tin UC-NRLF 337 bSD 'm ri'EP. D' PRICE, FIFTleSESIff CSHXS. 1^ STAiroARD EDraON OF OPERA LIBRETTOS, ^i tk LUCIA DI LAMIERMOOR ^ GBAl OPERA IN THE ACTS. MUSIC BY TMs Series now comprises Librettos of the following Operas : TJET ARE CAREFULLY TRANSLATED AND ARRANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL TEXTS, AND FOR COMPLETENESS AND BEAUTY OP TYPOGRAPHY, SURPASS ALL "OTHER EDITIONS. ( AIDA, Verdi. \ AKNA BOLEITA, Donizetti. ^ AJBICAim:, Meyerbeer. BOHEHIAJT OIBL, Balfe. ■ BAILO IK MASCHEBA, Verdi. ( BABBES OF SEVILLE, Bossini. ^ BELLE EELENE, Offenbach. BABBE BLUE, Offenbach. VBBIDE of MKSSnfA, Bonawit!. «BOWN DIAMONDS. {IllaitTated.) Anber. fcBISPINO E LA COMABE, Biooi. , DAUOHTEB OF THE BEOIMEITT, DoniietU. 1 DEK FREISCHUTZ, Weber. « DINOBAH, Meyerbeer. )DON GIOVANNI, Mozart. ^DAHE BLANCHE, Boieldiea. lEBNANI, Verdi. FAVOBITA, Donizetti. TIDELIO, Beethoven. ; FAXrST, Oonnod. FILLE DE MADAME ANOOT, Leoooq. ! FBA DIAVALO. (lUuitrated.) Anber. r GAZZA LADBA, Boaaini. GENEVIEVE DE BBABANT, Offenbach. GBAND DUCHESS, Offenbach. HAMLET, Thomai. BOOUENOTS, Meyerbeer. IVANHOE. Templar and Jewiii, Maricbner. JEWESS, Halevy. L0HEN6BIN, Wagner. LTTGBEZIA B0B6IA, LUCIA DI LAMMEBMOOB, LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX, MABTHA. (Illustrated.; MABITANA, MABBIAGE OF FIGAEO, MEBBY WIVES OF WINDSOE, MIGNON, MASANIELLO, MAGIC FLUTE, HIRELLA, NOKMA. (Illuetratei.) OBPHEUS, OSTBOLENEA, POSTILLION OF LONJUMEAU, FBINCE8SE DE TBEBIZONDE, PEBICHOLE, POLIUTO, BOSE OF CASTILE, BOBERT LE DIABLZ, BIOOLETTO, BUY BLA8, 8ATANELLA, STRADELI.A, SONNAMBULA, TBAVIATA, TEOVATOBE. TANNHAUSEB. WILLIAM TELL, ZAMPA, Donizetti. Donizetti. Flotow. Wallace. Mozart. Nieolai. Thomai. Anber. Mozart. Oonnod. Bellini. Offenbaoh. Bonawitz. Adam. Offenbaoh. Offenbaoh. Donizetti. Balfe. Keyerbew. Verdi. Karohetti. Balfe. Flotow. Bellini. Verdi. Verdi. Wagner. Boaaini. Eeiold. Boston : OLIVER DITSON & CO., 451 Washington St. USVTOSZ: CSICASO: SOSTOV: VmUSKSSU: a. DiTSOH k. Co., I.TO> fc HMAI.T, J. U. EUnrss & Co. J. E. Ditboh it Co., m AMY CASSONET. Eomantic Opera, IK THBEE ACTS, Compossd by aEOE(JE W. TRTON, JE. Full Tooal Score of this beantifnl new opera, abounding in BALLAD GEUS, and especially adapted for Parlor Use, or Singing Societies, as well as for stage representation. Printed from beautifully engraved plates, and bound in fine olotb, FBICE, SEin BY MAIL, $4.00. The following is the table of contents, all of whioh are published separately in sheet form : ACT I. 1. Overture. 2. Evening Hymn. Chorus. 8. Serenade. Keep those eyes. Tenor. 4. Suet. The parting. Soprane and tenor. 6. Bomanza. Oo then, 'tis vain. Tenor. 6. Comic Suet. Ah, this old woman. So- prano and bass. 7. Suet and Becit. Nay, try again. Tenor and bass. 8. Aria. S till dear in thought. Soprano. 9. Trio. There comes a time. Soprano, contralto and bass. 10. Finale to Aot First. Grand Chorus. ACT II. U. Forest Boughs. Chorus. 12. When Spring adorns. Tenor and (9 Chorus. 13. Aria, 'Twas freedom's call. Bass. 14. When Night's dark Mantle. Female chorus. 15. Buffo Aria. DerTeufel put on his Sun- day clothes. Bass. 16. Ana. Dear ones far distant. Soprano. 17. Duet and Prayer Sweet dreams attend. Soprano and contralto. 18. Finale to Act Seoond. Ensemble. ACT III. 19. Entr' Acta and Aria. Tenor. 20. Aria. Alas, where'er I go. Tenor, 21. Since Bise of Morning Sun. Chorus. 22. The Joyous Bells. Chorus. 23. Aria. Alone. Contralto. 24. Hymen Crown thy Brow with Boses. Chorus. 25. Comic Duet. That old woman. Sop. ' and Bass. 23. Quartet. Ah, happy day Soprano, contralto, tenor and bass. 27. Finale. Blessings upon these fond ones. LIBBETTO, 30 CENTS. J. H. BOHAWITZ'S Grand Tragic Opera, BRIDE OF MESSINA. FULL VOCAL ANB PIANO SCOBE of this very suooessful new Opera. It is beautifully engraved, printed on fine pa- per and handsomely bound in cloth. PBICE, SENT BY MAIL, $6.00. All the Beautiful Gems of the Opera, are also published separately in sheet form. UBBSTTO, 16 CZITTS. OPERA LIBRETTOS. ONLY COBEECT EBITION. PEICE, EACH, 16 CTS. The English translation of the texts given in this series is always that whioh most nearly assimilates to the spirit of the original ; great care being used in se- lecting the Best from the versions in use. The Libretto is printed Complete, inclu- ding those scenes and passages whioh, on account of the indolence or incapacity of Opera Singers and Managers, are sometimes omitted or garbled in repre- sentation. The entire series has been carefully edited and prepared for publi- cation by Geo. W. Tryon, Jr., who has en- tered into the work, con amore. Our Li- brettos are more complete and accurate than any other edition, although sold at one-half the price of others. It is the only edition in which a Sketch of the Plot invariably accompanies the Text, and it is the only edition in which the type is large enough to be read at the Theatre without injury to the eyes. The following is the list of Librettos published : AIDA, ANNA BOLENA, AFBICAINE, BOHEMIAN GIEL, BALLO IN MASCH- ERA, BABBEB OF SEVILLE, BELLE HELENE, BAEBE BLEUE, BBIDE OF MESSINA, CBOWN DIAMONDS, lUus- trated, CBISPINO £ LA COMABE, DAUGHTER OF THE BEGIMENT, DEB FBEISCHUTZ, DINOBAH, DON GIO- VANNI, DAME BLANCHE, EBNANI, FAVORITA, FIDELIO, FAUST, FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT, FBA DIAVOLO, Illustrated, GAZZALADBA, GENEVIEVE DE BBABANT, GRANDE DUCHESSE, HAMLET, HUGUENOTS, IVANHOE, Templar and Jewess, LOHENGBIN, LU- CBEZIA BORGIA, LUCIA DI LAMMEB- MOOE, LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX, MAR- THA, Illustrated, MAEITANA, MAE- BIAGE OF FIGARO, MEERY WIVES OF WINDSOR, MIGNON, MASANIELLO, MAGIC FLUTE, MIBELLA, NORMA, lU- ustrated, ORPHEUS, OSTROLENKA, POS- TILLION OF LONJUMEAU, PRINCESS DE TREBIZONDE, PEBICHOLE, POL- lUTO, ROSE OF CASTILE, ROBERT LE DIABLE, BIGOLETTO, BUY BLAS, SA- TANELLA, STRADELLA, SONNAMBULA, TRAVIATA, TROVATORE, TANNHAUS- ER, WILLIAM TELL, ZAMPA. STANDARD OPERA LIBRETTOS LIBRARY EDITION. Handsomely bound in two volnmee, oloth illnstrated, oontaining 61 Librettos. PBICE, $6.00. 1= c OSTROLENKA. GRAND ROMANTIC OPESA IN Four Acts. Composed by J. H. BONAWITZ. FULL VOCAL SCOBE, with PI4N0 FOBTE ACCOMPANIMENT. Printed from beautifully engraved plates, sheet music size. _ ENGLISH AND GERMAN TEXT. Nearly two hundred pages, elegantly bound in fine oloth. PBICE, SENT BY MAIL, $6.00. GEMS OF THE. OPERA, Vocal and Instrumental, are also pub- lished separately. / LIBBETTO, 15 CENTS. OPERATIC LEAVES. Beautiful melodies for the piano. Se- leeted from the various favorite operas,^ carefully fingered (without octaves), and pleasingly arranged by the distinguished composer, Fr. Kummer. This work, though of recent issue, is already crea- ting a steady demand, and is, we believe, the m;st excellent and desirable work e f the kind now published. The book is 'j large one, handsomely bound, and cannot fail to prove a most desirable acquisition. By all means see it. It is worth in sheet form, at least $25.00. CLOTH, COMPLETE, $6.00. EACH NUMBER, 36 Cta CONTENTS. (Each Opera in Two Numbers.) Crispino e la Comare, Marriage of Fi- garo, Martha, Lucrezia Borgia, Trova- tore, Fidelio, Norma, Fille du Regiment, Emani, Favorita, Fra Diavolo, Stradella, Robert le Diable, Zampa, Freischutz, Bigoletto, Night in Granada, North Star, Faust, Magic Flute, Bohemian Girl, Don Giovanni, Lucia di Lammermoor, Son- nambula, Linda, Traviata, Sicilian Ves- pers, Masaniello, Maritana, Hu^enots, Dame Blanche, Barber of Seville, "WV^ liam Tell, Puritani, Africaine, Ball, Genevieve, Romeo and Juliet, Bleue, La Belle Helene, Lisohen and Chen, La Grande Duoheiie, Boi LUCIA DI LAMIEKIOOR GMl OPEEA IN TffiEE ACTS. MUSIC BY [X> O 3DV X Zi 3E "X" «I" X« LIBRETTO. CONTAINING CORRECT ENGLISH WORDS. EDITED BY GEO. W. TRYON, Jr. BOSTON: OX^I^VESR. 33ITSOPth it not in silence tell thee All ray anguish, all my madness ? Oh! May heaven its pardon bestow, Though thou hast filled my heart with woe. Henrv. Now desist from wild complaining, From thy guilty love refraining, Thus no longer need restraining ; Then thy brotlicr will forgive. Hence vvitli anger; this 1 but ask thee, Banish that guilty insaneness, thy love. Accept a nolile husband i Lucy. Cease, oh cease I Henry. How ? Lucy. To another I long since pledged ray faith. Henry. Ah! Thou couldst not! Lucy. Oh, Heury ! Henry. Cease thee ! Kead this letter— 'twill completely Prove to thee that he's a traitoi! Read it! Lucy. Be still, my trembling heart! Henry. Why thus hesitate ? Lucy. Oh, unhappy! Now, alas! my heart is chilled I WITH SUFFERING AND WEEPING. With suffering and weeping, I languisli in sorrow, My hoi)e, my existence. Were fixed in one heart! If thai heart prove faithless, The moment of death Most welcome will be. Henry. His heart, so insidious. Is base and perfidious ; From thy love abstaining. Thy passion disdaining. A meet guerdon given Thou'lt yet liaveYrom heaven : That heart, to thee faithless. Another's will be. , Lucy. What hear I ? Henry. Those sounds of joy denote his arrival. IFtitlive sounds are heard in the distance. Lucy. Say whom, then ? Henry. Thy future b\isband! Lucy. An icy chill Through my poor heart is coursing ! Henry. For thee alone thy bridegroom waits. Lucy. The tomli is my only refuge. Henry. Fate this dark hour must have marked ifcs own. Listen. Against King William have I, AAith others, long been planning rebellion; But now those ])ians are all revealed — Our treason is detected. Arthur alone can save me From the death now impending. Lucy. What wouldst thou ? Henry. Wed him; thus i«s»-<» me! Lucy. Oh, Henry ! Henry. Come— to thy husband! Lucy. My heart is another's ! O'ER THY BROTHER DEATH'S IMPENDING— Duet. Henry. O'er thy brother death's impending. On thy answer my life's depending ; Thy refusal will lie sending Me to meet a rebel's fate ! In thy dreams thou'lt see me glaring, To thy sight my shade appearing. Will to thee bring grief despairing — Oh ! comply, ere it be too late. Lucy. Canst thou see me, weeping, languish. And behold mj' heart's deep anguish, Yet expect that thou canst vanquish All my loathing for such a fate? Though on earth all hope's departed. Though despairing, broken-hearted, Jo3' in heaven will be imparted, — Death, thy coming I await. \_Exit. [Enter Arthuk, Norman, Knights and Ladies re- lated to AsilTON, Pages, Squires, Inhabitants of Lanimermoor, and Domestics.^ HAIL TO THIS DAY OF JUBILEE. Chorus. Hail to this day of jubilee! Hence ev'rj' thought of sadness! Bright hope, through thee, new-born will be, Day of delight and gladness ! Love's star doth hither guide thee. Friendship awaiteth beside thee. Bright star, no night can hide thee, Nor thy refulgence impair. Arthur. But where is Lucy ? Heni!Y. Not long thou'lt wait — she soon will come But if in grief to thee she soemelh. Be not astmiished — pr:i_v do not heed it, Foi- woe Mill hohls its empire: Her Miothei's death she mourneth. Arthur. Fear not, ) will respect it. But solve this doubt. Fame doth i-eport young Edgar Did dare, with mad presumption. Himself to woo the maiden. Henry. Yes, truly, his folly reached thus far. Norman and Chorus. See, now thy bride doth approach I [Enter Lucy, Alice, and Raymond.] Henry. (Pi-esenling Akthvr to Lucy.) There is thy husband ! (Oh, ingrate ! Cause not my ruin !) Lucy. (Ah, great heaven!) Arthur. Receive tlie vows of endless love, Dear maid, which now I offer! Henry. {Oninq to the table on which the Marriage Contract lies, and interrupting Arthur.; At once the rite accomplish Now haste thee ! Arthur. Oh, blissful moment ! Lucy. (A victim to sacrifice forced !) Raymond. (May heaven extend to her support!) LAMMERMOOR Lucy. {Approaches Ihe table and sigm the contract.) (Oh, misery! By fate constrained, I have signed it ! ) riENRY. (Once more I breathe !) Lucy. (What feeling comes o'er rau ? Oil, lieip me!) Chorus. Whence that noise? Who comes there ? [Enter Edgar.] Edgar. It is Edgar! Lucy. 'Tis lulgar I But ah, too late ! Choru.s. Edgar here — ah, stern fate! [ The consternation is general. — Alice, with the help of some of the Ladies, raiaes Lucy, and places her on a eh air. ^ Henry. (Why am I my arm restraining, And from vengeance still refraining? Dotii her mis'ry, nncom|)laining, Draw from nie pity still lemaining? In ray veins her blood is flowing, Yet 'twixt life and death she's hov'ringi In my breast affection lingers. Remorse arises in my heart.) Edgar. (Why am I my arm restraining? And from vengeance still refraining? Doth her snfT'ring, her nncomplaining, Tell of love within her heart remaining? Lilce a rose that blooms and wiiiiers, So 'twixt life and death she hovers! And, tliongh false to me. Still love my heart ins])ires.) Lucy. (Xow I call on death to take me. In this hour of bitter trial. Hut to mis'r^' death forsakes me — E'en that lK>pe meets with denial. Ah! Too late the truth's imparted ; I'm betrayed by earth and heaven! Would I weep, tears are denied me: Despair consumes my heart!) Arthur, Uay.mond, Alice, Norman, and Cnonus. (.\h! 'I'hese word.s with doidits confound me; AH seems mystery around me; Now distrust and fear enthral me. And the dark clouds of fate appal me. Like a rose that blooms and withers, So 'twixt life and death she hovers! He who hath for her no pit3', Of a tiger hath the heart!)" Henry, Arthur, Norman, anrl Knights. Now depart from here this moment, Or thy blood full soon will flow! Edgar. I may die, but with me others To their last account shall go! Raymond. Hold, rash man : all-seeing heaven. In its power and majest3'. By my voice doth here command yc. Cease your strife, snbdne your anger, Heaven doth abhor it ; ob, be peaceful — Do no murder! For thus 'tis writ: " He who sheds another's life-blood. Such shall also be his doom !" Henry. Why hath Edgar within My castle-walls intruded? Edgar. I will tell thee: 'twas for Lucy, Who to me her faith did plight. Raymond. Know that she is now another's. And forget her. Edgar. Forget !— no ! Raymond. (Showing the Marriage Contract.) See! Edgar. {To Lucy, after reading Ihe Contract.) Tremble 1 Thou'rt confounded — didst thou sign this ? Give me thy answer ? Lucy. {In a trembling and subdued tone.) Yes! Edgar. {Enraged, and returning her ring.) Take back this token, unfaithful heart! Mine return me ! Lucy. Ah me ! Edgar. Return it ! [Lucy, completdy bewildered, is hardly conscious of what is going on. — She takes the ring from her finger, vjhich Edgar hastily snatches.— -Giving way to his fury, he throws it down and stamps on it.'] False thou hast been to heaven and love ! Alay the hour be accursed when I beheld thee! When I madly thought thy vows were faithful. Thou art shameless, like thy kindred — Why did I not shun all thy race? May high heaven's just hand o'ertake thee, And avenge me ! Henry, Arthur, Norman, and Knights. He madly raves ! HENCE FROM MY SIGHT. Chorus. Hence from m}- sight, ere my vengeance descending — But for a moment its fury suspending — Shall, with the force of a hatrene of the most thorough and progres- sive works of the kind ever published. The Public Appreciation of its unusual merits is attested by the sale of over THIRTY THOUSAND COPIES per annum, and by its constantly increas- ing popularity. Price, (Sent b7 Mail,) $2.50. The rapid, but thorough course of in- struction embraces Budiments of Music, Dictionary of Musical Terms, Progressive Ezerjises in various Keys, Scales, Ca- dences and Chords. The carefully fingered Music, is pro- gressive in difficulty, and embraces a collection, which for merit, is unequaled. It includes the following gems : Adeste Fldeles, Air from Zampa, Air Tyr- olian, America, Andante by Beethoven, Annie Laurie, Arrayed in Mortal Flesh, Ave Maria, Awake our Drowsy Souls, Beloved Saviour, Charity, Columbia the Oem of the Ocean, Come Holy Spirit, Come ye Disconsolate, Consider the Lilies, Descend Holy Spirit, Desire Waltz, Air from Don Giovanni, Empire March, Even- ing Song to the Virgin, Fading still fading. Far o'er hill and dale, Faust Waltz, Faust March, Flow gently sweet Afton, From Greenland's Icy Mountains, Glory to God on high. Hail! reviving Spring, Hope, I'm a Pilgrim, Listen to the Mocking Bird, List to the Convent Bells, Marseillaise Hymn, Miserere from Trovatore, Ho one to Love, Air from Norma, O'er the glooipy Hills, Our dear Eedeemer, Pilgrim Fathers, Book beside the Sea, Salvation, Sicilian Hymn, Semi- nary March, Songs without words, by Mendelssohn, Sound the loud Timbrel, Bondino from Stradella, Strike the Cym- bal, Son of my Sonl, Take back the Heart, Tell me ye winged winds. The dying Christian, There's nothing true but Heaven, 'Tis finished. Vesper Hymn, Watchman teU us of the night, Weber's last Walts, What are the Wild Waves Saying! When the Swallows homeward Fly, Widow of Nain, Would I were with thee, Ye Boundless Bealms of Joy, and many other Beligions and Secular, Vocal and Instrumental pieces. GETZE'S School for the Parlor Organ also contains a beautiful Collection of Voluntaries, by Haydn, Mozart, Beetho- ven, Bossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Gluck, Handel, Orann, and other celebrated mat- ters. The Musical Pastime. NEW EDITION. For Tiolin and Piano, or Flute and Plana BY SEP. WINNEE- Dueti for Violin or Flute and Fiane^ embracing Quadrilles, Waltzes, Galops, Marches, Operatio Airs and arrangements of popular instrumental musio, within the range of all performers on Elute, Violin and Piano. The only publication of the kind la America. SENT BY MAIL, PBICE, B0ABD8, $2 60. CLOTH, «8.00. GILT, $4.00. The same melodies are arranged as SOLOS FOR VIOLIN or FLUTE. SENT BY MAIL, PBICE, BOARDS, $1.60. CLOTH, $2.00. GL EE BOO KS. THE Tip-Top Glee and Chorus Book, By C. Jarvis and J. A. Getze. Contains 100 Glees, Quartettes, Trios, Part Songs, Bounds and Catches, harmo- nized with an accompaniment for th« Piano, all beautifully arranged. SENT BY MAIL, PBICE, $1.88. Philadelphia and New York GLEE BOOK, By G. Loder. A favorite book of popular melodies, embracing in part. Gems of modern Ger- man and Italian authors, harmonized and adapted for the use of Glee Clubs, Singing Classes and the Social Circle. SENT BY MAIL, PBICE, $1.60. THE Boston Musical Treasure, Arranged by Jean Louis. Contain* • fine selection of DTTEXS, TBIOS, and QUAJ^TETTES for Public and Private Schools, Academies, Seminaries, and Classes, embracing nearly One Hundred Melodies. For Chorus Singing, the BOB* TON MUSICAL TBEASTBE is the detiz^ work. SENT BY KAIL, PBICE, 60 Ox>e3r4a.tlo CS-exn.s, A NEW COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL MELODI! S FBOHTEE MOST POPULAH OPEHAS. AEHAKGED EXPHE8BLT FOB PAELOB ITSE By GEOEaE W. Tryon, Jb. WHO HA8 PROVIDE) SEW OB CABEFUIXT SELECTED EITGLISH POETBT, AND EFFECTrVB BVT EAST PIANO FORTE ACCOMPAUIMENTS. Contents. L'ATBICAHIS. Ueytrbeer. Fair Paradise. AIDA. Teidi. Celestial Aida, Form Diyiae. Heaven Ha^e Pity. Azure Heavens. AISTNA BOLENA. DonizettL Ah, No Uortal can imagine. Ah, Sweet Voiced Young Tronbadonr. Fly from the World. Bright Youthful Dreams. BAIXO TS KASCEEBA. Verdi. BOHEMIAN GIEL. BaUe. ^ Dreamt that I Dwelt in Marble Halls. Tnen You'll Bemember Me. When the Fair Land of Poland. Oh, What Full Delight ! Finals. CBISPINO. Bioci. Beauteous as an Angel Fair. My Pretty laUs and Charms. CEOWH DIAMONDS. Auber. Young Pedrillo. Oh, Whisper what Thou Feelest. DEE FEEISCHOTZ. Weber. Thro' the Forests. Tho' Clouds Around yon Sun. ERNANI. Verrti. As Dew unto the Withered Flower. Oh, Thou Who E'er My Soul Adores 1 Ernani Fly with Me ! Thy Fond Image, Loved Ernani. FATJST. Gounod. All Hail ! Holy Angel, in Heaven Blest. Prayer, FBA DIAVOLO. Auber. Forever Thine. Bomanoe. Oh, Hour of Joy. Young Agnes, Beauteous Flower. On Yonder Book Beolining. FILLE DD BEGIMENT. Donizetti, Dear France, All Hail to Thee ! Search Thro' the Wide World. Dear Friends, Farewell. HUGDENOTS. Meyerbeer. Fairer than Fairest Lily. Lovely Land of Touraine. tOHENGBIN. Wagner. Believe Me, for My Champion. Dost Thou not Breathe, On Distant Shores. LDCIA DI LAMMEBMOOB, DonizettL To Earth I Bid a Last FareweU. LirCBEZIA EOBGIA. Donizetti. Holy Beauty. Make Me no Gaudy Chaplet LINDA DI CHAM0T7NIX. Donizetti. Come Loved One, Smile. My Soul in One Unbroken Sigh. MASANIELLO. Auber. Behold, the Morn ts Breaking. , MABITANA. Wallace. It was a Knight. Bomance. 'Tis the Harp in the Air. Yes, Let Me like a Soldier Fall ! There is a Flower that Bloometh. MAETHA. Flotow. Like a Dream. MIGNON. Thomas. Ah, Little Thought. I'm Fair Titania. OPEHATIC GEMS MABEUGE OF FIOABO. Hoze t Conld'it Then, Love. NOEMA. BeUinl. Ah ! Were My Love Bequited. Queen of Heaven. Both Protecting a:id Defending. EI60LETT0. Verdi. 'Mid the Fair Throng. BOBEBTO DEVEBEirX. Donizetti. Like to an Angel from the skies. BOBEBT L£ DIABLE. Meyerbeer. Bobert, My Beloved. Once Swayed a Prince. SEMIBAHIDE. Bossinl, My Fond Thoughts. 80NNAMBULA. Bellini. Sounds so Joyful. Ah, Don't Mingle. Still so Gently O'er Me stealing. STEADELLA. Flotow. Over Hills, Through Valleys. Oh, Italy, My Native Land. Ye Clouds, The Azure Sky. Stradella's Prayer. TANNHATJ8EB. Wagner. All Praise be Thine. TBAVIATA. Verdi. Ah, Was it He Who Filled My Heart TBOVATOBE. Verdi. 'Twas Night, and All Around. To Tell of Love so Glowing. Breeze of the Night. Lonely I Wander. Strike Down That Dread Pyre. WILLIAM TELL. Bossini, is destined to become THE MOST POPULAR COLLECTION OF VOCAL OPERATIC MUSIC ever published. It includes ABOUT SEVENTY-FIVE BEAUTirHL MELODIES, Embracing selections from ALL THE NEW OPEEAS, which are not to be found,' in any other publication of the kind. I linger in the land should possess a oopy of OPERATIC GEMS. Frices: In Boards, $2.50. Cloth, $3.00. In Cloth, Full Qilt, $4.00. 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