOTT 1578 WESTMINSTER Westcott (Brooke Foss), bp. of Durham [continued]. Gen. view of hist, of Eng. Bible. s8°. 1868 Gifts for ministry : to candidates for ordination. b8". C. 1889 Gospel ace. to John. Auth. vers., w. intr. & notes by W. Ia8^ 1882 „ , Ia8". 1890 The Gospel of life : intr. to study of Xtn. doctrine. s8». 1892 The gospel of the resurrection : its rel. to reason & hist. B'l ed. s8". 1874 „ , 6'^ ed. b8». 1888 The historic faith : short lects. on the Apostles' Creed. 88". 1883 The incarnation & common life. bS". 1893 Intr. to study of the Gospels. s8o. C. 1860 „ „ 3'" ed. 68". 1867 Intr. to study of the Gospels. 7">ed. s8". 1888 „ „ 8'iied. 68". 1895 Lessons from work. s8". 1901 On some points in the relig. office of the Universities. s8". 1873 The revelation of the Father : titles of the Lord in Gospel of John. s8". 1887 The revelation of the risen Lord. b8°. 1881 Social aspects of Xty. s8". 1887 Some lessons of the rev. version of New Test. 68". 1897 The victory of the cross : ser- mons, Holy Week, 1888. 2°'' ed. s8". 1889 see Lombard street in Lent : sermons on soc. subj*^. [by tia7-.(f.],pref.by [W.], 1894. Westcott (Edward Noyes). David Harum. s8'. 1899 Westenholz (Friedrich Frhr. v.) Die Griseldis-Sage in d. Literaturpeseh. 8". Heidelberg. 1888 "Westonra (Warner William), a'"' baron Hossyiwi-e, see Eopsmoee. Westergaard (Niels Ludwig). Uber d. iiltesten Zeitraum d. ind. Gesch. — Uber Buddha's Todesjahr. [Tr.]. [P528]. 8". Breslau. 1862 Westerkamp (J. B.) Bundesrecht d. Eepublik d. Vereinigten Niederlande (1-579-1795). [P683]. 8". Marburg. 1890 Staatenbund u. Bundesstaat. Untersuchgn. ii. Praxis u. Eecht d. modernen Biinde. 8°. L. 1892 Westermann (Anton). Bioypa(poi. Vitarum scr. gr. minores. Ed. A. Westeimann. 8". Brunsvigoe. 1845 Gesch. d. Beredtsamkeit in Griechenland u. Eom. 2B in 1. 8". L. 1833-5 Mv0oypa.: the darkness at the passion etc. 8'. C. 1748 Enquiry into the rejection of the Xtn. miracles by the heathens. 8'. C. 1746 The safety etc. of the Brit. State under the influence of zeal : disc. dur. the late rebellion etc. 8f. C. 1759 "Westphal (Alexandre). Les sources du Pentateuque. 2t. 8". 1888-92 "Westphal (Johann Heinrich Christoph). Die rom. Kampagne in topograph, u. antiq. Hiusicht dargestellt. [Karte wantinqT,. 8'. 1829 "Westphal (Rudolf). Prolegomena zu .Eschylus Tragodien. 8°. L. 1869 sec BcssBAcn (A.) & W., Theorie d. mus. Kiinste d. Hellenen, 3« A., 1885-9. "Westphalen (Christian H. P.) Gesch. d. Feldziige d. Herzogs Ferdinand v. Braunschweig-Liineburg. Bl, 2. 8\ 1859 "Westphalen (Engeline Christine). Gedichte. 3B. 8'. Hamburg. 1809-11 "Westphalen (Ernst Joachim v.), editor etc. Monumenta inedita rerum Germanicarum, prsc. Cimbric. et Megapel. 4t. fol. L. 1739-45 "Westphalia, peace of, see Meiebn (J. G. v.) Acta pacis Westphal., 1734-6. "Westreenen van Tiellandt (Beiroii van). Verslag der nas- pooringen omtrent uitvinding etc. der stereotyp. drukwijze. (Rapport etc.). [Dutch £ Fr.]. 8'>.'s Gravenhage. 1833 "Westrheene (Tobias van). JanSteen: et. sui Part en HoUande. Ia8". La Haye. 1856 P. Potter, sa vie, s. oeuvres. [b.io. Jan Steen, 1856]. Ia8". La Haye. 1867 "West Riding [of Yorkshire], see Yorkshire. "West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society, see Lees (F. A.) Flora of W. Y'orkshire, 1888. Westropp (Hodder M.) The age of Homer. [P36G]. 8". 1884 Early & Imperial porcelain. 8°. 1884 Hdbk. of pottery & porcelaiu. s8". 1880 Westropp (Hodder M.) & C. S. Wake. Anc. symbol worship : influence of the phallic idea. Notes etc. by A. Wilder. 2»'' ed. 8". N.Y. 1875 '"Westward for smelts, 1848, see Kit, Kinde, of Kingstone. "Westwood (John Obadiah). The Bible of the monastery of St. Paul, near Rome, described. 4". O. 1876 Modern classification of insects. 2v. 8". 1839-40 see Bate (C. S.) & W., Brit, sessile-eyed Crustacea, 1863-8. Westwood (Thomas). The burden of the bell, cS; o. lyrics. s8''. 1850 & T. Satchell. Bibl. piscatoria : eat. of books on angling, fisheries & fish-culture, etc. 8". 1883 see Englisu catalogue for 1900 [wh. cont'., w. a sep. tp., but pagin. cont. : List [eomj}''. by R. B. Marston] of books rel. to fish, fishing etc. to supplement the " Bibl. piscatoria " of W. * S., publ. 1883 1, 1901. *"Wet days at Edgewood, 1865, see Mitchell (D. G.) Wetherell (Elizabeth) ps., see Warner {Miss Sdsan). Wette (W. M. Leberecht de), see De Wette (W. M. L.) Wetter (Johann). Mythus v. Atlas u. s. neueren Deutungen. [P467]. 8". Mainz. 1858 "Wettstein-Adelt (Frau Minna). 3| Monate Fabrik-Arbeiterin. Ia8\ 1893 "Wetzer (Heinrich Joseph) & B. Welte. Kirchenlexikon. 12B. 2' A., beg. V. Hergenrother, fortges. v. F. Kaulen. Ia8». Freiburg im Br. 1882-1901 Diet, encyclopcedique de la th^ologie catholique. Publ. par Wetzer et Welte, trad, par I. Goschler. 26t [t26, suppl. et table, 1" 6d. 1868]. 3' 6d. 8". 1869-70 "Wetzstein (Johann Gottfried). Eeisebericht ii. Hauran u. d. Trachonen ; nebst e. Anhange ii. d. saba. Denkmiiler in Ost- syrien. 8". 1860 Weulersse (G.) Chine, anc. et nouv. s8<>. 1902 Wexionius (Olof), /6.36-/6W, see Hanselli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 6, W., 1871. "Wey (Francis). Hist, des revol. du langage en France. 8". 1848 Londresily acentans. sS". 1859 Rome ; intr. by W. W. Story. i&i". 1872 Les Anglais chez eux. 1). id. s8". 1856 Christian [a novel]. sS"*. 1859 Chrouique du siege de Paris, 1870-71. 88°. 1871 Dick Moon en France. sS". 1862 Wey ("William). Itineraries of W. to Jerusalem, 1458 & 1462 ; & to St. James of Compostella, 145G. [Ijitr. by A. Way ; ed. B. Bamlinel. Roxburghe Club]. 4". 1857 „ Map of Holy Land, iUust. the Itineraries of W. In fac-s. 4". 1867 "Weydmann (Leonard). Luther, ein Charakter- u. Spiegelbild flir unsere Zeit. 8". Hamburg. 1850 "Weyer (Sylvain van de), see Van De Weyer (S.) Weygoldt (G. P.) Darwinismus, Religion, Sittlichkeit. 8". Leiden. 1878 "Wey land (John), jun. Letter to Sir H. Inglis : state of religmn in India. Weyman (Stanley John). The Castle Iim. s8'. 1898 Count Hannibal. sS". 1901 From the memoirs of a minister of France. 68". 1895 A gentleman of France. n. ed. s8°. 1894 The house of the Wolf. s8". 1890 „ „ n. ed. s8'. 1894 The man in black. s8". 1894 [P179]. 8'. Windsor. 1813 My Lady Eotha. sS". 1894 The new rector, n.ed. s8". 1894 The red cockade. b8". 1895 Shrewsbury. s8>. 1898 Sophia. s8". 1900 The story of Francis Cludde. 2""i ed. s8". 1894 Under the red robe. 2v. s8<>. 1894 I'l-ed. s8". 1894 Pre-historic phases ; essays on archceology. 8". 1872 Primitive symbolism as illus. in phallic worship, or the reprod. principle. 8**. 1885 "Weymouth. Descr. cat. of charters, minute bks. & o. docs, of the Borough of W. & Melcombe Regis, 1252-1800, w. extr". & notes : by H. J. Moule. 4". Weymouth. 1883 "W. G., see Grace (W. G.) Whalley, abbey. Coucher Book or chartulary of W. A. Ed. W. A. Hulton. 4v, [pagin. cont. Chetham Soc, 10, 11, 16, 20]. s4". 1847-9 Whalley (Paul), M.A. Handbook of elements of place names in N.W. prov. of India. [P1012]. 8". Calcutta. 1899 "Whalley (Peter), vicar of St. Sepulchre, Northampton, see Bkidges (J.) Hist. etc. of Northamptonshire; comp. f. MS. colls, of B., bv W., 1791. "Whalley (Thomas Sedgewick). Journals & corresp. Ed., w. mem. & notes, by H. Wickham. 2v. 8". 1863 "Wharton, peerage'. Minutes of evidence before the Comm. of Privileges to whom the petition of C. K. Kemeys Tynte WHARTON 1580 a: WHATTON "Wharton, peerage [continued]. claiming to be Baron Wharton, w. H.M.'s reference thereof to this House, & the report of H.M.'s Attorney Gen., were referred. fol. 1844 Statement resp. the Proceedings in Outlawry agst. Philip, Duke of W. (1728-9), showing that the said proceedings did not create forfeiture of the Barony. \b.w. Wharton Peerage, Minutes of evidence etc., 1844]. fol. 1844 "Wharton (Anne Hollingsworth). Heirlooms in miniatures ; w. chap, on miniature painting, by E. D. Taylor. s8». Philadelphia. 1898 Martha Washington. s8". 1897 "Wharton (Edith). Crucial instances. s8»! 1901 A gift from the grave. s8'>. 1900 The greater inclination. s8". 1899 "Wharton (Francis). On the conflict of laws, or private inter- national law. 2»'' ed. laS". Philadelphia. 1881 "Wharton (Sir Geo.) Works. Coll. J. Gadbury. s8o. 168a "Wharton (Grace) ps., see Thomson {Mrs. A. T.) "Wharton (Henry), vicar of Chartham. [ps. Anthony Hakmer]. Anglia Sacra ; s. coll. hist, de arehiep. & ep. Anglia", ad a. 1540. 2p. fol. 1691 *A defence of pluralities. 2"'' ed. s8o. 1703 Hist, de episc. et decauis LondLn., necnon Assavens., ad a. 1540. Ace. Appendix. s8". 1095 Of the celibacy of the clergy. s4o. 1701 Specimen of errors & defects in Hist, of the Reform", etc. by G. Burnet, bp. s8o. 1693 see D'Oyly (G.) Life of Bancroft ; w. life of W., etc., 1821. ,, Enqlish (H. S.) *Anc. hist, exemplified; prec. by review of W.'s XJtrum Elfricus grammaticus? 1830. "Wharton (Henry T.), see Lobley (J. L.) Hampstead Hill : Flora by W., 1889. "Wharton (I/0(7(/ Jane), eldest d. of ■}'' marq. of Wliarton ; aft. wife of (I) J. Holt (-2) R. Coke, see Coke [Lady J.) "Wharton (Philip) 2>s., see Thomson (J. C.) "Wharton (Philip W., f^ffteo/), /69S-/73/. Works. With a few pieces by [W.'s] acquaintance, partic. Bolingbroke, Dorset, Swift, Delauy. [pp27-34 of vl are tvanting]. 2v in 1. 3'-'' ed. s8". 1740 see Gould (E. F.) W., w. the true hist, of the Gormogons, 1895. „ Robinson (.J. R.) W., (1C98-1731), 1890. "Wharton (Thomas Wharton, marquis of). Memoirs of the ■life of Wliarton, with his speeches, [and] character by Sir R. Steele. [P06I]. 2°"' ed. s8°. 185G What 13 women s suffrage ? & why do women want it ? ,„,, , . [Signed Veritas. P891]. 8°. [1883] What is your name ? N. or M., etc., 1870, see Regnier (E. V.) *What next?, 2-'% 7"', & 8"; ed'., 1837, see Rich [Sir H.) What science is saying about Ireland, [by U.S. Constable ?l 1881, see Ireland. •What set him right, etc., 1885, see Boyd (A. K. H.) •What style ? The royal or the baronial ? ... for the new House °' ■' "^ Archilochus, 1837, see Archilochus, ps. What were the opinions of anc. philosophers resp. the Deity, etc. ' *™-. *■„,■, ■ , f^° 'P- ^^'^'J- 8"- Hay [pnnted] n.d. What will he do with it?, 1859, see Lytton (E., baron'. What will the Lords do ?, 1831, see Rich (.Sir H.) "Whately (Miss E. Jane). Life & corresp. of R. Whately. ttr-u t , -,:■ , 2 v. 8». 1866 Whately (Hdward William), chancellor of St. Patrick's. Personal & family glimpses of remarkable people. s8°. 1889 Whately (Mrs. Elizabeth). *English life in the 19>'' c. in ref. to our position as Christians. g8,>_ ^347' " " 2°'' ed. s8». 1851 Whately (Mary L.) More about ragged life in Egypt. s8 ■. 1863 Scenes from life in Cairo. ggr, loga Whately (Richard), abp. of Dublin. Address to clergy of Dublin & Glandalagh, & Kildare on changes in Irish nat. educa- tion. [P899]. 2"<' ed. 8". D. 1853 Cautious for the times. Ed. by the abp. of Dublin. 8". 1853 Cants. 29 paper's by var. persons. W. contributed "half, or more"; all were revised, hy hitn. Charges, & o. tracts. 8". 1836 Detached tlioughts & apo- phthegms f. the writings of W. sl,[iio more 2}itbl.]. sS". 1854 Election : 3''* of the " Essays on difBculties in Paul etc." [P517]. 2">'l ed. s8". D. 1862 Elements of logic : the substance of the art. in Encyc. Metropol., w. add\, etc. 4«'' ed. 8°. 1831 S'lied. 8°. 1844 „ „ Repr. f. 9'!' ed. s8". 1864 Elements of rhetoric : the sub- stance of the art. in Encyc. Metropol., w. adds. etc. 2'"' ed. 8". O. 1828 Essays on errors of Romanism, having their orig. in human nature. 2"" ed. 8". 1837 „ „ 4"' ed. 80. 1850 "3'''' series" follows "Es- says " on the t. of both ed'. Essays on some dangers to Xtn. faith f. the teaching or con- duct of its professors. Subj''., 3 discs. go J839 Essays on some difficulties in Paul, & in o. parts of New Test. 8". 1828 „ „ S'" ed. 8°. 1833 „ 6't ed. 8". 1849 " 2"'' series " is inserted after "Essays" in t. of 6 ed. Essays on some peculiarities of the Xtn. religion. S^'i ed. 8". 1831 „ „ 4''»ed. 80. 1837 On the 4"' ed., but not on the 3''', " i"' series " is inserted after " Essays." •Historic doubts rel. to Napoleon Buonaparte. [P476]. 2"i ed. 8«. 1821 „ „ 9"'ed. 8°. 1849 „ ,, [anoth. ed.], see Morley (H.) ed., Famous pamph*., 1880. Litr. lectures [8] on polit. econJ. 8°. 1881 „ „ 2'"> ed., inch lecture 9, & o. adds. 8". 1832 Whately (Thomas) The kingdom of Xt. deUneated. 8". 1841 Lects. on the characters of our Lord's apostles, esirec. their conduct at li. trial. s8o. 1851 •Lects. on the Scripture revela- tions resp. good & evil angels. s8". 1851 •Letters on the Church. By an Episcopahan. 8». 1826 Logic. [Encyc. Metropol.]. Repr. s8o. 1851 Misc. lectures & reviews. 8». 1861 Misc. remains f. the common- place book of W. Ed. Miss E. J. Whately. sS". 1864 „ „ Addenda to the 1" ed. sS". 1865 I) „ ... n. ed. [Includes the "Addenda."] sH". 1865 Paley's works ; a lecture. [P517]. 8<>. 1859 Remarks on transportation, & on a recent defence: 2"'' letter to Earl Grey. 80. 1834 Rhetoric. [Encyc. Metropol., 2'"'ed.]. s8». 1849 Scripture doct. cone, the Sacra- ments. a8». 1857 •A selection of Eng. synonyms. b8". 1851 Sermons on var. subj"., in Dublin etc. »\ 1835 Speech, H. of Lords, Aug. 1, 1833, on removal of disabilities f. subjects of Jewish persua- sion. [P303]. 8". 1848 Thoughts on secondary punish- ments : letter to Earl Grey. App''., 2 art*, on transporta- tion & on secondary punish- ments ; & obs. on colonization. 80. 1832 Thoughts on the Sabbath. [P615J. 4"> ed. 8». 1854 Use & abuse of party feeling in religion, Bampton Lectures, 1822. Added, 5 sermons before Univ. of Oxford, & a disc, by abp. King. 3"' ed. 8". 1833 „ „ 4"> ed. 8». 1859 •View of the Scripture revela- tions cone, a future state. 6>i' ed. 68". 1847 see Copleston (E.) bp., Re- mains, w. reminisc. of h. life by W., 1854. „ FiTZPATRicK (W. J.) Mems. of W., 1864. „ Whately (Mjss E. J.) Life & corr. of R. W., 1866. Obs. on mod. gardening. 3"" ed. 8". 1771 M 5'" ed. s8". 1793 On some characters of Shakespere. Ed. B. Whately. S'O ed. s8'\ 1839 see Kemble (J. P.) Macbeth & Rich. Ill ; answer to "Remarks" [by W.], 1817. Whates (H.) The third Salisbury administration, 1895-1900. TTTu ., X, , la8". [1901] Whatley (Robert). Letter to Lord-ChiefJustice King, on his being design'd a peer. [P312]. 2°'" ed. s4". 1726 Whatman (James), M.P. for Maidstone. '►What Mr. W. might have explained to Parliament. [Signed S. M. ; refers to tlie Grand Trunk liaihcay. P2421. 8". 1867 Whatton (William Robert). Hist, of the Chetham Hospital etc., 4", 1833. This, lu. sep. tp., is part of Hibbekt-Ware (S.) Hist, of the foundations in Manchester, 3v, 1834-48. q.v. WHATTON 1581 WHEWELL Whatton CWilliam Robert) [continued], sec Baines (Edw.) Hist, of the Co. of Lancaster; the biog dept. by W., 1836. "Wheat. Report on Nat. Wheat Stores, 1897/8, see National Wheat Stores. ♦Wheat in the ear, by Alien, 1898, see Alien, jjs. [i.e. Mrs. L. A. Baker]. Wheater (William). Hist, record of the 7"' Eoyal Regiment of Fusiliers. 4". Leeds, f.p.c. 1875 Hist, of Sherburn & Cawood, w. not. of Wistow. 2"'' ed. 8". [1882J Record of the 51" (2'"' West York), the "King's Own Light Infantry " Reg. 8". 1870 Some hist, mansions of Yorkshire. 4". Leeds. 1888 Wheatley (Henry Benjamin). Bookbinding as a fine art, me- chanical art, & manufacture. 40. 1880 The dedication of books. b8". 1887 Hdbk. of art industries in pot- tery & precious metals. [This is are-issue [bi/ H.B,W. : and chiefly written by him] of the two worl-s below by H. B. W. d- E. Delamotte.] 8". 1886 Historical portraits : notes on painted portraits of celeb, characters of Eng., Scotl., Ireland. 8". 1897 How to catalogue a library. 2°'' ed. sS'\ 1889 How to form a library. s8". 1886 How to make an index. sS**. 1902 Literary blunders. sS". 1893 London past A: present. Based upon the bdbk. by P. Cun- ningham. Sv. 8". 1891 London stage in Elizabeth's reign. [B. Instit. BSVG]. 8». 189(1 Of anagrams. sS". 1862 On a contemp. drawing of the interior of the Swan theatre, 1596. [R. Instit. The same Jceture as London Stage above.'] [P576]. 8". 1888 Pepys & the world be lived in. 58°. 1880 Prices of books. s8o. 1898 Remarkable bindings in the Brit. Museum. 4". 1889 Round about Piccadilly & Pall Man. 8'. 1870 What is an inde.'c ? 8". 1878 „ „ [Index Soc, 1]. 8". 1879 see Pepys (S.) Diary; ed. W., 1893-9. „ Way it. R.) Later reliques of old London, drawn in lithography by W., w. intr. & descr«. by W., 1897. & E. H. Delamotte. Art work in gold * silver. 8". 1882 & Art work in porcelain. S". 1883 Wheatley (James Atkinson), of Carlisle. Dramatic sketches : six plays. sS". 1891 Wheatley (Leonard A.) Story of the " Imitatio Christi." s8". 1891 Wheatly (Charles). A rational illust. of the B. of Common Prayer. 8". 0. 1839 Wheaton (Henry). Disc, to have been delivered before the New-York Law Institute, 1834. [P140]. 8". N.Y. 1834 Elements of international law. 2v. 8". 183G „ Notes etc. by W. B. Lawrence. 6''' ed. Ia8\ Boston. 1855 „ 8'" ed., w. notes by B. H. Dana, jr. laS". 186G Enquiry into validity of Brit, claim to right of search of American vessels suspected to be engaged in the slave-trade. 8". 1842 Hist, des progris du droit des gens dep. la paix de West- phalie. Avec intr. sur les prog, avant la paix de W. 2t. 3" ckl. 8". L. 1853 Hist, of the law of nations in Europe & Amer. to 1642. Ia8". N.Y. 1845 Hist, of the Northmen. 8-'. Philadelphia. 1831 Report of the copyright case, W. v. Peters, etc. Ia8». N.Y. 1834 sec CnicHTON (A.) it W., Scandinavia : hist., 1838. Wheatstone (Sir Charles). Reply to Cooke's " The electric telegraph : was it invented by W. ? " [P290]. 8". 1855 Scientific papers, [w. Harmonic Diagram]. 8'. 1879 see Cooke (W. F.) The electric telegraph : was it invented by W. ? 1854. Wheeler (Benjamin Ide). Alexander the Great. s8". N.Y. 1900 see Steont, (H. A.), B. I. W. etc., Intr. to study of hist, of language, 1891. Wheeler (Ch. G.), sec Wheeler (Wm. A.) Familiar allusions ; compl. by C. G. W., 1882. Wheeler (David Hilton) [ps. David Hilton]. Brigandage in S. Italy. 2v. 58". 1864 Wheeler (Ni'r George). Voyage de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du Levant. Tr. 2t. sS". Amsterdam. 1689 see SroN (I.) Voyage d'ltalie fait par S. et W., 1679. Wheeler (George), of the Inner Temple. India in 1875-6 : visit of the P. of Wales. s8». 1876 Wheeler (Gervase). The choice of a dwelling. sS". 1871 2-1 ed. s8o. 1872 Wheeler (James Talboys). Anal. & summary of Herodotus. 8". Oxford. 18 i8 „ „ 2"" ed. 88°. 1852 Early records of British India : hist, of the English settle- ments in India. 8''. 1878 Geography of Herodotus, ex- plained etc. 8". 1854 Hdbk. to the cotton cultivation in the Madras presidency. 8'. Madras. 1862 Hist, of India. 4v in 5. 8". 1867-81 1, Vedic period. 2, The Ra'mrfyana & the Brahmanic period. 3, Hindu, Buddhist, Brah- manical. 4, i, Mussulman rule. 4, ii, Mogbul Empire^ Aurangzeb. The hist, of tlie imperial assem- blage at Delhi, 1877. 4". n.d. India under British rule, f. foundation of the E. India Co. 8 '. 188S Madras in the olden time. 3v. 8". Madras. 1861-2 1, 1639-1702. 2, 1702-27. 5, 1727-48. Short hist, of India, Afghani- stan, Nipal, Burma. s8". 1894 Tales from Indian hist. s8". 1881 Wheeler (Joseph Mazzini). 0. rites. Bible studies : phallic worship, & s8>. 1892 Biographical diet, of freethinkers. s8". 1889 Wheeler (L. N.) The foreigner in China. s8». Chicago. 1881 Wheeler (Stephen). The Ameer Abdur Rahman. s8". 1895 Wheeler (William Adolphus). Diet, of noted names of fiction, pseudonyms etc. s8'\ 1866 sS". Bohn. 1892 Familiar allusions. Completed by C. G. Wheeler. s8". 1882 Wheeler (William Henry). Hist, of the Fens of S. Lincoln- shire. s8". Boston, [Eng.]. 1868 2"'' ed. Ia8<>. Boston, [Eng.]. s8\ n.d. Wheeley (Charles H.) Coarse fish. s8". 1897 Wheelwright (Edith Gray). Anthony Graeme. s8". 1895 Wheelwright (Kev. George). The "Edinburgh Rev." & Strauss. [P714J. s8». 1873 Three letters on the Voysey judgment, & the Christian Evidence Soc.'s lectures. [P7I2]. s8". Ramsgate. [1871] Wheelwright (Horace William) [ps. "An old Bushman"]. Ten years in Sweden. go. 1865 Wheelwright (William). Statements & docs. rel. to steam navigation in the Pacific, w. copies of decrees etc. [P143]. 8". 1838 Whelan (Peter). Numismatic atlas of the Roman empire, etc. sfol. [1859] Whelen (Frederick). London government. s8'. 1898 Wheler (G.), see Wheeler (Sir G.) Whellan (William) erf.. Hist. & topog''. of Cumberland & Westmoreland. By T. Wright, J. G. Cumming, H. Martiueau, ed. W. W. 40. I860 *When I was a little girl, 2"'' ed., 1871, see Stephenson (E.) Wherry (Albinia Lucy). Greek sculpture, w. story & song. s8». 189S Wherry (E. M.) A coram, on the Quran : eomprf. Sale's tr. & prelim, disc, w. addit. notes, index, etc. 4v. sS". 1882-& Whetenall (George). Echetlus, cousid'. upon culture in England. gS'. 188& Whetham (J. W. Boddam-), see Boddam-Wheth.am (J. W.) Whethamstede (Joannes). J. de W. chronieon, vol. 2'"", 1732. This, w. pagin. cont., is v3, not of J. de W., [as J. de W. is complete in itself], but of Hearne (T.) ed.. Duo rerum Anglic. script ores, etc., 1732, q.v. see Riley (H. T.) ed.. Chronica monast. S. Al'oani : VI, 1, Registrum abbatiic .1. W., iterum susceptaj, Roberto Blakeney quondam adscriptum — VI, 2, Registra J. W. etc. ; cum app., cont. quasdam cpist. a J. W. conscriptas, 1872-3. Whetstone (George), see Frondes cADnc;E : 1, Eemembraunce of the life of Sir N. Bacon, [& o. p.] by W., 1816. Whewell (Wilha,m) ,7nasfer of Trinity Coll., Cam. Architectural notes on German churches, w. notes dur. an architectural tour in Picardy & Normandy. 3"' ed., to wh. are added notes on the churches of the Rhine, by F. de Lassaulx. 8". C. 1842 Astronomy iS; gen. physics, w. ref. to nat. theol. 8". 1833 Commem". sermon, Trin. Coll., Dec. 1828. [P102]. 8". C. 1828 Elements of morality, includ. polity, w. suppl. 2v. 8'. 1845. 4'" ed. 8o. C. 1864 First principles of mechanics. 8". C. 1832 Hist, of inductive sciences. 3v. 8". 1837 3v. 3'" ed. s8". 1857 Hist, of scientific ideas, being the first part of Phil, of the inductive sciences. 2v. 3"' ed. s8". 1858 WHEWELL 1582 WHITAKER •Plurality of worlds, w. a dialogue. "Whewell (William), Master of Trinity Coll.,Ca»i. [ccmtiniicd]. Indications of the Creator : extracts f. hist. & philosophy of the inductive sciences. sS". 1845 Intr. to dynamics. [P358]. 8°. C. 18.B2 Lects. on hist, of moral philosophy in England. 8". 1852 n. ed. s8\ C. 18G2 Liberal education w. part. ref. to Camb. etc. 8". 1845 3p [p2 & 3 !ca«(f»3]. a-"* ed. s8". 18-50 Novum organon renovatum. 2°'' pt. of Philos. of the inductive sciences. 3'" ed. s8». 1858 Of induction w. esp. ref. to J. S. Mill. sS". 1849 On the foundations of morals: sermons, 1837. 2'"' ed. 8'. C. [1S30] On the free motion of points, & on universal gravitation, includ. the princ. propositions of bks. 1 & 3 of the Principia. The 1" part of a n.ed. of A treatise on dynamics. 8". C. 1832 On the motion of points constrained & resisted, & on the motion of a rigid body. The 2""' part of a n. ed. of A treatise on dynamics. 8". C. 1834 Philosophy of discovery, includ. completion of 3'^ ed. of Phil. of inductive sciences. s8". 1860 Philosophv of inductive sciences. 2v. 8". 1840 .... 2v. n. ed. 8'. 1847 8". 1853 a-'ied. s8'. 1854 Principles of Eug. Univ. education. 2°'' ed. s8°. 1838 Remarks on Thirlwall's letter on admission of dissenters to degrees. [PlOo]. 8°. C. 1834 „ Addlt. remarks on Thirlwall's two letters etc. [P105]. 8°. C. 1834 Sermons : in the chapel of Trin. Camb. 8". 1847 Treatise on dynamics, sec On the free motion of points, d; On the motion of points, above, see Amos (A.) Advantages of a classical educ. ; w. letter to W. upon h. " On liberal education," 184(5. „ Bahrow (I.) Theol. works : v9, B.'s life & academ. times, by W., 185'J. „ Brewster (Sir D.) More worlds than one, [in reply to 11'.], 1854. „ Douglas (Mrs. S.) Life, * sels. f. corr. of W., 1881. „ Nevile (C.) Defence of Paley, in ans. to W. etc., 1839. „ Stikling (J. H.) Lect". on philosophy of Law ; w. Whewell & Hegel etc., a vindication, 1873. ,, TonHUNTEi! (I.) W. ; ace. of h. writings, w. sels. f. h. lit. & scient. corr., 1870. Whibley (Charles). A book of scoundrels. s8". 18"J7 Studies in frankness. s8". 1898 In cap & gown ; 3 cent, of Cam- 1 sec Henley (W. E.) & C. W., bridge wit, w. intr. £8". 1888 I e(M., Book of Eng. piose, „ „ 3"'ed. s8'\ 1898 1894. The pugeantry of lite. s8". 19U0 J "Whibley (Leonard). Greek oligarchies : character & organisa- tion. s8". 1896 Political parties in Athens dur. the Peloponnesian War. 2°" ed. s8'. C. 1889 "Which. *Which shall it be ? 1880, sec Alexani.er (Mrs.) ps. * Which shall it be? Shaxpere or Shakespe.ire ? 1879, see Halli- wELL-PniLLirrs (.J. 0.) "Whichcord (John), jun., see Asupitel fAnTHun) A W., Baths etc.. 2"'" ed., 1851. "Whidborne (George Ferris). Monograph of Devonian Fauna of the S. of Eng. vl. [Palaiontograph. Soc.]. 1". 1889/92 1, Fauna of tlie Limestones of Lummaton, Wolborough, Chir- combe Bridge, & Chudleigh. "Whig. *The character of an independent whig, 1719, see GOEDOX (T.) *Whig Government, n. ed., 1832, sec Eicii {Sir H.) "Whig Examiner, see Lover tt Header (The), 1769. "Whigs. *Appeal (An) from the new to the old Whigs, 1791, see BrEKE (E.) ♦Merits (The) of the W'., 1840, see Merits etc. *"Whim (A) & its consequences, 1847, see James (G. P. E.l "Whim (The), by a Soc. of Gentlemen [cltiejly by Sir S. Egertou Brydges]. 12 Nos. in Iv, 1810-11. 8". [Canterbury. 1812] '"Whims, 1889, see D'Avigdor (E. H.) "Whinfield (Edward Henry),^^' J.al.u, Al-Dix, Rnmi, Maulaita. Masnavi, tr. * abr. by W., 1887. see MahmC I., Shabistari. Gulshan i Eaz, 1880. "Whinfleld (William Henry). Ethics of the future. 8». 1876 "Whinyates {Col. Francis Arthur). From Coruna to Sevastopol, the hist, of " C " Battery, " A " Brigade, K.H.A. 8°. 1884 "Whipple (Edwin Percy). American lit., & o. p. 8». Boston. 1887 "Whipple (Henry Benj.), bp. of Minnesota. Lights & shadows of a long episcopate : reminisc. etc. of W. 8". N.Y. 1899 Whish (Henry F.), M.A., Corpus Coll., Cam. Clavis Syriaca : key to the Syriac version, called " Peshito," of the Gospels. 8". 1883 "Whishaw (Bernhard). Elementary education. [P602]. s8". 1888 see Sarg.\xt (E. B.) & W., A guide book to hooks, 1891. Whishaw (Mrs. Bernhard), see Aedy-Willums (E. M.) [Mrs. B. W.] Whishaw (Francis). Eailwavs of Gt. Brit. & Irel. : Addit. plates. " [P727]. 4». 1841 Whishaw (Fred. J.) A bovar of the Terrible. s8". 1896 Out of iloors in Tsarland. " s8». 1893 Whishaw (James). A new law diet. 8". 1829 Whisky. *Truths about w. [Issued by 4 firms of distillers t;i Dublin^. S". 1878 * Whist : 01% bumblepuppy ? 3"' ed., 1887, sec PEMBRrooE, ps. Whistlecraft (Robert), sec Whistleceafi (W.) ct E. Whistle- CEAFT, ps. "Whistlecraft (William) & Robert Whistlecraft, ps., see Feeee {Bit. Ihn. J. H.) j.s. ■■ W. A E. W."]. Whistler (James A. MacNeill). The gentle art of making enemies. S". 1890 Whistler r. liuskin : art * art critics. [P358]. 7"' ed. s8>. n.d. Whiston (Robert). Cathedral trusts ct their fulfilment. 4"' ed. 8'. Eochester. 18-50 Whiston (William), M.A. The accomplishment of scripture prophecies. [Boyle L.]. 8°. C. 1708 Astronomical lects. etc., done into Eng. 8". 1715 An hist, preface to primitive Xty. reviv'd. s8". 1711 The liturgy reduc'd nearer to the prim, standard, [one of his Three essays, 1713, sec beloic] 8". 1713 Mems. of Dr. S. Clarke, etc. 3"" ed. 8'. 174S Mems. of life & writings of W., cont. mems. of several friends. By himself. pi, 2. [p3. The Liturgy etc. juon/injr]. 8". 1749 New theory of the earth. s8^ 1096 Primitive Xty. reviv'd. 5v. [i^"} wanting]. 8". 1711-12 Eemarks on Grabe's Essay upon 2 Arabick MSS. of the Bodleian. [P766]. 8". 1711 Eeply to Allix. [P760]. 8". 1711 „ Second reply to AlKx, etc. [P766]. 8". 1711 Three essays : 1, Council of Nice ; 2, Trinity & Incarnation ; 3, Liturgy. 8". 1713 sec Allix (P.) Remarks upon places of W.'s books, 1711. „ Graee (.J. E.) Essay upon two Arabick MSS. of the Bodlejan, it the " Doctrine of the Apostles," said to be in them ; wherein W.'s mistakes are prov'd, 2'"' ed., 1712. Whitaker (Edward William), see Faber (G. S.) Suppl. to diss. on the 12G0 years, cont. reply to W., 1£06. Whitaker (John), B.D. The anc. cathedral of Cornwall. 2v in 1. 4 '. 1804 Course of Hannibal over the Alps. 2v. 8". 1794 Genuine hist, of the Britons . asserted agst. Jfacplierstn. '!"•' ed. 8". 1773 Gibbon'sHist. reviewed. 8". 1791 Hist, of Manchester, in four books. Bk. 1, 2, [no more piih!.]. i". 1771-5 Whitaker (Joseph). Almanack Hist, of Manchester, in four books. 2v. 2'"l ed. 8". 177a Life of St. Neot. 8 >. 1809 Mary Q. of Scots vindicated. 3v. S". 1788 Origin of Arianism disclosed. 8". 1791 *Tbe princ. corrections made iii the Hist, of Mancb., Bk. 1, on republ?. it in 8". [b.w.h. Hist, of M., Bl, 1771]. 4". 177:1 . 1878-1902. [1881 wanting}. s8\ [1878-1902J Peerage. 1900-2. s8'. [1900-2] Titled persons. 1897-1900. s8'. [1897-19C0] see *EEFEREXtE catalogue of current lit., 1880 ; 1889 ; 1898. Whitaker (Thomas Dunham). Hist. * anticjs. of the deanery of Craven. i"" ed. 4 ■. 1812 Hist, of Kichmondshire, in the N. Riding of York, w. those parts of the Everwicshire of Domesday wh. form the Wapen- takes of Lonsdale, Ev.'ecross, & Aniunderness, in York, Lanes., Westmoreland. 2v. lafol. 1823 Hist, of the orig. parish of Whalley, & Honor of Clitheroe ; subj., ace. of the parish of Cartmell. S"! ed. 4 '. 1818 Life & corr. of Sir G. Eadcliffe. 4". 1810 Loidis & Elmete ; attempt to illust. the districts described in those words by Bede, supposed to embrace the lower portions of Aredale it Wharfdale, w. the vale of Calder, in York. lafol. Leeds. 1816 see Thokesby (R.) Dacatus Leodiensis, 2»'' ed., 1816. WHITAKER 1583 WHITE Whitaker (William), D.D. Disputation on Scripture agst. the Papists. Tr. [Parker Soc, 34]. 8". C. 1849 "Whitaker (William), geologist. Geology of London & part of the Thames valley. \G. Surv. of E. & W.]. iv. laS". 1889 Geology of the London Basin. [G. Surv. of E. & W.]. pi. laS". 1872 Whitaker's almanack, see Whit.\ker (.1.) Whitaker's peerage, sec Whitaker (J.) Whitaker's titled persons, see Whitaker (J.) Whitbourne (Capt. Richard). Westward Hoe for Avalon in the New-found-land, (1022) ; ed. T. Whitburn. 88". 1870 Whitbread (Samuel) the elder, /;.;.S-/.S/.;. Substance of speech on poor laws, Feb. 1807. [P37]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1807 sec Bowles (John). Letter to W. in conseq. of approbation by him of Lancaster's system of education, 1807. ,, Malthcs (T. 11.) Letter to W. on h. proposed Bill for amendment of Poor Laws, 2"'' ed., 1S07. Whitbread (Samuel) the i/vuiiger. Unpunished cruelties on the High Seas : letter to W. [P79]. 8". 1859 Whitby, monastery. [IPeter (St.) & Hiu) (St.), mon. of]. Cartularium abbathiffi de Whiteby ord. S. Benedicti fundatse a. 1078. [Ed. J. C. Atkinson]. 2v, [2)agin. cont. Surtees Soc, 69, 72J. 8". Durham. 1879-81 Whitby (Beatrice Jeanie) [^Mrs. Philip Hicks]. Mary Feawick's daughter. 8v. 2"'! ed. sS". 1894 A matter of skill, & o. s. s8". 1896 One reason why. s8". [1892] Sunset. 88". 1898 The awakeniucjof Mary Fenwick. 3v. s8-. 1889 , s8'. 1889 1900 Bequeathed. s8". Mary Fenwick's daughter. Sv. s8". 1891 Whitby (Daniel), D.D. Disc. cone. : 1, true import of election etc. ; 2, extent of redemption ; 3, the grace of God ; 4, the liberty of the will ; 5, the perseverance of the saints. 2"^ ed. 8". 1735 see *Letter (A) from a city-minister to a M.P. etc., \by D. Whitby ?], 1(;89. ,, *Theee letters of thanks to the Protestant Eeconciler, 1G83. Whitcombe (Mrs. Henry Pennell). Bygone days in Devon- sliirc & Cornwall. sS". 1874 White. •Tlie scouring of the Wliite Horse, 18.59, .sec Hughes (T.) •Secret hist. (The) ot the White Staff, 1711, see Defoe (D.) Wliite Book of the City of London, var. ed'., see Liber Albus. •White cross & the Bench. By a. of " Five years penal servitude." s8'>. 1879 •White elephants. Sv. 68". 1882 •White ensign (The) ; life in the Navy. By Naval Officers. 8". [1896] •White month (The), 1880, see Peabd (P. M.) •White Rose & Red, 1873, see Buchanan (K. W.) •White umbrella (Aj, & o. s., 1895, see Sabnia, jjs. ♦Wliite witch (The). 3v. s8". 1884 White (Adam) [ps. Arachnophilus]. A coll. of doc", on Spitz- bergen A Greenland, comprising : A tr. f. F. Martens' voyage to Spitzbergen — A tr. f. I. de La Peyr^re's Hist, du Greenland — God's power etc. in the preservation of eight men in Green- land [1630]. [Hakluyt Soc, 18]. 8". 1855 A contrib. towards an argument for plenary inspiration, from accuracy of the O.T. proved by remains in Brit. Museum. [P156]. 8". 1851 Pop. hist, of mammalia. s8". 18.50 White (Andrew Dickson). Hist, of the warfare of science The modern Jew. s8°. Problems of a great city. s8». „ „ n. ed. sS". Tries at truth. s8". with theology. '2v. 8'. The warfare of science ; w. pref. note by Prof. Tyndall. s8 '. White (Arnold). The destitute alien in Gt. Brit. : papers ed. W. sS". 1892 Efficiency & empire. sS". 1901 The English democracy. s8". 1894 White (Arthur Silva). The development in Africa. 8'\ 1890 „ „ 2"'ied. s8». 1892 The expansion of Egypt under Anglo - Egyptian condomi- nium. 8". 1899 White (Babington) ps. Circe White {Mrs. Caroline Alice). White (Charles). The Beigic Hevol. of 1830. Three years in Constantinople. 1896 1876 1899 1886 1895 1891 From sphinx to oracle : through the Libyan Desert. 8>. 1899 see Britannic Confederation, 1892. „ Murray (T. D.) & W., Sir S. Baker, 1895. 2v. s8». 1867 Sweet Hampstead. Ia8°. 1900 2v. sS". 1835 3v. s8". 1845 White (Charles Brook Dupont-), see Dopont- White (C. B.) White (Edward), minister of St. Paul's Chapel, HawUy Road. Life in Christ. 2"'' ed. 8". 1876 White (Ernest William). Cameos from the Silver-land ; a naturalist in the Argentine. 2v, [v2 wanting]. 8". 1881-82 White (Rev. F. 0.), M.A. Lives of the Elizabethan bishops of the Anglican Church. 8". 1898 White (Francis), bp. of (/) Carlisle {^} Norwich (3) Ely. Of the Sabbath. 2"" ed. si<>. 1635 White (Francis I.) Diss, on the geography of plants. [Pref. signed F. J. W.] [P456]. 8". E. 1838 Whit3 (Francis Sellon). Hist, of inventions & discoveries. 8". 1827 White (G. Cecil). Glimpses of King William IV & Queen Adelaide, in letters of the late Miss Clitherow, of Boston House, Middlesex ; w. a brief ace. of Boston House & the Clitherow family. s8'. 1902 White (.Sir (reorge), V.C., see Co.^tes (T. F. G.) W., 1900. White (Rev. (Jilbert). Nat. hist, of Selborne,w. add^. by Sir W. Jardine. n. ed. 88". 1832 , w. notes by T. Brown. sS". E. 1833 , w. notes by E. T. Bennett. n. ed. 8". [1837] , w. notes by L. Jenyns. 8'. 1843 , Ed. Sir W. Jardine. 88". 1853 , standard ed. by Bennett, rev. J. E. Harting. 8°. 1875 , Ed. T. Bell. 2v. 8°. 1877 Nat. hist, of Selborne. Ed. T. Brown. 88". 1890 „ Ed., w. notes, by G. Allen. i". 19U0 „ Ed. R. Bowdler Sharpe. 2v. laS". 1900 „ Ed. R. Kearton. s8". 1902 see Holt-White (R.i Life & letters of W., 1901. „ Jesse (E.) Gleanings iunat. hist. : b2 [w. extr". f. unpubl. MSS. of W.], 1832-5. White (Gleescn). Ballades and Rondeaus etc. sS'. 1887 English Illustration : " The Sixties." Ia8'. 1897 Master painters of Britain. 4v. 4". E. 1897-8 Practical designing. sS". 1894 White (Henry), Ph.D. The massacre of St. Bartholomew ; prec. by hist, of relig. wars in r. of Charles IX. 8'. 1868 White (Henry A.) "Tales of crime & criminals in Australia. s8". 1894 White (Henry Alex.), prof, of Hist, in Washington <£ Lea Univ. Eobert E. Lee & the Southern Confederacy, 1807-70. s8''. N.y. 1897 White (Henry Kirke). Poet, works. s8'. 1853 Remains; w. h. life by R. Southey. 2v. 10"' ed. 8'. 1823 White (Hugh), aifto/; of Peterborough, [Hugo Candidus] , see English (H. S.) Anc. hist, exemplified; prec. by review of H. C.'s Peterborough hist., 1830. White (James), neiespapcr agent. Grig, letters etc. ot Sir John Falstaff * his friends. s8". 1796 White (Rev. James), of Bouchnrch. The eighteen Xtn. cen- turies. s8". E. 1858 Hist, of England. s8". 1860 Hist, of France to 1848. 2"'' ed. s8". E. 18G0 •^The King of the Commons, [drama]. [P151]. 8". 1846 White (James Thomas). Hist, of Torquay. 8". Torquay. 1878 White (John). Ancient hist, of the Maori, mythology it tradi- tions. vl-4. 8'. [vl, AVellington]. 1887-89 White (John), A.M. The people & the Church of Scotland, etc. [P112]. 8". 1843 White (John), fellow of Queen's Coll. O.ron. Sketches from Amer. 8". 1870 White (John), native interpreter, Auckland. Te Ron; the Maori at home. A tale. s8". 1874 White (John D.), of Kentucky. Polit. rights of women : speech, H. of Repres., Feb. 7, 1884." [P392]. 8>. Wash. 1884 White (Joseph), canon of Cluist Church. Diatessaron. Ed. W. s8'. 0. 1800 Sermons, Oxford. [Bampton L'., 1784]. 4''' ed. 8". 1792 „ „ n. ed., [tv. t.], Compar. of Mahometism & Xty. 8". 1811 Statement of W.'s lit. obligations to Badcock & S. Parr. [n.c. in P8]. 8'. O. 1790 see Gabriel (K. B.) Facts rel. to W.'s Bampton Lects., 1789. White (Joseph Blanco) [ jis. L. Doelado ; IBlanco (Jose Mama), aft. White]. Letters from Spain. 8>. 1822 , 'Second travels of an Irish gentle- Life, by himself, w. portions ot man in search of a religion. h. corr. Ed. J. H. Thom. ; 2v iu 1. s8". D. 1833 Sv. sS". 1845 sec Neander (Aug.) tjber d. Pract. & internal evidence agst. Leben des W., 1846. Catholicism, etc. 8°. 1825 ■WHITE 158i WHITELOCK The journal of a jealous woman. 88". 1900 A king's diary. sS". 1895 A millionaire's daughter. e8°. 1899 Mr. Bailey-Martin. s8°. 1894 The West End. sS". 1900 1881 White (Lewis Borrett). Stephen's look to heaven : sermon, Dover, 1858. [P233]. 8". 1859 Wtite (Nathaniel), see Enfield (W.) Sermon at ordm. of Estlin, w. charge by W., 1778. White (T'o-!/ iifu. Patrick). Hist, of Clare & the Dalcassian clans of Tipperary, Limerick, & Galway. 8". D. 1893 White (Percy). Andria. s8". 1896 Corruption. sS". 1895 The grip of the bookmaker. s8". 1901 The heart of the dancer. s8". 1900 The infatuation of the Countess. s8». 1899 I White (Eashleigh Holt), see Holt-White (E.) White (Richard Grant). England without & within. sS" Every-day English : seq. to " Words * their uses." e8'. Boston. 1880 The fate of Mansfield Humphreys ; with the episode of Wash- ington Adams in England ; & an Apology, [a novel]. s»\ Boston. 1884 Life of Shakespeare, with essay towards expression of his genius, it ace. of rise of Eng. drama. s8". Boston. 1865 Shakespeare's Scholar : studies of text, characters, commen- tators, with exam, of Collier's folio. 8". N.Y. 1854 Studies in Shakespeare. sS". 1885 Words & their uses. sS". N.Y. 1870 , S"" ed. s8". Boston, U.S. 1880 White (Robert), of Madeira. Madeira, its climate & scenery. sS-. 1851 White (Roma) ;w. [i.e. Blanche Ok.\ii, aft. Mrs. Winder]. A stolen mask. sS". 1896 White (Col. Samuel Dewe). Indian reminisc. S". 1880 White (Thomas W.) Our English Homer ; or, Shakespeare histor. considered. s8". 1892 White (Vincent), see Le Blanc (Vincent). White (Walter), sc^ Hi-nter (H.\y) & W. W.,*My ducats & my daughter. 1884. White (Walter), lib. to the Eoy. Soc. All round the Wrekin. tS". 18G0 Eastern England, f. Thames to Humber. ' 2v. sS». 1865 Holidays in Tyrol. s8°. 187G A July holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia. b8". 1857 A Londoner's walk to the Land's End ; & a trip to the Scilly I'. A month in Yorkshire. 2"" ed. s8". 1858 „ ,, 4'!' ed. sS". 1861 Northumberland, & the Border. e8<>. 1859 On foot through Trrol, 1855. s8o. 1856 A sailor-boy's [Henry White's] log book f. Portsmouth to the 1855 Peiho. sS". 1862 White (William), ri] The inner life of the H. of Commons; ed. Justin MacCarthy. '^v. 8\ 1897 White (William). [2] The story of the great delusion (vacci- nation). s8". 1885 White (William), bookseller. Plans for the purification of the Thames, etc. [P362]. s8». 1860 White (William), of Sheffield. Hist., gazetteer, & directory of Essex. ' ' s8". Sheffield. 1848 Hist., gazetteer, etc. of Hampshire & the I. of Wight. 8'. Sheffield. 1859 White (William), Swedenborgian. Mem. of T. T. Lynch; ed. W. W. S8". 1874 E. Swedenborg : h. life & wTitings. 2v. 8". 1867 White (William Hale) Qjs'., Mark Rutherford; Reuben Shapcottj. Autob-''. of Mark Rutherford. 98°. 1881 2""l ed. sS". 1888 " " 3'-'' ed. s8". 1889 Catharine Furze. 2v. sS". 1893 j^ I'll ed. sS'. 1894 c'iara Hopgood. sS". 1896 Descr. of the Wordsworth & Coleridge MSS. in poss. of T. N. Longmsin. 4". 1897 An examination of the charge of White (Sir William Henry) apostasy against Wordsworth. s8''. 1898 Mark Rutherford's deliverance. 5"!' ed. sS". 1892 Miriam's schooling, & o. papers. sS'. 1890 Pages f. a journal, w. o. papers. sS". 1900 The revolution in Tanner's Lane. 88". 1887 see Gledstone (J. P.) Life & travels of W., 1871. „ Pemberton (E.) Sermonon death of W., [leitl:] poem on his death Iiy Phillis, a negro girl, 1771. „ Philip (K.) Life etc. of W., 1838. „ TvERMAN (L.) Life of W., 1876-7. Whitefleld (George). The Xtu.'s companion : sermons. Annexed, forms of prayer for everj' day in the week. sS". 1738 Select coll. of letters of W., 173i-70, w. ace. of the Orphan- House in Georgia. 3v. 8°. 1772 see Andrews I J. E.) W., alight in obscurity, 2"'* ed., n.d., [1", 1864]. „ Autobiography, 1826-33 : vB, W. I Whitefoord Papers: being corr. A- o. 5ISS. of Col. Charles Whitefnord it Caleb '^Tiitefoord, 1739-1810. Intr. * notes by AY. A. S. Hewins. 8'. 0. 1898 Whiteford. ''Hist. (The) of the parishes of W. & Holywell, 1796. see Pennant (T.) ''Whitefriars : or, the days of Charles II, [1844 ?1, see Robinson (E.) Whitehall. *Secret hist, of Whitehall, 1697, see Jones (D.) ^Whitehall : or. The days of George IV, 1827, see Maginn (W.) Whitehead (Benjamin). Church law; a concise diet. 2"" ed. 8". 1899 Whitehead (Charles), dramatic et misc. u-riter. Richard Savage ; a romance of real life. s8'\ 1845 n. ed. s8''. 1896 see Bell (H. T. M.) A forgotten genius ; W., n. cd., 1885. Whitehead (Charles), F.L.S. Profitable fruit farming. 8». 1884 The progress of fruit farming. [P371, 776]. 2'"l ed. 8\ 1885 Report on the exliibition of live- stock at Derby. [P348] 8". 1881 Report upon the market-garden & market-garden farm com- petition, 1879. [P3C3, 374]. S». 1880 A sketch of the agriculture of Kent. [P1012]. 8". 1899 Vegetable & fruit farming. [Eepr. •' Roy. Agric. Soc."]. [P478]. s8". n.d. Manual of naval architecture. •I'" ed. 8". 1882 Whitear (Walter Henry), see Phillimore (W. P. W.) it W., edd.. Hist, colls, rel. to Chiswick, 1897. Whiteby, see Whitby. Fiftv vears of fruit farming. [P478]. 68". [1889] Fifty vears of hop farming. [P478]. sS". [1890] Hints on vegetable & fruit farming. [PS74]. 8". 1881 Hop cultivation [a.c. in P602]. 8». 1893 Hops : from the set to the sky- lights. [P346]. 8°. 1881 Market gardening for farmers. [P:;5H, 363, 374]. 8°. 1880 Methods of preventing attacks of insects & Fungi [a.c. in P602]. 8". 1891 Whitehead (Charles Edward). The camp-fires of the Ever- glades, or Wild sports of the South. Ia8'. E. 1891 Wild sports in the South ; the camp-fires of the Everglades. sS". 1860 Whitehead (Henry), see Ewing {A.), bj}., ed., Present-day papers, [.S/ ed. by 11'.], 1870-74. Whitehead (James), M.V. Rate of mortality in Manchester. [P83]. 8'>. M'ter. 1863 Transmission from parent to offspring of some forms of disease. 2"''ed. 8". 1857 Whitehead (John), M.D. Life of J. Wesley, f. h. private papers : prefixed account of h. ancestors, w. life of C. Wesley. 2v. s8''. 1793-6 Whitehead (T. M.) Cat. of objects of art, of W., sold May 10„ 1898. laS". 189a Whitehead (William), sec. to Order of Bath. Plays it poems. 2v. sso. 1774 Whitehurst (Felix M.) Court & social life in France under Napoleon III. 2v. 8". 187.3 Diary dur. the siege of Paris. 2v. 8". 1875' Whitehurst (John). Inquiry into the orig. state it formatioa of the earth. 2°'' ed. 4". 178a Whiteing (Richard) [ps. Whyte Thorne]. The democracy : a novel. The :!'"' ed. is revised, w: 3v. s8\ 1876 added chap'. The Island. 88". 1888 ; The life of Paris. s8". 190(> „ „ [an^ed.] 88°. 1899 No. 5 John Street. s8". 189» White- Jervis (Henry Jervis-), see Jervis-White-Jervis (H.> Whitelaw (Alexander), see Popul.4r encyclopedia, 1841. Whitelaw (James), M.R.I.A., see Wareurton (John), W., & 11. Walsh. Hist, of Dublin, 1818. Whitelegge (B. Arthur). Hygiene & public health. s8^. 1899! Whitelock (William). Life & times of John Jay, etc. s8'. N.Y. 1887.- - WHITELOCKE 1585 WHITTY Whitelocke (Bulstrode). Journal of the Swedish ambassy, 1653-4 : w. oiig. papers. . 2v. 4". 1772 „ „ Publ. C. Morton, n. ed., rev. H. Keeve. 2v. 8". 1855 Memorials of the English affairs : f. the suppos'd exped. of Brute to eiul of r. of James I ; life etc. by W. Penn, pref. by J. Welwood. fol. 1709 Memorials of the English affairs : Charles I to Restiuration. n. ed. fol. 1732 see *LivEs of all the Lords Chancellors, more at large of Clarendon & W., 1708. ,, Oldmixon (J.) *Clarendon & Whitlock oompar'd, 1727. „ Whitelocke (K. H.) Mems. of B. W., 18(50. Whitelocke (Sir James). Liber famelious of W., .ludge, in r". of .la. I cV- Cli. I. Ed. J. Bruce. [Camden Soc, 70]. s4\ 1858 "Whitelocke (John), licut.-gcn. Trial at large of W. by court martial, 1808. 8". 1808 Whitelocke (R. H.) Mems. of Bulstrode Whitelocke. 8". 18P0 Whiter (Walter). Etymologioon Universale : univ. etym. diet. [vol. 1, 3 issued anon.]. 3v. 4". C". 1822-5 Specimen of a comm. on Sliakspeare, etc. s8". 1794 W. W. has been accustomed to entertain his friends on 23 April ; on \vh. occasion the following verses were recited in different anniversaries. [P102]. s8". [1818?] White's, club, see Bourke {Hon. Alo.) The hist, of White's, ,[w. the betting book from 1743-1878, & list of members, 1736-1892], 1892. Whiteside (Rt. Hon. James), Ld. chief justice of Queen's Bench ■in Irehmd. The Church in Ireland. s8". D. 1865 Early sketches of eminent persons. Ed., w. notes, by W. D. Ferguson. s8". D. 1870 Italy in 19'" cent, contrasted w. its past condition. 3v. s8". 1848 n. ed. s8". 1860 Life & death of the Irish Pari. : a lect. 2p in Iv. s8". 1863 Vicissitudes of the eternal city, [ti: of Canina (L.) Indieazione topog. di Eoma ant.]. s8". 1849 Whiteway (A.E.) P.'s & Q.'s to be minded at the election, 1886. [P579, 778]. 8\ Wrexham. 1886 Whiteway (Eichard Stephen). The rise of Portuguese power in India (1497-1550). 8". 1899 Whitfield (Kenvj), pastor at Gilford, in New-Englaiul. Farther tliscovery of the state of tlie Indians, [1651. Sabin, 4" ser., 3]. s4". N.Y. 1865 Strength out of weakness : further progress of the Gospel among the Indians, [1652. Sabin, 4" ser., 5]. s4°. N.Y. 1865 Whitfield (Henry), vicar of BrightUngsea. Sermon before the Univ. of Oxford, July 7, 1773. [P257]. 4". 0. 1773 Whitfield (M. W.), M.A. Durham. [P776]. 8". Hull. 1885 The pres. position & future prospects [P379]. 8". 1872 Gasteropoda & Cephalopoda of the of New Jersey. [U.S. Ia8". Wash. 1892 Whitfield (Richard H.) of llrit. Guiana. Whitfield (Robert Parr). Karitan Clays & Greensand Marls Geolog. Survey : Monograpli 18]. Mollusca & Crustacea of the Miocene formations of New Jersey. [U.S. Geolog. Survey : Monograph 24]. Ia8". Wash. 1894 Whitfield (Thomas), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Whitford (John). The Canary I", as a winter resort. s8". 1890 Whitgift (John). Works. [Parker Soc, 44, 48, .50]. 3v. 8". C. 1851-3 see G.iRROw (U. W.) Hist, of Crovdon, w. life of W., 1818. „ P.iCLE {Sir G.) Life of W., 1699. „ Strvpe (J.) Life & acts of W., 1822. Whiting (Lilian). Kate Field. s8-. 1899 Whiting (Eichard), abbot of Glastonbury, see Gasquet (F. A.) Tbe last abbut of Glastonbury etc., 1895. Whitley (John), D.D. Tbe life everlasting. 8". 1846 Whitley (Miss Marg.), see Bl-lley {Miss A. A.) &W., Women's work, 1894. Whitling (H. J.) *Heidelberg d- the way thither. By Nil. sS". 1845 Pictures of Nuremberg. 2v in 1. n.ed. Whitman (Alfred). The masters of mezzotint. The print-collector's handbook. Whitman (Sidney). Austria. By W., w. coUab. M'Uraith. [Story of the Nations]. Conventional cant. Imperial Germany. The realm of the Habsburgs. s8". 1856 4". 1898 8". 1901 Of J. R. sS". 1899 s8". 1887 b8». 1889 s8». 1893 Whitman (Walt). Complete poems &c prose, 1855- 88. laS". Philadelphia, n.d. Complete prose works. 8'. Philadelphia. 1892 Drum-taps. ^ s8". N.Y. 18G5 ,, Sequel to Drum-taps: When lilacs last in the door-yard bloom'd, & o. pieces, [b. w. h. Drum-taps, 1865]. s8». Washington. 1805-G Good-bye, my fancy. 8". Philadelphia. 1891 In re W. W. ; ed. by h. literary executors. Ia8». Philadelphia. 189S Leaves of grass. 8". Philadelphia. 1884 „ „ 8". Philadelphia. [1891] „ „ inch, Sands at seventy, Good bye my fancy, A back- ward glance, etc. 8". Philadelphia. 1891-2 Poems. Sel. & ed. W. M. Ros- setti. eS". 1868 ., „ n. ed. 88". 1886 Specimen days & collect. 8". Glasgow. 1883 The wound dresser : letters f. hospitals dur. the war. Ed. K. M. Bucke.sS". Boston. 1898 see BucKE (R.M.) W.W.,188i!. „ Burroughs (J.) W. ; a study, 1896. „ Cl.^rke (W.) W. W., 1892. „ Dox.iLDSON (T.) W. the man, 1897. „ Ingersoll (R. G.) Liberty in lit. : testimonial to W., 1891. „ Knortz(C.) W.;d.Dichter d. Demokratio, 1899. „ Salter (W. M.) W., 1899. „ ScHLAF (J.) W., etc., 1897. ,, Symonds (J. A.) W., a study, 1893. Whitmore (Charles Algernon), M.P. Six years of Unionist Govt., 1886-92. [P594]. s8". 1892 Whitmore (W. Wolryche). Second letter on the corn laws, to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. [P311]. 8". 1839 Whitney (Caspar). On snow-shoes to the barren grounds. 8". 189(; Whitney (William Dwight). A compendious German gram- mar. s8'>. 1892 Language & stud)' of language. s8i. 1867 „ „ 2"i' ed. 68". 1808 „ „ Z'^ ed. s8'\ 1870 Life & growth of language. b8". 1873 Oriental it linguistic studies. 23. 8". N.Y. 1873-5 Sanskrit grammar. 2"'i ed. 8". L. 1889 Whittaker (Thomas). The Neo-Platonists. 8». C. 1901 Whittall (Sir J. William). Frederick the Great on kingcraft, f. the orig. MS., w. reminisc. & Turkish stories. 8'. 1901 Whitten (Wilfred) ed., London in song. 68". [1898] Whittier (John (Jreenleaf). The Bay of Seven Islands, Sc o. p. s8". 1883 Child life in prose. Ed.W. s8". n.d. Complete poet, works. u. ed. sB". 1879 Tbe Pennsylvania Pilgrim, A.' o. p. s8 '. Boston. 1878 Whittingham (Ferdinand), major-gen months' residence in Berlin. Poet, works. Biog. by W. JI. Rossetti. Compl. illus. ed. s8". n.d. Prose works. 2v. 8". Boston. 1866 see PiCKARD (S. T.) Life it- letters of W., 1895. Recoils, of a ten 8". 1846 sec Whittingham (S. F.) Mem. of the services of W.,1868. Whittingham (Capt. Paul Bernard). Notes on the late expedition against the Russian settlements in E. Siberia, etc. s8". 1856 Whittingham (Sir Samuel Ford). Mem. of the services of Lieut. -Gen. Wliittingbam, chiefly f. h. letters & those of con- temps. ; ed. F. Whittingham. n. ed. 8". 1868 Whittington (Uev. George Downing). Hist, survey of eceles. antiq". of France. 4". 1809 Whittington (Sir Eichard). sea Besant (Sir W.) it J. Rice, W., 1881. „ Chai'-rooks Lt folk-lore tracts : sl, no. 5, Sir R. W., 1885. Whittle (Jamss), see Visit to Belgrade ; tr. by J. W., 1854. Whittle (James Lowry). Freedom of education : what it means. [P627]. 3'" ed. S". D. 1867 Grover Cleveland. s8^ 1896 How to save Ireland f . an ultramontane univ. [F. " Fraser's mag.," Apr., 1868]. [P627]. 8". 1868 Whittle (Peter) [ps. Mariiaduive Tulket]. Acc. of the borough of Preston. s8'>. Preston. 1821 Whittlesey (Chirles). Anc. mining on the shores of Lake Superior. [S. C. to Knowledge, 13]. 4". 1863 Anc. %vorks in Ohio. [S. C. to Knowledge, 3]. 4". 1852 On fluctuations of level in the N. Amer. lakes. [S. C. to Knowledge, 12]. 4". 1860 On the fresh-water glacial drift of the N.-W. states. [S. C. to Knowledge, 15]. 4". 1866 Whittuck (Charles Augustus). The Church of Eng. & recent relig. thought. s8'\ 1893 Whitty (Miss Anna). Wife & child. 3v. s8". 1869 5K WHITiy 1586 WICLIF Whitty (Edward Michael). Friends of Bohemia. 2v. s8<'. 1857 *Hist. of tlic Session, 18-52-3 : a pari', retrospect. s8'. 1854 Whitty (John Irwine). Palestine Exploration : after the battle ! Companion to " Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-7." S". 1899 Palestine exploration : further revelations ! [P678]. 8". 1897 Whitworth (Su- Charles). Public accounts of services * grants. lol. 1771 Tracts [S.Fortrey — T. Mun — C.Reynell — " Britannia languens," by H. T.— Sir W. Petty] on trade & commerce, as suppl. to Davenant's Works. 2v. 8". 1778 «fc Llovd (D.) State-worthies; added. Characters of the Kings ct Queens of Eng. [/. tJic Eeforrnation to the Eevol".], by W., 1766. "Whitworth (Charles "W., baron), iCTS-O^JJ. Russia in 1710. s8". Strawberry-Hill. 1758 Whitworth (Charles W., carl), /;.');?- /•Si-'.J, see Browning (0.) cd., England tt Napoleon in 1803 : despatches of 'Whitwovth * 0., 18S7. Whitworth (Sir Joseph). Guns & steel. s4'>. 1873 Misc. papers on mechanical subjects. 2v. [v2 icanting}. 8". 1858-73 Who. •Who fares best, the Christian or the man of the world ? 17S9, see BUKN (A.) *Who is responsible for the war ? By Scrutator, 1871, see MacColl (Malcolm). ♦Who is the real enemy of Germany ? lTr^, 1868, see Gekmanv. ♦Who is to be Speaker? 1835, see Rich (Sir'K.) ♦Who is to blame for the war betw. Denmark & Germany? [Tr.], 1849, sec Densiabk. ♦Who wrote it ? Common poet, quotations in Eng. S"" ed. sS". 1879 ♦Who wrote the Waverley novels ? 1850, see Fitzpateick (W. J.) Whole duty (The) of man. The work Ir.ioxcn by this f. jcas first publ''. in -tdSS, w. t. " The xracticc of Xtn. (jraccs, or the w. d. of m." As to the reputed authorship of Lady Pakington, it con- sequently as to that of o. anon, leorks " by the a. of The whole duty etc.," see Diet, of Nat. Biog., art. Pakington, Dorothy, Lady. *The whole works of the a. of " The w. d. of m." 4v. sS". E. 1763-5 see *Art (The) of contentment, by the a. of " The w. d. of m.," n. ed., 1811. *Whom shall we hang? 1855, sec Maxwell {Sir P. B.) Who's who. 1S49-54, 58, 59, 61-09, 97-1902. sS". [1849]-1902 Who's who in America. Ed. J. W. Leonard. 1899-1900, 19U1-1902. s8'. Chicago. [1899-1901] Why. 'Why besiege Sebastopol ? 1854, see Sedastopol. *Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife, 1860, sec Clive (Mrs. A.) Whymper (Edward). Whyte-Melville (George John) [eoiUmued]. Scrambles amongst the Alps, 18t;0-69. 2'"' ed. 8". 1871 ., ,, S'^'ed. .condensed, [if. i. ;] Ascent of the Matterhorn. 8». 1880 Whymper (Frederick). The fisheries of the Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. The heroes of the Arctic. Travel etc. in Alaska. Scrambles etc. 4"' ed. Ia8". 1893 Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Ecjuator. 8". 1892 „ „ fl'"! ed. 8", 1892 „ „ Supply, app. 8". 1891 the world : record of 4". 1883 s8". [1875] 8". 18G8 Whymper (Henry Josiah). The religion of freemasonry, w. intr. by W. .T. Hughan. Ed. G. W. Speth. 8". 1888 Whyte (Haine). In part to blame. "sS". Bristol, n.d. Whyte (James). The Gothenburg & Bergen public-house systems. [P586]. 8". 1893 Whyte (James Christie). Hist, of the British turf. 2v. 8°. 1840 Whyte (William Athenry). Lnnd journey from Asia to Europe; Canton to S. Petersburg. 8'. 1871 Whytehead (Thomas). College life: letters to an under- graduate. s8<>. C. 1845 Whyte-Jervis (H. J.), sec Jeevis-White-Jervis (H.) Whyte-Melville (George John). Black but comelv. n. ed. sS". 1879 „ „ 4"" ed. sBo. 1880 "Bones & I." sS". 18CS „ „ n. ed. 68°. n.d. The Brookes of Bridlemere. Sv. sS". 1864 „ „ 2v. 68". L. 1864 Cetise. 8". n.d. ,, „ ... 3v. 3''" ed. 88". 1806 Contraband. 2v. s8". 1871 Digby Grand. 2v s8". 1853 General Bounce ; or, The lady it the locusts, n .ed s8". n d. The gladiators, n ed. 68». 1864 „ , n ed. b8". 1892 „ „ n ed. s8o. n.d. Good for nothing. 88". n.d. I n ed. sa". 1865 Holmby House. new ed. s8". 1890 „ ,, n. ed. s8". n.d. The interpreter, n. ed. sS". 1864 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1890 Kate Coventry, n. ed. s8'>. 1865 ,, ,, n. ed. s8". n.d. Katerfelto. s8". 1875 M. or N. 2v. s8". 1869 ♦Market Ilarborough. s8". 1861 „ „ 3" ed. s8». 1861 The Queen's Maries. 2v. s8". 1862 Riding recollections. Rosine. 68". Roy's wife. Sarchedon. Satanella. Sister Louise. Songs & ver&es. Tilbury Nogo. L. s8'. s8' . ed. 3v. s8". 2v. s8'\ 8". e8'. . ed. s8". 187S 187T 187T n.d. 1871 1872 1876 186» n.d. i87a The true cross {poevi]. b8". Uncle John. 3v. b8". 1874 The White Rose. 3v. s8". 186S Wibaldus, Stabulensis [Corbcicns. jPeatis (W. de)]. see Bouquet (M.) Eec. des hist, des Gaules, tl5. „ Migne (J. P.) ed. Pat. latina, tl89. Wiherg (Carl Fredrik). Der Einfluss d. klass. Viilker auf d. Norden durch d. Handelsverkehr : aus d. Schwed.v. J. Mestorf. [P476]. 8". Hamburg. 1867 Wibertus, antipope [Clemens III], see Miune (J. P.) erf., Pat. latina, tllS. Wibertus, Tullensis. [fGuiEEBTus]. Vita Leonis IX, see MioNE (J. P.) cd. Pat. latina, tl43. see MuEATOEi (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., t3. Wiboldus, hp. of Cambray, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl34. Wiborg (Carsten Friis). Die Mythologie des Nordens. Aus d. Diiniscb.en. sS". 1847 Wickodus, see JIigxe (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, 196. Wichelhaus (Johann). De Novi Test. vers, syriaea quam Pescbitho vocant. 8". Halis. 1850 Wicheit (Ernst). Eins zum andern. sS". L. 1889 Hevr V. Miiller. 2' A. s8^ Dresden. 1897 Wichner (P. J.) Zwei Biicherverzeichnisse d. 14"".Jahrh. in d. Admonter Stiftsbibliothek. [h.u: Roth (F. 'W. E.) Buch- druckerei, 1889]. [Cent. f. Bibl., Beiheft 4]. 8". L. 1889 Wick (Old) ps., see Tudor (J. B.) Wickham (A. E.) Loveday. s8". 1896 Wickham (Henry Alex.) Journey from Trinidad to Pani, by the great cataracts of Orinoco, Atabapo, ct Rio Negro. 8". 1872 Wickham (Henry Lewis), sec Cramer (J. A.) & W., *0n the passage of Hannibal etc., 1820. Wickham (J. A.) Synopsis of doct. of baptism, regeneration, conversion, etc. 8". 1850 Wickham {lit. Hon. William). Corresp., from 1794 ; ed., w. notes, liy W. Wickham. 2v. 8". 1870 Wickham (William, of), see Wykeiiam (W. of). Wickhoff (Franz). Roman art. Tr. & ed. Mrs. S. A. Strong. 4". 190O Wicklow. ♦I'hotographs of County W., 1867, sec Maees (F. H.) Wicksteed (Charles), see Liverpool. Disc', on ded. of Hope Street New Church, by \V. etc., 1849. Wicksteed (Janet), aft. Leieis, see Lewis (Mrs. Aethue). Wicksteed (Philip Henry). Alphabet of economic science : pi, Theory of value. s8". 1888 Dante : six sermons. s8". 1879 s8". 1895 Four lectures on Ibsen. S'"" ed. sS". 1892 & E. G. Gardner. Dante & G. del Virgilio. Ia8". 1902 Wicksteed (Thomas). Analysis of evidence in favour of the Constant Supply System, etc. [P137, 593]. 8". 1846 Wiclif (John). An apology for Lollard doctrines, attr. to W. Intr. A notes by J. H. Todd. [Camden Soc, 20]. s4". 1842 De apostasia. [WycUf Soc.]. 8\ 1889 De blasphemia. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8". 1893 De compositione hominis. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8'. 1884 De dominio divino. Added, first 4 books of De iMuperie salva- toris by E. Fitzralph. Ed. R. L. Poole. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8". 1890 De ente prsedicamentali — QuiEstiones. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8". 1891 De eucharistia. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8''. 1892 De logia. [Wyclif Soc.]. vl. 8". 189S De officio pastorali. Ed. G. V. Lechler. laS'. L. 1863 De officio regis. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8". 1887 Dialogus sive Speculum ecclesie militantis. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8'. 1886 The Eng. works of W. hitherto unprinted. Ed. F. D. Matthew. [E.E.T.S., 74]. 8 ■. 1880 The last age of the Church. Ed. J. H. Todd. s8\ D. 1840 Latin works. The works of the series publ''. by tlic Wyclif Soc. under this title which are in the Library, have beer, cata- logued separately. WICLIP 1587 WIESECEE Wiclif (John) [contintied]. The New Test., tr. by W. Pref., life of W., & ace. of Saxon & Eng. versions of the Scriptures, by H. H. Baber. 4". 1810 Opus evangehcum. Ed. J. Loserth. [Wyclif Soc.]. vl, 2. 8". 1895 Polemical works. [Wvclif Soc.]. 2v. 8\ 1883 Select Eng. works of W. Ed. T. Arnold. 3v. 8». 0. 1869-71 1, Sermons on the Gospels tor Sundays & Festivals. 2, Sermons on the Ferial Gospels & Sunday Epistles — Treatises. 3, Misc. works. Sermones. [Wyclif Soc.]. 4v. 8". 1887-90 Three treatises. 1, Of the Church & her members ; 2, Of the Apostacy of the Church ; 3, Of Antichrist & his Meynee. Notes etc. by J. H. Todd. s8". D. 1851 Tract, de civili dominio liber primus. Ed. E. L. Poole. [Wyclif Soc.]. 8". 1885 Tracts & treatises, etc. Ed. K. Vaughan. 8". 1845 Trialogus ; cum suppl. trialogi. Rec. etc. G.Lechler. 8'. 0.1869 see Bible : Complete Texts etc. W. (J.) Holy Bible, 1850. „ BoHRiNGER (F.) Die Kirche Christi : B20, W., 2' A., 1864. „ BuDDENSiEG (E.) W. : life & writings, 1884. „ Borrows (M.) W.'s place in hist., 18S2. „ *Fasciculi nizaniorum Magistri J. W. cum tritico [ascr. to T. Nettcr of Walden], 1858. „ J.ioER (0.) W. u. s. Bedeutung fiir d. Eeformation, 1854. „ Jeep (A.) Gerson, W., Hussus inter se comp., 1857. „ Le B.4.S (C. W.) Life of W., 1832. „ Lechleb (G. V.) W. u. d. Vorgesch. d. Eeformation, 1873. „ W. ct h. Eng. precursors, tr., w. notes, by P. Lorimer, 1878. „ Lewis (John). Hist, of W., 1720 ; n. ed., 1820. „ LosERiH (J.) W. & Hus ; tr., 1884. „ Poole (E. Lane). W. & movements for reform, 1889. „ EoQERs (J. E. T.) Hist, gleanings : 2, W., 1870. „ Sergeant (L.) W., 1893. „ Trevelvan (G. M.) England in the age of W., 1899. „ The Peasants' Eising & the Lollards : unpubl. doc". forming app. to " Eng. in the age of W.," 1899. „ Varillas (A.) *Pretended Eeformers (The) : hist, of the heresie of W., etc. ; made Eng. [f. " Hist, du Wicl^fi- anisme "], 1717. „ Vaughan (E.) Life * opinions of W., illust. prine. f. h. unpubl. MSS. etc., 1828. „ W., a monograph, w. ace. of the WycUffe MSS., 1853. „ *W.. his biographers A critics, 1858. Wicquefort (Abraham de). L'ambassadeur & ses fonctions. n. ed. augm. des mems. de W., etc. 2t. 4". A. 1730 Hist, des Prov.-Uuies dep. la paix de Munster. [Hist. Gezel. te Utrecht]. 4t. 8°. A. 1861-74 The rights etc. of ambassadors and publick ministers. Tr. Digby. 2"i ed. fol. 1740 Widal (Auguste). Juvi-nal & s. satires. 8°. 1869 Widdern ((}. Cardinal v.), see Cardinal v. Wicdern (G.) Widdrington (Samuel Edward) [ form. Cook]. Spain & the Spaniards, 1843. ' 2v. 8". 1844 "Widdrington (Sir Thomas). Analecta Eboracensia: some remavnes of the City of York. Ed. & annot. C. Caine. Ia8». 1897 Wide (Sam). Lakonische Kulto. 8'. L. 1893 Widegren (Gustaf). Svenskt och engelskt lexicon. 4". 1788 Widmann (Georg Rudolf). Faust's Leben in Pfitzer's Bear- beitung. s8". [1885] Widmore (Eichard). Enquiry into the time of the first foundation of Westminster Abbey ; added, ace. of the writers of the hist, of the church. [6. ic. /(. Hist, of Westminster Abbey, 1751]. 40. 1743 Hist, of the church of St. Peter, Westminster. 4". 1751 Widney (Joseph Pomeroy), M.D., see Lindley (W.) & W., California of the South, 1888. "Wido, sec GuiDo, Aretinus. Wido, emperor [Guino], sec Muratori (L. A.) Eerum Ital. Script., tl ii. Wido, hp. of Ferrara, sec Monumenta Gekm. Hist., Scr., tl2. Widricus, Tullensis, Vita Gerardi episc. Tull., see Monomenta Germ. Hist., Scr., t4. Widsifi, [or. The traveller's song, or The scop or gleeman's tale]. sec Beowulf. B., the Scop or Gleeman's tale, etc., w. tr. by Thorpe, 1855. „ B., the T.'s song, etc., ed. Kemble, 1833. Widukindus, see W'ittekindus. *Wie das Volk spriclit, 5' A., 1866, see Hofer (E.) Wied (Carl). Lehrbuch d. neugriech. Volksspr. [B.d.S.-k.]. 2' A. sS". Wien. yi.d. Die tiirk. Sprache. [B.d.S.-k.]. sS". Vfien. n.d. „ „ 2' A., [w.t. :] Leichtfassliche Anleitung zur Erler- nung d. tiirk. Sprache. [B.d.S.-k.]. s8". Wien. n.d. Wiedemann (Alfred). The ancient Egyptian doctrine of the immortality of the soul. [Tr.]. sS". 1895 Gesch. Agyptens v. Psammetich I bis auf Alexander d. Grossen. 80. L. 1880 The realms of the Egyptian dead. Tr. J. Hutchison. s8\ 1901 Die Religion d. alten Agypter. 8-'. Miinster i.W. 1890 Eeligion of the ancient Egyptians. 8'. 1897 Wiedemann (Gustav). Die Lehre v. Galvanismus u. Elektro- magnetismus. 2B in 3. 2« A. 8°. Braunschweig. 1874 Wiedemann (Oskar). Hdbch. d. litau. Sprache. 8<>. Strassburg. 1897 Wiedemann (Theodor). Gesch. d. Eeformation u. Gegen- reforniation im Lande unter d. Enns. 3B. 8". Prag. 1879-82 *Wiederkehr (Die). Hr.sg. v. d. Einsiedler bei St. Johannes, 1843, see Kuthe (F. A.) Wiedersheim (Robert). Der Ban des Menschen als Zeugniss fiir s. Vergangenheit. 2- A. 8". Freiburg i.B. 1893 Elem". of comp. anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted f. W. by W. N. Parker. 2"<' ed. 8". 1897 Structure of man ; tr. H. & M. Bernard. Ia8r 1895 Wiedertauffer, sec Ml-nster. Die Geschichtsquellen d.Bisthums M., B2, Berichte d. Augenzeugen iiber d. miinster. W., hrsg. v. Cornelius, 1853. Wied-Neuwied (Maximilian A. P., Prince zu). Travels in Brazil, 1815-17. pi. 4". 1820 Wiegmann (Rudolph). Die Malerei d. Alten in i. Anwendung u. Technik. s8". Hannover. 1836 Wiehr (Dr. Ernst). Napoleon u. Bernadotte im Herbstfeldzuge - 1813. s8". 1893 Wiel (Alethea) [i.e. Hon. Alethea J. Lawley, 2'"' Wielopolski (A. I. J. P.), marquis, sec Lisicki (H.) W., (1803- 77), 1880. Wien, [sec also Vienna], see Samsilung wissenschaftl. Vortriige, gehalten 1858 im grossen stiindisclien Saale zu W., 1858. * Wiener Genesis (Die). Hr.sg. v. W., Eitter v. Hartel u. F. Wickhoft. Ia4". Wien. 1895 Wiener Congresses (Acten des), 1819-35, see Vienna. Wiener (Charles). I'erou A- Bolivie : r^eit de voyage. M". 1880 Wiener (Christian). Atomenlchre. 8". L. 1869 Die geistige Welt u. Wesen u. Ursprung d. Dinge. 8". L. 1869 Die Grundziige d. Weltordnung. 8". L. 1863 Wiener (Leo), i«s(r((c/o»- ill the Slavic languaejesat t)ie Hnriard Uiuv. Hist, of Yiddish lit. in the 19"' c. Ia8'. 1899 Wier (Johann). De pra;stigiis dtemonum etc. 3" ed. s8". Basilea:. 1560 see BoDiN (Jean). Deniagorumdiemonomania; ace. opinionum W'. confutatio, 1603. Wiersbitzki (Otto J. B. v. Corvin-), sec Corvin (Otto). Wiese (Berthold) & E. Percojo. Gesch. d. italien. Lilt. Ia8'. L. 1809 Wiese (ludwig Ad.) Die Bildung d. Willens. 2<-A. s8". 1861 German letters on Kng. education, tr. L. Schmitz. s8". 1877 Wieseoke (Henri). Influence pernicieuse des saign^es. [P107]. 8". 1837 5k 2 WIESELER 1588 WILBERFORCE "Wieterslieim (Eduard Besoigt V. F. Dahn. *Wife's (A) story, * o. t., Wiffen (Banj. Barron), Wieseler (Carl). ClironoloRie d. apostol. Zeitalters b. z. Tode a. Apostel Paulus u. Petrus. 8". Gottingen. 1848 Clironologische Synopse d. vier Evangelien. 8". Hamburg. 1843 Wieseler (Friedrfch). Phaethon. [P88]. 4". Gottiugen. 1857 Wieselgren (Peter). Sveriges skiina litteiatur. 5d. [dl, 2' uppl.]. 8«. [2, 3, LundJ. 1834-49 Wiesener (Louis). La jeunesse d'Elisabeth d'Angleterre, 1.533- 58. 8'. 1878 Le Regent, I'abbt; Dubois it les Anglais, d'ap. les sources britann. 8". 1891 The- youth of Q. Eliz., 1533-58. Ed. f. French by C. M. Yonge. 2v. sS". 1879 Wieser (Friedrich y.) Natural vahie ; ed. W. Smart, tr. C. A. iWalloch. 8°. 1893 Wiesinger (J. T. August), see Olshausen (H.) Comm. ii. siimnitl. Schriften d. Neuen Test'.: [Bo "fortgcs. v. W. etc."], lSH7-(;2. Wiesner (Julius). Das Bewegungsvermogen d. Pflaiizeu : eine kritische Studie iiber d. gleichnamige Werk v. C. Darwin. 8'. ^yien. 1881 V.) Gesch. der Volkerwanderung. 2B. 2- A. laS". L. [1880] 1875, SCI' .loLLV {Miss), see Ijohmeh (Ed.) BibUotheca Wif- teniaua : Spanish reformers etc., [vl, "\v. mem. of W., etc."], 1874-83. see Wiffen (.J. H.) & B. B. W., The brothers Wiffen, 1880. Wiffen (Jeremiah Holmes). Hist. mems. of the House of Kussell. 2v. 8». 1833 & B. B. Wiffen. The brothers Will'en : mems. & miscel- lanies. Ed. S. 11. Pattison. s8». 1880 Wigan. Evidence before the inquest at W. rel. to explosion in Avley Mine Pit, Feb., 1854. With remarks by .J. Darlington. [P209]. 8'. f.p.c. 1854 AVigan County Council Chamber: descr. sketch. Ia8». Wigan. 1890 Wigan Free Public Library. Index cat. of bks. & papers rel. to mining, metallurgy, manufactures ; by H. T. Folkard. Beference dept. " 8". Southport. 1880 W. P. L., reference dept. : works rel. to Freemasonry, cat. by H. T. Folkard. 3"i ed. s8". Wigan. 1892 sec FoLK.uiD (H. T.) A Lindsay record : hand-list of books by or rel. to members of the Clan Lindsay in the lief. Dept. of the W. F. P. L., 1899. „ W. F. P. L., 1901. Wigan (Arthur Ladbrooke). New view of insanity : duality ot the mind. 8'. 1844 Wigand (Johann), sec " M.^odebueg Centuries," [bij W. <£ ulhers], 1500-74. Wiggers (Gustav Friedrich). Life of Socrates ; tr. with notes. s8». 1840 Yersuch einer pragmat. Darstellung d. Augustinismus u. Pelagianismus. 2T. 8". Hamburg. 1833 Wiggers (Julius). Kirchliche Statistik, oder Darstellung d. gesammten ehristl. Kirche. 2B in 1. 8". Hamburg. 1842-3 Wiggin (Kate Douglas) [i.e. Mrs. G. C. Bigos]. Penelope's Iiiali experiences. s8". 1901 A summer in a canon. 2'"» ed. sSo. 1895 Timothy's quest. '2'"l ed. s8". 1893 The village watch-tower. s8". 1895 A cathedral courtship ; and renelope's English experi- ences. 2°" ed. s8». [1898] Marm Lisa. s8". 1897 Penelope's English experiences. lUust. by C. E. Brock. s8". 1900 Penelope's experiences iu Scot- land. s8". 1898 Wiggins (John). Embanking lands from the sea. s8". 1852 The "monster" misery of Ireland: relation of landlord & tenant. " s8». 1844 The polluted Thames : mode of cleansing etc. [P78]. 8". 1858 Wight, Isle of. Hist, of Hampshire & the I. of W., in prog., 1900, see Hami'Shire. *nist. (The) of the I. of W., 1781, see Worsley (Sir R.) *In the I. of W. 2v. s8>. 1873 Wight (Robert), M.D. Icones plant. Indiie Orient. : figures of Inilian plants. vl-3i, 4-0. 4". Madras. 1840-53 Illusf. of Indian botany. 2y. [v2 icantiiig]. 4". Madras. 1840-50 Wight (Thomas), of Cork. Hist, of Quakers in Ireland, 1653- 1700, by W. Rev., cont. to 1751 by J. Rutty. 2"'" ed. 8". 1800 Wightwick (George). Hints to young architects ; w. a model specification. s8". 1846 Wigley (Frederic George), see India : Legislative Dept., ETC. Chronol. tables it index of Indian Statutes, by W., 1897. Wigo, see MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl37,/or Epistola;. Wigornia, see Woiicestef.. Wigorniensis (Florentius Bravorius), sec Floren-ce, of Wor- cester. Wigram (Rev. Spencer Robert), Balliol Coll. Cartulary of the monastery of St. Frideswide at Oxford. [Oxf. Hist. Soc. 28, 31]. 2v. 8". 1895-0 Chronicles of the Abbev of Elstow, w. notes on the architecture of the Church by M. .1. C. Buckley. 8". O. 1885 Wigston (W. F. C.) Bacon Shakespeare & the Rosicrucians. 8'. 1888 *Wigwam (The) A the cabin, 1845-6, see Slmms (W. G.) Wikes (Thomas), canon of Osncye, see Wykes (T.) Wikoff (Henry). The four civilizations of the world. 3"^ ed. s8\ My courtship & its consequences. 2'"' ed. sS". A New Yorker in the Foreign OfBce, & his adv. in Paris. s8". Wilamowitz-Mollendorff (Ulrich v.) 1875 1855 1858 Poetarum Grsec. fragmenta. v3, i ; C, i. [ill pirog.] s8'. 1899-1901 3, i, see Diels (H.) Poet. philosoph. tragm., 1901. C, i, see Kaib^i, iG.) ed., Comic. Gr!BC. fragm., vl, i, 1809. Eedeii u. Vortriige. 8". 1901 Aristotelts u. Allien. 2B. 8". 1893 Griech. Tragudien. tjbers. v. W.-M. Bl, 2, [1, 2« A.]. 88". 1899 1, Sopliokles : Oedipus. Euripides: HippoWlos — Der Miitter Bitt- gang — Herakles. 2, [Aischylos] : Orestie. Wilberforce (Albert Basil Orme). The trinity of evil. s8\ 188G Wilberforce (Edward). Brazil viewed through a naval glass, etc. s8'. 1856 The duke's honour. Bv. s8". 1870 Social life in Munich. s8°. 1863 2'"' ed. s8". 1864 Wilberforce (Reginald G.) An unrecorded chap, of the Indian Mutiny. From a diary* letters written on the spot. s8". 1894 see Wn.]!ERFORCE (Sam.) Life, [v2, 3] by B. G. W., 1880-2. Wilberforce (Robert Isaac). Church courts A; discipline. 8". 1843 Dcct. of baptism, w. remarks on Goode's "Effects of infant baptism." S". 1849 Doct. of the eucharist. 8". 1853 Doct. of the incarnation in rel. to mankind & the Church. 8". 1818 „ „ S'J ed. 8". 1850 The five empires. s8". 1810 lucjuiry into the principles of Church-authority : or, reasons for recalling my subscription. 8". 1854 Pract. effect of the Gorham Case ; Charge, 1850. [P7G4]. 8". 1850 & S. Wilberforce. Life Wilberforce (Samuel), 6;). of i Addresses to candidates for ordination on questions in the ordin. service. sS'\ O. 1860 Agathos, & o. s. sS". aS'-'i ed. 1873 Charge at 3"* visitation, No\-., 1854. [PS8G, 899]. 8". 1854 Charge at 7'*' visitation, ISUG. [P213]. 8". O, 18C7 Essays contrib. to the " Quar- terly." 2v. 8». 1874 Heroes of Hebrew hist. 4'!' ed. s8'>. 1871 Hist, of the Protestant Episco- pal Churcli ill Amer. s8". 1844 Life of S. W., w. sels. f. h. diaries iV corresp. [vl] b}' A. R. Ashwell ; v2, 3 by H. G. Wilberforce. 3v. 8". 1880-2 Life of W. Wilberforce, rev. & Rutilius & Lucius. s8". 1842 Sermons on the new birth. 8". 1850 Seven Letters to ed. of" Weekly Register " in reply to F. Meyrick's article on Church- authority. [Pl(;5]. 8". 1855 Sketch of hist, of Erastianism ; w. 2 sermons. s8 '. 1851 see Cl.^bicson (T.) Strictures on a life of Wilberforce, byW.[/.c.E.LW.]&S.W., 1839. ,, Drummond (H.), M.P., Reply to W.'s Principles of Church authority, 1855. of W. Wilberforce. 5v. s8 '. 1838 .5v. 2'"" ed. s8". 1839 y) Oxford (2) Winchester. condensed f. the otig. ed. [of 1S38 bij B. I. W. £ S. IT'., q.v'.] s8". 1868 The rocky island, & o. simili- tudes. 17"'ed. sS". 1878 Sermons. r8 '. 1844 Sermons bef. Univ. of Oxford. s3, 1863-70. 8". O. 1871 Sermons preached tt publ. on sev. occas. 8". 1854 Sermons preached oa var. occas. 8". O. 1877 Words of counsel on difficulties of the day, in the writings of I W. ; coll. by T. V. Posbery. s8". O. 1875 see Lenten sermons, by [13 a'.\ w. pref. by [W.], 1857. „ Wilberforce (R. I.) & S. W. Life of W. Wilber- force, 1838; 2"'ied., 1839. WILBERFORCE 1589 WILIS AID . Wilberforce (William), phiUintltro^nst. Appeal in behalf of Slaves in W. Indies. [P53, 212, 5H'JJ. 8". 1823 Corresp. Ed. E. I. Wilberforce & S. Wilberforce. 2v. s8". 1840 Pract. view of the system of professed Xtns. contrasted w. real Xty. 8». 1797 Private papers of W. Pref. etc. by A. M. Wilberforce. 8". 1897 see African Institution, Special report of directors resp. allega- tions in " Letter to W.," by K. Thorpe, 1615. „ Claekson (T.) Strictures on a life of W. by W. & S. Wilber- force, etc., 1838. „ CoGAN (T.) *Letters to W. W. on hereditary depravity, 1799. „ CoLQUHOUN (.1. C.) W., h. friends & times, 1860. „ Haefokd (.J. S.) Recoils, of W., w. not", of h. friends & contemps., 1864. „ Pitt (W.) P. A W. [W.'s sketch of P., s. " Speranza "]. Anc. legends etc. 68". 1888 Ancient cures, charms, usages of Ireland. 58". 1890 Anc. legends, mystic charms, &: superstitions of Ireland. App., a chapt. on " the anc. race of Ireland," by Sir W. Wilde. 2v. 68". 1887 Wilde (Oscar F. O'F. W.) The happy Prince, & o. t. Iii8''. 1888 A house of pomegranates. so. 1891 *An ideal husband. 8". 1899 •The importance of being in earnest : comedy. 8". 1899 Intentions. 8'. 1891 Lady Windermere's ian. Wilde (Oscar F. O'F. W.) [cmUinnedl V A. s8". St. 1899 Novellen. s8°. 1869 Die Osterinsel. S- A. s8o. St. 1897 Die Rothenburger. 3'" A. 58". St. 1896 Der Siinger. s8». St. 1899 Schleicliendes Gift. 2» A. 8". St. 1897 Die Tochter des Herrn Fabri- cius. 2" A. s8». St. 1901 Vater Robinson. sS". St. 1899 Vater und Sohn, u. a. Geschieli- ten. 2" A. s8". St. 1896 Die Templerei. [Gen. tp. to Each Band has tp. Gesch. d. Tempelherren- 8B. 8'. L. 1826-3.5 .mobAlii-A b4". 1893 \,j yi,^.,(, , Driftwood from Scandinavia. 68". 1884 Notes on men, women, & books. Selected essays, si. [sH not i/et publd.]. 68". 1891 Social studies. s8". 189y Lord A. Savile's crin:ie, & o. s. sS". 1M91 The picture of Dorian Gray. s8". n.d. Poems. e8". 1881 „ „ S'Jed. e8». 1881 Salome : tr. from the French of O. W. [by Lord Alf. Douglas]. Pictured by A. Beardsley. Vera. 68". p.p. 1902 A woman of no importance. b". 1894 see 'Ballad (The) of Reading Gaol, [by O. W., 4'" ed.], 1898. Wilde (Richard Henry). Conjectures & researches cone, the love, madness ct imprisonment, of Tasso. 2v. s8». N.Y. 1842 Wilde {Sir William E. W.) Austria, its lit., scientific & med. institutions. .s8". D. 1843 Beauties of the Boyne & Blackwater. s8". D. 1849 Closing years of Swift ; w. sev. of h. poems unpubl., & remarks on Stella. 8". D. 1849 Lough Corrib; w. not", of Lough Mask. 2"'' ed. s8". D. 1872 Voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe, & along the Mediterranean ; obs. on Egypt cfc Palestine etc. 2v. 8". D. 1840 see Royal Irish Academy. Descriptive cat. of the antiq". of stone, etc., 1857. ,, Wilde (.1. F. S., Lady). Anc. legends etc. of Ireland ; app., chap, on " the anc. race of Ireland," by Sir W. W., 1887. Wildeck (C. H. de Klettenberg at), sec Klettenberg et WiLDECK. Wildegardis, Saint, see Hildeg.vkde, St. Wildenbruch (Ernst Ad. v.) Der Astronom : Erziihlung. 6« A. b8". 1893 Christoph Marlow : Trauerspiel. ' 1902 1896 1900 1900 1893 2= A. Claudias Garten. „ , neue A. Das edle Blut. neue A. Eifernde Liebe. 3' A. Der Generalfeldoberst. Neue A. sS". 1901 Gcwitternacht; Trauerspiel. s8". 1898 Harold ; Trauerspiel. 6« A. b8». 1889 Die Haubenlerche. 2' A. b8». 1891 Das heilige Lachen. Miirchen- Schwank. 68". 1892 Heinrich u. Heinrichs Ge- Bchlecht: Tragcidie. 68". 1895 Wildenhahn (Carl August). Kinderthriinen. 2 Erzahlgn. 10'' A. s8». 1895 Der Meister v. Tanagra. s8". 1890 Neid. 68". 1900^ Der neue Hen* : Schauspiel. b8». 1^91 Neue Novellen. T A. s8». 1893- Novellen. 8" A. s8». 1892 Sohwester-Seele. 9' A. s8". St. 1896 Tiefe Wasser : 5 Erziihlgn. 88". 1898 Die Tocliter des Erasmus : Schauspiel. s8o. 190O Unter der Geissel. s8". 1901 Das wandernde Licht. s8». Stuttgart. 1893 Der Zauberer Cyprianus. s8". 1896 Martin Luther. 5T in 3. s8". L. 1851-9 Wildencw (Eugen), see Peschel (E.) & E. W., Korner etc., 1898. Wilder (Marshall P.) The people I've smiled with. s8". [1889] Wilder (Victor). Beethoven : sa vie, s. a-uvre. s8». 1883 Mozart : sa vie etc. 2' ^d. s8". 1881 Wildermuth (Ottilie). Perlen aus dem Sande. s8". Stuttgart. 1867 Importance of educating the infant poor. 2»i ed. s8". 1824 of Gt. Brit., 1895, see Son of the Wilderspin (Samuel). b4". 1894 *Wild-fowl ct sea-fowl Marshes, ps. Wildfowler, ps., sec Clements (L.) Wilding (W. J.) ps. The web of fate. 2v. sB-. 1888 Wildman (Daniel). Management of bees. [P52]. 2"''ed. 8". 1779 Wildman (Richard). The anatomy of scepticism & metaphysics of science. 8". 1853 Institutes of international law. 2v in 1. 8". 1849-50' Wiley (Sara King), see Wiley (W. H.) A S. K. W., The Yose- mite, Alaska ct Yellowstone, 1893. Wiley (William Halsted) & S. K. Wiley. The Yosemife, Alaska A the Yellowstone. 4". [1893] Wilford (Florence). Nigel Bartram's ideal. s8". 1868 Vivia. s8". 1870 Wilford (John). "Memorials it characters, with lives of divers persons. 1600-[1741]. fol. 1741 *Wilfred's widow, 1883, see Hart (Mrs. F.) Wilhelm. For princes, kings etc., see WnxiAM. Wilhelm, von Tyrvs, see Gcillaume, de Tyr. Wilhelm (Joseph), D.D., & Thomas B. Scannell, P.D. Manual of Catholic theology, based on Scheeben's "Dogmatik." 2v. [vl, 2°" ed.]. 8". 1898-9 Wilhelmi (Heinrich Friedrich). Die Lyrik d. Deutschen v. Giithe bis auf d. Gegenwart. laS". Frankfurt a.M. 1848 Wilhelmus, de tilia nemore, see Lyndewode (W.), bp. Wilhem (Guillaume Louis). [tBocQuiLLON-WiLiiEM (G. L.)]. see HuLLAH (J.) W.'s method of teaching singing adapted to Eng. use, n. ed., 1842. Wilibald (D.) Kleines Treiben aus einer kleinen Stadt. Roman. s8". L. 1869 WILIBALD 1590 WILKINSON 8\ Heidelbergfp. 1811 Gesch. d. spanischen Piotestau- 8'\ Giitersloh. 1888 Compiled f. W. by E. 1897 Wilibald Alexis, ps., sec Haring (G. Wilh.) Wilibrord, Sainf, sec Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tS9. Wilke (Christian Gottlob). Clavis Novi Test, philologioa, quern librum 2" it hac 3' ed. ita emend, ut novum opus haberi possit C. L. W. Grimm. [?('. ^'"' t}). : Lexicon gr.-lat. in lib. N.T., auot. Grimmj. Ia8". Lipsia;. 1888 Wilken (Ernst). Gesch. d. geistlichen Spiele in Deutschland. 8". Gottingen. 1872 Wilken (Friedrich). Gesch. d. Bildung, Beraubung etc. d. alten Heidelberg. Buchersammlungen. s8". Heidelberg. 1817 Gesch. d. Kreuzziige. 7B. 8". L. 1807-32 Berum ab Alexio I, Joanne, Manuele, et Alexio II Comnenis Roman. Gestarum Libri IV. Wilkens (Cornelius August). tismus im 16ten Jhdt. Spanish Protestants in the IG' Challice. Wilkes (Charles). United States Exploring Expedition, 1838- 42, under command of W. 23v. [1, 7, 8, 10-14, 16-23 wanting']. laS". 1845-58 1-5, Narrative of tlie U.S. explor. exped. 1838-42. „ [an,4h. ed., in 5v]. 8". Philadelphia. 1843 >, >, \_anuth.eil.,iH lv\. Condensed, & abridged. S». [1845] G, see Hale (H.) Ethnography & philology, 1846. 9, „ PiCKEKiNG (C.) Races of man, 1849. 15, ,, ■ Geograph. distribution of animals & plants, 1854. Wilkes (George). Shakespeare from an Amer. point of view, etc. S". 1877 Wilkes (J. Casar), sec Poijticai. coxtkoveesy (The) etc. ; fed.! J. C. W. ; v2, 3, 17(52-3. Wilkes (John), il/.P. -Corr. of W. w. h. friends. Meras. of h. life by J. Almon. 5v. s8". 1805 J. W., patriot: an unfinished autobJ'. 88". Harrow. 1888 'Letter to the Drke of Grafton. [P556]. 7' I" ed. 8". 17C.7 see Fitzgerald (P.) Life & times of W., 1888. Wilkeson (Frank). The soldier in battle : army of the Potomac- sS". 1896 Wilkey (Edward). Wanderings in Germany, etc. Wilkie (.Sir David). sec Clnningiiam (Allan). Lite [ see Mollett (J. W ) of W., w. h. journals, i „ Pinnington iE. tours, remarks on works of , „ P.aimbach (A.) art, & sel. f. h. corr., 1843. incl mem. of W., Wilkin (Anthony). Among the Berbers of Algeria. sec lU>ii>ALL-MAcnEii (D.) & A. W., Libyan notes, ICOl. Wilkin (Mrs. Maria) [Maea]. The shackles of an old love. e8». 1882 Wilkins (Augustus Samuel). National education in Greece, 4'" c. D.c. f8". 1873 Phivnicia & Israel : hist, essay. s8<>. 1871 Wilkins (Sir Charles), see 'BHAGAVADoiT.i., tr. W., 1785. Wilkins (David). Concilia M. Britannia; et Hib., 446-1717. Ace. constitutiones et alia ad hist. Eccles. Anglic, spect. 4v. fol. Loudini. 1737 Leges Anglo-Saxonica; ; ace. leges Eduardi, G. Cony, et Henr. I, Spelmanni Codex legnm vet. stat. Gu. I— annum 9 Henr. HI, Diss. G. Nicolsoni. fol. Loudini. 1721 see Tanner (Th.) Bibliotheca Britann. Hibern. ; prsef. est D. W., 1748. Wilkins (Greorge), dramatist. Pericles: novel, 1608, founded on Shakespeare's play. Ed. T. Mommsen, intr. J. P. CoUier. 8'. Oldenburg. 18.57 Wilkins (George), F.T.C.P. Growth of the Homeric poems. 8'. D. 1885 Wilkins (Henry St. Clair), Lt.-gcn. Eeconnoitring in Abyssinia. 8". 1870 Wilkins (J. W.) Letter to Palmerston on Cambridge Univ. Reform. [P78]. S". 1855 Wilkins (John), 6j'- of Chester. Works. 2v. 8". 1802 | Essay towards a real character, & a philoBoph. language. 2p in Iv. fol. 1668 p3 has Sep. pagin. d- ip. : An alphabet, diet. etc. Mercury ; the secret & swift see North Briton (The) : by J. W., 1763, <£ 0. ed'. „ Eae (W. F.) W., Sheridan, Fox, 1874. „ Rogers (J. E. T.) Hist. gleanings : s2, 1870. „ Watson (J. S.) Biog«. of W. & Cobbett, 1870. 80. 1839 W., 1881. W., liiOO. Mems. ; , 1843. 8". 1900 messenger, [title-page wavi- ingX b8»'. [1694?] Principles & duties of nat. religion. 6"' ed. 8". 1710 see Pope (W.) Life of Seth [Ward\ w. ace. of W., 1697. Wilkins (John), gamekeeper. Autob. of an Eng. gamekeeper (J. W., of Stanstead). Ed. A. H. Byng & S. M. Stephens. 88". 1892 Wilkins (Mary Eleanor). A far-away melody & o. s. The love of Parson Lord, & o. s. Author's ed. s8''. E. 1891 ! s8<'. 1900 The heart's highway. s8". 1900 Madelon. 88". 1896 A humble romance, & o. s. A New England nun, & o. s. .Vuthor's ed. s8". E. 1891 s8». 1891 The Jamesons. s8°. 1899 i Pembroke. s8". 1894 Jane Field. s8o. 1892 i The portion of labor. s8». 1901 Jerome, a poor man. sS". 1898 Silence, A- o. s. S80. 1898 The long arm, & o. detective Some of our neighbours. stories by G. I. Brett, B. sS". 1898 Matthews, Roy Tellet. ] Understudies. bS". 1901 s8 >. 1895 I Young Lucretia, & 0. s. s8o. 1892 Wilkins (Peter) ps. »Life & adv. of P. W., var. cd'., see I'.U.TOCK (1!.) Wilkins (William), p-o/. of architecture, B.A. Letter to Goderich on patronage of the Fine Ai'ts by the Govt. [P90]. 8". 1832 Prolusiones architectonicre ; on Grecian it Eoman architecture. 4". 1837 Wilkins (William Henry) [pis. W. H. De Winton]. The alien invasion. s8". 1892 The love of an uncrowned queen ; Sophie Dorothea, Consort of George I, ct her corr. w. Konigsmarck. 2v. 2"' ed. 8". 1900 see Bvrton {Lady I.) The romance of Lady B., told in part by herself, i in part by W., 1897. . & F. Thatcher. The holy estate. 3v. s8''. 1895 & H. Vivian. The green bay tree. 3v. 88". 1894 Wilkins (William Joseph). Hindu mythologv. s8'". Calcutta. 1882 iUodern Hinduism. 8". 1887 Wilkins (William Noy). Art impressions of Dresden, Berlin, .\nt\verp, etc. s8". 1860 Wilkins (William Walker) cd. Polit. ballads of 17'i> * IS"" c, nnnot. 2v. s8". 1860 Wilkinson (Ucv. Charles AUix). Eeminiso. of Eton (Keate's time). 88". 1888 Eeminisc. of the court & times of K. Ernest of Hanover. 2v. 88". 1886 Wilkinson (Frank). Australia at the front. s8". 1901 Wilkinson (Geo. Blakiston). Letter to Ld. Ashley on necessity of extended govt, plan of emigration to Australian Colonies. [P131]. 8". 1848 S. Australia. s8». 1848 Wilkinson (Henry Spenser). The brain of an army : the German General Statf. n. ed., w. letters f. Moltke & Lord Roberts. s8". 1895 British policy in S. Africa. 2"'i ed. 68°. 1899 The command of the sea. s8". 1894 Prom Cromwell to Wellington : 12 Eoldiers. [i2 mons. by various writers}. 8°. 1899 The great alternative : plea for a national policy. 8". 1894 Lessons of the war : comments, week to week, to the relief of Ladysmith. bS". 1900 The nation's awakening. b8°. 1896 The Volunteers and the national defence. s8". 1896 War »t policy : essays. 8**. 1900 see Dilke (Sir C. W.) & H. S. W., Imperial defence, 1892, n. ed., 1897. „ German. Order of Field Service of German Army, tr. W., 1893. Wilkinson (Henry Watts). Mem. of Watts Wilkinson. 8". 1842 Wilkinson (Hugh). Sunny lands & seas ; voyage in the "Ceylon." India— China — Japan — California, etc. etc. 8". 1883 Wilkinson (James), E. India merchant, see Haoo Kew Chuex. •H. K. C, a tr. [by II".], etc., 1761. Wilkinson (James John Garth). The affections of armed Ijowers : a plea for a school of little nations. 88". 1897 The African ct the true Xtn. religion his Magna Charta : study in Swedenborg. s8". 1892 The book of Edda called Vbluspa : a study. s8". 1897 The combats ct victories of Jesus Christ. s8". 1895 Epidemic man ct his visitations. s8'. 1893 The greater origins ct issues of life & death. sS". 1885 The human body etc. sS". 1851 Isis & Osiris in the Book of Eespirations, etc. s8". 1899 The new Jerusalem ct the old Jerusalem, w.o. essays. s8". 1894 Cannes, according to Berosus : a study. sS". 1888 On human science, & on divine revelation. 8". 1876 On Swedenborg's Economy of the animal kingdom. 8". 1846 WILKINSON 1591 WILLIAM "Wilkinson (James John Garth) [coniiniiccl]. Sketch of Swfdenborg's pbilotoph. writings. [P157]. 8". 1847 The soul is form A doth the body make. s8°. 18i)0 J. Svedberg, Bp. of Skara. [P1014]. 8". Leeds. 1880 E. Swedenborg : a biog^ s8". 1849 AVar, cliolora, and tlie ministry of }iealth. sS". 18.54 "Wilkinson (John), MM. Tutamen nauticum : the ^eamanV preservation. 2"'' ed. S". 17(J3 "Wilkinson (John Frome). The Friendly Society movement. s8». 18S6 Pensions & pauperism. Notes by T. E. Young. s8". 1892 "Wilkinson (Sir John Gardner). Dalmatia & Montenegro : Hist, of Dalmatia, etc. ^v. 8". 184S The Egyptians in time of the Pharaohs, Intr. to Hieroglyphs, by S. Birch. s8'. 18,57 Manners & customs of anc. Egyptians. 3v. 8". 1837 „ „■ 2"" ser. 2v. 8°. 1841 Suppl to 2'»' ser. : Index & plates. 8». 1841 n. ed., rev. S. Birch. 3v. 8". 1878 On colour, & on the necessity for a gen. diffusion of taste, w. remarks on gardens. 8". 1858 Popular account of the anc. Egyptians. 2v. t8". 1854 sec Murhay's Handbooks. Egypt, n. ed. of " Modei'n Egypt" by W., 1847. "Wilkinson (Maj.-Gen. Johnson), see Wilkixsox (0.) A J. W., Menis. of the Gemini Generals, 2'"' ed., 189G. • "Wilkinson (Matthew). School sermons: Marlborough. 8". 1852 "Wilkinson (Norman). Sketch of life of C. Broeky. s8". 1870 '"Wilkinson (Maj. Gcu. Csborn) & J. Wilkinson. The memoirs of the Gemini Generals. 2"" ed. 8". 1890 "Wilkinson (Robert), publisher. Antique remains from the Parish Church of St. Martin Outwich. fol. 1797 Hist. & descr. ace. of the Parish Church of St. Peter upon Cornhill, chietiy f. MS. colls, of W. 4r 1837 Londiua iihistrata. Publ. by R. W. 2v. 4". 1819-25 Tlic -J"' r. lias t^K : Theatrum illustrata etc. "Wilkinson (T. T.) sec Habland (.J.) Ballads of Lanes, 2"'' ed., rev. W., 1875. „ & W., Lanes, folk-lore, 1867. „ * W., Lanes. legends, 1882. "Wilkinson (Tate). Mems. of his own life. 4v. s8'. York. 1790 The wandering patentee. 4v. s8". York. 1795 Wilkinson (Thomas Edward), b}\ of Zululand. A lady's [Mrs. Wilkinson's' life & travels in Zululand dur. Cetewayo's reign. ' s8". 1882 "Wilkinson (W. A.) The toll question on railways exemplified in Croydon it Greenwich companies. [P310]. 8'. 1841 Wilkinson (W. Watts), st-c 'Wilkinson (H. W.) Mera. of 'V\'. W., w. extr". f. h. corr., 1842. ■Wilkinson (William), architect. English country houses, etc. 2'"» ed. Ia8". 0. 1875 "Wilkinson (William), coyisul at Bucharest. Wallachia A- Moldavia. 8". 1820 "Wilkinson (William Cleaver). Free lance in the field of life ct letters. 8". N.Y. 1874 Wilkinson (William Francis), see ^Kectok (The) in search of a curate, [by 11'.?], 1843. "Wilkinson (William Henry), late Consul-Gen. in Corea. The Corean Govt. : constitutional changes, .July 1894-Oct. 1895 ; \v. app. of subseq. enactments, to 30 June, 1896. S'. 1896 "Wilks (George Augustus Frederick). The popes : an hist. . summary. 8". 1851 Wilks (Mark), of Paris. Hist, of the persecs. endured by Pro- testants of S. of France, espec. of Dept. of the Gard, 1814-16 etc. 2v in 1, [pagin. cont.]. 8". 1821 Wilks (It.-col. Mark). Hist, sketches of the S. of India in an attempt to trace the hist, of Mysoor. 3v. 4". 1810-17 "Wilks (Sir Samuel) & G. T. Bettany. Biograph. hist, of Guy's Hospital. 8". 1892 Wilks (Rev. Theodore C), see Woodward (B. B.), T. C. Wilks, & C. LooKHAiiT. Hist, of Hampshire, n.d. Wilks (Washington). The half century : its hist. b8". 1852 E. Irving : an eccles. & lit. biography. sS". 1854 "Will. *Wili it be peace? ["To John Bull, Esq.'; signed ,Iohn,/;in. P2.50]. s8". [1871 ?] =*Will my readers go to Spain ? s8'. Brighton. 1854 =*Will you have your church repaired ? corr. ed., 1837, see High (SiJ-H.) -v..' ...'■> H-....i. van den droom van Will, Belted, I.V,.%.l6.',i>, sec Howard {Lord William), 3''' son of //'•dul-eof Norfoll,: Will (Carl Joseph Cornelius), sec Bohmer (J. F.) Regesta aep. Maguntin., bearbeitet v. W., 1877-86. Willan (Eobert), see Skeat (W. W.) Kepr''. glossaries : 7, Words used in N. Riding, by W. (1811), 1873. Wiila^iA, Tlie family of, see Tijco-iin (S. E.) Early New Eng- land people, 1882. Willard (Ashton Rollins). Hist, of modern Italian art. 8". 1898 Sketch of life & work of Domenico Morelli. 8". Boston. 1895 Willard (Major Sidney), see Baktol (G. A.) The nation's hour : tribute to W., 1862. Willatzen (Peter). Nordlandsharfe. Ein tjberbhck ii. d. neucre Jjyrik d. Nordens. 8". Bremen. 1889 Willcocks (W.), C.M.G.; M.Inst.C.E. Egyptian irrigation. Intr. by Maj. Hanbury Brown. 2'"' ed. Ia8". 1899 Wille (G. A.) Geognostiche Beschreibung d. Gebirgsmassen zw. d. Taunus- u. 'Vogelsgebirge. 8\ Mainz. 1828 Willeby (Ch.) F. F. Chopin. s8\ 1892 Willelmus, sec Gulielmus. Willem, de Laiige, ps., see *T'sA>iENsri:AAii W. de L., 1672. Willemer (Marianne V.) [" Suleika"], see Goethe (J. W. v.) Briefw. zw. G. u. AV., 1877. Willemoes-Suhm (Rudolph v.) " Challenger "-Briefe (1872-5). 80. L. 1877 Willemont (Thomas), sec Davington. *Ace. of church & priory of D., [by W. f], 1852. Willems (Alphonse). Les Elzevier. 8". Brux. 18.90 Willems (Jans Frans). Elnonensia: mons. de la langue roniane & de la langue tudesque du 9'' s., cont. dans un ms. de I'Abbaye tie St.-Amand, dccouv. par Hoffmann de Fallers- leben, publ. avec tr. etc. par W. [P737]. 2ed. laS". Gand. 1845 Willert (Paul Ferdinand). Henry of Navarre it the Huguenots in France. s8\ N.'Y. 1893 Mirabeau. s&'. 1898 The reign of Lewis XL s8\ 1876 Willett (Ralph). Merly Library: cat. of the Lib. of W., wh. will be sold Dec. 6, 1813. 8\ 1813 Willey (Arthur), B.Sc. Amphioxus tt ancestry of the verte- brates. s8". N.Y. 1894 Willfried (H.) ps., see Villinger (H.) William, sec also Gfillaume, Gulielmi's. William. *'\'ision (The) of W. cone. Piers Plowman, var. ed'., see L.4NGLAXII (W.) William Salt ArchsBological Society. see Bkitisii Rkcord Soc. Index Lib., Lichfield. Wills etc. in Consistory Court of Bp. of L. & Coventry, 1516-1652, etc., 1892 [Issued in conj. iv. Win. S. Areli. Soc.]. „ Staffordshire. Coil^ for a hist, of S., 1880-1902. William [.ilbon'], abbot of St. Alban's, see Alron (W.) William, of Auverejne, see Advergne (G. d'). William, of Canterbury, see Becket (T.) Materials for the hist, of B., 1875-85. William, de Chambre, see Cha.iibre (Willielmus, de). William, of Ghampcaiix, see Champeaux (Gdillauiie, de). William, prince of Denvmrk, aft. king of the Greeks, see George, king of Greece. William I, king of England. see Bouquet (M.) Eecdeshist. des Gaules, til. „ Cocke (Edw.) 'Argumen- tum Anti-XorinariRicum : proving that "W. niacle no absolute conquest, 1()82. „ Duchesne (A.) Hist. Norm. Scrlptores, 1619. „ England : Laws, etc. An- cient Laws etc. of E. : compr. Anglo-Saxon, the laws of W. the C, etc., 1840. „ Freeman (E. A.) W. the C, 1888. „ Giles (J. A.) ed., Scriptores rerum gest. W. Conq., [Caxtnn Soc], 1815. „ Guillaume, de Poitiers. Vie de a., 182G. William II, king of England, see Fbeesian (E. A.) of R. etc., 1882. see Kelham (R.) Diet, of Nor- man : added, t'lie Law3 o£ W., 1779. „ Michel (P.) Chrou. angl. ■ norm., t3. „ MiGNE (J. P.) Patrologia lat., tl49. „ NaI'IER ( Sir C. J.) 'W. the C. ; hist, romance, 18'>8. „ Pi.AXCHK (J. R.) The Con- queror & h. comp.i.uiocs, 1871. „ RoscoE (T.) W., 184G. „ Stanley (A. P.\ dean. The coronation of W., & its con- sequences; sermon, 18G7. „ Taylor (S.) Hist.ot gavel- kind ; [w.] a hist, of W. in Latin by an anon, author in time of Hen. I, IGO.'i. The reign WILLIAM 1592 WILLIAM "William III, Tiiug of England. *Country minister's (A) reasons for taking tlie oatlis of allegiance to W. & Mary. s4'>. 1690 *Friendly conference (A) cone, the new oath of allegiance to W. & Mary, etc. By a divine. 84". 1689 ♦Justification of the \Yhole proceedings of W. & Mary, etc. s4o. 1689 ♦Letter (A) to King W. Ill, shewing, 1, the orig. foundation of the Eng. monarchy ; 2, tlie means by wh. it was removed f. that foundation, etc. [P231]. 3"' ed. £4". 1699 Letters of W. Ill * Louis XIV, d- of their ministers, 1697-1700. Ed. P. Grimblot. 2v. 8». 1848 *Life (The) of W. Ill, late king of Eng. 2°'' ed. 8". 1703 *Oprecht verhael van alle het gepasseerde sedert d. 24 Feb. tot (1. 2 Maert, soo over het eligeren van d'Heer Prince van Orangie etc. [P874]. s4". [1672] *The Koyal Diary, cont. W.'s secret devotion, etc. ; part by W. Pret., character of Mary II. S"" ed. s8». 1705 Vindication (A) of the divines of the Church who have sworn allegiance to W. & Mary, f. apostasy etc. By one of those divines. 84". 1689 ♦Vindication (A) of those who have taken the new oath of allegiance to W. & Mary, etc. s4". 1689 see Abbadie (.1.) 'History of the late conspiracy agst. the King etc., w. ace. of the Lancashire plot, 1696. „ BoTEit (A.) *History (The) of King W. the 3"', 1702. „ Bbeval (J.) Hist, of House of Nassau ; letters of W., 1758. „ Cambridge. Gratulatio Acad. C. de reditu Gul. Ill, 1697. „ Collection (A) of State Tracts, publ. 1688, & dur. r. of W. Ill ; pref., hist, of the Dutch war in 1672, tr., 1705-7. „ Coronation. Three C. Orders ; C of W. * M., etc., 1900. ,, Geeen (Em.) March of W. through Somerset etc., 1892. „ Haeleian Miscellany, Vol. 1, 3, 1744. „ Harris (Wa.) »New hist, of W.-Henry, King 1747; 1749. „ History of the late Kevol. in Eng., 1689. „* HvDEA of monster-dier etc., 1672. „ *KoRT verhael van den oorspronck en onderganck der loevesteynsche Factic, 1672. „*Letter (A) from a City-Minister to a M.P., cone, the pres. affairs ; vindic. of tlie Clergy for owning W. & Mary, [by D. Whitby ?], 1689. ,, Long (T.) *Fu11 answer (A) to all the pop. objections for not taking the oath to their pres. Majesties, 1689. „ Mary II, Queen. Mems., w. h. letters & those of W. Ill to the Electress Sophia, 1886. „ MuLLEE (P. L.) W. Ill und Georg Friedrich von Waldeck, 1873-80. „ Onpartymge consideratien over de missive, van de Prins van 0., 1672. „ *Oeanje in't hart, 1672. „ Ealph (J.) *Hist. of Eng. dur. r. of W. etc., 1744-6. „ Sheewsbitry (C, duke of}. Corr. w. W. Ill, etc., 1821. „ Sidney {Hon. Hy.) Diary ; added, letters illust. of times of W., 1843. „ SoMEES (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. „ State Papers. Calendar of S. P'., Domestic Ser., of r. of W. & Mary, in prog., 1895-1900. ,, TicnELAER (W.) 'Verhael van't gepasseerde tusschen T. en C. de Witt, nopende de conspiratie tegens den Prince van Orangien, 1672. „ Traill (H. D.) W. Ill, 1888. „ Trevor (A.) Life & times of W. Ill, 18.3.5-6. „ Vast-gekuypte (De) loevesteynsche ton aen duygen, 1672. „ Vernon (James). Letters illust. of the r. of W. Ill, 1696- 1708 addr. to the Duke of Shrewsbury by V., 1841. „ Witt (C. de) & J. de Witt, /o?' other references. "William I'V, king of England. "William, abbot of Eskilsoe, Saint [Gulielmus, abbas S. Thom.b. DE Paraclito]. see Bouquet (M.) Kee. des hist, des Gaules, tl9, /or Epistolic. „ MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t209, for Opera. "William I, German emperor. see Ashton (J.) "When W. IV was kirg, 1896. „ Buckingham & Chandos (E., ;?'"' duke of). Mems. of court &■ cabinets of W., 1861. „ Fitzgerald (P.) Lite & times of W. IV, 1884. „ Obey (C, J?'"' en Wl. The Re- form Act, 1832; corr. of G. w. W. IV, etc., 1867. LiNsiNGEN (Caroline v.) C. T. L., Gattin e. engl. Prinzen [i.e. of W. IV] : Briefe etc. aus d. Naeh- lasse d. Fihrn. v. Reicben- baeh, 1880. C. V. L. & W.IV : love- letters discovered among the lit. remains of Baron Reichenbach, tr., 1880. Maley (A.J.I Hist. reeoUs. of the r. of "W., 1859. "Watkins (J.) The life & times of W. IV, 1831. White (C. G.) Glimpses of W. IV & Q. Adelaide, 1902. Kaiser "W., Unser Hel- lOOjahr. see Mcller (W.) 2' A., 1877. „ Oncken (W.) denkaiser : Geburtstage "W.'s, 1897. „ ■ 7,eitalterd.W.,1890-2. „ Schneider (L.) L'empe- reur G. : bouv*. intimes, tr., 1888. „ Simon (Ed.) W.&h. reign, [tr.], 1886. „ Smith (Geo. B.) W. L & the German Empire, 1887. „ SvBEL (H. y.) The founding of the German Empire by W., tr., 1890-1. see Frederic (H.) The young; emperor: W. II, 2"*^ ed., 1892. „ Leudet (M.) Guillaume 11 iutime, 1897. „ Lowe (C.) W. II, 1895. „ QuiDDE (L.) Caligula. 25'' A., n.d. „ Simon (Jules). Quatre por- traits ; G. II, etc., 1896. *La cour de I'Empereur Guill- aume. Prit. de V. Tissot. sS". [1887] Das kleine Buch von Kaiser Wilhelm. i' A. s8». Nordhausen. 1872 Politische Correspondeuz. 2« A. 8". B. 1690 see Bernhardi (T. v.) Aus d. Leben B.'s tl-7, 1893-7. „ Forbes (Archibald). W. ; a biog?., 1888. „ HocKER (N.) Das Buch y. W. etc, 1872. „ Marcks (E.) Kaiser W. I, i' A., 1900. "William II, German emperor. Kaiserreden. 8". L. 1902 I^olit. Gedenkbucb : Proklama- tionen, Erlasse, Reden uuter d. Regierung W.'s II, Hl-G in Iv, [to Jan. 5, 1891]. 8". 1888-91 see Benedictus, J7S., Was Sue- ton V. Caligula erzahlt, IG' A., n.d. „ BiGELow (P.) The German Emperor it h. Eastern neighbors, 1892. "William, a Glasgow clerk. Carmen de morte Sumerledi, see Simeon, of Durham, Opera omnia, v2, 1882-5. "William, of Jumii'ge, see Guillaume, de JunMgc. "William, Langland, see Langland (W.) "William, de Longchamp, bp. of Ely, see Longchamp (W., of). "William, (/ Malmesbury, see Malmesbury (W., of). "William, of Newburgh, see Newbury ('V\'illiam, of). "William, <>/ Normandy, "le clerc," a. of a " bestiaire," (£ of " Lc besant de Dieii," etc., see Guillaume, Ze clerc, de Nor- mandie. "William, of Noncich, Saint, see Thomas, of Monmouth. Life of W., w. tr. etc., 1890. "William, of Occam, see Ockham (William). "William, of Orange, Saint, see 'Guillaume, crOraHye, [chanson de geste]. "William I, p>rince of Orange, Stadholder of the Netherlands. [" WiLLiAJi the Silent "]. Corr. avec J. de Wesenbeke. Publ. par J. F. van Someren. 8". Utrecht. 1896 Corr. de G. le Taciturne. Suiv. de pieces ined. sur Tassassinat de ce prince, etc. [Publ.] par Gachard. 6t. 8". Brux. 1847-B6 see Harrison (Frederic). W. the Silent, 1897. „ Juste (T.) G. le Taciturno, 1873. „ Putnam (R.) W. the Silent, 1895. „ SoMERS (J. S., haron). ColL of tracts, "William I'V, prince of Orange, sec Lamigue (I.) 'Hist, du p. d'O., 1715. "William, of Palerne, see Guillaume, de Palerne, [roman]. "William, earl of Pembroke, Knight-Marshal, see Pembroke (WiLLiAJi, earl of), knight-marshal. "William, de Podio Laurentii, see Puy-Laurens (Guillaume, de). "William, of Poitiers, see Guillaume, de Poitiers. "William, de Puy-Laurens, see Puy-Laurens (Guillaume, de). "William, i ed. 8". Durham. 1823 Williams (Sir John Bickerton). Extracts f. diary of W. [Corunation of Q. Victoria, etc. PG20]. Ia8". n.d. Williams (John Carvell), sec P.iciiard (H.) & W., Disestablish- ment, 1885. Williams (John Fletcher). The Groves, A Lappan : pil- grimage in search of the genealogy of the WiUiams family. S". j).p. St. Paul. 1889 Williams (Jonathan). Hist, of Eadnorshire. 8'. Tenby. 1859 Williams (Joshua). Tjetters to .John Bull, on lawyers & law reform. s8". 1857 Principles of the law of personal property, [b. w. h. Princ. of law of real p., 2'"' ed., 1849]. 8 •. 1S48 Principles of the law of real property. 2'"' ed. 8". 1849 12'" ed. 8". 1877 Bemedies for the evils wh. ailect transfer of land. [P164]. 8". 1862 Williams (Josiah). Life in the Soudan, 1881-2. 8». 1884 Williams (Sir Monier Monier-), sec Moniei-.-Williams. Williams (Montagu Sneade F. Monier-), set' Monieh-Williams. Williams (Montagu Stephen), Q.C. Leaves of a life: reminisc. of M. W. 2v. 8". 1890 Later leaves : further reminisc. 8°. 1891 Bound London. 8°. 1892 Williams (Richard), see Ballad Soc. Ballads from MSS., v2, A poore man's pittance, by W., 1873. Williams (Robert), canon of St. Asaph. Enwogion Cyniru : Biog. diet, of eminent Welshmen. 8°. Llandovery. 1852 Williams (Robert), of Boxhury, Mass., see French (A."d. W.) Surnames A coats of arms of the Wiliiamses, w. ace. of IJ. W., >t some of h. descendants, [1886]. Williams (Robert Folkestone). Lives of the Eng. cardinals, inch notices of the Papal Court, f. Breakspear to Wolsey. 2v. 8". 1868 see Attereuhv (F.) Mems. & eorr. ; comp. by W., 1869. Williams (Roger). The bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed ; & Cotton's letter answered. Ed. E. B. Underbill. [Hanserd Knollys S., 4]. 8". 1848 Williams (Sir Roger), see Somers (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. Williams (^owltmi), D.D.,vicarof Broad Chalke. [^js.Gohonta Camlan]. Life & letters of E. W., w. extr. f. h. note-books. Ed. by h. wife. 2v. s8". 1874 Owen Glendower ; & other poems. s8". 1870 *Parameswara-jnyana-g6shthi : Dialogue in wh. are comp. the claims of Xty. cV Hinduism, etc. 8'. C. 1856 The prophets of Israel . Letter to W. in ans. to his letter, 1860. Williams (Samuel Wells). A hist, of China, being the hist, chapters f. " The middle kingdom." With chap, narrating recent events by F. W. Williams. 8". 1897 The Middle Kingdom : survey of the Chinese Empire. 2v. 88". N.Y. 1848 2v. sS". N.Y. 1876 2v. n. ed. 8°. [1883] see Williams (F. W.) Life & letters of S. W. W., 1889. Williams (Stephen W.), F.R.I.B.A. The Cistercian abbey of Strata Florida. 8". 1889 Williams (Taliesin). Cardiff Castle : poem. 8". Merthyr-TydHl. 1827 Williams (Thomas), "at the Bible in Little Britain"; publisher. Catalogue of Eng. writers on the 0. & N. Test. 2"'i imp. s8". 1668 Williams (Thomas), bookseller, see Erskine (baron) & S. Kyd. Speeches, 1797, at trial of W., 2'"' ed., 1797. Williams (Thomas), lexicograplier, see Davies (Johx), D.D. Auticjua; ling. Britann. & ling. Lat. diet. [p2 by W.j, 1632. Williams (Thomas), missionary, see Fiji * theFijians; vl. Islands ct inhabitants, by W., 1858. WilUams (Thomas Cyprian). New Zealand : Manawatu pur- chase completed etc. [P212]. 8". 1868 Williams (W.), superintendent Indian Govt. Tel. Manual of telegraphy. 8". 1885 Williams (W. R.) Hist, of the Great Sessions of Wales, 1542- 1830, w. lives of the Welsh Judges, & annot. lists of the Chamberlains cS: Chancellors, Attorney Generals, & Protho- notaries of tlie four circuits of Cliester & Wales, the Lord Presidents of Wales, the Attorney GenS & Solicitor Gen', of the Marches. 8>. Brecknock. 1899 OiBcial lists of the Duchy & County Palatine of Lancaster from the earliest times. 8". 1901 Parliamentary hist, of the co. of Gloucester, w. biog. A genealog. not", of members. 8". Hereford. 1898 Parliamentary hist, of the co. of Hereford, 1213-1896. 8'. Brecknock. 1896 Parliamentary hist, of the co. of Oxford. 8". Brecknock, p.p. 1899 Parliamentary hist, of the co. of Worcester, 1213-1897, w. biog. notices of the members. 8". Hereford. 1897 Parliamentarv hist, of Wales, 1541-1895. 4". Brecknock. 1895 I & W., Intr. to Williims (Watkin Wynn), see M.icLEAi! (G. F the articles, 1896. Williams (iicv. William). Personal reminisc. of C. H. Spurgeon. s8'. 1895 Williams (William), bp. of Waiapu. Diet, of the N. Zealand language. 3"' ed., w. adds. etc. by W. L. Williams. 8'. 1871 Williams (William), M.P.for Coventry, see Jone.s (E.) Vindi- cation of the condition of Wales, in reply to W., 1848. Williams (William), Prov. Gr. Master, see Feeemasons. Con- stitutions etc., p2, publ. by W., 1815. Williams (William), St. John's, Cam. Primitive hist. f. the creation to Cadmus. 4". Chichester. 1789 Williams (William Frederick). The world we live in. 3v. sS". 1804 Williams (William Frith). Hist. etc. ace. of the Bermudas. 8'. 1848 Williams (William Mattieu). The chemistry of cookery. i 68". 1885 I „ „ 2'»lea. sS". 1892 Chemistry of iron & steel making. sS". 18(10 I The fuel of the sun. 8». 1870 I Science in short chapters. s8". 1882 I Williams (William Meade). Annals of the Company of Founders. 8". p.p. [1867] William Salt Archseological Soc, see Willlui Salt Arch. Soc. Williamson (A.) Brit, industries & foreign competition. 88". 1894 Williamson (Rev. Alexander). Journeys in N. China, Man- churia, E. Mongolia; with ace. of Corea. 2v. s8'. 1870 Williamson (Alexander W.), F.B.S. Chemistry for students. 3"" ed. s8". O. 1873 see Ke V (T. H.) A W., Invasion invited etc., 1858. Williamson (Alice Muriel). [Mrs. C. N. W.] Ci)iderella. The newspaper girl. Ordered South. Williamson (Benjamin) & F. A. Tarleton. Elem. dynamics. Williamson (Mrs. Charles Norris), see [Mrs. C. N. W.] Williamson (Mrs. Florence) ps., see Kirkls (Wllliam). Williamson (George). Memorials of early life, etc., of J. Watt. [Watt Club]. 4". 1856 Old Greenock ; w. ace. of the Burgh of Cartsburn ct Burgh of Simple treatise on heat. sS". 1880 Through Norway w. a knapsack. s8". 1853 „ „ n. ed. sS". 1870 Through Norway w. ladies. s8". 1877 My Lady s8". 1900 s8". 1899 58\ [1900] treatise on 2"'' ed. sS". 1889 Williamson (A. M.) Barony of C'rawfurdsdyke. Williamson ((Jeorge C), Litt.D. Bernardino Luini. sS". 1899 The cities of N. Italy. [Grant Allen's historical guides, 5]. 88". 1901 PietroVannucci called Perugino. s8». 1900 G. J. Pinwell & his works. laS". 1900 4". Paisley. 1886 Portrait miniatures, 1531-1860 : hdbk. for collectors. 8". 1897 Richard Cosway, R.A., & h. wife & pupils : miniaturibts. i". 1897 see BovNE (W.) Trade tokens; rev. by G. C. W., 1889-91. WILLIAMSON 1595 WILLS Williamson (John), see Advice to the officers of the Brit. Army, [h,, J. If..'], 7"' ed., 1783. Williamson (Sir Joseph). *Letters f. London to W. while Plenipotentiary at Cologne, 1G73-4. Ed. W. D. Cliristie. 2v. [Camden Soc., NS8, 9]. ai". 1874 Williamson (Kichard), master Westminster Scliool. *Eu- nuchus Palliatus: excursus to the Greek antiq'. of Lambert Bos, for the actors of the Eunuchus, 1833. [P8154]. 8". 1839 Short aec. of Westminster School. [P864]. B". 1845 Williamson (W.) The great law : a study of religious origins. Ia8". 1899 Williamson (William). The British gardener. 8'. 1901 Williamson (William Crawford). Morphology & histol. of stigmaria tiooides. [Palajont. Soc.]. 4". 1887 Ilecent foraminifcra of Gt. Brit. [Ray Soe.]. 4". 1858 Williams- Wynn (Charlotte). Memorials of C. W.-W. ; ed. by h. sister. s8". 1877 2°'' ed. s8o. 1878 Willibald, Saint, bp. of Eichsteult. Itinerarium S. W., sec ToiiLER (T.) etc. Itinera Hierosolymitana, 1877-85. Hodaporicon [723-G], see Tobler (T.) etc., Itinera Hierosoly- mitana, 1877-85. Hodceporicon. Tr. Canon Brownlow. [Palest. P. T. Soc] 8". 1891 see MoNUMENTA Gersi. Hist., Scr., tl5. Willibald Alexis, ps., see H.vring (G. Wilh.) Willibaldus, presbyter. Vita S. Bonifacii. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, t89. ,, MoNUMEXTA Germ. Hist., Scr., t2. Willich (A. F. M.) Elements of the critical philosophy : cont. ace. of its origin A- tendency, a view of all works publ. by Kant, etc. Added : three philological essays, chiefly tr. t. J. C. Adolung. 8'. 1798 Willich (Charles M.) Tables for ascertaining the value of lifehold, leasehold, & church property, etc. 4''' ed. s8''. 1859 8'" ed. Ed. M. Marriott. s8". 1876 Willigen (Adriaan van der). Les artistes de Harlem ; avec precis sur la gikle de St. Luc. kA. rev. 8'. Harlem. 1870 Willis ( — ) & Sotheran, I.J6, Strand. Cat. of upwards of 50,000 vols, of anc. & mod. bks., now on sale. 8 '. 18()2 Willis (Browne). Hist, of mitred parliamentary abbies, & conventual cathedral churches. 2v. 8'\ 1718-9 Notitia Parliamentaria : hist, of the counties, cities, boroughs, in Eng. & Wales. 3v, [vl, 2»J ed.]. 8". 1716-50 Parochiale Anglicanum : names of all churches A chapels within the dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, London, Win- chester, Chichester, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. Davids, Landaff, Bangor, St. Asaph [?«. MS. corrections by the author}. 4". 1733 Survey of St. Asaph ; w. life of the author etc., by E. Edwards. 2v. 8". Wrexham. 1801 Survey of the cathedrals. 3v in 2. 4". 1727-30 The pagin. of 1 , 2 is cont. ; the vol', are not numbered. [1, 2], York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Lichfield, Here- ford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol. [3], Lincuhi, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough. Willis (Nathaniel Parker). Dashes at life with a free pencil. 3v. s8". 18-15 - Hurry-graphs ; lite. sketches sS". from 1851 Pencillings by the way. n. ed. s8». 1850 People I have met, drawn under a thin veil of fiction. sS". 1850 Prose writings, sel. H. A. Beers. sS". N.Y. 1885 Dulcima's doom, & o. t. Ia8". E. 1890 Willis (Richard), bp. of Gloucester. The way to stable & quiet times : sermon, 20 Jan. 1714. [P647]. 8". 1715 Willis (Robert), M.D. Lite, here & there. s8". IS.jO Willis (Mrs. Nessie Henrietta). •A dialogue by way of catechism, relig., moral, & philosoph. pi. [P709]. 88". Eamsgate. 187'2 „ „ ... p'2 [P713]. s8°. Rams- gate. 187-2 Function of sudoriparous & lym- pliatic systems. 8*^. 1867 W. Harvey : hist, of discov?. of circulation of blood. 8 '. 1878 Willis (Robert), prof. Unir Canterbury Cathedral, *The Pentateuch in contrast w. ' the science & moral sense of our age. pl-3. [Gen.-Levit. pagin. cont. P709J. 88". 1873-4 Servetus & Calvin. 8". 1877 see. Spinoza (B.) B. de S. : li. life, corr., & ethics, by W., 1870. of Camb. Architect, hist, of 8". 1845 Architect, hist, of Glastonbury Abbey. 8". C. 1866 Architect, hist, of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. 80. 1849 Willis (Robert), jjro/. Univ. of Camb. {continued]. Architect, hist, of the conventual buildings of the monastery of Christ Church in Canterbury. 8". 1869 Architect, hist, of the Univ. of Cambridge, and of the colleges of Cambridge & Eton. Ed., w. add"., etc., by J. W. Clark. 2v. Ia8". C. 1886 Architect, nomenclature of the Middle Ages. [Cambridge Antiq. Soc.]. 4". C. 1844 Principles of mechanism. 8'. 1841 Remarks on the architecture of the Middle Ages. 8". C. 1835 Willis-Bund (J. W.) The Celtic Church of Wales. S". 1897 Handy book of fishery management. s8". 1899 Salmon problems. s8". 1885 Willisen.(W. v.), general. Der italienische Feldzug d. Jahres 1848. [T3 of Theorie d. grossen Krieges]. 8". B. 1849 Willis's current notes, f. orig. letters etc. addressed to G. Willis. 1851 , 52, 55 [v2, 3, 5]. _ s4'>. 1852-6 Willm (Joseph). Hist, de la philosophic allemande dep. Kant jusqu'a Hegel. 4t. 8". 1846-9 Willmore (Frederic W.) Hist, of Walsall. 8". Walsall. 1887 Willmott (Robert Eldridge Aris). Jeremy Taylor, h. predecessors, coiitemps., it successors : a biog. s8". 1847 Journal of summer time in the country. s8". 1840 Letters of eminent persons, sel. & illust. s8". 1839 Pleasures etc. of literature. s8". 1851 Precious stones. s8". 1850 Hdbk. of public health & s8°. 1893 Middleton, see Middle- Willoughby, see also Wieedghry. Willoughby (Edward Francis). demography. Willoughby (Eliza Maria), baroness TON- (E. M., baroness). Willoughby (Hon. Elizabeth Heathcote Drummond). Chronicles of the House of Willoughby De Eresby. fol. 1896 Willoughby (Sir Hugh). Voyage to N. of Russia & Siberia, see PiNKERTON (J.) Voyages, vl. set' Haiiel (J. V.) Eng. & Russia ; voyages of W. etc., tr., 1854. Willoughby (Maj. Sir John C.) E. Africa tt big game. 8». 1889 Further excavations at Zinibabye. s8". 1893 Willoughby (Westel Woodbury). Exam, of the nature of the state. 8". N.Y. 1896 Social justice : a crit. study. 8". N.Y. 1900 The supreme court of the U.S. : hist. & influence in our constitut. system. [J. H. Univ. st. in hist. & polit. sc, E. v. 7] 8". Baltimore. 1890 Willoughby (William Franklin). Workingmen's insurance. s8'. N.Y. [1898] Willoughby De Eresby, The House of, see Willoughby {Hon. Eliz. H. D.) Chron-. of the House of W. De E., 1896. Willoughby De Eresby (Peregrine Bertie, 7^"' {_?] baron), see Bertie {Lady G.) Five generations of a loyal house : pi, lives of R. Bertie * W., 1845. Willoughby of Parham (Eliz. Willoughby, baroness). *So much of the diary of Lady W. as relates to her domestic hist., * to the r. of Ch. I, [fictitious ; by H. M. liathbone], 1844 ; and, *Some further portions of the diary, etc. [also fictitious, by tilt: same n.], 1848, see Rathcone {Mrs. H. M.) Wills. For anon, works in Latin sec Testamenta. Collection (A) of all the w'., now known to be extant, of the Kings and Queens of Eng., etc., 1780, see Nichols (John) ed. Fifty (The) earliest Eng. w». [E.E.T.S., 78], 1882, see Furnivall (F. J.) ed. Index of w«. in the York Registry, [Yorkshire Archoeolog. Soc, in prog^, 1888etc., see York. Index to the Prerogative W". of Ireland (1586-1810), 1897, see Vicars (,S'i> A.I Lancashire & Cheshire w''. & inventories at Cheater, etc., 1884, see Eakwaker (J. P.) ed. Lancashire & Cheshire w". etc. f. the Eccles. Court, Chester, 1857-61, see PiccorE (G. J.) ed. Lancashire & Cheshire w'. etc. (15C3-1807) now at Chester, 1897, see RvLANDS (J. P.) ed. Lancashire & Cheshire w*. etc. (1572-1696) now at Chester, w. app. of Lanes. & Cheshire w**. proved at York or Richmond (1542- 1640), 1893, see Earwaker (J. P.) ed. Wills and inventories. 2p. \_p2 ed. by W. Greenwell ; it contains an iiulex to both vol'.] [Surtees Soc, 2,38]. 8". [2, Durham]. 1835-60. manners etc. of the Tlif fuller I. qTp! " : W'. & i». illust. of the hist., northern counties f. the 11"' c, pi. Thefiillrr I. of f2 is: VI'. & i*. f. the Registry at Durham. p2. WILLS 1596 WILSON "Wills [continued]. Wills and inventories f. the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Rich- mond, extending over portions of the counties of York, "West- merlaud, Cumberland, ife Lancaster. By J. Raine. [Surtees Soc, 26]. 8>. Durham. 1853 Wills ttc. f. the registers of the Commissary of Bury St. Edmund's, 1850, see Buby S.4Int Edmund's. Wills from Doctors' Commons : a sel. f. wills of eminent persons proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1495-1695. Ed. J. G. Nichols A- J. Bruce. [Camden Soc, 83]. si". 1863 Wills in the York Registry, 1888etc., see York. •Wills of their own, 1876, see Teog (W.) Wills (Alfred). "The Eagle's Nest "in the valley of SixtsS'. 1860 Wanderings among the high alps. sS". IS.")!) 2'"'ed. s8". 1858 Wills (Charles James). Behind an Eastern veil. 8". E. 1804 An easy-going fellow. s8^. 1896 His dead past. e8". 1897 In the land of the lion & the sun : or Modern Persia, 1806- 81. 8'. 1883 John Squire's secret. s8". 1893 & L. Gr. Barchett. The yoke of steel. s8». 1897 Wills (Freeman). W. G. Wills. S\ 1898 Wills (James), D.D. Letter to Laity of Eng. * Ireland. [P628]. 8". D. 18G7 Letters on the philosophy of unbelief. 8". 1835 Lives of illustrious * disting. Irishmen. 6v in 12. 8\ D. 1839-47 4v. 8^ D. 1841 Wills (W. A.) & L. T. Collingridge. The Downfall of Lobengula; by W. A- C, \v. contrib'. by [sec. oi/(frs]. 8». [1894] Wills (William). On the principles of circumstantial evidence ; Persia as it is. a""! ed. s8". 1887 The pit town coronet. 3v. see Philips (F. C.) & fatal Plu-yne, 1889. „ & , The Scuda- mores, 1890. t8". 1888 W., The ed. A. Wills. Wills (William Grorman). sec Wills (F.) W. G. W., Wills (William Henry). ' ed. 8". 1862 s8'. 1885 Wills (William John). Australia ; journals etc. Willshire (William Hughes). prints. Melchior. 1898. ■ Old leaves : from Household words. sS". 1860 A successful exploration through of W. 8". 1863 Introd. to study * coll. of anc. 8". 1874 2v. 2"'' ed. rev. »". 1877 Willson (Beckles). The Great Company (1667-1871) : hist, of the Hon. Co. trading into Hudson's Bay. 2v. s8'. 1900 The tenth Island : ace. of Newfoundland. Intr. by Sir W. Whiteway, & remarks by Lord C. Beresford. s8". 1897 Willson (Th. B.) Handy guide to Norway. 2'"' ed. s8°. 1888 3""ed. s8\ 1891 Willughby (Francis), F.R.S., sec Ray (J.) Travels; [«•.], Ace. of the travels of W. through Spain, 2"" ed., 1738. Willyams (Jane Louisa). *The Tower of the Hawk ; passages in hist, of House of Hapsburg. s8''. 1871 Willy mott (William). Peculiar use of certain words in Latin. 5'" ed. 8". 1701 Wilmanns (Wilhelm). Beitriige zur Erkliirung u. Gesch. d. Nibekmgenliedes. 8". Halle. 1877 Deutsche Gramm. 2B. 8». Strassburg. 1893-0 Leben u. Dichten Walthers v. d. 'Vogelweide. 8". Bonn. 1882 Wilmer, The family of, see Foster (C. W.) & J. J. Green, Hist. of the W. f., 1888. Wilmere (Alice), see Moke (H. G.) * W., Belgian episodes, 1801. 'Wilmingtons (The), ls50, see Marsh (A.) Wilmot (Hon. Alexander). Hist, of our own times in S. Africa, vl-3. [1, 1872-9. 2, 1880-8. 3, 1889-98]. 8°. 1897-9 Monomatapa (Rhodesia). Monuments & hist. 68". 1896 Story of the expansion of S. Africa. 88". 1894 Wilmot (Barbarina), aft. Brand, baroness Dacre, see Dacre {Lad,,). Wilmot (E. P. Eardley), see Eardley Wilmot (E. P.) Wilmot (John), J'"' earl of Rochester ; ifj^S'SO, see Rochester. Wilmot (Et. Hon. Robert John), aft. Wilniot-Horton, see WiLMOT-HoRTON (Sir R. J.) Wilmot-Buxton (H. J.), Hl.A. English painters, w. a chapter on Amer. painters by S. R. Koehler. sS". 1883 Wilmot-Horton (Rt. Hon. Sir Kobert John), .3"' bart.. tys',- /S,J/, [R. J. Wilmot, up to 1S-J3\. First letter to freeholders of York on negro slavery : compensation etc. [P87]. 8". 1830 Second letter etc. [P87]. 8". 1830 Wilna, Vniv. of, see Academia et Universitas Vilnensis [Soc. Jesu]. Wilson (A. M.) Wines of the Bible : refut. of the unfermented wine theory. 88". 1877 Wilson (Alexander) , ornithologist, & C. L . Bonaparte. American ornithology. 4v. 88". E. 1831 Wilson (Alexander Johnstone), b. iS.'fi. The resources of mod. countries. 2v. 8". 1878 *The rise & progress of Sir Timothy Buncombe. 8». M'ter. 1S86 Banking reform. S". 1879 *The life of Thomas Wanless, peasant. s8». M'ter. [1885] The national budget. sS". 1882 Reciprocity, bi-metallism, & land tenure reform. 8". 1880 Wilson (Ucv. Alexander S.) of North Queensferry. The sur- vival of the fittest, & salvation of the few : exam, of " Natural law etc." s8". Paisley. 1887 Wilson (Alexander Stephen). A bushel of corn. 8". E. 1883 Wilson (Major Allan), sec Donovan (C. H. W.) With Wilson in Matabeieland, 1894. Wilson (Andrew), b. ■fi.52, lecturer on Zoology, Edin. Chapters ou evolution. 2". E. 1868 Wilson (Arthur), M.A.Trin. Coll. Oxon. The inconstant lady ; added, an app. s4". 0. 1814 Wilson (C. R.), M.A. Bengal Education Service. The early annals of the English in Bengal, being the Bengal Public Consultations for the first half of the 18"' c, summarised etc. 8". 1895 Wilson (Rer. C. T.), M.A., late chaplain, Bombay. Russian lyrics in Eng. verse. s8". 1887 Wilson (A//-.S. Caroline). [fFRv (C), aft. Wilson]. An autob'. : letters, A remains of [C. AV.]. " s8'. 1848 Wilson (Charles), M.D.; of Edinburgh. The pathology of drunkenness. s8". E. 1855 Wilson (Charles Heath). Life & works of Michelangelo. Ia8'. 187G Wilson (Charles Henry), of Inner Temple. *T\ie Polyanthea, orla coll. of interesting fragments in prose ct verse. 2v. 8". 1804 Wilson (Charles Thomas), missionary, & B. W. Felkin. Uganila A the Egyptian Soudan. 2v. s8". 1882 Wilson (Charles Townshend), It.-col. The duke of Berwick, 1702-34. 8». 1883 James II A the Duke of Berwick. 8". 1876 Wilson (Sir Charles William), maj.-gen. From Korti to Khartum. s8». E. 1885 S"' ed. s8». E. 1886 Jerusalem, the holy city. fol. 1889 Lord Clive. s8». 1890 Wilson (Mrs. Cornwell Baron-), see Barox-Wilson (Mrs. M.) Wilson (Daniel), ly/^'-lSioS ; bp. of Calcutta. Cojnmon sense : prize essay, Oxford, 1803. [P383]. 8". 1803 sec Bateman (J.) Life of W., 1860. Wilson (Sir Daniel), LL.D. Prehistoric man. 2v. 8°. C. 1862 Reminisc. of old Edinburgh. 2v. s8". E. 1878 The right hand ; Icft-handed- ness. s8o. 1891 see Stowell (W. H.) & D. W., Hist, of the Puritans in Eng., by S. The Pilgrini Fathers, by W., 1849. Arclneology A: prehistoric annals of Scotland. Ia8". E. 1851 Caliban : The missing link. 8". 1873 Chatterton : a biogr. study. 8". 1869 The lost Atlantis, & o. ethno- graphic studies. 8». E. 1891 Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. 2v. 4". E. 1848 Wilson (Daniel), vicar of Islington, sec Bowdler (T.), M.A., Letter to Evangel, members of the Church, in conseij. of an Appeal by [W.], 1850. Wilson (David). Froude * Carlyle. 8°. 1898 Wilson (Edmund Beecher). The cell in development & in- heritance. 8». N.Y. 1896 Wilson (Edward), il/..-l., F.L.S. The naturalist's poetical companion, w. notes. 2"'' ed. s8'. Leeds. 184& Wilson (Edward), rector of Topcroft. The martyr of Carthage. i;if. Boston. 1864 Wilson (Henry Austin). Magdalen College [Oxford: College hist-.]. s8". 1899 see Gelasian (Tin:) Sacramentary, ed., 1894. Wilson (Henry Bristow). The communion of saints. [Bamp- ton L-., 1831]. 8'. O. 1851 Letter to Earl of Derby on Univ. it College Reform. [P157]. 8". 1854 Speech in the cause of Wilson v. Fendall, on Appeal. 8". 1863 -'Three sermons for St. Chrysostom's Church, Everton, 1861. [P165]. s8". 1861 see *lNSPiRATinN. Brief exam, [by J. Muir ?] of prevalent opinions on the I. of the Scriptures; w. intr. by W., 1861. Wilson (Henry Schiitz). Studies & romances. s8°. 1873 Studies in hist., legend & lit. sS». 1884 Alpine ascents etc. sSf. 1878 History tt criticism : studies. b8". 1896 Philip Mannington : a novel ; and, Eisleben. 68'\ 1874 | Wilson (Herbert Wrigley). The downfall of Spain: naval hist, of the Span.-Amer. War. 8". 1900 Ironclads in action, 1855-95 ; w. some acc. of the development of the battleship in Eng. 2v. 8". 1896 2v. 3"'ed. 8°. 1896 Wilson (Horace Hayman). Works. [Ed. R. Rost]. 12v. [v5 tvantini)]. 8"'.1862-77 1, 2, Essays it lect". chiefly on the rehgion of the Hindus : 1, Sketch of the relig. sects of the Hindus. 2, Misc. essays & lect^. 3-5, Essays on subj*. conn. w. Sanskrit lit. 3v. .6-10 have 2'"' tp\ : The Vishnu Parana. Tr. etc. by W., ed. F. Hall, l-iv in 6 ; p5 having '.ip.] 11-12, Select specimens of the theatre of Hindus, sec below. Ariana antiqua : an ace. of the antiq'. & coins of Afghanistan ; w. mem. on the topes, by C. Masson [i£- 2^ ptoses]. 4". 1841 Cat. of the Library of H. H. W., sold by auction 28th Jan., 1861. [P738]. 8". 1861 Diet, in Sanscrit it Eng., tr., etc. 1. an orig. compil. by natives. 2°" ed. fol. Calcutta. 1832 Wilson (Horace Hayman) [continued']. Docs, illust. of the Burmese war, w. intr. sketch of the war, etc. fol. Calcutta. 1827 Glossary of terms etc., in official documents rel. to India, from Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, etc. etc. 4". 1855 Grammar of Sanskrit. 8°. 1841 Hist, of Brit. India, (1805-33), by W. This forms vy-9 of Mill (.j.) Hist, of B. I., 4"' ed., w. notes & cont. by W., 1840-8, q.v. Narrative of the Burmese war, 1824-6. s8°. 1852 Select specimens of the theatre of the Hindus, tr. 2v. 2»" ed. 8". 1835 2v. [vll, 12 of Works ahova]. 3'" ed. 8". 1871 see Mackenzie (It.-col. C.) M. Collection, cat., by W., 1828. „ PoE.iNAS. The Vishnu Puraila ; tr., etc. by W., 1840. „ Vedas. Eig-veda-Sanhita, 6v, 1850-88. Wilson (J. Arbuthnot) ps., see Allen (Grant). Wilson (Rt. Hun. James), 1803-60. Capital, currency, it banking etc. 8". 1847 Influences of the corn laws. S"" ed. 8". 1840 Speech on the navigation laws, 9 Mar. 1849. [P133]. 8°. 1849 Wilson (James), A.M.T.C.D. The politician & the statesman on Ireland. [P628]. 8". D. 1868 Wilson (James), tlic blind poet. Biography of the blind. 4'" ed. s8'. B'ham. 1888 Wilson (James), cnpt. of tlw "Duff," see Wilson (Wm.), chief mate, *Missionary voyage in the " Duff," commanded by J. W., 1709. Wilson (James), F.R.S.E. The rod, & the gun. Two trea- tises by .J. W. it auth. of "The Oakleigh Shooting Code." s&'). E. 1840 Voyage round the coasts of Scotland & Isles. 2v. s8". E. 1842 see H.4MILT0N (.James). Mems. of W., 1859. „ .Jameson (R.) Discovery etc. in Africa, by J., W., 1830. „ Tytlek (P. F.) Hist, view of discovery etc. ; w. sketches of nat. hist, of N. Amer. regions, by W., 1832. Wilson (James), resident in Bengal. Letter to J. Bright, on the India (juestion. [P283]. 8". 1854 Wilson (James Grant). Bryant & h. friends: the Knicker- bocker writers. s8 '. N.Y. 1886 The memorial hist, of the city of N.Y. 4v. Ia8'. 1892-3 Poets & poetry of Scotland : sels., w. notices : Thomas the Rhymer (12191 to Richard Sail (17761. 8". 1876 see Uniteii States. *The Presidents of U.S., ed. W., 1895. Wilson (James Maurice), archdeacon. Essays it addresses : an attempt to treat some religious questions in a scientific spirit. s8'>. 1887 The gospel of the atonement. [Hulsean Lecf., 1898-9]. s8". 1899 Sermons : Clifton Coll., 1879-83. s8 '. 1883 Some contribs. to the relig. thought of our time : sermons etc. s8«. 1888 Wilson (Miss Jessie Aitken). Mem. of Geo. Wilson, M.D. 8'. E. 1860 Wilson (John). *Shaksperiana. Cat. of books, pamphlets etc. rel. to S. etc. etc. sS". 1827 Wilson (John), F.R.S., JSO4-70. India 3,000 years ago: social state of the Aryas. [P564]. 8". Bombay. 1858 Lands of the Bible visited & descr. 2v. 8". E. 1847 The Parsi religion, as in the Zand-Avasta, refuted etc. 8". Bombay. 1843 see Smith (Geo.) Life of W., 1878. Wilson (John), M.A., T.C.D. Studies of mod. mind it character. 8°. 1881 Thoughts on science, theology, & ethics. s8". 1885 Wilson (John), of Cheltenham. Our Israelitish origin: lects. 3'" ed. s8". [1844] Wilson (John), prof, of Moral Philos. in Univ. of Edinburgh. [ps. Christopher North]. Works. Ed. Ferrier. 12v [TTanis v9,10']. 88". E. 1855-8 1-4, Noctes Ambrosiance. 4v. 5-8, Essays, crit. it imagina- tive. 4v. 9, 10, Recreations of C. North. 2v. 11, Lights & shadows of Scottish life — Mar- garet Lyndsay — Foresters. 12, Poet, works, d. ed. •Lights & shadows of Scottish life. n. ed. 88". E. 1845 Poems. 2v. n. ed. sH". E. 1825 *The recreations of C. North. 3v. sS". E. 1842 •The trials of Margaret Lyndsay. 4"' ed. s8». E. 1835 see Gordon (Mrs. Mahy). " C. North " ; a mem. f. family papers etc., 1862. „ Le FJ;vre-Deumier iJ.) Celeb", anglaises : C. North, 1895. WILSON 1598 WIMPHELINQ Wilson (John), I(t2~-9(j., recorder of Londonderry. Dramatic j works, w. mem., intr'., ife notes. [D.o.t.R.]. s8\ E. 1874 Wilson (Rev. John M.) Nature, man, & God. s8'. 188.5 Wilson (John Mackay). Tales of the Borders, * of Scotland. With gloss. Rev. by A. Leighton. 20v in 10. s8 ■. n.d. Wilson (John Matthias), see Fowlek (T.) & W. Principles of i morals, 1886-7 ; 1894. Wilson (Joseph), song-writer, of Neivcastle-ujJon-Tyne. Tyne- side songs it drolleries, etc. Coll. ed. s8". Newcastle-on-Tyne. [1873] Wilson (Joseph Henry). *Thoughts on Church matters in the Diocese of Oxford. [P218]. 2"'' ed. 8'. 1858 Wilson (Mr.s. Marg. Baron-), see Baron-Wilson {Mrs. M.) Wilson (Maria), see Wilson {Mrs. Kobebt F.) Wilson (E. F.) C. J. Rhodes & h. work. [PlOOl]. s8». [Cape Town], v.d. Wilson (Richard), B.A. Lond. Helps to the study of Arnold's Wordsworth. s8». 1898 Wilson (Richard), R.A., see Wright (T.) Some ace. of the life of W., 1824. Wilson (Robert), solicitor. Plan for adapting the maohlnery of the Public Funds to Transfer of real property. [P114, 123, 14.5]. 8'. 1844 Wilson (Robert Anderson). Mexico & its religion ; travel s 1851-4. s8". 1856 Wilson (Mrs. Robert Francis) [i.e. Maria Wilson, nie Troich]. The Christian Brothers, their orig. . 1842 Works. 7v. [vl. Life by J. Keble. v4-7 icanting}. n. ed. 8". O. 1847-63 see Cruttwell (C.) Life of W. ; added, h. Hist, of I. of Man, 3' ed. s8o. Boston. 1896 Division & reunion, 1829-89. [E. of Amer. H.]. 88". 189a G. Washington. 8'. N.Y. 1897 Wilson's Tales of the Borders, see Wilson (John Mackay). Wiltes, Tlic earldom of, see Metcalfe (J. H.) The Earldom of W., 1899. Wilton house. *Description (A) of the antiqs. etc. in W. H., n. fd., 17^'6, see Kennedy (Ja.) Wilton (Joseph) jjs., [i.e. Miss Beatrice Chambers]. When wheat is green. s8'. 1895 Wilton (L.E.) Mary Browne. 3v. s8». 1880 Wilton (Marie), aft. Mrs. Bancroft, see B.\NcnoFT {Mrs.) Wilton (Mary M. Egerton, countess of). [tEoERioN] ed., The art of needlework, etc. s8 '. 1840 Wilton (Thomas Egerton, car? o/). [tEoEiiTON]. On the sports & pursuits of the Ijiglish. s8». 1868 Wiltsch (Johann E. i.) Handbuch d. kirchl. Geographie u. Statistik [bis 1521 n. Chr.]. 2B. 8'. B. 1846 Hdbk. of geog. ct statistics of the Church. Tr. J. Leitch ; pref. by F. D. Maurice. 2v. s8'. 1859-68 Wiltshire. "Beauties (The) of W., 1801-25, see Brixton (J.) Institiitiones clericorum in comitatu Wiltoniee (1297-1810), 1825, see Phillipi'S {Sir T.) The Visitation of W., 1623 [taken by Sir H. St. George d S. Lcnnard]. Ed. G. W. Marshall. Ia8'. 1882 Wiltshire ArchEeological & Natural History Society. see Aubrey (J.) Wiltshire : the coll", of A., enl. by J. E. Jackson, 1862. „ Stevens (Edw. T.) Salisbury meeting of the Soc. : objects- of interest in the " Stonehenge excursion," 1876. Wiltshire record society, sec Osmunih {St.) Canonization of St. 0., fr. MS. records in Salisbury Cathedral, ed. etc. A. R. Maiden, 1901. Wiltshire topographical society. see Aubrey (J.) Nat. hist, of Wilts, 1847. ,, Britton (J.) Mem. of J. Aubrey etc., 1845. „ Jackson (J. E.) Hist, of Grittleton ; w. essay on topograph, lit., by J. Britton, 1843. Wimannus. [jGuijiannus]. Liber possessionum S. Vedasti, see MoNuiiENTA Germ. Hist., Scr., tl3. Wimbledon. Extracts from the Court Rolls of the Manor of W., etc., f. 1 Ed. IV to 1864. pl-3 in 2v. 8'. 1866-9 Wimbledon (Edward, visct.), see Cecil (E.), visct. Wimbledon. Wimmer (Ludwig F. A.) liuneskrittens oprindelse og udviek- ling i norden. 8". Kobenhavn. 1874 Die Runenschrift. Aus dem Diinischen v. F. Holthausen. la8^ 1887 Wimpffen (le gen. Emm. Felix de). Sedan. 2' (5d. 8". 1871 Wimpheling (Jacob). De Germanicne nationis gravaminibus contra sedem Romanam, see Freher (M.) Germ, rerum scriptores, t2, 1717. Stylpho. Aus d. Cod. Upsal. 687 hrsg. v.H. Holstain. [Latein. Littdkmlr. d. 15. u. 16.Jhdts., 61.' s8". 1892 \ WINOHCOMBE 1599 WINGFIELD "Winchcombe, monastery of. [Win-chelcujiba]. Ijandboc, s. Bcgistruin Monnst. H.M.V. & S. Ct'iihelnii de Winchelcumba, ord. S. Benedicti. Ed. D. Eoyce. vl, 798-1332. laS'. Exoniip. 1892 "Winchell (Alexander). Preadamites : men before Adam. S'l. Chicago. 1880 Science & religion. s8". n.d. Sparks from a geologist's hammer. sS". Chicago. 1881 "Winchester. City of W. : Cat. of charters etc., exhib. dm-. 700"" anniv. of the mayoralty, 1884. [P376]. s8". Winche.ster. 1884 Compotus rolls of Obedientiaries of St. Swithun's Priory, W. Ed. G. W. Kitchin. [Hamp. Rec. Soc.]. 8". 1892 Doc', rel. to the foundation of Chapter of Winchester, 1541-7. Ed. G. W. Kitchin A F. T. Madge. [Hamp. Rec. Soc.]. S\ 1899 ♦Winchester guide (The). [By T. Waitou ?]. n. ed. s8". Winton. 1796 The Winchester Troper : f. MSS. of lO"' & 11"' cS Ed. W. H. Frere. [Henry Bradshaw S., 8]. 8'. 1894 see CntiKCH historians : 4, i, Doc", resp. W., [.590-1531], tr. etc. J. Stevenson, 185(1. „ Domesday. D. Book : v4. Liber Winton', etc., 1810. „ Hampshire. H. Allegations for Marriage Licences granted by the Bp. of W., 1(589-1837 : extr. & ed. W. J. C. Moens, 1893. „ Lechaudk d'Anisy {A. L.) & — de S.*.rNTE-MARrE. Recherches sur le Domesday, le Liber de Winton etc. tl, 1842. „ Luard (H. R.) erf., Annales monastici : v2, A', monast'. de Wintonia (519-1277), 1865. ■Winchester College, .\nnals of W.C. (from 1382), 1S92, see KiKBY (T. F.) *School-hfe at W., 1870, sic M.\nsfield (R. B.) Winchester Commoners, 1800-35 : index of the surnames of commoners on the "Long Rolls" of W.C, 1800-35. With intr. & notes by C. W. Holgate. 8". Salisbury. 1893 Winchester Long Rolls, 1053-1721. Ed., w. intr. on the deve- lopment of Long Roll, by C. W. Holgate. 8". Winchester. 1899 Winchester College Shakspere Society. Nootes Shaksperianie : papers ed. by C. H. Hawkins. Publ. during 25"' session. 8". Winchester. 1887 "Winchester (Boyd). The Swiss republic. 8". Philadelphia. 1891 "Winchester (C. T.) Some principles of literary criticism. s8'. N.Y. 1899 "Winchester ("W. Pcwlett, /" viarq. of), [jPowlett (W.), m. of U'.], sec Broughton (R.) The life & death of W. P., 1" m. of W., [1572], repr. 1818. "Winchilsea (Anne Finch, cozmtess of). Miscellany poems. s8". 1713 "Winchilsea ((Jeorge James Finch-Hatton, lO"' earl of), .;"■ carl ofNoltinghnm, visct. Maidstone. Abd-el-Kader; poem. 8". 1851 "Winchilsea (Heneage Finch, ^"'' earl of). [tFiNcii (H.), *"' e. of W.] Relation of the earthquake & "eruption of ^tna. [P280]. s4". 1609 „ [For anoih. cojiy] see Somees (J. S., baron). Coll. of tracts. "Winckelmann, sec also Winkelmakn. "Winckelmann (Johann Joachim). Hist, of anc. art. Tr. G. H. Lodge. 2v. 8". 1881 Hist, of anc. art among theGreeks. Tr. G. H. Lodge. 8". 1850 see JusTi (C.) W., 1866-72; 2« A., 1898. „ ScHciM.ANN (G. F.) W. u. d. Archaologie, 184,5. „ ST.IRK (C. B.) W., 1867. Werke. IIB, [B9-11 ivaiiting]. 8". Dresden. 1808-25 Sammtliclie Werke. 12B. s8». Donauiischingen. 1825-29 Freundscbaftliche Briefe, uebst Nachlass u. Fragmenten. 2B. 8". Augsburg. 1836 Hist, de I'art cbez les anciens. Tr. 2t, [tH has 'Jp, in lv\ i". an ii [1794]-180S "Winckler (Adf.), see Fokbigek (A.) Hellas u. Rom, [B6 by W.}, 1872 82. "Winckler (Hugo). The Tell-el-Amarna Letters. 8°. Berlin. 1896 see Keilinschriftl. Bibliothek : 5, Die Thontafeln v. Tell-el- Amarna, V. W., 1890. "Wind (Ludwig) ed., Miinchener Muster-Sammlung fiir Kiiustler etc. 4". Miinchen. n.d. "Windelband (Wilhelm). Gesch. d. alten Philosophie ; nebst Abriss d. Gesch. d. Mathematik u. d. Naturwissenschaften im Altertum, v. S. Giinther. [Miiller (I. v.) Hdbch. d. k. A.-W., V, 1]. 2< A. Ia8". Miiueheii. 1894 "Windelband ("Wilhelm) [continued]. Gesch. d. ueueren Philos., in i. Zusammenhange mit Cultur etc. Bl, 2. 8". L. 1880 1, Von d. Renaissance bis Kant. 2, Von Kant bis Hegel u. Herbart. Hist, of philosophy, esp. formation of its problems & concep- tions. Tr. .1. H. Tufts. Ia8''. N.Y. 1893 "Winder (Frederick Horatio). Lost in Africa, newed. s8'. n.d. "Windham (Lt.-ijen. Sir Charles Ash). The Crimean diary d- Ictters of W., \v. obs. upon h. services dur. the Mutiny, & intr. by Sir W. H. Russell. Ed. H. Pearse. s8'. 1897 "Windham {lit. lion. "William). Diary, 1784-1810. Ed. Mrs. H. Baring. 8". 1806 Speeches in Pari. : pref. ace. of h. lite by T. Amyot. 3v. 8". 1812 "Windisch (Wilhelm Oscar Ernst). Compendium of Irish grammar. Tr. .1. P. M'Swiney. 8^ D. 1883 Kurzgefasste irische Grammatik. 8". L. 1879 see Irische Texte, in prog., 1880 etc. „ ZiMMER (H.) Kelt. Studien : 1, Irische Texte V. W., 1881-4. Windischmann (Carl J. H.) Die Philosophie im Fortgang d. Weltgesch. Tl in 4 Abthlgn. [»o more publ.]. 8". Bonn. 1827-34 Windischmann (Friedrich H. H.) Mithra. [P537]. 8'. 1857 Windle (Bertram C. A.) Life in early Britain. s8'\ 1897 Windorferus (Adamus), Ciesarius poeta. lunoniis auspicatiss. Caspari Liectenbergii, pariterque Annte a Sparnegg consecrat A. W. [P896]. 84". Vienna; Austriorum. 1004 Windscheid (Bernhard), see Stammler (R.) & T. Kirp. Fest- gabe zu W.'s oOjiihr. Doctor] ubiliium : 2 Abhdlgn. v. S. u. K., 1888. Windsor (Arthur Lloyd). Ethica: Characteristics of men, manners, * books. 8o. i860 Windt (Harry de), see De Windt (H.) Windus (John). *Journey to Mequinez ; Stewart's embassy 1721. s8'. 1725 Journey to Mequinez, see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, vl5. Wine. *Remarks on the art of making w., 1816, see MacCul- LOCH (J.) '^Wine, women, & song : Latin students' songs ; tr. etc., 1884, see Symonds (J. A.) Wineland. *rinding (The) of W., ed. & tr. f. the earliest records, 1890, see Reeves (A. M.) Winer (Georg Benedict), see Winer (Johann G. B.) Winer (Johann (Jeorg Benedict). Biblisches Realwbch. 2B. 3' A. la»'. L. 1847-8 Comparative Darstellung d. LehrbegriiJs d. christl. Kirchen- parteien. 2'- A. 4". L. 1837 Comparative view of doct'. ct confessions of the var. communi- ties of Xtndom. Ed., w. intr., by W. B. Pope. Ia8". E. 1873 Grammar of N.T. diction. Tr. E.Masson. 5"' ed. Ia8". E. 1864 Grammar of N.T. Greek. Tr., w. adds.. W. F. Moulton. 3"" ed., rev. (9"' Eng. ed.). Ia8". E. 1882 Pauli ad Galatos epist. ; lat. vert. & perpetua annot. illust. W. ed. 4". 8'. L. 1859 Wines. *Hist. of anc. & mod. wines, 1824, see Henderson (Ai.Ex.), M.D. Wines (Enoch Cobb) & T. W. Dwight. Report on prisons & reformatories of U.S. A Canada. 8". Albany. 1807 Wines (Frederick Howard). Punishment it reformation. s8". 1895 see United States : Census. 10"" Census, v21, Defective, de- pendent, delinquent, classes, by W., 1888. & J. Koren. The liquor problem in its legislative aspects. sS". Boston. 1897 2°'' ed. sS". Boston. 1898 Wing (Charles). Evils of the factory system. Ia8". 1837 Wing^(Henry H.) Milk * its products. S"" ed. 88". N.Y. 1900 Wingard (Carl Fredrik). Review of the latest events, & state of the Church. Tr. fr. the Swedish. s8». 1845 Wingate (Sir Francis Reginald), viaj.-gen. Mahdisra & the Sudan. 8'. 1891 see Ohrwalder (J.) Ten years' captivity in the Mahdi's camp, f. orig. MSS. of O., by W., 1892; lO'" ed., 1893. Wingfield (Hon. Lewis Strange). In Her Majesty's keeping. 3v. s8". 1880 Lady Grizel. 3v. s8». 1878 The maid of honour. 8v. bSo. 1891 My Lords of Strogne. 3v. s8". 1879 Abigel Eowe. 3v. sS'. 1883 Barbara Pliilpot. 3v. s8". 1885 Civil costume in England ; f. the Conquest to the Regencj'. laS'. 1881 s8". 1868 The curse of Koshiu. WINGFIELD 1600 3 WINTHROP Wingfleld {Hon. Lewis Strange) [contimied]. Wanderings of a globe-trotter in tlie Par East. 2v. 8°. 1889 Slippery ground. 3v. sS". 1876 Under the palms in Algeria it- Tunis. '2v. s8". 18G8 "Wingfleld CWilliam Frederick). Tour in Dalmatia, Albania, Montenegro ; with hist, sketch of Ragusa. s8». 1859 "Winifred. *Wini{red Bertram, 1870, see Ch.uiles {Mrs. E.) ♦Winifred Power. 3v. s8". 1883 "Winkel (Jan te), see Te Winkel. "Winkel (L. A. te), see Te Winkel. Winkelmann (Eduard). Acta Imperii ined. sec. 13 : Urkunden etc. z. Gesch. Sicilien, 1198-1273. 8". Innsbruck. 1880 Gesch. der Angelsachsen bis zum Tode Konig Aelfreds. [A. G. i. E., 2, iii]. 8°. 1883 Kaiser Friedrich II. 2B. (1218-33). 8". L. 1889-97 Philipp V. Schwaben u. Otto IV v. Braunschweig. 2B. (1, Philipp, 1197-1208. 2, Otto IV, 1208-18). 8'. L. 1873-8 "Winkelmann (J. J.), see Winckel.mann (Joyi. J.) "Winkles (B.) French cathedrals, f. drawings by E. Garland, etc. 4". 1837 see Winkles (H.) * B. W., Cath. churches in Eng. & Wales, 1851. "Winkles (Henry) & B. "Winkles. Cathedral churches in Eng. * Wales. 3v. n. ed. laS'J. 1851 "Winks ("William Edw.) Lives of illust. shoemakers. s8". 1883 "Winkworth (Catherine). Xtn. singers of Germany. s8". [1869] "Winn (Charles Mark AUanson) [Baron HE.ioLEY], see He.id- LKV (C. M. A. W., b,mm). "Winnard (Jane Margaret), aft. Hooper, see Hooper {Mrs. George). "Winne (John Huddlestone). A compleat hist, of Ireland. 2v. n. ed. 8". 1774 "Winneburg (Fiirst C. "W. N. L. v. Metternich-), see Mbtter- NKii {Fiirst C. v.), iy7-i-l'^'>'J- "Winner & "Waster [Old Engl, poeml, see Parliament. *Parle- ment (The) of the thro ages ; w. " W. & W.," 1897. ''"Winning (The) of May, 1893, see Elliot (Anne). "Winning ("William Balfour). Manual of comparative philo- logy. 8". 1838 "Winnington Ingram (A. F.), hp. of (/) Stepney (2) London, see Inguam (A. F. W.) "Winnington-Ingram (Ucar-Adm. Herbert Frederick). Hearts of oak, "Winnock (George), see Daviu (.J.) adapted by W., 1825. "Winsemius (Petrus). Amores. "Winslow (Charles Frederick) repulsion etc. "Winslow (Forbes Benignus). Theanatomy of suicide. 8". 1840 Case of L. Buranelli. [P133]. S". 1835 Incubation of insanity. [P134]. 8'\ f.p.e. 1846 Jjettsomiau lecV*. ou insanity. 8". 1854 laS". 1889 Modern Greek grammar, s8". FranekarsE. 1631 Force ct nature : attraction & 8". 1869 Obscure diseases of the brain. 2"'i ed. S". 1861 •Physic & physicians ; publ. & priv. life of celeb, medical men, w. mems. of living physicians & surgeons. 2v. s8o. 1839 "Winslow (Forbes Edward). Children's fairy geography. 8<>. 1881 Mad humanity. "Winslow (Lyttleton S. F.) Manual of lunacy. "Winslow (Reginald). Law of artistic copyright. "Winsor (Justin). Cartier to Prontenac: discov. in interior of N. Amer., 1534-1700. 8". 1894 Christopher Columbus, etc. 8". [1892] Narrative & critical hist, of America. 8v. Ia8". 1880-9 1, Aboriginal A. ; 2, Span, explorations & settlements, 15"'-17"' c ; 3, Eng.explorations& settle- ments in N. A., 1497- 1G89 ; 4, Fr. expl'. ct settlements in N. A., & those of the Portuguese, Dutch, & Swedes, 1500-1700 ; 5, The Eng. & Pr. in N. A., 1G89-1763 ; 8». 1898 s8'. 1874 8". 1889 6, 7, The U.S., pi, 2; 8, Later hist, of Brit., Span. & Portuguese America. Reader's hdbk. of the Amer. Revol., 1761-83. bS". Boston. 1890 The struggle in Amer. betw. England it Prance, 1697-1763. 8°. 1895 Was Shakespeare Shapleigh ? 88°. Boston. 1887 The westward movement ; the colonies & the republic west of the AUegbauies, 1763-98. 8". Boston. 1897 see Boston, Mass. 'Memorial hist, of B.ed. J. W. [1880-6]. "Winstanley ("William), biographical writer. England's worthies : select lives. s8". 1660 Lives of the most famous Eng. poets. s8<>. 1687 "Winstanley ("William), 4"' Hiissars. Visit to Abyssinia. 2v. sS". 1881 "Winston (Charles). *Inquiry into the difference of style in auc. glass paintings, esp. in Eng., w. hints on glass painting. 2p. 8". O. 1847 Mems. illus. of glass-painting. 8". 1865 "Winston ("W. R.) Four years in Upper Burma. sS". 1895 "Wint (Peter de), see De Wint (P.) "Winter. *\Vinter at the Italian Lakes. s8". 1874 ♦Winter (A) in Corsica, by two ladies. s8>. 1868 "Winter (Alex.) The New York State reformatory in Elmira. s8>. 1891 "Winter ((Jeorg). Gesch. d. 30jiibrg. Krieges. [A.G.i.E., 3, iii, 2]. S". 1893 Hans Joachim v. Zieten. Eiue Biographic. 2B. 8". L. 1886 see Jastrow (J.) & G. W., Deutsche Gesch. (1125-1273), 1897- 1901. "Winter (Grustav) cd., Niederosterreichische Weisthlimer. Tl. 8". Wien. 1886 "Winter (John Strange) ps. [i.c Mrs. A. Stannard]. Army Society. 3'1 ed. s8o. 1886 The married Miss Binks. Aunt Johnnie. 2v. s8'\ 1893 s8^ 1900 Beautiful Jim. 2v. s8". n.d. A matter of sentiment. s8'\ 1902 A blameless woman. 58*^. 1895 Mrs. Bob. 2v. s8". 1889 A blaze of glory. s8'>. 1902 My Geoff. 7"' ed. sS". 1897 Booties' baby. sS". n.d: Anametoconjurewith. 88". 1899 A born soldier. 88°. 1894 The other man's wife. The career of a beauty. s8>. 1901 2v. s8'. 1891 „ 3"t ed. s8". 1901 The peacemakers. Cavalry lite. 2v. 8". 1881 S'-'i ed. s8». 1898 Confessions of a publisher. Pluck. s8°. Bristol. 1886 sSo. 1883 The price of a wife. s8 '. 1898 Everybody's favourite. s8'>. 1897 Princess Sarah & o. s. s8'\ 1897 Garrison gossip. 2v. s8". 1887 Regimental legends. 3v.s8". 1883 A gay little woman. s8". 1897 A self-made countess. 88". 1900 Grip ! s8". 1896 She was called Noel ; & o. 8. I loved her ouce. 88". 1896 88'). 1900 Into an unknown world. sS". 1897 A siege baby, & o. s. 2v. s8 '. 1887 Lord Broke's wife : & o. s. The soul of the bishop. 88". 1901 2v. sS". 1893 A magnificent young man. A summer jaunt. s8i. 1895 2'"' ed. 88". 1899 The man I loved. s8". 1901 The truth tellers. A man's man. s8'*. 1893 a""" ed. s8". 1896 „ „ 4«"od. sS". 1894 "Winter ("William), poet, loriter. Life * art of Edwin Booth. s8". 1893 s8". E. 1894 of W. W. s8\ E. 1888 Shakespeare's England. Wanderers ; a coll. of the poem; Winterbottom (Thomas Masterman). Account of tlie native -Africans in neighbourhood of Sierra Leone. 2v. 8". 1803 "Winterfeld (Adolf "Wilhelm Ernst). Der Kiinig der Luft. 4B in 2. s8". Jena. 1879 Der Mops. 4B in 2. s8". Jena. 1877 Alto Zeit. 3B in 1. s8". Jena. 1873 Ein bedeutender Mensch. 4B in 2. 68". Jena. 1878 Der Elephant. 4B in 2. 2'" A. s8\ L. 1879 "Winterfeldt (Hans Carl v.), Gen., see Varnhagex v. Ense (C. A.) Leben d. Gen. v. W., 1836. "Winterkonig (Der) ;«., see Frederick I, king of Bohemia. "Winternitz (M.) D. altind. Hochzeitsrituell, set' Kaiserl. Akad. II. WissENSCH., Denkschr. "Winther (Christian) [fWisTHER (Rasmus V. C. F.)]. Dansk lyrik (1800-64). I Naadsensaaret. Zwei Erziihlungen. Al G. v. Leinburg. see BoGH (N.) W., Bl, "Winthrop (John), gov. of Mass. 49 ; w. notes by J. Savage s8". Kjiibenhavn. 1865 [P562]. s8". Kjobenhayn. 1874 3 Anhang, Der Beichtstuhl. Libers, v. s8". Frankfurt a.M. 1847 1893. Hist, of New England, 1630- 2v. n. ed. 8". Boston. 1853 see WiNTURop (R. C.) Life & letters of J. W., 1864-7. "Winthrop (John) the younger, see Waters (T. F.) liife of W., founder of Ipswich, Mass., in 1633, 1899. "Winthrop (Margaret), .sec Earle {Mrs. A. M.) M. W., 1895. "Winthrop (Robert C.) jim. Mem. of R. C. Winthrop. 8". Boston. 1897 "Winthrop (Robert Charles), lSog-1&94- Addresses * speeches. [vl, 2] (1835-67). 8". Boston. 1852-67 WINTHROP IGOl WITHER Winthrop (Robert Charles) [continued]. Life & letters of J. Winthrop. 2v. [1], 1588^ 1030 ; [2J, 1630-411. laH". Boston. 1864-67 fin- WiNTHKoi' (i;. C.)juii., Mem. of E. C. W., 1897. Winthrop (Theodore). Life & poems of T. W., ed. by h. sister. sS". N.Y. 1884 Winton, Liber de, see Winchester. Winton (W. H. De) ps., sec Wilkins (W. H.) [ps. W. H. De W.] Wintonia, see Wixchkstkr. Winwood (Rt. Hon. Sir Ralph). Memorials of affairs of State in r. of Eliz. & .James I ; from papers of W.[l)y E. Sawyer]. 3v. fol. 1725 Winworth (Freda). The epic of soumls : an interp. of Wagner's "Nibelungen Ring." 88". 1897 Winzet (Ninian). Certane traetatis for reformatioun of doc- tryne & nianeris in Scotland, 1.562-3. [Maitland Club, 33]. 4". E. 183.5 Certain tractates : together w. book of four .score three (luestions & tr. of Vincentius Lirinensis. Ed. J. K. Hewison. fScott. Text Soc, 1.5, 22]. 2v. 8". E. 1888-90 Wippermann (Eduard). Die aUoriental. Eeligionsstaaten. [P4.58]. 8". Marburg. 1851 Wippo. [Wiro]. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl42, /oc Scripta. „ Monumenta Geem. Hist., Scr., til, for Proverbia. Wiprecht, co!t!i< zu Groitzsch,marcjrarc of Lnsatia. rVii-ERTUs]. *Hist. de vita Viperti ; auet. monacho Pegauiensi. Et altera de bellis Eriderici Admorsi; auct. J. Garzone. [P897]. fol. Francofurti. 1580 Wirgman (Augustus Theodore). The Church A the Civil Power. s8". 1893 Wirsen (Carl David). Dikter. 2» uppl. sS". Stockholm, [1877] Wirt (William). Life * character of P. Henry. 3"> ed. 8". Philadelphia. 1818 Wirtemberg, see Wi i;ttemiierg. Wirth (Johann Ulrieh). Die speculative Idee Gottes. 8'. Stuttgart. 1845 Wirth (Ludwig). Die Oster- u. Passionsspiele bis z. XVI .Jhdt. 8". Halle. 1889 Wirth (Max). Gesch. d. Handelskrisen. 4» A. 8». Frankfurt a.M. 1890 Wisconsin. Geology of Wisconsin. Survey of 1873-9. vl-4. [with Atlases 1, 3, 4]. Ia8". 1877-83 Wisdom, Book of. see Solomon, king of Israel. Wise Masters (Seven), see Seven S.^ges. Wise (Alfred T. Tucker). Alpine winter in its medical aspects. 2"'' ed. 8°. 1885 Wiesen as a health resort in phthisis. s8". 1883 Wise (Bernhard Ringrose). Facts & fallacies of mod. protec- tion. s8". 1879 Industrial freedom : study in politics. [Cobden Club]. sS". 1892 Wise (Clement). Puritanism in power. 8». 1890 Rockingham Castle * the Watsons. 4". 1891 Wise (Edward). The hiw rel. to riots * unlawful assemblies etc. s8". 1848 Wise (Francis), Radclijfe librarian. *Hist. ct chronology of the fabulous ages considered, partic. w. regard to Bacchus & Hercules, [b.jv.h. Some enquiries etc., 1758]. 4". 0. 1764 *Sonie enquiries cone, tlje first inhabitants etc. of Europe. 4". 0. 1758 Wise (Henry Augustus), U.S. Navy. Captain Brand: [a novel]. n. ed. sS". 1863 Los Gringos : an inside view of Mexico & California, etc. s8». 1849 Wise (John R.) The New Forest : its hist. & scenery. 4'. 1863 '. 8". 1807 Shakspere : his birthplace etc. s8". 1861 Wise (Thomas Alexander), M.D. Hist, of paganism in Cale- donia etc. 4". 1884 On education in India. [P136]. 8". 1854 Wise (Thomas J.), see Nicole (W. R.) & W., Lit. anecdotes of 19"' c, 1895-6. Wiseman (Nicholas Patrick Stephen), cardinal. Wiseman (Nicholas Patrick Stephen) [continued]. Lects. on the priiic. docts. & lH-aclice3 of the Catholic Cbui-ch. 2v ill 1. 2"'l ed. sS". 1844 Letter to the Canons of the Cath. Chaplerof Westminster, in reply to one in the Rambler, June, 18.58. [P776]. 8". 1858 Perception of natural beauty by the anc*. & mod^ — Rome, anc. & mod. : 2 lects. [P147]. 8». 1856 The Real Presence proved. 8". 1836 Recoils, of the last four Pojies, & of Rrf.)me in their times. 8". 1858 Sermons on moral subjects. 8". D. 1864 Three lectures on the Catholic hierarchy. [P666]. s8". 1850 Twelve lects. on the comiexion betw. science & revealed re- ligion. 2v. 8". 1836 2'"' ed. 8". 1842 see CuMUiNG (John), D.D., Notes on [W.'s] manifesto, 1850. „ W., a lect., 1850. see CiiMMiX(i (John), JJ.L)., W., " h. oath etc.," 2"<'Icct.,1850. „ Gavazzi (Aless.) My re- coils, of the last four Popes; ans. to W., 1858. „ Knowles (J. Sheridan). The idol demolished by its own priest : ans. to W.'s Lects. on transubstantia- tion, 1852. „ Morgan {Lad;/ S.) Letter to W. in ans. to h. " Re- marks on Lady M.'s state- ments," 1851. „ P.\LMER (W.) Letters on errors of Romanism, in controv. w. W.,u' J ed., 1851. „ Peabodv (E. P.) Identifi- cation of the artisan & artist the object of Amer. education, illus. by a leot. of W. on the relation of the arts of design w. the arts of production, 18C9. „ TuBTON (T.), bp. R. C. doc- trine of the Eucharist : reply to W., 18:i7. „ Waiio (AV.I Life A- limes of W., 1897. Appeal to the reason tt good feeling of the Eng. people on the subject of the Catholic hierarchy. [Play, 517]. 80. 1850 Essays on various subjects. 3v. 8". 1853 Essays on var. subjects. Biog. intr. by J. Murphy. 8". l.-jSM Fabiola, or the Church of the Catacombs, pop. ed. s8". n.d. „ „ n. ed. S8". 1877 Pour Advent lectures on Con- cordats. [PS99]. 8". 1855 Wiseman (Richard), scrjcant-surgcon to Ch. II, see Ijoxgmobe (Sir T.) W., a biograp'h. study, 1891. Wisen (Theodor). Riddara-Rimur : utgifna af W., 1881, see .SAiiFLxn til udoivelse ae oamm. nord. litt. Wishart (Greorge), bp. of Edin. Mems. of James Graliam, Marq. of Montrose. Tr. f. the Latin of W. ; added, orig. letters, never before publ. .S". E. 1819 Mems. of James, Marq. of Montrose, 1639-50. Tr. w. intr., notes, appendices, & orig. Latin (Part 2 now first publ.), by A. D. Murdoch, iV- H. F. M. Simpson. 4". 1893 Montrose rediviyus : the portraicture of M. [Tr.]. s8". 1052 Wisigothi, sec Visigoths. Wiskemann (Heinrich). Darstellung d. in Deutschland z. Zeit d. Reformation herrscbenden nationalokonora. .\nsichtcn. Ia8". L. 1801 Wislicenus (Paul). Gesch. der Elbgcrmanen vor der Volker- wanderuug in ihren Hauptziigen. [P239]. 8'. Halle. 1868 Wismar. Die Rathslinie d. Stadt W., 1875, sec Cr.ri.r (F.) ed. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien u. d. Hercego- vina. Hrsg. v. Bosniseh-Hercegovinischen Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Bl-7, [in pi'og.]. Ia8". Wien. 1893-1900 Wissenschaftliche Vortrage iiber religiose Fragen. Samlung[l], 2, 3, 5. 8<>. Frankfurt a.M. 1877-82 Wissmann (Hermann v.) My second journey through Equa- torial Africa, 1880-7 ; tr. M. J. A. Bergmann. 8". 1891 Wissowa ((Jeorg), see Pauly (A. v.) P.'s Real-Eneyclopiidie d. class. Alterthumswissenschaft, neue Bearbtg., hrsg. v. W., in prog., 1894 etc. Wit.' Everybody's book of w. & humour, [1891], sec Howe (W. H.) ed. *Politeuphuia : wit's commonwealth [commenced bij J3oden/ta7n, enlarged bg Ling], 1669, see Politeuphuia. Wit & humoiir, sel. f. the Eng. poets, 1846, see Hunt (Leigh) ed. Wit it mirth : or pills to purge melancholy, Gv, 1719-20, see D'Urfev (T.) ed. •Wit . 1784-.5 Wits (Herman). De oeoonomia ftcderum Dei cum hominibus. ed. 3». 4>. Trajecti ad R. 1694 MisceUaneorum sacrorum lib. iv. 2t, [tl wanting]. s4". Amstelsedami. 1692-1700 Witsen (Nicolaas), see Orle.ins (P. J. i>'). Tartar conquerors of China ; added. Father Pereira's journey into Tartary, f. the Dutch of W., 1854. "Witt iO, prof, in Konigsberg. Myths of Hellas ; tr. F. Yonng- husband. 3"' ed. 38". 1884 The wanderings of Ulysses. Tr. F. Younghusband. [seq. to " The Trojan War "]. s8". 1885 Witt (Cornells de), see Witt (J.vn he) & C. de Witt. Histoire de la vie et de la mort des freres C. et .J. de Witt. [? tr. f. Verhoeven]. 2t. s8". Utrecht. 1709 see Tichelaer (W.) *Verhael van 't gepasseerde tusscheu T. en C. de W., 1672. Witt {Mme. Cornells de) [b. P.vulink Guizot]. Six mois de guerre, 1870-1 : lettres & journal de W. s8". 1894 Witt (Cornelius Henri de), historian. T. Jefferson : &t. sur la democratic amerio. 8". 1861 Jefferson A the Amer. democracy. Tr. R. S. H. Church. 8". 1862 Witt (Mme. Henrietta de), b. II. Guizot, tv. of Conrad de Witt. Les chroniqueurs de I'hist. de France jusqu'au 16" s. ; teste abr., tr. etc. par W. sl-4 [1, De Gregoire de Tours A Guillaume de Tyr. 2, De Suger ;\ Froissart. 3, Jeaiuie d'Arc et la guerre de cent ans ; de Froissart i Monstrelet. 4, Charles VII et Louis XI; de Monstrelet a Commines]. i". 1883-95 Citadins et campagnards. s8". 1870 Guizot dans sa famille & avee a. amis, 1787-1874. 2' ed. s8». 1880 „ 4<^ed. s8". 1880 Un heritage. 88". 1885 Les promenades d'une mere. s8". 1863 Riches et pauvres. 88". 1870 Scenes histor. : Mere & fiUe, Charlotte de Laval & Louise de CoUgny. sSo. [1890] Snr la pente. s8°. 1887 A travers pays. sS". 1889 Tb.insl.itions. Dames of High Estate. Tr^. ed. C. M. Yonge. s8». [1872] Guizot in private lite, 1787-1874. Tr. M. C. M. Simpson. 8". 1880 The Lady of Latham : life & letters of Charlotte de La Tremoille, Countess of Derby. 8°. 1869 A Parisian family. Tr. [D. M. Mulock]. s8". 1871 Witt (Jan de). *Aanwysing der heilsaine politike gronden en maximen van de Republike van HoUand etc., 1669, see De La Court (P. C.) Attributed by some to J. de W. Ad manes violatos Jani Wittii, auct. Philalethe Batavo, [1757?] sec BuRM.\N (P.) the elder. Brieven tusschen J. de W. ende de gevolmaghtigden van den Staedt der Vereen. Nederlanden, 1652-69. 6d. 4". 's Gravenhage. 1723-5 ,, Verbael gehouden door H. van Beverniugk etc. aen de Bepublyck van Engelandt. 4°. 's Gravenhage. 1725 „ Volkoome register over de ses deelen der Brieven als meede over het Verbael, nevens Aanhangsel. [6. ti\ Brieven, do, 1725]. 4". 's Gravenhage. 1727 *Cat. van boecken inde byblioteque van W., door sijn discipel Vivien. [.4 lampoon. P874]. s4». n.p. [1672 ?] ,, *Sleutel, outsluytende de boecke-kas van de Witte biblio- theeck. Door J. B. [P874]. s4". 's Gravenhage. 1672 Den grooten en witten duyvel ; aenwijsinghe dat Vranckrijck door J. de W. soo veel steden etc. onder syn gehoorsaemheydt heeft bekomen. [P874]. s4". n.p. [1672?] „ Appendix, ofte staert etc. [P874]. s4°. n.p. 1672 Histoire de la vie et de la mort des freres C. et J. de Witt. 2t. s8". Utrecht. 1709 Lettres et n^goc. entre J. de W. et les plenipoteutiaires des Prov. Unies, 1652-69 ; tr. 4t. s8". Amsterdam. 1725 Resolutieu van consideratie, der Ed. Groot Mog. Heeren Staten van HoUandt ende West-Vriesland, genomen zed. d. aenvang d. bedieninge van d. Heer J. de W., 1053-08. 2'" druk. 4". Amsterdam. 1719 Resolutions importantes de HoUande et de West-Frise, pendant le ministere de J. de W. ; tr. sS". Amsterdam. 1725 Secrete Resolutieu van de Heeren Staten van Holland en West- vriesland, zed. d. aenvang d. bedieninge van J. de W., 16-53-68. 2d in Iv. 4". Utrecht. 1717 see B.\KE (R. W. J. C. de M.) Disp. de deliberat. a W. cum Fraucia hab., 1834. ,, BiiiLucN voor alderhande gesiehten, 1672. „ Colonies. Select tracts rel. to C'. : [treatise by W.J, 1700? „ EsQuiiiou DE Parieu (M. F.) J. de W. ; tr., 1858. „ Fadles, moral & polit., tr. f. the Dutch [of J. de IV I], 1703. „ Geddes (J.) Hist, of the admin, of W., vl (1623-54), [no- more app''.], 1879. ,, Hendriks (F.) Contribs. etc. ; w. restoration of De Wit " On life annuities," 1851. „ Knottenbelt (W. C.) Gesch. der Staatkunde van J. De W., 1801. „ La Fargue (J. T.) Het waare karakter van W., 1757. „ Lefevre-Pontalis (A.) Vingt annees de r^publique parle- mentaire a u 17'' s. : J. de AV., 1884. „ J. de W. ; tr., 1885. „ Luzac (E.) Zeedige beproeving van de voorgestelde karakters van J. de W., 2" dr., 1757. „ Zugt (De) van den H. Raadpensionaris J. de W., 1757. „ Oprechtk (D'). Oranje oogen-salf, 1072. „ *Oprechten (Den) patriot, 1672. „ Simons (P.) J. de W. en ziju tijd, 1832-42. „ T'samenspraak van den droom van Willem de Lange, 1672. „ Verhael van het secreet der misse, 1672. „ Wagenaak (J.) Vrymoedige aanmerkingen over [Luzao's] Zedige beproeving van de karakters van J. de W., 1757. & Cornelis de Witt, -'■u of Dutch pamphlets rel. chiefly to J. £ C. de Witt ; P535 cont. 10, c. 175/ ; P536 emit. ,56, c. ■1672-^i. 8 '. & s4». [1072-1757 *Den val van de Witten. In een t'samenspraek. [P874]. s4''. n.p. 1672 Leven, en doodt, vande Heeren C. en J. de Witt. Deel 1. [P874]. s4". n.p. 1072 Missive of pertinent verhael van 't ghene sich in 's Gravenhagi heeft toegedragen ontrent de doot van J. en C. de W., 20 Aug.. 1672. [P874]. s4«. [1072] Sententie van den gen. Hove van Nederlandt, tegens C. en J. de W., ge-executeert 20 Aug., 1672. [P874]. s4'\ 's Gravenhage. 1672 see Dee Hoeven (E. van). Leeven der gebroeders De W., 1705. „ *Hel (De) in roeren, op aenkomst van J. en Kees de W., 1672, „ SociNiAENSCHE (Een) cousultatie etc., 1072. ,, WiLLiAjr III, I'ing of Eng., for other refs. Witt (Julia A. W. de), ace De Witt. Witt (Pauline de), s«;Wiii {Mvte. Cornel.is de). WITTE 1603 WOLF Witte {baro)i Jehan de). Eorae et I'ltalie sous L^on XIII. s8". 1892 Witte (Johann H. F. Carl). Dante-Forsohungen. Altes u. Neues. 2B. 8". Heilbronn. [1868]-79 Essays on Dante <' f. the Sv of " Dante-Forschgn."]. Sel., tr. etc. by C. M. Lawrence it V. H. Wieksteed. s8». 1898 "Witte (Johannes Heinrich). Beitriige z. Verstandniss Kant's. 8°. B. 1874 Witte (Leopold). Leben F. A. G. Tholuck's. 2B. 8°. Bielefeld. 1884-6 Wittekindus. [Witichindus, Widukindus]. Annales W. Addita est app. de familia etc. Palatinorum Saxonis, e chron. Goze- censi. Item hist. Henrici Leonis, excerpta de annalibus Helmoldi, Arnoldi, & Saxonia Krancij. Studio R. Eeineecii. [P897]. fol. Francofurti ad M. 1577 see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl37, for Kes gestn;. „ MoNusiESTA Geem. Hist., Scr., t3. Wittenberg. Wittemberger Heiligthumsbuch, illustrirt v. L. Cranacb, 1509. [Liebhaber-bibl. alter Illustratoren, 6]. s4". L. 1883 see Luther (M.) *Memoriam M. L. in Lyceo Vittemberg. anno 1717 adolescentes servabunt, 1717. Wittenweiler (Heinrich). Der Ring. Hrsg. v. L. Bechstein. [b.w. Laber (H. v.) H.'s v. L. Jagd, 1850]. [Lit. V. in St., 23]. s8". St. 1851 Wittgenstein-Berleburg (Emil, Prinz zu Sayn-), see Sayn- Wittgensteix-Berleeueg. Wittgenstein-Sayn (Primessin Amalie zu Sayn-), see Saten- Wittgenstein-Sayn. Wittich (Carl). Magdeburg, Gustav Adolf, u. Tilly. Bl. 21. [no morepubl.]. 8». 1874 Wittich (Friedrich W. L. v.), gen.-lieut. Aus meinem Tage- buche, 1870-1. 8". Cassel. 1872 Wittich (Wilhelm), pro/. Univ. Coll. London. Visit to W. Coast of Norway. s8°. 1848 Wittichen (Carl). Die Idee Gottes als des Vaters. [P458]. 8". Gottingen. 1865 Wittmann (Michael). Die Stellung d. hi. Thomas v. Aquin zu Avencebrol. 8". Miinster. 1900 Wittman (William). Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, & across the desert into Egypt, \v. the Turkish army, and the Brit, milit. mission, 1799-1801. 4". 1803 Wivallius (Lars), see Hansblli (P.) Saml. vitterhetsarbeten : 9, W., 1871. Wives. *Wives & daughters. [By Mrs. Gaskell]. 2v. 8". 1866 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1874 ♦Wives (The) of England, 1843, see Ellis (Mrs.) Wix (Samuel). Expediency of a council of the Church of England <$; Church of Rome being holden, w. view to accom- modate relig. differences, etc. [P386]. 8". 1818 Wlahovitj (Jovan), see Frilley (G.) & Vf.,'Le Mont6n^gro, 1876. Wlassics (Gyula). A bunkisiSrlet 6s bev^gzett buncselekmeny. [M. Tud. Akad.]. 2k. 8". 1885-7 Wlislocki (Heinrich v.) Aus dem innereu Leben d. Zigeuner. Ethnologiscbe Mitteilungen. 8". B. 1892 Marchen u. Sagen d. transsilvanischen Zigeuner. 8". B. 1886 Volksglaube u. religioser Brauch d. Zigeuner. Ia8". Miinster. 1891 Vom wandernden Zigeunervolke. S". Hamburg. 1890 Woburn abbey. Biograph. cat. of the pictures at \V. A. ; by ■ A. M. Tavistock & E. M. S. Russell, vl, 2, in 4, [each v. has 2p]. s4». 1890-2 Cat. of sculpture at W. A. By A. H. Smith. Ia8". /.p.c. 1900 *Pinetum Woburnense : cat. of coniferous plants in the coll. of the Duke of Bedford at W. A. [by J. Forbes]. Ia8". 1839 Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm. Report on the W. E. F. F. since establishment ; by the Duke of Bedford & 8. U. Picker- ing, l" d- •2''' reports. 2v. 8". 1897-1900 Woburnensis. *Hortus gramineus W., 1824, see Sdjclaik (G.) Wocel (Johann Erasmus). D. Wandgemiilde der St. Geoigs- Legende, see Kaiseel. Akad. d. Wissensch., Denkschr. Wo Chang. England through Chinese spectacles. s8". n.d. Wocquier (Leon). Le mouvement philosoph. de I'Allemagne dep. Kant, etc. tl, [no more 2nibl.]. Ia8". Gand. 1852 Wodehouse (Charles Nourse). What is the meaning of sub- scription ? [P249]. 8». 1841 Wodhull (Michael), see Seveene (.J. E.) Cat. of the lib. coll. by W., the property of S., sold 1886. Wodrow Society. [Publications, see Bel'CE (R.) Seniions: life ' by R. Wodrow, 1843. [4.] t Calderwood (D.) Hist, of j the Kirk of Scotland, 1842-9. [5.] Knox (J.) Works: ed. D. Laing, 184G-64. [10.] Laino (D.) Miscellany, vl, i 1844. [9.] Melville (J.) Autobiog. I & diary, w. coiit., 1842. [1.] RoLLOCK (R.I Select works, I 1844-9. [6.] I vi--)Ol 8°. 1842-64 see Row (J.) Hist, of the Kirk of Scotland, 1558-1637, eont. to 1639 by h. son, 1842. [2.] ,, Scot (Wm.) Narration of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation ; records of the Kirk, 1605-6, by J. Forbes, 1846. [8.] „ Tweedie (W. K.) ed.. Select biogi-apbies, 1845-7. [7.] „ Wodrow (R.) Correspond- ence, 1813-4. [8.] W oiiow (Robert), minister of Eastwood. Correspoudeme. Ed. T. M'Crie. [Wodrow Soc, 3]. 3v. 8". E. .843-44 Hist, of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland, f. Restor. to Bevol. ; w. mem. of [W.], extr". f. h. corresp., etc., by R. Burns. 4v. 8". Glasgow. 1837-8 Sel'. f. W.'s Biog. Coll'.: Divines of N.-E. Scotland. Ed. R. Lippe. [New Spalding C.]. i". Aberdeen. 1890 see Beuce (R.) Sermons : life by W., 1843. Wodtke (Erich F. V. von), see Bosse (J. R.) & W., Das Reichsgesetz betr. Invaliditiits- u. Altersversicherung, 1891. Wodzinski (le comtc A.) Le journal de Liliane. s8". 1897 Srebro p^re et fils. s8'>. 1896 Les trois romans de F. Chopin. s8°. 1886 Woermann (K.) see WoLTMANN (A.) * K. W., edd., Gesch. d. Malerei, 1879-88. „ * Hist, of Painting, 1880-7. WoflBngton (Peg) [i.e. Margaeet Woffington], see Molloy (J. F.) Life * adv. of P. W., 1884 ; 3'" ed., 1887. Wogan (William), of Ealing. *Essay on the proper lessons apptd. by the Church of Eng. 4v. 8". 1754 Wogue (Lazare). Hist, de la Bible & de I'exegese bibl. 8". 1881 Wohl (Janka). F. Liszt: recoils, of a compatriot. Tr. B. P. Ward. s8". 1887 Wohl (Stephanie). Aranyfiist. 5k. [ki, i,5, wanting']. &%". 1887 Wohlfarth (Johann F. T.) Geist aus Seneca's Werken. 88°. Apolda. 1860 Wohlgefiilltes Scliatzkastlein deutschen Scherzes u. Humors. Mit Einltg. v. R. Falck. sS". St. [1884] Wohltmann (Dr. F.) Deutsch-Ostafrika : Eeise, 1897/8. 8". 1898 Ziele etc. d. deutschen Kolonialpolitik. [P683]. 8°. Bonn. 1897 Wohnnngsnoth (Die) d. armeren Klassen in deutschen Gross- stiidten. [Verein f. Socialpolitik, 30, 31]. 2B. 8». L. 1886 Woillez (Eugene Joseph). L'homme & la science au temps present. sS". 1877 Wolbero, see Migxe (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl95, for Comm. in Cantica. Wolcot (John) [ps. Petek Pindae]. Works. 5v. 8". 1794-1801 *Bights of kings [? by J. Wolcot]. [P7]. 88". 1791 see Moonshine (M.) ps.. The battle of the bards [viz. of J. W., (f IT'. Clifford], 1800. Wolf. *Wolfhunting & wild sport in Lower Brittany. By author of Paul Pendril etc. s8'>. 1875 see Capt.un Wolf, A o. sketches of animal biog. etc., 1870. Wolf (Adam). Aus dem Hofleben Maria Theresias : nach den Memorien d. Fiirsten J. Knevenhiiller. 2" A. 8". Wien. 1859 & H. V. Zwiedineck-Siidenhorst. Osterreioh unter Maria Theresia, Josef II, u. Leopold II, 1740-92 [A.G.i.E., 3, xi]. 80. B. 1884 Wolf (Charles), astronoiner. Les hypotheses cosmogoniques ; suiv. de la tr. de la Theorie du ciel de Kant. laS". 1886 Wolf (Christian W. F. A.), sec Wolf (Feied. A.) Wolf (Ferdinand Joseph). For several essays see Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wissensch., Denksclir. Le Bresil litt. : hist, de la litt. bresil., suiv. d'un choix de morceaux. 8°. B. 1863 Florestaderimasmodernascastellanas. 2v in 1. 8". Paris. 1837 Studien z. Gesch. d. spanischen u. portugiesischen National- literatur. 8". B. 1859 Tiber d. Lais, Sequenzen u. Leiche. 8». Heidelberg. 1841 tjber eine Sammlung spanischer Romanzen auf d. Univ.-Bibl. in Prag. 64". Wien. 1850 „ „ [a.c.], see Kaiseel. Akad. d. Wissensch., Denkschr. & C. Hofmann, see Menendez y Pelayo (M.) ed., Antologla etc. : t8, 9 Romances viejos castellanos (primavera y tlor de romances) publ. [in -1836] por W., & C. Hofmann, 2" ed. por M. y P., 2t, 1899 ; and, Supl., 1900. 5l2 WOLF 1604 Wolf (Friedrich August). [jWolp (Chmstian W. F. A.)]- Darstellung d. Alterthumswissenschaft nebst einer Auswahl s. kleinen Schriften. Supplb. z. dessen Vorlesungen. 8". L. 1839 Litterarische Analekten. [Beilage z. 3'*" Heft: Cervantes, La tia fingida, b.io. H.']. 4H in 2. 8". B. 1817-20 Proleg. ad Homerum. vl. [forms tl of Homeri Op. omnia ex rec. W., no more 2:>'ibl.\ 8". Halis Sax. 1795 Vorlesungen uber d. Alterthumswissenschaft. 5B. 8". L. 1839 see Aknoldt (J. F. J.) W. in s. Verhaltniss zum Sehulwesen etc., 1861-2. „ GoTTHOLD (F. A.) W. etc., gerechtfertigt, 1843. „ VoLKMANN (R.) Gesch. u. Kritik d. Wolfschen Prolegomena zu Homer, 1874. Wolf (Johann), jurist. Lectiones memorabiles et reoonditoe. 2t. 2» ed. fol. Francofurti ad M. 1671 Wolf (Johann Christian). [fWoLFii-s (.7. C.)]. Monumenta typographica, qufc artis luijus originem etc. produnt. 2p. s8". Hamburgi. 1740 Wolf (Johann Christoph). Cur* philologicie & crit. 5t. 4". Basileae. 1741 tl & 2 have pagin. conf.; to to "ace. in calce quitclam ex Photii Amphilocbiis ndhuc non ed,, cum interp. lat. et notis." sec KocHER (H. F.) Nova bibl. Hebraica sec. ovd. Bibl. Hebr. W'., 1783-4. Wolf (Johann Wilhelm). Beitriige z. deutschen Mythologie. 2 Abthlgn. 8". Gottingen. 1852-57 Die deutsche Gotterlehre. 8". Gottingen. 1852 Hessische Sagen. 8". Gottingen. 1853 Wolf (Joseph), oHiHiaZjixuHd'r.st'f Palmer (A.H.) Lifeof W.,1805. Wolf (Lucien). Sir M. Montefiore. a biog>'., etc. s8". 1884 s«' Jacobs (J.) & W., Bibl. Anglo-Judaica, 1888. Wolf (Kudolph), M.D. Sohlangenbad as a watering-place; tr. C. Benson. 8". Wiesbaden. 1868 Wolf (Theodor). Geografiay geologia del Ecuador. laS". L. 1892 Wolfe (Cha.Tles), curate of Dononghinore, Armagh. Remains; w. mera. by J. A. Russell. 7'" ed. s8". 1838 Wolfe (Maj.-Gen. James). sc( Bradley (A. G.) W., 189.5. „ Henty (G. A.) With W. in Canada, [mvcl], 1887. „ rARKM.\N (F.) Montcalm and W., 1884. „ Wright (Robert). Life of W., 1864. Wolfelmus, sec Wolphelmcs. Wolferus, canon. [Wolfherics]. see MiGNE (J. P.) ed., I'at. latina, tl41, for Vita Godehardi. „ Monumenta Gekm. HI^T., Scr., til, 20. Wolff (Albert). V. Sardou et L'Oncle Sara ; avec les docs. rel. i'l la suppression de la piece. 38". 1874 Wolff (Christian v.), Frciherr. Institutiones juris natura; et gentium etc. s8». Hala- Magdeburgic*. 1763 .si'C Leibnitz (G. W. v.) Ges. Werke : Suppl.-B., Briefw. z\v. L. u. W., hrsg. v. Gerhardt, 1860. Wolff (Eugen) . Gesch. d. deutsch. Lit. i. d. Gegenwart. 8". L. 1896 Wolff (Bt. Hon. Sir Henry Drummond). Madrilenia ; Spanish life. s8". 1851 Some notes of the past, 1870-91. s8". 1893 Wolff (Henry William). Banques populaires, au point de vue cooperatif. [Po82]. 8". Bordeaux. 189-t Co operative credit-baukiug in Germany. [Ancxcer^it nrficle. P374]. 8". 1892 Co-operative production. [P585]. 8". 189.5 Tliecounti-y of tbeVosges. 8".1891 Employer's liability ; what ought it to be? 68°. 1897 Essais de credit popul.iire en Angl. et en Eeosse. [P574]. 8". Meuton. 1893 Odd bits of hist. 8». 1894 A people's bank manual. [P463]. sSo. 1895 Wolff (Hermann), Docent Philosophie. Wolff (Julius), Renata. Tannhiiuser. Wolff (Oscar literatur. People's banks. S'\ 1«93 „ „ 2""i ed., rev. & enl. 8". 189U People's banks for England. Repr. f. Econonrio rev., 1893. [P591]. S". 1893 •Quaint industries & interesting places in Sussex. Articles f. the " S. Advertiser." sS". n.d. Rambles in the Black Forest. sS". 1890 *Sussex Industries. Repr. from I " Sussex Advertiser." s8". n.d. I Village banks : how to work them etc. [P586J. s8°. 1891 I Tlie watering-places of the I Vosges. sS". 1891 in Leijisig. Spekulation u. 2B in 1. 8". B. 187K Wolff (J. E.), see PuMPELLY (R.), W., & T. N. Dale. Geology of the Green "SlU., 1804. Wolff (Joseph). Journal, in lett«rs to Sir T. Baring, 1827-31, 1835-8. 8". 1839 Mission to Bokhara, 1843-5. 2v. 8». 1845 Travels and adventures. 2v. [\2, 2"'' ed. 1861]. 8°. 1860-1 Das Eecht d. Hagestolze. L. B.) 1861 1845 WOLSELEY s8°. 1900 88°. 1899 2B. 4' A. sS". B. 1881 Encyclopiidie d. deutschen National- 7B. 4". L. 1835-42 Hausschatz deutscher Prosa. G' A. 8". L. 1852 Poetischer Hausschatz d. deutschen Volkes. 16'' A. 8". L. 1853 Sammlung historischer Volkslieder u. Gedichte d. Deutschen. 8". Stuttgart. 1830 Wolff (Otto). Das Buch Judith. 8". L. Wolff (Philipp). Die Drusen u. ihre Vorliiufer. 8". L. Wolfhagen (Tilemann Elhen v.), see Tilejunn. Wolfhardus [Wolfardus]. see MioNE (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, tl29./o)- Vita Walpurgi. ,, Monumenta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl5. Wolfram v. Eschenbach, see Eschenbach (W. v.) Wolfsgruber (Colestin). Giovanni Gersen, sein Leben u. sein Werk "De Imitatioue Christi." Ia8". Augsburg. 1880 Wolkonsky {Prince Serge). Pictures of Russian hist. & lit. [Lowell Lects.]. 8». 1898 Wollaston (Arthur Naylor). Eug.-Persian diet. 4". 1889 Half hours \v. Muhammad. s8". 1886 see Pelly {Sir L.) Hasan A- Husain, coll. f. oral tradition by P., rev. by W., 1879. Wollaston (Francis). Address to the clergy etc. [P71]. 2'"' ed. 8'\ 1773 Wollaston (William). Religion of nature delineated. 6'" ed. 4'>. 1738 7"' ed. 8". 1750 WoUebius (Joannes), see Hltter (L.) Compendium ; add. sunt excerpta ex W'. comp., 1855. Wolley (Clive Phillipps-), sec PiiiLi.irr.s-WoLLEY (C.) Wollheim da Fonseca (Anton Edmund). *Les animaux diplomates. Cahier 1. [P83]. s8". L. 1863 *Indiscretionen. Aus Erinnerungen eiues patriotischen Reptils. Bl. [no more publ''. Neue I. is Bi in reality]. 9". 1883 „ Neue Indiscretionen. Erinnerungen aus d. geheimen Diploiuatie d. letzten 30 Jahre. Wollimhaus (Anders), see Leijonstedt (A.) Wollimhaus (Jacob), see Gyllenborg (J.) WoUmann (Franz). Uber polit.-satir. (jedichte Reformationszeit. [Wiener Beitrr., 8]. 8". WoUny (F.) Freiheit u. Character d. Jlenschen. [P516]. 8'>. L. 1876 WoUstonecraft (Mary), aft. Oodwin, see Godwin {Mrs. M. W.) Wolowski (Louis F. M. K.) Assemblee Nat. : L'impot sur le revenu, disc, de W., d<5c. 1871, etc. 8". 1872 Assemblee Nat. : 4, 5 fiv. 1873. \ Speech of W. P315]. 8". 1873 Assemblee Nat., 24 d^c. 1873 : Budget. Disc, de W. [P315]. 8°. 1873 Assemblee Nat., 13 f^v. 1874 : discussion sur l'impot des cheques. Disc, de W. [P315, 361]. S". 1874 La banque d'Angleterre i& les banques d'Ecosse. 8°. 1867 Le change & la circulation. S". 1869 Enquete sur la question mon^taire : deposition de W. [No tjK] 8". [1870] Enquete sur les principes & les faits qui regissent la circula- tion monetaire tt fiduciaire : deposition de W., seances 21, 28. 30 nov. 1865. 4". 1866 Les finances de la Russie. 8". 1864 La liquidation sociale. [P345]. 8". 1870 La monnaie : entretien sur le traiti de la monnaiede Copernic. [P345]. s8". 1864 L'or ct I'argent. 8". 1870 (Juelques notes sur la question monetaire. [P254]. 9°. 1868 La question des banques. 8». 1864 La question monetaire a la Soc. d'Econ. Pol., 5 juin, 1867. [P248]. 8". 1867 Les resultats du traite de commerce de 1860. [P251, 378]. 8". 1868 Eesultats econora. du payement de la contribution de guerre en AUemagne et en France. [P345]. 8". 1874 Wolphelmus, Briinirillcr., see Migne (J. V.\ «7.,Pat. latina, tl54. Wolseley (Garnet J. W., viscount) Decline & fall of Napoleon. i 18G0 : [&] ace. of residence w. 88°. 1895 I the Tai-Ping rebels. 8". 1862 Life of Marlborough to accession i "^^^ ^"^'''"'^ P^^^n^'-^"!!' , oo , of Anne. 2v. 8«. 1894 ' , ,,. T^f m ' "*°-/w- sec Low (C. R.) Mera. of W., Narrative of the war w. China in I 1878. 2T. 8°. 1884 aus d. schott. Wien. 1898 WOLSELEY 1605 WOOD Wolseley [Adm. William), sec Innes (M. C.) Mem. of W., 1895. Wolsey (Thomas), canlhial. sec BuscH (W.) W. u. d. eugl.- see Galt(J.) Liteof W., 18iG. kaiserl. Alliaiiz, (l.j^S-o), „ Gbove (Jos.) Hist, of life 1886. & times of W., 1712-4. „ Cavendish (G.) Life of W., „ L.ilrd (F. C.) [ps. G. w. notes Iiy S. W. Singer, Howarh]. W. it h. times, 2"'' ed. \This work has 1821. been UToiigb/ attr. to Sir „ *LiVES of eminent Brit. W. Cavendish], 1827. t statesmen : 1, W. etc., 1831. „ Cbeighton (M.\ndell). W., | „ So:>iEn« (.1. S., (inro»). Coll. 1888. of tracts. „ FiBDES (R.) Life of AV., „ Stoker (T.l Lite & death of 1724. . W.(repr.f.ed. of 1590), 1826. Wolski (Kalixt). roland : her glory, her sufferings etc. sS". 1883 The regenerixtion of Houmania. Tr. T. L. Oxley. [P3.5()]. s8'. 1880 Woltmann (Alfred). Gesch. d. deut-schen Kunst im Elsass. laS". L. 1876 Holbein u. s. Zeit. 2T. 8". L. 1866 „ Suppl., enth. Verzeichniss d. Werke H.s, nebst Eeg. 8". L. 1868 The pagin. of the Siq^pl. is .',01-06. being cant. w. that of tJ. -iB. 2' A. Ia8'. L. 1874-6 1, [H.'s] Pamilie, Lcbeii, Scliaffen. 2, Excurse, Beilag^n, Verzeiclmisse d. Werke. Holbein iV- his time. Tr. F. E. Bunnett. Ia8". 1872 & K. Woermann, cr1d., Gesch. d. Malerei. .3B. Ia8°. 1879-88 1, Altertlium ; Mittelalter. 2, Renaissance. S, V. a. Mitte d. 16. bis z. Ende d. IS.Jhdts. & Hist, of painting : vl, ed. S. Colvin ; v2, tr. 0. Bell. laS". 1880-7 Woltmann (Carl Ludwig v.) Gesch. d. Mestphiilischen Friedens. 2T. s8". L. 1808-9 These 2T, w. sej). Ip'.Jonn T3, .', of Schiller (F. v.) Gesch. d. SOjiihr. Kriegs, 4T, 1802-9. Woltmann (Caroline v.) Neue Volkss-s. M. M.) eii. [form . M. M. Dowie]. Women novelists of Q. Victoria's reign : a book of appreciations. By Mrs. Oliphant, [<(■ S others]. Ia8". 1897 •Women of England, your position iu the State Church considered, etc. By Sybella. [P791]. 8°. M'ter. 1883 •Women of the last days of old France, 1872, see Roberts (Marg.) Women's. of Commons on the Women's Disabilities Bill, [P391]. 8°. 1871 M. L., 1873, see Debate in H May 3, 1871. •Few (A) words on Women's Sui^trage, by E Lynch (Mrs.) •Progress in women's education etc., 1897, see Progress etc. Women's Suffrage calendar, 1896, see Blackburn (H.) see London Nat. Soc. for W.'s Suffrage. „ Manchester N.\t. Soc. for W.'s Suffr.ige. ,, National Sue. for W.'s SiFFR.iGE. Women's Franchise League. Inaugural meeting. [P542]. 8". 1889 Women's Institute (The), sec Women. '^Dictionary of em- ployments open to w., 1898. Women's Protective & Provident League. Annual reports. 2'"', 3"' a. r\, 1870, 77. [P350, 32,5]. 8". 1876-7 Women's Suffrage journal, vl- 8, in 2. 4". 1870-7 '^Won ! 1877, see Buxton (Mrs. B. H.) Wonderful. *Wonderful (The) & scientific museum, 1803-20, see Kir.r.v (11. S.) * Wonderful Ijondon, 1878, see London. Wonderful magazine (The), ct marvellous chronicle. [2v., imperfect : vl, n. ed. ; title page of the secOTid v. missing]. 8". [1796} Wonderful magazine (The) of curiosities of nature & art. [Coloured engraving, tp., d i^p. I, J, only. P172]. 8". [1821] "* Wonders of the Yellowstone Kegion, 1874, see Richardson (J a.) ed. Wonsowicz (Countess Anna), sec Potocka (la esse. A.), aft. wife of count Dunin Woyisowicz. Wood (Alexander). Ecclesiastical antiqs. of London & its suburbs. s8". 1874 Wood (Anthony a). Athenee Oxonienses, an exact hist, of all writers A- bps. who have had their education in the Univ. of Oxford ; added, the Fasti, or annals of [0.] v2. fol. 1692 Atheme Oxonienses ; added, the Fasti. New ed., with add. & cont. by P. Bliss. 4v. 4". 1813-20 WOOD 1606 WOOD "Wood (Anthony a) [continited]. Hist. & antiqs. of the Colleges & Halls in the Univ. of Oxford. Now first publ. in Eng., w. coni, by J. Gutch. 4". Oxford. 1786 „ „ : App. cont. Fasti Oxonienses, or comm. on the supreme magistratesof the Univ., by W. Now first publ. inEng., w. cont., by J. Gutch. [b.tv. Hist. & antiqs., 1786]. 4". 0. 1790 Hist. & antiqs. of the Univ. of Oxford. Now first publ. in Eng. by J. Gutch. 2v in 3 lv2 has 2p, pagin. cont.]. 4". 0. 1792-6 Life & times of W., 1632-95, as descr. by himself. Coll. f. h. diaries & o. papers, by A. Clark. 5v. [Oxford Hist. Soc, 19, 21, 26, 30, 40]. 8». 0. 1891-1900 1, 1632-63. 2, 16C4-81. 3, 1681/2-95. i, Addenda. 5, Indexes. Survey of the antiq'. of the City of Oxford. Ed. A. Clark. 3v. [Oxford Hist. Soc, 15, 17, 37]. 8". 0. 1889-99 1, The City & suburbs. 2, Churches & religious houses. 3, Addenda & indexes. see Leland (J.) Lives of L., W. [an aufob^.'] etc., 1772. Wood (C. Alexander). On milit. transport by sea. [P344]. S«. 1859 Wood (Catherine J.) Hdbk. of nursing. 11'" ed. sS". n.d. Wood (Charles), see Halifax (C. W., 7" vise.) Wood (Charles F.) Yachting cruise in the S. Seas. 8". 1875 Wood (Hon. Charles L.), see Hamfax (C. L. W., 2'"' vise.) Wood (Charles William). Cruise of the Reserve Squadron. | Memorials of Mrs. Henry Wood. s8". 1883 I s'S". 1894 In the Black Forest. 68". 1882 ] The romance of Spain. 8°. 1900 In the Valley of the Ebone. Round about Norway. 8". 1880 8». 1899 j Througli Holland. 8». 1877 Letters from Majorca. 8°. 1888 ' Under northern skies. 8". 1886 Wood (Edward J.) Curiosities of clocks & watches. s8". 1866 Giants & dwarfs. e8". 1868 see Pinks (W. J.) Hist, of Clerkenwell, w. adds, by W., 1865 ; 2-' ed., 1881. Wood (Mrs. Ellen), sec Wood {Mrs. Henry). Wood (Emma Carolina), Lady. [ps. C. Sylvester]. On credit. 2v. s8". E. 1870 | Ruling the roast. 3v. sS". 1874 Eoscwarn. 3v. s8'\ 1860 I Sheen's foreman. 3v. sS". 1877 Wood (Esther). Dante Kossetti & the Pre-Eaphaelite move- ment. s8". 1894 Wood (.Sir Evelyn), see Wood {Sir Henry E.) Wood (H. F.) Egypt under the British. bS". 1896 The Englishman of the Bue Cain. sS". 1889 The passenger from Scotland Yard. s8". 1888 Wood (Mrs. Henry). [fWoon {Mrs. Ellen)]. Wood {Mrs. Henry) [continiced]. Theunholywish. n. ed. 88°. 1890 Verncr's pride. s8". 1886 Within the maze. 3v. b8". 1872 Within the maze. 68">. 1889 see Wood (Ch. W.) Memorials of Mrs. H. W., 1894. Adam Grainger. 2°'' ed. 88°. 1876 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1890 Anne Hereford. Sv. s8». 1868 „ , s8". 1889 Bessy Rane. 3v. s8". 1870 Iv. r8". 1890 The Channings. 2v inl. sS". L. 1862 s8'\ 1888 Court Netherleigh. 3v. sS". 1881 „ , s8". 1882 Danesbury House. n. ed. s8". Glasgow. 1898 Dene Hollow. Sv. s8". 1871 „ „ s8t>. 1889 East Lynne. S80. 1890 „ „ s8». 1901 Edina. Sv. 88". 1876 Edw. Burton, [novel]. s8o. Boston, U.S. 1890 Elster's Folly. Sv. 38". 1866 „ s8». 1889 Peatherston's Story. sS". 1889 The foggy night at Oflord. 2'"led. 88". 1863 George Canterbury's will. 3v. s8'\ 1870 „ s8". 1871 The House of HalUwell. 3v. s8». 1890 Johnny Ludlow. [ser. 1]. Sv. 880. 1874 „ „ 2""i ser. Sv. 88". 1880 „ „ S'i ser. Sv. [v2, 3 wanting]. s8". 1885 „ „ ser. 4. n. ed. sS". 1890 „ „ ser. 5. n. ed. s8o. 1890 Lady Adelaide's oath. 3v. s8». 1867 „ „ [anoth. cd., to. t. ;] Lady Adelaide. S8". 1889 Lady Grace. 3v. 680. 1887 „ „ ... new ed. 88°. 1890 A life's secret. s8''. 1889 Lord Oakburn's daughters. 3v. 88". „ „ ... 12"' ed. s8o. The Master of Greylands. Sv. 88'). ,. >, Iv. 68°. Mildred Arkell. s8". Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. 3v. s8». OrviUe College. 2v. b8°. s8". Oswald Cray. Parkwater, & o. s Pomeroy Abbey. Sv.'S'"! ed. s8". 1878 „ „ ... S"i ed. s8». 1879 The Red Court Farm. 10'" ed. s8". 1884 Roland Yorke. 3v. s8". 1869 „ „ 10'" ed. s8°. 1880 St. Martin's Eve. 3v. s8°. 1866 „ „ Iv. b8». 1888 The shadow of Ashlydyat. s8». 1895 The story of Charles Strange. 3v. s8". 1888 Toldinthetwilight. 3v. 88". 1875 Trevlyn Hold. Iv. 68". 1888 1864 1888 1873 1890 1886 1862 1888 1867 1890 1886 1890 Wood (Sir Henry Evelyn). Achievements of cavalry. s8". 1897 Cavalry in the Waterloo Campaign. 88". 1895 The Crimea in 1854, A- 1894. 8". 1895 set' Williams (Ch.) Life of W., 1892. Wood (Siy Henry Trueman). Modern methods of illustrating books. s8». 1887 Note on the pictures by Jas. Barry in the Great Room of the Soc. of Arts. [P358]. 8». 1880 Wood (Henry Trueman Wright). Changes in English, 1400- ICOO. s8". 1870 Wood (Herbert). The Shores of Lake Aral. 8". 1876 Wood (Horatio C), M.D. Fever. [S. C. to Knowledge, 23]. 4". 1880 Fresh-water algse of N. America. [S. C. to Knowledge, 19]. 4°. 1874 Wood (Joanna E.) A daughter of witches. s8". 1900 Wood (John), captain. see Account of late voyages, by W., etc., 1694. „ Hacke (W.) Coll. of voyages : W. etc., 1699. Wood (John), Zici/i. ; IS/ 1-71. Journey to the source of the Oxus, etc., 1836-8. 8". 1841 ,, n. ed., w. essav on geography of the valley of Oxus by H. Yule. " 8". 1872 Wood (John Dennistoun). Irish Home Eule f. a Colonial point. [P553]. s8". 1886 Wood (John George), M.A. Common Brit, insects. b8o. 1882 j Common moths of England. s8". [1870] Common objects of the micro- scope. 88". 1868 The fresh & salt-water aquarium. s8". 1808 Glimpses into petland. s8". 1863 The handy nat. hist?. 8». 1886 Homes without hands. 8". 1865 „ „ ... n. ed. Ia8°. 1892 Horse & man. 8". 1885 The illusfi. nat. liistJ. n. ed. 88". [1855]- „ „ ... 3v. Ia8". [1859]-63 Insects abroad : aoc. of foreign insects. 8". 1874 Insects at home : ace. of Brit. insects. 8". 1872 Lane & field. s8". 1879 Wood (John Philip), see Douglas {Sir E.] 2"" cd., rev. w. cont. by W., 1813. Wood (John Turtle). Discoveries at Ephesus, includ. remains of the temple of Diana. 188°. 1877 sec Fergusson (J.) The temple of Diana, w. esp. ref. to W.'s discoveries, 1883. Wood (Lambert). Life & raigne of K. Charles. s8". 1659 Wood (Lady Mary), see Edgcusibe {Lady E.) & W. Four months in a yacht, 1888. Wood (Mary Anne Everett), aft. Oreen, see Green {Mrs. M. A. E.) Wood (Neville). Ornithologist's text-book : reviews of ornitho- log. works. s8". 1836 Wood (Kicholas). Treatise on railroads, etc. 3'" ed. 8". 1838 Wood (P.) ps., novelist. Rydale : or, before & after Culloden. s8". 1882 Wood (Robert), /~/;-/;7/. An essay on Homer. 4". 1775 „ „ with view of the anc. & pres. state of the Troade. 8°. D. 1776 ■^The ruins of Balbec. [b.^v. Euins of Palmyra]. fol. 1757 *The ruins of Palmyra. fol. 1753 Wood (Samuel). Strictures on the gout. [P57]. 2"'' ed. 8". 1776 Wood (Searles V.), F.G.S. Crag Mollusca : w. descr'. of shells, etc. [Pala;ont. Soc.]. 2v, & 3 Suppl'., bound in 3v. 4". 1848-82 Eocene bivalves of Eng. [Palieont. Soc.]. vl, <£■ vl, Suppl. in Iv. 4". 1861-77 sc« Edwards (F. E.) The eocene cephalopoda & univalves: by E., contd. by W., vl, 1849-77. Wood (Shakspere), New curiosum orbis, guide to Rome. s8". 1875 Wood (Bcv. Theodore). The farmer's friends * foes. s8». 1888 J. G. Wood, h. life & work. 8". 1890 » Man & beast, here & hereafter. 2v. 88". 1874 Man & his handiwork. 8". 1886 My back-yard Zoo. 88". 1887 The nat. hist, of man. 2v. Ia8". 1868-70 Nature's teacluugs : human in- vention anticipated. 8". 1877 Our garden friends & foes. s8". 1864 Out of doors. s8". 1874 Petland revisited. s8". 1884 Sketches etc. of animal life. 2s. [32, n. ed.]. s8". [1854-6?] Strange dwellings ; abr**. f. " Homes without hands." 88". 1871 see Wood (Theo.) J. G. W., h. life & work, 1890. Peerage of Scotland, WOOD 1607 WOODWARD "Wood (Thomas), bp. of Lichfield, 1671, see Waters (E. E. C.) Genealog. mems. of the families of T. Cranmer & W., 1877. "Wood (Thomas), 1061-1722, LL.D., sec Ciiambeblayne (E.) Aiit,'li:f notitia [ahr. it tr. by 11'.], IGSli. Wood (Thomas), Sr.D. Inquiry cone, the primitive inhabitants of Ireland. 8". 1821 Wood (Thomas William). The degrees, gowns, & hoods of the Brit. Colonial, Indian, & Amer. Univ". & Colleges. s4". n.d. Wood (W. Martin). " Things of India " made plain. Sections 1-5 in 3p. [no more publ.\ 8". 1884-9 Wood (William), F.Ii.S., mJ,-IH57. Conchology. Ia8". 183.5 Wood (William), M.D., St. Luke's Hasp. On the plea of insanity, tt management of criminal lunatics. [P134]. 8". 1851 Wood (William), vicar of Fiilham, see Wabton (J.) ps. Wood (William Page), baron Hatherley, sec Hatherley. Wood (William Spicer). An Eastern afterglow : present aspects of sacred scenery. 8°. C. 1880 Wood (William Wightman). Sketches of Eton : etchings etc. bv Ii. S. Chattock, & de.scr. notes by W. 4". 1874 Woodall (Edward). C. Darwin. ' 8". [1884] Woodard (David), capt. Narrative of W. & 4 seamen in Celebes etc. 2°'' ed. 8". 1805 Woodberry (George Edward). Hist, of wood-engraving. 8". 1883 E. A. Poe. 2""' ed. s8". Boston. 1885 Woodbridge, Suffolk. Orders, constitutions etc. for the Free- School in W. ' [P763]. 2"'i ed. 4". Woodbridge. 1796 Terrier (The) of W., exhibited May 22, 1784, etc. [P7G3]. 4". Woodbridge. 1787 see LoDER (E.) ed., Statutes etc. for the Alms-houses in W., notes rel. to W. Priory etc.. 1792. Woodcock (W.) & R. Woodcock. Lives of illus. Lords Mayors, & Aldermen, w. brief hist, of the City of London. 8". [1840] Woodcroft (Bennet). Sketch of steam navigation. 8°. 1848 *Woodcuts >V- verses, 1820, see Quilmnan (E.) Woodfall (William). Impartial sketch of the Debate in the H. of C. of Ireland, Aug. 12, 1785, on a motion by T. Orde, etc. [P667]. 8". 1785 Woodfall (William), barrister -at-laiv. Law of landlord & tenant. K;"' ed., to 1898, by J. M. Lely. Ia8". 1898 Woodford (A. Montagu) ed.. The book of sonnets. 8". 1841 Woodford (Charles Morris). A naturalist among the head- hunters, Solomon I'., 1880-8. s8». 1890 Woodford (James Russell), bp. of Ely. The great commission : 12 addresses on the Ordinal. Ed., w. intr. on the ordinations of h. episcopate, H. M. Luckock. b8". 1880 Woodgate (Henry Arthur). Appeal to members of Oxford Convocation on proposed assumption of eccles. powers by the Univ. [P249]. 8". 1845 Authoritative teaching of the Church shewn to be in conform, w. Scripture, analogy etc. [Bampton L., 1838]. 8". 0. 1839 Woodgate (Walter Bradford) Ips. Wat. Bradwooh]. The O.V.H. ; how Mr. Blake became an M.F.H. 3v. s8". 1809 see Badminton Liu. : Boating, by W., 1888. Woodhead (George). Atmosphere. s8". 1852 Wocdhead (German Sims). Bacteria & their products. 58". 1891 Woodhead (Henry). Mems. of Christina, Q. of Sweden. 2v. 88". 1863 Woodhouse (Frederick Charles). The milit. rehgious orders of the Jliddle Ages ; w. app. of 0. orders of knighthood. s8o. 1879 Monasticism, anc. & mod. s8". 1896 Woodhouse (William John). jEtolia, its geography, topog'. & antiq'. Ia8". O. 1897 Woodhouselee (Alex. Fraser Tytler, Lord). Consids. on the polit. state of India. 2v. 8". 1815 Elements of gen. history, etc. 3v. [1, 2, 9"' ; 3, 2"'' ed., " being acont.by E. Nares"]. ~ 8". 1824-5 ♦Essay on the principles of translation. 2"'' ed. 8". 1797 Mems. of life & writings of H. Home of Kames. 3v. 2"'i ed. 8". E. 1814 Universal hist, to begin, of 18'" c. 6v. [v2, 2°" ed.]. s8". 1834-5 6v. 2"" ed. s8". 1835 6v. 3'>' ed. [v3, 4, 2'"i ed.]. sS". 1839 Woodhnll (Victoria Claflin), aft. Mrs. J. B. Martin, see Maktin (V. C. W.) Woodhull (Zula Maud). The proposal, dialogue. [P542]. s8». 1889 *WoodIand, moor, cS; stream, 1889, see Son of the Marshes, ps. Woodlanders. *With the w"., etc., 1893, see Son of the Marshes, ps. Woodley (William), capt. R.N. The universe as it is, etc. 8». 1829 Woodlock (Barth.), D.D. Catholic Univ. education in Ireland, letter to W. H. F. Cogan. [P230J. 8". D. 1868 Woodman (Frederick). The House of Clarisford. 3v. s8". 1877 Wood-Martin (W. G.) Hist, ot Sligo. 3v. 8". D. 1S82-92. [1], to close of r. of Eliz. [2], f. access, ot Ja. 1 to 1688. [3], f. 1688 to pves. time. Lake dwellings of Ireland. laS". D. 188G Pagan Ireland : archseolog. sketch. 88". 1895 Rude stone monuments ot Ire- land (Sligo & Acliill). i". D. 1888 Sligo & the Ennisldllenerg t. 1688-91. 2'"' ed. s8". D. 1882 Traces of the elder faiths of Ireland : a folklore sketch. 2v. 8". 1902 Woodplumpton, see Fishwick (H.) Hist, of St. Michaels-on- Wyre ; w. transcript of the Registers of the Chapelry of W. (1004-13), 1H91. Woodroffe (Daniel) ps. [i.e. Mrs. J. C. Woods]. Tangled Trinities. s8". 1901 Woodrooffe (Anne). Shades of character. 2v. 4"' ed. sS". 1841 Woodrow (John). Plan for savings & annuity bank, etc. [P309]. 8». 1833 Woodruff (Charles Eveleigh). Hist, of Fordwich, w. transcr". of the 15"' cent, copy of the Custumal. 8". Canterbury. [1895] Woodruff (Hiram W.) The trotting horse of America. Ed. C. J. Foster ; [w.] biograph. sketch. 18'" ed. 880. Philadelphia. 1876 Woods, Forests & Land Revenues of the Crown (Commissioners apptd. to enquire into state of), see Cojijiissioners appointed TO IN(JUIKE INTO THE ST.ATE ETC. OF THE RoYAL FoRESTS ETC. Woods (George). Ace. of the Isle of Man. 8". 1811 Woods (Henry), F.G.S. Elementary palKontology : inverte- brate. 2"'' ed. s8». C. 1896 Woods (il/)s. J. C), see Woodroffe (D.) ps. Woods (James Dominick). S. Australia, written for the Government, with sketch of the N. Territory by H. D. Wilson. 8". Adelaide. 1894 Woods (Joseph). Tourist's flora. »'. 1850 Woods (Julian Edmund Tenison). Geological observations in S. Australia. 8». 1862 Woods (Margaret Louisa). Esther Vanhomrigh. b8". 1891 The vagabonds. 58". 1894 „ „ 3v. s8". 1891 A village tragedy. s8". 1887 Lyrics & ballads. s8i'. 1889 Weeping Ferry and o. s. s8<>. 1898 Sons ot the sword. s8o. 1901 ' Wild justice. s8». 1896 Woods (Nicholas Augustus). The past campaign, f. departure of Raglan to the capture of Sevastopol. 2v. s8". 1855 The Prince of Wales in Canada & U.S. s8". 1861 Woods (Robert A.), Head of the South End House, Boston. ed., The City wilderness : a settlement study, by residents etc. of the South End House, Boston. s8". Boston. 1899 Wood-Seys (Roland A.) [ps. Paul Coshing], sec Gushing (P.)ps. *Woodstock, 1820, sec Scott (Sir W.) Woodthorpe (R. G.) The Lushai exped., 1871-2. 8». 1878 Woodward (B. B.), see Bartlett (W. H.) & W., Hist, of U.S., [1801-3?]. & W. L. R. Gates. Encyc. of chronology. ^8". 1872 . , T. C. Wilks, & C. Lockhart. Hist, of Hampshire, inel. the I. of Wight. 3v. 4". [1861-9] Woodward (Calvin Milton). Manual training in education. s8". 1890 Woodward (Charles). Familiar intr. to study of polarized light. [P349]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1851 Woodward (Emma Hosken). Men, women, & progress. 38". 1885 Woodward (Henry), F.B.S. The Carboniferous Trilobites. [Palffiont. Soc.]. 4". 1883-4 The Fossil Crustacea, order Merostomata. [Palseont. Soc.]. 4". 1866-78 sec Jones (T. R.) & W. The Palaeozoic Phyllopoda, 1888-99. Woodward (Henry), rector of Fethard. Points at issue betw. Establ. Church A- Board of Educ. in Ireland. [P112]. 8". 1844 Woodward (Horace Bolingbroke). Geology of Eng. ifc Wales. s8". 1876 2"<'ed. 8". 1887 Woodward (John). Treatise on ecclesiastical heraldry. 8". E. 1894 & G. Burnett. A treatise on heraldry. 2v, [pagin. cont.]. »'. E. 1892 2v. n. ed. 8". E. 1896 WOODWARD 1608 WORDE Woodward (Jolin), il/.£>., sec Somebs (J. S., bai-on). CoU. of tracts. Woodward (Josiah), D.D., see Accouxt of the societies for reformation of manners etc., [bij Tt". .'], 1699. Woodward (Samuel P.) Manual of molluaca. Sp. s8". 1851-0 Woodward (William Harrison). Short liist. of expansion of Erilish Empire, 1.500-1870. s8". C. 1899 Vittorino da Feltre & o. humanist educators : Essays . 1820 Woolfield (Th. Robinson). T. K. W.'s hfe at Cannes & Brougham's first arrival. By J. M. sS". 1890 Woolhouse (Wesley S. B.) Differential calculus. sS". 1852 Measures, weights, ; 5, 2°.Z>. see DiHCKs (H.) Life, times, scient. labours of W. ; added, repr. of h. Clentury of Inventions, 1063, w. comm., 1865. Worcester (Florence, of), see Floeexce, of Worcester. Worcester (Henry Somerset, ..("' marq.' of), aft. 1'' dnke of Beaufort, sec Beatfurt (H., / ' d. of). Worcester (Joseph Emerson). Diet, of English. 4". [1859] n. ed. w. suppl. 4". 1881 A gross lit. fraud ; rel. to publ. of W.'s Diet, in London, etc. [P149]. 8<>. Boston, U.S. 1854 Worcester (Samuel H.), -lee Swedenrorg (E.) .\pocnlypsc cxpld. : Index, by \V., 1889. Worcester (William). *William Wyrcestre redivivus : notices of ano. church architecture in the 15"' c, etc., 1823, see DaIi- EAWAV (J.) see Exchequer. Liber niger, nee non W. V\'. Annales rerum AngUc, ed. 2^ 1774. „ Simeon (Symon). Itineraria S. S. et W. de W., 1778. ,, Stevenson (J.) Letters and papers illust. of the wars of the English dur. the r. of Henry VI, 1861-4. Worcestershire. "-'Collections tor the hist, of W., 2'-'' ed., 1799 and, Suppl., 1799, see Nash (T.) Index Pedum Fiuium pro Com. Wigorn., ab 1 Edw. Ill ad Hen. VI. Impensis Dni. T. P. Bar'', fol. Cheltenham. 1865 Visitation of co. of W., 1569 : w. 0. pedigrees rel. to that co., f. 1!. Mundv's Coll. Ed. W. P. W. Phillimore. [Harleian Soc, 27]. " 4". 1888 The visitation of A\'orcester, begun by T. May it G. King. 1682, finished by H. Dethick & [G. King]. With add', by Sir T. PhiUipps. Ed. W. C. Metcalfe 4". Exeter ; i-.p. 1883 Worcestershire historical society, see Nash (T. E.) Colls, for hist, of W. : Index, by J. Amphlett, pi, 1894. *Word (A) to the candid churchman upon Church rates, n.d., see Church. *Word (The) " Metropolis," the word •• Anglo-Saxon," 1880, see Kei:slake (T.) Worde (Wynkyn de). see Ballad Sou. Ballads from MSS., vl, W.'s Treatise of a galaunt, 1868. WORDE 1609 WORK Worde (Wynkyn de) [continued], sec FruNiVALL (F. J.) e ed. 8". 1849 Letters to Gondon on the destructive character of the Church of Home. s8". 1847 „ , : Sequel to Letters etc. to G. s8'. 1848 Mems. of W. Wordsworth. 2v. 8". 1851 Miscellanies, lit. it religious. 3v. 8". 1879 •^Notes at Paris ; particularly on religion. s8". 1854 Occas. sermons in Westminster Abbey, sl-7 in 4v. 8". 1850-9 On admission of dissenters to Univ. of Cambridge, [with] 2"'' letter on Wood's Bill for compelling such admission. [P10.5]. •2'"'ed. 8". C. 1834 On the Canon of the 0. & N.T., & on the Apocrypha. [Hulsean L., 1847]. 8". 1848 On the proposed admission of Stanley to the place of Dean of Westminster. [P386]. 80. 1863 [P362]. 2"" ed. 8". 1863 St. Hippolytus A- the Church of Rome in earlier p. of 3"' c. 8". 1853 2"''ed. s8''. 1880 Theophilus Anglicanus ; instruction cone, the Church, ct the Anglican branch. 2"'' ed. s8". 1844 10"' ed. s8". 1869 see BiBLK : Co.mi-lete texts, etc. W. (C.) The H.B., in A.V., w. notes by C. W., [Old Test, only], 1870-85. „ OvKiiTON (.J. H.) & E. WoiiDswoETH, C. W., (1807-85), 1888. Wordsworth (Christopher), b. iS^S, fellow of Peterliousc. Cam. Notes on raediaaval services in England ; w. index of Lincoln ceremonies. 8". 1898 Butland words. [Eng. Dialect Soc, 04]. 8". 1891 Scholie Academica; : the studies at Eng. Univ". in IS"" e. 8". C. 1877 Social life at the Eng. UuiV. in IS'" c. s8". C. 1874 see LrecoLN. Statutes of L. Cathedral, ed. W., 1892-7. „ Salisbury. Ceremonies it processions of Cath. Church of S. ; ed. f. lo'i- c. MS. by W., 1901. Wordsworth (Christopher), 1774-1^:46, Master of Trin. Coll. Cam. Charles I, the a. of Icon Basiliki, further proved. [b.w. " Who wrote E. B." considered, 1824]. 8". C. 1828 Xtn. institutes. 4v. 2"'' ed. H". 1842 Documentary suppl. to "Who wrote Eikoiv BaoiXiKj)?" inclu- ding letters etc. of Hyde * of the Gauden family, [b.w. "Who wrote E. B." considered, 1824]. 8". 1825 Eccles. biography, lives of men conn. w. hist, of relig. in Eng. 4v. ■6"' ed. 80. 1839 Who wrote EiK£i>r/3airiAiKi) ? considered & answered. 8". 1824 Wordsworth (Dorothea), aft. Quiltinan, see Qctilunan (Mrs. D.) Wordsworth (Dorothy). Journals of W. : ed. W. Knight. 2v. s8". 1897 Eecolls. of a tour in Scotland, LsOS. Ed. J. C. Rhairp. s8". E. 1874 see Coleorton. Mems. of C. : letters f. W. etc. to Sir G. & Lady Beaumont of C, 1887. „ Lee (Ei,ml-nd). D. W., 1886. Wordsworth (Elizabeth), principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oi-ford. The Decalogue. s8". 1893 see OvEiiTON (.J. H.) &■ E. W., Christopher AVordsworth, (1807- 85), 188S. Wordsworth (John), bp. of Salisbury. Tlie episcopate of C. Wordsworth, 1853-92. 8". 1899 Fragments it specimens of Early Latin. 8". 0. 1874 The Holy Communion : 4 visitation addresses, 1891. 8". 0. 1891 The ministry of grace : early Church hist. w. ref. to present problems. Nouum Test, lat., sec. ed. S. Hieronymi. fasc. 1-4, Matt.-Ioh. The one religion. [Bampton L'., 1881]. Wordsworth (William), 2>oet laureate. Bee. Ia8". 1901 W., etc. pl, 4". 1889-95 8'. 0. 1881 Cat. of the Library of W., sold by auction 19"' .Inly, 1859. [P788]. 8°. 1859 Complete poet, works. Intr. by J. Morley. s8". 1888 Descr. of the W. it Coleridge MSS. in poss.of T. N. Long- man. Ed., w. notes by W. H. White. 4". 1897 Guide through the district of the Lakes. 5"' ed. s8". Kendal. 1835 Poems. n. ed. laS". 1847 Poems. Chosen it ed. by M. Arnold. s8". 1880 Poems. Ed. M. Arnold. 88°. 1900 Poems iu two volumes. Repr. f. the dig. ed. of 1807 ; ed., w. note on the Wordsworthiau sonnet by T. Hutchinson. 2v. s8". 1897 Poetical «orks. laS". Paris. 1828 „ „ ... u. ed. Gv. [v6 want- ing]. s8". 1840 „ „ ... n. & compl. ed. 88". 1865 „ Ed. W. Knight, llv. [v9-ll. Life of W.]. 8". E. 1882-89 „ „ ... Ed., w. raem., by E. Dowden. [Aldine ed.]. 7v. s8". 1892-3 The prelude. 8°. 1850 Prose works. Ed. A. B. Grosart. 3v. 8". 1870 The recluse. s8». 1888 Sonnets, coll. in Iv ; w. essay on the Eng. sonnet by R. C. Trench. 68°. 1881 Wordsworthiana : Papers read to the Wordsworth Soc, ed. W. Knight. S8". 1889 sec Brooke (S. A.) Tlieology in the Eng. poets; W. etc., 1874. „ Coi-EORTON. Memorials of C. : letters f. W. etc., to Sir G. & Lady Beaumont of C, 1887. see Hebford (C. H.) The age of W., 1897. „ Hood (E. P.) W., a biogy. 1856. ,, Hudson (H. N.) Studies iu W., 188i. ,, Hupson(John). Guide to the Lakes, w. W.'s description etc., 1842. „ Knight (W. A.) The Lake District as interp''. in "W. 1878. „ Life of W., 1889. ,, Legouis (E.) La jeunesse de W. (1770-981, 1896. „ Early life of W. (1770- lls), a study of " The pre- lude," tr., 1897. ,, *LvuicAL ballads [by Cole- ritlf/e ((■ IF.], repr. f . 1" ed. (1798), ed. Dowden, 1890. „ Malleson (F. A.) HoHday studies of W., by the Wliarfe, the Duddon, the Stelvio Pass, 1890. „ Massun (D.) W., Shelley, etc., 1874. „ MvERS (F. W. H.) W., 1881. „ Stuart (D.I Letters from the Lake poets to S., 1889. ,, Sutherland (J. M.i W., li. life, etc., 1887; 2'"' ed., 1892. „ TuTiN (J. R.) Wordsworth diet, of persons it places w. familiar quotations, 1891. „ White (W. H.) Exam, of the cliarge of apostasy against W., 1898. „ Wilson (R.) Helps to the study of Arnold's Words- worth, 1898. „ Wordsworth (Cur.), 6^j., Mems. of W. W., 1851. „ Yabnall (E.) W. & the Coleridges, 1899. Work. *Work about the Five Dials, 1878, see Sunley {Hun. JIaude). Work iV play in girls' schools ; by D. Beale, L. H. M. Soulshy, .1. F. Dove. s8". 1898 WOEK 1610 WORTHINGTON Work [continued]. I *Work (The) & wealth of Queensland, 1897, see Queensland. ! Workers on their industries, 1895, sec Galton (F. W.) ed. \ Workhouse. *A night in a w., 1866, see Greenwood (.Ta.) Workhouses &■ women's work, repv. f. "Church of Eng. Jlonthly Eev.," etc. [P137]. 8». 1858 * Working men A women. By a workinp man. sS". 1879 Working Men's Association (International). Report of 4''' ann. congress. [P250]. 8". 7i.d. Working Men's Club & Institute Union. Hints & sugges- tions for the formation of W. M. Clubs * I'. [P207]. 8°. n.d. Working Men's Lord's Day Rest Association, see *Habdships of provincial letter-carriers, 1870. Working Women's College. 1" ann. report of the Council of Teachers. [P212]. sS". 1865 Workman (Fanny Bullock) & W. H. Workman. In the ice world ot Himalaya. 8". 1900 Workman (William Hunter), see Woekman (F. B.) &W. H. W., In the ice world of the Himalaya, 1900. Workman-Macnaghten (Sir Francis), see Macnaghtbn {Sir F. W.) Works. *'\^'hole works (The) of the a. of " The whole duty of man " {Lady Pakington ?}, 1763-5, see Whole. AVorks (The) of celeb, authors, of whose writings there are but small remains. 2v. sS". Tonson. 1750 Works (The) of the Eng. poets, etc.; addit. lives by A. Chal- mers, 21v, 1810, see Chalmers (A.) cd. Works (The) of the most celeb, minor poets. 2v. Suppl., 3p in Iv. [vl, 2, tuanting]. s8». Cogan. 1750 Rival ed. to " Wcrrhs of celeb, authors," publ. by Tonson. Workshop receipts. 5s. s8°. E. £ F. N. Span. 1875-92 1, by Ernest Spon ; 2, by R. Haldane ; 3, 4, by C. G. W. Lock; 5 has no author's or editor's name attached. World. *From world to cloister, etc., 1888, see Bernard, ps. •New world iThe) of words, S"" ed., 169B, see Phillips (E.) •World (The) & a man, 1896, see Zangwill (L.) •World (The) encompassed by Sir P. Drake {collected out of the notes of F. Fletcher], see Drake {Sir P.) •World of cant (The). 8°. 1880 •World (The) of romance: tales, legends, etc. ^8". 1892 •World (The) unmask'd, or, the philosopher the greatest cheat, etc. Tr. [/. B. L. de Maralf i ] 8°. 1736 World (The), sec British Essayists, v23-25, 2"'' ed., 1823. Wormall (John) £ others. Defence of the prisoners in York Castle agst. charges of G. Markham. [P22]. S'" ed. 8". York. 1797 Worman (Ernest), sec Bowes (R.) Cat. of books printed or rel. to Cambridge : Index, by W., 1894. Wormeley (Katharine Prescott). Corr. of Madame, Princess Palatine, mother of the Regent ; of Marie-Adelaide de Savoie, duchesse de Bourgogne ; & of Mme. de Maintenon, Prec. by intr'. from Sainte-Beuve. Sel. * tr. by W. 8». 1899 Mem. of H. de Balzac. s8<>. Boston. 1892 Wormell (Richard). Electricity in the service of man. Rev. E. M. Walmsley. 8o. 1893 Worms. Annales Wormatienses (873-1366), see Monujienta Germ. Hist., Scr., tl7. Worms ( ). Eecherches sur la constitution de la propriete territoriale dans les pays musulmans, subsidiairement en Algerie. 8". 1846 Worms (Fernand). Etude sur la propriety litt. : decret du 1" germinal an xiii, etc. 2p. sS". 1878 Worms (Henry). The earth & its mechanism. 8". 1862 Worms (Barem Henry de), see De Worjis {Baron H.) Worms (Moses). Die Lehre v. d. Anfangslosigkeit d. Welt bei d. mittelalterl. arab. Philosophen d. Orients u. ihre Bekampf- ung durch d. arab. Theologen (Mutakallimiin). [Beitrage z. Gesch. d. Philos. d. Mittelalters, 3, iv]. 8". Miinster. 1900 Worms (Bene). La morale de Spinoza. sS". 1892 Worner (Roman). H. Ibsen. 2B. 1828-73. 8". Munchen. 1900 Wornum (Ralph Nicholson). Analysis of ornament, character- istics of styles. Ia8''. 1856 The epochs of painting. s8<>. 1847 8». 1864 Life & works of Holbein. la8o. 1867 Worontzoff {Prince Simon), see Vorontsov {Prince S.) Worrall (John), see Bibliotheoa legum Anglise : vl. Cat. of Common & Statute Law Books, by W., n. ed., 1788. Worsaae (Jens J. A.) Den danske Erobring af England og Normandiet. 8". 1863 Minder om de Danske og Nordmsendene i England, Skotland og Irland. 8". 1851 Nordiske Oldsager i det K. Museum i Kjobenhavn. Ia8". 1859 The 1'' ed., 1S54, had t. : Afbildninger fra det K. Mus. for Nord. Oldsager i K. Ruslands og det skandinav. Nordens Bebyggelse etc. (Af tryk af Aarbager f. nord. Oldk. og Hist. 1872). [Bound with Aarb0ger, 1871]. 8". Kjabenhavn. 1872 Zur Alterthumskunde d. Nordens : 1, Blekingsche Denkmaler; 2, Runamo u. d. Braavalleschlaeht. 4°. L. 1847 Translations. Ace. of the Danes & Norwegians in Eng., Scotl., Irel. sS". 1852 Danemarks Vorzeit durch Alterthiimer etc. beleuchtet. Ubers. V. N. Bertelsen. 8'. Kopenhagen. 1844 The pre-history of the North. Tr. etc. H. M. Simpson. s8». 1886 The primeval antiqs. of Denmark. Tr. etc. W. J. Thorns. s8". 1849 see RiNGSTED. *Kongegravene i R. Kirke : [cont\ Eingsted Kirke som Gravsted, by W., etc.], 1858. Worsfold {Rev. J. N.) Hist, of Haddlesey. 8». 1894 Worsfold (William Basil). Judgment in literature. p-J ed.]. s8'J. 1900 Portuguese Nyassaland ; w. review of Portuguese rule on E. Coast of Africa. 8". 1899 The principles of criticism. 8". 1897 The problem of S. African unity. [P1002]. s8". 1900 S. Africa: a study in colonial administration & develop- ment. sS". 1895 The story of S. Africa. 2'"' ed. s8». n.d. The valley of light : studies w, pen & pencil in the Vaudois valleys of Piedmont. 8". 1899 Visit to Java: w. ace. of the found- ing of Singapore. 8". 1893 Worship (Francis). A MS. genealogy of the Paston family. [Norfolk A Norwich Arch'. Soc. P770J. 8". 1852 Worsley (Henry). The dawn of the Eng. Reformation : its friends * foes. 8". 1890 Life of M. Luther. 2v. 8". 1856 Worsley (Philip Stanhope). Poems & tr'. s8". E. 1863 Worsley {Rt. lion. Sir Richard), bart. Hist, of the Isle of Wight. 4". 1781 Worsnop (Thomas). The prehist. arts, manufaots., works, weapons, etc., of the aborigines of Australia. 8". Adelaide. 1897 Worssam (W. Samuel). Hist, of the band-saw. 8". Manchester. 1892 *Worstelinge (De) Jacobs, vervattende de wonderlijcke worste- linge en saUge overwinniuge van Jacob vander Graef. [By Simon Simonides ? P874]. s4". 's Graveuhage. 1672 Wortabet (Gregory M.) Syria, & the Syrians ; or, Turkey in the dependencies. 2v. s8". 1856 Worterbuch. For anon, dictionaries in German wh. are called " Lexi- kon," see Lexikon. Handwurterbuch d. Staatswisseuschaften, 1890-7, see Hand- WORTERBDCH etc. Worterbuch der Volkswirthschaft. Hrsg. v. L. Elster. 2B. Ia8". Jena. 1898 Worterbuch dcs gesamten Verkehrswesens, 1899, see Blaschke Worth (Richard Nicholas). Hist, of Devonshire. S". 1886 Worthey (Mrs.) ps. [i.e. Mrs. Fanny Byse]. The new continent. 2v. s8'. 1890 Worthies. *A book of W«. etc., 2'"i ed., 1872, see Yonge (C. M.) Worthington (Arthur Mason). The splash of a drop. s8". 1895 Worthington (John). Diary & corr. 2v in 3, [2, i, ii, pagin. cont. Chetham Soc, 13, 36, 114]. s4". 1847-86 v!, 2, i, ed. J. Crossley ; 2, ii, R. Copley Christie. see Christie (R. C.) Bibliography of works written & ed. by W., [Chetham Soc, NS13], 1888. Worthington (Thomas Locke). Dwellings of the poor, & weekly wage-earners in i around towns. s8°. 1894 Worthington (William). Enquiry into the case of the Gospel demoniacks. 8". 1777 Essay on the scheme etc. of redemption ; annexed. Diss, on Job. 2"<' ed. 8". 1748 see Farmer (H.) Letters to W., in ans. to h. " Gospel demo- niacks," 1778. Worthington (William Robert). On the efficacy of opinion in matters of religion. [P715]. s8". Ramsgate. 1870 The two Anglican beliefs : why shld. a clergyman be compelled to believe more than a layman ? [P707]. s8". Ramsgate. 1869 WORTHINGTON 1611 WRIGHT Worthington (William Robert) [continued]. Two essays : on the interp. of the Old Test., & believhig without umlerstanding. [P715]. s8". Eamsgate. 1870 Worthy (Charles). Devonshire parishes : antiq". etc. of 28 parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes. 2v. 4". Exeter. 1887-9 Devonshire Wills, w. family hist. * genealogy of the most ano. gentle houses of the West. laS". 189G Hist, of the suburbs of Exeter. s8<>. 1892 Practical heraldry, or an epitome of Eng. armory. s8". 1889 Wortley (E. C. E. S.), sec Sto.^rt-Wortley (E. C. E.) Wortley {Col. H. Stuart-), see Stuart-AVortley. Wotton {Sir Henry). Letters & dispatclies f. W. to James I it b. ministers, 1617- 20. [Roxburghe Club], 4". 1850 Poems. Ed. A. Dyee. [Percy Soc. 31]. s8». 1843 Poems by W., Sir W. Raleigh, & 0. Ed. J. Hannah. s8". 184.5 Eeliquias Wottouian;e : lives, letters, poems etc. by W. w. letters to Ld. Zouch. 4'" ed. s8". 1685 see Fkeard de Chambbav (R.) Parallel etc. ; S"' ed., w. the Elements of Architecture by W., 1723. „ Raleigh {Sir W.) Poems of R., w. those of W., 1892. „ SoMEBs (J. S., ba7-on). Coll. of tracts. „ Walton (Iz.) Lives of W. etc., var. edd. „ Ward (A. W.) W., 1898. Wotton (Mabel E.) ed., Word portraits of famous writers. s8". 1887 Wotton (Thomas), bookseller, see Kimber (E.) The baronetage of Eng., by K., & R. Johnson, 1771, [toh. is an ed. (0 co7it., by K. (0 B. J., of the u-ork by T. 11'.] Wotton (William), D.D. Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu Leges Wallicse Hoeli Boni et aliorum Princ., interp. lat. etc. fol. Londini. 1730 Hist, of Rome. »: 1701 Misc. disc', rel.to traditions etc. of the Scribes & Pharisees. 2v. [v2 u\t. ; Shabbath & Eruvin, two titles of the Misna, tr. etc.]. 8". 1718 Eeflections upon anc. A mod. learning, w. diss, on Phalaris etc. by Dr. Bentley. 2-"' ed. 8". 1697 Short view of Hickes's Treasure of the Northern languages : w. notes, & app., tr. by M. Shelton. 4°. 1735 2»'i ed. 4". 1737 Woty (William). Poems on sev. occasions. [6. lo. Warton (T.) Poems, n. ed., 1777]. 8". Derby. 1780 see Fawkes (F.) & W., edd.. The poetical calendar, 1763-4. Wrangell (Admiral Ferdinand v.) Exped. to the Polar Sea, 1820-3, comm. by W. [tr. by Mrs. Sabiiie, f. Engelhardt's German cd.]. Ed. Maj. E. Sabine. 8". 1840 Wrangham (Francis). The Pleiad. Abridgements of 7 writers on the Evidences. sS". Edinb. 1828 see Homer. Homerics, by W., 1834. „ Nares (E.) *Heraldic anomalies [wli. Jias sometimes been, turongly, ascr. to li'.], 1823. Wratislaw (A. H.) Native Ut. of Bohemia in 14"' c. s8°. 1878 Wratislaw (Theodore). A. C. Swinburne. sS". 1900 Wratislaw {Baron Waclaw). Adv. of W., 1599; tr. A. H. Wratislaw. s8". 1862 Wraxall {Sir Frederick Charles L.), barf. The armies of the great powers. s8". 1859 Camp life : f. the story of a contingent. s8». 1860 Hbdk. to naval & milit. resources of European nations. s8". 1856 Life of Caroline Matilda, (Jueen of Denmark & Norway. 3v. 8». 1864 Remarkable adv'. & unrevealed mysteries. 2v. sS". 1863 The Second Empire as exhib. in French lit., 1852-63. 2v. s8". 1865 see Russia. *Eeeollections of B., by a German nobleman, rev. & tr. by W., 1855. & E. Wehrhan. Mems. of Q. Hortense, mother of Napo- leon 111. 2v. s8°. 1862 Wraxall {Sir Nathaniel William). Hist. & posthumous mems. of W., 1772-84. Ed., w. notes d- addit. chaps. £. [W.'s] unpubl. MS. by H. B. Wheatley. 5v. 8». 1884 Hist. mems. of h. own time, by W. 4v. n. ed. 8". 1836 Hist, of France, 1364-1574. 2v in 1. 3"' ed. 80. 1807 1574-1610. 6v. 2»'> ed. 8». 1814 Mems. of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, Vienna, 1777-9. 2v. 3"' ed. 8°. 1806 Posthumous mems. of h. own time, by W. 3v. 2°'' ed. 8". 1836 see Great Britain. *Short review of polit. state of G. B. at comm. of 1787 [by N. B. Halhed ? or W. ?], 6'" ed., 1787. *Wreck (The) of the Grosvenor [novel], lSy~, see Ecssell (W. Clark). Wrede (Ferdinand). IJber d. Sprache d. Wandalen. 8". Strassburg. 1886 Wrede (Gustav Adolf von), see Feesnel (F.) Notice sur le voyage de W. dans la valWe de Doan etc., 1845. Wrede (Kichard). Die Kijrperstrafen bei alien Volkern. 8". Dresden. 1898 *Wren (The) of the Curragh, repr. f. "Pall Mall Gazette." [P242]. sS". 1867 Wren {Sir Christopher). see Elmes (J.) Blems. of W., sec Phillimore (Lucy). W., f. 1823 ; enl. ed., 1852. 1 family & times, w. letters „ Loftie(W. J.) Liigo Jones & disc, on architecture & W., 1893. , liitherto unpubl. (1585- „ Mackmurdo (A. H.) Wren's 1723), 1881. City churches, 1883. „ Wren (C.) Parentaha, 1750. Wren (Christopher), son of Sir C. Wren. Parentalia: or, Mems. of the Wrens, chiefly of Sir C. Wren. fol. 1750 Wrey (Henry Bourchier). A few pages on the great pyramid of Ghizeh. [P32.5]. 8". Barnstaple. 1877 Wright (Abraham), see *Hisiorical papers [Eosburghe Club] ; pi, Novissima Straffordii, in Latin, by W. [& tr.], 1846. Wright (Alexander), M.A., Musselburgh. The hist, of educa- tion & of the old Parish Schools of Scotland. s8". E. 1898 Wright (Alfred). Adventm-es in Servia ; a medical free lance. ^ 8°. 1884 Wright (Almroth Edward). On the results which have been obtained by anti-typhoid inoculation. Reprinted f. the Lancet, Sept. 6, 1902. 8". [1902] & D. Bruce. On Haftkine's method of vaccination agst. Asiatic cholera. [P612]. s8". 1893 Wright (Andrew). Court hand restored : assistant in reading old deeds etc., w. anc. names of places in Gt. Brit. & Ireland. 5"' ed. 4". 1818 S'l-cd. 4». 1846 O"- ed., corr. by C. T. Martin. 4°. 1879 Wright (Arthur), fellow of Queens', Camb. Composition of the 4 Gospels. s8"- 1890 Some New Test, problems. s8». 1898 Wright (Carroll Davidson). Industrial evolution of the U.S. s8". 1896 Wright (Charles). Hist, of Arundel Castle, w. abstract of the Uves of the Earls of Arundel. 2»'i ed. s8<>. 1818 Wright (Charles Henry Hamilton), D.D. The Bible & the Church, or the authority of Holy Scripture not derived f. the Church. [P1029]. s8<>. 1901 The Bible readers' manual. n. ed. s8». n.d. Biblical essays ; exeget. studies on Job, Jonah, Ezekiel's Gog & Magog, Peter's "Spirits in prison," i& the key to the Apocalypse. s8<>. E. 1886 The book of Koheleth in rel. to mod. criticism & pessunism, w. comm. & rev. tr. [Donnellan L'., 1880-1]. 8». 1883 The Church of Ireland, & her claims to the title, in the light of hist. & recent legislation. [P1029]. 2-' ed. 8". D. 1878 The Divinity School & the Divinity Degrees of the University of Dublin. [ri029]. 8". D. 1880 The Divinity School of Trin. Coll., Dublin, * its proposed improvement. [P366, 1029]. 8". D. 1884 The Divinity School question. [P1029]. s8''. D. 1886 Genesis in Hebrew : rev. text, var. readings, notes by W. 8". 1859 Grammar of modern Irish. s8". D. 1855 The intermediate state & prayers for the dead in the light o£ Scripture, & of ano. Jewish * Xtn. lit. sS". 1900 Intr. to the Old Test. s8». 1890 The Irish University question. [P1004]. 8". 1900 2">' ed. [P1029]. 8". 1901 Prayers for the dead. [P1029]. 2"'' ed. 8". n.d. The revised version of the Old Test. Ee-pr. fr. official report of Church Congress, 1885. [P1029]. 8". [1885] Three reply lectures delivered, in answer to lectures by E. C. priests, Nov., 1895, in Kensington Town Hall, London. [P1029]. 8". [1895] University Reform & the Divinity School. 8". D. 1879 Zechariah & his prophecies in rel. to mod. criticism, w. comm. & new tr. [Bampton L'., 1878], 8°. 1879 & G. T. Stokes. The writings of St. Patrick, the apostle of Ireland. A rev. tr. w. notes. [P1029]. 2'"' ed. 8". 1888 WEIGHT 1C12 WRIGHT . Wright (Charles Eomley Alder). Metals A their iudustiinl application. s8». 1878 The threshold of science : simple experiments. s8". 1891 Wright (Chauncey). Darwinism: exam, of Mivart's "Genesis of species." [P253]. 8°. 1871 Wright (Daniel) cd., Hist, of Nep.'il, tr. f. the Parbatiya, by Shew Shunker Sin^h & Shrl Gunanand. Ia8'. C. 1877 Wright (Edward) 'Ned AVitiGHT], sec Ls.iCH (E.) Incidents in tlie life of E. W„ 1870. Wright (Edward) the jjounger, see Feith.vm (.J.) cV W., Memo- rials of ■• God's Acre,'' 1797 : ed. Harrison, 1868. Wright (Edward Perceval), XLD. Notes on the Cross of Cong. [P1023]. 80. 1901 On the bell of Kilmainham. [P1023]. 8^. 1900 Wright (Gr. H. B.) Job : new rev. tr., w. essays, etc., by W. 8». 1883 Wright (George), 2^ublisliir, New Yorl-. Australian, India, China. & .Japan Directory etc. 2-' ed. Ia8". New York. [1877] Wright (George Frederick). The ice age in N. Amer. etc. 8". N.Y. 1889 IMan tV: the glacial period : app. on Tertiary man by H. ^^■. Haynes. 38". 1892 & W. Upham. Greenland icetiekls & life in N. Atlantic. s8". 1890 Wright (George Newnham), see Gor.ioN (-J.) Topograph, diet. of G. B. A- Ireland ; the Ir. * Welsh articles by W.,' 1833. Wright (George R.) Archa-ologic & hist, fragments. s8''. 1887 Local lavs tV legends. si". 1885 On Sir Anthony Browne, it h. descendants. [Excerpt. P250]. S". [c. 1806 ?] Wright (H. C. Seppings). Soudan, '90 : adv. of a war artist. 88". 1897 Wright (Henry), of London. Mental travels in imagined lands. s8". 1878 Wright (Henry Press). England's dutv to England's armv : letter to Gen. Peel. [P234]. S'^ ed. 8". 1858 The story of the " Domus Dei " of Portsmouth, the Boyal Gar- rison Church. s8". 1S73 Wright (Ichabod Charles). Tlie evils of the currency. No. 2. [P209]. s8". 1848 Letter on the Homeric lectures of M.Arnold. [P237]. s8". 1804 Wright (James), 6(i;r;isff)-. Hist. & antiq'. of Kutland. fol. 1684 Wright (John), iiublisher, sec Paki,umext.\ev (The) hist, of En-, (to 1803) [" Cohhett's V. h. of K."]. 1806-20. Wright (iohT\.),tiin. Coll. Cam. *Alma Mater; or, seven years at Cambridge. 2v. sS". 1827 Wright (John Hornsby). Thoughts ct experiences of a charity- organizationist. sS". 1878 Wright (Joseph), A.R.A., ["WiaiiHT of Dcrhi/"], sec Bemkose {^Y.M.) Life .!• works of \V., 1885. Wright (Joseph), D.C.L. The English dialect diet. vl-3. [hi profj.X 4". 1898-1902 Grammar of dialect of AVindhill, \Y. Biding. [Eng. Dialect Soc. 07\ 8°. 1892 Primer of Gothic. 2»" ed. s8". 0. 1899 Wright (Lewis). Light : e>:perimL-ntal optics. 2"'i ed. s8". 1892 The pract. poultry keeper. [20'" ed.]. s8". 1897 Wright (Ned), sec AYnicur (E.) Wright (Robert). Life of Maj.-Gcn. J. Wolfe. 8". 1804 Mtni. of Gen. .T. Oglethorpe. s8". 1807 Wright (Robert Samuel) [i.e. Mr. Justice Wi;ight]. Golden treasury of anc. Greek poetry. 68". 0. 1807 Law of criminal conspiracies & agreements. 8". 1873 & H. Hobhouse. OutUne of local govt. A taxation. laS". 1884 Wright (T.), csg. Some aec. of the life of R. Wilson, E.A., etc. 4". 1824 Wright (Thomas), of Durham. Louthiaua : intr. to the antiq'. of Ireland. 4". 1748 Wright (Thomas), joi/TOfi/mo)! engineer. The bane ot a life. Sv. s8'\ 1870 Our new masters. S". 1873 *The great unwashed. sS". 1868 *Some habits & customs of the *Johuuy Kobiuson. 2v. sS". 1868 : working classes. s8". 1867 Wright (Thomas), M.A., F.S.A. Anecdota literaria; short poems in Eng., Lat., Fr., illust. of England in IS'" c. 8<>. 1844 The Anglo-Latin satirical poets ci epigrammatists of the 12"' c. Coll. A ed. T. W. 2v. [Rolls Ser., 59, i, ii]. Ia8'>. 1872 The archseolog. album. 4". 1843 Wright (Thomas), M.A., F.S.A. {continued]. Biographia Britannioa literaria; biography of lit. cliaracters of Gt. Brit. & Irel. in chronol. order : Anglo-Saxon period. By T. Wright. 8". 1842 ,, „ Anglo-Norman period. By T. Wright. 8». 1840 The Celt, the Roman, & the Saxon. sS". 1852 2'"i ed. s8". 1801 A coll. of polit. poems & songs rel. to Eng. hist., f. accession of Edw. HI to r. of Bic.III. 2v. [Rolls Ser., 14, i,iij. Ia8». 1859-01 Diet, of obsolete * provincial English. 2v. s8". Bohn. 18-57 Early mysteries it o. Latin poems of 12''' it 13"' C. 8". 183s Early travels in Palestine. s8". 1848 Eng. under the House of Hanover, its hist. etc. dur. the rs. of the 3 Georges, illus. f. caricatures A satires^ 2v. S". 1848 „ „ [a^wth. ed., tc.t.]. Caricature hist, of the Georges. 58". [1868] Essays on archseolog. subj'., & on the hist, of art, science, it lit. in the Middle Ages. 2v. s8". 1861 Essays on the lit., superstitions, A hist, of Eng., in the Middle Ages. 2v. s8". 1840 Feudal manuals of Eng. hist. : pop. sketches of our hist., oom- pUed f. 13'" to 1.5th 0. s4». 1872 Hist. A topog\ of Essex. 2v. 4". 1831-") Hist, of caricature A grotesque in lit. A ai't. 8". 1805 Hist, of domestic manners A sentiments in England dur. the Middle Ages. 4". 1802 ,, ,, [anuth. ed., u\ large adds., it u-.l.] The homes of 0. days ; a hist. etc. Ia8'>. 1871 The homes of other days : hist, of domestic manners A senti- ments in Eng. Ia8". 1871 lieimblication of Hist, of doin. m'. 11'. sai/s, in pref., this " vtiti/ he coyisidcred a ncic icorl;." Narratives of sorcery A magic. 2v. s8". 1.S51 Polit. ballads dur. Commonwealth. [Percy Soc. 11]. sS". 1841 The polit. songs of Eng., f. r. of Jolni to Ed. II. Ed. A tr. \V. [Camden Soc. 0:. s4''. 1*39 Progres A etat actuel de la litt. anglo-saxonue en Anglcterrc. Tr. [Auglo-Saxonica, 1]. [P104]. 8". 1880 Q. Elizabeth A her times : letters sel. f. the private corr. ot Burghley, Leicester, Walsingham, Smith. Hatton. 2v. 8". 1838 St. Patrick's I'urgatory ; essay on legends of I'urg'., Hell it Paradise. " s8». 1844 Sel. of Latin stories f. MSS. of 13"' A 14'" e. [Percy Soc. •>S\ s8". 1842 Songs A carols, now first printed, f. a MS. of the 15'" c. [Percy Soc. 73]. s8". 1847 „ „ [anolh. copy. Warton Club]. 8". 1850 Specimens of lyric poetrv, composed in reign of Edw. 1. [Percy Soc. 19]. ' s8". 1842 Specimens of old Christmas carols. [Percy Soc. IC)]. s8". 1841 Three chapters of letters rel. to the suppression of monasteries. f. orig'. in Brit. Mus. [Camden Soc. 20]. s4". 1843 K volume of vocabularies, 10'" to 15'" c. Ia8". 18.i>7 „ [ic.r], Anglo-Saxon A Old Eng. vocab'. 2"''ed..cd. A coll. by R. P. Wiilcker. 2v, (1, Vocabs. 2, Indices). lag". 18S4 Wanderings of an antiquary, chieHy upon the traces of the Romans in Britain. s8". 1854 Womankind in \V. Europe, to the 17"' c. s4<>. 1809 sec C.iMiiiiiDciE Univ. transactions dur. the Puritan controvs., coll. .J. Hey wood A W., 1854. ,. Heywooii (.J.) A VY., (■(/(/., Laws of the 15"' c. for King's Coll. Cam. etc., 18-50. ,. HisTOBic.^i. Soc. OF Scienxe. Popular treatises on science dur. Middle Ages : ed. W.. 1841. ,, KvTELEP. (Alice). Contemp. narrative of proceedings agst. K. for sorcery (1324). [Camden Soc. 24], 1843. .. Le Keux (J.) Memorials of Cambridge : w. hist. etc. .acC by W., A H. L. Jones, 1845. .. WiiELLAN (W.) cd., The hist. A topog. of Cumberland A Westmoreland, by W.. J. G. Cumming. H. M;irtineau. ed. Whellan. 18(iO. & J. 0. Halliwell, edd., Eeliquiie antiquie : scraps f. anc. MSS., illust. chietly early Eng. lit. A lang. 2v. 8". 1841-3 Wright (Thomas), of Bi'rkcnshaw. Autob., 1730-97; ed. T. Wright. ■ s8". 1864 Wright (Thomas), of Bristol. Death of a great man improved. Sermon [on d.] of K. Price. [P17]. 8". Bristol. 1791 see Enfield (\Y.) Sermon at ordln. of Estlin etc., 1778. „ EsTLiN (J. P.) Sermon at ordin. of Jardine, etc., 1790. WRIGHT 1G13 WURTTEMBERG Wright (Thomas), M.D., of Cheltenham. Cretaceous formations. [I'alivont. Soc.]. Tlie Echinodermata of Oolitic formations. The Lias Ammonites. [Palfeont. Soc.]. 2v, [1], Text. [2t Echinodevmata f. vl. 4". 1864-82 [PaliBont. Soc.]. 2v. 4". 18.57-80 riates. 4". 1878-86 Wright (Thomas), princijml of Cowper School, Olney. Life of D.Defoe. Life of W. Cowper. The town of Cowper : Olney etc. Wright (William), Biiiiinghn, N.J. democrats. [P790]. Wright (William), Ireland. 8". 1894 8". 1892 s8". 1886 .K word of warning to 8". Philadelphia. 1863 l*^3';-99, missionary. The Brontes in s8". 1893 2"'' ed. 58". 1894 The empire of the Hittites ; w. decipherment of Hittite inscr'., by A. H. Sayce ; Hittite Map; ct complete set of Hittite inscr'. 8". 1884 Palmyra .t Zenobia, etc. s8". 1895 Wright (William), prof, of Arabic, Cambriihjc. Grammar uf Arabic, etc. 2v. S"' ed. rev. by W. R. Smith & M. .J. de Goeje. 8". C. 1898 Jonah in Chaldee, Syriac, -■Ethiopic, Arabic, w. glos- saries. 8". 1857 Lect'. on comp. grammar of Semitic. 8°. 0. 1890 Short hist, of Syriac lit. s8". 1894 Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, I. Syriac MSS. '2v. [1, texts; ■2, tr.] 8\ 1871 Contribs. to the .\poci'yi5hal lit. of New Test., f. Syriac MSS. in Brit. Mus., w. tr. & notes. 8". 18C5 Grammar of Arabic, f. Caspari, w. corrections. 2v. 2'"l ed. 8". 1874-5 Wright (William), surgeon aurist. Deafness & noises in the head A their treatment. [P209]. sS-. 1853 Fishes A fishing, etc. s8". 1858 Wright (William Aldis), see Eastwood (J.) A W., Bible word- book : glossary of Old Eng. words, 1866. Wright (William Ball). The Ussher mems. ; genealog. mems. of the Ussher families in Ireland. s4". D. 1889 Wright (William Henry K.) The Blue Friars ; a chapt. in hist, of Plymouth. s8». 1889 Pleasantries f. the " Blue Box," papers by Ye Brothers Blue ; w. chapt. on " Clubs, etc." s8<>. 1891 * Wright's (The) chaste wife, see Ad.im, of Cobsain. Wrightson (John). Sheep, breeds & management. 2"'i ed. 8". 1895 see McNiso (J.) Soils etc., by M. ; drainage . L. 1902 : depts. of moral life. Tr. Hypnotismus u. Suggestion. I M. F. Washburn. 8'. L. 1892 Lectures on human A animal Logik. 2B. 8". St. 1K80-3 ' psj'chology; tr. J.E.Creighton Der Spiritismus u. eine sogen. & E. B. Titchener. 8". 1894 wissenschaftl. Fnage. Oftener see PniLOSOtHiscHE Stl'dien, Brief an H. Ulrici. ] iuprog., 1883-1900. [P340]. &•" Abd. 8". L. 1879 ; Wiinsch (Jos.) & D. H. Muller. D. Keil-Inschrift v. Aschrut- Darga. sec Kaiserl. .\ka^. v. Wissensch., Denkschr. Wunsche (August). Die Leiden d. Messias. 8'. L. 1870 Wiinschendorff (E.) Traitc'' de telegi-aphie sous-marine. ia8". 1888 WUrdtwein (Stephan Alex.), hp. of Heliopolis. Bibliotheca Moguntina libris sa;c. 1" Moguntise imp. instructa ; add. inventiE typographia; hist. 4". Augustie Vindelic. 1787 Wurm (Christian Friedrich). Diplomatische Gesch. d. orien- taliscben Frage. 8". L. 1858 Wurm (Wilhelm). Das Wasser als Hausfreund. Ein Familienbuch. s8". St. [1882] Wurmser (Dagobert S. v.), count, see Vivexot (A.) Thugut, Clerfayt, u. W., Original-Documente, 1869. Wurstemberger (Ludwig). Peter d. Zweite, Graf v. Savoyen. 4B. sS". Bern. 18.56-8 Wurstisen (Christian), see Ubstisius (C.) Wiirtemberg (Christoph, JJerzog zu), see Chbistoph, Henog zu W. Wurth (Leopold). Das Wortspiel bei Shakspere. 8". Wien. 1895 Wiirttemberg. Wirtembergisches Urkundenbuch. Hr.sg. v. d. konigl. Staatsarchiv in Stuttgart. Bl. 4". St. 1849 Wurttemberg (dukes of), sec Rye (W. B.) England as seen by foreigners etc. ; comp. tr. of journals of the 2 Dukes of W. (1592, 1610), etc., 1865. Wiirttemberg (Prim Carl v.), see Schlossbergee IX. \ ) Prinz K. v. W. (1770-91), 1889. WURTZ 1614 WYNGAERDE Wurtz (Adolphe). [jWdrtz (Charles A.)] Atomic theory ; tr. E. Cleminshaw. sS". 1880 Diet. . 1864 Wynn {Sir John), bart. Hist, of the Gwydir family. 4". Oswestry. 1878 Wynn (Sir Eichard), see Heabne (T.) ed.. Hist. Ricardi II; ace. R. W. nan-alio de Caroli, Wallise princ., in Hispaniam itinere (1G23), 1729. Wynne (Edward), fcforis/c?-. *Eunomus; dialogues cone, the law & constitution of England. With essay on dialogue. 4v in 2. s8<>. 1774 see *Strictui!es on the lives & characters of the most eminent lawyers of the present day [by \V. ?], 1790. Wynne (Frederick Richards). Spent in the service: mem. of A. Daunt, etc. 3"* ed. sS". 1880 Wynne (J. H.), see Winne (.J. H.) Wynne (John), rector of Caer y Druidion, see Locke (J.) Abridgment of L.'s Essay, [bj/ W.], 1096. Wynne (William), serjeant-cit-laio. Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, ambassador at Cologn & Nimeguen, etc., & letters from beginning to end of those treaties, etc. 2v. fol. 1724 Wynter (Andrew). Curiosities of civilization. T'l-ed. s8». [18G0] Curiosities of toil, & o. papers. 2v. s8». 1870 Fruit between the leaves. 2v. s8". 1875 Our social bees. 5''' ed. s8o. 1862 „ ,, 2'"i ser. 88°. 1866 Peeps into the human hive. 2v. sS". 1874 Subtle brains & lissom fingers. s8". 1863 Wyntoun (Andrew, of). [IAndrew, of Wyntoun]. The ory- gynale cronykil of Scotland. Notes, gloss, etc. by D. Mac- pherson. " 2v. 8". 1795 see Scotland. Historians of S., v2, 3, 9, W.'s orygynale chronikyl of Scotland, ed. D. Laing, 1872-9. Wyon (Alfred Benj.) & Allan Wyon. The great seals of England, with notes. fol. 1887 Wyon (Allan), see Wyon (A. B.) * A. W., Great Seals of England, 1887. Wyon (Frederick William). Hist, of Gt. Brit. dur. r. of Anne. 2v. 8». 1876 Wyrcester (William of), see Worcester (W.) Wyrouboff (G.), see LittriS (E.) Comte & Mill ; suivi de Mill A la philos. positive par W., 1866. Wyse (Francis). America, its realities & resources. 3v. 8' . 1846 Wyse (Sir Thomas). Excursion in the Peloponnesus, 18.58, ed. W. M. Wyse. 2v. laS". 1865 Hist, sketch of the late Catliolio association of Ireland. 2v. 8". 1829 Impressions of Greece : w. letters f. Greece by A. P. Stanley. 8". 1871 Wyss (Johann David). *The Swiss family Robinson. Inch sequel. s8». n.d. Wyss (Johann Rudolf). Voyage dans I'Oberland bernois. Tr. H. de C. 2p, and Atlas, It. 8". Bern. 1816-7 Wyttenbach (Daniel Albert). Aniinadversiono^i in Plutarchi Opuscula. '2t. 6". Lugd. Bat. 1821 opera mor. Ad ed. O.xon. ^i\oiJ.a6ias ra. (riropaSrjiy. a[-7] ; emend, expressie. Miscellanea? doctrinfe. 8t in Iv. 3t. 8". L. 1820-34 8'>. Amstelodami. 1809-17 'Bibliotheca critica. Vita D. Euhnkenii. Sv. 8". Amstelodami. 1779-1808 8». Lugd. Bat. 1799 Wyttenbach (Jacob Samuel), see Catalogue of an exceed- ingly rare coll. of books, chiefly formed by a foreign nobleman & W., 1834. Wyttenbach (Johann Hugo). Guide to the Roman autiqs. of Treves; [tr.], ed. D. Turner. 8». 1839 Wyvill (Christopher). Corr. of W. w. Wm. Pitt. [P240]. pi, 2. 80. Newcastle. 1796-7 Defence of Dr. Price, & the reformers of England. [P7, 240]. 8". 1792 Wyzewa (Teodor). Beethoven & Wagner. aS". 1898 Chez les AUemands : L'art et les mceurs. s8". 1895 Contes Chretiens ; Le bapti'me de Jesus. s8". 1892 „ ,, Les disciples d'Emmaiis. 88". 1893 Ecrivaius etrangers. s8''. 1896 Ecrivains etrangers. s2. sS". 1897 Le mouvement socialiste en Europe : hommes et idees. 98°. 1892 Nos maltres ; etudes et portraits litl. 88". 1895 Valbert, ou, Les recits d'un jeune homme. b8". 189a X X. . . du Figaro, ps. of a. of " Les coulisses dii boulangisme, tSVO," see Terrail (G.) X., of the " Saturday Revieie," see *Right (The) to bear arms, by"X. of the " S. R.," 1899. X (Jlfiss) ps., a. of " Essays in psych, inquiry " etc., sec Gooc- rich-Freer (A.) X. (P. H.), see Estoubnelles i>e Constant {P. H. B. n'). *La politique fr. en Tunisie le protectorat etc., par P. H. X., 1891. X. (sigtioiina X. di), see *Signoeina X. di X. : corr. autentica di due iucoguiti, [1896]. X. H. *Gifts for men, by X. H., 1870, see Macpherson (B.) X. L., see Limb (The), by X. L., 2"" ed., 1896. Xanrof, ps., a. of " Cluinsons sans gene, 1690," see Schlaf (J.) Whitman— Lyrik des " Chat Noir," etc. [Essay on Xanrof], 1897. Xanthian (The) marbles, 1843, see Fellows (C.) Xanthopulus (Nicephorus Callistus), see Callistds (Nice- PHORUS). Xanthns, Lydius, see Creczer (G. F.) ed. Historieorum GrtEcorum antiquiss. fragm., X'. omnia, etc., 1806. Xaverius (F.), sec Xavier (Francis), Saint. Xavier (Francis), Saint. {IFrancis [Xavier], Saint.} see Coleridge (H. J.) Life & letters of X., 1872; n. ed., 1886. „ Cros (J. M.) X., sa vie * s. lettres, 1900. „ Venn (H.) Missionary life of X., 1862. Xenophon. Quae exstant opera. Gr. et lat., ex ed. Schneideri et Zeunii. Ace. index lat. lOt in 5. s8». E. 1811 Qute extant. Rec. etc. I. G. Schneider. 6t. 8". L. 1821-1838 1, Cyri discipl. ed. 3''. 1838. 2, De exped. Cyri. ed. 5, Hist, grasc, 1791. Ed. nova. 1821. 4, Mem. Socr., cum Apol. 1801. 5, QSconomicus etc. 6, Opusc. polit. equest. venat. 18S8. 1825. Xenophon Icmitinued]. Anahasis. De Cyri exped. ; recog., vers. Lat. reform., etc. T. Hutchinson. [Gr. & Lat.] 4". O. 1735. De Cyri Minoris exped. comm., rec. ab I. C. Zeunio. 8". L. 1785 Hellenica. Hellenica. Bks. 1, 2. Text rev., with notes by H. Hailstone. s8". 1886 Historian graicaj libri vii. Ex ed. L. Dindorfii. Ace. annot. var, interp. 8°. O. 1831 Lexicon. Lexicon Xenophonteum. 4v. 8". L. 1801-4 Me.iiorabill\. Memorabilia Socratis, cum Apologia S. eidem vulgo adser. Cum textu et notis Schneideri. Auxit J. Greenwood. Ace. Valckenaarii et Ruhnkenii annot. 8". Londini. 1823- (EOONOMICUS. (Economicus, Apol. Soc, Symposium, Hiero, Agesilaus, epist. fragm., rec. et Bachii suisque notis expl. Zeunius. 8". L. 1782 Opuscula Polit. Opuscula polit. equest. venat., cum Arrhiani de venat. Rec. I. C. Zeunius. S". L. 1778 Transl.^tions. Works. Tr. H. G. Dakyns. vl-3. s8". Bohn. 1890-97 Minor works. Lit. tr. with notes by J. S. Watson. s8". Bohn. 1888 Anabasis. Tr. with notes by E. Spelman. 2v. 3"' ed. 8". C. 1776 Anabasis, & Memorabilia of Soc. Lit. tr. by J. S. Watson ; with geogr. comm. by W. F. Ainsworth. s8<>. Bohn. 1866- s8". Bohn. 1875 Cyi-uptedia. Tr. Philemon Holland. fol. 1632. XENOPHON 1616 YEAR-BOOK Xenophon [continued]. Tbasslations [cotitinucd]. Cjropa'dia, iV Hellenics. Lit. tr. by J. S. Watson & H. Dale. s8". Bohn. 1870 of Tliucydiaes (W. 4". 1770 Defence of S. (1. 8". 1788 with 3" Hist, of the affairs of Greece, by the tr. Smith), [a tr. only of the Hellenika]. Memoirs of Socrates [tr. of Memorabilia] Tr. by Sarah Fielding. Eeferences. see AixswoKTH (W. F.) Travels in the track of the Ten Thousand, 1844. „ Grant {Sir Alex.) X., ;Anc. class.], 1871. „ IsocRATEs. Panegyrikos ; [;«.] X.'s Gastniahl [<(■] sokrat- ische Gespriiche, iibers. v. Wieland, 1813. „ Joel (C.) Der echte u. d. xenophont. Sokrates, 1893. „ Kaksten' (S.) «?., Philos. Grfec. etc. reliquiffi : 1, i, X., 1880. „ Eensell (J.) lUusts. (chiefly geograph.), of the hist, of the Exped. of Gyrus, & the lietreat, 1816. „ KoBioti (F.) Itineraire des dix-mille, 1873. ,, KusKiN- (J.) I'll., Bibl. pastorum : 1, The economist of X., tr. Wedderburn * Collingwood, w. pref. by [E.], 1876. „ Underhill (G. E.) Comm., w. intr. & app., on the Hel- lenica of X., 1900. Xenophon, The Epkcsian. Habrocome et Anthia. Tr. nouv. sS". 1823 sec MiTSCHERLicH (C. W.) cd; Scriptores erotici Gra?ci: 3,_X. Ephesiacorum de amoribus Anthiie A Abrocoma> libri v, 1792-4. Xenopol (A. D.) Hist, des Euumains de la Dacie trajane jusqu'en 18.59. _ 2t. Ia8f. 1896 Michail Kog.nlniceanu, etc. [Acad. Rom., Di.sc. de recept. h. w. Naum (A.) Cuvintfi etc., 1894]. laS". Bucuresei. 1895 Xenos (Stephen Th.) Depredations ; or, Overend, Gurney, it Co., & the Greek & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. 8". 1869 East it West, annexation of the Ionian I', to Greece. laS". 1865 see Kn'ADENEVBA (M.) Bibl. t2(5. Historiadores primitivos, for Conquista del Pent. Xeres (Francisco de) [.Jerez], see Markham (Sir C. E.) Eeports on discov>. of Peru : Report of X., sec. to F. Pizarro, tr., 1872. X. H. *" Gifts for men," by X. H., 1870, sec Macpherson [Mrs. B.) Ximenes (Leonardo). *Esame [bi/ X.] dell' esame [bi/ S. Berto- lini] di un libro [l>ij X.l sopra la Maremma senese. 4". Firenze. 1775 Ximenez de Cisneros (Francisco), cardinal, see Baudier (M.) Hist, de X., 1851. „ Hefele (C. J. V.) X. etc., 1844. „ Marsollier (J.) Hist, du minist^re du c. X., n. ed., 1704. „ EoBLES (E. de). Vida del card. X., 1604. Xiphilin (John) tlu- younger. For ed'. S tr\ of .X.'s abridg- ment of Dion Cassias, sec Dion Cassics. Xiphilinos (Joannes), patriarch of Constantinople. [Xiphii.in], .see MiiiNE (.1. P.) cd., Pat. gra'ca, tl20, J. X. Xivrey (J. Berger de), sec Berger de Xh-rey (Jules). X. L., see *Limi! (The), by X. L., 2"" ed., 1896. Xylander (Johann L. von). Die Sprache d. Albanesen oder Schkipetaren. S'^. Frankfurt a.il. 1835 T. (A. S. A.), sec *Lord Randolph, a poem [signed A. S. A. Y.], n.d. Y. (D.), see Hampshire. *Co11s. for the hist, of H. etc., by D. V., 1795. T. (John P.), M.D.. see *Few (A) hundred Bible contradictions, a hunt after the Devil, it o. odd matters. By Y., 1843. Tachya (Bonsenior Ahen), see Bonsenior, .ibcn Yachya. Yakkun Nattannawa, etc., — Knlan Nattannawa : Cingalese poemfs]. Tr. by .J. Callaway. [0. T. Fund]. Ia8". 1829 Takub Beg, amir of Kashgar, see Boulger (D. C.) Life of Y. B., 1878. Takub ibn Is'hak ibn Subbah (Abu Tiisuf), Al-Kindi, sec Aj.-KindI. Tale University. Alphabet, index to subjects in reviews, it o. periodicals, prepared for the Lib. of the Brothers in Unity, Yale C. 8". N.Y. 1848 Catalogue [Yearly]. 1894/5-1899/1900. [wanting 1896/7 it 1898/9]. s8". New Haven. 1894-9 *Four years at Yale. By a graduate of '69. s8". New Haven, Conn. 1874 Yamada Toshi-Aki, see Eastlake (F. W.) * Y. Heroic Japan, 1897. *Taman, its medisval hist, etc., 1892, see Kav (H. C.) ed. Tapp (G. W.), sec Art Industry : Furniture etc., [1879 ?]. Metal-work, [1879 ?]. Yarkand. Eeport of a mission to Yarkund, 1873, under com- mand of Sir T. D. Forsyth, 1875, sec Forsyth {Sir T. D.) Tarmouth. Narrative (A) of the grand festival at Y., 19 Apr. 1814, w. all the handbills etc. 4". Yarmouth, unpubl. 1814 Yarnall (Ellis). Wordsworth & tlie Coleridges; w. o. memories. 8". N.Y. 1899 *Yarns by a Manchester Spinner [by John Cameron ?]. s8<'. M'ter. n.d. Yarranton (Andrew). England's improvement by sea ct land, etc. 2p. s4°. 1677-81 Yarrell (William). Hist, of British birds. Rev. A. Newton, ct H. Saunders. 4v. 4"' ed. 8». 1871-85 Hist, of British fishes. 2v. FSuppl'. 1, 2, bound w. v2]. 8". 183G-9 Yarrow (Harry Crecy). Intr. to study of mortuary customs among N. Amer. Indians. [Smithsonian Inst.]. 4". Washington. 1880 Tate (Arthur Campbell). England & Eussia face to face in Asia. Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. 8". E. 1887 2""' ed. Yate (Arthur Campbell) [continued]. Lt.-col. J. Haughton. li Tate (Charles Edward). N. ,\fghanistau ; or, Letters Afghan Boundary Commission. 8^ Yate ("William). Account of New Zealand, A- of mission. Yates (Edmund Hodgson). Black sheep. ;li-. s.S". ISC" „ ,j ... new ed. s8". 1807 The business of pleasure. 2v. sS". 18(l."i Celebrities at home ; repr. f. "The World." Ser. 1-3. [no morepiibl.]. 8". 1877-0 Dr. Waiawright's patient. 3v. s8". 1671 The impending sword. 3v. s8". 1874 Kissing the rod. 3v. s8". 186C Laud at last. ov. sS". 1866 a8". 1900 from the E. 1888 C.M.S.'s sS». 1835 Nobody's fortune, Pages in waiting. A riglited wrong. The rock ahead. A silent witness. Two by tricks. A waiting race. Wrecked in port. E. Y'ates : li. recolb ences. 2v „ , 4^1' ed. The yellow flag. 3v. 3v 3 v. 3v. s.S". n.d. s8". n.d. s8". 187.') s8". n.d. sS". 1870 s8». 1875 sS". 1874 s8". 1869 it experi- 8". 1882 s8". 1882 s8". 1N74 Yates (F. M. L.) [^[rs. Ashton Y'.atesj. A winter in Italy. 2v. sS". 1844 Yates (James). On French system of measures etc., w. abstract of the discussion 'at Institution of Civil Engineers]. rP132]. 8". 1854 Origin etc. of the Internal. Assoc, for a Decimal System. [P132]. 2-' ed. 8". 1856 Textrinum antiqaorum : weaving among the ancients. vl. [no more publ.]. »'. 1843 Vindic.of Unilarianism, in reply toE. Wardlaw. 4"'ed. 8". 18-50 Yates (Richard), D.D. Hist. & antiqs. of the Abbey of St. Edmund's Bui-y ; w. views of the most considerable monas- terial remains, by W. Yates. 2"'' ed. 4". 1843 Yates (Thomas), a. of Indian Church hist., etc., see Y'e-ates(T.) Yates (William), of Sidney Sussex Coll., Cam., see Yates (l!i.) Hist, of St. Edmund's Bury, w. views of the most considerable monasterial remains, by \\'. Y., 2'"' ed., 1843. Yates (William Holt). Modern hist, of Egypt, with ace. of Mehemet Ali, 1801-43, etc. 2v. 8". 1843 Yeaman (Geo. H.) International Prize Law it the abol. of maritime captures. [P248]. 8". Copenhagen. 1807 Year. *Y'ear nine (The), 1858, see M.anning (A.) ■"Year (A) with the birds, 1886, sec Fowler (W. W.) Year-book of Australia. 1885, 88, 92, 96-1901. 8". [1885-1'JOl] YEAR-BOOK 1617 YONGE Year-book of facts in science & art : exhibiting the most im- portant discoveries etc. of the past year in mechanics etc. [Ip. varies : for -tSji-S it is, " Y.-b. of f. in science & the arts " ; for iH"/9-7'JISO, " Y.-b. of f. in science & the useful arts "]. For [1838J-79/80. sS". 1839-80 „ Extra vols. : The Y.-b. of f. in the great exhibition of 1851 ; ci, The Y'.-b. of f. in the international exhibition of 1862. 2v. s8». 1851-62 Yearbook of medicine, surgery, & their allied sciences, 1859-62. 4v. [New Sydenham Soc.]. 8". 1860-3 Year-book of science (The). 1891. sS". 1892 Year-book of the scientific & learned societies of Great Britain & Ireland. l"-5"', 12"'-17"' ann. issue[s]. 8". 1884-1900 Year Books. Y'ear Books of the r. of Edward I. Ed. & tr. A. J. Horwood. Years 20 & 21 ; 21 & 22 ; 30 & 31 ; 32-33 ; Mich. Term, Year 33, & Years 34 & 35. 5v. [Rolls Ser., 31, i-v]. Ia8». 1863-79 Year Books of the r. of Edward III. Years 11 & 12 ; 12 & 13 ; 13 & 14 ; 14 ; 14 * 15 ; 16 (1« part) ; 16 (2"^ part) ; 17. 7v, \inprog. Rolls Ser., 31, vi-xii]. laS". 1883-1901 Years 11 & 12 ed. & tr. A. J. HorwoocI, w. pref. & index by L. O. Pike. Years 12/13-17 ed. & tr. L. O. Pike. Yearly (The) Supreme Court Practice, 1899. With notes. By M. M. Mackenzie, S. G. Lushington, J. C. Fox, etc. 8". 1899 Year's art (The). By M. B. Huish. 1890-92. 3v. s8». 1890-2 *Yeast, 1851, see Kingsley (C.) Yeates (Thomas). Indian Church hist. : first planting of the gospel in Syria, Mesopotamia, India, China. 8". 1818 Remarks on the hist, of anc. Egypt. [P259]. 8". 1835 Yeatman (John Pym). Early genealog. hist, of the House of Arundel : ace. of the origin of the families of Montgomery, Albini, Fitzalan, & Howard. fol. 1882 The gentle Shakspere : a vindication. laS". n.d. Hist, of the Common Law of Gt. Brit. * Gaul. pi. 8". 1874 The Land Transfer Bill. [P547]. 8". [1887] Records of the borough of Chesterfield ; extr'. f. the archives etc. laS". Chesterfield. 1884 Yeats (John), LL.D. The golden gates of trade, w. our home industries. s8". 1890 Growth * vicissitudes of commerce, B.C. 1500-.i.ii. 1789. s8". 1872 Manual of recent & existing commerce, 1789-1872. sS". 1872 Map studies of the mercantile world. s8". 1890 Nat. hist, of raw materials of commerce. 2°'^ & rev. ed. s8". 1877 Technical hist, of commerce or skilled labour applied to pro- duction. s8". n.d. Yeats (Sidney K. Levett-), see Levett-Yeats. Yeats (William Butler). A book of Irish verse, eel. f. i Poems. mod. writers. s8°. 1895 | „ The Celtic twilight. sS". 1893 The Countess Kathleen, & var. legends & lyrics. bS". 1892 Irish fairy & folk tales. sS". ii.d. Irish fairy tales. b8°. 1892 The land of heart's desire. 38°. 1894 Yeddo, see Tokyo. Yeld (George). Scrambles in the Eastern Graians, 1878-97. S8". 1900 Yeldham (Walter) [pseud. Aliph Cheeji]. Lays of Ind. By A. C. 7"' ed. s8i'. Calcutta. 1883 Lays of the sea-side. s8o. 1887 Yellow (The) fairy book, 1894, see Lanq (A.) ed. Yellowstone. 'Wonders of the Y. Region, 1874, see Richaedson (.Ja.) cd. Yelverton (Therese), t'isc/fss. ^uomjwojv, see Lonqwokth (M. T.) [i.e. Tiiebese Yelverton]. Yendys (Sydney), ^w., see Dobell (S. T.) Yen-Thsong, see Heuen-Ts.ang. Hist, de la vie de H.-T , par Ycn-Thsong etc., tr., 1853. Yeo (Isaac Burney). Climate & health resorts, u. ed. sS". 1890 Food in health * disease. sg.., jggg Health resorts. ggo. 1882 A season at St. Moritz. s8". 1870 Yeowell (J.) *A lit. antiquary : mem. of W.Oldys, etc. s8». 1862 Yepes (John, de), see John, Saint, of the Cross. Yetsira, iook of, see Jezira, book of. Yeuda, Levita, see Judah, ben Samuel, the Levite. Yih King. Le Yi King ; tr. par P. L. F. Philastre. [Annales du Musee Guimet, 8, 23]. 2p. 4". 1885-93 see Saceed Books of the East : 16, China, S. B. of C. The texts of Confucianism, tr. J. Legge, p2, Y., etc., 1882. Yncas, see Incas. Toe (Shway) ps., see Scott (.LijiEs George). Yogindra (Sadanandra), see SadAnandra Yogindra. 88°. 1895 „ s8". 1899 , S8". 1901 The secret rose. bS". 1897 The shadowy waters. 8". 1900 The wind among the reeds. b8". 1899 , 13'" ed.]. 88". 1900 see Eglinton (J.) ps., Y., etc., Lit. ideals in Ireland, 1899. I YoUand (E.) Vanity's ijrice. I Yonge (Charles Duke). CJradus ad Pamassum. 8". 1850 Hist, of Prance under the Bourbons, 1589-1830. iv. a\ 1866-7 Hist, of the Brit. Navy. 2v. 8°. 1863 Life & administration of 2"'' E. of Liverpool. 3v. 8°. 1868 Life of Marie Antoinette. 2v. 88". 1876 „ „ ... S'-i ed. s8". n.d. Yonge (Charlotte Mary). The armourer's prentices. 2v. 38". 1884 Aunt Charlotte's stories of Eng. hist, tor the little ones. 88». 1884 Aunt Charlotte's stories of French hist. s8". 1893 Aunt Cliarlotte's stories of German hist. s8". 1878 Aunt Charlotte's stories of Greek hist, 'l"'' ed. 88". 1880 Beechcrott at Eockstone. 2v. s8". 1888 Biographies of good women. s2. s8<>. 1865 A book of golden deeds. s8". 1865 *A book of worthies. 2n'l ed. s8". 1872 Bye-words. Tales old & new. 88". 1880 The caged hon. 2'"i ed. s8". 1870 „ „ 4"' ed. s8". 1876 Cameos from Eng. hist. 8l-7. 88". 1868-90 1, Rollo-Edw. II. 2, The wars in France. 3, Wars of the Koses. 4, Reformation times. 5, Eng. & Spain. 6, Forty years of Stewart rule, (1603-43). 7, Rebellion & Eestor"., (1642-78). „ „ si, 2, 2"" ed. 1869-72 Chantry house. 2v. s8". 1886 •The chaplet of pearls. 2v. b8". 1868 n. ed. s8". 1896 •The clever woman of the family. 2v. 88". 1865 „ ,, s8". 1884 The daisy chain. sS". 1895 j •The Danvers Papers. s8". 1867 The disturbing element. 88". 1878 I The dove in the eagle's nest. | 3' ied s8" 1871 68" 1880 •Dynevor Terrace. '2'v s8» 1857 Grisly Grisell. 2v s8° 1893 Hannah More. sS» 1888 •Heartsease. 15'^ ed 88". 1877 The Heir of Redclyffe s8". 1881 Henrietta's wish. s8". 1899 •Hist, of Xtn. names .2v s8". 1863 „ „ ... n ed. s8". 1884 Hist, of France. s8". 1879 Hopes & fears. s8". 1888 •Kenneth : the real -guard of the grand army. 8»> ed 88'- . 0. 1887 Lady Hester : or. Ursula's narrative. sS". 1874 •The Lances of Lynwood. n. ed. s8°. 1878 b8". 1891 s8». 1900 Life of Scott i^with hiblioijraphy by J. P. Anderson]. 8". 1888 Lite of Wellington. 2v. 8". 1860 Our great milit. commanders. 88". 1892 Phraseolog. Eng.-Latin diet. s8». 1855 The seven heroines of Christen- dom. s8". 1878 Three cent", of Eng. lit. s8". 1872 Landmarks of history. Ancient hist. : to the Mahometan conquest. 19"' ed. 88". 187S „ „ Middle Ages: Charle- magne-Ch. V. 8"' ed. s8". 1879 „ „ Modern hist. : Refor- mation to fall of Napoleon. 5'ii ed. s8". 1874 Life of J. C. Patteson, bp. of the Melanesian I». 2v. 8". 1874 •The httle duke. n. ed. s8". 1876 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. 2°'i ed. Ia8". 1872 The long vacation. s8". 1895 Love & life. 2v. s8". 1880 Magnum bonum : or. Mother Carey's brood. 3v. 38". 1879 Modem broods. s8". 1900 A modem Telemachus. 2v. s8". 1886 More byivords. 68>'. 1890 Musings over the " Xtn. Year " & "Lyra Irmocentium" by Y. ; w. recoils, of Keble by sev. friends. s8". O. 1871 My young Alcides. 2v. s8". 1875 •New ground. s8». 1868 Nuttie's father. 2v. s8". 1885 An old woman's outlook in a Hampshire village. s8". 1892 The pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. sS". 1897 The pillars of the house. 4v. s8". 1873 „ , 88". 1889 •The prince & the page. s8^. 1891 P's & Q's. b8». 1872 •The pupils of St. John. s8". [1868 ?] The release : or, Caroline's French kindred. s8". 1896 A reputed changeling. 2v. b8". 1889 Scenes & characters, or 18 months at Beechcroft. 5"" ed. 88". 1889 A storehouse of stories. [ser. 2]. 88". 1872 Story of the Christians & Moors of Spain. s8". 1878 Stray pearls ; memoirs of M. de Ribaumont etc. 2v. b8". 1883 That stick. 2v. bS". 1892 The three brides. 2v. 2n'l ed. s8". 1876 The treasures in the marshes. bS". n.d. The trial; more hnks of the daisy chain. s8". 1888 Two penniless princesses. 2v. 88". 1891 The two sides of the shield. 2v. 88". 1885 „ , b8". 1886 5M YONGE 1618 YORKSHIRE Tonge (Charlotte Mary) [continued]. Unkuo^vu to history ; a story of captiv. of Mary of Scotland. 2v. s8». 1882 Womankiud. 2"'' ed. sS". 1877 *Tlie young step-mother. sS". 18G1 *The young step-mother. [anoth. ed.']. sS". 1889 see Sewell (E. M.) & C. M. Y., edd.y Hist. sel^. : readings f. the best authorities, 1868. Napoleon als 3= A. 8°. 1901 usum insignis , M. Bramston, C. Coleridge, ij; E. Stuart. Astray. s8°. 1886 Yonge (Philip), hp. of Bristol. Sermon before the Lords, Feb. 1.3, 17G1. [P2571. 4". 1761 Tonge ("Walter). Diary, at Colyton cS: Axminster, 1604-28. Ed. G. Eobeits. [Camden Soc, 41]. s4». 1848 Torek von Wartenburg (Hans D. L., Graf), see Drotsen (J. G.) Leben d. Y. v. W., 1851-2. Torek V. Wartenburg {Graf Maximilian). Feldherr. 2T. Torick, /ijZio di Yorick, ps., sec Ferkigni (P. C.) Torick, jjs. see Sterne (L.) York, archbishops d church. Breviarium ad Eocl. Eboracensis. [Ed. S. IF. Lawley]. 2v. [Surtees Soc, 71, 75]. 8°. Durham. 1880-2 Fabric EoUs of York Minster ■with app. of iUust. doc'. [Ed. J. Baine. Surtees Soc, 35]. 8". Durham. 1859 Manuale & processionale ad usum insignis Eccl. Eboracensis. [Ed. W. G. Henderson. Surtees Soc, 63]. 8°. Durham. 1875 Missale ad usum insignis Eccl. Eboracensis. [Ed. W. G. Hen- derson]. 2v. [Surtees Soc, 59, 60]. 8". Durham. 1874 see Bainbeidge {Card. C.) Liber pontificalis C. B., aep., 1875. „ Egbert, Saint. The Tontitical of E. (732-66), 1853. „ L.iT folks mass book ; & Offices in English ace to the use of York, f. MSS. of IC'-IS'" c, 1879. „ Kaine (J.) the iioungcr, ed. The historians o£ the church of Y. & its Archbishops, 1879-94. Tork, city etc. of. Criminal chronology of York Castle, 1879 to present time. s8". 1867 Depositions from the Castle of Y., rel. to offences in the Northern Counties in 17"" c, 1861, see Depositions etc. Index of wills in the York Registry. [Yorkshire Archeeolog. Soc Eecord Ser. in prog.] : 8". 1888-1902 1389-1514, [Eecord Ser., 6]. 1514-53, [11]. 1554-68, [14]. 1568-85, [19]. 1585-94, [22]. 1594-1602, [24]. 1603-11, [26]. 1612-19, [28]. 1620-27, [32J. 1636-52, [4]. The loords " Index of" are not on tJie tp. of v4, the first vol. of the series issued. Lancashire & Cheshire wills etc. (1572-1696) at Chester, w. Lanes. & Cheshire wills etc. proved at Y. or Eichmond (1542- 1649), 1893, see E.vrw.Uver (J. P.) ed. Begister of the Freemen of the City of Y. f. the City Eecords. [Ed. F. Colhns]. vl, 2, (1, 1272-1558. 2, 1559-1759). [in2}ro(i. Surtees Soc, 96, 102]. 8». 1897-1900 The Eegister of the Guild of Corpus Christi, in York. ^Yith doc', contg. ace of the Hospital of St. Thomas, without Mieklegate-Bar, in the suburbs. [Ed. B. H. Skaife. Surtees Soc, 57]. 8». Durham. 1872 Testamenta Eboracensia : a sel. of wills f. the Eegistry at Y., 5v, 1836-84, see Testamenta etc Tork, county of, see Yorkshire. Tork Plays ; performed by the crafts of York on Corpus Christi, 14-16"' c. Intr. tt gloss, by L. Toulmiu Smith. 8°. O. 1885 Tork (Anne, duclicss of), l637-yi, JIAnne [Hyde], duchess of l'urk\, see Dryden (J.) *Defence of papers by the late King and Duchess of York agst. the ans. made [by Stillingfleet] to them, 1686. Tork (Frederick, duke of), I7fi3-!S2~, see Frederick, d%ike of York £ Albany. Tork (George, duke of), see George, prince of Wales. Tork (James, duke of), aft. James II, see James II. Torke (Hon. Charles), see Waebcrton (W.) bp.. Letters from a late ijrelate [W.] etc, [App., Letters f. C. Y. toW. W.], 2-' ed., 1809. Torke (Curtis) ps. [i.e. Mrs. S. Eichmond Lee]. Because of the child. b8°. 1897 I Romance of mod. London. Hush! 3v. sS". 1888 3v. s8". 1892 Jocelpi Erroll. 3« ed. sS". 1900 | Valentine. s8». 1897 Once! sS". 1892 > Torke(Henry). Reason urged against precedent. [P22]. 8». [1793] Torke (Henry Redhead). Letter to the Eeformers. [P675]. 8". Dorchester. 1798 Torke (Philip), r' earl of Hardwicke, see H.\edwicke. Torke (Philip), £•"«' earl of Hardwicke, se£ Hardwicke. Torke (Philip), of Erthig. The Eoyal tribes of Wales ; added, ace. of the fifteen tribes of N. Wales. Notes etc. by E. Wil- hams. 40. Liverpool. 1887 Torke (Philip), viscount Boyston, d. ■fSSS, see Eotston. Torke (Stephen) pis., see Linskill {Miss Mary). Torke-Davies (N. E.) Health & condition in the active & the sedentary. i't ed. s8». 1896 Tork Gate Geographical & Colonial library [of S. W. Silver]. Catalogue. Ia8". 1882 Tork Powell (Frederick), see Powell (F. York). Torkshire. Abstracts of Y. wills in time of the Common- wealth, at Somerset House, chiefly illust. of Dugdale's visita- tion of Y. (1665/6), 1890, see Clay (J. W.) ed. [Catalogue of Inquisitions post mortem for the Co. of York, for r". of Ja. I. it Cli. I, in the Courts of Chancery & of Wards & Liveries. (2) Catalogue of Y. wills at Somerset House (for 1649-60) ; by F. Collins]. [Yorkshire Arch. Soc, Eecord Ser., vl]. 8°. 1885 The entry above is a copy of tlm "Contents." The tp. gives no indication of tlu; contents £ has simply Record Ser. vl. Certificates (The) of the Commissioners apptd. to survey the chantries, guilds, hospitals, etc, in the Co. of York. [Ed. W. Page]. 2v, [pagin. cont. Surtees Soc, 91, 92]. 8". Durham. 1894-5 Feet of Fines [for Yorkshire] of the Tudor period. 4p. [York- shire Ai-choeolog. Soc, Eecord Ser., 2, 5, 7, 8]. 8». 1887-90 Glossary of 1'. words etc. coll. in Whitby, 1855, see Robin- son (F. K.) Inventories of Church goods for the counties of York, Durham, Northumberland, 1897, see Page (W.) ed. List (A) of Roman Catholics in the Co. of York (1604), f. MS. in Bodleian, 1872, see Pe.icock (E.) ed. Notes on the religious & secular houses of Y., in prog., 1895etc, see B.uldon (W. P.) ed. *01d Y., 1881-91, see Smith (William) ed. Pedes finium Ebor. regnante Johanne, 1199-1214. [Ed. W. Brown. Surtees Soc, 94]. 8°. Durham. 1897 Returns (The) for the West Riding of the Co. of York of the Poll Tax laid in 2 Ric II, 1379. [Yorkshire Arch. Soc.]. 8'. 1882 The survey of the Co. of Y'ork, by J. De Kirkby, callecl Kirkby's Inquest. Also Inquisitions of Knights' Fees, the Nomina Villarum for Y'orkshire, it app. of illust. doc". [Ed. B. H. Skaife. Surtees Soc, 49]. 8". Durham. 1867 Visitation of the Co. of Yorke (1C65-6) by Dugdale, 1859, see DuGDALE {Sir W.) Visitation of Y.. 1563-4, by W. Flower. Ed. C. B. Norclifte. [Harleian Soc, 16]. 4". 1881 Visitation of Y., 1584-5, by E. Glover, etc, 1875, see Glovee (Robert), Somerset. West Eiding Sessions Rolls, 1597/8-1602 ; pref. by certain proceedings in the Court of the Lord President & Council of the North, in 1595. Ed. J. Lister. [Yorkshire Archceolog. Soc, Eecord Ser., 3]. 8". 1888 Yorkshire Chap-books, ed. C. A. Federer. si : T. Gent's tracts on legendary subj»., etc. 8". 1889 Yorkshire (The) dialect exemplified in dialogues etc. ; added, a glossary. [P357]. s8". 1839 Y'orkshire diaries it autob'. in the 17"' & 18"' C. 2v. [Surtees Soc, 65, 77]. 8". Durham. 1877-86 [vl (Surtees Soc, no. 65)] conf\ : Dyurnall of Adam "Eyio. — T ife of John Shaw — A family hist, begun by James Fretwell — Journal of John Hobson, of Dodworth Green — Autob. memoranda by Heneage Dering, Dean of Eipon. TJie " Dyurnall of A. Eyre " is ed. by H. J. Morehouse ; the rest of tlie vol. by C. Jackson. [v2 (Surtees Soc, uo. 77)] conP. : Mem', cone, the family of the Priestleys, written by Jonathan Priestley, 1696. [Ed. C. /(((■Asofi] —Memorandum book of Sir Walter Calverley, bart. [Ed. S. Margerison]. Yorkshire Inquisitions. Ed. W. Brown, vl-3, [vl, of r'. of Hen. Ill it Ed. I. v2, 1283-95. v3, 1294-1303. in prog. Yorkshire Archffiolog. Soc, Eecord Ser., 12, 23]. 8°. 1892-1902 Yorkshire Lay Subsidy, being a 9"" collected in 25 Edw. I, 1297. Ed. W. Brown. [Yorkshire Archasolog. Soc, Eecord Ser., 16]. 8". 1894 Yorkshire Lay Subsidy, being a IS"", collected 30 Edw. I, 1301. Ed. W. Brown. [Yorkshire Archseolog. Soc, Eecord Ser., 21]. 8°. 1897 YORKSHIRE 1619 YOUNG Yorkshire [cotitinued]. Yorkshire Royiilist Composition Papers, or proceedings of the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents dur. the Com- monwealtli. Ed. J. W. Clay. 3v. [Yorkshire Archajolog. Soc, Record Ser., 15, 18, 20]. 8". 1893-() ♦Yorkshire writers : R. RoUe & his followers, ed. Horstman, 1895, see Rolle (Richaed). Yorkshire Agricultural Society. Cottage & Farm Architec- ture. Plans etc. [P81]. 8". 1862 Yorkshire Archaeological & Topographical Association [aft. Yorkshire Arch.eoi.og. Soc], see yoKKsniRE Arch.eological Society. Yorkshire archsological journal. [Tli£ earlier vol', have t. : Y. a. A topographical j.]. Publ. under dir. of the Yorkshire Archfeolog. Soc. vl-lG, ['; h peogr.] 8". [vl5, Iti Leeds]. 1870-1902 Yorkshire Archaeological Society. [Fortn. Yorkshire Arcii.?;o- LOGicAL & Topographical Association]. Library of the Y. A. S. Index corrected to Dec, 18S)7. [6. w. Yorkshire arch, journal, vl4, 1838]. 8^. 1898 9**^ ann. excursion : programme at Beverley, 1875. [P354]. ^8". HuddersBeld. 1875 Report of excursion to HaUfax, Shibden Hall, & EUand. [P3.5U]. 8". Halifax. 1876 see Burton (T.) Hist, of Hemingbrough, 1888. „ Holmes (Ri.) The Black Friars of Pontefract, presented to the Y. A. & T. A., 1891. „ Yorkshire. Returns for the West Riding of the Poll Tax (1379), 1882. „ Yorkshire arch-eological journal, in prog., 1870etc. Record Series, vl-82, [in prog.]. 8°. 1885-1902 see Baildon (W. P.) ed., Notes on the religious & secular houses of Yorkshire, vl, i7i i^rog., 1895etc. [17.] „ Clay (.T. W.) ed.. Abstracts of Yorkshire wills in the time of the Commonwealth, chiefly illust. of Dugdale's visita- tion |1C65,G), 1890. [9.] „ Leach (A. P.) Early Yorkshire schools, vl, 1899. [27.] „ Pontefract. Chartulary of St. John of P., 1899-1902. [25, 30.] „ Selby. Coucher Book of S., 2v, 1891-3. [10, 13.] „ "Wakefield. Court Rolls of Manor of W., vl, 1901. [29.] „ York, city of. Index of wills in the Y. Registry, in prog., 1888etc. \i, 0, 11, 14, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32.] „ Y'orkshire. Cat. of Inquisitions post mortem for the Co. of Y'ork, for r'. of Ja. I tt Ch. I, in Courts of Chancery & of Wards tt Liveries. (2) Cat. of Yorkshire Wills at Somerset House, for 1649-60 ; by F. Collins. [1.] „ Feet of Fines of the Tudor period, 4p, 1887-90. [2, 5, 7, 8.] „ West Riding Sessions Rolls (1597/8-1602) ; [w.] certain proceedings in the Court of the Lord President tt Council of the North (1595), 1888. [3.] „ Y. Inquisitions, vl, 2, 3, in prog., 1892-1902. [12, 23, 31.] „ Y. Lay Subsidy (1297), 1894. [16.] „ Y. Lay Subsidy (1301), 1897. [21.] „ y. RoyaUst Composition Papers, 3v, 1893-6. [15,18,20.] Yorkshire Institution for Education of Deaf & Dumb Chil- dren. 33"' ann. report. [P82]. 8". Doncaster. 1802 Inquiry resp. former pupils, 1870; w. the school-register, 1829- 70. [P253]. 8". Doncaster. 1870 Results of inquiry resp. the former pupils, 1859. [PKii.] 8". 1859 Yorkshire Society's School, [ Westminster Bridge Road]. Report etc., 1883. [P385]. s8". 1884 Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes. Report at 17"', 21", (('• 27"' ann. meetings, 1854, 1864. [P137, 157, 205]. 8". Leeds. 1854-64 York V. Wartenburg, see Yorck v. Wartenbdeg. Yoshi (lye-), sec Iye-Yoshi. Yoshiwara Yiikwaku, sec *Nightles8 city (The) ; or " hist, of the Y. Y.," 1899. Youatt CWilliam). Youmans (Edward Livingston) [contimied]. sec Fiske (.John). Life ifc letters of Y., 1894. Youmans (Eliza Ann). Culture of the ob-serving powers of •Cattle. S«. 1834 The complete grazier & farmer & cattle breeder's assistant. 12'ii ed., enl. etc. by R. S. Bum. 8". 1877 „ 13'i' ed. re-written by W. Fream. Ia8". 1893 The dog. 8». 1845 The horse ; from " Knight's Store of Knowledge." sS". 1853 The horse ; a treatise on draught. n. ed. 8». 1843 8". 1847 8". [1837] The pig. Sheep etc. Youmans (Edward Livingston). Class-book of chemistry. Rewr. & rev. s8'>. 1876 The culture demanded by modern life. s8". N.Y. 1867 Modern culture : addresses etc. sS". 1867 This is, with sliglit additions . Dundee. 1846 Young (Arthur), F.R.S. Autobiography, with sels. f. b. corr. Ed. M. Betham-Edwards. 8". 1898 The example of France a warning etc. [P404]. 88". 1793 *The farmer's letters to the people of Eng. ; [and] Sylvaj : tracts on husbandry. 2v. 3"' ed. 8". 1771 The farmer's tour through the East of England. 4v. 8". 1771 Gen. view of agric. of Essex. [Board of Agric.]. 2v. 8". 1807 Gen. view of agric. of Lincoln. [Board of Agric.]. 8". 1799 Gen. view of agric. of Norfolk. [Board of Agric.]. 8". 1804 Gen. view of agric. of Oxfordshire. [Board of Agric.]. 8". 1809 Gen. view of agric. of Suffolk. [Board of Agrio.]. [P763]. 4». 1794 S'^ed. 8\ 1804 A six months tour through tbe North of England. 4v. [v3 & 4 wanting]. 8'\ 1770 4v. 2"'' ed. 8". 1771 *Six weeks tour through the S. counties of England & Wales. 3'" ed. s8''. 1772 A tour in Ireland, 1776-9. 2v. 8". D. 1780 2pin Iv. 4". 1780 „ ,, ; ed., w. notes, A. W. Button, w. bibliog'. by J. P. Andei-son. 2v. 58". 1892 „ „ [anoth. ed.], see Pinkerton (J.) Voyages, v3. Travels dur. 1787-9, partic. w. view of ascertaining the cultiva- tion etc. of France. 4". Bury St. Edmund's. 1792 „ v2, [b.w. 1" ed., 1792]. 2°" ed. i". Bury St. Edmund's. 1794 Travels in France, 1787-9 ; notes etc. by M. Betham-Edwards. s8<>. 1889 S"" ed. s8". 1890 4"'ed. s8». 1892 [anoth. cd?\, sec Pinkerton (.1.) Voyages, v4. Young (Arthur), o/iV.r. The fractional family. 8". 1864 Young (Arthur), son of A. Youncj, F.R.S. Gen. view, of agric. of Sussex. [Board of Agi-ie.]. 8». 1808 Young (Brigham), see *Mokmonisji unveiled : life of J. D. Lee A-B.Y., etc., 1891. Young {licut. C. B.), Bengal engineers. Overland sketches. [Coloured pilates. No text], fol. n.d. Young (C. M.), see Young (J. C.) Mem. of Y., 1871. Young (Charles Augustus). The sun. s8». 1882 Text-book of gen. astronomy. 8". Boston, U.S. 1889 Young (Charles Fred. T.) Fire, fire engines, fire brigades. 8". 1866 Young (Sir Charles George), Garter King of Arms. Ancient orders of precc^U-ncy. [P787]. 8». n.d. Ancient tables of precedency. [P787]. 8". n.d. The baronets : petitions for a badge etc., 1614-1835. [P787]. 8°. [1835 ?J Barons by tenure : f. a MS. of Sir T. St. George (1686). [P787]. 8". 1860 5m2 YOUNG 1620 YUKON Young (Sir Charles George) Icoutinued]. Barons by tenure ; \v. dates of first writs issued to those ot their descendants who were first summoned to Pari. [I'7H7i. 8". ii.il Cat. of the coll. of MSS. ot Y., etc., \vh. will be sold 18 Dec. 1871. 8". 1871 Controversy for precedence betw. J. Monbray, Earl Marshal, & Bichard, Earl of Warwick. iP787]. 8". n.d. The Lord-Lieutenant * High Sheriff. [P787]. 8". 18C0 The national ensigns of Gt. Brit. [From a MS. of S. Martin- Leake]. ^ [P787]. 8". [1855] On variations in the bearing of the Eoyal Arms on coins. [P787]. 8". n.(l. Order of precedence ^et forth in Blackstoue. [P787]. 3"' ed. 1773. H". n.fl. Ornaments & gifts consecrated by Roman pontiffs : the Golden Rose, the Cap & Sword, presented to sovereigns of Eng. & Scotl. l1'787:. 8". [1860] Place of the Lord Mayor in proceedings through London. 8". 1852 Precedence of great estates in their owue degres, 1594. [P787]. 8". ».rf. Precedency of women. [P787J. 8". n.d. Privy Councillors A their precedence. [P787]. 8". 1860 Royal Family. [P787]. 8". [1805] Serjeants at law. S'\ n.d. A table of precedency of men. H". n.d. Titles of honour: by Sir T. Si. George. rP787]. 8". [1861; Will of R. Arundel], s ,Inly, ,', Henry V. " [P787i. »\ n.d. Young (Charles Mayne), see Young (Jilian C.) 'Mem. of C. IM. Y., w. e\tr'. f. Ii. sun's journal, 1871. Young (Cuthbert G.) A wayfarer's notes on the shores of the Levant, . Hist, of Whitby * Streoneshalh Abbey. 2v in 1, Ipagiii. eont.] Ia8i>. Whitby. 1817 Young (George Frederick). Free-trade fallacies refuted; letters to " Morning Herald." [P324]. 8". 1852 Young (Henry), capt. What has religion to do w. politics? [P287J. s8". [1852] Young (Henry), of Graimiuir School, Guildford. New Greek delectus. ' ' n. ed. sS". 1878 Young (James), of Kdinb. Life of John Welsh, of Ayr, etc., w. biog. sketch of [V.] s8'>. E. 1860 ; Young (James Foster). Five weeks in Greece. s8". 1876 Young (Jennie J.) Ceramic art. H '. 1879 Young (John), Lh.U., Kdinhurgk. The Xt. of hist. 4'" ed., w. ; crit. of Renan's " Vie de J." s8". 1868 ' " The life & light of men." s8". 1866 Primary instruction : letter to Palmerston etc. [P285]. 8". 1857 Young (John), prof, of Greek in Glasgow. *Criticism on the elegy in a country" chiirchyard. [P863]. 2"'' ed. 8". E. 1810 Young (John Radford). Mod. scepticism in rel. to mod. science. s8". 1865 Young (John Russell). Around the world w. Gen. Grant, 1877-79. 2v. laS". N.Y. [1879] 4". 1890 Residence on the s8". 1842 Recent disc, in hieroglypbical lit. & Egyptian antiq'. S". 182S Rudiments of an Egyptian diet. Pref .. mem. it cat. of h. works. b". 1831 see Pe.^cock (G.) Life of Y., 18,")5. Young (Julian Ch.) Last leaves from the journal of J. C. Y. s8". E. 1875 Mem. of C. M. Young, w. extr. f. h. son's journal. 2v. sS". 1871 Young (Lambton J. H.) Sea-fishing as a sport. sS". 1865 Young (M.) Lite A- times of A. Paleario, etc. 2v. 8°. 1860 Young (3[rs. Marianne), sec PosT.ixs {Mrs. M.) aft. Young. Young (Norwood). The story of Rome. " s8<>. 1901 Young (Patrick) [P. .Tunus], see .Kxics (P.^tkicivs). Young (Sidney). The annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London. Young (Thomas), Cenlr. Amer. Land Co. Mosquito Shore, 1839-41. Young (Thomas), M.D., F.E.S. Lectures on nat. philosophy it the niechan. arts. 2v. 4". 1807 ,, „ ... 2v. n. ed., w. notes etc. by P. Kelland. 8». 1845 Misc. works. 3v. 8°. 1855 On consumptive diseases. S". 1815 Young (Townsend). Hist, of Ireland for schools. sS". D. 1863 Young (Sir "William), J'"' hurt. The hist, of .Athens considered. [J'"' ed. of Spirit of Athens^ 4". 1786 The spirit' of Athens. 8". 1777 West-India commonplace book, from pari'. A ollicial docs. 4". 1807 Young (William), governor of Vulwich Coll. Hist, of Duhvich Coll. to 1857 ; w. lite of E. Alleyn, cfc transcript of h. diary, 1617-22, not', of some masters & fellows, etc. 2v. 4". 1889 Young England, ps., see *Pessimis, by Y. E., 1865. Younger. "Younger American poets (1830-90), 1891, sec Slaiikn (D.) ed. *Y'ounger sister (A), 1892, see Roberts (Mako.) Younger (D.) Magnetic & botanic family physician. 8". [1887] Younger (John). River angling for salmon & trout. s8". Kelso. 1864 Younghusband (Francis Edward). The heart of a continent; travels in Manchuria, 1884-94. 8". 1896 S. Africa of to-day. 8". 1898 sec Y'ocsGHrsRAXD (Capt. G. J.) <$: F. E. \. The relief of Chitral, 1895. Younghusband (George John). 1800 miles on a Burmese tat. s8". 1888 Frays it forays : sketches in peace iV war. s8". 1890 Indian frontier warfare. 8". 1898 The Philippines and round about. 8". 1899 The Queen's conmiission, how to prepare for it, obtain it, use it. s8". 1891 & Frank E. Younghusband. The relief of Chitral. 8". 1895 "Your life. By a. of "My life, by an es-dissenter," 1841, sfc Rawstox (G.) Youssof Salah ed-Din, see Salamn. Youth. -Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton, 18'29, 2'"' ed., sec HAMiLrox {Capt. T.) *Youth it womanhood of Helen Tvrrel. 1854, see Howaiid {Miss Makv M.) Yovanovitch CVladimir). [tJov.^xovn-]. Emancipation A unity of the Serbian nation. 8". Geneva. 1871 Yoxall (James Henry). Secondary education. s8". 1896 Yriarte (Charles). Autour du Coneile : un artiste "i Rome. 68". 1887 Les bords de I'Adriatique it le Montenegro. 4". 1878 Les Borgia : Cesar B., d'ap. de uouv. doc*. 2t. 8". 1889 Bosuie it Herzegovine : voyage pend. rinsurrection. s8". 1870 Vn condottiere au !'>'' s. : Rimini. Lcttres it arts :V la cour des Malatesta, d'ap. les pap. d'etat des Arch, d'ltalie. Ia8". 1882 ,, ,, see also RnnNi. Florence; tr. C. B. Pitman. fol. 1882 Ia8". 1889 s8". 188.? 4». 18(>7 4". 1901 4». 1S8M Fortuny. Frcui(,'oise de Rimini. Goya. Miintegna. Paul "Veronese. Les princes d'Orleans. s8". 1872 Les Prussiena X Paris it le 18 mars. 8", 1871 Venice. Tr. F. .J. Sitwell. fol. 1880 La vie d'lm patricieu de Veuise [M. A. Burbaroj au IG" b. d'ap. les pap. d'etat des Frari. !a8". [1874] Ysengrimus, 1884, see REvxARn, the Fo.r. Ysgafell, see Williams (.J.) [Ysgaiell]. Yiih-Keaou-Le, see Iu-Kiao-Li. Yukon, [sec also Kloxoike]. Y. gold-fields; Map— Mining regulations of the Dominion Govt., etc. [P769]. 8". Victoria, B.C. 1897 YUKON 1G21 ZANGWILL Yukon [continued]. The Y. Territory : narrative of W. H. Dall, 186C-8 ; of Geo. M. Diiwson, [18871; extr». f. report by \Vni. O^ilvie, [1896-7]. Intr. by F. T. Trimmer. 8". 1898 Yule (Sir Henry). Catliay & the way thither: iiieilieval not*. of Cliina, tr. * eil. 2v. [Hakluyt See., 80, 37]. 8". 18()6 Essay on geography of valley of tlie Oxiis, xcc \Vooi> (John). Journey to the source of the Oxus, n. ed., 1872. Narrative of the mission to the Court of Ava, 1853, etc. 4". 1858 ecc Polo (M.) Book of Marco P., tr. etc. H. Y., 1871 ; 2"'' ed., 1875. & A. C. Burnell. Hobson- Jobson : Aii;,'lo-Indian colloq. words & plirase.'i. 8'. 1886 Yule-tide stories : Scandinavian <& N. German, 1853, see TiionpE (B.) Yung Lun-Yuen. Hist, of the pirates who infested the Cliina Sea, 1807 10. Tr., w. notes, C. ¥. Neumann. [O.T.F.] la8". 1831 Yiisuf ibn Rafi ibn Tamin (Baha Al-din, Abu Al-Mahasin), called Ibn !SItciddcid. Vita et res gesta; Saladini, nee non excerpta ex hist. Abulfedie, iteuK). specimen ex Hist. JIajore Salndi]ii. Ivl. ac lat. vert. A. Schultens. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1732 Yiisuf Salah ed-Din, see Sal.\dix. Yusuke Kitagawa, see Out.amauo. Yvan (Melchior). Inside Canton. s8". 1858 Voyages & recits. 2t in 1. s8'>. Brux. 1855 see Cam.eiiy (J. M.) it M. Y., L'insurrection en Chine, 1855. „ ct Hist, of the insurrection in China ; tr., 1853. Yve-Plessis (E.) Bibliographic laisonnee de I'argot et de la langue \rvte en France du 15' au 20" s. 8°. 1901 Yvetot (M. Du Bellay, xnince d'), see Vv Bei.lav (M.) Ywaine, see Ivi;ns Saoa. z Z. {L'oinina7idant) ps., see Fontin- (P.) Zaarmilla, ^15. *Tr. of letters of a Hindoo Kajah [^named . Genes. 1825 Zacharia (Carl Salomo). Lucius Cornelius Sulla, als Ordner d. rumischen Freystaates. 2B in 1. 8". Heidelberg. 1834 Zacharia (Heinrich Albert). Deutsches Staats-u. Bundesrecht. 2B. 2' A. 8". Gottingen. 1853-4 Zacharias Chrysopolit., see Migne (J. P.) ed.. Pat. latina, tlSO. ZachariaS Upeus. [fSKORnui.IOS (Z.)] nipl tuv t^s uvyyeyiias fiaBiiaiv (TwoTrTiKTi (TvWoyii etc. s8". ["Venice? 1588'?"] Zacharias rJietor. Die sogenannte Kircheugesch. d. Z. B. In deutseher Ubers. hrsg. v. K. Ahrens, G. Kriiger. s8". L. 1899 Zacharias, b}}. of Mitylenc. The Syriac chronicle, known as that of Z. of Ji. Tr. F. J. Hamilton A- E. W.Brooks. 8". 1899 see MiGNK (J. p.) ed., Pat. grieca, t85, for Disp. de mundi opificio. Zachary, patriarch of Jerusalem. Epistola [Captivity in Persia], see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grieca, t80. Zachary, Saint, pope, see Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. Zacher (Cr.) L'Internationale rouge. Tr. Die rothe Internationale. Zack, ps., sec Keats (Gwendoline). Zada (Sheykh), sec Shaikh SAi!i).\it, iiianshi. Zadik (Josef ibn), see Joseph, ben Tsaddik. Zaeb (Typoo-), sec Tippoo, siiUan. Zaehnsdorf (Joseph W.) The art of bookbinding. 8". „ 2'"' ed. s8". i3o7«t. Zafar (Ibn), see Ibn Zafab. Zahm (John Augustine). Sound A music. 8". Chicago. Zahn (Joannes). Specula physico-mathematicohistorica in ijua Mundi (£conomia etc. proponitur. 3t in 1. fol. N'orirabergs!. 1690 Zahn (Theodor). Forschungen zur Gesch. d. neutestamentl. Kanons u. d. altkirchl. Lit. Tl-6. 8". Erlangen. 1881-1900 Tl-3 " V. T. Z." ; T4 "hrsg. v. J. Haussleiter u. T, Z." ; T5 " hrsg. V. T. Z." ; T6 " v. T. Z." 1, Tatian's Diatessaron, 2, Der Evangeliencommentar d. Theophilus v. Antiochien. 3, Supplementum Clementinum. latina, t89, 98. s8». 1884 8". 1884 1880 1890 1892 Zahu (Theodor) [continued]. 4, [Die l.itein. Apokalypse d. altcu afrikan. Kirche, v. J. H. — Text des v. A. Ciasca lirsg. aral). Diatessarons, v. E, Sellin — Aiialecta z. Gescli. u. Lit. d. Kirclie im 2. Jlidt., v. T. Z.] 3, Pavalipomena ; v. T. Zahu— Die .\pologie d. Aristides wieder- hergestellt etc. v. K. Seeberg. e<, Apostel u. Apostelschiiler in Asien — Briider u. Vetteru Jesu. Geseh. d. neutestamentl. Kanons. Bl, 2. [Each Band lias 2 Hiilfte loith sep. tp\] 8". Erlangen. 1888-92 1, Das N. T. vor Origenes. 2, Urknnden n. Belege z. l'"' u. 3»'" Ed. Zain al-Din. Tolifut-ul-mujahideen : an hist, work ; tr. M.J. Kowlandson. [O.T.F.]. Ia8". 1833 Zaleski (Jozef Bogdan), sec Noikk-Isle (C. tie) ps., Poetes dela Pologne, tr. : Cycle ukrainien, Z., 1870. Zaleucus, sec Taylok (T.) Polit. fragments of Archytas, Z. etc., tr., 1822. Zallones (Mark Philip), see Swan (C.) Voyage etc. ; [w.] essay on the Fanariotes, tr. f, Z., 1820. Zamacola (N.) [^)s. Don Pkeciso], see Peeciso (Don) jjs. Zamba. Life * adv. of Z., African negro king, A h. slavery ; by himself, arr. by 1'. Neilson. s8". 1847 Zamboni (G. E. Filippo). Sotto i Flavi. poema dramraatico. sS". Firenze. 1885 Zambrini (Francesco Saverio). CoUezione di leggende ined. 2t, s8'\ Bologna. 1855 Zamiel, ps., see Ei.iovex-tweli-ths alloy etc., by Z., 1887. Zamora (Antonio de). Comedias. 2t. 8". Madrid. 1744 Zamoyski (Jan), general. La deffaicte des Tartares & Turcs faicte par Z. n. ^d., a laq. on a aj. le disc, de Z. a la diete de Varsovie, 1510, & la r^ponse de Sigismond III, tr. s8". 1859 Zananiri (Nicolas). [An Arabic poem. On tp. is in MS., Sadjaret-El-Hack (L'arbre de la verite), po^me sacro par Nicolas Zananiri, AJexandric, Egypte]. [P633]. 8". n.d. Zander (Friedrich). Die Tanhiiuser-Sage u. d. Minnesinger Tanhiiuser. [P6891. Ia8". KOnigsberg. 1858 Zanella (Giacomo). Poesie. 6' imp. s8". Firenze. 1889 Zanetti (Antonio Maria), the younger. *Della pittura vene- ziana. s8". Venezia. 1771 Zanetti (Girolamo Francesco). *De nummis regum Mysioe seu Kaseia' ad Vcnetos typos percussis. [b.u-.h. Dell' orig. ec, 1750]. 8". Venetiis. 1750 Deir orig. e della antichita della moneta viniziaua. 8". Venezia. 1750 Zange (E. M. F.) L'ber das Fundament d. Ethik. 8". L. 1872 Zangwill (Israel). Tlie Bacliclors' Club. sS". 1891 Tbc mautle of Elijah. s8". 1900 Cliildreii of the Ghetto. 1 The master. b8». 1895 4'!' ed. s8". 1S93 The Old Maids' Club. s8". 1892 Dreamers of the Ghetto. I " They that walk in darkness " : s8". 1898 ; Ghetto tragedies. sS". 1899 Ghetto tragedies. 98". [189S] ' Without prejudice. 88". 1896 The King of Schnorrers. s8". 1894 & Louis Cowen. The Premier A- the Painter. [3'" ed.]. S8". 1893 Zangwill (Louis) [ps. Z. Z.] Cleo the Magnificent. s8". 1898 *A drama in Dutch. 2v. s8". 1894 The world & a man, by Z. Z. s8". 1896 ZANINA 1622 ZELLEB Zanina {la 2'riticesse 0\ga. de) [2^. Egbert Franz]. Souvenirs d'une cosaque. 5' ed. s8". 1874 Zanolini (Antonio). II diavolo del Sant' UfiScio, Bologna dal 1789-1800. 4t. sS". Bologna. 1887-89 Zanon (Antonio). Dell' agricoltura, dell' arti, e del commercio ec. 7t. [t3 in 2 pts, t4~7, wanting]. S". Yenezia. 1763-67 *Zanom, [iwvel], var. ed'., sec Lytton (E., baron). Zanovello (Gio. Paulo). Pautalone sturbato ne' suoi amori etc. [b.rv. Luco Sereni (F. M. de) II Purismondo, 1671]. s8". Venetia. n.d., [c. 1670-90 ?] Zanzibar, see BniTisn East Africa Protectorate. *Pr6cis of information cone, the B. E. A. P. * Z., 1901. Zaorowsky (Jerome). *Mouita secreta Soe. Jesu : instructions sec. des jesuites, suiv. de pieces justificat. n. 6d. s8<>. 1861 Zapata (Domenico). *Les questions de Z., tr. etc., 1766, see Voltaire. Zappala Scammacca (Carlo). L' ultimo Marchese di Ancona. S8". Milano. 1879 Zappert (Georg). For several essays, sec ICaisekl. Akad. d. Wis- SENscH., Denkschr. Zappulla (Vito) da Buccheri. Errori del popolo in medicina e chirurgia. [fc.ic. Manzolini (A.) Arte di viver sani, 2" ed.]. 2» ed. s8'. Milano. 1874 Zarate (Augustin de). Conquete du P6rou. Tr. S. D. C. 2t. s8". 1716 see EivADENETBA (M.) Biblioteca : Hist. prim, de Indies, t2, for Conquista. Zarate (Fernando de), see Escbitoees del s. 16: tl, H. de Z. etc., [Eivadeneyra, 27], 1853. Zarathustra, see Zoroaster. Zar'a Ta'eqob, see Perruchon (J.) ed. Chron. de Z. T. etc., 1893. Zardetti (Otto). Zehu Bilder aus Sud-England. 8". Einsiedeln. 1877 Zarncke (Eduard). Fr. Zarncke, 1825-91. 8°. 1895 Zarncke (Friedrich), see Leipzig, Univ. of. Acta rectorum, 1524-59, ed. Z., 1859. see Zarncke (E.) F. Z., (1825-91), 1895. Zart (G.) Einfluss d. engl. Philosophen seit Bacon auf d. deut. Pliilosopbie d. 18'"' Jhdts. 8". B. 1881 Zavaleta (Juan de). El dia de iiesta per la maiiana y por la tarde. Abrev. por A. E. Chaves. s8". 1885 Zayas y Sotomayor {Dona Maria de). Novelas ejemplares y amorosas. 8". Madrid. 1814 Cuatro novelas, see Cervantes (M. he). Nov. ejempl., ed., 1848. Zealand, [see also Holland]. Naeder ampliatie van bet placcaet van policie [24 Jan. 1678. P874]. s4". Middelburgh. [1673] *Nootwendige etc. verantwoordingh, van de Secretaris en bet Secretarisschap : Van den Eaedt ter Admiraliteyt in Zeelandt. [PS74]. si". Middelburgh. [1672] Zeeuwsche buyse (De) ofte Verre-kijcker. [P874]. s4". n.p. 1673 see Holland. Groot Placaet-Boeck vande Vereen. Nederl., ende vande Heeren Staten van Zeelandt, 1G58-1797. Zealanders. interest (The) of these United Provinces, being a defence of the Zeelanders choice, 1673, see Hill (Jos.) Zebi (Sabbathai), see Sh.aethai Tseri. Zedlitz-Neukirch (Leopold E. G. K.), Frhr. v. Die Staats- krafte d. preussischen Monarchie unter Friedrich Wilhelm III. 3B in 2. 8". B. 1828-30 Zeedige beproeving van de voorgestelde karakters, van J. de Wit, 2' druk, 1757, see Ldzac (E.) Zeeman (Eenier), [fNoojis (E.) called Zeeman], see Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhib. of etchings by Z., 1883. ♦Zeeuwsche buyse (De) ofte Verre-kijcker. [P874]. s4". n.p. 1673 Zeiler (Martin), sec Zeiller (M.) Zeilinger-Caracristi (C. F.), see Caracristi (C. F. Z.) Zeiller (Martin). [IZeiler (M.)] Topographical works, by Z., publ. by M. Merian cO his " Erben." ■.:') parts in 15v. fol. Franckfurt. 1642-88 There is no gen. I., but there is a Hauptregister, as belou', to these 30 parts, wh. may therefore be considered as one tvork. [1], Topographia provinciarum Austriacarura. [2], T. Bohemise, Moraviie, Silesise. [3], T. Bavaria; [*]. T. Sueviip. [o], T. Alsatia;. [6], T. Palatinatus Rheni. [7], T. Archi-episcopatuum Moguntin., Trevir., & GoloniensiB. [8], T. Prauconiae. [9], T. Hassias. [10], T. ■Westphalia;. [llj, T. Saxouiae infer. [12], T. d. Herzogthiimer Braunschweig u. Liineburg. [13J, T. superioris Saxoniffi, Thuriugiae, Misnife, Lusatise etc. [14], T. Eleotoratus Brandenburg., & Duoatus Pomeranite. Zeiller (Martin) [contitiued]. [15], T. Helvetise, Rhetiifi, & Valesise. [16], T. CircuH Burgundici. 17-29, T. Gallia-, 13T. SO, T. Italic. Anhang; Morea. ,, Hauptregister ii. M. Zeilleri siimptliche, so wohl hoch- u. uiederteutsche, als aueh frantzcisisehe Topographias. fol. Franckfurt a.M. 1726 Zeisberger (David). Indian diet.: Eng.-Germ.-Iroiiuois (Onondaga) -Algonquin (Delaware), f. the MS. in Harvard. 4". C. [Mass.] 1887 Zeissberg (Heinrich, Eitier v.) Erzherzog Carl v. Osterreioh. Ein Lebensbild. Bl, i, ii, in 1. Ia8". Wien. 1895 Zeitfuchs (Johann Arnold). Stolbergische Eirchen- u. Stadt- Historie. 4". Franckfurth. 1717 *Zeitoun depuis les origines etc., tr., 1897, see Aghassi. Zeitschrift d. Savigny-Stiftung fiir Rechtsgescliiclite. Bl-22, (B14-35 der Zeitschrift filr Ecchtsgeschichtc), [in j;yro. tp. d: pagin. ; but tlie two Abthlgn. of each Band are bound together. This Zeitschrift teas cont^. from Zeitschrift fiir Eechtsgeschichte, q.v. Zeitschrift d. Vereins fiir Volkskunde. Neue Folge d. Zeit- schrift fiir Volkerpsychologie u. Sprachwissenschatt. Jhrg. 1-11, [1891-1901. In prog.]. Ia8". 1891-1901 For tJu! journal of which this is tite cont". see Zeitschrui Fi:R VoLKERPSyCHOLOGIE ETC Zeitschrift f . celtische Philologie. Bl-3. S". Hallea. S. 1897-1901 Zeitschrift f. d. Alterthumswissenschaft. Jhrg. 2-15, in lOB. 4". Wetzlar. [Cassel to 1851]. 1844-57 Zeitschrift f. d. historische Theologie. B20-44 (Neue Folge B14-38). 8". Gotha [Hamburg u. G. to 1854]. 18.50-74 Zeitschrift f. d. Wissenschaft d. Sprache. Hrsg. v. A. Hoefer. Bl-4, [no more publ.]. 8". Berlin [B3, 4, Greifswald]. 1846-53 Zeitschrift f. exacte Philosophie im Siune des neuern philo- sophischeu Eealisnius. Bl-11. [Hft. 1, 2 of Bl, if Hft. 1 of B2, wanting]. 8". L. 1861-75 Zeitschrift f. geschichtliche Kechtswissenschaft. Hrsg. v. P. C. v. Savigny, etc. Bl-12, in 6B. 8". 1815-45 Zeitschrift f. (jeschichtswissenschaft. Hrsg. v. W. A. Schmidt. 9B, if, Suppl. Heft zum 2" B. 8". 1844-8 Zeitschrift f. Eechtsgeschichte. B13. 8". Weimar. 1878 This Zeitschrift was cunt, as Zeitschrift d. Savigny-Stiftung fiir Rechtsgeschichte, q.v. Zeitschrift f. spekulative Theologie. Hrsg. von Bruno Bauer. 3B. SB". B, 1836-8 Zeitschrift f. Volkerpsychologie u. Sprachwissenschaft. 20B. [B20 wanting]. 8". [1885-90, L.]. 1860-90 Cont'. as : Zeitschrift d. Vekeins f. Volkskunde, g.v. Zeitschrift f. wissenschaftliche Theologie. Hrsg. v. A. Hil. genfekl. Jhrg. 1-10. 8". Jena. [Jhrg. 4-10, Halle]. 1858-67 Zell (Carl). Feriensohriften. SSmlgn. in 1. s8". Freiburg im Br. 1826-33 „ , Bl. neue Folge. s8". Heidelberg. 1857 Handbuch d. romischen Epigraphik. 3T in 2. 8". Heidelberg. 1850-57 Opuscula academica latina. 8". Friburgi Brisigavorum. 1857 Verhaltniss d. aristotel. Philos. zur Eeligion. [P509]. 8». Mainz. 1863 Zell (Eleonore Desmier d'Olbreuze, ducliesse de), duchess of Brunswick Luneburg. see Beaucaire {le vte. H. de). Une mesalliance dans la maison de Brunswick (1665-1725) : E. D. d'O., d. de Z.. 1884. ,, A mesalliance in the house of Brunswick, [tr.], 1886r Zeiler (A. Guyer-), see Guyer-Zeller. Zeiler (Berthold). Le conmStable de Luynes, Montauban & la Valteline d'ap. les archives de I'ltalie. 8". 1879 Etudes sur le r. de Louis XIII : Eichelieu & les ministres, 1621-4. 6>'. 1880 Henri IV & Marie de M6dicis. 8". 1877 2= ed. 88". 1877 Louis XIII : Marie de Mfediois, chef du oonseil, etc., 1614-6. 8". 1898 Louis XIII, Marie de M^diois, Eichelieu : 6tude d'ap. les doC. florentins et v^nitiens. 8". 1899 La minority de Louis XIII, Marie de Mfidicis * Sully, 1610-12. 8°. 1892 La minority de Louis XIII, Marie de M^dieis & Villeroy : itnie nouv. 8». 1897 ZELLER 1623 ZEVECOTE Zeller (Eduard). Die Apostelgesch. krit. unteisucht. 8". St. 1854 Entwicklung d. Monotheismus bei d. Griechen. [P509]. 8". St. 1862 Gesoh. d. christl. Kirche. _ 8". St. 1898 Qesoh. d. deutschen Philosophie seit Leibniz. 8". Miinchen. 1873 „ „ 2'- A. 8". Miinchen. 1875 Philosophie der Griechen. 3T in 4v, [3 i, ii]. 8». Tiibingen. 1844-52 „ „ 3T in 5v, [2, i, ii ; 3, i, ii]. 2" A. 8". Tiibingen. 1856-68 1, Allg. Eiuleitung — Vorsoki-atische Philosophie. 2, i, Sokrates u. d. Sokratiker — Plato u. d. alte Akademie. 2, ii, Aristoteles u. d. alten Peripatetiker. 3, Nacharistotelische Philosophie. , T2, i, ii ; T3, i, ii. 8". Tiibingen. 1875-81 , Tl ; T2, i. 4' A. 8". L. 1876-88 , Tl, i, ii. 5' A. 8". L. 1892 Kegister. 8". L. 1882 No later eel', of tlie respective parts than those above have apjKared. Philosophische Aufsatze : E. Zeller u. s. SO-jiihr. Dootor- Jubilaum gewidmet. 8". L. 1887 Platouische Studien. 8^ Tiibingen. 1889 Staat u. Kirche : Vorlesgn. s8". L. 1873 Strauss in s. Leben u. Schriften. s8». Bonn. 1874 2« A. s8". Bonn. 1874 ijber Bedeutung u. Aufgabe d. Erkenntniss-Theorie. [P510]. 8». Heidelberg. 1862 Uber teleolog. u. mechau. Naturerklarung in i. Anwendung auf d. Weltganze. [P728]. 4». 1876 Vortriige u. Abhandlungen. 3 Sammlgn. 8". L. 18G5-84 Sammlg. 1. 2^- A. 8". L. 1875 Translations. Contents it origin of the Acts of the Apostles. Pref., F. Over- beck's Intr. to the Acts. Tr. J. Dare. 2v. 8». 1875-6 La legende de St.-Pierre. Tr. A. Marchand. 88". 1876 Outlines of the hist, of Greek philosophy. Tr. S. F. Alleyne & E. Abbott. s8'\ 1886 A tr. of h. " Griindriss d. Gesch. d. griech. Pliilos.," of wh. tlie 5' A. app. ISVS'. Strauss & Benan. Tr., etc. 38°. 1866 Strauss in h. life, etc. Tr., with notes. s8". 1874 Philosophy of the Greeks in its hist, development ; tr, IThis general leading is talien from tJie preface .'\ Hist, of Greek philosophy to the time of Socrates. Tr. S. F. Alleyne. 2v. s8". 1881 Socrates A the Soeratic Schools. Tr. 0. J. Eeichel. s8". 1868 Plato & the older Academy. Tr. S. F. Alleyne & A. Goodwin. s8". 1876 Aristotle & the earlier Peripatetics. Tr. Costelloe & Muirhead. 2v. sS". 1897 Stoics, Epicureans, & Sceptics. Tr. 0. J. Keichel. sS". 1870 „ „ n. ed. s8". 1880 Hist, of Eclecticism in Greek philosophy. Tr. S. F. Alleyne. s8". 1883 References. see Fichte (I. H.) Fragen etc. : Sendschreiben an Z. mit Bezug auf dessen " Gesch. d. deutschen Philos. seit Leibniz," 1876. „ Teichmuller (G.) Die platon. Frage : gegen Z., 1876. Zeller (Jean). La diplomatie fr. vers le milieu du 16' s., d'ap. la coiT. de G. Pellicier, ambass. a Venise, 1539-42. 8". 1881 Zeller (Jules). Les empereurs rom. ; portraits etc. 8". 1863 Entretiens sur I'hist. du 16' s. : Italic & renaissance. 8". 1869 Hist. d'AlIemagne. t[l-7] [t6 wanting}. 8°. 1872-91 [1], Grig*, de I'A. & de I'Empire germaniqne. [2], Fondation de TEiiipire gerinan. : Charlemagne — Otton le Gr. — Les Ottonides, 2'' id. [8], L' Empire german. tt I'Eglise au moyen iige: Les Henri — Querelle des investitures. [4], L'Empire german. sons les Hohenstaufen : Fred. Barbe- rousse. [5], L'emp. Fred. II & la chute de I'Empire german. du moyen age— Conrad IV & Conradin. [6], Les emp. du 14" s. : Habsbourg & Luxembourg, etc. [7], La reforme, Huss, Luther — prem. empereurs de la maison d'Autriche. Hist, r^sumee de I'Allemagne A de I'Empire Germanique: leurs institutions au moyen age. s8". 1889 ,. 2"^d. s8». 1889 Hist, resum^e d'ltalie. 4« ^d. sS". 1886 Zeller (Jules) [coniiinted]. Pie IX .t Victor-Emmanuel : I'ltalie, 1846-78. 8". 1879 Zelter (Carl Friedrich). see Goethe (J. W. v.) Briefw. zw. G. u. Z., (1796-1832), 1833-4. „ BiNTEL (W.) C. F. Z. ; eine Lebensbeschreibung, nach autobiograph. Manuscripten bearb. v. W. R., 1861. Zena (Remigio). L' apostolo. s8". Milano. 1901 Zend Avesta. [tZANB-AvASTA]. Zend-Avesta, tr. par Anquetil Du Perron. 2t in 3. 4". 1771 „ [IJbers. etc.] v. J. F. Kleuker. 3B. 4". Riga. 1776-7 „ „ Anhang z. Z.-A. Von J. F. Kleuker. 2B. 4". L. 1781-83 Morale de Zoroastre, extr. du Z.-A. ; tr. d'Anquetil Du Perron. s8". 1850 Avesta : d. heiligen Schriften d. Parsen. 3B in 2. 8". L. 1852-63 Die fiinf Gathii's oder Sanimlungen v. Liedern u. Spriichen Zarathustra's, s. Jiinger etc. Hrsg., iibers. u. erkl. v. M. Haug. 2 Abthlgn. in 1. 8". L. 1858-60 Avesta : from Spiegel's German tr., by A. H. Bleeck. 3v in 1. 8". Hertford. 1864 Decern Sendavestee excerpta lat. vertit, etc. C. Kossowicz. 8". P. 1865 Z.-A., Tr., avec comm. par J. Darmesteter. [Annates du Musee Guimet, t21, 22, 24]. 3t. 4". 1892-3 1, La liturgie (Yasna et Vispered). 2, La loi (Vendidad)— L'epopee (Yashts) — Le livre de priere {Kiiorda Avesta). S, Origines de la litt. et de la religion Zoroastr. — App. a la tr. (Fragm*. des Nasks perdus et index). see Darmesteter (J.) Haurvatat et Ameretftt, 1875. „ Ormazd et Ahriman, 1877. „ HovELACQUE (A.) L'Avesta, etc., 1880. „ S.\OBEB Books of the East : 4, 23, 31, The Z.-A., pi & 2, tr. J. Darmesteter, p3 tr. L. H. Mills, 1880-87. „ Wilson (John), D.D., The Parsi relig., as in the Z., refuted, 1843. „ Zeeffi (G. G.) The Vedas & the Zend-avesta, 1874. Zenea (Juan Clemente), see Pineyeo (E.) Vida y escritos de Z., 1901. Zenger Club. Materials for history, pr. f. orig. MSS. With notes. By Frank Moore. si, [Corr. of H. Laurens]. 4°. N.Y. 1861 Zeni (The), see Zeno (N.) the elder, £ A. Zeno. Zenker (Ernst Viktor). Anarchism. Tr. 8". 1898 Zenker (Julius Theodor). Bibliotheca orientalis : manuel de bibliographic orientale. [p]2. 8". L. 1861 Zeno, Saint, see Mione (J. P.) ed., Pat. latina, til, for Opera. Zeno (Antonio), navigator, see Zeno (N.) & A. Z., Voyages, tr., 1873. Zeno (Apostolo). Poesie diammatiche. lOt. sS". Venezia. 1744 Zeno (Jacopo). Vita Caroli Zeni, see Muratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., tl9. Zeno (Nicolo) tlw elder, <£ A. Zeno. [" the Zeni "]. Voyages of N. & A. Z. to the N. Seas, in 14"' c, comprising latest ace", of the lost colony of Greenland, & of Northmen in America. Tr. & ed., w. notes etc., by R. H. Major. [Hakluyt Soc, 50]. 8". 1873 see LncAS (F. W.) The annals of the voyages of N. & A. Z. ; a criticism & indictment, 1898. Zerboltus (Gerardus), Zuiphaniensis, [fGEEARDtis], see Aurora, t5, Z. de Uteris sac. in ling. vulg. legendis & de precibus ver- naculis libellorum partes, 1857-9. Zerffl (Gustavus George). Manual of the hist, development of art. sS". 1876 The Vedas & the Zend-Avesta. [P517]. s8". 1874 Zermignasi (Lodovico). Poesie. s8". Venetia. 1657 Zerolo (Elias), see Diccion.ario enciclop^d. de la lengua castel- lana, 1895. Zeta, pis., a. of " Shadows of the clouds, ■/S47," see Fkoude (J. A.) Zetznerus (Lazarus). Theatrum chemicum etc. 6v. sS". Argentorati. 1659-61 Zeumer (Carl) ed., Formulie Merowingiei et Karolini levi. Aco. Ordines judiciorum del. [Mon. Germ. Hist. Leg. Sect. 5]. 4". HannoverEe. 1886 Zeuss (Johann Caspar). Die Deutschen u. d. Nachbarstamme. 8". Miinchen. 1837 Grammatica Celtica. 2t. S". Lipsise. 1853 see Hogan (Edmund). Oath Ruis na Rig & Suppl. to Index Vocabulorum of " Grammatica Celtica," 1892. Zevecote (Jacob van). Poematum ed. ultima. s8". A. 1640 ZEVI 1624 ZOBELLUS Zevi (Sabethai), see Sh.uithai Tsebi. Zevort (Edgar). Hist, de la Troisieme Rtpublique. tl-4. [Inprog.l 8". 1896-1901 1, Presidence de Thiers. 2, La presidence du Marechal. 3, Presidence de Grevy. 4, Presidence de Camot. Le marq. d'Argenson & le ministere des Aff. Etrang., 1744-7. 8". 1880 Zeyneb, princess, daughter of Ismail, sec Chensells (E.) BeeoUs. of [Z.], 1893. Z«yss (Otto). Quid Honieius it Pindarus de virtute, eivitate, diis stiitueriut. 4". lenip. 1832 Zezschwitz (C. A. Gerhard v.) Zur Apologie d. Christenthums. •2" Abd. 8\ L. 1866 Zhukovsky (Valentin Alekseevich), see Shukovski (Vai.entin). Zi (Etienne), S.J., [Sii], see VAitiiiTEs sixologiques : 5, 9, par E. Zi, (5, Examens litteraires en Cbine. 9, Pratique des examens milit. en Chine), 1892-1900. Zichy (Jeno, Grof). Voyages au Caucase & en Asle Centrale. La migration de la race hongroise, par Z. : description des colls., par J. Janko & B. de Posta. 2v. Fr. & Hung. 4". Budapest. 1897 Zieber (Eug€ne). Heraldry in America. laS". Philadelphia. 189-5 Ziegelbauer (Magnoald). Hist, rei literarire Ord. S. Benedicti. Eec. etc. 0. Legipontius. 4 pts. fol. Augusta; Vind. 1754 Ziegler (Heinrich). Ireniius d. Bischof v. Ljon. 8'. B. 1871 Ziegler (Jacobus). Christierni Dani« regis attentata in Suecia; regnum, sec Freher (M.) Germ, rerum scviptores, tS, 1717. Ziegler (Theobald). Der deutsche Student am Ende d. lO.Jhdts. 4' A. s8". Stuttgart. 1895 Die geistigen u. socialen StriJmungen d. 19.Jhdts. 8". 1899 Sittlichc-s Sein u sittliches Werden. 2' A. s8". Strassburg. 1890 Ziehen (Theodor), ^nof. in Jena. Leitfaden d. physiolog. Psy- chologie. " 5' A. 8". .Jena. 1900 Intr. to phvsiolog. psvchology. Tr. C. C. Van Liew, A 0. W. Beyer. " ' s8". 1899 Ziemssen (Ludwig). Umwege zum Gliick. sS". St. [1882] Zieten (6V». Hans Joachim v.) sec Blumenthal {Mine. I,. .T. L. v.) Life of Z., tr., 1803. „ Winter (G.) Z., 188(). Zietsch (A.) Quelle u. Sjirache d. mittelengl. Gedichtes Seege Oder Batayle of Troye. [P368]. 8". Gottingen. 1884 Zigabenus (Euthymius), see EuTUYMirs, Zigahenus. Zigzag (Zelotes) ps. Astonished at America ; by Z. Z. 58". 1880 'Zigzagging amongst Dolomites, 1871, see Teckett (E.) Ziller (Hermann). Schinkel. [Knackfuss, 28]. Ia8'. Bielefeld. 1897 Zimara (Marco Antonio). De primo cognito, ejusdemque solu- tiones contradictiomun in dictis Averrois, etc. [6. «'. Niphus .(A.) In destr. destructionum Averrois comm.]. s8". Lugd. 1542 Zimisces (Joannes), sec John- I [Zimisccsl, emperor. Zimmer (Friedrich). Fichte's Keligionsphilosophie. 8". B. 1878 Zimmer (Heinrich). Altindisches Leben. Die Cultur d. vedi- schen Arier nach d. Saiiihita dargestellt. 8". B. 1879 Keltische Studien. Hft. 1, 2. 8". 1881-4 1, IriBche Texte etc. v. E. "VVindisch. 2, UbeL' altir. Betonung u. Verskunst. Nennius vindicatus. Uber Entstehung, Gesch. u. Quellen d. Hist. Britt. 8 ■. B. 1893 Pelagius in Irland. s8". 1901 Zimmer (Patritius Benedict). Untersnchung iiber Begriff u. Gesetze d. Gesch. ii. d. vorgebl. Mythen im ersten Buche Mosis etc. 8". Miinchen. 1817 Zimmermann (Alfred). Die europa. Kolonien. Bl-4. 8". 189C-1901 1, Kolouialpolitik Portugals u. Spaniens. 2, 3, Kolonialpolitik Grossbritiinniens. 2B. 4, Kolonialpolitik Frankreichs. Zimmermann (Athanasius), S.J. Kard. Pole, s. Leben u. s. Schriften. 8". Eegensburg. 1895 Zimmermann (Balthasar Friedrich "Wilhelm). [fZ. (Welhelm);. Allgemeine Gesch. d. grossen Bauernkrieges. 2T in IB. 8". St. 1841-2 Zimmermann (Carl). Countries about the Caspian A Aral ; illust. the exped. agst. Khivah. Tr. Capt. Morier. 8". 1840 Zimmermann (Christian). Das Harzgebirge. 2B in 1. 8". Darmstadt. 1834 Zimmermann (Johann Georg Ritter v.) G8 Voui Nationalstolze. i' A. s8". Ziiricli. 1 Translations. Treatise on solitude. s8". 1S27 „ „ tr. f. the French of J. B. Mercier. 8". 1801 „ „ tr. f. German. p2. 8". 1799 „ ,, Engravings bv Eidley. v2. 3"leil. 8-. 1802 2>rof. of theol., Zurich, [ps. De miraculis qu;r Pythagorff, Fragmente iiber Friedrich d. Gr. 2B. s8". L. 1790 tJber d. Einsamkeit. 4B. s8". L. 1784-85 Uber Friedrich d. Gr. u. m. Unterredungeu mit ihm kurz V. s. Tode. s8'>. L. 1788 Vertheidigung Friedrichs d. Gr. gegeii d. Grafen v. Mirabeau. s8". Hannover. 1788 Zimmermann (Johann Jacob), PuiLEI.ErTHEliES HkEVETITS] Apollonio Thyan., Francisco Assisio, Dominico. Loyolse tribu untur. ed. nova. s8". E. 1755 Zimmermann (Robert). Aesthetik. 2T. 8". Wien. 1858-05 1, Gesch. d. Aesthetik als philosoph. Wissenschaft. 2, Allgemeine Aesthetik als Formwissenschaft. Lambert, d. Vorgiinger Kant's, see Kaisebl. Akad. n. WissEXScn., Denkschr. Leibnitz' Monadologie. 8". Wien. 1847 Leibnitz u. Herbart ; eine Vergleichung ihrer Monadologien. 8". Wien. 1849 N. Cusanus als Vorliiufer Leibnitzens. (abgedruckf etc.) [b.w. Cusa (X. V.) Wichtigste Schriften etc.]. 8". n.p. [1852] Philosophif u. Erfahrung. [P478]. 8". Wien. 1801 Das Recbtspi'inzip bei Leibnitz. [P548J. 8". Wien. 18.52 Sam. Clarke's Leben u. Lehre. [a.c. in P774]. 4". Wien. 1870 „ „ 'o.c], sec Kaisebl. Akah. d. Wissexsch., Denkschr. Studien u. Kritiken z. Philosophie u. Aesthetik. 2B. 8". Wien. 1870 Zimmermann (W. F. A.)^)s.. sec Voli.ixer (W. F.) Zimmern (Alice). Methods of education in the I'.S. s8". 1894 Kenaissance of girls' education in Eng. ; a record of 50 years. s8^ 1898 see ZiMMERx (H.) & \. Z., Half-liours w. foreign novelists, 1880. „ it Stories from foreign novelists, etc., n. ed., 1884. Zimmern (Heinrich), Ph.D. The Babylonian it- Genesis. Tr. J. Hutchison. Vergleichende Gramm. d. semit. Sprachen. Zimmern (Helen). the Hebrew sS". 1901 58". 1898 L. AlmaTadenia. [Art Annual, 1880]. fol. 1886 The Hansa towns. B80. 1889 Lessing, h. life& works. s8". 1878 Maria Edgeworth. s8". 1883 & A. Zimmern. li life & philo- s8". 1876 Schopenhauer. sophy. Stories in precious stones. 88°. 1873 see FmDUSi. Epic of Kings; stories retold by Z., 1883. Half-hours w. foreign novelists. 2v. sS". 1880 & Stories from foreign novehsts ; with notices of their lives etc. n. ed. sS''. 1884 Zimmern (Siegmund "Wilhelm). Gesch. d. romischen Privat- rechts bi-i .Justinian. Bl, i, ii, 3, [J nci-er imll.'] 8". Heidelberg. 182C-9 Zinano (Gabriele). II Caride. [P633]. s8". Eeggio. [1590] Zincke (Foster Barham). Egypt of the Pliaraohs & of the , A month in Switzerland. sS". 1873 Kedive. 8^. 1871 , Swiss AUmends. s8o. 1874 Last winter in the U.S. s8". 1868 : Walk in the Grisons. s8o. 1875 Zingerle (Ignaz V.) Sagen aus Tirol. 2«A. 8". Innsbruck. 1891 Zinkeisen (Johann Wilhelm), see Geschichte der euroi'a. Staaten : Osmanisches Iteich in Europa, v. Z., 1840-63. Zinzendorf (Nicolaus Ludwig, G'ra/ v.) sec Becker (B.) Z. in Verhiiltniss zu Philosophie u. Kirchon- thum s. Zeit, 1880. „ Spaxgexberg (A. G.) Life of Z., tr., 1838. Zinzow (Adolf). Die Hamletsage. 8". Halle. 1877 De Pelasgicis Piomanorum sacris. [P674]. 4". B. 1851 Psyche u. Eros ; in d. Darstellung d. Apulejus beleuchtet etc. 8». Halle a.S. 1881 Zipoli (Perlone) j)s., see Lippi (Lobenzo). Zirngiebl (Eberhard). F. H. Jacobi's Leben, Dichten, u. Denken. 8". Wien. 1867 Zitelmann (Ernst Otto Conrad) 'ps. C. Telmaxn", sec Telmaxn (C.) ps. Zittel (Carl Alfred von). Text-book of palaeontology. Tr. A ed. C. R. Eastman. vl,2. English ed. revised etc. 8''. 1900-2 Zlatagorskoi (E.) Essai d'un diet, des homonymes de la langue fr., avec tr. allemande, russe, angl. 8". L. 1862 Zobellus (Melchior), hp. of Wurzhurg, see Lotichu-s (P.) Secundus. Poemata etc. ; ace. ejusdem de cKde M. Z'., 1754 ZOBELTITZ ir/25 ZOUCHE Zobeltitz (Fedor v.) Ein Schlagwort der Zeit. 2B. 38". 189(5 Zober (Ernst Heinrich). Gesch. d. Belagermif; Stralsunds duiL'li WiiUenstein iiu Jabr 1028. -1". Stralsund. 1828 Zockler (Otto). The cross of Xt. : studies in hist, of relig. etc. Tr. M. .J. Evans. 8". 1877 Gesch. d. Beziehungen z\v. Theologie u. Xaturwissenschaft. 2AbthlK. 8". Giiteisloh. 1877-9 Hioronymus : sein Leben u. Werken. 1^". Gotha. 18G5 Das Kienz Christi : Keligionshistor. 11. kirchlicU-archaolog. Untersufhungen. 8". Giitersloh. 1875 Kritische Gesch. d. Askese. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1863 Thcologia naturalis, Entwurf einer systematischen Natur- theologie. Bl. no more publ. 8". Frankfurt a.M. 1860 Zoega ((jeorg). Abhandlungen. 8". Gottingen. 1817 De orig. et usu obehscorum. fol. Eom.'e. 1797 Zoe's " Brand." By auth. of " Ilecoraniended to niercv." 2v. s8"* L. 1864 *Zohrab the hostage, 1832, sec Momini {.J\:mbs). . Zoilus. see Homer. Battle of the Frogs, etc. ; w. remarks of Z., & life of Z., by T. Parnell, 1717. ,, I'AiiXELi," (T.) Poems, w. life of Z., etc., n. ed., 1770. Zoist (The) ; a journal of cerebral physiology & mesmerism. v7-13, [pp. 1-300 of v7 wanting']. 8". 1850-56 Zola (Emile). de L'affaire Dreyfus : La verite en marche. sS". 1001 L'aft'aire Dreyfus : le proces Zola, 181>S : conipte-rendu steno- graph. &• docs. 2t. s8". 1898 L'affaire Dreyfus : Lettre iV la jeunesse. [P773]. 8". 1897 Ij'argent. s8". 1891 L'assomnioir. s8". 1879 Au bonbeur des dames. sS". 1883 La br-te huniaiiie. s8<'. 1890 Une campagne, 1880-1. s8". 1882 Le caijitaine Burle — Comment on meurt — Pour une nuit d'aniour — Aux champs — La fete k Coqueville — L'inoudation. 58". 1883 La confjUcte de Plassans. 9<- ed. s8«. 1878 „ , b8". 1891 Contes ;'i Ninon, n. ed. sS". 1871 La curee. 5' e'd. s8<'. 1876 La debacle. sS". 1892 Le docteur Pascal. s8". 1893 Documents litti'raires, etudes et portraits. 88". 1881 La faute de I'abbu Mouret. 3« ed. s8». 1875 „ „ s8". 1894 Feconditu. s8". 1899 La fortune des Rougon. lO' ed. s8". 1878 „ „ s8». 1895 Germinal. s8". 1885 La joie de vivre. 68". 1881 „ „ s8", 1896 Lourdes. s8". 1894 Madeleine Ferat. n. ed. s8". 1893 Mes baines — Mon salon (180G) — Edouard Manet, n. e'd. s8". 1879 Lcs mystcres de Marseille. n. ed. b8". 1881 NaVs Micouliu — Nantas — La mortd'Olivier B&aille— Mme. Ncigeon— Les coquillages de M. Cbabre — Jacques Daniour. 88". 1884 Nana. s8". 1880 „ ed. ill. Ia8». 1882 Le naturalisme au theatre. 88". 1881 Nouvcanx contes i\ Ninon. s8". 1874 Nouvelle campagne, 1896. s8». 1897 L'a!uvre, s8". 1886 „ s8'\ 1895 L'uc page d'amour. b8". [1878] „ „ b8". 1895 Paris. 88». 1898 Les personuages des Rougon- Macquart. [by F. C. Raraond.] 88". 1901 Pot-bouille. s8'. 1882 Pour une nuit d'amour. s8". [1896] Les quatre evangiles ; Travail. 88". 1901 La HeiHiblique et la litterature. [P550]. 8". 1879 Le rcve. s8". 188s Le roman experimental, etc. 2<' ed. s8". 1880 „ „ 51' ed. s8». 1881 Les romanciers naturalistes. 2'' cd. 88°. 1881 Rome. s8". 1896 Son EKcellenee Eugene Rougon. s8». 1876 „ „ sS". 1895 La terie. s8". 1887 Theatre : Therese Raquin— Les bcritiers Kabourdiu — Le bouton de rose. s8". 1878 Therese Raquin. n. ed. s8". 1890 „ „ n. ed. s8>. 1901 Le ventre de Paris. s8". 1875 „ „ s8". 1894 Le V(.cu d'une morte. n. ed. s8". 1889 Tkanslatioxs. The attack on the mill. s8". 1892 The conquest of Plassans. Ed. E. A. Vizetelly. s8 •. 1900 Doctor Pascal. Tr. E. A. Vize- telly. s8". 1893 The downfall. Tr. E. A. Vize- telly. s8«. 1892 The fortune of the Rougons. Ed., w. iutr. by E. A. Vizetelly. s8". J89S Fruittuluess. Tr. etc. E. A. Vizetelly. s8". 1900 Germinal. Ed. w. pref. by E. A. ^'izetelly. s8". 1901 His Excellency Eugene Rougon. s8". n.d. His masterpiece? s8". 1880 The honour of the army ; it o. s, [Tr.] Ed. E. A. Vizetelly. s8". 1901 Lourdes. Tr. E. A. Vizetelly. s8'. 1894 The monomaniac. (La bete humaine). Tr., & ed. E. Vizetelly. s8". 1901 Paris. Tr. E. A. Vizetelly. s8". 1898 Rome. Tr. E. A. Vizetelly. s8". 189li Work. Tr. E.A.Vizetelly. 98M901 dette de Lourdes: Icttresi' Z., 1894. see Rod (E.) A propos I'Assommoir, 1879. „ SnERABD (R. H.) Z. : bio- graph. & crit. study, 1893. „ 'Soirees (Les) de Medan [?/// Z. etc.], n. ed., 1892. „ Tolstoi (count L.) Z., Dumas, de Maupassant, tr., prec. des articles de Z. etc., 1896. „ Vizetelly (E. A.) With Z. in England, 1899. Zola (Emile) [contiuKed]. Hefeiiesces. see Alexis (P.) Z., notes d'un ami, avec des vers iued. de Z., 1882. ,, Brunetikbe (F.) Apres le proces, 1898. ., LacazeIF.) A Lourdes avec Z., 1894. „ MoNCOQ (le dr.) Reponse au Lourdes de Z., 1894. „ MoNEsTES (J. L.) La vraie Rome ; rephque a Z., 1896. ,, RiCAim (A.) La vraie Berna- Zolling (Theophil). Eeise umd.Pariser Welt. 2B. s8". St. [1881] Zdllner (Johann (jarl F.) Transcendental phvsics. Tr. C. C. JIassey. "2"'» ed. 3". 1882 „ „ 3"' ed. 8". 1885 Uber d. univ. Bedeutung d. mechanischen I'rincipien. [r499]. 8". L. 1867 Zdllner (Johann Friedrich). Briefe iiber Schlesieu, Krakau, Wieliczka, u. d. Grafschaft Glatz auf e. Keise, 1791. 2B. 8". B. 1792 3 Zolnai (Gyula). Nyelvemlekeink akiinyvnyomtatas koraig. Ia8". 1894 Zonaras (Joannes). Annales. Ex rec. M. Pinderi : 2v. [C. s. hist. Bvz.]. 8". Bonna;. 1841-97 sec MiGNE (.J. P.) ed., Pat. graica, tl34, 135, '/.., 18.57-66. Zoological Society of London. Charter, bv-laws, & regul'. [P350]. 8". 187.^ Gardens of the Z. S. delineated : Birds. Iv „ „ (Juadrupeds. \\ Zoologist (The). 23v ; 2'"' ser., llv ; 3"' ser Zoophilist (The). v2-20. \Inprog.]. Zbpffel (Richard Otto), see Holtzmanx (H.) & Z Theologie u. Kirchenwesen, 3" A., 1895. Zbpfl (Heinrich). Essay upon the Spanish succession. Tr. C. T. O'G. [Pill]- 8". 1840 Zorgdrager (C. (J.) Bloeijende Opkonist der Groenlandsche Visschery, etc. 2'" Druk, nevens Beschryving van de Terre- neufsche Bakkeljaau-Visschery. 4". 's Graveuhage. 1727 Zorn (Friedrich). Wormser Chronik, v. F. Bertholds v. Flersheim. Hrsg. v. W St., 43]. Zoroaster [i.e. Zarathustka]. For edd. & tr. of the Zaud-Avasta, see Zend-Avesta. 8". Chiswick. 1831 8". Chiswick. 1831 , vl-15. 8". 1843-91 4". 1882-1901 , Lexikon fiir Z. : mit d. Zusiitzen Arnold. [Lit. V. in s8». St. 1857 Vendidad Sade, Ya(,'na, Vispered, u. Vendidad. Hrsg. v. H. Brockhaus. 8». L. 1850 sec HovELACQUE (A.) L'Avesta, Z. & le mazdeisme, 1880. „ Jackson (A. V. W.) Z., 1899. ., Nietzsche (F. W.) Werke; 12, Zarathustra, 1895- 1901 sec .S.vcRED Books or the East : 5, 18, 24, 37, 47, Pahlavi texts, tr. West, 1880-97. „ Zend-Avesta, Die fiinf Giitha's etc., 1850-60. Zoroaster, the vinijician. Oracula inagica Zoroastris cum scholiis, studio J. Opsoptei, 1607. TIds, le. scp. tp. d pagin., is part of SiuYLLiNE Oit.vcLES. Sibyllina oracula, 1607, g.r. Zorrilla (Jose). Cantos del trovador. l" ed. Leyendas y tradicioues histc!- ricas. s8". 1880 Obras, con su biograffa por I. de Ovejas. 3t. 8". Paris. 1852 88°. 1880 Composiciones varias. sS". 187C Iiecturas en el Ateneo de Madrid [Poesias!. sK\ 1877 Zorrillas (Francisco de Rojas),sfi' Bo.ias Zorrillas. Zosimas, abbas, sec Migne (J. P.) ed., Pat. grfeea, t78, Z. Zosime, monk. Vie et pelerinage (1419-21), see Khiteowo (B. he). Itin^-aires Busses en Orient, 1889. Zosimus, PanopoUtanns. Z. Ex rec. I. Bekkeri. [C. s. h. Byz.\ 8". BonniB. 1837 Hist, of Z., tr., vv. the notes of the Oxford ed. 8". 1814 see BoiQiET (M.) Rec. des hist, des Gaules, tl. Zosimus, saint, pope, sec Mic.ne (J. P.) cd., Pat. latina, 120. Zotti (Romualdo). Gramraaire italienne. s8". Londres. 1873 Zotz (A.) \ps. Dr. Kraft], see Kraft (Dr.) ps. *Zouaves (Les) et les Chasseurs a Pied. s8". 1855 Zouch (Thomas). Disc, to the clergy of the deaneries of Rich- mond, Catterick, & Boroughbridge, June 1793. [P277]. s4". York. 1793 Lite of I. Walton, etc. s8'. 1823 Mems. of Sir P. Sidney. 2"'' ed. 4». York. 1801> Zouche (Edward La Zouche), //"' baron, sec Wciton (Sir H.) Eeliquire, 4"> ed., w. letters to Z., 1685. ZOUCHE 1626 Z. Z. baron), see Cukzon (Ho7t. E.), aft. Zouch.e (Robert Curzon, i4"' baron Zoiiclie. Zschokke (Johannes Heinrich D.) Ahrenlese. 1 2B in 1. s8». Aarau. 1844 I Ausgewiihlte histor. Schriften, 16B. 2f A. s8". Aarau. 1830 Ausgewiihlte Novellen u. Dicht- uugen. 16B in 8. [B9, 10 wayit- ing\. 4'" A. s8<>. Aarau. 1838-9 Eine Selbstschau. 2B in 1. 3' A. 8o. Aarau. 1843 Gesammelte Schriften. Abthlg. 1, Novellen u. Dichtnugen. Tll-15. sS". Aarau. 1851 TKANSL.iTIONS. Autobr. [tr. of h. Selbstschau], 8°. 1845 •The bravo of Venice. A tr. of Zsedenyi (Eduard v.) Vertheidigungs-Eede h. "AbalUno." Tr. M. G. Lewis [6. w. Beckford {W.i Vathek]. s8°. 1834 The hist, of Switzerland. [Tr.] sS". 1834 Meditations on life & its relig. duties. [Tr.f.Z:s"Stunden der AndacM."'] Tr. by P. Rowan. s8». 18G3 Princess of Brunswick-AVolfen- biittel, & o, t. [Tr.] s8o. L. 1867 Tales from the German of Z. 2s. By P. Godwin. s8'\ 1846 see Ekhditebusgen hrsg. v. H. Z. Jahrg. 1811-27, 34B., 1811-27. Kaschan. [P686]. 8". London. 1860 A.), see Kauffhann (Angellka), aft. u-ife of ■28 Deo. 1859. ZuccM (M. A. -4. Ziicchi. Zuccoli (Luciano). La niorte d' Orfeo. s8<>. Milano. 1896 Zuerius Boxhornius (Marcus), see Boxhokn (M. Z.) *Zugt (De) van den H. Eaadi)ensioniiris J. de Witt, 1757, see LuzAC (E.) Zuhainus (Stephanus), see Szchai (S.), 6/'. of Erlan. Zu Hohenlohe-lngelfingen {Prim Kraft), see Hohenlohe- iNGELFrNGEX. Zuichemus ab Aytta (Viglius), see Aytta (V. Z. .^b). Zuid-Afrikaanscbe Eepubliek, sec Tbansv.iai,. Ziillig (Friedrich Jacob). Die Offenbaruug Johannis. 2B. (1, Einl., Kap. 1-3. 2, Kap. 4-22.) 8». Stuttgart. 1834-40 Zulu. *Zulu Customs. [3 reprints, signed E. G. C, f. the Natal Colonist. P791]. s8". 1879 *Zulu Izaga, that is proverbs, etc. coll. by a Zulu missionary. [P791]. 8". Natal. 1880 Zululand. Precis of information cone, the Zulu country, w. map. [Intelligence Branch]. Corr. to Jan. 1879. [P336]. 8". 1879 Precis of information cone. Z., w. map. [IntelUgence Div.] To Dec, 1894. 8'>. 1895 Zulus (The) & the men of science, or the Gospel harmonists : which are the most dangerous ? Or, Greswell's Harmony of the resurrection exam". [P703]. 2p. s8'. 1865 Zumalacarregui (Tomas), see Henninosen (C. F.) A campaign w. Z., 1836. Zumbini (Bonaventura). Saggi critici. s8'. Napoli. 1876 Zumpt (August Wilhelm). Comment, epigraphicarum ad autiq. Eomanas pert, volumen. 4<>. B. 1850 De Augustahbus et de Seviris Augustalibus. [P727]. 4". B. 1846 Das Geburtsjahr Christi. 8". L. 1869 Zumpt (Carl Gottlob [Timotheus]). Decretum municipale Tergestinum de honore Fabii Severi illust. etc. [P788]. 4". B. 1837 IJber Abstimmung d. rom. Volks in Centuriatcomitien, u. ii. M'. Curius. .. [P788J...4". 1837 Zum Scharffenberg (1. "W. S., Graf Utterodt), see Utterodt zuM Scharffenberg. Zum Stein (H. F. Carl, Frhr. vom und), see Stein (H. F. C, Friir. voM u. zum). Zuniga (Francesillo de). Cronica, see Eivadenetra (M.) under Curiosidades etc. Zuniga (Joaquin Martinez de). [tMABxiKEz]. Hist, view of the Philippine P. Tr. J. Mayer. 2v in 1. 8". 1814 Zuniga (Juan de), see Sp.\in. Col. de doc. para la hist, de Espana. Zuniga y Eequesens (Luis), see Requesess (L.) Zunz (Leopold). Die svnagogale Poesie d. Mittelalters. 2B. 8'>. B. 1855-59 Zurbriggen (Mattias). From the Alps to the Andes : autoh. 8". 1899 Zurcher (Frederic) & E. MargoUe. Les ascensions eeUbres. s8>. 1867 Les .glaciers. s8°. 1868 Volcans & tremblements de terre. sS". 1866 Volcanoes . Gouda;. 1658 sti' PiiARM.icopiEiA Augustana reformata, etc., 1653. Zwemer (S. M.) Arabia : the cradle of Islam. Ia8". E. 1900 Zwichem (Viglius van), sec Aytta (V. Zuichemu.s ab). Zwiedineck-Siidenhorst (Hans v.) Deutsche Gesch. im Zeit- raum d. Griindung d. preuss. Konigthums. 2B. ^8". Stuttgart. 1890-4 Deutsche Gesch. v. d. Aufliisung des alten bis z. Errichtung des neuen Kaiserreiches, 1806-71. Bl, 1806-15. Ia8'\ St. 1897 Kriegsbilder aus der Zeit der Landsknechte. S8". St. 1883 Politik d. Rep. Venedig des 30jahr. Krieges. 2B. 8». St. 1882-5 see Wolf (A.) it H. v. Z., Osterreich unter Maria Theresia, Josef II, u. Leopold II, 1884. Zwingli (Ulrich). De gestis inter Gallos et Hel- vetios ad Ravennam etc. 1512, sec Fbeher (M.) Germ, rerum scriptores, t3, 1717. see ChkistoffeliR.) Z. : Leben u. ausgewiihlte Schriften, 1857. ,, Z. : life etc., tr., 1858. ,, Hess (J. G.) Life of Z., tr., 1812. „ Jackson (S. M.) H. Z. (1484-1.531), 1901. see ScHWALB (M.) Etude com- parative des doctrines de Melanchthon, Z., Calvin, 1859. ,1 SiGWART (C.) Z. : Charakter s. Theologie, niit bes. Riicksicht auf Picus v. Mirandula, 1.855. „ SpiiRRi (H.J Zwiugli-Studieu, 1866. „ Stahelin (R.) Z., s. Leben u. Wirkcn, 1895-7. Zwolf Tafeln (Die), see Twelve Tables. Zyl (Jan van). Theatrum machinarum universale; of groot algemeen moolen-boek. Deel 1, {no viorc publ. I 2' druk]. lafol. .\msterdam. 1734 Zyromski (Ernest). Lamartine. s8\ 1897 Z. Z , lis., see Z.iNGWiLL (Loris). ^r V-v-i vv, ,.■ ,K' ■- ' .,.^v .V;vij '•■.,':.„■ ', iff •'' r . -■ i': '"• •: / ; ;iinmiiiitimiinruuj(ii.'i:tit'di