Hall on Insurance Adjustments FIRST REVISED EDITION By THRASHER HALL Adjuster M Copyrighted 1916 By The Rough Notes Company The f^gh Notes Co. Publishers Indianapolis, Indiana INTRODUCTION TO "HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS" FIRST REVISED EDITION This work was issued from the press in 1907, and at once became popular with adjusters of fire insurance losses. Its noted author had long maintained a high reputation as a skilled and accurate adjuster and, being widely known, his work soon became popular with adjusters of fire insurance losses and it was regarded as an au- thoritative work in all the forty-eight states in the Union; hence the necessity of its revision much sooner than was anticipated. The con- flicting nature of insurance codes of laws of so many states, new laws enacted by their legis- latures and rules made by state officials imposed a herculean task upon its author in his work of revision in order to adapt it to the exact require- ments of the present day wholly up-to-date, and wholly accounting for the great delay of more than a year in publishing the revision after it was commenced. The merit of the work has been greatly en- hanced by the time taken by the author in mak- ing his revision as of to-day, at the expense of much new matter, necessarily considerably en- larging the book. It is with much confidence that the publishers are putting forth the first revised edition of Thrasher Hall's work, as we believe that Mr. Hall has exhausted his powers of research upon it and would not allow it to be published until it satisfied him. On behalf of the Publishers. 545687 INDEX TITLE TO CHAPTERS Chapter Page I Direct Loss 7 II Cash Value Measure of Damage 25 III Notice of Loss 37 IV Proofs of Loss and Requirements of Assured 41 V Notary Public's or Magistrate's Certificate 49 VI Examination Under Oath and the Production of Books, Invoices, etc 53 VII Fraud and False Swearing 59 VIII Options 65 IX Duty of Insured to Protect Property at and After the Fire Loss by Theft, etc 75 X Fall of Building 79 XI Explosions 81 XII Waiver Non- Waiver Agreement 85 XIII Appraisal Arbitration Award 93 XIV What is Not Other Contributing Insurance 137 XV Apportionment of Non-Current Insurance Vari- ous Rules and Examples 139 XVI Court Definitions of Insurance Terms 163 XVII Expert Accounting in its Relation to the Adjust- ment of Fire Losses 191 XVIII Form of Proof and Statement of Loss Actually Ad- justed Iron-Safe Clause Appreciation 219 XIX Facts Worth Knowing '. 229 Topical Index 255 Table of Cases.. ..265 "HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS" CHAPTER I. DIRECT LOSS. "Direct" Defined. The word "direct" in a policy of insurance has been con- strued to mean merely "immediate" or "proximate," as distin- guished from "remote." Ermentraut et al. v. Girard F. & M. Ins. Co., 63 Minn. 305, 65 N. W. 635. 30 L. R. A. 346, 25 Ins. L,. J. 81 (Annotated in 56 Am. St. 481). What Is Direct Loss? Where the contract of insurance was against loss by fire on goods which were being transported by a steamboat which came in collision with another boat, causing a fire, and the boat was sunk -before the goods insured were injured by fire. Held*, That, if means and appliances were at hand by which the sinking of the boat could have been avoided, and the intervention of a new agency, namely, that of fire, prevented their use, then the fire was the proximate and immediate cause of the loss, and that it was a question for the jury to decide, from all the circumstances of the case, what was the proximate cause of the loss sustained by the plaintiff, and whether it was the result of the fire. New York & Boston Dispatch Express Co. v. Traders Ins. Co., 132 Mass. 377 (Annotated in 42 Am. R. Ext. Anno. 440, Notes). Where it clearly appeared that the boat would have been destroyed by fire had it not been sunk, and the evidence clearly showed that ignition or combustion had begun before the boat was sunk, this taken in connection with the evidences of fire which were discovered, before the boat was sunk, the smoke issuing from the hold, with the deck so hot that pitch oozed from its seams, made it reasonably certain that a fire had broken out in the vessel before it was sunk, and which was the proxi- mate cause of the loss- Singleton v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 132 N. Y. 298, 30 N. E. 839. In an action to recover for a general average loss, sustained by the sinking of the Propeller Potomac, it was held, that in order to render the insurance company liable upon the policy, 8 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. the loss complained of must have been occasioned by one of the risks assumed by it. Wex v. Boatmen's F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 11 St. Rep. 713. Windstorm or Lightning. Where the defendant had insured the plaintiff's property against loss by fire. The contract of insurance containing- no exception exempting the defendant from liability for fire occa- sioned by storm or lightning. Held, That if the property was destroyed by that element, no difference whether occasioned by windstorm or lightning, the loss in question was one included in the risk for which the defendant was liable. Farrell v. Farmers Mut. F. Ins. Co., 66 Mo. App. 153. Testimony by Wool Merchants. Where in an action upon a fire insurance policy to recover for loss and damage to a large quantity of wool, it was alleged, was caused by fire. It was held that wool merchants and manu- facturers, who having had years of experience in their business, 'were competent to give opinions based upon facts falling within their experience, such as the effect of water on a large mass of wool and the probability of spontaneous combustion in it. Sun Ins. Office of London, England v. Western Woolen Mill Co., 72 Kan. 41, 82 Pac. 613. Testimony by Chemist. In an action upon a fire insurance policy to recover for loss and damage to a large quantity of wool, it was alleged, was caused by fire, where the question was as to whether spon- taneous combustion occurred. It was held not error to refuse to permit an expert chemist to define "fire," "ignition," ignition point," the relation between "fire" and "flame," and kindred terms, of which the meaning is commonly understood by all well-informed persons. Sun Ins. Office of London, England v. Western Woolen Mill Co., 72 Kan. 41, 82 Pac. 513. Expert Testimony and Scientific Works. In an action upon a fire insurance policy to recover for loss and damage to a large quantity of wool, it was alleged, was caused by fire, it was held that where scientific works of well- known authority and the opinions of experts are widely at vari- ance upon the question whether spontaneous combustion is pos- sible in a certain substance, courts will not assume as a matter DIRECT Loss. 9 of law and fact which theory is true, but will leave its deter- mination to the jury. Sun Ins. Office of London, England v. Western Woolen Mill Co., 72 Kan. 41, 82 Pac. 513. Instruction as to "A Total Loss." Where the merits of the appeal was as to whether the loss was "a total loss" by fire within the meaning of Section 5897, or "a partial loss" only and falling within Section 5899 (Rev. Stat. of Mo. 1889), and to ascertain the fact the Court instructed the jury as follows: "By a total loss is meant that the building had lost its identity and specific character as a building and become so far disintegrated that it can not be properly desig- nated as a building, although some part of it may remain stand- ing." Held, The instruction was proper. O'Keefe v. Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co., 140 Mo. 658, 41 S. W. 922, 26 Ins. L. J. 888. Necessity for Instruction Defining Fire. Where in an action upon a fire insurance policy to recover for loss and damage to a large quantity of wool, it was alleged, was caused by fire. It was held not error to refuse to give an instruction that "wool can not set fire to itself," nor to define "fire," nor to instruct that "no degree of heat, short of ignition, producing an actual burning, is covered by the policy," where the court of its own motion charged the jury that the definition of the word "fire" was unnecessary, and that "it would make no difference, if there was fire, whether it was in the form of flame or merely smoldering, but there must be in fact the presence of fire." Sun Ins. Office of London, England v. Western Woolen Mill Co., 72 Kan. 41, 82 Pac. 513. Destruction of Building Leaving Walls Standing. Where building "A" was destroyed by fire, leaving some of the walls standing, and two or three days thereafter one of the gables fell, damaging building "B." Held, That the insurance company was liable. Johnston v. Ins. Co., 7 Sess. Gas. (Scotland) 52, 1 Bennett, 259. The company is liable for such a loss where the walls fell seven days after the fire. Russell v. German F. Ins. Co., 100 Minn. 528, 111 N. W. 400. Building Removed from Foundation by Windstorm. Where in an action upon a fire insurance policy it appeared 10 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. from the evidence that the building was not blown down by the storm, but merely removed a few feet from its foundation and left sufficiently intact as to be still subject to identification as the building covered by the risk, by a reference to the descrip- tion in the policy, and one or more of the agencies of the storm, wind, or electricity caused fire to be communicated to the building, either from that in the stove contained therein, or in any other way, whereby such building became a loss. The contract of insurance contained no exception exempting the defendant from liability for fire occasioned by storm or lightning. Held, That the loss in question was one included in the risk and for which the insurer was liable. Farrell v. Farmers Mut. F. Ins. Co., 66 Mo. App. 153. Loss of Goods in Building Blown up by Municipality. Insurers against loss by fire were held liable for goods destroyed in the blowing up of a building with gunpowder by direction of municipal authorities to prevent the spread of fire. City Ins. Co. v. Corliee (N. Y.), 21 Wend. 367, 1 Bennett, 753. Prohibition of Repair of Building by Ordinance. Where a policy covered a building located within the fire limits of a city, and the building was of a class the repair of which was, under certain conditions, prohibited by the city ordinance. Held, That the insurers were liable for a total loss (value of the building) where the city ordinances would not per- mit the same to be repaired. Larkins v. Glens Fall Ins. Co., 80 Minn. 527, 83 N. W. 409, 29 Ins. L. J. 527. To the same effect. Brady v. Northwestern Ins. Co., 11 Mich. 425, 4 Bennett 663; Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. v. Garlington, 66 Tex. 103, 18 S. W. 337, 15 Ins. L. J. 509. Building Condemned and Repair Prohibited. Where the building insured was condemned by the proper authorities and an attempt to repair the same was prohibited by them. Held, The insured could claim a total loss, although the building when insured was not sound. Monteleone v. Royal Ins. Co. of Liverpool and London, 47 La. Ann. 1563, 18 So. 472, 24 Ins. L. J. 531. Contract of Insurance and Election to Repair Made After Adop- tion of Ordinance. Where the contract of insurance and the election of the DIRECT Loss. 11 insurance company to repair a wooden building under the same, were both made after the adoption of a city ordinance, the parties contracted with reference to the law as it existed at the time, and the question whether the city authorities would permit the building to be repaired in wood was therefore a risk the insurers assumed at the issuing of the policy, and which they reassumed at the making of the election. Fire Association v. Rosenthal, 108 Pa. St. 474, 1 Atl. 303, 15 Ins. L. J. 658. Exemption Clause Written Out of Policy by Valued Policy Law. Where a policy contained the following exemption clause: "This company shall not be liable, beyond the actual value de- stroyed by fire, for loss occasioned by ordinance or law regu- lating construction or repair of buildings." Held, That by virtue of the valued policy law of Mississippi (Section 2592 of the Code of 1906) the clause of exemption from liability was written out of the policy. Palatine Ins. Co. v. Nunn, 99 Miss. 493, 55 So. 44, 40 Ins. L,. J. 1447. To same effect is Dinneen v. American Ins.Co. (Neb. S. C.), 152 N. W. 307. Increased Cost of Repairs Under Building Laws. In an action upon Massachusetts Standard form policies for a balance alleged to be due upon a partial loss by fire, it was held that the referees had the right, in determining the amount of damages to which the plaintiffs were entitled, to take into consideration the increased cost of repairing by reason of the building laws. Hewins v. London Assurance Corporation et al., 184 Mass. 177, 68 N. E. 62. Change in Physical Condition of Building Caused Wholly by Fire. Where the building laws were the same at the time of the fire as at the time the policies were issued, and the only change in the situation was in the physical condition of the building, and that change was caused wholly by the fire, and the sole operating cause of the change in the building was the fire. Held, In the absence of any provision in the policy expressly exclud- ing from the damages the part arising out of that condition, that part was not to be excluded, but was to be regarded as primarily the result of the fire, or as "loss or damage by fire." Hewins v. London Assurance Corporation et al., 184 Mass. 177, 68 N. E. 62. 12 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Ordinance Requiring Walls of Increased Thickness. Where an ordinance was passed during the life of the policy requiring walls of an increased thickness. Held, That there was no good reason why the insurance company would not be held liable for the actual loss incurred, up to the extent of the amount designated in the policy, provided the proportional amount of the loss falling upon the company reached that sum. Pennsylvania, etc. v. Philadelphia, etc., 201 Pa. St. 497, 51 AtL rep. 361. Stock Destroyed by Fire Caused by Lightning. Where in an action upon a policy of insurance upon live stock against lightning. The barn had been destroyed by fire, and the stock burned in it, and the main issue was whether the barn was struck by lightning, and thereby set on fire. Held, That if the stock was destroyed by fire which was immediately caused by the lightning, or by the lightning itself, the defendant was liable. Hapeman v. Citizens Mut. F. Ins. Co., 126 Mich. 191, 85 N. W. 454, 30 Ins. L,. J. 452. "Ice Clause" Applied to Boat Detailed by Gale. Where in an action upon a marine policy, which was issued upon a cargo of hay laden on a canal boat, it appeared that while the boat was proceeding down a river a heavy gale sep- arated her from the steam tugs which had her in tow and drove her to shore, and her detention there until ice formed around her was due to a consequence of the gale, stranding. The policy contained the following ice clause: "It is understood and agreed that if any boats the cargo of which are covered by this policy are prevented or detained by ice, or the closing of navigation, trom terminating the trip, then in such case the policy shall cease to attach upon said cargo, and this company shall return the premium for the unexpired portion of said trip." Held, That as the efficient cause of the detention was the loss of the motive-power through the stress of the storm, and the ice acted only as an obstacle to its restoration, the insurers were liable. Brown et al. v. St. Nicholas Ins. Co., 61 N. Y. 332. Loss Due to Moisture from Water in Extinguishing Fire. Where a policy of fire insurance in the standard form cov- ered property (a stock of fish) in a warehouse, and the property insured was at the time of the fire in an annex. The question DIRECT Loss. 13 was as to whether the loss of the fish in the annex was due directly to the fire. It appeared from the evidence that there was no fire in the annex, and that no part of plaintiff's property in the annex was injured by heat or fire, and it was conceded by plaintiff that the fish were destroyed by moisture. But it claimed that this moisture came directly from water used in extinguishing the fire in the warehouse, which got into the annex. In an action upon the policy, it was held that the policy covered the property, and that the evidence was sufficient to sustain the finding of the jury that the loss was directly due to the fire. Boak Fish Co. v. Manchester P. Assur. Co., 84 Minn. 419. 87 N. W. 932, 31 Ins. L. J. 253. Removal of Stove Pipe as Breach of Condition that Pipe Be Secured. Where in an action upon a policy of insurance against loss or damage by fire, upon the dwelling house and household furni- ture of the plaintiff, it appeared that plaintiff's wife had taken down a stove in a second story room, but neglected to remove the stove in the room underneath, afterwards placed a bed in the room over the hole through which the stove pipe passed. Several days thereafter a fire was built in the stove in the room underneath the bed, which set bed on fire and destroyed the house- Policy provided that stoves and pipes should be well secured, ff&ld, The insurance company was liable. Mickey v. Burlington Ins. Co., 35 Iowa 174, 5 Bennett 439, 2 Ins. L. J. 15, (Annotated in 14 Am. R. Ext. Anno. 494, Notes). Burning of Building After Destruction of Minor Portion. Where in an action upon a policy of insurance it appeared that a portion of the building had fallen, leaving the larger por- tion more than three-fourths of it standing, and afterwards it burned. The policy contained the following condition: "XII. If a building shall fall, except as the result of a fire, all insurance by this company on it, or its contents, shall immediately cease and determine." Held, The building was not a fallen building within the meaning of the thirteenth condition of the policy. Breuner v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co., 51 Cal. 101, 6 Ins. L. J. 475 (Annotated in 21 Am. R. Ext. Anno. 703, Notes). Where the policy contained a clause that, if the building or any part thereof fall except as the result of fire, all insurance by this policy on such building or its contents shall immediately 14 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. cease," and before the fire destroyed the insured building, it had been visited by a cyclone, and the roof of thd two front upper rooms had been blown away, the rafters, ceiling, and parts of walls remaining. Held, That the insurance company was not exempt under the policy, as its term* did not contem- plate the fall of fragmentary portions of the building, but "some functional portion of the structure." London & L. Ins. Co. v. Crunk, 91 Tenn. 376, 23 S. W. 140. (B) What Is Not Direct Loss? Where in an action on a policy of insurance effected with the defendant "against all the damage which the plaintiffs should suffer by fire," on their "stock and utensils in their regular built sugar house." It appeared that the loss to the sugar by the heat of the usual fires employed for refining had been increased by the mismanagement of the insured, who inadvertently kept the top of the chimney closed, and it was held not a loss within the meaning of the policy. Austin et al. v. Drewe, 6 Taunt. 436, 1 Bennett 102. It is suggested that insurance adjusters read the full decision of the court in Austin et al. v. Drewe. It was the first and leading case on this subject and is frequently quoted. A very full report of it may be had in 1 Bennett 102. Loss From Smoke and Soot From Defective Stove Pipe. The insurer was held not liable for loss or damage occa- sioned by smoke and soot escaping from a defective stove pipe and emanating from a fire intentionally built in a stove and kept confined therein; or for damages caused by the water used in cooling a portion of the ceiling heated by the pipe, where in the proofs of loss it was not claimed that anything was actually ignited by this heat, and it did not appear that the use of the water was necessary to prevent ignition. Cannon v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 110 Ga. 568, 35 S. E. 775, 29 Ins. L. J. 1023, citing: Austin v. Drewe, 6 Taunt. 436 and Gibbons v. Savings Inst., 30 111. App. 263. But where the assured's servant burned some rubbish and cannel coal in the furnace causing a loss from smoke and soot it was held the insurance company was liable for the loss that it was not a friendly fire, the furnace was for heating purposes and not meant to burn rubbish. O'Connor v. Queen Ins. Co., 140 Wis. 388, 122 N. W. 1038, Anno- tated in 25 L,. R. A. (N. S.) 501, and 17 Am. & Eng. Anno. Cas. 1118. DIRECT Loss. 15 Smoke From Lamp. Where in an action upon a policy insuring the plaintiff against loss or damage by fire or lightning, etc. It appeared upon the trial that all the damage was caused by smoke from a lamp left lighted in plaintiffs office. Held, That a lighted lamp was not a "fire" within the meaning of the policy, and that it was not contemplated by the parties to the contract of insur- ance that the policy would cover damages arising from a smok- ing lamp. Fitzgerald v. German Am. Ins. Co., 30 Miscl. (N. Y.) 72, 62 N. T. Supp. 824. Hop-House. Where the insurance issued by the defendant to plaintiff was specified to be "on his frame shingle roof hop-house, while drying hops," and the defendant agreed to make good to plaintiff aH loss or damage which should happen "by fire to the property so specified, from the 15th day of August, to the 15th day of October, 1875. The hop-house was destroyed by fire after the plaintiff had ceased drying hops. Held,, That as the fire hap- pened after the plaintiff had ceased drying hops, the defendant was not liable. Langrworthy v. O. & O. Ins. Co., 85 N. T. 632, 10 Ins. L. J. 546. Lightning. Where a policy insured against loss by lightning, an electric discharge causing a concussion or shock of such violence as to jar and injure the walls of plaintiff's building, was not within the contemplation of such policy. Kattleman v. Fire Ass'n, 79 Mo. App. 447. Where an insurance policy contained a lightning clause which limited the liability of the company to the direct loss caused by lightning, and expressly excluded damage by cyclone, tornado or windstorm. Held, There could be no recovery for less by windstorm, although the windstorm completed the work of destruction of the building, as the jury must be required to limit the recovery of plaintiff to the direct loss or damage caused by lightning. Beaks v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 143 N. Y. 402, 24 Ins. L,. J. 73, 38 N. E. 453 (Annotated in 26 L. R. A. 267). Where in an action upon a policy to recover for loss alleged to have been caused by lightning. The property insured was a 16 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. gristmill and sawmill. During a severe storm a sharp flash of lightning was seen, followed immediately by a loud report near by and in the vicinity of the mill, and soon thereafter a noise was heard, as of the falling and crashing of a building, and in the following morning the water in the river was quite high, and the building lay in broken disorganized heaps of material at various points, the timbers were broken and splintered, but there were no marks of fire on any of the remaining portions of the building. Held, That as there were no marks of fire any- where, such as are customarily found when lightning has come in contact with dry wood, there was no justification in the evi- dence for the finding that the buildings were destroyed by the latter cause, and since the evidence established clearly that the undermining of the buildings by water caused the loss com- plained of. Clark v. Farmers Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Ill Wis. 65, 86 N. W. 649, 14 Deitch 86. Where in an action upon a policy of insurance, which in- sured the plaintiff against "all direct loss or damage by fire" on his store and office furniture and fixtures contained in a three-story, brick, tin-roof building, it appeared that the build- ing and its contents were damaged by fire, the plaintiff was permitted to let his personal property remain in the building, and twenty-five days after such fire and after a new roof was put on the building, the building fell, destroying plaintiff's prop- erty. Held, That there was no error in granting a non-suit, since it did not appear that the fire was the proximate, or, in any sense of the term, the "direct" cause of the loss; but the evidence tended to show that the efficient and predominating cause was the pouring and damming up of the water against the wall from the heavy rains which fell subsequent to the fire. Cuesta v. Royal Ins. Co., 98 Ga. 720, 27 S. E. Rep. 172. Where in an action upon two policies of fire insurance upon wool, against all direct loss or damage by fire, it appeared that the wool insured had become entirely submerged by water, caused by an unusual flood, and remained so for eight days, and after subsidence of the water, it was found to be wet and covered with mud, very much heated, and there was smoke in the rooms where the wool was and an odor of burned wool, but there was no flame to be seen, and no visible fire, and whatever damage was done to the wool had been caused by the action of water thereon. Held, That, since it appeared from DIRECT Loss. 17 the evidence that the internal development of heat never at any time became so rapid as to produce a flame or a glow, nor any visible heat or light in or about the wool, the plaintiff had not shown any direct loss by fire within the meaning of the word "fire," as used in the policies, and as that word is known to the public generally. Western Woolen Mills Co. v. Northern Assurance Co., 139, Fed. 637. (Annotated in 72 C. C. A. 1). An insurance policy covering against direct loss by fire does not contemplate a loss to steam boiler caused by assured or his servants negligently leaving the boiler with insufficient water, so that any loss that was done to it must of necessity have been caused by the fire or heat used for heating it, which fire was in its usual or accustomed place and therefore not a hostile one. McGraw v. Home Ins. Co. (Kan. S. C.) 28 Ins. Digest 18, 144 Pac. 821. "This company shall not be liable beyond the actual value destroyed by fire, for loss occasioned by ordinance of law regu- lating construction or repair of buildings." Insurance, $2,500; value of building was $3,500; loss, $1,400. The insured was pro- hibited from reconstructing building by the ordinances of the city governing the repair and construction of buildings within fhe fire limits of th city of Jackson, in which it was located. It is thoroughly well settled that in such cases, where the loss by fire is partial, but the injury by fire has rendered the build- ing unfit for use for the purpose for which it was constructed and there are ordinances or there is a law prohibiting its re- construction, the loss in such cases is total. This is very clearly set forth in Sandberg v. St. Paul and S. R. R. Co., 80 Minn. 442, 83 N. W. 411. The sole question before us in this, the only material contention in the case, is whether or not this clause in the contract of insurance was written out by virtue of the provi- sions of our valued policy law, 2592 of Code of 1906. The ques- tion is not one at all free from difficulty and we have given it the most careful consideration. The authority chiefly relied on by the learned counsel for appellant is the case of Hewins v. London Assurance Corp., 184 Mass. 178, 68 N. E. 62, and that case clearly holds that the defense here would be good, the con- tract stipulation referred to being valid, in a state where there is no valued policy law substantially like ours. We have found one case, New Orleans R. E. M. & S. Co. v. 18 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Teutonia Ins. Co., La. 54 S. 466, which does squarely hold, on a valued policy law substantially like ours, though not identical in its phraseology, that the very clause here relied on is written out of the policy by the valued policy law. Palatine Ins. Co. v. Nunn, 99 Miss. 493, 55 So. 44. To same effect is Dinneen v. American Ins. Co. (Neb. S. C.), 152 N. W. 307. Recovery on account of the increased cost of repairing, by reason of the building laws, of a building partially destroyed, is excluded by a policy providing that loss or damage shall in no event exceed what it would cost the insured to repair or re- place the same with material of like kind and quality, and the insurer shall not be liable beyond the actual value destroyed by fire for loss occasioned by law regulating construction or repair of buildings. This, too, notwithstanding the fact that under the Massachusetts standard policy it is a total loss, but where a company issued a policy on property in Masachusetts, which policy provided that in case of loss or damage, "loss shall in no event exceed what it would cost the insured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality" and that the company should not be liable beyond the actual value destroyed by fire for loss occasioned by ordinance or law regulating con- struction or repair of buildings. * * * The standard policy law does not provide any rule of interpretation as do the valued policy laws of other states, nor does it say that another form ot policy shall be void. On the contrary, it provides for a fine for a company issuing a different policy, but also declares it to be binding on the company. Its legal effect is not changed. The illegal policy is not changed by law so as to conform to the legal. The assured may sue upon it, but it must be construed as it reads. No statute is incorporated in it. The penalty suf- fered by the company is a fine and not a liability to be held on a contract different from that 'made by it. Hewins v. London Assur. Corp etl al., 184 Mass. 178, 68 N. E. 62. Some time since I asked the following question of "Rough Notes": If a New York Standard form of policy covered meats in cold storage warehouse "A" against direct loss by fire, and building "B" located across the street was a refrigerating plant supplying through pipes the cold air for storage warehouse "A," the same owner owning and operating both buildings, would the insurance company be liable for a loss to stock of meats in building "A" by reason of the destruction by fire of building "B"? Mr. Deitch answered, the company would not be liable DIRECT Loss. 19 and I think his answer is correct. Yet, a large list of companies paid the Bold Packing Company at Kansas City for just such a loss a few years ago, not one of them contested it, I presume on account of the claim against each company being so small, though the aggregate against all was considerable. If such a loss be one of the perils insured against, why would not the insurer be liable if assured chilled his meats by natural ice from his ice house across the street, carried across on chutes, if such icehouse be destroyed by fire and it be im- possible to procure any other ice? If the insurer be liable for such losses, at what distance from the property insured must the cold storage plant be, be- fore liability of the insurer for loss will cease in consequence of its destruction by fire? Here in St. Louis (and I presume in other cities) we have a corporation which has a large cold storage plant, furnishing chilled air to cold storage warehouses, restaurants, hotels, etc., throughout the city, by means of pipes under the streets and if such losses as I have mentioned are covered under a fire policy, then the losses which may occur in any or all of such places at any time by the burning of the cold storage plant is one for which the insurer is liable. Loss by Negligence of Another. He who by his negligence or misconduct creates or suffers a fire upon his own premises, which, burning his own property, spreads thence to the immediately adjacent premises and de- stroys the property of another, is liable to the latter for the damages sustained by him. (The cases of Ryan v. N. Y. C. R. R. Co., 35 N. Y. 210, and Pa. R. R. Co. v. Kerr, 62 Pa. 353, distinguished.) Webb. v. R., W. & O. R. R. Co., 49 N. Y. 420. Loss of Blankets Used to Protect Building From Fire. A fire happening in the neighborhood, the insured, with the approbation of the insurer, procured blankets and spread them (wet) on the outside of the building, whereby it and its con- tents were saved, but the blankets were rendered worthless. Held, loss of blankets not covered by policy, but that it was a subject of general average, to which the insurer and insured should contribute in the proportion to the amount which they respectively had at risk in the store and contents, but that other neighboring property upon which the insurer had risks which 20 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. would have been in danger if the store had burned, were too re- motely affected to be liable to contribution. Wells v. Boston Ins. Co., 6 Pick (23 Mass.) 182. Loss by Negligence of Assured's Agent. Underwriters are answerable for any loss occasioned by the negligence of those in charge of the property insured by them. But the negligence must be unaffected by any fruad or design on the part of the insured. Henderson v. Western M. & F. Ins. Co., 10 Robinson (La.) 164. Loss by Wilful Burning of Assured's Property by His Wifo. A policy of fire insurance covers a loss occasioned by the wife of the insured; and her acts and declarations at, and dur- ing the fire are not evidence against the husband, unless done by his consent, nor are they part of the res gestae. Walker v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 63 Mo. App. 39. To same effect is Plinsky v. Germania P. Ins. Co., 32 Fed. 47; Feibelman v. Manchester F. Assur. Co., 108 Ala. 180, 19 So. 540; Perry v. Mechanics M. Ins. Co., 11 Fed. 485. Loss by Carelessness f Assured's Son. Where the loss was caused by the assured's son filling a stove in the building destroyed, with combustible materials, and thus recklessly causing the loss, the company will not be relieved from liability, where the act was unaffected by fraud or design on the part of the assured. Malln v. Mercantile T. M. Ins. Co., 105 Mo. App. 625. Loss by Negligence of Another. The negligent burning of a house, and the spreading of the fire to a neighboring house, and the burning thereof, does not give the owner of the last house a cause of action against the owner in which the fire originated. The damages are too re- mote. Ryan v. N. T. Central R. R. Co., 35 N. Y. MO. Loss by Negligence of Another. A railroad company, which has negligently set a fire to in- flamable material which it has allowed to accumulate on its right of way, is not liable to the owner of lands not abutting on its premises, for damages caused by fire communicated through the abutting and intervening woodlands of a third person, over DIRECT Loss. 21 which the railroad had no control and without which the fire could not have extended. Hoffman v. King, 160 N. T. 618, 55 N. E. 401. Assured Must Protect Property at Fire. The assured is bound diligently to labor in saving the prop- erty by fire; but the insertion of a clause in the policy requiring such labor and effort, does not impose any additional duty upon him. Cincinnati M. Ins. Co. V. May, 20 Ohio 211. Loss by Assured's Recklessness. Where an act of Congress passed to secure steamboats against fire, in order to secure the lives of passengers; provides that turpentine, etc., on such vessels shall be secured in metallic containers at a secure distance from any fire. The act of plain- tiff in placing a barrel of turpentine near the furnace and used it to increase the head of steam so as to give greater speed to his boat; whereby it was set on fire; he cannot recover the inr surance on his boat. The only question for the jury to deter- mine is, was the turpentine used in the manner shown, if it was he cannot recover on his insurance. Citizens Ins. Co. v. Marsh, 41 Pa. St. 386. What is not General Average Loss. The scuttling of a ship by the municipal authorities of a port, without the direction of her master or other commanding officer, to extinguish a fire in her hold, is not a general aver- age loss. R,lli v. Troop, 157 U. S. 386. Damage by Fire Engine on Way to Fire. Where a fire engine on its way to a fire was deflected from its course, collided with and damaged plaintiff's building. Held, such loss is not a direct fire loss within the meaning of a fire insurance policy. Foster v. Fidelity F. Ins. o.. 24 Pac. Supt. Ct. 685. Damage by Smoking Lamp. Smoke and soot from a lamp whose flame accidentally flared up two or three feet above the lamp chimney, is not a direct fire loss as used in an insurance policy. Samuels v. Continental Ins. Co., 2 Pa. Dist. Ct. $97. 22 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Damage by Soot and Smoke from Ignition of Accumulated Soot in Chimney. A distinction should be made between a fire intentionally started and maintained for a useful purpose in connection with the occupation of a building, and a fire which starts from such a fire, without human agency, in a place where fires are never lighted nor maintained, although such ignition may naturally be expected to occur occasionally as an incident to the maintenance of necessary fires. Way v. Abington M. P. Ins. Co., 166 Mass. 67, 43 N. E. 1032. Profits not Insured. The liability upon a policy insuring a turn pike company against loss by fire of a bridge, is to be measured by the pecuniary value of the injury to the bridge, not by the loss of tolls suffered before the bridge could be rebuilt. Such turn pike company has no insurable interest in a public county bridge on the line of its road but free to all travel, even though it contributed to its cost, erection and maintenance. Farmers M. Ins. Co. v. New H. T. Co., 122 Pa. St. 37, 15 Atl. 663 Company is Liable for Loss by Fire Where Assured's Insane Wife Burns the Property. Where the assured was for the time being entrusted with the care of his insane wife and she burned his insured property, the insurer will be held liable for the loss unless it can show actual design or such a degree of negligence and carelessness on the part of the husband, as will evince 'a corrupt design or a fraudulent purpose on his part. Gove v. Farmers M. F. Ins. Co., 48 N. H. 41. Loss by Assured or His Servant's Negligence. In relation to insurance against fire, the doctrine seems to have prevailed for a great length of time that it covers losses occasioned by the mere faults and negligence of the assured and his servants unaffected by any fraud or design. Ins. Co. v. Lawrence, 10 Pet. 507; see also, Mickey v. Burlington Ins. Co., 35 la. 174, and cases there cited. Hence the action of the assured's president in burning rubbish, which fire spread to and burned the assured's building, is not such an increase of risk as to avoid the policy, where there was no design to burn the building. Des Moines Ice Co. v. Niagara Ins. Co., 99 la. 193, 68 N. W. 600. DIRECT Loss. 23 Smoke and Soot from Coal Oil Stove. The question whether the smoke proceeded from a fire out- side the place where, under the contract of insurance, it was intended to burn was for the jury under the evidence in this case. It was submitted to them in a charge of which the .de- fendant has no reason to complain. If the smoke that did the damage proceeded from a fire "out of place," it is no answer to say that this originated in a fire in the place fitted and in- tended for it. Collins v. Delaware Ins. Co., 9 Pa. Supr. Ct. 576. HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER n. CASH VALUE MEASURE OF DAMAGE. "This company shall not be liable beyond the actual cash value of the property at the time the loss occurs, * * * with proper deduction for depreciation however caused, and shall in no event exceed what it would then cost the assured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality." Assured being a manufacturer, can not recover more than the sum it would cost him to replace the property destroyed. Standard Sew. Mch. Co. v. Royal Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 51 Atl. Rep. 345, 15 Deitch 29. Cash value means what it would cost the insured in actual cash to replace the goods, at the time and place of fire. Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. Heflin (Ky. C. A.), 60 S. W. Rep. 393, 30 Ins. L. J. 326; Equitable F. Ins. Co. v. Quinn, 11 Low. Can. 170; Fisher v. Crescent Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), (W. Dist. N. C.), 17 Ins. L. J. 712; Western Assurance Co. v. Studebaker, 124 Ind. 176, 20 Ins. L. J. 64; Grubbs v. North Carolina Home Ins. Co. (S. C. of N. C.), 108 N. C. 4T2; 20 Ins. L. J. 784; Queen v. McCoin (Ky. C. A.), 49 S. W. Rep. 800, 12 Deitch 67; Post Printing- & Publishing Co. v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (Pa. S. C.), 42 Atl. Rep. 192; Hedger v. Ins. Co., 12 Ins. L. J. 926, 17 Fed. 498; Marchessen v. Merchants Ins. Co., 1 Rob. (La.) 438, 2 Bennett 166; Fowler v. Old N. C. S. Ins. Co., 74 N. C. 81; Burgess v. Alliance Ins. Co., 10 Allen (Mae.) 221, 5 Bennett 46; Boyd v. Royal Ins. Co., Ill N. C. 372, 16 S. E. 389; Hedger v. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), 12 Ins. L. J. 926; Mack v. Lancashire Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), 19 Ins. L. J. 68. And this, too, regardless of cost of reproduction. Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Cannon et al. (Tex. C. C. A.), 46 S. W. Rep. 851; 11 Finch 109; Mitchell v. St. Paul German F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 52 N. W. Rep. 1017; 21 Ins. L. J. 1003. The policy provided that the company should not be liable "beyond the actual cash value of the property at the time any loss or damage occurs, * * * and shall in no event ex- ceed what it would then cost the insured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality." Plaintiff con- tended that, as the goods burned could not be immediately re- placed at the scene of the fire with goods of like kind and qual- 25 26 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. ity, it is entitled to recover the cash market value of the goods, which is what the goods could have been sold for in San Antonio to dealers at wholesale, in quantities of a single article or in car-load lots, or in less than car-load lots, in plaintiff's ordinary course of business. The contention of defendant is that the value is to be determined by what it would cost to re- place said goods from other markets with goods of like kind and quality within a reasonable time, which could be done, and was done in this instance, within 30 days. Held, That the expres- sion, "What it would then cost the assured" evidently was not intended to mean what it would cost to replace immediately or instanter upon l^ie destruction of the goods by fire, but what it would cost to replace the burned articles from the markets where such goods were usually manufactured or could be pur- chased within a reasonable time. The goods were replaced within 30 days after the fire at a sum less than that claimed by plaintiff. This was within a reasonable time, and fixed the sum of plaintiff's recovery. Texas Moline Plow Co. v. Niagara Fire Ins. Co. (Tex. C. C. A.): 87 Southwestern Reporter (June 7, 1905), 192 ! If the insured is liable to the government for tax on whisky, such tax forms part of the cash value for which the insurer is liable. Hedger v. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), 12 Ins. L. J. 926; Queen v. McCoin (Ky. C. A.), 49 S. W. Rep. 800, 12 Deitch 67; Security Ins. Co. v. Farrell (111. S. C.), 2 Ins. L. J. 302. (Though in this case 2 Ins. L. J. 302 it was held assured was not liable and in that case it necessarily follows that insurer is not.) ) The aim should be to arrive as nearly as possible at the value of the building as it stood on the day of the fire, taking into consideration cost to rebuild or replace, and difference in value between new building and the condition it was in at the time of the fire. Stenzel v. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. et al. (La. S. C.), 36 S. W. Rep. Hilton v. Phoenix Ass'n Co. (Me. S. J. C.), 42 Atl. Rep. 412; 28 Ins. L. J. 309. Linotype machines cost manufacturer $1.000 each. They were sold to publisher for $3,000. The contract between the two provides that title is to remain in manufacturer. Held, That such an agreement is constructively fraudulent, and a mere at- tempt to maintain a secret lien, and the title is really in the CASH VALUE MEASURE OF DAMAGE. 27 publishing company, which is entitled to recover $3,000, the cost to them of replacing the machines. Post Printing and Publishing Co. v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (Pa. S. C.), 42 Atl. Rep. 192. ASSESSORS VALUE ASSURED'S TAX RETURNS. The assessed value is not the measure of damage. Where the destroyed building was in a small village it had an intrinsic but no market value, therefore, estimates of cost to rebuild must be relied on. German M. Ins. Co. v. Niewiede, 11 Ind. App. 634, 39 N. E. 534; Helm v. Anchor F. Ins. Co., 109 N. W. 605; Knickerbocker Ins. Co. v. McGinness, 87 111. 70. CASH VALUE OF WHISKY. The policy contains the fellowing provision: "This com- pany shall not be liable beyond the actual cash value of the property at the time any loss or damage occurs, and the loss or damage shall be ascertained, or estimated, according to such actual cash value, with proper deduction for depreciation, how- ever caused, and shall in no event exceed what it would then cost the insured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quantity." This provision of the contract fur- nishes the measure of damages and raises the important ques- tion in the case. The policy is the contract between the parties, and must be given an interpretation which will carry out their intention. If the language of the policy is doubtful or obscure, it will be construed most unfavorable to the insurer. Merrick v. Germania Fire Insurance Co., 54 Pa. 277. A contract of in- surance must have a reasonable interpretation such as was prob- ably in the contemplation of the parties when it was made; and when the words of a policy are, without violence, suscepti- ble of two interpretations, that which will sustain a claim to the indemnity it was the object of the assured to obtain should be preferred. Humphreys v. National Benefit Association, 139 Pa. 214, 20 Atl. 1047, 11 L. R. A. 564. The property covered by this policy is of a peculiar char- acter, but the intention of both parties was to protect the in- sured against its loss by fire, and the policy must be construed so as to effect that purpose. It not like a machine, a house, or property of that character. There is no difficulty whatever in ascertaining the cost of repairing or replacing such property as of the date it is injured or destroyed. Proof is readily ac- cessible which will enable the insured to establish "what it would then cost to repair or replace the same with material of 28 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. like kind and quantity." A moment's reflection will show that this is not true of whisky which has been destroyed. From the uncontradicted evidence it appears, and therefore it must be taken as a fact, that the age of whisky materially affects its character and quality, and hence is an important factor in ascer- taining or determining its value. It also appears in the case that this, like other brands of whisky, has a distinctive character and quality of its own, and that no brand of whisky can be substi- tuted in the market for another brand. , under the clause of the policy above quoted, how should the plaintiffs' loss be measured? The whisky insured by the several policies issued to the plaintiffs was of different in- spections. There were 6,910 barrels destroyed. The most of it was manufactured about six months prior to the fire; some in 1903 and 1904, and some in 1898 and 1899. The defendant com- pany is not liable beyond the actual "cash value." What is that value? That is fixed by the uncontradicted testimony of a num- ber of witnesses. It ranges from 50 cents to $1.05 per gallon, according to its age. This was the cash value of the A. Over- hold & Co. whisky in the wholesale liquor market on November 19, 1905, when it was destroyed. As appears in the evidence, there was whisky of that brand of the different inspections on the market at that date. It must be conceded, we think, that, if the cash value of the whisky at the date of the loss is the only practical standard for maasuring the plaintiffs' damages, the court 3fid jury must accept the value fixed by the plaintiffs' witnesses. It will be observed, however, that the policy provides that the cash value of the whisky "shall in no case exceed what it would then cost the insured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality." The defendant company con- tends that the loss could not be estimated at more than it would have cost the insured to replace the whisky. In other words, the position of the defendants is that, under this provision of the contract, the plaintiffs' right of recovery is limited to the cost of material, the expense of manufacturing the whisky, the charges for carrying it in bond, insurance, and interest on the amount invested in the whisky. This provision of the policy is simply a limitation on the former provision, which fixes the loss at the cash value of the property. In estimating the loss, the insured is entitled to the cash value of the property destroyed, provided it does not exceed what it would cost to replace it with material of like kind and quality at the date it was consumed. How shall this cost be ascertained? It is doubtless true that the CASH VALUE MEASURE OF DAMAGE. 29 cost of manufacturing a gallon of whisky is easily ascertained. But that does not meet the requirements of this case. The plaintiffs are net restricted to the simple cost of reproducing the whisky. They are entitled to have the whisky which was destroyed replaced as of the date of the loss with the same material of like kind and quality. The whisky consumed by the fire was, as we have seen, of different inspections. It had age which, _gave it character and quality. It was of the A. Overholt & Co. brand, dissimilar in character and quality from other brands, and for which there is no substitute. The cost of whisky of like character, quality and age is the measure of the plaintiffs' right of recovery. It is manifest that this cost can not be ascertained by simply taking into consideration the cost of the elements suggested by the learned counsel for the de- fendant company. It omits from the calculation the effect which age has on that particular brand of whisky, which is a most important factor in determining its cost. Nor can any witness, as is apparent, definitely estimate what the age of each of the several inspections in this case will add to the actual cost of the material entering into the particular brand of whisky. It is an important element entering into its value, but the precise extent to which its value is increased cannot be fixed by testimony. There is, therefore, but one way to ascertain the cost of replac- ing the whisky at the date it was destroyed, considering the brand, character, quality and age of the whisky; and that is to ascertain by competent evidence its actual cash value on the day of the fire. By that method oi computing the cost the whisky destroyed will be replaced "with material of like kind and quality" as of the date it was consumed, and that is there- fore the measure of the plaintiffs' damages. The rule adopted in ascertaining the cost of replacing the insured property in Standard Sewing Machine Company v. Royal Insurance Company, 201 Pa. 645, 51 Atl. 354, is not ap- plicable here, for the reasons above stated. To enforce it under the circumstances of this case would deprive the plaintiffs of the protection against loss of their property by fire which the policy stipulates. In the sewing machine case there was no difficulty in applying the rule. Here, owing to the peculiar character of the property insured, the cost of replacing it must be determined by its value *t the date of loss. The judgment of the court below is affirmed. Frick v. United Firemen's Ins. Co., 87 Atl. 743, 218 Pa. 489. 30 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. The court affirmed the cases of Frick v. Svea F. & L,. Ins. Cos. and twenty-three other companies at same time on same grounds. To same effect is Mechanics Ins Co. v. Hoover, 182 Fed. 590, aff'g 173 Fed. 888. CASH VALUE AS APPLIED TO MANUFACTURERS' STOCK. Houghton , J. The plaintiff is a manufacturer of straw hats, and the defendant issued to him a policy of insurance, insuring him against loss by fire to his manufactured and unmanufactured stock in the sum of $2,000. On February 11, 1906, while such policy was in force, a fire occurred by which the plaintiff's fac- tory and contents were destroyed. A portion of the property so destroyed consisted of a quantity of hats which had been fin- ished, bargained for, cased for shipment, and marked with the buyers' names prior to the fire. The delivery and shipment of these goods would have commenced the morning after the fire occurred, and would have continued for four months following. The stipulated facts concede that it would have required four months to reproduce the hats in the condition they were at the time of the fire and that plaintiff's factory could not be rebuilt in time to reproduce the goods for the coming season's trade, and that after diligent effort the plaintiff was unable to procure any other mill to reproduce the goods and was unable to replace them by purchase in the market. The policy was the standard form, and contained the following provision with respect to ascertaining the loss: "This company shall not be liable beyond the actual cash value of the property at the time any loss or damage occurs, and the loss or damage shall be ascertained or estimated according to such actual cash value, with proper deductions for deprecia- tion, however caused, and shall in no event exceed what it would then cost the insured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality." It is stipulated that the actual cost of manufacture to the plaintiff of that portion of the hats for which defendant is liable was $1,841.95, and that the actual selling price at which plaintiff had made sales on which he was about to make delivery was $1,966.79. There would be no difficulty in deciding the question, and doubtless no controversy, except for the clause of the con tract providing that the loss or damage "shall in no event CASH VALUE MEASURE OF DAMAGE. 31 what it would then cost the insured to repair or replace the same with material of like kind and quality." Without this clause the actual cash value must be con- ceded to be the measure of damage. Whatever may be the rule with respect to ordinary manufactured articles, and whether under ordinary circumstances the cost of manufacture under this clause would be the measure of loss, we are of the opinion, under the facts as stipulated, that the plaintiff is entitled to recover the actual cash value, and it not limited to the cost oi manufacture. Straw hats are not an ordinary staple. Their value depends upon style and finish, and they must be produced for the summer market. In order to reach the retailer in time for the summer trade, they must be manufactured in the fall and winter, so they may come to the hands of the retailer in the spring and early summer. It is conceded the plaintiff could not repair his factory or obtain another in which to reproduce the hats lost by fire in time for the season's trade, nor could he go upon the market and replace them by purchase. Under the stipulated facts it is impossible to apply the clause of the contract respecting repair or replacement. The plaintiff could neither buy them nor could he again manufacture them in time to be of any value. It cannot be ascertained what it would cost .the insured to "repair or replace" the hats "with material of like kind and quality," because they could be neither repaired nor replaced. There is no other mode, therefore, under the contract of ascertaining the plaintiff's loss, except by taking "the actual cash value" of the property destroyed, which is con- ceded to be the price at which they were contracted to be sold. In Frick v. United F. Ins. Co., 218 Pa. 409, 67 Atl. 743, a quantity of whisky of various ages was destroyed by fire, and the policy of insurance contained the same clause as that of the policy under consideration. The question involved was whether the measure of loss was the cost of manufacture or cash value. Because of the fact that it was impossible to produce whisky of the precise quality and mellowness of that destroyed, which condition added largely to its value, it was concluded that the only practical method of ascertaining the loss was to take the actual cash value. In its decision the court was careful to dis- tinguish it from its former decision in Standard Sewing Machine Co. v. Royal Ins. Co., 201 Pa. 645, 51 Atl. 354, where it had limited the loss to the cost of manufacture, deeming the peculiar situation a controlling feature. A like peculiar situation exists under the stipulated facts in this case, and the goods being im- 32 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. possible of replacement, the plaintiff is entitled to recover the actual cash value, and is not limited to the cost of manufacture. Judgment is ordered for the plaintiff in the sum of $1,966.79, with interest from the 28th day of March, 1906, with costs. Laughlin and Scott, JJ., concur. McLaughlin, J. (dissenting). The contract in question was one of indemnity only. 13 Am. & Eng. Enc. of Law (2d Ed.) p. 101. Profits may be recovered only \then insured as such. Id. 105; Niblo v. North Am. Fire Co., 1 Sandf. 551; Buffalo El. Co. y. Prussian Nat. Ins. Co., 64 App. Div. 182, 187, 71 N. Y. Supp. 918, affirmed 171 N. Y. 25, 63 N. E. 810. Upon the facts the plaintiff would be indemnified by the payment to him of $1,841.95, and any greater sum necessarily includes profits. He was a manufacturer, and his actual los was obviously what he had expended upon the goods destroyed, and not what he would have realized had he sold them, since hi profits would be in- cluded in the selling price. Standard Sewing Machine Co. v. Insurance Co., 201 Pa. 645, 51 Atl. 354; Scottish Union Ins. Co. v. Keene, 85 Md. 263, 37 Atl. 33; Mumford v. Hallett, 1 Johns. 433; Harris v. The Eagle Fire Co., 5 Johns. 368. It is doubtless true that "actual cash value" is frequently to be construed as equivalent to market value; but that term is used in the policy to limit the liability of the insurer, and the pro- vision that the loss "shall, in no event, 'exceed what it would then cost the insured to repair or replace the same with ma- terial of like kind and quality" shows it was never intended by the use of such words to insure the manufacturer's profits. The value of an article is ordinarily fixed by its market value, but in the case before us the amount which would indemnify the plain- tiff is conceded, and to allow him anything more is simply to al- low him the profits which he would have realized, had the fire not occurred. I am, therefore, of the opinion that upon the agreed facts the plaintiff is entitled to judgment for the sum of $1,841.95, with interest from the 28th day of March, 1906. Phillips v. Home Ins. Co., 112 N. Y. Supp. 769. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The measure of 'recovery for loss on household goods can- not be based on what a junk shop or second-hand dealer would have given for them, nor what they would have brought at forced sale. Nor is it limited to their market value, since their CASH VALUE MEASURE OF DAMAGE. 33 value to the owner and the cost of replacing them would exceed their market value. Sun Fire Office v. Ayers, 37 Neb. 184, 55 N. W. 635; Birmingham & Co. v. Huitoh, 157 Ala. 630, 47 So. 676. But the company may prove the value by showing the as- sured offered to sell it for a certain price. Joy v. Security F. Ins. Co., 83 la. 12, 48 N. W. 1049. FREIGHT. Freight is a part of the cost of the goods. Case v. Mfrs. F. & M. Ins. Co., 82 Cal. 263, 22 Pac. 1083. MANUFACTURER'S MEASURE OF LOSS. The measure of the loss on stock of a manufacturer is the fair market value at the place of its destruction. Parrish v. Virginia F. & M. Ins. Co., 20 Ins. L. J. 95; Grubbs v. North Carolina H. Ins. Co., 108 N. C. 472, 20 Ins. L. J. 784. PARTY WALLS. The owner of a one-half interest in a party wall has an insurable interest in the easement of the other half. Nelson v. Continental Ins. Co., 182 Fed. 783. The owner of such a half interest may recover the full value of the entire wall if it is a loss. Citizens Ins. Co. v. Lochridge, 132 Ky. 1, 116 S. W. 303, 38 Ins. L. J. 491, annotated in 20 L. R. A. (N. S.) 226; Kinzer v. National M. Ins. Co., 88 Kan. 93, 127 Pac. 762, annotated in 44 L. R. A. (N. S.) 121. But see Northwestern M. L. Ins. Co. v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co., 88 Minn. 48, 88 N. W. 272. i The following was written in the year 1905, long before the decisions in the whisky cases were decided (see first edition "Hall on Insurance Adjustments") and is applicable to those decisions and all others rendered since 1905. I apprehend, after carefully reading the foregoing decisions, that most of the courts will uphold the wording of the policy, which means nothing more nor less than the cash market value of the cost to replace or reproduce the article new, on the day and at the place it was damaged or destroyed, less whatever difference in value there may be between new and the condi- tion in which the destroyed article was at the time of its de- struction. At least that is the interpretation I place on the Ian- 34 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. guage of the courts, after carefully reading the decisions, espe- cially the cases of Stenzel v. Pennsylvania, Hilton v. Phoenix, Grubbs et al. v. Ins. Co. and Mack v. Ins. Co., and, as was said in these decisions, cash value does not necesarily mean prime cash cost, plus freight, nor does it mean cost of (original) pro- duction; the cash value on the day of the fire might be much less and it might be much more than the goods cost. If the goods have declined in price, the insurance company is entitled to that decline. If prices have advanced, the assured is. entitled to the benefit of such advance. In both cases the insurance company is entitled to any depreciation it can show has taken place in the goods from shop wear, change in styles or for any other valid reason. There may be great difference between cost of production and cost of reproduction, not only for the reason that cost of labor and material fluctuates, but other conditions may inter- vene, as, for instance, a manufacturer's factory may burn and he be thereby placed in a position where he can not reproduce the destroyed goods. In such case, if his goods have a known cash market value, such as flour, lumber or whisky, then the measure of damage for which the company would be liable is the sum a similar grade of goods would have cost him deliv- ered at the time and place of fire. If the property destroyed be whisky, the chances are it can not be reproduced by the assured, even though his distillery may not have been harmed, for the reason that the longer he has had it the more valuable it is. New whisky has to be aged. The same principle holds good with it that was expressed by the court in Western Assurance Co. v. Studebaker, 124 Ind. 176, 20 Ins. L. J. 64, in sustaining the objection of plaintiff to the in- troduction of evidence showing what the contract was between plaintiff and a party in another State for green lumber used 'in their business. The court said: "These contracts are for green lumber to be manufactured and delivered in future. The lum- ber destroyed was seasoned, dry lumber. It was, therefore, proper to show what first-class poplar lumber, dry and of the sam dimensions, was worth in the market at the time and place of the fire." If there was no market at such time and place, then it might probably be proper to show what it was worth in the nearest market, with cost of transportation to scene of the loss added. Suppose, too, that a manufacturer has contracted for the CASH VALUE MEASURE OF DAMAGE. 35 sale of his entire output, and has only a certain time in which to deliver a certain quantity of goods. In case of fire, his loss will be what it costs him to go on the market and buy the goods, and that will be the measure of damage for which the insurer is liable for those goods that were destroyed by the fire. The contract does not insure the goods themselves; it insures their owner against loss on same. An insurance policy is a personal contract. Wilcox v. Hill, 44 Mass. 66. 36 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER III. NOTICE OF LOSS. "If fire occur the insured shall give immediate notice of any loss thereby, in writing, to this company." The requirement of immediate notice of loss contained in a New York standard policy is satisfied by a notice given within a reasonable time. (In this case, 53 days after the fire, where, however, the policy was in the safe in the building which was burned and could not be obtained until about the time the notice was given), taking into consideration the situation of the insured and all the circumstances by which he is surrounded, and if he uses due diligence in discovering the policy, and serving the notice of loss, this is sufficient. Solomon v. Continental Ins. Co., 160 N. T. 695. Citing: O'Brien v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 76 N. T. 459; Carpenter v. German Amer. Ins. Co., 135 N. Y. 298; Griffey v. N. T. Central Ins. Co., 100 N. Y. 417; N. Y. Cent. Ins. Co. v. Nat. Protection Ins. Co., 20 Barb. 468; Inman v. Western Ins. Co., 12 Wend. 452; Ben- nett v. Lycoming County M. Ins. Co., 67 N. Y. 274; Matthews v. American Central Ins. Co., 154 N. Y. 458; McNally v. Phoe- nix Ins. Co., 137 N. Y. 389; Trustees Amherst College v. Ritch, 151 N. Y. 282; Paltrovitch v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 143 N. Y. 73; Sergeant v. Liverpool and London and Globe Ins. Co., 156 N. Y. 349. It is for the jury to determine whether, in view of all the circumstances, the insured acted with due diligence and without unnecessary delay in giving notice forthwith. Griffey v. N. Y. Central Ins. Co., 100 N. Y. 417; affirming 30 Hun. 299; O'Brien v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 76 N. Y. 469. Eleven days after fire is not forthwith: Trask v. Ins. Co., 6 Casey 198. Eighteen days after fire is not forthwith: Edwards v. Ly coming Co. Mut. Fire Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 3 Ins. L. J. 534. Standard form policy requiring immediate notice is not complied with by giving notice thirty-three days after fire. Quinlan v. Providence-Washington Ins. Co, (N. Y.), 39 St. Rep. 820; affirmed in 133 N. Y. 356. 37 38 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. \ Fourteen days after the fire, unaccompanied by any fact or circumstances excusing delay is not such immediate notice. La Force v. Williamsburgh City Fire Ins. Co., 43 Mo. App. 618. Failure to notify insurer within the term prescribed unless waived, will avoid the policy. Blossom v. Lycoming Fire Ins. Co., 64 N. T. 162; Burnham v. Royal Ins. Co., 75 Mo. App. 394. Requirement of notice forthwith is not complied with by serving proofs of loss seven weeks after fire. Brown v. London Assurance Corp. (N. Y.), 40 Hun. 101. Where assured has failed to notify insurer of the loss, thereby forfeiting his claim under the policy, the insurer does not waive his rights to claim forfeiture by refusing to pay loss on other grounds. Blossom T. Lycoming Fire Ins. Co., 64 N. T. 162; Brown T. London Assurance Corp. (N. Y.), 40 Hun. 101. Notice may be given the local agent who wrote the policy. Kendall T. Holland Purchase Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 2 S. C. 376; affirmed in 68 N. Y. 682; Germania F. Ins. Co. v. Curran (Kan. S. C.), 1 Ins. L. J. 191. A notice of loss sent by the local agent who informs the in- sured that it is sent, though not purporting to be sent in be- half of insured, if received by the company, is sufficient. Loeb v. American Central Ins. Co., 99 Mo. 60, 21 Ins. L. J. 889. Where policy makes the notice of loss a condition precedent to recovery, no suit can be maintained without proof of such notice. Washington M. Ins. Co. T. Heckenath (N. Y.), 7 Leg. & Ins. Rep. 357. Forthwith means in reasonable time, or with reasonable diligence, dependent on the circumstances of the case. Bennet v. Lycoming Mo. Mut. Ins. Co., 67 N. Y. 274. It means due diligence, four days after the fire is sufficient. St. Louis Ins. Co. v. Kyle, 11 Mo. 278. In case of an infant, the guardian appointed after the loss may give the requisite notice. O'Brien v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 76 N. Y. 469. NOTICE OF Loss. 39 Knowledge by a fire insurance company's agent of the loss by fire does not relieve the insured from the duty of giving notice. Smith v. Haverhill Ins. Co., 83 Mass. 297. Verbal notice given by assured to insurance company's agent who wrote the policy is not such notice as the policy requires. Ermentraut v. Girard F. and M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 87. Where a fire insurance policy requires notice of loss forth- with, it means with all reasonable diligence under the circum- stances of the particular case. Central City Ins. Co. v. Gates, 86 Ala. 558. 18 Ins. L. J. 761. HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER IV. PROOFS OF LOSS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ASSURED. "If fire occur, the * insured shall * * * protect the property from further damage, forthwith separate the damaged and undamaged personal property, put it in the best possible or- der, make a complete inventory of the same, stating the quantity and cost of each article and the amount claimed thereon; and, within sixty days after the fire, unless such time is extended in writing by this company, shall render a statement to this company, signed and sworn to by said insured, stating the knowledge and belief of the insured as to the time and origin of the fire; the interest of the insured and of all others in the property; the cash value of each item thereof and the amount of loss thereon; all incum- brances thereon; all other insurance, whether valid or not, covering any of said property; and a copy of all the de- scriptions and schedules in all policies; any changes in the title, use, occupation, location, possession, or exposures oi said property since the issuing of this policy; by whom and for what purpose any building herein described and the several parts thereof were occupied at the time of fire; and shall furnish, if required, verified plans and specifications oi any building, fixtures, or machinery destroyed or damaged; and shall also, if required, furnish a certificate of the magis- trate or notary public (not interested in the claim as a creditor or otherwise, nor related to the insured), living nearest the place of fire, stating that he has examined the circumstances and believes the insured has honestly sus- tained loss to the amount that such magistrate or notary public shall certify." New York Standard Policy. "The insured shall forthwith separate the damaged and un- damaged personal property, put it in the best possible order and make a complete inventory of same." Oshkosh Match Co. v. Manchester Assur. Co., 92 Wis. 510; Thornton v. Security Ins. Co., 117 Fed. 773; 32 Ins. L. J. 557; Astrich v. German Amer. Ins. Co., 33 Ins. L. J. 308; affirmed (U. S. C. C. A. 3d Dist.), 33 Ins. L. J. 925. The assured took an inventory and at the end of it stated the claim for loss as follows: 41 42 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Inventory Loss 33 1/3 % on dry goods, underwear, etc.$6,061 $2,020.53 25 % on furniture and fixtures 650 162.50 16 % on boots, shoes and rubbers. . 1,050 157.50 15 % on groceries, spices, etc 2,850 427.50 Total Loss $2,768.03 In this inventory are found some items of a collective char- acter, such as "a lot of goods in show windows," "contents oi a small show case," "lot of shirt bosoms, handkerchiefs, fly net- ting, etc." The point taken is that policy requires each article to be given, its quantity and cost and the amount claimed there- on separately. Held, This stipulation is not to be construed most strictly against the insured. Its object is to secure a full statement of the loss he claims, so that company may have notice and the neccessary opportunity to test its correctness. Boyle v. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 24 Ins. L, J. 699. If unable to give cost of each article, the number of such articles of each kind may be given with the average price. Clement's Digest, Rule 5, p. 15, citing Peoples F. Ins. Co. v. Pulver, 127 111. 246 ; 20 N. E. Rep. 18. The expense of putting in order and of inventorying must be borne by the assured. Clement's Digest, Rule 4, p. 15. Hebner v. Palatine Ins. Co., 157 111. 144 ; 41 N. E. Rep. 627. i The expense of the insured in saving and protecting the property and putting it in the best possible order is one inci- dental to the loss, and, until the case of Hebner v. Palatine Ins. Co., and Fire Ins. Assn' v. Wickham et al., I never heard of an adjuster taking the position that his company was not liable for such loss. The fact that the policy requires the assured to do certain acts in the preservation of his property is all the more reason for reimbursing him for the expense. If goods of an unknown value were among the debris of a building, and the insured, by hard work, succeeds in saving them at an expense of $5,000 and they sell for $7,500, the salvage has, according to this Illinois decision, two values, one of $7,500 to the insurance companies, but only $2,500 to the insured, but fortunately for the insured, the insurance companies do not take such an unrea- sonable and unfair view of the matter in adjusting losses with their claimants and policyholders, and if they were inclined to settle losses according to the Illinois decision, I am of the belief that other States would follow the doctrine laid down PROOFS OF Loss REQUIREMENTS OF ASSURED. 43 by the U. S. S. C. in the case of Fire 1 Ins. Ass'n, (Ltd.), v. Wickham et al., 21 Ins. L. J. 193, in which they say: In this case there are two distinct and separate claims of similar amounts, namely, $15,364.78, one of which was for the direct loss by fire to the property insured, and the other was for incidental cost of saving and protecting it from further dam- age. The plaintiff assumed on the face of the receipts (which were in usual form one for payment of loss, the other for pay- ment of return premium, both providing for cancellation and surrender of the policy) to settle with the plaintiff for both of these claims for the exact amount of one of them. In other words, they assumed to settle for a moiety of the entire claim, a claim, the legality and justness of which was so far beyond dispute that it could hardly fail to be recognized by the ad- justers for the companies * * *. The appraisement (which pro- vided that it was "of binding effect only as far as regards the actual cash value of or damage to such property insured." It was further added that "the property on which loss or damage is to be estimated and appraised is the hull of the propeller St. Paul, including tackle, awnings, furniture, engine and boiler connections and appurtenances thereto belonging," with a further memorandum following the signature of Wickham, but preceding those of the companies that this agreement does not apply to or cover any question that may arise for saving boat and cargo") the actions of the parties and the statement of the adjusters that they had no authority whatever for considering the claim for raising and saving the steamer, as the companies were not liable for such expenses, all show that this claim was not intended to be included in the receipts. Judgment for plaintiff in court below was here affirmed. In both these cases, Hebner v. Palatine and Fire Ins. Ass'n v. Wickham, the property insured was a boat and the risk as- sumed was against fire only. But the insured is not required to put the goods in order (or to make inventory) when the value is trifling and no proof is offered that by so doing the value would be enhanced. Clement's Digest, Rule 4, p. 15. Citing: Wright v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 36 Wis. 522. Where goods (merchandise) are totally destroyed, an item- ized inventory is not required. Clement's Digest. Rule 6. p. 15. 44 HAU, ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Citing: Davis v. Grand Rapids Ins. Co., 15 Misc. 263 ; 36 N. Y. Supp. 792; affirmed 157 N. Y. 685, no opinion. Johnston v. Farmers Ins. Co., 106 Mich. 96; 64 N. W. Rep. 6. Nor where they are so damaged as to render the making of such an inventory impracticable. Clement's Digest, Rule 6, p. 15. Citing: Powers D. G. Co. v. Imperial Ins. Co., 48 Minn. 380. A clause in a fire policy requiring an itemized statement of the cash value of each article and the amount of loss thereon, applies only to the goods saved from the fire and not to those which were burned. Davis v. Grand Rapids Ins. Co., 36 N. Y. Supp. 792, affirmed In 157 N. Y. 685, no opinion. Where the books and papers of the insured and all means of making an accurate inventory were consumed with the in- sured merchandise, a statement on oath, showing this fact, and that the property insured and destroyed was, at least, of the value of the sum named is sufficient. Bumstead v. Dividend Mut. Ins. Co., 12 N. Y. 81 ; Hoffman v. ^Etna Ins. Co., 1 Rob. 501 ; S. C. 19 Abb. Pr. 325 ; Mortimer v. N. Y. Fire Ins. Co., 2 U. S. Law Magf. 452. The furnishing of preliminary proofs of loss, unless waived, is condition precedent to recovery. Underwood v. Farmers Joint Stock Ins. Co., 57 N. Y. 500 ; Irving v. Excelsior F. Ins. Co., (N. Y.), 1 Bos. 507; Burnham v. Royal Ins. Co., 75 Mo. App. 394 ; Kingsley v. N. B. Ins. Co., 62 Mass. 393 ; Wellcome v. Peoples Ins. Co., 68 Mass. 480 ; Shawmut S. R. Co. v. Peoples Ins. Co., 78 Mass. 535 ; Home Ins. Co. v. Duke (Ind. S. C.), 3 Ins. L. J. 365 ; Ins. Co. v. Hathaway, 43 Kans. 399 ; Ins. Co. v. Seyferth, 29 111. App. 513 ; Leigh v. Ins. Co., 37 Mo. App. 542 ; Lee v. Ins. Co., 73 Tex. 641. And they must be furnished within the time required by the policy. McDermott v. Lycomlng F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 12 J. and S. 221; Smith v. Haverhill Ins. Co.. 83 Mass. 297 ; Eastern R. R. v. Relief Ins. Co., 98 Mass. 420. Where proofs are served 60 days after the fire has termi- nated or abated to such an extent that an inspection of the dam- aged property may be had, it is a sufficient requirement of the policy that proofs must be furnished within 60 days after the fire. National Wall Paper Co. v. Associated Mfrs. Mut F. Ins. Co., 175 N. Y. 226. PROOFS OF Loss REQUIREMENTS OF ASSURED. . 45 The requirement in the policy that proofs be furnished within 60 days after the fire, is not complied with by deposit- ing such proofs in the mail on the 60th day after the loss, where it does not reach its destination within the limited time. Peabody v. Satterlee, 166 N. Y. 174. reversing (S. C.) 36 App. Dlv. 426 ; 30 Ins. L. J. 885. A statement in the proofs of loss, that the property be- longed to the assured, and that no other person or persons had any interest therein, is equivalent to a statement that there were no incumbrances on the property. Davis v. Grand Rapids Ins. Co., N. Y. S. C. 5, App. Div. 36 ; affirmed in 157 N. Y. 685 (no opinion.) Where several policies are issued to one person, upon the same property, a single proof of loss referring to all the poli- cies is sufficient. Dakin v. L. and L. and G. Ins. Co., 13 Hun. 122 ; S. C. 77 N. Y. 600. Preliminary proofs may be signed by a member of a co- partnership in the absence of any provision in the policy re- quiring the names of the individual members of the firm to be given. Kerelsen v. Sun Fire Office, 122 N. Y. 545 ; affirming S. C. 16 St. Rep. 239. The retention of proofs of loss for more than twenty-three days without objection operates as a waiver of defects therein. Davis v. Grand Rapids Ins. Co., N. Y. S. C., 5 App. Div. 36 ; affirmed in 157 N. Y. 685 (no opinion.) Where proofs of loss are kept without objection that they were not served by the proper party, the insurer can not make defense that they were not served by the "insured." De Witt v. Agricultural Ins. Co., 89 Hun. 229 ; S. C. 71 St. Rep. 556 ; Affirmed in 157 N. Y. 353. Where the insured in his proofs of loss makes a statement of what he had been "informed" was the origin of the fire, and no question of surprise was raised on the trial, he is not es- topped or precluded from showing that, in fact, the fire origi- nated from some other cause. White v. Royal Ins. Co., 149 N. Y. 485 ; affirming S. C. 8 Misc. 611. 46 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. The preliminary proofs are not evidence of the loss on the trial. Yonkers and N. Y. F. Ins. Co. v. Hoffman F. Ins. Co., (N. Y.), 6 Rob. 316 ; Sexton v. Montgomery Co. Mut. Ins. Co., 9 Barb. 191. Unless made so by the terms of the policy. Sexton v. Montgomery Co. Mut. Ins. Co., 9 Barb. 191. The furnishing of preliminary proofs according to the con- ditions of the policy must be averred in the declaration; or it will be bad on demurrer, Inman v. Western Fire Ins. Co., 12 Wend. 452, (N. Y.) ; Furlong v. Agricultural Ins. Co., 28 Abb. N. C. 444; S. C. (N. Y.), 45 St. Rep. 856. A denial of liability waives proofs and suit may be brought at once. Hicks v. British America Assur. Co., 8 (N. Y. S. C.) App. Div. 444 ; S. C. 43 N. Y. Supp. 623. Flaherty v. Continental Ins. Co., 20 App. Div. 275; (N. Y.) S. C. 46 N. Y. Supp. 934 ; Ins. Co. v. Richardson (Neb. S. C.), 24 Ins. L. J. 690 ; Ins. Co. v. Journal .Pub. Co. (Wash. S. C.), 20 Ins. L*. J. 395; Ins. Co. v. Carey (111. S. C.), 6 Ins. L. J. 493. Ins. Co. v. Maguire, 57 111. 342 ; Cobb v. Ins. Co., 11 Kans. 93 ; Ins. Co. v. Gracey (Cal. S. C.), 20 Ins. L. J. 28 ; Donohoe v. Ins. Co. (Vt. S. C.), 13 Ins. L. J. 116. The trustee in bankruptcy of an absconding bankrupt may, by direction of the court, make proofs of loss under policies of insurance held by the bankrupt. Sims v. Union Assur. Soc. (U. S. C. C. Ga.), 129 Fed. Rep. 804. Mortgagee may make proofs. Nickerson v. Nickerson et al. (Me. S. J. C.), 12 Atl. Rep. 880. Bull v. North British and Merc. Ins. Co. (Ont. S. C. of J.), 9 Can. Law Times, 26; Armstrong v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), 31 N. Y. St. Rep. 201. The case of Peabody v. Satterlee, 30 Ins. L. J. 885, does not pass upon the question as to who may make proofs. The at- torney for the assured in that case made proofs which were returned by the company, with the request that the insured make the proofs. The fact that the assured accepted the re- jected proofs made by his lawyer, and made new proofs in his own name, waived any right that he might have had to claim that the proofs were in order, hence, the court did not pass upon this question. A proof of loss is an entirely ex parte statement of facts PROOFS OF Loss REQUIREMENTS OF ASSURED. 47 concerning the property, the loss and the insurance, intended only to afford information as a basis of settlement, if satisfac- tory, and if not, a basis for investigation. This statement made in behalf of the insured, by an agent fully conversant with all the facts, and having charge of the property, serves these pur- poses as well as if made by the insured himself. Accordingly, it has been generally held, when the principal is absent, and the facts are within the knowledge of the agent, a proof so made is sufficient. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Sims (Ga. S. C.), 42 S. E. Rep. 269; Lumbermen's Ins. Co. v. Bell (111.),- 45 N. E. Rep. 130; German F. Ins. Co. v. Grunert (111.); Sims v. State Ins. Co., 4 Am. Rep. 311; Pearlstine v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (S. C. S. C.), 34 I. L. J. 39; Sims v. Union Assur. Soc. (U. S. C. C. Ga.), 129 Fed. Rep. 804. / But see cases under examination under oath, which places it within the power of the adjuster to practically nullify the ruling of the courts allowing a third party to make proofs for the insured. Objections to proofs of loss must be specific and not general. Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Meyer (Neb. S. C.), 46 N. W. Rep. 292; Bean v. Travelers Ins. Co. (Cal. S. C.), 29 Pac. Rep. 1113; Dwelling House Ins. Co. v. Gould (Pa. S. C.), 19 Atl. Rep. 793; Paltrovitch v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 143 N. Y. 73; S. C. 60 St. Rep. 462; affirming S. C. 68 Hun. 304. J It is the duty of the company immediately to notify the as- sured wherein his proofs are defective. Dwelling House Ins. Co. v. Gould (Pa. S. C.), 19 Atl. Rep. 793. Company must object to defects in reasonable time. Union Ins. Co. v. Barwick (Neb. S. C.), (Mar. 18. 1893), 6 Finch Digest 67; Nease v. Aetna Ins. Co. (W. Va. C. A.), 9 S. E. Rep. 233; Peet v. Dakota F. and M. Ins. Co. (Dakota S. C.), 20 Ins. L. J. 253. Company must object to defects promptly. Kernochan v. N. Y. Bowery F. Ins. Co., 17 N. Y. 428; Biddleford Savings Bank v. Dwelling House Ins. Co. (Me. S. C.), 18 Atl. Rep. 298. Retention of proofs of loss without objection for: Twenty-three days is waiver of defects. Paltrovitch v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 143 N. Y. 73; S. C. 60 St. Rep. 462; affirming S. C. 68 Hun. 304. Thirty days is waiver of defects. Peoples F. Ins. Co. v. Pulver (111. S. C.), 20 N. E. Rep. 18; Carpenter v. Allemannia F. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 26 Atl. Rep. 781. 48 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Thirty-eight days is waiver of defects. Keeney v. Home Ins. Co., 71 N. Y. 396. Forty-five days is waiver of defects. Jones v. Howard Ins. Co., 117 N. Y. 103. Forty-eight days is waiver of defects. Capitol Ins. Co. v. Wallace (Kan. S. C.). 22 Ins. L. J. 397. The failure of the insurance company to object to proofs of loss after notice, in other words by undue length of silence after presentation; or its refusal to pay on grounds other than de- fective proofs, will waive proofs. But none of the courts hold that its mere silence after receipt of notice of loss will waive proofs. Central City Ins. Co. v. Gates, 86 Ala. 668, 18 Ins. L. J. 761. CHAPTER V. NOTARY PUBLIC'S OR MAGISTRATE'S CERTIFICATE. The production of such certificate when required, unless the insurer has waived it or prevented the obtaining it, is a^con- dition precedent to recovery. DeLand v. Aetna Ins. Co., 68 Mo. App. 277; Johnson v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 112 Mass. 49; Dplliver v. St. Joseph Ins. Co., 131 Mass. 39; Fink v. Lancashire Ins. Co., 60 Mo. App. 673; Hubbard v. North British and M. Ins. Co., 67 Mo. App. 1; Cornell v. Hope Ins. Co., 3 Martin (La.) 223; Columbian Ins. Co. v. Lawrence, 10 Pet. 507; Leadbetter v. Aetna Ins. Co., 13 Me. 265. The clause requiring notary public or magistrate most con- tiguous to the fire, will be liberally construed, the magistrate's proximity to the place is all that can be required. Turley v. North American F. Ins. Co. (N. T. S. C.), 25 Wend. 374. His certificate that he is not concerned in the loss is suffi- cient until disproved. Cornell v. LeRoy (N. Y. S. C.), 9 Wend. 163. Where the policy requires the certificate within 60 days after fire, no recovery can be had unless it is furnished. Gottlieb v. Dutchess Mut. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), 89 Hun. 36; S. C. 69 St. Rep. 250. The requirement as to nearest magistrate must be strictly complied with, when the nearest not only does not refuse to act, but actually gives a certificate which does not meet the require- ment. Noonan v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 21 Mo. 81. The capricious refusal of the nearest magistrate to give the certificate will not prevent a recovery if the certificate of an- other magistrate is obtained. Leigh v. Springfield F. and M. Ins. Co., 37 Mo. App. 642. Where the nearest notary refuses certificate, that of next nearest notary is a compliance with the policy. Lang v. Eagle F. Ins. Co., 12 App. Div. 39; S. C. 42 N. Y. Supp. 638. Walker v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 62 Mo. App. 209. 49 50 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Not concerned in the loss as a creditor means that he shall not have a specific interest by way of lien, and does not dis- qualify a magistrate who is a general creditor. Dolliver v. St. Joseph Ins. Co., 131 Mass. 39. Where the insurer furnishes blank proof of loss containing form for a certificate, and rejects two sets of proofs because they each fail to contain such certificate, it will defeat recovery on the policy, unless it is otherwise waived. Sullivan v. Germania F. Ins. Co., 89 Mo. App. 106. If the certificate be so drawn as to mean the same thing without using the exact words of the policy, it is sufficient. Aetna F. Ins. Co. v. Tyler (N. Y. S. C.) ( 16 Wend. 385. Assured complies with the requirement if he goes to the nearest de jure magistrate. Walker v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 62 Mo. App. 209. Without requirement assured did furnish certificate, which insurer objected to on the ground that it did not mention the damage. Held, This did not amount to a requirement for such certificate, (^tna Ins. Co. v. Bank, 62 Fed. Rep. 222, dis- tinguished). Swearinger v. Pacific F. Ins. Co., 66 Mo. App. 90. An objection to proof because certificate was not furnished is not good unless such certificate has been requested before- hand. (Cases reviewed and distinguished). , Burnett v. American Central Ins. Co., 68 Mo. App. 343. Retention for 23 days of certificate of notary not nearest fire waives company's right to reject proofs on that ground. Paltrovitch v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 143 N. Y. 73; S. C. 60 St. Rep. 462; affirming S. C. 68 Hun. 304. Where company rejects certificate on the ground that there is a nearer notary, it should give the name and address of such notary to enable the insured to comply with its demands. Paltrovitch v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 143 N. Y. 73; S. C. 60 St. Rep. 462; affirming S. C. 68 Hun. 304. I Where proofs of loss not containing certificates were re- jected and nearly a year afterwards proofs of loss and certifi- NOTAEY PUBLIC'S OR MAGISTRATE'S CERTIFICATE. 51 cate were served and suit commenced the same day, it was held suit was not prematurely brought. McNally v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 137 N. T. 389; S. C. 50 St. Rep. 680; reversing S. C. 42 St. Rep. 21. Where nearest notary's certificate was not secured, but no defect in this respect was pointed out until after commencement of action, the objection was too late. Barnum v. Merchant's F. Ins. Co., 98 N. T. 188; Smith v. Home Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), 47 Hun. 30. 52 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER VI. EXAMINATION UNDER OATH, AND THE PRODUCTION OF BOOKS, INVOICES, ETC. "The insured, as often as required, shall exhibit to any person designated by this company all that remains of any prop- erty herein described, and submit to examinations under oath by any person named by this company, and subscribe the same ; and, as often as required, shall produce for exami- nation all books of account, bills, invoices, and other vouch- ers or certified copies thereof, if originals be lost, at such reasonable place as may be designated by this company or its representative, and shall permit extracts and copies thereof to be made." The trustee in bankruptcy of an absconding bankrupt may, by direction of the court, make proofs of loss under policies of insurance held by the bankrupt. Sims v. Union Assur. Soc. (U. S. C. C. Ga.), 129 Fed. Rep. 804. A proof of loss is an entirely ex parte statement of facts concerning the property, the loss and the insurance, intended only to afford information as a basis of settlement if satisfac- tory, and if not, a basis for investigation. This statement, made in behalf of the insured by an agent fully conversant with all the facts, and having charge of the property, serves these pur- poses as well as if made by the insured himself. Accordingly, it has been generally held, when the principal is absent and the facts are within the knowledge of the agent, a proof so made is sufficient. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Sims (Ga. S. C.), 42 S. E. Rep. 269: Lumbermen's Ins. Co. v. Bell (111.), 45 N. E. Rep. 130. German F. Ins. Co. v. Grunert (111.), Sims v. State Ins. Co., 4 Am. Rep. 311. Pearlstine v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (S. C. S. C.). 34 Ins. L. J. 39; Sims v. Union Assur. Soc. (U. S. C. C. Ga.), 129 Fed. Rep. 804; Burns v. Michigan Mfrs. Mut. F. Co. (Mich. S. C., May, 1902), 31 Ins. L. J. 663. But the provision for examination under oath stands upon an entirely different footing from that requiring proofs of loss; the manifest purpose of this stipulation is to afford a method 53 54 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. of detecting imposition and fraud. In demanding examination, the insurer indicates dissatisfaction with the formal ex parte statement of proof. In such case, the insured has agreed his conscience may be searched by questions put to him face to face, where there is no opportunity for studied concealment. He, and not his agent, has an interest in the claim for the insurance and, therefore, a motive for fraud. To hold that a person to whom an insurance policy was issued could sub- stitute an agent for himself to undergo such an examination would be to disregard not only the letter, but the spirit of the actual contract, and make another for the parties. We know of no authority which holds that an agent may be substituted for such an examination. Pearlstine v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (S. C. S. C.), 34 Ins. L. J. 39; Citing Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Sims (Ga. S. C.), 42 S. E. Rep. 269; Gross v. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. Ga.), 22 Fed Rep. 74. The company has the right to demand and have the insured himself appear for examination under oath, and his failure to appear for examination on demand of the company is a bar to a right of action. Sims v. Union Assur. Soc. (U. S. C. C. Ga.), 129 Fed. Rep. 804; Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Sims (Ga. S. C.), 42 S. E. Rep. 269; 31 Ins. L. J. 1049; Gross v. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), 22 Fed. Rep. 74. To constitute insured's refusal to be examined under oath a ground of defense, the insurance company must show that it named a reasonable time after notice of the fire, the place must have been a reasonably convenient one within the county where the insured resided, and it must have designated some person authorized by law to administer oaths and before whom such examination could be had. Aetna Ins. Co. v. Simmons, 49 Neb. 811; 69 N. W. Rep. 125. And the insured must subscribe to such examination. >p. 276; :eene, 85 Md. 263; 26 Ins. L. J. 963. Grigsby v. Ins. Co., 40 Mo. App. 276; Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. v. Ke< Once he refuses to subscribe, he may still do so if he so wishes. O'Brien v. Ohio Ins. Co., 52 Mich. 131. The insured, if required, is bound to furnish duplicate bills EXAMINATION; PRODUCTION OF BOOKS, ETC. 55 (the originals of which have been lost), certified by the ven- dors, unless unable to do so. O'Brien v. Commercial F. Ins. Co., 63 N. T. 108. Plaintiff is bound to show that he made a reasonable effort to comply with defendant's request to furnish duplicate bills, the originals of which were lost. Langan v. Royal Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 29 Atl. Rep. 710. A duplicate bill is not a certified copy; the demand should be in the language of the policy to make it operative. Ins. Cos. v. Weides, 14 Wallace U. S. 375. Insured can not be compelled to say on what basis he set- tled with other companies. Ins. Cos. v. Weides, 14 Wallace U. S. 375. The insured is only required to answer such questions as have a material bearing on the risk. Titus v. Glens Falls Ins. Co., 81 N. T. 410; Porter v. Traders Ins. Co., 164 N. Y. 504. In the absence of any stipulation to the contrary, the proper place for examination of assured's books is the trading place of assured in the town or place where loss occurred. Fleisch v. Ins. Co. of N. A., 58 Mo. App. 598; 23 Ins. L. J. 634; Murphy v. North B. & M. Ins. Co., 61 Mo. App. 323. Reasonable place means reasonable place in the locality or town where the loss occurred. Murphy v. North B. & M. Ins. Co.. 61 Mo. App. 323. Tucker v. Colonial F. Ins. Co. (W. Va. S. C.), 34 Ins. L. J. 969. The insurer can not require the insured to leave the State where he resides and where fire occurs to submit to examina- tion under oath. Amer. Central Ins. Co. v. Simpson, 43 111. App. 98. i And the insured may not demand that such examination shall be made at a distant place to which he has removed after the fire. Fleisch v. Ins. Co. of N. A., 58 Mo. App. 596; 23 Ins. L. J. 634. Where the insured endeavors to comply with the require- ment to furnish duplicate bills, the jury must decide whether such efforts were reasonable under all the circumstances. Coleman v. Ins. Co., 177 Pa. St. 239. ii HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. He is bound to comply with the request, if possible. Langan v. Ins. Co., 162 Pa. St. 367; 23 Ins. L. J. 878; Seibel v. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 29 Ins. L. J. 838. The insurer's office in the adjoining county in which the loss occurs is a reasonable place for the production of books and bills. Seibel v. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 29 Ins. L. J. 838; Aetna Ins. Co. v. Simmons, 49 Neb. 811; 69 N. W. Rep. 125. The time must be reasonable, and the place be reasonably conventient to where insured resides. Aetna Ins. Co. v. Simmons, 49 Neb. 811; 69 N. W. Rep. 125; Aurora Ins. Co. v. Johnson, 46 Ind. 315; State Ins. Co. v. Maackens, 38 N. J. L. 564. The failure of the insured to produce books, papers and vouchers, in the absence of a proper demand for their produc- tion, does not constitute a defense to payment under a policy of fire insurance. [Judgment for plaintiff below. Here affirmed against company.] Narinsky v. Fidelity Surety Co. (N. T. S. C. App. Tr.): 92 New York Supplement (April 10,1905), 771. The postive refusal of an insurance company to pay the loss is an absolute waiver of its right under the policy to exam- ine the books of the insured. [Judgment for plaintiff below. Here affirmed against company.] Colonial Mut. Fire Ins. Co. v. Ellinger (111. A. C.): 112 111. App. 302. Although it might be found that it was impossible to pro- duce duplicate bills of purchase of a certain class, that fact did not excuse the non-production of those that could have been ob- tained by a bona fide effort on the part of the insured. Mispelhorn v. Ins. Co., 53 Md. 473. Insured is not compelled to do an impossible thing, and if he can show that it was impossible to get duplicate bills, he may recover. A finding by the jury that he has done all that was possible is conclusive. Eggleston v. Council Bluffs Ins. Co., 65 Iowa 308; 14 Ins. L. J. 365; Miller v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 70 Iowa 704. The insured is not obliged, when unable to do so, to fur- nish invoices of property destroyed. Stepehens v. Union Assur. Soc. (Utah S. C.), 50 Pac. Rep. 626. EXAMINATION; PRODUCTION OF BOOKS, ETC. 57 The insured may have his attorney present at such examina- tion. Thomas v. Burlington Ins. Co., 47 Mo. App. 169; Amer. Central Ins. Co. v. Simpson, 43 111. App. 98. The defense to an action on a fire policy that insured had failed to submit to an examination under oath, as required, is waived, if no notice was given to the insured, but notice was given to her husband, and as her agent he appeared and was ex- amined. Western Assur. Co. v. McGlathery (Ala. S. C.), 22 Southern Rep. 104. The insurer waives the formal certification of the copy of bills and invoices furnished it, where it receives and exam- ines the same, without objection to the absence of certificates, and makes no objection until a trial. Johnson v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 69 Mo. App. 226. Where the insured makes no attempt to comply with in- surer's request to furnish certified copies of bills, the originals of which were destroyed, he cannot recover. Milwaukee Mechs. Ins. Co. v. Winfield (Kan. C. A.), 51 Pac. Rep. 667. Certified copies of bills and invoices does not mean an in- ventory of the stock insured owned when policy was issued. Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Center (Texas C. C. A.), 31 S. W. Rep. 446. The examination under oath cures defects in proofs. Carpenter v. German- American Ins. Co., 136 N. T. 298. Misstatement of facts made in examination under oath will not avoid the policy unless insured knew them to be false, and made them with fraudulent intent. Huston v. State Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 69 N. W. Rep. 674. Wilful false swearing will avoid the whole policy. Hamberg v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 26 Ins. L. J. 782. The loss is due sixty days after proofs of loss are furnished and the duplicate bills furnished on demand of insurer are no part of the proofs of loss. Aetna Ins. Co. v. McLeod et al. (Kan. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 669. 58 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER VII.. FRAUD AND FALSE SWEARING. The policy will not be avoided without proof of fraudulent intent. Dresser v. United Firemen's Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 45 Hun. 298. An over-valuation of the goods destroyed in the proofs of loss, unless shown to be wilful, is 'not even presumptive evi- dence of false swearing or fraud. Unger v. People's F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 4 Daly 96; Gibbs v. Continental Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 13 Hun. 611. The misstatement as to value in proofs of loss must be false and fraudulent, but a misstatement which is but the ex- pression of an opinion does not operate to avoid the policy. Cheever v. Scottish U. and N. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), 86 App. Div. 328; 83 N. Y. Supp. 730. An honest mistake, or other misstatement in proofs of loss will not forfeit claim. Little v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 123 Mass. 380; Parker et al. v. Amazon Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), 3 Ins. L. J. 567. But if no amended statement has been furnished the in- surer before suit on policy, the action can not be maintained. Campbell v. Charter Oak Ins. Co., 92 Mass. 213; City F. C. Sav. Bank v. Pa. F. Ins. Co., 122 Mass. 165. To work a forfeiture the false statement must be wilfully made with respect to a material matter. Winn v. Ins. Co., 27 Neb. 649; Marion v. Great Rep. Ins. Co., 35 Mo. 148; Walker v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 62 Mo. App. 209; Hamberg v. St. Paul F. and M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 26 Ins. L. J. 782; Phoneix Ins. Co. v. Summerfleld (Miss. S. C.), 22 Ins. L. J. 746. And the false swearing must be either in the proofs of loss or in the examination under oath. Schulter v. Merchants Mut. Ins. Co., 62 Mo. 236; Ins. Cos. v. Weide (U. S. S. C.), 1 Ins. L. J. 767; Ferris & Eaton v. North American Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), 1 Hill 71; 2 Bennett 56. 60 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Defense on ground of false swearing in proofs of loss will not avail the defendant when not pleaded. Bear v. Atlantic Home Ins. Co. (N. T.), 34 Misc. 613; 70 N. Y Supp. 681. The fact that the evidence showed that other dealers carried a much smaller line of certain articles plaintiff claimed to have had is not competent to show that plaintiff's sworn statement of loss was fraudulent. Townsend v. Merchants Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 4 J. & S. 172; S. C. 46 How. Pr. 601. A finding by the jury that plaintiff's loss was less than one- fourth amount claimed in his proofs of loss necessarily results in an inference of fraud and requires a verdict in favor of the defendant. Steinfeld v. Park Ins. Co., N. Y., 50 Hun. 262; S. C. 19 St. Rep. 1*3; 2 N. Y. Supp. 766. Contra: Com'l Ins. Co. v. Friedlander, 156 111. 595. Obersteller v. Com'l Assur. Co. (Cal. S. C.), 22 Ins. L. J. 392. Moore v. Protection Ins. Co., 29 Me. 97; 2 Bennett 758. Marchesseau v. Merchants Ins. Co., 2 Ben. 166 (La. S. C.). The question of false swearing is one for the jury. Dolan v. Aetna Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 22 Hun. 396. Levy v. Brooklyn Ins. Co., 25 Wend. 687 ; 2 Bennett 93. A false statement wilfully made as to the loss and value of the insured property will defeat recovery on the policy. Lion F. Ins. Co. v. Star (Tex. S. C.), 18 Ins. L. J. 873. Hall v. Western U. Asset., 106 Mo. App. 476. Home Ins. Co. v. Winn (Neb. S. C.), 24 Ins. L. J. 126. Citing: Claflin v. Ins. Co., 110 U. S. 81. Geib v Ins. Co., 1 Dil 443 Fed. Cas. No. 5298. Huchberger v. Ins. Co., 4 Biss. 265 Fed. Cas. No. 6822. JDollof v. Ins. Co., 82 Me. 266 ; 19 Ins. L. J. 450. Sleeper v. Ins. Co., 56 N. H. 401. Moore v. Ins. Co., 28 Grat. 508. Ins. Co. v. Mannasson, 29 Mich. 316 ; 3 Ins. L. J. 668. If the plaintiff knowingly and willingly inserts in his sworn statement of loss, as burned, any single article, which in fact was not in the house, or was not burned, or if he knowingly puts a false and excessive valuation on any single article, or puts such false and excessive valuation on the whole as dis- plays a reckless and dishonest disregard of the truth in regard to the extent of the loss. Such acts are in themselves fraudulent FRAUD AND FALSE SWEARING. 61 and plaintiff cannot recover at all. Mere words are not neces- sarily proof, and courts are not compelled to allow justice to be perverted, because incredible evidence is not contradicted by direct and postive testimony. Such cases call for the su- pervisory power of the court. Rovinsky v. Northern Assur. Co. and another (S. J. C. Me.), 34 Ins. L. J. 800. Practically the same doctrine is upheld in Schmidt v. Phil. Underwriters (La. S. C.), 32 Ins. L. J. 531. Citing: Claflin v. Ins. Co., 110 U. S. 81 and Regnier v. Ins. Co., 12 La. 336 ; 1 Bennett 670. And this is so where the actual loss was in excess of the amount of the policy as stated in false sworn statement. Dollof v. Phenix Ins. Co. and one other (S. J. C. Me.), 19 Ins. ' L. J. 450. Plaintiff's affidavit that property which had been saved was-destroyed worked a forfeiture of the policy. Knop v. National F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 181. Mullen v. Ins. Co., 58 Vt. 113. West v British America Assur. Co. (U. S. C. C. Dist. Col.), 25 Ins. L. J. 689. Plaintiff paid $3,000 for the building, but claimed it worth $6,500 in his proofs of loss. On trial of the case $3,000 was proven to be its real value. Held, such false statement worked a forfeiture. West v. British America Assur. Co. (U. S. C. C. Dist. Col.), 25 Ins. L. J. 689. Of all the decisions one ever heard of, and one which, if upheld and generally known, will cause more attempts to de- fraud insurance companies than any other, the following takes the lead and is the most unreasonable and unfair: 1. A deception, in order to amount to legal fraud, must both deceive and damage. Where the company is not injured in an adjustment by the fraudulent alteration of books, the ad- justment (based on and arrived at by such books )will not be defeated (disturbed). 2. The concealment of an inventory from the adjusters is not a concealment of a "material fact" within the policy, unless the company is injured thereby. 3. Evidence of the adjusters that they would not have 62 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. made the adjustment had they known of the alterations is a mere opinion of their course under different circumstances and is not admissible. 4. Evidence of the manager as to his reasons for the altera- tions is admissible. Commercial Bank v. Firemen's Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), 23 Ins. L. J. 543. No wonder the court cites no decisions in support of its ruling other than those of its own rendition. It was conceded on the trial of the case that the insured's manager did, after the fire by erasure and overwriting, reduce the manufacturing account $13,000 and increase the lumber account $13,000. The loss was on lumber in kilns. (Such erasurer and changes would not throw the books out of balance.) The inventory taken in January previous to the fire was also concealed from the adjusters. Would not assured's manager who had done these things, swear to anything? Would he ever admit that the insurance company had been defrauded by his fraudulent acts? For what purpose would he perpetrate a fraud? For the protection of the insurance companies (?) of course. How different the reasoning in this case from that of courts of New York, Massachusetts, Maine and Louisiana, and the U. S. S. C. and especially that of the eminent and learned Judge Cooley in Mannasson v. Ins. Co., 29 Mich. 316; 3 Ins. L,. J. 668. Here is Wisconsin again. It was admitted that in stating the amount of the loss in their proofs, insured included mer- chandise as destroyed which had been ordered before the fire, but had not been received at the time of the fire; and that upon their examination under oath after making of the proofs, they testified that these goods had actually been received before the fire. Insured claimed that these false statements were made through innocent mistake, while the companies claimed that they were wilfully made with intent to defraud. The proofs of loss were made out for insured by an expert employed by them, from information furnished by insured. The evidence showed that the bills and invoices of insured were freely submitted to the adjusters who in this manner ascertained the inclusion of the goods in dispute. Held, That while the evidence tended to show the inclusion of the amount of these goods in the proofs FKAUD AND FALSE SWEARING. 63 of loss was wilful, it was a question for the jury whether they were included with fraudulent intent. [Judgment for plaintiff below. Here affirmed against company.] Newton et al. v. Theresa Village Mut. Fire Ins. Co.; Same v. Waterloo Mut. Fire Ins. Co.; Same v. DeForest Mut. Fire Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.) : 104 Northwestern Reporter (July 18, 1905), 107. 64 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER VIII. OPTIONS. Option To Repair or Rebuild. Where the insurer elects to rebuild, the contract of insur- ance is converted into a building contract, and the amount of damage recoverable from the breach of contract is not limited to the amount of insurance. Heilman v. Westchester F. Ins. Co., 75 N. Y. 7, 8 Ins. L. J. 53. Morrell v. Irving Ins. Co., 33 N. Y. 429. Brown et al. v. Royal Ins. Co. (Queen's Bench, Eng.), 4 Bennett 371 ; 1 Ellis & Ellis 853. Where two separate insurers eject to rebuild, in case of breach, the owner may recover his full damages against one of them, leaving it to seek contribution from the other on its own motion. Morrell v. Irving Fire Ins. Co., 33 .N. Y. 429. The impossibility of performance by reason of action of city authorities does not relieve the insurer, it having elected to rebuild, it is liable for damages for not doing so. Brown and others v. Royal Ins. Co. (Queen's Bench, Eng.), 4 Bennett 371 ; 1 Ellis & Ellis 853. Fire Ass'n v. Rosenthal (Pa. S. C.), 15 Ins. L. J. 658. The insurer is liable for damages including rent, resulting through delay. Fire Ass'n v. Rosenthal supra. But there can be no claim for rent until at least after a reasonable length of time has elapsed for making the repairs. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Johnson (111. S. C.), 6 Ins. L. J. 434. The assured is not bound to take any steps to restore the property to its previous condition. Hoffman v. Aetna F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.); 1 Rob. 501. The insurer will not be granted an injunction restraining insured from removing the goods saved, to enable the insurers to exercise their option. N. Y. F. Ins. Co. v. Delaven, (N. Y.), 8 Paige 419. 65 66 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. The notice of insurer's intention to exercise the option must be given within the time named in the policy. McAllaster v. Niagara F. Ins. Co., ,156 N. Y. 80 ; 28 Ins. L. J. 769. The insurance company having elected to rebuild is no longer under obligation to pay a money damage and it will be discharged from garnishment proceedings. Hurst et al. v. Home Protection F. Ins. Co. (Ala. S. C.), 16 Ins. L. J. 688. Godfrey v. Macomber and Ins. Co. (Mass. S. C.), 9 Ins. L. J. 287. The insurer having rebuilt for sum less than the insurance, the unexhausted amount of policy remains in force on the new building in case of its destruction by fire for the unexpired term of policy. Trull v. Roxbury Mut. Ins. Co. (Mass. S. C.), 3 Ben. 15. The company having elected to repair, but for more than a month taking no steps to do so, is liable for damages from ex- posure of building to weather. Amer. Cent'l Ins. Co. v. McLanathan (Kan. S. C.), 2 Ins. L. J. 907. The right of option to rebuild begins to run from time proofs are served and 60 days thereafter when the loss becomes payable the option terminates and right of action accrues. McAllaster v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 28 Ins. L. J. 769. Clover v. Greenwich Ins. Co. 101 N. Y. 277 ; 15 Ins. L. J. 214. And when the insurance company waives proofs of loss, it may still exercise the option within the time limited by the policy and such time begins to run from the date of such waiver. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co. v. Warner (Neb. S. C.), 34 Ins. L. J. 83. There are two modes of settlement under the contract, one is payment of damages for the loss, the other the restoration of the subject of insurance to its former condition. It could not have been contemplated by the parties that both methods of performance were to be pursued. The selection by the insur- ance company of one of these alternatives necessarily consti- tuted an abandonment of the other. Wynkoop v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 12 Ins. L. J. 253. The resort to arbitration by the insurer is an election to make payment in money. McAllaster v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 28 Ins. L. J. f 769. Iowa Central Bldg. & L. Ass'n v. Merchants and Bankers' Fire OPTIONS. 67 Ins. Co. (la. S. C.), 32 Ins. L. J. 852. Alliance Cooperative Ins. Co. v. Arnold (Kan. S. C.), 31 Ins. L. J. 943. Platt v. Aetna Ins. Co. is to same effect, but that non-waiver clause in appraisal agreement preserved company's option to rebuild, 153 111. 133 (Aff'g 40 111. App. 191), 24 Ins. L. J. 132, 38 N. E. 580. The Insurer, one of ten, and all having elected to rebuild, but afterwards all except the defendant compromised the loss. The defendant declined to settle and then demanded an ap- praisal, which was agreed to. The award under the appraisal exceeded the total insurance. Held, defendant's election to re- build converted its policy into a building contract, and that the appraisal was without reference to any questions or matters of difference other than the loss and damage, and that plaintiff by agreeing to appraise did not, as a matter of law, waive his existing right. He was merely leaving all questions other than the loss and damage to be determined by the parties themselves, or by litigation. It was further held the liability was several and not joint, and that plaintiff had the right after the insurer had elected to rebuild to compromise and settle with any of the companies thus bound to rebuild without releasing the others from such proportionate share of the cost to rebuild. Good v. Buckeye Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Ohio S. C.), 15 Ins. L. J., 3. ! In those States having the valued-policy law, the statute forms not only part of the contract between the parties, but as was said in Reilly v. Ins. Co. (43 Wis. 456) of a statute similar in its terms, controls other provisions in the policy, so that such other provisions as far as they are inconsistent with the statute are necessarily avoided. Ampleman v. Cit. Ins. Co., 18 Ins. L. J., 396 (Mo. App.). Nor under such circumstances has the insurer the right to rebuild. Marshall et al. v. Amer. Guar. F. M. I. Co., 80 Mo. App. 18. Milwaukee Mech. I. Co. v. Russell (Ohio S. C.), 62 N. E. Rep., 338, 31 Ins. L. J., 360. Wisconsin's standard form of policy permits the insurer, in case of total or partial loss, to rebuild or replace the property destroyed with other of like kind and quality or pay the full insurance, holding that such provision does not conflict with the valued-policy law of the State. (R. S. Wis. 1898, Sec. 1941- 44.) Temple v. Niagara Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), 85 N. W. Rep., 361. 68 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Where the city ordinances will not permit the building to be repaired or rebuilt, the insurer is liable for total loss, i. e., the entire value of the building not exceeding the insurance. O'Keefe v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co., 140 Mo. 558 ; 41 S. W. Rep., 922. Brady v. Ins. Co., 11 Mich., 445. Brown v. Ins. Co., 1 Ellis & Ellis, 853. Hamburg- Bremen F. L Co. v. Garlington (Tex.), 15 Ins. L. J., 509. Larkin v. Glens Falls Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 83 N. W. Rep., 409. Monteleone v. Royal I. Co. (La. S. C.), 24 Ins. L. J., 531. And this is true where such law was enacted during the life of the policy. Pennsylvania, etc. v. Phil, etc. (Pa. S. C.), 51 Atl. Rep., 351. But in New York, where the standard form of policy is part of the statute law of the State, the insurer is only liable for the amount it would cost the insured to rebuild, repair or replace the building with material of like kind and quality, this regard- less of laws or ordinances regulating the repair and construc- tion of buildings. McCready et al. v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C., App. Div.), 70 N. Y. Supp., 778; 30 Ins. L. J., 668. And the same is true where the policy exempts the company from loss caused by a law or ordinance regulating the repair of damaged buildings, except in those States which have a valued policy law. Option Of Insurer To Take Over Salvage. Option of "insurer to take all or any part of damaged prop- erty at its ascertained or appraised value * * * on giving notice within thirty days after receipt of proofs herein required, of its intention so to do." Where assured sells the goods without giving the company the right to exercise this option, he thereby renders void his policy, and all rights thereunder. Astrich v. German-American Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A., July 5, 1904), 33 Ins. L. J. 925. Morley v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 20 Ins. L. J. 577. After an appraisal the company must have taken some steps to show that it wishes to avail itself of the option before it can claim breach of the condition. Davis v. Grand Rapids F. Ins. Co., 15 Misc'l 263, S. C. 36 N. Y. Supp. 792. Affirmed, 157 N. Y. 685. Defendants claim that assured should have kept the goods OPTIONS. 69 thirty days; awaiting its option to take them was unreasonable. Davis v. American Central Ins. Co., 7 App. Div. 488, S. C. 40 N. Y. Supp. 248. Affirmed (no opinion), 158 N. Y. 688. Neither can the insurer with a $1,500 policy on goods valued at $16,000, insured, also, in twelve other companies, exercise this right. Davis v. American Central Ins. Co., 7 App. Div. 488, S. C. 40 N. Y. Supp. 248. Affirmed, 158 N. Y. 688. When two-thirds of the goods were wholly destroyed, the balance greatly damaged, and the assured had kept them eighteen days, during which time none of the thirteen companies in which assured held policies claimed the goods, the insured, after advertising the sale in two daily papers, sold the goods at public auction for $250. Held, That he did not thereby forfeit his claim for loss. Davis v. American Central Ins. Co., 7 App. Div. 488, S. C. 40 N. Y. Supp. 248. Affirmed, 158 N. Y. 688. If an Insurance company fails within three days to demand an appraisal, or to exercise its option to take the goods, it waives its right to take them or to have them appraised. Phoenix Assur. Co. v. Stenson (Tex. C. C. A.), 79 S. W. Rep. 866. If there was no appraisement, the option to take the goods did not attach, and this regardless of whose fault caused the failure to appraise. Swearinger v. Pacific F. Ins. Co., 66 Mo. App. 90. The insurance company can not in one breath deny the arbitration and in the next assert and claim rights growing out of and depending on it. If it elects not to be bound by the arbi- tration, this is necessarily a waiver of its option to take the goods at their appraised value. Model D. G. Co. v. N. B. and M. Ins. Co., 79 Mo. App. 550. While nothing is said regarding the insurer's option to take the damaged property at its ascertained or appraised value in Chainless Cycle Co. v. Security Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 31 Ins. L. J. 324, yet, if not entitled to an appraisal, insurer can not ex- ercise the option to take the stock. The opinion of the court very clearly enunciates the rights of the parties in the matter of adjustment, waiver, etc., and is well worth reading by every adjuster and lawyer. It may also be found in 169 N. Y. 304. As regards the option in the policy to take any part of the 70 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. goods at their ascertained or appraised value, I can find no de- cisions affecting this option. My own opinion is that if a case is ever defended on the ground that assured has forfeited his rights by refusing to permit the insurer to exercise this option, the insured will not be held to have forfeited his claim, the reason being that if Insurance companies are allowed to exer- cise this unfair option they thereby create a further damage to the insured's property. If an appraisal be fairly conducted, the award thereunder is arrived at, having in view all the facts, circumstances, condi- tions and environments of the goods or wares appraised, so that, should the insurer feel that it has been unjustly dealt with, it may take all of the stock by paying the insured the loss and the value of the salvage as fixed by the appraisers, in which event neither party is harmed. But suppose the property damaged be a clothing and men's furnishing stock, and the appraisers have determined the loss to be as follows: Coats, 75 per cent.; vests, 30 per cent; pants, 60 per cent.; shirts, 20 per cent; undershirts, 662-3 per cent.; underdrawers, 20 per cent; neckties, 25 per cent.; collars and cuffs, 20 per cent., and hosiery, 70 per cent. When the award is returned the adjuster says to the assured: "We have decided to take the coats, pants, undershirts and hosiery at their ap- praised value, leaving you the vests, shirts, drawers, neckties, collars and cuffs." If the courts uphold the option to take any part of the goods and thus allow insurer to take the goods mentioned, it thereby permits it legally to damage the goods they force the. insured to keep to the extent of at least 50 per cent more. In more than half of the appraisals there is a good deal of ill-feeling and bad blood engendered between the insured and the adjuster in an effort to adjust the loss; and, while some appraisals are held where there is no ill-feeling and no desire to do otherwise than to arrive at a fair estimate of the loss, yet in a great many it is a question of "do or be done," and you will see the same appraiser appraising a clothing stock, that last week appraised a household furniture loss, that the week before appraised a grocery loss, and maybe last month he ap- praised a shoe loss, and the month before he may have ap- praised a machinery loss. It is wonderful what a variegated knowledge (?) these men have as to values in different lines. Is it not true that they are selected not so much for their abil- ity to judge values as for their skill in judging human nature? OPTIONS. 71 The great objection to these men is not that they are rob- bers, because most of them are honest, but they would not be human if they were not biased. This bias leads, them to such long delays in selecting a competent umpire, and then they further delay by assessing the damage article by article, which is unfair to the insured in more ways than one, as, for instance, what sensible merchant, if he is negotiating for the purchase of a stock of goods, will go through the stock and place a value on it article by article? He carefully examines each line of goods, and, when he gets through, makes up his mind what the entire stock is worth. That is the way the damage should be fixed in case of fire, either as a whole or by departments. The appraisers need not assess the damage article by article (Enright v. Montauk F. Ins. Co., 40 N. Y. St. Rep. 642, 5 Finch 25), nor does the policy exact such appraisal. The assured can not select a man, except in very rare cases, who is competent to cope with these professional appraisers, for they are attending to this work nearly every day. If they make a mistake in the umpire they can easily protect their clients by running up the damage on a few lines of goods so as to enable their principals to take those articles, or force assured into a settlement different from the award by threatening to take them. When adjusters take such advantage of a man not all of them will do so, no matter what the provocation it is usually because of some fancied or real wrong or meanness done them by the assured, or at the instigation of some wrecker, who promises big returns for conditioning and selling the stock at fire sale. The adjuster is frequently justified in taking any advantage of the assured that he possibly can, were it not for. that old aphorism, "two wrongs do not make a right," for sometimes the assured can act meaner than a devil and more stubborn than an ass, and in many such cases I have been compelled to admire the adjuster who could handle the adjustment without appar- ently losing his head or his temper. What is more, everybody else will respect and honor him, including those claimants who make fools of themselves by their mean, nasty ways. In the case of Palatine v. Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., 106 Tenn. 558, it was held when there are several insurers, the right of each is to take only its pro-rata of the appraised salvage articles; that even if the insured sells a portion of the salvage, it is immaterial so long as enough remains unsold to enable the 72 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. complaining company to exercise its option under the policy to take its pro-rata of the salvage. It would seem this is a rea- sonable rule. , The salvage was the property of the insured, and for its rea- sonable value, he must account, so that it would be unfair to require him to hold it in a deteriorating condition while the companies delayed settlement, and thus give opportunity for its further depreciation. Where salvage is carried along with a new stock and sold as opportunity offers, it should be charged with its fair share of the expenses of the business. North German Ins. Co. v. Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., 108 Tenn. 384 ; 67 S. W. Rep. 816 ; 31 Ins. L. J. 580. SOME DANGERS ENCOUNTERED FROM TAKING OVER SALVAGE. Since the advent of Salvage Companies operated by the in- surance companies, many appraisals have been avoided, espe- cially on stocks of merchandise when circumstances warrant its being taken over by the companies, in such cases where the as- sured is not in position to handle the damaged stock, or where the companies are in position to realize as good or better results than could the assured. It seems to the author that in taking over these salvages not enough caution is used by the companies. For instance, it is held that where two or more companies repair a damaged build- ing this creates a joint building contract, so that if the building is not rebuilt for any cause, the insured may sue one or all of the companies, and the company against whom he obtains judgment must look to the other company for its share of the damage recovered. This being true the same rule of law will apply when companies take over salvage their action will be joint and not several. Therefore, should one of the companies afterwards be- come bankrupt, the assured could unquestionably look to the other companies for at least that portion of the proceeds of the salvage apportioned to the bankrupt company, and possibly for even more. Certainly, the insured having parted with his title or interest, in the salvage, has no lien in that portion of the proceeds apportioned to such bankrupt insurance company. The fact that he once owned the stock gives him no greater right to the proceeds of the sale than has any other creditor of such bankrupt company. His only recourse is either to attach or OPTIONS. 73 garnish the money apportioned to the bankrupt, or let it be paid to its assignee or receiver, and sue some one or all of the other companies. Under such circumstances, the company not having paid his loss, what would be the measure of his recovery? If the value of the salvage had been agreed upon before the stock was taken over, then unquestionably he could not recover more than such bankrupt company's portion of such value. But if the value of the salvage had not been agreed to, all sorts of questions might be injected into the suit, such, for instance, as whether the salvage had been handled to the best advantage. It might be, that assured would have the right to say to the com- panies, "You have jointly agreed with me on the value of my stock and have taken it over for your benefit. Now I want its entire value. It was your business, not mine that you entered into this joint contract, this partnership deal, with an insolvent company. Pay me my loss." A carefully worded agreement as to the value of the salvage, and that the companies would be looked to in a several and not joint capacity, might prevent the possibility of a come-back on the solvent companies for the default of an insolvent one. 74 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER IX. DUTY OF INSURED TO PROTECT PROP- ERTY AT AND AFTER THE FIRE- LOSS BY THEFT, ETC. The New York standard policy has the following pro- visions: "This company shall not be liable for loss caused directly or indirectly * * * by theft; or by neglect of the insured to use all reasonable means to save and protect the property at and after a fire, or when the property is endangered by fire in neighboring premises." Lines 60 to 66 of the New York standard policy, provide that when property is removed to a place of safety to protect it from further loss the excess of its proportion for the loss and damage already done, shall cover the property so removed for five days only. How inconsistent these clauses are. Every insurance man knows that no insurance company will insure salvage goods until after the value of same has been determined by the adjusters. Hence it is absolutely impossible to insure them in other companies and the insurers try to exempt themselves from liability after five days, when their policies compel assured to protect his property and to protect it he h'as been compelled to remove it and can not insure it until his loss on same is ad- justed. ' Here are a few decisions that may be of interest. They re- late to the exemptions in the clause quoted. Losses in removing goods from approaching fire, though not yet caught in the building where the goods are, whether by theft, loss or destruction, is to be borne by the insurance com- pany when the policy does not exempt the company from them. Agnew v. Ins. Co., 3 Phil. 193 (Pa.). Thompson v. Montreal Ins. Co., 6 Up. Can., 2 Q. B. 319. Case v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 1.3 Ills. 676. Lebanon Mut. F. Ins. Co. v. Hankinson, 2 Cent. Rep. 828 (Pa.). Newmark v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co., 30 Mo. 160. The exemption from loss by theft is independent of the clause following it which exempts insuring company from lia- 75 76 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. bility from losses by means of invasions, insurrections and similar commotions. The object of the policy is to indemnify assured against any losses by fire and any loss by theft not attributable directly to the fire, would not be within the con- tract, (there was great noise, crowd and disturbance in the streets on the night of the fire), and when the insurer exempts itself from liability for fires which happen by reason of inva- sions, etc., it is superfluous to add that losses by theft occasioned by such fires would also be without the protection of the policy. Webb. v. Protection, and Aetna Ins. Cos. 14 Mo. 3. Unless the policy exempts the company from such losses the insurer is liable for loss by theft during and after the fire, if the theft be occasioned directly by the fire. Newmark v. L. and L,. and G. Ins. -Co., 30 Mo. 160, and fol- lowing authorities there cited: 1 Phillips on Ins., Sec. 624, p. 1107; 3 Penn. 471; 13 111. 676; 1 Story 157. The insurer is responsible for loss of goods stolen after a fire, in a populous city; it is a natural consequence of the peril insured against. Tilton v. Hamilton F. Ins. Co., 1 Bos. 367 ; S. C. How. Pr. 363. The insurer is liable for goods destroyed in blowing up a building with gun powder by civil authorities, to prevent spread of fire. City Fire Ins. Co. v. Corlies, 21 Wend. 367. The insurer is not liable for theft during fire. Sklencher v. Fire Ass'n (N. J. S. C.), 60 Atlantic Rep. 232. The assured must comply with the policy requirement, save and protect his property at and after the fire, though the policy provision does not impose any greater effort on his part than does the law, and his duty to the company, both of which re- quires that he do whatever is reasonable to minimize his and therefore the company's loss. The penalty for not making all reasonable efforts to save the property is not a forfeiture of the policy, but is the amount of loss caused by his failure to use such reasonable efforts. It seems, however, he must, under penalty of forfeiture of his policy save all that remains of the property insured, and exhibit it to the company as often as required, not so much for the value of the salvage as to enable the company to form some accurate idea of what it consisted of, etc. See Thornton v. DUTY OF INSURED; Loss BY THEFT, ETC. 77 Security Ins. Co., 117 Fed. 773, 32 Ins. L. J. 557. The company must have the right to examine the property and to have it and the loss appraised if a difference arises, Ostrich v. German-Am. Ins. Co., 65 C. C. A. 251, 131 Fed. 13, 33 Ins. L. J. 925. The company, of course, must act promptly, Chainless Co v. Security Ins. Co, 169 N. Y. 304, 31 Ins. L. J. 324, 62 N. E. 392. Flynn v. Hanover F. Ins. Co., 121 N. Y. Supp. 621. A Texas case, holds that three days' time is enough. But a reasonable time should be given, taking all circumstances into consideration. 78 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER X. FALL OF BUILDING. "If a building or any part thereof fall, except as the result of fire, all insurance by this policy on such building or its^ contents shall immediately cease." New York Standard Policy. The meaning of the clause in question, when reasonably interpreted, is that the insurer is excused from its obligation by either the fall of the building as a structure, or of such a substantial and important part thereof as impairs its useful- ness as such and leaves the remaining part of the building subject to an increased risk of fire. Nelson et al. v. Traders' Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 34 Ins. L. J. 933. The question of fact for the jury to determine is, "was the fall caused by the fire or by some other force?" If not by fire, the insurer is not liable. A request to charge that if building was on fire before the fall, the insurer was liable, even if the fall was caused by the wind, was properly refused. Keisel v. Sun Ins. Office (U. S. C- C. A. 8th Disk), 28 Ins. L. J. 434. When an explosion causes a building to fall and catch fire, it might be conceded that if the clause exempting the company from liability stood alone, the policy would be terminated im- mediately upon fall of the building. But that clause is gov- erned by a specific clause, which exempts the insurer from loss by explosion of any kind unless fire ensues, and in that event for damage by fire only. Davis v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (Mich. S. C.), 27 Ins. L. J. 184. The clause in the policy contemplates the fall of a build- ing caused by inherent defects, or by withdrawal of the neces- sary support as by digging away the underlying or adjacent soil. It might perhaps include the case of a building thrown down by storm, flood or earthquake. Dows v. Ins. Co., 127 Mass. 346. Leonard v. Orient Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A. 7th Dist). 30 Ins. L. J. 980. Davis v. Ins. Co. N. A. (Mich. S. C.), 2'7 Ins. L. J. 184. 79 80 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Where there was no evidence of fire about the ruins of a building which had fallen for over an hour, and it had been,, according to evidence, weakened by cutting timbers and remod- eling, but six witnesses testified that a flame shot from the roof before it fell, a finding that the fall was caused by fire will not be disturbed. Friedman v. Atlas Assur. Co., 32 Ins. L. J. 673 (Mich. S. C.). Contents of building No. 93 were insured, one wall and half of building No. 93, and all of building 95 fell, evidence varied from 15 to 40 minutes after fall when fire occurred. Loss i& within the policy. Lewis et al. v. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co., 76 Mass. 159. As a direct result of fire the adjoining building fell, carry- ing with it the party wall and part of the insured building. Held, loss within the policy. Ermentraut v. Girard F. & M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 25 Ins. L,. J. 81. It must cease to be a building to be fallen within the meaning of the policy. So long as standing, however depreci- ated, it is not fallen. Firemen's Ins. Co. v. Sholom, 80 111. 558. If a building falls and afterwards burns, the insurer is not liable. Nave v. Home Mut. Ins. Co., 37 Mo. 431. Nichols et al. v. Sun Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Miss. S. C.), 14 S. W. Rep. 263 ; 23 Ins. L. J. 633. Trans-Atlantic F. Ins. Co. v. Bamberger (Ky. C. A.), 18 Ins. L. J. 625. Keisel v. Sun Fire Office (U. S. C. C. A. 8th Dist), 28 Ins. L. J. 434. Under Code Pleading, the burden of proof is on the defend- ant, where it admits the amount of the loss, but claims fall of building caused the fire. Royal Ins. Co. v. Schwing (Ky. C. A.), 18 Ins. L. J. 451. Trans-Atlantic F. Ins. Co. v. Bamberger (Ky C. A.), 18 Ins. L. J. 625. The burden of proof is on plaintiff. Pelican Ins. Co. v. Co-Operative Assoc. (Tex. S. C.), 19 Ins. L. J. 921. Contra: Friedman v. Atlas Assur. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 32 Ins. L. J. 673. Western Assur. Co. v. Mohlman (U. S. C. C. A. 2d Dist), 27 Ins. L. J. 392. CHAPTER XI. EXPLOSIONS. "This company shall not be liable for loss * * * unless the fire ensues, and in that event, for the damage by fire only- by explosion of any kind, or lightning; but liability for direct damage by lightning may be assumed by a specific agreement hereto." New York Standard Policy. So many people cannot understand why a loss to the in- sured's building caused by explosion, which in turn was caused by fire in an adjacent building, renders the policy void, as in such case the fire was the first or moving cause of the loss.- The insurer would be liable but for the policy contract which exempts it from liability from loss by explosions, regardless of what produced the explosion; and such exemption is wholly contractual. An insurance company insuring against loss has the right to exempt itself from any loss that may originate on the insured's property. Sohier v. Norwich Ins. Co., 93 Mass., 336. So where the policy against loss by fire exempted the in- sured from any loss occasioned by an explosion of steam boiler, it was held that a loss by fire caused by the explosion of a steam boiler in the factory insured was not within the policy. SL John v. Mut. M. & F. Ins. Co., 11 N. T., 516. Nor is a loss by fire caused by an explosion where the in- surer exempts itself from loss by explosion of any kind. Hayward v. Liverpool & London F. & L. Ins, Co., 7 Bosw., 385 ; affd. 2 Abb. Ct. App. Dec. 349, 3 Keyes, 456 (N. Y.). Nor where such a fire was extinguished but broke out a second and third time within two days, as it was held the existence of the fire as an effect of the explosion must be pre- sumed to have continued as such an effect in the absence of contrary proof. Tanneret v. Merchants' Ins. Co., 34 La. Ann., 249. But it is, if the fire is caused by explosion of a lamp. Heffron v. Kitanning Ins. Co., 132 Pa., 580. 81 82 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Insurer is not liable for loss resulting from explosion of dynamite, gas or other substances coming in contact with lighted match or lamp. Huer v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), 33 N. E. 411; 24 Ins. L. J. 471. Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Greer (Ark. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 311. Mitchell v. Potomac Ins. Co. (U. S. S. C.), 31 Ins. L. J. 570. Briggs v. N. B. & M. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), 53 N. Y., 446; affirming 66 Barb., 325; 2 Ins. L. J., 929. Huer v. N. W. National Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), 22 Ins. L. J. 518. German- Amer. Ins. Co. v. Hyman, 42 Col. 156, 94 Pac. 27, 37 Ins. L. J. 362. Home Lodge v. Queen Ins. Co., 21 S. D. 165, 110 N. W. 778. Vorse v. Jersey Plate Glass Ins. Co., 119 la. 556, 93 N. W. 569. (But see Contra, Furbush v. Ins. Co., 140 la. 240, 118 N. W. 371.) Trans-Atlantic F. Ins. Co. v. Dorsey, 56 Md. 70, 12 Ins. L. J. 437. United &c. Ins. Co. v. Foote, 22 Ohio St. 340, 2 Ins. L. J. 190. Contra: Scripture v. Lowell Ins. Co., 64 Mass. 356. Renshaw v. Mo. State Mut. F. & M. Ins. Co., 103 Mo. 595, 20 Ins. L. J. 385. Furbush v. Ins. Co., 140 la. 240, 118 N. W. 371. Where fire in another building causes an explosion which damages plaintiff's property the loss is not within the policy. Miller v. London & Lancashire F. Ins. Co., 41 111. App. 395. Dows. v. Faneuil Hall Ins. Co., 127 Mass. 346. Leonard v. Orient Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A., 7th Dist.), 30 Ins. L. J. 981. Caballero v. Home Ins. Co., 15 La. Ann. 217, 4 Ben. 478. Hall v. National F. Ins. Co., 35 Ins. L. J. 507, 115 Tenn. 513, 92 S. W. 402. But if fire ensue, the insurer is liable for the loss by fire. Miller v. London & Lancashire F. Ins. Co., 41 111. App. 395. Dows v. Faneuil Hall Ins. Co., 127 Mass. -346. Leonard v. Orient Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A. 7th Dist.), 30 Ins. L. J. 981. Davis v. Ins. Co. N. A. (Mich. S. C.), 27 Ins. L. J. 184. The same principle is involved where explosion is caused by lightning in another building 71 feet from the premises in- sured. And where a lightning clause is attached to policy, cov- ering loss by lightning, subject in all other respects to the terms and conditions of the policjr. German F. Ins. Co. v. Roost (Ohio S. C.), 26 Ins. L. J. 699. The provisions of the written form, that the policy should cover such merchandise as is usually kept for sale in retail hardware stores, was sufficient permission, the custom to keep dynamite being established by the evidence for the keeping of dynamite on the premises. [Judgment for plaintiff below. Here affirmed against company.] Traders Ins. Co. v. Dobbins et al. (Tenn. S. C.) 86 Southwestern Reporter (May 3, 1905), 383. EXPLOSIONS. 83 Where policy provides that it should be void if dynamite were kept on the premises, the keeping of a stick and a half of dynamite whether it caused the fire or not, worked a for- feiture. Bastian v. British Amer. Assur. Co. (Gal. S. C.), 33 Ins. L. J. 1033 Where the explosives did not cause the fire, and were re- moved in time to prevent an explosion, it was held that policy was forfeited. Kenneflck-Hammond Co. v. Norwich Union F. Ins. Society (Mo. App.), 33 Ins. L. J. 664. It is not necessary to show that the loss was due to the violation. Norwaysz v. Thuringia Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), 33 Ins. L. J. 83. Nor is the insured owner relieved by the fact that the violation was by a tenant, without his knowledge. Norwaysz v. Thuringia Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), 33 Ins. L. J. 83. La Force v. Williamsburg City F. Ins. Co., 43 Mo. App. 518. A fire loss caused by explosion of gasoline stove on premises without consent of insured is not within the policy. McFarland v. St. Paul F. and M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 21 Ins. L. J. 879. 84 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER XII. WAIVER NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT. Definition of Waiver. A waiver is the voluntary relinquishment of some- known right. Rosen v. German Alliance Ins. Co. (Me.), 76 All. 688. Scottish U. & M. Ins. Co. (Georgia), 68 S. E. 1097. Dahrooge v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co., 143 N. W. 608. Gardner v. North St. M. L. Ins. Co. (N. C. S. C.), 79 S. B. 806. One's Acts, Rather Than Denial of Waiver, Looked To. It matters not if the Insurance Company says: "We waive nothing." Its acts must be looked to to ascertain if there is a waiver. Its actual waiver cannot be affected by its statements that it is not doing that which it clearly is doing. Summers v. Western Home Ins. Co., 45 Mo. App., 46. Erwin v. Ins. Co., 24 Mo. App. 153. Phillips v. Protection Ins. Co., 14 Mo. 220. Must Know Facts Before Waiver Can Be Charged. One cannot waive a right when ignorant of its existence, as an essential element of waiver is knowledge of the fact waived. Security Ins. Co. v. Mette, 27 111. App. 324. Rudd v. American G. F. M. F. Ins. Co., 120 Mo. App. 1. Security Ins. Co. v. Laird, 62 So. 182 (Ala.). i An insurance adjuster knowing the policy had been for- feited by a breach of a condition, asked for and was refused a non-waiver agreement. He then stated he would not waive any of the policy conditions but required, assured to make a list of destroyed property and then went away. Court held his actions a waiver of the forfeiture, comparing them to those of Julia in Byron's Don Juan "A little still she "strove, and much repented, And whispering, 'I will ne'er consent,' consented." German-American Ins. Co. v. Evans (Texas C. C. A.); 61 S. W. Rep. 536 ; 14 Deitch Ins. Digest, 41. A forfeiture is waived by requiring proofs of loss or the correction of defective proofs, after knowledge of such for- feiture. Roby. v. Ins. Co., 120 N. Y. 510. Cobbs v. Ins. Co., 68 Mich. 463. Cleaver v. Ins. Co., 71 Mich. 414. 35 86 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Jerdee v. Ins. Co., 75 Wis. 345. Carpenter v. Ins. Co., 61 Mich. 635. To constitute waiver the assured must be put to some trouble or expense, or have been misled. Roby v. Ins. Co., 120 N. Y. 510. Weidert v. Ins. Co., 19 Ins. L. J. 740 (Oregon). Devens v. Ins. Co., 83 N. Y. 168. Findeisen v. Ins. Co., 15 Ins. L. J. 90 (Vermont). There can be no waiver unless the assured relied on acts of the adjuster, or, as a prudent, careful man, had a right to do so. Devens v. Ins. Co., 83 N. Y. 168. NON- WAIVER AGREEMENT. Most non-waiver agreements are entered into between the assured and adjuster sent to adjust the loss on behalf of the company. The reason for entering into such an agreement is very clearly set out by the Supreme Court of Alabama in the Draper case, first the court quotes the agreement, then shows the reason for taking a non-waiver agreement and how it may itself be waived. "R. W. Draper insured under policy No. 5656 of the Penn- sylvania Ins. Co., hereby requests W. L. Reynolds, adj., to make examination of books, papers, and other evidence of loss including assured's sworn statement if deemed necessary, which I submit to him for the purpose of ascertaining amount of loss, sustained by me by fire May 21, 1910, with the express understanding and agreement that such examination shall not be considered an acknowledgment of any liability of the said Pennsylvania Ins. Co. under said policy, nor a waiver or im- pairment of any rights or defenses of that company under said policy, nor a waiver or impairment of assured's obligation thereunder. It is further understood and agreed that the exist- ing legal rights, if any, the said R. W. Draper may have under said policy are not impaired by his act in signing this request." It thus appears that the agreement merely requests an examination of books, papers and other evidence of loss, sub- mitted for purpose of ascertaining the amount of loss, with the understanding that such examination shall not be con- sidered as fixing liability. * * * Giving to it a natural and reasonable construction, we think its purpose was merely to prevent a liability being fastened upon the company by virtue of the fact that the investigation would be continued after WAIVER NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT. 87 knowledge by the adjuster of the breach, recognizing that by so continuing after such knowledge it may be considered as treating the policy as valid and binding, and, therefore, that the mere continued examination might be held a waiver. (Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Allen, 119 Ala. 436, 24 So. 399). There is nothing in the language of the agreement to indi- cate the company could not be bound by positive declara- tions or acts evincing a clear purpose to waive any breach and treat the policy as valid. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. v. Draper, 65 So. 923, will appear in 186, 187, or 188 Alabama Reports. ONE CAN WAIVE ANY CONTRACT ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE. If the adjuster sent by a company to adjust a loss, has the right to enter into a non-waiver agreement, he certainly has the right to waive the non-waiver agreement or any rights growing out of it, and this too when the non-waiver agree- ment specifically provides that he has no such rights. There is only one way an insurance company may or can prevent an adjuster from waiving its rights, that is by appointing him to do certain specified things towards adjusting or investigating the loss and then notifying the assured just what the adjuster's power and authority is. Where the assured is put on notice, he cannot be heard to complain if he has done something the adjuster had no right to require him to do. Nor can he be misled by the' adjuster's unauthorized promise to pay. Most waivers are thought of after the claim drifts into the hands of some tricky lawyer, who tells the assured his policy is void unless the adjuster said certain things. Though there are many adjusters who do not know when they commit a plain waiver. But as already stated most of these waivers originate in the fertile brain of tricky lawyers and a rascally assured. For these reasons an independent adjuster employed at so much per day should have the company's certificate of authority setting forth just what he is authorized to do, i. e.,. investigate the circumstances concerning the origin and cir- cumstances of the fire and the claim growing out of it, to agree with the assured on the amount of loss if possible, failing in which he would have authority to have it appraised in accord- ance with the terms of the policy. But that he had no authority 1o admit or deny liability, nor to require the assured to do or perform any thing or act that could be construed into a waiver 88 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. of the company's rights to claim a forfeiture by reason of a breach of the policy conditions, whether such breach was known to the adjuster or not. That all questions concerning the company's liability must be determined by the company itself or the courts in case it failed or refused to pay. Of course, salaried adjusters, and salaried special agents called upon to adjust a loss, being regular employes of the company with power to give drafts in payment of the loss, could not, in the opinion of the author have their authority curtailed unless possibly the certificate of authority and the draft also, set out the fact that the draft should not be taken by the assured as an admission by the company of liability, but would be taken as the measure of the company's liability, if liable at all, and the giving by the adjuster and acceptance by the assured of the said draft was without reference to any other questions or matters of difference than the fixing of the amount of the company's liability if it should be found liable. The company could then pay the draft or not as it saw fit, if it refused payment, the draft would obviate the necessity of assured proving his claim in court, and leave the court to deter- mine only the question of liability. The following is a case now before the courts in Alabama, it shows the facts as given by the assured, and an opinion and brief by the author, based on assured's statement of facts. AN ALABAMA LOSS, SHOWING EFFECTS OF IRON- SAFE CLAUSE AND NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT. Where an inventory was taken December 31, 1913, the in- sured has the whole of the calendar year 1914 in which to take another inventory under the form of iron-safe clause usually made a part of the policies issued in Alabama, a copy of which is shown in the McGlathery case, 115 Ala. 213, 22 So. 104. Therefore, if the next or second inventory is being taken and while in process it is destroyed by a fire which occurs before December 31, 1914, which also destroys the stock insured, such destruction of the unfinished inventory is not a violation of the iron-safe clause. The clause only provides for the production of the inventory, that is, the completed inventory, for it is no inventory at all if incomplete. Wherever the language of the policy is susceptible of more than one construction, that construction will be placed upon it which will be most favorable to the insured. Western Assur- WAIVER NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT. 89 ance Co. v. McGlathery and cases there cited, 115 Ala. 213, 22 So. 104. The Alabama courts only require a substantial compliance with the iron-safe clause. Queen Ins. Co. v. Vines, 174 Ala. 570, 57 So. 444. For the sake of argument we will assume the iron-safe clause was violated in every particular in which event the company could, according to the Alabama decisions, success- fully resist payment for claim under such policy. Day v. Home Ins. Co., 177 Ala. 600, 58 So. 549. But the Alabama courts hold the violation of an iron-safe clause in a fire insurance policy renders the policy voidable not void. They further hold that an adjuster may waive the iron-safe clause, Liverpool & L,. & G. Ins. Co. v. Tillis, 110 Ala. 20, 17 So. 672. Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Allen, 28 Ins. L. J. 199, 119 Ala. 436, 24 So. 399. See same (Allen) case 128 Ala. 451, 30 So. 537, 31 Ins. L. J. 60. The insurance company may, however, take a non-waiver agreement, but such agreement is only a privilege granted the insurance company to investigate and ascertain the cause of the fire and the amount of damage done, without waiving or invalidating any of the conditions of the policy. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. v. Draper, 65 So. 923* will appear in about 187 Ala. Gish v. Ins. Co. of N. A., 16 Okla. 59, 87 Pac. 869, Annotated 13 L. R. A. (N. S.) 826. Rudd v. American G. F. M. F. Ins. Co., 120 Mo. App. 1, 96 S. W. 237, 35 Ins. L. J. 948. Hatcher v. Sovereign F. Assur. Co., 127 Pac. 588. There is nothing in the language of the non-waiver agree- ment to indicate that the company could not be bound by positive declarations or acts evincing a clear purpose to waive any breach and treat the policy as valid. Robert v. Sun M. Ins. Co. (Tex. C. C. A.), 35 S. W. 955. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. v. Draper, 65 So. 923, Ala. Rep. about 187. Rudd v. Amer. G. D. M. F. Ins. Co., 120 Mo. App. 1, 96 S. W. 237, 35 Ins. L. J. 948. McMillan v. Ins. Co. of N. A., 58 S. E. 1020, 78 S. C. 433. Gish v. Ins. Co. of N. A., 16 Okla. 59, 87 Pac. 869 annotated 13 L. R. A. (N. S.) 826. Hatcher v. Sovereign Ins. Co., 127 Pac. 588, 42 Ins. L. J. 137 (Wash. S. C.). A perusal of the foregoing cases will show that the com- pany or its adjuster may treat the policy as a valid contract in several ways, that is by insisting upon the assured comply- ing with some of the policy requirements such as the furnish- ing proofs of loss, the waiving of proofs of loss, the furnishing of certified copies of bills the originals of which have been lost, or requiring him to submit to examination under oath, or 90 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. by taking over and conditioning the salvage or exercising its option under the contract of taking the salvage at its ascer- tained or appraised value, or by a promise to pay. In other words, if the policy has been avoided by a viola- tion of the iron-safe clause, the non-waiver agreement merely permits the company to investigate the circumstances concern- ing the fire and examine all the books and papers in the in- sured's possession pertaining to the claim for loss. But it cannot in one breath deny the contract and in the next assert 1 ' and claim rights growing out of and depending on it. If it elects not to be bound by the policy, that is necessarily a waiver of its right to insist upon the compliance with its requirements or vice versa. That is the doctrine laid down by the Missouri Appellate Court in passing on another point. See Model D. G. Co. v. North B. & M. Ins. Co., 79 Mo. App. 550. THE ASSURED'S STATEMENT OF FACTS. The insurance covered stock subject to the average clause in buildings A and B an alley separating them. The stock in A was almost a total loss, stock in B was not damaged. The assured had completed his inventory December 31, 1913, which had required more than a month to complete. While in process of taking the next inventory, say December 14, 1914, a fire burned the greater part of the stock and with it all the sheets of the incomplete inventory. The adjusters claimed .this a violation of the iron-safe clause and would not proceed with the adjustment or investigation until a non-waiver agreement was signed. AFTER THE NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT WAS ENTERED INTO. The adjuster required assured to submit to examination under oath. He required assured at great expense to furnish certified copies of bills the originals of which were lost. Agreed with assured that Underwriter's Salvage Co. should condition the stock, both agreeing that this conditioning of stock did not divest assured of title and was not to be a waiver of the rights of either. Told assured that the proportion of his in- surance covering in B was still in force. All of the local agents told him the same thing concerning the insurance in B. (It is well to remember that a policy covering stock only, if void in part is void altogether) though the avoidance of the WAIVER NON-WAIVER AGREEMENT. 91 insurance on stock by reason of violation of iron-safe clause does not avoid the insurance on building, both being insured under separate amounts under same policy. Hanover Ins. Co. v. Crawford, 121 Ala. 259, 25 So. 912. The author gave it as his opinion, the companies would be held liable if the assured's statement of facts was correct. This loss has been settled and paid. The companies offered $160,000, assured offered to take $180,000. It was compromised for $170,000. 92 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER XIII. APPRAISAL ARBITRATIONS-AWARD. First Duty Is to Try to Effect Settlement. Where the policy provides that loss shall be ascertained or estimated by the insured and the company, or if they differ, then by appraisers as thereinafter provided, such language con- templates an actual effort to agree. When this effort fails and not until then neither party possess the right to say we differ, and our points of difference must be referred to arbitrament under the terms of the policy. Until there is some disagree- ment as to the amount of the loss, there is nothing to arbitrate. Boyle v. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co., 169 Pa. 349; 32 Atl. R. 553 ; 24 Ins. L. J. 699. Harrison v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 23 Ins. L. J. 161 ; 59 Fed. 732. British Am. Assur. Co. v. Darragh, 128 Fed. Rep. 890; 33 Ins. L. J. 557 ; 63 C. C. A. 426. Summerfield v. N. B. & M. Ins. Co., 62 Fed. 249. Stevens v. Norwich U. Ins. Soc., 120 Mo. App. 88 ; 96 S. W. R. 684. Continental Ins. Co. v. Vallandmgham, 116 Ky. 287 ; 76 S. W. 22. Moyer v. Sun Ins. Off., 176 Pa. 579 ; 35 Atl. R. 221. Fletcher v. German Am. Ins. Co., 79 Minn. 337; 82 N. W. R. 647; 29 Ins. L. J. 752, Harrison v. German Am. Ins. Co., 67 Fed. 577. Kelly v. Liverpool & L. & G. Ins. Co., 94 Minn. 141 ; 102 N. W. 380 ; 34 Ins. L. J. 421. Liverpool & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Hall, 1 Kans. App. 18; 41 Pac. R. 65, Phoenix Fire Assur. Co. v. Murray, (U. S. C. C. A.) 187 Fed. 809. Mutual F. Ins. Co. v. Alvord, 23 Ins. L. J. 801 ; 61 Fed. 752 ; 21 U. S. App. 228, Vangindertallen v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 82 Wis. 112, 51 N. W. 1122. Manchester F. Assur Co. v. Simmons, 12 Tex. C. A. 607 ; 35 S. W. R 722. Farnum v. Phoenix Ins Co., 83 Cal. 246 ; 26 Ins. L. J. 473 ; 23 Pac. R. 869. Randall v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 10 Mont. 362; 25 Pac. R. 960; 20 Ins. L. J. 613, Ohio Farmers Ins. Co. v. Titus (Ohio), 92 N. E. 82. Wright v. Susquehana M. F. Co., 110 Pa. 29; 20 Atl. R. 716. Hanover F. Ins. Co. v. Harper, 77 111. App. 453. American F. Ins. Co. v. Stuart (Tex. C. C. A.), 38 S. W. R. 395. Torpedo Top Co. v. Royal Ins. Co., 162 111. App. 338 ; 42 Nat'l C. Rep. 593. Zimeriski v. Ohio Farmers Ins. Co., 91 Mich. 600 ; 21 Ins. L. J. 818 ; 52 N. W. 55. Capital Ins. Co. v. Wallace, 50 Kans. 453 ; 21 Ins. L. J. 516 ; 37 Pac. R. 1070. Valued Policy Law, Effect of. In those States having a valued policy law in force, it is held that there is no consideration for an appraisal and, if had, the award will not be enforced. Seyks v. Millers National Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), 41 N. W. Rep. 443. Queen Ins. Co. v.- Leslie (Ohio S. C.), 24 N. E. Rep. 1072; 19 93 94 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Ins. L. J. 673. Queen Ins. Co. v. Jefferson Ice. Co. (Tex. S. C.), 15 Ins. L. J. 109. Home F. Ins. Co. v. Bean (Neb. S. C.), 24 Ins. L,. J. 516. German Ins. Co. v. Eddy (Neb. S. C.). 54 N. W. Rep. 856; 22 Ins. L. J. 468. Baker v. Phoenix Assur. Co., 57 Mo. App. 559. * Doxey v. Royal Ins. Co. (Tenn. Ch. App.), 36 S. W. Rep. 950. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. v. Drackett et al. (Ohio S. C.), 57 N. E. Rep. 962. Aetna Ins. Co. v. Stephens (Ky. C. A.), 57 S. W. Rep. 583. Merchants Ins. Co. v. Stephens (Ky. C. A.), 59 S. W. Rep. 511. Ohage v. Union Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 85 N. W. Rep. 212. The delay of the insured in offering to arbitrate, which offer is a condition precedent to an action on a policy, does not bar his right of action after an offer has been made and refused, unless such delay has prejudiced the insurer. Johnson v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 69 Mo. App. 226. Schrepfer v. Rochford Ins. Co., 77 Minn. 291, 79 N. W. 1005. Maine and Massachusetts Standard Policies. The determination by arbitration of the amount of the loss having been specially made by the parties a condition precedent to suit (on the policy) it was incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove performance or a valid excuse for non- performance. Fisher v. Merchants Ins. Co., 95 Me. 486 ; 50 Atl. 282. Dunton v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (Me.), 71 Atl. 1037. Lamson v. Prudential Ins. Co., 171 Mass. 433, 50 N. E. 943, 28 Ins. L. J. 70. Weissmann v. Firemen's Ins. Co., 208 Mass. 577, 95 N. E. 411. Paris v. Hamburg B. F. Ins. Co., 204 Mass. 90, 90 N. E. 420. Arbitration Appraisal Award, Annotated Case. 1. Validity of appraisal provision of the policy, a In general. b Agreement to submit amount of loss or damage, valid, c Agreement to submit all matters in dispute invalid. 2. Occasion of appraisal or arbitration. a Preliminary requisites, presupposes a failure to agree. b Condition precedent to right of action, c Collateral and independent condition. The provision for appraisal must fix a definite method. As affected where, loss is total, or by valued policy law or statutory provision, d Demand of party, e Miscellaneous cases. 3. Requiring compliance with condition. APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 95 a Duty mutual, b Duty of insurer. c Duty of insured. ' d When arbitration fails through no fault of either party. 4. Effect of failure of arbitration through fault of insured is a bar to suit, as does his. a Refusal to arbitrate. b Or bad faith. 5. Waiver of appraisal provision. a General cases. b Accepting and returning proofs of loss without ob- jection. Adjusting loss. c Denying liability. d Demanding or having an appraisal different from that provided by the policy. e Acts of the parties. 1. Refusal to arbitrate. 2. Time in which appraisal may be had or de- manded. 3. Other "acts. f Acts of insurance company's appraiser. Graham v. German Am. Ins. Co., 75 Ohio St. 374, 79 N. E. 930, 36 Ins. L. J. 193, (Annotated in 15 L. R. A. (U. S.) 1055 on all points named above.) It Is No More the Duty of the Assured Than of the Company to Demand Appraisal. It is no more the duty of the insured than of the company to demand an appraisal in case of differences under a policy like the N. Y. Standard form. Each party is entitled to demand it, but neither can compel it, and neither has the right to insist that the other shall first demand it. If the insured refuses the company's demand for an appraisal, his right of action is sus- pended until he consents. If the company refuses the insured's demand for an appraisal, he may institute suit. Western Assur. Co. v. Decker, 98 Fed. 381, 39 C. C. A. 383-9 (citing and approving Kahnweiler v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 14 C. C. A. 485, 67 Fed. 483.) Dissenting- op. by Sanborn Circuit J. with valuable citations. Common Law Agreement or Appraisal Different from that Provided by the Policy. The agreement for submission need not be in the terms 96 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. of the policy; the parties can waive those provisions, even if they were intended to prescribe a form. Hall v. Norwalk F. Ins. Co. (Conn. S. C.). 17 Atl. Rep. 356. London and Lancashire F. Ins. Co. v. Storrs (U. S. C. C. A. 8tb Dist.), 25 Ins. L. J. 283. British Amer. Assur. Co. v. Darragh (U. S. C. C. A. 5th Dist.), 33 Ins. L. J. 577. Mutual F. Ins. Co. v. Alvord (U. S. C. C, A., 1st Dist), 2 a Ins. L, J. 801. Adams v. N. Y. Bowery F. Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 51 N. W. Rep. 1149. Where the company's adjuster appeared at the loss, ex- amined the premises, and agreed with the insured to leave the question of amount of loss to a third person, a carpenter, the company taking no further action, this was a waiver of proofs of loss, and rendered inapplicable the arbitration clause of the policy. Wholley v. Western Assur. Co., 174 Mass. 263; 54 N. E. 548; 28 Ins. L. J. 1029. If the appraisal agreement does not follow and is not in accordance with the provisions of the policy for arbitration, it cannot be offered in evidence under the plea of failure to comply with the policy condition as to appraisal of the loss. (In this case the policy provided if differences should arise between the company and the insured as to the amount of the loss, the same should be submitted to appraisal. The appraisal agreement recited that the appraisers should ascer- tain the amount of the loss, and were required "to make an estimate of the actual cash cost of replacing or repairing same.") Western Assur. Co. v. Hall, 143 Ala. 168 ; 38 Southern 853. Where the policy requires appraisers to first select an umpire before proceeding with appraisal, this is generally not material and merely directory. The parties proceeding before an umpire improperly appointed by the appraisers waive all objection to his appointment. The umpire ' can act only after disagreement of the appraisers. Until then an umpire is not necessary. He can act as well, and with the same effect, if appointed when such a contingency occurs. The time, there- fore, fixed in the contract, is not essential or material. The case of Adams v. N. Y. Bowery Ins. Co., 85 Iowa 6, 51 N. W. 1149, 21 Ins. L/. J. 833, is the only case to be found in which it is held that the omission to appoint an umpire before ap- praisers entered upon their duties invalidated the award. The opinion is very brief (and covers other questions also invaHdat- APPBAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 97 ing the award) and as to this point cites no authority and gives no reason. We cannot follow such an authority in setting aside an award for such a merely technical omission. The fact that the appraisers agreed in every particular is sufficient evidence that they alone were not partial or corrupt, and that their award is just and fair. Chandos v. American F. Ins. Co., 84 Wis. 184; 22 Ins. L. J. 425; 54 N. W. 390. To same effect except last paragraph is Doying v. Broad- way Ins. Co, 25 N. J. L. 569; 23 Ins. L. J. 394, 27 Atl. 927, and Caledonian Ins. Co. v. Traub, 83 Md. 524: 25 Ins. L. J, 791; 37 Atl. 782. An agreement between the assured and the adjuster on the amount of the loss, whether arrived at between the parties, or by leaving it to any other person or persons, in fact no matter how the amount of the loss was agreed to it is binding on both the company and the assured. It cannot be set aside except for fraud, mistake or inadequacy. (The Author.) Assured Must Demand an Appraisal. In case of disagreement, the insured must demand an ap- praisal, under a policy such as the New York standard form. Connecticut F. Ins. Co. v. Hamilton (U. S. C. C. A. 6th Dist), 23 Ins. L. J. 241. Johnson v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 69 Mo. App. 226; see also 69 Mo. App. 232 ; Murphy v. North B. & M. Ins. Co., 61 Mo. App. 323 ; Dautel v. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co., 65 Mo. App. 44 ; McNees v. Southern Ins. Co., 69 Mo. App. 232 ; Swearinger v. Pacific F. Ins. Co., 66 Mo. App. 90 ; Hooker v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 69 Mo. App. 141 ; Chippewa Lumber Co. v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 80 Mich. 116 ; 44 N. W. Rep. 1055 ; 19 Ins. L. J. 535 ; Kahnweiler v. Phenix Ins. Co., 23 Ins. L. J. 391 ; 57 Fed. 562. (But in this case, Kahnweiler v. Phenix) the policy provided for appraisal on disagreement so that on appeal Kanhweiler v. Phenix Ins. Co., it was held the assured was no more obligated to demand appraisal than was the company ; 67 Fed. 483; 14 C. C. A. 485.); Western Assur. Co. v. Hall, 112 Ala. 318 ; 25 Ins. L. J. 874 ; 20 Southern 447, Earley v. Providence Wash. Ins. Co. (R. I.). 76 Atl. Rep. 753 ; American Cent'l Ins. Co. v. Bass, 90' Tex. 380 ; 26 Ins. L J 718 : 38 S. W. 1119; Dee v. Key City F. Ins. Co., 104 Iowa 167; 73 N. W. 594; Allen v. Patroup M. F. Ins. Co. (Mich.), 130 N. W. 196' Pioneer &c. v. Phoenix Assur. Co., 106 N. C. 28 ; 10 S. E. 1057 ; 19 Ins. L. J. 408. Veney v. Reginald, Eng., Q. B. Law R., Feby. 1888, part 2, p. 177 ; 1 Ins. Dig. 33 ; Wolff v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co., 50 N. J. Law 453 ; 14 Atl. R. 561 ; 17 Ins. L. J. 714; Gasser v. Sun Fire Off., 42 Minn. 315 ; 44 N. W. R. 252 ; 19 Ins. L. J. 243 ; Blackwell v. American C. Ins. Co., 2 Mo. App. 516 ; 98 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Phenix Ins. Co. et al. v. Carnahan, 63 Ohio St. 258 ; 58 N. B. 805 ; Westenhaver v. German Am. Ins. Co., 113 Iowa 726 : 84 N. W. 717; 30 Ins. L. J. 314; Palatine Ins. Co. v. Morton, 106 Tenn. 558; 61 S. W. 787; 30 Ins. L. J. 481; Mosness v. German Ins. Co., 50 Minn. 341; 52 N. W. 932; 21 Ins. L. J. 915 ; Dunton v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (Me.), 71 AtL Rep. 1037; Connecticut F. Ins. Co. v. Hamilton, 59 Fed. 258 ; 23 Ins. L. J. 241 ; Nolan v. Ocean Ace. & G. Corp., 23 Canadian Law Times 187 ; Kersey v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 135 Mich. 10 ; 97 N. W. 57 ; Exchange Bk. v. Thuringia F. Ins. Co., 109 Mo. App. 654; 83 S. W. 534 ; Law v. Commercial M. F. Co. (N. D.), 107 N. W. 69; Graham v. German Am. Ins. Co., Royal Ins. Co. v. Silberman (Ohio), 79 N. E. 930; 36 Ins. L. J. 193; Paris v. Hamburg Bremen F. Ins. Co. (Mass.), 90 N. E. 420; Novak v. Rochester G. Ins. Co. (111. App.), 40 Nat. Corp. R. 698, June, 1910 ; Weismann v. Firemen's Ins. Co. (Mass. S. J. C.), 95 N. E. 411 ; North B. & M. Ins. Co. v. Robinett (Va, S. C. A.), 72 S. E. 668; Condition Precedent to Suit. Appraisal when demanded is a condition precedent to re- covery, where the policy so provides as does the New York standard form. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. v. Clancy (Tex. S. C.), 8 S. W. Rep. 630 ; Wolff v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (N. J. S. C.), 14 AtL Rep. 561 ; 17 Ins. L. J. 714 ; Gasser v. Sun Fire Office (Minn. S. C.), 19 Ins. L. J. 247 ; 44 N. W. Rep. 252 ; Chippewa Lumber Co. v. Phenix Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 44 N. W. Rep. 1055; 80 Mich. 116; Hamilton v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (U. S. S. C.), 136 U. S. 242; Mosnes v. German Am. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C. July 1892), 21 Ins. L. J. 915; Western Assur. Co. v. Hall (Ala. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 874; Chainless Cycle Co. v. Security Ins. Co., 169 N. Y. 304; 31 Ins. L. J. 324 ; Phenix and other Ins. Cos. v. Carnahan et al. (Ohio S. C.), 58 N. E. Rep. 805 ; Davis v. Atlas Assur. Co. (Wash. S. C.), 47 Pac. Rep. 436; Sun Mut. Ins. Co. v. Crist (Ky. C. A.), 39 S. W. Rep. 837; 26 Ins. L. J. 695. Not a Condition Precedent. The New York standard form of policy makes an appraisal a condition precedent to recovery only when one has been re- quired by the insurer, it is not the duty of the insured to initiate one. Chainless Cycle Co. v. Security Ins. Co., 169 N. T. 304; 31 Ins. L. J. 324 ; 62 N. E. 392 ; Kahnweiler v. Phenix Ins. Co., 14 C. C. A. 485, 67 Fed. Rep. 483 ; Milwaukee Mechs. Ins. Co. v. Stewart (Ind. A. C.), 42 N. E. Rep. 290 ; Grand Rapid F. Ins. Co. v. Finn, 60 Ohio 513, 54 N. W. Rep. 545. (Ohio now holds to the contrary.) ; Davis v. Atlas Assur. Co. v. (Wash. S. C.), 47 Pac. Rep. 436; Sun Mutual Ins. Co. v. Crist (Ky. C. A.), 39 S. W. Rep. 837; 26 Ins. L. J. 695; Lesure Lumber Co. v. Mut. F. Ins. Co., 101 Iowa 514; 70 N. W. Rep. 761; Norris v. Equitable F. Assn. (S. C. S. D.), 102 N. W. Rep. 306; Nerger v. Equitable F. Assn., 20 S. D. 419; 35 Ins. L. J. 556; APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 99 American Ins. Co. v. Rodenhause (Okla.), 128 Pac. 502; Winchester v. North B. & M. Ins. Co., 160 Cal. 1; 116 Pac. 63; Amusement &c. v. Prussian N. Ins. Co., 85 Kan. 367, 116 Pac. 620. Where there is no disagreement as to amount of loss and the company offered to pay on same basis that other companies had settled, the policy requirement for an appraisal was thereby waived; the offer to pay being virtually an admission of the amount of insured loss. Shook v. Retail Hardware M. F. Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), 134 S. W. 589. To take advantage of the appraisal clause provision in a fire insurance policy such as the New York standard form, the defendant must allege in its plea that there was a disagreement between it and the plaintiff as to the amount of such loss, prior to institution of suit. Torpedo Top Co. v. Royal Ins. Co., 162 111. App. 338; 42 Nat'nl Corp. Rep. 593. Provision for Appraisal not Upheld by Pennsylvania and Ne- braska Courts. An appraisal is not a condition precedent to suit, it being revocable by either party, and the bringing of the action a revocation. Needy v. German-Am. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 47 Atl. Rep. 739; Yost v. McKee et al. (Pa. S. C.), 36 Atl. Rep. 317. The Nebraska Supreme Court holds the effect of the ap- praisal clause is to oust the courts of their legitimate jurisdic- tion. . German Am. Ins. Co. v. Etherton, 41 N. W. Rep. 406. After failure of appraisal materially different in terms from that provided in the policy, an insurance company waives right to demand new appraisal pursuant to the terms of the policy. Davis v. Atlas Assur. Co. (Wash. S. C.), 47 Pac. Rep. 436. A joint demand by several companies for an appraisal is not authorized by the policy; the demand must be separate. Connecticut F. Ins. Co. v. Hamilton (U. S. C. C. A. 6th Dist.), 23 Ins. L. J. 241; Hamilton v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A., 6th Dist), 23 Ins. U J. 561. A joint demand is not good where the policies differ. Palatine Ins. Co. v. Morton-Scott-Robertson Co. (Tenn. S. C.), 61 S. W. Rep. 787. 100 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Where defendant insisted on assured signing a written agreement containing provisions not in the policy, it waived its rights to appraisal. Walker v. German Ins. Co. (July, 1893), (Kan. S. C.) f 22 Ins. L. J. 750; Summerfleld v. North British & M. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. Western Dist. Va.), 24 Ins. L. J. 442. Where the insured, after filing proofs, but before their re- ceipt by the company, upon failure of parties to agree, adver- tised and sold the property against the company's protest, the latter was deprived of its rights to appraisement and was re- leased from liability under the policy. Astrich v. German- Am. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A. 3d Dist.), 33 Ins. L. J. 925. I The assured, after agreeing to appraisal, revoked the sub- mission and refused to be bound. He then had the goods ap- praised and sold them. Held, A forfeiture of the policy. Morley v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Mich S. C.), 48 N. W. Rep. 502; 20 Ins. L. J. 577: Providence-Washington Ins. Co. v. Wolf (Ind. A. C.), 72 N. E. Rep. 606. The demand for appraisal iterated and reiterated is met by a denial that there was any "disagreement" or difference as to the amount of the loss, which was a distinct evasion of the demand; and it is the merest trifling with words to say that this quibbling and evasion, which was continued until an ap- praisal was rendered fruitless by the sale of the remnants by insured, does not amount to a refusal on the part of the in- sured to perform the condition as to arbitration or appraise- ment of the loss. Phoenix v. Carnahan (Ohio S. C.), 58 N. E. Rep. 805. Citing: Hamilton v. Ins. Co., 136 U. S. 242 ; 10 Supp. Ct. 945 ; 34 L. Ed. 419; Zalesky v. Ins. Co., 102 Iowa 613 ; 71 N. W. Rep. 566. All verbal demands for an appraisal and for an examina- tion under oath touching the cause and origin of the fire are merged in a subsequent written demand therefor. Citizens' Ins. Co. et al. v. Herposheimer (Neb.), 109 N. W. 160. The insured's statement that he was "ready to proceed under the provisions of the policy" is not a request for the appointment of referees (arbitration). APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 101 Vera et al. v. Mercantile F. & M. Ins. Co. 2nd cth^r Cos".,' 10:- N. E. 292 ; 216 Mass. 154. A local agent who issues policies is a proper person on whom to serve notice of a demand upon the company for arbitration provided for in the policy. Phenix v. Stocks et al. (111. S. C.) f 36 N. E. Rep. 408. After some unsatisfactory negotiations, the insured sug- gested an appraisal, and afterwards wrote the insurer that un- less an appraisal was agreed to within five days, he would pro- ceed to dispose of the goods, to which no answer was made. This was held to be a waiver of the insurer's right to appraisal". Chainless Cycle Co. v. Security Ins. Co., 169 N. Y. 304; 31 Ins. L. J. 324. After once refusing to appraise, the insurer can not after- wards compel an appraisal. Continental Ins. Co. v. Wilson (Kan. S. C.), 25 Pac. Rep. 629; 20 Ins. Lr. J. 269 ; Wainer v. Milford Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Mass. S. J. C.), 23 N. E. Rep. 887 ; McDowell v. Aetna Ins. Co. and other Ins. Cos. (Mass. S. J. C.), 41 N. E. Rep. 665 ; Chainless Cycle Mfg. Co. v. Security Ins. Co., 169 N. Y. 304 ; 31 Ins. L. J. 324. When the adjuster makes an offer in payment of the loss which 'assured refuses, and then withdraws his proposition, with notice that the company will insist upon every require- ment of the policy, intending to terminate all negotiations for a settlement, the arbitration clause of the policy is rendered inoperative and cannot be invoked as a defense. Dautel v. Pennsylvania F." Ins. Co., 65 Mo. App. 44 .1 Failure of the insurer after demanding appraisal at a given time and place, to appear at the time and place, is a waiver of its right to appraisal. Northern Assur. Co. v. Samuels (Tex. C. C. A.), 33 S. W. Rep. 239. The insurer knowing that the insured desires a prompt ap- praisal or adjustment, so that the property may not suffer further injury before it is sold, can not postpone its demand for an appraisal, until after the insured, misled by its act, has been placed in a position where one is impossible. Chainless Cycle Co. v. Security Ins. Co., 169 N. Y. 304 ; 31 Ins. L. J. 324. The insurer can not compel an appraisal of loss by fire 102 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. after the property has been damaged by fire a second time, since the damage by both fires constitutes but one claim, to be settled in one proceeding. Mechanics Ins. C. v. Hodge (111. S. C.), 26 Ins. L. J. 406; 37 N. E. Rep. 61. The insured's death before award is made does not revoke the submission. Citizens' Ins. Co. v. Coit (Jnd. A. C.), 39 N. E. Rep. 766. The company can not take advantage of the want of arbi- tration as provided by the policy, when its refusal defeated such arbitration, and it is immaterial that a former action was pending on the policy at the time the offer to arbitrate was made. Johnson v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 69 Mo. App. 226. A submission to appraisal, though made jointly by several companies, is under policies and not a common law agreement, where the policies are all alike and the submission is such as is provided for therein. Wicking et al. v. Citizens' Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 77 N. W. Rep. 275 ; 28 Ins. L. J. 230. Appraisal is waiver of insurance company's right to rebuild. Wynkoop v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 12 Ins. L. J. 253; McAllaster v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 28 Ins. L. J. 769 ; Iowa Cent'l B. & L. Assn. v. Merchants and Bankers F. Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.). 32 Ins. L. J. 852 ; Alliance Co-operative Ins. Co. v. Arnold (Kans. S. C.), 31 Ins. L. J. 943 ; Elliott v. Merchants and Bankers F. Ins. Co. (la. S. C.), 28 Ins. L. J. 677. But where appraisal agreement expressly stipulates that it is "Without reference to any other question or matter of difference within the terms and conditions of insurance than the amount of the loss," it neither waives the company's right to rebuild instead of paying, as provided for in the policy, nor excludes proof of a previous oral waiver of such right. Platt v. Aetna Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), 24 Ins. L. J. 132; 38 N. E. Rep. 750. An appraisal had by the insured and other companies is not competent evidence of the amount of the loss. APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 103 Penn. Plate Glass Co. v. Spring Garden Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 28 Ins. L. J. 223 ; Chenowith v. i-henix Ins. Co., 4 Finch Digest, 22 (Ky. S. C.), 12 Ky. L. Rep. 232. If the insurers deny liability as to a portion of the loss and, in the agreement for submission to appraisal, exclude such items from the purview of the agreement, and when the award is returned the loss be paid in accordance therewith, and receipts be taken discharging the insurer from all liability by reason of the fire for which claim for loss was made, and another receipt for payment of the return premium in con- sideration of which the policy is canceled, still the insured may recover for the loss on items omitted from the appraisal, and which the insurer refused to pay, provided the court finds, as a matter of fact, they were covered by the policy. Fire Ins. Assn. v. Wickham (U. S. S. C.), 21 Ins. L. J. 193. Plaintiff dismissed his action on a fire policy and brought new suit. On receiving notice of intention to dismiss, defend- ant served demand for appraisal under terms of policy. Held, That demand was too late. Davis v. Imperial Ins. Co. (Wash. S. C.), 47 Pac. Rep. 439. Where the insured's action was dismissed for refusing to submit loss to appraisal and thereafter she offered to submit to appraisal, but the company refused to do so, claiming that by her previous conduct the insured had lost all rights under the policy, the insured brought this action to recover her loss. Held, That the doctrine between inconsistent rights or remedies is inapplicable. The plaintiff never had any election. Her re- fusal at first to submit to appraisal merely amounted to a waiver of her right to an appraisal, but did not extinguish her rights to recover on the policy; that the refusal of the company to submit to appraisal upon a subsequent offer of the insured to do so, was waiver of its right to an appraisal, and thereupon the insured could maintain an action on the policy without appraisal. Schrepfer v. Rockford Ins. Co., 77 Minn. 291; 79 N. W. Rep. 1005. Where the representative of a company that demands a separate appraisal did not join the other companies in an ap- praisal, but afterwards co-operated with them, and took advan- tage of whatever was done and was notified of all that occurred and made no objections, the company can not allege that it was not a party to the appraisal. 104 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. North German Ins. Co. v. Morton-Scott-Robertson Co. (Tenn. S. C.), 31 Ins. L. J. 580; (See also the case of Levy v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (W. Va. S. C. A.), 52 S. E. Rep. 449). Statute, Michigan. The Michigan statutes prescribing the form of a standard policy to be used in that state which provides that an award of appraisers should be prima facie the amount of the loss, does not prevent the insured and insurer, after loss, from entering an arbitration of the loss and making the award of appraisers binding and conclusive as to the value of the property and the loss thereto. Montgomery v. Amer. Cent'l Ins. Co., 108 Wis. 146 ; 84 N. W. 175; 30 Ins. L. J. 122. Iowa. A statute that the amount of the policy shall be prima facie evidence of the insurable value, at the date of the policy, doesn't prevent the company from showing depreciation, and actual value at time of fire, nor does it relieve the insured from proving the loss, nor relieve him from the operation of a clause making an appraisement a condition precedent to right of action on the policy. Zalesky v. Home Ins. Co., 108 Iowa 341; 79 N. W. 69. Must Produce Books for Inspection of Appraisers. On demand of insurer, the insured directed its bookkeeper to allow appraisers to examine all its books. He, however, withheld a book containing an estimate of the cost of the destroyed articles. Held, Insured was^ bound by his acts and that his action amounted to a representation that there was no such book and that insurer was released from its agreement. Stockton Comb. Harvester and Agricultural Works v. Glens Falls Ins. Co. (Gal. S. C.), 33 Pac. Rep. 663. On a retrial of this case it was proven that no books were concealed from appraisers, hence judgment for plaintiff in lower court here affirmed (Cal. S. C.), 53 Pac. Rep: 565. When appraisal fails through plaintiff's bad faith, he can not maintain an action. Silver v. Western Assur. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 58 N. E. Rep. 284. Appraisal Value of Saloon Furniture in Dry Town. The policy limited liability to the "actual cash value, with APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 105 proper deductions for the depreciation however caused." Held } That the value meant the price which the property would bring at a fair market; as to fixed property the value would have to be arrived at at its place of location; that as to movable property it should be ascertained at the nearest fair market for same, subject to a deduction for cost of transportation; hence on loss of saloon fixtures in a town where the sale of liquor had been prohibited, the insurer was not entitled to a valuation of the property at that place, but was obliged to pay on the basis of the value of the property at the nearest fair market for such property less cost of transportation. Prussian National Ins. Co. v. Lawrence, (U. S. C. C. A., 4th Cir.) : 221 Federal Reporter (June 10, 1915) 931. Insured's Right to Introduce Evidence Before Appraisers. The authorities generally are in accord in holding that where there has been a total extinction of the property or any part of it it is not only the right of the insured to introduce evidence as to such property, but that it is the duty of the appraisers to hear evidence as to the quantity and value of such property. Where appraisers are appointed because of their knowledge and familiarity with values such as was dam- aged, or of the property itself, and enough of it remains from which a fair and accurate estimate may be made of its extent and value, then appraisers may refuse to hear evidence. The question is annotated in Aetna Ins. Co. v. Jester, 47 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1191. Assured was not given an opportunity to be present with their books, or other evidence, to show the extent of their loss at any time from the beginning of the- arbitration proceedings until the completion of the award in writing. This was im- proper. Assured should have been given this opportunity. It is true that the arbitrators were shown to be experienced men in this line of business; and, if appellants should have been permitted to be present with their evidence, it might not have changed the result. From the evidence we are not prepared to say that insurance companies or any one of the arbitrators, were guilty of fraud or an intentional wrong in arriving at the result of this arbitration; but we are convinced that mis- takes, or errors, were committed to the prejudice of assured. 'Harth v. Continental Ins. Co. (Ky. C. A.), 36 Ins. L. J. 603. 102 S. W. 242. The insured has a right to be heard when he has requested 106 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. such right if the appraisers disagree, and an award of the com- pany appraiser and the umpire who have denied him that right will be set aside. Chenoweth v. Phenix Ins. Co., 12 Ky. L. R. 232 ; American F. Ins. Co. v. Bell (Tex. C. C. A.), 75 S. W. 319; Harth v. Continental Ins. Co. et al. (Ky. C. A.), 102 S. W. 242, 36 Ins. L. J. 603. The insured has the right to introduce evidence, before the appraisers as to the extent of his loss, and where he is refused such right, the award is not binding on him. Aetna Ins. Co. v. Jester (Okla.), 132 Pac. 130. The rejection and exclusion of pertinent and material testi- mony on a hearing before appraisers is usually fatal to the award. Schoe-nick v. American Ins. Co. (Minn.), 124 N. W. 5; Mosness v. German Ins. Co., 50 Minn. 341 ; 21 Ins. L. J. 915 ; 52 N. W. 932; Redner v. New York Fire Ins. Co., 92 Minn. 306; 99 N. W. 886 ; 33 Ins. L. J. 780 ; Continental Ins. Co. v. Garrett, 125 Fed. 589 ; 60 C. C. A. 395 ; Stout v. Phoenix Assur. Co., 69 N. J. Eq. 566 ; 56 Atl. 691 ; Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Payne (Kan. S. C.), 26 Ins. L. J. 46 ; Christiansen v. Norwich U. F. Ins. Soc., 84 Minn. 526, 31 Ins. L. J. 218; Redner v. N. Y. Fire Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 33 Ins. L. J. 780; Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Romeis (Lucas Co. Ohio C. C.), 15 C. C. Rep. 697. In case of destroyed property, which an appraiser had never seen, fairness would require that he be informed by evidence of some sort (not necessarily under oath) as to the character and value of the property and, unless an opportunity is afforded to impart such information, the award will not be binding. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Payne, 57 Kans. 291 ; 26 Ins. L. J. 46 ; 46 Pac. 315. Where appraisers are appointed to adjust a loss to a prop- erty only partially destroyed and sufficient of it remains to disclose the size, general character and architecture, and quality of material used, a hearing and an opportunity to introduce evidence of value need not be granted; but where they are un- acquainted with the insured property, and are selected to estimate a loss arising from total destruction of the property, notice of the time and place of the appraisers' meeting and an opportunity to the parties to be heard is essential to a valid award. Carlston v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co., 37 Mont 118; 94 Pac. 756; 37 Ins. L. J. 366. It seems that the appraisers are not obliged to give the claimant any formal notice or to hear evidence, at least in all APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 107 cases, and yet, unless the insured waive it, he must either have notice or knowledge of the meeting of the appraisers and an opportunity to draw their attention to the items of his loss and make representations and explanations to them concerning the nature thereof. Kaiser v. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co., 59 (N. Y. S. C.), App. Div. 525; 69 N. Y. Supp. 344. Affirmed 172 N. Y. 663, 65 N. E. 1118. Citing: Linde v. Republic F. Ins. Co., 50 N. Y. Super. Ct. 362; Remington Paper Co. v. London Assur. Corp. 12 (N. Y. S. C.), App. Div. 218. An award of arbitrators will not be set aside on the ground that the arbitrators refused to hear pertinent testimony, when the party objecting to the award only announced his willingness to introduce testimony without actually offering any. Stemmer v. Scottish U. & N Ins. Co., 33 Ore. 65 ; 58 Pacif. R. 498 ; 27 Ins. L. J. 972. The award will be set aside if appraisers refuse to consider the books in arriving at the goods assured had on hand at time of fire. LevJne v. Lancashire Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 26 Ins. L. J. 36. Books of account are not the only evidence of the amount of the loss, and if the appraisers are satisfied that they do not show the correct amount of merchandise on hand, they may resort to other evidence, and their mere refusal to examine them in such case will not justify the setting aside of an award. Tyblewski v. Svea F.. & L. Ins. Co., 220 111. 436; 35 Ins. L. J. 616; 77 N. E. 196. Where persons are selected arbitrators by reason of special knowledge or skill possessed by them with reference to the matter in controversy, so that it is apparent that the parties intended to rely upon their personal information, investigation and judgment, they may even be justified in refusing altogether to hear evidence. Hall v. Norwalk F. Ins. Co., 57 Conn. 105; 18 Ins. L. J. 518; 17 Atl. 356, and cases there cited; Townsend v. Greenwich Ins. Co., 83 N. Y. Supp. 909. There being no requirement for notice nor necessity for witnesses, an appraisement is not vitiated by the mere fact that the appraisers met without notice to the company, while officers of the insured corporation were present and pointed 108 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. out the damaged property, where there is no suggestion of undue influence or bad faith, and the appraisers, made their award on their own knowledge of the subject. American Steel Co. v. German-Am. F. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A.) ; 187 Fed. 730 ; Orient Ins. Co. v. Harmon (Tex. C. C. A.), 117 S. W. 192. , . It is not necessary for either party to the submission {o have notice of the meeting of the appraisers or an opportunity \o present evidence. The submission did not provide for such notice or for the parties to have the opportunity to produce evidence upon the question at issue. On the contrary, the terms of submission were such as to indicate the appraisers were to proceed informally to fix the amount of plaintiff's loss, and if unable to agree, to call in the umpire to settle their differences. See Blakely v. Proctor, 134 Ga. 139, 67 S. E. 389.) Of course, the award could have been set aside for fraud, or by showing that unfair advantage had been given to one of the parties, or for palpable mistake of law, Eberhardt v. Fed- eral Ins. Co. (ct. of App. Ga. Feby. 4, 1914), 80 S. E. 856. An award will not be set aside for irregularity or bad faith, where one of the arbitrators privately made certain experiments as to the effect of intense heat on certain goods, the result of which he communicated to the other arbitrators at a meeting at which the respective parties and their counsel were present, without objection from them. The arbitrators also, with knowl- edge and consent of both parties visited the scene of the fire and made certain examinations. Two of the arbitrators talked with third persons about the fire, but both testified this had no effect on them in making up the award. Two of the arbitrators, in the absence of the third, discussed the amount of the award, but came to no conclusion until the final meeting when all three were together. Two of them privately examined the books of one of them who dealt in similar goods to those of insured, to learn the prices thereof and communicated the facts and infor- mation therefrom to the third arbitrator. Farrell v. German-Am. Ins. Co., 175 Mass. 340 ; 56 N. E. 572. The provision in the policy that "the appraisers together shall then (after choosing the umpire) estimate and appraise the loss," does not require them to view the damaged property together nor forbid them viewing it separately. Kent v. Aetna Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), 146 S. W. 78. Inquiries, made by one of the appraisers for his own infor- APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 109 mation, in the absence of the parties or other appraisers, will not invalidate the award, unless the party is prejudiced or the award affected thereby. Hall v. Norwalk F. Ins. Co. (Conn. S. C.), 17 All. Rep. 356; Farrell v. German- Am. Ins. Co. (Mass. S. C.), 29 Ins. L. J. 341. Referees under Minnesota Standard Fire Policy have no authority to make independent investigation and base their award on the result thereof, but are required to give interested parties reasonable opportunity to present evidence bearing on case. Schoenich v. American Ins. Co. (Minn.), 124 N. W. 5. Where the award was rendered upon the report, infor- mation and conclusion of the loss of one of the appraisers who was the only one of the appraisers who had seen the loss, it will be declared void. Citizens Ins Co. v. Hamilton, 48 111. App. 593. Where the insured furnishes an inventory which he certifies is correct, he cannot have set aside for mistake in inventory an award based thereon. Kentucky C. Co. v. Rochester Germ. Ins. Co., 20 Ky. L. R. 1571 : 49 S. W. 780. The company's appraiser and the umpire agreed on the amount of loss on goods totally destroyed, and accepted an expert's opinion of damage to goods saved. Held, no evidence could be received which showed plaintiff's loss was greater than the award. Rogers v. Commercial U. A. Co., 15 Can. L. Times 228. Referees under Massachusetts standard policy are not com- pelled to receive evidence upon the amount of the loss, but may proceed to determine that fact in any way in which they may think best. Hanley v. Aetna Ins. Co. (Mass.), 102 N. E. 641. \ Where the appraisers and umpire have before them a list of the property destroyed and the insured's statement in detail in respect to his loss, they may refuse to hear evidence. Royal Ins. Co. v. Ries, 80 Ohio St. 272; 88 N. E. R. 638. ARBITRATION OF ALL DIFFERENCES. Before the New York standard form policy came inio vogue, a great number of the fire policies required all differences 110 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. to be submitted to arbitration and the courts in nearly every such case decided such clause would not be enforced, as the effect would be to oust the courts of jurisdiction. National Masonic A. Ass'n v. Burr (Neb. S. C.). 62 N. W. Rep. 466; 24 Ins. L. J. 423; Prader v. Nat'l Masonic A. Ass'n (Iowa S. C.), 63 N. W. Rep. 601 ; Keefe v. Nat'l Ace. Ass'n (N. Y. S. C., App. Div.), 38 N. Y. Supp. 854 ; 4 App. Div. 392 ; Fox v. Mason's Frat. Ace. Ass'n (Wis. S. C.), 71 N. W. Rep. 363. Appraisal, as Used in the Policies, Means Arbitration of Only the Amount of the Loss. But the New York standard form policy is now in general use, except in a few of those states having a standard form of their own, and all of the policies now provide that only the sound vajue, loss and damage are to be submitted, to appraisers. The policy now in use contemplates an arbitration limited to the amount of the loss, rather than an appraisal, and the arbi- trators are termed appraisers, I presume, on account of the courts deciding that an arbitration ousted them of jurisdiction. But the policy is perfectly plain in defining the duties of the appraisers and in saying that they shall be the sole arbiters only in so far as the loss and damage is concerned, leaving all other questions, including the liability, to be determined by the parties, or, if they fail, then by the courts, and this is in accord with nearly all, if not all, of the decisions. Subject of Appraisal Totally Destroyed Goods Damaged Goods. Where the amount of the loss is made payable 60 days from date of adjusted claim and the method of adjustment provided for in the policy in respect to the "damage to the property" is in case the parties are unable to agree, by appraisement as therein provided made a condition precedent to recovery, this contemplates an appraisement of the total as well as the partial loss. Gasser v. Sun Fire Office, 42 Minn. 315 ; 19 Ins. L. J. 243 ; 44 N. W. 252 ; Barley v. Providence Wash. Ins. Co. (R. I.), 76 Atl. Rep. 753; Williamson v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co.. 122 Fed. 69 ; 58 C. C. A. 241 ; Rutter v. Hanover F. Ins. Co., 138 Ala. 202 ; 35 Southern 33 ; Stout v. Phoenix Assur. Co.. 65 N. J. Eq. 566 ; 56 Atl. 691. Where the policy provided that in case of disagreement the loss or damages should be submitted to appraisers to be chosen as provided by the policy, a submission entered into by the parties which only provided for an appraisal of the damage to goods saved, was void as not in accord with the conditions r< the policy. APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. Ill Adams v. N. Y. Bowery F. Ins. Co., 85 Iowa 6 ; 21 Ins. L. J. 833 ; 51 N. W. 1149. When the appraisal agreement provides that "it is expressly understood that this agreement and appraisement is for the purpose of ascertaining and fixing the amount of said loss and damage only , * * * and shall not determine, waive or invalidate any other right or rights of either of the parties," the only question which can be considered as submitted to the appraisers is that of determining the value of the property totally de- stroyed and the injury to that not destroyed. Germania F. Ins. Co. v. Warner, 13 Ind. App. 466; 41 N. E. 969. A policy that provides that the amount of the loss shall be ascertained by appraisers, in case of disagreement, contemplates the articles totally obliterated as well as those which have suf- fered a damage only. Palatine Ins. Co. v. Morton, 106 Tenn. 558; 61 S. W. 787; 30 Ins. L. J. 481. A demand for appraisal of the salvage goods alone is not authorized under a policy providing that the amount of the loss shall be ascertained by appraisers in case of disagreement, and the insured is justified in declining it. Palatine Ins. Co. v. Morton, 106 Tenn. 558; 61 S. W. 787; 30 Ins. L. J. 481. i The insured is not concluded by an award of appraisers, which, through the fault of the adjusters, is limited to the dam- age to such goods only as are visible at the time of the appraisal. Hong Sling v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co., 7 Utah 441 ; 27 Pac. 170. Where a policy insures contents of a two-story building known as the Hotel, the failure of appraisers to appraise the contents in a one-story addition will render their award invalid. Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Moore (Texas C. C. A.), 46 S. W. Rep. 1131. If the appraisers disregard the instructions in the agree- ment for submission to appraisal, the award is not binding. Rutter v. Hanover F. Ins. Co. (Ala. S. C.), 35 Southern Rep. 33. A provision in the policy requiring "the amount of sound value and of damage to the property" to be determined by ap- praisal applies only to a case of partial damage and not where the property has been totally destroyed by fire. Rosenwald v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 50 Hun. 172; 19 St. Rep. 732; 3 N. Y. Supp. 215; 112 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Lang v. Eagle F. Ins. Co., 12 (N. Y. S. C.), App. Div. 39; 42: N. Y. Supp. 539. The standard form (N. Y.) provides that loss on totally destroyed goods, as well as the damage to the goods not de- stroyed, are to be appraised. Stout v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 65 N. J. Eq. 566 ; 56 Atl. Rep. 691 ; Phenix Ins. Co. v. Carnahan (Ohio S. C.), 58 N. E. Rep. 805; Chippewa Lumber Co. v. Phenix Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.). 44 N. W. Rep. 1055; 80 Mich. 116; 19 Ins. L. J. 535. An appraisement omitting property claimed by the insured to have been destroyed is void. American F. Ins. Co. v. Bell (Tex. C. C. A.), 75 S. W. Rep. 319; Rutter v. Hanover F. Ins. Co. (Ala. S. C.), 35 Southern Rep. 33. After signing the award the authority of the arbitrators ceases, and it is not in their power to reopen it or to deal further with the matter; the fact that one of them was misled by the others in connection with the signing of the award, if true, would form good ground for an application to the court to set it aside, but did not justify him in calling in the third arbitrator and making another award different from that to which he was already a party. Hall v. Queen Ins. Co., 39 Nova Scotia 295 ; 1 E. L. R. 295 ; 21 Ins. Dig. 88. For goods which are totally destroyed by fire no appraise- ment can be required, for the reason that to appraise the loss on such goods would require appraisers to call witnesses and be- come arbitrators. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. v. Carnahan, 19 Ohio Cir. Ct. 97, 114; 10 Ohio C. D. 186, 225; but see when these cases came be- fore Ohio Supreme Court. Phenix Ins. Co. et *al. v. Carnahan, 63 Ohio St. 258; 58 N. E. 805, it was held assured must not only submit to appraisalj but that he must show that he has per- formed the condition or has a legal excuse for non-performance thereof. The award cannot be impeached in an action at law on the ground that appraisers refused to consider, or to include in the a\vard, the loss on so much of the property as was totally de- stroyed, when such loss was clearly within the submission and was covered by the terms of the award. Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Kline et al. (Ala. S. C.), 21 Southern Rep. 958. APPRAISAL ARBITRATION AWARD. 113 Total Loss Statute. Two rules have been adopted defining total loss. The earlier one, that the loss is total whenever the building has been so injured as to lose its identity and specific character as such; and the other, that it is not totally destroyed so long as a substantial remnant remains which a prudent, uninsured person would use in rebuilding. The whole question, however, is one of fact for a jury to determine. Most of the recent cases follow the latter rule. Where the statutes provide -for the amount of the insurer's liability in case of total loss, there can be no con- sideration for appraisal. See case Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Homewood (anno- tated) for important and valuable cases bearing on the question of Constructive Total Loss, 39 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1182 (Okla- homa). Fair Unfair Appraisers Conduct of Appraisers Selection of Umpire. The action of insurer's apraiser in nominating for umpire, names of persons unknown to assured's appraiser, and who had frequently acted as appraisers and umpires for insurance com- panies in other loses, was tantamount to a refusal to agree upon a disinterested umpire. This being true, the fact that an ap- praisal was not had is no defense to the action. Bishop v. Agricultural Ins. Co., 130 N. Y. 488 ; 21 Ins. L. J. 345. Citing: Unrig v. Ins. Co., 101 N. T. 362 ; Bradshaw v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (137 N. T. 137), 22 Ins. L. J. 161. McCullough v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (Mo. S. C.), 22 Ins. L. J. 781; 113 Mo. 606; Brock v. Dwelling House Ins. Co., 102 Mich. 583; 24 Ins. L. J. ; 464; 61 N. W. Rep. 67; Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. Bishop (111. S. C.), 154 111. 9; 25 Ins. L. J. 24 ; Hickerson v. Ins. Cos., 25 Ins. L. J. 422 (Tenn. S. C.); Harrison v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (Iowa 5 000 ) 2 000 Stationery 5,000 ( 3 500 Pictures 500 Fancy Goods 2,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 16,000 2-16 of $10,000 is less than $2,000, required to pay loss on fancy goods, we have $2,000 of A to pay loss on fancy goods. Dividing the remaining $8,000 of A and the $5,000 each of B and C as stated in step 5, we have the following: APPORTIONMENT OF NON-CURRENT; RULES. 161 Apportionment. Groups School Books. Other Books.. Stationery . . . Pictures . .A .4,671.41 1,142.87 2,000.00 285 72 2, 1, B 867.16 714.28 250.00 178 56 C 2,962.96 740.74 1,296.30 D 6,000 Ins. 15,391.63 2,697.89 4,546.30 464.28 To pay 8,000 2,000 3,500 500 Def. 36.72 Fancy Goods. 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000 Totals ...10,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000 25,000.00 16,000 35.72 The deficiency of $35.72 on pictures is made up under step 6, by taking pro rata sums from the now specific amounts of A and B, which have an excess of insurance, which is quickly done* and we have the following: Reapportionment. Groups School Books . . Other Books . . A . .. 4,558.38 . . . 1,139.62 B 2,849.02 712.24 1,246.44 192.30 5,000.00 2,962.96 740.74 1,296.30 5,000.00 D 5,000.00 5,000.00 Ins. To pay 15,370.36 8,000 2,692.60 2,000 4,637.04 3,600 500.00 500 2,000.00 2,000 25,000.00 16,000 Stationery 1 994 30 Pictures . . 307.70 Fancy Goods . . Totals . 2,000.00 ...10,000.00 Paying- Saving . . , 7,098.45 . 2,901.55 3, 1. 686.60 813.40 3, 1, 112.31 887.69 2,602.64 2.397.36 16 9 .500.00 .000.00 16,000 Example 2. An actual case of recent date. Apportionment. Item 1. Hotel Item 2. Hall Item 3. Addition . . . ) Item '4. Coops f Item 5. Barn / 1,500 1,100 1,500.00 1,100.00 2,600.00 770 A covers $1,000 on Item No. 1, and $500 on Items Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5; B covers $1,000 on Items Nos. 1 and 2, and $100 on Items Nos. 3 and 4. 1,000.00 666.67 1,666.67 400 1,000 270.27 333.33 603.60 200 ) 108.11 66.67 174.78 80 500 100 ) 54.06 33.33 87.39 40 67.56 67.56 50 162 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER XVI. COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. "This entire policy, unless otherwise provided by agreement hereon, or added hereto, shall be void * * * if (any usage or custom of trade or manufacture to the contrary notwithstand- ing) there be kept, used or allowed, on the above described premises, benzine, benzole, dynamite, ether, fireworks, gasoline, greek fire, gun powder, exceeding twenty-five pounds in quan- tity, naphtha, nitroglycerine or other explosives, phosporus, "Premises" means the building insured or containing the property insured and not the yard or other buildings adjacent thereto. Allemannia Fire Ins. Co. v. Pittsburg Expo. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 11 Atl. Rep. 572; Sperry v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (U. S. C. C.), 14 Ins. L. J. 141; 22 Fed. Rep. 516; Rau v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (N. T. S. C.), 36 N. T. S. C. App. Div. 516; 28 Ins. L. J. 182; Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Shearman, 20 Tex. C. C. A. 243, 60 S. W. Rep. 598; Thomas v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (Ky. C. A.), 53 S. W. Rep. 297; Northwestern Mut. Life. Ins. Co. v. Germania F. Ins. Co., 40 Wis. 446. When the use of any such prohibited articles is usual and necessary in the conduct of the insured's business, or, if they be usually kept in similar establishments, it will not avoid the policy. On the doctrine that when a repugnancy exists between the written portion of the policy or rider attached thereto, and the printed conditions of the policy, the provisions of the rider or written portion will prevail. It would be an absurdity to say that a policy is void because of the keeping of such prohibited articles, when the policy itself insured them, as for instance, "on stock of paints, oil, varnishes and other articles usually kept in a paint shop," and by insuring them it is "otherwise provided by agreement, indorsed on the policy," that such articles may be kept on the premises. Plinsky v. Germania Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), 32 Fed. Rep. 47; Faust v. American F. Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), 64 N. W. Rep. 883; Maril v. Connecticut F. Ins. Co. (Ga. S. C.), 23 S. E. Rep. 463; Fink v. Lancashire F. Ins. Co., 60 Mo. App. 673; 163 164 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Tubb v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Ala. S. C.), 17 Southern Rep. 615; Yoch v. Home Mut. Ins. Co. (Cal. S. C.), 44 Pacif. Rep. 189; Fraim v. National P. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 32 Atl. Rep. 613; Mascot v. Granite State F. Ins. Co. (Vt. S. C.), 35 Atl. Rep. 75; Barnard v. National F. Ins. Co., 27 Mo. App. 26; Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Fleming et al. (Ark. S. .C.), 27 Ins. L. J. 584; 44 S. W. Rep. 464; Amer. Cent'l Ins. Co. v. Green et al. (Tex. C. C. A.), 41 S. W. Rep. 74; Davis v. Pioneer Furn. Co. (Wis. S. C.), 28 Ins. L. J. 474; 78 N. W. Rep. 596; Ackley v. Phenix Ins. Co. (Mont. S. C.), 64 Pacif. Rep. 665; Traders Ins. Co. v. Dobbins (Tenn. S. C.), 86 S. W. Rep. 383; Haley v. Dorchester M. Ins. Co., 12 Gray 545; Collins v. Farmville Ins. & Bkg. Co., 79 N. C. 279; Baumgartner v. Ins. Co., 1 W. N. C. (Penn.), 119. It is not admissible to show custom among merchants to keep such prohibited articles in limited quantities as part of the stock. Beer v. Ins. Co., 39 Ohio St. 109; Birmingham F. Ins. Co. v. Kroegher, 83 Pa. St. 64; Lancaster F. Ins. Co. v. Lenheim, 89 Pa. St. 497; Mason v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 29 Up. Can. Q. B. 585; Western Assur. Co. v. Rector, 9 Ky. Law Rep. 3. It is for the jury to determine whether such prohibited ar- ticles were included in the description of the property insured. Carrington v. Lycoming F. Ins. Co., 53 Vt. 418; Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. De Groff, 12 Mich. 124. i It is not sufficient to show that the prohibited article was one) usual to the trade; it must be shown that it is included in the specific words used to describe the property insured. Liverpool & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Van Os., 63 Miss. 431. "Mechanics" as used in a policy does not mean common painters, and a condition rendering policy void if "gasoline be kept, used or allowed in the building" does not prevent the keeping in the building of gasoline to be used in the filling of gasoline torches for use by painters in removing paint from the building. (The fire originated in cornice about fifteen feet from where painter had last used the torch.) The use of such torch does not, as a matter of law, increase the hazard. Smith, County Treasurer, v. German Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 192; 65 N. W. Rep. 236. As to definition of total loss and rights of insured in party wall, see N. W. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Ins. Cos., 88 N. W. Rep. 265 and 272. "Fire-proof safe" means a safe of the kind generally known as fire-proof. Knoxville F. Ins. Co. v. Hird (Tex. C. C. A.), 23 S. W. Rep. 393; 23 Ins. L. J. 16. COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 165 "Plate" does not mean articles of common or ordinary use such as silver forks or spoons, but only the more pretentious articles which are displayed on the tables of the wealthy or os- tentatious, and which are to be considered rather as articles of luxury than as household furniture. Hanover F. Ins. Co. v. Manassen (Mich. S. C.), 3 Ins. L. J. 668. "Store" means shop and includes a bakery or restaurant. Richards v. Washington Ins. Co., 60 Mich. 420. "250. Insurance against any one accident." (One of the plaintiff's cars overturned, injuring forty persons) means that 250 is the limit of liability for accident to any one person, and that, if more than one is hurt, plaintiff may recover for its liability not exceeding 250 to each person. South Staffordshire Tramways Co., Ltd. v. Sickness & Accident Ass'n, Ltd. (Eng. C. A. Q. B. Div.), 1 Queen's Bench Div. Law Reports (March 2, 1891), 402. "Any and all risks and perils of fire, and inland navigation, and transportation, while on vessels, steam-boats, railroads, or in hotels, stores, or depots in the United States, and while in custody of the assured or traveling salesman. The printed con- ditions of the policy providing that the insurer would be lia- ble for loss to the property insured laden on board the good vessel or vessels, boat or boats, railroad or carriages, lost or not lost, at and from port or places, to ports and places on a regular and lawful route, named herein," covers a loss to the property from water wetting the goods where the salesman with the goods in a carriage, crossed a stream at the usual place of crossing. Kratzenstein v. Western Assur. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 22 N. E. Rep. 221. "Subject to three-fourths value clause" is meaningless, there being nothing in the policy to explain the meaning there- of, furnishes no intelligent agreement for the court to construe. Parks et/al. v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (Mo. S. C.), 12 S. W. Rep. 1058. "Concurrent insurance" is that which to any extent in- sures the same interest, against the same casualty, at the same time, and that would bear the loss proportionately with the primary insurance. New Jersey Rubber Co. v. Commercial U. Assur. Co. (N. J. C. B. and A.), 46 Atl. Rep. 777. 166 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Their own, held in trust or on commission," plaintiff must show that he adopted warehouseman's act in procuring such in- surance, and so notified him, before he can claim any benefit under a policy issued to defendant. Pittman v. Harris (Tex. C. C. A.), 59 S. W. Rep. 1121. "Plate glass in windows and doors, the dimensions whereof are nine square feet or more," does not mean a plate glass front which was immovable and stationary, though the glass therein was of greater dimensions than nine square feet. Hale v. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co., 46 Mo. App. 608. "Sporting House," has an innocent as well as a guilty mean- ing. Without proof of the sense in which it was used, it does not show conclusively that premises were occupied for unlawful purposes. White v. Western Assur. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 54 N. W. Rep. 195; 22 Ins. L. J. 305. "Gasoline clause in policy," the word "allowed" is to be construed as meaning "allowed to be kept or used," and the condition is not violated by merely permitting gasoline to be carried through the building on the premises. London & Lane. F. Ins. Co. v. Fischer (U. S. C. C. A. 6th Cir.), 92 Fed. Rep. 500. "$750 on building on lot 6; $250 on boiler contained there- in; $1,000 on machinery, patterns and other tools," will in- clude patterns not in the building. Aetna Ins. Co. v. Strout, 16 Ind. App. 160; 44 N. E. Rep. 934. "Adjacent" means "near," "close," "in proximity." Hanover F. Ins. Co. et al. v. Stoddard et al. (Neb. S. C.), 27 Ins. L. J. 120 ; 73 N. W. Rep. 291. "$3,300 on horses being not over $110 per head," does not limit the risk to 30 head of horses. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Crozier (Ky. Super. Ct.), 12 Ky- L. J. 143. "$2,500 total concurrent insurance permitted" in a policy for $2,500 held to mean assured could take out $5,000 total in- surance. L'Engle v. Scottish U. & N. F. Ins. Co. (Fla. S. C.), 37 S. W. Rep. 462. "Twelve o'clock noon" means the common or solar time. Grabbs v. Farmers Mut. F. Ins. Assn. (N. C. S. C.), 34 S. B. Rep. 603. COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 167 Parol evidence is admissible to show that standard time had been adopted by established custom. Rochester German Ins. Co. v. Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. (Ky. C. A.), and Pacific Ins. Co. v. Louisville Lead and Color Co. (Ky. C. A.), 87 S. W. Rep. 1115. WHAT IS NOT INSURED. "Fixtures" does not include casks, bottles and packing cases in a brewery. Fitzgerald v. Atlanta Home Ins. Co. (N. T. S. C., App. Div.), 70 N. Y. Supp. 55'2: "All other implements of trade" does not include sta- tionery and glove boxes of a glove manufacturer. Stemmer v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (Ore. S. C.), 53 Pacif. Rep. 498. "Saloon fixtures" does not include chairs. Manchester F. Assur. Co. v. Feibelman (Ala. S. C.), 23 Southern Rep. 759. "Carriages and all such goods usually kept in a livery barn and sales stable" does not include goods held in trust or on commission, and $3,000 additional concurrent insurance" the assured having taken out that much additional insurance which covered not only those goods belonging to the assured, but goods held in trust or on commission did not render them non- concurrent with first policy. Corkery v. Security F. Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 68 N. W. Rep. 792. "Harvester while in use" does not mean while it is stored in a shed. Slinkard v. Manchester F. Assur. Co. (Cal. S. C.), 55 Pacif. Rep. 417. "Harvesting machine operating in grain fields and in transit from place to place in connection with harvesting," does not cover a loss to the machine after it had been taken from place of storage and sent to shop for repair, and there burned about the day the harvesting season opened. Mawhinney v. Southern Ins. Co. (Cal. S. C.), 32 Pacif. Rep. 945; 22 Ins. L. J. 596. "Household furniture" does not include furniture pur- chased after policy was issued. Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Dunn. (Tex. C. C. A.), 41 S. W. Rep. 109. 168 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Machinery, shafting, belting, iron working lathes, planers, upright drills, milling machinery and fixtures and other machin- ery and implements used in his business as a machinist" does not include articles carried in stock for sale. Michel v. American Central Ins. Co., 17 Hun. 87. "Builders' risk" on a house plaintiff contracted to remove does not cover his loss on tools in the house at time of fire. Planters & Merchants Ins. Co. v. Thurston (Ala. S. C.), 9 South- ern Rep. 268; 20 Ins. L. J. 746. "Stock of vinegar in store and in tank, mash and low wines" does not cover mixtures in process of manufacture. Purves v. Germania Ins. Co. (La. S. C.), 10 Southern Rep. 495; 21 Ins. L. J. 306. "Decorations to walls and ceilings" does not include paint- ing of the outside walls of the building. Sherlock v. German Amer. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), 47 N. Y. Supp. 315. "Frame barn, and contents therein," does not cover against loss on a horse usually kept in the barn, when the loss to such horse was sustained when it was 50 feet distant from the barn. Farmers Mut. F. Ins. Ass'n. v. Kryder (Ind. App. C.), 31 N. B. Rep. 851. "Materials" do not include benzine, unless it is commonly used in the business. McFarland v. Peabody Ins. Co., 6 W. Va. 425. "On property belonging to the insured, or on any property for which they may be liable," does not include those articles from which the policy exempts the insurer from liability, unless specifically insured. The Commonwealth v. Hide & Leather Ins. Co. (S. J. C. Mass.), 3 Ins. L. J. 671. But it does include merchandise in transit over their road whether in their own cars or on the cars of other common carriers. The Commonwealth v. Hide and Leather Ins. Co. (S. J. C. Mass.), 3 Ins. L. J. 671. "Three-story brick building occupied as a pottery, and known as 'Pottery Building' " does not include a boiler house adjoining, used on one floor as a boiler house and one floor for COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 169 storage of pottery, power being furnished from said boiler house to the pottery, and to box and yarn factories in adjoin- ing buildings. Forbes v. American Ins. Co. (S. J. C. Mass.), 41 N. E. Rep. 656. "Blankets purchased with insurer's consent, to protect in- ured's property from fire burning in adjacent building," is not a loss within the policy. Welles v. Boston Ins. Co., 6 Pick. 182. "Unfinished house" does not include timbers lying in ad- joining building to be used in its construction. Ellmaker v. Franklin F. Ins. Co., 5 Penn. St. 183; 6 W. S. 439. "Jewelry and clothing, being stock in trade," limits liability to. jewelry and clothing only. Rafel v. Nashville M. & F. Ins. Co., 7 La. An. 244. "English, American and West India goods" does not in- clude tea or nutmegs unless they are English, American and West Indian goods. Huckins v. People's M. F. Ins. Co., 31 N, H. 238. "Merchandise" means all those things which assured, as a merchant, sells, and not articles of personal property not in- tended for sale. Kent v. Liverpool & L. & G. Ins. Co., 26 Ind. 294. "Stock of wearing apparel and household furniture" does not include linen sheets and shirts smuggled and kept for clan- destine sale. Clary v. Protection Ins. Co., 1 Wright 228; Watchorn v. Langford, 3 Camp. 422. "Stock and Materials" do not include retorts in a smelting plant. American Smelter Co. v. Providence-Wash.' Ins. Co., 64 Mo. App. 438. "Lumber, Lath and Pickets" do not include shingles, though if the word lumber alone is used it might. West Branch Lumberman's Exch. v. American Ins. Co., 183 Pa. St. 136; 27 Ins. L. J. 305; 38 Atl. Rep. 1081. "Stock of hair manufactured or in process" does not include goods of other material, even though usually kept in such stocks. Medina v. Builders Ins. Co., 120 Mass. 225. 170 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Household Furniture" does not include a watch. Clary v. Protection Ins. Co., 1 Wright Ohio 228. "Oil in tank cars in transit" * * * "insurance to con- tinue and endure until said goods and merchandise are safely landed at , as aforesaid," means that the latter clause^ when properly filled out, applied only to sea carriage, and was no part of contract made by this policy, which insured "oil in tank cars in transit," and when a tank car of oil covered by the policy had been delivered by the railroad which transported ta the insured, by being placed by its direction upon its private switch alongside its warehouse, the oil was. no longer "in tran- sit." Crew v. British and Foreign M. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A., 3rd Di'st.), 103 Fed. Rep. 48. "Occupied as a dwelling" is a warranty that the building is. so occupied at the time. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co. v. Lewis (D. C. C. A.), 4 App. D. C. 66. "Occupied as a dwelling" does not permit building to be used in part as a grocery store. Greenwich Ins. Co. v. Dougherty (N. J. S. C.), 42 Atl. Rep. 485. Permission to use the building for "any mercantile purpose"" does not authorize its use as a restaurant. Garretson v. Mcts. & Bkrs. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 45 N. W. Rep. 1047. WHAT IS INSURED. "On lines owned, leased or operated by," means owned,, leased or operated at the time the policy was issued, though not so owned, leased or operated at time of fire; to hold otherwise would make insurer liable for loss it never had in contempla- tion. Northern Pacif. Exp. Co. v. Traders Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), 65 N. E. Rep. 702. "Baled cotton held for compression or compressed, but not loaded on cars, and for which a compress shipper's receipt has been issued for certain railroads, while contained on open plat- forms, and under sheds of insured, loss, if any, payable to said railroads as their several interests may appear at the time of the fire," covers all cotton held by plaintiff for any owner, situ- COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 171 ate as described for which compress receipt had been issued for shipment over any of the railroads, that the word "for" in con- nection "for which," etc., is not used to indicate ownership of the cotton, but simply the lines over which it is to be routed. Hope Oil Mill Comp. & Mfg. Co. v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (Miss. S. C.), 21 Southern Rep. 132. "On cotton in bales for which bills of lading have been/ is- sued by its duly authorized agents, and for which it may be lia- ble." (Policy containing this, clause was issued to H. & T. C. R. R. Co. The bills of lading provided the carriers were not to be liable for any loss or damage by fire. The R. R. Co., accord- ing to custom placed the cotton in the yards of a compress to be compressed. While there it was accidentally damaged by fire). It was held that insurer was liable. Germania Ins. Co. v. Anderson (Tex. C. C. A.), 40 S. W. Rep. 200. "Rolling stock on line of assured's road, its branches, spurs, side tracks and yards, owned or operated by assured, but not on line of any road leased by assured unless such road is specified as being insured in part under this policy," covers rolling stock which is destroyed in a yard operated by the insured in con- nection with its own line of road, but not owned by it, though the owner of the yard is not specified. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. McNeill (U. S. C. C. A. 9th Cir.), 89 Fed. Rep. 131. "Cars leased and for which assured is liable" must be con- strued with reference to the known business of the insured and covers foreign cars coming into its possession in such business. The assured owned orly a few cars, and was engaged in the handling of cars for other railroad companies. Phenix Ins. Co. v. Belt Ry. Co., 82 111. App. 266. "Freight cars owned or used by assured" will cover cars owned by others while in transit on assured's tracks. The Commonwealth v. Hide & Leather Ins. Co. (S. J. C. Mass.), 3 Ins. L. J. 671. "Insurance by warehouseman to secure property held in trust for others" are floating policies, and broad enough to cover property of others stored with him, subsequently to their issue. Smith v. Carmack et al. (Tenn. Ch. App.), 64 S. W. Rep. 372. "Held in trust" embraces goods held by the insured as bailee. Beideman v. Powell, 10 Mo. App. 280. 172 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Their own, held in trust, on commission, or on joint ac- count with others, or sold but not delivered, contained in their warehouse," covers goods stored with assured. Pelzer Mfg. Co. v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. and other Ins. Cos. (U. S. C. C. Dist. S. C.), 19 Ins. L. J. 372. "Held in trust, or sold and not delivered," covers lumber sold, piled by itself and marked for purchaser ready for ship- ment. Michigan Pipe Co. v. Michigan F. & M. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 52 N. W. Rep. 1070; Waring et al. v. Indemnity F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), 1 Ins. L. J. 672. "Its own, held in trust, on commissions, or in storage or for repairs, or sold, but not removed," will cover full value of goods left for repair or sale, and not merely the insured's insurable interest therein. Johnson v. Arbresch (Wis. S. C.), 101 N. W. Rep. 395, 34 Ins. L. J. 203. "Held in trust" will cover goods held by an agent employed to manage a store, carrying on business in his own name, who is required to keep an account of all transactions to his prin- cipal and( turn over all the property at the end of his employ- ment. Roberts v. Firemen's Ins. Co. et al. (Pa. S. C.), 30 Atl. Rep. 450. "Their own, or held by them in trust, or on which they have an interest or liability, and have agreed to insure under this policy, and not removed, stored or hereafter stored during the continuance of this policy," insures to the extent of in- sured's storage liens on merchandise stored with them as ware- housemen, and for which they have issued warehouse receipts, expressly stipulating they would not be liable for loss by fire. Pittsburgh Storage Co. v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 32 Atl. Rep. 58. "Assured, a warehouseman, insured his goods and those of others." One of the depositors who had paid the warehouse- man for insurance was only entitled to share with the ware- houseman and other depositors in the amount paid on the loss, less the amount paid for the insurance. Boyd v. McKee et al. (Va. S. C. A.), 37 S. E. Rep. 810. "For account of whom it may concern, or equivalent terms," clearly indicates a purpose to keep insured the entire title to COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 173 the property, and one who purchases an interest therein and adopts the insurance may recover, though printed stipulation of the policy is inconsistent with such right. Hagan v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (U. S. D. C., Eastern Dist, Pa.), 98 Fed. Rep. 129. "Held in trust" will include goods stored with assured, a warehouseman. Southern Cold Storage W. Ho. v. Dechman (Tex. C. C. A.), 73 S. W. 545. "Held in store" will embrace the property of others kept in assured's warehouse at time of fire. Strohn v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 3 Ins. L. J. 288. "Held in trust" means goods with which the insured is in- trusted in the ordinary sense of the word and not in the strict technical sense. Hough et al. v. Peoples Ins. Co. (Md. C. A.), 2 Ins. L. J. 353. This is one of the well known Baltimore Warehouse cases, citing: Waters v. Assur. Co., 85 Eng. C. L. Rep. 879. "Contained in their factory" will include all buildings con- stituting the factory, as factory does not necessarily mean one building or edifice. Liebenstein v. Baltic F. Ins. Co., 45 111. 301. "Articles used in packing hogs, cattle, etc.," includes coal or fuel used to generate steam for purpose of packing. Home Ins. Co. v. Favorite, 46 111. 263; Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Favorite, 49 111. 259. Clause in policy reading, "$800 on household and kitchen fur- niture" * * * and "$ on family wearing apparel" cov- ers wearing apparel. German F. Ins. Co. v. Seibert (Ind. A. C.), 56 N. E. Rep. 686. "Three-story building occupied as a store at No. 72 E. street" includes a one-story addition in rear and opened into it by a window and a door, and for a long time occupied as part of the store. Boyer v. Grand Rapids F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 83 N. W. Rep. And the keeping of gasoline in such addition will render the policy void. Boyer v. Grand Rapids F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 83 N. W. Rep. 124. 174 HALI, ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Church Building" includes altars therein. Caraker v. Royal Ins. Co., 63 Hun. 82; 17 N. Y. Supp. 858; aff'd no op. 136 N. Y. 645. "Brick building and additions, including gas, steam and water pipes, yard fixtures, railings, stoops and sidewalks in front of and all fixtures contained in or attached thereto at 160 M Street, occupied for stores and dwellings" covers either or both of two buildings owned by assured at that number, one at front and other at rear of the lot and connected externally by an in- tervening structure. Rickerson v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 149 N. Y. 307. "Brick building and additions thereto occupied as a dwell- ing" includes a building occupied by his servants, and as a laun- dry, even though it is not annexed to the brick dwelling pro- vided there is no other building in assured's yard which can possibly be claimed as an addition to the main building and not built in it as part of the house originally. Phenix Ins. Co. v. Martin (Miss. S. C.), 16 Southern Rep. 417; 24 Ins. L. J. 319. "Steam Saw Mill" includes no{ only building but machin- ery. Bigler v. N. Y. Central Ins. Co., 20 Bail. 635; aff'd 22 N. Y. 402. "Starch factory, including machinery and fixtures," includes all fixtures used in the manufacture of starch. Peoria M. & F. Ins. Co. v. Lewis, 18 111. 553. "Frame dwelling house," covers frame wing sodded up on three sides. McNamara v. Dakota F. & M. Ins. Co. (S. Dak. S. C.), 47 N. W. Rep. 288. "Planing mill building and addition, and machinery therein" covers engine room and machinery therein, 22 feet distant, the only connection between them being a shaft for motive power and a spout or shavings conveyor. Home Mut. Ins. Co. v. Roe (Wis. S. C.), 36 N. W. Rep. 594. "Ill "Two-story brick dwelling house and its additions, adjoin- ing and communicating," includes a frame addition, adjoining and communicating. Carpenter v. Allemannia F. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 26 Atl. Rep. 781. "Main building and all additions thereto, adjoining and com- COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 175 municating," includes dryhouse, twelve feet away, and the en- gine house, four feet from dryhouse. Marsh v. New Hampshire P. Ins. Co. (N. H. S. C.), 49 Atl. Rep. 88. "Two-story frame building and additions thereto with shin- gle roof occupied by insured as a dwelling" covers a room called his carriage house in which he kept his carriages and horses, and which, was under the same shingle roof as the rest of the building, and was separated from the woodshed which connected with the kitchen by a single partition of plain boards. This par- tition did not extend to the second story. Insured's hired man slept in room over carriage house, which was furnished same as any bed room in the house. Hannan v. Williamsburgh City Fire Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 45 N. W. Rep. 1120. "Three-story brick building, basement, additions, founda- tions and area walls" includes gas piping and fixtures, heating apparatus, elevator and plumbing, and this, too, when those arti- cles are specifically insured under another item of the policy, when the insurance under that item is not sufficient to cover the value of such articles. Niagara v. Heenan (111. S. C.), 54 N. B. Rep. 1052. "One-story brick building, and attached additions occupied as saloon, No. 129 l / 2 L street," is question for the jury to deter- mine, whether or not a one-story frame building occupied as a restaurant, No. 131 L street, attached to and communicating with the brick building, was insured. Connecticut P. Ins. Co. v. Hilbrant (Tex. C. C. A.), 7$ S. W. Rep. 558. "Eggs in pickle," where agent who wrote policy testifies he understood the insurance was to cover the stock "while being pickled and disposed of," covers the entire stock whether in pickling vats or not. Hall v. Concordia F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 51 N. W. Rep. 524. "Wholesale stock of drugs, paints, oils, dye stuffs, and other goods on hand for sale" covers not only the wholesale stock but all other goods contained in the building, and this, too, notwith- standing assured's wholesale and retail stores were separated by a partition. Wilson Drug Co. v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (N. C. S. C.), 14 S. E. Rep. 790. 176 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Tools used in the manufacture of boots and shoes" covers patterns for making boots and shoes. Adams v. N. T. Bowery F. Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 51 N. W. Rep. 1149. Contra: Johnston v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. C. S. C.), 25 Ins. L. J. 558 1 24 S. E. Rep. 424. "Grain" in barn includes corn and millet hay. Norris v. Farmers Mut. F. Ins. Co., 65 Mo. App. 632. "Stock in two-story brick building," includes stock in a one- story rear addition. Carr v. Hibernia Ins. Co., 2 Mo. App. 466. "Grain" includes broom corn in bale, but not the baled pani- cles from which the seed has been threshed. Reavis v. Farmers M. F. Ins. Co., 78 Mo. App. 14. "Grain and seed" includes flax seed which was afterwards converted into oil cake, especially so, as the agent who took the risk knew that the oil cake was the only subject to be included in the description. Marsh Oil Co. v. Aetna Ins. Co,, 79 Mo. App. 21. Policy issued to painter, "on his paints, oils, brushes, var- nish and such other merchandise," covers such other articles of convenience or necessity as are used in his business, whether intended for sale or not. Hartwell v. California Ins. Co. (Me. S. J. C.), 24 Atl. Rep. 954. "Merchandise" includes butter and eggs. Lake Sup. P. & Cold Storage Co. v. Concordia F. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 104 N. W. Rep. 560. "Blacksmith and carriage maker's stock, manufactured and in process of manufacture," will include unmanufactured or raw stock. Spratley v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 1 Dil. C. C. 392. "Stock in trade as a baker" includes tools and implements necessary for carrying on the business of a baker. Moadinger v. Mechanics F. Ins. Co., 2 Hall 490. "Stock of watches, watch trimmings, etc.," was not limited to watches and watch trimmings, but included general stock. Crosby v. Franklin Ins. Co., 5 Gray 504. COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. lit "Engine and machinery for the manufacture of tinware" in- cludes dies. Seavy v. Central Mut. F. Ins. Co., Ill Mass. 540. "Stock of merchandise consisting of family groceries, lamps, scales and other such merchandise" includes lamps and scales used by assured as store furniture and not kept for sale. Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Allen (Ala. S. C.), 24 Southern Rep, 399. Lumber piled in mill building, on cars under mill sheds, and in sheds adjoining to said mill sheds." Held, To cover five sheds where lumber was piled, and not merely to lumber piled in mill under ten or twelve feet of projecting roofs at either side of mill, built to protect men and lumber when loading and unload- ing cars in stormy weather. Wolverine Lumber Co. v. Palatine Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), 102 N. W. Rep. 991. "Stock in brick building and additions attached" will include stock in a frame building on next lot, extending over and against the rear of the brick building two inches and used in con- nection therewith as a store room, it being the only building attached or connected with the brick. Maisel v. Fire Ass'n (N, Y. S. C., App. Div.), 69 N. T. Supp. lol* "Farming utensils" includes hay press used on assured's farm. Phenix Ins. Co. v. Stewart, 53 111. App. 273. "Engine and machinery used for the manufacture of tin- ware, sheet iron, japaned and fancy painted ware," includes "dies" and all essential parts of the machinery used in manufac- turing such articles as the insured manufactured. Seavy et al. v. Central Mut. F. Ins. Co. (S. J. C. Mass.), 3 Ins. L. J. 576. "Butter and cheese manufactured and in process of manu- facture, and all materials and supplies used in the manufacture of same, including packages," includes milk cans. Cronin v. Fire Ass'n (Mich. S. C.), 70 N. W. Rep. 448. "Implements including binders and such goods kept for sale in a general implement store" includes binding twine. Davis v. Anchor Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 64 N. W. Rep. 687. 12 178 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Ship tackle, ordnance, ammunition, artillery and furniture of ship" includes provisions for use of crew. Brough v. Whitmore, 4 Term. 206. "On grain, while contained in frame iron-clad building oc- cupied by storage and handling grain, known as 'St. Anthony Elevator' " covers in either "Main Building" or "Annex A," 300 feet distant connected by an iron-clad gallery. Both buildings were of same construction and the entire plant was known as St. Anthony Elevator. Pettit et al. v. State Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 19 Ins. L. J. 138; 43 N. W. Rep. 378; Cargill et al. v. Millers & Mfrs. Mut. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.). 19 Ins. L. j. 876. "Fixtures" include anything that is a fixture as between the insured and his landlord. Clark v. Svea Ins. Co. (Cal. S. C.), 36 Pacif. Rep. 587. "Threshing outfit" includes self-feeder. Minneapolis Threshing Mch. Co. v. Darnall (S. Dak. S. C.), 83 N. W. Rep. 266. / "Household furniture, useful and ornamental" includes Jap- anese vase. Bowne v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 46 Mo. App. 473. "Household furniture, useful and ornamental, and family* stores" includes books, games, writing materials, child's swing, and child's walker. Huston v. State Ins. Co. (Iowa S. C.), 69 N. W. Rep. 674. Household furniture includes carpets and bedding. Patrons Mut. Aid Society v. Hall (Ind. A. C.), 49 N. E. Rep. 279. "Household furniture" includes all articles necessary and convenient for housekeeping such as sausage mill, churn, cook- stove, dishes, kettles, etc., not particularly specified. Reynolds et al. v. Iowa & Neb. Ins. Co. et al. (Iowa S. C.), 46 N. W. Rep. 659. "Loss of rents * * * during such period as may be nec- essary to restore the premises to same condition! as before the fire" includes the period necessary to make the contract as well as the time actually necessary in making the repairs. Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Pires (Tex. C. A. A.), 165 S. W. 565. COURT DEFINITIONS or INSURANCE TERMS. 179 "Merchandise of every description incidental to assured's business consisting chiefly of grain and grain products," will include malt. Johnson v. Stewart, 243 Pa. 486, 90 Atl. 349. "Held in trust" as used in a warehouseman's policy will cover goods stored with him, such a policy cannot be subject to the construction that it was only intended to cover goods of shippers who had made arrangements with assured to that effect. Johnson v. Stewart, 243 Pa. 485, 90 Atl. 349. "In cars on side tracks within 100 feet" covers only in such cars as are within 100 feet, and not in cars on side track within 100 feet. The policy refers to the cars rather than to the tracks. Smith v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (Mo. App.) 168 S. W. 831. "Premises" as used in an insurance policy means merely the space leased by the insured and does not include other parts of the building over which he has no control. Central & Co. v. North B. & M. Ins. Co., 245 Pa. St. 272; 91 Atl. 662. "Renewal of lease" does not constitute a change of lessees interest. Home Ins. Co. v. Coker, 43 Okla. 331, 142 Pac. 1195^ Coinsurance Concurrent Insurance; coinsurance is where the assured bears a portion of the loss; concurrent insurance is other insurance covering the same property against same risks. Oppenheim v. Fireman's F. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), 138 N. W. 777. "Lien for rent" is not a chattel mortgage within the mean- ing of a fire insurance policy. Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Fleenor, 104 Ark. 119, 148 S. W. 650; Raulet v. Northwestern N. Ins. Co., 157 Cal. 213, 107 Pac. 292. "Open for business." A store is not open for business with- in the meaning of a fire insurance policy, where the assured closes his store to go to lunch, only intending to be gone a half hour. Joffee v. Niagara F. Ins. Co., 116 Md. 155; 81 Atl. 281. "Within 60 days after the fire," means after the fire has ter- minated. Slocum v. Saratoga & W. F. Ins. Co., 134 N. Y. Supp. 78, National W. P. Co. v. Associated Mfrs. M. F. Ins. Co., 175 N. Y. 226. The time begins to run after destruction of the prop- 180 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. erty. Johnson v. Humboldt Ins. Co., 91 111. 92. It begins to run from the time the fire started. Western, etc., v. Traders Ins. Co., 122 111. App. 138. The Illinois Court of Appeals is not as high as the Illinois Supreme Court, (The Author.) "Ready to proceed under the provisions of the policy," a statement to that effect is not a compliance with the policy pro- visions requiring the loss to be submitted to referees. Vera v. Mercantile P. & M. Ins. Co., 216 Mass. 154, 103 N. E. 292. "Void" as used in a fire insurance policy means null and of no effect. Tolliver v. Granite St. F. Ins. Co., Ill Me. 275, 89 Atl. 8. "Insurance proceeds exempt" when collected for destruc- tion of a homestead. Johnson v. Hall (Tex. C. C. A.), 163 S. W. 399. "While occupied as" constitutes a warranty that the prop- erty would be used as warranted. Occupied implies an actual use for the purpose designated. Washington F. Ins. Co. v. Cobb (Tex. C. C. A.), 163 S. W. 608. "Toilet articles, labels, bottles and powder" will also include corn starch. Aachen & Munich F. Ins. Co. v. Arabian T. G. Co., 64 So. 635, (10 Ala. App. 395). "Red Top Seed," whether it is grain or not is for the jury. Coen v. Denver T. M. F. Ins. Co., 155 111. App. 332. "Stock Merchandise," in mercantile law "stock" is the goods which a tradesman holds for sale or traffic, "merchan- dise" is the object of commerce. Spring Garden Ins. Co. v. Brown (Tex. C. C. A.), 143 S. W. 292. "Inventory." An inventory is not an invoice, an inventory means a list of goods in the store, an invoice is also a list of goods but is made out by the seller or consignor and does not show that the goods so listed were ever received in the as- sured's store. Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Adams (Tex. C. C. A.), 158 S. W. 231; Day v. Home Ins. Co., 177 Ala. 600, 58 So. 549, and the same doctrine applies where the assured himself shipped the goods from a branch store. Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Dorsey (Miss. S. C.), 58 So. 778. COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 181 "Furniture" will include an iron safe not attached in any way to the building. Mecca. Ins. Co. v. First State Bank (Tex. C. C. A.), 135 S. W. 1083. "Stock of grain" will include bran, a product thereof. German P. Ins. Co. v. Walker (Tex. C. C. A.), 146 S. W. 606. "Inventory." The bunching of articles without itemizing i. e. giving the total value of each group is not an inventory as Shawnee F. Ins. Co. v. Thompson, 30 Okla. 466, 119 Pac. 985. Houff v. German Am. Ins. Co., 3 Va. App. 986, 66 S. E. 831. "Inventory." But while the grouping of articles is not a compliance with the policy provisions requiring an inventory, this does not affect that part of the inventory which is item- ized and therefore does not avoid the policy. Arnold v. Indemnity F. Ins. Co., 152 N. C. 232, 67 S. E. 574. "Vacant and unoccupied." Vacancy can only occur when the building is empty, contains substantially nothing; while oc- cupancy, when speaking of residences, refers more particularly to human habitation, or actually living in the house. Norman v. Missouri T. M. Ins. Co., 74 Mo. App. 456. "Vacant or unoccupied" when applied to a dwelling house means that no ones lives in it, a mere supervision of it does not constitute occupancy. Cook v. Continental Ins. Co., 70 Mo. App. 610; Hoover v. Mercantile T. M. Ins. Co., 93 Mo. App. Ill; 69 S. W. 42; Craig v. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co., 34 Mo. App. 481; Wheeler v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 53 Mo. App. 446; Waddle v. Commonwealth Ins. Co., 170 S. W. 682, 184 Mo. App. 571. "Dental books" are not covered under the description, "fur- niture, chairs, gas apparatus, pictures, paintings, instruments, appliances, and material incidental to a dental office." American F. Ins. Co. v. Bell (Tex. C. C. A.), 75 S. W. 319. "Grain," includes millet hay. Norris v. Farmers M. F. Ins. Co., 65 Mo. App. 639. "Valued policy law of Texas," means that neither notice nor proofs of loss is necessary, the claim being due on demand, in- terest begins to run from the date of the fire or from the date of the demand. Camden F Ins. Ass'n. v. Bomar (Tex. C. C. A.)! 176 S. W. 156. 182 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Machinery" is realty when owned by the same owner who owns the building and is within the purview of the valued policy law, when the policy insures the building and machinery of a mill. A special agreement between the insured and the insurer attempting to fix the legal status of machinery in a building as personality is void under the valued policy law. Havens v. Germania F. Ins. Co., 135 Mo. 649, 37 S. W. 497; 24 Ins. L. J. 321; Murphy v. N. Y. Bowery Ins. Co., 62 Mo. App. 495. Darden v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Miss. S. C.), 68 So. 485. "A building" is personal property when it stands on leased ground. (The Author.) See also Fixtures, Bouvier's Law Di- rectory and Sharp v. Niagara F. Ins. Co., 147 S. W. 154, 164 Mo. App. 475. But it is held otherwise by Tex. Civil Appeals Court in Orient Ins. Co. v. Parlin, 38 S. W. 60, and Fidelity-Phenix Ins. Co. v. O'Bannon, 178 S. W. 731, although the Texas valued pol- icy specifically excludes from its protection personal property. "Mortgage clause" relates to the owners subsequent acts or neglect and does not apply to his application for insurance or his statements of omission therein. The policy may be void from its inception. Liverpool L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Agricultural S. & L. Co., 33 Can. S. C. 94. When after the loss the mortgage is fore- closed, the mortgagee can only recover the balance due> on the mortgage. Hadley v. New Hampshire Ins. Co., 55 N. H. 110. The mortgage clause creates a separate and distinct contract for the benefit of the mortgagee, Bacot v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 96 Miss. 223, 50 So. 729; 39 Ins. L. J. 214; Reed v. Ins. Co., 76 N. J. L. 11, 69 Atl. 724; Smith v. Union Ins. Co., 25 R. I. 260, 55 Atl. 718; Franklin F. Ins. Co. v. Martin, 40 N. J. L. 575; Kupferschmidt v. Agricultural Ins. Co., 80 N. J. L. 441, 78 Atl. 225; Burnham v. Royal Ins. Co., 57 Mo. App. 394. If the owner or mortgagor takes out other insurance it cannot pro rate in paying the loss, as he can not do anything by which the mortgagee's insurance will be diminished. Laurenzi v. Atlas Ins. Co. (Tenn. S. C.), 176 S. W. 1022; Hastings v. Westchester F. Ins. Co., 73 N. Y. 141, 7 Ins. L. J. 430; Union Inst., etc., v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 196 Mass. 230, 81 N. E. 994; Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Olcott, 97 111. 439. Neither can he make an adjustment, nor enter into an ap- praisal agreement which will bind the mortgagee or trustee. Laurenzi v. Atlas Ins. Co. (Tenn. S. C.), 176 S. W. 1022; Hart- ford F. Ins. Co. v. Olcott, 97 111. 439; Hastings v. Westchester, 73 N. Y. 141, 7 Ins. L. J. 430. But it is held otherwise in Massa- chusetts and Ohio, not only this, but that the mortgagee has no COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 183 standing in court until the amount of the loss has been arbitrat- ed or arbitration waived. Union Inst. Co. v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 196 Mass. 230, 81 N. E. 994; Erie Brewing Co. v. Ohio/ F. Ins. Co., 81 Ohio St. 1, 89 N. E. 1065, 39 Ins. L. J. 200. New Jersey holds to the contrary and that the mortgage clause relieves the mortgagee from every compliance with conditions to be per- formed after the fire. Reed v. Firemen's Ins. Co., 81 N. J. L. 523, 80 Atl. 462. "Loss if any payable to as interest may appear." This merely gives the payee the right to have paid over to him any money that may be found due under the contract and takes from the assured none of his rights. He is not the assured, but only his appointee. Brecht v. Law M. & C. Ins. Co., 160 Fed. 399, 87 C. C. A. 351 (annotated in 18 L. R. A. ([N. S.] 197); Woods v. Ins. Co. St. of Pa., 87 Wash. 563, 144 Pac. 650. Such a loss pay- able clause is not even notice to the insurance company that the payee holds a chattel mortgage on the property. Woods v. Ins. Co. St. of Pa., 82 Wash. 563, 144 Pac. 650. But it is held in Mississippi by reason of a statute, and in Kentucky that a mort- gagee to whom a policy is made payable is not bound by an adjustment or appraisal made by the owner or mortgagor. In entering into an appraisal it is always best to be on the safe side and have the mortgagee to whom the policy is payable a party to the appraisal agreement, so that he cannot be heard to complain. (The Author.) , "Merchandise and materials for making same" as used in a policy of fire insurance means all articles which are neces- sarily or conveniently used in insured's business, embracing tools, apparatus, and implements used by him in his business. Oklahoma F. Ins. Co. v. McKey (Tex. C. C. A.), 152 S. W. 440. Proximate cause of loss is the one which puts the other cause into motion. Hocking v. British Am. Assur. Co., 62 Wash. 73, 113 Pac. 259. "Life estate and reversioner," both are entitled to have the funds from a fire insurance policy applied to the repair of the damaged building. Brough v. Higgins, 2 Gratt. (Va.) 408; 2 Bennett 443. "Insurance on boat," does not cover materials and lumber 184 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. in the shipyard where it was being built and intended for use in its construction. Mason v. Franklin F. Ins. Co., 12 Gill & J. (Md.) 468; 2 Bennett 214. Same principle of law: Ellmaker's Exec. v. Franklin F. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), 5 Barr. 183; 2 Bennett 519. "Loss by mob." A destruction of a building by fire caused by mob is not a loss by "any usurped power whatsoever." Drinkwater v. London Assur. Corporation (Eng.), 2 Wilson 363; 1 Bennett 12. "Civil commotion." A clause in a policy exempting the in- surers in case of a loss by "civil commotion," applies to a de- struction by a riot. Landsdale v. Mason et al. (Eng.), 1 Marshall on Ins. 688; 1 Bennett 16. "Linen," as used in a fire insurance policy covering house- hold furniture, will not protect linen drapery goods subsequent- ly purchased on speculation. Watchorn v. Langford (Eng.), 3 Campbell 422; 1 Bennett 91. "Held in trust." A policy taken out by the consignee in his own name insuring goods held "in trust" will only cover his in- interest in such goods, and not any loss which the consignor alone sustains. Parks v. General Interest Assur. Co., 5 Pick. (Mass.) 34; 1 Ben- nett 184. Contra. De Forest v. Fulton F. Ins. Co. (S. C. f N. Y.), 1 Hall 84, and many other cases; in fact, the author knows of but one other in harmony with the Massachusetts case, i. e. a Louisi- ana case. "Blowing up, drowning, etc." A shipment of negroes in- sured against the dangers of navigation, such as blowing up, drowning, etc., will cover the loss of a negro by drowning with- out any disaster happening to the boat. Moore v. Perpetual Ins. Co., 16 Mo. 98. "Property on premises owned or occupied by assured" will include a dredge fastened to a wharf owned by them. Farmers' Loan & Tr. Co. v. Harmony F. & M. Ins. Co. (S. C., N. Y.), 51 Barbour 33; 5 Bennett 174. "Prosecuted," as used in a fire insurance policy, is synony- mous with the word suit. Merchants M. Ins. Co. v. Lacroix, 35 Tex. 249; 5 Bennett 455. COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 185 "Assured's working interest" in leased property, which he agreed to restore at end of lease in good condition, and to re- place with other of equal if destroyed, will include the entire value of the property. Imperial Ins. Co. v. Murray, 73 Pa. St. 13; 5 Bennett 526. "Merchandise, his own, in trust, or on commission, for which he is responsible," does not include merchandise sold and paid for where warehouse receipts were endorsed over to the purchaser. -North B. & M. Ins. Co. v. Moffat, (Eng.) Law Reports 7; Com- mon Pleas 25; 5 Bennett 381. "Stock of watches, watch trimmings, etc.," will include as- sured's entire stock of jewelry. Crosby v. Franklin Ins. Co., 5 Gray (Mass.) 504; 4 Bennett 35. "Manufacturer of brass clocks," as describing the insured's business in a fire insurance policy, covers and permits the use of all articles ordinarily employed in that manufacture. Bryant v. Poughkeepsie M. P. Ins. Co. (S. C., N. Y.), 21 Barb. 154; 4 Bennett 37. "Tax title," where the tax collector was not shown to have made his return of the sale within the time prescribed by law, must be regarded as fatally defective. See Shimmin v. Inman, 26 Me. 228; Andrews v. Senter, 32 Me. 394. Pinkham v. Morang & Monmouth M. F. Ins. Co., 40 Me. 587; 4 Bennett 43. "Clerk sleeps in store" in an application for fire insurance is merely descriptive of present occupancy and not a warranty for the future. Frisbie v. Fayette M. Ins. Co., 27 Pa. St. 325; 5 Bennett 159. "Insurance against fire by lightning" does not contemplate a loss by lightning unless fire ensued. Babcock v. Montgomery Co. M. Ins. Co., 4 Comstock (N. Y.) 326; 3 Bennett 154. "Policy to co-partners" does not cover the interest of one who purchases his partner's interest, where the policy provides it shall be void if the property be alienated by sale or other- wise. Tillou v. Kingston M. Ins. Co., 5 N. Y. 405; 3 Bennett 238. "For account of whom it may concern," as used in a fire in- 186 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. surance policy, only protects such interests as were intended to be insured at the time the insurance was effected. Steele v. Franklin F. Ins. Co., 17 Pa. St. 290; 3 Bennett 278. "Held in trust" includes goods held by pawnbroker, and are not covered by a policy which provides goods held in trust or on commission are not covered unless mentioned in the policy as being insured, nor does the term, "Jewelry and Clothing, Be- ing Stock in Trade," include such articles as musical instru- ments, surgical instruments, guns, pistols and books. Rafel v. Nashville M. & F. Ins. Co., 7 La. An. 244; 3 Bennett 336. "Dissolution of partnership" and division of the property is such a change of title as will avoid the policy provisions, ren- dering it void if there be any transfer or change of title in prop- erty insured. Dreher v. Aetna Ins. Co., 18 Mo. 128; 3 Bennett 514. "Insured and or assured" is the person who owns the prop- erty, applies for the insurance, pays the premiums and signs the deposit note,, and not another to whom the money may be made payable in case of loss, though he may have a lease on the premises, Sanford v. Mechanics Mutual F. Ins. Co., 12 Cush. (Mass.) 641 j 3 Bennett 619. "Crude petroleum Camphene." The keeping of u little crude petroleum for medical purposes is not a storing within the meaning of a policy, and it seems that using camphene for a light in a sleeping apartment will not avoid a policy pro- hibiting its use. Williams v. Fireman's F. Ins. Co., 54 N. Y. 569; 5 Bennett 537. "Foreclosure." Filing a mechanic's lien is not a commence- ment of foreclosure proceedings, nor is a levy obtained under an execution to enforce the lien on real estate within the meaning of a policy referring to levy on personal property. Colt v. Phoenix F. Ins. Co., 54 N. T. 595; 5 Bennett 537. "Until a certain date" includes that date. Isaacs v. Royal Ins. Co., Law Reports; 5 Exchequer 296. "Warranty Representation." A representation is part of the preliminary proceedings to a contract, a misrepresentation COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 187 of an immaterial matter not fraudulently made will not avoid- the policy, but a warranty must be literally performed. Dewees v. Manhattan Ins. Co., 34 N. J. Law 244; 6 Bennett 244; American Ins. Co. v. Barnett, 73 Mo. 364; Hamilton v. Home Ins. Co., 92 Mo. 353. "Gunpowder." The policy insuring "general stock of hard- ware" does not include gunpowder nor permit the keeping of same in stock, where the policy provisions rendered the policy void if it were kept in stock. Mason v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 29 Up. Can. O. B. 585; 5 Bennett 294. Same principle of law: Pindar v. Continental Ins. Co. et al., 47 N. Y. 114; 5 Bennett 185; Dewees v. Manhattan Ins. Co., 35 N. J. Law 366; 5 Bennett 314; Appleby v. Astor F. Ins. Co., 54 N. Y. 253; 45 Barbour 454; 5 Ben- nett 490; McFarland v. Peabody Ins. Co. et al., 6 West Va. 425, 437; 5 Ben- nett 490. "Immediate notice," as used in a fire insurance policy, means reasonable time under the circumstances. Cashau v. Northwestern N. Ins. Co., 5 Bissell (U. S. C. C.) 476; 5 Bennett 501. "In quantities exceeding one barrel." In view of the punc- tuation, the permit was applicable to all the prohibited mate- rials specified. Ins. Co. v. Slaughter (U. S. S. C.), 12 Wallace 404; 5 Bennett 340. "Laws relating to fire insurance" do not apply to tornado insurance. Nally v. Home Ins. Co., 250 Mo. 452; 157 S. W. 769. "Keeping or storing." Keeping a wooden barrel of benzine on the premises only for the time required to fill the receptacle permitted by the policy was not a keeping or storing within the meaning of the policy. Maryland F. Ins. Co. v. Whiteford, 31 Md. 219; 5 Bennett 240. "Refined coal or earth oils," as used in a fire insurance policy, refers only to articles as dangerous, as naphtha, benzine or benzole. Morse v. Buffalo F. & M. Ins. Co., 30 Wis. 534; 5 Bennett 424. "Leasehold or other interest not absolute" in the property insured by a fire insurance policy. A mortgagor under such pol- icy holds an equitable fee simple, which need not be represented to the company or expressed in the policy. Washington F. Ins. Co. et al. v. Kelly, 32 Md. 421; 5 Bennett 303. 188 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Machine and repair shop" has no technical insurance meaning. It is for the jury to determine whether assured's busi- ness was or was not included in the term. Chaplin v. Provincial Ins. Co., 23 Up. Can. C. P. 218; 5 Bennett 503. "Particular and detailed account of the loss." A policy re- quiring such is complied with where the assured's account showed value of stock at a given date; the amount of stock re- ceived since that date; the amount of stock saved, and the amount of the loss claimed. Stickney v. Niagara F. M. Ins. Co., 23 Up. Can. C. P. 372; 5 Ben- nett 503. "Mortgagee." His indorsement of mortgage note to his as- signee of the mortgage gives him an insurable interest in the mortgaged property. Williams v. Roger Williams Ins. Co., 107 Mass. 377; 5 Bennett 373. "Owner" has no definite meaning, and is a question for the jury, where the assured represented himself as the owner of a building that stood on leased ground. Hopkins v. Provincial Ins. Co., 18 Up. Can. C. P. 74; 5 Bennett 159. "Plate," as used in a policy which excludes it as not insured, does mean silver forks, tea and tablespoons. Hanover F. Ins. Co. v. Mannasson, 29 Mich. 316; 5 Bennett 541. "Change within the control of assured" material to the risk, as used in a fire policy, refers to police regulations to prevent fires, and not to the erection of buildings, or the use of neigh- boring premises. Commercial Ins. Co. v. Mehlman, 48 111. 313; 5 Bennett 190. "Contained; in," as used in a fire insurance policy, contem- plates a limitation of the risk taken, so that the insurer will not be liable for a loss occurring while the engine and car are out of the house in which they were described as contained in. Annapolis, Etc., R. R. Co. v. Baltimore F. Ins. Co., 32 Md. 37; 5 Bennett 258. "Deliver in," as used in a fire insurance policy, means de- liver in writing. Davis v. Scotland Provincial Ins. Co., 16 Up. Can. C. P. 176; 5 Bennett 61. "Dwelling." The fact that the owner of the store and his COURT DEFINITIONS OF INSURANCE TERMS. 189 clerk slept in a back room of the store does not constitute the store a dwelling. Cerf v. Home Ins. Co., 44 Cal. 320; 5 Bennett 426. "Factory," as used in a fire insurance policy, may mean a single building, or several when all are used for a common pur- pose and together constitute the factory. Liebenstein v. Baltic Fire Ins. Co., also v. Metropolitan Ins. Co., 45 111. 301, 305; 5 Bennett 115. "Fireworks." Where a policy prohibited the keeping of fire- works, evidence showing that such articles constitute the busi- ness of a "German jobber and importer" is inadmissible where the policy covered that kind of stock and permitted assured to keep firecrackers for sale. Steinbach v. Ins. Co., 13 Wallace (U. S. S. C.) 183; 6 Bennett 394. "Fire insurance on a certain quantity of coal" will cover not only the coal deposited at the time, but that deposited since, and covers also the risk arising from spontaneous combustion of such coal. British Am. Ins. Co. v. Joseph, 9 Lower Can. R. 448; 4 Bennett 161. "Consisting of" excludes everything not enumerated, so that while "Stock in Trade" would include the articles sued for, but where this term is limited in its meaning by the words "con- sisting of" and the articles sued on are not named and do not come under the meaning of those articles enumerated, the in- surer is not liable. Joel v. Harvey (England), 5 Weekly Rep. 488; 4 Bennett 185. "Privileged for a printing office" will permit the use of a prohibited article by the policy, where such article is in common use among printers, and this too where the case of such article accidentally caused the fire. Harper v. Albany M. Ins. Co., 17 N. Y. 194; 4 Bennett 247; Harper v. N. Y. City Ins. Co., 22 N. Y. 441; Whitmarsh v. Conway F. Ins. Co., 16 Gray (Mass.) 359; Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. De Graff, 12 Mich. 124; 4 Bennett 707. "Stone dwelling house" will include a frame kitchen at- tached; it will include the building and such attachments as are usually occupied and used by the family for the ordinary pur- poses of a house. A dwelling house is an entire thing. Chase v. Hamilton Ins. Co., 20 N. Y. 52; 4 Bennett 416. 190 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. "Store fixtures" in a policy of fire insurance are applied to all furniture and other articles in a shop or warehouse. Evi- dence is admissible of a well settled custom to that effect. Whitmarsh v. Conway F. Ins. Co., 16 Gray (Mass.) 359; 4 Bennett 486. "Change of title." Partition between co-tenants is an alien- ation or change of title within the meaning of a fire insurance policy. Barnes v. Union M. F. Ins. Co., 51 Me. 110; 4 Bennett 728. CHAPTER XVII. EXPERT ACCOUNTING IN ITS RELATION TO THE ADJUSTMENT OF LOSSES. I will now take up the method of making up a statement of loss from the books, and will show the wrong and right way to treat that question, and first, will show a statement of loss as actually adjusted by the adjusters (see Exhibit "A"). In or- der to arrive at a basis of settlement, they first ascertained the profits of the preceding year, including freights, but exclud- ing cash discounts, to be 18.63 per cent., but stated they figured discounts on purchases and a/ 1 per cent, wastage in the state- ment of loss, because that was the only way they could get a depreciation which they were, in their judgment, entitled to; hence settled the loss as shown in Exhibit "A." Exhibit "A." Inventory of stock on hand Dec. 26, 1900 $42,189.71 Subsequent purchases to April 30, 1901. . .$80,436.17 Less cash discounts . 793.31 79,642.86 $121,832.57 Deduct sales $99,321.23 Less profit per rridse. ace. 18.63 per cent, on cost, no items being debited or cred- ited to mdse. other than mdse., except freights 15,597.69 $83,723.54 Stock on hand at time of fire $38,109.03 Deduct 1 per cent, for wastage, etc 381.09 Cash value at time of fire $37,727.94 Agreed value of stock saved 8,889.35 Total loss $28,838.59 The profits covered the 1 per cent, wastage, because the profit of 18.63 per cent, was made on top of wastage of all kinds. Hence the $381.09 wastage should not have been deduct- ed from the statement. 191 192 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. The correct method of arriving at the loss is shown in Ex-, hibit "B." Exhibit "B." Inventory, Dec. 26, 1900 $42,189.71 Add purchases, including freights 80,436.17 $122,625.8& Sales $99,321.23 Less 18.63 per cent 15,597.69 83,723.54 $38,902.34 Value of Salvage 8,889.35 $30,012.99- Less .00986 per cent, cash discount 295.93 Assured should have collected $29,717.06 Assured did collect 28,838.59 Net loss to assured $878.47 The reason for including freights with the purchases in the correct statement is that freights were considered in arriving at preceding year's profit, but discounts were not, and should therefore be applied to goods destroyed in the statement of loss. The correct measure of damage is the market value not ex- ceeding what it would cost the assured to replace the property destroyed with other of like kind and quality at the time imme- diately preceding the fire, which, in merchandise, means bill cost less rebates and discounts, if any, and plus freight and dray- age, if any. It is not always wrong to apply freights and discounts to purchases; its correctness depends on how you get at your ratio- of profits. So also cross entries in merchandise account of re- turn sales, return purchases, rebates, allowances, etc., are all im- portant factors in getting at the profits, and, in figuring a state- ment of loss, the important question is in knowing how and when to apply them. The whole question is one of bookkeeping. The following are some hypothetical statements of how profits are arrived at. EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 193 Showing 1 Hypothetical Book Statements of Loss, and Methods of Showing Profits. I will now not only prove the correctness of the statement as shown in Exhibit "B' k by giving some hypothetical statements of the method of correctly figuring profits of the preceding^ year's business and how to apply those profits in arriving at the amount of stock on hand at the time of the fire, showing the correct method (see Exhibit "D") and the method adopted by the adjusters in arriving at the profit (see Exhibit "C") and the wrong manner in which they applied the discounts (see Ex- hibit "E"). To make the statement perfectly clear I will treat it as though the entire stock dealt in consisted of one kind of mer- chandise and will have to assume that each article weighed the same, cost the same, was sold for the same and did not fluctuate in price. I will, therefore, call the articles sacks of coffee which cost $12.50 per sack or bag, less 4 per cent, cash discounts if paid in 10 days and 5 per cent, freight drayage on the net cash price, making the net cash cost of each bag $12.60. In the course of a year's business 1 per cent, of the amount of the coffee handled is lost through wastage and other ways of han- dling, resacking, etc., hence Exhibit "C." Profit statement for year 1904. (In this statement freights are included but not discounts.) Stock on hand January 1, 1904, 10,000 bags coffee at $13.10 $131,000.00 Purchased during the year, including freights, 20,000 bags at $13.10 262,000.00 Goods to be accounted for January 1, 1905, not for-~ getting that 1 per cent., or 300 bags, were lost in wastage, rehandling, etc $393,000.00 The inventory of January 1, 1905, accounts for 8,700 bags at $13.10 113,970.00 The difference shows the cost of all goods that were sold, wasted, stolen or given away to have been. .$279,030.00 We also know that this $279,030.00 represents 21,300 bags of coffee; we also know that 300 bags went to wastage in some shape or other as the books show that 21,000 bags of coffee were sold for $330,102.00 These 21,000 bags having cost, as shown above 279,030.00 The profit exclusive of discounts is the difference $51,072.00 194 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. The ratio of profit on cost is 18.3034 per cent., but as before explained this profit excludes cash discounts, but includes freight as part of the cost of the goods, hence our statement of loss must be treated in same manner and made up exclusive of dis- counts until the amount of the goods burned is ascertained and then the ratio of cash discounts must be deducted! as shown in Exhibit "D," which follows: Exhibit "D." (Same method as Exhibit "B," and proves correctness of Exhibit "B.") Stock on hand January 1, 1905, 8,700 bags coffee at $13.10 $113,970.00 Subsequent purchases, 17,400 bags at $13.10 227,940.00 $341,910.00 Sales (18,270 bags) $287,204.00 Less 18.3034 per cent, profit 44,435.04 242,769.36 $99,140.64 Cash discounts 4 per cent, on bill cost, but only 3.8168 per cent, on bill and freight cost 3,784.00 Net loss $95,356.64 Exhibit "E." (Same method as used in Exhibit "A.") Stock on hand January 1, 1905 $113,970.00 Subsequent purchases and freights $227,940.00 Less 3.8168 per cent, discount 8,700.00 219,240.00 $333,210.00 Sales $287,204.00 Less 18.3034 per cent, profit 44,435.04 242,769.36 $90,440.64 Wastage 1 per cent 904.40 Net loss $89,536.24 Now we know we have 7,569 bags coffee on hand, worth $12.60 each $95,369.40 Hence the assured would be a loser by this method to the tune of . $5,833.16 EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 195 Exhibit "F." (Profit statement, all articles figured net.) 1904 inventory, 10,000 bags at $12.60 $126,000.00 Purchases, 20,000 bags at $12.60 252,000.00 30,000 bags of coffee to be accounted for Jan. 1, 1905 $378,000.00 1905 inventory accounts for 8,700 bags at $12.60 $109,620.00 Leaving 21,300 bags coffee that went out of the house that cost $268,380.00 Sold 21,000 bags and 300 bags went to waste, sales.. 330,102.00 Profit : $61,722.00 Ratio of profits 22.998 per cent. Exhibit "G." Statement of loss: Inventory 1905 $109,620.00 Purchases 219,240.00 $328,860.00 Sales $287,204.40 Less 22.998 per cent 53,701.09 233,503.40 On hand at time of fire $95,356.60 Exhibit "H." Statement of loss by quantities: 1905 inventory and purchases 26,100 bags Sold 18,270 bags Wasted 261 bags ...18,531 bags Leaving on hand at time of fire .... 7,569 bags At $12.60 '. $95,369.40 Note the small difference of 4 cents in statements of loss in Exhibits "D" and "G" from th,e actual loss as shown in Ex- hibit "H," which is due, no doubt, to the ratio of profits, but a 4-cent error in a loss of $95,000 is of no importance. 196 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Before giving any more hypothetical statements of loss and methods of arriving at profits it may be worth while to make a few statements concerning the treatment of inventories, discounts, freights, etc. The inventory should be closely scrutinized and the prices carefully compared with the bills of purchases made prior to the date of the inventory. Of course, it is out of the question to compare every item or even half of them, but enough com- parisons may'be made to convince you either of its correctness or of its having been loaded. I remember settling a loss in one of the Southern States (and by the way Southern merchants have quite a proneness for loading their inventories from 5 per cent, to 20 per cent, to cover cost and carriage, but making no deductions whatever for cash discount) where the adjusters offered assured a sum that I thought should settle the loss, but I could not induce the assured to settle. Finally I went through their books again. Beginning with the inventory, I found that the price of each article would divide by 6. I then taxed them with having loaded their inventory 20 per cent. They never did admit it, but the loss was adjusted upon the figures offered by the adjusters. Draw your own conclusions as to whether I was right or wrong. If the prices in an inventory have been loaded 5 per cent, each price per article can be divided by 1.05, if loaded 10 per cent, then by 11, if loaded 20 per cent, then by 6, and if loaded 33 1/3 per cent., each price* can be divided by 4. In taking their inventories very few if any merchants ever deduct anything from the cost of the goods for cash discounts, and I have never known any of them to do so, but quite a num- ber do add a percentage to cover cost of freight and drayage. If the loss requires you to go into the books, commence with the inventory and get it down to a cost basis, not by depre- ciation (I will treat of depreciation later) but by deducting cash discounts and adding the freights, then go back to the next pre- ceding inventory and treat it in the same manner. Remember both inventories must always be treated alike, add to the last preceding inventory the^purchases less the cash discounts the assured could have gotten if he had discounted all bills, then add freight and drayage on purchases only, being careful to eliminate freight and drayage on goods sold or on goods sold and returned. Get the net purchases, deducting goods pur- chased and returned to seller, and allowances made on pur- chases. The inventory and purchases of, I will say year 1904, EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 197 gotten at in this manner show the cost of the goods to be ac- counted for on January 1, 1905. The January 1, 1905, inventory deducted from the sum of 1904 inventory and purchases, shows the cost of the goods that went out of the house. (See Exhibit "C.") This amount deducted from the net amount of sales shows the profit. To arrive at the percentage of profit on cost divide the cost of goods sold into the profit. In getting the sales take the gross sales, less goods sold and returned, also deduct from the sales allowances and rebates made on same, but never deduct cash discounts allowed assured's customers, the reason being if 1904 was a good year, with money plentiful, a larger proportion of his customers would discount their bills than in 1905 if busi- ness was dull and money tight, as in that case assured would be a considerable loser by the operation. If, on the other hand, conditions were reversed and a greater proportion of bills were discounted in 1905 than in 1904, your company would be the loser. If the profits arrived at in the methods shown be abnor- mally large, unless the assured can give you some satisfactory reason therefor, you may rest assured the last inventory has been loaded. Then you had better go back two or three) years and ascertain what profits he had been in the habit of making. And don't go off half cocked and offer to settle your loss arrived at by the ratio of profits made last year until your investigation is complete, suppose, for instance, his business last year was entirely retail, on which his profits were 37 J / 2 and this year he had branched out into the jobbing business as well as retail and is making or^ly 20 per cent., or he may be handling an article this year on which he makes a small profit, but which swells his sales', very materially, and you are liable to do your company out of quite a neat little sum of money. Better make a thorough inquiry into the class of goods handled as compared with last year. And as to making up statement of loss don't you think the safer plan is first to draw the other fellow's fire? L,et him make up his claim against you, see what he wants, it's easier to criticise and, maybe he won't ask you to pay as much as you contemplated paying. The assured, better than any one else, knows what his loss actually is if everything is burned. You are in the dark and had better find out, if you can, all he knows about it before expressing your own opinion. If he is honest you can get him to present an honest claim; if he's not, you are no worse off. 198 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. DISCUSSION OF DEPRECIATION AND ITS RELATION TO PROFITS. As to the question of profits, it is not only not always right to base your profits in the statement of loss on the result of the preceding year's business on account of the harm it may do your company, but sometimes it may harm the assured just as much, as he may have made a much larger profit during the cur- rent year than he did during the year preceding. Almost every adjuster has met with losses where the as- sured kept a daily record of his profits by putting the cost price of the articles sold in one column, and the selling price in an- other, the difference being the profit. This method is not sat- isfactory and is never correct, notwithstanding the assured's statement that it is infallible. Nothing will prove its mistakes until the year's business is wound up, when the inventory will be found to be far short of what the system would show the stock on hand ought to be, and the reason is this: such a system deals merely with the goods actually sold and in so far as they are concerned it might be correct provided the profits were figured accurately in every instance, which is almost impossible, but in every business,. small or large, there is more or less steal- age and mistakes, not only by employes, but by shoplifters and non-employes, there is more or less wastage and leakage; from causes too numerous to mention, and if you don't believe it, just interview the proprietors of some of the large department stores. All these leaks and wastage from different causes amount to a very large sum in the course -of the year, and are not provided for by the system of figuring profits daily. This system, how- ever, is a very good one and enables merchants to locate the leaks as far as it is possible to do so, at the end of the year when the inventory is taken, as the inventory will show the amount of stock actually on hand in each line, whereas the daily profit system will show how much ought to be on hand in each line or department. There is no method of figuring profits which will always pan out exactly correct. I suggest as the one which I have found most satisfactory, that shown in Exhibit "F," i. e. : where both inventories are figured on a cash cost basis as well as the purchases. Though the method used in Exhibit "C" is just as correct. You will note the profits in one are shown to be 18.3034 per cent., in the other 22.998 per cent., and yet in ap- plying these different ratios to the two statements of loss as shown in Exhibits "D" and "G," both dealing in the same quan- EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 199 tities of goods as to inventories, purchases, wastage and sales, that there is only 4 cents difference in the final result. The reason the methods pointed out in Exhibits "C" and "F" will not always pan out exactly right, is that the wastage is figured on the total goods handled that is, inventory and purchases; now then your profits of 18.3034 per cent, in "C" and 22.998 per cent, in "F" were figured on sales of $330,102.00. If these sales had been larger, the wastage would not have interfered with the profits in the same ratio and consequently the profit ratio would have been increased. And you will notice the ratios are the same in the loss statements as those in the profit state- ment, i. e., the purchases are double the amount of the inven- tory, the sales are 70 per cent, of the sums of the inventory and purchases combined. Had this not been the case I could not have made the statements figured in dollars and cents agree so closely with that figured in quantities. (See Exhibits "D," "G" and "H" for the reasons already explained, i. e., the wast- age interfering with the profits.) But the difference is not great and the methods used in arriving at profits shown in Exhibits "C" and "F" are more accurate than any other known method, but as I have already observed, I consider that shown in "F" the most satisfactory. As an evidence of the importance in knowing how and where to apply freight, discounts and rebates, and how to figure profits, I remember in one of the suits of the famous Kahn- weiler v. one of the Companies, in the statement of loss the adjusters had applied the discounts to the purchases, assured's lawyer, in cross questioning the company's adjuster, put this hypothetical question to him: "Suppose I buy 10 pianos at $100 each, on which the discounts for cash payment are 10 per cent., and I sell 9 for $100 each, according to your method of figuring losses I am entirely sold out and have none on hand, whereas, you and I know that I still have one and that it is worth $90. Is this not so?" And Mr. Adjuster was so confused he could not explain it. He should have answered, "No." And if the lawyer demanded an explanation he could have "sewed him up" by saying 10 pianos bought at $100, less 10 per cent, off for cash, equals $900. Nine pianos sold at $100, less 10 per cent, profit would make the sales $810, leaving the stock on hand $90, and that's the method I used in figuring that statement. If the assured depreciates his stock 10 per cent, each year you have no right to take off a further depreciation of 10 per 200 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. cent, unless you think you are entitled to a depreciation on top of a depreciation, because the books will show a stock on hand amounting to 10 per cent, less than an inventory would amount to if it were taken at time fire occurred that is, unless the pur- chases during the current year were out of proportion with former years. You don't believe this, you say; well, I'll prove it, and to do so will take statements shown in Exhibits "F" and "G" and depreciate both inventories 10 per cent. (See Exhibits "I" and "J" following.) Exhibit "I." Profit Statement. Inventory stock on hand Jan. 1, 1904 $126,000 Deduct 10 per cent, depreciation 12,600 $113,400 Purchases 252,000 Goods to be accounted for" Jan. 1, 1905 $365,400 Inventory of Jan. 1, 1905, accounts for $109,620 Deduct 10 per cent, depreciation 10,962 98,658 Cost of goods that went out of store $266,742 These goods were sold for 330,102 Profit $ 63,360 Ratio of profit to cost, 23.754 per cent. Exhibit "J" Statement of Loss. Inventory of stock on hand Jan. 1, 1905 $109,620.00 Deduct 10 per cent, depreciation 10,962.00 $98,658.00 Subsequent purchases 219,240.00 $317,898.00 Sales $287,204.40 Less 23.754 per cent, profit 55,127.54 232,076.86 Stock on hand at time of fire $85,821.14 Stock on hand at time of fire as shown by Exhibit "H" $95,386.60 Less 10 per cent, depreciation 9,538.66 85,849.94 Difference $ 26.80 EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 201 If the current year's inventory be depreciated 10 per cent., but no depreciation whatever be taken off the 1904 inventory, it will show a reduction of over 20 per cent, in the amount of stock On hand at time of fire as shown by the books that is, of course, taking a reasonable length of time after the last inven- tory when the sales have reached the proportion shown in Exhibit "G." This may be easily proven by depreciating the 1905 inventory as shown in Exhibit "F," 10 per cent., which will show a profit of $50,760, which is 18.171 per cent, on the cost, then use same statement as shown in Exhibit "G," except depreciate the inventory 10 per cent, and use 18.171 per cent, profit on cost instead of 22.998 per cent, and the statement will show a stock on hand at time of fire of $74,856.64 instead of $95,356.60, as shown in Exhibit "G." The better way to treat the loss would be to restore the depreciation on both inven- tories for the purpose of arriving at the profit, then restore depreciation on the last inventory in making up statement of loss and then depreciate only the goods burned. I very well remember a loss that occurred in one of the Western cities some years ago, where the assured had deducted 10 per cent, from his last inventory and it was plainly evident that he had done so, but he had not taken his former inven- tories in that way. After the fire he claimed that he had arbi- trarily marked off 10 per cent., not as a depreciation, but merely to be on the safe side. Some of the adjusters were for standing pat on the value he had placed on his goods, some were in favor of restoring the depreciation on his inventory, and that was what was finally done. I favored restoring the de- preciation for the purpose, merely, of arriving at the true ratio of profits, then taking the depreciated inventory as a basis to start our statement of loss. If a merchant is not bound by the value he places on his own goods, what value is binding? Can he say to himself and his stockholders, we will depreciate these goods 10 per cent, and enter them in their books at the depreciated value, then in case of fire say to the insurance com- panies, it was all a mistake, the goods were worth 100 cents on the dollar and not 90 cents, as shown by the books? Of course, with up-to-date merchants the custom is to keep the price of goods down to real value in taking inventories. Most of them ignore both freight and cash discounts, and the insurance company is in such cases entitled to whatever per cent, the discounts exceed freights. But the great majority of merchants do not take off enough depreciation; they tell you they have marked everything way down, but make them 202 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. show you what goods were marked down and how much. Study the inventory and study the purchases and sales, and where there is any part of the stock left, study its character and suit- ableness for the market in which it was to have been sold* Sometimes a day or so spent in this sort of work and posting yourself as to conditions, will repay your company for the cost of your time and expenses. Unquestionably your company is a subscriber to one of the mercantile agencies. If not, they should be, and you should be furnished with a full and complete report on every mercan- tile loss you are called upon to adjust. I remember a few years ago at a Hannabal (Mo.) fire, the assured either added a flat $50,000 to their last inventory or else lied to their cred- itors, because after the fire they issued a circular letter to their creditors, giving a copy of their statement of loss as adjusted with the insurance companies, the amount of the in- ventory showed $50,000 in excess of what they had stated it amounted to in their statement to Dun and Bradstreet. Their explanation to their creditors was, they had concealed $50,000 they had owed, and had reduced their inventory that amount in their statement to mercantile agencies to make things even. If they would lie once they would lie twice, maybe they lied about owing that $50,000 which they concealed from their creditors, and maybe they lied to the insurance companies when they handed in the amount of their inventory as being $50,000 in excess of the amount they had stated it to be to their cred- itors. At any rate the truth would have been known and possi- bly the companies wou4d have been saved $50,000 if the ad- justers had taken the precaution to have gotten a special report from Bradstreet or Dun. How many independent adjusters representing a long list of companies in every large fire are subscribers to a mercantile agency? I dare say not half a dozen in the whole country, and yet it is information they should not be without. Every one of them should be a subscriber to Dun or Bradstreet. If not, they are just as certain to overpay some loss as that daylight follows night. Sample Page Merchandise Account on Ledger and Statement of Loss Therefrom Profits in Manufacturing Plant. The following is a fair sample of a merchandise account as it appears in the ledger of a merchant's book: EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 203 1904. 1904. " 31 " 31 Feb. 28 " 28 Mar. 31 " 31 Apr. 30 " 30 May 31 " 31 June 30 " 30 July 31 " 31 Aug. 31 " 31 Sep. 30 " 30 Oct. 31 " 31 Nov. 30 " 30 Dec. 31 " 31 " 31 Me P. Ise. Pur. Ret. Pur. & A'. 10,800 700 8,600 375 9,675 567 6,756 437 7,693 842 6,957 359 10,764 653 12,786 689 19,436 347 10,798 878 11,745 1,087 8,649 983 51,306 " 31 Feb. 28 " 28 Mar. 31 31 Apr. 30 " 30 May 31 31 June 30 " 30 July 31 ' " 31 Aug. 31 " 31 Sep. 30 " 30 Oct. 31 31 Nov. 30 " 30 Dec. 31 " 31 " 31 1 Inv Ret 250 10,575 325 16,425 435 12,150 193 14,236 178 20,789 237 15,283 364 19,476 113 8,679 147 17,124 236 22,187 475 4,851 122 32,232 Sales. . . . Ret Sales. .. . Ret Ret. ' Pur & A. Ret. Pur. Ret. Pur. Ret. & A. & A.'. & A'. Sales.... Ret . Sales.... Ret Sales.... Ret . Ret. Pur & A. Sales Ret Ret. Pur & A. Sales. . . . Ret. . . . Ret. Pur & A. Sales. .. . Ret . . . Ret. &A. Sales.... Ret Ret. Pur. Ret. Pur &A. &'A. Sales Ret Sales.... Ret Ret. & L & A. entory $210,882 1905. Jan. 1 To Inventory $32,232 31 31 Feb. 28 " 28 Mar. 31 " 31 Mdse. Pur 9,786 Ret. & A. 329 Pur 9,873 Ret. & A. 597 Pur 11,397 Ret. & A. 324 $210,882 1905. Jan. 31 By Mdse. Pur $14,287 " 31 " " Ret 342 Feb. 28 " " Pur 11,364 " 28 " " Ret 239 Mar. 31 " " Pur 17,747 " 31 " " Ret.. 539 On the night of March 31, 1905, a fire occurs which destroys the greater portion of the stock. All bills were entered, plus freight, and minus cash discounts, so that merchandise account shows net cost of stock. But all cross entries should be de- ducted, as the sales that were returned are debited to merchan- dise, not at cost, but with the profit added and to add them to the purchases is unfair to the companies; also purchases that were returned to the seller and are credited to merchandise and should come out of the sales as it reduces the assured's profits. A great many adjusters are in the habit of taking the ledger footings as the purchase and sales and deducting the sum of the returns on both sides from the debit and credit side and while this method will bring the same results as getting at the exact purchases, yet it is not correct in this case to call the purchases for 1905 $32,306, because they were not that amount, being merely the debit side of the merchandise account, less the amount of the inventory, and if the statement be made up in that way it is confusing and is liable to cause you to make a mistake. I will give an example of both ways of figuring, which will show exactly the same result. (See Ex- hibits "K" and "L.") 204 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Exhibit "K" Correct Method. PROFIT STATEMENT. Inventory January 2, 1904 $26,000.00 Subsequent purchases $125,659.00 Less purchases returned 3,075.00 122,584.00 Goods to be accounted for Jan. 1, 1905 $148,584.00 Inventory of January 1, 1905, accounts for 32,232.00 Showing 1 that goods that went out of store cost $116,352.00 Merchandise sales $175,575.00 Less goods sold and returned 7,917.00 167,658.00 The difference is the profit, or $51,306.00 A profit ratio of 30.60 per cent, on sales, or 44.09 per cent, on cost, hence following STATEMENT OF LOSS. Stock on hand Jan. 1, 1905, per inventory $32,232.00 Subsequent purchases $ 31,056.00 Less purchases returned 1,120.00 29,936.00 $62,168.00 Merchandise sold $ 43,398.00 Less goods sold and returned 1,250.00 Net sales $ 42,148.00 Less 30.60 per cent, profit on sales 12,897.29 29,250.71 Book value of stock on hand at time of fire $32,917.?9 Exhibit "L." PROFIT STATEMENT. 1904 inventory and purchases $159,576.00 (It is not; it is debit side of Mdse. acct. for 1904.) Less cross entries, returns and allowances 10,992.00 Goods to be accounted for Jan. 1, 1905 $148,584.00 Inventory Jan. 1, 1905, accounts for 32,232.00 Showing that goods that went out of store cost $116,352.00 Merchandise sales in 1904 $178,650.00 (The sales were only $175,575.) Less cross entries 10,992.00 167,658.00 The difference is the profit, or $51,306.00 Same as Exhibit "K," therefore same ratio, hence following EXPERT ACCOUNTING. STATEMENT OF LOSS. 205 Stock on hand Jan. 1, 1905, per inventory Subsequent purchases $ 32,306.00 (The purchases were $31,056 and $32,306 is the debit side of Mdse. acct., less the inven- tory.) Less cross entries, returns and allowances 2,370.00 Merchandise sales $ 44,518.00 (This is cr. side of Mdse. acct., and not sales.) Less cross entries, returns and allowances 2,370.00 $42,148.00 Less profit, 30.60 per cent, on sales 12,897.29 Book value stock on hand at time of fire the $32,232.00 29,936.00 $62,168.00 29,250.71 $32,917.29 If the loss be on the stock of a manufacturer, the profit is arrived at in the same manner except that pay-roll is added to the cost of the goods the same as purchases; also, fuel, water, heat and power, but if labor and fuel costs about the same per centage of amount of purchases of raw material dur- ing the current year that it did during the preceding year, it makes very little difference in the general result whether cog- nizance be taken of these items or not, it merely decreases the profit (see Exhibit "M"), which is same statement as Exhibit "K," except 20 per cent, is added to purchases for labor in manufacturing. Exhibit "M." Inventory Jan. 2, 1904 Subsequent net purchases $122,584.00 Labor, fuel, etc., in manufacturing 24,5i6.80 Goods to be accounted for Jan. 1, 1905. Inventory of Jan. 1, 1905, accounts for. Showing that goods sold .cost. The net sales amounted to The difference is the profit. $26,000.00 147,100.80 $173,100.80 32,232.00 $140,868.80 167,658.00 $26,789:20 A profit ratio of 15.98 per cent, on sales, hence the following- STATEMENT OF LOSS. Jan. 1, 1905, inventory Subsequent purchases net Labor, fuel, etc., in manufacturing. $32,232.00 29,936.00 5,987.20 $68,155.20 206 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Net sales $ 42,148.00 Less 15.98 per cent, profit on sales.. 6,735.25 35,412.75 Book value of stock at time of fire $32,742.45 Or $174.84 less than statement of loss as shown in Exhibits "K" and "L." A i If the amount paid for labor during current year be a greater per centage of the purchases of raw material than pre- ceding year the advantage is with the insured, if the propor- tion was larger the preceding year, the advantage is with the company. Why is it that insurance companies and adjusters lay so much stress on figuring on cost, rather than on sales as the merchants and manufacturers do? A merchant marks his goods to sell for what they will bring, and at the end of the day if his sales have been $1,500 on goods that cost him $1,000, he calls his profits 33 1/3 per cent. that is, on sales. The insur- ance adjuster calls it 50 per cent. that is, on cost. What is the difference, pray? The bookkeeper, at the end of the year, figures his profit ratio on sales. Why stand for an old fogy way of doing things when it is entirely different from the methods in general use by merchants and manufacturers throughout the country? It is just as easy to determine the ratio of profit on sales as it is on cost, and a great; deal easier to figure loss by multiplying the amount of the sales by the profit ratio as was done in Statement of Loss in Exhibit "K," than it would be to divide the profit ratio on cost i. e., 44.09 per cent, plus $1.00, into the amount of the sales when both methods give practically the same results or should do so with- in a dollar or so, owing entirely to the accuracy of your figures. In this particular case the difference is but .24 cents. I have known adjusters to ascertain a merchant's profits from his books to be 33 1/3 per cent, of the sales and in mak- ing up his statement of loss apply that ratio of profit to the cost, and I am firmly of the opinion they did it because they did not know any better and not through any desire to harm the assured. I know one adjuster who was selected by a committee of adjusters because of his supposed ability as an expert accountant to go through a set of books and draw off a statement of the loss. He worked on these books for more than a month, the adjusters who employed him had to raise his figures on the book statement alone $22,000 because he had reduced the preceding EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 207 year's sales by deducting the rebates and allowances on sales, thereby reducing the profit ratio, and refusing to treat the current year's sales in the same manner. Another adjuster in adjusting a loss wanted to deduct from the purchases (the debit side of merchandise account) the re- turned sales charged to merchandise without deducting them from the sales or credit side of merchandise. A man who would make a mistake of that kind against the insured is just as apt to make one against his company. And this happened only a short time ago and the adjuster referred to is looked on as a leader in his territory. But an older and more experienced adjuster happened to be on the loss and finally convinced him of his mistake. Accurate Method of Apportionment Treatment of Fraud Losses, and Losses Where Books Should Be Ignored. As to certain criticism of my statements of loss I will say I attempted to make it clear that all of them were supposed to be computed in dollars from the books. The statement by count was given merely as an illustration to prove the correct- ness of the book statement. If a count might be had of the goods on hand at the time of the fire, there would be no use in trying to determine the ratio of profits, or making a long drawn out statement concerning them. It would be necessary only to apply the market price to each article, making it short and to the point as was shown in Exhibit "H." The following is a very good rule for the apportionment of the loss to the policies, and is as nearly perfect as it is pos- sible for human rules to be. The loss is $71,836.93, the insur- ance $87,593.78, consisting of one policy of $60,000, one of $8,625, one of $7,031.42 and one of $11,937.36. We first find the loss ratio to each $1,000 of insurance which is $820.1145. 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 1,640.2290 ' 2,460.3435 3,280.4580 ' 4,100.5725 4,920.6870 5,740.8015 6,560.9160 7,381.0305 820.1145 820.1145 820.1145 820.1145 820.1145 820.1145 820.1145 820.1145 2,460.3435 3,280.4580 4,100.5725 4,920.6870 5,740.8015 6,560.9160 7,381.0305 8,201.1450 Hence following apportionment, a $60,000 policy will pay 10 times as much as $6,000, or $49,206.87. 208 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. We divide the $11,937.36 policy as follows: $10,000.00 pays $8,201.14 The $7,031.42 policy is divided as follows: The $8,625 policy is divided as follows: Total paid by all the policies, 1,000.00 820.11 900.00 738.10 30.00 24.60 7.00 5.74 .30 .2R .06 .05 7,000.00 6,740.80 30.00 24.60 1.00 .82 .40 .33 .02 .02 8,000.00 6,560.92 600.00 492.08 20.00 16.40 5.00 4.10 $71,836.93 All done by changing the decimal in the table from right to left or vice versa as the< case may be. I never use but one column of figures shown in the table and that is the last or right hand column. The figures prove themselves, as when you have added what $1,000 pays to the amount paid by $9,000, the result will be ten times the sum that $1,000 pays, otherwise you will have made a mistake. The other figures in the table are given to make the method perfectly clear. Having given a number of book statements in my former letters and I hope having made them clear to the mind of the average man, I will take up the adjustment of some losses where the books ought to be left out of the adjustment or method of arriving at the loss. Some years ago, I was appointed by the companies as ap- praiser on a fraud loss in an Illinois town. We found on ar- riving at the place that all of the goods had been removed from the building where the loss occurred, to a building some distance away, the goods all straightened out and inventoried. The insurance was about $10,000 or $12,000. The saved goods inventoried about $1,800 or $2,000. The adjusters claimed as- sured's stock never was over $3,500, and I think they were right. I found assured had shipped a lot of old goods that he had collected together in St. Louis, that he bought a few goods subsequently and I believe obtained a lot of fraudulent bills for a great deal more than he bought, judging from the class of people he bought of. I obtained from other merchants information to the effect that their purchases from St. Louis amounted to so many dollars and that the freight paid on same was a certain per cent. Taking the assured's freight bills and giving him credit for the same ratio of purchases to the amount of freight paid by him, it would have given him a stock of about $3,500. And FORM OF PROOF; STATEMENT; IRON-SAFE CLAUSE. 209 that would have been a perfectly fair method of settling his loss, because his were the commonest kind of goods, whereas the several merchants from whom I obtained the information dealt in a much better grade or class of goods. Therefore, it is plain that if goods costing 25c to 50c per yard, and boots and shoes costing $25.00 to $36.00 per dozen, can be shipped from St. Louis to the town where the fire was for one-half per cent, of their value the same kind of goods costing only half as much would cost one per cent, of their value for transporta- tion. So that a $25.00 freight bill paid on the better class of goods would mean the bill of g.oods amounted to $5,000, where- as on the poorer quality it would mean but $2,500. But my co-appraiser wouldn't stand for 'that way of figuring at all, and the umpire stood with him. And as the adjusters had ordered the assured to remove his stock to another building, the damaged goods separated from the undamaged and an in- ventory made of the stock, the assured forthwith complied with their requirements, thereby destroying all evidence of the total loss or rather placing the claim in such condition that they were not in position to disprove his claim for a large amount of totally destroyed goods. Just think of them placing them- selves at the mercy of that rascal, with over $10,000 insurance involved, for the sake of .preserving the salvage on a stock that was not worth $2,000! Had they insisted on the stock remain- ing where it was, they would have shown to the appraisers the impossibility of assured's claim for total loss by the space the saved stock occupied and the conditions and appearances of the store. The other appraiser and umpire salted the com- panies for about $8,000, and would have given assured about $1,700 more, only the other appraiser got too smart and I tripped him on some figures. Suppose on arriving at the scene of the loss you find the fire has caused practically a total loss in so far as the value is concerned, but the greater part of the property can be identi- fied for the purpose of taking an inventory, and from its con- dition and relative position it then occupies, it gives you a pretty fair idea of what the total loss is as well as the char- acter and amount of the entire stock on hand immediately b'e- fore the fire. In such cases don't permit the goods to be re- moved or put in order until you have some good evidence by other merchants of the condition of affairs, or until your loss is adjusted. If an appraisal has to be had, let the appraisers see it as you saw it. Don't look at the books, bring into play all the good "horse" sense at your command. If the goods 14 210 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. have been knocked off the shelves or have been thrown on the floor, sometimes, but not always, get the insured to replace them on the shelves in as near the same order as they were before the fire. When this is done it will refresh his memory as to what he had there that was totally obliterated by the fire, and will help you to judge as to the truth or falsity of the claim. How many times has the friction of a $3,000 stock, rubbing against $10,000 insurance, caused a fire? How many times in such cases, where the fire caused a 50 per cent, to 75 per cent, damage to such a stock, has all evidence of the value been destroyed by removing and conditioning the stock. To save $750 to $1,500 from the salvage, many young and inexperienced adjusters have destroyed all evidence their companies had to establish the value of the stock. If they had insisted on the stock being kept intact until they could have called in two or three responsible people to take an inventory, cautioning them to look carefully into conditions and circumstances of the stock, noting the class of goods and what proportion if any of it, could have been or was actually burned beyond identification, thus making of them good witnesses for you, should you be forced into court. It might also be a good idea to photograph the stock before allowing it to be handled even for the pur- pose of inventorying it. Remember it is hard to burn the heels of boots and shoes. It is hard to burn a book. A fire that will burn a full bolt of cloth is very apt to entirely destroy the shelving which held it, and while the remnants of such articles may not be a cor- rect basis on which to fix the value of the thing destroyed" it will at least serve you in forming a fair estimate as to quan- tities destroyed. I very well remember that when I first commenced adjust- ing losses I was called to San Antonio, Texas, on a wholesale and retail grocery loss. It was badly damaged by a flash fire. There were two or three; other youngsters who had fully as much experience as I did, so we appointed our committees, I being in charge of the one on the books. We had assured send their books to us at the Menger Hotel and we proceeded to -wade through them, they showed a hopelessly total loss. We could see everyone looking at us as we supposed wondering how such young men secured such important positions. Every adjuster has no doubt at some time or other, felt his importance and knows, therefore, how we felt. Well, as I say, we had figured out a total loss, we hadn't asked the as- sured if they would accept a total as we were waiting merely EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 211 out of courtesy though, for the arrival of another adjuster, one of the older ones (Mr. J. R. Polak) (now of Atlanta, Georgia). When he came he looked over our statement, took our word that the schedule of insurance was correct, examined his own policy and then asked us to show him the loss. We introduced him to the assured, he asked for a small blank book and com- menced taking down the various items, he and the assured agreeing on damages and the amount of goods totally destroyed as they went along. In about two and a half hours the loss was adjusted at about 65 cents on the dollar and then I began wondering how in the world I secured my job and how I was going to hold it, but did not look quite so important about the hotel as I had for several days previous thereto. This merely shows that we either had no brains, or that we were acting like machines following a beaten path and forgetting to bring into play what common sense we had. It. shows, too, that an adjuster wants to consider carefully what is the best method for handling the particular loss he is rolled upon to adjust and that no fixed rule will govern all casos. I also had a loss where nearly if not quite all of a stock of nearly $100,000 that was badly damaged by fire could be in- ventoried. Assured claimed to have taken an inventory which was completed twenty-four hours before the fire, but the ex- tensions and additions were not complete. The adjusters did not like the looks of things and had another inventory made, which was $9,000 less than the one assured made before the fire. Then recourse was had to the books, which showed the inventory made by the adjusters was about correct. So you see the books sometimes play an important part and sometimes they don't. As to buildings, if you don't know how to make an estimate of the cost to rebuild, learn. Get a carpenter, a brick mason, a plasterer and a painter to show you how to make an estimate, then when you are sent to adjust a loss, tell the assured to hire a builder to represent him, let assured sit down with you and his builder and give you a description of his building, then you and his builder make your estimate agreeing on each item as you go along. This method will save money for your com- pany, and will post you so that in a very short time you will know all about it, and nearly always get your loss adjusted. Don't take any stock in estimates of so much per cubic foot. If you get within 500 cubic feet of the right measure you will still have to guess at the price per cubic foot, for if 7 l / 2 212 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. cents per cubic foot don't land you where you wish it to, maybe 9 cents will and there you are, it's a guess from start to finish. You would not dare agree with assured on the price per cubic foot unless you first knew the number of cubic feet, which is proof enough the rule won't work. The estimate in detail, is the most accurate method known and is easily mastered in a few months' time. POINTS RAISED ON A LOSS IN ACTUAL PROCESS OF ADJUSTMENT. There is now in process of adjustment a loss involving the rules qr principles laid down in Exhibits "I" and "J" in my third letter, but the adjusters refuse to see it that way. They insist on figuring it the wrong way, claiming 2^4 per cent, de- preciation on top of a depreciation of over 6 per cent., which will not be conceded by the assured, as it would be manifestly unfair to do so. The figures which are shown in the profit Statement No. 1 and Statement No. 2 are agreed to by both sides. The only question left open for adjustment being the one of deprecia- tion, if any. Before taking up the statements, I will say as- sured charged their purchases less all discounts to merchan- dise account, hence all bills are entered net, exclusive of freights. The inventory was taken each year net, i. e., bill cost, less discounts, and plus actual freights except such items as were reduced for depreciation, the inventory plainly showing which goods were depreciated. After the inventory taken at cost and value was completed, a flat $2,500 was deducted each year. Statements of profits and the loss follow: (Profit) Statement No. 1. Total debit side of merchandise account year 1904. . . .$286,892.05 From which deduct inventory of Jan. 1, 1904, entered in ledger at 50,646.52 $236,245.53 Also deduct returns and allowances on sales debited to merchandise account. $1,156.58 And items that should have been charged to Profit and Loss 70.98 1,227.56 Making the gross sales $235,017.97 EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 213 Less reclamations on purchases credited to merchan- dise account . 21.95 Net purchases for year 1904 $234,996.02 Freight paid on purchases for 1904 16,172.54 Inventory January 1, 1904 $53,146.52 Less depreciation 2,500.00 50,646.52 Stock to be accounted for Jan. 1, 1905 $301,815.08 Of which the inventory of Jan. 1, 1905, ac- counts for $48,342.63 Less depreciation 2,500.00 45,842.63 Showing the goods that went out of the store cost $255,972.45 Credit side of merchandise account year 1904 $325,812.82 Less reclamations on purchases credited to merchandise $21.95 And amounts which should have been credited to profit and loss 188.47 210.42 Making the gross sales $325,602.40 Deduct returned sales and allowances debited to mer- chandise account 1,156.58 Thus showing net sales for 1904 to be $324,445.82 As shown aKove these goods cost assured 255,972.45 Making the gross profit for year 1904 $68,473.37 The ratio of profit on sales being 21.105 per cent, and on cost 26^4 P er cent., hence following book statement agreed to between assured and adjusters. The only question left to be determined is that of depreciation, or sound cash value at time of fire, hence (Loss) Statement No. 2 Debit side of merchandise account year 1905 $246,459.74 Less inventory of Jan. 1, 1905, as entered in ledger. . . 45,842.63 $200,617.11 214 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Deduct returned sales and allowances on sales $1,042.45 And items not merchandise . 55.75 1,098.20 Making gross purchases for 1905 $199,518.91 Deduct reclamations on purchases 108.10 Net purchases year 1905 $199,410.81 Net freight on purchases of 1905 13,521.65 Credit side merchandise account 1905 $237,381.29 Less reclamations on purchases $108.10 And items not merchandise 166.21 274.31 Gross sales for year 1905 $237,106.98 Less returned sales and allowances 1,042.45 Net 1905 sales $236,064.53 Inventory stock on hand Jan. 1, 1905 $ 48,342.63 Less depreciation 2,500.00 Value of stock Jan. 1, 1905, as entered in ledger. $ 45,842.63 Net purchases as previously shown 199,410.81 Net freight on purchases 13,521.65 $258,775.09 Net sales as shown above $236,064.53 Less profit on cost, 26^4 per cent. 49,820.33 186,244.20 Stock on hand at time of fire $ 72,530.89 Agreed value of stock in annex building not covered. . 2,414.00 Book value of stock insured as agreed $ 70,116.89 Which adjusters want to depreciate 2^ per cent. 1,752.92 Company adjusters want to adjust loss at $ 68,363.97 My claim is that the profit takes care of the depreciation. (See my third letter, Exhibits "I" and "J") and that if an in- ventory could have been taken of the stock on hand at time of fire it would have amounted to $75,030.89, from which the companies would be entitled to $2,500 depreciation following as- sured's usual custom of depreciating the stock $2,500 each year. In this the adjusters say I am wrong. To prove the correct- EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 215 ness of my position, I will make up a statement for the year 1904 treating it precisely as the adjusters want to treat the assured's loss. Statement No. 3. Inventory stock on hand Jan. 1, 1904 $ 53,146.52 Less depreciation 2,500.00 Value of stock as entered in ledger. $ 50,646.52 Net purchases for 1904 as heretofore shown 234,996.02 Net freight on 1904 purchases 16,172.54 $301,815.08 Net sales 1904 as heretofore shown $324,445.82 Less 26^4 per cent, profit on cost or 21.105 on sales . 68,473.37 255,972.45 Stock on hand at time of fire book value $ 45,842.62 Deduct 2Y-2 per cent, depreciation 1,146.06 Net value on basis adjusters want to adjust as- sured's loss $ 44,696.57 Now we know that statement No. 3 is not correct, because that statement only shows a stock on hand of $44,696.57, and we know that assured did at that time take an inventory of their stock then on hand, and that it amounted to $48,342.63,. that after they had depreciated all articles that ought to be depreciated, they arbitrarily deducted $2,500 more depreciation.. This proves that the profits take care of the depreciation.. It proves that the insurance companies get the benefit of the depreciation in a book statement. It proves that assured, if he could have taken an inventory of the stock he had on hand at the time of fire, would have had a larger amount to depreciate than his books will show, and it proves the correctness of the position taken in Exhibits "I" and "J." To further substantiate the correctness of my position, I will suppose that each article of merchandise dealt in is a suite of furniture and that its net cost is $10.00 each, and apply those prices, as nearly as possible, to the foregoing statement.. See (Hypothetical) Statement No. 4, following: 216 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. (Hypothetical) Statement No. 4. January, 1904, inventory, 5,314 suites at $10.00 $ 53,140.00 Net purchases 1904, 25,117 suites at $10.00 251,170.00 To be accounted for Jan. 1, 1905, 30,431 suites at $10.00 $304,310.00 Inventory Jan. 1, 1905, accounts for 4,834 suites at $10.00 48,340.00 Making the sales for 1904, 25,597 suites at $10.00. $255,970.00 These goods were sold for . 319,962.50 Gross profit is the difference, or $63,992.50 Which is 25 per cent, on cost or 20 per cent, on sales. Jan. 1, 1904, stock on. hand, 4,834 suites at $10.00....$ 48,340.00 Net purchases 1905, 21,293 suites at $10.00 212,930.00 Total inventory and purchases, 26,127 suites at $10.00 $261,270.00 Sold 18,624 suites at $12.50 $232,800.00 Less 25 per cent, profit 46,560.00 186,240.00 Stock on hand at time of fire $ 75,030.00 Foregoing statement shows that: Inventory and purchases were 26,127 suites That sales were 18,624 suites Necessarily there were left 7,503 suites at $10.00..$ 75,030.00 On the $75,030, the companies would be entitled to a de- preciation of $2,500 because the assured had been in the habit of taking that amount off each year. As was noted in Letter No. 3, Exhibits "I" and "J," the only fair way to treat a loss where assured has arbitrarily taken off a percentage of flat depreciation, is to restore it in the beginning of the statement and take off the depreciation that assured has been in the habit of taking off, and more besides if' you are entitled to it. The- loss referred to in this letter is on a wholesale furni- ture stock, common and medium priced stuff. You will note from the statements that assured's sales are six times greater than the inventories, that the sales less the profits show that assured turned the stock five times in a year. To do this they could Mot have had a very heavy depreciation. An old or out of date stock won't sell that fast, but when a wholesale furni- EXPERT ACCOUNTING. 217 ture merchant can get rid of his stock five times in one year, he is going some. This particular merchant is ordering the same kind of goods as were destroyed by the fire and is pay- ing about 5 per cent, more for about half of them than he paid before the fire and none are any cheaper. Why should his stock be depreciated under these circumstances? If you owned it would you stand for depreciation? Yet one of the adjusters on this loss insists that assured is unfair and unreasonable be- cause he will not submit to a further depreciation than he himself deducted in January. I esteem him as a level-headed adjuster and among the top-notchers in the profession. I am sure he wants to be fair, but in this case it seems to me/ he is biased. All of us are human and sometimes even an adjuster errs, or as David Harum expresses it, "There's as much human nature in some folks! as th' is in others, if not more." The foregoing described loss was finally adjusted, the basis of settlement being as follows: The depreciation of $2,500 de- ducted from the inventory in January, 1905, was restored, and then 5 per cent, depreciation deducted from the total stock on hand at time of fire, which makes the loss to the insurance companies $68,986.05, a fair and square deal for both sides. 218 HALL ON INSUKANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER XVIII. FORM OF PROOF AND STATEMENT OF LOSS ACTUALLY ADJUSTED IRON- SAFE CLAUSE APPRECIATION. The following is a model form of proof of loss, which may look simple enough, but at the time worried the adjusters not a little, as at least seven different sets of proofs could have been made, but all were embraced in the one form set out as follows: CLAIM FOR LOSS Under policy No of the Insurance Company of By your policy of insurance, issued at your Podunk, Texas, agency, the number, date, expiration, amount of policy and the amount claimed thereunder being shown in "Schedule of In- surance and Apportionment of Claim" here to attached, you in- sured Richard Roe Company, the party herein and therein named, against loss or damage by fire in the amount shown in said "Schedule of Insurance and Apportionment of Claim" on the following described property: $ On stock in trade in building No. 232 W. Commerce street, $150,000. Total concurrent insurance per- mitted. $ On stock in trade in building Nos. 234 and 236 W. Commerce street, $250,000. Total concurrent in- surance permitted. $ On stock in trade in building Nos. 238 and 240 W. Commerce street, $150,000. Total concurrent in- surance permitted. All in the city of Podunk, Texas. (Iron-safe clause attached to policy. Exact wording of policy is not given on account of its length.) A fire occurred at about 2 o'clock a. m., November 19, 1900, and originated in building Nos. 238 and 240 W. Commerce street, occupied by us as a wholesale grocery, from cause un- known to assured or his affiant, which damaged and destroyed assured's property insured by you under said policy, as shown in "Statement of Loss" hereto attached. 219 220 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. There was no other insurance except such as is shown in "Schedule of Insurance and Apportionment of Claim" hereto attached. All of the insurance on each stock is concurrent in form. Note Those policies dated prior to July 3, 1900, only permitted $220,000 total insurance on stock in building Nos. 234 and 236 W. Commerce street and were changed by endorsement to permit $250,000 total insurance, and those which permitted but $100,000 total insurance on stock in building Nos. 238 and 240 W. Commerce street were, by endorsement, changed to permit $150,000 total insurance. The "Schedule of Insurance and Apportionment of Claim" shows which stock and how much each policy covered at the time of fire, if any of them did not insure the property in that manner when first written, they were subsequently made to do so by endorsement. At the time your policy was issued and at the time of the fire, the said property insured by you was owned by Richard Roe Company and there has been no change in the title, use, occupation, location, possession or exposure of said property since the issuance of your policy. There was no mortgage or other encumbrance on any part of said property. The actual cash value of the property insured by you and the amount of loss claimed thereon is shown in "Statement of Loss" hereto attached. The assured occupied all of the following buildings on W. Commerce street for wholesale purposes as follows: No. 232 as boot, shoe, hat, cap and clothing store; Nos. 234 and 236 as dry goods and notion store; Nos. 238 and 240 as a grocery store, and for no other purpose. Richard Roe Company's claim against your company or association, by reason of said loss, damage and policy of insur- ance, is shown in "Schedule of Insurance and Apportionment of Claim" hereto attached. All statements and schedules hereto attached are hereby sworn to and made part of these proofs. Podunk, Texas, December 21, 1900. RICHARD ROE COMPANY, (By John Doe, President.) (Usual form of oath before notary, and certificate of notary follows.) FORM OF PROOF; STATEMENT; IRON-SAFE CLAUSE. 221 STATEMENT OF LOSS. Richard Roe Company (Exhibit "A.") Statement of loss in building No. 232 W. Commerce street: Stock on hand at time of fire per inventory taken after fire $108,092.82 Freight and marine insurance in excess of cash dis- counts 2,215.90 Agreed book value of stock $110,308.72 Add 5 per cent, appreciation per agreement 5,515.44 Agreed cash market value $115,824.16 Salvage apportioned to this stock 85,726.47 Net loss and damage $ 30,097.69 Note. As to disposition and apportionment of salvage see Exhibit "B." Exhibit "B." Statement of loss in Building Nos. 234 and 236 W. Com- merce street: Inventory stock on hand January 1, 1900 $285,531.10 - Add subsequent purchases 616,203.01 And purchases received in stock subsequent to Jan- uary 1, but paid for and charged to merchandise prior thereto 2,364.75 $904,098.86 Contra. Returns and allowances on sales charged to merchandise , $ 11,040.74 Merchandise in transit 6,766.10 Received prior to January 1, 1900, but paid for and charged subsequent thereto 53,066.91 Cash charged to merchandise by default- ing clerk 2,000.00 Sales since Jan. 1, 1900 $684,842.64 Less credited to mer- chandise a/c to entry of default- ing clerk . ..$2,000.00 222 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Returns and allow- ances on sales. . .11,040.74 Sold, not removed.... 1,044.76 14,085.50 Net sales $670,757.14 Less 28.88 per cenl. profit 150,306.02 520,451.12 Stock in warehouse at 508-10 Market street 10,220.63 Stock in building 238 and 240 W. Com- merce street 2,682.26 606,227.76 $297,871.76 Freights and marine insurance exceed cash discounts 2.05 per cent 6,106.35 $303,977.45 Deduct in compromise to agree with adjusters 236.95 Book value of stock in buildings 232, 234 and 236 $303,740.50 Agreed appreciation 5 per cent 15,187.02 Agreed cash market value $318,927.52 Deduct cash market value of stock in building No. 232 W. Commerce street 115,824.16 Cash market value stock in 234 and 236 W. Com- merce street $203,103.36 Salvage apportioned to this stock 81,136.83 Agreed loss and damage $121,966.53 Note. The Notion stock in second story of Nos. 234 and 236 W. Commerce street was damaged to such an extent that it was found impossible to inventory it correctly; but the first story and basement stock was saved in a damaged condition and inventoried (cost price), $96,782.24. The companies took the stock in both buildings at its agreed value, invited mer- chants and wreckers from Chicago, Kansas City, San Antonio, Waco, Galveston, Dallas and Houston to bid for the stock at open sale December 19, 1900. After deducting all expenses, the salvage netted $166,863.30, of which $81,136.83 was apportioned ta the stock in building Nos. 234 and 236 W. Commerce street and $85,726.47 to stock in No. 232 W. Commerce street. FORM OF PROOF; STATEMENT; IRON-SAFE CLAUSE. 223 Exhibit "C." Statement of loss in building Nos. 238 and 240 W. Com- merce street: Grocery department. Assured took an inventory every Saturday evening as to quantities, but did not place the prices on the articles; hence, hav- ing taken an inventory on Saturday evening, No- vember 17, 1900, and the fire having occurred early the following Monday morning, no sales or purchases having in the meanwhile been made, all that was necessary was to price the goods, make the extensions and additions, which when completed amounted to $ 87,328.59 Add for merchandise from dry goods department, as shown in Exhibit "B." 2,682.26 Goods on consignment 1,586.23 $ 91,597.08 Inventory of stock saved $31,433.04 Less agreed damage 15,751.99 15,681.05 Agreed loss and damage $ 75,916.03 SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE AND APPORTIONMENT OF CLAIM. I Stock in Bldg. 232 W. Commerce Stock in Bldg. 234-36 W. Oom'erce Stock in Bldg. 238-40 W.Com'ce Grand Total Ins. Claimed Ins. Claimed Ins. Claimed Ins. Claimed A... B $62,250 $16,521.88 $62,250 116,250 34,000 32,500 16,000 12,500 127.000 $16,521.88 67,573.50 83,402.07 14,158.53 11,205.83 8,336.66 76,786.78 $116,250 $67,573.50 ft $34,000 $33,402.07 D.. TJ 15,000 8,981.18 17,500 11,250 10,172.35 6,539.37 4,750 7,000 81,525 4,666.46 6,876.90 30,970.60 F.. a.. 5,500 80,650 1,459.76 8,134.87 64,825 37,681.31 $113,400 $30,097.69 $209,825 $121,966.53 877,275 $75,916.03 $400,500 $227,980.25 The dates and numbers are not given on account of space it would require. There are ninety-seven policies. I have consolidated them into seven. 224 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. THE EFFECT OF THE IRON-SAFE CLAUSE. It will be seen from the foregoing statements, that assured'^ books for their grocery stock were kept separate from the others, and consequently they complied with the iron-safe clause in so far as that stock was concerned. But there was a techni- cal, if not a flagrant, violation of the iron-safe clause on the other two stocks, because both were kept track of by one set of books, and had both buildings been wholly destroyed the as- sured could have shown by their books the sum total of both stocks, but it would have been impossible to have shown the value of either one separately. But the fact that the contents of one store was saved intact, no goods' being destroyed there- in, enabled the assured to show the value of the stock in each, building. (See Exhibits "B" and "A.") While a great many of the adjusters took non -waiver agree- ments, yet there was no attempt made by them to penalize the assured for a violation of the iron-safe clause. As we all know,, the clause is a warranty. The Missouri Court of Appeals holds that a warranty is in the nature of a condition precedent in the contract and no inquiry is allowed as to the materiality of the fact warranted. Brooks v. Standard Ins. Co., 11 Mo. App. 349. 1st Phillips, Sec. 755, gives practically the same definition. I am not ready to admit that this is so, in so far as the definition of a warranty relates to the iron-safe clause, for where is the insurer harmed by reason of a breach of such warranty, if the loss be only a damage to the goods in sight or if a partial loss and some of the goods be wholly destroyed and the assured abandons claim for such goods and only claims a damage on those that can be identified? Yet, on the other hand, the insurance companies might claim, and with some reason, they would not have been on the risk at all had they known the facts in the case. However, for the sake of argument, let us concede the Missouri doctrine as to the meaning of a warranty does apply to the iron-safe clause and that assured in this particular case did not so keep their books as to show a true record of sales and purchases in each store, but that they were so kept as to show the aggregate in both stores, then those policies of com- panies "A" and 'B" would be void entirely, "E" void as to the amount covered in building Nos. 234 and 236, "F" void as to the amount covered in building No. 232. Those of companies "D" and "G" would be valid. The reason being the iron-safe FORM OF PROOF; STATEMENT; IRON-SAFE CLAUSE. 225 clause does not require the assured, who has one set of policies which insures two or more stores, to keep a record of pur- chases and sales in each store, and this, too, even when such policies insure a specific amount on each store. If, however, under a statement of facts he should have two other sets of policies, one set covering entirely in one store, the other cov- ering entirely in the other store, both sets of such policies would be void by reason of breach of the iron-safe clause. The iron-safe clause is unlike lines 7 and 11 of the standard policy, in that it does not render the entire policy void by rea- son of breach of its conditions, but merely renders void that portion insuring the property to which the clause itself refers. Most of the courts hold that the clause is a warranty and that it must be strictly complied with. Tennessee holds that a substantial compliance is all that is necessary. (See McNutt v. Va. F. and M. Ins. Co.), and so too do some of the United States Courts (see L. and L. and G. Ins. Co. v. Kearney et al. U. S. C. C. A. 8th District, 94 Fed. Rep. 314), Kentucky holds that its violation does not work a forfeiture, it not being com- petent to contract with the insured for the preservation of testimony in behalf of either party. Phenix Ins. Co. v. Angel et al., Ky. C. A., 38 S. W. Rep. 1067. Where a promise in a policy of insurance is declared to be a warranty, the only concern of the courts, in the absence of a contract statutory enactment, is to ascertain whether or not it has been complied with. Where a policy is issued for a gross amount in considera- tion of a single premium, paid or to be paid, for the whole, though part of the amount is placed on a building and part on a stock of merchandise therein contained, and by its terms becomes void, whether by reason of a breach of the promise to make, preserve and produce an inventory of the merchan- dise or by reason of a breach of the condition as to the owner- ship of the ground upon which the insured building stands, the contract is indivisible, and, though there be but one such breach, there can be no recovery. St. Landry Wholesale Mercantile Co. (Ltd.) v. New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., 113 La. 1053, 38 Southern Reporter (April 8, 1905) 87. I apprehend, however, that in case part of the assured's stock be burned beyond identification and the remainder be not so badly damaged but what it can be identified, that most, if not all, of the courts would hold the contract valid if the insured should abandon all claim for loss on those goods wholly de- 226 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. stroyed, and try to enforce collection of claim on only such goods as could be identified. One Set of Books for Two Stores. Where the assured has two or more stores, with one set of policies covering the stocks in such stores and one set of books which merely shows the aggregate sales and purchases of all, but not that of each and such stores be separate and distinct risks, being divided by fire walls, all openings protected by fire doors, there is but one safe rule to follow for both the insurance company and the insured, and that is to write a blanket form covering all of the stock under one amount in all the locations which might, by any possible chance, be de- stroyed by one fire, with an average clause making the insur- ance attach in each location as the value in each bears to the aggregate value in all. If you do not do this, Mr. Agent; and Mr. Daily Report Examiner, you are liable to cause all kinds of trouble for both your adjuster and the assured. If the risks be remote from each other so that in no possible contingency will more than one of them be destroyed by one fire, then it is all right to write each for a specific amount, but not other- wise, unless assured's books be so kept that they keep track of what goes in and out of each building. Remember, too, that if the risks be located in a territory where the iron-safe clause is required, that such clause does not apply separately to each stock insured, but to the aggregate business of all the stocks insured and this, too, whether such stocks be insured under one policy or a specific amount on each or under a blanket policy of one amount on all. It seems most, if not all, the courts hold, that compliance with the iron-safe clause is a condition precedent to recovery. Appreciation. There is one point I wish to refer to the item of 5 per cent, appreciation which the adjusters agreed to. The insured had been engaged in business for a great many years and, while the average rate of advance in prices had been even greater than 5 per cent., yet I very seriously question the wisdom of allowing appreciation, as I believe the depreciation in this case should have offset any advance in the price it cost to buy a new stock. FORM OF PROOF; STATEMENT; IRON-SAFE CLAUSE. 227 The assured is entitled, though, to whatever it would cost him in cash to replace his property, less) whatever depreciation from any cause there may have been to the property. In this particular case, however, the adjusters were con- fronted' with either a law suit or allowing the claim for appre- ciation, after selecting appraisers and they, being unable to agree on an umpire, adjuster finally decided to allow the claim, rather than be annoyed by a long legal fight, especially one in- volving no law point, but entirely on a question of fact for the jury, for we all know in advance what the decision will be. 228 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHAPTER XIX. ^ FACTS WORTH KNOWING. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. MEASURES OF LENGTHS. 12 inches 1 foot 3 feet 1 yard 16% feet 1 rod 6& yards 1 rod 1.760 yards 5,280 feet 1 mile 320 rods 1 mile 40 rods 1 furlong 8 furlongs 1 sta. mile 3 miles 1 league LAND SURVEYOR'S MEASURE. 7.92 inches 1 link 100 links 66 ft. 4 rods 1 chain 10 chains 220 yards 1 furlong 8 furlongs 1 mile 10 sq. chains 160 sq. rods 1 acre 25 links 1 rod 80 chains 1 mile 640 acres 1 sq. mile 36 sq. miles 1 township MISCELLANEOUS. 1,000 mils 1 inch 4 inches 1 hand 6 inches \ span 3 inches 1 palm 18 inches 1 cubit 21.8 inches 1 Bible cubit 2% feet 1 military pace 2 yards 1 fathom SQUARE MEASURE. 144 sq. inches or 183.3 circular inches 1 sq. foot 9 sq. feet 1 sq. yard 3034 sq. yards or 272% sq. feet 1 sq. rod 10 sq. chains or 160 sq. rods or 4,840 sq. yards or 43,560 sq. feet 1 acre 640 acres 1 sq. mile An acre equals a square whose side is 208.71 feet. SOLID OR CUBIC MEASURE. 1,728 cubic inches 1 cubic foot 27 cubic feet 1 cubic yard 1 cord wood a pile 4x4x8 128 cubic feet 1 perch of masonry 16%xl%xl ft 24% cubic feet 40 cubic feet -. i ton (shipping) J.160.42 cubic inches 1 standard bushel cubic inches 1 standard gallon 1 cubic foot equals about 4/5 of a bushel. 229 230 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. LIQUID MEASURE. 4 gills 1 pint 2 pints 1 quart 4 quarts 1 gallon 31% gallons 1 barrel 42 gallons 1 tierce 2 barrels or 63 gallons 1 hogshead 84 gallons or 2 tierces : 1 puncheon 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons 1 pipe or butt 2 pipes or 3 puncheons 1 tun A gallon of water at 62 P. weighs 8.3356 Ibs. The U. S. gallon contains 231 cu. ins., 7.4805 gal., 1 cu. ft. APOTHECARIES' FLUID MEASURE. 60 minums 1 fluid drachm 8 drachms 1 fluid ounce DRY MEASURE, U. S. 2 pints 1 quart 8 quarts , 1 peck 4 pecks 1 bushel A bushel contains 2,150.42 cubic inches. A bushel contains 1.2445 cubic feet. 36 bushels equal 1 chaldron. MEASURES OF WEIGHT AVOIRDUPOIS OR COMMERCIAL WEIGHT. 16 drachms or 437.5 grains 1 ounce 16 ounces or 7,000 grains 1 pound 28 pounds 1 quarter 4 quarters 1 hundredweight 112 Ibs. 20 hundredweight 1 ton of 2,240 Ibs. or long ton 2,000 pounds 1 metric ton 2,240.6 pounds 1 net or short ton 14 pounds iron, lead, etc 1 stone 2iy 2 stone iron, lead, etc 1 pig 8 pigs 1 f other 100 pounds grain or flour 1 cental 100 pounds, raisins 1 cask 100 pounds dry fish 1 quintal 100 pounds nails 1 keg 196 pounds flour 1 barrel 200 pounds pork, beef or fish .M barrel 240 pounds lime 1 cask 280 pounds salt 1 barrel TROY WEIGHT. 24 grains 1 pennyweight 20 pennyweights 1 ounce 480 grains 12 ounces 1 pound 5,760 grains APOTHECARY'S WEIGHT. 20 grains 1 scruple 3 scruples 1 drachm 60 grains 8 drachms 1 ounce 480 grains 12 ounces 1 pound 5,760 grains The ounce and pound in this case are the same as in Troy Weight. CIRCULAR MEASURE. 60 seconds 1 minute 60 minutes 1 degree 90 degrees 1 quadrant 360 degrees 1 circle 30 degrees 1 sign 4 quadrants equal 12 signs or 360 degrees or circumference. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 231 TIME MEASURE. 60 seconds 1 minute 60 minutes 1 hour 24 hours 1 day 7 days . . . , 1 week 366 days 5 hours, 48 minutes, 48 seconds 1 year 30 days equal 1 month in computing interest. 366 days in leap year. CLOTH MEASURE. 2% inches 1 nail 4 nails 1 quarter 4 quarters 1 yard MARINER'S MEASURE. 6 feet 1 fathom 120 fathoms 1 cable length 7% cable lengths 1 mile or knot 5,280 feet 1 stat. mile 6,086 feet 1 naut. mile 9 inches 1 span 3 miles 1 league LINEAR MEASURE METRIC EQUIVALENTS. 1 centimeter 0.3937 in. 1 decimeter 3.937 in. 0.328 feet 1 meter 39.37 in. 1.0936 yards 1 dekameter 1.9884 rods 1 kilometer 0.62136 mile 1 inch 2.54 centimeters 1 foot 3.048 decimeters 1 yard 9144 meter 1 rod 0.5029 dekameter 1 mile 1,6098 kilometer SQUARE MEASURE. 1 sq. centimeter 0.1560 sq. inch 1 sq. decimeter 0.1076 sq. foot 1 sq. meter 1.96 sq. yards 1 are equals 3,954 sq. rods 1 hektar 2.47 acres 1 sq. kilometer 0.386 sq. mile 1 sq. inch 6.452 sq. centimeters 1 sq. foot 9.?903 sq. decimeters 1 sq. yard 0.8361 sq. meter 1 sq. rod 0.2629 are 1 acre 0.4047 hektar I sq. mile 2.59 sq. kilometer WEIGHTS. 1 gram 0.0527 ounce 1 kilogram 2.2046 pounds I metric ton 1.1023 English tona 1 ounce 28.85 grams 1 pound 4536 kilogram 1 English ton 0.9074 metric ton. APPROXIMATE METRIC EQUIVALENTS. 1 decimeter 4 inches 1 meter 1.1 yards 1 kilometer % mile 1 hektar 2% acre 1 stere or cubic meter *4 cord 1 liter 1.06 quarts liquid 0.9 quart dry 1 hektoliter 2 % bushels 1 kilogram ,2 1/5 pounds 1 metric ton 2,200 pounds 232 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. TO FIND CAPACITY OF TANKS AND BINS. TO FIND CAPACITY OF TANKS AND BINS. To find number of cubic feet in four-sided tank or bin, multiply width by length by height. To find number of cubic feet in round tank or bin, multiply the square of diameter by .7854 by height. To find number of bushels in tank or bin, multiply the number of cubic feet in same by .8035. To find number of gallons in tank or bin, multiply the number of cubic feet in same by 7.4805. CAPACITY OF CIRCULAR TANKS. (For each ten inches in depth.) 2 feet in diameter holds 19 gals. 2% feet in diameter holds 30 gals. 3 feet in diameter holds 44 gals. 4 feet in diameter holds 78 gals. 4% feet in diameter holds 99 gals. 6 feet in diameter holds 122 gals. 6% feet in diameter holds 176 gals. 7 feet in diameter holds 206 gals. 8 feet in diameter holds 239 gals. 9 feet in diameter holds 313 gals. 10 feet in diameter holds 396 gals. 11 feet in diameter holds 489 gals. 12 feet in diameter holds 592 gals. 13 feet in diameter holds 705 gals. 14 feet in diameter holds 820 gals. 16 feet in diameter holds 959 gals. 20 feet in diameter holds 1101 gals. 26 feet in diameter holds 3059 gals. Tabular view of the number of barrels contained between the walls for each foot in depth. SQUARE TANKS. 6 feet by 6 feet holds 5.92 barrels 6 feet by 6 feet holds 8.54 barrels 7 feet by 7 feet holds 11.63 barrels 8 feet by 8 feet holds 15.19 barrels 9 feet by 9 feet holds 19.39 barrels 10 feet by 10 feet holds ' 23.74 barrels MEASUREMENTS AND WEIGHTS. Five stricken measures are equal to four heaped measures. The standard bushel of the United States contains 2,150.42 cubic Inches, and the imperial bushel of Great Britain, 2,216.192 cubic inches. BUSHELS AND BINS. To find the number of bushels in a bin, divide the contents in cubic inches by the number of cubic inches in a bushel, or in the United States, for all practical purposes, diminish the number of cubic feet by one-fifth. And to find the number of cubic feet in a given number of bushels, multiply the number of bushels by the number of cubic inches in a bushel, and divide the product by 1,728, or in the United States, for all practical purposes, increase the number of bushels by one-fourth. To find the number of bushels of apples or potatoes in a bin (in the United States), multiply the number of cubic feet by 4-5 or by .8. A ton of coal contains 36% cubic feet, and a box 4 feet long, 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep contains 36 cubic feet. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 233 TO MEASURE CORN IN CRIB. Find the length, breadth and depth of the body of corn, in feet, und multiply these three dimensions together; then multiply this product by .63. This will give the heaped bushels of corn. Some- times 1^4 bushels of ear corn are allowed for a bushel of shelled corn, and sometimes two bushels, the amount depending upon the shape of the ear, the size of the cob, etc. THE WEIGHT OF HAY. In estimating the weight of hay, allow 640 cubic feet for a ton, if on the wagon or newly stored , but if well settled in mow or stack, allow 512 cubic feet. Two hundred and seventy cubic feet of baled hay will weigh a ton. NOTE To find the number of cubic feet in a circular stack, mul- tiply the average circumference in yards by itself, and this product by four times the height in yards; -then divide this product by 100 and multiply the quotient by 27. To find diameter of a circle, multiply circumference by .31831. To find circumference of a circle, multiply diameter by 3.1416. To find area of a circle, multiply square of diameter by .7854. To find surface of a ball, multiply square of diameter by 3.1416. To find side of an equal square, multiply diameter by .8862. To find cubic inches in a ball, multiply cube of diameter by .5236. CONTENTS IN FEET OF JOISTS, SCANTLING, AND TIMBER. LENGTH IN FEET SIZE 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 80 FBI ET BO \RD ]V [EAST FRE 2 x 4 .. 2x6 8- 12 9 14 11 16 12 18 13 20 15 22 16 24 17 26 19 28 20 80 2x 8.... 16 19 21 24 27 29 82 35 37 40 2 x 10 20 23 27 80 83 87 40 43 47 50 2 x 12 24 2A 32 86 40 44 48 62 66 60 2 x 14 .28 83 87 42 47 51 56 61 65 70 8x8 24 28 82 36 40 44 48 52 66 60 8 x lo . 80 35 40 45 50 65 60 65 70 75 8 x 12 86 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 8 x 14 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 9d 105 4 x 14 56 65 75 84 93 103 112 121 181 140 6x 6... 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 6x8 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 6 x 10 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 6 x 12 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 6 x 14 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 8x8 64 75 85 96 107 117 128 139 149 160 8 x 10 80 93 107 120 183 147 160 173 187 200 8 X 12 ... 96 112 128 144 T60 176 192 208 224 240 8 x 14 10 x 10.... 112 100 131 117 149 183 168 150 187 167 205 183 224 200 243 217 261 233 280 250 10 x 12 120 140 160 180 200 2-20 240 260 280 300 10 x 14 32 x 12.... 140 144 163 168 187 192 210 216 233 240 257 264 280 288 303 312 827 836 850 360 12 x 14...., 14 x 14 168 196 196 229 224 261 252 294 280 327 308 359 836 392 864 425 392 457 420 490 234 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. TABLE OF WEIGHTS. Avg. Wt. of a Cub. ft. Ibs. Air, at.nospheric; at 60 Fah. and under the pressure of one atmosphere or 14.7 Ib. per sq. inch, weighs 1/815 part as much as water at 60 0766 Alcohol,, pure 49.43 of commerce 52.1 proof spirit 57.2 Ash, perfectly dry average . . 47. 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs 1.748 tons. Ash, American white, dry " . . 38. 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs 1.414 tons. Alabaster, falsely so called, but really marbles 168. real; a compact white plaster of Paris 144. Aluminum 162. Antimony, cast, 6.66 to 6.74 average.. 418. native " .. 416. Asphaltum, 1 to 1.8 " 87.$ Basalt " .. 181. Bath Stone, Oolite " .. 131. Bismuth, cast. Also native " . . 607. Bitumen, solid. See Asphaltum Brass, (Copper and Zinc) cast, 7.8 to 8.4 " .. 504. rolled " ..524. Bronze, Copper 8 parts; Tin 1 (Gun Metal) " .. 629. Brick, best pressed 150. common hard 125. soft inferior 100. Boxwood, Dry average . . .60 Calcite, transparent . . 169.9 Charcoal, of pines and oaks. average. .15 to 30. Chalk, 2.2 to 2.8 average.. 156. Clay, potters' dry, 1.8 to 2.1 " . . 119. dry, in lump, loose .. 63. Coke, loose, of good coal average. .23 to 32. Coke, a heaped bushel, loose 35 to 42 Ibs. Cherry, perfectly dry average. . 42. 1,000 feet, board measure weighs 1.562 tons. Coal, anthracite, 1.3 to 1.84 of Penn. 1.3 to 1.7 usual 93.5- broken, any size, loose average.. 52 to 56. moderately shaken ... " ..56 to 60. A cubic yard, solid, averages about 1.75 cubic yards when broken to any market size, and loose. A ton loose, averages from 40 to 43 cubic feet. At 54 Ibs. per cubic foot, a cubic yard weighs 1,458 pounds 0.651 ton. Coal, bituminous, 1.2 to 1.5 =0.651 ton 84. broken, any size, loose " 47 to 52. moderately shaken " 51 to 56. A cubic yard, solid, averages about 1.75 yards when broken to any market size, and loose. Chestnut, perfectly dry average . . 41. 1,000 feet,' board measure, weighs 1.525 tons. Cement, hydraulic, American, Rosendale; ground, loose " .. 56. Louisville, struck bush. 62 Ibs... 49.$ Copley, struck bush. 67 Ibs 53.6 English Portland, U. S. struck bush., by Gilmore, 100 to 128 81 to 102. hydraulic, English Portland, various, weighed by writer 95 to 102 76 to 81.6 hydraulic, English Portland, a barrel 400 to 430 Ib. French Boulogne Portland, struck bush., 95 to 110 76 to 88. Cork 15.6. Elm, perfectly dry average. . 35. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 235 Glass. 2.5 to 3.46 .. 186. " common, window . . 157. " Millville, N. J., thick flooring glass . . 158. Hemlock, perfectly dry . . 25. 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs 1.971 tons. India Rubber . . 68. Lard .. 59.3 Mahogany, Spanish, dry . . 63. Honduras, dry . . 35. Maple, dry .. 49. Mica, 2.75 to 3.1 183. Naphtha 52.9 Oak, live, perfectly dry, .88 to 1.02 average.. 69.3 " white, " " .66 to .88 " .. 48. " red, black, etc average. .32 to 43. Oils, whale, olive average. . 57.3 " of turpentine . . 64.3 Petroleum 64.8 Peat, dry, unpressed 20 to 30. Pine, white, perfectly dry, .35 to .46 25. 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs .930 ton. " yellow, Northern, .48 to .62 34.3 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs 1,276 tons. yellow, Southern, .64 to .80 45. 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs 1.674 tons. " Heart of long-leafed Southern yellow, unseasoned 65. 1,000 feet, board measure, weighs 2.418 tons. Pitch 71.7 Powder, slightly shaken 62.3 Salt, coarse, per struck bushel; Syracuse, N. Y 56 Ibs 45. Turk's Island, Cadiz. .76 to 80 62. St. Barts 84 to 90 70. West India 90 to 96 74. Liverpool 50 to 56 42. Liverpool, fine, for table use 60 to 62 49. Tallow average . . 58.6 Tar " .. 62.4 Wines, .993 to 1.04 " .. 62.3 Walnut, black, perfectly dry " . . 38. Wax, bees " .. 60.6 MATERIAL MEASUREMENTS WOOL Bale East India ' Australia South America. . . . ' Oregon " California Bag Wool Stack of Scoured Wool. Floor Space 3.0 5.8 7.0 6.9 7.5 5.0 Cubic feet 12. 26. 34. 33. 33. 30. Gross 340 385 1000 482 550 200 WEIGHTS Per Per cubic sq. ft. foot 113 66 143 70 73 40 28 16 29 15 17 7 5 WOOLEN GOODS Case Flannels heavy Dress Goods . . . " . Cassimeres Underwear Blankets Horse Blankets 6.6 7.1 5.5 10.5 7.3 10.3 4.0 12.7 15.2 22.0 28.0 21.0 35.0 14.0 220 330 460 560 360 450 250 40 46 84 62 48 44 63 17 22 21 20 16 13 18 236 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. COTTON, ETC. Bale 8.1 Compressed 4.1 Dederick Compressed. . . 1.26 Jute 2.4 Jute Lashings 2.6 Manilla 3.2 Hemp 8.7 Sisal 5.3 44.2 21.6 3.13 9.9 10.5 10.9 34.7 17.0 515 550 125 300 450 280 700 400 64 134 100 125 172 88 81 75 12 25 40 30 43 26 20 24 COTTON GOODS Bale Unbleached Jeans Piece Duck , Bale Brown Sheetings , Case Bleached Sheetings Case Quilts Bale Print Cloth Case Prints Bale Tickings Skeins Cotton Yarn Burlaps Jute Bagging , 4.0 1.1 3.6 4.8 7.2 4.0 4.5 3.3 1.4 12.5 2.3 10.1 11.4 19.0 9.3 13.4 8.8 5.3 300 75 235 330 295 175 420 325 iso 100 70 24 33 23 30 16 19 31 37 11 30 24 RAGS IN BALES White Linen 8.5 39.5 910 107 23 White Cotton 9.2 40.0 715 78 18 Brown Cotton 7.6 30.0 442 59 15 Paper Shavings 7.5 34.0 507 68 15 Sacking 16.0 -65.0 450 28 7 Woolen .' 7.5 30.0 600 80 20 Jute Butts 2.8 11.1 400 143 36 PAPER Calendered Book Super-calendered Book Newspaper Straw Board Leather Board Writing Wrapping Manilla . GRAIN Wheat in Bags. " " Bulk mean Barrels Flour on side , on end Corn in Bags Cornmeal in Barrels Oats in bags , Bale of Hay Hay, Dederick Compressed. Straw " Tow Excelsior " 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.6 3.7 3.3 5.0 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 4.2 5.4 7.1 3.6 5.9 3.6 20.0 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 165 218 218 112 218 96 284 125 100 150 100 39 50 69 38 33 59 64 10 37 DYE STUFFS Hogsheads Bleaching Powder 11.8 39.2 1200 102 31 Soda Ash 10.8 29.2 1800 167 62 Box Indigo 3.0 9.0 385 128 43 " Cutch 4.0 3.3 150 38 45 " Sumac 1.6 4.1 160 100 39 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 237 80 23 S3 70 50 69 73 63 48 34 42 Caustic Soda in iron drum... Barrel Starch . ' 4.3 3.0 6.8 10.5 600 250 140 83 3.0 10.5 350 117 Box Extract Logwood 1.06 .8 55 52 Barrel Lime 3.6 4.5 225 63 " Cement, American . . . English .... " Plaster 3.8 3.S 3.7 5.5 5.5 6.1 325 400 325 86 105 88 3.0 9.0 430 143 " Lard Oil ... 4 3 12.3 422 98 Rope . MISCELLANEOUS. 2.7 0.5 139 99 " Glass Crate Crockery ... . . 9.9 39.6 1600 162 13.4 42.5 600 52 Bale Leather .... 7 3 12 2 190 26 11.2 16.7 300 27 " Raw Hides 6 30 400 67 " Compressed ' Sole Leather 6.0 12.6 30.0 8.9 700 200 117 22 Pile Sole Leather Barrel Granulated Sugar. . . . Brown Sugar 3.0 3.0 7.5 7.5 317 340 106 113 Cheese . 278 60 40 14 16 18 13 23 16 17 42 MEASURES AND WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS. (Approximate) Brickwork: Brickwork Is estimated by the thousand, and for vari- ous thickneses of wall runs as follows: 8% in. wall, or 1 brick In thickness, 14 bricks per superficial foot. 12% in. wall, or 1% brick In thickness, 21 bricks per superficial foot. 17 in. wall, or 2 brick in thickness, 28 bricks per superficial foot. 21% in. wall, or 2% brick In thickness, 35 bricks per superficial foot. An ordinary brick measures about 8^4x4x2 inches, which is equal to 66 cubic inches, or 26.2 bricks to a cubic foot. The average weight is 4% pounds. Fuel: A bushel of bituminous coal weighs 76 pounds and contains 2686 cubic inches = 1.554 cubic feet. 29.47 bushels = 1 gross ton. A bushel of coke weighs 40 Ibs. (35 to 42 Ibs.) One acre of bituminous coal contains 1600 tons of 2240 Ibs. per foot of thickness of coal worked. 15 to 25 per cent, must be deducted for waste in mining. 41 to 45 cu. ft. bituminous coal when broken down 1 ton, 2240 Ibs. 31 to 41 123 70.9 1 cubic foot of anthracite coal = 5fi to 66 Ibs. anthracite, prepared for market = 1 ton, 2240 Ibs. of charcoal = 1 ton, 2240 Ibs. of coke = 1 ton, 2240 Ibs. bituminous coal 50 to 55 Ibs. " Cumberland coal = 53 Ibs. " Cannel coal = 50.3 Ibs. " Charcoal (hardwood) =18.5 Ibs. " Charcoal (pine) = 18 Ibs. A bushel of charcoal. In 1881 the American Charcoal-Iron Work- ers' Association adopted for use in its official publications for the standard bushel of charcoal 2748 cubic inches, or 20 pounds. A ton of charcoal to be taken at 2000 pounds. This figure of 20 pounds to the bushel was taken as a fair average of different bushels used through- out the country, and it has since been established by law in some states. 238 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. ORES, EARTHS, ( ETC. 13 cubic feet of ordinary gold or silver ore, in mine= 1 ton = 2000 Ibs. 20 ' broken quartz = 1 ton = 2000 Ibs 18 feet of gravel in bank = 1 ton. 27 cubic feet of gravel when dry = 1 ton. 25 sand =1 ton. 18 ' earth in bank 1 ton. 27 " earth when dry 1 ton. 17 " " " clay = 1 ton. Cement. English Portland, sp. gr. 1.25 to 1.61 per bbl. .400 to .430 Ibs. Rosendale, U. S., a struck bushel .62 to .70 Ibs. Lime. A struck bushel .72 to .75 Ibs. Grain. A struck bu. of wheat=60 Ibs.; cornr=56 Ibs.; of oats=30 Ibs. Salt. A struck bushel of salt, coarse, Syracuse, N. Y =.56 Ibs. WEIGHT OF EARTH FILLING. Average Weight in Pounds Per Cubic Foot Earth, common loam, loose 72 to 80 shaken 82 to 92 " rammed moderately .... 90 to 100 Gravel 90 to 106 Sand 90 to 106 Soft flowing mud 104 to 120 Sand, perfectly wet 118 to 129 WEIGHTS OF LOGS, LUMBER, ETC. WEIGHT OF GREEN LOGS TO SCALE 1000 FEET, BOARD MEAS. Yellow Pine (Southern) 8000 to 10000 pounds White Pine (Michigan) off stump 6000 to 7000 out of water 7000 to 8000 Norway Pine (Michigan) 7000 to 8000 White Pine (Pennsylvania) bark off 5000 to 6000 Hemlock (Pennsylvania) bark off 6000 to 7000 Four acres of water are required to store 1,000,000 feet of logs. WEIGHT OF 1000 FEET OF LUMBER, BOARD MEASURE. Yellow or Norway Pine Dry, 3000 pounds Green, 5000 pounds White Pine Dry, 2500 pounds Green, 4000 pounds Weight of One Cord of Seasoned Wood 128 Cubic Feet Per Cord. i Hickory or Sugar Maple 4500 pounds White Oak 3850 Beech, Red Oak or Black Oak 3250 Poplar, Chestnut or Elm 2350 Pine (white or Norway) 2000 Hemlock bark, dry 2200 One cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs about 53 pounds. One cubic foot of bituminous coal weighs from 47 to 50 pounds. A gallon of water (United States standard) weighs 8 1/3 pounds and contains 231 cubic inches. PACTS WORTH KNOWING. 239 AMOUNT OF PAPER REQUIRED FOR A ROOM. HEIGHT OF WALL TO CEILING. No. ft. around room 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. lift. 12ft. 13ft. 14ft. 28 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 32 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 40 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 44 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 48 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 62 13 16 16 18 19 21 22 56 14 16 17 19 21 22 24 60 IB 17 19 20 22 24 26 el 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 i 22 25 27 30 32 34 II 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 ii 92 23 26 28 31 34 37 39 96 24 ' 27 30 32 35 38 41 100 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 104 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 108 27 30 33 36 40 43 46 112 28 31 34 38 42 44 48 116 29 32 36 39 43 46 60 120 30 33 37 40 45 48 61 EXPLANATION. Look for height of ceiling at top of column, number of feet of wall around the room in the left-hand column; in angle will be found the number of single rolls required. EXAMPLE. Number of feet around the room, 36; height of wall of ceiling, 11 feet; in the angle will be found twelve rolls. Subtract one roll for each opening. FOR CEILING. Multiply the length of room by the breadth, divided by 30, and the result will be the number of rolls required. FOR BORDER. Divide the number of feet around the room by 3, and it gives you the number of yards of border required. There are 8 yards in a roll of 18-inch border, and yards in a roll of 9 -inch border. 240 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Table showing number of square feet in veneered doors upon which prices are based. HEIGHT. Width 6.8 6.10 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 7.10 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 8.10 9 2.2 17.6 17.6 17.6 If '.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 18. 18. 18.6 19. 19. 19.6 2.4 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 1&. 18.6 19. 19, 19.6 20. 20.6 20.6 21. 2.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 18. 18.6 19. 10. 19.6 20. 20.6 21. 21.6 22. 22. 22.6 2.8 18. 18.6 19. 19. 19.6 20. 20.6 21. 21.6 22. 22.6 23. 23.6 23.6 24. 2.10 19. 19.6 20. 20. 21. 21.6 22. 22. 23. 23. 23.6 24. 24.6 25. 25.6 3. 20. 20.6 21. 21.6 22. 22:6 23. 23.6 24. 24.6 25. 25.6 26. 26.6 27. 3.2 21. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24.6 25. 25.6 26. 26.6 27. 27.6 28. 28.6 3.4 22.6 23. 23.6 24. 24.6 25. 25.6 26. 27. 27.6 28. 28.6 29. 29.6 30. 3.6 23.6 24. 24.6 25. 26.6 26.6 27. 27.6 28. 29., 29. 30. 30.6 31. 31.6 3.8 24.6 25. 26. 26.6 27. 27.6 28. 29. 29.6 30. 30.6 31. 32. 32.6 33. 3.10 25.6 26. 27. 27.6 28. 29. 29.6 30. 31. 31.6 32, 32.6 33.6 34; 34.6 4 27. 27.6 28. 29. 29.6 30. 31. 31.6 32. 33. 33.6 34. 35. 35.6 36. 4.2 28. 28.6 29. 30. 30.6 31.6 32. 33. 33.6 34. 35. 35.6 36. 37. 37.6 4.4 29. 29.6 30.6 31. 32. 32.6 33.6 34. 35. 35.6 36. 37. 37.6 38.6 39. 4.6 30. 31. 31.6 32.6 33. 34. 34.6 35.6 36. 37. 37.6 38.6 39. 40, 40.6 4.8 31.6 32. 33. 33.6 34.6 35, 36. 36.6 37.6 38. 3,9. ' 40. 40.6 41.6 42. 4.10 32.6 33. 34. 35. 35.6 36.6 37. 38. 39. 39.6 40.6 41. 42. 43. 43.6 6. 33.6 34. 35. 36. 37. 37.6 38.6 39. 40. 41. 42. 42.6 43.6 44. 45. 6.2 34.6 35.6 36. 37. 38. 39. 39.6 40.6 41.6 42. 43. 44.. 45. 46. 46.6 5.4 35.6 36.6 37.6 38.6 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 43.6 44.6 45.6 46.6 47.6 48. 6.6 37. 37.6 38.6 39.6 40.6 41.6 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 48.6 49.6 6.8 38. 39. 40. 40.6 41.6 42.6 43.6 44.6 45.6 46.6 47.6 48. 49. 50. 51. 6.10 39 40 41 42 43 44 45. 46 47. 48 48 6 49 6 50 6 51.6 52.6 6. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53; 54. 6.2 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.6 46.6 47.6 48.6 49.6 50.6 51.6 52.6 53.6 54.6 55.6 6.4 42.6 43.6 44.6 45 6 46 6 47.0 48,6 50 51. 5? 53. 54. 55 56 58. 6.6 43.6 44.6 45.6 46.6 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.6 56.6 57.6 58.6 6.8 44.6 45.6 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.6 53.6 54.6 55.6 57. 58. 59. 60. 6.10 45.6 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.6 52.6 53.6 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.6 60.6 61.6 7. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.6 52.6 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.6 59.6 61. 62, 63. 7.2 48 49 50 51 6 52 6 54. 55 56 57 6 58 6 60 61 62 63 6 64 6 7.4 49. 50. 51.6 52.6 54. 55. 56.6 57.6 59. 59.6 61. 62.6 63'. 6 65. 66. 7.6 50. 51.6 52.6 54. 55. 56.6 57.6 59. 60. 61.6 62.6 64. 65. 66.6 67.6 7.8 51. 52.6 54. 55. 56.6 57.6 59. 60. 61.6 62.6 64. 65. 66.6 68. 69. 7.10 52.6 53.6 55. 56. 57.6 59. 60. 61.6 63. 64. 65.6 66.6 68. 69. 70.6 8. 53.6 55. 56. 57.6 59. 60. 61.6 63. 64. 65.6 67. 68. 69.6 71. 72. As labor is the principal item in cost of doors, we figure no door less than 17.6 square feet. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 241 NUMBER OF BRICK REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT ANY BUILDING. (Reckoning 7 Brick to Each Superficial Foot.) Superficial Feet of Wall. NUMBER OF BRICKS TO THICKNESS OF 4 in. Sin. 12 in. 16 in. 20 in. 24 in. 1 7 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 150 225 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 6750 7500 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 300 450 600 750 900 100O 1200 1350 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 12000 13500 15000 23 45 68 90 113 135 158 180 203 225 450 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 4500 6750 9000 11250 13500 15750 18600 20250 22500 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240' 270 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 27000 30000 38 75 113 150 188 225 263 300 338 375 750 1125 1500 1875 3000 3375 3750 7500 11250 15000 18750 22500 26250 30000 33750 37500 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 900 1350 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600 4050 4500 9000 13500 18000 22400 27000 31500 36000 40500 45000 2:::::::::: 3 4 5 6. . 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60. . 70 80 90 100 200. . 300 400. . 600 600 700 800 900. . 1000 In brick work, corners are not measured twice as in stone work. Openings over two feet square are deducted. Arches are counted from spring. Fancy work counted one and one-half bricks for one. Pillars are measured on their face only. 16 242 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 243 MADE TO ORDER SHADES. List price of shades made to order of Victor cloth, mounted on Hartshorn rollers, ready to hang. PRICE PER SHADE, YEAR 1913. Width in Inches. 38 42 45 48 1 54 63 72 81 90 102 114 120 150 4 feet. .. $. 88 $1.32 $1.38 $1.56 $1.82 $2.38 $3.18 $3.80 $4.32 $5.36 $8.82 $10.30 $17.40 5 " 1.00 1.50 1.56 1.78 2.08 2.70 3.56 4.26 4.86 6.08 9.76 11.62 10.60 6 " 1.10 1.66 1.74 2.00 2.34 3.02 3.96 4.72 5.40 6.78 10.70 12.90 21.78 7 " 1.24 1.84 1.94 2.22 2.60 3.34 4.36 5.20 5.94 7.52 11.64 14.22 23.98 8 " 1.34 2.00 2.12 2.44 2.82 3.68 4.76 5.66 6.48 8.24 12.58 15.54 26.16 9 " 1.46 2.30 2.44 2.78 3.30 .4.18 5.40 6.38 7.34 9.32 13.90 17.20 28.36 10 " 1.76 2.48 2.62 2.98 3.56 4^50 5.80 6.86 7.88 10.06 14.84 18.52 30.54 11 " 1,88 2.66 2.82 3.20 3.80 4.84 6.20 7.32 8.42 12.90 15.78 19.84 38.98 12 " 1.98 2.94 3.12 3.56 4.24 5.34 6.82 8.02 9.26 13.98 17.08 21.48 41.16 13 " 2.54 3.28 3.48 3.84 4.92 5.88 7.46 8.50 9.80 14.72 18.02 22.80 43.36 14 " 2.64 3.46 3.68 4.06 5.20 6.20 7.84 8.96 10.34 15.44 18.96 24.12 45.54 15 " 2.88 3.74 3.96 4.52 5.62 6.70 8.46 9.68 11.20 16.50 20.28 25.78 47.74 All shades under 38 inches, charged at 38-inch price. When shades are longer than even feet, take next length price. DUPLEX OR DOUBLE FACED OIL OPAQUE SHADE. List price of Duplex shades made to order, mounted on Hartshorn rollers, ready to hang. PRICE PER SHADE. Width in Inches. 38 42 45 48 54 63 72 81 90 102 114 120 150 4 feet . $1.18 $1.74 $1.84 $2.06 $2.40 $3.10 $4.12 $4.94 $5.62 $6.96 $11.58 $13.56 $23.06 5 " 1.36 1.98 2.06 2.34 2.74 3.50 4.60 5.52 6.32 7.88 12.78 15.26 25.96 6 " . 1.50 2.18 2.30 2.62 3.08 3.92 5.10 6.10 7.00 8.87 14.00 16.94 28.84 7 " 1.68 2.42 2.56 2.92 3.42 4.32 5.60 6.70 7.68 9.72 15.20 18.64 31.74 8 " . 1.80 2.64 2.80 3.20 3.74 4.76 6.12 7.28 8.38 10.62 16.42 20.36 34.62 9 ' . 1.98 3.02 3.22 3.64 4.34 5.42 6.94 8.20 9.48 12.02 18.14 22.54 37.52 10 ' .. 2.38 3.26 3.44 3.90 4.68 5,82 7.44 8.82 10.18 12.96 19.34 24.24 40.38 11 ' ... 2.56 3.50 3.70 1 4.20 5.00 6.26 7.94 9.40 10.86 16.70 20.54 25.96 51.60 12 ' ... 2.70 3.86 4.1Q 4.66 5.58 6.90 8.74 10.30 11.94 18.10 22.24 28.10 54.48 13 ' ... 3.44 4.32 4.5S 5.04 6.50 7.60 9.56 10.90 12.64 19.04 23.44 29.83 57.38 14 ' ... 3.58 4.54 4.84 5.32 6.84 8.02 10,04 11.48 13.32 19.96 24.66 31.54 60.26 Duplex combination, with colors, shown in this book, will be fur- nished at above prices. VICTOR HAND MADE OIL OPAQUE SHADE CLOTH. Made from the finest grade of shade muslin and painted with best oil paint. Will not crack or face. About 60 yards to piece. PRICE PER YARD. Width in Inches. 38 42 45 48 54 63 72 81 90 102 114 120 150 fall piece per yard . . $0.44 .48 $0.60 .64 $0.64 .68 $0.72 .78 $0.84 .92 $1.20 1.30 $1.40 1.50 $1.60 1.76 $1.80 2.00 $2.20 2.50 $2.80 3.20 $3.80 4.50 $6.00 6.00 Less per yard.. 244 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. BUILDING HINTS. One thousand shingles laid four inches to the weather will cover 100 square feet of surface, and five pounds of shingle nails will fasten them on. One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of square feet of surface to be covered, because of the lap in the siding and matching-. One thousand lath will cover 70 yards of surface, and 11 pounds of lath nails will fasten them on. Eight bushels of good lime, 16 bushels of sand and 1 bushel of hair will make enough good mortar to plaster 100 square yards. A cord of stone, three bushels of lime, and a cubic yard of sand will lay 100 cubic feet of wall. Five courses of brick will lay 1 foot in height on a chimney; 16 bricks in a course will make a flue 8 inches wide and 16 inches long. Cement 1 bushel and sand 2 bushels will cover 3% square yards 1 inch thick, 4% square yards % inch thick, and 6% square yards % Inch thick. One bushel of cement and one of sand will cover 2^4 square yards 1 Inch thick. Stone walls are measured by the perch (24% cubic feet). Openings less than 3 feet wide are counted solid; over 3 feet, deducted; but 18 inches are added to the running measure for e'ach jamb built. Arches are counted solid from the spring; corners of buildings are measured twice; pillars less than 3 feet are counted on three sides as lineal, mul- tiplied by fourth side and depth. It is customary to measure all foundations and dimensions of stone by the cubic foot; water table and base courses by lineal feet; all sills and lintels or ashler by superficial feet, and no wall less than 18 inches thick. PRICES QUOTED THE WM. WINDHORST DRY GOODS CO. BY RELIANCE TEXTILE AND DYE WORKS CO., BOTH OF CINCINNATI, OHIO, FOR CON- DITIONING SALVAGE, DEC. 4TH, 1907. Linens 2c Linings 2c Toweings %c Dress goods 3c Buntings %c Outing flannel Crash %c Blankets, cotton 15c Danish cloth l*4c Blankets, wool 26c Poplar cloth l%c Quilts 12%c Woolen serge 3c Comforts 12%c Canton flannel l%c Cashmeres l%c Cotton domestic l%c Mor. sateens 2%o Wool flannel 2%c Sheetings %c Bleached sheeting l%c Ticking Ic Unbleached sheeting %c Ginghams Ic Prints %c Doubling Ic per yard extra. This stock was conditioned as per the above bid. The author never saw a damaged fire stock put into better condition. Captain Comway and his salvage corps put part of the stock in condition and did grand work. When iron or machinery has been damaged, dip in the following solution, or apply solution with a brush. 1 part muriatic acid 20 parts kerosene oil 40 parts paraffine oil. Then when you want to clean them off (this solution will protect from further rust), redip them in paraffine oil and rub off with waste. A good wash, but expensive, is water with oxalic acid. This is good for knives and saw blades. Let lay in solution about ten minutes, then take out and dip in paraffine oil and rub off. Black goods, such as hangers, etc. Iron filler thinned with tur- pentine. This gives a bluish tint. If you want a Jet black color, mix in some lampblack ground in oil. , To clean brass goods, dip in oil of vitriol. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 245 RECEIPT FOR LAUNDERING CLOTHES SMOKED BY FIRE. This receipt by a colored woman, a former slave, owned by the "Fust Ah puts the smoked and soiled clothes into a tub of cold watah, into which Ah has already put a handful of common bakin' soda. Then Ah lets 'em soak all night. Next momin' Ah puts on a boiler of watah, into which Ah poah's a cup of kerosene oil, two- thirds of a bar of soap and a handful of washing powder. Ah lets them clothes boil in that watah a while, then Ah takes 'em out and washes 'em. They come out clean, too." WHAT CHICAGO BUILDING COST. COMPILED BY HARRY FOX, Cook Co. Manager, Milwaukee Mechanics Ins. Co. Up-to-date table for estimating the approximate value of buildings at present 1915 prices for labor and materials. Good judgment must be exercised in estimating values by taking Into consideration the manner of construction and the quality of ma- terials put into the building. Cost of buildings new at price in cents per cu. ft. in structure. To obtain cu. ft. multiply length of building by the width and then by the average height, measuring from the bottom of basement to square of roof. DWELLINGS. FRAME. Shingle roof, pine floors and trim, two coats of paint in- side and outside, no bath room or furnace, plain finish 8c to lOc BRICK. Same class lOc to 12c FRAME. rShingle roof, hardwood floor in hall and parlor, bath, furnace, fair plumbing 9c to lie BRICK. Same class, composition roof lie to 13c FRAME. Shingle roof, hardwood floor and trim on first floor, pine floor and Georgia pine trim on second floor, good plumbing, furnace, artistic design, some interior ornamentation, well painted.. I3c to 16c HANDSOME BRICK. Pressed brick and stone trim front, artistic design, hardwood floors and trim throughout, good plumbing, furnace, tasty interior ornamentation, very desirable residence 14c to 17o FIRST-CLASS BRICK. The kind you find on the boulevards, pressed brick and stone trimmed front, hot water or steam heat, elab- orate design and interior ornamentation, hardwood floors and trim throughout, best of plumbing 17c to 22c PALATIAL STONE FRONT. Quarter-sawed oak or mahogany trim, hardwood floors, steam heat, extra plumbing, very artistic de- sign, every modern convenience 25c to 35c BARNS. PRIVATE BARNS FRAME Shingle roof, painted, good founda- tions, stall and bins complete 6c to lOc PRIVATE BARNS BRICK. Composition roof, stalls and bins complete lOc to 12c FLATS. (Complying with City Ordinance.) FRAME. Shingle or composition roof, hardwood floors and trim, good plumbing, furnace, artistic design, well painted lOc to 12c BRICK. Pressed brick front, composition roof, good plumbing, furnace, bath, Georgia pine or oak trim, hardwood floors.... 12c to 15c FIRST-CLASS BRICK. Pressed brick and stone front, hot water or steam heat, elaborate design, interior ornamentation, hardwood throughout, best of plumbing 15c to 18c PALATIAL STONE FRONT Quarter- sawed oak or mahogany trim and hardwood floors, steam heat, extra plumbing, artistic de- sign, every modern convenience, marble entrance 20c to 30c 246 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. FRAME lOc to 12c BRICK 12c to 14c STONE 15c to 25c If slate or metal roof, add *4c per foot to above. STORES AND FLATS. (Stores 1st floor and flats above, 2 to 3 stories in height.) FRAME. Composition roof, pine floors and trim, bath, furnace, fair plumbing lOc to 12c BRICK. Pressed brick, stone trimmings, hardwood floors and trim, good plumbing, hot water or steam heat 12c to 15c STORE BUILDINGS. (Stores and Lofts, 2 to 3 stories in height.) FRAME. Ordinary construction, gravel or metal roof, hydraulic elevator 6c to 8c BRICK. Same construction 7c to lOc REINFORCED CONCRETE 12c to 15c REINFORCED CONRETE. Above 3 story, heavy carrying ca- pacity 17c to 20c BUILDINGS OF LARGE AREA. (Mill Construction) BRICK AND STONE. For factories and warehouses 7c to 9c Smaller area lOc to 12c FIREPROOF OFFICE BUILDINGS. BRICK AND STONE. Steel construction, every modern conven- ience, measuring from floor to basement to top of roof, omitting courts 35c to 66c FIREPROOF STORES, FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. BRICK, STONE AND STEEL CONSTRUCTION Modern Equip- ment 18c to 22c FIREPROOF APARTMENT BUILDINGS. BRICK, STEEL AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Modern conveniences 20c to 26c ESTIMATES OF DEPRECIATION. The figures given above are for new buildings. To ascertain the present value, a discount between old and new buildings should be made as follows: BRICK, occupied by owner, % to 1 per cent, per year. FRAME, occupied by owner, 1 to 2 per cent, per year. BRICK, occupied by tenant, 1% to 1% per cent, per year. FRAME, occupied by tenant, 1% to 2% per cent, per year. These figures for depreciation are to include buildings where ordi- nary repairs have been made. If extraordinary repairs have been made the discount should not be so heavy. Exercise good Judgment as to depreciation, as no accurate rule can be established, and when you have determined what the present worth of the building is, insure it for about 80 per cent, of same in the old reliable. COST OF LABOR AND MATERIAL For Estimating Repairs to Buildings. NOTE. The following prices for lumber and material are the retail prices, labor being figured at Contractor's prices for repair work. A space 30x10 feet constitutes one square. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 247 WALL PAPER. Cost of hanging, 16c to 30c per single roll for ordinary work, ac- cording to quality of paper. Three and one -half rolls will cover one square. PLASTERING. Two coats of plastering repair work cost 60c per sq. yd. Three-coat work costs 60c per sq. yd. For cement plaster add lOc per sq. yd. extra. Small jobs add for cartage. Plaster labor costs 75c per hour, plus contractor's profit. Plasters' helper costs 45c per hour. Lathers' labor $6.00 per day of 8 hours. NOTE. To ascertain the number of yards of plaster, multiply the length of ceiling by the width. Do the same with each side wall and add all together, divide by nine and the result will be the number of yards. Make no deductions for openings unless very large. PLUMBING. 30 gal. iron boiler, connected $20.00 each Enameled sinks, 18x24 in., connected 15.00 each 6 foot enameled bathtub, connected 35.00 each Porcelain washout closet with tank, connected 30.00 each Hopper closet, connected 20.00 each Laundry tubs, 2 divisions, cement, connected 35.00 each Wash bowls, plain marble slabs, connected 25.00 each Brass faucets, put on 2.00 each Plated faucets, put on 2.25 each 6 in iron soil pipe, put in, $1.00 per running foot. 4 in iron soil pipe, put in, 60c per running foot. Plumbing labor costs $6.40 per day of eight hours, plus contractor's profit. SEWERS. 6 in. sewer, ordinary digging, laid with proper drain, well cemented, 60c per lineal foot. Traps, $1.50 each. Elbows, $1.25 each. Catch basins, 5x6, stone cover, $15.00. ELECTRIC WIRING. To estimate the cost of electric wiring in ordinary buildings as- certain the number of lights and multiply same by $3.00; conduit, $5.00. GAS PIPING. To estimate cost of gas piping in ordinary buildings, ascertain the number of lights and multiply by $2.50. Gas pipe put in, connected, 20c per running foot. Gas fitters' labor costs $6.50 per day of eight hours. ROOFING. Gravel roof, 3-ply, $3.50 per square. Gravel roof, 4-ply, $4.00 per square. Gravel roof, 5-ply, $4.25 per square. Slate roof, ordinary black slate, $10.00 to $12.00 per square. Slate roof, fancy green and red, $15.00 to $30.00 per square. Best galvanized iron roofing, standing seams, $9.00 to $12.00 per square, painted. Best tin roofing, standing seams, $8.00 to $11.00 per square, painted. Tile roofing, $12.00 to $15.00 per square, according to design. METAL CEILINGS. Fancy metal ceilings with cornice cost $8.00 to $12.00 per square. Corrugated iron ceiling, $6 00 to $7.00 per square. 248 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. CARPENTRY. Carpenter labor costs 70c per hour, plus contractor's profit. Eight hours constitute one day. 13/16x6% in. common yellow pine flooring costs $25.00 per M., 13/16x3% $23.00 per M. 1x4 or 1x6 in. white Norway C. pine flooring costs $40.00 per M. Labor for laying 6 in. pine flooring, $2.00 per square; 4 in., $2.60 per square. 13/16x2% in. face clear maple flooring C9sts $47.00 per M. Labor for laying 2% in. face maple flooring, smooth for oil finish, $3.50 to $4.50 per square. 13/16x2% in. plain white oak flooring costs $60.00 per M. 13/16x2% in. faced quarter-sawed white oak flooring costs $94.00 per M. Labor for laying and scraping oak floor, 2% in. face, for wax or varnish, $7.00 to $8.00 per square. Smoothing and scraping oak floors alone costs $2.50 to $3.60 per square. Base, pine, 2 member moulded, put down, 8c per running foot; 3 member, 12c. 4 and 6 in. clear Northern pine beveled siding costs $32.00 per M. 4 and 6 in. clear Washington redwood beveled siding costs $33.00 per M. 4 and 6 in. clear Washington spruce beveled siding costs $26.00 per M. Labor for putting on siding, $2.75 per square for 4 to 6 in. siding; for narrow mitred siding, $3.75 per square. Labor for putting on shingles, $2.60 to $3.00 per thousand shingles. Best grades of clear red cedar shingles cost $4.00 per thousand. Common No. 2 pine doors, complete with frames, placed in posi- tion, with hardware, not painted, cost $8.00 to $12.00 each. Fancy oak front doors complete, placed in position, with hardware, cost $15.000 to $25.00 each, according to style. Oak veneered doors, 1% in. pine core, 20c to 35c per square foot for door only. Labor and hardware extra. Oak veneered doors, as above, complete with frame, placed in position, with hardware, $14.00 to $18.00 each. Mantles Hardwood, artistic design, complete with mirror and grate, set $45.00 to $65.00 each. Grilles Fancy oak, $1.25 to $1.76 per lineal foot set. Windows With sash, frame, casing, cords, weights complete, put in, $9.00 to $12.00 each. If hardwood frame and trim, with sash, $12.00 to $14.00. Stairs Common oak, for dwellings, without rail, $2.50 per riser, labor included. Stair Rail Oak, moulded design, 30c to 36c per running foot, labor Included. Stair Rail Pine moulded design, 16c to 25c per running foot, labor included. Balusters Pine, fancy turned 12c to 16c each; oak 15c to 30c each, labor included. Newels 5 in. quarter-sawed oak, moulded cap $6.00 to $9.00; plain oak $5.00 to $7.00; pine $4.00 to $6.00 each, labor included. Porches Front, frame, ordinary construction, 6 to 7 feet wide, shingle roof, ceiled, square or turned columns, frieze and cornice, balusters at floor, complete, $8.00 to $10.00 per front foot measure, 12x12 in. stone pillars under porches, $1.00 per lineal foot. PAINTING AND GLAZING. Painting, two-coat work, costs 20c per sq. yd. Painting, three- coat work, costs 25c per sq. yd. Painters' labor cost 70c per hour, plus contractor's profit. Calcimining costs $3.00 to $5.00 per room for small rooms and 80c per square for large rooms. NOTE. To ascertain the number of yards painted surface, mul- tiply the length by the width, in feet, and divide by nine, and the re- sult will be the number of yards. Lattice work and stair balusters are counted double. For* reglazing old work, add 20 to 50 per cent, to cost of glass, according to quantity set. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 249 STONE WORK. Common rubble stone, 100 cu. ft. to the cord, costs, laid in wall, $20.00 to $25.00 per cord, according to location and necessary hauling. Rock face, 4 in. Bedford stone for facing, furnished and set in wall, costs $1.75 to $2.25 per square foot face measurement. Mason labor costs $6.00 per day, plus contractor's profit. Mason helper costs 40c per hour, plus contractor's profit. BRICK WORK. Common brick, furnished and laid in 12 in. wall, costs $14.00 per M. wall count. Pressed brick, for facing, laid in wall, colored mortar, rodded Joints, add to cost of brick $10.00 to $20.00 per thousand for laying, according to character and design of front. CEMENT BLOCK WALLS. 12 in. block walls cost about the same as 12 in. common brick wall, laid, less 25 per cent, of the cost of brick for similar wall. Concrete basement walls cost 28c per cubic foot, wall measurement. Cement sidewalk costs 12c to 15c per square foot. Cement basement floors cost lOc per square foot. CHIMNEYS. Ordinary single flue chimneys cost $1.00 per lineal foot. For double flue $1.75 per lineal foot. INTERIOR MARBLE WORK. (For Wainscoting and Floors in Apartment Houses and Office Buildings.) Wainscoting, Italian, white, $1.00 per sq. ft. set. Wainscoting, English Vein Italian, white, $1.05 per sq. ft. set. Wainscoting, Tennessee Marble, 80c per sq. ft. set. Wainscoting, Vermont white marble, 95c per sq. ft. set. Wainscoting, Vermont green marble, $1.60 per sq. ft. set. Floors Marble tile, 80c per sq. ft. laid; mosaic, 75c per sq. ft. laid. TO ESTIMATE COST OF RADIATION PER CUBIC FOOT. (Direct Radiation.) Steam Heat Allow 1 foot radiation for each 50 cu. ft. of space. Figure radiation at 72c per radiation foot. Hot Water Heat Allow 1 foot radiation for each 30 cu. ft. of space. Figure radiation at 75c per radiation foot. The above is for average rooms. If rooms have extraordinary large window exposure, increase radiation. If smaller window space than average, decrease radiation. Be careful in the distribution of radiation, as the success of a heating plant depends largely upon arrangement and location of radiators. FROM REPORT OF NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. Some Important Losses on Fire Proof Buildings. Damage Value PerCt. Pittsburg, Pa. Holmes estate, owners six story department store building, exposure fire, May 3, 1897 $386,980 57 250 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Pittsburg, Pa. Holmes Estate, owners 4-story building, mercantile purposes, 1st and 2d, offices above. Exposure fire May 3, 1897 120,322 49 New York City Home L,ife Ins. Co., owners 15 story building, mercantile purposes, 1st, offices above. Exposure fire, Dec. 4, 1898. 900,000 22 Pittsburg, Pa. Holmes Estate, owners, 6-story Department Store building. Internal fire, April 7, 1900 475,000 32 New York City American Fine Arts Society, 4-story Art School building. Internal fire, May 8, 1901 185,000 11 Chicago, 111. Iroquois Theatre. Internal fire, Dec. 30, 1903. Building 311,114 18 Scenery 100 Other contents 70 Patterson, N. J. City Hall, 4-story detached office occupancy. Conflagration Feb. 9, 1902 310,183 58 New York City Broadway Improvement Co., owners, 8-story mercantile building. In- ternal fire, Feb. 26, 1903 300,000 23 Rochester, N. Y. Granite Building Co., owners, 12-story department store, 1st and 2d, of- fices above. Exposure fire, Feb. 29, 1904.. 600,000 41 Rochester, N. Y Granite Building Co., owners, 7-story stable and storage, unprotected iron. Exposure fire, Feb. 29, 1904. Rochester, N. Y. Granite Building Co., owners, 7-story wholesale dry goods and depart- ment store, unprotected iron. Exposure fire, Feb. 20, 1904 247,360 92 Baltimore Conflagration, February 7, 1904 Calvert Building Co., owners, 12-story of- fice building 634,075 57 National Bank of Commerce, owners, 1- story bank building 92,000 50 Union Trust Co., owners, 11-story bank and office building 348,795 61 International Trust Co., owners, 1-story bank building ._.'. 120,364 70 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 251 Herald, owners, 6-story newspaper and printing office building 217,131 59 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., owners, 7-story office and telephone build- ing 115,000 39 National Mechanics Bank, owners, 4-story and attic office building 156,854 95 National Union Bank, owners, 1-story bank building 119,744 54 Merchants National Bank, owners, 7-story bank and office building 405,000 54 Continental Trust Co., owners, 16-story of- fice building ' 1,028,461 65 Calvert Building Co., owners, "Equitable Building," 10-story office building 1,037,965 74 Baltimore Trust Co., owners, Maryland Trust Co., building 10-story bank and of- fices 404,000 60 Firemen's Ins. Co., owners, 6-story office building 106,000 52 The insurance loss ratio to values insured on all classes of property in the Baltimore conflagration was 90 per cent. that is, the total value of all classes of property involved in the con- flagration was $37,382,426.49, covered by $32,245,273.39 insur- ance, on which the losses paid amounted to $29,074,358.51. Excluding seven of the largest and best fire-proof build- ings involved, the loss ratio to insurance involved, was 90.4 per cent. The insurance loss on these seven buildings was 88.4 per cent. The loss ratio to insurance involved on these seven fire- proof buildings and sixteen other so-called fire-proof buildings, was 76.3 per cent. Loss ratio to insurance involved, excluding these seven fire-proof buildings, and the sixteen so-called fire- proof buildings, was 92 per cent. Loss ratio to value of the twenty-three fire-proof and so-called fire-proof buildings re- ferred to, was 56.4 per cent. 252 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. WHAT SOME FIREPROOF BUILDINGS COST PER CUBIC FOOT. Cost per Date Cubic City Building City Built Foot Memphis Memphis Trust Bldg. 1905 $0.349 Cincinnati Traction Bldg-. 1903 .3906 Cincinnati First National Bank 1904 .31779 Boston Chamber of Commerce 1892 .32 Boston Exchange Bldg. 1891 .32 Chicago Borden Block 1891 .15 Chicago Stock Exchange 1893 .33 Chicago Rookery 1893 .32 Chicago Masonic Temple .58 New York Herald Bldg. 1893 .46 Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce .26 San Francisco Croker Bldg. .63 Chicago Auditorium .36 The following shows the itemized construction cost of a fireproof office building in the insurance district of New York City, built in the panic year 1893, when both labor and material were to be had at low cost at least forty per cent, lower than at this time, December, 1904. The cost per cubic foot (from the bottom of the concrete foundation to the. top of the roof) was 40 cents. . Mason's work $ 80,000.00 Granite : 4,588.00 Terra Cotta 8,185.00 Steam heating t 23,278.00 Carpenter work 40,041.00 Iron work 89,340.00 Exterior marble 43,325.00 Interior marble 39,112.00 Plumbing 16,535.00 Elevators 21,000.00 Electric lighting, etc % 22,311.50 Plastering ! 9,596.00 $397,311.50 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 253 *i upi's M EnccS^feof 254 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. JrHCOl-O:^ --r-JSOff^C aiii Sfe 18 ;8 8 IS oo : OSCCb; SS8 lisH 8 18 :S 8 *Mt-M<| 2 IS i i 18 O> trH0 (N^ 't- -a* ce ^i inil i 1 1 ny M i! ill " i * l/J TZ ^ nft 4* " INSi^Jl : S3a aB s-aftS 52 Ed 11|||||S||||||||| l|=| ^ !| |{ ill! >r. O 3 w^O o -bo H|p lllll W^So TOPICAL INDEX Assessed Value 27 Appraisal Arbitration Award : Before appraisal clause in policy can be brought into operation, an effort must be made to adjust loss, as only differences can be appraised 93, 97 Effect of valued policy law 11, 17, 93, 113 Condition precedent to suit in Maine and Massachusetts 94 Annotated case 94 Neither party has the right to insist the other shall first demand it 95 Effect of common law A 95, 96 Effect of proceeding before appointment of umpire 96 Agreement of appraisers evidence of impartiality. '. 97 In case of disagreement assured must demand appraisal. .97, 98 Condition precedent to suit 98 Not a condition precedent to suit 98 Must be a disagreement to bring clause into operation 99 Pennsylvania docs not uphold A clause 99 Nebraska does not uphold A clause 99 Waiver of appraisal 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 118, 130, 131 Joint demand by several companies is not good 99 Effect of assured's sale of goods before appraisal 100 Effect of insisting on appraisal different in terms from policy provision 100 Effect of assured's refusal of company's demand 100 Verbal demando are merged in subsequent written demand.. . 100 What is not a demand 100, 111 Assured may serve demand on company's local agent 101 Effect of company's failure to answer assured's statement that he would dispose of goods if appraisal not granted in flve days 101 Once refusing to appraise company not thereafter compel an appraisal 101 Two fires to same property constitutes a single claim 101 Effect of asured's death 102 What is not joint or common law appraisal 102 Appraisal is waiver of option to rebuild 66, 102 Unless the agreement contains a non- waiver clause 102 Effect of appraisal with other companies 102, 131 Effect of company denying part of the property was covered by its policy 10S When demand for A too late 103 Assured may refuse A and afterwards grant it 103 Parties may agree to A different from that provided in Michi- gan standard policy 104 Effect of statute making the amount of the policy prima facie evidence of insurable value at date policy was issued. . . . 104 Assured must produce books for appraisers inspection 104 Effect of failure of appraisal due to assured's bad faith 104 Value of saloon furniture and fixtures in dry town 104 Assured's right to introduce evidence before the appraisers 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 Conduct of appraisers 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 Agreement to arbitrate all differences is void 110 Meaning of appraisal as used in the policy 110 Total loss goods 110, 111, 112 Damaged goods 110, 111, 112 Professional unfair appraiser 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,. 119, 120, 124, 125, 126, 127, 132 Burden of proving unfairness 116 255 256 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS Appraisers not obliged to follow strict rules of law 121 Appraisal in detail 122 If A fails through no fault of assured, company cannot force another 127, 128 Held to the contrary t 128 Massachusetts on same question 128 Appraisal waives a prior breach of policy 129 Appraisal waives proofs of loss 129, 130, 132 Non-waiver clauce 129 When company may deny liability and still insist on ap- praisal 129 When A waives nothing 130, 132 Company's refusal to appraise waives nothing except the right to thereafter have an appraisal 131 What is not a waiver of prior breach of policy 131 Award of appraisers nullifies the clause limiting time in which suit may be brought 132 Waiver of assured's sale of goods 132 When demand for A too late 133 When demand for A not too late 133 Public adjuster may be competent and disinterested A 133 Mortgagee to whom policy is payable in case of loss, his rights 133, 134, 135 Any one accident 165 Allowed 166 Adjacent 166 Additional insurance 167 Any mercantile purposes 170 Account of whom it may concern 172, 185 Assured Insured 186 Appreciation 226 Apportionment; see Contribution. Average clause 144, 145 Articles used in packing 173 Blown up by city authorities to prevent spread of fire 10 Boiler burned by fire in its furnace 17 Builder's risk 168 Brick building and additions 174 Building and all additions thereto adjoining and communicating. . 174 Building and additions 175, 177 Building 176 Building known as St. Anthony's elevator 178 Building when personal property 182 Boat 183 Books 181 Blowing up, drowning, etc 184 City ordinance as to building repairs 10, 17 Condemned building 10 City ordinances, causing increased cost of repairs 11, 12 Consequential loss 18 Cash value ; see Measure of damage 25 Certificate of magistrate or notary public : When condition precedent 49 Not concerned in loss as creditor 50 What is necessary to compel its furnishing 50, 51 Cancellation of policy : By failure of company 137 Contribution of Non-concurrent insurance : Reading rule 139 Massachusetts rule 139 Vermont rule 139 Cromie or Kentucky rule 139 Connecticut rule 139 New Jersey rule 139 Oklahoma Page rule 140 Texas Page rule 140 U. S. C. C. A. Page rule 140 U. S. C. C. Meig's rule 140 Pennsylvania Meig's rule 141 Maryland rule 141 New York rule 142 TOPICAL INDEX 257 New York rule j'f :\'' V..V }!!! Coinsurance clause rule 143, 144, 145, 179 Average distribution clause 144, 145 Three-fourths clause 14& Average, coinsurance, reduced rate clauses, suggested forms 145, 146 Average clause advised against by National Credit Men's Asso- ciation 146, 147 Author's answer J* Wisconsin rule If* Canadian rule Joj> Floating policy 150 When specific policy is exhausted }pU Reading rule If} Finn rule 151 Exemplified 153 Albany rule 151 Exemplified Jj>* Kinne rule 153 Exemplified 15* Kentucky rule exemplified 154 Wisconsin rule exemplified 155 Reading rule exemplified 155 Hypothetical case showing what each of the various rules would pay 156, 157 What the policy contract provides 158 Suggestions as to course to follow 158 Kinne rule, its author's explanation, and directions as to apply, and exemplification of its application. .158, 159, 160, 161 Concurrent insurance 165, 179 Cotton baled, held for compression or compressed but not loaded on cars, etc 170 Coton in bales for which bills of lading have been issued 171 Cars leased and for which assured is liable 171 Cars owned or used by assured 171 Contribution assured's Goods in trust 172 Contained in their factory 173 Church building 178 Cars on side track within 100 feet 179 Civil commotion 184 Cargo of negroes, insured against blowing up, drowning, etc 184 Clerk sleeps in store : 185 Co-partner's purchase of partner's interest 185 Crude petroleum Camphene 186 Coal oil, refined 187 Change within the control of assured 188 Contained in 188 Certain quantity of coal 189 Consisting of 189 Change of title . 190 Coinsurance clause 143, 144, 145, 179 Commission clause ; see Held in trust. Chattel mortgage 179 Change of title. 190 Direct defined 7 Direct loss, what is 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 75, 76 Direct loss, what is not 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Direct lo^ s, what is 10 Decorations to walls and ceilings 168 Dissolution of partnership 186 Deliver in 188 Dwelling 188 Dwelling house, stone 189 Depreciation 25, 199 Duplicate bills 54, 56, 57 Damaged goods ; see "Options." Examination under oath (of assured and of his books and papers) 46, 47, 53 Assured himself must appear and be examined under oath... 54 Company must name reasonable time and place 54 Assured must subscribe to such examination 54 17 258 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS Must furnish duplicate bills when? 54, 56, 57 What is a certified duplicate bill 55, 57 Assured need not disclose settlement with other company 55 Assured need not answer immaterial 55 Proper place for such examinations 55 Reasonable place 55, 56 Question for the jury 55 Improper demand by company 56, 57 Denial of liability waives right to examination 56 When impossible to produce books, effect of 56 Assured's right to have his attorney present 57 Waiver of right to demand certified bills 57 Effect of misstatement in examination 57, 59 Willful false swearing 57 Duplicate bills are no part of proofs of loss, the claim becomes due 60 days after proofs are furnished 57 Explosion 79, 81, 82, 83 English, American and West India goods 169 Eggs in pickle 175 Earth oils 187 Expert accounting in its relation to the adjustment of losses : Showing incorrect statement of loss 191, 194 Showing correct method 192 Profit statement, how to make 193, 195, 200 Statement of loss, how to make 194, 195, 200 Statement of loss by quantities 195 Discussion of book statements 196, 197 Discussion of depreciation 198, 199, 201 Value of Mercantile Agency Reports . 202 Sample page of (Mdse. a/c on) ledger 202, 203 Different method of figuring loss and arriving at same re- sult 203, 204 How to figure manufacturing loss 205, 206 Some pointers worth knowing 206, 207 Accurate method of apportionment 207, 208 Pointers on adjusting losses ignoring books or where no books are kept 208, 209, 210, 211 Cubic foot estimate on buildings 211, 212 Points raised on a loss in process of adjustment 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 Statements and proofs of a loss of a large department store in Texas 219, 220, 221, 222, 223 Excess insurance 150 Exhausted insurance 150 Fire caused by windstorm or lightning 8 Fire Heating of wet wool 8, 9, 16 Fallen building 13, 16, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 Friendly fire 14 Fire caused by negligence of third party 19 Fire, expense of subduing it 19 Fire set by assured's wife 20, 22 Fire caused by insured's insane wife 22 Fire caused by negligence of assured's agents 20, 22 Fire caused by negligence of assured's son 20 Fire caused by negligence of railroad 19, 20 Fire caused by recklessness of assured 21 Fire engine going to fire colliding with assured's building 21 Falling walls * ! 9 Fraud and false swearing : To avoid policy must be willful 59 Failure to correct before suit 59 Relates only to proofs of loss or examination under oath 59 Must be pleaded by defendant 60 Proof as to F. F 60 Inference as to 60 It is for the jury 60 What is 60, 61 Wisconsin S. C. on fraud and false swearing 61, 62, 63 Fire-proof safe 164 Frame barn and contents therein 168 Factory including machinery and fixtures 174 Frame dwelling house 174 TOPICAL INDEX 259 Farming utensils 177 Fixtures 167, 168, 178, 190 Furniture . 181 Fire by lightning 185 Foreclosure 186 Factory 189 Fireworks 189 Floater policy 150 General average (Marine) loss, what is not 21 Grain 176, 181 Grain and seed 176 Gunpowder 187 Hop house while drying hops 15 Held in trust 166, 167, 171, 172, 173, 179, 184, 185, 186 Harvester while in use 167 Harvester operating in grain fields and in transit in connection with harvesting 167 Household furniture purchased after policy was issued 167 Household furniture 170 Held in store 173 Household furniture and $ on wearing apparel 173 Household furniture useful and ornamental 178 Homestead, insurance proceeds exempt 180 Ice clause Marine Insurance 12 Inland navigation and transportation 165 Implements of trade 167 Implements including binders and such goods kept for sale in an implement store 177 Insurance proceeds, when exempt 180 Inventory Invoice 180, 181 Insured Assured 186 Immediate notice 187 Iron-safe clause as applied to several stores with only one set of books 224, 225, 226 Increased cost of repairs due to building laws 11, 12 Insolvent company in hands of receiver cancels policy 137 Jewelry and clothing being stock in trade 169, 186 Known as pottery building 168 Keeping or storing 187 Loss when total 9 Loss, liability for, caused by falling walls of burned building 9 Lightning as cause of fire 12 Lightning loss 15 Lumber, lath and pickets 169 Lines leased, owned or operated 170 Lumber piled in mill building, in mill sheds and in sheds adjoin- ing mill sheds 177 Lease, renewal of 179 Lien for rent > " > Loss payable clause 183 Life estate 183 Linen 184 Laws relating to fire insurance do not apply when 187 Leasehold Interest not absolute 187 Loss as adjusted 219 Loss caused by blowing up with explosives by order of city authorities 10 Moisture, from water used to extinguish fire. 12 Measure of damage 25 Measure of damage, whiskey 26, 27 Measure of damage, building 26 Measure of damage, linotype machine 26 Measure of damage, assessor's value, tax return value 27 Measure of damage, manufacturer 30, 33 Measure of damage, household effects 32 Measure of damage, freight 33 260 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS Measure of damage, party walls 33 Measure of damage, discussion as to 33 Measure of damage, saloon fixtures in dry town 104 Mechanics 164 Machinery, implements and fixtures 168 Materials 168 Merchandise 169, 176, 180 Mill building and additions 173 Machinery for the manufacture of tinware 177 Manufactured, unmanufactured and in process 176, 177 Merchandise of every description 179 Machinery when realty 182 Mortgage clause construed 182 Merchandise and materials for making same 183 Mob 184 Manufacturer of brass clocks 185 Mechanic's lien 186 Machine and repair shop 188 Mortgagee 188 Mercantile purposes Notice and proof of loss 37, 45 Separation of goods 41 Statement of loss > 41, 44 Inventory 42 Expense of inventory 42 Expense of putting in order 42, 43 Itemized inventory 43, 44 Time in which proofs must be furnished 44, 45 Waiver of defects : . . . 45 Proofs are not evidence of amount of loss 46 Denial of liability waives proofs 46 Who may make proofs 46, 53 Examination of assured under oath 46, 47 Objections to proofs must be made promptly 47 Magistrate's or notary's certificate 49, 50, 51 Non-concurrent insurance ; see Contribution. Not over $110 on each 166 Notice, immediate 187 Notary or magistrate's certificate 49, 50, 51 Option to repair or rebuild : As affected by city ordinance 10, 11, 12, 65, 67, 68 As affected by condemnation of building before fire 10 As affected by valued policy law 11, 67, 68 Election to repair converts policy into building contract. . . .65, 67 And assured may recover full damages against one or all of the companies, the contract being joint 65 When company liable for rent 65 Assured not compelledi to repair 65 Company cannot enjoin assured from repairing 65 Company must notify assured when 66 Company will be discharged from garnishment, when 66 Company liable for damages, when 66 When the right of option begins and terminates 66 Effect of waiver of proof doesn't waive option 66 Two modes of settlement, the election of one waives other. ... 66 The retort to arbitration waives right to repair 66 Unless arbitration agreement provided against such waiver. . . 67 Option to take over salvage : Company cannot enjoin assured from removing goods 65 Assured's sale of goods and preventing company from exer- cising option forfeits claim 68 After appraisal company must elect 68 Company's demand that goods be kept 30 days 69 When; company cannot exercise option 69 Cannot take with having goods appraised 69 Cannot deny appraisal and claim rights thereunder 69 Discussion of the rights of the parties 69, 73 Danger of taking over stock 73 Other insurance ; see also Contribution : The term valid or not 137 Effect of failure of insurance company 137 What constitutes O. 1 137 TOPICAL INDEX 261 Insurance to owners of separate interests 137 Mortgagee and owner 137 On commission 166, 1 Oil in tank cars in transit, etc 170 Occupied as a dwelling . 170 Own, held in trust, on commission or sold but not delivered ; see Held in trust. Open for business 179 One barrel, exceeding 187 Owner 188 Protection and care of property at flre is assured's duty 21,75, 77 Profits from bridge tolls 22 Party walls 33, 164 Proofs of loss ; see "Notice and proofs of loss" also 37, 51, 188 Prohibited articles ...82, 83, 163, 164, 166, 173, 187, 189 Premises 163, 179 Plate 165, 188 Plate glass of 9 square feet or more 166 Patterns when insured 166 Policy that extends to property not in building 166 Property belonging to assured or for which he may be liable 168 Protecting property during flre, expense of 169 Paints, oils, brushes, and such other merchandise 176 Proximate cause 183 Premises owned or occupied by assured 184 Prosecuted 184 Pottery building 187 Particular and detailed account of loss 188 Privileged for a printing office 189 Risks and perils of fire 165 Rolling stock on line of assured's road, its branches, etc 171 Rents during period necessary to restore building 178 Rent, lien for 179 Ready to proceed under the provisions of the policy 180 Red top seed 180 Reversioner 183 Representation Warranty 186 Risk, change within control of assured 188 Repair Replace Rebuild ; see "Options." Removal loss 75 Railroad lorses; see "Cars." Stove pipe removed, flre built in stove causing loss 13 Smoke and soot from defective stove pipe 14 Smoke and soot from mismanagement of insured 14 Smoke and soot from assured's furnace 14 Smoke and soot from lamp or stove 15, 21, 23 Subrogation, rights of 19 Store 165 Shop 165 Subject to three-fourths clause 165 Sporting house 166 Standard time 166 Saloon fixtures 167 Stock of vinegar in store and in tank, mash and low wines 168 Stock of wearing apparel and household furniture 169 Stock and materials 169 Stock of hair manufactured or in process 169 Steam saw mill 174 Stock manufactured and in process 176, 177 Stock in trade 176 Stock of watches, watch trimmings, etc 176, 185 Stock of merchandise, lamps, scales and other such merchandise. . 177 Ship tackle, ordnance, ammunition, artillery and furniture of ship. 178 Stock 180 Stock of grain 181 Sold, paid for and warehouse receipts delivered 185 Storing or keeping 187 Statement of loss 188 Stone dwelling house 189 Store fixtures 190 262 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS Some statistics as to cost of fire-proof buildings and losses, in various cities 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254 Salvage ; see "Option," "Protection and! care of property at fire. Separation of damaged and undamaged personal property 41 Tornado preceding fire loss 10 Total loss 9, 10 Transportation and inland navigation 165 Total concurrent insurance permitted 166 Twelve o'clock noon . . . 166 Three story building 173 Tools 176 Threshing outfit 178 Toilet articles, labels, bottles and powder 180 Texas, valued policy law construed 181 Tax title 185 Title, change of 190 Tables ; see Weights and Measures. Theft at and after fire 75, 76 Three-fourths clause 145 Tornado insurance not affected by fire insurance laws 187 Unfinished house . 169 Usurped power 184 Until a certain date 186 Until safely landed at 170 Valued policy law nullifies provisions of policy in conflict with it 11, 17, 93, 181 Void 180 Vacant and unoccupied 181 Valid insurance 137 Waiver : Definition of 85 How determined 85 Can't waive right which is not known 85 Construed 85 What constitutes 86 Non-waiver agreement: Adjuster may waive his non-waiver agreement 86, 87 Discussion of the question 87 How to avoid waivers 87 Statement of facts as to violation of iron-safe clause, and attempt to adjust under non-waiver agreement, with brief of the law on the questions raised 88 Rights under non-waiver agreement 89 Effect of demanding compliance with provisions of a void policy 89, 90 Assured's statement of facts 90 Wholesale stock and other goods on hand for sale 175 Within sixty days after the fire 179 While occupied as . 180 Working interest of assured 185 Warranty Representation 186 Weights and measures : Lengths 229 Surveyors Land 229 Miscellaneous 229 Square 229 Solid or cubic 229 Liquid 230 Apothecary's 230 U. S. Dry , 230 Troy weight 230 Apothecary's weight 230 Circular measure 230 Time measure 231 Cloth measure 231 Mariner's measure 231 Linear Metric equivalents 231 Square 231 Weights 231 Approximate metric equivalents 231 TOPICAL INDEX 263 Capacity of tanks and bins 232 Capacity of circular tanks 232 Capacity of square tanks 232 Measurements and weights 232 Bushels and bins 232 Corn in crib 23S Hay 233 Circular stack, cubic feet in 233 Timber 233 Table of weights 234, 235, 236, 237 Weights of various materials 237, 238 Wall paper 239 Veneered doors 240 Brick in walls. 241 Depreciation of materials in building. . . . 242 Window shades 243 Building hints 244 Conditioning department store stock 244 Conditioning damaged machinery and iron goods 244 Conditioning smoked clothes 245 Cost of building in Chicago 245, 246, 247, 248, 249 Walls of burned building falling 1 on building not otherwise injured by fire 9 264 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. TABLE OF CASES Aachen & Munich F. Ins. Co. v. Arqbian T. G. Co. (64 S. 635; 10 Ala. App. 395) 180 Acer v. Merchants Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (57 Barb. 68) 138 Ackley v. Phenix Ins. Co. (Mont.), (64 Pac. 665) 164 Adams v. N. Y. Bowery F. Ins. Co. (la.), (85 la. 6; 21 Ins. L. J. 833; 51 N. W. 1149) 96, 111, 127, 176 Aetna Ins. Co. v. Bank (62 Fed. 222) 50 Aetna F. Ins. Co. v. Davis (Ky.), (29 Ins. L. J. 560) 122 Aetna Ins/ Co. v. Jester (47 L. R. A. [N. S.] 1191; 132 Pac. 130; 37 Okla. 413) 105, 106, 127 Aetna Ins. Co. v. McLeod et al. (Kan. S. C.), (25 Ins. L. J. 669) 57 Aetna Ins. Co. v. Simmons (49 Neb. 811; 69 N. W. 125) 54, 56 Aetna Ins. Co. v. Stephens (Ky. C. A.), 57 S. W. 583) 94 Aetna Ins. Co. v. Strout, (16 Ind. App. 160; 44 N. E. 934) 166 Aetna F. Ins. Co. v. Tyler (N. Y. S. C.), (16 "Wend. 385) 50 Agnew v. Ins. Co. (Pa.), (3 Phil. 193) 75 Allemannia Fire Ins. Co. v. Pittsburgh Expo. Co. (11 All. 572) 163 Allen v. Patroup M. F. Ins. Co. (Mich.), (130 N. W. 196) 97 Alliance Co-Operative Ins. Co. v. Arnold (Kan.), (31 Ins. L. J. 943) 67, 102 Alsop v. Continental Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), (162 S. W. 313) 144 Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. v. Bass (90 Tex. 380; 26 Ins. L,. J. 718; 38 S. W. 1119) 97, 129 Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. v. Green et al. (Tex.), (41 S. W. 74) 164 Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. v. Landau (N. J. Ch.), (49 Atl. 738) 121 Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. v. McLanathan (Kan. S. C.), (2 Ins. L. J. 907) . . 66 Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. v. Simpson (43 111. App. 98) 55, 57 Amer. F. Ins. Co. v. Bell (Tex.), (75 S. W. 319) 106, 112, 181 Amer. F. Ins. Co. v. Stuart (Tex. C. C. A.), (38 S. W. 395) 93 Amer. Ins. Co. v. Barnett (73 Mo. 364) 187 Amer. Ins. Co. v. Heath (29 Tex. 445 ; 69 S. W. 235) 143 Amer. Ins. Co. v. Rodenhause (Okla.), (128 Pac. 502) 99 Amer. Smelter Co. v. Prov.-Wash. Ins. Co. (64 Mo. App. 438) 169 Amer. Steel Co. v. Ger.-Amer. F. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A.), (187 Fed. 730) 108 A-mpleman v. Citizens Ins. Co. (18 Ins. L. J. 396), (Mo. App.) 67 Amusement &c. v. Prussian Natl. Ins. Co. (85 Kan. 367; 116 Pac. 620) 99 Anglerodt v. Delaware M. Ins. Co. (31 Mo. 593; 4 Ben. 589) 139, 143 Annapolis, etc., R. R. Co. v. Baltimore F. Ins. Co. (32 Md. 37; 5 Ben. 258) 188 Appleby v. Astor F. Ins. Co. (54 N. Y. 253; 45 Barbour 454; 5 Ben. 490) 187 Arlington v. Colonial Assur. Co. (180 N. Y. 337; 73 N. E. Rep. 34) .... 141 Armour v. Reading F. Ins. Co. (67 Mo. App. 215) 144 Armstrong v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (31 N. Y. St. 201) 46 Arnold v. Indemnity F. Ins. Co. (152 N. E. 232; 67 S. E. 574) 181 Astrich v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (U. S.), (33 Ins. L. J. 308, 925) ...42, 68, 100 Aurora Ins. Co. v. Johnson (46 Ind. 315) ; 56 Austin et al. v. Drewe (6 Taunt. 436; 1 Bennett 102) 14 Babcock v. Montgomery Co. M. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (4 Comstock 326; 3 Ben. 154) 185 Bacot v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (96 Miss. 223; 50 S. 729; 39 Ins. L. J. 214; 25 L. R. A. 1226) 134, 182 Baker v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (57 Mo. App. 559) . 94 Baltimore F. Ins. Co. v. Loney (20 Md. 20; 4 Ben. 646) 143 Bangor Sav. Bank v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (Me.), (23 Ins. L. J. 292) 127 Barnard v. Ins. Co. (U. S.), (29 Ins. L. J. 631) 120 Barnard v. Natl. F. Ins. Co. (27 Mo. App. 26) '. 164 Barnes v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (3 McCray 22; 9 Fed. 813; 11 Ins L. J. 110) 144 Barnes v. Union M. F. Ins. Co. (51 Me. 110; 4 Ben. 728) 190 265 266 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Barnum v. Merchant's F. Ins. Co. (98 N. Y. 188) 51 Bastian v. British Amer. Assur. Co. (Cal. S. C.), (33 Ins. L. J. 1033).. 83 Baumgarth v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. (Mich.), (116 N. W. 449; 37 Ins. L. J. 577) 128 Baumgartnor v. Ins. Co. (1 W. N. [Pa.] 119) 164 Beaks v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (143 N. Y. 402; 24 Ins. L. J. 73; 38 N. E. 453; Ann. 26 L. R. A. 267) 15 Bean v. Travelers Ins. Co. (Cal.), (29 Pac. 1113) 47 Bear v. Atlantic Home Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (34 Misc. 613; 70 N. Y. Supp. 581) 60 Beer v. Ins. Co. (39 O. St. 109) 164 Beideman v. Powell (10 Mo. 280) 171 Bennett v. Lycoming County M. Ins. Co. (67 N. Y. 274) 37, 38 Bergman v. Commercial Ins. Co. et al. (Ky.), (13 Ky. L,. R. 720; 21 Ins. L. J. 271) 134 Bernhardt v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co. (79 Conn. 388; 65 Atl. 134) 127 Biddleford Sav. Bank v. Dwelling House Ins. Co. (Me. S. C. ; 18 Atl. 298) 47 Bigler v. N. Y. Central Ins. Co. (20 Bail. 635; 22 N. Y. 402) 174 Birmingham & Co. v. Huitch (157 Ala. 630; 47 So. 576) 33 Birmingham F. Ins. Co. v. Kroegher (83 Pa. St. 64) 164 Bishop v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (130 N. Y. 488; 29 N. E. 844) 127 Bishop v. Ins. Co. (139 N. Y. 488; 29 N. E. 844; 130 N. Y. 488) 118, 124 Blackwell v. American C. Ins. Co. (2 Mo. App. 516) 97 Blake v. Exch. M. Ins. Co. (Mass.), (12 Gray 265; 4 Ben. 306) 139 Blakely v. Proctor (134 Ga. 139 ; 67 S. E. 389) 108 Blossom v. Lycoming F. Ins. Co. (64 N. Y. 1-62) 38 Boak Fish Co. v. Manchester F. Assur. Co. (84 Minn. 419; 87 N. W. 932; 31 Ins. L. J. 253) 13 Boston and Albany R. R. Co. et al. v. Merc. Trust Co. et al. (Md.), (34 Atl. 778; 9 Ins. Dig. 305; Joyce Sec. 1454) 137 Boyd v. McKee et al. (Va.), (37 S. E. 810) 172 Boyd v. Royal Ins. Co. (11 N. C. 372 ; 16 S. E. 389) 25 Boyer v. Grand Rapids F. Ins. Co. (Mich.), (83 N. W. 124) 173 Boyle v. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co. (169 Pa. 349; 32 Atl. 533; 24 Ins. L,. J. 699) 42, 93 Braddy v. N. Y. Bowery F. Ins. Co. (N. C.), (20 S. E. 477; 115 N. C. 354, 355) 114, 118, 119, 127 Brady v. Ins. Co. (11 Mich. 445) 68 Brady v. Northwestern Ins. Co. (11 Mich. 425; 4 Bennett 663) 10 Bradshaw v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (137 N. Y. 137; 22 Ins. L. J. 161; 32 N. E. 1055) 113, 116, 119 Bradshaw v. Ins. Co. (1?7 N. Y. 137; 32 N. E. 1055) 117, 124 Branigan v. Jefferson Mut. Ins. Co. (102 Mo. App. 70; 76 S. W. 643)... 129 Brecht v. Law M. & C. Ins. Co. (160 Fed. 399; 87 C. C. A. 351; 18 L. R. A. 197) 183 Breuner v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (51 Cal. 101; 6 Ins. L. J. 475; Ann. 21 Am. R. Ext. Anno. 703 Notes) 13 Briggs v. N. B. & M. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (53 N. Y. 446; 66 Barb. 325; 2 Ins. L. J. 929) 82 Brit. Amer. Assur. Co. v. Darragh (128 Fed. 890; 33 Ins. L. J. 557; 63 C. C. A. 426) 93, 96 British Amer. Ins. Co. v. Joseph (9 Low. Can. R. 448; 4 Ben. 161) 189 Brock v. Dwelling House Ins. Co. (102 Mich. 583; 24 Ins. L. J. 464; 61 N. W. 67) 113, 114, 127 Brock v. Ins. Co. (102 Mich. 583; 61 N. W. 67; 26 L. R. A. 623; 47 Am. St. 562) 117 Brook v. Ins. Co. (102 Mich. 583) 124 Brooks v. Standard Ins. Co. (11 Mo. App. 349; 1st Phillips Sep. 755)... 224 Brough v. Higgins (2 Gratt. 408; 2 Ben. 443) 183 Brough v. Whitmore (4 Term. 206) 178 Brown v. Ins. Co. (1 Ellis & Ellis 853) 68 Brown v. London Assur. Corp. (N. Y.), (40 Hun. 101) 38 Brown et al. v. Royal Co. (Q. B. Eng.), (4 Ben. 371; 1 Ellis 853) 65 Brown et al. v. St. Nicholas Ins. Co. (61 N. Y. 332) 12 Browne v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (46 Mo. App. 473) 178 Brush v. Fisher (70 Mich. 469) 120 Bt:ffalo El. Co. v. Prussian Natl. Ins. Co. (64 App. Div. 182, 187; 71 N. Y. Supp. 918; aff' d 171 N. Y. 25; 63 N. E. 810) 32 Bull v. North British & Merc. Ins. Co. (Ont. S. C. of J.), (9 Can. Law Times 26) 46 Bullman v. Ins. Cos. (Mass.), (22 Ins. L. J. 668) 114 Bumstead v. Dividend Mut. Ins. Co. (12 N. Y. 81) 44 TABLE OF CASES. 267 Burgess v. Alliance Ins. Go. (10 Allen [Mass.] 221; 5 Bennett 46) 25 Burnett v. Amer. Central Ins. Co. (68 Mo. App. 343) 50 Burnham v. Royal Ins. Co. (75 Mo. App. 394; 57 Mo. App. 394).. 38, 44, 182 Burns v. Michigan Mfrs. Mut. F. Co. (Mich. S. C.), (31 Ins. L. J. 633) 53 Bryant v. Poughkeepsie M. P. Ins. Co. (S. C.), (21 Barb. 154; 4 Ben. 37) 185 Caballero v. Home Ins. Co. (15 La. Ann. 217; 4 Ben. 478) 82 Caledonian Ins. Co. v. Traub (83 Md. 524; 25 Ins. L. J. 791; 37 Atl. 13, 782) 97, 121 Camden F. Ind. Ass'n. v. Bomar (Tex.), (176 S. W. 156) 181 Campbell v. Charter Oak Ins. Co. (92 Mass. 213) 59 Cannon v. Home Ins. Co. (La.), (26 Ins. L. J. 737) 138 Cannon V. Phoenix Ins. Co. (110 Ga. 563; 35 S. E. 775; 29 Ins. L. J. 1023) 14 Capitol Ins. Co. v. Wallace (50 Kan. 453; 21 Ins. L. J. 516; 31 Pac. 1070; 22 Ins. L. J. 397) 48, 93, 127 Caraker v. Royal Ins. Co. (63 Hun. 82; 17 N. Y. Supp. 858; 136 N. Y. 645) 174 Cargill et al. v. Millers & Mfrs. Mut. Ins. Co. (Minn.), (19 Ins. L. J. 876) 178 Carlston v. St. Paul F. & Ins. Co. (37 Mont. 118; 94 Pac. 756; 37 Ins. L. J. 366) 106 Carp. v. Queen Ins. Co. (Mo.), (78 S. W. 757; 104 Mo. App. 502) 128 Carpenter v. Allemannia F. Ins. Co. (Pa.), (26 Atl. 781) 47, 174 Carpenter v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (135 N. Y. 298) 37, 57 Carpenter v. Ins. Co. (61 Mich. 635) 86 Carr v. Hlbernia Ine. Co. (2 Mo. App. 466) 176 Carrington v. Lycoming F. Ins. Co. (53 Vt. 418) 164 Case v. Mfrs. F. & M. Ins. Co. (82 Cal. 263; 22 Pac. 1083) 33 Cashau v. N. W. N. Ins. Co. (U. S.), (5 Bissell 476; 5 Ben. 501) 187 Catlett v. Dougherty (114 111. 568) 127 Central & Co. v. North British & M. Ins. Co. (245 Pa. St. 272; 91 Atl. 662) 179 Central City Ins. Co. v. Gates (86 Ala. 558; 18 Ins. L. J. 761) 39, 48 Cerf v. Home Ins. Co. (44 Cal. 320 ; 5 Ben. 426) 189 Chainless Co. v. Security 3ns. Co. (169 N. Y. 304; 31 Ins. L. J. 324; 62 N. E. 392) 77 Chainless Cycle Co. v. Security Ins. Co. (160, 168, 169 N. Y. 30,4; 31 Ins. L. J. 324; 62 N. E. 392) 69, 98, 101 Chandlery. Ins. Co. of N. A. (Vt.), (28 Ins. L. J. 1028) 139 Chandos v. American F. Ins. Co. (84 Wis. 184; 22 Ins. L. J. 425; 54 N. W, 390) f 97, 133 Chaplin v. Provincial Ins. Co. (23 Up. Can. C. P. 218; 5 Ben. 503) .... 188 Chapman v. Rockford Ins. Co. (Wis.), (62 N. W. 422; 89 Wis. 572; 28 L. R. A. 405) 113, 114, 118, 127 Chase v. Hamilton Ins. Co. (20 N. Y. 52; 4 Ben. 416) 189 Chase v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (13 111. 676) 75 Cheever v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.). 86 App. Div. 328; 83 N. Y. Supp. 730) 59 Chenoweth v. Pheonix Ins. Co. (Ky.), (4 Finch Dig. 22; 12 Ky. L. R. 232) 103, 105, 131 Cheesebrough v. Home Ins. Co. (61 Mich. 333; 28 N. W. 110; 15 Ins. L. J. 515) 144 Chippewa Lumber Co. v. Pheonix Ins. Co. (80 Mich. 116; 44 N. W. 1055; 19 Ins. L. J. 535) 97, 98, 112 Christiansen v. Norwich U. F. Ins. Soc. (84 Minn. 526; 31 Ins. L. J. 218) 106, 116, 121 Cincinnati M. Ins. Co. v. May (20 O. 211) 21 Citizens Ins. Co. v. Hamilton (48 111. App. 593) 109, 127 Citizens Ins. Co. v. Lockridge (132 Ky. 1; 116 S. W. 303; 38 Ins. L. J. 491 ; Ann. 20 L. R. A. [N. S.] 226) 33 Citizens Ins. Co. v. Marsh (41 Pa. St. 386) 21 Citizens Ins. Co. et al. v. Herposheimer (Neb.), (109 N. W. 160) 100 City F. C. Sav. Bank v. Pa. F. Ins. Co. (122 Mass. 165) . . . '. 59 City Fire Ins. Co. v. Corlies (21 Wend. 367) 76 City Ins. Co. v. Corlies (N. Y.), (21 Wend. 367; 1 Bennett 753) 10 Citizens Ins. Co. v. Colt (Ind. A. C.), (39 N. E. 766) 102 Claflin v. Ins. Co. (110 U. S. 81) 60. 61 Clark v. Farmers' Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Ill Wis. 65; 86 N. W. 549; 14 Deitch 86) 16 Clark v. Svea Ins. Co. (Cal.), (36 Pac. 587) 17? Clary v. Protection Ins. Co. (1 Wright 228) 169, 170 268 HALL OK I.NSI RAXCE ADJUSTMENTS. Cleaver v. Ins. Co. (71 Mich. 414) 85 Clover v. Greenwich Ins. Co. (101 N. Y. 277; 15 Ins. L. J. 214) 66 Cobb v. Ins. Co. (11 Kan. 93) 46 Cobbs v. Ins. Co. (68 Mich. 403) 85 Coen v. Denver T. M. P. Ins. Co. (155 111. App. 332) 180 Coffey v. East Tex. Ins. Co. (61 Tex. 287) 145 Coleman v. Ins. Co. (177 Pa. St. 239) 55 Collins v. Delaware Ins. Co. (9 Pa. 576) 23 Collins v. Farmville Ins. & Bkg. Co. (79 N. C. 279) 164 Collinsville Sav. Bk. v. Boston Ins. Co. (S. C.), (34 Ins. L. J. 1031; 60 Atl. 647) 133 Collinsville S. Soc. v. Boston (77 Conn. 676; 60 Atl. 647) 134 Colonial Mut. Fire Ins. Co. v. Ellinger (112 111. App. 302) 56 Colt v. Phoenix F. Ins. Co. (54 N. Y. 595; 5 Ben. 537) 186 Columbian Ins. Co. v. Lawrence (10 Pet. 507) 49 Commercial Assur. Co. ,v. Parker (119 111. App. 126) 127 Commercial Bank v. Firemen's Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), (23 Ins. L. J. 543) 61 Commercial Union Assur. Co. v. Dalzel (210 Fed. 605; C. C. A. 3rd Cir. 1792, 1793) 130 Commercial Ins. Co. v. Friedlander (156 111. 595) 60 Commercial Ins. Co. v. Mehlman (48 111. 313; 5 Ben. 190) 188 The Commonwealth v. Hide & Leather Ins. Co. (Mass.), (3 Ins. L. J. 671) 168, 171 Conn. F. Ins. Co. v. Cohen (97 Md. 294; 55 Atl. 675) 127 Conn. F. Ins. Co. v. Hamilton (U. S.), (59 Fed. 258; 23 Ins. L. J. 241) 97, 98, 99 Conn. F. Ins. Co. v. Hilbrant (Tex.), (73 S. W. 558) 175 Conn. F. Ins. Co. v. Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co. (Va), (15 Ins. L. J. 615) 138 Conn. F. Ins. Co. v. O'Fallon (Neb.), (69 N. W. 118) 116 Continental Ins. Co. v. Garrett (U. S.), (125 Fed. 589; 60 C. C. A. 395, 396) 106, 122, 123 Continental Ins. Co. v. Vallandingham (Ky.), (32 Ins. L. J. 1032; 116 Ky. 287; 76 S. W. 22) 93, 131 Continental Ins. Co. v. Wilson (45 Kan. 250; 25 Pac. 629; 20 Ins. L. J. 269) 101, 127 Cook v. Continental Ins. Co. (70 Mo. App. 610) 181 Cook v. North B. & M. Ins. Co. (Mass.), (3J. Ins. L. J. 385, 396) 129 Corkery v. Security F. Ins. Co. (la.), (68 N. W. 792) 167 Cornell v. Hope Ins. Co. (3 Martin [La.] 223,) 49 Cornell v. LeRoy (N. Y. S. C.), (9 Wend. 163) 49 Craig v. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. (34 Mo. App. 481) 181 Crew v. British and Foreign M. Ins. Co. (U. S. 3rd Dist. 103 Fed. 48).. 170 Cromie v. Ky. L. M. Ins. Co. (15 B. Monroe [Ky.] 432; 3 Ben. 785). 139, 143 Cronin v. Fire Assn. (Mich.), 70 N. W. 448) 177 Crosby v. Franklin Ins. Co. (Mass.), (5 Gray 400, 504; 4 Ben 35).. 176, 185 Cross v. Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C., Ga.) (22) Fed. 74) 54 Cuesta v. Royal Ins. Co. (98 Ga. 720 ; 27 S. R. 172) 16 Cutting Ins. Comr. v. Atlas M. Ins. Co. in re. Downs (199 Mass. 380; 86 N. E. 174; 37 Ins. L. J. 924) ' 150 Dahms v. German F. Ins. Co. (la.), (132 N. W. 870) 145 Dahrooge v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co. (143 N. W. 608) 85 Dakin v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (13 Hun. 122; [S. C.] 77 N. Y. 600) 45 Darden v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Miss.), (68 S. 485) 145, 182 Dautel v. Pa. F. Ins. Co. (65 Mo. App. 44) 97 Davenport v. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (10 Daly 535) 128 Davenport v. Long Island Ins. Co. (10 Daly 538) 127 Davis v. American Central Ins. Co. (7 App. Div. 488; S. C. 40 N. Y. Supp. 248; 158 N. Y. 688) 69 Davis v. Anchor Mut. F. Ins. Co. (la.), (64 N. W. 687) 177 Davis v. Atlas Assur. Co. (Wash. S. S. C.), (47 Pac. 436) 98, 99 Davis v. Atlas Ins. Co. (16 Wash. 232; 47 Pac. 436, 885) 127 Davis v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. (210 Fed. 653) 125, 126 Davis v. Grand Rapids Ins. Co. (15 Misc. 263; 36 N. Y. Supp. 792; 157 N. Y. 685; 5 App. Div. 36) 44, 45, 68 Davis v. Guardian Assur. Co. (87 Hun. 414; 155 N. Y. 682) 115 Davis v. Imperial Ins. Co. (Wash. S. C.), (47 Pac. 439) 103 Davis Ins. Co. of N. A. (Mich.), (27 Ins. L. J. 184) 79, 82 Davis v. Pioneer Furn. Co. (Wis.), (28 Ins. L. J. 474; 78 N. W. 596)... 164 Davia v. Scotland Provincial Ins. Co. (16 Up. Can. C. P. 176; 5 Ben. 61) 188 Davis v. Shearer et al. (Wis.), (62 N. W. 1050; 8 Ins. Dig. 92) 137 TABLE OF CASES. 269 Davis v. Stuyvesant Ins. Co. (145 N. Y. Supp. 192) 126 Day v. Home Ins. Co. (177 Ala. 600; 58 S. 549) 89, 180 Dee v. Key City F. Ins. Co. (104 la. 167; 73 N. W. 594) 97 DeForest v. Fulton F. Ins. Co. (S. C.), (1 Hall 84) 184 DeLand v. Aetna Ins. Co. (68 Mo. App. 277) 49 Des Moines Ice Co. v. Niagara Ins. Co. (99 la. 193; 68 N. W. 600) 22 Deutel v. Pa. F. Ins. Co. (65 Mo. App. 44) 101 Devens v. Ins. Co. (83 N. Y. 168) 86 DeWees v. Manhattan Ins. Co. (34 N. J. 244; 5 Ben. 244; 35 N. J. 366; 5 Ben. 314) 187 DeWitt v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (89 Hun. 229; S. C. 71 St. 556; affd. 157 N. Y. 353) 45 Dinneen v. Amer. Ins. Co. (Neb. S. C.), (152 N. W. 307) 11, 18 Doane v. Milville Mut. M. & F. Ins. Co. (N. J. Ch.), (11 Atl. 739; 1 Ins. Dig. 27) 137 Dolan v. Aetna Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (22 Hun. 396) 60 Dolliver v. St. Joseph Ins. Co. (131 Mass. 39; 31 Mass. 39) 49, 50 Dolof v. Ins. Co. (82 Me. 266 ; 19 Ins. L. J. 450) 60 Dollof v. Phenix Ins. Co. and one other (S. J. C. Me.), (19 Ins. L. J. 450} 61 Donohoe v. Ins. Co. (Vt. S. C.), (13 Ins. L. J. 116) 46 Dows v. Faneuil Hall Ins. Co. (127 Mass. 346) . . . '. 82 Downs v. Ins. Co. (127 Mass. 346) 79 Doxey v. Royal Ins. Co. (Tenn. Ch. App.), (36 S. W. 950) 94 Doying v. Broadway Ins. Co. (25 N. J. L. 569; 23 Ins. L. J. 304, 395; 27 Atl. 927) 97, 121 Dreher v. Aetna Ins. Co. (18 mo. 128; 3 Ben. 514) 186 Dresser v. United Firemen's Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (45 Hun. 298) 59 Drinkwater v. London Assur. Corp. (Eng.), (2 Wilson 363; 1 Ben. 12).. 184 Dunton v. Weschester F. Ins. Co. (Me.), (71 Atl. 1037) 94, 98 Dwelling House Ins. Co. v. Gould (Pa. S. C.), (19 Atl. 793) 47 Earley v. Prov.-Wash. Ins. Co. (R. I.), (76 Atl. 753) 97, 110 Early v. Prov.-Wash. Ins. Co. (R. I.), (76 Atl. 753) 120 Eastern R. R. v. Relief Ins. Co. (98 Mass. 420) 44 Eberhardt v. Federal Ins. Co. (Ga.), (80 S. E. 856) 108 Edwards v. Lycoming Co. Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Pa.), (3 Ins. L. J. 534)... 37 Eggleston v. Council Bluffs Ins. Co. (65 la. 308; 14 Ins. L. J. 365) 56 Elliott v. Merchants & Bankers F. Ins. Co. (la. S. C.), (28 Ins. L. J. 677) 102 Ellmaker v. Franklin F. Ins. Co. (5 Pa. St. 183; 6 W. S. 439) 169 Ellmaker Exch. v. Franklin Ins. Co. (Pa.), (5 Barr. 183; 2 Ben. 519).. 184 Enright v. Montauk F. & Ins. Co. (40 N. Y. 642; 5 Finch 25) ...71, 122, 123 Equitable F. Ins. Co. v. Quinn (11 Low. Can. 170) 25 Erie Brewing Co. v. Ohio F. Ins. Co. (81 O. St. 1; 89 N. E. 1065; 39 Ins. L. J. 200; 25 L. R. A. 740; 18 Am. & Eng. Anno. Gas. 265) 135, 183 Ermentrout et al. v. Girard F. & M. Ins. Co. (63 Minn. 305; 65 N. W. 635; 30 L. R. A. 346; 25 Ins. L. J. 81, 87; 56 Ann. St. 481).. 7, 39, 80 Erwin v. Ins. Co. (24 Mo. App. 153) 85 Exchange Bk. v. Thuringia F. Ins. Co. (109 Mo. App. 654; 83 S. W. 534) 98, 130 Farmers & Merchants Ins. Co. v. Warner (Neb. S. C.), (34 Ins. L. J. 83) 66 Farmers, etc. v. Scottish TJ. & N. (173 N. Y. 241; 65 N. E. 1105) 144 Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. v. Harmony F. & M. Ins. Co. (S. C.), (51 Barbour 33; 5 Ben. 174) 184 Farmers' Mut. F. Ins. Co. v. Kryder (Ind.), (31 N. E. 851) 168 Farmers' M. Ins. Co. v. New H. T. Co. (122 Pa. St. 37; 15 Atl. 563) 22 Farnum v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (83 Cal. 246; 26 Ins. L. J. 473; 23 Pac. 869) 93 Farrell v. Farmers' F. Ins. Co. (66 Mo. App. 153) 8, 9, 10 Farrell v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (175 Mass. 340; 56 N. E. 572; 29 Ins. L. J. 341) 108, 122 Faust v. Amer. F. Ins. Co. (Wia), (64 N. W. 883) 163 Feibelman v. Manchester F. Assur. Co. (18 Ala. 180; 19 So. 540) . 20 Fellman v. Royal Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A.), (184 Fed. 577) 132 Ferris & Eaton v. North Amer. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (1 Hill 71; 2 Bennett 56) 59 Fidelity-Phenix Ins. Co. v. O'Bannon (178 S. W. 731) 182 Flndeisen v. Ins. Co. (15 Ins. L. J. 90 Vt.) 86 Fink v. Lancashire Ins. Co. (60 Mo. App. 673) 49, 163 Pink v. Natl. M. F. Ins. Co. (90 S. C. 544; 74 S. E. 33) 137 Fire Assn. v. Appel (76 O. St. 1; N. E. 952; 36 Ins. L. J. 769) 127 270 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Fire Assn. v. Kosenthal (108 Pa. St. 474; 1 Atl. 303; 15 Ins. L. J. 658) 11 Fire Assn \ . Koscntlial supra 65 Fire Ins. Assn. v. Wiokham (V. S.), (21 Ins. L. J. 193) 42, 103 Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Caye (Ky. S. C.), (14 Ky. L,. R. 810) 132 Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Pekor (106 Ga. 1; 31 S. E. 779) 144 Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Shearman (20 Tex. C. C. A. 243; 50 S. W. 598) 163 Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. v. Sims (Ga.), (42 S. E. 268, 269; 31 Ins. L,. J. 1049) 47, 53, 64 Fireman's Ins. Co. v. Sholom (80 111. 558) 80 Fisher v. Crescent Ins. Co. (IT. S. C. C.) (17 Ins. L,. J. 712) 25 Fisher v. Merchants' Ins. Co. (95 Me. 486; 50 Atl. 282; 31 Ins. L,. J. 45) 94, 128 Fitzgerald v. Atlanta Home Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (70 N. Y. Supp. 552) . . . 167 Fitzgerald v. German Amer. Ins. Co. (30 Misc. N. Y. 72; 62 N. Y. Supp. 824) 15 Flaherty v. Continental Ins. Co. (20 App. Div. 275; 46 N. Y. Supp. 934). 46 Fletcher v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. C. (79 Minn. 337; 82 N. W. 647; 29. Ins. L. J. 752) 93 Fleisch v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (58 Mo. App. 598; 23 Ins. L. J. 634) 55 Flynn v. Hanover F. Ins. Co. (121 N. Y. Supp. 221) 77 Forbes v. American Ins. Co. (Mass.), (41 N. E. 656) 169 Foster v. Fidelity F. Ins. Co. (24 Pac. 585) 21 Fournier v. German-Amer. Ins. Co. (R. I.), (30 Ins. L. J. 715) 129 Fowhle v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (106 Mo. App. 527; 81 S. W. 578) 114 Fowler v. Old N. C. S. Ins. Co. (74 N. C. 81) 25 Fox v. Mason's Frat. Ace. Assn. (Wis. S. C.). (71 N. W. 363) 110 Fraim v. Natl. F. Ins. Co. (Pa.), (32 Atl. 613) 164 Franklin F. Ins. Co. v. Martin (40 N. J. L,. 575) 134, 182 Friedman v. Atlas Assur. Co. (Mich.), (32 Ins. L. J. 673) 80 Frick v. United Firemen's Ins. Co. (67 Atl. 743: 218 Pa. 489) 29, 31 Frisble v. Fayette M. Ins. Co. (27 Pac. 325; 5 Ben. 159) 185 Furbush v. Ins. Co. (140 la. 240; 118 N. W. 371) 82 Furlong v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (28 Abb. N. C. 444; S. C. N. Y. 45 St. 586) 46 Gardner v. North St. L. Ins. Co. (N. C. S. C.). (79 S. E. 806) -85 Garretson v. Mcts. & Bkrs. Co. (la.), (45 N. W. 1047) 170 Gasser v. Sun Fire Office (42 Minn. 315; 44 N. W. 252; 19 Ins. L. J. 243, 247) 97, 98, 110 Geib v. Ins. Co. (1 Dill. 443 Fed. Cas. No. 5298) 60 Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Allen (28 Ins. L. J. 199; 119 Ala. 436; 24 S. 399; 128 Ala. 451; 30 S. 537; 31 Ins. L. J. 60) 89, 177 Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Kline et al. (Ala.), (21 S. 958) 112 Georgia Home Ins. Co. v. Stein et al. (Miss.), (18 S. 414) 134 Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. v. Etherton (41 N. W. 406) 99 Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. v. Evans (Tex. C. C. A.), (61 S. W. 536; 14 Ins. Dig. 41) 85 Ger.-Amer. Ins. Go. v. Hyman (42 Col. 156; 94 Pac. 27; 37 Ins. L. J. 362) 82 Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. v. Jerrils (82 Kan. 320; 108 Pac. 114; 28 L. R. A. N. S. 1191) 127 Ger. F. Ins. Co. v. Grunert (111.) 47, 53 Ger. F. Ins. Co. v. Roost (O. S. C.), (26 Ins. L. J. 699) 82 Ger. F. Ins. Co. v. Seibert (Ind.), (56 N. E. 686) 173 Ger. F. Ins. Co. v. Walker (Tex.), (146 S. W. 606) 181 Germania F. Ins. Co. v. Curran (Kan. S. C.), (1 Ins. L.. J. 191) 38 Germania F. Ins. Co. v. Warner (13 Ind. App. 466; 41 N. E. 969) Ill Germania Ins. Co. v. Anderson (Tex.), (40 S. W. 200) 171 Germania Ins. Co. v. Cincinnati P. B. S. & P. P. Co. (7 O. Decisions 571) 120 German Ins. Co. v. Eddy (Neb. S. C.), (54 N. W. 856; 22 Ins. L. J. 468) 94 German M. Ins. Co. v. Niewiede (11 Ind. App. 634; 39 N. E. 634) 27 Gibbons v. Savings Inst. (30 111. App. 263) 14 Gibbs v. Continental Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (13 Hun. 611) 59 Gibson Electric Co. v. Liverpool & L,. & G. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (28 Ins. L. J. 629) 129 Gilllsple v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (61 W. Va. 169; 56 S. E. 213; 36 Ins. L. J. 300; 11 L. R. A. 143) 134 Gish v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (16 Okla. 59; 87 Pac. 869; Ann. 13 L. R. A. [N. S.] 826) 89 Gleason v. Prudential F. Ins. Co. (Term.), (151 S. W. 1030) 137 TABLE OF CASES. 271 Glover v. Rochester German Ins. Co. (Wash.), (11 Wash. 143; 39 Pac. 380) 114, 119, 124 Godfrey v. Macomber and Ins. Co. (Mass. S. J. C.), (9 Ins. L. J. 287). 66 Good v. Buckeye Mut. F. Ins. Co. (O. S. C.) (15 Ins. L. J. 3) 67 Gottlieb v. Dutchess Mut. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.) (89 Hun. 36; S. C. 69 St. 250) 48 Grabbs v. Farmers' Mut. F. Ins. Co. (N. C.), (24 S. E. 503) 166 Grady v. Home F. & M. Ins. Co. (21 R. I. 435) . 128 Graham v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (75 O. 374; 79 N. E. 930; 36 Ins. L,. J. 193; Ann. 15 L. R. A. [U. S.] 1055) 95, 98 Graham v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co., Royal Ins. Co. v. Silberman (O.), (79 N. E. 930; 36 Ins. L. J. 193) 98 Grand Rapids F. Ins. Co. v. Finn (60 O. 513; 54 N. W. 545) 98 Greenwich Ins. Co. v. Dougherty (N. J.), (42 Atl. 485) 170 Greenwood v. Georgia R. Ins. Co. (72 Miss. 46; 17 S. 83) 131 Griffey v. N. Y. Central Ins. Co. (76 N. Y. 459; 100 N. Y. 417) 37 Grigsby v. Ins. Co. (40 Mo. App. 276) 54 Grollmund v. Germania F. Ins. Co. (82 N. J. L. 632) 140 Grove v. Farmers' M. F. Ins. Co. (48 N. H. 41) '. . 22 Grubbs v. North Carolina Home Ins. Co. (N. C. S. C.), (108 N. C. 472 ; 20 Ins. L. J. 64, 784) 25, 33 Hadley v. New Hampshire Ins. Co. (55 N. H. 110) 182 Hale v. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. (46 Mo. App. 508) 166 Haley v. Dorchester M. Ins. Co. (12 Gray 545) 164 Hall v. Assurance Co. (133 Ala. 637; 32 S. 257) 117 Hall v. Concordia F. Ins. Co. (Mich.), (51 N. W. 524) 175 Hall v. Natl. F. Ins. Co. (35 Ins. L. J. 507; 115 Tenn. 513; 92 S. W. 402) 82 Hall v. Norwalk F. Ins. Co. (57 Conn. 105; 18 Ins. L. J. 518; 17 Atl. 356) 96, 107, 109, 121, 126 Hall v. Queen Ins. Co. (39 Nova Scotia 295; 1 E. L. R. 295; 21 Ins. Dig. 88) 112 Hall et al. v. Western Assur. Co. (Ala.), (133 Ala. 637; 32 S. 257;). 115, 124 Hall v. Western U. Assn. (106 Mo. App. 476) 60 Hamberg v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), (26 Ins. L. J. 782) 57, 59 Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. v. Carlington (66 Tex. 103; 18 S. W. 337 ; 15 Ins. L. J. 509) 10, 68 Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co. v. Lewis (D. C.) f (4 App. D. C. 66) .... 170 Hamilton v. Home Ins. Co. (92 Mo. 253) 187 Hamilton v. Ins. Co. (136 U. S. 242; 10 Supp. 945; 34 L/. Ed. 419) 100 Hamilton v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (U. S. S. C.), (136 U. S. 242) 98 Hamilton v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A. 6th Dist.) (23 Ins. L. J. 561) 99 Hanley v. Aetna Ins. Co. (Mass.), (102 N. E. 641) 109 Hannan v. Williamsburgh City F. Ins. Co. (Mich.), (45 N. W. Rep. 1120) 175 Hanover Ins. Co. v. Crawford (121 Ala. 259; 25 S. 912) 91 Hanover F. Ins. Co. v. Harper (77 111. App. 453) 93 Hanover F. Ins. Co. v. Manassen (Mich.), (3 Ins. L. J. 668) 165 Hanover F. Ins. Co. v. Mannasson (29 Mich. 316; 5 Ben. 541) 188 Hanover F. Ins. Co. et al. v. Stoddard et al. (Neb.), (27 Ins. L. J. 120; 73 N. W. 291) 166 Hapeman v. Citizens Mut. F. Ins. Co. (126 Mich. 191; 85 N. W. 454; 30 Ins. L. J. 452) 12 Harper v. Albany M. Ins. Co. (17 N. Y. 194; 4 Ben. 247) 189 Harper v. N. Y. City Ins. Co. (22 N. Y. 441) 189 Harris v. The Eagle Fire Co. (5 Johns 368) 32 Harrison v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (67 Fed. 577) 93, 127 Harrison v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (la.), (112 la. 77; 23 Ins. L. J. 161; 30 Ins. L. J. 253, 255; 59 Fed. 732; 83 N. W. 820) 93, 113, 118, 124 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Adams (Tex.), (158 S. W. 231) 180 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Alcott (97 111. 439; 73 N. Y. 141; 7 Ins. L. J. 430) 135 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Bonner Merc. Co. (15 U. S. App. 134; 22 Ins. L. J. 801) 120,121 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Cannon et al. (Tex. C. C. A.) (46 S. W. 851; 11 Finch 109) 25 Hartford Fire Ins. Co. v. Meyer (Neb. S. C.), (46 N. W. 292) 47 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Olcott (97 111. 439) 182 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Pires (Tex.), (165 S. W. 565) 178 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Schlencker (80 Miss. 667; 32; S. 155) 144 Hartford Ins. Co. v. Asher (Ky.), (100 S. W. 233) 119 272 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Harth v. Continental Ins. Co. (Ky. C. A.), (36 Ins. L. J. 603; 102 S. W. 242) 105, 106 Hartwell v. California Ins. Co. (Me.), (24 Atl. 954) 176 Hastings v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (73 N. Y. 141; 7 Ins. L. J. 430) 135, 138 Hastings v. Westchester P. Ins. Co. (73 N. Y. 141; 7 Ins. L. J. 430).. 182 Hatcher v. Sovereign Ins. Co. (127 Pa. 588; 42 Ins. L. J. 137) (Wash. S. C.) 89 Havens v. Germania F. Ins. Co. (135 Mo. 649; 37 S. W. 497; 24 Ins. L. J. 321) 182 Hayward v. L,. & L. F. & L. Ins. Co. (7 Bosw. 385; 2 Abb. App. 349; 3 Keyes 456 [N. Y.]) 81 Hebner v. Palatine Ins. Co. (157 111. 144; 41 N. E. 627) 42 Hedger v. Ins. Co. (U. S.), (12 Ins. L. J. 926; 17 Fed. 498) 25, 26 Heffron v. Kittanning Ins. Co. (132 Pa. 580) 81 Hellman v. Winchester F. Ins. Co. (75 N. Y. 7; 8 Ins. L. J. 53) 65 Helm v. Anchor F. Ins. Co. (109 N. W. 605) 27 Henderson v. Western M. & F. Ins. Co. (10 Robinson [La.] 164) 20 Herndon v. Imperial F. Ins. Co. (N. C.), (21 Ins. L. J. 193) 126 Hewins v. London Assur. Corp. et al. (184 Mass. 177; 68 N. E. 62)... 11, 17, 18 Hickerson v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (Tenn.), (33 S. W. 1041; 25 Ins. L. J. 422) 114 Hickerson v. Ins. Co. (96 Tenn. 193; 33 S. W. 1041; 32 L. R. A. 172) 117 118 Hickerson v. Ins. Cos. (Tenn.), (25 Ins. L. J. 422) 113, 129> Hickerson v. Royal Ins. Co. (96 Tenn. 193; 33 S. W. 1041) 127 Hicks v. British Amer. Assur. Co. (8 N. Y. App. Div. 444; S. C. 43 N. Y. Supp. 623) 46 Hilton v. Phoenix Assn. Co. (Me. S. J. C.), (42 Atl. 412; 28 Ins. L. J. 309) 26, 34 Hocking v. British Am. Assur. Co. (62 Wash. 73; 113 Pac. 259) 183: Hoffman v. Aetna Ins. Co. (1 Rob. 501; [S. C.] 19 Abb. Pr. 325) 44, 65 Hoffman v. King (160 N. Y. 618; 55 N. E. 401) 21 Hogan v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (U. S.), (98 Fed. 129) 173 Holbrook v. Baloise F. Ins. Co. (Cal.), (49 Pac. 555) 129 Home Ins. Co. v. Allen (119 Ala. 436; 24 S. 399) 87 Home Ins. Co. v. Baltimore W. Ho. Co. (93 U. S. 527; 6 Ins. L. J. 39) 142 Home F. Ins. Co. v. Bean (Neb.), (24 Ins. L. J. 516) 94, 129 Home Ins. Co. v. Coker (43 Okla. 331; 142 Pac. 1195) 17 Home Ins. Co. v. Duke (Ind. S. C.), (3 Ins. L. J. 363) 44 Home Ins. Co. v. Favorite (46 111. 263) 173 Home Ins. Co. v. Winn. (Neb. S. C.), (24 Ins. L. J. 126) 60 Home Lodge v. Queen Ins. Co. (21 S. D. 165; 110 N. W. 778) 82 Home Mut. Ins. Co. v. Roe (Wis.), (36 N. W. 594) 174 Hong Sling v. Scottish U. & Natl. Ins. Co. (7 Utah 441; 27 Pac. 170).. Ill Hooker v. Phoenix (69 Mo. App. 141) 97 Hoover v. Mercantile T. M. Ins. Co. (93 Mo. App. Ill; 69 S. W. 42)... 181 Hope Oil Mill Comp. & Mfg. Co. v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (Miss.), (21 S. 132) 171 Hopkins v. Provincial Ins. Co. (18 Up. Can. C. P. 74; 5 Ben. 159) 188 Hough v. Peoples F. Ins. Co. (36 Md. 398; 2 Ins. L. J. 353) 142, 141 Hough et al. v. Peoples Ins. Co. (Md.), (2 Ins. L. J. 353) 173 Houff v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. 3 Va. App. 986; 66 S. E. 831) 181 Hubbard v. North Brit. & M. Ins. Co. (57 Mo. App. 1) 49 Huchberger v. Ins. Co. (4 Biss. 265 Fed. Cas. No. 6822) 60 Huckins v. Peoples M. F. Ins. Co. (31 N. H. 238) 169 Huer v. N. W. Natl. Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), (22 Ins. L. J. 518) 82 Huer v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), (33 N. E. 411; 24 Ins. L. J. 471) 82 Humphreys v. Natl. Benefit Assn. (139 Pa. 214; 20 Atl. 1047; 11 L,. R. A. 564) 27 Hurst et al v. Home Protection F. Ins. Co. (Ala. S. C.), (16 Ins. L. J. 688) 66 Huston v. State Ins. Co. (la.), (69 N. W. 674) 57, 178. Imperial Ins. Co. v. Murray (73 Pa. St. 13; 5 Ben. 526) 185 Indiana Ins. Co. v. Boehm (88 Ind. 578) 116- Inman v. Western Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (12 Wend. 452) 37, 4& In re. Commercial Ins. Co. (R. I.), (36 Atl. 930; 10 Ins. Dig. 368) 137 In re. Downs (199 Mass. 380; 85 N. E. 174; 37 Ins. L. J. 924) 150- Ins. Co. of N. A. v. Hegewald (Ind.), (32 Ins. L. J. 621) 114 TABLE OF CASES. 273 Ins. Co. v. Bishop (154 111. 9; 39 N. E. 1102; 45 Am. St. 105) 117 Ins. Co. v. Carey (111. S. C.), (Ins. L. J. 493) 46 Ins. Co. v. Goehring (99 Pa. St. 13) 120 Ins. Co. v. Gracey (Cal. S. C.), (20 Ins. L. J. 28) 46 Ins. C. v. Hathaway (43 Kan. 399) 44 Ins. Co. v. Journal Pub. Co. (Wash. S. C.), (20 Ins. L. J. 395) 46 Ins. Co. v. Lawrence (10 Pet. 507) 22 Ins. Co. v. Maguire (57 111. 342) 46 Ins. Co. v. Mannasson (29 Mich. 316; 3 Ins. L. J. 668) 60 Ins. Co. v. Richardson (Neb. S. C.), (24 Ins. L. J. 690) 46 Ins. Co. v. Seyferth (29 111. App. 513) 44 Ins. Co. v. Slaughter (U. S.), (12 Wallace 404; 5 Ben. 340) 187 Ins. Cos. v. Weide (U. S. S. C.), (1 Ins. L. J. 767) 59 Ins. Cos. v. Weides (14 Wallace U. S. 375) 55 Iowa Central Bldg. & L. Assn. v. Merchants & Bankers P. Ins. Co. (la. S. C.), (32 Ins. L. J. 852) .66, 67, 102 Irving v. Excelsior F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (1 Bos. 507) 44 Isaacs v. Royal Ins. Co. (L. R. ; 5 Exchequer 296) ~186 Jerdee v. Ins. Co. (75 Wis. 345) -. , 86 Joel v. Harvey (Eng.), (5 Weekly Rep. 488; 4 Ben. 185) 189 Joffee v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (116 Md. 155; 81 Atl. 281) '179 Johnson v. Amer. F. Ins. Co. (Minn.), (41 Minn. 396; 43 N. W. 59) 129, 132 Johnosn v. Arbresch (Wis.), (101 N. W. 395; 34 Ins. L. J. 203) 172 Johnson v. Hall (Tex.), (163 S. W. 399) 180 Johnson v. Humboldt Ins. Co. (91 111. 92) 180 Johnson v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (112 Mass. 49; 69 Mo. App. 226, 232; 49, 57, 94, 97, 102 Johnson v. Stewart (243 Pa. 485; 90 Atl. 349) 179 Johnston v. Farmers Ins. Co. (106 Mich. 96; 64 N. W. 5) 44 Johnston v. Ins. Co. (7 Sess. Cas. [Scot.] 52; 1 Bennett 259) 9 Johnston v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. C.), (25 Ins. L. J. 558; 24 S. E. 424) 176 Jones v. Howard Ins. Co. (117 N. Y. 103) 48 Joy v. Security F. Ins. Co. (83 la. 12; 48 N. W. 1049) 33 Kahnweiler v. Phenix Ins. Co. (67 Fed. 483; 23 Ins. L. J. 391; 57 Fed. 562; 67 Fed. 483; 14 C. C. A. 485) 95, 97, 98 Kaiser v. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (59 App. Div. 525; 69 N. Y. Supp. 344; 172 N. Y. 663; 65 N. E. 1118) 107, 124, 126 Kansas City etc. v. Amer. F. Ins. Co. (100 Mo. App. 691; 75 S. W. 186) 144 Kattleman v. Fire Assn. (79 Mo. App. 447) 15 Keefe v. Natl. Ace. Assn. (N. Y.), (38 N. Y. Supp. 854; 4 App. Div. 392) 110 Keeney v. Home Ins. Co. (71 N. Y. 396) 48 Keisel v. Sun Ins. Office (U. S. C. C. A. 8th Dist.) (28 Ins. L. J. 434) 79, 80 Kelly v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (944 Minn. 141; 102 N. W. 380; 34 Ins. L. J. 421) 93 Kendall v. Holland Purchase Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (2 S. C. 375; aff'd. in 58 N. Y. 682) 38 Kenneflck-Hamrnond Co. v. Norwich Union F. Ins. Soc. (Mo. App.) (13 Ins. L. J. 664) 83 Kent v. Aetna Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), (146 S. W. 78) 108 Kent v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (26 Ind. 294) 169 Kentucky C. Co. v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co. (20 Ky. L. R. 1571; 49 S. W. 780) 109 Kentucky Chair Co. v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co. (Ky.), (28 Ins. L,. J. 361) 126 Kerelsen v. Sun Fire Office (122 N. Y. 545; aff'd. S. C. 16 St. 239) 45 Kernochan v. N. Y. Bowery F. & M. Co. (17 N. Y. 428) 47 Kersey v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (135 Mich. 10; 97 N. W. 57) 98, 114, 128 Kiernan v. Dutchess Co. Mut. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (44 N. E. 698) 114 Kingsley v. N. E. Ins. Co. (62 Mass. 393) 44 Kinzer v. Natl. M. Ins. Co. (88 Kan. 93; 127 Pac. 762; Ann. 44 L. R. A. [N. S.] 121) 33 Knickerbocker Ins. Co. v. McGinnis (87 111. 70) 27 Knop v. Natl. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), (25 Ins. L. J. 181) 61 Knoxville F. Ins. Co. v. Hircl (Tex.), (23 S. W. 393; 23 Ins. L. J. 16) ". 164 18 274 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Kratzenstein v. Western Assur. Co. (N. Y.), (22 N. E. 221) 165 Kupferschmidt v. Agricultural Ins. Co. (80 N. J. L. 441; 78 Atl. 225; 34 L. R. A. 503) 134, 182 LaForce v. Williamsburgh City F. Ins. Co. (43 Mo. App. 518) 38, 83 Lake Sup. P. & Cold Storage Co. v. Concordia F. Ins. Co. (Minn.), 104 N. W. Rep. 560) 176 Lamson v. Prudential Ins. Co. (171 Mass. 433; 50 N. E. 943; 28 Ins. I.. J. 70) 94 Lancaster F. Ins. Co. v. Lenheim (89 Pa. 497) 164 Landsdale v. Mason et al. (Eng.), (1 Marshall 688; 1 Ben. 16) 184 Lang v. Eagle F. Ins. Co. (12 App. Div. 39; S. C. 42 N. Y. Supp. 539) Tg, 112 Langan v. Ins. Co. (162 Pa. St. 357; 29 Ins. L. J. 878) 56 Langan v. Royal Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), (29 Atl. 710) 55 Langsner v. German Alliance Ins. Co. (123 N. Y. Supp. 144) 133 Langworthy v. O. & O. Ins. Co. (85 N. Y. 632; 10 Ins. L. J. 546) 15 Larkin v. Glens Falls Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), (83 N. W. 409) 68 Larkins v. Glens Falls Ins. Co. (80 Minn. 527; 83 N. W. 409; 29 Ins. L. J. 527) 10 Laurenzi v. Atlas Ins. Co. (Tenn.), (176 S. W. 1022) 182 Law v. Commercial M. F. Co. (N. D.) ( (107 N. W. 59) 98 Leadbetter v. Aetna Ins. Co. (13 Me. 265) 49 Lebanon Mut. F. Ins. Co. v. Hankinson (2 Cent. 828 [Pa.]) 75 Lee v. Ins. Co. (73 Tex. 641) 44 Leigh v. Ins. Co. (37 Mo. App. 542) 44 Leigh v. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. (37 Mo. App. 542) 49 Lelican Ins. Co. v. Co-Operative Assn. (Tex. S. C.), (19 Ins. L. J. 921) 80 L'Engle v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (Fla.), (27 S. W. 462) 166 Leonard v. Orient Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C. A. 7th Dist.), (30 Ins. L. J. 980, 981) 79, 82 LeSuer, etc., v. Mut. F. Ins. (101 la. 514; 70 N. W. 761) 143 Lesure Lumber Co. v. Mut. F. Ins. Co. (101 la. 514; 70 N. W. 761) 98 Levine v. Lancashire Ins. Co. (Minn.), (26 Ins. L. J. 36) 107, 121, 128 Levy v. Brooklyn Ins. Co. (25 Wend. 687; 2 Ben. 93) 60 Levy v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (W. Va. S. C. A.), (52 S. E. 449)... 104 Lewis et al. v. Springfield F. & M. Co. (76 Mass. 159) 80 Liebenstein v. Baltic F. Ins. Co. (45 111. 301, 305; 5 Ben. 115) 173, 189 Linde v. Republic F. Ins. Co. (50 N. Y. Super. 362) 107 Lion F. Ins. Co. v. Star (Tex. S. C.), (18 Ins. L. J. 873) 60 Little v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (123 Mass. 380) 59 L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Agricultural S. & L. Co. (33 Can. S. C. 94) ... 182 L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Delta etc. (Tex.), (121 S. W. 599).. 140, 143, 153 L. & L. & G. Co. v. Hall (1 Kan. App. 18; 41 Pac. 65) 93 L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Kearney et al. (U. S. C. C. A. 8th Dist.) (94 Fed. 314) 225 L. L. & G. Ins. Co. v. McNeill (U. S.), (89 Fed. 131) 171 L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Tillis (110 Ala. 20; 17 S. 672) 89 L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. v. Van. Os. (63 Miss. 431) 164 Loeb v. American Central Ins. Co. (99 Mo. 50; 21 Ins. L. J. 889) 38 London & L. Ins. Co. v. Crunk (91 Tenn. 376; 23 S. W. 140) 14 London & Lane. F. Ins. Co. v. Fischer (U. S.), (92 Fed. 500) 166 London & Lancashire F. Ins. Co. v. Storrs (U. S. C. C. A. 8th Dist.), (25 Ins. L. J. 283) 96 Lowell Mfg. Co. v. Safeguard F. Ins. Co. (88 N. Y. 591) 138 Lumbermen's Ins. Co. v. Bell (111.), (45 N. E. 130) 47, 53 McAllaster v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (156 N. Y. 80; 28 Ins. L. J. 769).. 66. 102 McCready et al. v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. App. Div.), (70 N. Y. Supp. 778; 30 Ins. L. J. 668) 68 McCullough v. Ins. Co. (113 Mo. 606; 21 S. W. 207) 117, 118, 124 McCullough v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (Mo. S. C.), (21 Ins. L. J. 781; 113 Mo. 606; 21 S. W. 207) 113, 119, 127 McDermott v. Lycoming F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (12 J. and S. 221) 44 McDowell v. Aetna Ins. Co. et al. (Mass.), (164 Mass. 444; 41 N. E. 665; 25 Ins. L. J. 156) 101, 131 McFarland v. Kittanning Ins. Co. (Pa.), (21 Ins. L. J. 555) 129 McFarland v. Peabody Ins. Co. (6 W. Va. 425) 168 McFarland v. Peabody Ins. Co. et al. (6 W. Va. 425, 437; 5 Ben. 490). 187 McGlathery v. Western Assur. Co. (115 Ala. 213; 22 S. 104) 88 McGraw v. Home Ins. Co. (Kan. S. C.), (28 Ins. Dig. 18; 144 Pac. 821) 17 McMillan v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (58 S. E. 1020; 78 S. C. 433) 89 McNally v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (137 N. Y. 389; [S. C.] 50 St. 680; [S. C.] 42 St. 21) 37, 51 TABLE OF CASES. 275 McNamara v. Dakota F. & M. Ins. Co. (S. D.), (47 N. W. 288) 174 McNees v. Southern Ins. Co. (69 Mo. App. 232) 97 McNutt v. Va. F. & M. Ins. Co 225 MacFarland v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), (21 Ins. L. J. 879) 83 Mack v. Ins. Co 34 Mack v. Lancaster Ins. Co. (U. S. C. C.), (19 Ins. L. J. 68) 25 Maclinger v. Mechanics F. Ins. Co. (2 Hall 490) 176 Maisel v. Fire Assn. (N. Y.), (69 N. Y. Supp. 181) 177 Malin v. Mercantile T. M. Ins. Co. (105 Mo. App. 625) 20 Manchester F. Assur. Co. v. Feibelman (Ala.), (23 S.. 759) 167 Manchester F. Assur. Co. v. Simmons (12 Tex. C. A. 607; 35 S. W. 722) 93 Mannasson v. Ins. Co. (29 Mich. 316; 3 Ins. L,. J. 668) 62 Mfrs. and Builders F. Ins. Co. v. Mullen (Neb.), (67 N. W. 445) 121 Marchesseau v. Merchants Ins. Co. (2 Ben. 166) 60 Marchessen v. Merchants Ins. Co. (1 Rob. [La.] 438; 2 Ben. 46, 166)... 25 Maril v. Conn. F. Ins. Co. (Ga.), (23 S. E. 463) 163 Marion v. Great Rep. Ins. Co. (35 Mo. 148) 59 Marsh v. New Hampshire F. Ins. Co. (49 Atl. 88) 175 Marsh Oil Co. v. Aetna Ins. Co. (79 Mo. App. 21) 176 Marshall et al. v. Amer. Guar. F. & M. I. Co. (30 Mo. App. 18) 67 Maryland F. Ins. Co. v. Whiteford (31 Md. 219; 5 Ben. 240) 187 Mascot v. Granite State F. Ins. Co. (Vt.) t (35 Atl. 75) 164 Mason v. Franklin F. Ins. Co. (12 Gill & J. [Md.] 468; 2 Ben. 214) 184 Mason v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (29 Up. Can. Q. B. 585; 5 Ben. 294).. 164, 187 Matthews v. Amer. Central Ins. Co. (154 N. Y. 458) 37 Mawhinney v. Southern Ins. Co. (Gal.), (32 Pac. 945; 22 Ins. L. J. 596) 167 Mecca Ins. Co. v. First State Bank (Tex.), (135 S. W. 1083) 181 Mechanics Ins. Co. v. Hodge (111. S. C.), (26 Ins. L. J. 406; 37 N. E. 51) 102 Mechanics Ins. Co. v. Hoover (182 Fed. 590; aff'g 173 Fed. 888) 30 Medina v. Builders Ins. Co. (120 Mass. 225) 169 Meigs v. Ins. Co. (205 Pa. 378) 141 Meigs v. London Assur. Corp. (126 Fed. 78, 781; 33 Ins. L. J. 251; 32 Ins. L. J. 251) 139, 143 Merchants Ins. Co. v. Stephens (Ky. C. A.), (59 S. W. 511) 94 Merchants M. Ins. Co. v. LaCroix (35 Tex. 249; 5 Ben. 455) 184 Merrick v. Germania Fire Ins. Co. (54 Pa. 277) 27 Meyer v. Amer. Ins. Co. (4 N. Y. Supp. 617; 23 N. Y. Supp. 71; 18 Ins. L. J. 156) 142, 151 Meyerson v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (39 N. Y. Supp. 329; 17 M,isc. 121)... 133 Michel v. American Cent. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (44 N. Y. Supp. 832; 17 Hun. 87) 128, 168 Michel, Secy of State v. Southern Ins. Co. (128 La. 562; 54 S. 1010; 24 Am. & Eng. Anno. Gas. 305) '. 137 Michigan Pipe Co. v. Michigan F. & M. Ins. Co. (Mich.), (52 N. W. 1070) 172 Michey v. Burlington Ins. Co. (35 la. 174, 5 Bennett 439; 2 Ins. L. J. 15; Ann. 14 Am. R. Ext. Anno. 494 Notes) 13, 22 Miller v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (70 la. 704) 56 Miller v. London & Lancashire F. Ins. Co. (41 111. App. 395) 82 Milwaukee Mechanics Ins. Co. v. Russell (O. S. C.), (62 N. E. 338; 31 Ins. L. J. 360) 67 Milwaukee Mechs. Ins. Co. v. Stewart (Ind.), (42 N. E. 290; 13 Ind. App. 640) f 98, 132 Milwaukee Mechs. Ins. Co. v. Winfleld (Kan. C. A.), (51 Pac. 567) ... 57 Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. v. Darnall (S. D.), (83 N. W. 266) 178 Mispelhorn v. Ins. Co. (53 Md. 473) 56 Mitchell v. Potomic Ins. Co. (U. S. S. C.) (31 Ins. L. J. 570) 82 Mitchell v. St. Paul German F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), (52 N. W. 1017; 21 Ins. L. J. 1003) 25 Model D. G. Co. v. N. B. & M. Ins. Co. (79 Mo. App. 550) 69, 90 Monteleone v. Royal Ins. Co. of Liverpool and London (La.), (47 La. Ann. 1563; 18 So. 472; 24 Ins. L. J. 531) 10, 68 Montgomery v. Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. (108 Wis. 146; 84 N. W. 175; 30 Ins. L. J. 122) 104 Moore v. Ins. Co. (28 Grat. 508) 60 Moore v. Perpetual Ins. Co. (16 Mo. 98) 184 Moore v. Protection Ins. Co. (29 Me. 97; 2 Bennett 758) 60 276 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Morley v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Mich.), (48 N. W. 502; 20 Ins. L. J. 677) 68, 100 Morrell v. Irving Ins. Co. (33 N. Y. 429) 65 Morris v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (Ky.), (14 Ky. L. R. 859) 134 Morse v. Buffalo F. & M. Co. (30 Wis. 534; 5 Ben. 424) 187 Mortimer v. N. Y. Fire Ins. Co. (2 U. S. Law Mag. 452) 44 Mosness v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (Minn.), (21 Ins. L. J. 915) 98, 120 Mosness v. German Ins. Co. (50 Minn. 341; 21 Ins. L. J. 915; 52 N. W. 932) 98, 106 Moyer v. Sun Ins. Office (176 Pa. 579; 35 All. 221) 93 Mullen v. Ins. Co. (58 Vt. 113) 61 Mumford v. Hallett (1 Johns 433) 32 Murphy v. N. Y. Bowery Ins. Co. (62 Mo. App. 495) 182 Murphy v. North B. & M. Ins. Co. (61 Mo. App. 323; 70 Mo. App. 98) 55, 97, 130 Mutual F. Ins. Co. v. Alvord (23 Ins. L. J. 801; 61 Fed. 752; 21 U. S. App. 228) 93, 96 Nally v. Home Ins. Co. (250 Mo. 452; 157 S. W. 769) 187 Narinsky v. Fidelity Surety Co. (92 N. Y. Supp. 771) 56 National Fire Ins. Co. v. O'Brien et al. (Ark.), (87 S. W. 129) 115 National Masonic A. Assn. v. Burr (Neb.), (62 N. W. 466; 24 Ins. L. J. 423) 110 National Wall Paper Co. v. Associated Mfrs. Mut. F. Ins. Co. (175 N. Y. 226) 44, 179 Nave v. Home Mut. Ins. Co. (37 Mo. 431) 80 Nease v. Aetna Ins. Co. (W. Va. C. A.), (9 S. E. 233) 47 Needy v. German-Amer. Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), (47 Atl. 739) 99 Nelson v. Continental Ins. Co. (182 Fed. 783) 33 Nelson et al. v. Traders' Ins. Co. (N. Y. C. A.), (34 Ins. L. J. 933)... 79 Nerger v. Equitable F. Assn. (20 S. D. 419; 35 Ins. L. J. 556) 98 New Jersey Rubber Co. v. Commercial U. Assur. Co. (N. J.), (46 Atl. 777) 165 Newmark v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (30 Mo. 160; 1 Phillips Sec. 624 p. 1107; 3 Penn. 471; 13 111. 676; 1 Story 157) 75, 76 New Orleans R. E. M. Co. v. Teutonia Ins. Co. (La. 54 S. 466) 18 Newton et al. v. DeForest Mut. Fire Ins. Co. (Wia S. C.), (104 N. W. 107) 63 Newton et al. v. Theresa Village Mut. Fire Ins. Co. (104 N. W. 107) ... 63 Newton et al. v. Waterloo Mut. F. Ins. Co. (104 N. W. 107) 63 New York & Boston Dispatch Express Co. v. Traders Ins. Co. (132 Mass. 377; Ann. 42 Am. R. Ext. Anno. 440, Notes) 7 N. Y. Cent. Ins. Co. v. Natl. Protective Ins. Co. (20 Barb. 468) 37 N. Y. F. Ins. Co. v. Delaven (N. Y.), (8 Paige 419) 65 N. Y. Mut. S. & L. Co. v. Manchester F. Ins. Co.,' (N. Y.), (87 N. Y. Supp, 1075) 121 Niagara v. Heenan (111.), (54 N. E. 1052) 175 Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. Bishop (111.), (154 111. 9; 39 N. E. 1102; 45 Am. St. 105; 25 Ins. L. J. 24; 49 111. App. 388) 113, 114, 118, 127 Niagara F. Ins. v. Heenan (81 111. App. 678) 143 Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. DeGroff (12 Mich. 124) 164, 189 Niagara F. Ins. Co. v. Heflin (Ky. C. A.) (51 Atl. 345; 30 Ins. L. J. 326) 25 Niblo v. North Amer. F. Co. (1 Sandf. 551) 32 Nichols et al. v. Sun Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Mass. S. C.), (14 S. W. 263; 23 Ins. L. J. 633) 80 Nickerson v. Nickerson,et al. (Me. S. J. C.), (12 Atl. 880) 46 Nolan v. Ocean Ace. & G. Corp. (23 Can. L. T. 187) 98 Noonan v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (21 Mo. 81) 49 Norman v. Missouri T. M. Co. (74 Mo. App. 456) 181 Norris v. Equitable F. Assn. (S. C. S. D.), (102 N. W. 306) 98 Norris v. Farmers' Mut. F. Ins. Co. (65 Mo. App. 632) 176, 181 North B. & M. Ins. Co. v. Moffat (Eng.), (L. R. 7; Com. P. 25; 5 Ben. 381) 185 North B. & M. Ins. Co. v. Robinett (Va.), (72 S. E. 668) 98, 133 Northern Assur. Co. v. Samuels (Tex. C. C. A.), (38 S. W. 239) 101 Northern Pac. Exp. Co. v. Traders Ins. Co. (111.), (55 N. E. 702) 170 North German Ins. Co. v. Morton (108 Tenn. 384; 68 S. W. 816; 31 Ins. L. J. 580) 131 North German Ins. Co. v. Morton-Scott-Robertson Co. (108 Tenn. 384; 67 S. W. 816; 31 Ins. L. J. 580) 72, 104 N. W. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Germania F. Ins. Co. (40 Wis. 446) 163 N. W. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Ins. Cos. (88 N. W. 265, 272) 164 TABLE OF CASES. 277 Northwestern M. L. Ins. Co. v. Rochester Ger. Ins. Co. (88 Minn. 48; 88 N. W. 272) 33 Norwayze v. Thuringia Ins. Co. (111. S. C.), (33 Ins. L. J. 83) 83 Novak v. Rochester German Ins. Co. (111. App.), (40 Nat. Corp. 698)... 98 Obersteller v. Com'l Assur. Co. (Cal. S. C.), (22 Ins. L. J. 392) 60 O'Brien v. Commercial F. Ins. Co. (63 N. Y. 108) 55 O'Brien v. Ohio Ins. Co. (52 Mich. 131) 54 O'Brien v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (76 N. Y. 459) 37, 38 O'Connor v>_ Queen Ins. Co. (140 Wis. 388; 122 N. W. 1038; Ann. 25 L. R. A. [N. S.] 501; 17 Am. & Eng. Anno. Gas. 1118) 14 Ogden v. East River Ins. Co. (50 N. Y. 388; 5 Ben. 439; 2 Ins. L. J. 134) .142, 143 Ohage v. Union Ins. Co. (Minn. S. C.), (85 N. W. 212) 94 Ohio Farmers' Ins. Co. v. Titus (92 N. E. 82) 93 O'Keefe v. Liverpool L,., L. & G. Ins. Co. (140 Mo. 558; 41 S. W. 922; 26 Ins. L. J. 888) 9, 68 Okla. F. Ins. Co. v. McKey (Tex.), (152 S. W. 440) 183 Oppenheim v. Firman's Fund Ins. Co. (Minn.), (138 N. W. 777) 179 Orient Ins. Co. v. Harmon (Tex. C. C. A.), (117 S. W. 192) 108 Orient Ins. Co. v. Parlin (38 S. W. 60) 182 O'Rourk v. German Ins. Co. (Minn.), (1091 N. W. 401; 99 Minn. 293; 104 N. W. 900) 118 Oshkosh Match Co. v. Manchester Assur. Co. (92 Wis. 510) 41 Ostrich, v. German-Amer. Ins. Co. (65 C. C. A. 251; 131 Fed. 13; 33 Ins. L. J. 925) 77 Overby v. Thrasher (47 Ga. 10) 120 Pacific Ins. Co. v. Louisville Lead & Color Co. (Ky.), (87 S. W. 1115)., 167 Page v. Sun Ins. Office (U. S. C. A. 8th Dist.), (20 C. C. A. 397; 25 Ins. L. J. 865; 36 U. S. App. 672; 74 Fed. 203) 140, 153 Palatine Ins. Co. v. Morton (106 Tenn. 558; 61 S. W. 787; 30 Ins. L. J. 481) 71, 98, 111 Palatine Ins. Co. v. Morton-Scott-Robertson Co. (Tenn.), (61 S. W. 787; 106 Tenn. 558) 99,119 Palatine Ins. Co. v. Nunn (99 Miss. 493; 55 So. 44; 40 Ins. L. J. 1447) 11, 18 Paltrovitch v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (143 N. Y. 73; S. C. 60 St. 462; aff'g. S. C. 68 Hun. 304) 37, 47, 50 Paris v. Hamburg-Bremen F. Ins. Co. (204 Mass. 90; 90 N. E. 420) 94, 98, 129 Parrish v. Virginia F. & M. Ins. Co. (20 Ins. L. J. 95) 33 Parker et al. v. Amazon Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), (3 Ins. L. J. 567) 59 Parks v. General Interest Assur. Co. (5 Pick 34; 1 Ben. 184) 184 Parks et al. v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (Mo.), (12 S. W. 1058) 165 Parks v. Ins. Co. (100 Mo. 373) 137 Patrons Mut. Aid Soc. v. Hall (Ind.), (49 N. E. 279) 178 Peabody v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (171 Mass. 114; 50 N. E. 526) 150 Peabody v. Saterlee (166 N. Y. 174 [S. C.] 36 App. Div. 426; 30 Ins. L. J. 885) 45, 46 Pearlstine v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (S. C. S. C.), (Ins. L. J. 39) ...49, 53 Peet v. Dakota F. & M. Ins. Co. (Dak. S. C.), (20 Ins. L. J. 253) 47 Pelzer Mfg". Co. v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. et al. (U. S.), (19 Ins. L. J. 372) 172 Penn. etc. v. Philadelphia, etc. (201 Pa. St. 497; 51 Atl. 351) 12, 68 Penn. F. Ins. Co. v. Carnahan (19 O. C. C. 97, 114; 10 O. C. D. 186, 225) 112 Penn. F. Ins. Co. v. Drackett et al. (O. S. C.), (57 N. E. 962) 94 Penn. F. Ins. Co. v. Drapper (65 S. 923) 87, 89 Penn. Plate Glass Co. v. Spring Garden Ins. Co. (Pa.), (28 Ins. L. J. 223; 189 Pa. 255; 42 Atl. 138) 103, 131 Penn. R. R. Co. v. Kerr (62 Pa. 353) 19 Peoria F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Wilson (5 Minn. 3; 4 Ben. 497) 144 Peoria F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Wilson 5 Minn. 3; 4 Ben. 497) 144 Peoria M. & F. Ins. Co. v. Lewis (18 111. 553) 174 Peoples' F. Ins. Co. v. Pulver (Clement's Dig. 15 [Rule 5]; 127 111. 246; 20 N. E. 18) 42, 47 Perry v. Greenwich Ins. Co. (N. C.), (49 S. E. 889) 126 Perry v. Mechanics M. Ins. Co. (11 Fed. 485) 20 Pettit et al. v. State Ins.! Co. (Minn.), (19 Ins. L. J. 138; 43 N. W. 378) 178 278 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Phenix Ins. Co. v. Angel et al. (Ky.), (38 S. W. 1067) ., . 225 Phenix Ins. Co. v. Belt Ry. Co. (82 111. App. 265) 171 Phenix Ins. Co. et al. v. Carnahan (63 O. 258; 58 N. E. 805) 98 Phenix et al v. Carnahan et al. (O.) ( (58 N. E. 805) 98 Phenix Ins. Co. v. Martin (Miss.), (16 S. 417; 24 Ins. L J 319) 174 Phenix v. Stocks et al. (111. S. C.), (36 N. E. 408) 101 Phillips v. Home Ins. Co. (112 N. Y. Supp. 769) 32 Phillips v. Protection Ins. Co. (14 Mo. 220) Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Summerfleld (Miss. S. C.), (22 Ins. L. J. 746) ..... 59 Phoenix Ins. Co. et al. v. Carnahan (63 O. 258; 58 N. E. 805) 112 Phoenix Assur. Co. v. Stenson (Tex. C. C.A.), (78 S. W. 866) 69 Phoenix F. Assur. Co. v. Murray (U. S. C. C. A.), (187 Fed. 809) 93 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Carnahan (O.), (58 N. E. 805) 100, 112 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Center (Tex. C .C. A.), (31 S. W. 446) 57 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Dorsey (Miss.), (58 S. 778) 180 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Dunn (Tex.), (41 S. W. 109) 167 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Favorite (49 111. 259) 173 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Fleenor (104 Ark 119; 148 S. W. 650) 179 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Fleming et al. (Ark.), (27 Ins. L,. J. 584; 44 S. W. 464) 164 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Greer (Ark. S. C.), (25 Ins. L. J. 311) 82 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Moore (Tex.), (46 S. W. 1131) Ill Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Lamar (106 Ind. 513) 137 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Romeis (O.), (15 C. C. 697) 106 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Stewart (53 111. App. 273) 177 Pindar v. Continental Ins. Co. tt al. (47 N. Y. 114; 5 Ben. 185) 187 Pinkham v. Morang & Monmouth M. F. Ins. Co. (40 Me. 587; 4 Ben. 43) 185 Pioneer &c. v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (106 N. C. 28; 10 S. E. 1057; 19 Ins. L. J. 408) 97 Pittman v. Harris (Tex.), (59 S. W. 1121) 166 Pittsburgh Storage Co. v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (Pa.), (32 Atl. 58) 172 Platt v. Aetna Ins. Co. (153 111. 133; 40 111. App. 191; 24 Ins. L. J. 132; 38 N. E. 580) 67, 102 Planters & Merchants Ins. Co. v. Thurston (Ala.), (9 S. 268; 20 Ins. I* J. 746) 168 Plinsky v. Germania F. Ins. Co. (32 Fed. 47) 20, 163 Porter v. Traders' Ins. Co. (164 N. Y. 504) 55 Post Printing & Pub. Co. v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (Pa. S. C.), (42 Atl. 192) 25, 27 Powers v. Imperial Ins. Co. (48 Minn. 380; 51 N. W. 123; 13 A., Eng. E. L. 362, 365; 19 Cyc. 880) 44, 119 Prader v. Natl. Masonic A. Assn. (la.), (63 N. W. 601) 110 Pretzf elder v. Merchants Ins. Co. (116 N. C. 491; 21 S. E. 302; 28 Ins. L. J. 169) 127 Produce Refrigerator Co. v. Norwich Union F. Ins. Soc. (Minn.), (97 N. W. 875) 114 Prov.-Wash. Ins. Co. v. Board of Education (W. Va.), (30 Ins. L. J. 577) 121 Prov.-Wash. Ins. Co. v. Wolf (Ins. A. C.), (72 N. E. 606; 80 N. E. 27; 168 Ind. 690) 100, 124 Prussian Natl. Ins. Co. v. Lawrence (U. S. C. C. 4th Cir.), (221. Fed. 931) 105 Purves v. Germania Ins. Co. (La.), (10 S. 495; 21 Ins. L. J. 306) .... 168 Queen v. Jefferson Ice Co. (64 Tex. 578; (15 Ins. L. J. 109) 94, 145 Queen v. McCoin (Ky. C. A.), (49 S. W. 800; 12 Deitch 67) 25 Queen Ins. Co. v. Leslie (O. S. C.), (24 N. E. 1072; 19 Ins. L. J. 673). 93, 94 Queen Ins. Co. v. Vines (174 Ala. 570; 57 S. 444) 89 Queen Ins. Co. v. Young (86 Ala. 424; 5 S. 102, 116) 129, 132 Quinlan v. Providence- Washington Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (39 St. 820; aff'd. 133 N. Y. 356) 37 Quinn v. Fire Assn. (180 Mass. 560; 62 N. E. 980) 144 Rafel v. Nashville M. & F. Ins. Co. (7 La. Ann. 244; 3 Ben. 336)... 169, 186 Ralli v. Troop (157 U. S. 386) 21 Randall v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (10 Mont. 362; 25 Pac. 960; 20 Ins. L. J. 613) 93, 127 Rau v. Westchester F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (36 N. Y. App. 516; 28 L. J. 183) 163 Raulet v. Northwestern N. Ins. Co. (157 Gal. 213; 107 Pac. 292) 179 JRead v. Ins. Co. (103 la. 314) 113, 124 Reavis v. Farmers M. F. Ins. Co. (78 Mo. App. 14) 176 Redner v. N. Y. Fire Ins. Co. (92 Minn. 306; 99 N. W. 886; 33 Ins. L. J. 780) 106 TABLE OF CASES. 279 Reed v. Firemen's Ins. Co. (81 N. J. L. 523; 80 All. 462) 183 Reed v. Ins. Co. (76 N. J. L. 11 ; 69 Atl. 724) 182 Regnier v. Ins. Co. (12 La. 336 ; 1 Ben. 670) 61 Reilly v. Ins. Co. (43 Wis. 456) 67 Reliance Lumber Co. v. Brown (Ind.), (30 N. E. 625) 137 Remington Pepper Co. v. London Assur. Corp. (N. Y.), (12 App. Div. 218; 43 N. Y. Supp. 431) 10, 115 Renshaw v. Mo. State Mut. F. & M. Ins. Co. (103 Mo. 595; 20 Ins. Ins. L. J. 385) 82 Reynolds et al. v. Iowa & Neb. Ins. Co. et al. (la.), (46 N. W. 659) 178 Richards v. Washington Ins. Co. (60 Mich. 420) 165 Rickerson v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (149 N. Y. 307) 174 Riddell v. Rochester German Ins. Co. (R. I.), (89 Atl. 833) 123 Robert v. Sun M. Ins. Co. (Tex. C. C. A.), (35 S. W. 955) 89 Roberta v. Firemen's Ins. Co. et al. (Pa.), (30 Atl. 450) 172 Roby v. Ins. Co. (120 N. Y. 510) 85, 86 Rochester German Ins. Co. v. Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. (Ky.), (87 S. W. 1115) 167 Rogers V. Commercial U. A. Co. (15 Can. L. T. 228) 109, 127 Rosen v. German Alliance Ins. Co. (Me.), (76 Atl. 688) 85. Rosenwald v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (50 Hun. 172; 19 St. 732; 3 N. Y. Supp. 215) Ill Ross v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (Kan.), (114 Pa. 1054) .. t 132: Rovlnsky v. Northern Assur. Co. and another (S. J. C., Me.), (34 Ins. L. J. 800) 61 Royal Ins. Co. et al. v. Parlin & Orendorff Co. (12 Tex. C. A. 572; 34 S. W. 401, 3, 4) 132 Royal Ins. Co. v. Ries (80 Ohio 272; 88 N. E. 638) 109 Royal Ins. Co. v. Roedel (78 Pa. 19; 4 Ins. L. J. 840) 143 Royal Ins. Co. v. Schwing (Ky. C. A.), (18 Ins. L. J. 451) 80 Rudd v. Amer. G. F. M. F. Ins. Co. (120 Mo. App. 1; 96 S. W. 237; 35 Ins. L. J. 948) 85, 89' Russell v. German F. Ins. Co. (100 Minn. 528; 111 N. W. 400) 9' Rutter v. Hanover F. Ins. Co. (138 Ala. 202; 35 S. 33) 110, 111, 112 Ryan v. N. Y. C. R. Co. (35 N. Y. 210) 19, 20 St. John v. Mut. M. & F. Ins. Co. (11 N. Y. 516) 81 St. Landry Wholesale Mercantile Co., Ltd. v. New Hampshire F. Ins. Co. (113 La. 1053; 38 S. 87) 225. St. Louis Ins. Co. v. Kyle (11 Mo. 278) 38 St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Johnson (111. S. C.), (6 Ins. L. J. 434).... 65 St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Kirkpatrick (Tenn.), (164 S. W. 1186) 124, 127, 132 Sachs v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (113 Ky. 88; 67 S. W. 23) 144 Samuels v. Continental Ins. Co. (2 Pa. 397) 21 Sandberg v. St. Paul & S. R. R. Co. (80 Minn. 442; 83 N. W. 411).. .. IT Sanford, v. Mechanics Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Mass.), (12 Gush. 541; 3 Ben. 619) 186 Schier v. Norwich Ins. Co. (93 Mass. 336) 81 Schmaelze v. Lon. & Lane. F. Ins. Co. (75 Conn. 397; 53 Atl. 853; 33 Ins. L. J. 632) 140 Schmitt v. Boston Ins. Co. (81 N. Y. Supp. 767) 121 Schmitt Bros. v. Boston Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (81 N. Y. Supp. 767) 121 Schoenick- v. American Ins. Co. (Minn.), (124 N. W. 5) 106, 109, 133 Schrepfer v. Rochford Ins. Co. (77 Minn. 291; 79 N. W. 1005) 94, 103: Schulter v. Merchants Mut. Ins. Co. (62 Mo. 236) 59- Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. v. Clancy (Tex. S. C.), (8 S. W. 630) 98 Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. v. Field (18 Col. App. 68; 70 Pac. 149) 134 Scottish U. & M. Ins. Co. (Ga.), (68 S. E. 1097) 85 Scottish Union Ins. Co. V. Keene (85 Md. 263; 37 Atl. 33; 26 Ins. L. J. 963) 32, 54 Scottish U. & N. Co. v. Moore (Okla.) (43 Pac. 12) 140, 143, 144, 153 Scripture v. Lowell Ins. Co. (64 Mass. 356) 82 Seavy v. Central Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Ill Mass. 540; 3 Ins. L. J. 576).. 177 Security Ins. Co. v. Farrell (111.), (2 Ins. L. J. 302) 26 Security Ins. Co. v. Laird (Ala.), (62 So. 182) 85 Security Ins. Co. v. Mette (27 111. App. 324) 85 Seibel v. Ina Co. (Pa.), (29 Ins. L. J. 838) ". 56 Seibert v. Germania Ins. Co. et al. (la.), (35 Ins. L. J. 384) 121 Sergeant v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (155 N. Y. 349) 37 Sexton v. Montgomery Co. Mut. Ins. Co. (9 Barb. 191) 46 Seyks v. Millers Natl. Ins. Co. (Wis.). (41 N. W. 443) 93 Sharp v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (147 S. W. 154; 164 Mo. App. 475).. 127, 182 Shawmut S. R. Co. v. Peoples Ins. Co. (78 Mass. 535) 44. 280 HALL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Shawnee F. Ins. Co. v. Pontfleld (110 Md. 356; 72 Atl. 835) 127 Shawnee F. Ins. Co. v. Thompson (30 Okla. 466; 119 Pac. 985) 181 Sherlock v. German-Amer. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (47 N. Y. Supp. 315) 168 Sherman v. Madison M. Ins. Co. (39 Wis. 104; 5 Ins. L< J. 285) 149 Shook v. Retail Hdw. M. F. Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), (134 S. W. 589) 99 Silver v. Western Assur. Co. (N. Y.), (58 N. E. 284) 104 Sims v. State Ins. Co. (4 Am. 311) 47, 53 Sims v. Union Assur. Soc. (Ga.), (129 Fed. 804) 46, 47 Singleton v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (132 N. Y. 298; 30 N. E. 839) 7 Sklencher v. Fire Assn. (N. J. S. C.), (60 Atl. 232) 76 Sleeper v. Ins. Co. (56 N. H. 401) 60 Slinkard v. Manchester F. Assur. Co. (Gal.), (55 Pac. 417) 167 Slocum v. Saratoga & W. F. Ins. Co. (134 N. Y. Supp. 78) 179 Smith, County Treas. v. German Ins. Co. (Mich.), (25 Ins. L. J. 192; 65 N. W. 236) 164 Smith v. British Am. Assur. Co. (110 Ky. 56; 60 S. W. 841) 130 Smith v. Carmack et al. (Tenn.), (64 S. W. 372) 171 Smith v. Haverhill Ins. Co. (83 Mass. 297) 39, 44 Smith v. Herd et al. (Kan.), (30 Ins. L. J. 393) 129 Smith v. Home Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), (47 Hun. 30) 51 Smith v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), (168 S. W. 831) 179 Smith v. Union Ins. Co. (25 R. I. 260 , 55 Atl. 718) 182 Solomon v. Continetal Ins. Co. (160 N. Y. 959) 37 Southern Cold Storage W. Ho. v. Dechman (Tex.), (73 S. W. 545).... 173 South of v. Amer. Cent. Ins. Co. (34 R. I. 324; 83 Atl. 441; 12 Am. & Eng. Ency. L. 442 ; 3 Cyc. 374) 122 Southstaffordshire Tramways Co., Ltd. v. Sickness & Acct. Assn., Ltd. (Eng.), (Q. B. D. 402) 165 Spratley v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (1 Di. C. C. 392) 176 Sperry v. Ins. Co. of N. A. (U. S.), (14 Ins. L. J. 141; 22 Fed. 516) 163 Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Crozier (Ky.), (12 Ky. L. J. 143) 166 Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Homewood (Annotated) 113 Springfield F. & M. Co. v. Payne (Kan. S. C.), (26 Ins. L. J. 46; 46 Pac. 315 ; 57 Kan. 291) 106 Spring Garden Ins. Co. v. Brown (Tex.), (143 S. W. 292) 180 Standard Sew. Mch.\ Co. v. Royal Ins. Co. (Pa. S. C.), (201 Pa 645; 51 Atl. 345; 15 Deitch 29) 25, 29, 31, 32 Stanley v. Royal Exch. Assur. Co. (Kan.), (145 Pac. 563) 134 State Ins. Co., v. Mackens (38 N. J. L. 564) 56 Steinbach v. Ins. Co. (U. S.), (13 Wallace 183; 5 Ben. 394) 189 Steele v. Franklin F. Ins. Co. (17 Pa. St. 290; 3 Ben. 278) 186 Steinfeld v. Park Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (50 Hun. 262; [S. C.] 19 St. 333; 2 N. Y. Supp. 766) 60 Stemmer v. Scottish U. & N. Ins. Co. (33 Ore. 65; 58 Pac. 498; 27 Ins. L. J. 972, 973; 53 Pac. 498) 107, 115, 122, 126, 167 Stenzel v. Pennsylvania F. Ins. Co. et al. (La. S. C.), (35 S. W. 271). 26, 34 Stephens v. Union Assur. Soc. (Utah S. C.), (50 Pac. 626) 56 Stevens v. Norwich U. Ins. Soc. (120 Mo. App. 88; 96 S. W. 684) 93 Stickney v. Niagara F, M. Ins. Co. (23 Up. Can. C. P. 372; 5 Ben. 503) 188 Stockton Comb. Harvester & Agricultural Works v. Glens Falls Ins. Co. (Cal. S. C.), (33 Pac. 663; 53 Pac. 565) 104 Stout v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (96 N. J. Eq. 566; 56 Atl. 691).... 106 110 112 Strohn v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (3 Ins. L. J. 283) 173 Strome v. London Assur. Corp. (N. Y.), (47 N. Y. Supp. 481; 162 N. Y. 627) 121 Sullivan v. Germania F. Ins. Co. (39 Mo. App. 106) 50 Summerfield v. N. B. & M. Ins. Co. (62 Fed. 249, (Va.), (24 Ins. L. J. 442) 93, 100 Summers v. Western Home Ins. Co. (45 Mo. App. 46) 85 Sunderlin v. Aetna Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (18 Hun. 522) 138 Sun Fire Office v. Ayers (37 Neb. 184 ; 55 N. W. 635) 33 Sun Ins. Office of London, Eng. v. Western Woolen Mill Co. (72 Kan. 41; 82 Pac. 513) 8 Sun Mut. Ins. Co. v. Crist (Ky. C. A.), (39 S. W. 837; 26 Ins. L. J. 695) 98 Swearinger v. Pacific F. Ins. Co. (66 Mo. App. 90) 50, 69, 97 Taber v. Continental Ins. Co. (213 Mass. 487; 100 N. E. 636) 139 Tanneret v. Merchants' Ins. Co. (34 La. Ann. 249) 81 Taylor v. Ins. Co. et al. (Minn.), (48 N. W. 772; 20 Ins. L. J. 562) 137 Temple v. Niagara Ins. Co. (Wis. S. C.), (85 N. W. 362) 67 Texas Moline Plow Co. v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (Tex. C. C. A.), (87 TABLE OF CASES. 281 S. W. 192) 26 Thomas v. Burlington Ins. Co. (47 Mo. App. 169) 57 Thomas v. Hartford F. Ins. Co. (Ky.), (53 S. W. 297) 163 Thompson v. Montreal Ins. Co. (6 Up. Can., 2 Q. B. 319) 75 Thornton v. Security Ins. Co. (117 Fed. 773; 32 Ins. L. J. 557) 41, 77 Tillou v. Kingston M. Ins. Co. (5 N. Y. 405; 3 Ben. 238) 185 Tilton v. Hamilton F. Ins. Co. (1 Bos. 367; S. C. How. Pr. 363) 76 Titus v. Glens Falls Ins. Co. (81 N. Y. 410) 55 Tolliver v. Granite State F. Ins. Co. (Ill Me. 275; 89 Atl. 8) 180 Torpedo Top Co. v. Royal Ins. Co. (162 111. App. 338;' 42 Natl. C. R. 593) 93, 99 Townsend v. Greenwich Ins. Co. (83 N. Y. Supp. 909) 107 Townsend v. Merchants Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (4 J. & S. 172; 45 How. Pr. 501) 60 Traders Ins. Co. v. Dobbins (Tenn.), (86 S. W. 383)... 82, 164 Trans-Atlantic F. Ins. Co. v. Bamberger (Ky. C. A.), (18 Ins. L. J. 625) 80 Trans- Atlantic F. Ins. Co. v. Dorsey (56 Md. 70; 12 Ins. L. J. 437) 82 Trask v. Ins. Co. (5 Casey 198) 37 Trull v. Roxbury Mut. Ins. Co. (Mass. S. C.), (3 Ben. 15) 66 Trustees Amherst College v. Ritch (151 N. Y. 282) 37 Trustees First Unitarian Church v. Western Assur. Co. (2 Up. Can. 2 B. 175; 5 Ben. 94) 150 Tucker v. Colonial F. Ins. Co. (W. Va. S. C.), (34 Ins. L. J. 969) 55 Tubb v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (Ala.), (17 S. 615) 164 Turley v. North Amer. F. Ins. Co. (N. Y. S. C.), (25 Wend. 374) 49 Tyblewski v. Svea F. & L. Ins. Co. (220 111. 436; 35 Ins. L. J. 616; 77 N. E. 196) 107 Uhrig v. Ins. Co. (101 N. Y. 362; 4 N. E. 745) 113, 116, 118, 124 Unrig v. Williamsburgh City F. Ins. Co. (101 N. Y. 362; 31 Hun. 98; 4 N. E. 745) 120, 127 Underwood v. Farmers Joint Stock Ins. Co. (57 N. Y. 500) 44 Unger v. People's F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (4 Daly 96) 59 Union Ins. Co. v. Barwick (Neb. S. C.), (6 Finch Dig. 57) 47 Union Inst. Co. v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (196 Mass. 230; 81 N. E.- 994; 14 L. R. A. 459) 135, 182, 183 United, &c.. Ins. Co. v. Foote (22 O. 340; 2 Ins. L. J. 190) 82 U. S. Cooperage Co. v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. (Mo. App.), (174 S. W. 193) 145 Vangindertallen v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (82 Wis. 112; 51 N. W. 1122)) 93 Veney v. Reginald, Eng. (Q. B., Pt. 2, 177; 1 Ins. Dig. 33) 97 Vera v. Mercantile F. & M. Ins. Co. (216 Mass. 154; 103 N. E. 292) 180 Vera et al. v. Merchants F. & M. Co. et al. (103 N. E. 292; 216 Mass. 154) 101 Vernon Ins. Co. v. Maitlen (158 Ins. 393; 62 N. E. 755; 31 Ins. L. J. 672) 114, 128 Vorse v. Jersey Plate Glass Co. (119 La. 556 ; 93 N. W. 569) 82 Waddle v. Commonwealth Ins. Co. (170 S. W. 682; 184 Mo. App. 571).. 181 Wainer v. Milford Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Mass. S. J. C.), (23 N. E. 887) 101 Walker v. German Ins. Co. (Kan.), (22 Ins. L. J. 750) 100, 129 Walker v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (62 Mo. App. 209) 20, 49, 50, 59 Waring et al. v. Indemnity F. & M. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (1 Ins. L. J. 672) 172 Washington F. Ins. Co. v. Cobb (Tex.), (163 S. W. 608) 180 Washington F. & M. Ins. Co. et al. v. Kelly (32 Md. 421; 5 Ben. 303). 187 Washington M. Ins. Co. v. Heckenath (N. Y.), (Leg. & Ins. 357) 38 Watchorn v. Langford (Eng.) (3 Campbell 422; 1 Ben. 91) 169, 184 Waters v. Assur. Co. (85 Engr. C. L. 879) 178 Way v. Abington M. F. Ins. Co. (166 Mass. 67; 43 N. E. 1032) 22 Webb v. Protection and Aetna Ins. Co. (14 Mo. 3) 76 Webb v. R., W. O. W. R. R. Co. (49 N. Y. 420) 19 Weidert v. Ins. Co. (Ore.), (19 Ins. L. J. 740) 86 Weissmann v. Firemen's Ins. Co. (208 Mass. 577, 95 N. E. 411) 94, 98 Wellcome v. Peoples Ins. Co. (68 Mass. 480) 44 Welles v. Boston Ins. Co. (6 Pick. 182) 169 Wells v. Boston Ins. Co. (6 Pick. [23 Mass.] 182) 20 West v. British Amer Assur. Co. (U. S. C. A., Dist. Col.), (25 Ins. L. J. 689) 61 West Branch Lumberman's Exch. v. Amer. Ins. Co. (183 Pa. St. 136; 27 Ins. L. J. 305; 38 Atl. 1081) 169 Westchester v. North B. & M. Ins. C. (160 Cal. 1; 116 Pac. 63) 99 Westenhaven et al. v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (la.), (30 Ins. L. J. 314).. 128 Westenhaver v. Ger.-Amer. Ins. Co. (113 la. 726; 84 N. W. 717; 30 282 HAUL ON INSURANCE ADJUSTMENTS. Ins. L. J. 314) 98, 129 Western Assur. Co. v. Decker (98 Fed. 381; 39 C. C. A. 383, 389).. 95, 127 Western Assur. Co. v. Hall (Ala.), (143 Ala. 168; 32 S. 853; 25 Ins. L. J. 874; 20 S. 447) 96, 97, 116 Western Assur. Co. v. McGlathery (Ala.), (115 Ala. 213; 22 S. 104 57, 88, 89 Western Assur. Co. v, Mohlman (U. S. C. C. A., 2nd Dist.), (27 Ins. L. J. 392) 80 Western Assur. Co. v. Rector (9 Ky. L. 3) 164 Western Assur Co. v. Studebaker (124 Ind. 176; 20 Ins. L. J. 64) 25, 34 Western, etc. v. Traders Ins. Co. (122 111. App. 138) 180 West. Undw. Assn. v. Hankins (111.), (35 Ins. L. J. 378) 121 Western Woolen Mills Co. v. Northern Assur. Co. (139 Fed. 637; Ann. 72 C. C. A. 1) 17 Wex v. Boatmen's F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (11 St. Rep. 713) 8 Whalen v. Goldman (115 N. Y. Supp. 1006) 120 Wheeler v. Phoenix Ins. Co. (53 Mo. App. 446) 181 White v. Royal Ins. Co. (149 N. Y. 485; affg. S. C. Misc. 613) 45 White v. Western Assur. (Minn.), (54 N. W. 195; 22 Ins. L. J. 305) 166 Whitemarsh v. Conway F. Ins. Co. (Mass.), (16 Gray 35; 4 Ben. 485).. 189 Wholley v. Western Assur. Co. (174 Mass. 263; 54 N. E. 548; 28 Ins. L. J. 1029) 9& Wicking v. Citizens' F. Ins. Co. (118 Mich. 640; 77 N. W. 275) 119 Wicking et al. v. Citizens' Mut. F. Ins. Co. (Mich. S. C.), (77 N. W. 275; 28 Ins. L. J. 230) 102, 129 Wilcox v. Hill (44 Mass. 66) 35 Williams v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. (54 N. Y. 569; 5 Ben. 537) 186 Williams v. Roger Williams Ins. Co. (107 Mass. 377; 5 Ben. 373) 188 Williamson v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (122 Fed. 69; 58 C. C. A. 241) 110 Wilson Drug Co. v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (N. C.), (14 S. E. 790) 175 Winn v. Ins. Co. (27 Neb. 649) 59 Wolff v. L. & L. & G. Ins. Co. (50 N. J. 453; 14 Atl. 561; 17 Ins. L. J. 714) 97, 98 Wolverine Lumber Co. v. Palatine Ins. Co. (Mich.), (102 N. W. 991).. 177 Woods v. Ins. Co. State of Pa. (87 Wash. 563; 82 Wash. 563; 144 Pac. 650) 183 Wright v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co. (36 Wis. 522) 43 Wright v. Susquehana M. F. Co. (110 Pa. 29; 20 Atl. 716) 93 Wynkoop v. Niagara F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (12 Ins. L. J. 253) 66, 102 Yoch v. Home Mut. Ins. Co. (Cal.), (44 Pac. 189) 164 Yonkers and N. Y. F. Ins. Co. v. Hoffman F. Ins. Co. (N. Y.), (6 Rob. 316) 46 Yost v. McKee et al. (Pa. S. C.), (36 Atl. 317) 99 Young v. Aetna Ins. Co. et al. (Me.), (64 Atl. 584) 118 Zalesky v. Home Ins. Co. (108 la. 341; 70 N. W. 69) 104 Zalesky v. Ins. Co. (102 la. 613 ; 71 N. W. 566) 100 Zimeriski v. Ohio Farmers Ins. Co. (91 Mich. 600; 21 Ins. L. J. 818; 52 N. W. 55) 93 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. b 1921 NOV 4 NOV 12 1931 t932 LOAN OEP T RECEFVED 1970-3 P 50m-7,'27 Vg 17973 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY