'Blackje kf Son Limited Private Library Case ....W.&:.. Shelf .2... POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY PART II COMMITTEE. Chairman LORD BROUGHAM, F.R.S., Member of the National Institute of France. Vice-chairman EARL SPENCEB. Treasurer JOHN WOOD, Esq. William Allen, Esq., F.R. and R.A.S. Captain Beaufort, R.N., F.R., and R.A.S. George Burrows, M.D. I/>rd Campbell. Professor Carey, A.M. John Conolly, M.D. William Coulson, Esq. The Bishop of St. David's. J. F. Davis, Esq., F.R.S. Sir Henry De la Beche, F.R.S. Professor De Morgan, F.R.A.S. Lord Denman. Samuel Duckworth, Esq. The Bishop of Durham. T. F. Ellis, Esq., A.M., F.R.A.S. John Elliotson, M.D., F.R.S. Thomas Falconer, Esq. John Forties, M.D., F.R.S. Sir I. L.Goldsmid, Bart., F.R. and R.A.S. F. H. Goldsmid, Esq. B. Gompertz, Esq., F.R. and R.A.S. Professor Graves, A.M., F.R.S. G. B. Greenough, Esq., F.R. and L.S. Sir Edmund Head, Bart., A.M. M. D. Hill, Esq., Q.C. Rowland Hill, Esq., F.R.A.S. Right Hon. Sir J. C. Hobhouse, Bart., M.P. Thomas Hodgkin, M.D. David Jardine, Esq., A.M. Henry B. Ker, Esq. IVofessor Key, A.M. John G. S. Lefevre, Esq., A.M. Sir Denis Le Marchant, Bart. Sir Charles Lemon, Bart., M.P. George C. Lewis, Esq., A.M. James Loch, Esq., M.P., F.G.S. Professor Ixing, A.M. The Right Hon. Stephen Lushington, D.C.L. Professor Maiden, A.M. A. T. Malkin, Esq., A.M. Mr. Sergeant Manning. R. I. Murchison, Esq., F.R.S., Pr.G.S. Lord Nugent. AV. S. O'Brien, Esq., M.P. John Lewis Prevost, Esq. I'rofessor Quain. P. M. Roget, M.D., Sec.R.S., F.R.A.S. R. W. Rothman, Esq., A.M. Sir Martin Archer Shee, Pr.R.A., F.R.S. Sir George T. Staunton, Bart., M.P. John Taylor, Esq., F.R.S. Professor Thomson, M.D., F.L.S. Thomas Vardon, Esq. Jacob Waley, Esq., A.M. James Walker,-Esq., F.R.S., Pr. Inst. Civ. Eng H. Waymouth, Esq. Thomas Webster, Esq., A.M. Lord Wrottesley, A.M., F.R.A.S. J. A. Yates, Esq. THOMAS COATES, Esq., Secretary, 42, Bedford Square. UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY BY HENRY, LORD BROUGHAM, F.R.S. MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF NAPLES PAET II OF ARISTOCRACY ARISTOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS THIRD EDITION LONDON HENRY G. BOHN YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN 1853 LOSDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND BOKS, 8TAMFOUD 8TKKET. TO THE QUEEN. MADAM, BY the commands of the Useful Knowledge Society, incorporated by charter of your revered predecessor, King William IV., I lay at your Majesty's feet the Treatise upon Political Philosophy which they have published with the view of making the Science of Government more generally understood, and of cor- recting the errors which the violence of conflicting parties, or the zeal of rival theorists, have propagated in all ages and in all countries. In presuming to solicit Your Majesty's gracious attention to this work, it is fit that I should state how far the Society and how far the author alone are severally answerable for the opinions which it explains and supports. The Society only undertakes a general responsibility for the doctrines delivered in the Treatises published under its superintendence. A general coincidence of VI DEDICATION. opinion alone is to be expected in a body so variously composed. That all its members are agreed in holding fast by the principles of our constitution, in cherishing those sentiments which lead to the improvement as well as the preservation of our institutions, and in favouring whatever may promote the peace of the world, may safely be affirmed. The details connected with those fundamental positions are to be regarded as the work and as the doctrine of the writer rather than of his colleagues. But there is one subject upon which they both equally concur without any shade of difference :- That Your Majesty may long reign in tranquillity, foreign and domestic, over a free, a loyal, and a happy people, is alike the prayer of the Society, and of, MADAM, Your faithful and devoted Subject, BROUGHAM. CONTENTS. CHAPTER [. OF THE NATURE OF ARISTOCRACY IN GENERAL. Aristocracy defined Errors on this subject Roman and Athenian Governments Germs of Aristocracy may exist and give rise to it Illustrations from Rome and Athens Pure Aristocracies rare Tendency of Aristocratic Government to become mixed , Page 1 CHAPTER II. OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. Dogmatical denial of Checks This founded on theory alone Doctrine of Checks misconceived Doctrine explained Its foundation Fallacy of the objectors ex- posed Illustration of the doctrine from joint powers : Mutual veto : Factious majority Illustrations from English constitution Proceedings since 1832 Illustration from balance of Parties in Parliament Illustration from Dynamics Checks, proper or imperfect Example of the proper Checks : Roman constitu- tion Example of the imperfect Check : Venetian Constitution Absolute monarchies English and American constitutions Senseless project of Peerage Reform 5 CHAPTER III. PROGRESS AND CHANGES OF ARISTOCRACY OLIGARCHY. Tendency of Aristocratic and Democratic Constitutions to mix with others Dif- ference in this respect of Despotism Tendency greatest in Aristocracies Early pupilage of the people Their progress to emancipation Best course for the Aristocracy Illustration from colonial emancipation Natural introduction of Oligarchy Its natural progress to greater exclusiveness Its natural tendency to dissolution Examples from the Venetian, Genoese, Sieunese, and Lucca Governments . . . . . . . .17 CHAPTER IV. FOUNDATION OF ARISTOCRACY IN THE NATURE OF THINGS. NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. Equality impossible Attempts made to insure it Influence of independent circum- stances Of wealth Reflex operation Upstart superiority Foundation of re- spect for hereditary distinctions Reflex feeling Hereditary superiority improves men Effects of improvement Respect for rank Natural Essential to artificial Aristocracy Illustrations from Rome, Sparta, Feudal Government, Modern Italy Effect of Natural Aristocracy in destroying Oligarchy Political pro- fession impossible It must necessarily be a corrupt trade Athenian State orators Advantages and disadvantages of a Political profession . . 23 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. OF PARTY. Origin of Party Aristocracy most exposed to it Venice the only exception Justifiable party unions Factious system Undermines principle Destroys con- fidence in Statesmen Corrupts private morals Unites sordid motives with pure Produces self-deception Destroys regard for truth Promotes abuse of the Press Gives scope to malignant feelings Passage of Dante Operation of Faction on inferior Partisans Effects in paralysing the public Councils In promoting treasonable proceedings Defence of Party : Burke, Fox Conclusion of this subject .......... Page 34 CHAPTER VI. VICES AND VIRTUES OF THE ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. Defects of Aristocracy No responsible Rulers No influence of Public Opinion Comparison with other Governments Interests in conflict with public duty Illustrations from Roman Constitution ; Modern Aristocracies ; English and French Constitutions Legislation influenced by Aristocratic interests Similar Evils in Democracy Evils of Hereditary Privileges Tendency to make bad Rulers Comparison of Aristocracy and Democracy Corruption of Morals- Virtue of French Republicans Galling yoke of Aristocracy Merits of Aris- tocracy ; firmness of purpose Resistance to change House of Lords Contrast of Democracy Republican attempts to resist the Natural Aristocracy Aristo- cracies pacific Exceptions, Venice and Rome Encouragement of Genius Comparison with Democracy and Monarchy Spirit of personal honour Con- trast of Democracy F. Paul's opinion Aristocratic body aids the civil Magis- trate Error committed in our Colonies ...... 48 CHAPTER VII. OF THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. Individual influence in Aristocracies Partial delegation of supreme power Feudal and Civic Nobility in Italy Polish Aristocracy Operation of Feudal Aristo- cracy on Government Illustration of Feudal Aristocracy from English History Monkish Historians William of Malmesbury William of Newbury Matthew Paris Roger Hoveden Henry of Huntingdon . . . . .63 CHAPTER VIII. MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. Tendency of Aristocracy towards mixed Government May be really pure when apparently mixed Examples : Venice, Genoa, Lucca, San Marino Polish Con- stitution Ancient History Origin of factious spirit Extinction of all jealousy of Foreign influence Patriotism of the Czartoryskis Conduct of neighbouring Powers The Partition Nobles strictly an Aristocracy Their Privileges Palatines; Castellans; Starosts Elective Crown Foreign interference Diet of Election Royal Prerogative Change in 1773 Senate Its Constitution and functions Chamber of Nuncios -Functions of the Diet Absurdities in its Constitution Prophylactic power and Vis Medicatrix in Governments Miti- gating devices in the Polish Constitution Administration of justice Defect in the English similar to one in the Polish Government Military System Character and hal its of the Nobles Prince Czartory ski . . . .71 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER IX. MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. Lombard Conquest Magyars Arpad Family Feudal circumstances Nobility Cardinal and Non-Cardinal privileges Magnates Bulla Aurea Titled Nobles Diet Representation ; Proxies ; Votes Delegation Diet's functions Taxes Cassa Domestica and Militaris Count Szechinij Local County Ad- ministration Congregationes Generales Municipal Government, Kozseg ; Can- didatio Village Government Powers of the Crown Sale of Titles Peasantry Urbarium of Maria Theresa Lords' power ; Robot Lords' Courts ; reforms in these New Urbarium ; Prince Metternich's reforms Military System ; Insurrectionary Army Frontier Provinces Prejudices of Hungarians in favour of their Constitution Conclusion of the subject .... Page 86 CHAPTER X. CONSTITUTION OF ROME. Importance of the subject Its great difficulty Ancient historians Modern writers Predecessors of Niebuhr Niebuhr and his school Scantiness of materials Character of Niebuhr's writings Early history entirely fabulous Illustrations Early divisions of the people Early Constitution The Tribes Patricians Plebeians Patrons Clients Comitia Curiata Niebuhr's doctrine examined Equites Reforms of Servius Centuries and Comitia Centuriata Legislation of Servius Comparison with Solon's Tarquin the Proud His tyranny His expulsion Foundation of the Aristocratic Republic Fabulous history Com- parison of the Roman Revolution with the French and English . . 98 CHAPTER XI. CONSTITUTION OF ROME (Continued.) Patrician power 1. Patrons and Clients Feudal resemblance JErarii Error of authors Clients in Sparta, Crete, Thessaly, and Attica 2. Monopoly of Offices Senate Conflicting accounts Dionysi us and Livy Errors of authors Censors Choice of Senate Practical Checks to Censorial power Senate's functions Variations in its power Patres et Conscript! Senate's influence Dictators Consuls Praetors Patrician oppressions Public lands Agrarian laws Spurius Cassius Licinian Rogations Patrician creditors Tribunes chosen Their powers Progress of popular power Decline of Comitia Curiata Rise of Tributa Course of legislation Double legislation Anomalies Solution of the paradox Senatus Consulta and Plebiscita Checks to the Tri- bunes Superstitiousjrites Laws of the auspices Senate's errors Democracy established Practical defects in the Government Decemvirs. . .119 CHAPTER XII. CONSTITUTION OF ROME. (Continued.) Government carried on by laws and legislative decrees Consuls Praetors ./Ediles, Plebeian and Curule Quaestors, Civil and Military Choice of Magistrates Controversy de Binis Coinitiis Dictator Progress of Popular power Interrex X CONTENTS. Consular functions Provincial Pro-Praetors and Pro-Consuls Vigour of the Government Religious polity Pontiffs Rex Sacrorum College of Augurs Haruspices Sibylline Decemvirs Singular facts Judicial duties of Magis- trates Cornelian laws Judicial system Judices Centumviri Quaesitores Jus Quaestionis, or Merum Imperium Divinatio Special judicial laws Abuses from thence Analogy of Parliamentary Privilege Impeachment Cognitiones extraordinariae Examples ........ Page 142 CHAPTER XIII. REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. Progress of Democracy Canuleius Address of the Patricians Distinction of the Orders obliterated New Aristocratic distinctions New Plebeian body ; their baseness Operation of Party Plebeians at different periods Virtues of the old Plebeians ; contrast of the new Savage character ; warlike habits Mas- sacres of Marius Cicero Julius Cscsar Corruption of the People Canvassing; Treating ; Bribery Sale of Votes ;- Divisores ; Ambitus ; Sodalitium Bribery Laws Unpaid Magistracy Popular patronage and corruption Peculatus ; Repetundoe Popular corruption Factions ; Civil War Overthrow of the Com- monwealth Conduct of the Aristocracy Aristocracy and Princes Error of the Patricians American War ; Irish Independence Roman Parties Conduct of the People Roman Yeomanry Moderate use of power Natural Aristocracy Orders new moulded West Indian Society Aristocracy of middle Classes Power useless to an uneducated People Checks on the People Checks in gene- ral Delay and Notice; English proceedings Factious men at Rome uncon- trolled Catiline's conspiracy Cicero's conduct Middleton's error . 155 CHAPTER XIV. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. Greek Authorities False Chronology Ages of the Historians Early History Constitution of Crete Perioeci ; Clerotes Pure Aristocracy established Resist- ance Federal Government established Constitution of Sparta derived from Crete Opinions of Polybius and others Perioeci Helots Lycurgus General Remarks Authors Classes of the People Proofs of this Theory Hypomeio- nes ; Homoioi ; Mothaces Tribes; Phyke; Obae Castes Morac Errors of Authors Kings or Archagetae Rules of Succession Senate Ecclesiae Mode of Voting Harmosynac ; Homophylaces ; Harmostae ; Hippagretae . .174 CHAPTER XV. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA (Continued.') Object of the Spartan system Its operation traced Stages of Human Life as subject to it Marriage ; procreation ; infancy ; boyhood ; pacdonomus ; full age Equality of Fortune attempted Slaves ; their Classes ; Treatment Ephori ; their Power Resemblance to Tribunes Opinions of authors reconciled Epho- ral Usurpation Artificial Aristocracy Natural Aristocracy Controversy on Classification ; Opinions of Authors Contradictory Usages Unintelligible Statements Paradoxes Duration of Lycurgus's Polity Party Process and Changes Agis ; Lysander ; Cleomenes Spartans overpowered, join the Achaean League Distinction of Orders ........ 187 CONTENTS. XL CHAPTER XVI. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE ATHENS. Authors Early History Cecrops ; Theseus Threefold Division of the People- Ancient Officers Panathenaea Kings Archons Eupatridse Polemarch ; Eponymus; Basileus; Thesmothetae Classes ; Pedrsei; Diacrii; Paralii Anarchy Draco Solon Errors respecting his Legislation Solon's Reforms ; Archons ; Colleges ; Paredri Courts of Justice Areopagus Heliastse Inferior Magistrates Pure Democracy Classes of the People Population Slaves Effects of Slavery ; Xenophon ; Plato ; Diogenes Phylae ; Phratrise ; Genea ; Trityes ; Demi The Ecclesia Senate Elections ; Scrutiny Pry tanes ; Epis- tata Euthynae ; Logistse Voting ; Ballot Areopagus Its Powers ; its Com- position Logistse ; Euthynae Mars Hill ; St. Paul Helisea American Court Ephetae Page 204 CHAPTER XVII. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE ATHENS (Continued). Other Checks besides the Areopagus State and Public Orators Payment of Functionaries Rules as to Alterations of the Law Nomothetes Syndics Direct Repeal Required Impeachment for illegal Legislation Quorum Pro- hibition of Repeal Power of Adjournment Variety of Bodies Appeal, and reconsideration Ostracism General feeling against these Orators ; their in- fluences Advocates and Professional Orators Legislative and Judicial Func- tions combined Corruption of Statesmen Demosthenes Whigs in Charles II.'s reign Demades Corruption, faction, and fickleness of the People Turbulence of Assemblies Radical vices of the System Advantages derived from the system ............ 224 CHAPTER XVIII. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE ATHENS (Concluded) OTHER STATES. Parties at Athens Dalesmen, Mountaineers, Coastmen, and Trimmers Usurpation of the Pisistratidae Their downfall Pisistratus Clisthenes Miltiades Popu- lar ingratitude Fables on Marathon Democratic reform Aristides Barbarous popular excesses Themistocles His maltreatment Athenian greatness Pericles Alcibiades Thirty Tyrants Faction Rebellion Socrates Other States Bceotia ^Etolia Corcyra Achsea Foreign appeals . . 241 CHAPTER XIX. ITALIAN GOVERNMENTS MUNICIPAL CONSTITUTIONS AND ARISTOCRACY. Feudal plan monarchical Rise of Aristocracy Civic Nobility Otho I. General form of Government Consuls Credeuza Senate Parliament Wars of the Cities Pavia and Milan War of the Towns Treaty of Constance . '250 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER XX. GOVERNMENT OF VENICE. Origin of Venice Insular Federacy Anarchy Doge created Venice founded Conquests Parties Doge's power restricted Pregadi Aristocracy founded Grand Council Council of Ten Inquisitors Spies Lion's Mouth Committee of Public Safety Page 260 CHAPTER XXI. GOVERNMENT OF VENICE (Continued.) Doge Complicated Election Two objects kept in view Neither attained Examination of the process First object to prevent faction Second object to prevent corruption Jealous nature of Aristocracy Limited Power of the Doge Ducal Oath Officers to watch and punish the Doge Avogadors Doge's prerogative Senate or Pregadi Collegio Judicial power Quarantia Offices filled by Commoners Procurators of St. Mark Savii Provincial offices Government of Candia 269 CHAPTER XXII. GOVERNMENT OF VENICE (Concluded.} Great vigour of the Government Comparison of dominions with those of England With those of Rome Venetian Tyranny Examples : Carrara; Carmagnola; Foscari Firmness and Vigour Military policy Equalizing laws Merits of the system Provincial Government Oligarchy substantially established Comparison with English Government Scottish parliament Meanness and Pride of Venetian Nobles Improvements in modern times . . .278 CHAPTER XXIII. ITALIAN GOVERNMENTS VENETIAN TERRA FIRMA. Terra Firma Feudal Nobility Municipal Government in their hands originally Podestas Factions Montecchi and Bonifazii Adelardi and Saliuguerra Vivario and Vicenza families Rise of the Friars Their fanatical preaching and influence Their usurpation John of Vicenza Jordan of Padua Ezzelino da Romano His prodigious tyranny Despicable Submission of the People His destruction Submissions of the Towns to others Levity of Democratic Councils of Padua Corrected by the Aristocracy Municipal Governments Anziani Gastaldioni Cane della Scala John Galeaz Visconti Democracy of Verona and Vicenza Submission of the People to tyranny War of Parties in Italy Hired troops Condottieri Military operations Surrender of rights by the people to Chiefs Effects of Aristocracy, Faction, Tyranny, on the cha- racter of the People Letters and the Arts ..... 295 CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER XXIV. GOVERNMENT OF GENOA. Early History Pisan Alliances and Conquests Constitution of 1096 Aristocracy Parties of the Nobles Podesta Turbulence of the Factions Constant Re- volutions Companies of Arts Credenza Oligarchy established Abate Capitano del Popolo W. Boccanegro's Usurpation Genoese Fickleness and Factions Party movements and civil conflicts Viscontis called in Perpetual Revolutions New Nobility ; their Power ; their Factions Conflict with the old Revolutions French Conquests Andrew Doria Spanish Conquest Doria's noble Conduct and Reforms Final Aristocratic Constitution Attempts to extinguish Party Alberghi New Factions Councils Doge Syndics Inquisitors Judicial Administration Galling yoke of the Aristocracy Folly of the new Nobles and Plebeians Oligarchical periods Comparison of Genoese and Venetian Governments Oligarchy of Genoese settlements . Page 310 CHAPTER XXV. ITALIAN GOVERNMENTS MILAN. Consuls Podestas Credenza Patricians Plebeians Struggles of the Orders Cavalry Condottieri Foreign Captain-General Financial Dictatorship Companies ; Credenzas ; Molta Councils Defects of History in Political Matters Signer del Popolo Martino della Torre Visconti completes his usur- pation Unprincipled Conduct of both Patricians and Plebeians Unfitness of the Lombards for Self-Government Conflict of Factions Succession of Revo- lutions Visconti Family Vain attempt to erect Republic Francis Sforza His Victories, and elevation by the Mob Fickleness and baseness of the People at Milan and Placentia Charles V. obtains the Sovereignty after the Sforzas 328 CHAPTER XXVI. GOVERNMENT OF FLORENCE. Florence joins the League late Early Constitution Consuls ; Quarters ; Senate Burgher Aristocracy At first mixed, then pure Podesta established Ex- pelled, and new Government established Old Constitution restored New Con- stitution after Manfred's defeat Two Councils Party Government within the Government Parallel of Jacobin Club New Constitution Its Anomalies and Absurdities Factious Turbulence Interferes with Justice and Police Ordin- ances of Justice Monstrous Provisions Popular Aristocracy ; Popolani Grossi Bianchi and Neri Absurdities of Party New mode of electing the Seignory Burgher Oligarchy Duke of Athens Progress of Tyranny Changes in the Constitution New Party divisions ; Natural Aristocracy Albrizzi and Ricci Factious Violence Ciompi ; Mob Government Triumph of the Aristocratic Polity Influence of Free Institutions Of Democratic Government Grandeur of Florence Feudal and Burgher Economy . . .341 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVII. LESSER ITALIAN GOVERNMENTS PISA BOLOGNA SIENNA- LUCCA SAX MARINO. Want of Information respecting PISA. BOLOGNA. Early Charter and Government Early regularity of the Constitution Consuls ; Councils ; Podesta ; Public Orators Party Feuds. SEENNA. Aristocracy never entirely extinguished Consuls ; Podesta ; Council Oligarchy established ; steps of the transition Intrigues of the Oligarchs with Foreign Powers Oligarchs overthrown Burgher Aristocracy and Oligar- chy Government falls into the hands of the lowest Class Surrender to Visconti Factious Turbulence and Revolutions Petrucci's Power Five Orders recog- nised Duke of Calabria Mob Oligarchy Revolution and New Government Dictatorship, and Destruction of this Constitution Government of Spain and France alternately Union with Tuscany Real duration of Siennese Oligarchy. LUCCA. Revolutions deserving of attention Early Government and Parties Castruccio Castraeani's Services and Usurpation Good Conduct of the Lucchese Anziani ; Gonfaloniere ; College ; Great Council Practical Oligarchy Paul Giunigi His great Merit Cruel ate Republic restored Perfidy and Con- quest of the Medici Martinian Law Oligarchy finally established Its per- manence. SAN MARINO. Antiquity of its Government Extent and Population Constitu- tion ; Anziani ; Senate ; Gonfaloniere ; Capitani Judicial Authority Page 355 CHAPTER XXVIII. SWISS ARISTOCRACIES. Division of the Subject : 1. LUCERN Feudal History Early Constitution Aristocracy established Sovereign Council Senate Avoyers Self-Election Aristocracy popular Consequences in French invasion Act of Mediation, 1803 New Constitution Policy of Napoleon Constitution of 1814. 2. ZURICH Early Aristocracy Government more exclusive Council Senate Constitution of 1803 of 1814. 3. BERN Early Constitution Aristocracy introduced Great Council Senate Seizeniers^ Avoyers Constitution of 1803 of 1816 Self-Election Oligarchy. 4. GENEVA Early History Mixed Aristocracy Parties Great Council Senate Revolution of 1782 Restoration of the old Government Constitution of 1814 Importance of Geneva ........ . 369 POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. PART II. CHAPTER I. OF THE NATURE OF ARISTOCRACY IN GENERAL. Aristocracy defined Errors on this subject Roman and Athenian Governments Germs of Aristocracy may exist and give rise to it Illustrations from Rome and Athens Pure Aristocracies rare Tendency of Aristocratic Government to become mixed. WHERE the supreme power in any state is in the hands of a portion of the community, and that portion is so constituted that the rest of the people cannot gain admittance, or can only gain admittance with the consent of the select body, the government, as we have seen (Part I., Chap. II.), is an Aristocracy ; where the people at large exercise the supreme power it is a Democracy. Nor does it make any difference in these forms of government, that the ruling body exercises its power by delegation to indi- viduals or to smaller bodies. Thus a government would be Aristocratic in which the select body elected a chief to whom a portion, or even the whole, of its power should be intrusted : provided he held his appointment during the pleasure of his electors, or during some definite but short period of time, it would not be a Monarchy. So a government would be Demo- cratic in which the bulk of the people appointed a chief magis- trate with full powers, or a council with full powers : provided those powers were only exercised during the pleasure of the electors, or during some definite but short period of time, it would neither be a Monarchy in the one case, nor an Aristocracy in the other. If the people had the selection of the governing body among the privileged class, but were confined to that class in their choice, and could not themselves exercise any power, the government would still be Aristocratic, unless the privileged class were so numerous and contained persons so insignificant as PART II. B 2 OF THE NATURE OF ARISTOCRACY IN GENERAL. CH. I. to be mere instruments in the hands of the electors ; in which case the government would be substantially Democratic, and could not fail speedily to become purely such by the abrogation of all exclusive privileges. The essence of an Aristocracy is the existence of a privileged class which engrosses the supreme power, and has sufficient force to resist the changes that any intermixture of Monarchial or Democratical institutions tend to introduce in favour of monarchy or of democracy respectively. There have been but few instances of a pure aristocracy or of a pure democracy, and governments have frequently been con- sidered as aristocratic merely because there was lodged a great power in one class, or democratic because the citizens at large had much authority. Nor has it been rare to find reason ers misled by a name, and confounding the distribution of power according to certain rules with its distribution according to classes. Thus nothing can be more inaccurate than to consider the ear- liest Roman and Athenian governments as aristocracies merely because a considerable portion of the people in each were ex- cluded from power. In the former, after the expulsion of the kings, the powers of government are represented as vested ex- clusively in the families of rank, the nobles or patricians ; in the latter the class of citizens alone are said to have governed the state ; and in both it is inferred that the body of the people, the inhabitants at large, were excluded from all direct authority. But it must be remembered that the privileged families in Rome were the whole free people of whom the founders of the city consisted, or the descendants of those freemen ; and the com- moners or plebeians were either liberated slaves or foreigners who had settled in the state. Consequently the governing body was the community at large, subject to certain exceptions, and could no more be deemed a separate order than Protestants in Ireland, before the abrogation of the penal laws, could be correctly regarded as a separate order and called an aristocracy as contra- distinguished from the Catholics, or than British-born subjects at this day can be deemed a separate order from aliens and forming an aristocracy in the government. In fact, during the reign of the first kings and until the time of Ancus Martius there were no commoners or plebeians at all, the people consisting wholly of the patricians, or free and freely descended persons, and their clients, retainers, or dependents ; and though these CH. L CONSTITUTIONS OF ATHENS AND HOME. 3 dependents had no more political functions than the slaves, they formed like them parts of the patron's or master's family ; so that the power shared by the people with the king was sub- stantially vested in the whole body. Thus, too, the whole of the Athenian free people, not being aliens, formed the governing body : foreigners and slaves were disqualified ; but their dis- qualification cannot be regarded as constituting an aristocracy in the free native Athenians. Indeed the observation applies still more strongly to Athens than to Rome ; for it is understood that the free Athenian people, in whom the government resided, amounted to upwards of eighty thousand, and the slaves and strangers to between three and four hundred thousand, of whom all but about forty thousand were in slavery. No classification can rank this constitution with aristocracies, that would not make the government of the United States of America an aristocracy in respect of the slave population. But although it would be a great abuse of language to consider these governments as aristocratic, yet they plainly contained the germs of aristocracy ; the elements existed from the beginning which might give birth to aristocratic government, because, if the exclusive privileges continued to be vested in the smaller body, and the numbers of the persons excluded came to be greatly increased, it is clear that, whatever might have been the original state of the select body, and though it might at first have constituted the whole nation, it would become an hereditary aristocracy when surrounded by a numerous body of disqualified people. This happened at Rome ; at Athens it cannot with any correctness be said to have taken place. At Rome the patricians formed a distinct and privileged class, far from numerous, and surrounded by a whole nation : at Athens the governing body continued to be composed of the whole free people not being aliens ; and the number of aliens and slaves constituting the rest of the state did not materially increase. But although the Ro- man aristocracy grew out of the exclusive privileges possessed by the original free citizens and their descendants, it is erroneous to conceive that the government was at any time a pure aristo- cracy. Before the republic it was an aristocratic monarchy of the elective kind ; afterwards at all times before the empire it was an aristocratic republic, in which the two orders of patricians and plebeians, nobles and commoners, had at different periods different B2 4 OF THE NATURE OF ARISTOCRACY IN GENERAL. CH. I. proportions of power and influence, but in which there was at all times a mixture of the democratic with the aristocratic principle. In like manner, although the Athenian government never con- tained anything like the same admixture of aristocracy, yet there were privileges in practice enjoyed by those whose descent was distinguished. The Eupatridce, or well born, were eligible to offices from which freemen whose ancestors had been slaves or foreigners were excluded for several ages. Therefore, inde- pendent of the weight and influence which, even in the purest democracy, are possessed by persons of respectable station and descent, there were distinctions made in their favour, and recog- nised by the law, or, which is the same thing, in the practice and by the customs of the commonwealth. In so far there must be allowed to have been an aristocratic influence in the consti- tution. In Venice and in some of the smaller states of modern Italy are found instances of pure aristocracy ; in the United States of America we find the only instance of a permanently pure democracy. In the former the whole government was in the hands of a comparatively small privileged class ; in the latter the whole people partake equally in the powers of government, and may by law equally exercise all its functions. But these are the only modern instances of the aristocratic and the demo- cratic principle being found pure for any considerable time, as Sparta is the only ancient example of a lasting aristocracy. The tendency of each is to ally itself more or less with the other, or with the monarchial principle, or with both. This tendency leads us to consider the nature of mixed government, and espe- cially of the checks and balances in which it consists. Without forming distinct ideas upon this important subject we cannot advantageously examine the nature, the effects, and the tendencies either of aristocratic or of popular government, and the inquiry is equally essential with a view to its bearing upon the subject of mixed or limited monarchy. CH. II. OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CHAPTER II. OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. Dogmatical denial of Checks This founded on theory alone Doctrine of Checks misconceived Doctrine explained Its foundation Fallacy of the objectors ex- posed Illustration of the doctrine from joint Powers : Mutual veto : Factitious majority Illustrations from English constitution Proceedings since 1832 Illustration from balance of Parties in Parliament Illustration from Dynamics Checks, proper or imperfect Example of the proper Check : .Roman constitu- tion Example of the imperfect Check : Venetian constitution Absolute monarchies English and American constitutions -Senseless project of Peerage Reform. WRITERS on the mixed constitution of England had formerly accustomed themselves to describe its component parts as the accurately poised and balanced portions or works of a machine, and to extol its structure as if this system of checks were in practice perfect, working according to the theory not only with- out any stoppages or derangement, but without any retardation from friction or resistance. This refined and somewhat exag- gerated praise gave rise to objectors who impugned the doctrine itself, as well as the extreme to which it had been pushed, and at last came to deny that such checks and balances could ever exist at all. The reasoners to whom we refer, and Mr. Bentham was the chief, held all notion of a balance to be absurd ; they treated it as a ridiculous fancy ; they maintained, with little argu- ment, but much fluency of dogmatical assertion, and, after the manner of dogmatists, with no small portion of contempt for their adversaries, that no such equipoise can ever exist ; they considered it as self-evident that, if two powers are found in a constitution with different and adverse interests, one must defeat and overturn the other ; they denied that both could co-exist and act ; they treated the doctrine somewhat as theologians have been wont to treat the Manichean scheme of two principles ; contending that if the two antagonist forces were equal they must destroy each other, and the whole movement of the machine be stopped ; that, if they were unequal, the greater must prevail, and prevent the lesser from at all influencing the direction or the rate of the motion. 6 OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CH. II. It seems not a little strange that this manner of viewing the subject should have been adopted in England, and with refer- ence to the government of England, where so many facts are constantly seen to expose its inaccuracy ; and equally singular that those reasoners should complain of the doctrine they were attacking as speculative, and theoretical, and fanciful, when, in truth, their own objections are founded upon theoretical views alone, and are at once removed by examining the actual facts. But their doctrine is not confined to our own constitution ; it extends to all other forms of government, and seems to deny the possibility of effectual checks existing in any scheme of polity, consequently the possibility of any mixed government being formed. The necessity is thus obvious of considering more nearly the grounds of the theory. The main foundation of the objection to the doctrine which rests upon the counteracting influence of different powers in the same constitution will be perceived to be a misconception of that doctrine. When properly conceived and stated, it does not represent the conflicting authorities as accurately balancing one another ; it only regards the influence of one power as capable of limiting the exercise of another, and it assumes that none of the powers is in itself absolute, or would even if left to itself be carried to all extremities. Thus it never was supposed that, a despotic prince being established in any state, and at the same time an aristocracy of equally unlimited powers, there could be any other result of the conflict than a direct collision and the complete dominion of whichever body prevailed. Place the sultan of Turkey and the aristocracy of Venice together in one system, no one can doubt that either the Vizier or the Council of Ten would gain the upper hand, and either a pure despotism or a pure aristocracy would speedily be established. But the question is what would be the result of a combination between the powers of a sovereign accustomed to regard himself as one authority, perhaps to consider himself as the supreme, but still not as the exclusive depositary of arbitrary power, and a patrician body accustomed to consider themselves as the mag- nates in a country acknowledging a monarch. In such a system both parties will be disposed to resist each other, to encroach upon each other, even to risk an open rupture with each other upon certain occasions, by no means on every occasion, and up CH. II. DOCTRINE EXPLAINED. 7 to a certain point only even on those special occasions, and by no means to take extreme courses and push matters to an irre- parable rupture even on those few and excepted occasions. This brings us immediately to that which is at once the foundation of the doctrine of checks or balances, and the exposition of the fallacy upon which the objectors rest. The efficacy of the check always consists in the general reluc- tance of all parties to risk the consequences of driving matters to extremities. To avoid this each will yield a little ; and some- times, where the concession is not fatal, one will give up the point to the other, expecting in its turn to have some point of the like kind yielded at another time. Thus the result will be that neither body will carry everything its own way, but a course will be taken different from what would have been taken had there been only either the one body or the other in the system. As far as the interests of the different bodies are concerned those of both will be better consulted than if only one had existed, and in proportion as the interests of the whole community are iden- tified with those of both the bodies will the community be a gainer by the result of the conflict. But we are not now con- sidering the checks as to their beneficial tendency ; we are on the question whether such checks can exist at all ; and it is plain that the compromise which the conflict produces shows the real existence and the efficacy of the checks. Let us then, to take the simplest instance, suppose there are two bodies in a state, the consent of both of which is required before any given measure can be adopted for example, any law made and that in this respect the two bodies are exactly of equal authority. A law is propounded and agreed to by one of them to which the other will not consent, or will only consent if it shall be materially altered. The first body refuses to alter it, and the second therefore will not concur in adopting it. For the present the change in the law cannot be effected, and must be deferred. The refusal of the second body may become less unqualified another year ; or the alterations now demanded may be such that the first body will agree to them, provided some one or two things more be given up. In the end the measure passes ; not such as either body would have desired had it been alone in the legislation, but such as both can agree to. But suppose, now, that one of the two is far more powerful 8 OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CH. II. than the other in fact, though by law both are equal. It is said that the more powerful body will compel the other to yield, and that so the check ceases to be effectual. But how can this com- pulsion be exercised? Only in one of two ways either by the weaker body being afraid of resisting the stronger, for fear of its strength being used destructively, or by the stronger actually putting forth that strength ; in other words, either by fear of the government being overthrown, or by its actual subversion. This, however, is an extremity to which the stronger body will very rarely resort ; in the great majority of instances it will prefer yielding many points to avoid the mischiefs of such a course ; and the weaker body, being aware of this, will generally make a stout resistance. The stronger may carry more points in this way than the weaker, because, the real power of the two bodies being unequal, the constitution inclines towards the one side. Thus, if the more powerful body be popular, the government leans towards democracy ; if patrician, it inclines to aristocracy ; but the leaning of the legislature being, as it must always be, in the direction of the more powerful body, so far from showing that the combined action of the two bodies produces no effect, only shows that the movement which results is according to the proportion of the two forces whose combined operation causes it, and that the government is carried on according to the nature and principles of its structure. Let us now, after these explanations, suppose the case of two bodies so wholly unmatched that one could in no way resist the other if they came in conflict ; and still it is manifest that their co-existence with opposite interests, and r consequently, inclina- tions, will produce a very different action in the whole govern- ment from what would have taken place had only the more powerful body existed ; will effectually cause some things to be done different from what the powerful body alone would have donej and prevent still more things from being done r which the more powerful body, if left to itself, would have done. The reluctance to bring on a collision will always operate, however disproportioned the forces may be. The opposition of even the weakest body must at any rate create delay, and thus give time for reflection. The influence of rational and prudent, as well as of timid men, thus obtains an opportunity of making itself felt. The force of the powerful body becomes divided, and a part is CH. IT. FALLACY OF THE OBJECTORS. 9 thrown into the scale of the weaker body. The apprehension of an opposition, and its possible result, a collision, also tends to prevent many things from ever being propounded, and modifies beforehand the measures actually brought forward. Grant that the one body is ever so much an overmatch for the other, unless the disparity be such as to render all attempts at resistance im- possible (in which extreme case there cannot be said to exist two bodies), no one can maintain that the check is wholly destroyed, or quite inoperative, who is not prepared to contend, as a practical position, that all men and all bodies will, upon all occasions, without any reluctance or hesitation, do whatever they have the power to do. And herein lies the whole fallacy of the argument, or rather dogma, which denies the possibility of checks and balances. It is always taken for granted that every one is at all times sure to do whatever he is able to do. Now, if this were at all true, the whole frame of civil society must be destroyed, and all govern- ment subverted ; or rather, no society ever could be established, and no government formed. What forms the principal strength of any government, and every constituted authority in any given government ? Doubtless the mutual distrust of the subjects is one very great security : the uncertainty in which each man is that others will support him if he resists. But this may be got over, and a common understanding may be come to for a com- mon object. How seldom does actual resistance take place ! How many times is it avoided when every inducement to it is presented, and every justification afforded, even in the view of the strictest reason, and the purest patriotism 1 How many oppressions will be borne ; how long a time will misrule, daily and hourly felt, be submitted to ; how much grievous suffering will be endured in quiet by millions, whose slightest movement could subvert the hateful tyranny, and restore general prosperity and ease ! The main cause of this patience is the universal dis- position to avoid running risks, and the rooted dislike of pushing things to an extremity. But there is a further and most material circumstance which gives force to the constitutional check ; it is legal ; it is known and felt to be according to strict law and right ; the wrong doer is felt to be he who would encroach and usurp ; however superior he may be in might, the right is on the opposite side : and this has a direct tendency at once to in- 10 OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CH. II. vigorate the party resisting, however inferior in natural strength ; and to dishearten and weaken the party encroaching, however superior in actual power. Consider how in any state joint powers are exercised by subordinate authorities, and this will illustrate also the argu- ment as to the supreme authorities. There are two bodies, or a body and a single functionary, which have a mutual veto on each other's proceedings ; say, to take the simplest case, upon the choice of an office-bearer, the concurrence of both being required to make the election valid. According to the reasoning of those against whom we have been contending, the single functionary can always secure the appointment of his candidate, by refusing every person proposed by the body, until the man of his choice is returned. But this we know does not happen in practice, and cannot happen ; because neither party is disposed to bring matters to a collision by standing on its extreme rights, and both are disposed to have the choice effectually made. There- fore the knowledge that certain persons are sure to be rejected prevents the body from selecting these, and the necessity of appointing some one induces the functionary to accept a person different from the one he would most have preferred. Neither party obtains the result most desired, but a person is chosen against whom neither has any very insuperable objection ; and the probability is that a better choice is made than if either singly had selected. Similar illustrations of the argument are afforded by those institutions in which more than a majority of voices is required to pronounce a valid decision, as where two-thirds or three- fourths must concur. The temptation given to minorities to hold out and govern the majority is in most cases a sufficient argument against such arrangements ; they are only admissible where a necessity for decision does not exist, as where the object is to prevent some measure from being adopted, or person elected, without a general concurrence, and where the entire interrup- tion of the proceeding is not accounted an evil. But practically the result is by no means such as the theoretical reasoners would expect ; the minority, having the power in its hands, is very often found to yield, and let a compromise take place. It is true that in these cases of subordinate bodies the law and the supreme government controls both, enables each to exercise CH. II. ENGLISH AND OTHER CONSTITUTIONS. 11 its rights, and prevents the one from encroaching or usurping upon the other. But in the case of co-ordinate bodies exercis- ing the supreme power, the substitute for the control of the law and the government is the reluctance which each feels to bring on a collision. The compromise is effected, the middle course taken, by the superior authorities under the influence of this dis- position, as in the cases of subordinate authorities under the control of the law and the influence of a similar reluctance jointly the dislike, namely, to drive matters to the extremity of calling in the arm of the law, or of suspending the operation which the common interest demands should proceed. When we come to examine in detail the constitutions of the ancient commonwealths, especially of Athens and Rome, and also those of the modern republics, especially in Italy, we shall find many illustrations of the principles which have just now been adverted to. Even in those constitutions which seemed to confer unlimited power upon one body, if there was any other armed with authority, however feeble it might be in comparison, the whole power was not engrossed by the prevailing body, but a considerable share of influence was possessed also by the other, and the motion of the whole machine of government partook of both the impulses in the different directions. But a more striking exemplification of the same doctrine is to be found in the practical working of a constitution with which we are much more familiar that of our own country. It can- not be doubted that ever since the late reform in the representa- tion the measures of the legislature have been affected by the inclinations and opinions of the Lords as well as of the Commons. In the second Parliament after the reform there were very material changes effected by the Lords in the proposed constitu- tion of the municipal corporations, and measures affecting the church partook largely of the same influence, both as regarded tithes and church-rates. The majority in favour of further changes had no doubt been greatly diminished by the general election of 1834-5 ; but even in the first Parliament after the reform, when the majority in favour of further change was about three to one, and when the members of the lower were marshalled against those of the upper house in the same proportion, there were some measures of importance thrown out in the Lords for which the anxiety of the Commons was matter of certainty, as 12 OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CH. II. the Local Courts Bill, lost too by the narrow majority of two votes, and other measures, as those relating to the Irish Church, which the Lords suffered very unwillingly to pass, and which were on the other hand materially altered in the Commons, with the ma- nifest design of disarming opposition in the Lords. The share taken in legislation by each of the great parties which generally divide both Houses of Parliament as well as the nation at large, affords another illustration of the same prin- ciples. Between these parties there is little or nothing in com- mon : whatever may be said of the Houses of Parliament being divided each in itself, so that the Lords have a large influence in the Commons,, and the Commons some supporters in the Lords, it cannot be said that the opposition have any supporters in the ranks of the Government party, and the Government party has always a decided preponderance in every question. And yet who can doubt that the measures of the Parliament are, at all times, considerably influenced by the opposition ? The reasoners, or rather dogmatists, who hold so cheap the idea of checks and balances, must needs suppose that when the minis- ters have a majority which enables them to carry any question they please, and successfully to resist whatever their adversaries attempt, the whole course of legislation will take one direction, and the power of the opposition be no more felt than if no such body existed. The reverse is always found to be the case ; not a session passes, even under the rule of the most powerful admi- nistration, without important changes being effected in their plans by the efforts of their greatly outoiHabered adversaries ; to say nothing of the many things in almost each measure which are altered in the plan before it is brought forward, altered to disarm the"opposition, or to smooth the passage of the bill. In all these instances, whether of contending parties or con- flicting authorities in the State, the different forces combine to produce the result, the movement of the political machine. Its course is in the direction neither of the one force nor of the other, but in a direction between those which either would sepa- rately have made it take. As a body on which two forces operate at the same time, in different but not in opposite direc- tions, moves hi the diagonal between the two directions ; so does the legislature or the government of a country take the middle course between the two which the different authorities or in- CH. II. PROPER AND IMPERFECT CHECKS. ] 3 fluences would make it take if left to themselves. It will depend upon the proportion of the forces to each other, whether the di- rection taken shall incline more to the one or to the other ; but this affects not the argument ; the course is affected by each, and the influence of each prevails so far as to check that of the other. In all that has been said on balances and checks, we have assumed that the counteraction was of one kind ; but there are, properly speaking, two descriptions of check, differing in kind as regards their structure and constitution, differing only in degree as regards their operation. The several authorities which are each armed with power or influence may belong to, be selected by, or be otherwise under the control of the same class, and have generally the same interests ; or they may belong to, be selected by, or be otherwise under the control of different classes, and have essentially different interests. The former may be termed imperfect checks, the latter perfect or proper checks. The counteracting influence exercised by the former will always be comparatively trifling, and sometimes will be hardly perceptible at all. Nevertheless some effect may in most cases be practically ascribed to it. For the most part it is rather to be regarded as the manner in which the power of the class is exercised as its mode of operation than as a real check. Yet in practice such divisions of the supreme authority, even though all the subordinate parts are under the same control, is found to have some tendency towards moderating its force, and a very great tendency to prevent mischief. This will immediately appear if we consider how these two kinds of checks act. Let us again take the simpler case of two powers. In the Eo- man Republic there were two co-ordinate bodies, the Comitia by Tribes and the Comitia by Centuries. Their powers were equal, and they were composed of classes whose interests were widely different, numbers alone being regarded in the one, and property alone in the other. This is the most remarkable check, properly so called, of which we have any example, and we shall afterwards find that political inquirers much more practically sagacious than Mr. Bentham's followers have found it exceedingly diffi- cult to account for the system working at all in which such an arrangement existed. Probably but for other contrivances, and certainly but for the gradual formation of its parts, such a con- 14 OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CH. II. stitution could not have stood. The government of Venice affords another and a very opposite example, a remarkable in- stance of the imperfect check. It contained several bodies armed with high authority, some of them with the highest ; but all were formed out of the general or greater council, and that council was composed of the nobles alone. Thus the Pregadi, or senate, which was the executive or administrative council, may be said to have had supreme powers, though the Council of Ten, which also had the same supremacy, was more efficient, from being less numerous and more uniformly constituted, con- sisting only of fourteen persons, and these the most important in the state. But both those bodies were composed of the nobles, and were chosen by, selected from, acting under, and accountable to the general or greater council, the whole body of the nobles. Here, therefore, the aristocracy was everywhere predominant ; and the division or delegation of its powers was only for the purpose of exercising them the more conveniently, and indeed the more effectually. In one point of view, then, this division rather tended to increase the aristocratic power, and nothing like a counteraction can be perceived. Again, when an absolute sovereign, as we have seen (Chap. V., Part I.), delegates his powers to a minister or council, he only acts by those agents, and the superior power is still in one hand. Ne- vertheless some small mitigation even of despotic power is pro- duced by the subdivision. The petty chief of a tribe, so small that it can be governed by a single will, is probably more des- potic and exercises his power more absolutely than the head of any regular and extensive monarchy ; and the sultan and czar in their palaces are more despotic than in the rest of their domi- nions. So the mere existence of several councils at Venice must have tended to prevent some acts of violence which might have been done by a single body, numerous enough to prevent individual responsibility, and not too numerous to be efficient. This, however, is quite clear ; the existence of several bodies has a tendency to interpose delays and prevent rash councils and precipitate action. The safety of the system is thus better secured ; and so far the subdivision of authority has anything rather than the effect of checking its exercise. Yet, as all violent measures are apt to be precipitate, and as delay and reflection must ever be favourable to both justice and mercy, the tendency CH. II. ENGLISH HOUSE OF LORDS. 15 upon the whole of the subdivision will be found towards miti- gating the exercise of arbitrary power. The great inferiority in fact of the efficiency of such checks, to the operation of those which are provided by the vesting of power in bodies differently constituted and having conflicting interests, is manifest. This difference may be further illustrated by referring to the constitution of England and the United States, in both of which the checks of the three members of the Legislature hold a middle place between the extreme cases of Rome and Venice, beside the further difference of there being an effective government in both England and America, so as to form a third component part of the constitution. The body which the American Senate represents is intimately connected with the body which chooses the House of Assembly, although, the qualification of the electors being different, property may be said to be more immediately represented in the former, and numbers in the latter. In so far as the two bodies have different interests, and are chosen for different terms, the check belongs to the perfect class ; in so far as the. influence of property among the electors of the representative assembly operates upon their choice, the check becomes of the imperfect kind. So in England the connexion between the Peers and the electors of the Commons, even since the late Reform, makes the check more imperfect than by the strict theory of the constitu- tion it is supposed to be, and more imperfect than it would be if the Lords and the electors were bodies entirely separated. But in so far as the Lords differ from the nation at large in their in- terests, and in so far as they hold their places for life and by inheritance, the check is of the proper or perfect kind. Consider now what the effect would be of a plan which has frequently of late years been broached, and of which many per- sons were very recently much enamoured. The speculation was to deprive the House of Lords of its legislative functions, and to vest the whole power in an executive and a House of Commons. But the manifest absurdity of expecting any safe and cautious legislation from a single chamber made it necessary to devise a second for the purpose, it was said, of reconsidering the bills and correcting the errors into which the first chamber might fall. No doubt, the whole experience of parliament demon- strated clearly enough how great this necessity was, and men at once saw into what frightful difficulties the country must be 16 OF BALANCES AND CHECKS. CH. IT. thrown if only one body had to discuss and decide upon all measures. But then nothing could be more ineffectual, even for revision, than the plan proposed. The second house would have differed very little from the first ; even if a higher qualifi- cation had been required, it would have been chosen for a small number of years only, because, had it been elected for life or for many years, it would have been liable to the very same objec- tions which had caused the House of Lords to be dispensed with. Therefore, not only would it have been no effectual check ; that was not the object ; but it would have given no effectual security for revision, which was the object proposed, it would have been a little, and but a little, better than adding so many stages to those through which bills must pass in the Com- mons as now constituted ; a little, and but a little, additional security for reflection and revision would have been afforded. But the great security would have been wholly wanting, which results, and can only result, from the nature, structure, origin, and interests of the two bodies being entirely different, and which depends upon the full discussion only to be obtained from such really conflicting bodies. It deserves to be noted that all these senseless projects have long since been abandoned by their thoughtless authors, who a few years ago considered the safety of the empire to depend upon what they termed " Peerage Reform." OH. III. PROGRESS AND CHANGES OF ARISTOCRACY. ] 7 CHAPTER III. PROGRESS AND CHANGES OF ARISTOCRACY OLIGARCHY. Tendency of Aristocratic and Democratic Constitutions to mix with others Dif- ference in this respect of Despotism Tendency greatest in Aristocracies Early pupilage of the people Their progress to emancipation Best course for the Aristocracy Illustration from colonial emancipation- Natural introduction of Oligarchy Its natural progress to greater exclusiveness Its natural tendency to dissolution Examples from the Venetian, Genoese, Siennese, and Lucca Governments. WE have in the outset of this discussion remarked, that aristo- cratic and democratic constitutions have a much greater tendency to mix themselves with one another, and even with monarchical institutions, than either despotic or constitutional monarchies have to ally themselves with those of a popular nature. This arises from the different nature of those several governments. When a despotism is established, all influence, all movement ceases, except that which proceeds from the sovereign ; all power, the whole force of the state, centres of necessity in him. The least division of this force, the existence of any opposite will, unconnected with and independent of the monarch, would be destructive of the system. Consequently, the germs do not exist, out of which any popular institutions might grow ; there are no elements of gradual change ; a single step towards it, however small, would be equivalent to revolt, and, being treated as such, would terminate the effort at once. Change can only arise from some unbearable opposition, or some intrigue in the family or among the connexions of the Prince : this to succeed must be ripened into action ; and whatever may have been its origin, it has never any but one result, a change in the person or the family of the despot. The alliance of the monarchical with the aristocratic principle in the constitutional monarchies of Europe is no exception to this rule ; for these monarchies arose out of the feudal aristocracy as we have seen, and are only an illustra- tion of the tendency which the aristocratic principle has to ally PART II. C 18 PROGRESS AND CHANGES OF ARISTOCRACY CH. III. itself with other institutions. But the existence of aristocracy in constitutional monarchies produces a tendency to further admix- ture, which cannot exist in governments purely despotic ; and in proportion as these monarchies have more of the aristocratic or of the democratic institutions connected with them, will always be their tendency to further limitation or to progressive improvement. It is, however, in constitutions entirely popular, in those of which the main structure is either aristocratic or democratic or mixed monarchy, that the tendency to an alliance with other principles than those of the constitution is most remarkable, and much more in aristocracies than in republics. The reason is plain : the institutions which exist are of a nature to allow dis- cussion and consideration among either the whole or a consider- able proportion of the people. The desire of change has a free scope, even where it is founded upon no rational grounds, but much more where the circumstances of the government indicate its expediency or necessity. Thus, reforms tending towards a democracy may become a favourite object in a mixed monarchy, from the progress of the people in wealth, in power, and in im- provement ; or the evils of democratic ascendancy may suggest the return to a more purely monarchical polity. So in a demo- cracy, the necessity of repressing tumults and securing the fo- reign as well as domestic peace of the state may lead to enlarging the aristocratic influence, or still more probably to substituting a monarchical for a republican regimen. Both of these courses were taken in succession by almost all the Commonwealths upon the mainland of northern Italy. The aristocratic form, however, is still more liable to form such admixtures than the democratic ; and accordingly, except the Spartan Govern- ment in ancient times, and the Venetian in modern, there is no instance to be found of an aristocracy which did not, sooner or later, become either a democracy, as that of ancient Rome, or a petty monarchy, like those of the Italian States. The reason of aristocracies being thus naturally shortlived is obvious ; and it applies still more strongly to oligarchies, or the government in which, by an abuse of the system, there has been found a kind of aristocracy within an aristocracy, a few of the privileged class usurping the whole power to the exclusion of their fellows, just as these had at first usurped the supreme power to the ex- clusion of the people. CH. III. OLIGARCHY. 19 The period in a nation's progress at which the aristocratic power is naturally established, must always be while the body of the people are in a low state of refinement. Their power was in proportion feeble, and the upper classes, possessed of almost all the property, and beyond comparison better in- formed, as well as more skilful in all their arrangements, found it easy to retain in their hands the entire direction of public affairs. In fact, the bulk of the people, being extremely ignorant of everything relating to the administration of the state, never thought of interfering, and only felt an interest in matters which immediately concerned themselves as individuals. Hence any disputes that arose between them and the superior or governing class related entirely to subjects of immediate and urgent indi- vidual interest, as the oppressions exercised at Rome by the patricians over their plebeian debtors, and their monopoly of the public lands without paying rent, or the feudal oppressions in modern Europe by taxation and the exaction of personal ser- vice. With the general management of public affairs it never occurred to the people that they had any concern ; and their profound ignorance of everything which related to government kept them wholly aloof from all controversies respecting it, save only that in the Italian Commonwealths the people fre- quently required to have a voice in the choice of the chief magistrate. In all other respects, even in those republics, they never interfered as a body, and for their own rights or interests as opposed to those of the patricians. They were appealed to by the contending factions, and took a part with the one or the other ; but in almost constant indifference with respect to the subject-matter of their contentions, and generally ignorant of the merits of the question, only taking part with individual leaders or leading families, and knowing little more of the opposite sides of the dispute than the names by which their adherents passed. But though such is necessarily the state of things in early ages, and the power which the people must necessarily always possess from their numbers is thus divided, and, as it were, dormant, from their ignorance and neglect, the progress of society by degrees increases their influence with their experience and information. In some cases, as at Rome, where the patri- cians originally bore a large proportion to the whole body of the people, the mere increase in the numbers of the plebeians brings c 2 20 PROGRESS AND CHANGES OF ARISTOCRACY CH. III. with it an augmentation of their relative force ; but in every case their wealth goes on increasing, and augments their influence. It thus happens, that as the weight of the people increases with the progress of society in knowledge and in wealth, they are ne- cessarily prepared for passing from the state of pupilage in which they must always be in earlier times ; and once prepared for their emancipation, it must, sooner or later, come with more or with less of violence if suddenly, safely and peaceably if gradually effected. The true wisdom of the aristocracy in all such cases is to foresee this necessary result, and to prepare for it betimes, as the true wisdom of the mother country always is to foresee the inevitable emancipation of her colonies, and to part from them in such a good and kindly spirit as will make them her natural friends when independent. The course which the aristocracy, like the mother country, invariably takes is to resist the change by every means in their power. But they are always obliged to yield somewhat ; and the apprehension that each conces- sion may give the people more power to demand further changes is the reason why they always resist the change, and often refuse to grant things in themselves of no importance to them, though beneficial to the people. The struggle being once begun, and the power of the people fully put forth, the aristo- cracy has never failed to take one course after finding that an admixture of democratic institutions only brought their own power nearer its close ; they have called in another auxiliary, and given both themselves and the plebeian party a master. The Romans were enslaved, as we shall find when their constitution comes to be examined in detail, by the aristocratic parties be- tween whom the corrupted plebeians might have held the balance till they overthrew the whole and re-established the re- public; but instead of that, they became the instruments by which conflicting factions tore the country to pieces, and all finally submitted to a race of tyrants. In all the republics of modern Italy, with the exception of Venice, the aristocracy which usurped the government were gradually obliged to re- strict their own powers, but soon put an end to all conflict with the people by placing sovereign princes of their own order at the head of affairs, and changing the aristocracy into constitu- tional monarchy. The introduction of oligarchical power and its short duration CH III. OLIGAECHY. 21 are natural and almost necessary attendants upon the aristocratic constitution. At first, when the aristocratic body is not numerous, and all, or nearly all, its members are really endowed with the advantages of fortune, that is with wealth as well as with birth and rank, the supreme power is shared by them all ; and the struggle of parties is chiefly confined to maintaining an influ- ence of a personal nature in directing public affairs. But this struggle soon leads to the design of exclusively possessing this great influence : and one party generally endeavours to intro- duce such a monopoly, even against his equals in birth and wealth. The most ordinary course, however, is that a certain class of the whole body, without reference to party divisions, becomes distinguished from the great body of the patricians by its superior wealth and personal influence. This is sure to hap- pen when the body of the nobles becomes numerous, and con- sequently contains many poor individuals. The rights of nobility being enjoyed by all the children of each house, the fortune will not bear so great a subdivision as would suffice to give each a reasonable portion ; and hence independent of accidental mis- fortunes or personal extravagance reducing families to poverty, the inevitable tendency of every patrician body must be, as its numbers increase, to become composed of two classes, a wealthy and a poor. The consequence is almost as inevitable that an attempt will be made by the leading families, or a portion of the leading families, to exclude all the rest, and to retain in their hands the exclusive authority of the government. This object is effected in two ways ; sometimes the law is made which vests power in a small body, or comparatively small body, of the pa- tricians, and this may be termed the strict or legal oligarchy- But even where this arrangement is not made, the influence of wealth gives a sway to the leading families, and the others are practically excluded from the government, though not by law ; they are legally capable of exercising all the functions of govern- ment, but do not in fact share in them ; and this may be termed the natural oligarchy. Of the stricter oligarchy, the pure oligarchical constitution permanently established, there have not been many examples, partly because the resistance of the whole body of this privileged order tended to prevent its establishment ; partly because, when once established, the same cause has generally subverted such 22 PROGRESS AND CHANGES OF ARISTOCRACY. CH. III. governments very soon after their formation. It is the natural tendency of the aristocratic form generally to mix itself with either the democratic or monarchical, with the former from the progress of popular influence, with the latter from the attempts of the aristocracy to obstruct the growth of that influence, or of each party to strengthen itself against the other. But the ten- dency of an oligarchy is almost inevitably to its destruction, and the restoration of the whole patrician body's power. It is the still more inevitable, indeed the necessary, tendency of an oligarchy, as long as it exists unchanged by law, to become more and more close, confined to fewer hands, and thus rendered more odious and oppressive to the rest of the community. For the select class, if the power is hereditary, becomes less numerous by the natural extinction of families, and if formed by perpetual self-election it becomes gradually more narrow in consequence of the disposition in each set at all times to confine it, and exclude as much as possible the successors who on each vacancy would keep up the number. Thus at Bologna, the senate had the power of creating new nobles, but hardly ever exercised it except in favour of needy and therefore dependent persons. Thus, too, at Venice, from the year 1297, there was a pure oligarchy formed ; a cer- tain number of families usurped the whole power of the govern- ment, and excluded all the rest. In the course of a few years, however, those who were excluded obtained the repeal of this ordinance, probably because they were taking steps to obtain the support of the other orders, which would have subverted the aristocracy entirely, and therefore the oligarchs preferred any- thing to that catastrophe. In 1319 the whole nobles were again admitted, but the government was confined to them. Genoa had an oligarchical government for some years, at the end of which the distinction was abolished. Sienna was under a pure oligarchy from 1290 to 1354 ; and the government of Lucca be- came oligarchical in 1554 by the Martinian Law, which confined all power to a certain class of families. This oligarchy lasted longer than any of which we have the history. It continued undisturbed till 1799 ; and the number of families eligible to office had been reduced so low by extinction that there were not enough to fill the public offices. CH. IV. NATURAL ARISTOCRACY 23 CHAPTER IV. FOUNDATION OF ARISTOCRACY IN THE NATURE OF THINGS. NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. Equality impossible Attempts made to insure it Influence of independent circum- stances Of wealth Reflex operation Upstart superiority Foundation of re- spect for hereditary distinctions Reflex feeling Hereditary superiority improves men Effects of improvement Respect for rank Natural Essential to artificial Aristocracy Illustrations from Rome, Sparta, Feudal Government, Modern Italy Effect of Natural Aristocracy in destroying Oligarchy Political pro- fession impossible It must necessarily be a corrupt trade Athenian State orators Adrantages and disadvantages of a Political profession. IN order rightly to understand both the real foundations of aristocratic government, and the limits which the nature of things has affixed to its force and its duration, it is necessary that we examine the nature and the foundation of what may be termed the Natural Aristocracy. We have already made some observations upon it, as far as was necessary for discussing the principles and explaining the structure of constitutional mo- narchy ; but we must now enter more fully into this very im- portant subject. The notion of equality, or anything approaching to equality, among the different members of any community, is altogether wild and fantastic. All the attempts that have ever been made to secure it have been of necessity confined to merely pro- hibiting positive distinctions of rank and privilege, which can always be effected, and to preventing the unequal distribution of wealth, which never can be accomplished, though laws may be devised for rendering this more slow, to the great injury of the public interests, and restraining of individual liberty. But the diversities in human character and genius, the natural pro- pensities of the human mind, the different actions performed by men, or which have been performed by their ancestors, lay the foundations of a natural aristocracy, far deeper and far more wide than any legislative provisions have ever even attempted to reach because no such provisions can possibly obliterate the 24 NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. IV. distinctions thus created by the essential nature of man. In examining these distinctions we shall also regard the distinctions of wealth ; because laws never can wholly prevent its unequal distribution, although they may interpose obstacles to it. 1. The actual possession of any superiority, whether in wealth or in personal qualities, imposes a certain respect, begets a certain deference in the community at large of inferior men. Independence, if not influence and command, are possessed by the favoured few. The mere circumstance of their small number is something ; their having, without dispute, what all would wish to have, is more. A man of this class never pays court to you, he may be civil, and you thank him for it ; he never has any occasion to be your suitor. Now nothing more tends to lessen respect for any one than his courting you, by which he seems to acknowledge you his superior. Even talents are less powerful in this respect than wealth, because they are less secure to their possessor, and their extent is less a matter of certain, undisputed estimate. All this, too, is wholly inde- pendent of the positive and certain influence which superiority, whether of riches or endowments, bestows, the power of com- manding other men's services, assisting them in their necessities, contributing to their comfort or advancement. Nay, so great is the tendency to recognise this influence, that you shall con- stantly see a person of great affluence exercise an extraordinary power over others, from the fact of feeling that they may one day be indebted to him for favours, though in reality no such thing is in any degree probable. Persons of known wealth could be named in our own day, and in this country so boastful of its independent spirit, who never were known to assist any literary man, and probably never would had they lived for a century, and of whom all connected with the press stood in a kind of awe approaching to reverence, merely because they could , if they would, befriend the caste of authors. A reflex feeling greatly increases this habitual deference for personal or patrimonial superiority. He who is possessed of it is known to be looked up to by all, or almost all others. This we cannot deny, and we cannot prevent. Be our own views ever so enlightened, our disposition ever so independent, our contempt of wealth ever so philosophical, we are aware that the party is an object of observance with the bulk of mankind, and CH. IV. LONG POSSESSION OF SUPERIOKITY. 25 this makes us view him as something different from what we really know him to be. 2. The length of time during which any one has possessed the attributes that command respect forms a very material in- gredient in modifying or assessing the amount of that respect. This amount bears always some definite proportion to the length of possession ; and that, not only because of the greater security which long possession implies, but because there is an invincible disposition in men to consider with less respect not only those who are now on the same level with themselves, but those who only recently were lifted above that level. Indeed the supe- riority lately attained is counteracted by the impatience with which men regard the elevation of those whom they have known as their equals. " But t'other day he was no better than ourselves" is a saying in all mouths on such occasions, and comes from a sentiment that nature implants in all bosoms. This even applies to men suddenly and late in life raised by the unexpected acquisition of learning. The unexpected deve- lopment of genius has no such counteragent to the admiration which it naturally excites. The author of the 'Botanic Gar- den ' * or the Waverley Novels, the inventors of printing or the spinning-jenny, the discoverer of America, were ungrudgingly hailed as great benefactors of their race, large contributors to the pleasures or the profits of the world. The individual, in such instances as these, is regarded as having all along pos- sessed the same happy genius which late in life burst forth with such resplendent lustre. But an ignorant mechanic or peasant, who has late in life become possessed of great learning, never fails to meet from the bulk of mankind with somewhat of the slight and envy that haunt the path of upstart wealth. " But yesterday he knew no more than we did" is sometimes said as well as " But yesterday he was no richer than ourselves/' 3. It is only carrying the same feeling a step further to respect the distinctions which are handed down from ancestors more than those which are acquired by their present possessor. Not only is the time of enjoyment, generally speaking, longer, * Never was there a greater sacrifice of fair dealing and sound taste to party spite than in the running down of this poem by Mr. Canning ar.d his associates. With all its defects, and they are the defects of the didactic style and not of the poet, there are in this splendid poem passages of almost unequalled magnificence, and the feelings which pervade it are always enlightened and humane. 26 NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. IV. but no one can ever recollect the party unendowed with the superiority no one can remember him naked of the marks of distinction. He never was on the same level with ourselves. Accordingly the impatience of superiority is in this case apt to go back, and find that at least his father or his grandfather was " No better than ourselves." Thus all novelty has the levelling tendency ; it tends to remove the distinction on which the diver- sity is built ; it is one fewer mark, one difference more taken away and the whole question is one of differences and dis- tinctions. This is really the foundation of respect for hereditary honours. " New nobility," Lord Bacon says, " is but the act of power ; ancient nobility is the act of time."* Even virtue and genius, and mental acquirements, are in some sort affected by this law of our nature. A man is himself no better for his ancestor having been virtuous, more able, more learned than others, or for being sprung from a race which had rendered precious services to their country. A man is no worse for his forefathers having been of a grovelling nature, or infamous life. Yet where is the individual who can place himself above the pride of descending from Marlborough or Blake, Newton or Watt ? And where is the sage whose wisdom is so captious or heart so callous as to refuse the epithet of honest or natural to such pride as this ? The reflex feeling here again comes into action. As it is a fact, perhaps an ultimate fact incapable of being resolved into any more general, that almost all men feel this respect, place this value upon hereditary distinctions, ancestral honours come to be prized, even by those who would not otherwise esteem them. We thus respect him who possesses such honours, be-, cause we know that he is the object of deference and respect to almost all men, and is thus distinguished from ourselves ; nay we love to associate with him, on account of other men running after him, and on account of his acquaintance being of necessity narrowly limited, as well as highly prized. 4. The hereditary possession of superiority in wealth and station has a certain effect upon the character and habits of the individual, and therefore an intrinsic as well as external and accidental value in exalting the possessor. He never can have been the associate of the low and the worthless ; he has never known any servile employment or unworthy courses; he has * Essays, xiv. CH. IV. PROGRESS OF THE HEREDITARY ARISTOCRACY. 27 never been tarnished with meanness or depressed by dependence ; never suffered under insult or oppression ; never had his feel- ings outraged or his taste offended and perverted by squalid or sordid contacts. His feelings may be supposed more delicate, his spirit more lofty, his principles more pure, than those who have struggled with hard fortunes, and in whom the school of adver- sity has compensated for the vigour which its discipline imparts, by the coarseness and callousness which its rod is apt to imprint. It is upon the influence and authority which the circumstances just now considered bestow upon the superior members of every community, that their power in every state naturally is built. They have the greatest weight and confer the most power in less enlightened ages ; the progress of knowledge and the general improvement of the people never fail to lessen their influence, with the exception of the last-mentioned circumstance, which is most prized in a highly refined state of society, and with the further exception of the respect due to virtue and capacity. But no progress in improvement and no power obtained by the mass of any community can ever destroy the influence of the natural aristocracy, efface the distinctions which we have been describing, or level the ranks or natural orders to which those distinctions give rise. Indeed the beneficial effects produced by such gra- dations, in maintaining the peace and good order of society, are not diminished by the progress of improvement, because as much is gained of additional respect for the natural aristocracy by reflection and the perception of the expediency of giving it due weight, as may be lost in the more vulgar deference to wealth and birth. The artificial aristocracy must always, to a certain degree, be connected with and founded upon the natural. No force of positive institutions could ever maintain the power of a body of nobles who had no wealth, or talents, or services to distinguish them from the rest of the community. All nobility therefore has, in all ages and countries, been originally founded upon natural aristocracy ; and there never has been any instance of a nobility preserving its power, or even its place in society, without retain- ing also a large share of the natural advantages in which its supe- riority originated. The Patrician order at Rome was composed of the original freemen who founded the state, and their de- scendants born in the republic, and not aliens. But they also 28 NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. IV. possessed by far the greater share of the land, the principal wealth of the community. The Spartan aristocracy had a similar origin and endowment, as we shall afterwards see. When the chiefs who overran the Roman empire established themselves in their new conquests, we have seen that they formed a privi- leged body of their principal companions in arms, who were the most daring or most skilful leaders in their armies, and whom they endowed with ample landed possessions. The foundation of the feudal aristocracy was the possession at first of the whole landed property, ever afterwards of by far the largest portion of it. When in the course of time other classes of the community obtained landed rights, the nobles still retained exclusive rights of a peculiar description in the soil ; and even when all such distinction was removed, and every one could hold his land by the noble tenures, though himself not noble, there was still the greatest share of landed wealth vested in the patricians. When commerce introduced a rival class of possessors, the influence of the natural aristocracy gained for the hereditary nobles the re- spect, and from thence the influence, which we have seen flows inevitably towards those whose wealth is hereditary. In the Italian republics commercial wealth early rivalled feudal ; and a civic aristocracy was formed of the classes who had long enjoyed this distinction, and the other superiorities constituted by capa- city, public services, and long habits of command. The families thus distinguished were the aristocracy of these commonwealths, and their influence was established exactly as we have seen the natural respect for station, riches, and merits always operate. The civic nobility thus formed soon engrossed exclusive privi- leges, and became, by artificial means, the governing body of the state. In all these communities attempts were made to exclude the bulk of the people, even the bulk of the wealthier classes, and in all, the nobles for some time succeeded in confining the political power to their own order, although their origin was exactly their filling the same station which the richer and more eminent families of the people now occupied. The descendants of the noble families becoming numerous, more of them became of course both stripped of wealth and deprived of all the other attributes of natural aristocracy. But a sufficient number of the order continued so endowed as to preserve their natural influ- ence, and to have a real weight in the community, independent of CH. IV. PROFESSION OF POLITICIAN. 29 the privileges vested in them by the laws and customs of the state. But it is to be observed that the constant tendency of the natural aristocracy is twofold. It both restrains the power of the whole patrician body, where a proper or artificial aristocracy is established, and where no privilege is possessed by one branch of the nobles over the rest ; and it prevents the long exclusion of the bulk of the noble order in other words, it brings the existence of an oligarchy to a close, as we have seen happened in Venice and Genoa, the cases being but rare and inconsider- able, as at Sienna and Lucca, in which the oligarchy was of long continuance. Thus there would, in all communities, necessarily rise to influ- ence a natural aristocracy, whether the laws and the forms of the constitution established a privileged order or not. This natural aristocracy would obtain a considerable share of real power, al- though there should be no order of men legally privileged, and would affect the distribution of influence among the members of a privileged order, where the law recognised such a body, and invested its whole number with equal direct power. This neces- sity grows out of the impossibility that there should ever exist to any extent, and for any length of time, a political profession. This impossibility appears manifest from several considerations. 1. If there is party spirit or party conduct in any given state, then clearly men can only drive the trade of politics by being corrupt or factious, or both, because, instead of only qua- lifying themselves to gain their livelihood by merit, they must also either quit their party or force it into power. Suppose a lawyer could only obtain practice by truckling to the bench, or by courting attorneys, he would be less corrupt than the trading political adventurer, the man who engaged in politics as a spe- culation of gain, because the lawyer could not advance his own interest by betraying his client's ; whereas the trafficking poli- tician must betray his client, the country, in order to live, and at the very least must set its interest at nought. He nuiy do his duty, because occasionally his interest may coincide with his principles or opinions ; but this does not necessarily happen, and in order to live he must regard only that which works for his party and himself. 2. Suppose party to be unknown in the given state, still cor- 30 NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. IV. ruption is inevitable, because whoever has the dispensation of patronage must be gained ; and hence counsels, pleasing rather than wholesome or useful, must be given. The political trader, like the player, who lives to please, must please to live. But unhappily there must also be in his composition a little of the prostitute as well as of the more honest player. 3. But it is needless canvassing what must happen in a state devoid of party connexions. Such connexions always must exist to the extent of our present argument, for the government of every country must be conducted on one set of principles or another. But the existence of the political profession converts this state of things into the ordinary, vulgar, and worst species of party. 4. If it be said, " You can pay the political man," the ground is furnished for considering who is to select the person that shall be paid. Every man who pleases cannot be allowed to become the stipendiary servant of the public. Some selection there must needs be. Then this only adds one new class of functionaries to those already employed by the state ; and some one must appoint them, like the rest. 5. At Athens there were ten state orators, and hardly any one else ever- took part in the debates of either the Assembly or the Senate. But all persons must undergo a severe scrutiny before they were even allowed to speak at all. The concealment of any offence or other disqualification on this inquiry was severely punishable ; and not only pure Attic descent, but the possession of property in Attica, was a necessary qualification for being appointed a public orator. There is great doubt on the question whether they received any salary or not. It certainly never could have exceeded a very small sum, because we know that the judges (or rather jurors) had only a groat of our money each sitting; there were 6000 persons qualified to act as jurors, and the choice being by lot, each could only be selected to sit on trials 100 times in a year, and gain about thirty shillings, which small sum the pay of a state orator could not much exceed. If our members of parliament were paid, as some unreflecting per- sons recommend, from a foolish idea that it would remove one of the obstacles to the lower classes sitting in the legislature, the only result would be a great increase of corruption at elections, and a complete subserviency of the representative to the will and CH. IV. POLITICAL PROFESSION. 31 caprice of his constituents a subserviency utterly destructive of the deliberative functions so essential to the representative system. All these reasons, which show the profligacy that must arise out of the existence of a political trade or profession, are decisive against its possibility, because no institution can endure in a popular government, whether aristocratic, democratic, or mixed, which inevitably leads to corruption and to violation of public duty. Hence it follows as a necessary consequence, that the administration of public affairs must ultimately, nay, in a very short time, become substantially vested in the natural aristocracy of any country the classes qualified by property, by respect- ability of character, by capacity and acquirements, by experi- ence and services, to take the lead among their fellow-citizens. Where there is no order privileged by law, this class will form such an order in practice and in fact. Where there is a privi- leged order, in whom, either exclusively or rateably with others, power resides by law, when this order becomes numerous the portion of it distinguished from the rest by the natural aristo- cracy will obtain the lead. We have here only been considering the subject of a political profession in its connexion with the question of natural aristo- cracy. It may be proper to add a few words relative to the opinion of those who regard such a profession as wanted in the management of state affairs. These reasoners are led away by the notion that the principle of the division of labour is appli- cable to the work of government, and they contend that men must devote themselves exclusively to political science, in order to qualify themselves for conducting the public councils. It is exceedingly common to hear the argument put thus : any com- mon handicraft can be learned only by serving an apprenticeship to it ; then how can men suddenly learn the difficult art of government? One great fallacy in this argument is, that no person ever contended for the intrusting of government to igno- rant or inexperienced hands ; that no person ever even con- tended for having the government of a country administered by men all of whom had other serious occupations to which they were devoted ; and that the only question really is whether or not the political caste shall be composed of men whose circum- stances are independent ; whether it shall consist of men who 32 NATURAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. IV. seek their livelihood by it as a profession, or of men who, well able to subsist without it, pursue it from motives of ambition or public spirit, vanity or love of patronage, and possibly with the view of adding to a fortune already independent. It must be admitted on the one hand that if only men in easy circumstances, and having no professional pursuits, engage in politics, there will be excluded from the public service many persons of great talents and integrity whose fortunes are small. But on the other hand, the liberal professions themselves can only be pursued by persons of certain means, because no man can, for some years, gain his bread by them ; and yet no one ever complained that this excluded the public from the benefit of able lawyers, physicians, or divines, among men who might be born in the humbler walks of life. And the difficulty, or rather the impossibility, is just as great of so arranging a political trade as to enable all who are qualified for it by their talents and virtues to enter into it. Then we must not lose sight of the great mischiefs arising from having a large class of men whose sub- sistence depends upon their success as political adventurers ; for this really means that they must seek after place at all hazards. We have already shown to what evil consequences this kind of contest must inevitably lead. The greatest oversight, however, of those who argue for a political profession consists in this : they do not consider that in every ordinary profession the confidence of the customer, or employer, is given the more freely and the more entirely if he knows that the professional man follows no other vocation. The more he is known to depend on his calling, the more he is trusted. But in the political calling it is just the reverse ; no man is so little valued, none so little trusted, as he who is known to have no other means of subsistence. Who will ever acknow- ledge that his livelihood depends upon his success in parliament ? Who in the law, or the church, or in trade, ever hesitated to profess that his whole reliance, and that of his family, was upon his professional gains ? The public may be apt to over-rate the independence of wealthy men, because they who have no need of money are exposed to feel the force of other temptations. But to a certain extent and to a great extent it is quite true that needy men are apt to be dependent, even if we charitably refuse our faith to the saying that " an empty bag will not stand upright." CH. IV. POLITICAL PROFESSION. 33 It is not to be doubted that sufficient political knowledge may be acquired, and habits of public business may be formed by men busily engaged in other professions. Mercantile men have often distinguished themselves in the senate, sometimes in the councils of their country. Lawyers have always borne a forward part both in council and in debate. Soldiers have often displayed great statesmanlike qualities. Perhaps the greatest captains have always been among the greatest statesmen in every age and in all countries. It is an error as gross as it is general to compare the training required for learning a com- mon handicraft to that which is necessary for fitting men to govern their fellow-creatures. No reading, no reflection, no observation, will teach manual dexterity. We may on the whole conclude that the evils greatly counter- balance any advantage which can reasonably be expected to result from the existence of a political profession, which men never should follow for earning their subsistence. The most important practical considerations flow from atten- tively examining the nature and tendency of the Natural Aris- tocracy. Of these it may suffice that we mention two : the security afforded in every popular government, whether aristo- cratic, democratic, or mixed monarchical, against the incapable classes of the community administering its affairs ; and the safety with which in any government except a despotism political rights may be intrusted to the people, in so far as regards the choice of their rulers. It is quite manifest that the principal weight in the State will always be possessed by those whom the Natural Aristocracy designates as its rulers ; the class best qualified to discharge that important function. Men of education, of inte- grity, of independent fortune, of leisure, of learning, men culti- vated as well as capable, will always be preferred by the great majority of the people themselves as their rulers and their representatives. In an aristocratic country, as Poland and Hungary, the noble who belongs to this naturally privileged class will always bear sway over him whom the law alone clothes with privilege ; and were universal suffrage established in England, not a single peasant or artisan would be returned to Parliament. PART II. D 34 OF PARTY. CH. V. CHAPTER V. OF PARTY. Origin of Party Aristocracy most exposed to it Venice the only exception Justifiable party unions Factious system Undermines principle Destroys con- fidence in Statesmen Corrupts private morals Unites sordid motives with pure Produces self-deception Destroys regard for truth Promotes abuse of the Press Gives scope to malignant feelings Passage of Dante Operation of Faction on inferior Partisans Effects in paralysing the public Councils In promoting treasonable proceedings Defence of Party : Burke, Fox Conclusion of this subject. THE existence of parties in an aristocracy is one of the most inseparable attendants of that scheme of policy, and one of its greatest evils, although it affords almost the only check to the power of the governing class. Men among whom the supreme authority in any state is divided naturally desire each to engross a larger portion than falls fairly to his share. When the num- bers of the ruling class are considerable, the possession of power enjoyed by each individual is not such as to satisfy the natural appetite for dominion, an appetite ever whetted by a moderate indulgence too scanty to satiate it. The superiority over the bulk of the community being enjoyed by the whole order equally is assumed as a matter of course, and the object of all ambition is then to rise above the rest of the governing caste. Such elevation is the only distinction, except that of rank, ser- vices, and personal qualities ; the only distinction of the artificial beyond the distinctions proper to the natural aristocracy. Two consequences result : first, the most powerful of the order, the members most amply endowed with the gifts of fortune, whether of riches, or honours, or esteem for talents possessed and ser- vices rendered, seek to engross the whole power, to the exclusion of the rest of the order ; or secondly, a portion of these a few individuals, sometimes a single individual or family form de- signs of usurping an undue share of authority. The attempts of the first kind lead to an oligarchy ; those of the second either lead to a usurpation and tyranny, overthrowing the state, if successful, and if unsuccessful inoperative upon its constitution ; or they lead to acquiring a preponderating influence in the CH. V. ORIGIN OF PARTY. 35 administration of its affairs, without at all changing its govern- ment. The efforts made with this object in view, and the steps taken to attain it, give rise to party associations. No two or three families being sufficiently powerful to withstand the jealousy which such an attempt would excite universally in the rest of the order, the course taken is to extend the junction and com- prehend other families, and many of the inferior or more de- pendent nobles. The whole are thus leagued together for a common object, or an object professed to be common, but in reality for the purpose of obtaining and preserving the influence of the leaders in administering the government of the state. Nor is the combination confined to the members of the governing body ; the plebeians are appealed to, and the powerful noble families having dependents and followers among them secure support in case of any commotion to which the intrigues of faction may give rise, and obtain an appearance of force and power from the numbers of their adherents an appearance calculated to give them weight with their own order. For it must be kept in mind that the nature of the government precludes the suppo- sition than any of the plebeian order, or even all the order a,cting together, can directly aid by lawful and constitutional means the proceedings of the party, inasmuch as the whole powers of the state are possessed exclusively by the patricians. But if one class of individuals or families thus combine and thus act for their own aggrandisement, their proceedings natu- rally bind together the other families and their adherents to resist the attempt. Hence the ruling body becomes divided into separate, opposing, and conflicting factions ; each having its adherents among the poorer nobles, who can directly afford support, being possessed of voices in the government ; and also among the plebeians, who can give no regular or direct support, having no such voices. The Venetian constitution presents the only instance of an aristocracy in which parties were little if at all known, and had certainly no considerable influence upon the working of the government, or the administration of public affairs. The fatal tendency of faction to destroy the existence of such a govern- ment, and constantly to mar its operations, early introduced an arrangement by which all such disturbing forces were counter- acted. The arbitrary dictatorial powers conferred upon the D 2 36 OF PARTY. CH. V. Council of Ten made it as impossible for a faction to gain any head in ordinary times, as the dictatorship at Rome rendered all factious movements impracticable while that power existed on some extraordinary occasions. The unexampled duration of the Venetian government without suffering any change was the result of this extraordinary provision in its structure. All the other aristocratic republics of Italy were, as we shall see, the hotbeds of constant factious combinations, and the scenes and the victims of their unprincipled operations. If the nobles were only animated by a regard for the public the good of the state at large or even if they were only in- fluenced by a regard for the interests of their own order, no such party divisions could have place, because no such attempts to engross the direction of the public affairs would be carried further than was dictated by a conscientious desire to further the progress of certain principles and secure the adoption of certain measures. While confined within these narrow bounds, nothing deserving the name of party or faction could exist. Men differ in their opinions ; the line of policy which one sin- cerely believes most conducive to the public good, appears to another less expedient, or positively fraught with peril. Thus differing, each may honestly endeavour to promote his own views, and may consistently join with others who entertain the same opinions. Great heats may even be engendered by this collision ; long subsisting animosities may exasperate the parties against each other ; but the difference is in the principles really adopted, and the course pursued is dictated by that real differ- ence. Therefore it never can go beyond a certain safe point, because it will always yield to the prevailing regard for the public good, and will therefore stop short of any proceeding by which that good can be assailed or exposed to peril. In such combinations and in such conduct there is nothing blame- worthy. They do not merit the name of factious ; they can hardly even be termed party proceedings. But it is a very different and a very pernicious kind of party to which the term faction is generally applied, and which arises out of the contentions for power, and not out of the desire to further principles ; and this weed is th 3 natural growth of popular, but most of all, aristocratic government. Men bind themselves together, and obtain the support both of their fol- CH. v. EFFECT OF PARTY ON PRINCIPLES. 37 lowers among the ruling orders, and their dependants among the plebeians, that they may be enabled to engross the whole power in administering public affairs. The possession of power with its attendants, patronage, honour, places, wealth, impunity for malversation, indemnity against charges of maladministra- tion, all the benefits that uncontrolled dominion can bestow upon those who are clothed with it this is the object of the party combination, and to this every other consideration, among the rest all regard to public duty, all concern for the interests of the community, is sacrificed^without hesitation, without scruple, and without remorse. There is generally a pretext of principle put forward to hide the nakedness of the association ; but no one is deceived by it, and the less that the same principles are suc- cessively taken up and abandoned by all the factions successively as it suits their position and serves the purpose of the day : so that you shall see the party the most clamorous for certain mea- sures before its accession to office, the readiest to abandon, and even to oppose the same proposal immediately after that event ; and the same men who had the most loudly condemned a given course of policy, lay themselves meekly down by its promoters and join in patronizing it as soon as their interest in the clamour has passed away, 1. This is the first, and it is the worst of the evil effects which party produces. Principles are no longer held sacred in the estimation of mankind ; they become secondary and subordinate considerations ; they are no more the guides of men's conduct, but the false fabricated pretexts under which the real motive and object is cloaked ; they are the mere counters with which the profligate game of faction is played. The highest public duties are thus not merely violated, but brought into open and unblush- ing contempt. A low tone of political morality becomes the pre- vailing sentiment of the governing classes in the state. Stern principle is scorned ; rigid virtue is a laughing-stock ; and men in the humblest stations see those who should be their patterns set them an example of the most scandalous profligacy. Add to this the disgusting hypocrisy which men practise in their loud assertions of opinions which they care nothing about ; their so- lemn declaration of doctrines in which they have no faith ; their earnest expression of feelings no deeper than their mouths ; their inflated avowal of devotion to principles wholly foreign to their nature and habits. All this makes up a picture which the 38 OF PARTY. CH. V. people must be debauched by beholding so continually unveiled before their eyes. 2. The alienation of the people's affections and confidence is another result of the same combinations. The people see those who have assumed the entire management of their affairs wholly regardless of their interest, only bent upon keeping power in their hand, and affecting to make the public good the guide of their conduct, when they only set up this as a hollow pretext to conceal their real object. A distrust of all public men is the in- evitable result ; and this is as much excited in the partisans them- selves, who take up the cause of the rival party chiefs, as in the portion of the community which stands neuter, and witnesses the factious conflict. The Italian commonwealths were so divided into factions, that hardly any man or woman could be said to stand aloof from them ; all were either Bianchi or Neri, Uberti or Buon- delmonti, Cerchi or Donati. But we can have no doubt that this extinguished all kind of confidence in their rulers, and ac- cordingly it undermined all regard not perhaps for the state, because the selfish and factious hatred of some other neighbour- ing state kept a kind of false patriotism alive but certainly all regard for the constitution of their own country. The universal consequence was, that the liberties of all those commonwealths were subverted, and the supreme power became, sooner or later, vested in some native or foreign usurper. 3. Akin to this is the fatal tendency to corrupt public and even private morals of the party union, as removing both the great incentive to virtue and the most powerful barrier against vice. Public praise and public blame are no longer distributed accord- ing to men's deserts. Whatever a man connected with party does well, he is quite sure to be undervalued, perhaps contemned, possibly assailed, by one-half the community ; and let him act ever so ill, he is secure of defence at least, if not of commenda- tion, from the others. The tribunal of public opinion becomes corrupt ; it no longer deserves the name of a tribunal. Who- ever is cited to its bar knows that half the judges are for him, and half against him, and no sentence, or nothing that may fairly be called a sentence, can be pronounced. Well might Mr. Hume remark, a hundred years ago, that " it is no wonder if faction be so productive of vices of all kinds ; for besides that it inflames all the passions, it tends much to remove those great restraints, honour and shame, when men find that no iniquity can lose CH. V. ENCOURAGEMENT OF SORDID MOTIVES. 39 them the applause of their own party, and no innocence screens them against the calumnies of the opposite." (Hist, cap. Ixix.) 4. But though this seems sufficient, it is far from being all the mischief done by faction. Even in those who form party com- binations with purer views, and for the promotion of worthy and patriotic objects, it inevitably works a corruption of the deepest root and most extensive contagion. The nature of the associa- tion, the bond which keeps it together, has this unfailing conse- quence, the tie is and ever must be a combination to obtain power for the associates. It is true they always state, and in some cases really believe, that they desire power in order to carry their principles into effect. Thus the Guelphs in any given Italian commonwealth may have desired power in order to resist the Emperor ; the Ghibelliues, in order to resist the See of Rome. The Whigs in the last century among our- selves desired it, in order to keep out the Pretender ; and the Tories in order to protect the church and the monarchy from republican encroachments. But admitting these to have been the real motives of the parties, their mode of action, the means which they all proposed to themselves for giving effect to their several opinions, however conscientiously entertained, were one and the same the possession of power, vesting that power in the hands of their chiefs, and giving to the followers a rateable pro- portion of the gifts which the government patronage enabled them to bestow. Thus, too, in the very extreme case of party, that of the United States of America : it is very possible that the Federalists may sincerely believe their principles the most whole- some for guiding the government of the Union, and the Demo- crats may as honestly consider theirs the true means of preserv- ing the great Republic. This is quite possible ; but what is quite certain is, that the primary object with each party is the election of the President, and the result of its victory is the removal of above 3000 placemen, from the chief magistrate at Washington down to the postmaster in every village, to make way for succes- sors from its own body. The same excess of party violence may not take place in this country, where the same personal interest is not felt in the conflict, because so universal a change is not the result of a change of ministry. But we approach nearly to it ; and there pervades the whole community a combination of direct individual interest with the profession of political principles : so that while the nature of the game universally played induces 40 OF PARTY. CH. V. very many to espouse the cause by affecting the opinions which belong to its supporters (and of the universal tendency of this we have already spoken), the manner in which the game is and must of necessity be played creates the other, and perhaps more per- nicious evil, of which we are now speaking, by allying insepara- bly the possession of opinions, and the exertions made to give them effect, with the direct interest of the individual, and thus corrupting even men who begin by conscientiously holding those opinions, and honestly labouring for their establishment. For observe what inevitably ensues. The party principle and the personal interest for a time coincide ; but the moment is sure to come when they no longer agree, and either principle or power must be sacrificed. The change is sometimes made suddenly, openly, with audacious effrontery ; more frequently it is effected with greater caution and less boldness, and with every species of falsehood and hypocrisy. But at all times the union of personal interest with political principle, the fact (the fact quite inseparable from party operations) that the same acts which tend to promote party objects also tend, in the very same degree, to further individual interests, produces, and must in- evitably produce, the most reckless disregard of all but party ties and party duties, and must sap the very foundations of private as well as public morals. This is the necessary conse- quence of the union, and this explains the conduct of men who, upon other matters, are not deficient in moral principle, but who cast all such ties away when party objects are concerned. The process of self-deception is plain. The partisan covers over the iniquity of his conduct with the guise of principle and patriotism, pursues his personal gratification as if he were per- forming only a public duty, and not only affects to be guided by the purest of motives, but oftentimes blinds himself into a belief that he has no other incentive to a course of conduct the most sordid or the most malignant. His experience of party movements must be exceedingly limited who cannot at once point to numberless instances of men, in all the other transac- tions of life tolerably honest and pure, who have gratified the most selfish propensities of our nature, or given vent to its most spiteful feelings, while they covered over the naturally hideous aspect of their intrigues or their rancour with the party varnish of a zeal for the good cause, and a vehement hostility to its enemies. CH V. ENCOURAGEMENT OF FALSEHOOD. 4-1 It is in two ways that this injury is done to men's morals by the party tie. A regard for truth is abandoned, and kindly, cha- ritable, even ordinarily candid feelings are blunted, nay extirpated. (1.) The basis of all morals is a sacred and even delicate regard for truth, a sentiment of proud disdain at the bare thought of being humbled to a falsehood, a feeling of disgust at all intentional violation of that paramount duty. But how many men are there who will scruple little to exaggerate or extenuate facts, nay, to suppress the truth they know, and even forge what they are well aware is false coin, so as they can make the concealment available to the defence of their party, or give the fiction currency to that party's gain ! Look to the perpetual misstatements of the party press in England, somewhat worse in America, in France not quite so bad as in either of the English countries, yet occasionally rivalling both. The un- blushing falsehoods propagated, the unretracted misstatements persisted in after exposure* for the support of their party, through these channels of public information, and which might be rendered the channels of popular instruction, made the first minister, the leader of the popular party, declare in par- liament, no longer ago than the year 1839, that he thought it questionable "if the people of England would bear much * This is the very worst of the offences committed by the periodical press. If the public will have daily newspapers that is, works published with such haste as to render accuracy of statement and of argument impracticable they must lay their account with errors of every kind, among others with the grossest misstate- ments being even innocently promulgated. No one cau be unfair enough to blame very severely the errors flowing only from such a source ; they are the unavoidable consequences of the hard necessity under which the ephemeral work is prepared and published. But if the authors refuse to retract, still more if they persist in propagating the error after it has been exposed, the defence wholly fails, and the statement which was a mistake becomes a wilful falsehood. Nay, the unretracted error becomes a falsehood by relation backwards, if not contradicted when exposed. Now it is quite notorious that newspapers generally speaking refuse to admit such errors, nay, often persist in repeating them, for fear, of injuring their credit for accuracy, and so damaging their sale. This shameful iniquity, like many others, never could be perpetrated by individuals known and accessible to the public in- dignation in their own persons. Men acting, that is, writing for publication, in the dark, whose individuality is uncertain, who may be one or may be more in number, who are not answerable in their own persons for any falsehood however gross, or any slander however foul this anonymous tyrant, free from all control, and not even exposed to the risks which the most despotic of known tyrants cannot always escape is licensed to do such things as we are here, in common with all honest and rational men, holding up to public abhorrence; and it must be added, that the freedom with which this licence has been used during the last twenty years has effec- tually destroyed the influence of the press, by degrading its character and by rousing a general fee-ling of indignation and scorn against its scandalous abuses. 42 OF PARTY. CH. V. longer the falsehoods of the press, its not saying one word of truth, its perversion of every fact and of every reason." The statement may be somewhat exaggerated in its detail, as speeches are wont to be which men deliver under momentary excitement ; but the foundation of the charge is wholly irre- movable. It is no light evil in any community that one part of it are trained by party to trick and deception, while another are drawn into unreflecting dupery, that the feelings of public men are rendered callous to public opinion by seeing its oracles so often devoid of all truth and justice, and that the dictates of right and wrong are confounded by observing how the best of party men, themselves perhaps incapable of such baseness, are yet willing enough to share in the benefits which their followers thus render to their cause. (2.) Next to the encouragement of falsehood the gratification of the malignant feelings is the worst point of the party com- pact. Indeed this is of even a more extended influence than the former mischief, because there are many who must be re- moved from all direct interest in the success of a faction, or of a factious operation, and who nevertheless are prone to gratify the spiteful propensities of their nature. This guides most partisans more or less, and converts society into a multitude of beings actuated towards each other rather with the spirit of fiends than of men. They never would feel such unworthy sentiments, assuredly they never would give them vent, but for the party spirit that moves their souls, and makes them pretend, nay, often makes them really think, that they are only further- ing an important principle when they are vomiting forth the venom of " envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitable ness " against their adversaries. The eloquent invective of the great Italian poet, on the effects of faction in the Italian cities of his day, is familiar to most readers ; and the pleasing contrast, which he paints with his wonted vigour and concision, of Soritello rushing to the embrace of the great Mantuan bard on simply hearing that he came from the same town with himself.* The war of the * Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello Nave senza nocchier' in gran tempesta Non donna di provincia, ma bordello. Ah ! Italy, of crimes thou common inn, Bark without steersman in the tempest gale, No village frail one, gentle yet though frail, Strumpet, thy guilt's less hateful than thy din ! CH. V. EFFECTS ON INFERIOR PARTISANS. 43 Italian factions was carried on by arms and not by slander ; the party spleen found its vent in proscription, banishment, confis- cations, executions, tortures, massacres. But the evil plant was the same, it shot its roots into the same soil the bad passions of the human heart ; it was fostered by the same devices, it was sheltered from the breath of public indignation by the same self-deception, confounding selfishness with duty ; its growth was encouraged and its shoots propagated by the same delu- sion which stifled the warnings of conscience, reconciled the mind to its own degradation, and thus counteracted the naturally implanted principles of its decay. The two effects of party, falsehood and malice, to which we have been adverting, have this in common, that their contagion is not confined to the higher natures which chiefs may be rea- sonably supposed to possess they extend to the humblest of their followers. In military operations the tricks which are in- volved in a stratagem little affect the men under the command of those who devise and order it ; they are generally unaware of the part which they are called upon to execute, and have no share in the deception which is practised. Even the cruelties of which they are the blind instruments affect their moral character far less than if they unbidden performed their part in the bloody fray. But the falsehood of party warfare, and, still more, its malignity, is actively partaken of by all, down to the lowest retainer. Nor can there be a stronger illustration of this search- ing nature of the contagion than the well-known fact, that the humbler retainers are the most unscrupulous and most rancorous members of every faction. You have only to compare the vio- lence of a country club or newspaper, their daring contempt of all truth, and even probability in their fictions, with the analo- gous proceedings of the factions in the capital, to be convinced how entirely the party taint permeates the mass, and how active the contagion is to gangrene the remotest extremities of the body as the meaner parts of the natural frame furthest removed from the sources of sensation and of circulation are ever the most ready prey to mortification. (3.) The less obvious evils of party have now been enumerated and examined. Those which are most open to ordinary observa- tion need not detain us so long ; but they are not the less strik- ing for being the more obvious. It is no little evil that any community should be so circumstanced as necessarily to be 44 OF PARTY. CH. V, deprived of the effective services of half its citizens, whether for council in difficulties, or for defence against foreign aggression. Yet thus paralysed are states in which parties are equally balanced. Nevertheless, there is much exaggeration in the view which represents the party opposed to the ruling power as always wholly excluded from all voice in the government. That party exercises some and a sensible influence wherever the business of the state is conducted in a senate or deliberative council, open to both parties. The opposition prevents some bad measures from being carried ; prevents more from ever being proposed ; alters and amends some ; forces others upon a reluc- tant administration. So that the course pursued by the supreme power is in such states in a direction given by the combination of the two forces ; the diagonal, and not either side of the parallelogram, as we explained in the second chapter. Never- theless, though not excluded from all voice, the opposition often occasions alterations, and interposes obstacles without re- gard to the public good. The objections are taken not on their own merits, not because the measures propounded by the government are really open to objection, but merely be- cause those measures are propounded by the government. Many good measures are thus defeated ; many changes are effected in those carried, changes detrimental to the public interests. Some- times peace has been precipitated, as in the treaty of Utrecht, when the interests of the country required a perseverance in the war that had cost so much, and proceeded so successfully. But it was a Whig war, under a Whig captain, and therefore the press and the party ran it down, with its conquering general, in order that the Tories might gain a triumph over their adver- saries. What cared they if this could only be won by giving France a triumph over England ? So the most profligate oppo- sition that ever minister encountered drove Walpole into a war with Spain which his good sense disapproved, and which the party chiefs afterwards distinctly confessed to Mr. Burke that they excited solely with the view of displacing their political adversary. Among the crimes of party in inodern times this assuredly stands the blackest. The peace of twenty years was broken, and Europe was involved in the countless miseries of warfare, without the shadow of a reason either in policy or in justice, solely to gratify the lust of power raging in a few families and their adherents, lords of the English Crown and the English OH. V. ENCOURAGEMENT OF TREASON. 45 Parliament. The factions in the Italian republics can alone furnish a parallel to this, the most disgraceful passage in our party history. It is indeed a serious evil to any community that there should always exist within its bounds a powerful body of men on whom the enemies of the state, foreign or domestic, may, generally speaking, reckon for countenance and support. They never cease to pretend that they are far, very far, from wishing to im- pede the public service. In some instances of urgent danger hovering over the country, they find it so far necessary to court the public favour, and disarm the general indignation, as to withhold their opposition, or even to lend a faint or perfunctory- support to the measures of their adversaries. In other instances, where their resistance would be hopeless, they are unwilling to incur the odium for nothing. But it very rarely indeed happens that in any posture, however critical, of public affairs, the party in opposition refrains from exercising its power if it can reckon upon defeating the plans of the government. In the modern Italian Republics, as well as in those of ancient Greece, the faction opposed to the ruling party never hesitated to join the public enemy, and to serve against their own country. No man was ever abhorred or despised, or even distrusted, for such trea- son. Indeed no man was expected to do otherwise if the motive existed for such a proceeding, and the occasion favoured its adoption. In modern times the motions of the government are impeded, and the interests of the enemy are furthered, by as sure though not so shameless a breach of public duty and violation of the allegiance which all states have a right to demand from all their subjects. That certain benefits are by many ascribed to party is well known to all who have read Burke and Fox ; and it is impossible to deny that it may be expedient, and even neces- sary, in certain emergencies of public affairs, for men who appre- hend the same peril from a policy pursued by the government of their country, to form a combination in order to resist the measures adopted or threatened, and to waive minor differences of opinion in order to act in concert and with effect, preferring, as Mr. Fox says, the giving up something to a friend rather than surrender everything to an enemy yielding themselves to the force of the bond described by Mr. Burke as unit- ing wise and good men in all ages that arising from an identity of sentiment upon the sum of affairs. This forms the 46 OF PARTY. CH. V. true description of the party bond, where it is justifiable, and where it is formed upon public principles. But it presents no defence of a constant and perpetual existence of factious com- binations : of dividing the whole community into two or more classes, habitually opposed to each other ; of marshalling the people as well as the leading statesmen into bands, the members of which agree in everything with one another, but most of all in both approving whatever their chiefs propose, and in resisting whatever proceeds from the other faction. Occasional party unions for a precise definite object, or for accomplishing some desirable end, beneficial to the state, for frustrating some attempt injurious to the state, differ more widely from what is called party than the life of the habitual sot differs from that of the sober man who tastes the fruit of the vine to recreate his ex- hausted strength, or counteract a dangerous disease. Some there are, indeed, who push their defence of party a great deal further, and who hold it right that at all times there should be a party united in opposing the existing government. Their argument is founded on the advantage of the people having some combined and disciplined force to resist the body which is ever of necessity combined and disciplined on the side of power, by the pay and the rank which the possessors of power distribute. These reasoners further contend that this arrange- ment secures a thorough investigation of all measures propounded by the government, and establishes a jealous vigilance of the whole of the government's conduct. There may be some little truth in this statement ; but surely no contrivance can be more clumsy than one which would secure a correct working of the machine by creating obstacles that may at any moment suspend its movements ; and no check can be more costly than one which must occasion a perpetual loss of power, a loss, too, always great in proportion to the force required to be exerted ; that is in proportion to the necessity of union and the danger of dissension. Only conceive a person's astonishment who should for the first time be informed that, in order to prevent an erro- neous policy from becoming the guide of a nation's councils, one-half her statesmen, and nearly one-half her people, were continually and strenuously employed in working against the other half engaged in the public service ! " What are all these able, and experienced, and active men about ? " (would be his exclamation.) " Their whole lives are spent in political con- CH. V. DEFENCE OF PARTY. 47 tention, and are as much devoted to public affairs as those of the ruling party themselves. With what views do they volun- teer their toil, and in what direction are their efforts bent ? " To this there can be but one answer given, and it would cer- tainly astound the unpractised inquirer " The only inspiration of these men is patriotism their sole object the good of their country ; the course they take to pursue this end is opposing every one measure of the government working against the whole policy of the state." It is not to be doubted that if the credulity of the inquirer made him trust the truth of this infor- mation as to the motives of the party, his sagacity would at least incline him to suggest that the end in view might be attained by somewhat more safe and more natural means. But although we have pointed out the great evils of party and its constant liability to abuse, it must not be supposed that every one who enlists himself under party banners is therefore a person devoid of wisdom, far less of integrity. Men who really wish well to their country, and who have no desire so near their hearts as the furtherance of principles to which they are con- scientiously and deliberately attached, will often find themselves under the necessity of acting with others professing the same opinions as themselves, because they see little or no prospect of giving effect to those opinions if they stand and act alone in the State. The preceding inquiry tends to make us jealous and distrustful of party unions, and of the motives of all who form them ; but it ought not to close our ears to all that may be urged in their defence. The best proof which they who thus combine can give of their motives being pure is their patriotic conduct upon great questions ; the sure proof of their course being unprincipled is their holding a different conduct on the same questions when in power and when in opposition ; above all, their dislike to see their own policy adopted by their adversaries. This is a test of their sincerity which the people ought ever to apply. 48 DEFECTS OF ARISTOCRACY. CH. VI. CHAPTER VI. VICES AND VIRTUES OF THE ARISTOCRATIC POLITY.* Defects of Aristocracy No responsible Rulers No influence of Public Opinion Comparison with other Governments Interests in conflict with public duty Illustrations from Roman Constitution ; Modern Aristocracies ; English and French Constitutions Legislation influenced by Aristocratic interests Similar Evils in Democracy Evils of Hereditary Privileges Tendency to make bad Rulers Comparison of Aristocracy and Democracy Corruption of Morals- Virtue of French Republicans Galling yoke of Aristocracy Merits of Aris- tocracy ; firmness of purpose Resistance to change House of Lords Contrast of Democracy Republican attempts to resist the Natural Aristocracy Aristo- cracies pacific Exceptions, Venice and Rome Encouragement of Genius Comparison with Democracy and Monarchy Spirit of personal honour Con- trast of Democracy F. Paul's opinion Aristocratic body aids the civil Magis- trate Error committed in our Colonies. THE vices of aristocratic government are inseparable from its nature, capable only of some mitigation, wholly incapable of entire counteraction, affecting other governments in which the aristocratic principle exists though mixed with the monarchical or the democratical, and affecting these more or less according as the aristocratical principle enters more or less largely into their respective systems. We are now to examine the vices, and afterwards to consider the redeeming virtues of the aristocratic polity. 1. The first and fundamental defect of this government is that supreme power is vested in a body of individuals wholly irre- sponsible. That the supreme power is vested in one body with- out any control from others is doubtless a great defect ; but it is only a defect which every pure form of government has, every government which is not mixed ; it is the very essence of the pure as contradistinguished from the mixed forms of govern- ment. But the lodging of supreme power in persons not indi- vidually responsible is the vice of all popular government, and of an aristocracy as much as a democracy indeed much more ; because no democracy can exist without either the occasional or the periodical exercise of a controlling power by the body of the people. If those to whom the supreme power is confided are * Some of these, especially the evils of party, have been already examined. But party is not so peculiar to aristocratic government as the incidents here treated of. . CH. VI. NO RESPONSIBILITY IN AN ARISTOCRACY. 49 not bound at certain intervals to come before the people, either for a confirmation of their acts or for a renewal of their trust* the government is no longer democratic, but aristocratic, or oli- garchial. While the democratic rulers exercise the powers of their trust, they are like the nobles in an aristocracy, screened from individual blame or attack by belonging to a large body, all of whom are implicated in the acts of the state. The main difference, and a most important one, is that they must account to the people, either when their acts come to be confirmed, or when their term of office expires; whereas the nobles in an aristocracy never can be called to any account. It thus happens that these irresponsible persons have neither the institutional check to their conduct, nor the natural check, neither rendering any account nor suffering any penalty for malversation, nor yet watched and prevented by the force of public opinion. He who is only the member of a council con- sisting of five or six hundred, or even fifty or sixty persons, has the blame of misconduct, and the responsibility for failure, so much divided with his colleagues, that he cares little for the rateable share of it that falls upon himself. What member of the Venetian Great Council cared for the imprecations of the people ? Who regarded the horror generally excited by such atrocious acts as the judicial murder of Carmagnola against every rule of justice, or the cruel and unending persecution of Foscari?* No single ruler, no council of eight or nine members under an absolute monarchy, would have dared to perpetrate such wicked- ness, especially when barbarous cruelty was complicated with base, and revolting, and despicable fraud. So, what Koman senator felt scared at the thoughts of the popular odium which the decrees of the senate raised against it in the Marian and Syllan contests ? What member of our own House of Lords takes very sorely to heart all that at various times is flung out of scorn, or ridicule, or hatred, against hereditary lawgivers, in order to assail that illustrious senate ? Nor is it only that any given person may be in the minority who had no hand in doin- the act reprobated. Even those who were its supporters, nay, its promoters, hide themselves in the number who concurred, and among them escape from all serious censure. * These will te fully treated of when we come to examine the Venetian consti- tution. PART II. E 50 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. CH. VI. We have seen how the party union divides and even destroys all individual responsibility. Just so does the association of all the nobles forming the aristocracy, and thus governing the country. Each keeps the other in countenance, and all screen themselves under the name of the order. We have seen (Chap. V.) how all the members of a party do things for its benefit which none of them would venture to do for his own advantage. Just so do all the nobles join in doing things for the benefit of their order, the ruling body, which each would be scared from attempting on his own account by the dread of public censure or of per- sonal consequences. " It is all for the interest of the party/' say the members of a faction. " It is all for the interest of our order," say the nobles. The prince is but too much disposed to look only among princes for his public, and to regard their praise or their blame as all he has to consider. But he is far less confident in the fellow feeling of the small circle he lives in, and which he calls the world, than the aristocracy, because they are a numerous body, and each of their number can well look to the class as the public, the people, the world, none other having any voice, from the nature of the constitution, in state affairs. It is the constant and invariable disposition of all men in resolv- ing upon the line of conduct which they shall pursue, so far as they shape it by public opinion, to cast their eyes rather upon their own class than the world at large. Judges and advocates look to the bar ; " The opinion of Westminster Hall " is a well- understood expression among our own sages of the law ; it is almost to them synonymous with the opinion of mankind. If our statesmen do not confine their regards to the chambers of parliament, it is because they are subject to the direct interposi- tion of the people out of doors. Were there no House of Com- mons, and were the whole powers of government vested in the peers, each patrician would look to that body alone, and shape his conduct in accordance with its views. The case supposed would be a pure aristocracy ; and this is the first and fundamental vice of that scheme of polity. The supreme power is vested in the hands of men who form a body numerous enough to be to themselves as the whole world, and those men never look beyond it. The tendency of the constitution is to place them wholly above the influence of public opinion, which restrains even tyrants in their course. In modern times, it is true, this CH. VI. NO FEAR OF PERSONAL DANGER. 51 irresponsibility never can be complete, because the natural aristocracy interferes with it. The respect due to talents, learn- ing, wealth, even virtue, obtains for those who belong not to the privileged class a certain weight in society ; and their opinion will be in some degree regarded by the members of the ruling body. But such a control must always be exceedingly slight and uncertain, compared with its effects upon the very few men, or the single man, who in a monarchy wields the supreme power of the state. 2. The want of individual responsibility in an aristocracy does not stop here. As the nobles, the rulers of the state, are uncon- trolled by public opinion, they are also removed above the check which acts, and alone acts, on the prince in absolute mo- narchies ; they have little or no fear of personal violence. Their numbers place them in a condition to resist any ordinary tumults ; and the risk of assassination, which even sultans and czars run, is very little thought of by individuals who form an indestructible body. Were there a powerful leader to whom the public indignation might point, he would be exposed to this peril ; but there can be no such chief in the ordinary times of an aristocratic government., all the efforts of the governing body being directed to prevent any such influence from being ac- quired as directly tending to subvert the constitution. Hence the people can only conspire, or rise against the whole order, and this risk is little heeded by individuals, or by the body at large. At the same time, as a general rising of their subjects, excluded from all participation in the administration of affairs, might be the result of great oppression, the nobles of Venice, the most lasting of all aristocracies, took care to govern with a light and kindly hand, and reserved the principal exertions of arbitrary power, as we shall hereafter see, for the factions, con- spiracies, and ambitious views which might arise among the members of their own order. 3. It is the worst of all the vices of an aristocracy that the \ interests of the ruling body are of necessity distinct from those of the community at large, and consequently their duties as governors are in perpetual opposition to their interests, and therefore to their wishes as individuals and as members of the government. Somewhat of the same vice no doubt belongs to a monarchy, and is corrected by the other bodies who share with E 2 52 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. CH. VI. the sovereign in a mixed monarchy. But there is this great difference in an aristocracy, that the conflicting interests in a prince are confined to himself, his own amassing of wealth, his own indulgence of personal caprice, his own partiality to his family and adherents ; whereas in an aristocracy there are hun- dreds of families, all of whom with their dependents are singled out as objects of exclusive favour, and clothed with peculiar privileges, which must necessarily be enjoyed at the expense of the whole community. We have only to consider the legislation of Rome in the early or aristocratic times of the Republic to satisfy ourselves how unremittingly and how shamefully the pa- trician body will exercise the supreme power which resides in it for its own exclusive benefit, and in contempt of the people's interests. The public land was almost wholly monopolised by the governing class. Some small portion having originally been bestowed on the plebeians, the acquisitions obtained by con- quests which their toil and blood had made were retained in the hands of the stats, but enjoyed entirely by the patricians as tenants at a nominal rent, and tenants who could transfer and mortgage their possessory titles at pleasure. The people too were prevented from exercising any but the meaner kinds only of trades, besides cultivating their pittance of the soil ; while the lucrative kinds of traffic, and that of the sea, were reserved for the nobles. Then the capital which they were thus enabled to amass was lent at heavy interest to the poor plebeians, and the rigour of the law against debtors placed them under the most strict and cruel control of the patricians. Lastly, the military force of the state was supplied entirely by the plebeians, while for some ages the places of rank in the army, raised by a strict conscrip- tion, were reserved for the upper classes. All this is inde- pendent of the laws which secured the exclusive powers of government and enjoyment of offices to the nobility. We shall hereafter see the like fruits of patrician dominion in the Spartan legislature, and in that of the Italian aristocracies ; but no in- stance is so striking as that which the Roman history affords. It is the same in a more limited degree with several governments which give a preponderance to the aristocracy, and the mischief bears always a pretty exact proportion to that preponderance. The Swiss republics and the Polish and Hungarian constitutions will furnish us with illustrations of this proposition ; but the history of CH. VI. INTERESTED ARISTOCRATIC LEGISLATION. 53 our own legislature in England is not barren of such examples ; and the almost entire extinction of aristocratic influence in France may be reckoned a principal cause of the tendency which the legis- lature of that great, opulent, and flourishing country has in recent times exhibited towards popular arrangements. Not going back to feudal legislation, but reserving that for a separate consideration of the Feudal Aristocracy, we need only recur to the times after that feudal government had ceased, and only left behind it the influence of the aristocracy in the mixed monarchy, to find examples in abundance of its effects upon the course of legis- lation. Beside the laws made, and those retained against all principles of sound policy, and against the most important in- terests of the community, in order to retain the preponderance of the patrician body, laws restraining the commerce in land,, and restricting the popular voice in the legislature we find im- portant advantages granted to landowners above the owners of all other property. There is no occasion to enumerate more than a very few of these. The right of voting for members of parliament has never been severed from the possession of land, except in the two cases of the freemen in boroughs and the three universities. A man may possess a million of money in the funds, or acquired by commerce, and he has no voice in choosing his representatives, though the owner of an acre or two of land has his vote, and may have it in every county in which he owns an acre or two. While the law of settlement continued in its original rigour, any pauper might, though not actually charge- able, be conveyed from the place of his residence to that of his birth ; but if he owned the corner of a freehold anywhere, he might there abide and defy the unparalleled cruelty of that law. While the tax falls heavy upon succession to personal estate, the produce of a man's genius and toil for a whole life of hard fare and hard work, and pinching economy, endured by his family or by himself, and at the moment of their succession, when it may be the most wanted, this hard-earned but well- gotten treasure is condemned to pay large tribute, while the broad acres that have descended through a long line of lazy ancestors wholly escape the hand of the tax-gatherer. The laws affecting the rate of interest and the commerce in grain may no doubt be defended, the one upon the score of a tender regard for the interests of poor debtors, and the other on the ground of 5-4 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCBATIC POLITY. CH. VI. securing a steady supply of food to the people ; but we cannot shut our eyes to the fact, that these objects are accomplished, through benefits in the first instance conferred, or supposed to be conferred, upon the landed aristocracy, whose incum- brances are somewhat diminished, and whose rents are materially increased by the prohibitory system ; and we may further be assured that their persuasion of its being for their benefit has always worked powerfully in making them so zealous to up- hold it. As regards the administration of public affairs, the interests of the aristocracy as a body are always sure to be consulted, and not those of the people. But individuals are not likely to obtain the gratification of their selfish desires at the public ex- pense the rest of the order are sure to have their jealousy aroused by any such attempts. If, however, one party obtains the decided mastery, there will be nothing to prevent its fla- grantly sacrificing the interests of the community to those of its own adherents. The only check upon such gross malversation is to be found in the party combinations of their adversaries and this benefit of the party principle, together with the price paid for it, we have already examined at length. Generally speaking, we may lay it down as certain, that the gross malver- sation by which individual interests are predominant over those of the community at large will be found more easily affected and consequently carried to the greater excess, by the ruling party of a democratic, than by the predominant faction of an aristocratic republic. There can hardly be conceived under any form of polity a more absolutely tyrannical rule than that of the dominant body in a democracy when it has, as in order to rule for any length of time it must have, the full support of the great mass of the people. A refuge from this intolerable tyranny is only to be found in a balance of conflicting parties, which renders the community a scene of unceasing factious broils, hardly con- sistent with the existence of a regular government, and wholly incompatible with a tranquil and orderly condition of civil society. 4. The principal, certainly the most glaring defect of a mo- narchy is, that the hereditary succession, which is an essential part of the system, deprives the community of all security for those qualities being found in its ruler which are most essential CH. VI. TENDENCY TO GIVE BAD RULERS. 55 to the public good. The chances of birth expose the state to perpetual risk of either a wicked, or an imprudent, or an imbe- cile ruler becoming intrusted with the sum of affairs. So an hereditary aristocracy exposes the country to a like risk of per- verse or incapable persons being intrusted with supreme power. The aristocratic form, then, has this vice, in common with the monarchical, but has not the redeeming quality of avoiding, by hereditary succession, the turmoil and the shocks to public tranquillity which arise from a conflict for power. On the con- trary, we have seen that the factious tendency is more predomi- nant in this than in any other constitution. It must nevertheless be admitted that the risk of many incapable or wicked rulers being found in the body of the nobles is far less considerable than the risk of a wicked or incapable ruler becoming the sove- reign in a monarchy. In one respect the two forms of govern- ment approach to a closer resemblance. The education of the rulers in both is such as peculiarly to unfit them for worthily exercising the high functions of their station. The training of patricians, next to that of princes, is peculiarly adapted to spoil them. They are born to power and pre-eminence, and they know that, do what they will, they must ever continue to retain it. They see no superiors ; their only intercourse is with rivals or associates, or adherents, and other inferiors. They are pampered by the gifts of fortune in various other shapes. Their industry is confined to the occupations which give a play to the bad passions, and do not maintain a healthy frame of mind. Intrigue, violence, malignity, revenge are engendered in the wealthier members of the body and the chiefs of parties. Insolence towards the people with subserviency to their wealthier brethren, are engendered in the needy individuals of a body which extends all its legal rights and privileges to its present members too proud to work, not too proud to beg, mean enough to be the instruments of other men's misdeeds, base enough to add their own. There can be no kind of com_ parison between the education of rulers in a democratic, or a mixed constitution and an aristocracy ; there can be no kind of comparison between the tendency of republican and of aristo- cratic institutions, and their sinister effects on the characters of men engaged in administering their powers. The democratic regimen is, in all respects, incomparably more wholesome to the 56 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. CH. VI. character, and more useful in forming virtuous and capable men men whom it is safe and beneficial for a community to trust. 5. The tendency of an aristocracy is further to promote general dissoluteness of manners, self-indulgence and extrava- gance, while that of a democratic government manifestly inclines towards the severer virtues of temperance, self-denial, frugality. Rapacity, or any care for amassing wealth, is little known in a pure republic : it confers no distinction until the time arrives when it can give influence and power, and then it becomes a subject of general and perilous suspicion. But individual wealth is congenial to the aristocratic constitution. When the Committee of Public Safety governed France for fifteen months, and almost disposed of the riches of Europe as well as of France, these decemvirs only allowed themselves ten francs (about nine shillings) a-day for their whole expenses. Each month there was issued to the Ten a rouleau of three hundred francs (about twelve pounds) for their whole expenses ; and when Robes- pierre, St. Just, and Couthon were put to death on the 10th Thermidor, 179 4-, there were found in the possession of each no greater sum than the seven or eight pounds of their rouleau which remained unexpended. These men had for many months the uncontrolled management of millions, subject to no account whatever. 6. The qualities which an aristocracy naturally engenders in the ruling class of insolence, selfishness, luxurious indulgence, are extremely calculated to render their yoke oppressive and galling. Accordingly there is no form of government more odious to the people. We naturally feel much less repugnance to the superiority of a sovereign, removed far above us, than to one more near our own level. The same sentiment which makes the rule of an upstart, lately on a footing with ourselves, intolerable, makes the rule of a nobility more hateful than that of a prince. It is more humbling to the natural pride and self- love of man. It is, besides, more vexatious, because it is less remote. The sovereign comes very little in contact and conflict with the body of the people ; the patricians are far more near, and their yoke is far more felt. The general tendency of aris- tocracy is not only to vex and harass, but to enslave men's minds. They become possessed with exaggerated notions of the importance of their fellow citizens in the upper classes : CH. VI. OPPRESSIVE NATURE OF ARISTOCRACY. 57 they bow to their authority as individuals, and not merely as members of the ruling body transferring the allegiance which the order justly claims, as ruler, to the individuals of whom it is composed ; they also ape their manners, and affect their society. Hence an end to all independent, manly conduct. We are now speaking merely of a proper aristocracy, or one in which the supreme power is held by a body of nobles in their corporate capacity. If to this be added the possession of power by each or by many individuals of the privileged order, as in the Feudal System, the grievance is infinitely greater ; but of that we are to treat separately. The general unpopularity of an aristocracy underwent an exception in the remarkable instance of Venice. The ruling body in that celebrated republic, and the govern- ment generally, was exceedingly popular. In the Roman re- public the case was widely different. While the aristocracy continued unmixed nothing could be more odious to the people ; and the constant struggles between the patricians and plebeians, frequently breaking out in open revolt, and all but civil war, still more frequently demanding a dictatorial magistracy to save them from it, were a sufficient proof that the constitution was unpopular, notwithstanding all the superstitious reverence of the Romans for established things, and all their devotion to the inte- rests of their country. We are now to see if the aristocratic constitution possesses any redeeming qualities, any virtues to be set in opposition to so many imperfections. It is by no means devoid of such merits, although they may not amount to anything like a complete equi- poise in the scale. 1. There cannot be any doubt that the quality of firmness and steadiness of purpose belongs peculiarly to an aristocracy. The very vices which we have been considering lead naturally to this virtue, and it is a very great merit in any system of government. The members of the ruling body support each other they disregard all sudden ebullitions of popular discon- tent they will not partake of sudden panics nor will they abandon plans of policy foreign or domestic on the first failure, as the multitude are ever prone to do. A system of administra- tion, a plan of finance, a measure of commercial or agricultural legislation, a project of criminal or other judicial administration may seem to have failed, yet the patrician body will give it 58 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. CH. VI. a further trial. They adopted it on mature deliberation, and not on the spur of a passing occasion ; they will not be hastily driven from it. So if hostilities have been entered into, the first disaster disposes the multitude to wish for peace at all hazards they who had, perhaps, driven the government to rush into the war. But if the aristocratic rulers have taken the field they will stand the hazard of repeated defeats, and only abandon the struggle when it has become desperate, or when an opportunity presents itself of making an advantageous peace. The admirable conduct of the Venetian government will afford us signal illustrations of this position. 2. Akin to this merit is the slowness with which such a govern- ment is induced to adopt any great change. Indeed, resistance to change is peculiarly the characteristic of an aristocracy ; and the members of the ruling body and their adherents obtain at all pe- riods, in a greater or less degree, the power of stemming the revo- lutionary tide. This makes them equally resist improvements ; but it tends to steady and poise the political machine. The same quality of resisting change, and the same general firmness of pur- pose, belong to the aristocratic body in all mixed governments. In these it is pi'oductive of great benefit upon the whole, although it not unfrequently stands in the way of improvements, both con- stitutional, economical, and administrative. The history of our own House of Lords abounds in examples sufficiently striking of these truths. Whatever faults their enemies have imputed to the peers as a body, no one has been so unreflecting as to deny them the praise of firm, stedfast resolution, and of acting up to their resolves. But for their determination to resist measures which they deemed detrimental to the state, or to which they had objections from a regard for the interests of their own order, many measures of crude and hasty legislation would have passed in almost every parliament. If ever they have yielded it has been when the voice of the country at large was so unanimous, and when they were so divided among themselves, that a further resistance became attended with greater mischiefs than any which they could ascribe to the operation of the proposed changes. One, indeed the most remarkable, instance of this concession was their suffering the Reform Bill, in 1832, to pass, by seceding from the struggle. But the crown and the people were then united, and a creation of new peers, fatal to the aristocratic CH. VI. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE. 59 branch of the constitution, would have been the inevitable con- sequence of the bill being rejected. Of this its adversaries had timely notice, and they very wisely and patriotically suffered it to pass by their secession. They have since amply regained any influence which they then lost ; for, during the last ten years, they have had a preponderating share in the government of the country. The tendency of every government, as well as an aristocracy, is to resist change ; and self-preservation is, with forms of polity as with the human frame, the first law of nature. But it may be doubted whether the aristocratic form be not above all others jealous of change, quick to perceive a risk of it in every measure of improvement, and averse to whatever may by any possibility, how remote soever, arm any other class than the ruling order with the power of shaking or of sharing its dominion. It is quite clear that the democratic system has the least of this jealousy, and tends the most to promote plans of general improvement, because whatever improves the people's condition augments their influence and confirms their supremacy. All jealousy is in this system directed against individual ambition and the formation of a privileged class. Attempts are made to prevent the accumula- tion of wealth, as regards landed property. Those attempts are frequently successful, by restraining the power of devise ; and similar efforts are made, and always vainly made, to resist the force of the natural aristocracy in other particulars. The pride of ancestry, and the distinctions thence arising, can never be era- dicated : but the prevention of any substantial privileges from accruing to those who are well descended is not at all difficult ; and any such distinctions as would be conferred by an order of merit are carefully withheld even from the highest civil and military services. The project in America of a society or order of civil merit, the Cincinnati, soon after the revolutionary war had ended, and the independence was established, met with some support ; but it was speedily frowned down by the general opinion of the democratic party, and no similar attempt has ever since been made. Bestowing all offices for a very short term is the constant expedient resorted to for obstructing plans of indi- vidual ambition ; and the tendency of war inevitably to raise up a body of powerful men, frequently a single person of predomi- nant popularity and influence, has, in America, combined with 60 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. CH. VI. the other happy circumstances of its position, discouraged all military spirit, and tended to preserve the public tranquillity. To such precautions as these the republican jealousy of change is generally confined, while free scope is given to all improve- ments, and encouragement afforded without any obstruction whatever to all the exertions by which individuals can either better their own condition or extend the prosperity of the com- munity. This is one of the greatest merits of democratic govern- ment ; and it stands in a very marked contrast to that extreme apprehension of all change which pervades both absolute monarchies, and still more aristocracies, making the rulers habitually apprehensive of every movement, however slight, and consequently of almost every improvement that can be projected haunting them with incessant alarms, and causing them to resist all the advances which the people can make, not merely for the progress itself at any given moment, but for fear of its leading to other changes unseen, or only seen through the mag- nifying power of their jealous fancy. We might have set down this as among the worst vices of the aristocratic system, but that it naturally connects itself with that conservative spirit and power of resistance which in any given constitution must be deemed a merit ; it is the excess and the abuse of the conservative prin- ciple. 3. It is not to be denied that an aristocratic government will generally be found to be a pacific one. This great virtue, cover- ing as it does many transgressions, it owes partly to its dislike of change, partly to its being ill adapted for military movements, but chiefly to its jealousy of individual eminence, likely to be raised upon the ground of military success, and to the want of any gratification of individual ambition in the progress of con- quest. When the Venetian Government addicted itself to con- quests, it was obliged to adopt the plan of entrusting its armies and navies only to foreign mercenaries, in order to escape the dangers of usurpation and change of government. The Roman aristocracy is a more remarkable exception to the rule ; but the popular party, the weight long acquired by the plebeians, had a great share in forming this warlike propensity. Sparta was at all tunes averse to war, and at all times proved inefficient as a military power. 4. We may undoubtedly set down as a merit of aristocratic CH. VI. ENCOURAGEMENT OF GENIUS POINT OF HONOUR. 61 government that it tends to bring forward genius and encourage attainments in various branches of human enterprise not merely political talents, but those connected with the arts and with letters. The tendency of a democratic republic is to let talents be brought into action by the stimulus which it gives to all men, and the opportunity which it affords to all classes, of rising to eminence equally. The aristocratic government throws in- superable obstacles in the way of political, and many in the way of judicial and of military capacity. But it encourages all genius in the arts and in letters. The democratic constitution en- courages talents also in those departments, but the aristocratic fosters genius of a higher order by the more refined and exalted taste which it produces and diffuses. The Italian aristocracies afforded the most celebrated examples of this merit, and the influence remains manifest to our day in the imperishable works of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In this merit the aristocratic materially excels the monarchical constitution. 5. Akin to this is the excitement and preservation of the spirit or principle of personal honour. No government so manifestly excels in fostering this high sentiment as the aristocratic ; and an aristocracy, whether the sole ruler or bearing its share of rule in a mixed monarchy, is remarkable for its beneficial in- fluence in this important particular. The manner in which it thus acts is obvious. Men who belong to a limited and privi- leged body are under the constant and jealous superintendence of all their fellows, strict in preserving pure the honour of the whole class, and resolved that no one baseness shall be suffered to tarnish it. They feel much less repugnance to crimes, how- ever hurtful to the community, which imply no personal degra- dation, and feel no repugnance at all to crimes of fraud and perfidy as well as of cruelty committed by the whole order for its own interests. But they will suffer none of their class to incur degradation whereby the body may suffer without its interests being at all furthered. In a democracy no such senti- ments have any necessary place, nor have they in an absolute monarchy uncombined with aristocratic institutions. In the for- mer, stern virtue is held in high esteem, and any breach of the law, or disregard of moral obligation, is regarded with aversion. But the delicate sense of personal honour is lightly valued ; and a coarseness of manners and want of all refinement accompanies 62 VICES AND VIRTUES OF ARISTOCRATIC POLITY. CH. VI. a more rigid conformity to the laws and more strict regard to moral duties. The sacrifice of all considerations in a pure aristocracy to the honour of the ruling order is exemplified by what Father Paul lays down as a clear duty in his ' Opinione per il perpetuo Dominio di Venezia! " If," says he, " a noble injure a plebeian, justify him by all possible means ; but should that be found quite impossible, punish him more in appearance than in reality. If a plebeian insult a noble, punish him with the greatest severity, that the commonalty rnay know how peril- ous it is to insult a noble." 6. It is certain that the existence of an aristocratic body in any state, whether it be mixed with monarchy or with democracy, greatly tends to promote order, and to facilitate the administra- tion of affairs, by aiding the magistrate in maintaining subordi- nation. The manner in which a gradation of ranks produces this important effect is obvious ; equally obvious are the evils which necessarily arise from the want of such a controlling in- fluence an influence ever superseding the more harsh appeal to the direct force of the executive power. We shall find abun- dant proofs of this when we come to examine the American and other democracies. At present we may only remark, that a very great error has been committed in our remaining colonies, those of North America especially, in not introducing into their system an aristocratic body. The plan of Lord Grenville in 1791 (for his it was) contained the groundwork of such q,n addition ; but it has never been built upon. CH. VII. INDIVIDUAL INFLUENCE IN ARISTOCRACIES. 63 CHAPTER VII. OF THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. Individual influence in Aristocracies Partial delegation of supreme power Feudal and Civic Nobility in Italy Polish Aristocracy Operation of Feudal Aristo- cracy on Government Illustration of Feudal Aristocracy from English History Monkish Historians William of Malmesbury William of Newbury Matthew Paris Roger Hoveden Henry of Huntingdon. WE have hitherto treated of the aristocratic government, in which a select body of hereditary nobles exercise the supreme power, to the exclusion of all others, and in which each member of that body, possessing the same privileges with his fellows, only has by law the portion of power that falls to his share as one of the ruling order. But no such scheme of polity can exist for any considerable time without these individuals acquiring personal weight and influence, not merely with their colleagues, but over the subject-classes ; and this will vary in different indi- viduals according to their wealth, their descent from eminent per- sons, the services they have rendered, the capacity they possess, in short, according to the distribution of the natural aristocracy, which has already been treated of at large. The power of an aristocratic government therefore must always consist, not merely of the supreme or corporate power vested in the ruling body and exercised by its majority, but also of the influence and authority possessed by its individual members in common with all other eminent members of the community, though greater in them, as belonging to the ruling body. It may, however, well happen that the institutions of the coun- try vest direct influence in the individual members of the patrician body, and that they thus possess individually an authority and per- sonal weight beyond that which the natural aristocracy would give them, and beyond that which the individuals of the subject-classes derive from equal wealth, descent, talents, or services. Not only 64; OF THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. VII. may they be protected in their persons from legal process to which others are amenable, as for debt, subjected to different jurisdic- tion for offences, endowed with titles of honour, distinguished by precedence in rank while not exercising their political func- tions, exclusively eligible to fill important offices all of which prerogatives are almost inseparable from their position as mem- bers of the governing body ; but they may have attached to their possessions, or even to their persons, rights of a valuable nature, and tending to bestow much individual authorit}^. They may have the exclusive power of being followed by trains of retainers ; exemptions or other privileges may be attached to those retainers ; their property may be exempt from burdens to which others are subject ; they may have direct authority over their retainers, and over all who dwell upon their property ; they may have judicial, and they may have military power over their dependents ; in a word, the supreme power of the state may to a certain extent be delegated to them, subordinate to the ruling body indeed, but supreme as regards their inferiors. We have already shown at great length how the scheme of polity, which grew up all over Western Europe after the dissolution of the Roman Empire by the inroads of the northern nations, created a class of privileged persons, whose individual power was connected with the possession of land, and who exercised over those to whom portions of their land were given upon cer- tain conditions, an authority much greater and more constantly effectual than any which the sovereign could exercise over them- selves. The sovereign power in such a state may either be held by an individual, as in the feudal monarchies, or by a body, as in the feudal aristocracies of the middle ages. But in either case, the barons, the noble landowners, or holders of noble fiefs, form a peculiar body, whose powers are not exercised by the whole as a corporation, but by each chief in his own district. According to the principles of the Feudal System all land was held in grant either immediately or mediately from the prince. He was the over-lord of all, and no one could hold any real property except as rendering him service and owing him allegi- ance in respect of it. All sub-tenants held of their immediate lords in the same manner. Therefore, when an aristocratic government sprung up, or a democratic, in the Italian states, it was among the nobles who held of the Emperor, the common CH. VII. FEUDAL AND CIVIC ARISTOCRACIES. 65 lord paramount, or among the citizens of the towns who had grown into importance and acquired privileges, or it was among the vassals of the great feudatories the princes subordinate to the Emperor ; but in all cases of feudal nobility there was an over-lord, and no nobles held their lands of any corporation, or of any aristocratic body, even where those corporate or aristo- cratic bodies had thrown off the Imperial yoke and obtained the supreme power in the commonwealth. The feudal nobles often inclined towards their liege lord in the contest between him and the towns ; but they generally endeavoured to maintain a sub- stantive power in their own body, and to resist the encroach- ments of the civic nobility. They in every case failed sooner or later, and were at length obliged to enrol themselves in the civic companies, in order to protect themselves from the encroach- ments of the popular body, or of the city aristocracy, and in order to obtain their share of the political power set up in defiance of the Emperor. But whether they united in this manner with the citizens, or retained their separate condition, they exercised great individual influence, from their possessions and the num- bers of their adherents. In all the Italian towns, as we shall hereafter find, they had their houses fortified like castles, and they exerted their individual influence by levying bodies of armed adherents, with whom they waged war against one ano- ther, to the great disturbance of the public peace, and often to the subversion of the established government. The part of Italy where the feudal nobility exercised most power was in the states afterwards possessed by Venice on the mainland. The nature of the ground contributed much to produce this effect. The hilly or strong country extended in those parts to no great dis- tance from the towns, so that the fastnesses of the barons were near the scene of action, and afforded them strongholds from whence they could sally at the head of their followers, and to which they could always retreat. Under shelter of those castles their retainers could hold out against the burgher militia. Poland affords another and a remarkable example of feudal aristocracy in some respects the most remarkable of any. The government was not a pure aristocracy, because the crown, though elective, was conferred for life, and had some consider- able share of authority down to the first partition in 1772, after which it became nearly as nominal as that of the doge at Venice ; PART II. F 66 OF THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. VII. but at all former periods the effectual powers of legislation and the most important executive functions were possessed by the nobles, while those nobles excluded the people at large from all share whatever in the government, and each noble possessed more or less of feudal authority and privileges, in proportion to the extent of his demesnes and the number of his vassals. The tendency of the individual power possessed by the nobles of any country to support the aristocratic government established in it is by no means certain, and is evidently not unmixed with a tendency of the opposite kind. If, indeed, the force of the law be complete, and no individual can either violate its provisions or act against the interests and security of the whole body, whatever influence each member has over his retainers must contribute to the strength of the government. But this supposes not only a complete efficacy in the law to prevent all sedition and conspiracy it supposes also an entire absence of party and its combinations, and this we have found to be peculiarly difficult to conceive in an aristocratic constitution. Now as soon as such combinations exist it is manifest that the greatest mischiefs both to the peace of society and to the stability of the government must arise from the power of individual nobles, and little less than anarchy can be expected to prevail in a community so constituted. The whole history of the Italian commonwealths, and much of the Polish history, is one continued scene of the faction, confusion, and civil war arising from the power of individual nobles. In Italy their fortified houses, or castles, were the theatres of regular sieges. Their bands of fol- lowers, acknowledging no law but the will of their chief, carried on war against each other as if they were the subjects of separate and independent princes. The change of ministry, as it would be called in our more quiet days, was the elevation by force of one party to power, and the expulsion of their adversaries, generally attended with the razing to the ground of all their castles, and the massacre of such opponents as did not fly. But no country under the dominion of the feudal aristocracy could be said to possess a regular government. France and Germany were, under their monarchs, as much a prey to civil anarchy as Italy and Poland, except that the aristocratic or democratic power in the smaller commonwealths of the south had even less force than the power of the crown in the north to restrain and CH. VII. ENGLAND UNDER THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. 67 control the turbulence of the barons. We have already examined at such length the nature and effects of the feudal scheme where it prevailed, that it is only necessary the reader should be re- ferred to those chapters of the First Part in which this important subject is discussed (Chap. VIIL ix. x.). But we shall here add an illustration of the state of government and society under the feudal aristocracy in the middle ages ; and though it is not taken from the history of the Italian or Polish republics, but from that of England, exactly the same state of things must have prevailed among them, only that their annalists have given us less minute information respecting its details. The subject is also curious, as illustrating our own early history, and showing, if any proof of that were wanting, the folly of those ignorant and unreflecting persons among ourselves who are fond of bidding us look to the more ancient periods of our government for the perfection of the English constitution. The period to which we shall now refer was immediately preceding the reign of King John, and the granting of the great Charter ; and that important act being on all hands admitted to have been merely declaratory, all the praises lavished on the original form of our polity must be understood as being applicable to the reign of King Stephen, of which we are now about to speak. The Monkish Histories certainly may be relied on for the general descriptions which they give of the state of the country, unless in those instances with which ecclesiastical controversies and the interests of the church are concerned ; and, above all, they may be trusted as not exaggerating in their accounts of enormities committed by prelates or other churchmen, as well as by lay barons. William of Malmesbury flourished in the worst of the times which he describes, about the middle of the twelfth century. His work is dedicated to Robert of Gloucester, son of Henry II. The following is his account of the year 1140 : " The whole of this year was defaced by the horrors of civil war. Castles were everywhere fortified throughout the whole of England, each sheltering its own district, nay rather, to speak more correctly, laying it waste. The soldiery issuing forth from them carried off the sheep and cattle, not sparing even the churches or the cemeteries. The houses of the wretched peasantry were stripped of everything to their very straw thatch, F2 68 OF THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. VII. and the inhabitants bound and flung into prison. Many of them breathed their last in the tortures which were inflicted on them in order to force them to ransom themselves. Nor could even bishops and monks pass in safety from town to town. Numbers of Flemings and Bretons, accustomed to live by plunder, flocked to England to share the general booty." (Witt. Malm., 185.) " Such," says the author of Gesta Regis Stepha/rvi, 961, " such was the doleful aspect of our miseries, such the most dishonour- ing form of the sordid tragedy (qucestuosce tragedice inhones- tissimus modus) everywhere openly exhibited in England. Prelates themselves," he adds, " shameful to tell, not indeed all of them, but very many, or a great proportion of the whole (non tamen omnes, sed plurimi ex omnibus), armed and fully ap- pointed, and mounted, did not scruple to join the haughty spoilers of the country, to partake of the plunder, and putting to the torture, or casting into dungeons, whatever soldiers they took, and imputing to their soldiery all the outrages of which they were themselves the authors. And to say nothing of the others (for it would be indecent to blame all alike), the principal censure of such impious proceedings fell upon the Bishops of Winchester, Chester, and Lincoln, as more intent than the rest upon such evil courses." (Lib. ii. p. 962.) The treatment which the crown met with from the barons is thus described by William of Malmesbury, speaking of the year 1138: "Their demands from the king had no end: some would ask lands, some castles ; in short, whatever they had a mind to, that they must have. If ever he delayed granting their requests, straightway they became incensed and fortified their castles against him, plundering his lands to an enormous amount The king's profusion never could satisfy them ; the earls who had not already been endowed with crown lands rose against him ; they became more greedy in their demands, and he more lavish in his grants." (Lib. i.) William of Newbury informs us that " he, the least of the saints of Christ, was first born unto death in the first year of Stephen's reign, and again born unto life in the second year." To describe the anarchy which prevailed he cites the text " In these days was no king in Israel, but every one did as seemed good in his eyes." Neither the king nor the Empress Maude had any real power. " The animosities of the contending pro- CH. VII. ENGLAND UNDER THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. 69 vincial nobles waxing hot, castles had arisen in every part of the country from the fury of the conflicting factions, and there were in England as many kings, or rather tyrants, as there were owners of castles each having power of life and death, and of administering justice to their subjects like so many sovereigns." " Thus/' he afterwards says, " by contending against each other with long established mutual hatred, they so wasted with rapine and fire the fairest regions, that in a country once most fertile almost all power of growing grain was destroyed." (Lib. i., cap. xxiii.) Matthew Paris lived a century later, but he gives the same account of those dreadful times ; the same picture of a wretched country, abandoned to the rule of local tyrants, the intolerable yoke of a feudal aristocracy ; but flourishing as our romance writers will always have it under the sway of chivalrous barons, the paternal rule of mighty chiefs who revelled in their halls, led forth gallant hosts to do deeds of arms, and while they ravaged the country or plundered their neighbouring lords, entertained minstrels to sing their deeds and magnify their name. " There was no shelter from violence even in the shades of night. Everything was wrapt in slaughter and fire. Shouts, and wailing, and shrieks of horror resounded on every side." These are the words of Matthew Paris (1139), and Roger Hove- den uses the same language. At length a treaty was made between Stephen and the Duke of Normandy, afterwards Henry II., the principal article of which was applied to the extinction of this ancient pest. It was agreed that all the castles erected since the time of Henry I. should be pulled down. No one dared to propose any destruc- tion of the old, and, as it were, established strongholds of vio- lence, rapine, and anarchy. A hundred and twenty-six were within the scope of this stipulation. It is however to be observed that the treaty itself, as given in Rymer (Feed., i. 13), contains no such provision ; and Henry of Huntingdon says that " the brightness of the day was overcast in some degree by the meet- ing of the two princes at Dunstable, where they complained that some of these castles, erected for the worst of purposes, remained still entire, contrary to the treaty, owing, it was said, to the goodnature of Stephen sparing some of his barons." (398.) 70 OF THE FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY. CH. VII. William of Newbury relates how " castles were burnt after the treaty like wax melted in the fire, they having before served as retreats to wicked men and dens of robbers." When Henry II. came to the throne he took care to see the stipulation executed, destroying all the castles built since Henry the First's time, with only a very few exceptions. Such was the condition of England under the Feudal aristo- cracy ; but, no doubt, rendered far more the prey of general anarchy by the evils at the same time afflicting the country of a disputed succession. The consequent weakness of the govern- ment, and the incentives to civil war, acted upon the materials of revolt and turbulence which the force individually possessed by the barons collected in every part of the kingdom ; and it may fairly be questioned whether in any country pretending to have a regular government, and removed by but a step from barbarism, there ever was seen in the world such a state of things as England presented during the sad period of which we have been surveying the annals upon the testimony of con- temporary and unsuspected witnesses. CH. VIII. MIXED ARISTOCRACIES. 71 CHAPTER VIII. MIXED ARISTOCRACIES. POLAND. Tendency of Aristocracy towards mixed Government May be really pure when apparently mixed Examples : Venice, Genoa, Lucca, San Marino Polish Con- stitution Ancient History Origin of factious spirit Extinction of all jealousy of Foreign influence Patriotism of the Czartoriskys Conduct of neighbouring Powers The Partition Nobles strictly an Aristocracy Their Privileges Palatines ; Castellans ; Starosts Elective Crown Foreign interference Diet of Election Royal Prerogative Change in 1773 Senate Its Constitution and functions Chamber of Nuncios Functions of the Diet Absurdities in its Constitution Prophylactic power and Vis Medicatrix in Governments Miti- gating devices in the Polish Constitution Administration of justice Defect in the English similar to one in the Polish Government Military System Character and habits of the Nobles Prince Czartorisky. WE have already seen that an aristocracy may be easily com- bined so as to form part of some other constitution ; that its na* ture even lends itself to such changes and modifications as pro- duce a mixed government ; and that accordingly there have been very few instances of purely aristocratic constitutions lasting for any such length of time as monarchies are generally found to endure. Wherever the aristocratic principle enters into any form of government, it brings with it more or less of the conse- quences which we have seen follow from the establishment of that scheme of polity, more or less in proportion as the principle enters more or less largely into the system. This is manifest. But it is also clear that a government does not cease to be aristocratic, and may well be so described it does not become, properly speaking, a mixed government by the mere addition to the aristocratic body of some other power, too feeble to con- trol it or to share with it the supreme power. Thus the Vene- tian government, as we shall presently see, was most strictly speaking a pure aristocracy, though nominally at its head was placed a kind of mock chief, a mere shadow of royalty, in the person of the Doge. The like may be said of Genoa during the time that the aristocracy prevailed and excluded the popular in- 72 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. fluence. In Lucca and San Marino, the Gonfaloniere, though possessing more authority, could not be said to change the aris- tocratic or oligarchical frame of the constitution. Neither does the circumstance of the executive power, or rather a portion of it, being conferred by election, make any difference. If that power were substantial and real, if it effectually counteracted the aristocratic influence, then, although conferred by the nobles, if it were bestowed for life, it would make the government a mixed monarchy, and if conferred by the people it would be equally monarchical, though the right of election in both instances would tend to give the choosing body the nobles in the one, and the people in the other some additional weight in the balance of constitutional power. So the Doge or the Gonfaloniere being elective officers did not make them the less monarchical : it was their insignificant authority, their impotency to control the aristocracy, that made their weight as dust in the balance of the constitution. The two countries in the constitution of which the principle of aristocracy has entered most largely are Poland and Hun- gary. In both of these the government might be truly termed mixed, because the sovereign, elective in the one and hereditary in the other,* possessed considerable power, although the root of the monarchy, especially of the Polish monarchy, was planted in the patrician body. In both, too, there was a large addition to the influence of the crown from foreign influence ; in Poland, from the unjust, unconstitutional, and illegal interference of foreign powers ; in Hungary, from the crown being for ages worn by the Austrian monarch, and from the consequent pre- valence of all the disturbing forces which we have seen belong to the imperfect federal system. We shall now examine these two constitutions, as affording full illustrations of the aristocratic principle, while we proceed to treat in detail of ancient and modern aristocracies. The kingdom, or the republic of Poland, for it has gone by both names, was, before its partition had been effected by one of the most detestable national crimes that human ambition ever committed, among the most extensive and important states of Europe. Its surface stretched over nearly 250,000 square miles ; * The crown was originally hereditary in Poland, and elective in Hungary. CH. VIII. POLISH HISTORY. 73 its population exceeded twenty millions ;* its productions, vege- table and mineral, were rich and various ; its rivers gave easy vent to its produce, though it possessed little seacoast ; and its position in the centre of Europe gave it a natural influence over the neighbouring states. The feudal polity prevailed here as over the greater portion of Europe to the south of the Baltic Sea, although it was not reduced to so regular a system as in most of the other countries. The division of the land was more unequal ; but there were no great fiefs as in France and Italy. The sovereign had, as every- where, in theory a very limited prerogative, in practice still less authority ; and the barons had extensive powers over their vassals, and an overruling influence in the government. As there were no great feudatories dividing the country into so many princi- palities, governing each in a kind of federacy under the common superior, there was no difference between the legal privileges and rights of the numerous barons or landowners. The more wealthy, those who possessed the largest estates, had, of course, most influence ; but all were recognised as the ruling order, and, together with the sovereign, and much more than the sovereign, carried on the administration of affairs. The sovereign was nominally elective ; but as soon as one powerful family had obtained the crown, they had sufficient influence to transmit it, by making the election fall upon some one of their number on each successive vacancy. Thus the Jagel- lons, descended from Jagellon, Duke of Lithuania, uniting that duchy with Poland in 1385, on his marriage with Hedwige of Anjou, the Polish queen, continued to reign till 1572 ; and the Piast race, from which Hedwige had sprung, was on the Polish throne in the tenth century, and before the introduction of Christianity. The nobles chose one Piast after another for successive ages ; and it was not till the Jagellon dynasty, which had reigned for two centuries, became extinct, upon the death of Sigismund Augustus in 1572, that the elective system, the cause of all the evils which afterwards befell the country, became, after the succession of three Vasas, completely established in substance as well as in name. The first struggle, however, to which this wretched system * This includes Lithuania, the extent of which was 120,000 square miles, and the population nearly six millions. 74 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. gave rise, was productive of considerable benefit to the nation. The " Confederation of Poland" as it was ever after called and almost ever respected, decreed that all distinction of political privileges on account of religious differences should cease, and that every sect should enjoy the same civil rights. This great event happened in 1573 ; Henry of Valois was elected king, and soon after resigned the throne, when be became Henry III. of France on the death of Charles IX. The factious spirit which an aristocracy, governing with an elective king, engendered and spread over the whole community, soon took such entire pos- session of all men, that no animosity was felt towards any foreign enemy ; no jealousy was entertained of any foreign interference ; no precautions were taken against any foreign aggression. The two most formidable neighbours of the republic were certainly Austria and Muscovy. In 1586 the czar, Feodor Ivanovitch, was very near being elected ; and Maximilian of Austria was actually chosen king. It is true he had a competitor, whom his own party also elected ; but it was another foreign prince and a powerful neighbour, though less formidable than the other two, Sigismund Vasa of Sweden. A civil war, combined with a foreign, ensued from this double choice : Maximilian was defeated by John Zamoyski and taken prisoner ; and Sigismund, though he lost his hereditary kingdom of Sweden, reigned nearly half a century in Poland ruining the country by his weakness, and oppressing it by his bigotry, which led him secretly to violate the Confederation, though he dared not openly to act against its salutary provisions. The spirit of faction joined with his mis- government to make his reign a long anarchy ; but the wise government of his two sons, who were fortunately chosen after him, especially the second, John Cassimir, did much to restore the public prosperity. The great nobles, or magnates, had hitherto the chief share both in the government of the country and the election of the king. The lesser nobles could, by combining against them, dispose of the election, though they could never long retain a permanent influence in the government from the inevitable effects of the natural aristocracy. In 1668 their combination obtained the election of Michael Prince Wisniowietzki, who was succeeded in 1673 by the heroic John Sobieski. At his decease the House of Saxony, through Russian influence, obtained the crown, which they held through the same support from 1690 to 1763. CH. VIII. PATRIOTISM OF THE CZARTORISKYS. 75 Now began the glorious efforts of the Czartoriskys, the most, noble and virtuous of the great houses of Europe ; efforts which have been nobly persevered in ever since, and which have ended in the voluntary destruction of that self-devoted family of illus- trious patriots. Endowed with such ample possessions that their quota to the levy in times of peril was not less than 20,000 armed men ; descended from the Jagellons ; allied by marriage with all the other great families of the realm, and with many of the royal houses of Western Europe ; yet more revered for their virtues and their patriotism than respected for their power, they endeavoured to bring about those essential reforms in the consti- tution which the sad experience of past times had proved to be so eminently wanted. But Russia and her tools, the Saxon party, resisted all change ; and although she was during the Empress Elizabeth's reign most unexpectedly and most unac- countably gained over to the liberal interest, the Saxons now obtained the aid and countenance of France, which put herself at the head of that party called the republican, because they maintained the supreme power of the nobility and opposed all salutary reform, and among others the formation of a vigorous executive. Nevertheless the Russian influence joined to that of the patriots under the Czartoriskys succeeded in strengthening the power of the crown, restricting that of the nobles, and above all placing bounds to the exercise of the veto, the great flaw in the system, and which made an impossibility, the unanimous concurrence of the diet, an indispensable requisite to all legisla- tive acts. Under the same influence Poniatowski was chosen king in 1764, on the decease of Augustus III. of Saxony ; and there appeared for a while the dawn of brighter days for Poland. Soon, however, the inherent vice of the system, the interference of foreign influence, again broke out, and Russia found that her preponderance was gone if the reforms lately effected were suffered to be maintained. In less than two years the veto was restored, the crown's power reduced to its former crippled state, and the formal guarantee of Russia interposed to the existing constitution in other words, to the perpetuation of those abuses and that anarchy which rendered the whole ad- ministration dependent upon her own pleasure, and made the Russian Ambassador ruler of the country. The fruits of the vile tree thus again planted and thus nur- 76 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. tured were soon gathered by the hands that had cherished it. In 1772 a portion of the country containing five millions of in- habitants was seized on, without the shadow of a pretext, by its three most powerful neighbours, Russia leading the way in this great pillage, and receiving the lion's share of the spoil. In 1791 the progress of liberty and of free opinions, accelerated by the French revolution, gave birth to a vigorous effort in behalf of Polish reform. The constitutional diet, on the 3rd of May, in that year, promulgated a new constitution, framed on the model of our own, and to the merits of which Mr. Burke himself bore a generous, though perhaps not a very willing, testimony. Had it not contained the two cardinal defects first, of being some- what too much in advance of the age, finding the people with their aristocratic regimen unprepared for its provisions ; and next, of making no effectual provision for raising a sufficient national force there is great reason to believe that, in the critical position of European affairs in which it was launched, it might have survived to bless the country with a regular and orderly govern- ment, and to secure its independence from foreign aggression. But the spoiler was at hand : the partitioning powers suddenly took the field ; they wasted the country and besieged the towns ; after massacres, of which there is no other example in the modern warfare of European nations, they overturned the new constitution, and, as the price of their interference, divided among themselves half of what their former crimes had left nominally independent. Two years later the final blow was struck, and, after a desperate struggle under the gallant Kosciuszko, they erased this ancient kingdom from the map of Europe. We are now to view more nearly the structure of this bad government ; the worst, without any exception, that has ever been established for any length of time in any part of the world the one which most signally, most constantly, and most inevi- tably failed to bestow upon its subjects the benefit that all govern- ment is formed to dispense internal tranquillity and security from foreign aggression. Whatever we have already seen of mis- fortune befalling the country, whatever we are yet to observe of tumult and anarchy in the administration of its affairs, all proceeded directly from this fruitful source of public calamity. The chief power of the state, although not the supreme or the sole power, was lodged in the patrician body. Every noble CH. VIII. RIGHTS OF THE NOBLES. 77 had an equal voice in exercising the functions of the govern- ment, and he used it by voting for the election of representa- tives, called nuncios, that is, delegates or ambassadors to the chamber of nuncios in the diet, or supreme legislative assembly. The choice was made at provincial assemblies, or lesser diets, called dietines. The rights and condition of nobility could only be conferred by the united voice of the three states composing the diet, namely, the king, the senate, and the nuncios ; conse- quently the body was strictly an aristocracy (Chap. I. Part II.), all the family of each noble having its privileges by inheritance, and no person having the power of entering into the body with- out its own consent expressly given. The dietines decided all claims of nobility, on the production of the claimant's title or letters of nobility ; and the severest penalties were denounced against any one who should presume unauthorised to usurp the rank, or to prefer false or fictitious claims ; he might even be put to death by any noble summarily and without trial. The rank was not lost by intermarriage with persons of an infe- rior class ; consequently the claimant had only to prove his noble male descent ; but three generations of descent must have elapsed before the privileges could be fully enjoyed, unless in extraordinary cases of public service. The noble thus descended and thus entitled was termed Scartabel (quasi Bellus ex Charta). The rights of nobility were forfeited by crimes and by following a degrading trade ; but menial service, even in the house of a foreigner, did not forfeit ; it only suspended the right of voting during the servitude. Beside the elective franchise, the Polish noble enjoyed other immunities of an extraordinary kind. He alone could hold landed property. He had a right to all mines and minerals, including salt mines, on his lands, commoners being excluded from such rights entirely. He exercised jurisdiction over his peasants or vassals, even to the extent of life and death. His house was an asylum, giving refuge from arrest to all male- factors, and all debtors, though he became in some sort answer- able if he shielded any. His own person was sacred, and he could only be arrested upon a judicial conviction of a crime, or if taken in the act. No great office, hardly any other of importance under the crown, could be held but by a noble ; and these were of high pecuniary value as well as power and in- 78 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. fluence. The chief were palatinates, castellanies, and starosties. The palatines were governors of provinces and chiefs of the nobles within their respective bounds, heading them when called out on great emergencies, in the pospolite, arriere-ban, or levy en masse, and also commanding them in war. The castellans, originally the lieutenants of the palatines, became afterwards invested with equal powers, only in smaller districts. The palatinates and castellanies were rather offices of honour and influence than of profit ; but the starosties were exceed- ingly valuable in point of emolument. They were attached to the lands originally domains of the crown, and no one could hold a starosty without possessing some portion of this land. They were a species of government, and many of them had civil and criminal jurisdiction. The income amounted in some to as much as 25007. a-year. They were, like the palatinates and castellanies, conferred by the crown ; and without the royal assent did not go to the widow or heirs : but this assent was rarely withheld ; so that they became almost hereditary, like the offices in the other feudal monarchies. There were in the whole kingdom, including the grand duchy of Lithuania, no less than 452 starosties. The crown had besides a vast number of villages, which were generally granted for life, with all their rents and emoluments. The king was elected by the whole body of the nobility, thus constituted and thus richly endowed. The primate, Archbishop of Gnesen, was viceroy or interrex during an interregnum after a sovereign's decease, abdication, or deposition ; and in case that see was vacant, the Bishop of Cuiavia. All the ordinary ad- ministration of justice was suspended, only extraordinary coun- sellors were appointed to dispose of criminals, and generals to guard the frontier but so feeble were the national forces, that foreign princes almost always marched their troops into the country as soon as an election approached. The foreign minis- ters were formally desired to quit the capital, that the choice might be the more free ; but they as regularly refused to go. Thus a Russian ambassador answered the requisition by ob- serving that he had been sent to reside in Warsaw, and not in the country. An Austrian envoy said on the like occasion, that, if he went, he was sure his master would order the Silesian regiments to escort him back. CH. VIII. ELECTION OF KING. 79 The Diet of Election began its discussions with a statement of grievances, called exorbitances or complaints of the infractions of the constitution during the late reign, and, after resolving to exact some new concession from the new king, they proceeded to choose him. The Deputies who were sent from the various dietaries, amounting in number to about 150 nuncios, and called Rota Equestris, occupied an enclosed space. They conducted the whole deliberations ; but they were liable to be changed during the process at the will of their constituents, who, as the last of all the absurdities in which this constitution abounded, attended in person, and partook fully in the vote elective of the crown, though not in the deliberations on grievances. The whole nobles marched upon Warsaw by various routes forth from their castles at the head of their retainers and dependants, all but the poorer class mounted, and all without any exception armed. As many as 130,000, frequently more, occasionally even 200,000, were thus assembled. Arriving at the scene of the operations, the elective operations, the great plain of Vola near the capital, they occupied the ground around the enclosure of the Nuncios, and there encamped during the six weeks that the Election Diet lasted by law. During this period of interregnum the re- public was termed " most serene" and assuredly a title of honour less expressive of the fact never was invented or be- stowed by the overweening caprice of princes, prone to fancy that they could endue their favourites with the qualities which they named them by, than this appellation assumed by the aris- tocratic republic to describe its own state while exercising uncon- trolled power. The sovereign thus named, unless when the election was brought about by foreign armies or foreign gold, generally had to fight for his crown. Having in one or the other way secured the possession of it, his prerogatives were so far from being the shadow of monarchy like those of the Italian doges, that they really gave great influence, and entitled the political philosopher very correctly to term the constitution a mixed aristocracy. He enjoyed a considerable revenue, above 60,0007. a-year for his personal expenses ; named to all the great offices, of which there were forty-eight, but ten, of the highest, having places in the senate as well as in the council of state ; appointed all military officers ; had the exclusive patronage of all the seventeen bishop- 80 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. rics and of all the greater livings ; gave away the vacant sta- rosties, and gave or refused the succession of deceased starosts to their families ; granted privileges to towns, so however that these interfered not with the rights of the nobles ; distributed orders of knighthood ; and bestowed titles of nobility on fo- reigners, who however obtained from thence no rights or pri- vileges.* He received foreign ministers, but in the presence of the council ; and though he could appoint ambassadors to repre- sent the republic, they could neither make alliances, nor treat of peace and war. It was among the many vices and absurd anomalies of this vile constitution that the generals and ministers named by the crown held their places irrernovably, until they either consented to retire or were sentenced by the Diet. Finally, he had the nomination of the senate, of which body we are now to speak. But the senators, like the generals and mi- nisters, held their places independent of the crown. The number of the senate was 136, of whom seventeen were prelates. Beside these 136, the ten great officers of state had seats in the senate, and of course possessed more influence than any of the other members. The senators had constant access to the king's person, and four of them were required to be always near him. Without their presence he could do no act of state ; and this contrivance to maintain a watch over the crown on the part of the aristocracy manifestly resembles what we shall find to have been practised at Genoa and at Venice with a similar view. No senator could quit the country without express leave of the Diet. The functions of the senate were to preserve peace and union among the various provinces or the palatinates and castellanies ; and to assist at the diet, of which, in its legislative capacity, the senate formed an integral part. Its consent was required for the making of any law, and the taking of any resolution of the diet, as much as that of the king and the Chamber of Nuncios. The senate could only be convoked by the king, unless in the * We have made no mention in the text of the change which was effected in 1773, after the first partition, because we are here giving an account of the old constitution while Poland was entire. That change really reduced the regal autho- rity almost to a shadow : it was the nomination by the Diet of councillors, without whose consent no act of the Crown could be performed. This was copied from the constitution of Venice, as we shall presently see. CH. VIII. THE DIET. 81 event of any illegal proceedings taken by him, in which case the primate might call a meeting. If the primate refused in such an emergency, the nobles could assemble it. The nobles were represented in the Chamber of Nuncios, chosen as we have seen by the die tines of the provinces, all of which were to hold their meetings the same day, except two, Zata and Holitz, which met a week earlier. The number of nuncios was 168, provided the electors in each of the sixty-four districts were unanimous; for unanimity was required in dietines as well as diets ; but Prussia Royal had a right to send 100 representatives of its nobility. The same absurdity which pre- vailed at the election diet was also found to exist in the ordinary meetings of the nuncios ; for, under the name of arbiters, all the nobles claimed a right to attend the meetings of their repre- sentatives, and even to interpose their opposition and protest to the choice of the marshal or president of the chamber. This, however, was not peremptory, but only led to inquiry. Every function of the government not performed by the king alone was performed by the Diet. They only could make laws, determine questions of peace, war, or alliance, levy taxes, raise troops, coin money, confer nobility, and naturalize foreigners. But in all their proceedings the grand and revolting anomaly was introduced, which has obtained the expressive and descriptive name of the Liberum Veto, only that this is not generally un- derstood in the full extent of its absurdity. Not only was absolute unanimity required to give any vote force and effect ; but if any one of the many parts or chapters of a law, or of any one law of the many discussed at a diet, was rejected, the whole legislation of that diet fell to the ground. It was necessary to adopt all or to reject all Surely no human contrivance was ever devised so effectual to tie up the will and paralyse the judgment of any deliberate assembly. Add to this, that the duration of the diet was fixed by law it must expire in six weeks, and even at the hour striking, whatever subject of consideration might then be before it. When any gross absurdity has for any reason found its way into the frame of a government, there seems to be called forth a protective or prophylactic power in the system, analogous to that by which the natural body throws off any noxious or any extraneous matter introduced into it ; and if mischief cannot be PART II. G 82 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. prevented, then is exerted another power like the vis medicatrix of the natural frame a power of making some secondary provision which may counteract the mischievous effects of the malconformation, and enable the machine to go on working, which otherwise must be stopped or destroyed. We shall find examples of this truth in the ancient as well as modern republics of the south ; and Poland affords one as applicable to the grievous vices of its political system which we have just been describing. The king had the power of convoking extraordinary diets upon emergencies, but these could only last three weeks. However, when a diet had failed of coming to any useful decision, in consequence of the veto, a majority of the chambers might, with the assent of the crown, turn the diet into a Confederation. This usually took place on the emergency of some threatened invasion, or other public danger. If without the royal assent the confederation took place, it was called Rokosz. Sometimes even when the confederation was regular, being authorised by the crown, always in the case of a Rokosz, there were re-confederations or anti-confederations, which at once led to a civil war. The king had the power likewise of convoking a Senatus Concilium, or senate deliberating under his presidency ; but its decrees only had the force of law tempora- rily, and required to be confirmed by the diet. Another kind of confederation was the Zwyozck or Military Zwyozck, and this was another name for a military revolt. After every kind of confederation it was usual to hold a diet of pacification, in which the intention and the name alone were of value. The administration of justice was upon a footing nearly as singular and of a description quite as imperfect as any other branch of the Polish constitution. The king continued much later than in any other country of Europe to hold the judicial power in his own hands. Until late in the sixteenth century he was the sole judge of important cases, as well criminal as civil ; and he went round the kingdom to exercise this high office, with his numerous suite, all of whom were maintained at the public cost in each district that they visited. This labour, so alien to a modern prince's habits, made Henry III. say, " Faith, these Poles have only made a judge of me, and soon they will make an advocate." His successor, Stephen Battori, created regular courts, reserving to himself the greater causes only. In CH. VIII. JUDICIAL AND MILITARY SYSTEMS. 83 the reign of the succeeding princes the nobles and the clergy obtained the judicial power, and this weakened exceedingly the influence of the crown, without materially improving the ad- ministration of justice. The want of any provision for the pro- secution of offences was a serious imperfection, though not con- fined to Poland ; and the maxim became established, and as rooted as it was pernicious " Nemine instigante, reus absolvitur" It is only by a variety of accidental circumstances concurring to counteract the evil in our own system, that a similar defect has not ended in paralysing the whole execution of our criminal law ; and the mischiefs that daily arise from it are very grievous, notwithstanding the partial remedy which these circumstances have applied. But the manner of appointing the Polish judges was as bad as possible. They who composed the higher tribunals were elected at the several dietines by the nobles, and at the chapters by the superior clergy. The places of these judges were lucrative, gave great influence, and were eagerly sought after by the nobles ; and their persons were sacred, so that the least injury or insult offered them was punished with death. They had cognizance of all crimes, treason and peculation excepted, subject to appeal. The diet was the court of review, and had original jurisdiction of treason and peculation. The military state of the country was not better than its civil. There was no army that could be relied on when wanted, any more than in the other feudal kingdoms, while the armed state of the nobles and their high privileges, almost exempting them from the control of the law, made the country a prey to the worst form of anarchy, that of a military mob. The nobles did not serve in the infantry, however poor, excepting as officers ; and all the cavalry, men as well as officers, were nobles. Each had a right of bringing three servants to attend him, and these were all on a kind of equal footing with their masters. Every noble, private as well as officer, and how needy soever, was admitted to the general's table. The servants were called pacholiks : they were all armed, and all took part in the fight. The diet alone could call out the pospolite (or levy or cwviere- bari), and, on its being summoned, all ordinary administration of justice ceased ; the king alone and the senate exercised judicial functions, and martial law was administered by military tribunals. G2 84; MIXED ARISTOCRACIES POLAND. CH. VIII. Such was the structure of the Polish constitution : its basis a completely formed and firmly cemented aristocracy, but joined and badly adjusted to a kingly power ; and certainly it would not be possible to devise a system less fitted to secure any one of the objects of all government. Bad as it was, and ill as it worked in modern times, and after its principles were settled, in earlier ages it was still more tumultuous and more mischievous, and unavoidably engendered a constant struggle between the nobles and the sovereign, to the utter and habitual neglect of the public interest Thus it was not till the middle of the fifteenth cen- tury that the king's consent was required to the passing of any law, or that the senate was recognised as a body separate from the representatives or nuncios ; and when John Albrecht, an able and patriotic prince, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, after in vain attempting to curb the exorbitant power of the nobles, tried many schemes for the general benefit of the country, he was stoutly and successfully resisted in all his en- deavours, the aristocracy desiring only to thwart him, and caring nothing at all for the interests of the state, which he was desir- ous of advancing. In his reign began that constant disposition, much increased in the Saxon reigns, to seek foreign aid in their party conflicts, which formed the great stigma on the character of the Poles. No one was jealous of the Czar ; all fears were merged in the jealousy of the crown. The character and the habits of the ruling class were such as it might be expected that uncontrolled power thus distributed among individuals, as well as vested in the body, would form in each of its members. They were fierce, ignorant, haughty, overbearing. The natural talents of the Polanders are great ; no people have more : they combine the suppleness and quick- ness that distinguish the Sclavonian race with far more steadi- ness and perseverance than ordinarily accompanies these brilliant and attractive qualities ; and all the insolence of the nobles was covered over and concealed by a polish of manners almost pecu- liar to that people. The inequality, however, in the distribu- tion of wealth was extreme ; and although each noble, be his condition ever so mean in point of fortune, possessed the full privileges of his order, the wealthy landowner received as much homage from his poorer brethren as from the needy com- moners. The power and splendour in which the greater families CH. VII I. PRINCE CZARTORISKY. 85 lived was Dot to be matched by anything in more refined coun- tries. The Prince Czartorisky, beside maintaining a multitude of dependents and gentlemen in needy circumstances, had a suite of young nobles who, at his residence, his court, received their education, and became fitted to shine both in that brilliant circle and in the attractive society of Warsaw. The princess was daily seen at Poulawi to take her morning drive attended by twenty gallant cavaliers, rivalling each other in their de- voted obeisance, and all but fighting for the honour of handing her from the carriage when she alighted, or picking up her fan when it chanced to fall. The military force of his domains we have already mentioned. It is this lofty position, this brilliant lot, which that great patriot, the present representative of the family, has exchanged for poverty and exile a lot, however, that he only prized, and now only regrets, as it afforded him the power of serving that country for which he has made so vast and so costly a sacrifice.* * The works upon Poland are numerous, and some of them possess great merit. There are several in German and in Latin. Of course those in Polish are to foreigners a sealed book. The Chev. d'Eon's Description de la Pologne, in vol. L of his Loisirs, gives the best, and, generally speaking, the most correct account of the constitution. But no one should omit reading the admirable work of Rulhieres ( J' Anarchic de la Pologne, in 4 vols.), one of the most brilliant and attractive histories that was ever written. Recourse has been had, in preparing this chapter, to original sources of political information. 86 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. CH. IX. CHAPTER IX. MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. Lombard Conquest Magyars Arpad Family Feudal circumstances Nobility Cardinal and Non-Cardinal privileges Magnates Bulla Aurea Titled Nobles Diet Representation ; Proxies ; Votes Delegation Diet's functions Taxes Cassa Domestica and Militaris Count Szechinij Local County Ad- ministration Congregationes Generales Municipal Government, Kozseg ; Can- didatio Village Government Powers of the Crown Sale of Titles Peasantry Urbarium of Maria Theresa Lords' power ; Robot Lords' Courts ; reforms in these New Urbarium ; Prince Metteruich's reforms Military System ; Insurrectionary Army Frontier Provinces Prejudices of Hungarians in favour of their Constitution Conclusion of the subject. THE Aristocracy of Hungary never was so firmly established, or endowed with privileges so extensive, as that of Poland ; and it is a question much agitated amongst political inquirers, whether or not the Feudal System ever existed in that country. The Lombards, in the year 526, overran the greater part of Hungary ; and in the ninth century, the Magyars, a people from Central Asia, obtained possession of it, dividing the lands among their chiefs, and reducing the former inhabitants to a state of slavery. The family of Arpad, their principal leader, held the chief autho- rity until its extinction in 1301. After the lapse of nearly four centuries Austria obtained a footing, and occasionally the supreme power ; but it was not till the latter part of the seventeenth cen- tury that she received the crown formally, and only since 1711 that she has held it without dispute. It seems, on the one hand, difficult to deny that the feudal scheme ever found a footing in Hungary ; and, on the other, to admit that it was fully established. The servile condition of the cultivators of the soil, the holding of all lands under the crown, the great power of the nobles, their exemption from tribute, the exclusive possession by them of free land, and the annexation of services to the qualified possession, or rather enjoy- ment, of landed rights by the peasant, as well as the jurisdiction exercised by the lord over the tenant to a considerable extent, all savour strongly of feudality. Indeed, the gifts which the former could exact from the latter on the marriage of his child, CH. IX. NOBILITY. 87 or his own capture in war, were entirely of a feudal aspect and origin ; while we mast admit that the refinements of the system, and its complete symmetry, had no place among the Hungarians. The foundation of the whole system, both of the general govern- ment and of the local polity of the community, has at all times been the influence and the privileges of the Nobles originally, as everywhere, a select few, but become, in process of time, a numerous body, and forming now a considerable portion of the whole inhabitants. They amounted to 350,000 a century ago, and may now be estimated at a million and a half, the whole population being not more than nine millions and a half. Of course, in this numerous body there are not many wealthy indi- viduals, and very many in the meanest circumstances : but all of them possess the same rights and exemptions by law; all of them form an artificial aristocracy ; and it is the natural aristo- cracy alone which apportions their relative influence, confining the administration of affairs, the real weight in the state, to such of the class as excel in wealth and other personal or accidental qualities and possessions. Their privileges are of two kinds, cardinal and non-cardinal. The most important of the latter are the being exempt from hav- ing troops quartered on them, and the right to sell upon their estates certain articles, of which the government has the mono- poly elsewhere, and as against all commoners. It is another of these non-cardinal privileges that the nobles alone can possess lands. The cardinal privileges are more valuable and more numerous. The noble holds his land free from all direct taxes, all tithe, and all toll. The only service which he is bound to perform is the attendance upon the levy when the bann or insur- rection is called out on an invasion. His person is sacred ; he cannot be arrested until convicted, unless he is taken in the fact ; his house, too, cannot be entered on any account by the officers of justice. All fiefs are male, excepting in the district of Arva, where the land goes also to females on the failure of males. In that event elsewhere the fief reverts to the crown. There was till very lately (1835), strictly speaking, no power of selling the land, but recourse was had in consequence to perpetual mort- gages ; and as these were redeemable on payment of the mort- gage-money and all improvements, a double price was generally stated in the contract, great claims for expenditure were made, 88 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. CH. IX. and endless litigation ensued. But still the titles to land pur- chased are very insecure, because all land originally granted by the crown is redeemable within thirty-two years ; and this right may, by a legal proceeding (the mere registering of the claim), be kept alive for ever. At twenty-four years of age the son can demand a provision ; and on the lord's death an equal division of the land is made, only reserving to the youngest the benefit of a house. These customs remind the English reader of gavel- kind, once the common law of this country, though now confined to Kent ; and Borough-English, once the custom of all boroughs, though now only known in a very few places. Where the fief is male, one -fourth goes to females on failure of males when the crown takes the residue. It is another strange privilege of the nobles that they owe no allegiance to the king before his coro- nation. Originally the Magnates, or higher nobles, oppressed the in- ferior, who, combining together, exacted from King Andrew and the higher nobles, in 1222, the great charter, called the Bulla aurea, seven years after King John was forced by his barons to grant our Magna Charta. The purport of this important conces- sion was to communicate all the privileges of nobility to the whole order ; and it was plainly, like our own charter, only a declara- tion of existing and violated rights. It further declared, that every noble should be subject to the court of the Palatine, ex- cepting in capital cases and causes of forfeiture, which were reserved to the royal jurisdiction. The most remarkable article of the Bulla aurea contained, like our own great charter, a sti- pulation of resistance in case the other provisions should be vio- lated. This article has only been omitted since the year 1687, and that, as is expressed, not from any objection to its substance on the part of the crown, but only to avoid the misconstructions to which it had frequently given rise. The titled nobles are about two hundred families. We are now to view the system of government which arises out of this aristocracy, and of which this aristocracy is the basis. The supreme power in the state, by the theory of the consti- tution, is the Diet or general assembly of the Orders ; but there is in practice a wide difference between the rights of the Hun- garian and those of the Polish Diet, and the crown has become the preponderating authority, although the diet still retains CH. IX. THE DIET. 89 considerable powers. It is composed of three great branches, the Prelates, the Magnates, and the Delegates of the inferior nobles and the free towns. The prelates are thirty-six in num- ber, of whom thirty-four are Catholics, and one a Greek bishop ; the magnates and the higher clergy, those who have official right to be barons and counts, and the magnates by descent and tenure of land. There are six or seven hundred in all who have a title to sit in this chamber ; but, comparatively, few attend, sometimes no more than thirty or forty. The prelates and mag- nates form one chamber (Tabula). The lower chamber is composed of deputies chosen by the forty-six counties, that is, by the inferior and numerous nobility, a million and a half in number, and of whom about 120,000 are supposed actually to vote. The free towns also send deputies : each county sends two. But there is also a singular kind of deputies, who, however, have no right of voting the proxies of mag- nates who do not choose to attend in their own chamber, and the proxies of the magnate widows, who of course cannot sit. These proxies resemble what we may recollect to have found in the Sicilian parliaments. (Part I. Chap, xvn.) The deputies of towns are entirely under the influence of the crown, for, as the whole expenditure of the revenue is, except for sums less than six pounds, under the absolute control of the sovereign, if any town were to choose a refractory deputy, the sums necessary for re- pairs and improvements would be left unprovided. This entire subserviency of the town-deputies is the excuse for the nobles having long since taken away their right of voting : they are as mere ciphers as the proxies, and have not more privilege than that of cheering the speakers, and themselves debating, if they please, which however they very rarely do. A single vote was once offered to all the town-deputies collectively ; but it was at that time rejected with some indignation. All the deputies, however, are in some sort deprived of deliberative functions, for they are merely the delegates of their constituents, and are so far bound to follow their instructions, that, should they depart from them, and be unable satisfactorily to explain their conduct, they are immediately displaced and succeeded by more obedient representatives. The lower chamber has a president called Personalia. The forty-six coimties have ninety-two deputies, but only forty-six votes : Croatia has one, Sclavonia three, the free towns one, the chapters one ; making in all fifty-four votes. 90 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. CH. IX. The crown has alone the power of convoking the diet ; but the law requires it to be assembled once in three years. This, how- J ever, has been so little attended to, that only three Diets were con- vened in the forty years' reign of Maria Theresa ; and Joseph II. never called a Diet at all during his ten years' reign. There was no Diet from 1813 to 1825 : the Diet of that year lasted two years. Each Diet is a newly-elected body ; no prorogation is known ; and the same Diet has been known to sit for three or four years. The most extraordinary part of its constitution is the uncertainty which still prevails as to what part of the magnates the right of voting resides in ; for the right of created nobles to vote with those by office and estate is so much a matter of dispute, that the Palatine, who has, since the time of Maria Theresa, always been an archduke, and is chosen by the Diet from four candidates named by the crown, has frequently been known to reject the determination of an absolute majority as president of the cham- ber, and to declare a question carried or rejected by the majority of the undisputed votes. The existence of such a doubt clearly indicates either that this branch of the Diet is seldom appealed to, or that its assent is reckoned of comparatively little import- ance. It is another and a revolting absurdity in the constitu- tion of the Diet, that the nobles, like those of Poland, instead of delegating all powers to their deputies, and suffering them to act for themselves, claim the right of attending in person also ; and accordingly they crowd the chamber, taking part by cheer- ing and other interruptions, though they have never claimed the right of speech or of protest, as the Poles have on one im- portant proceeding at least the choice of the marshal or pre- sident The language spoken in the chamber of magnates is almost always Latin. The policy of the court has been of late years to estrange the Hungarians of high rank from their country, so that they are educated, and generally reside, at Vienna, and are unacquainted with then: mother tongue. It is further to be observed, that the upper chamber has only the right of assent or refusal to the resolutions of the lower. No measure whatever can be originated in the chamber of magnates- Trie two chambers in Hungary, as everywhere else, formerly sat together ; their separation, which was as late as 1562, is said to have arisen from the accident of the hall being too small to contain both. In this respect Hungary agrees with the other feudal kingdoms. But it has one custom of great value, and CH. IX. TAXATION. 91 peculiar to itself. When the chambers (tabulae) differ, recourse is had to what is termed a mixed sitting, in which both sit, dis- cuss, and^ vote together. Hence concession and compromise are more conveniently effected in Hungary than anywhere else, and all collision is avoided. The Diet's principal function is legislative, that is, by the theory of the constitution ; for the Empress Queen, finding how refractory it was, and how resolved to refuse all grant of privi- leges to the bulk of the nobles and the peasantry, issued her celebrated edict, the Urbarium of 1765, which has been held to have the force of law, though part is enactive, and only part declaratory. The levying of taxes is also in the hands of the Diet, as well as their distribution for collection among the dif- ferent districts. But in practice this important right seems con- fined to direct taxation, from which the nobles being exempt, the Diet, their representative, is sure to refuse all such supplies as cannot be raised upon the townsfolk and the peasantry ; and hence the sovereign has introduced a large amount of indirect taxes, which of course fall on the nobles as well as on other classes of consumers. Thus, of the whole revenue, amounting to nearly three millions and a half sterling, no less than two millions are raised by a salt-tax, or salt-monopoly, which amounts to the same thing, and 150,000. by customs ; all foreign goods pay sixty- five per cent., and goods from Austria five per cent. The crown- lands yield 120,000?., and the mines 100,000?.; and the direct taxes, falling on the peasants and citizens alone, raise between 500,000?. and 600,000?. The raising a salt-tax without consent of the Diet has been always held illegal by the Hungarians ; but the imperfect federal system has always made their complaints vain. Had the sovereign no other dominions but Hungary, this impost never could have been levied ; his other resources enable him to continue a tax which, though falling equally on the poor and the rich, effectually neutralizes the privilege, so highly prized by the nobles, of being exempt from taxation ; and the tax will assuredly be kept up until, yielding to the voice of reason and justice, the nobles shall consent to bear their share of the public burthens directly imposed. It is not only in the general taxation of the state that this ex- emption is claimed by the Hungarian nobles ; they pay none of the local taxes, called the Cassa Domestica, in contradistinction 92 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. CH. IX. to the Cassa Militaris, or those raised by the Diet and the Crown for general purposes. The Cassa Domestica is wholly raised by the votes of the county meetings, and it is wholly paid by the commoners or peasants, and townsfolk. But it is wholly administered, as well as wholly imposed, by the nobles alone. Yet out of this money, thus levied on the peasants, are paid not only the expenses of a local kind, as roads and bridges, but the salaries of places which nobles only can hold, including the pay (twelve shillings a-day) of the deputies to the Diet, which has, however, now ceased. The greatest practical reformer of the age, a corresponding member of this Society, Count Szechinij, has carried the point of making them, and for the first time, pay toll or pontage on using the new bridge at Pest. The Diet, but with difficulty, were persuaded to sanction this waiver of privilege a small step certainly ; for the refusal to pay amounted to insisting upon having the benefit of a public work to the ex- pense of which they would not contribute. The local administration of the counties is twofold, as it re- sides in the country districts or in the municipalities. The forty- six counties have each its local administration, changing their officers once in three years ; and even the execution of the general laws made by the Diet, and of the edicts which the Crown sometimes issues of its own authority, must in all cases be left to the local officers. The crown names the chief of them, or lord-lieutenant, called Fo I span ; the others are chosen by the nobles of each county. Among these others the All or Vice- Ispan or Vice-Comes, as he is called, has nearly the functions of our vice-comes or sheriff : he is constantly resident, which the lord- lieutenant hardly ever is : he directs the police and decides small causes, both of debt and breach of the peace. The place is much sought after by the nobles, not so much for the small salary an- nexed to it of about SQL, as for the influence which it gives, and the practice of public business. The county magistrate, called Szolgo-Birok, is not necessarily a noble. The Crown, in its Lieu- tenant, has the important right of what is called Candidatio in all elections ; that is, it names three persons, of whom the nobles choose one. This right, however, is in practice much limited ; for the persons of leading influence are almost always selected that is, such persons as are secure of having powerful support from the electors. The exercise of political functions in their county meet- CH. ix. CROWN'S PREROGATIVES. 93 ings, and of rights in choosing their magistrates, has tended to give the Hungarians far more political knowledge, by turning their minds to state affairs, than might have been expected from a people whose press is under such strict censorship. Travellers represent them as not only singularly attentive to all passing events, but exceedingly well informed upon political matters generally. Their meetings, however, do not always pass off very quietly : on the contrary, an election is with them the scene, if not of as much corruption, certainly of far more vio- lence than either ours of England, or even those of Irelandr As many as eight persons were lately killed at the restauration or election of officers for a single county in one year. But the county meetings (congregationes generates) are of a much higher importance than may, from this statement, at first appear. They are attended by all the nobles and ecclesiastics, and as many as 4000 persons may be present. Beside directing local matters, they put in force all the decrees of the Diet : by these they are bound ; but not by the royal ordinances, which they examine most scrupulously, and, if they find anything in such an edict repugnant to the national rights or noble privileges, they have the power of putting it on the shelf (cum honore deponere), so that it is no more heard of in that county. Thus each county forms, in some sort, a separate state ; and Hungary has been by some deemed a kind of federal monarchy. The government of the towns is in the hands of a senate and a council, called Kozseg : these are self-elected. The Senate of Pest consists of twelve, the Council of one hundred and twenty, members. There is also a mayor, a judge, and a commissary of police. The three superior officers are annually chosen ; the others are for life. In these, as in the county elections, the Crown has the candidatio ; but there is a wide difference in its exercise, for the town officers are all, like the town deputies to the Diet, the mere creatures of the government, and for the same reason the veto of the crown upon all public expenditure ; while those of the country are extremely independent, generally speaking. In the villages the magistrates are elective ; the lord here having the candidatio. He has also the monopoly of meat and wine in his villages ; a right fearfully calculated to produce oppression. 94 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. CH. IX. We have now surveyed the privileges of the nobles, the only body of the nation whom the constitution appears to recognise. But in this survey we have incidentally had occasion to see the main points in the position of both the crown and the peasantry or commons. The king has, beside those prerogatives which we have mentioned, the exclusive appointment of all officers, civil, military, and ecclesiastical, except those whose election he shares with the nobles, and except the Palatine, who presides in the Upper Chamber of the Diet, and is chosen by the two Houses. The king also grants the privileges of nobility at his pleasure, except the Indigenat, or nobility to foreigners, which can only be conferred by the Diet. All hereditary titles of nobility also flow from the crown. Money is often raised in this manner by the crown, as we may remember we found it to be in France (Part L, Chap. xiii.). The title of Count has generally fetched 5000Z. ; that of Baron 2000?. But it is said that an eminent tailor of London, Mr. Stultz, was, probably in consideration of his calling, made to pay 10,000?. for being made a Baron. The right of pardoning convicts is also a part of the royal preroga- tive : and a power still more important than all the rest is pos- sessed by the sovereign he has the unrestricted control of the expenditure of all public money, whether raised by vote of the Diet, or by edict, as the salt-tax, or proceeding from crown lands and other regalia. No account whatever of this expenditure is ever rendered to the Diet. The coronation oath binds the king, not only to maintain the constitution inviolate, but also to re- unite to the kingdom all the provinces which have ever been lost, as Bosnia, Servia, Wallachia. The peasants are contradistinguished from the people ; the word populus being in Hungary, as in ancient Rome, confined to the patrician body, the nobles, clergy, and citizens of free towns. The rest of the community are termed plebs, and fre- quently plebs misera contribuens a singularly significant expres- sion, designating at once the state of the people, and the privi- lege or exemption, which the nobles chiefly prize. One is here reminded of the French description of the Roturiers, "gens taillables et corvedbles." Originally they were astricted to the soil ; but in 1405 a law was made suffering them to quit with the lord's leave, which, however, was not to be arbitrarily or capriciously withheld. The language of one of the old laws is CH. ix. LORD'S JURISDICTION. 95 remarkable ; it gives protection to the peasantry " Ne omnis rusticitas delectur, sine qua nobilitas parum, valet" At the be- ginning of the sixteenth century, their rebellion under Dosa having been quelled, they were reduced again to complete ser- vitude by a law which was repealed in 154-7, and re-enacted the year after, and afterwards much modified in 1556. In the Diet of 1764 Maria Theresa in vain endeavoured to obtain a more favourable law from the nobles ; and there- fore she issued her famous Urbarium, which is partly declaratory, like the Sulla aurea, in favour of the inferior nobles ; but partly also enactive. The peasant had by this important instrument the free power of leaving his land, provided his debts are paid and there is no criminal charge against him ; but his lord can- not remove him. A portion of land was allotted to him of from sixteen to forty acres of arable, and from six to twelve of pasture, with a house and one acre of garden-ground. His money pay- ments were reduced to a mere trme ; ana his service or labour, called Robot, was fixed at one hundred and four days without his team, fifty-two with it, by one or two days in the week, un- less at harvest-time, when it might be doubled. He was, beside this, to render a small amount in kind of poultry or vegetables, and to contribute if the lord were to be ransomed in war, or to have a child married. The power of inflicting corporal punish- ment was likewise reduced to the bestowing of twenty-five lashes. The obligation of soc or grinding at the lord's mill was abolished : the lord's power of taking the peasant's land was confined to the case of his requiring it for building his own house upon, and then he must find other land equally valuable ; and the peasant was allowed to take wood in the lord's forest for his needful occasions, a right resembling our fire and hedge bote. One of the greatest grievances which this wise and liberal measure left was the Lord's Court, having jurisdiction of dis- putes, not only between peasant and peasant, but also between the lord and peasant ; the judge being named by the former. The power of inflicting capital punishment is now only possessed by some few lords, or by special grant. Prince Esterhazy is one of those few. The new Urbarium of 1835, which does the great- est honour to the eminent statesman so long at the head of the Austrian Councils, removed this cause of complaint. Prince Metternich provided by this edict that the jurisdiction of the Lord's or Manor Court should be confined to causes between 96 MIXED ARISTOCRACIES HUNGARY. CH. IX. peasant and peasant, and that all questions arising between lord and peasant should be henceforth tried by a new court composed of the district magistrate and four disinterested persons. He abolished all right of inflicting corporal punishment, restricting the Lord's Court to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three days, in case the peasant failed to perform his services. Small tithes and extraordinary gifts were also abolished, and the pea- sant was not to be compelled to make long journeys with his team in order to do his appointed service for the lord. The noble was made liable to all taxes, local and general, in respect of peasant or ignoble land purchased by him ; and in return for such large concessions he only acquired the right of freely de- vising his land if childless the right of division among children, if any, remaining ; the right to have his share of all the land lying contiguous ; and the free right of selling his land. Many nobles compound with their peasants for the robot or labour. Count Szechinij compounds for about one-third of the one hun- dred and four days, or the fifty-two with team. The military system of the Hungarian monarchy is singularly inefficient. The insurrectionary army or levy en masse on inva- sion was found wholly useless in 1809, when Napoleon had penetrated to Vienna and occupied Presburgh itself : it was hard to say whether the troops or their accoutrements were the least capable of actual service in the field. Yet the numbers raised were 40,000 men by the counties, and 45,000 by the towns. The military frontier towards Turkey is better provided for defence. This extensive coast, reaching a thousand miles from the Adriatic eastward, and comprising 18,000 square miles of territory, is in- habited by a warlike people, all the peasants being soldiers, and holding their land by a strictly military tenure. Of these, 45,000 are constantly under arms, and their numbers might be raised to 100,000 in case of necessity. The whole system is military. The , country is divided into four commanderies, under so many gover- nors, and all the officers exercise both civil and military jurisdic- tion. The Aulic Council of Vienna regulates the whole. In each family a patriarchal authority resides ; the property is in common ; the chief, termed Gospodar, being the father of the clan, and all the adult males have voices in the management of the common concerns. But this portion of the empire is not properly Hungarian. Such is the Hungarian Constitution " the ancient idol of the CH. IX. WORKS ON HUNGARY. 97 nation," as one of their own authors has said ; and an idol to whose worship they have sacrificed their country, and made themselves three hundred years behind the rest of Europe in every branch of social improvement. This constitution means, in the mouths of its votaries, the privileges of the nobles, the oppression of the people, the neglect of national prosperity, the sacrifice of real and solid advantages to a nominal glory and empty pride. It is by another of these authors charged as the cause why he deeply grieves to see his countrymen wretched, degenerated and grovelling in the dust. The contemplation of the Polish and Hungarian Governments gives rise to constant recollections of the general principles un- folded respecting the Aristocratic system. All the vices of that policy receive exemplification from the effects produced in both countries by the vices which were described as inseparable from its existence. But it would be difficult to trace, in the history of either, any of those redeeming virtues which we found reason to admire in the government of Venice, and of which the Aristo- cratic principle infuses the influence in mixed constitutions, such as our own, when it forms a part of them, and a part of the greatest value and importance. We have now examined the general principles which govern the structure and functions of the Aristocratic System, and have illustrated those principles by contemplating the mixed aristo- cracies of Poland and Hungary. We are now to inquire into the structure and functions of the other Aristocratic Governments in ancient and in modern times, beginning with the government of Rome.* * The ' Statistica Hungarian' of Horvath, 1802, is one of the best works on Hun- gary. The 'Travels' of Mr. Paget, 2 vols. 8vo., 1836, contains much valuable information upon all subjects connected with Hungary and the Hungarians. The works which have been chiefly relied on for information upon the three material points of creation of nobles, inheritance of land, and jurisdiction of nobles, are, Novotny, 'Sciagraphia Hungariac,' (1798,) Pars I., p. 103 Werboez, 'Corpus Juris Hungarici,' Pars I., Tit. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 40, 47-53, 57 ; Pars II., Tit. 12; Pars III., Tit. 32 'Decret.' an 1630, Art. 30 ; 1435, Art. 2; 1550, Art. 77 Deinian, ' Tableau des Royaumes de Hougrie,' Sec. (1809) II., 329. Original information of much value has also been obtained from eminent persons connected with public affairs. PART II. 98 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. CHAPTER X. CONSTITUTION OF ROME. Importance of the subject Its great difficulty Ancient historians Modern writers Predecessors of Niebuhr Niebuhr and his school Scantiness of materials Character of Niebuhr's writings Early history entirely fabulous Illustrations Early divisions of the people Early Constitution The Tribes Patricians Plebeians Patrons Clients Comitia Curiata Niebuhr's doctrine examined Equites Reforms of Servius Centuries and Comitia Centuriata Legislation of Servius Comparison with Solon's Tarquin the Proud His tyranny His expulsion Foundation of the Aristocratic Republic Fabulous history Com- parison of the Roman Revolution with the French and English. THE constitution of ancient Rome at the different periods of its history forms a subject of such curious inquiry, and of such useful contemplation to the political student, that we must of necessity examine it attentively, notwithstanding the great obscurity in which a considerable portion of it is involved. Nothing, indeed, can be more difficult than to obtain a distinct and accurate account of its earlier stages ; and some parts even of its later history are encumbered with much doubt. The Ro- man historians all belonged to an age very remote from that in which the foundations of the government were laid. Livy and Dionysius lived in the time of Augustus, seven centuries after the building of the city ; four and a half after the establishment of the Commonwealth. The age of Polybius was two centuries nearer the times in question ; but his detailed narrative is con- fined to the transactions of his own day, although our most cer- tain lights upon the earlier times are undoubtedly derived from what has reached us at secondhand of his general summary, and from his incidental remarks. Plutarch, besides that he lived much later nine centuries after the building of the city had CH. X. ANCIENT HISTORIANS. 99 been very little in Italy, and possessed an extremely imperfect knowledge of the language. Livy, too, appears to have been deficient in the essential qualities of the historian. He is now universally allowed to have been so careless in examining the evidence of facts which he relates, and so much biassed by a disposition to favour one party and one class of opinions, that he is little entitled to our confidence, and, indeed, only claims our unqualified admiration by the charm of his unrivalled style, which must have placed him at the head of all historians had he but maintained an ordinary reputation for the more cardinal vir- tues of industry and fidelity.* Dionysius, though he had con- sulted the authorities much more diligently than Livy, yet evinces no discrimination in the use of them ; and having written with the undisguised purpose of flattering the national vanity of his countrymen by representing the Roman origin and institu- tions as derived from Greece, his fidelity stands very much lower than that of the celebrated Roman author. Besides, neither the one nor the other has described the ancient government with any minuteness ; nothing upon the system is to be found in their writings : it is, indeed, by casual observations, or as incidental to the narrative of events, that we find anything like the outline of any of the institutions ; and their statements are often at variance both with one another and with themselves. The uncertainty of the whole early history of Rome had long been well known to all who critically examined it as recorded by those writers, and as referred to in other classical remains. It had not escaped the habitual sagacity and scepticism of Voltaire, f * The carelessness of Livy, the credulity of Plutarch, and the bad faith of Diony- sius, are often complained of. But can anything exceed some of the stories in Valerius Maximus ? It seems hardly credible that any respectable person should have set down such things as he has brought together. Thus he relates, as if he were describing an ordinary occurrence, that one of the ten tribunes (twenty-nine years before there were more than five, and fifteen years before there were above two) burnt his nine colleagues alive for preventing a choice of successors that being a capital offence by a law only made thirty-seven years after although the historian well knew that neither Livy nor Dionysius, nor any one but the inaccu- rate Zouaras, had ever made the least allusion to such a tale, and although he also knew that the alleged ground of the massacre is inconsistent with the whole current _of events. (Val. Max., vi. 3,2.) t See particularly the Introduction to the Essai sur les Mceurs. Bayle, with all his scepticism, does not appear to have questioned the authenticity of the ancient histories where they relate no miracles ; yet he frequently, as in his article on Lucretia, points out their discrepancies. H 2 1 00 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. A more learned and accurate scholar, M. Beaufort, had made it the subject of a separate treatise a hundred years ago.* Peri- zonius had taken nearly the same view of the matter half a cen- tury before ; and Cluverius had devoted a portion of his great work (Italia Antiqua) to an elaborate statement of the contra- dictions and uncertainties of the Roman historians. But it was not till the beginning of the present century that the subject underwent a full investigation, and that the portions which may be relied on were separated from those which are purely fanciful or greatly misrepresented. The Germans have, as usual with that excellent and admirable people, been the principal la- bourers in this department of literature ; and it is to Niebuhr chiefly, and after him to Gottling, and Wachsmith, and Savigny,f that we are indebted for the materials from which a more correct view of the subject is now obtained. Nevertheless those mate- rials are after all very scanty for the formation of a complete history. Writing in the first three centuries was but rarely used, and the meagre registers of events which the pontiffs kept, with whatever inscriptions had been carved on brass, almost all pe- rished when the city was sacked and burnt by the Gauls, A. u. c. 360 (36-t according to Varro). The few monuments that could be collected, after the Gauls retreated, were very little consulted by the early historians, who appear, like Livy and Dionysius, to have rather occupied themselves with putting the traditions preserved in popular songs J into the form of a narrative than with any examination of the evidence upon which those tradi- tions rested. Moreover, as even the earliest historians, too, lived five centuries and a half after the foundation of the city, their knowledge of the subject was little more likely to be cor- rect than that of later writers. It is only by examining and comparing the narratives thus composed, the fragments of old * ' L'lncertitude des Cinque Premiers Siecles de 1'Histoire Romaine, 1738.' His work on the Roman Government (' La Re'publique Romaine,' 2 vols. 4to.) was published in 1766, and is by far the most learned and accurate treatise on the subject. t Heyne, in 1793, placed the subject of the Agrarian laws upon its right footing ; and Vico, a learned Italian, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, had taken, with regard to some important points, the same view of the Constitution, which late inquiries have countenanced. % The learned and ingenious work of Mr. Macaulay, Lays of Ancient Rome,' well deserves to be consulted by the reader of the early Roman history. Mr. M. might render much service by undertaking a Roman History, still a great desideratum. CH. X. DIFFICULTIES OF THE INQUIRY. 101 laws, and other monuments accidentally preserved in them, the allusion to facts scattered over other matters, above all the treatise of Cicero on Government (De Republica), fortunately recovered in part, and in composing which he appears to have relied for the early history upon the lost books of Polybius, that any approach can be made to the real truth respecting the origin of the Roman Government. That Cicero himself should in some respects have fallen into mistakes concerning it ; that in his time the subject should have been surrounded with doubt, can little surprise us, when we reflect how much controversy prevails among ourselves at this day upon the early history of the English parliament, although we only live at the distance of six centuries from the events in question, and the use of writing has been uni- versal during the whole time, and although a body of men devoted to literary pursuits has always existed, and the records of the age are still in perfect preservation. Much of the uncertainty which prevails upon these important subjects arises, both in the history of the Roman government and our own, from contem- porary writers omitting to describe matters of familiar observa- tion, and which they assumed that every one must be aware of ; a remark applicable not only to the early but to the later history also of the Roman institutions. Finally, it must be stated as an additional embarrassment to the student, that the most important work upon the subject, that of Niebuhr, is written in a manner peculiarly confused and ob- scure. He shows no management or mastery of his materials ; he never keeps in mind the necessity of proceeding from things already explained to new information ; he does not state plainly, and by way of either narrative or exposition, what he has to tell, but works by reference, and remark, and allusion ; he forgets that he is to instruct us, and assumes that we already know the matter he is dealing with. A work less didactic, less clear and plain, less easily or agreeably followed, can with difficulty be named, among books of the class to which it unquestionably belongs, works of sterling value and original genius. Such are the difficulties of the inquiry upon which wu are about to enter ; and if we would form a notion how necessary it is to the accurate knowledge of the Roman government, we have only to recollect the great errors into which authors of the highest reputation have been led by indiscriminately taking for granted 102 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. whatever they find in the two most famous Latin historians. Not only have most of the commentators, as Sigonius,* Onu- phrius Panvinius,t P. Manutius,J treated as authentic every thing save the miracles, which Livy himself was fain to reject ; but Machiavel and Montesquieu actually suppose, from the manner in which Dionysius speaks of Romulus dividing the land, that each person at Rome had a small allotment which he could not exceed without breach of the law ; and both these authors, conceiving this poverty and equality to be essential parts of a republican government, regard the Agrarian laws, from time to time propounded, as attempts to restore the equality by en- forcing this imaginary maximum. Under the pressure of these difficulties, and the influence of these inducements, it is fit that we now proceed to deal with the subject. That a certain portion of the early Roman history is purely fabulous, no one of course has ever doubted ; but it was a long time imagined that the greater part might be true, and thus men had become habituated to believe everything but the preter- natural passages. There seems, however, no foundation for the belief that the greater part of the story is an account of real events, or even that all the actors ^in the scenes described were really existing persons. Some of them may have had no existence at all ; and some of the events are certainly mere poetical fictions, not quite so improbable as the miraculous portions of the tale, but quite as unreal. Thus a close examination of the accounts of Romulus, and his supposed brother Remus, has led all who have undertaken it to the conclusion that the whole is a fiction, and that Romulus is only the personification of the Romans, the earliest inhabitants of Rome, as ^Eolus among the Greeks was of the ^Eolians, and Doras of the Dorians. The personal existence of Numa is at the best extremely doubtful, though it has not been given up so completely as that of Romulus. The sounder * De Ant. Jur. Civ. Rom. He supposes that Romulus established the relation of patron and client universally between the patricians and plebeians. f De Civ. Rom., cap. vii. He gives the impossible fable of the Rape of the Sabines at length. \ De Senatu, cap. i. He adopts the same notion as to patrons and clients with Sigonius. Paul Manutius {De Civ. Rom.) terms Livy " Scriptor interdum parum diligens ;" but in the same passage describes Dionysius as an author of the most consummate accuracy, and one " cui fidem non habere nemo debeat." Mach., Discorsi, I. Mont. Grand, et Dec., cap. 3. He makes this supposed equality the main cause of the Roman power. CH. X. EARLY HISTORY WHOLLY FABULOUS. 103 opinion seems to be that these two kings must be taken merely as representing two early periods of the history of the people ; Romulus, or the age of Romulus, being the earliest period, when the Romans were at war for the existence of their horde and town with all around them Numa, or his age, being the subse- quent period of comparative tranquillity, when some progress was made in the arts of peace. Of the events so constantly recited, one may be mentioned, as an example of universal credit being given to a narrative almost as contrary to the ordinary course of nature as the supposed relationship of the god Mars to the founder of the city. The rape of the Sabines could not possibly have happened in anything resembling the way in which it is related ; not to mention that one account makes the number of women seized amount only to 30, while Dionysius gives it at 527, and Plutarch at 683 : numbers manifestly taken at random, either by the authors, or by the makers of some ancient ballads, from whom they copied. Similar inconsistencies and improbabilities are to be found in the succeeding reigns, even when the persons mentioned appear to have had a real existence. The fight of the Horatii and Curiatii is in all its particulars evidently poetical ; but the murder of the elder Tarquin by the sons of Ancus, thirty- eight years after he had obtained the crown in preference to them, and at the time when he must soon have been removed out of their way by old age, to say nothing of the manner in which it is said to have been perpetrated (by a peasant sent to ask at an audience redress for some injury) and of the contrivers of the plot suffering Servius, Tarquin's favourite, to rule in his name some days after he was killed all this is manifestly a fiction, and, if intended to pass for history, a very clumsy fiction ; and other stories expose and refute themselves. But parts of the early history, which are not so improbable, seem equally unfounded : as the accounts of Tarquin silently striking off the heads of the tallest poppies to suggest a proscription of the chief men at Gabii, when the emissaries from his partisans there came to receive his instructions. This is plainly borrowed from Herodotus, who recounts that the same symbolical advice was given to Periander ; and indeed the rape of the Sabines bears a close resemblance to a passage in his history, the rape of the Athenian women by the Pelasgi of Lemnos. (Lib. vi. cap. 137.) 104; CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. That the city was founded about the year 753 before the Christian era, is the opinion now most prevalent, although Sir Isaac Newton's chronology fixes the date at 693. That we may find at a very early period the origin of those divisions among the inhabitants, and of those institutions which with some material alterations were continued for many ages, seems nearly certain ; and these changes appear to have begun very early, some of them at the beginning and others at the end of the second century from the foundation of the city. By tracing back these divisions and institutions, with the help of tradition and the occasional mention of particulars in various classical remains, we seem justified in concluding that at the earliest period, the period assigned to Romulus in other words, the beginning of the nation the inhabitants consisted of a single tribe akin to the Latins, but that another, the Sabines, was in a few years added ; and that the former were called Ramnes, the latter Titles or Titienses. Each tribe was composed of freemen, children of freemen alone ; and the whole free people formed the two tribes. Each tribe consisted of a hundred houses, clans or kindreds (gentes}, consisting of different families originally re- lated to one another, but afterwards agreeing chiefly in having the same religious rites; and they were divided into bodies called curice, of ten houses (gentes). A chief, or king, was at the head of the whole : he was chosen by them, and had the command of their forces in all warlike or predatory operations. He was also the chief priest and the chief judge of the commu- nity ; but the other powers of government were vested in a council or senate, chosen out of the tribes in the manner to be presently examined.* The persons composing these two tribes were not only free and free-born, but also natives, that is, born in the place and descended from natives. The tribes thus consisted of all the inhabitants who were both free, free-born and native. There were others who did not come within this description, * Among the theories propounded on this subject there is one of Gottling, which has met with great favour, and, as it should seem, very unjustly. It represents the houses (gentes) as divided into ten curise or bodies of ten, and then supposes a second division iuto ten decuries, consisting of parts of gentes, and so arranged for the purpose of choosing a decurio, to be the senator of each decuria, thus supposing a refinement still greater than mere representation ; for it is a division of the same bodies in two different ways for different purposes. Both Niebuhr and the other recent authorities entirely reject Livy's theory of nomination by the king ; yet it cannot be denied that the probabilities are much in favour of some such scheme. CH. X. EARLY CONSTITUTION TRIBES. 105 and these were chiefly poor followers of the families, slaves set free, or the children of slaves, and strangers who had come to live in the new city. None of these were classed in either tribe ; but the followers and freed-men were dependants upon the houses or individual members of the tribe, and called clients, from the Greek word,* signifying to hear or obey. It is probable that the strangers were mostly of the same origin as the population of the country on the west of the Tiber, or Southern Etruria, and became a much more numerous and important body, when, about a century after the foundation of the city, the inhabitants of Alba removed to Rome upon their town being destroyed, and were classed with the Tuscan settlers. A third class, composed of these free men, was then added to the two former, and called Luceres; supposed by some to be a Tuscan name. It was divided, like the other two, into ten curia?, or bodies of ten houses (gentes) each, and it had, like the Ramnes and Tities (the Latins and the Sabines), its followers, dependants or clients. These houses, however, of this third tribe were regarded as inferior to those of the other two, and called the lesser (minores gentes), the others being the greater (majores gentes}. There seems less reason to suppose that Tullus Hostilius, in whose reign this addition of a third tribe took place, was an imaginary person, than that Ro- mulus and Numa were such ; but nothing can be more impro- bable than the greater portion of the stories related of his times, especially the most remarkable of them, the battle of the Horatii and the Curiatii. In the next reign, that of Ancus, there is more reliance to be placed upon the narrative ; and it appears that in his time considerable bodies of Latins came to settle at Rome on the capture of their towns ; but they were not formed into a separate tribe, or enrolled among the three already formed. Nor of the last of those three, the Luceres, were any members admitted into the senate until the next reign, that of Tarquin the Elder, when a hundred of them were added to the senate, but called Senators or Fathers of the lesser houses (patres minorum gen- tium) those of the Ramnes and Tities being of the greater (majorum gentium}. The Latin and other strangers thus formed a body of persons separated from and inferior to the three tribes still more than the third tribe was separated from and inferior to * KXysjv. Aii old Latin word had the same sense. 106 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. the other two. This body is by some writers, of which Niebuhr is the chief, considered to have had no existence before the settle- ment of the Latins in the time of Ancus. But though its members were increased by that settlement, it must, to a certain degree, have been in existence previously ; because those who afterwards composed the Luceres had stood in the same relation to the Ramnes and Tities before they became a third tribe, in which the Latin settlers in Ancus's time stood to the three tribes ; they were aliens, and enjoyed no political rights ; the tribes, that is, the free and native people, were alone regarded. They may, in a sense, be said to have formed a privileged class, as compared with the others ; but it is much more correct to say that the whole Roman people all the free and free-born natives were alone regarded in the government from the earliest times ; and that the others, chiefly ah" ens, had no place in it. The members of the tribes were called patres or fathers ; and afterwards, when the title of patres began to be given peculiarly to the more ancient of the body, who constituted the senate, they were called PATRICIANS, or members of the class to which the patres belonged. Those who depended on them as clients were reckoned with them, and in some sort were considered to be part of the tribe to Avhich their patrons belonged, though they did not share its rights, except through those patrons. The rest of the community were called plebs plebeians, or commonalty. But out of this distribution there soon arose the relation of a privileged to an unprivileged class. The number of the houses was necessarily limited to those who had been of the three tribes always ; for no family could be enrolled among them unless by an act of the whole State adopting or naturalizing them, or by filling certain high offices ; consequently the numbers of their members never could greatly increase ; indeed they continued for a long course of years to do little more than maintain their origi- nal numbers, while the plebeians rapidly increased, not only by the natural progress of population, but by other means. Settlers flocked to the city as often as it conquered any Italian town ; dependants or clients, on the family of their patrons being extinct, became plebeians if they did not choose any other patron ; slaves who obtained their freedom, though they generally became clients of their former masters, yet sometimes were thrown off altogether, and became plebeians. The patricians, too, were not allowed to CH. X. PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. 107 intermarry with the plebeians ; and the fruits of any connection thus formed being illegitimate, all became plebeians. As the ple- beian body, then, continued to increase, while the numbers of the patricians remained at first nearly stationary, and afterwards began to decline, a division of the whole nation into two classes was well established ; and the smaller class had rights which the larger body did not share. The only difference between the account here given of the plebeian body's origin, and that given by Niebuhr and his fol- lowers, is, that they consider the body to have been established all at once at the time of Ancus ; whereas we hold it much more consistent with the facts and with probability to consider this body as having gradually increased from the very beginning. Indeed, even Niebuhr, although he considers the great body of the plebeians to have been formed out of the Latins who became subject to Rome in the time of Ancus, acknowledges that such a body as we have described must have arisen in the very earliest times. But the existence of the patricians as a privileged order in other words, the existence of an aristocracy cannot, with any accuracy, be referred to the earliest times, when all the people, that is, the tribes or free and native Romans, enjoyed the privileges for themselves and their retainers, foreigners alone and slaves being excluded. It is only when a body, and a large body, of native Romans had grown up, the descendants of foreigners, freed-men, the offspring of illicit intercourse, and cast-off retainers, that we can with any correctness of speech denominate the patri- cians, descendants of the original free and native houses, a privi- leged order, and the government, in which they held exclusive authority, an aristocracy. Beside their exclusive right to places in the senate, the patri- cians exercised direct authority as a body. The curia? into which the houses were formed met in an assembly called the comitia curiata, which appears to have been attended not only by the heads of the houses (gentes), but by all housekeepers, that is, by the heads of all families. Those are manifestly wrong who suppose that it was a representative body ; that is, a body of persons either named by the houses, or who, from their position at the head of those houses, might be said to attend the assembly on their part. For, in that case, whether we regard the senate as appointed by the king, or as composed of decurions, officers of the 108 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. houses, or as chosen by the houses, its composition would be substantially the same with what Niebuhr ascribes to the co- mitia curiata : so that there must have been two bodies com- posed of the same, or nearly the same persons, and appointed in the same, or nearly the same manner, yet exercising perfectly different functions in governing the same community ; an ab- surdity which never could have been established, or have grown up in any scheme of administration.* In the comitia curiata the patrons of the greater houses (ma- jorum gentium) had precedence over those of the lesser (miuo- rum gentium), possessing the exclusive right to hold certain offices, as that of pontiffs, which gave them the whole super- intendence of religious rites, though each tribe had a priest (flameri) of its own, each having deities of its own. The two greater tribes had also twenty feciales, or heralds, one for each curia, and these acted as ambassadors on all occasions. They had two criminal judges, from whose decisions, however, there lay an appeal to the comitia or assembly of the curiae, as there did from the king's decision in civil, though not in criminal causes. There was thus, as it were, an aristocracy within an aristocracy ; all the patricians being privileged as contradistin- guished from the plebeians, but two of the patrician tribes (Ramnes and Tities) having privileges to the exclusion of the third (Luceres). The patricians assembled in the comitia curiata had so far legislative authority that all laws were passed by them, but on the proposal of the senate ; and the senate could only sanction, after discussion, measures proposed by the king, without the power of originating any. In like manner, and on the same proposal of the king first, and then of the senate, all officers, civil and military, were appointed in the comitia curiata ; which like- wise decided on peace and war in the same way, the decisions of the senate being only final on administrative questions. The king himself was elected by the comitia curiata, and on being elected was armed with the supreme power (i/mperi/U/ffi) by a separate law of the same body. This course was pursued in the * Niebuhr's own doctrine respecting the senate makes it composed in precisely the same way in which he imagines the comitia curiata to have been, of a senator for each decuria (I. 21), so that each senator must have acted in two capacities ; a refinement, as well as an anomaly, hardly conceivable in a rude community. CH. X. COMITIA CUKIATA EQUITES. 109 case of the first four or five kings, but not in that of Servius Tullius, who, making the commons believe that Tarquin had survived his wounds, and ingratiating himself by paying their debts, first ruled for some days in Tarquiu's name, and then obtained their approbation to his succeeding ; but he then pro- cured a law to be made giving him the supreme power.* This singular proceeding of first electing the chief magistrate, and then by another act giving him his power, was often adopted in the choice of consuls, who, being elected by the centuries, were endowed with authority by the curise. But it was more strange in the earlier times, when both the election and the arming with power were performed, though by separate acts, yet by the same body. The imperium of both king and consul ceased on entering the city ; out of the city they were absolute. The king first, afterwards the consuls, convoked the comitia curiata, through the officers (lictors) of the curiae, each having its own. The two tribes, or twenty curiae of the greater houses, were not the only aristocracy within an aristocracy in this singular frame of government. There was a select body, probably dis- tinguished from the rest originally by their greater wealth, and thus enabled to serve on horseback, while the others were foot soldiers. They were accordingly called Equites, or horsemen, and we have given them the name of knights. They at first consisted of three centuries or hundreds, one in each tribe, and the elder Tarquin added a second century to each of the original centuries, and then, according to some indistinct accounts, pro- ceeded to double the number of the whole. Servius added twelve centuries, or, as some say, only six, assuming there had been twelve before ; for all are agreed that there were finally eighteen. A doubt may be raised whether or not the three subordinate centuries instituted by Tarquin were taken from the plebeians ; but there can be no doubt that the twelve new cen- turies of Servius Tullius were formed of the noblest and wealthiest citizens of the plebeian order. It has been held by Niebuhr and * Livy and others have fallen into a manifest error in supposing that Servius was the favourite of the senate, and chosen by that body. The patricians hated him so much, and he was so sensible of it, that Paullus (the jurisconsult) has related an instance of the precautions he took against them : he made them all inhabit a par- ticular quarter of the town (thence called Vicus Patricias), because it lay so exposed to his force on the high ground above, that he could easily crush them if they were found plotting against him. 110 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. others that when the plebeian order became numerous, and formed the infantry of the army, all the patricians had a right to serve on horseback ; and they thus consider equites and patri- cians as synonimous, contrary, it must be admitted, to the whole current of classical authority, and to all that seems most esta- blished in the maxims of the Roman government, as well as the habitual forms of expression most familiar to classical students. It may suffice to cite the common expressions of 'equestrian order,' ' equestrian dignity/ ' equestrian census,' and to mention the common saying that this order was the breeding-ground of the senate (seminarium senatus) senators being deemed irregularly chosen, if not from such patrician or such plebeian office-bearers as were also of equestrian rank. The officer who commanded the Equites (Tribunus Celerwni) held a high rank under the kings, and was employed to convoke the curise, and preside at their comitia. Under the republic he was called master of the horse (magister equitum), but was only an occasional officer, appointed by the Dictator, of whom we shall presently speak. A very important change was introduced by Servius. Sprung himself from an humble, probably a servile origin,* owing his promotion to the favour of the commons, whom he always courted, and viewed most jealously by the patricians, whom he despised and controlled, he appears to have thought that the time was come when the growth of the plebeian body and the undue authority, oppressively exercised, of the patricians, rendered a new arrangement of the political power both safe to attempt, and expedient if successfully pursued. He began by passing many laws in the comitia curiata for regulating the rights of parties in respect of contracts, and of injuries and wrongs ; probably for defining the rights of citizens and of the two orders. He also transferred from the kings to judges the jurisdiction in private causes. He either divided more of the public lands among the commons or gave them a better title to what they already held ; and he is even said to have abolished the practice both of pledg- ing and imprisoning the person for debt. Finally, he raised both the freed-men and slaves to some consideration in the com- munity, enrolling the former among the lowest class of citizens in the distribution which we are presently to consider, and giv- * He is supposed to have been a natural son of Tarquin by a slave. Cic. de Rep., II., 21, mentions this tradition. CH. X. REFORMS OF SERVIUS. HI ing the latter a yearly religious festival (compitalia), during which they were treated as free. Next, in order to balance the thirty curise, he distributed the commons into thirty tribes four city, and twenty-six country tribes ; at the head of each he appointed a tribune ; and under his presidency the tribe met for the levy- ing of its share of the taxes and raising its quota of men to the army. This arrangement with the power of meeting could not fail greatly to increase the weight of the commons, as well as to afford them the means of acting in concert, and thus extending their power much further. But this was not the whole of Servius's reforms ; and it is remarkable that the spirit of his legislation gave no power to the multitude without at the same time, and in the same proportion, providing a safeguard against its abuse, and a security against its exceeding the bounds which he deemed safe for the state. He added twelve centuries of equites to the six already existing of the patricians (or six to the twelve), and these new equites were all plebeians of wealth. He then divided the whole people,* that is, the two orders, patrician and plebeian, into five classes, into which persons were enrolled without any regard to their rank or dignity, but merely with a view to their wealth, according to which all were taxed to the revenue ; and each class consisted of so many centuries of house- keepers. The property of the first class was about 320Z.f of our money, or 400. according to another calculation, and of the last the tenth of this sum ; and to a sixth division belonged those who had less than this, and those who had no property at all, and who were called proletarii and capite censi. The whole people by centuries were to assemble in comitia ; but the centu- ries, thus classified according to their property, were not com- posed numerically of so many hundreds, for this would have given the great majority to the votes of the poorer classes. The first class consisted of nearly as many centuries as all the other * People (populus) in the early times, and indeed until the distinctions between patrician and plebeian were greatly diminished, means properly the former order, that is, the original free and native Romans and their descendants, that is, the three tribes of the houses. When the word, therefore, is used in a larger sense it is necessary to give notice. t Nothing is less certain than the old computation of money ; for undoubtedly if we reckon 100,000 asses (the highest census) at so many pounds of copper or brass, a fortune would be indicated far beyond what can have been fixed. See, however, Nieb., vol. 5., pp. 448-458, Transl. 112 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. four together : it contained eighty centuries, and an additional one of artisans for constructing military machines ; while the second, third, and fourth contained twenty each, and the fifth thirty. Then the eighteen centuries of equites, belonging to the higher or wealthier descriptions, and separated from the whole people before their distribution into classes, voted with the first class, which may be said to have had ninety-nine centuries, while all the other four classes numbered only ninety ; and only ninety-five or ninety-six, even if two centuries of military me- chanics and the centuries below the classes be reckoned.* Now as the votes were taken by centuries in the assembly, each century voting by a majority of its members and reckoning as one vote, this arrangement gave the decided majority to the wealthier class against the more numerous ; the intention of Servius being that which Cicero says ought ever to be carefully maintained in a commonwealth, preventing the greatest influence being exercised by merely the greatest numbers : " Ne plurium valeant plurimi." (De Rep., II. 21.) The addition of the cen- tury called Ni quis scivit is remarkable ; it was in order that any one might vote who had omitted to vote in his own, as Festus says, " Ne quis civis sufiragii jure privaretur." Both Cicero and Livy praise this whole system, and, as it seems, justly, for at once giving each citizen a voice, and yet apportioning his influence to the respectability of his station.-f- The four inferior classes could only be called on to decide in the event, which * Five tribes were added to the thirty of the Luceres in later times, but the whole numbers never exceed thirty-five. At one time when Porsenna had con- quered Rome, and she had lost all the left bank of the river, ten tribes were taken away, and one having been added, this explains the passage of Livy, in which the number is said to be only twenty-one. This ingenious and satisfactory explanation is Niebuhr's, to whom we also owe the emendation and interpretation of the passage in Cicero de Rep., II. 22, from which the account in the text is taken. But the numbers in Cicero, if we adopt Niebuhr's supposition, are still not reconcileable to the total of one hundred and ninety-three, always represented as the number of the centuries ; for he speaks of ninety-six as the remaining centuries, after deducting those of the first class, and Angelo Mai can only make the total one hundred and ninety-three, by making the remainder ninety-five. Cicero, if the passage is not corrupted, seems plainly to have held that eight from the inferior classes must join the eighty-nine of the first to give a majority, and to have supposed that the equites had only six votes and then it is difficult to see how he gets his sum of eighty-nine. f Cic. De Rep., II. 22 : " Neque excluderetur suffragiis (reliqua multitndo) ne superbum esset ; nee valeret minus, ne esset periculosum." Livy, T. 43 : " Gradus facti ut neque exclusus quisquam suffragio videretur, et vis omnis penes primores civitatis esset." CH. X. SERVIUS'S REFORMS. 113 hardly ever happened, of the centuries in the first class differing. For an uneducated, and indeed barbarous people, there seemed no better arrangement than one which should thus recognise each man's right to vote, but only make the votes of the multi- tude decide in case there was a difference of opinion among the upper classes. It is further to be noted that the people were distributed in the centuries according to their age ; each class having an equal number of elders and younger men, or men under forty-five and above that age. So that the latter, though considerably fewer in number in each century, yet forming cen- turies, and the vote being by centuries, had an equal voice with the young men.* Thus the voices of five elderly persons had as much weight as those of nine younger ones. The distribution into centuries, and the account taken of ages, numbers, and property, was made the foundation both of the taxes and of the military service. The army was formed of the people by centuries. The seniores, or elder centuries, remained in the city as a kind of reserve, and, unless in case of necessity, the younger (juniores) alone took the field. Every one was obliged to arm himself, as well as to pay taxes (tributa) accord- ing to his fortune, or class , and those under the fifth class were not called upon to serve excepting in cases of urgent necessity.! The comitia centuriata being established by Servius, they appear very soon, if not at once, to have come for some purposes into the place of the comitia curiata. If the kingly government had been peaceably continued, the choice of the king would have been vested in them, on the proposition of the senate ; as they afterwards chose the consuls and all the great patrician magis- trates, except the dictator, master of the horse, and interrex. They had legislative power likewise, but could only entertain questions submitted to them by the senate ; and the assent of the comitia curiata was likewise necessary to give their decision the force of law. The effect, too, of long usage, as well as of the patri- cian influence, was such that very few legislative measures were for many years brought before the comitia centuriata, the senate * The population returns of 1831 give the proportion of ages upon 10,000,000 of males from 15 to 39 years old, 3,608,000 from 40 to 69, 2,049,000, or as 9 to 5 ; and if all above 69 be added, the proportion is still as 18 to 11. t Niebuhr supposes that those who had some property, but under the census of the fifth class, were the accensi, who followed the army unarmed, and took the places and armour of those killed in battle. PART II. I 114 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. and the curiata continuing in most cases to make the law. The constitution of Servius being introduced towards the end of the second century, it was not till the laws of the twelve tables, and the adoption of an uniform system of jurisprudence, a hundred years later, that the general legislative power become regularly vested in the comitia centuriata. That there is much of a fabulous description in the commonly received history of Servius no one now doubts. The whole account of the conspiracy against him, his murder, the conduct of his daughter, and of Tarquin, who dethroned and succeeded him, is so full of gross improbability and contradictions that it has generally been given up as the fiction of the early poets, working upon some tradition of facts which it is now impossible to sift from their inventions. But that Servius really made the whole, or the greater number, of the changes in the constitution which have been ascribed to him seems to be admitted. He has, however, like our Alfred, and like Charlemagne in France, become the person to whom every early arrangement is traced ; whatever the Romans obtained of free and popular institutions was supposed to be a revival of his laws which Tarquin had abro- gated ; and things which it cannot be pretended that he ever did, he is fancied to have intended doing, as resigning the crown, and giving the supreme power to two consuls.* Another theory, but resting on far better foundations, represents him to have taken the Greek forms of government as his model in the distribu- tion of political power. Cicero expressly describes him as having been thoroughly versed in the Greek customs, under the instruc- tion of the elder Tarquin, his protector, who is known to have been the son of a Greekf And there is a striking resemblance of his reforms to those of Solon, a century and a half before ; espe- cially in his abolition of servitude for debt, his distributing the citizens into classes according to their property, his apportioning the military services and taxation to the census, and his giving all citizens, including clients,^ a vote in the assembly. The like- ness however ends here ; for Solon's constitution was essentially democratic from the votes being given by individuals, and not by * Niebuhr himself adopts some of these traditions. t Cic. de R. P., ii. 20. t It is supposed that Solon's fourth or lowest class was chiefly composed of the serfs or cultivators, whose name ( Thetes} it bore, and who stood to the Eupatridse, or noble families, in the relation of clients to patrons. CH. X. TARQU1N THE PROUD. 115 classes ; and though the lower orders were excluded from all offices, and the two next from the higher, yet the judicial power was given to the whole body, and given by lot ; whereas the constitution of Servius, after all the additions which he made to the power of the commons, additions which wore an aspect much larger than their real substance, remained essentially aristocratic as before, until those changes introduced by him enabled the commons in the course of time to obtain a really democratic government. The great favour which Servius naturally and justly enjoyed with the plebeians, was met by hatred equally sincere, but not so openly displayed, on the part of the patricians. There seems no reason to doubt that they joined in a conspiracy against him, which ended in his dethronement, probably his murder, and in placing Tarquin, the son of his predecessor, upon the throne. Although the legends and songs, and after them the historians, have without doubt exaggerated the vices of his reign, as well as the crimes by which he began it, it is certain that he exercised great tyranny, and that he was enabled by the aid of the patri- cians to undo nearly all that Servius had done for the commons. The meetings of the tribes were no longer held ; the centuries were only kept up with the view to taxation and the army ; the judicial power was restored to the crown ; and the law which prevented pledging or seizing the debtor's person was repealed, if indeed such a law had ever been enacted.* The patricians, however, suffered very speedily for their profligate support of the tyrant, and their employment of his power to crush the com- mons. All authorities represent him as having been made king without any form of election, and certainly he was not chosen by the comitia centuriata. The probability, however, is that his election was sanctioned either by the senate or the comitia curiata; for it is hardly to be supposed that he should have omitted a confirmation so essential to his title, when he could so easily obtain it from his partizans. But the patricians did not expect him to surround himself with a body guard, and by the power which this gave him to tyrannize over themselves still more intolerably than he permitted them to domineer over the people. By charges of conspiracy, and by all the other wonted * It will presently be shown how great a share the law of debtor and creditor contributed to the power of the patricians. I 2 116 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. acts of tyrants, he was enabled to banish or put to death such as threatened to oppose him, or such as had wealth which he desired to confiscate. He seldom assembled the senate, and hardly ever the curise ; he made peace or war, and treaties with neighbour- ing towns, of his own mere authority ; and in all respects governed as an absolute prince. His capacity appears to have been of a high order ; and it is clear that he greatly extended the dominions of the city, both by conquests, and by colonies settled in order more easily to retain them, according to the Roman policy in all ages. He was enabled to place Rome at the head of the Latin league by his success over several of the Latin states,* and his intrigues with others. His power at home was increased by these foreign operations, and by the wealth which he thus obtained ; but those who had set him up joined on the first favourable opportunity to pull him down. During his absence at the siege of Ardea, a town on the coast, an insurrection broke out, said to have been occasioned by the licentious conduct of his son towards a Roman matron ; the patri- cians joined its leader, Junius Brutus, and the people gladly availed themselves of the opportunity to be revenged on him whose tyranny had commenced with oppressing them. The Tar- quins were expelled ; and all ranks being disgusted with a form of government under which all had alike suffered, it was resolved that the chief magistrate should thenceforward be elected yearly, and not for life ; and, as a further security against usurpation, that two should be chosen with equal powers. These were called consuls, and being named by the popular assembly, the comitia centuriata, they were armed with the supreme power (imperium) as the kings had been, by a decree of the curise. The revolution was effected with as little change as possible in the other parts of the government ; and it was at first marked with great moderation towards the exiled family. The senate, which Tarquin had by his proscriptions reduced to a small num- ber was completed to 300, and it appears to have assumed the chief direction of affairs. They resolved to deliver up all Tar- quin's personal property, and allow him to sell his lands, in the hope that he would attempt nothing against the republic. The course upon which he entered, of intrigues and plots for his restoration, and the wars which he excited with this view among * Cic. de R. P., ii. 24. CH. X. ARISTOCRATIC REPUBLIC FORMED. 117 the neighbouring states, put an end to all such kindly dispositions ; and the senate found it necessary to prepare for their defence by enlisting the commonalty still more completely in their cause. The goods of the Princes were given up to the people as plunder, and their lands were distributed among them. The patricians now found it necessary to secure the support of the other order, by giving up the greater portion of their domains ; and seven jugera (rather more than four acres and a quarter) were allotted to each plebeian. The laws of Servius were restored ; a solemn determination, sanctified by oaths, and fenced by the outlawry of all who should contravene,* was taken never more to suffer regal authority ; but beyond this, and giving an appeal to the plebeians from the criminal jurisdiction of the consuls, similar to that which the patricians always had from the decision of the king and judges, no material change in the polity of the state appears to have been introduced. The government continued to be aristocratic under the consuls, as it had been under the kings, with only the additional security to the patrician power, which was obtained from the choice of the executive magistrates being vested in bodies, over whom the aristocracy had the most complete influence, and from the powers of these magistrates being limited to a year's duration. The legendary history of Rome has added many fictions to the true account of this revolution, both in what regards its immediate cause, the manner of effecting it, the subsequent conduct of those engaged in it, and the events of the war to which it gave rise. What foundation there may be for the story of Lucretia, the feigned idiotcy of Brutus, the con- spiracy and the death of his sons or nephews, the assassination in Porsenna's tent, and Scaevola's devotion, the voluntary abandon- ment by Porsenna of his conquest, the defence of the bridge by Codes it is in vain now to inquire. That these things never could have happened as they are described, and that some of them are wholly inconsistent with dates f and facts, all authorities seem now to be agreed. We shall most safely read the Roman history of those ages if we confine ourselves to the general results ; and it is a somewhat remarkable circumstance that * Whoever should attempt to obtain regal authority, might be put to death without trial. t Brutus, a child at Tarquin's accession, is represented as having a son grown up twenty-five years after. 1 1 8 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. X. modern times have furnished instances by no means unlike that of the Roman revolution. The conduct of the senate respecting the royal family reminds us of the early stage of the French revolution ; and the alteration which the intrigues and wars of the Tarquins occasioned in their treatment by the Romans somewhat resembles the changes which the first invasion of France by the Allies and the Bourbon Princes occasioned at Paris. Had the French stopped at confiscation of the emigrant property, the parallel would have been complete. The alarm excited by the invasion of France afforded no justification, nor even any palliation, of the atrocities for which it was made the pretext ; and though the fact of the republican party being the minority, greatly overmatched by the royalists, and generally by those averse to a commonwealth in every part of France, may explain why the system of terror, with all its enormities, was resorted to, and may account for a course of wholesale change as well as cruelty, being pursued, so opposite to the proceedings of the Roman patricians and plebeians, who seem to have been nearly unanimous in their opposition to kingly government, yet this fact affords no kind of vindication to those whose motives it illustrates. The treatment of the royal family in 1830 is con- sistent with the scope of these remarks ; and in one respect our own revolution of ] 688 seems to resemble that of Rome : as little was done as appeared possible in changing the system or even the dynasty ; and all the measures adopted had for their aim the restoration of the former constitution, and the counter- action of recent encroachments. XI. PATRICIAN POWER. 119 CHAPTER XI. CONSTITUTION OF ROME. (Continued.') Patrician power ]. Patrons and Clients Feudal resemblance ./Erarii Error of authors Clients in Sparta, Crete, Thessaly, and Attica 2. Monopoly of Offices Senate Conflicting accounts Dionysius and Livy Errors of authors Censors Choice of Senate Practical Checks to Censorial power Senate's functions Variations in its power Patres et Conscript! Senate's influence Dictators Consuls Praetors Patrician oppressions Public lands Agrarian laws Spurius Cassius Licinian Rogations Patrician creditors Tribunes chosen Their powers Progress of popular power Decline of Comitia Curiata Rise of Tributa Course of legislation Double legislation Anomalies Solution of the paradox Senatus Consulta and Plebiscite Checks to the Tri- bunesSuperstitious rites Laws of the auspices Senate's errors Democracy established Practical defects in the Government Decemvirs. THERE were three great constituent parts of the power possessed by the patricians the relation of patron and client the exclu- sive possession of offices and the structure of the senate ; and out of these arrangements arose in the fourth place their mono- poly of the public property in land, and their oppression of the plebeians. 1. Although the relation of patron and client was at first established for the protection of the poor dependant, and was indeed a consequence of that poverty and dependance, yet it gave great power to the patricians, because it not only attached numbers of followers to each, but continued to influence the client, and make him subservient after his circumstances had become improved. The relation was of the closest nature. The client's existence might almost be said to merge in that of his patron. He could only sue and be sued in the patron's name, and the patron was bound to defend all his suits. The patron had jurisdiction over him, and in early times he had even the power of inflicting capital punishment upon him. Like husband and wife, by our laws, they could not be witnesses for or against each other. The courts of justice did not afford any protection to the client against injuries offered by his patron ; the religious sense of the sacred duty which bound the latter was accounted 120 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XI. sufficient to restrain all excesses, but it appears to have been the only restraint. One of the oldest Roman laws, of which any fragment remains, declared the patron who injured his client a sacrifice to the gods, that is', condemned him to capital punish- ment, probably to be inflicted by the pontiff.* The existence of the patron's rights for so many ages, without any abuse, and of the client's subordination, is only one of the innumerable instances which the history of every constitution affords of the consolidating, the counteracting, and the healing effects produced by manners and habits upon positive institutions and their opera- tion. This relation was hereditary on both sides ; the client's children being under the protection of and bound by allegiance to the patron and his representative, that is, the hereditary head of the family. The patron, whose landed property, or whose possession of the public land was considerable, generally gave his clients portions to cultivate ; they paid in all probability a portion of the produce ; but the grant was always resumable at pleasure. In any extraordinary necessity of the patron, as the expenses of a public office, the portioning a daughter, the ran- som of himself or his sons if taken in war, the being condemned to pay damages in a civil or fines in a criminal proceeding, the client, if he could afford it, bore a part in his patron's aid, with the gentiles or members of the same house.! The clients were often able to realize property to a considerable amount ; for while those in the country farmed the patron's land, those in the towns carried on the trades and practised the mechanical arts, from which patricians were at all times excluded by their dignity, and plebeians in the earlier period by the warlike habits of the nation, and the common feeling of antiquity, which con- nected citizenship with property in land ; and when a client died without making his will the patron was his universal heir. It is * " Sei Patronos client! fraudem faxit sacer estod." This is generally con- sidered one of the laws of the twelve tables ; but P. Merula has maintained that it was a law of Romulus, that is, one of the most ancient of the laws, which, with the modern ones, and those brought from Greece, were formed into the twelve tables. His chief arguments rest on an ancient MS. of Servius (Ad JEa. vi. 609), where the law is ascribed to Romulus and the twelve tables, the common editions giving it to the twelve tables only, and on Calpurnius Piso, who wrote in the time of Trajan. De Legg. Rom., cap. ii. t The distinction between house and family must always be carefully kept in view. In this account of the Roman constitution/hwuVy always means the persons related to each other, as in the modern sense ; house means the gens, or clan, the relationship of the members of which could not be traced. CH. XL PATKONS AND CLIENTS. 121 not surprising that with so many points of resemblance to the feudal relation of lord and vassal, authors should have traced the latter to the Koman times ; but the speculation seems groundless, for the very essence of the feudal relation was the holding land under a lord, and owing certain duties in respect of that land ; whereas the clientela and the grant of land had not any necessary connexion, although they might be combined. The clients are represented by most authors as having voted with their patrons in the comitia curiata, at least after the plebeians became power- ful, and endeavoured to carry measures in those assemblies. But there seems no reason to believe that they ever voted except in the comitia centuriata.* Slaves set free by their master were understood to become his clients, and probably did so become at all times ; but Servius is said to have provided for this by a posi- tive law, intended as some compensation to the patricians for the admission of freedmen to votes in the assemblies of the centuries. "I* The number of clients which the more wealthy patricians had is represented as very large. When Attus Clausus, founder of the Claudian family, removed from the Sabine territory to Rome, he was followed by 5,000 persons dependent upon his family ; and when the Fabian family left Rome, where they had for six years filled the consulate, they carried with them 4,000 clients to Etruria, where they were all soon after destroyed. But it became in process of time usual for whole towns and districts to place themselves under the protection of patricians, and thus become * Niebuhr (I. 21) has laid it down, with a dogmatism somewhat extraordinary upon such a subject, that " there cannot be the least doubt that the clients lived in vassalage, cultivating the lands of the Equites." t Dionysius states very positively the admission of freedmen to the rights of citizens by Servius ; but Niebuhr holds that this was impossible, because their admission is represented as dating from the discovery of the Tarquiu conspiracy by a slave, aud his manumission in consequence ; and also because freedmen only obtained the right of voting in the tribes two centuries later, when Appius Claudius was censor. The facts on which these two reasons of Niebuhr rest appear to be with difficulty reconciled. It is, however, possible that Servius enrolled the freed- men with the lowest class, which would give them no right of voting. So far as these rights of citizenship were conferred by enrolment in the centuries, the freedmen became aerarii. It is an error to suppose that the term cerarii included only the acceiisi, proletarii, and capite censi: all whose property did not consist in land were tErarii, whatever its amount might be, and they might be enrolled and taxed in one or other of the higher classes, although not entitled to bear arms. The citizens of other states who shared in the franchise of Rome, for example the citizens of Caere, were enrolled among the ararii. 122 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XI. their clients. This must have greatly increased the power of those individuals, and the influence of their order.* The relation of patron and client has been traced not only to the other Italian tribes, as the Sabines, Latins, Etruscans, but to the Greek commonwealths. The Helots were only a tribe or caste of cultivators, and no individual landowner had any pro- perty in them, although they were attached to the soil ; and they were held in a state of abject slavery by the government. A caste of the same description existed in Crete, called the Menottes. But in Thessaly the peviestce more nearly resembled the Roman clients ; for they were attached to particular families ; though their treatment appears to have been arbitrary and cruel. The Athenian Thetes, though much more free, and more mildly treated, were in like manner attached to the Eupatridse, or noble families, cultivated their lands, and paid in return a sixth of the produce, their persons being liable to seizure for any default. They were probably admitted to the rights of citizens by Solon, his fourth class being called by the same name. In all these instances the subject-caste appears to have been the original natives of the country, reduced by conquest to a subordinate condition ; and it is highly probable that the greater number of the Roman clients originally belonged to conquered tribes. But no distinction whatever was made between the different kinds of client, and the foreigner stood upon the same footing as the native, although he was generally of more independent fortune, only seeking protection in consequence of the disabilities under which he lay as an alien. The importance of this class of clients, together with the value of the whole body to their patrons in their contests with the plebeians, no doubt tended to secure them good treatment in times when the force of the religious * There cannot be a greater mistake than that which yet has been extremely prevalent, of confounding the plebeians with the clients. Almost all writers have been led into the error by the passage in Dionysius, that Romulus placed the commons under the protection of the patricians as clients. Plutarch and others, with almost all the commentators, and even, which is most singular, the juriscon- sults, have from thence considered the clients as constituting the plebeian body, or at least as the origin of that body. Livy clearly shows the difference in various passages, as ii. 64, iii. 14. In these, especially the first, the clients are expressly placed in contradistinction to the plebeians. How any one who was acquainted with the controversy between the patricians and the plebeians, and the oppressions of the former, could ever fall into such an error, seems incomprehensible. How, for instance, could the patron oppress his client as a creditor when they had not even a right of action against one another ? CH. XL MONOPOLY OF OFFICES. 123 obligation may be supposed to have proved less effectual. Freed- men and their descendants, foreigners, and provincial towns, formed in the later periods of the commonwealth the only body of clients. 2. All the offices, the power of which extended over the whole nation, were at first filled by the patricians, and the office- bearers were named either directly or substantially by them. Some doubt prevails as to the manner of the election ; but it is probable that in the earlier ages the senate sometimes, and some- times the curia3, elected. As long as either the one or the other chose, the appointment was directly in the patricians ; but even after the centuries came to elect, the choice substantially re- mained in the hands of the wealthier class, that is, of the patri- cians, by means of their own votes and the votes of their clients ; and the offices were still not tenable by plebeians. The greatest struggle of the two orders was accordingly upon this latter point ; and as the people's power increased they by degrees obtained admission to all the magistracies. In proportion as they gamed these important points, the government became less aris- tocratic, and at length assumed a democratic form, with scarcely more aristocratic admixture than seems unavoidably to flow from the natural tendencies of society, what we have termed the Natural Aristocracy. There was still, however, and to the last, one strong hold from which the patricians never were entirely driven one body into which the plebeians never obtained free admission, except through official titles* that was indeed the most important of all the bodies in the state, the senate itself; and as this constituted the earliest and the most powerful support of the patrician influence, it is necessary to examine its structure with particular attention. The senate was a body originally of a hundred chief men of the houses (gentes) of the Ramnes tribe, in whom were vested some of the most important functions of government. When the Tities were added as a second tribe, another hundred were added to the senate ; and a third hundred from the Luceres, as we have seen, were added a considerable time after the forma- tion of that tribe.-j- A great obscurity, as might be expected, * There is reason to think that some plebeians were admitted to fill up the numbers of the senate in the earliest age of the republic. t Niebuhr, i. 21, has a very unaccountable theory respecting the composition of the senate. He supposes the Luceres to have been the first senators, because they CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XI. hangs over the origin of this celebrated council ; but a much greater diversity than could have been supposed possible exists among the accounts which have reached us of its construction.* That only patricians were at first capable of sitting in it, and that its number of 300 continued down to a comparatively recent period, the seventh century of the city, are undisputed facts ; that the senators, in what way soever appointed, held their places for life, or until removed for misconduct, or loss of qualification (census), is equally certain ; that a certain age, and in later times a certain fortune, were required to qualify a patrician for the place, is alike undeniable : but the precise age and fortune are matters of controversy, probably because they were at first ill defined, and may afterwards have varied at different periods ; and there are conflicting accounts of the manner in which the senators were chosen. On these accounts opposite theories have been founded, and it does not appear that the recent inquiries of Niebuhr and his followers have led to a result upon which it would be safe to rely. The two conflicting accounts are those of Dionysius and of Livy ; for Festus, who wrote in the third century of our sera, and took his materials from Verrius Flaccus, a writer in the Augustan age, may be supposed to have derived, through Verrius, his authority from Livy or from those writers whom Livy had consulted ; or Livy and Verrius may both have written upon the prevailing traditions of their times. Dionysius describes the nomination as an election,-f- and an election of a somewhat com- plicated kind. Each tribe, he says, were desired to choose three (a^sIVQaj), then each curia to select three more (lm\^,ai), and adding the ninety supplied by the curiae (Trpo^sipuravTo) to the nine appointed by the tribes (xTro^n^Kn), Romulus placed over the whole as their chief, Or leader (r/yg/x^v) Princeps Seiiatus, had the religious rites under their care, and the Ramnes (Latins) to have been afterwards admitted, and last of all the Titles (Sabines), and that these, and not the Luceres, were admitted by Tarquinthe Elder. This seems wholly inconsistent with the ascendant of the Sabines, ' and afterwards of the Latines and Sabines united. Nor can it possibly be conceived, that, when the Luceres did not even form a tribe, they alone should have composed the senate. * The subject of the choosing of the Roman senate is fully discussed by many of the learned antiquaries and jurisconsults of the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies. Magaragino, J)e Senatu, cap. xiv ; P. Manutius, De Lctjy. Horn.., cap. iv. ; F. Hottomannus, De Senatu, ii. 1 ; Car. Sigonius, De Art. Jure. Civ. Horn., ii. 2. f Dion. i. 12. CH. XL SENATE'S STRUCTURE. 1 25 the one whom he had himself appointed as his lieutenant when absent from the city. Livy and Festus, after Verrius, affirm that the senators were chosen originally by the kings and afterwards by the consuls (Festus adds, erroneously, by the mili- tary tribunes), who both appointed them in the first instance, and filled up vacancies. * The election described by Dionysius is im- probable, because so great a refinement in that rude age can hardly be conceived possible. But the theory of some late writers is much more improbable, because they ascribe a still greater refinement to the institution. They suppose the tribe divided into ten curiaB, or bodies of ten houses (gentes} each, for general purposes, but they say that there was another division into decuriae, each consisting of parts of several gentes, and a division merely for the purpose of electing a senator. Nothing certainly can be more improbable than this refinement.! Niebuhr thinks that the decurio, or head of each gens, was, by virtue of his office, a senator; but it does not appear what constituted a head of a gens, or indeed that such a title was recognised at all. It seems upon the whole most reasonable to conclude that the king appointed the senators, and afterwards the consuls, not only because we thus at once adopt the account of the Roman historians, but because such a constitution of the body is much less refined than an elective one, and because it coincides with the subsequent nomi- nation of senators by an executive magistrate, the censor. If the patrician body had possessed the elective power ascribed to them by those who have followed Dionysius, it is not easy to conceive that -they should have abandoned it altogether, when by the expulsion of the kings their influence became more predominant. * Livy, i. 8, says, " Centum creat senatores " (i. e. Romulus ;) and this might apply to the creation of the office, without showing that the choice was made by the king himself. But when he states that Brutus filled up the deficiencies occa- sioned by Tarquinius Superbus (ii. 1), he expressly says, "primoribus equestris gradus lectis explevit." In the speech which he makes for Coriolanus (iv. 4), we find the words, "ab regibus lecti aut post reges exactos jussu populi." The jusstt populi must refer to offices conferred by the curiae and the centuries (it is for the present purpose immaterial which), and that by means of such offices the eligibility into the senate was obtained. The account of Festus is much more distinct " Ut reges sibiligebant sublegebantque ita post exactos eos Consules quoque et tribuni militum consular! potestate legebant." This, he says, continued until by the Lex Ovinia the choice was given to the censors. This law is nowhere mentioned but by Festus; and commentators and jurisconsults have doubted its existence. (J. Zamoscii de Stu. Horn., i. 3; ap. Grcev., i. 1074.) Livy alone makes Brutus fill up the vacancies occasioned by Tarquin ; Dionysius, Plutarch, and Festus all ascribe this to Valerius, his colleague. | Gottling History of the Roman Government. 1 2G CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XL The passage of Cicero (Or. pro Sext.}, on which reliance has been placed, as showing that from the beginning of the republican government the people chose the senators ; and the expression used by Livy, that they were appointed by desire of the people, certainly can only refer to the power which all classes had of being appointed senators, when chosen to offices that qualified them.* The senators holding their office for life, it was only upon their death or removal, that vacancies could arise. It was always required that senators should be persons of wealth, and of a certain age, which according to Cicero was 30, though some have given a lower and some a higher age. Under the empire 3,500?., afterwards 7,000/., and then 10,000?., was the property required. If a person had become infamous, either by sentence of a court, or by notoriously bad life, he was removed, ; so he was if he had fallen into bad circumstances, and had no longer the fortune required to support the dignity of the station. Holding any of the higher offices, those called curule, that is, consul, prsetor, curule, sedile, or censor, and also the quaestorship, though not curule, gave a claim to be chosen senator. Whoever held those offices could attend the senate, both during his office and after he retired ; but though he had the right of speaking, he was not a senator, and probably had no vote. To be a senator it was necessary that the person should be chosen at first by the consuls, or dictators, afterwards by military tribunes with consular power, when these were appointed in place of consuls, as a concession to the plebeians, who sought a share in the consulship ; and almost immediately after this struggle the register of the senate was made up by the censors, who were then chosen by the patricians, and endowed with great authority, both in order to relieve the consuls from duties incompatible with the conduct of military operations, and * " Diliguntur ab universe populo, aditusque in ilium summum ordinem omnium civium industria habuit." (Pro Sext.) It never could be Cicero's intention to state that the whole people, plebeians as well as patricians, were both eligible, and electors of the senators, from the moment that the monarchy was overthrown. Still less is it conceivable that the plebeians had free admittance into the senate in the middle of the third century, while it was not till the beginning of the fourth (A.U.C. 308), when they obtained by Canuleius's law the right of marriage with patricians, and by Licinius's the right of being chosen consuls. Least of all is it conceivable that the whole body, patricians and plebeians, having had the right of election in the year 244, gave it up to the censor, a patrician officer, in 308, and without a struggle. As to the expression of Livy, jussu populi see last note but one. Possibly in the passage of Cicero ab should be read ex. F. Hottom. ii. 1. CH. XI. CENSORS CHOICE OF SENATE. 127 in order to prevent the plebeians from profiting too much by the success which had attended their late struggle. The care of the revenue, the power of ascertaining not merely the numbers of the people but their fortunes, and of assessing them accordingly, the authority to stigmatize persons of bad conduct with infamy, the power of removing a citizen from one tribe to a lower, or a higher that is, from a county to a city tribe, and vice versa as the punishment or reward of his conduct, together with the general guardianship of the laws and superintendence of their due execution, rendered this an office of the highest importance, and the censors immediately obtained the right of. filling up the vacancies in the senate, as they had, by the nature of their office, the power of declaring a senator no longer qualified by fortune or character, and thus of removing him. The census was taken every five years, that period being called a lustrum ; and the office of censor was only created occasionally, in general at the end of every five years; but very early after its creation (A.U.C. 321) its duration was confined to a year and a half, and only extended to three years, at a later period, in so far as any works undertaken by the censors remained to be completed. It does not appear that the power of removing and choosing senators was exercised oftener than once in five years ; and we are unable to ascertain that the other powers of degrading and promoting were exercised more frequently. The choice and removal of senators, however, was by no means left perfectly free to the censors, nor had it been in the breast of the consuls and dictators before the institution of the censorial office. A solemn oath was taken to exercise all the powers of the office without favour or partiality, and this among a religious people like the Romans must have had a great influence on the conduct of the magistrate. Then a senator, if removed, was injured in his reputation ; and though not rendered infamous, which only happened if he was also stigmatized (in/amid notatus) by the censor, yet he must have suffered so much injury as to make the act one of great delicacy. The removal, too, could only be effectually made if both censors agreed ; for one censor might restore those whom his colleague had removed,* and a future censor, it is supposed, might restore a senator unjustly * On this, as on so many other points, much uncertainty prevails. Paul. Man., De Sen. Rom., cap. Hi. J. Zamoscius, De Sen. Horn., i. 19. 128 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XI. removed;* certainly a future election to a curule office might enable a censor again to choose the party. The vacancies were thus not likely to be many on each occasion ; though seven or eight removals at once have been mentioned by authors. These, with the vacancies by death, would not much more than suffice to make room for the nomination of those who had held the five offices ; because these being annual must have supplied a consi- derable number of persons not already senators ; and it was held almost as injurious to be passed over as to be removed.-}* Another check to the censorial power was provided by the risk which each censor ran of being himself treated harshly or unjustly had he thus treated others, and the indignation of the patrician body, had the discretion been abused as to them, and of the plebeians, had a capricious promotion or degradation been attempted in the tribes, must have contracted the power in its general exercise ; so that there is no difficulty in comprehending how the extraordinary functions of this office could be exercised for four centuries without encroaching materially upon all the other departments of the state, although its powers appear so extreme in theory that they who cannot understand the possibility of a balance in any govern- ment, or the modifications which in practice all power whatever must undergo, would at once pronounce the censorship incompa- tible with the existence of the Roman constitution, and that, at the very least, the senate must have been packed in the space of two lustrums. The commons (Plebs) never as such were directly eligible into the senate ; but as they ojbtained the right to all the offices in succession, they became thus qualified, and when censors from their body were appointed, the plebeian holders of curule offices were chosen senators as well as the patrician. But the plebeian offices were of themselves, after the early part of the sixth cen- tury (A.U.C. 537), considered as a qualification. Fabius Buteo * The Lex Clodia, which prohibited the mark of infamy (Censoria not.a), required the concurrence of both Censors, as well as the formal accusation before them of the party ; but Cicero regards this as having destroyed the office. Or. pro Sext. Or. in Pisonem. f Those passed over (prateriti) are plainly indicated by Festus in the passage so often quoted on this subject; for he mentions the loco moti as well as the prateriti; yet some have confounded these two descriptions, and have supposed the prateriti to be those whose names the Censors omitted in calling over (recitando) the senate. P. Man., cap. iii. CH. XI. FUNCTIONS OF THE SENATE. 1 29 having at that time been chosen dictator for the express purpose of filling up the senate, reduced to one hundred and twenty-three by the Punic war, then going on, after enrolling all who had held curule offices, he completed the number by enrolling those who had been tribunes of the commons, and also some plebeians as well as patricians, merely on account of their military services and honours* for the senate might, therefore, now be considered as a popular body, quite as much so as the British House of Commons during the times when it was formed upon the principle of virtual representation. -f- The power and jurisdiction of the senate is matter of less con- troversy. It appears at first to have engrossed almost all the functions of government, except the command of the army, and the decision of the greater causes, which were both reserved for the king. But the senate had the power of making peace and war during the monarchy, of levying troops, of raising taxes and managing the revenue, of distributing the public lands. Every ten senators had a chief, called the curio, and the ten curiones of the Ramnes tribe governed each five days in rotation when the throne was vacant ; they were then called interreges, and the vacancy an interregnum,. One of them also presided in the senate, and acted as viceroy or lieutenant (custos urbis} in the king's absence. The power of the senate, however, did not extend beyond the city ; the king had absolute power beyond its limits. In the earliest times of the republic the senate appointed the dictator. Afterwards a dictator could not be named without a resolution of the senate, but the nomination was given to one of the consuls. Until the rise of the plebeians to power, the senate's previous consent was required to the entertaining any proposition by the other bodies in the state. There seems to have been originally no effectual check upon the senate's power, except the prerogative which the king had of convoking it, and of prescribing what should be discussed before it. It is to be observed that there was a great difference between the senators of the greater and lesser houses. The former, those * F. Hottoman's treatises De Mag. Rom. and De Sen. et Sctis deserve to be con- sulted as conveniently bringing together much of the learning on these subjects, with great accuracy and impartiality. t Liv. xxiii. 23, says that he thus chose one hundred and seventy-seven senators with extreme impartiality, showing a preference of classes, not of individuals (ut ordo ordini non homo homini prselatus esse videretur\ and with universal approbation. PART II. K 130 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XI. of the Ramnes and Titles, were called upon first to give their opinion ; and the latter, those of the Luceres, were only allowed to vote without speaking, unless they had been consuls. No differ- ence whatever was made between the Patres, the original senators, and the Conscripti, those who were added at the expulsion of the Tarquins to fill up the number. The phrase Patres Conscripti is commonly translated " Conscript Fathers ;" but it was equiva- lent in the old Latin idiom, which did not use conjunctions, to "Patres et Conscripti." As the kings originally had the exclu- sive right of bringing any subject before the senate, it is probable that this right passed to the consuls ; but it was afterwards obtained by all the consular tribunes and prators, and of course by dictators and other extraordinary officers, and in later times by the tribunes of the commons. The senate was a great administrative council, endowed with all except the authority to make laws, to choose the ordinary magistrates (for originally it chose the dictator), and to make peace and war. These functions were vested in the comitia, that is, in the assemblies of the people ; but as the consul was almost always under the influence of the senate, and as the comitia centuriata could not be held with- out his authority, the senate could generally prevent their meeting. Although the power and jurisdiction of the senate is less con- troverted, yet it varied exceedingly in different periods. We are at present to regard it chiefly in the earlier stages, before the popular influence was established. The rise of the commons in Rome, as everywhere else, was gradual ; and we must therefore fix upon some time at which to consider the senate's influence. The greatest power which it ever possessed was immediately after the expulsion of the Tarquins : it retained all the authority which it had held at any time during the monarchy ; and when, instead of a king,* whose office was for life, and who had a body guard, there were substituted consuls who held their office for a year, and were answerable at the end of that time for whatever they had done while in office, the senate's power greatly increased. The senate was from the beginning not merely the council of the king, as the celeres or equites were his body guards ; it had They who treat Romulus as a real person relate the tradition, that, having excited the jealousy of the senate or the patrician body, he was assassinated by them ; Livy says, torn in pieces. The encroachments of the chiefs and jealousy of the nobles were probably real events. CH. XL INFLUENCE OF THE SENATE. 131 powers independent of him ; engrossed the greater portion of the functions of government ; and had a great weight also in legisla- tion. Except the command of the army, the decision of private causes or lawsuits between individuals, and the duty of high priest, all which functions belonged to the king, subject only to the religious control of the augurs or soothsayers, the govern- ment might be said to vest in the senate within the city ; beyond it the king was absolute in all respects. The senate levied troops, managed the revenue, disposed of the public lands. It had the sole power of proposing laws to the comitia, whether curiata or centuriata. The only check upon its authority was, that it could not assemble without the king's convoking it, and that it could not entertain any question which he had not brought before it. No new law could be considered in the comitia without the pre- vious consent both of the king and the senate. It must, however, be borne in mind, that as regards the body of the patricians, no addition was made to their power by the previous veto of the senate ; for whether a law was proposed in the curiata or centu- riata, the patricians, in the one case directly, in the other substan- tially, decided upon its adoption or rejection. We have marked the distinction made between the different classes of senators ; those of the greater and lesser houses. But no difference was made between the Patres and the Conscripti, or those added, on the expulsion of the Tarquins, to complete the body. When two consuls were substituted for a king, the right of assembling the senate devolved upon them, and it is likely that at first they also had, like the kings, the exclusive right of pro- pounding the subjects for consideration. This, however, was afterwards obtained by other magistrates, namely, the Pra3tor, together with the principal extraordinary magistrates, the dicta- tor, the consular tribunes, the interrex, and the decemvirs. The influence of the senate was always great with the consuls, as long as these were chosen only from the patrician body, and it was one of the many consequences of this, that the comitia centuriata were not often held while the power of the senate was at its height. Originally, the choice of a dictator belonged to the senate, and the consuls naming him upon the senate's appoint- ment, was only a form to testify that they did not object to this superseding of their own authority. Afterwards the consul named K2 132 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XI. a dictator at his discretion, when he was commanded by the senate so to do. Without choosing a dictator, the senate could confer upon the consuls absolute power within the city, as they always possessed it beyond the walls. This was done by a vote passed in critical emergencies, that the consuls should take care the state suffered no harm ; and sometimes, though rarely, the other great magistrates, as the praetors, were joined in the same vote. When the dominions of the republic were much extended, the principal duty of the consuls was the conduct of the wars in which the people were unceasingly engaged. The senate assigned to the consuls their provinces or commands. In like manner, when there was a necessity for a greater number of military com- manders, and additional magistrates were created with the title of prcetor (besides the original praetor, who remained in the city to administer justice in civil causes), the senate assigned the provinces of the praetors ; and in later times, when it was necessary to pro- vide for the government of many conquered countries, and it had become usual to commit these to magistrates who had already passed through their year of office, and were now called pro- consuls and proprcetors, the senate determined the provinces, that is, determined which should be consular, and which praeto- rian. Thereupon those magistrates cast lots for them. The appointment of ambassadors, the giving audiences to those of foreign states, the awarding honours, the decreeing a triumph, a supplication or an ovation, were in all ages the peculiar province of the senate. In certain causes judges were chosen out of the senate. This judicial power at a late period (A.U.C. 630) was transferred to the equestrian order, then shared with them, and afterwards by Sylla restored to the senate. The authority thus possessed by the senate during the age when the assembly was composed of patricians, whom the rigorous law preventing plebeian intermarriages kept as a sepa- rate body, was, as might be expected, abused to the greatest degree. Not only the common people (plebs) were treated with insupportable haughtiness, and insults quite gratuitous, such as being summoned to the comitia by the sound of a horn, while the curise were cited individually, each by the lictor of his curia ; but the public land, all that came to the state by conquest (which generally amounted to one-third, the rest being left to the con- CH. XL AGRARIAN LAW. 133 quered people, who paid rent for it*) was parcelled out among the patricians, while the plebeians, when they got any, had only small allotments, not exceeding two jugera, or one acre and a half. These allotments were possessed by them in fee simple ; and in the earliest times the whole of the plebeians were landowners, even the city tribes being, for the most part, engaged in agriculture, as they were not allowed to occupy themselves either with trade or the mechanical arts. The patricians held only some very small portions of land in fee simple ; but they had large possessions, as they were called, that is, large tracts of the public land, which were by law resumable at the pleasure of the state, and were also by law held on condition of paying to the state a tenth of the produce of corn, a fifth of wine and all other produce, and some rent, it is uncertain what, for cattle in the pasture-land. As, however, the government was vested in their own hands, these laws were habitually evaded ; and among the first attempts made by the people to lessen the patrician power was the proposed law for enforcing the payment of the rents by the patricians, restricting the extent of their occupation, and dividing a portion of the domains among the commons. Spurius Cassius (A.U.C. 227) first made this attempt, and was put to death by the patricians, upon the pretext that he had formed a conspiracy to restore monarchy. After a struggle of ten years, Licinius Stolo (A.U.C. 387) succeeded in carrying his law to restrict the possessions to five hundred jugera (three hundred and seventy-eight acres), the number of cattle to one hundred, and of sheep to five hundred, dividing all the residue of the lands among the commons, in the proportion of seven jugera (five acres) to each, requiring a certain number of free citizens to be employed in the cultivation, and enforcing the payment of the patrician rents to the state. The law, however, was evaded in all its branches, and Tiberius Gracchus long after (A.u.C. 630) perished in an attempt to revive and extend the Licinian rogations, or proposed laws. The possessions, though resumable, never were resumed. The court of the praetor, exer- cising an equitable jurisdiction, restrained by his interdict (or injunction) all interference with the possession. The land thus held was transmitted to heirs or devisees, and conveyed to pur- chasers as if it had been held in fee. The error, therefore, of most * The rent was one-tenth of corn and one-fifth of all other produce. These rents were farmed out bv the state. 134 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XL writers in treating of Agrarian laws does not, as Niebuhr main- tains, consist in considering that those laws interfered with property, for they did directly interfere, or even that they established a maximum, for a maximum was established by them ; but in con- sidering that they prevented any person from holding above a certain extent of land by any title. The Agrarian laws did not prevent that ; they only sought to limit the extent which should be held of the domain lands.* But though this monopoly of land was sufficiently grievous, and the burdens imposed on the people heavy in proportion as the patricians escaped from the payment of their rent to the public, the worst oppressions exercised by that body were in their capa- city of creditors. The law gave them power of the most unlimited and of the most barbarous kind ; and the wealth of the order, amassed probably both by foreign commerce and by agriculture,t had reduced a great proportion of the plebeians to the condition of debtors. The person of the debtor could be seized and impri- soned, but he could also be worked and scourged like a slave until the debt was paid ; and he was even liable to be cut in pieces by one or more creditors, in proportion to their demands, without any punishment being inflicted if the proportion was ex- ceeded. In so cruel and bloody-minded a nation, an aristocracy so proud and unfeeling as the patricians showed themselves at all periods was sure to exercise such powers, except perhaps the last, without remorse ; and the first great resistance of the plebeians, after the time when they joined their oppressors against the king as a common enemy, was about twenty years subsequent to that event (A.U.C. 263), when they left the city at a critical period of the war, indicating, it is supposed, a disposition to have back the kings, rather than any longer to bear the tyranny of the privileged orders. A most important advantage was the result of this mea- sure. They obtained the power of assembling by tribes in a * It would be quite as correct to assert that an English act of Parliament restricting copyholders to 400 acres, limiting the number of cattle they could turn out on the wastes to half the proportion of their levancy and couchancy, and giving the lord all the copyhold tenements above four hundred acres, implied no maximum and no forfeiture of vested copyhold rights, as to contend, after the manner of Niebuhr, that the Agrarian laws did not interfere with patrician property and establish a maximum. The copyhold is, in contemplation of law, a tenure at the lord's will ; and the resumption by the state in Kome would have been as violent an act, after very long possession, as the law we are supposing. t See Arnold, Hist, of Rome, vol. i. CH. XI. TRIBUNES OF THE PEOPLE. 135 comitia tributa, which no patrician could attend,* and of choos- ing magistrates of their own, whose office it should be to protect them from all oppression. These were called tribunes, being elected by the assembled tribes. The accounts differ as to their original number, whether two or five ; | but the right of the officer is certain, although he may not all at once have been invested with it. In the course of a short time the tribune could summon any one before the comitia tributa, and impeach him there ; and he soon acquired another, and a singular power, that of stopping any measure, whether legislative or administrative, by his single negative, called his veto. So great was the force of this interposition (inter cessio) that one tribune could throw out a measure, preventing it from becoming a senatus consultum (an order or resolution of the senate), or a law in the comitia, though his colleague supported it. The person too of the tribune was sacred, and could not be in any way affected during his office ; insomuch, that if he were to enter the senate, where he had no right to be, though his presence of itself caused the business to cease, he being a stranger, yet no steps could be taken to make him withdraw. His presence had the same effect in the senate with a motion that the house be counted, which any one might make by saying numera senatum; and if the proper number was not present the business was stopped. J The same effect in the * This is the generally received opinion ; but there seems a plain mistake in sup- posing that the comitia tributa were first held on this occasion. It is much more probable that they had been held ever since the expulsion of the Tarquins, if indeed Servius Tullius had not originally established them. Certain it is that the account of the Valerian law, the law of Valerius Publicola, which so greatly endeared him to the people, is unintelligible, unless there existed comitia tributa at that time ; because it provided an appeal for the plebeian against the sentence of any magistrate that is, any patrician ; and that could be no kind of security if the appeal was only to the patrician body which the comitia centuriata was, to all intents and pur- poses. It is an additional reason for disbelieving the common accounts, that we are told the trial of Coriolanus (A.U.C. 263) was the first instance of the senate giving up its judicial power to the people, and the first instance of any popular measure without a previous senatus consultum. Now this is the same date with the supposed origin of the comitia tributa. Is it likely that an assembly, then for the first time known, should at once both have obtained judicial authority, and afforded the first instance of any assembly acting without the previous authority of the senate ? Is it not much more probable that these important steps were made by a body already existing, which was well known, and which had been for a course of years increasing its power .' t Two plebeian sediles were also allowed thenceforth to be chosen, with judicial as well as police powers. J There is nothing known for certain as to the number which formed a quorum- For some purposes two hundred were required. It is said that for others four 136 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XL comitia curiata was produced by a declaration of the haruspices that the omens were unfavourable, which defeated a measure agreed upon by both senate and comitia. If the tribune, how- ever, opposed in the senate, the decree was still recorded (pre- scriptum), notwithstanding that he opposed the recording. This seems to have been the only exception to his absolute veto. But great as was the gain thus made by the plebeian influence, it was not till their legislative powers became recognised that the commons could be said to have thrown off the yoke of the aris- tocracy. The previous consent of the senate, by a senatus con- sultum, was first dispensed with in the year 281 (u.c.), but the law so made at the comitia tributa only bound the commons. Soon after (304) the Valerian and Horatian law is said to have given the plebiscitum, or resolution of the tribes, general efficacy over all the orders of the state ; but another law was made (A.U.C. 414), the Publilian, which made the senate a party to whatever the people might order ; and the Hortensian law, at a much later period (A.U.C. 465), expressly declared the plebiscitum to have universally the force of law. The probability is that the two latter laws were only made to declare and enforce a law already in existence.* The comitia curiata fell gradually into disuse as the centuriata, and especially as the tributa, rose into power ; latterly they were a mere form, and only kept in existence for the sake of religious ceremonials, the jurisdiction over which belonged to them. The struggles of the commons with the patricians were almost entirely made in obtaining the privileges for the comitia tributa ; the centuriata being so entirely under the control of the patricians that no opposition could arise between them and the senate. The course of legislation, however, was the same in both tributa and centuriata. In both, as in the senate, and originally in the curiata, while these continued effective, only certain persons had the right to propose measures (jus rogationis, or legis ferendce) originally propounded exclusively by the king. These persons were the two great ordinary magistrates, consuls and praetors ; the extraordinary ones, dictator, interrex (who acted with consular hundred in later times were required, after the total number had increased to six hundred, and under the empire to one thousand. * Dionysius gives the first of these statutes Livy the second A. Gellius, after Lsclius, the third P. Manutius, J)e Li-yij., cap. xxxiii., judiciously suggests the explanation. CH. XI. COURSE OF LEGISLATION- - ANOMALIES. 137 power when the consuls had not been named, and when there was no dictator, and was appointed for five days only), tribune with consular power, and of course the decemviri, appointed ex- pressly to propose laws. The law was first prepared (scripta), then propounded (promulgates, quasi prevulgata) by the magis- trate, who, if he desired to have the general assent, first obtained a senatus consultum, and on that grounded his proposal to the comitia ; if he was a demagogue he proposed the law at once. The comitia, after discussion, in which only those allowed by the magistrates took part r voted by ballot, drawing lots for which century or tribe should vote first should be first asked its opinion : hence the priority thus obtained was called prwrogativa, and the majority of the centuries or tribes decided.* The double legislation in this system, which has been ob- served upon by Mr. Hume as a very strange anomaly, inasmuch as the two bodies, the tribes and centuries, were wholly inde- pendent of each other, and so differently composed that the patri- cians and wealthy class preponderated at all times and of necessity in the one, and the numerous body, the multitude, without any rank, and with little or with no property, as necessarily prevailed in the other. But there was another anomaly, almost as great, in the conflicting powers of the senate ; for although its exclusive legislative authority had ceased, it retained a concurrent power upon certain matters, having, after the disuse of the comitia curiata and the rise of the tributa, become not only a great and powerful administrative council, but also exercising important legislative functions, not only in assenting to the measures which were to be brought before the comitia, but also in passing certain S. C. and decrees, which had the force of laws, without any sanction of the bodies in which the general legislative power had become vested. P. Manutius has enumerated between twenty and thirty S. C. which were binding generally without any other laws to give them efficacy ; and though their subjects are chiefly of an ad- ministrative or executive nature, as raising troops, sending ambas- sadors, repairing the roads, some are legislative, as fixing the rate of interest. It is supposed that the people assented tacitly * Some writers have hazarded the assertion very confidently that, though the centuries voted by centuries, the tribes voted individually (per capita). The weight of authority is as entirely the other way as can be conceived on any such question. C. Sigonius, De Jur. Ant. Civ. Rom., i. 17; Onuph. Panvin., DC C'lV. J'uni., cap. 69 ; N. Gruch., ii. 4 ; P. Man., De Legg. Rom., cap. 37 ; Rosin. Ant , viii. 2. 138 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XL to the proceedings of the senate. But the solution of the difficulty lies in the tribunitian power. As the veto could at any moment stop the S. C., the senate was suffered to go on, just like our courts, acting under the powers of a statute, and making laws which are binding unless either house of parliament shall, on being apprised of them, dissent. The same remark applies to the legislation of the centuries. The knowledge that the tri- bunes could interpose must have tended to make the centuries often adopt measures towards which they had the greatest disin- clination. But the knowledge that the comitia tributa could pass a law without either senate or centuries must have had still more weight with both. There can be no doubt that both the comitia had the same power of making laws. The tributa always exer- cised it, but until the year 414, as we have seen, the plebiscita were not generally binding. These plebiscita, like the S. C., were in most cases administrative or executive, as giving the lesser provinces to pro-praetors and pro-consuls, and making peace, it being held quite clear that the centuries alone could make war, and only a single instance being found of the tributa taking this upon itself. But the Aquilian law respecting personal injuries, the Falcidian respecting wills, A.U.C. 714 (both inserted in Jus- tinian's Codes), the Silian on weights and measures, the Attian, (A.U.C. 620,) on the right of tribunes to be named senators, were all plebiscita, and made by the tribes alone.* The centuriata are supposed by some to have made fewer laws than the tributa ; but this position must be confined to administrative measures, for the greater number of the general legislative measures were made by the centuries, with the previous authority of the senate. The power of declaring war, trying for treason, and choosing the con- suls, praetors, and quaestors, possessed by the centuries ; and the power of making peace, trying for minor offences, and naming ambassadors and inferior officers, possessed by the tribes ; appear really to have been the only exclusive privileges of these two bodies ; and there seems no reason to doubt that the senate had the same concurrent authority, together with the exclusive right of naming a dictator and interrex. Now it must necessarily result from the existence of bodies with concurrent and equal powers, that each will yield somewhat to the others. If each of our houses of parliament could make laws, each would, on being asked by * P. Mail., DeLeyg., cap. v. CH. XL SOLUTION OF THE PARADOX. 139 the other, adopt partially measures to which it was averse, in order to prevent the greater evil of the whole measures being carried in spite of it ; and the wish to gain the advantage of having a law or a measure of any kind adopted by both would incline the house which propounded it to rest satisfied with a partial accom- plishment of its purpose. There can be little doubt that this was the effect of the co-ordinate powers possessed by the three bodies at Rome.* Even the absolute veto of the tribune found a practical check in various ways. Thus, if he prevented a consul from being chosen, the senate appointed an interrex, and might appoint a dictator which was threatened in Pompey's case ; or it could declare by a S. C. that the tribune was answerable for all the consequences of his intercession ; or it could give absolute power to the consul, by the vote ne quid detriments. In these and the like instances the consuls and senate were secure as often as the tribunes plainly put themselves in the wrong, and were not sup- ported by a very great majority of the people. Cicero's case illustrates this. The senate and centuries were decidedly favour- able to his return from banishment ; all the tribunes but two, whom Clodius had corrupted, took his part also ; and the people being well disposed towards him, these two, Serranus and Quinc- tus, did not venture to give their veto. Clodius, it must be ob- served, was the only dissentient in the vote of the senate. There was a more direct check to the tribune's power, and generally to the authority of the tribes, in the religion, or rather superstition, of that most superstitious people. Towards the end of the sixth century the ^Elian and Fusian laws were passed, by the former of which the observation of the heavens, and the auspices, or examination of the entrails of birds, suspended all pro- ceedings in the popular assemblies ; and by the latter, all holy days (dies fasti) were made to adjourn popular proceedings, and were consecrated to religious rites and to the administration of justice. The multitude had thus time given for reflection, and the upper classes for exercising their natural influence; and when Clodius obtained a repeal of the law in A.U.C. 699, Cicero declared that " the bulwarks of the public peace had been swept away " (In Pison. 4). To them he ascribed the escape of the community * Before we can adopt Mr. Falck's doctrine (Encycloptflie Jitridique, iii. s. 69), and Niebuhr's, ii. 240, that the senate's assent was required to give plcbiscita a binding effect, we must get rid of all that has been said on the Hortensiau and similar laws. CONSTITUTION* OF ROME. CH. XI. from all former seditions.* But before this law, which was pro- bably declaratory, and to enforce the custom, the distinction had existed between the greater and lesser magistrates, with regard to the auspices. The consul, praetor, and censor could interpose at any popular meeting with the announcement that the auguries were unfavourable, and could thus prevent the adoption of any measure by the tribes, as well as by the senate and centuries. The lesser magistrates had no such power, although the tribune could use his veto. This privilege of the auspices put the patrician magistrates upon an equal footing with the tribunes, giving them in fact a veto. Now the result of a mutual veto must needs be a compromise, as has already been shown (Part II., c. II.). The senate acted without its accustomed good judgment when, in- stead of being satisfied with these checks, and, above all, with the veto of the auspices, they allied themselves occasionally with one of the tribunes to obtain his aid in obstructing his colleagues. They had recourse to this expedient against Tiberius Gracchus, who was compelled by it to have his colleague removed the only instance of a tribune ever being displaced. Their error was still greater when they sought the like assistance as against their own natural ally, the consul. Upon the refusal of the consuls to appoint a dictator, (A.U.C. 322,) the tribunes were appealed to, and, by the threats of arrest, compelled them to obey the senate a lesson on their supreme power which these magistrates never forgot, but once and again turned to their account, as against the patricians. It must however be allowed that when the number of the tribunes was increased to ten, this gave inevitably a considerable hold over them to the rival bodies, as it became the more likely that divi- sions should exist among the tribunes ; and so far, therefore, this may be reckoned among the checks to the plebeian domination. Of the anomalies to which we have been referring, no explana- tion whatever can be derived from the choice of almost all the magistrates who had the right of propounding laws being vested in the patrician bodies, the senate, and the centuries, because * A singular uncertainty prevails respecting the date of these two laws. The JEli&n is by P. Manutius held to have been a tribunitian law, as he says he can find no consul of the ./Elia Gens, which Sigonius and Onuph. Pauvin. have shown that there are. But Hottomaii ascribes it 1o Q. Celius, prcntor in A.U.C. 586, and the Fusian to Publius Fusius (or Furius ' Philo, in A.U.C. 017, which agrees well enough with Cicero's statement that the law (in that passage lie treats it as one ; elsewhere In Vatin., as two) had existed neurone hundred years. In Pis., 5. CH. XI. DEFECTS OF THE GOVERNMENT DECEMVIRS. 141 there was one office, the most important of all in this point of view, the tribuneship, in filling up which the tribes only could act. But the powers of that office and the general authority of the comitia tributa in a very short time so far diminished that of the patricians, that the government, from an almost pure aristocracy, became democratic, with an admixture of aristocratic influence. But the machinery of government and legislation did not become capable of working without very great difficulties being encoun- tered, and serious obstacles raised by this double legislation. The existence of two legislative bodies, distinct, independent, and hos- tilely opposed to one another, became so intolerable from their constant jarring and from the conflicting laws which they made, that the community had recourse to an extraordinary magistracy which should supersede both the one and the other order, be armed with dictatorial powers like a single magistrate, and at the same time resemble a popular body or council, by its numbers. Ten persons were constituted a Supreme Council to prepare a body of laws which should be binding on the whole people. They digested the old laws, with such additions as they thought expe- dient, chiefly borrowed from the jurisprudence of the Grecian States ;* and these laws of the Ten, afterwards Twelve Tables, being adopted by the senate and the comitia, became the founda- tion of the whole legal system. This important change took place at the beginning of the fourth century. * It is the opinion of Niebuhr and others that nothing at all was taken from Greece ; an opinion for which there appears no sufficient ground. 142 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XII. CHAPTER XII. CONSTITUTION OF ROME. (Continued.) Government carried on by laws and legislative decrees Consuls Prantors ^Ediles, Plebeian and Curule Quaestors, Civil and Military Choice of Magistrates Controversy de Binis Comitiis Dictator Progress of Popular power Interrex Consular functions Provincial Pro-Praetors and Pro-Consuls Vigour of the Government Religious polity Pontiffs Rex Sacrorum College of Augurs Haruspices Sibylline Decemvirs Singular facts Judicial duties of Magis- trates Cornelian laws Judicial system Judices Centum viri Quaesitores Jus Qiuestionis, or Merum Imperium Divinatio Special judicial laws Abuses from thence Analogy of Parliamentary Privilege Impeachment Cognitiones extraordinariae Examples. IN treating of the Senate and the Comitia, we have nearly ex- plained the subject of the Roman constitution as far as the supreme power is concerned, whether legislative or executive. For the administration of the government, as well as the machinery of legal enactment, was carried on almost entirely by what were called laws or decrees of those bodies ; and the magistrates had little more to do than to bring propositions before them, and to carry their resolutions into execution, whether in their political or their judicial capacity, of which the latter formed by far the greater portion of their duties, unless in the case of the consuls who commanded the forces and governed the provinces, the quaes- tors who managed the financial concerns of those provinces, and some of the inferior provincial officers, as pro-consuls and pro- praetors. The consuls originally succeeded to the whole power of the kings, and could order any one to be summarily put to death for disobeying their orders. This power was soon restrained by the Valerian law, which gave an appeal to the tribes in the case of a plebeian, the patricians having already an appeal to the curiae or the centuries. Out of the city the consul was absolute ; and in the city, when he acted with the senate's advice and con- CH. XII. CONSULS PR^TORS VOILES QUAESTORS. 143 sent, as he generally did, his power was only bounded by the veto of the tribunes, and checked by the knowledge that at the end of the year he became a private citizen, and was answerable for all he had done in his office. The creation of censors restrained the functions of the consuls, as we have seen ; and their judicial power was transferred to the praetors. But still they retained the military command of the State, and could both raise and distri- bute its forces, appoint the officers, and take the money appointed for the payment of the troops, which the quaestors, who were at the head of the treasury, could not refuse unless upon extreme occasions. The tribunes were in fact the only magistrates not subject to their authority ; and they had the duty of executing all the decrees of the senate, and all the laws made by the comitia centuriata. The praetors were, strictly speaking, judicial ; and they exer- cised extensive jurisdiction. But although edicts which they made at entering upon their office laid down the laws by which they were to be governed, and although some of these were termed translatitious, being taken from former edicts, and others new, yet there is no reason to believe that they departed materially from the received laws of the State. Whatever they added to the edicts of their predecessors was probably a mere statement in writing of the customary or common law. Their numbers were increased to six in the year A.u.c. 604, and sometimes there were as many as eight. The plebeian sediles were ancient magistrates created in A. u. c. 261, and they had both the superintendence of police and a petty jurisdiction in such causes as the tribunes delegated to them. They bore to the tribunes the same relation which the praetor did to the consul : they were his deputies to act under him, and his substi- tutes in his absence ; but they did not, like the praetor and curule aedile, issue any general edicts. The curule aediles created in A.U.C. 388 had a high jurisdiction, chiefly in matters of economy and police ; but as connected with these, they kept a watch upon cases of an immoral description. They had the same practice with the praetors, of issuing an edict on entering upon office, to declare the rules which they should follow. The quaestors or treasurers were either civil or military, the former having the control of the financial affairs of the State, the latter accompanying the consul on his military service for the 144 CONSTITUTION OF BOME. CH. XII supply of the troops. Tacitus is supposed to be mistaken ill his statement, that the office existed under the kings ; that after- wards the consuls appointed the quaestor until the year 307, when the people elected him ; and that the military quaestors were the more anciently appointed, the office of city quaestor not being created till a much later period. All other authorities are agreed in representing the city quaestor, or general financier, as coeval with the commonwealth, and the military as appointed long after Livy says in the year 333. There were then two of each de- scription ; and in 488, when all Italy was conquered and divided into four governments, four new quaestors were chosen, one for each. The office was the first in the'course of promotion towards the consulship and the senate ; as such it was much sought after ; and accordingly the number of quaestors was in later times in- creased for party purposes. Sylla raised it to twenty ; and Julius Caesar, whose kindly disposition ever kept pace with his thirst of power, made no less than forty, to gratify his adherents. There is no part of the Roman constitution supposed to be better ascertained than that which relates to the choice of magis- trates, and none which seems to have been less broken in upon by violence and usurpation. The comitia centuriata chose the con- suls and praetors, censors, curule aediles, and quaestors. The tributa chose the tribunes and all inferior magistrates. The senate appointed the dictator and interrex ; and the tribes chose the tri- bunes with consular power. A controversy, however, was long carried on between two learned jurists, N. Gruchius, and C. Si- gonius, upon the question called " de binis comitiis," that is, whether the choice of the centuries required confirmation by the curiae, and after them by the tribes ; and whether in like manner the choice of the tribes required confirmation by the centuries. The affirmative was maintained by Gruchius, the negative by Sigonius, in a series of learned treatises in the latter part of the sixteenth century. The arguments of the latter appear greatly to preponderate ; nor can the complete success of the plebeians in their struggle with the patricians be deemed compatible with the doctrine of Gruchius. The choice of a dictator stood in peculiar circumstances. The senate decreed that there should be one appointed, but never named him ; this was left to the consul, it is said, because the power conferred seemed to supersede his own, and therefore his CH. XII. DICTATOR INTERREX. 145 assent must be interposed. Certain it is that although the consul was generally supposed to take whatever name the senate pleased, his acting in the nomination was deemed absolutely necessary, and the senate never acted of itself in it ; insomuch that when there was a manifest necessity for a dictator in the second Punic war, and one consul being killed, and all communication cut off with the other, instead of proceeding to appoint Fabius Maximus, the senate referred the choice to the people ; and to prevent this from being drawn into precedent he was only called pro-dictator. Though the consul generally adopted the senate's suggestion, there were exceptions. Thus Clodius, to insult the senate and the office, named a door-keeper (Gricia), and P. Lacasnas (A.U.C. 397) named, in opposition to the senate, a plebeian, the first time the office had ever been so filled. The appointment of a dictator being odious to the people was more and more disused as their power increased, and from A.U.C. 554 to Sylla's time, 671, none was appointed. Sylla and Julius Caesar were chosen dictators by the people, now reduced to submission. Till their time, with the exception of Fabius, the senate and consuls had in all cases named the dictator. During the struggle of the plebeians for the con- sulship the consular tribunes were chosen by the people when they had the ascendant, and when the patricians were stronger consuls were elected. This state of things lasted from the time of Canuleius's attempt to open the consulship (A.U.C. 307 to 387), when the first plebeian consul was chosen. These consular tri- bunes at first were three in number, and a fourth was added in 327 ; two more in 348 ; and they never were more than six. Notwithstanding the struggle between the Orders out of which this office arose, the plebeians were satisfied with the point which they had gained of being eligible, and elected none but patricians for half a century ; nor after that time did they choose nearly as many of their own as of the other Order. At length their ad- mission to the consulate itself put a period to the contention, and consular tribunes were chosen no more. It is singular that with so great hatred of the mere name of king the Romans should have preserved that of interrex through all times of the commonwealth. In the vacancy of the consular office he was appointed, and only by the senate, only from the patrician body, and only for five days ; but during these days he had the whole authority, civil and military, of the consul, as far PART II. L 146 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XII. as it could be executed without leaving Rome. At the end of the five days he named his successor, and the second interrex held the comitia for the choice of consuls, which in practice came to be the principal function of the office. His power of proposing laws was necessarily limited, because no law, though adopted, could be confirmed and passed until it had been published about four weeks (three market days, at nine days' interval), and his own power did not extend to the second publication. In trou- blous times, however, the interrex appears to have acted more than ministerially. The law giving Sylla absolute power was pro- pounded by an interrex ; and the interrex and pro-consuls near the city were once armed by the senate with the extraordinary au- thority of providing for the public safety. The consuls were almost always, in the earlier times of the commonwealth, employed in commanding the armies of the state, and the consular power in their absence devolved upon the praetor, then called custos urbis. If the war had not been brought to a close when the consul's year expired, he was frequently intrusted in the command either till the operation in which he was engaged was finished, or for a time certain ; and he had the title of pro-consul during this prolonga- tion of his authority ; but with all the authority, civil as well as military, though local, of consul. This prolongation was first resorted to in the year 427-* As the conquests of Rome increased, the provinces were given to pro-consuls and pro-praetors, that is, to the consuls and praetors upon the expiration of their office, and with a view to government merely, though there might be no warlike operations to conduct. In these provinces they exercised supreme power, and the possession of them formed the great object of ambition towards the latter periods of the republic. A third kind of pro-consul, and pro-pra3tor, was that of the military com- mand being given in any expedition or province to an individual who was not at the time, nor had been immediately before, in office. This last was not a magistery, but a mere command : the two former were magistrates, having the potestas, or jurisdiction, as well as the imperium, or command. The senate appointed in all the three cases ; but in the first case, that of prolonging con- sular jurisdiction, and in the last, that of a private person being * Nothing can be more clear than that Dion., lib. ix., is wrong in the statement of a pro-consul having been created in the year 275. Beaufort, i. 33G, explains this error satisfactorily. CH. XII. REVOLUTIONARY VIGOUR OP THE GOVERNMENT. ] 47 commissioned, the concurrence of the tribes by a plebiscitum was required. In this third case the authority of the comitia curiata was also necessary to give the command, and it was necessary in order to clothe the consuls or praetors in the second case with the fullest powers. Accordingly they almost always either obtained it before leaving the city, or had it immediately conferred under their successors. In the distribution of provinces the senate was held alone to decide, although the tribes occasionally interfered, and with more or less success, according to the state of parties and their relative strength at the moment. For some time after the establishment of the tribunate the senate generally obtained* the assent of the tribes, but this practice was gradually laid aside- In the year 631 a law proposed by C. Gracchus confined the senate's right to distribute the commands of the consuls and prge- tors, without any power of interposition being allowed to the tri- bunes, provided the distribution should be made before the elec- tion of these magistrates, and while it was unknown on whom the choice should fall. But this law only referred to the appointment for the conduct of warlike operations. The whole review of the Roman government, as regards the magistracy and assemblies, shows how large a portion of its functions was performed by the latter, how inconsiderable in comparison by the former. The administrative as well as legis- lative power resided substantially in those bodies. It is enough to cite as an instance the first appearance of Cicero before the assembly of the tribes. It was in support of the Manilian law, and gave rise to one of his most exquisite orations. That law was simply a resolution that the command of the war against Mith- ridates should be taken from the pro-consul Lucullus, and given to Pompey, who was then with an army in Cilicia, upon another expedition. It cannot be doubted that this mode of carrying on a government, exposed as it is to various most serious objections, and among others to that of preventing any certain rules of con- duct being prescribed, and of opening a wide door to oppression and abuse, has one great recommendation in times of difficulty, provided the people are not divided by party. Nothing tends more to inspire animation and vigour into the public councils, and promote the execution of whatever designs may be formed. It is in its nature a revolutionary kind of government, and, with all the evils, it possesses the advantages of that course of proceeding. L 2 1 4-8 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XII. Rome was so constantly engaged in wars which placed her existence in peril, that for many ages she might be said to be in a revolutionary state. The combination, however, was not confined to the legislative and administrative powers. The judicial functions were also too often interfered with by the assemblies ; and for this no excuse can be offered upon any principle, or in any cir- cumstances, which would not justify the suspension of all law during some extraordinary and momentous crisis. Hitherto we have spoken only of secular or civil offices. But the religion of the State was at all times a most important part of its policy ; it was entirely subordinate to the government, and formed a part of it. There were originally four pontiffs or high priests, and a chief (Pontifex Maximus). The king had been high priest, though not supreme in religious matters. On the expulsion of the Tarquins, a king for sacrifices (Rex sacrorum or sacrificialis) was created, whose wife was a priestess and had the title of queen ; but he was under the chief pontiff. The number of pontiffs continued to be four till the year 453, when for the first time the plebeians obtained the right of filling that office, and four plebeian pontiffs were added. Until 649 the college itself filled up all vacancies, when by the Domitian law the election was given to the tribes, seventeen of whom being chosen by lot, their majority named the pontiffs ; and this continued until Sylla re- stored the rights of the college, and doubled its numbers, among his other laws in favour of the aristocracy. The Domitian law was revived in 690 in favour of Julius Caesar, whom the people elected and made chief pontiff, that place being vacant by death. The choice of chief pontiff among those who were already pontiffs appears always to have been with the tribes ; and it was always an office for life. Until the year 500 no plebeian ever held it. All priests were subject to the pontiff: they could appoint any one to the priesthood against his will ; and the more powerful priests, as those of Jupiter and Mars, attended the college of pontiffs. But the pontiffs were themselves subject to the juris- diction of the comitia, although the interference seldom took place. The college had, besides its superintendence of temples, ceremonies, festivals, and the calendar, jurisdiction in certain matrimonial causes ; and their consent was required for the adop- tion of children. The qualifications for the priesthood consisted in freedom from personal defect, and in there being no other CH. XII. AUGURS HARUSPICES SIBYLLINE BOOKS. 1 49 member of the same family in the same college. Moral character and mature age were not required. The dissolute in manners and the young men of seventeen could hold, as Julius Caesar did, the office of High Priest of Jupiter. The College of Augurs was, next to the pontiffs, the most important religious body ; but its functions were confined to observing the signs supposed to be given of good or bad fortune, from the flight of birds, and from the manner of feeding of those kept as sacred by the State. Any sinister appearance gave the augurs the power of interfering with whatever proceeding, civil or military, they were pleased to interrupt. As men of opposite parties held the office, and their conduct must therefore have been watched, it may be inferred that there were certain rules or principles laid down to guide these absurd decisions. In the year 453 the place of augur was opened with that of pontiff to the plebeians, and five were added to the former number of four. Sylla added six more. The College originally filled up the vacancies in its numbers ; but the Domitian law introduced the same mode of election as in the case of pontiffs ; and that law, after being repealed by Sylla, was restored in 690. The haruspices were a lower kind of augur, but forming no separate body, and having apparently no commission. They were irregular, and might for money be consulted by any one. They were held in great contempt by rational and respectable persons, though frequently consulted even by these. As there was abso- lutely no difference in their art, except that they examined the entrails of birds, and the augurs observed their flight and feeding, nothing can be more strange than the different estimation in which they were held, their science being precisely the same. The only other religious fraternity which requires to be men- tioned is that of the decemviri, and afterwards, in Sylla's time, the quindecemviri, for the custody of the Sibylline books, which they were not allowed to consult without an order of the senate. These books, which the legendary history represents to have been sold by a prophetess to one of the kings, probably contained nothing but directions for prayers and sacrifices. But the reports of what was foimd in them on any given occasion had often the effect of controlling or encouraging the people. The plebeians were admitted into this body in the year 386. The appointment 150 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XII. was made in the same way and underwent the same changes as that of the pontiffs and augurs. The entire control which the patricians had of the auguries and auspices greatly increased their authority with the people, until the plebeians were also admitted to the religious offices. But even after that change had taken place, the same superstition was constantly used to maintain the influence of the government, and also in the armies, to control or excite the troops. There is, however, a thing wholly unintelligible in all this if there were no principles or rules by which the augur was guided. That all parties should agree in showing reverence for the religion, and those who disbelieved, as well as those who had faith in it, can easily be understood ; but that of conflicting parties one should allow the other to invent omens for its discomfiture, and that a person hostile to the college, when admitted to a knowledge of the gross impositions practised, should take no advantage of the discovery he had made, appears very hard to explain on any supposition except that of there having really been some general rules which were more or less followed by all. With the exception of the military department under the con- suls, and the legislative in the hands of the senate and the comitia, in which the magistrates acting as legislators, the whole duties of these magistracy were of a judicial description. The judicial system was somewhat complicated. In cases of treason the comitia centuriata decided ; in cases which were punishable only with fine, the tributa. Trials were either private, that is, questions of civil right and injury, including minor offences ; or public, that is, questions affecting the state, including the graver criminal cases. Beside the presiding magistrate, there appear always to have been a certain number of judges (judices). For this purpose a number of judices were annually selected from the body which by law was possessed of the privilege. The senate had it exclu- sively till the year 620 : it was then transferred, at the sedition of the Gracchi, to the Equestrian order, with whom it remained for sixteen years, and it was then given to the senate and them jointly, three hundred being taken from each. The plebeians then obtained the right of adding a certain number from each tribe. Sylla, desiring to restore the power of the senate, which in that age had been exceedingly reduced, restored by his laws CH. XII. JUDICIAL SYSTEM. 151 (Leges Cornelia}) the sole privilege to that body. At his death the Aurelian law divided this privilege among the senate, equites, and paymasters (tribuni cerari-i), numerous plebeian officers who had the care of paying the troops ; and finally Julius Caesar restored the exclusive power to the senate and equestrian order, with whom it remained. The praetor annually appointed four hundred and fifty of these two orders, and, according to the nature of the case, a certain number of these were chosen either by lot or by what was called editio exhibitus, that is, by the one party selecting one hundred, from whom the other chose fifty. Beside these judices there were centumviri, that is, one hundred and five, chosen five by each tribe, and supposed to be acquainted with the law. In cases before the praetor, if he felt a doubt upon the law, he referred the matter to the centum viri ; if upon the fact, he referred it to one or more of the judices to examine. Upon the report of either, or both bodies, he pronounced his decree ; and if he felt no doubt either on the law or the fact, he decided at once himself. The similarity of this to the practice of our courts of equity is striking ; and as the account is taken from an author who wrote in the sixteenth century, and long before our present practice was established, no suspicion can arise of his having fancied the course of proceeding.* A power of challenging the judices, as drawn by lot, was given to each party. Originally the supreme criminal jurisdiction was in the kings, and the consuls for a short time succeeded to this ; but their juris- diction was reckoned by the Valerian law, which gave an appeal to the people, that is to the tribes, and still more by the Horatian law half a century after (A.U.C. 304-), which made it a capital offence to create any magistrate without appeal. The administration of criminal justice until the year 604 appears to have been confided in each case specially by decrees of the senate to the higher magis- trates, consuls, prsetors, and dictators, who are armed with the high judicial power called jus qucvstionis under the empire called merum i/mperium which concluded all cases affecting the life or the civic rights of citizens, and the power of examining slaves by torture. Quwsitores parricidii were also appointed occasionally to try murder and other grave offences. Perpetual and regular criminal jurisdiction of this kind was only given to those magis- trates in that year. Beside these judices qusestionis there were * Nic. Grucli., De Com. Horn., \. -2.C. Sig., DC Judicii, ii. 6, 12. 152 CONSTITUTION OF ROME. CH. XII. others who had the same name, and who assisted the higher ma- gistrates, and attained to the office of aediles. They assisted in the trials by superintending the choice or ballot for judices, by ex- amining accounts and documents, by taking the evidence of such witnesses as were not examined viva voce, and taking that of slaves by the torture.* The presiding magistrate did not decide the cause, he only applied and earned into execution the law ; the judices gave the verdict, and upon that the magistrate pro- nounced the sentence and saw it executed. The judices were sworn, except in one kind of cause, divinatio,-^ or determining the title of parties to prosecute a suit, and they voted by ballot. Originally, they voted openly ; the ballot was introduced in the year 666 for all but cases of treason, and soon after for these also. A judge (judex) was allowed, if he pleased, to vote openly, and Cato did so in Milo's case, being one of the minority of thirteen who were for an acquittal. As at all times a law could be easily obtained for an extraordinary trial, or trial by a special tribunal, so the course of procedure was sometimes entirely changed by the same law a natural consequence of the manner of governing, of carrying on the executive government by the means of laws or decrees which the legislative body made for each case. In Milo's case Pompey obtained a law, directing that out of four hundred whom he should choose from the senate, equites, or paymasters (tribv/ni cerarii), eighty-one should be taken by lot ; and that after they had heard the cause, each party should challenge five from each class, reducing the number to fifty-one. The law also named a special judge, who filled no office ; and it required the evidence to be taken first, during three days, then the cause to be argued, allowing the prosecutor two hours, and the defendant three. It is by some authorities maintained that this law, though intended for one case, was applied generally ; and Tacitus + (if the treatise be his) gives it as one cause of the downfall of eloquence. Nothing could tend more to impair the judicial system and to introduce abuses into all its parts, than the combination of the legislative with judicial office ; and the practice to which it gave rise of making a law, or ordinance in the nature of a law, for each * The opinion that they were not magistrates at all, but private persons, is fully refuted by C. Sigonius, DeJud., \\. 5. The notion probably arose from confounding them with the qusesitors. t The dispute which frequently arises in our courts of equity as to who shall have the management of a suit, or the carriage of a commission, is properly a divinatio. \ De Causis Corrupts Eloquenti;r. CH. XII. SPECIAL JUDICIAL LAWS. 153 case of any moment. Until the year 604 every thing was done by these special laws ; each trial being directed by a particular order of the senate or the comitia. Even after the regular tribu- nals were established, the interference of legislative acts was per- petual. Now, if there be any thing more undeniable than an- other in jurisprudence, it is, that the door for misdecision and injustice can never be opened more wide than by^mMng rules for trying the particular case instead of general prospective re- gulations. In truth, such special laws are always more or less retrospective, and for this reason full of abuse and oppression. But if it were only that they are sure to be dictated by partial considerations, and not by enlarged views, this would be enough to prove them a fruitful source of error. It may safely be affirmed that a general law laid down by a body little entitled to respect, and even swayed by sinister views, would be a far better rule to guide both the parties and the judges, than a resolution taken by a far more trustworthy authority, upon the spur of the occasion, and to meet its peculiar exigencies. The allowing our Houses of Parliament to define their privileges by resolutions on each case as it occurs would be a far more certain means of working injustice to the people, and finally of destroying the inde- pendence of Parliament itself, than the adoption of a general rule of law to be administered by judges who do not take their opi- nions upon it from the facts of the case, but from previous and un- biassed consideration of the subject. The same circumstance in the nature and practice of the government, the union of executive and legislative powers in the same body, occasioned at Rome many trials for offences of a political nature especially to be had before the people, by what we should term impeachment. The general rule was that the crimes against the state, treason or sedition, and peculation, including extortion (concussio), alone should be tried before the comitia, and that all others should be tried by the ordi- nary judges, or by commissioners (quassitors) appointed specially. But there are few offences which we do not find to have been tried by the people in the way of extraordinary or special inquiry (cogni- tiones extraordinarice), and this not only in the earlier times, but at all periods of the commonvrealth, though less frequently in the later. In 302, P. Sestius was tried in the comitia on a charge of murder, a body having been found in his garden (Liv. lii. 33); Fulvius, in 426, for adultery (Ib. viii. 22) ; Scantinus, a plebeian 154 CONSTITUTION OF HOME. CH. XII. tribune, in 527, for infamous and unchaste conduct (Val. Max. vi 1. 7). After the establishment of regular courts in 604, the comitia ordered Vestal virgins to be put to death though the pontiffs had acquitted them, and censured these pontiffs ; and in 690 Silus was tried for endeavouring to seduce a matron by the offer of money (Val. Max. vi. 1. 8). This jurisdiction was exercised by the centuries in cases which involved the life or rights of citizens (capital cases). The tribes could only try for offences punishable by fine, though they sometimes, as in the case of Cicero's banishment, assumed also jurisdiction in the higher cases ; and once, in that of Coriolanus, were authorized to try treason. The truth is, that from the union of legislative with judicial power, it was hardly possible to confine the different bodies to their several provinces. The senate itself, though only in later times, appears to have superseded the law, and some- times, as in Catiline's case, to have awarded outlawry and capital punishment. Certain forms were observed in the mode of trial, especially as to the citations and notices, and the time allowed before trial ; but in the decision the same mode of voting was pursued as in making laws or choosing magistrates, that is, by centuries or by tribes, according as the trial was before one comitia or the other ; and after the year 666 the vote was by ballot. Before that time, the comitia, which voted by ballot on all other matters, had voted openly in judicial proceedings. CH. XIII. REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. 155 CHAPTER XIII. REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. Progress of Democracy Canuleius Address of the Patricians Distinction of the Orders obliterated New Aristocratic distinctions New Plebeian body ; their baseness Operation of Party Plebeians at different periods Virtues of the old Plebeians ; contrast of the new Savage character ; warlike habits Mas- sacres of Marius Cicero Julius Caesar Corruption of the People Canvassing ; Treating ; Bribery Sale of Votes ; Divisores ; Ambitus ; Sodalitum Bribery Laws Unpaid Magistracy Popular patronage and corruption Peculatus ; Repetundce Popular corruption Factions ; Civil War Overthrow of the Com- monwealth Conduct of the Aristocracy Aristocracy and Princes Error of the Patricians American War ; Irish Independence Roman Parties Conduct of the People Roman Yeomanry Moderate use of power Natural Aristocracy Orders new moulded West Indian Society Aristocracy of middle Classes Power useless to an uneducated People Checks on the People Checks in gene- ral Delay and Notice ; English proceedings Factious men at Rome uncon- trolled Catiline's conspiracy Cicero's conduct Middleton's error. SUCH was the constitution which, from monarchical and repub- lican mixed together, had become aristocratic, but in the course of less than a hundred years was republican again. In fact, after the tribuneship had become established, and the legislative right of the tributa was recognised, there wanted nothing to bring about the change but the acknowledgment of the plebeians being entitled to hold the higher offices of the state, in like manner as their right to appoint inferior magistrates had been recognised. In the year 308, Canuleius having obtained the important con- cession of the right of marriage with the patricians, attempted the admission of the plebeians to the Consulship ; but matters were not yet ripe for so great a change, and the patricians evaded the demand by appointing military tribunes with consular power, to be chosen from both orders alike ; and they created the office of censor, to be held by patricians alone, with a view to take a large portion of the consular power, so as to give the plebeians far less than the rest of the change appeared to bestow. But in 402, soon after the legislative power had been obtained by the tribes, the censorship was opened to the plebeians ; they had some time before (397) obtained the curule sedileship, which with the pra3torship had been created for the purpose of diminish- ing the consular jurisdiction ; and in -117 the plebeians also 156 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. obtained the prsetorship. The Licinian Rogations, too, which had been evaded chiefly by the appointment of dictators, and by the oppressive conduct of creditors, became really operative in 414. In 453 the plebeians were made eligible as pontiffs and augurs. So many of them became magistrates, or be- longed to the equestrian order, that after the second Punic war in the 6th century there were more plebeian than patrician sena- tors. The two consuls in one year, 581, were plebeian the two censors in another, 622. So that the former distinction of the orders into patrician and plebeian no longer existed to any prac- tical purpose, the only preponderance being that which is pos- sessed by wealth, by illustrious birth, or by nobility which consisted at Rome in having a right to statues, either of the party himself or of his ancestors, in consequence of their having filled curule offices. A change had gradually, but entirely been effected in the com- position of the orders. The commons (plebs) which at first were the inhabitants, small landowners born free, and generally of free parents, but of families originally foreign, and not of the original free and native Romans, had afterwards so increased in numbers, and so risen in importance, from the wealth of some and the merits, chiefly warlike, of others, that they both acquired great consideration in the community, and had many families distinguished by a succession of magistrates, and were thus en- nobled, in the Roman sense of the term. It was between this great body and the patricians that the contest chiefly was carried on, and the success of the plebeians had been complete. But the more respectable portion of the plebeian body by degrees separated itself from the rest, and every one was ranked accord- ing to his own circumstances and those of his family, without any regard to whether he was born of a house that belonged to the one order or the other. The lower orders as distinguished from the higher those who had come to fill the place originally occupied by the plebs, as contradistinguished from the patricians were now either freedmen, or aliens unprotected by any patron, or the spurious issue of the better classes, or such as by their misconduct or misfortune had fallen into abject poverty ; and, according to all the accounts which have reached us, a more base, profligate, and desperate multitude never existed in any part of the world. They differed almost as much from the commons of older times as they did from the more respectable order of citizens CH. XIII. PLEBEIANS AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. 1 57 in their own day. It was by appeals to their passions, by cor- rupting them and by exciting them, that the leaders of parties were enabled to use their numbers, armed as they all were, and habituated to war, to use them in the bloody conflicts by which the republic was first disgraced and then overturned. The parties which thus tore the community in pieces were now only in name patrician and plebeian ; the leaders, and a great portion of those who joined them, were indiscriminately of all orders and all de- grees, except the rabble ; and the rabble formed the common stock from which those patrons drew their supplies of armed followers, mere tools or instruments in their hands. Principles, as never fails to happen, were adopted merely as the rallying cries or watch-words of faction ; and though Sylla was of a patri- cian, and Marius of a plebeian and very humble family, the one cared as little for the preponderance of the senate as the other did for that of the tribes. But the sanguinary disposition of the whole people had a principal share in these enormities, and in the final catastrophe to which they led. It was the habit of constant war for centuries that formed this character, and the republican insti- tutions had no share in producing it. The original structure and character of the plebeian body was of a peculiarly estimable kind. It would be difficult to find any great vice in it save the fondness for war, naturally incident to a rude state of society, and which, at Rome, was perpetuated by the whole institutions being formed upon a military principle the work of the patricians, whose wealth and power depended mainly upon the progress of conquest. But the people were a body of very small landowners, whose lives, when not engaged in war, passed in cultivating their fields and gardens, in attending religious ceremonies, and occasionally partaking the amusement of rustic games. They may be said to have been a yeomanry living in and near a great city. Their frugality was strict ; their course of life sober and chaste ; their honesty and good faith unvaried ; their fortitude exemplary ; their reverence for the laws and customs of the state religious ; and their veneration for their gods and the observances taught by their superstitions so habitual, that it became a part of their nature, and only wanted the lights of a purer faith to make it deserving of the highest respect to which the religious character can be entitled. Unhappily there was early inculcated upon their minds a belief that the glory of the community, by which was meant the extension of its dominions. 158 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. formed the only object worth pursuing, and that each man's virtue and his value was proportioned to the share he might have in pro- moting it. The whole people were soldiers ; the whole country a camp ; and the gains of the system becoming at first the sole pro- perty of the patricians, and at all times theirs in an extremely un- due proportion, the people fought and suffered, and perished for the profit of this heartless body, much more than for any interest of their own. But the consequence of the system was to diffuse through all classes a hard and unfeeling disposition, a disregard of all suffering, whether of ourselves or of others, a contempt of death, and a familiarity with scenes of bloodshed, which never spread so wide or took so deep a root in any other extensive community. This inhuman character survived even to the most polished times. Slaves were not only tortured to extort their testimony, but killed for the pastime of their masters. Foreign princes taken in war were sometimes, as in Jugurtha's case, loaded with chains and left to perish in a dungeon, or put to more instant death as a part of the ceremonial at a triumph. The amphitheatres were filled by persons of all ranks and of both sexes to witness the de- struction of their fellow-creatures by each other's hands or by wild beasts hardly more ferocious than themselves, and the audience frequently gave the command that the life of a vanquished com- batant should not be spared. It was at a very late period of the commonwealth, and when Cicero had grown up to manhood, nay, not twenty-five years before his consulship, that the atrocious pro- scriptions of Sylla were perpetrated, and the far more horrible massacres with which Marius feasted his eyes for five days and five nights while on the brink of the grave : and the great moralist and patriot, himself of the most humane dispositions, though he repeatedly in his philosophical writings expresses, not very strongly, the feelings unavoidably raised by one of his enormities, yet hardly ventured even tenderly to blame them when addressing the people a few years later upon the subject of the massacres, and while their memory was still fresh in the minds of all ; and he pronounced on another occasion, before the judges themselves, a magnificent panegyric upon the monster, without making the least exception of the scenes that closed his sanguinary life.* * In the Tusc- Quzest., v. 19, referring to the savage command of Marius, often repeated, to pnt Catulus, his companion in the Cimbrian victory, to death, Cicero uses the expressions, " nefaria vox " and " scelerata," and says that Marius, " inte- ritu talis viri," overwhelmed the fame of his six consulships, and stained the close of his life. He says nothing of the thousands whom the wretch had made be put to CH. XIII. SANGUINARY CHARACTER OF THE ROMANS. 159 Next to the sanguinary habits formed by their devotion to war, the corruption of the people by the abuses of their government was the most important of the remote causes of the common- wealth's destruction. The votes of persons in a low condition were necessary to the obtaining of the inferior offices through which political leaders rose to the praetorship and consulship, be- cause these inferior offices were bestowed by the comitia tributa.* death before his eyes. In the De Nat. Deor., iii. 32, he makes one of the speakers in the dialogue argue against the existence of a providence, from Marius dying in his bed at an advanced age, and a seventh time consul, after the man, " omnium perfi- diosissimus," had, not massacred thousands, but ordered Catulus, " a man of the highest station," to be killed. In the De Or., iii. 2, he mentions " Marii cscdem crudelissimam," but it is after deploring his " acerbissimam fugam ;" and in the De R. P., i. 3, though he calls it "acerbissima clades," he adds " principum caodes," clearly showing what it was that he mainly regarded. In the oration to the people (Post Keditum, 8) he contrasts Marius's vengeance after his return with the peace- ful conduct he meant himself to pursue, but without at all blaming him; and in the oration to the judges (20), pro Balbo, he describes him as the disciple of Scipio Africanus, and asks, " Quacris aliquem graviorem ? constantiorem ? pnestantiorem virtute, prudentia, religione, sequitate ?" This was not above thirty years after the massacre. In what other civilized part of the world could such a man have been so spoken of in a court of justice, when the recollection of his atrocities was yet as fresh in the minds of all men, as if they had been perpetrated the day before ? This speech, it must be recollected, was made in the year 697, long after the judicial body- had been, by the law of Julius Caesar, restoring Sylla's constitution (694), confined to the senators and equestrian order, excluding the plebeian magistrates (tribuni serarii), and settling the administration of justice upon a regular plan, touching the age and qualifications of the judges, as well as the whole course of judicial proceed- ings taken. But the whole of their history is full of similar proofs how rooted in the minds and habits of the people were cruelty of disposition and carelessness of human life. No man in any other country could have treated Milo as a model of patriotism and excellence, and almost a martyr to his party , when it was admitted that, however the affray began, he had ordered his servants to put the wounded man to death, and that they had also killed the keeper of the tavern into which he had been carried. In no other country could one of Brutus's high character have published a speech in which he admitted the facts, aiid defended Milo on the ground of Clodius being a public enemy a defence which Cicero had judiciously rejected, at the consultation of Milo's friends. The bare fact of Milo travelling with a band of gladiators, desperate ruffians proverbially ready for any slaughter, is an illustration of the manners of the age and nation. What respectable man could, in any other place, have had such an attendance ? The savage tumult excited to oppose Cicero's return from banishment is another illustration. It seems to have made but little sensation, and caused no horror. Clodius and the actors in it were suffered to go unpunished as might happen here at every trifling election riot; and yet so many were killed in it that " the forum flowed with blood the Tiber and the sewers were filled with dead, and such masses of these had never been seen in the city, except in Marius's massacres." Cic. pro Lep., 35 to 38. Julius Caesar, himself the mildest and most generous of men, thought it no shame to avow that his ware cost 1 ,200,000 lives. * In the latter times of the Commonwealth that which had been always the custom became required by positive enactment. One of Sylla's laws prohibited any one from being chosen consul who had not been praetor, or praetor who had not been quaestor. 160 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN' CONSTITUTION. CH. XTII. But the centuries were to be gained as well as the tribes ; for though the comitia centuriata, when opposed to the tribes, and when not divided among themselves, were so arranged as to exclude all the numerous and poorer classes from any share in the decision, yet when the question lay between opposing candidates of whatever order, the votes of all the four inferior classes became as important as those of the first, their centuries deciding when the smaller, but more numerous centuries of the wealthy could not agree. Thus was introduced, with the view of obtaining both the higher and the inferior offices, the practice of both courting, or as we should say canvassing, the multitude, and also of giving them the entertainments of public shows, which they so highly prized. To this was soon added the treating, or giving them dinners. Then came the distribution of provisions, and finally of money. Though these practices began with the tribes, they were extended to the centuries also. The law allowed much of this corruption ; and one candidate (Crassus) gave an entertainment at which ten thousand tables were served, so that the whole people partook of it, and each also received a donation in money. The most open and profligate bribery succeeded ; it became undisguised and universal. Votes were openly sold ; tables or shops were opened in the public places for the traffic ; there were persons who carried on the business of providing votes as undertakers ; there were others (divisores) whose profession it was to distribute the candi- date's money ; others, as a kind of stakeholders, received it in deposit till the votes were given. Against this general corruption laws were early made, but were found unavailing. As early as the year 321 the senate proposed to put down canvassing, by prohibiting any one from appearing in the white or candidate's dress. In 395 the soliciting votes was strictly prohibited, in order to prevent it from being done at fairs and other meetings. It was at a later period made capital, that is, punishable with banish- ment (571 and 594-), to purchase offices, that is, to bribe the electors (Polyb. vi. 54). In 604* tribunals were created solely for trying offences against the freedom and purity of elections. One to try bribery (ambitus), another to try acts of violence (vis), another to try combination or conspiracy (sodalitium), but all in vain. At one time the tribes made a law so severe that the senate judiciously objected, and desired it to be reconsidered, on the ground that no party would be found to prosecute, and no judge CH. XIII. BRIBERY TREATING. 161 to condemn. They therefore proposed, through the consuls, as more effectual, a mitigated law of fine and disqualification, with rewards to prosecutors and a prohibition of the traffic in votes ; but the same year Sylla and his colleague were convicted of gross and extensive bribery, and removed from the consulship. The penalty of ten years' banishment for treating, giving shows, and hiring armed mobs, was then inflicted : first by a S. C., and then by a law which Cicero prevailed upon the comitia to pass. But so little did it check the practice, that soon after (A.U.C. 700) the violence of the candidates and their mobs prevented any choice of consuls for six months. Nay, to so great a height had corruption proceeded, and so hopeless did the cure of evil appear, that Cato himself approved, on one remarkable occasion, of the senators raising a sum among themselves to enable the candidate whom they favoured for the consulship to outbid his adversary in bribing the centuries.* It is not to be denied that much of the corruption of which we have been speaking must be traced to the pernicious practice of allowing the magistrate's emoluments to depend, not upon an adequate provision directly and avowedly made for his support, but upon other advantages to which he might look as incidental to his office. The magistracies, through which men passed to the praetorship and consulate, were rather expensive than lucrative, from the theatrical exhibitions, which were part of the ^Edile's duties, and the largesses to poor citizens, expected from all office- bearers. The fortunes made by prffitorian and consular com- mands, and especially when the provinces became numerous and wealthy, formed the great temptation both to avarice and ambi- tion, and these were regarded as the sure source of wealth and power. The profits of the quaestors were in all probability also considerable. It was to obtain such prizes that the fortunes of the patricians were expended, and that debts were incurred, as a speculation certain to repay all that might be advanced, provided the bribing was successful in securing the place.-f* * Julius Caesar had promised a sum to each voter, in order to secure the election of a colleague, whom the senators expected to become his tool. They therefore offered the same sum ou the part of Bibulus. f M. Beaufort (Re'p. Rom., torn, i p. 4:28), while he admits that " all ancient authors keep a profound silence on the emoluments of each office," has no doubt that each was provided with an ample salary. The mere fact of no mention being any- where made of this seems strongly to negative its existence the passages which PART II. M 162 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. The practice of bribing appears to have kept exact pace with the advance or abatement of the patronage in the hands of the people. Julius Cassar recommended both consuls, and half the other office-bearers, and substantially named them : bribery became less frequent. Augustus restored the election to the people, and with it bribery increased ; insomuch that, finding the punishment of five years' disability with a pecuniary forfeiture ineffectual, and being desirous to prevent it at least in the two tribes'-in which he was enrolled he could only do so by himself distributing as much money among the members of those bodies as the candidates offered. The same state of things continued until Tiberius gave the elective power to the senate, which was then only exercised nominally, and his successors avowedly filled up all offices themselves. Bribery was now confined to the pro- vincial towns (munidpia) and colonies, where the people still appointed. The corruption of the people extended to those in the upper classes. The peculation (peculatus) and extortion (repelwiida?) of persons in office became universally and openly practised. The trials before the comitia tributa, which frequently took place, and the erection of special tribunals (A.U.C. 604) to try these offences had little effect. The punishment, indeed, of restitution, sometimes double or treble, which always till the latter end of the common- wealth was inflicted for these offences, appears not to have stamped them with any infamy. Lentulus, two years after his conviction of extortion in the year 606, was made censor, to watch over the morals of the people and the purity of their magistrates. Under the empire the punishment was exile, and the vigour of the government appears to have somewhat checked the practice. No society can be conceived more corrupted or more hardened, of principles more loose, or of feelings more despicable and callous, than that of Rome towards the termination of the commonwealth. It only required such desperate leaders as did not long delay ap- pearing to destroy the whole system, by arraying against each other bodies of a rabble whom the habits of war had made as he cites for the most part would seem to authorise an opposite conclusion. Thus, Livy, saying that the consul's camp equipage was furnished by the state, if it proves anything, is rather against the supposition of a large salary ; and as to Cicero living in splendour, though born to a small fortune, and refusing all govern- ments, no one can be ignorant of the vast profits which he made by the exercise of his most lucrative profession. CH. XIII. FACTION CIVIL WAR DESPOTISM. 163 cruel as the conflicts of faction had rendered them turbulent, and the unprincipled acts of their -patrician superiors had taught them to be venal. The hiring soldiers from the rabble of the city was first prac- tised in Marius's time, and had the most fatal effect upon the constitution. Nothing tended more to maintain the conflicts be- tween the two parties which divided the community that of Sylla or the senate, and that of Marius or the commons ; and to their civil wars succeeded the more regular and sustained contests between Pompey and Caesar. The state was now exhausted by the sanguinary game of the factions ; foreign conquests rapidly increased, arming the leaders with new treasures and new forces, and no resistance was made to whatever chief, having gained the greater military power, chose to use it for establishing his own dominion on the ruins of the republican constitution. The forms of the old government were alone preserved : Julius, and after him Augustus Csesar, obtaining the votes of the subservient senate and comitia, were created sometimes consul, sometimes perpetual dictator, and ruled under those titles, and with the assent of the public bodies. But their real power was wholly derived from the troops in their pay, and they were succeeded by princes, who, ruling by the same means, extinguished the very name of liberty, and practised a tyranny which has in all ages been regarded as the most profligate and detestable ever known in an advanced state of society. The successive changes in the Roman government, and th<_; struggles which first led to them, then were increased by them, may easily be explained by attending to the operation of the aristocratic principle and the improvident conduct of the patrician body. In the earliest period of the monarchy the power was in the hands of the whole free native people, with an elective chief, and no plebeian body having yet been formed, he could not find a balance to the power of the people, that is, the patricians. The Constitution was now more republican than monarchical ; certainly it could with no accuracy of language be called aris- tocratic. When the plebeian order became numerous in propor- tion to the patricians, the latter retained their ascendant, and notwithstanding occasional attempts of the king to court the commons, he did not succeed in curbing the privileged body ; the government was now aristocratic. The patricians and plebeians M2 16i REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. combined to dethrone the king, and for a short time acted in con- cert ; but the domineering spirit of the aristocracy soon broke out into new excesses, and their power being much augmented by the revolution, their oppression of the poor, but numerous and increas- ing, order became greater than ever. They committed the error, fatal to all privileged classes, of forgetting that while their own numbers are nearly stationary, and their progress in wealth is limited and slow, the mass of the community increases rapidly and its wealth becomes proportionally extended ; but they still more omitted in their calculation a circumstance peculiar to Rome, that the whole nation being military, and all its occupation war, the force of the multitude must needs become overwhelming, and that any attempt must be hopeless to deprive them of their share in those conquests which were made by the force of their arms. The patricians were bent upon continuing to govern the country as exclusively after the commons were reckoned by hundreds of thousands, and the territory had stretched over and far beyond the neighbouring districts, as they had been suffered to do when the plebeians were not much more numerous than themselves, and the city and suburbs were the whole extent of their dominions. The apprehension of the commons gaining more power by what- ever was bestowed upon them, whether of the public lands or of political privileges, made the patricians adhere the more tenaci- ously to their exclusive rights, each concession being deemed not only an immediate diminution of their own power, but the means of still further lessening it ; so that it might be impossible to tell where the rise of the lower, and the decline of the superior class, would end. This alarm at encroachments operated, as it ever does, to prevent them even from abandoning rights of no value to themselves, and allowing privileges that did not come into con- flict with their own ; because such changes, by augmenting the popular influence, would lead the way to more hurtful sacrifices being extorted. In acting upon such views an aristocracy differs not materially from a prince, except only that it is relieved from the checks of fear and reputation which individual responsibility imposes, and except also that a body often is swayed by violent feelings which the contagion of numbers embitters while it propagates them. But in another respect the conduct of the body is always worse than that of the individual. Oppression, where it tends to no CH. XIII. ARISTOCRACY. 166 end, is apt to be exercised by a number of persons more harshly because they come personally more in contact with the objects of their hatred, or jealousy, or dread. At home, accordingly, the patrician was filled with haughty contempt and fierce dislike of the plebeian ; and the law which he had made enabled him to gratify these feelings not only against the body, but in crushing and tormenting individuals, his debtors. A single ruler becomes the more cruel from fear, knowing that he stands alone with the community against him ; but a minority, a select privileged few, not only act under the influence of the same dread, and are equally impelled to make up by terror for the inequality of their natural force ; they are also the more excited to whatever may intimidate their adversaries by being always set in opposition to them, always matched and balanced against them, and conse- quently acting under a constant sense of their own dangers from the conflicting power being let alone. The Roman aristocracy was marshalled in a more especial man- ner by its powers being exercised, not in electing rulers, but in ruling of itself. When the curiae and their more select body car- ried on the government with the king, they were the whole patri- cians in a body. When the commons had their own assembly the opposition of the two orders became more regular and more fierce, and the pretensions of the patricians were the more peremptory, and their domination the more overbearing. The same system of the ruling power being exercised by the whole body had another most fatal effect : it prevented the wise foresight and virtuous moderation of a few leading men from having its due weight with the bulk of their order, and gave to the course pursued that cha- racter of violence, impatience, and irreflection, which too often be- longs to the proceedings of the multitude. The inevitable necessity of concessions being granted too late to compulsion and through fear, if they were not in due season given with a good grace, never once appears to have been present to the patrician's mind. He always thought and acted as if his order could retain its predomi- nance, and as if the plebeians were never to increase in power. A single ruler or a select body of counsellors would, in all proba- bility, have granted some share of the public lands in the time of Spurius Cassius, but the patrician body put him to death as a traitor for the bare proposal. When Licinius renewed the attempt it was evident that in the end some measure of the kind must be 1 66 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. carried, and almost as evident that by timely concession much of the hostile feeling might be allayed which both filled the state with sedition, put its existence once and again into jeopardy, and ended in far more power being given than any one at first thought of demanding. But the patricians were inflexible, and when com- pelled to yield in outward appearance, defeated the measure by such chicanery as brought on new struggles and higher demands. It was only in times of great public danger, or by proceedings which amounted to open resistance, that the commons could gain any of their rights ; by refusing to serve at one time when there was a formidable war, or by leaving the city in a body at another critical period. The patricians never acted as if the people were daily growing in strength, and themselves stationary ; they forgot that it is as impossible to keep a whole nation in pupilage, as to keep a man in leading-strings ; they were not aware that their true interest required them so to treat the people while under their control, as to postpone the period of their emancipation by the influence of kindly treatment, and to secure a mutual good understanding when at length the period should arrive. If, in the American war and in the conflict with Ireland, there had been only a prince and his ministers, without a popular assembly to consult, it cannot be doubted that for a while the same results would have followed among ourselves. But it may be reasonably questioned whether anything but the bitterness of contending bodies could have so long maintained the policy which lost Ame- rica long before the separation became necessary, and with hostile feelings established almost as a part of the national character on both sides of the Atlantic ; and it seems equally probable that the independence of the Irish parliament would have been granted, and the elective franchise conferred upon the great body of the people, without waiting until the volunteer army created by the necessities of the American war forced the one measure, and the difficulties of the French revolution obtained the other. If there be any doubt whether these things would have been better without a governing body, such as the British parliament, it only can arise from the influence of the people affecting its deliberations, and being exerted as upon full consideration it is always likely to be in the right direction, although at first joining in the pre- vailing errors. In proportion as the parliament approached the constitution of the patrician body, that is, an aristocracy uncon- CH. XIII. PARTIES POPULAR VIRTUES. 167 nected with the oppressed orders (in this case the people of the colonies and of Ireland), in the same proportion was it likely to misgovern by giving scope to its jealousy of the other classes, and its desire of monopolising all power. The consequences were produced at Rome, which must always ensue from the same exclusive and engrossing spirit. The two orders grew up into a settled and a mutual hatred ; and when the people had gradually attained its full strength, it obtained not merely a share, but the preponderance in the government, so as to establish a powerful and most turbulent democracy. Under this the patricians suffered constant mortification ; and although the natural influence of their wealth and attainments preserved them from being trampled upon and crushed, as they would in their former state have overpowered the commons, they had less than their just and natural influence in consequence of their former conduct, and the mutual hatred to which it had given rise. If they had yielded and conciliated betimes, the government would still have been republican, but with a control in the hands of the upper classes which must have both improved the form of the constitu- tion, and prevented the factious excesses that proved its ruin. The hatred of the two orders, which survived their distinct existence, ranged the different parts of the community against each other, when the terms patrician and plebeian had entirely lost their original sense ; and gave rise to those factious contests which pro- duced the massacres, proscriptions, and civil wars that destroyed at once the character of the nation and its free constitution. The conduct of the plebeians throughout the struggle, that is, in the age when the character of the body was respectable, and its original structure remained, clearly proves how safely the patricians might have trusted to the influence of the Natural Aristocracy for securing to them an ample share of authority in the state. The moderation of the popular proceedings has often been commended, and it has been deduced from their sober habits and honest, con- scientious nature. That they possessed many of the qualities which distinguish an uncorrupted yeomanry, little advanced in knowledge any more than in refinement, may be admitted, and, among other qualities, the modesty arid even humility incident to that cha- racter, and the aversion to violent courses, although, from living in crowds, habits of combined action were formed, which country people in general have nothing of. But the principal cause of the 168 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. moderation in question was the natural influence of the patrician class, from wealth, rank, habits of command, eminent services, and superior information. Their oppressions drove the commons to resistance, but a little concession soon appeased them, and then the Natural Aristocracy resumed its influence. We have many remarkable instances of this. It may suffice to cite two. When the struggle for the consulship had so far proved successful that as a compromise consular tribunes were allowed to be chosen from both orders indifferently, the plebeians, without any exception, chose patricians ; and it was nearly half a century (from A.U.C. 309 to 353, when Licinius Calvus was chosen) before they ever availed themselves of the right to choose a plebeian. They first were allowed to choose a consul from their own order in 387 ; from that time both consuls might have been plebeian, though only one could be patrician. Yet nearly two centuries elapsed before the commons chose both from their own body (581). So the censorship was opened to them in 402 ; but it was not till 622 that both censors were plebeian. The influence of the patricians was alike powerfully felt in the elections to the other offices which were open to both orders. Tribunes and plebeian aediles they could not be by law ; but curule sediles and quaestors were chosen by the tribes alone ; and notwithstanding the power of mere num- bers in that assembly, the patricians were as frequently chosen to fill these places as to hold the higher offices, the appointment of which belonged to the centuries, with whom numbers had com- paratively little sway. Instead of wisely and virtuously trusting to their natural influence, the patricians maintained the contest with the people to the last, and when defeated, employed their wealth in corrupting the multitude, and their authority, their force, their example, in exasperating it, setting man against man, family against family, till the extinction of privileges so grievously abused became, if not a public benefit, certainly no injury to mankind. But if such were the changes which the plebeian body under- went, we may rest assured, although history only gives general indications of it, that the admission of the plebeians occasioned a separation of the patrician party into those who still maintained its exclusive privileges, and those who, more moderate in their opinions, had no repugnance to form with the more eminent plebeians a new aristocracy. The high or old patrician party OH. XIII. ORDERS NEW-MOULDED. 169 continued the struggle, as such bodies always do, long after it became hopeless. They had the augurs with them, for those places were still exclusively patrician, and instances are not want- ing of the most barefaced partiality shown by them in furthering the views of their party. Thus, when Cornelius had named as dictator Marcellus, who, though consul some years before, was of a plebeian family, the augurs pretended that the auspices were wrong taken, and declared the nomination void, they having been at Rome and the appointment made at Samnium. It was only in the process of time that this difference among the patricians gradually wore out, and the new aristocracy was established. While it lasted the senate was always more moderate and rational than the order at large. The transition of parties and orders from their original state, of the patricians on one side and in one class, the plebeians on the other side and in the other class, into that state in which the natural aristocracy was formed, and separated the wealthier and higher born from the inferior classes, was of course gradual, and only abolished the distinction of patrician and plebeian, substitut- ing a new arrangement for it, in a long series of years. The steps must have been the same as in all such cases ; and the principal one always is made by the inferior class itself. The habitual respect for the upper class, and the desire of belonging to it, or if not of belonging to it, of being connected with it, and of being distinguished from the rest of their comrades, is the powerful engine in bringing this change about. The class below the privileged class always the most highly prize those privileges, and most eagerly desire to separate themselves from those below them, and ally themselves with those above. Hence the more wealthy and powerful among the plebeians were at all times desirous of likening themselves to the patricians, and no sooner obtained access to patrician offices than they engrossed these almost as much, and excluded the bulk of their order almost as entirely from them as the patricians had before done with reference to the whole plebeians. The barriers being now removed which separated the two orders, first by intermarriages being allowed, and then by the magistracies being opened, the plebeian families whose ances- tors were distinguished by having held offices, or by any other eminence in the state, formed, together with the patricians, the aristocracy of the state ; and such of the patricians as fell into bad 170 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII. circumstances, or became discountenanced for bad conduct, or for conduct of a mean description, such as engaging in occupations that were thought degrading, were numbered among the lower orders, notwithstanding their birth. Supposing slavery in our colonies had been gradually abolished, and the distinctions of colour had not separated the descendants of the master from those of the slave, there would in the course of ages have been formed a class of society which would be the higher or aristocratic order, and the lower order would consist of the descendants of slaves and freemen indifferently. Nor could any one fix the time when this distribution of rank by natural aristocracy had succeeded to the artificial distinction of slave and free. The oppression of the more numerous body at Rome by the new aristocracy, composed of the patricians and higher plebeians, was just as great as it had ever been when exercised by the patricians alone. So would the West Indian aristocracy oppress the inferior classes in the case sup- posed. Indeed the maltreatment of their own order by the up- start plebeians, and by the descendants of West Indian slaves, would probably exceed that of the old aristocracy. It must however be observed that the structure of the govern- ment is not answerable for evils of this class. The oppression of the patricians while the plebeians were excluded from a share of the government, must be laid to the account of the aristocratic constitution, the artificial aristocracy. The continuance of the same oppressions exercised by a body somewhat different, after the plebeians had obtained not only their share but a preponderat- ing influence in the government, was owing to the natural influ- ence of wealth and rank, the natural subserviency of the inferior classes, and, as parcel of that subserviency, their natural tendency to covet such distinctions, and to trample upon those beneath them. It is not that any wonder can ever be felt at the more eminent persons in the community rising to the top ; or that any one can suppose it possible for the bulk of the people to confide their affairs to persons of their own class. Whatever be the structure of the government, the higher stations must generally, almost universally, be filled by the upper classes, let the power of ap- pointing to them be ever so absolutely vested in the people, and without any rule of exclusion. This is the law of our nature. But the Roman people disregarded their own interests in the choice they made of magistrates, and the support they gave to measures. CH. XIII. CHECKS UPON THE PEOPLE. 171 They might have selected from the upper classes, and excluded all those whose station disqualified them from holding power, and yet have consulted the true interests of their own order, and of the state. Of this they were incapable by their ignorance. They had obtained power, but they used it to further the interests of their Readers. They had obtained political power before they were politically educated, so as to exercise it beneficially for them- selves and for the state ; and the acquisition only proved hurtful to both. The control over their superiors which they possessed, the power of providing for their own interests, was almost entirely thrown away ; it enabled them, but did not dispose them, to pur- sue the course most for their own benefit. They were the mere instruments in the hands of others, and the recovery of their rights availed them nothing. A survey of the constitution of Rome is calculated to suggest another general observation respecting the people, as important as that on which we have been dwelling, relative to the aristocratic body. The exertion of the popular influence, such as it was after the tribunes were established, and after the universal power of legislation and of government became vested in the tribes, would have been wholly incompatible with the existence of any other power or privileges in the state, and must have led immediately to the supremacy of the multitude, but for the operation of the nu- merous checks which the forms of proceeding and rights of various functionaries provided. Now these checks all resolved themselves into gaining time for more full deliberation ; but this was found sufficient in most cases to prevent serious mischief, partly because the opportunity was thus afforded for the upper classes exerting their natural influence, and partly because the people themselves had certain feelings and principles deeply implanted in them both of a patriotic and of a superstitious kind, which produced their effects when time was allowed for their operation. The force of these feelings and principles secured at all times the observance of forms and a deference to official privileges. The most furious assembly might be stopped short in its proceedings by the warn- ing of a magistrate, or of an augur ; and the same habits of thinking in most cases enabled the superior orders, or the reflect- ing persons even of their own, to turn them away from extreme courses before any irreparable evil had ensued. Whoever doubts the safety of entrusting a large share of influence to a well-edu- 172 REFLECTIONS ON THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION. CH. XIII- cated people, may do worse than reflect on the safety with which for many ages the absolute power of the Roman tribes was en- joyed by them, with no better substitute for sound political infor- mation than their ancient hereditary prejudices in respect of civil and religious customs. But an examination of the Roman government is also fitted to place in a strong light the use of checks, and to show how erro- neous the arguments are of those who contend that every thing which a body has the power to do will be done. The various provisions of the constitution operated by delay, and the delay was in most cases sufficient, because all was not done that could legally be done, because reflection had its free scope, and because compromise and mutual concession was preferred to extreme mea- sures. Whoever has considered the effects produced by notice both in our courts of law and our legislative assemblies, will at once perceive how much they resemble the effects of the delays at Rome. In courts, the consequence of notice is, that parties can- not be taken by surprise, and that an application to undo what had unfairly been done may be unnecessary. But in Parliament the advantage is greater ; for the delay interposed both prevents many things from being attempted by individuals or by parties, which might on the spur of an occasion have been successfully tried, and induces the body itself to adopt a resolution very different from that which might at first have been taken. But there arose out of the conflict of authorities at Rome and the influence possessed by bodies as well as by individual magis- trates, one most pernicious mischief, affecting at all times the security of the state, and which, with the always sanguinary and latterly corrupt character of the people, finally effected its ruin. There was no effectual control over dangerous men, men of turbu- lent ambition and profligate character, and who might be disposed to seek their own aggrandisement in the confusion of public affairs. In earlier times such risks were avoided, sometimes by acts of sudden and irregular energy on the part of the magistrates, and sometimes by the appointment of dictators. When the people would no longer submit to the dictatorial authority, the senate by its extraordinary resolution ne quid detriment!,, endeavoured to supply its place, and to make it safe and regular for magistrates to act as they had formerly done illegally and at their own peril. But still the influence of the different bodies, and of the different CH. XIII. CATILINE CICERO. 173 orders in the state to which persons belonged, was sufficient to prevent the law from taking its regular course, even when the most atrocious conspiracies had been detected. The suddenly putting to death Catiline's associates, after they had been clearly detected and had indeed confessed their treason, was an act of vigour beyond the law : it was certainly done by the consul and the senate in breach of the forms of the constitution ; and indeed Cicero was afterwards impeached for it. At the moment, it was rendered practicable by the state of public feeling on the recent discovery of the plot. But so little could Cicero reckon upon this frame of mind lasting, that he had the prisoners strangled on the same night on which he had, with considerable difficulty, obtained the vote for their punishment. And as for the principal criminal himself, Catiline, not only had no attempt been made to seize his person and proceed against him, but the whole efforts of the consul were directed to make him quit the city, of which the gates were thrown open to favour his retreat, although it was ascertained that he was going to head a rebel army for the sup- port of his accomplices at Rome, and although he stood so clearly convicted by his own furious declarations, that none of the senators would degrade themselves by sitting near him in the same part of the house. There was no want of vigour in the magistrate, any more than of proof against the criminal ; but there were large bodies of powerful men with whom the one was connected, and of whom the other was in prudence obliged to stand in fear.* The, blessing of an escape from the perils of such a terible state of things is well worth a large sacrifice of power to all the orders of a community. * Middleton's attempt to turn the proceeding into a panegyric on Cicero's skill is as great a failure as his endeavour to place him on a level with Demosthenes in eloquence, and almost with Lucretius in poetry. It is plain that he had a sufficient case against the criminal, if he had only had a tribunal of magistrates before which to use it. But the same state of parties and of manners which made it safe for Clodius to insult him by his mob in the streets, and impeach him before the assembly of the tribes, for saving the country, and only five years after this service which made it also safe for men like Crassus and Julius Caesar to intrigue almost openly with des- perate conspirators, and for patricians of the highest rank to set on men almost as noble as themselves to assassinate the first magistrate of the country rendered it not merely dangerous but wholly impossible to put the law in force against those conspirators and assassins, unless at particular moments, and in peculiar combina- tions of circumstances, which deprived the wrong-doers of all support from any considerable body, and thus armed the law with a transitory and unusual vigour. 1 7-4 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE. CH. XIV. CHAPTER XIV. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE CRETE SPARTA. Greek Authorities False Chronology Ages of the Historians Early History Constitution of Crete Perioeci ; Clerotes Pure Aristocracy established Resist- ance Federal Government established Constitution of Sparta derived from Crete Opinions of Polybius and others Perioeci Helots Lycurgus General Remarks Authors Classes of the People Proofs of this Theory Hypomeio- nes; Homoioi ; Mothaces Tribes; Phylas ; Obac Castes Morse Errors of Authors Kings or Archagetsc Rules of Succession Senate Ecclesise Mode of Voting Harmosynse ; Homophylaces ; Harmostee ; Hippagretse. THE early history of Greece is, like that of Rome, and indeed of every other nation, lost in obscurity. The first historians whose writings remain, lived even longer after the events which they describe than those of Rome ; and there seems no reason to be- lieve that they had any other authority for the stories which they relate than the old traditions of the country. The chronology of Greece is, accordingly, much more uncertain than that of Rome ; and the impossibility of the dates commonly given by ancient writers is more apparent. Thus they make the foundation of Athens 1556 years before the vulgar era, and the reign of The- seus 1334 But Sir Isaac Newton has adduced reasons for be- lieving that Athens could only have been founded 1080 years, and Theseus have reigned 968 before Christ. Of these reasons it may suffice to mention one. By the common account, nine successive kings must have reigned at Athens thirty-five years each upon an average, and the thirteen archons who followed them twenty-seven years each ;* nay, in Sparta, nine kings after Aristodemus are reported to have reigned forty-one years on an average a thing contrary to all experience, and which in that state of society may confidently be pronounced impossible to have happened. But supposing the Newtonian account to be taken, which brings those early events much nearer the time of the historians, we shall still have Thucydides living above five centuries after Theseus, and six * C. Sigon. De Rep. Ath., i. C. Sig. l)e Ath. TemporHms J. Meursius (De Fortund Ath. and Attica Lectiones) points out many errors and discrepancies of ancient authors. CH. XIV. EARLY GRECIAN HISTORY. 175 and a half after the foundation of the city, Polybius nearly nine cen- turies, Dionysius above ten, Plutarch between eleven and twelve, after the foundation ; and after Theseus all later than Thucydides in the same proportions. So with respect to Sparta, Herodotus wrote above two centuries and a half, Xenophon nearly three, and Plutarch nearly eight, after the most recent time assigned as the age of Lycurgus. These authors and others, however, do not differ so much with each other upon the more important matters as the Roman historians : hence there is considerably more re- liance to be placed upon the traditions which all agree in record- ing ; and we may the more safely conclude that they had some foundation in fact. The most important portions, too, of the subject are those so near the times of the historians, that we have every reason to trust their accounts where they agree. Xenophon describes the legislation of Solon at the distance of only a century and a half ; and though much further removed from Lycurgus, yet the Spartan institutions had lasted to his own times. It must however be observed, that there were many things in the origin of that Spartan system and the early history of the state gene- rally, almost as little known in those days as in our own. This obscurity arose from the Spartans having no writers of any kind, and from their intercourse with their neighbours having for some ages been extremely limited. The structure of the government in the Greek states, though necessary to be examined, does not afford matter of such import- ant consideration, nor is it, with the exception of Sparta, of so sin- gular and anomalous a kind as the Roman constitution. About the middle of the tenth century before Christ, the troubles in Palestine appear to have occasioned an emigration of Phoenicians, who were in a much more civilized state than the Pelasgians, the original in- habitants of Greece. Sir Isaac Newton considers this to have hap- pened in king David's time, and his opinion has met with general approval. These emigrants brought with them to Greece and the islands the knowledge of many arts formerly unknown in those barbarous districts ; and they founded Thebes in Boeotia, beside establishing the government of Minos in Crete, where certainly the first general system of polity known in Greece was instituted. Its object was purely military, all its arrangements being framed with a view to train up warriors from the earliest age, and to place each member of the community under the strict discipline of the law, in 176 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE- CRETE SPARTA. CH. XIV. the whole conduct of his life. The supreme power was lodged in a king or military chief, and ten magistrates, called cosmi, chosen yearly, it does not appear how, from certain families only, and a senate appointed for life from those who had been cosmi. All laws and treaties were in the name of the cosmi and city or state ; and one of the cosmi, thence called eponymus, gave his name to the year. There were assemblies of the people, but without any other power than simply to accept or reject the propositions of the senate and cosmi. The cosmi were the executive government, both civil and military, when there no longer was a king ap- pointed ; and the king appears to have been hereditary as regarded the family, but with an election as regarded the person. The election was in all probability by the senate ; * or if the people were called upon to interfere, it was only as in the case of new laws, to sanction what the senate proposed ; but the choice of the senators is said to have rested with the cosmi Aristotle deci- dedly blames the aristocratic principle of confining the choice of officers to certain families. In truth, the government appears to have been entirely aristocratical. But as it was also military, and as the whole pursuits of the people were subordinate to their warlike occupations, a class of persons in a meaner and in a ser- vile condition, called periceci (rc-^toixoi), from inhabiting the neighbourhood of towns, cultivated the soil. They were considered so far the property of the state, that they could not be separated from the soil, and they paid a portion of the produce. These periceci were evidently the descendants of the original inhabitants, whom the Phoenician settlers had subdued. The slaves, who were either prisoners of war or their descendants, formed a sepa- rate class, and were always treated in Crete with much greater humanity than in most of the Greek states. They were chiefly distinguished from the free inhabitants by being incapable, like foreigners, of political privileges, and by being restrained from gymnastic exercises and the use of arms, t It was a part of the civic economy that all the citizens lived in public ; the members of each of the tribes into which the people were arranged dining always at the same table. The education and training of all * U. Eiinfus, Vet. Grac. (De liepub. Cret.} J. Laurentius, De Rebiispullicis, cap. i. t It is extremely incorrect to confound, as some authors have done, the periceci, or tributaries, and slaves, derates, so called from falling to the lot of the con- querors. They are sometimes called chrysonetes, from being purchased. CH. XIV. CONSTITUTION OF CRETE. 177 children devolved upon public officers appointed by the state, so that the whole community was formed into one great family. When the government became purely aristocratic, by the whole power being vested in the cosmi, there were frequent insurrections, occasioned by their tyranny ; and we are told that the laws did not punish sedition, because some such check was necessary to counteract the extensive powers of the magistrates. This most clumsy contrivance is censured justly by Aristotle : but it seems difficult to conceive how any government could have existed in such circumstances ; and the probability is, that the notion of re- sistance, when unsuccessful, going unpunished, may have arisen from the frequency of its occurrence, and the consequent mutual forbearance of the different parties which divided the community. The principal of a communion of goods appears to have so far been established, that the public revenue derived from the heavy tribute or rent paid by the perioeci was employed to support the expense of feeding the whole citizens and their slaves at the public tables ; but this arrangement was one of the first to fall into disuse. It is wholly uncertain at what time there ceased to be kings in Crete ; the last is said to have been Idomeneus, who was at the siege of Troy. But this is plainly a fabulous portion of history. At whatever time the royal office ceased, the unity of the government appears soon after to have terminated ; and the island was divided into a number of petty communities, or cities, each under the government of cosmi and a senate. The most powerful of these states were the Gnossians, Gortynians, and Cy- donians. The two first were in a constant state of rivalry and hostility, and to this the independence of the lesser communities was mainly owing. These formed alliances among themselves, offensive and defensive, and communicated to each other the rights of citizenship, isopoliteia, which implied the full power of possessing land in each other's territory, of marrying, and of having their laws executed upon fugitives ;* in short, all but political privileges. A central council was ultimately established, which determined the quotas to be furnished by each state, and apportioned the shares of the booty taken in war according to the relative num- bers of the citizens, reserving to the government of each a tenth of * Where a citizen of one state had injured the citizen of another, he was tried by judges equally taken from both communities de medietate, as the English law terms it. PART II. N 178 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH. XIV. its portion. The uniformity of the accounts respecting the Cretan government justify us in concluding that it was generally of the nature described, and that it had assumed a regular form much earlier than any other system of polity in any part of Europe. It cannot reasonably be doubted that from Crete the govern- ment of Sparta was derived.* In the earliest times the Laconians, an invading body of Dorians from Thessaly, lived in tribes or towns, under chiefs or kings, whose authority was precarious and ill-established, the most powerful portion of each community being the landowners. A kind of union of the whole had, how- ever, been formed. In consequence of the kingdom being left by one of these chiefs (Aristodemus) to his two sons, Eurysthenes and Prodes, there continued always to be two kings, one of the family of each.f They are said to have divided the country into six districts, and placed a chief over each as their deputy^ residing themselves at Sparta, the chief town. The original inhabitants, after being at first only made tributary, were reduced to slavery in consequence of a revolt, and the free inhabitants of the country (periceci), though holding inferior privileges to those of the chief towns, were allowed to fill public offices. The slaves were called Helots, from Helos, one of the towns in which they lived, and which had led the insurrection. Nothing could be more feeble and disjointed than such a government ; and particularly an executive power thus consti- * Polybius (lib. vi. c. 45) denies this ; but the reasons which he assigns appear insufficient to support his proposition. He relies only on the great inferiority, as he considers it, of the Cretan to the Spartan institutions in many particulars ; but this is inconclusive. The similarity in such peculiar institutions as the cosmi and public tables seems to justify the opinion of Plato, Xenophon, and others who trace the Spartan to the Cretan government. This question is fully and judiciously discussed in St. Croix's learned treatise, Des anciens Gouvernemens, F&deratifs, et de la Legislation de Crete, p. 413 et seq. It is plain that Polybius had a violent prejudice against the Cretans, whom he even accuses of cowardice and inaptitude for war, notwithstanding their vile practice of selling or hiring their services to foreign nations, and being sometimes found, as Livy has recorded, fighting on both sides. An equal instance of national prejudice on the same subject, though it take an apologetic and not a vituperative turn, is to be found in Haller's explanation of the same baseness in the Swiss. He has the courage to assert that it comes from the desire of maintaining martial habits, and learning the improvements in the art of war ! ( U. Emmius, Vet. Grac. (Rep. Lac.} Aristodemus is represented as one of the Heraclidse who overran the greater part of Greece, and reduced the natives in some places to absolute subjection, in others to a divided property. Laconia is said to have been his share. \ Strabo, viii. CH. XIV. LYCURGUS. 179 tuted ; and the dissensions of the kings, with the factious disposi- tions of the landowners, their appeals to the multitude, who were left without any regular share in the government, the number of slaves, who carried on all the agriculture of the country, and being subjected to cruel treatment were ever ready to revolt when a foreign war made such a movement the more dangerous, all exposed the state to such risks of utter destruction, that the adop- tion of some new system seemed necessary to preserve its existence. Fortunately Lycurgus, who succeeded on his brother's death to the joint crown, but who, with great magnanimity, refused to take it upon learning that the widow was with child, retired into Crete during some civil commotion, and being invited by both the sovereigns and the people to return, brought back with him a full knowledge of the Cretan system, upon the principles of which he persuaded his countrymen to new-model their own. The common chronology places this change in the 884th year before Christ ; but Sir Isaac Newton, upon better grounds, dates it in the year 708.* As constantly happens, all the institutions of the country have been ascribed to Lycurgus ; whereas there can be no doubt that he preserved many of former times, and that some were added by succeeding statesmen. It is however certain that the extremely artificial and unnatural system, of which he was the principal founder, took such hold as to last an extraordinary length of time, and produced effects upon the character and habits of the people which distinguished them from all other nations. The desperate state of anarchy into which the community had fallen, and the dangers to which all were exposed from their neighbours, as well as their own countrymen, perhaps still more from the slaves, or conquered race, appear to have combined with the superstitious reverence for the oracles consulted by Lycurgus, to make the people adopt his plan ; and if once fully adopted, the more it was in opposition to the natural order of things, it per- haps had the better chance of taking deep root, and becoming permanently established. There are some parts of the system almost incomprehensible ; there are others which must be regarded * J. Meursms (Areopagus, cap. 3) makes Lycurgus contemporary with the beginning of the Olympiads, which, according to Newton, is the year 776 B.C. Aristotle, Pausanias, and Plutarch give the same date. Xenophon places his age much earlier ; but the preponderance of authority seems in favour of the reign of Charilaus, who was the sixth from Procles, and flourished about 700 B.C. N 2 180 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH. XIV. as doubtful, because of the conflicting accounts that describe them ; there are not a few which remain imperfectly stated ; and there are several which cannot be believed to have existed, be- cause they are directly repugnant to others vouched by the same authorities. But it will be expedient in the first place to give the account in which the greater number of ancient writers agree, which may therefore be supposed to represent something re- sembling the Spartan constitution, and the main portions of which may probably be trusted. The learned and judicious treatise of Nicolas Cragius De Republica Lacedcemoniorum, the treatise De Hep. Lac. in the third volume of U. Emmius's Vetus Grcecia, and the second book (chaps. 4 to 8) of J. Meursius's Miscel- lanea Laconica, bring together the whole of the learning upon this subject. But beside the occasional notices in Aristotle's Politics and Plato's Laws, the treatise of Xenophon upon the polity of Lacedaemon contains most valuable information. It is only to be lamented that the description is confined rather to the institutions which regulated the economy of the state, and that much of the government is left untouched. The probity, good sense, and great practical experience of the writer make his au- thority as high as possible on all subjects. The Lacedaemonians, or Laconians, may be considered as of three classes : the Spartans, inhabitants of the capital ; the country people (periceci), inhabitants of the neighbourhood ; and the inha- bitants of the other districts or towns. The whole of these towns were under subjection to Sparta, but each had its municipal go- vernment, and there was only an assembly of the whole inhabit- ants upon extraordinary occasions, chiefly upon questions of peace and war. The assemblies (ecclesice) to be mentioned presently, called the lesser, were therefore confined to the affairs of Sparta and its territory, and only regarded the government of the other towns in so far as these were subject to Sparta. In those assem- blies only the Spartans could take a part ; the perioeci were ex- cluded from them, and were ineligible to office. A great obscurity hangs over the perioeci. Some represent them as all the free inhabitants of the country, that is, all but the Helots ; others as the portion of those country people who lived near the town. Some make no distinction between them and the Lacedaemonians, reckoning as Lacedemonians the neighbours of the Spartans, and considering all the other people as Laconians ; CH. XIV. CLASSES OF THE PEOPLE. 181 according to which opinion Spartans and Lacedaemonians were those Laconians who lived in and near the capital. It has been affirmed (Cramer's Ancient Greece, iii., 156) that the perioeci had the rights of citizens, being eligible to all offices ; and it has been represented as quite undeniable that they were of Laconian origin (U. Em- mius, De Republicd Lacedcemoniorum), although the attempt to give them the rights of citizens was resisted in the proceedings of Agis, expressly on the ground that to admit foreigners was contrary to the laws of Lycurgus (Plut., Agis). Though there are difficul- ties attending almost any supposition, the most probable theory seems to be this. The Dorians, having overrun Laconia, at first lived with the original inhabitants, leaving them a great part of their possessions, but subjecting them to burdensome exactions. A revolt, headed by the town of Helos, was suppressed, and all who had been engaged in it were reduced to the condition of serfs, and their lands distributed, so, however, as to leave them in pos- session upon payment of a rent. Those who had not joined in the revolt retained their lands and were the inhabitants of the country, while the Dorians lived in the lesser towns, and were distinguished from the Spartans, who inhabited the chief town, and kept free from all admixture with the natives. With these natives, the Lacedsemonians, or Dorians, inhabiting the other towns, probably mixed more freely in marriage, and also adopted them as citizens (Erasm. Vindurgius Hellenicus, Art. Lacedce- monii). But the perioeci were in all probability the descendants of the original inhabitants living in the country. The property of the land belonged to the town people and the country people alike ; and as the Dorians despised all agricultural industry, which the Spartans still more scorned after their institutions had assumed a purely military character, the whole interest which they held in the land was as manorial owners, the Helots being the possessors and cultivators. It seems impossible upon any other supposition to account for the three following circumstances, which seemed vouched upon unquestionable authority. 1. The Cretan perioeci were serfs, and are represented as being in Crete what the Helots were in Laconia. Now it is quite un- deniable that the perioeci in Laconia were free. But if they were originally of the same class with the Helots, and the Helots be- came serfs after their insurrection, we can easily perceive the rea- 1 82 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH. XIV. son why the Cretan perioeci are compared to the Helots the Helots being the enslaved portion of the Laconian perioeci. 2. When Cinadon, according to Xenophon, enumerated the classes of persons whom he could rely on to join his insurrection, because they all had a common cause in the oppression exercised by the Spartans, he mentions the perioeci, with the Helots, the newly-enfranchised slaves, and the inferior class of Spartans (hypo- vneiones), none of whom had any civic rights. He says nothing of the Lacedaemonians, or inhabitants of the other towns. These he could not reckon upon ; and when he says that the owner only, or master (SeaTrorajy) of any farm will be against him, he is ex- pressly speaking of farms belonging to Spartans alone (Hist. Gr. iii., p. 385, ed. Lenuclavii). 3. When Agis brought forward his plan, he proposed to make a new division of the lands, giving 4500 lots to the Spartans ; and as only seven hundred families of these remained, of whom all but one hundred had lost their property, he was to fill up their number to the original amount* from persons chosen among the perioeci for their good qualities. The other 1500 lots were to be distributed among the people of the districts, that is, the Lacedae- monians, to whom the perioeci always were regarded as subordi- nate. Accordingly, they were not to receive their lots as a body, but persons were to be selected from among them. That they, and not the Lacedemonians, were to be thus enrolled among the homoioi, the peers, or Spartans, is easily explained ; there was no jealousy of them because they had not magistrates and troops of their own, like the lesser Laconian towns. They lived entirely under the control of the Spartans. The mothaces were a number of young persons who had been in a servile condition, not Helots, of whom the law discouraged and even prohibited the en- franchisement, but liberated domestic slaves, or their children, and who were educated along with the sons of the upper classes, in order to accompany them in war after finishing their education. And nothing can more clearly show the error of those who consider the only peculiarity of the homoioi to have been their Spartan training ; for here the mothaces were free and were trained, but ex- pressly are stated " not to have had any civil rights," Lysander, * It is to be observed that this plan of Agis proceeds upon the calculation of those who gave, not 9000, but 4500, as the original number in Lycurgus's dis- tribution. It is one of the three accounts which Plutarch mentions as current. CH. XIV. TRIBES ; OTHER SUBDIVISIONS. 183 Syliphus, and Theocrates having, for their great services, been made citizens, as exceptions to the rule. The people were divided into six tribes* ( phylce), and each tribe into five subdivisions called oboe,. The army consisted of one division or regiment for each tribe. There were also castes, as in India and Egypt, so that the same occupation descended in all the members of a family. In order to constitute a citizen with full privileges, both father and mother must have been Spartan, and free for three generations. These were termed homoioi (equals or peers) freedmen or foreigners, and their issue were, together with the poorer classes who could not pay their contri- butions! to the public table, called hypomeiones, and had no poli- tical privileges any more than the periceci. Thus there appears to have been at Sparta, as at Rome, a patrician class, and com- posed in a similar manner, though much more numerous. It afterwards was gradually diminished : at the time of Cinadon's insurrection in the reign of Agesilaus, three centuries after Lycur- gus, there were not above seven hundred Spartan families in the whole community, and none of the class were then found serving in a lower rank than centurions. The two kings (called archagetce) were taken one from each of the royal families. Originally they were probably elected from those families ; but though the form of election continued, and the assembly decided in cases of disputed succession, yet it always chose the eldest son of the deceased or deposed king, or his next male heir, if he left no son ; and the grandson by a deceased son * Xenophon distinctly states that there were six divisions. (Hep. Lac. xi.) Aristotle, Diod. Sic., and others, make them five. J. Meurs. (Misc. Lacon., i. 16) plausibly suggests that Xenophon may have included the Scyra, troops who, though provincial, were reckoned as Lacedaemonians. But N. Cragius enumerates six tribes by their names, without including the Scyra. (Rep. Lac., i., 6.) The phyla appears to have been the military division ; the mora, a portion of it between twenty and sixty years old, being the military age. + Nothing can be more erroneous than the inference which some have drawn from a passage in Xenophon (Hep. Lac. c. 10) that all were opum, or fully-privi- leged citizens, who observed the laws and discipline of Lycurgus. It is true that he there says all such should have the civic rights, notwithstanding bodily inferio- rity or poverty of circumstances but this must have meant all of the class to which the civic rights belonged ; for in his Hist. Grace, iii., he describes Cinadon as both strong and brave, and yet not of the a^ioi seeN. Crag. Rep. Lac., xi. 10; F. Emm., Gr. Vet. The account which Xenophon gives of the grounds on which Cinadon had reckoned for success shows how few homoioi there were" Count the people in the market-place, kings, ephori, senators, and about forty more ;" and in the country, "the master only of each farm." 184 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH. XIV. excluded his uncles. The deposition or forfeiture of the father for crimes involved not his issue ; and infancy formed no bar to the succession, a guardian or regent being appointed to administer during the minority and superintend the child's education. It was a ground for passing over the next heir that he had any lameness or other great bodily defect. Nor could one of the other family ever succeed on a vacancy, however near in blood. The purity of the constitution was entirely gone when Agesilaus, himself lame, was chosen to the exclusion of his nephew on the ground of his mother's alleged adultery ; and still more when he made one of his family his colleague. It is one of the many remarkable and inconsistent things in this singular constitution, that though there was no jealousy of a spurious issue being introduced into any other family, the chastity of the queen was watched over with the most rigorous care by magistrates, on whom that duty especially de- volved. The senate consisted of- twenty-eight persons chosen by the assembly, and holding their places for life. They were required to be sixty years old, of unblemished reputation, and were obliged to solicit the office as candidates. The government was at first almost entirely in the senate, and its authority was at all times considerable. The kings had the command of the forces, and one led each army, if there were two in the field ; if not, and they could not agree, the senate probably bestowed the command. While at the head of the troops the king had unlimited power, both over the soldiers and the people in whose territory the service was carried on. At home he had precedence in public places, was honoured by all except one class of magistrates (the ephori) rising when he entered, had a double portion of food at the dinners, which, in common with the rest of the people, he was obliged to attend ; had the third part of the booty taken in war ; had a double vote in the senate. The kings called this body together, and they presided over it in their turn ; they were also at the head of the religion of the state, appointing each two officers called pytkii, who communicated with the oracle at Delphos, and reported the answers, which the kings used, we may believe, to support their influence. The kings had also jurisdiction in cer- tain causes, as the right to marry an heiress whose father had died without betrothing her, the adoption of children by childless ersons, and the care of the highways. Although it is possible CH. XIV. SENATE ; ASSEMBLIES. 185 that, from their influence, and especially their military rank in so warlike a state, the kings were not such mere ciphers as they have been represented, yet it is plain that, from their limited prerogative, and from their unavoidable disagreements, they could have no great share of power, and were little adapted to make any encroachments upon other branches of the government. The senate, beside the criminal jurisdiction in all capital cases,* had the power, as well as the kings, of convoking the assemblies of the people (ecclesice), and had the sole power of proposing to those assemblies laws or measures of any kind. The assemblies were attended by all the free and freeborn native citizens (homoioi) of thirty years old, being held monthly, and also on extraordinary occasions. This assembly had no right to originate any matter, or to debate it ; for no one could speak but the magistrates, or those whom they and the senate allowed, and the assembly could only accept or reject the propositions which it made. The chief power of the assembly was the choice of magistrates ; and it was exercised by acclamation and not by ballot, and only rarely by division. A very artificial method of determining the majority without dividing was resorted to. Certain persons were appointed, it does not distinctly appear by whom, and enclosed in a building close by the place of meeting, but so that they could neither be seen nor see what passed. The candidates presented themselves in the order determined by lot, and the people ex- pressed their opinion by shouts. The persons enclosed made a minute of what they considered as the shout of the greatest num- ber, distinguishing by figures only, that is, calling it the first, se- cond, and third shout, and reporting it in this way before they could tell to which candidate the figure and the shout referred. The same course, mutatis mutandis, was taken when any measure was proposed ; and though it is said that the numbers were some- times so balanced that the scrutineers could not tell which had the majority, and that then they required the meeting to divide, it should seem that in the assemblies this hardly ever happened, though in the meetings of the senate it was not uncommon. Thus it seems clear that with a little management the regulating * No capital trial could be finished without a delay of some days, for fear of fatal mistakes (jnilla unquain de morte hominis cuiictatio longa) ; but an acquittal on the converse of this principle did not absolvethe party might be tried at any time on fresh evidence appearing against him. 186 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH. XIV. body, the senate could, by collusion with the scrutineers, as by audible signals, even if no tricks were played with the lot, obtain a favourable report touching the result of the appeal to the people, where there was any considerable division of opinion. There were beside the kings and polemarchs, or commanders of the forces, other magistrates, of whose functions a very imper- fect account has reached us. The harmosynce appear to have had censorial powers, particularly as regarded female conduct, but also to have exercised a general corrective authority. The homophylaces, or guardians of the laws, beside prosecuting for offences, may have been the depositaries and interpreters of those laws, as they were never reduced to writing. The harmostce, of whom more is known, because they served abroad, were governors of conquered provinces or towns ; the Lacedaemonian policy being, wherever they obtained a footing, to establish a senate, generally often persons, and to appoint a governor over the whole. But harmostse were also appointed at home for purposes of police ; and the same name is given to a much higher magistrate, if we may believe Dionysius, who describes him as a dictator occa- sionally chosen. It is, however, probable that this only refers to such cases as that of Agis and Cleomenes, chiefs in revolutionary movements. These, and all other civil magistrates, were chosen at the annual popular assembly, and held their office for one year. The hippagretce were military officers like the polemarchs, being three persons originally appointed by the kings, afterwards by the ephori, and who chose each a hundred of the most dis- tinguished young men as a kind of body guard, or equestrian order, which, upon attaining a certain age, they quitted, but re- tained a rank in consequence of having been formerly so selected ; and this was understood to give them a claim as candidates for any vacancy in the senate, in like manner as the equites had a similar preference at Rome. CH. XV. OBJECT OF THE SPARTAN SYSTEM. 1 87 CHAPTER XV. GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. Continued. Object of the Spartan system Its operation traced Stages of Human Life as subject to it Marriage ; procreation ; infancy ; boyhood ; pscdonomus ; full age Equality of Fortune attempted Slaves ; their Classes ; Treatment Ephori ; their Power Resemblance to Tribunes Opinions of authors reconciled Epho- ral Usurpation Artificial Aristocracy Natural Aristocracy Controversy on Classification ; Opinions of Authors Contradictory Usages Unintelligible Statements Paradoxes Duration of Lycurgus's Polity Party Process and Changes Agis ; Lysander ; Cleomenes Spartans overpowered, join the Achaean League Distinction of Orders. THE whole object of the Spartan constitution and economy was to train up soldiers ; to this every other consideration was sacrificed ; and the extreme of consistency to which the principle was carried has certainly no parallel in the history of makind. The lawgiver was not satisfied with beginning at the cradle and taking possession of the new-born infant, that he might per- vert its nature to his purpose ; he began with taking precautions to ensure a strong and healthy breed of animals, and in sufficient numbers. Young men were required to marry at an early age, but not until the vigour of their body had become complete. The maidens were not inured to female occupations or trained to the softness and delicacy that most adorns their sex, but habituated to masculine sports, and to exposure of their persons for the sake of acquiring a hardy and muscular frame. With a view to eradicate the sense of shame which might prevent them from regarding themselves as the lawgiver did in the light of mere brood cattle they were accustomed to associate as much with youths as with those of their own sex. Although marriage was held in reverence, and ordinary bastardy deprived of all political privileges, adultery was allowed, and even encouraged, wherever there was either a want of issue, or a prospect of improving the breed by a change of connexion. The law even interfered with the seasons of conjugal intercourse, in order to promote the more vigorous generation of a robust offspring. 1 88 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH XV. The young animal being born, was instantly delivered over, not to the care of the parent, or even of a nurse, but to government inspectors, who put it to death if it either had any blemish or appeared of a sickly constitution. The Romans allowed the same option to the parent that the Spartans gave the magistrate ; and the term education derives its origin from the father electing to take up his progeny instead of leaving it, as he had the power of doing, exposed to perish. At an early age the boys came under the government of a magistrate, called the pcedonomus, or boy ruler, who took care that they were trained to habits of exercise, discipline, and temperance, not so much for the sake of their morals as of their health, and to give them the strength, the agility, and the powers of endurance which were the great essentials of Spartan excel- lence. But cunning as well as patience and courage was to be acquired ; and thieving and stratagem was taught, the remorse being connected only with failure, and the shame only attached to detection. Sentimental attachments were, also, encouraged between persons of the same sex, with a preposterous notion of inspiring courage and confidence, and a reliance, still more absurd, upon the power of the law to prevent the abuses which it encou- raged.* In order that every chance should be taken to secure the great object, the production of an animal of perfect strength and suppleness, and in good condition, even the period of military service was postponed, and a year or two of the youth's life was spent in the chase. But the superintending care of the state did not cease when the young soldier had been given to his country ; the life of each man in war was regulated by his commander, and by the magistrates who accompanied the forces, and in peace by a discipline almost as rigorously enforced as if the town had been a camp. All the citizens were obliged to feed at a public repast, of a broth pro- verbially alike difficult to eat and to digest, and of boiled pork, which the older and truer Spartan despised and left to younger and nicer palates. On these dainties the magistrates, the kings not excepted, were bound to feed with the rest of the community ; * In Crete the atrocious plan was pursued of encouraging the worst abuse of those passions ; and Xenophon, in affirming that no such abomination existed at Sparta, confesses that it is not easy to make people believe this in Greece, because of the guilty practice prevailing elsewhere. Hep. Lac., cap. ii. CH. XV. LAWS OF EQUALITY. 189 and though wine was not forbidden, no one was allowed to use a light in going home, in order that all risk of intemperance might be avoided. But at this public repast the citizens were not suf- fered even to choose their places. They were classed in companies of fifteen ; and each company admitted persons to fill up vacancies by a ballot, in which a single dissentient was sufficient to exclude. Gymnastic exercises occupied the whole time not given to war and the chase, while the season of youth continued ; at a mature age idleness was regarded as the peculiar privilege of the free. If the Spartan system outraged all the feelings and tastes of our nature, and treated men as mere animals for the purpose of improving the breed of soldiers, it did no less violence to every prudential principle upon which the political structure of society rests, for the purpose of maintaining an imaginary impossible equality, loosening all ties, and confounding the whole community into a single family. The whole land of the country was divided into small parcels 9000 for the Spartans themselves, 30,000 for the country people (periceci) each parcel was calculated to suf- fice for supporting a family,* and no person was allowed either to sell, or exchange, or devise his lot so that his eldest or other male heir might be disappointed of the succession. The use of gold and silver, or of any money but pieces of iron a pound in weight, was strictly forbidden, as well as of all ornaments, and all luxuries of every kind. Each person was allowed to interfere with his neighbour's children, and correct them as if they were his own. Every one could in like manner use his neighbour's cattle, or his dogs in hunting, or his arms or furniture, and as far as laws could provide for it, or encourage it, all men's goods were in common, there being only separate property recognised in the soil. But it was probably by inculcating the duty of freely lending rather than by recognising any absolute right that this community was sought to be established. The most hateful part of the Spartan economy remains to be mentioned : in no part of Greece, or indeed of the ancient world, was there so large a proportion of slaves. Their numbers do not anywhere appear ; but as all authorities are agreed that they were far more numerous than in any other state, as we know that in * Each person was supposed to have seventy bushels of grain for himself, and twelve for his wife, with wine and fruits in proportion. Eighty-two bushels may have been about seven quarters of our measure. 190 GOVERNMENTS OF GREECE SPARTA. CH. XV. Attica there were 400,000 slaves to about 40,000 free inhabitants, and as we moreover afe informed that no less than 50,000 were carried away by the ^Etolians in one incursion upon Sparta, we may form some notion how abundant the slave population must have been. It consisted of three classes the common household slaves, taken in war or acquired by purchase, and their descendants ; the Helots, or descendants of the ancient inhabitants, whom the Dorians or Lacedaemonians conquered ; and the Messenians, who were also, but at a later period, a conquered people. All writers are agreed that the Messenians were even more cruelly treated than the Helots ; and they, as well as the first-mentioned class, appear to have been held in absolute slavery, not being attached to the soil like the Helots, who were properly speaking serfs, and possessed the lands originally belonging to them upon the payment of a moderate and fixed rent. But their treatment was so inhuman, that we can with difficulty imagine that of the Messenians to have been worse, and are led rather to suppose that the difference referred to as indicating an inferiority of the Messenians must be the serfage of the Helot, who could not be separated from the soil nor liberated from his bondage without the public authority. Hence his condi- tion is frequently described as something between liberty and slavery. It was no doubt the more cruel for being the less abso- lutely dependent. The supposed rights, the fear of resistance, the wealth which he even was allowed to possess, all exasperated the ferocious Spartan against him, and having no protection either in the law or its administration, constant suffering was his lot. He was hunted like a beast ; he was compelled to work at the hardest and most degrading employments ; he was dragged to the field and exposed to all the toils and dangers of war. When the Spartan youths were to be taught how to conduct ambushes, it was by sallying forth from the woods and murdering the Helots as they escaped, that the lesson of "glorious war" was made easy. Nay, in returning home at night, a Spartan, always armed, hap- pening to meet some of these wretched beings, would wound or kill them in sport. The fear of their revolt was at the bottom of all this cruelty ; and on one occasion when 2,000 had volunteered to serve the country in a dangerous expedition, and were with unheard-of perfidy rewarded by emancipation, the fear of their martial prowess was such, that they are said to have been all murdered in cold blood, all having immediately disappeared. CH. XV. EPHORI. 191 " They made them disappear/' says the historian, " and no one knew how each of them perished."* It appears that after the constitution as settled by Lycurgus had lasted somewhat more than a century and a quarter, a ma- terial change was introduced. There probably had at all times existed magistrates called ephori, or overseers ; and they may have had jurisdiction in private causes, or suits between indivi- duals. It is also possible that their influence may have gradually increased until they assumed a large share in the government. But the weight of authority is in favour of that account which re- presents them to have been either altogether created, or, which is more likely, armed with extended rights, by one of the kings ; and the most rational theory seems to be this. The senate, like all aristocratic bodies, had so encroached both upon the royal prerogative and upon the rights of the people in the assemblies, that an alliance or co-operation was effected between the kings and the people. The kings, without the people, had no direct power in peace and in domestic concerns ; but if they could obtain their support against the common oppressor, by claiming a restoration of popular rights, the royal authority must gain by the change. This was probably the view which Theopompus according to some, Chilon according to others, had in arming the Ephori with new powers, or as the commonly received account has it, of creating the office, as a protection for the people against the senate. A protection against the crown was obviously unnecessary in the reduced state of the royal authority ; but the Ephori were empowered to protect the people against all magistrates as well as against the senate. They were five in number, and chosen in the assembly without any qualification of class or of property ; so that persons of the humblest condition and greatest obscurity might hold the office. Other magistrates must have had at least wherewithal to pay the very moderate contributions required for the support of the public table ; but the Ephori needed not have even that small fortune. Aristotle uses a remarkable expression respecting the effect of giving the people this voice in the govern- ment, though he greatly disapproves the allowing persons of no weight in character or in station to hold such power. " The people," he says, " rests in quiet or leads a quiet life ( from having a share in the government. "f * Thucyd., iv. 80. E
was the comiuoii expression in Greece for unnatural practices.
and that it only added the power of devise to a right already
recognised of conveyance inter vivos.
A considerable number, however, of the privileged class,
(homoioi) still continued to take a pride in adhering to the
old discipline, and to distinguish themselves by this which had
now become a peculiarity among the Spartans, as it had once
been a mark of the whole class, distinguishing them from the
Lacedaemonians and others of the common orders. It appears
always to have been regarded with respect by the people at
large ; .and the general recurrence to it made a principal part
of the reforms occasionally propounded by those who were
desirous of changing the aristocratic form which the govern-
ment had assumed. We are not informed in what respect
this was urged by Cinadon ; but it formed a material part of
the plan proposed by Agis, and afterwards executed by Cleo-
menes. Agis having become king about four centuries and a
half after the time of Lycurgus, took the lead of the popular
party, and his colleague, Leonidas, appears to have been at the
head' of the Spartan or privileged order. Agis, with the con-
currence of at least one of the Ephori, Lysander, whose elec-
tion he had influenced, proposed the redistribution of the lands,
the reduction of the Spartans to their original allotment, the
grant of the residue to the Lacedaemonians, the admission of
these to all the privileges of citizens, and the filling up their num-
bers from the perioeci, together with the subjection of all classes
of citizens to the ancient discipline. He made a voluntary sur-
render of the whole property, real and personal, of his family, as
an earnest of the sincerity and honesty of his motives in bringing
forward this important measure. The senate rejected the propo-
sition by a majority of one ; the people supported Agis ; Lysander
impeached Leonidas, the leader of the aristocratic party ; and,
with the aid of the people, dethroned him, placing Cleombrotus
in his room. A new election of Ephori was on the point of restor-
ing Leonidas, when Agis and Cleombrotus by force removed them
from their office, and prosecuted their reforms with the help of
Agesilaus, whose election as an Ephorus they had brought about.
He appears to have betrayed them, having a large estate and
heavy debts, and resting satisfied with a measure for absolving all
creditors, but delaying the promised distribution of lands. This
completely alienated the people from the party of the two kings
and Agesilaus, who began to act oppressively, and excite a strong
disposition in favour of Leonidas. A party of the aristocracy
therefore recalled him, and the people, deceived in their expecta-
tions of the only reform they cared for, stood by and saw Leonidas
restored, and Agis dethroned and barbarously murdered, with his
mother and grandmother. Cleomenes, who succeeded his father,
Leonidas, and married Agis's widow, is represented as having
been induced by her to renew the measures of her husband, for
whom she is said to have filled him with the greatest admiration.
It is much more probable that he found the power of the.Ephori
had become intolerable, and that the war which was carrying on
with the Achaeans gave him a pretext for introducing a change of
government, as indeed it afforded a good reason for inducing the
people to make extraordinary efforts, by awakening their zeal for
the public service. What we know for certain is that he put four
of the Ephori to death, abolished the office, and banished eighty of
their partizans, brought forward at the same time the measures
of Agis for dividing the lands, set the example, like Agis, by giv-
ing up his own estates, admitted a selected body of the peficeci,
so as to complete the number of the homoioi, cancelled all debts,
and restored the strict education and discipline established by
Lycurgus. It should seem that for some time at least he had
been sole king. How this happened we are not told, but the
prejudices of the people being strongly against monarchy, or the
government of one king, to which they had not been accustomed,
he had his brother elected king with him, being the first instance
of both kings taken from the same family. These changes hap-
pened in the year 230 B. c. The vigour which they gave the
government enabled Cleomenes to carry everything before him in
the war with the Achaeans, who could only make head against
him by obtaining the aid of Antigonus, the Macedonian general.
He defeated the Spartans, drove Cleomenes from his kingdom,
and upon the same principle which led the Russians and their
allies to maintain the Polish anarchy, restored the government of
the Ephori, and indeed all that Cleomenes had abolished. The
Spartans were soon after compelled .to submit and join the Achaean
league, abandoning for ever the institutions of Lycurgus.
It is manifest that, before the time of Agis, the aristocracy had
become divided into two classes, the wealthy families, about one
hundred in number, and the remaining six hundred, who, though
possessed of the political supremacy, were dependent upon the
richer citizens, and probably in most cases their debtors. The
class below these, the hypomeiones, and descendants of freedmen
and foreigners, in all probability formed nearly the same kind of
order with the poorer of the homoioi, and took part with them in
supporting Agis and Cleomenes in their revolutionary measures ;
hoping, if not to share in the lands distributed, at least to have
their debts cancelled. The party of the Ephori, the aristocracy,
or rather the oligarchy, as contradistinguished from the rest of the
aristocracy (homoioi), were probably the wealthy families, eighty
of whom Cleomenes banished.
Authors Early History Cecrops; Theseus Threefold Division of the People
Ancient Officers Panathensea Kings Archons Eupatridse Polemarch ;
Eponymus ; Basileus ; Thesmothetse Classes j Pedrsei ; Diacrii ; Paralii
Anarchy Draco Solon Errors respecting his Legislation Solon's Reforms ;
Archons ; Cojleges ; Paredri Courts of Justice Areopagus Heliastse Infe-
rior Magistrates Pure Democracy Classes of the People Population Slaves
Effects of Slavery ; Xenophon ; Plato ; Diogenes Phylse ; Phratriae ; Genea ;
Trityes ; Demi The Ecclesia Senate Elections ; Scrutiny Prytanes ; Epis-
tata Euthynse; Logistse Voting; Ballot Areopagus Its Powers ; its Com-
position Logistse ; Euthynse Mars Hill ; St. Paul Helisea American Court
THE government of Athens and the Athenian history generally
are more fully known than those of Sparta. The writers whose
works have reached us are all Athenians, or inhabitants of the
colonies and provinces which had constant intercourse with
Athens. They therefore, though living at a distance of time
from the earlier stages of the constitution, were yet fully acquainted
with its structure and working in their own age, arid wherever
they have left any uncertainty in treating of their earlier institu-
tions it has rather been owing to their omitting to describe what
they consider every one must know, than from the subject being
unknown to themselves. The more early portions of their con-
stitutional history are necessarily involved in the doubt and
obscurity inseparable from such inquiries.
About thirty years before the Phoenicians made their inroad
into Greece, as we mentioned in Chapter XIIL, Athens is sup-
posed to have been founded by Cecrops. The date of this event
is, as we before stated, variously assigned, Sir I. Newton placing
it nearly five centuries later than the greater number of ancient
authorities ; but with the balance of probability altogether on his
side, he assigns the year 1080 B. c. for the foundation of the
Cecrops is generally believed to have come from Egypt ; but he
may very possibly have been a chief of the Pelasgi, the original
inhabitants of Greece ; and the Athenians over whom he obtained
his dominion were most probably a tribe of that nation, first called
Cranai, from the name of a former chief, though they are fre-
quently described as a tribe of the lonians who had invaded
Greece from Thessaly. Cecrops is represented as having col-
lected them into twelve tribes or towns, of which Athens, then
called after him Gecropia, was the most considerable, being built
around a rocky hill or stronghold where he had fortified himself.
The other towns were only very imperfectly under his dominion,
each having its own chief and senate or council of elders, and all
living in constant alarm from the Boeotians, a powerful nation in
their neighbourhood, as well as in a state of frequent war with
each other. Under the successors of Cecrops Athens retained,
in general, the same kind of precarious and irregular influence
over the other eleven states, and it was not till the time of The-
seus, in the latter part of the tenth century before our era, that
anything like a regular system of government can be said to have
been established, even if we take the traditions which remain of
his times as authentic history. The Cretans having obtained
some decisive victories over the Athenians, he restored their inde-
pendence, and using the power which this gave him, partly by
persuasion, partly by the protection which he could afford them
against invasion, he induced the eleven towns to give up their
separate councils, and all unite under one government and one
council at Athens, whither he had attracted a great concourse
and established in it a powerful force.* He is said to have given
up in a great measure his own regal authority, retaining only the
command of the forces and execution of the laws, and to have
divided the people into three classes, the well-born or patricians
(eupatridce),^ the agriculturists (geomori), and the artisans (de-
* Thucyd., ii., 15, says he was powerful as well as prudent or wise pir* ru
tyvirou xa.1 ^uvitros.
f 'Evrar^cti, ytu>p,ooi, "bw/Mwoyoi. The division into four tribes whose names were
repeatedly changed has probably given rise to some confusion ; for it is said that
Erechtheus gave them the names of armed artisans, farmers, and shepherds, which
is plainly the threefold division expanded. Yet it is also possible that the two
divisions were different, and thn the fourfold division may have been only of the
Eupatridse, or of the Eupatridse and Geomori.
ri), confining to the first the right of sitting in the council
or senate,* of superintending religious rites, making laws, and
holding magistracies. There seems to have been a judicature
(pi^ytaneum} as well as a council established, f What these ma-
gistracies were, or how they were conferred, and how the council
and judicature were chosen, we have not .the least information,
except that polemarchi, or commanders, colacretce, or treasurers,
naucrarii, or collectors of imposts, and phylobasileis, or chiefs
of tribes, are all mentioned occasionally as most ancient officers ;
but the frequent mention in after times of a popular government
as the work of Theseus makes it probable (as U. Emmius has
observed^) that the choice of magistrates was lodged in the upper
class, if not in the others also. We are equally ignorant in what
manner the confederate or subject towns sent their deputies to
the council, or indeed whether they sent any at all, and were not
entirely under the power of the Athenian government for the sup-
port of which all appear to have paid tribute. But the one
institution which can with tolerable certainty be traced to Theseus,
and which continued ever after, had a direct reference to the
federal union, and was plainly designed to maintain it. A yearly
festival was established, at which all the inhabitants of Attica
were present, and which was hence called the pancuthencea.^
The chiefs or kings who succeeded Theseus soon extended
their authority, and diminished that of the council and people ;
and Codrus, who reigned about a century and a half after him,
having fallen (it is said, voluntarily sacrificed himself) in the first
war between the Athenians and Dorians, the royal power was
much abridged, and the name of king changed to archon or first
magistrate. A century and a half later, IF the archon 's office in-
stead of being for life was given only for ten years, and in less
* Bi/Xi/rg