1 BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA o ^ , ^ z//y^<. -r c A2 ,/f. ^'dr^J. ^igilla. ^ntiauat. ENGRAVINGS FROM ATTACHED TO nEXSnS AKD CHARTERS IN THE MUNIMENT ROOM OF SIE THOMAS HARE BARONET OF STOWE - BARDOLPH. -— ->«m»^7t^£n^7me*i fyH'^Ur . PLATE 7. No. 1. Seal of Simon de Asshele Rector of St. Martyn's in Fyncham Ao. 2 Edw. 3, and of St. Mary's of Tyd, Ao. 12 Edw. 3, appended to several deeds conveying lands in Fyncham. — 2. Seal to a deed of conveyance of the Manor of Burnhamhall in Fyncham, from Roger Grandcourt and Johanna his vvife to Ralph de Kettistone. 18 Edw. 2. — 3. Seal of Katharine wife of John Bardolph of Fretenham, appen- ded to an Indenture on the marriage of Thomas their son and heir, with Agnes daughter of Thomas de Essex. 10 Edw. 3. — 4. Seal of Henry de North- Elmham chaplain, to his deed granting a rood of meadow in Wynebotesham to John Langele. 19 Edw. 2. — 5. Seal of Henry Hemenhale, appended to the deed of Amicia late wife of Alexander de Buterwyth, granting to the Prior of Pentney a tenement with all its appurtenances in Fyncham and Stradesete. 1 1 Edw. 2. — 6. To the same deed as No. 2. — 7. Seal of Thomas de Newenham, to a deed of Thomas de Schudl- ingdone conveying to Master John de Schutlingdone, his brother, lands in Wynebotesham. 31 Edw. 1. — 8. Seal of John Bardolph, to same deed as No. 3. — 9. Seal of Adam de Brancaster, to his deed granting a messuage in Barton, to Hugh the son of William, the son of Henry de Bertone- Bendych. 1 1 Edw. 2. V>Mj/W' ■■^■' nr»m^i ^ZTn^^-^^ tv/ayA-^. PLATE 8. ISo. 1. Seal to a deed of release, from John de Flegg of Wyrham to Geoffry Burghard, of a rent charge on land in Bucton. 1 1 Edw. 2 — 2. Seal to a Letter of Attorney, from Martyn Godsyb of Fyncham to Hugh de Wodewell of Shuldham, to deliver seizin of lands in the parish of Fyncham. 9 Edw. 3. — 3. Seal of Richard Atte-gate, appended to the deed of Emma the daughter of Bartholomew de Bernardshalle of Fyncham, granting a piece of land there to Roger son of Sir John Curpel. 8 Edw. 2. — 4. Seal of Peter Talbot of Fyncham, to an Indre of exchange of lands there between the said Peter and Ralph de Ketelistone. 19 Edw. 2. — 5. Seal of John de Caustone, appended by Matilda his widow to a deed whereby she grants to Peter Talebot, two acres of land in Fyncham. 3 Edw. 1. — 6. Seal of Russel Chaumpayne, to a deed of Peter de Fornisete and Margery de la Chaumbre his wife, whereby they convey to Adam de Fyncham, all their lands & tenements &c. in Fyncham and else- where. 16 Edw. 2. — 7. Seal of Katherine de Essex, appended to a Letter of Attorney from William de Essex, and Thomas de Buxton to Hugh of Spikesworth, to receive seizin of the manor of Oulton. t. Edw. 3. — 8. Seal appended to an Indre between Johanna relict of Simon de Harpetynge, and Simon and Edmund her sons, touching the manor of Combs in Fyncham. 3 Edw. 3. — 9. Seal [ — a bend ermine ( apparently ) cotised, between 3 goats heads — ] appended to a letter of Attorney from Walter of Stowe- bardolf to John Knight of Gonthorp, to deliver seizin of lands in Stowe &c. to Roger de Tony and others. 8 Edw. 3. —-XQ. Seal appended to a deed of grant of two oxen, from Muriel the daughter of Reginald Bretoun, to Thomas de Birston. 4 Edw. 3. — 11. Seal to a grant from William de Norwich to Ralph de Ketles- ton of lands in Fyncham. 3 Edw. 3. — 12. Seal appended by Gilbert de Ethel rector of the church of West brigge, to a deed conveying to John de Langelee & Egidia his wife a messuage, with 16 acres of land &c. in Wynebotesham. 3. E. 3. ZfT-ettvn ^ih^To^eei ly ^T^i'^- PLATE Sa.i» No. 1. Ni CH OL Ai. Seal appended to various deeds from different indi- viduals in the reign of Edward the Third. — 2. Seal appended by Robert Trayle of Bertone-Byndich chaplain, to a deed from himself and Robert le Baxter, conveying 16 acres, 3 roods of land in Berton and Estmor to John de Fyncham & Alice his wife. 12 Edw. 3. — 3. Seal used by Roger le Baxter to the above deed. — 4. Seal of Roger de Totel jun"^. to a deed by which Nicholas son of Thomas son of Ralph de Stradesete grants half an acre of land in the Holmfurlonge in Stradesete, to Adam de Fyncham. 11 Edw. 3. Note, the field appears to have borne some charge on either side of the Ordinary. — 5. Seal of Elizabeth de Burgh, Diia de Clare, appended to a deed granting lands in "Wirham &c. to the Abbey of West-Derham. 10 Edw. 3. — 6. Seal of John Lord Bardolph of Wormegeye. 12 Edw. 3. — 7. Seal of Thomas de Asshele of Fyncham, as appended to various deeds passing lands in Fyncham in the reign of Edward the Third, — 8. Seal appended to a deed of Peter de Narburgh of Wynbotesham granting lands there to John le Nethyrde of Downham. 31 Edw. 3 — 9' Seal of Egidius le Joevene de Humbriggeshoo, appended to his grant in fee, of a piece of land called Huntiswong in Fyncham, to John de Fyncham. 12 Edw. 3. 'M /rf / > PLATE »/0. No. 1. Seal to a deed whereby Henry de Hoxne of North-Elmham chaplain, grants to Stephen son of John de Scutlingtone, a messu- age, and eight acres of land in Wynbotisham. 15 Edw. 1. — 2. Seal of Emma le Ray, to an Indenture of exchange of lands in Shouldham, between the said Emma and Richard Trussebut. 8 Edw. 2. — 3. Seal of Edmund de Cailli, appended to a deed from Nicholas Russel of Garbeysthorpe, conveying a piece of land, called Ashacre, in that town, to Adam de Fynchaui. 7 Edw. 3. — 4. Seal affixed to an Indfe of exchange of land between Edmund de Cumbes of Fyncham, and the Prior of Pentney. 12 Edw. 2. — 5. s' ROGER fil' math' peilypa. Seal of Roger son of Mathew of Fyncham to his deed confirming to John Kynne, a rood and a half of land there. 9 Edw. 2. — 6. Seal of John son of Gilbert de Narburw, appended to his deed whereby he conveys to Ranulph le Cu, burgess of Lynn, two acres of land in Stowe. 25 Edw. 1. — 7. Seal of Nicholas Russel of Karbesthorpe, to his deed granting to John Auntcross a messuage and lands in Wynebotesham and Stowe. 14 Edw. 3. — 8. Seal of John de Littlewelle, afiixed to a deed whereby Matilda Helguthon grants two acres of land there, to Thomas Sledmere Vicar of St. Martyns in Fyncham. 46 Edw. 3. — 9. Seal of Geoffry le Rede, to his deed granting a piece of land in Schuldham, to Thomas son of Roger the Blacksmith. 15 Edw. 2, Plate, 11 1 \mp:/}^' ^V, ■g/ Mf Jirt ieE'fi^mff^ /■ PLATE 11. No. 1 . Seal to a deed of release, from John the son of John Brodyng of Dounhamhythe to Thomas Norman and Cecilia his wife, of 3 acres and a half of arable land there. 18 Edw. 3. : — 2. Seal of Edmund de Reynham, to a deed of Joan relict of William Sty ward of Watlyngton, releasing all his lands and tenements there to Lawrence Trussebut and Nicholas his son. 16 Ric. 2. — 3. Seal of Lambert de Alemaine, to a deed of Thomas Lay of Thorp- land, granting to John de Fyncham and Alice his wife, three acres of land there. 16 Edw. 3. — 4. Seal of John Lord Bardolph of Wirmegeye to a deed whereby he grants to John de Fyncham all the lands and tenements which Tho. de Asshele held ofhim in Fyncham and Stradesete. 20 Edw. 3. ♦,♦ The engraving by no means does justice to the clean and beautiful execution of this elegant Seal. — 5. Seal to a deed whereby Agnes de Ketlyston grants the Manor of Burnham-hall in Fyncham, for the term of her life, to John son of Adam de Fyncham. 20 Edw, 3. — 6, Seal to a deed of Cecilia relict of Ralph de Haunfrei, whereby she releases to John de Fyncham, all her right in the lands and tenem". which Peter de Hornisete, late husband of Margery de la Chaunibre her mother, without the said Margaret's consent, had alienated to di- vers persons. 25 Edw. 3. »,* The shield is party per pale, apparently, sanguine and argent. — 7. Seal of Thomas de Calle, or Calie, to a deed sans date from John le Curteys de Helegh, granting land in Wynebotesham to Stephen de Scytlingdone, time of Hen. 3. or Edw. 1 . — also to several deeds from Robert Mushil of Dounhamhythe granting to John de Tonwel lands in the same town. 7 Ric.2. — 8. Seal to a deed of Roger the son of John de Caustone of Fyncham, granting lands there to John son of Adam de Fyncham. 17 Edw. 3. — 9, Seal of John de Caustone, to his deed granting to John the son of Adam de Fyncham, two acres of land, 17 Edw. 3. also to various other deeds from the same John de Caustone. Plate, i£ ry 9 Wa PLATE 12. No. 1. Seal of Ralph de Multone, to his deed conveying to Thomas son of Walter Goscyb, and Claricia his wife, half an acre of land in the quarentena called Weterigges in Fyneham. 2 Edw. 3. — 2. Seal of Ralph son of Gilbert de Waltone, to his deed whereby he grants to Roger de Boyland and Alice his wife, all his lands in the town of Westwcnic, with all rights and appiu'tnances; by the service of one pair of gloves, or one penny. sans date, temp. Edw. 1. — 3. Seal of Simon de Fyneham, to various deeds passing lands in Fin- cham and elsewhere. temp. Hen. 5. — 4. Seal of John de Stonore to a deed whereby Nicholas son of Geoff- Fi3 of Fyneham grants several pieces of land there to John son of Adam de Fyneham. temp. Edw. 3. John Slouore, Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. 3 Edw. 3. — 5. Seal of Matilda, the daughter of William son of Odo, widow, to a deed whereby she grants to Richard Trussebut and his heirs, all her part in Middelhallecroft, ( Shouldham. ) cir. temp. Ijk. Johis. — G.. Seal of Bartholomew Elys of G'. Yarmouth to a deed whereby the said Bartholomew and Margaret his wife, convey to John Fyneham all their third part in the manor of Curpels in Fyneham. 17 Ric. 2. — 7. Seal of Alicia de Kenetewelle o her deed of release to the Abbey of West Derham, of a certain meadow which she held in fee of the said Abbey. sans date, temp. Hen. 3. — 8. Seal appended to a deed of William son of Sir W™. de Wancy K' whereby he confirms the gift by Amicia late wife of Alexander de Buterwyck, of ten acres of land in Fyneham, to the Abbey of Pent- ney. 11 Edw. 1, — 9. Seal of Alicia Campe of Shuldham to a deed of grant to William son of John Trussebut, of the mediety of a messuage in Shuldham, 5 Edw. 2. Pi.ATE 13. •^•^as*^:' UrojfK. and. f^i^rm^sei,bv it^'^7'^1^:^ . PLATE 13. No. 1. Seal of ... tie Middiltone, to a deed whereby John de Colleje Rector of Castre S'. Edmund's in Flegge, grants to Thomas Belle of Bekeswelle all his lands and tenements in Wynbotesham, Stowe, Bekeswelle, & Dounham. 40 Edvv. 3. — 2. Seal of John de Caustone, to a deed whereby he grants to John, Margaret, & Matilda de Batiscroft, all his right in an annual Rent out of a house in Fyncham. 24 Edw. 3. — 3. Seal affixed to a deed from John Austyn, granting to John Halle of Crymplesham, four acres of land in Wynbotesham. 39 E. 3. — 4. Seal, the 2"', to a demise for life, from John de Fyncham, Ric. de Ketermynstre, & Martyn Godscib elk. to Agnes de Ketlistone and Thomas her son, of the Manor of Burnhamhall in Fyncham, and in Stradcsete. 22 Edw. 3. — 5. Seal of Sir John de Norwich K'. to his deed granting a piece of land in Mendham, to Simon Launce of Weybrede. 26 Edw. 3. — 6. Seal of Thomas Buckeskyn parson of the Church of Stokesby to a deed whereby, with others, he conveys to Nicholas son of Richard Trussebut, 2 acres & 3 roods of land in Schouldham. 23 Edw. 3 — 7. Seal of John Lovel of Berton-Bendich to a deed of release of lands in Berton, from the said John and William his son, to Nicho- las Trussebut of Schouldham. 35 Edw. 3. — 8. Seal of Nicholas Estle to a deed whereby Simon Wareyn of Fync- ham grants a piece of land there to John de Fyncham. 2.3 Edw. 3 »»* The legend appears to be si NicoLAl estle, or estte. it is not well slicwu in the engraving. — 9. Seal of John Auntcrous of Stowe, to a deed whereby he releases to John, son of S". John de Mortimer K'. and Alianor his wife, all his claim in 13 acres of land &c. in Wynbotesham, Stowe-bardolf, & Dounham. 22 Edw. 3. — 10. Seal affixed to a deed from Thomas Godscib of Fyncham, grant- ing lands there to Thomas Lay of Thorpland. 13 Edw. 3. fit" This seal occurs frequently, attached to deeds of different individuals. — 11. Seal of Martyn Godscib to deed referred to under N". 4. — 12. Seal of Richard de Suldham, to deed N". 6. Plate. Ij,. PLATE 14. No. 1. Seal to deed from William de Barshale and William perpetual Vicar of the Church of Stowe-bardolf, releasing to Rob. de Asshele all their right in a messuage and pyghtell, called Alsonisyerd in the town of Stowe-bardolf. 40 Edw. 3. — 2. Seal of Nicholas de Caveuhani, to a deed from Sir Roger de Fel- brigge Kt., Tho. Wombe, and John Prentice, whereby they release to Thomas Belle of Bekeswelle, all their right in certain lands and tenements &c. in Wynbotesham. 40 Edw. 3. ^ The first and third seals are lost. — 3. Seal to a deed from Stephen Belle of Wygenhale, Thomas Wal- gore of Krimpelsham, & John atte Gate of Wynbotesham, releasing to John Lucas and others, lands &c. in Wynbotesham and Stowe of which they were enfeoffed by Tho. Belle of Bekeswelle. 44 Edw. 3 This is the 2d. seal, the chief appears to be charged with two mullets. The 1st. seal is No. 5, the 3rd. is lost. — 4. Seal of Thomas Percy Bishop of Norwich to a Charter granted to the Abbat of Ramsey confirming several prior deeds & charters. 35 Edw. 3. — 5. The first seal to the deed described under No. 3. — 6. Seal to an Indre of exchange of lands between Sir Adam Talebot Kt., and Thomas de Asshele of Fyncham. 14 Edw. 3. — 7. Seal, the 2*^. , to a deed whereby John Coupar and Agnes his mo- ther grant to John Lucas of Fordhamhythe, half an acre of land in Wynbotesham, in the Cultura called Dychhow. 48 Edw. 3.