Colorado Scientific Society* Catalogue of books, periodi- cals and pamphlets belonging to the Colorado Scientific Society 1893. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF , PERIODICALS AND PAMPHLETS COLORADO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, fSSUKI) OCTOBER. 1893. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES JU LIBRARY PRESS Of TULLY-FOSTEB fHINTING CO 61* CHAMPA ST. DENVER. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND PAMPHLETS BELONGING TO THE COLORADO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, ISSUED OCTOBER, 1893. These Books are kept in the Colorado Scientific Society corner of the Public Library, High School Building, Nineteenth between Stout and California streets, East Denver. They are open to any one visiting the Library, but are lent only to members of the Society. The method of classification is the same as adopted by the Public Library, and the letters and figures placed in this Catalogue behind each title indicate the labeling on the back of the book. Abney, W: de W. Photography C770 Ab 7 Academy of Nat. Sci. Toxic effect of tuber- cle bacillus C616.995 Ac 1 Acoustics, theoretical. W: F. Donkin . . . .C534.1 D71 Agassiz, A. Three cruises of the " Blake " . C590 6 H26 Airy, G: B. Errors of observations Coll) Ai7 Airy, G: B. Undulatory theory of optics.. C535.1 Ai7 Albert, C. von. Technologisches worterbuch Deutsch-Eiiglisch-Franzosich, . . . . C443.3 A12 Aldis, W. S. Fresnel's theory of double re- fraction C535.5 A12 Aldis, W. S. Solid geometry, elementary. .C513.3 A12 Alexander, T: & A. W. Thomson. Applied mechanics, elementary C531 A12 Algebra. I: Todhunter C512 To6 Algebra for beginners. I: Todhunter C512 ToGl Ambulance lectures. L. A. Weatherley C617.1 W37 America, Geolog. Soc. of. Bull., '90-93. . . C550.6 Am3 American Acad. of Arts and Sci. Procee., '88-'91 C506 Am33 American chemical journal. '85-'93 C540.5 Am3 American Geograph. Soc. Bull., '91-93 .... C550.6 Am33 American Inst. of Mining Eng. Trans., '73, '74, '76-'79, '82-'90 C622.06 Am3 American journal of science, '86-'93 C505 Am31 American Mines and Mining. R.W.Eaymond,C622 E21 Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist. Ann. Hep., '84-'90, '92 C507 Am31 Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist. Bull., '81-'92 C507 Am3 American naturalist. '81-'83 C505 Am3 Amer. Philosoph. Soc. Procee., '87-93. . . . C506 Am3 Anabasis. Xenophon C888 X2 Analytic geometry of three dimensions. G. Salmon C516 Sa3 Analytical geometry. I: Todhunter C516 T56 - -3- Analytical statics. I: Todhmiter .......... 0581.2 T56 Ancient and modern geometry. C.Taylor, C513.2T2L11 Anderson, J: Strength of materials ...... C620.1 An2 Angel, H. Plane and solid geometry ...... C513 An4 Animal mechanism. E. J. Mavey ........ C591.5 M33 Anorganischeii chernie, Kurzes lehrbuch. V: von Richter .................. C546 R41 Antonio Alzate Soc. Cien. Mems. '89-'93 . . C506 An8 Applied mechanics. T: Alexander and A. W. Thomson ...................... C531 A12 Applied mechanics. E. S. Ball ........... C531 B21 Applied mechanics. J. H. Cotterill ....... C621 082 Applied mechanics. H: Evers ........... C621 Ev.2 Applied mechanics. W: J: M. Eankiiie. . .0531 R161 Apprenticeship schools in France. S. P. Thompson ...................... 0607 T37 Architectural record, '91-93 .............. 0720.5 Ar2 Arithmetic. J : W : Oolenso .............. 0511 067 Arithmetic. J. H. Smith ................ C511 Sm5 Arithmetic. R: O. T. Thorpe ............ 0511 T39 Arithmetic and algebra. S. F. Williams . .0511 W67 Arkansas, Geolog. Surv. Ann. rep., '89, v. 2,0557.67 Ar4 Armstrong, J. et al. Western Scottish fossils,0560 Ar5 ASCII, for improv. of geomet. teach. Plane geometry ....................... 0513.1 As7 Proofs of propositions in book I .... C513.1 As71 Astronomy. R. S. Ball .................. C520 B21 Astronomy. H. Godf ray ................ 0521 G54 Astronomy, outlines of. J : F : W : Herschel,C520 H431 Astronomy, treatise on. J: F: W: Herschel,C520 H43 Attractions, etc. J: H. Pratt ............ 0517.3 P88 Austral. Ascn. for advan. Sci. Rep., '87, '91,0506 Av7 Bain, A. Logic, deduction .............. 0162 B16 Bain, A. Logic, induction ............. C161 B16 .'J81874 IBain, A. Psychology C150 B16 Baker, T: Laud and engineering surveying,C625 B17 Ball, R. S. Applied mechanics C531 B21 Ball, R. S. Astronomy, elements of C520 B21 Ball, R. S. Experimental mechanics C531 B211 Ballard, H. H. Three Kingdoms C507 B21 Barff, F: S. Scientific chemistry C540 B23 Barry, J: W. Railway appliances C625.1 B27 Bauschinger. Resistance des fontes fers. ..C625.2 B32 Beale, L. S. Principles arid practice of medicine C616 B36 Beckett, E. Clocks and watches C681 B38 Belgium Soc. Geolog. Annales, '84-'87, '90-'92 .0550.6 B41 Belgium, Soc. Rl. malacologique. Annales, '86 '91 C560.6 B41 Proces-verbaux, '91 '92 C560.6 B411 Besaut, W: H: Conic sections C513.2 B46 Besant, W: H: Hydrostatics, ely C532 B46 Besant, W: H: Roulettes and glissettes. . . C516.2 B46 Besant, W: H: Hydromechanics C627 B46 Bettoli, P. Torremoto C853 B46 Bloxam, C: L. Metals; their properties and treatment : C669 B69 Bodily tides of a viscous spheroid. G: H. Darwin C625.6 D25 Bohemia, gesells. der wissen. Sitzungs, und Jahresberichte, '86-'91 C506 B63 Boiler and factory chimneys. R. Wilson . . C697.8 W69 Boudin. Cours de technologie C670 B66 Bonney, T: G: Geology C550 B64 Boole, G: Calculus of finite differences. . .C517.6 B64 Boole, G: Differential equations C517.2 B64 Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. Procee., '86-'89.C506 B65 Botany. D: Oliver C580 O14 o Botany, Manual of. A. Gray C580 G791 Botany, school and field book of, A. Gray, 0580 G79 Bourne, J: Catechism of steam engine. . . .C621.1 B66 Bow, R. H: Economics of construction. . .C624 B671 Bow, R. H : Bracing, application to bridges. . C624 B67 Bracing, application to bridges. R. H: Bow, O624 B67 Bresse, J. A. C. Cours de mecanique appliquee, 3 vols .... C573 B75 Atlas C573B751 Brewster, D: Life of Sir Isaac Newton. . .0925.1 N48 Bridges. F. Jenkin C624 J41 Briot, C: Theorie mecanique de la chaleur..C536.1 B77 British fossils stratigraphically arranged . .C562 Til Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Palaeozoic plants . . . C507 B77 Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Guide books, etc. . . . C507 B7712 Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Geology and palae- ontology exhib. . .0507 B7711 Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. British oligocene and eocene moll usca. .0507 B771 British oligocene and eocene mollusca. Brif. Mus. Nat. Hist 0507 B771 Brookville Soc. of Nat. Hist. Bull., '85, '86, 0506 B79 Browning, J: Spectroscopes and spectrum apparatus 0535.8 B82 Building construction. E. A. Davidson . . . 0690 D28 Cajsar, C. J. De bello Gallico C878 Oil Calculus of finite differences. G: Boole. . .0517.6 B64 California Acad. of Sci. Bull, '84-87 C506 C12 California Acad. of Sci. Occasional papers, 0506 C122 California Acad. of Sci. Procee., '88-91 . . .0506 C121 California, Geograph. Soc. of. Bull , '93 . . C551.4 C12 California state mining biireau. Ann. rep., '83-'90 0557.94 C12 Canada. Universal exhibition of 1855 . . . . C606 Un3 6 Canada, Geolog. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Ann. rep., '85-'88 C557.1 C16 Canada, Geolog. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Con- tributions to Canadian micro-palee- ontology C557.1 C161 Canadian Inst. Ann rep., '87-91 C506 C1611 Canadian Inst. Procee., '84-90 C506 C16 Canadian Inst. Trans. '90-'92 C506 C161 Canadian record of science. '85-'87 C505 C16 Carsino, S: E. Naturalist's directory, '80, '90, CoOO C27 Contributions to Canadian micro-palaeont- ology Canada, geolog. and nat. hist. surv. of C557.1 C161 Castle, H: J. Land surveying C625 C27 Catalogue of charts. U. S. : Treas. dep. : Coast survey C551.4 Un31 Catalogue of meteorological instruments. ~ J. J. Hicks C551.5 H52 Catechism of steam engine. J: Bourne . . .C621.1 B66 Chambers, P: F: Descriptive astronomy. . C522 C36 Chance and luck. R: A. Proctor C519 P94 Chemical news, '60-'71 C540.5 C42 Chemical reactions. E. Drechsel C540 D81 Chemical society, journal of, '83, '84, '86-'93, C540.6 C42 Chemistry. W: A. Miller C546 M61 Chemistry. H: E. Roscoe C530 R71 Chemistry. A. W. Williamson C540 W67 Cheyne, C: H. H. Planetary theory C521.5 C42 Choice and chance. W: A. Whitworth C519 W61 Cincinnati Soc. of Nat. Hist., Journal of, '88-'93 C506 C49 Civil engineering. H : Law C620 L41 Civil engineering. W: J: M. Rankine .... C620 R16 Clark, D. K. Rules and tables C620.8 C54 Clark cell as standard of electro-motive force. Lord Rayleigh C621.3 R21 7 Clarke, G: S. Practical geometry C744 C55 Glaus, C. Grundzuege der zoologie C590 C57 Clausius, K. Mechanical theory of heat. . .0536.1 C57 Clifford, W: K. Elements of dynamic C531.3 C61 Clifford, W: K. Lectures and essays C104 C61 Clocks and watches. E. Beckett C681 B38 Colenso, J: W: Arithmetic C511 C67 Colorado Coll. Sci. Soc. Annual, '90-'92 . . C506 C713 Colorado, history of the state of. F. Hall . . C978.8 H14 Colorado Sci. Soc. Procee., '8B-'90 C506 C71 Colorado state school of mines. Scientific quarterly, '92-93 C505 C71 Conic sections. W: H: Besant C513.2 B46 Conic sections. G: H. Puckle C513.2 P96 Conic sections, ed. 4. G: Salmon C513.2 Sa3 Conic sections, ed. 6. G: Salmon C513.2 Sa31 Constable, S. Geometrical exercises C513 C76 Construction des machines. F. Redten- bacher C621 R24 Construction des organes des machines. F. Redtenbach C621 R241 Contributions to No. Amer. ethnology, vols. 2, 5-7. U. S. geograph. and geolog. surv. Rocky Mtn. reg C572.97 Un33 Cornwall, Rl. Geolog. Soc. Trans. '85,'88,'89, C550.6 C81 Cornwall,Rl. Inst. of. Journal, '86-'93 .... C506 C81 Corrige des themes. C: M. Sauer C455 Sa81 Cotterill, J. H. Applied mechanics C621 C82 Cotterill, J. H. Steam engine as a heat eng. .C621.1 C82 Coursde mecauique applique. J.A.C.Bresse,C573 B75 Coursde mecanique applique, Atlas. " C573 B751 Cours de technologie. Boudin C670 B66 Critique of pure reason. I. Kant C193 K13 Gumming, L. Electricity treated experi- mentally ". G621.3 C91 8 Darwin, C: memorial notices. T: H: Hux- ley et al C925.7 D25 Darwin, G: H. Bodily tides of viscous spheroids C025.6 D25 Darwin, G:H. Precession of viscous spher'd, Cool. 1 D25 Davenport, Acad. of NatSci Procee., '82-89, 0507 D'21 Davidson, E. A. Building construction.. . C6"90 D2H Davidson, E. A. Linear drawing C744 D28 De bello Gallico. C. J. Cajsar C878 Cll De la Beche, Sir H : T : Geological observer, C550 D37 De la Beche, Sir H: T: Geology of Cornwall, C554.2 D37 Dempsey, G. D. Locomotive engine C621.1 D39 Der constructeur. F. Reuleaux C(521 R31 Der Konstrukteur. F. Reuleaux Cf>21 R311 Descriptive astronomy. G: F: Chambers. .C522 C.'W Dictionary, Eng.-Ger. and Ger.-Eng. I. E. Wersely C433.2 W51 Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines, Ure's CB20.3Ur2 Die Internationale polar forschung Kaiser- liche akad. der wissen C919.8 Kll Differential equations. G: Boole C517.2 B64 Differential calculus. I : Todhunter C517.2 T56 Differential calculus. B: AVilliamson C517.2 W67 Donaldson, J. Drawing and rough sketch'g, C62^.H D71 Donkin, W: F. Acoustics, theoretical C534.1 D71 Downing, S: Practical hydraulics C627 D75 Drawing and rough sketch'g. J. Donaldson, Cf>23. H D71 Drechsel, E. Chemical reactions C540 D81 Drew, W: H: Geometrical treatise on conic sections C513.2 D82 Dynamics, el'y. W: Garnett C531.3 G18 Dynamics of a particle. P: G. Tait and W: J: Steele . ..C531.3T133 9 Dynamics of rigid bodies. E: J: Eouth. . .0531.3 R76 Dynamo-electric machinery. S.P.Thompson C621.31 T37 Earthquakes. J: Milne C551.2 M63 Easy star lessons. K: A. Proctor 0523. 8 P94 Economical geology of Illinois. Illinois geolog. surv 0557.73 1163 Economics of construction. R. H: Bow. . .0624 B671 Edgar, J. H. and G: S. Pritchard. Practi- cal solid or descriptive geometry . . 0513.3 Ed3 Edinburgh, Rl. Soc. of. Procee., '83-'91 . . 0506 Ed4 Education and status of civil engineers. Inst. of Civil Eng 0620.7 In71 Ekkehard. J. V : von Scheffel 0833 Sch2 Elasticity. W : Thomson C539.3 T38 Electricity, el'y. J. 0. Maxwell 0621.3 M451 Electricity and magnetism. J. 0. Maxwell. 0621.3 M45 Electricity and magnetism. B. Stewart and W. W. H: Gee 0621.3 St4 Electricity and magnetism. S. P. Thompson, 0621.3 T37 Electricity and magnetism. W: Thomson, C621.3 T38 Electricity treated experimentally. L. Gum- ming 0621.3 C91 Electro-chemical equivalent of silver. Lord Rayleigh and Mrs. H. Sidgwick. . .0621.3 R213 Elements of dynamic. W: K. Clifford . . . .C531.3 061 Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Journal, '83-92 . . 0506 E14 Engineering education in the British do- minions. Inst. of Civil Eng C620.7 In7 Engineering mechanics, '88-92 0620.5 M46 English-Latin dictionary. J. E. Riddle. . .0473.2 R43 Errors of observations. G: B. Airy 0519 Ai7 Ethics, history of. H: Sidgwick 0170.9 Sil Euclid. I: Todhunter 0513 T56 Evers, H: Applied mechanics 0621 Ev2 10- Evers, H: Steam and steam-engine 0621. 1 Ev2 Every man his own mechanic. F. Young. .0690 Y8 Experimental mechanics. R. S. Ball C531 B211 Experimental researches in electricity. M. Faraday C621.3 F22 Exploration of the Colorado river. Smith- sonian Inst C917.8 P87 Fairbarns, W: Mills and mill- work C621.8 F15 Faraday, M. Experimental researches in electricity C621.3 F22 Ferrers, N. M. Spherical harmonics C517.3 F41 Ferrers, N. M. Trilinear co-ordinates C516.5 F41 First principles. H. Spencer C192 Sp3 Flore analytique Suisse. P. Morthier C581.94 M84 France, Soc. Francaise de rnineralogie. Bull., '89-'93 C549F88 Freiburg, naturfor. gesells. Berichte,'88-'92, C506 F88 Fresnel's theory of double refraction. W: S. Aldis C535.5 A12 Frey, H: Mikroskop und die mikro- skopische C578 F89 Frost, P. Newton's principia C531 N48 Frost, P. Solid geometry C513.3 F92 Galbraith, J. A. Steam engine C621.1 G13 Galloway, R. Qualitative analysis C544 G13 Garnett, W : Dynamics C531.3 G18 Gaudard, J. Pons en fer C624 G23 Gegenbaur, C. Grundriss der vergleichende anatomie C591.4 G27 Gems and precious stones. G: F: Kunz. . . C553.8 K96 Geological map of England. R.I.Murchison, C554.2 M93 Geological observer. Sir H : T : de la Beche, C550 D37 Geological record, '76. W: Whitaker C016.55 W58 Geological society, quarterly journal of, '72, '74-'85 C550.6 G29 Geology. T: G: Boiiney 0550 B64 Geology. J. B. Jukes 0550 J93 Geology. C: Lyell C550 L98 Geology and palaeontology exhibits. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist 0507 B7711 Geology of Cornwall. Sir H: T: de la Beclie, C554.2 D37 Geometrical conies. C: Taylor C513.2 T211 Geometrical exercises. S. Constable C513 C76 Geometrical optics. R. S: Heath 0535 H35 Geometrical treatise on conic sections. W: H: Drew C513.2 D82 Geometry. J. H. Smith C513 Sm5 Geometry of conies. C: Taylor C513.2 T21 Geometry, plane and solid. H: W: Watson, C513 W33 Georgia, Commonwealth of 0557.58 G29 Glasgow, Geolog. Soc. of. Trans., '76-90 . . 0550.6 G46 Glass-blowing, methods of. W. A. Shenstone, 0666.1 Sh4 Glazebrook, R. T. Physical optics 0535 G46 Glazebrook, R. T. Plane waves in a biaxal crystal C535.3 G46 Glazebrook, R. T. and W. N. Shaw. Prac- tical physics 0530 G46 Glossary of terms and phrases. H. P. Smith, 0423 Sm5 Godf ray, H. Astronomy C521 G54 Godfray, H. Lunar theory 0523.3 G54 Gold, its occurrence and extraction. A. E. Lock 0669.2 L79 Goodeve, T: M. Mechanism 0531 G61 Gorup-Besanez, E. F. Organischen chemie, 0547 G68 Gothic architecture. J: H: Parker C724.3 P22 Graber, D. Werkzeuge der tiere 0591.5 G75 Graham, R. H. Graphic and analytic statics, 0531.2 G76 - 12- Grammaire Italienne. C: M. Sauer C455 Sa8 Graphic and analytic statics. E. H.Graham, C531.2 G76 Graphic statics. K: von Ott C531.2 Ot8 Grashof, F. Theorie der elasticitat C539.3 G76 Gray, A. Manual of botany C580 G791 Gray, A. School and field book of botany . . C580 G79 Great Britain, Chemical society of, journal of. See CHEMICAL SOCIETY, journal of. Great Britain and Ireland, Mineralogical society of, miaeralogical maga- zine and journal, '76-'88 C549.06 G79 Great Neapolitan earthquake of 1857. R. Mallet C551.2 M29 Greek elegiac poets, extracts. H. Kynaston, C884 K99 Greek-English lexicon. H: G: Liddell and R. Scott C488.2 L61 Greek grammar, Eton. G: N. Wright .... C485 W93 Green, G: Mathematical papers C510 G82 Grundriss der vergleichende anatomie. C. Gegenbaur C591.4 G27 Grundzuege der zoologie. C. Glaus C590 C57 Guide books, etc. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist .... C507 B7712 Hall, F. History of the state of Colorado, C978.8 H14 Hamilton Asc'n, journal andprocee., '91 -'92, C506 H18 Hann, J. Handbuch der klimatologie . . . .C551.5 H19 Harris, E. P. Qualitative chemical analysis, C544 H24 Harvard Coll. Mus. Com p. Zool. Ann. rep., '87-92 C590.6 H261 Harvard Coll. Mus. Comp. Zool. Bull., '87-'93 C590.6 H26 Haughton, S: Sun heat and terrestrial radi- ation C551.5 H29 Hayden, F. V. Ed. See U. S. GEOLOG. AND GEOGRAPH. SURVEYS. 13 Heat. A. Privat-Deschaiiel O536 P93 Heat as a mode of motion, ed. 2. J : Tyndall. . C536.1 T97 Heat as a mode of motion, ed. 4. J : Tyndall. . C536.1 T971 Heath, R. S: Geometrical optics C535 H35 Heather, J: F. Mathematical instruments, ed. 8 C510.8 H351 Heather, J: F. Mathematical instruments, '77 ed C510.8H35 Heine, H. Sammtliche Werke; Reisebilder, C833 H36 Helmholtz, H. L. F. Popular lectures on scientific subjects C504 H36 Herschel, J : F: W : Outlines of astronomy, C520 H431 Herschel, J: F: W: Natural philosophy . .0530 H43 Herschel, J: F: W: Treatise on astronomy, C520 H43 Hicks, J. J. Catalogue of meteorological instruments C551.5 H52 Higher plane curves. G: Salmon C513.4 Sa3 Hill, N. P. Speeches and papers on the silver and other economical ques- tions Hints to meteorological observers. W: Marriott C551.5 M34 Hollister, O. J. Mines of Colorado C622 H72 Holtzapffel, C: Turning and mechanical manipulation C621.9 H74 How to draw a straight line. A. B. Kempe, C510.8 K32 Hulme, F. E. Mathematical drawing instru- ments C510.8 H87 Human understanding. J. Locke C153 L79 Hunt, T: S. Mineral physiology and physi- ography C550.4 H91 Huxley, T: H: Physiology C612 H98 Huxley, T: H: Science and culture C504 H98 Huxley, T: H: et ul. Charles Darwin: memorial notices.. ..C925.7D25 -14- Hydraulics. W : C. Unwin C627 Un9 Hydromechanics. W: H: Besant C627 B42 Hydrostatics. W: H: Besant C532 B46 Illinois, Geolog. surv. Economical geology of Illinois C557.73 1163 Illinois, Geolog. surv. Reports, vols. 6, 7, 8, C557.73 116 Indiana, geolog. and nat. hist. Ann. rep., '74-'75, '80, '82-'86 C557.72 In2 Inst. of Civil Eng. Charter C620.6 In71 Inst. of Civil Eng. Education and status of civil engineers C620.7 In71 Inst. of Civil Eng. Engineering education in the British dominions C620.7 In7 Inst. of Civil Eng. Procee., '85-87, '89-92, C620.6 In7 Integral calculus. I : Todhunter C517.8 T56 Integral calculus. B: Williamson C517.H W67 Interoceanic communication. U. 8. bur. of Navig cr>;>r> r U 3 Japan, Seismol. Soc. of. Trans., '87, '89-90, '92 C551.22 J27 Jellett, J: H. Theory of friction C531.4 J39 Jenkin, F. Bridges C624 J41 Jevons, W: S. Principles of science C160 J53 Journal of analytical chemistry, '87-'89 .... C543.05 J82 Journal of comparative medicine and veter- inary archives, '88-'93 C619.05 J82 Journal of the association of engineering societies, '88-92 C620.5 J82 Judd, J : W. Volcanoes C551.2 J88 Jukes, J. B. School manual of geology. . .C550 J93 Kaiserliche akad. der wissens. Internation- ale polar foi-Kchung, '82-83 C919.8 Kll -15- Kaiserliche akad. der wissens. Sitzuugs, '87-'92 C506 Kll Kansas Acad. of Sci. Trans.,'77-'78, '85-'90, C506 K13 Kansas Sta. Hist. Soc. Bien. rep., '85-'88, '91-92 C978.1 St2 Kansas Sta. Hist. Soc. Trans., '85-88 C978.1 St2 Kansas university quarterly, '92 C505 K13 Kant, J. Critique of pure reason 0193 K13 Kater, H: and D. Lardner. Mechanics. . . .0531 K15 Kauffman, L.S. Manual for stock companies, 0347.7 K16 Kelland, P., and P: G. Tait. Quaternions. .C516. 8 K28 Kempe, A. B. How to draw a straight line, C510.8 K32 Kiev, Soc. of naturalists. Memoirs, '88-92, C506 K54 Kinematics of machinery. F. Eeauleaux. .0581 R31 Kinetic theory of gases. H: W: Watson. . .0533 7 W33 King, 0. Ed. See U. S. GEOLOG. SURVEY, Monographs. Klimatologie, handbook der. J. Harm. . . .0551.5 H19 Konig. Kaiser. Nat. His. Hofmus. Annal., '85-93 0587 K83 Kunz, G: F: Gems and precious stones. . .0553.8 K96 Kyiiaston, H. Extracts from Greek elegiac poets C884 K99 Lamb, H. Motion of fluids 0532.5 L16 Land and engineering surveying. T: Baker, 0625 B17 Laud surveying. H: J. Castle 0625 027 Laplace's Lame's and Bessel's functions. I: Todhuuter 0517 T56 Latham, J: H. Wrought-iron bridges .... 0624 L34 Law, H: Civil engineering 0620 L41 Lectures and essays. W: K. Clifford C104 061 Lenses and systems of lenses. C: Pendle- bury C535.8 P37 Levy, M. Statique graphique 0531.2 L59 -16- Liddell, H: G: and K. Scott. Greek-English lexicon C483.2 L61 Light. L. Wright C535 W93 Light as a means of investigation. G: G. Stokes C535 St6 Light, nature of. G: G. Stokes C535 St61 Linear drawing. E. A. Davidson C744 1)28 Liverpool Geolog. Soc. Procee., '85-92. . .C550.6 L75 Lock, A. E. Gold, its occurrence and ex- traction C669.2 L79 Locke, J: Human understanding C153 L79 Lockyer, J. N. Spectrum analysis C535.8 L81 Lockyer, J. N. Stargazing C522 L81 Locomotive engine. G. D. Dempsey CH21.1 1)39 Locomotive-engine driving. M. Reynolds. C621.1 R33 Lodge, O. J. Mechanics, el'y C531 L82 Logic. J. S. Mill C161 M59 Logic, deduction. A. Bain C162 B16 Logic, induction. A. Bain CK>1 BIG London, HI. Soc. of. Philosoph. trans., '80, part 2 C506L84 Loomis, E. Practical astronomy C522 L87 Lunar theory, el'y. H. Godfray C523.3 G54 Lyell, C: Geology C550 L98 Machine construction and drawing. E: Tomkins 0531 T591 Machine construction, principles of. E: Tomkius C531 T5911 Machine design, ed. 2. W: C. Unwin C531 I'n9 Machine design, ed. 4. W: C. Unwin C531 Un91 Machine tools. W: Sellers & Co C621.9 Se4 Machinery. W : J : M. Eankine C621.8 B16 Main, P. T: Plane astronomy C521 M28 Main, T: J., and T: Brown. Marine steam- engine C621.1 M28 Maine, H: S. Popular government C321 M28 Mallet, R. Great Neapolitan earthquake of 1857 C551.2 M29 Manchester, Geolog. Soc. Trans., '86-93 . . C550.6 M31 Manchester science lectures, '66-'67, 70-'76, C504 M31 Manitoba Hist, and Sci. Soc. Ann. rep., , '85 -'91, and Trans., '85-'91 C971.27 M31 Manual for stock companies. L. S. Kauff- maii C347.7 K16 Mare}- , E. J. Animal mechanism C591.5 M33 Marine steam-engine. T: J. Main and T: Brown C621.1 M28 Marriott, W: Hints to meteorological ob- servers C551.5 M34 Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Procee.,'84-'91, C607 M38 Mathematical and physical papers. G: G. Stokes C510 St6 Mathematical drawing instruments. F. E. Hulme C510.8 H87 Mathematical instruments, ed. 8. J: F. Heather C510.8 H351 Mathematical instruments, '77 ed. J: F. Heather C510.8 H35 Mathematical papers. G: Green C510 G82 Mathematical problems. J. Wolsteiiholme, C510.7 W83 Matter and motion. J. C. Maxwell C531 M45 Maxwell, J. C. Electricity, el'y C621.3 M451 Maxwell, J. C. Electricity and magnetism, C621.3 M45 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and motion C531 M45 Mechanical principles of engineering and architecture. H: Moseley ... C531 M85 Mechanical text-book. W: J: M. Rankine and E: F. Bamber. . . .0531 R16 - 18- Mechanical theory of heat. R. Clausins. . .C536.1 C5T Mechanics. H: Kater and D. Larduer. . . .0531 K13 Mechanics. O. J. Lodge 0531 L82 Mechanics. T: Tate C531 T18 Mechanics. I : Todhunter C531 T56 Mechanics. C: Tomlinson C531 T59 Mechanics. W: Walton C531 W17 Mechanics. See ENGINEERING MECHANICS . . C620.5 M46 Mechanics, hydrostatics and pneumatics. A. Privat-Deschanel 0531 P93 Mechanics' pocket-book. J : W. Nystrom . . C620.8 N99 Mechanism. T: M. Goodeve C531 G61 Mechanism. R. Willis C531 W67 Mechanism of the heavens. M: Soinerville, 0521 So5 Meriden Sci. Ascn. Trans., '87-90 0506 M54 Merrifield, 0: W. Technical arithmetic . . . 0511.8 M55 Metals, their properties and treatment. 0: L. Bloxam 0669 B69 Metallurgical review, ? 77-'78 0669.05 M56 Michigan, Geolog. surv. of. Rep., '69-'80. . 0557.74 M583 Michigan mineral statistics. Ann.rep.,'80-82,C557.74 M58 Mikroskop und die mikroskopische. H : Frey,C578 F89 Mikroskopische physiographie. R. Rosen- busch 0552.8 R72 Mill, J: S. Logic 0161 M59 Mill, J: S. Political economy 0330 M59 Miller, W : A. Chemistry- 0546 M61 Mills and mill-work. W: Fairbairns 0621.8 F15 Milne, J : Earthquakes 0551.2 M63 Mine ventilation. E. B. Wilson 0622.4 W69 Mineral physiology and physiography. T: S. Hunt 0550.4 H91 Mineral resources of the United States. U. S. Treas. Dept.,'66,'68,'70-'75,'82-'90, 0622 Un3 19 Mineralogical magazine aud journal, '76-'88, Great Britain and Ireland, ininer- alogical society of 0549.06 G79 Mineralogie. Ci Ff Naumann C549 N22 Mines and miners. L. L. Simonin 0622 Si5 Mines of Colorado. O. J. Hollister 0622 H72 Mining manual. H: R, Pomeroy 0622 P77 Minnesota Acad. of Nat. Sci. Bull.,'80-'89, 0506 M66 Minnesota, geolog. and nat. hist, survey of. Ann. rep.,'72, '75-'76, '78, '80-'88. .0557.76 M66 Bull. Nos. 1-6, 8 0557.76 M661 Final rep C557.76M6611 Missouri Botan. Gar. Rep., '90-93 0580.7 M69 Missouri, geolog. surv. of. Ann. rep., '54-55, and rep., '73-'74 0557.78 M69 Modern geometry. R: Townsend 0513.5 T66 Modern higher algebra. G: Salmon 0512.8 Sa3 Moon. R: A. Proctor C523.3 P94 Morgans, W: Stationary steam boilers. . . .C621.1 M82 Morthier, P. Flore analy tique Suisse 0581.94 M84 Moscow, Soc. Imp. Nat. Bull., '84-'92 0506 M85 Moseley, H: Mechanical principles of engi- neering and architecture 0531 M85 Motion of fluids. H. Lamb 0532.5 L16 Muir, T: Theory of determinants 0512.8 M89 Munich, K. v. Akad. der wissen. Sitzungs, '86-'92 C506 M92 Murchison, R. 1. Geological map of Eng- land 0654.2 M93 National Acad. of Sci. See U. S. NAT. ACAD. OF Sci. National geographic magazine, '88-'93 0551.4 N21 Natural philosophy. J: F: W: Herschel. . . 0530 H431 -20 Natural philosophy. W: Thomson and P: G. Tait 0531 T38 Naturalist's directory, '80, '90. S.E.Cassino, C500 027 Naumann, Ci F' Elementie der mineralogie, 0549 N22 New Brunswick Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., '85-91 C50C) N42 Newcomb, S. Popular astronomy C520 N43 New South Wales, dep. of mines. Ann. rep., '91, '92 0559.44 N471 New South Wales, dep. of mines. Mems of geolog. surv 0559.44 N4711 New South Wales, dep. of mines. Records of geolog. surv., '90-92 0559.44 N47 New South Wales, HI. Soc. of. Journal and Procee., '85, '87-91 0506 N47 Newton, Sir I:, life of. D: Brewster. 0925. 1 N48 Newton, I: Principia. P. Frost, ed 0531 N48 New York Acad. of Sci. Annals, '90, '93 ... O506 N481 New York Acad. of Sci. Trans., '82-'92 . . . 0506 N48 New York microscopical society journal, '85-'93 0578.06 N48 Nichol, J. P. Stellar universe C521 N5 1 Nicholson, H: A. Manual of zoology 0590 N52 1 Nicholson, 0: A. Text-book of zoology. . . .0590 N52 Northcott, W. H: Steam engine O621.1 N81 Nova Scotia Inst. Nat. Sci. Procee. and Trans., '78-'92 0506 N85 Nystrom, J : W. Mechanic's pocket-book . . 0620.8 N99 Ohio geolog. surv. Ann rep., '90 0557.71 Oh31 Ohio geolog. surv. Rep., vols. 2-6 0557.71 Oh3 Oliver, D: Botany O580 O14 Optics. S. Parkinson 0530 P22 Optique physique. E. Verdet 0535 Y5s Ore deposits. J: A. Phillips 0553.1 P54 -21- Organische chemie. E. F. Gorup-Besanez . C547 G68 Oscillation des quatre grauds glaciers. V. Payot 0551.3 P29 Ott, K: von. Graphic statics 0531.2 Ot8 Palaeozoic plants. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist . . . 0507 B77 Parker, J : H: Gothic architecture 0724.3 P22 Parkinson, 8. Optics O530 P22 Payot, V. Oscillation des cuatre grands glaciers f 0551.3 P29 Peabody Mus. of Amer. archae. and ethno. Ann. rep., '85-'90 C513.7 P31 Pearson, J. Tides C525.6 L96 Pendlebury, 0: Lenses and systems of lenses 0535.8 P37 Pennsylvania, Engrs.' Soc. of West. Pro- cee., '92-'93 0620.6 P38 Pennsylvania, geolog. surv. of. Ann. rap., '85-87 0557.48 P381 Pennsylvania, geolog. surv. of. Final rep. .0557.48 P3811 Pennsylvania, second geolog. surv. of. Rep., 57 vols C557.48 P38 Perry, J: Steam 0621.1 P42 Perry, J: Practical mechanics 0531 P42 Philadelphia, Acad. of Nat. Sci. Procee., '85-'93 C506 P53 Phillips, J: A. Ore deposits C553.1 P54 Photography. W: de W. Abney 0770 Ab7 Physical optics. R. T. Glazebrook C535 G46 Physical processes. B. Stewart and W. W. H. Gee C530 St4 Physiology. T: H: Huxley 0612 H98 Pirie, G: Rigid dynamics C531.3 P66 Plane and solid geometry. H : Angel 0513 An4 Plane astronomy. P. T: Main 0521 M28 22 Plane co-ordinate geometry, ed. 3. I : Tod- hunter 0513.2 T56 Plane co-ordinate geometry, ed. 4. I: Tod- hunter C513.2 T561 Plane curves in a biaxal crystal. R. T. Glazebrook ; .C535.3 G46 Plane geometry. Asc'n. for improv. of geo- met. teach C513.1 As7 Plane trigonometry. I: Todhunter C514 T5(> Planetary theory. C: H. H. Cheyue C521.5 C42 Polarisation of light. W: Spottiswoode . . .C535.5 Sp6 Political economy. J : S. Mill C330 M59 Pomeroy, H: R. Mining manual C622 P77 Pons en fer. J. Gaudard C624 G23 Popular astronomy. S. Newcomb C520 N43 Popular government. H: S. Maine C321 M28 Popular lectures on scientific subjects. H. L. F. Helmholtz C504 H36 Powell, J: W., director. See U. S. GEOLOG. AND GEOGRAPH. SURVEYS. Practical astronomy. E. Loomis C522 L87 Practical geometry. G: 8. Clarke C744 C55 Practical hydraulics. S: Downing C627 D75 Practical mechanics. J: Perry C531 P42 Practical physics. R. T. Glazebrook and W. N. Shaw C530 G40 Practical physics. A. M. Worthingtou C530 W89 Practical solid or descriptive geometry. J. H. Edgar and G: S. Pritchard. . C513.3 Ed3 Pratt, J: H. Attractions, etc 0517.3 P88 Precession of a viscous spheroid. G: H. Darwin C551.1 D25 Preece, W: H:, and J. Sivewright. Teleg- ? raphy C621.36 P91 Principles and practice of medicine. L. S. Beale . . . C61(> B3<> 23 - Principles of science. W: S. Jevons C160 J53 Privat-Deschanel, A. Heat 0536 P93 Privat-Deschanel, A. Mechanics, hydro- statics and pneumatics 0531 P93 Privat-Deschanel, A. Sound and light. . . .0534 P93 Proctor, R: A. Chance and luck 0519 P94 Proctor, E: A. Easy star lessons 0523.8 P94 Proctor, E: A. Moon 0523.3 P94 Proctor, E: A. Saturn 0523.4 P94 Proctor, E: A. Stars 0523.8 P941 Proctor, E: A. Sun 0523.7 P94 Production of the precious metals. U. S. treasury department: Mint, '80-'90, '92 C622Un311 Proofs of propositions. Asc'n. for improv. of geomet. teach 0513.1 As71 Psychology. A. Bain 0150 B16 Public domain. U. S. pub. land comsn .... 0353.2 Un3 Puckle, G. H. Conic sections C513.2 P96 Punctuation. J : Wilson C421.9 W69 Qualitative analysis. E. Galloway C544 G13 Qualitative chemical analysis. E. P. Harris, C544 H24 Quaternions. P. Kelland and P: G. Tait. . . C516.8 K28 Quebec, Geograph. Soc. of. Trans., '89-'92, 0551.4 Q3 Railway appliances. J: W. Barry 0625.1 B27 Eankine, W: J: M. Applied mechanics. . .0531 E161 Eankine, W: J: M. Civil engineering . . . .C620 E16 Eankine, W : J : M. Machinery 0621.8 E16 Eankine, W: J: M. Steam engine 0621.1 E16 Eankine, W: J: M. Miscellaneous scientific papers C504 E16 Eankine, W: J: M. Eules and tables 0620.8 E16 -24- Rankiue, W: J: M., and E: F. Bamber. Me- chanical text-book C531 KK5 Rassegna della scienze geologiche in Italia, '92 C550.5R19 Rath, G. vom. Sach und orts verzeichnis . . C012 R18 Rayleigh, lord. Clark cell as standard of electro-motive force C621.3 R21 Rayleigh, lord, and Mrs. H. Sidgwick. Elec- tro-chemical equivalent of silver. . . C621.3 R213 Raymond, R. W. American mines and mining C622 R21 Recent advances in physical science. P: G. Tait C530 T13 Redtenbacher, F. Construction des ma- chines C621 R24 Redtenbacher, F. Construction des organes des machines C621 R241 Resistance des foutes fers. Bauschinger. . . C625.2 B32 Reuleaux, F. Der constructeur 0(521 R31 Renleaux, F. Der Konstrukteur C621 R311 Reuleaux, F. Kinematics of machinery. . . Co31 R31 Reynolds, M. Locomotive-engine driving, C621.1 R33 Reynolds, O. Syllabus of engineering lec- tures at Owen's College C531 R33 Richter V: von. Kurzes lehrbuch der anor- ganischeu chemie C54H R41 Riddle, J. E. English-Latin dictionary. . . . C473.2 R43 Rigid dynamics. G: Pirie C531.3 P66 Rio Janeiro Mus. Nac. Archives, '76-'87 . . C507 R47 Rochester Acad. Sci. Procee, '89-'93 C506 R58 Roscoe, H: E. Chemistry, el'y C530 R71 Rosen busch, H. Mickroskopische physi- ographie C552.8 R72 Roulettes and glissettes. W: H. Besant. . . C516.2 B46 Routh, E: J: Dynamics of rigid bodies. . . .C531.3 R76 25- Royal astronomical society. Memoirs, '79.C520.6 R81 Eules and tables. D. K. Clark C620.8 C54 Rules ami tables. AV : J : M. Rankine C620.8 Rltt Sach und orts verzeichnis. G. vom Rath . . C012 R18 St. Gall, naturwis.gesells. Berichte, '88-91, C506 Sa23 St. Louis Acad. of Sci. Charter C506 Sa21 St. Louis Acad. of Sci. Trans., '78-'93. . . .C506 Sa2 St. Petersburg, L'acad. imp. des. sci. de. Bull., '87-'92 C506 Sa25 Salmon, G: Analytic geometry of three dimensions C51G Sa3 Salmon, G: Conic sections, ed. 4 C513.2 Sa3 Salmon, G: Conic sections, ed. 6 C513.2 Sa31 Salmon, G: Higher plane curves C513.4 Sa3 Salmon, G: Modern higher algebra C512.8 Sa3 Salter, F. Economy in use of steam C621.1 Sa4 Sammtliche Werke; Reisebilder. H. Heine, C833 H36 Saturn. R: A. Proctor C523.4 P94 Sauer, C: M. Corrige des themes C455 Sa81 Sauer, C: M. Grammaire Italienne C455 Sa8 Scheffel, J. V : von. Ekkehard C833 Sch2 Schelleu, H. Spectrum analysis C535.8 Sch2 School of mines, quarterly, '89-'93 C622.05 Sch6 Science, '88-93 Science and culture. T: H: Huxley C504 H98 Scientific chemistry. F: S. Barff C540 B23 Scientific papers, miscellaneous. W: J: M. Rankine '. C504 R16 Sellers, W: & Co. Machine tools 0621.9 Se4 Shelley, C: P. B. Workshop appliances. . .C621.9 Sh4 Shenstone, W. A. Glass blowing, methods. C666.1 Sh4 Sidgwick, H: History of ethics C170.9 Sil Simoiiin, L. L. Mines and miners C622 Si5 Smith, H. P. Glossary of terms and phrases, C423 Sm5 Smith, J. H. Arithmetic C511 Smo Smith, J. H. Geometry C513 Smo Smithsonian Inst. Ann. rep., '54-'90, w. '58, '59, '62 C506 Un35 Smithsonian Inst. Exploration of the Col- orado river C917.8 P87 Smithsonian Inst. Miscel. collec., vols. 13, 1, 18-27, No.745 C506 UnBSll Solid geometry. P. Frost C513.3 F92 Solid geometry. W: S. Aldis C513.3 A12 Solid geometry and conic sections. J. M. Wilson C513.3 W69 Somerville, M. Mechanism of the heavens, C521 So5 Sorghum sugar industry. U. S. Nat. Acad. of Sci C6641 Un3 Sound. J: Tyudall C534 T97 Sound and light. A. Privat-Deschanel . . . . C534 P93 Sound and music. S. Taylor 0534 T21 South Kensington Mus. Collection of sci- entific apparatus C507 So8 Spectroscopes and spectrum apparatus. J. Browning C535.8 B82 Spectrum analysis. J. N. Lockyer C535.8 L81 Spectrum analysis. H. Schelleii C535.8 Sch2 Spencer, H. First principles C192 Sp3 Spherical harmonics. N. M. Ferrers C517.3 F41 Spherical trigonometry. I: Todhunter C514.6 To(j Spottiswoode, W: Polarisation of light. . .C535.5 Sp6 Stargazing. J. N. Lockyer Co22 L81 Stars. E: A. Proctor C523.8 P941 Stationary steam boilers. W: Morgans . . .C621.1 M82 Statique graphique. M. Levy C531.2 L59 Statistics of mines and mining. U. S. treas. dep.... C622 Un3 Steam. J: Perry C621.1 P42 91 A I Steam, economy in use of. F: Salter C621.1 Sa3 Steam and steam-engine. H: Evers C621.1 Ev2 Steam-engine. J. A. Galbraith C621.1 G13 Steam engine. W. H: Northcott C721.1 N81 Steam engine. W: J: M. Rankine C621.1 E16 Steam engine as a heat engine. J. H. Cot- terill ! C621.1 C82 Steam engine, history of. R. H: Thurston, C621.1 T42 Steiermark, nat. his. vereinesfuer, niittheil, '85-'92 C506 St3 Stellar universe. J. P. Nichol C521 N51 Stewart, B. and W. W. H. Gee. Electricity and magnetism C621.3 St4 Stewart, B. and W. W. H. Gee. Physical processes C530 St4 Stockholm, Soc. Entoin. a. Journal, '92. . .C595.7 St6 Stokes, G: G. Light as a means of investi- gation C535 St6 Stokes, G: G. Light, nature of C5B5 St61 Stokes, G: G. Mathematical and physical papers C510 St6 Stoney, B. B. Theory of strains in girders, C624.2 St7 Strength of materials. J: Anderson C620.1 An2 Sun. R: A. Proctor C523.7 P94 Sun. C: A: Young C523.7 Y8 Sun heat and terrestrial radiation. . S: Haughton C551.5 H29 Syllabus of engineering lectures at Owen's College. O. Reynolds C531 R33 Tacubaya, observ. astro, iiac. de. Ann., '90. .0520.9 Til Tait, P: G. Recent advances in physical science C530 T13 Tait, P: G. Thermodynamics C531.3 T13 Tait, P: G. and W: J: Steele. Dynamises of a particle C531.3 T133 28- Tate, T: Mechanics C531 T18 Taylor, C: Ancient and modern geometry, C513.2 T2111 Taylor, C: Geometrical conies C513.2 T211 Taylor, C: Geometry of conies, el'y C513.2 T21 Taylor, S. Sound and music C534 T21 Technological quarterly, '87, '92 C<>05 T22 Technologisches worterbuch Deutsch-En- glish-Franzosich. C. von Albert.. C443. 3 A12 Telegraphy. W: H: Preece and J. Sive- wright C621-H6 P91 .Theorie der elasticitat. F. Grashof C539.3 G76 Theorie mecanique de la chalenr. C: Briot, C536.1 B77 Theory of determinants. T: Muir C512.8 M89 Theory of equations. 1: Todlmnter 0512.8 T56 Theory of friction. J. H. Jellett C531.4 J39 Theory of strains in girders. B. B. Stoney, C624 St7 Thermodynamics. P: G. Tait C531.3 T13 Thompson, S. P. Apprenticeship schools in France C607 T37 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric ma- chinery C621.31 T37 Thompson, S. P. Electricity and magnetism, C621.3 T37 Thomson, W: Elasticity C539.3 T38 Thomson, W: Electricity and magnetism, C621.3 T38 Thompson, W: and P: G. Tait. Natural phi- losophy C531 T38 Thorpe, R: O. T. Exercises in arithmetic, Coll T39 Three cruises of the " Blake." A. Agassiz, H2(> Three kingdoms. H. H. Ballard C507 B21 Thurston, R. H: History of steam-engine. C621.1 T42 Tides. J. Pearson C525.6 L96 Todlmnter, I: Algebra C512 T56 Todlmnter, I: Algebra for beginners Col 2 T501 Todhuuter, I: Analytical geometry C516 T5f> Todhunter, I: Analytical statics C531.2 To6 -29 Todhunter, I: Calculus, differential C517.2 T56 Todhunter. I: Calculus, integral C517.3 T56 Todhunter, I : Euclid C513 T56 Todhunter, I: Functions, Laplace's, Lame's and Bessel's C517 T56 Todhunter, I: Mechanics C531 T56 Todhunter, I: Plane co-ordinate geometry. ed. 3 .C513.2 T56 Todhunter, I: Plane co-ordinate geometry, ed. 4 C513.2 T561 Todhunter, I: Theory of equations C512.8 T56 Todhunter, I: Trigonometry, plane C514 T56 Todhunter, I: Trigonometry, spherical . . . C514.6 T56 Tomkins, E: Machine construction and drawing C531 T591 Tomkins, E: Principles of machine con- struction C531 T5911 Tomlinson, C: Mechanics C531 T59 Torremoto. P. Bettoli C853 B46 Townsend, R: Modern geometry C513.5 T66 Toxic effect of tubercle bacillus. Acad. of Nat. Sci C616.995 Acl Trilinear co-ordinates. N. M. Ferrers C516.5 F41 Turning and mechanical manipulation. C: Holtzapffel C621.9 H74 Tyndall, J: Heat as a mode of motion, ed.2, C536.J T97 Tyndall, J : Heat as a mode of motion, ed.4, C536.1 T971 Tyndall, J: Sound C534 T97 Undulatory theory of optics. G: B. Airy. .C535.1 Ai7 U. S., bur. of ethno. Ann. rep., '80-'86. . . .C572 Uii3 U. S., bur. of ethno. Bull., '87-92 C572 Uu31 U. S., bur. of navig. Interoceanic commu- nication . . C656 Un3 -30- U. S., cf. of eng. Third interuational geo- graphical congress, '81 C550.G Un3 U. S., cf. signal office. Arctic ser. pubs., vol. 3, C590 Un3 U. S. coast surv. Ann. rep., '51-'90 w. '69, '72 C551.4 Un3 U. S. coast surv. Catalogue of charts. . . . .C551.4 Un31 U. S. geograph. and geolog. surv. Rocky Mtn. reg. Contributions to N.Amer. ethnology, vols. 2, 5-7 C572.97 Un33 U. S. geograph. and geolog. surv. Reps, Nos. 3, 5-8 C557.3Un3552 U. S. geograph. surv. w. of 100". Ann. rep., '76-'79 C557.3 Un35551 U. S. geograph. surv. w. of 100. Rep., vols. 1, 4, 6, 7 C557.3 Un355 U. S. geolog. and geograph. surv. of territo- ries. Ann. rep., '73-'78 C557.3Un3512 U. S. geolog. and geograph. surv. of territo- ries. Ball., '78-82 C557 Un3 U. S. geolog. and geograph. surv. of territo- ries. Rep., vols. 1-3, 5-13 C557.3 Un35 U. S. geolog. and geograph. surv. of territo- ries. Miscel. pubs., vols. 1, 8, 12. .C557.3Un3513 U.- S. geolog. surv. Ann. rep., '79-89 C557.3 Un31 U. S. geolog. surv. Ball., '83-'92 C557.3 Un3 U. S. geolog. surv. Mono., vols. 1-18, 20.. .C557.3 Un311 U. S. geolog. surv. of Nebraska. Final rep., C557.3 Un3511 (j. S. geolog. surv. of territories. Ann. rep., '67-'72 C557.3 Un351 U. S. land office. Geolog. surv. of Wiscon- sin, etc 0557.7 Un3 U. S. Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mems., '83-'89. . .C506 I'n3 U. S. Nat. Acad. of Sci. Rep., '87-'89 ('5(>r> r..31 U. S. Nat. Acad. of Sci. Sorghum sugar in- dustry Cf)64.1 Un3 -31- U. S. Nat. Mus. Ann rep., '84-' 91 C50(> Un351 U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull., '75-'91 C506 Un353 U. S. Nat. Mus. Procee., '78-'83, '87-'91. . .0506 Un352 U. S. pub. land comsu. Public domain. . . .0353.2 Uii3 U. S. treasury dep. Mineral resources of the U. S., '66, '68, '70-'75, '82 -'91. .0622 Uii3 U. S. treasury dep.: mint. Ann. rep, '76, '78, '80-'86, '89 0622 Un31 U. !S. treasury dep.: mint. Production of precious metals, '80-'90, '92 0622 Uii311 Universal exhibition of 1855. Canada 0606 Un3 University studies, '88-'92 0505 Un3 Unwin, W: 0. Hydraulics 0627 Un9 Unwin, W: 0. Machine design, ed. 2 0535 Un9 Unwin, W: C. Machine design, ed. 4 0531 Un91 Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines C620.3 Ur2 Valve gears. G. Zeuner 0621.1 Z5 Vassar brothers' inst. Trans, '84-90, w. '86, 0506 V44 Vaucloise, societe, des sciences naturelles. Bull., '93 0506 V46 Verdet, E. Optique physique 0535 V58 Vermont, geology of. Rep., 2 vols 0557.43 V59 Victoria, Rl. Soc. of. Trans and procee., '87-'91 0506 V66 Volcanoes. J : W. Judd 0551.2 J88 Walton, W: Problems in mechanics 0531 W17 Watson, H : W: Kinetic theory of gases. . . 0533.7 W33 Watson, H : W : Plane and solid geometry . 0513 W33 Weatherley, L. A. Ambulance lectures.. . .0617.1 W37 Werkzeuge der tiere. D. Graber 0591.5 G75 Wessely, I. E. Eng.-Ger. and Ger.-Eng. dic- tionary 0433.2 W51 Western Scottish fossils. J. Armstrong etal. 0560 Ar5 32 Whitaker, W: Geological record, '76 C016.55 W58 Whitworth, W: A. Choice and chance .... C519 W61 Williams, S. F. Arithmetic and algebra. . .0511 A\ (57 Williamson, A. W. Chemistry 0540 W61 Williamson, B: Calculus, differential C517.2 W>7 Williamson, B: Calculus, integral C517.3 W67 Willis, K. Mechanism C531 W67 Wilson, E. B. Mine ventilation C622.4 W69 Wilson, J. M. Solid geometry and conic sec- tions C513.3 WC.i) Wilson, J : Punctuation C421.9 W69 Wilson, R. Boiler and factory chimneys. .C697.1 W69 Wisconsin Acad. of Sci., etc. Procee.,'70-'91, C506 W75 Wisconsin, geology of. Survey of '73-'77, vols. 2, 3 C557.75 W75 Wisconsin, Sta. Hist. Soc. of. Ann. rep., '55-56, '65, '87, '89-'93 C977.5 W75 Wisconsin, Sta. Hist. Soc. of. Trien. cata. of port, gallery, '89, 92 C977.5 W751 Wolstenholme, J. Mathematical problems, C510.7 W83 Workshop appliances. C: P. B. Shelley.. .C621. 9 Sh4 Worthington, A. M. Practical physics C530 W89 Wright, G: N. Eton Greek grammar C485 W93 Wright, L. Light C535 W93 Wrought iron bridges. J: H. Latham C624 L34 Wyoming Hist, and Geolog. Soc. Procee.,'82,C978.7 W99 Xenophon. Anabasis C888 X2 Year book of scientific and learned societies, '87 C506 Y3 Young, C: A: Sun C523.7 Y8 Young, F. Every man his own mechanic. .('.'WO Y8 Zeuner, G. Valve gears C621.1 /"> Zoology, manual of. H: A. Nicholson C690 N521 Zoology, text-book of. H: A. Nicholson. . .C590 N52 UNIVERSITY f^ r TAIIFORMA. LOS ANGELES Lithomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif JAN. 21, 1908 2881 C71c 1893