'»l->h-*->'lrl ft» «ft>)l>lt) • t ■ * I > i J 4 « 1 f * 4 t p- i / f X » » r ,*> **t/t*^^ ■ ► • k •* t I 4 t . THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 一, V 八 百 八. V ? 年 東京 秦き 祷犲 ECLECTIC C 丽 ESEJAPMESE-Em 皿 DICTIONARY OP ^ifl&t ^Ipumxti Sefecteir Cljnuse Characters, INCLUDING AN INTKODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THESE CHAKACTEES AS USED IN JAPAN, AND AN APPENDIX OF USEFUL TABLES. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY REV. AyVlBROSE D. GRING. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE (gEEMAN) REFORMED CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. YOKOHAMA : KELLY AND COMPANY. Hongkong & Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh. 1884. [All Rights Eeserved.] mo "As the heart of a people is reached through its mother tongue, and all that is best worth knowing about a country is to be found in Its dialect and literature, the Christian Missionary and Scholar, as well as the Official, will master the vernacular as his most precious instrument, and the classical language that feeds it, as his most useful storehouse of information and illustration, argument and authority." —Life of John Wilson, D. D., F. R. S. R. MEIKLEJOHN Sl CO., PRINTERS, NO. 26 WATER STREET, YOKOHAMA. PREFACE. The object of the present work is, first, to comprise within as small a compass as possible the most essen- tial results of the best native and foreign scholars of the Chinese written symbols, as apply to the study of these characters in the literature of Japan ; second, to so arrange and simplify these results as to make their acquisition a pleasure, as well as to secure the greatest possible facility in their application. First. 一 The introduction is intended to give the student a general acquaintance with the construction and use of those characters which will not only prove of most service to liim in remembering the specmc sounds and meanings of characters, but which will roost assist Lim in that which is still more important to liim as a beginner ― the free and speedy use of the Dictionary. To this end a knowledge of the Badicala stands first in importance, and are here so arrangea as to secure the greatest variety and interesi in their study and mastery. Next in importance is the select list of Primitives, which are calculated to greatly assist the student in remembering the sounds and meanings of the most useful derivatives. Following these the student 斧、 7r?i -"9 ii PEEFACE. will find grouped according to their frequency in christain literature, such characters as will serve as an excellent exercise for identifying the Radicals and Primitives, and at the same time acquaint him with the most useful derivatives in the language. Accom- panying the Eadicals and Primitives are their ordinary cursive and old forms, for the purpose of preparing the student to convert at sight sucli characters into their square or more modern form, and thus be able to ascertain their meanings by means of this dictionary. Second. 一 The dictionary consists of about eight thousand select characters, arranged as much as possible in the order of their frequency under their radicals, as words in other dictionaries are arranged under the letters of the alphabet. Where the groups are large they are subdivided by corre- sponding to the initial stroke of the primitive, thus ob- viating the necessity of running over the whole group. By this arrangement the characters are treated as words, which obviates the cumbersome system of counting the strokes of the primitive, usually employed in native works. The first consideration of the student in the use of characters is the ability to use the dictionary quickly. The writer does not hesitate to affirm that the thorough mastery of the order and office of the Eadicals, with a little practice, by this arrangement, will enable any one to refer to the dic- tionary for any character he may wish, as easily and quickly as he is accustomed to turn to words in a dictionary of his own language. The Japanese modification of the Chinese sounds PREFACE. iii of the characters will be found romanized and in Kana, the first being the Kan-on and the second the Go-on pronunciation. It often occurs, however, that both sounds are either Kan-on or Go-on > while in other instances only one sound is given. The Japanese- made characters, indicated by the half parenthesis, are usually without sound. The most commonly used Japanese meanings in Kana, are taken from the Ko-ki-ji-ten (康, 罕 g 字典) and the Giyoku-hen (玉篇 )• The student may therefore expect to find meanings of characters whicn are not given here, it being one of the principal objects of the writer to avoid burdening the beginner with too many meanings, as well as to afford him the oppoi'tuiiity of doing some- thing for himself. The analysis is intended to accustom the student to analyze the characters, as well as to aid him in remembering their meanings. Many of these com- ponent parts constitute separate characters, while others are seldom used alone. The English equivalents are the most important Chinese meanings translated from the Imperial Dictionary of China, principally by the late Dr. Wells Williams, and Drs. Morrison, Medhurst and others. Examples of the various uses and combinations of characters were omitted, on the ground that the ordinary combinations are usually easily under- stood, while the difficult ones are best acquired by practice, and also to avoid increasing the size of the book unnecessarily. The Appendix, consisting of the Shi-Sei, In-so, Con- tracted and Synonymous characters "with their full iv PREFACE. forms, the Kata-kana, Hira-hana, and Yamato-kana most in use arranged over the Go-jiu-on, a List of Characters whose Radicals are Obscure, and the Index, will all be found convenient for reference. The student will find that the preparation needed for using the present work will at the same time fit him for using native dictionaries as well, the ultimate aim of every student, and the writer ven- tures to hope, that this little work •will prove sufficiently extensive as not to disappoint those wlio may consult its pages. The student in China, by adding the sounds of the characters peculiar to the dialect he is learning, for which space is left, may also be able to use this work to advantage. The writer takes pleasure in acknowledging his ob- ligations to all native and foreign students of Chinese and Japanese whose works have been consulted during the preparation of the present work, and particularly to Mr. Tsuji Shidzuka ( it 靜), whose deep interest, steady perseverance, and valuable suggestions have aided greatly in bringing the work to its present form. No originality is claimed, except the originality of the plan. In the languages of China and Japan, as in languages generally, Ever thing new is old, and everything old is new ノ' If the present little work will accomplish aught in furnishing foreign students any assistance in better understanding the difficult but beautiful language of this interesting and intelligent people, and thus better fulfill the mission that brought them to the East, the writer will be repaid for his labor : and if, on the other hand, it will furnish the PREFACE. V rising young men of Japan anything to aid them in their study of the English language, or to assist them in the study of their own, and thus afford them opportunity for the study of Western literature and science, in which they exhibit such com- mendable interest, the many pleasant hours of study and labor in writing and arranging this little book will not by the providence of God have been ill- bestowed. A. D. G. Tokid, Japan, Nov. 12, 1884, PRINCIPAL BOOKS CONSULTED Ji-ga (爾雅 )• Ji-ii (字 囊). Setsu-mon (說 文). Sei-jitsu (正 字 通). GiyoJai-hen (玉 鶩). Kd-ki-ji-ten (康 字 典). Williams' Svllabic Chinese Dictionary. Morrison's Chinese Dictionary. Medlmrst's Chinese Dictionary. Gallery's Systema Phoneticiim. Marshman's Clavis Sinica. Hepburn's Japanese-English Dictionary. Hoffman's Japanese Grammar. Aston's Grammar of the Japanese Written Language. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Edkins' Introduction to the Study of Chinese Characters. Wade's Progressive Course of Colloquial Chinese. Indices of Legge's Chinese Classics. Bridgman's Canton Chrestomathy. , Stent's Vocabulary. Martin's Analytical Header. Summers' Hand-book. Chinese Repository, Record and Keview, etc. Gamble's Select Characters. List of Characters in the Fonts of the Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai, and Tokio Type Foundries. INTRODUCTION. It is generally conceded that the people of Japan had no written characters previous to the introduction of the Chinese symbols of writing. This is believed to have taken place during the latter half of the third century of our era by way of Coi'ea. There may be traces of Chinese writing in Japan before this, but the probabilities are that the introduction proper of these written symbols took place rather later, than earlier than the above mentioned period. Japanese historians have it that the Ron-go (諭 語), Confucian Analects, the Sen-ji-mon (千 字 文), Thousand Character Classic, ana the Kd-kid (孝 經), Classic of Filial Piety, were among the first books which were brought over by the Chinese scholars Ajiki and Wani, under the auspices of the King of Kudara, one of the provinces of Corea. The first effect of the introduction of Chinese -was that the higher classes set to work to read and write these characters, and soon began to employ them in their own language. From that time to the present day these symbols, in one form or other, have been studied for the purpose of reading Chinese literature, and to write and read the JaiDanese language. . In the sixth century, however, tlirougli the introduc- tion of Buddhism into Japan, the study of Chinese B INTRODUCTION. received a great impetus, and soon after became general. To this general study of the Chinese language may be attributed the many Chinese words, idioms and phrases to be found in the literature of Japan. So extensively have the Chinese written symbols, in their full or contracted forms, been employed to write the language of J apan in all departments of literature and in all ranks of society, that it is impossible to study the written and spoken language with any degree of thoroughness without a knowledge of these characters. They have become part of the language, and in all the schools of the Empire these characters are yet studied simultaneously with the kanci, so that it would De difficult to find a person in the Empire capable of reading and writing who does not more or less employ them or their sounds, both in writing and speaking. The Japanese in adopting the Chinese written symbols to write their language, did not change its grammatical structure, however much they received in addition in other respects. PEONUNCIATION OR SOUND OF CHAEACTEKS. The Japanese modification of the Chinese sound of a character is called by them its On (音) or Koi/e (聲 ); and the Japanese words whicli express the meaning of a Chinese character, are called by them its Kun (訓) or Yomi (讀) • Again, characters which represent the mere soimd of Chinese words are known as Ji-on kana (字音 假 字), while those which represent the mere sound of Japanese words are known as Kim INTKODUCTION. si kana (訓 假 字). This ideographic and phonetic use of characters are known among Japanese respectively as Mana (眞 and Kana ig) characters. The pi'onunciaticni or sound of characters is not invariably the same. They may have one of three dialectic pronunciations known as the Kan-on (漢 音), Go-on (與 昔), and To -in (唐 韻). In some instances these sounds are the same, or have a strong resemblance, while at other times they are very unlike. The Kan-on is the most widely used, although introduced into Japan by the literati long after the Go-on, and was the pronunciation of Chinese characters used by the most celebrated men of China during the Han Dynasty. Next in importance is the Go-on (吳 昔) pronunciation, which was in all probability introduced into Japan from the kingdom of Go by the Buddhists, and is still used by them in their litanies. The Td-i7i (唐 韻) resembles the present Mandarin sounds, but because of its limited use, is of little practical importance to the beginner and is therefore dismissed without further elucidation. When it becomes necessary to distingiiisli these sounds they must be referred to worKs especially prepared for this purpose, such as the In-Jdd (韻 鏡), etc. It is not, however, pai'ticularly necessary to dis- tinguish them except for philological purposes. These sounds iu native dictionaries are generally placed at the side of the cliaracter — the Kan-on on the right and the Go-cm on the left 一 when botli sounds are given ; but this is by no means invariably the case, for it often occurs that the sounds thus indicated are both Kan-on or both Go-on j^ouuds. xii INTRODUCTION. These sounds in standard native dictionaries are indicated by two well known characters, given im- mediately below the characters. The consonant of the sound of the first character, added to the vowel of the sound of the second, gives the sound of the character indicated. This system is called the Hansetsu 切) or Kayeshi (^C), and is easily understood in detail with the aid of a teacher and the Go-jm-on. Again, these sounds are changed by inflection, and have particular meanings when thus changed. In the Shi Sei, in the Appendix, the changes of sound and meaning of a select list of characters will be seen. NATURE OP CHAEACTEES. Chinese characters answer properly to the written words of other languages. No one character forms in itself a proposition, nor contains the force of a nouu, or a verb, of a substantive and its adjuncts, or of an action and its object. However complicated a character may be, embracing possibly six or seven different characters all having different meanings, still the compound will have its own meanings partially or entirely independent of the meanings of its component parts, and yet perhaps as capable of uniting with other characters as the simplest charac- ter in the language. Neither is there anything in the heaviness or firmness of the strokes to alter the mean- ing of the character, nor anything in the construction of the character to indicate gender, number, case, mood, tense, or person. These must be either inferred from tlic connection or expressed by auxiliary characters. I INTKODUCTION. xiii MEANING OF CHAEACTEES. Chinese characters do not always represent one idea, nor whatever position tliey occupy always confined to that one. They in the beginning like words in other languages probably bad but one or two meanings, and in the course of time accumulated a variety of meanings. This is seen in the fact that tlie most common characters have the greatest variety of meanings and uses, while rare and technical ones have but very few meanings. The meaning of a character may be changed also by its position in a sentence. Occasionally two characters will be found synony- mous and used for the sake of perspicuity, wliile at other times they lose their original meaning and express an idea entirely new. There are found also very ludicrous and puzzling uses of characters. Before the introduction or invention of kana writing, a select number of Chinese characters called Yamato kana were used phonetically and ideographically, which are yet found in tlie oldest books. A list of these is given in the Appendix. CHINESE CHAEACTEES.— HOW USED IN JAPAN. Modern Japanese writing is an intermixture of Chinese characters with kata-kana and hira-kana. The proportion of Chinese to kana, and vice versa, varies greatly. Some books will have a great many Chinese characters while others may have few. xiv INTRODUCTION. In the same book a word may at one time be expressed with a Chinese character, while ifl anotliev part of the book it may be written in hana* Much depends apon the fancy of the writer. Words of Chinese origin are generally written 111 Chinese, as well as niany of the roots of important Japanese words. Again, these characters are used to write Kam-hiin (漢 文) or pure Chinese writing, called Haku-hun (白文) or Mu-tm (無 點), while at other times this same style is accompanied with marks and participial and verbal endings to assist the Japanese student to construe the text called Kun-ten (訓 點) style.* At other times these characters are used with many words, particles, and verbal endings in kana, called kana-majm (假名 交), while still in other instances they are used with their sound or meani7ig written at the side, called kana-tsuki. Again these characters are written in their full and contracted forms, respectively, with the kata and hira-kana. Examples of the variety of ways of writing characters is given further on. * The hook レ indicates the transposition of two words following each other. The Chinese numerals 一, ミ, indicate the skipping over of two or more characters. The characters above 上, middle 中, and below 下, indicate that those parts which have already been marked are again to be skipped over. The cyclical signs 甲, 西, etc., indicate a still further skipping over. The above signs may occur in composition to indicate a still further skipping over of characters. The student, however, will do well to make himself independent of these signs and discard them from the outset. i INTRODUCTION. X7 VAEIOUS STYLES OF WEITING CHAKACTEES. I. The Teii'Sho (篆 書). This is considered the most ancient style of writ- ing and stands next to the original hieroglyphics. I も lias, however, undergone many changes in the lapse of ages. It contains many variants, fanci- ful inventions and modifications. It is commonly called by foreigners the seal character, because of Its present and most common use. It may be conveniently subdivided into : 一 1. The Dai-ten (大 簽), or large seal characters, used principally for seals and stamps. 2. The Sho-ten (>]> 簽) or small seal characters, principally used for ornamental inscriptions and prefaces to books as well as for seals. These are again divided into the Haku-ji (白 字), and Shu-ji [-^ 字), white and red letter seals. II. The Rei-sho (棘 書) or Happun (八 分). TMs is the official style, and is said to have been introduced in the Tsin dynasty, near the commencement of the Christian Era, as an elegant style for engrossing documents. It is mucli used also for scrolls, monumental inscriptions and book prefaces. It reauires no special study to read it, since it differs so slightly from the next, which is fast replacing it for governmental purposes. III. The Kai-sho (楷 書) oi, Shin-sho (眞 書). This is called the pattern style, and is said to have been gradually formed by improvement in good writing. It is the usual form of Chinese characters. xvi INTRODUCTION. and no.one can lay claim to a literary name among bis countrymen who is unable to write neatly and correctly in this style. It has neither the sharp stiff angles of the So -did (宋 朝) nor the wavy uncertain flowing lines of the Gid-sho (行 書) iind Sd-slio (草 書). This style may be subcliYicled into two classes, namely : 一 1. The Su-cho (宋 朝),、 vliicli was introduced with the art of printing and is used extensively for writing aud printing. It is the style upon wliicii most stress is laid. Its strokes are almost all equally shaded, slightly leaning, and very clear and distinct. 2 The Min-cho (明 朝), wliicli consists of light and heavy lines, is used extensively in books of the better class, and is very clear and pretty. lY. The Gid-sho (行 書). This style is commonly known as the running hand. It is the common hand of a neat writer, and is frequently used in prefaces of books, inscriptions, scrolls and tablets. It however does not admit of perfect freedom. The brush may be carried from stroke to stroke without being raised from the paper, but no component strokes of a character are allowed to be thrown out. This style is not so difficult as the So-sho, and with a little practice is easily read. V. The Sd'sho (草 書). This is called the grass or running hand, run wild and free, so as to resemble entangled grass. It is full of abbreviations, for the brush is made to run from character to character without being lifted from the paper, almost at the writer's fancy. Well edu- INTRODUCTION. xvii cated natives often find difficulty in reading it. Many abbreviated forms are adopted, and from these many strokes are wanting. It requires a particular study to read it. A good knowledge of the contracted forms of the Eadicals and Phonetics will be the best preparation for the study of this style. In the meanwhile it will uot be out of place to request all bills and corre- spondence to be writ も en in Kai-sho and So-cho style. Shopmen are sometimes better acquainted with the abridged forms of characters than with the fuller forms and natm'ally prefer to wi'ite in this style. There are also characters so written as to represent the wheat head, the dragon liead, tadpole and bamboo sprout, etc. Specimens of tbe above mentioned styles of written characters and their varieties are given in the following list with the name of the character and their inventor. 嚷; 二十 五異體 ii Til Ko-hun (古 文) Sd-kitsu (蒼 tK) Dai-ten (大 篆) Shi-chu (史 籀) S ho -ten (小 篆) Bi-sJii (李 期) Chu-hun (籀 文) Shi-chu (史 籀) xviii INTRODUCTION. Ken-sliin- ten (s 針篆) So-ki (曹 喜) Sui-un- ten Ei-ko (衛 恒) Rm-so- ten (龍 爪篆 0-gi-shi (王義 之 Yd-raku- ten Eiii-toku- shU 劉德 昇) Kai-ran- ten (迴 驚簽) Shi-itsu (史 佚) K a- to -ten m a- 篆) Ko-bun (古 文) Hi-hakii- sho 飛白 書) Sai-yu (察 m) Ko-rei (古 隸) Tei-baku (程 m INTRODUCTION. xix Ten- ten Sen- to -ten (剪刀 篆) [-tan (章 誕) Sui-rO'ten So-ki (替喜 Cho-chii' ten 〔墜 露篆) (雕 虫篆) Shu-Tio-m* sei (秋 胡 妻) Shi-ye-ten (芝 英篆) Chin-mn (陳 遵) (衛 m Riu-vo-ten Kai-vd-ten (柳 葉篆) Ei-kan Mii-Jio 務 光) Sd-sha (草書) INTRODUCTION. 錄 垂 Happun (A 分) O-shi-chiU (王 次 仲) 象 Kon-so (今 草) Ei-kan (衛难 ) Hattei (破 體) 0-ken-shi (王 獻 之) We are inaebted to Mr. Makirotan (卷 に f ) of Tokio for the above carefully collected specimens of characters. INTRODUCTION. xxi As a matter of curiosity perhaps, rather than utility, a few pages are given to the various classes of writing into which the Chinese have divided their characters, gathered from various sources, principally from the late Dr. Wells Williams. They are called the SIX WEITINGS (六 書). 1. Sho-kei (象 形), Imitative Symbols or Hieroglyphics. These are supposed to be the first made characters, sun, moon, MODERN. 曰 月 山 子 馬 魚 木 2. *S /"つ" 措 事), INDICATIVE Symbols. These are intended to represent ideas by their form or composition. The sim just above the horizon denotes morning, while the moon but half appear- ing signifies eveniug when the sim lias just set. A being pictures of objects such as the vapor, fish, water, sheep, mountain, etc. ANCIENT. Jitsu The sun, now written Getsii J " moon San さ Mountain Mokic Eye Shi Child Ba Horse Qiyo Fish Mokit Tree xxii INTRODUCTION. dot above a line, called the dividing line between heaven and earth, signifies above, while a clot beneath signifies below. ANCIENT. MODEEN. Tan 么 Morning, now written 旦 SeU タ Evening " " Sho ム Above " " Ka ャ Below " " 下 Kd A Union " " ふ or 合 Chu 中 Center, or middle " 中 3. Kai-i (會 意), Ideographic. This class includes those characters which combine ideas and suggestions by uniting two or three charac- ters to represent a single idea ; for instance, tlie com- bination of the characters for sun and moon may stand for brightness, while a tree, or a piece of wood in a door -way may as aptly denote ohstructiGn ; again, two trees may stand for a forest, while the characters for eye and man combined may easily denote seeing ; men sitting on the ground may represent the act of sitting ; three men may represent many ; two fires, one above the other, suggests hurning or hrightness ; a mouth in a door suggests the idea of asking ; heart and death combined, denotes forgeifulness ; dog and mouth, to hark ; tvoman and hroovi, the faithful wife attending to her liouseliold duties ; and ^pencil and hooky to write, etc. The student however will be misled if he depends too much upon this system of combining ideas. It will of course be a help to liim, INTRODUCTION, xxiii but it lacks that perfection which will enable one unacquainted with a compound character to de- termine its precise meaning by its component parts ; on the other hand it is in most cases certain that a third idea, made by combining two others, usually requires more or less explanation to fix its meaning beyond a doubt. In the instances cited above, we can easily see how the characters sun and moon combined may with equal propriety denote a solar or lunar eclipse, or the idea of time, as brightness, A piece of wood in a door-way may as properly repre- sent a threshold as an obstruction, Du Ponceau stoutly refutes the idea that Chinese characters ad- dress themselves so plainly to the eye that their meaning is easily deciucible from their shape and construction. On the contrary, it miglit almost be said that not a single character can be accurately defined by a mere inspection of its parts. The mean- ing now given of some of those which come under this class are also so arbitrary and far-fetched as to show conclusively that Chinese characters were not made by rule or plummet, any more than words in other languages. ANCIENT. MODEKN. now written 明 Kd Ken Za Rm Kan M 王 Emperor To sit To &ee A forest Obstruction xxiv INTRODUCTION. 4. Ten-cliTi (轉 注), Antithetic on Inverted Sy-^ibols. The characters of this class occur sometimes turned partially or completely around, so as to indicate a new sound or modification of meaning. ANCIENT. MODERN. lu Sa Dan Kei Shin I Eight hand, Left hand Sundered Continuous Body Body turned round now written it 5. Ka-sliahi (假 借), Metaphoric Symbols. This class includes metaplioric symbols and com- binations ill which the meaning is deduced by a fanciful accommodation, as for instance the symbol for a written character is composed of a child under a shelter, characters being considered the well-nurtured offspring of hieroglyhics. Of the metaphoi'ic use of words we have an example in the symbol for mind, the original use of wliicli, to signify the material heart, is now almost forgotten, ANCIENT. MODERN. Ji (7^ A written character, now written Shin Q< Heart or mind " " 心、 6. Kei-sei (形 聲), The Syllabic or Phonetic Symbols. The characters in tliis class are used as sound symbols, their original pictorial sense for the time INTRODUCTION. XXV being put out of sight. Here characters representing the colloquial sound by wliich objects were named, are combined with other characters expressing some general property of the same object. Under this class the great mass of characters are grouped. That part of a character which gives the sound, and perhaps the meaning to the character, is called by foreigners the Phonetic or Primitive. The number of useful Phonetics or Primitives is about ten or eleven ImncTrecl. The Radicals combining with these, produce from fifteen to twenty thousand characters. The number of Phonet- ics, however, may be increased so as to produce all the characters in the language. By this very ingenious method any number of new characters can be formed, which was probably the way most characters originated. The rule of pronouncing the character by the primitive is not in all cases certain, for time has altered the sounds of many characters while the parts themselves have not altered ; iu other cases, the parts have altered while tlie sounds remained the same ; so that now only a great degree of probability as to the correct sound can be obtained by inspecting its component parts. The similarity in sound between most of the characters having the same phonetic or primitive, is of great assistance in read- ing Chinese and Japanese, tliough little in un- derstancliug it. This subject will be treated of further on. MODERN. 鵝 河 ANCIENT. Wild goose, now written Eiver " " c xxvi INTRODUCTION. VAEIATIONS OF CHARACTERS. These have arisen from necessity or convenience. They are said to have been made for tlie purpose of simplifying very complicated characters. Other are said to liave arisen from the different tastes of learned men who undertook to better represent the meaning of characters by a new combination of parts. Others have arisen from mere caprice, others for the purpose of abbreviation, while still others have evidently arisen from ignorance. They arrange themselves under the following heads : ― 1. Correct forms : as kio (去), to leave. 2. Ancient forms, sometimes adopted by pedantic writers : as 态, for kio (去), to leave. 8. Synonymous characters in which the juxta- position of the component parts are changed, or a wholly different form is adopted, while the significa- tion remains the same : as r'ui (发 ), for go (|^), or hei (幷) for hci (©). 4. Similar words agreeing only in some particular signification : as hai (陪 ), for hai (培). 5. Vulgar forms : as han {ff^, for han (凡). 6. Abridged forms : as ha. (粤 ), for ha (馬). In meeting these variants care should be taken not to confound characters which differ only in one or two strokes, for they are often entirely different in signification. In observing characters slightly modi- fied in their component parts, they sliould never be considered variants unless the parts which give mean- ing are synonymous, as wood, herb, hamhoo, are often INTRODUCTION. xxvii used indiscriminately in composition of variants ; but the symbols for earth and water can only enter in composition witli characters which have no similarity of meaning. Gallery gives forty- two different modes of writing tlie character for ; precious, and forty-one of the character honorable. These are, however, among the curiosities of the language. A list of the variants most in use are given in the Appendix of the present work. NUMBER OF USEFUL CHAEACTERS. Those Y、'lio have been accustomed to hear that the number of different Chinese characters exceeds sixty or eigiity thousand, and that to be able to read at all, some ten thousand characters must be mastered, will be encouraged and interested to know what scientific investigation has ascertained on this point in China and Japan. The late Dr. Wells Williams affirms that the number of cliaracters in common use in China scarcely exceeds six or eight thousand, while those which are found in any ordinary work of moderate size often amounts to no more than two or tliree thousand. That part of the Chinese Penal Code, ^hicli was translated into Engnsn, was found to contain less than two thousand different cliaracters. It is said of the ten famous volumes of the San-goku-shi (三國 志), on good authority, that the number of different characters contained in them amounts to only 8,342. The version of the Bible by Drs. Eobert Morrison and Mile, consisting of twenty-one volumes, contains only 3600 different characters. The author of the Cliinese work called the Jiu-san-kio-shu-ji xxviii INTRODUCTION. (十三 經集 字), states that tlie Shi-sho (四書), the Four Books or Classics, contain only 2,328 different characters ; the Go-kid (五 ^^), the Five Classics, contain only 2,42G different characters wliicii do not occur in the Four Books, and that the whole number of different characters in the Jm-scm-kio (十 三 經), the Thirteen Classics, is only G,544. Later on, for the purpose of ascertaining how many characters were in common use, especially in Christian books, as well as to improve the arrangement of the fonts of type, a careful examination was made by two Chinese scholars under the direction of Mr. "Wm. Gamble, of the whole Bible and twenty-seven other books of a religions nature, containing a total of 4,16b octavo pages. These books contained an aggregate of over 1,100,000 characters, but only 5,150 different char- acters. The number of different characters found in the Old Testament, printed by the London Mission Press, was only 3,946, while that of tlie New Testament, printed at the Presbyterian Mission Press, amounted to the small number of 2,713. Special inquiry on this point with reference to the use of Chinese characters in Jp.pan at the largest type foundry in Tokio, and the largest Chinese- Japanese news- paper office in the city, has confirmed the writer that the facts ascertained for China will be found true for Japan as well. These statements establish several very important facts ; first, that in the language of Japan and Cliiua, as well as iu the languages of the west, five or six thousand characters or words, is a 3.iumber sufficiently large to answer for INTEODUCTION. xxix and that the great mass of words wliicli are found in languages generally, are technical words and do not occur often. Second, that a student of Japanese and Chinese gifted with an average memory will be able witli the aid of proper helps given here, in tlie course of five or six years to store up information enough concerning these characters and words to carry him through all the ordinary purposes of life. In taking up the study of these marvelous and ingenious symbols of ideas of the oldest living language iu the world, and which are used - by more people than any other system of writing on the face of the globe, the student should beware of over-zeal in starting. There is perhaps no system of writing wbicb. so soon captivates the learner. Their construc- tion is so ingenious and original as to perfectly enamor any one with even ordinary antiquarian linguistic tastes. The writer ventures to affirm that no one, be bis memory quick or slow, will find the study of these characters, if pursued regularly and methodically, not the least interesting and fascinating part in the acquisition of the JaDanese language. THE FORMATION OF CHAEACTEES. The Position of the Hand and Brush. Let the thumb be placed with the back towards the body, facing outwards ; let the fore and middle fingers, with the back turned outwards, be brought near it, facing the body ; thus holding fast the brush let the third and little fingers, placed close together, be brought part way in, inside the brush, pointing towards you with the fist half open and hollow within, and XXX INTRODUCTION. with the fingers close together. Dr. Edkins observes that the direction of tlie brush is predominantly from left to right, and from above downwards ; also that it is a fundamental requisite to rest on the wrist joint in writing and not on tlie thumb. The subjoined figure will best illustrate the position of the liancl in writing : ― 2. Eight Principles and Their Yaeiations by which Chinese Characters are Formed. Every Chinese character is assumed to be written with the eiglit following strokes. The rules for writing these strokes, as well as the above direc- tions for the position of the hand and tlie brush, are translated from a well Imown set of rules found in Dr. J. G. Bridgman's Canton Clirestomatliy. These elements are knovm amonc' the Japanese as the hatten (八 誠), the eight points, or tlie havpo (八 方), the eight directions. INTRODUCTION. xxxi • . Chu 2. Itsu 3. Shi 4. Ketsu 5. Tei ヽ ノ A point. This is made by a slant of the brush, which, moving first towards the right, is then turned round towards the left. 、 、 〜 ^ \yi 7 :X \ \ )/ >^ A horizontal line. This is made by a leap of the brush, which, stop- ping short on a point is drawn off to the left. 〜—マで H?. A perpendicular line. Here the brush must not be held perfectly erect, for then the stroke will lack 1 r> 1 q p し ^ P. A hook. Tlie brush brought down made to diverge a little and IS raised upwards with jerk. ^し^ に nit う 5. A spn:e. This resembles a part of a broken line with the point thrown ク ノネ^ V . 6. In 7. Hetsii 8. Futsu A sweep. Tlie best form of this is made by turning the brush's point off to the left with a heavy stroke. D J J J 5<) A. An angle. This is made by a sudden jerk of the brusii and ト liovUd be short and slender. さ イイ ゴ :&: ^《く n 《 フ ネ. A dash. Here the brush aelicately rises and then spreads off with a full stroke. \ 人 义乂. xxxii INTRODUCTION. Others include the elements of all the strokes in the following character Ye, eternal wliicli is formed of six strokes. Others add one or two more to this number. Order of Strokes in the Formation of Characters. 1. Begin at the top as in 广玄, etc., or on the left, as in 人儿& 生片, etc. 2. When a horizontal is crossed by a perpendicular stroke, as in 十 土士 寸木大 戈, etc., the horizontal is written first. 3 . In 刀 力 又 子 尸 己羽隶 飛, etc., the angle IS written nrst. 4. In 门勺夂 夂夕几 巾 曰, etc" the angle is written second. 5 . In U 匚匸ム 女 屮山片 毋^, etc., the left bottom angle is made with one stroke of the brush. 6. As a rule, horizontal strokes precede perpen- dicular ones, but when a perpendicular stroke ter- minates with a horizontal, as in 上, the horizontal stroke is written last. 7. In 小水 止; g iS # 齒, etc., the perpendicular stroke in the middle or on top is made first. INTEODrCTION. xxxiii 8. In 口 日, tlie perpendicular on the left is written first, then the angle on the right; and the base line last. 9. In 曰 曰 田國, the strokes in the interior are made before tlie base line is written. In writing Chinese characters it will be well to observe that in some instances one part of a character exceeds the other in height, and that certain strokes are extended while others are shortened in certain parts of the cliaracter. Also that several horizontal lines are not made of equal length, Tvhile both sides of a cliaracter containing about the same number of strokes will likely be written of equal size. The length of sweeps and curves will also be observed as varying in different characters ; horizontal strokes on the top of certain characters must be made shorter than the corresponding strokes at the bottom. These points and others will easily be acquired, especially witli tlie aid of a teacher. xxxiv INTRODUCTION. METHOD OF AEKANGING CHAEACTEES. For the purpose of arranging and facilitcating the search for characters in dictionaries, a select list of characters were cliosen as determinatives or heads, under which to group the rest. These selected characters are called by foreigners, Radicals or Keys, and by the Chinese, JV りひ (字 ^), class characters y ox she- mo Jul (書 目) Ijooh eyes, while the Japanese give them the general name of Hen. The process of selecting these characters was to take the most prominent part of each character as its radical or key, and all those characters having the same radical or key were placed under its corresponding radical, without any regard to its sound or meaning, but having regard to the number of the strokes of the primitive only. By this arrangement the philosophical method of arrang- ing them according to their subjects and sounds has per- haps given way to the more practical. The number of Eadicals has varied m different times and by different lexicographers, some using 544, others 360, but for the last four centuries 214 have been used. This list is divided into seventeen groups, according to the number of strokes they contain. The order of the radicals in this list follows that of the Imperial Dictionary, and is preserved generally in all diction- aries. These characters rarely have any relation to the sound of the characters of which they form a part, but often serve to point out the general sense of the compound. This will be seen where they are grouped according to their general heads. Others INTRODUCTION. XXXV are only a combination of unmeaning strokes, wliile still others possessing in themselves a meaning, yet when united witli other characters do not in the least influence the sense of the compounds. Place of the Radicals in Combination. Nothing very determined or fixed may be said as to the place of the radical in the compound, but as a rule the radical is the most prominent part of a character. It does occur, however, that the least conspicuous part of a character is chosen some- times for the radical because connected in some 'way with the sense of the compound. In general it may be said that the most usual place for the radical is on the left side of the primitive. There are others, however, which always occupy the right side ; others have no fixed place ; some occupy the top, others the bottom ; some are divided, one part placed on one side and the other part placed on the opposite, or one of the parts may be found at the top, while the other part is found at the bottom of the character. There are others again Tvhicli form receptacles within which the compound parts are written, and others have composite forms, each having a different locality. The position of the radical and primitive in some characters may alter the sound and meaniug of the compound, "wliile in other cases the sound only is changed by the alteration. These radicals are capa- ble of being interchanged for others of like general meaning, while slight variations make new characters. The ability of the student to use this or any other native dictionary will depend upon liow well he has xxxvi INTRODUCTION. mastered these EacTical Characters. For the present work it "'ill not be necessary to commit them by the number of strokes ; the order in which they come in the group and dictionary being of primary importance. Next to this in importance is the mastery of the Analysis of Radicals and the Test Tables, so as to tell at sight the radical of any character. These radicals are treated of in a variety of ways for the purpose of aiding the student in their complete mastery. The learner cannot be urged too strongly to make himself thoroughly familiar with these radicals before proceed- ing further. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii EXEECISE IN WEITING RADICALS. Eadicals formed of One Stroke. ノゝ 1 ノし 、 入 ノ ノ\ ] 、一 Two Strokes. ン , '、' ノ ム Three Strokes. a 十 土 士 XXXviii INTRODUCTION. 又 尸爻戶 久 チ升寻 ク山弋 i 大 I I strokes 小 幺 'な も :?^:^ 广戈 《J INTRODUCTION. XXXIX eJ 牛 15) お で Five Strokes. 月 永 水 ク)^ 止 ク 乙 メ 》ti 片生 大 疋 Ik ノ艾 毛 :f 用 矢 xl INTRODUCTION. 力 せ ふ ノむ 1*} 羊 水 > た 立 简 行 令 ク/ 哀 feix Strokes. 舟 竹 耳 1^ Seven Strokes. 艸 言 INTRODUCTION. xlii INTRODUCTION. Eleven Strokes. Twelve Strokes. Fifteen Strokes. Sixteen Strokes. fi- fe Seventeen Strokes. Ten Strokes. 茶、 1f Thirteen Strokes. マ Fourteen Strokes. 馬骨ー向舉鬥ま^>冥レ ssss f INTRODrCTION. xliii , ANALYSIS OF RADICALS. SHOWING THEIR POSITION AND CHANGES IN COMBINATION. {_For Contracted Had'icals, See Table.'] Eadicals Formed of One Stroke. ichi ski chu hetsu itsii ィ _^ ク チ -ノ 2 I チ ュ ク ク 3 > 4 ノ 5 乙 ヒ トツ. One, Many of the characters under this are Primi- tives and are found placed in various parts of its compounds. See Diet. pp. 1, 2. プ、 プ、 ム. To pass through. This passes through the middle of characters in most instances, while in others it is found below. See p. 2. シク レシ. A point. This is found on top or near the center of the character. See pp. 2, 3. モト クレ. A left stroke. This is the first stroke in the formation of nearly all the characters under it. See p. 3. キ ノト. 兰 liorary character. This is often contracted like a hook, and found on the right side, while in other characters it is found in its full form in the body or below the other parts of the character. See pp. 3, 4. xliv INTRODUCTION. - 6 kctsic >r I 力 ギ、. A hook. This will be ッ J found at the bottom, or running through the body of the characters. See p. 4. 3\ ni to mn niiL Two Strokes. 7 ジ 8 ト 、 ク— 9 10 :ク 儿 11 ジ ク A; プ タツ. Two. This often incloses the other strokes or is loiind above, below, or on the left. See pp. 4, 5. フタ. A cover. The place of this Eadical is invariably on top ; it could not be placed elsewhere. It is supposed to be a contraction for the purpose of grouping several incongruous and early forms. See pp. 5, 6. ヒ ト . This is contracted and placed on the left side, while in others it is astride the other strokes. It must be distinguished from Had. 60. See pp. 6-18. 匕 ト . ]\Ian. Tins, with very few exceptions, is always at the bottom. It must be carefully distinguished from Ead. 16. See pp. 18, 19. イク レ. To enter. This is placed on top or in the body of the character. It must not be con- founded with Ead. 9. See pp. 19, 20. INTRODUCTION, xlv 12 ク A チ 13 ヶ n 14 ;ド ヒ 3. ク 15 16 キ 几 17 力 ゾ P 18 タ 71 テ ウノ V ゥ ャ ッ . Einht. The usual piace of this Eadical is on top or below the other strokes. See pp. 20, 21. マキ. limit. This often incloses the other strokes, and often found in the body of the character. Practice alone will enable to tell it readily. See p. 21. 方 ホフ. To cover. This lies over the strokes of the character, but does not envelop them. See pp. 21, 22. コホリ Ice. (This is always on the left, except in one or two instances, where it is placed below. It is called two dot water to distmguisb. it from Bad. 85, which is known as the three dot 7catcr. See pp. 22, 28. ^ ^. A hencJi. This is found at the bottom and left side usually ; it also incloses other strokes. It must not be confounded with Ead. 10, which it much resembles. See pp. 23, 24. ク十ハ タレ. A receptacle. This incloses and supports the other strokes, the opposite of Ead. 13. A little practice is required to clistinguisli it readily. See p. 24, カタ ナ. knife. This is con- tracted ill most instances and placed on the right of the other strokes, although it also occurs in its full form below. See pp. 24-28. xlvi INTRODUCTION. 19 、L 力 I ク 20 ク ヒ 勺 21 ク 22 23 ク ィ Lb» 24 フ フ ホ ク 25 I チカラ. St)'cn〔itk, This IS founa generally on the right oi the other strokes, though it often occurs below also. It is clistingiiished from the last by the fact that it is not contracted. See pp. 28-30. ジ ツム. To wrap. This usually incloses the other strokes on the right. See pp. 30, 31. サジ. A spoon. This is usually on the right side, although it may occur on top. See p. 31. ハコ. 4 ciiest. This incloses the strokes from the left. It must be carefully distinguished from the next, which it much resem- bles. See pp. 31, 32. カク ブ、. To conceal. This also incloses the other strokes from the left. The upper stroke pro- jects, which distinguishes it from the last. See p. 32. ト チ. Ten, This is found below, above, on the right and also ill the body of the character. See pp. 32, 33. ゥラ 十フ. To divine. This is mostly found on top, though it occurs on the right, and at the bottom. See p. 83. シク レシ. A seal. This is usually on the right and at the bottom in its full form. Its contracted setsu » 一 ひ み; Jc 71 o INTRODUCTION. xlvii 27 ガ V r 28 シムボ ゥ 29 ク form resembles Ead. 163, though it can easily be distinguished if closely examined. See pp. 33, 84. ィ ハホ. 4 cliff. This hangs over the other strokes from the top and left side ; it must be distinguished from Ead. 53, with which it is often interchanged. See pp. 34, 35. クタ クシ. Selfish. This is found on top and below ; it is often triplicated in characters, some of vvliicn are unusual and hetero- geneous. See pp. 35, 36. マ タ. Ako. This is on the right or below the other strokes ; it must be distinguished from Bads. 34 and 35. See pp. 36, 37. 30 ク 31 32 ト土 Three Strokes. ク クチ. Mouth. This is usually oil the left side, but it also occurs on top, below, or in the body of the character. See pp. 37-52. メ グリ. IiichsuTe, This in- closes the other strokes. See pp. 53, 54. ツチ. Earth. This is on the left side or below the other strokes. It is interchanged with Eads. 150 and 170 and in a few characters, with Eads. 85, 112. See pp. 54-61. To ^ み- w 53 ^ ^ ひ ^ CO To i 7^ 7n i /V xlviii INTRODUCTION. 83 =/ 士 34 、J 夂 35 ま せ キ 36 夕 ダ 37 大 38 : 女 は 39 シ 子 コ ト . Work. This IS found on top, left, right side, and at the bottom of the other strokes. It differs from the last in having the bottom horizontal stroke short, the opposite of Bad. 32. See p. 61. ォ ククレ クレ. To follow. This is found on top of the other strokes. Its transverse stroke begins within the first stroke to the left, which distinguishes it from Ead. 35. See p. 61. ャプ、 シ. Walking sloicly. This is placed below the other strokes of the character. See p. 62. ュブ ベ. Ei'ming. This is found on top, on the left and right side, in the body, and at the bottom of the strokes of the character. See p. 62. 方 ホヒ于 リ. Great. This is found on top, below, and in the body of the character. A little practice is needed to discover it quickly. See pp. 63-65. ォゾ 十. Daughter. This is usually found on the left side, although there are instances where it occurs at the bottom, or on the right. See pp. 65-72. コ . Son. This is usually placed on the left or at the bottom of the other strokes. See pp. 72-74. • は Is i ん. w ^ i s **S s s d .-s. れ s INTRODUCTION. xlix 40 ベ A メ ヅ ン 41 » 寸プ ゾ 4 V 42 せ ゥ ゥ =/ 小 43 尤 44 尸 テ 45 中 46 油 3 せ 47 化 48 \7 «~ カサ于 フク. A roof. The place of this Eadical is invariably on top of the other strokes. See pp. 74-78. An inch. This is on the left side and at the bottom of the other strokes. See pp. 78, 79. プ、 コシ. Little. This is found mostly on top of the other strokes. See p. 79. ァ ヅカガ 、マタレ. Lame. This is on the right and left side of the character. See p. 80. •;/ カノ、、 于. A corpse. This, from the nature of the case, hangs over the top and left side of the other strokes. It interchanges v'itli Rad. 181. See pp. 80-82. クサ. sprout. This is on top or in combination. See p. 82. ャ マ . Mountain. The usual place of this Eadical is on top and left side, though it often occurs at the bottom and in the body of characters. When on top it resem- bles Rad. 40 somewhat, and inter- changes in a few instances with Bads. 32 and 150. See pp. 82-86. 力 パ • Stream. This is found on top, on the left, and in the body of the character. See p. 86. タクミ. Art. This is found on the right, left, at the bottom and in the body of the character. See pp. 86, 87. ben men son sun slid shi tetsu san sen Co 5 S 1 INTRODUCTION. チ ノレ. Se\f. This is placed on top, beneath paid on the right side. It resembles Ead. 26. It must not be confounded with others, which it mucn resembles. See p. 87. テ ヌ グ匕. Napkin. This, in most cases, is found on the left side, although it frequently occurs at the bottom and occasionally on the right. It interchanges with Ead. 120. See pp. 87-90. チカ プ、. To oppose. This is found on the right side and bottom of the other strokes and m composition. See pp. 90, 91. タカシ. Immature. This is found on the left and in compo- suion. See p. 91. ィメ、 ャ. A covering. This, from the nature of the case, hangs over the top and left of the other strokes of the character. It interchanges with Had. 27. See pp. 91-94. ヒク. To draw. This supports the other strokes from the left. It is sometimes used synonymously with. Ead. 1G2. See p. 94. ァ パプ、. Hand joined. This is usually underneath. See pp. 94, 95. ィ グク レミ. j dart. Tins is on the right. It is easily mistaken for Ead. 62, with which it is some- times interchanged. See p. 95. 9 4 4 5 キ キ y 力 ン ェ ゥ ゲヅ ん ? V 一 に" 一 ふ 一 ひ 7/ ィ ゾ キ ヨウ ィ ョク 一 ひ ん; ジ •I INTRODUCTION. li ket sen sail tei teki shin kuwa ko shu shu 57 ク リ 58 ケ A 59 せ^ サ V ク V 60 ィづキ ユミ. A how. This IS usually on the left or between, while in other instances ii is found in composition. See pp. 95-97. イノ 力 シラ. Hog,s head. Tins is found above and below the other strokes. See p. 97. 夕ノ カザ リ. Pelape. The usual place of this Radical is on the right side. See pp. 97, 98. タタ ズム. To stop. The 01 this Eadicai is invaria the left. See pp. 98-100. place on 61 、J 62 ク 戈 63 コ 戶 64 シ rp -y ゥ" Zl"^ ュ Four Strokes. ココ 口. Heart. Tms is usu- ally contracted on the left, and in its full form below on the right and in composition. See pp. 101-115. ホコ^ spear. This Eadicai is almost invariably on the right, and occasionally underneath. It resembles Racl. 56, and inter- changes with Bad. 18. See pp. 115, 116. ト . Door. This is placed over the other strokes, and on the left. It interchanges with Ead. 1G9. See pp. 116, 117. テ. Thmd. This is almost in- variably found in its contracted form on the left side, and below in its full form. See pp. 117-134. Hi INTRODUCTION. 65 slii liaku bun mon to to kin ho hu jitsu nichi yetsu 支 66 >、 ク 支 67 ま モ ゾ 68 ;斗ト キ ゾ ク 69 斤 70 方 71 ブ - 置 尤 72 ジ 口- ッ チ ェ ク 73 曰 ダ. ノ 1 hrancli. On the rig of the other strokes. This Eadical is never contracted, which distin- guishes it from the next. See p. 135. ゥッ. To strike. This, in its contracted and full form, is on the right side. See pp. 135-137. フミ. 乂 letter. This is placed variously. The contracted form is seldom used. See p. 137. マ ブ、. A measure. This is usu- ally on the right, and below the other strokes. See pp. 137, 138. チ ノ . B wad-ax. This is on the right usually, although it also occurs beneath. See pp. 138, 139. 力 タ . Direction. This is on the left, or beneath. See pp. 139, 140. 十 シ . WitJiQut, On the right. See p. 140. b . DcfJJ, sun. This is found on top, on the left, beneath and in composition. When on top it resembles the next. See pp. 141-146. ィ フ . To speak. This is found above, below, or in composition. This and Ead. 134 are sometimes wrongly written for the above. See p. 147. INTRODUCTION. liii 74 getsu ゲ 曰 ク moku ski katsu shu bit mil ク 75 ま、 木 モ ク 76 ken ケ 欠 77 止 力 ジ 78 歹 79 シ ュ 80 フ母 ッ キ . ISioon. This IS usuallv on the right, and left side, and m a few instances below the other strokes. When on the left side it much ■ resembles the contracted form of Rad. 130, but practice will easily distinguish them. See p. 148. キ . A tree. This is mostly on the left, although it often occurs below, on top, and in composition. See pp. 149-167. ァク ヒ、. To yawn. This is placed on the right side of the other strokes. It is easily con- founded with Bad. 66 when in combination. This Ead. with Bads. 30 and 149 have several interchangeable forms. See pp. 167-169. ト ド マタレ. To stop. This is found on top, beneath, and on the left side of the other strokes. It is interchanged with Bads. 60 and 157, and occasionally with others. See pp. 169-170. サレホ 子. Rotten hone. This is generally on tlie left side, and is a contraction from another charac- ter, rotten oone. It interchanges with Ead. 104. See pp. 170-171. ホコ. A spear. This is on the right. See pp. 171-172. 十 シ . Not. Here the BadicaJ is underneatli the other strokes. See pp. 172-173. liv INTRODUCTION. 81 ヒ比》 82 ノ、: ^マ ク 83 シ 氏 84 キ/^ キ ク 气 85 |7 ク 86 火 87 慮 88 實 于 ラフ、、. To compare. Found on the right and on top oi the other strokes. See p. 173. ケ. haw. This is found on the left and riglit sides, and below. See pp. 173, 174. ク ザ. Surname. Tins is found in composition and below. See p. 174. キ . Breath. This lies over the other strokes from the right. See p. 174. ミ ヅ'. Water. This is usnally on the left in a contracted form, called the three dot water. It is also occasionally found beneath and in composition. It inter- changes also with Bads. 32 and 112. See pp. 175-195. b . Fire. This is found in us full form on the left side. It is, howevei', often found in its con- tracted form at the bottom, in which case it is called the four dot foot. It also occurs on top in some instances. See pp. 195-203. ジ メ . Claws. This, when con- tracted, is found on top. It also occurs on the left side. It must be distinguished from Eacl. 97. See pp. 203, 204. チ チ. Father. This is placed on top. See p. 204. kmca so to ュ INTRODUCTION. Iv gen kiyoku koku マジ ハク レ. To mingle. This is found in composition and on the left side. See pp. 204, 205. カタ カタ. One of a pair, or side. This is a contraction for the character 牀, a bed. It is found on the left side. See p. 205. カタ ハラ. Ou£ side. This is always on the left side. It is the above Had. reversed. See pp. 205, 206. キノ、,. A tooth. This is on the left and beneath. See p. 206. ゥ シ . Cattle. This is placed on the left side, and underneath. See pp. 206-208. ィ ヌ . Dog. This, in its con- tracted form, is always on the left, and on the right and underneath in its full form. It must not be confounded with Ead. 37. It interchanges with Bads. 152 and 153. See pp. 208-212. Five Strokes. クロ シ. Sombre. This is found in the body of the character as well as beneath and on the left. See p. 213. タマ. A gem. This is gener- ally on the left side slightly contracted, and occasionally on 爻 力 ク i> ョク サ ゥ パ ゾ ム へ ゾ ゲ お ^牛 ガ ギゥ クヅ n ク 玄 ま ゲヅ キヨ ク d れれ « »^ ん SCO みみ fl^ «y ふ Ivi INTRODUCTION. 97 ク 瓜 98 グ 瓦 99 力 ヅ 甘 100 ォ-; ク 101 は ク 102 テ ffl チ ン m / 用 -ノ 3 タ ク 103 疋 104 r top or below. It interchanges with Bads. 112, and 1G7. See pp. 213-220. ゥ 、) . Melon. This is placed on the right, left side, and in the body of the character. It must be distinguished - from Kad. 87. See p. 220. 力》 、ラ. Tiles. This is usually on the rigiit or beueatli. It interchanges with Eads. 32, 108 and 112. See pp. 220, 221. ' A マシ. Sweet. This is found in composition and below, as well as on the right and left sides. See pp. 221, 222. クム. To produce. This is placed on the right, and also beneath. See p. 222. モチュ クレ. To use. This is found below and in composition. See p. 223. タ . Field. This is found on top, and on the left side generally, although it may be found also beneath. It interchanges with Kad. 32, and others. See pp. 223-228. ァ リ . Foot. This is placed on the right, left, and beneath the other strokes. See p. 228. ャ ャヒ. Sickness. Tms, from the nature of the case, invariably kuiva guwa Jean i 、力、 ひ ^ o rfc s s i -r c s な INTRODUCTION. Ivii hatsu haku ill hi hei ho hokii moku ho mo sill seH 105 ■>、 107 皮 108 ベ ィ皿ク 109 ク 110 ク^ ク 111 シ せ キ £ 矢 112 石 hangs over the top and left sicie of the other strokes. See pp. 228-237. ュク. To (JO. This is always on top. See p. 237. シ はシ. White.. This is placed mostly on the left, though it occurs also on top and beneath. It is much like Kads. 109 and 132, and interchanges with Had. 72 in a few cases. See pp. 237-239. 力 . Skin. This is placed variously, though generally on the right side. See pp. 239, 240. サ ラ . Dish. This is found beneath the other strokes. It must not be confounded with Rad. 143. See pp. 240-243. メ . Eye. This is placed variously, but usually on the left and beneath, and occasionally on top. When beneath, it resembles Ead. 132, and its contracted form is much like Ead. 122. See pp. 243-250. ホコ . j halberd. This is on the left, or on top. It is somewhat like Ead. 115. See pp. 250, 251. ャ. A dart. This is found on the left and right sides, and also beneath. See pp. 251, 252. イシ. A stone. This is almost invariably found on the left side, Iviii INTRODUCTION. shi chili =/ 113 、 A and occasionally below. It inter- changes with Eacls. 32, 46, 96 and 98. See pp. 252-260. シメ プ、. To admonish. This is usually in its fall form on the left side, and occasionally beneath. Its contracted form resembles Bad. 145. See pp. 2C0-265. ァシ アト. _4 footprhit. This is found below. See p. 265. 115 kuica ketsu riu ritsu ク 》、 禾 ケ ク 116 穴 117 ^ュ »; ッ ァ ハ . Grain. Tins is usi lound on the left side, occa- sionally below, and on top. It interchanges with Kad. 113. See pp. 2GG-272. ァ十. A cave. Tnis, from the nature of its construction, is always placed on top of the other strokes. It may be mistaken for Had. 40. See pp. 272-277. タツ. To erect. This is on tlie left, and occasionally on top and beneath. See pp. 277-279. Six Strokes. chiku hei mai チ ク 118 竹 ベ A 119 米 マ ィ タケ. Bamboo. This, m its con- tracted form, IS almost invariably placed on top of the other strokes. See pp. 279-292. コ メ . nice. This is commonly placed on the left, although it is often found beneath, also on top INTRODUCTION. lix heki ho mo wo u TO 120 ベネ キ不 123 ヴ 124 125 126 ジ 而; and in composition. It inter- changes with Ead. 115. See pp. 292-296. ホジ キイ ト. TMn thread. The usual place of this Eadical is on the left side or beneath. See pp. 297-313. ホ ド ギ. Earthen vessel. This is on the left side, and beneath the other strokes. It is written like Ead. 167 in a few cases, and interchanges with Bads. 75 and 98. See pp. 313, 314. アミ. ズ net. This in its contracted form is placed on top of the other strokes. See pp. 314-317. ヒ ヅ' ジ . A sheep. This is placed vp^rionsly ; on top, beneath, and on the left and right sides. It interchanges with Kad. 198. See pp. 317-319. ハ チ . Wings. The most usual place for this Eadical is on the right side, although it occurs often on top and beneath, as well as on the left side. See pp. 319-322. トシ ョ リ. Old. This is placed variously, and is usually more or less contracted. See pp. 322, 323. -ン 力 フシ テ. Still, yet. This is found on the left, on top, and occasionally on the right. See pp. 323, 324. I INTRODUCTION. 127 ラ^^ク レ 130 131 132 133 キ ク セ、 ク 134 135 舌 プ、 キ. A x>low. This IS almost invariably on the left. It resem- bles Ead. 115. See pp. 324, 325. ミ ミ . Ear. This is gener- ally on the left side, although it is often placed below, or in the body of the character. It is often confounded with Ead. 109. See pp. 325-327. フデ. A stile. This is on the right, below, or in combination. See pp. 327, 328. シ シ . Meat. This, in its con- tracted form, is found on the left, beneath, and in composition. See pp. 328-338. 9 it 〜ピ ト. Attendant. This is found on the left side and in combination. See pp. 338, 339. 3. リ . From. This is on the top and occasionally on the left. It resembles Ead. 74. See p. 329. イタ クレ. To arrive at. This is on the left or underneath. See pp. 339, 340. ゥ プ、. A mortar. This is in composition, also above and below. It much resembles Ead. 106. See pp. 340, 341. - ノタ. The tongue. This is gener- ally on the left side and occa- sionally below. See pp. 341, 342. INTRODUCTION, Ixi sen sliiu Icon shoku せ シ ク 136 外 137 舟 コ V 138 艮 139 ク 140 141 142 143 ジム ク. Opposiiig. This IS found beneath. See p. 342. フ于. A boat. This is on the left. It interchanges with Eads. 75 and 85. See pp. 342-344. カタ シ. Fixed. This is found on the right, and below. See pp. 344, 345. ィ . Color. This is found on the right. It must not be taken for Ead. 163, which it resembles. See p. 345. ク サ. Herbs. This, in its con- tracted form, is always on top. It is interclianged with Eads. 75, 115 and others. See pp. 345-372. ト ラ. Tiger. This is usi リ found on top, on the right, or in composition. See pp. 372-374. へ ビ. Seiyent. This is mostly on the left side, and below. It is often doubled and tripled, and intercliantrfis v;itli Eads. 195 and 208. See pp. 374-385. チ. Blood. This is generally on the left, and right side, while there are a few cases where it is found on top and below. It resembles Ead. 108. See pp. 385, 386. Ixii INTRODUCTION. kohl む yokic 力 な 二- ギ ゥ s』 ^ • ゥ 145 衣 :: &. 146 ア^^カ ュク. To go. This is divided, one Dart on the left and the other part on the rigiit side. The left part of this Eadical is similar to Ead. GO. See pp. 386-388. コ ロモ. Chth. This, in its contracted form is only on the left side, and oeneatli in its full form, or divided. Its contracted form resembles that of Ead. 113. See pp. 388-398. ォ ホフ. j cover. This is placed on top of the other strokes. See pp. 398, 399. 147 ケ ゾ 見: 148 力 ク ケ -i*^ ■£ ゾ El ゾ 149 150 ク Z むク Seven Strokes. ミ タレ. To sec. This is chieflv on tlie right side, also below. Some of the characters of this group interchange with Ead. 109. See pp. 399-401. ッノ. j Jiorn. Tms is chiefly on the left, also beneath. See Dp. 401-403. ィフ. To sr)cak. This is chiefly on the left side, also beneath, and occasionally between. Some of the characters of this group are interchanged with Bads. 30 and CI. See 1)1). 403-421. タ - . Valley. This is placed variously. Some of the characters interchange with Eads. 46, 85 一 ひ ク ひ LA ん INTRODUCTION. Ixiii to dzu shi chi hai mai seki shaku so soku shin 151 トモす ヅ' ク 152 153 154 パ t マ 157 and 170. When written resembles Bad. 135 a little, pp. 421, 422. it See マ メ . Pulse. This is found be- neath, and on the left side. It is a contraction of Ead. 207. See pp. 422, 423. ィ ノコ. j boar. This is found beneath, on the left and in com- position. It is interchanged with Eacls. 94, and 153. See pp. 423, 424. ホフ ムシ. Ecjjtiles. This is placed on the left side. See pp. 424, 425. 力 ヒ. SJicll or Precious. This is found beneath, on the left side and in composition. See pp. 425-433. ァカ シ. Bed. The place of this Eadical is on the left side. See p. 433. , y ミノ クレ. To run. This, from the nature of its construction, supports the other strokes from the left side. Its compounds are inter- changed with Eads. 157, and 162. See pp. 433-438. ァ :ノ . Foot. The usual place of this Kadical is on the left side, on the right and occasi beneath. Many of its compounds interchange with the last Ead. and 162. See pp. 436-443. ミ . Body. This is generally on the left, and occasionally in the Ixiv INTRODUCTION. kio sha shin sliui clial'u m III hen han 160 シ V 、 161 シ 162 チ ャ ク A ク 酉 1G5 body of the character. It inter- changes with Eads. 128, 130, 132, and 188. See pp. 443, 444. ク クレマ. W き on. This is on the left in most cases, although it occurs beneath, and mside of the character. See pp. 444-449. 力 ラシ. Bitter. This is on either siae, sometimes beneath, and in some instances divided. See pp. 449, 450. ト キ . Time. Tins is on top or beneath. It resembles Kad. 168 a little. See p. 450. グシ クレ. Going. This, in its con- tracted form, supports the other strokes from the left side. The characters of this group, and those of Eads. 60 and 170 have charac- ters in common. See pp. 451-461. ム ラ. ViUaf/e. This, contracted, is placed on the right side of the other strokes, which alone dis- tinguishes it from Ead. 170. See pp. 461-464. 1- リ . Bird, a horary character. This is placed on the left, and occasionally below. See pp. 464- 棚. ク カツ. To sejmrate. This is found on the left side. It must not be confoniided with 采, which it much resembles. See p. 468. INTRODUCTION. Ixv cho lion mon tai rei sui ski 166 »; サト. j village. This is placed on the left, beneath, or in com- position. See pp. 468, 469. 167 ノ w: ゾ 168 170 ヒ自フ フ 172 维 シ Eight Strokes. 力 于 . Metal. This is usually found on the left side or be- neath. It is interchanged with Ead. 112, and with Bad. 75 in a few cases-. See pp. 469-479. チカ、、 シ. Long. This, contracted, is on the left side. It is supposed to be a contraction of Ead. 190. See p. 479. 力 V、 • A door. This Radical in- closes the other strokes. It is sometimes used as a contraction for Ead. 190, because it is easier to write. See pp. 479-484. チカ. ^ mo 難 d. This Eadical contracted is always on the left side, which distinguishes it from Ead. 163, which contracted is always on the right. See pp. 484-491. チ a ブ. To reach to. This is generally on the right side. See p. 491. フ クレ ト リ . Fowls • This is found on the right side, and below the other strokes, and sometimes in the body of the character. It is often interchanged with Ead. 196. See pp. 491-493. Ixvi INTRODUCTION. Nine Strokes 176 men hen kakiL Kioku kuwai kiu 111 on ketsu メ ベ V 177 カ^^キ ク 178 牟 ィ晋ク >ゝ 179 碰 180 ィ :Sl チ ノ m ノ 181 グ ク 力 ホ . The jace. This is on the left side or beneath. See p. 499. 力 ハ. Raw -hide. This is on the left or beneath the other strokes. It is often interchanged with Ead. 178. See pp. 499-502. オシ カハ. Leather. The usual place for this Eadical is on the left. See pp. 502, 503. ^ ラ. Lee~ks. This is usually beneath. It much resembles Ead. 175. See p. 503. ュ :^. Sound. This Ead. is found on the left and beneath. See pp. 503, 504. it = ノラ * Page or head. This is chiefly on the right side and ァ メ . Ram. The most usual place of this Radical is on top of the other strokes, though it occa- sionally occurs elsewhere. See pp. 494-497. ァ チシ. Azure color. This is chiefly on the left side, though it occurs on the right also. See pp. 497, 498. ァ ラズ. Not. This is usually below the other strokes. See pp. 498, 499. 3 7 ャゥ > ぎ 5 op 7 1 ク 4 V 3 ぶ, « 1 J F せ ィ ま 匕 S 一 ひ S み INTRODUCTION. Ixvii ho hi shoku shi ha ma kotsu 183 185 = ノ 》? =/ ゥ目ュ occasionally below. It is supposed to have been originally a form of Eacl. 180. See pp. 504-508. 力 セ、、 . Wind. This is chiefly on the left side, although it occurs also on the right. See pp. 508-510. , 1; -f. To fly. This is on the right side and below, and occa- sionally on the left. See p. 510. クラウ. To ea t. This is usually on the left sicie, and frequently beneath. In some uncommon characters it interchanges with Bads. 30, 119 and 130. See pp. 510-514. 力 シラ. Head, This is on the left, although it occurs elsewhere. It is interchanged with Bad. 181 and 190. See p. 514. j ホヒ. Incense. This occurs on the left and beneath the other strokes. See p. 514. 187 ノゃ ffi マ /"ゾ 188 Ten Strokes. A マ. A horse. This occurs generally on the left side and occasionally beneath. See. pp. 514-520. ホ 于 . A hone. The usual place of this Eadical is on the left side of the other strokes. It interchanges with Ead. 181 and with Bad. 130 in a few cases. See pp. 520, 521. ^ 一, 力 INTRODUCTION. タカシ. Hif/li . Many compounds of this Eadical are found under Ead. 32. In ほ 亭) it is contracted and does not serve as a Ead. See p. 521. b 十が キカ ミノ 女. Long hair. ゥ This is ahvavs on top. Some of its real compounds are found contracted under liad. 168. See pp. 521-523. 力 タタ カフ. To quarrel. This in- ゥ closes the other strokes. It is sometimes wrongly written for 、 Ead. 169, which it much resem- bles. See pp. 523, 524. カホ リ グサ. Fva grant herhs. This is underneath. See p. 524. 力 ァシが 于〜. 《4 tripod. This ク is found beneath and on the left. See pp. 524, 525. チ ^ . Gliosf. This is found on the left and I'iglit sides, as well as beneath. See pp. 525, 526. Eleven Strokes. ゥホ. 4 fish. This is usually on the left side and occasionally beneath. It interchanges with Bads. 142 aud 205. See pp. 526- 529. ト リ . ノ 1 bird. This is chiefly on the right, although it often INTRODUCTION. Ixix I ro roku haku kidku ha ma 口 197 198 199 "嚷キ ク^^ さ ク 200 ハ n に マ occurs below, and occasionally on top. A few of its coiopoiinds inter- change with Ead. 172. See pp. 529-533. シホ ハマ. Salt beach. This is mostly on the left, although it occurs elsewhere. See pp. 533, 534. シカ. A deer. This is chiefly on top, though it occurs on the left and beneath. It interchanges with Ead. 123. See pp. 534, 535. ム ギ . Wheat. This supports the other strokes from the left. See pp. 535, 536. ァ サ. Hemjh This is on top. See p. 536. kinvd wd slid koku clii 201 ク V ハ頁ケ ク 202 203 コ敏 ジ 204 画 Twelve Strokes. キイ 口. Yellow. This is on the left side and beneath. See p. 536. キ ビ. Millet. This is found chiefly on the left side, also beneath. It interchanges with Ead. 119. See p. 537. クロ シ. BlacJi. Tnis is on the left or beneath, in which latter case it may be taken for Ead. 86 contracted. See p. 537. ヌィ モノ. Emhmicleri/. This is placed on the left side. See p. 538. Ixx INTRODUCTION. Thirteen Strokes. 205 ベ 206 十 ャ ク 207 208 力 )、 ヅ' . Frogs. This is gener- ally beneath. Characters under it interchange with Eacls. 142, 195 and 128. See p. 538. カナ〜. A tripoci. This is placed beneath. See pp. 538, 539. ッ ヅ' ミ . A drum. This is placed on top, which distinguishes it from Ead. 66, which may be taken for it. A few characters which really belong to this Fiadical are placed iinder Kad. 151, because the right hall is omitted. See p. 539. 于 ヅ' ミ . ^ rat. This is placed on the left side. It interchanges with Bads. 142 and 153. See Dp. 539, 540. 210 齊 Fourteen Strokes. » 于. Tlie nose. This is also found on the left side. Bee p. 540. =/ ジ ロフ. JEvcn, This generally in- closes the other strokes. See. p. 540." Fifteen Strokes. 211 -ン i^t m ャ ク Teeth. This is on the left side and occasionally beneath. A few uncommon characters under it are interchanged with Bads. 30 and 92. See p. 541. To .5^.,^ んん s s も s s s s INTRODUCTION. Ixxi ヴ Sixteen Steokes. タツ. ^ dragon. This is found above, beneath, and occasionally on the right. See pp. 541, 542. カメ. A tortoise. This is on the right, and on top. It interchanges with Eacl. 205, and Ead. 142 in a few instances. See p. 542. Seventeen Strokes. プュ. A musical reed. This is on the left siae, and several characters under it are interchanged with Eads.76 and 118. See p. 542. 2 1 2 ヒー 三 一 リ rrt ク キ 3 1 2 ィャク •Is ん ん Ixxii INTRODUCTION. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANALYSIS OF RADICALS Contracting Eadicals. Eadicals Found Generally on the Left Side. ゆ 月サ ©t^ 、、ん p 長さ 网肉艸 酉 足 一 邑長阜 氺 一 汜岁ラ I 夕 ^^x^^^^ 多、 无歹 水火 爪 牛 犬 玉 疋竹糸 、ル n ^^^^ しィ. P-Jin ル くョャ 矛夂 4?< 乙 人 刀 尤^ 三 心 手 支 文 曹 J 一 ム 豸 靑 鬲 齒 方 牙^ 月 金 馬 鼻 十 片 矢耳豕 龠鼠卩 矛 耒豆采 黹ィ, ィ爿 羊 谷 酉 香 ク. B 火 目 INTRODUCTION. Ixxiii Radicals Found Generally on the Eight Side. Eadioals Found Principally on Top. Kadicals Generally Placed at the Bottom. 十 几 tJ 几工开 夂 む れ、、 母 比血舛 用非韭 II 鼎 言 童 黑 弓 水 in 缶 角 車風 黍 木 田 衣 血 足 畜 黃 子 月 甘 糸 米 舌 走韋麥 革 魚 山 曰 王 歹^ 禾舟赤 虫 貝 面 鬼女 戈 皮 ノノノ P 尤見 寸色 戈 瓦 叉 欠 P '支 鳥 卜 ル乂頁 カ斗隹 刀斤隶 匕 J- 4P 麻 厂夕血 鹿 I 夂 A 彭 门屮广 雨 、一 已穴西 八 尸气^ 二 小爪 艸 ゾ み 曰 竹 、大 戸而 十 入 三老齊 Ixxiv INTRODUCTION. Kadicals Embracing the Peimitive. 二 勺 匚匸ロ 門鬥行 - Eadicals Passing Through the Center. I J The remaining 37 are placed indiscriminately, either above, or below, on the right or left, without any fixed rule, making it difficult to bring them under any specilic arrangement. INTRODUCTION. Ixxv EADICAL TEST TABLE, No. 1. In Categories of Subjects. 1 鼎 6 鹵子 目用隶 18 車 22 艸 曰 鬲金水 女 見 エネ 厂皿刀 木 月 4 木 9 士面 14 止^ 几 七 竹 辰 金 水色 臣 12 尸立广 ヒ干瓜 夕 鼓火靑 11 香 首 食 西 斗戈變 2 龠土黃 身 曰 骨 16 口 曰 iiiJ^ 風 音 7 赤 升 口 11 厶里 瓦弓禾 雨 5 山 白 心、 舌 尤歹門 缶 矢 米 气干川 黑手牙 广鬥戸 21 矛 豆 ン支谷 支足齒 15 支邑 魚^ 韭 水 乙 穴 10 首 皮 入 17 阜 网斤麥 3 辛 阜人頁 肉夂生 19 牛 23 麻 鬼子 田 儿而骨 夂長衣 来匚黍 酉 门氏彭 血し 大巾 糸匸 25 卜 辰 8 自耳气 行 小黹皮 LJ 辛 變良玉 己 鼻 13 走 長 2。 革 勺 甘 豆 爻石父 面 力 逢 幺舟韋 香 Ixxvi INTRODUCTION. 26 鹿 豸貝釆 29 長 31 欠 高舛ゾ 牛 鼠 龍 28 文疋 3 。片足 三 非 J 犬 27 魚 羽^ 斗 一 比 齊聿ヌ ^ 羊鳥龜 飛; &斤ニ 33 34 35 豕隹 II 爪 彭寸八 32 上 母 1 馬 由 角 内 方 十无^ 叉 、 INTRODUCTION. Ixxvii EADICAL TEST TABLE, No. 2. Exercise in Identifying Radicals. 七 九 了 久也凡 勺 千 不中乏 五 井 今 六 分!? 反 太 天 孔少尺 屯 弔 且主乍 允 内 冬 凸凹 出 包 北 牛 占 卡去叮 外 左 巧 布 平幼必 本 正 民 采交兆 全匠危 回在奶 好 尖 州 年式 成 有 次 死 毎百考 那 你兵別 助 却 底 困 壯筵 〈床廷 弄 弟 往我改 更歩甬 男 罕良却 阿 事 京 來兒兩 典卦取 夜奇姓 店 或 房 斧 昂朋武 河 坑 牀 狗 的 直 知 罔 者服肯 花; t 風 衫表迎 陋亮胃 冠 則 勁 南屋卷 建後扁 拜春炭 牲玻甚 皇_ ^盆 看盼冷 秋 紅 美 突 耐臭虐 哀要卻 重 准 匪 厚原 夏 孫 家 峯差料 旁 書 策 殺 氣特兹 II 疼 病矩破 祖秦窄 站 缺翁耕 能 草豈起 赶躬辱 酒 針 陪隻送 勒匙參 專巢帳 張 彩 Ixxviii INTRODUCTION. 得 斬 旣畫爽 率 瓶 甜產略 票 章 粗 累羞翊 習 船 規訛欲 貧赦這 野 雪 項 晃壸寒 尊 就 幾 換掌散 敦斌斑 替朝飲 穠然爲 爺牽發 短 禽 等策粱 絲 窗 舒 衆 街 術 輩 辜 量 開 間 雲 飮疊嗇 幹 廚纖愛 掛新瑞 盞碎禁 群 聖葬號 解 象 賊 跨 路 載 培 靴 韮 鳳 亂 5i 團 墓 壽夢對 慢旗就 竪算閬 臺與密 說貌賓 躱輕魁 魂 麽璃層 窓 疑 皺窮罷 舞餓鞋 颳養髮 蘭黎學 耨 親 錯 隸 靜 鴨 鼐 嶺 幫爵牆 瓢 糞罄舉 艱韓馘 鮮黏點 黻鼂齋 竄舊謬 豐蹙醫 雙雞馥 騎學壤 臨 關 韻 観 魯 麒 醒 籠 鼗 駒 類 瓣 覺辭釋 響飄馨 鹹爽黨 齢薩辯 騾 魔鰲蔬 聽鬻自 ^ 窥龢 驚體髓 鬭麟飽 鬚 廳 灣 II 黌釁 Hii 鬱 INTRODUCTION. Ixxix POSITIONAL NAMES OF THE PEINCIPAL EADICALS. Ka (冠). Kamuri. Hito kamuri 人 Take kamuri キク U " み Ame 兩 Zo " Ma " To " 一 す Kusa " Yamai " r Gandare 厂 Madare 广 Ana " 穴 Ii'i gasliira Tetsu " Beki (' Bo " Me " Niu ben Ni sui Ritto To (頭). Kashira. Dai gashira Shi " Tora " Hiyo Sbikabane Hen ( ム Katawaba. Tsuchi hen Onna " Yama " 大士 髟尸 • 土 女 山 入屮 t 网& ィ>5 Ixxx INTRODUCTION. Km hen Yumi '* Giyonin ben Rissliiu " Te hen San sui Kemono hen Kata '( Hi " Tsuki " Niku dzuki Ki hen Usbi " Katsu " Kata " Sho " Tama '* Ta " Haku " Kawa " Me " Ya " Ishi " Sliimesu hen Nogi " Koromo " Kome " Hitsuji " Ito " Haue (( Suki " Mimi " Sbita " Fune " Musbi " Tsuno " Gom ben Tani hen Mame " luoko " Toku " Kai " Ashi " Mi " Kuruma " Hiyomi-no-tori 巾 弓 ノィャ す、 v.^ 方 日月 肉 木 ザ 歹片爿 玉 田 白 皮 目 矢 石 1^ 禾衣米 羊 糸 羽 耒耳舌 舟 虫 角言咎 S 豕豸良 身 車 酉 INTRODUCTION. Ixxxi Furu tori Sato hen Kane " Tsukuri kawa Oshi Oto hen Okai Giki Uma Hone Uwo Tcri Shika hen Mon gamaye To Kuni Shin So Fu M5 niu Kiba hen Kozato " Ozato Akubi Kibi hen Nira " Hirabi Ken kuwa Besshm Hatten Hi hen Kuclii " lio ( ま 馨 ). Kamaye. 門 Hako gamaye 匚 鬥 Kakusbi " 匸 □ Ho " 勺 ( 入 )• IBU. Ixxxii INTRODUCTION. Fusbi dzukuri Oto " Ge " Hito " Cliikara " Hoko " Hoku " Bun " San " Hu (傍). TSUKURI. P To dzukuri La Hi " J Boku " Mata " Sun " O " Ono " Eumata " ヰ ヒ卜叉 17>尤 斤ル乂 几 刀 戈 支 文 ノノノ INTRODUCTION. Ixxxiii SUBJECT DISTRIBUTION OF KADICALS. Intended to Assist in Ascertaining the ! Equivalent Chinese Chaeacters for English "Words. Descriptions of things of earth under earth. Of tilings relating to woman " 3C "'o 画 w. Of things relating to man " ノ、 man. Anything that comes under cover " ' * cover. All descriptions of rising grounds " [Jj mountain. All kinds of cloth " ffj napkin. All sorts of buildings " J cover,- Things belonging to archery " how. Things that respect walking " walkinr/. Whatever has reference to the mind " 》 し、 heart. Whatever may be done with the band " hand. Everything bright and glorious " 日 sun. All arborial productions " ^^^^ tree. Things referring to the breath " ク、 to pant. Those referring to death " ^ decay. Hairy things " haii\ Watery tbmgs " 水 water. The results of fire " fire. Horned cattle " cattle. IxXXiv INTRODUCTION. The canine breed under 山" J' Precious stones " 玉 gem. Melons " 爪," き. Pottery " ^ brick. Agricultural matters " JZLJ field. Diseases "ラ disease. Things belonging to vision " pJ eye. Minerals " ^Ji stone. Supernatural things " 7J> omen. Grain " grain. Hollow places " /\ cave. Bamboo utensils " nPT bamboo. Various kinds of rice " y|C rice. Various kinds of silk " ^ silk. Things relative to the ear " ear. Fleshy substances " 肉 meat. Plants " grass. Insects " ^ insect. Clothes " 衣 clotti. Speech " W ま Precious things " _M precious. Anything done by the foot " 足 foot. Conveyances " 車 carriage. INTRODUCTION. Ixxxv Movements Anything relative to cities Fermented liquors Metallic productions Anything regarding a door High grounds Vapors Things made of leather Anything relating to the head Articles of food Horses Bones Fishes Birds かん hird^ going, region, liquor, metal, I J door, mound. hRj rain. ■tji raw -hid" parje. 食 food. horse» bone. 楚邑酉 金 r n Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION. CLASSIFICATION OF EADICALS. Radicals Relating to the Body. Body 身 Teeth 齒 Corpse 厂 Tusk ^ Head Tongue Parts of a skull Hand P ィ TCt Hair Right hand Down 宅 Heart 心 Whiskers fH] Foot ^ Face 面 Hide 革 Eye 目 Leather Ear Skin |^ Nose Wings >^ Mouth f3 Feathers 少 Flesh 1^ Blood jfil Horn 角 Talons 爪 Bear's footprint | ム J Bone H Man Womn Child Zoological Radicals. Horse Sheep Tiger 人 女子 INTRODUCTION Ixxxvii Dog Ox Hog Hog's head Deer Tortoise Dragon Herb Grain Rice Wheat Millet Hemp Leeks Melon Metal Stone Gem ! Rep tile Rodents Toad Bird Gallinaceous fowls Fish Insect Botanical Eadicals. Mineral Eadicals. Salt 齒 Earth 土 Pulse Bamboo Sacrincial herbs Wood Branch Sprout Petal 豸嵐 鳥 隹魚虫 犬 牛豕互 鹿龜龍 金臺 豆 竹 、t3 木 支ゆ片 艸禾 米麥黍 麻韭瓜 Ixxxviii INTRODUCTION. Rain Wind Fire Water Icicle Vapor Eadicals Kelating to Utensils. A chest U Net A measure Plow A mortar f_| Vase Spoon 匕 Tripod Knife 刀 Boat Bench プし Carriage Couch ^ Pencil Clothes Bow Head covering Shield Crockery ^Ti Seal Tile Halberd Dish lIlL Javelin Napkin 巾 Arrow Meteorological Eadicals. Sound Sun Moon Evening i Time 气 晋 日月 夕 辰 网手高 鼎 舟 車 聿弓干 已矛ャ 矢 INTEODUCTION. Ixxxix Spear Musical reed Ax 斤 Drum 鼓 Eadicals Eelating to Qualities. Color 色 Slender 塑 Black Strong White 白 Feeble Yellow 寅 Old Azure jpg Fragrant Carnation Acrid Somber —ヽ / _ Vicious High Perverse Long ; Selfish Sweet p Opposed Square /0 Blending Large y\ Even Small 小 Radicals Eelating to Actions. To enter yy To stride To follow 久 To walk To walk slowly To reach to To arrive at To move on G 幺 カ尤老 香辛歹 良厶舛 X 乂齊 走行 隶爻 xc INTRODUCTION. To oversLadow To distinguish To divine To see To eat To say- To speak To kill To step To go swiftly To stop To fly To conceal To envelop To eucircle To establish To quarrel To rap To embroider To owe To compare To bring forth To use To proinulge To straddle Eadicals Relating to Parts of the Would and 、 Dwellings. A desert A cave A field A mound A hill A valley A rivulet A cliff Receptacle A city A roof A gate A door A portico 两釆卜 見 食言 曰^ 楚止飛 u 勺 口 立 鬥支黹 欠 比 生 用 示 穴 n 穴 田阜山 谷川 ruts INTRODUCTION. xci Numerical Eadicals. One ~ * Eight 八 Two ZL Ten 十 A demon Au inch A mile Without Not Not having A scholar A statesman Letters Art Wealth Miscellaneous Eadicals. Self 寸 Myself Father A point A hook New wine Silk Joined hands Disease A surname A classifier of cloth 自己 父 、 J 酉 糸 升 广氏疋 无非 母士臣 文ェ貝 xcii INTRODUCTION. THE KADICALS IN THE KAI-SHO (楷 書) SO-SHO (草 書) AKD TEN-SHO (篆 書) STYLES OF WEITING. -' な A A Tl ィ I 几 ゆ (I 入み 人 A 八 八 ぺ义ク 六^ ェ 千 序 A ^ タ. V: め 寸.^ 4^ 产ケ > 一 5 ュ づ;.;^ 千 夂夂夕 大女^ 子 《寸小 尤尸屮 山^ ェ已 巾干幺 や ^ ノ、 フる J 「「一 二 ュ 圏 一 I 、 ゾ乙 J 一 一 上 ^ ^otr: 匚 U 屮卜 ar 厂 6 气 圖:0〇土 鬥 ^1 力々 匸. V ト? -^7.3r5i> むぶ で ま 刀 rt, 力 ヒ匚匸 十 卜 P- 己 厂厶叉 ロロ 土チ士 〔 〔 « c U »• 几: U 四國害 INTRODUCTION. XCIU ほォ ガ f PI 食 まチ. ^ゑ^ ま. 卿忒浐 .4 ふ^ dt: 牙 牛 犬.^ 支 玉 チ瓜瓦 甘 生 4^ 用 田疋广 A 白 皮 M-c^ タ え^^ 步 ^气ぉ ,w ,^ ,-5^ 爻 TT E が 1=5^ . ^"ヌ^^- ^もちめ も农 v-r 曰月木ネ欠止か歹!^K母比毛氏气水ラ火 f 爪 夕 父爻: 广ー oln ャ w\ 化 バグ 『圖— 严ャ 宅き 介 fs^lt 方、 汽© 广,. ,1 サ. P 弓 rrh ノ ブイ 心 ォ戈戸 乎す 支 支 文 斗 斤 方无日 XCIV INTRODUCTION. fffi ^ f] 養 ■» g ゆ;^ ま n 關 I 来: が If 目 ゆ 矛 矢^ 1.^ 示 内 禾ネ穴 立 ュル竹 米 糸 缶网四 羊羽老 ?4rf 顧ず! K39 J W ;^:^ 、お; も 对サ, ^血 ぢ亭 而釆耳 聿肉月 臣自至 臼 舌 舛舟艮 ^艸サ 41^ 虫 血行 衣ネ 見 角 言 谷 豆 豕タ. ^貝 赤 走 足 5^ 身 率 辛 辰 邑 p 酉 来 INTRODUCTION. xcv 奥黹 覆^ 琴 al 离 4 お al^Ii l^t 黑黹 黽鼎鼓 鼠 鼻齊 齒 龍龜 龠 會 al ^《ク 4€ ^鬥 S 惠 圜 ii3^.®:5* 麥麻 謹冀 翁 食 售首香 馬 骨 高彭鬥 i^J 鬲鬼 魚 鳥 齒鹿麥 麻 黃黍 里 ®- 金 長巧阜 Rl 隶隹雨 n 青 非 面 革 韋韭音 頁 風 飛 xcvi INTRODUCTION. EADICALS IN NONSENSE VEESE.* To Aid in Remembering their Order in the Series. I to 10. . One ( "―^ ') passing through ( | ) a little point (、 ), A left stroke {J ) curved (乙), and then A hooked stroke ( J ) with two (二) covers (-^) plain, And two men (人) (ノ L) form the ten. II to 20. , To enter (入), eight (八), a limit (f J) square ; To cover (*-*) ice (J ) in plenty ; A bench (几), receptacle ([_J), and knife (刀), With strength (力), infold (勺) make twenty. 21 to 30. A spoon ( 匕 ) within a case (D concealed ijZ) ; Ten (十) fortune-tellers ( 卜) dii'ty, A seal ( P ), a cliff (厂 ), and selfish (ム) hands (31), Mouth (口) up the score to thirty. 81 to 40. Inclosing (Q) ground (土) for scholars (士) mild, Ho follow (义 ), slow (义) and haughty ; The evening (メ ), a large (;: ;^) female (女) chilct (ナ ), Bring us to cover (r^) 一 forty. 41 to 50. An inch (寸 ), a small り】、), distorted (尤) corpse (尸 ).;-. A sprout (J^), a mountain (山) rill With 2vork (ェ ), oneself (己) and nap km (巾), just The first half hundred fill. • The above, with slight alterations and the insertion of the characters, is taken from the '( China Beview," vol. iv ; author unknown. INTRODUCTION. xcvii 51 to 60. A shield (干), though small (么 ), a sheltering roof (广 ), A journey (J^), to join hands {jY)* An arroiv (戈), how (弓), and pig, s -head (3L) stuck With triple feathery ) bands, From fifty to sixty give us the key, If one short step (>f ) to them added be. 61 to 70. The heart し gO, a spear (戈), an inner door (戶 ), A hand (手), a branch (支), a hloio (支) ; With letters (文), measure (ま), catty (jf ), square (方), Make seventy, you know. 71 to 80. Without (无) the sun (日), to speak (曰), the moon (月), With wood (木), to owe (欠), and rest (止), Perverse (歹 ), to kill (;^ ), and "mu " do not (毋 ), And eighty stand confessed. 81 to 90. Comparing (比) hair (毛) with f amity CR), Breath (气 ), water ひ JC) ,メ, で (火), and iiails (爪), A father (^) to comply {^), with couch (;^), For ninety never mils. 91 to 100. ' To splinter (片 ), teeth (牙), a cow (牛), a dog (犬), A sombg}' (玄) piece oi jade (玉), With melon (瓜), earthen {%), meet (甘) to taste, Produce (生) a hundred said. 101 to 110. To use (用) a field (田), a roll of cloth (疋 ), Diseased (广 ), to hack to hack (y^O men, xcviii INTRODUCTION. White (白) skin (皮), a dish (皿), an eye (目) and spear (矛), A hundred make, plus ten. Ill to 120. An arrow (矢), a stone (石), to admonish (示) a man, To creep Cfy), to put grain (禾) in a cave (穴), To stand (立) a hamhoo (竹) -ing, eat rice (米), and wear 通 '(糸), For a hundred and twenty are brave. 121 to 130. Take a crockery (-^) net (网) and a sheep (羊) that has wings (羽), An elderly (老) man and (而) a plow (来), Add an ear (耳) and pencil [ '^) with flesh ( ^ ) to them, and You've a hundred and thirty I trow. 131 to 140. A minister' s (臣) self ( g) arriving (至), A mortar (p) and a tongue (舌), Opposing (タ 牛) a boat (舟), perverse (良), a tint (色), And shrubs (卿) by poets sung> Make up a hundred and forty " Keys," Or " Eadicals " ― whichever you please. 141 to 150. A tiger {}^), insects (虫), blood (血), to ivalk (行), Clothing (衣) to superintend (西), To view (; a horn (角 ), use words (言), or seek A valley's (谷) sheltered end, Complete the ten times fifteen set, Though sixty -four remain as yet. INTRODUCTION. xcix 151 to 160. . The common yulsc (豆) that feeds the pigs (豕) Reptiles (^) and pearls (D oi fleshy hue (赤), To run (走) with feet (足), a hody (身) in A carriage (車), and the hitter (辛) rue, Make sixty plus a hundred more, By adding ten to those before. 161 to 170. Time C 艮), motion 、适 ), and a city (邑) THne CS), separate {^), and sound, A mile (里), some metal (金), long (長) And lastly, "fu" a mound (阜 ), Make up ten times seventeen, In which four double forms are seen.* 171 to 180. To reach (隶) a short-tailed sparroiv (佳), Rain (雨) from the azure (靑) sky, That which is negative (まき), the face (面), Raw -hide 〔草) and leather (:(:) dry, With onions or leeks (^^) and a tone or a sound (昔), Under one hundred and eighty are found. 181 to 190. The head (舅 j of a man aud the wind (風) that doth blow, To fly (飛) and to eat (食) and as leader (首) to go, With fragrance (香) and horse (馬) hones (骨) exalted (i^), and hair (gj) Added on, and a bimdred and ninety are there. * Viz., Nos. 162, 163, 168 and 170, fair, a door (f^) c INTRODUCTION. 191 to 200. To fight a sweet plant (l@), with a tripod (鬲、 and ghost (鬼), • A fish (魚) and a hircl (鳥) and some hrine (商"!, A deer (鹿), any grain (麥) and " ma" hemp (Jl) (which makes most Of our cordage, and cables to twine), Make just twice a hundred of radicals plain, And only fourteen of the list remain. 201 to 214. Yellow (資) millet (黎 ), hlack (黑 ), as soot, Emhroidery (^), frogs (^) and tripod (鼎) foot, A drum, (鼓) a rat (鼠), a Chinese nose (專 ), Make up the first nine of those Which beyond two hundred go. Regular (齊) makes ten ; and so, Only four remain to know. These are teeth (齒 ), a dragon (龍) mute, " Kiu" a tortoise (龜) and a flute (龠 )• INTRODUCTION. ci PEIMITIVES OK PHONETICS. The ordinary method of acquiring Chinese char- acters in China and Japan, by memorizing them, has given rise to many select lists of characters. Among the most important of these is the San-ji-kio (三 字 經), the Three Character Classic ; the Sen-ji- mm, (千 字 文), the Thousand Character Classic, and the Shi-ji-kio (四 字 經), the Four Letter Classic. The characters in these books are selected with reference to their frequency, as well as to sub- jects suitable for children. They are also in- tended as preliminary to the study of the Classics. But however an important part these works may serve in acquiring a knowledge of Chinese characters for natives, yet it cannot be expected that tliey will answer the same purpose for the foreigner. The chief difficulties in the way of the foreigner using these lists of characters, are 1st, that the student is expected to memorize the characters by their general form without analyzing them ; 2nd, the single meaning given very imperfectly represents the char- acters, and are often misleading. It is perhaps im- possible to so arrange a select list of characters as to exhibit fully all their various meanings and uses. These symbols, like words in other languages, are best learned by reading where they are used with other words, and where their various shades of meanings are brought out by the thought of the writer. It is evident also that by reading, one will cii INTRODUCTION. naturally acquire the most useful characters first, and will best remember them by their connection with the thought of the author ; this is now fast becoming a popular method of acquiring a knowieage of the characters in Japan. If, however, a knowledge of a number of characters will be helpful as capital, these must be selected, not especially with reference to their frequency of use in a given number of books, but they must be selected especially with reference to the frequency with which they combine with other characters to form new ones. Such a list well analyzed and mastered, in sound and meaning by the aid of a dictionary, cannot fail to be of immense assistance to the student. To the beginner, the Chinese characters appear but a jumble of meaningless strokes, but gradually be discovers that the apparently fortuitous combination of strokes are capable of being separated into two main parts, from one of which tlie sound may usually be inferred, even though the character has never been met with before, and from the other a tolerably accurate clue to the meaning may be obtained. For convenience the former of these parts is called the Primitive, or Phonetic, and the latter the Radical or Key of a character. The manner in which this simplifies the acquisition of Chinese characters is too apparent to need elucidation. It is no longer a question of com- mitting to memory an immense number of separate characters or pictures, but rather of classifying new and strange characters under their Phonetics, with the Radicals to indicate the general sense of the derivative. Even suppose that tlie Phonetic and INTRODUCTION. ciii Radical could in no instance be relied on to give the sound or a clue to the meaning of a derivative, and that the precise meaning of every character must nevertheless be ascertained from the dictionary, yet it is easy to see how a knowledge of the two com- ponent parts of a character will greatly assist in remembering its precise meaning. Whatever assists the student in diminishing the labor of remembering the meanings of characters, is advantageous. The existence of such characters, which by associat- ing to themselves others, form the great bulk of the characters in the Chinese language, was first as- certained in 1803 by Dr. Marshman, in India. While investigating the characters of a Latin dictionary with reference to their principles of construction, he observed that in numerous instances one character was the root often or twelve others, each of which was formed from it by the addition of a single Radical. For instance, the addition of the Radical hand to a primitive formed one character, while this same primitive uniting with ! Radical head formed a different character. These Radicals again exchanged for others, and joined with the same primitive pro- duced still other characters. He also discovered that characters thus formed from the same primitive generally took the sound of the primitive with some slight variation. This discovery was so fraught with hope, that he was induced to examine the dictionary from beginning to end. He found with astonishment and pleasure, that all of the nine thousand characters contained in the dictionary were formed from eignt hundred and sixty-two primitive characters. civ INTRODUCTION. 、/ Fearing lest he should be mistaken in a fact that promised to throw so much light on the formation of characters, and knowing also that the nine thou- sand which he had examined were but a small proportion of the whole mass in the language, he was constrained, by the help of bis Chinese assistants, to examine the whole of the Imperial Dictionary. After fifteen months hard labor he had the great satisfac- tion of seeing every character in the dictionary derived from another, and classed under its proper 4 primitive. The wliole number of Primitives he found to be 3,867, to which he added the 214 ; Radicals, most, of which, combined as Primitives with other Eaaicals,, thus making the whole number of Primitives 4,081, from which all the characters in the dictionary, — forty- one thousand, — were derived. , For the purpose of ascertaining the most useful - primitives of this large list, he subjected them to an additional examination. This examination revealed the fact that out of the 4,081 primitives, 1,726 of this number combined only once with a Radical to form a third, and tliat they were themselves produced from other primitives and Radicals, and therefore might for all practical purposes be dropped from the list. Again, he found that 452 others united with only two different Kadicals, and since they also are included under simpler forms, he excluded these also from the list. These lists, 1,726 and 452, making 2,178 primi- tives, producing only 2,630 derivatives, may properly be dropped, leaving only 1,689 primitives^ which, with the 214 Eadicals, produce seven-eighths of all the characters in the language. In 1841 J. M. Gallery INTRODUCTION. cv subjected Dr. Marshman's select list of 1,689* primi- tives to a still further exam ination, and found that 649 of this list united with only three different Eadicals and that their derivatives were uncommon characters. Dropping these from the list, lie found also that the remaining 1,040 primitives produced 12,740 deriva- tives, and that they included all the useful characters in the language. 十 The late Dr. Wells Williams conveniently divides these primitives into the following classes : ― I. The 214 Eadicals themselves when used as pri- mitives. * Of the 1689 Primitives 383 produce each 3 derivatives. 134 " " 4 <' 122 " «' 5 " 89 " 6 " 83 " " 7 " 66 " (' 8 '( 63 '« " 9 '( • 61 " " 10 " 41 (' " 11 " • 37 " " 12 " 38 " " 13 " 30 " " 14 " 29 " " 15 " . 25 " " 16 " 26 " " 17 " 69 " " 18 to 20 derivatives. 91 " " 20 to 25 " 66 " " 25 to 30 " 138 " " 30 to 40 " 75 " " 40 to 50 " 27 " " 50 to 60 " " 60 to 74. " the highest number, t The familiar characters 之, 上, and many others, are primitives but are not productive enough to entitle them to a place in this list. H cvi INTRODUCTION. II. Primitives formed of a Radical, with an addition which is of itself unmeaning. III. Primitives formed of two Eadicals, or which can be conveniently separated into two complete Eadicals. IV. Primitives which are formed of three or four Eadicals. V. Primitives formed from a derivative, by the addition of another Eadical or by the combination of two derivatives. The name Primitive or Phonetic applied to these characters must not be understood as carrying with them the idea when called Primitives that they are the first made characters, or that the Phonetic always gives the sound to the derivative. They impart their entire sound to about one-half of their deriva- tives, and in others only their initial, ov final sound is imparted, while the sound of many other derivatives are entirely different. The primitive also often materially aids the sense of the derivative. The acquisition of the 214 Eadicals, and these select Primitives, which produce as we have seen 12,740 of the most useful characters, lias the advan- tage of being systematic and cannot fail of being the speediest and at the same time tlie easiest way of acquiring a knowledge of Chinese characters. With this system, any one gifted with an average memory will be able in the course of five or six years, witli his other studies, to become familiar with all the Chinese characters necessary for all the ordinary pur- poses of life. It is certainly a subject for profound gratitude that the labors of these diligent and faithful students of tlie Chinese symbols of writing are so INTRODUCTION. cvii serviceable to us in the acquisition of these same characters found in the language oi Japan, and of which they form so prominent and important a part. The following, with the exception of a few obsolete characters, are the above mentioned select primi- tives in the Kai-slio, Sd-sho and Ten-sho styles of writing, grouped according to their number of strokes. The numerals refer to the page of the dictionary where their sounds, analyses and meanings are given. The student, after he has thoroughly mastered the Eadicals, cannot be too strongly induced to familiarize himself with these characters as capital, which he may be assured will yield him a high rate of interest. For all practical purposes these will be sufficient, although this list can easily be increased if desired so as to produce all the characters in the language. He will be able also to ascertain with which Eadicals the following primitives combine, by running through the lists of characters grouped under the Eadicals in the dictionary, where their derivatives will be easily recognized. cviii INTRODUCTION. SELECT PRIMITIVES In the Kai-sho (偕 書), So-sho (草 書), and Ten-sho き) Styles of Writing, to which is Attached the Page on which they are Found in the Dictionary. One Stroke. "『乙 る 'ズ Two Strokes. バ八 n x: rfs ト さ 5 :! 卞ラ ば 入 ハス ス.: ^ト .1 r2i.b 千于 t s f1 人 入乂叉 w 卜 I 亡亏于 B 5S u 5^ 3 6 3 5 1 5 4 o 4 ^3 1 2 3 4 2 4 • ^ 4 I 5 5 万十丁刀力已乃几^^ ^ 2 4 8 4 3 3 4 INTRODUCTION. cix A 大. V p! .VI す \0 》.^ 乙 tiJ 刃.^ 孑^ 一 儿大丈 戈下ェ 土寸才 弓已已 也 子 孑 E ^ G 8 3 2 5 164976774423 ^ 1 6 9 85 7 1 9 8 8 2 -'7 7 I 1 」ー「 ラ IIP TV. \ノ ノス W ^ t 七.. タ乡. ス ^ネめ ^ ^ 乞 乇千勺 夕 ノノ久 凡 丸 叉 凡 K 女 口山 ^40^^02 8333 76 30 33 M 3 3 6 9 2 3 8 7 4 8 ^ 6 CX INTRODUCTION. Four Strokes. 斗 方 冗文 卞 火 4 元 升 夫 云 王 厄 ^ 8 ^ ^ ^ ] 2 1£^《戰^^^2,劝化^站^5出?% ス まあ. ふ ^ 至 お ^ やま S 球ず^ K 反 尤玄不 犬 互 切 戈 牙 市 支 巧 木予引 INTRODUCTION. cxi fl^旱^S^^^T灣妮^T,^^?3.E〈iAwf.^fT 斤升戶 爪^ 化 屯 氏 邛比凶 今 兮分介 父 老更 s > ミ毛午 ほ? V 六 A お ? ^ ^ え 丑夬5已乏毛午牛夭文丹^^月勿及次 M 6 7 8 7 8 o 6 3 3 8 2 1 PI 12 1 TJ cxii INTRODUCTION. 直 Av^ 、K ^ \y ^^寞 ^衾 ふ 一-^ f ^ t E 主 玄永必 平 末末 左 &丕右 石 布 正 去 巨 爻 <ム 允!? R 止 日 內中少 ^ 宁 它穴氾 立 ほ^ 2^ 6 8 4 8 7 2 ] ^ ^ ^ 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 12 INTRODUCTION. CXIU 加 乎 失 生 ffi 乍 禾包句 皮 斥 瓜 冬 氏 卯 代 ^0^342430099803446 p 2 5 2 2 1 2 ^ お 丙 匝 朮本札 甘 世 古 戌 弗 弘足司 民 召 I 1112 1 1 CXIV INTRODUCTION. PAGE 552 225 225 41 19 49 94 225 225 21 21 53 24 11 Six Strokes. 72 字 ま m 皿 p s ^ 単 {ar 〈1} eg: 邑 ® £ ^ ^ me A M 好 ふ f ザ.^ 并^め ぬ ^ A^- ,i リー I 丘付白4^牛令!^:弁台母奴幼占此旦且 2 ^^4 3 595769864 P 2 5 5 1 1 1 き ネ申& 兄 s そ ③.^ $ ^ め ^ ^ 号 甲 申另兄 只夹田 由冉册 四出以 INTRODUCTION. CXV Useful as a primitive, but not as a separate character. PAGE 77 77 5 亦 391 お 5 5 544 ; IL PAGE 95 も &\ お fk 37 ス 195 えく ^ 5 ま ^ X ぎ 玄 ^ A 汝 24 237 148 323 式 夷 灰 互 列 百 有 而成存 、戌夸 至耳圭 5 2 6 3 9 5 ^ 1 7 1 6 3 2 5 1 1 8 8 羊 與^.. え^ IT 5^ I 武 ま A S £ お 7 * 9 7 は u 6 ^ 2 6 2 3 1 3 11 cxvi INTRODUCTION. 初 耒街朱 先 幷舌朶 旬 多 名危后 行条各 ^9433901 4 528496 88 ^ 4 2 1 6 1 9 4 6 4 6 4 3 4 8 5 4 ^5 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 5 ま 一 ゆ \ ^老^^ま 民^^ 寺 考^ 吉老亘 吏 西 E 束 讯共聿 艮羽丞 E G 9 3 7835842 1108591 A 7 2 6 3 2 368562241 F 8 5 3 4 5 1 5 3 3 3 INTRODUCTION. CXVll Seven Strokes. 劝でる贿滤肺^.@:显^:^^4^台翠^^^ 舟 兆 旨 伏 伐 休 伊 向 血 任 州 全 合 牟如光 G2916 776 858698 8 89 A 4 1 4 481814061 p CO 1 3 2 曳因同 曲 IE! ^ 4 さ 4 4 5 1 1 あ ゆ 寺 4 拿、 づ い.^ 完沙辛 言 一 朮亨 H 弟 52094545 7 8 5 4 4 9 1 4 4 5 3 CXVIU INTRODUCTION. PAGE 450 UK 115 G 夾 87 巫 80 J、 TO ォ ^ 蚤 ネ、 れ: き 434 /る 袁 4 且ぁヶ ま?^ ^ お 一 # あ ® ^w^ I ^ I f 审" 更伊束 ^ 2 4 ^ 2 4 7 3 o 4 2 5 12 1 5 9 I 8 2 — 4 1 2 忌 忍那夸 孚 4 6 8 o 3 00 2 11 o o 1 1 5 3 7 INTRODUCTION. cxix w ^ 金 A ふ 杀 M 晨 翼 壯 SA: i\ 皁 M @^ ft ゆ ^ ^ 索き ネ えま 4^ ±1 き哆尊 X ズ s ぞ 狄狂余 含 希 党 塞矣壯 * 歩旱 S 見 貝 寄 A 53 2 5 2 5 1 1 5 3 4 5 象 € ハ⑩ 。お 凝 き # & K ^^^^^M^ 妥坐谷 邦 每廷吿 秀利我 角 位延攸 cxx INTRODUCTION. { ^鹿. S5 向. 阆 w 蔑 4 〔兩 お^. 古々 倉 4€ H, INTRODUCTION. cxxi PAGE 201 63 479 3j 104 ^ PAGE j;-.f "rrt HZD 36 M ^4 I m 388 4^ き 愈 172 毒參憲 497 お lA, ,卦 fl 計 62 卖: M 4 亞蓋 rn It 炎 .} 翁 s ^ s 责翁虔 争 ^ほ f 奈^ 率 X s 4 4- 二?^ t #\ ^^直^^お^ 武妻走 肩 苛 來蛋直 奄奈到 幸 I 95127623431^^ 6 6 8 3 3 5 4 6 6 2 9 1 5 3 5 2 東 事 14 一一 画^ 或兩林 9 4 4 4 2 5 4 2 8 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 1 CXXll INTRODUCTION. 析松 其昔戔 帚門隶 居屈函 孟阿受 タ主采 3 3 3 6 8 1 1 1 4 3 <^ 6 8 8 A 6 6 2 4 1 889882 78376 PI 1 11 4 4 4 • 5 4 きぬ 暴 K.- ^ お 走 ま, u.^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ 制 垂委. ^肥 朋服爵 周忽欣 79119886837 2575 2 441 4 16 5 3 111 11 INTRODUCTION. cxxiii 328 H き, K ^ ® 真 2 # ぁ ^ ® 游 ® . ^ハ あ,^ 卓 虎 罔 岡 具 果明易 見 昌固界 固 典 尚 求 曰 E A 8 71825444452^277 p 3 3 11111 2 5 ^ ま s き $ ネチ ^ふ ^ ^ ^ ね窗 外ロ 兒 臾 佳 ^E 阜 卑 E G 9 1* 1. 3 4 4 3 3 li o 1 1 - 肴督舍篇叔^! ^一 4 , 6_ Co- GO, 9„ 7 2 2 6 cxxiv INTRODUCTION. PAGE 26 50 142 70 2 威 '5 只 IT れ 499 \k -A 342 79 322 3 奔 封 154 柬 , がまお 实 ^我^お お 謙 t 4 2 1 -. 8 3 9 4 3 2 3 e o ft s n. 宣 客突恆 帝昔斿 3 o o 4 彥亭夏 軍 首 G 4 8 3 1 8 丄 7 7 7 o 8 p 2 1 9 2 3 9 1 1 5 8 6 4 5 4 1 6 4 5 INTRODUCTION. CXXV IK * n CIB • g^>- 叠 陽 歸 ^ 裔 痛 ^ 爲 突 重 窗秋香 訇忽盈 盾 扁契衍 律 皆 風 段 P 2 452561221 3 2 5 1 CXXVl INTRODUCTION. 便 ィま m iTS 則 是砂星 曷冒禺 琴 忠 畏 胃咢 廻咼 耑 6275715453^4444 274442650235952 2 1 1 2 5 1 2 3 5 5 3 皇 つ" M あ 條 * 一、 ぬ > を 4 應 $ 殳 5? キ ゆ 域 皇郞 侯. 禹保禽 愈酋變 飛彖貞 若英苗 737 5 1 5 08807G556 3 3 619265192455 2 2 4 6 5 4 3 3 3 INTRODUCTION. cxxvii 園 ^ K 舞攀 ^ 一 ま窗 s 異囊原 GS.H 家 郎 家 冥 羔差朔 迷 脊秦素 释 辱 原 夏 致 G 1 2 L 1 7 6 8 8 7 6 7 8 4 2 A26v^ 2 1 84536 94 5364 P 4 2 3 1 4 3 2 2 5 5 8 あ 零 貪 S ま、 f き.^ 条き J J 急 第 き he 宰实家 害窄容 旁疾唐 衰玆 畜衰高 ^ 6 9 4 7 5 7 9 4 46 3 ^ ^ R 5 2 1 2 8 2 2 3 5 cxxviii INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. cxxix タ凌 s s ぜ暴 嗲.. ^臭 ヌ③ 爱 @ S 眾 ¥ 资 桑 能 5K 萁茶草 時晃骨 爱國員 豈負 Go 5 8 0^ ^ 6 1 50755723 p 1 833331^1525 2 ^ ^ S ぉ嵬^ 桌 ft 網^ ti ^ ^§00 重 #: ま A 要 S 舉 ぶ お ^ M & € レ參 意 & ^ 雙息臭 臬皋烏 射 追 師鬼鹿 蚤 倉 兼 益 翁 G6 9 9 819 7954-58 3 21 P 1 3 3 2 2 4 5 5 ^ cxxx INTRODUCTION 5 塞 食 ^ # H も S ^ 樣ま廉 、縻急 i .se 密. 寅 宿 章 竟商旋 族庶麻 庸康鹿 E G 7 5 5 5 7 7 4 9 9 2 6 1 1 4 A 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 3 3 9 3 9 9 3 P 2 2 11 5 5 貪 寅 率 翱 M M 9 窗舊 « 寶 It ^ 孰 轰羞零 舂彗現 責戚敖 執 22851796559 78194992135 5 3 4 3 3 4 11 INTRODUCTION. cxxxi 1 報囊 E 響簡寅 ffi 墓お, 羽 諮悉 匿 連 斬專區 曹卷票 帶堇強 尉習餐 -陰悉 G 2 2 8 9 2 7 3 1 8 4 5 9 1 2 9 A 3 5 3 7 3 4 8 6 8 5 9 7 2 2 8 1 P 4 1 1 5 2 3 3 3 4 1 造 祭 扈斛從 御 徙逢鳥 旣兜殺 貪 參賞巢 M 4 7-^ ^ mu 9 9 2 o 9- 1 1 5 99 cxxxii INTRODUCTION. お? や ほ 憂 § %i #《 將摩 盧堂處 莫婁曼 G 8 3 3 6 4 6 9 7 A 7 ^ 8 5 3 5 5 4 P 。J !c 5 3 5 1 舉 異累國 a0 赢 - S 恭 まえ SI f ^凌 舉 異累 國患崔 I 渠 6 6 3 3 5 5 5 2 2 5 8 8 2 2 3 1 ^ INTRODUCTION. CXXXIU K ,M ^ 着 # >^ i % i 疾ぞ髦 ^ほ あ 這 巽 隆筑答 舜爲番 登發毳 無喬然 須象復 AS8 8840233705002 P 4223222212 2 5 2 1 S 曼 S 11 * 縮 * 1 衡 1_ぺ 晶藝圈 M 閉 喜惑惠 t 覃斯黃 散朝頊 潘尋闺 閏蘭孱 E G81 218 8-668 4 1 92 034 A30 079 3334 05 78 887 F 1153151152 4 4 4 cxxxiv INTRODUCTION. Thirteen Strokes. INTRODUCTION. CXXXV cxxxvi INTRODUCTION. PAGE 355 538 554 454 450 422 681 245 157 Foui 78 429 〜!づ A は 鎮^ ig 稷 M s 慕 I 象 桑^^ 樹 ^^廣 4 X * 翁 K ^ 雙東^ ^ M E G 4 A o p 2 厭 « 聚壽裁 赫臺監 盡翟熏 疑與獄 CO 一 3 5 3 8 2 6 2 3 1 6 6 1 1 3 4 oi 3 1 4 2 2; 2 3 . 2 OOi 2_ 9 OOi 1 一 2 一 1^ €^ 常 綢鬵 豊 翠 M # ^ ^ 暴逸嚴 U あ 蒙 s e o t s n e t ® € 小 H 需 M0 3 4 2 9 4 4 INTRODUCTION. CXXXvii Sixteen Strokes. 106 憲 I PAGE^ 244 62 583 H Fifteen Strokes. € g 照體鎮 遣對 き ま ® 脊 5s 囊 # 眞 # $ 、s おき、 s # € 魔 4 審寫廚 廣藤廛 養厲憂 782253251 779939130 5 5 1 貢 1 お 1 * 請 i「" ^0 徵 & M 額 賣節質 魯徵樂 鄭慮蔑 暴 数晶罷 P 5 5 2 4 5 14131153 cxxxviii INTRODUCTION. PAGE 399 is) ^3 nE 583 496 169 39 rOS 、 400 426 199 270 240 503 505 ひ、 493 ' Seventeen Strokes. 404 ^ 营 [M] Eighteen Strokes. INTRODUCTION. cxxxix Twenty-two Strokes. 393 Twenty-four Strokes. 430 495 ^ 午 Pv fcit*t Twenty Strokes. Nineteen Strokes. で 0^ § き 機 If! %^ a§ ^ 臺 言 CJ 9 A 6 p 1 2 4 4 4 00 一 2 ux. opt Itrr cxl INTRODUCTION. * The writer is indebted to Mr. Wm. Gamble for the above list of characters in their full forms. SELECT CHARACTEES In their Full and Contracted Forms, Principally FROM THE Bible and Twenty- seven Other Books, Intended as an Exercise in the Eadicals and Primitives.* I. II. 13 characters which occur over 224 characters which occur 10,000 times each. from 1,000 to 10,000 times each. 也 予事ニ 于云五 亞亦今 伯 一 七 么 >5 ム & I や 立 き 1 七 上下 三 賢 cd 中 主力 乎 るお 而耶 ふ 之ん 1^ ノ 漆お ^ 不之人 以其我 於 曰 爲爾者 - / / クー ク V. や ノ / ノ L Air INTBODUCTION. Cxli 地 城塞 士 多大 天 太夫 女 如 子安宜 家實將 \^ヌ3_^參名身命ぉ4マ^,"ぱ阁藤ぶ克 i 取 可 司 同 各 名 吿命和 哈問善 四 因 國土在 冷 凡 出 列 利 則 前 力 加 勿 十千卷 W 叉及受 ^お %^ :!^ ま -v^ ゆき 導 一 6 き ti^ えみ レ 五八 お り V 但 可作変來 ulln 命筹僕儕兄先 全 六 Cxlii INTRODUCTION. 殿 母 比 s 水 求 法 焉無然 父 物猶王 哩甚生 方 族 旣日明 昔 是時書 會有未 欲 此歸死 殺 惟 惡意愛 或 所 手 拉拿摩 撒 故教救 敵数斯 居 山 0:1 巴 希 帝 年 往被後 徒得從 復心必 1 INTRODUCTION. cxlii II. ( Continued.) 迦遂道 邑金長 門 間 闢降雅 靈非食 馬 與色若 華 萬 蓋 處衆行 西 見 言 諸 謂 賜路身 t きグ がま 怕^ 可ず ま S ぽ 第 等 節米 約 罪 羅羊義 耳 聖閜聽 能 自至致 ぼ ® 氣 1^ 管 あ v^s 1 あ ,押 4 ふ ^ ^ H % 甶當異 百 皆 相 眞督矣 知 神 祭 福 觼穌立 章 Cxliv INTRODUCTION. 1 1= . お 亡、 化 ほ^^^ * ^ お 一為 棘ま樣 V = …願 亡 他 保 倶偕厥 去 否 哩室屬 律怒恒 L ^き 粒 || 蕭媢 糞 • h t I ^々おき^? * 聚 おゆ^、 ル.? s ま " 內 分外 奉 婦守已 成 戰指母 海 示祈老 l】p 九 南 吾 埃 弟 恩 服. 本 永 沙獻答 蘭 衣誰雖 INTRODUCTION. cxlv VI. 47 cliaracters which occur from 600 to 700 times each. A 押^ f - 被.. め^ぼぬ 魏 s ^ ス > 成-^ 息 押攻曾 樂汝流 潔牧獲 用畏石 通經美 ^¥ やめ a 雾 43 一す-^ 食^ 葬 位 光 北 古 呼 哉 喇妻孫 害 就 平 庇 底 建 弗 INTRODUCTION. c g 施 智贈曹 木 果棄權 正 歷治牛 特終置 f h r c u a ^ = 坐 執 壇 定尙崇 布師慕 幾度 待 循傥悉 a 5 代 令 傅 備像免 <ム 共 別 着 勝 反 ロ咸喜 V 1 臣蒙設 許 誠 說豈造 過 遵遣野 離預飮 INTEODUCTION. cxlvii VII. VIII. 99 characters which occur from ( Continued.) • 400 to 500 times each. 念 恐 悔憫懷 懼提改 敬 易 月 業 樹次止 歳 ^ ^ % ^"、一 ザ き 小 ダ ュ 考、 M ゆ^ 夜 始存學 宰容尊 對導小 少ェ常 庶強役 き ほ ffi¥^4r,l マ" ぶお, i 奇^ f 城 余 例 便 偶 兩兵赛 召 右 合 向 君 哥喩堂 報 錄綠威 教,. ま^さ $ 羣臨血 觀記請 邁里重 錄高麥 cxlviii INTRODUCTION. 香體鬼 & ^ A ほ^ 集 t あ 、M つ M ほ S ^ i 赦越近 述遂達 酒 銀 集 震 面顧顯 風餅餘 7 i S ,揭 約^^ 5^ 翁 ® # # -、, やぬ; S ^ ^ ^ 禁禍納 結綠^ 翰 肉興擧 計誓證 識負應 は^ぽ 资 f ぉ稱 A I T " 食寻盖 え 河 波 洗 深 災焚犯 獨獸產 界唇發 益盖示 INTRODUCTION. Cxlix IX. 112 characters which occur from 300 to 400 times each. 诚ま ,パ. ラ. S ま 挺 H れ あへんき ほ * ゑ^ 2 旅更 最期 末 極 歌 歟每氏 氣活派 烏燔營 ぶ 禽诚ぇ ^ ゑ ST is ぞ拯穩 ま&^ 尤左廣 德志思 患 情 愈 威 憂拯接 支敗敢 吉周哭 嗣嘗器 圖境夢 失 好妄娶 字宫察 久京仁 仍任伏 供 傷 再 刃 功肋勞 勸牛卒 Cl INTRODUCTION. IX. ( Continued.) X. 197 characters which occur from 200 to 300 time each. 獄 並 乏乘亂 交 享仇付 伊 侍 侬俗修 俯倾僞 賴賽車 載 逆 進 遍遭適 都 錫 阿 陷隨頌 類 花 英莫著 薩裔親 解該謀 謝變谷 財貧責 INTEODUCTION. ね^ 倉據 i s , 戮,^ おお 拔ぉ ft 性 恃恤惑 愆愚慈 慧戮戶 投招按 挪捫揚 i 宣富審 寢屋干 幷廢引 張 形征微 忍忘忽 喪單. 固 園 垂垣墓 壤夕奇 奪姓嫩 孰宇宗 儀 兆 切 刑 判 創 割 動務化 K 原 友 史后哀 Clii INTRODUCTION. ぎが ft ^ 象 薄^ 爲 お,, 复ゃ奢 惑 築 總聚 背^ 腦船 S 荒 萄葡藏 蓮葬籍 レ ^置 * ザお 省 卞秋, 4 種 felgs^ 产ぶ狗 IS . れ X .5 7 C 白 的 皮 覆 盛 直省覦 私種穀 端築紀 素細統 汚 沒油洲 淫濟烈 爭牡犢 率 班 現 環 留病登 g 散文 斷旁皆 暴 朝 架 戈 A$n ^ INTRODUCTION. X. ( Continued.) Cliv INTRODUCTION. I 品 商 啓 « 嘉鰕嚴 四 困圜圮 堅堪場 麈增壌 e 1 お SI 釗勢" き 色神 薄,^.^ チ なま 翁ク いま.? ち 1 剌剛劍 勢 勤 匿 升 卑印危 却 厚 叛只吏 吹 r f !値假 偏 侧僅億 償 元 充克兒 具 典 兼 凌 刻 制 t . ^丁 丈 ic^s-, 仲 ttis ,:: g 住 侵 侮 係倍惝 INTRODUCTION. CIV Clvi INTRODUCTION. 泄泉 泣洪洋 淪淸渴 溪満漸 濱灌照 熟燈燬 おお 嫁お 核: g # fi , お^^ * も ,£ > ぬ は 替杖枝 染柱核 根 格 檨欺殘 殲毒毛 江沈沐 5^^.;^^ぉ^ぉ法1&.^鲁嚎變.#|るま 擇擄携 放 政 斤旋星 晝晚普 暮曁隨 曳曷曼 屄打托 扶承抑 折 抱 抹拔持 捐掌推 携操撻 INTRODUCTION, Clvli clviii INTRODUCTION. XI. ( Continued.) INTRODUCTION. clix . 髮圖 魚魯黑 黨鼓齒 . 言言^, 麵ほ ^ 綠ぞ、 應该^ 應 ぉふ臂 さ 震 P 香 賃 尊 S j 邗赏き 力 % き 1^ y 膨 P- ゆ。 # ^礙量 > 打搏緣 s-s ま^ 辦 ほ 酬酵醒 量 釘 鋒 鑄 鑑璧闌 防 附院除 陰 隅 際 迄 迎迫迷 返 連 逾遁邇 遊 運退遷 邪 那郇郊 Clx INTRODUCTION. .澤 濯 灑烟燃 片牽犬 狂 琴 疇 皿 盖盟監 盤 眼 ー植概 樓橄機 横欖歐 步殊殷 毫沾泥 湖源漢 1 斗 料 早 S 昌昧晨 暫曲朋 朔束杯 板 枯棘棉 ?ー慄 慕 愁懼戈 戴 房 才抵拒 振 捕授搖 擬攘收 寒 寛 封 射 屍 岸 巖州差 庸弓忿 ® 恪惠愧 i 坷塔塞 塗 墮壽夙 奈奠姊 嫁 嬰孝宏 客宿宽 I 博 卜 節厭呂 吞咎哲 卿售嗜 睡噬飈 嚷囊坦 了 升 互 俟俘倚 衆 尤 几 刀;^ 勇區 41 INTRODUCTION. clxi xn. xm. 301 characters which, (Continued.) occur from 50 to 75 times each. 呢味咏 噓嘶罌 囿圓均 ffi 墨 壁 壘夷奧 奮 匪厲叙 叢吐吻 £ 免 冥 决凟凶 勃 SMI u 嗚鴿 鹽麻麼 1 錯 閉阻陣 陸 隙 隣雜項 頒頭飢 饋駐聡 譴貌貢 賊賓質 輸辜辨 送 逾還邇 部釁錢 舌 兹荷蔽 薄 藥蘇蜜 蟲衷裸 襲 証 識謙譽 弯竭笑 篤 綱緯缺 罹翦聰 INTRODUCTION. 祿禀禾 程 稍 稚稽穡 穫究突 窺 算箱範 籤 粉 爽牝猛 $1 站珍瑣 界畝疫 痊癩盂 陲瞻確 肺 浮 消 淨淹溫 測 游溢溺 滌淵徼 灰 炎 炭 «爐 ".i 旗 旦旬昇 昏昭景 柏 臬柔榻 歛汲沃 泊沿涧 に! 祖拘拾 探 排掠掣 掩揄損 撫擘擲 擾斃斥 斬 廊弄弒 徑徙御 怕怪恥 悖 愎憤懇 戍戲扑 把 . 寫寰尾 屈 展層峨 巔巡巧 巫 已帖帷 幔序床 紀妊妓 妙 妾 委姦婚 嫉孑孔 孕孟孤 宋宦寓 •1 • 1 X C s a- INTRODUCTION. = 丕丢丹 乞 乾 s 亨介仆 企 件低佯 2 n .m llpn 鴉 鷹 鹿麗麵 黃黎鼎 雷電 靑靜靠 鞏項頑 顚飄飽 g 鑿閽 一 辟辣辯 lll^a 逝 這逝逮 誌誤滅 謬譏警 譯籠豕 貸費 貿資 >v^ ^ 7,, 舜荫蕩 薙藝蝗 1 乍 養 00 f fcx o £ き 寸 ー崎 織罔耀 fc 肆肢肩 • 1 • 1 C Clxiv INTRODUCTION. 幹 庭 廟廡廬 廷弁弊 弛 彌彩影 ill 快 忭忻怠 寐寧寤 寺 屑属岡 峻嶺 巍巒川 巢帛帥 帳 疇 爽奢奸 妒婪媳 餽驚廣 孚孥孳 完宙寂 寄 矚 坎 * 坍坑被 埋域塚 墜墟墻 慶夥夾 "唐 哺唱啞 唯喧喊 II 嗱嗚嘆 嘴噩鳴 該曬嚙 剖 剝剪劬 勁 匠 匹 午 占 足 參叔叩 叱 另合吸 儔 兢冀册 冒 冡冬沖 冰准減 凛 凱刈刼 ffl S 侈 * 倏候 借倡卷 倒健貞 K 傅 崔賓辟 INTRODUCTION. clxv clxvi INTRODUCTION. INTEODUCTION. clxvii XIV. (Continued.) CHINE SE-JAPANE SB AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY , 1 一 あ itsii ィ A ィ ヒ トツ, 乇ッノ 《ラ, ヒト へ. Begiuning of numbers. tela ッ チ The dividing stroke between heaven and earth. One ; the fiist ; at once ; as one ; a, an ; few ; honest ; perfect. san サ — ' ミツ: ミタ tf . Supposed three powers, heaven, y -, earth and man. Three, thrice ; several ; several times. sliitsii shield sho sha ha シ ジ シ 3 七 且 シ チ ン ャ カ下ゲ Originally from Seven. one crossing middle 十! >■ ッ. deflected. シ >»ヾ ラク, カツ. From stand with two inner strokes for legs and the lower for the rounds. And, also, moreover, besides, further, therefore, if, so^ yet, perhaps. シモ, クダ ル. Signifying under the level. Below, under, down ; to descend, to fall, to let fall, mean, inferior ; in ; to ; the next. タスク, ッダ. From seal, over hill, aEcT two hands. To aici, to second ; a deputy, a coadjutor, an assistant. Used only in official titles. ムス ブ, ッ カヌ, ゥシ. Original form, Jmnd holding things. The second of the twelve horary charac- ters ; the second hour of the day from 1 to 3 o'clock a.m.; clown ; comedian. カミ, ァ ガル, タ テマ ツル. Signifying a thing above the level, up. Upon ; on, in ; to go up, to ascend ; emiuent, exalted, honorable ; to present to a superior. 3 , カク ヽ ノレ. From one, under, tlireo tens. All age, a generation ; the world, mankind ; times, life, seasons. ジ ヨウ シゥ ジャゥ セ 丞 丑 © 上世 、、> ヨウ チウ シャゥ セィ U -0 -ひ S , J (2 サ カン, ツヨシ. Originally vian above, barb Mow. A stmg ; a nail ; a full grown person ; work- man ; an individual ; to sustain ; to order. コフ, ト ノレ, ゥケ タレ. To ask alms, to beg, to re- quest ; to give ; a mendicant, ヒノ アキラ 力. Composed of one, to eyiter^ and receptacle. One of the divisions of time ; brignt. ァラズ ,ィ チヤ. The upper stroke heaven , the lower part a swallow darting down. An adverb ; no, not. Placed before the verb in Chinese writing. チラ プ, ァノヽ ス* Two men standing together on the same level. Collected together ; together with ; and, also, moreover, all ; coition. タケ, チガ サ, タスク. Hand, grasping ten. An elder ; to measure ; a measure. (10 Chinese feet = 11 feet 9 inches English.) サ ル. One and gcme not to return. To cast away ; to leave ; to cast off ; to lose. ヲホ ヒナ リ, ク ル. Oyie and not. Unequaled ; first ; to receive with respect ; an intensive pai'tic 丄 e. ヲカ, フク レ アト, ッ 力. Intended for a mound; from 07ie and north. A bill, a mouna; to collect ; name of Confucius. 2 I ナカ, ァ タル, ヤノ ヽ ラダ. From month, with a pass"ge to connect the sides. The middle, central ; inner ; in ; among ; half ; to hn the mark. ヲ乇プ クラ. A vigorous plant rising above the ground. Fine ; healthy ; pleasing; plump ; jolly. ッラヌ 々,力 サ ヌル. From Upo mouths coimected. To connect, to string together, strung ; passing through. カズ, 力 ヌル, t: サシ. Three last leaves on a bamboo twig. Classifier for things, as articles, coins, furniture, boxes, fruit, etc. ァゲマ 牛, tf ンプラ ,牛ノ マタ. From a sticlc with prcmgs. A fork ; a crotch ; a female slave. 3 ッ カサ, ッカサ ル, アル S?. Originally a lam})- stand, with the fame rising. A lord, master ; tei cho Tcatsu Jcai hei チャウ カイ ヒ -ク n フ 丁 丐丙 ©不 並 丈 丟丕丘 中 半 串 个了 主 ティ カツ ヘイ フ ヘイ ヂャゥ チウ. U キゥ チウ ホウ ク ハン 力 ァ シコ ^ • 一 s- d,*: もも ^ あ, 《 もん," s s 乙 tan gan タ ン ダ ハ ン 丹 丸 sin dai nai liO タ ィ 之 乃 イナ 乎 ク ソ ガ ィ itsu otsu ッ 乙 ソ sovereign ; the ciuer, the principal ; to rule ; to govern ; that winch gives light. ァ カシ, マ; f コロ. The point a red stone, the other part, a pit. Pills ; red, carnation ; a red stone ; the philosopher's stoue. マロ シ, マロ プ、, ノヽ^ 牛ュ ミノ タマ. Hefers to the ease wiih which round things are rolled. A mil ; auythiug round. 4 J ノ, コレ, コノ, ュク. Originally plant issuing from the ground. fSign of the possessive, no ; as a pronoun in the accusative ; it ; him ; them ; which ; what ; to go. イマ シ, ス十ノ ヽチ, ナン チ Air curling, what cannot be recovered. In, at ; is, am, was ; but ; doubtless, certainly; forsooth ; your ; and. 力, ァ, ナ ゲク. The bvpath rising and extending. Ill, at, with, from, to ; a sign of interrogation or admiration. ヒサ シ, マツ. Lcmg, or something following a mail's legs. Long time, lasting ; to make or continue a long time. ト ボシ, ナシ. From correct^ turned to the left, to denote its opposite. To be iu want ; emptv ; poor ; exhausted ; to iujure, to spoil. ノ ル, ノ ボル, マタ ガリ ノル, ョッ ノヤ. From e/iter over excelling. To nde, as in a chariot ; to avail oue's self of ; to ascend, ソムク ,タ ゴ' フ, モ ト クレ. Ram's head and homs, which the middle depicts. To turu back on ; strange ; cunning. ワカ シ, ィ トケ 十シ, スク ナシ. Originally thought to resemble a 7iew horn child, Youug ; small ; tender, タ チマチ, (十 力々 ラ), 二》、 • From sto])、 over one. Suddenly ; unexpectedly; hastily ; first. カル, ヲサ ムル. Blades of shears, to aid ; clever ; orderly. 5 To cut grass : 乙 キノ ト, カガ マル, ゥホノ ハラワ タ. Curling sprout or bud, 】ust coming out of darkness. Second horary sign ; one ; bent, curved. Ofteu used for a phonetic. 久乏 乘乖么 乍乂 キゥ ハフ ジ ヨウ ク ハイ H ゥ サ カイ .-2 S 乙 (4) kitsii HotSll no Tin yo チリ, マタ. Aik1, also ; even, besides ; likewise ; still ; final particle. コ、 ノッ, キノ ヽマ クレ- Winding, as the courses of divers. Nine ; limited ; to come to an end. ミ ダル, ヲ サム クレ, ヲノ ヽリ, ヮタ ル. From one and the phonetic, to govern. To regulate ; to confuse ; confusion, disorder. チ、, ヤン ナフ, ゥム. From one and to incubate. Milk ; milky ; the breasts ; the nipple. ァメ, ィ ヌ并, スコャ 力, b ル, 力 ワク. From the poiver of iiaUirCy and sunlight. Drv ; exhausted ; entirely ; clean. コフ, モトム. Said to be a contraction of ひ {)'• To beg, to ask alms ; to entreat ; to pray to humbly. 6 J ヲクヽ ル, サ トル. Ch ひ d without arms. Fixed ; concluded : intelligent ; to bring to an end, ヮレ, ァ タヘル. From mail and house, con- tracted. I, we, our, myself ; to give. ッ カヘル, コト, シヮ lf, タ ツル. From hand, middle aiia.??o, coutracted lo denote a record, ad affair ; to serve ; to obey ; business; an act. 7 ァヒ ムコ, ッ ク', ッ ギ、. Tavo huiiclibacked men looking at each other. Deformed ; uglv ; second ; to esteem lightly. イツ ゝ, カズ. Two strokes, dual power of lieaveii and earth, connected by crossing lines. Five ; number ; a perfect number. ィフ, ィ ハク, メダル. Vapors curling and rising. To speak, to say ; to move and return ; to circulate ; now ; then. コゝ 二, ヲ ィテ, ュク. F. From two liHes representing heaven, inoji, mouth, and harm. Haste, speed ; prompt, ready ; to hurry on ; to urge. kin ku ran nut idolxH kalxu ァ距 ゴ五 ク 11 ユカ、 ン n ッ リウ 也 九 乱 乳 乾 KI 了 予事 ャ キ ウラン ジュケ 、ン キッ リヨ ゥョ ジ « 5 -^^ ンャゥ カク 于 1^.1 井亟 ゥ ゴ セィ キヨ Tii ん , • ( 5 ) 、 sen sha sa ho セ ン シ itb サ ャ 《1=^ ぽ シク, ノ プ っレ. From two strokes — heaven and earth, with the sun between. To revolve and return whence it came ; to extend everywhere, ス コシ, スク 十シ, コノ. From two, and tMs, pointing to this aud that. A little, shortly ; partly ; rather ; somewhat ; small in number. ワタル, アマ シ, ト ヲル. From tivo, with boat or moon inside. A border, a limit ; to fill ; to reach everywhere ; universal. コ ゝニ. From two and elder brother. IMore, moreover, now • here • furthermore. 8 、 マタ, フタ 、ビ, ス フ つレ. From great with a line each side as a mau's arms. And, also, moreover, too ; likewise, further. ホ t:j ブル, 二 ダル, サル, 十シ. From enter and obscurity, conti'acfced. Lost ; destroved ; gone ; dead ; forgotten. ミ ヤコ, ヲホ ヒナ リ, タカシ. From high and a line indicating height. CaiJitol ; great, exalted ; fine ; excellent. トヲル ,ニル ,タ テマ ツル. To pervade : success- ful ; to inliuence ; to offer up. hi mon ァフ, マ^ハル, ツル ム, rj モ ゴモ, 力 ハル • From greats to represent man's legs when crossed. To blend, to unite ; to trade ; intercourse; friendship. ゥク ノレ, マ ツル. From Jtigh and to speah, altered in combination. To offer up; to present ; to accept ; dignity. 】、 1 さ マ ノレ, ゥヲ- 十, タカシ, From high, con- tracted, and nail, as the i3lionetic. A portico ; an arbor, a pavilion ; straight ; even, level. アキラ 力, マコ ト. From capital and not, in- timating something bad in an officer. Clear, brilliant ; true; to believe in ; illumined. ?に ネト ノコ, クサ ノ: |i. Ancient character from VLcin above and icoinan below, or two above aud two below. The twelfth horary sign. クビ, ァタ ジレ, タ 力 フ' ノレ. From great, contracted, and two lines denoting the large veins m the neck. Overbearing; unbending; strong ; to oppose ; mistake ; veiy. モ ス コシ, ツトム, V came of offence, unwearied. ミナ 力 From heacl^ aud a Indefatigable ; to exert oneself ; 1 二 キヤウ 一 マ ゥ ャ ク 亦 亡 ヱキ 、、ハウ ,!f ャゥ 牛ャゥ ケゥ 京 亨 交 ダイ カウ カウ ー孚 亥 キヤウ ティ リャゥ ガイ カウ -ひ も ^ -0 一 a I ひ もた んも - ひ ん 1ひ / ん ん I ひ 6 一 ひ a グ I ひ ん (6 人 juhi jin nin テ マコト, アツ シ, ュヌ 力. ±> I'om //""""n ゾ contracted, ン and mormufj. To trust ; sincerity ; really : to render sincere. 9 人 if 十 ンゾ, 十二, ィ ヽ、 / レ. From man and ahle. Who, which, what, how, wherefore ; to bear ; to endure. セ シム, ッ カフ. From man and office. To order, to command; to send; to employ ; to commission ; to use. 牛 イマ, ケフ. From collected and up to^ contracted. ン Now, at this time ; presently. キ タ ル, キ タス, イタル, 力へ ル. From to hind a siieaf, and awws of wheat in it. To come ; to reach ; to bring ; to get ; effect ; return. マコト, シ ルン, ヲトゾ レ. From 7?tan and fronts. Sincerity, truthfulness, integrity ; to trust, to believe ; a letter. シモ ベ, ャッ • From mrnt and an estate, con- tracted. A vassaJ, a servant ; palace, officer, chamberlains ; to follow ; to serve ; to belong to. デ ッ タフ, サ ダク, ッッ' ク. From mmi aud siiigle. ン To transiiiit to, to hand down ; to propagate ; to publish. タ * カノ ヽ ノレ, ョ. From man and javelin. A generation, ィ an age ; for, instead of, in place of ; reign ; change- リ ョノ ヾフ, メス, ヨブ、. From to assemble and seal ャ of authority. A law, an order ; to command ; ゥ ail officer ; to warn ; your, ュ ル ャ 力. From mmi and I or ice. A composed dignified step ; serious, grave ; slow. tT タ ヨリ, ス十 ハチ, ヤスシ. From 7"a" and ン Convenient ; that is ; to put at ease ; to accord with.. タダ ヒ, ナ ラプ, ォホ ム+ . From man and to com mire, as phonetic. Laws, regulations ; amena- ments ; by-laws ; to compare ; adjust ; to class ; to arrange. カク クレ ;^, フス. From man and dog. To lie or fall prostrate ; to humble ; to hide ; secretly. ュ V イツ ク シム, ァハ レム, シタ シム, ヒ ト' From V ^ man and tico. Humuu, humanity, benevolence, charity ; kernels, stones of fruit. コレ, カレ, コノ. From VI an and faithful. He, she, it, they ; that person or thing. a の ん で.^ rt To ひ -" / I ひ o 一 も & 曹 タ ン © 何 使 力 シ 今來 n ン 1 フィ さ 一 C シ ン 僕 M 代 令 傲 K 例 优 テン タイ レイ 、ジ ョ ベン レイ ポク フ ク 仁 ジ ン 伊 ィ 人 (7) 人 カタ プ、 ク, ソノ N ダッ, シパ、 ラク. From VI an ana instant. The head leaning to one side ; inclined ; to subvert. ァタへ ノレ, サッ' ク ノレ, ッぅ • ク レ. From man and an inch. To give ; to deliver to; to senci to; to suggest. ノヽン ベル, サフ ラヒ, チカ シ. From mrm and court, as pnonetic. To wait upon ; to be near to ; to receive ; to follow. ソパ、 ダッ, カタ ハラ, ホノ 力, カタ プク, ィ ヤシ, ソ クヾ, From 711 an and /ひ"',、 ヽ as the phonetic. Aslant, oblique ; t)ervei ted ; depraved, mean, vue. ゥッ, キクレ, ホ コル, ィ サヲ. From man and lance. To strike ; to cut down ; to destroy ; to reduce. ォ カス, ャフャ クスゝ ム. From man and to siceep by hand. To usurp ; to encroach ; to appropriate ; to invade. ヒト へ, カタ ョル, 力 タノ ヽラ, ィ ヤシ. From vian and Hat. To lean towards ; partial ; particularly ; retired. ノ ビル, ノノ ヾス, ノビ スル. From man and to speak. To extenci ; to explain, to clear ur) ; to repeat. トギ 、,テラ ノ ダウ, From mem, strenpth and inotith. A character adopted by the Buddhists for the sounds ga and ka. タスク. From man and right hand. To aid, to help ; to countenance. ァフ, ァ タク レ, ス ツル, サス. From man and straifjltt. To meet ; to happen ; to occur ; to hold on ; to attend. カル, 力 リニ, ォホヒ 十リ, ノヽ ルカ. From viaii and to borrow. False ; to pretend ; unreal ; to borrow ; hypocritical. ホトケ ,サ トス, サ トル, カタ チ' From man and not . Buddha ; to bend down ; bright ; great. ョ クレ, ッ 卫. From man and measure. To lean on; a staff ; aged ; to beat. ィ コフ, ヤス ム, ヨシ, ャム. From man and tree. To rest, cease ; to deal geutlv ; prosperous ; excellent. ォ ゴ、 ル, ァ 十 ド ル. From man and trifling. Proud ; rude, uncivil ; to treat rudely. ゥカ ガフ, ノ ゾム, マ モル, マツ. From man and nobkvuuu To wait ; expect ; inquire ; to visit. hei f" sJioku soku hen shin kia get hutsn hotsu chd 90 ku gn 、; ンソク ハイ ガウチョ ク ホッ ク グ 倾 付恃侧 伐 侵 偏 伸 伽 佑 値 假 佛仗 休 傲 侯 ケィ フ シ ショ ク、、 :: ッ シン ヘン シン キヤ ィゥチ 力 ブッチ ャゥ キゥ ガ -w- コゥ ふ a a To み r-t み ん も m 人 (8) 人 SU to hen サ ク タ ク ケ ン フ 倒 傅 コメ ダラ. From inclosnre ana to eat, contracted. A grauary ; a box or bin ; to store in a granary. タ フル, 力 タブ ケル, タ フス, サカ シ マ. From man and reiichhia. To lall over ; to prostrate ; to sink ; but, why, then. ス =1 ャカ, ツヨシ, ケャ ケシ. From man or step and to estal'liaJt. Strong, robust ; persistent ; unwearied ; difficult. チ カツぐ ク, ッ ケル, カシ ツキ, シク. From man auci aiyjilay. To arrange ; lo superintend ; to teach ; to receive : near. ;ン什 イカ 佳 : 愈 A file of len solaiers ; セ シ ジ 1、 ヲ. From man and ten. フ sundries; a titlie. 力 ヨシ, ゥッ クシ. From man and a court baton. Beautiful ; superior ; nice, excellent ; goodness. ミナ, コ I、 ゴ トク, カラ サホ. From to ass 徵 bic, two mouths, and tivo vien . All ; unanimous ; the general opiuion. シ イツ ノヽル ,タ ガフ, ミ ダクレ. From mail and impious. ン To arrogate to one's self ; usurp; to assume ; disorder, confused. トモ カフ, t: 1、 シ, タダヒ ,タレ. From mail and loiKj life. A piU'iy, class, comrade, mate, friends ; who ; to cover. - ヒ ガム, ィ ヤシ, カタ ョル, ョコシ マ, クセ. From liiau and j^erverse. Meau, low-lived ; licentious ; partial ; cramped ; private. ナ ス . ! From man and old. To do, to act ; to perform the duties of, ;; ヒメ, ノヽ タス レ, セ メル. From mem and to hlame. To owe money ; to bear a burden ; a debt ; an obligation. トモ ガラ, ッカ ヘヒト, ヨシ. From vian and kindled wood, as a phonetic. A companion, a colle^igae, au olhcial associate ; a kind of class. ノヽカ セ. From vwn and necessary. Philosophers ; literati ; the leaniecl. ゥカ 力、、 フ, マツ, ミ ノレ. From man and office. To Nvait upon ; to st)y ; to carefully examine. タスク, タス ケ, ソ ヘル • From man and the h'ft. To assist ; to second ; au assistant ; a vice- captain. ユタカ, ュルャ 力, ヤノ ヽ ラダ, ォ ホシ, タノ ヽ ブ レ. From iiuni and sorrow fuL Abundani, excessive ; very, fully ; to excel ; tranquil. ミ十, マ、. From man and exhmi^ted. To finish entirely, couii)letely ; easily ; all ; the utmost degree. so sa sai saJcii c ん タ ク チウ -ひ 人 9 人 ran nil ho hei shi tetsii tei did = 命 力 ク シノ m ィ リ ヲ モフ, マロ シ, ッ イツぐ ノレ. ぶ, I'om to collect; and V archives. To think; lo arrange ; to unify. Used as a phonetic. サイ ノ ヽヒ, へッ ラフ, シタ シム. From man and lucky. Unusually fortunate, lucky ; to get without effort, or right. タヘル, カツ. From 7nan and child. To bear ; to carry, as a nurse a child ; to undertake. ミ ダクレ, ヮ ルカ シ コシ. From man and instead of. Artful, cunning. サマ ョフ. From man and nail. Alone ; no pro- te じ toi', or support. shi yen jin rei ri ho 7w sJioku solcu hio ko rai sen sei hi yd lid hi シ, ホ ホ 饰フ 3/ ク キ 3 ソ ク 倨 豫 セ/ セ Hi'j ィ ケ 勺 ゥ イエ 牛 伎 mxjolixi ヒ >^ ホ 】ioku 3 JfEl ク ク ッ カフ. 上? I'om man and scJiola r. To fill an office to learn ; to serve ; to occupy a station of post. ホ ヒ十リ ; myself. ヮ レ. From man and great. Great ヒ 1、 ヒ , シ ルス, ノヽ カク レ. From man anditveapon. To fatliom ; lull ; to measure ; to nil. タ ダイ, ナラ ブ. From man^ deer and an old ptumetic form. A pair, a couple ; companion ; a mate, a feUow ; conjugal union. ァ マチシ, シク. From vian and to spread out. To extend, to diffuse ; reaching ; spreading every- where. タマ 乇ノ, ス コシ. From man and to receive. Emolument, salary, stipend ; allowance, wages. ソノ N タツ, ィ ヤシ. From man under a cliff. Inclined, leaning ; oblique ; refracted, as light. ヲコ、 ,ノレ, タカ プ 、ノレ. From man and dwelUng. To stand or sit carelessly ; a free and easy way ; banghty ; bold. 力 へ ル. From man and to come. To induce one to come ; to meet one ; to encourage ; to warn. ウル ノヽシ ,ャ トフ. From mail and azure. Good, fair ; a commendatory term ; pretty. ャ 1:、 ジレ, タカシ. From mail and curved. An inn ; to lodge ; to bojoiirn ; teuuporary ; stately. コ ヘル, ノヽ ラフ クルル. From vian and skill. To grow fat ; plump ; large. ヮザ, 】、 乇ニ. From man ability ; ingenious ; skilled. and branch. Talent, セ マル, ムカパ 、牛. From via 71 and full. To c】o、vd, to press upon, constrain ; urgent ; ini- periuus. 人 ぃ0) 人 no shitsu in u riku rut sen hi to no ta ha i yen ィ ッ ハ ル, モトム. From man and eminent. Deceitful, false, pretended, ィ ッ ノヽ リ • From ma n and to reach to. Empty ; unsatisfying ; unreal ; unsatisfactory. イソ ク% ッ カフ. From ??" m and equal. To send, as a messenger ; to make, to do ; a messenger ; according. ヮレ ,ミ. Frora man and house ^ contracted. I, we, our, myself. ヲホヒ 十リ. From man and ohl, as a phonetic. Large, great ; huge in proportions. カタ シ, ヲ ロカ, トトぐ マタレ. From mail and extreme. Firm ; unbending ; foolish. ス ゝ ムル, タ ダヒ, タスク, ュ ルス • From man and havina. To urge one to eat ; to wait on; to help ; to stimulate. ヒ ト 力' タ, ィ タム. From man and through. A wooden puppet made like a man ; pain. ァラク ,チル ,(タ ワラ) ♦ From vtan and the iinper garments. To distnbute ; scattered. ハチ,, ノヽブ 力 シメ. From mail and to fly high. To disgrace, to bring contempt on ; to act foolishly. ャマ tf 卜, マフ カタ チ. From man and to mount high. To caper and perform antics. タノ シム. From man and joy. Joy ; cautious ; very strict about. ヮレ, カレ. From vtan and husbandry . I, you, thou. タレ, コト ビト, ホ 力. From mail and also. He, she, it ; that, the, other ; another. ト乇 二, ツヨシ, サ カンナ リ. From man and alL To accompany ; to take along ; together, "with ; a joint ; robust. ァ タヒ. From ma 71 and ^9r/c^, as phonetic. The value of a thing ; the price. ッ ラナ ル, マジノ ヽル. From man, aiul perfect miniher ov five. A perfect number ; all of a kind. Applied to planets and tastes, etc. タ ヲル, フス, ィコフ ,フセ ダ. From man and to lie on. To cease, to desist ; to sleep ; to recline ; to still, to hush. タク ラフ,, 十 ラフ,, ヒト ゴロ フ' From man and to doubt. To compare, to assorr. . クカ ガフ, サ ダル, トフ, シ ノビ' From man and honest. To spy out ; to explore ; a spy ; a scout ; one sent to reconnoitre. 镜伋 ¥ 余 老至倚 儒俵慘 |g 僖儂他 皆 傻伍 僵 擬值 ケ ゥキフ ハウ ョ レゥシ ツイ ゥ ヨウへ ゥ リク セン キ トウ タ カイ カゴ M ン キティ ん: y ん み 7=: - り 7 ,i たも ly 人 (11) 人 ォホヒ 十リ, ァ ヤシ. -f rom man ana perverse. Admirable ; rare ; fine-looking ; powerful. ウル, ァタ ヒ. From man and old. To estimate ; to guess ; to think ; worth. セカ ガム. From man and a corner. Hunch- backed ; the body inclining ; stooping ; to show respect. ワカ レル, ノヽ十 レル. From man and to covipare. To take leave of ; ugly. ヲ 十^. From man and artificer. The same, identical ; all • united • to harmonize. 姓 也. From man aud to exhibit. I, myself. タダシ, スコャ 力. From man and fortunate. ! Robust, strong • exact, correct. ゥデ コ fji, チカラ ゾク. From mcui and to 】" で ss. GeDerous, noble minded • bold • zealous for the right. タクミ. From 7)1 an and tico. Clever at ; skilled. ィ牛ド ヲル, ノべ フス. From man and hounda ry. To lie down ; stretclied out ; stiffened ; prostrate ; to push over. モッテ ,モチ フル, ヒ牛ュ タレ, ャム. Twice joined, to indicate the thought done. Altered from another form, already. To use ; to aid ; to place ; to have ; by, with, because, for, in, being, although. ヒ トシ, ト乇 力' ラ. Fi'oin man and even together. Class, company ; sign of the plural. タダ, ム 十シ, ス ベ 7*. From man and monK But ; only, simply ; \y hen ever ; as soon as ; all. トモ 二, ミ十. From yuan and preinireiL All, the whole, altogether ; at once, Lotli together. タモツ, ヤス ンズ. タスク, ャトヒ ビト. Fi'om vian and stupid. To Drotect ; to feed ; to be surety for ; a protector, guardian. クライ, タダシ, ッ ラナ ル, 并ドコ rj • From man and to stand. The place ; right ; correct ; arrangea ; established ; to reign. ッ プサ ,ァラ カジ メ, ソ十ノ ヽル, コトゴ トク' From in an and a thhut in use. To prepare ; to pro viae for ; to retain ; complete ; all. ァフ, 十 ラフ,, タマ タマ, ヒト ガタ' From man and satyr. An image, an idol, a statue ; a pair; an even number. i sai tan も ho i hi ho hi to sJia kitsu o « ^ 'I んん 一?:; ん 一り A ほ) - 人 ク ン ュ タ ク ソ十 ヘル, タフ-マツん, マウ ク, レ. From man aud all, as the plioiieiic. To place before ; to offer to; to supply ; succor ; to give. From man and to conform to : ョル, ック, タスク, ツル マト ヒ. clothes. To rely on ; to trust to to aceede to ; according to. ゥ ッ プフ、 , 力 ガマ クレ. From man and store-house. To stoop, to bow ; to look down from a height. ノット ル, ョ tJ シ, ノリ, カタ チヅ クル, タダ ヒ. i?rom man and right, as the phonetic. The usages of mankind ; a rule ; rite ; etiquette : form ; figure. ヲ サム クレ, カザル. From that and pelage. To adorn ; to clean up ; to mend : to regulate ; to examine. 二 タリ, ッダ, サ、 ク,, シ メス. From man and hy. Like, similar ; as, as if, as it were ャム. appearing. 、―. , , ^ . VI an and superior. perhaps ; uuexpectedl}^ ; supposing. ァ 午 レ ル. From If, ク ン ュ ン ホ ン 、ク inon lion nan 乇 ン 們 ま 侃 牛 ホ ン ッ ダノフ, ム クフ, 力 ヘス, ァ ツル. From man and rewnrd. To restore ; luclemuifv ; to forfeit ; to atone ; restitution. ヤス ン ズ ノレ, ノヽカ ル. From man and thovfjht. A hundred thousand; number beyond tliouglit ; to contrive ; quiet. ソ十 ヘル, 1、 ゝ 十フ, タスク, カズ. From vian and mild. To number, to arrange m place ; tools ; articles, gear ; a man's name. タヲ, レ, ャ プ、 ル, ォ ゴ' ル. From man and strenuous. Pros t rate, luUen ; to overturn, to rum, to subvert ; to move or excite. ト i:、 マ ル, ャ メ パー, ヲ ル. From vian and to rule. To halt ; to stop ; to dwell ; to live in ; endure. マス, ソ ムク. From mmi and not altered. To rebel ; low ; to withdrcuv ; increase ; a fold ; a liuiulied times. ヮゾカ 二, ヲ トル, ス コン. From man and clay as the phonetic. Exactly ; nothing over ; scarcely, almost, only, nothing more. ヨン レ, カタ ョル. From man and xnmsxiaL To rely on ; trusting iu ; to engage one to do ; support ; fulcrum. コち ルカ タチ. From man and door. The sign of the plural of persons. タノ シム, ス ナホ. From truth and flowing streams. l)iaiu ; faitblul ; upright ; plam-spoken. 供 依 俯 儀 i 似 俯 惯億撰 僙住倍 僅 キヤ ウイ フ 、ギ シゥ 、ジ シャ ゥシャ ウイ ョク セン フシ チュ バイ 牛、.' ィ な :3 一 ひ-ひ, ft w れ;: w れ:: e ひ i »i ん も i y /iv ^ 5 s •/ s f s y o s s // c - J To / .7- / 人 (13) - 人 shifiu シ<>/|^. タチ マテ, ス ミヤ 力, トシ. From ?<• か! c7j and fire. ク Hastily, quickly, as a dog running off ; a change. sai サ /tl» モヨ ホス, セ マル. From vian and lofty, ±o urge ; ィ I 由 to press ; to hasten ; to dun ; to reiterate. ru ルイ 4{沪 口 クダ マル, セ ムシ, ゥ ッブシ ノヤ マ ヒ • From inaJi To ゥ and lasso. Hunch oack ; stooping ; distorted in limbs. sen -fe ャマ ビト. From vtan and hill. An old recluse ; ン jjlj to become immortal. ヒ トシ, ス 十ホ, ャ トフ, ヒ トシ. From man and common. To hire ; to engage one's self as a laborer ; to serve ; hired . イマ シム. From 7)1(111 and to respect as the phonetic. To warn against ; to urge ; to reform. /L ホ タ ヲル, ッ マツぐ ク, ソノぐ ダッ. From man and to I I ク To fall over ; to fall to the earth ; over- thrown. イツ ノヽ リ, ョク ヽシ. From vian and sheep. To leigu ; false, unreal, preteuded ; a dodge. 十 力. From man and middle. Middle ; inferior ; the second of three ; the man in the middle. タノ シム, タ, ヽ ブレ, モノ クル ヒ. From man and elegant, as the phonetic. A fine lookine^ person ; a leader ; to introduce ; to seduce. ク ノヽダ ッ ル, ツマ ダテ ノ ゾム, From vian and to stop. To stand and look at ; erect ; steep. カス, 力 リニ, ス、 ムル, カル, タ ト へ. From m ひれ and formerhi. To assist ; to lend ; to ask for ; supposing, It, for example. チ ラ プ、, アジ ヽス. From man and even with. Equal ; to reduce to uniformity ; to expose, to endanger. トモ, ト ^ カ々 ラ , トモ 十フ, From ma n and two mouths joined or spinal vertebrae, A companion ; to associate with, to mate together. ゥ十 ガス, セ マル, シ マル, ス ミヤ 力. From man and foot. To constrain ; to urge ; driven ; press on : near, close ; shortened. no soJcu sJwku ノ ヽザズ さ? ぐ 力 タノ ヽラ, ホト リ, チ カツぐ ク. From vian and side. ゥ ゥ 丄" "^eai, ; the side ; to depend on ; to lean on. ト ド メル, シヅメ ノレ, ャム. From vian at a shed. To rest ; to stop ; to hold up ; well arranged ; suitable ; to delay, マ フク, ソ ヘル, タク ノ 、ヘル. From man and all. To collect ; to lay up for need ; furnished with ; to assist. s/iakit sha チ 3 ゥ 俯 t ィ ヨウ ケィ も s*- み 佯: 企 ィャゥ チウ シャゥ 牛 S 7R ンャ ヒャゥ シ 3 昔并 ts 足 シャク ヘイ リヨ ソク -ひ -0 チャウ ヂ rr 停 儲 ティ チヨ 6 7 7^ 一 ひ 一 ひ / 7n 人 (14) 人 タ、 ズム, ヒサ シ. From vian and to store. To hope ai)d wait for ; to stand and wait a long time. 十 ラフ, ノット ル, カタ ドク レ. From man and to imitate. To follow ; to pattern after ; to labor ; effect. ォゴ、 ソカ, ッ、 シム, ヨシ. From vinn and stem. Majestic ; stern ; as before ; commanding presence. ホノ 力, サ モニタ リ, タチ モト ホル. Pl'om 7)1 an and place. To imitate ; like, resembling ; a model ; copy after. タック リ, カリ. From man andflelcL To till the ground ; to dress fields ; to hunt ; to catch wild animals. 二 ナフ, オフ, ウル ノヽ シ, ホ 力. From 7)1071 and that or to bear. That ; another ; to charge. キミ, ウル ノヽ シ, コレ, ゥカ ガフ. From ? nan, shelter^ and arroiv. Noble ; beautiful ; to be happy ; but ; unless ; how ; to think ; this. ィ ヤシ, タノ ム, メッ' ル. From man and village. Unpolisned ; vulgar, gross ; villager ; sociable ; trust. 十 ラウ, マチ ブ, ョル. From man and to liberate. To imitate ; like, resembling ; a model ; to copy after. ホガラ 力, ノビ ャカ, 乇シ, ィ ヤシク モ. From man and high. An unforeseen thing ; accidental. ォ ロカ, ゥ ッケ, ス チホ, ナガ シ. From man and same. Ignorant and ruae ; uutrainea, and unfit. ゥ ッケ, ォ 力, クル シム, ィ ソガク ヽン. From man and empty. Rude ; dovmisli ; careworn, pressed. シモ ベ, タ ハレ ワラ ハ, ォ 1 ^力. From man and hoy. A slave boy ; a slave gu'l or concubine ; rude, unpolished. 二 タリ, 二 セル, カタ 1 さ ノレ. From man and similar. jjiKe; as if ; similar ; appearing ; hanasoine ; ex- cellent. ァ シ、, ミ ダクレ. From man and to fly. Dis- quieted ill mind ; a low-minded, brutal man. ユタカ, ヒ シ, ヲコ々 ソカ, ッ V シム. From viaii and an interval. Courageous, martial ; self pos- sessed ; formidable, stem. ツトム ル, ヒゲヲ ホシ, セ ムル, フ ソル. From man ana to thnik. To reprove ; to aamonish or urge, as a friend. ミ ル. From viaii and to divine. To usurp, to seize by force ; to arrogate ; to assume ; to possess. A ^ (15) 人 ァ タル, タ ダヒ. From man and neck. To com- pare ; to match, to pair, to compose ; to dislike • straight, sincere. カタ カタ, カズ. From man and Jinn. Piece or article ; a classifier. ヲ ニヤラ ヒ, ノリ, タヲャ 力. From man and affliction. To exorcise the demons which cause pestilence ; to perform a lustration. ヲ乇 ル, へッ ラフ, 子ジ ケル. From man and believe, contracted. Eloquent, persuasive, artful, specious, flattering • tart. jui II 二 ヒト, タミ, ヒト クサ. This represents the legs nin ンノ、 シ of man wlieu open. Man ; human beings ; the human race. gi ィ ッノ ヽリ. From vian and to do. False ; coun- terfeit ; to put on ; so called ; to deceive. Jcei hit mu グ ィ プ 係 侮 ム ッ 十ダ, カケ ル, ッ グ. From mail and to connect. To connect witli what is before ; belonging to ; to bind ; to be, is, are. アナ F 、タレ, カロン フ:, ォ カス. From vian and do not. To insult; to despise ; neglect ; disrespect ; disappointed. ジヽ クヽ 力 シラ, ッ カサ. ァニ, ヲジ. From man and ク ||Z| white. A father s elder brother ; senior ; superior; chief. ッ クル, 十ス, ォ コス, タツ. Fi'om man and to excite. To act, to do ; to make ; discover ; to appear ; work ; workman. トモ ガラ, ミチ, ッ イデ, タ ダヒ. From man and to think. Constant ; natural relationsmiDS ; a species, class, sex ; to choose. シテ, シム クレ, シタ ガフ. From mail and tHfliiig, as a phonetic. To cause ; to enable ; to give to ; accord ; that, so that if ; to the end that. ック, ョル, ョ ッテ, カサ 十ル, シ キリ. From man and then. As, according to, as before ; however, still, again, just so, and, also. sJioku zokit チラ ハシ, ッダ, チ ラフ. From man and valley. Inelegant ; common ; uneducated ; the laity ; the Avorid. ァタ, タダ ヒ. From man and the character for nine. An enemy ; to pledge a guest ; proud ; to unite ; pair. ァフ ムク, ァ フク,, ミア ゲル, タノ ム. From man ana high. To look up towaras heaven ; to regard ; to wait on ; to think of kindly. も a a 、;ン 仍 、ジ ョ ゥ I ひ £ ゾク 俗 、、レ m 夕 人 (16) 人 スグル > , ヒィ ヅル, ヌ キン ズ, ォコ、 メレ. From man and cruel. A hero, heroic ; proud ; self-willed ; to raise up. トラ ノヽ レ, トリ rj, ト ル. From man and trust. A prisoner of war ; to capture ; spoil ; taken in war. マツ, ヮシル ,タカ ガフ, ヲホヒ 十リ. From 77ia7i and so. To wait upon ; to exi^ect ; to look ; to wait ; to prepare for ; until. チン^. From man and those, contracted. Thou, you, yours. カタ チ, カタ ド、 ル, ^セ クレ. From man and elevhant. Like, such, so, similar; a figure, image, likeness ; an idol ; to resemble. ヨス テ tf ト, ヒ ジリ. From man and already, imitating the Sanscrit samja. A Buddhist priest ; a lama ; the third in the Buddhist trinity. ク ダン, ワカ ッ, ワカ チ. From vian and o.r, because big, can be shared. To divide ; to partake ; to distinguish ; a classifier of wide application. ヒ クシ, タク レ, ラナ ダル, サ ガ タレ, From man and low. To bend ; to droop ; to incline ; base ; bumble ; low. ゥム, ィ トフ, ッ カル, ォ ゴル, ォコタ ル. From m 機. and roll as plicmetic. Tired, fatigued ; to desist from labor. ォ ゴル, ォ ホイ チリ, ユタカ. From mem and many. Extravagant, ru'ofuse ; large, tending to expand ; superfluous. タスク, ソ ヘル, カタ シ, ヒ トリ, ョ tJ ヒ. IVom man and eight. To assist ; attendant ; alone ; because ; to enlarge ; firm. ヌス ム, ヒソ 力, ウス シ, カリ ソメ. From man and to ansicer. Remiss ; careless ; unaerhand ; disrespectful ; to despise. トモ ナフ, ト乇, ハン ベル, ト乇ガ ラ • From VI an and his halfa^ the phonetic. A comrade, a fellow, an associate ; to follow, attend. ォヒ っレ, オビ モノ, ォホヲ ピ、, ミヅ メダル' From man, all and nankin. Things worn on the girdle as pendants; to wear about one, as a souvenir. 二 ハカ, シパ 、ラタ, カタ ブク カタ チ' From man and I. Suddenly ; a moment ; momentarily; falling ; imminent. ッダ マヤ 力, スク ナシ, アキ タラ ズ. From man and aU. Moderate ; temi^erate, frugal ; economical; close. ヤス ンズ, ノ ガル, ュルャ 力, タガヒ 二' From man and to lose. Ease ; idle, leisure ; retirement ; to fail in ; to omit. ketsu I n i •n • I a Jcai Tcatsu to han hai (ja ken gen itsu tetsu ま フ俘 シ俟キ ザ ク : 低 t 倦 、ン 侈ミ 5 介 さ C 伴 ノ; 佩' ガ俄 ケ ィ命ゲ ッ Il/C ッ / S も 一 ひ も ど .ft ん 你像 僧 件 プ 、、> ャゥソ ケ; > (17) 人 チカラ ツヨシ, チカラ ァノ ヽス. From man and slave. Great strength ; violent. ッ カノ ヽ レビ ト, モ テア ソノぐ レ モノ. From man and to order. Alone ; to employ ; a ciroll ; to play ; sprightly. ァ ヤシ, サ カン, 'ォ ホイ 十り. From man and ghost. Great ; gigantic ; part mau, part devil ; monstrous, as a meteor. ナ ゲク, ホノ 力, フカ シ. From wrni and Z ひ ve. Like, similar ; appearing as if ; hard to see ; to pant. マ フ. Fi'om man and pantomime. To skip and dance, as when highly elated ; to excite. ヒメ ガキ, ヲサ ナシ, ハシ, マス, 力 ギリ. From man and cJuld. Little, feeble, like children ; a limit ; to benefit ; to distinguish. ヨシ, ォ ホイ チリ, タス ケ. From man and petty. One WHO assists ; a waiter ; good ; great. タケ ヒク 牛ヒ 卜. From man and red. Applied to men who are undersized. ヒ トン, イナ ムシ. From man and to loio. Equal ; of the same sort or class ; to accord with. サ ト シ. From man and advantage. Clever, talented ; trim, neat ; showing skill and accuracy. マヒノ ニン ズ、, ッラ十 クレ. From man and sacri- ficial articles. A band of dancers, or mummers, during the worship of ancestors ; row ; rank. ホ シィ マ、, タカシ, ォホ ヒナ リ. From man and all. Not restrained, no embarrassment ; a law to one's self. ッ、 シム, シ タカ' フ. From vian and bent. The Japanese; a term used by themselves, as equivalent to Yamato ; it is defined by the Chinese as the country of dwarfs. ヲサ, ッ カサ. From man and a tJioiisand, whom he rules. A chiliarcli ; anciently a thousand cash. ウス シ, カロ シ, ヌ スム, ヒ トリ ュク カタ チ. f'rom mail and omen. Weekly ; young; going unsteadily ; envious ; impatient of labor. ゥッフ 'ス. From man and to evade. To put down the head. タチ モト ホル, タノ ヽ ムレ. From man and. not. •Dissipation. ヒ トハ ダナ ラズ, ゥ レフ. From man and autumn. Ill, disabled. A sail kai san Jiatsii sho so hin hiyd shun sa sho nin サ ン ク ノヽ ィ サ ン ク ハ ソ 话 ヨシ 俎ソ M 火 ン ン サ ャ ゥ ま 18) 几 カラ カサ, アマ ガサ, サシ 力' サ. From mem and a cover held by a lianale. A shelter ; a cover from rain ; a parasol. アツ マ ノレ, ヲフ, ァノ ヽス. From semble. To assemble : to meet : and to join. to as- カタ、 ガヒ, ィ ヤシ, コト パ、 力 口 シ. From man and crafty. Disorderly, like au unarilled troop ; mulish, perverse. ァフ, アツ マ レ, イタル, ツヨシ. Fi'om man and tonaue. To unite ; to assemble, to collect ; to reach ; to tug at. マナ イタ, ック jEi. From two men and a sacri ficial dixh. A basin or bowl on three legs ; a table used to hold flesh in sacrifices. サ カンナ リ. From man and to divide. A part dividend ; the position of one in society. ショ タイ ダウダ. From man and fire. Good furniture ; household property ; gear ; a comrade ス ダル、, トシ. From man and to icalk. Superior, remarkable ♦ talent, ability, eminent. マフ. From man and irregular. A drunkard's reeling. i^f キヅ ック, レ フ , ィ タム, ナゲク ,ャ プル. From 1^ man and to w ひ uml. To injure, to hurt ; to wound, to grieve, to distress. A drunkard's マコト, 二 チフ, マカス, ァ タル, モチ ヒラル. From man and a Jiorary character. Sincere, sure, trustworthy, relied on ; a duty ; a burden ; to bear. 10 儿 gan uoiiu' Mo ho Tiotsu ま 元 グ ヮ ン ク 克 ク ?ッ兀 ノヽ ジメ, ヲサ, カフ ぺ, ォ ホイ チリ' From 7nan and two, referring to heaven aud earth. The com- mencement ; the first cause ; first, head, principle, original. 力 ッ, タ ェ クレ, ョ クス. Originally tlie carved beams which sustain the roof. To sustain ; to attain lo ; able for ; subdue, can, able. キ ソゥ, ッ: >• シム, ヲソ ノレ, ツヨシ. From brother and vinorous, repeated. To fear, to lorbear irom, to refrain ; cautious ; solicitous. カブ •p , . ァシキ ラル、, ゥ ゴカ ヌ カタ チ. From vian and one, denoting level. To cut off the feet as punishment ; stable, persistent. 几 ほ) 入 ァニ, コ ノカ ミ, ヲサ. From wi«n and wzowf ん a り ove it. An elder brother ; a senior, superior ; a term of respect, as Mr. ヒ カリ, 力 ガヤ ク, アキラ 力. From man and fire above it. Light ; brilliant ; illustrious ; honor ; glory ; naked, smooth, only, bald. ミ ツル, ナガ シ, ァ ツル, フサ ガル. From 7nan and to nourish, contracted. To fill ; to fulfill, as a duty ; satisfy ; to stop up ; high, long. ォ ソル、, ァ シ、, ァ ラシ. From man and tin- liichij. Malevolent, inhuman, cruel ; desperate, harsh ; to excite fear ; fearful. ノウ シ. Intended to represent the rhinoceros. The Malayan rliinoceros. マコ ト, ノ ヽシ. From WW な, moutli, and six. Correct, trustworthy. ten men lici 211 en to da t ひ i to sen zen t 兔 t 2^ £1 J 兒 i 允 ェ ン ;兜 鬼 タ ィ セ ン ゼ サキ, ノヽ ジメ, サ キン ズ、 ル. From man ana to go above it. jf irst ; before, formerly, past ; to go ahead ; a cause ; to begin ; firstly, early, soon. ゥラ カタ, キ ザシ, マツ リノ ニノ ヽ. ijines on a lortoise-shcll after roasting for divination. An omen, a prognostic ; a place of worship. ュ ルス ,ノヽ ナツ, マヌ カル, カン ム リ. Contraction for a hare. To get oft, to evade ; to docige, to excuse ; to escape from. チゴ, コ, ヲサ 十ゴ, ヲサ ナシ, イト ケナ シ. From man and fontaneUe, altered. Au infant ; especially a boy ; a child. ; feeble. ァ タル, マコト, ゥケ ガフ. From man, and by, contracted. To permit ; assent ; promised ; true, loyal, really, honestly. カプト, マトぐ フ. From form, and an old form of hlind. A kind of helmet ; helmet-shaped ; to carry in a napkin ; to retain. ヨロ コ プ', ト ホル, ナホ シ, アナ. From vian and a dam}) place. To permeate ; gratined ; satisfied ; to exchange ; to weigh against. ゥサ ギ、. A rabbit squatting with its tail perked up. A hare or rabbit ; to hunt hares. 11 入 ソ十ヮ ル, マッタ シ. From enter and gem. Com- pleted, finished ; entire in all parts ; unbroken, perfect ; all. キヤウ ク ⑩兄 光充兇 兒兗 @ 先 兆 ケィ ク ハウ、 ジゥ 牛ャ ウジ ェン セ 、ン テ ゥ .S お -ひ お お S .1 § § レ 2 もも も ヌ も:?"^ % ^ X (20) __A jiu -f 二 ィル, ィ レル, ス ゝム, ヲ サム' レ. The junction of niii ウ^/ V ゥ above and below, noinn in and out. To enter, to go into ; to enter upon ; to put into ; income ; entrance. ゥチ, ィ も ィ ル. From to enter and a border from out of it. "Within, inner, inside ; internal ; in, among ; inner rooms of a house. kei 牛 ケ ィ 兮 A ソノ, ソレ. A contraction of the character fan, A relative and personal pronoun, he, she it ; his, Ibe}^ theirs f the, that ; wherever, whoever, there. 力 ン ガフ. From eight or divide and breath. An interjection of admiration, but also of inquiry or doubt. フ タツ, フタ、 ビ, タグ b , チ ラブ. From two entering a cave, equal divisions. Two, a pair, intimating likeness ; doubled ; both ; twice, again, dual. パ' ク ュ,^ ^ ィ ほ 《ゥ ホ tj プ' 『ョ J T^. From to enter and ohscurit}/. Lost, destroyed ; going to ruin ; dead ; in poverty. シ カリ, コタ 卫ル. From an old form of to assemble, boat and icater. To respond, to answer, as a maid servant ; yes ; so, certainly, well. 12 mitsu ジヽ hachi y 八 ジヽ ャッ, ヮ カツ. Two things back to back. Eight ; チ to divide ; opening out, flaring, ム ッ . From eight and to enter, over it. Six. hen ten t 兼 ダ JL ノ、 フ: 龍 ン トモ 二, ァノ ヽス, ミナ, ヲ ナジ. from twenty and to raise Generally ; all, altogether, m all, collectively ; in fine, in short, to sum up ; and, with, together. ヲ ホヤ ケ, タヒラ 力, タダシ, キミ' From eight. and scJfixJi, or private. Prmiic, common ; open, equal to all, general ; just, equitable. ッ ノヽモ ノ, ノヽ モノ. From eight and a hillocli. A soldier ; troops ; a force ; an army ; weapons ; military ; to kill. 力 ヌ ル, アジ ヽス. From h ひ ml grasping two stalks. To comprehend in ; to absorb ; moreover, and, along with ; equally, together. ソ十 ヘル, ッフ' サ, トモ 二, ヮ カツ. From j^recioiis above to i^resent to. Premred ; well arranged ; ail, throughout ; together. ノリ, ッ カサ, ッ手. Originally a stand, and records on it, now contracted to eight. A canon, a law ; to rule, to control ; to pawn , to mortgage ; a classical work. riliu roku 一 ひ u な ロクク ク ヒ ャ.^ しヽ ヒゝ チヾ 11ノ 土ノ ^ノ リク キヤウ n ゥ ヘイ -0 人 ん ^ '1 1 ゾ A 21 ) M Jci キ キ ヲ 乇フ, ノ ゾム, コヒチ ゴフ. From north and another. To nope, to desire ; to expect ; to be eager for. The same as above. 13 yen カガ メル, マ ダル, マ ガル. From cover and a raboit, from which it caimot run. To oppress, to 一 injure ; to accuse falsely ; to be aggrieved ; in- justice. . . " sai set ben men saku sail Jean I hei mid hQ mo ketsu n マタ, フタ 、 ビ, カサ チル. From one aud a frame- icork contracted. Again, the second time ; doubled, repeated ; then, also, likewise ; continued. カン フ リ. From a covering and ghost. A crown, a coronet. フタ', シガ ラミ. Slips containing decrees tiea together. A slip, a list, au inventory ; a register, a memorandum book, records. ォ ホフ, ムサ ボル, ヲ カス. Fi'om covering and cije uuderueatli. Covering for the head : blindly, rashly, heedlessly ; to assume ; to affirm falsely. 俗 冒 字. The same as the above. カプト. From chp and to A helmet, formerly made of rhinoceros' skin. マ 牛, ト ホシ, ム ナシ. j limit. A wild ; the edge of a forest ; a desert ; remote bounds of ci- vilization. ユタ, ス、 ム, ォ カス, カメ ノ カフ ノ ヘリ. The hair lust growing on the body. Tender, weak. アキラ 力, ァ ラハル, ヒ カリ. Designed to depict a window. A small window or lattice to let in the light. 14 カン フリ, マ トウ, ッラ ヌク, カン ムリス. Fi'om to cover, chiej, or head, and a rule. A conical cap or bonnet ; a crown ; to cap ; the liead, chief ; to dress female's Lair ; the comb of birds. カスカ, フカ シ, クラシ, ョル. From to cover, day aud six. Dull, dark, obscure ; doleful ; a spirit. ォ ホフ. From to cover and swine. To cover. アナ 俗 穴 字. From cover and man underneath. Odds aud ends ; scattered ; mixed ; hurried ; affairs ; duties. マウ キヤウ キヤウ 冒 曰 曰冑 n き 同 バウ チウ ケィ ゼ、 ンケィ 5 -w^ .i 一 ひ れ • ふ -ひ ミヤ ゥ モウ 冠 冥 冡冗 クワン べィ ホウ ケッ セィ メン サン 再 晃册 サイ ベン サク 22 ヲ ホフ, フク サッ ぐ、 ミ. From cover and a ciirtam. To cover ; to overspread ; to veil. 15 ン ヒム 口, コ ホリ. From ice and tumulus. Ice ; an ice bouse ; to insult ; to put to shame ; to advance, exalt. ミ ゾ, ニゴ ル, ソ 、 ダ 艾イ ぉ瀆. From ice and to sell. To annoy ; to defile ; to profane ; to treat coutumeliously. ヮ クル, サダム ィ乍 決. From ice and to stretch. Streams diverging ; to disperse ; doubtless, de- cidedly. コ ホリ, コ ホル. From ice and east. To freeze, to congeal, to cool, to stiffen ; icy ; freezing. サム シ, スサ マシ. From ice and wife. Intense cold ; bleak, wintry ; shivering ; sad ; afflicted ; in misery. ノヽ ゲシ, サ ムシ. From ice and arranged. Cold air ; harsh, raw, chilly. サ ムシ, スッ" ^シ. From ice and green. Cold, intense cold ; to make fresh. サ ムシ. From ice and chestnut . Coia, or the north wind. コ ホリ, コ ホル. From ice and water. Ice ; clear, pure, frozen ; crystallized. サ ムシ, スサ マシ. From ice and to provide. In- tense cold, clear and cold ; trembling. ヒ ィル, ヲサ ナシ, タレ ル. From ice and middle. To agitate ; to boil or burst over, as water ; to wash away ; to fly; dart ; young. ス ズシ, ウス シ. From ice and capital. Coql ; fresh ; distant ; cool towards ; in need ; to trust in ; to assist, ナゾ ラフ, イノ、 ンャ. From ice and elder brother. More ; moreover ; now ; furthermore ; to come to ; to grow. コル, 十ル, カタ マル, ムス ボル. From ice and susvect. To coagulate ; to nenect ; to nnisb ; to fix : to settle. beki no toku to ritsu b 冰 凜冲 ヒ ヨウ リシ チウ 凉 ^ リャゥ キヤウ ギヨ .1^ みみ r C I ひ r I ひ も 1 ひ が 雲 凟 リャゥ トク セ. V リツ. ず - (23) 几 bin min met ホロ ブ, ミ ダル. From ice and lyeople. Destroyed ; overthrown ; thrown iuto confusion ; a vast sheet of water. サ ムシ. From ice, cover, day, and six. Cold. サ ムシ, ス ズシ, b ャ、 力. From ice and an order. Cold ; frigid ; indifferent ; still ; clear ; pure ; win- try. フユ, ヲメヽ り, ッ クル, ヲサ マル. From ice and an old form oi end contracted. Winter ; the end ; to store up. ナ ゾ ラ フ , From ice and excellent. To approve ; to authorize ; to allow ; to adjust ; to fix ; to weigh ; to receive. ヘル. From ice and altogether. To break off ; to lessen ; to diminish ; to lignten ; to abbreviate. ミヤ ビヤ 力, キ タウ, ィル, ィ モノ シ. From fee ana I. To fuse metals ; to smelt ; a founaer ; furnace ; enticing. ッ クル, シボ ム, カジ ケル. From ice and. all around. To be exhausted ; faciing ; falling, as old leaves. ス ズシ. Fi'om ice and quarreling. Cool ; limpid ; pure ; to wash ; to cleanse ; only. ケ ガス, 十 if ) レゝ 同 ガ色. From ice and do not. To defile, to foul ; to annoy ; to request. ト ケル. From ice and half. To melt as ice. 16 几 ック へ, ヲシマ ヅキ. A stand to lean on. A small table ; a side table used by Japanese when sitting oil the floor. オヨ ソ, ス べテ, ォホム 早, ィ ヤシ. Originally two inside to denote a puir. All, everybody ; common, usual, vulgar ; mortal. タノ シム, ヨシ. From sf^wfZ and how. Victory ; joy ; peace ; excellent ; soothing ; balmy. ュ 力 . From bench auci to ascend. A stool, a form, a bench. ョル, ョ リカ 、ル. From bench and to depend on. To lean on ; to confide in ; proof, evidence. ,f r れ .ヌ .ft も Jwi c -Isfs-O み も み & ^ ft" ^« 几 (24、> 力 18 shutsu シ ュ ソ 出 ョ ル. From oencii aud a horse running. Same as above. 17 u ィ プル, サル, シ リ ゾ ク, ノヽ ヘル. Original form represents stalks thrusting themselves out of the ground. To go forth, or out ; to produce ; to beget. lean totsu tetsu 力 ン ソ 凶 凹 函 凸 テ ク ァシ ゝ, ワカ ジニ, ヮ ザノヽ ヒ, 1、 ガム. k pit with somethiug fallen into it. Calamity, adversity, evil, inauspicious ; cruel ; sad. 十 カク ボ, ヒ クシ. Designed to depict an in- dentation. An indentation, cavity ; hole ; protu- berant ; convex. b . Supposed to infold : a letter ; ィ ル、, ッ、 ム, フミノぐ コ, ヨロ be from man ana mortar. To to envelop ; armour ; liberal. タカシ, ィ ヅル, 十 カタ 力. Designed to depict a iuttiug above the surface. Concave, hollow, in- dented ; a pit ; anything above the surface. retsii rei Jin nin kei setsu sai 刀 ヮ カツ, ッ イデ, クミ, ッ ラナ ル' From a sword and a contracted form of fioiving water. To sepa- rate, to distinguish ; to arrange iu order ; each, severally, rank. ャ ィ パ-. A sword witli a stain on the blade. A knife or sword ; edged weapons ; to kill, to slaughter. ノリ, ッミ 十フ, コ ロス, ノット クレ. From sword and even. Laws ; to torture ; to punish ; to kul ; penal ; mold. キル, タツ, セ マル, ミギ、 リ . Fi'om knife and seven. To cut ; to carve ; to mince ; to urge ; to press ; earnest, sincere. コ VI ス, ソ シル, 十 フタ" サス. From knife and tJiorn. To kill, to sting ; to wound ; to examine, to hear. カタ 十, キル, ゼニ, コプ 手. The old form a weapon's blade and haiulle. A sword ; a cimeter ; a knife ; canoe ; a quire of paper. イタル. From knife or sword and to reach. To arrive at ; to attain ; to go or cotne to ; finished ; to, at, up to ; still ; but, yet ; from, of. JJ ャゥ, -ひ •t は キヨ ゥァフ -ひ i た も -ひ I ひ -ひ レイ 11 ン サイ セ午 ⑩列 刃^せ 4^ 刀 至 レツ 、ジン ケィ セッ シ タウ タウ 刀 (25) 刀 オビ ャ カス, カス メ トル, カス メル. From su'ord and to take aioay. To take hy violence ; to rob openly ; to snatch ; hurried. 同 上 The same as above. 同 上 Idem. ソフ, タス ケ, 力 十フ, ヮ カツ. From knife and full. To aid ; to second ; to anuouuce ; to ex- amine ; vice ; substitute. ノヽ ナノ ヽダ シ, タノ ヽ ブル. From Jcnije, tiger, and sicine. To increase ; sad ; unhappy ; more ; great degree ; to trifle. ヮル, クボ メル, ホ フル. From knife and boastful. To cut open ; to cut into ; to rip open ; to cut down. ケズ ル, キヨ メル, ソル. From knife and to icipe. To brush ; to scrub ; to wipe out ; a scraper. V? ラ, ゥゴク カタ チ. Said to be originally the same as sword. Perverse ; seditious ; restless ; unscrupulous. 牛ル, タツ, ホシヒ ママ, ス プ、 ル. From knife and only. To cut flesh m meces ; to mutilate ; to cut wood in two. キ ザム, ソダ, ケダ ル. From knife and to mark . To split open ; to dig ; to engrave ; to deface. サス, ハダ, キル, ォ ビヤ カス. From knife and to soar. To strike ; to uierce ; to stab ; cut off ; to rob ; swift. ミ ミ キル. From knife and ear. The punish- ment of cutting off the ears. フ手 ヲスス ム, 力 マ. From knife and spear. A small boat ; to pole a boat ; a book ; a catch ; a latch. ケ ズル, カル, タヒ ラダ. From knife and two spears. To spade up ; to lead off ; to cut grain ; to cut with a weapon. クビ キル, クビ ノヽ手 ル. From hnife and a stem. To cut one's throat ; to cut off the neck. キル, ■[ 乍 From knife and belonging to. To cut up the ground. ヮル, サク, ッン ザク, ヮ カツ. From laiife and a 2)ri)ice. To cut open ; to split ; to tear assunder ; to wedge. サク, サス. From Icnife and baton. To cut open and clean, as fish ; to butcher ; to stab. kio go fuJcu hiyd (jeTii ko Tio satsii setsu cho tan sen Icaku Mo ji ka san sen cJioku saJcii Jcei ゴ ゥ ケフ 去 ヒョク お フク ゲキ n ゥ n セッ セン f R^l 々專 金 Bl 面 示 耳 戈 サ ッテゥ タン ク ワクへ ゥ セン キヨ ゥサク ジ クヮ サン ケィ チヨ ク ヒャク 勞 へ キ ケィ 'I 一 ひ も / た た a ん 刀 ( 26 ) 刀 gai ^^^\\ スル, シ 牛リ, ゥ ゴク. From hiife and how. To ィ せ rub or sharpen a knife carefully ; a bil レ hook ; assiduously, diligently ; to remove. soliu ソ Bfl ノリ, ノット ル, ス十 ハチ. From knife and pre- ク M!j cious. A rule ; a pattern ; then, in consequence ; in that case, therefore, next : reason. o 7- Hrt -fe ケ ブル, キリ クタ, ク. From knife and to change. キ勿 To cut the flesh from bones, to scrape off ; to hew off ; to pick or dig out ; reject. sen zen betsu sho han ]catsu 力 生 if キル, タツ, ヮル. Fi'om 人 '"び e and to infuse. To ッ ~^IJ cut ; to gash ; to take off ; to injure ; afflictions. sen セ"^ な 牛ル. From kuifc and to aavance. To cut on ン even ; to intercept ; to shear ; even, regular. セ" マぜ マへ, サ A:, ス、 ム, サ キン ズ. Originally a boat ン fJU ン and to stop above it, then kni.fe was added. In front of ; before, in time or place ; to advance ; formerly. ノヽ十 ルル, ワカ' レ ル, コト ナリ. From knife and besides. To separate ; to leave ; unlike ; besides ; moreover. ノヽ ジメ, モト. From Icnife aucl garment. To begin ; the commencemeut ; at first ; to cut out clothes ; the beginning. ヮ カツ, ヮ カル, コトヮ 'レ, 十 カノ ヾ. From knife and half. To divide in twain ; to judge ; to ]om ; verdict : to decide. ハ ン 判 3 タク、 I 力 ゥ 刻 剛 ホ立 t レ ゥ 口 IJ キ ザム, クレ, キル, イタ マシ. From knife, ana a horary character. To carve ; to cut out ; insult- ing ; oppressive. コ ハシ, ツヨシ, 力 タン. From knife and a hill. Hard ; firm ; stiff ; unyielding ; recently ; just now. ヮル, ヮ カツ, サク' From knife and not. To split in two ; to judge ; to decide ; to lay open. ケ ヅル, ゥ, ヾゥ, カタ 十ノ サャ. From knife and likeness. To cut or mi'e off ; to erase ; to extort from ; debility. ァ ハス, ヮ カツ, ト 、 ノフ. From knife and even. To trim ; to cut even ; to compound ; a dose ; to adjust. ケグ、 クレ. From knife and register. To pare ; to amend ; to expunge ; to reject. カミ ソル. From knife and brother. To shave, to shave the bead. sei zai sail tei た た ど ベ ッ ショ -o 一 ひ SJ ん ft ^ 6 シャゥ サク - ひ ザィ セィ サン ティ 刀 ( 27 刀 トシ, ヨロ シ, 十 メラ 力, ムサ ボル. From sword and harmony, contracted. Sharp ; advantageous ; happy, fortunate, gains, benefit, interest on money. ヮ カツ, サク, ァ. タ ヘル, 力 ギ 、ル. Fi'om knife and to enter. To separate ; to apportion, to share. 牛ズ, ソコ 十フ, ノヽ ジメ, カサ. From sicord and granary. A wound made by a knife ; to cut ; a prop. ノリ, ッ クル, ヲ サム 'レ, タツ. From knife and incomplete, altered. Eule, to regulate ; to hinder ; to pare : to invent. カル, キル. From l:nife and blades of shears: To cut grass, to mow; to kill ; to cut off. ケ ブル, 牛 ザム, 牛, レ. From knife and thousand. To cut, to carve ; to erase ; to hew ; to chop. ォ トス, ノヽ ク', ソコ 十フ, ケ ブル' From knife and to ennrnve. To flav ; to put ; to split ; to degrade ; to extort ; to wane. タツ, 牛ル, コ ロス, カス メ トル. From sicord and nest. To attack ; to cut ; to destroy ; to scatter ; extirpate. サク, キ) レ, クビハ 子ル. From Jcnife and not. To cut crosswise ; to divide. キル, ク ジク. From hiife and to sit. To cut ; to lop oft' corners ; to trim ; to file. テラ, ハ シラ. Fi'om knife and to Jcill, contracted. Buddhist monastery ; pillar, or spire ; a tope covering the ashes of priests. タ ッ, 卫ル. From knife and wily. To cut ; to cut into. ノ、 十 キル. From knife and nose. To cut off the nose ; to torture. サス, シ ルス. From knife &nd joined. To prick ; to stitch iu ; to embroider ; a document ; a con- tract. スル, ケゾル ,十 ゲル, 力 キトル. From knife and tongue. To pare ; to scrape off ; to rub ; to ex- tort ; even off. コ ロス, ッラ ヌル, ソコ 十フ. From knife, a liorary character auii metal. To kill ; a halberd in old times ; to arrange ; to wish another's death. キル タツ. From knife and already. To wound by a sudden cut or stroke, as wlieu a knife slips. ケ ヅル, タツ, キル. From sivord and omen. To cut open ; to cut. -、 ri set kai kan JiaTiu satsu zan hi satsu so katsu riu kai cho ショウ ソゥ フ n J / OO 08 -ひ / 1 刀 力 katsu fjetsu gotsu sho hen キル, ッラノ ヽグ. From knife ana lucky. To brand or tattoo the face, as punishment ; to flay the skin from the face. ァ シ キル. From Icnife and moon. To cut off the feet at the ankles, an ancient punishment. ァ マル, ァ マッサへ, ヤス, ヲ ホシ. From knife ana to viultiphj. An overplus, a residue ; frag- ments, leavings ; what is left ; to retain. ツル ギ、, サシハ サム. From Icnife and all. A two-edged sword, a rapier, a straight sword, a claymore ; a blade, a trusty weapon. 19 力 チカラ, ツトム, ハナ ハダ シ. The original form represented the tendons. Muscular power ; force ; mental energy ; spirit ; effort ; nerve. ィサ ヲシ. From strength and work . Meritorious service ; merit ; work ; virtuous ; achievements. ツトム, ッ トメ, ホコ. From strength and to encourage one. To strive after ; business ; func- tion ; duty ; concerns. ィキ ホヒ, へノ コ. Frorn strength and slilL In- fluence ; authority ; power; strength ; splendour ; circumstances. イサム, タケシ, スコャ 力, ツヨシ. From st)-ong and rising nn. Brave ; courage ; fearless ; daring ; soldierly ; firm, undaiiuted. 二 ハカ, オシ ヒラ ク, ォ コル. From strength and plantx suddenly shooting up. Suddenly ; flurried ; to change color, confused. 子ギ、 ラ フ. From streufith and to come or to order. To attempt ; an ordiuance ; steady ; urgent. ツヨシ, スコャ 力, カタ シ. From strength and streams. Stroug, robust ; violent ; overbearing ; stiff. ノヽ ヤン, チカラ ァ ヮス. From the triplication of stroigth. Swift, fast ; to exhibit strength. ツトム, ノヽゲ ム, ス、 ム. From strength and to oppress. To animate ; to encourage ; to incite ; to exert one's strength. サ ダム ル, カン 力 * ヘル, ト ヒ キノ ヽ メル. Fi'om streufHh an I veru. To compare evidence ; lo investigate ; diligent, able, adequate. カス メト, レ, ゥ パフ, ォ ビヤ カス, イソ 力, ハシ' From stremith and to take away. To take by violence • to rob ; hurried ; au era ; suffering. sei hotsu rai rei rai lean ^ 刖剩 劍 ■ II 力 功務 勢 勇 勃 勑勁 ^^應 勘 劫 カツ ゲッ ショウ ケン リヨ ク n ゥム セィ ィ rr ゥ、 ボッ ライ ケィ ケ フレイ カン ケフ o ん 一り U も た I ひ 1::: -マ ジ 7/ 7t 一 ひ も 力 cinoku チ 3 seki. shaku ka •slid roku m TO kin mo ho koku kai lioku Jcun 勅 ク セ シ キ lyj ャ ク 牛 ャ ゥ 力 シ 加 ク -ft クラ き 簡 ン ク Ml ケ ン ク ク キ ン 3 助 乇"^ ボ 力 ゥ 効 ョ助ク ク 力 ィ: 劾 ク ク tt— Jl ン ひ T* (29 ) 力 ミコト ノリ f 乍 救. From strength and to bind. Imperial orders ; decrees. ィサ ヲシ, ヮ if . From strenrjth aud respomible. Merit ; praiseworthy acts ; conduct worthy of reward. イソ ガワ シ, セ マル カタ チ. From strength saltan'. Zealous, prompt ; unreasouable. and クノ ヽフ, マス, シノ ダ, カサ 竽ル. From strength and mouth. To add ; to advance ; to increase ; more ; to inflict ; impulse. カツ, マサル, ス ダル, タへ タリ. From strength and a phonetic. Adequate to ; to bear, sustain • worthy of; to elevate, to raise ; to win. ォサへ > レ, キ ザム, ホル, タツノ ヾミ. From strength and to hide. To bin" • to bridle • to restrain • engrave ; a bnale ; to force ; to strangle. ッ 1、 ムル, タスク, スく メル, ラシへ. From strenath and a icaterfall. To exhort ; to advise ; to admonish ; to instruct ; to encourage ; to praise. ッカ ル、, ツトム, ィサ ホシ, ノヽ 十ノヽ ダシ. From strength and brilliant, coutracted. To toil ; to trouble one ; grieved ; careworn ; worthy actions. ツトム, +モ ゴロ, ォコ. 十フ. Fi'om strength and tenacious clai/. Laborious ; ailigent at one's DOst ; attentive, kind ; to stir up. タス ケ, タスク, スケ, マス. Fi'om strength and jurthermore. To help, aid ; to succor "; bene- ficial ; strength. ッ ノル, モトム, マチ ク, ョプ. From strength aud do not. To invite ; to enlist ; to circulate ; public invitation. シ ルシ, 十 ラフ'. From strength and to blend. To labor earnestly, especially in the army ; to imitate ; merit ; effects ; proofs. ツトム. From strength and ccq) arranged in two ways. To excite ; to stimulate, to urge to ex- ertion. ヲ サム ル, ツトム, 牛ノヽ メル. From strcnr/th and a horary character. To imlge ; to examine into ; to impeach ; diligent in discharge of duty. ィサヲ ,同 Wi- Fi'om strength and vapor. Meri- torious eliort put forth for one's kiug ; loyal merit ; action. 力 ( 30 ) ゥ to hen me 71 Jill so slid Txun do nu retsu lien futsu hotsu ho hill kid ho shaJiu ho 1)11 ho づ勉 メ ン ク产 P サ 勺 ク ン 、ぬ 勦 セ ク ヌ レま ソカ ケ ン ま 包 甸 ゥ勾 勺 ノヽ ク 牛 勺 ホ ソ ヒ ゥ ク ャ' ク ホ プ 1 セ ゥ ゥ ゴク, ォ コス, ャ ャ乇. From strength and hear v. ^xo excite ; to move ; to stir ; to set ou foot ; mov- able ; restless ; agitated. ッ トム, ノヽ ゲム, フヽゝ メル. From strength and to evade. To lorce one's sell ; constrained ; to urge ; to persuade ; to animate. ツトム, ッカ ノレ、. From strength and a sentence^ as phonetic. Anxious ; labor ; distress ; toil of a severe kind in obedience to duty. ノヽ ヤシ, ィ タヅ カノ ヽシ, トシ. From strength and next. Nimble ; to trouble ; to toil at ; light. ィ サヲ. From strength and vapor. IMeritorious effort put forth for one's king ; loyal merit. ノヽゲ ム, ツトム. From strength and female slave. To exert one's strength ; effort, exertion. ョノ ヽシ, オト スレ, ィ ヤシ. From strength and few. Infirm, weak ; humble, poor ; inadequate ; barely, scarcely ; vile, degraded. ッ カル, ィ タヅ、 力 ノヽ シ. From strength and roll. A bond, a deed, contract ; section ; written evi- dence. 20 勺 ナ カレ, 十シ, クヽ ラフ, カ牛ナ デル. Supposed to rem'escnt a flag witn three vennons. Au adverb of negation ; not, do not, not having. ッ、 ム, 力 ヌル, ノヽラ ゴ' モ リ, ァ ツム ル. From to infold and sdj. To wrap up, to fold up ; to assume ; to undertake ; a wrapper ; bundle. ム手, 卫 ビス. From to infold and to lose. The thorax ; the breast, bosom ; affections ; brawling. 同 fj]. Originally contracted from a sentence. To mark off ; to hook ; to entice ; to exclude ; to reject ; to inveigle. クム, サケ クム ゥッ ノヽ' Flora to wrap, with a dot inside. To dip ; to ladle out with a spoon ; a little • a spoonful ; to follow. ハ ラバ 、イス ル, フス. I^rora to tvrajy and first. To crawl, as an infant ; to lie prostrate ; to strive for. ヒサ rf , チリ モノ. From to envelojye ana gourde contracted. A calabash or bitter squash, anciently use^for clriukiug and making musical intruments ; a garglet shaped vessel. 31) 匚 katsu hai fuJcu hoku in Mil 询 5 匐 i 勾 力 ィ ホ ク 牛 ン コフ, ゥ ケル, モトム, ァ タウ. From to wrap and lost. To ask alms, to beg • to request • to give ♦ a mendicant. ノヽ ラバ、 フ, フス, ノヽ シル. From to n-rap and wide. To fall prostrate ; to crawl on the hands and knees • to relieve others. スク ナシ, ヒ トシ, アマ 早シ. From to infold and two, or to divide. Eaual, even, aiiKe ; a little ♦ to divicie. tea hi ク ハ 七 ヒ Id キ |pj 化. From ladle and man. character next to the above. The same as the カヒ, サジ, ミ ジカキ ツル ギ、. The character delin- eates a spoon. A ladle ; in poorlv printed books used as a sign of repetition. 22 匚 ヒッ, ノ ヽコ, トボ シ, ッ クル. From a receptacle and honorable or dear, a case with arawers or a door ; a press ; a chest ; treasury ; exhausted. ッ ゝム. To wrap, to envelop ; a wrapper ; a bundle. ヲ ホフ. "Fi'am envd oping and man. To incubate, to sit on eggs, as a bird ; to batch. 21 ま北ィ ク ノヽ 北 化ケ シ匙 ヒ 牛タ, ソムク ,ニダ ノレ. Designed to represent two mm back to oack. The north • uortbern ♦ to the north ; northwards ; the capital ; conquered. カノ ヽ ノレ, スくケ タレ. From ladle and man. To alter ; to change ; to transform ; to convert ; to spend ; alteration ; metamorphosis. カヒ, サジ, 力 ギ、. From ladle and to he. a spoon ; a key Avhich in China resembles a spoon. タケ ノカゴ ,ィ T=J ド ル, ァ ラ ズ、. From a receptacle and not. A bamboo square covered basket • ille- gal ; banditti ; no, not so, is not. タクミ. From a receptacle and an ax. A me- chanic ; an artificer ; oue who makes things requiring skill. タ 、ス, ス タフ, タス クル, ィ ヒノ ィレ モノ, From a receptacle ana king. Square box for cooked rice or millet ; right ; to right ; square ; to de- liver ; not upriglit. タラ ヒ. From a receptacle and a dish or also. A Avash-basin ; a dish with partition for dirty water. た .1 o a ワウ 匪 匠 IM 區 b シャゥ キヤウ ィ 一 ひ 一 ひ み も-ひ .t c 80 ko wai ren toku (32) サ ク 力 ク ィ レ ン ク 匝 匣 匿 - ―、 十 メ ダル, アマ 孚シ, 同 rp. From a receptacle and a napkin. To go round, as the heavens. To perform a circuit ; a side ; a row. ノ、 コ, クシゲ . From a case and a scale. A chest • trunk of a small size ; a coffer ; press • a case for books J to inclose. サハ, ミヅメ ダル. From a hox and eddy . A sort of vase or box ; to gurgle ; to deposit a draft ; a letter of credit. 力 ガミパ 'コ, 同驛. From case and all. A case containing a looking-glass. b ッ, ハコ. From a case and to .flow smoothly. A case, or drawer ; a sheath ; a coffin ; a charger or bowl ; a receptacle for books. 23 ku Mu nitsu hen kei ク" T?"^ ma ゥ マチ マチ, サカ ヒ, y 7}f . From to conceal and many sorts inside. A place for storing or conceal- ing ; a hamlet ; to sort ; small ; to assign ; a line of division. タク t:, トモ カラ, ムマ, ァフ. From to conceal and eight. A piece of silk ; a pair, two ; mate ; a husband, or wife ; friend ; to unite. カス シ, イビ ッ. From to conceal and a tahlet. Flat like a plate ; a signboard ; a slice ; a tablet. カク ス, ィ レ モノ receptacle with a lid. tilings. 24 Intended to represent a A case or coffer for storing 匸 ァ シ、, ニゲル, カク ス. From to conceal and if. A big wine jar ; to bide ; clandestine ; to secrete : to elude. 十 ッ ゾ, ト ヲ • From a horizontal and perpendicular line joined. Decimal ; ten. チ チ'. Supposed to be from tm with mati over it. Thousand ; many ; indefinite number ; very, ear- nestly, perfect. ミチし Original form plants bursting forth and. leaning towards tlio south. The south ; to face or go south ; southern ; austral summer. 十 力 ?ヾ, ヮ カツ. rrom to divide and ox. To divide in two ; a half ; a large piece of ; greater part of. シモ ベ, 乇 Ti 乇 , ィ ソカ, ヮシ, 二 ヮ '力 • Originally ten under clothes. Lictors, soldiers ; to stop ; to finish • to die • sudden ; a company. nan ha 11 sotsu 卜ク 々チヤ ク a o 十 千 南 牛 卒 シ フセシ ナン ハン ソッ な 十 ( 33 V hi b 由 ィ ヤシ, t: クシ' From left, contracted, and first '^Y" above. Low, lowly, humbie ; inferior, mean, base, vile. マス, ノボル: ミ ノル, 十ル, ス 、ム. The original form like a peck measure. A measure • a pmi j to accumulate ; to advance ; to ascend. クヽ タチ. A horizontal and two pei'pendiculai, lines joined. Two tens combined making twenty ; a score. ヒロシ, アマ 子シ, 1 、ホス レ. From ten and extend- ed. Extensive ; universal j profound ; to barter • to play ; learued. ムマ, サ カフ, ソ ムク, タ ガフ, マジ ヘル • Noon, 11 to 1 o'clock • horary character. タツ, トヲシ ,タカシ • From early and spoon. To establish ; to make firm ; eminent ; profound. 力 十フ, ャハ ラダ, ック. From ten and strength triplicated. To fold ; to double up ; to drag or pull ; harmony ; respect ; assist. • クサ, 同 弁 • From plants and spouting. A general term for plants and herbs, especially small ones. 25 holxU ボ ク sen セ ン 卜 占 卜 ゥラ ナフ, ゥラ カタ, ァ タヘル. Supposed to re- present the veins in a tortoise shell as the heat develops them. To divine ; to conjecture ; to guess ; divination. クラ ナフ, クカ ガフ, ミル, シム ル. To divine and mouth. To divine bv casting lots ; to encroach ; to wait • divination. sho in haku (JO taJiu kid ki V shohu シ ソ ス 十ジ ヽチ, ック, イマ, ァ タル, タ ダ. From a seal soku ョ (nlJ ク aud a sort of svoon. Now ; immeaiately ! then ; ク near; urgent ; if, to go, with, this, that is, etc. 3 ben so satsu iu ゥラ 力' タ, 力 ケル. From to divine and a baton. Divining marks ; to divine ; to cast future events ; a sign. キ ミチ' 力, ノ り. From to divine and perhaps cover. Hurry, hastv • all • a rule • a law ; perturbed. From to divine and above. A guard -house, a station • a pass ; a barrier. サ 力 ダル. From to divine and a cause. Ancient sacrificial tankard of copper, with cover and bail, containing the fragrant spirits employed iu wor- ship. 26 升 升 博 午 卓 協 卉 ショウ ジゥ ハク ゴ タク ケフ キ -fc た ケ 、 ク ヮ サッ ュ 卞卡 ベ ン サゥ ィゥ 34 hen kan in hi Maliu sholcu soku ran kei kio sJia go kid gu bd shd gaJcu setsu fjcn ケ ク マキ モノ, 力 力' マル, マ ク' From a neal and a ン ズ|1>ハ roll. Boiled XI P • a scroll • a section * a book • ン a chapter ; classifier of books. イ ン 印 キ危 キ ャ ク 却 即 【卵 卿 卸 3 ク ケ ィ ソ ク 午 ャ ク シム ャ ガ 力 卬 ノ;, セ^ グ 力 ク セ ク fjl 1J ketsu ケ ソ ゲ ン : 原 シク レシ, オシ デ. From a check and claws. A seal, to seal j to stamp ♦ an official signet • to print ; a type. アヤ ゥシ, タタ シ. From a limit and a man on top of a ledge. High, dangerous ; hazardous ; sick ; to ruin. シリ ゾク, カヘル, ト ド マル, 同邻. From knot or seal and to go. But, nevertheless, then, there- fore ; really ; to refuse. 同 i| 卩. From sc(il and sort of spoon. BOW, near, immediately. Tbat is タ マ rf. Designed to represent two eggs. Eggs of birds ; testicles of animals ; roes of fishes. 午 ミ, ナン チ タ ッ トフ, ァラノ ヽス. From creden- tials and an object. A noble, a lord ; an official title ; a term ol respect. ォ ス, ヌダ, ホ ドク, ス ツル. From a seal, to stop and noon. To lay aside ; to leave ; to deliver over to ; to unroll. ヮレ, タカシ, ァガ ル, タツ トシ' From a seal and even. Great, Ligh ; I ! strenuous ; to raise the head in expectation. ャマ ヒ , ッ カレ レ, IfSli^. From a seal and an officer. Infirm, poorly ; weary ; troublesome ; in distress. The old form like an open a period of time • east • ゥ, シ ゲル, ヲ カス. door. 5 to 7 a.ni morning • a day ; a term タカシ. From a seal and to call. virtue. ァ ギ、 ト . From a seal and to startle of the mouth. タリ フ. Intended to represent a stamp. Au officer's seal or signet, made of stone, horn, and metal. - 27 High, as in The palate ソ ノ it ホル, ァ パク, ミジ カシ. That one ; to stop that man • to bow the head. From a cliff and short • he, she, ジヽ モト, モト ヅ、 ク, ュノ レス. From cliff and a contracted. Origin ; natural ; really ; a waste : a common ; again. ka aim shi ka sa ten shi ク ハ シ 厄 ァ ク 力!^ サ 項 ン クル シム, キノ フシ, シ、 ナキホ 手. From a c い 力 and seal. 丄 mi:)edecl, cramped, distressed, ill- used. 力 ハヤ, 同 ^IJ. From shelter and ride. A privy ; to cleanse ; a high brink ; edge of a bed. . ィ へ. From shelter and summer. A great house ; a mansion ; a side room ; an out-bouse. イチ ダラ. From shelter and a village. To sub- ject ; to regulate ; to govern ; name of coin ; twins ; a pair. ャブ クレ, ノヽナ ノレ, 同 贿. From shelter and this. Foragers ; servants * confusion, uproar • to cut and slash : to serve. 娃. From shelter and wagon. Man's name ; joyful. , ォク, マ ジノヽ ノレ, ト ィ シ. From shelter and old. r 丄 put away ; to carve • a large stone. 同 窗 From shelter and to stcnid waiting. A place for killing and cooking animals ; a kitchen ; case for books, clothes, crockery, etc. ム マヤ. From shelter and to finish a meal. A stable ; a stall ^vhei'e horses are housed. 28 キホコ サ ン ン ン ム サル, ス ツル, ノ ゾク, ジヽ 十ル. From perverse and great. To leave ; to depart ; to go awav ; past, gone, former. マジノ ヽル, マ 并ル, ァヅ カル, ハ カル, カタ、 ガヒ. From stem'!) Ufjht, contracted, and streambiq liair or heart. To be concerned with • to join ♦ to ad- vise : to mix : three • confused. s7ii bo シ 产 ボ, 力 ダマン ,ウタ クシ. Private ゥ sign 01 a blank to be filled in. selfish : used as a アツ ン, カサ ナル, ォ ホイ ナリ. From sheltei; to say, and son. Thick ; large ; liberal • kind • in- timate • good • well • to esteem. ィ トフ, ァク, ォス, シッ' メル. Fi'om a precipice ana sufficient. Disgust, disdain - to bate • to reject ; tilled, satisfied. アヤ ゥシ, ト イシ, トダ, ノヽ ゲシ. From a cliff and a sting coutracted. A whetstone ♦ to grind ; to rub ; sharp ; violent ; to commence ; to stimu- late. sail rui sati マジノ ヽ ノレ, ミ ッ. The same as above. The same as above. Three ; tbricc ; several times; several. サク 庫厝厨 シャソ チュ 牛ゥ a a T« I ひ も S な, 意 サン サン hail Jo so su shiJni シ ァシ アト, ミス ミノ ホコ. Fi'om nine and perverse. ゥ k spear whose head has three edges like the beech- nut ; foot-prints. 29 叉 牛 ヲ ヨブ, トモ 二, ッラ ヌル, ヒク, イタル. Fi'om ッ hcuid tvn ひ m(n し To effect • to arrive at j up to* and, with, at, to ; about, also ; to connect with. ジ ゥ クル, ィル. From to fall, as ripe fruit, and ュ boat, contracted. To receive • to accept ♦ to contain • to endure j to suffer ; to succeed • inherit. トル, メ ト, レ. From hand and ear. To take ; to bring ; to covet ; to select ; to assume ; to seize. ノヽホ 力 ヘス, カヘル, コ ボス, ソ ムク. From cliff ン V and Jiand. To turn back ; to return • contrary to ; to rebel ; but, on the contrary. トモ, トモ ナフ, ム ツマ シ. From two hands, ]oinea. One of the same mm a • a friend, com- pauion, associate j triendly, heartily ; to blend. ソムク ,ンヽ ナレル, ヮ シル. From hand or to turn and half. To rebel, to resist ; separated from ; to emigrate ; to desert ; brilliant. ッ ィ ヅル, ノ プル, 錄 誘. From hand and I. To arrange in order ; to discourse, chat ; series ; order, rank. ス クサ ムラ, アツ ムル, ムラ ガル. From hufhy, above, and to n at her together oelow. A bushy place ; crowded as shrubs ; collected thickly ; assembled in a crowded manner. ヲチ' ,ス; e ノヲチ % ヲット ノヲト V , u フ. From hand added to an older form of it. Uncle ; to collect, to hoard ; a term of respect ; a squire. シ ォ 牛チ, トシ ヨリ. Fi'om hand under mortar. ュ An old person ; term of respect for an old man ; venerable, sir. サ トシ, アキラ 力, トホ ル. From eye, a holloio , and valley, contracted. Clever, bright, shrewd, astute, discreet, profound. カリ. A surname ; to borrow ; to transfer. マタ, フタ、 ど、, サラ 二. To represent three ' fiiiners of the hand when tortured. Again ; the hand ; farther, more, moreover, still more, and, also, but, while. シ ヲ サム ル, トラ ヘル, 收 俗学. From hand and ,ュ to wrap up. To receive ; to harvest • to bma ; restrain ♦ to involve : to conclude. 一 ふ 力 •I _/ ノ / ,! t IJI 及, 成- キク キ フ 乂 シゥ 取 反 シュ ヘン 友 叛 叙 ハ 、;ン ョ 叔叟叙 叉 M ソ ゥ シ ク ソク ^ ィ 力 イク シ ゥ 叉 (37) P サ叉ミ サ^ ク コマ ヌク, マタブリ, ュビヲ マジ フル. The fin- gers crossing each other. To clasp the hands ; a fork ; to interlace the fingers ; prong ; crossroads. テ アシノ カフ. Representing 7m Us growing on the hand. Claws of animals ; talons of birds ; to scratch, to claw, to grasp. 30 P ko sai go don to han shitsu rei ei 力 シ 可 3 ク ヒ否^ 古 3 サ ィ ゴ ド、 ン ト — A 力 ン ン ソ レ ィ ィ 吐 喊 叱 另 啄 ヨシ, ゥケ ガフ, ュ ルス, mouth and a sign or may, cau, might, could • worthy ; then, if. ッカサ にル. From prince reversed. To control to direct : an office ♦ an officer. V ヅカ ニョ シ. From To be willing ; fit, proper, competent, From month if not ! not ト ヅル, ァシ V , フサ ガル, シ カラ ズ. and not. To deny ; to refuse • not so ; interrogative, whether or not. ' ' ィニシ へ, フク レシ, ヒサ シ, ジヽ ジメ, From mouth and ten. Ancieni • old, antique, former • to grow old ; hoar j accustomed to. 力 十, 力, ノヽ ジメ. From mouth and rooiinded. An exclaiualion of praise ; an interrogative im- plying doubt or conviction. ヮレ, ヮ 力た From mouth and five. I, my ; to impede ; to excuse and delay ; to guard ; to defend ; to resist. ノム, ク ラフ, ァノヽ スル, ケス. From mouth and heaven. To swallow, to gulp ; to absorb ; to seize on and swallow up ; to appropriate ; to grasp. ノヽ ク . From mouth and earth. To vomit ; to dis- gorge ; to spit out ; to open ; to tell all ; to disclose, イサム コ:] クチ ァク, シ カル, 力 マ ビス シ, From mouth and all. To call after ; an angry scream ; the noise of angry and loud calling ; a call ; a cry. ィ カル. シカ ル. Fi'om mouth and seven. To cry out at ; to scold ; to hoot at ; to blurt out ; to angrily order another. ヮ カツ, サク • From mouth and strength. Dwell- ing or living apart ; separate, by itself ; distinct ; another, besides ; to divide in two. ゥ タフ. From moHtlt and Jiowing on. To sing or hum in a drawling time ; to chant or intone the words : a ebaut. な み 一 ひ な も ft も で も •7V ,ふ p ( 38 P シ メス, ァラ ハス, トク, タ イラ 力. From mouth and to fatter. To state to a superior ; to complain to ; a plea, a statement ; to hand in a petition ; to offer ; to show ; to discover. コ トノ ぐノヽ ヤシ. From mouth and inhuman. To talk fast ; a final particle indicating certainty, or having finished. ヨロ コフ, ,タノ シム, ョ ミス. From month and a band of music, doy, delight • glad • that Avhich gives joy ; to rejoice. ヲ サム ノレ, ゥク タレ, ッ カサド ノレ • From a record ana oiie. An officer, magistrate, executive, subordinate or secretary in office ; to rule. タツ 1、 シ, キミ, カミ, タ ダス • From month and director. One who is honored ; a sovereign ; hon- orable ; after the name, answers to gentleman ; to rule. ヨブ, メス • From month and knife . To call by words ; to summon, to cite ; to invoke. ゥ タフ, ァニ. From able repeated. An elder brother • a term of respect, also of sneering. タスク, ミギ、 ,力 ミ, タツ トフ' From mouth and hand. The right band ; to aid, support ; high, noble ; violent. - ヨシ, カガ, サイ ス ヽヒ. From viouth and scliolar. Fortunate* felicitous ; good * prosperous • elegant • advantageous. ヲホ ヒナ リ, 十 ガシ, カタ シ. From old and to borroio. Great • I'elicitv, prosperity • propitious' • distant ; stable. ヨシ, ョ ミス, ホム, レ, ョ!^ コ フ,. From to add and (I hand of music. Good, excellent, happy ; to please, to rejoice iu ; to praise. タ シム, コ ノム. From viouth and old mem. To relish, as good living ; to delight in ; to indulge in • greedy • sensual. モノ シル, サ トシ, アキラ 力. From mouth and to snav. Wise, sage ; to know mtuitivelv ; ais- cerning • versed in, fully aware of. サ、 ャク, 力 マ ビス シ. From viouth and near. A twittering sound ; murmuring, humming sound ; to speak low. ァチ, ノヽ ヒ, ァ チリ ヽフ. From mouth and not yet. Taste, flavor, smell ; relish, seasoning ; dainty ; to relish. フク ィ牛, ュ, レ牛 ィキ. From mouth and empty. To blow with the breath ; to breathe softly ; respiration ; to commend ; to puff. tei ratsu I in o tsu chi ka ha shi tetsu iri hi mi kio シ セゥ ゥキチ 二、、、 呈 喇 喜 吏 君 召哥 右吉 嘏 嘉 晴哲呢 味 嘘 ティ ラッキ リ クン テゥ カイ ゥキッ 力 力 シ テツ f マ t- キヨ -ft S も CCQ ん fswffcric (39) P ヨス ル, アツ ラ ヘル, ッ ケル. From mouth and heloiiffinrr to. To bia ; to order ; to engage or ask another to do ; to enjoin, ィ十、 ダ, ムセ ブ, ィ パ、 31 ル. From mouth and tJiis. The neigliiug oi a norse ; a hoarse, crashing, clashing, clattering noise. 方 ム . From mouth and teeth. To gnaw ; to craunch ; to seize with the teeth. ォ フシ, カラス 十クコ ぶ, ヮ ラフ. From mouth and second. Dumb ; to keep silent ; confused noise of crows, or boys studying. フク 口. From a sachel and to praise. A bag, a sack ; a purse ; salary, property ; to put in a bag. ク ラフ, モノ ハミ, フ クム. From mouth and be- ginning. To feed an infant with a spoon ; to give ; to eat as birds do ; to chew ; a mouthful. クチ ビル, ヲ ド、 1^ ク. From month and hour. The lips ; to frighten. ホガラ 力, クチ ァク, ォホ ヒ十ル クチ • From viouth and tooth, lib gape or open the mouth ; a gaping hi Je ; a final particle finishing the sense. ナム ル, ク ラフ. From mouth and great. To lick ; to eat ; to apply the tongue to anything. ヲソ クレ. From mouth and high. To be afraid ; to fear, to dread. 同 p 藝. From mouth and belonging to. To order, or to engage, タ 、 ク. T> ッ, ジヽ 十ッ. From mouth and a seal. To tap ; to ask ; to strike lightly ; humbly ; re- spectfully ; to bow low. ク チノぐ シ. From mouth and to bristle up, A bird's bill ; the lips ; a beak, a snout, a mouth ; to wrangle. ォ F 、口 ク, ッ、 シム, ォゴ' ソ 力. From mouth re- peated and king. A grave and serious manner ; startling, awe-struck. - 十ク, カナシ ム, ヲ ソル, ィ タム. From mouth ami to promu Jge. Crvmg of mtants ; a holy man ; of stern virtue ; to fear. ヮ ラフ, アサ ,ヮ ラウ. From mouth and west. To smile Avitli a slight contempt ; a sneering smile ; to look pleased. ィ カル, ィヒフ セダ, ヮ ラフ: From month and iUustrious, as the phonetic. Anger ; angry tones ; to threaten ; to alarm ; a superlative. ホ ュル, 十ク, トラ ノィ カルコ :11. From month and Jtole. The cries of animals, as cattle and feline beasts ; the voice of anger. p (め p From mouth and which. A final particle denot- ting certainty ; an interjection ; an interrogative. ァ、, 十 ゲク, オトぐ ロク, ウタ ガフ: :! ト パ、. From mouth and the breath going out. An interjection like, ugh ! dislike ; also of grief ; alas ! ィキ フク. From mouth and shoe. To expel the breath. 力 マ ビス シ, シ カル. From mouth and a general name iov plants. A loud noise. サ トシ, ァ牛ラ 力, モノ シル. From two mouths and two scholars. Wise sage • to know in- tuitively, versed in. クチ ヮキ. From mouth and ear. The sides of the mouth ; the space between the mouth and the ear8 ; to turn the head. へッ ラフ コ: a, タノ ヽシ キコ :!! ,ハク. From mouth and a gem. Wanton ; enticing sounds ; to coax ; sobbing, whining ; lascivious music. ィ カル, ョ パ、 ハ ル, 弁 ノコ クオ ド クコ: e. From vioutli ana filial. To howi ; to bellow ; to roar ; angry ; pant ; gasp ; to breathe hard. ョ フ、、 , サ ケ プ、. From 7/1011 t/i and to pick. To call to ; to cry out ; cries or voices of animals, or birds ; to coxnmaud. タノ シム, ホム ルコ: e, 了ゝ. From mouth and joy. An interjection expressing joy and indigna- tion ; to laugli ; pleased ; delighted. . セ ムル, ィキ フク, ィ カル. From month and can. To expel the breath ; to scokl ; to get angry ; to please. ナク, サへッ ぐル, ョ クぐハ ル, ァラ ソフ. From month and to blame. To cry and bawl ; to quar- rel ; meddlesome ; to praise ; an uproar. マジ ナヒ ノコ トノ ヾ. From mouth and earth, A charm, a spell, enchantment. タ ガフ, モト クレ, ィ 十. From vioHth and do not. To oppose ; to refuse ; to object ; contrary to. ァザケ クレ, From mo lit] I and morning. To ridi- cule, to jest upon, to laugli aud joke with ; sailing. ノ ヽク, ィキ フク, ィ サフ. From mouth and to (idoni or (ば cat. To spurt, to expel the oreath forcibly ; to snort, to hoot ; a puff, as of steam. ッ イクぐ ム, ッ 、 ク, タ、 ク. From 7/io〃〃i and a j)//7. To peck, as a fowl ; a bird picking up food ; to plume. ク ラフ, ス、 ル, 十 ムル, モノ ィヒす ホシ. From viouth and to connect. To dnuk with a noise ; to taste ; to sip, to suck ; to kiss. da na ku ha katsu satsu tetsu 31 u i ta futsu hitsti chid hon taku toku tetsu setsu ダ哪ナ ク吁 ⑩ テ士士 ッ p pj T 哇; 裤 1 寫ィ カ呵 サ n おセ ク 午 〜地 弗ッ テ11 ぉセ .1 -I -0 s> た a も, ft tft i ^ ^ ト ク テゥ ホン タク p (") 口 hai bet nan ha ha to rets It tei chi kid batsu ki tetsu i tai kakii a cho ho ren so ィ ヌホュ ノレ, 十ク. Fi'om month and dog. The bark of a dog ; to bark, to yelp, to bowl, as canine animals , ッ クぐメ ノコ: e ,コト パ、 ォホ シ, 十 ムル. From wouf/ 之 aucl soittlt. Incessant talking ; gabble. クチ ヒロキ カタ チ, ォサナ ゴァラ ソフ. From hand and to adltere. Large mouthed. カタ シ, ッヒ 二, ベ カラ ズ. From can, reversed. Insufrerable ; do not, may or can not ; ought not ; then, forthwith, ミ ダリ, ムサホ っレ, ノヽヅ 、力 シメ. From mouth and icnife. The desire for food ; to long for ; aadictea to ; to feel grateful for ; ashamed. ^ V =f p , ァ ッ ラ ヘル, From mouth and nail. To enjoin on one. トリ ノコ: From mouth and coiiijyare. The cry of a bird. サ へ ヽヽ, メレ. From7Houi/i andarra??/7 ムセ プ、, ムセ tf 十ク, フサ ガ ル. From mouth and ャ to alter. A stoppage in the throat ; an imped ト ゥ ment in talking ; a rising gorge. タケ, 八" ■ ^也 • From only and a cub ft. The foot measure of the Chin dynasty, which was as long as a woman's forearm, nearly the same as English ; eight inches. 古 某 字- From mouth and tree. I, any one, a certain persou. ク ラフ, ムサ ボル. From month and to dare. To eat, to chew, to masticate ; to entice ; to lure ; a bite, a morsel ; a bait, a swallow, wild, unfounded. ラ 力 マ ビス シ, 十ク, ヲゴル ,ァザ ムク. From inoxith ゥ and to fli] high. The screaming of a cock, as when he is caught ; boasting, bragging ; bombast ; alarmed. アキラ 力- ^メタ, ヒヒ、 キ十ク • From mouth and kindled ivood. A clear note, as of a bird at night ; the wailing cry of pain. ァ 二,、 1、 リノ:: I L From mouth and a knot. An ク uneven unnatural tone of voice ; to chirp, as birds ; to cackle ; to hiccough. p (43) P コトノ~^ォホシ, タノ シム. From mouth and age. Loquacious, garrulous ; unceasing talk. ィ カル, フック ム, シ カル. Fi'oru mouth and true. To get angry ; to rail at ; passionate ; scolding. タ シム, cf- . From mouth and to like, con- tracted. To relish ; to take pleasure in ; to desire ; to lust after, " コ: E, 力 マ ビス シ, ト 十へ >レ. From mouth and comparuj. Noise, clamor, as of birds ; a confused din, as of a crowd. コ タヘル. From month and below. To answer. キル. From 7"o"〃i and knife. To cut the flesh from the bones. - コ ラ、' :it, コ卫ヒ クシ. From mouth and besom. A slii'ill sound ; soft, low, melodious voice ; quick sound. 同 上. The same as above. ゥ タフ, ョ ;> ぐ' ヽル. From month and to come. A sound in singing ; to call with a loud voice. ャ ハラ ダ, ト リ 十 ク コ :]^, カゼ トシ. From mouth ana all. ]\ 丄 elody ; harmouv of birds ; the sough- ing of the wind. ヮ メク, ョ フ', シ カル. From mouth and to roar. To menace, to howl at ; to hoot. 、 ゥ .ソ プ ク • From mouth and to venerate. A whistling, hissing sound ; to scream ; to sigh ; to groan. ' クチ, ホ トリ, ァ十, 乇 ラス. Designed to represent the moutn. Tlie mouth ; that from which words proceed, and food enters ; an entrance ; agate iu a wall ; entrance of a street, etc. トフ, トフ' ラフ, ヲ クル. Fi'om month and door. To ask, to inquire ; a command ; to give ; to exact of ; a question. ォ ナジ, トモ 二, アツ マル, ャ ワラタ, サカ. ツキ. From jiionth and a covering. Same, like, together ; to assemble ; to harmonize ; and, with, common. 'From mouth and a village. An adverbial particle ; denoting excessively, unreasonably. ゥ ッヮモ ノ, ハ タラキ. From four mouths and a dog guarding them. A vessel, a dish ; a tool ; ability ; meritorious. 同 器. The same as above. ei setsu shin slii so ?t"(7 ka kei kei rai ka.i ho bun mon to ri ki 啦 噴标 嘈 百 n 刀 導 睞喈 擰嘯 き 口 問 同哩器 im >1 イシン シ ソゥ ワウ ク ワケィ ケィ ライ カイ n セゥ n ゥ プン トウ リ キ 一 ひ .J^ 力 み I ひ U hn た P ( 44 ) P KoTiU shi zen zen tan zen ク: K シロ 1 ゼ ン i 單 ま ナク, サケ プ、, From two moutlis and a dog. The noise of grief, or pain ; to wail ; to cry ; to weep bitterly. ッ ダ, カサ 手ル. From mouth, records and office. To connect, as a family ; to mnerit ; heirs, pos- terity, till, then. 力 ム . From mouth and to advance. A chewiug ai3pearance. 同 上. The same as the above. ヒト へ, b トリ, ッ クス, コトゴ トク. From two MO uths and (hist-pan. Single, alone, iso 丄 atea ; exhausted ; all ; only, but, nothing but. Id go ken キ n 田 喟 Z3 鴻 * 十 ゲク, タメ ィキ. From mouth and stomach. To breathe lieavily ; to lament and groau. 力 マ ビス シ, 3^ 國各. From mouth and (jreat altered. To talk loud, to bawl ; to brag, to put oil airs. 力 マ ビス シ, サ ケブ. From viouth and to pro- ■mulf/e. Clamor, noise ; to vociferate. In Korea, the incessant crying of children. 十 ムル, カツ ァ, マツリ, コ 、 ミ ル, ムカシ • From will and to manifest. To taste, test ; to deliberate ; usually, formerly ; ever. ヒ ラク, マ ヲス, ヮ カツ. From month, door and to rap. To open; to make clear; to talk ; to divide ; to instruct ; to report. ノヽ カル, ァ A: ナフ, ッ 手. To consult ; to weigh ; to trade ; merchant ; usual ; common, ordinary. ノヽ ヤス, ウタ, 力 マ ビス シ. From mouth and net. A note or refrain ia singiug ; prattle of cinidren ; annoying, vexing. ァクビ ,ァ、 ,ナ ゲク, ィ タム. From month and intention. A tone of indignation, surprise or pain ; moaning ; alas ; to belch. ノヽ シル. From mouth and horse. To berate ; to scold ; blaspheme. 十 ゲク. From month or to breathe and a kind of bird. A drawl, a sigli ; to moan ; to pvaise. モロ コシ, カラ, ォホ イナ リ, rVora mouth and to alter. Boasting ; talking ; exaggeration ; China. ト 十へ; レ, ィサ, 十フ. From mouth and elegant. To lead, as in singing ; to go before ; to crow ; master of ceremonies. ヲシム ,ィ ヤシ. From month and letters. Stingy ; covetous, parsimonious ; ashamed ; regretting. 嘗 シャゥ 唐唱 吝 タウ シャゥ リン -ひ お p (45) P yen in in an i ta gen gan shu ketsu Oen slti tei katsu ai sal shi gcii 力 ズ, マ 、ミカ. From mouth and pearh ox precious, A classifier of officers and round, things ; round ; to circulate ; to be of use to. ヲ n 力, ヒス カシ, モノ ィフ. From four mouths and officer. Ignorant, stupid ; to sav things unworthy of belief. ヲフ シ, 十 キム セ フ', チク. From mouth and sound. Dumb, from griei or accident ; sobbing and wailing of infants. ヲ ソ ル. From mouth and to dread. To fear, to dread. ィ カル, ィサフ ,シ タウ チスル ,ヲ シム同 t^L. From mouth ami to dwell. To vociferate ; to sputter ; talk thick ; to grind the teeth in auger ; to grumble ; to pity. トフ ラフ, トフ. From mouth and elegant. To moan with one for the loss of one's country ; to condole with the miserable. ノロ フ, ノット, ィ ノル, マ ツル, マジ ナヒ. From mouth and elder brother. To curse : incantation ; a litany ; a charm. 力 マ ビス シ, トキ ノコ: K, ヮ メタ, シ カル. From mouth and ah. To intimidate ; to deceive ; to tempt ; the bum of a crowd. カム, ク ラフ. Fi'oin mouth and cut info. To gnaw ; to craunch ; to seize with the teeth. トフ ラフ, トフ. From month and icords. To moan ; to condole "with the miserable. ツマ ビラ 力, タダ, ヲ ホシ, アキラ 力. From mouth and ruler. Only ; great ; clear, bright. シ カル, ィ サフ, ィ カル, イノぐ へ ノレ. From mouth and iclui. To call out aloud ; to grunt at ; to reprimand ; to sip. 十ク, サケ フ,. From mouth and ruler. To howl and. bewail ; to lament ; to cry ; to coo and call. ク ラフ, カム, クヒッ 'タス. From mouth and extremelu. To lap ; to taste, to sip ; to suck ; to eat ; to gnaw at. シ ゝ ll^fj 也. From mouth and with. A lion. ホ、: ji ム, スノ ヽフ, キ. From mouth or breatJi, a horary character. To cough, to hack from irrita- tion iu the throat ; to bawl. タノ ヽシキ コ:: c, > リ ノ コ: カ十シ ムコ: li. From mouth aud to join. Wailing ; tones of suffering ; to set the teeth, as in pain. From mouth and to effect. To make a clamor ; to cry out ; to scold ; to bluster. イン アン ガン 牛ャゥ ティ アイ ケゥ 員 爵 喑喂 彦呪 哄嗨嚼 啻^ 啼嘬 啦咳 咬 1^ ン ギン イン ィ タ 、ゲン シゥ n ゥ ケッ ゲン シ カツ ティ サイ シ ガイ カウ p (46' n yen shi o kd Qo kio so dotsu ho rei retsii kaku halm sen hit sit 人 a kd ェ n[X] ノン ド, ッヅミ ノオト, ノム, ムセ ブ. From mouth and became. The throat ; to swallow down • to gulp. , S^nfjJJr ラフ 或ィぉ 3^. From mcmth and to shelter. To ゆ Jtj2 disrelish food. T 十ク, サへッ 'ル, ナル' ; From mouth and infant. ゥ ^2;^ The melody of many birds calling ; to ring. コ 力, 力 マ ビス シ, ャ マノ クボ. From four months ゥ r"3* ゥ arourul a head. To vociferate, to .scold, to rail at ; contentious ; a long-armed ape. ケ nil* ョ プ, サ ケ プ, コ エト ホシ. From mouth and ゥ twinina. To call to, or upon ; voices of birds : to induce ; by, with. サノ ヽク, ムラ カリ 十ク. From month and birds singing. The cbirpiug and singing of many birds ; the hum of men. ヲ ソシ, ニプ、 シ. From mouth and inside. To speak cautiously ; sparing of words ; to stam- mer ; not to promise hastily. タナ If ク, ノ 、 シ クレ. From mouth and scale. To spread abroad in the air, as clouds ; to blaspheme. モ F 、ル, ッ スレノ ナクコ Ji. From mouth and ver- verse. To return ; the cry of a heron. ナク. From mouth and skin. The cry applied to a pheasant. ス ノヽ プ、 キ, From month and guest. The noise of coughing ; to retell ; to cough. ス ダク, ァ 丄ク. From mouth and origin. To pant ; to breathe quick and short, as in asthma ; the breath ; the life. コ ィ プル. From mouth and to finish. To make a noise. 力 マ ビス シ, 同 0. From mouth and floicers. Clamor ; noise ; noise of a crcnvd ; dinsome. ノ 1 さ プ: It, ノ ム. From mouth and the vertebra of the neck. The gullet of a bird ; the throat ; to gulp clown. コ: li タカシ. From month and high. A high voice ; a severe appearance, ^^--zfu, アツ ラ ヘル. From mouth and rest. To order ; to enjoin upon one ; to reiterate orders. ナク. From and to huy. The bleating of slieep. ノ ンド, ノム. From mouth and swallow. Throat ; to swallow down ; to gulp. ヒ ソム, ヮ ラフ. From mouth and urgent. To knit the brows ; to grin ; to simper. / / / ^ ん rto^ 7 噪 ^ 岬 唳寧喀 5 而 嘩準吭 嚆嚀 IB 燕噸 サゥ \L 'プ カウ レイ カク カク セシ ヒ ックハ カウ カク ディ パ イエ; -.13 ン P "7 ) 口 Clio shin atsu an hatsu rid sJii go so sa moku boTiu ton Icaku shin ran totsu tatsu タ ソ 咄 咏 吵; 一 »^ 狡 ィ サフ, カタル, ッ ノぐキ ノヽ ク • From mouth and to fjo out. To speak to one another; to talk; ex- clamation of surprise or joking. From mouth and ice. To sing, to hum iu a drawling tone ; to chant. キジ ナク. From mouth and few. A clamor, an uproar, a hubbub ; to wrangle, to guard, to disturb. カナシ ム, ァノヽ レム. From mouth and clothes. To grieve for, to compasionate ; to sympathize ; sorrow, distressing, sad ; pity. - トム ラフ, 同 吊. From mouth and napkin. To condole ; to wail ; to suspend ; to demand. *^?ナル. From vioiitli and to extend^ or speak. To groan ; to lament ; to read in a chanting Avay. =j トノヾ に モル, サ、 ャク. From month and peace. To whisper ; to speak in a low voice ; impediment in speaking. ナ ク. From month and to divide. The noise of a bird ; the noise of a cockatoo, or some kiud of parrot. サク リナ 牛 同 From month and clea7\ The incessant crying of infants ; to weep without a noise. y ラ フ, ァザ ケル, From mouth and a icorm. Laughter ; to laugh heartily ; to laugh at. ナク, 力 マ ビス シ. From mouth and to ramble. A loud wailing ; a mournful clamor of hungry beggars ; noise of waters. ッ カフ, ク ノヽシ ムス レ. From mouth and kindred. To spur on a dog ; to attack ; to incite ; to stir. モ ダス. From month and black. Dark, cloudy, still, retired ; internal. From mouth and solid. To swallow down ; to gobble, as a bird. シ シ t rj ホ ^nn ン 雜 ホ トコ ス. From mouth and parents. To donate, especially to Buddhist priests for religious pur- poses. IfB 言 也- From mouth and a door screen. Un- intelligible talk ; gabble. ヲゴソ 力, キビ シ, ッ、 シム, ヲ 1 さス. From two mouths and a rock, as phonetic. Severe, stern, rigorous ; reserved ; majestic. シナ, タダ ヒ, シナ^ 十, ヒ トシ. From three mouths. Articles ; rank, order, series ; conduct. サ へ ヅ、 ル, コ プ, b ビキ. From mouth and taming. Warbling voice, liKe a bird ; delicate modulations ; a tone, a note. へ ゥ アイ ひ s ふ アン サ、 ポク クハ 吊 呻 唆 卿 曉 嗤嗷 嗾 曛 敦 テゥ シン アツ ハツ リャ ゥシ ガウ ソゥ 乇ク トン n れ?: e I ラ ン ゲ ン P (48) 口 も ひ ク $「f ヮ 力 ナフ, マジ ヘル, 力 テル, ヤノ ヽ ラダ, ノド、 力. 7ca ノヽ From mouth ana grain. Harmouv, union ; agree- ment : to become mild. sen zen kaku so fjatsu iu shu sM セ ン 力 ク ビ ン 各 サ が ウレ CJ フ コ呼 力 人 ガ ッ 1 き シ 1 王 t クノ シ史 ヨシ, ョ ミス クレ, ヲホヒ チリ. Originally sheep between words repeated. Good, virtuous ; good- ness ; wise ; meek ; to admire, to praise. ヲノ ヲノ. From mouth and to follow. Each, every ; all, wlierever ; various ; separate, apart. ス、 ル, クチ サシッ ダフ. From vioutJi and united* A sip ; to taste ; to take a swallow. =r フ、、, サケ ブ, ナゲク • From month and the breath going forth. To call ; to speak ; to invoke ; to address, ァ ヮスル ,タク' ヒ, ヲ十ジ • From month and to assemble, contracted. To join ; to shut ; to fold ; to pair ; to agree, to harmonize, to suit ; to answer. タトへ, サ トス • From mouth and to assent. To explain, to instruct ; to illustrate ; to declare. アマ 手シ, メク クル, ソ ナノ ヽル. From month and to use. To go round ; to extend eyerywliere ; to complete ; enough ; secret ; open. フ ビト, フミ, From hand grasping middle of a subject. A narrator of events ; history ; a register ; chronicles, annals, acts. シ nH カム. From mouth and moreover. To suck ; to ョ ' iL. get the taste of by biting or sucking. ァ ィ ナ ゲク. From VI oath and village. A short or フ ^^巴 フ interrupted breathing ; a catching of the breath. クチ アツ マル, ト ナフ, ヨブ, From mouth and inoukey. The motion of a fish's mouth when breathing ; gasping, as a fish. イラへ. From mouth and dried plants. Respect- ful language, a word use in replying to superiors. ミコト ノリ, イノ チ, メス, 十 ヅク. From mouth ana order. To order, to command ; a decree ; living creatures. ナ, ナツ"^ ク クレ, ィサ ホシ. From mouth and even- tug. Name ; that which designates a person or thing ; title ; famous. ッ ダル, マ ヲス, シ メス. From inoxitli and ox. To announce to a superior ; to tell oi ; to inform. ム カウ, キタ マト, ヲモ ムク, サキ 二' From month and cove}\ contracted. A window ; an aperture ; towards, facing opposite; to face ; hitherto. mei mid met mid シ ャ サ右 ケゥ ニヤ fit -ひ ^.m 7A ) s シャゥ キヤウ -" I ひ -fr た ミヤ ゥ ミ ャ n ク 命名 吿 メイ メイ カウ ( 49 、 p キミ, キサキ', ノチ, ヲ クル From o?ie, mouth and shelter. A ruler, a sovereign ; a queen ; a mince ; after, behind. フク, 力- ビ, フエ, フ Je: フク. From mouth and to gope. To blow, as by breath or wind ; wind ; to puff ; to breathe ; a puff. ヒ トリ, タダ. From mouth and bird. To answer smartly ; to echo, as in replying ; an answer. スフ, ノム. From mouth and up to. To draw in the breath, to inhale ; to imbibe ; to suck in. タ ダ. Represents the mouth with the breath issuing. But, however, yet, merely ; only ; but just ; just then. From mouth and law. Used only phonetically. タノ ヽレ ゴ': it, 力 マ ビス シ. From mouth and heaven above. To swallow ; to gulp ; to seize on ; all in one ; to grasp. カム, ク ラフ, オヨ プ, ゥ レフ. From month and to divine. To eat, to gnaw ; great grief ; to snap at, as a dog. V サっヽ ヒ, トガ, ァ シ、, アヤ マチ. From eacJi and man. A fault, a defect ; an error ; wicked acts ; criminal ; to blame. , ウル, ッダ ナフ. From mouth and short-tailed bird. To sell ; to dispose of; to trade ; to pay back ; to recompense. コ :]^. From month and advantage as phonetic. Sound, noise ; a final vowel in Buddhist's books indicating the end of a thing ; talkative. クチ ヮキ. From moatJt and do not. The corners of the mouth ; the lips ; speech, talk. チ ゲク, ァ、, ィ タム, From mouth and a crow. An exclamation of regret ; a sigh, a groan ; ah ! 十 ゲク, ァ、, ィ タム, ヲシム • From month and to differ. To sigh, to lament ; an interjection oi regret or sorrow. From lumith and to let do2im. To hold in the mouth ; to clasp ; to receive as an order. ッノ \ キ. From mo nth and to drop. To spit ; saliva ; to do a thing easily. カギ、 リ, カガ マル, ト 1 さ マル, マ フス, キシノ 力 1 さ. From mouth ana to icraj). A stop m reading ; a period, complete sentence ; an expression ; a classifier. マガ, レ, コ タヘル, ケ シカケ クレ. From 7110 nth and to walk slowly. The prattle of children ; to in- cite ; to importune. pn 吹 唯 吸 只 被 呑 咎 售 辆 吻鳴嗟 御 唾 句 咬 n ウス イイ キ フシ ハ ァゥゼ ィキゥ シゥリ フン ヲ サ ダク サ 一 ひ 2 •1 み •ft 一 ひ I" 力: a d .ft た a p ( 50) P sJw gin sJioku haku raJcu ai kid hai lion shi hi ba か kitsu ho gan ho kid ho tan to teki ま シ虛 ョ ク 咯 力 ク T ィ キ乡輕 ャ Ji5J ク ク ハ ィ 啡 ン ヒ 次 口 咪ハ フ咐 吃 牛 ジ ハ ゥ ガ ク ケ ラ タ ン タ 勺 P 包 啖 哄 テ キ カム, トリ ノコ:]^, コ: シジ マ, レ. From mouth ana to scorch. To cliew ; the voice of birds ! a contraction of the voice. 1 ミ モル, 十 ゲク. From month and now. i to intone ; to read fast, as when half a sigh ; to moan. ゥ タフ, To hum singing ; ヲ シム, ム サボ スレ. From granary and to come, both contracted. The harvest which shonlJ not be wasted ; to amass ; to accumulate ; to begrudge ; mean. キ S OS .s.ri もも OJ 土 (55) 土 iki o atsu ten fun ヌ ni heki 方珂 ^域 ゲ ク テ ン フ ン ± 貴 ジ柅 キ ヲチ クホ" "ミ- From earth and able. Uneven, rough. サ カヒ, カギ、 リ, クニ, ノヽ カノぐ. From earth and pertuim. A iroutier ; a oorder ; region ; country ; a state ; a nation ; the world ; the universe. ァ ォス, ォ ホフ, シ ゾム, フサ ダ. From earth and ッ dislike. To press down ; to steady ; to settle ; to suppose ; to humble ; to subject. タカシ, ト ホシ. Fi'om the triplication of earth, on a stand. High, eminent • a celebrated Emperor in China, B. C. 2156. * シ ヅム, ミツル, ヒサ シ, ッ ッぐミ ノコ: . From £arth and true. To add, to till up, to malce up ; to pay a debt ; entirely, completely. ッカ, ッ ゝ ミ, ォ ホイ 十リ. From earth and stremtoiis. A grave, a tomb ; an embankment ; rich soil • great. |f o , ヒ チリ =1. From earth and nun. Mud, slush, to daub with mud ; dirty. 力 牛, 力べ, ソコ. From earth and ruler. A partition Avail ; a wall of a house ; a screen • an obstruction or defense ; a ridge. モト ヒ. From earth and to stop. the limits of a lot • fuudaiiiental カキ. From earth and frugal. mud, stone, or brick ♦ a defence. A foundation • one's country. A wall built of ゴ ン トコ T3, ヲカ, フク レア ト, フル ジロ, ッ 力. From earth and empt}/. A mount • ola burial wastes ; a deep gorge ; a neglected spot, a fortress ; a wild. ヒメ ガ牛. From earth and a slip. A battlement on a wall like a parapet ; to surround with a parapet or breastwork. タニ, ミゾ, ホリ, ム 十シ. From earth, valley and put on. The bed of a torrent ; a ditch ; a Dit ; a pond ; a valley ; a conduit. 并 セキ. From earth and to reach to. A dam ; to make a lock or dam on a canal. ミ ギ、 リ, ニノ ヽ. From earth and alL Slips, especially those leading up to the gate ; ascent to a hall ; a grade, degree, rank ; garden. シラ 力べ. From earth and second. "Whitewash ; plaster ; to plaster ; washed clay used for porcelain. キシ, 力 ギリ, サ カヒ, ホ トリ- From earth and limit. A bauk ; a boundary ; a limit. タ マ, JE ひ》 ゾ/i repeated. A precious stone ; a small stone scepter anciently given to nobles as a sign of rank. 址墦 墟 碟 壑. 埭堦 堊根圭 シ シャゥ キヨ テゥ 、ガク タイ カイ ァク、 ギン ケィ •I - ひ -ひ ^ i .U § W m A / ft な I な z / o s s rfi c fli ^ / タん 土 56 土 ィ 力、、 タ. Fi'om earth and low. a mould of earth or sand; to moid ; to serve as an example ; a statute, law. ヌル, 力べ, カキ, 力 ワラ シ タデ. From earth and not. A mound ; unburnt bricks ; to stop or fill up ; to add to. 力 牛. From earth and this. A low wall; to obstruct ; to guard against ; to close up ; tranquil. ャ セチ. From earth and eminent. Stony or arid soil ; poor, gravelly land ; upland ; dry fields, ミ ゾ, ホ 9 - From earth and to cut. The moats or fosse around a town ; a ditch to lead water in irrigation ; to dig out. ゥ、, レ, ヮザ, ィキヲ ヒ • From clod and to grasp. Aptitude, skill, art, ability ; to discriminate ; ex- pert. 、 カタ チック ル, ス: e 乇 ノック リ. IVom earth and sun pie. To moia tilings in clay ; to mold into shape ; to make a statue ; modeled. 十 ダラ 力, コテ. From eiivth and vapor. To cover walls with plaster ; to stucco ; to adorn walls ; a anason's trowel. フサ ダ, ッ チヤ マ. From earth and to dike. To raise an eartli-work to restrain water ; to close ; to turn a water's course. 二 ヌル, ニノ、. From earth and rhinoceros. A porch ; a court in front of a hall ; vestibule. From ea rth and not. A mount! ; unburn t brick, crude material ; to fill up ; to close. ツチ ャマ. フサ ダ. From earth and ivpst. To raise an eartli-work to restrain water ; to close ; to turn a water course. ァ リツ 力, 十 力 ダカ. From earth and extreme. A nigh hillock. 乇 トヒ. From earth and stone. Foundation ' base of a walL タイ ラカ, マツ リノ トコ 口' From earth and sincere. An open altar to offer sacrifices ; an altar before a shrine ; an arena ; to worship. タカ ドノ, カタ チヅ、 ク リ • From earth and honor- (ihU\ A hull; a teuiple, a mansion, a court ; ]ii^^h ; honorable ; the piincipal. サ カヒ. From earth and end as phonetic. A limit, a boundary ; abode, region ; state, condition. to ho zen kei sei so in chi hi in shii tetsu setci shakii tan to 'I I ひ rJC も れ .t 一 ひ み rft キヤウ セィ 、ンュ シャク キ. r4 , ^ 堙 墀 1^ ー垔 淫« ® 壇 堂 境 クイ "ィ ト カ,^士、.> クイ ソ ヲ ィ A チ ヒ イシ テツ セキ タシ タウ ケィ 土 (57) 土 bo mu slid ken kat jin tan to rut rat boku moku ho bo cho mat bai s5 bai ッカ, スヽ 力. From earth and do not. The ground the filial heart loves to think of ; a grave ; a tomb, a sepulclier. ruj^ ツチ, サ カヒ, コ ヤシ. From earth and to effect. Soft; loamy, rich earth ; a region ; produc- tions ; good ; a hillock. カタ シ, コ, ヽシ. From earth and virtuous, con- tracted. Stable, immovable, firm, hard ; strong ; robust ; determined. ' ク ゾ、 ス , ャ プ、 タレ. From earth and hiding. To in- jure ; to perish ; to destroy ; rotten. チリ, ヒサ シ アト, チリ タツ. From earth and deer. Dust • small par ヒ cies ; traces ; dissipation ; pleasure ; age. ' ヒロシ, タイ ラカ. From earth and early. A plain, level place ; tranquil, composed, quiet ; a son-in-law. ヲ ッ タレ. From earth and aimcer. The sound of dirt or earth fulling down ; a pile of dirt. サ カヒ, コ シデ, フサ ガル, へダ 、ル. From earth and /tahiiation. To fill ; to close, to stop : a cork • to cork ; a pass, a boundary, ソ コ, カサ 十ル, サ カシ. From etirth and field, tni^iicated. A military wall, a rampart ; to i^ile up ; a pile, a heap. スミ, ィ レズ ミ. From earth an J black. Ink ; dark ; obscure ; ink for tatooing. チマ タ, ッ 5 ミ, へ ダッ. From earth and place. A lane, au allev, a short street ; a hamlet ♦ a neighborhood ; to impede. ッカ, ノヽ 力. From e (い' th and a hn rroiv. A sepulcher, a tomb ; a barrow or mound, such as cover graves. アナ, ホ リ. From earth and neck. A ditch, a trench, pit, excavation, or hollow, either natural or artificial. ゥヅ、 ム, ヲ サム クレ, カク ス. From earth and village. To burv ; to harbor ♦ to conceal • to lav bv. ホウ ムク レ, ゥッ" "ム. From earth, grass and dead. To bury with decorum ; to inter a coffin • to lay a body in the tomb. マス, ツチ カウ, ヤシ 十フ. From earth and 7Wt, altered. To add ; to heap up dirt* to hoe * to cultivate • to assist. シロ, =1 n , イシ タ, く ミ. From earth and cornmoji, A wall of dirt for defense ; a low wall, a redoubt. s s I ひ ム ボ シャゥ ケン 、、ヽ ク 壌 堅 壞 麋 坦 塔 塞 壘 墨坊 ク ハイ ヂシ タン タウ ソク ルイ 、ポク ハウ キヤウ 丄几 よ ノ チョウ カウ ->、 ィ マ ィ サゥ 培 ,ヽ / ィ m ゥ 土 58 土 JO kon tei tai ho ton ton to yo TO rii to To riyo ken rid rd jitkic man yen loan ノ s, ニノ、. From earth and laid out, A lot ; an arena • an open waste ground, a field ; a company. ヒ ッジサ タレ, ツチ, シタ ガフ. From earth and to spea k oy st),,'tch out. One 01 the diagrams ; the earth ; inferior, compliance, obedience. ッ、 ミ, ホ トリ, トにコ ホル • From earth and riff lit or this. A dike ; a ridge, a barrier ; to divide by dikes ; to fix a thing. ッカ アナ, ヒ ノ • From earth and brood, as phonetic. The vault or pit under a tomb in which bodies are laid ; a grave ; a sepulcher ; a desert. ゥ ッ" ^タカ シ. From earth and solid. A heap, a mound ; a base, or block, as of stone or wood ; low. 同 歡. The same as above. ヒ 牛シ, ヲ ツル. From earth and to Jiy. To fall in ruins ; to crumble ; a slide, as the earth on a hillside ; underground. フサ ダ, ツチ カフ. From eartli and a wall. To stop with earth ; to dam, to close up ; to hinder, prevent ; conceal, suppi'ess. ホリ, シロ ボリ. From earth and excelling. The fosse or ditch around a city wall ; a ditch. チ b サキッ 力, ヲカ. From earth and trouble- some. A small tumulus or mound often raised over graves in northern provinces. ッ 、ミ, タメ ィケ. ; From earth, to alter and mouth. A pool, a poud, a tank ; au artificial reservoir ; a bund, a dike. ッカ, ヲ 力. From earth and a dragon or cage. A barrow, a grave or mound over it ; a pile of earth. ツチ フ: e. From earth and hot. An ancient wind instrument of music, shaped like an egg, made of porcelain. ゥ早, ッカ. From earth and a draff on. A bar- row, a grave or mound over it ; a pile of earth ; to monopolize goods. ィへ, マ 十ビノ 1、 ノ. From earth and who. An ante room or vestibule for official consultation ; a domestic school-room. ヌ ノレ, コテ, ナ ダラ 力 ニス ル. From earth and long. To cover, as a wall with plaster ; to paint ; to ornament walls ; to pave ; a trowel. ィ ヒ ノィ レ モノ, アナ. From earth and to cover. A vessel for eating ; a hallow. ( 59 ) ッ 、ミ, カサ十 クレ, タノ カズ. From earth and a horary character, A boundary ; a circuit ; a step, a terrace ; a cardinal number denutiiig a hund- red millions. ィ- ビキ, フサ ク つ From earth and to hide. A bank of earth Avbicn prevents an overflow ; a moat ; a dike. 卜:: ITJ, ムラ, カリ ィホ. From land and wilder- ness. A shed or lodge in a field ; a cottage ; a house in the country; a house and a garden plot. シ n . From earth and completed. A citadel ; the wall of a city ; a provincial capital ; a sepulclier ; to mend ; completed. チ リ . From earth and a particle. Fine dust ; particles floating in the air ; stiff ; stark. タモツ, トル, トラ ヘル, 力、 ノヽル • Originally from hand seizing and to terrify, contracted. To apprehend ; to seize ; to take in the hand ; to persecute ; to retain. ィ ル, スノ ヽル, ヲル, ィ十 ガラ, ッ ミ セラ ル. From yrouna and to resty contracted, ana two vien above it. To sit in a crouching way ; to squat ; a seat ; in Buddhism, to pass a season in devotional exercise. ム クフ, コ タヘル, ッ ダル, 力 ヘス. From sins and submit, contracted. To recompense, to requite ; to revenge ; retribution ; a messenger ; to report. ホト リ, タル, ナン ナント, ホ トンに. From earth and pendent. To suspend ; to hang down ; to let fall; to make known ; a boundary. マス, クハ ヘル. カサ ヌル, ヲ ホン. From earth and to (idd. To aa 山 to double, to increase ; repeated, more ; over, many. > ?ヾ, ニノ、. From earth and laid out. A field ; a lot ; an arena for any purpose, as drill, gaming, theatricals, or executions. ヌ クレ, ドロ, ミチ, コ ミチ. From earth and a stream. Mud , uure ; to daub, to besmear ; to blot out ; dull, untrustworthy. タイ ラカ, ヒ トシ, ァ マチシ. From earth and equal. Equal, just ; in similar Darts ; even, level, all, to equalize. アツ マ メレ, ム 十シ, ォホヒ 十リ. From earth and hill. To collect ; a hollow or level tuD for wor- shipers ; great ; empty, ヲ トシ アナ, コア 十, サカ ヅキ. From earth and to oice, A pit, a hole, a cavity, a precipice, a crack ; to lall into a pit. ャ 、; ンャゥ 垓 堪 墅 ® 城 埃 執 坐 ^ ^ ショ セィ アイ シゥ 、ザ カイ 報 垂增害 塗 均扭坎 ハウ スィ ゾゥ ジ ャゥト キン キゥ 力、 ン 4 ^ パ ^ ^ 6 ーソ a れ a I ひ み •/V I ひ ^ も: I ひ -A 7 ± ha tsui tan tai kai so yei kon (60) 土 ハ坡 ッ イ タ ン タ ィ ク ノヽ ィ ソ卿 ィ d 一 ン— 堆 塊 ッ、 ?, サ 力. From earth ana sJcin. A deciivitv, a slope ; a mound ; a heap of rubbish ; a hill. ヲッ ノレ. From earth and falling. To settle down ; to fall of itself ; to crumble ; grand. ツキ ク ゾス. From earth and carnation. A bank or wall thrown down, as by water dashing against it. ゥッ" "タカシ. From earth and birds. A heap, a mass, a mound ; to heap up, to pile up j a clas- sifier of piles and heaps, etc. ツチ クレ. From earth and ghost. A clod, a lump ; a classifier of things thin and flat, also of pieces, boards, etc. カタ チヅ クル, ス ェ乇ノ ック リ. From earth and vew moon. To model things m clav ; to mouia into shape ; to make a statue ; modeled. ノ ヽカド コ TJ . From earth and bright, A tomb ; the ground beloi】gii]g to a family sepulcher. タブ/ヤス, ァラ牛 リ. From earth and to root. To open new laud ; to plough new sod; to com- mence tillage* to break up. ko kaku shaku ki kin ko ku retsu talcu ; m 力 ク ン ャ ク ク% レ ソ タ ク 埒 ヲカ, モノ ミ. From earth ana a prince. A terrace or tiat mound by which distances are marked. Every ten ri a double aud every five ri a single mound was raised. カタ ツチ. From earth and to learn, contracted. Stiff hard clay or rocky strata ; a bard pan lying under the surface which prevents the water l)ei'colatiug. ァ ト . From car til and to dip with a spoon. Traces left in the ground. キシ, サカ IJ . From earth and hatchet, A border, a limit; coufiues; the frontier; imperial lands. ァカ, ァ カツ * ク, ケガ タレ、. From earth and uneen. Dirty, filthy ; scuff, dandruff ; sordid ; disgraceful ; immorality ; a stain. ラ チ. From earth aud a pinch. A low dike dividins fields; to mark the limits of fields ; banks of H jiodl • a sort • a like. サ ケル, ヒ ラク. From earth and to eject. To burst, as buds ; to open ; split ; riven ; chapped, as fields in a drought. 二 クム. From earth and soon. To dislike, to have a horror of ; to snuff out ; to make bricks of earth and line a grave with them. 、ン シヨク s s 土 ( 61 ) 夂 ッカ 之 i ^字- From earth aud strenuous con- tracted. A grave, a tumulus or tomb ; a heap ; embankment. ャブレ ガキ, ク ヅ クレ. From earth and dangerous. To destroy or demolish a wall ; dilapidated ; a ruinous wall. ノヽ ト スぐ, ッ 方. From ea rth and hillocli. A port ; a landiug where trade is carried on ; a mart ; un- called sea-side town, ム ラ . From eartJt and a crow. A village de- fended by a wall ; a bank ; ^barracks ; Aviuding road ill cultivated hills. ヲボ ノレ, クダ スレ. From earth and to grasp. To sink into • overwhelmed in ; flooded ; to lay down ; to buttress ; a cushion. ッ、 ミ. From earth and to protect. A low wall for defence ; a small earthwork or fortified town ; a dike for protection. 33 士 コト, サブ ラヒ, ッ カフ, ヲ ノコ. Work ; a learned man, a scholar ; a soldier ; a proficient. スクャ 力, ォホヒ 十リ, ツヨシ, サ カン. From scholar ana splint. Stout, strong, robust, bolci, hardy, healthy ; ful レ grown, manly ; full j to "wound. ヒサ シ, イノ チ十 ガシ, ィ ノチ. I^rom old, to speak and word. Age, rears ; longevity ; the first of the five happiuesses ; long life; to endure. ムコ, ヲ ット. From scJiolar and to help. Son- in-law ; husband. ッホ % サカ ッ ボ, ヒ サ コヽ、 • From an inclosure with walk AYitliin. A pot ; a jug ; a vase with or without a cover ; a cup made of a gourd ; the calabash. モッノ 《ラ, ァノ ヽス, ヒ トツ • From happy, ander a vase. To ]om into one ; honest ; pure ; to close or stop up. ミヅノ へ, 孑チ ,ゲル, ヲ乇 孑ル, 二十 フ. An as- tronomical character ; north ; black ; water. 34 夂 ヲ ク ル . Originally a person coming after another. Following ; its usual use is as the 31th radical of a dozen unusual characters, relating to progress. お o 6 I ひ •TV 一 ひ -ひ -J s ん A. i - J To の: S 坟诡埠 場德堡 士壯 キ ホ ヲ テシ ハウ シシ ャゥ 夂 G2 夕 ta gai ya bo 歸 seki shiku Tta in ran liO 35 ' 夂 ミヤ コ, ヲホ ヒナ リ, ナツ, ァ カシ. From to joll nv and leaj contracted. The capital ; great ; summer ; mixed colors ; variegated ; expanding. ノヽ ルカ ,モトム. To go far away ; preeminent ; snperior in abilities ; to scheme ; to reach. コ エル, ヲソ タレ. From earthy eight and to foUoiv. To pass over, to cross ; to excel ; late, to be late; ヲノ > ク ,獸 From to peruse^ two horns ^ face and two Junuls. One-legged monster, resembling a dragon, an ox and a man combined ; to fear. 36 夕 タモツ, ォ ホシ, マサル, マサニ. From evening repeated. An aajective of number ; numerous, many, often ; place before the noun ; few, more, very, too ; to praise. ホカ, ト ホシ, ノヽ ヽヽ, レ. From evening and to divine. Outside, without, beyond ; not naiive ; moreover, auotlier, foreign ; to reject ; exclude. ョ, ョ メレ, ヤス ム. From evening and also abridged. Night, darkness, after daylight. ^ ュメ, クラシ, ミダ ル, クサ ムラ. From evening and dimuL's.s, coutractea. To dream, to see visions; obscure ; vanity ; confusion, ュフ, クレ, 十、 メ. Intended to represent the half moon. Evening of the day, dusk ; aslant, out of the perpendicular. ノヽヤ シ, ァ シタ, ッ、 シム, ッ トニ. From evening and to qrasp. Earlv in the morning ; dawn ; early and careful attention to busiues.s. ヲ ホン. From many and real as the phonetic. Numerous ; a band, a company, a party ; a com- rade, a partner ; a classifier of men. フ、 ゝム, ヲ ソル, ォホヒ チリ, ッ、 シム. From even inn and to respect. To advance ; lo fear ; great ; eventide ; to respect ; a colleague. タマ ゴ, カイコ. To represent tico eggs. An egg ; the roe of fish ; testicles of animals. ォ ホシ. From mncJi and a hooh. Enough, suf- ficient ; adequate ; satisfied ; fillea to the brim ; thoroughly. 2? 一 ひ ん んも r ん ケン 夏复变 ゲ 力 ケィ リャゥ キ 多 外 夜 夢 夕夙夥 資外夠 タ - 、グハ ィャ 、ポ, 1> セ牛 シク クハ イン ラン n ゥ 大 63 ) 大 ten ki hon so dai nai i slia ren 37 大 ヲホ ヒナ 9, マサル, フ トシ, ノヽジ 、メ, ァ マ^シ. The original form intended to represent a mart or king. The greatest of earthly things ; great ; big ; noble ; chief ; distinguished ; promiuent ; import- ant ; very, highly, best, superior. ァメ, アマ ッソ ラ, ソラ, タカシ, アキラ 力. From great with one aoove ir. The highest of things ; heaven, both pliysically and diviue ; the sky, air, firmament ; day ; season ; weather ; ages. ヲ ット, ヲ ノコ, タスク, ソレ, 力 十 ,カノ. From great and one. One who can helj) ; to assist ; a husband, a man, a scholar ; pronoun denoting men, ゥケ タマノ ヽル, タ テマ ツル, ッ カヘル. From hand a rasped together and flounshi れ (ト To re- ceive respectfully, as in both bands ; to receive from a superior ; to deliver ; to serve ; to praise. アヤ シ, マレ チリ, カタ カタ, イツ ノヽル • ! From great and able. Extraordinary, rare ; surprising ; new, strange, unexpected ; monstrous. ヮ シ クレ. From great and three oxen in a fright* Cattle scattering from fright ; to flee ; to run away ; hurry, bustle ; urgent ; to elope. ス、 ム, フミ • Composed of paper, two hands and to advance altered. To report to the tlirone by a memorial, or by word of mouth ; to exhibit ; success ; to celebrate. ィ カン, ナン ゾ. From great and to exhibit. How? what way ? but ; a resource ; a I'emaly ; to occur ; a yellow plum. タイ ラカ, ホ ti ボス, :ii ビス, ャブ ル, キヅ V ク. From a real and boic. Even, level ; to equalize ; to wound ; to kill ; to cut ; to sort ; good living ; ample ; to squat. ヲ ル, ユタカ. From great and a person. To spread out ; wasteful ; extravagant ; profuse ; affluent. • ヲ rf ル, へッ ラフ, ォホヒ チリ. From great and in. Prodigious ; magnilociuent ; bragging ; conceited talk ; to flatter. サダ ム. From hcaid and a thing passing through it. Decided ; stern ; settled ; parted, as streams ; differing. カフクぐ:: J , カガ ミノ \コ. From great and a dark corner. A lady's aressiug-case ; a perfume or toilet-box. 一 ひ o a a もん も 大 タイ 天 テ ン フ 夫 奉 奇奔奏 ホウ キ ホン フ ソゥ 十 ィ 奈 、ダイ 夷 ク ィ 奢 シャ ノ 夸 ゴ 夬 #3 ク ハイ レン 大 大 kei ho seJii tai o yo yeki to yen tat sit shitsit モ V . From preat and a baton. Between the legs ; in the midst of. ヲコ っレ, ヲコ タス レ. From let go and head. As- suming ; haughty ; lofty. ミ ル. From (J re at and t 誦 one -hundred^. To flourish ; abound ; to color up ; to flush ; carnation color. • ノヽ十 ノヽタ *, ォホヒ 十 From great and ioatei\ contracted. An intensive adverb, implying an extreme ; too, very ; excessive ; a term of hign respect. 十 力 > ^ヾ, ヒサ シ. From /7》 で 《f within a fipace. In the midst ; the middle or centre ; the half of; to finish ; urgently. カサ十 クレ, ウル ノヽ シ, サ カンナ リ. From great and a ho. Verv large ; great ; abundant ; adorned ; beautiful ; unsettled ; to play chess. チギ ヽリ, ヮ リ フ. From great and a notched sticTc. A covenant, an agreement ; to join ; mournful ; adopted. タス クル, チ ル, ホ マ レ, ス ム ル , 獎 fgi 学. From great and taking. To exhort, lo animate, encour- age ; to commend, to laud ; vindicate. ナ ガ シ. From great and long, altered, ijong, wide ; to enwrap ; a shell ; to be tedious ; a clas- sifier of a set of books. ォホ ヒナ リ, ヲ ホフ, アヤ マル, ィ コフ. From great and to extend. To remain ; to cover ; surplus ; forthwith, hastily ; entirely ; grandly. ウノく ゥ, ィ カル, ァラ ソフ. From great bird and inch. To take by force ; to sualch ; to get by striving ; to criticise. ゥシ ナフ, アヤ マチ, スッ クレ. From hand and curved combined. Without control ; to lose ; to err ; to leave behind ; lailure ; fault. ノ ヽラ, ナン ゾ, シモ ベ. Originally great and an old form for nerve. Whv ? how? what ? which ? a page, a waiter, a maid servant ; a domestic, チカ シ, サ シノヽ サム. From great supported by two men. To take or press under the arms ; to carry secretly ; near, connected* ワカ シ, ノビ ャカ • From great and a broken point. Pleasing, winning ; the freshness of youth; delicate, tender ; long and thin ; ominous. ィャゥ ケッ カウ 000 翁 太 央奕契 獎套奄 ® 奪 失 奚夾夭 ケ イカ ウセ キ タイ ワウ ェキ ケィ シャゥ タウ H 、ン タツ シッ ケィ ケゥ H ゥ ft ん ^ ど ん 一 ひ -〃 I ひ ん fi5 一 ひ 大 (65 女 ク ァザャ 力, ォホヒ 十リ. Oi'igiiially to raise the hands under pre-eminent. Graduallv growing large ; excellent ; at ease ; to take one's pleasure. カク) レゝ, フカ シ, ィ: a ノス ミ. From great and a bin. Retired ; deer) ; mysterious, obscure • col- lected ; blended ; warm. サダ ムル, ス、 ム, マ ツル, ヲク. From great, spirits and eiaht altered. Fixed au» ヾメ, マジノ ヽル, ヲ ン十ン モぺ. From xcoinaii and to stand. A concubine, handmaia, or second wife, like Hagar ; a demeaning term ; camp followers. タへ, カスカ, ヨシ, ワカ シ. From woman and a few. Perfect, excellent ; wonderful ; mysterious ; supernatural ; to beautify ; youth. 早 タム, ソ 手ム, 二 クム. From woman and to hate. Jealousy, envy, aversion, hatred. ョメ, 3 メッ * カヒ. From woman and visitor or stranger. Imperial concubines ; handsome, beauti- ful. ゴ トシ, モシ, ュク, チン チ From looman and mouth. As, like, as if, according to ; if, perhaps ; and, also, then ; to allow ; you. ミ ダリ, シュ クレ, ィ ッノヽ クレ, ナミ ス' From woman aud defunct. Disorderly, bruiish, uumanerly ; false, incoherent ; absurd, wild ; abandoned, reck- less. チ タム, ソ手 ム. From woman and door. Jealous, as a wife sometimes is of her husband ; envious of a mother in heart ; averse. マ ククヾ へ, トツ ダ. From woman and because of. A bride ; a girl who has been betrothed ; connec- tion ; relationship ; affinity on the female side. タノ シム. Fi'om woman and name of a country. Joy ; pleasure ; to amuse ; to divert oneself or others ; relaxation ; diversion. ソ 早ム, + タム. From woman and a covering for the head. Envious ; dislike a1 the excellence aud posperity of another ; ill-will and ; jealousy. サマ タゲ, ャブ、 ル, ソコ 十フ. From woman and a place or direction. An impediment; to hmaer ; to oppose ; to injure ; to dislike. ソ シル, ゥッ クシ, ァリ ク. From wowflw and regUter. Good ; beautiful ; to ridicule ; to laugu at ; to give. コ ビル, シタ ガフ. From woman and to yield. lieldiug ; docile ; complaisant ; obliging ; geuiai ; lovely, wirming. shitsu kin Jo nio ho_ mo to in go gu & 5 boJcu ho san sen en ん c ぎ s & 9= 女 teki テ chaJcu 牛 ren ran o sho kan & 5 mo sho sha ki i chit ill ko ri shi so sho hei ho Jo yen ken tei 嫡 チ ャ ク レ 攀ラ ゥ issi ゥ ン ク 力 ン ボ ゥ ン キ 姐 姬 モ ン ャ 并 ^ 妯^ 娌 ン :妝 シ ャ ク ま、 ィ乂^ ゥ ジ ャ ク ェ ン ィ 娟 ケ ン ( 69 ) 女 タダシ, ッ、 シム, キミ The consort of a man From woman and basis. the proper wife. シ タフ, カホ ヨシ, シタ ガフ. From tcovian and to connect. Hancisome ; beautiful, as a woman ; to follow ; to obey ; to long after ; to love. ウノぐ, コ クレ, ク ニツカ ミ. From tvoman and genial. An old dame ; an ola woman ; I; the old lady. タヮ フル, ミ タル, タノ シム • From woman and elegant. The smgmg womau. ミ ャビャ 力. From ivoman and interval. Elegant ; accomplished ; accustomed to ; tasteful ; refined ; indolent : loving leisure. 力 シッ' キ. From icoman and mother. Any elderly widow who teaches female duties ; a school- mistress. ァ手, ヲコ タク レ. From icoman and moreover. A Miss ; saucy ; pert. ヒメ, ゥッ クシ. ; From icoman and the neck. A handsome girl or woman ; a Hebe ; an liouri ; a queen ; an imperial concubine. ァヒ ョメ, ム ナサ ノ ヽギ, ィ タム. From woman and from. What sisters-m-law call each other ; the mind not at ease ; disquieted. ヲ; }f ノレ, ミ ダクレ, カホ ヨシ. From woman and to viix. Handsome ; pretty ; clever ; intriguing ; flattering, artful. アイ ョメ. From icoman and village. Brothers' wives ; sisters-in-law. ミダ ノレ, ミニ クシ, ヲ 力. From woman and rmtic. A worthless or ill-looking woman ; one who acts ridiculously ; foolish ; wanton. 力 ノレ, ョソホ ヒ. From xcoman and a couch. To adorn the head and paint the eyes ; to rouge ; to leign ; ornamented, dressed up. メ トル, ゥッ クシ. From woinan and imjmhive. Elegant, as a 】ady ; to inquire ; gentle, beautiful • applied to speech and tone of voice. ムス メ. From ^coma n and good. A girl, a Miss, a young lady, a female ; a goddess ; applied to insects and flowers, to indicate their beauty. カホ ヨシ. From woman and round. Beautiful, comely, elegant ; pleasing, sprightly, graceful ; subdued, calm • somber. ゥ クレン ヽシ, ヤノ ヽラ From jjadylike and beautiful. icoman and arbor. (70) 女 姓 Ht,. From 2coman and a icru month. The Chinese Pandora. チ ラフ, ミヤ ビヤ 力 15] jlfSJ. From ^voman, door^ and wood. Accomplished, genteel ; skilled in ; accustomed to. ァ _^, ヲホ ョメ, 又 姓. From woman and by. An elder orotber's wile; an elderly woman. ャ マシ, マツ"" シ, 力 シ, シ十ャ 力 • From woman and to look back, A woman who is rather care- less of her appearance, yet careful of property ; solitary. ュルャ 力, ュズ クレ. From icoman and な 2 し Beautiful and graceful, as women or grasses. ヲ ノぐ. From ivoman and to investigate. A father's youuger brother's wife. ノ ヽ、, メム マ. From ivoman and horse. A mare ; an old woman, a dame ; a mother ; a waiting woman, a duenna. 條娥. A "woman's name. タヲャ 力. From woman and single, alone. Beautifnl and graceful, as women and grasses. ヲン 十, メ, ツマ, ムス メ, ナン ギ. The original form is said to have resembled a female. Women ^ females ; a girl, an unmarried woman ; a lady ; a bride, a wife ; young. ジヽ ジメ, ノヽジ マリ, From tvoman and nohle. The beginning ; an opening, a start ; to begin ; the first ; then, that, at that time ; was. ゥ チ\ From woman and to give birth. A sur- name of a family, or clan ; a clan ; to bear a son; a man. ヲン チシモ ベ, シモヲ ンナ. From ivoman and base as phonetic. A maid-servant ; an unmar- ried female slave. ョソホ ヒ, ヲ ソル, ヲ 1 ミス, シフト メ. From tvoman and a horary character. The stern com- posure suitable to an officer's dignity; majesty ; grave, terrible ; to be violent. ァ+. From female and market. An elder sister ; a woman who has experience ; an old term for mother ; school-mistress. カタ マシ, 3 コ シマ, ミ ダクレ. From tvoman thrice repeated. Amours and intrigues among and with women ; illicit intercourse, incest, rape, wild, horrid. ケン タン 1 ーョ シャゥ ^ 養 JEa 害每常 寧 え ムロ 生卑 4;^ $ クハ カン 、ジ グイ セン シン 、ポ 、ジャ ウセ; - 5^KTTT シ セィ 43 ィ シ カン 女 も もも lb 1 ひ s み .1 女 kon 總 弁委 ( 71 ) 女 3 メ イリ, ョメ トリ. From woman ai:d dusJc. A bridegroom, a husband ; to marry a wife • relatives. ュダ ヌル, マカス, ォク, マが ル. From woman and grain. Bowing under a burden • to sustain • to send off ; to confide in ; to infer • end. Jci nin shi ha ha hen bun ken ben tei shu so が sa ta シ ン ノヽ r> クヾ ベも^ ; ノじ 丁 ィ ン ュ サ ク ク 姊 姝 妖 サ娑 タ ノヽ ッ"" ノレ. From worn ひ 71 and qhost. Ashamed, abashed, disconcerted ; bashful ; remorseful, conscience stricken. ノヽ ラム, From luoman and sincere, or germ in- terchanged. Pregnant. Used only of women. ス ガタ, コ ヒ、 タレ. From woman and time. Manner, gait, form, carriage, especially of woman • fascina- ting, graceful, beautiful ; a beauty. ウノ ヾ, マフ, ヲ ゴ 'ノレ. From woman and 2vave. An old woman, a mother • in the south 一 a dame, a croue ; in the north ― a hag, virago. ゥム, コビ タレ, シタ カフ. From woman and without. Complaisant, agreeable, winning ; trying to please ; obliging. 牛 ラフ, ウタ ガフ, アキ タラ ズ, コ、 ロヨ カラ ズ. j?rom toomafi and tone titer with. To suspect, to dislike, to loathe ; fastidious; prejudiced. ゥサギ 、ノ コ. From IV Oman and without. The young of a rabbit ; to bear a child ; effeminate ; slow, sauntering. ヲ トヨ メ, ァ b: ョメ, ィ モシ フ トメ. From woman and brother, a vounger sister * a bridesmaid. カホ ヨシ, ゥッ クシ キヲ ンナ, ゥッ クシ キヲ ノコ • from tcomau and carnation^ as phonetic. A pretty woman ; a beautiful, accomplished female ; timid ; to adorn. ァニ ョメ. From woman and an old person. An elder brother's wife ; a sister-in-law ; a woman ; a matrou. コ ビル, ツヤ、 力, ァ ヤシ, ヮザス ヽヒ. From ivoman and winning. Strange, bewitching, beau- tiful ; ominous, monstrous ; a phantom ; fieud. マフ. From woman and pebble. To dance, to fnsk, to trip about, to play with the dress ; to lounge ; sound of the lute. ヤスシ, ヲダャ 力, ォ ツル. From (7 contracted to tcoman ana claws. Secure, stable, firm ; ac ease, ready, quiet ; sign of past tense. nin seki 二 ノヽ ラム. From woman and germ. Pregnant. Used ン only of women. ョメ, ノヽナ ョメ. From woman and to rest. The wife of a son, grand-son, or nephew ♦ a wife. 、ジ 、ン セキ 女 ■yen ン 5 ei 72 ) 子 ゥッ クシ. From tvomaii and to lead. A beauty, a Hebe, one who draws admirers ; winning, un- steady, flighty. ヨシ, タカキ ヲン十 • From ivoman and brig Jit. A good style in a woman ; a young woman. shi シ 子 son son I 孫 ソ ン 存 子 コ, マス, シ ゲル, イツ クシ ム. Said to represent a baby strapped on the back. Aiicientlv a child, but now confined to a son ; boy ; lad ; seed ; pro- duce ; 11 o'clock p.m. to 1 ; midnight ; people ; a discount. マゴ, シタ ガフ, ノガ クレ. From son and a connect- ing link. A grandson ; a grandchild ; humble ; courteous ; whatever is produced or grows by sucking. 十ガラ ヘル, ァリ, ミル. From child and hand. To preserve or defend from injury ; to keep ; to watch over ; to take care of : alive. クま な 方 イナ》 タレ, ィ ヅレ, 'ウメ ル, ミ ノ ル. The original denoted eating well-dressed viands. The pronoun who ? which ? what ? a large crop ; a plentiful harvest. ヲサ ナゴ, ィ トケ ナシ, ヮ ラフ. From son and a horary character. A child beginning to smile ; children that need to be carried ; tender ; just born. ケ ン 'ん, クヌ; ク 姚 娘 ト ク ヮ ラフ. From woman and now. A wife's sister, a sister-in-law on the wife's side ; laughing ; the joyous merriment of girls. ゥ ッ クシ, ノヽ ルカ. Fi'om woman and omen. Hand- some, elegant, undisciplined. ァフ, ゥッ クシ. From ivoman and queen. To pair, to copulate ; to encounter. 也. From woman and sheep. The surname of Sliinnung. ミメ ヨシ. From womaii and I. A surname ; good ; beautiful. アナ 1 ミル, スコャ 力. From woman and to be or do. Crafty ; artful ; the name of a river. 39 力 戶爻も 力 マナブ, ナ ラフ, ォ ボュ ル, サ ト ル' From to teach, ク -^J^ ゥ a waste vlaee and a mortar. To learn ; to receive instruction ; to practice ; to imitate ; science ; study ; school ; doctrines. ジ kI^ ァザ ナ, シゲ <> レ, ム マル, チゝ, ィ ッ クシ ム. From J a child under a shelter. Characters ; written words ; name ; to love : to cherish : mark. e f: -o o - ひ 姜 娥鴆 キヤウ ガ キ な a .1 も タ も ジん -75 子 ( 73 子 牛 ク マ ク ヌ キ ク ketsu ケ ソ ren san す而 Jcetsu ン-: や ン m ケ ク shi シ 孜 ィ トケ ナシ, タカシ, チヒ サシ, ス :^. From child ana a voung thing, contracted. Tender ; little ; the young anJ immature ; last of a series ; youngest of brothers ; inferiors ; a season. ッ カフ マ ツル, ヤシ 十フ, シタ ガフ, child and old, contracted. Duty ; obedience to parents and seniors. ョ シ. From respect and ョ シ, ノヽ十 ハダ, アナ, ト ヲル. From child and bird. A lio 丄 e ; an orifice ; a cave ; praise ; ex- cellent ; great ; superiors ; any ; thorough. b トリ, ミナ シゴ, ソ ムク. From child and melo7i. A young sou whose father is dead ; fatherless ; alone ; unequaled. ノヽチ ,メ, 力 シラ, ヲ トナ. From child and dish. The beginning of ; seuior ; superior ♦ large ; great ; Mencius. ノヽ ラム, フ クム. From child and man infolding it. To be pregnant ; to conceive. コ, ッ マコ, ト リ ノヲ. From child and slave. A child ; anything weak and tender which needs to be soothed. ラム, ツトム, ツル ム. From child and growing. To bear; to produce and suckle ; affection ; diligent ; unwearied. マコト, カイコ, タマノ イロ, タマ ゴヲカ ヘス, i'roxn cltild and clmvs. To hatch ; to brood on eggs ; to trust ; sincerely ; truly ; belief ; accordant, ヒト へ, ァ マル, ノチ, ノコ ル, ミギ 、ノヒ ヂナ シ, To represent a man who has lost his right arm. Alone, one only, orphan-like ; a remnant ; short ; one who comes behind or last. ゥ レフ, カザル, ソノ s メ ノコ, ス: It ノコ, From son and .sm altered. A son of a concubine ; the child of illicit connectiou ; consequences of sin ; sorrow. チノ ミゴ, イト ケ ナン, チ ヒサ シ, シ タフ. From child and necessary as phonetic, a chila still at the breast ; a suckling ; a tender or weaned child ; dependent. カノ ヽ; レ, フタ ゴ. From cliild and connected. To bear twins ; to suckle two children at once. 同 上 . The same as above. ヮザノ ヽヒ. From child and siu altered. Crime, guilt ; retribution ; to waste ; the offspring of guilt. アツ シ, ツトム, ノヽゲ マス. From child and to strike. Unceasing, uuwearied effort ; self-denying attachment and sacrifice for. 孝 孔孤孟 孕 孥 孳 字 孑 力 .PN n ゥ n 、パ. p- ヨウ、 .K- シ フ ケッ S Co -ひ 5 W 5 - ひ- S - ひ W 5 ひ 子 (74) ョノ ヽシ, セ マル, カタ、 カヒ, クル シム. From three children and body. Embarrassed ; timid, weak ; sighing, groaning ; unapt ; unfit for. フ タ ゴ, シ ゲル, サ カン. From child repeated. Twins ; two of a sort. ノヽ 5^ キがシ ,クラシ, イロ キチ ガヒ. From child and sproutina. Plants suddenly shooting ut3 ; disobedient, intractable ; change of countenance, ミ 1 ミ リコ、、, イト ケ ナシ. From child and an infant. An miant, a babe, a suckling* especially a new-born girl ; to entangle ; to add to, 40 あ ィ: ii, イド、: :! , ヲル, ヲ ット. Oi'iginall) ァ from shelter and three persons under it, but is now pig. What is within doors ; a househoid, a family, a dwelling ; a husband ; to dwell. マモ ノレ, ヲ サム》 レ, ミル, 力 ミ • From a coven and an inch. To keep ; to hold m order, to guar a ; to protect ; a charge, a post ; steadfast ; a prefect. ィ卫, ムロ, ミツル, ツマ. From shelter and to reach, to arrive. A place of rest, a house, a dwelling ; a wife, kindred, family ; to marry ; a grave. ヤスシ, サ. ダム, ト l:、 マ ノレ, シッぐ 力. From covering and con、€c に Tranquil, secure, fixed, steady ; really, certainly ; to nx. トム, トミ, アツ シ, ユタカ. From shelter and full. Provided with m every respect ; affluent, rich ; learned ; to provide, タツ トム, モト, ム手 トス. From shelter and to jyroclaim. Au ancestral hall where the honored ones are present ; to hear and answer prayers ; ancestral tablet ; to honor. ' ノブ、 ル, シ メス, シク, アマ: f シ. From shelter and to revolve. To extend througlioui • to pervade, to expand, to publish ; to summon ; to fully un- derstand. ノキ, ョ乇, ォホ ヒナ リ. From covering and in. The part of the house covered by the eaves ; to cover ; to brood over ; wide, vast ; the canopy of heaveu. タ カラ, タマ, ヮリフ ,メヅ ラシ • From covering, gem and precious. Precious, valuable, as a jewel ; a gem, a coin ; to regard ; honorable ; precious, good. sen sin hai hotsiL shitsu shi tei jo fuku /な sen セ ン. れさ 于 ho ノヽき < ^一 ひ a ^ -i ^ „ ^ャゥ フゥ シュ 定 富 宗 ティ フク ソゥ ( 75 ) 同 上. The same as above. ュ ルス, チ ダム, ス ゝ ム. From shelter and having. To be lenient towards, to be indulgent, to forbear with • to excuse ; a far-reachmg benefit. ャ 1:、, ャド、 ル, > l:、 マル, ヒサ シ' From a c(H で r/"〃 for a hundred men. A halting place ; a lodging place ; a night's rest ; to lodge ; long time ; old. スク 十シ, ャ乇メ ,ャ モヲ, ヒ ト り' From covering and to give largesses. Few, little, moderate ; easily satisfied ; seldom, rarely, unusual ; alone ; un- worthy. ノ プル, ッ、 シム, ツヨシ, トラ. The ancient punishment of cutting the knee-pan ; horary character ; 3 to 5 p. m.; bold ; strong, respectful. ュ ルシ, ュルャ 力, ヒ シ, ナ タム. From a cover inn and sninach. Large, spacious, ample ; gentle, forgiving, easy ; slow ; to widen, to relax. シ 、、/力, サビ, シ, ヤスシ. From covering and yoiinqer vncJe. Still, silent, like an uninhabitea house ; quiet • a recluse ; lonesome, solitary. ァタ, カス メル, ソコ ナフ. From to finish and to heat. Tyrannical, cruel ; riotous ; to rob ; thieves, highwaymen ; an enemy. > リデ, ヤスシ. From wood and to fiU a crevice. A stockade for defense, a palisade ; a hold. ッ カサ, マドヽ トモ ガラ. From cover and kindled wood as phonetic. A fellow student ; to study in the same room ; a small window. サビ シ, ホガラ 力, ム 十シ, From covering and tojhi hiyh. Empty, void, silent ; vacant, solitary ; vast ; unoccupied ; leisurely. ヒロシ, フカ シ, ゥチホ 'ラ, ォホ ヒナり. From shelter and fore arm. An echoing noise in a spacious hall ; vast ; large, ample ; wide, as a prospect. サ ムシ, ヒ ュル, コ ゴ ル. From shelter and man under it among plants. Cold ; wmtry ; sluvernig ; chilled ; simple ; plain ; poor ; a depreciating term for my. 并ル, ヲル, 又國 各. From skelter and ivood under it. To dwell ; a habitation ; a feudal state. マッタ シ ,タモツ, ック ラフ, ヨシ. From covering and orit/inal. To finish; to conclude ; settled ; finally ; wholly, entirely ; used up, all gone. スギ、 ル, ホラ アナ. From coverinfi and stone. A covered way or gateway ; a passage through a house. ft w ^ ^ む も お .3s もも ssr r も s れ ク 寶宥 宿 寡 ィゥ シュク クハ キヤウ ス 宏 寒 宋完 宕 レゥ ク ハウ カン ソゥ クワン タウ 76 ) シ ス ュル, すク, ャ メル, ヲ 1^ メ ル. From covering JpL ana strain Jit. To aismiss ; to establish ; to arrange ; to decide ; to judge. > ニノ ヽ. From a shelter and a man. The space ョ J between the throne and the retiring door behind it, where the attendants stand within call ; a garden. zy^^^ ノキ, フカ キイ: e. From a covei* and time as ^JJk^ phonetic. Eetired rooms where the Emperor dwells. ョ 1^ シ, ムべ チリ, シタ ガフ. Originally covert over one with vicduj between them. That which is of itself reasonable ; fit and right ; accordant ; to order aright ; proper. ッ カサ, ヲ サム ル, ノヽカ ラフ, ォサ. From shelter and bitter. To govern, to rule, to preside ; to fashion ; to slaughter ; to fry ; a ruler, ミヤ, ィ: e, 力 コム, フ :3t ノ手. From shelter^ with bodu, contracted. A mansion ; imperial private residences ; the palace ; ancestral temple. ■5^ ャ, ィヌ クレ, タ マヤ, ャム. From shelter, to sw€(rp, hcnnl and beasteacL To he clown, to sleep ; to desist from rest ; repose ; bed-chamber ; a rest- ing place for the dead. す ホヤ ケ, ッ カサ, ッ カフ, マツリ ゴト 1 ミコ n • From corering and manv. An officer of govern- ment ; the magistrates ; authorities ; rulers ; public court ; title of respect. ヤスシ, タノ シム, サカ モリ, ィコフ • From shelter and rest. A feast, a banquet, such as is given to graduates ; rest, repose ; merriment. イツ クシ ム, サカ ュル, タツ トシ • From shelter and a drarjon. To think much of one's self or others ; kinduess ; regard ; favor ; love, affection. ャ ドク レ, 3 ル, ッ ケル, ヨス ル. From a court and a vionken. A lodging ; to lodge, to aw ell ; to bor- row, as a metaphor. ヤシ 十フ, ゥシ トラ ノス ミ. From a covering and the chin. To nourish ; the north-east corner of the house, where the food is stored. ヲホ ソラ, ゥッタ * カシ, From a covering and to stare at. A wall around the palace ; a circuit ; the Emperor's domain or park. フス, ィ ヌル, +ル. From an old form of to dream and ^ not yet. To rest from labor and doze ; to sleep ; to lose one's ideas. ミヤ ッ 力へ, カド 乇リ, ッ カフ. From a shelter and ail officer. One who serves ; a servant of the crown • a dignitary, either real or titular. A .1 ^ .a w A § ^み-ひ w な e i ? (77) ヨス ル, 3 ル, ッ タヘル. From a covering and odd. To lodge, to remain a while in a house ; to confide to ; to transfer ;' responsibility ; message ; east. ォホ ソラ. From covering and on account of. To bold, as the earth does ; all ages ; past, present, and future ; from remote antiquity till now. サム ル, ュメ ミル, サ ト ル. From cover, couch and inyseJf. Awake from sleep or maifference • to rouse up. ョ ノレ, ョィ, サョ. From covering and to resemble. Night ; in the nignt ; dark ; traveling by night ♦ small ; few. タダ, マコト, コレ. From covering and this. Heal; solid ; compact ; full ; true, honest • sincere • only ; this ; verily ; in fact. サ ビシ, シ ヅ 力. From covering and do not. Still ; quiet ; silent, as at night • alone. ヤスシ, シッ' マル, イツ""" クン ゾ. From covering and woman. Siill ; quiet ; rest ; tranquility : peaceful ; calm ; to settle ; to stop ; to carry out. ミ, サ手, マコト, ミツル. From a covering over a string of pearls. Fruit ; seed ; real ; solid ; com- pact ; full ; honest ; exactly. ソコ ナフ, ヮザノ ヽヒ. From covering and mouth, with filth between . To injure ; to hurt ; to pre- judice ; to offend ; fearful ; anxious. カタ チ, ス ガタ, カタ チック ル, ィル. From cover- ing and valley. To receive ; to endure ; to nourish ; aspect, countenance, looks, manner ; performed. カン ガフ, アキラ 力, ミル, ツマ ビラ 力. From cover in fi and to sacrifice. To examine, to inquire into judicially; to act as ceusor ; to criticise ; to sacrifice. ツマ ビラ 力, アキラ 力, サダ ムル, ト ゝ ノフ. Fi'om coveriiia and a tmte or nuntbcr. To investigate ; to discern between ; to discriminate ; to restrain ; weigh evidence ; all. ヒソ 力, シヅ 力, 牛 ビシ, チカ シ. From still and Mil. Thick, close ; still, silent, profound ; to stop, to rest ; secret ; to»husb ; to ply. ィへ, 井ドコ 口, ヲク, サダム 'レ. From shelter and spriiifjing plants. A dwelling; a site, a locality ; position in life ; to consolidate ; to con- form ; neighborhood. ki chu go slid shoku baku satsu sJiin hitsu mitsu talu ft s -t • ふ a a I ひ —昱 (78) 寸 en kaJcu kiaku slia del nei ta dei nei san hitsu J'uliii tai do シ I 树サ ャ翁ゥ ゥ イタ 對 《導 ム シック ッミ, カガ メル, マ ゲル. From covert and rabbit. To injure, oppress ; to submit ; griev- ance, injustice. マレ ビト, タビ ビト. From shelter and each. A guest, a visitor, an acquaintance ; a dealer ; a stranger ; foreign ; from far. - ゥ ッス, ノ ゾク, ォク. From a covering and a wooden shelter. To write, to draw ; to design or sketch ; to put a thing in its place ; to mold. ャ、, 又 水 名' From cover and to siveej) by hand. Name of a river ; a marsh ; gradually. ォ ホフ, 十 カク ホ, ァ ダカ 乇. From a shelter and to turn over. To hide one's self ; to yield ; oblig- ing ♦ unexpected, カタ マシ, ゥチ ヌスビ ト. From covering and nine. Traitors ♦ schemers, villains ; an officer who plans sedition ; to rob. ムシ Tj, ヤスシ, 手ン rf 口, 力 ヘリ ミル. From cover, heart, dish, and breathing. Eest, repose, quiet, serenity of mind ; to salute, to wish peace to ; to reflect. 同 上. The same as the above. へビ, ァ ラズ, ヲ ソル. From cover and spoon. Snake ; that ; another ; to charge ; to impute ; to fear. ムシ tj, 同 寧. From covering, certainly , and to advance. Better, rather. ス ミヤ 力, トシ. From cover and treddle. Prompt- ly, quickly ; to accelerate, to hasten one's pace. トド マル, シヅ 力, ヤス ンズ, ヒソ 力. From shelter and certainly. Still, a met ; silent ; rest ; to stop quick. 41 寸 マサニ, ノ ヽタ, 乇シク ノヽ, ヲコ ナフ, ヲ クル, タスク ヤシ ナフ, ォホ ヒナ リ, ヒ午ュ ル, Composed oi incJi and condimott^ contracted. To take, to receive ; to accommodate ; to order ; a general ; to help, to nourish ; to present ; near in time or action ; just, almost, about. コタへ ノレ, ム カヒア フ, ァノ ヽス. From an inch and a comiDound of luxuriant aud scholar. Op- posite ; an opponent ; to auswei', to agree, to correspond ; a pair ; to pair, ミチ ビク, ノヽゲ マス. From an inch and road. To lead, to conduct • to point out the way ; to induce to do right ; to lay down a plan ; to exhort. キ究 デ 手 ィ学ィ s ^ o ん M-ィ フク 寧它 簿毫宓 タ ディ サン ヒッ キヤ ク ヲン 宽 客 寫 寖宛 ^ ^ カク シャ シン >1 ン 寸 (79) 小 タツぐ ヌ タレ, カサヌ クレ, モチ ュル. よ, rom work, mouth, hand above, and inch below. To search * to seek ; to investigate ; to use or employ ; to add; to continue. タツ トシ, タカシ, ミコ 1 、,キミ. From two hands contracted, f ひ わ ana chief. High, bonoraule ; eminent ; respected ; noble ; you ; your ; indirect; address ; to venerate. sen セ— 翁タ モッノ ヽラ, ホシ イマ、, ヒ トリ, フタつ Originally tan i^ -T^^ V vouna vlants and inch. One ; single ; oniy ; par- ticular ; devoted to ; bent on ; to engross ; self- willed. ヌ w 缚 sun son koku I lltSU ジ寺 ス ン 尅 ソ ン クケ ,ま テラ, ッダ, ッ ホ^, ォ モト ビト. From an vicli and to issue forth. A hall ; a temple ♦ a chamber ; a court ; a monastery ; a euuuch. ノヽ カク レ, ォ 乇フ. An inch ; to measure. カツ, コ ロス, ケス, 同 From inch and to sustain. To subdue • to overcome ; to exorcise • to repress ; urgent ; to yield one's rights. ゥカ ガフ, ヤス ンズ, ォス. From au inch and an old form of Innnajiity. To tranquilize ; to calm ; to still ; a military officer ; a title ; to settle. 42 小 クヮ ヘル, ヒサ シ, ナヲ, カミ, コヒ孑 ガフ. From towards ana to go in above it. To add to ; desirous of ; to honor ; to esteem ; to direct ; to control ; still ; but, even; yet ; nearly ; probably ; would that. slid セ ノ 1 ヽ ス ク ナシ, カク, マ レナ リ, シパ、 ラ ク, ワカ シ. ■?; シ From small and a contraction of imvisli. Few ; less ; slightly, little ; to diminisn ; deficient • to owe; young. ス コシ, しゃ ヒサ シ, ィ ヤシ ム. From to divide and avvearing. Small, little, trifling, petty, mean, light ; I, me ; narrow. ト ガル, スル 1ミ シ. From small and great. Tapering, pointed ; acute, sharp ; a tip or eud ; needle-like : conical. ホ 4:-|- フ サカヒ ,乇 リッチ, ォホヒ 十リ. From to guard ゥ; it、l tV and baton. A domain ; a tenure ; to grant a ner to one ; to seal ; great ; to enrich ; boundaries. シ g -! >ェ ユミ イク レ, ィ トフ. From inch and body. To ャ 3^、J キ shootout; to project from the body ; to spirt ; to glance at ; to issue forth. a .1 尤 (80) 尸. S/IU III o Id mo 5 hio oJtu ski kioJm in to cJio hi sJd 43 尤 十ル, ック, ム カフ, シタ ガフ. From moi^e and a capital citv. To go towards, to approach ; to accompany ; to complete; then, immediately ; to follow ; if; as if. アヤ マチ, ト ガム ル, ァ ヤシ, ス ダル. The odd walk of a man with a long and short leg. More, very, still more ; odd, different from ; to blame; error ; to dislike ; excessive. 力 ガマ ル, ノヽ ギカ 力、' マル, タケ ヒク シ. From great ma ひ e crookea. Weak, feeble, or crooked, especi- ally in the legs ; deformed in the breast ; ema- ciated. ム クイ ヌ, マジノ ヽ タレ • From beast, dog and pelage combined. A shaggy-haired dog ; mixed, blended, variegated, like furs. ノヽギ 、力 ガ マル, クダセ ,ョ ヮシ. From great m^de crookea and king. Weak, or crooked, especiallv in the legs ; deformed in the breast ; emaciated. 44 • 尸 ヲル, ィル, ヤスシ, トド、 マル, ス ヘル. From l)o(hi and old. To dwell, to live in a place, to reside ; to sit, to rest, to stop. ィ: a, ソナク ヽル, h ド、 マル. From hodij and to reach. A house, a room in a house ; a state- room, to stop, to remain ; cell. シ カノ ヾ From bochj and dead. A carcass, but more especially a body that has been mutilated. 力 ガマ ル, マ ガル, ッボ 孑, カギ、 ル. From a month inside a cubit. The body confined or crooped iip ; coiled, contracted, bent ; to delude ; debased. ヲ サム, マコト, ス、 ムル, タタ, ス. Originally from hand and Jiolding on. To govern, to rule ; to direct ; true, earnest ; to introduce ; to advance ; true. コ ロス, ホフ ル. From bodi/ and. this. To butcher, to kill and dress animals for the stall ; to rip, to rend m pieces. へ . From body aud compare. To break wind. シ カバ、 子, カタ シロ, ッ カサド、 ル,. ノ ブル' De- signed for a cornse laid out for burial. A corpse ; an image or effigy of an ancestor; to superintend ; to arrange. マ ク シ ゥ 尤尤 尨 s ィゥ ワウ 、、ヽ .7 7 チ 3 ワク ク ワク 居 屋 屍 局 尹 屠 屁 尸 キヨ ヲク シ キヨ ク イン ト ヒ シ 尸 ( 81 ) 尸 sholcu ZOKU Kai ten kutsu ketsu setsu ten JO nio ni seki sliaJai ri bi mi so shoku zokxi ku 力 ィ テ ン 届 セ セ 牛 尺 ン ャ ク 尾 ソ ラ ン ク ク ゾ ク ッラ 十ル, ック, ッゾク ,ノ ヽタジ ルシ, タダ ヒ • From tail and an imect. Attached to • belonging to, connected with ; allied ; sort, rank. シ/ ヾ シ>^、. From bochj and number, contracted. Number ; frequent ; often, reiterated, successively, constantly, continually • prompt. イタ タレ, キノ ヽ マフ レ. From corpse and an old form of clod. To reach to, to arrive at in time or place ; a limit • a set time ; termination • summit. ノブ ノレ, マコト, ミ クレ. From body and woTkman, repeated four times. To open out, to unroll, and inspect ; to expand ; true, sincere ; pleasant. 力 ガム, フサ ガル, マ ガル. From a tail contracted, and to issue. Bent down or awry ; to stoop, lO kneel, to bend over ; to submit; wrong. ィサ ギヨ シ, +ギラ フ, ク ダク, ス リ クヅ. Frc^m body and likeness. A fragment, a crumb, a bit ; to powder, to break in pieces ; upright. ァ ナ. From body and field • A hollow, a hole. ィ パ, 9 urine. From body and water. Urine ; to pass ヤスシ, トド、 マ ル, ャ ハラ ダ, チカ ヅク, アマ. From oody and spoon, explained as a person following. To follow another, to accord with, to agree ; a nun, a Buddhist priestess ; stopped ; fixed. 十 寸 . From bodf/ and to understand. A cubit, or Chinese foot of ten sun. クッ, フム, 力 ワクぐ ッ. From body and to step again. That on which the foot rests ; a leather shoe ; to put on a shoe ; to walk ; to act ; a salary. ヲ, スへ, ヲメ ヽリ, ツル ム. From a body "which nas hair behind, it. The tail of animals ; the end, the extreme part ; driblets ; copulation of animals. カサヌ クレ, シナ, From body and to add. A layer, a tier, a strata ; one bebiud another ; still more ; step ; degree. ック, ッ ラナ ル, ッ ヅク, アツ マル, モッノ 《ラ, 同 翁 . From hodii and an insect. Attached to ; connected with ; subject to ; related to. アサ ダッ, カノ ヽク, ッ, フム, シパ、 シ パ、. From a shoe contracted and a lasso. Sandals ; poor shoes woven of the dolichos fiber : shoes. 6 尸 (82) 山 ヲ ホフ, タ、 ズム, ノゾク ,シリ ゾク. From hody and toaether. iv screen wall built beiore a door- way J a defence ; to cover ; to serve. ァ シ ダ. From a shoe contracted, and to give. A patten ; a wooden shoe or sabot used in rainy weather. シリ, ィザ ラヒ. From body and nine. The end bone of the spine ; the sacral extremity • the rump of an animal. ウメ ク, ゥナ クレ, クソ. From body and. rice, origin- ally vlants and ^stomach contracted. Filth, ordure ; secretious. 45 ノ、 ヲ: :! スレ, アツ シ, チヤ ム, タム ロス. From a sprout rising from a line represeutmg the earth. The beginning of growth ; to collect ; control ; village ; camp. 46 山 牛シ, tj トャ, ァラノ ヽス, てス ダレル. From a steep hank and a shield. Shore, bank or beach ; high cliff ; the goal ; to open ; a prison. ィ タタ, キ. From hill and the top or opex. The peak or apex of a hill ; the highest peak of a number of moinitains. ス, シマ. From liill and to give. An islet which lias level arable laud at the foot of its hills. タカシ, タツ, ヲ コル. From hill and to stoop. Rising abruptly like a lofty peak ; eminent. サ ガ シ. From hill and to conceal. A rugged steep mountain ; a difficult ascent up a peak. サト シ, モノ シル, タカシ. From hill and doubtful. Talented, learned ; high ; mountain. ホラ アナ, タニ, ォ チイ ル, キシ ソパ、 ダッ' From hill and perhaps. A deep vale among Lulls; a grotto in the side of a hill ; to fall into. チマ タ, ケノ ヽシ, サ ガシ. From hill and branch. A celebrated hill, where the ancestors of Clieu lived ; to diverge ; peak; high. ソバ ダッ, ソナ ヘル, ツム. From hill and office as phonetic. A high and isolated peak ; to pile ; to lay up ; provided with. Chun ton gan ten JO Jcutsu Jcotsu ku ぺゥ シ トン n ッ、 ギヨ ク n ンシシ ヘイ ゲキ カウ 牛 チュン ガン テン、 ジ コ クック、 ギ カン キ チ I ひ .1 C •? -5C 一 ひ £ ^ タ もも fc s c s 山 叫 山 ソノ ぐ, ャマァ t: . -t rom hill and to hold on both sides. Hills each side of a chasm, with a stream below ; a strait ; watershed. ャ マノ カタ チ, ノ ヽゲャ マ. From hill and a high place. A bare lull. イノ ヽホ, サ ガシ. From hill and stone. A hign bank; a precipice, a rocky cliff or hill ; lofty ; hazardous. ハゲャ マ. From hill and to finish. A hill with- out trees or grass ; bare bleak mountain, sucli as a hermit chooses. ノヽ ャマ. From hlU and old. A bill covered with trees and vegetation. 山 rg". From hill and people. A range of mountains in the north of Sz'ch'uen. 牛 シ. From liill and an overhanging cliff. A. sheer side of a hill ; a cliff, precipice ; a bank, a shore. サ ガ シ. From mountain and to cut. A cliff ; a high peak ; a summit that rises above the clouds. :5 ャマ, スル 1? 牛コャ マ. From Mil and to fall. An obeliscal aiguelle or peak ; some say the undu- lating line of a range of hiils. 山 ^ . From hill and eyebrows. A famous peak in the center of Sz'ch'uen province. ト ゥ ゲ •) From hill and to ascend aud descend. A mountain pass ; a mountain peak. ャマ, ノ プル, ゥム. The original form resembles three peaks. A mountain ; hills, bights* a mound, a range ; wild ; stroug. タカシ, カサ ナル, タツ トフ,, ァ ガム ル, ツム. From hill aud honorable. High, eminent ; loftv j honorable in the highest degree ; greatly exalted ; to extol, adure. ヲカ, 俗 岡. From hill aud backbone of hills. A back-boue of hills ; watershed ; summit ; range, イノ ヽホ, ケノ ヽシ, イス ヽャ. From hill and strict. A high bank ; a precipice ; rockv cliff or hill ; lofty ; hazardous. ヲカ, ャ マノ セ. From hill with a 7iet. The back-bone of hills ; a peak ; watershed • range. ミチ, ト ガリ タル ャマ. From hill and connected. The peaks of a hill ; a line of pointed summits winding along. kd fjotsu gan hi ho bin mill gai zan da bi mi san sen lid kd ran 2 1 ひ 山 (84) 山 サ ガ シ. From hill and odd as the phonetic. A steep rough path along and over mountains ; precipitous ; headlaud ; a cape. サ ガ シ, ケハ シ, セパ、 シ, キ ビ シ. From hill and similar. A steep, abrupt hill • a cliff that ob- structs the way or separates places ; dangerous. タカ: ゃャ マ. From hill and section. A steep cliff, a range of peaks. ィ ク シ ク ソ も ひ 力 勺 ク 牛 . From hill and by or throtiah. A cavernous clifl' under a hill ; a ravine or gorge. タカシ, ソ ビュル. From hill and high. Emi- nent ; lofty, as a great statesman ; the highest peak of five sacred mountains, where Shangti was ■worshipped. ホラ, カタ、 力' ヒ . From Mil and like as. Un- even, up and dowu, as a defile ; a territorial division. A peak beyond 山