THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER 12% IffO PUBLISHER'S NOTE. Five hundred and twenty copies only printed for England and America combined. Each copy numbered. No. H.2r! The Shepheardes Calender By Edmund Spenser / THE ORIGINAL EDITION OF 1579 IN PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY H. OSKAR SOMMER, Ph.D. LONDON JOHN C. NIMMO 14, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND MDCCCXC (dIIOU- T&aflatttgne £>«£» BAIAANTYNE, HANSON AND CO EDINBURGH AND LONDON TO MY KIND FRIEND THE RIGHT HON. LORD CHARLES BRUCE THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS DEDICATED AS A TOKEN OF HIGH RESPECT AND GRATITUDE * * # / UNIVERSITY, PREFACE. QPENSER'S "Shepheardes Calender" was in its day a book *-^ of great interest, not only because it made the world acquainted with "the new poet," but also because it contained allusions to personages of distinction well known, and to circum- stances familiar to everybody. From 1579-97, in a space of eighteen years, it passed through five different editions. In our days the little book is still interesting, but for other reasons. Firstly, as the earliest work of importance by the writer of "The Faerie Queene." Secondly, because, as Dean Church in his "Life of Spenser" appropriately observes, it marks a " turning-point " in the history of English literature ; twenty years had passed since the publication of TottePs Miscellany, and the appearance of the " Shepheardes Calender" gave a new impulse to English Poetry. Thirdly, from the mysterious circumstances connected with its publication. It is well known that the attempts to identify " E. K.," the so-called friend of Spenser, whose commentary appeared with the Calender, have given rise to many suppositions and disputes. Some have said " E. K." means E. King ; others have asserted " E. K." means Edward Kirke or Kerke, and this for no other reason than that there was a man of such name living in Cam- bridge in Spenser's time. Very few only, and among them 8 PREFACE. G. L. Craik, ventured, even at the risk of being laughed at, to speak of the possibility that " E. K." and E. Spenser might be identical. In 1888, after the subject had been dropped for many years, Dr. Uhlemann, a German scholar, took it up again, and proved, as far as this is possible, that Spenser wrote himself the com- mentary, generally attributed to one of his friends. In bringing out the present edition, it was chiefly my aim to make English students acquainted with this result. By kind permission of E. Maunde Thompson, Esq., the Principal Libra- rian of the British Museum, Mr. L. B. Fleming was allowed to photograph the volume. H. OSKAR SOMMER. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION u I. THE DIFFERENT EDITIONS OF "THE SHEP- HEARDES CALENDER" n II. THE AUTHOR OF THE COMMENTARY . .15 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE OF THE ORI- GINAL EDITION 27 INTRODUCTION. I. THE DIFFERENT EDITIONS OF "THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER." ON December 5, 1579, "The Shepheardes Calender" was entered at Stationers' Hall * under the name of Hugh Singleton, who probably bought the book from the author or his friends. As the epistle of " E. K." is dated April 10, 1579, we may suppose that the volume passed in the interval the press. Neither in the entry nor on the title-page the author's name is mentioned, but on its verso some dedicatory verses are signed w Immerito." The title of this original edition is this : 1. The Shepheardes Calender. Conteyning twelue iEglogues proportionable to the twelve monethes. Entitled to the Noble and Vertvous Gentleman, most worthy of all titles, both of learning and cheualrie, M. Philip Sidney, (v) At London. Printed by Hugh Singleton, dwelling in Creede Lane neere vnto Ludgate at the signe of the gylden Tunne, and are there to be solde. 1579. 4to. 2 This edition contains woodcut engravings before each of the twelve eclogues, appropriate to its contents. The poem is printed in black letter, the arguments in italics, the notes in Roman type. Title (with verses " To His Booke *' on the back), one leaf; Epistle to Gabriel Harvey, two leaves; the General Argument, one leaf; and the poem on Sig. Ai to 1 Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London from 1554 to 1640 a.d., privately printed by Edward Arber, 1875, 4to, vol. ii. p. 362 : — 5 December [1579]. Hughe Singelton : Lycenced vnto him the Shepperdes Calender con- teyninge xij eclogues proportionable to the xij monethes — yj d . 2 Handbook to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. By W. C. Hazlitt. London, 1867, 8vo, p. 572. 12 INTRODUCTION. N4 in fours. There are four copies of this edition known to exist : — i°. No. 11,532 of the Grenville Collection of the British Museum, from which the present edition is photographed. 1 2°. In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 2 3 . No. 293, Capell, T. 9, in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 3 4 . No. 427 of the Huth Library. 4 The next four editions are published by John Harrison the younger, to whom, according to the Registers of Stationers' Hall, Hugh Singleton assigned the book. 5 The second edition is very much like the first, and the same woodcuts precede the single eclogues. It has this title : — 2. The Shepheardes Calender. Conteining twelue ^Eglogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. Entitled to the Noble and Vertuous Gentleman, most worthy of all titles, both of learn- ing and cheualrie, M. Philip Sydney. V IT Imprinted at London by Thomas East, for John Harrison the younger, dwelling Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anker, and are there to bee solde. 1 581. Also this second edition is rare. There are copies of it in the Grenville Collection, in the Bodleian, Trinity College, and Huth Libraries. It is similarly arranged as the first edition. The Title occupies one leaf; the Epistle to Harvey, two leaves ; and the General Argument, one leaf. The volume has 52 folios. The poem is printed in black letter, the Argu- ments in italics, the Commentary in Roman type. 3. The Shepheardes Calender. Conteining twelve ^Eglogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. Entitled To the noble and vertuous Gentleman, most worthie of all titles, both of 1 Catalogue of the Grenville Library, under "Spenser." 8 Catalogus Impressorum Librorum in Bibl. Bodleiana, vol. iii. p. 520. 3 Rob. Sinker, Early English Printed Books in the Library of Trinity College. Cambridge, 1885, 8vo, p. 105. * Catalogue of the Huth Library. London, 1S80, 4to, vol. iv. p. 1385. * Transcript. Reg. of Comp. Stat., &c, vol. ii. p. 380 : 29 October [1581]. John harrison : Assigned ouer from hugh Singleton to have the sheppardes callender, which was hughe Singleton's copie. — vj* INTRODUCTION. 13 learning and chiualry, Maister Philip Sidney. Imprinted at London by John Wolfe for John Harrison the yonger, dwell- ing in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anker. 1586. 4to. Contrary to this statement, we read on folio 53 : "Imprinted at London by Thomas East for John Harrison/' etc. With very slight differences, arranged as the first and second editions. 4. The Shepheards Calender, Conteining twelue Aeglogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. Entitvled To the noble and vertuous Gentleman, most worthie of all titles, both of learning and chiualry, Maister Philip Sidney. London, Printed by John Windet for John Harrison the yonger, dwelling in Pater noster Roe, etc. 1591. 4to. 5. The Shepheards Calendar. Conteining twelve Aeglogues, proportionable to the twelve Moneths. Entituled to the noble and vertuous Gentleman, &c. London. Printed by Thomas Creede for John Harrison the yonger, dwelling Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anchor, etc. 1597. 4to. The British Museum copy contains Latin translation in MS. In t6ii, together with some other poems, the Shepheardes Calender appeared for the first time with the poet's name attached to it ; this volume has the title : The Faerie Qveen : The Shepheards Calendar; Together with the other Works of England's Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser. 1f Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 161 1, fol. This volume is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth thus : To the Most High, Mightie, and Mag- nificent Emperesse, Renouned for Pietie, Vertve, and all Graciovs Government : Elizabeth, By the Grace of God, Queene of Eng- land, France, and Ireland, and of Virginia : Defender of the Faith, &c. Her most humble Seruaunt, Edmund Spenser, doth in all humilitie dedicate, present, and consecrate these his labours, to Hue with the eternitie of her Fame. 1 In 1653 Spenser's book came out with a Latin translation in verse : 1 In this edition the woodcuts that were made for the original edition were used for the last time. The "Faerie Queen," the "Shepheards Calendar," and the " Prosopopeia " are each separately paged. Several of the minor pieces have separate title-pages, and are without pagination. LT N I 7ERSIT1 - ' >. '» "... 14 INTRODUCTION. The Shepheards Calendar, &c., by Edmund Spenser, Prince of English Poets, accompanying " Calendarium Pastorale, sive ^Eglogae duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accomodatae. Ang- lice olim scripts ab Edmundo Spensero, Anglorum Poetarum Principe; nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donate a Theo- doro Bathurst, Aulae Pembrokiana? apud Cantabrigienscs ali- quando socio. Londini M. M. T. C. & C. Bedell, ad Por- tam Medii-Templi in vico vulg6 vocato Fleetstreet. Anno Dom. 1653." 8vo. The editor of this translation, as well as the original, appears to have been, by the preface, William Dillingham, of Emanuel College, who in the same year was elected Master of that Society. At the end of the volume a Glossary, or Alphabetical Index of unusual words, is added. The Epistle to Harvey, the General Argument, and the Com- mentary are not in this edition. The whole is printed in Roman type, and contains 147 pages. This edition was reprinted in 1732 by John Ball, with the addition of a Latin dissertation: " De Vita Spenseri, et Scriptis," and an " augmented Glossary." On the title-page below, the words: "Typis Londiniensibus. Prostantapud Ch. Rivington, & John Knapton, Bibliop. & T. Fletcher, Oxon." No date is given, but the volume appeared also with another title-page, on which 1732 and the printer's name, W. Bowyer, are given. Besides these separate editions, the Shepherdes Calendar has been reprinted with all the editions of the complete works of Spenser, 1 the best known of which are Todd's (1805), Collier's, (1862), Hales' (1869), and Grosart's (1882), and with all editions of his poetical works. 2 In our own time, Professor Henry Morley edited the " Shep- heardes Calender," 1888, separately, for Cassell's National Lib- rary (i2mo). 1 According to the General Catalogue of the British Museum Library, there exist about ten different editions of the complete works, and about fifteen of the poetical works of Spenser ; so that altogether the " Shepheardes Calendar" has been printed thirty-five time?; in three hundred years. 8 H. J. Todd's ed., 8 vols., Lond., 1805, 8vo ; J. P. Collier's ed., 5 vols., Lond., 1862, 8vo; J. W. Hales' Globe ed., I vol., Lond., 1869, 8vo; A. B. Grosart's ed., Lond. and Aylesbury, 1882, 4to. II. THE, COMMENTATOR OF "THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER." THE "Shepheardes Calender" was from its first appearance accompanied by "the Glosse," or an explanatory com- mentary, written by " E. K.," who professes to be a friend of the poet. Nobody knew who "E. K." was, and, as far as we could ascertain, about that time nobody was inquisitive to know, perhaps owing to the fact that the poet's name itself, which was naturally of greater interest, was hidden behind the pseudonym " Immerito." Many years after — the date cannot be fixed — people com- menced to inquire about "E. K.," and tried to penetrate the veil with which the pseudo-commentator's personality is surrounded. Successively several suppositions were then made, till it was discovered that about Spenser's time there lived at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, a certain Edward Kirke or Kerke, though really beyond a few dates 1 nothing whatever was known about this Kirke. This discovery put a stop to any further critical investi- gation. Edward Kirke was the a E. K." alluded to in the letters of Spenser to Harvey, 2 and he was proclaimed the author of i Cooper's Athense Cantabrigienses, Cambridge, 1858 and 1861, 8vo, vol. ii. 244- 245:— "Edward Kirke matriculated as a sizar of Pembroke Hall in November 1571, subsequently removed to Caius College, and as a member of the latter house, pro- ceeded B.A. 1574-5, and commenced M.A. 1578." (Comp. Biograph. Brit., 3804, 3805, 3814. Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Lond., 1827, fol. i. 73, ii. 125. Haslewood, Ancient Critical Essays, Lond. 1815, 4to, vol. ii. p. 262 and 288. W. Oklys' Brit. Librarian, Lond., 1738, 8vo, p. 87 and 90. — Comp. also Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, ix., June 21, i860; 3rd Series, vii., June 24, 1865.) 2 " Three proper and wittie familiar Letters," &c, and in the same volume : " Two other very commendable Letters," &c. Lond., 1 580, 8vo. In the letter dated April 10, 1580 : — I. " 'E. K.' heartily desyreth to be commended vnto your Whorshippe : of ftJNIVERSlTT^ 16 INTRODUCTION. " the Glosse." Thus from edition to edition of Spenser's works this was repeated as a fact; nobody ever thought of going again deeply into the matter; indeed, if anybody doubted it, he was afraid of expressing his opinion for fear of being laughed at. It is interesting to read some of the accounts given by Spenser students on this point. Todd 1 writes : " Some have been led to assign the name of Edward Kerke to the old scholiast. Some also have not failed to suppose that King might be the name." He himself leaves the point undecided, and generallv speaks of the commentator " E. K." Collier 2 says: "The discovery of the name of a person in Spenser's own college, whose initials correspond with the f E. K/ placed at the end of the epistle to Gabriel Harvey introducing the ' Shepheardes Calender/ puts an end to the absurd specula- tions 3 hazarded by some critics that Spenser had in fact been his own editor, and consequently his own laudator, and to the scarcely less improbable notion that G. Harvey had penned the letter to himself." Hales, 4 in his biography of Spenser, says : " These poems are whome, what accompte he maketh youre selfe shall hereafter perceiue, by hys payne- full and dutifull Verses to your selfe." 2. " Thus muche was written at Westminster yesternight : but coming this morning, beeyng the sixteenth of October to Mysuesse Kerkes to haue it deliuered to the Carrier, I receyued youre letter, sente me the laste weeke." 3. " You may alwayes send them most safely to me by Mistresse Kerke, and by none other." The other reference is in the postscriptum : — " I take best my Dreames shoulde come forthe alone, being growen by meanes of the Glosse (running continually in maner of Paraphrase) full as great as my Calender. Therin be some things excellently, and many things wittily discoursed of E. K.," &c. (These letters are reprinted by J. Haslewood, Lond., 181 1, 4*0, in Anc. Crit. Essays upon Engl. Poets and Poesy, and in vol. i. of Dr. Grosart's edition of the works of Gabriel Harvey.) 1 Todd, Spenser's Works, Lond., 1805, vol. i. p. xxi. note. 2 J. Payne Collier, The Complete Works of Spenser, vol. i. p. xl. 8 Rob. Nares, A Glossary or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, etc., in English Authors. London, new edit, enlarged by J. O. Halliwell and Th. Wright, 1859, 8vo, p. 334 : under " Frembd," " Spenser was probably his own commentator ; " under " Mister," "his own Glossary." 4 J. W. Hales, Life of Spenser, in Morris's Globe edition, Lond., 1869, 8vo. INTRODUCTION. 17 ushered into the world by Spenser's college friend (in Cam- bridge), Edward Kirke, for such no doubt is the true interpreta- tion of the initials ' E. ¥LS" Grosart, 1 in a special article, "Notices of Edward Kirke, 5 ' &c, writes: "Connecting the full name of 'Mystresse Kerke* (Lis) — a mere variant spelling of i Kirke' — with E. K. (also lis) of these letters, it has been long accepted that E. K., who was (probably) editor and (certainly) Glosse- writer of the * Shepheardes Calender/ was an Edward Kirke, contemporary with Spenser and Harvey at the University of Cambridge. I have been unable to verify who first thus appropriated the initials; but certes such appropriation commends itself, as against the fantastic and impossible theories whereby Spenser himself is made out to have been his own Glosse-writer, the absurdity culminating in that of ' Notes and Queries/ 2 which gravely reads E. K. as 'Edmund Kalenderer' (?)." More moderately, though not yet decidedly, Craik, 3 after hav- ing mentioned that some people advanced the opinion that the poet and the commentator are the same person, continues: " It does not seem to us to be impossible, or very improbable. Such a device, by which the poet might communicate to the public many things requisite for the full understanding of his poetry, which he could not have openly stated in his own name, and at the same time leave whatever else he chose vague and uncertain, or at least indistinctly declared, had manifest conveniences. If he had really a friend who could do this for him, good and well ; but no one would know so well as himself in all cases what to disclose and what to withhold, and he would perhaps be more 1 Grosart, Spenser's Works, vol. iii. p. cviii. Besides the few dates given about Kirke in the Athen. Cantab., Grosart adds, "The only other bit of new biographic fact is that Edward Kirke became Rector of the parish of Risby in Suffolk." Sub- joined is Kirke's Will and Epitaph. 2 Notes and Queries, 5th Series, vi., Nov. 4, 1876, p. 365 :— "The gloss or explanatory commentatory prefixed to the earlier editions of the several eclogues is subscribed 'E. K.,' intended, not improbably, for the poet hini- sel r , the initials signifying here Edmund the Kalenderer," &c. 3 Geo. L. Craik, Spenser and his Poetry. London, 1845, 3 vols, iamo, vol. i. PP- 34-35- c INTRODUCTION. likely therefore to perform the office himself than intrust it to any friend. As for the real vanity, or whatever else it may be, with which he is chargeable, it would be very nearly of the same amount whether he thus actually sounded his own praises or got another to do it for him, although the indecorum might be less in the latter case. On this supposition, E. K.'s 'painful and dutiful verses,' spoken of in the letter of the 16th October 1579, may be merely a long Latin poem addressed to Harvey by Spenser himself, under the character or signature of * Immerito,' and transmitted in the same letter. However, it is impossible to affirm anything for certain upon this matter; and perhaps the manner in which Spenser speaks to Harvey, in a passage already quoted, of the Gloss of the same E. K. upon his Dreams, may seem rather adverse to the conclusion that he is himself that friendly commentator. At the same time it is strange that even in writing to Harvey he should always so carefully keep to this imperfect mode of indication ; he is not in the habit of naming Sidney or Dyer and his other friends by their initials ; it seems impossible not to infer that there is some mystery — that more is meant than meets the eye." So far the opinions or statements of those who by an intimate acquaintance with Spenser's poetry ought to be best qualified to decide the question who "E, K." was; but can any critic be satisfied with them? They all agree that "E. K." must have been an intimate and chosen friend of the poet, as every page of the Gloss shows, and that for no other reason than that this " E. K." describes himself as such, and because they cannot reconcile themselves with the idea that Spenser could have been capable of such an action. Supposing they were all right, why did not Spenser in later years, when it was long known that he wrote the Eclogues, disclose also his friend's name ? The devoted friend is nowhere mentioned after 1580 in any of Spenser's writings. If Spenser was anxious to conceal that he wrote the "Glosse," must we not naturally imagine that he did all in his power to make the illusion complete, 1 and to avoid as far as he 1 The remarks, therefore, which Spenser makes in the letter already published in 1580 about E. K. are of no value at all. INTRODUCTION. 19 could everything that might lead to a disclosure? Further, the initials "E. K." were connected with a certain Edward Kirke for no other reason than that he was a contemporary of the poet. Nobody has ever proved that a friendship existed between Kirke and Spenser, but the enigma, one must admit, can through this hypothesis be very conveniently explained. I do not think that I am unjust in saying all those statements, Craik's excepted, are bare of any criticism, for if there were no reasons to be found for the identity of Spenser and Kirke, certainly it is no less absurd speculation to advance the one hypothesis than to be in favour of the other ; and however strange it may appear to us if we read "E. K.V epistle, and see him spoken of by Spenser in the letters referred to above, it is neither impossible nor improbable, but a fact, that Spenser wrote the " Glosse " without being guilty of any contemptible action. As all great poets, Spenser was in advance of his age. He saw clearly in his mind the difficulties with which he would have to contend in appearing before the world, unknown, in controversy with the existing opinions and fashions, a declared enemy of the University pedantry and the affectations of the Court. Fully conscious of his poetical abilities, and feel- ing that he was destined to fulfil a literary mission, he wrote the Commentary, in order to draw the attention of his contem- poraries to his work, to be better able to point out to them how he meant to deal with style and form. 1 To successfully reach his purpose, he profited by the love of mystery and allegory, a 1 Spenser intended to introduce pastoral poetry into England (though this had already been attempted long before him by the Benedictine monk Alexander Barclay and others ; comp. Sommer, Erster Versuch iiber die englische Hirten- dichtung, Marburg, 1888, 8vo, p. 20); hence his defence of this "new "kind of poetry and his detailed description in the Epistle to Harvey. Publishing some years later the first books of the " Faerie Queene," he accompanied them by a preface in the shape of a letter to Raleigh : " Sir, knowing how doutfully all Alle- gories may be construed [perhaps he had some experience from his " Shepheardes Calender"], and this book of mine . . . being a continued Allegory, ... I have thought good, as well for avoyding of gealous opinions and misconstructions, as for your better light in reading thereof, ... to discover vnto you the general intention and meaning, which in the whole course thereof I have fashioned. . . ." Had he thought it wise to disclose his name in 1579, he would have commenced his preface in very much the same way. 20 INTRODUCTION. prominent feature of Elizabethan literature, and I believe did no great wrong. I shall now proceed to adduce, following Uhlemann, 1 argu- ments that my supposition concerning "E. K." is correct. I. The recent investigations and researches bv Kluge and Reissert 2 concerning Spenser's sources, both published in the Anglia, have shown that the commentator's references to the poet's authorities are in several cases inaccurate or even wrong. As I shall perhaps have an opportunity of treating more fullyabout this subject later, it may here suffice to give a few examples. In the eleventh eclogue, "E. K." says Spenser has copied or imi- tated Theocritus, whereas Kluge proves that Mantuan has been the poet's model. In the twelfth eclogue a few verses are said to have been taken from Vergil, but actually they are taken from Marot, &c. How can these facts be accounted for, especially if we bear in mind that"E. K." is generally accurate to the detail? Very well, when we assume that "E. K." is Spenser himself. In the "Epistle" the sources are all stated as Theo- critus, Vergil, Mantuan, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Marot, Sanazarus, and "also divers other excellent both Italian and French Poetes, whose foting this Author every where followeth;" "yet," he continues, "so as few, but they be well sented can trace him out." For this latter reason, Spenser thought it necessary to here and there point out to his readers the very passages he imitated, and this he did from memory, not having his models at hand, and thus we can explain why his quotations are not always correct and complete. Besides, to judge Spenser, we must adopt another point of view than we would as regards a modern poet. The literary decorum was in the sixteenth century different. Poets profited by their predecessors more than we would consider decent now-a-days, and they did not take care to quote their authorities. So, e.g., Chaucer and Lydgate did, as Kissner, Ten Brink, and Koeppel have proved. Compared to them 1 Dr. Uhlemann, Der Verfasser des Kommentars zu Spenser's " Sheplieardes Calender," Jahresbericht, No. xiii. des Konigl. Kaiser Wilhelms Gymnasiums zu Hannover, 1888, Progr. No. 292. 2 Kluge, Anglia, vol. iii. pp. 266-274 ; Reissert, Anglia, vol. ix. pp. 205-224. INTRODUCTION. 21 Spenser has been scrupulous. The illustrious poet Alexander Pope, many years after Spenser, did a far greater wrong by giving such references to his models as were intended to mislead his readers. 3. In his notes to the Eclogues of January, October, and November, "E. K." refers often to the writings of Plato. He quotes especially the Dialogues " Alcibiades," " De Legibus," and "Phaedon." All these references, particularly those in the first and tenth Eclogue, show distinctly that their writer was intimately acquainted with Plato's works. Such a knowledge of Plato was in Spenser's age by no means so common as in our days; but of Spenser we know from his own statements (comp. Preface to the " Faerie Queene "), and from Bryskett's " Discourse of Civill Life" 1 written between 1584-89, that he was well versed with Greek philosophy, and devoted himself with zeal and pleasure to the study of Plato. Also in his " Fowre Hymnes" 2 Spenser expresses thoughts concerning true love very similar to those expressed on this subject in his notes to the Eclogues of January; and these hymns, though only published in 1596, were partly written in his earlier days, as he states in his preface, " Having in the greener times of mv youth composed these former Hymnes in the praise of Love and Beautie." Is it after these reflections not more reasonable to suppose that Spenser himself wrote the Commentary than to attribute it to an "E. K.," about whom and about whose know- ledge of Plato we have no knowledge whatever ? 3. Between the Epistle to G. Harvey and the text of the 1 Lodowick Bryskett's Discourse of Civill Life : " Yet is there a gentleman in this company, whom I have had often a purpose to intreate, that as his leisure might serve him, he would vouchsafe to spend some time with me to intrust me in some hard points which I cannot of myselfe understand ; knowing him to be not onely perfect in the Greek tongue, but also very well read in Philosophie both morall ami naturall" (Todd's Life of Spenser, vol. i. p. lviii.). 2 Compare, e.g., the 26th stanza : — " For love is Lord of truth and loialtie, Lifting himselfe out of the lowly dust On golden plumes up to the purest skie, Above the reach of loathly sinful lust," &c 22 INTRODUCTION. "Shepheardes Calender" is the "General Argument of the Whole Book," treating chiefly of the history of the " Calender." An article about the signification of the word "eclogue," which, according to " E. K.," has etymologically to be spelled " aigloga," concludes with the words, "Other curious discourses hereof I reserve to greater occasion." What greater occasion is meant? There appears to be a reference to some unpublished treatise on poetry. Of an "E. K.," whoever he may be, we do not know by any record that he ever wrote or intended to write such a work ; but Spenser had finished about that time his unfortunately lost work, "The English Poet," which is de- scribed as to its title and contents in the Eclogue of October : " In Cuddie is set out the perfect patern of a Poet, which, find- ing no maintenance of his state and studies, complaineth of the contempt of Poetrie, and the causes thereof: Specially having bene in all ages, and even the most barbarous, alwaies of singular account and honour, and being indeed so worthieand commend- able an art, or rather no art, but a divine gift and heavenly instinct not to be gotten by labour and learning, but adorned with both ; and poured into the witte by a certaine Enthousias- mos and celestiall inspiration, as the Author hereof else where at large discourseth in his booke called 'The English Poet/ which booke being lately come in to my hands, I minde also by God's grace, upon further advisement to publish." From this we may conclude that one part of the lost work, "The English Poet," treated about the high vocation of the poet. In the "glosse" to the eclogue of October, " E. K." terminates a long remark to the words " For ever," thus : "Such honour have Poets alwayes found in the sight of Princes and noble men, which this author here verie well sheweth, as else where more notably." This "else where" can only refer to "The English Poet," as none of Spenser's works which we possess treats a similar subject, and among his lost ones it can only allude to "The English Poet." As it is impossible to find any trace of such a work by an "E. K.," I think we may reasonably suppose that "E. K." is Spenser. 4. One may say that the arguments hitherto given are not INTRODUCTION. 23 absolutely convincing; the following is certainly so. In the notes to the Eclogue of May, " E. K." mentions as source for the verses : " Tho with them wends what they spent in cost, But what they left behind them is lost," an epithet of Sardanapalus, which Cicero thus translates: u Haec habui quae edi, quaeque exaturata libido, Hausit, at ilia manent multa ac praeclara relicta." "These verses may thus be rendered into English," continues "E. K." " All that I eate did I joy, and all that I greedily gorged : As for those many goodly matters left I for others." As it is obvious, the English translation is an imitation of the Latin distich. Now we know from the correspondence be- tween Harvey and Spenser that the former endeavoured to introduce antique metres into English poetry, and that the latter attempted to carry out these theories. 1 Is not this a reason to attribute the translation of the Latin distich rather to Spenser than to an unknown person ? Fortunately we have in this case a certain proof at hand. In the letter dated April 10, 1580, Spenser communicates a little poem to his friend Harvey, in which he tried the antique metre, and says : " Seeme they comparable to those two which I translated you extempore in bed, the last time we lay togither in Westminster? • That which I eate did I joy, and that which I greedily gorged, As for those many goodly matters leaft I for others.' " This translation corresponds to that owned by "E. K." word for word — except for the change of " all that " to " that which," — and this proves that "E. K." and Spenser are identical. Further, in the Eclogue of April, "E. K." or Spenser remarks : " Bay branches be the signe of honour and victorie, and there- 1 Letter of October 15, 1579, "... I am, of late, more in love wyth my Eng- lishe versifying, than with ryming : whyche I should have done long since, if I would then have followed your councsll." 24 INTRODUCTION. fore of mightie conquerours worne in their triumphs, and eke of famous poets, as saith Petrarch in his Sonets : — "Arbor vittoriosa triomphale, Honor d'Imperatori et di Poeti," etc. The same Italian verses are quoted in Harvey's third letter to Spenser, where he says, in order to encourage his friend : "Think upon Petrarch's Arbor vittoriosa triomfale, Onor, etc., and per- happes it will advaunce the wynges of your Imagination a degree higher." Harvey thus apparently takes it for granted that Spenser is well versed with the said verses of Petrarch, and this either because of his personal intercourse and correspondence with him, or because he knew that Spenser was the writer of the " Glosse " to the " Shepheardes Calender," which latter is under the circumstances more probable. 1 The identity of " E. K." with Edmund Spenser is nowhere in contradiction with the form and the contents of the commen- tary. If we allow that Spenser wrote the commentary, we can under- stand the enthusiastic tone of the " General Argument," and of the note to the words "For ever," in the tenth Eclogue. A mere commentator would never have been so deeply penetrated with a sense of the high vocation and importance of the poet. 1 Searching in Notes and Queries, I came across the following suggestion, Sept. 9, 1854, 1st Series, vol. x. pp. 204-205 : "In the 'Glosse' of the Eclogue of Aprii, Rosalind is spoken of as deserving to be commended to immortality as much as Myrto or Petrarch's Laura, 'or Himera the worthy poet Stesichorus his idol, upon whom he is said so much to have doted, that in regard of her excellencie, he scorned and wrote against the beautie of Helena. For which his presumptuous and un- heedie hardinesse, he is sayd by vengeance of the gods, thereat being offended, to have lost both his eies.' If we compare these latter lines with verses 919-924 of ' Colin Clout's come home againe : ' — ' And well I wote, that oft I heard it spoken, How one, that fairest Helene did revile, Through iudgement of the gods to been ywroken, Lost both his eyes and so remaynd long while, Tiil he recanted had his wicked rimes, And made amends to her with treble praise,' we are led to think that both came from the same pen." INTRODUCTION. z$ It no longer excites surprise that the merits of G. Harvey, not to mention others, 1 are so much expounded in the Epistle and in the notes. If "E. K." were not Spenser himself, he would have carefully avoided darkening the poet by praising others at his expense, but Spenser doing it himself simply ex- pressed his gratitude to his best friend Harvey. Thus we now know that "E. K." means Edmund Spenser, and this result enables us to say that all allusions to the life and works of Spenser contained in the "Glosse" are genuine and valuable material for the completion of his biography, whereas the letters between him and Harvey have to be used with great care. But it still continues an open question why Spenser took these letters, or what is meant by them. Most probably this will remain an enigma, like the mysterious "W. H." of the dedication to Shakspere's Sonnets. 1 Eclogue for January : Sir Tho. Smith ; in the third Eclogue : Angelus Politianus. UNIVERSITY jRNl^ Sbepheardes Calender Conteyning twelue jEgjtogues proporaooablc to tge ttoelve monettjejfc Untitled TO THE NOBLE AND VERTV- ms Gentleman motf "teortbj of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney. AT LONDON. *P tinted by Hugh Singleton Jwllingin. Crecde Lane neere vntoLudgate at the figae of t\z gpfcen Zvmtzm art there to be (bide* I $79* " OF THE UNIVERSITY TO HIS BOOKE. (joe little boofethyfelfeprefent, *As child whofe parent is Vnfynt : *To him that is theprefident Ofnobleffe andofcbeualree~>, 3 zSsfure it mil for fuccoun y flee^ Vnder the fhadovp of his wing, <>Andafkedjtobo thee f or thdid bring, aA jhepheardsfppainefaje did thee fing, sAltas hisflrayingfloc^e hefedde: (lAndvphen his honor has thee redde, Crane pardonfor my hardy hedde* 'But 'if that any af^e thy namely Say thou voertbafe begot with blamt^i For thy thereof thou lakgfl jhame^. ojfndwhen thou artpaftieopardee^, Come tellmejfrbatwasfaydofmee-s : aAhdf mil fend more after thee-*. l mrneritb* 77^ getter all argument of Ittk I hope,needcth meat large to difcourfe thefirft Original! oCJEglo- gucsJiauing alreadie touched the fame . But for the word ^Eelogucs I know is vnknowen to moft,and al(b miftaken of ibme the beft learned (as they think) I ywII fay fome what thcrjeof, being not at all iraper tinet to my prefentpurpote. They were &ft of the Grcekes the inuenrours of them called iEglo- gajasitwere dry** or *iy*i(j&v.\cyi. that is Gotcheards tales. For although in Virgile and others the fpcakers bemoft {hepheards^nd Gotehcards,yet Thcocotfcs in whom is more ground of authoritie,then in V/rgile, this fpccially from that dcriuing,as from the firft head and welfpring the whole Tcucricion of his ^EgJogues/nakethGoteheardstbc perfons and authors ofhis talcs. This being, who fecthnot die groflenifle of fuch as by colour of learning would makcYsbdeeuc that dicy -are more rightly termed Edogai, as they would fay, extraordinary difcourfes of vnneccflaric matter, which difinition albe in fubibunce and meaning itagrec -with the nature of the thing,yet nowhit anfwereth with the a'i^fl ( and interpretation of the word. For they be not termed Eclogues, but JEg- lcgues.which fentence this autbour very well obtet»tng,vpon good judgement, though indcedc few Gotcheards haue to doe hercin,nttriclcBe doubteth not to cal the by the vfed and belt knoweh name. Qther. curious djfcoo&s hereof I refeuie to greater occs fon.Thefcxij. Eclogues euery where anfweting to the feafons of the twefue monthes may be well deuided into three formes or ranckes. For eythec, diey be Plaintwe, as the fir&iwc fetsfhe elcuenth, Si. the twclfth,ot recreatiuc J!bxh as a! thofe bc^hich conceiuc matter of io;:e,ov commendation .of .fpccial pei'fonjigcs, oc Moral: which for, the moft' mixed with fbrac Satyr ical bitterncfle, namely the fecond of reuerence 'de we to oU^,tbeh^ofoabureddeceipt,thefeuenthaiidjrunthofdi/lolutc fhepheards & pa£ tocrs^the tenth of contempt of Poetrie &pkafaunt vvits.And to this diuifion may cue-? jy thing tierein be reafon?.bly applyed : A few onely except,Yvhofe fpeciall purpofc and liffaninglamnotpriuie to.And thus much generally of tnefexij, Eclogues. Now will we fpeake particularly o( all,and firft of the fiift . which he callcth by the firft moncthes name Ianuarie ; wherein to (bme he may feeme fbwly to haue fau!tcd,in that he crroni- oufly beginneth with that moneth,wbich beginneth not the ycare.For it is wcl known, and ftoutely mainteyned with fhronge reaions of the learned, that ihe yeare beginneth in March.for then the fonne reneweth hisfinifhedeourfe,and the feafbnahlc fpring rcfre fheth the eartb,and the plefaunce thereof being buried iu the fadnefle of the dead winter now wornc away,reliueth.This opinion maynteuic the olde Aftrologers and Philofo- phers,namcly die reuerend AhtJalo* and Macrofeiusinhisholydayes of Satorne, which accoumpt alio was generally obferucd both of Grecians and Romans . But fauing the leaue of fdeh learned heads,we mayntakie-a cuftomedfeotmrpring thefeafons from the rnoneth Ianuiry, vpon a more IpedaJl caufe,then the heathen Philofophers euer couldc conceiue/hat is,for the incarnation of our mighty Sauiour and etcrnafl redeemer the L. Chrift,vvho as then rencwingthe ftateof the decayed world^nd returning thecopafle of expired yercs to thevr Former date and firft commencement,left to vs his heires a me- monaUofhisbitthintheendeofthclaftyecre and beginning of the next, which rccko cw£,befidcthasctecnill monument ©four faluition^canctbdfo yppengood proofcof fpccial iudgemr i For albeit that in elder times, vvhen as yet the c onmpt of the yere was not pe rfet"tcd,as aftervvarde it was by Iulius Caefai^tliey began to tel the monethes from Marches begianing,and according to the fame God (as is feyd in Scripture) comaunded tbc people of the le y ves to count the moneth Abil,that which yve call March , for the fir it inoncth,in remembraunce that in that moneth he brought them out of the land of Agipt: yet according to tradition of! atter times it hath bene olhcrwile obferued-bocb in goiicrnment of of the church,and rule of Mighdefr Realmes . For from lulkis Ca»far who firft obferucd the leapCycere which he called RifTextilem Annum, and brought in to a more certain courfe the oddc wandring dayes which of theGrcekes were called &fei%mt. of the Romanes intercalates (for in fuch matter of learning I am forced to vie the tcrmes of the learned ) the monethes haiic b ene nombr^d xij . v vbich in the firft ordmaunce of Romulus were buttennc, countinpbutCCCiii). dayes-ineueryyeare, and beginning with March. B at Noma Pompilius,whp was-the father of al die Romairi ceremonies and religion , feeing that reckonmg-to agree neither: with the courfe of the fornicator of the Moonctherevnto added tyvomonethes,Ianuary andFebruaryrwhcr- in i t lcemcth,that v vifc king minded vpon good reafon to begin the ycare at Ianuarie,of him therefore fo called tanquamlanua anni the gate and entraunce ofthe yere,ot of the name of the god Ianus , to which god for that the old Paynrms attributed thebyrth& beginning of all creatures new com ming into thft-worlde , itfeemeth that he therfbre tohimalTtgned die beginning and firft enrraunce ofthe yeare . whkrraccountfbrthe mod part h ith hetherto contin'utd.Notwithft'anding tharthe iEgiptians beginne theyr ycare at Scptembcr,for that according to the opinion of the beft RabbinSjantf very pur- pofc ofthe fcripturc felfe ,• God made the Vvorlde in thatMoneth,that is called of them' Tifri And therefore he commaunded thenyo keepe the feaft of Pauilions in the end of the ycarc,in the xv. day ofthe feuenth monethjwhich before that time was thefirfo But our Authour refpeftfrrg nether the fubtilticofthone parceynorthe antiquitie of thother,thinketh it fitteft according to the Gmpfrcirie of cotnmen ytiderftartding,to be? gm with Tami3rie,wening it perhaps no decora, that Sepheard mould be feene in mat tcr of fo deepc infighr,or canuafc a cafe of fo doubtful iudgment.So therefore beginnedr he,& fo ccntinucth he throughout. 3' Eft/lie. judgement tangle, without rtafbnrage andfome,as if Come inftinft of Poetical! fpirite hadnevvfy rauifhed them aboue the meanenefle of commen capacitie. And being in the rniddeft of all thcyr brauery/odtnly cy ther for want of matter,or of rymc, or hautng for gotten they r former conceipt,they fceme to be fo pained and trauciled in thcyr icmcm- t>rance } as it were a woman in chddebirth or as that fame Pythi3,vvhen the traunce came Vpon her . Os rabidum fcra corda domans &c. NethelefTc let them a Gods name feedc on theyr ovvne folly, fo they fecke not to dar- ken the beames of others glory . As for Colin,vnder whofe perfon the Authour fclfe is S C A L E N D A R, applyingancldc name to anew worke.Hcreimto bane I added a certain Glofle or fcholion for tbexpofirion of old wordes & harder phra- Tesrwakhrnaner ofglolingand commenting,wtH Hvbte, wiliecme flraungt & rare in our tongueryet for iomuch as I knew many excellent & proper dcsiifcs both in WOfttej and matter would pafTe in tlwfpcedyconrfc of reading, either as vrikoowc-,oV asUoc maiked>nd that in this kind,as ih other we might be equal to the learned of other na li- ons,! thought good to take the paine* vpon mc,thc rathet for that by meanesof fbrnt fa miliar acquaintance I was made prime to his counfell and fcaet meaning in them as alio in fundryorhcr works of his.which albeit I know he nothing fo much hateth as to promulgate , yet thus muchhauc I aduemurcd vpon his frendmip,hrm fclfc bemefoc lon C t,mefurteeftraunged , hoping thacrh.s will the rather occafonhmuo put forth diuers other excellent works of hi$,which flepe in his Dreamers Legend**, his Court of Cuptdc^and fondry others; whofe commendations jo fee out.vvo? vcryl H"i- »iu>c Epiftle. wynejthe tfimgesthougji yvorthy ofmany,yet bcingknowcn to few. Thcfe my prefent paynesiftoany they bcpleafurableor profitable,beycnuua^e,min.eown good Maifter Haruey , to whom I haue both in refceft ofyour vyorthineilc generally ,and otherwyie vponfome particular & (pedal couhderations voued this my labour, and the mayden- hcad of this our commen frends Poetrie,himfelfe hauing already in the beginning dedi- cated it to the Noble and worthy Gentleman, the right wormtpfuil Ma. Phi. Sidney ,a (pedal fauourer & maintaincr of all kindofleaming. ) Whole caufe I pray you Sir,, yf Enuic ihall ftur vp any wrongful^ccufifionjdefcnd with your mighty Rhetorkk 8cother your rare gifts of learning,as you can,& fhield with your good wil,as you oughr,againft the malice and outrage of" fo many cnemics,as I know wilbe fee on fire with the ^.uks- of his kindled glory. And thus recomending the Author,as vinio his moll fpe- cial good frend, and my felfe vnto you both, as one making finguler account of xr to fo very good and fo choile. frends,! bid you both moft hartcly farwel, » and commit you # yourmoft commendable ftudiesto the rjuiciou of the greateft. Tour 6"tone ajfuredly to be commmnded £. K, Toft fcr f\Z* Ow I mift M Haraey, that vpon fight of your (pcciall frends and fellow Poet* *^ \jaoings,or els for enuic offo many vnworthy Quidams,which catch at the gar- Jond,which to youalone is dewe » -you will be perfwaded to pluck oat of the hateful darkneffc,thofc fo many excellent EngHm poemes of yours,which lye hid,and bring cb£ forth to eternal! light. -Truft me you doe both them great wrong,indepriuing thernof the defircd fonne,and alfo yout ielfe^h fmoothering your deferucd pray&s^and all men generally ,in withholding from them fo diuine pleafures, which they might concciue of your gallant EngJifhverfes,as they haue already docn of your Ratine Poemes, which in tny opinion both for inuention audElocution are very delicate,ahd fuperexcellent. And thusagaine,! take my leaueofmy good Mayftcr Haruey . frommy lodging at London thysio.of Aprill. 1579. * Foil Mg(ogaprinuL->< IK*** ARGVMENT. Vis fyril Mglogu* Coliridoute a fbepbeardes boy complained bim ofbts unfortunate hue Ming butne-toly(asfemetb)enamoured of a conn- trie lajie called Rofahnde: -Kith vbicb strong affeUion being Very fore tra~ ueled,be comparetb bis care full cafe to tbefaddc fcdfon oftbej>eare,totbe frofltc grounds tbefrofen trees, and to bis olcne Vinterbeatenfloeke Jnd mye.fjndrng bimfelfe robbed of all former pie af dunce and delhbtsjxs breakstb bis Tipe inpeeces,and caHctb bimfelfe to tbc ground. COLIN Clowe. S>&eyf&ear&sbope(no better aoebfm cam ft*en m inters toaafoi fpt'gfjt toas alraoft fpem, an ma ftinneflrine Bap 5 asm'D befall, lUb fo?tb bis flocM&atbaD bene lontt poetic. go fepnttbe ? toore,am>feebtetn tbefaioe, ^ ^acnptobnnettesitbetrfcece couto t&em bp Wu ai w tpe ^etpe/at* toas tbe ftepfem foofce, £o? pale aim toannelje in^Calas tf^e tofatle^ gtop feeme be lob& >0? els fame care be facte mm*m to m m$w>m frame w m ■■$> ERSITY OMNIA. >fanuarie~>. $$o to a&iHlte fapntfag fiocfec foe ieaoe, J3no tfjus tyta plapno, tlje lutjtlc ij ts (&eye t';cre feu:?. $e ®m cfIo«<: 3 t!;ac pitie louers papne, <3if anp goDg tbe pame oflouers pitie: ) Loo&e from aboue 5 iH&cre pou in iopeg re mame, 9nD OoU« pour.earea bnto mp Doleful! Dime. Sus !P4» tljou fljcp&earD* *pplife btouo fricCtng imtjj bnhinDlp eolo: £>uc& fiojmp floures do tyeeDe mp balefntt fmatt, #0 tf mp peare tuere toad, anD luoren olo. 8nD pet alagjbut no lump fpjing begonne, 3nD pet alajs,pt i* alreabp Donne. Jvotttta&D-tteftSjUifoofe fljasp ieaues are lot!, ifd&Befatire bpjtos toere tooatto butlo tbetr botoji?: 3nD noli] ate ciutij d uiitb mafle anD baarp froii, 3?nfteBeof bloofme0,#bctfc)itb pour boos did flotore: 33 fee pour twwjbat from pour bougbeg Doe rain?) SEtbdfe D?opjS in Djcrp pOclcs remain*. 311 fo mp lull full leafe& o?pe anD (ere, S0p timelp bnDgr usftb Sapling all are t»afteD; : t£be blo(Tome,tobiclj mp bjauncb of poutb did beare, ffiKitlj bjeadjeo Cgbesi i& bloujr.e atoap s fr blafteD, flno from mine epejs tfce Doling teamen oefcenD a 00 on pour bougOcg tlie pGcles Depcno. fcljou feeble flocfte jtcljofe fleece id rougO anD rent, CCUjcfc knees are toeafee fyjougfc fad art ci:i!i fare; ^i3 fanuaritj* Foil ($apft nritnetTe toell bp tty tfi gonerncment, ^:ijp mapfters mine t'0 ouereome nn'tb care. ^Tbou tneake,3l inanne:tbou Ieane,3l quire fojlome: &3itb mourning ppne 31 3 pou tofty ppning monrnf* 8tboufanoGt&ejs3! curfctbac carcmlUjotocr. fiftberein 31 loanp ebe neigbbour tofeme to fee: 9no eke tenne tboufano fitbea 3; blefle tbe tare, ©Ilbcrem 31 fatoe fo fap?e a figbMs (bee. 3Det an fojtnaugbttfncb figbt batb b?co mp banc. 3b Sno am fo?Io?ne, (alas lubp am 31 lome.' ) fe>bec oeignca not mp rjooo U)tH,but ootb reprove, S110 of mprurall mtifick boloetb fcojne, febepbearos ocutfe (be batetb 33 tbe make, 3 no laugbea tbe fonge0 3 tljac Colin clout oot(j make, I(Hljtrefoie mp pppe,a(bcc ruoc fan tbou pleafe, pu fo? tbou pleafeff not,tobcre mott31 tooulo: $no tbou bnluckp $pufe,tbat toontft to cafe 99p muling mpnD 3 pct cananot 5 tubentljou fljoulr: 315otb pppc ano S|jfcife,(&aU foje tbe tobtfe abpe. &o bjokebte oaten pppe,ano ootone opolpe. Bp tbat,tbe toclkco Tb noxue tbe froflp High ^er mantle black tb?ougb beauen gan ouer&aile. TOicb feene 3 the penfife bop balfe taDerptgr)t Sror^auo bomeujarD o?oue (jig foimeo (beepe, WW* tanging l;eao* did feeme &10 carcfuli cafe to tucepe. && CQlini fanuaric^j. Colins 'Emblems ^Anchor a Jf erne. GLOSSE. C O L T N Cloutc) is a name not gready vfed,andyetliaue T fene a Poefieof M. Skel- tons vndcr that title. But indeede the > vord Colin is Frenchc,and vfed of the Ftench Poetc Marot(ifhe be wordry of the name of a Poete)in a certein JE%- logue. Vndcr which name this Poete fecrctly fhadoweth liimfelf, as fometimc did Virgil vndet the name of Tityrus,thinking it milch fitter,then fuch Latinc names,for the great vnlikclyhoodc of the language. vnnethes) fcarcely. couthe) commethoftheverbcConne,thatis,toknovvortohaue flcifl. AJwellinrer- preteth the fame the worthy Sir Tho. Smitth in his bookc of gouerment: wher of I haue a perfeel copie in wrytingjlent me by his kinfeman,and my verye lin- gular good frecnd,M. GabnclHarucy : as alfo of forae othcihis moftgraue & excellent vvrytings. Sy the) time. Neighbour towne) the next towne: expreffing the Latine Vicina. Stoure) a fitt. Sere) withered. His clovvnifh gyfts) imitateth Virgils verfe, Rufticus es Corydon,nec munera curat Alexis. Hobbinol) is a fained country narnc,vvhereby,it being fb commune and vfuafl,feemeth to be hidden the perfon of fomc his very fpeciall & moil familial' freend,whom he entirely and extraordinarily bcloued,asperaduenture Oi all be more largely declared hereafter. Tn thys place feemeth to be fome fauour of dilbrderly lou>, vvhrch the learned call psederafhec: but it is gathered befidehismCaning. For who that hath red Plato his dialogue called Alcybiades, Xenapbon and Max- imus Tyrius of Socrates opinions,may eafily pcrceiue,that fiicb loue is muche to be alowed and liked of,fpecially fo meant,as Socrates vfed it:whb fayth,that in dcede he loucd Alcybiades extremely, yet not Alcybiades perfon, buthys foulc,which is Alcybiades ownc fe)fe.And fb is pardcraftice much to be pre- ferred before gynerafticc,that is the loue.vybiche enflameth men with luft to- ward vvdman kind.But yet let no man thinke,that herein Iftand v'vith Lucian or hys dcuclifh difciple Vnico Aretino , in defence of exccrablcind horrible finncs of forbidden and vnlawfutflcfhlineffe.VVhofe abominable errouris ful- ly confuted of Perionius,and others. 1 loue) a prcty Epanorthofis in thefc two veifes, and withall a Paronomafia or play- ing with die word,where he fay th(l loue thilkc laffe(alas &c. Rofalmde) is alfo a feigned name,whicht>cing wel ordered, wilbewrav the very name of hys loue and miftrcflc, whom by that name he colourethrSo'as. Ouide iha- doweth hys touc vndcr the name of Corynna,vvhich of fome is fuppofed to be lulu fanuarit-j fol.\ Wia,thempCTor Auguftus his daughtcr,andwyfc to Agtyppa.So do A Aru»* cius Stella euery where call his Lady After js and IanthiSjaibc it is vvel knowea chat her right name was Violantillaras vvitnefleth Statius in his Epithalamiu, And Co the famous Paragonc of Italy, Madonna Caelia in her letters enuclo- peth her felfc vnder the name of Zima:and Petrona vudcr the name of lkllo- chia. And this generally hath bene a common cuftomc of counterfeiting the names o ffeaet Pcrfonages. Aunl) bring downe.* Emblemed Ouerhaile) drawe ouer. His Emblcme or Poeiye is here vnder added in Italian, Anch<5ra (peme: the meaning v vherof is,that nottf vitHftande his extreme paffioa and lucldcfle louc, yet lea* ning on hopC,he is fome what recomf ortcd. JEgloga Secunda-j. ARGVMENT. P His Mglogue Is rather morall and genet all t tben bens to any fecrete or particular fpetially couteynttb a Mfcourfe of old age, in the perf one of Thenot artoUeSbepbeard,-»baforMs cxooktdnejfe and V»/«Hi- fcorned o/Cuddie an. \nbappy Heaxibnani hijt.Ebt matter Vf- ry veil accordetbithb tbtffafon of the honeib.tbcje arenas dtoupmg y & as it Tnre t draVm£ to bis last agcFor ns in fastl'me ofyitocfh tbe in our Jt.iii. hodies Februdrtiu. lilies there is adrjf & "9iitkering9old,V9biebxtngeAlelb tfa erudled blood, andfriefeth the Ttetberbeate flefh^itb forms of fortune, making ttjee talttie. Sgtaft not tlje inojlo tuena in bis commun tourfe jFrom gooo to bauo,an& from baooe to luojfc, JFrom too jfe unto tljat is tno^ft of all, Sinn tben retumeto t;is former fall/ ££Iijo mill not fuffcr tfye ftojmp time, QEtyere unlT&e hue ty\l tbe luffp p?ime t @>elfe baue 31 fcunne out tbrife tbtettte pearea , &ome ia mucb fop ? manp in manp teares: pet netter complaineo of colo no? beare, ©f Nominees fiame,no? of Mincers tU?eat: jQe euer mas to jf ojtune foeman, 25« gentlp tooke,tlja t bngentty came. 3 no euer mp flocks teas mp cljicfe care, C&tnter oj hammer tbep mougbt Uiell fare* CVDDIE. 3®o maruefie TkmtMtim canbeare Cberefullp tlj e uH imerss tojatbfuii eljeare : j?p? 3ge anD SKinter acco?o hill ni c, *&W elnU 5 tbac colD,tbis crookeo,tbat to?pe« Cino as tfce losing defter tookes tone, Ao fco ftmeft t&ou like goob fep&ap to frotonc 3uc mp flouring poutb is foe to ftoft, $©p (hippe unuiont to tf ojmes to be toff* THENOT. ^je foueratgne offeas tie blames tn baine, ©bat once feabeate*tbill tafca againe- ^0 loptrmg ttue pou little 1 bearogwomcsf, keeping pour beaftes in tbe buooeo bjoomeS: ano t»&en tbe (bining futtne langljetb once, pou oeemenjtbe 8>p?mg is come attonce. 3Dbo gpntie pou,fbnDflpes 3 cbe colb co fcome, ano crouring mpppesmane Of greeue cojne, pou tfrinaen to be ILojos of tbe peace* BttUft,n>&en pe count pou freeo fcomfeate, Comes tlje bjemebHriter mitb ebamfreo bjoUie*, jFuil of uijfockles ana froftte furrotues: t))ttHv footing bfs ftojmpbarte, TOfcb cruotrtes tbe btooDjano p?(cfcs tbe &arte. Sbenis pour careleOe cojage accoteb, Pour careful! beatos toitb coin bene annoieo. Cben pape pou tbe p?tce of pour furqueDjte a JKCtitb toKcping 5 anu toapl mg,ano mtferp. CVDDIE. 3b foolifb o(o man, 31 fcome tf;p fluTf, l&M tooutoettmwnp fp?tngtng poungtb to fpil. 31 oeemcjtbp bjatne empertujeD bee Cbjougb ruftp e!oe,tbat batb rotten t&ee: £>? ficher tbp Ijcao berap tottfe (3, &>o on tbp cojbe (bouloer it leanes aijufle* jftoui ^ felfe bad loff botb lopp arm topp, 8IS mp buooing bjauneb tbou toouloett cropp: TBut lucre tbp peares greeners no tu bene mpne, Qo ocbcr belfgbts tbeptooulo cncltne. SLbo U)oulDeft tbmi learne to caroll of loue, 9no berp tottb bpmnes tbp lalTes gloue. ^botooutoed tljou pppe of fbyllit pjapfe: #ut fbjliis is m?ne to? manp wpes: &4« »3I toanitc Februarit^. 31 toomte ber toit& a gp?Dle of gelt, Cmboft nn'tb bucgle about tbe belt. g>ucb an one fbepebearos toouloe make fitfl fame : S>ucb an one luoulo make tbee pounge againe* thenot. STbou art a fonjOftbp loue to boffe, flil tljat is lent,toloue,ti)pil be loft. ' CVDDIE. g>eeff,bott)e b?ag pono 3&unocfce beared &o fmtrke 5 fo fuiootlje,bis pjickeoeares* J; is Ijomcs bene as' MneboUie bent, tyis octuc lap ad Iprtje,as laflc of Kent. &ee bouie ije bentetb into tbe ttipno* 2Ueeneff of loue is not bid mpntt &eemeth tbp floc&e tbp counfell tm y feo toafefle bene tbep,fo tueake fo taan, Clotbeo tof tb coto,ano boarp toptb ftotf. €bp flo cfcs fatbtE bis co? age batb loft; ^bp €toes,tl)at toon t to (j aue blomen fast, like toailefull UHODotues bangcn tijeir crajaj* : ^Dbe rat&er lambes bene ftarueD unci) cofr, 211 fo? tbetr ^atftec is faftlefie airo olo. THENOT. Cuddif.Ji ujote tbou kenft little goon, feo batnelp taouaunce tljp beatrtevTe Ijdod. jf oj ^oungtb is a bubble bloumbp toitb b?wtlj, ffiBbofe tottt t£Uieaftenefle,tobofe loage is oeatlj, (KUbofe uiap is luiIocrneiTe,tobofe pnne penaance, 3m> ftoopegailaunt 3ge ttjeljoftc of ©reeuaunce. TBm (ball3l tel tbee a tale of ttutb, Saibicb 3! cono of Tityrus in mp poutfr, keeping bis fljeepc on tbe bils of Kent? CVDDIE 3C6 nougbt moje 7>»of,mp minb is bent a €H)en to beare nouells of bis oeuife: ^Dbep bene fo toell tbetoeo,antj fo unfe,* &H>at euer tyat gooo olo man berpafee. Tbenot Februarie-j. fi**1 THENOT. Spanp meete tales of poutb Dfo &c maw, gnu fome oftoue 5 anD fomc of cbeualric: But none fitter tben tbi* to appiie. jflotoj Itften at»Wle>ano darken tbe roo. Tlfrere gretoe an ageo €ree on ctje greene, g gooolp ©afce fometime bao it bene, OOt'tb armes full ffrong ano largelpotfplapo, But of tbeir leaues tbep toere oifarapoe: %ty boote bigge,ano migbtelp pigbt » ^bjougbip rooteo s ano of monoerous bigbt* TOtlome b*& bene tbe King of tbe fielo, gno moe&eU malt to tbe buf bano bio pietoe, gno uittb W nuts laroeo manp fame. But nolo tbe grap mode marred bis rine, U>t£S bareo bougbes vuere beaten toritb ttojmes, $ts toppe toias bafo 3 $ toaffeo toitb tojojmes, $w bono? oecapeOibfe b?aimcbea fere. $>aro bp bis (toe gretoe a bjaggmg bjerc, tabtcb pjouplp tb?urt into &b£!ement, gno feemeo to tbjeat tbe JTtrmament. |>t toias embcllifijc tm'tb bloffbmes fapje, gno tbereto ape UJonneD to repapje Cbe l&epljearos oaugbters, to gatber flotoretf* 3Do peinct tbeir girlonus toritb bis colotujes. gno in bis (mall bufbes bfeo to Q)?oU)oe ^Hbe fuieete jfttgbtingale (tnging Co lotoioc: (KJbicb maoe tbis foolity Bjere tocre fo bolo, ^Lbat on a time be catt btm to fcolo, gno fnebbe tbe gooo ©afee, fo? be bias olo. 22lbp ttanoft tbere (qnotb be) tboutyutfft blocfce/ Bo? fo? fruicr,no? fo? fbaootne femes tbp ftoekc: &>eeu\boU) frcfl) nip flotoers bene fpieo&e, Dpeo in liUpto)!jtte,ami Crgmfin reooe, £2tttb ieaues engraineo in luff? greene, Colours mee te to clot&e a mapoen Qucene. Februarieu. &fop toaff hi gncjs but combers tbe grotons, 3nD nirfcg tbe beaut? of mp Moflbme* roUihir. Cbe moulDte moffe,ti)birb tbee acclot'ctb , $Pp &tnamon (hull too mucb aniwte tb« fflljmfaie foone 3! reoe tbee,bence cemone, JLealt tbouibepjice of my otfpleafe pjcue* £>o fpane tbw bolo bjcre tuitb great Wlbaine.: ILtttle bun anCluerco tl;e £)a!te agatne, 25wt ptelWDjtoitb fljame ano greefe aua&cD, Cfpfofa treeDebetoagouerauuD. |?t cbauncgo after upon a cap, ^Tge ^ur-banoma» fclfe to come t&at top, Of cuttome foj to (erueuu l;tg gcotonft, Sno W trees of (rate in compalfe rotono* fbim tuben tbe fpifefull b?ere bao efppeo , CaullelTe comglai neMno lotoolp crpeD QntoW loitering np ftetne flrtfe: JD mp liege lojD,tbe 600 of mp life, ^leafetbpouponoer pour Snip pliant* plaint,. CaufcD of WjongjimD cruell conttraint, SObicb 3f pour pooje OaffaB oaplp ensure. ; . Ann but pour gooones tbe fame recure, ^m line fo? oefpecate cnole to Ope, Cb?cugb fclonoua foice of mine enemfe. barsue tbe 25tere in.b us plaint p?oreen z, Z&itb patnteo ujojus tljo.gan tbist p?ouoe tuecbe, (9*mo& nten Ambition* fblKe: ) $fe colotorencttmc nritb craft to clone* 3b mp foueratpe,io?D of creature* an, ^Cbou placer of plant* botb bumble ano tall, £2Jaanot3l plante&of tbme otonebano, &0 be tbe pjtmrofe of all tbplanu, . Snttb fiotoring biolTome*,fo form© tbe y jtnu, Ono fcarlot ncrrie* in §>ommer time? $p*fall* it t[jen 3 tbat tfji* faoeo ©ate, fiatyofe Fehruarie-j. /0/.6 &%ofe boofete fcre 3 tDbofe fyauncbefl fyofce, tftbofe nakeo armes ftretcb bntot&e fp?e, Onto facb tpjanmeootb afpim #momng tuttij Ijtss ujaoe m? louctp ItgOr, gno robbing me of tbe fajetefonne I ftgb tf &o beate fjts olo bomjbeis mp tenser Hoc, ^:uat oft tbeblouttfp?in3;E^ from UJOUttO0 fopoe: Outunclprnp flours fojceu tofaU, 3Z3jat bene tbe bono? of pour CojcnaH. 5 no oft be lets bt'3 cattcfcerteojnwe u'g&t Slyon ntp bjauncbca^to iuojfcc me mo?e fpf g&t: <3no oft bis boarielorksootBne uotb calf, SObere tonl) rap freibtoJjett* bene oefafo iTa? tbt0>ano man? moje fucb outrage, Waning pour goocltbcao to afinage ^b e ran cfcojoua rigour of biff mt gbt, jSougbt afue31,but oitelp to bob mp r t gbt: &>ubmf tttng me to pout gooo fufferance, to piping to be garoeofrom greeuance* ^o tbfe ^ Oane. caff bun to reuUe ZZXzW ad be coutb: but bts cncmte $20 mnDleofurb coles of oifpleafure, ®bac tbe gooo man noaloc flaj&te feature, H5u: borne btm (jafteo trie!) farfaua beate, CncreaSng bis i»?aeb ttftb manp a tb?eate« fyit barmeftitt ipatcbet be bent in batro> ( &lag,tbat it fo reaop u)auio ffano) Sno to tbe ficlo alone be tyeeoetb* (3p little belpe to bar me t&ere neeiMtf)) Snger noufo let btm fpeafce to tbe tree, Cnaunter bte rage utougbt cooleo bee : TBut to tU tootebentfcis fiurop drone, Sno maoe man? Uiotmotf tn rtjcinaQ ©akc* fcbe 3rea eoge ofb oft turn* agatne, flo balfe Wrarilling to cutte tire grame: &cmeo,tbefencele{fe pjon cpo fcare, ©J to iojong M? do oio fojbeare; Febmarie-r. foi it bao bene tax aoncient tree, ^>acrcD tomb man]) a mpfteree, 3nD often crofl ujttfj tbe wtdrcs creine, 3 no often balotoeo toitlj Ijolp luster oette. "Bur Gke fanciest lneren foolerte, 3no bjougbtentbis ©ake to tbismiferpe* JF o? nougb t mougbt tl;rp Qturtcn bim front oceap: jf oj fictxclp tbe goon man at Ijt'm did lape, dje blocke ofc cranio tetter tbe blott), 9nQ Ogljcti to fee W neare ouertbjoto. 3!n fine tlje ffeele bao piereen bis ptttn, ^;ljo Donate to tlje eartb be fell fojtbuHtb : C)t6 toonoerous ujcigbt maDe tlje groiinoe to qnafee, ^bcartb Qtfonfcc unocr tjtm,ano fecmeo to (bake* ^Ijcrcipctb tbe £>ake,pitieD of none. i5a\n llanos tlje Brerc like a Lo>D alone, ISuffetj op ujuIj p?yoe ann oatne pleafaonce: 35ut all tijfe glee i;ao no cominuainice. Sto} cltfoncs SSXImcr gan to appjoclje, %ty Muffling T5 ojeas did enrroebe, ianD ucate Dpon the fou'tarie^rere: fo) notoe no fuecoure Uias feene (>tm nere. jQoto gan be cepent W P?pdc to late: JToj nakeD left ann oifconfolate, Kb e bp ting fcott nipt bttf ftalkc Dean, ^be toatrie tiiette toe tgbeo Dotiine Ins bean, to beapeo fnouie buroneD btm To foje, ^Ebat noine bp?igbt be can llano no mo?c; Siid being Detune, is troDDe in the Durt fiDf cattrll,anD bjott?ep,ano (bjtclpburt. &ucb bias tbenD of ttjts ambittougtycre, Jf o? fcojning Clo CVDDIE. Jfcoto 31 piap tbee (bepbeatn, td it not foj-t&i Oct c t0 a long taleyuiD little too? $♦ &o longe baue 3 lifoneo to tbp fpecbe, Ebat graffeo t^ tbe grotra&C* mp bjecbe: folj Februarie. Spp&attbtoobfo toeIm$'fro?ne3!fecIe, anomp galage grotone fad to mp beele: Ofoit little eate of tbp letao tale 31 taftau type t&ee borne (&epbearo,t&e Dap t* ntglj toaffeo. Theftots Embleme. fddioperche e yeccbio, Fafuoial fuo ejiemfw. Cuddies Embleme. fAQ^unoyecchio, SpaTtenta Iddio. GLOSS E Kene){harpe." Gride) perced : an olde word much vfed of Lidgatc,but not found (that 1 know of) in Chaucer . Ronts) young bullockes. VVi-acke) ruinc or Violence, whence commeth flupwracke.and not wrealce, chat is vengeauncc or wrath. Foeman)afoe. Thenot) thenameofafhepheardinMarothis /Eglogues. The foueraignc of Seas ) is Neptune the God of the Teas . The fjyingtf borowed or* Mimus PubUanus,vvhich vfed this prouerb i n a verfe. Jmprobe Neptunum accufat, qui iterum naufragium facit. Heardsromes.) Chaucers verfe almoft whole . Fond Fly es) He compareth carelcfle fluggardes or ill hufbandmen to fljres,that lb foone asthefunne fhineth, or ytwexeth any thing warme, begin toflyeabroadc when (bdeinly they be ouertaken with cold: But eft when) A veryc excellent and liuely defcription of Winter, (b as may bee indif- ferently taken,eythcr for old Agc,or for Winter fcafon. Breme) chiiy>ittcr. Chamfrcd) chapt,or vvrincklcd. Accoied) pluckeddpwne and daunted. Surcjuedric) pryde. Elde)oldcage, Sicker) fure. Tottie) waucring. Cot be) crooked. Heric) worihippe. Phyllis) the name of (bme mayde vnknowen,whom Qiddic,whofe petibn is fectetc,l6- ued.The name is vfuall in ThcocritBS,VirgiIe,and Mantuanc. Beltc) a girdle or waft band. Afbn)afoole. lythe)foft&gentde. Vcntcth)fnu£fcth in the wind. Thy flocks Father) the Ramme, Crags)neckcs Bw.. Rathec- Februaric^. Rather Lambes) thai be cvvcd early in the beginning of the yearc. Youth is) A veryc moral and pitthy Allegoric of youch,and therftoCcomparcd to a vvcane wayfaring man. Tityrus) I fuppofe he mcanc Chaucer , whole prayfc for pleafatmr tares cannot dyc,fo long as the memonc of hys name-ihal liue,& the name of Poetiie fhal endure. Well chewed; that is,Benc morat;e,iull ofmorall wifencfle. There grew)This cale of the Oakc and the BrercJie tellc'th as learned of Chauccr,but it is cleanc in another klnd,and ratherhke to /Efopes is very cxccllente for plcafaunt dcfcriptions, being altogether a ccrtaine Icon or Hyporypofis of difJamfull younkcrs . - Embclliiht) beautified and adorned. To wronnc) to haunter frequent. Sncb) checke. Why ftind(t)The (peach is fcorneful & very prcfumptuous. Engraincd)dycd in grain. Accloicdi) encombrerh. Adavved) daunted & confounded. Trees of ftate)tallcr trees fitte for timber wood. Sterne ftrife) faid Chaucer X. fell and fturdy. O my liege) A maner of fupplication, wherein is kind- ly coloured the affection and fpeache of Ambitious men. Coronall)Garlandc. Flourcts)y©ung bfoifomes'. The Prnnrqfc;) The chiefe and worthieir Naked anfres) metaphorically ment of the bare boughes,fpoyled of leaues.This colou- rably he fpeakcth,as aditidging hym to the fyre. The blood) fpoken of a blockc,as it were of aiming creature, figuratiuely, and(as they fayc) yjr-T iiyjajxu). Hoaric locl(cs)mccaphoncairy for withered lcaues . Hcnt) caught. Nould) for would not: Ay)cuermore. Wounds) gafhes. Enaunter) leaft that. The pricHes ere wc) holy mter port.whcrewith the popifhe prieft vfed to fprincklc fit hallovve the trees from mifchaunce.Such blindneite was in tbofe times,whtch the Poete fiippofcth,ro haiic bene the finall decay of tliis auncient Oake. The blockc oftgroncd) A huelyc figure,vvhiche gcueth fence and feeling to vnfenfihlc ereatures,as Virgile alio faycth: Saxa gemunt grauido &c. Boreas) The Norrhernewyndjtha t bringf th the moite ftormie weather. Glee) chere and iollitie. For fcorning Eld ) And minding (as fhoulde feme) to hauc trwde ryrnc- to the former verfehe is conningly cutte of by Cuddye,as difdayning to here any more. Galage) a ftartuppc orclovvmfli (hoe. Emblcme. ThiscmblcmcisTpokcnofThcnot, as a moral of his former tale:nameryr,thar Goe foe, 1 9s torrcn ouertoent touij tooe, Upon fo fapje a mojoni/ ^be topous time noui ntgbeff faff, fclja t ($al! alegge tljis bitter Walt, ami flake tbe tofntersfojome* Thomalin. Richer ffifttllpe,tbeu toarneff toelT: tf o? catnteris tojatb beginnc* to quell, 3 mi pleafantfpjingappearetb. %\n graOV notoe gtnnes to be refrefyr, fEJie &toalloto pecpes out of ber nefl, 3no cloniote Sltelkto clearetb, Willyc. &eeff not tb tike fame $atotfjo?ne ftuDOe, $oto bjaglp it beginner to buoue, 3no btter W tenner bean/ f lora noiu called; fojtb ecbe (totter, Sno bios make reaop Maias boujje, £bat nctoe is bpjpff from bewt* €$o (ball toe fpo?ten m &elt'gbt, 3no learne toitb letttce to mere Ifgbt, ^bat fcojneftrtlp looked af kaunce, $Dbo tuifl toe little loue atoake, ^bat rtotoefleepetb in Lctbehbc, 3m> p?ap bim leanen our oaunce* Thomalin. t&fllpe,3! toene tbou bee aObtt: Jfoj Iuffte loue (till fleepetb not, I3ut te abioao at b Caat game. WiUye. $ota kentt t|)ou,ei at b e in atooke .* 0} ^Marcb. foly Ojbaft tbp Celfefjis aoraberfyoke* i)\ maoe pjeuie to tbe fame i Thomalin'. j|3o 3 butbappelp 31 bpmfppbe, OTere in a buty Ije did fji'oe, COitb uunges of purple ano blctoe. gnD to>erenot,tbat mp l&eepe fciouloifrap, ^Tije pjeuie marks 31 ihouIo betojap, mi)mbv bv djauncc 3! Ijt'm feneuje, waiyc. ^:l;omalin,ljatteno care foj tbp» C^p felfe torill tjaue a toubir epe, $>Itne to mp flocke anti tljtne: jFoj alsat borne 31 banc a fp?e, a ilepoame ene as tuljott as fpje, Cljat oeurip aoape* counts mtne. . Thomalin. 3I5ap 5 bu£ tbp feeing luiH not feme, $Pp u)eepe foj tbat map cbauuee to (toerue, Q. no fall into fome mifebiefe. iTo> fitbens tgf but tbe tbirD mojofte, %bat% cbatmtl to fall a fleepeimcb fojoluc, 3nD tuakeD againe uritb grtefe: Wzz tubfle t&flfee fame unbapppe £tt>e, TOofe clouteolegge bet burt Dotb u)eiue» JTeHbeaDlongtnto a Ml Sno tberebniopnteo botb ber bones: Jpwgbt bet nerfte bene topnteo at: ones, . &>be fljouloe baue neeoe no moje fpett* ^belf nias fo toanton auo fo ujqoo, (Ti5uc noto) 31 crotoe can better gooD) &>be mougbt ne gang on tbe greene* Willye. let b e,as map be 5 tb a t trf path ^bat is to comejet be fojecaff. iSoto tell bs,ti)bat tljou &aff feene* Thomalin. SctoagbponaboKoap, ftlfjca VERSITt GALiFOJlNl* March. Scatttogocafboottag. lems Banting bp ano ooume t^clauc s ZSlUfy bottie ano bolts in eit&er franc, ifoj biros in bufyes tooting: &t Icngslj nrit&in an |J uie « odds (C&ete 0??oud^d foas i&e It'ccic ®oD) 3lljearDabuGebuffung. 31 bent mp bolt againft t&e buu), isfienftifftfanp tbrogoiorufbe, $uc $en &earo no mo?e ruffling, fcbo peeping clofe into tbe njic&c, ^tgbt fee t&e mouing of fome qntcfte , &%ofet&apeappeateo not: 3But nore it fcette,fera»,o? (nafet , $$p courage earno it to aujafee, 3no manmllp tbcreat ft)otte. 2SIitb cbat fpjongfojtfc a ria&ea fwapne, CSlttb fpotteo totnges like peacocks trapne t ano laugbing lope to a tree. $t* gploen quUter at bis bae&e, 3no bluer botiw,to&f e& ttwg but (lacfce, (CKbtcb ItgWp fee Bent at me. $$at feeing 31, leucine agatne, 3no u)ott at bhn M$ migbt and iftatar» 3* tbicke,as it bao feaplcD. &o long 3! (bote, t&at altoas fpent: fc&opumie ft one's % baftlp bsnt, 3nn tb?ewetbut nougbt abatlco: $e mas fo tnimble^no fo nngbt, jf com bougb to bougb belcppeo li$t u aniroft tbe pumiee latcbeo. ^bmnntb affrapo 3! ramie atoap: && be,tba& eartt feeniD but to plape, 3 Qja& in earneU fnatcfco, Site tiit me running in tbe beelei ftyfanlL HtttefinartoiD feels March. fofoo ifirttt Tomte ftfo?e encreafi®. 3m> nott it rancfeletb mo? e ano mo?e, Sno fotoarolp it feftmb ft?e> j8e toote 3U boto to ciafe it. VVillye. fJOomaUit, 3! abate. VVe&in) the (Trie, » Cii. The (Wallow) <£K$arch. The (wallow*) which bird vfctb to be counted the meftcnger , and as it were, the fore runner of fpringc. Flora)the Goddcffe offlovvres,but indede(as faith Tacitus)a famous harlot, which with the abufe of her body hauing gotte great riches,made the people of Rome her heyrc: who in rcmembraunce offo great beneficcnce,appointed a yearely feftc for the memoriallof her,callinghcr,not as (he was 5 nor as fome doethink,An- dtoriica,b ut Ejora : making her the Goddeflc of all noures,and doing ycrely to her folemne facrificc. Muas bovvre) thatisthcpleafaimtfieWe,oriathertheMayebulhcs.Maiaisa Goddcs and the mother of Mercurie , in honout of whome themonethofMaycisof her name fo called,as fayth Macfobius, Lcttice) the name of lome country laflc, A fcaunce) af fcewe or afquinr. For thy) therefore. 1 .cthc) is a lake in hell, which the Poetes call the lake of forgetfulncs. For Lethe fignifi- eth forgetfulnes. Wherein the fouks being dipped,did forget the cares of their former ly fe.So that byloue fleepingjn Lethe lake , he meaneth he was almoft forgotten and out ofknovvledge,by reafon of winters hardncfie,whenalplca- fui cs as it were, ileepe and wcaxe cute of myndc. Aflbcte) to dote. liisflombcr) TobrcakcLouesflomber.isto excrcife the delightcs of Lou e and wan- ronplcafiires. VVinges ofpurple) fo is he feyned ofthe Poetes. For als) he imitateth Virgils Yef fc. Eft milii namquc domi pacer, eft iniufta nouerca &e. A deH) a hole in the ground- Spell) is a kinde of verfc or charmc,that in elder tymes they vfed often to lay ouer etiery thing,that they would haue preferued, astbeNightfpelforthccues , andrhe woodfpcll' And herehence I rhinkc is named the golpell, as it were Gods fpcll or vvordcAnct fo fayrh Chaucer,Liftcneth Lordings to my fpcll. Gange) goe AnYntetodde) athickebufhe. Swaine) a boye : For fo is he described ofthe Poctes,to be a boye S. alwayes frefhe and luftie : blindfolded , becaufehe makethno difference of Perfonages .- wyth diucrs coloured winges,.f. of flying fancies : wuh bovve and arrow , that ;s with elauncc of beautye,which prycketh as a forked arrowe.He is (ayd alfo to haue fhafis,forne lcaden,fome golden: that is,both pleafure for the gracious and loucd,andforo w for the louer that ts difdayncd or forGkcn. But who liftc more at large to behold Cupids colours and furniture, let him readc ether Pro- pcrtius^or Mofchus his Idyllion of wandring loue,being now mod excellently translated into Latmeby the finguler learned man Angelus Politianus: whych yvotke I haue feene amongftothcrof thys Poets doings,vcry wcl tranfhtcd al- fo into EngufheRymes.' Wimble and wighte) Quicke and dcliuer. In die hecle) is very Poetically fpoken^uidnot without fpeciall iudgement . For I re- membe/jtliat in Homer it is faydofThctis,thatfheetook< her young babe A- divlles being ney vely borne , and holding him by the heelc,dipped htm in the Riuer March. fol.n RiuerofSry*. The vertoe whereof isitodefend ami k«epethe bodyeswafhed therein from any mortall vround.So Achilles being warned al ouer,6uc onel/ his hele,by which his mother held, was in the reft invnluerablertherfbrq by Pa-i ris was feyned to bee fhottewith a poyfoned arrowe in the heele,vvhdeshe was bufic about the marying of Polyxena in the temple of Apollo.which my- fticall fable Euftathius vnfoldtng,fay th: that by wounding in the hele,is meant liiAtullloueForfromthch€elc(asfaythebeftPhifitJoiii) to the preuie partes tlierc pafTe certaine yeines and flender lynnevves^s alfo the like come from the head,and are cairycd lyke little pypes behynd the-eites:fo that (as iayth Hipo- crates) yf thofe vcynes there be cut a (bnder.thepaitie ftraighte bec6meth cold and vnfruitefuL which reafon our Poete wel weighing,maketh this fhephcvds boy e of purpofc to be wounded by Loue m the heelc. Latched) caught. Wroken) reuenged. 1 or once) In this talc is fctte out the fimplicitye of fhephcaids opinion of Loue. Stouping Phiebus) Is_aPeriphrafjs of the funnc fetting. Embleme. Hereby is meant,that all the delights of Loue, wherein wanton youth walloweth, be but follye mixt v vidi bittemefTe,and forovy fowced with repentauncc.For be- (ides that the very afledion ofLouc itftlfc tormenteth the mynde,and vexeth die body many vva/eSjVvith vnreftfulnefle aHni^hI^lnd vvearines all day, fee- king for that we can not haue, &fynding that we would not hauereue thefclfe things which beft before vs lyked,in courfcxjf.rimeand chaungofryperycarej, whiche alfb thercvvithall ehaungeth our wonted Jyking and former fantasies, will thai feemelothfbme and breede vs annoyaunce, whenyougthesflowrc is withcred,and we fynde ourbodyes andwitsaunfwerenotcofuchevayne ioIlitieandluftfulJ pleafauncc. tjAprill. ALgloga Quarta. ARGVMENT. HT Bis Mglogue is pttrpofoly intended to the honor and pray ft of our most gracious huereigne, Que ene "Elizabeth. The fpeakjrs herein be Hobbi- noll and TbenottJTvo fotpbeardes: the ^hitb Hobbinoll being before men* tioned,greatly to hauelouedColinJs b ere fet forth more largely , comJ>lay~ King bint of that boyes great mifadaenture in Loue, thereby bis mynd Teas alienate and ttitb dra^sen not onelyfrom lim,\fbo mofte lotted bimjbut alio from all former delightes andttudies>df"»ellia pleafaunt pyping,as tanning tyming and finging,and other bis laudable exercifts . w hereby be takjtb occafion.for proofe of bis more excellencie and fkjllinpoetriejo recorde a fonge&bicb tbefayd Colin fometimt made in honor of her Maieilie^bom MiHptely bt termetb Ely fa. Thcnoe. Hobbinoll. nr tfn me gooo $obbmon,mb,ac garres tljee greete t 1 ZBh&i* batfy fame WLt&k ftp tenner lambed prcjne.' ©) i* th<* Bagpppc fyofce,t!$at foimoes Co finccte i £>? arc tljoa ofi^p louealatTe fojtojne/ SO) bene tbtae eye* actempreb tt> (fee peaw, . <&untc$ing tfce gafping taotoeg djira ttitt rapn* i Ufa trfprill. Eifce 3pju" fooure, fo ttremca tbe trickling tcarea $ooUme tbp cfceefce, to quenc^e t&p Cl)?i0pc papw. HobbinoIL JOoj tbp*,noj rijacfo mucbe twtb make nic mown??, Xut foj tbe lao»e,ujljume long 31 1 odd To oeare . J2otne loue* a Iau"e 3 tbat all bt0 iouc do tb fcojne: $e plongo in papnc,bi$ trefleo locks oooc'j tcare. fiftepbearw Deltg&ts be Dootb ttjem all fajfuieare, tl)ps pleafdunt ipipe,aibpcb maoe us mertment, Sipe ttpltulip batb b?oke,anD Dotb fojbeare ^i0 uionteo fongs,to)b crem be all outtueut* Thenot. TOa t is be fo? a Lacoe, pou fo lament ps loaefucb ptneb tug papne to tfrem^at pjoue t 3 no batb be (kill to make fo excellent, S?et Ijatlj fo little f kill to b?pDle loue / Hobbinoll. Co//n tbou keuft, tbe £>out!jerne QjcpbeatDeg bopet Cpim Louebatlj ujounoeo tomb a Deaolp carte. ££UjtIome on bun U)a<8 all nip care anD tope, jf o^cing uutb gpft* to fennne l)i$ tuanton bcart . But noto from me bpsmabDing mpno is ftarce, 3no tooeg tbe 2£tiDDoujes caugbter oftbe glemte: &o noloe fspitfyfaiind batb bjeDDe hp* fmarc, &o Jtoto bte rreno is cbaungeo fej a frame. Thcnot. ISixt if^p^ nittitz bene fo ttimlp Digfjt, 31 p?ap tbee BMtmllj&cqpt fome one: ^:be turtles our flocke* Doe gra?e about tit tttffo 3no toe clofe ujjodjucd in tfcps Qjaoe alone. Hobbmol. Contenteo 31 1 tben toilia tmge bis lape ffif fapje #lif*Xla$m oflrjepbearDesaU: JUbicb bncebe maDe,a* bp a fpjfng l;e lape, &u> tuneo tc bnto tfce CSlate w fefl . Ctopntpe JQpmpfos, t'yaefn tbti uleCfeb 3frjob&t Doe batbe pour bjttf, jTo? fahe pour loatrp horn z$ 3 ano &etber loojtc, atmprequeff: 3ffli ek« pou SltrgHt^aton Tamaffi wuell, ^Utjcnte fioU)£t!j -Ht#ro» tlje learneo toefl, Oelpemetoblajc caijtrf) in bet ftjce ootlj all men. ©f fepjc £///* Be pour fifaer Pong, tljatbieffeDtirfg&f: fclje floioje of fl3irgma 3 map ujeefipjro) long, 31np?focelp plight, tf o? (fcee'te s>«»at Daughter tutctjoue fpotee* cftljtri) fP*» tbc fi;cpljearD2 ®oo ofljcrbcgoc: &ofp?ongber grace ©fljeaueulprace, j$o mo? tail blenuuje map ber blotte* g>ee,tobere (be fits bpon tlje graffte greeitc, (© feemelp figbt) $riao in £>carlatltke a mapoen £}ucene, 3no€r mines urfjta. Qpon ber Ijcao a Cremofin coronet* ' ' ftltttb Damaffee rofes ano D'affairiUie* fet: 35apfeaue$ bettoeene, Stoo $ jimrofes greene Cmbellifi) ttjefroeete Qioleu ZtfL me,bai!C pe feme b cr angelicfc fact, ltke^of^fapje.' ^erfceauenlp baueour,ber p?incclp grace • can pou toJeH compare.* €be BeoBc rofe mcoke limb tfce Whitt pfere* 31n either cbeefeeoepeinctenttuelp cyere. tyer mo&rft cpe, Were ijaue pou fecne t'ne like 3 but t&crtf oJprtlL fohl XftmfMu t^utt out w golDtn &ew>e, aponbertogajc: ^ut toljen be famesbota tyoaoe ^erbcamcsf uin ipgeDOfs itBiobimamaje. Qe-fclu&tco fee another ©untie belotoe, J2e oura agatne bfe rp#e face out ftottet JLetbim,tfl)eBare, ^3tss li?iglnnclTc compare 2Bttbber0 3 to baue tbe ouertbjotee. ©betoe tbpfelfe c>»*js»i^ mt'cb t!;p Cluer rape*, anobenotabalbt: Wfazn (bee tbe beameo of ber beaut? oifplapejs, ©bote art cbouuafijtf 3$ut3l totll notmatcb ber tottl) Latonats fecoe, ©ucb foilte great fejoui ta^ofo uio bjecoe* jftotBUjeteaftone, 8nD make* oaplp mone, flfllarnmg all otber to take beeoe, jwmsp be p jotfo,t&at euer be begot fucbaBdlibone, QLtto Sjrhx retopfe D tbat euer toag ber lot tobearefucbanone. gjoone as mp poungtf nga crpen foj tbebam, ^o ber taitfl 3f offera mslfetobice lamb : ©bee 10 mp goooefTe platne, 9nD 31 ber (bepberog Ibapne, Slbeefojlbjonck ano fojfniatc 31 am. 31 fee Calliope fpeeue ber to tbe place, tobere mp mz tbep not Bap tyatmcljes MM) S^ep tot bearr, 9U foj £///* mber ban* to toeare* &>o ftoeetetp ^ plap, 3noCng all tbe t»ap, $&at it a Sjeauen fe to b eare. D. 1& VERSIT" I o Ijoto findpt&e grates; can it facte totfje!flnirrument: ^ep Danncen oeff Ip,ano fmgen tee, mtjjetrmeriment* ftTtants not not a fourth graces mafcetfce oactncc ettntf let ctytf rotume wmp iao? be peuem fegetyalbeagracft ^o rpll tbe faurcb ptoce, £no rei'gne fcaufo tjje reft tn&eauen* Sno u$tt&cr tenae* tfjt^ beute of lauie* fyigfot, raungeoinatotos.' ^fcep bene all Laopeg of t&e lake befjiglit, #at onto focr goe. cfc/om, tljat t* tlje cbiefet! JQpmplj of al, Of ©line bjatmcfceg bearess a CojonaU: ©Hue* bene foj peace, CLHjenioars ooefurceafe: gbuefj fo? a IpjincefTe bem p jinctpall. 2>e fyep&caro 3 baugbiera, t&at bnjefl on tl;e greenc, (jpepoutbere apace: let none come tberr,but tfcat Oirpijj bene, to abowebcr grace. 0nb tofcen pon connj,ti>bercaa u)ee is tn place, &ee,$at pour ruoenefTe Doe not pou oifgeace: Binue pour fillets fatte, 2nb giro in pour toafte, JToj mcje finefTc, with a tauwic lace. T^ing bct&e r tbe pmchc ano pnrpie CuHainbtne, Gtlttft f which fpring it is fayd^that when Pcgaliis die winged ho»fc of Perleus (whereby is meant fame and flying renowme) firookc the growndc with his hoofejfodenly thereout fprangc a wel of mofte dearc andpleafaunte water,whicb/fKHhece forth was confecrate to thcMufes & Ladies oflearnjng, tfout filuer fongjfecmeth' to imitate the Iyke in Hcfiodiis W scv /maoi. Sytinx] is the name of a Nymphe of Arcadie , whom when Pan being in loue purfued; (he flying fro Hm,of the Gods was turned into a reedc.So that Pan catching at the Reedes in ftede of the Damofell,and puffinghard(fbr he was almoft out of wind) with hys breath made die Reedes to pype : which he feeing, tookc of them^nd in remembrauncc ofhis loftloue^nade him a pype thereof. But here by Pan and Syrinx is not to bee thoughte, that the fhephearde fimplye mcante enofe Poetical Godsrbut rather fuppofing (as feemeth) her graces progenie to be dxuinc and immortall (fo as the Paynims were wont to mdgc of all Kinges and (>jfprilL fo/.lS and PjinceS,according to Homcres faying. could deuife no parents in his iudgement fo worthy for her, as Pan the fhepc- heards God,andhis bcft beloued Syrinx.So that by Pan is here meant the molt famoes and victorious Kmg,her highnefle Fathcr,|ate of worthy memorye K. Henry the eyght. And by that name,oftymes (as hereafter appearech)bc noted km»s and mighty Potentates: And in fome place Chrift himfelfe, who is the vc rye Pan and god of Shepheardes. Crcmofin.coionet] hedeuifeth her crowne to be of the fineft and moft delicate flowers, inftede ofperles and precious ftones,whcrevvidi Princes Dudcmes vfe to bee adorned and emboli . Embcllifh} beautifye and fct out. Phebe] the Moone,whom the Poets faine to be ruler vnto Phaebus, that is the Sunne. Medled} mingled. Yferc] together. By the mingling of the Redde rofe and the White, js,meant the vni- uiigofthe two principal houfes of Lancafter and of Yorkej by vvhofc longc difcord and deadly debate ,this realm many yeares was fore traueiled, & almoft deane decayed.TH the famous Henry the feuenth,of die line of Lancafter , ta- king to wife the moft vertuous Prioccfle Elifabeth,daughter to the fourth Ed- v yard of the houfe of Yorke,begat the moft royal H enry the. eyght aforefay dc, tnvvhomvTasthefirftevnionoftheWhyteRofe and die Redde. - Calliope] one of the nine Mufcs : to vvhome they affignc the honor of all Poetical In- uention, & the firfte giorye of the Heroicall verfe.othcr fay , thai fhec is the Goddefleof Rhetorick : but by Virgile it is mamfefte>that they my flake the thyng. For there in hys Epigtams,diat artcfemedi to be attributed to Poly- mnia,faying : Signal cuncta manu,laquiturque Polymnia geftu. which feemcth fpecially to be meant of Action andelmwardc,as pea cceding from D.j. V8 vs-. the other two toward vSjnotang double fchn&c to be i&i t9 ts f©* the Lca&» fie, wehaucdone. Deaffly] Finclye and nimbly. Soote] Sweete. Meriment] Mirth. Beuir'J A bcauic ofLadyes,tsfpokcnnguratiuely for a company or troupe, die termc is taken of Larkes.For they fay a Beuie of Larkes,eoen as a Coueyof Partridgp, or an eye of Phcafaunts. Ladyes of the lake] be Nymphes.Foritwasanolde opinion amongfte the Auncicnt Heachenjdut of cuery fpring and foumaine was a goddeflethe Soueraigne. V Vhichc opinion ftticke in the myndes of men not manye yeares fithcnce,by meanes of certain fine fablers and lowd iyers,fueh as were the Authors of King Arrhure the great and fuch like,who tell many an vnlav vfull leafing of die La- dyes of the Lake,that is,thc Nymphcs . For the word Nyrnphe in Grcekc fig- mfieth Well water,or othemift a Spoufc or-Brydfc TieJight] called or named. Clonsjthe name of a Nympb,and fignifieth greeneiTe,of yvhome is faytt, that Zephyru3 the V Vcftcrne wind being i«i lbue with her r ind coueting herto wjrfej gaue her for a dovrrie > the cliiefedome and fouer aignrye of al fiowres and gresne heroes, growing oh earth. OJiaes bene] The Oliue was wont to be the eh^gneof Pcace^nd- phton fcomed.inrcfpeft.of the noble' IruiciorheTWombc-, namelyher feuen fonnts,and To marry daughtcrsXatona bcirrg-thercyrtdi difpltafod, cdmmaun- ded her fonne Phoebus to fleaaj theformea,arj(f Di aria aff the daughters: where at the vnfortun jte Niobe being fort difimyed, and lamehting our of meafure, was feigned of the Poetes, to be turned into a ftdne Ypon the fepulrbre of her chddren.for wlrich caufe theihepbeatd fy yth,he rpTH not compare her to them, for fearc oflikt myflbtruns. Now rife] is die conctufionJFoc haujn^fo decked her witlvprayfcs and comrurifons, he returns fol. 16 a/fprilL nmmtth all she thanclc efhys labours to the exceHenae of hct Maicftic When Damfins] A bafe reward of a clownim gtuer. Yblent] Y, is 4 pocticall addition. blent blinded. Emblemc. This Foefye is taken out of Virgile,ahd there of him vftd in the pcrfon of ilneas to hi* mother Vcnus,appeanng to him in likeneflfe of one of Dianaes damofellsd>e- ing there mod diurncly let foitkTo which fimilitude of diwniric HobbincU comparing rheexcelcncyof Elifa,andbcing through the wordiynes of Cohns (bngjasitwerejoueicomewiththehugenefk of his ifnaginauon,bniftcthout in great admiration,(0 quam te memore virgo^being otherwife vnbable,theu by foddein iilcnce,to exprcfle the worthinelfe of his conceipt. Whom Thenot anfwerethwith another part of the like verfc,as confirming by his craunt and approuaunce,that Elifa is no whit inferiour to the Maieftic wf her, of whomc that Pot'tc fo boldly pronounced jOdea certc Afaye->, 55 dbgloga Quintan ARGVMENT. /n this firjfe Xgkgue, \nepb cards Tiers & fd» linodie t h repnfmedt^o formes of pancmes ox MMmns t or.t^eprote^ Bant and the Catboliquei^bofe chief e talks ilandetb in rea/onint>M*tber thelifeoftheonemunbelikstheotber.^iih^bom baaing Jht^thatit is daungmus to maimtmeany ftloTtfbip.or giuc ton much credit ! 9 tleix * lows able lourable dndfeynrdgood'toilLbetelhtb him d tale ef the foxe, tbdtbyfuth c counterpnjnt of cr*f tints deceiued and deuoured the credulous kjdde. Palinode. Piers, T A not tfciike tlje merp monetb of Sj9ap, 1 &Hljen loue Iaos maf ken in freGj arap* Jpoiu falies it tben,U)£ no merrier bene, |>Itke as ot(jers,girt in gato&p greene/ SDur btoncket Imerpes bene alf co faooe, Jf oj tbilke fame feafen } fcuijen all is pclaob ZGliti) plcafaunceulje grotonb toitjj gratre^be SStotog tilittj greene leaues,tbebufliea fciitb bleofmmg Buss, pougtbea folkenoto floeken (n euerp tobcre, Vlo g atber map buf- kets anb fmeUing bjere: Sno home tbep batten $* potted to Digbt, anoalltlje ftirke ptUourseareoap Ugbe, ZSXiti) $atotbo?ne bubj8,anbfi»ete Eglantine, Sno girlonDss of rofes anb &opps in mine* fiwcbmertmakebolp&atnts oot& queme, Tut \3X bere fptten as ojotomo tn a ojeme, PIERS. iTo? $ounkers 2W/W* f«cb follies fitte, Wut w tluap bene men of elber tout. PALINODE. dicker tbfs mo?rotoe,neleno;er agoe, 31 fame a (bole of fljepebearoea ourgoe, SLlitb finging,anu (boiiting,anD iotlpcijere: Before tbem pooc a luffp &abrere, tEbat to tl;e manp a Oome pppe plapD, fcllbereto tbep oauncen cclje one \nit\) bis mftt/fc, ^o fee tljofe fofhes make fucb ioupfaunce, 99aoe mp beart after tbe pppe to oannce. Cljo to tlje greene fl£toot> tbep fpeeom Ijem all, ^Tofetcbeii borne S0ap toitb tbeir muficall: 2 no borne tbep tyuigen in a ropall tbjonc, Croumeo as king: ano bis Oittene attone <5£tas labp Jrio?a,ontDbom bib atteno 8 fapje flocke of jf ameSjano a frefy beno Of Maje-j. foLvj ©f louelp Jftpmplwf. (S> tbat 31 toere tfecre, -2To belpen tbe &at>pcs tbeir S£apbufl) bearc) gfj p/m, bene not tbp teetb on eoge,to ibmke, 0oto greatfpo^t tbepgapnen uiit^ little ftinnck, PIERS. jpernie fo farre am 31' from enute, 3ftat tbeir fononelft inlp3] pitie. ^Ltjofe faptimw little regarnen tbeir cbargc, ^aijtle iff letting; t^ctr fljecperunneat large, pafTen tbeir time, tbat (boulo be fparelp fyent, 3In lufltibeoe anu toanton merpment, 'SLbflke fame bene (bepebearos fo? t^e Deutfe denne. ^atpla^enjtubile tbeir flocke* beunfeone. C^lcU tss it feene 3 tijep> fljecpc bene not tbeir otone, Ctytt lettcn tbem runne at ranoon alone* 3But tbep bene bp?e& fo j little pap ©f otber,tbat caren as little as tbep, jQIXliac fallen tbe flockc,fo tbep ban tbe fleece, 3nft get all tbe gapne,paping but a peece. 3!mufe',toi&ac account botb tbefetotll make, ^Lbe one fo? tbe bfre 5 tt)bicb be ootb take, &uotbotber fo? leauing bis JLojos taf-ke, Cllben great) Tan account of (bepeberoea Qjall af-ke. PALINODE. fetcker nouj 31 fee tbou fpeakett of fptgbt, 911 fo? tbott lacked fomeoele tbeir DcKgljt. 31 (ag 31 am) ban ratljer be enuieo, 311 toere it of mp foe,tben fonlp pttleD: Qno pet if nee&e U)ere,pttietj tooulo be, Katber,tben otljer (boulo fcojnc at me: jfo? pittico tsmt(bappe,tbat nasi remeoie, But fco?neo Wnc oeoes of fono foolerie. (KUbat (boulben (bepbcarOS otbet tljings tcno, TOjenOtb tbeir o3oo bis goooooestbem feno, Heapcn tbe fruite tbereof,tbat ts pleafure , *2Lne a^ilc tbep bere liuen,at eafe ano leafurt.' foi luljen tbep bene JDeat>,tbeir goon ts pgoe, c,i. ^b*P May\ %bty flee pea'ftt wf! 3 U)eU as otber moe. ^o umij tijtm UJenaSjtobat tbep fpevu in cuff, But tobatcljep left bdjiuD tfjem,ts Jolt, (5qod ts no gooo,but if ic be fpenO:' C3oo giuetnqooD foj none otljcr cud, piers. Sb Talinodie, tbou art a tpojtloes cbtloe: aauo touebes pttcb mougbt neesca be oefifte* 25ut ujcpljeai-DsCas 3!gcino Dfeo to fa?,) gpougbt not ltue.pltfce,as men of tbe tope: ZGXitl) tbcm it fits to care foj tbetr beire, Cnauhtet tbetr beritage 6oe impaire: ^Tbep mutt pjousce fo? meanes of mafmenaunce , flno to continue ttjetr toont eountenatmce. 23uc fyepbearo m«(f toalke another uiap, &>tke luo^tsip fouenance be mud fojefap. ^bc fonne of bis tomes tobp fljoulo be regara Qo Ieaue enriebeb un'tb tbat be batb fparo* &boulD not tbilhe <&on,tbat ganc bun tbat goeo, Cke rfjcriu) bid cbito,tf in bis ujapes be flooD.' if o? it^t mifliue in tone? ano toft* -Little bootee an tbe tueUlj auo tbe nuff , ^Irotbts totber left bp uiberitaunce: ailUJiUbefoonenjalieo tuitb mifgouernatmre. % ut tb?ouo;b tbis,an* otber tbeir rmfcreatmce^ fcbep mafeen manp a tojtong tbeuifaunce, Reaping up mattes of UJdtb anD tooe, ^Tbe 9ot>oc0 tobeteof fljall tbem ouetflome* feine mens follies cannot compare ^etter s tbentQ tbe Spar folifb care, $%ac is ft ctKimottrcD of.b'cc poung one, (3nb pet <£>oo iuotc, fue& caufe bait) (be none) $bat nritb ber bata boMno flraigbt embracing, febe ffoppetb tbe fyeatb of ber pomtgling; feo often ttm'es,toben as gooo is meant, Cutl enfuetb of u?ong entent. 3Cbe time was ondatra map againe rcto^nc, (Jf<* Mayt^r. fiUS ( JTo? ougrjt map &appen s tijac batb bene befop* ) Wen ujepf bearos bas none inberitaunce, j!5eoflanu,no?fetmu4ffecaance : !35ut wbatmigbt arife of tbe bat* (beep r, (&3ere ft mojeojklfeittbicb tbep T?tD Ueepc* CBellpuristoag ttuuict) Ojepbearw tUoct toougbt bauing.nougbt fe area tbep to ftygoe. tf o> p4» btmftlfe taa* tbeir tnberitaunee, 3nb little tljem feruco to? tbeir mapiuenaunce. ^e (bepbc arcs (Sob fowl tbem gufoco, djat ohiougbt tbep luere bnpjouioeo, Gutter cnougbJl)onpe,mUkc 5 anoU}bap> ano ttjctr floefces flceee0,tbein to arapr, !35ut tract of time,ano long ppfperitie: ^batnourceofbice,tbis of infslencte, JLuIIeo tlje fbepbearoa ir\ fuebfecuritfe, ^at not content tout!) Iopall obepfaunee, &>ome gan to gatfe to? greetrie gonernaanee, 3nb match tbem felfe ttritb migbtp potentate*, jlouers of iojoibip ana troublers of (rates: ^(jo gan fbepbearos fmaineg to looke a loft, 3no leawe to lint baro,anb Iearne toltgge Toft: %\)0 bnocr colour of (bepebearoSjfometubife %\)Vtz crept in £Qolue0 3 ful of frauoe ano guile} ^bat often oeuourco tbeir oume fberpe, Sim often ttje ibcpbcarDj2S 3 tbat w bem Reepc. TOs toas tbe firft fowtfe of (bepbear djs fo?ouie, ^bat noU) ntll be qm'tt toritlj bafle^tioj bojrouif PALINODE. ^jeetbinges to beare,bene berp buruenonsf, 2i3ut tbe fourtb to fojbcare jfe outragious. ZZXtmm tbat of lours longing- once luff, $an>!p'fojbearen, bnt^aue it tljcp muft: &o toben cboler 13 tnflamcD uritb rage, flftTanttng reuengcis rjarD to atTuiage: $no tubo can eounfeH a tbrifffefottle, Cuiti; patience co fojbeave t&c offreo botirfe/ €.2. But %\t of «n fcurtien$,tbat a mantanfreare, 99ottc i£,a fpoietf talfce to beare ano to beam 31 toene tljc Gtauiu bag notmdj a teeigbc, ^bat bearc* otrbtss (bo.ulDcns.tljc fteoucn? bei'gbk ^bou finoeSfautteatobere nps to befounD» 3m> builoett (trong fcjarfeebpon a tucahc gcottuc: *£bou rapleft on rigbt nmbouten reafon, Sno blamett bemmueb ,fo? fmall encbcafon. . i)oto fljoitlDcn ibcpbearoeg liue,if not fo/ ojrotpe ncnccoc be battcneo on: fo} be toil! come mitbout calling; anone* CCUjile times enouten cf tranquillities Oleu toe freelp our feuci tie. jfoj toljen appjocbentbe Sojmte ftotoje*, Wit motigljt toitlj our u)outoers bearc of tbe Qrarpe 0;otojc£. 9nu footb to fapnc,nougbt feemetb fifee ttrtfe, ^Ijac tbepbeatoes fo toiten ecb otbtrs life, Sno lapen Ijer fault? tbe tocjlo before, ^be toljtlc tbeit foe? oone caebe of bem fro • ne% let none miMe of (but map not be menoefc: &o coiuecU foonc ^ concojo mougbt be enoco. PIERS. &bepbeatD,31 lift none acco^aunce mate ffiUitb fbepbearo.tbatoocg tbe rigbt toapfisjta&k 3nO of tbe ttuatneif etjoice toerc to me , C)aD leucr mp foe,tben mp fteeno be be* jFo? tobat coneojB ban ligbt ano oarfcefimtf flD? tobat peace bas tlje lion roitb rtje lambe* Smcb faitojts,u)ben thtk falfe barts bene biufie* UX ill Doe ,na oto the tfore bp tbe Eiooe . PALINODE. jftoto ?if rx.of felotu(btp,tdI ba tbat Taping: £0} tbe £ aoiie can kecpe botb our flocks from ffrapinjr. Pier* Maye-j. fol.ip PIERS. Tfcflfce fame &tDDe (a* 31 can toefl Deuife) 2&lag too Derp fcoItO? ano tmtorife. f o) on atpme m $£>ommer feafon, €fee (Sate dec Dame, tbat baD gooD reafom gone fo?tb abjoaoe Ditto tbe greene ujood, 3Co bjoaje,o? p!ap 3 oj tobat Ojec tbougbt gooD, 35ut fo ? uje jjao a motbertp care £>f ber poung fonne,anD trie to betoare, g>bee fetter poungltng before ber knee, ^Cljat tuaa botb (reu> aim louelp to fee, ano fall of fauotuyts ktoDe mougbt be: to Sicllet beau began to fl>oote out, anD bt6U)?eatbeo boroes gan neto!pfp?otrt: %tyi blottbmes ofluft to buD trio begtnne, Snb fpjtng fo?tbrancMpbnDerbte cbtnne* app fonne (quotb fl;e) (anD tmtb tbat gan toeeptt $0) cacefuU-t&ottgbtf in bee beact did creepe) ntgb cent bee beact in ttname) %\ip tatbec,bao be ttucD tbte Dap, %q fee tbe bjauncbe of bid boop oifptate, ^oiotoottto be baue topeo at tbfa fmeete Ogtjci Xm ab falfe jf ojtune fucb top did bim fpigbt, ano cutte of bpjs oapes tontb Duttmelp tuoe, SBetcaping bim into tbe teamed of fcpafoe. J5oiu 31 a maplfull miDDotoe bebtgbt, 2)f mp o!o age baue tbts one oeltgbt, %o fee tbee fucceeoe in tbp fatbecs ffeabe, anD floaty tn floinjesof tallp beao. Jfoj euen fo tbp fatbec bis beaD tipbeto, ano fo bi* bautp bo?ncs did be teeiD. Zi)o marking btm tuttb melting epetf, a tb?tHmg tbjobbe from bec bact Dio arpfe, ano interrupts an ber o tljec fpeacbe, Maye~>. ZZlitl) fomc oTd fo?obie,tbac maoe a netoe bjcatfje: &ecmet> (bee fatoe in tbe younglings face ^Ije olo lineaments of Ms fathers grace, Git lad ber Toletn Itlettce (be bjoke, 3nb gau bis neuie buooeu bearo to tfrofce HiUDte (quotb fyee) tbou feentt die great care, 31 Ijaueoftbpbealtbano cbp welfare, tTOcb manp taplo beaffes liggenintoaite, jFo? to entrap in c^p tenner itate: 25ut mott tbe Jfa#,waiiter ofcoIluHom jf oj be bad boucMbplaff confuQon. jfoj tbp mp Ktoote'be rulb'bp mee* 2no neuer giue cruf? to bid trecberee. Quo if be cbaunce come,uujen 3! am abjoatJe, £perre tbe pate fad fo? feare of frauoe: Mt lo) all bid teo}ft,no? foj \)i$ beir* Open tlje Ooje at bid rcnueff, £>o febooleo tkt (Date ber toantonfomte, ^bat antujero bid motber,all (boulo be bone, Gto u>cm tbe penfife Damme out of ooje, 8no cbaurift to ffomble at tbe cty efljote fio?e: I£>et ttombling ffeppe fometobat ber amajetf, ( jFo? fucb 5 ad fignes of ill luck bene otfpjatfeo) 2>et fojtb ffjee pooe tljereat balfe agbaif: Sno Kiooietbeoojefperreo after |er fau\ 3it to&ti not ionj, after fyce toad gone, 35ut tbe falfe jf ore came to tbeooje anonc.* J8oe ad a jTorCifo? tben be bao be feeno, 3$ut all ad a poo?e pealer be bio toeno, bearing a trafle of trpflcs at bpa bacfee, 3d beUd,ano babed, ano glaffed in bpd pacfee. Q 15iggen be bau got about (jid b?apnc, jf oj in bid beaopeace be felt a foye papne. H>t s binoer beele toad tojaptin a clout, jFoj tottb great colo be bao gotte tbe gone, i&berc at tbe oojc be catt me ootone bpd nacfc, flublapD dim oolanejano gwneb,3lacfc," 3!) ware fcofoano fuieete &aintCbaritee s %W fame gooo boop toouJoc once pitie mee* ©Hell beate IKtootcal tljw fo?e conftraim, $nu iengo tafcnotptljecaufe ofljiss complaint: *£bo creeping clofe bebino tfie ftltickets dinck, Iftteuef ie be pcepeo out tbjougb a cljtnck: pet tioc fc feeatlMut tlje ^oye l)im fy?£5: Sfo) mzifull meaning is oou&le cpeo* a»j 5900 pouBS maitt er (tben gan be crpe) 31efus blefle tljat tWectt face 5 3l cfppe, to Kcf pe pour cojpfe from tbe carefull ffownttfj Chat in nip canton car cas aborning. %\)t JKiou pitiping Ops ijeaufnefTe, Sf Uco tlje caufc ofijt'jsf great oiffreflfe, 9no alio uiboumotobenee tljatbc we, ^Tt)o bc 3 tljat bauuuen pcono bis lere, tUfjus nieoieo bid Mike tintfj manp a teare, &ickc,ttcke,alas,ano little lack of aeao, 3But 3H b*reucueD bp pour beaftlpbeao, 3 am a poo?c ^>^ecpe 9 fi2tie nip coioure sonnet Jr o? tottij long trauetle 31 am bjent tn tbe fonne. 9no if tbat mp Ownultre me faptfjbe true, &t riser 3 am terp to pou : feo be pour gobolibeao soe not otfoapne ^£be bafe tu'nreu of fo ftmple fuiafcte* (Df mercpe afto fauour tben 3I pon pjap, ZEM) pour apo to fojftal J mp neere oecap. 'Zl)i out of bis packe a glafle be tooke: (BCIbcrcin labile htDDie imtoares ofo Iooke, fyz toas fo enamojeo Un'tb tbe nemell, ^bat nougbtbe ocemeo oeare foj tbe tetneff. C|o openeo be tbe oo?e,an&in came 3Cbe falfe #0^,33 be toere ffarke lame* \bi* taple be clapt bcttoi.w bis legs tisiapne, iLcft be (boulo be ocfcrtcobp bis tcapne* ^eing U)itbin,tbe &iooe maoe Mm' gow glee, ail fo? tbe lone of tbe gtofle be uto fee, €4. after after W c^erc tbe fpinltt cm ebat, 3no tell manplefings of tbt*>anDf&af : 3 no bou) be coulo Ojctuf manp a fine knack. ^bo Qjetoeo bia t»arc,ano opencfc bigpacke , SU faue a beU,t»btcb be left bebino 3ln tbe baf-ket fojtbe&fooeto rpntt. S^Llbtcl) tobcntbe Etooe ftoopeo oonme to cat cb, fpe pope b tui m,auD bis baf-ket did latcfc, jfte ff apeo be oncc,tbe BO?e to make faff, But ranne atoapettritb bint tnall bad* #ome toben tbe Doubtful! Damme bao ber tynt, &0 e moupjijt fee tbe ooje ffano open topoe. ail agad,Iou)Dlp fl;e gair to call Oct Kiooe:but be noulo anftoere at an. ^bo on tbe floje (be fame tbe mcrebanoife, Of fob* cb bet forme ban fette to cere a p?ife. CCtbat belpe/ber StfDDe (bee knetoe toell was gone: g>bee U)eepeo,ano toapleo,ano maoe great mone. feurij eno Ijao tbe ftiooe } fo? be noulo unrneo be Of craft, coloured mitbfimpltcmei 9too fucb eno peroie does all bem remapne , ^bat of fucb falfeca freenoujip bene fapne. PALINODIE. ^ruTp Piers, $w artbefioetbp tefc^ jFurtbefl fro tbe matte,toeemngtt' to bit, .Iftou) 31 pjap tbce,lette me tbp tale bojrouie tfo) our fir 31obn,to fap to mojroioe 9t tbe Eerke,U)ben it isbolltoap : fo) tuell be meancs,but little can fap. Butano if jFores bene fo craftp,as fo, 3£ucb neeoetb all djepbearos bem to knonie. PIERS. ©f tbeK-falfljooe mo?e coulo 31 recount- But note tbe bjigbt feunne gpnnetb to oifmoum : 9no fojt tbe oeaujie nigbt nooj ootb npe, 3! bolo it bed fo; os,bome to l;pc. fol.ll Maye-,. Palinodes Emblcme. Pier* his Embleme. GLOSSE. Thilke) this fame moneth.Tt is applyed to the feafon of the mohetb,whcn all merme de- light them felues with pleafounce of fieldes^and gardens,and garments. Bloncket liueries) gray cbates. Ydad) arrayedjY, rcdoundeth,as before. In cuery where) a ftiaungc,yet proper kind of fpeaking. Bufkets) a DiminuriucX little butties of hauthome. Kirke)cht»ch. Quemc)pleare. A fhole)a mulritudejtaken of fiflttjwhereof fome going in great companies, are fayde to fwimme in a (hole . Yode)went. Iouyfl"ance)ioye. Svvmck)labour. Inly)entireh/ Fay tours) vagabonds. Great pan) is Chrift,thc very God of aD fhepheards , which callcth hfmfelfe the greate and good (hepberd.The name is moft rightly (me thinkes) applyed to him/or Pan fignifieth all or omnipotent, which is onely the Lord lefus. And by thae name (as I remember) he is called of Eufebius in his fifte bookc de Preparat-E- uangj who thereof telleth a proper ftorye to that purpofe. Which ftoty is firft recorded of Plutarch,in his booke of the cc3(ing of oracles,& ofLauetere tran- flated,in his booke of walking fprightes. who fayth,that about thefame time, that our Lord {unercdhisTnoitbitterpaflton for the redemtion of man, certcin paflengers fayling from Italy to Cyprus and parting by certain ties called Pax.T, heard a voyce calling alovvde Thamus,Thamus,(now Thamus was the name of an jEgyptian,which was Pilote of the fhip,) who giuing care to the cry,was i>idden,when he came to Palodes,to eel, that the great Pan was dcack which he doubting to doe,yet for that when he came to Palodes, there fodeinly was fuch a calme of winde,that the fhippe ftoode {till in the fea vnmoued , he was forced to cty alowd, that Panwas dead : wherewithal! there was heard fuche piteous outcryes and dreadfull (hriking,as hath not bene the like . By vvhycb- Pan, though of fome be vnderftoode the great Satanas, whole kingdomc at that time was by Chrift conquered,the gates of hell broken vp,and death by dc'ath deliuered to eternall death, (for at that time, as he fay th, all Oracles filrceafed, and enchauated fpints,that were wont to delude the people 5 thencefbrth held theyr peace) & alfo at thedemaand of the Emperourc Tibenus,who th&t Ptur fhould be , anfwere was made him by the wi(eft and beft learned, thAt it was the fonnc of Mercurie and Penelope, yet I think it more properly meant of the death of Chnftjthc oncly and very Pan, then fuftcring for his flock. T as I am) feemeth to imitate the commen prouerb,Maliin Inuidere mihi omnes quam miferefcere. Nas) is a fyncope,for ne has,ov has not : as nould,for would not. • Tho with themjdoth imitate the Epitaphe oCthe ryotous king Sardanapalus, whych R caufed caufed to be written on rristombe in Greekcrvhich yerfe* be thus tranfUtcd byTullie. , , H*c habui qux edi,c|uae«TOe exaturata libido , , H^.ufit ,at »ila manent mufta ac prxclaia rehela. which may thus be turned into Englifh. , , All that I eate did I ioye,and all that I greedily gorged : „ As for thdfc many goodly matters left I for others. ' Much like the Epitaph of a good oldc Erie of Deuonfhire,vvrnch though mticfj more vvifedomt bewraieth, then Sardanapalus,ytthatb a imackfi of his feniuall ckhghts and bcaftuQefle.the rymesbe theie. ,, Ho,Ho,wholieshcrc? 3, I the good Eric-ofDeuanfhere, , , And Mauldc my wjfc,that was fuldeare, ,, We liued together lv,yeare. ,1 That we fpent, vvc had: , , Tbatwcgaue,vvehaue: , , That wcicftt, vve loft. Alg|rirn)th« njmc of a&cpheard,. Wen of the Lay)lLay men. Enaunser) leaft that. Souenauncc) remembraunce . Mifercaunce) defpeue or :nif beliefs. Cheuifaunce ) fomctime of Chaucer vf:d .for gaincrfamctimc of other foripoyle,or boouc,or cnterprifc, and fomctime for chiefdome. Pan himftlfc) God. according as is fayd in Deuteronomie,That in ditiifsori of the lande ofCanaan,to the tribcofLeuieno portion of heritage ftiould bee allotted, for GOD himfclfc was their ioheritaunce Some gan) meant of the Pope^nd his Anrichnfban prelates ,wbich vfurpea tyrannical dominion in the Churehe,and with Peters caunrcrfet keyes^open'a v«idc gate tctal wickednefl'e. arid infolent government .Nought hen (vakt&Js of purpofs to.deny fatherly wle and godly gouer n30ncc(as fome maUtiotffly olktc haue done to the great vnrefte and.hinderaunce of the Churche) but to dilplaye the pride and diiorder of fuch,as in ftcede of feeding thek flieepe, indecde fcede of theyr flieepe Sourfe) vvelipnneandoriginall. Rorrowe)' pledge or iuertie. The Gcaunte) is the grcate Atlas,vvhom the poetes feign to be a rugc gcaunt,|hat bea reth Heauenonhis (houlders;being in dcrde a rnienxdoushighe mountain* in Mauritania,that novv is Bat barie,which to m?.ns feeroing petceth the douder , and feemeth to touch the heauens.O ther thinkc,and they not amtffc, that this fable was meant of one Atlas king of die fame countryefof vvhomemay bee, that that htl had hi? denomination)brothct to Promethcus(who as the Grekes Jay) did rirft fynd out the hidden courfts of the (litres, by an excellent imagi- nation wherefore the poetes feigned,trut he fufteyned the firmament on by* fnoulders.Many other coniedures necdclefle be told hereof. Warke) rvorke: EnchcAfon)ca«re,occa(ion. Deire borow) mat is our fauiour.the commen pledge of all mens debts to (Jeasfc, VVyren) blame. Nought feemeth) is vnfcemely. Conteck)ftrire contention. Htr)theyr,a« vfdh Chaucer. Han) for haue. Sam) together. This Mayes. fit* 1Z T l&taleismuchlikctothatlft£fopsf a bI«^^^ cent By the Kidde may be yaderaoode the frmple forte of the faythfull and true Chiiihans.By hys dame Chnfte, that hath alreadie with careWI vyatche- word* (a$ heere doth the gote) warned his little ones,to beware of fuch doub* line deCeit.By the Foxe.the fafe andfaithlefle Papiffes , to whom is no credit tobeeiuenjwrfclowfhippetobevfcd. TheMte) the GoterNorthemely fpoken to turne Ointo A. Yode) went, nfforerayd She fct) A figure called Fi&o which vfeth to attribute rafonable actons and fpeaches to vnreafonable creatures. The bloofmcs of luft) be the young and moflie heares, which then beginne to Iprot and (hoote fbortb,when luftfullheate beginncthto kindle. And with) A very Poetkall «■** Orphane) A youngling or pupill,tbat needed* aTutour and gouemour. That word) A patheticaU encreafc a carefull Hyperbaton. The braunch)of the fathers body,is the child. Foreuen fo) Alluded to the fayingof Andromache to Afcanius in Virgile. Sic oculos,fic tile manus,6c ora fercb.1t. A thrilling throb) a percing fighe. Liggcn) lye. liaiiter ofcollufion)Xcoloured gudc,bccaufc the Foxe of al hearts n moft wily Sr cisty Spcrretheyate) (hutthedore. l?or fuch) The gotcs ftombling is hert noted as an cuill figne. The bke to be marked in aUhiftories : and that not theleafte of theLordeHaftingaes in king Rychardc the third his dayes. For befidc his daungcrous dreame (whiche was a (hrev vde prophecie of his miihap,that folowcd) it is layd that in th* morning rydtng to- ward the tower of London,there to fitte vppon matters of counfefl , his horfe ftomblcd twife or thrift: by the way : which of fomc , that ryding with hyro in his company ,were prime to his neere dettenie,was (ecretly marked, and af- terward noted for memorie of his great miihap,that enfewed. For being then as merye,as man might bc,and leaft doubting any mortal! daunger A he was with intwohowresafter,oftheTyranneputto a (hamcfull deathc. As belles) by fuch trifles are noted,the reliques andraggetof popifh fupe!itiyon,whkrt put no final rebgton in Belicszand Babaes.f.ldoTesrand gUflcsX Pixes,ind fuch tyke trumperies. Great cold.) For they boaft much of their outward paticnce,and voluntarye futTerauncc as a wotke of merite and holy humWmeffe. SweeteS. Charitie.The Catholicjuescomenothe,andonely fpeache , tohaue charityc alwayes in, their mouth,and fometime in their outward Anions, but neuer in- wardly in fayth and godly Male. Clinckc. ) ;a key hple. VVliofe diminutiue is clicket,vfed of Chaucer for a Key. Stoundes.)fittcs:aforefayde. His lere) his lcflbn. Medled) mingled, Befthhead.) agreeing to the perjon of a beaft. Sibbe.) of kynne Newell) anewething. To foreftall) to praruent. Glee] chere,afrbrefayde. Dearc *. price.) hisly{e,whicli he lofVfor thofc t oyes. Such endc) is an Epiphoncma, or rather the morall of the whole tale, vvhofe purpofc is to Vvamc the pro tefhunt beware, howebe gcucth credit to ihe vnfaythfull F.J. Cathohcjuc May, Catholique: whereof we haue dayly proofes diffident, but onemofte famous of al!,pra&ifcd of Lace ycares in Frauncc by Charles die nynth. Fayne) giadde or defyrous. Our fir lohn ) a Popifhcprteit , A faying 6* for the grofertege of a (hephearh faithfully , and irk his tttfde Menaic as, another (hepbeardreceiued dijloy ally .jtnd this it tbi \vbole /rgument of this /Eglogue. Hobbinoll HOBBINOL. COLINCW SO cdlni, &cre t&eplace,tol;ofe pfeafaunt fpte tfrom o#er (fcaucs fcatfe mamo?o toojke oelpte .* $;&e ample ap?e,tbe gentle ttarbltng topnoe, = &o calme,fo coolers no to&ere die 31 tynbe: €be graOpeflronnb tottf* Dafntpe £>a]>Ge*t>tg&t, Gfte 7^amblebuu;,tt)!jere35p?BS of euerp fcpnbs Co^etoaK^faHtbtfttanegatt^ni^eitigbc, COLLIN. © foappp Jfctffcae//, 31 blefle # Hate, ^at iparabifebaff founD,to>bprf) AUrMk* 4|>cre tnanaer may t&p flock earlp o? late, £&Utfy^tenDjea&e of C&olues to bene ptoff* ^p lourlp lapes bere mapff tbou fredp boffe. 15uc 31 bnbappp man,t»&cm mall fate, 3nt> angrp (Sods purfue fromcbtte to code, Can notoberefpnn^o (ijou&etiimfaekfefle pate 4 * HOBBINOLL. •Cljen if bp me tljouitft aoutfeo be, #o?fate tbe fople,tbat (b bot& t&e betof teg: Leaue me t&ofe billes, tobere &arb?ongb nis to fee, jf?oj bolpjmuj,no^ere,noj toimnng mf tcbe: 3nb to tbe bales refo^jtoberetbipbeaibsritcfe 3nt> ftttictwn flocks bene euerjrto&ere to fee. tym no nigbt Hauene looge mo?e black tben pitc&e, Jftoj eluCQi $otts,noj gafilp otales ooe flee* $ut fren&lp gam&tymmitl) manp ©races, Sno ligbtfote jSpmpbes can cbace cbe Ungrtag mgfjt, fcllitf) i£ep&2g«pes 3 anD tttmlp troooen traces , TOflafp(lersnpne,tobtcb bfcoell on Parnajfe btg&t , Doe make tljem muftcH Jo} tbetr mo je oeliglj t: Slno £ommer(!)aDe DigOt ganopbicb in tlje lotoer fpn'np; Did ifcjotme in u)aop Ieaues from fornip rapes, if rame to tbp fonge tbeir cberefut djeriptng, 4}} bob tljcp? peaces fbame Of tbp foete lape& 3! fatoe Callhpe tnptb S^ttfes moe, Aoonc as tbp oaten pppe began to fawn, fcbepj pttojp ILupts ano Camburlns fojgoe: 5nn from tbe fountaine,tol)ere tbep fat arouno, &enne after baftelp tbp filuer fowno. ^uttoben t\)t^ eame,t»bere tbou tlip Hull otofl (botue, %fy? ojeuje abacke,a* balfe ttutb f&ame confouno, firfjepj^arD to fee,tljem itt tbepr art outtroe. COLLIN. ffif SStofes HobbirtcL $ coime no fkfll: fo) tbep bene oaugbtersof tbebpgbefl! f one. Slna fcoloen fcojne of bomelp tyepbearos quill. r*i fune. fot 24 fio) M 31 ieaw&at ?*» *»«& W«rfe» tone, ^btcbbimcomucbtebufeeanoBaunger^oue: 31 neuer ipft p^efumeto Pawaflc J;p|l, 3l5ut pppcng toUK tn (base of lotulp groue, 31 pla^ to pleafe mp felfe 5 a!l be ft ill . jftougbt taigb &tobo mp fong toft pjapfe ej blame jfte ttriue to nnnnerenoume^pairetbe reff: ffittttb (bepbearo fitces not,foilo»)en>ing fame : %at feeoe bis flocke tti fielos^tobere falte bem beff* 31 inotc mp rpmeg bene rougbjannrubelp ojeft: •Sbe fptter tty p, mp carefull cafe to frame : Cnougb is me to paint out mp tmtetJ, SnD pome mp piteous plaints out in t&e fame* &be <£oo of u)?pbearD* ri*jwfi is neatt, dlbo taugbt me bdmrip,as3! caiyomafce. ^e,\ul)ilft \)t It'ueo,toas tbe foueraigne bean ©f (bepbearos all,tbac bene toitb lotte ptahe: CHeil eowtb be toaple bps £2Joes 5 anD Kgbtlp ffane fcbe flameB,uJbteb loue britbenbi s bean ban tye&o, flno tell bs merp talcs/o fecepe bs toa&e, 3Dbe fc&tle our u)ecpe about os fafelp feoae* Jftotoe ocao be is,antj Ipetb unapt m leas, (2D urfjp ujouId oeatb on bpm fucb outrage ftotocO 3no all bps pairing f kit tomb bim is&ooe, ^ttjc fame tofcereof ootb oaplp greater grotoe. But if on me Come little o?ops toouto floiae, fl)f tbat tbe fp?ing tnas m bis Icarne© feeror, 31 foone ujouId learne tbefe toooo^to niaple mp tooe, ano teacbe t&e treeSjtbefc trickling teares to tycttfc ^:bm tfcoulo mp pTalncs,taufD of tuTcurtefee, 3s meflengers of all mp painfull pltgbt, Jf Ipe to mp lone,UJbcre euer tbat u)e bee, ana pierce fcer bearc tottb popnt of toojt&ptorfg&ef ^ u)ee ocferues,tbac to^ougbtfooeaWpfpigbt, QNIVERSITT CALJ FORNIX fw me. 8nt> tfcou MtmUds* tfjat bptrec^erec £>ioft bnaerfong mp !afle 5 to ioere fo Kg&t, hotline ft u>ell be knotone fo; fuel) tbp otllancc. 2&nt Cnce 31 am not^ 31 tutfl; 31 toere, $e gentle fJKpjjearotf^tclj pour flockg do feeoe, 2Slfjcc&cr on ljpUs 3 o? oaIc3,oj otijee io&ere, 3$eare untnefle all of tljps fo touckeo oeeoe: Snn tell t be laiU',uj^ofe ftoje is toore a toccrur, 3no faidtleJfe faptkte turneo to fait&IeCTe fere* tTljat Qjexlje trueft fyepfcearosljarf maoe bieeoe 3 ^Ijat Ipueis on eart^ano loueo l;er molt oere* HOBBINOL. © carefiill Colin, 31 lament clip cafe, €#p teares lnotilo make cbe fcaroeft flint to flofoe, 3b faitltfeffe lRofaltnD 3 anDUoi'oe of grace, Cljat arc tlje roote of all tfjtg rutfofull uioe. 35ttt nolo t'3 tim e,3I geflCj&ometoaro to goe: ^tien rpfe pe blelTep flocks,a^ b°me apace, Heal! mgfct ttn'tb Healing fteppes no: pott fojfloe, 3nD mtt pout cenoer lambes 3 t"nat op pott trace* Colins Emblemc. (jiafperne Jpenta. ■€gw GLOSS E. Syte) fltuat-ion and place. Paradife) A Paradife in Greckc fignifieth a Garden of pIcafure,or plate of delights . So he compareth the fbile,vvberin Hobbinoll made his abode, to that earthly Pa- •radife,in fcripture called Eden; vvherein Adam in his firft creation vyas placed. Which of the moft learned is thought to be in Mesopotamia,' the moll fertile and pleafauntc country in the vvorld.(as may appeare by DiodoiwSyculus de fcription of itjin the hyftoric of Alexanders conqucft thereof. ) Lying be- tweene the two famous Ryuersf which areftyd in fcripture to flo vveout of Pa- radife)Tygris and I;tjphrates,Yvhereofiti£ to denominated Forfakethe (byle) iWis «o poetical fiction j but vnfeyneiHy fpc^en of thepoete felfe, who for fpcciall occafion of ptiuate afiayres (as I haue bene partly of himfelfe informed) fune. foil 1 } tnformed)and for h j$ more preferment remoumg out of the Nortbparts came into the South,as Hobbinoll indeede aduifed him priuately. ThofehyUes) that is the North countrye,where he dwelt. Nis) is not. The Dales) TheSoumpartes',where he nowe abydeth, vyhich dioughc they be full of hyllcS and vVoddes (for Kent is very hyllye and vvoodyej and therefore Co cal- icd:forKant(h in the Saxons tongue fignifieth vvopdie) yetinrefpecleof the Northpartes they be called dales.For indede the North is counted the higher countrye. Night Rauens&c.) byfochhatefullbyrdes , heemeancth all mif fortunes (Whereof they be tokens) flying eueryyvhere. Frendly faeries)the opinion of Faeries and elfes is very old, andyet fticketh very rcligi- oufly inthemyndesof fofne.Buttorootethatrancke'opifiionoffilftsoute of mens hearts, the truthis^hat there be no ruch thinges, nor yet die fhadowes of the things,but onely by- a fort of bald Friers and knauilh (hauelings fo feigned; which as in all other things,fo in that, foughte to noufell the comen people in ignorounce^eafl being once acquainted with the truth of things^they woulde in tyme finell out the vn truth of tbeyr packed pelfe and Maffepenie religion. But the-fbothis,that when all Italy was dtftraiele into the Factions of the Gu- dfes and the Gibelins,being rvvo famous houfes in Florence, the name began through their great mifchiefes and many outrages , to be fo odious or rather dreadfullin the peoples eares,that if theyr children at any time were frowarde and wanton,they would fay to them that the Guelfe or the Gibelinc came. Which words nowe from them (as many thinge els) be com e into our vfagtf, and for Guelfes and Gibelines,we fay Elfes & Goblins. No otherwife then the Frcnchme vfed to fay of that vabaunt captain,the very fcomge of Fraunce,tbe Lord Thalbot,afterward Erleof Shrevvf buryj whofe noblefle. bred fuch a ter- rour in the hearts of the French,tbat oft times euen great armies were defaic- ted&put toflyghtatthe onely heaiingoflT)'sriame.Irtfomuch that the Freeh wemcn,to affray theyr chyldren,vyould tell them that the Talbot commeth. Many Graces) though there be indeede butthrde Graces or Charites (as afore is fayd) or at the vtmoft but foure, yet in refpeel of many gyftes-of bounty, there may befaydemorc. AndfpMu&us fayth ,.tlutmrierocseythcr eye there fatte a hundred grace* . And by that authoritye,thys fame Poete in his Pag'eaunts fayth. An hundred Graces on her eyeledde fatte. &c. Haydeguies) A country daunce or rownd.The conceipt is,that the Graces and Ny m- phes doe daunce vnto the Mufes,and Pan his muficke.all night by Mopnclight. To fignifie the pleafauntnefle of the foyle. Pcercs] Equalles and felow fhephcards. QueneaDples vnripe) imitating Virgtls Yerfe. Ipft ego cana legarrt tenera lanugine mala. Neighbour groucs) a ftraurige phrafe in Englifh^jut word for word expreffing the La- tine vieinanemora. Spring) not ofwater,but of young trees rpringing. Calliope) affbrefaydc. Thys ftaffe is is full of verie poetical inuention. Tamburines) ah olde kind of inftrumcntjYvhich of fome is fuppofedto be the Clarion. Pan with Phabus) the tale is well knowne^iowe that ran and Apollo ihiuing for ex- G. ceftcncic June, cellencye in muficke,chofc Midas for their iudge.Who being corrupted vvyth parti all aflcc"hon,gaue the vi<5 torye to Pan vndefcrued:fbr which Phoebus fette apayrc of AfTcs cares vpon hys head &c. Ti cyrus) That by Tiryrus is meant ChaucerJiath bene already Sufficiently (ayde,& by thys more playne appcareth,that he fay th,he tolde merye talcs.Such as be hys Canterburie tales.whom he c3lleth the God of Poctes forhys excellence, fo as Tullie calleth LentuIus,DeOm vitae fux Xthe God ofhys lyfe. To make) toverfifie. Ovvhy] A rtretye EpanorthoGs or correction. Difcurt£ue)he meaneth the t aifencfle of his louer Rofalinde, who forfakiiig hym, hadde chofen another. „. Poyme of worthy wite] the prickc of deferucd blame. Menalcasjmenamcofamepheardein Virgile; but here is meantaperfonvnknowne and fccretc,agaynft vvhomc he often bitterly inuaycth. Vndcrfc.*ge] vndermynde and deceiue by falfe (uggeftion, Embleme. Touremember,thatinthC'fyrft j£glogue,Colins PoeGewas Anchors (peme ; for that as then there was hope of'fauour tobe found in tyme.But nowe being deane forlorne and reiec'ted of her,as whofe hope,that Was,!* cleane extinguished and turned into defpeyre , he renounceth all comfort and hope of goodnefle to come.whichisalithe meaning of thys Embleme. Iulye. fol.16 jEgloga feptima. ARGVMENX HP JJ is JEglogut is made in the honour and commendation of goodfiepe* beardes,and to the fhame and difprayfe of proude and ambitious 'Pa~ Hours. Such as Moire 11 is here imagined to bee. Thomalin. Morrell. T & not t&ilkerame a gottfteara pjotoDe, tbatDcteef on ponoer uaneke, WLfyoto flrapmg Searo tbem fcife do# fl^otooc trnong tlje oufljeg ranehe.' Morrell. Caijat f)0,tfiou ioHpe fljepljearDg ftuapne, comekptljeljpUtame: Mercer itjbtn tbt totolp plapne, ate fo? tijp flocke 5 ano ttjee. Thomalin: 31) ©oo fl)teto 3 man 3 tf)at 31 fyoulo dime,. ano learne to looke alofte, 11LW recoe 13 i*pfe,tbat ofce ntfote ®sm clpmlws fall iwfoft. <&.2. y» July. 3ln&mm)fe bales f* footing; faff, tijc trooc is not fo crichU : Snu tboiipjb one fall tb?ougb (jeeDleETe Oat!, ^erijat ijt'0 fflfffe not mickle. 3 no noui tbe &onne batlj rearcti bp fjt0 fpjtcfooccn teme, spaiung-b'ts toap bettneene tfjc Cuppe, afflJ goftcn Diaoeme: 3T&e rampant Ipon btutttf&e fait, toitbDoggeof nopfome bjeatb, c&ljcfe baleful! barking bjinges in baft ppne^piaguts,ai«i ojiccrp Matin 3gapnll big cnitil fco^tc&mg tym tobcre bait tfcou couerture .' *£be Uiattefull bplteimtobis tb?cafe tsaplapncoaerture. 35ut if tbee luu\to botocn cbat toitb feelpQjepbertis faapne, Come ootane,anD karne tbe uttle to^at, tbat ^bomalmeaa fapne. Morrell. &pfecr,tbous but alae&e Ioojd , anorefees mucbof tbp funnel* , ^battoitb fontrtermes,anDtneetletre toojM to Were mpne epes noeff tbinke. 3in f uill bonre tbon benteft m bono tbuSbolpbpHcs to blame, JTo? facreo bnto faints tbep ttonD, anboftbem ban tbep? name, fe. Rebels mount ttbo oocs notlnoti), tbat toaroes tbe SOefterne code/ £no of &♦ Begets botD?e-3} ttoto, allftent can rigbtlp boaite: aw tbep tbafton of Spufes f kill, fapne moft tobat 3 tbat tbep dojcH (9s gotebeartss tuonf) bpon a jjfll, befioealearneDtoeH. ^ & lulye. foil J 8n& toowieu not tlje great ©ou f an, upon mount Oliuet: f ceotng tbe bleaeo flocke of 2>* n t tojjfeb opo bimfelfe beget/ Thomalin. © bleffleto fbeepe,© fbepbearu great, tbat bougbtbis flocke fo Dear?, 8ni> tbem uto faue uritb blouop fuieac from (Ktoluesjtljat idouId tljem teare. Morrc!. 15cfpoe,ag bolp farfjers fapne 3 tbereisaljpllpepiace, SBljere rfr an rpfetb from t&e mapne, torennebps&aplprace. Qpon tuljofe toppe tlje ttarres bene Uapeu, ant) all tlje f kte Dotrj Icane, ^bere tee tlje caue,U)bere Thtbe lapeDj tlje (bepbearo long to ojeame. 2Bbtlometberebfeou)epfjear03 an to fc eoe tjjcp? v flocUs at tofll, %iU bp bis folp one did fall, tbat all tbe reft ijfofpill. 9nb Gtbens fljepbearoes bene fojefaptt ftpm places of oeligbt: $0} tljp 31 toeene tljou be affraptt, to ritmetbts btlJesljeig&t. ■tifSynab can 31 tell t&ee moje, 0no of oar iaopes bote^e: 3$ut little ueeoes to (troto mp ffeje, fufftce tbis bill of our. ^ere ban tbe&olp Fame jrefourfe, ano Syluanes baumen ratbe. ^erefcastbefalt ^etmiap bis fourfe, toberetn tlje j/2pmpfces hoc batlje. %\)t fait Sgjcmnap, tbat trickling ttremttf aoottne tlje Dales of ftent: 6tS- ZSSi M lulye. $!ifl uritfj W clDet tyot&er Wwmii tf;i$ tyw&iib ttiaueo bemepnt. $ere (yrotow Melampodc caerp tofcere, ano rm'Msffc gootr fo? <8ote0: tEbe one,mp ma&Dtng kfooe0 to fmcrc, t(je tie rt,to beale t l)ep? tbjote*. IJ>ereto 3 fbe bilte Dene mgfter beuen, anu tbence tbe paflage etfce* 40 U3C1I can p:oue t&e piercing leuin, tbatfeetoome fdfljs bpnetbe. Thomalin. &pfcer tboa (peake0 Ipke a IetDoe Io^rell, of Q>;«tttR to oejnenfo: ^oU) be 3! am bnt rune ana bojrell, pet nearer i&iapes $ knotoe. ^o Kerke tbe narre,trom ©oo mojctar a bas tone an ofa fapfffatoe. 3nt> be ti;at ttnues to tducb tbcffamu, oft tables at a (tratoe, Qlfoone map fyepbearo clpmbe to fkpe, tbat !eaoc0 in lotolp Dales, 90 ©otebero p?otou tbat fitting (jpe, upon tbe spatmtame faple** $Pp feelp fyeepe like tocll bclciur, tbep nceDe not Melampode: $0} t\)tp bene bale enaagb,3I trotoe, ano liken tbep? abooe. $ut if tbep ttttb tbp ®otea (boula pcoe, tbep foone mpgbt be cojruptcD: ©? like not of tbe froUiie feoe, o? tisitb tbe ineeoes be glutted. Zbz bpH0 3 njbere DiucHeo bo!p fainte, 31 reference anoaoo?e: 3®ot foj tb*mfelfc,but fa? tbe fapttct0, ffObifb ban be oeao of po?e. to ooiae tbep bene to beatien foment, tbep? good (0 fen$ tfycm gw: lulye. foli% W^m rantpie one!? tobs lent, ^at algs m mougtjt uoc foe* &&ep&ea«tf tbep toeren of tbe bclf, anDUueoinlotolpelcag: 8no Gtbt&epj foulest bene noto atrctJ, ftbp Done lue cbem Difcafe/ &neb onebe toaa y ( as 31 (jane bearo o!d aignnu often fapne) ^bat ujljilometoass tfcefirtt (bep&earD, ano Itueo tiutfc little gapnet 9l meefce be &J3$,as meeke mottgfct be, Gmple,a^ fimple fbeepe, fpumbf c,anu like in ecbe Degree tije floeke,tof)f c& be DtD ftecpe. £Dften be bfeo of fcgV keepe afacttficetob?mg, jftofre &ntb a EiDDe 3 noto toitfj a tycepe t&e Altars baHo&wng. §o lototeo be bnto bp$ low, fucfj fauour comb be fpnb, Cbatfitbensneuettoab&o^, tbe Gmple Ojepbear&s fcpnfc to fucfc 31 uieene t&e b?etbj*Btecrt, tbat came from Canaan: ^fteb?etb?en ttoetae,tbatkeptpfete tfce flocto of mtgbtp ?*»• #ut notbfag fuel) tbtik (Ijepbearoe tea*, tobom itke one(fapDX/gW») Mofes\xm* cfjat fatoe bps makers face, $f0 face mo?e cleare,eben Cbjiffall glalTe, anofpaketobiminplace. Ziyis bao a bjotber, (bts name 31 knette) tbe 0rff of all bis cote, 3 (bepbearo treto>e,petnocfatnie, asbetbatearfl31bote Cabilome all tbefe mere lotocano lief, anb loueo tbeir flocks to feeoe, y&fy mutt ffrouen to be cbtcfe, am> Gmple teas tbep^toecDe. TStxt notn (tbanketf be ©oo tberefoje) tbe tnojto is toell ameno, ^beir toeeoes bene not fo ntgblp too?e, fucb fimpIeOe mougbttbem (beno: %¥v bene pdao m purple anupal!, fo &ar& tbep* goo tbembltft, fcbep rcigne ano rulen oner all* anolo?ort,astbeplift: Sffprt uritb belts of gHttetam goto. (mougbt tbep,gooo ibeepebearos bene) %km IPan Gwpe to tbtm bas folo, 3( fape asfome baue feena. jfty paltnooe(tftbonbnnken) tm late on pilgrimage ^oKomeiCtffacb teftonte) marten befatnetbfl&etmTti&ge. JTo? (bepebear&g (fapo be) tbere ooen Icaae, as locoes ooneotber mbete, ^bepj ujeepe ban cruffesjano tbe? tbe bjeab: tbe cbippes,ano tbep tbe tbete: ^bep bantb^fleecMno eke t^z fle$, (flDfeelpujeepetbetobite) ^be cojne t's tbep>e 5 ieeotber tbjeSj, tbefe&anwt&cp map not file, f^p Iulye. fol.l? $$ep ban great ftoje« 3 anti tb?tftpe fltofceg, great freenbe* anu feeble foe?: CBtjac neese \)zm caren fo? tbesr Socks' tSjcp? bopeg can looke to tbofe. fcbefe tmfaros Uieure in todtbs toauetf, pampjeo in pieafure* oeepe, ^bep banfatte fcerneMnoieanpknaue*, tbetr fa3ingflcd$ea to keepe. <£>ike milter men bene ail mtfgone, tbepbeapen bpUes of tojatb: &ike fp>!pe (bepbearoa ban me none, tbepkeepen aft* tbe aatb. Morrcll. Ipere fe a great oeale of gooo matter, loftfojlacfee of telling, J9om Gcker 31 fee,tbou ooeff but clatter: barme map come of melling. $3)ou meDleft mo?e,tben Cjall bane tbanfee, to mpten (bepbearoa rocub : TOen folke bene fat,ano ricfyetf tancte, ttteaugneofbeltb* 3&tt fap me,ttrtjat is ^"/grw be, tbatfefooftbpnemyt. Thomaliiu &e i* a u)epbearo great to gree* nut batb bene Jong ppent* ©ne oape be fat Upon a bpl! 9 (as nob) tbou tuctitoeft me: 35ut 31 am taugbt hv Jlgrins ft, tolouetbelouieoegree) JTo? faring fo toitb bareo fcalpe, 8n«£aglefojeobpe, $$at meening ty* tobpte beau tog* c&ale, afbe&6u)oou)neIetfipe: &betoeenD tbe fbettfiuje to baue b?oake, but tberenritb b?up bte tyapne, &>o noni aftonieo toitb tbe ftroke, belpeafolingrfngpapne. © Morrell. lulye* UondL &fy 0J00& Mgr'm, W 6ap &a* (If, tKf ©all be better in time, jfloto farttttn(bep&earD,Ctijt&p0&»n i&Ott&affftt$Dou&c toclimbe. Palinodes Emllcme. In medio Virtus. Morrtlh Embleme. fnfummof elicit as. GLOSSE. A Goteheard] By Gotes inJicrypturcbe teprefented the wicked and reprobate, whofe paftour alfo muft needes be fuch. Banck)is the (eate of honor. Straying heard] which wander out of the waye of truth. Als]foralJb. Clymbe] fpoken of Ambition. Great clymbenj according to Sene- neca his yerfe, Decidunt celfa grauibre hpfiis . Mickle] much. The ibnne] A reafon,why he rewfetb to dwell on Mountainesibccaufc there is no fhcl- tcragainft thefcortchingfunncaccordingtothc time of the yeare, whichc is the whoteftmoneth of all. TbeCuppandDiademe] Be two figrurs in the Firmament, through which the fonne makethhis courlein themonethof Iiily. Lion] Thys is Poetically fpoken,as if die Sunne did hunt a Lioruyvith one Dogge. Themeaning whereof is 3 thdt in July the fonne is in Leo At winch tyme the Dogge ftarre, which is called Syrius or Canicula reigneth,vyith immoderate heate caufing Pcftilence,drougth,and many difcafes. Ouerture] an open pfaccThe word is borrowed of the Frcnch,& vfed in good writers To holden chatt) to talke and prate, Aloorde] waswontamongtheold'Britpnstolignifiea Lorde . And therefore the DaneSjthat long time vfurped theyr Tyrannie here in Bry tanie, wc re called foe more dread and dignitie,Lucdanes£ Lord Danes. At which time iris fay d,that the infolencie and pryde of that nation was fo outragiousinthys Rea1mc,thac if it fonuned a Briton to be coins ouer a bridge, and fa we the Dane fct foote vpon the fame/ he mufte tetbrne pack, till the Dane were dcanc ouer,or els a. byde the pryce of his v difplealure,whieh was no leflTe,then prefent deathuBut be- ing afcervvarde expelled that name of Lurdane became Co odious vmothe pcople,whom they had long opprefied,that euen at this daye they vR for more teprochc,to call the Quartane aguethe Feuer Lurdane. Recks much of my fwinck)couiitt much of thv pavnes. VVcctclcflc ]not vndcrftocde. 5. MicheU July. * Michels mount) is a promontorie in the Weft psit cfEngtanl Abill) ParnafiiB3fibrcfayd. PanChnil Da^) One rrybe is pat for the whole na- tion pcrSynccdochen Where Titan) the Sonne. Which ftory is to be redde in Diodorus Syc. of the hyl Ida j from whence he fayth,all night time is to bee feene a mightyc fire,3S if the fkyc burnedjVYhich toward morning beginneth to gather into a rownd forme,and thereof ryfeth the fonne, whome tbfe Poetes call Titan : TheShepnearifjis Imdymi6n,whom the Poets fayne,to haue bene Co bcloued ofPhce- bcf.the Moone,that he was by her kept a fleepe in a caue by the (pace of xsx. yeares,for to cnioye his companye. These) that is in Paradife,where through errour of fhepheards vnderftanding,he fayth, thatallmepheards did vfe to fetfdetheyr flocks, tillonc, (that is Adam by hys rollye and difobedience^nade aH the reft of hys ol fpring be debarred & fhutte out from thence. Synah) a hill in Arab ia,vvhcre God appeared. Our Ladyes bovvre) a pbec of pleafure fo called. Faunes or Syluanes] be of Poeres feigned to be Gods of the VVoode. Medwayjthc name of a Ryuer m Kent,vvhich running by Rochefterjirteeteth with Tha- me<;whom he olleth his elder brother,borb becaufehe is greater, and alfo faU leth fooner into the Sea. Meynt] mingled. Melampodc -and Terebinth] be hearbes good to cute dife a- fed Gotes, ofthonefpeaketh Mantuanc, and of thother Theocritus. rtp/uudx Tfxyur Iftttmr a.x.fiuoryc.wbich was the caufe of the tenne yearcs warrc inTroye,aiul the rooftc feraaBSfrtyi Hu of fulyi of all Afia.moft lamentably lacked and defaced. Argus] was of the Poets de uifed to be full of eycs,and tnereibreto hym was committed the keeping of the tranf formed Cow Jo: So called becauft that ill die print of a Covves ioot e,there is figured an I in the rmddefl of an O. His name) he rrieaneth Aaron: whofe name formore Decorum, the (hephearde (ay th he hath forgocjeit hisremembraunce andfkill in annquiues of holy writ ihould feeme to exceede the mean enefleof the Pcrfbn. Not Co true) for Aaron in the abfence of Moles ftaned alide^nd committed Idolatry. In purple] Spoken of the Popes and.Cardtnalles, which vie fuch tyrannical colours and pompous paynting. Belts) Girdles. Glitrerand)Guttenng.a Participle vfed (bmetime in Chaucer,but altogether in I.Goorc TheyrPan) that is the Pope, whom diey count thcycGodand grcatcft (hepheard. Palinode) A f hephcarde,of whofe report he feemem to fpeake all thy s. Wi/ards) greate learned heads. Welter) wallowe. Kerne) a Churle or Farmer. Sikemiftermen) fuchkindeofmen. Surly) (tatdy and pro wde Mtlling) medling. Bett) better. Bynempte) named. Gree) for degree. Algrin the name of afliephett4afl0refayde,whofe myfliaphe alludeth to the chaonce, thai happened k> the Poet A(cbylus,that was brayned with a ihelliiihe. Embleme. By thys poeiye Thomalin confirmeth that, which in hys former (peach by ibndrye rea» . (boa he had prouedior bong both hymlelfe fequeftredfrorn all ambition and alio abhorring it in others of hys cote die taketh occafionto prayle the meane and lowly ftate,as chat wherein is fafetie without feare,and quiet without dan ger, according to the faying of oldePhilofophcrs, chat ver cue dwelleth in trW middcJl,beingcnuironed with two contrary vices ; whereto Morrefl replieth vrithcontmuaunceofthe fame Philofophers opioion,that albeit allbountye dwelleth in medioaitie,yet perfect felicitye dweDeth m (upremarie. for they fry , and moft true it is,that happinefle is placed fn the higheir degrc c,fo as if any thing be higher or better .then that ftreight way ceafeth to be perfed happmes. Much like to 4>at,v vhich once I heard alleaged in defence ofhumilitye out of a great dodoui,Suorurn ChriuHisiiurnillimus : which faying a gentle man in die company taking at therebownd, beatebacke again with lyke faying of ano- ther Do&oure, as he fay de. Suorum deus allifltmus . Qjfugufl. fol.yi JEgloga oBau/t-j, ARGVMENT. ftT^tbis MgUgut if fit forth a delegable controuerjie, made in imitation J of tBat in Theocritus thereto alfo Virgilefafhiomd his third (fjeuentb JEglogue.Tbej choofe for \mpere of their ftrife£uddie a neatbeards boye, Vtbo hatting ended their caufejreiitetb alfo bimfelfe a proper fongjVebcreof Colin befajtbtvas Jutbour. VVillyc. Pcrigot. Cuddie. T€\l me ? bene $p Bagpppe0 tenne facte ouc of frame.* 3D? &at|> rije Crampe tijp fopma benoma unci) ac&e.* Pcrigot. 3fe ^i//jf,to^en tbe &art taffl aflapue, $oU) can ^agpjpe,ojt iopntjj be men apapW VVillyc Wbtt tbe foule mill (jacb tbee fo beftawje.' flUbttomtbou mas peregall to tijebeff, 9tiDti)onttomafcetbeioUp Hiepdjearos glaODC cejid; ppping ana &aancmg,fctoft paffc tfoe reft. H.j. Pcrigot Perigot. £& willys noto 33 baue learKB a netoe usances J^p ule muSdt mam lip a neuie mtfclj mince* Willye. $$iWcU motigbt to tfyat nehie mitcfyaum fcefaw* a Wb&i fc baeb raft b$ of our menmrm. 35at reeoe me,to&at papne sod) tbce fo appall; SD} tarSt&ou 3 o? bene t&ppouKgltngamttoentf Perigor. louefja$ mtitaj botij mp poungm?g3,afflj mee: 3 PP^e fo? papne,ano tfjep mp papne to fee* VViltye. $erm'e atto toeliamapeitU map t&ep t&jwe: better feneuie 31 loner* f&eepe mgooo pltgfjt, 33utano if in rpme* untl) me t&ott Dare ftriue, &ueb fotnr&mfie* fyall foone be put to fltgbt* Perigot. ^fcat (ban 31 ooe,t&ou<$ moc&efl too?fe 31 farea: Mwt ujall lie fapoe tbat 2V r /go* txiajst oareo. Willye. ^en toe Perigot t&e pZeogejtobtcfo 31 pKgljc: & majer ptojoug&tof cfje Staple toarre: cftt&erem tjs encbafeo manp a fapje Hsbt Of ^eretf ami £pgre0 3 tbatmafeenfier3 mar re: 5m? otter t&em fp?eu a gcoolp unto bine, CmratleDtuitt) a toanton 2£ute-turine , ^fcerebp 1$ a lambe m tin moiue&' tames: 3$ut fee 3 rjoto faff rennetfc tty u^pbearo fu)apne 3 "So faue t|je mnocent from tbe beattes panies: ■StoD &ere fcu$ fife fbepe&oofte &atb to flapne fDefl me/tscfj a cup bag tfjou euer fene* £2!eilmoti$t it befenieanp&aruea dueene. Perigot. hereto toill 3] paume ponoer fpotteo lambe, Of all mp flocite tbers ma (the anotbm tfo* 31 fyottgbt ^tm bp imtrjout tbc Dam&, 25ut Colin chut rafte me of W tyotiKf a fctjac ferigot. Willje. Per. Wil. $er. Wll. Per. Wtt. fer. ml, Per. W'xl 'Per. WlU Ter. FTiL Ter. Wi\> (Per. Wil. &&at &c pwetjail $ me in tbe plapne ficfo: fam again!* mp urill uaai* 3lfo?ato pielo. VVillye, dicker mafceltke account of fjfefyot&er. ^ut to&o OjaUiuo ge tbe awgemmmne oj lo&* Perigot. ^at (ball ponbei: bear&grome,an& none otber, tng Ijeate* Perigot. tSXdl agteeu ff illy : tben&tetfeee noume ftoapne: &>iU a fong neuet farced tfoou,bnt Co/i»fing« Cuddic. <£pnne, tu&en pe lpfi,pe ion? Ojqj^earins ttoapne: ^>tke atuoge, sa Cuddie, totxt to} a king. CfeilbponafcoIIpeuet bepfcoljclusape, io fpills 31 faU) tbe bouncmg ^elitbonc, bepbolJombel!, gripping buer tfje bale alone, (be casrmppe it beep mell : SHeU&eckto in afrockecf grap, fecp bo grap is greete, 9no in a Eirtle of greenc (ape, tbe green* is fa} mapoen* meets* 8 ctjapdet ott^t^eao (&e tooje, b*p bo ebapeSec, £>f ftaeete Oiote therein loas ffoje* tvil bepbofcelpllwe, (Per. 3no gajo on Jjcr 3 e Iigbtfome leutn Qj^ouXjcsS, jviU to cleauesrtbp foule a lonoer: (?f r. flDj as Dame Cyntbias Oluer rape wiJ. b*P bo (b« ^ooneligbt, ?fr. ©pon cbt fflptterimj toatie ootb ^fape: tp*7.' fucb plap is a pitteous pligbt* 5Pf r . %\)t glaunee into mp beart o to glioe, pri4 bepbotbeglpoer, Per, n ^bereim'tb mp foule teas fljarplp grpoe, yvil. fucb njounoes foone tuejen uitoec. per. fading to ratincfy cbe arroU) out, ffi/. bepboperigot, (Per. 31 left tbebeao in mp ban roote: w\L it mas a cefperate fljo r. ffr u ^Tbere it rancWetb ap moje ano mo? e, wiU bep bo tbe arrotoe, fPe r. J9e can 31 6no faluc foj m^ foje : Wi/. loue is a carelelTe fo?nwie. ff>*r. &no tbbttgb mp bale toitb beatb 31 boug&f. wi/. bep b o beaute cbeere, iP* r. get (boulo th ilk lafle not from mp tfj ou$ t: wil. Co pou map bv^z goto to ocare* Tut $ct. #ut tobetber m papnefutt loue 31 ppae, w'xl "bep bo pmcbfng papne, Qtt. SD} $1 ; wc mi t»eUb,Cbe l&albe mine* #>,•/. tntt tftljoucanfjcrotttcm^ ?«•. 8no tf foj graeeleue greefe 31 ope, wi/. bep bo ffraeelefle griefe, fp f r. 223ttneu*e 5 (bee fleuje. me fcoitb feer epe: ff //. let tbp foHpe be tbe pjfefe* ft r. 9no poujttj at fatoe tc^mple u)epe, jrfl. Sep §o rtje fapje flqefee, Per. if o? pjtefe tbeteof>mp oeatfj (TjaUiJ2cepe 9 ITif. ano mane Uritb manp a mocfte. IPrr. &?> leanto 3! Ioue o;i a bollpe cue, wif. bepboboiiDape, ?;r« 3£bat euec Once mp bartrrio greue. fri/« notoenoetbourrounoelap, Cuddye, dicker Gfee a rounole neuer beam 31 none* JLtttle lacfeetjj Terigot ofc^c ftcff. 3no ^i//yt ts not greatlp ouetgone* &o tteretMn* tmBerfongjs null atoned Willye. $erogrome,3! feare mc,tfjou bane a ftntfat epes Sreeoe bpjigbrtp,U)bo bag tbe btctojpe* * Cuddie. jfaprf) of mp fou(e,3! oeeme ecb baue gapneto • foi tbp let tbe lambe be willy* bte otome: 3nofo? Terigot fotoeftbatb bpmpapneo, %z Ijm be tbe t»?ottgbten majcr alone* Pcrigot. (Pafgot fa ftcn pleafeo tmtb tbe aoomet il5c can frillj>c\ato tbe tojteleJTe berogtoome* Wdlye. Jtaer tempt moje rtfcbc of beautpe 3f toecne, %\)t ujepbearo of Ida, tljat wpojeo beauties C^ucene* Cuddic. But tell me {bepberos, (boulo it not pfljeno $out rotmeete frefb,to beare a ooclefull uetfe 3. tit a/fugu/h Of HofaIctto(tt)&o fmowes not Hofafeno/) ^fjat Colin maDe 3 plke can 3Ipou re&earfe. Perigot. jftoto fap it Cuddie^ns t&ou arc a laooe : Z&ify merp tying tecs gooo to meole faooe. Willy. tfaptb ofmpfouIe,tb6uff)aItpcro«neD be 3In Co//*»j fteoe, if tljoutbis fong areeoe: ,ff o? neucr tijtng on eartl; fo pleafctb me, 3s mm to ljeare,o? matter of bis oeeoe, Cuddic. ^Tben liffnetbecbbntompbeauplape, 3mi tune pour pppes as rutljful, aspe map. I € toaHefuU toooaeg beare fcifoiefle of mp tooe, 222berein mp plaints oio oftentimes rcfouno: 2£c carelefle bpjos are pjiuieto mp crpcsf, ft&fyid) in pour fongsioere toont ta matte apart: Q$oa pleafaunt fpjing baft Iqio me oft a fleepe, 22$bofe ffreamesmp trickfinge tearea Dioofte Befojc of people, ootb mp greets augment, (augment. *Ebe toalleo totones oo toojke mp greater tooe: •Kbefojeff lutDc is fitter torefouna ^befjoHotuecbo of mp careful! crpea, 3! batetbeboufe,fince t!;enee mp louepto part, (TOofe Uiaplefull uiant Debarrcs mpne epes from fleepe JL et ftremes of tearcs fupplp tbc place of fleepe: let all iljat fuieete is,fcopo:am> all if; at map. augment ^poooIe,o>aiuencare.S^o?emeetetotj3apie mp focr, 3$ene t!;c toflb moDOearm p fo jretnee to refouno, tt&txi bettDc,o? botBje,bofb to& tcb 3 nil tomj trpes, ZZXhm 31 tb em fee fo tnaift ,ano fpno no part fl)f pleafure palMIpere mill 3i M»cll aprart Zn gaftfuH: groite tbcrefo?e,tiIl mp laft fleepe 3Doe dole tmneepettfo fljali 3J not augment SOtttb flgbt of fneb a cbaunge mp reftlcfle too*; fyttyz me^pebanefnfl bp?os,tobofe uty'efcing fourjB j>s Cgfie of tyeerp aeatfompoeftclp «rpes qpott ^Tugujl. fol'l^ C^oft nttbfuflp to tune.^no a$ mp crpe* (S&btcb of mp teoe cannot betojap lead part) jDoubeare all m'gbt,U)ben nature crauetb fteepe, 31ncreafe,(b let pour pjkfome pelte augment. '4£btt* all tbemgbt m platnt0 3 tbe oape in &oe 3! tjotoeo baue to ti>apu\tiH fafe ano founa £$e borne returne 3 U)bofe nonces Gfaet founa Wa cbeerefuH fcn££ can cljaunge mp cbereleffe crpe& {pence ttittlj tbe jfttgbttngale anil 31 take pact, •^at ble{fea bp?a,tbatfpenaj$ ber time of fleepe 3ln fongs ana plafnttue p(eag,tbcmo> taugmene $&e memojp oflipgs mtfbeeae,tljat bjea bee mot; §na pou tbaf feefe no tooe, | ttftjen as tlje founa ©ftbefe mp ntgbtlp crpes | pe fjeare apart, let tyeakepour founaes Keepc | aim pitte augment* Pcrigot. © Colin, Colin, tbe fbepbearag tope, €;oa) 3! aamtre ccb turning of tbp berfe : 3na c«, freft) Cmi/Jie tbe liefeft bope, $om Dolefiijip bi« ooole tljouataft rebearfe* Cuddie. ^ben blotne pour pppea u)epbeara$,tfl pou be at &ome* %§z nfgbc ntgbetb &ff,?t* time to be gone* Per igot his Enibleme. 'Vincenti gloria victim Willyes Embkme* VintononYttto. Cuddies Emblemc, Felice chipuo. GLOSS E Beftaddc)t'Sp;on areet>e,t»l}o Ijas tftee fo Di'g&tf Jftcuer 31 Una t&ee info poo?e a pltgbt, TOere tetbe^apje flockc,tbou totwtoont to lease/ ff>? bene tljep c!;affre& .'oj at mifc&tefe oeao/ September. Diggon. &k fo) lottc of ttjat,ts to t&ee moffe leefe, !£>obbinoI,a p?ap tbee gall not mp oft grfefci £>tke queffion rtpet^ op caafe of mm too?} if o? one openeo mote tmfoloe manp mot. Hobbinofl. S&ty, but fojroU) clofe ItyouocD in bart 31 bnotDjto kepe,ts a buroenous fmarf. Ccbe tying impatteo is moje eatbto bmet 22tbentberapneisfam, tbe clonoes tocyen cfcarew 3no notoefitbence 3Ifatoe tbp bm latt, ©bjt'fe tb?ee^oones bene fulfp fpent anopalh &ince toben tbou baft meafureo mueb grotomo, 8nu njanDjeo 37 toene abont tbe toojlo rounoe, &>o as tbou can rnanp tbinges relate: 25ut tell me ftrft of tbp flocks alfate. Diggon. ££p fijeepe bene Umtfeo, (toae feme tfoerefo?e) ^be tollp (bepbearo tbattoas of poje* 3fs uoine no? iollpe 3 nojt fljepebearoe moje« 31n fojrein coif es 3 men fapD,U)as plentpe: &no fo tbere i$,but all of miferpc. 31 oempt tbere mucb to baue eekeo mp ftoje, But fucb eekmg batb made mpbartfoje. 31n tbo countrpes,t3bereas 31 baue bene, Jf5o being foj tbofe,tbat truelp mene, Butfo? fucb,asf of guile maken gapne, Jfto fucb countrpe,as tbere to remaine. ^Lbep fettcn to fale tbeir (bops of (frame, 3no maken a fl^art of tbepj gooo, name, ^be fbepbearos tbere robben one anotber, 3no lapen baptes to beguile ber tyotber. £>? t^ mill bup bis fljeepe out of tbe cote, Dj ttje^ mill caruen tbe (bepbearos tb?ote. ^Lbefijepbearosfujapnepou cannot luelken, But it be bp bis pjpDCjfrom otljer men: Zty? looken bigge as Bullae bene bate, 3no September. fol.]6 3nfc bearett tbe cragge Co fftffe ano To &at?, Ste cocke on Ijtss oungbill, croming tranche Hobbinoll. Dtggon,3I am fo ftirTe,anO fo (fatten, djat onetb map 31 ftanO anp moje: 3no notae tbe G&teff erne fcnno blometfc fo?e, €bat notue is in bis cbt'cfe fonereigntce, Beating tbe tof tbereo leafe from tbe tree* gutte Uie ooUme rjere oncer tbe bill: ^Ijo map toe talke,ano tellen our AH, 3 no make a mocfee at Che bluftrtng bla$. Jftottt Cap on Diggon,ti)bat euec ttjou rjaff . Diggon. {£)obbm,abbobbin,31 curfe tbe ftounoe, ^bat euer 31 caa to baue lome tbts grouuoe. CM-atuap tbe toljile 31 mas fo fonbe, ^0 Ieaue tbe gooo, tljat 31 bao in banoe, 31n bope of becter,tbat toastmcoutb: S>o loft" tbe Dogge tbe flefb in bis moutlj. $PpfeeIp (bcepe (at) feelpfbeepe) *£batbere bp tbere 3lmbilome bfo (0 keepc, 8U mere tbep luff pe,as tbou oioH fee, Bene all llerueo uittb ppne ano penuree. l^arolp mp felfe efcapeo tbilhepapne, Djiuen fo; neeoe to come borne agapne. Hobbinoll, 3b ron,nom bp tbp lofle art taugbt, ^bat feelbome cbaunge tbe better bmugbt. Content tubo hues tmtlj trpeo date, jfteeoe feare no cbaunge of frounung fate: But tobo urill fcekc fo; bnknotime gapne, ©ft liues bp lofle, ano leauesStottb papne. Diggon. 3! mote ne bobbin boui 31 mas betoitcbt ?2Jttb bapne oefp?e,ano bope to be enncbt. But ticker fo it ts,as tbe bjtgbtflarre &>cemetb ap greater, mben it ts tarre: 31.4. September. % t&oug&t die feple tooulD 1) auc ma&e me rf rtj: But turoje 3! uiote,it is nothing 8cb» JFo? eptber tbe Ibepebearos bene pole ano (M, £no IeDDc ot tb cp? fljeepe, lubat toap tljep ttipll: £>? tbep bene falfe,ano full of eouetife, ^nD catfen to compafle manp u??ong emp?ife. But tbemo?e benefratgbttoitb frauoano fpig&f, JI5e in goo& no? gooones taken oeligbt; But kinole coalcs of comeck ano p?e, CQbereujttb tbep fette alt cbe tuo?lD on fire: C&bicb toben tbep tbinken agapne to quencb 2Bitb Wp toater,tbep poen bem allo?encb # %1)ep fape tbep con to beauen tbe bigb map, But bp ntp foule 31 oare unoerfape, 'Ebfp neuir fette foote in tbat fame troaoe* But balk tbe rigbt tMap,ano ftrapen ab?oao Z\)ty boat! tbep ban tbe neuifl at commauno: But afke bem tberefo?e,to)bat tbep ban paunD* Carrie tbat great Tan bougbt tut'tb beare bojroto, %o quite it from tbe Mackc boto?e of fo?ron?e. But tfity ban folb tbilk fame long agoe: jfo? tbpttJoutoenDjatoetoubbem manp moe. But let bem gange alone a<$0D3name: At tbep ban b?eu)et>,fo let bem beare blame* Hobbtnoll. Diggon,3! p?ape tbee fpeake not fo otrke. gmcb mpfter faping me feemetb to mtrke. Diggon. ^bcn plapnelp to fpeake of (bepbearos mod lubat, Baooe ts tl)£ bzQ(thi* cngliu) is flatt.) ^Dbeir ill bauiour garres men miffap, Botb of tbeir &octrine,anD of tbeir fape. W^ep fapne tbe ujo?Id is mucb toar tben it tonnt, 9U fo? ber (bepbearos bene beafllp anD blont . SDtbcr fapne,but botu truelp 31 note, 311 fo? tbep bolben mame of tbep? cote. ©>ome ffirke not to fap,(tt)ljote cole on ber tongue) September. folyj 'mat Cke mifcbf efe grafetfe hem cmong , 911 fo; thep cafien too much of bjojIos care, ^ooeck her Dame,ano enrich berhepje: jf o? fucb enebeafon^f pou goe npe, jTettK chpmneis reeking pou (ball efppe? 3Lbe facte Ore, that toont ligge in the ttal, 3!g noiue fad dalleo tn fecr cramenall 3;i)u* cbatten the people in thep? tteattf , glikeas a ^onilcr of manpbeaos, t&ut tbep that (booten necrett the p?tcke, g>apne,otber the fat from their bearos ooen licit. jTo? bigge Bullea ofSafan b?ace bent about, ^Ebat tomb thep? bc?ness buttrn the mo?e fioute: 55ut the leane foules treaoen tmoer foote. Qtto to feeke retyelfe mougbt little boote: ,ff o? itker bene thep to pluck atuap moje, ^Dhen ought of the gotten goot> to reftoje. jfo? thep bene like fbule toagmoire* cuergrafl, ^bat if thp galage once fficketb fad, ^bemojetotoin&it outtbonooell (tofock, ^on mougbt ap Deeper ano Deeper finrk. ^et bettet lean* of ujith a little toffe, feljen b^ much totaling to leefe the groffe. HobbinoB. JSouie 2Mggon,3I fee tbou fpeakeft to plaine: Better tt w re, a tittle to fepne, fins cleanlp couer,tbat cannot be cttretu &nch rt,as is fycetynougbtnetiess be enttureft ^ut of Qke paftouce* botoe Done the Sock? creepe* Diggon. &ikt as the Ibepbearcjs, Gke bene her (beepe, jfo> thep niU liften to tbefoepbeatos hovce, ^ut U he can hem at thep? gooo ebopce, ^Thep toanDer at toil, ano Crap at pleafure, flnu to thep? folces peelo at their otone leafurc . &m thep hao be better come at their cal; go} manp han into mifebiefe fai i, & 3no September. 3ntibene of rantnrais getolucs^enr, 311 fo? tljcp aontobfe buttwncanu bent. Hobbiholl . JFpeon t&ee t)tggon,anaan tty foulc ftraCnff, ££lcfl is knotusp tlTtV ficfr tfje &a£oq king, Jfteuer tows ©Eloolfe fcenemanp naj fame, MO} in an Kent,no? in C&jifienDome: ^uet&efe&jer ff&ootaeg(tljc{o$tn Cape,) ^Jje moje bene tfje if oxeg cijac bcee cetnante* -Diggan. ^esfjbut xlicp gang in mo;e frmte hale, SlnoiottO fljeepes ctotljtntpocnljemDtfijutfe, ^Ijep ttialke muLtmoelp as ttjep taere toonc jfoj feare of caung^ano tfje great fount! Butpjiucty pjoUittg tiuo ami free, Cnaunter c|jep piciujfjt be iiifp knaiae. HobbtnoL J3Djp?uuL0?p?rtpfanp bene, 2£ie &aft great Banoogfr toill teare t&efr f fcttm& Diggon. 3!noceoe tfjp ball ttf « bote bigge curre, Slnocoulo make a ioTTp fjolefci ttjogi ftirre. But not gooD DoggejS frem neeaetij to cljace, 35ut fceeop ffjepbearos toatfrtrne tbeir, face* tfo} all t^etc craft is in tbfir countcnanncc, ^Ijc b trie ft gMue ana full of (tnipnTeifcitmcc* ^ut fljali 31 tell tljee Mjatjnp fetfe fctrofoj?, CbaunccD to Utoflfpim nbcXtfits: j^o'c HobbindL feajn't out Dto;g , on i U3!)at etter it (n'guc. .f oj not but toell mougUx few bWf glje. $etefomeeke>totfe, aniSfuercfabie, 3nb toritlj fefstoop fete luo^e t'g wmueuaOTe. Colin clout 31 toene be bis? fclfe bope, (3& fbj Colin fee uunfomc wp tope) &(KP&c«D*ifrt} a Gotr jnougltf bs many frno, ^fcat ooen fo fateftiHp rtjep? flotfcia ten*. 2>/£ge» September. f°^l7 Diggon* ^bflfi fame (btpbeaio mottle 31 toellmarfee: $)i bas a Doggetobpteoj to barke, jfreuer-bao ftjepUearo Co knie a Kurrp, %\W U)aHetl),anD if but a leafc tfurre. CBbtlomc cljiTC/Uiomieo a bucket (LSloifr, Cbataiitb manp a Lambc4)ao glutwo bu cytilfe. 8no euet at nigbc toont to repapje Unto tbe flocke^taben tbe Welkin (bone fatre, priaooe m c lotbuig of fedp (beppe, cilljen tbe goob olo man ofeo to ileepe. ^Dbo at tmonigljt be laoulo bartte auo bally iggon. ^ifcbtcfeitgbt on btm,anB ©ous'$reat curfe, %qq gooo fojtymt bao bene a gpcat ocale Utojfct September. if cj ft toad a perilous bead aboue all, QitD eke bao be cono tbe fbepberos call* Sub oft m tbe nigbt came to (be fbepecote, Slnu calico Lo&ffler>UKtb a bolldto ibjote, 5s (fit tbe olo man felfe Ijao bene, ^be Dog bis matftera botce oto it toeene* get fcalfe inoottOf,be openeo the oo?e, amwuine oums be toas toont of poje. jf3o fooner toas out,bnt furifcer tben tbougbr, if aft bp tbe bpoe tbe CBolfe loto&er caugbc': anb fjao not Hqffp renne to tbe Scum , lotober bao be Uatne tbilfte fame eucn. HobbinolL 03oo (bielo man,be fljoulo fo ill baae time, ail fo? be oio bis ocuopr belrue. 31ffike bene Oolites, as tbou baft coin, $>otomougbt toe £>ig#on,bembe-bolo. Diggon. €)ou>,but'toitlj beeoe anb toatcbfuInelTe, i^ftaUenbemofrijeirtotltneOe * fa} tbpi toitb (bepbearo fittea not plape, ©j fleepe,as fome toenail tbe tong bap: t^ut euer liggen in toatcb ano toaro, ifrom ibbbem force tfow flocks fo? to garb. Hobbinoll. 3b £>iggon,*btlkc fame ruletoere too ttratgbt, ail tbe cofo feafon to toacb ano toaite. ZSXt bene of fielbe,men as other bee. Jfllbp u)oulo to« be bounb to fueb miferec.' ttHbat euet tbmglackettj ebatma;eabl* tett\ «pcugbt neepes Dec ap,to!jcn it is at bell. Diggon. ab but $>obbinol, all tins long tale, iftougbt eafetb tbe care,cbat botb me to^afft. GUbat (ball 31 ooe t tobattoap fball 3d toeno, G£p piteous pltgbt ana toCfe to amenb f ab goob OobbittDUmntgbt 31 tfrce p?ap f • Of apoetj? cottuftU torn? bewpe. fr# WiW/ September. Hobbinoll. ' '' jfSolafip mp fottle Diggo«,31 lament €t)e ijapleffe mifcijtf f 5 tijat bas tfjee Ijenf, i?3erf3cIe(Tc d;oti teed inp loudp (atie, &ijatfroU)aro fortune ttpft euer auaile. 33ut mere CpobbmolMs 6od mougfjt pleafe, DtggonQjoulD foone fino fauour ano cafe. %w\ \\ to mp cotage tljou totlt refojt, fe>o as 31 can :3 UhI ttjee comftyc: Cbere mapft tljou It 55c tn a lietcbp bco, ^tll fapjcr jf o?tune fije^uc fo?t(j Ijer fceaD, Diggon. flb 0obbinolj(5oo mougfjt it tfcce requite. Otggon on Fcidc fuel) frccuDg did cuer lue. Diggom Ewbfewe. fnopem me copia fecit. T86> (3$) ^£> fas®) OB) f££ft CSS) (2©) GLOSSE. The Dialefte and phrafc of fpcache in this Dialogue , fecmeth (bmewnat to difftf from tbe comen.Thc caufe whereof is fuppofed to be,by occasion of the parry herein meant, vvho being very frcend to the Author hereof,had bene long in forraine counrryes,and there fcene many diforders, which he here recountetb to Hobbinoll. Biddehcr) Bidde good morrow.For to bidders to praye,vvhereof commcth beades foe prayers^nd fo they fay,l o biddc his beades. 1. to fayc his prayers. Wightly) o,uicklye,or fodenlye. ChafFred) folde. Dead at mifchieft)an vnufuafl fpcache , butmuchvfurpcdofLidgate, and fometimc of Chaucer. Leefcjdeare, Ethc)eafic. Thcfethreroooncs)ninemonetlies. Mcafured)fortraueled. VVac) woe Northernly . Eeked)encteafed . Caruen) cuttc. Kcnnc) know. Oagge) neck. State) ftoutely Stanck) weane or fainte. And nowe) He applicth* it to the tyme of the ycaxe, which is in thend ofharue{*,wriicl» they cal the fall ofthcleafc : at which tyme the VVtfterne vvyndcbearetfa mod fwaye. A mocke) Imitating Honce,Dcbc$ ludibriumvrntis. Lome) lefte Soote) fwete. Vncouthe) vnknowen. Hereby there) here and there. As the brighte) Tranfbted out of Mantuane. Empnfe) for enterprife.Pcr Syncopen, Contck ) ftrife. Trode) path. Mar r»c that) that is.thcu foules, which by popifti Exorciimes Si prad- ufes they danunc to hell BUde September. B1acke)hclL Gange)goe. Mifter) mancr. MJrke) obfcure. Wa-te) worft. Oumcnall) purfe. "Brace comparfe; Ehehefon) dccafiori. Ouereraft) ouergrowc vvithgrafle. Gal age) (hoc. Thegtoffe) the whoje. Buxomc and bent) meckcand obedient. Saxon kins) K. Edgare,that reigned here in Brytanye in the yeare of oar Lorde. which king caufed ail the VVolues, whereof then was ito re in thyscountryc, by a proper policie to bedeftroycd.So as neuec fjnee thawime, there haue ben VVolues here'fouinJe,vniei]e they were brought from other countryes . And therefore Hobbmotl rebuke th lam of vntruth, for faying there be VVolues in England. Nor in Cbriitcndome) This faying fecmeth to be ftrange and vnreafonablerbut indede it was wont to be an oldc prouorbe and comenphrafe The original where- of was , for that inoit part of England in the rtigne of king Ethelbcrt was ehriitcnedjKcnt onely except, which remaynedlong after m myfbehefe and vnchtiitencdjSo that KcQt was counted no part of Chtiitendome*. Greathrmt) Executing of lawes and iufticc. Enaunter) leaft that. ] nly) inwardly, afforefaydc. Prcucly or pert) openly fayth Chaucer. Rofty) The name of a (hepeheardc in Maror his /Eglogue of Robin and the Kinge. whome he here commendeth for greate care and wife gouernanceofhis flock Colm doutc) Nowe I thinkeno man but by Colm is euer meante th e Au- thour felfe. whofc efpeciall good freend Hobbinoll fayth he is,or more rightly Mayfter Gabriel H.vuey of whofc fpeqail commendation, afwellin Poetryc as Rhetonke and other choyce learning , we haue lately had a fufBcient try- all in diucrfe lus woikes-,but fpecially in his Mufarum Lachryma?, and his Gratulationu Valdjnen fium which boke in the progrefle at Audley in Effex, he dedicatcdin writing to her Maiemc.afterward prefentiog the fame 'in print vnto her Highnefle at the wormipfull Maifter Capells in Hertfordfhire. Befidc other his fundiye moft rare and very notable writings, partely vnder vuknown Tytles,and partly vndercouriteTfaytnarnes^shysTyrannomairix , his Ode Natalitta, his Rameidos, and especially tliat parte of Pbilomuiiis, hisdiuinc Anticofmopolita,and diucrs other of lyfcc importance. As alio by the names of other fhephcardeSjhe codercth the perlons of diuers other his familiar freendes and bell acquayntaunce. Tliis tale of Roffy fcemerhto coFoure fome particular Action ofhis.But what,Icertein lye know not. VVonned) haunted. VVelkin)f kie.aftbrelaid. A VVeanell-vvaitj) a weaned youngling. Hidder antHhidder) He& (hei Male and Female. Sreuen) Noyfe. Bdiue) quickly. VVhateuerl Ouidsverfe iranflared. Quod caret alterna reqaie,durabile non eft. Forehiile) drawe or diitreffe. Vetcliie) of Peafc ftrawe. Embleme. This is the faying ofN.irciflus in Ouid. For when the foolinSe boye by beholding by* face in the brooke, fell in lone wirii his owne likcneflerand not hable to con- tent him felfe with much lookng thereon,hecryed out,thatplefityeinade him poore.mtaniftg that mueh^aring had bereft him of (encc. Rut our Diggon v- feth it to otlicrpuipofe , as who that by tryall of many Wayes had founde the woift, September. fol\9 vvorft,and through grcatc plenty c was fallen into great pertunc. This poefie T knovvCjto bauctene much vfed of the auihoi,and to fuchc like effefte,as fyiite NarcifTusfpakeic. sBgloga decimal. i ARGVMENT. 2^ Cuddie isfet out the per fette pater uc of a foete , "tobisbc finding no maintenaunce of bis state and studies , complayneth of the contempte of Toetrie,andtb( caufes thereof: Specially bauing bene in all'ages, and encn amogft the most barbarous afaayef of lingular accounpt & honor ,& being indedefo Teortby and commendable an arte : or rather no arte,but a diiitne gift dndbtauenly initinfi not to bee gotten by labour e and learning,but a- domed with botkiand poured into the Tvitte by a certaine Ctd^a^o.- and ce* lesiiallinfpirdtion , asjbe Jtutbvt hereof els Robert at large difcourjcib, in bis booke called the Englifbfoete , which booke bring lately come to my bands, I mynde aifo by Gods grace vpon further aduiftment topublift. Pierce. Cuddie. Q2 Vteit, fio$ fyame I;olo Jbp tfop beaupc IjeaD, 9 no let up catftotclj tbfcat dc Ifaftc to cljacc: $110 October. gnotorarp ftp* long lingering P/^w tare. SUbt Iomc tboo tocnt rbc ffccpb cares laDDC* (0 !ftfflf> 31n rpmc0,tn nQles s amj in bpoomg bafe: jRoU) tbep in tbee,ano djou in flee pe arc scab/ Cuddy*. f »>r/,3J bane ppoeo erfffc loitgtofcb pirpae, fcbat all mine ©ten ree&e* bene rem aiw tooje: 9 no mp pooje Sgtofe batb rpent ber fpareo ffoje, pet little gooo ban; got,ano mud) ietfe gawte. &>ucb pleafannce makes tbe (Sraujopper fo poo?? , Snbliggelb lapo.tubcn Winter oottjberfiraine; Wat tapper t)tttte«,tbat 31 loom oenf ft, 9£o feeoe poutbes fancie,ario cbe floefctug frp, Deligbten mucb: tobat 37 tbe bett fo? tbp.' Cbep ban tbe pleafure,3l a frienber pjtfe. 31 beate tbe bu(b,tbe hyp* to tbemboe flpct C&bat gooo tbcreof to Cuwrie can arife* Piies. r«, tbe pjapfe is better,t&eu tbe pjict, &be glo?p ekemRdrgreatertbeutbegapuei £> tobat an bono jis it, to rettraine 3Dbe luff of latulefle pontb toilb goon aonfee: £>) p?icke tbem fojtb tnttb plearannce of cbp balne, Z&bw to tbou lift t&eir trapneo Me* entice. &oone a* tboa gpnff eo fette tbp notes tn frame, © bote tbe rurall route* to tbee noe cieaue: fteemetb tbou ooft tbeir foufe offence bereaur, 911 a* tbe ujepbear&,tbat oio faeb bi* oame 4f rem Tlutoes balefull botoje toin)ottteo leauer tyis mufok.« migbt tbebelliu; botmb oto tame. Cuddic. feo pjapfen babe* tbe jpeacofes fpotteb train?, 9nb toonbjen at &?tg|»c /rg«r blading epe: But fcobo retoaros bim ere tbemo?e fo? tbp/ £>j fecocs bim once tbe fuller bp a grain*.' October. foi^l fefte pjapfe is (mofee 5 t&at QjeoMj in #e fkpf , &ihz toojo*bcne tupno 3 aM8 ma to Cootie in oapae* Piers. abanbontben tfee bafeano oiler clotone, £pft op tbp felfe out of t|c louilp ouft: a«o Ong of Mooop $£ar* 5 of tear*, ofgiuttj*, Corn* (bee to tbofe, tbat toclo tbe atofal cronme. 3Do ooubteo ftMgbts,tofeofett)oanoleae armour raft*, ano fcelmes bnbjujes sueren oaplp tyotome. ^rijefc map tbp Sgtofe offplap bet fluttrpng toing, ami ttretcb ber felfe at large from €afl to 22Je&: t2*bitber tbou lift in fapje Eli/a reff, SD? if tbee pleafe m bigger noted to u*ng, aotuutnee ^z ttw?tbp tobome (bee louetij &eft, Cfeat ffoft tfee incite beare to tjjc ftaite oio tying. Sao toben tfee Gubbcme ffroke of Oronger ttouno*, $a3 fometobat flac&t t\st ceno? of tbp ftrtng: fiDf luue ano luftibeao $o maps tbou fing, 2no carrol lotofle, ano leaoe t&e ^pliers roumo? , Sll toere £/i/4 one of tbflfte fame ring. S>o mougfet out Cuddies name to Q)eauen foumoe. Cuddye. 3Inoeeoej&e Homift) Tityrus,% feeare, ^fejougb fete Mecenas left fete JDaten reeoe, hereon fee earft IjaD taugbt bis rTocfeg to feeoe, ano laboured Ianoguo pielo tbe ttrnelp eare, Sua eft oifrffngof iaarre* anooeaolpojeoe. &o as; tfee ^eauenaofo quake fjis berfe to i;ere. ^ut ab Meceius is pclao in clape, ano great Jugutius long pgoe fe oeao: ano aU tbe toojtbtes liggen ojjapt in le aw, fcbat matter maoe foj put tss on to plap s Jf oj euer,tofeo in oerring ooe laere bjeaoe, %& lofcie btrfe of feem fta fonnebjigbt bonour penu in OjamefuU coupe. 9 no if tbat anp bums of poefie, pet of tbe oio Hocke gan to fljooee agape : £>? it menss follies mote be fojft to fapne, Sm> roMe tostb reft in rpmes of rpbauo?pe« £>? as it Ipjongjit tnitber mud agapne: ^Eom piper makes bs better melooie. Piers. O pierlefTe poefpe,tobcre is tben tbe place/ 3lf no? in princes pallace tbou Doe Oct: (3nD pet is ponces paflace tbe moft fiet) jQe bjeft ofbafer'biwb ootb tbee embrace, ^ben mane tbee twinges of tbiue afppjing toit, 3 no, toyencctyoa camu\flpe baeke to beauen apace. Cuddie. 2\) Percy it is all to toeake anu toanne, &>o bigb to fojc, ano make fo large a fligbt: $er peeceo ppneons bene not fo in pltgbt, f 0} Colin fates fucb famous flight to fcanne: t£)e,u>ere be not until Ioue (b in bebtgbt, CISouIo mount as bigb,ano Gng as foote as &toanne. Pires 3b fon,fo? loneooes teacb bun cftmbe fo bie, 3nb.!pftes bim bp out of tbe loatbfome mpje: &wb immoral! mfcrbo?, as be ootb aomire, ZttoulD rapfe ones mpnb aboue tbe ftarrp f fete. 8no caufe a capttue cojage to afpire, jf o? loftp lone ootb load) a lotolp epe. 3U ot&ertotTe tbe Sate of poet ft anus, if 0} lojolp ioue is fucb a €p?anne fell: £|jat tobere be rules jail potter be Doe^ ejepen. October. foi\% $t)e bautrteo berfe a bacant beao Demaunbe*. Be front tsitb crabbeti care t&e Spufes btoeli, Qnfrtfelp tBeaues,tbat tafeess tUio Soebbejs in bar<9. 20il>o euet caff* to compafife luctgljtpe pitfe, ano thinks to tbjouie out tbom>?ing; loops of locate: let ponue in iamft) cupgi aritj tlj?tfttc bitts of meate 9 jfo? Saccbus fruite isfteno to (Pjba?&«j unfe* £no ttben toitb 233ine tbe bjatne begtnsf to Qneate, ^Cbz nombers flotoe as fafi as fpjtng ootfc rpfe# ^bouhenff not fercie botue tire rpme $ouId rage. ID if mp temples toereDtftaitrtJhntb tacne, 8no girt in gtrlonos of toilo fDttfe tunne, #oUj 31 coulo reare trje sptife on ffatelp ftage, flno teacbe ber treao aloft in buf-fcin fine, CEJitb queint 3* //o«<* in ber equipage* TBut ab mp eojage cooler ere it be tuarme, SFo} tbp, content bs in tbps bumble (bane: Zglbcre no fucb troublous t$to$ ban us aCTap&c, Oere toe out fteuoer pipes map fafelp cljarme. Pires. 3na tob en mp <25 ates (ball ban tljstr bellies laps; Cuddu (bail baue a ftiose to tf$?e big farme* Cuddies Embleme. (tAgitante calefcimus illo &c. GLOSSE. This ^glogue is made in imitation of Theocritus his xvi. IdiIion,whercin h« rspro- ucd the Tyranne Hicro of Syracufe for his nigardtfe towarde Poctes,in whome is the power to make men immortal for they? good dcdes,or fhamefiil for their naughty lyfcAnd the lyke alfo is in MantuancjThe ftyle hereof as alfo that m thcocritus^s more Ioftye then the refl^nd applyed to the hcigke of Poetical! vvitte. Cuddi*] I dwbte whether by Cuddisbc fpecified the au&onr feHe,or fcaic othcr.Fos L.ij. in. October. in the eyght £glogue the fame perfbn was brought indulging a Cantion of Co Iins making,as he fayth.So that Ibme doubt,thatthe pcrfons be different. VVhilome) fomewne. Oaten reedes) Aucna. Ligge fo layde) lye fo faynt and vnluftye . Dapper) pretye. Trye) is a bold Metaphore , forced from the fpawning fifhes.for the multitude of young fifh be called the frye. To rtflnunc.) This place feemeth to confpyre with Plato,who -in his firft bookc de Le, gibus faythjthat the firft inuention of Poetry was of very vertuous intent . For at what time an infinite number of youth vfually came to theyr great folemnc feaftes called Panegynca, which they vfed euery fiue yeerc tohold,fome lear- ned man being more hable the the reft/or fpeciall gyftes of wytte and Mufickc, would cake vpon him to fingfine verfes to the people, inprayfe eythet of ver- tue or bf viclory or of immortality or fuch hke*At whofe wonderful gyfral men being aftonied and as it were rauiihed,with delight,thinking(as it was indeed) thai he wss infpired from abouc,called him varem:which kinde of men after- wardc framing their verfes co lighter mufick (as of mufick be many klnds,fbme Odder, fome hghter,fome martiall,fome heroical: and fo diuerfely eke affect the myndsofmc)tound out lighter mattei of Poefiealfo,fome playing vvythknie, ibmc fcotning at mens faihions , fome povvred out in pleafure% and fo were called Poctes or makers. Senee bcrcaue) what the (ccretc working ofMufick is in the myndes of men , afvvell appcarcth hereby ,that lbme of the aunoent Philofophers, and thofc the mofte wife , as Plato and Pythagoras held for opinion,that the mynd was made of a ccrtaine harmonie and muficall nombers,for the great compaiTion & likenes of affection in thone and in the other as alio by that memorable hiftoryof Alex- anders whom when as Tunotheus the great Mufitian playd the Phrygian m t -Iodic ,1 1 is faid,that he was diftraught with fuch vnwonted fury,that fircjghc way ryfing from the table in great rage,he caufed himfclfe to be armed,as rea- dy to goe to vvarrc (for that mufick is very war like: ) And immediatly when- as the Mufitian chaunged his ftroke into die Lydian and lonique harmony, he was (b furr from wafnng,that he fat as ftyl,as if he had bene in mattes of coun- fell.Such might is in mufick. wherefore Plato and Anftotl'e forbid the Aradian Mclodie from children and )t>uth. for that being altogidier on the fyftand vij, tone, it is of great force to mohfie and quench the kindly courage,which vfeth to bumc in yong btefts.So that it is not incredible which the Poete here fayth, that Mufick can ocreaue the foule offence. The flicpheard that) Orpheus:of whom is fayd , that by his excellent fkil in Mufick and Poetry ,he recoucrcd his wife Euiydice from hell. Argus eyes) of Argus is before faid,that Iuno to him committed hirhufbandlupiter his Paragon lojbicaufe he had an hundred eyes:butaftcrwarde Merctny wythhys Mufick lulling Argus afiepe, flew him and brought 16 away, whofe eyes it is fayd that Inno for his eternall memory placed in her byrd the Peacocks tayle. for thofc coloured fpots indecde refemble eyes. VVoundlcflc armour) vnwounded m warre,doc ruft through long peace. "Oifplay) A pocticall metaphore.Yvhcrcof the meaning is,that if the Poet lift fliowe his Hoi October. fo^ty f Icill in matter of mote #gnitic,thcn is the homely ifcglogue, good becafion ii him offered of higher veyne and more Heroicall argumcnr,in the 'pcrfon of out' moft gratious foueraign,who(as bcfore)he calleth Elifa.Or if mater of knighc- hoode and cheualrie pleafehim better , that there be many Noble & valiaunc men,that are both worthy of his payne in theyr deferued prayfes , and alfb fa- uourers of hys f kil 3nd faculty. The worthy) he meanerh (aslgueffe) the moft honorable and renowrhed the Erie of Leyceiter,vvh6 by his cogniiance (although the fame be alfo proper toother) •Tather thenby his name he bewrayeth,beingnot hkely,that the names of no- ble princes be known to country clowne. Slack) that is when thou chaungeft thy yerfe from irately difcourfe, to matter of moro plcafaunce and delight. The Millers) a kind of daunce. Ring) company of dauncers. The Romifh Tityrus) vvel knowe to be Virgile,vvho by Mecamas means was brought into the fauonr of the Emperor Auguftus,and by him moued to write vn lomci kindc,then he erft had doen. Whereon) in thefe three vcrfes are the three feuerall workes of Virgile intended. For in teaching his flocks to feeders meant his ^Eglogues.In labouring of lands,is hys Bucoliques.In finging of wars and deadly dreaders hisdiuinc ^neis figured. In derring doe) In manhoode and cheualrie. For cuer) He inevyerh the caufe,why Poetes were wont be had in fuch honor of noble men;that is,that by them their worthmes cV valor mold through theyr famous Pofies be comended to al posterities, wherfore u is fiyd, that Achilles had nc- uer bene fo famous,as he is,but for Homeres immortal vcrfes. which is the only aduantage,which he had of He&or. And alfo that Alexander the great comin? to his tombe in Sigeus , with natural! teares bleffed him,that euer was his hap to be honoured with fo excellent a Poets work.-as fo rcnowmedjand ennobled onely by hys meanes . which being declared in a moft elocjuent Oration of Tullies,is of Petrarch no leffc worthcly fcttc forth in a fonct Giunto Alexandra a la famoia tomba Del fero Achille folpirando difle O fortunato che fi chiara iromba. Trouafti &c. And that fuch account hath bene alwayes made of Poctes,afwcll fhewcth this that the wordiy Scipio in all his wanes agamft Carthage and Numantia had cuermore in his company , and that in a moft familiar fort the good olde Poet alfo that Alexander deftroying Thebes,whcn he was enformed that the famous Lyrick Poet Pindarus vvas borne in that ckie,not onely commaun- ded ftreightly.that no man mould vpon payne of death do any violence to that houfc by fire or otherwifc:but alfo fpccially Spared moft, and fome hi«hly rcwar ded,that were of hys kmne.So fauourcd he the only name of a Poetc . vvhych prayfe othcrwifc vvas in the fame man no lefl'e famous, diaj when he came to ranfacking of king Darius e"oflers,vvhom he lately had ouerthrowen,hc founde in a little coffer of liluer the two bookes of Homers vvorks,as layd vp there for fpeciall icwells and richefle, which he taking thence, put one of them dayly in bis bofome,and diother eucry night layde vnder his pillovvc. L.j. Such October. Such honor hauc Poetc s a! wayes found in the fight of prirtca and noble men. which this author here very well fhcweth,3S ek where more notably. But after) he fhe weth the caufe of contempt of Poetry to be idleneue and bafeneflc of mynd. Pent ) (hut vp in flouth, as in a coope or cage. Tom piper) An Tronicill Sacrafcnus/pahen in denfion of thefe rude wits,whych matte more account of a ryoing rybaud , then offkiU grounded vpon learning and judgment. Nc brcitjthe meaner fort of men. Her pecced pineons)vnperfe3 fkil.Spoken wyrh humble modeftie. As footc as Swanne) The comparifbn feemeth to be ftrange:for the fvvanne hath euet vvonne fmall commendation for her fwete finging:but it is fayd of the learned that che fwan a little before hie death,(ingerh mod pleafantly, as prophccying by a fecrcte inftinfther neere defbnie As wel fay th the Poete eUvvhcrc in one of Ins fonetts. The filuer fwanne doth uVig before he r dying day As fhee that fceks the dcepe delight that is in death &c . Immortall myrrhour) Beauty,vvhich is an excellent obieft of Poeucall ipiritei,as appea rcth by the worthy Petrachs faying. Fiorir faccua il mio dcbile ingegno A la fua ombra,et crefcer ne gli affanni. A caytiue corage) abafeandabieftminde. For lofty luue) I think this playing with the letter to be rather a fault then a figure, afwel in our Englifh tongue,as it hath bene alvvay es in the Latine, caHed Cacozelon. A vacant) lrrutatcth Mantuanes faying. vacuum curis diuina cerebrom Pofdt. Lauilh cups) Rcfiembleth that comen verfe Faxundi calices quern non fecere difertum. O if my) He feemeth here to be rauifhed with a P oetical furie.For (if one rightly mark) the numbers rife lo ful,Bc the verfe grow eth fo bi gjthat^ it feemeth he hath for- got themeanencfle of fhepheards itate andfttle. Wild yuie) for it is dedicated to Bacchus & therefore it is fayd that the Mxnades (that is Bacchus franticke prieftes) vfed in iheyr faenfice to carry Thyrfos, which were pointed (hues or Iauelins,wrapped about with yuie. In bufkin) it was the mancr of Poetes & plaiers in tragedies to were bufkins, as alfo in Comedies to vfcftockes& light lhoes. So that the bufkin in Poetry is vfed for * uigical matter,as it faid in Virgilc.Sola fophodeo tua carmina digna cothurno. And the bkc in Horace, Magnum loqui,ni tique cothurno. Queint) ftrange Bellonajthegoddefk of battaile,that is Pallas.whkh may therefore wel be called qucint for that(as Lucian &ith)when Iupitcrjiir father was m traueile ofher,he caufed his fbnnc Vulcane with his axe to hew his head. Out of which leaped fbobluftely a valiant damfell armed at all poyntes , vvhdmfceino Vul- cane fofau* & comely .lightly leaping to be^proforred her fome cortefic,which the Lady difdeigBing, fhakedher fpeireathim , and thrcatned his faucraefle. Therefore fuch flrauugeneffe is well appryed to her. Ayiipage.) order. Tydcs) feafons. Charme ) temper and order . forCharmcs were wont tobcraadeby vcrfaasOuid fyth. Aut G carmimbus. Emblcme. October fol\/^ Emblcvne. H«*t>> is meatw,as alfo in the whole courfe of this ^glogue, that Poetry is a diuine in fcnet and vnnatural rage parting the reache of cornen reafon.VVhom Pjers an- fwaeth Epiphonematicos as admiring the excellency of thefkyll whereof in Cuddie fee hadde alreadye haddea taftc. J\Qouember. JEgloga ^vndecima, ARGVMENT. ttN^tbis xi. £glogut bebcTtayleth tbc death offome mayden of gredte 7 bloud,7vbom be calletbtrace, Cmcng tfce ffjqaebearos ftuames msp ape remain?, SSl^ccber r&ee lift ti>p lone o !a0e aouaunee, $)) (jcno? f 4« iuftf» bpmnes of fcig&er being, Colin. r be nor.noto nis ebe time of meriinake, J5oj P 4n co berpe,no? ioit& loue to plepe: ft>ifce mp?tb in sj^ap is meeteff fo? to make, JD j fummer fljaoe bnoe ^as 1 tf>ac etter toorot, $et like Q»c Sja^ tiot left bebfooe 31 toeene, Ond if tbcu totitMnaple mp ttofull tenet 31 iban" to $uie ponoCoOet foj tbp papne: j8ho if tip rentes as rotonn ano tufull bene, a-s tbofe tbatoto ibp%ofalind complapne, $£ucb greater gpfca foj gueruon tljou Q»alc pptte, Often Ktooe oj ColTet, tobicb 31 tbee bpnempt: $ben up 31 fap,tl;ou tollp (bepebearo ftoapne, let not mp final! oemauno be 6 contempt. Colin. Tbmot to tbat 3! cboofr- ,tbou ooeft me tempt, 35nt ab to toefl 3 toote mp bumble baine, £no botoe mp rpmes bene ruggeo ano tonkempt? $>et a* 31 corate,mp canning 31 mill ttrapne. \7 lp tben Melpomene tbcu moutnefulft flpufe of npne, v &ucb caufe of mourning neuer baott afoje: tip grMte (jbotteg ano toy mp rufulj rpme, fatter of mp?tb now fbalt tljou bane no rno?c. jfo? oeao (bee ts,tbat mpjtb tbeemabe of po'je* ®ido mp oeare alas in oeao, Deao ano Ipetb tonapt in lean: t> beaute |perfe, Let dreaming teares be poureo out in So?e i OcaccfttUtocrfe. febepbearosybat bppour flocfos on Eentffb oottmes" abpoe, CQJaile pe tbis ttoftill toafte of natures toarfee: ZSXtkiXz toe tlje U}igbt,tt)bofep?efence tows our p?poe : GOaile toe'tbe'totp;ljt,njboreabffnce is! our carfce, %\)t fonne of all tbe tojo?lo ts oimme ano Darke: 3Dbe eartb nobj lacks ber \ronteo ligbc, &no all toe oujcU in oeaoty nigbt, * © beaute bcrfe, fyttfatot our pppes,toat (tyilo as lotooe a* JLarkf, ©careftiUberfe* Jtyuember. Wfy? Doe toe longer line, (afj tob? Hue toe Co long) fca&efe better cape* x?eatb ^at^ Oju J bp in tooe.* W$z fapjcff flour e our gp?lono all cmocg, *M fanes quite ano into &&£ pgee. &fcg notn pe $ff$e&&* sjatta^ terjsf, Gng no mot ^e fonjs t^ae Cc&» mane in ber p?a'pfe, 55ug into toeepiog inrne pour fejamon (aye?, £D beanie frerfe) Jf2aS» 10 time to ape. j&sp time toaa Ions ?£<** © carefull bet(e« 2S3bcnce feiMbat tbe Bouret of cbe 5elb bot& fa&e, 3no Ipetb 6urpeo long in STXinters bale: ^et foone act fpjfeg bid mantle ootb'Oifplape, 3lcflouretb freft),83 it ujoulo neuer &pie/ 35ut tbtng; on eartb tbat teof moft abafle, 38 octtues bjauncb ano beauties bunoe* ttelfoennotfojanpgooo. © bsauie btEfe, €&e bjauncb once &eao,tbe bub&e efce neebetf mud quatle* ©cacefullbetfe. fc&e tofcfle t&c biajS^Ctbat toa«,a tooful toojo to fapne) 4F oj beautieiS pjapfe ano plefaunce bao no pere: feo toeli (be court) tbe (bepbetc* entertapne, SStitb cakes ano cratfcneHa ano fucb countrp cbcre. &t booulD u)e (come tbe Gmple ibepbearois fiaame, jf oj u)e tobnlo cal bcm oftenbeme 9nO giue bcm euros auD clouteo Creame. j© beauieberte, Sfe Co//» c/(u<^ u;e tooulo not once oifoapne* 2D carefull berfe* But notoe fifee bappp cbeere i« tnrno to beaut e rfjattnee , feucb pleafaunce noto bifplait bp bolojis oihr tljou greate (bepfjearD L great t's $p grtcfe, ©a&tfe bene rije nofegapes tfoat ^eotgljt foj t&ea Cfce coIoucd ctjaplets te?ou($e uut!j a cfciefe, ^fce fendcteu ruibr(ngs 3 anb gtlte i&oferoaree.' jfo? ujee Deemeo noting too Deere foj t^ee* 3fj tljep bene all pclan in clap, £>ne bitter Mat! bletoe nil atuap, ©fceauieljerfe, hereof nought remapnes but t&e memojec. • Q carefull berfe* Sp me t&atbjcerte Deatb $ou!o fftt&e To mojtaJI ifrek, ^;bat can bnboe Dame natures ktnnlp coarfei tEfje faoeb locker fall fromtfce iofrie oke, ^fje floubg bo gafps, fo| b^eb (3 tfcep? fburfe, QLm Souds flf teares tee fa tljep? ffeab perfojfe* ^e mantleo mtsa&rjg mmtme 3 ttjjep* fenbjp colours; tojuse. JD&eaute&erfe, C$t fceauens bee mdt fa teases uu't&ow rem^lh carfefisll betfe* tr&e feeble flocks fa fido rcftife tfceft former foobe, $nb foang tljepj beaos,as t&ep tooulb learne to tucepe : r €$z beafe in fcjeit toapie as tljep toere tooobe, Crcept tf>e 2BoUies,rf)at cljafe tfce toanbung C&eepe: Jftoto fye is gon tfjat fafelp \>in Ijem fceepe, W)t turtle on t&e bareb bjauntfr, laments #e toounb,t&at beatfc bfc launch SMjcauieljetfe, Unb Tkilomtle be r fong &rit& teares botj> fleece* SO tmMl wrfe* SJ\Q)U€mher. <%ht taster J!3pmpb«,tbae toont umfc ber toting ami Datmce, #no foj Ijtr o;irlon&©ltue bjauncbe* bearc, jftotu bakfull bougbes of Cppjes born anuaunce.- ^be $£ufes,tl;at were toont greenc bapes to locate, jRovu tymgcn bitter CfDjetyatwc&e* feare, ^befotail ftftera eke repent, $cr uftatll tbjebe fa fooue toa s fpent. ©beauic berfe, Spomc noto mp spufc,notB mope toitfj &eauie cjjeare* © careful! berfe. C trufflefle ffate of cartblp tbinga,ano flipper hope ©f mortal men, tbat ftuincke ann folate foj nougbt, 9nu (booting toioc&oe miffe tlje marfceb fcope* jfroU) bane I Uarno (alelTon oerelp bougbt) ^ijatnpg on eartb aflfuraunce to be (ougbt: jf oj UJijat nugljt be in eartbUe moulo, CbatotobrrburiebboDp boulo. ©fjeauie berfe, 2>et faU) 31 on tbebeare tofeen it toas bjougljt © careful! berfe. T5M maugretieatb,arrt>&?eaDeb fiffers oeaclp fptgljt, 9 negates of Ijcl, ano fprie furies fojfe: &bc bad; tlje bonos biokc ottternaU nt'gbi, H;er foute bnboDieo of tlje imrDcnojus cenpfe. ftlllip tben ujecpes Lobbin fo uritbout remote t © Lobb,tbp loCTe no longer lament, £>tDo nis ocao } but into Ueaucn bent, ©bapppe berfe, Ceafe uoto mp 99ufe,noin ceafe tljp forjoloea fourfe, ©topfull berfe, GEtbp uiaple toe tben/ tobp tocarp toe t&e (Sodjs toitlj plapntf, 3s if fome.emll toereto bee bettgbt t &be raignes a goBDelTe note emong tbe fatntes, ^:bat tobtfome toaa tbe fapntof ffjeubcarbs lijfot: &no tg enftallcD notec in Ijeaucns ijigbt, 31 fe^tfoe bteuWoule,31 fee, 22la(fce in EUjian fieloes fo free. Z> IjapppVtfej S$tg!>t3l once come to tyee (© t&at 31 m($t) SDiopfaUberfe. dntoife ano tojetcbefi men ta toeete u$ats goou o? td, ftUeueemiz of Beatl) as ooome of ill Defert : 'Burhnetoc w fooles, Ui^ac ft bs binges bnttl, jDpe toottto toecaplpjOnce it to expert. Mo oaunger tfoere tbe fljepJfSearo caiwffert: if ap?c fielDes ano pleafatmt lapes tfoere bene, Cbe fie toes ap fre(M;e graffe ap greene: £> bappp berfe, ^akeljaftpe fyepbeatosjtljet&er to reuert, ©topfull berfe. Qtdo is gone afo?c (boljofe tume (&afl be t&e ne jctf) ^tjere Ituee foee uiitb tbe blefTeo (Sods in bliffe, ^ere OJtnckS flje Nectar fcttb Jmbrofta mijet, ^ no topca ent'opes,tfcat mo? tall mm Doe mifle. £be bono? nott) of big&eff gotrs Oje is, ^bat lubdome teas pot>?e ftjepbearos pjp&e, ftHtnle bere on eactb fye oio abpoc. © bappp Ijerfe, Ccafle nonj nip fong,mp toornoU) toatfeo is. 2) topftm* uerft. Thcnot. 3p tranche Qjepbearo, bote bene tbp wtfes meinc €2Jtrtj Doolful pleafannce,(b as 31 ne tootte, Sfaljetljec reiopce o? tneepe fo? great conftrainee.' ^bpne be tbe coffette,U]ell ball tbouut gotte. (Up Co/mbp,pnougb tbou mo?neo baft, Jftoto gpones to mf#Ie,bpc toe fcometoaro fad. Colins Embleme. La mort ny mord* K< mher. GLOSSE. louifauncc) myrth. Souenaunce) remembraunce. Hoic)!icnouP» Wclked) fhortned or empayred.As the Moone being in the waineisfaydeof Lidgacc to welk. In lowly lay)according to the feafon of the monethNoucmber,when the fonnc draw- eth bw in the Sdutb toward his Tropick or rcturne. Infilhes lufke) the fonne, reigneth that is, in the (igne Pifces all Nonember.a Uafkc is a wicker pad,wheretn they vfetocary fifn. Virelaies) a lightkindof fong. Bee vvatrcd) For it is a faying of Poetes,that they haue dronk of the Moles wefl Cafllias, whereof was before fufncientlyfayd. Drcrimcnt) dreeryandheauychecre. The great fhepheard) is fomv man of high dcgiec,and not as fbme vainely fuppofe God Pan. The pcrfon both of the (hepheardc and of Dido is vnknowen and clofely buried m the Authors conceipt.Bur out of doubt I arn , that it is nocRofalind, as fome imaginifor he fpeakerh (bone after of her alfo. Shenc) fayre and ll uning. May) for may de. Tene) forrpw. Guerdon) reward. Bynempt) becjuethed. Coflet) a lambe brought vp without the dam.Vnketnpt)tnc6pri Not corned, that is rude & vnhanfome. Melpomene) The fadde and waylefull Mufe vfcd of Poets in honor of Tragedies;as Cutis Virgile Melpomene Traguo prodamat mcftaboatu. Vp gnefly gofts) Themaner ofTragica'l Poetes, to call for hclpe of Furies and damned ghoftes'.fb is Hecuba ofEuripides,and Tantalus brought in of Seneca. And the reft of the reft. Herd") is die lolcmne obfequie in funcralles. Waft of) decay of fo beautiful! a. peect . Carke) care. Ah why; an elegant alio (bone after, nay rime was Ion? ago. flouret) a dimumtme for a little floure.Tlus is a notable and fen tenuous comparifon A minoreadrruios. Rcliucn not) hue not again* .£ not in dieyr earthly bodiesrfor in heaucn they enioy thri* due reward. The braunch) He meaneth Dido,who being,as it were the may ne braunch now wi- thered the buddes that is beautie(as"he fayd afore)can nomore fl6uri]h. With cakes) fit for (hephearcU bankets. Heamc) for home, after the northerne pronouncing. T u '^) deyed or ftayned. The gaudic) the meaning is,that the things,which were the ornaments of her ryfc,are made the honot of her funerall,as is vfed in bin nils. Lobbin) the name of a fhepherd, which feemtth to haue bene the buer & dcere fiends of Dido. Rufhrings) agreeable for fuchbafc gyftes Faded lockes) dryed lcaues. As if Nature her felfe bewayled the death of the Mayde. Soutft) fpring. Mantled medowes) for the fondry flowres are like * Mantle or couerlct wrought with marry colours. Philomele ) the Nightingale . whomethe Poetes fame once to haue bene a Ladyc, of great beaoty,tiU being rauifixd by hir fitters huf bande^he defied to be rar- fh(ouemhr. fot.$$ tied Into a byrd oFher namp.whofe complaintcs be very well fct forth of Ma • George Gaf kin a wittie gentleman,and the very chefe of our late iymers,who and if fomc partes of lcaraiug wanted not (albee it is well knovven he altogy- ther wanted notkarning)no doubt would haue artayned to the excellencye of thofe famous Poets. For gifts of wit and naturall pJotnpthcfie appcare in hym aboundantly. Cyprefle) vfed of the old Paynims in the (tixnilhing of their funerall Pompe.and proper- ly the of all (brow and heauineffc. Thefatall fitters) Ootho Lachefis and Atropodas,ughte«of Hercbus and the Nighcc, whom the Poetes fayne to fpmne the hie oftnan^as it were a long threde,which they drawe out m length,uu his fatal hoyvre & timely death be comejbutif by other eafualtie his dayes be abndged,then one of them,that is A tropos,is feydc to haue cut the thredc in twain. Hereof commeth a common vcrfe. Clotho colum baiulat,lacheu$ trahitjAtrhpos occat. truftkfle) a gallant exclamationmoralizedvvith great wifedom and pafiionate wyth gtearafFeeuon. Beare) a frame^wheron they vie ro lay the dead corfe. Furies) of Poetes be feyned to be three,Pcrfephone Alc&o and Mcgcra,which are iay4 to be the Autbburs of all cuill and mifchiefc. Eternall might) Ts death or darkneffe of bell. Bet ight) happened, 1 fee) A huely Icon, orreprefentation as if he few her in heauenprcfent. Elyjian tieldes) be deuifed of Poetes to be a place of pleaftire bke Paradife,where the Sap pye foules doe reft in peace and eternal happynefle. .Dye would) The very eprefle faying of Plato in Phsedoae, Aftert] befall vnvvares. Nector and Ambrofia) be feigned to be the drfolc and foode of the gods: Ambrofia they liken to Manm in fcripture and Ncftar to be white bke Creme, whereof is a proper tale of Hebe, that fpilt a cup of it, and fhyned the heauens,as yet appea Kth But I haue already difcourfed that at large in my Commentaryc vpon the dreamcsofthefameAuthour. Meynt) Mingled, Erhblcme. Which iJ as much ro fay, as death bitethnot.For although by courfcofnature we be Dornetodye,and being ripened with age, as with a timely harucft.wc muft be gathered in timc,or els of our fclucs we fall like rotted ripe fruite fro the tree: yet death is not to be counted foreuil, nor (as the Poete fayd a little before) as doome ofill defert) For though the trespafle of the firft man bro tight death in to the wor!d,as the guerdon of finne,yet being ouercome by the death of one, that dyed for al,it i s now made (as Chaucer fay th) the grene path way to lyfe. * So that it agreeth well with that was fdyd,that Death by teth not (that is)huc- tcthnotatalL ^December. JEgloga 'Duodecim a. ARGVMENT. THis £ghgue.(euenastbe{irslbeganne)if ended "toitb acomplayntt of Coltnto God fan.tpberem as Weary of his former ^iayes, he pro* portionetb b'u life to the four* feafons of the yeare, comparing by s youth f to tbefpring t'me&ben he "toas frefh and free from kuesfollye. Bis man* boodetotbe fommer&bhb befaytbstoasconfumedyitbgreaU be ate and excejftue droutbtaufed tbroughea Comtt or blafmge starre^ by^fbichhee mcanetb hue^bicb pajfiojt-U c.omenly compared to fob flames and immo- derate beate . His riper year es bee refemblethto an \njeafonable baruefte Tvbeuintbe fruites fall ere they be rype. Wis latter age to winters cbyllw froftiefeafonwto drawing ware to* his Ids! ende. $e gentle (foepfeeatD fatte frcttoe a fpjfoge, 3ilmtbefbadotoeofabuQ)peb?ere, %\)Kt Colin fcig&tito&fcb lucl couto ppp'e ana ftnge, fot be tfTityrus fjte fottgS DID Utt, %\nn ag be facte in recreate; IfcaDe atone, Zlm gaa (jewafce en«te W piteous monc. ^December. fol.4.9 ® fbuffatpe Tm tbou Otoo of fljepbecirsg all, ©ttljtcb ot our tenocr lambkuts tafceft kcepe? 9no ujljcn our flock? into tmfcbaunce mottgSii faff, Doctt fauc from mtfefriefe tbe umnarp fljecpe: afe-of t&eir maifferas baa no IcOc regaroe, ^:(;cn of tlje flock&toJlj idj tfrou ooctf luatclj.ano toaros 9 tljce ogrec&e (fo be tbou oefgne to foeate, Huoe otcttea tunMo fyepbearw Oaten leeoc, 32D? if H e tier fonc t forig fo deare, 3* it nritb jrfeafaunce mongbt tbp fancte f eeoe) hearken atomic from tfep grccne cabinet, ^tjcrutafl fong of carcfuli Colinec. ^t^i!omemj»otit^tobcn floip^o mp fopmnffrmg, like gMallott) ftmft 31 BjanojeD Jjcre ano tfcere; «tf o? Ireace ofljceDlefle luff me fo did fffog, ^at 31 of ooubteo oatmger (jao no feare. 31 toenc tbe toaffefaH toob&ea ano fcjett tnpoe. &Llitl;outen Djeaue of GLtolues to bens efppeo, 31 toone to rating? ampboe tbe majfe tjtckttte, 8m> ffatfjer nuttcjs to make mc eb?fftraas garnet 3no fopeo oftto c&ace t&e trembling l&icket, J2D? bunt t&e l;a«lefre&are,tfl t&ce-toere tame* e®ljat t»?eakefr3f of tointrpe ages tna&e, ^&ooeeme&3!,mp fp?mg tomtto euer latte. $oto often Ijaue 3f fcaleo tfje craggie £>ke, &Uto oiOocge t&e Hauenof bet neffe: l£)otoe&a«e 31 toearteo tm'tb manp a aroke, ^be ffatelp Walnut tree,t&e Mule tbe reft Ctn&er tbz free fell alrfo? nuts at ttrife: tfo? pltke to me tuaa libertce ano Ipfe. 8nto fo? 3 teas tn tbiTke fame roofer pearetf, (STtbetbet t\jt spr^fo iD?ctxorljt me from mp&trtf , ffij 31 tomuel; belccueo mp ffjepbetaperes) Sfeome&ele pbent to fonp; ano mafic U mirtjj* ^December* 3 gooo trtue tye pbearoe,**' renoc j^ *aaa ^ts name, SpoDt me up artemoje canning in tbe fame. j?ro tbcnce 31 outff m netting to compare ftftitb 0)epbearDgfteapne,tDbat euerfeooe in Sells: SLnD if tijat HoMiao/rigbtuiOgementbare, %a Tan bte otone felfe pppe inteDe not piefo. jFo? if tbe flocking Bpmpbss oio folotu ?*«, ^;be oiifer spufeg after Colin ranne. •But ab fuel) y?ptic at lengtb mast in repapoe, ^be ibepbeatos (600 (peroie eU) %\)t raging fpje>tbatninoIeo at to tap. 3 comctt ft iro op tljat onkmolp beate, tbat reigiieo (as men fapo ) inVenus feate* JFe?tb tea*3l leooe,not as 31 ttont ftfojft, eaben-cbotfe 31 bao to rijoofe nip manojutg roape: TBat O^e^tbet lack anO Iou'ca bnbjiDlelj loje CfiXouto Icaoe me fojtb on JFantteS bitte to piape. ^ijebufb »*P beooe,tbe gamble toajs mp batore, %\z (KHoooes can toitnette man? a ivofuil ff oto?e * Cfllbere 31 toast toont to fecke tbe bonep Bee, 8£to?ktng bet fojmaU rotoine* in flUeren frame: ^Ue grieflic ^obeffoofc grottme tbere mougbt 31 fe 8 mi loatbeo 19aooockst losing on tbe fame. £r.o tobcre tbrc&annttug biros iulome a fleepe, %^z gbadlie ©uric &cr grieuoug pnne ootb feeepe. ^cn December. foLjo ^Trjen agilje fpjf nge gtueis place to ctocr rtmc, gnu tyingctb fojtb t^e firut^e of fommerg pjpse: aifonu^age nolo paffeo poungtblp p?pme, ^o tbmges of rpper reafon ftffe applpeo* Sao learno of ligbter timber cocejs Co frame, S>ucb as migbt faue mp fl;expe ano me fro $antt# 3Co make fine cages fo? r&e jiftgbttngate, Sno ^af-feeta of bulruujefifcjas nip fewnt: £Obo to entrappe tbe rlflj in tm'not'ng fate ULUs better feene,o? -burtful beaftcs to boat/ 31 learner ate tlje fignea of beauen to ken, tymTh<£befayi\z&$fyzxtretius Gttesano tofoetu 8no trpeu tune pet taugbttne greater tbingeg, ^Cbefooain rpSng of tbe ragtag feas: Clje (botbe of bpjos bp beating of tbetr brings , ©be poitfer of berbSjbotb &>bicb can ljurt aifo eafe: ^nDtnbtcb be toont to ten rage tbc rcSIefte tyeepe, anotn&tclj be icon t to tuo?fte eternal! fleepe. ^utabfcntofleano tmtleXTe Colin chute, fe&ac ftpofftbe (n'ooen ktnoe of raanp a roeoe: get fepoft not ene to cure tbpfoje bart roote, GZJbafe rancJMmg uioumi an pet Does rtfclpe bleeoe* ££lbp Itueff tbou ftil, ano pet ball tbpoeat&ea toouno/ C^bpopeft t&oit fefl, ano pet aline art fomroe/ ^Ijus" U mp fommer toome atoap anD roafteo, 3Tbu3 is mp baruefi baffeneo all to ratbe : ^be eave tbat bauoeo fatre,i0 burnt $ blafteo, &m> ajl mp foopeo gatne is tttrno to fcatije. £)fafltbe(eebe,tbatinmp poutb ma* fotonr, OTags-nougbt but brakes auo gambles to be motonr. 89p bougies tottb bioofmes tbat crotoneo tocre at Brtte, 3no p^mtfeo of ttmelpirutte Gieb ttoje, &re left botb bare ano Darrein note at erff : ^e flawing fruite in fallen to grotono before. December. Sno rotteD,ere tbep toere fyalfrmeftoto ripe: spp Earned fcoatf >mp bope atuap Dpo tmpe* $$e fragrant floln?es,tbat tn mp gar&en gretoe, Bene tou(jereo,as trjep bao bene gatbereo long. ' ^Jjep? rootes bene fijpeo bp fojt lacfee of oeme, jDet nelnea tritb teares cbep ban be euer among . " 3b tnfjo bag tnjougbt mp \oUlind tbia fpfgbc €o fpil tbefloiwc^tbat Qjauto bet gfrtono oigbt, 9nn 3i,tbat tobtiome toont to frame nip pppe, Onto tlie drifting of tbe ujepbeatua foore: &>ikt follies notoe baue gatbereo as too ripe, 3ntJ call fjem out , as rotten ano bnfoote. ^Lfce Infer lade 31 eatt to pleafe nouioje, One if 3! pleafe,enougb ia me tberefoje. 2no tbusof all mp barucft bope 31 baue JRougbt reaper* but a tueeope crop of caret £Kbtcb,toben 31 tbougbe baue tbjeflu in Cuitfroig fycauc, Cocfeel foj co^nej ano cbaffe (o) barlep bare. &>oone as tbe cbaffe Ojoulo in tbe fan befpno, £11 mas blouiue ainap of tbe toauering lopoo. S>o nolo mp peare tyatnes to W latter terme, fipp fpjingisfpent,mp fomuier burnt top quite: Sj£p baruefte bafts to ftirre up tomter Ccrne, 8no bios t)im clapme imtb rigorous rage bps rigbc» feo nouie be fto?mcs untb manp a fturop (lotrrei &o noU) bis blulrr ing Mali eclje code ootb fcoure. ^Hfjc careful! cofts bacb npptmp ruggeo rpnoe, 8no in mg face oeepe futrou>es elo bacb pigbt: 9Bp beau befpjent uritb boarp frott % fpno, 9uo bp m j>ne eie tbe Crata (j is thw oooib tojtgfjr* Delifibt is lapo abeooe,ano pleafure paft, Jfto foitm nooi (biues,cIouoes ban an ouereatf. jf5otuteatte pe fbeybearus bopes ponrmerrp gles, JOp SWfttl boarfe ano toearp of tbps ftoimoe: forte 'December. fol.fl tym toifl33 bang mp pppe fcpon to c?«, £&as neuer uppe of rem did better faunae. &Hinter ts come, cl;ac WotDcs t^e tot ter blafte, 8nD after Winter Dreerte ocaty uoea baft. Matter pe together mp little floche, $^p little (!ocfe,tbat ttms to me fo liefer JLet me,alj lettemein pour folos pelocfe, Cre tbe b?eme Winter bjmc pou greater grlefe , Winter is come,tbat blomes tbe baleful! bjeacijj 8no after Winter commcttj ttmelp oeatb,. 3m'eu De!igbtes,tuat Julleo me afleepc, Qnieu mp oeare.mbofe lone 31 bougbt fo Deare: Quieu mp lutle lambes ano toueo fljeepe, Sm'eu pe QHooues ttyat oft mp ttmnefle mere: 9oieu gooo Hobbtnol, ttjat \uas fo true, %z\\%ofalmd,\)tT Calm btDs her aoieu , Cohns Emblcme. k tasf c8$f wss* (WTmmB n& GLOSS £. Tttytus) Chaucer as hath bene oft fayd. Lambkins) young lambes. Als ofthen)SemethtoexprciTe Virgils vcrfe Tan curat ouesoummqucrnagulros. Deigne) voutchiafe. Eabinet) Colinct) dimi nutines. Matte) For they be like to a maze whence it i s hard to get out agayne. Peres) felo wes and compani ons. Muiick)that is Poetry as Terence fayth O tn artem tradanrfnuficara/peking of Poetes. Dernng doe) afore fayd. Lions houfe)He imagineth (imply that Cupid, which is lou? ,had his abode in tbe whotc fignc Leo,vvhich is in middeft of lomcr;a pretie allegory,whereof the meaning 15,'thar loue in him wrought an rttraordinane hcatc of luit, His ray) which Is Cuptdes bcame or flames of Lone. A Comttt) a Dialing ftarre,meant of bcautic, which was tbecaufeof his vvh-teloue. Venus) the goddefle of beauty or pleafurc. Alio a fignc m it is here taken . So he meaneth that beauoe,which hath alwayes afpect to VenuSjWas the caufc of ail his vnquiernes in loue. Whece I was) a fine diictiption of the cliaunge of hys lyfe and likingjfbr all things no<*e Teem t d Ttecewiber. feemed tohym to haue altered their kindly courfev Lording)Spoken after the mancr of Paddocks and Frogges fitting which is indeed LotcU ly,not femouing nor looking once a fide, vnleffe they befturred. Then a?) I he fecond part. That is his manhoode. Cotes) Ihccpecotcs. forfuchberheexercifes offhepheards. Sale) or Salow a kind ofyvoodde like Wyliow , fit to wreath and byndc in leapes to catch fifh withal!. Phasbe fiyles) The Eclipfe of the Moone,which is alwayes in Cauda or Capite Draco- nis,figncs in heauen. Venus) *f. Venus ftarre v othervvife called Hefberus and VefperandLucifer,bothbecaufc he fecmcth to be one of the brighter* (tarres,and alio fiift ryfeth and fetteth laft. All which full in ftarres being conuenienrfor fhepheardes toknowe as Theo- critus and the reft vfe. Raging feacs) The caufc of the fwelh'ng and ebbing of the lea commeth of the courfe of theMoone,fometimeencreafing,fomfetime way ning and decreasing. Sooth of byrdes) A kind of (both faying vfed in elder tymcs,which they gathered by the flying of byrds;Firft(as is fayd) niuentcd by the TbufcaneSinnd fro thejm dcriucd to the Romanes, vvho(as is fayd \n Liuie) were fofuperftiuoufly rooted in the fame,that they agreed that euery Noble man fbouldput^ns fonne to the Thuk canes ,by them to bebroughr vp in tbar knowledge. Ofhcrbcs ) That vvonderous tfunges be wrought by herbe$,a(vvell appeareth by the common working of them tn our bodieS,as alfo by the wonderful enchaunt- ments andfbrcerjes thachaue bene wrought by themjinfomuch that it is (aydc that Circe a famous fprcercfle turned me into fondry kinds of beaftes &Mon- fters',and onely by herbesras thePoete fay th Dea feua potentibus hetiis &c Kidft) kneweft. Eare) of come. Scathe) lofTehinderaunce. Euer among) ftierandanone. This is my) The thyrdc parte wherein isfet forth his ripe yeres as an vntknely harueft, that bringcth little fruite. The fligraunt flo\ vrcs)fundry ftudies and laudable partes of learning, wherein how our Poete is feene,be tney wttneffe which are priuie to his ftudy. So now my yeere) The laft part, wherein is described bis age by comparifon of wyntrye ftormes. Carefull cold)for care is fayd to coole the blood. Glee mirth) Hoary fro ft) A metaphore qf hoary beares fcattredlyke to a gray froft. Kreeme) fharpe andbitter. Adiew delights), is a condufion bfall.where in fixe verfeshe comptebendeth briefly all that vvas touched in this booke.In thefirft verfehis delights of youth generally, in the fecondjthe loue of Rofalind 3 ih the thyrd,the keeping of fheepe,which is the argument of all ilsgloguesjn the fourth hi^complamts. And in the laft two Iiis profeffed frendihip arrxd good will toliiigood friend Hobbinoll. Emblemc. The meaning wherof is that alkhinges perifhand come to thcyr laft end 3 but workes of learned wits and monuments of Poeny abide for etier. And the refore Horace ofbis Odes-a work though ful iadede of great wit & learning, yet of no fo grea* weight 'December. /oJ-52 weight and mipomuncc boldly fayth. Exegi monimentum acre perennius, Quod nee imbcr nee aquilo vorax &c . Therefore let not be enuied,that this Poctc in his Epilogue fayth he hath mad aCakwdar.thatihall endureas long as time &c,folowing the enfample ot" H« nee and Ouid in the like. Grande opus exegi quae nee Touis iranec ignis, Nee feruxn nee cdax abolere vc tuitas &a Lot I bam made a Calender for eneryyeare , That Heele in tfr:ngth,and time in d urancejball ottftoeare: Jnd if I marked Veil the Manes reuolution, It {hall cont incite till the Worlds diffohtion. To teach the ruder fbepb ear dholo tofeede his {heepe, jfnd from the fal/ers fraud his folded flocke to keepe, Coe lyttle Calender, thou bail a free pafleparte, Goe but a lovely gate ernongtte the meaner forte.. tDdrenot to match thypype "toitb . Tityrus hys Style, Kor "kith the Pilgrim that t the Ploughman playde aXchyle: $ut fotloVee them fane off ", and their high sleppes adore, Tbt bitter pleafejbc-toOYfedefpife J aj kj nomore. zZMerce non mercedc^. fmprintecf at London by Hugh &ingIttOtt,DUttlKn&m Creeae lane At pbeftgne of the gyldeti Tunnneerevnco Indgacc. J^SE LW ; ;> , RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. JUL 1 7 2003 UCT *920Q3 FORM NO. DD6 50M 5-03 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Berkeley, California 94720-6000 LD9 _20m-10, , 64(E9498s4)4l85 YE 18602 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDm^DEDB