UC-NRLF SB 2^2 EME OF "THE UNIVEBSttY OF . CAUFOB^ 9 / PRICE 15 CENTS. TESTIMONIALS Y TO THE MERITS OP 1 I THOMAS PAINE, AUTHOR OF "COMMON SENSE," "THE CRISIS," "RIGHTS OF MAN/' "ENGLISH SYSTEM OF FINANCE/' "AGE OF REASON," &C., AC, COMPILED BY JOSEPH K". MOREATL The World is my Country, To do Good my Religion." Paints Motto. BURLINGTON, N. J. : P. L. TAYLOR, BOX 118, P. O. 1861. 5 i $g&^ ^ -*e5^ga& h^cr^rxsCJuJ \y CU TESTIMONIALS TO THE MERITS OP THOMAS PAINE, AUTHOR OF "COMMON SENSE," " THE CRISIS/' "RIGHTS OF MAN/' "ENGLISH SYSTEM OF FINANCE," COMPILED BY JOSEPH N. MOREAIF. " The "World is my Country, To do Good my Religion." Paine** Motto. BURLINGTON, N. J.: F. L. TAYLOR. 1861. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-one, by P. L. TAYLOR, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. TO THE REV. M. D. CONWAY, OF CINCINNATI, OHIO, THE FIEST CLERGYMAN WHO HAS HAD THE MORAL COURAGE TO CHAMPION IN THE PULPIT THE CAUSE OF ONE WHOSE FAIR NAME, THOUGH NOW DEFAMED, SHALL ONE DAY DESERVEDLY SHINE FORTH AS THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE AMERICAN GALAXY, THIS LITTLE WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. BY HIS FRIEND, THE PUBLISHER. TO THE READER. The following little work will, perhaps, give you a more high conception of the important and merito- rious services of the " Archimedes of the Eighteenth Century" to mankind, than could be conceived from the perusal of any "Life" of him ever issued from the Press ; for, instead of its being the opinion of one individual, and that opinion perhaps biased, it is a collection of the sentiments of some seventy Historians, Statesmen, Poets, and Divines, many of whom were opposed to his political, and almost all to his theological views. If it in the slightest degree adds to your appreciation of Paine, the object of the compiler will be accomplished. JOSEPH F. MOKEAU. M348033 NOTE BY THE PUBLISHER. Mr. Moreau, having joined the Pennsylvania Volunteers, left the work more incomplete than the publisher desired. In fact, it was exceedingly diffi- cult, from the mass of testimony of like character to make selections of that which might be the most desirable for so small a work. Should Mr. Moreau return from the campaign, a similar pamphlet, con- taining the balance of testimonies, will doubtless be published. TESTIMONIALS TO THE MERITS OF THOMAS IPAHSTE. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON, First President of this great Republic, in a letter to Thomas Paine, inviting that author and patriot to par- take with him, at Rocky-hill, says : " Your presence may remind Congress of your past services to this country, and if it is in my power to im- press them, command my best exertions with freedom, as they will be rendered cheerfully, by one who enter- tains a lively sense of the importance of your works." In his letter to Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, this honored hero writes : " That his Common Sense and many of his Crisis were were well timed and had a happy effect upon the public mind, none I believe who will turn to the epoch at which they were published, will deny. That his services have hitherto passed off unnoticed is obvious to all." "Washington to Gen. Joseph Reed, March 1776 : " By private letters which I have lately received from Virginia, I find that " Common Sense" is working a pow. erful change there in the minds of many men." " A few more such flaming arguments as were exhibit- ed at Falmouth and Norfolk, added to the sound doc- 8 trine and unanswerable reasoning contained in the pamphlet " Common Sense/' will not leave numbers at a loss to decide on the propriety of a separation/' Gen. Washington, to Joseph Reed, dated Cambridge, Jan. 31, 1776. JOHN ADAMS, The Second President of the United States, who spared no occasion to underrate Thomas Paine's services, and to assault his opinions and character, the transparent mo- tive being a jealousy to be considered himself the great- est mover of the ball of Independence, thus writes to his wife on the 19th of March, 1776 : " You ask me what is thought of Common Sense. Sen- sible men think there are some whims, some sophisms, some artful addresses to superstitious notions, some keen attempt upon the passions, in this pamphlet. But all agree there is a great deal of good sense, delivered in clear, simple, concise and nervous style. His sentiments of the abilities of America, and of the difficulty of a re- conciliation with Great Britain, are generally approved." THOMAS JEFFERSON, The third President of the United States, and the writer of the glorious "Declaration of Independence," thus speaks of the "Author Hero," who first suggested it, in a letter to Francis Eppes : " You ask my opinion of Lord Bolingbroke and Thomas Paine. They were alike in making bitter enemies of the priests and pharisees of their day. Both were 9 honest men; both advocates for human liberty. * * * These two persons differed remarkably in the style of their writing, each leaving a model of what is most perfect in both extremes of the simple and the sublime. ]S r o writer has exceeded Paine in ease and familiarity of style, in perspicuity of expression, happiness of eluci- dation, and in simple and unassuming language. In this he may be compared with Dr. Franklin." In 1801, in a letter to Paine tendering him a passage to the tJnited States from Prance, in a national vessel, Jefferson writes : "I am in hopes you will finc[ us returned generally to sentiments worthy of former times. In these it will be your glory to have steadily labored, and wkh as much effect as any man living. That you may long live to continue your useful labors and to reap the reward of the thankfulness of nations, is my sincere prayer." JAMES MADISON, The Fourth President of the United States, and ex- pounder of the Constitution. In 1784, a bill was brought before the Yirginia Legislature, proposing to give Mr. Paine a tract of land on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. It was defeated by a single vote. Monroe stated that it would have been carried in his favor, had he not written " Public Good." It was this that called forth the following from Madison to Wash- ington : u Whether a greater disposition to reward patriotic and distinguished exertions of genius will be found on any succeeding occasion, is not for me to predetermine. Should it finally appear that the merits of the man whose writings have so much contributed to infuse and 10 foster the spirit of Independence in the people of Ame- rica are unable to inspire them with a just beneficence, the world, it is to be feared, will give us as little credit for our policy as for our gratitude in this particular." "I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe in the equality of man ; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and en- deavoring to make our fellow creatures happy." (Thomas Paine. See "Age of Reason.") JAMES MONROE, The fifth President of the United States. The follow- ing extract is from a letter written by this gentleman to Paine, previous to the release from the Luxembourg of "the Apostle of Liberty": "It is necessary for me to tell you how much all your countrymen I speak of the great mass of the people are interested in your welfare. They have not forgotten the history of their own Eevolution, and the difficult scenes through which they passed; nor do they review its several stages without reviving in their bosoms a due sensibility of the merits of those who served them in that great and arduous conflict. The crime of ingratitude has not yet stained, and I hope never will stain our national character. You are considered by them as not only having rendered important services in our own Revolu- tion, but as being, on a more extensive scale, the friend of human rights, and a distinguished and able advocate in favor of public liberty. To the welfare of Thomas Paine the Americans are not, nor can they be, indif- ferent." 'It is unnatural and impolitic to admit men who would root up our independence to have any share in oar legislation, either as electors or representatives, because the support of our independence rests, in a great measure, on the vigor and purity of our public bodies. (The Crisis, No. 3.) 11 GEN. ANDREW JACKSON, The " Hero of New Orleans/' and the seventh President of the United States, said to the venerable philan- thropist, Judge Hertell, of New York, upon the latter proposing the erection of a suitable monument to Thos. Paine : "Thomas Paine needs no monument made by hands; he has erected himself a monument in the hearts of all lovers of liberty. ' The Bights of 3an,' will be more enduring than all the piles of marble or granite man can erect." THE REPUBLICANS AND REFORMERS Of England, in 1792, looked upon Paine as the true " Apostle of Freedom." They circulated a song to his praise, commencing " God save great Thomas Paine ! His Eights of Man proclaim From pole to pole !" {See Preface, Cheetham's Life of Paine.) " To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavor- ing to convert an Atheist with Scripture." [The Crisis, No. 5.) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Who first introduced Thomas Paine to the new world, says, in a letter he gave the English Exciseman recom- mending him to his son-in-law, Eichard Bache (1774) " The bearer, Mr. Thomas Paine, is very well recom- mended to me as an ingenious, worthy young man. He 12 goes to Pennsylvania with a view of settling there. I request you to give him your best advice and counte- nance. " About 13 years after, Dr. Franklin gave him letters of introduction to several of the most prominent of the French " men of letters." The following is an extract from one to the Due de la Rochefoucauld : " The bearer of this is Mr. Paine, the author of a famous piece entitled Common Sense, published here with great effect on the minds of the people at the beginning of the Revolution. He is an ingenious, honest man ; and as such I beg leave to recommend him to your civilities." TIMOTHY PITKINS, In his Political and Civil History of the United States, says : " Common Sense" produced a wonderful effect in the different Colonies in favor of Independence. REV. SOLOMON SOUTHWICK, Printer, politician and lecturer against Infidelity, and, at one time, the editor and publisher of The Christian Visiter, 'says: "No page in history, stained as it is with treachery and falsehood, or cold-blooded indifference to right or wrong, exhibits a more disgraceful instance of public ingratitude than that which Thomas Paine experienced from an age and country which he had so faithfully served. As the Tintochus of the Revolution, and it is no exaggeration to style him such, we owe everlasting gratitude to his name and memory. Why, then, was 13 he suffered to sink into the most wretched poverty and obscurity, after having, in both hemispheres, so signally distinguished himself as the friend of liberty and man- kind ? Was his religion, or want of religion, the real or affected cause ? Did not those who feared his talents, make his religion a pretext not only to treat him with cold neglect, but to strip him, if possible, of every laurel he had won in the political field, as the brilliant, undaunted and successful advocate of freedom ? As to his religion, or no religion, God alone must be the judge and arbiter of that. No human being, no human tri- bunal, can claim a right even to censure him for it, much less to make it the pretext for defrauding him, either in life or death, of the reward due to his patriot- ism, or the legitimate fame of his exertions in the cause of suffering humanity. Had Thomas Paine been guilty of any crime, we should be the last to eulogize his me- mory. But we cannot find he ever was guilty of any other crime than that of advancing his opinions freely upon all subjects connected with public liberty and hap- piness. If he erred in any of his opinions, since we know that his intentions were pure, we are bound to cover his errors with the mantle of charity. We can- not say here all that we would wish to say. A brief note is insufficient to do justice to so important a sub- ject. We may, however, safely affirm that Paine'* conduct in America was that of a real patriot. In the French Convention he displayed the same pure and disinterested spirit; there his humanity shone forth in his exertions to save, at the risk of his own life, the unfortunate Louis XYI from the scaffold. His life, it is true, was written by a ministerial hireling, who strove in vain to blacken his moral character. The late James Cheetham, likewise, wrote his life; and we have no hesitation in saying, that we knew perfectly 2 14 well at the time the motives of that author for writing and publishing a work which, we have every reason to believe, is a libel almost from beginning to end. In fact, Cheetham had become tired of this country, and had formed a plan to return to England and become a ministerial editor, in opposition to Cobbett, and his "Life of Paine" was written to pave his way back again. We, therefore, presume that he acted upon the principle that the end justified the means. * * * * Had Thomas Paine been a Grecian or Eoman patriot, in olden times, and performed the same public services as he did for this country, he would have had the honor of an Apotheosis. The Pantheon would have been opened to him, and we should at this day regard his memory with the same veneration that we do that of Socrates and Cicero. But posterity will do him justice- Time, that destroys envy and establishes truth, will clothe his character in the habiliments that justly be- long to it. * * * * We cannot resist the disposi- tion to say, that in suffering the home of the author of "Common Sense," "The Crisis," and "The Eights of Man," to lie neglected, in the first place; and secondly, in permitting it to be violated, and his bones shipped off to a foreign country, contrary to all the laws of de- cency and civilization, we have added nothing to the justice or dignity of our national character; and we shall rejoice if impartial history tax us not with a gross departure from both." "The key of heaven is not in the keeping of any sect, nor ought the road to it to be obstructed by any. Our relation to each other in this world is as men, and the man who is a friend to man and to his rights, let his religious opinions be what they may, is a good citizen, to whom I can give, as I ought to do, and as every other ought, the right hand of fellowship." (Pttine's Letter to Samuel Adams, Jan. 1, 1808.) 15 DR. BENJAMIN RUSH, A member from Philadelphia of the Continental Con- gress, and Signer of the Declaration of Independence, gives the following account of the first appearance of "Common Sense": "At that time there was a certain Robert Bell, an in- telligent Scotch printer and bookseller of Philadelphia, whom I knew to be as high-toned as Mr. Paine upon the subject of Independence. I mentioned the pamphlet to him, and he at once consented to run the risk of pub- lishing it. The author and the printer were immedi- ately brought together, and 'Common Sense ; bursted from the press of the latter, in a few days, with an effect which. has rarely been produced by types and paper in any age or country/' "Mr. Paine's manner of life was desultory. He often visited in the families of Dr. Franklin, Mr. Rittenhouse, and Mr. George Clymer, where he made himself accept- able by a turn he discovered for philosophical as well as political subjects." "He (Paine) contributed much in aid of the Revolution by publishing a pamphlet entitled 'Common Sense.'" (Duganne's Comprehensive Summary.) RICHARD HENRY LEE, A distinguished patriot of the Revolution, and who, as member of Congress from Virginia, in 1776, first pro- posed to that body the Declaration of Independence, in returning thanks to General Washington for a copy of the Rights of Man, remarked : "It is a performance of which any man might be proud; and I most sincerely regret that our country 16 could not have offered sufficient inducements to have retained, as a permanent citizen, a man so thoroughly republican in sentiment, and fearless in the expression of his opinion." In a letter of Lee to Washington, dated Chantilly, 22d July, 1784, he says : " The very great respect that I shall ever pay to your recommendations, would have been very sufficient to have procured my exertions in favor of Mr. Paine, inde- pendent of his great public merits in our Revolution. I have a perfect knowledge of the extraordinary effects produced by that gentleman's writings; effects of such an important nature as would render it very unworthy of these States to let him suffer anywhere; but it. would be culpable indeed to permit it under their own eye, and within their own limits. I had not the good fortune to be present when Mr. Paine's business was considered in tho House of Delegates (of Virginia) or, most certainly, I should have exerted myself in his behalf. I have been told that a proposition in his favor has miscarried, from its being observed that he had shown enmity to the State by having written a pamphlet (The Public Good) injurious to our claim of Western territory. It has ever appeared to me that this pamphlet was the conse- quence of Mr. Paine's being himself imposed upon; and that it was rather the fault of the place than of the man. This, however, was but a trifle, when compared with the great and essential services that his other wri- tings have done for the United States." "It is the duty of every man, as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error. But nature has not given to every one a talent for the purpose ; and among those to whom such talent is given, there is often a want of disposition or of courage f -e do it." (Pa hie s Examination of Testament.) 17 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. The following is related by Clio Eickman, the Poet, who was with Paine in France : " When Bonaparte returned (to Paris) from Italy, he called on Mr. Paine and invited him to dinner. In the course of his rapturous address to him, he declared thai a statue of gold ought to be erected to him in every city of the universe, assuring him that he always slept with his book " Eights of Man" under his pillow, and conjured him to honor him with his correspondence and advice." Eickman then remarks on the above : "This anecdote is only related as a fact; of the sincerity of the compliment those must judge who know Bona- parte's principles best." It might be here added, that when Napoleon meditated his invasion of England, by means of gunboats, he se- cured the services of Paine to organize a government if it proved successful. (t Paine was in Washington's camp in December, 1776, and the first number of the ' Crisis' was published. It was read to every Corporal's guard, and its strong and truthful language had a powerful effect in the army and among the people at large." Betij. F. Lossing, in his Meld Book of the Revolution, vol. 2, p. 275, Note. MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES LEE, Fourteen days after the publication of " Common Sense," thus wrote to General Washington : " Have you seen the pamphlet ' Common Sense V I never saw such a masterly, irresistible performance. It will, if I mistake not, in concurrence with the transcend- ent folly and wickedness of the ministry, give the coup 18 de grace to Great Britain. In short, I own myself con- vinced by the arguments of the necessity of separation." General Lee, speaking of the wonderful effects of Paine's writings, said, that " He burst forth on the world like Jove in thunder l" John Adams says that Lee used to speak of Paine as " the man with genius in his eyes." WILLIAM MASSET, In his History of England, says: "Thomas Paine's pamphlet, Common Sense, in which the new doctrines of liberty and equality were broadly taught, was published in .America, in January, 1776, and had an immense circulation. " Extract from a letter from a gentleman in Charleston, S. C, dated February 14, 1776: " Who is the author of Common Sense ? I can hardly refrain from adoring him. He deserves a statue of gold." Pennsylvania Journal, March 27, 1776. CHARLES WILSON PEALE, In a letter to Silas Deane, dated Philadelphia, July 28, 1779, says: "Believing Mr. Paine to be a firm friend to America, and by personal acquaintance with him, gives me an opportunity of knowing that he had done more for our common cause than the world, who had only seen his publications, could know, I thought it my duty to sup- port him." 19 AARON BURR, In his compendium of the "Life of Paine," (New York, 1837) Gilbert Yale says: "In reply to a query which we recently put to Col. Burr, as to Mr. Paine's alleged vulgarity, intemperance and want of cleanliness, as disseminated by those who wished it true, he remarked with dignity, * Sir, he dined at my table.' Then, am I to understand he was a gen- tleman? ' Certainly, sir,' replied Col. Burr, ir reprcssiblr, to Actual Freedom; and showing ALibertu-Aim Connection in the action of the World's Three n?u fc Author-Heroes Rousseau, Paine and Comte. By the Author of eau^nf Z fr^T^o WW J ^'^^ly engraved Portraits of Rous- seau, Paine, and Comte. 12mo cloth, m PAINE'S THEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL WORKS*" (with Life) 2 vols., 12mo ' * 9 ftn PAINE'S POLITICAL WORKS, 1 vol" Itoo 1 00 PAINE'S THEOLOGICAL WORKS, (with LifeTf vol" 12mo v ; '' 1ft n PAINE'S AGE OF REASON, in ppr:'cover725e.';*'in'cloTh,' 37 *~A11 the above Works have just been published on large, new type, on verv fine paper, and in substantial binding, and sent by mail Free of Postage. Y MOSS, BROTHER & CO., Booksellers aad Ef&tlo&ers, MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK, ACCOUNT & MEMORANDUM BOOKS, JVo. 430 Jflarhet Street, Phitadetphia, Publish, and will send to any address, free of postage, on receipt of price: THOMAS PAINE'S POLITICAL AND THEO- LOGICAL WORKS. New and improved edition, complete in 2 vols , 12mo, cloth, with Steel Portrait and View of his Monument at New Rochelle Price, $2 50 Either Volume separately << \ 2fo 1 PAINE'S AGE OP REASON. 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