Class History MICHIGAN '58 1858-1913 / r^ THE Class of "Fifty Eight" University of Michigan 1858 to 1913 Compiled by Lyster M. O'Brien Published by Liberty E. Holden 1913 a 3fn lobtng anti grateful recognition of tfje g>erutce£ of Ifytnvv $f)iUip ®appan fir£t $re£ioent of t&e Ganiner^ttp of ^licljigan, ano in memory of tlje Jfacttltp from 1854 to 1858, tjjfe nolume tg bebteateo fin tfje "Pops of '58." INTRODUCTION. TO MY Classmates now living, and to the children of my Classmates, now dead, I respectfully introduce this Class History. It was prepared by our classmate, Colonel L. M. O'Brien. No other member of the class, now living, had the time, the patience or the ability to have written this history. We are all fortunate in his loyalty, his devotion and his rare patience, as admirably applied in this work. I know the time he has given, and under what obligations we all are to him. I cannot tell the pleasure it was for me on our Fiftieth Anniversary in 1908 to have all the living members of our class, except two, as my guests in the grove that we planted on the campus around the Oak, which fifty years previous, we dedicated as the Tappan Oak in honor of the grand old man, Henry P. Tappan, then President of the University of Michigan. Goethe said, in his introduction to Faust, "Give me back my youth; give me back the days when I was forming." I would say, "Give me back the days when I was forming and give me back the classmates I had in the University of Michigan; give me back the old professors and Dr. Tappan, friend, teacher, and President." After all these years of work and study, I know to appreciate their value, and I know how to value great teachers and the higher education. L. E. HOLDEN. AUTHORITIES. IN THE compilation of this volume recourse has been had to Chase's University Book of 1880, to the General Cata- logues of the University of Michigan, published in 1891 and in 1901 ; also to the History of the University published in 1905, and to the material relating to the Class collected by E. Bruce Chandler, its Secretary for many years, much of which is contained in clippings from newspapers published at the time. We have also corresponded with the living members of the class and have received personal sketches of their lives. For the military history of those who served in the War of the Rebellion we have corresponded with the Adjutant Generals of the States in whose regiments they served, and have con- sulted the Adjutant General's reports of the State of Michigan 1861-65, "Michigan in the War," by General John Robertson, printed by the State of Michigan in 1882, and to the Regimental Volumes of the several regiments also published by the State pursuant to the act of 1903. PREFACE, AT THE Fiftieth anniversary of the class of '58, the Pres- ident, L. E. Holden, moved that the Secretary, L. M. O'Brien, collect the material for a history of the class. This was unanimously approved. Thereupon Mr. Holden offered to publish the history, which offer was gratefully accepted by the class. The work of collection and compilation was undertaken in the winter of 1908-9 and has been prosecuted up to the time of publication. Owing to the many years since the class graduated; the lack of data respecting several of its members; and the meager record relating to some of the class reunions, of which no com- plete record was found beyond a few newspaper clippings and notices, difficulty was encountered in the collection of material for this volume. This was, however, greatly lightened by the valuable records collected by E. Bruce Chandler, the zealous and enthusiastic Sec- retary of the class up to the time of his death in 1904, and which were turned over to the compiler by his son, George M. Chandler, of Chicago. This history is confined to the Literary and Scientific grad- uates of '58, no attempt being made to include those who from '54 to '58 were at times connected with the class. To trace the history of these non-graduates would have been at this late date a most difficult task and would have prolonged its publication beyond the limits of the time available to this work. Much as this might have added to its interest. The procuring of information from the living graduates of '58 was a simple and easy matter, the living members having been directly heard from with the exception of one. But when it was sought to obtain the records of those who had "passed beyond" it was found that in some cases little more than a brief mention of their life's work and death was obtainable. In these and other cases the best information was found in Chase's University Book of 1880 and in the Necrology of the Michigan Alumnus. The college days of fifty years ago, differed greatly from those of today. Then, the University was in its infancy. Today it has attained a vigorous manhood. And yet it may be doubted if as close a personal relationship exists today between the student and the Professors as existed then, or if even the feeling of "class relationships" and "esprit de corps" is stronger, or as strong, for that matter, as it was in former years. The class of '58 prides itself upon the strength and warmth of its affection for the Professors, and appreciation of their work for "Alma Mater," and the interest it always took in the class- reunions since graduation. Better evidence of this attachment and interest cannot be found than in the many personal references to the Faculty of '54-'58 in the sketches furnished by members, and in the record of the class reunions. The work of compiling this volume has been of deep interest. The result is submitted to the kind consideration of the living graduates of the class of '58, and to the descendants of the class- mates who have "gone over the Great Divide." NOTE BY PUBLISHER. These records were given by Colonel O'Brien to L. E. Holden, my father, and by my father to me to be published and distrib- uted for him. I have no means of determining the accuracy of the items and I believe that they have not been carried to a date later than Colonel O'Brien's death, April 12th, 1912. The material was gathered by Colonel O'Brien chiefly and turned over to my father at the time of his promise to publish it. Shortly before my fa- ther's death, he requested me to have these records printed and distributed to his classmates and their children. At a consider- able disadvantage I have read the proof as best I could. I shall be glad to furnish copies to any member of the class of '58 and to the children of any member and to friends of the class. There have been ordered two hundred and fifty copies, which those who desire may obtain by writing to G. S. Holden, Plain Dealer Building, Cleveland, Ohio. I should be grateful for the present addresses of living mem- bers and for those of children of deceased members of the class of '58. (Signed) G. S. HOLDEN. T SUMMARY Written by Col. O'Brien in 1911. Some of the members have since died. HE class of '58 numbered forty-eight upon graduation. LAWYERS Of this number twenty-four (Beckwith, Danforth, Dennis, Fritchey, Gavin, Graves, Green, Holden, Johnson, Loomis, Miller, Moody, Moore, Mott, Mykrantz, O'Brien, Prentis, Price, Quinby, Smith, Snoddy, Stearns, Thompson, and Wall) studied law and were admitted to practice. Beckwith was admitted to the bar in '60 and began the practice of his profession at Bay City, Mich. d. '85. Danforth commenced the practice of his profession at Ann Arbor in '60. In '62, he removed to Detroit and in '67 began business as a patent attorney in New York City, and manager of Danforth & Co. Investor's Exchange. In '74 he became col- lecting attorney for H. B. Chaflin & Co. d. '81. Dennis, after practicing for about eleven years at Leaven- worth, Kansas, was appointed State Librarian of Kansas in 1881, and held this position up to the time of his death in 1894. Fritchey began the practice of his profession in St. Louis, Mo., shortly after his graduation and retired from practice in 1879. d. '97. Gavin was admitted to the bar at Detroit after his gradua- tion and practiced his profession there, d. '61. Graves practiced law in Detroit until 1869 when he was appointed Deputy Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court for the Dis- trict of Michigan, and United States Commissioner in 1873. d. 1902. Green was admitted to the bar at Detroit, Mich., in '60 and practiced his profession there, both before and after he entered the U. S. Service ('62-'63). d. 1910. Holden, shortly after admittance to the bar in 1861 went into business in Cleveland, Ohio, buying and selling and improv- ing real estate, and became interested in iron mines in Lake Superior. In 1875 he moved to Utah and there became interested in and took charge of extensive silver-lead mines. In 1890 he returned to Cleveland, where he became identified with the bus- iness interests of that city, and erected several large buildings, among them the Hollenden Hotel and the Plain Dealer Building. He became much interested of late years in the development of Good Hold Farm, twenty miles east of Cleveland, in the town of Mentor, where he had over a thousand acres of excellent land, devoted to scientific farming, d. 1913. 12 CLASS HISTORY Johnson, after the war, practiced his profession at Elkhart, Ind., '66-'86. He then went to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and was clerk of the U. S. District Court from '86-'88 and was attorney at law at Las Vegas, N. M., '88-'90 ; returned to Goshen, Ind., in 1890 and became a member of the law firm of Johnson, Osborne & Kerr. d. 1901. Loomis was admitted to the bar in 1868, and practiced law at Lapeer, Mich., '68-'73. He moved to Blue Rapids, Kansas, in '73, was Postmaster there '76-'84, Mayor for three years, and member of the High School Board for twelve years, and was in mercantile business there since 1896. d. 1903. Miller, after practicing his profession for many years at Adrian, Mich., became interested in real estate, in banking and manufacturing; and in timber and farming lands in Michigan, relinquishing his law practice in 1891. d. 1908. Moody began the practice of the law at Leavenworth, Kan- sas, in the winter of '58-'59 ; entered the Military Service of the U. S. in '62 and in '66 moved to Mound City, Kansas, where he edited the "Border Sentinel" and engaged in various literary work. During the period from '65 to '95 he became interested in the political affairs of his state and was a member of both houses in the legislature for several terms. Moore practiced his profession for many years at Chilli- cothe, Mo., and was a member of the House of Representatives of the Missouri Legislature for two terms, '69 and '71. d. 1902. Mott never practiced his profession, entering the U. S. service in 1861 and was mortally wounded in action June 21, '63. Mykrantz, both before and after his admittance to the bar, devoted much of his time to educational work. O'Brien entered the Volunteer Service in '62 and in the spring of '66 was commissioned in the Regular Army of the U. S. continuing in active service until his retirement in 1900. d. April 12, 1912. Prentis has retired from the practice of his profession in Detroit, Mich. Price practiced his profession at Galesburg, 111., subsequent to '59, and was a member of the Illinois Legislature '70-'72, and a Presidential Elector in '76. d. '97. Quinby was admitted to the bar at Detroit in 1859, and began the practice of law, becoming at the same time Court Reporter of the "Free Press" and in a short time a regular mem- ber of the staff of this paper and gave up his law practice, d. 1908. Smith was admitted to the bar in '69 and practiced his profession at San Francisco, Cal., with the exception of the year (1870) when he was in Elkhart, Ind. d. '88. MICHIGAN 58 13 Snoddy began the practice of his profession in '59, at Leavenworth, Kansas; in the fall of '60 he was elected to the Territorial Legislature of Kansas. When the war broke out he entered the U. S. Service but was obliged to resign in the summer of '63, on account of disease contracted in the line of duty. He returned to Mound City, Kansas, where he again resumed his law practice. He and his brother, James D. Snoddy, in 1864, published the first number of the "Border Sentinel" at Mound City. d. '64. Stearns began the practice of his profession at Rochester, Minn., in '60. He was elected Prosecuting Attorney for his county in '61 and after his active service in the U. S. Vols, from '62 to '65, he resumed his duties of Prosecuting Attorney, to which he had again been elected. In January, 1871, he was elected U. S. Senator. In the spring of '72 he removed to Duluth and in '74 he was appointed Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Dis- trict of Minnesota; was elected to the same office for a term of seven years, and was re-elected three times without opposition, d. '96. Thompson entered upon the practice of the law in '60 at East Saginaw, Mich. At the close of his active service in the War of the Rebellion ('62-'65) he returned to East Saginaw and resumed his law practice until '88. In '66 he was appointed City Attorney, was again appointed to that office and held it for two years. In '87 he was appointed Jay Professor of Law in the University of Michigan and has continued to fill the chair until the present time. Wall began the practice of law in Illinois in '59, was elected State Attorney Third Judicial Circuit, 111., in '64 and was elected Judge of this Circuit in '77 and re-elected in '79, '85 and '91, his term of service expiring in '97. He has been President of the Illinois State Board of Law Examiners since '79. He has retired from practice. BUSINESSMEN The following members of the class engaged in business of various kinds, viz: Askew, Chandler, Neff, Patterson and Prutzman. At the close of the war, in which Askew won recognition for "gallant and meritorious services," he moved in 1866 to Kansas City, Mo., and went into business with his brother, Wilson, and an uncle, William Askew, in "wholesale harness and saddlery," which grew to be one of the largest of its kind in the Missouri Valley. Of this company he was Vice President. Chandler entered the employ of the Rock Island Railroad as telegraph operator in 1859. In 1865 he was appointed the 14 CLASS HISTORY first Superintendent of the Department of Electricity of Chicago and served in this capacity for eleven years. This position he held until 1875, when he resigned to become the General Western Agent of the Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company and re- mained with this company until his retirement from active bus- iness in 1894. d. 1904. Neff, after graduation taught school for some time and then went into business as a merchant in Cuba, 111. After several years he closed up this business, went to Bushnell, 111., and be- came Superintendent of the City Schools for a few years. He then became a farmer in Fulton Co., 111. Paine engaged in the hardware business at Niles, Mich., after graduation, and was also interested in a banking firm at the same place, but ill-health compelled him to withdraw from all business matters about 1866. Thereafter he spent most of his time in travel and study, d. '81. Patterson commenced business after graduation as a drug- gist at Tecumseh, Mich. In 1873 he was forced to give up active life on account of ill-health, d. '73. Prutzman engaged in mercantile business at Three Rivers, Mich., until 1867 and was in the manufacturing business from '67 to '87. In the latter years he went to California, then to Oklahoma, and in 1892 to Chicago where he remained until 1901, when he went to Kansas City, Mo., and engaged in business with the Builders' Material Supply Company, with which he is still connected. EDUCATORS Though several of the class engaged in teaching at various times, both during their college course and immediately after graduation, the following in particular devoted themselves to educational work, viz: Halbert, Horner, McLouth and Spence. Halbert taught mathematics in the High School at Kalama- zoo, Mich., in 1859-62, and at Potter, N. Y., 1862-66. He became Burt Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Kala- mazoo College, 1867-68. He then engaged in farming in Liv- ingston Co., Mich., and about 1890 went to Grandin, N. D., and engaged in farming in Cass Co. He is now a retired farmer living at North Fargo, N. D. Horner, after his service in a Michigan regiment during the war, in which he attained the rank of Colonel, resumed his work of teaching and in 1867 was appointed Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy in the University of Kansas and filled this chair ably until failing health deprived him of the power to work. d. '74. MICHIGAN 58 15 McLouth had a notable career as teacher and professor in many educational institutions in Michigan, South Dakota and Massachusetts, devoting his entire life to this work, which is set forth at length in the sketch of his life written by himself, d. 1909. McOmber's educational work was confined to Texas, be- tween the years from 1860 to 1878. d. '97. Spence was instructor, assistant Professor, and Professor in turn in Greek, Latin and French in the University of Mich- igan, from 1858 to 1870, when he resigned to accept the acting Presidency of Fisk University (colored) at Nashville, Tenn. This position he occupied for nine years when he became Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Greek and French, d. 1900. MINISTERS Burgess, Humphrey, Kloss and Stark became ministers. Burgess, upon graduation entered upon a theological course, at Nashotah, Wisconsin, where he received the degree of B. D. in 1861 and was made priest (Protestant Episcopal) in June of that year. He then entered upon his ministry in 1861 and filled pastorates at Lansing, Mich., and Milwaukee, Wis., prior to tak- ing charge at St. Lukes, Plattsmouth, Neb., in 1873, where he has been for over thirty-seven years. The fiftieth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood was celebrated at St. Lukes in June, 1911. Humphrey was ordained as "Evangelist" in 1862, and was connected with churches in Indiana, 1861-63, and at Hudson, Wis., 1863-65. d. '65. Kloss entered the ministry in 1860 as a Lutheran Clergyman for five years and then became a Congregational Minister, and engaged in active pastoral work for forty years. He then laid down the active duties and responsibilities of the pastorate, though he still preaches occasionally. Stark was ordained in 1862 as a Presbyterian Clergyman. His pastoral work covered a period of over forty years of active service in the Christian ministry, d. 1909. NEWSPAPER MEN Chester, Howell and Quinby engaged in editorial work fol- lowing their graduation. Chester became regularly connected with the Detroit Free Press in 1858 and after his service during the war, resumed his connection with the Free Press. He became at one time City Editor of the St. Paul Press and subsequently was employed on the New York Tribune and afterwards on Appleton's Journal as Junior Editor, but finally returned to the "Free Press" in 16 CLASS HISTORY 1878, and was also employed at different times on other Detroit papers, d. '91. Howell became Editor and Proprietor of the Pontiac Gazette from 1858-62. He became Military State Agent for Michigan in November, '62, and assistant Chief Clerk and subsequently Chief Clerk in the Land Office Department of the Interior at Washing- ton, D. C. d. '88. Quinby became Court Reporter for the Detroit "Free Press" in 1859, and soon became a regular member of the Free Press staff. In 1861 he became City Editor and in two years was advanced to the Managing Editorship. In 1872 he acquired a controlling interest in the "Free Press"; was made Editor-in- Chief of the paper, and continued in active control up to within a short time of his death, except during an interval of four years beginning in 1893, when he was Minister to the Hague, under appointment by President Cleveland, d. 1908. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS But two members of the class, Lyster and Sweet, became Physicians and Surgeons. Lyster received his degree of M. D. from the University in 1860, and after his four years' service during the war in a Mich- igan regiment as Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon, took up the practice of his profession in Detroit to the end of his life in 1894. He was also Lecturer on Surgery at the U. of M. 1868-69 and Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine from 1888- 1890 and President of the Detroit College of Medicine for some years. He was a member of many medical societies and associa- tions, and a member of the original State Board of Health for eighteen years, d. '94. Sweet became an M. D. in 1865 (U. of M.) and began the practice of his profession in Allegan Co., Mich. In 1871 he moved to Illinois and in 1882 to Missouri. He retained his pro- fessional standing as M. D. and kept up a running practice in spite of ill health, in conjunction with Pharmacy, d. 1911. CIVIL ENGINEERS Mark and Richard became Civil Engineers. Mark engaged in that profession after teaching school for five years following his graduation, and Richard became a farmer as well as a surveyor, dying in 1905. KILLED IN CIVIL WAR Buck and Woodruff did not enter upon professional life, both being killed at an early age during the war, Buck in '63 and Woodruff in '64. Mott entered the volunteer service in 1862 and died of wounds received at Upper Aldie, Va., June 21, 1863. MICHIGAN 58 17 FARMERS Webster, shortly after his graduation purchased a farm near Ann Arbor and for thirty years was a farmer until his retirement from farm life in 1889. HISTORIES OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF CLASS OF '58 FRANK ASKEW, B. S. Died April 28, 1902, at Kansas City, Mo. Frank Askew was born at St. Clairsville, Ohio, January 9, 1837. After graduation from the University, he spent three years in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas at St. Clairsville, and during this period devoted himself to the study of the law, but did not seek admission to the bar. In April, 1861, he was commissioned Lieutenant in the 17th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and served in West Virginia until the end of his regiment's three months' service. Later he was made Captain in the 15th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In December, '62, he became Lieutenant Colonel and in July, '64, Colonel of this regiment. At the close of the war he was made Brigadier General by brevet for "gallant and meritorious services during the war." His service was with the Army of the Cumberland and included the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Franklin and Nashville. In 1866 he moved to Kansas City and immediately went into business with his brother, Wilson Askew, and an uncle, William Askew, who had preceded him there a few years and were in the wholesale harness and saddlery business. It became known sub- sequently as the Askew Brothers Wholesale Leather and Sad- dlery Hardware, and grew to be one of the largest of its kind in the Missouri Valley. Of this Company he was Vice President. He took much interest in public affairs and an active part in city affairs. From 1879 to 1886 he was a member of the School Board and was President of the Board of Freeholders when the charter of 1889 was formed. He was one of the or- ganizers of the Westminster Congregational Church and a mem- ber of the Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and of the G. A. R. A widow and three children survive, Frank D. and Kirk Askew, and Mrs. Hal C. Whitehead, all of Kansas City, Mo. They were the children of Mary Updegraff, whom General Askew married in Kansas City in 1870 and who died in 1898. General Askew was married a second time, November 26, 1901, to Mrs. Mary Cole Green, daughter of Thomas C. Cole. The following obituary notice appeared in a Kansas City paper of April 29, 1902 : 18 CLASS HISTORY "GENERAL FRANK ASKEW. "The noble and distinguished appearance of General Frank Askew, who died at his home in this city yesterday was an index to his character. He was quite as much of a man as he looked and that is high praise indeed. His clean and sterling fiber was revealed in his commanding figure and bearing and in his sincere and straightforward manner. His whole life was on a plane of admirable rectitude. His success was due to his tireless industry and to the fair treatment which he always practiced toward his patrons. He had the sort of pride in his business which every man of the right stamp ought to feel in the occupation to which he devotes his life. "General Askew was a man bred and trained in the school of the elementary virtues of the Ohio communities of sixty years ago — industry, integrity, simplicity of life and great pride of family. He came to Kansas City not on any chance of venture, but with all of his close family connections, with the definite purpose of making this his permanent home. He was a citizen of a high type, with that intelligent regard for the interests of the home and family which placed him on the right side of all public questions. He was justly proud of the service which it was his privilege to render to his country. He was such a soldier as a citizen of his high standards might be expected to make. His rank and title testified to his efficiency as a military officer. "General Askew died in the home where his children were brought up and in the neighborhood where most of his years in Kansas City were passed. It is a comfortable and substantial dwelling and to General Askew was hallowed by recollections which caused him to cling to it after many of his earlier friends had removed to other parts of the city." LUTHER BECKWITH, B. S. Attorney at Law. Died August 10, 1885, at Bay City, Mich. He was born at Chelsea, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, Decem- ber 12, 1832. He attended the district school near his father's farm until about the year 1849, when he was sent to a private school for boys in Ann Arbor, taught by T. R. Chase and D. Wilkins of the class of '49. He remained in that school — with short intervals, until prepared for the University, which he en- tered as Freshman in 1854 — and from which he was graduated in 1858. He returned to his father's home on graduation, intending to follow the life of a farmer. However, he soon became satisfied that his course lay in a different direction, and in 1859 he began the study of the law at Grand Haven. In 1860 he was MICHIGAN 58 19 admitted to the bar, and commenced the practice of his profes- sion at Bay City, and there remained until his death, which oc- curred August 10, 1885, aged 52 years. Hon. John W. McMath, '50, writes regarding him: Luther Beckwith came to Bay City and commenced the practice of the law in 1860. In 1861 he married Miss Elizabeth Lind, of Ann Arbor, who died in 1867. In 1868 he married Miss Alice Gilbert, of Rome, N. Y., by whom he had four children, three sons and a daughter. Two of the sons, the daughter and his wife survive him. "Mr. Beckwith was possessed of more than ordinary ability. He had a clear, strong, logical mind, and was well up in his pro- fession. He held many offices of trust in the county and city in which he lived, and always acquitted himself well in the dis- charge of every official duty. He was at various times Prose- cuting Attorney of the county, Alderman of the city, Member of the School Board, and for many years was United States Com- missioner. He was for a long time an active leader in the tem- perance movement in his city. "He was a kind husband and father, and had the respect and confidence of all those who knew him. Death came to him in the very prime and maturity of his manhood." Mr. McMath adds as a historical item, that Cyrus Beckwith, father of Luther, removed from Rhode Island to Ann Arbor at a very early day and was a merchant and prominent man in that place. As early, however, as 1830, he bought the farm near the present village of Chelsea on which Luther was born and re- moved to it. The entire country about it was an unbroken wil- derness. The subject of this sketch was the first white child born in that township, and there spent his entire youth in the work of a farm boy. HENRY ALLEN BUCK, A. B., A. M., '61. Lawyer. Enlisted in Co. K, 51st Illinois Vol. Inftry., Oct. 28, 1861. Second Lieutenant 51st Illinois Vol. Inftry., April 16, 1863. , Killed in action Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. HEMAN BELDING BURGESS, A. B., A. M., '63. P. E. Clergyman, Canon. Died at Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 7, 1912. He was born at Redford, Wayne Co., Mich., April 24, 1833. During his early boyhood he lived with his parents on a farm, working in the summer and attending school in the winter until he was seventeen years of age. He then entered the High School at Pontiac, Mich., and completed a four years' course in three years. He then entered the University of Michigan in the 20 CLASS HISTORY fall of 1854. Upon his graduation he was offered the position of assistant instructor of Astronomy under Professor Brunnow. This he declined and at once entered upon a Theological course at Nashotah, Wisconsin, where he received the degree of B. D. in 1861, and was made priest in June of that year under the Bishop of Michigan. He then entered upon his ministry in 1861 and filled pas- torates at Lansing, Michigan, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, prior to taking charge of St. Luke's. He was also Professor of Science and German for a time at Nebraska City College, in 1872, and also taught Greek and Hebrew in a Theological School there before removing to Plattsmouth in 1873. The fiftieth anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood was celebrated at St. Luke's Church, June 29, 1911. EDWARD BRUCE CHANDLER, A. B., A. M., '68. Died June 6, 1904, at Chicago, 111. He was born at South Hartford, N. Y., January 30, 1838, of good colonial ancestry. One ancestor was Governor Haines, first Governor of Connecticut, another, Thomas Lord, an exile from Massachusetts for religion's sake, was one of the first set- tlers of Hartford, Conn. The famous charter oak was on the estate of one of the family. Two great grandfathers fought in the Revolutionary War; one of them, Captain Israel Harris, was with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga. The Chandler family moved from New York to Romeo, Mich., in 1845, where young Chandler was educated in the schools of that town and prepared for College at the Romeo Academy. In 1854, he entered the University of Michigan, grad- uating with the class of '58. After graduation he went to Illinois and in 1859 entered the service of the Rock Island Railroad as a telegrapher, and served in that employment in the towns of Bureau Junction, Amboy, Peru, Springfield and Rock Island. In 1865 he was appointed the first Superintendent of the Department of Elec- tricity of Chicago, and moved to that city. This position he held for eleven years and was in charge at the time of the great fire in 1871. When under his direction this department was the first of the city branches to resume service after the fire. This position he resigned in 1875 to become the General Western Agent of the Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company, and remained with it until he retired from active business in 1894. In 1872 he married Miss Emily Moseley, of Princeton, 111. Two children survive him, Mrs. Alice Chandler Spaulding, U. MICHIGAN 58 21 of M. '98, the wife of Capt. Oliver Spaulding, U. S. A., U. of M. '95, and George M. Chandler, U. of M. '98. Mr. Chandler took the warmest interest in his class, was present at all of its reunions up to the time of his death; and was its secretary for many years. He did more than any other member to keep the fire burning on the altar of "Alma Mater." The University never had a more loyal son. He was the first treasurer of the old American Electrical Society; a member of Home Lodge, Chicago Chapter A. F. & A. M. ; Chevalier Bayard Commandery; the Mystic Shrine; the Calumet Club and a companion of the First Class by Inheritance of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the State of Illinois, which recorded of him the following just tribute: "Edward Bruce Chandler was a modest, dignified gentle- man. Of rugged honesty, his word was a bond at par. While he was forceful and strong of opinion, yet he left not one enemy in the world. No more generous heart ever beat in a man's breast. His devotion to his family and friends had no limit. During the years he lived he won the love of every man who knew him, and his memory will not grow dim in the keeping of his friends." A tribute from his classmate, B. T. Prentis: "There was never a more genial companion and friend than Chandler, and there never was a more loyal man in every rela- tion of life: to his home, to his family and his friends, to his class and to his college fraternity. But it is his love for Alma Mater, for Ann Arbor, and for what he found there, that I wish to speak of now. "No man that this University ever bred, kept for it a warmer place in his heart than Chandler. And that affection went out to everything connected with his student life. Even after long years had passed, he could not speak of his college days, and his teachers without emotion. "I do not know in whose brain originated the idea of plant- ing our trees, but it was certainly a man of '58. I hope there is some classmate still living who knows, and who will put the name on record. He deserves it. But what I do know, is that I first heard it from Chandler and Quinby, who, together, came to my room with the plan. And a part of it was to name the 'Tappan Oak,' and make it the center of the grove. I remember that Holden, too, was active in this matter. ****** "With a most prepossessing personality, he combined a frank and genial manner, which with his quick and broad intelli- gence, and ready wit, formed a combination that appealed to all 22 CLASS HISTORY who met him. While he was a good talker himself, he was an appreciative listener as well. He was one of the most com- panionable men I ever knew. But the predominating character- istic of the man was his loyal nature, and that was evidenced by almost every act of his life. I have spoken of this before. "Every commencement day found him at Ann Arbor. I do not believe any man living or dead, not an officer of the University, or a resident of the city, ever saw so many like occa- sions as he did, and his pleasant smile and cheery voice, wel- comed many an "old boy" back. Meeting him took away some- what from the "lonesome" feeling, which we have all experienced, in coming here after those whom we had known in these sur- roundings, had passed away. "Often there would be few or none of his own class, but he was known and loved by many of the later students, and his helpful hand was many times stretched out to the young fresh- man — to the boy, who, leaving home, perhaps for the first time, found himself among strangers. How desolate such a feeling is, at times, can only be realized by one who has experienced it himself. Chandler's fraternity always gave him a warm and appre- ciative welcome. He was as much at home with them as though he were still in the active ranks. But with whom, in and about the University of Michigan, was this man not welcome? "Chandler accumulated no great wealth. Indeed he was too human and kindly, and too generous for that. But his at- tainments — his intelligence, industry and business capacity, made it a comparatively easy thing for him to achieve a considerable measure of success in a pecuniary way, and of his competence he always gave liberally — in every direction. Had he been less free with his money he would have had more of it. "But it is not for his gifts nor his charities that we love to remember him, nor even for his genial fellowship, his wit, his wisdom, or his truth, but for that heart of gold which beat so strongly in his breast." GEORGE MORELL CHESTER, A. B., A. M., 70. Born November 3, 1838, at Detroit, Mich. Died June 7, 1891, at Detroit, Mich. George Morell Chester was the eldest son of John Chester, of Detroit, and his wife, the daughter of Judge George Morell, of the Territorial and State Supreme Court. After graduation he returned to Detroit and became reg- ularly connected with the "Free Press," and during this period, from '58 to '61, studied law, but never prosecuted his legal studies after the war. MICHIGAN 58 23 Upon the breaking out of the war, he went to Washington and obtained a position as clerk in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment under Colonel Rucker, U. S. Army. Subsequently he was made Captain and Q. M. U. S. Vol. and rendered valuable serv- ices in that capacity and at one time was on the staff of General Augur, commanding the Department of Washington. On November 7, 1864, Captain Chester resigned and re- turned to civil life. He resumed his connection with the "Free Press." He was offered the position of city editor of the St. Paul Press and filled the position for about a year. From St. Paul he went to New York where he was first employed as a reporter on the New York Tribune. He was afterwards made Junior Editor of Appleton's Journal, which position he filled for nearly the entire existence of that periodical. He was sub- sequently engaged in different capacities on almost all of the large New York dailies, but finally returned to Detroit and the "Free Press" in 1878. He was afterwards employed at different times on other Detroit papers and for some time was Editor- in-Chief and manager of "Chaff," a dramatic and society journal. "Mr. Chester was a scholarly man whose wide experience and acquaintance made him an exceptionally valuable newspaper workman. He was thorough, painstaking and accurate and a graceful and felicitous and prodigious worker. He was devoted to his profession and his partiality for and loyalty to the paper for which he did the first, the last and most of his service, were marked characteristics of his professional career." While he filled many positions during his connection with the "Free Press" he was best remembered to Detroit and Mich- igan readers by his long and valuable services as "State News Editor" of the "Free Press." He held this position most of the time from 1878 until ill health terminated his connection with that paper in September, 1889. From his college days to the end of his life, Mr. Quinby, his classmate, was his most devoted friend. A TRIBUTE FROM AN OLD ASSOCIATE. Geo. P. Goodale, of Detroit. "Born in the social purple and bred in the polite conditions of life, George M. Chester was the least conventional man I have known. "My acquaintance with him was begun at Elmira, N. Y., in 1863, the most direful and portentous year of the American Civil war. I was newsroom foreman of the Elmira Daily Press and Captain Chester, an officer in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment of the Army had his office in the same building. It was one of his multitudinous duties to provide for the 20,000 Con- 24 CLASS HISTORY federate prisoners then at Elmira, for the thousands of Union recruits going to the front from that rendezvous, and for the veterans who were returning from the front in considerable numbers. His breezy personality arrested my attention, and having been formerly employed in newspaper work himself, he naturally drifted into acquaintance with our division of the building. We early became warm friends. He must have then been about 25. I was 19 and an enthusiast. He seemed an ideal officer. "I have no recollection of his later army career, having re- entered the service myself; but when in the course of the happy fortune that has always attended my goings and comings, I found myself in Detroit at the close of the war, Captain Chester was there to give me greeting. The next year found us both members of the Tree Press' family, he having returned to the employment in which as a lad he first faced the responsibilities of life, and in which he spent most of the quarter of a century that has swept us along to this hour of lament that our link is sundered. "Geo. M. Chester wore his heart upon his sleeve. Men knew him for what he was. An audacious spirit, unquestionably, and never a diplomatic, slippered seeker for advancement. Circum- locution and sneaking hypocrisy had no abiding place in him. Blunt sincerity was the cornerstone of him. Loyalty to friends and child-like trust were among the things that belonged to him and were an index to his general character. An intense and picturesque individuality marked his whole career. His way was peculiarly his own and in no part any other man's way. He had little patience with conventionality, yet on occasion he could go to Rome and do as all the Romans did, but left to work out his own impulses, nobody ever knew him wear a mask. "I have heard many sympathetic and some tearful words of pity for his fate. He never was in need of them, save as ex- pressions of kindly will ; for he knew better than we who survive him, how welcome a friend death may be. The letter which he sent from the Mexican Gulf a little while ago was the voice of one who has caught a glimpse of the world beyond — "the world that sets this right." And in the new light that shines for him, but not for us — not quite yet for us — I do not doubht he sees that Death is to the dead evermore as glad a thing as Life to the living. GEORGE P. GOODALE." GEORGE MONTGOMERY DANFORTH, B. S., LL. B. '60, M. S. '62. Died at Minneapolis, Minn., January 9, 1881. He was born at Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., September 30, 1836. He removed to Ann Arbor with his parents about 1845. He MICHIGAN 58 25 fitted for College at Ann Arbor and entered the Scientific Course in 1854, graduating in 1858. He immediately commenced the study of the law, and on the opening of the Law Department became a member of the first class therein. He received the degree of LL. B. in 1860. He commenced the practice of his profession in Ann Arbor, but in 1862 removed to Detroit and engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1867 he began business as a Patent Right Attorney in New York City, and Manager of Danforth & Co., Investors Exchange. In 1874 he became a Collecting Attorney for H. B. Claflin & Co. In 1876 he became a lecturer on spiritualism, and traveled extensively in that capacity, until his decease. He died at Minneapolis, Minn., January 9, 1881, aged 44. His remains are interred at Ann Arbor. T. R. CHASE, Necrologist. HAMILTON J. DENNIS, A. B., LL. B. '61. Lawyer. Died October 12, 1894, at Topeka, Kansas. He was born on a farm in Lenawee County, Michigan, in 1835. After graduation he took up the law course at the Uni- versity of Michigan. He then went to Kansas, settling at Lea- venworth and was the recipient of lucrative public trusts. The first was that of County Clerk, followed by his election to the office of Clerk of the Court. He also held the position of City Clerk and other important offices for several years. He was associated with the law firm of Clough & Wheat and was engaged in practicing law when the Supreme Court appointed him State Librarian in 1881. He moved to Topeka and occupied this position until his death. (From a local paper.) "At the time of receiving this appointment he was an inti- mate friend of Chief Justice A. H. Horton and Justice Brewer. These gentlemen, together with Mr. A. A. Robinson, president of the Mexican Central Railway, were Mr. Dennis' most intimate friends. A wife and three daughters, Zoe, Mary and Alta, sur- vive the husband and father." Mr. Charles M. Foster, for many years one of the most reg- ular attendants of the State Library and, with the exception of Mr. Dennis, more intimately acquainted with the library than any other person in Kansas, contributes the following to the "Capital" on Mr. Dennis as librarian : "In the death of H. J. Dennis, Kansas has lost one of her most faithful public officers. He was a model librarian. He knew the library thoroughly and had no interest elsewhere. He was modest and unassuming to a fault. With small means and 26 CLASS HISTORY cramped accommodations he made the State Library one of the most valuable in the country. He knew it thoroughly. With all his cares he never lost his patience. He was ready to give infor- mation cheerfully to all who ask it. As long as any one wished to use the library, it was kept open. He was well informed on books and his selections always showed good taste. His good nature never gave way and he was willing to give assistance to everyone. He was a good lawyer and without reward or the expectation of reward, he would prepare well digested briefs for lawyers in distant parts of the state. He worked conscientiously and kept account of every book sold. The stock of books on hand ran into tens of thousands of dollars and these he sold and paid the proceeds into the State Treasury according to his own accounts, which no one ever questioned. On these accounts he spent the last few months of his life and in spite of warnings of friends and orders of his physicians he continued in his work which he had just strength to finish. His annual report as State Librarian was printed only a few days before his fatal illness. His nature was kind and gentle and he made friends of all with whom he came in contact." Dean Frank R. Millspaugh, of the Grace Cathedral, con- ducted the Episcopal service at his funeral and was assisted by Rev. L. Blakesley and Rev. F. S. McCabe. Dean Millspaugh was followed by Dr. McCabe, who made a short address, as follows: "The principal facts in the biography of our friend have been given by the press of the city. The flag floating at halfmast from the Capitol building indicates that one has gone who was not merely a resident of this city, but who also held an honored position among our state officials. It is proper that for such a man — a man so widely known and so highly esteemed — there should be a public and formal expression of our sense of loss, and of our sincere sorrow on account of his death. "In this service, we recognize the death of a citizen long identified with the best interests of this community and of this State. We do more than this. We give utterance to our con- viction that by his death we have suffered a heavy loss, an ir- reparable loss, since the withdrawal from his place of an official competent and faithful, of a citizen intelligent and public-spir- ited, diminishes to that extent the sum total of the power and equipment of the community. With strict mathematical accu- racy, we say that the city and the State are made poorer by the lamented death of our friend." JOHN QUINCY ADAMS FRITCHEY, A. B., A. M. '64. Lawyer. Died September 3, 1897, at Atlantic City, N. J. He was born at the Fritchey homestead near Harrisburg, MICHIGAN 58 27 Pa., October 1, 1830. His early education was obtained in Penn- sylvania. He went to St. Louis about 1852 and obtained a posi- tion as instructor in a school in St. Louis County, retaining this position for a year or more and then entered the University of Michigan and graduated in 1858. He returned to St. Louis and entered the law firm of Moody, McClellan & Hillger, remain- ing with this firm for three years and then started to practice law for himself, and built up a large business. He also engaged in real estate transactions and in this direction amassed most of his fortune. He retired from active business in 1879 and after that spent his years either near Santa Anna, Los Angeles County, Cal., where he owned a residence and ranch about twenty miles from the city of that name, usually spending the winters there and the summers at the Fritchey homestead, which property he bought several years before his death, September 3, 1897. His funeral took place at the old homestead and his interment was in the family cemetery on the estate. By his will he disposed of many scientific specimens and books. To the geological cabinet of Michigan University was left a collection of gold, silver and other ores, also one of rare coins. To the Missouri Historical Society was given many books in the English, German, French and Italian languages, and a collection of dried plants was left to the Superintendent of Shaw's Garden, St. Louis, Mo. THOMAS GORE GAVIN, A. B. Attorney at Law. Was born in Oswego, N. Y., January 16, 1835. Died in Detroit, December 28, 1861, aged 26 years. He entered the Freshman class in 1854 from Detroit and was graduated in 1858. He studied law in Detroit immediately after graduating and in due time was admitted to the bar. He at once entered upon the practice of his profession and was active in educational matters and was a member of the Board of Education of Detroit from 1860 to his death. JOHN GRAVES, A. B., LL. B. '60, A. M. 70. Lawyer. Died at Detroit, Mich., April 21, 1902. United States Commissioner and Deputy Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Michigan. He practiced law in Detroit, after his graduation from the Law Department of Michigan University until 1869, when he was appointed Deputy Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court and in 1873 was appointed U. S. Commissioner, which appointment he held at the time of his death. 28 CLASS HISTORY WESLEY A. GREEN, A. B., A. M. '61, LL. B. (Albany) '60. Died February 25, 1910 He was born in 1832. First Lieutenant 4th Michigan Cav- alry Vols., August 13, 1862. Resigned on account of disability, January 23, 1863. An inmate of the Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids, Mich., at the time of his death, February 25, 1910, aged 78. He was admitted to the bar at Detroit in 1860, and prac- ticed his profession there, both before and after he entered the volunteer service. HORACE HALBERT, B. S. Died February 5, 1912, at North Fargo, N. D. He was born at Potter, Gates Co., N. Y., March 1, 1827. Prepared for College at Albany and Alfred Academies. Entered Michigan University 1855 and graduated with the class of '58. After graduation he taught mathematics in the High School in Kalamazoo, Mich., 1859-62, and at Potter, N. Y., 1826-66. He became Burt Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Kalamazoo College, Mich., 1867-68. He then engaged in farm- ing in Livingston Co., Mich, in 1869 ; was Supervisor of Conway Township 1870-73; Treasurer of Livingston Co. 1872-76; State Senator Michigan 1878 and 1879 and served on the Committee on Education and Public Schools. He moved to North Dakota about 1890, and engaged in farming in Cass Co., and was Commissioner of that county from about 1893-98. In 1860 he married Miss Mary Taylor, of Potter, N. Y. A daughter of this marriage, Mrs. Theresa H. Porter, resides in West Chicago, 111., and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. E. Halbert, at North Fargo, N. D. LIBERTY EMERY HOLDEN, A. B., A. M. '61. Born June 20, 1833. Died August 26, 1913. Sketch by Col. O'Brien from data from L. E. Holden He was born June 20, 1833, in Raymond, Cumberland Co., State of Maine. He is the son of Liberty Holden and Sally Cate Stearns Holden, who moved onto a farm in Sweden, Oxford Co., Maine, when the subject of this sketch was a child. This farm joined the farm of his grandfather, Peter Holden. Richard Holden, his paternal ancestor, came to America from England in 1634 and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, and afterwards in Groton. The Holdens in Maine are nearly all descendants from Lieutenant John Holden, a Revolutionary sol- MICHIGAN 58 29 dier, who enlisted in Stoneham, Massachusetts. After the war Lieutenant Holden emigrated to Otisfield, Maine, where he died in 1806. His wife, Mary Knight Holden, died in 1842, 100 years, 2 months and 9 days old. They had a large family of children, among whom was Peter Holden, the grandfather of Liberty Emery Holden. Through his mother, who was the daughter of Levi Stearns, he is a descendant of Isaac Stearns, who came to this country from England with Governor John Winthrop, the first Governor of Massachusetts, and settled in Watertown in 1630. Through his grandmother, Lydia Cox Stearns, he is connected with the Joslyn, Peabody, Southworth, Soul and Alden families. He is thus in direct lineage connected with Elizabeth Alden, oldest daughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullens Alden, of the Mayflower, whom Longfellow has made immortal in his, "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?" the answer which Priscilla gave to John when he was delivering Miles Standish's proposal for marriage. His family is English on all branches on both sides. The Holden and Stearn families are very old English families and their names today are found among the best business, social and literary circles in this country and England. Mr. Holden, brought up on his father's farm, in Sweden, Oxford County, Maine, in his early manhood, was a teacher. He remembers with gratitude the friendship and ability of his old teacher in Sweden and Bridgeton, Simeon Walker. He was an inspiring teacher, never surpassed. Mr. Holden taught a district school in Chatham, New Hampshire, when he was sixteen years old. He says that nothing ever came to him which was more valued than the books and other tokens of appreciation of his work, given to him by his pupils. He has kept them all and often refers to them and shows them as trophies won in his early life. This training as a teacher was of great value, in giving him a knowledge of human nature, a command of himself and facility in imparting instruction. It impressed upon his mind the value of schools and made him a democrat in its broadest sense. He settled it as a life-long conviction that all permanent reforms are educational, and that true patriotism is grounded in correct education. He was prepared for college at Bethel, Maine, under Doctor N. T. True, whom he reveres with love and respect. While preparing for college, he taught district school in Chatham, New Hampshire; Bethel, Maine; Walpole and Wrentham, Massachu- setts, and select or high schools at Denmark, Lovell and Bridge- ton, Maine. In the fall of 1853 he entered Waterville College, now Colby University, but stayed out one year teaching, went back and at the beginning of the junior year, having decided to make his 30 CLASS HISTORY home in the West, he entered the University of Michigan, in 1856, and was graduated in 1858. While there he founded the Xi Chapter of the Zeta Psi Fraternity. That same year he was elected Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Kala- mazoo College. This gave him three years not only of success- ful teaching, but an excellent opportunity for studying litera- ture, history and law. In 1861 he resigned his professorship in Kalamazoo College and was elected Superintendent of the Public Schools in the city of Tiffin, in the state of Ohio, where he re- mained one year. During that year, while Judge Ranney was Judge of the Supreme Court, he was admitted to the bar and in the fall of 1862 took up his residence in the city of Cleveland. Opportunities for business, and especially in real estate trans- actions were good, prices were rising, and instead of practicing law he went into business, buying, selling and improving real estate. In 1866 he moved to the village of East Cleveland, and became a large holder of real estate in that then the most prom- ising residence suburb of the city of Cleveland. He was elected a member of the School Board and for nine years was its Pres- ident. He was instrumental in establishing the graded school system in that village. He was a Commissioner for negotiating terms for the annexation of the village of East Cleveland to the city of Cleveland. In 1872 he became interested in iron mines in Lake Superior region, and manager of the Pittsburg and Lake Angeline Mines. In 1875 he became interested in silver-lead mines in Utah, and in 1876 moved there with his family to take charge of his then extensive interests. He became identified at once with the edu- cational interests of the Territory, and was one of the founders of Salt Lake Academy, and for twelve years its President. The institution became influential in reforming the Territory. He was a delegate on behalf of the mining interests of the Territory to several conventions held for the purpose of defend- ing and developing the mining industry and was the first Chair- man of the Executive Committee of the National Bimetallic League of the United States, organized in 1884. Under his direction the data was collected and published which created a national interest in the free coinage of silver and gold. When he went first to Utah, Brigham Young was alive and polygamy was rampant. Before he left he had the pleasure of seeing polygamy driven out, not only under legal condemnation, but outwardly abandoned as a tenet of the Mormon Church. As an instance of his convictions, Senator John Sherman, Senator Benjamin F. Harrison and others, visited Utah, and while standing with them at Brigham Young's grave, one morn- ing, Senator Harrison said: "Mr. Holden, what is the solution MICHIGAN 58 31 of the Utah problem?" He answered: "Give us a law that will disfranchise polygamists, prevent them from holding office, and sitting on juries." The Senator replied: "That is the best suggestion that I have ever heard. Come down to Washington next winter and we will put it into a law." He went there, and after consultation with Senator Harrison, Senator Edmonds and others, the Edmonds law was enacted which embodied the prin- ciples suggested by Mr. Holden and became one of the main in- struments in the overthrow of polygamy. Mr. Holden has been identified with the business interests of Cleveland, Ohio, and other parts of the country for many years. He is a member of the Alta Club, of Salt Lake City; Union Club, of which at one time he was President; University Club, Rowfant Club, and Country Club, of Cleveland; and Uni- versity Club, of New York City. He is a member of the Society of Mayflower descendants. He was a member of the Board of Park Commissioners of Cleveland for three years, and was Pres- ident of the School Board of East Cleveland for nine years. He was President of the American Outdoor Art and Park Associa- tion, and in 1898 was President of the Western Reserve Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and of the New England Society of Cleveland. He was a delegate-at-large from Ohio to the Democratic National Convention in 1888, and again in 1896, and was Commissioner from Ohio to the World's Columbian Exposition or World's Fair in Chicago in 1893, and of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis in 1904. Mr. Holden is said to be an excellent judge of mines and that his knowledge of geology and mineralogy gives him great advantage in operating them. He has struck more ore in the mining camps in Utah where he was interested than any other man operating during his time. So strong was the faith of the men under him in his luck, as they called it, the miners often said: "When Holden starts a tunnel they begin making ore in the other end of it." Mr. Holden had, however, great confidence in the city of Cleveland, and a large part of the earnings of his lifetime have been invested in buildings and real estate in the city ; and among them is the Hollenden Hotel, well known for its size and the beauty of its finish and appointments, and the Plain Dealer Building, one of the best equipped newspaper buildings in the world. In religion Mr. Holden is a Unitarian and in politics a Jeffer- sonian Democrat. He is devoted to social and political reforms and has done much and written much for the purpose of divor- cing municipal government from national politics, believing sin- cerely that there is no logical connection between them. He is a 32 CLASS HISTORY bimetallist and probably has done as much as any living man to spread the gospel of free coinage, believing that whatever argu- ments can be brought to bear for the free coinage of gold are equally good for the free coinage of silver, but he considers the question settled by national votes. While he has been a business man and a director of large affairs, he has kept up his studies and stands abreast of the best thought of the age. He says that the pride and purpose of the rest of his life will be to devote himself to study and to the per- formance of those civic duties which he believes all Americans ought to be willing to assume. He believes no man should seek office but serve the state when called for the public good and not for money. He is decidedly opposed to the excessive and un- righteous use of money in elections. He is a lover of art and a patron of the arts. He has a large library and a very choice gallery of old masters. His residence, Loch Hame, situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in Bratenahl Village, five miles east of Cleveland, is one of the most delightful places in America. He is a lover of Greek art, and has in his home some of the best specimens in Greek designs. He is fond of travel and always brings home books and art treasures, and he says that while schools, churches, books and the arts are means for education and culture a man's home is the best exponent of his taste, character and life. He is devoted to the study of his- tory and takes great interest in genealogy. He says : "The man who is not proud of his ancestors, has no ancestors to be proud of." He is a great lover of New England people and institutions. Most of his time is given up to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, which has grown under his ownership to be one of the largest, most liberal and influential papers in the United States. Mr. Holden has become very much interested in late years in the de- velopment of Good Hold Farm, situated twenty miles east of Cleveland, Ohio, in the town of Mentor. He has over a thousand acres of excellent land, a large number of which he has under- drained, and is greatly interested in scientific farming, believing that machinery and scientific principles are just as applicable to farming as to railroads and other mechanical industries. He has two large herds of dairy cattle, one of Ayrshires and the other of Jerseys, and seems to exalt in the fact that he can make three blades of grass grow, and three ears of corn grow, and three heads of wheat grow, where one grew before. As a speaker and writer Mr. Holden is always forcible, de- cided and instructive. As a citizen he has the confidence of his fellowmen, and is always ready to help the needy and encourage the young, who try to help themselves. He was married to Delia E., daughter of Henry G. Bulkley, of Kalamazoo, Mich., in 1860, and they had nine children: MICHIGAN 58 33 Charles Emery, Sarah Eliza, Albert Fairchild, Liberty Dean, Delia Bulkley, Roberta, Emerie, Gertrude and Guerdon. NOTE BY G. S. HOLDEN Liberty E. Holden died at Good Hold Farm, Mentor, Ohio, August 26th, 1913, at the age of eighty years and two months, from pneumonia, following a succession of strokes of paralysis, from which he had suffered for several years. He left a widow, five children and ten grandchildren. Mr. Holden celebrated his Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1910. JOHN WESLEY HORNER, A. B., A. M., '62. Colonel U. S. Vol. Professor in Kansas University. Died August 16th, 1874, at Osawatomie, Kansas. He was born in Berks Co., Pa., in 1833. He was prepared for college at Ypsilanti, Mich., and entered as a sophomore in 1855, graduating in 1858. He followed the profession of teaching until the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, when he entered the service April, 1861, in a regiment of three-months men, 1st Mich. Vols. Infty., and held the rank of First Lieutenant until August, 1861. He was then commis- sioned in the 18th Michigan Volunteer Infantry as Captain, July 27, 1862. He was promoted to Major, August 13th, 1862; Lt. Colonel, Feb. 21st, 1864, and Colonel, March 21, 1865. His com- mand was mustered out June 26th, 1865. After his retirement from the army he resumed his work of teaching. In 1867 he was appointed Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy in the University of Kansas, which position he filled ably until failing health deprived him of the power of work. He overtaxed his physical strength in his enthusiastic efforts as a teacher and was attacked with softening of the brain, which resulted in his death August 16, 1874. MYRON EMORY HOWELL, B. S. Died at Washington, D. C, February 17, 1888. He was born Oct. 16, 1833, at Palmyra, N. Y. Editor and proprietor of Pontiac Gazette 1858-62. Military State Agent, May to Nov. 1862, and a prisoner of war in Richmond, Va., June to Oct., 1862; Assistant Chief Clerk U. S. Land Office Dept. of the Interior 1866-71; and since '78 Chief Clerk; President Michigan University Club, Washington, D. C. He married Ida Amelia Mott, a sister of his classmate Judd Mix Mott, April 5, 1864. HENRY A. HUMPHREY, A. B., A. M. '61. B. D. '61 Princeton Theological Seminary. Died at Hudson, Wis., February 6th, 1865. He was born at Bloomfield, N. Y. in 1832. He was ordained 34 CLASS HISTORY as Evangelist by the "Lake Presbytery" in 1862; teacher at Valparaiso, Ind. 1861-63; connected with churches at Salem, Wheeler and Hebron, Ind. 1861-63 ; and at Hudson, Wis. 1863-65. RUEL MILTON JOHNSON, B. S., M. S. '65. Lawyer Died at Goshen, Indiana, Nov. 12th, 1901. Captain 100th Indiana Vol. Infty. Aug. 1862. Major, Aug. 1863 ; Lt. Col. Jan. 9th, 1864. Awarded Medal of Honor "While in command of the Regiment at Chattanooga, Tenn. Nov. 25th, 1863, bravely exposing himself to the fire of the enemy, encourag- ing and cheering his men." He was a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and of the G. A. R. He was a student at the University of Leipzig 1878-81. He practiced his profession at Elkhart, Ind. 1866-86, and was City Attorney at Goshen, Ind. from 1880-86. He then went to Santa Fe, New Mexico and was clerk of the U. S. District Court there from 1886-88. Attorney at Law at Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1888-90; returned to Goshen, Indiana in 1890, and became a member of the law firm of Johnson, Osborn & Kerr. Here he remained until his death in 1901. DANIEL KLOSS, A. B., D. D. Congregational Minister, Claremont, Col. He was born at Beavertown, Pa. on the 18th of March, 1830. After graduating at the University of Michigan he studied the- ology one year at Gettysburg and one year at the Union Sem- inary, N. Y. Was licensed to preach in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, May, 1860. During forty years he served four pastorates. At New Ber- lin, Pa. eleven years, at Lykens, Pa. six years. In 1877 he moved to Highland, Kansas, where he became the pastor of the Congre- gational Church. During his pastorate there, for fourteen years ; he was also Prof, of the German language in Highland Univer- sity, a Presbyterian Institution, for ten years. He received from that college the degree of D. D. In 1891 he moved to Tempe, Ariz. Here he organized a Congregational Church and remained their pastor until 1911, when at the age of seventy, he retired from the active duties of the pastorate. During these four pastor- ates of forty years, he organized three churches, built four houses of worship, and added almost 1000 members to the Church of Christ. He was married in 1860. His wife, who was a real help- meet to him in his church work, died in 1904. He has one son living who is pastor of the Central Congregational Church, Phil- adelphia, Pa. He has one daughter married to a business man, and is living with this daughter. His present address is Claremont, Col. Note — Kloss died January 1912, at Claremont, Col. MICHIGAN 58 35 ADONIRAM JUDSON LOOMIS, A. B., A. M. '61. Lawyer. Died March 2nd, 1903, at Blue Rapids, Kansas. He was born at Geneseo, N. Y., June 21, 1833. He moved with his parents to Livonia, Michigan in 1848. He was assistant teacher in the academy at Lapeer, Mich. 1860-61, admitted to the bar at Owosso, Mich., September 5th, 1868. He practiced law at Lapeer, Mich. 1868-73 ; Circuit Court Commissioner 1869-70 ; moved to Blue Rapids, Kansas in 1873 ; was postmaster there from 1876-84 ; Mayor of Blue Rapids for 3 years and was a mem- ber of High School Board for 12 years ; real estate agent 1890-96 and was in mercantile business since 1896. He was married in 1861 to Miss Nancy Vradenburg, who died in 1867. From this union one son L. Herbert Loomis was born. In 1869 he married Miss Louisa E. Loring, and to them one son, Guy Judson Loomis was born. His wife and these two sons survive him. HENRY FRANCIS LeHUNTE LYSTER, A. B., M. D. '60, A. M. '61. Died Oct. 3rd, 1894, near Niles, Michigan. He was born at Sanderscourt, County Wexford, Ireland, November 8, 1837, son of the Reverend William N. and Ellen Emily (Cooper) Lyster. He was descended from the ancient family of Lister (or Lyster), which was settled in Yorkshire, England, as early as 1312. The eldest branch of the family is still located in that country, having occupied the present estates for more than five hundred years. In 1560 Walter Lister, one of the younger sons of this branch, went to Ireland as secretary to Osbaldiston, Judge of Connaught whose daughter he married ; and from this union are descended the Lysters of Ireland. The father of Dr. Lyster was graduated Bachelor of Arts from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1826. After studying at the Uni- versity of Edinburg he took orders in the Church of England, in 1830, and came to America in 1832. It was while the family were on a visit to Ireland some years later that Dr. Lyster was born. The family were settled in Detroit, Michigan, in 1846, where the elder Lyster became the first rector of Christ church. The son, after receiving his preparatory education in private schools, entered the University of Michigan, and was graduated Bachelor of Arts in 1858 and Doctor of Medicine in 1860. He also received in 1861 the degree of Master of Arts in course. He entered upon the practice of his profession in Detroit, but on the breaking out of the Civil War entered the service of his country. At the close of his military service he returned to Detroit, where he continued in the practice of his profession to the end of his life. He was lecturer on Surgery at the University of Michigan 36 CLASS HISTORY during the year 1868-1869, and Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine from 1888 to 1890. He was President of the Michigan College of Medicine for some years, and after its consolidation with the Detroit Medical College, in addition to his professorship, he held also the office of Treasurer. He was a member of the American Medical Association, the Boston Gynae- cological Society, the Detroit Medical and Library Association, the Wayne County Medical Society, the Michigan State Medical Society, the National Association of Railway Surgeons, the National Association of Medical Directors of Life Insurance Com- panies, and the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. He also served for a time on the Detroit Board of Educa- tion. On April 25, 1873, Governor Bagley appointed him a mem- ber of the original State Board of Health, on which he served con- tinuously for eighteen years, having been twice reappointed, During this period he was an active and energetic member, giv- ing his special attention to the subject of drainage. In addition to contributing numerous articles on the subject of drainage he conducted original investigations in reference to the hereditary effects of alcohol, and wrote some papers on the prevention of consumption. He was one of the founders, and for a time, editor of the "Peninsular Journal of Medicine." He was married January 30, 1867, to Winifred Lee Brent, of Washing- ton, D. C, daughter of the late Captain Thomas Lee Brent, of the United States Army. Mrs. Lyster and five children survive him: Captain William John LeHunte (Ph. B. 1892), of the Medical Department of the United States Army; Henry Laur- ence LeHunte (A. B. 1895, L. L. B. 1896) of Detroit; Thomas Lee Brent (B. S. (E. E.) 1901) ; Eleanor Carroll, wife of Edward H. Parker, of Detroit; and Florence Murray, wife of Capt. S. M. Rutherford, of the United States Army. Military Record. He entered the service as Assistant Surgeon, 2nd Mich. Vols. Infantry, April 25th, 1861, and was commissioned Surgeon 5th Mich. Vols. Infantry July 15th, 1862. He served during this time 1861-65 in the Army of the Potomac, was present in 24 Battles and skirmishes and was wounded in action May 5th, 1864. During his service he was Surgeon in Chief of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 3rd Corps, Surgeon in Charge Field Hospital 1st Div. 3rd Corps; Operating Surgeon in 2nd and 3rd Corps, and Acting Medical Director and Medical Inspector of the 3rd Corps. He performed the first amputation on a Michigan soldier at the Battle of Bull Run, July 21st, 1861 and assisted at the last am- putation on a Michigan soldier at Clover Hill, Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9th, 1865. MICHIGAN 58 37 LOUIS McLOUTH, A. B., A. M. 61., Ph. D. '84, M. P. '03. Born at Walworth near Palmyra, N. Y., Sept. 21st, 1835. Died at New Britain, Conn., March 14, 1909. (A Personal Sketch) Ancestors. My first paternal ancestor in America was Lawrence Mc- Louth, my great grandfather, a school-master and scrivener in and about Taunton, Massachusetts. He came to America about 1755 from County Louth, Ireland; and there is a pretty well authenticated tradition in the family that he was a descendant, or a near kinsman, of the Lowths, father and son, of England, both quite celebrated ecclesiastics and scholars, the younger of whom was offered by George III the archbishopric of Canterbury. He declined the office on account of ill-health and old age, although ever afterwards he was called archbishop Lowth. My great grandfather was educated in Dublin, and on com- ing to America he settled in Taunton where he married Mollie Pratt, a direct descendant of Thomas Rogers of the Mayflower. He was a teacher in and about Taunton till old age. He and three or four of his sons served in the patriot army and navy during the Revolutionary War, and in 1787 removed with his family to Cheshire, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, where his son Lewis, my grandfather settled in the practice of medicine, which he followed for many years. My grandmother's maiden name was Elizabeth Fuller. Here my father, Farley McLouth, was born in 1802. As a young man he went to Western New York, where some of his kindred had gone before him, and here he married my mother, Mary Doty, a descendant of Mayflower Edward Doten. My Birth and Education. I was born in Walworth, near Palmyra, in western New York, September 21, 1835. In my early infancy, in the spring of 1836, my father and mother moved to Bedford, Monroe County, Michigan, and here I spent my childhood on my father's farm and in the public schools. My father died when I was thirteen and soon after my mother sent me for a time to a neighboring academy, and afterward to the Michigan Central college, as it was called, at Spring Arbor, Michigan — afterwards Hillsdale Col- lege — and then to Oberlin, where I completed my preparation for the University of Michigan. At Spring Arbor I became acquainted with our classmates Hamilton J. Dennis, Wesley A. Green and George Benedict. The last named left the class early and soon after died. I entered the University about the middle of the fall term of 1854 and was in constant attendance thereafter till graduation in June, 1858. 38 CLASS HISTORY While in the University I enjoyed, with the rest of my class, the instruction and the enlarging influence of such men as Dr. Tappan, the scholarly Professor Boise, the cultured and scholarly Professor Freeze, the genial Professor Williams, the enthusiastic teacher of the natural sciences, Professor Winchell, Professor Fasquelle, in French and German ; for a short time, Professor E. 0. Haven, afterwards bishop, and Andrew D. White. Some years later I wrote Professor Boise then in Chicago University, that I deemed it a privilege to have been able in my own teach- ing to imitate in my poor way, so good a model as my old teacher of Greek. In classical politeness he replied "Laus laudatis laus est." The next day after I graduated, I went into the haying and harvest fields to work to pay up the arrears of my college expen- ses, and continued there most of the time for some months. My Work. In the fall of 1859 I became principal of the Lapeer Semi- nary, at Lapeer, Michigan, continuing there two years, receiving my A. M. degree from the University meantime. I then suc- ceeded one of my University friends as principal of the Ontona- gon public schools, — the first in the state to be supported without a "rate bill," — and there I remained for two years. Then I was chosen principal of the Owosso public schools; but after two terms I resigned to take up for a year post-graduate studies in the University. There I studied engineering under Professor Wood, mathematics under Professor Williams and history under the instruction of the scholarly Professor Andrew D. White. During the winter I attended the special course of lectures on the French Revolution by the eloquent Dr. Lord, then of Dartmouth. At the end of the year I was chosen principal of the Monroe High School, and after one term there became superintendent of the schools of that town. There I continued for four years, being invited back to the schools of Lapeer meantime, and also to the professorship of pedagogy in the Missouri University. In 1868 I went to Battle Creek as superintendent of Public Schools, but at the end of one year I accepted an election to the faculty of the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, in drawing, geography and history. In the State Normal School. Here I labored for sixteen years, though after the first two years I was transferred to the wide department of natural and physical sciences, — not including botany. However, towards the close of my service in the Normal School, since named Normal College — I was relieved of the natural history studies, but con- tinued to teach physics, astronomy and chemistry. While con- nected with the Normal School, during two interregnums of the principalship, I was detailed by the State Board of Education to MICHIGAN 58 39 divide with one of my associates the duties of the executive. During my time there the school grew from an attendance of one hundred and fifty the first term to six or seven hundred. Large additions were made to the buildings and my department was provided with well equipped physical and chemical laboratories. A little working astronomical observatory was built and equipped largely by private subscriptions ; and here I had the opportunity of observing and reporting one of the rare transits of Venus, and a transit of Mercury. While in the Normal School, during my sixteen years of ser- vice there, I was very often called on by the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the state to assist at or conduct teachers' institutes, one time and another, in most of the cities and villages of the state. In the Michigan Agricultural College. In the winter of 1885 I was called to the work of organizing the new department of Mechanic Arts in the Agricultural College of the state, under the presidency of Edwin Willits, just elected. In this new position I had the chair of Mechanics and Astronomy In July of 1885 I began duty for the Agricultural College, visit- ing the larger manufacturing cities, meeting manufacturers for the purpose of creating with them an active interest in the new department of Practical Mechanic Arts at the College. In the winters of 1885-86 and 1886-87 I also assisted at many of the farmers institutes held by the College. In the Agricultural College of South Dakota. In the summer of 1886 I was invited to take the presidency of the Agricultural College of the territory of Dakota. I visited the seat of this college in August, and again in the winter of 1887, and assisted in getting appropriations for the institution from the territorial legislature at Bismark. In March of that year I accepted the place, and resigning in Michigan began ser- vice in the new field in April. Here it was building almost from the beginning. Faculties were to be organized, courses of study formulated, and new departments of study were to be opened while a farm, tools and stock were to be purchased and new buildings planned and erected. Here ten years of hard work were given, especially hard because of a change from a period of good crops to a long period of poor ones. The people were heavily in debt, and many were compelled to move away. In spite of it all, the College grew. The U. S. Agricultural Experi- ment Station of South Dakota was organized and set upon its work. The territory had meantime been divided and South Dakota became a separate state. During these ten years of ser- vice I was called upon to speak at all kinds of gatherings in nearly every town and city in the part of the state east of the Missouri river and in many of them repeatedly. The faculty 40 CLASS HISTORY and other officers were nearly quadrupled, students greatly in- creased in number, courses in agriculture, in domestic art and science, in mechanic arts, and in pharmacy were established and supplied with tools, teams, live stock, and with special labora- tory facilities. The farm was increased from 80 acres to 240; and the buildings were increased in number from two to thirteen, while chemical, physical, botanical, zoological, pharmacuetical veterinary and dairy laboratories were provided and equipped. One great service to the state was rendered at the last in secur- ing an amendment to the constitution by which one Board of Regents came into control of all the state educational insti- tutions. In 1896 I resigned after a service of ten years, lacking two or three months from the time I was elected. It is a great pleasure to me to record in these notes the statement that only a short time ago in June of 1908, on invita- tion I returned to the scene of these labors, and gave addresses and met and was very cordially received by hundreds of my old pupils and other citizens of the state. My Family. I was married in December of 1860 to Miss Sarah Ann Doty, and we have six living children, two married daughters and four sons. Our eldest son, Lawrence A. McLouth is professor of the German language and literature in New York University, and another son, professor of art in the Oregon State College. One of the other sons is in business in Detroit and the youngest is in business in Los Angeles, California. Degrees. Addresses. General Work. In 1884 the degree of Doctor of Philosophy was conferred upon me by Hillsdale College and in 1903 the degree of Master of Pedagogy was conferred by the Michigan State Normal Col- lege. In 1885 I was elected president of the Michigan State Teachers' Association and in 1890 I was elected president of the Manual Training section of the National Educational Associ- ation. I have given many addresses, and read many papers before educational associations, — one before the National Educational Association in Philadelphia in 1877 on the functions of the normal school, and one on agricultural colleges at its meeting in St. Paul, and one on manual training at its meeeting in Toronto. When I introduced manual training in the Michigan Nor- mal School there was hardly more than two or three manual training schools west of Allegheny Mountains and not more than five in America. Now nearly every city in the land has one. When one of my associates and I, in the Michigan Normal School in the summer of 1875, with 25 students started the work MICHIGAN 58 41 of Summer Schools, we were laughed at for our pains ; but now nearly every college and university in the country is boasting of the number enrolled in the "summer schools" and the old Michigan Normal College enrolled over 1500 at its summer ses- sion of 1907. I have been favored, like many of my beloved classmates of the U. of M. of 1858 with a long life in which I have helped a little and seen many good things grow from little to great. Correspondence Teaching. For the last ten years I have been very interestingly em- ployed in the work of teaching by correspondence, — a kind of teaching which reaches and helps thousands of young people all over the world to better their educational standing who cannot take advantage of the ordinary schools and colleges. In the Home Correspondence School of Springfield, Massachusetts, of which I am one of the Directors, and dean of the faculty, we have enrolled more than forty thousand students from all parts of the world. OTIS M. McOMBER, A.B. Died at Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 13th, 1897. President Gongales College, Texas, 1860-68. President Salado College, Texas, 1870-78. GEORGE A. MARK, B. S., M. S. '61. Surveyor. Postoffice address 205 Manning St., Hillsdale, Mich. Born at Fredonia, N. Y., July 11th, 1830. Following graduation the first notable event of my life was my marriage to Miss Julia M. Baldwin of Ellington, N. Y. During the five years following I taught school in the States of New York and Indiana and then settled at Hillsdale, Michigan, where I have since lived, engaged in the practice of civil engineer- ing. Save the sad loss of a son in 1874, and of my wife in 1890, the years have sped uneventfully but rapidly and happily. Ten years later, I married Mrs. Fannie Birdsall and have a comfort- able and quiet home at Hillsdale, in the enjoyment of which and in the affectionate care of my wife and surviving son I expect to spend my remaining days. CHARLES ROLLIN MILLER, B. S., M. S. '60, L. L. B. '60. I was born in Moravia, N. Y., June 7th, 1834, and came in a lumber wagon through Canada to Washtenaw County, Mich, in 1838. The Pioneer cabin of my father had not a nail or an iron hinge used in its construction. The floor of split and hewed logs ; the chimney of split shakes laid up and covered with mud. I lived on a farm in Bridgwater and Saline Townships till sum- mer of 1853. I prepared for the University at the Normal 42 CLASS HISTORY School, Ypsilanti, and entered as a sophomore in Michigan Uni- versity in 1855, and graduated in 1858. I read law one year with Governor Alpheus Felch at Ann Arbor; entered the law school at the University and graduated with the first law class in April 1860. I went the same spring to St. Joe, Mo., and opened a law office in partnership with Hon. George M. Landon, now of Monroe, Mich. The Lincoln presidential campaign fol- lowed the same year. The fierce excitement following his election and inauguration, the firing on Sumter, the secession of the Southern States, the calling for volunteers, the battle of Bull Run, the capture of Camp Jackson at St. Louis, reduced the pos- sibilities of legal success for two young Yankee Union lawyers to the minimum. Too full of grit to back out and hopeful that 90 days, as they talked, might end the trouble, I hung on. Out of money and in debt for board and bed, I finally took a clerkship in the St. Joe post office. I helped make up the first overland mail across the plains sent by coaches from that place, working for 52 hours without rest or sleep to get it ready. On New Years, 1862 I went home on a visit and while there was offered a law partnership by the Hon. Norman Geddes at Adrian, Mich. I accepted it and when the call came for "300,000 more," I answered and helped raise a Company for the 18th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. I was mustered in as Lieutenant, August 27th, 1862 and left at once for Kentucky. I spent the fall and winter of 1862-63 at and around Lexing- ton and Danville in that state. In spring of 1863 we were ordered to Tennessee. I was promoted to Captain and detached for duty on staff of General Robert S. Granger, Post Commander at Nashville. After that I was on staff of General Miller, then on the staff of General Rosseau, and for the last 9 months of the war on the staff of General George H. Thomas, Commanding Department of Cumberland as Assistant Judge Advocate. I was in the great battle of Nashville, there receiving my only injury during the war. From that I soon recovered. _ At the close of the war I was mustered out at Nashville; when I was retained for the defense in a number of im- portant cases before the Military Courts, receiving in 90 days time $3,500 in fees. With this I returned to Michigan and married Miss Mary L. Becker, daughter of Hon. Hiram Becker of Ann Arbor. I returned to Adrian, Mich, and resumed the law part- nership with Judge Geddes, which he had kept open for me the three years of my Military service. I have lived and prospered in Adrian ever since, and mixed somewhat in politics as a Republican. I had a narrow escape from being nominated to Congress (lacked one vote). For this escape I have been profoundly grateful ever since. I served as Secretary of the Public School Board of Adrian for 11 years and as Prosecuting Attorney for Lenawee County from 1868 to MICHIGAN 58 43 1872. I was appointed by Gov. Croswell a member of the Board of Control of the Michigan Reform School for Girls (now Indus- trial Home for Girls) and was re-appointed by Gov. Jerome and served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Board. I was ap- pointed by Gov. Pingree to a ten year term as member of the Mackinac Island State Park Commission, serving as its Secre- tary and Treasurer. I was re-appointed by Gov. Warner for a second term of ten years and am now President of the Park Commission. My domestic life has been happy. I have two daughters, Mary S. and Jesse F., born of my first wife who died in 1889. I married again, my second wife being Mrs. Anna M. Hale Wendell, a Virginian lady by birth and descent, and with whom I am quietly and happily gliding down the years leading to old age. In my business life I have been reasonably fortunate and successful, having accumulated a moderate fortune. My law practice was always remunerative. I quit active practice 17 years ago finding I was undermining my health by too much work. My business ventures have been as a rule successful. I am President of a Wire Fence Company, of a Brewery, of a pro- ductive Oil Company, and of a Bank, all in successful operation. I have been quite largely interested in Michigan timber and farm- ing lands, owning 1000 acres of valuable farms in Lenawee County as well as several thousand acres of timber land and farms in Northern Michigan. Eight years ago I bought 1200 acres, 40 miles northwest of Alpena, Mich., and platted a vil- lage upon it called after myself, "Millersburg." It is now a thriving village of 1000 inhabitants and will be my monument on the map of Michigan. In closing this brief memorial, I wish to put on record my great appreciation of the 50th anniversary of the Class of '58 and of the good fellows who there gathered under the Oak. What- ever success in life has been mine I have never failed to give credit for it to the mental and moral training I received at our Alma Mater under the fatherly care and guidance of our Great Chancellor Henry P. Tappan. The writer of the above sketch died at his home in Adrian, Michigan, October 13th, 1908. JOEL MOODY, B. S., M. S. '72. He was born in the Province of New Brunswick, near Fredericton, October 28th, 1833. His parents brought him to Illinois in the spring of 1834, to Kant County, on the Fox River, where his father acquired 160 acres of land, a part of which is now in the town of St. Charles. His parents died when he was 13 years old. He graduated from the common schools of his town when 16 years of age and 44 CLASS HISTORY did farm work until 19. He then went to Oberlin, Ohio, and studied in that college three years, worked for his board while there and taught school one winter at Penfield, 0. In the fall of 1856 he went to Ann Arbor, Mich., and entered the sophomore class of the University. He carried along with him that year the Junior studies and examinations and entered a Senior in the fall of '57 and graduated with the class of '58. After that he read law in Oberlin, Ohio, and in December the same year of his graduation, he was admitted to "practice in the Supreme Court and all inferior courts of the State." He then married Miss Lizzie King of Oberlin, and went at once to Kansas and in the winter of 1858-59 he began the practice of law in the city of Leavenworth, Kansas. The next year, 1860, he moved to Belmont, Woodson County, of that state, and early in 1862 went into the Union Army as a private and soon became 1st Lieut, and afterwards Captain of Company "H," 2nd Indian Regiment, a regiment of Cherokee Indians. In 1865 he engaged in cattle raising at his home near Bel- mont in Woodson County, carrying on his law practice at the same time. In that year he became a member of the Legislature in the Lower House. In 1866 he moved to Mound City, Linn County, Kansas, and bought and edited for two years the "Border Sentinel." After two years of various literary work, he resumed the practice of law and entered politics. He was again a member of the Lower House of the Legislature in 1881 and afterwards for four regular sessions and one extra session of the Kansas Senate he was assistant secretary and reading clerk of that body. From 1889 to 1893 he was Senator from the 6th District of the State. In this senate he was appointed chairman of the Com- mittee on Education and became the author of several school laws and especially the laws which legislated business and sound higher education on University lines into the State institution at Lawrence. It has now become under this law, a high, broad, advancing institution of learning for the state. He was Regent of this University from 1890-94. Of late years he has traveled much in the United States, visiting nearly every portion of it, to get acquainted with his country and countrymen. At this writing, July 12th, 1908, he enjoys good health. His residence is 1222 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas. ROBERT STARR MOORE, A. B. Lawyer. Chillicothe, Mo. Died April 4, 1902. He was born in 1831, in Otsego, Co., N. Y. He remained there until he was seven years old, and then moved with his MICHIGAN 58 45 parents to Hanover, Indiana where he went to school in the winter and worked in the summer for several years. After his graduation he studied law at Hanover, Ind. While at Ann Arbor he met Miss Martha Sperry and soon after his marriage he went to Chillicothe, Mo. This was in 1860. In 1862 he was elected Mayor of Chillicothe, and in the 25th and 26th sessions of the Missouri legislature, (1869 and 1871), represented Livingston County, as a Republican. While in the legislature he made a record for himself as being one of the best posted men in the House. When not doing public ser- vice he devoted himself to the practice of his profession and had a large office business. He was one of the oldest members of the Presbyterian Church and was an elder in that organization up to his death and for many years Superintendent of its Sunday School which under his management achieved great success. For many years he was a leading citizen in Chillicothe and known as one of its most prominent men. His family at the time of his death consisted of Frank, Mary, and John Moore, now of Denison, Texas, Mrs. Laura C. Field of Monticello, Ind. and Miss Anne J. Moore of Braymer, Missouri. JUDD MIX MOTT, A. B., LL. B. University of Paris, France, '61. He was born at Alburgh, Vt., Sept. 16, 1834, and there pre- pared for college under the tuition of Major Zebina K. Pangborn. He entered the freshman class in 1854. Upon graduation he com- menced travelling as a lecturer on scientific subjects, and in this way visited nearly every state in the Union, as well as Canada. In 1859 he commenced the study of the law at Warrington, N. C. The next winter he spent in Washington, D. C. He then entered Harvard University Law School, remaining there one year. In 1860 he went to Europe visiting England, Scotland and Ireland. He then went to France and in Paris attended law lectures at the University and on examination received the degree of LL. B. and was admitted to the bar. He then, in the winter of 1860-61 began attending medical lectures in Paris, after which he visited Switzerland, Germany and other continental countries. When in Italy, news of the first "Bull Run Disaster" decided him to return home at once and join the Union army. Immediately after his arrival, he came to Michigan and en- listed as Captain in First U. S. Lancers. He held that position until March, 1862, when he was appointed Captain in the 16th Reg. Mich. Vol. Inf., which rank he held until he was killed. He led two charges in the battle of Hanover Court House. At Gaines' Hill he lost both his lieutenants, and was himself 46 CLASS HISTORY wounded and taken prisoner, carried to Richmond and was con- fined in Libby Prison two months until exchanged. Though weak from his wounds and confinement, he at once resumed his com- mand. He was in the second Bull Run battle. At Antietam was in the reserve. Engaged in battle of Fredericksburgh and of Middleville or Upper Aldie, Va. In this battle he was mortally wounded on June 21st, 1863. He was removed to the Armory Square Hospital in Washington, D. C. and there died June 28th, 1863, aged nearly twenty-nine years. His friend and classmate, Myron E. N. Howell, writes of him: "He was a thorough student, a man of close application, of superior mind, and was regarded with high respect by all. As a soldier and officer, he was brave, earnest and capable. The news of the disaster to our arms at the first Bull Run battle, brought him in haste from his course of European study, which he had intended to prosecute for several years, and it was impos- sible to prevent his joining the army and engaging in the thickest of the fight." CHRISTOPHER MYKRANTZ, A. B. Lawyer. Ashland, Ohio. He was born May 31, 1834, at Ashland, Ohio, prepared for college there; entered Bethany College in 1854, and North- western College, Indianapolis, Ind. in 1855. He then entered Michigan University in 1856 as a Junior and graduated with the class of '58. After his graduation he attended a law school at Cincinnati, O. where he married Emma Louisa Basnitt, July 18th, 1861; returned to Ashland, Ohio, and was Superintendent of Public Schools there during the war; he then went to Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio and was prosecuting attorney of that County. He was President of the Normal College at Bryan for ten years and also Superintendent of the Public Schools there for thirteen years. In 1883 he returned to Ashland and was Professor in Ash- land College teaching Greek, German and the sciences. In 1886 he went to Paola, Kansas and was Superintendent of Public Schools there for six years. Returning to Ashland, Ohio in 1892 he engaged in the practice of law with his son Harry A. until he retired from active practice in 1908. Altogether thirty-six years of his life has been devoted to educational work. He now resides at Ashland, Ohio and is interested in farm- ing and horticulture. MICHIGAN 58 47 His family consists of Howard B., M. D. of Brooklyn, N. Y., H. A. a lawyer of Ashland, O., Frank F. a druggist, Colum- bus, O., and John W. a lawyer, Ashland, 0. ABRAHAM NEFF, A. B. He was born Oct. 19, 1831, near Ashland, Ohio, and was prepared for college in the Ashland Public Schools, his teacher being S. M. Barber, a graduate of the University of Michigan. He entered Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, in the fall of 1854 and spent his Freshman year and three months of his Sophomore year, there. He then entered Michigan University in the Sophomore Class and graduated with the class of 1858. Upon his graduation he became a teacher for several years, and then went into business with a partner, merchandising at Cuba, 111. After a couple of years his partner moved to Cali- fornia, but he continued in the business with another partner. While so engaged he was burnt out. The loss so sustained was adjusted but never paid owing to the failure of the Company in which they were insured. The business was re-established and carried on for seven years, but losses were met, and finally he sold out at a loss. He then went to Bushnell, 111. and became Superintendent of the City Schools for four years, and then moved on to a farm in Fulton County, 111., where he has been up to this time (May 1911). He also taught again in the City of Cuba Schools for six years. In 1864 he married Miss H. T. Davett, of Knox Co., 111. who has been a "noble helpmate" to him and is still living. Eight children, four sons and four daughters, were born to them, of whom two daughters, both married, and one son, the youngest, also married, are living. Twenty-two years of his life were devoted to Educational work. His address is R. F. D. No. 1, Lewistown, 111. LYSTER MILLER O'BRIEN, A. B., B. S. Colonel U. S. Army. Died April 12, 1912. He was born at Monroe, Mich. Dec. 7th 1836, the eldest son of Rev. John O'Brien D. D. and Charlotte Tull, his wife; his father being the first Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Monroe, Michigan in 1831. He entered the University in the fall of 1853 and gradu- ated in 1858, in the Literary and Scientific Departments. After his graduation he studied law at Detroit, Michigan. In the fall of 1859 he entered the law school at Harvard Uni- 48 CLASS HISTORY versity for one year; returned to Detroit in the fall of 1860 and in April 1861, was admitted to the Bar as Attorney-at-Law by the Supreme Court. In July, 1862 he assisted in raising Co. H. 27th Michigan Infty. Vols, in which Company he was commissioned as 2nd 2nd Lieutenant, to date Oct. 10, 1862, and was mustered into the U. S. Service Feb. 25th, 1863. He served with his Com- pany and Regiment in the early spring of 1863 in Kentucky, the regiment being assigned to the 9th Army Corps, and with the corps went from Kentucky to the seige of Vicksburg and after the capture of Jackson, Miss., returned with the corps to Kentucky in August, 1863; participated in the campaign of his Regiment and Corps in East Tennessee in the fall and winter of 1863-64, being present at the battles of Blue Springs, Camp- bell's Station and the seige of Knoxville, by the Confederates under General Longstreet, C. S. A. and in the operations of the 9th Corps, in East Tennessee following the seige of Knoxville. In March 1864, the corps rejoined the Army of the Potomac, and took part in the campaign of that army under General U. S. Grant in 1864-65. He was with his Regiment in command of a Company, in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor and Petersburg, where on June 17th, 1864, he was wounded. He returned to duty with his regiment in Sept. 1864, and served with it in the final campaign of the Army of the Potomac, 1864-65, participating in the battles of Poplar Grove Church, Hatcher's Run, Fort Steadman, siege of Peters- burg, attack on and capture of Petersburg. He was brevetted Major of Volunteers for gallant and meritorious service before Petersburg and was honorably mustered out as Captain with his regiment July 26th, 1865. He re-entered the U. S. service as 2nd Lieutenant 16th Infty. U. S. Army, May 11th, 1866; served in Kentucky and Ten- nessee 1866-69 and on reconstruction duty in Virginia and Mis- sissippi in 1870. In December, 1870 he was assigned as 1st Lieutenant to the 17th U. S. Infantry and from 1871-94 was on duty with that regiment in Dakota, Ty. and in Wyoming with the exception of two years 1876-78, when he was on recruiting service at Columbus Barracks, Ohio. During his services, in Dakota Territory he was stationed at Cheyenne Agency, Fort Sissiton and Fort Yates, Standing Rock Agency, and was on escort duty to the Pacific R. R. Survey in 1872, and in the Yellow- stone Expedition of 1873. He was stationed at Fort D. A. Rus- sell and Fort Bridger during his service in Wyoming, 1886-94 and took part in the Pine Ridge campaign 1890-91. He received his promotion to Captain 17th U. S. Infantry in March 1879. In the fall of 1894, he was stationed with his MICHIGAN 58 49 regiment at Columbus Barracks, Ohio and remained there until the spring of 1898 when upon the breaking out of the Spanish American War he went with his regiment to Cuba, and was in command of it at the Battle of El Caney, July 1st, 1898 and dur- ing the operations resulting in the surrender of Santiago, July 17th, 1898. For his services in Cuba, he was recommended for the Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel. His promotion to Major was received in April 1898. He returned to the United States in August, 1898 and was again stationed at Columbus Barracks, Ohio with the 17th Infantry. In February 1899, he went with his regiment to the Philippines via the Suez Canal arriving in Manila, April 14th, 1899. He then took command of the 1st Battallion, 17th Infantry, and took part in the campaign of the U. S. forces under Major General McArthur against the in- surgents, during the summer and fall of 1899 and in the various actions and skirmishes incident thereto; in which his regiment participated. Also in several independent movements and ex- peditions while in command of the 1st Batt. 17th Infantry dur- ing the years 1899-1900. During this time he was in temporary command of the regiment at various times and took command of it upon his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel from July 1900 to November 1900. For his services in the Philippines he was recommended for the Brevets of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel by the com- manding officer of his regiment. He was retired for age Decem- ber 7th, 1900 and has the rank of Colonel on the retired list of the Army. In November 1877, he married Helen Falconer, daughter of Dr. Cyrus Falconer of Hamilton, Ohio. His wife died in 1887. Two of the four children of this union are now living, Mrs. E. M. Nicholas of Columbus, Ohio and Falconer O'Brien, of Detroit, Michigan. JOHN WELLS PAINE, B. S. Banker and Merchant. He was born at St. Joseph, Mich., March 11, 1839. He was fitted for college at Niles, under tuition of Rev. Hiram Adams and David Bacon, and entered the scientific freshman class in 1854. Overwork while a student induced a nervous affection somewhat in the nature of epilepsy. He graduated with his class, however in 1858, and commenced practical life as a hard- ware dealer at Niles and also was interested in a banking firm at the same place. His health becoming such that he could not attend to business matters he withdrew entirely from all con- nections of that kind about 1866. Thereafter he spent his time in travel and study. He was particularly interested in mathematical investiga- tions and the study of political economy, and wrote on both 50 CLASS HISTORY subjects for publication several monographs. He displayed re- markable powers as a clear reasoner on intricate subjects and his explanations were models of simplicity and strength. During the last year of his life he pursued a course of post- graduate studies in the University of a character most con- genial to his tastes, largely in higher mathematics. When the class in Civil Engineering went into the field for practice in June, he went with it and was in its camp at Brighton. On the 25th of June, 1881, he went bathing in the lake near the camp and being attacked with his peculiar nervous prostration, was drowned before he could be reached by help. His age was forty- two years. He was singularly diffident and modest regarding his own attainments, a genial companion, a warm-hearted friend, an un- assuming conscientious gentleman. T. R. Chase, Necrologist. CHARLES STEWART PATTERSON, B. S. Merchant. Died Dec. 15, 1873, at New York City. He was a son of Hon. Michael A. Patterson, for many years a Regent of the University, and was born at Tecumseh, Oct. 25th, 1836. He fitted for college at Tecumseh under tuition of Professor Estabrook, entering as a scientific freshman 1854, and graduating B. S. 1858. He commenced business soon after graduation as a druggist at Tecumseh, and married Nov. 18, 1862, Miss Caroline Ketcham. In 1873 he was forced to give up active life, and went to New York City for treatment for Bright's disease, without benefit. He died December 15, 1873, aged thirty-seven years. His remains were interred in his native place, Dec. 20, 1873. "In college he was a careful and diligent student, as well as a genial companion. In his business and social relations in after life, he was without reproach and beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends." BROWSE TRIST PRENTIS, A. B. Lawyer. Detroit, Michigan. Died at Detroit, May 4, 1912. One of the proudest days of my life was when I became a full-fledged freshman in the University of Michigan. Another, and I think even a greater day, was when, having passed my examinations, I was for the first time called by our old class- mate Mott, "Mr. Sophomore Prentis." The rest of my college life was the care-free and happy one of which is the lot of most students, but I do not remember any one day besides, that I would mark with a white stone. MICHIGAN 58 51 On the last, however, Commencement Day, as I saw the sun set, a feeling of sadness came over me such as I have never since felt except in the actual presence of some great sorrow. In those days I believe the students were nearer together, and nearer to their professors — more like a family, than they are now, and I felt as if family ties were about to be sundered — perhaps forever. Indeed it was true that some of us then looked in each other's faces for the last time. As to our professors, it was the end of our relations with them — relations which had become dear to us. I mention some of their names because I love to do so, and you, old classmates, love to hear them, — Tap- pan, Haven, Boise, Williams, Frieze, Winchell — it seems that there never was a better lot of men. When we entered the col- lege, we had the largest contingent of Detroit boys that had ever presented themselves, Chester, Gavin, Lyster, Quinby and Fred and John Speed. I knew them as school boys in Detroit, and their names have been familiar to us all ever since. Upon graduation I returned to Detroit and shortly after- wards was admitted to the bar, and have been a decently con- ducted citizen and lawyer ever since, and nothing has ever hap- pened to me. I have never been a sailor or soldier, nor ever held any important office of honor or emolument, I have never even been in jail. I have always lived in Detroit, but have traveled a good deal in our own country, and have once crossed the ocean — and come back to tell of it. I was born at Monroe, Mich., January 22nd, 1840, and in 1872 I was married to Miss Mary Macklin, who is — and I say it with due regard for the feelings of the rest of you gentlemen — the best woman in the world, and we have one son, John H. of whom we are very proud, who is a Minister of the Congregational Church. Three of four years ago I began to think it best to get out of active practice, before, as Wall suggests, I was obliged to do so, and have been "tapering off" ever since. I still maintain my office, where old friends and even clients are welcome, but I do little law business. I am glad to be here today and glad to see so many of the old boys, but, the death of Quinby only a few days ago, and the recent death of Chandler, the most loyal son of the Uni- versity I ever knew, casts a certain gloom upon our spirits which we cannot shake off, and would not if we could. There is much to make me proud of the class of '58, and one of the chief things is that it was the first class — as a class — to appreciate the grandeur of Dr. Tappan's character, and to love the man for himself. And to the influence of Chandler and Quinby, more than to any other one thing, was due this appreciation and affection. They knew Dr. Tappan better than 52 CLASS HISTORY the rest of us, and they showed us the way. And I am proud of '"58," for the sake of these two men, and of what they did in this line, if there had been nothing else. Again the class of '58 was the first to make any move- ment, as a class, to improve and beautifiy the rather desolate field that is now the campus — the glorified Campus. I am proud too of the fact that we had a stronger and truer class-spirit than any other class I ever knew of. And this spirit was a strong one, even while we were students. We did not wait until years had passed and college rivalries had been forgotten, and until we remembered only the good in each other. From the first it was a warm and sweet reality. We did not wait for the ten year re-unions, to feel and manifest that feel- ing of fraternal good will of which I am speaking. It displayed itself in all college meets and contests, both intellectual and athletic. Wicket was then about our only out-door sport — and it was a good one too — and I remembered that we challenged the whole University to a match game. I never knew any other class to do a similar thing. Another evidence of our affection for each other has been the large attendance at our re-unions. I do not think any other class has ever shown larger, proportionate gatherings. And Chandler was always there. Frequently, to my knowledge, the fact that he was to be there, brought others, and if that were not enough, his letters did it. We have had only one since his death — our fiftieth, and we shall perhaps, never have another. I am proud of the individual members of the class of '58 I do not know of a single one who made an absolute failure of his life. Many of them achieved distinction. I cannot particular- ize. I have not time nor space to refer in detail to their ser- vices in the Civil War. There were too many of them. From the heroic death of Mott and Woodruff, the baby of the class, almost in the beginning of the contest, to the splendid record of O'Brien, through and beyond the war, from the shortest to the longest, we are proud, and we have reason to be proud, of them all. Ail the men of our class in every relation of life, so demeaned themselves, that the world has been better for their living. They were good and honest men. There was not a sneak in the class. OSCAR FITZALLEN PRICE, A. B., A. M. '61 L. L. B. '60. Abbington College, Illinois. Lawyer. Born September 19th, 1836 at Marion, Ohio. Died at Kenosha, Wis. August 7, 1897. Admitted to the bar at Eaton Rapids '59. Practiced his profession at Galesburg, 111. subsequent to 1859; a member of the Illinois Legislature 1870-72 ; a Presidential elector in 1876 ; MICHIGAN 58 53 solicitor of the 111. lines of the C. B. & Q. R. R. He was pay- master and purchasing agent in Q. M. Dept. U. S. Vol. in Arkansas and in the Dept. of the Gulf 1862-65. At the time of his death he was a Trustee of Knox College, Illinois. On November 20, 1862 he married Sabina Lamphor, the daughter of Judge Lamphor of Galesburg; a veteran of the Mexican War. Their children are G. L. Price (U. of M. '86), of Galesburg, 111., Mrs. J. B. Seeley of Sheboygan, Wis., Mrs. F. S. Moore of Chicago, and H. 0. Price of Seattle, Washington. JOSEPH E. PRUTZMAN, B. S., M. S. '68. He was born at Kalamazoo, Mich., July 31, 1837. Im- mediately after graduation he engaged in the mercantile business at Three Rivers, Michigan, and remained there until the year 1867, and was in the manufacturing business from 1867 to 1887. In the latter year he went to California and from there to Oklahoma and in 1892 to Chicago where he remained until 1901, when he went to Kansas City, Missouri and engaged in business with the Builders Material Supply Company, with which he is still connected, having offices at 301-334 Scarritt Building. He was married to Miss Emma Hopkins in Detroit, Mich., May 12th, 1863 and his family consist of wife, one son and one daughter, all living. His residence is 1401 Linwood Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. WILLIAM EMORY QUINBY, A. B., A. M. '61, LL. D. '96. He was born at Brewer, Maine, December 14, 1835. His boyhood days were spent at Lisbon, where he obtained his early education. When he was fifteen years old he removed with his parents to Detroit where he attended the old Capitol High School and a private high school conducted by John M. Gregory. Here he prepared himself for entrance to the University, from which he was graduated with the Class of '58. A year later he was admitted to the bar in Detroit and began the practice of law, becoming at the same time court reporter for the Detroit Free Press. He succeeded so well in newspaper work that he eventu- tually gave up the law, and became a regular member of the Free Press staff. In 1861 he became city editor, a position which he occupied for two years, when he was advanced to the manag- ing editorship, at the same time purchasing a small interest in the paper. By 1872 he had acquired a controlling interest in the stock, and was made editor-in-chief of the paper. From 1872 to May, 1893, Mr. Quinby continued in active control of the Free Press. At that time he was appointed by President Cleveland, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to the Neth- erlands. This post he occupied for four years, but on his return he again took up his newspaper work, which he resigned only a short time before his death. In addition to his Baccalaureate 54 CLASS HISTORY Degree, he received the degree of A. M. from the University in 1861, and Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in 1896. He was married in 1860 to Adeline Frazier, who died in 1905. Six children survive him. Mr. Quinby died June 7, 1908, following a long illness and an operation at Harper Hospital, Detroit, Mich. He was deeply interested in his class. Was present at nearly all its meetings and devoted to Dr. Tappan. ALEXANDER RICHARD, B. S. Farmer and Surveyor. Died at Tecumseh, Michigan, December 7th, 1905. He took a post-graduate course at the University, 1858-59. SAMUEL EZRA SMITH, B. S. Died at San Francisco, California, October 6th, 1888. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 44th Indiana Volunteer In- fantry. He took a post-graduate course at the University 1858-59; was admitted to the bar in 1869, and practiced his profession in San Francisco, excepting the year 1870, when he was at Elk- hart, Ind. JOHN TENBROOK SNODDY, B. S. Major 7th Regiment Kansas Cavalry. Attorn ey-at-Law. Editor. Died at Mound City, Kansas, April 21, 1864. He was born in Lycoming County, Pa., November 10, 1835. He removed in 1851 to Indiana. During 1852 and 1853 he attended a part of the time the Western Manual Labor School near Annapolis, Parke County, Indiana. In the fall of 1854 he entered the University of Michigan and was graduated in 1858. He immediately went to Cleveland, Ohio and began the study of the law with Chase & Slade. At the January term of the Ohio Supreme Court (Jan. 2, 1859) he was admitted to practice. In the early spring of 1859 he located at Leavenworth, Kansas Territory to practice in partnership with Joel Moody, B. S., his college classmate. In the fall of 1859 he removed from Leavenworth to Mound City, in Linn Co., Kansas. In the latter part of that year, or early in 1860, he married Maria Moody of Oberlin, Ohio. From the time he located at Mound City, up to his enlistment in the Union Army he practiced law, and edited a newspaper at Mound City. In the fall of 1860, he was elected to the Territorial Legislature of Kansas and was serving in that body when the state was admitted to the Union. He took an active part with the free state men in the border troubles and defended them vigorously in his paper and on the stump. When the war broke out, and enlistments began in Kansas, for three years service he volunteered. This was in June 1861, MICHIGAN 58 55 but owing to some trouble, the batallion in which he had enlisted was not mustered into the U. S. service and he returned to Mound City. In July or early in August, 1861, the raising of the 7th Regiment, Kansas Volunteer Cavalry was begun at Mound City and he was commissioned Adjutant of it. The Regiment was filled and mustered in at Fort Leavenworth. In the capacity of Adjutant he served until the summer of 1862, when under an order from the War Department mustering out all Regimental Adjutants not line officers, he was mustered out. After a very short time, however, he was commissioned Ma- jor of the same Regiment, and returned to his command in the field and served with it in the capacity of Major until the summer of 1863, when he was compelled by the failure of his health to resign. He returned to his home in Mound City in the fall of 1863, almost a complete physical wreck. He again opened his law office, but was unable to do any considerable work. On On April 1st, 1864, he and his brother James D. Snoddy, published the first number of the Border Sentinel. At this time, however, he had so declined physically that he was scarcely able to leave his house. On the 21st day of April, 1864, he died at his home in Mound City. (From History of the University of Michigan, 1906) ADAM K. SPENCE was born at Rhynie, in the shire of Aberdeen, Scotland, March 12, 1831, son of Dr. Adam and Elizabeth (Ross) Spence. He was descended on the father's side from the Scotch Highlanders. His mother was of the fam- ous Clan Ross, and was linked with the Macdonalds, the Fraziers, and the McConachys. He received his early training in the country schools of Salem, Washenaw County, Michigan, to which place his parents had removed ; and after one year in the preparatory department of Olivet College, and three years in the same department of Oberlin College, he entered the Uni- versity of Michigan in 1854 and was graduated Bachelor of Arts in 1858. The degree of Master of Arts followed three years later. Immediately on graduation he was added to the teaching staff of the University, and filled in succession the following positions: Instructor in Greek, 1858-59; in Greek and French, 1859-60; in Greek, Latin and French, 1860-63; in Greek and French, 1863-65 ; Assistant Professor of Greek and French, 1865- 67, Professor of the French Language and Literature, 1867-70. In 1870 he resigned his chair to accept the acting presidency of Fisk University at Nashville, Tennessee. This position he oc- cupied for seven years, after which he served as Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Greek and French at the same insti- tution during the remainder of his life. He died at Nashville, 56 CLASS HISTORY April 24, 1900. He was one of the original members of the Student's Christian Association at Ann Arbor, and its first president. Throughout the entire period of his connection with this University, first as student and afterwards as teacher, he was unceasing in his labors for the prosperity of this Associa- tion. It would be difficult to find any one who possessed the genuine missionary spirit in a greater degree than did this man. Ann Arbor was very dear to him; but at the call of duty he went forth to strange surroundings and to social ostracism, and gave his all to the cause of the poor and lowly. He was married in 1862 to Catharine Mackey, and by her had four children, of whom but one survives, Mary Elizabeth. JAMES WORTHINGTON STARK, A. B., A. M. '68. Presbyterian Clergyman. Died October 1, 1909. He was born March 4, 1833, in Colchester, Conn. Early in life, however, he removed with his parents to Michigan, where he received his early education in the public schools, and graduated from the Normal at Ypsilanti. His college career was followed by three years' training in the Union Theological Seminary, preparatory to his ordination in 1862, when he en- tered upon his first pastoral charge at Danville, 111. This was followed by terms of ministerial service, varying from two to ten years at Jefferson, Wis., Berlin, Wis., Centralia, 111., Bloom- field, Iowa, Jerseyville, 111., Santa Fe, New Mexico, East Trini- dad, Colo., Linville and Allerton, Iowa, and again Bloomfield, Iowa. He was married in Jonesville, Michigan, to Cynthia Buck a cousin of President Taft, who died at the close of his service at Trinidad, Colo. During his last term of service at Bloom- field, Iowa, he married Henrietta B. Watson, who survives him, with his sister, Mrs. Woodburn of Cincinnati, O. He died at Los Angeles, Cal., October 1, 1909. Resolutions. The following report was read by the chairman of the com- mittee named therein at the Memorial Service held for Rev. James W. Stark at the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday even- ing, November 10, 1909, and was on motion unanimously adopted. To the members of the Presbyterian Church and Congrega- tion, of Jerseyville, 111. The undersigned, appointed as a Committee by the Session of this church, to prepare Preamble and Resolutions touching upon the life and death of Rev. James W. Stark, do now present the following as their report: Whereas, we have received the sad news of the death of Rev. James W. Stark, who died at his home in Los Angeles, MICHIGAN 58 57 California, on the morning of October 1st, 1909, after eight days of acute illness: Whereas, over forty years of his active life were spent in the Christian ministry, and it is the recorded testimony of others than this Committee, that "He was a faithful and attract- ive minister of the word of God"; that "People heard him gladly and were everywhere impressed with the sincerity of his faith in the Son of God and in His Holy Word" which testimonial is heartily endorsed by this Committee, and, Whereas, ten years of his ministerial life were spent in the service of this church, being from 1873 to 1883, during which time he endeared himself to those then here who listened to his voice and labored with him, and who can bear testimony to his uniform kindly disposition, his able, faithful, conscientious and untiring labors for the welfare of this Church, his purity of character and noble Christian example. Therefore, be it Re- solved, That it is with unfeigned sorrow that we learn of his death, but that sorrow is softened by the thought that his useful life was spared to his family and friends for so many years, and when the time came for him to go to his home on high, he was prepared for the change, and, like the Apostle of old, could truthfully say: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge shall give me at that day." Resolved, that we extend to his widow, other members of the family and friends who are bereaved by his death, our heart- felt sympathy in this time of sorrow, and by which we are also made mourners, assuring them that we can point with con- fidence to the God he served so long and faithfully, and whom he loved so well, for comfort to us all. Resolved, that a copy of this Preamble and Resolutions be sent to Mrs. Henrietta B. Stark, widow of the deceased; that our city papers be requested to publish the same, and that they be spread upon the records of this Church. John W. Vinson, Mrs. V. C. Harbert, W. S. Ross, Committee. OZORA PIERSON STEARNS, B. S., LL. B. '60. Lawyer. Died at San Diego, Cal., June 2, 1896. He was born Jan. 15, 1831, at DeKalb, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He fitted for college at Oberlin, Ohio. His residence at that time was Painesville, Ohio, and from that place he came 58 CLASS HISTORY to Ann Arbor in the autumn of 1855, securing the degree of B. S. in 1858. He entered the first class organized in the Law Department and received his degree of LL. B. 1860. He im- mediately began the practice of the law at Rochester, Minn., and in 1861 was elected prosecuting attorney for Olmsted Co. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the 9th Minnesota Infantry and was appointed 1st Lieutenant of Co. F. He served on the fron- tier against the Sioux Indians until the fall of 1863. He then engaged in law practice until April, 1864, when he was appoint- ed Colonel of the 39th U. S. Colored Infantry. He commanded his regiment in the Battle of the Wilderness; also in the Battle of Petersburg, following the Mine Explosion in July, 1864 ; and thereafter took part in numerous skirmishes and minor engage- ments during the campaign before Petersburg and Richmond. In December, 1864, he accompanied Gen. Butler on his Fort Fisher expedition. In January, 1865, he was with his regiment engaged in the capture of Ft. Fisher under the command of Gen. Terry. He remained in the service until December, 1865. While in the army he was again elected Prosecuting Attorney for his county, and on his return from military service, began the duties of his office January 1, 1866. In the spring of that year he was elected Mayor of Rochester, which office he held two years. In 1867 he was appointed United States Register in Bankruptcy. In January, 1871, he was elected U. S. Senator to fill out the term of Hon. Daniel S. Norton, deceased. In the spring of 1872, he removed to Duluth. In 1874 he was appointed Judge of the 11th Judicial District of Minnesota and in November of that year was elected to the same office for a term of seven years. He was three times elected without opposition. While holding court in 1891 he was stricken with paralysis and his health there- after being poor, he removed to San Diego, Cal., hoping to re- ceive benefit from the change of climate. His death occurred from pneumonia on the 3rd of June, 1896, at his residence in San Diego, Cal. GEORGE PHILANDER SWEET, B. S., M. S. '61, M. D. '65. Died at West Fork, Mo., January 8th, 1911. After graduation he taught a term at school and spent some time at Garret Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois. In 1859 he married, and took charge of an Indian Government School on Saginaw Bay, Michigan. In 1860-61 he attended law lectures at Michigan University. In 1863 after several failures to enter the Army, he took up the study of medicine with a view to entering the service as surgeon of Volunteers, but the war ended before he finished the course. He began the practice of medicine in Allegan, Michigan. His health failed and he never entirely recovered it. In 1870-71 he became partner in a flour mill at Canandaigua, Michigan. In 1871 he removed to MICHIGAN 58 59 Illinois where he remained until 1882. He then went to Missouri and settled in Shannon County, among the foothills of the Ozarks. In 1899 his wife died. Since then he lived most of the time in St. Louis, Mo. having sold his interests in Shannon County. He retained his professional standing as M. D. and in Dentistry and as Pharmacist and kept up a running practice in spite of ill health. He labored under many difficulties, es- pecially owing to the almost total loss of his eye-sight following an attack of pneumonia in 1899 from which he never entirely recovered. BRADLEY MARTIN THOMPSON, B. S., LL. B. '60, M. S. '61. Lawyer. Jay Professor of Law, U. of M. He was born April 16, 1835 in Milford, Oakland County, Mich, in the then territory of Michigan, the son of Robert and Maria Short Thompson. His father was born in Vermont and his mother in Genesee, western New York. His parents came to Michigan in 1832 and settled upon lands three miles south of the village of Milford, purchased from the United States. Until fifteen years of age the subject of this sketch worked upon the farm during the summer and attended the district school in the winter, when he was sent to Albion College (Mich.) to prepare for the University. He entered the University in 1854. He took an active part in college activities, was cne of the founders of the Adelphic Society in 1857, and was elected president of the society at the close of the first semester of 1857-58. During the school year of 1858-59 Col. Thompson taught in the Ann Arbor High School. He read law during the summer and entered the law school in Oct. 1859, graduating a member of the first class in March 1860. Immediately upon graduation he was examined and admitted to the bar at Ann Arbor. While still in the law department he formed a co-partnership with a classmate Charles K. Robinson and opened an office in East Saginaw in May 1860. In the Douglas-Lincoln presidential campaign of 1860 he was candidate for prosecuting attorney on the Democratic ticket and went down to defeat with his party. In 1861 Charles K. Robinson was appointed receiver of the U. S. Land Office and in the fall of that year Col. Thompson and Wm. L. Webber and Chancy H. Gage formed a law partner- ship under the firm name of Webber, Thompson and Gage. In the fall of 1862 he was mustered into the service as Captain of Company G, 7th Mich. Vol. Cavalry. He was in active service with his regiment through the Gettysburg cam- paign. In the fall of 1863 he was appointed commander of the dismounted cavalry camp at Washington and in July, 1864 was, on account of sickness transferred to the pay department as Major and additional paymaster U. S. Vols, and assigned for 60 CLASS HISTORY service to Cincinnati, Ohio under Major Wm. Cumback. He continued in the service until December 1865 when he was mustered out and made Brv't Lt. Col. U. S. Vols, for distin- guished services. Col. Thompson returned to East Saginaw and resumed the practice of the law, which he continued until 1888. In 1866 he was appointed city attorney and held the office for one year. He was again appointed to that office in 1870 and held the office for two years. In 1873 and 1874 he was Mayor of East Saginaw. In 1887 Col. Thompson was appointed Jay Professor of law in the University of Michigan, and removed to Ann Arbor with his family. His work in the department did not commence until the beginning of the second semester of 1887-88. He has continued to fill the chair until the present time. He was Mayor of Ann Arbor 1890-91. December 20, 1860, Col. Thompson married Marian Lind. They have had three children. Isadore T. Scott wife of Prof. F. N. Scott of Michigan University. Guy B. Thompson, de- ceased, one of the founders of the Legal News, and its editor until his death, and Elizabeth E. Thompson. GEORGE WILLARD WALL, A. B., A. M. '62. L. L. B., Cincinnati Law School '59. He was born at Chillicothe, Ohio, April 22, 1839. He was licensed to practice law in Illinois, June, 1859, and began the practice of his profession the same year in that state. He was elected a member of the Constitutional Conventions of Illinois in 1861, and again in 1869. He was elected State Attorney 3rd Judicial Circuit, 111. Nov. 1864 and was a delegate to the Democratic Convention in 1868 and to the National Democratic Convention in 1876. He was elected Circuit Judge of the 3rd Judicial Circuit, 111. in August 1877, re-elected in 1879, 1885 and 1891, his term of service expiring June, 1897. He was assigned to service in the Appellate Court from Jan. 1879 and so continued until the close of his term in 1897. His opinions are to be found in Vols. 3 to 71 of that court. He has been President of the Illinois State Board of Law Examiners since 1897. He has retired from practice. He married Miss Celeste Nettleton, May 29th, 1862. The children now living of this marriage are, Willard, Charles T., Juliette (now Mrs. Francis E. Pope), Samuel V. and Edgar T. He has also living five grandchildren, Willard, Helen B., Jessie Celeste, Margaret Ward and Celeste Pope. His address is DuQuoin, 111. MICHIGAN 58 61 DAVID BUEL WEBSTER, B. S., M.S. '64. Born at Monticello, N. Y. June 11th, 1836. Died at Toledo, 0., May 28, 1913. During the winter following graduation he taught school at Liberty, Sullivan County, N. Y. In the following spring he re- turned to Ann Arbor, and on April 12th, 1859 he married Miss Rebecca Henion. He purchased a farm on the Saline Gravel Pike, one and one-half miles south of Ann Arbor. After thirty years of farm life he sold his farm and moved to Ann Arbor. In 1889 he moved to Toledo, Ohio. Three of his five children are living, Mrs. L. M. Bisbee of Pasadena, Cal., Mrs. C. B. Cole of Toledo, Ohio and Charles H. Webster, 2256 Rosewood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. FITCH REED WILLIAMS, A. B., A. M. '69. He was born at Amenia, Dutchess county, New York, De- cember 18, 1834. In 1845 his parents removed to Michigan. He was prepared for tne University at Albion and entered sopho- more in 1853. At the end of his junior year he fell out, re-enter- ing in 1857, and graduating the following June. For the next two years (1858-60) he was Instructor in Latin at the University, and then became Professor in Albion College for two years. In 1859- 60, in addition to his teaching he had heard lectures in the newly- opened Law School of the University, but he did not seek admis- sion to the bar until 1866. He practiced his profession at Albion for four years and then (1870) took up his residence at Elk Rapids, Michigan, being the first attorney to open an office in An- trim county. During the rest of his life he was a leading lawyer of that region, and at the time of his death was serving his sev- enth term as Prosecuting Attorney of the county. He was three years Judge of Probate by appointment of the Governor. In 1876 he was elected State Senator and served one term (1877-79). He was for some years a trustee of the Michigan Asylum for the Insane at Kalamazoo, and held other offices of trust. He died suddenly at Elk Rapids, on July 13, 1904, in his seventieth year. WILLIAM SCHUYLER WOODRUFF, A. B. '58 1st Lieutenant 1st Reg. Mich. Vol. Infantry Mortally wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 25th, 1864. The son of Wm. George and Augusta Woodruff, was born at Marshall, Mich. Aug. 22, 1838. Prepared for college at Mar- shall Union School and at an Academy in Buffalo, N. Y. Entered Sophomore in 1855 and graduated in 1858. Immediately after leaving the University he began teaching at Marion, Alabama, 62 CLASS HISTORY and continued his school there until December 31, 1860, when he returned to Marshall. He enlisted as a private in the 1st Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Infantry, August 1, 1861; was appointed Sergeant Co. "E" and served in that rank until Dec. I, 1862 when he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant and on Jan. II, 1864 was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He was wounded and taken prisoner at Manassas, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862, was wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, was in command of his Company in the trenches before Petersburg, Va., was wounded June 25th, 1864 in action at Petersburg, and died of wound in Armory Square Hospital, Washington, June 28th, 1864. He was buried in the National Cemetery on Arlington Heights. His father writes of him Jan. 1865. "William was a good general scholar, but was especially devoted to study of botany and of geology. For these studies he had fine opportunities while residing in the South. His attainments in these specialties led to his election to the mem- bership in several scientific associations, and Academies of Natural Science. "Self-sacrifice and self-abnegation were written all over his brief career. My great consolation in his loss is in the service he rendered his country, and the earnest fidelity of his Christian character." MICHIGAN 58 63 FRATERNITIES. ALPHA DELTA PHI John Graves Myron E. N. Howell Charles R. Miller Robert S. Moore William E. Quinby James W. Stark. BETA THETA PHI Frank Askew Edward Bruce Chandler Thomas Gore Gavin Daniel Kloss Christopher Mykrantz Abraham Neff Oscar F. Price Browse T. Prentis George W. Wall CHI PSI Hamilton J. Dennis Henry F. Lyster Otis McOmber Lyster Miller O'Brien DELTA KAPPA EPSILON Luther Beckwith Wesley A. Green Ruel M. Johnson Ozora P. Stearns Bradley M. Thompson ZETA PSI Horace Halbert Liberty E. Holden Henry A. Humphrey Lewis McLouth 64 CLASS HISTORY SERVICE IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 1 ASKEW, FRANK 2nd Lieut. 17th Ohio Vols. Infty., April 17, 1861 ; 1st Lieut. May 17, 1861. Served in West Virginia until close of this regiments' three month's service. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1861. Captain 15th Ohio, Vols. Infty. Sept. 13, 1861. Lieut. Colonel, Oct. 24, 1862. Colonel, July 28, 1864. Brig. General U. S. Vol., July 14, 1864 for "Gallant and meritourious services during the war." Mustered out Nov. 22, 1865 and honorably discharged Dec. 27, 1865. His service was with the Army of the Cumberland and included the battles of Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, and those of the Atlantic Campaign, Franklin and Nashville. He was wounded and captured at Stone River being left at Murfreesboro on retirement of Bragg's Army. He was slightly wounded in action before Atlanta July 28, 1864 but remained on duty. Member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and also of the G. A. R. 2 BUCK, HENRY A. Enlisted Oct. 28, 1861 in Co. K. 51, Illinois Vol. Infty. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. 51st Illinois Vol. Infty. June 12th, 1863 to rank from April 16th, 1863. Killed in action at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19, 1863. 3 CHESTER, GEO. M. Clerk Q. M. Dept. U. S. A. 1861 under Col. Rucker U. S. A. Captain and Quartermaster U. S. Vols. June 30th, 1864. Resigned Nov. 7th, 1864 and honorably discharged. 4 GREEN, WESLEY A. 1st Lieut. 4th Mich. Cavalry Vols. Aug. 13, 1862. Re- signed and honorably discharged Jan. 23, 1863. Died at Soldier's Home, Grand Rapids, Mich. Feb. 25, 1910, on account of disease contracted while in service in the line of duty. 5 HORNER, JOHN W. Entered the service as 1st Lieut. Co. K, 1st Mich. Vols. Inft. in April, 1861. Mustered out Aug. 7, 1861. Captain Co. C 18th Mich. Vols. Infty. July 27, 1862. Major, Aug. 13, 1862. Lieut. Colonel, Feb. 21, 1864. Colonel, March 21, 1865. Mustered out and honorably discharged June 26, 1865. MICHIGAN 58 65 Member of Military Commission at Nashville, Tenn. Sept. 1, 1863. Member of Board of Examiners Oct. 6 to Dec. 1863. In command of Military Prison at Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 7, 1864. Provost Marshall at Nashville, Feb. 27 to June, 1864. 6 JOHNSON, RUEL, M. Captain 100 Indiana Vols. Infty. Aug. 1862. Major 1863. Lieut. Colonel, Jan. 9, 1864. Commissioned Colonel, May 2, 1865, not mustered. Mustered out as Lt. Col. with Regt. June 8, 1865 and honorably discharged. Awarded Medal of Honor "while in command of the regi- ment at Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863, bravely exposing himself to the fire of the enemy, encouraging and cheering his men." Member Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 7 LYSTER, HENRY F. Assistant Surgeon 2nd Mich. Vols. Infty. April 25, 1861. Mustered in U. S. Service May 25, 1861. Surgeon 5th Mich. Vols. Infty. July 15, 1862. Mustered out and honorably discharged May 28, 1865. He served in the Army of the Potomac 1861-65 ; was Sur- geon-in-Chief of the 3rd Field Hospital 1st Div. 3rd Corps; Operating Surgeon in the 2nd and 3rd Corps: Acting Medical Director and Medical Inspector of the 3rd Corps. He was wounded in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5th, 1864. Member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 8 MILLER, CHARLES R. First Lieut. Co. C. 18th Mich. Vol. Infty. July 27, 1862. Captain Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered out and honorably dis- charged June 26, 1865. On duty staff of General Robert S. Granger Post Commander at Nashville, and afterwards on staff of Gen. Miller ; then on staff of Gen. Rosseau ; and for the last nine months of the war on staff of Gen. George H. Thomas, Commanding Army of the Cumberland ; was on duty as Assist- ant Judge Advocate from Oct. 1st, 1863 to May, 1865. He was wounded in action at Nashville, Tenn. Dec. 16, 1864. His service was in Army of the Cumberland. 9 MOORE, ROBT. S. Captain Co. H. 65th, Enrolled Missouri Militia, Oct. 30, 1862. Colonel 14th Regt. Mo. Militia, 1865. Provost Marshall Northern District of Mo., 1865. 10 MOODY, JOEL. Enlisted as a private in Co. H. June 16th, 1862. 2nd Indian Regt. (Cherokee) : First Lieut. Co. A, July 7th, 1862, 2nd Indian Regt. Capt. Sept. 4, 1863. Mustered out and honorably discharged Sept. 23, 1863. Member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 6b CLASS HISTORY 11 MOTT, JUD M. Captain Co. I, 16th Mich. Vol. Infty. Sept. 30, 1861. He served with his regiment in the Army of the Potomac: was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. until ex- changed Aug. 12, 1862, when though weak from his wound he resumed command of his company: was in the second battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29-30, 1862 where his company lost several in killed and wounded. At Antietam he was in reserve: was en- gaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 11-15, 1862 and was mortally wounded in action at Upper Aldie, Va., June 21st, 1863, from which wound he died at Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. June 28, 1863. 12 O'BRIEN, LYSTER M. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 27th, Mich. Vols. Infty. Oct. 10, 1862: 1st Lieut. Jan. 29, 1864: 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, May 5, 1864: Captain, Nov. 17, 1864: Brevet Major U. S. Vols. March 13, 1865, for "Gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va." Mustered out and honorably discharged July 26, 1865. His service with the 9th Army Corps (Burnsides) in Ky. and Miss, during the spring and summer of '63: in Ky. and Tenn., fall and winter of 1863 to March, 1864 : then in the Army of the Potomac in the campaign against Richmond and Peters- burg from April, 1864 to the close of this campaign in April, 1865. During this time he was in the following battles, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Blue Springs, Campbell's Station, Siege of Knox- ville, The Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Poplar Grove Church, Hatchers Run, Siege of Petersburg, Fort Steadman, Attack on and capture of Petersburg, and in the many skirmishes incident to these battles and campaigns. He was wounded June 17, 1864 at Petersburg, returning to duty in Sept., 1864. Member of Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and of the G. A. R. For subsequent service in the Regular Army of the U. S. see Biolographical sketch. 13 PRICE, OSCAR F. In Quartermasters Department U. S. Vols. 14 SMITH, SAMUEL E. 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 44th Indiana Vols. Infty. Nov. 7, 1863, mustered in U. S. service, Nov. 14, 1863 ; mustered out Jan. 17, 1865 and honorably discharged. 15 SNODDY, JOHN T. He volunteered when enlistments began in Kansas in June, 1861 for three years service, but the battalion in which MICHIGAN 58 67 he enlisted was not mustered into the U. S. service. On Oct. 14, 1861 he was mustered as 1st Lieut, and Adjutant 7th Kansas Cavalry: mustered out as such July 17, 1862. Major 7th Kan- sas Cavalry, July 22, 1862. Resigned on account of ill health and honorably discharged March 6, 1863. Died at Mound City, Kansas, April 21, 1864 of disease contracted in the service in the line of duty. 16 STEARNS, OZORA P. 1st Lieutenant 9th Minnesota Vols. Infty. Aug. 19, 1862. He served on the frontier against the Sioux Indians until the fall of 1863. Appointed Colonel of the 39th U. S. Col- ored Infty., April 24, 1864, and in command of his regiment par- ticipated in the campaign of the Army of the Potomac 1864-65 against Richmond and Petersburg: accompanied General Butler in his Fort Fisher expedition in Dec. 1864, and in Jan. 1865 was with his regiment engaged in the capture of Fort Fisher by Gen. Terry. He remained in service until Dec. 1865, when he was mus- tered out and honorably discharged. 17 THOMPSON, BRADLEY M. Entered service as 1st Lieut. Co. C. 7th Mich. Cav. Mustered into U. S. service Nov. 13, 1862, to date from Sept. 20, 1862: Captain Co. G. 7th Mich. Cav. Oct. 15, 1862. Trans- ferred to the Pay Dept., July 31, 1864, as Major and additional paymaster U. S. Vols, to date from July 2, 1864. Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. Vols. March 13, 1865 for "Faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war." Mustered out and honorably discharged Dec. 1, 1865. He was in active service with his regiment through the Gettysburg campaign: appointed commander of the dis- mounted cavalry camp at Washington, D. C. in the fall of 1863. Member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. 18 WOODRUFF, WILLIAM S. Enlisted as a private in Co. E. 1st Mich. Vol Infty. July 16, 1861: appointed Sergeant Co. E. and served as such until Dec. 1, 1862 when he was appointed 2nd Lieut: promoted 1st Lieut. Jan. 11, 1864: was wounded and taken prisoner at Manassas, Va., Aug. 30, 1862 : wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863: in command of his company in the trenches before Petersburg: mortally wounded in action at Petersburg, June 25, 1864 and died of wound in Armory Square Hospital, Washing- ton, D. C. June 28, 1864. Buried in the National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. 68 CLASS HISTORY SUMMARY. Names Course Yrs. Frank Askew Sc 4 Luther Beckwith Sc 4 Henry A. Buck CI 4 Heman B. Burgess CI 4 E. Bruce Chandler CI 4 George M. Chester CI George M. Danforth . . . . Sc 4 Hamilton J. Dennis CI 4 John Q. A. Fritchey .... CI 4 Thomas G. Calvin CI 4 John Graves CI 4 Wesley A. Green CI 4 Horace Halbert Sc 3 Liberty E. Holden CI 2 John W. Horner CI 3 Myron E. N. Howell.... Sc 4 Henry A. Humphrey .... CI 4 Ruel M. Johnson Sc 4 Daniel Kloss CI 4 Adoniram J. Looinis. . . .CI 4 Henry F. Lyster CI 4 Born Degrees Remarks Age 1837 B. S. '58 Died Apr. 28, 1902 65 1832 B. S. '58 Died Aug. 10, 1885 52 A. B. A. M. '58 '61 Killed in action Sept. 19, 1863 1833 A. B. A. M. B. D. '58 '63 '61 Plattsmouth, Neb. 1838 A. B. A. M. '58 '68 Died June 6, 1904 66 1S38 A. B. A. M. '58 '70 Died June 7, 1891 53 1836 B. S. L. L. B. M. S. '58 '60 '62 Died Jan. 9, 1S81 45 1835 A. B. L. L. B. '58 '61 Died Oct. 12, 1894 59 1830 A. B. A. M. '58 '64 Died Sept. 3, 1897 67 1835 A. B. '58 Died Dec. 28, 1861 26 A. B. L. L. B. A. M. '58 '60 '70 Died April 21, 1902 1832 A. B. L. L. B. A. M. '58 '60 '61 Died Feb. 25, 1910 78 1S27 B. S. '58 Died Feb. 5, 1912 85 1833 A. B. A. M. '58 '61 Cleveland Ohio 1833 A. B. A. M. '58 '62 Died Aug. 16, 1874 41 1833 B. S. '5S Died Feb. 17, 1888 55 1832 A. B. A. M. '5S '61 Died Feb. 6, 1865 33 B. S, M. S. '58 '65 Died Nov. 12, 1901 1830 A. B. D. D. '58 '88 Died January, 1912 82 1833 A. B. A. M. '58 '61 Died March 2, 1903 70 1837 A. B. M. D. A. M. '58 *60 '61 Died Oct. 3, 1894 57 MICHIGAN 58 GU Course Yrs. Born Degrees Remarks Age Lewis McLouth CI 4 Otis M. McOmber CI 4 George A. Mark Sc 4 Charles R. Miller Sc 3 Joel Moody Sc 2 Robert S. Moore CI 4 Jud Mix Mott CI 4 Christopher Mykrantz . . . CI 2 Abraham Neff CI 3 Lyster M. O'Brien CI Sc 5 John W. Paine Sc 4 Charles S. Patterson. ... Sc 4 Browse T. Prentis CI 4 Oscar F. Price CI 4 Joseph E. Prutzman. . . . Sc 4 William E. Quinby CI 4 Alexander Richard Sc 4 Samuel E. Smith Sc 4 John T. Snoddy Sc 4 Adam K. Spence CI 4 James W. Stark CI 4 Ozora P. Stearns Sc 3 George P. Sweet Sc 4 Bradley M. Thompson .. .Sc 4 George W. Wall CI 4 David B. Webster Sc 4 William S. Woodruff CI 3 a. B. '58 A. M. '61 Ph. D. '84 M. P. '03 Died March 14, 1909 A. B. •58 Died May 13, 1897 1830 B. S. M. S. '58 '61 205 Manning St., Hillsdale, Mich. 1834 A. B. L. L.B. M. S. '58 '60 '62 Died Oct. 13, 1908 74 1833 B. S. M. S. '58 '72 1222 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. 1831 A. B. '58 Died Apr. 4, 1902 71 1834 A. B. L. L. B. '58 '61 Died of wounds received in action, June 28, '63 29 1834 A. B. '58 Center St., Ashland, O. 1831 A. B. '58 R. R. No. 1, Lewistown, 111. 1836 A. B. B. S. '58 '58 The Pasadena, Detroit, Mich. 1839 B. S. '58 Drowned June 25, 1881 42 1836 B. S. '58 Died Dec. 15, 1873 37 A. B. '58 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 1836 A. B. L. L. B. A. M. '58 '60 '61 Died Aug. 7, 1897 61 1837 B. S. M. S. '58 '68 1401 Linwood Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 1835 A. B. A. M. L. L. D. '58 '61 '96 Died June 7, 190S 73 B. S. '58 Died Dec. 7, 1905 B. S. '58 Died Oct. 6, 1888 1835 B. S. '58 Died Apr. 21, 1864 29 1831 A. B. A. M. '58 '61 Died Apr. 24, 1900 69 1833 A. B. A. M. '58 '68 Died Oct. 1, 1909 76 1831 B. S. L. L. B. '58 '60 Died June 2, 1896 65 B. S. M. S. M. D. •58 •61 •65 Died Jan. 8, 1911 1835 B. S. L. L.B. M. S. •58 •60 '61 Ann Arbor, Mich. 1839 A. B. L. L. B. A. M. '58 '59 '62 Duquoin, 111. 1836 B S. M. S. '58 '64 2256 Rosewood Ave., Toledo, Ohio 1838 A. B. 58 Died of wounds received action. June 28, 1864 in 26 70 CLASS HISTORY MEMBERS DECEASED. IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. Age 1 Thomas G. Gavin. . .at Detroit, Mich Dec. 28, '61 26 2 Judd M. Mott at Washington, D. C, of wounds received in action June 28, '63 29 3 Henry A. Buck killed in action at Chickama-uga Sept. 19, '63 4 John T. Mound City, Kansas, of disease con- tracted in the service in the line of duty. April 21, '64 29 5 William S. Woodruff. at Washington, D. C, of wounds received in action June 28, 6 Henry A. Humphrey. at Hudson, Wis Feb. 6, 7 Charles S. Patterson. at New York City Dec. 15, 8 John W. Horner .... at Osawatomie, Kansas Aug. 16, 9 George M. Minneapolis, Minn Jan. 9, 10 John W. Paine drowned at Brighton, Mich June 25, 11 Luther Beckwith at Bay City, Mich Aug. 10, 12 Myron E. N. Howell. at Washington, D. C Feb. 17, 13 Samuel E. Smith. . . .at San Francisco, Cal Oct. 6, 14 George M. Chester. . .at Detroit. Mich June 7, 15 Henry F. Lyster at Niles, Mich Oct. 3, 16 Hamilton J. Dennis, at Topeka, Kansas Oct. 12, 17 Ozora P. Stearns. . .at San Diego, Cal June 2, 18 Otis H. McOmber. . .at Kalamazoo, Mich .May 13, 19 Oscar F. Price at Kenosha, Wis Aug. 7, 20 John Q. A. Fritchey. .at Atlantic City, N. J Sept. 3, 21 Adam K. Spence at Nashville, Tenn April 24, 22 Ruel M. Johnson. . . . at Goshen, Ind Nov. 12, 23 Robert S. Moore at Chillicothe, Mo April 4, 24 John Graves at Detroit, Mich April 21, 25 Frank Askew at Kansas City, Mo April 28, 26 Adoniram J. Loomis.a-t Blue Rapids, Kansas March 2, 27 E. Bruce Chandler. . .at Chicago, 111 June 6, 28 Fitch Reed Williams, a-t Elk Rapids, Mich July 13, 29 Alexander Richard. . .at Tecumseh, Mich Dec. 7, 30 William E. Quinby. .at Detroit, Mich June 7, '08 31 Charles R. Miller. . .at Adrian, Mich Oct. 13, 32 Lewis McLouth at New Britain, Conn March 14, 33 James W. Stark. . . .art Los Angeles, Cal Oct. 1, 34 Wesley A. Green at Grand Rapids, Mich Feb. 25, 35 George P. Sweet. . . . at West Fork, Mo Jan. 8. 36 Daniel Kloss at Claremont, Col Jan. 11, 37 Horace Halbert at North Fargo, N. D Feb. 5, 38 Lyster M. O'Brien, .at Columbus, O April 12, 39 Browse T. Prentis. . .at Detroit, Mich May 4, 40 Heman B. Burgess. . .at Phittsmouth, Nebr Sept. 7, '12 41 David B. Webster, .at Toledo, O May 28, '13 42 Liberty E. Holden. . .at Mentor, O Aug. 26, '13 •64 26 •65 33 '73 37 '74 41 '81 45 '81 42 '85 53 '88 55 •88 '91 53 '94 58 '94 58 '96 65 '97 '97 61 '97 67 '00 69 '01 65 '02 70 '02 73 •02 65 '03 69 '04 66 '04 70 '05 73 '08 72 '08 76 '09 73 •09 76 '10 78 '11 7S '12 81 •12 85 '12 75 '12 72 i5() LB $zn+ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY