BY-LAWS OF THE BOARD OP REGENTS THE UNIVERSITY OE CALIFORNIA, JUX^Y, 1874. OFFICERS. § 1. The officers of the Board shall consist of the Governor, who shall be President, as provided by law, a Secretary and Treasurer. REGULAR MEETINGS. § 2. The regular meetings of the Board shall be quarterly, on the first Tuesday of September, December, March and June, and. the last named shall be the annual meeting. The hour and place of meetings, when not fixed by the Board or by the Presi- dent, shall be designated by the Secretary. But the Board may adjourn its regular meetings from time to time at its discretion. SPECIAL MEETINGS. § 3. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Presi- dent, or bj- any three members, through the Secretary, who shall notify each member of the time and place of such meetings. Notices addressed to the members at their respective places of residence, and deposited in the Post Office six dajs before the meeting, shall be sufficient. QUORUM. § 4. As provided by law, seven Regents constitute a qaorum for the transaction of business; and any meeting may be ad- journed, and its business continued, by the vote of a majority of the Regents present. MEMBERSHIP. § 5. The absence of any Appointed or Honorary Regent for two successive regular meetings of the Board shall — unless the Board for good cause, such as sickness, temporary absence from the State, by vote of record, expressly excuse such absence — make it the duty of the Secretary to address such Regent, in v^rritiug, inquiring whether he intends by* such absence to express his desire to resign his office. • DUTIES OF OFFICERS. § 6. Of the President :— It shill be the duty of the President of the Board to preside at its meetings, and to direct the calling of special meetings, when they shall seem to him expedient. In case of his absence or of his inability to act, his place may be supplied, pro tempore, for that meeting by any member of the Board who may be chosen for that purpose. § 7. Of the Secretary : — It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call all meetings of the Board when so directed; to keep and duly record the minutes of its proceedings, in a book provided for that purpose; to discharge the duties required of him by law; and to assist the President, the Committees of the Board, and the Treasurer, in the discharge of their duties, whenever required by them. In case of the absence of the Secretary, or of his inability to act, his place may be supplied, pro tempore, by any member of the Board who may be chosen for that purpose. § 8. (y the Treamrer. — It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect, receive and take charge of all moneys of the cor- poration; to disburse them on the order of the President of the Board; to make a full report of his receipts and disbursements, at the annual meeting, and at such other times as the Board may direct ADVISORY COMMITTEE. § 9. There shall be an Advisory Committee to assist the Presi- dent of the University with their counsel in his Executive func- tions. It shall consist of five members of the Board, to be chosen by ballot, and three of whom shall reside in Alameda County, and to remain in office until the regular meeting held before Com- mencement in each year, at which time a new ballot shall be had. The concurrence of any three members shall be considered as authoritative. OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES. § 10. In addition to the Advisory Committee there shall be four Standing Committees, as follows: On Auditing and Finance. On Buildings, Grounds, and other Property. On Law. On Congressional Land Grant, These committees shall consist of three members each and the Secretary of the Board shall notify and attend their meetings and keep in a suitable record book a minute of their proceed- ings. DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES. § ll. The Standing Committees are specially charged with the immediate care and supervision of the subject matters indi- cated respectively by their titles. All questions relating to their particular departments, requiring reference, shall be severally referred to them, and it shall be their duty to keep the Board advised, at all times, of the condition of their departments, and to suggest any required action. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. § 12. A Secretary and a Treasurer shall be elected by the Board by ballot, who shall give bonds for such amounts, and in such form as the Board shall prescribe, immediately after their election. VACANCIES, HOW FILLED. § 13. In case vacancies occur at any time in the Committees, or in any of the offices of the Board or of the University, they may be filled for the remainder of the term of office at any meet- ing of the Board. RULES OF ORDER. § 14. The Board shall transact its business according to Rules of Order to, be g,dopted by the Board, and which shall be strictly enforced. ORDER OF BUSINESS. § 15. The following shall be the Order of Business: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading, correction and approval of the Minutes of the last meeting. 3. The special business for which the meeting is called, if the meeting be special. 4. Reports of Standing Committees. • 5. Reports of Special Committees. 6. Motions and Resolutions. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. New Business. 9. Miscellaneous Business, including general conversation respecting the business and interests of the University. 10. Adjournment. But this Order of Business may be suspended at any meeting by a vote of two thirds of ihe Regents present, and a motion to adjourn shall be always in order, except when the previous question shall have been ordered. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation