M \{ ^h^ NOTICE. H. S. Nichols, Ltd., respectfully be^ to call the attention of purchasers to the fact that all Books issued by them are intenrled to be sold at the net advertised prices without deduction, and that they are supplied to Booksellers on terms which will not allow of any discount being given by them to the public. '^ll THE LIBRARY EDITION The Arabian Nights' Entertainments ILLUSTRATED VOLUME I } J^ J^ J^J^ "TO THE PURE ALL THLNGS ARE PURE" (Paris omnia pura). — Ayah Proverb. " Niuna corrotta mente intese mai sanamente parole." — " Decameron " — conclusion. " Erubuit, posuitque meum Lucretia librum Sed coram Bruto. Brute ! recede, leget." —Martial. Mieulx est de ris que de larmes escripre, Pour ce que rire est le propre des hommes." — Rabelais. " The pleasure we derive from perusing the Thousand-and-One Stories makes us regret that we possess only a comparatively small part of these truly enchanting fictions." — Crichton's "History of Arabia." I i< i~ t li II I y (J lif niiiwMi^ ' iftir -■ r^^.- No. I. Captain Sir Richard F. Burton, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., etc., etc. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night TRANSLATED FROM THE ARABIC BY CAPTAIN SIR R. F. BURTON K.C.M.G. F.R.G, S. &c. &c. &c, REPRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL EDITION AND EDITED BY LEONARD C. SMITHERS ILLUSTRATED BY A SERIES OF SE]-ENTY-0\E ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS REPRODUCED FROM THE ORIGINAL PICTURES IN OILS SPECIALLY PAINTED BY ALBERT LETCHFORD IN TWELVE VOLUMES—VOLUME I H. S. NICHOLS Ltd. 39 CHARING CROSS ROAD LONDON W.C, MDCCCXCVII (All rights reserved) REGISTERED TRA DE f^M MARK COPYRIGHTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES, 1^97 PRINTED BY H. S. NICHOLS, I.TD., 39 CHARINO CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. EDITOR'S NOTE This Library Edition of Sir Richard Burton's Translation of " The Arabian Nights " has been printed with a close and careful collation of his own copy of the original issue, and all his corrections and additional notes have been inserted. In dealing with certain gross passages in the text and with a few of the translator's " anthropological " notes, I have borne in mind that the Book is not only a classic but also a scientific and ethnographical work, and that therefore greater latitude of expression is properly allowable than would be the case with a mere story book of to-day. In Lady Burton's edition, which was a reprint of the first ten volumes only of the original issue, it was thought advisable to omit no fewer than 215 pages; in this edition, which comprises the ivhole sixteen volumes (the entire work), more than four-fifths of these omitted passages have been restored. These few omissions are also rendered necessary by the pledge which Sir Richard gave to his Subscribers that no cheaper edition of the entire work should be issued ; but in all other respects the original text has been reproduced with scrupulous fidelity. The reader has here, therefore, the most complete English edition of The Nights that can ever be published, the extreme grossness of the few words and passages omitted absolutely precluding their appearance. It cannot, however, be reasonably said that these slight excisions in any way damage the Book ; viii Alf Laylah iva Laylah. on the contrary, they enable this great monument of Eastern literature — an acknowledged masterpiece of translation — to be freed from the burdensome restriction of being kept under lock and key, and to take its proper place on the library shelf alongside Cervantes and Shakespeare. Leonard C. Smithers. October loth, 1894. BENARES: MDCCCLXXXV : PRINTED BY THE K AM ASH ASTl^\ SOCIE'l'^' FOR PRIVATE SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. V O L U M E I. PLAIN AND LITERAL TRANSLATION OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS, NOW E NT ITU LED THE BOOK OF THE WITH INTRODUCTION ENPLANATORY NOTES ON THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF MOSLEM MEN AND A TERMINAL ESSAY UPON THE HISTORY OF THE NIGH TS RICHARD F. BURTON SfnficrjieU to tlje pernor? OF MY LAMENTED FRIEND (CIVIL SURGEON, ADEN) A QUARTER OF A CENTURY AGO ASSISTED ME IN THIS TRANSLATION. SRLF LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE FIRST VOLUME. (LIBRARY EDITION. Xn. I. CAPTAIN SIR RICHARD F. BURTON, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., etc., etc {frontispiece) „ 2. STORY OF KING SHAHRYAR AND HIS BROTHER. " The Jinni seated her under the tree. . . . Presently she raised her gracious head towards the tree-top and saw the two kings " . . . . lo „ 3. TALE OF THE ENSORCELLED PRINCE. " I climbed upon the roof. . . . And lo ! my fair cousin had gone in to a hideous negro slave " 06 ,. 4. THE PORTER AND THE THREE LADIES OF BAGHDAD. " Then she came up out of the cistern, and throwing herself upon the Porter's lap, said, ' O my lord, O my love, what callest thou this ? ' " . S3 „ 5. TALE OF THE PORTRESS. " He put his mouth to my cheek. . . . But, while kissing me, he bit me so hard a bite that it tore the flesh from my cheek " . . . . 165 „ 6. TALE OF NUR AL-DIN ALI AND HIS SON. " Then the singing-girls beat their tabrets. . . . And the bride was as the full moon when at fullest. . . . Thus they displayed the bride . . . wholly neglecting the Gobbo, who sat moping alone "' . 199 Illustrations PAGE No. 7. TALE OF THE TAILOR. " So I bade the page open the box and the Barber laid down the astrolabe, leaving the greater part of my head unpolled ; and, sitting on the ground, turned over the scents and incense and aloes-wood and essences till I was well-nigh dis- traught " 286 „ 8. THE BARBER'S TALE OF HIS SECOND BROTHER. •' Then she set out at a run, and he ran after her while she rushed into room after room and rushed out of room after room, my brother scam- pering after her in a rage of desire " . . . 302 „ 9. NUR AL-DIN ALI AND THE DAMSEL ANIS AL-JALIS. " Next he kissed her lips and she kissed his and . . . when the two little slave-girls saw their young master go in unto the damsel, Anis al-Jalis, they cried out " 334 „ 10. TALE OF GHANIM BIN AYVUB. " One night as he laid by her side . . . she awoke and sat upright. . . . When Ghanim heard her words and knew that she was a concubine of the Caliph, he drew back " 383 „ II. TALE OF KING OMAR } N AL-NU'UMAN AND HIS ' " He set his breast agaii.. ..ers ; but when he felt waist touch waist his strength failed him, and she . . . threw him to the ground" . . . 412 CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. THE TRANSLATOR'S FOREWORD . : INTRODUCTION STORY OF KING SHAIIRYAR AND IIIS BROTHER a. Tale of the Bull and the Ass ...... (Lane, vol. I., i - 1 6. J I TALE OF THE TRADER AND THE JINNI .... (Lane — Chapl. /. Story of the Merchant and the Jinnee: p. \\) a. The First Shaykh's Story (Lane — Story of the First Sheykh and the Gazelle : p. 48^ b. The Second Shaykh's Story (Lane — Story of the Second Sheykh and the two Black Hounds : p. ^z) c. The Third Shaykh's Story (Lane — Story of the Third Sheykh and the Mule : p. 56^ 2. THE FISHERMAN AND THE JINNI (Lane — Chapt. LI. Story of the Fisher/nan : p. ySJ a. Tale ok the Wazir and the Sage Duban .... (Lane — Story of I^ing Yoonan and the Sage Doohau : p. 84^ al>. Story of King Sindibad and his Falcon ac. Tale of the Husband and the Parrot (Lane — Story of the LIusband and the Parrot: p. 89^ ad. Tale of the Prince and the Ogress .... (Lane — Story of the Envious Wezeer and the Prince and t lie Ghoolah : p. 9 b. Tale of the Ensorcelled Prince ...... (L.ane — Story of the Young King of the Black Islands : p. 106 J 3. THE PORTER AND THE THREE LADIES OF BAGHDAD. (Lane — Chapt. LI I. Story of the Porter aiul the Ladies of Baghdad, and of the three Royal Mendicants, etc. : p. 136^ 14 22 25 29 33 34 41 46 48 50 64 xiv Alf Lay/ah 7va Laylah. FAGE a. The First Kalanuar's Tale . 96 (Lane — Story of the First Royal Mendicant : p. 150^ b. The Second Kalandar's Tale , 104 (Lane — Story of the Second Royal Mendicant : p. i^yj da. Tale of the Envier and the Envied 113 (Lane — Story of the Envier and the Envied: p. 166 J c. The Third Kalandar's Tale 128 (Lane — Story of the Third Royal Mendicant : p. lySJ d. The Eldest Lady's Tale .149 ;t-clay, drest-day and de]3arture-day) seems to be an •instinci-made rule in ho>i)itality. Among Mcslems itisaSunnat or practice of ..1,., I. u„. the I'rDphet. 4 A If Lay la h zva Lay/ah. third day's hosi)itality." He appointed for the Minister fitting ([uarters in the pahice ; and, pitching tents for the troops, rationed them with whatever they might require of meat and drink and other necessaries. On the fourth day he made ready for wayfare and got together sumptuous presents befitting his elder brother's majesty, and stabUshed his chief Wazir viceroy of the land during his absence. Then he caused his tents and camels and mules to be brought forth and encamped, with their bales and loads, attendants and guards, within sight of the city, in readiness to set out next morning for his brother's capital. But when the night was half spent he bethought him that he had forgotten in his palace somewhat which he should havo brought with him, so he returned privily and entered his apartments, where he found the Queen, his wife, asleep on his own carpet-bed, embracing with both arms a black cook of loathsome aspect and foul with kitchen grease and grime. When he saw this the world waxed black before his sight and he said, " If such case happen while I am yet within sight of the city what will be the doings of this damned whore during my long absence at my brother's court?" So he drew his scymitar and, cutting the two into four pieces with a single blow, left them on the carpet and returned presently to his camp without letting anyone know of what had happened. Then he gave orders for immediate departure and set out at once and began his travel ; but he could not help thinking over his wife's conduct and he kept ever saying to himself, " How could she do this deed by me ? How could she work her own death ? " till excessive grief seized him, his colour changed to yellow, his body waxed weak and he was threatened with a dangerous malady, such an one as bringeth men to die. So the Wazir shortened his stages and tarried long at the watering-stations and did his best to solace the King. Now when Shah Zaman drew near the capital of his brother he despatched vaunt-couriers and messengers of glad tidings to announce his arrival, find Shahryar came forth to meet him with his Wazirs and Emirs and Lords and Grandees of his realm ; and saluted him and joyed with exceeding joy and caused the city to be decorated in his honour. When, however, the brothers met, the elder could not but see the change of complexion in the younger and questioned him of his case whereto he replied, '"Tis caused by the travails of travel and wayfare and my case needeth care, for I have suffered from the change of water and air ! but Allah be " [)raised for reuniting me with a brother so dear and so rare ! " On this wise he dissembled and kept his secret, adding, " O King of the time and Caliph of the tide, only toil and moil have tinged my face yellow with bile and hath made my eyes sink deep in my head." Then the two entered the capital in all honour ; and the Stoty of King SliaJiryar and //is Brother. 5 elder brother lodged the younger in a palace overhanging the pleasure garden , and, after a time, seeing his condition still un- c!;anged, he attributed it to his separation from his country and kmgdom. So he let him wend his own ways and asked no questions of him till one day when he again said, " O my brother, I see thou ait grown weaker of body and yellower of colour." " O my brother," replied Shah Zaman, " I have an internal wound : "^ still he would not tell hmi what he had witnessed in his wife. Thereupon Shahryar summoned doctors and surgeons and bade them treat his brother according to the rules of art, which they did for a whole month ; but their sherbets and potions naught availed, for he would dwell upon the deed of his wife, and despondency, instead of diminishing, pre- vailed, and leach-craft treatment utterly failed. One day his elder brother said to him, " I am going forth to hunt and course and to take my pleasure and pastime ; maybe this would lighten thy heart." Shah Zaman, however, refused, saying, " O my brother, my soul yearneth for naught of this sort and I entreat thy favour to suffer me tarry quietly in this place, being wholly taken up with my malady." So King Shah Zaman passed his night in the palace and, next morning, when his brother had gone forth, he removed from his room and sat him down at one of the lattice-windows overlooking the pleasure grounds ; and there he abode thinlcing with saddest thought over his wife's betrayal and burning sighs issued from his tortured breast. And as he continued in this case lo ! a postern of the palace, which was carefully kept private, swung open and out of it came twenty slave girls surrounding his brother's wife who was wondrous fair, a model of beauty and comeliness and symmetry and perfect loveliness and who paced with the grace of a gazelle which panielh for the cooling stream. Thereupon Shah Zaman drew back from the window, but he kept the bevy in sight espying them from a place whence he could not be espied. They walked under the very lattice and advanced a little way into the garden till they came to a jettmg fountain amiddlemost a great basin of water, then they stripped off their clothes and behold, ten of them were women, concubines of the King, and the other ten were white slaves. Then they all paired off, each with each : but the Queen, who was left alone, presently cried out in a loud voice, " Here to me, O my lord Saeed ! " and there sprang with a drop-leap from one of the trees a big slobbering blackamoor with rolling eyes which showed the whites, a truly hideous sight.^ He walked boldly up to her and threw his arms round her neck, while she embraced him as warmly. On like wise did the other slaves with the girls till all had satisfied their passions, and they ceased not from kissing ' i.e., I am sick at heart. ' Debauched women prefer negroes as lovers. 6 Alf Layhih wa Laylah. and clipping, and carousing till day began to wane ; when the men resumed their disguises and all, except the negro who swarmed up the tree, entered the palace and closed the postern-door as before. Now, when Shah Zaman saw this conduct of his sister-in-law he said in himself, " By Allah, my calamity is lighter than this ! My brother is a greater King among the kings than I am, yet this infiimy goeth on in his very palace, and his wife is in love with that filthiest of filthy slaves. But this only showeth that they all do it, and that there is no woman but who cuckoldeth her husband ; then the curse of Allah upon one and all and upon the fools who lean agai'nst them for support or who place the reins of conduct in their hands." So he put away his melancholy and despondency, regret and repine, and allayed his sorrow by constantly repeating those words, adding, " 'Tis my conviction that no man in this world is safe from their malice ! " When supper-time came they brought him the trays and he ate with voracious appetite, for he had long refrained from meat, feehng unable to touch any dish however dainty. Then he returned grateful thanks to Almighty Allah, praising Him and blessing Him, and he spent a most restful night, it having been long since he had savoured the sweet food of sleep. Next day he broke his fast heartily and began to recover health and strength, and presently regained excellent condition. His brother came back from the chase ten days after, when he rode out to meet him and they saluted each other ; and when King Shahryar looked at King Shah Zaman he saw how the hue of health had returned to him, how his face had waxed ruddy and how he ate with an appetite after his late scanty diet. He wondered much and said, " O my brother, I was so anxious that thou wouldst join me in hunting and chasing, and wo'jldst take thy pleasure and pastime in my dominion ! " He thanked him and excused himself; then the two took horse and rode into the city and, when they were seated at their ease in the palace, the food-trays were set before them and they ate their suffi- ciency. After the meats were removed and they had washed theii hands. King Shahryar turned to his brother and said, " My mind is overcome with wonderment at thy condition. I was desirous to carry thee with me to the chase but I saw thee changed in hue, pale and wan to view, and in sore trouble of mind too. But now Alhamdolillah — glory be to God ! — I see thy natural colour hath returned to thy face and that thou art again in the best of case. It was my belief that thy sickness came of severance from thy famil\ and friends, and absence from capital and country, so I refrained from troubling thee with further questions. But now I beseech thee to expound to me the cause of thy complauit and thy change Sio?j of King S/iah/yar and his Brother. 7 of colour, and to explain the reason of thy recovery and the return to the ruddy hue of health which I am wont to view. So speak out and hide naught ! " When Shah Zaman heard this he bowed groundwards awhile his head, then raised it and said, " I will tell thee what caused my complaint and my loss of colour ; but excuse my acquainting thee with the cause of its return to me and the reason of my complete recovery : indeed I pray thee not to press me for a reply." Said Shahryar, who was much surprised by these words, " Let me hear first what produced thy pallor and thy poor condition." " Know, then, O my brother," rejoined Shah Zaman, " that when thou sentest thy Wazir with the invitation to place myself between thy hands, I made ready and marched out of my city ; but presently I minded me having left behind me ir] the palace a string of jewels intended as a gift to thee. I returned for it alone and found my wife on my carpet bed and in the arms of a hideous black cook. Accordingly I slew the twain and came to thee, yet my thoughts brooded over this business and I lost my bloom and became weak. But excuse me if I still refuse to tell thee what was the reason of my complexion returning." Shahryar shook his head, marvelling with extreme marvel, and with the fire of wrath flaming up from his heart, he cried, " Indeed, the malice of woman is mighty ! " Then he took refuge from them with Allah and said, " In very sooth, O my brother, thou hast escaped many an evil by putting thy wife to death,^ and right excusable were thy wrath and grief for such mis- hap which never yet befel crowned King like unto thee. By Allah, had the case been mine, I would not have been satisfied without slaying a thousand women and that way madness lies ! But non- praise be to Allah who hath tempered to thee thy tribulation, and needs must thou acquaint me with that which so suddenly restored to thee complexion and health, and explain to me what causeth this concealment." " O King of the Age, again I pray thee excuse my so doing ! " " Nay, but thou must." " I fear, O my brother, lest the recital cause thee more anger and sorrow than afflicted me." "That were but a better reason," quoth Shahryar, "for telling me the whole history, and I conjure thee by Allah not to keep back aught from me." Thereupon Shah Zaman told him all he had seen, from commencement to conclusion, ending with these w^ords, "When I beheld thy calamity and the treason of thy wife, O my brother, and I reflected that thou art in years my senior and in sovereignty my superior, mine own sorrow was belittled by the comparison, and my mind recovered tone and temper : so throwing off melan- Thc Arab's Tue la ! S ./// Lay/ah wa Laylah. choly and despondency, I was able to eat and drink and sleep, and thus I speedily regained health and strength. Such is the truth and the whole truth." When King Shahryar heard this he waxed wroth with exceeding wrath, and rage was like to strangle him ; but presently he recovered himself and said, " O my brother, I would not give thee the lie in this matter, but I cannot credit it till I see it with mine own eyes." ''An thou wouldst look upon thy calamity," quoth Shah Zaman, " rise at once and make ready again for hunting and coursing,^ and then hide thyself with me, so shalt thou witness it and thine eyes shall verify it." "True," quoth the King; where- upon he let make proclamation of his intent to travel, and the troops and tents went forth the city, camping within sight, and Shahryar sallied out with them and took seat amidmost his host, bidding the sla\es admit no man to him. When night came on he summoned his A\'azir and said to him, " Sit thou in my stead and let none wot of my absence till the term of three days." Then the brothers disguised themselves and returned by night with all secrecy to the palace, where they passed the dark hours : and at dawn they seated themselves at the lattice overlooking the pleasure grounds, when presently the Queen and her handmaids came out as before, and passing under the windows made for the fountain. Here they stripped, ten of them being men and ten women, and the King's wife cried out, "Where art thou, O Saeed?" The hideous blacka- moor dropped from the tree straightway ; and, rushing into her arms without stay or delay, cried out, "I am Sa'ad al-Din Saood^!" The lady laughed heartily, and all fell to satisfying themselves and remained so occupied for a couple of hours ; then they went into the basin and, after performing the Ghusl, or complete ablution, donned their dresses and retired as they ! ad done before. When King Shahryar saw this infamy of his wife and concubines he became as one distraught and he cried out, " Only in utter solitude can man be safe from the doings of this vile world ! By Allah, life is naught but one great wrong." Presently he added, " Do not thwart me, O my brother, in what I propose ; " and the other answered, " I will not." So he said, " Let us up as we are and forthright depart hence, for we have no concern with Kingship, and let us overwander Allah's earth, worshii)i)ing the Almighty till we find some one to whom the like ' Arab. " Sayd wa kanas " : the former usually applied to fishing; hence Sayda (Sidon) = fish-town. But noble Arabs (except the Caliph Al-Amfn) do not fish , so here it means simply "sport," chasing, coursing, birding (oiselcr), and so forth. ' In the Mac. Edit, the negro is called " Mas'ud " ; here he utters a kind of war-cry and plays upon the name, " Sa'ad, Sa'id, Sa'ud,"and "Mas'ud," all being derived from one root, " Sa'ad" = auspiciousness, prosperity. Story of King Shahryar and /lis Brother. 9 calamity hath happened ; and if we find none then will death be more welcome to us than life." So the two brothers issued from a second private postern of the palace ; and they never stinted way- faring by day and by night, until they reached a tree a-middle of a meadow hard by a spring of sweet water on the shore of the sclt sea. Both drank of it and sat down to take their rest ; and when an hour of the day had gone by, lo ! they heard a mighty roar and uproar in the middle of the main as though the heavens were falling upon the earth ; and the sea brake with waves before them, and from it towered a black pillar, which grew and grew till it rose sky- wards and began making for that meadow. Seeing it, they waxed fearful exceedingly and climbed to the top of the tree, which was a lofty; whence they gazed to see Avhat might be the matter. And behold, it was a Jinni,^ huge of height and burly of breast and bulk, broad of brow and black of bice bearing on his head a coffer of crystal. He strode to land, wading through the deep, and coming to the tree whereupon were the two Kings, seated himself beneath it. He then set down the coffer on its bottom and out of it drew a casket, with seven padlocks of steel, which he unlocked with seven keys of steel he took from beside his thigh, and out of it a young lady to come was seen, white-skinned and of winsomest mien, of statuie fine and thin, and bright as though a moon of the fourteenth night she had been, or the sun raining lively sheen. Even so the poet Utayyah hath excellently said : — She rose like the morn as she shone tlirough the night, * And she gilded the grove with her gracious sight : From her radiance the sun taketh increase, when • She unveileth and shamelh the moonshine bright. ^ The Arab singular (whence the French "genie") ; fern. Jinniyah ; the Div and Rakshah of old Guebre-land and the " Rakshasa," or " Yaksha," of Hinduism. It would be interesting to trace the evident connection, by no means "accidental," of "Jinn" with the " Genius" who came to the Romans through the Asiatic Etruscans, and whose name I cannot derive from " gignomai " or " genitus." He was unknown to the Greeks, who had the Daimon {haijxwv), a family which separated, like the Jinn and the Genius, into two categories, the good (Aga'.ho-dismons) and tlie bad (K?iko-diEmons). We know nothing con- cerning the status of the Jinn amongst the pre-Moslemitic or pagan Arabs; the Moslems made him a supernatural anthropoid being, created of subtile fire (Koran, chnpts. xv. 27 ; Iv. 14), not of earth like man, propigating Ins kind, Idled by mighty kings, tiie last being Jan bin Jan, missionarised hy Prophets and subject to dt-ath and judgment. From the same root are " funiin "r= madness (i.e., possession or obsession by the Jinn) and " Majiiun " == a madmr.n. According to R. Jeremiah bin Eliazar in Psalm xli. 5, Adam was excommunicated for one hundred and thirty years, during which he begat children in his own image (Gen. v. 3) and these were Mazikcen or Shedeem— Jinns. Further details concerning the Jinu will presently occur. 1 Alf Laylah rca Laylah. Eow down all bcIiiLjs between her hands • As slie showeth charms wit'i her veil undight. And she flooded cities' with torrent tears » When she fla^lielh her look of levcn-light. The Jinni seated her under the tree by his side and gazing at her said, " O choicest love of this heart of mine ! O dame of noblest line, whom I snatched away on thy bride-night that none might pre\"ent me taking thy first love, and whom none save myself hath loved or hath enjoyed : O my sweetheart ! I would lief sleep a little while." He then laid his head upon the lady's thighs, and stretching out his legs which extended down to the sea, slept and snored and snarked like the roll of thunder. Presently she raised her gracious head towards the tree-top and saw the two Kings perched near the summit ; then she softly lifted off her lap the Jinni's pate which she was tired of supporting and placed it upon the ground ; then standing upright under the tree signed to the Kings, " Come ye down, ye two, and fear naught from this Ifrit."^ They were in a terrible fright when they found that she had seen them and answered her in the same manner, " Allah upon thee ® and by thy modesty, lady, excuse us from coming down ! " But she rejoined by saying, "Allah upon you both that ye come down forthright, and if ye come not, I will rouse upon you my husband, this Ifrit, and he shall do you to die by the illest of deaths;" and she continued making signals to them. So, being afraid, they came down to her and she rose before them, and urged them, saying " Do this without stay or delay, otherwise will I arouse and set upon you this Ifrit who shall slay you straightway." They said to her, " O our lady, we con- jure thee by Allah, let us off this work, for we are fugitives from such and in extreme dread and terror of this thy husband. How then can we do in such a way as thou desirest ? " " Leave this talk : it needs must be so," quoth she, and she swore them by Him * Avho raised the ' Arab. "Amsar" (cities) : in Bui. Edit. " Amtar " (rains), as in Mac. Edit. So Mr. Payne (I., 5) translates : — And when she flashes forth the lightning of her glance, She maketh eyes to rain, like showers, with many a tear. 1 would render it, " She makes whole cities shed tears ; " and prefer it for a reason which will generally influence me — its superior exaggeration and impossi- bility. - Not " A-frit," pronounced Aye-frit, as our poets have it. This variety of the Jinn, who, as will be shown, are divided into two races like mankind, is generally, but not always, a malignant being, hostile and injurious to mankind (Koran xxvii. 39). 3 i.e., "I conjure thee by Allah ; " the formula is technically called " Inshad." ■t This introducing the name of Allah into such a tale is essentially Egyptian and Caireae. But see Boccaccio, ii. 6 ; and vii. 9. No. 2. Story of King Shahryar and his Brother. "The Jinni seated her under the tree. . . . Presently she raised her gracious head towards the tree-top and saw the two kings." Story of King Skahryar and his Brother. \ \ skies on high, without prop or pillar, that, if they worked not her will, she would cause them to be slain and cast into the sea. Whereupon out of fear King Shahryar said to King Shah Zanian, "O my brother, do thou what she biddeth thee do ; " but he replied, " I will not do it till thou do it before I do." And they began disputing about her. Then quoth she to the twain, " How is it I see you disputing and demurring; if ye do not come forward like men, I will arouse upon you the Ifrit." At this, by reason of their sore dread of the Jinni, both did as she bade them; and she said, '.'Well done!" She then took from her pocket a purse and drew out a knotted string, whereon were strung five hundred and seventy^ seal rings, and asked, "Know ye what be these?" They answered her saying, "We know not!" Then quoth she, "These be the signets of five hundred and seventy men who have all embraced me upon the horns of this foul, this foolish, this filthy Ifrit ; so give me also your two seal rings, ye pair of brothers." When they had drawn their two rings from their hands and given them to her, she said to them, " Of a truth this Ifrit bore me off on my bride-night, and put me into a casket and set the casket in a coffer and to the coffer he affixed seven strong padlocks of steel and deposited me on the deep bottom of the sea that raves, dashing and clashing with waves ; and guarded me so that I might remain chaste and honest, quotha ! that none save himself might have connexion with me. But I have embraced as many of my kind as I please, and this wretched Jinni wotteth not that Destiny may not be averted nor hindered by aught, and that whatso woman willeth the same she fulfiUeth however man nilleth. Even so saith one of them : — Rely not on women ; * Trust not to their hearts, Whose joys and whose sorrows * Are hung to their parts ! Lying love they will swear thee * Whence guile ne'er departs ; Take Yi'isuf ^ for sample » 'Ware sleights and 'ware smarts I Iblis 3 ousted Adam • (See ye not ?) thro' their arts. ' So in the Mac. Edit. ; in others "ninety." I prefer the greater number as exaggeration is a part of the humour. In the Hindu " Katha Sarit Sagara " (Sea of the Streams of Story), the rings are one hundred and the catastrophe is more moral ; the good youth Yashodluua rejects the wicked one's advances ; she awakes the water-sprite, who is about to slay him, but the rings are brought as testimony and the improper young person's nose is duly cut off. (Chap. Ixiii., p. 8o, of the excellent translation by Prof. C. H. Tawney : for the Bibliothcca Indica : Calcutta, 1881.) The Katha, etc., by Somadeva (century xi), is a poetical version of the prose compendium, the " Vrihat Katha" (Great Story) by Gunadhya (cent. vi. ) ^ The Joseph of the Koran, very different from him of Genesis. We shall meet him often enough in The Nights. 3 " Iblis," vulgarly written " Eblis," from a root meaning The Despairer, 12 Ai'J LdvUili uui J. ay /ah. And another haith : — Slim l!iy blame, man ! 'T«ill drive to a pas^inn without bound ; * My fault is not so heavy as fault in it hast found. If true lover I become, then to me there cometh not * Save what happened unto many in the by-qone stound. For wonderful is he and right worthy of our ))raise « Who from wiles of female- wits kept him safe and kept him sound." Hearing these words they marvelled with exceeding marvel, and she went from them to the Ifrit and, taking up his head on her thigh as before, said to them softlj', "Now wend your ways and bear your- selves beyond the bounds of his malice." So they fared forth saying either to other, " Allah ! Allah ! " and, " There be no Majesty and there be no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great ; and with Him we seek refuge from women's malice and sleight, for of a truth it hath no mate in might. Consider, O my brother, the ways of this marvellous lady with an Ifrit who is so much more powerful than we are. Now since there hath happened to him a greater mishap than that which befel us and which should bear us abundant consolation, so return we to our countries and capitals, and let us decide never to intermarry with womankind and presently we will show them what will be our action." Thereupon they rode back to the tents of King Shahryar, which they reached on the morning of the third day ; and, having mustered the Wazirs and Emirs, the Chamberlains and high officials, he gave a robe of honour to his Viceroy and issued orders for an immediate return to the city. There he sat him upon his throne and sending for the Chief Minister, the father of the two damsels who (Inshallah :) will presently be mentioned, he said, " 1 command thee to take my wife and smite her to death ; for she hath broken her plight and her faith." So he carried her to the place o*' execution and did her die. Then King Shahryar took brand in hand and repairing to the Serraglio slew all the concubines and their Mamelukes.^ He also sware himself by a binding oath that whatever with a suspicious likeness to Diabolos ; possibly from "Balas," a profligate. Some translate it The Calumniator, as Satan is the Hater. Iblis (who appears in the Arab, version of the N. Testament) succeeded another revolting angel Al- Haris ; and his story of pride, refusing to worship Adam, is told four times in the Koran from the Talmud (Sanhedrim 29). He caused Adam and Eve to lose Paradise (ii. 34) ; he siill betrays mankind (xxv. 31), and at the end of time he, with the ether devils, will be "gathered together on their knees round Hell" (\ix. 69). » A similar tale is still told at Akka (St. John d'Acre) concerning the terrible " butcher " — Jazzar (Djezzar) Pasha. According to Frizzi, Niccolo, Marquis of Lste, after beheading Parisina, ordered all the faithless wives of Ferrara to be treated in like manner. Tale oj the Bull and the Ass. 13 wife he married he would abate her virginity at night and slay her next morning to make sure of his honour : " for," said he, " there never was nor is there one chaste woman upon the face of earth." Then Shah Zaman prayed for permission to fare homewards ; and he went forth equipped and escorted and travelled till he reached his own country. Meanwhile Sliahryar commanded his Wazir to bring him the bride of the night that he might go to her ; so he produced a most beautiful girl, the daughter of one of the Emirs and the King went unto her at eventide and when morning dawned he bade his Minister strike off her head ; and the Wazir did accordingly for fear of the Sultan. On this wise he continued for the space of three years ; marrying a maiden every night and kilhng her the next morning, till folk raised an outcry against him and cursed him, praying Allah utterly to destroy him and his rule ; and women made an uproar and mothers wept and parents fled with their daughters till there remained not in the city a young person of a sufficient age for marriage. Presently the Kmg ordered his Chief Wazir, the same who was charged with the executions, to bring him a virgin as was his wont ; and the Minister went forth and searched and found none ; so he returned home in sorrow and anxiety fearing for his life from the King iSlow he had two daughters, named Shahrazad and Dunyazad,' of whom the elder had perused the books, annals and legends of preceding Kings, and the stories, examples, and instances of by-gone men and things ; indeed it was said that she had collected a thousand books of histories relating to antique races and departed rulevs. She had perused the works of the poets and knew them by heart ; she had studied philosophy and the sciences, arts and accomplishments ; and she was pleasant and polite, wise and witty, well read and well bred, Now on that day she said to her father, " Why do I see thee thus changed and laden with cark and care? Concerning this matter quoth one of the poets : — Tell whoso hath so :o\v * Gaef never shall last ; E'en as joy hath no muirow * So woe shall go past." When the Wazir heard from his daughter these words he related to her, from beginning to end, all that had happened between him and the King. Thereupon said she, "By Allah, O my father, how long ' Shahrazad (Persian) = City-freer ; in the older version Scheherazade (probably) both from Shirzad = lion-born). Dunyazad = World-freer. The Bres. Edit, corrupts the former to Shahrzad or Shahrazad ; and the Mac. and Calc. to Shahrzad or Shehrzad. I have ventured to restore the name as it should be. Calland for the second prefers Dinarzade (?) and Richardson Dinazade (Dinazad = I\.eligion-freer) ; here I have followed Lane and Payne ; though in " First Footsteps" I was misled by Galland. See Notes to p. i, ante, and to Night 34. post. 1 4 A/f Laylali wa Laylu/i. shall this slaughter of women endure? Shall I tell thee what is in my mind in order to save both sides from destruction?" "Say on, O my daughter," quoth he, and quoth she, " I wish thou would.st give me in marriage to this King Shahryar ; either I shall live or 1 shall be a ransom for the virgin daughters of Moslems and the cause of their deliverance from his hands and thine." ' " Allah upon thee ! " cried he in wrath exceeding that lacked no feedmg, " O scanty of wit, expose not thy life to such peril ! How durst thou address me in words so wide from wisdom and unfar from foolishness? Knoiv that one who lacketh experience in worldly matters readily falleth into misfortune ; and whoso considereth not the end keepeth not the world to friend, and the vulgar say : — I was lying at mine ease : naught but my officiousness brought me unease." " Needs must thou," she broke in, "make me a doer of this good deed, and let him kill me an he will : I shall only die a ransom for others " " O my daughter," asked he, "and how shall that profit thee when thou shalt have thrown away thy life ? " and she answered, " O my father It must be, come of it what will !" The Wazir was again moved to fury and blamed and reproached her, ending with, " In very deed I fear lest the same befal thee which befel the Bull and the Ass wjth the Husbandman." " And what," asked she, " befel them, O my father ? " Whereupon the Wazir began the TALE OB THE DULL^ AND THE ASS. Know, O my daughter, that there was once a merchant who owned much money and many men, and who was rich in cattle and camels ; he had also a wife and family and he dwelt in the country, being experienced in husbandry and devoted to agriculture. Now Allah Most High had endowed him with understanding the tongues of beasts and birds of every kind, but under pain of death if he divulged the gift to any. So he kept it secret for very fear. He had in his cowhouse a Bull and an Ass each tethered in his own stall one hard by the other. As the merchant was sitting near hand one day with his servants and his children were playing about him, he heard the ' Probably she proposed to "Judith" the King. These learned and clever young ladies are very dangerous in the East. - In Egy]:)t, etc., the bull takes the place ol" the Western ox. The Arab, word is "Taur" (Thaur, Saur) ; in old Persian " Tora " and Lat. " Taurus," a vei er- able remnant of the da\s before the " Scniiiic" and "Aryan" families of speech liad split into'two distinct giovvths. "Taur" ei.ds in the Saxon "ttcor" and the English " Steer." Tale of the BkU and the Ass. 15 Bull say to the Ass, " Hail and health to thee, O Father of Waking,^ for that thou enjoyest rest and good ministering ; all under thee is clean-swept and fresh-sprinkled ; men wait upon thee and feed thee, and thy provaunt is sifted barley and thy drink pure spring-water, while I (unhappy creature !) am led forth in the middle of the night, when they set on my neck the plough and a something called Yoke ; and I tire at cleaving the earth from dawn of day till set of sun. I am forced to do more than I can and to bear all manner of ill- treatment from night to night ; after which they take me back with my sides torn, my neck flayed, my legs aching and mine eyelids sored with tears. Then they shut me up in the byre and throw me beans and crushed straw,' mixed with dirt and chaff; and I lie in dung and filth and stinks through the livelong night. But thou art ever in a place swept and sprinkled and cleansed, and thou art always lying at ease, save when it happeneth (and seldom enough !) that the master hath some business, when he mounteth thee and rideth thee to town and returneth with thee forthright. So it fortuneth that I am toiling and distrest while thou takest thine ease and thy rest : tliou sleepest while I am sleepless ; I hunger still while thou eatest thy fill, and I win contempt while thou winnest good will." When the Bull ceased s])eaking, the Ass turned towards him and said, " O Broad-o'-Brow,^ O thou lost one ! he lied not who dubbed thee Bull-head, for thou, O father of a Bull, hast neither forethought nor contrivance ; thou art the simplest of simpletons,^ and thou knowest naught of good advisers. Hast thou not heard the saying of the wise : — For others these h irtl^liips and labours I bear ; * And theirs is the pleasure and mine is ihe care ; As tile bleacher who blacketh his br(j\v in the sun * To whiten tlie raiment which other men wear.^ But thou, O fool, art full of zeal and thou toilest and moilest before the master ; and thou tearest and wearest and slayest thyself for the comfort of another. Hast thou never heard the saw that saith, None to guide and from the way go wide? Thou wendest forth .at the call to dawn-prayer and thou returnest not till sundown ; and ^ Arab. " Abii Yakzan " :^ the Wakener ; becauNe the ass brays at dawn. - Arab. " Tibn "; straw crushed under the sledge: the hay of Egypt, Arabia, ■Syria, etc. The oKl country custom is to pull up the corn by handfuls from the roots, leaving the land perfectly bare: hence the ' plucking up" of Holy Writ. The object is to preserve every atom of "Tibn.'' 2 Arab. " Ya Afiah " : Al-Aftah is an epithet of the bull, also of Ihe chame- ;leon. ^ Arab. " I5alid," a favourite Egyptianism often pleasantly confounded with -•' Wali" (a Santon) ; hence the latter comes to mean " an innocent," a '• ninny." * From the Calc. Edit., vol. i. p. 29. 1 6 AIJ Lay la h wa Laylak. through the livelong day thou endurest all manner hardships; to wit, beating and belabouring and bad language. Now hearken to me, Sir Bull ! when they tie thee to thy stinking manger, thou pawest the ground with thy forehand and lashest out with thy hind hoofs and pushest with thy horns and bellowest aloud, so they deem thee contented. And when they throw thee thy fodder thou fallest on it with greed and hastenest to line thy fair fat paunch. But if thou accept my advice 'twill be better for thee and thou wilt lead an easier life even than mine. When thou goest afield and they lay the thing called Yoke on thy neck, lie down and rise not again though haply they swinge thee ; and, if thou rise, lie down a second time ; and when they bring thee home and offer thee thy beans, fall backwards and only sniif at thy meat and withdraw thee and taste it not, and be satisfied with thy crushed straw and chaff; and on this wise feign thou art sick, and cease not doing thus for a day or two days or even three days, so shalt thou have rest from toil and moil." When the Bull heard these words he knew the Ass to be his friend and thanked him, saying, " Right is thy recking " ; and prayed that all blessings might requite him, and cried, " O Father Wakener!^ thou hast made up for my failings." (Now^the merchant, O my daughter, understood all that passed between them.) Next day the driver took the Bull, and setting the plough on his neck,"* made him work as wont ; but the Bull began to shirk his ploughing, according to the advice of the Ass, and the ploughman drubbed him till he broke the yoke and made off; but the man caught him up and leathered him till he despaired of his life. Not the less, how- ever, would he do nothing but stand still and drop down till the evening. Then the herd led him home and stabled him in his stall : but he drew back from his manger and neither stamped nor ramped nor butted nor bellowed as he was wont to do ; whereat the man wondered. He brought him the beans and husks, but he sniffed at them and left them and lay down as far from them as he could and passed the whole night fasting. The peasant came next morning ; and, seeing the manger full of beans, the crushed straw untasted and the ox lying on his back in sorriest plight, with legs outstretched and swollen belly, he was concerned for him, and said to himself, " By Allah, he hath assuredly sickened and this is the cause why he would not plough yesterday." Then he went to the merchant and reported, " O my master, the Bull is ailing ; he ' Arab. ''Abu Yakzan " is hardly equivalent with " Pere I'Eveille." * In Arab, the wa ('») is the sign of parenthesis. ^ In the nearer East the Hght liule plough is carried afield by the Lull or ass. Tale of the Bull and the Ass. 1 7 refused his fodder last ni-ht ; nay more, he hath not tasted a scrap of it this morning." Now the merchant-farmer understood what all this meant, because he had overheard the talk between the Bull and the Ass, so quoth he, "Take that rascal donkey, and set the yoke on his neck, and bind him to the plough and make him do Bull's work." Thereupon the ploughman took the Ass, and worked him through the livelong day at the Bull's task ; and, when he failed for weakness, he made him eat stick till his ribs were sore and his sides were sunken and his neck was flayed by the yoke ; and when he came home in the evening he could hardly drag his limbs along, either forehand or hind-legs. But as for the Bull, he had passed the day lying at full length and had eaten his fodder with an excellent appetite, and he ceased not calhng down blessings upon the Ass for his good advice, unknowing what had come to him on his account. So when night set in and the Ass returned to the cowhouse, the Bull rose up before him in honour, and said, " May good tidings gladden thy heart, O Father Wakener ! through thee I have rested all this day and I have eaten my meat in peace and quiet." But the Ass returned no reply, for wrath and heart-burning and fatigue and the beating he had gotten ; and he repenied with the most grievous of repent- ance ; and quoth he to himself : " This cometh of my folly in giving good counsel ; as the saw saith, I was in joy and gladness, naught save my officiousness brought me this sadness. But I will bear in mind my innate worth and the nobility of my nature ; for what sailh the poet ? Shall the beautiful hue of the 1-asii' fail * Tlio' the beetle's foot over ihe Basil crawl ? And though spider and fly be its denizens • Shall disgrace attach ^o the royal hall? The cowrie,- I ken, shall have currency, « But the pea'l's clear diop, — sha'l its value fall ? And now I must take thought and put a trick upon him and return him to his place, else I die." Then he went aweary to his manger, while the Bull thanked him and blessed him. And even so, O my daughter, said the Wazir, thou wilt die for lack of wits ; therefore ^ Ocymum basilicum, the "royal herb," so much prized all over the East, especially in India, where, under the name of " Tulsi," it is a shrub sacred to the merry god Krishna. I found the verses in a MS. copy of The Nights. - Arab. " Sadaf," the Kauri, or cowrie, bioui,ht from the Maldive and Lakdive Archipelago. The Kamus describes this " Wada' " or Concha Veneris as " a while shell [whence to " shell out "] which is taken out of the sea, the fissure of which is white like that of the date-stone. It is hung about the necl< to avert the evil eye." The pearl in Arab, is " Muiwarid," hi.nce evidently " Maigarita '' and Margaris (woman's name). vor,. I. B 1 8 Alf Laylah iva Laylah. sit thee still and say naught and expose not thy life to such stress ; for, by Allah, I offer thee the best advice, which cometh of my affection and kindly solicitude for thee. " O my father," she replied, " needs must I go up to this King and be married to him." Quoth he, " Do not this deed " ; and quoth she, " Of a truth I will " : whereat he rejoined, " If thou be not silent and bide not still, I will do with thee even what the merchant did with his wife." "And what did he ? " asked she. Know then, answered the Wazir, that after the return of the Ass the merchant came out on the terrace-roof with his wife and family, for it was a moonlit night and the moon at its full. Now the terrace overlooked the cowhouse, and presently, as he sat there with his children playing about him, the trader heard the Ass say to the Bull, "Tell me, O father Broad o' Brow, what thou purposest to do to-morrow ?" The Bull answered, " What but continue to follow thy counsel, O Aliboron ? Indeed it was as good as good could be and it hath given me rest and repose ; nor will I now depart from it one tittle : so, when they bring me my meat, I will refuse it and puff out my belly and counterfeit crank." The Ass shook his head and said, " Beware of so doing, O Father of a Bull ! " The Bull asked, " Why," and the Ass answered, " Know that I am about to give thee the best of counsel, for verily I heard our owner say to the herd: — If the Bull rise not from his place to do his work this morning, and if he retire from his fodder this day, make him over to the butcher that he may slaughter him and give his flesh to the poor, and fashion a bit of leather^ from his hide. Now I fear for thee on account of this. So take my advice ere a calamity befall thee ; and when they bring thee thy fodder eat it and rise up and bellow and paw the ground, or our master will assuredly slay thee : and peace be with thee ! " Thereupon the Bull arose and lowed aloud and thanked the Ass, and said, "To-morrow I will readily go forth with them " ; and he at once ate up all his meat and even licked the manger. (Now all this took place and the owner was listening to their talk.) Next morning the trader and his wife went to the Bull's crib and sat down, and the driver came and led forth the Bull who, seeing his owner, whisked his tail and brake wind and frisked about so lustily that the merchant laughed a loud laugh and kept laughing till he fell on his back. His wife asked him, "Whereat laughest thou with such loud laughter as this ? " and he answered her, " I laughed at a secret something which I have heard and seen but cannot say lest I die my death." She returned, " Perforce thou must discover it to ' Arab. " Kat'a" (bit of leather) : some read " Nat'a," a leather used by way of table-cloth, and forming a bag for victuals ; but it is never made of bull's hide. Tale of the Bull and the Ass. 19 me, and disclose the cause of thy laughing even if thou come by thy death ! " But he rejoined, "I cannot reveal what beasts and birds say in their lingo for fear I die." Then quoth she, "By Allah, thou liest ! this is a mere pretext : thou laughest at none save me, and now thou wouldest hide somewhat from me. But by the Lord of the Heavens ! if thou disclose not the cause I will no longer cohabit with thee : I will leave thee at once." And she sat down and cried. Whereupon quoth the merchant, "Woe betide thee! what meaneth thy weeping? Fear Allah and leave these words and query me no more questions." " Needs must thou tell me the cause of that laugh," said she, and said he, " Thou wottest that when I prayed Allah to vouchsafe me understanding of the tongues of beasts and birds, I made a vow never to disclose the secret to any under pain of dying on the spot." "No matter," cried she, " tell me what secret passed between the Bull and the Ass, and die this very hour if thou be so minded " ; and she ceased not to importune him till he was worn out and clean dis- traught. So at last he said, " Summon thy father and thy mother, and our kith and kin and sundry of our neighbours," which she did ; and he sent for the Kazi ^ and his assessors, intending to make his will and reveal to her his secret and die the death ; for he loved her with love exceeding because she was his cousin, the daughter of his father's brother, and the mother of his children, and he had lived with her a life of an hundred and twenty years. Then, having assembled all the family and the folk of his neighbourhood, he said to them, " By me there hangeth a strange story, and 'tis such that if I discover the secret to any, I am a dead man." Therefore quoth every one of those present to the woman, "Allah upon thee, leave this sinful obstinacy and recognise the right of this matter, lest haply thy husband and the father of thy children die." But she rejoined, " I will not turn from it till he tell me, even though he come by his death." So they ceased to urge her ; and the trader rose from amongst them and repaired to an outhouse to perform the Wuzu- ablution,^ and he purposed thereafter to return and to tell them his secret and to die. Now, daughter Shahrazad, that merchant had in his out-house some fifty hens under one cock, and whilst making ready to farewell his folk he heard one of his many farm-dogs thus address in his own tongue the cock, who was flapping his wings and crowing lustily and jumping from one hen's back to another and tread- ing them all in turn, saying, "O Chanticleer! how mean is thy wit and ' The older " Cadi," a judge in religious matters. The Shuhud, or Assessors, or officers of the Mahkamah or Kazi's Court. * Of which more in a future page. He thus purified himself ceremonially before death. 20 Alf Laylak wa Lay/ah. how shameless is thy conduct I Be he disappointed who brought thee up ! ^ Art thou not asliamed of thy doings on such a day as this?" "And what," asked the Rooster, " liath occurred this day?" when the Dog answered, " Dost thou not know that our master is this day making ready for his death ? His wife is resolved ihat he shall disclose the secret taught to him by Allah, and ihe moment he so doeth he shall surely die. We dogs are all a-mourning ; but thou clappest thy wings and clarionest thy loudest and treadest hen after hen. Art thou not ashamed of thyself?"^ "Then by Allah," quoth the Cock, "is our master a iack-wit and a man scanty of sense : if he cannot manage matters V. ith a single wife, his life is not worth prolonging. Now I have some fifiy Dame Partlets ; and I please this and provoke that and starve one and stuff another ; and through my good governance tliey are all well under my control. This our master pretendeth to wit and wisdom, and he hath but one wife, and yet knoweth not how t ) manage her." Asked the Dog, " What, then, O Cock, should the master do to win clear of his strait?" "He should arise forthright," answered the Cock, " and take some twigs from yon mulberry-tree and give her a regular back-basting and rib roasting till she cry : — • I repent, O my lord ! I will never ask thee a question as long as I live ! Then let him beat her once more and soundly, and when he shall have done this he shall sleep free from care and enjoy life. Hut this master of ours owns neither sense nor judgment." "Now, daughter Shahrazad," continued the Wazir, " I will do to thee as (lid that husband to that wife." Said Shahrazad, " And what did he do ? " He said, " When the merchant heard the wise words sfioken by his Cock to his Dog, he arose in haste and sought his wife's chamber, after cutting for her some mulberry-twigs and hiding them there ; and then he called to her, " Come into the closet that I may tell thee the secret while no one seeth me and then die." She entered with him and he locked the door and came down upon her with so sound a beating of back and shoulders, ribs, arms and legs, saying the while, " Wilt thou ever be asking questions about what concerneth thee not ? " that she was well nigh senseless. Presently she cried out, " I am of the repentant ! By Allah, I will ask thee no more questions, and indeed I repent sincerely and wholesomely " Then she kissed his hand and feet and he led her out of the room submissive as a wife should be. Her parents and all the company rejoiced and sadness and mourning were changed into joy and glad- ness. Thus the merchant learnt family discipline from his Cock and ' This is Christian rather than Moslem : a favourite Maltese curse is "Valuak Kiddi^ak man rabba-k ! " =:r burn the Saint who brought thee up ! * A popular Egyptian phrase : the dog and the cock speak like Fellahs. Tale of the Bull and the Ass. 2 1 he and his wife lived together the happiest of lives until death. "And thou also, O my daughter!" continued the Wazir, "unless thou turn from this matter I will do by thee as that trader did to his wife." But she answered him with much decision, " I will never desist, O my father, nor shall this tale change my purpose. Leave such talk and tattle. I will not listen to thy words and, if thou deny me, I will marry myself to him despite the nose of thee. And first I will go up to the King myself and alone, and I will say to him : — I prayed my father to wive me with thee, but he refused, being resolved to disappoint his lord, grudging the like of me to the like of thee." Her father asked, " Must this needs be? " and she answered, " Even so." Hereupon the Wazir, being weary of lamenting and contend- ing, persuading and dissuading her, all to no purpose, went up to King Shahryar and, after blessing him and kissing of ground before him, told him all about his dispute with his daughter from first to last, and how he desired to bring her to him that night. The King wondered with exceeding wonder; for he had made an especial excep- tion of the Wazir's daughter, and said to him, "O most faithful of Counsellors, how is this? Thou wottest that I have sworn by the Raiser of the Heavens that after this night I shall say to thee on the morrow's morning : — Take her and slay her ! and, if thou slay her not, I will slay thee in her stead without fail." " Allah guide thee to glory and lengthen thy life, O King of the Age," answered the Wazir, "'tis she who hath so determined : all this have I told her and more ; but she will not hearken to me, and she persisteth in passing this coming night with the King's Highness." So Shahryar rejoiced greatly and said, " 'Tis well ; go get her ready and this night bring her to me." The Wazir returned to his daughter and reported to her the command saying, " Allah make not thy father desolate by thy loss ! " But Shahrazad rejoiced with exceeding joy and gat ready all she required and said to her younger sister, Dunyazad, " Note well what directions I entrust to thee 1 When I have gone in to the King I will send for thee, and when thou comest to me and seest that he hath had his will of me, do thou say to me : — O my sister, an thou be not sleepy, relate to me some new story, delectable and delightsome, the better to speed our waking hours ; and I will tell thee a tale which shall be our deliver- ance, if so Allah please, and which shall turn the King from his blood-thirsty custom." Dunyazad answered, " With love and glad- ness." So when it was night their father the Wazir carried Shahrazad to the King, who was gladdened at the sight and asked, " Hast thou brought me my need ? " and he answered, " I have." But when the King took her to his bed she wept ; which made him ask, " What aileth thee?" She replied, "O King of the Age, I have a younger sister 22 Alf Lay hi h wa Lay /ah. and lief would I take leave of her this night before I see the dawn." So he sent at once for Dunyazad and she came and kissed the ground between his hands, when he permitted her to take her seat near the foot of the couch. Then the King arose and abated his bride's virginity, and the three fell asleep. But when it was midnight Shahrazad awoke and signalled to her sister Dunyazad who sat up and said, " Allah upon thee, O my sister, recite to us some new story, delightsome and delectable, wherewith to while away the waking hours of our latter night." ^ "With joy and goodly gree," answered Shahrazad, "if this pious and auspicious King permit me." "Tell on," quoth the King who chanced to be sleepless and restless, and therefore was pleased with the prospect of hearing her story. So Shahrazad rejoiced ; and thus, on the first night of the Thousand Nights and a Night, she began with the TALE OF THE TRADER AND THE JINNI. It is related, O auspicious King, that there was a merchant of the merchants who had much wealth, and business in various cities. Now on a day he mounted horse and went forth to recover monies in certain towns, and the heat sore oppressed him ; so he sat beneath a tree and, putting his hand into his saddle-bags, took thence some broken bread and dry dates and began to break his fast. When he had ended eating the dates he threw away the st )nes with force and lo ! an Ifrit appeared, huge of stature and brandishing a drawn sword, wherewith he approached the merchant and said, "Stand up that I may slay thee, even as thou slewest my son ! " Asked the merchant, " Hov,- have I slain thy son } " and he answered, " When thou atest dates and threwest away the stones they struck my son full in the breast as he was walking by, so that he died forthwith." ' Quoth the merchant, " Verily from Allah we proceede 1 and unto Allah are we returning. There is no Majesty, and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great ! If I slew thy son, I slew him by chance medley : I pray thee now pardon me." Rejoined the Jinni, "There is no help but I slay thee." Then he seized him and dragged him along and, casting him to the earth, rai-ed the sword to strike him; whereupon the merchant wept, and said, " I commit my case to Allah," and began repeating these couplets : — ' I.e. between the last sleep and dawn when tliey would rise to wash and pray. * Travellers tell of a peculiar knack of jerking the date-ston", which mnkos it strike with great force: I never saw this " Inwa " practised, but it reminds me of the water-splashing with one hand in the German baths. Tale of the Trade)- and the Jinni. 23 Containeth Time a twain of clays, this of Ijlessing that of bane ; * And holdeth Life a twain of halves, this of pleasure that of pain. See'st not when blows the hurricane, sweeping stark and striking strong * None save the forest giant feels the suffering of the strain? How many trees earth nourisheth of the dry and of the green, * Yet none but those which bear the fruits for cast of stone complain. See'st not how corpses rise and float on the surface of the tide * While pearls o' price lie hitlden in the deepest of the main ? Ill Heaven are unnumbered the many of the stars, * Yet ne'er a star but Sun and Moon by eclipse is overta'en. Well judgedst thou the days that saw thy faring sound and well * And countedit not the pangs and pain whereof Fate is ever fain. The nights have kept thee safe and the safety brought thee pride, « But bliss and blessings of the night are 'genderers of bane ! AVhen the merchant ceased repeating his verses the Jinni said to him, " Cut thy words short, by Allah ! needs must I slay thee." But the merchant spake hint thus, "Know, O thou Ifrit, that I have debts due to me and much wealth and children and a wife and many pledges in hand ; so permit me to go home and discharge to every claimant his claim ; and I will come back to thee at the head of the new year. Allah be my testimony and surety that I will return to thee; and then thou mayest do with me as thou wilt and Allah is witness to what I say." The Jinni took sure promise of him and let him go ; so he returned to his own city and transacted his business and rendered to all men tlieir dues and after informing his wife and children of what had betided him, he appointed a guardian and dwelt with them for a full year. Then he arose, and made the Wuzii-ablution to purify himself before death and took his shroud under his arm and bide farewell to his people, his neighbours and all his kith and kin, and went forth despite his own nose.^ They then began weeping and wailing and beating their breasts over him ; but he travelled until he arrived at the same garden, and the day of Ills arrival was the head of the New Year. As he sat weeping over what had befallen him, behold, a Shaykh,^ a very ancient man, drew ' i.e., sorely against his will. "^ Arab. " Shaykh " = an old man (primarily), an elder, a chief (of the tribe, guild, etc ) ; and honourably addressed to any man. Comp. among the neo- Latins " Sieur," " Signore," " Senor," " St-nhor," etc. from Lat. "Senior," which gave our " Sire" and "Sir." Like many in Arabic the word has a 1 ost of diflerent meanings and most of them will occur in the course of The Nights. Ibraliim (Abraham) was the first Shaykh or man who became grey. Seeing his hairs whiten he cried, " O Allah what is this?" and the answer came that it was a sign of dignified gravity. Hereujion h.e exclaimed, " O Lord increase this to me ! " and so it happened till his locks waxtd snowy white at the age of one hundred and fifty. He was the fiist who parted his liair, trimmed his mustachii s, cleaned his teetti with the Miswak (tooth-stick), pared his nails, snufied up water, and wore a shirt ( Tabari). 24 '^if Laylak wa Laylah. near leading a chained gazelle ; and he saluted that merchant and wishing him long life said, "What is the cause of thy sitting in this place and thou alone and this be a resort of evil spirits ? " The merchant related to him what had come to pass with the Ifrit, and the old man, the owner of the gazelle, wondered and said, " By Allah, O brother, thy faith is none other than exceeding faith, and thy story right strange; were it graven with needle-gravers upon the eye-corners, it were a warner to whoso would be warned." Then seating himself near the merchant he said, "By Allah, O my brother, I will not leave thee until I see what may come to pass with thee and this Ifrit." And presently as he sat and the two were at talk the mer- chant began to feel fear and terror and exceeding grief and sorrow beyond relief and ever-growing care and extreme despair. And the owner of the gazelle was hard by his side ; when behold, a second Shaykh approached them, and with him were two dogs both of greyhound-breed and both black. The second old man after saluting them with the salam, also asked them of their tidings and said, " what causeth you to sit in this place, a dwelling of the Jann ^ ? " So they told him the tale from beginning to end, and their stay there had not lasted long before there came up a third Shaykh, and with him a she-mule of bright bay coat ; and he saluted them and asked them why they were seated in that place. So they told him the story from first to last : and of no avail, O my master, is a twice- told tale ! There he sat down with them, and lo ! a dust-cloud advanced and a mighty sand-devil appeared amidmost of the waste. Presently the cloud opened, and behold, widiin it was that Jinni bending in hand a drawn sword, while his eyes were shooting fire- sparks of rage. He came up to them and, haling away the merchant from among them, cried to him, " Arise that I may slay thee, as thou slewest my son, the life-stuff of my liver.^" The merchant wailed and wept, and the three old men began sighing and crying and weeping and wailing with their companion. Presently the first old man (the owner of the gazelle) came out from among them and kissed the hand of the Ifrit and said, " O Jinni, thou Crown of the Kings of the Jann ! were I to tell thee the story of me and this gazelle, and thou shouldst consider it wondrous, wouldst thou give me a third part of this merchant's blood ? " Then quoth the Jinni, " Even so, O Shaykh ! if thou tell me this tale, and I hold it a ' The word is mostly plural = Jinnis : it is also singular = a demon ; and Jan bin Jan has been noticed. ^ With lis moderns "liver" suggests nothing but malady: in Arabic and Persian, as in the classic literature of Europe, it is the seat of passion, the heart being that of affection. Of this more presently. The First Shay Mis Story. 25 marvellous, then will I give thee a third of his blood." Thereupon the old man began to tell THE FIRST SHA YKH'S STOR V. Know, O Jinni ! that this gazelle is the daughter of my paternal uncle, my own flesh and blood, and I married her when she was a young maid, and I lived with her well-nigh thirty years, yet was I not blessed with issue by her. So I took me a concubine,^ who brought to me the boon of a male child fair as the full moon, with eyes of lovely shine, and eyebrows which formed one line, and limbs of perfect design. Little by little he grew in stature and waxed tall ; and when he was a lad fifteen years old, it became needful I should journey to certain cities, and I travelled with great store of goods. But the daughter of my uncle (this gazelle) had learned gramarye and egromancy and clerkly craft ^ from her childhood ; so she bewitched that son of mine to a calf, and my handmaid (his mother) to a heifer, and made them over to the herdsman's care. Now when I returned after a long time from my journey, and asked for my son and his mother, she answered me saying, " Thy slave-girl is dead, and thy son hath fled and I know not whither he is sped." So I remained for a whole year with grieving heart and streaming eyes, until the time came for the Great Festival of Allah.^ Then sent I to my herdsman bidding him choose for me a fat heifer ; and he brought me one which was the damsel, my handmaid, whom this gazelle had ensorcelled. I tucked up my sleeves and skirt and, taking a knife, proceeded to cut her throat, but she lowed aloud and wept bitter tears. Thereat I ' Originally in Al-Islam the concubine (Surriyat, etc.) was a captive taken in war, and the Koran says nothing about buying slave-girls. But if the captives were true believers the Moslem was ordered to marry, not to keep them. In modern days concubinage has become an extensive subject. Practically the disadvantage is that the slave-girls, knowing themselves to be the master's property, consider him bound to have marital relations with them ; which is by no means the mistress's view. Some wives, however, when old and childless, insist, after the fashion of Sarah, upon the husband taking a young concubine, and treat her like a daughter — which is rare. The Nights abound in tales of concubines, but these are chiefly owned by the Caliphs and high officials who did much as they pleased. The only redeeming point in the system is that it obviates the necessity of prosti- tution, which is, perhaps, the greatest evil known to modern society. " Arab. " Al-Kahanah" = the craft of a " Kahin " (Heb. Cohen) a diviner, soothsayer, etc. 3 Arab. " Id al-kabir " = The Great Festival; the Turkish Bayram and Indian Bakar-eed (Kine-fete), the pilgrimage-time, also termed " Festival of the Kurban" (sacrifice) because victims are slain; Al-Zuha (of forenoon), Al-Azha (of serene night), and Al-Nahr (of throat-stabbing). For full details I must refer readers to my " Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-AIedinah and Meccah " (3 vols. 8vo. London : Longmans, 1S55). I shall have often to refer to it. 2 5 Alf Lay /ah wa I.aylah. marvelled and j;ity sci/.cd me and I held my Iiand, saying to the herd, " Bring me other than this" Then cried my cousin, "Slay her, tor I have not a fatter nor a fi^irer ! " Once more I went forward to sacrifice her, but she again lowed aloud, upon which in ruth I refrained and commanded the herdsman to slay her and flay her. He l-.illed her and skinned her but found in her neither fat nor flesh, only hide and bone ; and I repented when penitence availed me naiught. I gave lier to the herdsman and said to him, " Fetch me a fat calf;" so he brought my son ensorcclled. When the calf saw mc, he brake his tether and ran to me, and fawned upon me and wailed and shed tears ; so that I took pity on him and said to the lierdsman, " Bring me a heifer and let this calf go ! " Thereupon my cousin (this gazelle) called aloud at me saying, " Needs must ihou kill this calf; this is a holy day and a blessed, whereon naught is slain save what be perfect -pure ; and we have not amongst our calves any fatter or foirer than this ! " Quoth I, " Look thou upon the condition of the heifer which I slaughtered at thy bidding and how we turn from her in disappointment and she profited us on no wise, and I repent with an exceeding repentance of having killed ii5r : so this time I will not obey thy bi Iding for the sacrifice of this calf." Quoth she, " By Allah the Most Great, the Compassionating, the Compassionate ! there is no help for it ; thou must kill him on this holy day, and if thou kill him not, to me thou art no man and I to thee am no wife." Now when I heard those hard words, not knowing her object I went up to the calf, knife in hand And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her per- mitted say.^ Then quoth her sister to her, " How fair is thy tale, and how grateful, and how sweet and how tasteful ! " And Shahrazad answered her, "What is this to that I could tell thee on the coming night, were I to live and the King would spare me." Then said the King in himself, " By Allah, I will not slay her, until I have heard the rest of her tale." So they slept the rest of that night in mutual embrace till day fully brake. Then the King went forth to his audience-hall-^ and the Wazir went up with his daughter's shroud 1 Arab. " Kalam al-mubah," i.e., that allowed or pcimilted to her by the King, her husband. ^ Moslem Kings are expected, like the old Guebre Monarchs, to hold " Darbar " {i.e., give public audience) at least twice a day, morning and evening. Neglect of this practice caused the ruin of the Caliphaie and of the Persian and Moghu! Empires: the great lords were left uncontrolled and the lieges revolted to obtain justice. The Guebre Kings had two levee-places, the Rozistan (day-station) and theShabistan (night-station— istan or stan biing a nominal form of istadan, lo stand, as Ilindo-stan). Moreover one day in the week the sovereign acted as " Mufti" or Supreme Judge. Tlie First Shayklis Story. 2"} up.der his arm. The King issued his orders, and promoted this and deposed that, until the end of the day ; and he told the Wazir no whit of what had happened. But the Minister wondered thereat with exceeding wonder; and when the Court broke up King Shahryar entered his palace. "Ndbj M)tn It iivis the ^rconb Kigljt, said Dunyazad to her sister Shahrazad, "O my sister, finish for us that story of the Merchant and the Jinni ; " and she answered, " With joy and goodly gree, if the King permit me." Then quoth the King, "Tell thy tale;" and Shahrazad began in these words : — It hath reached me, O auspicious King and Heaven-directed Ruler ! that when the merchant purposed the sacrifice of the calf but saw it weeping, his heart relented and he said to the herdsmen, " Keep the calf among my cattle." All this the old Shaykh told the Jinni who marvelled much at such strange words. Then the owner of the gazelle continued : — O Lord of the Kings of the Jann, this much took place and my uncle's daughter, this gazelle, looked on and saw it, and said, "Butcher me this calf, for surely 'tis a fat one;" but I bade the herdsman take it away and he took it and turned his face homewards. On the next day as I was sitting in my own house, lo ! the herdsman came and, standing before me said, " O my master, I will tell thee a thing which shall gladden thy soul and shall gain me t'ie gift of good tidings."' I answered " Even so." Then said he, " O merchant, I have a daughter, and she learned magic in her childhood from an old woman who lived with us. Yesterday when thou gavest me the calf, I went into the house to her, and she looked upon it and veiled her face ; then she wept and laughed alternately and at last she said .• — O my father, hath mine honour become so cheap to thee that thou bringest in to me strange men ? I asked her, Where be these strange men and why wast thou laughing, and crying ? and she answered, " Of a truth this calf which is with thee is the son of our master, the merchant; but he is ensorcelled by his stepdame who bewitched both him and his mother : such is the cause of my laughing; but the reason of my weeping is his mother, for that his father slew her unawares. Then I marvelled at this with ^ Arab. " Al-Basbarah," the gif' everywhere claimed in the East and in Boccaccio's Italy by one wIto brings good news. Those who do the reverse expose themselves to a sound strnppado. 28 A If Lay la h wa Lay /ah. exceeding marvel and hardly made sure that day had dawned before I came to tell thee." When I heard, O Jinni, my herdsman's words, I went out with him, and I was drunken without wine from the excess of joy and gladness which came upon me, until I reached his house. There his daughter welcomed me and kissed my hand, and forthwith the calf came and fawned upon me as before. Quoth I to the herdsman's daughter, " Is this true that thou sayest of this calf?" Quoth she, "Yea, O my master, he is thy son, the very core of thy heart." I rejoiced and said to her, " O maiden, if thou wilt release him, thine shall be whatever cattle and property of mine are under thy father's hand." She smiled and answered, " O my master, I have no greed for the goods, nor will I take them save on two conditions ; the first that thou marry me to thy son and the second that I may bewitch her who bewitched him and imprison her, otherwise I cannot be safe from her malice and malpractices." Now when I heard, O Jinni, these, the words of the herdsman's daughter, I replied, " Beside what thou askest all the cattle and the household stuff in thy father's charge are thine and, as for the daughter of my uncle, her blood is lawful to thee." When I had spoken, she took a cup and filled it with water : then she recited a spell over it and sprinkled it upon the calf, saying, "If Almighty Allah created thee a calf, remain so shaped, and change not ; but if thou be enchanted, return to thy whilom form, by command of Allah Most Highest ! " and lo ! he trembled and became a man. Then I fell on his neck and said, " Allah upon thee, tell me all that the daughter of my uncle did by thee and by thy mother." And when he told me what had come to pass between them, I said, " O my son, Allah favoured thee with one to restore thee, and thy right hath returned to thee." Then, O Jinni, I married the herdsman's daughter to him, and she transformed my wife into this gazelle, saying : — Her shape is a comely and by no means loathsome. After this she abode with us night and day, day and night, till the Almighty took her to Himself. When she deceased, my son fared forth to the cities of Hind, even to the city of this man who hath done to thee what hath been done^ ; and I also took this gazelle (my cousin) and wandered with her from town to town seeking tidings of my son, till Destiny drove me to this place where I saw the merchant sitting in tears. Such is my tale ! Quoth the Jinni, " This story is indeed strange, and therefore I grant thee the third part of his blood." ' A euphemistic formula, to avoid mentioning unpleasant matters. I shall note these idioms for the benefit of students who would honestly prepare for the public service in Moslem lands. The Second ShaykJis Story. 29 Thereupon the second old man, who owned the two greyhounds, came up and said, " O Jinni, if I recount to thee what befel me from my brothers, these two hounds, and thou see that it is a tale even more wondrous and marvellous than what thou hast heard, wilt thou grant to me also the third of this man's blood ? " Replied the Jinni, "Thou hast my word for it, if thine adventures be more marvellous and wondrous." Thereupon he thus began THE SECOND SIIAYKH'S STORY. Know, O lord of the Kings of the Jann ! that these two dogs are my brothers and I am the third. Now when our father died and left us a capital of three thousand gold pieces,' I opened a shop with my share, and bought and sold therein, and in like guise did my brothers, each setting up a shop. But I had been in business no long while before the elder sold his stock for a thousand dinars, and after buying outfit and merchandise, went his ways to foreign parts. He was absent one whole year with the caravan ; but one day as I sat in my shop, behold, a beggar stood before me asking alms, and I said to him, " Allah open thee another door ! " ^ Whereupon he answered, weeping the while, " Am I so changed that thou knowest me not ? " Then I looked at him narrowly, and lo ! 'twas my brother, so I rose to him and welcomed him ; then I seated him in my shop and put questions concerning his case. " Ask me not," answered he ; " my wealth is awaste and my state hath waxed un-stated I " So I took him to the Hammam-bath ^ and clad him in a suit of my own and gave him lodging in my house. Moreover, after looking over the accounts of my stock-in-trade and the profits of my business, I found that industry had gained me one thousand dinars, while my principal the head of mv wealth, amounted to two ' Arab. " Dinar," from ihe Latin denarius (a silver coin worth ten ounces of Ijrass) through the Greek hrjidjHov -. it is a Koranic woid (cliapt. iii.) though its Aral) equivalent is " Miskal." It also occurs in the Katha Sarit Sagara, clearly showing tlie derivation. In the '■ Book of Kalilah and Dimnah " it is repiesentcd by the Daric or Persian Dinar, SapeiKos, from Dara = a King (whence Darius). 'Ihe Dinar, sequin or ducat, contained at different times fiom lo and 12 (Al u Ilanifah's day) to 20 and even 25 dirhams or drachmas ; and, as a weight, represented a drachma and a lialf. Its value greatly varied, but we may assume it here at nine shillings or ten francs to half a sovrreign. For an elaborate article on the Dinar see Yule's " Calhay anJ the Way Thither" (ii- pp. 439-443). * Thr, foimula used in refusing alms to an " asker " or in rejecting an insufficient offer: " Allah will open to thee!" (s-me door of gain— not mine.) Another favourite ejaculation is "Allah Karim " (which Turks pronounce "Kyereem") = •\llah is All-beneficent ! meaning Ask Him, not me. * The public bath. London knows the word through "The Hummums." 30 Alf Lay/ah cva Layiah. thousand. So I shared the whole with him, saying, "Assume that thou hast made no journey abroad but hast remained at home ; and be not cast down by thine ill-luck." He took the share in great glee and opened for himself a shop ; and matters went on quietly for a few nights and days. But presently my second brother (yon other dog), also setting his heart upon travel, sold off what goods and stock-in-trade he had, and albeit we tried to stay him he would not be stayed ; he laid in an outfit for the journey and fored forth with certain wayfarers. After an absence of a whole year he came back to me, even as my elder brother had come back; and when I said to him, " O my brother, did I not dissuade thee from travel ? " he shed tears and cried, " O my brother, this be the decree of Destiny : here am I a mere beggar, penniless,^ and without a shirt to my back." So I led him to the bath, O Jinni, and clothing him in new clothes of my own wear, I went with him to my shop and served him with meat and drink. Furthermore I said to him, " O my brother, I am wont to cast up my shop-accounts at the head of every year, and whatso I shall find of surplusage is between me and thee.'^" So I proceeded, O Ifrit, to strike a balance and, finding two thousand dinars of profit, I returned praises to the Creator (be He extolled and exalted !) and made over one half to my brother, keeping the other to myself. Thereupon he busied himself with opening a shop, and on this wise we abode many days. After a time my brothers began pressing me to travel with them ; but I refused, saying, " What gained ye by your voyage that I should gain thereby ? " As I would not give ear to them we went back each to his own shop, where we bought and sold as before. They kept urging me to travel for a whole twelvemonth, but I refused to do so till full six years were past and gone when I consented with these words, " O my brothers, here am I, your com- panion of travel : now let me see what monies you have by you." I found, however, that they had not a doit, having squandered their substance in high diet and drinking and carnal delights. Yet I spoke not a word of reproach ; so far from it I looked over my shop- accounts once more, and sold what goods and stock-in-trade were ' Arab. " Dirham " (Plur. dirahim, also vised in the sense of money, " siller"), the Gr. SpaXfJij and the drachuma of Plautus (Trin. 2, 4, 23). The word occurs in the Panchatantra also showing the derivation ; and in the Syriac Kalilah wa Dimnah it is " Zuz." This silver piece was = 6 obols (Q^d. )and as a weight = 66.V grains. The Dirham of The Nights was worth six " Daiiik," the Persian "Dang," each of these being a fraction over a penny. The modern Greek Drachma is = one franc. ^ In Arabic the speaker always puts himself first, even if he address the King, without intending incivility or the pretension of Wolsey's " jE^v et Rex vieiis." The Second Shay kit's Slory. 31 mine ; and, finding myself the owner of six thousand ducats, I gladly proceeded to divide that sum into halves, saying to my brothers, " These three thousand gold pieces are for me and for you to trade withal," adding, " Let us bury the other moiety underground that it mav be of service should any harm befal us, in which case each shall take a thousand wherewith to open shop." Both replied, " Right is thy recking ; " and I gave to each one his thousand gold pieces, keeping the same sum for myself, to wit, a thousand dinars. We then got ready suitable goods and hired a ship and, having embarked our merchandise, proceeded on our voyage, day following day, a full month, after which we arrived at a city, where we sold our venture ; and for every piece of gold we gained ten. And as we turned again to our voyage we found on the shore of the sea a maiden clad in worn and ragged gear, and she kissed my hand and said, " O master, is there kindness in thee and charity ? I can make thee a fitting return for them." I answered, " Even so ; truly in me are benevolence and good works, even though thou render me no return." Then she said, " Take me to wife, O my master, and carry me to thy city, for I have given myself to thee ; so do me a kindness and I am of those who be meet for good works and charity ; 1 will make thee a fitting return for these and be thou not shamed by my condition." ^Vhen I heard her words, my heart yearned towards her, in such sort as willed it Allah (be He exiolled and exalted !) ; and look her and clothed her and made ready for her a fair resting-place in the vessel, and honourably entreated her. So we voyaged on, and my heart became attached to her with exceeding attachment, and I was separated from her neither night nor day, and I paid more regard to her than to my brothers. Then they were estranged from me, and waxed jealous of my wealth and the quantity of merchandise I had, and their eyes were opened covetously upon all my property. So they took counsel to muider me and seize my wealth, saying, " Let us slay our brother and all his monies will be ours ;" and Satan made this deed seem fair in their sight ; so when they found me in privacy (and I sleeping by the side of my spouse) they took us both up and cast us into the sea. My wife awoke startled from her sleep and, forthright becoming an Ifritah,' she bore me up and carried me to an island and disappeared for a short time ; but she returned in the morning and, said " Here am I, thy faithful slave, who hath made thee due recompense ; for I bore thee up in the waters and saved * A she-Krit, not necessarily an evil spirit. 32 A If Laytah iva Laylah. thee from death by command of the Almighty. Know that I am a Jinniyah, and as I saw thee my heart loved thee by will of the Lord, for I am a believer in Allah and in His Apostle (whom Heaven bless and preserve !). Thereupon I came to thee con- ditioned as thou sawest me and thou didst marry me, and see now I have saved thee from sinking. But I am angered against thy brothers and assuredly I must slay them." When I heard her story I was surprised and, thanking her for all she had done, I said, " But as to slaying my brothers this must not be." Then I told her the tale of what had come to pass with them from the beginning of our lives to the end, and on hearing it quoth she, " This night will I fly as a bird over them, and will sink their ship and slay them." Quoth I, " Allah upon thee, do not thus, for the proverb saith, O thou who doest good to him that doth evil, leave the evil doer to his evil deeds. Moreover they are still my brothers." But she rejoined, " By Allah, there is no help for it but I slay them." I humbled myself before her for their pardon, whereupon she bore me up and flew away with me till at last she set me down on the terrace-roof of my own house. I opened the doors and took up what I had hidden in the ground ; and after I had saluted the folk I opened my shop and bought me merchandise. Now when night came on I went home, and there I saw these two hounds tied up ; and, when they sighted me, they arose and whined and fawned upon me ; but ere I knew what happened my wife said, " These two dogs be thy brothers ! " I answered, "And who hath done this thing by them ? " and she rejoined, " I sent a message to my sister and she entreated them on this wise, nor shall these two be released from their present shape till ten years shall have passed." And now I have arrived at this place on my way to my wife's sister that she may deliver them from this condition, after their having endured it for half a score of years. As I was wending onwards I saw this young man, who acquainted me with what had befallen him, and I determined not to fare hence until I should see what might occur between thee and him. Such is my tale ! Then said the Jinni, " Surely this is a strange story, and therefor I give thee the third portion of his blood and his crime." Thereupon quoth the third Shaykh, the master of the mare-mule, to the Jinni, " I can tell thee a tale more wondrous than these two, and do thou grant me the remainder of his blood and of his offence," and the Jinni answered, " So be it ! " Then the old man beiian The Third Shavkh's Storv. 33 THE THIRD SHAYKHS STORY. Know, O Sultan and head of the Jann, that this mule was my wife. Now it so happened that I went forth and was absent one whole year ; and when I returned from my journey I came to her by night, and saw a black slave lying with her on the carpet-bed, and they were talking, and dallying, and laughing, and kissing and embracing. When she saw me, she rose and came hurriedly at me with a gugglet' of water; and, muttering spells over it, she besprinkled me and said, " Come forth from this thy shape into the shape of a dog " ; and I became on that instant a dog. She drove me out of the house, and I ran through the doorway nor ceased running until I came to a butcher's stall, where I stopped and began to eat what bones were there. When the stall-owner saw me, he took me and led me into his house, but as soon as his daughter had sight of me she veiled her face from me, crying out, "Dost thou bring men to me and dost thou come in with them to me ? " Her father asked, " Where is the man ? " and she answered, " This dog is a man whom his wife hath ensorcelled and I am able to release him." When her father heard her words, he said, "Allah upon thee, O my daughter, release him." So she took a gugglet of water and, after uttering words over it, sprinkled upon me a few drops, saying, " Come forth from that form into thy former form." And I returned to my natural shape. Then I kissed her hand and said, " I wish thou wouldest transform my wife even as she transformed me." Thereupon she gave me some water, saying, "As soon as thou see her asleep, sprinkle this liquid upon her and speak what words thou heardest me utter, so shall she become whatsoever thou desirest." I went to my wife and found her fast asleep ; and, while sprinkling the water upon her, I said, " Come forth from that form into the form of a mare-mule." So she became on the instant a she-mule, and she it is whom thou seest with thine eyes, O Sultan and head of the Kings of the Jann ! Then the Jinni turned towards her and said, "Is this sooth?" And she nodded her head and replied by signs, " Indeed, 'tis the truth : for such is my tale and ' Arab. " Kullah " (in Egypt pron. "gulleh"), the wide-mouthed jug, called in the Hijaz " baradiyah " ; " daurak " being the narrow. They are used either for water or sherbet and, being made of porous clay, they "sweat," and keep the contents cool ; hence all old Anglo-Egyptians drink from them, not from glass. Sometimes they are perfumed with smoke of incense, mastich or Kafal ( Amyris R'afal). For their graceful shapes see Lane's "Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians " (chapt. v. ) : I quote, here and elsewhere, from the fifth edition, London, Murray, 1S60. VOL. I. C 34 -^{f Laylah iva Lay/ah. this is what hath befallen me." Now when the old man had ceased speaking, the Jinni shook with pleasure and gave him the third of the merchant's blood. And Shahrazad was surprised by the dawn of day, and ceased saying her permitted say. Then quoth Dunyazad, " O, my sister, how pleasant is thy tale, and how tasteful ; how sweet and how grateful!" She replied, "And what is this compared with that I could tell thee, the night to come, if I live and the King spare me'?" Then thought the King, ''By Allah, I will not slay her until I hear the rest of her tale, for truly 'tis wondrous." So they rested that night in mutual embrace until the dawn. After this the King went forth to his Hall of Estate, and the Wazir and the troops came in and the court was crowded, and the King gave orders and judged and appointed and deposed, bidding and forbidding, during the rest of the day. Then the Diwan broke up, and King Shahryar entered his palace. iltlcto tef)cn it toad t\)t CI)irti S^\%])t, And the King had had his will of the Wazir's daughter, Dunyazad, her sister, said to her, "Finish for us that tale of thine"; and she replied, "With joy and goodly gree ! " It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the third old man told a tale to the Jinni more wondrous than the two preceding, the Jinni marvelled with exceeding marvel ; and, shaking with delight, cried, " Lo ! I have given thee the remainder of the merchant's punishment and for thy sake have I released him." Thereupon the merchant embraced the old men and thanked them, and these Shaykhs wished him joy on being saved, and fared forth each one for his own city. Yet this tale is not more wondrous than the Fisherman's story." Asked the King, "What is the Fisherman's story?" And she answered by relating the tale of THE FISHERMAN AND THE JINNI. It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that there was a Fisherman well stricken in years v.ho had a wife and three children, and withal was of pcor ccndition.^ Now it was his custom to cast his net every ' "And what is?" etc. A popular way of expressing great difference. So in India : — " Where is Rajah iihoj (the great King) and where is Ganga the oilman ?" ^ Compare the Poor Woodcv.tter of La Fontaine (Fable i. i6). Tale of the I'isherman and the /iiini. 35 day four times, and no more. On a day of the days he went forth about noon-tide to the sea shore, where he laid down his basket ; and, tucking up his shirt and wading into the water, made a cast with his net and waited till it settled to the bottom. Then he gathered the cords together and haled away at it, but found it weighty ; and however much he drew it landwards, he could not pull it up ; so he carried the ends ashore and drave a stake into the ground and made the net fast to it. Then he stripped and dived into the water all about the net, and left not off working hard until he had brought it up. He rejoiced thereat and, donning his clothes, went to the net, when he found in it a dead jackass which had torn the meshes. Now when he saw it, he exclaimed in his grief, " There is no Majesty, and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!" Then quoth he, "This is a strange manner of daily bread " ; and he began reciting in extempore verse : — O toiler through the glooms of night in peril and in pain, « Thy toiling stint for daily bread comes not by might and main ! Seest thou not the fisher seek afloat upon the sea * His bread, while glimmer stars of night as set in tangled skein ? Anon he plungeth in despite the buffet of the waves « The while to sight the bellying net his eager glances strain ; Till joying at the night's success, a fish he bringeth home * Whose gullet by the hook of Fate was caught and cut in twain : \Vlien buys that fish of him a man who spent the hours of night * Reckless of cold and wet and gloom and ease and comfort fain, Laud to the Lord who gives to this, to that denies his wishes * And dooms one toil and catch the prey and other eat the fishes.' Then quoth he, " Up and to it ; I am sure of His beneficence, Inshallah ! " So he continued : — When thou art seized of Evil Fate, assume « The noble soul's long-suffering : 'tis thy best : Complain not to the creature ; this be plaint « From one most Ruthful to the ruthlessest. The Fisherman, when he had looked at the dead ass, got it free of the toils and wrung out and spread his net ; then he plunged into the sea, saying, " In Allah's name ! " and made a cast and pulled at it, but it grew heavy and settled down more firmly than the first time. Now he thought that there were fishes in it, and he made it fast, and doffing his dress went into the water, and dived and haled until he drew it up upon dry land. Then found he in it a large ' Here, as in other places, I have not preserved the monorhyme, but have ended like the English sonnet with a coujilet ; as a rule the last two lines contain a " Husn makta' " or climax. C 2 35 Alf Laylah wa Lay/ah. earthen pitcher which was full of sand and mud ; and seeing this he was greatly troubled and began repeating these verses ^ : — Toiberir, O troubles of the world, • And pardon an ye nill forbear : 1 went to seek my daily bread, • I find that breadless I must fare : I'or neither handcraft brings me aught * Nor fate allots to me a share : How many fools the Pleiads reach * While darkness whelms the wise and ware. fo he prayed pardon of Allah and, throwing away the jar, wrung his net and cleansed it and returned to the sea the third time to cast his net and waited till it had sunk. Then he pulled at it and found therein potsherds and broken glass ; whereupon he began to speak these verses : — He is to thee that daily bread thou canst nor loose nor bind ; * Nor pen nor writ avails thee aught thy daily bread to find : For joy and daily bread are what Fate deigneth to allow ; * This soil is sad and sterile ground, while that makes glad the hind. The shafts of Time and Life bear down full many a man of worth * While bearing up to high degree wights of ignoble mind. So come thou, Death ! for verily Life is not worth a straw « When low the falcon falls withal the mallard wings the wind : No wonder 'tis thou seest how the great of mind and soul « Are poor, and many a losel carle to height of luck designed. This bird shall overfly the world from east to furthest west ; » And that shall win her ever)' wish though ne'er she leave the nest. 'I'hen raising his eyes heavenwards he said, " O my God ^ ! verily Thou wottest that I cast not my net each day save four times ^ ; the third is done and as yet Thou hast vouchsafed me nothing. So this ' Lit. "he began to say (or speak) poetry," such improvising being still common amongst the Badawin as I shall afterwards note. And although Mohammed severely censured profane poets, who "rove as bereft of their senses through every valley," and were directly inspired by devils (Koran xxvi.), it is not a little curious to note that .he himself spoke in " Rajaz " (iambics) and that the first four Caliphs all " spoke poetry." In early ages the verse would not be written, if written at all, till after the maker's death. I translate " inshad " by " versifying " or " repeating" or " reciting," leaving it doubtful if the composition be or be not original : in places, however, it is clearly improvised, and then, as a rule, it is model doggrel. ^ Arab. " Allahumma " = Ya Allah (O Allah) but with emphasis; the Fath l)eing a' substitute for the voc. part. Some connect it with the Heb. " Alihim," but that fancy is not Arab. In Al-Hariri and the rhetoricians it sometimes menns "to be sure"; "of course"; "unless indeed"; "unless possibly " = Greek 1 7) 8ta. 3 Probably in consequence of a vow. These superstitious practices, which have many a parallel amongst ourselves, are nut confined to the lower orders in I he East. Tale of the Fishen)ui)i ami the Jijini. 37 time, O my God, deign give me my daily bread." Then, having called on Allah's name,^ he again threw his net and waited its sinking and settling ; whereupon he haled at it but could not draw it in for that it was entangled at the bottom. He cried out in his vexation, "There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah ! " and he began reciting : — I"ie on this wretched world, an so it be » I must be vvhehned by grief and misery : Tho' gladsome be man's lot when dawns the morn, • He drains the cup of woe ere eve he see : Yet was I one of whom the World when asked » " Whiose lot is happiest?" oft would say, " 'Tis he ! " Thereupon he stripped and, diving down to the net, busied himself with it till it came to land. Then he opened the meshes and found therein a cucumber-shaped jar of yellow copper,^ evidently full of something, whose mouth was made fast with a leaden cap, stamped with the seal-ring of our Lord Sulayman son of David (Allah accept the twain !). Seeing this the Fisherman rejoiced and said, " If I sell it in the brass-bazar 'tis worth ten golden dinars." He shook it and finding it heavy continued, "Would to Heaven I knew what is herein. But I must and will open it and look to its contents and store it in my bag and sell it in the brass-market." And taking out a knife he worked at the lead till he had loosened it from the jar ; then he laid the cap on the ground and shook the cucurbit'^ to pour out whatever might be inside. He found nothing in it ; whereat he marvelled with exceeding marvel. But presently there came forth from the jar a smoke which spired heavenwards into aether (whereat he again marvelled with mighty marvel), and which trailed along earth's surface till presently, having reached its full height, the thick vapour condensed, and became an Ifrit, huge of bulk, whose crest touched the clouds while his feet were on the ground. His head was as a dome, his hands like pitchforks, his legs long as masts and his mouth big as a cave ; his teeth were like large stones, his nostrils ewers, his eyes two lamps and his look was fierce and lowering. Now when the Fisherman saw the Ifrit his side muscles quivered, his teeth chattered, his spittle dried up, and he became blind about what to do. Upon this the Ifrit looked at him and cried, "There is no ' i.e., saying " Bismillah !" the pious ejaculation which should precede every act. In Boccaccio (viii. 9) it is " remembering Iddio e' Santi." ^ Arab. Nahas asfar = brass, opposed to "Nahas" and "Nahas ahmar " = copper. 3 Arab. " Kumkum," a gourd-shaped bottle, of metal, china or glass, still used for sprinkling scents. Lane gives an illustration (chapt. viii., Mod. Egypt.). 3S Alf Lay hi h zmi Laylah. god but the God, and Sulayman is the prophet of God " ; presently adding, " O Apostle of Allah, slay me not ; never again will I gain- say thee in word nor sin against thee in deed.^ " Quoth the Fisher- man, "O Marid," diddest thou say, Sulayman the Apostle of Allah? and Sulayman is dead some thousand and eight hundred years ago,* and we are now in the last days of the world ! ^^'hat is thy story, and what is thy account of thyself, and what is the cause of thy entering into this cucurbit ? " Now when the Evil Spirit heard the words of the Fisherman, quoth he, " There is no god but the God : be of good cheer, O Fisherman ! " Quoth the Fisherman, " Why biddest thou me to be of good cheer ? " and he replied, " Because of thy having to die an ill death in this very hour." Said the Fisherman, " Thou deservest for thy good tidings the withdrawal of Heaven's protection, O thou distant one * ! Wherefore shouldest thou kill me and what thing have I done to deserve death, I who freed thee from the jar, and saved thee from the depths of the sea, and brought thee up on the dry land ? " Replied the Ifrit, " Ask of me only what mode of death thou wilt die, and by what manner of slaughter shall I slay thee." Rejoined the Fisherman, " What is my crime and wherefore such retribution ? " Quoth the Ifrit, " Hear my story, O Fisherman !" and he answered, "Say on, and be brief in thy saying, for of very sooth my life-breath is in my nostrils.^" Thereupon quoth the Jinni : — Know that I am one among the heretical Jann and I sinned against Sulayman, David-son (on the twain be peace !) I, together with the famous Sakhr al-Jinni" ; whereupon the Prophet ' This alludes to the legend of Sakhr al-Jinni, a famous fiend cast by Solomon David-son into Lake Tiberias, whose storms make it a suilal^le place. Hence the " Bottle imp," a world-wide fiction of folk-lore : we shall find it in the " Book of SindilDad," and I need hardly remind the reader of Le Sage's " Diable Boiteux," borrowed from " El Diablo Cojuelo," the Spanish novel by Luiz Velez de Guevara. ^ Marid (lit. " contumacious," from the Heb. root Marad to rebel, whence " Nimrod " in late Semitic) is one of the tribes of the Jinn, generally but not always hostile to man. His female is Maridah. 3 As Solomon began to reign (according to vulgar chronometrj') in B.C. 1015, the text would place the tale circ. A.D. 7S5 = A. H. 169. But we can lay no stress on this date, which may be merely fanciful. Professor Tawney very justly compares this Moslem Solomon with the Hindu King, \'ikramaditya, who ruled over the seven divisions of the world, and who had as many devils to serve him as he wanted. '* Arab. " Ya Ba'id " ; a euphemism here adopted to prevent using grossly abusive language. Others will occur in the course of these pages. 5 i.e., about to fly out ; " My heart is in my mouth." The Fisherman speaks with the dry humour of a Fellah. * " Sulayman," when going out to the closet, entrusted his seal-ring, upon which his kingdom depended, to a concubine " Aminah " (the "Faithful"), when Sakhr, transformed to the Iving's likeness, came in and took i! ihe Tale of the Fisher/nan and ilic Jinni. 39 sent his minister, Asaf, son of Barkhiya, to seize me ; and thi 5 Wazir brought me against my will and led me in bonds to him (I being downcast despite my nose) and he placed me standing before him like a suppliant. When Sulayman saw me, he took refuge with Allah and bade me embrace the True Faith and obey his behests ; but I refused, so sending for this cucurbit, he shut me up therein, and stopped it over with lead, whereon he impressed the Most High Name, and gave his orders to the Jann who carried me ofi", and cast me into the midmost of the ocean. There I abode an hundred years, during which I said in my heart, " Whoso shall release me, him will I enrich for ever and ever." But the full century went by and, when no one set me free, I entered upon the second five score saying, "Whoso shall release me, for him I will open the hoards of the earth." Still no one set me free, and thus lour hundred years passed away. Then quoth I, "Whoso shall release me, for him will I fulfil three wishes." Yet no one set me free. Thereupon I waxed wroth with exceeding wrath and said to myself, "Whoso shall release me from this time forth, him will I slay and I will give him choice of what death he will die ; and now as thou hast released me, I give thee full choice of deaths." The Fisherman, hearing the words of the Ifrit, said, " O Allah I the wonder of it that I have not come to free thee save in these days ! " adding, " Spare my life, so Allah spare thine ; and slay me not, lest Allah set one to slay thee." Replied the Contumacious One, "There is no help for it ; die thou must ; so ask me by way of boon what manner of death thou wilt die." Albeit thus certified, the Fisherman again addressed the Ifrit saying, " Forgive me this my death as a generous reward for having freed thee " ; and the Ifrit, " Surely I would not slay thee save on account of that same release." "O Chief of the Ifrits," said the Fisherman, "I do thee good and thou requitest me with evil ! in very sooth the old saw lieth not when it saith : — prophet was reduced to beggary, but after forty days the demon fled, throwing into the sea the ring, which was swallowed by a fish and eventually returned to Sulayman. This Talmudic fable is hinted at in the Koran (chapt. xxxviii. ), and commentators have extensively embroidered it. Asaf, son of Barkhiya, was Wazir to Sulayman, and is supposed to be the "one with whom .was the knowledge of the Scriptures" (Koran, chapt. xxxvii.), i.e., who knew the Inefiable Name of Allah. See the manifest descendant of the Talmudic-Koranic fiction in the " Tale 01 the Emperor Jovinian " (No. lix.) of the Gesta Roman orum, the most popular book of medireval Europe composed in England (or Germany) about the end of the thirteenth century 40 Alf Lixylah wa Laylah. We wrought them weal, they met our weal with ill ; » Such, by my life' is every had man's labour : To him who benefits unworlhy wiL;lUs • Shall hap wliat hapt to Ummi-Amir's neighbour.' " Now when the Ifrit heard these words he answered, "No more of this talk ; needs must I kill thee." Upon this the Fisherman said to himself, "This is a Jinni; and I am a man to whom Allah hatli given a passably cunning wit, so I will now cast at)Out to compass his destruction by my contrivance and by mine intelligence; even as he took counsel only of his malice and his frowardness.^" He began by asking the Ifrit, " Hast thou indeed resolved to kill me ? " and, receiving for all answer, " Even so " ; he cried. " Now in the Most Cireat Name, graven on the seal-ring of Sulayman the Son of David (peace be with the holy twain!) if I question thee on a certain matter wilt thou give me a true answer ?" The Ifrit replied, " Yea" ; but, hearing mention of the Most Great Name, his wits were troubled and he said with trembling, " Ask and be brief." Quoth the Fisher- man, " How didst thou fit into this bottle, which would not hold thy hand ; no, nor even thy foot, and how came it to be large enough to contain the whole of thee ? " Replied the Ifrit, " What ! dost thou not believe that I was all there ? " and the Fisherman rejoined, " Nay ! I will never believe it until I see thee inside with mine own eyes." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. BtilD lal;rn it tons tl)f Jouitl) Ji*)t2:()t, Her sister said to her, " Please fuiish us this tale, if thou be not sleepy ! " so she resumed : It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Fisherman said to the Ifrit, " I will never and nowise believe thee until I see thee inside it with mine own eyes"; the Evil Spirit on the instant shook ^ and became a vapour, which condensed, and entered the jar little and little, till all was well inside, when lo ! the Fisherman in hot haste took the leaden cap with the seal and stoppered therewith the mouth of the jar and called out to the Ifrit, saying, " Aslc me by way of boon what death thou wilt die ! By ' Arab., meaning " the Mother of Amir," a nickname for the hyena, which bites the hand that feeds it. - The intellect of man is stronger than that of the Jinni ; the Tfrit, however, enters the jar because he has been adjured by the Most Great Name, and not from mere stupidity. The seal-ring of Solomon, according to the Rabbis, contained a chased stone which told him everything he wanted to know. 3 The Mesmerist will notice this shudder, which is familiar to him as preceding the " magnetic " trance. Tale of the W^azir and the Sage Dithau. 41 Allah, I will throw thee into the sea before us, and here will I build me a lodge ; and whoso cometh hither I will warn him against fish- ing and will say : — In these waters abideth an Ifrit who giveth as a last favour a choice of deaths and fashion of slaughter to the man who saveth him ! " Now when the Ifrit heard this from the Fisher- man and saw himself in limbo, he was minded to escape, but this was prevented by Solomon's seal ; so he knew that the Fisherman had cozened and outwitted him, and he waxed lowly and submissive and began humbly to say, " I did but jest with thee." But the other answered, " Thou liest, O vilest of the Ifrits, and meanest and filthiest ! " and he set off with the bottle for the sea side ; the Ifrit calling out, " Nay ! Nay ! " and he calling out, " Aye ! Aye ! " There- upon the Evil Spirit softened his voice and smoothed his speech and abased himself, saying, " What wouldest thou do with me, O Fisher- man?" "I will throw thee back into the sea,^" he answered, "where thou hast been housed and homed for a thousand and eight hundred years; and now I will leave thee therein till Judgment-day: did I not say to thee : — Spare me, and Allah shall spare thee ; and slay me not lest Allah slay thee ? Yet thou spurnedst my supplication and hadst no intention save to deal ungraciously by me, and Allah hath now thrown thee into my hands and I am cunninger than thou." Quoth the Ifrit, " Open for me that I may bring the weal." Quoth the Fisherman, " Thou liest, thou accursed ! My case with thee is that of the Wazir of King Yunan with the sage Duban.^" "And who was the Waz'r of King Yunan and who was the sage Duban ; and what was the story about them ? " quoth the Ifrit, whereupon the Fisherman began to tell the TALE OF THE WAZIR AND THE SAGE DUBAN. Know, O thou Ifrit, that in days of yore and in ages long gone before, a King called Yunan reigned over the city of Fars of the land of the Roum.'' He was a powerful ruler and a wealthy, who ' Arab. " Bahr " which means a sea, a large river, a sheet of water, etc., lit. water cut or trenched in the earth. Bahri in Egypt means Northern ; so Yamm ( = Sea, Mediterranean) in Hebrew is West. ^ In the Bui. Edit. " Ruyan," evidently a clerical error. The name is fanciful, not significant. 3 The geography is ultra-Shakspearean. "Ears" (whence "Persia") is the central Province of the grand old Empire now a mere wreck ; " Rum " (which I write Roum, in order to avoid Jamaica) is the neo-Roman or Byzantine Empire ; while " Yunan " is the classical Arab term for Greece (lona) which unlearned Moslems believe to be now under water. ^ 2 Alf Laylah wn Laylah. had armies and guards and allies of all nations of men ; but his body was afflicted with a leprosy which leaches and men of science failed to heal. He drank potions and he swallowed powders and he used unguents, but naught did him good and none among the host of physicians availed to procure him a cure. At last there came to his city a mighty healer of men and one well stricken in years, the Sage Duban hight. This man was a reader of books, Greek, Persian, Roman, Arabian, and Syrian ; and he was skilled in astronomy and in leachcraft, the theorick as well as the practick ; he was experienced in all that healeth and that hurteth the body ; conversant with the virtues of every plant, grass and herb, and their benefit and bane ; and he understood philosophy, and had -com- passed the whole range of medical science and other branches of the knowledge-tree. Now this physician passed but few days in the city ere he heard of the King's malady, and all his bodily sufferings through the leprosy with which Allah had smitten him ; and how all the doctors and wise men had failed to heal him. Upon this he sat up through the night in deep thought; and, when broke the dawn and appeared the morn and light was again born, and the Sun greeted the Good whose beauties the world adorn, ^ he donned his hand- somest dress and going in to King Yunan, he kissed the ground before him : then he prayed for the endurance of his honour and prosperity in fairest language and made himself known, saying, " O King, tidings have reached me of what befell thee through that which is in thy person ; and how the host of physicians hath proved unavailing to abate it ; and lo ! I can cure thee, O King ; and yet will I not make thee drink of draught or anoint thee with oint- ment." Now when King Yunan heard his words he said in huge surprise, " How wilt thou do this ? By Allah, if thou make me whole I will enrich thee even to thy son's son, and I will give thee sumptuous gifts ; and whatso thou wishest shall be thine and thou shalt be to me a cup-companion ' and a friend." The King then robed him with a robe of honour, and entreated him graciously and asked him, "Canst thou indeed cure me of this complaint without drug and unguent?" and he answered, "Yes! I will heal thee without the pains and penalties of medicine." The King marvelled with exceeding marvel and said, " O physician, when shall be this whereof thou speakest, and in how many days shall it take ' The Sun greets Mohammed every morning even as it dances on Easter-Day for Christendom. = Arab. " Nadim," a term often occurring. It denotes one who was intimate enough to drink with the Caliph, a very high honour and a dangerous. The last who sat with " Nudama " was Al-Razi bi'llah, A.H. 329 = 940. See Al-Siyuti's famous " History of the Caliphs," translated and admirably annotated by Major II. S. Tarrett, for the Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta, 18S0. 2ale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban. 43 place ? Haste thee, O my son ! " He replied, " I hear and I obey ; the cure shall begin to-morrow." So saying he went forth from the presence, and hired himself a house in the city for the belter storage of his books and scrolls, his medicines and his aromatic roots. Then he set to work at choosing the fittest drugs and simples, and he fashioned a bat hollow within, and furnished with a handle without, for which he made a ball ; the two being prepared with consummate art. On the next day, when both were ready for use and wanted nothing more, he went up to the King ; and, kissing the ground between his hands bade him ride forth on the parade ground,^ there to play at the pall and mall. He was accompanied by his suite, Emirs and Chamberlains, Wazirs and Lords of the realm and, ere he was seated, the Sage Duban came up to him and, handing him the bat, said, " Take this mall and grip it as I do ; so ! and now push for the plain, and leaning well over thy horse drive the ball with all thy might until thy palm be moist and thy body perspire : then the medicine will penetrate through thy palm and will permeate thy person. When thou hast done with playing, and thou feelest the effects of the medicine, return to thy palace, and make the Ghusl- ablution'^ in the Hammam-bath, and lay thee down to sleep ; so shalt thou become whole ; and now peace be with thee ! " Thereupon King Yunan took the bat from the Sage and grasped it firmly ; then, mounting steed, he drove the ball before him and galloped after it till he reached it, when he struck it with all his might, his palm gripping the bat-handle the while ; and he ceased not mailing the ball till his hand waxed moist and his skin, perspiring, imbibed the medicine from the wood. Then the Sage Duban knew that the drugs had penetrated his person and bade him return to the palace and enter the Hammam without stay or delay ; so King Yunan forthright returned and ordered them to clear for him the bath. They did so, the carpet spreaders making all haste and the slaves all hurry, and got ready a change of raiment for the Kino-. He entered the bath and made the total ablution long and thorouo-hly • then donned his clothes within the Hammam and rode therefrom to ' Arab. Maydan (from Persian); Lane generally translates it " horse course " and Payne " tilting-yard." It is both and something more; an open space in or near the city, used for reviewing troops, races, playing the Jerid (cane-spear) and other sports and exercises: thus Al-]\Iaydan = Gr. hippodrome. The o-ame here alluded to is our "polo," or hockey on horseback, a favourite with'the Persian Kings, as all old illustrations of the Shahnamah show. Maydan is also a natural plain for which copious Arabic has many terms ; Fayhah or Sath (a plain generally), Khabt (a low lying plain), Bat'ha (a low sandy fiat), Mahattah(a plaia fit for halting), and so forth. (Pilgrimage, iii. 11.) ^ For details concerning the " Ghusl " or complete bath, see night xliv. 44 - /// I.aylah 7va Laylah. his palace, where he lay him down and slept. Such was the aise with King Yunan ; but as regards the Sage Duban, he returned home and slept as usual, and when morning dawned he repaired to the palace and craved audience. The King ordered him to be admitted; then, having kissed ground between his hands, in allusion to the King he recited these couplets with solemn intonation : — I lappy is Eloquence when thou art name! licr sire; • But mourns she when as other man the title claimed. O Lord of fairest presence, whose illumine; rays « Clear off the fogs of doubt aye veiling deeds high famed, Ne'er cease thy face to shine like Dawn and rise of Morn ; * And never show Time's face with heat of ire inflamed ! Thy grace hath favoured us with gifts that worked such wise * As rain-clouds raining on the hills by wolds enframed : Freely thou lavishedst thy wealth to rise on high « Till won from Time the heights whereat thy grandeur aimed. Now when the Sage ceased reciting, the King rose quickly to his feet and fell on his neck ; then seating him by his side he bade dress him in a sumptuous dress ; for it had so happened that when the King left the Hammam he looked on his body and saw no trace of leprosy : the skin was all clean as virgin silver. He joyed thereat with exceeding joy, his breast broadened ^ with delight and he felt thoroughly happy. Presently, when it was full day he entered his audience-hall and sat upon the throne of his kingship; whereupon his Chamberlains and Grandees flocked to the presence and with them the Sage Duban. Seeing the leach the King rose to him in honour and seated him by his side ; then the food-trays furnished with the daintiest viands were brought and the physician ate with the Sovran, nor did he cease companying him all that day. Moreover, at night- fall he gave the physician Duban two thousand gold pieces, besides the usual dress of honour and other gifts galore, and sent him home on his own steed. After the Sage had gone forth. King Yunan again expressed his amazement at the leach's art, saying, " This man medicined my body from without, nor anointed me with aught of ointments : by Allah, surely this is none other than consummate skill ! I am bound to honour such a mail with reward and distinc- tion, and take him to my companion and my friend during the remainder of my days." So King Yunan passed the night in joy and gladness for that his body had been made whole, and had thrown off so pernicious a malady. On the morrow the King went forth ' A popular idiom and highly expressive, contrasting the upright bearing of the self-satisfied man with the slouch of the miserable and the skirt-trailing of the woman in grief. I do not see the necessity of such Latinisms as "dilated" or " expanded." Ta 'c of the Wazir and the Sage Di/baii. 45 from his Serraglio and sat upon his throne, and the Lords of Estate stood about him, and the Emirs and Wazirs sat, as was their wont, on his right hand and on his left. Then he asked for the Sage Duban, who came in and kissed ground before him, when the King rose to greet him and, seating him by his side, ate with him and wished him long life. Moreover, he robed him and gave him gifts, and ceased not conversing with him until night approached. Then the King ordered him, by way of salary, five dresses of honour and a thousand dinars.^ The physician returned to his own house full of gratitude to the Sovran. And when next morning dawned the King repaired to his audience-hall, and his Lords and nobles surrounded him and his Chamberlains and his Ministers, as the white encloseth the black of the eye.'^ Now the King had a Wazir among his Wazirs, unsightly to look upon, an ill-omened spectacle ; sordid, ungenerous, full of envy and evil will. When this Minister saw the King place the physician near him and give him all these gifts, he jaloused him and planned to do him a harm, as in the saying on such subject, "Envy lurks in everybody"; and the saw, "Oppression hideth in every heart : power revealeth it, and weakness concealeth it." Then the Minister came before the King and, kissing ground between his hands, said, " O King of the age and of all time, thou in whose benefits I have grown to manhood, I have weighty advice to offer thee, and if I withhold it I were a son of adultery, no true-born man ; wherefore an thou order me to disclose it I will so do forth- with." Quoth the King (and he was troubled at the words of the Minister), "And what is this counsel of thine?" Quoth he, "O glorious monarch, the wise of old have said : — Whoso regardeth not the end, hath not Fortune to friend ; and indeed I have lately seen the King on far other than the right way ; for he lavisheth largesse on his enemy, on one whose object is the decline and downfall of his kingship : to this man he hath shown favour, honouring him with over-honour and making of him an intimate. Wherefore I fear for the King's life." The King, who was much troubled and changed colour, asked, "Whom dost thou suspect and anent whom dost thou hint ? " and the Minister answ^ered, " O King, an thou be asleep, wake up ! I point to the physician Duban." Rejoined the King, " Fie upon thee ! This is a true friend who is favoured by me above all men, because he cured rne with something which I held in ' All these highest signs of favour foreshow, in Eastern tales and in Eastern life, an approaching downfall of the heaviest ; they are so great that they arouse general jealousy. Many of us have seen this at native courts. - This phrase is contained in the word " ihdak " = encompassing, as the con- junctiva does the pupil. 46 AIJ Lay/ah wa Laylah. my hand, and he healed my leprosy which had baffled all ])hysicians : indeed he is one whose like may not be found in these days — no, not in the whole world from furthest east to utmost west ! And it is of such a man thou sayest such hard sayings. Now from this day forward I allot him a settled solde and allowances, every month a thousand gold pieces ; and, were I to share with him my realm 'twere but a little matter. Perforce I must suspect that thou speakest on this wise from mere envy and jealousy as they relate of the King Sindibad." And Shahrazad was surprised by the dawn of da}-, and ceased saying her permitted say. Then quoth Dunyazad, " O my sister, how pleasant is thy tale, and how tasteful, how sweet, and how grateful!" She replied, "And where is this compared with what I could tell thee on the coming night if the King deign spare my life ?" Then said the King in himself, " By Allah, I will not slay her until I hear the rest of her tale, for truly it is wondrous." So they rested that night in mutual embrace until the dawn. Then the King went forth to his Hall of Rule, and the Wazir and the troops came in, and the audience-chamber was thronged ; and the King gave orders and judged and appointed and deposed and bade and forbade during the rest of that day till the Court broke up, and King Shahryar returned to his palace. Bcto to|)tn it toas X\t f tftf) I^Jiirljt, Her sister said, " Do finish for us thy story if thou be not sleepy " ; and she resumed : — It hath reached me, O auspicious King and mighty Monarch, that King Yunan said to his Minister, " O Wazir, thou art one whom the evil spirit of envy hath possessed because of this physician, and thou plottest for my putting him to death, after which I should repent me full sorely, even as repented King Sindibad for killing his falcon." Quoth the Wazir, " Pardon me, O King of the age, how was that ? " So the King began the story of KING SINDIBAD AND HIS FA ICON. It is said (but Allah is All-knowing' !) that there was a King of the Kings of Fars, who was fond of pleasuring and diversion, especially of coursing and hunting. He had reared a falcon which he carried all ' I have noted this formula, which is used even in conversation when to relate some great unfacr. Tale oj King Shidibad and his Fa/con. 47 night on his fist, and whenever he went a-chasing he took with him this bird ; and he bade make for her a golden cuplet hung round her neck to give her drink therefrom. One day as the King was sitting quietly in his palace, behold the high falconer of the house- hold suddenly addressed him, " O King of the age, this is indeed a day fit for birding." The King gave orders accordingly, and set out taking the hawk on fist ; and they rode merrily forwards till they made a Wady^ where they planted a circle of nets for the chase; when lo ! a gazelle came within the toils and the King cried, "Whoso alloweth yon gazelle to spring over his head and loseth her, that man will I surely slay." They narrowed the nets about the gazelle when she drew near the King's station ; and, planting herself on her hind quarter, crossed her forehand over her breast, as if about to kiss the earth before the King. He bowed his brow low in acknowledgment to the beast ; when she bounded high over his head and took the way of the waste. Thereupon the King turned towards his troops and, seeing them winking and pointing at him, he asked, " O Wazir, what are my men saying?" and the Minister answered, "They say thou didst proclaim that whoso alloweth the gazelle to spring over his head, that man shall be put to death." Quoth the King, " Now, by the life of my head ! I will follow her up till I bring her back." So he set off galloping on the gazelle's trail and gave not over tracking till he reached the foot- hills of a mountain chain where the quarry made for a cave. Then the King cast off at it the falcon which presently caught it up and, swooping down, drove her talons into its eyes, bewildering and blinding it ^ ; and the King drew his mace and struck a blow which rolled the game over. He then dismounted ; and, after cutting the antelope's throat and flaying the body, hung it to the pommel of his saddle. Now the time was that of the siesta," and the wold was parched and dry, nor was any water to be found anywhere ; and the King thirsted and his horse also ; so he went about searching till he saw a tree dropping water, as it were melted butter, from its boughs. Thereupon the King, who wore gauntlets of skin to guard him against poisons, took the cup from the hawk's ' We are obliged to English the word by " valley," which is about as correct as the " brook Kedron," applied to the grisliest of ravines. The Wady in old Coptic wah, oah (whence "Oasis"), is the bed of a watercourse which flows only after rains. I have rendered it by " Fiumara " (Pilgrimage, i. 5, and ii. 196, etc.), an Italian or rather a Sicilian word which exactly describes the " wady." ^ I have described this scene which Mr. T. Wolf illustrated by an excellent litho;n-aph in " Falconry, etc." (London, Van Voorst, MDCCCLll). ■' Arab. " Kaylulah," mid-day sleep ; called siesta from the sLxth canonical hour. 48 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. neck, and filling it with the water set it before the bird, and lo ! the falcon struck it with her pounces and upset the liquid. The King filled it a second time with the dripping drops, thinking his hawk was thirsty ; but the bird again struck at the cup with her talons and overturned it. Then the King waxed wroth with the hawk, and filling the cup a third time offered it to his horse : but the hawk upset it with a flirt of wings. Quoth the King, "Allah confound thee, thou unluckiest of flying things ! thou keepest me from drinking, and thou deprivest thyself also, and the horse." So he struck the falcon with his sword and cut off her wing j but the bird raised her head and said by signs, " Look at that which hangeth on the tree ! " The King Hfted up his eyes accordingly and caught sight of a brood of vipers, whose poison-drops he mistook for water ; thereupon he repented him of having struck off his falcon's wing, and mounting horse, rode on with the dead gazelle till he arrived at the camp, his starting place. He threw the quarry to the cook, saying, " Take and broil it," and sat down on his chair, the falcon being still on his fist when suddenly the bird gasped and died ; whereupon the King cried out in sorrow and remorse for having slain that falcon which had saved his life. " Now this is what occurred in the case of King Sindibad ; and I am assured that were I to do as thou desirest, I should repent even as the man who killed his parrot." Quoth the Wazir, " And how was that ? " And the King began to tell THE TALE OF THE HUSBAND AND THE PARROT} A CERTAIN man and a merchant to boot had married a fair wife, a woman of perfect beauty and grace, symmetry and loveliness, of whom he was mad-jealous, and who contrived successfully to keep him from travel. At last an occasion compelling him to leave her, he went to the bird-market and bought him for one hundred gold pieces a she-parrot which he set in his house to act as duenna, expecting her to acquaint him on his return with what had passed during the whole time of his absence ; for the bird was kenning and ' This parrot-story is world-wide in folk-lore, and the belief in metempsy- chosis, which prevails more or less all over the East, there lends it probability. The "Book of Sindibad" (see night dlxxix., and "The Academy," Sept. 20, 18S4, No. 646), converts it into the " Story of the Confectioner, his Wife, and the Parrot" ; and it is the base of the Hindostani text-book, " Tota-kahani " Parrot-chat), an abridgement of the Tuti-namah (Parrot-book) of Nakhshabi (cir. A.D. 1300), a congener of the Sanskrit " Suka Saptati," or Seventy Parrot-stories. The Tale is not in the Bui. or Mac. Edits, but occurs in the Bresl. (i. pp. 90, 91) much mutilated ; and better in the Calc. Edit. I cannot here refrain from noticing how vilely the twelve vols, of the Breslau Edit, have been edited ; even a table of contents being absent from the first four volumes. Tale of the Husband aiid the Parrot. 49 cunning and never forgot what she had seen and heard. Now his fair wife had fallen in love with a young Turk,^ who used to visit her, and she feasted him by day and lay with him by night. When the man had made his journey and won his wish he came home ; and, at once causing the Parrot to be brought to him, questioned her concerning the conduct of his consort whilst he was in foreign parts. Quoth she, "Thy wife hath a man friend who passed every night with her during thine absence." Thereupon the husband went to his wife in a violent rage, and bashed her with a bashing severe enough to satisfy anybody. The woman, suspecting that one of the slave-girls had been tattling to the master, called them together and questioned them upon their oaths, when all swore that they had kept the secret, but that the Parrot had not, adding, " And we heard her with our own ears." Upon this the woman bade one of the girls set a hand-mill under the cage and grind therewith, and a second to sprinkle water through the cage-roof, and a third to run about, right and left, flashing a mirror of bright steel through the livelong night. Next morning, when the husband returned home after being entertained by one of his friends, he bade bring the Parrot before him, and asked what had taken place whilst he was away. " Pardon me, O my master," quoth the bird, " I could neither hear nor see aught by reason of the exceeding murk and the thunder and hghtning which lasted throughout the night." As it happened to be the summer-tide the master was astounded and cried, "But we are now in mid-Tammuz,^ and this is not the time for rains and storms." " Ay, by Allah," rejoined the bird, " I saw with these eyes what my tongue hath told thee." Upon this the man, not knowing the case nor smoking the plot, waxed exceeding wroth ; and, holding that his wife had been wrongously accused, put forth his hand and pulling the Parrot from her cage dashed her upon the ground with such force that he killed her on the spot. Some days afterwards one of his slave-girls confessed to him the whole truth,^ yet w^ould he not believe it till he saw the yomig Turk, ' The young " Turk " is probably a late addition, as it does not appear in many of the MSS., e.g., the Bresl. Edit. The wife usually spreads a cloth over the cage ; this in the Turkish translation becomes a piece of leather. ^ The Hebrew-Syrian month July used to express the height of summer. As Herodotus tells us (ii. 4) the Egyptians claimed to be the discoverers of the solar year, and the portioners of its course into twelve parts. 3 This proceeding is thoroughly characteristic of the servile class ; they con- scientiously conceal everything from the master till he finds a clew ; after which they tell him everything and something more. VOL, I. D 50 A If Layliih iva Laylah. his wife's lover, coming out of licr chainl)cr, wlieii he bnrcd his hlade^ and slew him by a blow on the back of the neck ; and he did the same by the adulteress , and thus the twain, laden with mortal sin, went straightways to Eternal Fire Then the merchant knew that the Parrot had told him the truth anent all she had seen, and he mourned grievously for her loss when mourning availed him not. The Minister, hearing the words of King Yunan, rejoined, "O Monarch, high in dignity, and what harm have I done him, or what evil have I seen from him, that I should compass his death ? I would not do this thing save to serve thee, and soon shalt thou sight that it is right ; and if thou accept my advice thou shalt be saved, otherwise thou shalt be destroyed even as a certain Wazir who acted treacherously by the young Prince." Asked the King, " How was that ? " and the Minister thus began THE TALE OF THE TRINCE AND THE OGRESS. A CERTAIN King, who had a son over much given to hunting and coursing, ordered one of his Wazirs to be in attendance upon him whithersoever he might wend. One day the youth set out for the chase accompanied by his father's Minister; and, as they jogged on together, a big wild beast came in sight. Cried the Wazir to the King's son, " Up and at yon noble quarry ! " So the Prince followed it until he was lost to every eye, and the chase got away from him in the waste ; whereby he was confused and he knew not which way to turn, when lo ! a damsel appeared ahead and she was in tears. The King's son asked, " Who art thou ? " and she answered, " I am daughter to a King among the Kings of Hind, and I was travelling with a caravan in the desert when drowsiness overcame me, and I fell from my beast unwittingly ; whereby I am cut off from my people and sore bewildered." The Prince, hearing these words, pitied her case and, mounting her on his horse's crupper, travelled until he passed by an old ruin," when the damsel said to him, " O my master, I wish to obey a call of nature " : he therefore set her down at the ruin, where she delayed so long that the King's son thought that she was only wasting time ; so he followed her wdthout her knowledge and behold, she was a Ghulah,^ a wicked Ogress, who ' Until late years, merchants and shopkeepers in the nearer East all carried .vords. and held it a disgrace to leave the house unarmed. => The Brcsl. Edit, absurdly has Jazirah (an island). 3 The Ghulah (fem. of Ghul) is the Ileb. Lilith or Lilis ; the classical Lamia; Tale of the Ffi/ice and the Ogress. 5 i was saying to her brood, " O my children, this day I bring you a fine fat youth^ for dinner"; whereto they answered, "Bring him quick to us, O our mother, that we may browse upon him our belhes full." The prince hearing their talk made sure of death, and his side-muscles quivered in fear for his life, so he turned away and was about to fly. The Ghulah came out and seeing him in sore affright (for he was trembling in every limb) cried, "Wherefore art thou afraid ?" and he replied, "I have hit upon an enemy whom I greatly fear." Asked the Ghulah, " Diddest thou not say : — I am a King's son ? " and he answered, "' Even so." Then quoth she, " Why dost not give thine enemy something of money and so satisfy him ? " Quoth he, " He will not be satisfied with my purse but only with my life, and I mortally fear him and am a man under oppression." She replied, " If thou be so distressed, as thou deemest, ask aid against him from Allah, who will surely protect thee from his ill-doing and from the evil whereof thou art afraid." Then the Prince raised his eyes heavenwards and cried, "O Thou who answerest the necessitous when he calleth upon Thee and dispellest his distress ; O my God ! grant me victory over my foe and stay him from me, for Thou over all things art Almighty." The Ghulah, hearing his prayer, turned away from him, and the Prince returned to his father, and told him the tale of the Wazir ; whereupon the King summoned the Minister to his presence and then and there slew him. Thou likewise, O King, if thou continue to trust this leach, shalt be made to die the worst of deaths. He verily thou madest much of, and whom thou entreatedest as an intimate, will work thy destruction. Seest thou not how he healed the disease from outside thy body by something grasped in thy hand ? Be not assured that he will not destroy thee by something held in like manner ! Replied King Yunan, " Thou hast spoken sooth, O Wazir, it may well be as thou hintest, O my well-advising Minister ; and belike this Sage hath come as a spy searching to put me to death ; for assuredly if he cured me by a something held in my hand, he can kill me by a something given me to smell." . Then asked King Yunan, " O Minister, what must be done with him?" and the Wazir answered, "Send after him this very instant and summon him to thy presence ; and when he shall come the Hindu Yogini and Dakini ; the Chaldean Utug and Gigim (desert-demons) as opposed to the Mas (hill-demon) and Tela! (who steal into towns) ; the Ogress of our tales and the Bala yaga (Granny-witch) of Russian folk-lore. Etymo- logically " Ghul " is a calamity, a panic fear ; and the monster is evidently the embodied horror of the grave and the graveyard. ' Arab. " Shabb " (Lat. juvenis) between puberty and forty, or according to some fifty; when the patient becomes a " Rajul ikhtiyar " (man of free will) politely termed, and then a Sb.aykh or Shaybah (grey-beard, oldster). ■0 -^ 52 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. strike him across the neck ; and thus shalt thou rid thjself of him and his wickedness, and deceive him ere he can deceive thee." " Thou hast again spoken sooth, O Wazir," said the King, and sent one to call the Sage who came in joyful mood, for he knew not what had appointed for him the Compassionate ; as a certain poet saith by v.ay of illustration : — Tliuu who fearest Fate, confidintj fare, • Trust all to Him who built the world, and wait : What Fate saith " Be," perforce must be, my lord ! « And safe art thou from th' undecrced of Fate. As Duban the physician entered he addressed the King in these lines : — An fail I of my thanks to thee nor thank thee day by da}' « For w hom composed I prose and verse, for whom my say and lay ? Thou lavishedst thy generous gifts ere they were craved by me ; « Thou lavishedst thy boons unsought sans pretext or delay : How shall I stint my praise of thee, how shall I cease to laud « The grace of thee in secresy and patentest display ? Nay ; I will thank thy benefits, for aye thy favours lie * Light on my thought and tongue, though heavy on my back they weigh. And he said further on the same theme : — Turn thee from grief nor care a jot ! * Commit thy needs to Fate and Lot ! Enjoy the Present passing well « And let the Past be clean forgot : For .whatso haply seemeth worse * Shall work thy weal as Allah wot : Allah shall do whate'cr He wills * And in His will oppose Him not. And further still : — To th' All-wise Subtle One trust worldly things ; * Rest thee from all whereto the worldling clings : Learn wisely well naught cometh by thy will « But e'en as willcth Allah, King of Kings. And lastly : — Gladsome and gay forget thine every grief ; « Full often grief the wisest hearts outwore : Thought is but folly in the feeble slave ; « Shun it and so be saved evermore. .Said the King for sole return, " Knowest thou why I have summoned thee ? " and the Sage replied, " Allah Most Highest alone kenneth hidden things ! " But the King rejoined, " I summoned thee only to take thy life and utterly to destroy thee." Duban the Wise won- dered at this strange address with exceeding wonder and asked, "O King, and wherefore wouldst thou slay me, and what ill have 1 done thee ? " and the King answered, " Men tell me thou art a Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban. 55 spy sent liithcr with intent to slay me ; and lo ! I will kill thee ere I be killed by thee " ; then he called to his Sworder, and said, "Strike me off the head of this traitor and deliver us from his evil practices." Quoth the Sage, " Spare me and Allah will spare thee ; slay me not or Allah shall slay thee." And he repeated to him these very words, even as I to thee, O I frit, and yet thou wouldst not let me go, being bent upon my death. King Yunan only rejoined, " I shall not be safe without slaying thee ; for, as thou healedst me by something held in hand, so am I not secure against thy killing me by something given me to smell or otherwise." Said the physician, " This then, O King, is thy requital and this thy reward ; thou returnest only evil for good." The King replied, " There is no help for it ; die thou must and sans delay." Now when the physician was certified that the King would slay him without waiting, he wept and regretted the good he had done to other than the good. As one hath said on this subject : — - Of wit and wisdom is Maymunah ' bare, * Whose sire in wisdom all the wits outstrippeth : Man may not tread on mud or dust or clay * Save by good sense, else trippeth he and slippeth. Hereupon the Sworder stepped forward and bound the Sage Duban's eyes and bared his blade, saying to the King, " By thy leave " ; while the physician wept and cried, " Spare me and Allah will spare thee, and slay me not or Allah shall slay thee," and began repeating : — I was kind and 'scaped not, they were cruel and escaped ; * And my kindness only led me to Ruination Hall ; If I live I'll ne'er be kind ; if I die, then all be damned * Who follow me, and curses their kindliness befall. " Is this," continued Duban, " the return I meet from thee ? Thou givest me, meseems, but crocodile-boon." Quoth the King, "What is the tale of the crocodile?" and quoth the physician, " Impossible for me to tell it in this my state ; Allah upon thee, spare me, as thou hopest Allah shall spare thee." And he wept with exceeding weeping. Then one of the King's kxvourites stood up and said, " O King ! grant me the blood of this physician ; we have never seen him sin against thee, or doing aught save healing thee from a disease which bafQed every leach and man of science." Said the King, " Ye weet not the cause of my putting to death this physician, and this it is. If I spare him, I doom myself to certain death ; for one who healed me of such a malady by something held in my hand, surely can slay ' Some proverbial name now forgotten. Torrens (p. 48) translates it " the giglot" (Fortune?) but " cannot discover the drift." 54 Alf Layhih wa Laylah. me by something held to my nose ; and I fear lest he kill me ft)r a price, since haply he is some spy whose sole purpose in coming hither was to compass my destruction. So there is no help for it ; die he must, and then only shall I be sure of my own life." Again cried Duban, " Spare me and Allah shall spare thee ; and slay me not or Allah shall slay thee." But it was all in vain. Now when the physician, O Ifrit, knew for certain that the King would kill him, he said, "O King, if there be no help but I must die, grant me some little delay that I may go down to my house and release myself from mine obligations and direct my folk and my neighbours where to bury me and distribute my books of medicine. Amongst these I have one, the rare of rarities, which I would present to thee as an offering : keep it as a treasure in thy treasury." "And what is in the book ?" asked the King, and the Sage answered, " Things beyond compt ; and the least of secrets is that if, directly after thou hast cut off my head, thou open three leaves and read three lines of the page to thy left hand, my head shall speak and answer every question thou deignest ask of it." The King wondered with exceeding wonder and shaking* with delight at the novelty, said, " O physician, dost thou really tell me that when I cut off thy head it will speak to me ? " He replied, " Yes, O King ! " Quoth the King, " This is indeed a strange matter ! " and forthwith sent him closely guarded to his house, and Duban then and there settled all his obligations. Next day he went up to the King's audience-hall, where Emirs and Wazirs, Chamberlains and Nabobs, Grandees and Lords of Estate were gathered together, making the presence-chamber gay as a garden of flower-beds. And lo I the physician came up and stood before the King, bearing a worn old volume and a little etui of metal full of powder, like that used for the e)es.- Then he sat down and ' Arab. " Ihtizaz," that natural and instinctive movement caused by good news suddenly given, etc. - Arab. " Kohl," in India, Surmah, not a " collyrium,"' but powdered antimony for the eyelids. That sold in the bazars is not the real grey ore of antimony, but a galena or sulphuret of lead. Its use arose as follows. When Allah showed Himself to Moses on Sinai through an opening the size of a needle, the Projihet fainted and the Mount took fire : thereupon Allah said, " Henceforth shalt thou and thy seed grind the earth of this mountain and apply it to your eyes ! " The powder is kept in an etui called Makhalah, and ap])lied with a thick blunt needle lo the inside of the eyelid, drawing it along the rim. ^Vomen mostly use a pre- paration of soot or lamp-black (Hind. Kajala, Kajjal) whose colour is easily tlistinguished from that of Kohl. The latter word, with the article (Al-Kohl) is the origin of our "alcohol"; though even M. Littre fails to show how "fine powder" became "spirits of wine." I found this powder (wherewith Jezebel "painted" her eyes) a great preservative from ophthalmia in desert- travelling : the use in India was universal, but now European example is gradually abolishing it. Tale of the JVazir and the Sage Diihan. 55 said, " Give me a tray." So they brought him one and he poured the powder upon it and levelled it and lastly spake as follows : " O King take this book, but do not open it till my head fall ; then set it upon this tray, and bid press it down upon the powder, when forthright the blood will cease flowing. That is the time to open the book." The King thereupon took the book and made a sign to the Sworder, who arose and struck off the physician's head, and placing it on the middle of the tray, pressed it down upon the powder. The blood stopped flowing, and the Sage Duban unclosed his eyes and said, " Now open the book, O King ! " The King opened the book, and found the leaves stuck together; so he put his finger to his mouth and, by moistening it, he easily turned over the first leaf, and in like way the second, and the third, each leaf opening with much trouble ; and when he had unstuck six leaves he looked over them and, finding nothing written thereon, said, " O physician, there is no writing here ! " Duban replied, " Turn over yet more " ; and he turned over three others in the same way. Now the book was poisoned ; and belore long the venom penetrated his system, and he fell into strong convulsions and he cried out, "" The poison hath done its work ! " Whereupon the Sage Duban's head began to improvise : — There be rulers who have ruled with a foul tyrannic sway, * But they soon became as though they had never, never been : Just, they had won justice : they oppressed and were opprest * By Fortune, who requited them with ban and bane and teen : So they faded like the morn, and the tongue of things repeats, * "Take this for that, nor vent upon Fortune's ways thy spleen." No sooner had the head ceased speaking than the King rolled over dead. Now I would have thee know, O Ifrit, that if King Yunan had spared the Sage Duban, Allah would have spared him ; but he refused so to do and decreed to do him dead, w-herefore Allah slew him ; and thou too, O Ifrit, if thou hadst spared me, Allah would have spared thee. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say : then quoth Dunyazad, " O my sister, how pleasant is thy tale and how tasteful ; how sweet, and how grateful ! " She replied, " And where is this compared with what I could tell thee this coming night, if I live and the King spare me ? " Said the King in himself, " By Allah, I will not slay her until I hear the rest of her story, for truly it is wondrous." They rested that night in mutual embrace until dawn : then the King went forth to his Darbar ; the Wazirs and troops came in and the audience-hall w^as crowded ; so the Kin.q; gave orders and 56 Alf Laylah 7va Laylah. judged and appointed and deposed and bade and forbade the rest of that day, when the Court broke up, and King Shahryar entered his palace. J13oto luf)fn it iuas tl)c §>t^t() ^\^X, Her sister, Dunyazad, said to her, " Pray finish for us thy story " ; and she answered, "I will, if the King give me leave." "Say on," quoth the King. And she continued : — It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Fisherman said to the Ifrit, " If thou hadst spared me I would have spared thee, but nothing would satisfy thee save my death ; so now I will do thee die by jailing thee m this jar, and I will hi,irl thee into this sea " ; then the Marid roared aloud and cried, "Allah upon thee, O Fisherman, don't ! Spare me, and pardon my past doings ; and, as I have been tyrannous, so be thou generous, for it is said among sayings that go current : — O thou who doest good to him who hath done thee evil, suffice for the ill-doer his ill-deeds, and do not deal with me as did Umamah to 'Atikah.^ " Asked the Fisherman, " And what was their case ? " and the Ifrit answered, " This is not the time for story-telling and I in this prison ; but set me free and I will tell thee the tale." Quoth the Fisherman, " Leave this language : there is no help but that thou be thrown back into the sea, nor is there any way for thy getting out thereof for ever and ever. Vainly I placed myself under thy protection,^ and I humbled myself to thee with weeping, while thou soughtest only to slay me, who had done thee no injury deserving this at thy hands ; nay, so far from injuring thee by any evil act, I worked thee naught but weal in releasing thee from that jail of thine. Now I knew thee to be an evil-doer when thou diddest to me what thou didst, and know, that when I have cast thee back into this sea, I will warn whomsoever may fish thee up of what hath befallen me with thee, and I will advise him to toss thee back again ; so shalt thou abide here under these waters till the End of Time shall make an end of thee." But the Ifrit cried aloud, " Set me free : this is a noble occasion for generosity, and I make covenant with thee and vow never to do thee hurt and harm ; nay, I will help thee to what shall put thee out of want." The Fisherman accepted his promises ' The tale of these two women is now forgotten. = Arab. " Atadakhkhal. " When danger threatens it is customary to seize a man's skirt and cry " Dakhil-ak !" ( = under thy protection) ; and among noble tribes the Badawi thus invoked will defend the stranger with his life. Foreigners have brought themselves into contempt by thus applying to women or to mere youths. Tale of the Fisherman and the Jintii. 5 7 on both conditions, not to trouble him as before, but on the contrary to do him service ; and after making firm the plight and swearing him a solemn oath by Allah Most High he opened the cucurbit. Thereupon the pillar of smoke rose up till all of it was fully out ; then it thickened and once more became an Ifrit of hideous presence, who forthright administered a kick to the bottle and sent it flying into the sea. The Fisherman, seeing how the cucurbit was treated and making sure of his own death, piddled in his clothes, and said to him- self, "This promiseth badly"; but he fortified his heart, and cried, "O Ifrit, Allah hath .said^: — Perform your covenant; for the performance of your covenant shall be enquired into hereafter. Thou hast made a vow to me, and hast sworn an oath not to play me false lest Allah play thee false, for verily He is a jealous God who respiteth the sinner, but letteth him not escape. I say to thee as said the Sage Duban to King Yunan, Spare me so Allah may spare thee ! " The Ifrit burst into laughter and stalked away; saying to the Fisherman, "Follow me"; and the man paced after him at a safe distance (for he was not assured of escape) till they had passed round the suburbs of the city. Thence they struck into the uncultivated grounds, and crossing them descended into a broad wilderness, and lo ! in the midst thereof stood a mountain-tarn. The Ifrit waded in to the middle and again cried, "Follow me" ; and when this was done he took his stand in the centre and bade the man cast his net and catch his fish. The Fisherman looked into the water, and was much astonished to see therein vari-coloured fishes, white and red, blue and yellow ; however, he cast his net, and hauling it in saw that he had netted four fishes, one of each colour. Thereat he rejoiced greatly and more when the Ifrit said to him, " Carry these to the Sultan and set them in his presence ; then he will give thee what shall make thee a wealthy man ; and now accept my excuse, for, by Allah, at this time! weet none other way of benefiting thee, inasmuch I have lain in this sea eighteen hundred years and have not seen the face of the world save within this hour. But I would not have thee fish here save once a day." The Ifrit then gave him Godspeed, saying, "Allah grant we meet again^"; and struck the earth with one foot, whereupon the ground clove asunder and swallowed him up. The Fisherman, much marvelling at what ' The formula of quoting from the Koran. ^ Lit. "Allah not desolate me" (by thine absence). This is still a popular phrase — La tawahishna = Do not make me desolate, i.e., by staying away too long ; and friends meeting after a term of days exclaim, " Auhashtani ! " = thou hast made me desolate. Je sttis d^sole. 58 Alj Layhih wa Lay/ah. had happened to him with the Ifrit, took the fish and made for the city ; and as soon as he reached hone he filled an earthen bowl with water and therein threw the fish, which began to struggle and wriggle about. Then he bore off the bowl upon his head and, repairing to the King's palace (even as the Ifrit had bidden him), laid the fish before the presence ; and the King wondered with exceeding wonder at the sight, for never in his lifetime had he seen fishes like these in quality or in conformation. So he said, " Give yon fish to the stranger slave-girl who now cooketh for us, meaning the bond-maiden whom the King of Roum had sent to him only three days before, so that he had not yet made trial of her talents in the dressing of meat. Thereupon tlie Wazir carried the fish to the cook and bade her fry them ^ saying, "O damsel, the King sendeth this say to thee : — I have not treasured thee, O tear o' me ! save for stress-time o' me ; approve, then, to us this day thy delicate handiwork and thy savoury cooking : for this dish of fish is a present sent to the Sultan and evidently a rarity." The Wazir, after he had carefully charged her, returned to the King, who commanded him to give the Fisherman four hundred dinars : he gave them accordingly, and the man took them to his bosom and ran off home stumbling and falling and rising again, and deeming the whole thing to be a dream. However, he bought for his family all they wanted, and lastly he went to his wife in huge joy and gladness. So far concerning him ; but as regards the cook-maid, she took the fish and cleansed them and set them in the frying-pan, basting them with oil till one side was dressed. Then she turned them over and, behold the kitchen wall clave asunder, and therefrom came a young lady, fair of form, oval of face, perfect in grace, with eyelids which Kohl- lines enchase.^ Her dress was a silken head-kerchief fringed and tasselled with blue ; a large ring hung from either ear ; a pair of bracelets adorned her wrists ; rings with bezels of priceless gems were on her fingers ; and she hent in hand a long rod of rattan-cane which she thrust into the frying-pan, saying, " O Fish ! O Fish ! be ye con- ' Charming simplicity of manners when the Prime Minister carries the fish (shade of Vattel ! ) to the cook-maid. The " Gesta Romanorum " is nowhere more naif. " Arab. " Kahilat al-taraf" = lit. eyelids lined with Kohl; and figuratively " with black lashes and languorous look." This is a phrase which frequently occurs in The Nights, and which, as will appear, applies to the " lower animals" as well as to men. Moslems in Central Africa apply Kohl not to the thickness of the eye-lid but upon both outer lids, fixing it with some greasy substance. The peculiar Eg)q3tian (and .S)'rian) eye with its thick fringes of jet-black lashes, looking like lines of black drawn with soot, easily suggests the simile. In England I have seen the .<:ame apjxarance amongst miners fresh from the collier>'. Tale of the FisJierman and the ji>i7ii. 59 stant to your covenant ? " When the cook-maiden saw this apparition she swooned away. The young lady repe.ited her words a second time and a third time, and at last the fishes raised their heads from the pan, and saying in articulate speech, " Yes ! Yes ! " began with one voice to recite : — Come back and so will I ! Keep faith and so will I ! » And if ye fain fjrsake, I'll requite till quits we cry ! After this the young lady upset the frying-pan and went forth by the way she came in and the kitchen wall closed upon her. When the cook-maiden recovered from her fainting fit, she saw the four fishes charred black as charcoal, and crying out, " His staff brake in his first bout,^ " she again fell swooning to the ground. Whilst she was in this case the Wazir came for the fish, and looking upon her as insensible she lay, not knowing Sunday from Thursday, shoved her with his foot and said, " Bring the fish for the Sultan ! " Thereupon recovering from her fainting fit she wept and informed him of her case and all that had befallen her. The Wazir marvelled greatly and exclaiming, " This is none other than a right strange matter ! " he sent after the Fisherman and said to him, " Thou, O Fisherman, must needs fetch us four fishes like those thou broughtest before." Thereupon the man repaired to the tarn and cast his net ; and when he landed it, lo ! four fishes w^ere therein exactly like the first. These he at once carried to the Wazir, who went in with them to the cook-maiden and said, " Up with thee and fry these in my presence, that I may see this business." The damsel arose and cleaned the fish, and set them in the frying-pan over the fire ; however, they remained there but a little while ere the wall clave asunder and the young lady appeared, clad as before and holding in hand the wand which she again thrust into the frying-pan, saying, " O Fish ! O Fish ! be ye con- stant to your olden covenant ? " And behold, the fish lifted their heads, and repeated, " Yes ! Yes ! " and recited this couplet : — Come back and so will I ! Keep faith and so wil! i i » But if ye fain forsake, I'll requite till quits we cry ! And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. £ioiu tofjcn it tuns tl)c ^clicntj) Jl^iff^t, She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the fishes spoke, and the young lady upset the frying-pan with her ' Of course applying to her own case. 6o Alf Laylah tva Laylah. rod, and went forth by the way she came and the wall closed up, the Wazir cried out, " This is a thing not to be hidden from the King." So he went and told him what had happened, whereupon quoth the King, "There is no help for it but that I see this with mine own eyes." Then he sent for the Fisherman and commanded him to bring four other fish like the first, and to take with him three men as witnesses. The Fisherman at once brought the fish : and the King, after ordering them to give him four hundred gold pieces, turned to the Wazir and said, " Up and fry me the fishes here before me ! " The Minister, replying, " To hear is to obey," bade bring the frying-pan, threw therein the cleansed fish and set it over the fire ; when lo ! the wall clave asunder, and out burst a black slave like a huge rock or a remnant of the tribe Ad^ bearing in hand a branch of a green tree ; and he cried in loud and terrible tones, "O Fish ! O Fish ! be ye all constant to your antique covenant?" whereupon the fishes lifted their heads from the frying-pan and said, " Yes ! Yes ! we be true to our vow " ; and they again recited the couplet : — - Come back and so will I ! Keep faith and so will I ! * But if ye fain forsake, I'll requite till quits we cry ! Then the huge blackamoor approached the frying-pan and upset it with the branch and went forth by the way he came in. When he A'anished from their sight the King inspected the fish ; and, finding them all charred black as charcoal, was utterly bewildered and said to the Wazir, "Verily this is a matter whereanent silence can- not be kept, and as for the fishes, assuredly some marvellous adven- ture connects with them." So he bade summon the Fisherman and asked him, saying, " Fie on thee, fellow ! whence come these fishes ? " and he answered, " From a tarn between four heights lying behind this mountain which is in sight of thy city." Quoth the King, " How many days' march ? " Quoth he, " O our lord the Sultan, a walk of half-an-hour." The King wondered and, straightway ordering his men to march and horsemen to mount, led off the Fisherman, who w'ent before as guide, privily damning the Ifrit. They fared on till they had climbed the mountain and descended unto a great desert which they had never seen during all their lives ; and the Sultan and his merry men marvelled much at the wold set in the midst of four mountains, and the tarn and its fishes of four colours, red and white, yellow and blue. The King stood fixed to the spot in wonderment ' Prehistoric Arabs who measured from 60 to 100 cubiiw high : Koran, chapt. xxvi., etc. They will often be mentioned in The Nights. ^ Tale of ihe Fisherinati and the Jinn i. 6i and asked his troops and all present, " Hath anyone among you ever seen this piece of water before now?" and all made answer, "O King of the age, never did we set eyes upon it during all our days." They also questioned the oldest inhabitants they met, men well stricken in years, but they replied, each and every, " A lakelet like this we never saw in this place." Thereupon quoth the King, " By Allah, I will neither return to my capital nor sit upon the throne of my forbears till I learn the truth about this tarn and the fish therein." He then ordered his men to dismount and bivouac all around the mountain ; which they did ; and summoning his Wazir, a Minister of much experience, sagacious, of penetrating wit and well versed in affairs, said to him, " 'Tis in my mind to do a certain thing whereof I will inform thee ; my heart telleth me to fare forth alone this night and root out the mystery of this tarn and its fishes. Do thou take thy seat at my tent-door, and say to the Emirs and Wazirs, the Nabobs and the Chamberlains, in fine to all who ask thee : — The Sultan is ill at ease, and he hath ordered me to refuse all admittance^ ; and be careful thou let none know of my design." And the Wazir could not oppose him. Then the King changed his dress and ornaments and, slinging his sword over his shoulder, took a path which led up one of the mountains and marched for the rest of the night till morning dawned ; nor did he cease wayfaring till the heat was too much for him. After his long walk he rested for a while, and then resumed his march and fared on through the second night till dawn, when suddenly there appeared a black point in the far dis- tance. Hereat he rejoiced and said to himself, " Haply someone here shall acquaint me with the mystery of the tarn and its fishes." Pre- sently, drawing near the dark object, he found it a palace built of swart stone plated with iron ; and, while one leaf of the gate stood wide open, the other was shut. The King's spirits rose high as he stood before the gate and rapped a light rap ; but hearing no answer he knocked a second knock and a third ; yet there came no sign. Then he knocked his loudest but still no answer, so he said, " Doubtless • Arab. " Dastur " (from Persian) = leave, permission. The word has two meanings (see Burckhardt, Arab. Prov. No. 6og) and is much used, (?.^., before walking up stairs or entering a room where strange women might be met. So " Tarik" = Clear the way (Pilgrimage, iii. 319). The old Persian occupation 01 Egypt, not to speak of the Persian-speaking Circassians and other rulers, has left many such traces in popular language. One of them is that horror of travellers — "Bakhshish" pron. bakh-sheesh and shortened to shish, from the Pers. "bakhshish." Our " Christmas i5(?x " has been most unnecessarily derived from the same, despite our reading : — Gladly the boy, with Christmas box in hand. And, as will be seen, Persians have bequeathed to the outer world worse things than bad language, e.g., heresy and paederasty. 62 Alf Laylah iva Laylah. 'tis empty." Thereupon he mustered up resolution, and boldly walked through the main gate into the great hall and there cried out aloud, " Holla, ye people of the palace ! I am a stranger and a way- farer ; have you aught here of victual ? " He repeated his cry a second time and a third, but still there came no reply ; so heart- ening his heart and making up his mind he stalked through the vestibule into the very middle of the palace and found no man in it. Yet it was furnished with silken stuffs gold-starred, and the hangings were let down over the doorways. In the midst was a spacious court off which set four open saloons each with its raised dais, saloon facing saloon ; a canopy shaded the court, and in the centre was a jetting fount with four figures of lions made of red gold, spouting from their mouths water clear as pearls and diaphanous gems. Round about the palace birds were let loose, and over it stretched a net of golden wire hindering them from flying away ; in brief there was everything but human beings. The King marvelled mightily thereat, yet felt he sad at heart for that he saw no one to give him an account of the waste and its tarn, the fishes, the mountains and the palace itself. Presently, as he sat between the doors in deep thought, behold, there came a voice of lament, as from a heart grief-spent, and he heard the voice chanting these verses : — I hid what I cndiired of him' and yet it came lo hght « And nightly sleep mine eyelids fled and changed to sleepless night : Oh world ! Oh Fate ! withhold thy hand and cease thy hurt and harm ; « Look and behold my hapless sprite in dolour and affright : Wilt ne'er show ruth to highborn youth who lost him on the way « Of love, and fell from wealth and fame to lowest basest wight. Jealous of Zephyr's breath was I as en your form he breathed * But whenas Destiny descends she blindeth human sight, - What shall the hapless archer do who when he fronts his foe * And bends his bow to shoot the shaft shall find his string undight ? When cark and care so heavy bear on youth 3 of generous soul * How shall he 'scape his lot and where from Fate his place of flight ? Now when the Sultan heard the mournful voice he sprang to his feet : and, following the sound, found a curtain let down over a chamber-door. He raised it and saw behind it a young man sitting upon a couch about a cubit above the ground ; and he fair to the sight, a well-shaped wight, with eloquence dight ; his forehead was ' lie speaks of his wife, but euphemistically in the masculine. = A popular saying throughout Al-Islam. 3 Arab. "Fata": lit. = a youth; a generous man, one of noble mind (as youthtide should be). It corresponds with the Lat. "vir,"and has nuich the meaning of the Ital. " Giovane," the Genn. "Junker" and our "gentleman." Tate of the JFiskeri/ian and the Jinni. 63 flower-white, his cheek rosy bright, and a mole on his cheek-breadth hke an ambergris-mite ; even as the poet doth indite : — A youth slim-waisted from whose locks and brow * The world in blackness and in light is scu Throughout Creation's round no fairer show, » No rarer sight thine eyes hath ever met : A nut-brown mole sits throned upon a cheek * Of rosiest red beneath an eye of jet.' The King rejoiced and saluted him, but he remained sitting in his caftan of silken stuff purfled with Egyptian gold, and his crown studded with gems of sorts ; but his face was sad with the traces of sorrow. He returned the royal salute in most courteous wise, adding, " O my lord, thy dignity demandeth my rising to thee ; and my sole excuse is to crave thy pardon.'^ " Quoth the King, " Thou art excused, O youth ; so look upon me as thy guest come hither on an especial object I would thou acquaint me with the secrets of this tarn and its fishes and of this palace and thy loneliness therein and the cause of thy groaning and wailing." When the young man heard these words he wept with sore weeping^; till his bosom was drenched with tears and began reciting : — Say him who careless sleeps what while the shaft of Fortune flies » How many doth this shifting world lay low and raise to rise ? Although thine eyes be sealed in sleep, sleep not th' Almighty's eyes ; * And who hath found Time ever fair, or Fate in constant guise ? Then he sighed a long-fetched sigh and recited : — - Confide thy case to Him, the Lord who made mankind ; « Quit cark and care and cultivate content of mind. Ask not the Past, or how or why it came to pass : * All human things by Fate and Destiny were designed ! The Kmg marvelled and asked him, " What maketh thee weep, O young man ? " and he answered, " How should I not weep, when this is my case ! " Thereupon he put out his hand and raised the skirt of his garment, when lo ! the lower half of him appeared stone down to his feet, while from his navel to the hair of his head he was man. The King, seeing this his plight, grieved with sore grief and of his compassion cried, " A'ack and well-away! in very sooth, O youth, thou heapest sorrow upon my sorrow. I was minded to ask ' From the Bui. Edit. = The vagueness of his statement is euphemistic. 3 This readiness of shedding tears contrasts strongly with the external stoicism of modern civilization ; but it is true to Arab character ; and Easterns, like the heroes of Homer and Italians of Boccaccio, are not ashamed of what we look upon as the result of feminine hysteria — " a good cry." 64 Alf Lay/ah 7va Laylali. thee the mystery of the fishes only : whereas now I am concerned to learn thy story as well as theirs. But there is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great ^ ! Lose no time, O youth, but tell me forthright thy whole tale." Quoth he, "Lend me thine ears, thy sight and thine insight"; and quoth the King, " All are at thy service ! " Thereupon the youth began, "Right wondrous and marvellous is my case and that of these fishes ; and were it graven with gravers upon the eye-corners it were a warner to whoso would be warned." " How is that ? " asked the King, and the young man began to tell THE TALE OF THE ENSORCELLED PRINCE. Know^ then, O my lord, that whilome my sire was King of this city, and his name was Mahmiid, entitled Lord of the Black Islands, and owner of what are now these four mountains. He ruled threescore and ten years, after which he went to the mercy of the Lord, and I reigned as Sultan in his stead. I took to wife my cousin, the daughter of my paternal uncle,^ and she loved me with such abounding love that whenever I was absent she ate not and she drank not until she saw me again. She cohabited with me for five years till a certain day when she went forth to the Hammam-bath ; and I bade the cook hasten to get ready all requisites for our supper. And I entered this palace and lay down on the bed where I was wont to sleep and bade two damsels to fan my face, one sitting by my head and the other at my feet. But I was troubled and made restless by my wife's absence and could not sleep ; for although my eyes were closed my mind and thoughts were wide awake. Presently I heard the slave-girl at my head say to her at my feet, "O Mas'itdah, how miserable is our • The fonnula (constantly used by Moslems) here denotes displeasure, doubt how to act and so forth. Pronounce, " La haula wa la kuwwata ilia bi 'llahi 'I-Ali\7i '1-Azim." As a rule mistakes are marvellous: Mandeville (chapt. xii. ) for "La ilaha ilia 'llahu wa Muhammadun Rasulu 'llah " writes " La ellec sila, Machomete rores alia." The former (la haula, etc.), on account of the four peculiar Arabic letters, is everywhere pronounced differently ; and the exclamation is called " Haulak " or " Ilaukal." ^ An Arab holds that he has a right to marry his first cousin, the daughter 01 his father's brother, and if any win her from him a death and a blood-feud may result. It was the same in a modified form amongst the Jews, and in both races the consanguineous marriage was not attended by the evil results (idiotcy, congenital deafness, etc.) observed in mixed races like the English and the Anglo-American. When a Badawi speaks of "the daughter of my uncle," he means wife ; and the former is the dearer title, as a wife can be divorced, but blood is thicker than water. Tale of the EnsoncIIed Prince. 65 master and how wasted in his youth, and oh ! the pity of his being so betrayed by our mistress, the accursed whore M" The other repHed, "Yes, indeed: Allah curse all faithless women and adulterous ; but the like of our master, with his fair gifts, deserveth something better than this harlot who lieth abroad every night." Then quoth she who sat by my head, " Is our lord dumb or fit only for bubbling that he questioneth her not ? " and quoth the other, " P'ie on thee ! doth our lord know her ways or doth she allow him his choice ? Nay, more, doth she not drug every night the cup she giveth him to drink before sleep-time, and put Bhang- thereinto ? So he sleepeth and wotteth not whither she goeth nor what she doeth ; but we know that, after giving him the drugged wine, she donneth her richest raiment and perfumeth herself, and then she fareth out from him to be away till break of day ; then she cometh to him, and burnetii a pastile under his nose and he awaketh from his death-like sleep." When I heard the slave-girls' words, the light became black before my sight and I thought night would never fall. Presently the daughter of my uncle came from the baths ; and they set the table for us, and we ate and sat together a fair half-hour quaffing our wine as was ever our wont. Then she called for the particular wine I used to drink before sleeping, and reached me the cup ; but, seeming to drink it according to my wont, I poured the contents into my bosom ; and, lying down, let her hear that I was asleep. Then, behold, she cried, " Sleep out the night, ^ Arab. " Kahlmh " ; the coarsest possible term. Hence the unhappy "Cava" of Don Roderick the Goth, which simply means The Wborc. ^ The Arab. " Banj " and Hindu " Bhang" (which I use as most famiHar) both derive from the old Coptic " Nibanj," meaning a preparation of 1 emp (Cannabis saliva seu Indica) ; and here it is easy to recognise the Homeric " Nepenthe." Al-Kazwini explains the term by " garden hemp" (Kinnab bostani or Shahdanaj. On the other hand, not a few apply the word to the henbane ( hyoscyainus niger) so much used in medieval Europe. The Kamus evidently means henbane, distinguishing it from Hashish al harafish = rascals' grass, i.e., the herb Panta- gruelion. The " Alfaz Adwiya " (French translation) explains " Tabannuj " by " Endormir quelqu'un en lui faisant avaler de la jusquiame." In modern parlance Tabannuj is = our ancesthetic administered before an operation, a deadener of pain, like myrrh and a number of other drugs. For this purpose hemp is always used (at least I never heard of henbane) ; and various preparations of the drug are sold at an especial bazar in Cairo. See the " powder of marvellous virtue" in Boccaccio, iii. 8 ; and iv. 10. Of these intoxicants, properly so termed, I shall have something to say in a future page. The use of Bhang doubtless dates from the dawn of civilisation, whose earliest social pleasures would be inebriants. Flerodotus (iv. c. 75) shows the Scythians burning the seeds (leaves and capsules) in worship and becoming drunken with the fumes, as do the S. African Bushmen of the present day. This would be the earliest form of smoking : it is still doubtful whether the pipe was used or not. Galen also mentions intoxication by hemp. Amongst Moslems, the Persians adopted the drink as an ecstatic, and about our thirteenth century Egypt, which began the practice, introduced a number of preparations to be noticed in the course of The Nights. VOL. I. E 66 AIJ Laylah 7va Laylah. and never wake again : by Allah, I loatlie thee and I loathe thy whole body, and my soul turneth in disgust from cohabiting with thee ; and I see not the moment when Allah shall snatch away thy life ! " Then she rose and donned her fairest dress and perfumed her person and slung my sword over her shoulder ; and, opening the gates of the palace, went her ill way. I rose and followed her as she left the palace, and she threaded the streets until she came to the city gate, where she spoke words I understood not, and the padlocks dropped of themselves as if broken and the gate-leaves opened. She w-ent forth (and I after her without her noticing aught) till she came at last to the outlying mounds^ and a reed fence built about a round-roofed hut of mud-bricks. As she entered the door, I climbed upon the roof which commanded a view of the interior. And lo ! mv fair cousin had gone in to a hideous negro slave with his upper lip like the cover of a pot, and his lower like an open pot ; lips which might sweep up sand from the gravel-floor of the cot. He was to boot a leper and a paralytic, lying upon a strew of sugar-cane trash and wrapped in an old blanket and the foulest rags and tatters. She kissed the earth before him, and he raised his head so as to see her and said, " Woe to thee ! what call hadst thou to stay away all this time ? Here have been with me sundry of the black brethren, who drank their wine and each had his young lady, and I was not content to drink because of thine absence." Then she, " O my lord, my heart's love and coolth of my eyes,'^ knowest thou not that I am married to my cousin, whose very look I loathe, and hate myself when in his company ? And did not I fear for thy sake, I would not let a single sun arise before making his city a ruined heap wherein raven should croak and howlet hoot, and jackal and wolf harbour and loot ; nay, I had removed its very stones to the back side of INIount Kaf.^" Rejoined the slave, " Thou liest, damn thee ! Now I swear an oath by the valour and honour of blackamoor men (and deem not our manliness to be the poor manliness of white men), from to-day forth ' The rubbish heaps which outlie Eastern cities ; some (as near Cairo) are over a hundred feet high. ^ Arab. " Kurrat al-ayn " ; coolness of eyes as opposed to a hot eye (" sakhin ") i.e. , one red with tears. The term is true and picturesque, so I translate it literally. All coolness is pleasant to dwellers in burning lands : thus in Al-Hariri, Abu Zayd says of BasEorah, " I found there whatever could fill the eye with coolness." And a " cool booty" (or prize) is one which has been secured without plunging into the flames of war, or simply a pleasant prize. 3 Popularly rendered Caucasus : it corresponds so far with the Hindu " Udaya" that the sun rises behind it ; and the " false dawn" is caused by a hole or gap. It is also the Persian Alborz, the Indian Meru (Sumeru), the Greek Olympus, and the Rhiphsean Range (Veliki Camenypoys) or great starry girdle of the world, etc. No. 3. Tale of the Ensorcelled Prince. "I climbed upon the roof. . . . And lo ! my fair cousin had ^rone in to a hideous negro slave." Tale of the Ensonclled Prince, 67 if thou stay away till this hour, I will not keep company with thee. Dost play fast and loose with us, thou cracked pot, that we may satisfy thy dirty lusts ? Stinkard! bitch! vilest of the vile whites!" When I heard his words, and saw with my own eyes what passed between these two wretches, the world waxed dark before my face and my soul knew not in what place it was. But my wife humbly stood up weeping before and wheedling the slave, and saying, " O my beloved, and very fruit of my heart, there is none left to cheer me but thy dear self ; and, if thou cast me off, who shall take me in, O my be- loved, O light of my eyes ? " And she ceased not weeping and abasing herself to him until he deigned be reconciled with her. Then was she right gUd and stood up and doffed her clothes, even to her petticoat-trousers, and said, " O my master, what hast thou here for thy handmaiden to eat ? " " Uncover the basin," he grumbled, *' and thou shalt find at the bottom the broiled bones of some rats we dined on ; pick at them, and then go to that slop-pot where thou shalt find some leavings of beer ^ which thou mayest drink." So she ate and drank and washed her hands, and went and lay down by the side of the slave, upon the cane-trash, and crept in with him under his foul coverlet and his rags and tatters. When I saw my wife, rny cousin, the daughter of my uncle do this deed^ I clean lost my wits, and climbing down from the roof I entered and took the sword which she had with her and drew it, determined to cut down ' Arab. " Mizr " or " Mizar" ; vulg. Buzah ; hence the medical Lat. Buza, the Russian Buza (millet beer), our " booze," the O. Dutch " buyzen " and the German " Busen." This is the old ttotos ^e60S of negro and negroid Africa ; the beer of Osiris, of which dried remains have been found in jars amongst Eg}'ptian tombs. In Equatorial Africa it is known as " Pombe " ; on the Upper Nile, "Merissa" or " Mirisi," and amongst the Kafirs (Caffers) " Tshuala," " Oala " or " Boyala." I have also heard of " Buswa " in Central Africa, which may be the origin of "Buzah." In the West it became {"u^os (Romaic irippa), Xythum and cerevisia or cervisia, the humor ex hordeo, long before the days of King Gambrinus. Central Africans drink it in immense quantities : in Unyamwezi the standing bedsteads, covered with bark-slabs, are all made sloping so as to drain off the liquor. A chief lives wholly on beef and Pombe, which is thick as gruel below. Hops are unknown : the grain, mostly Holcus, is made to germinate, then pounded, boiled and left to ferment. In Egypt the drink is affected chiefly by Berbers, Nubians and slaves from the Upper Nile ; but it is a superior article and more like that of Europe than the "Pombe." I have given an account of the manufacture in The Lake Regions of Central Africa, vol. ii. p. 286. There are other preparations, Umm-bulbul (mother nightingale), Dinzayah and Subiyah, for which I must refer to the Shaykh El-Tounsy. - This reminds us of the noble dame who preferred to her handsome husband the jialefrenier laid, ord et infame of Queen Margaret nf Navarre (lleptameron No. XX.). E 2 68 Alf Laylah wa Layljh. the twain. I first struck at the slave's neck and thought that the death decree had fallen on him : And Shahrazad pert:ei\ed tlie dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. Jilotu tul)rn it tuns tf)f Ciffljtl) J^ijrljt, She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young ensorcelled Prince said to the King : — When I smote the slave with intent to strike off his head, I thought that I had slain him, for he groaned a loud hissing groan ; but I had cut only the skin and flesh of the gullet and the two arteries ! It awoke the daughter of my uncle, so I sheathed the sword and fared forthwards the city ; and, entering the palace, lay upon my bed and slept till morning, when my wife aroused me and I saw that she had cut off her hair and had donned mourning garments. Quoth she, " O son of my uncle, blame me not for what I do ; it hath just reached me that my mother is dead, and my father hath been killed in holy war, and of my brothers one hath lost his life by a snake-sting and the other by falling down some precipice ; and I can and should do naught save weep and lament." ^Vhen I heard her words I refrained from all reproach and said only, " Do as thou list ; I certainly will not thwart thee." She continued sorrowing, weeping and wailing one whole year from the beginning of its circle to the end, and when it was finished she said to me, " I wish to build me in thy palace a tomb with a cupola, which I will set apart for my mourning and will name the House of Lamentations.^" Quoth I again, " Do as thou list ! " Then she builded for herself a cenotaph wherein to mourn, and set on its centre a dome under which showed a tomb like a Santon's sepulchre. Thither she carried the slave and. lodged him; but he was exceeding weak by reason of his wound, and unable to do her love-service ; he could only drink wine, and from the day of his hurt he spake not a word, yet he lived on because his ' Every Moslem burial-ground has a place of the kind where honourable women may sit and weep unseen by the multitude. These visits are enjoined by the Apostle : — Frequent the cemetery, 'twill make you think of futurity ! Also : — Whoever visiteth the graves of his parents (or one of them) every Friday, he shall be written a pious son, even though he might have been in the world, before that, a disobedient. (Pilgrimage, ii. 71.) The buildings resemble our European "mortuary chapels." Said, Pasha of Egypt, was kind enough 10 erect one on the island off Suez, for the " use of P2nglish ladies who would like shelter whilst weeping and wailing for their dead." Uut I never heard that any of the ladies went there. Talc of the Eiisorccllcd Prince. 69 appointed hoiir^ was not come. Everyday, morning and evening, my wife went to him and wept and wailed over him and gave him wine and strong soups, and left not off doing after this manner a second year ; and I bore with her patiently and paid no heed to her. One day, however, I went in to her unawares, and I found her weeping and beating her face and crying, " Why art thou absent fronn my sight, O my heart's delight ? Speak to me, O my life ; talk with me, O my love." Then she recited these verses : — For your love my patience fails and albeit you forget * I may not ; nor to other love my heart can make reply : Bear my body, bear my soul, wheresoever you may fare, * And where you pitch the camp let my body buried lie : Cry my name above my grave, and an answer shall return « The moaning of my bones responsive to your cry.^ Then she recited, weeping bitterly the while : — The day of my delight is the day when draw you near ; » And the day of mine affright is the day you turn away : Though I tremble through the night in my bitter dread of death » When I hold you in my arms I am free from all affray. Once more she began reciting : — Though a-morn I may awake with all happiness in hand, » Though the world all be mine and like Kisra-kings ^ I reign ; To me they had the worth of the winglet of the gnat » When I fail to see thy form, when I look for thee in vain. When she had ended for a time her words and her weeping I said to her, " O my cousin, let this thy mourning suffice, for in pouring ' Arab. " Ajal " = the period of life, the appointed time of death : the word is of constant recurrence and is also applied to sudden death. See Lane's Dictionary, s.v. = " The dying Badawi to his tribe " (and lover) appears to me highly pathetic. The wild people love to be buried upon hill slopes whence they can look down upon the camp ; and they still call out the names of kinsmen and friends as they pass by the grave-yards. A similar piece occurs in Wetzstein (p. 27, " Reisebericht ueber Hauran," etc.) : — bear with you my bones where the camel bears his load, » And Ijury me beforj you, if buried I must be ; And let me not be buried 'neath the burden of the vine, * But high upon the hill whence your sight I ever see ! As you pass along my grave cry aloud and name your names ; » The cryin^ of your names shall revive the bones of me : 1 have fasted through my life with my friends, and in my death * I will feast when we meet on that day of joy and glee. 3 The Akasirah (plur. of Kasra = Chosroes) is here a title of the four great dynasties of Persian Kings : i. The Peshdadian or Assyrian race, proto-historics for whom dates fail ; 2. The Kayanian (Medes and Persians) who ended with the Alexandrian invasion in B.C. 331 ; 3. The Ashkanian (Parthenians or Arsacides) who ruled till A. D. 202 ; and 4. The Sassanides, which have already been men- tioned. But strictly speaking, " Kisri " and " Kasra " are titles ajDjDlied only to 70 Alf Laylah wa Lav/ah. forth tears there is Httle profit." " Thwart nie not," answered she, " in aught I do, or I will lay violent hands on myself ! " So I held my peace and left her to go her own way ; and she ceased not to cry and keen and indulge her affliction for yet another year. At the end of the third year I waxed aweary of this longsome mourning, and one day I happened to enter the cenotaph when vexed and angry with some matter which had thwarted me, and suddenly I heard her say, " O my lord, I never hear thee vouchsafe a single word to me ! Why dost thou not answer me, O my master ? " and she began reciting : — - O thou tomb ! O thou tomb ! be his beauty set in shade ? * Hast thou darkened that countenance all-sheeny as the noon ? thou tomb ! neither earth nor yet heaven art to me ; » Then how comclh it in thee are conjoined my sun and moon ? When I heard such verses as these rage was heaped upon my rage ; 1 cried out, " Well-away ! how long is this sorrow to last ? " and I began repeating : — O thou tomb! O thou tomb! be his horrors set in blight? * Hast thou darkened his countenance that sickeneth the soul ? O thou tomb ! nerther cess-pool nor pipkin art to me ; « Then liow comelh it in thee are conjoined soil and coal ? When she heard my words she sprang to her feet crying, " Fie upon thee, thou cur ! all this is of thy doings ; thou hast wounded my heart's darling and thereby worked me sore woe, and thou hast wasted his youth so that these three years he hath lain abed more dead than alive!" In my wrath I cried, "Othou foulest of harlots and filthiest of whores ever embraced by negro slaves who are hired to have at theeM" Yes indeed it was I who did this good deed " ; and snatching up my sword I drew it and made at her to cut her down. But she laughed my words and mine intent to scorn, crying, " To heel, hound that thou art ! Alas ^ for the past which shall no more come to pass nor shall any one avail the dead to raise. Allah hath indeed now given into the latter dynasty and especially to the great King Anushirwan. They must not be confounded with " Khusrau " (P. N. Cyrus, Ahasuerus ? Chosroes ?) ; and yet the three seem to have combined in " Cresar," Kaysar and Czar. For details especially connected with Zoroaster, see vol. i. p. 380 of the Dabistan or School of Manners, translated by David Shea and Anthony Troyer, Paris, 1843. The book is most valuable, but the proper names are so carelessly and incorrectly printed that the student is led into perpetual error. ' The words in the original are the very lowest and coarsest ; but the scene is true to Arab life. ^ Arab. " Hayhat " : the word, written in a variety of ways, is onomatopoetic, like our "heigh-ho!" it sometimes means "far from me (or you) be it !" but in popular usage it is simply " Alas." Tale of tJie Eiiso/rc/led Prince 71 rny hand him who did to me this thing, a deed that hath burned my heart with a fire which died not and a flame which might not l)e quenched ! " Then she stood up ; and, pronouncing some words to me unintelHgible, she said, " By virtue of my egromancy become thou half stone and half man " ; whereupon I became what thou seest, unable to rise or to sit, and neither dead nor alive. Moreover, she ensorcelled the city with all its streets and garths, and she turned by her gramarye the four islands into four mountains around the tarn whereof thou questionest me ; and the citizens, who were of four different faiths, Moslem, Nazarene, Jew and Magian, she transformed by her enchantments into fishes ; the Moslems are the white, the Magians red, the Christians blue, and the Jews yellow/ And every day she tortureth me and scourgeth me with an hundred stripes, each of which draweth floods of blood and cutteth the skin of my shoulders to strips ; and lastly she clotheth my upper half with a hair-cloth and then throweth over them these robes. Hereupon the young man again shed tears and began reciting : — - In patience, O my God, I endure my lot and fate ; « I will bear at will of Thee whatsoever be my state : They oppress me ; they torture nie ; they make my life a woe ; » Yet haply Heaven's happiness shall compensate my strait : Yea, straitened is my life by the bane and hate o' foes ; * But Mustafa and Murtaza^ shall ope me Heaven's gate. After this the Sultan turned towards the young Prince and said, " O youth, thou hast removed one grief only to add another grief; but now, O my friend, where is she ; and where is the mausoleum wherein lieth the wounded slave ? " " The slave lieth under yon dome," quoth the young man, "and she sitteth in the chamber fronting yonder door. And every day at sunrise she cometh forth, and first strippeth me, and whippeth me with an hundred strokes of the leathern scourge, and I weep and shriek ; but there is no power of motion in my lower limbs to keep her off me. After ending her ' Lane (i. 134) finds a date for the book in this passage. The Soldan of Egypt, Mohammed ibn Kala'un, in the early eighth century (Hijrah = our fourteenth) issued a sumptuary law compelling Christians and Jews to wear indigo-blue and saffron-yellow turbands, the white being reserved for Moslems. But the custom was much older, and Mandeville (chapt. ix. ) describes it in A.D. 1322, when it had become the rule. And it still endures ; although abolished in the cities it is kept up by Christians in the country parts of Egypt and Syria, and in Algerine and Tunisian cities. I may here remark that such detached passages as these are absolutely useless for chronology : they may be simply the additions of editors or mere copyists. ^ The ancient " Mustapha " = the Chosen (prophet, i.e., Mohammed), also titled Al-Mujtaba, the Accepted (Pilgrimage, ii. 309). " Murtaza" = theElect, i.e., the Caliph Ali, is the older " Mortada " or " Mortadi " of Ockley and his day, meaning "one pleasing to (or acceptable to) Allah." Still older writers corrupted it to " Mortis Ali," and readers supposed this to be the Caliph's name. 72 AlJ Laylah wa Lay Ink. tormenting me she visiteth the slave, bringing him wine and boiled meats. And to-morrow at an early hour she will be here." Quoth the King, " By Allah, O youth, I will assuredly do thee a good deed which the world shall not willingly let die, and an act of dcrring-do which shall be chronicled long after I am dead and gone by." Then the King sat him by the side of the young Prince and talked till nightfall, when he lay down and slept ; but, as soon as the false dawn ^ showed, he arose and doffing his outer garments ^ bared his blade, and hastened to the place wherein lay the slave. Then was he ware of lighted candles and lamps, and the perfume of incenses and unguents ; and, directed by these, he made for the slave and struck him one stroke, killing him on the spot : after which he lifted him on his back and threw him into a well that was in the palace. Presently he returned and, donning the slave's gear, lay down at length within the mausoleum with the drawn sword laid close to and along his side. After an hour or so the accursed witch came ; and, first going to her husband, she stripped off his clothes and, taking a whip, flogged him cruelly, while he cried out, " Ah ! enough for me the case I am in ! take pity on me, O my cousin ! " But she replied, " Didst thou take pity on me and spare the life of my true love on whom I doated ? " Then she drew the cilice over his raw and bleeding skin, and threw the robe upon all and went down to the slave with a goblet of wine and a bowl of meat-broth in her hands. She entered under the dome weeping and wailing, " Well- away ! " and crying, " O my lord ! speak a word to me ! O my master ! talk awhile with me ! " and began to recite these couplets : — IIow long this harshness, this unlove, shall bide? » Suffice thee not tear-floods thou hast espied ? Thou dost prolong our parting purposely ; * And if wouldst please my foe, thou't satisfied ! Then she wept again and said, " O my lord ! speak to me, talk with me ! " The King lowered his voice and, twisting his tongue, spoke after the fashion of the blackamoors and said, " 'lack ! 'lack ! there be no Ma'esty and there be no Might save in Alluah, the Gloriose, the Great ! " Now when she heard these words she shouted for joy, and fell to the ground fainting ; and when her senses returned she asked, " O my lord, can it be true that thou hast power of speech ? " and the King making his voice small and faint answered, " O my ' The gleam (zodiacal light) preceding the true dawn ; the Persians call the former Subh-i-kazib (false or lying dawn) opposed to Subh-i-sadik (true dawn), and suppose that it is caused by the sun shining through a hole in the world- encircling Mount Kaf. * So the Heb. " Aran " = naked, means wearing the lower robe only = our " in his shirt." Tale of the Ensor celled Prince. y;^ cuss ! dost thou deserve that I talk to thee and speak with thee?" "Why and wherefore ? " rejoined she; and he rephed "The why is that all the livelong day thou tormentest thy hubby ; and he keeps calling on 'eaven for aid until sleep is strange to me even from evenin' till mawnin', and he prays and dimns, cussing us two, me and thee, causing me disquiet and much bother : were this not so. I should 1 )ng ago have got my health ; and it is this which prevents my answering thee." Quoth she, "With thy leave I will release him from what spell is on him ; " and quoth the King, " Release him and let's have some rest ! " She cried, " To hear is to obey ; " and, going from the cenotaph to the palace, she took a metal bowl and filled it with water and spake over it certain words which made the contents bubble and boil as a cauldron soetheth over the fire. With this she sprinkled her husband saying, " By virtue of the dread words I have spoken, if thou becamest thus by my spells, come forth out of that form into thine own former form." And lo and behold ! the young man shook and trembled ; then he rose to his feet and, rejoicing at his deliverance, cried aloud, " I testify that there is no god but the God, and in very truth Mohammed is His Apostle, whom Allah bless and keep ! " Then she said to him, " Go forth and return not hither, for if thou do I will surely slay thee ; " screaming these words in his face. So he went from between her hands ; and she returned to the dome and, going down to the sepulchre, she said, " O my lord, come forth to me that I may look upon thee and thy goodliness ! " The King replied in faint low words, " What • thing hast thou done ? Thou hast rid me of the branch but not of the root." She asked, " O my darling ! O my negroling ! what is the root ? " And he answered, " Fie on thee, O my cuss 1 The people of this city and of the four islands every night when it's half passed hft their heads from the tank in which thou hast turned them to fishes and cry to Heaven and call down its anger on me and thee ; and this is the reason why my body's baulked from health. Go at once and set them free ; then come to me and take my hand, and raise me up, for a little strength is already back in me." When she heard the King's words (and she still supposed him to be the slave) she cried joyously, " O my master, on my head and on my eyes be thy command, Bismillah - ! " So she sprang to her feet and, full of joy and gladness, ran down to the tarn and took a little of its water in the palm of her hand ' Here we have ihe vulgar Egyptian colloquialism ' Aysli " {= Ayyu sliayyin) (or the classical " Ma " r= wliat. * " ]n the name of Allah ! " here said before taking action. 74 A If Lay la h wa Laylah. And Shahrazad was surprised by tlie dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. 'Xo(m luljcn ft tuns l^c Nintlj Is'x^yi, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the young woman, the sorceress, took in hand some of the tarn-water and spake over it words not to be understood, the fishes lifted their heads and stood up on the instant hke men, the spell on the people of the city having been removed. What was the lake again became a crowded capital; the bazars were thronged with folk who bought and sold ; each citizen was occupied with his own calling and the four hills became islands as they were whilome. Then the young woman, that wicked sorceress, returned to the King and (still thinking he was the negro) said to him, " O my love ! stretch forth thy honoured hand that I may assist thee to rise." " Nearer to me," quoth the King in a faint and feigned tone. She came close as to embrace him when he took up the sword lying hid by his side and smote her across the breast, so that the point showed gleaming behind her back. Then he smote her a second time and cut her in twain and cast her to the ground in two halves. After which he went forth and found the young man, now freed from the spell, awaiting him and gave him joy of his happy release while the Prince kissed his hand with abundant thanks. Quoth the King, " Wilt thou abide in this city or go with me to my capital ? " Quoth the youth, " O King of the age, wottest thou not what journey is between thee and thy city ? " " Two days and a half," answered he ; whereupon said the other, " An thou be sleeping, O King, awake ! Between thee and thy city is a year's march for a well-girt walker, and thou haddest not come hither in two days and a half save that the city was under en- chantment. And I, O King, will never part from thee ; no, not even for the twinkling of an eye." The King rejoiced at his words and said, " Thanks be to Allah who hath bestowed thee upon me ! From this hour thou art my son and my only son, for that in all my life I have never been blessed with issue." Thereupon they embraced and joyed with joy exceeding great ; and, reaching the palace, the Prince who had been spell-bound informed his lords and his grandees that he was about to visit the Holy Places as a pilgrim and bade them get ready all things necessary for the occasion. The preparations lasted ten days, after which he set out with the Sultan, whose heart burned in yearning for his city whence he had been absent a whole twelvemonth They journeyed with an escort of The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad. 75 Mamelukes^ carrying all manners of precious gifts and rarities, nor stinted they wayfaring day and night for a full year until they approached the Sultan's capital, and sent on messengers to announce their coming. Then the Wazir and the whole army came out to meet him in joy and gladness, for they had given up all hope of ever seeing their King ; and the troops kissed the ground before him and wished him joy of his safety. He entered and took seat upon his throne and the Minister came before him and, when acquainted with all that had befallen the young Prince, he congratulated him on his narrow escape. When order was restored throughout the land the King gave largesse to many of his people, and said to the Wazir, " Hither the Fisherman who brought us the fishes ! " So he sent for the man who had been the first cause of the city and the citizens being delivered from enchantment and, when he came into the presence, the Sultan bestowed upon him a dress of honour, and questioned him of his condition and whether he had children. The Fisherman gave him to know that he had two daughters and a son, so the King sent for them and, taking one daughter to wife, gave the other to the young Prince and made the son his head-treasurer. Furthermore, he invested his Wazir with the Sultanate of the City in the Black Islands whilome belonging to the young Prince, and despatched with him the escort of fifty armed slaves, together with dresses of honour for all the Emirs and Grandees. The Wazir kissed hands and fared forth on his way ; while the Sultan and the Prince abode at home in all the solace and the delight of life ; and the Fisherman became the richest man of his age, and his daughters wived with the Kings, until death came to them. And yet, O King ' this is not more wondrous than the story of THE PORTER AND THE THREE LADIES OF BAGHDAD. Once upon a time there was a Porter in Baghdad, who was a bachelor and who would remain unmarried. It came to pass on a ' Arab. " Mamluk" (plur. Mamalik) lit. a chattel ; and in The Nights a white slave trained to arms. The " Mameluke Beys " of Egypt were locally called the " Ghuzz " : I use the convenient word in its old popular sense ; 'Tis sung, there's a valiant Mameluke In foreign lands ycleped (Sir Luke) — HUDIBRAS. And hence, probably, Moliere's " Mamamouchi " ; and the modern French use " Mamaluc." See Savary's Letters, No. xl. yS A/f Lay la k 7va Laylah. certain day, as he stood about the streets leaning idly upon his crate, behold, there stood before him an honourable woman in a mantilla of Mosul ^ silk, broidered with gold and bordered with brocade ; her walking-shoes were also worked with gold and her hair floated in long plaits. She raised her face-veil - and, showing two black eyes fringed with jetty lashes, whose glances were soft and languishing and whose perfect beauty was ever blandishing, she accosted the Porter and said in the suavest tones and choicest language, " Take up thy crate and follow me." The Porter was so dazzled he could hardly believe that he heard her aright, but he shouldered his basket in hot haste saying in himself, " O day of good luck ! O day of Allah's grace ! " and walked after her till she stopped at the door of a house. There she rapped, and presently came out to her an old man, a Christian, to whom she gave a gold piece, receiving from him in return what she required of strained wine clear as olive oil ; and she set it safely in the hamper, saying, " Lift and follow." Quoth the Porter, "This, by Allah, is indeed an auspicious day, a day propitious for the granting of all a man wisheth." He again hoisted up the crate and followed her ; till she stopped at a fruiterer's shop and bought from him Shami ^ apples and Osmani quinces and Omani ^ peaches, and cucumbers of Nile growth, and Egyptian limes and Sultani oranges and citrons; besides Aleppine jasmine, scented myrde berries. Damascene nenuphars, flower of privet ^ and ' The name of this celebrated successor of Nineveh, where some suppose The Nights were written, is orig. MecroTruXai (middle-gates) because it stood on the way where four great highways meet. The Arab, form " Mausil " (the vulgar " Mosul") is also significant, alluding to the "junction" of Assyria and Babylonia. Hence our "muslin." ''' This is Mr. Thackeray's " nose-bag." 1 translate by " walking-shoes " the Arab " Khuft" which are a manner of loose boot covering the ankle ; they are not usually embroidered, the ornament being reserved for the inner shoe. ^ i.e. Syria (says Abulfeda) the " land on the left " (of one facing the east) as opposed to Al-Yaman the "land on the right." Osmani would mean Turkish, Ottoman. When Bernard the Wise (Bohn, p. 24) speaks of " Bagada and Axiam " (Mabillon's text) or " Axinarri " (still worse), he means Baghdad and Ash-Sham (Syria, Damascus), the latter word puzzling his Editor. Richardson (Dissert. Ixxii.) following Al-Mas'iidi (chapt. xli.) seems to support a hideous attempt to derive Sha;ii from Shamat, a mole or wart, because the country is studded with hillocks ! Al-Sham is often applied to Damascus-city whose proper name Dimishk belongs to books : this term is generally derived from Dimashik b. Kali b. Malik b. Sham (Shem). Lee (Ibn Batutah, 29) denies that ha-Dimishki means " Eliezer of Damascus." * From Oman = Eastern Arabia. ^ Arab. " Tamar Hanna " lit. date of Henna, but applied to the flower of the eastern privet (Lawsonia inennis) which has the sweet scent of freshly mown hay. The use of Henna as a dye is known even in England. The "myrtle" alluded to may either have been for a perfume (asjt is held an anti-intoxicant) or for eating, the bitter aromatic berries of the "As" being supposed to flavour wine and especially Raki (raw brandy). The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad. ^ 7 camomile, blood-red anemones, violets, and pomegranate-bloom, eglantine and narcissus, and set the whole in the Porter's crate, saying, " Up with it." So he lifted and followed her till she stopped at a butcher's booth and said, " Cut me off ten pounds of mutton." She paid him his price and he wrapped it in a banana-leaf, where- upon she laid it in the crate and said, " Hoist, O Porter." He hoisted accordingly, and followed her as she walked on till she stopped at a grocer's where she bought dry fruits and pistachio- kernels, Tihamah raisins, shelled almonds and all wanted for dessert, and said to the Porter, " Lift and follow me." So he up with his hamper and after her till she stayed at the confectioner's, and she bought an earthen platter, and piled it with all kinds of sweet- meats in his shop, open-worked tarts and fritters scented with musk and " soap cakes," and lemon-loaves and melon-preserves,^ and " Zaynab's combs," and " ladies' fingers," and " Kazi's tit-bits " and goodies of every description ; and placed the platter in the Porter's crate. Thereupon quoth he (being a merry man), " Thou shouldest have told me, and I would have brought with me a pony or a she-camel to carry all this market-stuff." She smiled and gave him a little cuff on the nape saying, " Step out and exceed not in words, for (Allah willing !) thy wage will not be wanting." Then she stopped at a perfumer's and took from him ten sorts of waters, rose scented with musk, orange-flower, water-lily, willow-flower, violet and five others ; and she also bought two loaves of sugar, a bottle for perfume spraying, a lump of male incense, aloe-wood, ambergris and musk, with candles of Alexandria wax ; and she put the whole into the basket, saying, " Up with thy crate and after me." He did so and followed until she stood before the greengrocer's, of whom she bought pickled safflower and olives, in brine and in oil ; with tarragon and cream-cheese and hard Syrian cheese ; and she stowed them away in the crate saying to the Porter, "Take up thy basket and follow me." He did so and went after her till she came to a fair mansion fronted by a spacious court, a tall, fine place to which columns gave strength and grace : and the gate thereof had two leaves of ebony inlaid with plates of red gold. The lady stopped at the door and, turning her face-veil sideways, knocked softly with ^ Lane (i. 211) pleasantly remarks, "A list of these sweets is given in my original, but I have thought it better to omit the names "(!) Dozy does not shirk his duty, but he is not much more satisfactory in explaining words interesting to students because they are unfound in dictionaries and forgotten by the people. " Akras " (cakes) " Laymuniyah (of limes) wa Maymuniyah " appears in the Bresl. Edit, as " Ma'aniuniyah " which may mean " Ma'amun's cakes " or "delectable cakes." " Amshat " ( = conibs) perhaps refers to a fine kind of Kunafah (vermicelli) known in Egypt and Syria as " Ghazl al-banat ":= girls' spinning. 78 Alf Laylah 7va Layhih. her knuckles whilst the Porter stood behind her, thinking of naught save her beauty and loveliness. Presently the door swung back and both leaves were opened, whereupon he looked to see who had opened it ; and behold, it was a lady of tall figure, some five feet high ; a model of beauty and loveliness, brilliance and symmetry and perfect grace. Her forehead was flower-white ; her cheeks like the anemone ruddy bright ; her eyes were those of the wild heifer or the gazelle, with eyebrows like the crescent-moon which ends Sha'aban and begins Ramazan ^ ; her mouth was the ring of Sulayman,- her lips coral-red, and her teeth like a line of strung pearls or of camomile petals. Her throat recalled the antelope's, and her breasts, like two pomegranates of even size, stood at bay as it were* ; her body rose and fell in waves below her dress like the rolls of a piece of brocade, and her navel ^ would hold an ounce of benzoin ointment. In fine, she was like her of whom the poet said : — On Sun and Moon of palace cast thy sight, * Enjoy her flower-Hke face, her fragrant light : Thine eyes shall never see in hair so black, * Beauty encase a brow so purely white : The ruddy rosy cheek proclaims her :!Aim, * Though fail her name whose beauties we indite : As sways her gait I smile at hips so big * And weep to see the waist they bear so slight. When the Porter looked upon her his wits were waylaid, and his senses were stormed so that his crate went nigh to fall from his head, and he said to himself, " Never have I in my life seen a day more blessed than this day ! " Then quoth the lady-portress to the lady-cateress, "Ccm^ in from the gate and relieve this poor man of his load." So the provisioner went in followed by the portress and the Porter, and went on till they reached a spacious ground-floor hall,^ built with admirable skill, and beautified with all manner colours and carvings ; with upper balconies and groined arches and galleries and cupboards and recesses whose curtains hung before them. In the midst stood a great basin full of water surrounding a fine fountain, and at the upper end on the raised dais was a couch of juniper wood set with ' The new moon carefully looked for by all Moslems because it begins the Uamazan-last. ^ Solomon's signet-ring has before been noticed. 3 The " high-bosomed" damsel, M'ith breasts finn as a cube, is a favourite with Arab tale-tellers. Fanno barnffa is the Italian term for hard breasts pointing outwards. "t A large hollow navel is looked upon not only as a beauty, but in children it is held a promise of good growth. 5 Arab. " Ka'ah," a high hall opening upon the central court: we shall find the word used for a mansion, barrack, men's quarters, etc. The Porter mid the I'hrce Ladies of Baghdad, 79 gems and pearls, with a canopy like mosquito-curtains of red satin- silk looped up with pearls as big as filberts and bigger. There- upon sat a lady bright of blee, with brow beaming brilliancy, the dream of philosophy, whose eyes were fraught with Babel's gramarye,^ and her eyebrows were arched as for archery ; her breath breathed ambergris and perfumery, and her lips were sugar to taste and car- nelian to see. Her stature was straight as the letter \^ and her face shamed the noon-sun's radiancy ; and she was even as a galaxy, or a dome with golden marquetry or a bride displayed in choicest finery or a noble maid of Araby.** Right well of her sang the bard when he said : — Her smiles twin rows of pearls display * Chamomile-buds or riniey spray : Ilcr tresses stray as night let down * And shames her light the dawn o' day. ^ The third lady rising from the couch stepped forward with graceful swaying gait till she reached the middle of the saloon, when she said to her sisters, "Why stand ye here? take it down from this poor man's head ! " Then the cateress went and stood before him, and the portress behind him, while the third helped them, and they lifted the load from the Porter's head ; and, emptying it of all that was therein, set everything in its place. Lastly, they gave him two gold pieces, saying, " Wend thy ways, O Porter." But he went not, for he stood looking at the ladies, and admiringwhat uncommon beauty was theirs and their pleasant manners and kindly dispositions (never had he seen goodlier) ; and he gazed wistfully at that good store of wines and sweet-scented flowers and fruits and other matters. Also he marvelled with exceeding marvel, especially to see no man in the place, and delayed his going ; whereupon quoth the eldest lady, " What aileth thee that thou goest not ; haply thy wage be too little?" • Babel = Gate of God (El), or Gate of Ilu (P.N. of God), which the Jews ironically interpreted "Confusion." The tradition of Babylonia being the very centre of witchcraft and enchantment by means of its Seven Deadly .Spirits, has survived in Al-Islam ; the two fallen angels (whose names will occur) being con- fined in a well ; Nimrod attempting to reach Heaven from the Tower in a magical car drawn by monstrous birds, and so forth. Seep. 1 14, Francois Lenormant's *' Chaldean Magic," London, Bagsters. - Arab. " Kamat Alfiyyah " = like the letter Alif, a straight perpendicular stroke. In the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the origin of every alphabet (not sylla- barium) known to man, one form was a flag or leaf of water-plant standing upright. Hence probably the Arabic Alif-shape ; while other nations preferred other modi- fications of the letter (ox's head, etc.), which in Egyptian number some thirty- six varieties, simple and compound. 3 I have not attempted to order this marvellous confusion of metaphors so characteristic of The Nights and the exigencies of Al-Saj'a = rhymed prose. * Here and elsewhere I omit the "\;.a.\3. (dice Turpiiio)" of the original: Torrens preserves "Thus goes the tale" (which it only interrupts). This is simply letter-wise and sense-foolish. So Alf Laylah wa Laylah. And, turning to her sister the cateress, she said, " Give him another dinar ! " But the Porter answered, " By Allah, my lady, it is not for the wage ; my hire is never more than two dirhams ; but in very sooth my heart and my soul are taken up with you and your condi- tion. I wonder to see you single with ne'er a man about you and not a soul to bear you company ; and well you wot that the minaret toppleth o'er unless it stand upon four, and you want this same fourth ; and women's pleasure without man is short of measure, even as the poet said : — Seest not we want for joy four things all tolcl, » The harp and lute, the flute and flageolet ; And be they companicd with scents four-fold, • Rose, myrtle, anemone and violet ; Nor please all eight an four thou wouldst with-hold * Good wine and youth and gold and pretty pet. You be three and want a fourth who shall be a person of good sense and prudence ; smart witted, and one apt to keep careful counsel." His words pleased and amused them much ; and they laughed at him and said, "And who is to assure us of that? We are maidens, and we fear to entrust our secret where it may not be kept, for we have read in a certain chronicle the lines of one Ibn al-Sumam : — Hold fast thy secret and to none unfold, * Lost is a secret when that secret's told : An fail thy breast thy secret to conceal, « How canst thou hope another's breast shall hold ? And Abu Nowas^ said well on the same subject :— Who trusteth secret to another's hand » Upon his brow deserveth burn of brand ! " When the Porter heard their words he rejoined, ." By your lives ! I am a man of sense and a discreet, who hath read books and perused chronicles ; I reveal the fair and conceal the foul, and I act as the poet adviseth : — None but the good a secret keep, » And good men keep it unrevealed : It is to me a well-shut house » With keyless locks and door ensealed.^ " When the maidens heard his verse and its poetical application addressed to them they said, " Thou knowest that we have laid out all our moneys on this place. Now say, hast thou aught to offer us ' Of this worthy more at a future time. ' i.e., scaled with the Kazi or legal authority's seal of oflice. The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad. 8i in return for entertainment ? For surely we will not suffer thee to sit in our company and be our cup-companion, and gaze upon our faces so fair and so rare, without paying a round sum.^ Wottest thou not the saying : — Sans hope of gain Love's not worth a grain " T Whereto the lady-portress added, " If thou bring anything thou art a something ; if no thing, be off with thee, thou art a nothing " ; but the procuratrix interposed, saying, " Nay, O my sisters, leave teasing him, for by Allah he hath not failed us this day, and had he been other he never had kept patience with me, so whatever be his shot and scot I will take it upon myself" The Porter, overjoyed, kissed ground before her and thanked her, saying, " By Allah, these coins are the first fruits this day hath given me." Hearing this they said, " Sit thee down and welcome to thee," and the eldest lady added, " By Allah, we may not suffer thee to join us save on one condition, and this it is, that no questions be asked as to what concerneth thee not, and frowardness shall be soundly flogged." Answered the Porter, " I agree to this, O my lady, on my head and my eyes be it ! Lookyc, I am dumb, I have no tongue." Then arose the provisioneress, and tightening her girdle set the table by the fountain, and put the flowers and sweet herbs in their jars, and strained the wine and ranged the flasks in row, and made ready every requisite. Then sat she down, she and her sisters, placing amidst them the Porter who kept deeming himself in a dream ; and she took up the wine flagon, and poured out the first cup and drank it off, and likewise a second and a third.^ After this she filled a fourth cup which she handed to one of her sisters ; and, lastly, she crowned a goblet and passed it to the Porter, saying : — Drink the dear draught, drink free and fain » What healeth every grief and pain. Pie took the cup in his band and, louting low, returned his best thanks and improvised : — ' " Nothing for nothing " is a fixed idea with the Eastern woman : not so much for greed as for a sexual pohit cChoniieitr when deahng with the adversary — man. ^ She drinks first, the custom of the universal East, to show that the wine she had bought was unpoisoned. Easterns, who utterly ignore the "social glass" of Western civilization, drink honestly to get drunk ; and when far gone are addicted to horse-play (in Pers. " Badmasti" = /£ vin maitvais) which leads to quarrels and bloodshed. Hence it is held highly irreverent to assert of patriarchs, prophets and saints that they " drank wine " ; and Moslems agree with our " Teatotallers " in denying that, except in the case of Noah, inebriatives are anywhere mentioned in Holy Writ VOL. I. F 82 Alf Lciylah wa Laylah. Drain not the bowl, except with trusty friend, » A man of worth whose good old blood all know : For wine, like wind, sucks sweetness from the sweet, • And slinks when over stench it haply blow : adding :— Drain not the bowl, save from dear hand like thine : • The ci'.p recalls thy gifts ; thou, gifts of wine. Aucr repeating this couplet he kissed their hands, and drank and was clriink, and sat swaying from side to side and pursued : — All ni inks wherein is blood the Law unclean » Doth hold, save one, the blood- shed of the vine : Fill ! fill ! take all my wealth bequeathed or won • Thou fawn ! a willing ransom for those eyne. Then the cateress crowned a cup and gave it to the portress, who took it from her hand and thanked her and drank. Thereupon she Doured a- uncle wept with me. Then we mounted the steps and let down the iron plate and heaped up the earth over it ; and, after restoring the tomb to its former condition, we returned to the palace. But hardly had we sat down ere we heard the tomtoming of the kettle-drum and tantara of trumpets and clash of cymbals ; and the rattling of war-men's lances ; and the clamours of assailants and the clanking of bits and the neighing of steeds ; while the world was canopied with dense dust and sand-clouds raised by the horses' hoofs.^ We were amazed at sight and sound, knowing not what could be the matter ; so we asked and were told that the ^V'azir who had usurped my father's kingdom b.ad marched his men ; and that after levying his soldiery ' Incest is now abominable cvcrjwliere except amongst the overcrowded poor of great and civilized cities. Yet such unions were common and lawful amongst ancient and highly cultivated peoples, as the Egyptians (Isis and Osiris), Assyrians and ancient Persians. ^ Dwellers in the Northern Temperates can hardly imagine what a dust-storm is in sun-parched, tropical lands. In Sind we were often obliged to use candles at mid-dav, while above the dust was a sun that would roa^^t an ecg. The First Kalandar's Tale. 103 and taking a host of wild Arabs' into service, he had come down upon us with armies like the sands of the sea ; their number none could tell and against them none could prevail. They attacked the city unawares; and the citizens, being powerless to oppose them, surrendered the place : my uncle was slain and I made for the suburbs, saying to myself, " If thou fall into this villain's hands he will assuredly kill thee." On this wise all my troubles were renewed ; and I pondered all that had betided my father and my uncle, and I knew not what to do ; for if the city people or my father's troops had recognised me they would have done their best to win favour by destroying me ; and I could think of no way to escape save by shaving off my beard and my eyebrows. So I shore them off and, changing my line clothes for a Kalandar's rags, I fared forth from my uncle's capital and made for this city ; hoping that peradven- ture some one would assist me to the presence of the Prince of the Faithful,^ and the Caliph, who is the Viceregent of Allah upon earth. Thus have I come hither that I might tell him my tale and lay my case before him. I arrived here this very night, and was standing in doubt whither I should go, when suddenly I saw this ' Arab. " 'Urban," now always used of the wild people, whom the French have taught us to call /fj- BeJoiiiiis ; " Badw " being a waste or desert; and Badawi (fern. Badawiyah, plur. Badaw in and Bidwan), a man of the waste. Europeans have also learnt to miscall the Egyptians " Arabs " ; the difference is as great as between an Englishman and a Spaniard. Arabs proper divide their race into sundry successive families. "The Arab al-Araba " (or al-Aribah, or al-Urubi- yat) are the autochthones, pre-historic, proto-historic and extinct tribes ; for instance, a few of the Adites who being at Meccah escaped the destruction of their wicked nation, but mingled with other classes. The "Arab al-Muta'arribah " (Arabised Arabs) are the first advente represented by such noble strains as the Koraysh (Koreish), some still surviving. The "Arab al-Musta'aribah " (insititious, naturalised or instituted Arabs, men who claim to be Arabs) are Arabs like the Sinaites, the Egyptians and the Maroccans, descended by intermarriage with other races. Hence our "Mosarabians" and the " Marrabais " of Rabelais (not " a word compounded of JNIaurus and Arabs"). Some genealogists, however, make the Muta'arribah descendants of Kahtan (possibly the Joktan of Genesis x., a com- paratively modern document, B.C. 700?) ; and the Musta'aribah, those descended from Adnan the origin of Arab genealogy. And, lastly, are the " Arab al-Musta- 'ajimah," barbarised Arabs, like the present population of Meccah and Al-Madinah. ■ Besides these there are other tribes whose origin is still unknown ; such as the Mahrah tribes of Hazramaut, the " Akhdam " ( = serviles) of Oman (Maskat) ; and the " Ebna " of Al-Yaman : Ibn Ishak supposes the latter to be descended from the Persian soldiers of Anushirwan, who expelled the Abyssinian invader from Southern Arabia. (Pilgrimage, iii. 31, etc.) ^ Arab. " Amir al-Muuminin." The title was assumed by the Caliph Omar to obviate the inconvenience of calling himself" Khalifah " (successor) of the Khalifah of the Apostle of Allah {i.e., Abu Baler); which after a few generations would become impossible. It means " Emir (chief or prince) of the Muumins " ; men who hold to the (true Moslem) faith, the " Iman " (theory, fundamental articles) as opposed to the " Din," ordinance or practice of the religion. It once became a Wazirial title conferred by Sultan Malikshah (King King-king) on his Ni/am al- Mulk. (Richardson's Dissert. Iviii. ) T04 AlJ I.aylah wa Laylah'. second Kalandar ; so I salam'd to him, saying : — I am a straiijjer ! and he answered : — I too am a stranger ! And as we were con- versing behold, lip came our companion, this third Kalandar, and saluted us saying : — I am a stranger ! And we answered : — We too be strangers ! Then v.-e tliree walked on and together till darkness overlook us, antl Destiny drave us to your house. Such, then, is the cause of the shaving of my beard and mustachioes and eyebrows ; and the manner of my losing my right eye. They marvelled much at this tale, and the Caliph said to Ja'afar, " By Allah, I have not seen nor have I heard the like of what hath happened to, this Kalandar!" Quoth the lady of the house, " Rub thy head and wend thy ways " ; but he replied, " I will not go till I hear the history of the two others." Thereupon the second Kalandar came forward ; and, kissing the ground, began to tell THE SECOND KALANDARS TALE. Know, O my lady, that I was not born one-eyed and mine is a strange story ; an it were graven with needle-graver on the eye- corners, it were a warner to whoso would be warned. I am a King, son of a King, and was brought up like a Prince. I learned in- toning the Koran according to the seven schools^ ; and I read all manner books, and held disputations on their contents with the doctors and men of science ; moreover, I studied star-lore and the fair sayings of poets, and I exercised myself in all branches of learning until I surpassed the people of my time ; my skill in calli- graphy exceeded that of all the scribes ; and my fame was bruited abroad over all climes and cities, and all the kings learned to know my name. j\.mongst others the King of Hind heard of me and sent to my father to invite me to his court, with offerings and presents and rarities such as befit royalties. So my father fitted out six ships for me and my people ; and we put to sea and sailed for the space of a full month till we made the land. Then we brought out the horses that were with us in the ships ; and, after loading the camels with our presents for the Prince, we set forth ' This may also mean " according to the seven editions of the Koran," the old revisions and so forth (Sale, Sect. iil. and D'Herbelot "Alcoran."). The schools of the " Mukri," who teach the right pronunciation wherein a mistake might be sinful, are seven, Hamzah, Il^n Katir, Ya'alcub, \h\\ Amir, Kisai, Asim and Hafs, t]ie latter being the favourite with the Hanafis and the only one now generally known in Al-Islam The Second Kala/idar's Tale. 105 inland. But we had marched only a little way, when behold, a dust-cloud up-flew, and grew until it walled^ the horizon from view. After an hour or so the veil lifted and discovered beneath it fifty horsemen, ravening lions to tl;e sight, in steel armour dight. We observed them straitly, and lo ! they were cutters-off of the highway, wild as wild Arabs. When they saw that we were only four and had with us but the ten camels carrying the presents, they dashed down upon us with lances at rest. We signed to them, with our fingers, as it were saying, " We be messengers of the great King of Hind, so harm us not ! '"' but they answered on like wise, "We are not in his dominions to obey, nor are we subject to his sway." Then they set upon us and slew some of my slaves and put the lave to flight ; and I also fled after I had gotten a wound, a grievous hurt, whilst the Arabs were taken up with the money and the presents which were with us. I went forth unknowing whither I went, having become mean as I was mighty ; and I fared on until I came to the crest of a mountain, where I took shelter for the night in a cave. When day arose I set out again, nor ceased after this fashion till I arrived at a fair city and a well- filled. Now it M'as the season when Winter was turning away with his rime and to greet the world with his flowers came Prime, and the young blooms were springing and the streams flowed ringing, and the birds were sweetly singing, as saith the poet concerning a certain city when describing it : — A place secure from every thought ot fear, * Safety and peace for ever lord it here : Its beauties seem to beautify its sor.s, * And (as in Heaven) its happy folk appear. I was glad of my arrival for 1 was wearied with the way, and yellow of face for weakness and want ; but my plight was pitiable and I knew not whether to betake me. So I accosted a Tailor sitting in his little shop and saluted him ; he returned my salam, and bade me ' Arab. "Sadd" = wall, dyke, etc., the "bund" or "band" of Anglo-India. Hence the " Sadd " on the Nile, the banks of grass and floating islands which " wall" the stream. There are few sights more appalling than a sandstorm in the desert, the " Zauba'ah," as the Arabs call it. Devils, or pillars of sand, vertical and inclined, measuring a thousand feet high, rush over the plain lashing the sand at their base like a sea surging under a furious whirlwind; shearing the grass clean away from the roots, tearing up trees, which are whirled like leaves and sticks in air, and sweeping away tents and houses as if they were bits of paper. At last the columns join at the top and form, perhaps three thousand feet above tlie earth, a gigantic cloud of yellow sand which obliterates not only the horizon but even the mid-day sun. These sand-spouts are the terror of travellers. In Sind and the Punjab we have the dust-storm which for darkness, I have said, beats the blackest London fog. io6 A /J Layhxh wa Laylah. kindly welcome and wished nic well and entreated me gently, and asked me concerning the cause of my strangerhood. I told him all my past from first to last ; and he was consterned on my account and said, " O youth, disclose not thy secret to any : the King of this city is the greatest enemy thy father hath, and there is blood-wit ^ between them and thou hast cause lo fear for thy life." Then he set meat and drink before me ; and I ate and drank and he with me ; and we con- versed freely till night-fall, when he cleared me a place in a corner of his shop and brought me a carpet and a coverlet. I tarried witli him three days ; at the end of which time he said to me, " Knowcst thou no calling whereby to win thy living, O my son ? " "I am learned in the law," I replied, "and a doctor of doctrine ; an adept in art and science, a mathematician and a notable penman." He rejoined, " Thy calling is of no account in our city, where not a soul under- standeth science or even writing or aught save money-making." Then said I, " By Allah, I know nothing but what I have mentioned " ; and he answered, " Gird thy middle and take thee a hatchet and a cord, and go and hew wood in the wold for thy daily bread, till Allah send thee relief ; and tell none what thou art lest they slay thee." Then he bought me an axe and a rope, and gave me in charge to certain wood-cutters ; and with these guardians I went forth into the forest, where I cut fuel-wood the whole of my day and came back in the evening bearing my bundle on my head. I sold it for half a dinar, with part of which I bought provisions and laid by the rest. In such work I spent a whole year, and when this was ended I went out ©ne day, as was my wont, into the wilderness ; and, wandering away from my companions, I chanced on a thickly grown lowland ^ whereon there was an abundance of wood. So. I entered and I found the gnarled stump of a great tree and loosened the ground about it and shovelled away the earth. Presently my hatchet rang upon a copper ring ; so I cleared away the soil and behold, the ring was attached to a wooden trap-door. This I raised and there appeared beneath it a staircase. I descended the steps to the ' Arab. Sar = the vendetta, before mentioned, as dreaded in Arabia as in Corsica. - Arab. " Ghiitah," usually a place where irrigation is abundant. ' It especially applies (in books) to the Damascus-plain, because "it abounds with water and fruit trees." Bochart (Geog. Sacra, p. 90) derives HD^i? (utah) from |*iy Uz, son of Arab, who (he says) founded Damascus. The Ghutah is one of the four earthly paradises, the others being Basrah (Bassorah), Shiraz and Samarcand. Its peculiarity is the likeness to a seaport ; the Desert, which rolls up almost to its doors, being the sea, and its ships l)L-ing the camels. The first Arab to whom we owe this admirable term for the " Companion of Job" is " Tarafah," one of the poets of the Suspended Poems : he likens (vv. 3, 4) the camels which bore away his beloved to ships sailing from Aduli. But " ships of the desert" is doubtless a term of the highest antiquity. The Second Kalandixr s Tale. 107 bottom and came to a door, wliich I opened and found myself in a noble hall strong of structure and beautifully built, where was a damsel like a pearl of great price, whose favour banished from ni)- heart all grief and cark and care ; and whose soft speech healed the soul in despair and captivated the wise and ware. Her fiL^urc measured five feet in height ; her breasts were firm and upright ; her cheek a very garden of delight ; her colour lively bright ; her face gleamed like dawn through curly tresses which gloomed like night, and above the snows of her bosom glittered teeth of a pearl\- white.^ As the poet said of one like her : — Slim-waisted leveling, jetty hair-enciowned, * A w„!id 01 willow on a sandy mound : And as saith another : — Four things that meet not, save they here unite « To shed my heart-Mood and to rape my sprite : Brilliantest forehead ; tresses jetty bright ; » Cheeks rosy red and stature beauty-dight. When I looked upon her I prostrated myself before Him who had created her, for the beauty and loveliness He had shaped in her ; and she looked at me and said, " Art thou man or Jinni ? " "I am a man," answered I, and she, " Now who brought thee to this place, where I have abided five-and-twenty years without even yet seeing man in it." Quoth I (and indeed I found her words wonder- sweet, and my heart was melted to the core by them), "O my lady, my good fortune led me hither for the dispelling of my cark and care." Then I related to her all my mishap, from first to last, and my case appeared to her exceeding grievous ; so she wept and said, " I will tell thee my story in my turn. I am the daughter of the King Ifitamus, lord of the Islands of Abnils,^ who married me to my cousin, the son of my paternal uncle ; but on my wedding night an Ifrit named Jirji's ' bin Rajnu'is, first cousin, that is mother's sister's son, of Ibli's, the Foul Fiend, snatched me up and, flying away with me like a bird, set mc down in this place, whither he conveyed all I needed of fine stuffs, raiment and jewels and furniture, and meat and drink and other else. Once in every ten days he comes here and lies a single night with me, and then wer.ds his way, for he took me without the consent of his family ; and lie hath agreed with me that if ever I need him by night or by day, I have only to pass my ' The exigencies of the " Saj'a," or rhymed prose, disjoint this and many similar passages. ^ The " Ebony" Islands ; Scott's " Isle of Ebene," i. 217. 3 " Jarjaris " in the Bui. Edit. io8 AIJ Lay /ah wa Layiah. hand over yonder two lines engraved iipoii the alcove, and he will appear to me before my fingers ceaie touching. Four days have now passed since he was here ; and, as there remain six days before he come again, say me, wilt thou abide with me five days, and go hence the day before his coming?" I replied *' Ves, and yes again, O rare, if all this be not a dream?" Hereat she was glad and, springing to her feet, seized my hand and carried me through an arched doorway to a Hammam-bath, a fair hall and richly decorate. I doffed my clothes, and she doffed hers ; then we balhcd and she washed me; and when this was done we left the baih, and she seated me by her side upon a high divan, and brouglit me sherbet scented with musk. When we felt cool after the bath, she set food before me and we ate and fell to talking ; but presently she said to me, " Lay thee down and take thy rest, for surely thou must be a-weary." So I thanked her, my lady, and lay down and slept soundly, forgetting all that had happened to me. When I awoke I found her rubbing and sham- pooing my feet ^ ; so I again thanked her and blessed her and we sat for a while talking. Said she, " By Allah, I was sad at heart, for that I have dwelt alone underground for these five-and-twenty years ; and praise be to Allah, who hath sent me some one with whom I can converse ! " Then she asked, " O youth, what sayest thou to wine ?" and I answered, " Do as thou wilt." Whereupon she went to a cup- board and took out a sealed flask of right old wine, and set off the table v.ith flowers and scented herbs, and began to sing these lines : — Had we known of thy coming we fain had dispread * The cores of our hearts or the balls of our eyes ; Our cheeks as a carpet to greet thee had thrown » And our eyelids had strown for thy feet to betread. Now when she finished her verse I thanked her, for indeed love of her had gotten hold of my heart and my grief and anguish were gone. We sat at converse and carousal till night-fall, and with her I spent the night — such night never spent I in all my life ! On the morrow delight followed delight till mid-day, by which time I had drunken wine so freely that I had lost my wits, and stood up, staggering to the right and to the left, and said, " Come, O my charmer, and I will carry thee up from this underground vault and deliver thee from the spell of thy Jinni." She laughed and replied, "Content thee and hold thy peace : of every ten days one is for the Ifrit and the other nine are thine." Quoth I (and in good sooth drink had got the better of me), "This very instant will I break down the alcove whereon is ' Arab. "Takbis." ISIany Easterns can hardly sleep without this kneading of the muscles, this " rubbing," whose hygienic properties England is now learning. 1 he Stioiid Kalandar s Tale. 109 graven the talisman and summon the Ifrit that I may slay him, for it is a practice of mine to slay Ifrits ! " When she heard my words her colour waxed wan and she said, " By Allah, do not ! " and she began repeating : — This is a thing wherein destruction lies, » I rede thee shun it an thy wils be wise. And these also : — thou who seekest severance, draw the rein * Of thy swift steed nor seek o'ermuch t' advance ; Ah stay ! for treachery is the rule of life, * And sweets of meeting end in severance. 1 heard her verse but paid no heed to her words : nay, I raised my foot and administered to the alcove a mighty kick, And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. Bcto te^cn it teas t^c C^irtccntf) J'ijjrljt, She said. It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the second Kalandar thus continued his tale to the lady : — But when, O my mistress, I kicked that alcove with a mighty kick, behold, the air starkened and darkened and thundered and lightened ; the earth trembled and quaked and the world became invisible. At once the fumes of wine left my head : I cried to her, " What is the matter ? " and she replied, " The Ifrit is upon us ! did I not warn thee of this ? By Allah, thou hast brought ruin upon me ; but fly for thy life and go up by the way thou camest down ! " So I fled up the staircase ; but, in the excess of my fear, I forgot sandals and hatchet. And when I had mounted two steps I turned to look for them, and Id ! I saw the earth cleave asunder, and there arose from it an Ifrit, a monster of hideousness, who said to the damsel, "What trouble and pother be this wherewith thou disturlicst me ? What mishap hath betided thee?" "No mishap hath befallen me," she answered, " save that my breast was straitened ^ and my heart heavy with sadness : so I drank a little wine to broaden it and to hearten myself; then I rose to obey a call of Nature, but the wine had gotten into my head and I fell against the alcove." " I'hou liest, like the whore thou art !" shrieked the Ifrit ; and he looked around the hall right and left till he caught sight of my axe and sandals and said to her, "What be these but the belongings of some mortal who hath been in thy ' The converse of the breast being broadened, the drooping, "draggle-tail" gait compared with the head held high and the chest inflated. no A if Lay hi h ica Laylah. society?" She answered, "I never set eyes upon them till this moment : they must have been brought by thee hither cleaving to thy garments." Quoth the Ifrit, " These words are absurd ; thou harlot! thou strumpet!" Then he stripped her stark naked and, stretching her upon the floor, bound her hands and feet to four stakes, like one crucified^ ; and set about torturing and trying to make her confess. I could not bear to stand listening to her cries and groans ; so I climbed the stair on the riuake with fear ; and when I reached the top I replaced the trap-door and covered it with earth. Then repented I of what I had done with penitence exceeding ; and thought of the lady and her beauty and loveliness, and the tortures she was suffering at the hands of the accursed Ifrit, after her quiet life of five-and-twenty years ; and how all that had happened to her was for cause of me. I bethought me of my father and his kingly estate, and how I had become a woodcutter ; and how, after my time had been awhile serene, the world had again waxed turbid and troubled to me. So I wept bitterly and repeated this couplet : — Wliat lime Fate's tyranny shall most oppress thee * Perpend ! one day shall joy ihee, one distress thee ! Then I walked till I reached the home of my friend, the Tailor, whom I found most anxiously expecting me ; indeed he was, as the saying goes, on coals of fire for my account. And when he saw me he said, " All night long my heart hath been heavy, fearing for thee from wild beasts or other mischances. Now praise be to Allah for thy safety ! " I thanked him for his friendly solicitude and, retiring to my corner, sat pondering and musing on what had befallen me ; and I blamed and chided myself for my meddlesome folly and my frowardness in kicking the alcove. I was calling myself to account when behold, my friend, the Tailor, came to me and said, " O youth, in the shop there is an old man, a Persian,^ who seeketh thee : he hath thy hatchet and thy sandals, which he had taken to the wood- cutters,^ saying, I was going out at what time the Muezzin began the call to dawn-prayer, when I chanced upon these things and know not ' This penalty is mentioned in the Koran (chapt. v.) as fit for those who fight against Allah and his Apostle ; but commentators are not agreed if the sinners are first to be put to death or to hang on the cross till they die. Pharaoh (chapt. xx. ) threatens to crucify his magicians on palm-trees, and is held to be the first crucifier. ^ Arab. '"Ajami " = foreigner, esp. a Persian : the latter in The Nights is mostly a villain. I must here remark that the contemptible condition of Persians in Al-Iiijaz (which I noted in 1852, Pilgrimage, i. 327) has completely changed. They are no longer "the slippers of Ali and hounds of Omar": they have learned the force of union and now, instead of being bullied, they bully. 3 The Calc. Edit, turns them into Tailors (Khayyati'n) and Torrens does not see the misprint. The Second KakDidars Tale. in whose they are ; so direct me to their owner. The woodcutters recognised thy hatchet and directed him to thee : he is sitting in my shop, so fare forth to him and thank him and take thine axe and sandals." When I heard these words I turned yellow with fear and felt stunned as by a blow ; and, before I could recover myself, lo ! the floor of my private room clove asunder, and out of it rose the Persian who was the Ifrit. He had tortured the lady with exceeding tortures, natheless she would not confess to him aught ; so he took the hatchet and sandals and said to her, " As surely as I am Jirjis of the seed of Iblis, I will bring thee back the owner of this and these^!" Then he went to the woodcutters with the pretence aforesaid and, being directed to me, after waiting a while in the shop till the fact was confirmed, he suddenly snatched me up as a hawk snatcheth a mouse and flew high in air ; but presently descended and plunged with me under the earth (I being aswoon the while), and lastly set me down in the subterranean palace wherein I had passed that blissful night. And there I saw the lady stripped to the skin, her limbs bound to four stakes, and blood welling from her sides. At the sight my eyes ran over with tears ; but the Ifrit covered her person and said, " O wanton, is not this man thy lover ? " She looked upon me and replied, " I wot him not nor have I ever seen him before this hour ! " Quoth the Ifrit, "What! this torture and yet no confessing"; and quoth she, "I never saw this man in my born days, and it is not lawful in Allah's sight to tell lies on him." " If thou know him not," said the Ifrit to her, " take this sword and strike off his head.^" She hent the sword in hand and came close up to me ; and I signalled to her with my eyebrows, my tears the while flowing adown my cheeks. She understood me and made answer, also by signs, " How couldest thou bring all this evil upon me ? " and I rejoined, after the same fashion, " This is the time for mercy and forgiveness." And the mute tongue of my case^ spake aloud saying : — Mine eyes were dragomans foi my tongue belied, * And told full clear the love I fain would hide : When last we met and tears in torrents railed * For tongue struck dumb my glances testified : She signed with eye-glance while her lips were mute, ♦ I signed with fingers and she kenned th' implied : Our eyebrows did all duty 'twixt us twain ; * And we being speechless Love spake loud and plain. ' i.e., axe and sandals. * Lit., "Strike his neck." 3 A phrase which will frequently recur ; meaning the situation suggested such words as these. 1 1 2 Alf Layhih uhx Laylah. Then, O my mistress, the lady threw away the sword and said, " How shall I strike the neck of one I wot not, and who hath done me no evil ? Such deed were not lawful in my law ! " and she held her hand. Said the Ifrit, " 'Tis grievous to thee to slay thy lover ; and, because he hath lain with thee, thou endurest these torments and obstinately refusest to confess. After this it is clear to me that only like loveth and pitieth like." Then he turned to me and asked me, " O man, haply thou also dost not know this woman " ; whereto I answered, "And pray who may she be? assuredly I never saw her till this instant." " Then take the sword," said he, " and strike off her head and I will beheve that thou wottest her not and will leave thee free to go, and will not deal hardly with thee." I replied, "That will I do " ; and, taking the sword, went forward sharply and raised my hand to smite. But she signed to me with her eyebrows, " Have I failed thee in aught of love ; and is it thus that thou requitest me?" I understood what her looks signified and answered her with an eye-glance, " I will sacrifice my soul for thee." And the tongue of the case wrote in our hearts these lines : — How many a lover with his eyebrows spcaketh » To liis beloved, as his passion pleadeth : With flashing eynchis passion he inspireth, * And well sheseelh what his pleading needeth : How sweet the look when each on olher gazetli ; * And wilh what swiftness and how sure it speedeth : And this with eyebrows all his passion writeth ; « And that with eyeballs all his passion readetli. Then my eyes filled with tears to overflowing and I cast the sword from my hand saying, "O mighty Ifrit and hero, if a woman lacking wits and faith deem it unlawful to strike off my head, how can it be lawful for me, a man, to smite her neck whom I never saw in my whole life? I cannot do such misdeed though thou cause me drink the cup of death and perdition." Then said the Ifrit, " Ye twain show the good understanding between you ; but I will let you see how such doings end." He took the sword, and struck off the lady's hands first, with four strokes, and then her feet ; whilst I looked on and made sure of death and she farewelled me with her dying eyes. So the Ifrit cried at her, " Thou whorest and makest me a Avittol with thine eyes " ; and struck her so that her head went flying. Then turned he to me and said, " O mortal, we have it in our law that, when the wife committeth advowtry it is lawful for us to slay her. As for this damsel, I snatched her away on her bride-night when she was a girl of twelve and she knew no one but myself. I used to come to her once in every ten days and lie with her the night, under the The Tale of the Envier and tlie Envied. 1 1 3 semblance of a man, a Persian ; and when I was well assured that she had cuckolded me, I slew her. But as for thee, I am not well satisfied that thou hast wronged me in her ; nevertheless, I must not let thee go unharmed ; so ask a boon of me and I will grant it." Then I rejoiced, O my lady, with exceeding joy and said, "What boon shall I crave of thee ? " He replied, " Ask me this boon ; into what shape I shall bewitch thee ; wilt thou be a dog, or an ass, or an ape ? " I rejoined (and indited I had hoped that mercy might be shown me), " By Allah, spare me, that Allah spare thee for sparing a Moslem and a man who never wronged thee." And I humbled myself before him with exceeding humility, and re- mained standing in his presence, saying, " I am sore oppressed by circumstance." He replied, " Talk me no long talk, it is in my power to slay thee ; but I give thee instead thy choice." Quoth I, " O thou Ifrit, it would besit thee to pardon me even as the Envied pardoned the Envier." Quoth he, " And how was that ? " and I began to tell him THE TALE OF THE ENVIER AND THE ENVIED. They relate, O Ifrit, that in a certain city were two men who dwelt in adjoining houses, having a common party-wall \ and one of them envied the other and looked on him with an evil eye,^ and did his utmost endeavour to injure him ; and, albeit at all times he was jealous of his neighbour, his malice at last grew on him till he could hardly eat or enjoy the sweet pleasures of sleep. But the Envied did nothing save prosper ; and the more the other strove to injure him, the more he got and gained and throve. At last the malice of his neighbour and the man's constant endeavour to work him a harm came to his knowledge ; so he said, " By Allah ! God's earth is wide enough for its people " ; and, leaving the neighbourhood, he repaired to another city where he bought himself a piece of land in which was a dried up draw-well,^ old and in ruinous condition. Here he built him an oratory and, furnishing it with a few necessaries, took up his abode therein, and devoted himself to prayer and worshipping Allah ' The smiler wilh the evil eye is called "A'in" aad the person smitten " Ma'in" or " Ma'un." - Arab. " Sakiyah" the well-known Persian wheel with pots and buckets attached to the tire. It is of many kinds, the boxed, etc., etc. ; and it is possibly alluded to in the '' pitcher broken at the fountain " (Ecclesiastes xii. 6) an accident often occurring to the modern "Noria." Travellers mostly abuse its "dismal creaking" and "mournful monotony" : I have defended the music of the water- wheel in Pilgrimage, ii. 19S. VOL. I. H 114 Alf Liiylali ^i'a Laylah. AlmiMity ; and Fakirs and holy mendicants flocked to him from all quarters ; and his fame went abroad through the city and that country side. Presently the news reached his envious neighbour, of what good fortune had befallen him, and how the city notables had become his disciples ; so he travelled to the place and presented himself at the holy man's hermitage, and was met by the Envied with welcome and greeting and all honour. Then quoth the Envier, " I have a word to say to thee ; and this is the cause of my faring hither, and I wish to give thee a piece of good news ; so come with me to thy cell." Thereupon the Envied arose and took the Envier by the hand, and they went in to the inmost part of the hermitage ; but the Envier said, " Bid thy Fakirs retire to their cells, for I will not tell thee what I have to say, save in secret where none may hear us." Accordingly the Envied said to his Fakirs, " Retire to your private cells " ; and, when all had done as he bade them, he set out with his visitor and walked a little way until the twain reached the ruinous old well. And as they stood upon the brink the Envier gave the Envied a push which tumbled him headlong into it, unseen of any ; where- upon he fared forth, and went his ways, thinking he had slain him. Now this well happened to be haunted by the Jann who, seeing the case, bore him up and let him down little by little, till he reached the bottom, when they seated him upon a large stone. Then one of them asked his fellows, " Wot ye who be this man ? " and they answered, "Nay." ''This man," continued the speaker, "is the Envied hight who, flying from the Envier, came to dwell in our city, and here founded this holy house, and he hath edified us by his litanies,^ and his lections of the Koran ; but the Envier set out and journeyed till he rejoined him, and cunningly contrived to deceive him and cast him into the well where we now are. But the fame of this good man hath this very night come to the Sultan of our city who designeth to visit him. on the morrow on account of his daughter." " What aileth his daughter ? " asked one, and another answered, "She is possessed of a spirit; for Maymun, son of Damdam, is madly in love with her ; but, if this pious man knew the remedy, her cure would be as easy as could be." Hereupon one of them ' Arab. "Zikr" lit. remembering, mentioning (?'.^., the names of Allah), here refers to the meetings of religious for devotional exercises ; the " Zikkirs," as they are called, mostly standing or sitting in a circle while they ejaculate the Holy Name. These " rogations" are much affected by Darwayshes, or begging friars, whom Europe politely divides into "dancing" and "howling"; and, on one occasion, greatly to the scandal of certain EnglJinderinns to whom I was showing the Azbakiyah, I joined the ring of " howlers." Lane (Mod. Egypt, see index) is profuse upon the subject of "Zikrs"and "Zikkirs." It must not be supposed that they are uneducated men : the better class, however, prefers more privacy. The Tale of the Envier and the Envied. 115 inquired, "And what is the medicine?" and he replied, "The black tom-cat which is with him in the oratory hath, on the end of his tail, a white spot, the size of a dirham ; let him pluck seven white hairs from the spot, them let him fumigate her therewith, and the Marid will flee from her and not return ; so she shall be sane for the rest of her life." All this took place, O Ifrit, within earshot of the Envied, who listened readily. When dawn broke and morn arose in sheen and shone, the Fakirs went to seek the Shaykh and found him climbing up the wall of the well ; whereby he was magnified in their eyes.^ Then, knowing that naught save the black tom-cat could supply him with the remedy required, he plucked the seven tail-hairs from the white spot and laid them by him ; and hardly had the sun risen ere the Sultan entered the hermitage, with the great lords of his estate, bidding the rest of his retinue to remain standing outside. The Envied gave him a hearty welcome, and seating him by his side asked him, "Shall I tell thee the cause of thy coming?" The King answered, "Yes." He continued, ''Thou hast come upon pre- text of a visitation ^ ; but it is in thy heart to question me of thy daughter." Replied the King, "'Tis even so, O thou holy Shaykh " ; and the Envied continued, " Send and fetch her, and I trust to heal her forthright (an such it be the will of Allah !)." The King in great joy sent for his daughter, and they brought her pinioned and fettered. The Envied made her sit down behind a curtain and taking out the hairs fumigated her therewith ; whereupon that which was in her head cried out and departed from her. The girl was at once restored to her right mind and, veili: g her face, said, " What hath happened and who brought me hither ? " The Sultan rejoiced with a joy which nothing could exceed, and kissed his daughter's eyes,^ and the holy man's hand ; then, turning to his great lords, he asked, " How say ye ! What fee deserveth he who hath made my daughter whole ? " and all answered, " He deserveth her to wife " ; and the King said, " Ye speak sooth ! " So he married him to her and the Envied thus became son-in-law to the King. And after a little the Wazir died and the King said, "Whom can I make Minister in his stead?" "Thy son-in-law," replied the courtiers. So the Envied became a Wazir ; and after a while the Sultan also died and the lieges said, "Whom shall we make King ? " and all cried, " The ^\'azir." So the ^\'azir was ' As they thought he had been there for prayer or penance. ^ Arab. " Ziyarat," a visit to a pious person or place. 3 This is a paternal salute in the East, where they are particular aoout the parr kissed. li 2 Ii6 A// Lay /ah wa Layl.iJi. forlhright made Sultan, and he became King regnant, a true ruler of men. One day as he had mounted his horse, and in the eminence of his kinglihood was riding amidst his Emirs and Wazirs and the (irandecs of his realm, his eye fell upon his old neighbour, the Envier, who stood afoot on his path ; so he turned to one of his Ministers, and said, "Bring hither that man and cause him no affright." The Wazir brought him and the King said, " Give him a thousand miskals ^ of gold from the treasury, and load him ten camels \\\\\\ goods for trade, and send him under escort to his own town." Then he bade his enemy fiarewell and sent him away and forbore to punish him for the many and great evils he had done. See, O Ifrit, the mercy of the Envied to the Envier, who had hated him from the beginning and had borne him such bitter malice and never met him without causing him trouble ; and had driven him from house and home, and then had journeyed for the sole purpose of taking his Ufe by throwing him into the well. Yet he did not requite his injurious dealing, but forgave him and was bountiful to him.- Then I wept before him, O my lady, with sore weeping, never was there sorer, and I recited : — Pardon my fault, for 'lis the wise man's wont * All faults to pardon and revenge forego : In sooth all manner faults in ine contain » Then deign of goodness, mercy-grace to show : VVlioso imploreth pardon from on High * Should hold his hand from sinners here belovs'. Said the Ifrit, " Lengthen not thy words ! As to my slaying thee fear it not, and as to my pardoning thee hope it not ; but from my bewitching thee there is no escape." Then he tore me from the ground, which closed under my feet, and flew with me into the firmament till I saw the earth as a large white cloud or a saucer* in the midst of the waters. Presently he set me down on a mountain, and taking a little dust, over which he muttered some magical words, sprinkled me therewith, saying, " Quit that shape and take thou the shape of an ape ! " And on the instant I became an ape, a tail-less baboon, the son of a century.^ Now when he had left me and I saw myself in this ugly and hateful shape, I bewept me, but resigned my soul to the tyranny of Time and Circum- stance, well weeting that Fortune is fair and constant to no man. I ' A weight of 71-72 English grains in gold ; here equivalent to the dinar. '■^ Compare the tale of The Three Crows in Gammer Grethel, Evening ix. 3 The comparison is peculiarly apposite ; the earth seen from above appears- hollow with a raised rim. ■* An hundred years old. The Second Kalaudar's Tale. ii-j descended the mountain and found at the foot a desert plain, long and broad, over which I travelled for the space of a month till my course brought me to the brink of the briny sea.^ After standing there awhile, I was ware of a ship in the ofifing which ran before a fair wind making for the shore : I hid myself behind a rock on the beach and waited till the ship drev/ near, when I leaped on board. I found her full of merchants and passengers, and one of thjni cried, " O Captain, this ill-omened brute will bring us ill-luck ! " and another said, " Turn this ill-omened beast out from among us " ; the Captain said, " Let us kill it ! " another said, " Slay it with the sword " ; a third, " Drown it " ; and a fourth, " Shoot it with an arrow." But I sprang up and laid hold of the Rais's' skirt, and shed tears which poured down my chops. The Captain took pity on me, and said, " O merchants ! this ape hath appealed to me for protection and I will protect him ; henceforth he is under my charge : so let none do him aught hurt or harm, otherwise there will be bad blood between us." Then he entreated me kindly, and what- soever he said I understood and ministered to his every want and served him as a servant, albeit my tongue would not obey my wishes ; so that he came to love me. The vessel sailed on, the wind being fair, for the space of fifty days ; at the end of which we cast anchor under the walls of a great city wherein was a world of people, especially learned men, none could tell their number save Allah. No sooner had we arrived than we were visited by certain Mameluke-officials from the King of that city ; who, after boarding us, greeted the merchants, and giving them joy of safe arrival, said, "Our King welcometh you, and sendeth you this roll of paper, whereupon each and every of you must write a line. For ye shall know that the King's Minister, a calligrapher of renown, is dead, and the King hath sworn a solemn oath that he will make none Wazir in his stead who cannot write as well as he could." He then gave us the scroll, which measured ten cubits long by a breadth of one, and each of .the merchants who knew how to write wrote a line thereon, even to the last of them ; after which I stood up (still in the shape of an ape) and snatched the roll out of their hands. They feared lest I should tear it or throv^^ it overboard ; so they tried to stay me and scare me, but I signed to them that I could write, whereat all marvelled, saying, " We never yet saw an ape ' "Bahr" in Arab, means sea, river, piece of water; hence the adjective is needed. ^ The Captain or Master of the ship (not the owner). In Al-Yaman the word also means a " barber," in virtue of the root, Raas, a liead. ii8 At/ Laytlia wa Lay/ah. write." And the Captain cried, " Let him write ; and if he scribble and scrabble we will kick him out and kill him ; but if he write fair and scholarly I will adopt him as my son ; for surely I never yet saw a more intelligent and well-mannered monkey than he. Would Heaven my real son were his match in morals and manners." I took the reed, and stretching out my paw, dipped it in ink and wrote, in the hand used for letters,^ these two couplets : — Time hath recorded gifts she gave the great ; » But none recorded thine whicli be far higher ; Allah ne'er orphan men by loss of thee • Who be of Cioodness mother. Bounty's sire. And I wrote in Rayhani or larger letters elegantly curved" : — Thou hast a reed ^ of rede to every land, » Whose driving causeth all the world to thrive ; Nil is the Nile of Misrairn by thy boons » Who makest misery smile with fingers five. Then I wrote in the Suls^ character : — There be no writer who from Death shall fleet, * But what his hand hath writ men shall repeat : Write, therefore, naught save what shall serve thee when « Thou see't on Judgment-Day an so thou see't ! Then I wrote in the character Naskh'^ : — When to sore parting Fate our love shall doom, » To distant life by Destiny decreed. We cause the inkhorn's lips to 'plain our pair.s, * And tongue our utterance with the talking reed. ' The text has "in the character Ruka'i," or Rika'i, the correspondence -hand. ^ A curved character supposed to be like the basil-leaf (rayhdn). Richarclsua calls it " Rohani." 3 I need hardly say that Easterns use a reed, a Calamus (Kalam applied only to the cut reed) for our quills and steel pens. '• Famous for being inscribed on the Kiswah (cover) of Mohammed's tomb ; a large and more formal hand still used for engrossing and for mural inscriptions. Only seventy-two varieties of it are known (Pilgrimage, ii. 82). 5 The copying and transcribing hand which is either Arabi or Ajami. A great discovery has lately been made which upsets all our old ideas of Cufic, etc. Mr. Loytved, of Bayrut, has found, amongst the Hauranic inscriptions, one in pure Naskhi, dating A.D. 568, or fifty years before the Hijrah ; and it is accepted as authentic by my learned friend M. Ch. Clermont-Ganneau (p. 193, Pal. Explor. Fund ; July, 1S84). In D'llerbelot and Sale's day the Koran was supposed to have been written in rude characters, like those subsequently called " Cufic," invented shortly before Mohammed's birth by Muramir ibn Murrah of Anbar in Irak, introduced into Meccah by Bashar the Kindian, and perfected by Ibn Muklah (Al-Wazir, ob. A. H. 328 = 940). We must now change all that. See Catalogue 01 Oriental Caligraphs, etc., by G. P. Badger, London, Whiteley, 1885. The Second Kalandar's Tale. t 1 9 And I wrote in the Tiimar character ' : — ICingdom with none endures ; if thou deny » This truth, where be the Kings of earlier earth ? Set trees of goodhness while rule endures, * And when thou art lallen they shall tell thy worth. And I wrote in the character Muhakkak - : — When oped the inkhorn of thy wealth and fame » Take ink of generous heart and gracious hand ; Write brave and noble deeds while write thou can, » And win thee praise fron! point of pen and brand. Then I gave the scroll to the officials and, after we all had written our line, they carried it before the King. When he saw the paper no writing pleased him save my writing ; and he said to the assembled courtiers, " Go seek the writer of these lines and dress him in a splendid robe of honour ; then mount him on a she-mule,^ let a band of music precede him and bring him to the presence." At these words they smiled and the King was wroth with them and cried, " O accursed ! I give you an order and you laugh at me ? " " O King," replied they, " if we laugh 'tis not at thee and not without a cause." "And what is it?" asked he; and they answered, "O King, thou orderest us to bring to thy presence the man who wrote these lines ; now the truth is that he who wrote them is not of the ' Capital and uncial letters , the hand in which the Ka'abah veil is inscribed (Pilgrimage, iii. 299, 300). ^ A "Court hand," says Mr. Payne (i. 112): I know nothing of it. Other hands are : the Ta'alik ; hangnig or oblique, used for tiner MSS. and having, according to Richardson, " the same analogy to the Naskhi as our Italic has to the Roman." The Nasta'lik (not Naskh-Ta'alik) much used in India, is, as the name suggests, a mixture ot the Naskhi (writing of transactions) and the Ta'alik. The Shikastah (broken hand) everywhere represt^nts our running hand and becomes a hard task to the reader. The Kirma is another cursive character, mostly confined to the receipts and disbursements of the Turkish Treasury. The Divani, or Court (of Justice) is the official hand, bold and round, a business character, the lines often rising with a sweep or curve towards the (left) end. The Jali or polished has a variety, the Jali-Ta'alik : the Sulsi (known in many books) is adopted for titles of volumes, royal edicts, diplomas and so forth ; " answering much the same purpose as capitals with us, or the flourished letters in illuminated manuscripts" (Richardson). The Tughrai is that of the Tughra, the Prince's cypher or flourishing signature in ceremonial writings, and containing some such sentence as : Let this be executed. There are others, e.g., Yakuti and Sirenkil known only by name. Finally, the Maghribi (Moorish) hand differs in form and diacritical points from the characters used further east almost as much as German running hand does from English. It is curious that Richardson omits the Jali (intricate and convoluted) and the divisions of the Sulusi, Sulsi or Sulus (Thuluth) character, the Sulus al-Khafif, etc. 3 Arab. " Baghlah " ; the male (Baghl) is used only for loads. This is everj'where the rule : nothing is more unmanageable than a restive "Macho" ; and he knows that he can always get you off his back when so minded. From " Baghlah " is derived the name of the native craft AngloTndice, a " Bug"-alow." I20 Alf Laylah 7va Laylah. sons of Adam,^ but an ape, a tail-less baboon, belonging to the ship- Captain." Quoth he, "Is this true that you say?" Quoth they, " Yea ! by the rights of thy munificence ! " The King marvelled at their words and shook with mirth and said, " I am minded to buy this ape of the Captain." Then he sent messengers to the ship with the mule, the dress, the guard and the state-drums, saying, " Not the less do you clothe him in the robe of honou.- and mount him on the mule and let him be surrounded by the guards and preceded by the band of music." They came to the ship and took me from the Captain and robed me in the robe of honour and, mounting me on the she-mule, carried me in state procession through the streets ; whilst the people were amazed and amused. And folk said to one another, " Halloo! is our Sultan about to make an ape his Minister?" and came all agog crowding to gaze at me, and the town was astir and turned topsy-turvy on my account. When they brought me up to the King and set me in his presence, I kissed the ground before him three times, and once before the High Chamberlain and great officers, and he bade me be seated, and I sat respectfully on shins and knees,^ and all who v.ere present marvelled at my fine manners, and the King most of all. Thereupon he ordered the lieges to retire ; and, when none remained save the King's majesty, the Eunuch on duty and a little white slave, he bade them set before me the table of food, containing all manner of birds, whatever hoppeth and flieth and treadeth in nest, such as quail and sand- grouse. Then he signed to me to eat with him ; so I rose and kissed ground before him, then sat me do^vn and ate with him. i\nd when the table was removed I washed my hands in seven waters and took the reed-case and reed ; and wrote instead of speaking these couplets : — Wail for the little partridges on porringer and plate ; * Cry for the ruin of the fries and stews well marinate : Keen as I keen for loved, lost daughters of the Kata-grouse,3 » And omelette round the fair enbrowned fowls agglomerate : O fire in heart of me for fish, those deitx poissons I saw, » Bedded on new-made scones'* and cakes in piles to laniate. ^ In Heb. "Ben-Adam" is any man opp. to " Beni ish " (Psalm iv. 3) = filii viri, not homines. ^ This posture is terribly trying to European legs ; and few white men (unless brought up to it) can squat for any time on their heels. The " tailor-fashion," with crossed legs, is held to be free and easy. 3 Arab. " Kata" = Pterocles Alchata, the well-known sand-grouse of the desert. It is very poor white flesh. '• Arab. "Khubz," which I do not translate "cake" or "bread," as that would sucTgest the idea of our loaf. The staff of life in the East is a thin flat circle of doucrh baked in the oven or on the griddle, and corresponding with the Scotch "scone," or " bannock," the Spanish "tortilla " and the Australian "flap-jack." The Second Kalandar's Tale. 1 2 i For thee, O vermicelli ! aches my very maw ! I hold * Without thee every taste and joy are clean annihilate. Those eggs have rolled their yellow eyes in torturing pains of fire ♦ Ere served with hash and fritters hot, that delicatest cate. Praised be Allah for His baked and roast, and ah ! how good * This pulse, these pot-herbs steeped in oil with eysill combinate ! When hunger sated was, I elbow-propt fell back upon « Meat-pudding' wherein gleamed the bangles that my wits amate. Then woke I sleeping appetite to eat as though in sport » Sweets from brocaded trays and kickshaws most elaborate. Be patient, soul of me! Time is a haughty, jealous wight; * To-day he seem dark-lowering and to-morrow fair to sight. * Then I rose and seated myself at a respectful distance while the King read what I had written, and marvelled, exclaiming, "O the miracle, that an ape should be gifted with this graceful style and this power of penmanship ! By Allah, 'tis a wonder of wonders ! " Presently they set before the King choice wines in flagons of glass, and he drank : then he passed on the cup to me ; and I kissed the ground and drank and waote on it : — With fire they boiled me to loose my tongue, 3 » And jDain and patience gave for fellowship : Hence comes it hands of men upbear me high » And honey-dew from lips of maid I sip ! And these also : — Morn saith to Night, "Withdraw and let me shine"; » So drain we draughts that dull all pain and pinC*: I doubt, so fine the glass, the wine so clear, * If 'tis the wine in glass or glass in wine. ' Arab. "Harisah," a favourite dish of wheat (or rice) boiled and reduced to a paste with shredded meat, spices and condiments. The "bangles" is a pretty girl eating with him. ^ These lines are repeated with a difference in vol. iii. night cccxxx. They affect Rims cars, cut of the way, hea\-y rhymes: e.g., here Sakarij (plur. of Sakri'ij, platters, porringers); Tayahij (plur. of Tayhuj, the smaller caccabis-partridge); Tabahij (Persian Tabahjah, an omelet or a stew of meat, onions, eggs, etc.). Ma'arij ("in stepped piles" like the pyramids; which Lane, ii. 495, renders "on the stairs"); Makarij (plur. of Makraj, a small pot); Damalij (plur. of dumliij, a bracelet, a bangle) ;Dayabij (brocades) andTafarij (openings, enjoyments). In vol. iii. night cccxxx. we find also Sikabij (plur. of Sikbaj, marinated meat elsewhere ex- plained); Fararij (plur. of farriij, a chicken, vulg. farkh) and Dakakij (plur. of dakiijah, a small jar). In the first line we have also (though not a rhyme) Gharanik, Gr. Fepavo?, a crane, preserved in Romaic. The weeping and wailing are caused by the remembrance that all these delicacies have been demolished like a Badawi camp, 3 This is the vinum coctum, the boiled wine, still a favourite in Southern Italy and Greece. ■* Eastern topers delight in drinking at dawn: upon this subject I shall have more to say in other Nights. 122 A If Lay I ah wa Laylah. The King read my verse and said with a sigh, "Were these gifts ^ in a man, he would excel all the folk of his time and age ! " Then he called for the chess-board, and said, " Say, wilt thou play with me ? " and I signed with my head, " Yes." Then I came forward and ordered the pieces and played with him two games, both of which I won. lie was speechless with surprise; so I took the pen- case and, drawing forth a reed, wrote on the board these two couplets : — Two hosts fare fighting thro' the livelong clay • Nor is their battling ever finished Until, when darkness girdcth them about, • The twain go sleei^ing in a single bed.^ The King read these lines with wonder and delight and said to his Eunuch,^ " O Mukbil, go to thy mistress, Sitt al-Husn,^ and say to her, " Come, speak to the King who biddeth thee hither to take thy solace in seeing this right wondrous ape ! " So the Eunuch went out and presently returned with the lady who, when she saw me, veiled her face and said, " O my father ? hast thou lost all sense of honour? How cometh it thou art pleased to send for me and show me to strange men ? " " O Sitt al-Husn," said he, " no man is here save this little foot-page and the Eunuch who reared thee and I, thy father. From whom, then, dost thou veil thy face?" She answered, " This whom thou deemest an ape is a young man, a clever and polite, a wise and learned, and the son of a King ; but he is ensorcelled, and the Ifrit Jirjaris, who is of the seed of Iblis, cast a spell upon him, after putting to death his own wife, the daughter of King Ifitamus, lord of the Islands of Abniis." The King marvelled at his daughter's words and, turning to me, said, " Is this true that she saith of thee ? " and I signed by a nod of my head the answer, "Yea, verily"; and wept sore. Then he asked his daughter, " Whence knewest thou that he is ensorcelled ? " and she answered, " O my dear papa, there was with me in my childhood an old woman, a wily one and a wise and a witch to boot, and she ' Arab. "Adab," a crux to translators, meaning anything between good educa- tion and good manners. In mod. Turk. "Edibiyyet" (Adabiyat) = belles lettres and "Edebi" or "Edib" = a litterateur. ^ The Caliph Al-Maamiin, who was a bad player, used to say, "I have the administration of the world and am equal to it, whereas I am straitened in the ordering of a space of two spans by two spans." The "board" was then "a square field of well-dressed leather." 3 The Rabbis (after Matth. xix. 12) count three kinds of Eunuchs; (i) Seris chammah = of the sun, ?>., natural ; (2) Seris Adam = manufactured ^6';- /ww?;/,?j-; and (3) Seris Chammayim = of God {/. Alf Laylah zva LaylaJi. I'll leave thee for that first thou wast of me to take thy leave « And patient bear that parting blow thou borest so patiently : E'en as thou soughtest other love, so other love I'll seek, * And make the crime of murdering love thine own atrocity. When he had ended his verses he again cried out to the slave, " Cut her in half and free us from her, for we have no profit of her." So the slave drew near me, O Commander of the Faithful, and I ceased bandying verses and made sure of death and, despairing of life, committed my affairs to Almighty Allah, when, behold ! the old woman rushed in and threw herself at my husband's feet and kissed them, and wept and said, "O my son, by the rights of my fosterage and by my long service to thee, I conjure thee pardon this young lady, for indeed she hath done nothing deserving such doom. Thou art a very young man, and I fear lest her death be laid at thy door; for it is said : — Whoso slayeth shall be slain. As for this wanton (since thou deemcst her such) drive her out from thy doors, from thy love, and from thy heart." And she ceased not to weep and importune him till he relented, and said, " I pardon her, but needs must I set on her my mark which shall show upon her all her life." Then he bade the slaves drag me along the ground and lay me out at full length, after stripping me of all my clothes ^ ; and when the slaves had so sat upon me that I could not move, he fetched in a rod of quince-tree and came down with it upon my body, and continued beating me on the back and sides till I lost consciousness from excess of pain, and I despaired of life. Then he commanded the slaves to take me away as soon as it was dark, together with the old woman to show them the way, and throw me upon the floor of the house wherein I dwelt before my marriage. They did their lord's bidding and cast me down in my old home and went their ways. I did not revive from my swoon till dawn appeared, when I applied myself to the dressing of my wounds with ointments and other medicaments ; and I medicined myself, but my sides and ribs still showed signs of the rod as thou hr.3t seen. I lay in weakly case and confined to my bed for four months before I Avas able to rise and health returned to me. At the end of that time I went to the house where all this had happened and found it a ruin ; the street had been pulled down endlong and rubbish-heaps rose where the building erst was ; nor could I learn how this had come about. Then I betook myself to this my sister on my father's side, and found with her these two black ^ When a woman is bastinadoed in the East they leave her some portion of dress and i^our over her sundry buckets of water for a delicate consideration. When the hands are beaten they are passed through holes in the curtain separating the sufterer from mankind, and made fast to a " falakah " or pole. Tale of the Fortress. 169 bitches. I saluted her and told her what had betided me and the whole of my story and she said, " O niy sister, who is safe from the despite of Time and secure ? Thanks be to Allah who hath brought thee off safely " ; and she began to say : — Such is the World, so bear a patient heart * When riches leave thee and when friends depart ! Then she told me her own story, and what had happened to her with her two sisters, and how matters had ended ; so we abode together and the subject of marriage was never on our tongues for all these years. After a while we were joined by our other sister, the procuratrix, who goeth out every morning and buyeth all we require for the day and night ; and we continued in such condition till this last night. In the morning our sister went out, as usual, to make her market and then befell us what befell from bringing the Porter into the bouse and admitting these three Kalandar-men. We entreated them kindly and honourably, and a quarter of the night had not passed ere three grave and respectable merchants from Mosul joined us and told us their adventures. We sat talking with them but on one con- dition which they violated, whereupon we treated them as sorted with their breach of promise, and made them repeat the account they had given of themselves. They did our bidding, and we forgave their offence ; so they departed from us and this morning we were unexpectedly summoned to thy presence. And such is our story ! The Caliph wondered at her words and bade the tale be recorded and chronicled and laid up in his muniment-chambers. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. Boto tobcn it linfi X\z BxcxXm\\\ Bicfibt, She continued. It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Caliph commanded this story and those of the sister and the Kalandars to be recorded in the archives and be set in the royal muniment-chambers. Then he asked the eldest lady, the mistress ot . the house, "Knowest thou the whereabouts of the Ifritahwho spelled thy sisters?" and she answered, "O Commander of the Faithful, she gave me a ringlet of her hair, saying : — Whenas thou wouldest see me, burn a couple of these hairs and I will be with thee forthright, even though I w^ere beyond Caucasus-mountain." Quoth the Caliph, " Bring me hither the hair." So she brought it, and he threw the whole lock upon the fire. As soon as the odour of the burning hair dispread itself, the palace shook and trembled, and all present heard 170 Alf Laylah wa Layiah. a rumbling and rolling of thunder and a noise as of wings, and lo ! the Jinniyah who had been a serpent stood in the Caliph's presence. Now she was a Moslemah, so she saluted him and said, "Peace be with thee O Vicar ^ of Allah " ; whereto he replied, "And with thee also be peace and the ruth of Allah and His blessing." Then she continued, " Know that this damsel sowed for me the seed of kindness, wherefor I cannot enough requite her, in that she delivered me from death and destroyed mine enemy. Now I had seen how her sisters dealt with her and felt myself bound to avenge her on them. At first I was minded to slay them, but I feared it would be grievous to her, so I transformed them to bitches ; but if thou desire their release, O Commander of the Faithful, I will release them to pleasure thee and her, for I am of the Moslems." Quoth the Caliph, "Release them, and after we will look into the affair of the beaten lady and consider her case carefully ; and if the truth of her story be evidenced, I will exact retaliation^ from him who wronged her." Said the Ifritah, "O Commander of the Faithful, I will forthwith release them and will discover to thee the man who did that deed by this lady and wronged her and took her property, and he is the nearest of all men to thee ! " So saying she took a cup of water and muttered a spell over it and uttered words there was no under- standing ; then she sprinkled some of the water over the faces of the two bitches, saying, " Return to your former human shape ! " whereupon they were restored to their natural forms and fell to praising their Creator. Then said the Ifritah, " O Commander of the Faithful, of a truth he who scourged this lady with rods is thy son Al-Ami'n, brother of Al-Maamun ^ ; for he had heard of her beauty and loveliness and he played a lover's stratagem with her and married her according to the law and committed the crime (such as it is) of scourging her. Yet indeed he is not to be blamed for beating her, for he laid a condition on her and swore her by a solemn oath not to do a certain thing ; however, she was false to her vow and he was minded to put her to death, but he feared Almighty Allah and contented himself with scourging her, as thou hast seen, and with sending her back to her own place. Such is the story of the second lady, and the Lord knoweth all." When the Caliph heard these words of the Ifritah, and knew who had beaten the damsel, he ' Arab. " Khalifah," Caliph. The word is also used for the successor of a Santon or holy man. _ , , , 2 Arab. " Sar "' ; here the Koranic word for carrying out the venerable and undying /ex talionis, the original basis of all criminal jurisprudence. Its main fault is that justice repeats the oflence. 3 Both these sons of Harun became Caliphs, as we shall see m The Nights. The Tale of the Three Apples. 171 marvelled with mighty marvel and said, "Praise be to Allah, the Most High, the Almighty, who hath shown His exceeding mercy towards me, enabling me to deliver these two damsels from sorcery and torture, and vouchsafing to let me know the secret of this lady's history ! And now by Allah we will do a deed which shall be re- corded of us after we are no more." Then he summoned his son Al-Amin and questioned him of the story of the second lady, the portress ; and he told it in the face of truth ; whereupon the Caliph bade call into presence the Kazis and their witnesses, and the three Kalandars, and the first lady with her sisters-german who had been ensorcelled ; and he married the three to the three Kalandars whom he knew to be princes and sons of Kings, and he appointed them chamberlains about his person, assigning to them stipends and allowances and all that they required, and lodging them in his palace at Baghdad. He returned the beaten lady to his son, Al-Am.in, renewing the marriage-contract between them and gave her great wealth, and bade rebuild the house fairer than it was before. As for himself he took to wife the procuratrix and lay with her that night : and next day he set apart for her an apartment in his Serraglio, with handmaidens for her service and a fixed d.uly allowance. And the people marvelled at their Caliph's generosity and natural beneficence and princely wisdom ; nor did he forget to send all these histories to be recorded in his annals. When Shahrazad ceased speaking Dunyazad exclaimed, " O my own sister, by Allah in very sooth this is a right pleasant tale and a delectable ; never was heard the like of it, but prithee tell me now another story to while away what yet remaineth of the waking hours of this our night." She replied, "With love and gladness it the King give me leave"; and he said, "Tell thy tale and tell it quickly." So she began, in these words, THE TALE OF THE THREE APPLES. They relate, O King of the age and lord of the time and of these days, that the Caliph Harun al-Rashid summoned his Wazir Ja'afar one night and said to him, " I desire to go down into the city and question the common folk concerning the conduct of those charged with its governance ; and those of whom they complain we will depose from ofifice, and those whom they commend we will pro- mote." Quoth Ja'afar, " Hearkening and obedience ! " So the 172 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. Caliph went down with Ja'afar and Eunuch Masrur to the town and walked about the streets and markets and, as they were threading a narrow alley, they came upon a very old man with a fishing net and crate to carry small fish on his head, and in his hand a staff; and, as he walked at a leisurely pace, he repeated these lines : — They say me : — Thou shinest a light to mankind » With thy lore as the night which the Moon doth uplight ! I answer, " A truce to your jests and your gibes ; * Without kick what is learn- ing? — a poor-devil wight ! If they take nie to pawn with my lore in my pouch, * With my volumes to read and my ink-case to write. For one day's provision they never could pledge me ; * As likely on Doomsday to draw bill at sight " : IIow poorly, indeed, doth it fare wi' the poor, * With his pauper existence and beggarly plight : In summer he faileth provision to find ; * In winter the fire-pot's his only delight : The street-dogs with bite and with bark at him rise, * And each losel receives him with bark and with bite : If he lift up his voice and complain of his wrong, « None pities or heeds him, however he's right ; And when sorrows and evils like these he must brave * His happiest homestead were down in the grave. When the Caliph heard his verses he said to Ja'afar, " See this poor man and note his verses, for surely they point to his neces- sities." Then he accosted him and asked, " O Shaykh, what be thine occupation?'' and the poor man answered, "O my lord, I am a fisherman with a family to keep and I have been out between mid-day and this time ; and not a thing hath Allah made my portion wherewithal to feed my family. I cannot even pawn myself to buy them a supper, and I hate and disgust my life and I hanker after death." Quoth the Caliph, " Say me, wilt thou return with us to Tigris' bank and cast thy net on my luck, and whatsoever turneth up I will buy of thee for an hundred gold pieces?" The man rejoiced when he heard these words and said, " On my head be it ! I will go back with you " ; and, returning with them river-wards, made a cast and waited a while ; then he hauled in the rope and dragged the net ashore and there appeared in it a chest padlocked and heavy. The Caliph examined it and lifted, it finding it weighty ; so he gave the fisherman two hundred dinars and sent him about his business : whilst Masrur, aided by the Caliph, carried the chest to the palace and set it down and lighted the candles. Ja'afar and Masrur then broke it open and found therein a basket of palm-leaves corded with red worsted. This they cut open and saw within it a piece of carpet which they lifted out, and under it The Tale of the Three Apples. 173 was a woman's mantilla folded in four, which tliey pulled out ; and at the bottom of the chest they came upon a young lady, fair as a silver ingot, slain and cut into nineteen pieces. W'iien the Caliph looked upon her he cried, "Alas!" and tears ran down his cheeks, and turning to Ja'afar he cried, " O dog of Wazirs,^ shall folk be murdered in our reign and be cast into the river to be a burden and a responsibility for us on the Day of Doom ? By Allah, we must avenge this woman on her murderer, and he shall be made die the worst of derahs ! " And presently he added, *' Now, as surely as we are desce.idcd from the Sons of Abbas," if thou bring us not him who skw her, that we do her justice on him, 1 will hang thee at the gate of my palace, thee and forty of thy kith and kin by thy side." And the Caliph was wroth with exceeding rage. Quoth Ja'afar, "Grant me three days' delay"; and quoth the Caliph, "We grant thee this." So Ja'afar went out from before him and returned to his own house, full of sorrow, and saying to himself, " How shall I find him who murdered this damsel, that I may bring him before the Cali{)h ? If I bring other than the murderer, it will be laid to my charge by the Lord : in very sooth I wot not what to do." He kept his house three days, and on the fourth day the Caliph sent one of the Chamberlains for him and, as he came into the presence, asked him, "Where is the murderer of the damsel?" to which answered Ja'afar, "O Commander of the Faithful, am I inspector of murdered folk that I should ken who killed her?" The Caliph was furious at his answer, and bade hang him before the palace -gate and commanded that a crier cry through the streets of Baghdad, "Whoso would see the hanging of Ja'afar, the Barmaki, Wazir of the Caliph, with forty of the Barmecides,^ his cousins and kinsmen, before the palace-gate, let him come and let him look ! " The people flocked out from all the quarters of the city to witness the execution of ' " Dog" and "hog" are still highly popular terms of abuse. The Rabljis will not defile their lips with " pig" ; but say, " Dabhar akhir " = " another thing." ^ The "hero eponymus " of the Ablmside dynasty, Abbas having been the brother of Abdullah, the father of Mohammed. He is a famous personage in Al- Islam. 3 Europe translates the word "Barmecides." It is Persian from /'(;;• (up) ;iucl viakidan (to suck). The vulgar legend is that Ja'afar, the first of the tiame, appeared before the Caliph Alxl al-Malik with a ring poisoned for his own need : and that the Caliph, warned of it Ijy the clapping of two stones which he wore ad hoc, charged the visitor with intention to murder him. He excused himseif, and in his speech occurred the Persian word " Barmakam," which may mean " I shall sup it up," or, " I am a Barniok,'" that is, a lu'gh priest among tiie rhiLlirei. Sec D'Herbelot s.v. 1 74 ^ Alf Laylah iva Laylah. ja'afar and his kinsmen, not knowing the cause. Then they set up the gallows and made Ja'afar and the others stand underneath in readiness for execution ; but whilst every eye was looking for the Caliph's signal, and the crowd wept for Ja'afar and his cousins of the Barmecides, lo and behold ! a young man, fair of face and neat of dress and of favour like the moon raining light, with eyes black and bright, and brow flower-white, and cheeks red as rose and young down where the beard grows, and a mole like a grain of ambergris, pushed his way through the people till he stood immediately before the Wazir, and said to him, "Safety to thee from this strait, O Prince of the Emirs and Asylum of the poor ! I am the man who slew the woman ye found in the chest ; so hang me for her and do her justice on me ! " When Ja'afar heard the youth's confession he rejoiced at his own deliverance, but grieved and sorrowed for the fair youth ; and whilst they were yet talking, behold ! another man well stricken in years pressed forwards through the people and thrust his way through the populace till he came to Ja'afar and the youth, whom he saluted, saying, "Ho thou the Wazir and Prince sans-peer ! believe not the words of this youth. Of a surety none murdered the damsel but I ; take her wreak on me this moment ; for, an thou do not thus, I will require it of thee before Almighty Allah." Then quoth"* the young man, "O Wazir, this is an old man in his dotage who wotteth not whatso he saith ever, and I am he who murdered her, so do thou avenge her on me ! " Quoth the old man, " O my son, thou art young and desirest the joys of the world, and I am old and weary and surfeited with the world : I will offer my life as a ransom for thee and for the Wazir and his cousins. No one murdered the damsel but I, so Allah upon thee, make haste to hang me, for no life is left in me now that hers is gone." The Wazir marvelled much at all this strangeness and taking the young man and the old man carried them before the Caliph ; where, after kissing ground seven times between his hands, he said, "O Commander of the Faithful, I bring thee the murderer of the damsel ! " " Where is he?" asked the Caliph, and Ja'afar answered, "This young man saith, I am the murderer, and this old man giving him the lie saith, I am the murderer ! and behold ; here are the twain standing before thee." The Caliph looked at the old ma:> and the young man and asked, " Which of you killed the girl ? " The young man replied, " No one slew her save I " ; and the old man answered, "Indeed none killed her but myself" Then said the Caliph to Ja'afar, "Take the twain and hang them both"; but Ja'afar rejoined, " Since one of them was the murderer, to hang the other llie Talc of the Three Apples. 175 were mere injustice.^ " " By Him who raised the firmament and dispread the earth Uke a carpet," cried the youth, " I am he who slew the damsel " ; and he went on to describe the manner of her murder and the basket, the mantilla and the bit of carpet, in fact all that the Caliph had found upon her. So the Caliph was certified that the young man was the murderer ; whereat he wondered and asked him, "What was the cause of thy wrongfully doing this damsel to die, and what made thee confess the murder without the bastinado, and what brought thee here to yield up thy life, and what made thee say. Do her wreak upon me?" The )'Outh answered, " Know, O Commander of the Faithful, that this woman was my wife and the mother of my children ; also my first cousin and the daughter of my paternal uncle, this old man who is my father's own brother. When I married her she was a maid- and Allah blessed mc with three male children by her ; she loved me and served me and I saw no evil in her, for I also loved her with fondest love. Now on the first day of this month she fell ill with grievous sickness, and I fetched in physicians to her; but recovery came to her little by little and, when I wished her to go to the Hammam-bath, she said : — There is a something I long for before I go to the bath, and 1 long for it with an exceeding longing. To hear is !o comply, said I, and what is it.' Quoth she, I have a queasy craving for an apple, to smell it and bite a bit of it. I replied : — Hadst thou a thousand longings I would try to satisfy them ! So I went on the instant into the city and sought for apples but could not find none ; yet, had they cost a gold piece each, would I have bought them. I was vexed at this and went home and said : — O daughter of my uncle, by Allah I can find none ! She was dis- tressed, being yet very weakly, and her weakness increased greatly ■on her that night, and I felt anxious and alarmed on her account. As soon as morning dawned I went out again and made the round of the gardens, one by one, but found no apples anywhere. At last there met me an old gardener, of whom I asked about them, and he answered : — O my son, this fruit is a rarity with us and is not now to be found save in the garden of the Commander of the Faithful at Bassorah, where the gardener keepeth it for the Caliph's ^ Arab. " Zulm," the deadliest of monarch's sins. One of the sayings of Mohammed, properly quoted, is, "Kingdom endureth with Kufr or infidelity {i.e., without accepting Al-Islam), but endureth not with Zulm, or injustice." Hence the good Moslem will not complain of the rule of Kafirs or Unbelievers, like the English, so long as they rule him righteously and according to his own Jaw. ^ All this aggravates his crime : had she been a widow she would not have had upon him " the claims of virginity," the premio della verginita of Boccaccio, x. 10. 176 Alf Laylah iva Laylah. eating. I returned to my house troubled by my ill-success; and my love for my v.ife and my affection moved me to undertake the journey. So I gat me ready and set out, and travelled fifteen days and nights, going and coming, and brought her three apples which I bought from the gardener for three dinars. But when I went in to my wife and set them before her, she took no pleasure in them, and let them lie by her side; for her weakness and fever had increased on her, and her malady lasted without abating ten days, after which time she began to recover health. So I left my house, and betaking me to my shop sat there buying and selling. And about mid-day, behold ! a great ugly black slave, long as a lance and broad as a bench, passed by my shop, holding in hand one of the three apples, wherewith he was playing. Quoth I, — O my good slave, tell me whence thou tookest that apple, that I may get the like of it. He laughed, and answered: — I got it from my mistress, for I had been absent, and on my return I found her lying ill, with three apples by her side, and she said to me : — INIy horned wittol of a husband made a journey for them to Bassorah, and bought them for three dinars. So I ate and drank with her, and took this one from her.^ When I heard such words from the slave, O Commander of the Faithful, the world grew black before my face, and I arose and locked up my shop, and went home beside myself for excess of rage. I looked for the apples, and, finding only two of the three, asked my wife : — O n.y cousin, where is the third apple? And, raising her head languidly, she answered: — I wot not, O son of my uncle, where 'tis gone. This convinced me that the slave had spoken the truth; so I took a knife and, coming behind her, got upon her breast without a word said, and cut her throat. Then I hewed off her head and her limbs in pieces, and, wrapping her in her mantilla and a rag of carpet, hurriedly sewed up the whole, which I set in a chest, and, locking it tight, loaded it on my he-mule and threw it into the Tigris with my own hands. So Allah upon thee, O Commander of the Faithful, make haste to- hang me, as I fear lest she appeal for vengeance on Resurrection Day. For when I had thrown her into the river and none knew aught of it, as I went back home I found my eldest son crying, and ' It is supposed that slaves cannot help telling these fatal lies. Arab story-books are full of ancient and modern instances, and some have become "Joe Millers." Moreover it is held unworthy of a free-born man to take over-notice of these servile villanics ; hence the scoundrel in the story escapes unpunished. I have already noticed the predilection of debauched women for these " skunks of the human race " ; and the young man in the text evidently suspected that his wife had passed herself this " little caprice." The excuse which the Caliph would find for him is the fundottor shown in killing one he loved so fondly. The Tale of the Three Apples. 177 yet he knew naught of what I had done with his mother. I asked him : — AVhat hath made thee weep, my boy ? and he answered : — I took one of the three apples which were by my mammy and went down into the lane to play with my brethren when, -behold ! a big long black slave snatched it from my hand and said. Whence hadst thou this? Quoth I, My father travelled far for it, and brought it from Bassorah for my mother who was ill, and two other apples for which he paid three ducats. He took no heed of my words, and I asked for the apple a second and a third time, but he cuffed me and kicked me and went off with it. I was afraid lest my mother should swinge me on account of the apple, so for fear of her I went with my brother outside the city and stayed there till evening closed in upon us ; and indeed I am in fear of her ; and now by Allah, O my father, say nothing to her of this or it may add to her ailment ! When I heard what my child said I knew that the slave was he who had foully slandered my wife, the daughter of my uncle, and was certified that I had slain her wrongfully. So I wept with exceeding weeping, and presently this old man, my paternal uncle and her father, came in; and I told him what had happened, and he sat down by my side and wept, and we ceased not weeping till midnight. We have kept up mourning for her these last five days, and we lamented her in the deepest sorrow, for that she was unjustly done to die. This came from the gratuitous lying of the slave, the blackamoor, and this was the manner of my killing her; so I conjure thee, by the honour of thine ancestors, make haste to kill me, and do her justice upon me, as there is no living for me after her." The Caliph marvelled at his words, and said, "By Allah, the young man is excusable. I will hang none but the accursed slave, and I will do a deed which shall comfort the ill-at-ease and suffering, and which shall please the All-glorious King. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. JQoto h3{)en \X teas tijc Ctocntict^ iiiltsljt. She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Caliph swore he would hang none but the slave, for the youth was excusable. Then he turned to Ja'afar and said to him, "Bring before me this accursed slave who was the sole cause of this calamity ; and, if thou bring him not before me within three days, thou shalt be slain in his stead." So Ja'afar fared forth weeping and saying, "Two deaths have already beset me, nor shall the crock come off safe froni voi. ; M I'jS Aif Laylah iva Laylah. every shock. ^ In this matter craft and cunning are of no avail ; but He Who preserved my Hfe the first time can preserve it a second time. By Allah, I will not leave my house during the three days of life which remain to me, and let the Truth (whose perfection be praised !) do e'en as He will." So he kept his house three days, and on the fourth day he summoned the Kazis and legal witnesses and made his last will and testament, and took leave of his children weeping. Presently in came a messenger from the Caliph, and said to him, " The Commander of the Faithful is in the most violent rage that can be, and he sendeth to seek thee and he sweareth that the day shall certainly not pass without thy being hanged unless the slave be forthcoming." When Ja'afar heard this he wept, and his children and slaves, and all who were in the house, wept with him. After he had bidden adieu to everybody except his youngest daughter, he proceeded to farewell her ; for he loved this wee one, who was a beautiful child, more than all his other children ; and he pressed her to his breast and kissed her, and wept bitterly at part- ing from her ; when he felt something round inside the bosom of her dress and asked her, " O my little maid, what is in thy bosom pocket ? " " O my father," she replied, " it is an apple with the name of our Lord the Caliph written upon it. Rayhan our slave brought it to me four days ago, and would not let me have it till I gave him two dinars for it." When Ja'afar heard speak of the slave and the apple, he was glad and put his hand into his child's pocket^ and drew out the apple and knew it and rejoiced saying, "O ready Dispeller of trouble^!" Then he bade them bring the slave and said to him, " Fie upon thee, Rayhan ! whence haddest thou this apple ? " " By Allah, O my master," he replied, " though a lie may get a man once off, yet may truth get him off, and well off, again and again. I did not steal this apple from thy palace nor from the gardens of the Commander of the Faithful. The fact is that, five days ago, as I was walking along one of the alleys of this city, I saw some little ones at play and this apple in hand of one of them. So I snatched it from him, and beat him, and he cried and said, O youth this apple is my mother's, and she is ill. She told my father how she longed for an apple, so he travelled to Bassorah and bought her three apples for three gold pieces, and I took one of them to play withal. He wept again, but I paid no heed to what he said and carried it off and brought it here, and my little lady ' The Arab equivalent of our pitcher and well. * i.e., where the dress sits loosely about the buit. 3 He had trusted in Allah and his trust was justified. 2\xle of Nur al-Diii All and his So)i. 179 bought it of me for two dinars of gold. And this is the whole story." When Ja'afar heard his words he marvelled that the murder of the damsel and all this misery should have been caused by his slave; he grieved for the relation of the slave to himself, while rejoicing over his own deliverance, and he repeated these lines : — If ill betide thee through thy slave, * Make him forthright thy sacrifice : For many serviles thou shalt find, * But hfe comes once and never twice. Then he took the slave's hand and, leading him to the Caliph, related the story from first to last, and the Caliph marvelled with extreme astonishment, and laughed till he fell on his back and ordered that the story be recorded and be made public amongst the people. But Ja'afar said, " Marvel not, O Commander of the Faithful, at this adventure, for it is not more wondrous than the History of the ^Vazir Niir al-Din Ali of Egypt and his brother Shams al-Di'n Mohammed." Quoth the Caliph, "Out with it; but what can be stranger than this story?" And Ja'afar answered, "O Commander of the Faithful, I will not tell it thee, save on condition that thou pardon my slave " ; and the Caliph rejoined, " If it be mdeed more wondrous than that of the three apples, I grant thee his blood, and if not I will surely slay thy slave." So Ja'afar began in these words the TALE OF NUR AL-DIN ALI &- HIS SON BADE AL-DIN HASAN Know, O Commander of the Faithful, that in times of yore the land of Egypt was ruled by a Sultan endowed with justice and generosity, one who loved the pious poor and companied with the Olema and learned men ; and he had a Wazir, a wise and an experienced, well versed in affairs and in the art of government. This Minister, who was a very old man, had two sons as they were two moons. Never man saw the like of them for beauty and grace; the elder called Shams al-Din Mohammed and the younger Nur al-Din Ali. But the younger excelled the elder in seemliness and pleasing semblance, so that folk heard his fame in far countries, and men flocked to Egypt for the purpose of seeing him. In course of time their father, the Wazir, died, and was deeply regretted and mourned by the Sultan, who sent for his two sons, and, investing them with dresses of honour,^ said to them, " Let not your hearts be troubled, for ye shall ' Arab. " Khila'h" prop, what a man strips from his person : gen. an honorary gift. It is something more tlian the " robe of honour " of our chivalrous romances, as it includes a horse, a sword (often gold-hilted), a black turband (amongst tlie Abbasides) embroidered with gold, a violet-coloured mantle, a waist-shawl, and a gold neck-cliain and shoe-buckles. M 2 i8o Alf Laylah wa Laylah. stand in your father's stead, and be joint Ministers of Egypt." At this they rejoiced, and kissed ground before him, and performed the ceremonial mourning^ for their father during a full month; after which time they entered upon the Wazirate, and the power passed mto their hands as it had been in the hands of their father, each doing duty for a week at a time. They lived under the same roof, and their word was one; and whenever the Sultan desired to travel they took it by turns to be in attendance on him. It fortuned one night that the Sultan purposed setting out on a journey next morning, and the elder, whose turn it was to accompany him, was sitting conversing with his brother, and said to him, " O my brother, 'tis my wish that we both marry, I and thou, two sisters, and go in to our wives on one and the same night." " Do, O my brother, as thou desirest," the younger replied, " for right is thy recking, and surely I will comply with thee in whatso thou sayest." So they agreed upon this, and quoth Shams al-Din, "If Allah decree that we marry two damsels, and go in to them on the same night, and they shall conceive on their bride-nights and bear children to us on the same day, and by Allah's will thy wife bear thee a son and my wife bear me a daughter, let us wed them either to other, for they will be cousins." Quoth Nur al-Din, "O my brother. Shams al-Din, what dower'^ wilt thou require from my son for thy daughter?" Quoth Shams al-Din, " I will take three thousand dinars and three pleasure gardens and three farms; and it would not be seemly that the youth make contract for less than this." When Nur al-Din heard such demand, he said, "What manner of dowry is this thou wouldest impose upon my son? Wottest thou not that we are brothers, and both by Allah's grace Wazirs, and equal in office? It behoveth thee to offer thy daughter to my son without marriage settlement ; or, if one need be, it should represent a mere nominal value by way of show to the world : for thou knowest that the masculine is worthier than the feminine, and my son is a male and our memory will be preserved by him, not by thy daughter." " But what," said Shams al-Din, " is she to have ? " and Nur al-Din continued, "Through her we shall not be remembered among the Emirs of the earth ; but I see thou wouldest do with me according ' Arab. " 'Iza," i.e., the visits of condolence and so forth, which are long and terribly wearisome in the Moslem East. - Arab. " IMahr," the money settled by the man before marriage on the woman and without which the contract is not valid. Usually half of it is paid down on the marriage-day and the other half when the husband dies or divorces his wife. But if she take a divorce she forfeits her right to it, and obscene fellows, especially Persians, often compel her to demand divorce by unnatural and preposterous practices. Talc of Nur al-Din Ali and his Son. i8i to the saying : — An thou fliin bhiff off a buyer, ask him high price and higher ; or as did a man wl.o, they say, went to a friend and asked something of him being in necessity, and was answered : — BismiHah,^ in the name of Allah, I will do all what thou requirest but come to-morrow ! Whereupon the other replied in this verse : — Wien he who is asked a favour saith " To-morrow," * The wise man wots 'tis vain to beg or borrow. Quoth Shams al-Din, "Basta^! I see thee fail in respect to me by making thy son of more account than my daughter; and 'tis plain that thine understanding is of the meanest and that thou lackest manners. Thou remindest me of thy partnership in the Wazirate, when I admitted thee to share with me only in pity for thee, and not wishing to mortify thee ; and that thou mightest help me as a manner of assistant. But since thou talkest on this wise, by Allah, I Avill never marry my daughter to thy son ; no, not for her weight in gold ! " When Nur al-Din heard his brother's words he waxed wroth and said, "And I too, I will never, never marry my son to thy daughter; no, not to keep from my lips the cup of death." Shams al-Din replied, "I would not accept him as a husband for her, and he is not worth a paring of her naiL Were I not about to travel I would make an example of thee; however, when I return thou shalt see, and I will show thee, how I can assert my dignity and vindicate my honour. But Allah doeth whatso He willeth.^" When Nur al-Din heard this speech from his brother, he was filled with wrath and lost his wits for rage ; but he hid what he felt and held his peace ; and each of the brothers passed the night in a place far apart, wild with fury against the other. As soon as morning dawned the Sultan fared forth in state and crossed over from Cairo * to Ji'zah ® and made for the Pyramids, accompanied by the Wazir Shams al- Din, whose turn of duty it was whilst his brother Nur al-Din, who * Bismillah here means " Tliou art welcome to it." = Arab. " Bassak," half Pers. (bas = enough) and, ak = thou ; for thee. "Bas" sounds like our "buss" (to kiss) and there are sundry good old Ano-lo- Indian jokes of feminine mistakes on the subject. 3 This saving clause makes the threat worse. The scene between the two brothers is written with characteristic Arab humour ; and it is true to nature. In England we have heard of a man who separated from his wife because he wished to dine at six and she preferred half-past six. 4 Arab. " Misr " (vulg. Masr). The word, which comes of a very ancient house, was applied to the present Capital about the time of its conquest by the Osmanli Turks A. H. 923=1517. 5 The Arab. "Jizah" = skirt, edge ; the modern village is the site of an ancient Egyptian city, as the " Ghizah inscription" proves (Brugsch, History of Eg)'pt, ii. 415)- 1 82 AIj Laylah wa Laylah. passed the night in sore anger, rose with the light and prayed the dawn-prayer. Then he betook himself to his treasury and, taking a small pair of saddle-bags, filled them with gold ; and he called to mind his brother's threats and the contempt wherewith he had treated him, and he repeated these couplets : — • Travel ! and thou shalt find new friends for old ones left behind ; * Toil ! for the sweets of hiunan life by toil and moil are found : The stay-at-home no honour wins nor aught attains but want ; * So leave thy place of birth 1 and wander all the world around ! I've seen, and very oft I've seen, how standing water stinks, » And only flowing sweetens it and trotting makes it sound : And were the moon for ever full and ne'er to wax or wane, » Man would not strain his watchful eyes to see its gladsome round : Except the lion leave his lair he ne'er would fell his game ; * Except the arrow leave the bow ne'er had it reached its bound ; Gold-dust is dust the while it lies untravelled in the mine, * And aloes-wood mere fuel is upon its native ground : And gold shall win his highest worth when from his goal ungoaled ; * And aloes sent to foreign parts grows costlier than gold. When he ended his verse he bade one of his pages saddle him his Nubian mare-mule with her padded selle. Now she was a dapple- grey,'^ with ears like reed-pens and legs like columns and a back high and strong as a dome builded on pillars ; her saddle was of gold-cloth, and her stirrups of Indian steel, and her housing of Ispahan velvet ; she had trappings which would serve the Chosroes, and she was like a bride adorned for her wedding night. Moreover, he bade lay on her back a piece of silk for a seat, and a prayer- carpet under which were his saddle-bags. ^Mlen this was done he sent to his pages and slaves, "I purpose going forth a-pleasuring outside the city on the road to Kalyiib-town,^ and I shall lie three nights abroad ; so let none of you follow me, for there is something straiteneth my breast." Then he mounted the mule in haste ; and, taking with him some provaunt for the way, set out from Cairo and faced the open and uncultivated country lying around it.* About ' Arab. " Watan " literally meaning "birth-place" but also used for " patria, native country " ; thus " Hubb al-VVaian " = patriotism. The Turks pronounce it " Vatan," which the French have turned into Va-t'en ! " Arak " Zarzariyah " = the colour of a stare or starling (Zurziir). 3 Now a Railway Station on the Alexandria-Cairo line. ■* Even as late as 1852, when I first saw Cairo, the city was girt by waste lands and the climate was excellent. Now cultivation comes up to the house walls ; while the Mahmudiyah Canal, the planting the streets with avenues and over- watering have seriously injured it ; those who want the air of former Cairo must go to Thebes. Gout, rheumatism and hydrophobia (bei'ore unknown) have become common of late years. Tale of Nur al-Din AH and his Son. 183 noontide he entered Bilbays-city/ where he dismounted and stayed awhile to rest himself and his mule and eat some of his victual. He bought at Bilbays all he wanted for himself and forage for his mule, and then fared on the way of the waste. Towards night-fall he entered a town called Sa'adiyah^ where he alighted and took out somewhat of his viaticum, and ate ; then he spread his strip of silk on the sand and set the saddle-bags under his head and slept in the open air ; for he was still overcome with anger. When morning dawned he mounted and rode onward till he reached the Holy City,^ Jerusalem, and thence he made Aleppo, where he dismounted at one of the caravanserais, and abode three days to rest himself and the mule, and to smell the air.* Then, being determined to travel afar, and Allah having written safety in his fate, he set out again, wending without wotting whither he was going; and, having fallen in with certain couriers, he stinted not travelling till he had reached Bassorah-city, albeit he knew not what the place was. It was dark night when he alighted at the Khan, so he spread out his prayer-carpet and took down the saddle-bags from the back of the mule, and gave her with the furniture in charge of the door-keeper, that he might walk her about. The man took her and did as he was bid. Now it so happened that the Wazir of Bassorah, a man shot in years, was sitting at the lattice-window of his palace opposite the Khan and he saw the porter walking the mule up and down. He was struck by her trappings of price and thought her a goodly beast fit for the riding of Wazirs or even of royalties ; and the more he looked the more was he perplexed till at last he said to one of his pages, " Bring hither yon door-keeper." The page went and returned ' This is the popular pronunciation : Yakut calls it " Bilbis." " An outlying village on the '• Loaj Desert," between Cairo and Talestine. 3 Arab. "Al-Kuds" = holiness. There are few cities which in our day have less claim to this title than Jerusalem; and, curious to say, the "Holy Land" shows Jews, Christians and Moslems all in their worst form. The only reli"-ion (if it can be called one) which produces men in Syria is the Dius;. " Heili^en- landes Jtiden " are proverbial, and nothing can be meaner than the Christians, while the Moslems are famed for treachery. ■* Arab. " Shamm al-hawa." In vulgar parlance to " smell the air " is to take a walk, especially out of town. There is a peculiar Egyptian festival called " Shamm al Nasim (smelling the Zephyr) which begins on Easter Monday (O.S.), thus corresponding with the Persian Nau-roz, vernal equinox, and introducing the fifty days of " Khammasin " or " Mirisi " (hot desert winds). On awaking, the people smell and bathe their temples with vinegar in which an onion has been soaked, and break their fastwith a " fisikh " or dried " biiri " = mullet from Lake Manza'lah : the late Ilekekiyan Bey had the fish heads counted in one public garden and found 70,000. The rest of the day is spent out of doors " Gypsying," and families other winds, in the Land of Midian, i. 2 184 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. to the Wazir with the porter who kissed ground between his hands, and the jNIinister asked him, " Who is the owner of yonder mule and what manner of man is he ? " and he answered, " O my lord, the owner of this mule is a comely young man of pleasant manners, withal grave and dignified, and doubtless one of the sons of the merchants." When the Wazir heard the door-keeper's words he arose forthright ; and, mounting his horse, rode to the Khan,^ and went in to Nur al-Din, who, seeing the Minister making towards him, rose to his feet and advanced to meet him and saluted him. The Wazir welcomed him to Bassorah, and, dismounting, embraced him, and made him sit down by his side, and said, " O my son, whence comest thou, and what dost thou seek ? " " O my lord," Nur al-Din replied, "I have come from Cairo city, of which my father was whilome Wazir ; but he hath been removed to the ruth of Allah " ; and he informed him of all that had befallen him from beginning to end, adding, "I am resolved never to return home before I have seen all the cities and countries in the world." When the Wazir heard this, he said to him, " O my son, hearken not to the voice of passion, lest it cast thee into the pit; for indeed many regions be waste places, and I fear for thee the turns of Time." Then he let load the saddle-bags and the silk and prayer-carpets on the mule, and carried Nur al-Din to his own house, where he lodged him in a pleasant place, and entreated him honourably, and made much of him, for he inclined to love him with exceeding love. After a while he said to him, "O my son, here am I left a man in years and have no male children, but Allah hath blessed me with a daughter who eveneth thee in beauty ; and I have rejected all her many suitors, men of rank and substance. But affection for thee hath entered into my heart; say me, then, wilt thou be to her a husband? If thou accept this, I will go up with thee to the Sultan of Bassorah^ and will tell him that thou art my nephew, the son of my brother, and bring thee to be appointed Wazir in my place that I may keep the house, for by Allah, O my son, I am ' So in the days of the " Mameluke Bej-s," in Egypt a man of rank would not cross the street on foot. ^ Arab. Basrah. The city now in decay and not to flourish again till the advent of the Euphrates Valley R.R., is a modern place, founded in A.H. 15, by the Caliph Omar upon the Aylah, a feeder of the Tigris. Here, according to Al- Hariri, the " whales and the lizards meet " ; and, as the tide affects the river, Its stream shows prodig}', ebbing and flowing. In its far-famed market-place, Al-Marbad, poems used to be recited ; and the city was famous for its mosques and Saint-shrines, fair women and school of Grammar, which rivalled that of Kiifah. But already in Al-IIariri's day (nat. A.H. 446 = A.D. 1030) Baghdad had drawn off much of its population. Tale of Niir al-Din AH and his Son. 185 stricken in years and aweary." \Mien Nur al-Din heard the Wazir's words, he bowed his head in modesty and said, "To hear is to obey ! " At this the Wazir rejoiced and bade his servants prepare a feast and decorate the great assembly-hall, wherein they were wont to celebrate the mariiages of Emirs and Grandees. Then he assembled his friends and the notables of the reign and the merchants of Bassorah, and when all stood before him he said to them, " I had a brother who was Wazir in the land of Egypt, and Allah Almighty blessed him with two sons, whilst to me, as well ye wot, He hath given a daughter. My brother charged me to marry my daughter to one of his sons, whereto I assented ; and, when my daughter was of age to marry, he sent me one of his sons, the young man now present, to whom I purpose marrying her, drawing up the contract and celebrating the night of unveiling with due ceremony; for he is nearer and dearer to me than a stranger, and after the wedding, if he please, he shall abide with me, or if he desire to travel I will forward him and his wife to his father's home." Hereat one and all replied, "Right is thy recking." And they looked at the bridegroom, and were pleased with him. So the Wazir sent for the Kazi and legal witnesses, and they wrote out the marriage-contract, after which the slaves perfumed the guests with incense,^ and served them with sherbet of sugar, and sprinkled rose-water on them, and all went their ways. Then the Wazir bade his servants take Nur al-Din to the Hammam-baths, and sent him a suit of the best of his own especial raiment, and napkins, and towelry, and bowls, and perfume-burners, and all else that was required. And after the bath, when he came out and donned the dress, he was even as the full moon on the fourteenth night; and he mounted his mule and stayed not till he reached the Wazir's palace. There he dismounted and went in to the Minister, and kissed his hands, and the Wazir bade him welcome. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. Jl^oto tohen it teas X\z STtecntp^firet M\z\\, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Wazir stood up to him, and welcoming him said, "Arise and go in to thy wife this night, and on the morrow I will carry thee to the Sultan, ^ This fumigation (Bukhur) is still used. A little incense or perfumed wood is burnt upon an open censer (Mibkharah) of earthenware or metal, and passed round, each guest holding it for a few moments under his beard. In the Somali Country, the very home of incense, both sexes fumigate the whole person after intercourse. Lane (Mod. Egypt, chapt. viii. ) gives an illustration of the Mibkharah. 1 85 Alf Laylah iva Laylah. and pray Allah bless thee with all manner of weal." So Nur al-Din left him, and went in to his wife, the Wazir's daughter. Thus far concerning him; but as regards his elder brother, Shams al-Din, he was absent with -the Sultan a long time, and when he returned from his journey he found not his brother, and he asked of his servants and slaves, who answered, "On the day of thy departure with the Sultan thy brother mounted his mule fully caparisoned as for state procession, saying: — I, am going towards Kalyub-town, and I shall be absent one day, or at most two days ; for my breast is straitened, and let none of you follow me. Then he fared forth, and from that time to this w^e have heard no tidings of him. Shams al-Din was greatly troubled at the sudden disappearance of his brother, and grieved with exceeding grief at the loss, and said to himself, " This is only because I chided and upbraided him the night before my departure with the Sultan ; haply his feelings were hurt and he fared forth a-travelling ; but I must send after him." Then he went in to the Sultan and acquainted him with what had happened, and wrote letters and despatches which he sent by running footmen to his deputies in every province. But during the twenty days of his brother's absence, Nur al-Din had travelled far and had reached Bassorah ; so after diligent search the messengers failed to come at any news of him and returned. Thereupon Shams al-Din despaired of finding his brother, and said, " Indeed I went beyond all bounds in v'hat I said to him with reference to the marriage of our children. Would that I had not done so ! This all cometh of my lack of wit and scantiness of caution." Soon after this he sought in marriage the daughter of a Cairene merchant^ and drew up the marriage contract and went in to her. And it so chanced that, on the very same night when Shams al-Din went in to his wife, Nur al-Din also went in to his wife, the daughter of the Wazir of Bassorah, this being in accordance with the will of Almighty Allah, that He might deal the decrees of Destiny to His creatures. Furthermore, it was as the two brothers had said ; for their two wives became pregnant by them on the same night, and both w^ere brought to bed on the same day, the wife of Shams al-Din, Wazir of Egypt, of a daughter, never in Cairo was seen a fairer, and the wife of Nur al-Din of a son, none more beautiful was ever ^ seen in his time, as one of the poets said concerning the like of him : — ' The reader of The Nights will remark that the merchant is often a merchant- prince, consorting and mating with the highest dignitaries. Even amongst the Romans, a race of soldiers, statesmen, and lawyers, " mercatura " on a large scale was "not to be vituperated." In Boccaccio (x. 19) they arc netti e delicati iiomini. Tak of Niir al-Din AU and Ids SiUi. 1S7 That jetty hair, that glossy brow, My slender waisted youth, of thine, Can darkness round creation throw, Or make it brightly shine. The dusky mcle that faintly shows Upon his check, ah ! blame it not ; The tulip-flower never blows Undarkened by its spot.' And as another also said : — His scent was musk and his cheek was rose ; * His teeth are pearls and his lips His 1Z liTl^and and his hips a hill ; . His hair is night and his face moon- shine. They na..ed the boy Badr al-Din Hasan, and his grandfather the W Jr of Bassorah, rejoiced in him and, on the seventh day after h s birth, made entertainments and spread banquets whieh would beat the birth of Kings' sons and heirs. Then he took Nur al-Dtn and went up with him to the Sultan, and his son-m- aw, when he came before the presence of the King, kissed ground between hts hands and repeated these verses, for he was ready of speech, firm of sprite, and hearty of heart as he was formous in form :- The world's best joys long be thy lot, my lord ! * And last while darkness and the O tho:^o:S;:t, when we greet thy gifts, . The world to dance and Thne his palms to clap.- Then the Sultan rose up to honour them and, thanking Nur al-Dtn for his fine compliment, asked the Wazir, "Who may be this young man?" And the Minister answered This is my brother's son," and related his tale from first to last. Quoth the Sultan, "And how comes he to be thy nepheu', and we have never heard speak of him ?" Quoth the Minister, " O our lord the &u tan I had a brother who was Wazir in the land of Egypt, and he died leaving two sons, whereof the elder hath taken his father's place, and the younger, whom thou seest, came to me. I had sworn I would not marry my daughter to any but to him; so when he came I wedded him with her.^ Now he i s young and I am old; my hearing X These lines in the Calc. and Cul. Edits, have already occurred (night vii.), mmMmmm ■■"rr&^S'J"""; ,™,-,ics a,,d .„e „o™„ i. ,.,.„Hcd : „,c,e is no s.ch distinction in Auibia. 1 88 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. is dulled and my judgment is easily fooled. Wherefore I would solicit our lord the Sultan^ to set him in my stead, for he is my brother's son and my daughter's husband ; and he is fit for the Wazirate, being a man of good counsel and ready contrivance." The Sultan looked at Nur al-Din and liked him, so he stablished him in office as the Wazir had requested and formally appointed him, presenting him with a splendid dress of honour and a she-mule from his private stud ; and assigning to him solde, stipends and supplies. Nur al-Dm kissed the Sultan's hand and went home, he and his father-m-law, joying with exceeding joy and saying, " All this foUoweth on the heels of the boy Hasan's birth!" Next day he presented himself before the King, and, kissing ground, began repeating : — Grow thy weal and thy welfare day by day : * And thy luck prevail o'er the envier's spite ; And ne'er cease thy days to be white as day, » And thy foeman's day to be black as night ! The Sultan bade him be seated on the Wazir's seat; so he sat down and applied himself to the business of his office, and went into the cases of the lieges and their suits, as is the wont of Ministers ; while the Sultan watched him and wondered at his wit and* good sense, judgment and insight. Wherefor he loved him and took him into intimacy. When the Diwan was dis- missed, Nur al-Din returned to his house and related what had passed to his father-in-law, who rejoiced. And thenceforward Nur al-Din ceased not so to administer the Wazirate that the Sultan would not be parted from him night or day ; and increased his stipends and supplies till his means were ample, and he became the owner of ships that made trading voyages at his command, as well as of Mamelukes and blackamoor slaves; and he laid out many estates and set up Persian wheels and planted gardens. When his son Hasan was four years of age the old Wazir deceased, and he made for his father-in-law a sumptuous funeral ceremony ere he was laid in the dust. Then he occupied himself with the education of this son and, when the boy waxed strong and came ' " Sultan" (and its corruption " Soldan ") etymologically means lord, victorious, ruler, ruling over. In Arabia it is a not uncommon proper name ; and as a title it is taken by a host of petty kinglets. The Ahbaside Caliphs (as Al-Wasik who has been noticed) formally created these Sultans as their regents. Al-Ta'i bi'Ilah (regn. A.H. 363 = 974), invested the famous Sabuktagin with the office; and, as Alexander-Sikandar was wont to do, fastened for him two flags, one of silver, after the fashion of nobles, and the other of gold, as Viceroy-designate. Sabuktagin's son, the famous Mahmiid of the Ghaznavite dynasty in A.H. 393=1002, was the first to adopt " Sultan " as an independent title some two hundred years after the death of Ilarun al-Rashid. In old writers we have the Soldan of Egypt, the Soudan of Persia, and the Sowdan of Babylon ; three modifications of one word. Tale of Niir al-Din AH and his Son. 189 to the age of seven, he brought him a Fakih, a doctor of law and religion to teach him in his own house and charged him to give him a good education and instruct him in politeness and good manners. So the tutor made the boy read and retain all varieties of useful knowledge, after he had spent some ye^rs in learning the Koran by heart ^; and he ceased not to grow in beauty and stature and symmetry, even as saith the poet : — ■ In his face-sky shines the fullest moon ; » In his cheeks' anemone glows tiu- sun : He so conquered Beauty that he hath won * All charms of humanity one by one. The professor brought him up in his father's palace, teaching him reading, writing and cyphering, theology and belles lettres. His grandfather the old Wazir had bequeathed to him the whole of his property when he was but four years of age. Now during all the time of his earliest youth he had never left the house, till on a certain day his father, the Wazir Nur al-Din, clad him in his best clothes and, mounting him on a she-mule of the finest, went up with him to the Sultan. The King gazed at Badr al-Din Hasan and marvelled at his comeliness and loved him. As for the city-folk, when he first passed before them with his father, they wondered at his exceeding beauty and sat down on the road expecting his return, that they might look their fill on his beauty and loveliness and symmetry and perfect grace ; even as the poet said in these verses : — As the sage watched the stars, the semblance clear Of a fair youth on 's scroll he saw appear. Those jetty locks Canopus o'er him threw, And tinged his temple curls a musky hue ; Mars dyed his ruddy cheek ; and from his eyes The Archer-star his glittering arrow flies ; His wit from Hermes came ; and Soha's care, (The half-seen star that dimly haunts the Bear) Kept off all evil eyes that threaten and ensnare, The sage stood mazed to see such fortunes meet. And Luna kissed the earth beneath his feet.^ And they blessed him aloud as he passed, and called upon Almighty ' i.e., he was a " Haf.z," one who commits to memory the whole of the Koran. It is a serious task and must be begun early. I learnt by rote the last " Juzw" (or thirtieth part), and found that quite enough. This is the vulgar use of " Hafiz," technically and theologically it means the third order of Traditionists (the total being five), who know by heart 300,000 traditions of the Prophet with their ascriptions. A curious " spiritualist " book calls itself, " Hafed, Prince of Persia," proving by the very title that the Spirits are equally ignorant of Arabic and Persian. ^ Here again the Cairo Edit, repeats the six couplets already given in night xvii. I take them from Torrens (p. 163). 1 90 Aif Laylah wa Laylah. Allah to bless him.^ The Sultan entreated the lad ■with especial favour, and said to his father, " O Wazir, thou must needs bring him daily to my presence " ; whereupon he replied, " I hear and I obey." Then the Wazir returned home with his son, and ceased not to carry him ,to court till he reached the age of twenty. At that time the Minister sickened and, sending for Badr al-Din Hasan, said to him, " Know, O my son, that the world of the Present is but a house of mortality, while that of the Future is a house of eternity. I wish, before I die, to bequeath thee certain charges and do thou take heed of what I say and incline thy heart to my words." Then he gave him his last instructions as to the proporest way of dealing with his neighbours and the due management of his affairs ; after which he called to mind his brother and his home and his native land, and wept over his separation from those he had first loved. Then he wiped away his tears and, turning to his son, said to him, " Before I proceed, O my son, to my Iast_ charges and injunctions, know that I have a brother, and thou hast an uncle, Shams al-Din hight, the Wazir of Cairo, from whom I parted, leaving him against his will. Now take thee a sheet of paper and write upon it whatso I say to thee." Badr al-Din took a fair leaf and set about doing his father's bidding, and he wrote thereon a full account of what had happened to his sire first and last ; the dates of his arrival at Bassorah and of his forgathering with the Wazir ; of his marri:ige, of his going in to the Minister's daughter and of the birth of his son ; brief, his life of forty years from the day of his dispute with his brother, adding the words, " And this is written at my dictation, and may Almighty Allah be with him when I am gone 1 " Then he folded the paper and sealed it and said, " O Hasan, O my son, keep this paper with all care ; for it will enable thee to stablish thine origin and rank and lineage and, if anything contrary befall thee, set out for Cairo and ask for thine uncle and show him this paper, and say to him that I died a stranger far from mine own people, and full of yearning to see him and them." So Badr al-Din Hasan took the document and folded it ; and, wrapping it up in a piece of waxed cloth, sewed it like a talisman between the inner and outer cloth of his skull-cap, and wound his light turband^ round it. And he fell to weeping over ' This naive admiration of beauty in either sex characterised our chivahous times. Now it is mostly confined to "professional beauties" of what is conven- tionally called the " fair sex " ; as if there could be any comparison between the Ijeauty of man and the beauty of woman, the Apollo Belvidere with the Venus de jNIedici. * Arab. " Shash " (in Pcrs. urine), a light turband generally of muslin. Tale of Alir al-Din All and his So?i. 191 his father and at parting with him, and he but a boy. Then Nur al-Din lapsed into a swoon, the forerunner of death; but presently recovering himself, he said, " O Hasan ! O my son ! I will now bequeath to thee five last behests. The First Behest is. Be over- intimate with none, nor frequent any, nor be familiar with any ; so shalt thou be safe from his mischief; for security lieth in seclusion of thought and a certain retirement from the society of thy fellows ; and I have heard it said by a poet : — In this world there is none thou mayst count upon * To befriend thy case in the nick of need : So live for thyself nursing hope of none * Such counsel I give thee: enow, take heed ! The Second Behest is, O my son : Deal harshly with none lest fortune with thee deal hardly ; for the fortune of this world is one day with thee and another day against thee, and all worldly goods are but a loan to be repaid. And I have heard a poet say : — Take thought nor haste to win the thing thou wilt ; * Have ruth on man for ruth thou may'st require : No hand is there but Allah's hand is higher ; * No tyrant but shall rue worse tyrant's ire ! The Third Behest is. Learn to be silent in society and let thine own faults distract thine attention from the faults of other men : for it is said : — In silence dwelleth safety, and thereon I have heard the lines that tell us : — Reserve's a jewel, Silence safety is ; * Whenas thou speakest many a wor I withhold : For an of Silence thou repent thee once, * Of speech thou shalt repent times manifold. The Fourth Behest, O my son, is Beware of wine-bibbing, for wine is the head of all frowardness, and a fine solvent of human wits. So shun, and again I say, shun mixing strong liquor, for I have heard a poet say^ : — From wine'' I turn and whoso wine-cups swill ; * Becoming one of those who deem it ill : ' The lines are attributed to the famous Al-I\hitanabbi = the claimant lo " Prophecy," of whom I have given a few details in my I'ilgrimage (iii. 60, G2]. He led the life of a true poet, somewhat Chauvinistic withal ; and, rather than run away, was killed in A.H. 354 = 965- ^ Arab. " Nab!z" = wine of raisins or dates ; any fermented liquor ; from a root to " press out," in Syriac, like the word " Talmiz " (or Tilmiz, says the Kaslu" al-Ghurrah), a pupil, student, Date-wine (fermented from the fruit, not the Tadi, or juice of the stem, our " toddy ") is called Fazikh : hence the Masjid al-Fazikh at Al-Madinah, wliere the Ansar or Auxiliaries of that city were sitting cup in hand when they heard of the revelation forbidding inebriants, and poured the liquor upoii the ground (I'ilgrimage ii. 322). 192 A If Lay I ah zva Lay la h. Wine driveth man to miss salvation -way ' » And opes the gateway wide to sins that kill. The Fifth Behest, O my son, is Keep thy wealth, and it will keep thee; guard thy money, and it will guard thee; and waste not thy substance lest haply thou come to want, and must fare a-begging from the meanest of mankind. Save thy dirhams, and deem them the sovereignest salve for the wounds of the world. And here again I have heard that one of the poets said : — • When fails my wealth, no friend will deign befriend : » Wlien wealth abounds all friends their friendship tender : How many friends lent aid my wealth to spend ; » But friends to lack of wealth no friendship render. On this wise Nur al-Din ceased not to counsel his son Badr al-Din Hasan till his hour came and, sighing one sobbing sigh, his life went forth. Then the -voice of mourning and keening rose high in his house and the Sultan and all the grandees grieved for him and buried him ; but his son ceased not lamenting his loss for two months, during which he never mounted horse, nor attended the Diwan, nor presented himself before the Sultan. At last the King, being wroth with him, stablished in his stead one of his Chamberlains, and made him Wazir, giving orders to seize and set seals on all Nur al-Din's houses and goods and domains. So the new Wazir went forth with a mighty posse of Chamberlains and people of the Diwan, and watchmen and a host of idlers to do this and to seize Badr al-Din Hasan and carry him before the King, who would deal with him as he deemed fit. Now there was among the crowd of followers a Mameluke of the deceased Wazir who, when he had heard this order, urged his horse and rode at full speed to the house of Badr al-Din Hasan ; for he could not endure to see the ruin of his old master's son. He found him sitting at the gate with head hung down and sorrowing, as was his wont, for the loss of his father ; so he dismounted and, kissing his hand, said to him, " O my lord and son of my lord, haste ere ruin come and lay waste ! " When Hasan heard this he trembled and asked, " What may be the matter?" and the man answered, "The Sultan is angered with thee and hath issued a warrant against thee, and evil cometh hard upon my track ; so flee with thy life ! " At these words Hasan's heart flamed with the fire of bale, and his rose-red cheek ' Arab. " Hudti " = direction (to the right way), salvation, a word occurring in the Opening Chapter of the Koran. Hence to a Kafir who offers the Salam- salutalion many Moslems reply " Allah yahdik " = Allah direct thee! (/.f. , make thee a Moslem), instead of Allah yusallimak = Allah lead thee to salvation. It is the root word of the Mahdi and Mohdi. Tale of Nur al-Din AH a?id his Son. 193 turned pale, and he said to the Mameluke, " O my brother, is there time for me to go in and get me some worldly gear which may stand me in stead during my strangerhood?" But the slave replied, "O my lord, up at once and save thyself and leave this house, while it is yet time." And he quoted these Hnes :— Escape with thy life, if oppression betide thee, * And let the house tell of its builder's fate ! Country for country thou'It find, if Ihou seek it ; * Life for life never, early or late. It is strange men should dwell in the house of abjection, » When the plain of God's earth is so wide and so great ' .' At these words of the Mameluke, Badr al-Din covered his head with the skirt of his garment and went forth on foot till he stood outside of the city, where he heard folk saying, " The Sultan hath sent his new Wazir to the house of the old Wazir, now no more, to seal his property, and seize his son Badr al-Din Hasan and take him before the presence, that he may put him to death"; and all cried, " Alas for his beauty and his loveliness ! " When he heard this he fled forth at hazard, knowing not whither he was going, and gave not over hurrying onwards till Destiny drove him to his father's tomb. So he entered the cemetery and, threading his way through the graves, at last he reached the sepulchre where he sat down and let fall from his head the skirt of his long robe' which was made of brocade with a gold-embroidered hem whereon were worked these couplets : — ■ thou whose forehead, like the radiant East, » Tells of the stars of Heaven and bounteous dews : Endure thine honour to the latest day, » And Time thy growth of glory ne'er refuse ! While he was sitting by his father's tomb, behold ! there came to him a Jew as he were a Shroff,^ a money-changer, with a pair of saddle-bags containing much gold, who accosted him and kissed his hand, saying, " Whither bound, O my lord : 'tis late in the day and thou art clad but lightly, and I read signs of trouble in thy face?" "I was sleeping within this very hour," answered Hasan, " when my father appeared to me and chid me for not having visited his tomb; so I awoke trembling and came hither forthright lest the day should go by without my visiting him, which would ' These lines have already occurred in the First Kalandar's Story (vol. i. nit^ht xi.). 1 quote by way of change and with permission Mr. Payne's version (i. 93). * Arab. " Farajiyah," a long-sleeved robe worn by the learned (Lane, M. E., chapt. i.). 3 Arab. "Sarraf" (vulg. Sayrafi), whence the Anglo-Indian " Shroff," a familiar corruption. VOL. I. N 1 54 Alf Laylah zva Laylah. have been grievous to me." " O my lord," rejoined the Jew,^ " thy father had many merchantmen at sea and, as some of them are now due, it is my wish to buy of thee the cargo of the first ship that Cometh into port with this thousand dinars of gold." "I consent," quoth Hasan, whereupon the Jew took out a bag full of gold and counted out a thousand sequins which he gave to Hasan, the son of the Wazir, saying, "Write me a letter of sale and seal it." So Hasan took a pen and paper and wrote these words in duplicate: "The writer, Hasan Cadr al-Din, son of Wazir Nur al-Din, hath sold to Isaac the Jew all the cargo of the first of his father's ships which cometh into port, for a thousand dinars, and he hath received the price in advance." And after he had taken one copy the Jew put it into his pouch and went av\ay ; but Hasan fell a-weeping as he thought of the dignity and prosperity which had erst been his, and he began reciting : — This house, my lady, since you left is now a home no more * For me, nor neigh- bours, since you left, prove kind and neighbourly : The friend, whilere I took to heart, alas ! no more to me * Is friend ; and even Luna's self displayeth lunacy : You left, and by your going left the world a waste, a wold, * And lies a gloomy murk upon the face of hill and lea : O may the raven-bird whose cry our hapless parting croaked * Find ne'er a nesty home and eke shed all his plumery ! At length my patience fails me ; and this absence wastes my flesh ; « How many a veil by severance rent our eyes are doomed see : Ah ! shall I ever sight again cur fair past nights of yore ; • And shall a single house become a home for me once more ? Then he wept with exceeding weeping, and night came upon him ; so he leant his head against his father's grave and sleep overcame him : Glory to Him who sleepeth not ! He ceased not slumbering till the moon rose, when his head slipped from off the tomb and he lay on his back, with limbs outstretched, his face shining bright in the moonlight. Now the cemetery was haunted day and night by Jinns who were of the True Believers, and presently came out a Jinniyah who, seeing Hasan asleep, marvelled at his beauty and loveliness and cried, " Glory to God ! this youth can be none other than one of the Wuldan of Paradise.^" Then she flew firmament- wards to circle it, as was her custom, and met an Ifrit on the wing, who saluted her, and she said to him, "Whence comest thou?" ' Arab. " Yahudi," which is less polite tb.an " Banii Isrdil"=Children of Israel. So in Christendom, " Israelite" when in favour, and "Jew " (with an adjective or a participle) when notliing is wanted of him. * Also called " Ghilmaa " = the beautiful youths appointed to serve the True Believers in Paradise. The Koran says (chapt. Ivi. 9, etc.) "Youths, which shall continue in their bloom for ever, shall go round about to attend them, with goblets, and beakers, and a cup of flowing wine," etc. Tale of Nur al-Di/i Ail and his Son. 195 "From Cairo," he replied. "Wilt thou come with me and look upon the beauty of a youth who sleepeth in yonder burial place?" she asked ; and he answered, " I will." So they flew till they lighted at the tomb, and she showed him the youth and said, " Now diddest thou ever in thy born days see aught like this?" The Ifrit looked upon him and exclaimed, "Praise be to Him that hath no equal! But, O my sister, shall I tell thee what I have seen this day?" Asked she, " What is that ? " and he answered, " I have seen the counterpart of this youth in the land of Eg}'pt. She is the daughter of the Wazir Shams al-Uin, and she is a model of beauty and loveliness, of fairest favour and fornious form, and dight with symmetry and perfect grace. When she had reached the age of nineteen,^ the Sultan, of Egypt heard of her and, sending for the Wazir her father, said to him : — Hear me, O Wazir : it hath reached mine ear that thou hast a daughter, and I wish to demand her of thee in marriage. The Wazir replied : — O our Lord the Sultan, deign accept my excuses and take compassion on my sorrows, for thou knowest that my brother, who was partner with me in the Wazirate, disappeared from amongst us many years ago, and we wot not where he is. Now the cause of his departure was that one night, as we were sitting together and talking of wives and children to come, we had words on the matter and he went off in high dudgeon. But I swore that I would marry my daughter to none save to the son of my brother on the day her mother gave her birth, which was nigh upon nineteen years ago. I have lately heard that my brother died at Bassorah, where he had married the daughter of the Wazir, and that she bare him a son ; and I will not marry my daughter t)ut to him in honour of my brother's memory. I recorded the date of my marriage and the conception of my wife and the birth of my daughter ; and from her horoscope I find that her name is conjoined with that of her cousin ^ ; and there are ' Which, by-the-by, is the age of an oldish old maid in Egypt. I much doubt piiberty being there earlier than in England, where our grandmothers married at fourteen. But Orientals are aware thai the period of especial feminine devilry is between twelve years and twenty, when, according to some, every girl is ;i ^' possible murderess." So they wisely marry her and get rid of what is called the ■" lump of grief," the " domestic calamity " — a daughter. ^ This prognostication of destiny by the stars and a host of follies that end in -mancy is an intricate and extensive subject. Those who would study it are referred to chapter xiv. of the " Qanoon-e-Islam, or the Customs of the Mussul- inans of India," etc. , etc. , by Jafiur Shurreeff, and translated by G. A. Ilerklots, M.D., of Madras. This excellent work first appeared in 1832 (Allen and Co., London) and thus it showed the way to Lane's "Modern Egyptians " (1833-35). The name was unfortunate as " Kuzzilbash " (which rhymed to guzzle and h.ash), ' and kept the book back till a second edition appeared in 1S63 (Madras: J. Iliggiii- botham). N 2 196 Alf Laylah iva Lay/ah. damsels in foison for our lord the Sultan. The King, hearing his Minister's answer and refusal, waxed wroth with exceeding wrath and cried : — -When the like of me asketh a girl in marriage of the like of thee, he conferreth an honour, and thou rejectest me and puttest me off with cold^ excuses ! Now, by the life of my head I will marry her to the meanest of my men in spite of the nose of thee'^! There was in the palace a horse-groom which was a Gobbo with a bunch to his breast and a hunch to his back ; and the Sultan sent for him and married him to the daughter of the Wazir, lief or loath, and hath ordered a pompous marriage procession for him and that he go in to his bride this very night. I have now just flown hither from Cairo, where I left the Hunchback at the door of the Hammam bath amidst the Sultan's white slaves, who were waving lighted flambeaux about him. As for the Minister's daughter, she sitteth among her nurses and tire-women, weeping and wailing ; for they have forbidden her father to come near her. Never have I seen, O my sister, more hideous being than this Hunchback,'' whilst the young lady is the likest of all folk to this young man, albeit even fairer than he." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. moto toj&cix it tuas t^e CtDcntpgrconlJ Jl^licrfit, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Jinni narrated to the Jinniyah how the King had caused the wedding contract to be drawn up between the hunchbacked groom and the lovely young lady, who was heart-broken for sorrow ; and how she was the fairest of created things, and even more beautiful than this youth, the Jinniyah cried at him, " Thou liest ! This youth is handsomer than any one of his day." The Ifrit gave her the lie again, adding, " By Allah, O my sister, the damsel I speak of is fairer than this ; yet none but he descrveth her, for they resemble each other like brother and sister, or at least cousins. And, well-away I how she is wasted upon that Hunchback ! " Then she said, " O my brother, let us get under him and lift him up and carry him to Cairo,. that we may compare him with the damsel of whom thou speakest, and so determine which of the twain is the fairer." " To hear is tO' ' Arab. " Barid," lit. cold : metapli. vain, foolish, insipid. ^ Not to " spite thee " but " in spite of thee." The phrase is still used by high and low. 3 Arab. " Ahdab," the common hunchback : in classical language the Gobbo in t!ie text would be termed " A'kas" from " Ka's," one with protruding back and breast : sometimes used for hollow back and protruding breast. Tale of Nur al-Difi AH and his Son. 197 obey," replied he. " Thou speakest to the point. Nor is there a righter recking than this of thine, and I myself will carry him." So he raised him from the ground, and fiew with him like a bird soaring in upper air, the Ifritah keeping close by his side at equal speed, till he alighted with him in the city of Cairo, and set him down on a stone bench and woke him up. He roused himself, and finding that he was no longer at his fathers tomb in Bassorah-city he looked right and left and saw that he was in a strange place ; and he would have cried out ; but the Ifrit gave him a cuff which persuaded him to keep silence. Then he brought him rich raiment and clothed him therein and, giving him a lighted flambeau, said, " Know that I have brought thee hither, meaning to do thee a good turn for the love of Allah : so take this torch and mingle with the people at the Hammam-door and walk on with them without stopping till thou reach the house of the wedding-festival ; then go boldly forward and enter the great saloon ; and fear none, but take thy stand at the right hand of the Hunchback bridegroom ; and, as often as any of the nurses and tire-women and singing-girls come up to thee,^ put thy hand inlj thy pocket, which thou wilt find filled with gold. Take it out and throw to them and spare not ; for as often as thou thrusteth fingers in pouch thou shalt find it full of coin. Give largesse by handsful and fear nothing, but set thy trust upon Him Who created thee, for this is not by thine own strength but by that of Allah Almighty, that His decrees may take effect upon His creatures." When Badr al-Din Hasan heard these words from the Ifrit he said to himself, " Would Heaven I knew what all this means and what is the cause of such kindness ! " However, he mingled with the people and, lighting his flambeau, moved on with the bridal procession till he came to the bath where he found the Hunchback already on horseback. Then he pushed his way in ' This is the custom with such gentry, who, when they see a likely man sitting, are allowed by custom to ride astraddle upon his knees till he buys them oH'. These Ghawazi are mostly Gypsies who pretend to be Moslems ; and they have been confused with the Almahs or jMoslem dancing-girls proper (Awalim, plur. of Alimah, a learned feminine) by a host of travellers. They call them- selves Baramikah or Barmecides only to affect Persian origin. Under native rule they were perpetually being banished from and returning to Cairo (Pil- grimage, i. 202). Lane (M. E., chapts. xviii. and xix.) discusses the subject, and would derive Al'mah, often so pronounced, from Heb. Almah, girl, virgin, singing-girl, hence he would translate Al-Alamoth shir (Psalm xlvi.) and Nebalim al-alamoth (l Chron. xv. 20) by a "song for singing-girls" and "harps for singing-girls." He quotes also St. Jerome as authority that Alma in Punic (Phoenician) signified a virgin, not a common article, I may observe, amongst singing-girls. I shall notice in a future page Burckhardt's description of the Ghawazi, p. 173, "Arabic Proverbs," etc., etc. Second Edition. London: Quaritch, 1875. 198 Alf Lay/ah wa LaylaJi. among the crowd, a veritable beauty of a man in the finest apparel, wearing tarbush^ and turband and a long-sleeved robe purfled with gold ; and, as often as the singing women stopped for the people to give them largesse, he thrust his hand into his pocket and, finding it full of gold, took out a handful and threw it on the tambourine''' till he had filled it with gold pieces for the music-girls and the tire-women. The singers were amazed by his bounty, and the people marvelled at his beauty and loveliness and the splendour of his dress. He ceased not to do thus till he reached the mansion of the Wazir (who was his uncle), where the Chamberlains drove back the people and for- bade them to go forward ; but the singing-girls and the tire-women said, "By Allah we will not enter unless this young man enter with us, for he hath given us length o' life v.'ith his largesse and we will p.ot display the bride unless he be present." Iherewith they carried him into the bridal hall and made him sit down defying the evil glances of the hunchbacked bridegroom. The wives of the Emirs and Wazirs and Chamberlains and Courtiers all stood in double line, each holding a massy cierge ready lighted ; all wore thin face- veils and the two rows right and left extended from the bride's throne ^ to the head of the hall adjoining the chamber whence she was to come forth. When the ladies saw Badr al-Din Hasan and noted his beauty and loveliness, and his face that shone like the new moon, their hearts inclined to him and the singing-girls said to all that were present, " Know that this beauty crossed our hands with naught but red gold ; so be not chary to do him womanly service and comply with all he says, no matter what he ask."* " So all the women crowded round Hasan with their torches, and gazed on his loveliness and envied him his beauty ; and one and all would gladly have lain on his bosom an hour or rather a year. Their hearts were so troubled that they let fall their veils from before their faces and said, " Happy she who belcngeth to this youth or to whom he belongeth ! " and they called down curses on the crooked groom and on him who was the cause of his marriage to the girl-beauty ; and ' I need hardly describe the Tarbusli, a corruptiiin of the Pers. " Sar-piish " (head-cover), also called "Fez," from its old home; and "Tarbrush" by the travelling Briton. In old days it was a calotte worn under the turband ; and it was protected from scalp-perspiration by an " Arakiyah " (Pers. Arak-chin), a white skull-cap. Now it is worn without either and as a head-dress nothing can be worse (Pilgrimage, ii. 275). ^ Arab. " Tar " : the custom still prevails. Lane (M. E. , chapt. xviii. ) describes and figures this hoop-drum. 3 The couch on which she sits while being displayed. It is her throne, for she is the Queen of the occasion, with all the Majesty of Virginity. * This is a solemn "chaff"; such liberties being permitted at weddings and fesiive occasions No. 6. Tale of Nur al-Dm Ah and his Son. " Then the singing-girls beat their tabrets. . . . And the bride was as the full moon when at fullest. . . . Thus they displayed the bride . . . wholly neglecting the Gobbo, who sat moping alone." Tale of Nur al-Din Ali and his Son. 199 as often as they blessed Badr al-Din Hasan they damned the Hunchback, saying, "Verily this youth and none else deserveth our Bride : ah, well-away for such a lovely one with this hideous Quasi- modo ; Allah's curse light on his head and on the Sultan who con- manded the marriage ! " Then the singing-girls beat their tabrets and luUiloo'd with joy, announcing the appearing of the bride ; and the Wazir's daugliter came in surrounded by her tire-women who had made her goodly to look upon ; for they had perfumed her and incensed her and adorned her hair ; and they had robed her in raiment and ornaments befitting the mighty Chosroes Kings. The most notable part of her dress was a loose robe worn over her other garments : it was diapered in red gold with figures of wild beasts, and birds whose eyes and beaks were of gems, and claws of red rubies and green beryl ; and her neck was graced with a neck- lace of Yamani work, worth thousands of gold pieces, whose bezels were great round jewels of sorts, the like of which was never owned by Kaysar or by Tobba King.^ And the bride was as the full moon when at fullest on fourteenth night ; and as she paced into the hall she was like one of the Houris of Heaven — praise be to Him who created her in such splendour of beauty ! The ladies encompassed her as the white contains the black of the eye, they clustering like stars whilst she shone amongst them like the moon when it eats up the clouds. Now Badr al-Din Hasan of Bassorah was sitting in full gaze of the folk, when the bride came forward with her graceful swaying and swimming gait, and her hunchbacked bridegroom stood up to meet "^ and receive her : she, however, turned away from the wight, and walked forward till she stood before her cousin Hasan, the son of her uncle. Whereat the people laughed. But when the wedding-guests saw her thus attracted towards Badr al-Din they made a mighty clamour, and the singing-women shouted their loudest ; whereupon he put his hand into his pocket and, pulling out a handful of gold, cast it into their tambourines, and the girls ^ The pre-lslamitic dynasty of Al-Yaman in Arabia Fe.lix, a region formerly famed for wealth and luxury. Hence the mention of Yamani work. The caravans from Sana'a, the capital, used to carry patterns of vases to be made in China and bring back the porcelains at the end of the third year : these are the Arabic inscrip- tions which have puzzled so many collectors. The Tobba, or Successors, were the old Himyarite Kings, a dynastic name like Pliaraoh, Kisra (Persia), Negush (Abyssinia), Khakan or Khan (Tartary), etc., who claimed to have extended their conquests to Samarcand and made war on China. Any history of Arabia (as Crichton I. , chapt. iv. ) may be consulted for their names and annals. I have been told by Arabs that " Tobba " (or Tubba) is still used in the old Himyar-land = the Great or the Chief. * Lane and Payne (as well as the Bres. Edit.) both render the word " to kiss her," but this would be clean contrary to Moslem usage. 200 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. rejoiced and said, " Could we win our wish this bride were thine ! " At this he smiled and the folk came round him, flambeaux in hand like the eyeball round the pupil, while the Gobbo bridegroom was left sitting alone much like a tail-less baboon ; for every time they lighted a candle for him it went out wiily-nilly, so he was left in darkness and silence and looking at naught but himself.^ When Badr al-Din Hasan saw the bridegroom sitting lonesome in the dark, and all the wedding-guests with their fxambeaux and wax candles crowding about himself, he was bewildered and marvelled much , but as he looked at his cousin, the daughter of his uncle, he re- joiced and felt an inward delight : he longed to greet her and gazed intently on her face, which was radiant with light and brilliancy. Then the tire-women took off her vale and displayed her in the first bridal dress, which was of scarlet satin ; and Hasan had a view of her which dazzled his sight and dazed his wits, as she moved to and fro, swaying with graceful gait ^ ; and she turned the heads of all the guests, women as well as men, for she was even as saith the sur- passing poet : — A sun on wand in knoll of sand she showed, * Clad in her cramoisy-hued chemisette : Of her lips' honey-dew she gave me drink, » And with her rosy cheeks quencht fire she set. Then they changed that dress, and displayed her in a robe of azure ; and she reappeared like the full moon when it riseth over the horizon, with her coal-black hair and cheeks delicately fair ; and teeth shown in sweet smiling and breasts firm rising, and crowning sides of the softest and waist of the roundest. And in this second suit she was as a certain master of high conceits saith of the like of her : — She came apparelled in an azure vest, » Ultramarine, as skies are deckt and dight : I view'd th' unparallel'd sight, which show'd niy eyes « A Summer-moon upon a Winter-night. Then they changed that suit for another and, veiling her face in the luxuriance of her hair, loosed her lovelocks, so dark, so long that their darkness and length outvied the darkest nights, and she shot through all hearts with the magical shaft of her eye-babes. They displayed her in the third dress, and she was as said of her the sayer : — Veiling her cheeks wilb ha;r a-morn she comes » And I her mischiefo with the cloud compare : ' i.e., he was full of rago which he concealed. = The Hindus (as the Katha shows) compare this swimming gait with an elephant's roll. Tale of Nur al-Dhi AH attd his Son. 201 Saying, " Thou veilest morn with night ! "' "Ah no!" » Quoth she, " I shroud full moon with darkling air ! " Then they displayed her in the fourth bridal dress, and she came forward shining Hke the rising sun and swaying to and fro with lovesome grace and supple ease like a gazelle-fawn. And she clave all hearts with the arrows of her eyelasheS; even as saith one who described a charmer like her: — The sun of beauty she to sight appears » And, lovely-coy, she mocks all loveli- ness ; And when he fronts her favour and her smile * A-morn, the Sun of day in clouds must dress. Then she came forth in the fifth dress, a very light of loveliness like a wand of waving willow or a gazelle of the thirsty wold. Those locks which stung like scorpions along her cheeks were bent, and her neck was bowed in blandishment, and her hips quivered as she went. As saith one of the poets describing her in verse : — She comes like fullest moon on happy night ; * Taper of waist, with shape of magic might : She hath an eye whose glances quell mankind » And ruby on her cheeks reflects his light : Enveils her hips the blackness of her hair ; * Beware of curls that bite with viper- bite ! Her sides are silken soft, what while the heart » Mere rock behind that surface 'scapes from sight : From the fringed curtains of her eyne she shoots * Shafts which at farthest range on mark alight : When round her neck or waist I throw my arms * Her breasts repel me with their hardened height. Ah, how her beauty all excels ! ah how * That shape transcends the graceful waving bough ! Then they adorned her with the sixth toilette, a dress which was green. And now she shamed in her slender straightness the nut-brown spear; her radiant face dimmed the brightest beams of full moon, and she outdid the bending branches in gentle movement and flexile grace. Her loveliness exalted the beauties of earth's four quarters, and she broke men's hearts by the significance of her semblance ; for she was even as saith one of the poets in these lines : — A damsel 'twas the tirer's art had decked with snares and sleight ' : « And robed in rays as though the sun from her had borrowed light : She came before us wondrous clad in chemisette of green, * As veiled by its leafy screen pomegranate hides from sight : ' Arab. " Fitnah," a word almost as troublesome as "Adab. " Primarily, revolt, seduction, mischief: then a beautiful girl (or boy), and lastly a certain aphrodisiac perfume extracted from mimosa-flowers (Pilgrimage, i. iiS). 202 A If Lay la h zva Laylah. And when he said, "How callest thou the manner of thy dress?" * She answered us in pleasant way with double meaning dight ; " We call this garment a-cve-cceur ; and rightly is it hight, « For many a heart wi' this we brake ' and harried many a sprite ! " Then they displayed her in the seveiith dress, coloured between safflower ^ and saffron, even as one of the poets saith : — In vest of saffron pale and safflower red » Musk'd sarrdal'd, ambergris'd, she came to front : " Rise ! " cried her youth, " go forth and show thyself ! " • " Sit ! "' said her hips, " we cannot bear the brunt ! " And when I craved a bout, her Beauty said ♦ " Do, do ! " and said her pretty shame, "Don't, don't ! " Thus they displayed the bride in all her seA'en toilettes before Hasan al-Basri, wholly neglecting the Gobbo, who sat moping alone. And when she opened her eyes,'^ she said, " O Allah, make this man my goodman, and deliver me from the evil of this hunchbacked groom." As soon as they had made an end of this part of the ceremony, they dismissed the wedding guests, who went forth, women, children, and all^ and none remained save Hasan and the Hunchback, whilst the tire-women led the bride into an inner room to change her garb and gear and get her ready for the bridegroom. Thereupon Quasimodo came up to Badr al-Din^ Hasan, and said, " O my lord, thou hast cheered us this night with thy good company and overwhelmed us with thy kindness and courtesy; but now why not get thee up and go?" " Bismillah," he answered, " in Allah's name so be it." And rising he went forth by the door, where the Ifrit met him, and said, " Stay in thy stead, O Badr al-Din, and when the Hunchback goes out to the closet of ease go in without losing time and seat thyself in the alcove ; and when the bride comes say to her : — 'Tis I am thy husband, for the King devised this trick only fearing for thee the evil eye, and he whom thou sawest is but a Syce, a groom, one of our stablemen. Then walk boldly up to her and unveil her face ; for jealousy hath taken us of this matter." \\'hile Hasan was still talking with the Ifrit, behold the groom fored forth from the hall, and entering the closet of ease sat down on the stool. Hardly had he done this when the Ifrit came out of ' Lit. b\n-st the " gall-bladder " : in this and in the " li.-er " -allusions I dare not be baldly literal. ^ - Arab. " Usfur," the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius = Safflower (Forskal, Flora, etc. Iv. ). The seeds are crushed for oil and the flowers, which must be gathered by virgins or the colour will fail, are extensively used for dyeing in Southern Arabia and Eastern Africa. 3 On such occasions Miss Modesty shuts her eyes. Tale of Nur al-Din AH and his Son. 203 the tank/ wherein the water was, in semblance of a mouse, and squeaked out " Zeek ! " Quoth the Hunchback, " Wliat ails thee ? " and the mouse grew and grew till it became a coal- black cat and caterwauled " Meeao ! Meeao ^ ! " Then it grew still more and more till it became a dog, and barked out "Owh! Owh ! " When the bridegroom saw this he was frightened and exclaimed, " Out with thee, O unlucky one ® ! " But the dog grew and swelled till it became an ass-colt that brayed and snorted in his face, "HaukM Haukl" Whereupon the Hunchback quaked and cried, "Come to my aid, O people of the house!" But behold, the ass-colt grew and became big as a buffalo and walled the way before him and spake with the voice of the sons of Adam, saying, "Woe to thee, O thou Bunch-back, thou stinkard, O thou filthiest of grooms ! " Hearing this the groom was seized with I colic, and he sat down on the jakes in his clothes with teeth chattering and knocking together. Quoth the Ifrit, "Is the world so strait to thee thou findest none to marry save my lady-love ? '' But as he was silent the Ifrit continued, " Answer me or I will do thee dwell in the dust!" "By Allah," rephed the Gobbo, "O King of the Buffaloes, this is no fault of mine, for they forced me to wed her; and verily I wot not that she had a lover amongst the buffaloes ; but now I repent, first before Allah and then before thee." Said the Ifrit to him, " I swear to thee that if thou fare forth from this place, or thou utter a word before sunrise, I assuredly will wring thy neck. When the sun rises wend thy way and never more return to this house." So saying, tiie Ifrit took up the Gobbo bridegroom and set him head downwards and ' After either evacuation the Moslem is bound to wash or sand the part ; first, however, he should apply three pebbles, or potsherds, or clods of earth. Hence the allusion in the Koran (chapt. ix.), " men who love to be purified." When the Prophet was questioning the men of Kuba, where he founded a mosque (Pilgrimage, ii. 215), he asked them about their legal a!)lutions, especially after evacuation ; and they told him that they used three stones before washing. Moslems and Hindus (who prefer water mixed with earth) abhor the unclean and unhealthy use of paper without ablution ; and the people of India call Europeans draught - houses, by way of opprobrium, " Kaghaz-khanah " = paper closets. Most old Anglo-Indians, however, learn to use water. ^ " Miao" or " Mau " is the generic name of the cat in the Egyptian of tin. hieroglyphs. 3 Arab. " Ya Mash'iim " addressed to an evil spirit. '» " Heehaw ! " as we should say. The Bresl. Edit, makes the cat cry, " Nauh \ Nauh ! " and the ass-colt " Manu ! Manu ! " I leave these onomatopceics as they are in Arabic ; they are curious, showing the unity in variety of hearing inarticulate sounds. The bird, which is called " VVhip-poor-Will "in the U.S., is known to the Brazilians as " Joam corta pao " (John cut wood) ; so differently do they hear the same notes. 204 A If Laylah wa Lay/ah. feet upwards in the slit of the privy,^ and said to him, "I will leave thee here, but I shall be on the look-out for thee till sunrise ; and, if thou stir before then, I will seize thee by the feet and dash out thy brains against the wall : so look out for thy life ! " Thus far concerning the Hunchback, but as regards Badr al-Din Hasan of Bassorah, he left the Gobbo and the Ifrit jangling and wrangling and, going into the house, sat him down in the very middle of the alcove ; and behold ! in came the bride attended by an old woman who stood at the door and said, " O Father of Uprightness,'^ arise and take what God giveth thee." Then the old woman went away and the bride, Sitt al-Husn or the Lady of Beauty hight, entered the inner part of the alcove broken-hearted, and saying in herself, " By Allah, I will never yield my person to him ; no, not even were he to take my life ! " But as she came to the further end she saw Badr al-Din Hasan and she said, "Dearling ! art thou still sitting here ? By Allah, I was wishing that thou wert my bridegroom or, at least, that thou and the hunchbacked horse- groom were partners in me." He replied, "O beautiful lady, how should the Syce have access to thee, and how should he share in thee with me?" "Then," quoth she, "who is my husband, thou or he?" "Sitt al-Husn," rejoined Hasan, "we have not done this for mere fun,'' but only as a device to ward off the evil eye from thee ; for when the tire-women and singers and wedding guests saw thy beauty being displayed to me, they feared fascina- tion and thy father hired the horse-groom for ten dinars and a porringer of meat to take the evil eye off us ; and now he hath received his hire and gone his gait." When the Lady of Beauty heard these words she smiled and rejoiced and laughed a pleasant laugh. Then she whispered him, " By the Lord thou hast quenched a fire which tortured me and now, by Allah, O my little dark-haired darling, take me to thee and press me to thy bosom!" Then she began singing : — By Allah, set thy foot i:pon my soul ; » Since long, long years fur this alone I long: ' It is usually a slab of marble with a long slit in front-and a round hole behind. The text speaks of a Kursi ( = stool) ; but this is now unknown to native houses which have not adopted European fashions. - This again is chaff as she addresses the Hunchback. The Bui. Edit, has " O Abu Shihab" (Father of the shooting-star = evil spirit); the Bresl. Edit. " O son of a heap ! O son of a Something ! " (al-Afsh, a vulgarism). 3 As the reader will see, Arab ideas of " fun" and practical jokes are of the largest, putting the Hibernian to utter rout, and comparing favourably with those recorded in Don Quixote. Tale oj Nur al-Din Ali and his Son. 205 And whisper tale of love in ear of me ; * To me 'tis sweeter than the sweetest song ! No other youth upon my heart shall lie ; » So do it often, dear, and do it long. Then she stripped off her outer gear and Badr al-Din arose and doffed his clothes, and wrapping up in his bag-trousers^ the purse of gold which he had taken from the Jew, and which contained the thousand dinars, he laid it under the edge of the bedding. Then he took off his turband and set it upon the settle''^ atop of his other clothes, remaining in his skull-cap and fine shirt of blue silk laced with gold. Whereupon the Lady of Beauty drew him to her and he did likewise. Then he took her to his embrace and he found her a pearl unpierced and unthridden, and he abated her virginity, and had joyance of her youth in his virility, and she conceived by him that very night. Then he laid his hand under her head, and she did the same, and they embraced and fell asleep in each other's arms, as a certain poet said of such lovers in these couplets : — Visit thy lover, spurn what envy told ; » No envious churl shall smile on love ensouled ; Merciful Allah made no fairer sight « Than coupled lovers single couch doth hold; Breast pressing breast and robed in joys their own, « With pillowed forearms cast in finest mould : And when heart speaks to heart with tongue of Love, * Folk who would part them hammer steel ice-cold : If a fair friend^ thou find who cleaves to thee, * Live for that friend, that friend in heart enfold. O ye who blame for love us lovekind » Say, can ye minister to diseased mind ? This much concerning Badr al-Din Hasan and Sitt al Husn, his cousin ; but as regards the Ifrit, as soon as he saw the twain asleep, he said to the Ifritah, " Arise ; slip thee under the youth, and let us carry him back to his place ere dawn overtake us ; for the day is nearhand." Thereupon she came forward and, getting under 'Arab. " Sarawil " a corruption of the Pers. "Sharwal"; popularly called " libas," which, however, may also mean clothing in general, and especially outer- clothing. I translate " bag trousers" and " petticoat-trousers," the latter being the divided skirt of our future. In the East, where Common Sense, not Fashion, rules dress, men wear petticoats, and women wear trousers. This feminine article is mostly baggy, but sometimes, as in India, and amongst the Jewesses of Tunis fi,'/Az«/- tight. A quasi-sacred part of it is the inkle,, tape or string, often a most magnificent affair, with tassels of pearl and precious stones; and " laxity in the trouser-string " is equivalent to the loosest conduct. Upon the subject of "libas," "sarwal" and its variants, the curious render will consult Dr. Dozy's " Dictionnaire Detaille des Noms des Vetements chez les Arabes," a most valuable work. '^ The turband out of respect is not put upon the ground (Lane, M. E., chapt. i.). 3 In Arab, the "he" is a "she"; and Habib (" friend ") is the Attic 'J>tAos a euphemism for lover. This will occur throughout The Nights. So the Arabs use a phrase corresponding with the Stoic 6Aei, i.e., is wont, is fain. 2o6 Alf Laylah %va Luyiah. him as he lay asleep, took him up clad only in his fine blue shirt, leaving the rest of his garmer;ts ; and ceased not flying (and the Ifrit vying with her in flight) till the dawn advised them that it had come upon them mid-way, and the Muezzin began his call from the Minaretj " Haste ye to salvation ^ ! Haste ye to salvation ! " Then Allah suffered His angelic host to shoot down the Ifrit with a shooting star,^ so he v/as consumed, but the Ifritah escaped, and she descended with Badr al-Din at the place where the Ifrit was burnt, and did not carry him back to Bassorah, fearing lest he come to harm. Now by the order of Him Who predestineth all things, they alighted at Damascus of Syria, and the Ifritah set down her burden at one of the city-gates and flew away. When day arose and the doors were opened, the folk who came forth saw a handsome youth, with no other raiment but his blue shirt of gold- embroidered silk and skull-cap,'' lying upon the ground drowned in sleep after the hard labour of the night, which had not suffered him to take his rest. So the folk, looking at him, said, " O her luck with whom this one spent the night ! But would he had waited to don his garments." Quoth another, " A sorry lot are the sons of great families ! Haply he but now came forth of the tavern on some occasion of his own, and his wine flew to his head,^ whereby he hath missed the place he was making for and strajed till he came to the gate of the city, and, finding it shut, lay him down and went to by-by." As the people were bandying guesses about him, suddenly the morning breeze blew upon Badr al-Din and, raising his shirt to his middle, showed a stomach and navel, and legs and thighs clear as cryL-tal and smooth as cream. Cried the people, "By Allah, he is a pretty fellow!" And at this cry Badr al-Din awoke, and found himself lying at a city-gate with a crowd gathered around him. At this he greatly marvelled and asked, " Where am I, O good folk ; and what causeth you thus to gather round me, and what have I had to do with you ? " and they answered, " We found thee lying here asleep during the call to dawn- prayer, and this is all we knovv' of the matter, but where diddest ' Part of the Azan, or call to prayer. " Arab. " Shihab " ; these meteors being the llyirkg shafts shot at evil spirits who approach too near Heaven. The idea doubtless arose from the showers of August and November meteors (The Perseides and Taurides) which suggest a battle ragmg in upper air. Christendom also has its superstition concerning them, and called those of August the "fiery tears of St. Lawrence," whose festival was on August loth. 3 Arab. " Takiyah " = Pers. Arak-chin ; the calotte worn under the Fez. It is, I have said, now obsolete and the red woollen cap (mostly made in Europe) is worn over the hair ; an unclean practice. ■* Often the effect of cold air after a heated room. Tale of Nur al-Din Ali and his Son. 207 thou lie last night ^ ? " " By Allah, O good people," replied he, " I lay last night in Cairo." Said somebody, "Thou hast surely been eating Hashish ^ " ; and another, " He is a fool " ; and a third, " He is a citroiiille " ; and a fourth asked him, " Art thou out of thy mind ? thou sleepest in Cairo and thou wakcst in the morning at ihe gate of Damascus-city " ! " Cried he, " By Allah, my good people, one and all, I lie not to you; indeed, I lay yesternight in the land of Egypt and yesternoon I was at Bassorah." Quoth one, " Well ! well ! " and quoth another, " Ho ! ho ! " and a third " So ! so ! " and a fourth cried, " This youth is mad, is possessed of the Jinni ! " So they clapped hands at him, and said to one another, " Alas, the pity of it for his youth : by Allah, a madman ! and madness is no respecter of persons." Then said they to him, " Collect thy wits and return to thy reason ! How couldest thou be in Bassorah yesterday and in Cairo yesternight, and withal awake in Damascus this morning ? " But he persisted, " Indeed I was a bridegroom in Cairo last night." " Belike thou hast been dreaming," rejoined they, " and sawest all this in thy sleep." So Hasan took thought for a while and said to them, " By Allah, this is no dream ; nor vision-like does it seem ! I certainly was in Cairo, where they displayed the bride before me, in the presence of a third person, the Hunchback groom who was sitting hard by. By Allah, O my brother, this be no dream ; and if it were a dream, where is the bag of gold I bore with me, and where are my turband and my robe, and my trousers?" Then he rose and entered the city, threading its highways and by-ways and bazar-streets ; and the people pressed upon him and jeered at him, crying out " Mad- man ! madman ! " till he, beside himself with rage, took refuge in a cook's shop. Now that Cook had been a trifle too clever, that is, a rogue and thief; but Allah had made him repent and turn from his evil ways and open a cook-shop; and all the people of Damascus stood in fear of his boldness and his mischief So when the crowd saw ibe youth enter his shop they dispersed, being afraid of him, and went their ways. The Cook looked at Badr al-Din and, noting his beauty and loveliness, fell in love with him forthright, and said, " Whence comest thou, O youth? Tell me at once thy tale, for thou art become dearer to me than my soul." So Hasan recounted ^ In Arab, " this night" for the reason before given. ^ Meaning especially the drink prepared of the young leaves and florets of Cannabis Sativa. The word literally means " dry grass" or " herbage." This intoxicant was much used by magicians to produce ecstacy and thus to " deify themselves and receive the homage of the genii and spirits of nature." 3 Torrens, being an Irishman, translates " and woke m the morning sleeping at Damascus." 2o8 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. to him aii that had befallen him from beginning to end (but in repetition there is no fruition) and the Cook said, " O my lord Badr al-Din, doubtless thou knowest that this case is wondrous and this story marvellous ; therefore, O my son, hide what hath betided thee, till Allah dispel what ills be thine ; and tarry with me here the meanwhile, for I have no child and I will adopt thee." Badr al-Din replied, "Be it as thou wilt, O my uncle!" Whereupon the Cook went to the bazar and bought him a fine suit of clothes and made him don it ; then fared with him to the Kazi, and formally declared that he was his son. So Badr al-Din Hasan became known in Damascus city as the Cook's son, and he sat with him in the shop to take the silver, and on this wise he sojourned there for a time. Thus far concerning him ; but as regards his cousin, the Lady of Beauty, when morning dawned she awoke and missed Badr al-Din Hasan from her side ; but she thought that he had gone to the privy and she sat expecting him for an hour or so ; when behold, entered her father Shams ai-Din Mohammed, Wazir of Egypt. Now he was disconsolate by reason of what had befallen him through the Sultan, who had entreated him harshly and had married his daughter by force to the lowest of his menials, and he too a lump of a groom bunch-backed withal, and he said to himself, " I will slay this daughter of mine if of her own free will she have yielded her person to this accursed carle." So he came to the door of the bride's private chamber, and said, " Ho ! Sitt al-Husn." She answered him, " Here am I ! here am I M O my Lord," and came out unsteady of gait after the pains and pleasures of the night ; and she kissed his hand, her face showing redoubled brightness and beauty for having lain in the arms of that gazelle, her cousin. When her father, the Wazir, saw her in such case, he asked her, "O thou accursed ! art thou rejoicing because of this horse-groom?" and Sitt al-Husn smiled sweetly, and answered, "By Allah, don't ridicule me. Enough of what passed yesterday, when folk laughed at me, and evened me with that groom fellow, who is not worthy to bring my husband's shoes or slippers — nay, who is not worth the paring of my husband's nails. By the Lord, never in my life have I ' Arab. " Labbayka," the cry technically called "Talbiyah," and used by those entering Meccah (Pilgrimage, iii. 125 — 232). I shall tianslate it also by "Adsum." The full cry is : — Here am I, O Allah, here am I ! No partner hast Thou, here am I : Verily the praise and the grace and the kingdom are thine : No partner hast Thou : here am I ! A single Talbiyah is a " Shart " or positive condition : and its repetition is a Sunnat or Custom of the Prophet. See vol. ii. night xci. Tale of Nur al-Diii AH and his Son. 209 nighted a night so sweet as yesternight ! So don't mock by reminding me of the Gobbo." Vtlien her parent heard her words, he was filled with fury, and his eyes glared and stared, so that little of them showed save the whites, and he cried, " Fie upon thee ! What words are these? 'Twas the hunchbacked horse-groom who passed the night with thee !" "Allah upon thee !" replied the Lady of Beauty, "do not worry me about the Gobbo, Allah damn his father^; and leave jesting with me; for this groom was only hired for ten dinars and a porringer of meat, and he took his wage and went his way. As for me I entered the bridal-cliamber, where I found my true bridegroom sitting, after the singer-women had displayed me to him ; the same who had crossed their hands with red gold till every pauper that was present waxed wealthy ; and 1 passed the night on the breast of my bonny man, a most lively darling, with his black eyes and joined eyebrov/s.^ " Vv'hen her parent heard these words the light before his face became night, and he cried out at her saying, " O thou whore ! What is this thou tellest me ? Where be thy wits ? " " O my father," she rejoined, " thou breakest my heart. Enough for thee that thou hast been so hard upon me. Indeed, my husband, who took my virginity, is but just now gone to the draught-house, and I feel that I have conceived by him." The Wazir rose in much marvel, and entered the privy, where he found the hunchbacked horse-groom with his head in the hole and his heels in the air. At this sight he was confounded, and said, " This is none other than he, the rascal Hunchback!" So he called to him, "Ho, Hunchback!" The Gobbo grunted out, '■'• Ta\;hu!ii 1 Tagkuni^l" thinking it was the Ifrit spoke to him. So the Wazir shouted at him, and said, " Speak out, or I'll strike off thy pate with this sword!" Then quoth the Hunchback, "By Allah, O Shaykh of the Ifrits, ever since thou ' The staple abuse of the vulgar is cursing parents and relatives, especially feminine, with specific allusions to their " shame." - A great beauty in Arabia and the reverse in Denmark, Germany and Slav-land, where it is a sign of being a were-wolf or a vampire. In Greece also it denotes a " Brukolak," or vampire. 3 Torrens (Notes, xxiv. ) quotes " Fleisher " upon the word "Ghamghama" (Diss. Grit, de Glossis Habichtionis), which he compares with " Dumduma " and "Humbuma," determining them to be onomatopoeics, "an incomplete and an obscure murmur of a sentence as it were lingering between the teeth and lips, and therefore difficult to be understood." Of this family is " Taghum " ; not used in modern days. In my Pilgrimage, i. 313, I have noticed another, " Khyas', Khyas' ! " occurring in a Hizb al-Eahr (Spell of the Sea). Herklots gives a host of them ; and their sole characteristics are harshness and strangeness of sound, uniting consonants which are not joined in Arabic. The old Egj-ptians and Chaldeans had many such words composed at will for theurgic operations. 2IO Alf Lay la h wa Lay la h. settest me in this place, I have not lifted my head; so Allah upon thee, take pity and entreat me kindly !" When the Wazir heard this he asked, "What is this thou sayest? I'm the bride's father, and no Ifrit." " Enough for thee that thou hast well-nigh done me die," answered Quasimodo; "Now go thy ways before he come upon thee who hath served me thus. Could ye not marry me to any save the lady-love of buffaloes and the beloved of Ifrits ? Allah curse her and curse him who married me to her, and was the cause of this my case ! " And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. Botu to|)en it tDaei t^e Ctoentp--t|)ivU JrJisbt, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the hunch- backed groom spake to the bride's father saying, " Allah curse him who was the cause of this my case ! " Then said the Wazir to him, " Up and out of this place !" "Am I mad," cried the groom, " that I should go with thee without leave of the Ifrit, whose last words to me were : — When the sun rises, arise and go thy gait ? So hath the sun risen or no ? for I dare not budge from this place till then." Asked the Wazir, " Who brought thee hither ? " and he answered, " I came here yesternight for a call of nature, and to do what none can do for me, when lo ! a mouse came out of the water, and squeaked at me and swelled and waxed gross till it was big as a buffalo, and spoke to me words that entered my ears. Then he left me here and went away, Allah curse the bride and him who married me to her ! " The Wazir walked up to him and lifted his head out of the cesspool hole ; and he fared forth run- ning for dear life, and hardly crediting that the sun had risen ; and repaired to the Sultan to whom he told all that had befallen him with the Ifrit. But the Wazir returned to the bride's private chamber, sore troubled in spirit about her, and said to her, " O my daughter, explain this strange matter to me!" Quoth she, "'Tis simply this. The bridegroom to whom they displayed me yester-eve lay with me all night, and took my virginity, and I am with child by him. He is my husband, and if thou believe me not, there are his turband, twisted as it was, lying on the settle and his dagger and his trousers beneath the bed with a something, I wot not what, wrapped up in them." When her father heard this he entered the private chamber, and found the turband which had been left there by Badr al-Din Hasan, his brother's son, and he took it in hand, and turned it over, saying, " This is the turband worn by Tale of Niir al-Din All and his Son. 211 Wazirs, save that it is of Mosul stuff.^" So he opened it and find! ing what seemed to be an amulet sewn up in the Fez, he unsewed the lining and took it out ; then he lifted up the trousers wherein was the purse of the thousand gold pieces and, opening that also, found in it a written paper. This he read, and it was the sale- receipt of the Jew in the name of Badr al-Din Hasan, son of Nur al-Din Ali, the Egyptian ; and the thousand dinars were also there. No sooner had Shams al-Din read this than he cried out with a loud cry and fell to the ground fainting; and as soon as he revived and understood the gist of the matter he marvelled and said, "There is no god but the God, whose All-might is over all things ! Knowest thou, O my daughter, who it was that became the husband of thy virginity?" "No," answered she, and he said, " Verily he is the son of my brother, thy cousin, and this thousand dinars is thy dowry. Praise be to Allah ! and would I wot how this matter came about ! " Then opened he the amulet, which was sewn up, and found therein a paper in the hand-writing of his deceased brother, Nur al-Din, the Egyptian, father of Badr al-Din Hasan ; and, when he saw the hand-writing, he kissed it again and .again ; and he wept and wailed over his dead brother and improvised these lines : — I see their traces and with pain I melt, « And on their whilome homes I weep and yearn : And riim I pray who dealt this parting blow, * Some day lie deign vouchsafe a safe return.^ When he ceased versifying he read the scroll, and found in it recorded the dates of his brother's marriage with the daughter of the Wazir of Bassorah, and of his going in to her, and her conception and the birth of Badr al-Din Hasan, and all his brother's history and doings up to his dying day. So he marvelled much and shook with joy and, comparing the dates with his own marriage and going in unto his wife and the birth of his daughter, Sitt al-Husn, he found that they perfecdy agreed. So he took the document and, repairing with it to the Sultan, acquainted him with what had passed, from first to last ; whereat the King marvelled and ^ This may mean either " it is of Mosul fashion," or it is of musHn. ^ To the English reader these lines would appear the reverse of apposite ; but Orientals have their own ways of application, and all allusions to Badawi partings are effective and affecting. The civilised poets of Arab cities throw the charm of the Desert over their verse by images borrowed from its scenery, the dromedary, -the mirage and the well, as naturally as certain of our bards who hated the country babbled of purling rills, etc. Thoroughly to feel Arabic poetry one must know the X)esert (Pilgrimage, iii. 63). O 2 2 12 A If Lay hi h wa Laylah. crimmanded the case to be at once recordcd.'^ The Wazir abode that day expecting to see his brother's son, but he came not ; and he waited a second day, a third day, and so on to the seventh day, without any tidings of him. So he said, " By Allah, I will do a deed,[such as none hath ever done before me ! " And he took reed-pen and ink and drevN^ upon a sheet of paper the plan of the whole house, showing whereabouts was the private chamber with the curtain in such a place, and the furniture in such another, and so on with all that was in the room. Then he folded up the sketch and, causing all the furniture to be collected, he took Badr al-Din's garments and the turband and Fez and robe and purse, and carried the whole to his house and locked them up, against the coming of his nephew, Badr al-Din Hasan, the son of his lost brother, with an iron padlock on which he set his seal. As for the Wazir's daughter, when her tale of months was fulfilled, she bare a son like the full moon, the image of his father in beauty and loveli- ness and fair proportions and perfect grace. They cut his navel- string '-^ and Kohl'd his eyelids to strengthen his eyes, and gave him over to the nurses and nursery governesses,^ naming him Ajib, the Wonderful. His day was as a month and his month was as a year " ; and, when seven years had passed over him, his grandfather sent him to school, enjoining the master to teach him Koran- reading, and to educate him well. He remained at the school four years, till he began to bully his schoolfellows and abuse them and bash them and thrash them and say, "Who among you is like me? I am the son of the Wazir of Egypt ! " At last the boys came in a body to complain to the Monitor ^ of v;hat hard usage they were wont to have from Ajib, and he said to them, "I will tell you somewhat you may do to him so that he shall leave off coming to the school, and it is this. When he enters to-morrow, sit ye dov.n about him and say some one of you to some other : — By Allah ! none shall play with us at this game except he tell us the names of his mamma and his papa ; for he who knows not the ' In those days the Arabs and the Portuguese recorded every-thing which struck them, as the Chinese and Japanese do in our times. And yet we complain of the amount of our modern writing ! = This is mentioned because it is the act preliminary to naming the babe. 3 Arab. " Kahramanat '' from Kahraman, an old Persian hero who conversed with the Simurgh-Griflbn. Usually the word is applied to women-at-arms who defend the llarem, like the Urdu begani of India, whose services were lately ofi'ered to England (1SS5), or the "Amazons" of Dahome. ■* Meaning he grew as fast in one day as other children in a month. 5 Arab. Al-Arif ; the tutor, the assistant-master. Tale of Nin- al-Din AH and his Son. 2\-\ names of his mother and his father is a bastard, a son of adultery/ and he shall not play with us." When morning dawned the boys came to school, Ajib being one of them, and all flocked round him saying, " We will play a game wherein none shall join save he can tell the name of his mamma and his papa." And they all cried, " By Allah, good ! " Then quoth one of them, " My name is Mdjid, and my mammy's name is Alawiyah, and my daddy's Izz al-Din." Another spoke in like guise and yet a third, till Ajib's turn came, and he said, " My name is Ajib, and my mother's is Sitt al-Husn, and my father's Shams al-Din, the Wazir of Cairo." " By Allah," cried they, " the Wazir is not thy true father ! " Ajib answered, " The Wazir is my father in very deed." Then the boys all laughed and clapped their hands at him saying, " He does not know who is his papa : get out from among us, for none shall play with us except he know his father's name." Thereupon they dispersed from around him and laughed him to scorn ; so his breast was straitened and he well nigh choked with tears and hurt feelings. Then said the Monitor to him, " We know that the Wazir is thy grandfather, the father of thy mother Sitt al-Husn, and not thy father. As for thy father, neither dost thou know him not yet do we ; for the Sultan married thy mother to the hunchbacked horse-groom ; but the Jinni came and slept with her and thou hast no known father. Leave, then, comparing thyself too advantageously with the little ones of the school till thou know that thou hast a lawful father ; for until then thou wilt pass for a child of adultery amongst them. Seest thou not that even a huckster's son knoweth his own sire ? Thy grandfather is the Wazir of Egypt ; but as for thy father we wot him not, and we say indeed that thou hast none. So return to thy sound senses ! " When Ajib heard these insulting words from the Monitor and the school-boys, and understood the reproach they put upon him, he went out at once and ran to his mother Sitt al-Husn to complain; but he Avas crying so bitterly that his tears prevented his speech for a while. When she heard his sobs and saw his tears her heart burned as though with fire for him, and she said, " O my son, why dost thou weep ? Allah keep the tears from thine eyes ! Tell me what hath betided thee ? " So he told her all that he heard from the boys and from the Monitor and ended with asking, " And who, O my mother, is my father ? " She answered, " Thy father is the Wazir of Egypt " ; but he said, " Do not lie to me. The Wazir is thy father, not mine ! who, then, is my father ? ' Arab. " Ibn haram," a common term of abuse ; and not a factual reflection "on the parent. I have heard a mother apply the term to her own son. 214 Alf Laylah wa Lay /ah. Except thou tell me tlie very truth I will kill myself with this hanger.^ " When his mother heard him speak of his father she wept, remembering her cousin and her bridal night with him, and all that occurred there and then, and she repeated these couplets : — Love in my heart they lit and went their ways, » And all I love to furthest lands withdrew ; And when they left me sufferance also left, * And when we parted Patience bade adieu : They fled and flying with my joys they fled, ♦ In very constancy my spirit flew : They made my eyelids flow with severance tears, * And to the parting-pang these drops are due : And when I long to see reunion-day, » My groans prolonging sore for ruth I sue : Then in my heart of hearts their shapes I trace * And love and longing care and cark renew : O ye, whose names cling round me like a cloak, » Whose love yet closer than a shirt I drew. Beloved ones ! how long this hard despite ? • How long this severance and this coy shy flight ? Then she wailed and shrieked aloud, and her son did the like. And, behold ! in came the Wazir, whose heart burnt within him at the sight of their lamentations, and he said, "What makes you weep ?" So the Lady of Beauty acquainted him with what happened between her son and the school-boys; and he also wept, calling to mind his brother and what had passed between them, and what had betided his daughter, and how he had failed to find out what mystery there was in the matter. Then he rose at once and, repairing to the audience-hall, went straight to tha King and told his tale, and craved his permission^ to travel eastward to the city of Bassorah, and ask after his brother's son. Furthermore, he besought the Sultan to write for him letters patent, authorising him to seize upon Badr al-Din, his nephew and son-in-law, wheresoever he might find him. And he wept before the King, who had pity on him, and wrote royal autographs] to his deputies in all climes ^ and countries and cities ; whereat the Wazir rejoiced and prayed for blessings on him. Then, taking leave of his Sovereign, he returned to his house, where he equipped himself and his daughter and his adopted child Ajib with all things meet for a long march ; and set ' Arab. " Khanjar " from the Persian, a syn. with the Arab. "Jamhiyah." It is noticed in my Pilgrimage (iii., pp. 72,75). To "silver Ihe dagger," means to become a rich man. From "Khanjar," not from its tringed loop or strap, 1 derive our silly word "hanger." Dr. Steingass would connect it with Germ, t" Linger, e.g., Hirschfanger. ^ Again we have " Dastur " for " Izn." 3 Arab. " Iklim " ; the seven climates ot Ptolemy. Tale of N'l/r al-Din Ali and his Son. 215 out and travelled the first day and the second and the third, and so forth till he arrived at Damascus-city. He found it a fair place abounding in trees and streams, even as the poet said of it : — When I nighted and dayed in Damascus-town, » Time sware such another he ne'er should view : And careless we slept under wing of night, « Till dappled Morn 'gan her smiles renew : And dew-drops on branch in their beauty hung » Like pearls to be dropt whei the Zephyr blew : And the Lake " was the page where birds read and note, « And the clouds set points to what breezes wrote. The Wazir encamped on the open space called Al-Hasa,^ and, after pitching tents, said to his servants, " A halt here for two days!" So they went into the city upon their several occasions, this to sell and that to buy; this to go to the Hammam and that to visit the Cathedral-mosque of the Banu Umayyah, the Ommiades, whose like is not in this world." Ajib also went, with his attendant eunuch, for solace and diversion to the city, and the servant followed with a quarter-staff^ of almond-wood so heavy that if he struck a camel therewith the beast would never rise again. ^ When the people of Damascus saw Ajib's beauty and brilliancy and perfect grace and symmetry (for he was a marvel of coineliness and winning loveliness, softer than the cool breeze of the North, sweeter than limpid waters to a man in drowth, and pleasanter than the health for which sick man sueth), a mighty many followed him, whilst others ran on before and sat down on the road until he should come up, that they might gaze on him, till, as Destiny had decreed, the Eunuch stopped opposite the shop of Ajib's father, Badr al-Din Hasan. Now his beard had grown long and thick, and his wits had ripened during the twelve years which had passed over him, and the Cook and ex-rogue having died, the so-called Hasan of Eassorah had succeeded to his goods and shop, for that he had been formally adopted before the Kazi and witnesses. When his son and the Eunuch stopped before him ' Arab. "Al-Ghadir," lit. a place where water sinks, a lowland: here the drainage-lakes east of Damascus into which tlie Baradah (Abana?) discharges. ■ The higher eastern plain is " Al-Ghutah " before noticed. ^ The " Plain of Pebbles," still so termed at Damascus ; an open space west of the city. 3 Every Guide-book, even the Reverend Porter's "Murray," gives a long account of this Christian Church 'verted to a Mosque. "* Arab. " Nabiit " ; Pilgrimage, i. 336. s The Bres. Edit, says, "' would have knocked him into Al-Yaman '' (Southern Arabia), something like our slang phrase, " into the middle of next week." 2i6 A If Lay la h wa Laylah. he gazed on Ajib and, seeing how very beautiful he was, his heart fluttered and throbbed, and blood drew to blood, and natural affection spake out and his bowels yearned over him. He had just dressed a conserve of pomegranate-grains with sugar, and Heaven-implanted love wrought within him ; so he called to his son Ajib and said, " O my lord, O thou who hast gotten the mastery of my heart and my very vitals, and to whom my bowels yearn, say me, wilt thou enter m.y house and solace my soul by eating of my meat ? " Then his eyes streamed with tears which he could not stay, for he bethought him of what he had been and what he had become. When Ajib heard his father's words his heart also yearned himwards and he looked at the Eunuch and said to him, " Of a truth, O my good guard, my heart yearns to this cook ; he is as one that hath a son far away from him ; so let us enter and gladden his heart by tasting of his hospitality. Per- chance for our so doing Allah may reunite me with my father." When the Eunuch heard these words he cried, " A fine thing this, by Allah ! Shall the sons of Wazirs be seen eating in a common cook-shop ? Indeed, I keep off the folk from thee with this quarter- staff lest they even look upon thee ; and I dare not suffer thee to enter this shop at all." When Hasan of Bassorah heard his speech he marvelled and turned to the Eunuch with the tears pouring down his cheeks ; and Ajib said, " Verily my heart loves him ! " But he answered, " Leave this talk, thou shalt not go in." There- upon the father turned to the Eunuch and said, " O worthy sir, why wilt thou not gladden my soul by entering my shop ? O thou who art like a chestnut, dark without, but white of heart within ! O thou of the like of whom a certain poet said " The Eunuch burst out a-laughing and asked — " Said what ? Speak out, by Allah ! and be quick about it." So Hasan the Bassorite began reciting these couplets : — If not master of manners or aught but discreet * In the household of Kings no trust could he take : And then for the Harem ! What Servant Ms he * Whom angels would serve for his service sake. The Eunuch marvelled and was pleased at these words, so he took Ajib by the hand and went into the cook's shop : whereupon Hasan the Bassorite ladled into a saucer some conserve of pomeg»anate-grains wonderfully good, dressed with almonds and ' Arab. " Khadim " : lit. a servant, politely applied (like Agha = master) to a castrato. These gentry wax furious if baldly called " Tawashi " = Eunuch. A mauvais plaisant in Egypt used to call me The Agha because a friend had placed his wife under my charge. Tale of Ahir al-Din Aii and his Son. 217 sugar, saying, " You have honoured nie with your comj)any : cat, then, and heahh and happiness to you ! " Thereupon Ajib said to his sire, " Sit thee down and eat with us ; so perchance Allah may unite us with him we long for." Quoth Hasan, " O my son, hast thou then been afflicted in thy tender years with parting from those thou lovest ? " Quoth Ajib, "Even so, O nuncle mine; my heart burns for the loss of a beloved one who is none other than my father ; and indeed I come forth, I and my grandfather,^ to circle and search the world for him. Oh, the pity of it, and how I long to meet him ! " Then he wept with exceeding weeping, and his father also wept seeing him weep and for his own bereavement, which recalled to him his long separation from dear friends and from his mother ; and the Eunuch was moved to pity for him. Then they ate together till they were satisfied ; and Ajib and the slave rose and left the shop. Hereat Hasan the Bassorite felt as though his soul had departed his body and had gone with them ; for he could not lose sight of the boy during the twinkling of an eye, albeit he knew not that Ajib was his son. So he locked up his shop and hastened after them ; and he walked so fast that he came up with them before they had gone out of the western gate. The Eunuch turned and asked him, "What ails thee?" and IJadr al-!)in answered, " When ye went from me, meseemed my soul had gone with you ; and, as I had business without the city-gate, I purposed to bear you company till my matter was ordered and so return." The Eunuch was angered and said to Ajib, "This is just what I feared ! We ate that unlucky mouthful (which we are bound to respect), and here is the fellow following us from place to place ; for the vulgar are ever the vulgar." Ajib, turning and seeing the Cook just behind him, was wroth and his face reddened with rage and he said to the servant, " Let him walk the highway of the Moslems ; but, when we turn off it to our tents, and find that he still follows us, we will send him about his business with a flc-a in his ear." Then he bowed his head and walked on, the Eunuch walking behind him. But Hasan of Bassorah followed them to the plain Al-Hasa ; and, as they drew near to the tents, they turned round and saw him close on their heels ; so Ajib was very angry, fearing that the Eunuch might tell his grand- father what had happened. His indignation was the hotter for apprehension lest any say that after he had entered a cook-shop the Cook had followed him. So he turned and looked at Hasan ' This sounds absurd enough in English, but Easterns always put themselves first for respect. 2i8 A If Lay la k iva Laylah. of Bassorah and found his eyes fixed on his own, for the father had become a body without a soul ; and it seemed to Ajib that his eye was a treacherous eye or that he was some lewd fellow. So his rage redoubled and, stooping down, he took up a stone weighing half a pound and threw it at his father. It struck him on the forehead, cutting it open from eyebrow to eyebrow, and causing the blood to stream down; and Hasan fell to the ground in a swoon, whilst Ajib and the Eunuch made for the tents. When the father came to himself, he wiped away the blood and tore off a strip from his turband and bound up his head, blaming himself the while, and saying, " I wronged the lad by shutting up my shop and following, so that he thought I was some evil-minded fellow." Then he returned to his place, where he busied himself with the sale of his sweetmeats; and he yearned after his mother at Bassorah, and wept over her, and broke out repeating : — Unjust it were to bid the World " be just « And blame her not : She ne'er was made for justice : Take what she gives thee, leave all grief aside, • For now to fair and then to foul her lust is. So Hasan of Bassorah set himself steadily to sell his sweetmeats ; but the Wazir, his uncle, halted in Damascus three days, and then marched upon Emesa, and passing through that town he made enquiry there and at every place where he rested. Thence he fared on by way of Hamah and Aleppo, and thence through Diyar Bakr and Maridin and Mosul, still enquiring, till he arrived at Bassorah- city. Here, as soon as he had secured a lodging, he presented himself before the Sultan, who entreated him with high honour and the respect due to his rank, and asked the cause of his coming. The Wazir acquainted him with his history, and told him that the Minister Nui al-Din was his brother ; whereupon the Sultan exclaimed, " Allah have mercy upon him ! " and added, " My good Sahib ^ ! he was my Wazir for fifteen years, and I loved him exceedingly. Then he died leaving a son who abode only a single month after his father's death ; since which time he has disappeared, and we could gain no tidings of him. But his mother, who is the daughter of my former Minister, is still among us." When the Wazir Shams ' In Arabic the World is feminine. ^ Arab. " Sahib " = lit. a companion ; also a friend and especially applied to the Companions of Mohammed. Hence the Sunnis claim for them the honour of " friendship " with the Apostle ; but the Shi'ahs reply that the Arab says " Sahaba-hu'l-hlniar " (the Ass was his Sahib or companion). In the text it is a Wazirial title, in modern India it is = gentlenian, e.g., "Sahib log" (the Sahib people) means their white conquerors, who, by-the-by, mostly mispronounce the word " Sab." Tale of Nil r al-Din All and his So?i. 219 al-Din heard that his nephew's mother was alive and well, he rejoiced and said, " O King I much desire to meet her." The King on the instant gave him leave to visit her; so he betook himself to the mansion of his brother Nur al-Din, and cast sorrowful glances on all things in and around it, and kissed the threshold. Then he bethought him of his brother, Nur al-Din Ali, and how he had died in a strange land far from kith and kin and friends, and he wept, and repeated these lines: — I wander 'mid these walls, my Layla's walls, * And kissing this and other wall I roam : 'Tis not the walls or roof my heart so loves, * But those who in this house had made their home. Then he passed through the gate into a courtyard, and found a vaulted doorway builded of hardest syenite ^ inlaid with sundry kinds of multi-coloured marble. Into this he walked and wandered about the house and, throwing many a glance around, saw the name of his brother Nur al-Din written in gold wash upon the walls. So he went up to the inscription, and kissed it and wept and thought of how he had been separated from his brother, and had now lost him for ever, and he recited these couplets : — I ask of you from every rising sun, * And eke I ask when flasheth leven-light : Restless I pass my nights in passion-pain, * Yet ne'er I 'plain me of my painful plight : My love ! if longer last this parting throe « Little by little shall it waste my sprite. An thou wouldst bless these eyne with sight of thee » One day on earth, I crave none other sight : Think not another could possess my mind » Nor length nor breadth for other love I find. Then he walked on till he came to the apartment of his brother's widow, the mother of Badr al-Din Hasan, the Egyptian. Now from the time of her son's disappearance she had never ceased weeping and wailing through the light hours and the dark ; and, when the years grew longsome with her, she built for him a tomb of marble in the midst of the saloon, and there used to w^eep for him day and night, never sleeping save thereby. When the Wazir drew near her apartment he heard her voice and stood behind the door while she addressed the sepulchre in verse, and said : — Answer, by Allah ! Sepulchre, are all his beauties gone ? * Hath change the power to blight his charms, that Beauty's paragon ? Thou art not earth, O Sepulchre ! nor art ihou sky to me ; * How comes it, then, in thee I see conjoint the branch and moon ? ' Arab. " Suwan," prop. Syenite, from Syene (Al-Suwan), but applied to flint and any hard stone. 2 20 Alf Laylah 7va Laylah. While she was bemoaning herself after this fashion, behold, the Wazir went in to her and saluted her, and informed her that he was her husband's brother ; and, telling her all that had passed between them, laid open before her the whole story, how her son Badr al-Din Hasan had spent a whole night with his daughter full ten years ago, but had disappeared in the morning. And he ended with saying, " My daughter conceived by thy son and bare a male child who is now with me, and he is thy son and thy son's son by my daughter." When she heard the tidings that her boy, Badr al-Din, was still alive and saw her brother-in-law, she rose up to him and threw herself at his feet and kissed them, reciting these lines : — Allah be good to him that gives glad tidings of thy steps ; * In very sooth for better news mine ears would never sue : V/ere he content with worn-out robe, upon his back I'd throw * A heart to pieces rent and torn when heard the word Adieu. Then the Wazir sent for Ajib, and his grandmother stood up and fell on his neck and wept ; but Shams al-Din said to her, " This is no time for weeping ; this is the time to get thee ready for travelling with us to the land of Egypt ; haply All-ah will reunite me and thee with thy son and my nephew." Replied she, " Hearkening and obedience " ; and, rising at once, collected her baggage and trea- sures and her jewels, and equipped herself and her slave-girls for the march, whilst the Wazir went to take his leave of the Sultan of Bassorah, who sent by him presents and rarities for the Soldan of Egypt. Then he set out at once upon his homeward march and journeyed till he came to Damascus-city, where he alighted in the usual place and pitched tents, and said to his suite, " We will halt a se'nnight here to buy presents and rare things for the Soldan." Now Ajib bethought him of the past, so he said to the Eunuch, " O Ldik, I lack a little diversion ; come, let us go down to the great bazar of Damascus,^ and see what has become of the cook whose sweetmeats we ate and whose head we broke, for indeed he was kind to us and we entreated him scurvily." The Eunuch answered, " Hearing is obeying ! " So they went forth from the tents ; and the tie of blood drew Ajib towards his father, and forthwith they passed through the gateway, Bab al-Faradis ^ hight, and entered the city, and ceased not walking through the streets till they reached tlie cook-shop, where they found Hasan of Bassorah ' It was famous in the middle ages, and even now it is, perhaps, the most interesting to travellers after that " Sentina Gentium," the " Bhendi Bazar" of imromantic Bombay. ^ "The Gate of the Gardens," in the northern wall, a Roman archway of the usual solid construction, shaming not only our modern shams but our finest masonry. Tale of Niir al-Din AH and his Son. 221 standliig at the door. It was near the time of mid-aflernoon prayer,^ and it so fortuned that he had just dressed a confection of pomegranate-grains. When the twain drew near to him and Ajib saw him, his heart yearned towards him and, noticing the scar of the blow, which time had darkened on his brow, he said to him, " Peace be on thee, O man - ! know that my heart is with tliee." But when Badr al-Din looked upon his son his vitals yearned and his heart fluttered, and he hung his head earthwards, and sought to make his tongue give utterance to his words but he could not. Then he raised his head humbly and suppliant-wise towards his boy and repeated these couplets : — I longed for my beloved but when I saw his face, « Abashed I held my tongue and stood with downcast eye ; And hung my head in dread and would have hid my love, * But do whatso I would hidden it would not lie : Volumes of plaints I had prepared, reproach and blame, * But when we met no single word remembered I. And then said he to them, " Heal my broken heart and eat of my sweetmeats ; for, by Allah ! I cannot look at thee but my heart flutters. Indeed I should not have followed thee the other day but that I was beside myself." " By Allah," answered Ajib, " thou dost indeed love us ! We ate in thy house a mouthful when we were here before and thou madest us repent of it, for that thou followedst us and wouldst have disgraced us ; so now we will not eat aught with thee save on condition that thou make oath not to go out after us nor dog us. Otherwise we will not visit thee again during our present stay ; for we shall halt a week here, whilst my grandfather buys certain presents for the King." Quoth Hasan of Bassorah, " I promise you this." So Ajib and the Eunuch entered the shop, and his father set before them a saucerful of conserve of pomegranate-grains. Said Ajib, " Sit thee down and eat with us, so haply shall Allah dispel our sorrows." Hasan the Bassorite was joyful and sat down and ate with them; but his eyes kept gazing fixedly on Ajib's face, for his very heart and vitals clove to him ; and at last the boy said to him, " Did I not tell thee thou "art a most noyous dotard ? so do stint thy staring in my flice I " But when Hasan of Bassorah heard his son's words he repeated these lines : — ' Arab. " Al-Asr," which may mean either the hour or the prayer. It is also the moment at which the Guardian Angels relieve each other (Sale's Koran, chapt. v.). ^ Arab. " Ya haza " = this (one) ! a somewhat slighting address equivalent to " Heus tu ! O thou, whoever thou art." Another form is " Ya hu " = he ! Can this have originated Swift's " Yahoo ! " 222 Alj Lay/ah wa Lay /ah. Thou hast some art the hearts of men to clip ; ♦ Close-veiled, far-hidden mystery dark and deep : thou whose beauties shame the lustrous moon, « Wherewith the saffron Morn fears rivalship ! Thy beauty is a shrine shall ne'er decay ; » Whose signs shall grow until they all outstrip' ; Must I be thirst-burnt by that Eden-brow » And die of pine to taste that Kausar =-lip ? Hasan kept putting morsels into Ajib's mouth at one time and at another time did the same by the Eunuch, and they ate till they were satisfied and could no more. Then all rose up and the cook poured water on their hands ^ ; and, loosing a silken waist-shawl, dried them and sprinkled them with rose-water from a casting- bottle he had by him. Then he went out and presently returned with a gugglet of sherbet flavoured with rose-water, scented with musk and cooled with snow ; and he set this before them saying, " Complete your kindness to me ! " So Ajib took the gugglet and drank and passed it to the Eunuch ; and it went round till their stomachs were full, and they were surfeited with a meal larger than their wont. Then they went away and made haste in walking till they reached the tents, and Ajib went in to his grandmother, who kissed him and, thinking of her son, Badr al-Din Hasan, groaned aloud and wept, and recited these lines : — 1 still had hoped to see thee and enjoy thy sight, » For in thine absence life had lost its kindly light : I swear my vitals wot none other love but thine. * By Allah, who can read the secrets of the sprite ! Then she asked Ajib, " O my son ! where hast thou been ? " and he answered, " In Damascus-city." Whereupon she rose and set before him a bit of scone and a saucer of conserve of pomegranate- grains (which was too little sweetened), and she said to the Eunuch, " Sit down with thy master ! " Said the servant to himself, " By Allah ! we have no mind to eat : I cannot bear the smell of bread " ; ' Alluding to the TXjpaTa (" minor miracles which cause surprise") performed by Saints' tombs, the mildest form of thaumaturgy. ^ The River of Paradise, a iieu coninucn of poets (Koran, chapt. cviii. ) : the water is whiter than milk or silver, sweeter than honey, smoother than cream, more odorous than musk ; its banks are of chrysolite and it is drunk out of silver cups set around it thick as stars. Two pipes conduct it to the Prophet's Pond, which is an exact square, one month's journey in compass. Kausar is spirituous like wine ; Salsabil sweet like clarilied honey ; the Fount of Mildness is like milk and the Fount of Mercy like liquid crystal. 3 The Moslem does not use the European basin because water which has touched an impure skin becomes impure. Hence it is poured out from a ewer {'"ibrik," Pers. Abriz) upon the hands and falls into a basin (" tisht ") with an open -worked cover. Tale of Niir al-Din Ali and his Son. 223 but he sat down and so did Ajib, though his stomach was full of what he had eaten already and drunken. Nevertheless, he took a bit of the bread and dipped it in the pomegranate-conserve and made shift to eat it, but he found it too little sweetened, for he was cloyed and surfeited, so he said, "Faugh; what be this wild-beast ^ stuff?" "0 my son," cried his grandmother, "dost thou find fault with my cookery ? I cooked this myself and none can cook it as nicely as I can save thy father Badr al-Din Hasan." " By Allah, O my lady!" Ajib answered, "this dish is nasty stuff; for we saw but now in the city of Bassorah a cook who so dresseth pome- granate-grains that the very smell openeth a way to the heart and the taste would make a full man long to eat ; and, as for this mess compared with his, 'tis not worth either much or little." When his grandmother heard his w^ords she waxed wroth with exceeding wrath and looked at the servant And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. She said. It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Ajib's grandmother heard his words, she waxed wroth and looked at the servant and said, " Woe to thee ! dost thou spoil my son,^ and dost take him into common cook-shops ? " The Eunuch was frightened and denied, saying, " We did not go into the shop ; we only passed by it." " By Allah," cried Ajib, " but we did go in, and we ate till it came out of our nostrils, and the dish was better than thy dish ! " Then his grandmother rose and went and told her brother-in-law, who was incensed against the Eunuch, and sending for him asked him, " Why didst thou take my son into a cook-shop ? " and the Eunuch being frightened answered, " We did not go in." But Ajib said, " We did go inside and ate conserve of pomegranate-grains till we were full ; and the cook gave us to drink of iced and sugared sherbet." At this the Wazir's indignation redoubled, and he questioned the Castrato; but, as he still denied, the Wazir said to him, " If thou speak sooth, sit down and eat before ' Arab. " Wahsh," a word of many meaninp;s ; nasty, insipid, savage, etc. The off-side of a horse is called Wahshi opposed to Insi, the near side. The Amir Taymur (" Lord Iron ") whom Europeans unwittingly call after his Persian enemies' nickname, " Tamerlane," i.e., Taymur-i-lang, or limping Taymur, is still known as " Al-Wahsh" (the wild beast) at Damascus, where his Tartars used to bury men up to their necks and play at bowls with their heads for ninepins. ^ For " grandson," as being more affectionate. Easterns have not yet learned that clever Western saying : — The enemies of our enemies are our friends. 2 24 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. us." So he came forward and tried to eat, but could not, and threw away the mouthful, crying, " O my lord, I am surfeited since yesterday." By this the Wazir was certified that he had eaten at the cook's, and bade the slaves throw him,^ which they did. Then they came down on him with a rib-basting, which burned him till he cried for mercy and help from Allah, saying, " O my master, beat me no more, and I will tell thee the truth." Whereupon the Wazir stopped the bastinado, and said, " Now speak thou sooth." Quoth the Eunuch, " Know then that we did enter the shop of a cook while he was dressing conserve of pomegranate-grains, and he set some of it before us. By Allah ! I never ate in my life its like, nor tasted aught nastier than this stuff which is now before us.^ " Badr al-Din Hasan's mother was angry at this, and said, " Needs must thou go back to the cook and bring me a saucer of conserved pomegranate-grains from that which is in his shop and show it to thy master, that he may say which be the better and the nicer, mine or his." Said the unsexed, " I will." So on the instant she gave him a saucer and a half dinar, and he returned to the shop and said to the cook, " O Shaykh of all Cooks ^ ! we have laid a wager concerning thy cookery in my lord's house, for they have conserve of pomegranate-grains there also ; so give me this half- dinar's worth and look to it ; for I have eaten a full meal of stick on account of thy cookery, and so do not let me eat aught more thereof." Hasan of Bassorah laughed and answered, " By Allah, none can dress this dish as it should be dressed save myself and my mother, and she at this time is in a far country." Then he ladled out a saucerful; and, finishing it off with musk and rose- water, put it in a cloth which he sealed * and gave it to the Eunuch, who hastened back with it. No sooner had Badr al-Din Hasan's mother tasted it, and perceived its fine flavour and the excellence of the cookery, than she knew who had dressed it, and she screamed and fell down fainting. The Wazir, sorely startled, sprinkled rose-water upon her, and after a time she recovered, and said, " If my son be yet of this world, none dressed this conserve of pomegranate-grains but he ; and this cook is my very son, Badr al-Din Hasan ; there is no doubt of it, nor can there be any mistake, ' This was a simple bastinado on the back, not the more ceremonious affair of beating the feet-soles. But it is surprising what the Egyptians can bear ; some of the rods used in the time of the Mameluke Beys are nearly as thick as a man's wrist. - The woman-like spile of the eunuch, intended to hurt the grandmother's feelings. 3 The usual Cairene " cliaff." •* A necessary precaution against poison (Pilgrimage, i. S4, and iii. 43). Tale of Nit)' a I- Din AH and his Son. 225 for only I and he knew how to prepare it, and I taught him." When the Wazir heard her words, he joyed with exceeding joy, and said, " Oh, the longing of me for a sight of my brother's son ! I wonder if the days will ever unite us with him ? Yet it is to Almighty Allah alone that we look for bringing about this meeting." Then he rose without stay or delay and, going to his suite, said to them, " Be off, some fifty of you with sticks and staves to the cook's shop and demolish it. Then pinion his arms behind him with his own turband, saying : — It was thou madest that foul mess of f)omegranate-grain3 ! and drag him here perforce, but without doing him a harm." And they replied, " It is well." Then the Wazir rode off without losing an instant to the palace, and forgathering with the Viceroy of Damascus showed him the Sultan's orders. After careful perusal he kissed the letter, and placing it upon his head said to his visitor, "Who is this offender of thine?" Quoth the Wazir, "A man which is a cook." So the Viceroy at once sent his apparitors to the shop ; which they found demolished and everything in it broken to pieces ; for whilst the Wazir was riding to the palace his men had done his bidding. Then they awaited his return from the audience, and Hasan of Bassorah, w^ho was their prisoner, kept saying, " I wonder what they have found in the conserve of pomegranate-grains to bring things to this pass ^ ! " When the Wazir returned to them after his visit to the Viceroy, who had given him formal permission to take up his debtor and depart with him, on entering the tents he called for the Cook They brought him forward pinioned with his turband ; and, whei Badr al-Din Hasan saw his uncle, he wept with exceeding weeping and said, " O my lord, what is my offence against thee ? " " Art thou the man who dressed that conserve of pomegranate-grains ? " asked the Wazir, and he answered, " Yes ! didst thou find in it aught to call for the cutting off of my head ? " Quoth the Wazir, " That were the least of thy deserts ! " Quoth the cook, " O my lord, wilt thou not tell me my crime and what aileth the conserve of pomegranate-grains ? " " Presently," replied the Wazir ; and called aloud to his men, saying, " Bring hither the camels." So they struck the tents and by the Wazir's orders the servants took Badr al-Din Hasan, and set him in a chest, which they padlocked and put on a camel. Then they departed and stinted not journeying till nightfall, when they halted and ate some victual, and took Badr al-Din Hasan out of his chest and gave him a meal and locked him up again. They set out once more and travelled till ' The Bresl. Edit (ii. loS) describes the scene at greater length. VOL. I, P 2 26 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. they reached Kimrah, where they took him out of the box and brought him before the Wazir, who asked him, "Art thou he who dressed that conserve of pomegranate-grains ? " He answered, " Yes, O my lord ! " and the Wazir said, " Fetter him ! " So they fettered him and returned him to the chest and fared on again till they reached Cairo and lighted at the corner called Al- Raydaniyah,^ Then the Wazir gave order to take Badr al-Din Hasan out of the chest and sent for a carpenter, and said to him, " Make me a cross of wood ^ for this fellow ! " Cried Badr al- Din Hasan, "And what wilt thou do with it?" and the Wazir replied, " I mean to crucify thee thereon, and nail thee thereto and parade thee all about the city." " And why wilt thou use me after this fashion ? " " Because of thy villanous cookery of con- served pomegranate-grains ; how durst thou dress it and sell it lacking pepper ? " " And for that it lacked pepper wilt thou do all this to me ? Is it not enough that thou hast broken my shop and smashed my gear and boxed me up in a chest and fed me only once a day ? " " Too little pepper ! too little pepper ! this is a crime which can be expiated only upon the cross ! " Then Badr al-Din Hasan marvelled and fell a-mourning for his Hfe ; whereupon the Wazir asked him, " Of what thinkest thou ? " and he answered him, " Of maggoty heads hke thine ^ ; for an thou hadst one ounce of sense thou hadst not treated me thus." Quoth the -^Vazir, " It is our duty to punish thee lest thou do the like again." Quoth Badr al-Din Hasan, " Of a truth my offence were over-punished by the least of what thou hast already done to me; and Allah damn all conserve of pomegranate-grains and curse the hour when I cooked it, and would I had died ere this ! " But the Wazir rejoined, '' There is no help for it : I must crucify a man who sells conserve of pomegranate-grains lacking pepper." All this time the carpenter was shaping the wood and Badr al-Din looked on ; and thus they did till night, when his uncle took him and clapped him into the chest, saying, "The thing shall be done to- morrow!" Then he wailed till he knew Badr al-Din Hasan to be ■ The Bui. Edit gives by mistake of diacritical points, " Zabdaniyah " : Ray- daniyan is or rather was a camping ground to the North of Cairo. ^ Arab. " La'abat " = a plaything, a puppet, a lay figure. Lane (i. 326) con- iectures that the cross is so called because it resembles a man with arms extended. But Moslems never heard of the fanciful ideas of medieval Christian divines, who saw the cross everywhere and in everything. The former hold that Pharaoh invented the painful and ignominious punishment. (Koran, chapt. vii. ) 3 Here good blood, driven to bay, speaks out boldly. But, as a rule, the humblest and mildest Eastern when in despair turns round upon his oppressors like a wild cat. Tale of Nil r al-Din AH and his Son. 227 asleep, when he mounted ; and, taking the chest up before him, entered the city and rode on to his own house, where he alighted and said to his daughter, Sitt al-Husn, " Praised be Allah who hath re-united thee with thy husband, the son of thine uncle ! Up now, and order the house as it was on thy bridal night." So the servants arose and lit the candles ; and the Wazir took out his plan of the nuptial chamber, and directed them what to do till they had set everything in its stead, so that whoever saw it would have no doubt but it was the very night of the marriage. Then he bade them put down Badr al-Din Hasan's turband on the settle, as he had deposited it with his own hand, and in like manner his bag -trousers and the purse which were under the mattrass ; and told his daughter to undress herself and go to bed in the private chamber as on her wedding-night, adding, " When the son of thine uncle comes in to thee, say to him : — Thou hast loitered while going to the privy ; and call him to lie by thy side and keep him in converse till daybreak, when we will explain the whole matter to him." Then he bade take Badr al-Din Hasan out of the chest, after loosing the fetters from his feet and stripping off all that was on him save the fine shirt of blue silk in which he had slept on his wedding-night ; so that he was well-nigh naked and trouscrless. All this was done whilst he was sleeping on utterly unconscious. Then, by doom of Destiny, Badr al-Din Hasan turned over and awoke ; and, finding himself in a lighted vestibule, said to himself, '• Surely I am in the mazes of some dream." So he rose and went on a little to an inner door and looked in, and lo ! he was in the very chamber wherein the bride had been displayed to him ; and there he saw the bridal alcove and the settle, and his turband and all his clothes. When he saw this he was confounded and kept advancing with one foot and retiring with the other, saying, " Am I sleeping or waking ? " And he began rubbing his forehead and saying (for indeed he was thoroughly astounded), "By Allah! verily this is the chamber of the bride who was displayed before me ! Where am I, then ? I was surely but now in a box ! " Whilst he was talking with himself, Sitt al-Husn suddenly lifted the corner of the chamber-curtain, and said, " O my lord, wilt thou not come in ? Indeed thou hast loitered long in the closet." When he heard her words and saw her face he burst out laughing, and said, " Of a truth this is a very nightmare among dreams ! " Then he went in sighing, and pondered what had come to pass with him and was perplexed about his case, and his affair became yet more obscure to him when he saw his turband and bag-trousers and when, feeling the pocket, lie found the purse con- p 2 2 28 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. taining the thousand gold pieces. So he stood still and muttered, " Allah is all-knowing ! Assuredly I am dreaming a wild waking dream ! " Then said the Lady of Beauty to him, " What ails thee to look puzzled and perplexed ? " adding, " Thou wast a very different man during the first of the night ! " He laughed and asked her " How long have I been av/ay from thee ? " and she answered him, " Allah preserve thee and His Holy Name be about thee ! Thou didst but go out an hour ago for an occasion and return. Are thy v-its clean gone ? " When Badr al-Din Hasan heard this he laughed,^ and said, " Thou hast spoken truth ; but, when I went out from thee, I forgot myself awhile in the draught-house and dreamed that I was a cook at Damascus and abode there ten years \ and there came to me a boy who was of the sons of the great, and with him an Eunuch." Here he passed his hand over his forehead and, feeling the scar, cried, "By Allah, O my lady! it must have been true, for he struck my forehead with a stone and cut it open from eyebrow to eyebrow ; and here is the mark ; so it must have been on wake." Then he added, " But perhaps I dreamt it when we fell asleep, I and thou, in each other's arms, for meseems it was as though I travelled to Damascus without tarbush and trousers and set up as a cook there." Then he was perplexed and considered for awhile, and said, " By Allah ! I also fancied that I dressed a conserve of pomegranate-grains and put too little pepper in it. By Allah ! I must have slept in the numero-cent and have seen the whole of this in a dream ; but how long was that dream ? " " Allah upon thee ! " said Sitt al-Husn, " and what more sawest thou?" So he related all to her; and presently said, "By Allah! had I not woke up they would have nailed me to a cross of wood ! " " Wherefore ? " asked she ; and he answered, " For putting too little pepper in the conserve of pomegranate-grains, and me- seemed they demolished my shop and dashed to pieces my pots and pans, destroyed all my stuff and put me in a box ; then they sent for the carpenter to fashion a cross for me and would have crucified me thereon. Now Alhamdolillah ! thanks be to Allah ! for all that this happened to me in sleep, and not on wake ! " Sitt nl-Husn laughed and clasped him to her bosom and he her to his : then he thought again and said, " By Allah ! it could not be save- while I was awake : truly I know not what to think of it." Then he lay him down and all the night he was bewildered about his ' These repeated " laughs " prove the trouble of his spirit. Noble Arabs "show their back teeth" so rarely that their laughter is held worthy of being recorded, by their biographers. Tale of Nil r al-Din All and his Sou. 229 case, now saying, "I was dreaming!" and then saying, "I was awake ! " till morning, when his uncle vShams al-Din, the Wazir, came to him and saluted him. When Badr al-Din Hasan saw him he said, "By Allah! art thou not he who bade bind my hands behind me and smash my shop and nail me to a cross on a matter of conserved pomegranate-grains because the dish lacked a sufficiency of pepper?" Whereupon the 'Wazir said to him, " Know, O my son, that truth hath shown it soothfast, and the concealed hath been revealed^ ! Thou arc the son of my brother, and I did all this with thee to certify myself that thou wast indeed he who went in unto my daughter that night. I could not be sure of this till I saw that thou knewest the chamber, and thy turband, and thy trousers, and thy gold, and the papers in thy writing and in that of thy father, my brother, for I had never seen thee afore that, and knew thee not. And as to thy mother, I have prevailed upon her to come with me from Bassorah." So saying, he threw himself on his nephew's breast and wept for joy; and Badr al-Din Hasan, hearing these words from his uncle, marvelled with exceeding marvel, and fell on his neck, and also shed tears for excess of delight. Then said the Wazir to him, " O my son, the sole cause of all this is what passed between me and thy sire " ; and he told him the manner of his father wayfaring to Bassorah, and all that had occurred to part them. Lastly, the Wazir sent for Ajib ; and when his father saw him he cried, " And this is he who struck me with the stone!" Quoth the Wazir, "This is thy son!" And Badr al-Din Hasan threw himself upon his boy and began repeating : — Long have I wept o'er severance' ban and bane, * Long from mine eyelids tear- rills rail and rain : And vowed I if Time re-union bring * My tongue from name of " Severance " I'll restrain : Joy hath o'ercome me to this stress that I * From joy's revulsioa to shed tears am fain : Ye are so trained to tears, O eyne of me ! » You weep with pleasure as ycu weep with pain.^ When he had ended his verse his mother cam.e in and threw herself upon him and began reciting : — - When we met we complained, * Our hearts were sore wrung ; But plaint is not pleasant « Fro' messenger's tongue. * A popular phrase, derived from the Koranic "Truth is come, and falsehood is vanished : for falsehood is of short continuance" (chapt. xvii.). It is an equivalent of our adaptation from i Esdras iv. 41, " Magna est Veritas et praevalebit." ^ In vol. li. ni"ht Ixxv. tliese lines \siH occur with variants. 230 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. Then she wept and related to him what had befallen her since his departure, and he told her what he had suffered, and they thanked Allah Almighty for their reunion. Two days after his arrival the Wazir Shams al-Din went in to the Sultan, and, kissing the ground between his hands, greeted him with the greeting due to Kings. The Sultan rejoiced at his return, and his face brightened, and, placing him hard by his side,^ asked him to relate all he had seen in his wayfaring and whatso had betided him in his going and coming. So the Wazir told him all that had passed from first to last, and the Sultan said, " Thanks be to Allah for thy victory^ and the winning of thy wish and thy safe return to thy children and thy people ! And now I needs must see the son of thy brother, Hasan of Bassorah, so bring him to the audience-hall to-morrow." Shams al-Din replied, "Thy slave shall stand in thy presence to- morrow, Inshallah, if it be God's will." Then he saluted him and, returning to his own house, informed his nephew of the Sultan's desire to see him, whereto replied Hasan, whilome the Bassorite, " The slave is obedient to the orders of his lord." And the result was that next day he accompanied his uncle Shams al-Din to the Diwan ; and, after saluting the Sultan, and doing him reverence in most ceremonious obeisance, and with most courtly obsequiousness, he began improvising these verses : — The first in rank to kiss the ground shall deign * Before you, and all ends and aims attain : You are Honour's fount ; and all that hope of you » Shall gain more honour than Hope hoped to gain. The Sultan smiled and signed to him to sit down. So he took a seat close to his uncle Shams al-Din, and the King asked him his name. Quoth Badr al-Din Hasan, "The meanest of thy slaves is known as Hasan the Bassorite, who is instant in prayer for thee day and night." The Sultan was pleased at his words and, being minded to test his learning and prove his good breeding, asked him, " Dost thou remember any verses in praise of the mole on the cheek ? " He answered, " I do," and began reciting :^ WTien I think of my love and our parting-smart, « My groans go forth and my tears upstart : He's a mole that reminds me in colour and charms » O' the black o' the eye and the grain 3 of the heart. ' This is always mentioned : the nearer the seat, the higher the honour. = Alluding to the phrase " Al-safar zafar " = voyaging is victory (Pilgrimage, i. 127). 3 Arab. " Habb" ; alluding to the black drop in the human heart, which the Archangel Gabriel removed from Mohammed by opening his breast. Tale of Nur al-Diii Ali and his Son. 231 The King admired and pmised the two couplets and said to him, " Quote something else ; Allah bless thy sire and may thy tongue never tire ! " So he began : — That cheek-mole's spot they evened with a grain * Of musk, nor did they here the simile strain : Xay, marvel at the face comprising all * Beauty, nor falling short by single grain. The King shook with pleasure "■ and said to him, " Say more : Allah bless thy days ! " So he began : — O you whose mole on cheek enthroned recalls * A dot of musk upon a stone of ruby, Grant me your favours ! Be not stone at heart ! * Core of my heart whose only sustenance yon be ! Quoth the King, " Fair comparison, O Hasan ^ ! thcu hast spoken excellently well and hast proved thyself accomplished in every accomplishment I Now explain to me how many meanings be there in the Arabic language* for the word Khdl or mole." He replied, " Allah keep the King ! Seven and fifty and some by tradition say fifty." Said the Sultan, " Thou sayest sooth," presently adding, " Hast thou knowledge as to the points of excellence in beauty ? " " Yes, " answered Badr al-Din Hasan, " Beauty consisteth in brightness of face, clearness of complexion, shapeliness of nose, gentleness of eyes, sweetness of mouth, cleverness of speech, slender- ness of shape, and seemliness of all attributes. But the acme of beauty is in the hair and, indeed, Al-Shihab the Hijazi hath brought together all these items in his doggrel verse of the metre Rajaz ^ and it is this : — Say thou to skin, " Be soft," to tace, " Be fair" ; * And gaze, nor shall they blame howso thou stare ; Fine nose in Beauty's list is high esteemed ; « Nor less an eye full, bright and debonnair : ' This phrase, I have said, often occurs : it alludes to the horripilation (Arab. Kush'arirah), horror or gooseflesh which, in Arab, as in Hindu fables, is a symptom of great joy. So Boccaccio's " pelo arriciato," v. 8: Germ. Gansehaut. ^ Arab. " Hasanta ya Hasan " = Bene detto, Benedetto I the usual word-jilay vulgarly called "pun": Hasan (not Hassan, as we 7vin write it) meaning " beautiful." 3 Arab. " Loghah " also = a vocabulary, a dictionary; the Arabs had them by camel -loads. ■» The seventh of the sixteen " Bahr " (metres) in Arabic prosody; the easiest because allowing the most licence, and, consequenlly, a favourite for didactic, homilctic, and gnomic themes. It means literally " agitated," and was originally applied to the rude song of the Cameleer. De Sacy calls this doggrel " the poet's ass" (Torrens, Notes xxvi. ). It was the only metre in which Mohammed the Apostle ever spoke : he was no poet (Koran, xxxvi. 69) but he occasionally recited a verse and recited it wrongly (Dabistan, iii. 212). In Persian prosody Rajaz is the seventh of nineteen and has six distinct varieties ([)p. 79-81 "Gladwin's Dissertations on Rhetoric," etc., Calcutta, 1801). I shall have more to say about it in the Terminal Ivssay. 232 Alf Laylah iva Lay/ah. Eke did they well to laud the lovely lips • (Which e'en the sleep of me will never spare) ; A winning tongue, a stature tall and straight ; * A seemly union of gifts rarest rare : But Beauty's acme in the hair one views it ; * So hear my strain and with some few excuse it ! The Sultan was captivated by his converse and, regarding him as a friend, asked, " What meaning is there in the saw, " Shurayh is foxier than the fox ? " And he answered, " Know, O King (whom Ahnighty Allah keep !) that the legist Shurayh ^ was Vv'ont, during the days of the plague, to make a visitation to Al-Najaf ; and, when- ever he stood up to pray, there came a fox which would plant himself facing him and which, by mimicking his movements, distracted him from his devotions. Now when this became longsome to him, one day he doffed his shirt and set it upon a cane and shook out the sleeves ; then placing his turband on the top and girding its middle with a shawl, he stuck it up in the place where he used to pray. Presently up trotted the fox according to his custom and stood over against the figure, whereupon Shurayh came behind him, and took him. Hence the sayer saith, Shurayh is foxier than the fox." When the Sultan heard Badr al-Din Hasan's explanation he said to his uncle, Shams al-Din, "Truly this the son of thy brother is perfect in courtly breeding and I do not think that his like can be found in Cairo." At this Hasan arose and kissed ground before him and sat down again as a Mameluke should sit before his master. When the Sultan had thus assured himself of his courtly breeding and bearing, and his knowledge of the liberal arts and belles-lettres, he joyed with exceeding joy and invested him with a splendid robe of honour and promoted him to an office whereby he might better his condition.^ Then Badr al-Din ' A worthy who was Kazi of Kufah (Cufa) in the seventh century. AI-Najaf, generally entitled " Najafal-Ashraf" (the Venerand) is the place where Ali, the son-in-law of Mohanuned, lies or is supposed to lie buried, and has ever been a holy place to the Shi'ahs. I am not certain whether to translate "Sa'alab" by fox or jackal ; the Arabs make scant distinction between them. " Abu Hosayn " (Father of the Foitlet) is certainly the fox, and as certainly " Sha'rhar " is the jackal from the Pehlevi Shagal or Shaghal. - Usually by all manner of extortions and robbery, corruption and bribery, the ruler's motto being Fiat ?';/justitia luat Ccelum. There is no more honest man than the Turkish peasant or the private soldier ; but the [irocess of deterioration begins when he is made a corporal and culminates in the Pasha. Moreover, official dishonesty is permitted by public opinion, because it belongs to the condition of society. A man buys a place (as ir. England two centuries ago) and retains it by presents to the heads of offices. Consequently he must recoup himself in some way, and Jie mostly does so by grinding the faces of the poor and by spoiling the widow and the orphan. The radical cure is high pay ; but that jihase of society refuses to afford it. Tale of Niir al-Di/i AH and his Son. 233 Hasan arose and, kissing ground before the King, wished him continuance of glory, and asked leave to retire with his uncle, the Wazir Shams al-Din. The Sultan gave him leave, and he issued forth and the two returned home, where food v.-as set before them and they ate what Allah had given them. After finishing his meal Hasan repaired to the sitting-chamber of his wife, the Lady of Beauty, and told her what had passed between him and the Sultan ; where- upon quoth she, " He cannot fail to make thee a cup-companion and give thee largesse in excess and load thee with favours and bounties; so shalt thou, by Allah's blessing, dispread, like the greater light, the rays of thy perfection wherever thou be, on shore or on sea." Said he to her, " I purpose to recite a Kasidah, an ode, in his praise, that he may redouble in affection for me." "Thou art right in thine intent," she answered, "so gather thy wits together and weigh thy words, and I shall surely see my husband favoured with his highest favour." Thereupon Hasan shut himself up and composed these couplets on a solid base and abounding in inner grace and copied them out in a hand-writing of the nicest taste. They are as follows : — Mine is a Chief who reached most haught estate, « Treading the pathways of the good and great : His justice makes all regions safe and sure, * And against froward foes bars every gate: Bold lion, hero, saint, e'en if you call * Seraph or Sovran ' he with all may rate ! The poorest suppliant rich from him returns, * All words to praise him were inadequate. He to the day of peace is saffron Morn, * And murky Night in furious warfare's bate. Bow 'neath his gifts our necks, and by his deeds » As King of freeborn^ souls he 'joys his state : Allah increase for us his term of years, « And from his lot avert all risks and fears ! When he had finished transcribing the lines, he despatched them, in charge of one of his uncle's slaves, to the Sultan, who perused them, and his fancy was pleased ; so he read them to those present, and all praised them with the highest praise. Thereupon he sent for the writer to his sitting chamber, and said to him, " Thou art from this day forth my boon-companion, and I appoint to thee a monthly solde of a thousand dirhams over and above that I ' Arab. "Malik" (King) and " Malak " (angel) the words being written the same when lacking vowels and justifying the jingle. ^ Arab. " Hurr " ; the Latin " ingenuus," lit. freeborn ; metaph. noble, as opp. to a slave who is not expected to do great or good deeds. In pop. use it corresponds, like "P'ata," with our "gentleman." 234 -^^f Laylah iva Laylah. bestowed on thee aforetime." So Hasan rose, and, kissing ground before the King several times, prayed for the continuance of his greatness and glory and length of life and strength. Thus Badr al-Din Hasan, the Bassorite, waxed high in honour, and his fame flew forth to many regions, and he abode in all comfort and solace and delight of life with his uncle and his own folk till death overtook him. When the Caliph Harun al-Rashid heard this story from the mouth of his Wazir, Ja'afar the Barmecide, he marvelled much and said, " It behoves that these stories be written in letters of liquid gold." Then he set the slave at liberty, and assigned to the yOuth who had slain his wife such a monthly stipend as sufficed to make his life easy ; he also gave him a concubine from amongst his own slave-girls, and the young man became one of his cup- companions. "Yet this story (continued Shahrazad) is in no wise stranger than the tale of the Tailor and the Hunchback, and the Jew and the Reeve and the Nazarene, and what betided them." Quoth the King, " And what may that be ? " So Shahrazad began, in these words,^ THE HUNCHBACK'S TALE. It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that there dwelt during times of yore, and years and ages long gone before, in a certain city of China,^ a Tailor who was an open-handed man that loved pleasuring and merry-making; and who was wont, he and his wife, to solace themselves from time to time with public diversions and amusements. One day they went out with the first of the light and were returning in the evening when they fell in with a Hunchback, whose semblance would draw a laugh from care and dispel the horrors of despair. So they went up to enjoy looking at him and invited him to go home with them and converse and carouse with them that night. He consented and accompanied them afoot to their home ; whereupon the Tailor fared forth to the bazar (night having just set in) and bought a fried fish and bread and lemons and dry sweetmeats for dessert ; and set the victuals ' This is one of the best tales for humour and movement, and Douce and Madden show what a rich crop of falsHaux, whose leading incident was the dis]:)osal of a dead body, it produced. ^ Other editions read, "at Bassorah," and the Bresl. (ii. 123), "at Bassorah and Kajkar " (Kashghdr) ; somewhat like in Dover and Sebastopol. I prefer China, because further off and making the improbabilities more notable. The Hunchback's Tale. 235 before the Hunchback and they ate. Presently the Tailor's wife took a great fid of fish and gave it in a gobbet to the Gobbo, stopping his mouth with her hand and saying, " By Allah ! thou must down with it at a single gulp ; and I will not give thee time to chew it." So he bolted it ; but therein was a stiff bone which stuck in his gullet and, his hour being come, he died. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her per- mitted say. She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Tailor's wife gave the Hunchback that mouthful of fish which ended his term of days he died on the instant. Seeing this the Tailor cried aloud, "There is no ISIajesty and there is no Might save in Allah ! Alas, that this poor wretch should have died in so foolish fashion at our hands ! " and the woman rejoined, " Why this idle talk ? Hast thou not heard his saying, who said ? — Why then waste I my time in grief, until * I find no friend to bear my weight of woe ? How sleep upon a fire that flames unquenched ? * Upon the flames to rest were hard enow ! Asked her husband, "And what shall I do with him?" and she answered, "Rise and take him in thine arms and spread a silken kerchief over him ; then I will fare forth, with thee following me, this very night and if thou meet any one say : — This is my son, and his mother and I are carrying him to the doctor that he may look at him." So he rose and taking the Hunchback in his arms bore him along the streets, preceded by his wife who kept crying, " O my son, Allah keep thee ! what part paineth thee and where hath this small-pox^ attacked thee?" So all who saw them said, "'Tis a child sick of small-pox." They went along asking for the physician's house till folk directed them to that of a leach ' Arab. "Judri," lit. "small stones," from the hard gravelly feeling of the pustules (Rodwell, p. 20). The disease is generally supposed to be the growth of Central Africa, where it is still a plague, and passed over to Arabia about the birth- time of Mohammed. Thus is usually explained the " war of the elephant " (Koran, chapt. cv. ), when the Abyssinian army of Abrahah, the Christian, was destroyed by swallows (Ababil which Major Price makes the plural of Abilah = a vesicle) which dropped upon them "stones of baked clay," like vetches (Pilgrimage, ii. 175). See for details Sale (in loco), who seems to accept the miraculous defence of the Ka'abah. For the horrors of small-pox in Central Intertropical Africa, the inoculation, known also to the P>adawin of Al-IIijaz and other details, readers will consult "The Lake Regions of Central Africa" (ii. 318). The Hindus " take the bull by the horns " and boldly make " Sitla " (smallpox) a goddess, an incarnation of Bhawani, deess of destruction-reproduction. In China small-pox is believed to date from B.C. 1200; but the chronology of the Middle ICingdom still awaits the sceptic. 236 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. which was a Jew. They knocked at the door, and there came down to them a black slave-girl who opened and, seeing a man bearing a babe, and a woman with him, said to them, " What is the matter?" "We have a little one with us," answered the Tailor's wife, " and we wish to show him to the physician : so take this quarter-dinar and give it to thy master and let him come down and see my son who is sore sick." The girl went up to tell her master, whereupon the Tailor's wife walked into the vestibule and said to her husband, "Leave the Hunchback here and let us fly for our lives." So the Tailor carried the dead man to the top of the stairs and propped him upright against the wall and ran away, he and his wife. Meanwhile, the girl went in to the Jew and said to him, "At the door are a man and a woman with a sick child, and they have given me a quarter-dinar for thee, that thou mayest go down and look at the little one and prescribe for it." As soon as the Jew saw the quarter-dinar he rejoiced, and rose quickly in his greed of gain and went forth hurriedly in the dark; but hardly had he made a step ere he stumbled on the corpse and threw it over, when it rolled to the bottom of the staircase. So he cried out to the girl to hurry up with the light, and she brought it, whereupon he went down, and examining the Hunchback found that he was stone dead. So he cried out, "O for EsdrasM for Moses ! O for Aaron ! O for Joshua, son of Nun ! O the Ten Commandments ! I have stumbled against the sick one, and he hath fallen downstairs and he is dead ! How shall I get this man 1 have killed out of my house ? O by the hoofs of the ass of Esdras ! " Then he took up the body, and, carrying it into the house, told his wife what had happened, and she said to him, "Why dost thou sit still? If thou keep him here till daybreak we shall both lose our lives. Let us two carry him to the terrace-roof and throw him over into the house of our neighbour, the Moslem, for if he abide there a night the dogs will come down on him from the adjoining terraces and eat him up." Now his neighbour ' Arab. " Uzayr." Esdras was a r.iar.ner of Rip van Winkle. He was riding over the ruins of Jerusalem when it had been destroyed by the Chaldeans, and he doubted by what means Allah would restore it ; whereupon he died and at the end of a hundred years he revived. He found his basket of figs and cruse of wine as they were ; but of his ass only the bones remained. These were raised to life as Ezra looked on, and the ass began at once to bray. Which was a lesson to Es- becrgared, dinar-less and dirham-less. So said I to myself, All this be Satan's work " ; and began to recite these couplets :- Poverty dims the sheen of man whate'er his wealth has been * E'en as the sun about to set shines with a yellowing light : ,,,,,. Absentt falls from memory, forgotten by his friends; . Present he shareth not their iovs for none in him delight : ^ , . 1 He walks Ihe market shunned of all too glad to hide his head ; * In desert places tears he sheds and moans his bitter plight : By Allah ! 'mid his kith and kin a man, however good, * Waylaid by want and penury is but a stranger-wight ! I fared forth from the Khan and walked down " Between-the-Palaces" street till I came to the Zuwaylah Porte, where I found the people cl^wding and the gateway blocked for the much folk And by the decree of Destiny I saw there a trooper, against whom I pressed unintentionally, so that my hand came upon his bosom-pocket, and 1 felt a purse inside it. I looked and seeing a string of green silk hanging from the pocket, knew it for a purse. And the crush gre._ gr"ter%very minute, and just then a camel, laden with a load of fuel happened to jostle the trooper on the opposite side, and he turr;ed round to fend it off from him lest it tear his clothes And Satan tempted me, so I pulled the string and drew out a httle bag of blue silk containing something which chinked like coin But the soldier feeling his pocket suddenly hghtened, put his hand to it, and found 'it empty. Whereupon he turned to me and snatching up h°s mace from his saddle-bow struck me with it on the head. I fell to the ground, whilst the people came round us and, eiiing the troop's mare by the bridle, said to ^i- ^' trik.st thou this youth such a blow as this for a mere push? But the trooper cried out at them, "This fellow is an accursed thief" Whereupon I came to myself and stood up, and the people looked at me and said, "Nay, he is a comely youth: he would not steal anything"; and some of them took my par and others were against me, and question and answer waxed loud and warm The people pulled at me and would have rescued rne from his clutches; but as Fate decreed, behold! the Governor, the Chief of Police, and the watch ^ entered the Zuwaylah Gate at this ^ At first he slipped the money into the bed-clothes ; now he gives it openly and *3 S Abg;^S;TS. = tyrants, oPl-ssors. applied totheyxjlice and generally to the employes of Government. It is a word which tells a hi.toiy. 252 A If Lay la h wa Laylah. moment and, seeing the people gathered together around me and the soldier, the Governor asked, "What is the matter?" "By Allah ! O Emir," ans\vered the trooper, " this is a thief ! I had in my pocket a purse of blue silk lined with twenty good gold pieces, and he took it whilst I was in the crush." Quoth the Governor, " Was anyone by thee at the time ? " and quoth the soldier, " No." Thereupon the Governor cried out to the Chief of Police, who seized me, and on this wise the curtain of the Lord's protection was withdrawn from me. Then he said, "Strip him"; and, when they stripped me, they found the purse in my clothes. The Wali took it, opened it and counted it ; and, finding in it twenty dinars as the soldier had said, waxed exceeding wroth, and bade his guard bring me before him. Then said he to me, " Now, youth, speak trul)'. Didst thou steal this purse^?" At this I hung my head to the ground, and said to myself, " If I deny having stolen it I shall get myself into terrible trouble." So I raised my head, and said, "Yes, I took it." When the Governor heard these words, he wondered, and summoned witnesses, who came forward and attested my confession. All this happened at the Zuwaylah Gate. Then the Governor ordered the link-bearer to cut off my right hand, and he did so ; after which he would have struck off my left foot also. But the heart of the soldier softened, and he took pity on me and interceded for me with the Governor that I should not be slain.'^ Thereupon the Wali left me, and went away, and the folk remained round me and gave me a cup of wine to drink. As for the trooper he pressed the purse upon me, and said, " Thou art a comely youth and it befitteth not thou be a thief." So I repeated these verses : — 1 swear by Allah's name, fair sir ! no thief was I, » Nor, O thou best of men ! was I a bandit bred : But Fortune's change and chance o'erthrew me suddenly, « And cark and care and penury my course misled : ' Moslem law is never completely satisfied till the criminal confess. It also utterly ignores circumstantial evidence, and for the best of reasons : among so sharp-witted a people the admission would lead to endless abuses. I greatly surprised a certain Governor-General of India by giving him this simple infor- mation. ^ Cutting off the right hand is the Koranic punishment (chapt. v.) for one who robs an article worth four dinars, about 40 francs to shillings. The left foot is to be cut off at the ankle for a second ofience and so on ; but death is reserved for a hardened criminal. The practice is now obsolete, and theft is punished by the bastinado, fine, or imprisonment. The old Guebres were as severe. For stealing one dirham's worth they took a fine of two, cut off the ear-lobes, gave ten stick-blows and dismissed the criminal, who had been subjected to an hour's imprisonment. A second theft caused the penalties to be doubled ; and after that the right hand was cut off or death w'as inflicted according to the proportion stolen. The Nazarene Broker's Story. ):> I shot it not, indeed, 'twas Allah shot the shaft » That rolled in dust the Kingl)- diadem from my head.' The soldier turned away after giving me the purse ; and I also went my ways having wrapped my hand in a piece of rag and thrust it into my bosom. My whole semblance had changed, and my colour had waxed yellow from the shame and pain which had befallen me. Yet I went on to my mistress's house where, in extreme perturbation of spirit, I threw myself down on the carpet- bed. She saw me in this state and asked me, "What aileth thee and why do I see thee so changed in looks ? " and I answered, " My head paineth me and I am far from well." Whereupon she was vexed and was concerned on my account and said, " Burn not my heart, O my lord, but sit up and raise thy head and recount to me what hath happened to thee to-day, for thy face tells me a tale." " Leave this talk," replied I. But she wept and said, " Meseems thou art tired of me, for I see thee contrary to thy wont." But I was silent ;, and she kept on talking to me albeit I gave her no answer, till night came on. Then she set food before me, but I refused it fearing lest she see me eating with my left hand, and said to her, " I have no stomach to eat at present." Quoth she, " Tell me what hath befallen thee to-day, and why art thou so sorrowful and broken in spirit and heart ? " Quoth I, " Wait awhile ; I will tell thee all at my leisure." Then she brought me wine, saying, " Down with it, this will dispel thy grief : thou must indeed drink and tell me of thy tidings." I asked her, "Perforce must I tell thee?" and she answered, "Yes." Then said I, " If it needs must be so, then give me to drink with thine own hand." She filled and drank,^ and filled again and gave me the cup, which I took from her with my left hand and wiped the tears from my eyelids and began repeating : — When Allah willeth aught befall a man * Who hath of ears and eyes and wits full share ; His ears He deafens and his eyes He blinds * And draws his wits e'en as we draw a hair, 3 Till, having wrought His purpose, He restores * Man's wits, that warned, more circumspect he fare. When I ended my verses I wept, and she cried out with an exceed- ing loud cry, " What is the cause of thy tears ? Thou burnest my heart ! What makes thee take the cup with thy left hand ? " Quoth ' Koran, viii. 17. ^ A universal custom in the East, the object being originally to show that the draught was not poisoned. 3 Out of paste or pudding. 2 54 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. I, "Truly I have on my right hand aboil"; and quoth she, "Put it out and I will open it for thee.^ " " It is not yet time to open it," I replied, " so worry me not with thy words, for I will not take it out of the bandage at this hour." Then I drank off the cup, and she gave not over plying me with drink until drunkenness overcame me and I fell asleep in the place Avhere I was sitting ; whereupon she looked at my right hand, and saw a wrist without a fist. So she searched me closely and found with me the purse of gold and my severed hand wrapped up in the bit of rag.^ With this such sorrow came upon her as never overcame any and she ceased not lamenting on my account till the morning. When I awoke I found that she had dressed me a dish of broth of four boiled chickens, which she brought to me together with a cup of wine. I ate and drank and, laying down the purse, would have gone out ; but she said to me, "Whither away?" and I answered, "Where my business calleth me " ; and said she, " Thou shalt not go : sit thee down." So I sat down and she resumed, " Hath thy love for me so overpowered thee that thou hast wasted all thy wealth and hast lost thine hand on my account ? I take thee to witness against me and also Allah be my witness that I will never part with thee, but will die under thy feet ; and soon thou shalt see that my words are true." Then she sent for the Kazi and witnesses and said to them, " Write my contract of marriage with this young man, and bear ye witness that I have received the marriage-settlement.^" When they had drawn up the document she said, " Be witness that all my moneys which are in this chest and all I have in slaves and handmaidens and other property is given in free gift to this young man." So they made a note of this statement enabling me to assume possession in right of marriage ; and then withdrew after receiving their fees. There- upon she took me by the hand and, leading me to a closet, opened a large chest and said to me, " See what is herein " ; and I looked and behold, it was full of kerchiefs. Quoth she, " This is the money I had from thee and every kerchief thou gavest me, containing fifty dinars, I wrapped up and cast into this chest ; so now take ' Boils and pimples are supposed to be caused by broken hair-roots and in Hindostani are called Bal-tor. 2 He intended to bury it decently, a respect which Moslems always show even to the exuvix of the body, as hair and nail parings. Amongst Guebres the latter were collected and carried to some mountain. The practice was intensified by fear of demons or wizards getting possession of the spoils. 3 Without which the marriage was not valid. The minimum is ten dirhams (drachmas), now valued at about five francs to shillings ; and if a man many with- out namiii" the sum, the woman, after consummation, can compel him to pay this The Nazmrne Broker's Story. 255 thine own, for it returns to thee, and this day thou art become of high estate. Fortune and Fate afQicted thee so that thou didst lose thy right hand for my sake ; and I can never requite thee ; nay, although I gave my life 'twere but little and I should still remain thy debtor." Then she added, " Take charge of thy pro- perty " ; so I transferred the contents of her chest to my chest, and added my wealth to her wealth which I had given her, and my heart was eased and my sorrow ceased. I stood up and kissed her and thanked her ; and she said, " Thou hast given thy hand for love of me and how am I able to give thee an equivalent ? By Allah ! if I offered my life for thy love it were indeed but little, and would not do justice to thy claim upon me." Then she made over to me by deed all that she possessed in clothes and ornaments of gold and pearls, and goods and farms and chattels, and lay not down to sleep that night, being sorely grieved for my grief, till I told her the whole of what had befallen me. I passed the night with her. But before we had lived together a month's time she fell sorely sick and illness increased upon her, by reason of her grief for the loss of my hand, and she endured but fifty days before she was numbered among the folk of futurity and heirs ot immortality. So I laid her out and buried her body in mother earth and let make a pious perlection of the Koran ^ for the health of her soul, and gave much money in alms for her; after which I turned me from the grave and returned to the house. There I found that she had left much substance in ready money and slaves, mansions, lands and domains, and among her store- houses was a granary of sesame-seed, whereof I sold part to thee; and I had neither time nor inclination to take count with thee till I had sold the rest of the stock in store ; nor, indeed, even now have I made an end of receiving the price. So I desire thou baulk me not in what I am about to say to thee : twice have I eaten of thy food and I wish to give thee as a present the moneys for the sesame which are by thee. Such is the cause of the cutting off of my right hand and my eating with my left. " Indeed," said I, "thou hast shown me the utmost kindness and liberality." Then he asked me, "Why shouldst thou not travel with me to my native country, whither I am about to return with Cairene and Alex- andrian stuffs ? Say me, wilt thou accompany me ? " and I answered, "I will." So I agreed to go with him at the head of ' Arab. " Khatniah " = reading or reciting the whole Koran, by one or more persons, usually in the house, not over the tomb. Like the " Zikr," Litany or Rogation, it is a pious act confined to certain occasions. 256 Alf Laylah tva Laylah. the month, and I sold all I had and bought other merchandise ; then we set out and travelled, I and the young man, to this country of yours, where he sold his venture and bought other investment of country stuffs and continued his journey to Egypt. But it was my lot to abide here, so that these things befell me in my strangerhood which befell last night, and is not this tale, O King of the Age, more wondrous and marvellous than the story of the Hunchback ? " Not so," quoth the King, " I cannot accept it : there is no help for it but that you be hanged, every one of you." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. Bob) ttl)fn it tens t|)E ditDcntp^ficbcntl) fXx^CjX, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the King of China declared, "There is no help for it but that you be han"-ed," the Reeve of the Sultan's Kitchen came forward and said, " If thou permit me I will tell thee a tale of what befell me just before I found this Gobbo ; and, if it be more wondrous than hij story, do thou grant us our lives." And when the King answered " Yes," he began to recount THE REEVES TALE. Know, O King, that last night I was at a party where they made a perlection of the Koran and got together doctors of law and religion skilled in recitation and intoning ; and, when the readers ended, the table was spread and amongst other things they set before us was a marinated ragout * flavoured with cumin-seed. So we sat down, but one of our number held back and refused to touch it. We conjured him to eat of it but he swore he would not ; and, when we again pressed him, he said, " Be not instant with me ; sufificeth me that which hath already befallen me through eating it " ; and he began reciting : — Shoulder thy tray and go straight to thy goal ; * And, if suit the» this Kohl why, — use this Kohl - ! ' Arab. " Zirbajah " = meat dressed with vinegar, cumin-seed (Pers. Zir) and hot spices. More of it in the sequel of the tale. Weil reads " .Sir\-adj," and offers thereon a wonderful note, telling us it is not garlic. ^ A sayintT not uncommon, meaning, let each man do as he deems fit ; also = "age quod agis " : and at times corresponding with our saw about the cap- fiuinii. The Reeve's Talc. 257 When he ended his verse we said to him, "Allah upon thee! tell us thy reason for refusing to eat of the cumin-ragout ? " " If so it be," he repHed, "and needs must I eat of it, I will not do so except I wash my hand forty times with soap, forty times with potash, and forty times with galangale,^ the total being one hundred and tvrenty washings." Thereupon the hospitable host bade his slaves bring water and whatso he required ; and the young man washed his hand as afore mentioned. Then he sat down, as if disgusted and frightened withal, and dipping his hand in the ragout began eating, and at the same time showing signs of anger. And we wondered at him with extreme wonderment, for his hand trembled and the morsel in it shook, and we saw that his thumb had been cut off, and he ate with his four fingers only. So we said to him, " Allah upon thee ! what happened to thy thumb ? Is thy hand thus by the creation of God, or hath some accident befallen it ? " " O my brothers," he answered, "it is not only thus with this thumb, but also with my other thumb and with both my great toes, as you shall see." So saying he uncovered his left hand and his feet, and we saw that the left hand was even as the right, and in like manner that each of his feet lacked its great toe. When we saw him after this fashion our amazement wazed still greater, and we said to him, "We have hardly patience enough to await thy history, and to hear the manner of the cutting off of thy thumbs, and the reason of thy washing both hands one hundred and twenty times." — Know, then, said he, that my father was chief of the merchants and the wealthiest of them all in Baghdad-city during the reign of the Caliph Harun al-Rashid. And he was much given to wine drinking and listening to the lute and the other instruments of pleasaunce ; so that when he died he left nothing. I buried him, and had perlections of the Koran made for him, and mourned for him days and nights. Then I opened his shop, and found that he had left in it few goods, v.hile his debts were many. However, I compounded with his creditors for time to settle their demands, and betook myself to buying and selling, paying them something from week to week on account ; and I gave not over doing this till I had cleared off his obligations in full and began adding to my principal. One day, as I sat in my shop, suddenly and unexpectedly there appeared before me a young lady, than whom I never saw a fairer, wearing the richest raiment and ornaments, and riding a she-mule, with one negro slave walking before her and another behind her. She drew rein at the ^ Arab. " Su'ud, an Alpinia with pungent rhizome Hke ginger; here used as a counter-odour. VOL. I. 258 Alf Laylah wa LaylaJi. head of the exchange-bazar and entered, followed by an eunuch, who said to her, " O my lady, come out and away without telling any one, lest thou light a fire which will burn us all up." Moreover, he stood before her guarding her from view whilst she looked at the merchants' shops. She found none open but mine ; so she came up with the eunuch behind her, and, sitting down in my shop, saluted me. Never heard I aught fairer than her speech, or sweeter than her voice. Then she unveiled her face, and I saw that she was like the moon, and I stole a glance at her whose sight caused me a thousand sighs, and my heart was captivated with love of her, and I kept looking again and again upon her face, repeating these verses :— Say to the charmer in the dove-hued veil, » Death would be welcome to abate thy bale! Favour me with thy favours that I live : * See, I stretch forth my palm to take thy vail ! When she heard my verse she answered me, saying : — I've lost all patience by despite of you ; » My heart knows nothing save love- plight to you ! If aught I sight save charms so bright of 3'ou ; « My parting end not in the sight of you ! I swear I'll ne'er forget the right of you ; » And fain tliis breast would soar to height of you : You made me drain the love-cup, and I lief • A love-cup tender for delight of you : Take this my form where'er you go, and when » You die, entomb me in the site of you : Call on me in my grave, and hear my bones * Sigh their responses to the shrighl of you : And were I asked, "Of God what wouldst thou see?" • I answer, "first His will, then Thy decree ! " When she ended her verse she asked me, " O youth, hast thou any fair stuffs by thee?" and I answered, "O my lady, thy slave is poor ; but have patience till the merchants open their shops, and I will suit thee with what thou wilt." Then we sat talking, I and she (and I was drowned in the sea of her love, dazed in the desert ^ of my passion for her), till the merchants opened their shops ; when I rose and fetched her all she sought to the tune of five thousand dirhams. She gave the stuff to the eunuch and, going forth by the door of the Exchange, she mounted mule and went away, without telling me whence she came, and I was ashamed to speak of such trifle. When the merchants dunned me for the price, I ' Arab. "Ta'ih" = lost in the " Tih," a desert wherein man ;//vhose redness gars the loveliest cheeks blush with despight; and my.tle and g lliflower and lavender with the blood-red anemone from Nuum n hi»ht. The leaves were all gemmed with tears he douds had dight; the chamomi^smile^show^^ . In Moslem wntings the dove amUrtle dove »^^^^^ s;,„„„„„ or to amuse his female bird is always mute ami only tne male mii^s mate. 350 Alf Laylah zva Laylah. and Narcissus with his negro ^ eyes fixed on Rose his sight ; the citrons shone with fruits embowled and the lemons hke balls of gold ; earth was carpeted with flowers tinctured infinite ; for Spring was come brightening the place with joy and delight ; and the streams ran ringing, to the birds' gay singing, while the rustling breeze upspringing attempered the air to temperance exquisite. Shaykh Ibrahim carried them up into the pavilion, and they gazed on its beauty, and on the lamps aforemen- tioned in the latticed windows ; and Nur al-Din, remembering his entertainments of time past, cried, " By Allah, this is a pleasant place ; it hath quenched in me anguish which burned as a fire of Ghaza-wood.^ " Then they sat down and Shaykh Ibrahim set food before them ; and they ate till they were satisfied, and washed their hands : after wliich Nur al-Din went up to one of the latticed windows and, calling to his handmaid, fell to gazing on the trees laden with all manner fruits. Presently he turned to the Gardener and said to him, " O Shaykh Ibrahim, hast thou no drink here, for folk are v.ont to drink after eating?" Ihe Shaykh brought him sweet water, cool and pleasant, but he said, "This is not the kind of drink I wanted." " Perchance thou wishest for wine ? " " Indeed I do, O Shaykh ! " "I seek refuge from it with Allah : it is thir- teen years since I did this thing, for the Prophet (Abhak^!) cursed its drinker, presser, seller and carrier ! " " Hear two words of me." " Say on." " If yon cursed ass * which standeth there be cursed, will aught of his curse alight upon thee ? " " By no means ! " "Then take this dinar and these two dirhams and mount yonder ass and, halting afar from the wine-shop, call the first man thou seest buying liquor and say to him : — Take these two dirhams for thyself, .nnd with this dinar buy me some wine and set it on the ' An unsavoury comparison of the classical Narcissus with the yellow white of a nigger's eyes. "" A tree whose coals burn with fierce heat : Al-Hariri (5th Seance). This Artemisia is like the tamarisk but a smaller growth, and is held to be a characteristic of the Arabian Desert. A Badawi always hails with pleasure the first sight of the Ghaza, after he has sojourned for a time away from his wilds. Mr. Palgrave (i. 38) describes the " Ghada," as an Euphorbia with a woody stem, often 5-6 feet high and slender flexible green twigs (?), " forming a feathery tuft, not ungraceful to the eye, while it affords some shelter to the traveller, and food to his camels. " 3 Arab. Sal'am = S(alla) A(llah) a(layhi) waS(allam); A(llah) b(less) h(im)a(nd) k(eep)= Allah keep him and assain ! '» The ass is held to be ill-omened. I have noticed the braying elsewhere. According to Mandeville the Devil did not enter the Ark with the Ass, but he left it when Noah said, " Benedicitc." In his day (A.D. 1322) and in that of Benjamin ofTudela, people had seen and touched the ship on Ararat, the Judi (Gordyivi) mountains ; and this dates from Berosus (S.C. 250) who, of course, refers to the Ark of Xisisthrus. See Josepluis Ant. i. 3, 6 ; and Rodwell (Koran, pp. 65, 530). Niir a I- Dill Ali and the Damsel Aiiis al-Jalis 35 i ass. So shalt thou be neither the presser, nor the buyer, nor the carrier ; and no part of the curse will fall upon thee." At this Shaykh Ibrahim laughed and said, " By Allah, O my son, I never saw one wilier of wit than thou art, nor heard aught sweeter than thy speech." So he did as he was bidden by Nur al-Din, who thanked him and said, " We two are now dependent on thee, and it is only meet that thou comply with our wishes ; so bring us here what we require." " O my son," replied he, " this is my buttery before thee " (and it was the store-room provided for the Commander of the Faithful) ; " so go in, and take whatso thou wilt, for there is over and above what thou wantest." Nur al-Din then entered the pantry, and found therein vessels of gold and silver and crystal set with all kinds of gems, and was amazed and delighted with what he saw. Then he took out what he needed, and set it on and poured the wine into flagons and glass ewers, whilst Shaykh Ibrahim brought them fruit and flowers and aromatic herbs. Then the old man withdrew and sat down at a distance from them, whilst they drank and made merry, till the wine got the better of them, so that their cheeks reddened and their eyes wantoned like the gazelle's, and their locks became dishevelled and their brightness became yet more beautiful. Then said Shaykh Ibrahim to himself, "What aileth me to sit apart from them ? Why should I not sit with them ? When shall I ever find myself in company with the like of these two that favour two moons ? " So he stepped forward and sat down on the edge of the dais, and Nur al-Din said to him, " O my lord, my life on thee, come nearer to us." He came and sat by them, when Nur al-Din filled a cup and looked towards the Shaykh, and said to him, " Drink, that thou mayest try the taste of it." " I take refuge from it with Allah," replied he, " for thirteen years I have not done a thing of the kind." Nur al-Din feigned to forget he was there and drinking off the cup threw himself on the ground, as if the drink had overcome him. Whereupon Anis al-Jalis glanced at him, and said, " O Shaykh Ibrahim, see how this husband of mine treateth me ! " And he answered, " O my lady, w^iat aileth him ? " " This is how he always serveth me," cried she. " He drinketh awhile, then falleth asleep, and leaveth me alone with none to bear me company over my cup, nor any to whom I may sing when the bowl goeth round." Quoth the Shaykh (and his mien unstiffened, for that his soul inclined towards her), " By Allah, this is not well." Then she crowned a cup, and, looking towards him, said, "By my life, thou must take and drink it, and not refuse to heal my sick heart." So he put forth his hand and took it, and drank it off, and she filled a second, and set it on the chandelier, and said, " O master 352 A If Lay la h wa Laylah. mine, there is still this one left for thee." " By Allah, I cannot drink it " ; cried he, " what I have already drunk is enough for me " ; but she rejoined, " By Allah, there is no help for it." So he took the cup and drank ; and she filled him a third which he took and was about to drink when behold, Nur al-Din rolled round and sat upright And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. JQoto tol^cn it toas X\t C5tvtj)=£scijcnt|& JQIffbt, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Nur al-Din sat upright and said, "Ho, Shaykh Ibrahim, what is this? Did I not adjure thee a while ago and thou refusedst, saying : — What, I! 'tis thirteen years ago since I have done such a thing!" "By Allah," quoth the Shaykh (and indeed he was abashed), " no sin of mine this, she forced me to do it." Nur al-Din laughed and they sat down again to wine and wassail, but the damsel turned to her master and said in a whisper, "O my lord, drink and do not press him, that I may show thee some sport with him." Then she began to fill her master's cup and he hers, and so they did time after time, till at last Shaykh Ibrahim looked at them and said, " What fashion of good fellowship is this ? Allah curse the glutton who keepeth the cup to himself ! Why dost thou not give me to drink, O my brother ? What manners are these, O blessed one ? " At this the two laughed until they fell on their backs ; then they drank and gave him to drink, and ceased not their carousal till a third part of the night was past. Then said the damsel, " O Shaj'kh Ibrahim, with thy leave I will get up and light one of these candles." " Do so," he replied, " but light no more than one." So she sprang to her feet, and begin- ning with one candle lighted all the eighty and sat down again. Presently Nur al-Din said, " O Shaykh Ibrahim, in what favour am I with thee? May I not light one of these lamps?" "Light one," replied he, " and bother me no more in thy turn ! " So he rose and lighted one lamp after another, till he had lighted the whole eighty and the palace seemed to dance with brilliancy. Quoth the Shaykh (and indeed intoxication had overcome him), "Ye two are bolder than I am." Then he rose to his feet and opened all the lattices and sat down again ; and they fell to carousing and reciting verses till the place rang with their noisy mirth. Now Allah, the Decreer who decreeth all things, and who for every effect appointeth a cause, had so disposed that the Caliph Nur al-Diii All a /id the Damsel Aids al-Jalls. 353 was at that moment sitting in the light of the moon at one of tlie windows of his palace overlooking the Tigris. He saw the blaze of the lamps and wax candles reflected in the river and lifting his eyes, perceived that it came from the Garden Palace, which was all ablaze with brilliancy. So he cried, " Here to me with Ja'afar the Barmaki?" and the last word was hardly spoken ere the Wazir was present before the Commander of the Faithful, who cried at him, " O dog of a Minister, hast thou taken from me this city of Baghdad without saying aught to me?" "What words are these words?" asked Ja'afar; and the Caliph answered, "If Baghdad- city were not taken from me, the Palace of Pictures would not be illuminated with lamps and candles, nor would its windows be thrown open. AVoe to thee ! Avho durst do a deed like this except the Caliphate had been taken from me ? " Quoth Ja'afar (and indeed his side-muscles trembled as he spoke), "Who told thee that the Palace of Pictures was illuminated and the windows thrown open ? " "Come hither and see," replied the Caliph. Then Ja'afar came close to the Caliph, and looking towards the garden saw the palace blazing with illumination that rayed through the gloom of the night; and, thinking that this might have been per- mitted by the keeper for some reason of his own, he wished to make an excuse for him ; so quoth he, " O Commander of the Faithful, Shaykh Ibrahim said to me last week : — O my lord Ja'afar, I much wish to circumcise my sons during the life of the Commander of the Faithful and thy life. I asked : — What dost thou want ? and he answered : — Get me leave from the Caliph to hold the festival in the Garden Palace. So said I to him : — Go circumcise them, and I will see the Caliph and tell him. There- upon he went away and I forgot to let thee know." " O Ja'afar," said the Caliph, " thou hast committed two offences against me ; first, in that thou didst not report to me ; secondly, thou didst not give him what he sought ; for he came and told thee this only as excuse to ask for some small matter of money, to help him with the outlay ; and thou gavest him naught nor toldest me aught." " O Com- mander of the Faithful," said Ja'afar, "I forgot." "Now by the rights of my forefathers and the tombs of my forbears," quoth the Caliph, " I will not pass the rest of this night save in company with him ; for truly he is a pious man who frequenteth the Elders of the Faith and the Fakirs and other religious mendicants, and entertaineth them ; doubtless they are now assembled together and it may be that the prayer of one of them shall work us weal both in this world and in the next. Besides, my presence may profit and at any rate be pleasing to Shaykh Ibrahim." "O Com- 354 -^V Laylah wa Laylah. mander of the Faithful," quoth Ja'afar, " the greater part of the night is passed, and at this time they will be breaking up." Quoth the Cahph, " It matters not : I needs must go to them." So Ja'afar held his peace, being bewildered and knowing not what to do. Then the Caliph rose to his feet and, taking with him Ja'afar and Masrur the eunuch sworder, the three disguised them- selves in merchants' gear and leaving the City-palace, kept thread- ing the streets till they reached the garden. The Caliph went up to the gate, and finding it wide open was surprised and said, "See, O Ja'afar, how Shaykh Ibrahim hath left the gate open at this hour contrary to his custom ! " They went in and walked on till they came under the pavilion, when the Caliph said, " O Ja'afar, I wish to look in upon them unawares before I show myself, that I may see what they are about and get sight of the Elders ; for hitherto I have heard no sound from them, nor even a Fakir calling upon the name of Allah. ^ " Then he looked about, and seeing a tall walnut-tree said to Ja'afar, " I will climb this tree, for its branches are near the lattices and so look in upon them." Thereupon he mounted the tree and ceased not climbing from branch to branch, till he reached a bough which was right opposite one of the windows, and here he took seat and looked inside the palace. He saw a damsel and a youth as they were two moons (glory be to Him who created them and fashioned them !) and by them Shaykh Ibrahim seated cup in hand and saying, "O Princess of fair ones, drinking without music is nothing worth ; indeed I have heard a poet say : — Pass round the cup to the young and old * And take it from hand of a shining moon^ : And drain it not sans a song, for I » Have seen horses drink to a whistled tunc ! " \M-ien the Caliph saw this, the vein of wrath started up between his eyes and he came down and said to the Wazir, " O Ja'afar, never yet beheld I men of piety in such case ; so do thou mount this tree and look upon them, lest the blessings of the blest be lost to thee." Ja'afar, hearing the words of the Commander of the Faithful, and being confounded by them, climbed to the tree-top, and, looking in, saw Nur al-Din and the damsel, and Shaykh Ibrahim holding in his hand a brimming bowl. At this sight he made sure ' As would happen at a " Zikr," rogation or litany. Tiiose who wish to see how much can be made of the subject will read " Pearls of the Faith, or Islam's Rosary, being the ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah" (Asma-el-IIusna) etc., by Edwin Arnold. London : Trlibner, 18S3. - i.e. the Saki, cup-boy or cup-bearer. " Moon-faced," as I have shown else- where, is no compliment in English, but it is in Persian and Arabic. Nu7- al-Din Ali and the Dauiscl An is al-Jalis. 355 of death, and descending, stood before the Commander of the Faithful, who said to him, " O Ja'afar, praise be to Allah who hath made us of those that observe external ordinances of Holy Law, and hath averted from us the sin of disguising ourselves after the manner of hypocrites/ " But Ja'afar could not speak a word for excess of confusion ; so the Caliph looked at him, and said, " I wonder how they came hither, and who admitted them into my pavilion ? But aught like the beauty of this youth and this damsel my eyes never yet saw." "Thou sayest sooth, O our Lord the Sultan," replied Ja'afar (and he hoped to propitiate the Caliph Harun al-Rashid). Then quoth the Caliph, "O Ja'afar, let us both mount the branch opposite the window, that we may amuse ourselves with looking at them." So the two climbed the tree, and peering in, heard Shaykh Ibrahim say, " O my lady, I have cast away all gravity mine by the drinking of wine, but 'tis not sweet save with the soft sounds of the lute-strings it combine." " By Allah," replied Anis al-Jalis, " O Shaykh Ibrahim, an we had but some instrument of music our joyance were complete." Hearing this he rose to his feet, and the Caliph said to Ja'afn-, "I wonder what he is about to do ! " and Ja'afar answered, " I know not." The Shaykh disappeared and presently reappeared bringing a lute ; and the Caliph took note of it and knew it for that of Abu Ishak the Cup- companion.^ " By Allah," said the Caliph, " if this damsel sing ill I will crucify all of you \ but if she sing well I will forgive them and only gibbet thee." " O Allah, cause her to sing vilely ! " quoth Ja'afar. Asked the Caliph, "Why so?" and he answered, "If thou crucify us all together, we shall keep one another company." The Caliph laughed at his speech. Presently the damsel took the lute, and, after looking at it and tuning it, she played a measure which made all hearts yearn to her. Then she sang these lines : — - O ye that can aid me, a wretched lover, * Whom longing burns nor can rest restore me ! Though all you have done I have well deserved, * I take refuge \\'ithyou, soexuU not o'er me : True, I am weak and low and vile, * But I'll bear your will and whatso you bore me : My dealh at your hands what brings it of glory ? * I fear but your sin w liicli of life forlore me ! '■ He means we are"Zahiri," plain honest Moslems, not " Eatini," Gnostics (ergo reprobates) and so forth, who disregard all appearances and external ordi- nances. This suggests his opinion of Shaykh Ibrahim, and possibly refers to Ja'afar's suspected heresy. ^ This worthy will be noticed in a subsequent page. 356 Alf Laylah iva Laylah. Quoth the Caliph, " By Allah, good ! O Ja'afar, never in my life have I heard a ^•oice so enchanting as this." " Then haply the Caliph's wrath hath passed away," said Ja'afar, and he replied, "Yes, 'tis gone." Thereupon they descended from the tree, and the Caliph said to Ja'afar, " I wish to go in and sit with them and hear the damsel sing before me." " O Commander of the Faithful," replied Ja'afar, " if thou go in to them they will be terribly troubled, and Shayhk Ibrahim will assuredly die of fright." But the Caliph answered, "O Ja'afar, thou must teach me some device wherewith to delude them and whereby I can forgather with them without their knowing me." So they walked towards the Tigris pondering the matter, and presently came upon a fisherman who stood fishing under the pavilion windows. Now some time before this the Caliph (being in the pavilion) had called to Shaykh Ibrahim and asked him, "What noise is this I hear under the windows?" and he had answered, " It is voices of fisher folk catching fish " ; so quoth the Caliph, " Go down and forbid them this place " ; and he forbade them accordingly. However, that night a fisherman named Kari'm, happening to pass by and seeing the garden gate open, said to himself, " This is a time of negligence ; and I will take advantage of it to do a bit of fishing." So he took his net and cast it, but he had hardly done so when behold, the Caliph came up single-handed and, standing hard by, knew him and called aloud to him, "Ho, Karim ! " The fisherman, hearing himself named, turned round, and seeing the Caliph, trembled and his side muscles quivered as he cried, " By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, I did it not in mockery of the mandate ; but poverty and a large family drove me to what thou seest ! " Quoth the Caliph, " Make a cast in my name." At this the fisherman was glad and going to the bank threw his net, then waiting till it had spread out at full stretch and settled down, hauled it up and found therein various kinds of fish. The Caliph was pleased and said, " O Karim, doff thy habit." So he put off a gaberdine of coarse woollen stuff patched in an hun- dred places whereon the lice were rampant, and a turband which had never been untwisted for three years but to which he had sewn every rag he came upon. The Caliph also pulled off his person two vests of Alexandrian and Ba'lbak silk, a loose inner robe and a long-sleeved outer coat, and said to the fisherman, "Take them and put them on," while he assumed the foul gaberdine and filthy turband and drew a corner of the head-cloth as a mouth-veiP Arab. " Lisam," the end of the " Kufiyah," or head-kerchief passed over the face under the eyes and made fast on the other side. Tliis mouth-veil serves as a mask (eyes not being recognisable) and defends from heat, cold and thirst. I also Km- al-Diii AH and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis. 357 before his face. Then said he to the fisherman, " Get thee about thy business ! " and the man kissed the Cahph's feet and thanked him and improvised the following couplets : — Thou hast granted more favours than ever I craved : * Thou hast satisfied needs which my heart enslaved : I will ihank thee and thank whileas life shall last, * And my bones will praise thee in grave engraved ! Hardly had the fisherman ended his verse, when the lice began to crawl over the Caliph's skin, and he fell to catching them on his neck with his right and left and throwing them from him, while he cried, " O fisherman, woe to thee ! what be this abundance of lice on thy gaberdine." "O my lord," replied he, "they may annoy thee just at first, but before a week is past thou wilt not feel them nor think of them." The Caliph laughed and said to him, " Out on thee ! Shall I leave this gaberdine of thine so long on my body?" Quoth the fisherman, " I would say a word to thee but I am ashamed in presence of the Caliph!" and quoth he, "Say what thou hast to say." " It passed through my thought, O Commander of the Faithful," said the fisherman, "that, since thou wishest to learn fishing so thou mayest have in hand an honest trade whereby to gain thy livelihood, this my gaberdine besitteth thee right well.^ " The Commander of the Faithful laughed at this speech, and the fisherman went his way. Then the Caliph took up the basket of fish and strewing a little green gras^ over it, carried it to Ja'afar and stood before him. Ja'afar thinking him to be Karim the fisherman feared for him and said, " O Karim, what brought thee hither? Flee for thy life, for the Caliph is in the garden to-night and if he see thee thy neck is gone." At this the Caliph laughed and Ja'afiir recognised him and asked, " Can it be thou, our lord the Sultan?" and he answered, "Yes, O Ja'afar, and thou art my Wazir, and I and thou came hither together ; yet thou knowest me not ; so how should Shaykh Ibrahim know me, and he drunk ? Stay here, till I come back to thee." "To hear is to obe}'," said believe that hooding the eyes with this article, Badawi-fashion, produces a sensation of coolness, at any rate a marked difference of apparent temperature ; somewhat like a pair of dark spectacles or looking at the sea from a sandy shore. Pilgrimage, i. 210 and 346. The woman's " Lisam " (chin-veil), or Yashmak, is noticed in i. 337. ' Most characteristic is this familiarity between the greatest man then in the world and his pauper subject. The fisherman alludes to a practice of Al-Islam, instituted by Caliph Omar, that all rulers should work at some handicraft in order to spare the public treasure. Hence Sultan Mu'ayyad of Cairo was a calligrapher who sold his hand-writing, and his example was followed by the Turkish Sultans Mahmud, Abd al-Majid, and Abd al-Aziz. German royalties prefer carpentering and Louis XVI. watch-making. 358 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. Ja'afar. Then the Cahph went up to the door of the pavilion and knocked a gentle knock, whereupon said Nur al-Din, "O Shaykh Ibrahim, some one taps at the door." "Who goes there?" cried the Shaykh, and the Caliph replied, " 'Tis I, O Shaykh Ibrahim!" "Who art thou," quoth he, and quoth the other, "I am Karim the fisherman : I hear thou hast a feast, so I have brought thee some fish, and of a truth 'tis good fish." When Nur al-Din heard the mention of fish, he was glad, he and the damsel, and they both said to the Shaykh, " O our lord, open the door, and let him bring us his fish." So Shaykh Ibrahim opened and the Caliph came in (and he in fisherman guise), and began by saluting them. Said Shaykh Ibrahim, " Welcome to the blackguard, the robber, the dicer ! Let us see thy fish." So the Caliph showed them his catch, and behold, the fishes were still alive and jumping, whereupon the damsel ex- claimed, " By Allah ! O my lord, these are indeed fine fish : would they were fried ! " and Shaykh Ibrahim rejoined, " By Allah, O my lady, thou art right." Then said he to the Caliph, "O fisherman, why didst thou not bring us the fish ready fried ? Up now and cook them and bring them back to us." " On my head be thy commands ! " said the Caliph, "I will fry thee a dish and bring it." Said they, " Look sh::rp " Thereupon he went out and ran till he came up to Ja'afar, when he called to him, " Hallo, Ja'afar ! " and he replied, "Here am I, O Commander of the Faithful, is all well ?" "They want the fish fried," said the Caliph; and Ja'afar answered, " O Commander of the Faithful, give it to me and I'll fry it for them." "By the tombs of my forbears," quoth the Caliph, "none shall fry it but I with mine own hand ! " So he went to the gardener's hut, where he searched and found all that he required, even to salt and saffron and wild marjoram and else besides. Then he turned to the brazier and setting on the frying-pan, fried a right good fry. When it was done he laid it on a banana-leaf, and gathering from the garden wind-fallen fruits, limes and lemons, carried the fish to the pavilion and set the dish before them. So the youth and the damsel and Shaykh Ibrahim came forward and ate ; after which they washed their hands and Nur al-Din said to the Caliph, " By Allah, O fisherman, thou hast done us a right good deed this night." Then he put hand in pouch and, taking out three of the dinars which Sanjar had given him, said, " O fisher- man, excuse me. By Allah, had I known thee before that which hath lately befallen me, I had done away the bitterness of poverty from thy heart ; but take thou this as the best I can do for thee." Then he threw the gold pieces to the Caliph, who took them and kissed them and put them in pouch. Now his sole object in doing Niir al-Diii AH and the Damsel A/iis a/-/a/is. 359 all this was to hear the damsel sing; so he said to Nur al-Din, "Thou hast rewarded me inost liberally, but I beg of thy boundless bounty that thou let this damsel sing an air, that I may hear her.' " So Nur al-Din said, "O Anis al-Jalis !" and she answered, "Yes!" and he continued, "By my life, sing us something for the sake of this fisherman who wisheth so much to hear thee." Thereupon she took the lute and struck the strings, after she had screwed them tight and tuned them, and sang these improvised verses : — The fawn of a maid henl her kite in hand » And her music made us right mettle- some : For her song gave hearing to ears stone-deaf, * While Brava ! Brava ! exclaimed the dumb. Then she played again and played so ravishingly, that she charmed their wits and burst out improvising and singing these couplets : — You have Ironoured us visiting this our land * And your splendour iUumined the glooms that blent : So 'tis due that for you I perfume my place « With rose-water, musk, and camphor- scent ! Hereupon the Caliph was agitated, and emotion so overpowered him that he could not command himself for excess of pleasure, and he exclaimed, " By Allah, good ! by Allah, good ! by Allah, good^ ! " Asked Nur al-Din, "O fisherman, doth this damsel please thee?" and the Caliph answered, "Ay, by Allah!" Whereupon said Nur al-Din, " She is a gift to thee, a gift of the generous who repenteth him not of his givings and who will never revoke his gift 1 " Then he sprang to his feet and, taking a loose robe, threw it over the fisherman and bade him receive the damsel and be gone. But she looked at him and said, " O my lord, art thou faring forth without farewell ? If it must be so, at least stay till I bid thee good-bye and make known my case." And she began versifying in these verses : — ■ When love and longing and regret are mine, * Must not this body show of ills a sign? My love ! say not, "Thou soon shalt be consoled"; * When state speaks state none shall allay my pine. If living man could swim upon his tears, * I first should float on waters of these eyne : O thou, who in my heart infusedst thy love, * As water mingles in the cup with wine. This was the fear I feared, this parting blow, « O thou whose love my heart-core ne'er shall tyne ! ' There would be nothing singular in this request. The democracy of despotism Jevels all men outside the pale of politics and religion. ^ " Wa'Udhi tayyib 1" an exclamation characteristic of the Egyptian Moslem. 360 Alf Laylah wa Laylah. O Bin Khakan ! my sought, my hope, my will, * O thou whose love this breast made wholly thine ! Against thy lord the King thou sinn'dst for me, * And winnedst exile in lands peregrine : Allah ne'er make my lord repen my loss * To cream' o' men thou gavest me, one right digne. When she had ended her verses, Nur al-Din answered her with these lines : — She bade me farewell on our parting day * And she wept in the fire of our bane and pains : " What wilt thou do when fro' thee I'm gone? " * Quoth I, " Say this to whom life remains ! " When the Caliph heard her saying in her verse : — To Karim, the cream of men, thou gavest me ; his inclination for her redoubled, and it seemed a hard matter and a grievous to part them ; so quoth he to the youth, " O my lord, truly the damsel said in her verses that thou didst transgress against her master and him who owned her, so tell me against whom didst thou transgress, and who is it hath a claim on thee?" "By Allah, O fisherman," replied Nur al-Din, "there befell me and this damsel a wondrous tale and a marvellous matter, an 'twere graven with needle-gravers on the eye-corners it would be a warner to whoso would be warned." Cried the Caliph, "Wilt thou not tell me thy story and acquaint me with thy case? Haply it may bring thee relief, for Allah's aid is ever nearhand." " O fisherman," said Nur al-Din, "wilt thou hear our history in verse or in prose?" "Prose is a wordy thing, but verses" rejoined the Caliph, "are pearls on string." Then Nur al-Din bowed his head, and made these couplets : — - my friend ! reft of rest no repose I command » And my grief is redoubled in this far land : Erst I had a father, a kinder ne'er was ; » But he died and to Death paid the deodand : When he went from me, every matter went wrong « Till my heart was nigh-broken my nature unmanned : He bought me a handmaid, a sweeting who shamed » A wand of the willow by Zephyr befanned : 1 lavisht upon her mine heritage, • And spent like a nobleman puissant and grand : Then to sell her compelled, my sorrow increased ; » The parting was sore but I mote not gainstand : Now as soon as the crier had called her, there bid » A wicked old fellow, a fiery brand : ' The pretended fisherman's name Karim = the Generous. N'ltr al-Din AH and the Damsel A)tis al-Jalis. 361 So I raged with a rage that I coukl not restrain, » And snatched her from out of his hireling's hand ; When the angry curmudgeon made ready for blows * And the fire of a fi'dit kindled he and his band, I smote him in fury with right and with left, * And his hide, till well satisfied, curried and tanned : Then in fear I fled forth and lay hid in my house, » To escape from the snares which my foeman had spanned : So the King of the country proclaimed my arrest ; » When access to me a good Chamberlain fand : And warned me to flee from the city afar, » Disappear, disappoint what my enemies planned : Then we fled from our home 'neath the wing of the night, <■ And sought us a refuge by Baghdad strand : Of my riches I've nothing on thee to bestow, » O Fisher, except the fair gift thou hast scanned : The loved of my soul, and when I from her part, * Ki\ow for sure that I give thee the blood of my heart. ' When he had ended his verse the Caliph said to him, " O my lord Nur al-Din, explain to me thy case more fully." So he told him the whole story from beginning to end, and the Caliph said to him, " Whither dost thou now intend ? " '' Allah's world is wide," replied he. Quoth the Caliph, " I will write thee a letter to carry to the Sultan Mohammed bin Sulayman al-Zayni, which when he readeth, he will not hurt nor harm thee in aught," And Shahrazad per- ceived the da-.vn of day and ceased saying her permitted say iQoto to|)cn \i teas X\z C^irtp-ricr^tf) jQitjIjt, She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Caliph said to Nur al-Din Ali, " I will write thee a letter to carry to the Sultan Mohammed bin Sulayman al-Zayni, which when he readeth, he will not hurt nor harm thee in aught," Nur al-Din asked, " What ! is there in the world a fisherman who writeth to Kings ? Such a thing can never be ! " and the Caliph answered, " Thou sayest sooth, but I will tell thee the reason. Know that I and he learnt in the same school under one schoolmaster, and that I was his monitor. Since that time Fortune befriended him and he is become a Sultan, while Allah hath abased me and made me a fisherman ; yet I never send to him to ask aught but he doeth my ' Such an act of generosity would appear to Europeans well-nigh insanity, but it is quite in Arab manners. Witness the oft-quoted tale of Hatim and his horse. As a rule the Arab is the reverse of generous, contrasting badly, in this point, with his cousin the Jew : hence his ideal of generosity is of the very highest. " The generous {i.e. liberal) is Allah's friend, aye, though he be a sinner ; and the miser is Allah's foe, aye, though he be a saint ! " Indian ]\Ioslems call a skin-flint Makhi-chus = fly-sucker (Pilgrimage, i. 242). VOL. I. A A 362 A If Lay /ah wa Lay la h. desire ; nay, though I should crave of him a thousand favours every day, he would comply." When Nur al-Din heard this he said, " Good ! Write that I may see." So the Caliph tOvOk ink-case and reed-pen and wrote as follows : " In the name of Allah, the Compassionating, the Compassionate. But after.^ This letter is written by Ilarun al-Rashid, son of Al-Mahdi, to his highness Mohammed bin Sulayman al-Zayni, whom I have encompassed about with my favour and made my viceroy in certain of my dominions. The bearer of these pre3ents is Nur al-Din Ali, son of Fazl bin Khakan, the Wazir. As scon as they come to thy hand divest thyself forthright of the kingly dignity and invest him therewith ; so oppose not my commandment, and peace be with thee." He gave the letter to Nur al-Din, who took it and kissed it, then put it in his turband, and set out at once on his journey. So far concerning him ; but as regards the Caliph, Shaykh Ibrahim stared at him (and he still in fisher garb), and said, " O vilest of fishermen, thou hast brought us a couple of fish worth a score of half-dirhams,^ and hast gotten three dinars for them, and thinkest thou to take the damsel to boot?" When the Caliph heard this, he cried out at him, and signed to Masrur, who discovered himself, and rushed in upon him. Now Ja'afar had sent one of the gardener-lads to the doorkeeper of the palace to fetch a suit of royal raiment for the Prince of the Faithful; so the man went, and returning with the suit, kissed ground before the Caliph and gave it him. Then he threw off the clothes he had on^ and donned kingly apparel. Shaykh Ibrahim was still sitting upon his chair, and the Caliph tarried to behold what would come next. But seeing the Fisherman become the Caliph, Shaykh Ibrahim was utterly confounded, and he could do nothing but bite his finger-ends,* and say, "Would I knew whether am I asleep or am I awake." At last the Caliph looked at him, and cried, " O ' Arab. Amma ba'ad (or Wa ba'ad), an initiatory formula attributed to Kossibn Sa'idat al-Iyadi, bishop of Najran (the town in Al-\'aman which D'Herbelot calls Negiran) and a famous preacher in Mohammed's day : hence " more eloquent than Koss " (Maydani, Arab. Trov. , 1S9). lie was the first who addressed letters with the incept, " from A. to B. ," and the first who preached from a pulpit and who leant on a sword or a stafi when discoursing. Many Moslems date Amma ba'ad from the Prophet David, relying upon a passage of the Koran (xxxviii. 19). ^ Arab. " Nusf" = half (adirham) : vulgarly pronounced "nuss," and synonymous with the Egypt. " Faddah" ( = silver), the Greek Asper, and the Turkish " parah." It is the smallest Egyptian coin, made of very base metal, and, there being forty to the piastre, it is worth nearly a quarter of a farthing. 3 The too literal Torrens and Lane make the Caliph give the gardener-lad the clothes in which he was then clad, forgetting, like the author or copier, that he wore the fisherman's lousy suit. * In sign of confusion, disappointment, and so forth: not "biting his nails," which is European and utterly un- Asiatic. Nur al-Din AH and the Damsel A/iis al-Jalis. 363 Shaykh Ibrahim, what state is this in which I see thee ?" Thereupon he recovered from his drunkenness, and, throwing himself upon the ground, repeated these verses : — Pardon the sinful ways I did pursue ; * Ruth from liis lord to every slave is due : Confession pays the fine that sin demands ; * Where, then, is that which grace and mercy sue ' ? The Cahph forgave him and bade carry the d.imsel to the city- palace, where he set apart for her an apartment and appointed slaves to serve her, saying to her, " Know that we have sent thy lord to be Sultan in Bassorah and. Almighty Allah willing, we will despatch him the dress of investiture and thee with it." Meanwhile, Nur al-Din Ali ceased not travelling till he reached Bassorah, where he repaired to the Sultan's palace and he shouted a loud shout." The Sultan heard him and sent for him ; and when he came into his presence, he kissed ground between his hands and, producing the letter, presented it to him. Seeing the super- scription in the writing of the Commander of the Faithful, the Sultan rose to his feet and kissed it three times ; and after reading; it said, " I hear and I obey Allah Almighty and the Commander of the Faithful ! " Then he summoned the four Kazis ^ and the Emirs and was about to divest himself of the rule royal, when behold, in came Al-Mu'in bin Sawi. The Sultan gave him the Caliph's letter and he read it, then tore it to pieces and putting it into his mouth chewed it* and spat it out. "Woe to thee," quoth the Sultan (and indeed he was sore angered) ; " what induced thee to do this deed?" "Now by thy life! O our lord the Sultan," replied Mu'in, "this man hath never forgathered with the Caliph nor with his Wazir ; but he is a gallows-bird, a limb of Satan, a knave who having come upon a written paper in the Caliph's hand, some idle scroll, hath made it serve his own end. The Caliph would surely not send him to take the Sultanate from thee without the Imperial autograph ^ and the diploma of investiture, and he certainly would have despatched with him a Chamberlain or a Minister. But he hath come alone and he never came from the Caliph, no, never ! never ! never ! " " What is to be done ? " ' See lines like these in night xiii. ; the sentiment is trite. ^ The Arab will still stand under his ruler's palace and shout aloud to attract his attention : Sayyid Sa'id, known as the " Imam of Maskat " used to encourage the patriarchal practice. Mohammed repeatedly protested against such unceremonious conduct (Koran, xciv. il, etc.). The " three times of privacy ' (Koran, cv. 57) are before the dawn-prayer, during the Siesta (noon), and after the even-prayer. 3 The Judges of the four orthodox schools. '' That none might see it or find it ever after. S Arab. " Khatt Sharif "=a royal autographical letter: the term is still pre- served in Turkey, but Europeans will write " Hatt. " AA 2 364 Alf Lay/ah wa Laylah. asked the Sultan, and the Mhiister answered, " Leave him to me and I will take him and keep him away from thee, and send him in charge of a Chamberlain to Baghdad-city. Then, if what he says be sooth, they will bring us back autograph and investiture ; and if not, I will take my due out of this debtor." When the Sultan heard the Minister's words he said, " Hence with thee and him too." Al Mu'in took trust of him from the King, and carrying him to his own house cried out to his pages who laid him flat and beat him till he fainted. Then he let put upon his feet heavy shackles and carried him to the jail, where he called the jailor, one Kutayt,^ who came and kissed ground before him. Quoth the Wazir, " O Kutayt, I wish thee to take this fellow and throw him into one of the underground cells ' in the prison and torture him night and day." "To hear is to obey," replied the jailor, and taking Nur al-Din into the prison, locked the door upon him. Then he gave orders to sweep a bench behind the door, and spreading on it a sitting-rug and a leather-cloth, seated Nur al-Uin thereon and loosed his shackles and entreated him kindly. The ^^'azir sent every day enjoining the jailor to beat him, but he abstained from this, and so continued to do for forty days. On the forty-first day there came a present from the Caliph ; which when the Sultan saw, it pleased him and he consulted his Ministers on the matter, when one of them said, " Perchance this present was for the new Sultan." Cried Al-Mu'in, "We should have done well had we put him to death at his fint coming " ; and the Sultan cried " By Allah, thou hast reminded me of him ! Go down to the prison and fetch him, and I will strike off his head." "To hear is to obey,'' replied Al-Mu'in : then he stood up and said, " I will make proclamation in the city : — ^\'hoso would solace himself with seeing the beheading of Nur al-Din bin al-Fazl bin Khakan, let him repair to the palace ! So follower and followed, great and small will flock to the spectacle, and I shall heal my heart and harm my foe." "Do as thou wilt," said the Sultan. The Wazir went off (and he was glad and gay), and ordered the Chief of Police to make the afore-mcntioned proclamation. When the people heard the crier, they all sorrowed and wept, even the little ones at school and the traders in their shops ; and some strove to get places for seeing the sight, whilst others went to the prison with the object of escorting him thence. Presently, the AX'azir came with ten Mamelukes to the jail, and Kutayt the jailor asked him, " Whom seekest thou, O our ' Meaning " Little tom-cat " ; a dim. of" Kit," viilg. Kutt or Gutt. - Arab. '' Malnu'iiah" — the Algerino " Matamor " = a "silo," made familiar to England by the invention of " Ensilage." Nur al-Diii AH and the Damsel A/iis al-Jalis. 365 lord the ^Vazir ? " whereto he answered, " Bring me that gallows- bird." But the jailor said, " He is in the sorriest of plights for the much beating I have given him." Then he went into the prison and found Nur al-Din repeating these verses : — Who shall support me in calamities, * When fail all cures and greater cares arise? Exile hath worn my heart, my vitals torn ; * The World to foes hath turned my firm allies. O folk, will not one friend amidst you all * Wail o'er my woes, and cry to hear my cries ? Death and its agonies seem light to me, * Since life has lost all joys and jollities : Lord of Mustafa,' that Science-sea * Sole Intercessor, Guide all-ware, all-wise ! 1 pray thee free me and my fault forego, * And from me drive mine evil and my woe. The jailor stripped off his clean clothes, and dressing him in two filthy vests carried him to the Wazir. Nur al-Din looked at him and saw it was his foe that sought to compass his death ; so he wept and said, " Art thou, then, so secure against the World ? Hast thou not heard the saying of the poet : — Kisras and Cassars in a bygone day * Stored wealth ; where is it, and ah ! where are they ? O Wazir," he continued, " know that Allah (be He extolled and exalted !) will do whatso He will ! " " O Ali," replied he, " thinkest thou to frighten me with such talk ? I mean this very day to smite thy neck despite the noses of the Bassorah folk, and I care not ; let the days do as they please. Nor will I turn to thy counsel, but rather to what the poet saith : — Leave thou the days to breed their ban and bate, * And make thee strong t' upbear the weight of Fate. And also how excellently saith another: — Whoso shall see the death-day of his foe, * One day surviving, wins his bestest wish." Then he ordered his attendants to mount Nur al-Din upon the bare back of a mule ; and they said to the youth (for truly it was irksome to them), " Let us stone him and cut him down, though our lives go for it." But Nur al-Din said to them, " Do not so. Have ye not heard the saying of the poet? — Needs must I bear the term by P'ate decreed, * And when that day be dead needs must I die : ' The older " Mustapha " = Mohannned. This intercession-doctrine is fiercely disputed. Pilgrimage, ii. 77. The Apostle of Al-Islam seems to have been unable to make up his mind upon the subject ; and modern opinion amongst ]\Ioslems is apparently borrowed from the Christians. 366 Alf Laylah zva Laylah. If lions dragged me to their forest-lair, * Safe should I live till draw my death- day nigh." Then they proceeded to proclaim before Nur al-Din, " This is the least of the retribution for him who imposeth upon Kings with forgeries." And they ceased not parading him round about Bassorah, till they made him stand beneath the palace windows and set him upon the leather of blood/ and the sworder came up to him, and said, " O my lord, I am but a slave commanded in this matter ; an thou have any desire tell it me, that I may fulfil it, for now there remaineth of thy life only so much as may be till the Sultan shall put his face out of the lattice." Thereupon Nur al-Din looked to the right and to the left, and before him and behind him, and began improvising: — The sword, the sworder, and the blood-skin waiting me I sight, * And cry, Alack, mine evil fate ! ah, my calamity ! How is't I see no loving friend with eye of sense or soul ? ♦ What ! no one here ? I cry to all : will none reply to me ? The time is past that formed my life, my dcatli term draweth nigh, * Will no man win the grace of God showing me clemency And look with pity on my state and clear my dark despair, » E'en with a draught of water dealt to cool death's agony ? The people fell to weeping over him ; and the headsman rose and brought him a draught of water ; but the ^Vazir sprang up from his place and smote the gugglet with his hand and broke it : then he cried out at the executioner and bade him strike off Nur al-Din's head. So he bound the eyes of the doomed man and folk clamoured at the Wazir and loud wailings were heard and much questioning of man and man. At this moment behold, rose a dense dust-cloud filling sky and wold ; and when the Sultan, who was sitting in the palace, descried this, he said to his suite, " Go and see what yon cloud bringeth." Replied Al-Mu'in, "Not till we have smitten this fellow's neck " ; but the Sultan said, " ^^'ait ye till we see what this meaneth." Now the dust-cloud was the dust of Ja'afar the Barmecide, AVazir to the Caliph, and his host, and the cause of his coming was as follows. The Caliph passed thirty days without calling to mind the matter of Nur al-Din Ali,^ and none reminded him thereof, till one night, as he passed by the chamber of Anis al-Jalis, he heard ' Lane (i. 4S6) curiously says, " The place of the stagnation of blood " : yet he had translated the word aright in the Introduction (i. 41). I have noticed that the Nai'a is made, like the " Sufrah," of well-tanned leather, with rings in the periphery, so that a thong passed through turns it into a bag. The Sufrah used for provisions is usually yellow, with a black border and small pouches for knives or spoons (Pilgrimage, i. in). '^ Tiiis improbable detail shows the Caliph's greatness. Nur al-Din AH and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis. 367 her weeping and singing with a soft sweet voice these lines of the poet: — In thought I see thy form when farthest far or nearest near ; » And on my tongue there dwells a name which man shall ne'er unhear. Then her weeping redoubled, when lo, the Caliph opened the door, and, entering the chamber, found Anis al-Jalis in tears. When she saw him she fell to the ground, and, kissing his feet three times, repeated these lines: — fertile root and noble growth of trunk ; * Ripe-fruitful branch of never suilied race ; 1 mind thee of what pact thy bounty made ; » Far be 't from thee forgotten be my case ! Quoth the Caliph, " Who art thou ? " and she replied, " I am she whom Ali bin Khakan gave thee in gift, and I wish the fulfilment of thy promise to send me to bin with the robe of honour ; for 1 have now been thirty days without tasting the food of sleep." Thereupon the Caliph sent for Ja'afar and said to him, " O Ja'afar, 'tis thirty days since we have had news of Nur al-Din bin Khakan, and I cannot but suppose that the Sultan hath slain him ; but, by the life of my head and by the sepulchres of my forefathers, if aught of foul play hath befallen him, I will surely make an end of him who was the cause of it, though he be the dearest of all men to myself ! So I desire that thou set out for Bassorah within this hour and bring me tidings of my cousin, King Mohammed bin Sulayman al-Zayni, and how he hath dealt with Nur al-Din Ali bin Khakan " ; adding, " If thou tarry longer on the road than shall suffice for the journey I will strike off thy head. Furthermore, do thou tell the son of my uncle the whole story of Nur al-Din, and how I sent him with my written orders ; and if thou find, O my cousin,^ that the King hath done otherwise than as I commanded, bring him and the Wazir Al-Mu'in bin Sawi to us in whatsoever guise thou shalt find them.^" "Hearing and obedience," replied Ja'afar, and making ready on the instant, he set out for Bassorah where the news of his coming had foregone him and had reached to the ears of King Mohammed. When Ja'afar arrived and saw the crushing and crowding of the lieges, he asked, " What means all this gathering ? " so they told him what was doing in the matter of Nur al-Din ; whereupon he hastened to go to the Sultan and saluting him, acquainted him with the cause why he came and ' " Cousin " is here a familiarity, our " coz." ^ i.e. without allowing them a moment's delay to change clothes. 368 ' Alf Laylah iva Laylah. the Caliph's resolve, in case of any foul play having befallen the youth, to put to death whoso should have brought it about. Then he took into custody the King and the Wazir and laid them in ward, and giving order for the release of Nur al-Din Ali, enthroned him as Sultan in the stead of Mohammed bin Sulay- man. After this Ja'afar abode three days in Bassorah, the usual guest-time, and on the morning of the fourth day, Nur al-Din Ali turned to him and said, " I long for the sight of the Commander of the Faithful." Then said Ja'afar to Mohammed bin Sulayman, " Make ready to travel, for we will say the dawn-prayer and mount Baghdad-wards " ; and he replied, " To hear is to obey." Then they prayed and they took horse and set out, all of them, carrying with them the Wazir, Al-Mu'in bin Sawi, who began to repent him of what he had done. Nur al-Din rode by Ja'afar's side, and they stinted not faring on till they arrived at Baghdad, the House of Peace, and going in to the Caliph told him how they had found Nur al-Din nigh upon death. Thereupon the Caliph said to the youth, " Take this sword and smite with it the neck of thine enemy." So he took the sword from his hand and stepped up to Al-Mu'in, \yho looked at him and said, " I did according to my mother's milk, do thou according to thine.^ " Upon this Nur al-Din cast the sword from his hand, and said to the Caliph, " O Commander of the Faithful, he hath beguiled me with his words" ; and he repeated this couplet : — By craft and sleight I snared him when he came ; » A few fair words ayctrap the noble game ! " Leave him, then," cried the Caliph, and turning to Masrur said, " Rise thou and smite his neck." So Masrur drew his sword and struck off his head. Then quoth the Caliph to Nur al-Din Ali, "Ask a boon of me." "O my lord," answered he, "I have no need of the Kingship of Bassorah j my sole desire is to be honoured by serving thee and by seeing thy countenance." "With love and gladness," said the Caliph. Then he sent for the damsel,' Anis al-Jalis, and bestowed plentiful favours upon them both and ga\e them one of his palaces in Baghdad, and assigned stipends and allowances, and made Nur al-Din Ali bin Fazl bin Khakan one of his cup-companions ; and he abode with the Commander of the Faithful enjoying the pleasantest of lives till death overtook him. "Yet (continued Shahrazad) is not his story in any wise more wondrous than the history of the merchant and his children." The King asked, " And what was that ? " and Shahrazad began to relate the ' i.e. according to my nature, birth, blood, de i-ace. The Tale of Ghanim bin Ay'yub. 369 TALE OF GHANIM BIN AYYUB,^ THE DISTRAUGHT, THE THRALL a LOVE. It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that in times of yore and in years and ages long gone before, there Hved in Damascus a merchant among the merchants, a wealthy man, who had a son like the moon on the night of his fulness,^ and withal sweet of speech, who was named Ghanim bin 'Ayyub, surnamed the Distraught, the Thrall o' Love. He had also a daughter, own sister to Ghanim, who was called Fitnah, a damsel unique in beauty and loveliness. Their father died and left them abundant wealth And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. -Boto tof)fn it todfi l^c (