lUnHllH REGI0NAL LIBRA RY FACILITY AA 000 730 919 8 UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION Washington, D. C. Au usl, 1918 HEARTY DISHES for ONE HUNDRED Suitable for Hotels, Boarding Houses, Institutions ? These recipes have been proved in the Cafeteria of the United States Food Administration at Washington, where seven hundred meals are served daily WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 Large Quantity Recipes 100 PORTIONS EXPERIMENTAL KITCHEN— JULY, 1918 1. Polenta 2. Commeal and cheese croquettes 3. Nut scrapple 4. Cheese pudding 5. Rice and cheese croquettes 6. Baked rice and cheese 7. Rice, nut, and egg croquettes 8. Peanut butter croquettes 9. Peanut puree 10. Bean timbale 1 1 . Bean loaf 1 2. Bean croquette 13. Cream bean soup 1 4. Corn and cheese pudding 1 5. Cottage cheese loaf 1 6. Cheese sauce 1 7. Tomato sauce 18. Spanish sauce SRlf Hearty Dishes for One Hundred Polenta 100 PORTIONS— 4 OUNCES EACH OF CORNMEAL MIXTURE. 1 OUNCE OF CHEESE 6 pounds or 2\4 quarts commeal 1 2 quarts water yi cup fat 6 pounds cheese 7 quarts tomato sauce 1 cup salt Heat 12 quarts of water to the boiling point, add the cornmeal and salt. Cook in a double boiler until very thick, adding the fat just before pouring into molds one inch deep. When cold cut the mush in desired size and place in a dish leaving space between the pieces. Cover the top with a layer of grated cheese. Pour a thick highly seasoned tomato sauce over the whole and bake till the mush is heated through. Cornmeal and Cheese Croquettes 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 8 quarts cooked thick commeal 4 quarts cheese sauce Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Season with salt, peppers or onions if desired. Shape for croquettes. Roll in egg and bread crumbs. Saute in a small amount of fat. Nut Scrapple 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 4^2 pounds commeal 10 quarts milk X]/2 pounds nuts l / 2 cup salt Heat the milk in a double boiler to the boiling point. Add the salt. . Add the cornmeal carefully, stirring constantly to prevent lumping. Cook until very thick. When cooked add the chopped nuts and turn the mixture into a greased pan. When cold, turn it from the pan, cut in slices and brown in a small amount of fat. (3) HE A RTY DISHES Cheese Pudding 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 3 quarts cooked cornmeal 12X quarts milk 3 dozen eggs 2% pounds grated cheese ]/2 cup salt Mix the ingredients as for custard and turn the mixture into a greased baking dish. Set the dish in a pan of hot water in a slow oven and bake the pudding until it is firm. Rice Croquettes 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 6^4 pounds of rice — cooked until dry or 8 quarts of cooked rice 2^4 pounds cheese 2 quarts tomatoes ]/ 2 cup salt 1 onion 1 red pepper l /i dozen eggs or 1 quart thick white sauce Cook rice in 9 quarts water until dry. Add grated cheese, tomatoes, onion, salt, pepper eggs, or thick white sauce. Mix well — cool. Shape, roll in egg and crumbs. Bake in a small amount of fat in a hot oven. ' This may be formed into a loaf and baked in the oven. Baked Rice and Cheese 100 PORTIONS— 4 OUNCES EACH 6j^2 pounds rice or 8 quarts cooked rice 1 2 quarts cheese sauce Onion to taste Yz cup salt 1 teaspoon pepper Cook rice until dry in 9 quarts salted water. Add cheese sauce, chopped onion and pepper. Mix thoroughly and bake in a moderate oven until brown on top. FOR ONE HUNDRED Nut and Egg Croquettes 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 3 pounds or 6 cups of rice or 4 quarts of cooked rice 2 pounds walnuts or other nuts 1 dozen hard boiled eggs 1 quart heavy white sauce % cup salt Cook the rice until dry in 4 quarts of salted water. Add the finely chopped nuts and eggs to the rice. Add the white sauce. Mix thoroughly. Shape either as croquettes or into a loaf. Bake the croquettes in a small amount of fat in the oven. Peanut Butter Croquettes 100 SERVINGS— 4 OUNCES EACH 12^2 quarts milk 1 3^2 pounds cornstarch 10 pounds peanut butter l /2 cup salt 1 onion Heat 12 quarts of milk in a double boiler. Add the onion and salt. Add the cornstarch mixed with ]/2 quart of millc. Cook I 5-20 minutes — stirring to prevent lumping. Add the peanut butter and beat until smooth. Thicken with fine bread or cracker crumbs to the consistency to mold. Allow to cool. Shape into pats and brown in a small amount of fat in the oven. Peanut Puree 100 PORTIONS—^ CUP EACH 10 quarts milk 5 ounces cornstarch 8 pounds peanut butter Yl cup salt Onion Heat 9 quarts of milk to the boiling point. Add the cornstarch mixed with I quart cold milk. Cook in a double boiler for 30 minutes, stirring to prevent lumpini Add the peanut butter, salt and chopped onion. Cook until smooth. HEAR TY DISHES Bean Timbale 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 8 quarts bean pulp 4 quarts milk 3 dozen eggs Salt Pepper Onion Celery salt Pimento or red or green pepper Mix the ingredients in the order in which they are given. Bake in greased custard cups in hot water in a moderaie oven until thickened. This may be served with tomato sauce. Bean Loaf 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 7/4 quarts cooked beans 4 quarts cold mashed potatoes 1 quart ground peanuts 3 cups tomato catsup 5 green peppers Yi cup melted fat Celery or celery salt Salt and pepper Combine the ingredients and shape into a loaf. Place in a greased pan, brush over with melted fat. Bake it in a rather quick oven for 25 minutes. Serve with a tomato sauce. Bean Croquette 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 9 quarts bean pulp 4 quarts thick white sauce 1 cup tomato catsup 2 peppers Salt to taste Onion to taste Combine the ingredients. Allow the mixture to stand for 2 or 3 hours. Shape into balls and flatten out. Roll in egg and bread crumbs. Brown in a small amount of hot fat. FOR ONE HUNDRED Cream Bean Soup 100 PORTIONS OF I CUP EACH 20 quarts milk or part milk and water or stock 12 ounces cornstarch 4 ounces salt 5 quarts bean pulp Onion to taste Pepper to taste Heat 19 quarts of milk in a double boiler. Add the cornstarch mixed with 1 quart of milk. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring to avoid lumping. Add salt, been pulp, onion and pepper. Stir until smooth. Corn Pudding 100 PORTIONS— 4 OUNCES EACH 1 2 No. 2 cans com 6 quarts milk 2 dozen eggs )/± cup salt 3 pounds grated cheese Mix all the ingredients thoroughly as for a custard. Pour into buttered pans. Set in pans of hot water and cook in a moderate oven until set. Cottage Cheese Loaf 100 PORTIONS OF 4 OUNCES EACH 4 quarts bean pulp 8 pounds or 4 quarts cottage cheese 4 pounds or 4 quarts ground nuts 1 cup chopped onion K pound butter 2 quarts strained tomato juice 4 quarts bread crumbs 1 /t, cup salt Combine the ingredients and form the mixture into a roll. Brush over with melted fat. Bake in a moderate oven for 20-30 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. HEAR TY DISHES Cheese Sauce 6 QUARTS OF CHEESE SAUCE 5 quarts milk z4 pound cornstarch 4 X A pounds cheese 3 tablespoons salt Heat 4 quarts of milk. Add cornstarch mixed with 1 quart of milk. Cook in a double boiler until thick, stirring to prevent lumping. Add grated cheese and salt. Stir until smooth. Tomato Sauce 100 PORTIONS OF % CUP EACH 6 quarts tomato pulp 1 cup chopped onion 3 cups corn flour % cup salt 1 quart cold water 3 chopped green or red peppers Heat the tomato pulp in a double boiler. Add the llour mixed with the cold water. Cook for I 5-20 minutes, stirring to prevent lumping. Add onion, salt and pepper. Spanish Sauce 100 PORTIONS OF X CUP EACH l /i pound fat 2 /i pound com flour % cup salt 1 %. teaspoons pepper 3 quarts tomatoes 3 quarts stock or water )4, cup chopped onion ^4 cup chopped pimento or fresh peppers Melt the fat. Add corn flour — mix thoroughly. Add all other ingredients and cook for I 5-20 minutes or until thickened, stirring to prevent lumping. 9