J3N1V. OF CAU TRADESMEN'S TOKENS, CURRENT IN LONDON AND ITS VICINITY BETWEEN THE YEARS 1648 AND 1672. DESCRIBED FROM THE ORIGINALS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, AND IN SEVERAL PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. JOHN YONGE AKERMAN, FELLOW AND SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON. " The tokens which every tavern and tippling-house (in the days of late anarchy among us) presum'd to stamp and utter for immediate exchange, as they were passable through the neighbourhood, which, tho' seldom reaching further than the next street or two, may, happily, in after-times come to exercise and busie the learned critic what they should signifle-" Evtlyn's Xumismata. LONDON: JOHN KUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE. M.DCCC.XLIX. LONDON: PRINTED EY JOHN 1 \TERTHEIJIEI! AND CO., CIROTS PLACE, FINSBURT CIRCUS. UNW.OFCAUF.UBRARY.LOSANGELE4 Stack Annex Cage cj L8A3 TO EDWARD HAWKINS, ESQ., F.R.S. F.S.A. F.L.S. KEEPER OF THE ANTIQUITIES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. PREFACE. NOTWITHSTANDING the dictum of Pinkerton, many persons are yet found who collect Tradesmen's Tokens ; and even in Germany, where not a tittle of Numismatic evidence is slighted or despised, these media of"charitie and change" are not considered unworthy the attention of those who can appreciate a better and a more legitimate coinage. When we committed to the hands of our printer, some time since, a list of Tokens issued by Wiltshire Tradesmen in the 17th century, 1 we had some mis- givings as to its reception by our French friends. Our uneasiness on this head has however diminished ; and a paper in the Revue Numismatique 2 on the Brummagem satirical medalets, struck in this coun- try, in ridicule of Tom Paine and the Jacobins of his day, assures us that even such trifles as these are occasionally not unworthy the notice of the learned and practised numismatist. 3 It must be confessed that, as mere works of art, they have nothing to interest us ; but it is submitted that, as containing a list of names only, they may not 1 Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. VIII. p. 97. 2 Annee 1845, p. 459. 3 M. de Longperier has not thought them beneath his notice, but in the following number of the " Revue," instructs his countrymen in the double entendre of their equivocal legends and bizarre types. 11 PEEFACE. be without their use, and may comprise information of some value to the antiquary and the genealogist. Whether they are now " collected by some antiqua- ries with an avidity truly puerile," as the aforesaid authority assures us they were in his days, it is not our business to inquire ; but we protest against his sweeping assertion, that " not one purpose of taste, information or curiosity can be drawn from them." " It need hardly be added," he continues, " that they are recommended to the supreme scorn of the reader, who may justly regard the studying or collecting of them, along with the admiration of Counters, as beneath any man of taste." 4 Now, although we yield to none in admiration of the classic beauty of the coins of Greece and Rome, we do not utterly reject the humble record of Trades- men's Tokens. Though they bear not "copies of several statues that have had the politest nations of the world fall down before them;" 5 though they record no victories, bear no pompous and high sound- ing inscriptions, nor the effigies of dynasties which have gone down the stream of time, they yet cannot be without interest to many. Many of the tokens comprised in the following list were issued by the keepers of coffee-houses and taverns, 6 4 Essay on Medals, vol. ii. p. 83, ed. 1789. 5 Addison's Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals, p. 15, ed. 1753. 6 Few persons will require to he reminded, that every tradesman once had his particular sign, and that, when the houses in streets were not numbered, such a practice was not without its use. A few shops and houses of business may yet be found in London, especially the old established ones, that have not entirely discarded their signs, and they may still be seen occupying the place of a pane in the win- PREFACE. Ill and, on that account, are not altogether destitute of historical interest. Tavern signs change with the times: Henry the Eighth, Elizabeth, The Palgrave, Monk, and in more modern days, " Vernon, the butcher Cumberland, Wolfe, Hawke, Prince Ferdinand, Granby, Burgoyne, Keppel, Howe, Evil and good, have had their tithe of talk, And filled their sign-posts then, like Wellesley now." A chapter of some length might be written on these changes, and the causes that led to them. There are other mutations, not affected by political events, which alehouse and tavern signs, and their designations, have undergone. Every body knows that " The Satyr and Bacchanals" became in, due time " The Satyr and Bag o' Nails," and that the puritan " God encompasseth us," was profaned to " The Goat and Compasses!" that the gallant Sir Cloudesley lives in the " Ship and Shovel ;" and that the faithful Governor of Calais "Caton fidele" is immortalised in the " Cat and Fiddle !" Nor is it necessary to remind the reader that it was proposed, with the addition of a few touches of the painter's brush, to convert the goodly effigies of Sir Roger de Coverley into a Saracen's Head ! The constant occurrence of Blue Boars, Red dow. One or two bankers, too, do not disdain to exhibit their ancient cognizance over the door. Messrs. Hoare display the golden bottle over the entrance of then* elegant new house of business. Childs, the bankers, bore the marigold, which may still be seen within their office. The " New View of London," 8vo. 1 708, mentions, as a thing worthy of notice in Prescott- street, Goodman's-fields, that, " instead of signs, the houses here are distinguished by numbers, as the staircases in the Inns of court and chancery." iv PEEFACE. Lions, Black Bulls, Golden Falcons, etc. are evidence of the heraldic origin of tavern signs; and the royal cognizances of course figure among them ; we have thus the White Hart of the unfortunate Richard the Second, the White Swan of Henry the Fifth, the White Boar of Richard the Third, and the Red Dragon and the Greyhound of the Tudor family. The full- blown rose surmounted by an arched crown, and commonly designated " The Rose and Crown," pro- bably had its origin in the reign of Henry the Eighth, it being the device on the reverse of the testoon or shilling of that king. The number and variety of signs in use by tavern- keepers alone is well described in a song in Hey- wood's " Rape of Lucrece," 1st ed. 1608. The gentry to the King's Head, The nobles to the Crown, The Knights unto the Golden Fleece, And to the Plough the clown. The churchman to the Mitre, The shepherd to the Star, The gardener hies him to the Rose, To the Drum the man of War ; To the Feathers, ladies, you ; the Globe The seaman doth not scorn : The usurer to the Devil, and The townsman to the Horn. The huntsman to the White Hart, To the Ship the merchants go, But you that do the Muses love, The sign called River Po. The banquerout to the World's End, The fool to the Fortune hie, Unto the Mouth the oyster- wife, The fiddler to the Pie. The punk unto the Cockatrice, The drunkard to the Vine, The beggar to the Bush, then meet, And with Duke Humphry dine. PREFACE. V While, a century later, the British Apollo records them thus : I 'm amused at the signs As I pass through the town, To see the odd mixture A Magpie and Crown ; The Whale and the Crow ; The Razor and Hen ; The Leg and Seven Stars ; The Axe and the Bottle ; The Tun and the Lute ; The Eagle and Child ; The Shovel and Boot. Several of the tokens here described are of taverns in the vicinity of the Inns of Court and Temple Bar, the great thoroughfare from the city to the west end. This neighbourhood, though it has undergone many changes, still preserves some relics of its former state. Its taverns snug enough when you reach them at the ends of narrow courts ; its quaint- looking houses ; Bell-yard and Shire-lane, 7 with their ancient tenements huddled together and cramped for room, all tend to convey an idea of what London was in old times. The list which follows is a fair average sample of the quasi currency which provoked the scorn of Evelyn, and inundated the country in the middle of the 17th century, supplying " small change'' to dealers and chapmen, until a legitimate coinage of farthings succeeded. 8 7 This for a long time was a horrible den. An attempt has been recently made, we believe, to purge it of its abominations. Shire- lane appears to have had an equivocal reputation in the 1 7th cen- tury. Here lodged that audacious villain, Titus Gates, while the town, and indeed all England, was ringing with accounts of pretended plots against the State. 8 Ruding, in his "Annals," under the year 1 665, seems to doubt, that the farthings with CAROLVS A CAROLO were ever in circulation ; but VI PREFACE. There appears to have been some great general manufactory of these Tokens ; for, with very few ex- ceptions, the devices and legends are arranged in the same manner for the several trades, who frequently adopted the arms of the Company to which they belonged. Numerous examples exhibit an ad libitum mode of spelling which clearly indicates that the legends were often engraved from copies furnished by the illiterate utterers themselves : thus, we have " Gra- cious-street" for Gracechurch-street, " Pickled Hirne" for Pickled Herring, and other examples of vicious orthography very characteristic of the period. This, indeed, is sometimes so bad as absolutely to require the accompaniment of a device ; for without a repre- sentation of the object chosen for a cognizance, some might doubt whether " The Hores Show" was in reality the Horse-shoe, or " The Grave Moryes," 9 the sign of Maurice, Prince of Nassau. It has been observed by a celebrated writer, that those events which excite the wonder and surprise of posterity, occasion but slight remark at the period of their occurrence; and we, who now marvel that such a coinage as that under notice could be tole- rated by an English Government scarcely two cen- turies ago, almost forget the spurious issue of the Birmingham Mints in the reign of George the Third. The tokens here described were not issued by the keepers of "taverns and tippling-houses" alone, as Evelyn would leave us to infer, but, as would appear, the fact that they are, at this time, very common, and that many are much worn, shews that they must have been current. 9 See Nos. 1134-5, p. 122. PREFACE. Vll by tradesmen generally, except booksellers, in every town in England. A specimen by a Chichester bookseller is remarkable : % Ob. ANNE MICHELL . IN . 1669. A book with clasps. Rev. BOOKSELLER, CHICHESTER. In the field, HER HALF PENY. It seems probable, however, that Mistress Michell joined some other trade to that of bookselling, like many dealers in country towns at the present day. While the signs of London tradesmen are nearly obliterated and extinct, many old houses of entertain- ment defy both time and change, and still exhibit their ancient cognizance. Of those to be found in our list, the following yet remain : The Salutation, Billingsgate. The Bull, Bishopsgate-street. The Bull and Mouth, Blooms- bury. The Hole-in-the-Wall, Chan- cery-lane. The Lion and Key, Thames- street. The Old Swan, Thames-street. The Castle, Wood-street. The Feathers, Holborn. The Bunch of Grapes, Hounds- ditch. The Mitre, Fleet-street. The Black Raven, Bishopsgate Without. The King's Head, Holborn. The Seven Stars, Rosemary- lane. The Red Lion, Ratcliff. The Cock, Bow-lane. The White Bear, Bride-lane. The Belle Sauvage, Ludgate- hill. The Globe, Holborn. The Black Boy and Camel, Leadenhall- street . The Cock, Fleet-street. If we were without other evidence, this pseudo moneta would give us a tolerably accurate idea of the length and breadth of plague-haunted London in the 17th century; but it does more: it shews us very clearly what neighbourhoods, before the great fire, abounded with shops kept by dealers in small wares, and the changes made in certain localities on the rebuilding of the city. In this way we learn how a tavern of some repute and also a coffee-house could Vlll PREFACE. have existed on Dowgate-hill, or small shops have been clustered about Puddle Dock. It must be obvious to those who may look through these lists, that tavern and tradesmen's signs gave he name to numerous streets and thoroughfares ; hence the Half- Moon-courts, Angel-alleys, Bell-yards, Star- courts and others still existing in London, as well as in country towns. In the same manner, no doubt, Giltspur-street received its designation from some well-known house displaying the sign of the Gilt Spur, and not, as the old chroniclers fancifully deduced it, from the procession of knights with their gilt spurs passing along this thoroughfare to the jousts in Smithfield. In repeating our conviction that these Tokens may occasionally assist the genealogical inquirer, we would refer the reader to a very curious article in the Numismatic Journal, by Captain W. H. Smyth, 10 who, by the production of a few pieces of this de- scription once current in Bedford, astonished and confounded the magnates of that town, and silenced for ever their cry of " Bedford born." 11 JOHN YONGE AKERMAN. Society of Antiquaries' Apartments, New Year's Day, 1849. 10 Vol.1, p. 139. 1 The gallant Captain has deposited in the British Museum the fourteen tokens forming his evidence. REFERENCES TO THE PLATES.* SIGN or NAME. LOCALITY. ofTokeni 1. The Turk's Head Exchange Alley 640 2. The Turk's Head Ludgate 1'238 3. The Turk's Head St.PauTs t 4. The Sultaness Sweeting's Rents 2097 5. The Turk's Head Leadenhall Street 1114 6. The Turk's Head Bread Street 289 7. The Turk's Head Carter Lane end 336 8. The Turk's Head Tower Royal t 9. The Ship Ship Yard t 10. The Boar's Head Strand t 11. The Saracen's Head Westminster 2336 12. The Ship Temple Bar 2122 13. The Whale Bone New Cheapside 1329 14. The Three Horse- shoes Piccadilly 1499 15. The Three Tuns Bedlam 158 16. The Drake Bell Yard 143 17. The Dolphin King Street ...'. 1071 18. The Bell and Three Cranes Sauoy 1831 19. The Pageant Charing Cross 386 20. The Tankard Drury Lane 580 21. The Hole in the Wall Chancery Lane 368 22. The King's Head Chancery Lane end 370 23. The King's Head '.....Fleet Street 737 24. The Canary House Strand f 25. The Cannoneer Fleet Street 709 * The plates have been engraved from drawings of the originals, kindly presented by Mr. Nightingale. The Tokens marked thus (f) have been omitted in the catalogue, a fire at our printers having destroyed that portion of the " copy" in which they were described. vi REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. SIGN or NAME. LOCALITY. o? Token. 26. The Feathers Holborn 921 27. ThePalgrave Temple Bar 2122 28. The George and the Dragon Cheapside Market 403 29. The Tarlton Wheelers Street 2350 30. The Devil and Dunstan Temple Bar f 31. The Castle Wood Street 2442 32. The Duke of Albemarle Tilt Yard 218 33. TheSixBells Dove Court 1177 34. The Bull and Mouth Bloomsbury 265 35. The Salutation Billingsgate 164 36. The Man in the Moon Cheapside 418 37. TheFleece Holborn 962 38. The Star Coleman Street 477 39. The Queen's Head Holborn 969 40. The Cross Shovells Bow Street 282 41. The Mermaid Bow Lane 281 42. The Woodmonger's Arms ...Whitefriars 2401 43. The Sun and Moor's Head ...Moorgate 1322 44. The Bear Bridge-foot 307 45. The Sugar Loaf London Bridge 1179 46. The King's Head Old Fish Street 1428 47. The Lobster Strand 2061 48. The Half Moon Half-Moon Court 859 49. The Man in the Moon Wapping t 50 The Have atit Dowgate Hill. 560 51. The Will Somers Old Fish Street 1427 52. The Lion and Still Billingsgate 161 53. The Ferry Boat ' Somers Key f 54. The King's Head Southwark f 55. The Mitre Fleet Street 722 56. The King's Head Bishopsgate Within f 57. The Frying Pan Paul's Wharf f KEFERENCES TO THE PLATES. Vll SIGN or NAME. LOCALITY. o ? TWcen 58. The Cock Snow Hill 1928 59. The Horse and Cart Whitefriars t 60. The Green House Little Moorfields 1312 61. The Bird and Wheatsheaf ...Drury Lane 588 62. The Horse-shoe The Park, Southwark 1457 63. The Blackamoor's Head West Smithfeld 1902 64. Robin-Hood & Little John Chiswell Street 433 65. The Rainbow Fleet Street 711 66. The Turk's Head Panier Alley 1449 67. The Turk's Head Barbican Ill 68. The Black Dog Newgate 1355 69. The Hand and Cup Holborn 933 70. The Nag's Head Foster Lane 750 71. The Hand and Coffee-pot Cheapside 404 72. The Wheat-sheaf. Pye Corner 1514 73. The Rose Covent Garden 498 74. The Rose Russell Street 1644 75. The Exchange Poultry 1535 76. The Hercules Pillars Fleet Street 734 77. TheMitre Westminster t 78. The Turk's Head Threadneedk Street f 79. The Lord Craven Bishopsgate Without 212 80. Arthur Hall Three Nun Alley t 81. Thomas Morice Channell or Cannon Row ... 323 82. The Belle Sauvage Ludgate Hill 1233 83. TheMitre Fenchurch Street 668 84. TheRainbow(?) Bankside(*) t 85. The Three Loggerheads Tooley Street t 86. The Dock-head Srewhouse ...Dockhead t 87. The Shepherd and Dog Tooley's Gate 2189 88. Will. West . ...Star Corner .. . 2000 Vlll REFERENCES TO WOODCUTS. PLATE VIII. LEADEN TOKENS FOUND IN LONDON. These Tokens were found in London about three years since, and are supposed to have been once current in the Metropolis. See Introduction, p. 5. REFERENCES TO WOOD CUTS. SIGN. LOCALITY. The Boar's Head Great Eastclieap. Introduction, pp. 16 & 95. No. 830. The Mermaid Cheapside. No. 415. p. 53. The Cock Fleet Street. No. 729. p. 84. The Boar's Head Great Eastcheap. No. 828. p. 94. Jettons , Introduction, pp. 4 and 5. tON!3ON COFFEE HOUSE . TAVER* AN D H?ADE*EN'S TOKENS- II. S4..O&. LONDON COFFEE HOUSE AND TAVERN TOKENS- LONDON COFFEE HOUSE AND TAVERN TOKENS. ACT/ HA. Offa. LONDON COFFEE HOUSE. TAVERN AND TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. LONDON COFFEE HOUSE, TAVERN AND LONDON COFFEE HOUSE, TAVERN AN D TRADESM EN'S TOKENS. ss LONDON COFFEE HOUSE, TAVERN AND TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. VIII. . Ocrjr. d*l ft sculpt. . TRADESMEN'S TOKENS, ETC., ETC, INTRODUCTION. THE following remarks, though comprising little that is not known to those who are conversant with the history of our English coinage, are, nevertheless, a not inappropriate intro- duction to an account of the tokens or representatives of lawful money, current in London, and, indeed, throughout all England, from the year 1648, down to the year 1672. In these days of civilisation and consequent luxury, it is dif- ficult to conceive how trade and commerce were carried on in times when the penny was the chief coin, and when its half and quarter were the only divisions, if we except the stycas of the northern provinces, to which their circulation appears to have been exclusively confined. These last mentioned pieces were of copper (the penny, and its half and quarter, being of silver), and their current value was the eighth of a penny, as we learn from the gospels of Ulphilas, where the words "two mites," are rendered " two stycas." The weight of the Saxon penny was originally twenty-four grains; but, like that of the Greek and Roman coins, this weight appears to have been quickly reduced, and the pennies of the last Saxon monarch weigh, on an average, but '22 grains. From the Norman Conquest to the reign of Henry VIII. , the weight of the English penny or sterling gradually decreased, and at length dwindled in size to a mere spangle, so liable to be lost that, in the reign of Elizabeth, her advisers began to talk of a coinage of this piece in some baser metal; suggestions towards which the queen manifested the greatest repugnance. B 2 TRADESMEN S TOKENS. Long, however, before the English penny had shrunk to its diminutive size, the want of small change was severely felt by the people of England ; by the humble in the purchase of the cheaper necessaries of life, and by the rich in charitable distri- bution, when alms-giving was more general, or at least prac- tised with less discrimination, than at the present day. Loud and oft repeated complaints were made, and petitions addressed to Parliament, praying for a relief from this grievance, which appears to have pressed most severely on the poor. Although, in the days of the Anglo-Saxon kings, half-pence were certainly coined, their issue must have been extremely limited; and but a few solitary specimens exist at the present day in the cabinets of our collectors. The pennies of Edward the Confessor are common to excess ; but only two examples of the half-pence of that king are known to exist. From the Conquest to the reign of Edward I., no English half-pence, or farthings, are known; but there are half-pence and farthings of John struck in Ireland. In the year 1279, an attempt was made to reform the English coinage, and a very large mintage of pen- nies, half-pence, and farthings took place; but the last men- tioned are by no means common, while the pennies of the London Mint still abound; it may, therefore, be inferred that the pieces of the smaller denomination then minted were in very small proportion to the penny: indeed, this conjecture seems warranted by the fact, that in the reign of Eichard II., A.D. 1330, the Commons again represented the great incon- veniences which they sustained from the want of half-pennies and farthings, with which they had been accustomed to pur- > chase small quantities of bread and beer, but which were then wanting all over England. They, therefore, petitioned that such coins might be made and circulated amongst the common people to their great relief, and that out of every pound weight coined, there should be made three-fourths of half-pennies and farthings, of the same weight and fineness as heretofore.* The answer to * The terms of these petitions are curious. They state that when a poor man purchased victuals and other necessaries, II perdra son denier; an expres- sion which implies that he received no change, if the commodities purchased amounted to a less sum than a penny. INTRODUCTION. 3 this was, that a certain quantity should be made for the ease of the people, with the advice of the Council.* The state of the English coinage, at this period, appears to have been most deplorable, but the greater evil was the want of small change. It is more than probable, that long before this period, the English half-penny and farthing were represented by the penny cut into halves and quarters. Among several hoards discovered in this country, there have been found pennies cut in two for this obvious purpose; yet, notwithstanding this evidence, we have no proof that the practice was very general, and if resorted to for the purpose of supplying a moiety of the penny, the farthing, and perhaps its divisions, were represented by some of the very numerous examples of black money, then so abundant, of which a prodigious quantity appears to have been continually pouring in from the continent. It would be tedious to cite all the names of this spurious currency, or to attempt the etymologies of their various popular designations; it is enough for us to know that they must have supplied the place of legal coin. In the reigns of Henry IV., V. and VI., there must have been an extensive coinage of half-pence and farthings, for they are, even at this day, very common, f It was, perhaps, about this period that the tokens called " abbey ' pieces" were minted in vast numbers. They are, doubtless, of foreign execution, but the quantity found in England every year, shews that their currency in this country was universal. Though, possibly, originally intended for mere jettons and counters, there can scarcely be a doubt that they represented some division of the penny, most probably the " Cu," which in the Promptorium Parvulorum, is defined to be half a farthing. The constant device of the shield of arms (escu\ which gave the name to some of the gold coins of the Continent, favours this conjecture. One of the most common of these pieces is here engraved. * Ruding, sub anno 1380. vol. i. p. 238. Rot. Parl. iii. p. 66. The promise was kept, and half-pence are the most common of this king's coins. f On the demolition of old London Bridge, great numbers were found round the starlings. TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. The legend of the obverse is AVE MARIA GRACIA PIL i.e. Ave Maria gracia plena, the salutation of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. The reverse has A.V. E. M. in the angles of the cross. North, in his remarks on Clarke's conjectures, ingeniously surmises, that these pieces were intended as tessera sacra, and supposed they were used by monks and pilgrims travelling from one religious house to another ; but, as we shall hereafter have to observe, though often applied to the use of jettons or counters, for which they might have been originally designed, they were probably as often used by com- municants, and generally as a substitute for small change. Nor were these pieces the only representatives of the smaller divisions of the English penny. Leaden tokens abounded with various devices, and continued in circulation, in some places, down to the year 1696. Their uses, like their types, were strangely diversified. Some circulated within the unhallowed precincts of the tavern ;* others were called in requisition for solemn occasions, t Among the latter were the leaden pieces * A cup of good red wine, then sold at four-pence a gallon, could probably be bought with one of these dumps. A passage in the Reliquiae Antiquae, vol. ii. p. 58, will suffice to shew their use in such places. " Et intrantes domum invenerunt doleum plenum, cum Magota meretrice ejus, et optimum potum po- situm in mazerio, et apertis loculis suis optulerunt ei munera, aurum, argentum, et plumbum." Sec a very interesting article on " Pilgrim's Signs and Leaden Tokens," by Mr. C. R. Smith. Journal of Brit. Arch. Association, vol. i. p. 200. t In the parish account book of St. Peter's of Mancroft, Norwich, are the following entries: 1632. Paid for moulds to cast tokens in - 1633. Paid to Norman for leaden tokens - 1 640. Paid to Thomas Turner for 300 tokens 1644. Paid to Howard the plomer for tokens s. d. 040 006 030 000 INTHODUCTION. used as medals of presence at Bury Saint Edmunds. To this class belongs, perhaps, the example here engraved, and some may consider that the word DATE conveys an exhortation to alms-giving. In the year 1846, a large parcel of leaden tokens was dis- covered during excavations in London. The principal varieties are engraved in our plate, and although the devices have an early style, there is some reason for supposing that such pieces were in actual circulation as late as the reign of Elizabeth, since the letter R, on one of them, appears to be of more modern date than the figures. The types are such as might be adopted by the keepers of taverns and houses of entertainment, rather than of a religious character. The general debasement, by Henry VIII., of all the current , coin of the realm must have deprived the people of all hope of attention to their necessities ; and if records of clamouring for fractions of the penny are wanting, the presumption follows, that the people were by this time accustomed to the use of substitutes for those fractions, for the silver penny of this king A.D. S. d. 1659. Paid to goodman Ten ton for cutting a mould for the tokens 026 1 680. Paid to the widow Harwood for lead tokens - - -050 1683. Paid Mrs. Harrold for new tokens - - - - 1 1684. Ditto ditto ditto 010 1686. Paid for tokens bought, and herbs for the church - 2 6 The following is an account of the receivings, by tokens, of the commu- nicants at various times: 1682. Paid for bread and wine, more than received by tokens - 19 1 1683. Paid for bread and wine, more than received by tokens - 0151 1685. Received by tokens 3011$ 1686. Received by tokens at eleven communions in the said year 3 18 6 1687. Received by tokens at ten communions in the said year - 323 The last similar entry in the book is in 1696. Journal of Brit. Arch. Assoc., vol. i. p. 209. 6 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. is by no means common at this time, the half-penny scarce, and the flu-thing one of the rarest coins in the English series. Elizabeth succeeded to the throne A.D. 1558, and immediately turned her attention to the state of the coinage. Her brother Edward VI., had begun the good work ; but its consummation was achieved by Elizabeth. In this reign, the three-farthing piece, minted for the first time, was doubtless a most useful coin among the poor; but it was a mere spangle of silver, and in a purse or pocket must have been most inconvenient from its extreme minuteness. Budelius* states that leaden money was current among the English in this reign, which shews that tokens in that metal were still in common circulation everywhere. Lead, tin, latten, and even leather, were stamped by grocers, vintners, chandlers, and alehouse-keepers, in great numbers; and as they were only to be repaid to the same shop from whence they were received, the loss to the poor was most grievous. Proposals were made to the queen for the coining of half-pence and farthings of base silver, seven ounces, sixteen grains fine, and four ounces, thirteen penny weights, eight grains alloy ; the weight six grains and twelve grains.f Elizabeth, however, was averse to any debasement of the standard, and the matter remained in abeyance. Notwithstanding the royal repugnance to a debased coinage, the design was not abandoned by the authorities of the mint. It was observed, that if farthings were minted of the standard of the other coins, these pieces would be of the weight of two grains only, and therefore of most inconvenient size. If in- creased by alloy to six grains, there would be eighty in every ounce ; but if of copper, they might be made of one penny- weight each. Ultimately the queen was induced to listen to proposals for the coinage of copper pledges for farthings and half-pence, weighing respectively twelve and twenty-four * Do Monetis et Ee Numaria, libro duo authore E. Budelio. 4to. Colonies Agrippinse 1591. Nearly a century earlier Erasmus, in his Adagia, speaks of plumbeos Anglia. Specimens exist at the present day; but thousands must have perished in such metal. f Euding, sub anno, 1574. INTRODUCTION. 7 grains. A proclamation was accordingly drawn up to sanction the currency of these pledges ;* but it does not appear to have been published, nor were pieces in copper struck for circulation, though a few examples as patterns, both in silver and copper, exist in the cabinets of collectors.! Euding thinks it probable that upon the failure of this project, the queen granted a license to the city of Bristol to coin copper tokens, having a ship on one side and C.B. (Civitas Bristol) on the other. They were current for small wares ten miles from that city. From the foregoing accounts it will be seen, that though the evil of a spurious currency was felt and acknowledged, no de- cisive steps were taken to abate it. It was not until the year 1613, that the Government resolved to prohibit these illegal issues. A proclamation was made in this year to the effect, that in times past some toleration had existed in the realm, of tokens of lead, commonly known by the name of farthing tokens, to pass between vintners, tapsters, chandlers, bakers, and other like tradesmen and their customers ; whereby such small portions and quantities of things vendible, as the neces- sity and use, especially of the poorer sort of people, oftentimes required, might be conveniently bought and sold, without enforcement to buy more ware than would serve for their use and occasions. But it objected, that the manner of issuing them and the use of them, as they passed only between customers, did not that good to the public, which might by a more general use be effected. That they were subject to counterfeiting, loss, and deceit; for sometimes they were refused as doubtful things, and sometimes, by the death or removal of those who gave them, were lost and discredited. And also, that it was some derogation to the royal prerogative, that such tokens should be allowed to have currency, in any degree, with the lawful money of the realm. Therefore notice was given by the proclamation, that his majesty, being willing to continue to his subjects the good arising from the use of such * Cf. Ruding, sub anno 1574. f Numismatic Manual, p. 334. These pieces, however, bear different dates, one of which is as late as the year 1601. 8 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. small moneys, under such directions and cautions as might re- strain the abuse of them, had given power and authority, by letters patent, to John, Lord Harrington*, baron of Exeter, and his executors, administrators, deputies, and assigns, to make such a competent quantity of farthing tokens of copper, as might be conveniently issued amongst his subjects within the realms of England and Ireland, and the dominion of Wales, during the term mentioned in the said letters patent. That it was not his majesty's intention thereby to make them moneys, nor to force his subjects to receive them in payments, otherwise than with their own good liking ; but only to give them license and means to use them according to their occasions, and that without any fee, charge, or constraint in any wise imposed upon them. The proclamation further declared, that the said farthing tokens should be made exactly and artificially of copper, by engines and instruments, having on the one side, two sceptres, crossing under one diadem ; and on the other side, a harp crowned, with the king's title, JACOBVS DEI GRATIA MAGN^E BRITANNLE FRANCLE ET HIBERNLE REX; with a privy mark to be set upon them, from time to time, whereby to discern and distinguish them, and to be altered according to occasion, for preventing the falsifying and coun- terfeiting of the same. Such farthing tokens to pass for the value of farthings within the king's realms and dominions, with the liking and consent of his loving subjects.f The circulation of leaden tokens was prohibited after the feast of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist, and all magistrates, etc., were commanded to assist Lord Harrington in circulating the new tokens.^ This command anticipated the * Hence these pieces were popularly called Harringtons, by which name they are mentioned by some of the old dramatists. f Ruding, sub anno 1613. j The patent was dated on the 10th of April, 1613, for the term of thfee years; and Lord Harrington "covenanted to accompt quarterly, and to pay into the receipt whatsoever the benefit should amount unto, within the said three years, above 20,000, all charges deducted, and a recognizance of 20,000 was entered into by him to performe the clause of accompt." (Sir J. Caesar's papers, folio 88, quoted by Ruding, vol. i. page 369.) Sir Robert Cotton had proposed that none should be enforced to take any, but in sums under twenty shillings, and then but the twentieth part proportionably. (Cottoni Posthuma, p. 199. Ruding, loc. cit.) INTRODUCTION. 9 objections which were raised in some counties, especially in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Flintshire and Denbighshire, where the people refused to take them, despite the printed bills cir- culated by the magistrates. Drunken Barnabie has immor- talised these tokens and their patentee, in the following quaint lines : Veni, Harrington, bonum omen! Vere amans illud nomen, Harriiigtoni dedi numum Et fortunae pene summum, Indigent! postulanti, Benedictionem danti.* In the following year both Lord Harrington and his son and heir died, an event which furnished many traders with an excuse for not taking these tokens in payment; and it was doubted whether the proclamation still remained in force. A proclamation dated the 21st of June, preserved in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, declares that it still remains valid, confirms it in favour of Lady Anne Harrington (widow of the late patentee, and executrix of the will of John, Lord Harrington, her son), and her assigns, and orders that no alteration should be made in the stamp. Notwithstanding the proclamations against the issue and circulation of private tokens, and the penalties denounced against the utterers, they still appear to have been in very general use : the evil had taken such firm root that no threats of pains or penalties could repress it. This is shewn by sub- sequent proclamations against private tokens, in the years 1615 and 1616. On the accession of Charles the First, a proclamation was made prohibiting the circulation of any but the authorised tokens; and another granted to the duchess of Richmond and Sir Frances Crane, the exclusive right of minting farthing * Thus as quaintly rendered in the well-known translation: Thence to Harrington be it spoken ! For name-sake I gave a token To a beggar that did crave it, And as cheerfully receive it : More he need not me importune, For 'twas the utmost of my fortune. C 10 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. tokens, for the term of seventeen years. For this privilege the patentees were to pay to the king a yearly rent of one hundred marks. As an encouragement to their distribution the patentees covenanted to deliver twenty-one shillings in tokens, for every twenty shillings sterling. In the year 1631, as appears by minutes of proceedings in the Star Chamber, it is shewn that the makers of counterfeit tokens sold them sometimes at the rate of twenty-six shillings in farthings for twenty shillings in sterling money.* By a proclamation of the year 1633, the counterfeiters of farthing tokens and their abettors were, upon conviction, to be fined one hundred pounds, to be set in the pillory in Cheapside, and thence whipped through the streets to Bridewell, where they were to be kept to hard work. If, afterwards, they were released, security was to be taken for their good behaviour. In the following year loud complaints were made regarding the farthing tokens, which engaged the deliberations of the Star Chamber, when it appeared that the evil complained of was, first, the number of counterfeit pieces f in circulation, and secondly the practice of knavish employers who paid them for wages to their workmen and labourers, in greater quantities than was ever contemplated by the Government.! A decree was, therefore, published that no one should pay above two pence in farthings, at one time; and it was declared to be unlawful to force such farthing tokens, in either great or small quantities, upon workmen, labourers, and other persons of humble vocations. It was also declared to be unlawful for persons to buy or sell farthing tokens at less rates than those ordained by proclamation. The provisions of this decree were published at Dublin, in the month of September following, by the Lord Deputy. Loss of ears or other corporal punishment, * Rushworth's Hist. Coll. pt. ii. vol. ii. App. p. 33. Ruding, sub anno 1631. f In 1633, four persons named Jagger, Cooper, Meacomb and Augur, for this offence were imprisoned, fined one hundred pounds each, set in the pillory, and whipped through the streets of London. f It is said that workmen, at this period, were often paid a whole week's wages in these farthing tokens, by people who bought large quantities at cheap rates, upon which they thus realised considerable profit. INTRODUCTION. 11 as the Court of Castle Chamber might determine, were the penalties against forgers of these coins. The issue and circulation of great quantities of spurious farthing tokens still continuing, a proclamation dated the 1st March, 1635-6, declares that no farthing tokens should be cur- rent in England or Ireland, except those minted by royal authority. It was also declared illegal to compel any persons to take farthing tokens against their will. The proclamation then announces a new coinage of these farthings of copper with a piece of brass in the centre. This was stated to be a device by which they might be distinguished from all others, and the people protected from fraud.* The proclamation concludes by requiring all persons to take notice of the alteration in the farthing tokens above described, and also of the king's care for the re-change, which it was his will should be so guided and governed, that those who received the said tokens, in the use of their trades, might not be put to loss thereby, nor yet any be encouraged, \mder hope of the same, to get into their hands greater proportion of the said tokens than might well serve for their necessary use and occasions.f It will be readily granted that if repeated proclamations, in peaceful days, were insufficient to prevent malpractices with the description of money under notice, the attempts were yet more feeble and impotent when the country was disturbed by civil discord. Ten years afterwards, the people of London complained bitterly of the farthing tokens, for which it was alleged there was no re-change, as guaranteed in the proclama- tion of 1635-6. The Common Council, being consulted on the subject, stated, that there was a sum of ,1,500 in farthings, in the hands of the patentees, which if melted would contribute to satisfy the poor; and that the estate of the patentees might * At this period, the red cross on the door of a house was a sign that the plague, or as it was then designated " the sickness," had seized on the inmates. The eruptions on the bodies of the infected persons were termed tokens. The Earl of Arundel, the patentee of these farthings, having locked up the mint-house, some wag wrote on the door, " Lord have mercy upon us, for this house is full of tokens!" Anecdotes and Traditions edited by Mr. Thorns for the Camden Society. Also remarks by Mr. Nichols, Num. Chronicle, vol. ii. p. 80. f Ruding, sub anno 1635-6. 12 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. add to this fund. The report recommends the decrying of the tokens and the coinage of farthings of intrinsic value in the Tower Mint. On the 15th of February, 1642, the Commons referred to the committee for the advance of monies at Haberdashers' Hall, the sequestering of the rents and profits of the farthing token office; and by an order of the House dated the 12th of April, the minting of farthing tokens was stopped, and those already made, together with the tools and materials, were directed to be seized. In 1644, the Commons passed a resolution for raising five thousand pounds to be applied to the exchange of farthing tokens out of the estates of the patentees, agents, and contrivers; and the Lord Mayor was directed to call a court of Aldermen to consider how this might be effected, and the clamour, daily becoming more violent, be appeased. So serious, indeed, had the distress become, that the doors of the Parliament-house were daily besieged by fruitwomen, fish worn en, and others who obtained a livelihood by selling small wares. Some of these poor creatures had, says a pamphlet of the day,* as much as ten or twenty shillings in farthing tokens, while many tradesmen had even sixty pounds' worth. It was supposed that at this time there was about .100,000 in farthings dis- persed throughout the kingdom, their sole value being now the weight of copper only. Such was the lamentable state of a part of the English coinage just previous to the death of Charles on the scaffold. Encouraged by the civil distractions, tavern-keepers and trades- men began to issue their tokens, struck in brass, and bearing their name and calling. Some of the devices and legends are curious enough, as may be seen by the following list: some blazon their utterers' loyalty, when many were glad to sink politics and save their property from confiscation; and tokens with the King's Head jingled in the - citizen's pocket with the shillings and sixpences of " the Caesars of England," as witty Fuller styled the Commonwealth. Some bore promises to pay, in sterling coin, on demand: some circulated with the Kuding, vol. i. pp. 402-3. INTRODUCTION. 13 request, " Though I'm but brass, yet let me pass;" while others were inscribed with profane attempts at wit, as the tokens of a provincial tallow-chandler: TOVCH NOT MINE ANOINTED, AND DO MY PROFITS NO HARM. Thus, while the king- dom was divided by faction, and The pulpit was usurped by each impostor, every tradesman issued HIS HALF-PENT or HIS FARTHING TOKEN, till impunity led some to stamp even pledges for a penny. This is the money for which the virtuous Evelyn expresses his contempt, and which he regarded as the spawn of the hydra of rebellion. " The tokens," says he, " which every tavern and tippling- house (in the days of late anarchy among us), presum'd to stamp and utter for immediate ex- change, as they were passable through the neighbourhood, which, tho' seldom reaching further than the next street, or two, may, happily, in after-times come to exercise and busie the learned critic what they should signifie."* There was something prophetic in this; but the present generation are not disposed to subscribe to the dictum of Pinkerton; and, despite the disgust of loyal Evelyn, and the contempt of the most irate and rabid of scribes in our own day, they are not left to "the supreme scorn of the reader," but regarded as memorials of utility and interest to the antiquary, the topo- grapher and the genealogist, who discovers in them many records of customs, persons, and places, all contributing to the sub-current of our history. In these mementos of troublous times and ill-constructed laws relating to the currency, even the statesman may find matter for serious reflection ; and many a now proud and titled family may trace an ancestor in some dealer and chapman, whose name and calling are contained within the circumscribed area of a tradesman's token. By way of rider to this introduction, we may here add a note or two on the subsequent history of the farthing. In the year 1649, patterns were struck in copper, bearing on one side a shield, charged with the cross of England, and the legend FARTHING * Numismata, a Discourse of Medals, folio 1697. 14 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. TOKENS OF ENGLAND .Reverse, a shield charged with the Irish harp, and the legend: FOR NECESSITY OF CHANGE, 1649. Another bore similar devices, with the legend: THE FARTHING TOKENS FOR THE RELEFE OF THE PORE. A third differed, in the addition of a laurel garland above the shield, and had the legend: ENGLAND'S FARTHING - FOR NECESSARY CHANG. The second was struck with a piece of brass occupying the area of the inner circle, with a small stud of silver in the centre. Shortly after, there appeared farthings in copper, resembling in type the silver money of the Protector. One of these bore the legend: OLIVAR PRO. ENG. SC- CH ARITIE AND CHANGE. The other, which had no inner circle, bore the same device, with the legend: OLIVER PRO. ENG. SCO. & IRE. - CONVENIENT CHANGE. 1651. If it could be proved that the latter were struck by authority of the government, these pieces might give rise to many conjectures, since Oliver did not publicly assume the protectorship until the 16th December, 1653. The other pattern farthings of this period were, 1. the head of the Protector, with a ship in full sail on the reverse ; legend : AND GOD DIRECT OVR COVRS. 2. A similar obverse; on the reverse, three pillars bound together, surmounted by the English cross, Irish harp, and Scotch thistle ; legend : THVS. VNITED INVINCIBLE.* About the same time appeared pewter farthings, having on the obverse a shield charged with a cross fourchy; above, a wreath of roses, with T.K. in the centre; legend: \ OVNCE FINE PEWT R Rev. a shield charged with the harp and surmounted by a laurel garland (the inner circle being rilled by rays); legend: FOR NECESSARY CHANGE. f This last appears to have been in actual circulation ; for in a newspaper of the time (16th March, 1653), there is a passage to this effect, " it is uncertain what will be done about farthing tokens ;" and the same authority of the 27th April, 1654, announces these very tokens in the following words: " This night are come out new farthings, weighing a quarter of an ounce of fine pewter, which is but the price of new pewter, * Rucling, pi. xxxii. figs. 11-12. f Ruding, pi. xxxi. fig. 12. INTRODUCTION. 15 that so the people may never fear to lose by them" etc., etc.* This was an approximation to a rational coinage of farthings; but it was not till some time after the Kestoration, that the subject ceased to be a source of inquietude to the Government. During the very short period that Richard Cromwell held the reins of government, there was an agreement entered into for the coinage of copper farthings, of the weight of half a quarter of an ounce; but the project was abandoned, owing no doubt to the turn which politics began to take. In the year 1665, both half-pence and farthings were struck of a character assimi- lating to those of our own times. These bore the motto or legend QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO (in the exergue, BRITANNIA); which Leake says was withdrawn, as offensive to the French king, and they were called in; a fact which seems to imply that they had been in actual circulation. This pompous legend, on so insignificant a coin, provoked the sar- casms of Lord Lucas in Parliament, and his speech being printed after his death, was burnt by the hands of the common hangman. In 1672, similar farthings and half- pence, but with the word BRITANNIA only on the reverse, were made current by proclamation. The circulation of tradesmen's tokens was in the following year denounced under severe penalties. In 16845, just before the death of Charles, were struck farthings of tin, with a piece of copper in the centre, and with the words NUMMORVM FAMVLVS, 1684. These peculiarities were adopted to render the counterfeiting of them more difficult, but they were forged in great numbers. From this period the farthings of England have been struck in copper of about the size of those now current; and in the reign of Anne, an attempt was made to render their type classical, but this was not an age for such a consummation. Several pat- terns were struck at this time which are remarkable for spiritless design, though the workmanship of some is superior. One of these patterns is of considerable rarity. It has the figure of Britannia holding a spear and an olive branch, with the legend BELLO. ET. PACE, in indented letters on a raised * Numismatic Journal, vol. ii. p. 273. 16 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. border, a most inelegant fancy revived in our own times on the pennies of George the Third. The ordinary current far- thing of Anne (date 1714), has Britannia seated with the same symbols, and is far less rare than popular tradition has led many to suppose, a specimen being easily procurable of any dealer in coins. Token of the Boar's Head, Eastcheap. TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. ABCHURCH LANE. 1. NATHANIEL GOOSLEY. A wheat sheaf. R. IN ABCHVRCH LANE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 2. RALPH LVCAS AT THE WHIT. A bear. R. IN AB- CHVRCH LANE, 1 665. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 3. AT THE LION IN. A lion passant. R. ABCHVRCH LANE, 1649. In the field, T. A. C. 4. AT THE LAMB IN. The holy lamb couchant. R. AB- CHVRCH LANE, 1649. In the field, R. s. P. 5. AT THE BLACK HORSE. A horse saddled and bridled. ft. IN ABCHVRCH LANE. In the field, W. A. T. ADDLE HILL. 6. CHARLES CLEARE. The Sun. R. AT ADLING HILL. Ill the field, C. E. c. ADDLE STREET. 7. AT THE SVGER LOFE. A sugar loaf between A. K. R. IN ADDELL STREET. In the field, A. K. ALDERSGATE STREET. 8. RICHARD AWNSHAM, 1667. A swan between the letters R. A. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. D 18 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 9. WILLIAM BOOKHAM AT THE. A bugle-horn. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1667. 10. IACOB CAMFEILD AT Y BLEW. An anchor. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET- In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 11. JOSEPH COLLET IN. A bucket. R. ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, I. M. C. 12. THOMAS DAMSELL AT Y E . A shield with the Mercers' arms. R. ALDERSGATE-STREET, COOKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1667. 13. IOHN DEAKES AT Y E COCK. A COck. R. IN ALDERS- GATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1669. 14. RICHARD DOWLEY. The arms of the Salters' company. R. NEAR ALDERSGATE. The same coat impaled with another. 15. IOHN DRAPER AT THE BLACK. A ram, I. A. D. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 16. IOHN FISH IN ALDERSGATE. A dolphin. R. STREETE, HIS HALFPENNY. An anchor. 17. THO. GROVE, CHEESMONGER. A sugar-loaf between T. E. G. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1668. 18. WALTER IONES IN ALDERSGA. Seven Stars. R. STREET, His HALF PENY. In field, the name in monogram. 19. WILL LEAMON AT THE. The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, w. A. L. 20. IOHN LISLE AT THE 3 MORRIS DANCERS. R. IN AL- DERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. A. L. 21. THOMASON MACE IN. In the field, HIS }. R. ALDERS- GATE STREET. In the field, a full blown rose; above, a rainbow. 22. PETER MORTIMER IN. An anchor. R. ALDERSGATE STREET. Ife the field, P. M. M. CURRENT IX LONDON. 19 23. 10. READ AT THE 3 CROWND NEDLS. Three needles crowned. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, 1669. 24. THOMAS SIXGLETON IX. A sheaf between two branches. R. ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, T. I. S. 25. THO. STONE AT Y* CASTLE. A castle. R. IN ALDERS- GATE STREET. In the field, T. 8. 26. MICHAELL SYMOXD3 AT THE. A still R. IN ADDERS- GATE STREET. In the field, HIS HAXFE PENNY. 27. WILLIAM THORPE. A half moon. R. IN ALDERSGT. STREET. In the field, w. T. 28. ROGER WALLMAN AT THE. A horse. R. ALDERSGATE STREET, 66. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 29. IOHN WARXER IN, 1668. A dolphin and a bell. R. ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. A. W. 30. NICHOLAS WARBIN. A hare running. R. IN ALDERS- GATE STREET. In the field, N. I. w. 31. THO. WEARG AT THE. In the field, T. M. W. R. SUNN TA. IN ALDERG T . S T . The Sim. 32. MATHEW WHITE AT THE. A cock and a flagon ; above, a crown. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, M. A. W. 33. MATHEW WHITE AT THE. In the centre, a cock and bottle, surmounted by a crown. R. IN "ALDERSGATE STREET. In the centre, HIS HALFE PENNY, M. A. w. 34. THE MAIDEN HEAD. A bust on a shield placed between E. A. R. IN ALDERSGATE STREET. Similar shield and bust between 68. 35. AT THE 7 STARS. Seven stars. R. ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, R. D. A. 36. AT THE TVN IN. A tun. R. ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, T. R. A. 37. AT THE SOXN TAVERX. The SUn. R. IN ALDERSGATE STBEETE. In the field, R. S. H. 38. THE SWAN AND SVGAR. Aswan; above, a sugar-loaf. R. IX ALDERSGATE STREET. In the field, G. S. I. 20 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 39. THE DAGGER IN NE 8. A dagger. R. MARTINS ALDERSGATE. In the field, I. S. P. 40. SOLYMAN. A Turk's head. ft. THE COFFEE HOUSE IN ALDERSGATE STREET, 1666. In five lines across the field. ALDERSGATE WITHOUT. 41. RICHARD FINCH AT Y E LEG AND. In the field, a leg surmounted by a star. R. STAR WITHOUT ALDERS- GATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 42. IOHN MYNN. In the field, St. George and the Dragon. R. WITHOVT ALDERSGATE. In the field, I. M. M. ALDGATE WITHIN. 43. RICHARD DRAPER. A globe. R. WITHIN ALDGATE. In the field, R. D. D. 44. ROBERT POND AT THE WHIT. A lion rampant. R. WITHIN ALDGATE, 1668. In field, HIS HALF PENY. 45. ROBERT TAYLOR AT THE. A castle. R. WITHIN ALL- GATE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, R. T. 46. IOHN TIDDER 57. Three birds. R. WITHIN ALDGATE. In the field, . . . T. 47. RICHARD WALTON. A still with the fire beneath. R. STILL WITHIN ALDGAT. In the field, R. T. W. 48. THE SARASENS HEAD. A Saracen's head. R. WITHIN ALGATE, CHANDLER. In the field, R. S. B. 49- AT THE SUNN TAVERNE. A Sim. R. WITHIN ALLGATE. In the field, T. K. I. 50. THE BLEW BELL WITHIN. A bell. R. ALLGATE MELL MAN. In the field, H. R. L. 51. AT THE GEORGE WITHIN. St. George slaying the Dragon. R. ALL GATTE, 1649. In the field, A. N. E. R. 52. AT Y E HORSE SHOE. A horse shoe. R. WITHIN ALGATE. In the field, T. E. w. CURRENT IN LONDON. 21 ALDGATE WITHOUT. 53. DOROTHY ATCHESON CHES. In the field, the sun. R. MONGER WITHOVT ALGAT. In the field, D. A. ; and below, u trumpet. 54. DOROTHY ATCHESON CHES. The SUn. R. MONGER WITHOVT ALGATE. In the field, a trumpet, and D. A. 55. RIC. AYLETT AT. A full blown rose crowned. R. WITH- OVT ALLGATE. In the field, R.E. A. 56. DAVID GILLAT AT THE PIE. In the field, a magpie. R. WITHOVT ALGATE, 1671. In the field, D^, G. 57. DAVID GILLAT. A magpie. R. WITHOVT ALGATE, 1671. In the field, D. G. . 58. DAVID GRYER AT THE. A checked square. R. WITH- OVT ALGATE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFPENT. 59. GABRIEL HARPER. An angel holding a scroll. R. WITHOVT ALLGAT, 59. A bunch of grapes. 60. THOMAS INGRAM. A harrow. R. WITHOVT ALL GATE. A plough. 61. IOHN IOHNSON WITHOUT. A shield charged with a tent. R. ALGATE NEAR WHIT CIIAPPELL CHURCH, HIS HALFPENNY. In six lines across the field. 62. IOHN QVICK IN HIGH STREET. A bell. R. WITHOVT ALGATE, 1665. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 63. THOMAS SLIGHTHOLME. A castle. R. WITHOVT AL- GATE. A castle. 64. THOMAS THACKER AT THE. A blade bone. R. WITH- OVT ALGATE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, T. S. T. 65. SIMON TURNER NEXT. The Grocers' arms. R. THE PIE AT ALGATE. A magpie; above, 1 D . 66. ROBERT WARD. A lion rampant. R. WITHOVT ALL GATE. In the field, R. A. w. 67. AT THE GVNE, 1659. A piece of ordnance. R. WITH- OVT ALGATE. In the field, W. A. D. 22 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 68. AT THE BLEW BELL. A bell. ft. WITHOVT ALLGATE. In the field, c. w. 69. AT THE PYE WITHOVT. A magpie. ft. ALGATE. In the field, w. A. I. 1648. ALDERMAN BURY. 70. IOHN IOHNSON, 1669. A sieve. ft. IN ALDERMANBURY. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, i. s. i. ANGEL STREET. 71. SARAH DOWINE, 1671 In the field, HER HALFE PENY TOKEN. R. IN AINGELL STREETE. The Watermen's arms. ANGEL ALLEY. 72. IOHN SMITH AT ANGEL. An angel holding a scroll. ft. ALY IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, I. S. AVE MARIA LANE. 73. GODFREY ROBINSON. An eagle. ft. IN AVE MARY LANE. In the field, G. R. 1658. BANKSIDE. 74. JAMES BAILLIE AT THE. St. George and the Dragon. ft. ONE (sic) YE BANKSIDE, 1668. In the field, His HALFEPENY, I. E. B. 75. WILLIAM CARMAN. The Haberdashers' arms. R. AT THE BANK SIDE. In the field, W. E. C. 76. WILLIAM CHAPMAN ON. A bushel. ft. THE BANK SIDE, SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 77. ROBERT MASLIN IN IERS. In the field, BANK- SIDE. ft. ALEX HILL, AT THE. St. George and the Dragon. 78. EDWARD MASTERS. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. BAKER, ON YE BANKSIDE. A fish. 79. ELIZABETH PORT, AT THE BANCKSIDE. In three lines across the field. R. HER HALF PENY, 1668. In the field, two keys crossed in saltier. 80. THOMAS SEABRO. A unicorn. R. ON Y E BANK SIDE. Jn the field, T. E. S. CURRENT IN LONDON. 23 81. IIANDREV STROVD ON. A unicorn. R. THE BANKE SIDE, 1658. In the field, H. S. E. 82. GILES STUCHBEKY AT YE. A cooper's adze. R. BANCK SIDE, SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 83. WILL TOMMAS, AT BAN. A heart, with a star above. R. SIDE, SOVTHWARK. In the field, w. A. T. 84. GEORGE VAVASOUR. The arms of Vavasour, with a crescent for difference. R. ON THE BANKE SIDE. In the field, G. F. v. BANK END. 85. ANTHONY CRAVEN, AT THE. A Castle. R. BANKE- END, IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, A. B. C. 86. THO. RAYNER, AT BANK. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. END IN SOVTHWARK. The Bakers' arms. BACON'S INN. 87. JOHN COTTERELL. A boar walking. R. OF BACON'S INN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. BATTLE BRIDGE. 88. ARCULUS CROSDELL, AT BATTLE. A shield charged, with the arms, between A. c. R. BRIDGE IN SOVTHWARKE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. (Heart -shaped} 89. IOHN HOLLAND, AT. A castle. R. BATEL BRIDG, SOVTHWARK. In the field, I. E. H. 90. THOMAS NEALE AT BATTLE. The Salters' arms. R. BRIDGE IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, T. W. N. h. 91. RICHARD SAPP, AT BATLE. A peacock. R. BRIDG IN SOWTHARKE. In the field, R. S. S. 92. RICHARD SAPP, AT BATLE. A peacock with its tail spread. R. BRIDG IN SOWTHARKE. In the field, B. S. S. 93. EDWARD TURNER, 1668. Four dancing dogs. R. AT BATTLE BRIDG. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, E. A. T. 24 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 94. ELINER WHITE, BATEL. Seven stars. ft. BRIDGE, SOVTHWARKE. In the field, a small crescent and E. w. 95. THE BROOD HEN AT BATTL. A hen sitting. K. BRIDG IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, L. E. S. BASINGHALL STREET. 96. THOMON AUMESTRONGE, AT Y E . A male figure in civil costume of the time of James I. R. BASING HALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT, 1668. 97. No legend. A Turk seated on a divan smoking; on the floor a man standing. R. RICHARD BUCKLAND IN BASINGHALL STREET. In four lines across the field. 98. RICH. LEM, NAGS BED. A horse's head. R. BASING- II ALL STR T END. In the field, R. E. L. 99. GEORGE STARCKEY, AT THE. In the field, a prancing horse. - ft. IN BASINGHALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 100. GEORGE STARCKEY, AT THE. A horse galloping. R. IN BASINGHALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 101. WILL TIMBERLACKE. In the field, W. T. T. R. BA- SINGHALL STREETE. A bearded male figure, holding in his right hand a book ; and in his left, a hat. 102. AT THE GEORGE IN. St. George and the Dragon. ft. BASINGHALL STREET. In the field, T. I. M. BASING LANE. 103. RICH. READ, IN RED LION COVRT. A bunch of grapes. R. IN BASING LANE, COOPPER, 71. In the field, 1 D . 104. AT THE SEAVEN STARES. Seven stars. R. IN BASIN LANE, 1650. In the field, A. p. A. 105. IOHN BENET, IN. The Grocers' (?) arms. R. BASEN LANE, 1650. 106. VINCENT FLETCHER. Seven stars. ft. IN BASING LANE, 1666. Iii the field, v. F. F. CURRENT IN LONDON. 107. AT THE WHIT HORS. A horse galloping. R. IN BASEN LANE, 1652. In the field, I. G. BARBICAN. 108. ELIZABETH BABINGTON. In the field, E. B. R. IN BAR- BICAN. In the field, 1653. 109. IOSEPH BROOKS, AT Y E 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT, I. B. ft. SVGAR LOAVES IN BARBYCAN. Three sugar loaves pendent. 110. THOMAS COOPER. In the field, T. A. C. R. IN BAR- BICANN, 16.. 5. In the field, CHANDLER. 111. ROBERT HAYES, AT Y E COFFE HOYS. A turbaned head of a Turk. R. IN BARBICAN, FORMERLY IN PAN- NYER ALLY. In four lines across the field. As these notes may fall into the hands of some who know but little of London topography, it may be as well to mention that Pannier Alley, originally so called from a shop at the corner bearing the sign of a pannier, is a narrow court, running from the extreme east end of Newgate-street, into Paternoster- row, just opposite Saint Martin's le Grand. Should the curious reader ever visit the locality, and the day happen to be fine, he" may, in the penumbra of this court, espy a small sculptured stone in the wall beneath the baker's shop window, on which is the figure of a naked boy, seated on a roll of tobacco, and the inscription WHEN T T HAVE SOVGH T THE ClTTY ROVND YET STILL THS 18 THE HIGHS* GROVND AVGVST THE 27 1688. Robert Hayes appears to have made his tokens serve the purpose of an advertisement, giving notice of his removal to Barbican, where he sometimes perhaps refreshed the Finsbury archer or the train-band captains after a field day. His second coinage is a great improvement upon his first, being of neater and more careful execution. 112. IAMES LEECH. In the field, BODIS MAKER. R. IN BARBICAN. A naked figure holding a javelin. 113. WILLIAM MELTON IN. In the centre, MEAL MAN. R. BARBICAN, 1666. In the field, w. E. M. 114. WILLIAM MILTON. In the field, MEAL MAN. R. IN BARBICAN, 1666. In the field, w. E. M. E 26 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS l\5. FRANCIS MORLEY, AT THE. The royal oak. R. IN BARBICAN, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT, F. M. M. 116. WILLIAM RVDD, IN. A bull. ft. BARBICANN, 1655. In the field, w. A. R. 117. WILL SANDERS, AT THE. In the field, W. M. S. ft. GOLDEN BARBICAN. In the field, an anchor between W. 8. 118. T. WOOLBRIDGE. The Salters' arms. ft. IN BARBICAN. In the field, T. w. 119. AT THE FIVE ROSES. Five full blown roses. R. IN BARBICAN, 1664. In the field, R. D. G. BARNABY STREET. 120. GEORGE CAVE STON BRIDG. Bust of Charles I. crowned. ft. IN BARNEBY STREET. In the field, G. A. C. 121. RAF. CLADMAN, BAKER. The Bakers' arms. ft. IN BARNABEE STREETE. In the field, R. M. C. 122. SARAH EVERIT, AT THE. A Sun. R. IN BARNEBY STREET, 1667. In the field, HER HALF PENY. 123. RICHARD GRAVES. Two brewers carrying a barrel. ft. IN BARNABY STREET. In the field, R. A. G. 124. ELIZABETH HOPTON. A man smoking. ft. IN BAR- NIBY STREETE. In the field, E. H. 125. WILLIAM WALLIS IN. A sheaf. ft. BARNABE STREET, SOVTHWARK. In the field, MEALMAN. 126. AT THE WHIT SWAN IN. A SWan. R. BARNABEY STREET. In the field, W. A. T. BARNAKE STREET. 127. HENRY BLAND, BARNAKE. A blazing star. R. STREET, STAR CORNER, '58. In the field, H. M. B. CURRENT IN LONDON. 27 BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. 128. RICHARD KEMPE, 1666. A Turk's head between R. K. R. IX S. BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNT. 129 M RVSSELL, . . . 71. In the field, HIS COFFEE HOVSE. R. N* BARTHOLOMEWS CLOSE. A half-length figure of a man pouring out a cup of coffee. BARTHOLOMEW LANE. 130. HVGH ADDERLEY. A dolphin. R. BARTHOLOMEW LANE. In the field, H. A. 131. ED HEATH AT S R THO GRESHAM. Bust of Sir Thomas Gresham, wearing a hat, his right hand resting on the pommel of his sword. R. IN BARTHOLOMEW LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, E. M. H. BEARBINDER LANE. 132. IOHN PVLLIN AT THE BEARE. A bear passant R. IN BEARE BINDER LANE. In the field, I. S. P. divided by the stalks of two flowers conjoined in a true lovers' knot. BEAR KEY. 133. PHILLIP STOWER AT. A bear. R. THE BEARE AT BARE KEY. In the field, p. s. 8. BEDFORDBURY. 134. FRANCES CLARE IN BED. Two lions rampant sup- porting a crown. R. FORD BEREY IN 8 T MARTIN. In the field, F. P. c. 135. THOMAS WEST, 1663. A half moon; above, six candles on a stick. R. IN BEDFORDBERY. In the field, T. I. W. BEDFORD STREET. 136. SAMVEL HOARE, AT THE CROSS. Two keys crossed. R. IN BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARD. In the field, s. G. H. 28 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 137. THOMAS LATHWELL, IN BED. A man dipping candles. R. FORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN. In the field, HIS HALPPENY. > 138. CHRISTOPHER SEWARD, AT THE. Three birds, and C. E. S. R. IN BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARD. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY, 1664. 139. AT THE SHVGER LOFE. A sugar loaf. R. IN BEDFORD STREETE. In the field, G. D. BEECH LANE. 140. SAMVELL ELCE IN. Three arched crowns. R. BEECH LANE, CHANDLE 11 - In the field, S. E. 141. HENRY GREEN, NEXT DORE TO GLOVERS HALL. In five lines across the field. R. 1669, IN BEECH LANE. A HALFE PENEY, H. A. G. in six lines across the field. BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. 142. MATHEW FANN IN BELL YEARD. The arms of the Bakers' Company. R. NEAR TEMPELE BAR, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, M. E. F. 143. WILL. IONSON AT Y E DRAKE. In the field, a drake. R. BELL YARD NEARE TEMPLE BAR. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, 1667. " The Drake" stood next to ",The Ship." It was doubtless a rebus, and alluded to the admiral, who was very popular in the reign of Elizabeth, the mint-mark of the martlett on her coins being termed by the vulgar a drake. The situation of this sign near the Ship was appropriate enough. 144. lACOli LIONS IN BELL YARD. A Turk's head between It L. R. NEARE TEMPLE BAR, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 145. IACOB LIONS IN BELL YARD. A Turk's head between I. L. R. NEARE TEMPELL BARR, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 146. STEPHEN PORTER AT Y E NAG. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. TAVERN IN BELL ALLY NEAR. In the field, 1667, TEMPL BAR. CURRENT IN LONDON. 29 147. THE PERCVLIS (sic) IN BELL. A Portcullis. R. YARD NERE TEMPLE BAR. In the field, W. L. R. BELL YARD, SOUTHWARK. 148. ANDRA (sic) RANOLS (sic) IN BELL. A fox. R. YARD IN SOVTHWORKE. In the field, A. M. R. BERMONDSEY STREET. 149. IOHN SKINNER, in two lines across the field. The Holy Lamb. R. IN BEHMONDSEY STREET, HIS HALF PENNY, in five lines across the field, (square). 150. IOHN STEVENS IN BARMONSY. In the field, I. A. S. 1666. R. STREET IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 151. IOHN STEVENS IN BARMONDSY. In the field, I. A. S. 1666. R. STREET IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. BETHLEM. 152. RALPH BADGETT (device detrited}. R. IN BETHELAM, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, R. E. B. 153. EPHRA1M CLITHEROW. The SUn. R. AT THE SVNNE IN BEDLAM. In the field, E. G. C. 154. ELIZABETH GROVND. Three pattens. R. IN BETH- LEHAM. A human leg. 155. WILL HILTON AT BLACK. A bull, with some smaller animal. R. IN BETHLEM, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 156. BARTHOLOMEW PEELE, AT Y E . A SWan. R. BLACK SWAN IN BETHELEM. In the field, HIS HAF PENY. 157. IAMES REDDALL AT. A plough. R. THE PLOW IN BEDLAM. In the field, I. s. R. 158. AT THE THREE. In the field, three barrels or tuns. R. TVNS IN BEDLAM. In the field, C. II. A. 30 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS From the type of the three tuns, the arms of the Vintners' Company, we may infer that this was the token of a tavern within the precincts of Old Bedlam. The sign is, of course, a common one. 159. AT THE WHITE HART. A Stag COUchant. R. AT BED- LAM GATE, 1657. In the field, E. E. K. 160. HENRY TVRNER, BAKER. In the field, the arms of the Bakers' Company. R. IN BETHELEM, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, R.M. T. BILLINGSGATE. 161. John Eldridge at Billingsgate. In four lines across the field, in script characters. R. HIS HALF PENY. A rampant lion, and a still (octagonal}. 162. AT THE QVEENS HEAD. Bust of Queen Elizabeth. ft. AT BILINGSGATE. In the field, R. A. C. 163. THE MAIRMEAD TAVERN. A mermaid. R. AT BILLIN GATE, 1650. In the field, V. I. H. This Tavern was situated in St. Mary at Hill, facing Billingsgate. It was held on lease from the city of London. Francis Heath, who 'states, after the great fire, that he has an interest in the lease, was, probably, a brother or near relation of the utterer, whose initials appear on the token. M.S. penes. T. W. King, Esq., York Herald. 164. THE SALVTATION TAVERN. Two figures, in the cos- tume of the period, saluting each other. ft. AT BIL- LINGSGATE. In the field, R. s. M. We suspect the device of this token to be a perversion, and that the original .sign really represented the salutation of the Virgin by the angel " AVB MARIA, GRACIA PLENA" a well-known legend on the jettons of the middle ages.* The change of representation was probably accommodated to the times. The taverns at that period were the "gossipping shops" of the neighbourhood; and both puritan and church man frequented them for the sake of hearing the news, which in the days when morning and evening news- papers were not published, brought many together, like the Athenians of old, " to hear some new thing." The puritans loved the good things of this world, and relished a cup of Canary, or Noll's nose lied holding the maxim " Though the devil trepan The Adamical man, The saint stands uninfected." Hence, perhaps, the salutation of the Virgin was exchanged for the " booin' and scrapin' " scene represented on this token. This tavern, which still exists. * bee that engraved in our Introduction, p. 4. CURRENT IN LONDON. 31 was celebrated in the days of Qneen Elizabeth. In some old black letter doggerel, entitled, " News from Bartholomew Fayre," it is thus mentioned: " There hath been great sale and utterance of wine, Besides beere, and ale, and Ipocras fine; In every country, region, and nation, But chiefly in B'illingsgate, at the Salutation." BILLITER LAXE. 165. G. A. BACHELER, AT Y E . In three lines; above, an anchor. ft. IN BILLITER LANE, HALF PENT, 1668. In five lines across the field. 166. WILLIAM WICKINS, 1657. In three lines "across the field. ft. IN BILETR (sic) LANE. In the field, a candle maker, dipping candles. 167. AT THE ANGELL IN. An angel holding a scroll R. BILETER LANE. In the field, G. H. H. BIRCHIN LANE. 168. IOHN COOKE A T BLACK. A ram. R. IN BVRCHIN LANE. In the field, I. E. C. 169. I AMES FORD AT THE. A cock. R. COCKE IN BVR- CHING LANE. In the field, I. E. F. 170. ROGR FORTH AT THE. A cock; above, a bell. R. IN BVRCHEN LANE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 171. ROBERT WHITE AT. In the field, THE IOLLY OLD I . . RY. R. IN BVRCHEN LANE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN. 172. THO. BLACKBORNE. A sugar loaf. ft. BISHOPGATE STREET. In the field, T. s. B. 173. CHARLES COLLINS, 1664. A fox. R. WITHIN BISHOPS GATE. In the field, C. A. C. 174. IAMES HASELL COOK AT. A falcon. R. WITHIN BISHOP- GATE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 175. HENRY GVLLIFER, 1668. An angel. R. WITH BISHOPS GATE. In the field, HIS PENNY. 32 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 176. IOHN HEARNE, 1666. A lion rampant. R. IN BISHOPS GATE STREETE. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, I. M. II. 177. HEN. HORNE CHESE MONGER. In the field, H. M. H. R. IN B1SHOPGATE STREETE. In the field, H. M. H. 178. HENRY IORDAN, 1666. A man dipping candles. R. IN BISHOPSGATE STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 179. AT THE CRISPIN AND. In the field, BISHOPGATE. R. CRISPIANVS, 1653. In the field, RICH. LEVET. 180. EDW. NOVRSE, HIS FARTHINGE WORTH OF COPPER. In six lines across the field. R. NEXT THE BVLL IN BISHOPS GATE STREET, 1666. In six lines across the field. Though stated to be a far thing's worth of copper, the fartliings issued by Government a short time afterwards, negative the assertion, for they are three times heavier than this token. This example, like many others of its class, bears the date 1666, the year of the great fire, in which a great many tokens were struck, as appears by these lists. 181. THOMAS PEELE IN. A raven(?). R. BISHOPGATE STREET. In the field, T. 8. P. 182. WALTER SHALLER, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. WITHIN BISHOPS GATE. A half moon. 183. IOSEPH STEPHENS. An angel standing. R. IN BISHOPS GATE. In the field, HIS FARTHING. 184. ROBERT STVDD AT THE. A helmet. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. In the field, R. M. S. 185. THOMAS TEMPLE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. AT BISHOPSGATE. A Castle. 186. HEN. WELLINGTON, NEAR Y E POST. A hand, holding a coffee pot, issuing from a cloud, and pouring into a cup. A. HOVS IN BISHOPSGATE STREET. In the field, COFFEE HOVSE, W. H. W. 187. IOHN WILSON IN. Bust of a queen holding a sceptre. R. BISHOPSGATE STREETE. In the field, I. A. W. 188. PHILLIP WINFIELD. The Bakers' arms. R. IN BISHOP GATE STRET. In the field, P. E. W. CURRENT IN LONDON. 33 189. AT THE BLACK HEART. A stag couchant. R. IN BVSIIOPSGAT STRET. Ill the field, II. A. A. 190. AT THE SVN IN. The sun. R. BISHOPGATE STREETE. In the field, w. i. A. 191. THE SVGAR LOAF AT. A SUgar loaf. R. BISHIPS GATE GROCER. In the field, F. M. B. 192. THE SHIP TAVERN IN. A ship in full sail. ft. BISHOP GATE STREETE. In the field, E. D. 193. AT THE ACORNE IN. An acom. R. BISHOP GATE STREETE. In the field, I. K. M. 194. THE SHVGER LOFE IN. A SUgar loaf. R. BISHOPS- GATE STREETE. In the field, p. S. M. 195. CHANDLER WITHI. In the field, T. A. T. R. BISHOPS GATE, 1658. In the field, T. A. T. 196. THE FLOWER POT WITH. A vase full of flowers. R. IN BISHIPSGATE. In the field, L. M. T. 197. IN BISSHOPSGATE STREET. Crowned bust, ft HIS HALFE PENNY. A monogram. BISHOPSGATE WITHOUT. 198. Benjamin Antrobus, at. Below, a harrow. R. At the Harrow, without Bishopsgate. 199. GEORG ATKINES. A SUgar loaf. ft. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. In the field, G. A. A. 200. EDWARD BAILEY, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. ft. WITHOVT BISHOPSGATE. A hare run- ning. 201. IOHN BANBVRY WITH. The Grocers' arms. ft. OVT BISHOPSGATE. In the field, I. B. F 34 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 202. CONFECTIONER. In the field, BATHVRST. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. Three sugar loaves. 203. IOHN BECHAM, IN WHITE GATE. Figure on horseback holding a truncheon. R. ALLEY, WITHOVT BISHOPS- GATE. In the field, His HALF PENT, T. s. B. 204. WILL. BENET, AT Y E WHITE. A Stag COUchailt. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. 205. HENRY BVRGESS (detrited). R:. BISHOPSGATE WITHOVT. In the field, H. M. B. 206. Ralph Butcher, 1666. In three lines. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. A lion rampant; above, six candles on a stick. 207. FRANCES DASH WOOD. A naked man. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. In the field, A | D . 208. PETER EAGLES, 1668. A spread eagle. R. WITHOVT BISHOPSGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 209. THOMAS ENGLISH, 1667. A shield of arms, (detrited). - R. BISHOPSGATE AVITHOVT. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 210. THOMAS FYDGE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. WITHOVT BISHOPSGATE. A sugar loaf. 211. THOMAS GOSS WITHOVT. A bee-hive. R. BISHOPSGATE, 1652. In the field, T. G. 212. ARTHVR HALL, AT Y E SINE OF MY LORD CRAVEN, in five lines across the field. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 213. IOHN HAMDEN, 1664. Three nuns. R. BISHOPSGATE WITHOVT. In the field, I. E. H. 214. 1666, Francis Hardy, Grocer, In four lines across the field. R. WITHOVT BISHOPSGATE. The Grocers' arms. CURRENT IN LONDON. 35 215. SAMVELL HARRISON. A horse galloping. K. WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. In the field, s. A. H. 216. SAMVELL HVTTON, AT Y E CITTY OF. A view oi' a city; underneath, NORWICH. K. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 217. HENRY IORDON, VITLER. A roll (?) R. WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. In the field, H. F. I. . 218. WILLIAM IORDAN, AT THE. A Castle. R. WITHOVT BISHOPSGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, I. A. ... 219. FRANCIS MARTYN, WITH. A CFOWll. ft. OVT. BISHOPS GATE, 63. In the field, F. M. 220. THOMAS MIDDLETON. Ill the field, T. K. M. R. WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. Ill the field, T. K. M. '221. GEORGE NICOLLS WHIT (sic). A haiTOW. R. OVT BISHOPS GATE, 57. In the field, G. A. N. 222. CHRISTOPHER PARROT, AT. A Stag. R. BISHOPGATE WITHOVT. In the field, C. E. P. 223. ANDREW PARTRIDGE WITH. The Tallow Chandlers' arms. R. OVT BISHOPSGATE, 1664. In the field, A. I. P. 224. EDWARD PLOWMAN, AT Y E . A horse saddled and bri- dled. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS GATE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 225. HEN QYELCH, OYLMAN. A sun-flower and a barrel. R . WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 226. ROBERT ROWLES. A woman churning. R. WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. In the field, T. A. R. 227. SAM SALLWAY, AT Y E . BLACK. A raven. R. RAVEN WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, S. E. S. 228. WILL SILLET(?) IN DVNINGS ALY. A pair of antlci>. R. WIT1IOVT BISHOPSGATE. Ill the field, HIS HALl- PENY, W. E. S. 36 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 229. THO. TVCKIN GROCER. The Grocers' arms. R. WITH- OVT BISHOPGATE. A sugar loaf. 230. IOHN TVTHILL. Bust of Charles II. R. w. OVT BISHOPSGATE. In tlie field, I. E. T. 231. HENERY WARREN. A bird. R. WITHOVT BISHOPS- GATE. In the field, H. M. w. 232. BEN. WASHBOVRNE. Bust as ojj the Merchant Tailors' arms. R. WITHOVT BISHOPGATE. In the field, B. E. W. 233. IOHN WASHBOVRNE. In the field, i. w. R. IN BISH- OPSGATE, SALTER. In the field, 1661. 234. E. c. AT THE BLEW BOORE. A cross patce. R. WITHOVT BISHOPSGATE. A boar. 235. AT THE BLACK LYON. A lion rampant. R. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. Five candles strung on a stick; above, G- E.G. 236. AT THE THREE LIBERTS HEADS. A shield of arms; a chevron between three leopards' heads. R. WITH- OVT BISHOPS GATE. In the field, M. H. 237. WITHOVT BISHOPS. In the field, s. A. H. R. GATE, SALTER, 1658. A magpie. 238. BY THE SVN. A full blown rose, with rays of light from the upper portion. R. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. In the field, S. A. H. 239. AT THE WHITE SWAN. A swan. R. WITHOVT BISHOP- GATE. In the field, T. E. H. 240. AT THE GRIDE IRON. A gridiron. R. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. In the field, H. M. I. 241. THE ROSE AND CROWN. A crowned rose. R. WITH- OVT BISHOP GATE. In the field, W. M. I. 242. THE HALFE MOONE, BREW. A crescent. R. HOVS WITHOVT B. GATE. In the field, G. I. O. CURRENT IN LONDON. 37 243. AT THE RAINE BOWE. A rainbow. ft. WITHOVT BISHOP. GATE. Ill the field, E. G. R. 244. BY ANGELL ALLY. In the field, E.A. S. R. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. An angel. 245. BY ANGELL ALLY. In the field, E. A. S. R. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. An angel holding a scroll. 246. AT THE MOVTH TAVERN. A human head with a huge mouth. R. WITHOVT BISHOP GATE. In the field, R. K. S. 247. WITHIN BISHOP GATE. The crowned bust of Charles the First to the left. R. THE KINGS HED TAVERN. In the field, G. M. w. The politics of mine host on the " Kings Hed," are pretty manifest from the device and style of this token, the bust on which is copied from some of the very neat silver coins executed by Briot. BLACKFRIARS. 248. WILLIAM CRANWELL. A man dipping candles. R. IN BLACK FRIERS. In the field, W. R. C. 249. Thomas Hooton, 1664, in three lines across the field. R. IN BLACKFRIERS. In the field, H. T. E. 250. William Kidder, 1666. In three lines across the field. R. IN BLACKFRYERS. In the field, W. K. 251. NICOLAS SIMSON, IN. A bird, collared, on a wreath. R. BLACK FRIERS, 1659. In the field, N. E. s. 252. THO SVTTON AT Y E BLACK FRYER. A Friar standing full face, holding a crucifix and a rosary; across the field, in script characters, Mus...hous (sic). R. IN BLACKE FRYERS, 1671. In the field, his 1 D . (Snelling, pi. v.fig. 39). 253. THOMAS WILSON. A full blown rose. R. IN BLACK FRYERS. In tho field, T. A. W. 254. AT Y E GARDEN Hovs. A building. R. IN BLACK FRYERS. In the field, T. D. K. 38 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS BLACKMAN STREET. 255. AT THE THREE CONIES IN. Three rabbits feeding. R. BLACKMAN STREET. E. In the field, ANN. BROAD. . . 256. WILL. CLAPTON, BLAK (dctritecT). R. MAN STREET, SOVTIIWARK. In the field, w. M. C. 257. IOHN IVES, IN 1667. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. BLACKMANS STREET. A horse-shoe with i.i.i. in the centre. 258. ROBERT MAYOW, 1667. Half-length portrait of a man wearing a hat and holding a glass. R. IN BLACKMAN STREET. In the field, (detrited). 259. MICITAELL RAYNER, IN. The Bakers' arms. R. BLACK- MAN STREET, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. M. E. R. 260. EDWARD SALTER, AT Y E WHITE. A horse. R. IN BLACKMAN STREET, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY, E. M. S. 261. AT THE PRINS ARMES. The Prince of Wales's feathers. R. IN BLACKE MAN STREETE. In the field, H. E. B. 262. AT Y E 3 MARYNERS IN. Three sailors standing. R. BLACKMANS STREET. In the field, E. D. B. BLOOMSBUKY. 263. IANE KEYE, IN. A key. R. BLOOMSBVRY MARKET. In the field, I. K., 1653. 264. HENRY LANE, AT Y E BLAK BOY. A naked figure holding a spear. R. IN BLOMESBVRY MARKETT. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1666. 265. ANDREW PASIILEY AT YE uvLL. A bull, and a rude representation of a human mouth. R. AND MOVTH IN BLOOMSBVRY. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. This house still exists in Hart-street, Bloomsbnry. There were others; wJ a famous inn of the same name remains in St. Martin's -Ic-grand. It is scaicely necessary to add, that this is one of the many corruptiDiih of the names of signs CURRENT IN LONDON. 39 in London, and that the proper name was Boulogne Mouth* or the mouth of 4t>>ul<>gne Harbour. The town having been taken by flenry the Eighth, greatly elated the English ar the time, and led to the adoption of the sign.f 266. EDWARD SMITH, IX. A bull. R. BLOOMSBERY MAR- KETT. In the field, E. . . s. 267. ELIZEVS SOVTHERN, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF- PENNY. R. IN BLOOMSBERY MARKETT. In the field, E. S. S. 268. RICHARD WARD, IN BLOOMSBVRY. A monogram of R. E. W. K. MARKET, OYLE MAN, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFEPEXNY. 269. EDMVND WHITE, His HALF PENY. An arched crown. R. IN BLOOMSBVRY MARKET. In the field, E. A. W. 270. THOMAS WIGLEY, IN. A cradle. R. BLOOMSBVRY. In the field, T. G. w. BLOWBL ADDER STREET.: 271. RICH. IOYCE, AT THE. Adam and Eve. R. IN BLOW- BLADER S T . In the field, R. D. i. 272. ROBERT MOORE, GOLDE BAL. A bull. R. IN BLOW- BLADDE STKET. In the field, R. I. M. BOTOLPH LANE. 273. IOHN CRANE IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. BVTOLPH LANE, 1666. In the field, I. M. c. BOW LANE. 274. PRT (sic). BRAILSFORD. A horse-shoe. R. IN BOW LANE. In the field, P. B. * The license which our notice of these tokens gives, affords us the op- portunity of remarking, that in our boyish days we heard of strange wilful perversions of the names of well-known inns and public-houses : thus, in metro- politan slang, the "Elephant and Castle" was the Pig and Tinder- Box ; the li Bear and Bagged Staff" the Angel and Flute ; and the " Pig in the Pound," the Gentleman in Trouble ! f In the same way an Inn in Holborn had for sign a Bull and a Gate, the popular version, or rather perversion, of Boulogne Gate. J Now Newgate Street. 40 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 275. JOHN DAVIS, 1657. Three arrows. R. IN BOWE LANE. In the field, I. M. D. 276. BARTHOLOMEW HILL. A Stag. R. IN BOWE LANE. In the field, B. M. H. 277. ANDREW RAGDALE. A man dipping candles. R. IN BOWE LANE. In the field, A. B. R. 278. IOHN WOLRICH, AT THE. A COck. R. COK. IN BOW. LANE, 1652. In the field, I. 8. W. 279. AT THE HORS SHOO, IN. A tallow chandler dipping candles. R. TALLOW CHAND., BOW LANE, D. I. C. 280. AT THE GREENE DRAGON. A dragon. R. IN BOWE LANE. In the field, I. C. K. 281. THE MERMAYD TAVERN. A mermaid, with the usual attributes. R. IN BOWE LANE, 1652. In the field, I. A. P. We are strangely puzzled with the above token, which belongs to the Mer- maid in Bow Lane, and can have nothing to do with the celebrated tavern of that name. Did the fame of the " Mermayd" give rise to the several other similar signs which we know by tokens were in vogue at this time ? * BOW STREET, WESTMINSTER. 282. I AMES BEECH, IN BOW STREET. A bunch of flowers. R. IN WESTMINSTER, 1667. In the field, HISHALFE PENNY. 283. AT THE BLEW LION. A lion rampant. R. BOW STREET, WESTMIN. In the field, E. F. C. 284. THE CROS SHVFLES. Two shovels saltier-wise. R. IN BOW STREETE, 1653. In the field, H. B. s. This token is without the name or calling of the issuer, by which we may infer that it was a public house, frequented, as the sign would seem to in- dicate, by the labouring classes. * Every one knows that " the Old Bear," in Piccadilly, had his imitators, until Bruin's effigy at length appeared on a board nearly life-size, holding in his mouth a label inscribed, / am the original ! CURRENT IN LONDON. 41 BREAD STREET. 285. WILLIAM BARNES IN. A still. ft. BREAD STREET, DIS- TILLER. In the field, w. I. B. 286. IOHN IENNENS, AT THE. The Sim. ft. LOWER END OF BREAD STREET. The Coopers' arms. 287. BENIAMIN SALLOWS. Three cups with covers, as in the Salters' arms. ft. IN BREAD STREET, 1656. In the field, B. M. s. 288. ARTHVR AND THO. STONE. Acastle gate. ft. IN BREAD STREET. In the field, A. s. T. s. 289. SOLYMAN. A Turk's head. ft. WARDS COFFEE HOVSE IN BREAD STREET. 1671, across the field in five lines. 290. AT THE WHITE HORES (sic). A horse galloping. ft. IN BREAD STREET, 1649. In the field, R. E. R. BRICK LANE. 291. IOHN CHVRCHEY IN BRICK. An armed man holding a boar's head on a spear. R. LANE IN SPITTLEFEILDS. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY. 292. THOMAS COWLY IN BRICK. The SUn. R. LANE, HIS HALF PENY, 1666. In the field, T. M. C.in monogram. 293. CHARLES DAY, BREWER. A pentagon. R. IN BRICK LANE, HIS HALFE PENNY, C. M^ D. 1660. In six lines across the field. 294. GILES DISHLEY. An archer. ft. IN BRICK LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. BRIDE LANE. 295. WILLIAM ADLEY IN. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. BRIDE LANE, 1663. In the field, w. I. A. G 42 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 296. DANIELL BIRTWISTLE AT. A bear and WHITE over it. R. BE ARE IN BRIDE LANE; in centre, HIS HALF PENY, 1666. See No. 297. 297. WILL. HEARNE AT Y E WHIT. A bear. R. IN BRIDE LANE. In the field, w. M. H. 298. AT THE 3 COLTES. Three colts galloping. R. IN BRIDE LANE. In the field, R. E. C. BRIDEWELL. 299. ROBERT CHAPMAN AT. A sword with a crown on the point. R. BRIDEWELL DOCKE. In the field, R. E. C. 300. GILES RAY, WOODMONG. The Woodmongers' arms. R. AT BRID WELL DOCKE. In the field, G. I.R. 301. THO. TEMPLEMAN. A fleur-de-lis on a fagot. R. AT BRIDWEL DOCK. In the field, T. M. T. 302. AT THE SVN TAVERN. The SUn. R. VPON BRID- WELL STEPS. In the field, A. E. C. 303. AT Y E PYD. BVLL IN. A bull. R. OVLD BRID WELL, 1652. In the field, M. A. E. 304. THIS HALFPENY BELONGING TO Y E . The city arms. R. HOSPITAL OF BRIDEWELL, LONDON. The City arms. BRIDGE FOOT, SOUTHWARK. 305. IOSEPH BROCKET. A greyhound. R. BRIG FOOT SOVTHWARK. In the field, I. M. B. 306. ABRAHAM BROWNE AT Y E . A bear with a chain. R. BRIDG FOOT SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. The Bear appears to have changed landlords several times at this period. We learn from Pepys (Diary, 24th February, 1667), that the mistress of the Bear at the Bridge Foot committed suicide, by throwing herself into the Thames. She was, according to Pepys, a beautiful woman, and formerly lived at the White Horse Tavern in Lombard Street. The Bear tavern existed until the demolition of old London Bridge. CURRENT IN LONDON. 43' 307. CORNELIVS COOK AT THE. A bear with a chain. R. BEARE AT THE BRIDG FVT. In the field, C. A. C. 308. HENRY PHILLIPS. A sugar loaf. R. BRIDGE FOOT SOVTHWARK. In the field, H. s. P. BRIDGE -HOUSE GATE, SOUTH WARK. 309. RANDALL ALDERSEY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. AT Y E BRIDG HOVSE GATE. In the field, R. M. A. BROAD STREET. 310. Silvester Doume, his half penny. R. IN BROD STREET, 1667. In the field, a hand pouring coffee from a pot. 311. IOHN HOW AT. R. BROAD STREET CORNER. In the field, 1. 1. H. 312. AT THE WHITE HORSE. A cavalier on horseback. R. IN BROAD STREET. In the field, R. A. B. 1658. BROKEN WHARF. 313. ROB. AVSTIN, WOODM. A bundle of wood or fagot, between two stars. R. AT BROKEN WHORFE. A dog or wild beast emerging from a wood. 314. wit, OD AT Y K WHIT LYON. A lion rampant. ft. AT BROKEN WHARFE. In the field, W. E. D. BROWN'S ALLEY. 315. BROVNS ALLY IN. The Holy Lamb with the nimbus. R. BILLETER LANE, 1648. In the field, w. K.L. BUCKLERSBURY. 316. AT Y E FLOWER DE LVCE. A fleur-de-lis and s. R. R. IN BVCKLERSBVRY, 57. A shield of arms.* * The three objects (two affd one) with which this shield is charged, resemble Chinese characters. I am unable to designate them. 44 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS BUDGE ROW. 317. FRAN SMITH AT YE RED. A COW. R. IN BVDGE ROWE. The Lorimers' arms. 318. THOMAS SNOW. A raven. R. IN BVDGE ROE. In the field, a stick of candles between the letters, T. A. s. BULWARK GATE. 319. THOMAS STARES. In the field, T. E. S. R. IN THE BVLWORKE. In the field, 1653. 320. AT THE CROOKED BILLIT. In the field, R. I. S. R. AT THE BVLWORKE GATE. A crooked billet. BUTCHER ROW. Butcher Row once stood in the open space between Ship Yard and the end of Picket-street, without Temple Bar. It received its designation from its being a flesh market, founded in the reign of Edward the First. The whole of the tenements, which were of wretched appearance the type of a great many streets in ancient London were removed by the exertions of Mr. Alderman Picket, whose name the street now bears. From the " Bear and Harrow" in Butcher How, Nat Lee, the mad poet, departed reeling drunk, and perished in the snow, not far from the spot, in the darkness of a winter's night. Here was the celebrated Betty's Chop-house, and the Eating-house (Clifton's) where Dr. Johnson used to dine. 321. MATHEW DVNE AT Y E BACON SHOP. A Side of bacon. R. IN BVTCHER ROW, AT TEMPLE BAR. In the field, HIS HALPE PENNY, M. E. D. 322. EDWARD STARKY IN. Bust of Henry VIII. R. BVCHER ROW, 1657. In the field, E. E. s. CANNON OK CHANNEL ROW. 323. THOMAS MORICE IN CHANELL. A gateway, flanked by two towers, on each of which is a human head on a pole. R. ROW HIS HALFE PENY, 1666. In the field, T. A. M, CURRENT IX LONDON. 45 CAXXOX STREET, OR CANDLEWICK STREET. 324. NATHANIEL BAGNE. A Unicorn. - R. IN CANNON STREETE. In the field, N. s. B. 325. ANNE BLVNT IN. A Turk's head. R. CANNON STREET, 1672. In the field, l u . surrounded by eight rosettes. 326. WILLIAM BVRGES AT, 1668. The Coopers' arms. R. LONDON STONE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 327. THO. COLCOCK, GROCER, AT Y E . The Grocers' arms. R. GOVLDEN KEY, IN CANNON STREET. In the field, a key and 1 D . 328. RICHARD TAYLOR. A tree between R. T. R. IN CAN- NON STREETE. In the field, 1659. 329. SAM TWICKTEN, AT BLACK. A swan. R. IN CANNON STREET. In the field, s. R. T. 330. AT Y E BLACK HORSE. A horse caparisoned. R. IN CANNON STREET. In the field, I. B. 331. THE WHIT LYON TAVERN. A lion rampant. R. IN CANDLE WICK STREETE. In the field, T- E. in monogram. 332. AT THE WHITE HART. A Stag COUchant. R. IN CAN- NON STREETE. In the field, B. I. s. CAREY LAXE. 333. IOHN IACKSON. The Drapers' arms. R. IN CAREY LANE. In the field, I. M. I. CARTER LANE. 334. FRANCIS CVRSON IN. A horse and cart. R. CARTER LANE, HIS HALFPENY. In the field, F. A. C. 335. RICHARD HASKER. A globe on a stand. R. IN CARTER LANE, 1664. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. 46 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 336. TIIO. OVTKIDGE AT CARTER. A table, on which arc placed a cup and saucer, and a couple of short pipes; above, a hand holding a cup. R. LANE END NEAR CREED LANE. A Turk's head. In the field, ". This token, like many others of the period, is of an octangular shape. The device of the obverse shews that the citizens sometimes took a pipe with their coffee after the oriental custom; but, instead of the long Ichibouk, we have a couple of short pipes of the same character as those so often dug up in our London excavations, the shape of which is so well given in Teniers' smoking scenes. 337. WILLIAM PROSSER. A goat. R. IN CARTER LANE. In the field, w. I. p. CASTLE LANE. 338. THE. MASBLAKE, AT THE. An armed figure smoking a pipe. R. IN CASTELL LANE. In the field, T. B. CASTLE STREET, PICCADILLY. 339. THOMAS WHITE, IN CASTEL. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY, T. I. W. R. STREET, PICKADILLY. A well ( ?). CASTLE STREET, SOUTHWARK. 340. IOIIN COOKE, WINCHESTER. A tobaCCO roll. R. PARK IN CASTLE STREET, SOVTH. In the field, WARK HIS HALFE PENNY, I. M. C. 341. SAMVEL HODGKINE. In the field, a boot between S..H. R. IN CASTELL STREET. Same type and letters. 342. RICHARD HOSKINE. A boot. R. IN CASTLE STREETE. In the field, R. B. H. 343. EDMVND PERKINS IN. In the field, 1659. R. CASTLE STREETE. In the field, E. M. P. CASTLE YARD. 344. GEORGE PICKFAT IN CASTLE. A castle, with HIS *. R. YARD TALLOW CHANDLER. In the field, 1666, G. E. P. CURRENT IN' LONDON. 47 345. IOITN WALKER IN CASTLE. A hog. R. YARD, HIS HALFE PENT. In the field, I. E. W. divided by a flower. CATEATOX STREET. 346. THOMAS LACY, HIS 2 PENT. A female bust to the left; around, ROXCEL LANA. R. IN CATEATON STREETE. In the field, T. H. L. 347. HATTON PATRIDGE. A fleece. R. . IN CATEATON STRET. In the field, P. I. H. (sic). 348. ROBERT SNOW AT WHITE. A lion. R. IN CATTEATEN STREET. In the field, R. A. 8. 349. ROGER WARE, 1664. The royal arms. R. IN CATEATEN STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 350. THE KINGS AR1LES TAVERN. In the field, I. E. W. R. IN CATEATON STREETE. In the field, I. E. W. CHANCERY LANE. 351. IOHN BODINGTON AT Y E . In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. CELLER IN CHANCERY LANE. A bunch of grapes. 352. IOHN BVSH AT THE. An arched crown. R. IN CHAN- CERY LANE. In the field, I. D. B. 353. EDWARD CODDINGTON. A death's head. R. IN CHAN- CERY LANE. In the field, E. M. c. 354. George Daphin. A Turk's head. R. Alt The Coffee House in Chancery Lane. In five lines across the field. 355. IOHN HENTHORNE AT THE S T . IOHN. The head of the Baptist in a dish. R. TA VERNE IN CHANCERY LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, i. M. H. 356. ABRA. HVDSON, APOTHECARY. The Apothecaries' arms. R. Y E BLEW BOAR IN CHANCERY LANE. A boar. 357. RALPH HVTCHINSON AT Y* GRAY. A friar. R. FRYER, IN CHANCERY LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 48 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 358. IOIIN LANGSTON AT THE. A globe on a stand. R. TAV. IN CHANCERY LANE, 67. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. 359. WILLIAM MART, CHANCEREY. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. LANE END, IN FLEET STREET. Bust of Henry VIII. , with globe and sceptre. 360. WILLIAM MART, CHANCEREY. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. LANE END IN FLEET STREET. A half length bust of King Henry VIII. holding the orb and sceptre ; above, the initials, w. K. M. 361. RALPH MASSIE AT Y E ROLES. Three rolls of paper or parchment. R. TAVERN IN CHANCERY LANE. In the "field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1667. 362. HENRY REDMAN, 1666. Bust of the Pope. R. IN CHANCERIE LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 363. WILL ROSE At THE BLACK. A spread eagle. R. IN CHANCERY LANE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. 364. HVMPHREY TAFT AT THE. An anchor and sword. R. AT CHANCERY LANE END. In the field, CVTLER, 1665. 365. Robert Terrey, his J. A Turk's bust. R. Alt the Coffee House in Chancery Lane. In five lines across the field. 366. AT THE CROWNE. An arched crown. R. IN CHAN- CEREY LANE. In the field, E. M. c. 367. AT THE HORNS. A pair of antlers. R. CHANCERY LANE. In the field, I. E. C. 368. AT THE HOLE IN THE WALL. A wall, with a circular hole in it. R. IN CHANCERY LANE HIS HALF PENY. I. M. F. In five lines, within compartments, across the field. " The Hole in the Wall" still exists in Chancery Lane. It was a popular sign, and several taverns bore the same designation, which probably originated in a certain tavern being situated in some umbrageous recess in the old city walls. Many of the most popular and most frequented taverns of the present day are located in twilight courts and alleys, into which Phoebus peeps at Midsummer tide only when on the meridian. Such localities may have been selected on more than one account: they not only afforded good skulking CURRENT IN LONDON. 49 "holes" for those who love I drinking bitter than \vork; hut beer anl other liquors keep batter in the s!ia-le. These haunts, like Lady Mary's farm, were " In summer shady, and in winter warm." Rawhns, the engraver of the fine and much coveted Oxford Crown, with a view of the city under the horse, dates a quaint supplicatory letter to John Evelyn, "from the Hole in the Wall, in St. Martin's,"* no misnomer, we will be sworn, in that aggregation of debt and dissipation, when debtors were imprisoned with a very remote chance of redemption. In the davs of Rye-House and Meal-Tub plots, philanthropy overlooked such little matters; and Small Debts Bills were not dreamt of in the philosophy of speculative legislators. Among other places which bore the designation of the Hole in the Wall, there was one in Chandos Street, in which the famous Duval, the highwayman, was apprehended after an attack on two bottles of wine, probably drugged by a " friend" or mistress, f 369. IOHN IN WHITES. In the field, 1. 1. and two flowers. ft. ALLY IN CHAN .... LANE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 370. THE KINGS HEAD TAVERN. The bust of Henry the Eighth. R. AT CHANCERY LANE END. In the field, T. A. K. In the reign of Charles II., the Earl of Shaftesbury was president of the Green Ribbon Club, who held their meetings here, and were supposed to be the principal promoters of the " Pope-burning tumults." Roger North says, " their seat was in a sort of carfour, at Chancery Lane End." The two tokens here described differ materially from each other, and seem to shew that the tavern had changed landlords. * Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. III., p. 123. f We have before us a small tract of the time, which professes to give an account of this fellow, partly serious, partly bantering, partly condemnatory, partly apologetical ; but we confess, that we can see nothing to justify his exaltation by the gentlemen of the Newgate School of Romance. We, however, must wonder at nothing, when one of them condescends to make the cold blooded, cruel, and calculating Eugene Aram, the hero of his romance, and to represent him in love !! The only thing that can be said in favour of highway- men is, that they were rarely murderers, and never murderers in cold blood. What a change has taken place in society, long since these tokens were cur- rent in London, ay, even within the last fifty years. Sir Richard Birnic, the well-known police magistrate, once remarked, in a tone which seemed almost to indicate that he deplored what might be deemed the decay of national spirit, that he " had not heard of a mounted highwayman for thirty years" ! So recent as the days of George the Second, people were brought to a stand by highwaymen as they crossed Coveut Garden in their chairs; and the parks and suburbs of London, after dark, were left to the desperate of both sexes. Now- a-days, a child might walk from Tyburn to Mile-End at midnight without fear ! Still, if we take the aggregate of swindling, " hocussing," and petty larceny, with a number of other mean and dastardly vices in our own gener- ation, and place them against the burglaries and highway robberies in the days of our grandfathers, the present race will have little to boast of. H 50 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 371. THE S. IOIINS HEAD TAVERN. The Baptist's head in a dish. K. IN CHANCERY LANE. In the field, R. M. 372. AT THE BIBLE, 166 ... A bible with clasps. R. IN CHANCERY LANE. In the field, R. T. 373. AT Y E OVLD PARRS HEAD. Profile bust with a ruff R. CHANCERY LANE, A HALF PENY. In the field, D. E. P. 374. BLACK SPRED EAGLE. In the field, I. S. V. R. IN CHANCERY LANE. A spread eagle. 375. F. W. AT THE GOLDEN CROS. A CrOSS. R. IN CHAN- CERY LANE. In the field, F. A. W. CHAIN GATE. 376. NICHOLAS MORE AT Y E . A coat of arras.* R. CHEANE- GATE SOVTHWA. In the field, N. L. M. See the remarks under " Paul's Chain." CHANDOS STREET. 377. AT THE GATE. A gate. R. IN SHANDOS STREET. In the field, I. D. K. CHARING CROSS. 378. AT CHARING CROSS, 1664. A queen's bust crowned with an open crown. R. Edward Bew, his Halfe Penny, across the field, in script characters. 379. Judeth Ellis, 1664, in three lines across the field. R. AT CHARING CROSS, HER HALF PENY. A horse-shoe. 380. GEORGE HAMMOND, within the inner circle. Around, NEAR CHARING CROSS. R. NEXT TO Y E WHIT BEAR. In the field, RICH, 1662. 381. ANDREW HIND, OVER AGAINST. A hind. R. THE MVSE, HIS HALF PENNY. A spread eagle. * A chevron between three stags. CURRENT IN LONDON. 51 382. CHRISTOPHER JACOB. Two figures joining hands. R. BY CHARING CROSS. In the field, C. i. I. 383. MARKE RIDER, AT THE SWAN. A swan holding a sprig in its bill. R. A GAINST THE MEWES, 1665. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 384. ROBVT WRIGHT, NEARE. Three hawks (?). R. CHAR- ING CROSS, 1664. In the field, v. A. w. 385. AT THE SENE OF THE. A harp. R. HARP AT CHEREN CROS. In the field, s. C. 386. A triumphal arch, with three gates, within a garland. R. THE PAGEANT TAVERNE AT CHARING CROSSE. I. w. within a garland. There was the " Triumph Tavern" at Charing Cross, which was doubtless the same establishment. Pepys (Diary, 25th May, 1662) says, " Out with Captain Ferrers to Charing Cross ; and there, at the Triumph Taverne, he showed me some Portugall ladys which are come to town before the qucene." CHARTER HOUSE LANE. 387. RICHARD BENNIOR AT THE. Three horses saddled and bridled. R. IN CHARTER HOVSE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, R. A. B. 388. FRANCIS BENTHAM. The Sun. R. IN CHARTER HOVSE LANE. In the field, F. M. B. 389. IOHN BVSH AT Y E HARROW. A harrow. ft. IN CHARTER HOVSE LANE. In the field, 1. 1. B. |. 390. SAMVEL DAWSON AT Y E . A horse's head. K.IN CHAR- TER HOVSE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT, 67. 391. RICHARD GREENE IN. St. George and the Dragon. R. CHARTER HOVSE LANE. In the field, R. E. G. 392. IOHN HOWES AT CHARTER. The Grocers' arms. R. HOVSE LANE END. In the field, I. M. H. 393. FRANCIS TVRNER IN. A rose crowned. R. CHARTER HOVS E LANE. In the field, F. s. T. 52 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 394. FELIX WAYLETT IN. In the field, F. I. W. R. CHAR- TER HOVSE LANE. A lion rampant. 395. GREENE MAN AND BALL. A man about to cast a ball. R. CHARTER HOVSE LANE. In the field, T. S. F. 396. AT THE FLIEING HORSE. PegaSUS. R. IN CHARTER HOVSE LANE. In the field, A. A. L. 397. CHR MWORTH AT THE. A fountain, surmounted by a figure of the youthful Bacchus. R. INCHARTER- HOVSE LANE. Ill the field, C. V. S. CHEAPSIDE. 398. EDWARD ATTWOOD. A halfmoon. R. IN CHEAP SIDE. In the field, E. I. A. 399. ROBERT GARDNER. Three horse-shoes. R. IN CHEAP- SIDE. In the field, R. E. G. 400. HVMPHREY GROSVENOR. A horse's head. R. IN CHEAPS In the field, H. G. 401. NEVELL HARWAR AT Y E CIVET. A Cat. R. IN NEW CHEAP SIDE. In the centre, BAL & POWDER SHOP. 402. THOMAS IAMES. A raven. R. VPPER END OF CHEAP- SIDE. In the field, T. B. I. 403. EDWARD IARVIS AT THE GEORG. St. George, OU horseback, piercing the dragon. R. IN CHEAPSIDE MARKETT. A monogram, in cyphers, of the issuer's name. Does " Cheapside Markett" mean Honey Lane Market ? 404. CHARLES KIFTELL. A hand issuing from the clouds, pouring from a coffee-pot into a cup. R. AT THE COFFEE HOVSE. In the field, IN CHEAPSIDE, 1669. Another example of the tokens issued by Coffee House Keepers, and bearing a later date. 405. WILL. MOSTYN, AT Y E HEN. A hen and chickens. R. CHICKINS IN CHEAPSIDE. In the field, W. E. M. |. CL'RREXT IX LONDON. 53 406. GEORGE PEIRCE. A bull's head couped. K. . . . CHEAP SIDE, 1665. In the field, G. M. P. 407. RICHARD ROYLE, AT Y E . A raven. R. RAVEN IX CHEAP- SIDE. In the field, R. R, 408. EZEKIEL WALLIS. In the field, IN CHEAP SIDE. R. AT THE BLEW BOAR. A boar. 409. MARY WOODFALL. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. IN CHEAFSIDE. In the field, M. w. 410. THE BVLL HEAD TAVERNE. A bull's head. ft. IN CHEAP SIDE, 1650. In the field, T. E. B. 411. THE FEATHERS TAVERN. The Prince of Wales's fea- thers. R. IN CHEAPE SIDE, 1650. In the field, T. E. C. 412. AGAINST THE GREAT. St. George and the Dragon. R. CONNDVIT, IN CHEAPSIDE. In the field. F. M. D. 413. AT THE MITR IN CHEAP. A mitre. R. SIDE. FORGET NOT. In the field, T. D. 414. AGAINST THE GREAT. Three tuns. ft. CONDVIT, IN CHEAPSIDE. In the field, I. S. H. 415. AT YE MEAREMAYD. A mermaid, with her accustomed attributes. R. TAVERN CHEAPSIDE. In the field, I. T. M. The topography of ancient London is not always well made out; and the mention of the Mermaid fn Cheapside would leave us in some doubt as to whether it is the famed Mermaid of Ben Jonson, if " the Mermayd in Chepe" were not the ordinary appellation of the tavern in those palmy days. There were many taverns with this sign ; but we can hardly suppose that there was a Mermaid in Cheapside, and another the celebrated one hard by, in Bread Street. We can only reconcile this by the conjecture that there was a back entrance to the Mermaid in Bread Street from Cheapside. Many taverns in this neighbourhood are to be found at the ends of courts running out of the great thoroughtare. If our token, as doubtless it is, be really of the tavern which Jonson and his friends haunted, it was of no less repute than " The Devil" in Fleet Street, being the resort of all the wits and poets of the day. 54 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 416. ... .MAKE MAID, TWIXT MILK STREET AND WOOD STR. A mermaid. R. HABERDASHER, SMALL- WARES IN CHEAPSIDE. A merchant's mark combined with the letters, W. R. 417. AT THE STARE TAVORN. A Star. R. IN CHEP SIDE, 1648. In the field, w. M. s. Pepys was at this tavern on the night of the llth February, 1659 60. See his Diary, vol. i. p. 26. 418. THE MAN IN THE MOON. The figure of a half naked man standing within a crescent moon, and holding by the horns. R'. TAVERN IN CHEAPSIDE. In the field, S. S. T. We have seen the subject most quaintly treated on village sign -boards; but "the Man hi the Moon" is here not inelegantly represented, however prepos- terous the idea. CHECQUER ALLEY, MOORFIELDS. 419. IOHN MEEKE, Y E DARK HOVSE. A checquered square. R. IN CHEQVER ALLY, MOREFIELD. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1668. CHECQUER YARD. 420. H. WELLINGTON, AT Y E COFFEE HOVS. A hand hold- ing a coffee-pot and pouring into a cup. In the field, II. W. R. INCHEQVER YARD, BY DOWGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1665. Those who are acquainted with the topography of London, will smile at the fact of a coffee-house having flourished in this obscure nook, the features of which, on the re-building of the city, must have been entirely changed. See the note under the Swan at Dowgate. The utterer of this token appears to have afterwards taken to himself a wife and removed to Bishopsgate Street (cf. p. 32, No. 186). CHICK LANE. 421. PETER ENGLISH AT THE. A shoulder of mutton. R. IN CHICK LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, around a half moon, with a human face within it. 422. RICHARD HALLET. The lion of St. Mark. R. IN CHEK LANE, 1659. In the field, R. A. H. CURRENT IN LONDON. 55 423. HENRY KNIGHT, BREWER. A mallet (?) and other objects. ft. IN CHICK LANE, 1669. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, H. E. K. 424. RICHARD LVKEY AT THE. A pump, with a hand issuing from a cloud, grasping the handle. R. PVMP IN CHICK LANE. Ill the field, HIS HALPEPENNY, R. M. L. 425. ALEXANDER SHARP. In the field, A. I. S. R. IN CHICKE LANE. In the field, three pipes. 426. ROBERT WEST, 1667. Bust as in the Mercers' arms. ft. IN CHICKE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY, R. A. W. 427. AT THE GOVLDTNG. A lion -rampant. ft. LYON IN CHIKLANE. In the field, R. N. w. CHISWELL STREET, 428. RALPH BOWES. In the field, 1658. R. CHISSEL STREET, BREWER. In the field, R. M. B. 429. ROBERT CHIPPERFIELD. In the field, 1659. ft. IN CHISSELL STREET. In the field, R. A. c. 430. BARTHOLOMEW FRANCIS. An arched crown. ft. IN CHISWELL STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 431. IONATHAN SWIFT, OILMAN. The front of a building with four flambeaux projecting from the sides. ft. IN CHIS- WELL STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1667. 432. BRYAN TAILOR, AT GHEE. A man holding a staff and a bugle horn. R. MAN, CHISELL STREET. In the field, B. A. T. 433. IOHN THOMLINSON AT THE. An archer fitting an arrow to his bow; a small figure behind, holding an arrow. R. IN CHISWELL STREET, 1667. In the centre, HIS HALFE PENNY, and I. S. T. It is easy to perceive what is intended by the representation on the obverse or this token. Though " Little John," we are told, stood upwards of six good English feet without his shoes, he is here depicted to suit the popular humour a dwarf in size, compared with his friend and leader, the bold outlaw. The proximity of Chiswell-street to Finsbury-fields may have led to the adoption 56 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS of the sign, which was doubtless at a time when archery was considered an elegant as well as indispensable accomplishment of an English gentleman. It is far from obsolete now, as several low public houses and beer-shops in the vicinity of London testify. One of them exhibits Robin Hood and his com- panion dressed in the most approved style of " Ashley's," and underneath the group is the following irresistible invitation to slake your thirst: " Ye archers bold and yeomen good, Stop and drink with Robin Hood : If Robin Hood is not at home. Stop and drink with Little John." Our London readers could doubtless supply the variorum copies of this elegant distich, which, as this is an age for "Family Shaksperes," modernised Chaucers, and new versions of " Robin Hood's Garland," we recommend to the notice of the next editor of the ballads in praise of the Sherwood Free- booter. 434. AT THE PLOVGH. A plough. R. IN CHESEL STREET. In the field, i. F. T. CHURCH LANE. 435. WILL. ELWOOD, IN CHVRCH (detrited). R. LANE, HIS HALFE PENY. Nine candles strung on a stick. 436. RICHARD SMITH. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. R. IN CHVRCH LANE, 1665. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 437. IOHN STONYER IN. Bust of David crowned, playing on the harp. ft. CHVRCH LANE, 1658. In the field, i. M. s. CHURCH- YARD ALLEY. 438. THE PVMP RVNS CLEER Win ALE AND BEER. A pump. R. IOHN COX. IN CHVHCHED (sic) ALLY. IN 8OVTH- ARK (sic) HIS HALF PENY. CHURCH-YARD GATE. 439. ED. ROGERS, SALTER, 1659. A hoi'SC. R. CHVRCH YARD GATE, WESTM. The Fishmongers' arms.* The stockfish mongers and salters were incorporated 28 Henry VIII. CURRENT IN LONDON. 57 CLARE MARKET. 440. IEREMIAH GREEN AT Y E . Bust of Charles I. crowned. R. KINGS HEAD IN CLAR MARKET. In tile field, HIS HALFE PENY, I. A.G. 441. RALPH SHERWIN, AT SWAN. A SWan. ft. IN CLARE MARKETT, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, R. A. s. CLARE STREET. 442. ROGER FRANKLIN, AT THE. A lion rampant. ft. IN CLARSTREET. . . . CASSIAR (?). In the field, HIS HALF- PENY, R F. 443. TERTULLION LEWIS. A bucket. R. CLARE STREET, TAPSTER (?). In the field, T. G. L. 444. GEORGE TAVERN IN. St. George and the Dragon. R. CLARE STREET, 57. In the field, G. i. CLEMENT'S LANE. 445. AT THE SHIP. A ship on the sea. R. IN CLEMENTS LANE. In the field, M. A. K. 446. AT THE KINGS HEAD. Bust of Henry VIII. R. IN CLEMENTIS (sic) LANE. In the field, E. A. N. CLERKENWELL. 447. GILES RVSSEL, IN. A SWan. ft. CLERKENWELL, 1657. In the field, G. M. R. CLERKENWELL CLOSE. 448. EDWARD PINCKENTHMAN. FlVC bells. ft. IN CLERKEN- WELL CLOSE, 68. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, E. A. p. 449. RICHARD STVDLEY AT THE. In the field, SHROPSHIERE HOVSB. ft. IN CLERKENWELL CLOSE. In the field, R. I. S. I 58 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 450. Y E ROSE AND CROWNE IN Y E . A crown surmounting a full blown rose. R. CLERKENWEL CLOSE. In the field, A. E. c. CLERKENWELL FIELDS. 451. THOMAS GIBS IN CLERKEN. A crowned bust of Charles I. R. WELL FEILDS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 452. TRISTRAM HEWES AT, 1666. In the field, His Halfe Peny. R. CLERKENWELL, BAKER. The Bakers' arms between T. A. H. CLERKENWELL GREEN. 453. IOHN ROBERTS AT Y E DRVM. A drum. R. IN CLERKEN- WELL GREENE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. . . . 454. IOHN SCOTT AT THE (TVRN) STILE. A turnstile. R. AT CLARKENWELL GREENE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1667. CLOAK LANE. 455. AT THE WILLOW TREE. A willow tree. R. IN CLOAK LANE. In the field, N. i. B. CLOTH FAIR. 456. CHRISTO. ASHBOVRN AT THE. The SUn. R. IN CLOATH FAIR, CHANDLER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 457. WILLIAM BINCKS AT THE 2. Two men carrying, on a pole between them, a barrel. R. BREWERS IN CLOATH FAIRE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1666. 458. WILLIAM CHANDLER. Two hands joined. R. IN CLOATH FAIRE. In the field, W. S. C. 459. HENRY DOWNING. A queen's head. R. IN CLOATH FAYRE. In the field, H. R. D. 460. RICHARD GIMBART. Two brewers carrying a barrel. R. IN CLOTH FAIER. In the field, R. M. G. CURRENT IN LONDON. 59 461. WILLIAM GRAY, 1666. A pair of antlers. R. IN CLOATH FAIRE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 462. HENRY INGERSOVLE. Three tuns. R. IN CLOATH FAIRE. In the field, H. D. I. 463. ISAACK PECKETT. In the field, i. . . . p. R. IN CLOATH FAIRE. The Butchers' arms. 464. John Poyntting, in Cloath faier. In four lines across the field. R. his half Penny. A tobacco roll and 1667 (heart shaped}. 465. RICH. TAYLER, MEALE. In the field, R.T. R. IN CLOTH FAIER. In the field , R. T. 466. MIKHILL TEMPLE. The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers. R. IN CLOATH FAIRE. In the field, M. A. T. 467. WILLIAM W1TTINGHAM. A WlVem. R. IN CLOTH FAIRE, 1657. In the field, w. D.W. COCK LANE, SMITHFIELD (?). 468. ROBERT GREENE. A fleur de luce. R. IN COCK LANE, 1666. In the field, R. D. G. 469. CHARLES OARES AT THE SVGAR. In the field, C. D. O. R. LOAFE IN COCK LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 470. THE GREEN LETTICE. A latticed square. R. IN COCK LANE. In the field, I. D. s. COCK LANE, SHOREDITCH. 471. RICHARD NORMAN. A wheat sheaf, and a pair of scales. R. IN COCK LANE, BAKER. In the field, R. I. N. 472. THE COCK AT COCK. A cock. R. LANE END IN SHORDICH. In the field, T. G. A. 60 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS COCK PIT COURT. 473. SAMVELL CLEVER AT COCK. In the field, HIS FAR- THINGE. R. PITT COVRT IN SHOOE LANE. In the field, S. M. C. COLEMAN STREET. 474. EDWARD FLETCHER. The Joiners' arms. R. AGAINST COLEMAN STR. In the field, E. M. F. 475. IAMES GRIPP LIVING. A robe between I. G. R. IN COLEMAN STREET, 1666. In the field, A COAT MAKER, I. E. G. 476. NICHOLAS HARINGTON AT. A Stag. ft. T E HINE (sic} IN COLEMAN STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1665. 477. NICHOLAS MILLER AT THE.. In the field, a star of eight waving points. ft. TAVERN IN COLEMAN STREET. In the field, N. M., and \. " This token of the Star," says a friend, " reminds me of a jeu d'esprit which I met with in my school-boy days. A citizen of London being a passenger in a coasting-vessel, overtaken, when at a distance from land, by a violent storm, instead of assisting to lighten the ship, or lending any aid whatever, sat wring- ing his hands, and crying out, ' O that I could see two stars, Or only one of the two !' " His incessant repetition of these words attracted the notice of the captain, who abused him for a lubber, and asked what he meant by his constant cry of: ' O that I could see two stars, Or only one of the two.' " His answer is thus recorded : ' I mean,' said he, ' where our club did meet, But shall never meet again; Either the Star in Coleman-street, Or the Star in Pudding Lane!' " 478. IOHN SHELDON IN SWAN ALT. Three seals(?). R. IN COLEMAN STREETE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENNY. 479. IOSEPH SIBLEY, AT THE BLACK. A bell. ft. IN COLMAN STREET, 1663. In the field, A HALFPENEY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 61 CORNHILL. 480. ROBVT HALTON. Busts of a woman and a child, the latter holding a flagon. R. IN CORNHILL. In the field, R. E. H. 481. WILLIAM HINTON, AT Y E GOLDEN. A fleece. R.ON CORNEHILL, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 482. THE THREE GOLDEN LYONS. Three lions passant. R. IN CORN HILL. In the field, s. C. 483. AT THE BEARE TAVERN. A bear. R. IN CORNHILL. 1656. In the field, R. w. D. 484. AT THE DOLPHIN. A dolphin. R. TAVERN IN CORN- HILL. In the field, H. A. H. 485. AT Y E BLACK BVLL. A bull. R. IN CORN HILL. In the field, T. M. H. 486. THE CASTEL TAVERN. A castle. R. IN CORNE HILL. In the field, T. H. 487. AT THE CASTLE TAVERN. A castle. R. IN CORNHILL, 1651. In the field, A. F. & T. H. 488. AT THE GOLDEN CROSS. The royal arms on a cross. R. IN CORNHILL, 1649. In the field, R. v. R. 489. AT THE LIVE VVLTER. A vulture. R. IN CORNHILL. In the field, w. H. T. 490. AT THE SEVEN STARS. Seven stars. R. IN CORN HILL, 1648. In the field, M. I. w. COUNTER LANE. 491. SAMVEL SMITH. In the field, M. s. s. (sic). R. IN COVNTER LANE. In the field, IN SOVTHWARKE. In four lines across the field. 62 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS COVENT GARDEN. 492. WILLIAM CLIFFORD, AT THE. A fleece. R. FLEACE IN COVENT GARDEN. In the field, W. C. 493. WILLIAM FARNCOMBE. In the field, OYL MANE, 1654. R. IN COVENT GARDEN. In the field, W. F. 494. MARY LONG IN RVSSELL. A full-blown rose on the stalk. R. STREET COVENT GARDEN. In the field, HER HALFE PENNY, M. L. This token gives us the name of the person who issued it, who, probably, from the cognisance being the same, was a member of the family of, if not the proprietor of the Rose Tavern : or it might be his widow, unequal as a " lone woman" to the duties of hostess of a bustling house of resort: or, peradven- ture, mine host was found after his death to be insolvent, and the goodwill of the tavern was put up to auction (see No. 498_). But we undertook to describe, and not to conjecture. 495. IOHN MINCHIN, BAKER. In four lines across the field. R. IN COVENT GARDEN. 1664. An angel. 496. AT THE FLEECE TA VERNE. A fleece. R. IN COVEN GARDEN. In the field, w. C. " The Fleece Tavern," says Aubrey (Miscell. p. 31), " was very unfortunate for Homicides. There have been several killed there in my time. It is now (1692) a private house." Pepys, in his Memoirs (ed. 1848, p. 160), confirms this evil report, and speaks of a Scotch knight being killed here, " where," he adds, " there had been a great many formerly killed." 497. THE CROS KEYES TAVERN. Two keys crossed in saltier. R. IN COVENT GARDEN. In the field, G. G. G. 498. AT THE ROSE TAVERN. In the centre, a full-blown rose. R. IN COVEN GARDEN. In the centre, the let- ters, w. M. L. The Rose Tavern stood partly in Little Russell- street, and partly in Brydges- street, Covcnt Garden, adjoining the theatre. It was the resort of the wits and literati of Charles II.'s time, and is frequently referred to in the writings of the period. It was sometimes called "Long's," being kept by a person of that name. This is shewn by the initial L on the token. 499. AT THE ROSE AND CROWN. A rose crowned. R. IN COVENT GARDEN. In the field, V. M. M. CURRENT IN LONDON. 63 COW BRIDGE. 500. WILL BASSETT, MERCER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN COWBRIDGE. In the field, w. K. B. COW CROSS. 501. FRANCIS BRAY AT cow. Three fleurs de lis. R. CROSSE ins HALFE PENY, 66. In the field, three flowers conjoined at the stalks, between the letters, F. B. 502. WILLIAM CORDWELL. A kneeling figure surrounded by wild beasts (Daniel in the lions' den?). R. AT cow CROSS. In the field, w. A. c. 503. RICH. HARABEN. In the field, STRAND. R OLLS cow CROS. In the field, 1661. 504. PILLIP HOCKER AT THE. Two men about to kill a bull. R. AT cow CROSS, 16. .. In the field, P. M. H. 505. IOHN MARTINE AT Y E RED. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. R. CROSS AT COW CROSE. In the field, a cross. 506. IAMES WATKINS AT THE. An arched crown. R. CROWN IN cow CROSS. In the field, 1. 1. w. 507. IOHN WOOD AT THE. A sugar loaf crowned with a crescent between two pistols. R. AT COW CROSS. In the field, I. G. w. 508. IOHN WORMWELL. The Prince 'of Wales's coronet and feathers. R. AT COWCROSSE. In the field, i. o. w. 509. THE DOGG AND BARE. A dog attacking a bear. R. AT cow CROSS, 1653. In the field, I. M. B. 510. THE 3 DOVES. Three doves, each holding a branch in its beak. R. AT cow CKOSE, 1650. In the field, I. M. G. 511. AT THE SIGNE OF THE. A boot-last. R. LAST AT COWE CROSSE. In the field, T. I. M. 512. THE WHITE LION. A lion rampant. R. AT cow CROSSE. In the field, a large S. 64 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS COW LANE. 513. IOHN BEARD. A bull's head. R. BVLLS HEAD, IN cow LANE. In the field, I. L. B. 514. IOHN COLLIS IN. A naked figure holding a staff and a square (?). R. cow LANE, 1657. In the field, I. A. c. 515. WILLIAM STRINGPELOW AT. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. R. Y E BVLL HEAD, IN COW LANE. A bull's head couped. 516. IOHN THOROWGOOD AT COW. A spur with its leathers. R. LANE END, IN SMITHFEILD. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. R. T. 517. AT THE 3 COCKS. Three cocks. R. cow LANE END. In the field, R. I. s. 518. AT THE PLOW. A plough. R. IN COW LANE. In the field, C. A. T. 519. AT THE RED CROSS. A CrOSS. R. IN COW LANE, 58. In the field, T. A. T. 520. THE SHVGER LOFE. A sugar loaf. R. AT co WE LANE END, 1652. In the field, w. M. T. COXE'S KEY. 521. CHRISTOPHER BOSTOCK. A cock and a key. R. AT COCKES KEY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, C. A. B. CREE CHURCH LANE. 522. IONATHAN CLAREDGE. A bull's head. R. BY CREE- CHVRCII, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1. 1. c. 523. EDWARD SHRAWLEY, AT Y E CROWN. An arched crown. R. IN CREECHVRCH LANE, 66. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, E. I. S. CURRENT IX LONDON. 65 524. EDWARD SHRAWLEY, AT THE CROWN. An arched crown. R. IN CREECHVRCH LANE, 1669. In the field, His 1 D . E. i.s. 525. THE GATE SHEAF IN CREE. A sheaf. R. CHVRCH LANE, CHANDLER. In the field, R. M. B. |. CREED LANE. 526. THO. NEWBERY, CHEESMONG*. A cheese knife, and the letters, T. s. N. R. Y E LOWER END OF CREDE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 1669. CRIPPLEGATE WITHIN. 527. IOHN FLETCHER, GROCER. In the field, I. A. F., 1669. R. NEXT DOOR TO Y E SVN TAVERN. In the field WITHIN CRIPLE GATE, n . (heart shaped}. 528. IOB SARGEANT. A harrow. ft. WITHIN CRIPLEGATE. In the field, 1. 8. 529. THO. SPENCER AGAINST. In the field, 1658. R. CHVRCH, CRIPPLEGATE. In the field, T. T. 8. CRIPPLEGATE WITHOUT. 530. IAMES HAYDYE wiTHOVT. Three birds. R. CRIP- PLEGATE POVLTEREB. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. S. H. 531. EDWARD PHIPPS AT THE. A COck. ft. WITHOVT CBIPPLEGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, E. 8. P. 532. THOMAS RAWLINSON, DISTILLER. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. R. IN Y B POSTERN BY CRIPLEGATE. A still. CROOKED LANE. It is singular that so few tokens exist of this locality, although it was crowded with shops at this period. We can only account for this by supposing that the trades carried on here had not the same necessity for small change. 533. IOSEPH SHELLEY AT. A fleur de lis. R. IN MILES CROOKED LANE. In the field, I. E. S. K 66 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 534. AT THE 3 CRICKETS. Three parallelograms.* R. IN CROCKED LANE. In the field, I. A. S. 535. THO LLOW. Eight candles on a stick. R. IN CROOKED LANE In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1669. CROSS-KEY COURT. 536. GEORGE HIGGINSON, IN CROSS. The Clothworkers' arms. R. KEY COVRT, NIGH LONDON WALL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, G. K. H. CRUCIFIX LANE. 537. THOMAS ADAIR(?). In the field, T. A. A. R. INCRVCIFJX LANE. In the field, AT HORSLY DOWNE. CRUTCHED FRIARS. 538. THO. GREENE AT THE. Two keys crossed in saltier. R. IN CRVCHED FRYERS, 67. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, T. I. G. 539. WILLIAM SARGANT. In the field, MEALMAN. R. IN CRVTCHED FRIERS. A bunch of grapes. 540. PHILIP STARKEY AT Y E . The Brewers' ( ?) arms. R. IN CRVCHED FRYERS. In the field, P. M. S. 541. AT THE SHIPPE. A ship. R. IN CRVCHED FRIERS. In the field, w. E. B. 542. AT THE BLACKE BVLL. A bull. R. IN CRVCHED FRIRS (sic~). In the field, I. M. B. CURRIERS' ALLEY. 543. AT THE BIRD IN HAND. A hand holding a bird. R. IN CVRRIERS ALLEY. In the field, I. A. W. * The device of this token requires explanation. The objects represented resemble three bricks. CURRENT IN LONDON. 67 CURSITOIi'S ALLEY. 544. IOHN GALE IN. A shield charged with a pile. ft. CVRSETERS ALLEY. In the field, I. E. G. 545. AT Y E HOSE TAVERN IN. A rose on its stalk. ft. cvs- SITERS ALLEY. In the field, I. E. S. CUSTOM HOUSE. 546. ARTHVR BALDWIN. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. ft. THE CVSTOM HOV8E KEY. In the field, A. I. B. 547. IOSEPH DREW AT THE BLAK. A negro smoking. ft. BOY ON CVSTOM HOVSE KAY. In the field, HIS HALF- PENT, I. M. D. 548. THOMAS WHITBREAD. Bust of a man dipping candles. R. BT Y E CVSTOME HOVSE. In the field, T. E. W. DEADMAN'S PLACE. 549. IOHN FREEMAN, IN DEADMAN PLACE. A dragon. ft. IN 8. SAVIOVRS, SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 550. THE RED-HART BREWOVSE. A Stag. R. IN DEAD- MANS PLACE. In the field, I. E. M. 551. AT THE FR...ING PAN. A frying-pan. R. IN DEAD- MANS PLAC ... In the field, A. R. T. DICE KEY. 552. WILLIAM DEW AT DICE KEY. A fleece. R. NEAR BILLINGSGATE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, w. M. D. 553. FRANCIS TVRRALL. A key between two dice. R. AT DICE KEY. In the field, F. A. T. 68 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS DISTAFF LANE. 554. HENRY KEATE AT THE. A WOolpack. R. IN LITLE DISTAF LN. In the field, H. 8. K. 555. IOH PENOYER AT Y E . A pelican feeding her young. R. IN DISTAFE LANE. In the field, A. I. P. (sic) 556. THOMAS WATERS, FEILD. A sheaf between T. M. w. R. BAKER, IN DISSTAFE LANE. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. 557. AT THE DEATHES HEAD. A skull. R. IN DISTAF LANE, 1652. In the field, R. D. M. 558. THE BELL TAVERNE IN. A bell. R. DISTAFE LANE, 1657. In the field, R. A. T. DOCTORS' COMMONS. 559. THE PAVLS HEAD. The bust of St. Paul. R. NEARE DOCTORS COMMONS. In the field, G. H. DOWGATE. 560. WILL. BRANDON AT Y E HAVE. A man about to throw a stick at a cock. R. AT IT ON DOWGATE HILL. In the field, His HALF PENY, and the initials, W. M. B. The brutal sport of throwing at cocks at Shrove-tide, was long a reproach to our countrymen. In our boyhood we often heard of, though we were never paiiied by witnessing, this cruel pastime, which in Wiltshire is called " cock squoling," but we have seen the callow brood of sparrows, and other birds used in the same way. It seems probable that the sign of the cock to these houses, was an indication that cock-throwing was one of the diversions of the garden or court at the rear, just as we now see the tempting intimation, " a dry skittle ground." * This sport was practised openly as will be seen, not only by the * A friend observes of this token: "William Brandon's tokens reminds me of the sports of my boyish days, when at school at Richmond, in Yorkshire. We had a game called ' Dumps,' which consisted of throwing or pitching pieces of lead cut into the shape of buttons, or counters about the size of farthings at a small leaden figure of a cock. The player gave to the owner of CURRENT IX LONDON. 69 Diary of Pepys, bat also by the following extract from the Protestant Mercury of the 14th of February, 1700. "Last Tuesday a Brewer's servant in South- wark, took his walks round Tower-hill, Moor-fields, and Lincoln's-inn -fields, and knocked down so many cocks, that by selling them again, he returned home twenty-eight shillings odd pence a richer man than he came out," 561. WILLIAM BVRGES AT YE SWAN. A SWan. R. AT DOWGATE, CONDVIT, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENNY. 27th June, 1660. " Dined with my lord and all the officers of his regiment, who invited my lord and his friends, as many as he would bring, to dinner at the Swan at Dowgate, a poor house and ill-dressed, but Tery good fish, and plenty." Pepys' Diary, (p. 108, ed. 1848). This neighbourho"od was entirely changed after the rebuilding of London. A house capable of furnishing such an entertainment will be looked for in vain. 562. DAN BVRRY, WOODMVNGR. A gate. R. AT DOWGATE CV * In the field, D. M. B. 563. IAMES CROMER. Bust of the Pope holding a triple cross. R. THE POPES HEAD AT DOWGATE, 1671. In five lines across the field (octagonal). 564. SARAH PAGGAN. A circular shield, charged with a saltier between the letters, s. p. in fess. R. AT DOW GATE, 1652. In the field, 8. p. 565. Michaett Sellers, 1664. In three lines across the field. R. AT Y* NEARE DOWGATE. St. George and the Dragon. 566. IOHN SMITH AT THE. Three arched crowns. R. ONE DOWGATE-HILL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1668. 567. 1 D . R. AT DOWGATE. In the field, s. p. the cock, so many ' dumps,' for a certain number of throws, who gave to the player so many dumps if he knocked the cock over. Though we were per- fectly unconscious of the origin of our game, yet there can scarcely be a doubt, that it was derived from the cruel sport of cock -throwing." In former tunes when the national animosity ran high, this sport was the more popular among our ancestors, from the word Gailiu denoting either a Cock or a Frenchman. At Blenheim House there is a sculpture of a cock expiring beneath the paw of a lion, an allegory designed by Sir John Van- burgh, which gave rise to the following epigram: " Had Marlbro's troops in Gaul no better fought, Than Van to grace his fame in marble wrought; No more in arms than he in emblems skilled, The Cock had drove the lion from the field ! This device is not uncommon on the medals of William III. and Aune. * Conduit? 70 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS DKUEY LANE. 568. IOHN BARNES, IN DREWRY. A sun flower. R. LANE, CHEESMONGER. In tlie field, HIS HALF- PENY. 569. RICHARD BRIDGMAN. St. George and tlie Dragon. K. IN DRVRY LANE, 1659. In the field, R. M. B. 570. IOHN CLARE, IN DREVREY. A cheese-knife. R. LANE IN ST. GILES. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 571. ROBERT DELVKE AT THE. An angel holding a scroll. R. ANGELL IN DRVRY LANE. A similar type. 572. DAVID DEMONCI AT Y E . A dragon. R. IN DRVRY LANE. In the field, D. M. D. 573. IOHN DVBAN IN DRVRY. The arms of France. R. LANE, HIS HALFEPENNY. In the field, I. M. D. 574. IOHN ELDRIDGE AT THE. An eagle and a crown. R. IN DREWRY LANE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 575. IOHN GRICE, IRONMONGER AT. A cross, above three sugar loaves. R. IN DRVRY LANE, HIS \ PENY. In the field, i.e., 1668. 576. ANTHONY HALL IN. Two daggers crossed in sal- tier. R. LITTLE DREWRY LANE. In the field, A. W. H. 577. EDWARD HARRISE IN. In the field, MEALMAN. R. LITTLE DREWRY LANE. In the field, 1666, . 578. THOMAS HAYTON, IN DVRY. A negro's head. R. LANE, HIS HALFE PENNY. An arched crown. 579. ANN HOW, 1657. Adam and Eve. R. IN DREWRY LANE. In the field, A. H. CURRENT IN LONDON". 71 580. JOSEPH INMAN AT THE. In the field, a tankard. R. TANKERD HOVSE IN DREWRY LANE, 1668, in five lines across the field. We shall not detain the reader long over this token; but it may be observed that the tankard here represented is of the shape of those of the period, yet to be seen in some old houses, and in the halls of our corporate bodies on feast days. Tankards were intended to hold a toast, and for this purpose had a broad base, so that the sop did not come with a splash into the eyes of the drinker, when he raised the vessel to his lips, as is often the case with our modern shaped tankards. 581. WALTER LEE, FORTVNE. A figure standing in a boat, with the sail filled. R. IN DRVRY LANE. In the field, W. M. L. 582. Richard Lione in ye Strand, in three lines across the field. R. HIS HALF PENT. A lion rampant, holding a coffee pot in his right hand, from which he is pouring into a cup, held in his left. (No inner circle?) 583. WILL. NEAGVS IN WHITE HORS. A pair of scales, and a wheatsheaf. R. IN DVRY LANE BACKER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, W. I. N. 584. ELIZ. NORLEY IN DRVRY LANE. A trumpet. R. AGAINST Y E PLEA HOVSE, 1667. In the field, HER HALFEPENY. 585. WILLIAM PATTESHALL. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN LITTLE DRVRY LANE. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY, between two branches. 586. RICHARD RED WELL. A bell. &. IN DRVRY LANE, 1656. Three birds, R. and 8. 587. RICHARD RICH IN LiTEL. A bird perched on a sheaf, and 2 2. R. DRVRY LANE CHANGER. In the field, OF FARTHINGS. 588. RICHARD RICH IN LITEL. A bird perched on the top of a sheaf of corn. R. DRVRY LANE, CHANGER. In the centre, OF FARTHINGS. The issuer of this token styles himself a " changer of farthings," obviously the exchange of tokens of this description for authorised currency, charging no doubt a brokerage or commission on the transaction. The profits of such a business, must, however, have been very small, and was perhaps joined to some trade. By the device of our ico\\vfiiarr]G the wheatsheaf and bird, he appears to have been either a baker or a cornchandler. 72 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 589. JOHN STON AT THE. St. George and the Dragon. R. GEOEG IN DRVRT LANE. In the field, I. M. S. 590. GEORGE THOROWGOOD IN. Three horses saddled and bridled, at full-speed. R. DRVRY LANE, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, G. F. T., 1666. 591. GABRIELL TRVMAN. A goat. R. IN DRVRY LANE. In the field, G. T. T. 592. WILL WRIGHT IN DRVRY LANE. A phoenix. R. YE CORNER OF BLACKMOR STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 593. AT THE SPAROSNEST. Three sparrows. R. IN DRVRE LANE. In the field, I. A. s. DUCK LANE. 594. FRANCIS HAVILAND. A harrow. R. IN DVCKE LANE, 1658. In the field, F. H. 595. RICHARD SW ADDON IN. In the field, R. M. S. R. IN DVCK LANE, WESTMIN. In the field, 1654. 596. AT THE BLACK PRINC. A figure in armour holding a lance. IN DVCK LANE, 1665. In the field, I. M. B. 597. THE MAYDEN HEAD. In the field, G. S. H. R. IN DVCK LANE. Crowned female bust. DUKE'S PLACE. 598. HENRY BLAGRAVE. Three tobacco-pipes. R. IN DVKES PLACE. In the field, H. s. B. 599. EDWARD CHEVALL AT THE. A last. R. LAST, IN DVKES PLACE, 1668. In the field, HIS 1 D . between two large rosettes. 600. IOHN EMPSON, 1667. A beacon surmounted by a cor- onet, with a label bearing the motto NISI DOMINVS. R. IN DVKES PLACE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. I. A. E. CURRENT IN LONDON. 73 601. THO. TIBENHAM AT YE BLEW. An anchor. R. IN DVKES PLACE, 1664. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. DURHAM YARD. 602. GABRIEL HARDEN. A shield of arras (ermine, a leopard passant in chief). R. IN DVRHAM YARD. In the field, G. C. M. EAGLE STREET. 603. RICHARD DIXON LIVEING. In the field, R. M. D. R. IN EAGLE STREET, 1671. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. EAST SMITHFIELD. 604. HVMPHERY ALVEY AT. The Coopers' arms. R. IN EAST SMITHFIELD. In the field, H. M. A. 605. PETTLEY BENNT (sz'e). An angel. R. IN EAST SMITH- FEILD. In the field, P. E. B. 606. RICHARD BERRY IN. A child's cradle. R. EAST SMITHFEILD. In the field, R. E. B. 607. NATHANIEL BVRBIDGE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1668. R. IN EAST SMITH FEILD. A WOol- pack. 608. LAWRENCE CHILD AT. A shepherd and his dog. R. IN EASTSMITHFIELD. In the field, L. E. C. 609. IOHN DVNTON. A pair of shears surmounted by a crown. R. IN EAST SMITHFEILD. In the field, I. A. D. 610. HVGH HEARNE IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. EASTSMITHFIELD. Object detrited; probably a wool- pack. 611. I. HVTTON G. IERARD. A half moon, with a stick of candles. R. IN EASTSMITHFEILD. A sheaf. 612. IOHN LANE AT THE. The SUn. R. IN EASTSMITH- FEILD. In the field, 1. 1. L. L 74 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 613. IEFERY LANGHAM. In the field, MELE MAN. R. IN EASTSMITH FEILD. In the field, I. A. L. 614. PETER LAWRENCE. In three lines across the field. R. IN EASTSMITHFEILD. A key. 615. DIXY PAGE AT Y E ANCHOR AND. An anchor and a man taking an observation. R. MARRIN. IN EAST SMITHFIELD. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1667. 616. IOHN READE, 1658. Two brewers carrying a cask. R. EAST SMITHFEILD. In the field, I. K. R. 617. THOMAS RICHARD. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. IN EASTSMITHFEILD. In the field, BROKER. 618. SALATHIELL ROLFE AT YE. A shepherd and his dog. R. IN EAST SMITHFEILD. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 619. WILLIAM SMITH IN. A swan with a chain. R. EAST SMITIIFIELD. In the field, w. E. s. 620. ELIZABETH TICHBVRN. A man dipping candles. R. IN EASTSMITHFIELD. In the field, E. T. 621. w WILFORD IN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. EAST SMITHF The Tallow Chandlers' arms. 622. AT THE TWO DRAMEN. Two draymen, carrying between them a barrel. R. IN EAST SMITH FELD. In the field, W. E. A. 623. AT THE SVGER LOFE. A sugar loaf between two cloves. R. IN EAST SMITH FEILD. In the field, H. S. G. 624. NEXT TO THE RED LION. In the field, W. K. G. R. B. H. IN EST SMITHFILD. In the field, W. K. G. 625. AT THE BLACK BARE. A bear with a chain. R. IN EAST SMITHFEILD. In the field, R. E. H. 626. AT THE GOVLDEN DRVM. In the field, H. F. H. R. IN EAST SMITHFEILD. A drum. 627. AT THE HORSE SHOOE. A horse-shoe. R. IN EAST S3HTHFEILD. In the field, S. P. M. CURRENT IN LONDON. 75 628. AT THE YARNE SHOPP. A pair of scales. R. IN EAST- SMITHFIELD. In the field, R. E. M. 629. NEXT THE MERMAIDE. A mermaid. R. IN EAST- SMITHFEILD. In the field, I. M. P. 630. AT THE WHIT CROSS. A cross. R. EASTSMITHFIELD. In the field, R. E. P. 631. AT THE OLD PRINS. Bust of Maurice, Prince of Orange (?). R. IN EST SMITH FEILD. In the field, R. M. T. 632. THE TALLO CHANDLER. A man dipping candles. R. IN ESTSMITH FIELD. In the field, W. A. T. 633. Y E BVLL HEAD TAVERNE. A bull's head couped. R. IN EAST SMITHFEILD. In the field, H. M. V. 634. THE BVLLS HEAD TAVERN. A bull's head couped. R. IN ESTSMITH FEILD. In the field, I. A. W. EAST STREET, SPITALFIELDS. 635. RICH. NICHOLSON IN EAST. A tobacCO-roll. R. STREET IN SPITLE FIELDS. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. THE EXCHANGE. 636. THOMAS BROWNING BEHIND. Crowned bust of Henry VIII. R. THE EXCHANGE. In the field, T. 8. B. 637. AT THE 8VN TAVERN. The Slin. R. BEHIND THE EXCHANGE. In the field, R. A. c. " To the Sun behind the Exchange about 7 o'clock, where I find all the five brothers Houblons." Pepys (Diary, 7th February, 1665). 638. THE ANTWERP TAVERN. View of Antwerp, with vessels before it. R. BEHIND THE EXCHANG. In the field, P. A. T. Thomas Blagrovc, whose tokens are described under New Fish Street, and Threadneedle Street, had an interest in this tavern. (MS. penes, T. W. King, Esq., York Herald). 76 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS EXCHANGE ALLEY. 639. AVTHOR STANLEY. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. IN EXCHANGE ALLEY, 1667. A view of one of the walks of the Royal Exchange. 640. Morat. A Turk's head. R. The Coffee House in Ex- chang Alley, in four lines across the field. 641. MORAT. A Turk's head. R. THE COFFEE HOVSE IN EXCHANG ALLEY. 642. MORAT THE GREAT MEN DID MEE CALL. Bust of Morat full-faced. R. WHERE EARE I CAME I CON- QVERED ALL. In the field, Coffee, Tobacco, Sherbet, Tea fy Chocolat, in Exchange Ally; above, a cres- cent. 643. Another similar, but the bust in profile. FARTHING ALLEY. 644. THO. PLANT FARTHING ALLY. A checquered square. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. FELL STREET, CRIPPLEGATE. 645. Benjamen Lawrence y e success in. In three lines across the field. R. FELL STREET WITHIN CRIPPLEGATE, ins HALFEPENY, in four lines across the field. FENCHURCH STREET. 646. IOHN BAKER, OYLMAN. Three tongues. R. IN FAN- CHVRCH STREET. In the field, I between i. B. 647. BEN BRANND, GROCER. A SUgar loaf. R. IN FANCHVRCH STREETE. In the field, B. B. 648. EMANVELL CONYERS. A Mi-blown TOSC. R. IN FAN- CHVRCH STREET. Device detrited. CURRENT IN LONDON. 77 649. TOBIAS DAVIS, 1666. An arm holding a halbert. R. IN FENCHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 650. EDWARD DAVIS, GROCER. A piece of ordnance. R. IN FENCHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1669. 651. RALPH GARNER IN. A wheat sheaf. R. FANCHVRCH STREET. In the field, R. E. G. 652. ROGER GROVE, 1663. A bear. R. NEERE FANCHVRCH. In the field, R. E. G. 653. ANN HEATH, in the centre. Around, IN FENCHVRCH STREET. R. AT THE FLOWER DE LVCE. A fleUT de lis. 654. IOHN MORRIS, AT EXCHENG. A view of the Exchange. R. IN FANCHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 655. IAMES RVDGE IN. A ram's head. R. FANCHVRCH STREET. In the field, i. c. R. 656. HENRY SEWARD, 1668. A ram's head. R. IN FAN- CHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 657. AMBROSE SMITH AT YE. A fountain. R. FANCHVRCH STREET. In the field, A. A. s. 658. FRANC TYLER, OYL MAN. A WOolpack. R. IN FEN- CHVRCH STREET. In the field, F. F. T. 659. IAMES WAGGONER IN. Bust of a man dipping candles. R. FANCHVRCH STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 660. IOHN YOVNG, STATIONER. A stag's head. R. IN FAN- CHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, i. Y. 661. AT THE HATCHYT IN. A hatchet. R. FANCHVRCH STREETE. In the field, G. A. A. 662. THE ANGELL TAVERN. An angel holding a scroll. R:. IN FAN CHVRCH In the field, w. B. 663. THE SHIP TAVERN IN. A ship of War. R. FANCHVRCH STREETE. In the field, R. E. B. 78 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 664. AT THE STAR TAVERN. A blazing star. R. IN FAN CHVRCH STREET. In the field, i. M. c. 665. AT THE WHEAT SHEAFE. A wheat sheaf. R. IN FAN- CHVRCH STREETE. In the field, i. A. G. 666. THE FOVNTAIN TAVERN. A fountain. R. IN FANCHVRCH STREET. In the field, w. A. K. 667. AT THE BLEW BORES. A boar's head. R. HEAD AT FENCHVRCH. In the field, i. s. N. 668. AT THE MITRE IN. A mitre. R. FENCHVRCH STREETE. In the field, D. M. R. The utterer of this token was Daniel Rawlinson, citizen and vintner, who held it of the Pewterers' Company, by indenture, dated 26th Sep., 1660 (MS. Penes, T. W. King, Esq., York Herald). Here the sheriffs of London, the under sheriffs, the Serjeants at mace, the yeomen of the guard, and the execu- tioner and his assistants, assembled at eight o'clock to breakfast, on the morning of the execution of the rebel lords in 1745-6. FETTER LANE. 669. WILLIAM BVRMAN. A checquered square. R. IN FET- TER LANE. In the field, w. i. B. 670. EGBERT COTTERILL. In the field, CHEESMONGER. R. IN FETTER LANE. A horse prancing. 671. THOMAS DVTCH. A dog couchant. In the field, a ball. R. IN FETER LANE. In the field, T. I. D. 672. WILLIAM GARRET. A still, with a barrel. R. IN FETTER LANE. In the field, W. K. G. 673. WILLIAM GARRETT IN. A still, with a barrel. R. FETTER LANE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, w. M. G. 674. HENRY GIBBON AT THE. A falcon with expanded wings. R. FALCON IN FETTER LANE. In the field, 1650. 675. IAMES GOVLD IN. A cock. R. FETTER LANE, 1664. In the field, I. S. G. 676. IOIIN IIIGGS. In the field, i. M. H. R. IN FETTER LANE. A man dipping candles. CURRENT IN LONDON. 79 677. THOMAS POSLET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. IN FETTER LANE, 1667. In the field, T. A. P. 678. IOHN SMITPI IN. A mermaid. R. FETTER LANE, 1654. In the field, I. K. S. 679. ROBERT TOTHAKER IN. In the field, R. E. T. R. FETTER LANE, MEALMAN. In the field, 1657, in . large cursive characters. 680. CLEMENT WILLCOCKS AT THE. A cross, extending to the inner circle, with C. E. w. and a cinquefoil in the quarters. R. WHITE CROSS IN FETTER LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1666. 681. HELD . . MAKER YARD. A falcon. R. MAGPY FET- TER LANE. In the field, G. P. L. 682. AT THE GOOLLDEN LYON. A lion rampant. R. TAVERN IN FETTER LANE. In the field, R. M. S. FIELD LANE. 683. PEET. BECKFORD IN FEE. LAN (sic) P. F. B. R. AT THE GVY OF WARWICK, and a fleur de lis. An armed figure holding erect a boar's head on a spear. 684. RICHARD EVANS AT YE IN. A crowned rose. R. FEILD LANE, TRIPEMAN, 68. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, R. E. E. FIG TREE YARD. 685. GRACE PESTELL, IN FiGG. A pestle and mortar between G. P. R. TREE YARD, IN RATCLIFFE. In the field, HER HALFE PENNY. FINCH LANE. 686. PHILIP CROSSE, AT YE IERSY. A Castle. R. CASTLE IN FINCH LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, p. A. c. 687. THOMAS OGDEN. Bust, with globe and sceptre. R. TAVERN IN FINCH LAlS'E. In the field, T. O. 80 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 688. ROBERT WILLIAMS. A goat. R. IN FINCH LANE. Ill the field, R. M. w. FINSBURY. 689. WILLIAM GODBELL. In the field, HIS PENNY. R. AT FINSBVERY. A horse and a bell. A 690. JOHN HARCOVRT AT Y E BEL AND. A horse and a bell. R. BLACK HORSE AT FINSBVRY. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1668. 691. IOHN MARGROVE IN. Three fishes. R. FINSBERRY. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 692. ROBERT NICHOLLS AT YE DOG. A dog and a bear on their hind legs. R. AND BEAR IN FINSBVRY. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1668. 693. SAM NICKOLLE. Two dogs on their hind legs, face to face. R. IN FINSBVRY. In the field, s. E. N. FLEET BRIDGE. 694. MATHEW SORE, AT Y E ROSE. A rOSC full blown. R. AT FLEET BRIDGE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, M.S. S. 695. WILL. TOMKINS AT. In the field, w. w. T. R. FLEETE BRIDGE, 165. ... A spread eagle. 696. WILL. WALL, CAPP MAKER. The arms of the Merchant Tailors' Company. R. AT FLEET BRIDGE. In the field, w. M. w. 697. THE ROSE TAVERN. A TOSC full blown. R. AT FLEETE BRIDG, 49. In the field, w. o. B. 698. THE KINGS ARMES. The royal arms. R. AT FLEET BRIDGE. In the field, i. o. H. 699. ED s. GREENS. The sun. R. RENTS FLEET BRIDG. In the field, E. M. 700. IN GEORGE YARD AT. In the field, T. A.S. R. FLEET BRIDG, 1658. Noah's ark with the dove flying above. CURRENT IN LONDON. 81 FLEET CONDUIT. 701. AT THE CASTLE TAVERN. A castle. R. AT FLEET CONDVIT. In the field, D. s. G. FLEET LANE. 702. WILL DVGDALE, MEALE MAN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. IN FLEET LANE, NEAR YE BRIDG. In the field, w.D. 1663. 703. SAMVELL GRIFFITH. A crowned female bust holding a sceptre. R. IN FL . . . . LANE. In the field, s. G. 704. HENRY WATERFALL. In the field, HIS HALFPENNY. R. IN FLEET LANE. In the field, H. E. W. 705. HENRY YEO. HIS HALFE PENNY. Three halters (?). R. AT THE PLOVGH, IN FLEET LANE. A plough. 706. AT THE SHIP IN. A ship in full sail. R. FLEETE LANE, 1649. In the field, s.A. o. FLEET STREET. 707. I OHN BRYAN AT THE. A bull's head. R. IN FLEET STREET, 1656. In the field, I. M. B. 708. WILL CARTWRIGHT. A dragon or cockatrice. R. IN FLEETE STREETE. In the field, W. E. C. 709. ROBERT COLE AT THE. A cannonier about to give fire to a piece of ordnance. His \. H. In Hercules Fillers, in Fleet Street, 1666. Stow gives us a glimpse of the locality in which this sign figured " Her- cules Fillers Alley, on the south side of Fleet-street, near Saint Dunstan's Church" (View of London, 8vo. 1708, p. 38). Strype says, "Hercules Pillars Alley, but narrow, and altogether inhabited by such as keep public-houses for entertainment, for which it is of note" (p. 277). 710. THO. CORDIN AT THE WHITE. The Grocers' arms. R. HART IN FLEET STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. M 82 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 711. IAMES FARR, 1666. A rainbow. R. IN FLEET STREET. In the centre, HIS HALF PENT. It is well known that James Farr kept the Rainbow in Fleet Street, at the time of the great fire, the very year of which is marked on this token ; or some might be disposed to question the propriety of our designating the unetherial object on the obverse, a rainbow. Fan' was a barber, and, in the year 1657, was presented by the inquest of St. Dunstan's in the west, for making and selling "a sort of liquor called 'coffee,'" which was described as a great nuisance and prejudice to the neighbourhood! The house known by the sign of the Rainbow, appears to have been let off into tenements, for there were books printed at this very time " for Samuel Speed, at the sign of the Rainbow, near the Inner Temple-gate, in Fleet Street." This kind of division appears to have been not uncommon. Izaac Walton, whose place of business was at the sign of the Harrow, just opposite, occupied the house jointly with a brother tradesman. 712. ANDREW GRACE, in four lines across the field. Around, IN FLEETE STREETE. R. AT Y E IERVSALEM, 1657. A building. 713. WILLIAM HATSTED AT THE. The Grocers' arms. R. IN FLEET STREET ENY. A monogram. 714. WILLIAM HALSTED AT THE. The Grocers' arms. R. IN FLEET STREET, His PENT. A monogram. 715. IOHN HANCOCK AT THE GOLDEN. An angel. R. IN FLEET STREET, GROCER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, I. H. 716. 10. HARWAUD AT 3 NVNS. Three nuns standing. R. IN FLEET STREETE. In the field, I. H. 717. AVILLIAM HEALEY AT THE. A boar's head. R. . . . FLEET STREET In the field, HIS HALFE- PENNY, AY. M. H. 718. THOMAS HOPLEY AT Y E . A man holding a bow. R. IN FLEET STREET. T. A. H. across the field. 719. IOHN LEIGH, AT Y E siHDS (sic). A building like a temple. R. Y E TEMPLE IN FLEET STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY, I. M. L. 720. ROBERT MARK HAM, AT THE SEVEN STARS, AGAINS ST. DVNSTANS CHVRCH IN FLEET STREET. In eight lines across the field. R. IN LIEV OF THIS TO Y E BEARER A PENY IS DVE, R. E. M., 1672. In six lines across the field. (Snelling, pi. v. fig. 7.) CURRENT IN LONDON. 83 721. ED. OLDHAM AT Y E HERCVLES. A crowned male figure standing erect, and grasping a pillar with each hand. ft. FILLERS IN FLEET STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, E. P. O. From this example, it would seem that the locality, called Hercules Pillars Alley, like other places in London, took its name from the tavern. The mode of representing the pillars of Hercules is somewhat novel; and, but for the in- scription, we should have supposed the figure to represent Sampson clutching the pillars of the temple of Dagon. At the trial of Stephen Colledge, for high- treason, in 1681, an Irishman named Haynes, swore that he walked to the Hercules Pillars with the accused, and that in a room up-stairs Colledge spoke of his treasonable designs and feelings. On another occasion the parties walked from Richard's coffee-house to this tavern, where it was sworn they had a similar conference. Colledge, in his defence, denies the truth of the allegation, and declares that the walk from the coffee-house to the tavern is not more than a bow-shot, and that during such walk the witness had all the con- versation to himself, though he had sworn that treasonable expressions were made use of on their way thither. Pepys frequented this tavern : in one part of his Diary he says, " with Mr. Creed to Hercules Pillars, where we drank" (p. 142). In another, "in Fleet-street I met with Mr. Salisbury, who is now grown in less than two years' time so great a limner that he is become excellent and gets a great deal of money at it. I took him to Hercules Pillars to drink" Cp. 257). See the Token No. 734. 722. WILLIAM PAGET AT THE. A mitre. R. MITRE IN FLEET STREET. In the field, W. E. P. The Mitre still nourishes in Mitre-court, Fleet-street, nearly " over against" Fetter-lane, and, like most houses in the vicinity of the inns of court, can boast of good fare. Pepys sometimes looked in here to drink with a friend. It was once the resort of men known to literature and science; amongst others, of Johnson and his follower and admirer, Boswell. In that amusing volume, " The Gold-headed Cane," by the late Dr. Macmichael, the following passage occurs: Dr. Radcliff, loquitur : "I never recollect to have spent a more delightful evening, than that at the Mitre Tavern, in Fleet-street, where my good friend Billy Nutly, who was indeed the better half of me, had been pre- vailed upon to accept of a small temporary assistance, and joined our party, the Earl of Denbigh, Lords Colepeper and Stowel, and Mr. Blackmore." Here the Society of Antiquaries met, before apartments were assigned to them in Somerset-house. " The society, hitherto having no house of their own," says Maitland, " meet every Thursday evening about seven o'clock, at the Mitre Tavern, in Fleet-street, where antiquities are produced and considered, draughts and impressions thereof taken, dissertations read, and minutes of the several transactions entered; and the whole economy under such admirable regulations, that probably in a short time they may apply for a royal power of incor- poration."* Mitre Court was within the precincts of the Sanctuary. 723. IOHN SECOL, AT S. DVNSTANS. In the field, I. P. S. R. CHVRCH, FLEET STREETE. In the field, I. P. S. 724. THOMAS TJSBERY, OLE. A monogram. R.MAN IN FLEET STREETE. In the field, 1653. * Hist, of London, p. 647, ed. 1739. 84 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 725. THOMAS TISBERY, OYL. A lion passant. R. MAN IN FLEET STREET. A monogram. 726. WILL WARDE AT THE VNICORNE. In the field, l n . R. IN NEW FLEETE STREETE. A unicorn. 727. LEWIS WILSON AT Y E . The SUn. R. TAVERN IN FLEET STREET. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. 728. A bear, with a chain, passant; above, F.E.B. R. TAVERN IN FLEET STREET. In the field, 1665. 729. THE COCK ALE HOVSE. A COck R. AT TEMPLE BARR, 1655. In the field, H. M. C. . Few of our London readers can be in a state so benighted as to be ig- norant of the situation of this venerable house of entertainment. Strangers will find it a few doors east of Temple Bar, near Bell-yard, by its sign, which, carved in wood, and gilded like a weathercock, stands, and doubtless has stood for a couple of centuries, over the door. Perhaps this quaintly carved figure was snatched from the threatened dwelling by some civic Eneas, when " the greate and dreadfull fier" was laying old London in ashes ; and, after a time, again mounted as a beaccm to way-worn and famished men. Or does it date only from the re-building of the city? Some metropolitan Dryasdust will perhaps give us its history. The " Cock" is now famous, not only for its chops and steaks, but also for its brown stout; that beverage, with its " aromatic bitter," which Dr. Carus evidently preferred to the Braunbier of his own father-land, when he visited England lately with his majesty the king of Saxony.* The house is much frequented by lawyers and law-stu- dents. "VVe will be sworn that many of our judges in their youthful days have taken their chop here; and that in earlier times Ben Jonson and honest Izaac Walton have drunk their morning draught (the latter, whose house of business was only a door or two off, tells us he took, nothing more for breakfast) at the Cock ale-house. The above cut is from a specimen in the possession of the present landlord. During the raging of the great plague, the following announcement was made by the master of the Cock tavern: "This is to notify, that the master of the Cock and Bottle, commonly called the Cock ale-house, at Temple Bar, hath dismissed his servants, and shut up his house for this long vacation,! intending (God willing), to return at Michaelmas next; so that all persons whatsoever who * See the doctor's recently published journal, passim. We are acquainted with a French numismatist, whose eye this may meet, who loved English stout as much as Dr. Carus, greatly preferring it to the brandied ports and sherries of this country. Alfred Tennyson assures us, that the port dispensed here is inspiring. See his " Will Waterproofs Lyrical Monologue." f This shows that, even at that time, the house was frequented by limbs of the law. CURRENT IN LONDON. 85 have any accompts with the said master, or farthings belonging to the said house, are desired to repair thither before the eighth of this instant July, and they shall receive satisfaction." 730. n. p. AT 3 SQVIRELLS. Three squirrels. R. IN FLEET STREETE. In the field, H. p. 731. AT THE IERVSALEM. View of Jerusalem. R. IN FLEET STREETE. In the field, I. K. P. 732. AT THE INNER TEMPLE. A mortar holding two pes- tles. R. GATE IN FLEET STREET. In the field, I. I. S. 733. THE HAND AND HOALY BVSH. A hand holding a bunch of holly. R. AT s. CORNER TEMPLE BAR. In the field, B. T. s. 734. THE HERCVLVS FILLERS. Hercules grasping a pillar in each hand. R. IN FLEET STREETE. In the field, i. M. s . This sign gave the name to a court. See the token No. 721. 735. AT THE KINGS HEAD. Bust of a king crowned. R. IN FLEETSTREETE. In the field, L. W. & H. I. 736. AT THE D. AND DVNSTANS. The representation of the saint standing at his anvil, and pulling the nose of the " D." with his pincers. R. WITHIN TEMPLE BARRE. In the field, I. S. W. This was the celebrated Devil tavern, so much frequented by Ben Jonson and his friends. Mark the propriety which restricts the name of his infernal highness to the bare initial ! " the D. and DVNSTAN." Was Boniface's wife a puritan, and forbade any irreverent mention of the devil on her husband's tokens? Or was he, too, like mine host o' the Salutation (see No. 164), un- willing to give offence to the sectarians who visited his house? The initials in the field of the reverse, seem to indicate that one of the Wadloe family still kept the tavern. Simon Wadloe was mine host in the days of Ben Jonson, who dubbed him " king of skinkers." The popular legend is well expressed on this rare, and perhaps unique token. The fiend is seized by the nose by the saint, while engaged at the anvil after the wont of the early ecclesiastics, who were carefully admonished, by the Anglo-Saxon laws, to betake them- selves to some handicraft, and thereby eschew idleness. On a visit to the re- mains of May field Palace, in Sussex, a few years since, the reputed scene of the encounter, we were shown " the same 'dentical pinchers" with which the resolute saint performed his feat.* They were large ecough for the snout of * In the hall of the Goldsmiths' Company is the picture of Saint Dunstan pulling the nose of the devil, while the heavenly host above look on and ap- plaud the deed. " It appears by this," says Pennant, " that Saint Dunstan amused himself in works of gold, as well as iron ; so that it is no wonder to sec the evil spirit in a place where the irritamenta malorum so much abound." The goldsmiths usually performed the legend of St. Dunstan whenever one of their guild was inaugurated Lord Mayor. 86 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS leviathan. Observe, St. Dunstan works in his mitre, and not in a paper-cap, and the enemy of mankind has the usual attributes with which the painters of the middle ages invested him. Having placed a triple crown on the head of the Deity, they next materialised the devil, and adorned him with the charac- teristics of a satyr. The rambler in London will look in vain for the Devil Tavern beneath the shade of Temple Bar. The house, with a modern front, is now the bank of Messrs. Child,* who have preserved the Leges Conviviales iu the Apollo Room where Ben Jonson and his friends held their orgies. Sack and ale no longer flow here, and if any thing " short" is dispensed, it is the shortest change of a check. 737. AT THE KINGS HEAD. The bust of Henry VIII. R. IN FLEET STREETE. Letters detrited. The bust on this token resembles that on several others ; and, though rudely executed, conveys no bad idea of the portraiture of the English Herod. A friend observes, that for two centuries " the King's Head" meant Henry the Eighth, and the sign of " the Queen's Head" Queen Elizabeth. FLEET YARD. 738. THOMAS GREENE AT In the field, EARLY BROTH, 1664. R LY BROTH, FLEETE YARD. In the field, T. M. G. FLEMISH CHURCH-YARD. 739. THE LABOR IN VAINE IN. Two women washing a negro. R. FLEMISHE CHVRCH YARD. In the field, 1. 1. G. 740. AT THE GOATE IN. A goat. ft. FLEMISH CHVRCH YARD. Ill the field, T. D. H. FORE STREET. 741. ISAAC ELLISWORTH AT Y E . A lion rampant. R. IN FOARE STREET. A name in monogram. 742. THOMAS PAWORTH. A lion rampant. R. IN FORE STREETE. In the field, T. E. P. 743. THOMAS WHITE. A tree between 1661. R. IN FORE STREET. In the field, T. W. * Oliver Cromwell kept cash at this house, and his account is said to be still preserved by Messrs. Child. CURRENT IN LONDON. 87 FOSTER LANE. 744. LANCELOTT AYRES AT Y E . A full-blown rose. R. IN FOSTER LANE, HIS g PENY. In the field, L. M. A. divided by two flowers, the stalks ending in a true- lovers' knot. 745. ELLEN BILLING, AT Y E DARK. The bust of an Indian. R. ENTRY ORDINARY IN FOSTER. In the field, LANE, HER HALFE PENNY. 746. IOHN CHAMBERS AT Y E . A Wool-pack. R. IN FOSTER LANE. In the field, I. A. C. 747. RICHARD EAST AT THE. A stag's head. R. IN FOSTER LANE, 1664. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 748. MATHEW HOVLT. Three nuns. R. IN FOSTER LANE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 749. EDWARD IARVES AT Y E . The Sun. R. IN FOSTER LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, E.I.I. 750. ANTHONY POOLE, IRONMONGR (sic). A horse's head couped and bridled. R. IN FOSTER LANE, 1688. In the centre, HIS HALFE PENY, in three lines across the field. Was this the original shop in Foster Lane, now known as " Knight's," where the chemist and the geologist repair for materiel in their respective sciences ? Foster Lane once flanked the great sanctuary of St. Martin, but nearly one half of it has been destroyed to make room for the New Post Office. 751. WILLIAM WADE AT THE. A dagger. R. DAGGER IN FOSTER LANE. In the field, w. M. w., divided by two flowers. 752. IOHN WALLIS. A lion rampant, on an escutcheon. R. IN FOSTER LANE. In the field, I. w. 753. AT THE DAGAR AND. A dagger with a magpie on the point. R. PYE IN FOSTER LANE. In the field, M. H. D. and two ermine spots. FOULE LANE. 754. ANDREW WATERS IN. A man dipping candles. R. FOVLE LANE, SOVTHWAR. In the field, A. E. W. 88 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS FOXES LANE, SHADWELL. 755. HESTER KILLOBE AT THE 68. The royal arms. R. IN FOXSES LANE IN SHADWELL. In the field, HER HALPE PENNY, H. K. 756. AT THE WHIT HART. A stag couchant. R. IN POXES LANE, 1650. In the field, w. D. c. FRESH WHARF. 757. AT THE 3 MARRINERS. Three sailors. R. AT FRESH WHARFE. In the field, T. s. w. FRIDAY STREET. 758. PHILLIP IORDAN AT Y E BLAK. A naked figure hold- ing a three-pronged fork or spear. R. BOY IN FRYDAY STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, I.I. E. 759. ANDREW VINCENT, Y E COFFE. A hand issuing from a cloud, pouring from a coffee-pot into a coffee-cup. R. HOVSE IN FRIDAY STREET, 71. In the field, 1 D . FULLER'S RENTS. 760. GEORGE RYTHE AT THE. An angel crowned with an arched crown, standing. R. IN FVLLERS RENTS, HOL- BORN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. This is the sole token we have met with belonging to Fuller's Rents. There was a tavern here called the Fountain, where Gates encouraged men to talk treason over their cups, that he might denounce them to the Government. GANDER LANE. 761. ISABELL HOPPPELTON IN. In the field, I. H. R. AT GANDER LANE END. In the field, HER HALFPENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 89 GARLICK HILL. 762. THE GRAY HOVND TAVERN. A greyhound. ft. GAR- LTCKE HILL. In the field, A. B. 763. AT THE COOKES ARMES. The Cooks' arms ft. VPON GARLICKE HILL. In the field, R. S. W. GEORGE'S LANE. 764. SAMVEL BOVERY AT Y E . A naked male figure exam- ining one of his feet. ft. IN GEORGES LANE. In the field, s. A. B. GEORGE YARD, WESTMINSTER. 765. THOMAS COOKE IN. In the field, 1666. R.GEORGE YARD MINSTER. In the field, T. M. C. 766. WIL. OXION, BREWER IN. St. George and the Dragon. R. GEORG YARD, WESTMIN. In the field, W. O. GILTSPUR STREET. 767. SAMVEL BOTLEY. Device detrited. ft. GVILTSPVR STREET. In the field, s. H. B. 768. THOMAS HARRIS. The Grocers' arms. ft. GILTSPVR STREET. In the field, T. A. H. 769. Richard Patricks att y e his 1 D . A Turk's head. R. In Gilt spur street w th out Newgate gate, 1664. In five lines across the field. 770. IAMES STEPHENS AT Y E . Three figures standing, with a nimbus round the head of each. R. IN GILTSPVR STREET. In the field, WITHOVT NEWGATE. GLEEN ALLEY. 771. WILLIAM ALLEN IN. Crowned bust of Charles!. ft. GLEEN ALLEY, SOVTHWARK. In the field, W. M. A. N 90 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 772. IOSEPH CAVNT NER (sic) GLEEN. Five candles strung on a stick. R. ALY IN TVLIS STREETE. In the field, I. R. C. 773. HENRY MVMFORD, in the centre, in two lines. Around, IN GLEAN ALLEY. R. TOOLY STREET. In the field, H. E. M. GOAT YARD. 774. RICH. SMITH, IN GOATE YARD. In the field, three horse- shoes. R. IN SOVTHWARK, HIS HALF PENY, A trumpet. GOLDEN LANE. 775. FREEMAN ELLIS IN. In the field, VINE COVRT. R. GOVLDING LANE, 1656. In the field, F. I. E. 776. RICHARD HVCKWELL. A sheaf. R. IN GOLDING LANE. In the field, R. E. H. 777. IOHN MAXWELL, LOWER. The Dyers' arms. R. END OF GOVLDEN LANE In the field, I. T. M. 778. RICHARD PAWLEY AT THE .... Three cups with covers. R. CVPPS IN GO LANE. In the field, His HALFE PENNY, R. M. P. 779. THOMAS PERROT. Two sugar loaves. R. GOLDEN LANE, 1658. In the field, . . . E. P. 780. IOHN SHARPE, MEALMAN. In the field, three cups (?) and i. s. s. R. IN GOVLDEN LANE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 781. Will. Sudbury, his half e peny. In four lines across the field. R. AT THE COCK IN GOLDEN LANE. A cock. 782. MARGRET TVTTLESHAM AT Y E . A terrestrial globe. R. WORLDS END IN GOLDEN LANE. In the field, HER HALFPENY, 1666. 783. WILLIAM WICKINGS AT Y E . A gate with towers. R. BREW HOVSE IN GOLDING LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 91 784. Samuel Woodcock in Goldinge Lane. In four lines across the field. R. HIS HALFE PENNY, 1669. In the field, a pair of antlers, and s. M. w. 785. AT THE VINE IN. A vine. R. GOVLDEN LANE. In the field, G. w. B. 786. AT THE BALL IN. A ball. R. GOLDIN LANE, 1657. In the field, D. c. and Vf. B. 787. AT THE WHITE SWAN. A Swan. R. IN GOVLDIN LANE. In the field, w. A. T. 788. AT THE KOBIN HOD. In the field, S. S.W. R. IN GOVLDEN LANE. Ill the field, 1653. GOODMAN'S YARD. 789. THOMAS NORRIS AT Y E . Two carbines crossed in saltier. R. IN GOODMANS YARD. In the field, T. A. N. 1667. GOSWELL STREET. 790. IOHN BERRY AT Y E . A drum and a trumpet. R. GOSWELL STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 791. AT THE BVTCHERS ARMES. The Butchers' arms. R. IN GOSWELL STREETS. In the field, M. A. C. 792. AT Y E WHIT LYON IN. A lion rampant. R. GOOSWEELL STREET. In the field, R. A. p. GRACECHURCH STREET. 793. IOHN ADAMES, 1668. A lion rampant, holding an anchor. R. IN GRACECHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 794. THOMAS ALLISON. Three tuns. R. IN GRACIOVS STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, T. A. A. 795. ROBERT CARTER AT Y E WHITE. A lion rampant. R. IN GRACE CHVRCH STREETE. In the field, HIS PENNY, 1668. 92 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 796. IAMES CHVRCHEY AT THE. A bell. R. IN GRACE CHVRCH STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY, 1670. " On the 12th June, 1560, the woman who kept the Bell in Gracechurch, was carted through the city as a bawd." Machyn's Diary, p. 238. 797. IOHN ROMNEY, 1659. A blazing star. ft. IN GRATIAS STRETE. In the field, . . . I. R. 798. MICHAELL WARREN. A horse-shoe. ft. IN GRATIOVS STREET. In the field, M. A. w. 799. WILLIAM WILLIAMS IN. A lion rampant. ft. GRACE- CHVRCH STREET. In the field, W. F. W. 800. S. IN IERVSALEM ALLE. View of a City. ft. IN GRA- TIOVS STREET. In the field, E. E. A. 801. AT THE GEORGE IN. St. George slaying the Dragon. R. GRACECHVRCH STREET. In the field, W. M. B. 802. NEW COFFEE HOVSE HALL. A dog. ft. IN GRACE CHVRCH STREET. In the field, T. D. & N. B. (both con- joined) 1. 803. AT THE RED LYON, IN GRASSE. A lion rampant. R. CHVRCH STREET, 1650. In the field, I. S. F. 804. THE 3 TVNN TAVERNE IN. In the field, three tuns. R. GRACE CHVRCH STREETS. In the centre, I. E. K. 805. AT THE SHIP TAVERNE, HIS 5. In the field, a ship. R. IN GRACE CHVRCH STREET. In the centre, a monogram. THE GRANGE. 806. THO. PRJCE, THE RED cowE. A cow; above, a sugar- loaf. R. AT Y E GRAYNGE IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. GRAVEL LANE, HOUNDSDITCH. 807. ED. DAY, IN GRAVLE LANE. In the field, 1666. ft. NEARE HOVNDSDITCII. In the field, E. M. D. CURRENT IN LONDON. 93 808. HENRY ENGLISH. Two pipes crossed in saltier. R. IN GRAVIL LANE. In the field, H. E. 809. GEORGE HVNTLEY IN. In the field, CHANLER. R. NEW GRAVILL LANE. In the field, G. A. H. 810. BEN STONES IN GRAVY (sic). In the field, 1666. R. LANE, NER HOVNDSDITCH. In the field, B. I. S. 811. S. STRVGNELL, GRAVEL. A Stirrup. R. LANE, HOVNDS- DICH. In the field, s. K. S. 812. IOHN WARD AT THE. Two shields, side by side; one bearing the arms of England, the other the Irish harp. R. IN NEW GRAVEL LANE. In the field, I. A. W. GRAY FRIARS. 813. GEORGE IONES, IN GRAY. Half length figure of an ecclesiastic with cowl and tonsure, holding a rosary. R. FRIERS, HIS HALFPENY. la the field, G. S. I. 814. ANTHONY MOSLEY IN. A rainbow, and the letters A. E. M. R. GRAY FRYERS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. 815. RICHARD TART IN GRAY. Half length figure filling a coffee cup. R. FRIERS, HIS HALFE PENNY. In the field, R. T. 816. IAMES WATERS AT. A friar standing. R. GRAYE FRIERS GATE. In the field, i. A. w. GRAY'S INN LANE. 817. EDWARD BATTY. A spread eagle (?). R GRASE INN LANE. ... In the field, E. M. . . . 818. IAMES COLE, IN GRAYS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. INNE LANE, PEiCE BROKER. Two flowers between I. K. C. 819. IOHN FARMER IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. GRAYESIN LANE. A man dipping candles. 94 TRADESMEN S TOKENS 820. IOHN FARMER IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. GRAVES INN LANE. A man dipping candles. 821. TIMOTHY HALSEY. A man dipping candles. R. IN GRAISEN LANE. Ill the field, T. S. H. 822. THOMAS HODGHES, IN GRAIS. A fleur de lis. R. INN LANE, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, T. I. H. 823. ROB. STOCKTON IN ROSE AND. A greyhound. R. CROWN CORT, GRAYS IN LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 824. HVMPHREY WIGAN, 1668. A harrow. R. IN GRAIES INN LANE. In the field, H. B. w. |. 825. AT THE SWAN TAVERNE. A SWan. R. AT GRAYSIN LANE END. In the field, w. M. c. 826. THE C. TAVERNE. A Castle. R. IN GRAYESIN LANE. In the field, T. M. H. GREAT EASTCHEAP. 827. WILL. CVRTIS AT THE. A ship in full sail. R. IN GREAT EASTCHIP. In the field, HIS HALFEPENEY. 828. IOHN SAPCOTT AT Y E BORESHED. A boar's head. .R. TAVERNE IN GREAT EASTCHEAP. In the field, HIS 1 D ., I. E. S. Here is a token without date, but doubtless struck after Eastcheap had risen from its ashes.* It shews us that the Boar's head had changed hands after the great fire, for John Sapcott is the name of mine host on the pledge for a penny. That of the smaller denomination (No. 830), bears a boar's head, * These tokens of a larger denomination appear to have been of a later issue than those representing the farthing and halfpenny. They are generally without date, and their appearance must have called imperatively for the reformation of the coinage, and the suppression of such a spurious currency. Had this not taken place, the curious would doubtless have in their cabinets examples of silver coins, struck by London Tradesmen. CURRENT IN LONDON. 95 with a true heraldic grin; but this displays the same object under a more inviting- aspect, appealing irresistibly " aux gourmands."* 829. WILLIAM TEW AT THE IN. A Unicorn. ft. GHEAT EA8TCHIP, MEALMAN. In the field, W. B. T. . 830. THE BORES HEAD TAVRNE. A boar's head. R. IN GREAT EAST CHEAP. Ill the field, I. I.E. This token is of an earlier period than No. 828, and was evidently in circulation before the destruction of the old city. What a host of associations crowd upon us as we examine this pledge for better coin. The Boar's Head in Great Eastcheap! We hear Falstaff's snore behind the arras, Prince Hal's "Anon!" Pistol's fustian rant, and Mistress Doll's abuse; and, in our mind's eye, we see the mad prince break fat Sir John's head, " for likening his father to a singing man of Windsor." Though this pseudo moneta dates from a later period, the tavern at the time of its issue had not been greatly changed since the days when Shakspeare wrote. But Eastcheap, long before it was swept away by the improved approaches to London Bridge, had nothing in its appearance to attract the antiquary the " great fire" had destroyed every ancient dwelling, every vestige of the picturesque, in that quarter. The boar's head, carved in stone, and the work of a later day, was fixed in the wall of the modern house which stood on the site of the ancient tavern, and was occupied by a gunsmith at the time of its demolition, f 831. AT THE HARTS HORNES. In the field, H. N. R. IN GREAT EASTCHEAP. A pair of antlers. * It seems probable that the Boar's head was originally a cook's shop, in the days of Lydgate, and one of those in which " hot ribbes of beef rested, and pies well baked," were dispensed, with other creature comforts. In the month of February, 1717, one Austin, an inventor of the "Persian ink powder," in an extravagant fit of gratitude to his customers, announced that he had selected the Boar's head tavern, in Eastcheap, for their reception, where he would have prepared for them a pudding weighing 900 Ibs., and a cake of similar weight, to be served to the music of a huge drum, once used in the Turkish army, and eighteen feet in length ! The copper for boiling the pudding was erected at the Red Lion in Southwark Park, where crowds of people went to see it. It was intended to be conveyed to the Swan Tavern, Fish Street Hill, to the tune of " What lumps of plum-pudding my mother gave me." These shiftings of the scene of action shew that the landlords dreaded an irruption of the mob. It was finally resolved to dispense the huge pudding in St. George's Fields, but the escort was attacked by the populace on its way thither, and the Brobdignagian confection demolished in a twinkling ! f This stone carving, bearing the date 1668, is now preserved in the library of the city of London, in Guildhall. 96 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS GREAT GARDEN. 832. IOHN WEDELL AT THE. A shovel. R. IN GREAT GARDEN. In the field, I. K. w. GREAT MAZE POND. 833. GEORGE HORSLEY, AT YE GREAT,. St. George and the Dragon. R. MAZE PONDE, IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1668. GREAT QUEEN STREET. 834. THOMAS HILL AT THE. A harp. R. IN GREAT QVEENS STREET. In the field, T. F. H. GREAT ST. HELEN'S. 835. Hugh Adderly, his halfe peny, 1666. In five lines across the field. R. IN GREAT SAINT HELLEN. A dolphin. GREAT TRINITY LANE. 836. IOHN cox IN. The Prince of Wales's feathers. R. GREAT TRINETYE LANE. In the field, I. R. C. GREEN YARD. 837. IIVMPHREY EEDES AT THE. A nag's head. R. IN THE GREENE YARD. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 838. THOMAS IANE GREEN YARD. A lion rampant. R. WITHIN LEADENHALL. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 839. WILL. PAYNE AT THE BLACK. A bull. R. IN THE GREENE YARD. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 97 GREEN'S RENTS. 840. WILL WARDE, FLEET BRiDG. The arms of the Weavers' Company. R. IN GREENES RENTS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, W. A. W. GROCERS' ALLEY. 84 1 . IOSEPH HOWSON IN. The arms of the Founders' Company. R. GROCERS ALLEY, 1663. A sugar-loaf. GRUB STREET. 842. WALTER HADDON AT THE 5. In the field, W. E. H. R. INKHORNS IN GRVB STREET. Five inkhorns. There was formerly a Five Inkhorn Alley in Grub Street, btit it is probably now known by another name. 843. WILLIAM HATTON. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. R. IN GRVB STREETE, 1666. A wheatsheat between W. M. H. 844. IOHN HENLEY IN GRVBB. A pegasus. R. STREET HIS HALFE PENNY. The Innholders' arms. 845. George Hide, Grocer. In three lines across the field. R. IN GRVBB STREET. A tobacco roll and a half moon. 846. ABRAHAM IOHNSON AT Y E . A fryingpan. R. FRYING- PAN IN GRVBB STREET. In the field, A. B. I. 847. IAMES ROBINSON AT Y B . Pegasus. R. F . . . ING HORSE IN GRVB STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 848. SAM. WRIGHT, APOTHECARY. A horse and a crown. R. IN GRVBSTREET, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 849. AT Y E BROADE ARROW. A cross-bow arrow. R. IN GRVB STREETE. Ill the field, R. P. o 98 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS GUILDHALL. 850. THOMAS AILAY AT THE 3. In the field, three tuns. R. AT GVILDHALL GATE, 1665. In the field, J., between T. E. 851. THOMAS KITCHINMAN AT THE. A building. R. GVILDHALL IN . . . . TLING STREET.* Ill the field, HIS HALFPENNY, T. A. K. 852. ROBERT PEETE OVER AGAINST. A lion rampant. R. GVILD HALL GATE, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 853. AT THE WHIT LYON. A lion rampant. R. IN GVILD HALL GATE. In the field, W. A. C. GUN YARD. 854. WILLIAM BLACKIE. A ship's carronade. R. AT GVN YARDE. In the field, w. E. B. GUTTER LANE. 855. THOMAS FITZHVGH, AT Y E GOLDEN. A large 1 D . R. ANCHOR IN GVTER LANE. An anchor. 856. WILL GRAINGE, AT Y E HORNES. A horse-shoe within a pair of antlers. R. & HORSHOOE, IN GVTTER LANE. In the field, HIS . w. E.G. 1669. 857. THE HAMMER AND CROWN. A hammer surmounted by a crown. R. IN GVTER LANE. In the field, B. A. N. HALF MOON ALLEY. 858. IOHN PVLLIN HALFMOON. Two brewers, carrying between them a barrel. R. ALLY WITHOVT BISHOP- GATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. S. P. * The Guildhall was in old times situated in Watling Street. CURRENT IN LONDON. 99 HALF MOON COURT. 859. AT THE HALFE MOON. A crescent. R. IN THE CORTE, 1648. In the field, ... H. B. The year 1648, is the earliest that occurs on this class of tokens: and being somewhat scarce, many persons, failing to obtain a specimen, have doubted the existence of such a date on this description of money. That they were, however, struck as early as this year, is proved by other specimens in the col- lection of the British Museum. One of " the Seven Stars, in Cornhill," is also dated 1648. "The Half-Moon in the Corte," is a peculiar style, evidently implying the court of that name, or as the Scotch say, " of that ilk." There are divers Half-moon courts in London. The tavern of that name in Grace- church Street stands at the corner of Half-Moon Passage; and an inn of the same designation is in a court or passage of the same name in Bishops- gate. We leave it to the learned in London topography to fix the locality of this token. HAMMON'S KEY. 860. AT THE HEN AND. A hen with chickens. R. IOHN SELL, between s. R. in the centre. Around, CHICKINS AT HAMONS KEY. 861. DOROTHY SELL AT THE. A hen with her chickens. R. ON HAMONS KEY, 1668. In the field, HER HALF PENY, D. S. HARP ALLEY. 862. HENRY BROWNE, AT HARP. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. ALLEY END AT DITCH SIDE. In the field, H. I. B. HARP LANE. 863. RICHARD LOMAX, AT THE. A Star. R. STARE IN HARPE LANE. In the field, R. A. L. HART'S HORN LANE. 864. HENRY MORRELL AT Y E LIME. In the field, H. E. M. R. WHARF IN HART HORNE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1667. 865. THE ANCHOR AT HARTS. An anchor between the let" ters I.T. R. HORNE LAE END. Same device and letters. 100 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS HATTON GARDEN. 866. IOHN BALL AT THE. The head of Charles II. crowned. R. IN HATTON GARDEN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 867. Joseph Kinge, his halfpenny, in four lines across the field. R. AT Y E CROWN IN HATTON GARDEN. A crown. 868. EDWARD NVTBY, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN HATTON GARDEN, 67 . A hand holding a bird. See the same name under Hatton Street. 869. THOMAS PRENCE IN. Three sugar loaves. R. HATTON GARDEN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 870. RICHARD SHIPTON AT THE. A Still. R. STILL IN HATTON GARDEN. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 871. IOHN SLATER, AT Y E EWE AND. A lamb sucking a evve< R. LAMBE HATTEN GARDEN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1668. HATTON STREET. 872. EDWARD NVTBY. In the field, LEATHER CVTTER. R. IN HATTON STREET. In the field, E. D. N. HATTON WALL. 873. FRA. BRETT. A lion rampant. R. HATTON WAJLL. In the field, 1659. HAYMARKET. 874. IOHN CROSBE IN Y E HAY. A half-moon. R. MARKET MEALEMAN. In the field, I. E. C. 875. IAMES WARREN, 1664. A half-moon. R. IN THE HAY MARKETT, His HALF PENNY. In five lines across the field. CURRENT IN LONDON. 101 HELMAN COURT. 876. AT THE GEORGE. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN HELMAN COVRT. In the field, s. E. B. HERCULES PILLARS ALLEY (?). 877. WILLIAM KING ATT Y E HIS 1 D . A crown. R. in Her- cules Fillers, in Fleet Street, 1664, in five lines across the field. HERMITAGE. 878. WILL HODGES AT THE GOLDEN. An anchor. R. NEAR HERMITAGE BR1DG. In the field, W. H. H. . 879. IOHN NEWELL NEAE (sic) Y E . Five candles on a stick. R. ARMITAGE STAiERS. A naked figure holding two objects detrited. 880. KINGS HEAD TAVERNE. Crowned bust. R. AT THE HERMITAGE. In the field, w. E. A. 881. B. H. 1671. R. LYME WHARFE AT HERMITAGE B1UDG. HIGH TIMBER STREET. 882. AT Y E END OF HIGH TIMBER. Three tobacco pipes. R. STREET NEAR QVEEN HITH. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, L.F. F. (Octagonal). HIGH STREET. 883. THE CHEK KER NEXT TO. A sugar loaf. R. TAVERNE IN HI STREET. In the field, G. A. H. HOCKLEY HOLE. 884. ANN TRAVER AT THE. PegasUS and . R. IN HOCKLEY HOLE, 1667. The Coopers' arms. 102 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS HOG LANE. 885. IOHN BAVET. A unicorn and a dog. R. IN HOGG LANE. In the field, 1. A. B. 886. WILLIAM CREAKE. In the field, w. M. c. R. IN HOG LANE, 1653. In the field, w. M. C. HOLBORN. 887. BENIAMIN ASH, AT YE FOVNT A. A fountain springing from a human figure seated. R. TAVERNE IN HIGH HOLBORN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, B. A. 888. GILES BAGGS AT THE HAMER. A hammer, surmounted by a crown. R. AND CROWN AT HOLBORN BRIDG. In the field, G. B. 889. Samuel Ball at y e Kings gate. In four lines across the field. R. in Holborne his halfe peny, 1668, s. M.B. In six lines across the field. 890. Another with the legend confused and rudely engraved. 891. MAT. BAYLY, AT Y E RED COW. A COW. ft. NEAR HOL- BORN CVNDVIT. In the field, M. T. B. \. 892. IAMES BENNETT, CORNS. In the field, i. A. B. | D and a small horse-shoe. R. CHND (sic) IN HIGH HOI BORNE. A horse-shoe. 893. W. BIRCH AT THE WHITE. A horse. R. HORSE HOLBORN BRIDG. In the field, w. A. B. 894. William Booden, Grocer, in three lines across the field; without the inner circle, HIS HALFPENNY. R. AT Y E ROSE & CROWN IN HIGH HOLBORN. In the field, 1669. A rose crowned. 895. ROBERT BOOTH. Two men with staves. R. AT HOLBORN BRIDG. In the field, R. B. CURRENT IN LONDON. 103 896. THO. BOSTOCK AT YE GOLDEN. A ball suspended. R. AT HOLBORNE CONDVIT. In the field, HIS HALF PKNY TOKEN. 897. HENRY BROWN HIS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. ft. IN HIGH HOLBORNE, 1659. In the field, H. i. B. 898. HENRY BROWNE HIS. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. HIGH HOLBORNE, 1659. In the field, H.I. B. 899. IOHN BROXON NEAR KINGS. A mermaid with her at- tributes. R. GATE HIGH HOLBORN, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 900. ANTHONY BVGGIN AT THE. In the field, A.M.B. R. GLOBE TAVERN IN HOLBVRN. A globe. 901. CHA. BVRFORD, TALLOW. Three candles strung on a stick. ft. CHANDLER IN HOLBORN. In the field, C.I. B. 902. ROBERT CARTWRIGHT AT THE. Head of St. Agnes. R. NEXT THAVIS INN HOLBORNE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 903. THOMAS CATTERALL, OYLMAN, AT Y E . A bull. In the field, T. C. R. AGAINST S T . ANDREWS CHVRCH HOL. In the field, BORN, HIS HALFE PENNY. 904. MICHAEL CHAMBERS AT THE. A lion. R. MIDDLE ROW IN HOLBORNE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1666. 905. WILLIAM COBB. The sun. R. IN HIGH HOLBVRN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 906. RICHARD CORNISH. A Castle. R. AT HOLBORN BRIDG. In the field, R. M. c. 907. IOHN DAVEY, AT Y E GOLDEN. A horse-rihoe. R. NEERE HOLBORN BRIDG. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 908. THOMAS DAY, AT Y E BLACK. A SWan. R. SWAN AT HOLBORN BRIDG. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 909. IOHN DEAKES AT THE. A blazing star. R. STAR IN HOLBORNE. In the field, i. E. D. 104 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 910. EDWARD FORMAN. A turnstile. ft. IN HIGH HOLBORNE. In the field, E. F. 911. IOHN FRENCH AT. The Haberdashers' arms. ft. IIOVL- BORNE BARS. In the field, i. F. 912. BAPTIST FRERE IN. In the field, 1661. ft. HOLBORNE OYLMAN. In the field, B. s. F. 913. IAMES GLADMAN. A bell. ft. HOLBORN BRIDGE. In the field, i. M. G. 914. THO. GRESWELL IN. St. George and the Dragon. ft. GEORGE YARD HOLBVRN. In the field, T. I. G. 915. DANIEL GREY, SALVTATiON. The angel Gabriel saluting the Virgin. ft. TAVERN IN HOLBORK. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 916. DAVID HATTON AT Y E ciTTY. A city, with three towers; above, YORK. ft. IN THE MIDDLE ROW HOLBORN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, D. E. H. (Octagonal). (See No. 937). 917. NICHOLAS HAWETT ON. A wheatsheaf, on which three birds are perched. ft. HOLBORNE HILL MEALE MAN. In the field, N. E. H. 918. IOSEPH HIGGS CONFECTIONE. In the field, a fleur de lis and a rose, between i. A. H. ft. AGAINST GRAIS INN GATE IN HOLBORN, HIS HALFPENY. In SIX lines acrOSS the field. 919. JOHN HILL AT THE SVNN. The SUH. ft. TAVERN IN HOLBORNK. In the field, i. A. H. 920. ROBERT HOLMES AT THE. The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers. ft. FEATHERS IN HOLBORN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 921. ROBERT HOLMES AT THE. The Prince of Wales's feathers. ft. FETHARS IN HOLBORN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. The Feathers tavern still exists on the north side of Holborn. 922. GEORGE HOPKINS, VINTNER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, 1669. ft. HOLBORN NEAR HATEN GARDEN. A fountain. CURRENT IN LONDON. 105 923. 1OHN HVNTER NEXT WARWICK. Ill the field, I. E. H. I*. HOVSE IN HOVLBORNE, 1684. la the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 92-1. IOHN IONES, IN HOLBOIIN. A pair of scales. R. NEAR GRATES IN GATE. In the field, HIS IIALFEPENY. 925. ANTHONEY IOYCE. Three stags. R. AT HOBORN CONDED. In the field, A. K. I. 926. HENRY KING AT. A rose. R. CVNDVIT, HOLBKON (sic). In the field, H. M. K. 927. IAMES LATHAM AT THE. An eagle. R. AGAINST Y E MIDLE KOW, HOLBOR. In the field, HISHALFE PENNY, 1. 1. M. (sic). 928. THO. LEGETT AT Y E GOVLDEN. A grifiin. R. TAVERN IN HIGH HOLBVRN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 929. EDMOND MANFORTH, IANIER. A figure, armed cap a pie, holding a lance. R. NEAR STAPLE INN, IN HOLBORNE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 930. SIMON MARSHAL, VINE. A vine. R. TAVERNE IN HOLBORNE. In the field, S. M. M. 931. WILL. MIDDLEMORE. The Prince of Walcs's coronet and feathers. R. . . OLBORNE BRIDGE. In the field, W. E. M. 932. IOHN MVRDOCK NEARE. The Mercers' arms. R. HOL- BORNE BRIDGE. In the field, I. B. M. 933. AT Y E COFFE HOVSE AGAINST. In the centre, HENRY MVSCVT, and a hand holding a cup of coffee. K. BROOK HOVSE IN HOLBORN, HIS HALFPENNY. H. E. M. In seven lines across the field. Brook House, so called after Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, the friend of Sir Philip Sydney, stood on the site of the present Brook Street, near Fumival's Inn: so that Muscat's coffee-house must have been on the opposite side of Holborn, near the gateway of Staples Inn. The fanciful and somewhat in- convenient shape of his token, was adopted by others at this period, probably to attract notice. 934. DANIEL NALER, TALLOW. Three Stags. R. CHANDLER IN HOLBORN. In the field, D. N. 1662. 106 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 935. IOHN NICHOLLS BAKER OVER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. R. AGAINST KINGSGATE, HOLBORNE. Three birds perched on a sheaf. 936. WILLIAM OVEROND AT Y E . A last, and W. M. O-, 1668. R. IN MIDDLE ROW, IN HOLBOR N . In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 937. WILL. PETTY AT Y E YORK CITTY. A view of a city. R. IN MIDLE ROW, HOLBVRNE. In the field, W. M. P. (See No. 916.) 938. THO. PIGETT AT Y E . A griffin rampant. R. TAVERN IN HIGH HOLBVRN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 939. MATHIAS PITMAN. Two musketeers ( ?). R. AT HOL- BORN BRIDGE. In the field, M. M. P. 940. WILLIAM PLACE AT. A postman mounted and blowing his horn. R. GRAYS INN GATE. In the field, FOR POST LETTERS. 941 . FRANCIS POCHIN AT THE. Bust of a king, crowned with an arched crown, and holding the orb and sceptre. R. TAVERN AT HOLBVRN BRIDGE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, F. E. P. 942. THO. RAYNER AT KINGS. A gate. R. GATE IN HOL- BORN. In the field, T. F. R. 9i3. ANN SAVNDERS IN CASTLE. A hare; above, A. s. R. YARD NEAR HOLBORN, 1666. In the field, HER HALF PENY. 944. WILLIAM SHEERS. An anchor. R. IN HOLBORN. In the field, 1656. 945. RICHARD SHIPTON AT THE. A Still. R. STILL IN HIGH HOLBORNE. In the field, HIS HALFPENNY. 946. BARTHOLOMEW SIMONS. In the field, B. S. R. IN HOLBORNE. In the field, 1654. 947 . IOHN SKARVILL AT THE HOLBORN. A wild man holding a club and smoking a pipe. R. BRIDGE DESTILLER, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1. 1. s. 948. IOHN STELLE AT THE BLEW. A boar's head between the letters i. s. s. R. AT HOLBORNE BRIDGE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 107 9i9. ROWLAND STINTON AT THE. A turnstile. R. TVRN STILE IN IIOLBORN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1665. 950. NATHAN . . . STRATTON. A rose. R. . . . KINGSGATE IIOLBORN. In the field, N. E. s. 951. RICHARD TALEOT, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. NEARE HOLBORNE BARRS. In the field, R. A. T. 952. ROBERT THODY, AT Y E . Bust of Charles II. R. IN HOLBVRNE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. This token was struck in the year of the great fire Royalty was then in the ascendant, and the King's Head was popular in the days of plots and rumours of plotting by the papists. The name of Thody ' is immortalised by Prior, and is still found close to Bucklcrsbury. 953. IOHN TIRION AT Y E SVN. The SU11. R. NEARE HOL- BVRNE BRIDGE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. I. I. T. 954. RICHARD VNDERWOOD, HIS HALFE PENNY, R. E. V. In five lines, divided by bars, across the field. R. HOLBORN, POVLTERER. A hare running. 955. RALPH WALEY AT Y E BLACK. A bear with a chain. R. IN HIGH HOLBORNE. Ill the field, R. M. W. 956. GEORGE WALLIS. Three birds. R. IN HIGH HOLBORN. In the field, G. w. 957. ROBERT WARNER. Three sugar loaves suspended. ft. IN HOLBORNE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 958. ELEANER WEAVER NEAR. In the field, E.AV. ft. GRAIES INN GATE HOLBVRNE. In the field, A HALFE PENY. 959. IOHN WEEDON, GROCER. In the field, I. A. W. R. HIGH HOLBORN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 960. WILLIAM WHETSTON. A boy holding a pipe. R. IN HOLBORNE, 1653. In the field, w.i.w. 961. GILES WHITHORNE. In the field, MEALMAN. R. IN HIGH IIOLBORN. A sheaf. 108 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 962. ALLAN WILSON AT Y E PLEC E . A fleece, suspended by the middle. R. TAVERN IN HOLBVRNE. In the field, A. w. 963. lOHISr WRIGHT AT Y E SPVR. A Spur. R. IN MIDDLE ROW, HOLBVRN. In the field, I. M. W. 964. THE THREE SVGAR LOVES. Three loaves of sugar suspended. . TVRNDSTILE IN HOLBORN. In the field, R. c. A. 965. AT THE THREE CVPS. In the field, M. D. B. R. IN HOLBORNE, 1658. Three cups. 966. AT THE SVN TAVERN. The SUn. R. IN HYE HOL- BORNE. In the field, A. B. C. 967. AT THE MEARMAID. In the field, T.C. R. AT HOL- BORNE BRIDG. A mermaid. 968. AT THE SWORD AND BALL. A sword thrust through a ball. R. AT HOVLBVRN BRIDGE. In the field, H. i. G. 969. QVEENE HEAD TAVERNS. Full-faced bust of Queen Elizabeth. R. AT HOLBORNE COVNDID. In the field, E. E. H. This locality is mentioned by several authors as the resort of pawnbrokers and usurers. An old satirical poem, printed in 1611, under the title "The Letting of Humour's Blood in the Head-Veine," has the following topogra- phical allusions: " Oh Sir, why that's as true as you are heere: With one example I will make it cleere; And far to fetch the same I will not goe, But unto Houndsditch, to the Brokers' Row; Or any place where that trade doth remaine, Whether at Holborne Conduit, or Long Lane." 970. AT THE GLOBE TAVERN. A globe. R. IN HOL- BORNE. In the field, E. s. H 971. AT THE KINGS HEAD. A crowned bearded bust. R. TAVERN JN HOLBORN. Ill the field, H. M. H. 972. AT THE WHITE DRAGON AT. In the field, R. A. H. R. IN HIGH HOLBORNE. A dragon rampant. 973. AT THE TVRNE STILE. A turnstile. R. TAVERN IN HOLBORNE. In the field, T.E. H. CURRENT IN LONDON. 109 974. AT THE 3 TVNS AT. Three tims. R. IIOLBORNE BRIDGE, 1648. In the field, T. M. H. 975. BY GRASING GATE. In the field, I. K. and three fleurs de lis placed perpendicularly. R. IN HOLBORNE. In the field, a pair of scales. 976. THE GOLDEN GRIFFIN. A griffin. R. TAVERN IN HOLBORNE. In the field, T. S. P. 977. AT THE GOVLDEN FAIKEN (sic). A falcon. R. AT HOLBORNE BRIDGE. In the field, T. T. P. 978. AT THE RED LYON. A lion rampant. R. IN HYE HOLBORN, 16-32. In the field, L. C. S. 979. THE SVGAR LOVES. Three sugar loaves conjoined. K. AT HOLBORNE COVNDIC. In the field, T. E. S. 980. AT THE FLEECE TAVERN. A fleece. R. IN HOLBORNE, 1651. In the field, T. M. S. 981. IN HIGH HOLBORN AT Y E . A monogram in cyphers. R. GROSCER, HIS HALFE PENY. A key between 1666. HOLIDAY YARD. 982. THO. HOLMES, IN HOLIDAY. A lion rampant. R. YARD NEAR LVDGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1669* 983. NATHA. WASTALL. A magpie. R. IN HOLLIDA . . YARD. In the field, N. G. w. HOLY WELL STREET. 984. AT THE 3 LIBARDS . . . DS. Three leopards' heads. R. IN HOLAWAY STREET. In the field, W. M. K. 985. AT THE BODY MAKER. In the field, W. S. R. IN HOLY WELL STRET. A pair of stays, or boddice. 110 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS HORSELYDOWN. 986. ALICE ACTOON, 1668. A sword thrust through a boar's head. R. VPON HORSLY DOWNE. In the field, HER IIALFE PENNY. 987. RICHARD BAXTER IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. HORSLY DOWN LANE. A woman churning ( ?). 988. SAMVEL CHRISTOPHER. The Grocers' arms. R. AT IIORSLY DOWNE, 1667. In the field, -HIS HALFE PENY, S. L. C. 989. IOHN COLLINGTON. A blazing star. R. AT HORSE LIDOWNE. In the field, I. K. C. 990. HENRY CRICH IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R- HORSLY DOVNE LANE. In the field, a wheat-sheaf between H. A. c. 991. EDWARD DELMAIXE. A globe on a stand. R. VPPER HORSLY DOWNE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 992. PETER HALL, MELMAN. A sheaf. R. ON HORSLEY DOAVNE. In the field, p. M. H. 993. MARY HARLOE AT. In the field, M. H. R. HORSEY DOWNE. In the field, two c's back to back. 994. IOHN HIND, HORSLY. In the field, 1668. R. DOWNE NEW STAIRES. In the field, 1. 1. H. 995. CORDELIA IOYNEK. Two hands joined. R. IN HORSLY DOWN LAN. In the field, i.e. (sic). 996. IOIIN LOCKSMITH IN NEW. In the field, i. F. L., 1668. R. LANE IN HORSEY DOWNE. In the field, HIS IIALFPENY. 997. KATKERINE MINTER AT. In the field, HER HALFPENY. R. HORSLYDOWNE STARES. A Castle. 998. RICHARD PACK, 1669. The Butchers' arms. R. IN HORSE DOWNE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 999. IOSEPII PETTY, 1667. A windmill. R. ON HORSLY- DOWNE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. Ill 1000. THOMAS STOKES IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. IIORSLYDOWNE LANE. In the field, two right hands joined, and T. A. s. 1001. THE SHVGER LOAF. A SUgar-loaf. R. HORSLEY- DOVNE STAKES. In the field, W. K. F. 1002. AT YE 3 MARRINERS IN. Three sailors. R. HORSE DOWN, 1657. In the field, R. S. S. HOSIER LANE. 1003. RICHARD NORWOOD, SALTER. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. IN OSIER LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1004. GOLDEN WINDMILL. A windmill. R. IN HOSIER LANE. In the field, M. F. HOUNDSDITCII. 1005. WILLIAM ACTON AT Y E . A ball. R. HOVNSDITCH, 1664. A pair of shears. 1006. SARAH CLARKE, J668. A pair of shears. R. IN HOVNS DITCH. In the field, HER HALF PENNY. 1007. SARAH HIET AT WOOLSAAK. A Woolsack. R. IN HOVNDS DICH. In the field, s. H. 1008. ROBERT HOLLIS AT Y E SEVEN. Seven stars, and a hand holding a pen. R. STARS IN HOVNS DITCH. De- trited. 1009. IOHN HVDSON, BLACKMORS. A negro's head. R. IN HOVNESDICH, 64. hi the field, i. E. H. 1010. PHILLIP IENNERET IN. A COck. R. GOLDEN COCK HVNDICH. In the field, p. E. i. 1011. IOHN LANGRISH. A man dipping candles. R. IN HOVNSDITCH. In the field, two flowers between i. L. 1012. IOHN MERRY AT THE. A bee-hive. R. IN HOVNS- DITCH, 1663. In the field, i. s. M. 112 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1013. THOMAS NETTLETON AT. A man dipping candles. R. IN HOVNDITCH. A woolpack. 1014. IOHN PALMER IN. An anchor. R. HOVNSDICII, 1667. In the field, i. K. p. 1015. ABRAM PARRAT, BROWER. A raven (?). R. IN HOVNDICH, 1654, A. I. P. 1016. WILLIAM RAWLINS. Three horse-shoes R. IN HOVNS- DICH. A crooked billet. 1017. SAMVELL SHAKMAPELL (?). Detrited. R. IN HOVN- DICH, 1660. In the field, s. E. s. 1018. GEO. WAPLES, Y E OLD BVNCH. A bunch of grapes. K. IN HOVNSDICH. In the field, G. A. w. 1019. THO. WEBB, AT THE NAGS. A horse's head between T. E. w. R. HEAD IN HovNS DITCH. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1669. 1020. AT THE WHIT noRS. A horse galloping. R. HOVNS- DICII NBA. AL. GATE. In the field, L. E. H. 1021. AT THE WHITE HORS. A horse prancing ; below, a minute R. R. AT HOVNSDITCH, 1658. In the field, i. A. p. 1022. AT THE GOVLDEN LIO. In the field, C. A. T. R. IN HOWNDS DITCH. A lion rampant. 1023. AT THE SHEERS. A pair of shears. R. IN HOVNSDICH, 1664. In the field, w. M. T. HOXTON. 1024. MARGARET KING AT THE. The SUn. R. IN HOXTON, 1668. In the field, HER HALFE PENY. 1025. BEMAMIN WHIT. The Grocers' arms. R. IN HOXSO.V, GROCER. In the field, B. w. IIUGGLN LANE. 1026. ANTHONY WASHBVRN, AT Y E IN. A hand and a hat (hat and glove?). R. HVGIN LANE, NEAR WOOD S'IRET. In the field, HALF PENY, 1670. CURRENT IN LONDON. 113 IRONGATE. 1027. DAVID KEMPE AT THE. A COck. R. NEAR IRON GATE. In the field, D. K. 1028. IOHN RAILSTON. In the field, two monograms. R. AT IRONGATE. In the field, I. A. R. 1029. IOHN RAMMAGE AT THE. A crown. R. IRON GATE NEER T? TOWER. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 1030. EDMON SMITH AT IRON. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. R. GATE NEAR THE TOWER. A Smith holding his hammer. 1031. AT THE COK. (sic). A cock. R. IRON GATE, 1648. In the field, I. M. H. 1032. THE COK AND BVLL AT. A cock 'and a bull. R. NERE THE IRON GATE. In the field, H. I. M. 1033. A full-faced bust of Charles II., crowned, between c. 2 R. R. R. c. M. AT Irongate stares 1664, across the field. IRONMONGER LANE. 1034. RICHARD ASKEW. A coffee-pot. R. IRONMVNGER LANE. In the field, R. A. A. 1035. i AMES DOCKSI IN. A coat of arms.* R. IN IRON- MONGER LANE. In the field, I. E. D. 1036. IOHN SNOW IN. The Bakers' arms. R. IREMONGER LANE. In the field, I. s. 1037. IOHN SNOW IN. In the field, WHITE BAKER. R. IREMONGER LANE. In the field, I. S. * A chevron between three gauntlets. Q 114 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS ISLE OF DOGS, SOUTHWARK. 1038. LAMES WINDSOR AT Y E ISLE. A pair of antlers. R. OF DOGGS SOVTHWARK, 67. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. B. W. ISLINGTON. J039. CHRISTOPHER BVSBEE AT. A lion passant. R. Y E WHIT LYON IN ISLINGTON. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1668. IVY LANE. 1040. SAMVELL GAINSFORD. A WOolpack. R. IN IVEY LANE. In the field, s. M. G. 1041. WILLIAM HEBB IN. The Plasterers' arms. R. IVEY LANE, 1664. In the field, w. I. H. 1042. WILL. OSMAN, CORNE. A checquered square. R. CHANDLER IN IVEY LANE. In the field, W. O. 1043. AT THE 3 CROVNS. Three arched crowns. R. IN IVEY LANE, 1 652. In the field, H. E. w. JACOB STKEET. 1044. JOHN BVRTON IN. Three hats. R. JACOBS STREET. In the field, 1. 1. B. JERUSALEM ALLEY. 1045. IOHN BLTSSE AT Y E BORES BED. A boar's head. R. IN IERVSALEM ALLEY, 1666. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1046. THOMAS FISHER 166 Detrited. R. IERVSALEM ALLY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 115 1047. IERVSALEM ALLEY. A SWail. R. IN GHATIOVS STREET. In the field, F. H. JEWJN STREET. 104:8. FRANCIS BACKHOVS AT THE F. B. In four lines; in the field, a cross-bow bolt, passing through a tun (the bolt in tun). 'R. IN IEWIN STREET, HIS HALFB PENNY. In five lines across the field. (Square.) 1049. IOHN CROSS AT Y E SVN AND RED. A cross surmounted by the sun. R. caoss IN IEWIN STREET. In the field, i. A. c. 1050. HENRY DVNCOMBE. A heart and an anchor conjoined. R. IN IEWIN STREET. Ill the field, H. S. D. 1051. IOHN GOVLDLEY IN lEWE.x. In the field, i. G., divided by a flower, the stalks conjoined. R. STREET, CHEES- RIONGER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY,1669. 1052. ANTHONY LAWSON AT Y E WHITE. A lion rampant. R. LION IN IEWEN STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 1053. IOHN NEWTON, GROCER. The Saracen's head. ft. IN IEWEN STREET, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFPENNY, i. M. N. 1054. ROBERT STANHOPP AT THE. A fleur de luce. R. IN IEWEN STREET, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1055. RANDOLPH WATSON AT Y E . In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. R. CORNER OF IEWEN STREET. A boar's head with a lemon in its mouth . 1056. THO. WHITE, GROCER. The Grocers' arms. R. IN IEWEN STREET. In the field, T. E. w. 1057. AT THK SVNN, 1659. The sun. R. IEWIN STREETE. In the field, i. M. D. KATHERLNE'S COURT. 1058. IOHN EDWARDS .... Device detritcd. R. IN KATHER- INES COVRT. In the field, i. M, E. 116 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS KENT STREET, SOUTHWARK. Kent Street appears to have been equally squalid and miserable in the middle of the 17th century, as at the present day. Pepys says, " Captain Cocke and I in his coach through Kent Streete, a sad place through the plague, people sitting sick and with plaisters about them, in the street begging." "Diary, 10th November, 1665." 1059. GEORGE TONES IN KENT. A spread eagle. R. STREET IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 1060. MICKELL RIDLEY. The Mercers' arms. R. IN KENT STREET. In the field, M. i. R. 1061. THO. STIVER AT THE. Three birds, each with a branch in its mouth. PC. END OF KENT STREETE. In the field, T.S., 1657. 1062. WILL. WILLIAMS AT Y E WHITE. A horse; above, a bucket. R. IN KENT STREET IN SOVTHWARK, HIS HALFE PENT. In seven lines across the field. (Oc- tagonal.) 1063. AT THE WHITE BARE. A bear on a wreath; above, H. I. M. R. IN KENT STREETE. In the field, A FAR- THING CHANGER. KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1064. THOMAS SHERWOOD. A stag passant regardant. R. IN KINGS STREETE. In the field, T. P. S. 1065. ANTHONY SMITH, KINGS. A fox entering a gateway. R. STREET COVENT GARDEN. In the field, A. E. S. KING STREET, WAPPING. 1066. ISBELL IZARD IN. Three arrows. R. KING STREET WAPPING. In the field, 1. 1. 1067. AT THE TRVMPET IN. A trumpet. R. KINGS STREET WAPPING. Iii the field, R. c. L. CURRENT IN LONDON. 117 KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. 1068. IAM. ABRAMS, GLOVYAR. A griffin's head erased. R. KING STREET, WESTM B . In the field, I. D. A. 1069. WILL. ADKINES IN GEORGE YARD. The bust of a queen crowned with an arched crown. R. IN KINGS STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, w. A. A. 1070. THOMAS BAKER AT THE GREENE. A dragon ; above, a star. R. IN KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, T. E. B. 1071. Edward Barnard at y e Dolphin in King street, in West- minster. R. HIS HALF PENY. A dolphin; below, an arm holding a coffee -pot over a saucer or basin. 1072. IOHN CASELY AT Y* KINGS HEAD. Bust of Charles I. crowned. R. IN KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. E. C. 1073. WILL. GEESE, AT Y E GEES. Three geese. R. KINGS STREET, WESTMIN. In the field, W. E. G. 1074. PHILLIP HAFFA IN KING. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. STREET, WESTMINSTER. Bust of Charles II. crowned. 1075. Thomas Hartley, grocer, his half e penny. In four lines across the field. R. IN KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. An anchor. 1076. THOMAS LEADBETTER IN. A stag couchant; beneath, 1668. R. KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, T. A. L. 1077. EDMOND MANGELL. A fleur de Hs. R. IN KING STR. WESTMIN. In the field, E. A. M. 1078. WIDOW MATHEW, KING. In the field, 1659. R. STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, K. M. 1079. WILLIAM WATTS, 1650. In three lines across the field. R. KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, three goats' heads erased. 118 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1080. IN KING STREETE. Three gloves. R. IN WESTMINSTER. In the field, s. B.; above, a flour de lis. 1081. AT Y E BALL IN KING. A ball suspended between the numerals, 57. R. KING STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, R. K. B. 1082. THE BELL TAVERN IN. A bell. R. KINGS STRET, WESTMINS. In the field, c. M. D. "1660. July 1st. Met with Purser Washington, with whom and a lady, a friend of his, I dined at the Bell Tavern, in King Street, but the rogue had no more manners than to invite me and let me pay my club." Pepys' " Diary," p. 110. 1083. IN KINGS STREET. A pestle and mortar. R. WEST- MINSTER. In the field, E. A. M. 1084. THE BORES HEAD IN KINGS. A boar's head. R. STREETE, WESTMINSTER. In the field, I. D. W. 1085. Y E BLACK DOG, KINGS. A dog; above, a flower. R. STREET, WESTMINSTER. In the field, G. H. W. 1086. THE SVN TAVERN IN KINGS. The SUn. R. STREETE, WESTMINSTER. In the field, E. F. w. KXIGHT-RIDER STREET. 1087. RICHARD IIOBBS, MEAL-MAN". In the field, R. I. H. R. IN KNIGHTRIDER STREETE. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, 1671. LAD LANE. 1088. IOHN MARSH, 1669. A table, on which are three coffee-cups; above, a hand issuing from a cloud, holding a coffee-pot. R. IN LAD LANE. In the field, HIS HALF- PENT. LAMBETH. 1089. IOHN BVRTON HIS. A blackamore's head. R. HALF PENY IN LAMBETH. Ill the field, I. E. B. CURRENT IN LONDON. 119 1090. ARON CARTAR. A SWOrd. ft. IN LAMBATH MARSH. In the field, A. A. C. 1091. HERCVLIS COX, STARCH. A wheatsheaf between three birds. ft. MAKER IN LAMBETH. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, H. E. C. 1092. THOMAS EDMONDS. Two men holding a hand-barrow ; a third placing a sack on it. R. IN LAMBETH, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1093. GABRIEL FISHLOCK. The Bakers' arms, between G. C. F. R. IN LAMBETH MARSH, 1665. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1094. WILLIAM KIMBEL IN LAM. A figure crowned with laurel, seated in a chair; around, HNELLY YO PVNC. ft. BETH MARCH, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, W. B. K. 1095. IOHN RAINE, NEW PLANTACVN (sic). In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, I. A. R. ft. NARROW WALL NEAR LAMBETH. A pair of sawyers at work. 1096. i AMES WAST, 1669. St. George and the Dragon. ft. IN LAMBETH. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, I. . . W. 1097. WILLIAM WILKESON. Two men carrying a barrel. R. IN LAMBETH, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1098. THE BARE AND RAGED. A bear and ragged staff. ft. STAFE IN LAMBETH. In the field, T. E. I. LAWRENCE LANE. 1099. LEONARD PEAD. A stag couchant. R. IN LAV- RANCE LANE. In the field, L. P. 1100. AT THE GROSE KEYES. Two keys crossed. R. IN S T LAWRENCE LANE. Ill the field, I. S. 120 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS LEADENHALL STREET. 1101. IOHN ALDER AT Y E PEALS. A baker's peel between 1668. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, I. A. A. 1102. IOHN BARNARD IN. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, I.E. 1103. IOHN BLAND. A horse-shoe. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, I. E. B. 1104. ROBERT BONNER AT THE Detrlted. R. IN LEAD- ENHALL STREET A 1105. IOHN BRAND, GROCKR. The arms of Brand. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, AT TWO SVGAR LOVES. 1106. IOHN CARTER IN, 1664. A lion couchant and a lamb. R. LEADEN HALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1107. IOHN CROWE IN. An anchor. R. LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, i. A. c. 1108. GEORGE DANIELL AT THE. A lion springing on a lamb. R. L. . . . HALL STREET. In the field, HIS OB. and a human hand. 1109. GEORGE GRIGMAN AT THE. A boy holding a camel by the rein. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1110. RIC. HANSLOP. In the field, R. H. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. A tree. 1111. NEAR THE EAST INDIA HOYS. A Turk's head. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, JOHNS HALF PENT. John's coffee was for a number of years in high repute. 1112. IOHN KEMPSTER. A vase holding fiowers. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, I. E. K. 1113. WILL. K.NOWLES IN LEADEN. Three anchors. R. HALL STREET, AG ST CREDE CH. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, W. K. CURRENT IN LONDON. 121 1114. THO. NORTH AGIN Y E ESTiNDA. A Turk's head. R. HOVS IN LEDEN HALL STREET. In the field, HIS PENNY, 1669. 1115. HEN. QVELCH, OYLMAN. A barrel. R. IN LEAD- ENHALL STREET. In the field, H. I. Q. 1116. EDWARD RVGBEY AT THE. An angel holding a crown. R. OVER AGAINST LEADENHAL. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, 1668. 1117. IOHN SCOTT AT THE RED. A lion rampant. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1118. HENRY SMITH IN LEA. A key, between 57. R. DEN HALL STREETE. In the field, H. S. in monogram. 1119. CHRISTOPHER TILLARD IN. Bust of James I. with a hat. R. LEADENHALL STREETE. In the field, C. A. T. 1120. WILLIAM VASTON. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, W. V. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET. Device detrited. 1121. IOSEPHVERE. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, I. V. 1122. GEORGE WAIT AT THE SIGNE OF Y E EAST INDIA HOVSE. In six lines across the field. R. IN LEADEN HAL STREET, HIS HALF PENY . . . . In six lines across the field. 1123. JOSEPH WEBB, FLEXMAN. A piece of ordnance on a carriage. R. IN LEADENHALL STREET, 1668, 1 D . De- trited. 1124. IOHN WONDEIN. A tree. R. LEADENHALL STREET In the field, I. E. w. 1125. AT Y E KINGS HEAD IN. In the field, E. I. A. R. LEADENHALL STREET. Bust of a king, crowned with an open crown, holding the globe and sceptre. 1126. AT THE PEY TAVERN IN. A magpie. R. LEADEN HALL STREETE. In the field, M. F. B. 1127. AT THE GILT FRUN PAN. A fryingpan. R. IN LEDEN HALL STREET. In the field, H. M. B. R 122 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1128. THE NAGS HEAD TAVERN. A horse's head bridled. R. IN LEADEN HALL STRET. In the field, I. K. G. 1129. AT THE RAVEN IN. In the field, W.S.I. R. LEAD- ENHALL STRET. In the field, a raven. 1130. AT THE GROCERS AR . . . The Grocers' arras. R. LEADENHALL STREETS. In the field, T. B. M. 1131. AT THE 7 STARS IN. Seven stars. R. LEADENHALL STREETE. In the field, M. E. o. 1132. THE NAGS HEAD TA VERNE. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. IN LEADEN HALL STREET. In the field, w. A. P. 1133. AT THE AND 3 IN. A French horn, with p. s. in the centre. R. LEADENHALL STREET. Three tuns. 1134. THE GRAVE MORYES IN. Head of Maurice, Prince of Nassau. R. LEADENHALL STREETE. In the field, G. F. T. 1135. THE GRAVE MORYES. Bust of Prince Maurice. R. LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, W. E. W. 1136. THE PRINCES ARMES IN. The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers. R. LEADENHALL STREETE. In the field, I. s. w. 1137. AT THE GEORGE IN. St; George and the Dragon. R. LEADENHALL STREET. In the field, I. E. W. 1138. AT THE GOLDEN HART IN. A hart. R. LEADEN- HALL MARKET. In the field, A SOPE SHOP. LEATHER LANE. 1139. AT Y E WINDMILL, BREWER. In the field, W. G. G. R. IN LEATHER LANE, 57. A windmill. LIMEHOUSE. 1140. WILLIAM BANES. A human leg. R. IN LIMEHOVSE. In the field, w. E. B. CURRENT IN LONDON. 123 1141. EDMOND DOBSON, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. AT LYMEHOVSE CORNER. In the field, E. D. 1142. ANN HARLOW AT. In the field, HER HALFPENY. R. LIME HOVSE CORNER. In the field, A. H. 1143. ISACK HI .... MAN CHEES. In the field, I. E. H. \. ft. MONGER IN LIMEHOVSE. A woman churning. 1144. SAMVELL KEINTON. A wheatsheaf. R. BAKER IN LIMHOVS. In the field, 8. 1. K. 1145. MARGRET LVCAS. The Brewers' arms (?). R. IN LIMEHOVS. In the field, M. L. 1146. THOMAS MARTIN AT Y E . In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. R. ANKER IN LIMHOVSE. In the field, an anchor. 1147. IOHN RAILTON, 1658. The Bakers' arms. R. BAKER AT LYMHOVSE. In the field, I. E. R. 1148. FRANCS (sic) ZACACY. A sheaf. R. BREWER IN LIME HOVS. In the field, F. E. z. LINCOLN'S INN GATE. 1149. RICHARD WIMPER AT. In the field, R. M. W. R. LINCOLNS INN GATE. In the field, R. M. W. LITTLE BRITAIN. 1150. ZACHARY ALLEN. A Still. ft. IN LITTLE BRITTAIN. In the field, Z. A. A. 1151. IOIIN BEVRIDGE AT Y E GOLDEN. A still. R. STILL IN LITTLE BRITTAIN. In the field, I. M. B., divided by flowers conjoined in a true-lover's knot. 1152. THOMAS GASLEY, GROCER. A bunch of grapes. R. IN LITTLE BHITTIN. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENNY. 1153. RALPH HARFORD. A book With clasps. R. IN LITTLE BRITTAIN. A heart. 124 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1154. HENRY HAYNES, HIS HALF PENY, 1666. In five lines across the field. R. IN LITTLE BRITTANE. In the field, H. H. 1155. RALPH HOLLAND IN. A mailed arm, holding an anchor surmounted by a crown. R. LITLE BRIT- TAINE. In the field, R. D. H. 1156. DANIELL LANE AT THE. A goat. R. IN LITTLE BRITTAINE. In the field, HIS HALPPENY. 1157. GABRIEL PVLTENEY. An arched crown. R. IN LITTLE BRITTEN. In the field, G. M. P. 1158. SAMVELL TORSHELL, GROCER. A sugar-loaf between S. D. T. R. IN LITTLE BRITTAINE, 67. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 1159. THO. WHITTINGHAM. In the field, T. B. linked to- gether. R. IN LITTLE BRITTIN. In the field, w. 1160. ROBERT WILLMER IN. In the field, R. M. W. R. LITLE BRITTAINE. In the field, 63, LETHER CVTTER, and the upper leather of a shoe. 1161. AT THE HEARTE AND BAL. A heart. R. IN LITLE BRITAN. A ball, between H. K. H. 1162. AT THE GOVLDEN GLOBE. A globe. R. IN LETLE BRETEN, 1650. In the field, w. E". I. LITTLE CHEAPSIDE. 1163. THE DIERS ARMES. The Dyers' arms. R. IN LITELL CHEPSIDE. In the field, H. I. D. LITTLE EASTCHEAP. 1164. EMANVELL GREEN AT Y E KINGS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, E. P. G. R.HEAD IN LITTLE EASTSHIP. A full-faced bust of Charles II. CURRENT IN LONDON. 125 1165. IOHN ROLSTON AT Y E . The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers. ft. LITTLE EASTCHEAP. In the field, I. A. R. 1166. AT THE GLOBE IN. A terrestrial globe, R. LITTLE EAST CHE APE. In the field, I. A. R. 1167. AT THE RED LION IN. A lion rampant. R. LITTLE EAST CHEAP. In the field, i. s. v. LITTLE SOMERS QUAY. 1168. A PENNY. A tilt-boat, with rowers, passengers, and a steersman. R. IOHN MICHELL LIVING AT LITLE SOMERS KEY NEAR BILLINGSGATE. In seven lines across the field. ( Octagonal). Little Somers Quay was removed when the present Custom House in Thames Street was built. The boat represented on this token was doubtless one of those which then plied between London and Gravesend a voyage sometimes of three or four days in adverse weather !* There is a tract of this period professing to give an account of a " Tongue Combat in the Tilt-boat from Gravesend," etc., between two individuals of opposite politics. LITTLE ST. BARTHOLOMEW. 1169. WILL. BOLTON AT THE. A COck. R. LITTLE ST. BAR- THOLOMEW. In the field, w. A. B. LITTLE TOWER HILL. 1170. WILL. BVRROVGH. In the field, a tobacco-roll between two sugar-loaves. R. LITTLE TOWER HILL. In the field, w. M. B. 1171. THOMAS IEWETT. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. ON LITTLE TOWER HILL. A hand holding a pen. * In the year 1599, Dec. 23, a Gravesend Tilt-boat, with nineteen persons, was lost in a fearful storm. 126 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1172. THOMAS PARKER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. ON LITTLE TOWER HILL. The Coopers' arms. LOMBARD STREET. 1173. RICH. GOOD ALL IN LVMBER. Three swans. R. STREETS, HIS HALF PENNY. In the field, R. A. G., divided by two flowers with the stalks conjoined in a true-lover's knot. 1174. WILLIAM SMITH, 1666. The royal oak. R. IN LVM- BER STREETE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1175. AT Y E SALVTATION IN LOMBARD. Two men in the costume of the period, saluting. R. STREET, HIS HALF PENNY. In the field, T. M. H. 1176. THE CARDINALLS CAPP. A cardinal's cap. R. TAVERN IN LOMBARD STREE. In the field, I. M. S. 1177. AT Y E 6 BELLS IN DOVE COVRT. In the field, six bells. R. AT Y E LOWER END LVMBARD STREET. A dove standing, with an olive-branch in its beak. This tavern, as well as Dove Court itself, has been swept away by the im- proved approaches to new London Bridge. LONDON BRIDGE.* 1178. ABRAHAM BROWNE, AT Y E . A bear walking to the left. R. BRIDG FOOT, SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. The Bear at the bridge foot did not disappear until the demolition of Old London Bridge. 1179. EDWARD MVNS AT THE SVGAR. A SUgar-loaf. R. LOAF ON LONDON BRIDG, 1 668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1180. IOH. WELD AT Y E LYON. A lion rampant. R. ON LONDON BRIDGE. In the field, I. W. 57. 1181. AT THE WHIT LION. A lion rampant. R. NEIR LONDON BRIDG. In the field, T. A. C. * See the tokens described under " Bridge Foot," p. 42. CURRENT IN LONDON. 127 LONDON WALL. 1182. IO. BENION IN WHIT HORS YKD. A horse. R. LONDON WALL, NEAR MORGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1183. HENRY CRANE AT Y E . Female bust. R. MAID HEAD LON. WALL. In the field, H. E. C. 1184. CHARLES GRIFFIN AT LONDON. A griffin rampant. R. WALL NEARE BROAD STREETE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1668. 1185. THO. LEE AT LONDON WALL. A pair of shears. R. NEARE THE POSTERNE GATE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, T. M. L. 1186. RIC. TVCKER BY LONDON WALL. An arched crown. R. NEAR CARPENTERS HALL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1187. 3 TVN ALLEY ATT. Bust of James I. with globe and sceptre. R. LONDON WALL. In the field, w. E. K. 1188. THE BELL AT LONDON. A bell. R. WALL VINTNER, 1657. In the field, T. A. s. LONG ACRE. 1189. ROBERT ABBITS IN. A human leg. R. LONG ACRE. In the field, R. A. A. 1190. IOHN ASKVGH. A tallow-chandler dipping candles. R. LONG ACOR, 1659. In the field. I. M. A. 1191. ROBERT AVNGEIR. Device detrited. ft. AT LONG AKER END. In the field, R. s. A. 1192. IAMES AYLORD AT ... A terrestrial globe on a stand. R. IN LONG ACRE In the field, I. E. A. 1193. IOHN BARNES AT THE. A vine. R. VINE IN LONG AKER, 1664. In the field, WINE COOPER, HIS ., in three lines across the field. 128 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1194. MARTHA CHVRCHER. In the field, 1663. R. IN LONG AKER. In the field, M. M. C. 1195. GABRIEL CRANNIDGE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN LONG AKER, 1666. A man dipping candles. 1 196. WILL. EDMONDS AT Y E GLOBE. A terrestrial globe. R. TAVERN IN LONGE AKER, 67. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1197. RALPH ELRINGTON. A Still. R. IN LONG ACKER, 1657. A still. 1198. DAVID LVMSDEN IN LONGE. The royal arms. R. ACRE, HIS HALFE PENNY. In the field, two flowers dividing D. D. L. 1199. BENIAMIN MASON. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. BACKSIDE LONG ACKER. In the field, B. F. M., 1666. 1200. . . . RH. AND MORGAN, HIND. Ahhld. R. BREWERS IN LONG AKER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, (sic). 1201. WILLIAM NALER AT THE. In the field, W. E. N. R. VIRGIN IN LONG AKER. In the field, 1654. 1202. GEORGE PRIST, 1663. In the field, A SEMSTRS SHOP. R. IN LONG AKER. In the field, G. D. P. 1203. WILLIAM RALPH. A sugar-loaf. R. IN LONGE AKER .... 67. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1204. WILL. RALPHE, GROCER. A sugar-loaf. R. IN LONGE AKER, 1656. In the field, w. I. R. 1205. IOHN SARES IN. A harp and a harrow. R. LONGE AKER, 1664. In the field, 1. 1. s. \. 1206. ROBERT SKIPWITH, BACK. A bunch of grapes pendant, between R. M. s. R. SIDE OF LONG ACRE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1207. IOHN WATSON. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN LONG AKER. In the field, I. M. W. 1208. WILLIAM WHITEHALL. A cheesemonger's knife. R. IN LONG ACAR, 1660. In the field, w. M. w. CURRENT IN LONDON. 129 LONG ALLEY. 1209. MARY FVLWOOD, LONG. A blazing star. ft. ALY IN MORE FEILDS. In the field, M. F. 1210. IOHN GREENHILL IN LONG. Three tuns. ft. ALLEY IN MOREFEILDES. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1671. 1211. AT THE 3 HORS SHOWS. Three horse-shoes. R. IN LONG ALLEY. In the field, w. T. M. LONG DITCH, WESTMINSTER. 1212. los. DEVERELL IN LONG. The royal arms. ft. DITCH, WESTMINSTER. In the field, i. M. D. LONG LANE, SMITHFIELD. 1213. THOMAS BVRR AT GREEN. A dragon. R. IN LONG- LANE. In the field, T. B. 1214. BAINBIRD DVGDALE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. IN LONGE LANE. A wheat-sheaf between three birds. 1215. IOHN HAMMOND IN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R COART, LONG LANE. In the field, I. A. H. 1216. HENRY HARWOOD IN LONG. A ball. R. LANE, HIS HALFE PENNY. In the field, H. P. H., 1667. 1217. RICHARD HIGGINS. A lion rampant. R. IN LONG LANE, 58. In the field, R. T. H. 1218. ROBART WILDBORE AT Y E . Detrited. R. IN LONG LANE. In the field, R. M. w. 1219. AT WHITINGTONS CAT. A Cat. R. IN LONG LANE, 57. In the field, i. M. M. s 130 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS J220. AT THE ACORNEIN. An acorn. R. LONG LANE, 1656. In the field, i. s. s. 1221. GOLDEN BALL IN LONG. A ball suspended. R. LANE, MEALE SHOP. A ball suspended. LONG LANE, SOUTHWARK. 1222. John Holmes, Silk weaver. In three lines across the field ; below, a shuttle. R. In Long Lane in Southwark, his halfpeny. In five lines across the field. LOTHBURY. 1223. EDWARD BRISCO, 1670. Across the field in three lines. R. IN LOTHBVRY. Three greyhounds. 1224. THOMAS BROWNE, GYLE. The Weavers' arms. R. SHOP, LOTHBVKY. In the field, T. M. B. in monogram. 1225. IOHN ROSE IN TOKEN HOYS. A sugar-loaf between I. E. R. R. YARD, IN LOTHBVRY. In the field, A CLOTH WORKER. 1226. AVERY TERRILL, cooKE AT Y E . A falcon ; below, 69. R. GOLDEN FAVLCON IN LOTHBVRY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, A.M. T. 1227. IOHN VARNY AT THE. A bunch of grapes. R. IN LOTHBVRY, 1671. In the field, i. M. v. 1228. MICHAEL WOLRICH. The Prince ofWales's coronet and feathers. R. IN LOATHBVRY, 1656. In the field, M. w. 1229. THE WEST COVNTRY COFFEE. In the field, i. s. R. HOVSE IN LOTHEBVRY. A hand, holding a cofFee-pot, pouring into a coffee-cup. LOVE LANE. 1230. KINGS HEAD POST. Bust of James I. crowned, holding the sceptre and globe. R. HOVSE, LOVE ^LANE, 57. In the field, w. i. L. CURRENT IN LONDON. 131 LUDGATE HILL. 1231. RICHARD HAWKINS AT THE. Three tuns. R. TAVERNE ON LVDGATE HILL. In the field, a monogram. 1232. IOHN VERTVE AT THE. A lion rampant, between I. v. R. WITHOVT LVDGATE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1233. HENRY YOVNG AT Y E . An Indian woman holding an arrow and a bow. R. ON LVDGATE HILL. In the field, H. M. Y. There is a tradition that the origin of this sign, and not only of the inn, but also of the name of the court in which it is situate, was derived from that of Isabella Savage, whose property they once were, and who conveyed them by deed to the Cutlers' Company. But that it had another origin is shewn by Addisou in the " Spectator." " As for the Bell Savage," he says, " which is the sign of a savage man standing by a bell, I was formerly very much puzzled upon the conceit of it, till I accidentally fell into the reading of an old romance, trans- lated out of the French, which gave an account of a very beautiful woman, who was found in a wilderness, and is called in the French ' La Belle Sauvage,' and is every where translated by our countrymen to Bell Savage." That this was the popular story is plainly seen by our token. When Sir Thomas Wyatt declared for ,Lady Jane Grey, he found Lud Gate shut against him, and flinging himself in despair upon a bench, close to this inn, surrendered to the herald. LUDGATE WITHIN. 1234. IOHN BENETT IN LVD. In the field, I.E. R. GATE STiiEET, GROCER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1235. THO. HEATH AT THE GLOBE W TH . A globe on a stand. R. IN LVDGATE, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, T. E. H. 1236. THOMAS HOLIDEN. A Stag. R. WITHIN LVDGATE. In the field, T. A. H. 1237. HENRY PAINE, LVDGATE. In the field, H. A. P. R. AT THE DOGG TAVERN. A dog. 1238. THOS, STROVD AT. A Turk's head. In the field, f. R. LVDGATE COFFEE HOVSE. A view of Ludgate. 132 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1239. IOSEPH SYLVESTER AT THE IN. A frying-pan, and 1670. R. LVDGAT STREET, IRONMONGER. In the field, HALFE PENNY, I. E. S. 1240. AT THE s. IOHNS HEAD. A human head in a dish. R. TAVERN WITHIN LVDGATE. In the field, I. E. H. 1241. AT THE DOGG TAVERN. A dog. R. WITHIN LVD GATE. In the field, G. G. P. LYON'S INN. 1 242. AT THE WHITE HORS. A horse galloping. R. NEXT TO LIONS INN. In the field, R. s. MAIDEN LANE. 1243. ALCOCK. A pegasus. R. MEALMAN, IN MAYDEN LANE. The arms of the Grocers' Company. 1244. GEORGE BARTMAKER AT CAMD EN . A house. R. HOVSE IN MAIDEN LANE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, G. E. B. 1245. GEORGE BVLL. A basket. R. MAID. LANE, IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, G. H. B. 1246. MICHAEL STEELL AT THE. A tun with a pipe lead- ing from it into another vessel. R. IN MAID. LANE, SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1247. AT THE COCK. A cock. R. IN MAIDEN LANE. In the field, T. E. K. MAIDENHEAD YARD. 1248. ALEXANDER REED IN MAIDEN. The Smiths' arms. R. HEAD YARD IN MORE LANE. In the field, A HALFE PENNY TOKEN. MARK LANE. 1249. WILLIAM CHAPMAN AT. A blazing star; between the rays, 1669. R. Y E STAR MARKE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, W. C. CURRENT IN LONDON. 133 1250. WILLIAM PARKER, 1669. Three tuns. R. OYLE MAN, MARK LANE. Device dctrited. 1251. w. PAYNE, TAL. CHANDLER. A man dipping candles. R, IN MARKE LANE, 1657. In the field, w. M. p. 1252. AT THE FOX AND GOOSE. A fox bearing off a g OOSe% R. AT MARKE LANE END. In the field, I. P. B. MARKET PLACE, WESTMINSTER. 1253. FRANCIS DORRINGTON IN. A hart couchant. R. MARKET PLACE, WE8TMINS. In the field, F. A. D. 1254. NICHOLAS KEEVE IN Y* MARKET. A full-blown rose. R. PLACE IN WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY, 1668. 1255. AT THE OLD MAN IN. A bearded bust in profile, with bare head. R. MARKET PLA. WESTMIN. In the field, W. I. F. MARKET STREET. 1256. RICHARD BARNES. A queen's head. R. OF MARKETT STREET. In the field, R. B. MARROW ALLEY, WHITECHAPEL. 1257. MARGARET CHARWELL IN MARROW. A crown and other objects, detrited. R. ALLY IN WHITE CHAPELL. In the field, HER HALF PENNY, M.C. 1666. MARY MAUDLIN'S. 1258. EDWARD DOBSON. A pitcher or black-jack. R. IN MARY MOYDLENS. In the field, E. M. D. 1259. FRANCIS WOOD AT THE. David playing on the harp. R. IN MARY MAV.DLINS, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 134 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS MASLIN STAIRS. 1260. ALEX. HILL AT THE. St. George and the Dragon. R. MASLIN 8TAIERS. In the field, BANK SIDE. MERCER STREET. 1261. STEPHEN TAGG AT Y E ANGELL. An angel. R. IN MERCER STREET, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFPENNY. MILE END. 1262. IOSEPH ALMOND AT Y E SHIP. A ship in full sail. R. IN MILE END, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, I. I. A. 1263. IOHN AMPS. The Grocers' arms. R. IN MILE ENDE. In the field, i. A. and J. 1264. WILLIAM CROSS. The royal arms. R. IN MILE END, 1667. In the field, w. A. c. 1265. ROGER NICKOLLES AT Y E . The Weavers' arms. R. OLD ROSE, AT MILE END. In the field, R. A. N. 1266. WILLIAM STEWARD, 1667. The royal oak, with three crowns. R. VPPER MILE END GREEN. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. MILFORD LANE. 1267. RICHARD ACTON, MARCHEL, and a fleur de lis. In the centre, HIS HALFE PENY, 1665. R. IN MILLFORD LANE BY s. and a fleur de lis. In the field, CLEMENTS CHVRCH, in four lines. 1268. IOHN BVRGESS, coLMAN. A man carrying a sack of coals. R. IN MILFORD LANE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 135 MILK STREET. 1269. WILLIAM RIXON AT. A COW. R. RED COW IN MILKE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY TOKEN. 1270. AT THE BOARES HEAD. A boar's head. R. IN MILKE STREET. In the field, w. s. i. MILLBANK, WESTMINSTER. 1271. THOMAS MASCALL AT. A pair of Scales, R. MILL BANCK, WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, T. M. 1272. IOHN STANDBROOK LYME MAN. A man carrying a sack on his shoulder. R. AT MILL BANCKE, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, i. E. s. 1273. ON THE MILLBANKE . . . Device detrited. R. IN WEST- MINSTER. In the field, i. A. A. MILL LANE. 1274. IAMES TOVCHIN AT Y E RED. A lion passant. In the field, i. A. T. R. IN MILL LANE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. THE MINORIES. 1275. MAEMADVKE BLVDDER. An Indian holding an arrow. R. IN THE MINORYS, 1666. In the field, M. s. B. 1276. THOMAS BROWNE. A man driving a horse and cart. R. IN THE MINNERIS, 59. In the field, WELCOM LVCK. 1277. RICH. BVRTON AT THE. A ship in full sail. R. IN THE MINORYS, 1666. In the field, R. M. B. 1278. ADAM CA . . . . ETON AT Y E . A windmill. R. IN Y E MINORIES, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, A. E. C. 136 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1279. RICHARD CHVBB IN. A ship. R. THE MINERYES, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, R. s. c. 1280. RICHARD CLARKE AT THE. A Swan. R. IN THE MINOREYS, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, E. E. C. 1281. GEORGE COX AT THE 2. A man dipping candles. R. COOKS IN THE MINORIES. In the field, G E. C. 1282. THOMAS cox IN. St. George and the Dragon (?). R. THE MINNERIS. In the field, T. i. c. 1283. TIMOTHY GARBERT AT THE. A fountain. R. IN THE MINEORYS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1284. ARTHVR HANCOCK. A bell. R. IN THE MINORIES. In the field, A. A. H. 1285. ARTHVR HANCOCK. A windmill. R. IN THE MINO- RIES. In the field, A. A. H. 1286. RICHARD HARRIS AT .... A globe. R. IN TRINITY, MINORIES. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, R. R. H. 1287. IOHN HERBERT IN Y E MINORES, AT THE. In four lines across the field. R. No legend. A mortar holding two pestles. 1288. CHRISTOPHER KEAINE. A fleur de lis and a ball. R. IN THE MINORIES, 1669. In the field, a monogram. 1289. WILL. KNIGHT AT Y E RED. A lion rampant. R. IN Y E MINERIES, . . 666. In the field, w. s. K. 1290. THOMAS PEIRSON IN. A man dipping candles. R. THE MINORIES, 1655. In the field, T. L. P. 1291. IOHN ROPER, IRONMONGER. The royal arms. R. IN LITTLE MINORIES. In the field, a monogram. 1292. HENRY SADD IN Y E MINORYES. In the field, H. s. and a crowned rose. R. A COFFEE HALFEPENNY, 66. In the field, a Turk's head (?), and H. s. 1293. EDWARD SAE AT THE. A lion rampant. R. IN THE MINORIES. In the field, E. M. S. 1294. WILLIAM SMITH IN. An angel holding a scroll. R. THE MINNER 1659. In the field, w. s. s. CUERENT IN LONDON. 137 1295. ANTHONY TREVILLYON. A tobacCO-roll. R. IN THE MINORIES. In the field, A. s. T. 1296. AT THE PIY (sic) IN THE. A magpie. ft. MINNERIS, 1659. In the field, i. A. between two muskets crossed. 1297. AT THE TRVMPET IN. A trumpet. R. THEMINIRIS, 1651. In the field, A. i. A. 1298. AT THE GOVLDEN ANKER. An anchor. ft. IN THE MINORES. In the field, i. S. F. 1299. AT THE HAND AND PEN. A hand holding a pen. R. IN THE MINORIES. In the field, I. E. M. 1300. AT HAWDON iiovs. Three leopards' heads. ft. IN THE MYNORS, 1653. In the field, R. A. S. THE MINT. 1301. IOHN BELL IN THE MINT. Three bells. R. INSOVTH- WARKE, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1302. RICHARD PERKINS. The Mercers' arms. ft* IN MINT, SOVTHWARKE. In the field, R. M. p. 1303. IOHN FLATTEN IN THE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. MINT IN SOVTHWARK. The Coopers' arms. 1304. IN THE MINT. A harrow. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, i. G. MONKWELL OR MUGWELL STREET. 1305. IACOB HICKMAN AT WHITE. A horse saddled and bri- dled. R. IN MVGWALL STREET, 1660. In the field, I. S. H. 1306. MOVNTAGVE MICHELL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. ft. IN MVGWELL STREETS. In the field, M. A. M. T 138 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS MONTAGUE CLOSE. 1307. STEPHEN OVERMAN. A Unicom. R. MOVNTAGV CLOSE. In the field, s. M. o. 1308. AT THE HORS SHOO. A horSC-shoe. R. IN MOVNTAGV CLOSE. In the field, D. E. c. 1309. AT THE CROOKED BILLET. A billet of Wood. R. IN MOVNTAGVE CLOSE. In the field, T. i. c. 1310. AT THE HORSE SHOOE. AhorSC-shoe. R. IN MOVNTAGVE CLOSE. In the field, R. i. K. MOORFIELDS. 1311. Isabella Bennett* in the field in two lines. In the outer circle, OVER AGAINST Y E POPES HEAD. R. IN MOORE FEILDS, 1668. In the field, HER HALFE PENNY. 1312. SIMON BOND AT THE. In the centre, GREEN HOVSE. R. IN LITLE MOOR FELDS. In the centre, s. A. B. 1666. 1313. WILL. BROWNLEY AT THE. A Star. R. IN MOARE FEILDES, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1314. WILL. BROWNLEY. A blazing star. R. IN MOORE FEILDS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1315. FRANCIS GIBSON IN VPPER. Hercules with his club. R. MOORE FEILDS, AT Y E HERCVLES. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1316. RICHARD MARTEN. Bust with a triple crown. R. IN MORE FEILDES. In the field, E. M. M. 1317. HENRY YOVNG 1 D . in the centre. Around, NEARE BED- LAM GATE. R. IN MORE FEILDES. A Still. 1318. AT THE MOREFEILDS. An angel. R. NEARE BADLAM GAT. In the field, H. s. c CURRENT IN LONDON. 139 1.319. AT THE BEARE. In the centre, G. c. R. G. c. IN MORFILDES. A bear. 1320. THE CROSS DAGERS IN MOKE. Two daggers crossed in saltier. R. FEILDS, HIS HALFE PENY. A bugle-horn between R. T. H. MOORGATE, 1321. OLIVER HOLMES AT. A bat. R. WITHIN MOORE- GATE. In the field, O. A. H. 1322. PELHAM MORE AT Y E SONN. A negro or blackamore's head; above, a figure of the sun. R. AND MORES HEAD AT MOREGATE ; the last three letters in mono- gram. In the centre, HIS HALFE PENT. The alliteration in this token shews the issuer to have been a wag, whose humour is about on a par with that of the puffing shop-keepers of our time. MOORGATE WITHOUT. 1323. IOHN BAKER AT Y E WHITE. A Swan. R. SWAN WITHOVT MOREGATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1667. MOOR LANE. 1324. IOHN DEARMER AT Y E . A horse-shoe. R. IN MOORE LANE, 1664. In the field, i. s. D. 1325. WILL. STOKES, BELL. A hammer crowned, between two stars. R. YARD, MOOR LANE. In the field, W. E. S. 1326. AT THE FLOWER DE LVC. Three fleurs de lis. R. IN MORE LANE, 1653. In the field, P. M. c. MUTTON LANE. 1327. IOHN GARDINER AT THE. A crooked billet (?) and a shovel. ft. IN MVTTINE LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, I. A. G. 140 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS NARROW WALL, LAMBETH. 1328. CHRIST. 1ONES AT Y E RED, ONE (sic). A COW. R. Y K NARROW WALL, IN LAMBETH. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. NEW CHEAPSIDE. 1329. IOHN ANNISON AT Y E WHALE BON. J n the field, the scapula of a whale, between the figures 68 (1668). R. NEW CHEAPSIDE IN MOREFEILDS. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, in three lines. " The Whalebone" was a celebrated house in the reign of Charles II. 1330. ROB. EWIN, A CAKE HOVSE. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. R. IN NEW CHEAP SIDE. The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers. 1331. NEVELL HARWARD AT Y E . In the field, CIVET. A civet-cat. R. IN NEW CHEAPSIDE. In the field, BALL & POWDER SHOP. 1332. SAMVELL WING AT Y E FRYING. A fryingpan. R. PAN IN NEW CHEAPE SIDE, 67. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. NEW CRANE, WAPPING. 1333. IOHN HEYWOODAT. A sheaf. R. NEW CRANE, 1664. In the field, I.E. H. 1334. JOHN HEYWOOD. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. AT NEW CRANE. A sheaf. 1335. IA. WATER, CHANDLER. Three sugar-loaves joined and suspended. R. NEW CRANE, AT WAPING. In the field, I.E. w. 1336. AT THE GRENE DRAGON. A dragon. R. NEW CRANE, IN WAPPING. In the field, H. G. CURRENT IN LONDON. 141 NEW FISH STREET. 1337. THO. BLAGRAVE, KINGS. Bust of Henry VIII. holding the sceptre. ft. HEAD NEW FISH STREET. In the field, T. i. B. The King's Head in Bridge Street, or, as it was more commonly called, New Fish Street, was, at one time, held by a person named Thomas Benson, who by indenture assigned his interest to the utterer of this token. The premises were destroyed in the great fire; and by the decree of the judges in 1688, they are to be rebuilt, with two shops on each side of the entrance to the tavern, " for fishmongers or other trades, fronting to Fish Street." (MS. penes T. W. King, Esq., York Herald). Thomas Blagrave, however, appears to have been a specimen of the rolling-stone, for we find him also, by another token, in Threadneedle Street. The sign appears to have been an old one. On the of January, 1561-2, the company of fishmongers dined at this tavern (Machyn's Diary, p. 275). 1338. WILL. NEWMAN AT THE. An anchor with its cable. R. ON NEW FISH STREET HILL. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1339. Y E SWAN AND BRIDGE IN. A swan walking on a bridge covered with houses. R. NEW FISH STREET, 57. In the field, G. E. B. 1340. THE MITER IN. A mitre. R. NEW FISH STREET. In the field, w. A. H. 1341. THE BLACK SPREAD EAGLE. A spread eagle. R. IN NEW FISH STREETE. In the field, F. M. M. 1342. Y E SVN TA VERNE IN. The SUn. ft. NEW FISHE STREET, 57. In the field, T. E. P. This house seems to have been of some repute at this time. Pepys in his " Diary" (Dec. 22, 1660), says: " Went to the Sun Taverne, on Fish Street-hill, to a dinner of Captain Teddimans, where was my Lord Inchiquin (who seems to be a very fine person), Sir W. Penn, Captain Cuttance, and one Mr. Lawrence (a fine gentleman, now going to Algiers), snd other good company, where we had a very fine dinner, good inusique, and a great deal of wine. I very . merry went to bed : my head acking all night ! " The quantity, and not the quality of mine host's wine, doubtless gave this result. NEWGATE MARKET. 1343. WILL. EONNER, CHEESMONGER. A woman churning. R. IN NEWGATE MARKET, 1670. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, W. E. B. 142 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1344. THOMAS FOX AT THE. A fox. R. FOX IN NEW- GATE MARKET, 1670. In the field, T. A. F. 1345. THOMAS ROGERS IN. The Tallow Chandlers' arms. R. NEWGATE MARKET. In the field, T. 8. R. 1346. RICHARD SKELSON IN ROSE. A rose. R. ALEY IN NEWGATT MARKET. In the field, HALFEPENNY, R. M. S. 1347. RICHARD SNESBY IN. A bell. R. NEWGATE MAR- KET. In the field, R. s. 1348. EDMVND WARNER, POVTERER (sic), IN NEW GATE. In five lines divided by bars. R. MARKET, HIS HALF- PENNY, 1666. In four lines, as on obverse. 1349. IOHN WIGHTMAN AT. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. NEWGATE MARKET, 1676. The elevation of the Newgate Market. 1350. AT Y E GOLDEN PLOWE. A plough. R. IN NEWGAT MARKET. In the field, 1. 1. H. 1351. AT Y E ROSE TAVERN. In the field, E. A. S. R. IN NEWGATE MARKETT. A rose. 1352. THE FOX AND GOOSE. A fox bearing off a goose. R. IN NEWGATE MARKET. In the field, I. E. W. NEWGATE WITHOUT. 1353. IOSIAS ASKEW. A horse and the character &. R. WITHOVT NEWGATE. A sugar-loaf. 1354. IOHN MOORE AT THE GVY OF. The armed figure of Guy of Warwick, holding a spear. R. WARWICK, AVITHOVT NEWGATE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, 1669. (Octagonal). 1355. NICHOLAS ROYS AT Y K BLACK. A dog. R. DOGG NEARE NEWGATE. In the field, HISHALFPENY TOKEN. In Philip Henslow's Diary, recently published by the Shakspere Society, there are notices of " payments on account," to Day, Smith and Hathaway, for a play called " The Black Dog of Newgate," which they either wrote or were to have written. In Hibbert's catalogue of rare books sold in 1829 is "A Discovery of a London Monster, called the Black Dog of Newgate. Printed by G. Kid, for Rob. Wilson, 1612." The author is supposed to have been CURRENT IN LONDON. 143 Luke Hutton.* The tavern called the "Black Dog" was much frequented by literary men; and in the work in question, are stanzas entitled '' Certaine Fearful Visions appearing to the Author of this Booke," which arc supposed to have been written here. 1356. THE FOVNTAINE TAVERN. A fountain. R. WITHOVT NEW GATE. Ill the field, W. M. R. 1357. NEWGATE. Above, a representation of Newgate. R. BELONGING TO Y E CELLOR ON THE MASTERS SIDE AT, 1669. In seven lines across the field. NEW GRAVEL LANE. 1358. MATTHEW BRIGGES. A stag couchant R. IN NEW GRAVELL LANE. In the field, M. C. B. 1359. ED. MEASEY, NEW GRAVELL. A sugar-loaf between E. M. R. LANE IN RATCLIFF, 1666. In the field, COMFIT MAKER HIS HAL. PENT. NEWINGTON BUTTS. 1360. EDWARD BATT, AT THE BELL. A bell and 1667. R. IN S. MARY NEWINGTON BVTTS. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY, E. A. B. 1361. IOSEPH HALL AT OLD SMVGGS. A smith working at the anvil. R. AT NEWINGTON BVTTS, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, I. M. H. 1362. AT THE BVLL HEAD. A bull's head. R. IN NEVEN- TON BVTS. In the field, M. R. NEW PALACE YARD. 1363. EDWARD GIBSON. In four lines across the field. R. IN Y E NEW PALLACE YARD. In the field, POTTER, 1662. * The book is of extreme rarity, and at the sale in question brought 51. 7, 6d. 144 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1364. THO. PALLISER, NEW PALLACE. The Grocers' arms. R. HIS HALF PENY, 1666. Bust of Charles II. 1365. THO. STONE AT THE. A human leg. ft. LEGG, IN PALACE YARD. In the field, T. P. S. 1366. EDWARD WRITE AT Y E BLVE. A boar. R. IN Y E NEW PA YARD- In the field, . . . . S. W. 1367. IN THE NEW PALLES YARD. The Grocers' arms. R. AT WESTMINSTER, 1649. In the field, w. A. I. NEW RENTS, SOUTH WARK. 1368. THOMAS FLETCHER. A rose crowned. ft. NEW RENTS, SOVTHWARK. In the field, T. M. F. J369. IOHN LOOMEAR AT THE. A haiTOW. ft. IN NEW RENTS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1370. WILL. THVRSTONAT THE. A rose crowned. ft. NEW RENTS, SOVTHWARK. In- the field, W. M. T. 1371. IN THE NEW RENTS. A bell. ft. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, G. E. L. NEW STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1372. IOSEPH. Half-length figure of a man holding a cup; a hand issuing from a cloud, pouring into it from a coffee-pot. A table, on which are three pipes. ft. HOWARD, COFFEE HOVSE IN NEW STREET, 1671. In five lines across the field. (Penny-size}. 1373. DOROTHY HVLET, COVEN. In the field, D. H., 1663. R. GARDEN, NEW STREET. A heart crowned. 1374. IOHN SAVORY, in the centre. Around, IN NEW STREET. R. COVENT GARDEN. In the field, 1656. 1375. RIG. STEVENSON, CHESE. In the field, 1658. R. IN NEW STREET, MONGER. In the field, R. S. CURRENT IN LONDON. 145 NEW STREET, SHOE LANE. 1376. WALTER MANNING AT THE. la the field, HIS HALPE PENY. ft. NEW STREET, NEAR SHOO LANE. In the field, a crooked billet, and 1664. 1377. IN THE NEW STREET. A lion rampant. R. NEERE SHOOWE LAYNE. In the field, w. E. M. NICHOLAS LANE. 1378. .FRANCIS DODSWORTH. A lion rampant. ft. IN s. NICHOLAS LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. NIGHTINGALE LANE. 1379. RICHARD 1AMESIN. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. NIGHTINGALE LANE. A woman holding an anchor. 1380. IOHN WELCH, 1658. Aswan. R.INNITINGALE LANE. In the field, I. s. w. 1381. ROBERT WIGINS. A figure holding an anchor. ft. IN NIGHTINGAL. L. In the field, R. A. w. 1382. AT THE COALE YARD. A shield charged with three battle-axes, two and one. R. IN NIGTINGO. (sic) LANE. In the field, R. E. L. NOBLE STREET. 1383. IOSEPH WELLS AT THE TVNN. A tim. R, IN NOBELL STREET, 1665. In the field, HIS HALFE" PENNY. U TRADESMEN'S TOKENS NORTHUMBERLAND ALLEY. 1384. THOMAS KNIGHT IN. A pair of scales. R. NOK- THVMBERLAND ALT. Device detrited. NORTON FOLGATE. 1385. IOHN HAMMOND IN. In the field, CHEESMONGER. R. NORTON FOLGATE. A tobacco-roll between I. S. H. 1386. ABRAHAM LEKEVX. Three tuns. ft. IN NORTON FALGATE. In three lines across the field. 1387. TRISTRAM MAY & HENRY SELL. A lion rampant. R. BREWERS IN NORTON FOLGATE. In the field, THEIR HALF PENY, 1667. 1388. WILLIAM PAINE. A man holding a book (?). R. IN NORTON FOLGATE. In the field, W. I. P. 1389. ... IN IN LONGE. A dolphin. ft. ALLEY . . ORTON FOLGATE. In the field, w. H. A. 1390. AT THE PLOW IN. A plough. R. NORTON FOL- GATE. In the field, G. A. B. 1391. AT THE RED LION. A lion rampant. R. IN NOR- TVN FOLGATE. In the field, E. S. C. 1392. AT THE COCK IN. A cock. R. NORTVN FOLGATE, 165.... In the field, B. E. H. 1393. AT THE TVN IN. A tun. R. NORTVN FALGATE. In the field, T. I. L. OAT LANE. 1394. WILLIAM HORNE. A pair of antlers. R. IN OATE LANE, 1671. In the field, A HALF PENNY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 147 OLD BAILEY. 1395. EDWARD BLACKER IN. An arched crown. ft. THE OLD BAILY, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, E. I. B. 1396. PHILLIFA KENN AT THE. St. George and the Dragon. R. AT THE GEORGE IN THE OLD BALEY. In the field, p. K. 1397. THOMAS PAVLSON. A spread eagle. R. IN Y E OVLD BAYLEY. In the field, T. E. P. 1398. HENRY PELLIN AT THE. A mitre. ft. LOWER END OF OVLD (BAYLY ?). In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1668. 1399. HENREY SANDYS AT THE. An angel. ft. IN THE OVLD BA . . . . Y, 1688. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, H.S. 1400. RICHARD SVTTON AT Y* KING. Bust of Charles I. crowned. ft. TAVERN IN THE OLD BAYLY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, K. S. 1401. IOHN VERB AT THE. A plough. R. PLOW IN THE OLD BAYLY. In the field, I. B. v. 1402. ALICE WATERS IN THE. Three pigeons. R. LITTLE OVLD BAILEY. In the field, A. W. 1403. ALCE (sic) WATES IN THE. Three pigeons. ft. LITLE OVLDE BAYLEY. In the field, A. W. 1404. AT THE CORNER OF THE. A fleur de llS. R. LITLE OVLDE BAYLY. In the field, I. E. B. 1405. NEXT TO THE 3 CRANES. In the field, W. B. 1651. R. TAVERN OVLD BALY, SALTER. In the field, as obverse. 1406. AT THE ROSE. In the field, i.e. R. IN LITLE OVLD BAYLEY. A full-blown rose. 1407. THE BLACK SPREAD EAGLE. A spread eagle. ft. IN THE OLD BAILYE. In the field, P. S. E. 148 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1408. AT THE BLEW BELL IN. A bell. R. THE OLD BALEY, 1650. In the field, T. K. F. 1409. AT THE 7 STARS IN. Seven stars. R. LITLE OVLD BEALEY. In the field, 1. 1. F. 1410. AT THE SWAN IN THE. A Swan. R. OLD BAILEY, 1650. In the field, i. A. G. 1411. AT THE CROWNE IN. An arched crown. R. THE GREAT OVLD BALEY. In the field, T. K. H. 1412. THE STAR AND CHANDLER. A blazing star. R. IN THE OLD BAY LEY. In the field, R. M. S. 1413. AT THE LYON AND BALL. A lion rampant, holding a ball. R. IN THE OLD BAYLEY. In the field, N. E. 8. 1414. AT THE GEORGE IN. St. George and the Dragon. R. THE OVLD BAYLY, 57. In the field, w. E. T. 1415. AT Y E SHIPE TAVERN. A ship. R. IN Y E OVLD BAYLY. In the field, T. B. T. 1416. MAN IN THE MOON IN OLD. A naked man standing within a crescent. R. BAILY, TAL. CHANDLER. In the field, T. w. ; above, a row of candles strung on a stick. OLD BARGE HOUSE. 1417. IANE GVNN AT THE. In the field, 1666. R. OLD BARGE HO .... In the field, A MEAL SHOP. OLD CHANGE. 1418. EDWARD CHIPP IN. A dragon. R. Y E OVLD CHANGE, 59. In the field, E. G. C. 1419. EDMOND DOBSON AT THE. An Indian chief smoking. R. IN THE OVLD CHANGE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. This, from the device, is doubtless the token of a Tobacconist. CURRENT IN LONDON. 149 1420. IOHN ELLIOTT AT. A rose crowned. ft. IN OVLD CHANGE. In the field, I. E. 1421. IOHN LISLE AT Y E 3. Three morris dancers (?). R. IN Y E OLD CHANGE, In the field, I. A. L. 1422. IOHN LISLE AT THE 3. Three morris dancers. ft. IN THE OLD CHATNGE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, I. A. L. 1423. AT THE WILLOW TREE. A willow tree. R. IN THE OVLD CHANGE. In the field, N. I. B. 1424. AT THE WORSTER ARMES. A Castle. R. IN THE OVLD CHANGE. In the field, I. I. B. OLD FISH STREET. 1425. WILL. BAGGOT, BREWER. Two women washing a negro (The labour in vain). R. ON OVLD FISH STREET HILL. In the field, w. B. 1426. IOHN HOWELL. A boar's head. R. IN OLD FISH STREET In the field, I. K. H. The Boar's Head was, by indenture, Dec 22, 1664, demised by Mary Thrale, widow, to Edmund Dixon (MS. penes, T. W. King, Esq., York Herald). 1427. AT Y E WILL SOMERS, BACKSIDE. A figure clad in a long gown, and wearing a hat, blowing a horn. In the field, OB. ft. OVLD FISH STREET, 1666. In the field, two flowers, the stalks uniting below in a true lover's knot, between the initials, I. M. w. This token is curious as presenting us with the effigies of Henry the Eighth's famous jester, Will Somers, whose wit and talent and inoffensive manners made him a great favourite with that monarch and his court. He is here represented, as in the well-known print, wearing a cap and feather, and a long gown, and holding a sort of hunting-horn. Our token is too small for the details of his costume ; but it is no doubt intended to be exactly like that iu the engraving, underneath which are the lines : " What tliough thou think'st mee clad in strange attire, Knowe I am suted to my owne deseire ; And yet the characters describ'd upon mee, May shew thee that a king bestow'd them on mee; This Home I have betokens Sommers game, Which sportive tyme will bid thee reade my name ; All with my nature well agreeing too, As both the Name, and Tyme, and Habit doe." 150 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1428. THE KINGS HEAD TAVERN. The full-faced bust of Henry VII. R. IN OLD FISHE STREET. In the field, w. R. A. This was probably an old sign, of the time of the monarch whose effigies the token appears to bear. 1429. AT THE SWAN TAVERNE. A SWan. R. IN OVLD FISH STREET. In the field, I. A. M. This tavern is mentioned in " Newes from Bartholomew Faire." 1430. AT THE SWAN TAVERN. A swan. R. IN OVLD FISH STREET. In the field, I. A. M. 1431. AT THE CARDINAL WOOLSEY. In the field, W. E. M. R. BACKSIDE OVLD FISH STREET. Bust of the Cardinal to the left, between His OB. 1432. AT CARDVNAL WOOLS. Bust of Cardinal Wolsey. R. IN OVLD FISH STRET. In the field, i. E. P. 1433. AT THE SIIIPP TAVERN. A ship in full sail. R. IN OLD FISHE STREETE. In the field, E. E. S. OLD GRAVEL LANE. 1434. WILLIAM ALLTHRVPP. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, W. H. A. R. IN OLD GRAVEL LANE. A SUgar-loaf. OLD PALACE YARD. 1435. IOHN GVY IN THE OLD PALLACE. A human head on a dish (The Baptist's head). R. YARD IN WEST- MINSTER, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. E. G. 1436. IOHN HARMAN AT THE. Detrited. R. IN Y E OVLD PALLACE. In the field, HALFPENY, i. s. n. OLD STREET. 1437. IOHN FVLLERTON IN OLD STREET. An anchor and |. K. IOHN SANDSBVRY IN OLD STREET. A checquered square. CURRENT IN LONDON. 151 1438. THOMAS HEDGER. In the field, a crooked billet and T. M. H. R. IN OVLD STREET, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1439. THO. WELLES. FRA. LEONARD. A tun. R. . . . BELL IN OVLD STREET. A bell. 1440. EDWARD TAVENER. Detrited. R. IN OVLD STREETE, 1664. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1441. AT THE PRINCES ARMES. The Prince of Wales's coronet and feathers between P. C. R. IN OLD STREETE, 1648. In the field, R. M. L. 1442. THE DOGGS HEAD IN THE. A dog eating out of a pot. R. POTTE IN OLD STREET. In the field, T. L. P. ORCHARD STREET, WESTMINSTER. 1443. PETER CLEOBY IN ORCHARD. In the field, a horse and BLACK. R. STREET IN WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, P. E. C. PALL MALL. 1444. RICHARD ADAMS AT THE. A branch (The Bush?}. R. TAVERN IN PALL MALL. In the field, R. I. A. 1445. EDMVND BROWNE AT THE .... PALL MALL. In five lines across the field. R. HIS HALFEPENNY, STRONG WATER MAN. In five" lines across the field. The utterer of this token styles himself a " strong water man," i.e. a vendor of Geneva, brandy, and other cordials ; a detestable traffic, which increased to such an extent, that, in the early part of the next century, the evil cried aloud for the interposition of the Government. In the year 1725, the justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex, assembled in quarter sessions, reported at considerable length on this abominable trade. They state that " all chandlers, many tobacconists, and several who sell fruit or herbs in stalls, or wheel- barrows, sell Geneva; and many inferior tradesmen begin now to keep it in their shops for their customers." Our numerous modern gin-palaces are miserable evidence that the abuse still exists though in another form. 1446. ROBERT GISBERNE IN THE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. OLD PELLMELL, PEWTERER. In the field, R. A. G, 1667. 152 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1447. MATHEW ROGERMAN AT Y E 2. Two pigeons. R. IN THE OLD PELLMELL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, M. M. R. PANCRAS LANE. 1448. AT THE NEW VIRGINNE. An Indian smoking, holding a tobacco leaf. R. IN PANKCROSE LANE. In the field, T. S. B. PANYER ALLEY.* 1449. ROBERT HAYES, AT Y E COFFE. A turbaned full- faced bust. R. HOVSE IN PANIER ALLEY. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1450. HEN. LACKE, ACORN. An acorn. R. IN PANYER ALLEY. In the field, H. L. 1451. HEN. LACKE, AKORNE. An acorn. R. IN PANYER ALLEY. In the field, H. L. PARKER'S LANE. 1452. HENRY DVNSCOMBE IN, 166. ... A man dipping can- dles. R. PARKERS LANE, HIS HALFE PENY. In the field. . . . D. 1668. 1453. EDWARD KING AT THE. A flagon. R. In Parker's L. .... his halfpenny. In five lines across the field. 1454. w. K. WHITCOMBE, BREWER. In the field, w. w. and four circles. R. IN PARKERS LANE. In the field, 1659. THE PARK, SOUTHWARK. 1455. RICHARD BAVGH AT THE. Across. R. IN THE PARKE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. * See the remarks on this locality at p. 25, tinder token 111. CURRENT IN LONDON. 153 1456. PETER BEALE MEALMAN AT. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. Y E PARK GATE IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, a blazing star between P. B. 1457. IAMES GRIGNELL IN. A horse-shoe. R. THE PARK SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. The locality mentioned on this Token, formed part of the domain of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, the favourite of Henry VIII. His mansion stood nearly opposite the spot where the present St. George's Church stands, and was surrounded by a small park and ornamental gardens. After the death of the duke, the property reverted to the king, who established a mint there. The neighbourhood is still known as " the Mint," and has enjoyed for a long time a very equivocal reputation. In the days of our grandfathers, it was the lurking-place of all the idle and profligate on the Surrey side of the Thames, and at the present time has not quite lost its character. The neigh- bouring thoroughfares, known as Suffolk Street, Park Street, etc., preserve the memory of the duke's mansion. PATERNOSTER ROW. 1458. THOMAS ALLEN IN, 1664. The bust of a queen, crowned with an open crown, and holding a sceptre. R. PATER NOSTER ROW. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. Maitland says, that the doctors and proctors, before they removed to the college (Doctors' Commons), " cohabited at a small house, now the Queen's Head Tavern, Paternoster Kow." See note under the next Token. 1459. Y E MEARMAYD TAVERN. A mermaid. R. IN PATER NOSTER ROW. In the field, s. E. B. The Mermaid in Paternoster Kow, was, at the time of the great fire, in the occupation of one Anthony Clarke, who, in his petition, states that it was " formerly a dark and back-house of small custom, but that the Prerogative office was kept near to it, and that the said office being removed, it is not likely to be well customed for a long time" (MS. penes, T. W. King, Esq., York Herald). 1460. THE CASTELL TAVERN. A Castle. R. IN PATER NOSTER ROE. In the field, I. D. B. PAUL'S ALLEY. 1461. IOHN BROOME, 1657. A square building with many windows. R. IN PAVLS ALLEY. In the field, I. E. B. x 154 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS PAUL'S CHAIN. 1462. WILLIAM ADKINSON. The arms of the Apothecaries' Company.* R. IN PALLES CHAINE. In the field, W.C.A. Paul's Chain is still the name of the street leading into Saint Paul's Church- yard, opposite the south door of the cathedral. The antiquary need not be reminded that in the cities of the middle ages, posts and chains were usually placed in the most important streets and thoroughfares. London had many of these defences down to the seventeenth century. The citizens having offended Henry III. during his wars with the barons, the king took away many of their privileges, and removed their posts and chains, which were locked up in the Tower. f Evelyn, in his account of the fire of London, says, "the vast yron chaines of the cittie strcetes, etc., were many of them melted and reduced to cinders by y e vehement heate." 1463. THOMAS SWETTINGHAM. A castle. R. IN PAVLES CHAINE. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 1464. EDW. WOODWARD AT Y E - Two daggers or swords crossed in saltier. R. PAVLS CHAYNE, COOKE. In the field, E. A. w. PAUL'S WHARF. 1465. ABRAHAM CHITTY AT Y E BELL. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY, 1669. R. BREWHOVS NEAR PAVLES WHAiiFE. A bell between two cinquefoils. (Octagonal.} * The apothecaries were originally incorporated with the grocers or " pepperers" as they were anciently styled, but at their request, about eleven years afterwards, James granted them a distinct charter of incorporation. At this time there were only one hundred and four master apothecaries within the city and suburbs. There are now upwards of a thousand, not including th: sc who style themselves " Surgeon, etc." They were the last on the city list of chartered companies ; hence the allusion in the following lines : " See ! where the proud Apothecaries drive, Who most by fraud and impositions thrive ; Whose monstrous bills immoderate wealth procure, For drugs that kill as many as they cure : Well are they placed the last of all the rout, For they're the men we best could live without." Vide " The Civic Garland, a collection of Songs from London Pageants. London, 8vo. 1845." Edited by F. W. Fairholt. f When Devereux, Earl of Essex, made his rash attempt to raise the Lon- doners, he posted, with about two hundred men, to the Sheriff's house, hoping to enlist him in the cause ; but that officer stepped out at his back door, and the earl making haste back again, found the chain at the top of Ludgate Street drawn across and guarded ; and after a short skirmish he retreated, and took boat at Qtieenhithe. CURRENT IN LONDON. 155 1466. THE BALL NEERE. In the field, 6 D R. PAVLES WHARFE. In the field, I. H. This Token is remarkable for the 6d. which is stamped on it. Its circulation must have been very limited. 1467. THE FRIEN PAN IN BEL. A fiyingpan. R. YARD BY FOWLS WHARF. In the field, D. I, T. We are unable to tell the reader any thing of the " Fricn Pan," or even to give the name of the worthy who traded beneath it. He was probably a dealer in ironmongery. PEACOCK ALLEY. 1468. ISAAC BLISSETT IN W TT CHAPEL. A peacock. R. AT PEACOCK ALLEY GATE. In the field, 1. H. B. 1667. PEERPOOL LANE. 1469. IOHN BAKER, 1664. A sugar-loaf. R. IN PE . . . POOLE LANE. In the field, I. F. B. 1470. WILLIAM COVLSON. A sheaf of corn. R. PEERE- POOLE LANE. In the field, w. A. C. 1471. IOHN DAVISON IN PEERPOOL. A unicorn. R. LANE HIS HALFE. In the field, I. A. D. 1472. THOMAS GALE NEERE. A shoemaker trying a shoe on a lady, who is seated in a chair. R. PEARPOOLE LANE END. In the field, T. I. G. 1473 IOHN HIND AND IOHN GWILYM. Crowned bust. R. BREWERS IN PERPOOLE LANE. In the field, THEIR HALFE PENNY. PEPPEK ALLEY. 1474. THOMAS CROWDER AT. In the field, T. c. in mono- gram. R. PEPPER ALLEY GATE. In the field, T. S. C. 1475. ELIZABETH MILNER NEARE. A goat. R. PEPER ALLEY IN SOVTHWARKE. Ill the field, HER HALF- PENNY, 1666. 156 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS PETER STREET. 1476. AT THE DAGER IN. A dagger. R. PEETER STREETE. In the field, G. M. R. 1477. AT THE KINGS HEAD. A crowned bust. R. FETTER STREET w. M. In the field, R. R. Y. PETTICOAT LANE. 1478. IOHN BICKCEM. The bust of Charles II. in four lines across the field. R. IN PETTICOATE LANE, 68. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1479. WILLIAM BOLTON AT Y E BLACK BEL. A bell. R. IN PETTY COAT LANE, CHANDL R - In the field, HIS HALF PENNY. W. K. B. 1480. DANIELL DEBOVRCK. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. IN PETTECOATE LANE. A hand holding a bird. 1481. ANTHONY FINCH. Five ermine spots. IN PETTICOTE LANE. In the field, A. S. F. 1482. RALPH MARKLAND AT Y E RED. AdOSS. R. CROSS IN PETTICOAT LANE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1667. 1483. IEFERY WALLETT. A lion rampant. R. IN PETECOTE LANE. In the field, I. M. W. 1484. AT THE WHIT LYON. A lion rampant. R. IN PETTI- COTE LANE. In the field, R. E. D. 1485 NEAR THE SHEARES. A pair of shears. R. IN PETTI- COTE LANE. In the field, S. A. H. PETTY FRANCE, LONDON. 1486. THO. CLAROE IN MORE FEILDS. A man dipping candles. R. AGAINST PETY FRANCE GATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 157 1487. WILLIAM RACK AT Y* 5 . An Indian holding a, dart. ft. IN PETTY FRANCE, 66. Ill the field, W. I. 11. PETTY FRANCE, WESTMINSTER. 1488. JOHN BARNES CHANDLER. The arms of the Carpenters' Company. R. IN PETTY FRANCE. In the field, I. s. B. 1489. NICHOLAS SHERMAN WHIT. A building with a high roof and a gate. ft. HALL IN PETTY FRANCE. In the field, N. M. s. 1490. WILL. SMITH IN PETTY. The royal oak. ft. FRANCE WESTMINSTER. In the field, W. M. S. 1491. AT THE SAVL IN PETI. The Conversion of Saul. R. FRANC WESTMINSTER. In the field, I. S. T. 1492. AT THE SAVL IN PETTY. The Conversion of Saul. R. FRANC WESTMINSTER. In the field, I. S. T. PEWTERERS' HALL. 1493. IOHN BIRD, 1668. In the field, a bird with a branch in its mouth, and LIME STREET. R. AT PEWTERERS HALL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. PHILPOT LANE. 1494. SAMVELL HEWSON IN. A wheatsheaf. R. PHILPOT LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, s. A. n. 1495. ROBERT NEVELL. Three stags on a shield. R. IN PHILPOT LANE. In the field, R. A. N. 1496. AT THE SVGARLOAFE. A SUgar-loaf. R. IN PHILPOT LANE. (DetritecT). PICCADILLY. 1497. ROBERT BEARD IN. In the field, R. I. B. R. PAKA- DILLA. In the field, 1662. 158 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1498. WILLIAM FLINDELL. A man dipping candles. R. IN PECKAD1LLE, 38. Ill the field, W. . . F. 1499. EDW. GILLNEY AT Y E . Three horse-shoes. R. IN PICKEDILLE. In the field, E. H. G. 1500. EDW. GILNEY AT YE. In the field, three horse-shoes and three diamonds. R. IN PICKEDILLE. In the field, E. H. G. between three diamonds. 1201. RICHARD GROOME IN. An anchor and a crown. R. PICKADILLY, 1665. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 1502. WILLIAM HILL. In the field, 1670. R. IN PICKA- DILLY. In the field, W. I. H. 1503. NATHANIELL ROBINS AT THE. In the field, SEA COALE SELLER, 1666. R. HAY MARKET IN PICKADILLA. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1666. 1504. RICHARD THORP GROCER. The Grocers' arms. R IN PICKADILLEY, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1505. IOHN VAVGHAN AT THE. A still or alembic, with the fire beneath. R. IN PICKADILLY, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. I. A. V. 1506. WILL. VESEY AT THE GARDEN. Adam and Eve standing by the tree, around which the serpent is entwined. R. HOVSE NEARE PICCADILLY. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. W. S. V. 1507. ion. WALKER SVGAR. A sugar-loaf. LOAFE PICA- DILLY. 59. In the field, I. S. W. PICKLE HERRING STAIRS. 1508. IAMES AYCRIGG AT. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. PICKLE HERRING STAIRS. An elephant with a castle on its back. 1509. EDWARD BRENT. A smack. R. AT PICKELL HER- RING. In the field, E. c. B. 1510. MARGARET BROWNE AT Y E BLVE. An anchor and M. B. R. NEARE PICKLE HERING IN SOVTHWARK HIS HALFE PENNY, 1668 (sic). In seven lines across the field. CURRENT IN LONDON. 159 1511. THOMAS HVTHINSONN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN PICKELL HEARING. Five tobacco-pipes. 1512. THE WOODMONGERS ARM (sic). A crown placed on the point of a sword, between two bundles or fagots of wood. R. AT PICKLE HIRNE STARS. In the field, R. A. G. The vitiated orthography of this token, pickle hirne, for "pickle herring," is an imitation of the vulgar pronunciation of the word. These tokens furnish abundant evidence of the ad libitum mode of spelling in those days, and prove that it prevailed among those who were not entirely destitute of education. To the uninitiated we may add, that Pickle Herring Stairs is a landing-place on the river-side, near Tooley Street, Southwark. PIE CORNER. 1513. ADAM EVERELL. A hoi'SC-shoe. R. IN PY CORNER. In the field, A. E. 1514. FRANCIS HARRIS BAKER. In the field, a sheaf of corn. R. AT PYE CORNER HIS \ PENY. In the field, two flowers, the stalks joined in a truelover's knot, between the letters, F. M. H. The great fire of London began at the house of a baker, named Farriner, in " Pudding Lane," and ended at " Pie Corner," whence the Puritans of the day attributed that great calamity to " the detestable sin of gluttony," an absurdity recorded on the bloated figure of a boy against the wall of a house in Giltspur Street, West Smithfield. Pie Corner seems to have received its designation from the trade which thrived in that neighbourhood. Robin Conscience, in his ballad, finding that his name offended the traders in various parts of London, came hither. " Thus chid of them, my way I took Unto Pye Corner, where a cook Glanced at me as the devil would look O'er Lincoln." By which we are led to suspect, that the cook either dispensed short weight, or viands of apocryphal character. 1515. IOHN MARSTON TALLOW. A half-moon, seven stars, and five candles strung on a stick. R. IN PYE CORNER CHANDLER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1516. SAM. PARKINS MEALMAN AT. A wheatsheaf. R. PY CORNER WEST SMITHFLDS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, S. M. P. 1517. STEPHEN WILLCOCKS AT. A pair of antlers. R. SPY CORNER BREWHOVSE. In the field, S. W., divided by flowers, the stalks conjoined. 160 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS PISSING ALLEY. It appears by old records that there were several localities known by this designation. 1518. DANIELL HILLS. A full-blown rose crowned. R.iN PISSING ALLEY. In the field, D, C. H. PLAY-HOUSE YARD. 1519. GEORGE BAISGROVE AT THE. Device detrited. R. PLAY HOVSE YARD GOLDEN LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. G. I. B. PORTER'S KEY. 1520. RICH. SMITH AT THE RED. In the field, HIS HALF- PEN Y. R. HOVSE AT PORTERS KEY. A building with a cross at each gable. 1521. AT THE RED HOVSE. In the field, W. F. H. R. AT PORTERS KEEK (sic). In the field, w. F. H. POSTERN GATE. 1522. WILL. CHARLWOOD. A woman churning. R. AT THE POSTERN GATE. Ill the field, W. C. 1523. ALEX. HARWOOD AT. A cheesemonger's or currier's knife. R. THE POSTERN GATE. In the field, A. A. H. 1524. RICHARD HAWES AT. A dragon. R. THE POSTERN GATE. In the field, R. E. H. 1525. ROBERT WILLIAMS AT YE MOORE. Four plots of ground railed round and planted with trees (?) R. FIELDS IN Y E POSTERNE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 161 1526. AT THE YEARN SHOPP. A bell. R. AT THE POS- TERN GATE. In the field, D. C. 1527. AT THE BLV BORE. A boar. R. AT POSTTAN GATE. In the field, R. E. D. 1528. THE CASTEL TAVERN. A castle. R. AT THE POS- TORN GATE. In the field, W. M. POSTERN STREET. 1529. HVGH LOVE AT Y^ WHITE. A stag couchant, and H. E. L. R. IN POSTERNE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1666. POULTRY. 1530. IAMES BARNES IN THE. A sugar-loaf and three tobacco-rolls (?). R. IN THE POVLTRY, 1659. In the field, I. B. 1531. HENRY DIXON IN. A shield charged with a Fess. R. THE POVLTRY, 1600. The sun on a heraldic wreath. 1532. GEORGE TWINE, 1665. Three cranes standing. * R. IN THE POVLTREY. In trie field, HIS HALF PENY. A scarce tract, printed in the year 1698, bears the title " An Answer to the Dragon and Grasshopper, in a dialogue between an old Monkey and a young Weasel, at the Three Crane Tavern, in the Poultry." 1533. AT THE ROSE TAVERN. A full-blown rose. R. IN THE POVLTREY. In the field, T. E. D. 1534. THE EXCHANGE TAVERN. View of the interior of the Koyal Exchange. R. IN THE POVLTREY, 1651. In the field, w. v. 1535. THE EXCHANGE TAVERN. A view of the interior of the quadrangle of the Royal Exchange. R. IN THE POVLTREY, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. This Token was struck two years after the great fire, which destroyed the original building called the Royal Exchange. The view on the reverse of this example is of the new structure, which was destroyed in 1838. In the year 1663, the notorious "German Princess," played some of her pranks at this tavern, which was then kept by a person named King. Y 162 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS PRINCES STREET. 1536. RALPH DRAPER AT THE. The Blacksmiths' arms. R. IN PRINCES STREET. In the field, HIS HALF- PENT. 1537. 1OHN RIXON AT THE SVN. The SUn. R. IN PRINCE . . TREET. In the field, HIS HALPEPENNY. PUDDING LANE. The great fire broke out at a baker's shop in this locality. We have never met with a Token of this tradesman, whose name was Faryner. 1538. IOHN HANDS IN. In the field, H. I.M. R. PVDING LANE, 1664. Three sugar-loaves depending from branches. 1539. AT Y E MAYDEN HEADE. In the field, head of the Virgin. R. IN PVDIN LANE, 1637. In the field, B. W. A. The armorial bearings of the Mercers' Company are the theme of a song composed, it is said, in 1701. One of the stanzas runs thus : When nature in perfection was, And virgin Beauty in ner prime, The Mercer gave the nymph a gloss, And made her beauty more sublime. In this above our brethren blest, The Virgin 's since our coat and crest. The antiquary, however, will trace in this bust the effigies of the Virgin Mary, which, after the Reformation, savoured too much of the old religion to be rightly designated : hence, perhaps, it is so often called the "Mayden Head." It will be found repeatedly occurring in this series. 1540. AT THE BLACKE BVLL. A bull. R. IN PVDDING LANE. In the field, W. I. P. 1541. AT YE MAYDEN HEADE. An hideously rude female bust. R. IN PVDEN LANE, 1657. In the field, 1657. CURRENT IN LONDON. 163 PUDDLE DOCK. 1542 THO. BAKER AT THE. The Prince of Wales' feathers. ft. NEARE PVDLE DOCK. In the field, T. A. B. 1543. THOMAS GVY AT Y E FEATHERS. The Prince of Wales' coronet and feathers. ft. AT PVDLE WHARFE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. T. A. G. 1544. ROBERT HALE AT PVDLE. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. ft. DOCK CHANDLER, 1662. In the field, R. M. H. 1545. ELIZABETH IORDEN AT Y E - A Still. R. STILL AT PVDDLE DOCK. In the field, HIS (sic) HALF PENY, 1669. 1546. IOIIN OSMAN, 1664. In the field, i. M. o. ft. AT PVDLE DOCK. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1547. IOIIN ROGERS AT Y E WHITE. A swan standing on an unknown object. ft. SWAN AT PVDELL DOCKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1548. AT THE BREW HOVSE. The City arms. ft. AT PVDDLE DOCK. In the field, 1". R. S. QUEENHITHE. 1549. RICHARD BRIGGS, 1660. The Fishmongers' arms. ft. AT QVEEN HITH. In the field, R. A. B. J. 1550. ROBERT CANHAM AT QVEEN. A rose and crown. ft. HITHE His HALF PENY. The Coopers' arms. 1551. ROBERT FEILD AT Y E NAKED. A boy naked, holding (ut videtur) an apple. ft. BOY AT QVEENE HITHE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. D. F. 1552. BARTHOLLOMEW FISH. Three fishes. ft. AT QVEEN- IIITHE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1553. BARTHOLOMEW HESTER. The Brewers' arms. ft. AT QVEEN HIVE (sic). In the field, B. A. H. 164 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1554. IOHN MINDE IN THAMES STREET. A sheaf. R. BAKER NEAR QVEENE HITH GATE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1668. 1555. SAMVEL LONGE AT. A naked boy holding a panier. R. QVEENE HITH. In the field, s. M. L. 1556. ROBERT SKRINE AT THE BVLL. A bull. R. IN QVEENE HITH LONDON. The Ironmongers' arms. 1557. PEARCIVALL STEVENSON. A crowned rose. R. MICIIELLS, QVEENE HITH. In the field, P. E. S. \. 1558. HENREY TATVM AT. A heart. R. QVEENE HIVE (sic) BAKER. In the field, H. F. T. 1559. THOMAS WHILDALE AT Y B BEL. A bell. R. IN MICHAELL QVEENE HITH. In the field, T. M. W. 1560. THE ROSE AT QVEENE. A full-blown rose. R.HIVE (sic) GATE, 1652. In the field, D. M. G. QUEEN STREET. 1561 IOHN CANNON IN. The Queen's head. R. QVEENS STREET. In the field, I. S. C. 1562. WILL CLARKE AT Y E IN SOPER. A cock and bottle. R. LANE, ALIAS QVEEN STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1669. 1563. THOMAS EDDENBVRRO. Adam and Eve standing by the tree of life, around which a serpent is entwined. R. IN QVEENE STREET. In the field, T. A. E. 1564. WILLIAM HOLMES AT THE A plough. R. PLOW IN SOPER LANE. In the field, W. A. H. 1565. ROBERT MOSS IN. The Tallow-chandlers' arms. R. QVEEN STR. MEALMAN. In the field, R. F. M. 1566. AT YE CORNER HOVSE IN. In the field, 1658. R. LITLE QVEENS STREETE. In the field, A. E. T. CURRENT IN LONDON. 165 RALPH'S KEY. 1567. AT THE HALFE MOON. A Crescent. R. AT RAPHS KEY THAM. STR. In the field, T. I. H. RAM ALLEY, FLEET STREET. 1568. AT THE SHVGE LOFE IN. Asugar-loaf. R. RAM ALLEY IN FLET STRET. In the field, M. A. C. RATCLIFF. 1569. WILL. BAKER AT LITLE WHIT. A horse. R. HORS NEARE RATCLIF CROSS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1570. Francis Beattie, 1666. In three lines across the field. R. IN RATLIF HYE WAY. In the field, F. S. B. 1571. IOHN BISHOPP, 1656. Three sugar-loaves. R. IN RATLIFF HIGHWAY. In the field, I. M. B. 1572. IOSEPH BROCKE COATE. A robe between the letters I. B. R. SELER NEAR RATCLIF CROS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1573. THOMAS CAPON IN. A wheatsheaf. R. IN RATLIF HIE WAY. In the field, T. B. C. 1574. ROBERT ELLIS, 1668. Three men with mathematical instruments standing before a globe. R. AT RATCLIF CROSS. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1575. ALEXANDER HARWOOD. A cheese knife (?) between three stars. R. AT RATCLIFFE CROSS. In the field, A. A. H. 1576. EDMOND HOLT AT THE. A ship. R. SHIP IN RATCLIFE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. 1577. RANDOLPH HVFF AT THE. Charles II. in the oak. R. AT RATLEFF CROSS, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. M. H. 166 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1578. GEORGE HVTCHINSON. A bull's head couped. R. TAVERNE IN RATCLIPFE. In the field, G. B. H. 1579. IOHN MARCH THE SWAN. A SWan. R. AT RATLIF CROSE. In the field, I. M. M. 1580. IOHN MATTHEWS IN. (Defaced.} R. RATCLIF HIGH WAY. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1581. IOHN MAYOR IN RATLIF HY. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. WAY NEAR NEW GRAVEL LANE. In the field, a flower between I. H. M. 1582. WILLIAM NVNN AT THE BEL. A bell. R. INN NEAR RATCLIFF CROSS. In the field, HIS HALF- PENNY. W. A. N. 1583. IAMES PRICKE AT Y E STILL. A Still. R. IN RAT- CLIEFE HIGHWAY, 68. In the field HIS HALFE- PENY. 1584. IOHN SIMONS, 1666. A flagon. R. AT RATLIFFE CROSS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. I.A. s. 1585. THO SORELL AT RED. A lion rampant. R. LYON TAVERN IN RATCLIF. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. 1586. RICH. STILES AT YE WHIT. A lion rampant. R. IN RATCLIF, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1587. PERCIVALL TOWLE BAKER IN. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. SCHOOLE LANE RATCLIFFE. In the field, p. T. T., 1668. 1588. THOMAS WADLAND IN 1668. A ship in full sail. R. RATCLIFE HIS HALFEPENY. A Still. 1589. NICH. WATTS AGAINST YE. A hand holding a pair of curling tongs, etc., and a pair of shears or scissors, N. A. W. R. SCOOLE HOVSE IN RATCLIFE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1590. LAZARVS WEEDEN AT YE WHARF. The Bakers' arms. R. RATLIF CROSS His HALFPENY. A horse and cart. CURRENT IN LONDON. 167 1591. JAMES WEST. A pair of bellows. R. IN RATLIF HEIWAYE. In the field, E. M. WEST. 1592. AT THE RED LYON IN. A lion rampant. R. RAT- LIFE. In the field, A. s. A. 1593. AT THE SHIPP TAVERN. A ship. R. AT RATLIFF CROSSE. In the field, w. E. B. 1594. AT THE GOLDEN BALL. A ball. R. IN RATLIFFE, 1662. In the field, R. A. B. 1595. THE WHEATSHEAF AND. A sheaf of com. R. SVGER LOFE IN RATLIF. In the field, R. D. B. 1596. AT THE PLOWE IN. A plough. R. RATLIF HYE WHAY. In the field, w. M. E. 1597. THE SHIPP IN. A ship in full sail. R. RATLIF HIGHE WAY. In the field, N. s. 1598. AT THE GVNN IN. A cannon mounted on a carriage. R. RATLIFE HIGH WAY. In the field, W. A. T. 1599. AT THE BLACK BOAY. A naked boy holding a mug and a pipe. R. IN RATCLIF, 1651. In the field, N. E. v. 1600. GALLEY. A galley or felucca. R. RATCLIFFE CROSSE. In the field, T. M. w. RED-CROSS STREET. 1601. THOMAS BALLETT. In the field, AT Y E . A mermaid. R. IN REDCROS STREET. In the field, T. A. B. 1602. MARGRET BRANDRED. A Bible. R. IN RED CROS STREET, 1668: In the field, HER HALF PENY. M. B. 1603. T. DICKENSON AT THE SVNN. The sun. R. IN RED- CROSS STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. T. D. in monogram. 1604. EDWARD DOBSON AT THE. (Detrited.) R. IN RED CROS STRET. Ill the field, E. A. D. 1605. ARON EDWARDS IN REDCROSS STRE. A ball sus- pended. R. OVER AGAINST IEWEN STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1669. 168 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1606. IN RED CROSS STREET. In two lines across the field, Robert Gifford. R. HIS HALFE PENNY. In the field, a castle, and by its side a shield charged with the arms of Worcester. 1607. THOMAS HOLLOW AY AT Y E . Crowned bust of James I. R. IN RED CROSS STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, 1666. 1608. Nick. Jackson. In the centre. Around, IN RED CROSS STREET R. THE BEAR HIS HALFE PENY. In the field, a bear. 1609. CHRIS. PIERSON. Three suns. R. IN RED CROS STREET. In the field, C. M. P. 1610. OLIVER WALLIS. A dog eating out of a three-legged pot. R. IN RED CROSS STREET. In the field, o. I. w. 1667. 1611. THO. WHITLE. In three lines in the centre. Around, RED X STREET, 1657. R. CORNER BEECH LANE. A black jack. RED LION COURT, BISHOPSGATE. 1612. IOHN CLARK IN RED LION. A cup and cover. R. COART WITIIOVT BISHOPSGAT. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. REDHEAD LANE. 1613. In the centre, MATHEW DAVIS. Around, IN RED- MAID LANE. R. In the centre, IN FRYERS COVRT. Around, NEARE THE HERMITAG. ROOD LANE. 1614. WILLIAM COVLSON. A horse-shoe. R.IN ROODE LANE. In the field, w. M. c. CURRENT IN LONDON. 169 ROSE LANE. 1615. JOHN ATWOOD IN ROSE LANE. Detrited. R. THE MAN AT THE WOOD. A man standing near a wood. ROSEMARY LANE. 1616. IOHN BAYLE AT THE 7. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. STARS IN ROSMARY LANE. Seven Stars. 1617. SAM. CRISP IN ROSMARY. A Still. R. LANE, CHEES- MONGER. In the field, s. M. C. 1618. ROBERT CRYER, PASTRY COOK. Bust of Charles II. crowned. R. IN ROSEMARY LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALPPENY, R. S. C. 1619. ED. FLOWERS AT THE. A bunch ofgrapes. R.ROSE- MARY LANE EN. In the field, E. M. F. 1620. RICHARD LANE AT THE. Three tuns. R. IN ROSE- MARY LANE, 1670. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, R. H. L. ROTHERHITHE OK REDRIFF. 1621. WILLIAM ADAMS. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. AT REDERIFE WALL. A bull. 1622. MARY BERRY AT. In the field, HER HALFPENY. R. REDERIF WALL. The Shipwrights' arms. 1623. THOMAS CLIFFORD. A tobaCCO-roll. R. IN ROTHEU- HITH, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1624. PHILLIP COOKE AT. The Shipwrights' arms. R. REDERIF WALL, 1669. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. z 170 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1625. THOMAS COOPER. A sugar-loaf between a pair of scales. R. IN REDERRIFE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, T. F. C. 1626. SVSANNA DANNILL. A ship. R. ON REDRIFE WALL. In the field, S.D., 1655. 1627. IOHN FARMER AT Y E WATERMANS. The Watermen's arms. R. ARMES AT REDERIFE STAIRES. In the field, His PENNY, 1669, I. I. F. (penny size}. 1628. EDWARD GREENE AT YE. An oak, with C. R. R. BY REDRIF WALL, 1666. In the field, E. E. G. 1629. SARA. HEYWOOD AT YE WHEAT. A bird perched on a sheaf of corn R. SHEAFE IN REDERIFE. In the field, HER HALFPENY, 1669. 1630. THOMAS HEYWOOD. A sheaf of corn(?). R. IN RED- ERRIF PO . . . . In the field, T. s. H. 1631. THOMAS KAM AT Y E . The Bakers' arms. R.ATRED- RIFFE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1632. THOMAS MAY AT Y E BVNCH. A bunch of grapes. R. GRAPES IN REDERIF. . . . 1669. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY, T. E. M. 1633. WILLIAM RVSHLEY OF. A globe. R. REDERIF, MILLER. In the field, W. R. R. 1634. FRANCES SEELLE. Three sugar-loaves. R. IN REDRIF, F. s. In three lines across the field. 1635. ELIZABETH SWAN. In the field, HER HALF PENY. R. AT REDERIFF. A Swan. 1636. MARY WARREN. An arched crown. R. AT RED- RIFE. In the field, M. w. 1637. ROBERT AVEBB AT Y E . A ship in full sail. R. TAVERN ON REDRIFFE WALL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, R. H. W. 1638. IAMES WRIGHT, 1667. The Bakers' arms. R. IN REDRIF, BAKER. In the field, I. D. w. CURRENT IN LONDON. 171 ROUND COURT. 1639. THO. ALLATT, CHANDLER, IN Y E ROVND. A man carrying a sack on his back ; in the field, a shovel. R . CORT AGAINST Y E NEW EXCHANG. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, T. E. A. 1640. IOH. AYSHLEY AT YE 3. Three pigeons. R. PIGEONS, ROVND COVRT. In the field, I. P. A. 1641. EDWARD CRAWLEY. The royal oak with three crowns upon it. R. BACKSIDE ROVND COVRT. In the field, E. E. C. RUSSELL STREET. 1642. TIMOTHY CHILD AT Y E COFFE. A Turk's head. R. HOVSE IN RVSSELL STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1643. IOHN HATTEN. The Prince of Wales's feathers. R. IN RVSSELL STREET. In the field, I. D. H. 1644. MARY LONG, IN RVSSELL. A full-blown rose on its stalk. R. STREET IN CO VENT GARDEN. In the field, HER HALFE PENNY, M. L. 1645. PET. SPITSER IN RVSEL. R. STREET IN COVEN- GARDEN. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1646. HVMPHRY VAGHAN. A goat. R. IN RVSSELL STREET. In the field, H. R. V. ST. ALBAN'S STREET. 1647. GEORG. CARTER AT YE ST. ALBAN. A figure holding a sword and a cross, standing near an altar, on which is an open book with clasps. R. IN ST. ALBANS STREET, NEERE ST. I AMES MARKET. In six lines across the field. 172 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS ST. ANN'S LANE. 1648. MATIIEW HANSCOMBE. A sugar-loaf. R. IN ST. ANNS LANE, 58. Ill the field, M. A. H. 1649. NICH. STRAINGE AT Y E COFFEE. A Turk's bust. R. HOVSE IN ST. ANNS LANE. A hand issuing from a cloud, pouring from a coffee-pot into a cup. 1650. IOHN TAYLEK. An ape playing the bagpipes. R. IN ST. ANNS LANE. A pair of spectacles. ST. BENET'S HILL. 1651. MATTHEW TVNSTALL AT THE. A harrow. R. HAR- ROW ONE (sic) ST. BENETS HILL. In the field 1 D . ST. CLEMENT'S. 1652. RICH. CHIDLEY IN CLEMENT. A tobacco-roll and R. R. C. R.LANE NEARE NEW MARKETT. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1666. 1653. RIC. FVLLER IN ST. CLE. A half-moon. R. MENTS NEARE LYONS IN. In the field, R. F., 1657. 1654. EDWARD GEERY IN ST. CLEMENTS. In the field, E. L. G. R. CHVRCH YARD, BROKER, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1655. LEWIS HARRINGDINE IN Y E BACK. An artichoke. R. SIDE OF ST. CLEMENTS, LACE SHOP. In the field, 2 betweim L. B. H. 1656. ABRAHAM IOKDEN AT Y E His |, in four lines across the field. A Turk's head. R. BEHIND ST. CLEMENT CHVRCH, 1664. In four lines across the field. CURRENT IN LONDON. 173 1657. GEO. LAVRENCE. A sheaf. R. AGA T . CLEMENTS Cliv. In the field, G. M. L. 1658. LAWRANCE LEWES IN YE BACK. In the field, L. . . . L. 1668. R. OF ST. CLEMENTS, MERCER. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1659. FRANCES WALKER. A ring, within which is a heart pierced by two arrows; a crown above. R. AT CLEM- ENT 8 WEL. In the field, F. w. 1660. THE 3 TVNNES IN. Three barrels. R. s. CLEMANES DEANES. In the field, T. A. F. 1661. THE CASTELL TAVERN. A castle. R.S.CLEMENT DAINES. ... In the field, I. p 1662. THE CASTLE TAVERN IN. A castle. R.S.CLEM- ENT CHVRCH YARD. In the field, I. A. P. 1663. THE CASTLE TAVERN IN. A castle. R. S.CLEMENT CHVRCH YARD. In the field, I. I. P. 1664. THE CASTELL TAVERNE. In the centre, a castle. R. IN s. CLMENT (sic) DAINES. In the centre, I. P. 1665. Y E ANGEL, BACK SIDE. An angel. R.OF ST. CLEM- ENTS, 57. In the field, T. s. ST. DUNSTAN'S HILL. 1666. ANTHONY PARSLOV. A horse-shoe. R. AT DVN STONES HILL. In the field, A. E. P. ST. GEORGE'S FIELDS. 1667. WILL. HAGLEY, AT Y E REST. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. ORATION, ST. GEORGES FEILDS. In the field, w. M. H. 1668. THOMAS MICHELL AT THE. In the field, MVSIK HOVSE. R. AT ST. GEORGES FEILDES. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 174 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS ST. GILES'S. 1669. WALT. BIGG, AT THE. A bell. R. GYLESES IN THE FEILDES. A bell. 1670. WILL. COLLINES, BREWER. R. IN ST. GILES THE FEILDS. In the field, w. E. c. 1671. ROBERT DERDS, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. R. IN ST. GILES, MEALEMAN. Ill the field, R. I. D. 1672. THOMAS GREENE IN. A bear with a chain. R. s. GILES Y E FEILDES. In the field, T. M. G. 1673. ROBERT HITCHAM, NEW STRET. An arched crown. R. IN ST. GILES FEILDS. In the field, HALFPENY, R. D. H. 1674. WILL. HORNE AT Y E HOR. A pair of antlers. R. NES, ST. GILES FEILDS. In the field, W. H. H. 1675. SAMVELL MARSTONE AT Y E - A Tokay bottle (?) and S. L. M. R. IN ST. GILESES ON Y E CAVSEY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 167*5. WILL. MORECOAT IN. A man wearing a hat and a sash. R. ST. GILES Y E FEILDES, 57. Three horse- shoes. 1677. ELIZABETH PEARCE, 65. In the field, HER HALFE- PENY. R. ST. GILES IN Y E FEILDS. Object detrited. 1678. HENRY POWELL. . . . In the field, CHEESMONGER. .. . -R.SAINT GILES FEILDS. In the field, 1668. 1679. ROBERT STARKY IN ST. GILES. A dog couchant. R. FEILDS HIS HALF PENNY. In the field, R. A. S. 1680. i A. WAGSTAFE, IN GILES IN. In the field, I. w. 1669. R. FEILDS, NEAR Y E WHITE HART. In the field, HER DOVBL TOKEN FOR A \. 1681. IOHN WETHERED, TALLOW. A SWan. R. ST. GILES IN Y E FEILDS, CHAN. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 175 1682. PHILIP WETHRALL IN. Three lions passant. R. s. GILES FEILDES. In the field, P. ... w. 1683. IOHN WOODMAN, AT THE. A raven (?). R. S.GILESES IN ... FEILDS. In the field, 1665, CHEESEMONGER. 1684. AT THE BLACKE BOY IN. A sweep. R. GILES IN THE FIELDS. In the field, E. B. 1685. AT THE WHEAT SHEIFE. In the field, E. E. H. R. IN SAINT GILESES. A wheatsheaf. 1686. THE TALOW CHANDLER. A man dipping caudles. R. IN S. GILES FIELDES. In the field, I. H. 1687. Y E SWAN AND WHIT HART. A Swan. R.ST. GIELES FEILDES. In the field, I. M. S. ST. HELEN'S. 1688 AT THE RED LYON. A lion rampant. R. AT ST. HELENS GATE. In the field, R. E. S. ST. JAME S'S 1689. RICH. BARRETT, CHANLER. A cheese-taster. R. IN ST. IAMESES. In the field, R. A. B. 1690. IOSEPH LARKE. The Grocers' arms. R. BACKSIDE ST. IAJVIES. In the field, I. L. 1691. ROBERT NORIS IN. A glove. R. IEAMES STREET, GLOVER. In the field, R. M. N. 1692. WILL. SLIDD, SVTLER TO Y E GVARD. Bust of General Monk (?). R. AT ST. IAMSES, HIS HALFE PENY. In the field, w. I. s. 1693. EDWARD SMITH AT Y E POETS. A head crowned with bays. R. HEAD IN ST. IAMES STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 176 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS ST. JAMES'S MARKET. 1694. KICHARD ATHY, 1668. A large fleur-de-lis. R.IN ST. IAMESES MARKETT PLACE, HIS HALFE PENT. In six lines across the field. 1695. SARAH AVSTIN AT THE GREEN. A savage holding a club. R. MAN IN ST. IAMES MARKET PLACE. In the field, HER HALFE PENNY. 1696. M. Lawn, fishmonger, 1667, |. In three lines across the field. R. IN ST. IAMES MARKET PL. . . . A plough. 1697. IOSEPH PARSONS AT THE SINE OF THE PAKSON GREENE IN ST. IAMES. In six lines across the field. R. MARKET PLACE, HIS HALF PENY, 1666, I. F. P. In six lines across the field. 1698. EDWARD PERSMORE. A vase holding flowers. R.IN ST. IAMES MARKET. In the field, E. E. P. 1699. GEORGE ROSE, GROCER AT YE. A rose. R.IN ST. IAMES MARKETT. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1700. THE WHITE HORSE. ... IN. A horse. R. IAMES MARKET PLACE. In the field, \ between I. M. H. 1701. AT THE QVEENS HEAD IN. Crowned bust of a queen, with sceptre. R. ST. IAMES MARKETT, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. ST. JOHN'S LANE. 1702. AT THE BIRD IN HAND. A figure holding a bird. R. IN s. IOHNS LANE. In the field, T. M. A. CURRENT IN LONDON. 177 ST. JOHN STREET. 1703. CHRISTOPHER ALLEN, AT. Two sugar-loaves. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET, 1664. In the field, c. E. A. 1704. IOB BARNWELL IN, 1658. A dragon. R. 8. IOHNS STREET. In the field, B. I. E. (sic). 1705. THOMAS BENNETT, 1668. A full-blown rose, sur- mounted by an arched crown. R. IN ST. IOHNS STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1706. John Dodson, his half e penny. In four lines across the field. R. In St. John Street, 1667. In four lines across the field. 1707. ISACK ELLISTON AT Y E 3. Three trees. R. ELMES, IN ST. IOHN STRET. In the field, I. H. E. 1708. ROGER FINCH AT THE. A fleur-de-lis. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET, 1659. In the field, R. E. F. 1709. THOMAS GALE AT THE. A crowned female bust. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET, 1666. In the field, a man dip- ping candles, between T. G. 1710. IOHN GARNER. A globe. R. IN S. IOHN STREET. A globe. 1711. IOHN GAZELLEY AT Y E . A COck. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET. In the field, a sugar-loaf, between I. E. G. 1712. IONATHAN GRAST, IN ST. In the field, I. F. G. R. IOHN STREET, CHEESE. In the field, MONGER, 57. 1713. ROGER HART AT THE. Crowned bust of Queen Eliza- beth. R. IN ST. IOHN STREETE. In the field, R. E. H. 1714. EDWARD MIDWINTER, AT THE. Bust of Charles II. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. 1715. THOMAS PRESTWOOD. The Salters' arms. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. A A 178 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1716. IOIIN KADBVRNE, GROCER, AT Y E . A pikeman. R. SOLDIER IN ST. IOHN STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT, 1668. 1717. GEORGE SCAVINGTON. Five candles on a stick R. IN SINGIN STREE. . . . Detrited. 1718. GEORGE SCAVINGTON. Five candles strung on a stick. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET. In the field, G. E. S. 1719. IOHN SHORE, AT THE CROOKED. A crooked billet. R. BILLET ... 8. IOHN STREETS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. ^720. I AM. SMITH, SOPEBOYLR. A horse with its groom. R. IN ST. IOHN STREET. In the field, I. M. S. 1721. IOHN TIMBERLAKE. A musket-rest. (?) R. IN .... . . OHNS STREET. In the field, I. E. T. 1722. THOMAS WATTS, AT THE BLEW. An anchor. R. ANCHOR IN ST. IOHN STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1723. AT THE OLFA TREE. An olive-tree. R. IN SINGON STREETE. Ill the field, E. A. vS. ST. KATHARINE'S. 1724. IAMES ALLEN, IN. In the field, 1665. R. ST. KATH- ERENS LANE. Ill the field, I. M. A. 1725. ROBERT ASKE, IN. A Cl'OWn. R. SALTER, S. KATH- ERNS. In the field, R. A. 1726. Edward Belitha, Grocer, in three lines across the field. Around the outer circle, HIS DOVBLE TOKEN FOR A 1 1). R. AT ST. KATHERN STAIRES. In the field, two sugar-loaves; below, 166. . 1727. RICHARD BRYAN, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. AT ST. KATHERNS, MIL. BRIDG. In the field, R. M. B. 1728. WILLIAM BVTLER, IN s. Two sugar-loaves suspended. R. KATHERIN8, GROCER. In the field, W. I. B. CURRENT IX LONDON. 170 1729. IOHN CHEQVRIGHT, IN. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. ST. KATHERINS LANE. Ill the field, a bell, between the letters I. S. C. 1730. IAMES COOPER, AT THE. A rose and crown. R. IN ST. KATHERINS LANE, HIS HALF PENY, 1668. Ill the field, I. A. C. 1563, 7tli April, the landlady of the Rose, in St. Katharine's, was set on the pillory for eating flesh in Lent. Machyn's Uiary, p. 304. 1731. IOHN HAWARD, IN HELMET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. COVRT, IN ST. KATHERNS. St. George and the Dragon. 1732. IOHN HEAWARD, IN s. A pair of spectacles. R. KATRNS, SPECTELE (sic) MAKER. In the field. I. M. H. 1733. THOMAS HOCKWELL. A horse and cart. R. IN S. KATTERENS DOCK. In the field, T. B. H. 1734. Thomas Houlcroft, 1665. In three lines across the field. R. BY Y E CAGE IN ST. KATHERNS. Ill the field, T. M. H. 1735. THOMAS LACY, 1669. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN ST. KATHERENS. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1736. IOHN PERREY, NEARE YE BARE. In four lines across the field. R. BREW HOVSE IN ST. KATHRENS, 1669. In five lines across the field. 1737. DANIEL STVTSBVRY IN ST., 68. The Coopers' arms. R. KATHERENS LANE, WINE COOPR. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, D. E. S. 1738. GILBERT TAYLER, AT. In the field, HIS HALFPEIfT. R. ST. KATHERNS DOCK. An archer in the act of fitting an arrow to his bow. 1739. EDWARD TOLESON. In three lines across the field. R. IN ST. KATHERINS. A key. 180 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1740. AT THE BLACKE BOY. A sweep. R. S. KATHERINS LANE. In the field, w. A. B. 1741. AT THE LEE HOY. A smack. R. NEARE S. KATHERNS DOCK. In the field, T. I. c. 1742. AT THE BLEW BELL. A bell. R. IN S. KATHERINS LANE. In the field, I. S. C. 1743. AT THE 2 DRAY MEN. Two draymen carrying a barrel on a pole. R. IN s. KATHERINS LANE. In the field, I. A. D. 1744. AT THE 2 DRAY MEN. Two draymen carrying a barrel. R. IN KATHERINS LANE. In the field, T. A. D. 1745. AT THE COOPERS ARMS. The Coopers' arms. R. IN S. KATHERENS CVRT. In the field, I. A. H. 1746. AT THE BLACK SWAN. A swan. R. IN SANT KAT- ARNES, 1659. In the field, I. K. H. 1747. THE TOBACCO PIPES. Three pipes. R. IN s. KATH- ERINS. In the field, R. D. L. 1748. THE 3 TOBACCO ROVLS. Three rolls of tobacco. R. IN S. KATHERINS LANE. In the field, T. E. L. 1 749. THE PLUM. OF FETHERS. The Prince of Wales' coronet and feathers. R. AT KATRINS STEARS. In the field, E. A. N. 1750. NIGH Y E IRON GATE. In the field, W. H. R. R. IN ST. KATHERINES. A cow and a calf. 1751. AT THE DEARY MADE. A woman churning. R. IN s. KATHERNS, 1653. In the field, w. s 1752. AT THE BLEW BELL, IN. A bell. R. S. KETHERNS LANE, 1649. Three birds between R. T. CURRENT IN LONDON. 181 ST. MARTIN'S IN THE FIELDS. 1753. PETER ALSOP IN ST. MARTINS. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. LANE IN THE FIELD, BROKER. Two flowers, joined at the base in a true lovers' knot, between the letters p. R. A. ST. MARTIN'S LE GRAND. 1754. THO. DOWNES IN. A fleur-de-lis. R. s. MARTINS LE- GRAND. In the field, T. A. D. 1755. GEORGE GOSNELL IN. A windmill and a spread eagle. R. MARTINS LEGRAND, 1664. In the field, G. I. G. 1756. Edward Haile, 1664. In three lines across the field. R. IN ST. MARTINS LEGRAND. Bust of James I. be- tween the letters I. R. 1757. HENRY HVGGINES. A crooked billet (?) and H. E. R. ARTINS LE GRAND. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1758. Thomas Jackson in St. Martin's Le grand, his peny. In five lines across the field. R. IN KINGS HEAD COVRT. A table on which are two cups, into one of which a hand issuing from a cloud is pouring from a pot (penny size). 1759. MATT. MARRIOTT AT THE KINGS. The bust of Charles II. crowned. R. HEAD AT THE END OF s. MARTINS. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1760. RICHARD MOSES AT. Two keys crossed. R. ST. MAR- TINS LEGRAND. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1761. SAMVEL RICKARDS. Three harps with a sun in the cen- tre. R. IN ST. MARTINS, 1666. In the field, S. R. 182 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1762. RALPH THOMPSON AT THE. Two men wrestling. ft. IN ST. MARTINS LEGRAND. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 1763. GEORGE THORNE IN. A ship. R. ST. MARTINS LE GRAND. In the field, G. T. 1764. CON. WHITEING, DISTILLER. A Still. ft. VPPER END OF ST. MARTINS. ... In the field, HIS HALF PENNY, 1669. 1765. Y E CROSSE KEYES ST. Two keys crossed in saltier. ft. MARTINS, ALDERSGATE. Ill the field, T. H. 1766. THE SONNE IN S. MARTINS. The SU11. R. NERE AL- DERSGATE. In the field, T. A. M. 1767. IN THE BORDED ENTRY. The Drapers' arms. R. IN S. MARTINES LEGRAND. In the field, W. A. S. 1768. THE HAROW IN S. MARTINS. A haiTOW. ft. WITHIN ALDERSGATE. In the field, T. A. T. ST. MARTIN'S LANE. 1769. THO. ARMITAGE IN. A lion rampant. ft. ST. MAR- TINS LANE. In the field, T. I. A. 1770. IOSIASASKE A tree. R. IN ST. MARTINS LANE, SALTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, i. H. A. 1771. WILLIAM CARTER. A crown, with two sceptres crossed saltier- wise. ft. IN ST. MARTINS LANE. In the field, W. K. C. 1772. RICHARD LVNE IN. A billet. R. ST MARTINES LANE. In the field, R. E. L. 1773. IOHN ROBOTTOM AT Y E FLEESE. A fleece. R. TAVERN IN ST. MARTINS LANE. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY, 1667. 1774. i AM. SVPPLE AT GOL. A fleece suspended. ft. IN ST. MARTANES LANE In the field, I. M. 8. CURRENT IX LONDOX. 1775. NICHOLAS TOMKINSON. A bell between the letters X. M. ft. IN ST MARTINS LANE, 68. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1776. IOHN WILLIAMS, THE KINGS CHAIRMAN, AT Y E LOWER END OF. In six lines across the field. R. ST. MAR- TINS LANE, AT Y E BALCONY, HIS HALFPENNY, 1667. In six lines across the field. (Octagonal}. 1777. RICHARD WILLSON IN. In the field, MEALMAN. R. s. MARTINS LANE, 1657. In the field, R. I. w. 1778. THE WILSHIRE SHEPARD. A shepherd and his dog. R. IN ST. MARTINS LANE. In the field, HER HALFE PENY. ST. MARY AXE. 1779. MARY DELL, IN. A bell. R. SENMARYACTS (c). In the field, M. D. There can be little doubt that the legend of this token, like those of many others, was furnished to the engraver by the illiterate utterer. The orthography reminds us of the story of the good woman who was asked the name she was about to give to her son, when she replied, "Acts, sir!" "Acts?" said the wondering curate. "Acts? Why Acts?" " O, sir," replied the mother, " we 're pious people : we have already four boys, and they are named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, so we '11 call this one Acts !" Some such notion appears to have influenced good Mistress Dell, when she supplied the legend for her pledge for a farthing. ST. MARY AT HILL. 1780. IOHN HIVE, AT THE. A bee-hive. R. ON ST. MARY HILL, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, i. D. 11. 1781. EDMOND LAWRENCE. The Fishmongers' arras. R. ON ST.. MARYS HILL. In the field, E. E. L. 1782. MARGRET NORTH, AT THE, 1668. A ship in full sail. R. ON ST. MARY HILL, HER HALF PENNY, M. N., across the field. 1783. AT THE 3 TONS TAVERN. Three tuns. R. ONMARYE HILL, 1651. In the field, T. M. T. 184 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS ST. MARY OVERY'S STAIRS. 1784. IEMES BRIGNELL. Fifteen ermine spots; above, three crowns. R. SENMERYOVERS STERS. In the field, I. I. B. 1785. GEORGE SHELTON, AT Y E COALE WHARF. In four lines across the field. R. NEARE ST. MARY OVERIES ST AIRES, HIS \ . In five lines across the field (penny size). ST. MICHAEL'S ALLEY. 1786. STEPHEN HAYWARD, GEO. BACKLER. A hand from a cloud, pouring coffee into a cup. R. AT THE OVLD COFFEE HOVSE IN ST. MICHAELLS ALLY, FORMERLY BOMANS, \, In six lines across the field. ST. NICPIOLAS LANE. 1787. AT THE BEL IN. A bell. R. S. NICOLAS LANE. In the field, I. K. B. ST. NICHOLAS SHAMBLES, 1788. IOH. ASPINALL, IN S. NICHOLAS. A swan. R. SHAMBLES, HIS HALFE PENY. A castle. 1789. IOHNHARBER, THE. Atun. R. ST. NICHOLAS SHAM- BLES. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 1790. IOSEPH LACKE. The Grocers' arms R. BACKSIDE SHAMBLES. In the field, I. L. CURRENT IN LONDON. 185 1791. MATTHEW MARRIOTT. The king's head, crowned and holding a sceptre. R. BEHIND Y E SHAMBLES. In the field, M. S. M. 1792. IOHN TADPOLE, HABERD. In the field, 1656. R. BEHIND Y. SHAMBLES. In the field, I. M. T. 1793. AT THE FLYING HORSE. PegaSUS. R. S. NICKLES SHAMBLES. In the field, P. M. B. 1794. AT THE SWAN, BEHIND. A Swan. R.THE SHAMBLES, 1649. In the field, I. M. H. 1795. THE TALLOW CHANDLER. A man dipping candles. R. IN NICKLES SHAMBLES. In the field, E. A. S. 1796. Y E RED BULL, BACKSIDE. In the field, G. E. S. R. ST. NICHOLAS SHAMBLES. A bull. ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. 1797. GILES CALVERT AT THE. A spread eagle. R. WEST END OF ST. PAVLS. In the field, C. E. C. 1798. IOHN DICKENSON IN. A sugar loaf. R. PAVLS CHVRCHYARD. In the field, I. D. 1799. IOHN WEBSTER AT Y E ALMON. A tree between 1663. R. TREE IN PAVLS CHVRCHYARD. A tree between I. M. W. 1800. FEATHERS TAVERNS. A plume of three feathers. R. WEST END ST. PAVLS. In the field, I. S. B. 1801. AT THE 3 TVNS TA VERNE. Three tuns. R. IN S. PAVLS CHVRCH YARD. In the field, E. C. 1802. AT THE SAMSON IN Samson and the lion R. PAVLES CHVRCHYARD. In the field, W. A. C. 1803. AT THE SAMSON IN. Samson and the lion.' R. S. PAVLS CHVRCH YARD. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, W. E. C. B B 186 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1804. F. H. AT ST. PETER AND. Bust of St. Peter with the keys. ft. ST. PAVLE AT ST. PAVLES CHVR". Bust of St. Paul with the sword. ST. PETER'S HILL. 1805. AT Y E NEXT BOAT BY PAVLS. A boat containing three men, over it NEXT BOAT. ft. WHARFE. AT PE- TERS HILL FOOT. In the field, M. M. M. B. ST. SAVIOURS'. 1806. IOHN BATES. In the field, I. D. B. ft. SAVRIES DOCKHEAD. In the field, 1658. 1807. HENRY BEDFORD AT. The Prince of Wales' feathers. ft. s. SAVERIS DOCK. In the field, H. I. B. 1808. THOMAS BENNET. An hour-glaSS. ft. AT SAVIOVRS DOCK. In the field, T. D. B. 1809. RICHARD BERRY AT THE 3. (Detrited.} ft. AT ST. SAVERYS DOCK, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1810. IAMES COWAN LITERMAN. A man rowing a lighter. ft. AT S. SAVERY DOCK HEAD. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1811. WILLIAM COVLTMAN. A shovel. ft. SA VERES DOCK- HEAD. In the field, w. A. C. 1812. PHABEE GODWIN. The Cooks' arms(?). R. AT SAVORIES MILL. In the field, P. G. 1813. GRACE HARWOOD AT S. Two men holding a hand- barrow, on which a third is placing a sack. ft. SA- VERYS DOCK HEAD. In the field, HER HALFE PENNY, 1814. CHARLES HARWOOD AT. Ill the field, C. I. H. R. S. SAVERES DOCKHEAD. In the field, 1658. CURRENT IN LONDON. 187 1815. THOMAS HILL BAKER. The Bakers' arms. R. AT s. SAVERIES DOCK. In the field, T. I. H. 1816. GEORGE KERINGTON BAKER. The Bakers' arms. R. AT ST. SAVERIES DOCK. In the field, G. M. K. 1817. ROBERT KINGSLAND. Noah's ark with the dove perched on the roof. R.AT SAVERIES DOCK. In the field, R. E. K. 1818. BINIAMIN PARRAT. A lion rampant. R. s. SAVERIES DOCK HEAD. In the field, B. E. p. 1819. HENRY WATKINS. A heraldic rose. R. AT s. SAVERIS MILL. In the field, H. w. 1820. SAMVEL WHITE AT Y E VIRGINNY. An Indian stand- ing in the midst of trees, fitting an arrow to his bow. R.AT SAVORYS DOCK HEAD. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, S. A. W. 1821. AT THE SHIP AT. A ship in full sail. R. SAINTE SA VERES DOCK. In the field, i. K. H. ST. SWITHLN'S LANE. 1822. WM. EMET IN ST. SVITHENS LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY R. (no legend.) A bear, a bull, and a horse. 1823. SAMWELL CLARKE. In the field, S. C. R. S. SWETHINS LANE. A shepherd and his dog. ST. THOMAS APOSTLE. 1824. IOHN MATHEW Y*= BACK SIDE. A sugar loaf R. ST. THOMAS APOSTLES. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, 1669. 1 88 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS ST. THOMAS'S SOUTHWARK. 1825. THOMAS KOOP. ... OD IN .... ft. ST. THOMASES SOVTH. (Detrited.) 1826. IOHN NELSON, HIS HALF PENT. The bust as in the Mercers' arms. R. IN ST. THOMASES SOVTHWARK, 1667. In five lines across the field. (Heart-shaped^) 1827. IAMES TAVEY IN ST. A lion rampant. R. THOMASES IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, I. T. 1828. IOSEPH WORWOOD, 1669. A helmet. R. IN THOMAS STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1829. THE TALLOW CHANDLER. A man dipping candles. ft. IN S. THOMASS, SOVTHWARK. SAFFRON HILL. 1830. ROBERT BANKS IN. In the field, 1657. R. SAFFRON HILL. In the field, R. E. B. SAVOY. 1831. RICHARD LAWTON AT Y E BEL. A bell between HIS HAL PENY. ft. AND 3 CRANES BY Y E SAVOY. Three cranes standing. 1832. AT THE VINCORN (sic). A Ullicorn. R. AGAINST THE SAVEY. A flower between R. M. . SENTRY GATE. 1833. WILLIAM GARWAY AT Y E SENTRY. A still. R. GATE IN WESTMINSTER, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, W. A. G. CURRENT IN LONDON. 189 SHAD THAMAS. 1834. IOIIN CAVNTY. In the field, HIS IIALFE PENT. ft. IN SHAD TEAMES, 1666. A tree. 1835. RICHARD RATHBORNE. The Prince of Wales' coronet and feathers. R. IN SHAD TEMES, 1665. St. George and the Dragon. 1836. EDWARD WINCE OF. An anchor. R. SHAD THAMES, 1659. In the field, an oar between E. M. w. 1837. AT THE PRINCES ARMES. The Prince of Wales' feathers between R. E. R. IN SHAD THAMES, 1649. In the field, w. r. SHAD WELL. 1838. ELLINOR CANDOR. In the field, HER HALFPENY. R. VPPER SHADWELL, 1667. A swan. 1839. THOMAS DARELL AT BELL. A bell. R. WHARFE IN SHADWELL. In the field, T. M. D. 1840. EDWARD HILLSYE R. IN VPPER SHADWELL. In the field, E. p. H. 1841. MICHAEL PARES. Noah's ark. R. AT SHADWELL DOCK. In the field, M. E. p. 1842. WILLIAM POWES. A sheaf. R. LIVING IN SHAD- WELL. In the field, w. E. p. 1843. HENREY SMITH, 1658. A leg. R. IN VPER SHAD- WELL. In the field, H. A. s. 1844. SIMON SNOW AT Y E GREEN MAN. The green man and Still. R. AND STILL VPPER SHADWELL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 190 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1845. ELIAS VNGLE IN. A pair of scales. R. VPPER SHAD- WELL. In the field, E. E.v. 1846. Y E SPEAKER FRIGAT E In the field, E. E. w. R. IN VPPER SHADWELL. A frigate. 1847. AT THE SWAN WITH 2. A Swan. R. NECKS IN SHADWELL (Detrited.} SHARP'S ALLEY. 1848. FRANCIS OLIVER IN SHARPES. The Leathersellcrs' arms. R. ALLEY NEARE COW CROSS, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1849. IONATHAN REDOCK. In the field, 1663. R. IN SHARPS ALLY. In the field, I. E. R. 1850. AT THE 3 LYONS IN. Three lions passant. R. SHARPS ALLEY, 1657. In the field, G. M. G. SHERBORNE LANE. 1851. RICH. THOMSON IN. A naked man. R. SHERBORNE LANE. In the field, R. T. SHIP YARD. 1852. IOHN REYNOLDS COOKE. A fox bearing a goose. R. IN SHIPE YARD, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1853. An armed figure standing between R. G. holding a drawn sword, and head on a spear. R. IN SHIP- YARD, NEARE TEMPLE (Detrited.) CURRENT IN LONDON. 191 SHIEE LANE. 1854. IOHN PARRETT AT THE SWORD. A sword and buckler. R. BVCKLER IN SHEERE LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 1855. Will. Richardson, his halfe Penny. In four lines across the field. R. In Sheir Lane, 1667. In four lines across the field. 1856. Will. Richardson, his halfe Penny. In four lines across the field. R. In Shear Lane, his halfpenny, 1666, in four lines across the field. 1857. THO. SKELTON IN. Three arrows. R. SHEAR. LAN., MEALMAN. In the field, T. M. s. 1858. THOMAS SMITH IN. An anchor. R. SHEARE LANE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, T. E. s. 1859. AT THE RED LION. A lion rampant. R. IN SHEERE LANE. In the field, I. I. M. SHOE LANE. 1860. IEREMY BVSHER AT SHOOE. In the field, I. S. B. R. LANE END, SMOKER. A sugar loaf. Snelling was puzzled to know what the trade of " Smoker " was. The sugar loaf shows that BUSHER dealt in groceries, with which were doubtless mingled the other articles of a chandler's shop, bacon, cheese, etc. Many respectable shops in country towns unite several trades, like the London chandler's shop ; and our tradesman perhaps smoked flitches of bacon and hams for " a discerning public " in those days. 1861. ANN CASTREE AT Y E . Five bells. R. 5 BELLS IN SHOE LANE. 1862. ROBERT HISCOCK AT THE. A last. R. IN SHOE LANE. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY. 192 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1863. ELIZABETH MAYNE. The arms of the Mercers' Com- pany.- R. IN SHOE LANE, HER HALF PENT. E. M. In six lines across the field. (Octagonal.) 1864. IOHN PAYNE IN 1669. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. SHOOE LANE, MEALMAN. In the field, I. D. P. 1865. NICHOLES HOWE. A lion rampant. R. IN SHOOE LANE, 1669. A hammer surmounted by a crown. 1866. THOMAS SEELE AT. (Detrited.) R. SHOOE LANE. In the field, T. s. 1867. AT FOVNTAINE CORT. In the field, R. G. R. IN SHEW LANE. In the field, 1659. 1868. AT THE CROSE KEYS. In the field (Detrited). R. IN SHOOE LANE. (Detrited.) SHOREDITCH. 1869. EDMOND BANNISTER IN HOLLO. A lion rampant. R. WAY LANE, SHORDITCH. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY, C. E. B. 1870. GEORGE BARKER AT. Three tuns, etc., G. A. B. R. SEACOLE LANE, 66. A wheatsheaf. 1871. RICHARD DREW. In the field, R. M. D. R. IN SHOREDITCH, 1663. In the field, R. M. D. 1872. IOHN FERRER. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN SHORDICH. In the field, I.R. F. 1873. FRANCIS MVSTER (Detrited.) R. SHORDICH. (De- trited.) 1874. IOHN PARSON. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN SIIOREDICH, 1668. A gridiron. 1875. IOHN PARSON. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. IN SIIOREDICH, 1668. CURRENT IN LONDON. 193 1876. FRANCIS TVNSTEAD IN. A man dipping candles. ft. HIS HALFPENY, SHORDITCH. In the field, F. E. T., 1668. 1877. THE ROSE AND CROWN. A rose and crown. R. IN SHOREDICH, 1652. In the field, 1878. NEARE SHOREDICH. The Sun. R. THE CHVRCH AT SVN, 1657. In the field, SILVER STREET. 1879. IOHN LAVRANCE. In the field, 1659. R. IN SILVER STREET. In the field, I. s. L. SMITHFIELD. 1880. THO. ALDRIDGE AT THE CATORN. A Katherine wheel. -R. WHEEL IN WEST SMITHFEILD. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. M. A. 1881. LIONELL BIFRINE AT THE. Three roses on one stalk. R. IN WESTSMITHFEILD, 1666. In the field, in four lines, NEER CLOTHE FAIRE GATE. 1882. IOSEPH BROOKES IN THE. An arched crown. R. ROUNDS IN SMITHFEILD. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY. 1883. FRANCIS BVRTON AT THE BLACK. A bear with a chain. R. IN WESTSMITHFEILD, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, E. C. B. 1884. ROBERT CONAWAY IN. A still. R. WESTSMITH- FEILD. In the field, R. E. c. C C 194 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1885. RICH. CONSTABLE IN. A heart. R. WESTSMITH- FEILD. In the field, R. F. C. 1886. FREEMAN FANN AT Y E PVRSE. A purse. R. IN WEST SMITHFEILD. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, 1669. 1887. Robert Fletcher, his half e peny. In four lines across the field R./w Smith feild Rounds, 1666. In four lines across the field. 1888. SAMVEL GKAVES IN. St. George and the Dragon. R. WESTSMITHFEILD, 1657. In the field, s. I. G. 1889. RIC. HARPER AT THE HARP. A harp. R. IN WEST- SMITHFEILDE. In the field, R. A. H. 1890. THO. HATTON. In the centre; around, ANTILOP, WEST SMITH FEILD. R. BIBIS VINVM SALVTA, ANTILOP. Iii the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 1664. 1891. Eudias Inman, his halfe peny. In four lines across the field. R. In Smith/did Rounds, gouldsmith. In four lines across the field. 1892. IAMES MARCH, HIS HALF PENY. A dolphin. R. AT THE IN WEST SMITHFIELD. A negro's head. 1893. IOHN MILES AT Y E TAVERN. A swan. R. IN WEST SMITHFIELD. 1669. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1894. TIMOTHY NEWBERY. A dolphin. R. WESTSMITH- FEILD. In the field, T. A. N. 1895. RICHARD PEMBLE IN. A frying pan. R. WEST- SMITHFIELD. ' In the field, R. E. P. 1896. IOHN PHILIPSON, IRONMONGER. A hand issuing from a cloud, holding a sceptre on which is a crown. R. IN SMITHFEILD ROUND. 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. I. I. P. 1897. IOHN SAWYER AT YE NAGS. A Still. R. HEAD IN SMITHFEILD. A horse's head. 1898. KATHREN SELLAM. Three tuns R. IN WEST SMITHFEILD. In the field, K. S. CURRENT IN LONDON. 195 1899. IEFFEREY THOMAS, GROCER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. OVER AGAINST Y E SHIPPENS [sheep-pens'] . In the field, IN SMITH FEILD. 1900. IOHN WARREN GROCER. An anchor. R. AT SMITH- FEILD PENS. In the field, I. W. 1901. THO. WATSON, GROCER, VPPON Y E PAVED STONS. In six lines across the field. R. IN SMITHFEILD . . NEARE COW LANE |. In six lines across the field. 1902. THO. WHITE AT Y E BLACKMORES. Bust of a negro, across the field, HIS OB. R. HEAD IN WEST SMITH- FEILD. In the field, T. E. w. This token is remarkable and peculiar, from the circumstance of the owner designating it his obolus. We cannot say how far the devices aud inscriptions of these tokens were directed by the actual issuers, and have, therefore, no means of ascertaining if this less vulgar designation was the adoption of the master of the Blackamore's Head, or of the engraver of the die. 1903. CONFECTIONER AT Y^. A stag's head full-faced. R. WEST SMITHFIELD. In the field, W. I. C. 1904. AT THE HART'S HORNS IN WEST. A Turk's head. R. SMITHFEILD, THE COFFEE HOVS. In the field, E. M. C. I TOKEN. 1664. 1905. AT THE OLD PRINC. Bearded bust with bare head. R. IN WESTSMITHFEILD. In the field, A. M. E. 1906. AT THE CROVN TAVERN. An arched crown. R. IN WESTSMITHFEILD. In the field, I. A. G. 1907. AT THE GEORGE INN. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN WESTSMITHFIELDE. In the field, . . . . D. H. 1908. ATT THE ROSE INN IN. In the field, B. F. M. R. WESTSMITHFEILD. A rose. 1909. THE QVEENE HEAD TAVERN. Bust of Queen Elizabeth. R. IN WESTMITHFEILD. In the field, I. T. M. 1910. YE COACH & HORSES AT. A coach and horses with driver and postillion. R. SMITHFEILDE PENS, 58. In the field. 196 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS SM1THFIELD BAKS. 1911. JOHN BOND AT THE BVLL. A bull's head between the letters, i. M. B. ft. HEAD AT SMITHFIELD BARS. the field, HIS HALFEPENY. 1912. ROBERT CVRTIS, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENT, R. AT SMITHFEILD BARS. In the field, a fleur de luce, and R. C. 1913. THOMAS FELL AT Y^- All angel. R. AT SMITHE FEILD BARS, 67. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 1914. ROBERT PITT WITHOVT SMITH. Three tuns. R. FEILD BARRS, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, R. E. P- SMITHFIELD WITHOUT THE BARS. 1915. IOSEPH COLLINS. AT THE 3. Three sugar loaves sus- pended. R. WITHOVT SMITHFIELD BARS. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1916. FRANCIS CLIDENHAM AT THE. A bunch of grapes. R. WITHOVT SMITHFEILD BARS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 1917. RICHARD RICHMOND AT Y E . An Indian holding a dart, R. WITHOVT SMITHFEILD BARRS. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1667. 1918. SALOMON SIBLEY wiTHOv. A bird cage. (?) R. SMITHFEILD BARS. In the field, S. K. S. SNOW HILL. 1919. RICH. AYNSWORTH AT THE. A Still. R. STILL VPON SNOW HILL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. CURRENT IN LONDON. 197 1920. GABRIEL BONNER. The Grocers' arms. ft. ON SNOW HILL. In the field, G. D. B. 1921. IN WINDMILL COVRT ON. A windmill. R. ON SNOW HILL, 1657. In the field, I. I. G. 1922. GEORGE FOSSON AT THE. A fountain. ft. FOVNTAIN TAVERN AT SNOW HILL. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. 1923. THO. HITCHCOCK AT. A star. ft. STARR ON SNOW HILL. In the field, T. E. H. 1924. BARACK NORMAN. A naked boy holding a cup. ft. CHES M SNOWHILL. In the field, B. A. N. 1925. THO. PVLTENEY AT Y E . A ball. ft. BALL ON SNOW HILL, 57. In the field, T. M. P. 1926. IOHN WESTIMAN AT THE. An arched crown. ft. CROWNE ON SNOWHILL. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY, 1668. 1927. AT THE LION AND. A lion and a lamb. ft. LAMBE ON SNOWHIL. In the field, L. w. 1928. APOTHECARY. In the field, C AM in monogram. R. SNOW HILL. The figure of a cock standing on a spire. The cock is doubtless chosen as the appropriate device of an apothecary, the bird being sacred to ^Esculapius. The vane derived its name of " Weather- cock," from the figure of this bird, and the adoption of it has been referred to the device of the English to ridicule their Gallic neighbours; Gallus signifying both cock and Frenchman. Thus Shakespeare puts in the mouth of Joan of Arc. " Done like a Frenchman, turn and turn again !" SNOW'S FIELDS. 1929. BEN BATES IN SNOWES. A knight armed cap-a-pie, holding a lance and riding on a cow. R. FIELDS SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. The grotesque device on this token is probably intended for Guy of Warwick and the Dun Cow. 198 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS SOMERS QUAY. 1930. STEPHEN LOCK AT SVMMERS. (Defaced.} R. KEY NEAR BILLINGSGATE, 68. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT, S. A. L. 1931. ALLICE PASCALL AT Y^ QVEENS. In the field. R. HEAD AT LITTLE SAMERS (sic.) KEY. 1932. IOHN SIMMONS, 1666. A still with the fire kindled. R. ON LITTLE SVMMERS KAY. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, I. H. S. SOPER LANE. .Now Queen Street, Cheapside (Sec the Tokens under that street). SOUTHAMPTON BUILDINGS. 1933. I CLEAVER AGNST Y E ARCH. The Grocers' arms. R. IN SOVTHAMPTON EVIL. In the field, I. C. be- tween 1658. 1934. GEORGE IVSTIS IN. The Bakers' arms. R. SOVTHAMP- TON BVILDINGS. In the field, G. R. I. 1935. THO. KENCIE IN sovTii. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. R. AMPTON BVILDINGS. An arched crown. 1936. SVSAN KIDDER sovTH. In the field, SEMSTER, 1658. R. HAMPTON BVILDINGS. Ill the field, S. B. K. 1937. YE PVRPLE LYON IN. In the field, F. E. G. R. SOVTHAMPTON BViLD. A lion rampant. CURRENT IN LONDON. 199 SOUTH WARK. 1938. SAM. ABERY. In three lines in the field ; round the field, IN SOVTHWARKE. R. CHEESMOVNGER. A woman churning with an upright churn. 1939. GEORGE BANNISTER DISTILLER. An axe and a bottle. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 1940. NICOLAS BARNARD. In the field, N. S. B. R, IN OLIVES SOVTHWARKE. In the field, 1654. 1941. HVGH BLVNDELL IN. A tobaCCO roll. R. SOVTH- WARKE GROCER. A sugar loaf. 1942. SVSANNA BOND. In two lines across the field, ornamented with cinque foils and stars. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, 1664. 1943. IAMES BRAITHWAIT AT THE. A frying pan and 1 D . R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF- PENT. 1944. AMBROSE BVTLER AT ST. OLIVES. A bushel. R. WATER GATE IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALF PENNT. A. M. B. 1945. IEREMIAH CALLOWAT. The cross keys. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 1946. IOHN CARTER. The Tallow-chandlers' arms. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, I. M. C. 1947. ELIZABETH CLIFTON AT. In the field, a last; over which is BLEW. R. VPER GROVND SOVTHWARK. In the field, HER HALF PENT. 1948. TITO. COCKATNE AT THE. A cock. R. IN SOVTH- WARK DISTILLER. In the field, T. C. C. HIS HALF PENT. 200 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1949. IOHN COLE NEXT THE 3 CVPS. A merchant's mark. R. AGAINST Y E GEORGE IN SOVTHRK. In the field, HIS HALr PENY. (Mr. Sainthill) 1950. GEORGE CORFEILD AT Y E LYON AND LAMBE IN SOVTHWARK. G. K. C. R. HIS HALF PENY. 1666. In the field, a lion and lamb. 1951. WILLIAM cox AT THE. A bust holding a globe and sceptre. R. IN TOWER STREETE. In the field, W. M. C. 1952. WILLIAM DAVIS. The sun. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, W. I. D. 1953. IOHN DEWSBVRY. Three apples or medlars. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 58. In the field, I. E. D. 1954. MARY DO WARD NIX IN ST. MARY. A bull. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, NEWiNGTON. In the field, HIS (sic) HALFE PENY, 1669. 1955. IOHN ELLIOTT, HABERDASHER. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, I. E. M. R. IN SOVTHWARK, 67. A unicorn. (No inner circle.) 1956. IOHN EWING ST GEORGES CHVRCH IN SOVTHWARKE. In six lines across the field. R.An ape smoking a pipe. In the field, HIS \ PENY. (Octagonal.} 1957 FARMER FECTIONER. In the field, a globe suspended between 1665. The globe, and a shield charged with the Inn-holders' arms. R. In Southwarke, his halfe penny. In five lines across the field, and E. F. F. 1958. IOHN FOSTER IN SOVTHWARKE. 1667. In five lines across the field. R. HIS HAL. PENY. Three swans. (Octagonal.} 1959. IOHN FOX AT THE CROWN. An arched crown. R. IN SOVTHWARK. 1657. A fox. 1960. AN. GRASON AT THE SWAN. A SWan. R. AT 8. GEORGES CHVRCH. In the field, A. G. 1 961 . IOSEPH GRIFFITH. Achecquered square. R. IN SOVTH- WARK. 1659. In the field, i. G. CURRENT IN LONDON. 201 1962. EDWARD GORE. A human hand holding a bird. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HAJLFE PENNY. E. M. G. 1963. IAMES GVNTER, 16. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, I. G. 1964. THOMAS HALL AT THE. Three cups. R. 3 CVPS IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, T. I. H. 1965. IANE HART IN. A heart. R. S.THOMAS, SOVTH- WAKK. In the field, I. H. 1966. THO. HAWES IN. Across the field, ST. THOMASIS. R. IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, T H. H. 1967. WILLIAM HOPPEN AT HICKMANS HALPE PENNY. R. FOLLY IN SOVTHWARK. A crescent and seven stars. 1968. EDWARD IOYE. The Royal arms. R. IN SOVTH WORKE. In the field, E. E. I. 1969. IAMES LANE AT THE. The Royal arms. R. IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, I. A. L. 1970. HVGH LEY AT THE WHITE. A SWan. R. BY ST. GEORGES CHVRCH SOVTHWARK HIS HALF PENY. In seven lines across the field. (Heart-shaped^ 1971. THOMAS MORTON IN. A grass-hopper. R. LONG LANE. HIS HALF PENY. In the field, T. M. M. 1666. 1972. IOHN NELSON AT Y B . A tobacco roll. R. IN SOVTH- WARK. 1666. In the field, I. N. 1973. MATHEW PEARCE MEALE MAN A wheat-sheaf, be- tween M. R. P. R. ST. OLIVES SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1974. IAMES PITMAN IN. A beacon. R. SOVTHWARKE, 1669. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1975. IAMES PITMAN IN. A beacon. R. SOVTHWARKE, 1655. In the field, I. I. P. 1976. IOHN POORE, VITLER. The Weavers' arms. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, i. M. P. D D 202 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 1977. RICHARD POORE. A bear on horseback. R. IN &OVTH WARKE. 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. E. P. 1978. THO. POWELL AT STAR. A winged horse. R. CORNER SOVTHWARKE. In the field, T. I. P. 1979. FRANCIS PRESCOTT AT Y E IN. A key. R. SOVTH- WORCK HIS HALFE PENNY. 1669. F. S. P. Ill six lines across the field. (Octagonal.) 1980. Richard Roberts at y 6 Bull Head Tavern in Southwarke. In five lines across the field. R. HIS HALF PENY. R. R. 1667. A bull's head. (Wo inner circle.} 1981. THOMAS ROE SILKMAN IN SOVTHWARKE HIS %. In six lines across the field. R. AT Y E BLAK. T. R. R. A bull. 1982. WIL. ROGERS SWAN AND STILL. A SWan. R. SOVTH- WARK, DISTILLE (sic). In the field, w. A. R. 1983. IOHN SAMSON BY ST. In the field, i.s. divided by a flower. R. GEORGES CHVRCH. In the field, IN SOVTHWARK. 1984. IOHN SANDON AT. The sun. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, I. E. S. 1985. IOHN SANDON AT THE. The sun. R. SONNE IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, i. E. s. 1986. IOHN SAVAGE IN. A unicorn. R. HABERDA SOVTHWARK. In the field, I. E. S. 1987. William Shelley, cheesemonger in. In four lines across the field. R. Southward, his halfe peny, 1667. In four lines across the field. 1988. IOHN SMALBON. AT Y E GOLDEN. A horse-shoe. I. E. S. R. HORSHOOE IN SOVTHWARK. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1989. ADAM SMITH. 1668. A hand holding a hat. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 203 1990. John Standbrooke Lymeman at St. Mary overs stairs. In five lines across the field. R. In Southwarke His halfe Peny. I. 8. S. In five lines across the field. (Octagonal.} 1991. RICHARD STANNARD. A cock. R. IN SOVTHWARK. 1659. In the field, R. M. 8. 1992. WILL. STEERE, SALTER. The Salters' arms. ft. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. I.I. (sic.) 1993. THOMAS STONSTEALE. Seven stars. R. IN 8OVTH- WARKE. 57. Three rooks (?). 1994. ROB. THORNTON, HABERDASHR. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. NEXT THE THREE BRVSHE8. In the field, IN SOVTHWARKE. 1995. IAMES TODD 3 TOBACO. In the field, I. M. T. ft. ROLES IN SOVTHWARK. Three tobacco rolls. Another token has the three rolls distinct. 1996. IOHN VAINE IN. A lion COUchant. R. SOVTHWARKE. 58. In the field, I. M. v. 1997. John Warner neare the Katherin wheel. In four lines across the field. R. IN YE BVROVGH, 8OVTHWAR K . In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 1998. MARK WEEKES, SALTER. The Salters' arms. ft. IN SOVTHWARKE. 1652. In the field, M. w. 1999. IOHN WEST. A ship's gun. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, I. A. w. 2000. WILL. WEST STARR. A paper of pins. R. CORNER SOVTHWARK. In the field, w. A. w. 2001. WILLIAM WIGF ALL. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. Three legs. 2002. FRANCIS WHITE IN. Two angels supporting an arched crown. R. SOVTHWABKE, 1667. In the field, His HALFE PENNY. 204 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2003. THOMAS WITTS AT THE. A friar wading, and carrying a man on his shoulders.* R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFPENNY. 2004. RICHARD WOODEN. A pair of scales. R. IN SOVTH- WARKE. In the field, R. D. w. 2005. RICHARD WORRALL. A ram's head. R. IN SOVTH- WARKE. In the field, R. M. w. 2006. NIC. YATES AT Y^ KING'S OLD BARGE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1669. R. HOUSE VPER GROUND, SOVTHW . . . The Bakers' arms. 2007. AT THE SWAN WITH 2. A swan with two necks. R. NECKS IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, R. I. A. 2008. AT THE BEARE AND RAGED. A bear and ragged staff. - R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, A. I. B. between three sugar-loaves. 2009. AT THE WHIT BVLL HEAD. A bull's head. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1648. In the field, I. A. B. 2010. AT THE COVLTS A horse prancing. R. SOVTH WARKE. 1651. In the field, I. M. B. 2011. AT THE BORES HEAD. A boar's head. R. IN SOVTH- WARKE. 1649. In the field, w. M. B. 2012. AT THE COCKE IN. A cock. R. SOVTHWARKE GROCER. In the field, T. c. C. 2013. THE BLACK BOY AT MARGR. An Indian boy, with a crown of feathers, holding a tobacco leaf. R. HILL IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, H. F. 2014. AT THE HARROW. A harrow. R. IN SVTHWORKE. In the field, T. S. H. 2015. 3 HATS NAGS HEAD. Three hats. R. ALE SOVTHWARKE. In the field, I 2016. NEER THE BENCH. Three sugar loaves conjoined. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, R. A. o. The Avell known incident in the life of Robin Hood. CURRENT IN LONDON. 205 2017. AT THE KINGS HEAD. Bust of Henry VIII. R. SOVTHWARKE GROCER. In the field, W. P. 2018. AT THE CHECKER IN. A checquered square. R. SOVTHWARK. 1651. In the field, 1. 1. R. 2019. C. R. AT YE 1668. Across the field. The Mercers' arms. R. AGAINST ST. GEORG. CHVRCH IN SOVTH- WAR. HIS HALFE PENT. In six lines across the field. ( Octagonal.} 2020. C. R. AT YE. In the field, the crest of the Mercers' company. R. AGAINST ST. GEORGE CHVRCH IN SOVTHWARK, HIS HALFE PENY. In six lines across the field. 2021. AT THE 7 STARES. Seven stars. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. In the field, M. s. 2022. AT THE .... BREWERS. Two brewers carrying a barrel. R SOVTHWARKE. In the field, T. v. w. 2023. AT THE COCK IN. A cock R. SOVTHWARKE GROCER. In the field, 2024. AT THE DOGG AND DVCKE. A spaniel with a duck in its mouth. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1651. In the field, 2025. AT THE GOLDEN KEY. A key. R. IN SOVTHWARK. 1649. In the field, . . . 2026. AT THE GOLDEN KEY. A key, etc. R. IN SOVTH- WARK. A coat of arms. 2027. AT THE GREEN MAN. A figure of a wild man holding a club. R. IN SOVTHWARKE 1651. In the field, 2028. AT THE 3 HORS SHOOS. Three horse-shoes. R. IN SOVTHWARKE, 1655. In the field, 2029. AT THE WATER SPANEL. R. IN SOVTHWARKE. 1651. 206 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS SPITALFIELDS. 2030. RICHARD MIDLATON. Three tuns. R. IN SPITTLE FEILDS, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. R. I. M. 2031. IOHN ORMES AT THE. A lion rampant. R. IN SPITEL FILDS (sic). In the field, I. F. o. 2032. IOHN SAMMON IN SPITLE. A salmon and a bowl. R. FEILDES HIS HALFE PENT. In the field, I. P. S. 2033. ROB. WALLET BREWER AT THE. A fountain, between R. S. W. R. FOVNTAINE IN SPITLEFEILDS. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 2034. RALPH WILKES IN. In the field, HIS HALFEPENY. R. SPITTLE FEILDS AT THE. Bust of a Turk holding a cup of coffee. STABLE YAED. 2035. ROGER KENYON IN STABLE. The Royal arms. R. YARD AT ST. IAMESES, 1666. HIS HALFE PENNY, R. A. K. STAINING LANE. 2036. IONATHAN MAREFEILD. The Royal arms. R. IN STENING LA ... In the field, I. M. M. STANHOPE STREET. 2037. IOHN RUFFIN. A man dipping candles. R. STANHOP STREETE . In the field , I . R. CURRENT IN LONDON. 207 2038. AT ST. HVG..HIS BONE. In the field, H. E. H. R. IN STANVPS STREET 57. In the field, 1657. STAR ALLEY. 2039. PHILLIP WILKINSON. The Bakers' arms. R. BAKER IN STAR ALLY. In the field, P. I. w. STAR COURT. 2040. AT THE COFFEE HOVSE IN. A hand issuing from cloud, holding a coffee-pot and pouring into a cup. - R. STARR COVRT BREAD STREET. A Star. STONEY LANE. 2041. WILLIAM FLEMING AT YE 3. Two men holding a handbarrow, on which a man is placing a sack. R. IN STONEY LANE 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. STRAND. 2042. RICHARD ASHWIN NEAR SVMER. Three sugar loaves and R. E. A. R. SET HOVSE IN THE STRAND. The may-pole, and J. 2043. MATHIAS BOWMAN. An escalop shell. R. IN THE STRAND, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 2044. IOHN BROMLEY IN Y E STRAND. A bucket (?). R. NEARE YORKE HOVSE 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 208 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2045. ISAAC BROWNE IN Y E STRAND. A full-blown rose surmounted by a crown. R. NEARE CHARING CROSS. In the field, I. E. B. 2046. ANNE CLARKE AT THE. Three crowns. R. in y e Strand by y e New Exchang, her halfe peny. In five lines. 2047. ANNE CLARKE AT THE. Three arched crowns. R. In y e Strand by y e New Exchange, her half peny. In five lines across the field. 2048. DANIELL CLARKE AT THE. A dragon. R. NEERE THE NEW EXCHANG. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2049. PHILLIP COMPLIN. The may-pole, and a small build- ing in the field. AT THE 1666. R. IN THE STRAND DISTILLER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 2050. GEORGE CRAFTES THE SVN. The Sun. R. IN Y E STRAND HIS HALF PENY. In the field, G. A. C, 1666. 2051. ELLES CRISPE AT Y E BLACK. A naked Indian fitting an arrow to his bow. R. BOY IN THE STRAND, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY. 2052. THO. DAY TALLOW CHANDLER. A branch. R. IN YE STRAND HIS HALF PENY. A man dipping candles. 2053. IOHN DOLLEN POVLTER BY. A bell with the may- pole through it. R. Y E MAYPOLE IN Y E STRAND. In the field, HIS HALF PENY I. D. D. 2054. THOMAZIN DVKE IN THE. The Cordwainers' arms. R. STRAND NEERE Y E EXCHANGE. In the field, HER HALF PENY. 2055. NICHOLAS FITZ EERY. A sun-flower. R. IN Y E STRAND MILLINER. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. 2056. RICH GEORGE AT BREWERS. St. George and the Dragon. R. YARD END IN Y E STRAND 1664. In the field, a cock and- a flagon. 2057. CHARLES GIBBON. A dragon. R. IN STRAND. In the field, c. G. CURRENT IN LONDON. 209 2058. ANTHONY GOLDSTON AT Y E . Female bust. ft. CON- FECTIONER STRAND. lu the field, A. G. 2059. FRANC GROVE AT WHIT. A SWan. R. AGAINST SOMERSET HOVSE. In the field, F. E. G. 2060. IOHN HALL AGAINST. The sun. R. THE NEW EX- CHANGE. In the field, I. A. H. 2061. ST. HARRISE IRONMONGER. In the field, a lobster. R. AGAINST Y E HIS \. The may-pole and a building with a dome. 2062. THOMAS HVNT BAKER. A roll. R. IN THE STRAND. 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 2063. GEORGE LANGFORD AT. View of a city. R. EX- CETER IN THE STRAND. In the field, G. S. L. 2064. IOSEPH MAN NEARE. A sun-flower. R. THE SAVOY OYLMAN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2065. FRA. MOLSES NEARE. In the field, 1657. R. Y E NEW EXCHANGE. In the field, F. M. M. 2066. IAMES MOREY AT Y E . In the field, 1656. R. WHITE HART STRAND. In the field, a stag couchant. 2067. IOHN PEARSON MEALMAN. A windmill with a pack- horse standing by. R. IN WHIT HART YARD STRAND. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, i. A. p. 2068. IOHN PERRIS AT THE HARE. A hare running R. IN THE STRAND, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2069. EDWARD PRICE AT Y E MITRE &. A mitre surmounted by a rose. R. ROSE TAVERNE IN Y E . STRAND. In the field, HIS HALFEPENNY. 2070. ANNA PVTTNAM AT THE. A Unicom. R. NEAR Y E SAVOY IN Y E STRAND. Ill the field, H. P. 2071. WALTER RANDELL IN Y E STRAND. A horse-shoe. R. NEERE YE NEW EXCHANGE. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. E E 210 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2072. EDWARD ROBERTS GROCER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. NEAR YORK HOVSE IN Y E STRAND 2073. IACOB ROBIN AT PRINCE. Bust of Prince Eupert R. RVPERT'S HEAD IN Y E STRAND. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. I. E . R. 2074. IACOB ROBINS AT PRINCE. Half-length portrait. R. RVPERTS HEAD IN Y E STRAND. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 2075. Thomas Salisbury, his halfe peny. In four lines across the field. R. IN Y E STRAND NERE CHARING CROS. Three falcons on a perch. 2076. CHARLES STVRTON AT. In the field, C. S. R. THE SWAN IN THE STRAND. A SWan. 2077. RICHARD SVMPTER. A greyhound at full speed. R. IN THE STRAND, 1664. In the field, R. E. s. 2078. ED. THVRMAN MEALMAN. In the field, E. D. T. R. NEER NEW EXCHANG. In the field, 1664. 2079. AT YE GOLDEN LYON AND. A lion. R. SVN. IN YE STRAND, 57. In the field, R. M. B. 2080. AT Y E KINGS HEAD. Bust of Henry VIII. with scep- tre. (No inner circle.} R. TAVERN IN THE STRAND. In the field, A. C. 2081. AT THE ANGELL. An angel holding a scroll. R. IN THE STRAND. In the field, I. E. C. 2082. AT Y E CROS KEYS IN Y E . Two keys crossed. R. STRAND, COOKE, 1657. In the field, I. M. C. 2083. AT THE AXE IN. An axe. R. THE STRAND, 1653. In the field, I. D. 2084. AT Y E IIALFE MOONE. A half-moon with a bunch of grapes within the horns. R. TAVERN IN Y E STRAND. In the field, I. K. D. 2085. AT THE ANCKER. An anchor. R. IN THE STRAND. In the field, T. E. E. CURRENT IN LONDON. 211 2086. IN THE 8TRANDE. Ill the field, R. M. L. R. NEAR SOMERSET H. In the field, R. M L. 2087. Y E WHIT LYON NEARE. A lion rampant. Y E NEW EXCHANGE. In the field, R. p. 2088. AT THE GOLDE LYON. A lion rampant. R. TAVERN IN THE STRAND. In the field . 2089. AT THE GRAY HOVND. In the field . . R. TA VERNE IN Y E STRAND. In the field In the year 1650. The Parliament passed an Act for the sale of several tenements " belonging unto Somerset House." They had been granted on a 99 years' lease, at an annual rent of 10s., to John Villiers Viscount Purbeck, brother to George first Duke of Buckingham. They were accordingly sold ; and among other signs, these were enumerated: " The 3 Bells, in the parish of St. Mary le Savoy, let on lease by King James in the 4th year of his reign, 13*. 4d. The Sugar-loaf, in the same parish, let as aforesaid, 20s. The Sun, Idem, 26s. Sd. The Prince's Arms, Idem, and Golden Lion, 26s. 8d. The Three Pigeons, Idem, 26s. 8d. The Feathers, adjoining to Somerset House, as also the White Horse, Idem, 26s. 8d. The Sugar-loaf, 30s. The house adjoining the Sugar-loaf, let by Q. Elizabeth, together, 15s. The Plough, let by King James, 23s. 4rf. The Bird-in-hand, let by Q. Elizabeth, 26s. 8d." STRAND BRIDGE. 2090. WILL. BRANSLEY ILL. A clock face. R. HOVSE AGAINST STRAND BRIDGE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2091. IOHN STATIONER Y E GOLDEN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. I. G. S. 69. R. BALL NEAR STRAND BRIDGE. A ball suspended by a chain. 2092. AT THE 2 SVGAR LOFES. Two sugar loaves. R. AT THE STRAND BRIDGE. In the field, C. S. 2093. AT THE BLACK BVLL. A bull. R. AT STRAND BRIDGE. SUFFOLK STREET. 2094. ISACC MARDOCK OYLEMAN. An oil-jar, and I. I. M. R. IN SVFFOLK STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 212 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2095. The Black 1668 Boy. In three lines; a naked boy, smoking. R. \ Nere Suffolk Street end. In three lines across the field. The Grocers' arms above. SWAN ALLEY. 2096. TAMES BEECH IN. In three lines across the field. Around the outer circle, SWAN ALLEY AT Y E FOOT OF GAR. ft. LICK HILL IN THAMES STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY, 1666. SWEETING'S RENTS. 2097. THE SVLTANESS A COFFEE HOVSE. A head to the left, veiled. ft. IN SWEETINGS RENTS CORNHILL. A shield of arms. Sweeting's Kcnts have fled for ever before the march of improvement. Our metropolitan readers will not require to be reminded, that they bounded the east side of the old Exchange ; and that Sweetinsr's Alley leading to them, was generally crowded during "'change-hours" with spectacled elderly gentlemen peering at the caricatures, and country bumpkins wondering; at the various illustrations of the perpetual motion in the chronometer shops. TEMPLE-BAR WITHIN.* 2098. I AM. GOVER APOTHECARY. A gate. ft. AT TEMPLE BARR, 1657. In the field, I. K. G. 2099. TI-IO. LAVRENCE IN RED. A gate with a pair of ant- lers above. R. WITHIN TEMPLE BARR, 66. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. T. A. L. 2100. RICHARD TAYLER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. AT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, R. A. T. 2101. AT THE DOLPHIN. A dolphin. ft. WITHIN TEMPLE BARR. Ill the field, W. M. W. Sec also the Tokens described under Fleet Street. CURRENT IN LONDON. 213 TEMPLE-BAR WITHOUT.* 2102. EDWARD APTHORP. Three sugar loaves. R.WITHOVT TEMPLE BAR. In the field, E. A. 2103. J. D. W. Baker without Temple Barr. In four lines across the field. 2104. JOHN BVTLER FRVITERER. A lion or leopard couchant. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2105. THOMAS DENMAN AT Y E KIN. A plough beneath, |. R. GS. HEAD WITHOVT TEMPEL BAR. A Hide bust of a king holding a sceptre. 2106. IOSEPH GVRNEI AT THE. A figure holding (ut videtur) a stick with candles strung upon it, standing within a circle. R.WITHOVT TEMPLE BAR. In the field, I. I. G. 2107. THOMAS HA WARD, 1666. A heart crowned. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2108. WILLIAM LOVINGE AT THE. The Baptist's head in a dish. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. W. D. L. 2109. ROBART MATHEWS. A plough. R.WITHOVT TEM- PLE BARR. In the field. 2110. IOHN RADFORD AT Y*= GOVL D EN. A pair of spectacles. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. 68. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 2111. IOH. SMIT. CLEMONS. A dog. R. LAN E W T OVT M PL E B AR. I n the field, I. I. S. * See the remarks on this locality under Butcher Kow. 214 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2112. THOMAS WASTCOATE IN STAR. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. COVRT WITHOVT TEMPLE BAR. A blazing star. 2113. AT THE GREEN CVSHEN. A cushion. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BAR. In the field, R. M. C. 2114. THE ROSE TAVERN. A full-blown rose. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. J [Jn the field, R. E. H. 2115. AT THE MAN IN THE MOON. A naked man standing within a crescent. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, T. H. 2116. AT THE GOLDEN FLEEC. A fleece. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, S. A. I. 2117. AT THE WHIT HORSE. A horse galloping; above, the sun. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, I. K. L. 2118. AT THE GOVLDEN LOCK. A door or gate-lock. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, I. E. M. 2119. AT THE WINDE MILL. A windmill. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, I. P. 2120. THE ELEVANT WITHOVT. An elephant with a castle on its back. R. TEMPEL BARR, 1650. In the field, G. B. R. 2121. THE PAVLSGRAVE HEAD. Bust of the Palgrave R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. In the field, I. D. R. 2122. AT THE SHIP WITHOVT. A ship in full sail. R. TEMPLE BARR, 1649. In the field, w. M. S. 2123. AT THE CROWNE. A crown. R. WITHOVT TEMPLE BARR. TENTER ALLEY. 2124. IN TENTER ALLY IN. In the field, I. S. S. R. LITT 1 -. MORE FEILDS. A swan. CURRENT IN LONDON. 215 THAMES STREET. 2125. ROBERT BAYNES AT THE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. R. IN THAMES STREET, 1668. A boar ; above, three horse-shoes. 2126. ROGER BAYNES GOLDEN. A horse-shoe. R. IN THAMES STREET. In the field, R. I. B. 2127. RICHARD BROWNE THREE. Three queens crowned with open crowns, and holding sceptres. R.QVEENES THAMES STREET. In the field, R. R. B. 1655. 2128. BENIAMIN CLARKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. AT Y E OLD SWAN IN THAMES STREET. A plough. 2129. HENRY COOPER AT THE. Two men carrying a barrel within a pair of horns. R. COLE HARBER THAMS STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2130. HENRY COOPER AT THE. A pair of antlers ; between them, two figures carrying a barrel. R. THOMAS STRET COLE HARBER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2131. THOMAS ELKIN AT THE. Two fighting COcks. R. IN THAMES STREET, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2132. THOMAS ELKIN AT THE. Two cocks (a game cock and a dunghill cock). R. IN THAMES STREET 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. T. E. E. 2133. RICHARD EVANS AT THE OLD. A view of London: the west of London bridge, with the tower of St. Magnus' church in the distance. R. SWAN IN THAMES STREET. In the field, R. E. E. 2134. IAMES HAWKINS AT. A lion rampant and a key. R. LYON KEY IN THEMS STREET. In the field, I. W. H. 2135. IOHN IONES AT DIERS HAL. A COW. R. IN THAMES STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 216 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2136. R. WILLIAM MASLIN 1663. A bear and ragged staff. R. IN THAMES STREETE. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. 2137. EDWARD OAKES AT .... A windmill. R THAMES STREET .... In the field, E. G. O. 2138. ROWLAND OWEN THAMES. Three figures standing in long robes. R. STREET .... HALFE PENNY. In the field, R. A. O. 2139. STEPHEN PHIPPS AT. Two swords crossed.. R. IN THAMES STREETE 57. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY TOKEN. 2140. RICH. SEWELL AT THE. A ship. R. PINNE IN THEMES STREET. In the field, R. S. S. (Mr. Nightingale.) Does the " Pinnc" mean the " Pinnace " ? 2141. WILLIAM STEERE. Seven stars. R. IN THAMES STREET. In the field, w. K. s. 2142. IOHN WICKES BAKER. In the field, I. M. W. R. THAMES STREETE. In the field, FRYER LANE. 2143. SARAH WOOD AT T ... Male bust with a flat cap; in the field a sheaf. R. IN THAMES STREET, 1669. In the field, HEK HALF PEN . . . s. w. 2144. WILL. YEELES AT GOLDEN. A ball or globe. R. BAL. IN THAMES STREET. In the field, W. Y. 2145. AT THE GOATS HEAD. Three goats' heads erased. R. IN THAMES STREET. In the field, a dog, above the letters H. A. 2146. AT THE SVGAR LOAFE. The arms of the Grocers' company. R. IN THAMES STREETE. In the field, G. K. B. 2147. AT THE ADAM AND EVE. Adam and Eve beneath the tree. R. IN THAMES STREETE. i. s. B. 2148. AT THE SVGGAR LOFE. In the field, A. E. E. R. IN THAMES STREETE. A Sugar loaf. CURRENT IN LONDON. 217 2! 49. AT TO TOBACO ROWLES. Two rolls of tobacco. R. IN THEAMES STREET. In the field, M. M. G. 2150. AT THE LION IN. A lion rampant. R. THEMES STREETS. In the field, F. s. I. 2151. AT THE SVGG-AR LOFE. In the field, A. B. K. R. IN THEAMES STREETE. A Sllgar-loaf. 2152. AT THE IN THAMES STREET. In the centre a horse- shoe. R. NERE THE OLD SWAN GROCER. In the centre, P. N. The " Swan" is mentioned by Ben Johnson, in his " Bartholomew Fair," where the puppets in the last act play Hero and Leandcr. Hero is described coming over from Bankside to Fish Street, to eat some fresh herrings; when he adds, " Leander says no more, but as fast as he can Gets on his best clothes, and will after to the Swan." 2153. AT THE BLACK BELL. A bell. R. IN THEMS STREETE. In the field, P. N. NVCE, 1652. 2154. THE LION AND KEY IN. A lion rampant. R. THEMES STREET . . 1651. In the field, F. E. R. 2155. THE LYON AND KEY IN. A lion holding a key. R. THEMES STREET, 1651. In the centre, F.E. R. 2156. THE QVEENS HE .... IN. Bust of Queen Elizabeth. R. THAMES STR . . T. 1657. In the field, s. D. s. 2157. AT THE CROSE BVLETS. Two bar-shot crossed. R. IN THAMES STREET. Ill the field, B. E. W. 2158. AT THE CROSE BVLETS. A bar-shot and two round- shot in saltier. R. IN THAMES STREETE. In the field, B. E. W. 2159. AT THE PRINCES ARMS. The Prince of Wales' coronet and feathers. R. IN THEMES STREETE. In the field, i. s. w. F F 218 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS THREADNEEDLE STREET. 2160. TIIO. BLAGRAVE AT Y E TAVERN. An arched crown. R. IN THREEDNEEDLE STREET. In the field, HIS 1IALFE PENY. THREE CRANE WHARF. 2161. EDWARD NORMAN AT Y E - A pack-horse. R. AT 3 CRANE WHARF. In tllC field, E. 9. N. THREE LEG ALLEY. 2162. IOIIN ROWLAND, 1666. The sun. R. IN THREE LEG ALLY. In the field, I. G. R. THROGMORTON STREET. 2163. ROBERT CHARLES AT YE. A horse's head bridled. R. THROGMORTON STREET. In the field, R. I. C. 2164. TOBE. SARGEANT COKE AT THE. A Stag. R. IN THROCKMORTON STREET. A shield of arms. (Detrited.) TILT-YARD. 2165. RICHARD WASHBOVRNE AT THE. Bust of the Duke of Albemarle between D. A. R. TILT YARD SVTLER, 1660. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. A. w. The " Tilt- Yard " was on the site now occupied by the Horse Guards. The date of this token is the year of the restoration of Charles the Second, and the head of Monk is appropriate enough. CURRENT IN LONDON. 219 TOOLEY STREET. 2166. BRIAN BOWLER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN TOOLIS STREETE. In the field, B. 8. B. and an anchor. 2167. CHAKLES COOKE, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN ST. TOOLEYS STREET. In the field, AT THE KINGS ARMS. 2168. MOSES DIX IN. Six candles on a stick. R. ST. TOOLES STREET. A plough. 2169. NEHEMIAH DROVGHT. The Sim. R. IN S. TOVLES STREETE. In the field, N. M. D. 2170. EDITH EDLINSON IN. A hand holding a pair of shears. R. 5 TOOLES STREET, 1665. In the field, HER HALF PENY. 2171. WILL. ELLIS AT S. CLEMENTE. A bishop standing, holding an anchor and a crozier. R. IN S. TOOLES STREET. In the field, W. M. E. Sec No. 2187. 2172. T HICKS IN. A rum's head couped. R. ST. TOOLEYS STREETE. In the field, I. E. H. 2173. IOHN IBBOTT AT THE IN ST. An anchor. R, TOO- LIS STREET IN SOVTHWORK. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. I. H. I. 2174. THOMAS MACKLIE. A horse-shoe, within which are three candles strung on a stick. R. IN TOVLES STREETE. In the field, T. M. M. 2175. RICHARD MARSON. Seven stars. R. IN TOOLEYS STREET. In the field, R. I. M. 2176. ED. ORPIN AT COFFE novsE. An angel. R. IN TOO- LEY STREETE, 1666. In the field, HIS UALFPENY. 220 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2177. TIMOTHY riiELPS AT. An eagle perched on a child. R. IN ST. TOOLES STREET, 16 ... In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 2178. STEVEN POPE IN TOOLY. In the field, HIS HALF- PENY. R. STREET NEAR Y E PVMP. The City arms. 2179. RICHARD THOROWGOOD. The Sun. R. IN TOOLES STREETE. In the field, R. E. T. 2180. THOMAS TVRNER AT THE. Bust of Charles II. crowned. R. AND IN ST. TOOLIS STREET. In the field, a drum ; above, I. M. T. 2181. WILL. WAT KING PIN. A lion rampant. R. MAKER TOOLES STR ... In the field, W. R. W. 2182. Y K WHIT LYON IN. A lion rampant. R.TOOLEY STREET. In the field, T. A. C. 2183. THE BLEW ANKER TAVERN. An anchor. R. IN TOVLES STREETE. In the field, R, M. C. 2184. AT 3 TOBACCO PIPES. Three tobacco pipes. R. IN S. OLIVES STREETE. In the field, M.C.; above, an ermine spot. 2185. AT THE KINGS ARMES IN. The Grocers' arms. R. TOOLYE STREET GROCER. In the field, I. E. P. 2186. AT THE KINGS HEAD. Bust of Charles I. crowned. R. IN TOOLEYS STREET. In the field, I. H. R. 2187. AT THE ST. CLEMENT. St. Clement; his right hand resting on an anchor, and in his left a crozier. R. IN TOOLEY STREET. In the field, R. M. T. 2188. 'AT THE GOVLDEN BELL. A bell. R. IN S. OLIVES STREET. In the field, I. E. v. 2189. THE SHEPHEARD AND. A shepherd and his dog. R. DOGG AT TVLYS GATE. Ill the field, I. S. W. 2190. AT THE SVGGER LOFE. A sugar loaf. R. IN TOOLEYS STREETE. In the field, w. S. w. CURRENT IN LONDON. 221 TOTHILL FIELDS. 2191. WILL. CRASKEES IOYNER. Ill tllC field, W. A. 0. R. IN TVTHILL FEILDS. In tllC field, W. A. C. TOTHILL STREET. 2192. ROBERT BLACKDEN. Three birds. R. IN TVTTLE STREET. In tlie field, R. I. B. 2193. ROGER COOKE CHANLER. In four lines across the field. Around, IN TVTTLE STREETE. R. THE EAGLE AND CHILD. An eagle, standing on a child in swad- dling clothes. 2194. MICHAELL FIDSALL. A coat of arms between the letters M. s. F. R. IN TVTTLE STREET. In the field, WEST MIN STER. 2195. IOHN HARISON. In the centre. Around, IN TVTELL STREETE. R. AT THE BLACK LYON. A lion ram- pant. 2196. PAVL HEATH BAKER. A sheaf. R. IN TVTTIL STREET. In the field, P. A. H. 2197. THOMAS HVCCHINES IN. A tobacco-roll. R. TVTTELL STREETE. In the field, H. 2198. Henry Hurdam in Tuttle Street, Westminster. In five lines across the field. R. AT Y^ BAG OF NAILS, HIS HALF PENY. In the field, a bag of nails, on which is a crowned hammer, between the letters H. E. H. and 1663. 2199. IOHN RIX, 1655. In three lines across the field. R. IN TVTTLE STREET. A rose crowned. 222 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2200. EDMVND TANNER AT Y K GOLD*. A ball, With I. E. T. above it. R. IN TVTTLESTREET. In the field, HIS IIALFE PENNY, 1668. 2201. AT THE IIORES SHOW (sic.) A horse-shoe. R. TVTILL STREET WESTMIN. W. E. A. 2202. AT THE WHEAT SHEAF. A sheaf of corn. R. IN TVTTIL STREET. Ill the field, M. C. 2203. AT THE 3 PIDGENS. Three pigeons. R. IN TVTTLE STREETE. In the field, I. I. F. 2204. AGAINST THE CHAPEL. A fox. R. IN TVTEL SIDE IN WES. In the field, w. i. M. THE TOWER. 2205. MORGAN COWARNE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN THE TOWER. A rose crowned. 2206. PHILLIP GARDENER. A naked boy astride on a barrel. R. IN THE TOWER, 1652. A child seated, holding corn stalks and a sickle. TOWER DITCH. 2207. PHILLIP IACOB. A harrow. R. IN TOWER DITCH. In the field, R. A. I. 2208. WILLIAM LANGLEY IN. An oar. R. TOWER DITCH, 1666. In the field, w. II. L. 2209. WILLIAM LILLYSTONE. The Mercers' arms. R. AT TOWER DITCH, 1667. In the field, HIS IIALFE PENY. 2210. IOIIN MVRKE AT THE. A lion rampant. R. RED LION IN TOWER D1CII. Ill the field, I. E.M. CURRENT IN LONDON. 223 2211. THE BLEW ANKER. An anchor. R. AT THE TOWEU DOCKE. In the field, T. D. K. 2212. AT THE HORSHOW. A horse-shoe. R. TOWER STRETE, 1658. In the field, E. M. M. TOWER DOCK. 2213. RICHARD STONE IN. A sheaf. R. TOVR DOCKE BAKARE. In the field, R. E. S. 2214. TIMOTHY STEPIIENSON OLD. A full-blown rose. R. NEERE TOWER DOCK, 166 .. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 2215. IOHN WATERS AT Y E COCK. A cock. R. AT TOWER DOCKE, 1669 (?). In the field, HER (sic) HALF FENY. I. E. w. (Octagonal.) 2216. AT THE 3 MARINERS. Three sailors. R. AT TOWER DOCK. In the field, G. A. p. TOWER HILL. 2217. GEORGE ALLSOP. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. ON GREATE TOWER HILL. A ship's carronade. 2218. ROB. ATKINSON AT THE. A human leg. R. AT LITTLE TOWER HILL. In the field, R. M. A. 2219. FRANCIS BVLFELL AT. A fleece suspended and a sugar-loaf. R. LITTLE TOWER HILL, 1649. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. F. B. 2220. THOMAS CLARKE AT THE. An Indian holding a dart, between the letters T. c. R. ON GREAT TOWER HILL, 1667. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. T. A. c. 2221. HENRY COLEMAN AT THE, 1666. A coat of arms (a lion rampant on a pale). R. VICTVALL OFFICE TOWER HILL. In the field, H. E. c. 224 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2222. RICHARD EVSDEN. Bust of Charles I. crowned. ft. ON TOWER HILL. Same bust. 2223. THO. HOGSFLESH COOPER IN THE STILL YARD. Ill five lines across the field, divided by lines. ft. ON GREAT TOWER HILL, HIS HALF PENT. In five similar lines. ( Octagonal.) 2224. CLEMENT PLVMSTED. A horse-shoe and the date 1666. R. GREAT TOWER HILL. In the field, c. M. P. 2225. GEORGE TAYLOR BAKER. The Bakers' arms. R. ON TOVER HILL, 1651. A sheaf. 2226. AT THE ANGEL TAVERNE. An angel holding a scroll. R. AT TOWER HILL, 1649. In the field, T. D. w. 2227. AT THE ANGEL TAVERNE. An angel. R. AT TOWER HILL. In the field, T. D. w. " The Angel Tavern" stands at the lower end of Tower Hill. Pepys, on the 14th of Sept. 1665, found it shut np, the family of the landlord having been attacked by the plague. TOWER STAIES. 2228. THE ROSE AND CROWN. A full blown rose, crowned. R. AT TOWER ST AIRES. In the field, M. H. C. TOWER STREET. 2229. STEPHEN EARLE IN. The Grocers' arms. R. TOWER STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. s. E. 2230. RICHARD FINCH. A sheaf of corn. R. IN TOVR STREETE. In the field, R. I. F. 2231. IOHN GOSLING IN. Three objects resembling lawyers' wigs. R. TOWER STREET, 1658. In the field, I. G. CURRENT IN LONDON. 225 2232. ROBERT PARKER. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. IN LOWER STREETE. A rose full blown. 2233. WILLIAM PEAKE AT Y E WHIT. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. W. M. P. R. SWAN TOWER STREETE, 166. . . A swan. 2234. Samuel Remnant. In two lines across the field. R. IN TOWER STREET. A swan. 2235. AT THE GREY HOVND. A grey hound. R. IN TOVR STREETE. In the field, G. D. A. 2236. AT THE SALVTATION. Two men saluting. R.TA VERNE IN TOWER ST. In the field, T. E. B. See the remarks under the Salutation at Billingsgate, Token No. 1 64. 2237. AT THE BLACK SWAN. A SWan. R. IN TOWER STREET. In the field, R. C. 2238. THE WHITE LYON TAVERNE. A lion rampant. R. IN TOWER STREETE. In the field, T. A. M. 2239. THE DOLPHIN TAVERN. A dolphin ; beneath, a bear. R. IN TOWER STREETE, 1650. In the field, R. E. W. Was this the Dolphin to which Pepys so often resorted? TOWER WHARF. 2240. AT THE 3 TVNS. Three tuns. R. ON TOWER WARFE. In the field, D. M. G. TRINITY LANE. 2241. THO. BVTLER AT THE. An angel holding a scroll. R. IN TRINETYE LANE. In the field, T. E. B. G G 226 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2242 CLAYTON AT Y E . The Prince of Wales' feathers, without the coronet, R. IN TRINITY LANE, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 2243. IOANNE LANGDELL IN. An anchor. R. LITTLE TRINITY LANE, 1666. In the field, HER HALFE- PENNY. I. L. 2244. IOHN MILLIST BAKER. A sheaf. R. IN TRENETY LANE. .In the field, I. E. M. 2245. MARY STRINGAR, 1669. A hand issuing from a cloud holding a coffee-pot, and pouring into one of two coffee cups on a table, on which are two short tobacco pipes. R. IN LITTLE TRINITY LANE. In the field, HER HALF PENY. TRUMP ALLEY. 2246. WILLIAM SIIARPE IN. A trumpeter on horse-back, blowing a charge. R. TRVMP ALEY CHEAP SIDE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. TURNMILL STREET. Turnmill, Turnbal, or Turnbull Street, was, in these flays, a locality of evil repute. One of the ladies in Beaumont and Fletcher's " Knight of the Burning Pestle," while undergoing penance at the barber's, gives us a hint of her char- acter, by remarking that she had been " stolen from her friends in Turnbal Street. In the same dramatists' " Scornful Ladie," act 3, scene 1.; the steward Saville describing to Lovelace the doings of his brother in his absence, says, " Here has been such a hurry, such a din, such dismal drinking, swearing, and whoring, that almost made me mad: we have all lived in a continual Tnrneball Street." 2247. IOHN ATKINSON IN. Hercules standing with his club on his shoulder. R. TVRNE MILL STREETE. In the field, I. i. A. 2248. SIMON COOKE IN TVRN. A cock. R. MILL STREET, 1651. In the field, s. R. C. CURRENT IN LONDON. 227 2249. THOMAS CROSS CHANDLR. A negro standing in a tub, two women scrubbing him. \_The labour in vain.^ ft. IN TVRNMILL STREET. In the field, T. G. C. 2250. WILLIAM DINN AT Y E - Crowned bust between C. R. R. IN TVRNE MILL STREET. Ill the field, W. R. D. 2251. IAMES FOWKES, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. ft. IN TVRNMILL STREET. In the field, I. A. F. divided by two flowers. 2252. AT THE TVNN IN TVRN. A tun. R.MILL STREETE, 1652. In the field, i. E. GANT. 2253. CRISTOPH. NVTTALL. A fleur-de-luce. R. IN TVRN- MILL STREE. In the field, C. M. N. 2254. IOHN VARNEY MEALMAN. A pair of spectacles. ft. IN TVRNMILL STREETE. In the field, I. M. V. 2255. AT THE BLACK SPREAD EAGLE. A spread eagle. ft. IN TVRN MILL STREET. In the field, H. A. B. 2256. AT DAGGER ALLEY. A dagger. R. IN TVRN MILL STREET. Ill the field, H. H. B. 2257. AT THE LABER IN VANE. Two women washing a negro. R. IN TVRN MILL STREETE. In the field, T. I. L. TURNSTILE ALLEY. 2258. RICHARD ARKELL IN TVRNE. A hand holding a sun- flower; the sun issuing from a cloud. R. STILE ALLY IN HOLBORNE. In the field, HIS IIALFE PENNY. R. E. A. 2259. PETER LENARD IN GREAT. Bust of Henry VII. with arched crown. R. TVRNSTILE ALLY IN HOLBVRN. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. p. M. L. UPPER GROUND. 2260. RICHARD DEER IN THE. A bear and ragged staff. R. IN THE VPPERGROVND, 67. Ill the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. M. D. 228 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2261. ELYZABETH SMITH. A man rowing in a wherry. R. IN Y E VPPER GROVND. In the field, E 5 S 9 2262. WILLIAM STEWART AT Y E BLAK. A bull R. BVLL IN THE VPPER GROVND. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENNY. W. S. VAUXHALL. 2263. ZACHARIAH LIGHTWOOD. The Ironmongers' arms. -R. OF FOXALL, 1671. In the field, z. K. L. ( Octagonal?) VERE STREET. 2264. AN SINBR LE (?) GOVLDE N - A lion rampant, -R. TAVERN IN VEARE STREETE, 67. In the field, HER HALFEPENY. WALBROOK. 2265. WILLIAM FROST AT THE. In the field, W. F. 1 D ' R. GLOVB IN WALLBROOCK. A globe. WAPPING. 2266. ARON BARLOW AT THE. A naked figure holding an arrow. R. AT WAPIN NEW STAIERS. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2267. BENJAMIN BARNES. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN WAPPING. Sampson destroying the lion. CURRENT IN LONDON. 229 2268. RICHARD BOONE. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. AT WAPPIN DOCK. In the field, R. M. B. 2269. THOMAS BREMREDGE. A fish-hook and a packing- needle. R. IN WAPPINGE, 1666. In the field, His Halfe Penny. 2270. IOHN BROVGHTON . . A globe. R. IN WAPPING 1650. In the field, I.M.B. 2271. GEORGE CARPENTER IN. A wheat-sheaf. R. WAPING MELLMAN. In the field, G. M. C. 2272. IOHN CARTER AT Y . Two smiths at work on an anvil. R. ONE (sic) WAPPINGE WALL. In the field, I. H. C. 2273. ANDREW COLEMAN. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. R. THE COCK IN WAPPING. A COck. 2274. ANN COLLINS AT Y E - Three sheaves of corn. R. ONE (sic} WAPING WAL. In the field, HIS (sic) HALFE PENT. M. M. C. 2275. ANN CVRTIS, 165 ... A human leg. R. IN WAPING. In the field, A. C. 2276. AT THE SVGER LOAES (sic.) Three sugar loaves. R. IN WAPPIN 1650. In the field, T. E. DRY. 2277. HENRY FORMAN AT EXECVTION. In the field, H. F. braced together. R. DOCKE BREWHOVS, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2278. EDWARD FISH AT. The sun. R. THE SVNN IN WAPIN. In the field, E. F. 2279. WILL. FRY AT THE SVGGAR. In the field, a sugar- loaf. R. LOFE IN WAPPING. In the field, w. F. 2280. WILLIAM FRY AT. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. WAPPING NEW STARES. A sugar-loaf. 2281. IOHN GODDIN IN KINGS. A bunch of grapes. R. STREET WAPPING. In the field, I. K. G. 230 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2282. ROGER GOODE NERE. A tobacco-roll within a half- moon. R. WAPPING NEW STARES. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2283. IOHN HARLING, 1667. In the field, I. A. H. R. TO- BACCONIS IN WAPPING. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2284. THOMAS HARRIS AT THE. A ball between the letters T. E. H. R. GOLDEN BALL IN WAPPING. In the field, HIS HALFPENNY, 1669. 2285. IOSEPH HARRIS MEALMAN. A sheaf. R. VPON WAPPING WALL. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 2286. WILLIAM HEWES AT THE. A ship. R. SHIP TAVERN IN WAPING. In the field, W. H. 2287. THOMAS HEWS AT THE. A Still. R. GOLDEN STILL WAPIN. In the field, T. K. H. 2288. IOHN HOLLAND AT Y E 1668. A horse-shoe. R. GREEN BANCK IN WAPING. In the field, HIS HALF- PE?s 7 Y. I. I. II. 2289. ED. HOLSTEAD AT THE. A dog and a bull. R. AT WAPPINGE WALL. In the field, E. A. H. 2290. RALPH HVDSON. The Grocers' arms. R- AT WAPPIN WALLE. In the field, R. H. 2291. EDWARD LAMB. A flagon(?). R. IN WAPING 1658. In the field, E. E. L. 2292. THOMAS MILLS AT YE. A pelican with her young in her nest. R. IN WAPPINGE 1664. In the field, T. E. M. 2293. FRANCIS NORES. A bunch of grapes. R. IN WAPING 1653. In the field, F. N. 2294. FRANCIS PALMER 1667. A pelican in her nest ; a man standing by. R. VPPON WAPING WALL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. E. M. P. 2295. ROBERT PARSONS IN. Ill the field, HIS HALF PENY. - R. WELL ALY WAPPING. A dolphin. 2296. IOHN PASHLER. In the field, i. s. p. R. NEARE WAPING CHAPEL. In the field, I. s. p. CURRENT IN LONDON. 231 2297. THOMAS PEIRCE. A pair of shears. R. IN WAPPIN. lu the field, T. M. p. 2298. G. PERCY BAKER AT THE. A sheaf. R. NEW STAYRS IN WAPIN. In the field, G. p. 2299. ANTHONY PHILLIPS. A fleur-de-lis. R. IN WAPPIN NEW STARES. In the field, A. A. p. 2300. BENIAMIN POOLE AT THE. In the field, B. P. in large letters. R. BIIEWHOWS EXECVTION DOCKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2301. EDWARD PRATT AT. A spread eagle. R. NEW CRANE WAPPING. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 2302. ROGER PRICE AT THE. An Indian boy holding a pipe. R. BLACK BOY IN WAPIN. In the field, R. I. P. 2303. WILLIAM REDDING. A sugar-loaf with a ring for sus- pension. R. IN WAPPING 1663. In the field, w. I. R. 2304. IOHN REWOOD AT THE. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. ROYAL OKE IN WAPPING. An Oak. 2305. HVGH ROWCLIFFE 1667. A sugar-loaf. R. NEARE WAPPIN DOCKE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. H. A. R. 2306. IOH. SHAW IN WAPINGE. The Royal arms. R. AT EXECVTION DOCK. Ill the field, I. E. S. 2307. JOSEPH STENT AT THE. A sheaf. R. NEW GRAIN IN WAPPEN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY, 1666. 2308. FARLEY STEVENSON AT THE. A castle. R. AT WAPPING NEW STAIRES. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. F. I. S. 2309. IAMES WARFEILD AT THE. A naked figure holding a veil distended by the wind, and standing on a globe. R. FORTVNE TAVERN IN WAPING. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, 1667. 2310. IA. WATERS CHANDLER. Three sugar loaves. R. AT WAPIN NEW CRANE. In the field, I. E. w. 232 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2311. EDWARD WILLDIE AT Y E WATER. The Watcrmans' arras. R. MANS ARMS AT WAPPIN DOCK. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. E. E. W. 2312. SAMVEL WISEMAN AT. A horse's head couped and bridled. R. ONE (sic) WAPPING WALL. In the field, S. F. W. 2313. AT THE DOLPHIN IN. A dolphin. R. KINGS STREET WAPIN. In the field, G. M. B. 2314. THE FLOVR DE Lvs. A fleur-de-lis. R, AT WAPING DOKE. In the field, I. I. G. 2315. AT THE BVLL TAVERN. A bull. R. AT WAPING DOCKE. In the field, T. M. 2316. AT THE NEWCREN (sic}. In the field, I. E. R. R. IN WAPPIN MEALMAN. A sheaf. 2317. AT THE QVEENS HEAD. Bust of Queen Elizabeth. R. AT NEW CRANE WAPPIN. In the field, I. M. R. 2318. AT THE PLOW ON. A plough. R. WAPIN WALL 1651. In the field, M. A. S. 2319. AT THE 3 DETHES. Three human skulls. R. HEDES IN WAPING. In the field, E M. V. 2320. AT THE SWAN TAVERN. A swan with a chain. R. ON WAPING WALL 1651. In the field, R. E. w. WARDROBE. 2321. RICH. LEVIS NEER THE, A sugar-loaf. R. KINGS WARDROBE. In the field, R. M. L. WARWICK LANE. 2322. MATHEW GEORGE AT THE. An arched crown. R. CROWNE IN WARWICK LANE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 233 2323. EDWARD IONES AT \ K GEORGE. St. George and the Dragon. R. IN WARWICK LANE. In the field, HIS HALPE PENY. 2324. AT YE. CROWNE IN. An arched crown. R. WAR- WICK LANE, 1657. In the field, T. M. C. WATER LANE. 2325. WATER LANE BY. Crowned bust holding a sceptre. ft. THE CVSTOM HOVSE. In the field, H. P. T. WATLING STREET. 2326. THOMAS COOPER AT THE. A black's head. R. IN WATLING STREET, 1668. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. WENTWORTH STREET. 2327. IOHN HAM IN. A cross. R. WENTWORTH STREET. In the field, I. M. H. WESTMINSTER. 2328. WILLIAM BAYLIE AT Y E WOOL. A rose on its stalk, between two other flowers. R. STABLE IN WEST- MINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY, w. A. B. 2329. ANDREW CARTER IN TVTTLE. A bell. R. STREET HIS HALFE PENY. In the field, IN WESTMINSTER. 2330. ROBERT DANCE IN STRVTON. The eagle and child. R. GROVND WESTMINSTER, 67. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. R. S. D. HH 234 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2331. ROBERT FRANCKLIN. The Grocers' arms. R. OF WESTMINS GROCER. In the field, R. A. F. 2332. RALPH FVLLER IN S. A pair of scales. R. ANS STREET WESTMIN. In the field, R. F. F. 2333. IOHN NEWMAN IN THE LONG. A lion rampant. In the field, WHIT. R. WOOL STABLE WESTMINSTER. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. I. A. N. 2334. ARTHOR PRYOR, 1667. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. IN WESTMINSTER. In the field, I. P. in cypher. 2335. HENRY WEAVER IN, 66. A ship in full sail. R. WESTMINSTER MARKET. In the field, H. S. W. 2336. AT THE SARASONS HEAD. A Saracen's head. R. IN WESTMINSTER GROCER. In the field, I. M. B. 2337. THE CROWNE IN TVTTLE. An arched crown. R. STREETE WESTMIN. ... 1651. In the field, R. A. F. 2338. AT YE DOGG TAVERN IN. A dog. R. WESTMINSTER. 16 In the field, w. A. H. 2339. IN s. IAMES STREETS. In the field, T. M. H. R. IN WESTMINSTER, 1649. In the field, T. M. H. 2340. Y E ROSE TAVERN. In the field, T. M. M. R. IN WESTMINSTER. A rose. 2341. IN THE STRAND. A H1OUS6 trap. R. IN WESTMIN- STER. In the field, S. S. M. 2342. AT THE WHITE HORSE. In the field, a horse prancing. R. IN STABLE YARD WESTMIN .... In the field, I. I. N. 2343. IN THE NEW PALLACE YARD. The Grocers' arms. R. AT WESTMINSTER. In the field, W. A. R. 2344. BOW STREET BAKER. A shovel or a peel. R. IN WESTMINSTER. In the field, I. A. S. 2345. INKING STREETE. In the field, I. M. S. R. IN WESTMINSTER. Three birds. CURRENT IN LONDON. 235 2346. AT THE SOP. BOX IN THE. A kind of bucket. ft. M. P. IN WESTMINESTER. In the field, I. E. T. WHEELEKS STREET. 2347. THOMAS BOYDEN AT THE. Bust of Charles II. crowned. R. IN WHEELERS STREET, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. T. A. B. 2348. ALEXANDER BYRCHET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. IN WHEELERS STREET. A horse saddled and bridled. 2349. IAMES GRIMES. A naked figure with a staff on the shoulder. R. WHEELER STREET. In the field, i.A.G. 2350. AT THE TARLETON. The figure of Tarlton, with a pipe and tabor. R. IN WEELERS STREET. In the iield, w. F. w. This sign shows the popularity of Dick Tarlton, the famous clown and actor contemporary of Shakspeare. Wheelers Street was situated in South- wark, and the tavern was perhaps one which Tarleton in earlier days had visited. Bishop Hall thus alludes to his popularity : " O honour far beyond a brazen shrine, To sit with Tarltou on an ale-post's sign." WH1TECHAPEL. 2351. RICHARD AVSTIN. In the field, a half-moon. R WHITECHAPEL, 1656. In the field, R.I. A. 2352. WILL. BALET SALTER. A bear. R. WHIT BEAR] WHIT. CHAP. In the field, W. M. B. 2353. IOHN BELL IN, 1656. The Prince of Wales' feather. ft. WHITECHAPPELL. In the field, I. E. B. 2354. EDWAKD BYCHETT. A bushel(?). R. IN WHIT CHAPKL . . I. B. 236 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2355. IOHN CASE IN, 1656. Three fleurs-de-lis. R. WHITE CHAPELL. In the field, I. E. C. 2356. WILLIAM CHVDLEY IN WHITE. A Still. R. CHAP- PELL GROCER. A tobacco-roll (?). 2357. WILL. CLAPTON COCK AND. A cock and two horses. R. HORSES WHITE CHAPEL. In the field, W. I. C. 2358. RICHARD CLARKE. A shoulder of mutton. R. IN WHITE CHAPELL. In the field, R. E. C. 2359. ROWLAND CVNEY. The man in the moon, as usual. R. IN WHITE CHAPPELL. In the field, R. H. C. 2360. EDWARD DALTON. An unknown object. R. IN WHIT CHAPELL. A bell. 2361. WILLIAM FRELAND. Three sheaves of corn. R. AT WHITCHAPELL BARS. In the field, W. F. 2362. IOHN HARIS AT THE ROSE. A full-blown rose. R. IN WHIT CHAPPELL. In the field, I. A. H. 2363. SAM. HINCKS AT Y B BAG OF. A bag, with nails pro- truding. R. NAILS IN WHITECHAPELL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 1669. 2364. NATH. LITTLEFORD. Three balls. R. IN WHIT CHAPPELL. In the field, N. L. 2365. GEORGE PERKENS. Three cups with covers. R. 3 CVPS IN WHITE CHAPEL. In the field, a cock. 2366. IOHN SKINNER APOTHECARY. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. R. IN WHIT CHAPPELL, 1668. In the field, a plough and three birds. 2367. HVMPHREY TARREN. Three tuns. R. WHITE CHA- PELL BARS. In the field, H. s. T. 2368. THOMAS WEEDEN IN CHVRCH. A sugar-loaf. R. LANE IN WHITE CHAPELL. In the field, T. M. W. 2369. IOHN WOOD AT YE GOLDEN. Ill the field, I. W. R. LEG ix WHITE CHAPEL. A leg, between E.W. CURRENT IN LONDON. 237 2370. CHRISTOPHER WORTH. A hen with her chickens. R. IN WHITE CHAPELL. Ill the field, C. A. W. 2371. THE TOBACKE ROVLD AND. A tobacco-roll within a hoop. R. HOVP IN WHITCHAPELL. In the field, I. E. F. 2372. AT THE OLD PRISON. A building. R. WHITE CHAIPEL. In the field, F. H. 2373. AT THE BLACK BOYES. Two boys naked, shaking hands. R. IN WHIT CHAPELL. In the field, H. i. H. 2374. AT THE SWAN BRWHOWES. A SWan. R. IN WHIT- CHAPELL. In the field, R. E. L. WHITE-CROSS STREET. 2375. DALLINGTON AYRES. A disc-like object suspended. R. IN WHIT CROSS STREET. In the field, D. E. A. 2376. G. M. B. CHANLER R. IN WHITCRASS STREET. In the field, G. M. B. 2377. RICHARD BALDWIN. A windmill. R. IN WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. R. H. B. 2378. NATH BINGHAM IN RED LION. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. N. B. R. COART IN WHIT CROSS. A lion rampant. 2379. DAVID BREEATT IN, 1668. A sugar-loaf and tobacco- roll. R. WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. D. S. B. 2380. XTOPHER BREWHOVSE. St. Christopher bearing the infant Jesus. R. WHITCRS (sic) STREETE. In the field, T. M. G. 2381. FRACIS DOVE TALLOW CHAND LER. In five lines across the field. R. IN WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, F. D. 1669. 238 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2382. RIGHAKD EAST AT THE. A stag's head. R. IN WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 2383. ROBERT ETHERIDGE IN WHITE CROSSE STREET. In five lines across the field. R. HIS HALF PENT, 1666. In the field, R. M. E. 2384. IAMES FRANCIS SALTER. A lion rampant. R. IN WHITE CROS STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2385. AT THE GLOVERS ARMES. A shield charged with three stags passant. R. IN WHIT CROSS STREETE. In the field, I. I. D. 2386. THOMAS GRANBROO, 1667. A bell. R. IN WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2387. SAMVEL IAMES AT THE. A bucket (?) between s. E. I. R. IN WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, a string of candles and HIS HALF PENNY, 67. 2388. EDMVND LANGTON IN. The Coopers' arms. R. WHITECROSS STREETE. Ill the field, HIS HALFE- PENY. 2389. GEORGE LESCAILLET Crowned bust of Henry VII. R. IN WHITE CROSSE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 2390. IOSEPH MAXSVM IN. A peacock. R. WHITCROSS STREET. In the field, I. M. M. 2391. IOHN PERRY 'CHESMONG. A woman churning. R. WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, I. A. P. 2392. WILLIAM SK INNER AT THE. A cock and a flagon. R. IN WHITE CROSS STREET, 1669. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. W. I. S. 2393. THOMAS SMITH AT THE. A checquered square. R. IN WHITE CROSE STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE- PENY, 65. 2394. EDWARD WEBSTER BREWER IN WHITE CROSS. In five lines divided by bars. R. STREET HIS HALF PENNY, 1660. In four lines divided by bars. CURRENT IN LONDON. 239 2395. AT THE BLEW ANKER. An anchor. R. IN WHIT CROSS STREET. Ill the field, W. A. 2396. AT THE PECOCKE BRVHOVSE. A peacock with tail spread. ft. IN WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. T. C. 2397. AT THE RED LION IN. A lion rampant. R. WHITE CROSS STREET. In the field, I. F. 2398. AT THE CHILDS COATE. A child's robe. R. IN WHIT CROS STRET. In the field, I. s. S. 2399. WHITE CROSS TAVERN. In the field, T. I. S. ft. WHITE CROSS STREETS. A cross placed on a flight of steps. WHITE FRIARS. 2400. RICHARD FORSHAL AT YE. A wheat-sheaf. R. BARE ( ?) IN WHIT FRYERS. In the field, R. K. F. 2401. GOVIN GOVLDEGAY WOOD. The Woodmongers' arms. ft. MONGER IN WHIT FRIRS (sic). In the field, G. A. G. 2402. ROBERT HANCOCK. A hand and a cock. R. AT WHITE FRYERS. In the field, R. I. H. 2403. IEREMIAH HORNE. A sheaf. R. IN WHITE FRYERS. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2404. EDWARD LIGHTMAKER. Three goats' heads. R. WHIT FRYERS BREWER. In the field, E. S. L. 2405. ANN MATHEW AT THE LIME. A sheaf. R. WHARFE IN WHITE FRIERS. In the- field, A. M. 2406. PETER SAYRE IN WHITE. The Weavers' arms. R. FRYERS HIS HALFE PENY. In the field, P. M. S. 240 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS 2407. EDWAED SMART AT THE. A bull's head. R. IN WHIT FRIERS. In the field, E. M. S. 2408. THE DARKE HOVSE. In the field, 1657. R. IN WHIT FRIERS. In the field, I. A. v. WHITEHALL. 2409. ROBERT RICHARD. Three greyhounds. R. IN WHITE HALL. In the field, R. D. R. 2410. AT THE QVEENS ARMS. A dragon. R. IN WHIT HALL. In the field, E. E. T. WHITE-HART YARD. 2411. PHILLIP CARTERETT. A crown underneath P. S. c. R. IN WHITE HART YARD, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2412. THOMAS CLATWORTHY AT THE. A crooked billet. R. IN WHITE HART YARD, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2413. HVMPHRY VAVGHAN IN. A man carrying a sack on his shoulder. R. WHITE HART YARD, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFPENY. 2414. IOHN WILLIAM AT Y E CROWN. An arched crown. R. WHIT HART YARD IN Y B STRAND. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. I. E. W. WHITE-HORSE STREET. 2415. ROTHRICK DIMINSDALE. . . A full-blown rose. R. IN WHITE HORS STREET, 1668. In the field, HIS HALF PENNY. R. D. D. CURRENT IN LONDON. 241 2416. THOMAS RAILTON BAKER. A sheaf. R. IN WHITHORS STREET. A pair of scales. WILD STREET. 2417. IOHN SHERWIN. A swan crowned with an open crown. R. WILD STRET CORNER. In the field, I. E. s. ; the last letter much smaller. WINCHESTER STREET. 2418. THOMAS IEFFS, 1668. The arms of the Merchant Taylors' company. R. IN WINCHESTER STREETE. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. T. i. i. 2419. WILLIAM THOMPSON AT THE. Avulture; above, W. T. R. IN WINCHESTER STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. WINCHESTER YARD. 2420. i.e. IN WINCHESTER. A coat of arms. R. YARD SOVTHWARK. In the field. (Detrited.) 2421. EDWARD ROBERTS IN. A SWan. R. WINCHESTER YARD. In the field, E. E. R. 2422. IOSEPH WIGHT IN. St. George and the Dragon. R. WINCHESTER YARD. In the field, T. M. W. WIND-MILL COURT. 2423. NATHANIEL BVRT. A windmill. R. WINDE MILL COVRT. In the field, N. A. B. I I 242 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS WINFORD STREET. 2424. AT THE KATTERN WHIL. A Catherine-wheel. R. IN WINFORD STREET. In the field, L. T. D. WOOD STREET. 2425. 10. ALMOND AT THE. A cannon. R. GREAT WOOD STREET. In the field, 1. 1. A. 2426. IOHN BELL, 1663. A bell. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREET. In the field, I. A. B. 2427. BENIAMIN BOVLTBY AT THE. The Soapmakers' arms. R. IN WOOD STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALF PENT. 2428. WILL. BVSBY HIS HALF PENT, 1666. In five lines across the field. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREETS. A pair of shears. W. A. B. 2429. RICHARD CLARK AT THE. Pegasus. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREET. In the field, three flowers joined in a truelover's knot dividing the letters R. C. 2430. PHILIP CLARKE IN. A sugar-loaf. R. LITTLE WOOD STREET. In the field, P. A. C. 2431. RALPH COMBS AT Y E SHEARS. A pair of shears between R. c. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREET, 68. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. R E. c. 2432. IAMES CORNWALL AT YE CROS KEYES IN GREAT. In five lines across the field. R. WOOD STREET HIS HALF PENY, 1670. In five lines across the field. 2433. PHILLIP FERRERS AT. Seven stars. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREET. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. CURRENT IN LONDON. 243 2434. ELIZABETH GRACE, 1668. A dolphin. R. IN LITTLE WOOD STREET. In the field, HER HALFE PENY. 2435. IOHN GRICE IN. A bucket. R. LITTEL WOOD STREET. In the field, I. G. G. 2436. THOMAS HALFORD IN. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. R. LITTLE WOODSTREET, 1669. A sheaf of corn. 2437. WILLIAM HAYES IN, 64. A frying-pan. R. WOOD STREET IRONMONGER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2438. WILLIAM HAYES IN, 64. A frying-pan. R. WOOD STREETE IRONMVNGER. In the field, HIS HALF PENY. 2439. FRANCIS PLOMER, 1666. A bucket (?). R. IN LITTLE WOOD STREET. In the field, HIS HALFE PENY. 2440. IOHN STANDEVEN IN. Three arched crowns. R. LITTLE WOOD STREET. In the field, I. S. 2441. IOHN WELLS AT THE. A shield charged with the Royal arms. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREET. In the field, 1. 1. w. 2442. THE CASTELL TAVERN. A castle. R. IN WOD STREETE 1656. In the field, R. M. A. Whether choice wits or dull phlegmatic citizens assembled here we know not ; all we can ascertain is. that the " Castle Tavern" in Wood-street, still exists. The usually redundant "E" in street, and the wood spelt with one " o", stand in singular contrast with each other. 2443. AT THE COCK IN GREAT. A COck. R. WOOD STREET. In the field, I. H. C. 2444. AT THE FLESE IN. A fleece. R. LETTELL WOOD STREET. In the field, T. D. 2445. AT THE ROSE. A rose full-blown. R. IN WOOD STREET. In the field, R. R. M. 2446. AT THE MITRE TA VERNE. A mitre. R. IN GREAT WOOD STREET. In the field, " 1660, 18th Sept. To the Mitre Tavern in Wood-street (a house of the greatest note in London), where I met W. Symons, and D. Scoball and their wives, etc. . . . Here some of us fell to handicap, a sport that I never knew before, which was very good." Pepys' Diary, p. 135. 244 TRADESMEN'S TOKENS WOOLCHURCH MARKET. 2447. HVGH LVMBARD AT THE IN. The Prince of Wales' coronet and feathers, with motto. R. WOLLCHVRCH MARKETT, 1670. II. I. L. In six. lines across the field. 2448. HENRY WYBERT POVLTERER. In the field, H. S. W. R. IN WOOLCHVRCH MARKET. In the field, 1 D - 1671. WOOLSTAPLE. 2449. ROBERT WILLIAMS. A Cross. R. IN THE WOOL- STABLE. In the field, R. M. w. See No. 2328, p. 233, and No. 2333, p. 234. WYCH STREET. 2450. OSWALD FOORD AT THE. A female bust. R. IN WITCH STREET, 1666. In the field, HIS HALFE PENT. 2451. ROBERT GREENE NERE. In the field, NEW INNE GATE. R. IN WITCH STREET. In the field, R. A. G. UNCERTAIN. 2452. ANNE ADKINS. In the field, three ermine spots. R. FOR NECESSARY CHANG. In the field, three ermine spots. CURRENT IN LONDON. 245 2453. JOHN BANNISTER AT THE MATRONS. A man with one leg walking on crutches. R. SELLER IN THE HOS- PITALL. In the field, HIS HALFE PENNY. 2454. IOHN BANNISTER AT THE. (Similar type to the former.} R. MATRONS SELLER IN THE. In three lines across the field, HOSPITAL. (Half the size of former.} 2455. (No legend.} A smack. R. EDWARD BRENT His HALF PENNY, 1668. In five lines across the field. 2456. P. C. and two stars in the field; four stars without the inner circle. R. A church with a steeple and crosses at each gable ; in the outer circle six stars. 2457. HENERY CHAPMAN. The sun. R. QVONDAM ESQVIRE. In the field, H. C. 2458. w. H. HEMP. In the centre. Around, AT THE WARDROBE. R. WORKE FOR THE POORE. In the field, w. H. FLAX, 1653. Snelling gives this Token, and says of it, that it was probably a Seminary for Industry of Mrs. Cromwell's. View of the Copper Coin, p. 30. 2459. TOVCH NOT MINE ANOINTED. The head of Charles II., in Roman costume, between c. R. R. FEARE GOD HONOR THE KING. A bible between the letters I. w. and T. B. below, and 1664 above. 2460. FROM GLASHOVSE HALL. A Turk's head. R. GOD PRESERVE THE NATION. A ship in full sail. 2461. THE YEOMEN OF THE. A ship in full sail. R. WATER SIDE TOKENS. An escalop shell. INDEX OF NAMES. Page. Abbits, Robert 127 Abery, Sam 199 Abrams Jam 117 Acton, Richard 134 Acton, William 111 Actoon, Alice 110 Adair,(?) Thomas.. 66 Ad ams, Richard 151 Adams, William .... 169 Adames, John 91 Adderley, Hugh.... 96 Adderley, Hugh .... 27 Adkines,Will 117 Adkins, Anne 244 Adkinson, William. . 1 54 Adley, William 41 Ailay, Thomas 98 Alder, John 120 Aldersey, Randall . . 43 Aldridge, Tho. 193 Almond, Jo 242 Almond, Joseph 134 Allatt, Tho 171 Allen, Christopher. . 177 Allen, Zachary 123 Allen, William 89 Allen, James 178 Allen, Thomas 153 Allison, Thomas 91 Allsop, George 223 Allthrupp, William 150 Alsop, Peter 181 Alvey, Humphery . . 73 Amps, John 134 Annison, John 140 Antrobus, Benjamin 33 Apthorp, Edward .. 213 Arkell, Richard .... 227 Armestonge, Thomon 24 Armitage, Tho 182 Ash, Benj amin 102 Ashbourn, Christo . . 58 Ashwin, Richard 207 Aske, Josias 182 Page. Aske, Robert 178 Askew, Richard .... 113 Askew, Josias 142 Askugh, John 127 Aspinall, Joh 184 Atcheson, Dorothy. . 21 Athy, Richard 176 Atkines, George 33 Atkinson, Rob 223 Atkinson, John 226 Attwood, Edward . . 52 Atwood, John 169 Aungeir, Robert .... 127 Austin, Richard 235 Austin, Sarah 176 Austin, Rob 43 Awnsham, Richard 17 Aycrigg, James .... 1 58 Aylett, Ric 21 Aylord, James 127 Aynsworth, Rich. .. 196 Ayres, Dallington . . 237 Ayres, Lancelott 87 Ayshley, Joh 171 Babington, Elizabeth 25 Bachelor, G.A 31 Backhous, Francis . . 115 Badgett, Ralph .... 29 Baggot, Will 149 Baggs, Giles 102 Bagne, Nathaniel. ... 45 Baisgrove, George . . 1 60 Bailey, Edward 33 Baillie, James 22 Baker, Will 165 Baker, Tho 163 Baker, John 155 Baker, Thomas 117 Baker, John 139 Baker, John 76 Baldwin, Richard .. 237 Baldwin, Arthur .... 67 Page. Balet, Will 235 Ball, Samuel 102 Ball, John 100 Ballett, Thomas .... 167 Banbury, John 33 Banes, William 122 Banks, Robert 188 Bannister, George .. 199 Bannister John 245 Bannister, Edmond 192 Barker, George 1 92 Barlow, Aron 228 Barnard, Nicolas .. 199 Barnard Edward 117 Barnard, John 120 Barnes, Richard .... 133 Barnes, William 41 Barnes, John 127 Barnes, John 157 Barnes, Benjamin .. 228 Barnes, John 70 Barnes, James 161 Barnwell, Job 177 Barret, Rich 175 Bartmaker, George . 132 Basset, Will 63 Bates, John 186 Bates,Ben 197 Batt, Edward 143 Batty, Edward 93 Baugh, Richard 1 52 Bavet, John 102 Baxter, Richard 110 Bayle, John 169 Baylie, William .... 233 Baynes, Roger 215 Bayly, Mat 102 Baynes, Robert 215 Beale, Peter 153 Beard, Robert 157 Beard, John 64 Beattie, Francis .... 165 Bccham, John 34 Beckford, Peef 79 248 INDEX OF NAMES. Bedford, Henry .... 186 Beech, James 40 Beech, James 212 Belitha, Edward.... 178 Bell, John 242 Bell, John 137 Bell, John 235 Benet, Will 34 Benet, John 24 Benett, John 131 Benion, Jo 127 Bennet, Thomas .... 186 Bennet, James 102 Bennet, Isabella .... 138 Bennett, Thomas 177 Bennior, Richard .. 51 Bennt, Pettley 73 Bentham, Francis .. 51 Berry, Richard 73 Berry, Mary 169 Berry, John 91 Berry, Richard 186 Bevridge, John 123 Bicken, John 156 Bifrine, Lionell 193 Bigg, Walter 174 Billing, Ellen 87 Bincks, William .... 58 Bingham, Nath 237 Birch, W 102 Bird, John 157 Birtwistle, Daniell . . 42 Bishopp, John 165 Blackborne, Tho. . . 31 Blackden, Robert ..221 Blackie, William.... 98 Blacker, Edward 147 Blagrave, Tho 141 Blagrave, Tho 218 Blagrave, Henry 72 Bland, John 120 Bland, Henry 26 Blisse, John 114 Blissett, Isaac 155 Bludder, Marmaduke 135 Blundell, Hugh .... 199 Blunt, Anne 45 Bodington, John 47 Bolton, Will 125 Bolton, William .... 156 Bond, Susannah 199 Bond, John 196 Bond, Simon 138 Bonner, Robert 120 Bonner, Gabriel 197 Bonner, Will 141 Bobden, William. ... 1 02 Bookham, William . . 18 Boone, Richard .... 229 Booth, Robert 102 Bostock, Christopher 64 Bostock, Tho 103 Botley, Samuel 89 Boultby, Benjamin. . 242 Bovery, Samuel 89 Bowes, Ralph 55 Bowler, Brian 219 Bowman, Mathias . . 207 Boyden, Thomas .... 235 Boys, Nicholas 142 Braithwait, James . . 199 Brand, John 120 Brandon, WilL 68 Brandred, Margret.. 167 Brannd, Ben 76 Bransley, Will 211 Bray, Francis 63 Brecatt, David 237 Brembredge,Thomas 229 Brent, Edward 158 Brett, Fra 100 Bridgman, Richard . 70 Briggs, Richard 163 Brigges, Matthew .. 143 Brignell, James 184 Brisco, Edward .... 130 Brocke, Joseph 165 Brocket, Joseph .... 42 Bromley, John 207 Brookes, Joseph 193 Brooks, Joseph 25 Broome, John 153 Broughton, John.... 229 Brown, Henry 1 03 Browne, Thomas. ... 130 Browne, Thomas. . . . 135 Browne, Edmund .. 151 Browne, Isaac 208 Browne, Richard 215 Browne, Henry 99 Browne, Abraham .. 126 Browne, Abraham . . 42 Browne, Margaret .. 158 Browning, Thomas. . 75 Brownley, Will 138 Broxon, John 1 03 Bryan, John 81 Bryan, Richard 178 Buggin, Anthony .. 103 Bulfell, Francis .... 223 Bull, George 132 Burbidge, Nathaniel 73 Burford, Cha 103 Surges, William 45 Burges, William .... 69 Burgess, Henry 34 Page. Burgess, John 134 Burman, William . . 78 Burr, Thomas 129 Burrough, Will .... 125 Burry, Dan 69 Burt, Nathaniel .... 241 Burton, John 118 Burton, John 1 14 Burton, Francis .... 193 Burton, Rich 135 Busbee, Christopher 114 Busby, WiU 242 Bush, John 51 Bush, John 47 Busher, Jeremy 191 Butcher, Ralph .... 34 Butler, John 213 Butler, Tho 225 Butler, Ambrose 199 Butler, William .... 178 Bychett, Edward. ... 235 Byrchett, Alexander 235 Calloway, Jeremiah 199 Calvert, Giles 185 Camfield, Jacob 18 Candor, Ellinor .... 189 Canham, Robert .... 1 63 Cannon, John 164 Capon, Thomas 165 Carman, William . . 22 Carpenter, George.. 229 Carter, John 199 Carter, Robert 91 Cartar, Aron 119 Carter, John 120 Carter, Andrew 233 C arter, John 229 Carter, William .... 182 Carter, George 171 Carterett, Phillip. . . . 240 Cartwright, Robert. . 1 03 Cartwright, Will. .. 81 Case, John 236 Casely, John 117 Castree, Ann 191 Catterall, Thomas .. 103 Gaunt, Joseph 90 Caunty John 189 Cave, George 26 Ca. . . . bton, Adam 135 Chambers, Michael. . 103 Chambers, John 87 Chandler, William.. 58 Chapman, William. . 132 Chapman, Henry . . 245 Chapman, Robert . . 42 INDEX OF NAMES. 249 Page. Chapman, William. . 22 Charles, Robert .... 218 Charhvood, Will. .. 160 Chanvell, Margaret 1 33 Chcvall, Edward .... 72 Chequright, John .. 179 Chidley, Richard. ... 172 Child, Timothy .... 171 Child, Lawrence 73 Chipp, Edward 148 Chipperfield, Robert 55 Chitty, Abraham 154 Chubb, Richard .... 136 Chudlcy, William . . 236 Churcher, Martha .. 128 Churchcy, James 92 Churchey, John 41 Cladmau, Raf 26 Clapton, Will 236 Clapton, Will 38 Clare, Frances 27 Clare, John 70 Claredge, Jonathan 64 Clark, John 168 Clark, Richard 242 Clarke, Philip 242 Clarke, Benjamin .. 215 Clarke, Daniel 208 Clarke, Anne 208 Clarke, Sarah Ill Clarke, Thomas .... 223 Clarke, Richard .... 236 Clarke, Samwell.... 187 Clarke, Richard .... 136 Clarke, Will 164 Claroe, Tho 156 Clatworthy, Thomas 240 Clayton, 226 Cleave, Charles 17 Cleaver, J 198 Cleoby, Peter 151 Clidenham, Francis 196 Clifford, William.... 62 Clifford, Thomas.... 169 Clifton, Elizabeth .. 199 Clitherow, Ephraim 29 Cobb, William 103 Cockayne, Tho 199 Coddington,Edward 47 Colcock, Tho 45 Cole, James 93 Cole, John 200 Cole, Robert 81 Coleman, Henry .... 223 Coleman, Andrew.. 229 Colett, Joseph 18 Collins, Ann 229 Collins, Charles .... 31 Collins, Joseph Pa-c 196 Page. Crosse Philip 79 Collines Will 174 Collington, John 110 Crowe, John 120 Collis, John f>4 Cryer Robert 169 Combs, Ralph 242 Cuncy Rowland 236 Complin, Philip Conaway, Robert .. 208 193 Curson, Francis 45 Curtis, Robert 196 Constable, Rich 104 Curtis, Will. 94 Conyers, Emaiiuell. . 76 Curtis, Ann 229 Cook, Cornelius Cookc, John 43 46 Dalton, Edward . . 236 Cooke, Phillip 169 Damsell, Thomas 18 ( 'ooke, Roger 091 Dance, Robert . 233 Cooke, John 31 Danicll George 120 Cookc, Thomas Cookc, Charles 89 219 Dannill, Susanna .. 170 Daphin George 47 Cooke Simon 9?f> Darell, Thomas . 189 Cooper, James 170 Dashwood, Frances 34 Cooper, Thomas Cooper, Thomas 233 170 Davey, John 1 03 Davis, Tobias 77 Cooper, Thomas 9!5 Davis, John 40 Cooper, Henry 215 Davis, Matthew ... 1 68 Cordin, Tho 81 Davis, Edward 77 Cordwell, William.. 63 Davis, William 200 Corfield, George 900 Davison, John 155 Cornish, Richard . . . Cornwall, James. . . . .103 242 Dawson, Samuel 51 Day Charles 41 Cotterall, John ?3 Day, Thomas 103 Cotterill, Robt 78 Day, Thomas 208 Coulson, William 155 Day, Ed 92 Coulson, William .. 168 Deakes, John 1 03 Coultman, William 186 Deakes, John 18 Cowan, James 186 Dearmer, John 139 Cowarne, Morgan . . Cowly, Thomas .... 222 41 Debourck, Daniell . . 156 Deer, Richard 227 Cox, Hercules 119 Dell, Marv 183 Cox, George 136 Delmaine, Edward.. 110 Cox, Thomas 136 Deluke, Robert 70 Cox, William 900 Demonci, David ... 70 Cox, John 96 Denman, Thomas .. 213 Craftes, George 208 Derds, Robert .... 174 Crane, John 39 Deverell, Jos 1 29 Crane, Henry ]97 Dew, William 67 Crannidge, Gabriel Cranwell \Villiam 128 37 Dewsbury, John 200 Dickenson, T. 167 Craskees, Will Craven, Anthony .. Crawley, Edward .. 221 23 171 Dickenson, John 185 Diminsdale, Rothrick 240 Dinn, William 227 Creake, William 102 Dishley, Giles 41 Crich, Henry 110 Dix, Moses 219 Crisp, Sam 169 Dixon, Henry 161 Crispe,Elles 208 Dixon, Richard 73 Cromcr, James 60 Dobson, Edward .... 167 Crosbe, John 100 Dobson, Edward.... 133 Crosdell, Arculus .. Cross, John 23 115 Dobson, Edmond. ... 148 Dobson, Edmond. ... 1 23 Cross, William Cross, Thomas K K 134 227 Dodson, John 177 Dodsworth, Francis 145 250 INDEX OF NAMES. Page. Dollcn John 208 Page. Eusden Richard 224 Page. Frost, William 228 Dorrino'ton Francis 133 Evans Richard 215 Fry William 229 L)ove Francis 237 Evans Richd 79 Fry, Will 229 Doward, Mary 200 Everit Sarah 26 Fuller, Ric 172 Dowinc Sarah 22 Everall Adam 159 Fuller, Ralph 234 Dowley Richard . 18 Ewin Rob 140 Fullerton John 150 Downc, Silvester. ... 43 Downes Tlio 181 Ewing, John 200 Fidwood, Mary .... 129 Fydge, Thomas .... 34 Downin " Henry . 58 Fann Freeman 194 Kuban John 70 Fann MathcAV 28 Gainsford, Samuell. . 114 Du"dale Bainbird 19 Farmer 200 Dugdale Will 81 Farmer John . . . 170 Gale Thomas ... 155 Duke Thomazin . . . 208 Farmer John 93 Gale, Thomas 177 Dune Mathew 44 Fanicombe, William 62 Garbcrt, Timothy .. 136 Duncombe, Henry . . 115 Fair James 82 Gardener, Philip 222 Dunscombe Henry 152 Feild Robert 163 Gardiner, John 139 Dunton John 73 Fell Thomas 196 Gardner, Robert .... 52 Dutch Thos 78 Garner, Ralph 77 Draper John 18 Ferrers Phillip 242 Gamer John 177 Draper, Ralph 162 Fidsall Michaell . . . . 221 Garret, William 78 Draper, Richard 20 Drew, Joseph 67 Finch, Anthony .... 156 Finch, Richard 20 Garrett, William .... 78 Garway, William .. 188 Drew Richard 192 Finch Roger 177 Gaslcy, Thomas 123 Drought, Nehemiah 219 Finch Richard 224 Gazelley, John 177 Dry, T. E 229 Fish John ... 18 Geery, Edward 172 Fish Bartholomew.. 163 Geese, Will 117 Eagles, Peter 34 Fish, Edward 229 George, Mathew 232 Earle Stephen 224 Fisher Thomas .... 114 George, Ric 208 East, Richard 87 Fishlock, Gabriel. ... 119 Gibbon, Charles 208 East, Richard 238 Fitz...fery, Nicholas 208 Gibbon, Henry 78 Eedes, Humphrey . . 96 Fitzhugh Thomas . 98 Gibs, Thomas 58 Eddenburro, Thomas 164 Edlinson, Edith .... 219 Edmonds, Thomas.. 119 Fleming, William . . 207 Fletcher, Thomas. ... 1 44 Fletcher Edward . . 60 Gibson, Francis 138 Gibson, Edward 143 Gifford, Robert 1 68 Edmonds, Will 128 Fletcher, Vincent .. 24 Gillat, David 21 Edwards, John 115 Fletcher, Robert .... 194 Gillney, Edw 158 Edwards, Aron 167 Fletcher John 65 Gimbart, Richard . . 58 Elce, Samuell 28 Flindell, William. ... 158 Gisbeme, Robert .... 151 Eldridge, John 70 Flowers Ed 169 Gladman, James ... 1 04 Eldridge, John 30 Foord, Oswald 244 Godbell, William. ... 80 Elever, Samuell 60 Ford James 31 Goddin, John 229 Elkin, Thomas 215 Forman, Henry 229 Godwin, Phabee .... 186 Elliott, John 200 Forman Edward ... 104 Goldston Anthony . 209 Elliott, John 149 Forshal, Richard 239 Goodall Rich. 126 Ellis, Freeman 90 Forth Rogr. .... 31 Goode Roger 230 Ellis, Judcth 50 Fosson, George 197 Goosley, Nathaniel . 17 Ellis, Will 219 Foster, John 200 Gore, Edward 201 Ellis, Robert 165 Fowkes, James 227 Gosling, John 224 Elliston, Isack 177 Fox, John 200 Gosnell, George .... 181 Ellisworth, Isaac 86 Fox, Thomas 142 Goss, Thomas 34 Elrington, Ralph .. 128 Francis, James 238 Gould, James 78 Elwood, Will 56 Francis, Bartholomew 55 Gouldegay, Govin . . 239 Emet, Wm 187 Francklin, Robert . 234 Gouldley, John . 115 Empson, John 72 Frankling, Roger. ... 57 Gover, Jam 212 English, Peter 54 English, Thomas .... 3^ English, Henry 93 Etheridge, Robert . . 238 Freeman, John 67 Freland, William . . 236 French, John 104 Frere, Baptist 104 Grace, Elizabeth .... 243 Grace, Andrew 82 Grainge, Will 98 Granbroo, Thomas. . 238 INDEX OF NAMES. 251 Grast, Jonathan . . . Page. . 177 200 . 26 . 194 59 57 . 124 28 . 51 . 170 244 66 . 174 59 . 80 . 120 Page. Haisted, William. ... 82 Halton, Robert . 61 Graves, Richard . . . Graves, Samuel . . . Gray William Ham, John 233 Humden, John 34 Hammond, John 129 Hammond, George. . CO Hammond, John 146 Hancock, Robert 239 Hancock, Arthur .. 136 1 lancoek, John 82 Green, Jeremiah.. . Green, Emanuell. . . G recn Henry Greene, Richard . . . Greene, Edward . . . Greene Robert Hands, John 162 Greene Tho Hanscombe, Mathew 1 72 Hanslop, Ric 120 Haraben, Rich 63 Greene, Thomas . . . Greene Robert .... Greene, Thomas ... Grecnhill John Harber, John 184 Ilarcouit, John 80 I lard v, Francis . 34 Greens Ed . . . . . 80 Grcswell, Tho . 104 Hartbrd, Ralph 123 Grey Daniel . 104 Harington, Nicholas 60 Haris, John 236 Grice John . 70 Grice, John Griffen, Charles . . . Griffith, Joseph . . . Griffith, Samucll . . . Grigman, George . Grignell, James . . . Grimes, James . 243 . 127 . 200 . 81 . 120 . 153 . 235 Harison, John 221 Harling, John 230 Harioe, Mary 110 Harlow, Ann 123 Harman, John 150 Harper, Gabriel 21 Harper, Ric 194 Gripp, James . 60 Harringdine, Lewis 172 Harris, Francis 159 Groome, Riehard . Grosvenor, Humphr Ground, Elizabeth . Grove, Thomas . 158 ey 52 . 29 18 209 77 Harris, Joseph 230 Harris, Thomas 230 Harris, Richard 136 Harris, Thomas .... 89 Harrisc, St 209 Grove Franc Grove Ro ir cr Gryer, David . 21 Harrise, Edward 70 Harrison, Samucll . . 35 Hart, Jane 201 G ullifer, Henry . 31 Gnnn Jane . . . 148 Guntcr, James . 201 Hart, Roo-er 177 Gurnci, Joseph . 213 Hartley, Thomas. ... 117 Harwar, Novell 52 llarward, Jo 82 Guv, Thomas 163 155 97 140 117 173 181 . 82 163 . 243 34 143 . 70 110 209 . 201 . 54 94 Gwilym John Haddon, Walter . . . Haeward, Nevill . . . -Haifa, Philip Harwood, Henry .. 129 Harwood, Alexander 165 Harwood, Charles .. 186 Harwood, Grace 186 Harwood, Alex 160 Hagley, Will. Haile, Edward. Hasell, James 31 Haisted, William . Hale, Robert . . Hasker, Richard 45 Hatten, John 171 Halford, Thomas. . . Hall, Arthur Hatton, William 97 Hatton, Tho 194 Hall, Joseph .... Hatton, David 1 04 Hall, Anthony Hall, Peter Haviland, Francis . . 72 Haward, Thomas .. 213 Haward, John 179 Hawes, Tho 201 Hall, John Hall, Thomas Hallet, Richard . . . Halsey, Timothy. . . Hawes, Richard .... 160 Hawett, Nicholas .. 104 Page. Hawkins, Richard . . 131 Hawkins, Jnmes 215 Haydye, James 65 Hayes, Robert 25 Hayes, Robert 15-2 Hayes, William 243 Hayncs, Henry 124 Hayton, Thomas. ... 79 Hay ward, Stephen . . 1 84 Hcaley, William 82 Hearne, John 32 Hearne, Hugh 73 Hearne, Will 42 Heath, Paul 221 Heath, Tho. 131 Heath, Ann 77 Heath, Ed 27 Heaward, John 179 Hebb, William 114 Hedger, Thomas 151 Henley, John 97 Henthornc, John 47 Herbert, John 136 Hester, Bartholomew 163 Hewes, Tristram 58 Hewes, William .... 230 Hews, Thomas 230 Hewson, Samuel!. ... 157 Hey wood, John .... 140 Hey wood, Sara 170 Hickman, Jacob 137 Hicks, T 219 Hide, George 97 Hiet, Sarah Ill Higgins, Richard 129 Higginson, George.. 66 Higgs, Joseph 104 Higgs, John 78 Hill, Thomas 96 Hill, William 158 Hill, Thomas 187 Hill, Alex 134 Hill, Bartholomew.. 40 Hill, John 104 Hills, Danicll 160 Hillsye, Edward .... 189 Hilto7i,Will 29 Hincks, Sam 236 Hind, John 155 Hind, John 116 Hind, Andrew 50 Hinde, John 164 Hinton, William 61 Hiscock, Robert .... 191 Hitcham, Robert 174 Hitchcock, Tho 197 Hive, John 183 Hi . . . . man, Isack . . 123 252 INDEX OF NAMES. Page. Hoare, Samuel 27 Ilobbs, Richard .... 118 Mocker, Phillip .... 63 llockwell, Thomas.. 179 Hodges, Will 101 llodghes, Thomas . . 94 Hodgkine, Samuel. . 46 Ilogsttesh, Tho 224 Iloliden, Thomas .. 131 Holland, John 230 Holland, Ralph 124 Holland, John 23 Hollis, Robert Ill Holloway, Thomas. . 168 | Holmes, Oliver 139 Holmes, John 130 i Holmes, William. ... 164 Holmes, Tho 1 09 Holmes, Robert .... 104 Holstcad, Ed 230 Holt, Edmond 165 Hooton, Thomas 37 Hopkins, George 104 Hopley, Thomas 82 Hoppelton, Isabell . . 88 Hoppen, William .. 201 Hopton, Elizabeth . . 26 Home, Jeremiah. . . . 239 Home, Hen 32 Home, William .... 146 Home, Will 174 Horslcy, George .... 96 Hoskine, Richard . . 46 Houlcroft, Thomas. . 179 Hoult, Mathew .... 87 How, John 43 How, Ann 70 Howes, John 51 Ho well, John ". 149 Howson, Joseph .... 97 Hucchines, Thomas 221 Huckwell, Richard. . 90 Hudson, Abra. 47 Hudson, John Ill Hudson, Ralph .... 230 Huff, Randolph .... 165 Huggines, Henry .. 181 Hulet, Dorothy .... 144 Hunt, Thomas 209 Hunter, John 105 Huntley, George .... 93 Hurdain, Henry .... 221 Hutchinson, Ralph. . 47 Hutchinson, George 166 Huthinson, Thomas 159 Hutton, Samuell 35 Hutton, J. Jerard G. 73 Ibbott, John 219 Page. Ingersoule, Henry . . 59 Ingram, Thomas 21 Inman, Eudias 194 Inman, Joseph 71 Ives, John 38 Izard, Isbell 116 Jackson, Nich. 168 Jackson, John 45 Jackson, Thomas 181 ! Jacob, Phillip 222 Jacob, Christopher. . 51 James, Thomas 52 James, Samuel 238 James, Richard 145 Jane, Thomas 96 Jarves, Edward .... 87 Jarvis, Edward 52 Jeffs, Thomas 241 ! Jcnneret, Phillip Ill Jcnriens, John 41 Jewett, Thomas .... 125 Johnson, John 22 Johnson, Abraham. . 97 Johnson, John 21 John in. ... 49 Jones, Edward 233 Jones, Walter 18 Jones, Christ 140 Jones, John 105 Jones, George 116 Jones, George 93 Jones, John 215 Jonsou, Will 28 Jordan, Henry 32 Jordan, Phillip .... 88 Jordan, Elizabeth .. 163 Jordin, Abraham . . 172 Jordon, Henry 35 Jordon, William. . . . 35 Joseph, 144 Joyner, Cordelia. . . . 110 Joyce, Anthoney 105 Joyce, Rich 39 Joye, Edward 201 Justis, George 198 Kam, Thomas 170 Keaine, Christopher 136 Keate, Henrv 68 Keeve, Nicholas 133 Keinton, Samuell .. 123 Kempe, Richard .... 27 Kempe, David 113 Kempster, John 120 Kencie, Tho 198 Kenn, Philippa 147 j Kenyon, Roger 206 Page. Kerington, George. . 187 Kcye, Jane 38 Kidder, Susan 198 Kidder, William.... 37 Kiftell, Charles 52 Killobe, Hester 88 Kimbel, William.... 119 King, Henry 1 05 King, Margaret, 112 King, Edward 152 King, William 101 Kinge, Joseph 100 Kmgsland, Robert . . 187 Kitchinman, Thomas 98 Knight, Will 136 Knight, Henry 55 Knight, Thomas .... 146 Knowles, Will 120 Koop . . . od, Thomas 1 88 Lack, Joseph 1 84 Lacke, Hen 152 Lacy, Thomas 179 Lacy, Thomas 47 Lamb, Edward 230 Lane, James 201 Lane, Richard 1 69 Lane, Daniell 124 Lane, Henry 38 Lane, John 73 Langdell, Joanne .. 226 Langford, George .. 209 Langham, Jefery 74 Langley, William . . 222 Langrish, John Ill Langston, John 48 Langton, Edmund . . 238 Larke, Joseph 175 Latham, James 105 Lathwell, Thomas . . 28 Laurance, John 193 Laurence, Tho 212 Laurence, Geo 173 Lawn, M 176 Lawrance, Edmond 183 Lawrence, Peter .... 74 Lawrence, Benj 76 Lawson, Anthony . . 115 Lawton, Richard. . . . 188 Leadbetter, Thomas 117 Leamon, William .. 18 Lee, Walter 71 Lee, Tho 127 Leech, James 25 Legett, Tho 105 Leigh, John 82 Lekeux, Abraham .. 146 Lem, Rich 24 INDEX OF NAMES. 253 Lenard, Peter Page. 227 238 232 173 57 201 228 239 222 71 28 18 149 236 198 110 99 144 62 171 164 161 213 123 17 55 244 128 182 18 219 209 105 117 145 166 194 73 211 206 80 82 156 181 185 118 105 219 159 174 48 138 123 63 35 135 216 Maslin Robert Page 22 128 48 22 239 187 117 213 166 238 90 146 170 192 166 38 143 54 25 111 137 173 177 105 35 206 194 60 226 230 155 25 62 110 209 142 39 139 50 174 209 44 26 99 77 18 201 181 93 164 52 90 126 105 222 192 20 128 Naler Daniel Page. 105 71 23 201 188 112 157 101 194 65 234 141 115 230 175 71 59 197 218 91 183 121 111 32 80 106 75 80 134 35 166 100 227 216 59 79 83 190 206 219 114 163 46 138 106 216 89 110 74 83 69 146 131 230 112 144 Lescaillet, George . . Levis, Rich Mason, Benjamin . . Massie, Ralph Neaus Will. Lewes, Lawrence . . Lewis, Tertullion .. Ley, Hugh Masters, Edward Mathew, Ann Nelson, John Mathew John Nettleton, Thomas.. Novell Robert Lightwood, Zacharial Lightmaker, Edward Lillystone, William. . Lione, Richard Lions, Jacob Mathew, Widow Mathews, Robert .. Matthews, John .... Maxsum, Joseph. . . . Maxwell, John Newell John Newbery, Timothy.. Newbcry, Tho Newman, John .... Newman, Will. .... Newton John . Lisle, John May, Tristram Lisle, John May, Thomas Littleford, Nath Lock, Stephen Mayne, Elizabeth .. Mayor, John . ... N ores Francis Noris Robert . . Locksmith, John Lomax, Richard Loomear John Mayow, Robert .... Measey, Ed Norley, Elizabeth .. Norman, Richard . . Norman, Barack .... Norman, Edward . . Norris, Thomas .... North, Margret .... North, Tho Meeke, John Long, Mary Melton, William.... Merry, John Long, Mary Longe, Samuel Michall, Mountague Michall, Thomas Midwinter, Edward Mddlemore, Will... Middleton, Thomas Midlaton, Richard . . Miles, John Love, Hugh Lovinge, William .. Lucas, Margret .... Lucas, Ralph Norwood, Richard . . Nourse, Edw Nicholls, Robert .... Nicholls, John Lukey, Richard .... Lumbard, Hugh Lumsden, David Lune, Richard Nicholson, Rich Nickolle, Sam Miller, Nicholas .... Millist, John Nickolles, Roger. . . . Nicolls, George .... Nunn, William Mace, Thomason. . . . Macklie, Thomas . . Man, Joseph Mills, Thomas Milner, Elizabeth. . . . Milton, William .... Minchin, John Nutby, Edward Nuttall, Christoph. .. Oakes, Edward Manforth, Edmond. . Mangell, Edmond . . Manning, Walter. . . . March, John . . . Minter, Katherine . . Molses, Fra Moore, John Oares, Charles Moore, Robert Ogden, Thomas .... Oldham,Ed March, James More, Pelham Marden, Gabriel Mardock, Isacc More, Nicholas Oliver, Francis Morecoat, Will. .... Morey, James Ormes, John Marefield, Jonathan Margrove, John Markham, Robert .. Markland, Ralph Marriot, Matt Orpin, Ed Morice, Thomas Morlcy, Francis Morrell, Henry Osman,WilL Osman, John Outridge, Tho Morris, John Overman, Stephen . . Overond, William .. Owen, Rowland .... Oxion, WU. Marriott, Matthew.. Marsh, John Mortimer, Peter .... Morton, Thomas Moses, Richard .... Mosley, Anthony. . . . Moss, Robert Marshal, Simon .... Marson, Richard .... Marston, John Pack, Richard Marstone, Samuel . . Mart, William ' Mostyn, Will. . . Page, Dixy Mumford, Henry .. Muns, Edward Murdock, John Murke, John . Paget, William Marten, Richard .... Martin, Thomas .... Marline, John Martyn, Francis .... Mascall, Thomas Maslin, William .... Paggan, Sarah Paine, William Muster, Francis .... Mynn, John Palmer, Francis Palmer, John Naler, William PalHser, Tho. 254 INDEX OF NAMES. Page. 189 133 126 225 159 187 112 191 35 173 192 230 176 35 47 198 230 38 89 71 147 90 86 133 192 96 119 225 174 201 209 59 32 29 98 53 147 194 68 231 236 137 46 209 90 179 176 79 106 110 220 194 231 43 216 65 46 231 Pierson, Thomas. . . . Page. 136 168 106 57 201 106 196 106 76 137 243 35 224 106 20 87 231 202 201 220 22 28 79 202 174 189 59 231 100 202 177 92 209 231 166 128 46 234 27 98 124 197 209 35 121 21 157 178 213 40 113 241 123 119 128 113 Parker, William .... Parker, Thomas Parker, Robert Parkin^ Sam Pi fce. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. Philology and Early English Literature. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the reign of Edward I. By JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. 2 vols. 8vo, containing upwards of 1000 pages, closely printed in double columns, cloth, 21. 2s. This work, which has occupied the Editor some years, is now completed ; it contains above 50,000 words (embodying all the known scattered glossaries of the English language) forming a complete key for the reader of the works of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other authors whose works abound with allusions, of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries and books of reference. Most of the principal Archaisms are illustrated by examples selected from early inedited MSS. and rare books, and by far the greater portion will be found to be original authorities. " This promises to be a very useful work, and is evidently the result of extensive research, and of great labour judiciously applied. The want of a work of this description has long been felt, and several attempts have been made to supply the deficiency, but for some reason or other they have all hitherto failed. The Glossary of Archdeacon Nares is not only imperfect, but professedly restricted to a comparatively narrow scope, embracing terms used by the writers chiefly of the Elizabethan era ; it is now, besides, a rare and costly book. Boucher's Glossary miscarried because it was begun in an inconvenient form, and on too expensive a scale. The work now before us, of which the first two p;irts alone have been published, appears to be much more complete than Boucher's, and has the advantage of being printed in a convenient form for reference, while its price is very moderate. It forms a most comprehensive Glossary to all our Old English writers, from the beginning of the fourteenth century to the time of the Stuarts, including the earlier Chroniclers, the writings of Wycliffe, and a long range of Poets, from Piers Ploughman, Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate, &r., to Spenser and his contemporaries, with Shakespeare and the Dramatists of thut age. In addition to the obsolete portion of our language, this work may be said to be a complete Dictionary of the local dialects of the present day, and is one which will be an acceptable addition to every library." Morning Herald. " Mr. Halliwell is, we must acknowledge, as well qualified, by industry, ability, and previous study, to be the editor as any man living. We could indeed easily name a dozen persons, each of whom would be better qualified for particular departments, but not one who, including the whole range embraced by the title would have the ability and energy to go through all the drudging dutiis of the office more satisfactorily. It is a work, however, that, in the first instance, must be imperfect. We hold, therefore, that every English scholar should have an interleaved copy, that he may contribute a something towards improving a second edition. The first number appears to have been carefully compiled; but we are not inclined to seek very curiously for faults in a work of such obvious difficulty, when, even if it be imperfect, it cannot fail to be useful." Athetumim. Essays on the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England in the MIDDLE AGES. By THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A. 2 stout vols. post 8vo, elegantly printed, cloth, 16s. Contents: Essay I. Anglo-Saxon Poetry. II. Anglo-Norman Poetry. III. Chansons de Geste, or Historical Romances of the Middle Ages. IV. On Proverbs and Popular Sayings. V. On the Anglo-Latin Poets of the Twelfth Century. VI. Abelard and the Scholastic Philosophy. VII. On Dr. Grimm's German Mythology. VIII. On the National Fairy Mythology of England. IX. On the Popular Superstitions of Modern Greece, and their con- nexion with the English. X. On Friar Rush, and the Frolicsome Elves. XI. On Dunlop's History of Fictiol . XII. On the History and Transmission of Popular Stories. XIII. On the Poetry of History. XIV. Adventures of Hereward the Saxon. XV. The Story of Eustace the Monk. XVI. The History of Fulke Fitzwarine. XVII. On the Popular Cycle of Robin- Hood Ballads. XVIII. On the Conquest of Ireland by the Anglo-Normans. XIX. On Old English Political Songs. XX. On the Scottish Poet Dunbar. Valuable and Interesting 1 Books on Sale by Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue: on the basis of Professor Rask's Grammar, to which are added Reading Lessons in verse and prose, with Notes for the use of learners. By E. J. VERNON, B.A., Oxon. 12mo, cloth, 5s. 6d. The student is furnished with a. cheaper, easier, more comprehensive, and not less trustworthy guide to this tongue, than has hitherto been placed within his reach. "The author of this ft uide scorns to have made one step in the right direction, by compiling what may be pro- nounced the best work on the subject hitherto published in England." Alhenceum. " Mr. Vernon is a laboriously accurate Anglo-Saxon scholar, as is seen in his attention to the quantity of words ; a branch of Anglo-Saxon grammar in which later scholars have done much by comparing the forms of roots as they are found in the different Teutonic dialects." Gent.'s Mag. far Fab. Reliquiae AntiqUSB. Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, illustrating chiefly Early English Literature, and the English Language, edited by WRIGHT and HALLIWELL, 2 vols. 3vo, cloth, 21. 2s. REDUCED to I/. 4*. Containing communications by Ellis, Madden, Hunter, Bruce, Turnbull, Laing, Nichols, &c. But very few copies remain. Odd numbers may be had to complete sets, at 2*. each. It contains a large number of pieces in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and Early English ; it will be found of use to future Philologists, and to all who take au interest in the history of our language and literature. Popular Treatises On Science, written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo- Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. 8vo. Edited by THOS. WRIGHT. Cloth, 4*. 6 Old Compton Street, Soho. A Hand-Book of English Coins from the Conquest to Victoria. By L. JEWITT. 12mo, 1 1 plates, cloth, Is. British Archaeological Associa- tion. A Report of the Proceedings and Excursions of the Members of the British Archaeological Association, at the Canterbury Session, Sept. 1844. By A. J. DUNKIN. Thick 8vo, with many engravings, cloth, II. Is. " The volume contains most of the papers erjtire that were read at the Meeting, and revised by the Authors. It will become a scarce book as only 120 were printed ; and it forms the first yearly volume of the Archseo- logical Association, or the Archaeological Institute.'* Popular Poetry, Stories, and Superstitions. The Nursery Rhymes Of England, collected chiefly from Oral Tradition. Edited by J. O. HALLIVVELL. The Fourth Edition, enlarged, with 38 Designs by W. B. SCOTT, Director vf the School of Design, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 12mo, in very rich illuminated clnth, gilt leaves, 4s. Gd. "Illustrations! And here they are; clever pictures which the three-year olds understand before their A, B, C, and which the fifty-three year olds like almost as well as the threes." Literary Gazette. " We are persuaded that the very rudest of these jingles, tales, and rhymes, possess a strong imagination- nourishiiig power ; and that in infancy and early childhood a sprinkling of ancient nursery lore is worth whole cartloads of the wise saws and modern instances which are now as duly and carefully concocted by experienced litterateurs, into instructive tales for the spelling public, as are works of entertainment for the reading public. The work is worthy of the attention of the popular antiquary." Tail's Mag. The public are cautioned against oilier works with imitative titles, which have been published since the second edition of the above, and which are mostly pirated from it. Mr. Halliwell's is the largest collection of these odd ditties ever formed, with explanatory notes, &c. &c. An Essay on the Archaeology of our Popular Phrases and Nursery Rhymes. By H. B. KER. 2 vols. 12mo, new cloth, 4s. (pub. at 12*.) A work which has met with great abuse among the reviewers, but those who are fond of philological pursuits will read it now it is to be had at so very moderate a price, and H really contains a good deal of gossiping matter. The author's attempt is to explain everything from the Dutch, which he believes was the same language as the Anglo-Saxon. The Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham. ORCHARD HALLIWELL, Esq. F.S.A. Post 8vo, Is. Edited by JAMES These tales are supposed to have been composed in the early part of the sixteenth century, by Dr. Andrew Borde, the well-known progenitor of Merry Andrews. " In the time of Henry the Eighth, and after," says Ant. -a- Wood, ' ' it was accounted a book full of wit and mirth by scholars and gentlemen." The Noble and Renowned History of Guy, Earl of Warwick, containing a full and true account of his many famous and valiant actions. 12mo, new edition, with woodcuts, cloth, 2s. 6rf. Saint Patrick's Purgatory ; an Essay on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current during the Midile Ages. By THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A., &c. Post 8vo, cloth, ft?. " It must be observed, that this ij not a mere account of St. Patrick's Purgatory, but a complete history of the legends and superstitions reating to the subject, from the earliest times, rescued from old MSS. as well as from old printed books. Moreover, it embraces a singular chapter of literary history, omitted by Warton and all former writers wif . whom we are acquainted ; and we think we may add, that it forms the best introduction to Dante that has yet been published." Literary Gazette. " This appears to be a curious and even amusing book on the singular subject of Purgatory, In which the idle and fearful dreams of superstition are shown to be first narrated as tales, and then applied as means of deducing the moral character of the age in which they prevailed." Spectator. Trial of the Witches at Bury St. Edmunds, before Sir M. HALE, 1664, with an Appendix by CHARLES CLARK, Esq. of Totham, Essex. 8vo, 1*. " The most perfect narrative of anything of this nature hitherto extant." Preface. Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philip Flower, daughters of Joan Flower, near Bever (Beivoir), executed at Lincoln for confessing themselves actors In the destruction of Lord Rosse, son of the Earl of Rutland. 1618. 8vo, 1*. One of the most extraordinary cases of Witchcraft on record. Account of the Trial, Confession, and Condemnation of Six Witches at MAIDSTONE, 1652; also the Trial and Execution of Three others at Faversham, 1645. 8vo, 1*. These transactions are unnoticed by all the Kentish historians. Biography, Literary History, and Criticism. England's Worthies, under whom all the Civil and Bloody Warres, since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are related. By JOHN VICARS, Author of " England's Parliamentary Chronicle," &c. &c. Royal ?2mo, reprinted in the old style, (similar to Lady IVilloughby's Diary,) with copies of the 18 rare portraits after Hollar, Sjc. half morocco, 5s. Copies of the original edition have been sold from 16/. to 20/. The portraits comprise, Robert, Earl of Essex ; Robert, Earl of Warwick; Lord Montagu, Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Stamford, David Lesley, Gen. Fairfax, Sir Thomas Fairfax, O. Cromwell, Skippon, Col. Massey, Sir W. Brereton, Sir W. Waller, Col. Langhorne, Gen. PoynU Sir Thos. Middleton, Gen. Brown, and Gen. Mitton. 8 Valuable and Interesting Books on Sale toy J. R. Smita. Bihliotheca Madrigaliana, a Catalogue of Musical and Poetical Works, pub- lished in England in the 16th and 17th Centuries, under the titles of Madrigals,' 'Ballets,' Ayres,' Can- zonets,' &c. By E. F. RIHBAULT, LL.D. F.S.A. 8vo, cloth, 7*. 6d. Autobiography Of Joseph Lister, of Bradford, in Yorkshire, to which is added a contemporary account of the Defence of Bradford, and Capture of Leeds by the Parliamentarians in 1642. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT. 8vo, only 250 copies printed, cloth, 4s, Love Letters Of Mrs. PlOZzi, written when she was Eighty, to the handsome Actor, William Augustus Conway, aged Twenty-seven, 8vo, sewed , 2.9. " written at three, four, and five o'clock (in the morning) by an Octogenary pen, a heart (as Mrs. Lee says) twenty-six years old, and as H. L. P. feels it to be, all your own." Letter V. 3d Feb. 1820. A Rot among the Bishops ; or a Terrible Tempest in the Sea of Canterbury, set forth in lively emblems to please the judicious Reader, in Verse. ByTHOMAS STIRRY, 1641. 18mo, (a satire on Abp. Laud,) four very curious woodcut emblems, cloth, 3*. A facsimile of the very rare original edition, which sold at Bindley's sale for 13/. An Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. By J. O. HALLIWELL. 8ro, doth (only 250 printed) , 3s. An Account of the only known Manuscript of Shakespeare's Plays, comprising some important variations and corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor, obtained from a Playhouse copy of that Play recently discovered. By J. O. HALLIWELL. 8vo, sewed, Is. On the Character of Falstaff, as originally exhibited by Shakespeare in the two parts of King Henry IV. By J. O. HALLIWELL. 12mo. cloth, (only 109 printed,) 2s. Collection of Letters on Scientific Subjects, illustrative of the Progress of Science in England temp. Elizabeth to Charles II. Edited by J. O. HALLIWELL. 8vo, cloth, 3s. Shakesperiana, a Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare'sPlays, and of the Com- mentaries and other Publications illustrative of his Works. By J. O. HALLIWELL. 8vo, cloth, 3s. " Indispensable to everybody who wishes to carry on any inquiries connected with Shakespeare, or who may have a fancy for Shakespearian Bibliography." Spectator. Miscellanies. Illustrations of Eating, displaying the Omnivorous Character of Man, and exhibiting the Natives of various Countries at feeding-time. By a BEEF-EATER. Fcap. 8vo, with woodcuts, 2*. Elements Of Naval Architecture, being a Translation of the third part of CLAIRBOIS' " Traite Ele"mentaire de la Construction des Vaisseaux." By J. N. STRANGE, Commander, R.N., 8vo, with 5 large folding plates, cloth, 5s. Lectures On Naval Architecture, being the suhstance of those delivered at the United Service Institution. By E. GARDINER FISHBOURNE, Commander H.N. 8vo, plates, cloth, 5. GJ. Both these works are published in illustration of the" WAVE SYSTEM." Poems, partly of Rural Life (in National English). By WILLIAM BARNES, Author of " Poems in the Dorset Dialect." 12mo, cloth, 5. "Waifs and Strays (a Collection of Poetry). 12mo. only 250 printed, chiefly for presents, sewed, Is. 6d. Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire, and the Sepulchral Usage* of its Inhabitants, from the most remote Ages to the Reformation. By THOMAS BATEMAN, Esq., of Yolgrave, County of Derby. 8vo, illustrated with 80 wood engravings, cloth, las. An ArchSBOlOgical Index, serving as a Guide to the Antiquities of the Celtic, Romano-British, and Anglo-Saxon Periods. By J. Y. AKERMAN, F.S.A. 8vo, with numerous engravings, comprising upwards of 500 objects, cloth, 15s. A New Life Of Shakespeare, including many particulars respecting the Poet and his Family, never before published. By J. O. HALLIWELL, F.R.S.,&c. In one handsome volume, lien, illustrated with 76 engravings on wood of objects, most of which are new, from drawings by FAIRHOLT, cloth, 15*. This work contains upwards of forty documents respecting Shakespeare and his Family never before published, besides numerous others indirectly illustrating the Poet's biography. All the anecdotes and traditions concerning Shakespeare are here for the first time collected, and much new light is thrown on his personal history, by papers exhibiting him as selling Malt and Stone, &c. Of the seventy-six engravings which illustrate the volume, more than fifty have never before been engraved. It is the only Life of Shakespeare to be bought separately from his works. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Croy- land, with a Translation and Notes by C. W. GOODWIN, M.A. 12mo, cloth, 5s. Sussex Archaeological Collections, illustrating the History and Antiquities of thn County, published by the SUSSKX ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth, 10 S . (VERY FEW FOR SALE.) J. R. S. will be happy to publish on Commission any Historical, Antiquarian, or Topographical wnrk, and will give it all possible publicity through the medium of his Catalogues, $c. without cost to the Proprietor. DN1V. OF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES