La, The Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of California, Berkeley Ex Libris BEATRIX FARRAND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE WINTER BOTANY A COMPANION VOLUME TO THE AUTHOR'S PLANT MATERIALS OF DECORATIVE GARDENING BY WILLIAM TRELEASE PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1918 COPYRIGHT, 1918 BY WILLIAM TRELEASE Add to Lib* PE TURE GffT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE ARCH. CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD ______________________________________________ v INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________ vii USING THE KEYS _________ _______________________________ ix KEY TO GENERA _______________ _ _________________________ xii LEAVES WHORLED ____________________________________ xii LEAVES OPPOSITE _____________ _______________________ xiii LEAVES ALTERNATE __________________________________ xx WINTER CHARACTERS _____________________________________ 1 REFERENCES _____________________________________________ 361 GLOSSARY _ ________________________________ s ______________ 363 INDEX _ __385 370 FOREWORD. While at the University of Wisconsin, nearly forty years ago, I became interested in the differences by which woody plants may be recognized in winter sometimes more surely than when in flower and learned from Willkomm's excellent but inconveniently shaped book how readily these differences may be grouped for differential purposes. ' A large collection of winter twigs was accumulated subsequently at the Missouri Botanical Garden, and I owe a lasting debt of gratitude to many friends among them the even then venerable Dr. Chap- man of Florida who collected such material for me. Willkomm's book, like other contemporary publications of its kind, was confined to the commonest deciduous trees and shrubs of northern Europe. My intention at that time was to prepare a winter manual of the trees native to the Eastern United States, and illustrations of many of these were prepared by Miss Grace E. Johnson (now Mrs. George Clifford Vieh). For a variety of reasons, this undertaking was laid aside, and her skilful and expressive drawings remain un- published except for those picturing Acer, Carya, Juglans and Leiineria. It is a pleasure . to record that though long out of practice, Mrs. Vieh has prepared for the engraver some of the simplified drawings now published. URBANA, ILLINOIS, August 1918. INTRODUCTION. When my Plant Materials pocket manual was issued, in 1917, an unusually full account was given of characters that are not mentioned in the usual handbooks, but the keys were based in large part on differences used by the old herbalists, position and other peculiarities of the foliage. The key of the present volume utilizes leaf-scar and bud differences in the same manner. Because the keys of the first volume are as available for coniferous evergreens in winter as in summer, this important group of trees is not considered here at all ; but angiospermous evergreens and the few deciduous conifers are treated now in even greater fullness. To avoid .unnecessary repetition, fam- ily descriptions are not repeated here, and the generic charac- ters are confined to the direct purpose of the book. This purpose, naming our common trees and shrubs when without foliage, involves a close accounting for small differ- ences between small parts, so that illustrations are more in- dispensable than for a Summer Manual leading to the same end with the same plants. Such illustrations are inserted in the text, where they may be used with convenience. Occa- sionally a twig or leaf is pictured of natural size or reduced to one-half (or in Magnolia one-fourth) its natural size. Ex- cept for these and the self-evident cases of Ailanthus, Aralia and Cedrela where details are seen easily without enlarge- ment, the essential characters of leaf-scars, bud and pith are shown with a uniform enlargement of three diameters, which serves the purpose though details sometimes appear small as a result. Even more necessary than in summer studies, is a good pocket-lens of about 12-magnification; and it should bd an invariable practice to examine carefully a number of buds vii viii INTRODUCTION and leaf-scars, particularly those of ordinary branches rather than suckers or spurs, before beginning to use the key. When this practice is followed, after a few familiar species have been traced through so as to give facility, the key will be found simple, direct and conclusive in nearly every case; and native and introduced species, as .well as genera, may be named for the most part. The present volume, though conifers are excluded, deals with 326 genera belonging to 93 families. Species and espe- cially varieties are not differentiated to the same extent as in the earlier volume, but the keys lead to the names of about 1100 such forms. As in the earlier volume, questions of nomenclature have been waived, and the same names are used in both books except for correction of a few oversights in the first, so that reference may be made readily to the Standard Cyclopedia for other information concerning the plants; and this is even more necessary than when names are learned from summer characters. USING THE KEYS. As in the Summer Manual, the keys are essentially dicho- tomous, bringing together in couplets alternatives with usu- ally sharply contrasted differences. In each instance, these contrasts are grouped under a single number. A few exam- ples will show the simplicity of using such a key, and the directness with which it leads to the name of a plant. Caution should be observed with all alternate-leaved shrubs until the poisonous species of Rhus have become known. Having a disinclination to come into unexpected contact with the poison ivy, I decide to familiarize myself with its essential winter-characters at once. Remembering where I saw it last summer, I go to a post or tree trunk over which it is climbing, and without touching it I am able to see that it climbs by the aid of numerous short roots that fasten them- selves to the support, but has no tendrils, and that its leaf- scars are distributed singly along the stem, or alternate. Cau- tious examination under a lens, still without touching the plant, shows that these leaf-scars are half-round or somewhat shield- or heart-shaped or 3-sided, and after looking at several of them I have satisfied myself that each scar is marked by a number of dots more or less evidently in 3 groups, each of which is a bundle-trace corresponding to one of the woody strands that passed from the stem to make up the framework of the leaf last season. Over each leaf-scar is a single bud, slightly elongated or stalked below its leaves. No sign of stipules, or scars left after their fall, is evident near any of the leaf-scars. I have noticed everything essential to naming the plant without having exposed myself to danger from its poi- son. Turning to the key (p. xi), I find only five contrasts no. 1 to 140; no. 140 to 150; no. 150 to 151; no. 151 to 157 before I stop convinced that it belongs to the genus Rhus. ix x USING THE KEYS Reading the winter-description of that genus on p. 187 con- firms me in this conviction. The analysis of species under Rhus leads as directly and certainly to Rhus radicans (L 4) as the name of my plant. As I return to the house, I stop to look at a velvety vine rooted against a tree-trunk where I remember having seen something different from poison ivy last summer. Without touching this climber I look it over carefully, first with the unaided eye, then under a lens, and find that it differs from Rhus in a number of respects. Besides the roots by which it is fastened to its support, it produces short hand-like tendrils at many of its nodes and the fingers of these are dilated into broad adhering tips. These tendrils are opposite the half- round leaf-scars, each of which has a series of rather indis- tinct bundle-traces just inside its margin; and a narrow sti- pule-scar runs off at either side of the short round bud above each leaf -scar. The sequence in the key here is no. 1 to 140; 140 to 150; 150 to 151; 151 to 152; and 152 to 153. The disks at end of the tendril-branches satisfy me that this is a Vir- ginia creeper, and the key to the several kinds of Partheno- cissus (p. 225) shows that I have seen the rooting ampelopsis, Parthenocissus quinquefolia Saint-Paulii, which I may trans- plant to my house next spring without fear, and in the cer- tainty that it will cling closely and tenaciously to the wall. My neighbor grows a fleecy, tall shrub that has the pecu- liarity of discarding many of its very slender twigs every fall, reclothing itself in a similar array the next season. I find that instead of ordinary broad leaves, this produces small scales, one at a node though often crowded close together. These scale-leaves have not fallen as most leaves do, but are present in winter. In the axil or angle over each of them is a small round bud, and the outer scales of some of these have parted, showing a nest of smaller buds. Cutting across one of the reddish branchlets, I see that its pith is toward one side rather than exactly central in the zone of wood by USING THE KEYS xi which it is separated from the bark. Tracing the shrub is simple: no. 1 to 140; to 141; to 142; to 143; to 144; to 145, where I stop at Tamarix. The species (p. 238) are not easily distinguished, but the color of the twigs makes me believe that this is the commonly cultivated Tamarix gallica. Several years ago a squirrel overlooked some sort of a nut that he had buried next a fence. It has grown into a small tree with sumach-like foliage, that must be either a hickory or black walnut or butternut. I want to know which. The twigs present several peculiarities: leaf-scars are alter- nate, raised above the level of the stem, shaped much as in the poison ivy, with 3 usually C-shaped or fragmented bundle- traces; over each leaf-scar are two scaly buds, one superposed above the other; and the twig, when split, shows a peculiar pith, not solid, but consisting of thin brown plates separating cavities or chambers. The key leads me from no. 1 to 140; to 150; to 172; to 202; to 203; to 219; to 224; to 225; to 227; to 255; to 256; to 259; to 260; where I decide that my tree is a Juglans. The characters of this genus (p. 16) satisfy me that this is right, and the short gray silky terminal bud and the absence of moustache-like velvety lines above the leaf- scars show that it was a black walnut that the squirrel planted and forgot, here as along many other fences. A horticultural friend brings me a twig of one of the golden bells which survived the last severe winter better than the common Forsythia viridissima, and asks if it can be the hybrid ( X F. intermedia) between that species and the hardier F. suspensa. The, key (1 to 2; to 15; to 19; to 22; to 35; to 40; to 86; to 87; to; 92; to 97; to 104; to 124; to 126) convinces me that what he has is really a Forsythia. Turn- ing to p. 308 I find that the twig has the solid tissue at its nodes characteristic of F. suspensa (f. 3), but the thin plates or their remains between the nodes characteristic of F. viri- dissima (f. 1) ; for the hybrid X Forsythia intermedia (f. 2) is intermediate between the parent species in this as in other characters. KEY TO GENERA. 1. Leaves solitary (alternate) at each node. 140. Leaves 2 or more at each node. 2. (Leaves may be represented by scales or spines or by scars from which they have fallen, in either of the groups). 2. Leaves characteristically 2 at each node. 15. Leaves characteristically 3 at each node. 3. (Exceptional branches may have 3 instead of 2, or 2 in- stead of the customary 3 leaves). LEAVES WHORLED. 3. Leaves reduced to small thin scales. p. 6. Ephedra. Ordinary leaves or their scars present. 4. 4. Leaves persistent and green (evergreen). 5. Leaves absent (deciduous), or dried. 10. 5. Leaves small, narrow, revolute: low shrubs. 6. Leaves larger, broad, flat: sap milky. 9. 6. Leaves terete: aromatic. p. 181. Ceratiola. Leaves broader than thick. 7. 7. Leaves 3 or 4 in a whorl: plants erect. p. 299. Erica. Leaves about 5 in a whorl: plants matted. 8. 8. Leaves flat above, not toothed. p. 180. Empetrum. Leaves biconvex, microscopically toothed. p. 179. Corema. 9. Stipules present: leaf-scars not fringed, p. 324. Allamanda. Stipules lacking: leaf-scars fringed at top. p. 326. Nerium. 10. Twigs stout: leaf-scars large. p. 341. Catalpa. Twigs slender. 11. 11. Buds small, often sunken in the bark. p. 344. Cephalanthus. Buds moderate or very evident. 12. 12. Bundle-trace 1: pods long, slender. p. 340. Chilopsis. Bundle-traces several. 13. 13. Pith spongy or excavated: buds acute. p. 77. Deutzia. Pith continuous. 14. 14. Two or four hairy lines below each node. p. 348. Diervilla. Without hairy ridges: buds short, blunt, p. 81. Hydrangea. xii KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE xiii LEAVES OPPOSITE. 15. Leaves represented by small persistent scales. 16. Ordinary leaves, or their scars, present. 19. 16. Twigs often ending in spines. 17. Twigs not sharp and pungent. p. 6. Ephedra. 17. Spines much flattened. p. 214. Colletia. Twigs cylindrical (terete). 18. 18. Spines rather long: no stipules. p. 241. Koeberlinia. Spines 2 cm., outcurved: stipules minute, p. 221. Adolphia. 19. Leaf-scars and buds in 2 vertical ranks. 20. Leaf-scars in 4 ranks unless on climbers. 22. 20. Deciduous: without stipules or stipule-scars. 21. Evergreen: stipules persistent. p. 159. Guaiacum. 21. Not aromatic: buds elongated. p. 43. Buckleya. Aromatic: buds round. p. 67. Meratia. 22. Climbing or scrambling. 23. Not climbing. 35. 23. Climbing by coiling leaf -organs (tendrils). 24. Climbing by aerial roots. 25. Twining or scrambling, without aerial roots or tendrils. 28. 24. Wood showing a cross in section. p. 338. Bignonia. Wood not showing a cross: stem angled. p. 52. Clematis. 25. Evergreen: leaves rather small. p. 195. Evonymus. Deciduous. 26. 26. Leaf-scars half-round: bundle-trace 1. p. 339. Campsis. Leaf-scars crescent-shaped. p. 81. Hydrangea. Leaf-scars U-shaped or horseshoe-shaped: pith spongy. 27. 27. Leaf -scars U-shaped: bundle-traces 5. p. 78. Schizophragma. Leaf-scars horseshoe-shaped. p. 79. Decumaria, 28. Pith continuous. 29. Pith spongy: evergreen: sap milky. 30. Pith chambered or excavated. 32. 29. Tiwgs acutely 4-lined. p. 320. Jasminum. Twigs terete and not ribbed. p. 330. Petraea. xiv KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE 30. Leaves rounded at ends. p. 328. Stephanotis. Leaves acute at both ends. 31. 31. Leaf-scars transversely connected, p. 325. Trachelospermum. Leaf-scars without connecting lines. p. 324. Allamanda. 32. Sap milky: leaf-scars raised, shriveled, p. 327. Periploca. Sap not milky. 33. 33. Bundle-trace 1: commonly evergreen. 34. Bundle-traces 3: twining. . p. 353. Lonicera. 34. Twining: stems 4-lined: leaves simple, p. 322. Gelsemium. Scrambling: stems not lined. p. 320. Jasminum. 35. With spines ending some twigs or in the axils. 36. Without spines or prickles. 40. 36. Scurfy with shield-shaped (peltate) scales. 37. Without such scales. 38. 37. Evergreen: buds naked: leaves lanceolate. p. 318. Olea. Deciduous: buds scaly. p. 248. Shepherdia. 38. Spines forking: evergreen. p. 323. Carissa. Spines unbranched, often blunt: foliage deciduous. 39. 39. Buds several, superposed, small. p. 316. Forestiera. Buds not superposed, relatively large. p. 220. Rhamnus. 40. Bundle-traces 3 or more, separate, in an open series. 41. Bundle-trace 1; or many traces scattered or in an ellipse, or nearly confluent in a straight or curved line. 86. (This group includes cases in which the bundle-traces are indistinguishable in a shriveled scar). 41. Leaf-scars large and broad: twigs stout. 42. Leaf-scars small or narrow. 43. 42. Buds solitary, the terminal enlarged. p. 207. Aesculus. Buds multiple. p. 359. Sambucus. 43. Leaf-scars linear or U-shaped. 75. Leaf-scars horseshoe-shaped. 85. Leaf-scars not as above unless by tearing. 44. 44. Evergreen. 45. Deciduous. 48. KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE xv 45. Leaves pinnate, frequently alternate. p. 143. Sophora. Leaves simple. 46. 46. Bundle-traces three. 47. Bundle-traces 7: stipules forming a sheath, p. 345. Gardenia. 47. Pith uniform and continuous. p. 349. Viburnum. Pith gritty, finally chambered. p. 364. Aucuba. 48. Pith spongy or finally excavated. 49. Pith characteristically continuous and persistent. 53. 49. Leaf-scars raised, or else buds superposed. 50. Leaf-scars little raised: buds not superposed. 52. 50. Buds sessile. 51. Buds slightly stalked: tender. p. 356. Leycesteria. 51. Buds never superposed. p. 352. Symphoricarpos. Buds often superposed. p. 353. Lonicera. 52. Pith spongy, or lower bud-scales short. p. 77. Deutzia. Pith excavated: lower scales as long as bud. p. 347. Dipelta. 53. Buds behind a persistent petiole-base. p. 262. Cornus. - Buds covered by a broad membrane, p. 74. Philadelphus. Buds exposed. 54. 54. Buds enclosed in a single outer scale or sac. 55. Buds naked, or with separate scales. 57. 55. Scale 1, split in front. p. 49. Cercidiphyllum. Scales 2, united in a closed sac. 56. 56. With evident stipule-scars. p. 201. Staphylea. Without stipule-scars. p. 349. Viburnum. 57. Most leaf-scars alternate: buds silvery, p. 148. Laburnum. Without this combination of characters. 58. 58. Leaf-scars ciliate at top. 59. Leaf-scars not ciliate. 61. 59. Buds solitary over each leaf-scar. 60. Buds often collaterally multiplied. p. 112. Rhodotypos. 60. Buds essentially sessile. p. 202. Acer. Buds slightly but evidently stalked. p. 349. Viburnum. 61. Twigs with 2 or 4 often hairy raised lines, p. 348. Diervilla. Twigs not ridged when fresh. 62. xvi KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE 62. Buds without scales: stellate-scurfy. p. 349. Viburnum. Buds with scales. 63. 63. Visible scales 1 or 2 pairs. 64. Visible scales more than 2 pairs. 70. 64. Buds stalked: scales meeting at their edges, p. 202. Acer. Buds not stalked. 65. 65. Leaf-scars distinctly raised. 66. Leaf-scars low. 68. 66. Aromatic: lateral bundle-traces very small, p. 67. Meratia. Not aromatic: bundle-traces 3, nearly equal. 67. 67. Leaf-scar on a finally torn membrane, p. 74. Philadelphus. . Leaf-scar not on an articular membrane, p. 353. Lonicera. 68. Leaf-scar thin and tearing at top. p. 74. Philadelphus. Leaf-scar not on an articular membrane. 69. 69. Glabrate: with stipule-scars. p. 201. Staphylea. Velvety: without stipule-scars. p. 162. Evodia. 70. Buds sometimes superposed. 71. Buds not superposed. 72. 71. Leaf-scars raised. p. 353. Lonicera. Leaf-scars low. p. 348. Diervilla. 72. Bark exfoliating: traces subconfluent. p. 357. Kolkwitzia. Bark not exfoliating, or else bundle-traces separated. 73. 73. Buds nearly globose or else plants pithy, p. 81. Hydrangea. Buds conical. p. 202. Acer. Buds ovoid or oblong. 74. 74. Buds branching or else leaf-scars meeting. p. 202. Acer. Buds remaining solitary. p. 349. Viburnum. 75. Bud-scale 1, forming a closed sac. 76. Bud-scales several or indistinct, or lacking. 77. 76. Buds gummy within. p. 349. Viburnum. Buds not gummy when opened. p. 11. Salix. 77. Twigs with many ridges. p. 76. Fendlera. Twigs without such ridges. 78. 78. Very woolly: savory: small. p. 334. Rosmarinus. Neither very woolly nor savory. 79. KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE xvii 79. Buds quite sessile. 80. Buds somewhat stalked: pith continuous. 83. 80. Pith continuous. 81. Pith spongy: often stellately pubescent. p. 77. Deutzia. Pith excavated: twigs slender. p. 358. Abelia. 81. Evergreen: leaf-scars at first raised. p. 267. Garrya. Deciduous: leaf-scars low. 82. 82. Leaf-scars meeting. p. 75. Jamesia. Leaf-scars not meeting. p. 202. Acer. 83. Leaf-scars for a time raised: scales valvate. p. 262. Cornus. Without this combination of characters. 84. 84. Leaf-scars meeting in a point. p. 202. Acer. Leaf-scars not meeting. p. 349. Viburnum. 85. Aromatic: buds closely superposed. p. 66. Calycanthus. Not fragrant: buds solitary. p. 165. Phellodendron. 86. Leaf-scars fringed: evergreen: sap milky, p. 326. Nerium. Without this combination of characters. 87. 87. Soft pithy half-shrubs: buds superposed. 88. Without this combination of characters. 92. 88. Peppery-aromatic: leaf-scars U- or C-shaped. p. 333. Vitex. Not peppery-aromatic. 89. 89. Leaf-scar subelliptical. 90. Leaf-scar triangular or crescent-shaped, p. 321. Buddleia. Leaf-scar or bundle-trace C-shaped. p. 331. Callicarpa. 90. Leaf-scars of each pair connected. p. 342. Tecoma. Leaf-scars not connected by a downy line. 91. 91. Leaf-scar straight at top. p.332. Caryopteris. Leaf-scar notched. p. 329. Clerodendron. 92. Bundle-traces many in a compound or elliptical series. 93. Bundle-traces few (often 3), rather distinct. 95. Bundle-traces 1, sometimes obscure. 97. 93. Sap milky: bud-scales striated. p. 36. Broussonetia. Sap not milky: bud-scales 2 or four, not ribbed. 94. 94. Pith chambered: leaf-scars elliptical. p. 337. Paulownia. Pith continuous: scars shield-shaped. p. 310. Praxinus. xviii KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE 95. Aromatic: middle bundle-trace largest. p. 67. Meratia. Not aromatic. 96. 96. Stipules persistent: buds silvery-hairy, p. 148. Laburnum. Stipules lacking: buds gray- velvety. p. 357. Kolkwitzia. 97. Heath-like or trailing, with small evergreen leaves. 98. Not heath-like or trailing and also evergreen. 104. 98. Delicate trailing rooting vine. p. 355. Linnaea. Heath-like or moss-like. 99. 99. Leaves auricled at base and sessile. p. 298. Calluna. Leaves neither auricled nor sessile. 100. 100. Leaves overlapping like fleshy scales. p. 282. Cassiope. Leaves not overlapping. 101. 101. Leaves very revolute. p. 277. Loiseleuria. Leaves narrowly if at all revolute. 102. 102. Leaves finely toothed. p. 198. Pachistima. Leaves entire. 103. 103. Leaves with distinct dots beneath, p. 276. Leiophyllum. Leaves not or very indistinctly dotted. p. 278. Kalmia. 104. Evergreen. 105. Deciduous. 124. 105. Leaves of 2 leaflets: odoriferous. p. 160. Covillea. Leaves pinnately divided. p. 320. Jasminum. Leaves simple, not divided. 106. 106. Aromatic. 107. Not aromatic. 112. 107. Leaves narrowly lanceolate: shrub. p. 252. Myrtus. Leaves broad. 108. 108. Leaves several-nerved, rather ovate, p. 69. Cinnamomum. Leaves 1-nerved, elliptical or falcate. 109. 109. Leaves white-woolly beneath. p. 254. Feijoa. Leaves glabrous. 110. 110. Leaves of mature growth alternate. p. 257. Eucalyptus. Leaves all opposite and elliptical. 111. 111. Bark shredding: buds solitary. p. 250. Punica. Bark not shredding: buds superposed. p. 255. Pimenta. KEYS LEAVES OPPOSITE xix 112. Leaves and buds gray- or golden-scurfy. p. 318. Olea. Not scurfy. 113. 113. Pith spongy. 114. Pith continuous. 117. 114. Sap milky: pith round. Sap not milky: pith usually 4-angled. 115. Pubescent: pith brown. Glabrous: pith green or white. 116. 116. Leaves very small (5-8x15-20 mm.). Leaves distinctly larger. 117. Buds not superposed. 118. Buds often superposed. 120. 118. Leaves small (2 cm.). 119. Leaves larger: stipules sheathing. 119. Leaves blunt. Leaves acute. 120. Bundle-trace at top of the leaf-scar. Bundle-trace in the middle of the leaf-scar. 121. 121. Leaf-scars relatively large (3 mm.), p. 315. Osmanthus. Leaf-scars smaller, elevated. 122. 122. Leaves elliptical. Leaves ovate or lanceolate. 123. 123. Leaves entire, lance-ovate. Leaves toothed or else not ovate. 124. Pith spongy. 125. Pith finally chambered or excavated. Pith continuous and persistent. 130. 125. Leaf-scars round: bark flaking. p. 249. Lagerstroemia. Leaf-scars crescent-shaped. p. 195. Evonymus. 126. Buds slender, finally much multiplied, p. 308. Forsythia. Buds only 1-3 in each axil. 127. 127. Leaf -scars shield-shaped. p. 312. Schrebera. Leaf-scars triangular or lens- or crescent-shaped. 128. 128. Leaf-scars raised, shriveled. p. 352. Symphoricarpos. Leaf-scars low. 129. p. 324. Allamanda. 115. p. 253. Psidium. p. 198. Pachistima. p. 195. Evonymus. p. 346. Coffea. p. 177. Buxus. p. 244. Daphne. p. 178. Simmondsia. p. 278. Kalmia. p. 319. Ligustrum. p. 314. Phillyraea. 126. xx KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 129. Leaf-scars triangular. p. 236. Ascyrum. Leaf-scars angularly lens-shaped. p. 237. Hypericum. 130. Twigs rather sharply 4-ridged. 131. Twigs at most angular or grooved below the nodes. 132. 131. Leaf-scars ciliate or fringed at top. p. 309. Fontanesia. Leaf-scars not ciliate. p. 250. Punica. 132. Leaf-scars relatively broad (3 mm,). 133. Leaf-scars minute (scarcely 2 mm.). 135. 133. Buds superposed. 134. Buds not superposed. p. 313. Syringa. 134. Bud-scales stiff-pointed. p. 317. Chionanthus. Bud-scales not pungent. p. 310. Fraxinus. 135. Leaf-scars low. 136. Leaf-scars elevated. 137. 136. Buds several, superposed, separated. p. 316. Forestiera. Buds collaterally multiplied. p. 182. Coriaria. Buds usually solitary: bark not shredding, p. 244. Daphne. 137. Leaf-scars shriveled. p. 352. Symphoricarpos. Leaf-scars distinctly outlined. 138. 138. Bushy. 139. With a tendency to climb. p. 320. Jasminum. 139. With a stipular line. p. 343. Pinckneya. Without stipular vestiges. p. 319. Ligustrum. LEAVES ALTERNATE. 140. Leaves represented by small scales, or by spines. 141. Ordinary leaves, or their scars, present. 150. 141. Wood-strands scattered through the stem. p. 7. Ruscus. Wood in a zone between pith and bark. 142. 142. Leaves persistent in the form of scales. 143. Leaves or their axes persistent as spines. 146. 143. Scales and buds minute: twigs spiny, p. 241. Koeberlinia. Scales and buds evident, though small: not spiny. 144. 144. Percurrent tree: twigs slender. p. 5. Taxodium. Openly branched small trees or shrubs. 145. 145. Pith central in the branches. p. 238. Myricaria. Pith toward one side of the branches. p. 238. Tamarix. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxi 146. Twigs, as well as leaves, becoming spines. p. 149. Ulex. Only the leaves becoming spines. 147. 147. Spines without leaflet-scars. 148. Spines with leaflet-scars. 149. 148. Spines unbranched: stems rather fleshy, p. 239. Fouquieria. Spines commonly branched. p. 57. Berberis. 149. Buds with evident scales. p. 154. Caragana. Bud-scales indistinct: tender. p. 141. Parkinsonia. 150. Climbing or scrambling. 151. Not climbing. 172. 151. Climbing by tendrils. 152. With aerial roots but no tendrils. 157. Twining or scrambling, without roots or tendrils. 158. 152. Tendrils on the persistent leaf-base. p. 8. Smilax. Tendrils opposite the leaf-scars. 153. 153. Tendrils often ending in disks. p. 225. Parthenocissus. Tendrils not enlarged into disks. 154. 154. Pith continuous. 155. Pith sub-chambered. p. 222. Ampelopsis. 155. Stems rather fleshy, terete. p. 223. Cissus. Stems firm. 156. 156. Bark not flaking: pith not firmer at nodes. p. 225. Parthenocissus. Bark flaking and pith firmer at nodes except in one. p. 224. Vitis. 157. Evergreen : leaves simple, usually angular, p. 258. Hedera. Deciduous. Poisonous. p. 187. Rhus. 158. Leaf-scars U-shaped or linear. 159. Leaf-scars neither U-shaped nor linear. 160. 159. Buds solitary, scaly: stem often prickly. p. 123. Rosa. Buds superposed, pubescent, indistinct, p. 44. Aristolochia. 160. Some twigs spinescent. 161. Entirely unarmed. 162. 161. Twigs 5-ridged, pale. p. 335. Lycium. Twigs not ribbed. p. 46. Bougainvillea. xxii KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 162. A knob or spur at each angle of the leaf-scar. p. 151. Wisteria. Leaf-scars without knobs at their angles. 163. 163. Buds small or sunken or covered by the leaf-scar. 164. Buds moderately large, evident. 167. 164. Bundle-trace 1: stems not corrugated, p. 232. Actinidia. Bundle-traces 3-7: stems corrugated. (Menispermaceae). 165. 165. Stem hairy: stone of fruit crescent-shaped, p. 61. Cocculus. Stem becoming nearly or quite glabrous. 166. 166. Stem finally glabrous: stone crescent-shaped. p. 61. Menispermum. Stem somewhat pubescent: stone cup-shaped. p. 61. Calycocarpum. 167. Buds oblong, appressed. p. 217. Berchemia. Buds round or ovoid, not appressed. 168. 168. Bundle-trace 1. 169. Bundle-traces several. 170. 169. Bud-scales glabrous, acute. p. 199. Celastrus. Bud-scales pubescent, blunt. p. 336. Solanum. 170. Pith excavated: leaf-scars low. p. 65. Schizandra. Pith continuous: leaf-scars raised. 171. 171. Deciduous: leaf-scars much raised. p. 55. Akebia. Evergreen: leaves digitately compound, p. 54. Stauntonia. 172. With spines (pungent twigs or stipules). 173. With prickles (superficial outgrowths). 197. Without either spines or prickles. 202. 173. Scurfy with silvery or brown scales. 174. Not scurfy with such scales. 175. 174. End-bud often present: twigs moderate, p. 247. Elaeagnus. Twigs ending in spines, very slender, p. 246. Hippophae. 175. Spines at side of the leaf-scar, (stipules). 176. Spines representing leaves. See 146. Spines ending the twigs, or axillary (stem). 181. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxiii 176. Only the stipules pungent. 177. Pungent leaves also present. See 146. Pungent twigs also present. See 181. Prickles also present. See 186. 177. Leaf-scars on a finally torn membrane. p. 157. Robinia. Leaf-scars small, not on an articular membrane. 178. 178. Bundle-trace one. 179. Bundle-traces 3: fruit a screw-like pod. p. 135. Prosopis. 179. Slender branchlets from the nodes: fruit fleshy. p. 212. Zizyphus. Without this combination of characters. 180. 180. Leaf-scars low: fruit umbrella-shaped. p. 213. Paliurus. Leaf -scars raised: fruit a legume. p. 133. Acacia. 181. Wood appearing "endogenous": a supra-axillary spine present, p. 46. Bougainvillea. Wood distinctly in a zone between pith and bark. 182. 182. Pith chambered or excavated. p. 131. Prinsepia. Pith spongy: spine by side of bud. p. 235. Lycium. Pith continuous. 183. 183. Aromatic: evergreen or with green twigs.. 184. Not aromatic: evergreen: leaves simple, p. 99. Pyracantha. Neither aromatic nor evergreen nor green-twigged. 186. 184. Deciduous: spines strong. p. 169. Poncirus. Evergreen: leaves compound. 185. 185. Leaflets 3: spines needle-like. p. 167. Triphasia. Leaflet 1, but disarticulating from its stalk, p. 168. Citrus. 186. Sap more or less milky. 187. Sap not milky. 188. 187. Without stipule-scars: bundle-traces 3. p. 302. Bumelia. With stipule-scars: bundle-traces more. p. 35. Maclura. 188. Leaf-scars on finally torn membranes. 189. Without such articular membranes. 190. 189. Spines branched, often clustered. p. 139. Gleditsia. Spines unbranched. p. 143. Sophora. xxiv KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 190. Branches very green, terete. p. 142. Cercidium. Branches gray-green, flat-ribbed. p. 197. Glossopetalon. Branches very gray or white: Southwestern. 191. Branches neither conspicuously green nor white. 192. 191. Twigs terete. p. 216. Microrhamnus. Twigs 5-angled. p. 215. Condalia. 192. With clustered stipules in the axils. p. 135. Prosopis. Without bristly dwarf-branches. 193. 193. Spines very pungent, beside the buds. 194. Spines less specialized twigs or branch-tips. 195. 194. Bud-scales fleshy: twigs terete. p. 111. Crataegus. Bud-scales dry: twigs angular. p. 103. Chaenomeles. 195. Bundle-trace 1: Western. p. 219. Ceanothus. Bundle-traces 3. 196.. 196. Leaf-scars linear or U-shaped. p. 104. Pyrus. Leaf-scars broader: with stipule-scars. p. 127. Prunus. 197. Leaf bases persistent and torn at top. p. 115. Rubus. With clean-cut though sometimes shriveling leaf-scars. 198. 198. Leaf-scars on articular membranes. p. 157. Robinia. Leaf-scars relatively broad. p. 161. Zanthoxylum. Leaf-scars small, elliptical or shriveled. p. 133. Acacia. Leaf-scars linear or U-shaped. 199. 199. Leaf-scars nearly encircling the thick stem. p. 260. Aralia. Leaf-scars shorter: twigs not excessively stout. 200. 200. Buds elongated and stalked: pith spongy. p. 82. Ribes. Buds round-ovoid: pith continuous. 201. 201. Leaf -scar U-shaped : bundle-traces 5. p. 259. Acanthopanax. Leaf -scar nearly straight: bundle-traces 3. p. 123. Rosa. 202. Bundle-traces 2: dwarf-twigs abundant. p. 3. Ginkgo. Without this combination of characters. 203. 203. Creeping or matted or heath-like evergreens. 204. Not evergreen, or else not matted or heath-like. 219. 204. Leaves revolute nearly or quite to the midrib. 205. Leaves not revolute to the midrib. 208. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxv 205.. Twigs and revolute leaves terete. p. 181. Ceratiola. Twigs flat-ribbed below the leaves. 206. 206. Leaves quite entire: twigs glabrescent. p. 180. Empetrum. Leaves microscopically toothed. 207. 207. Twigs downy in the grooves. p. 179. Corema. Twigs glabrous. p. 279. Phyllodoce. 208. Delicate, trailing, the leaves not crowded. 209. Not loosely trailing or else the leaves crowded. 210. 209. Stems chaffy: leaves not white beneath, p. 297. Chiogenes. Stems not chaffy: leaves white beneath, p. 295. Vaccinium. 210. Leaves very narrow: plants small, moss-like. .211. Leaves broader: plants not at all moss-like. 212. 211. Leaves glabrous. p. 282. Cassiope. Leaves white-hairy. p. 240. Hudsonia. 212. Not forming distinct leaf-scars. 213. Leaves finally falling from clean-cut scars. 214. . 213. Leaves obtuse, spatulate, outcurved. p. 300. Diapensia. Leaves acute, oblanceolate. p. 301. Pyxidanthera, 214. With stipules. p. 100. Cotoneaster. Without stipules. 215. 215. Leaves neither toothed nor dotted. 216. Leaves minutely toothed, or else dotted beneath. 217. 216. Leaves densely woolly beneath. p. 280. Daboecia. Leaves not woolly. p. 292. Arctostaphylos. 217. Leaves elongated or else pungent. p. 291. Pernettya. Leaves relatively broad, not pungent. 218. 218. Leaves broadest below the middle. p. 294. Gaylussacia. Leaves broadest above the middle. p. 295. Vaccinium. 219. Without leaf-scars. 220. With large leaf-scar on deciduous sheath, p. 45. Coccoloba. With leaf-scars on stem or on leaf cushion or petiole. 224. 220. Trailing hairy evergreen : leaves elliptical, p. 289. Epigaea. Not trailing. 221. 221. Leaf -bases not overlapping: petiole torn. p. 115. Rubus. Persistent leaf-bases overlapping at least on spurs. 222. xxvi KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 222. Evergreen: leaflets numerous. p. 56. Nandina. Deciduous or else without many leaflets. 223. 223. Petiole sometimes elongated: deciduous, p. 117. Potentilla. Petiole not elongated: subevergreen. p. 60. X Mahoberberis. 224. Bundle-traces 3 or more, separate, in an open line. 225. Bundle-trace 1; or many traces scattered or in an ellipse, or nearly confluent in a straight or curved line. 344. (This group includes cases in which the bundle-traces are indistinguishable in a shriveled scar). Caution. Learn the poisonous species of Rhus. 225. Evergreen, with small finely compound leaves. 226. Leaves not small and fern-like if evergreen. 227. 226. Leaves scarcely twice pinnate. p. 96. Chamaebatiaria. Leaves nearly thrice pinnate. p. 122. Chamaebatia. 227. Leaf-scars linear or narrowly U-shaped. 228. Leaf-scars C-shaped or horseshoe-shaped, or ring-like and encircling the bud. 248. Leaf-scars not of the preceding types. 255. 228. Stipule-scars encircling the twig. p. 63. Magnolia. Stipule-scars, if any, not encircling the twig. 229. 229. Leaf-scars fully half-encircling the twig. 230. Leaf-scars shorter. 231. 230. Evergreen: leaves pinnately compound, p. 59. Mahonia. Deciduous: twigs yellow when cut. p. 51. Zanthorhiza. 231. Bud-scale distinctly 1, forming a sac. p. 11. Salix Bud-scales several or else indistinct. 232. 232. Pith spongy: buds acute. p. 82. Ribes. Pith chambered: buds obtuse. p. 125. Osmaronia. Pith continuous. 233. 233. Aromatic: twigs slender: buds superposed, p. 72. Benzoin. Without this combination of characters. 234. 234. Buds round-ovoid with resinous or fleshy scales. 235. Buds usually indistinct: bark green. p. 142. Cercidium. Without either of these combinations of characters. 237. 235. Buds imbedded in gum or resin. 236. Buds not resinous, fleshy. p. 111. Crataegus. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxvii 236. With stipule-scars: pith flat or 3-sided. p. 23. Betula. No stipule-scars: pith round. p. 360. Baccharis. 237. Leaf-scars low, almost straight. p. 123. Rosa. Leaf-scars more or less raised if straight. 238. 238. Lateral buds short-ovoid or bluntly conical or oblong. 239. Lateral buds elongated-ovoid or conical. 243. 239. With stipule-scars. 240. No stipule-scars. 242. 240. Pith minute, flat or 3-sided. p. 23. Betula. Pith rounded. 241. 241. Twigs hairy: bud-scales overlapping. p. 102. Cydonia. Glabrous: buds ovoid, scales subvalvate. p. 242. Stachyurus. 242. Twigs slender (1mm.): end-bud lacking, p. 109. Photinia. Twigs stouter: usually with end-bud. p. 104. Pyrus. 243. Pith 5-angled: bud-scales twisted. p. 110. Amelanchier. Without this combination of characters. 244. 244. Pith minute, green, flattened or 3-sided. p. 23. Betula. Pith not 3-sided if small. 245. 245. Bark exfoliating. p. 98. Exochorda. Bark not exfoliating. 246. 246. Buds woolly or gummy, ovoid-oblong. p. 106. Sorbus. Buds neither woolly nor gummy. 247. 247. Buds narrowly oblong. p. 105. Aronia. Buds acutely ovoid: bark bitter. p. 127. Prunus. 248. Stipule-scars encircling the twig. p. 90. Platanus. Stipule-scars not encircling the twig. 249. 249. Leaf-scar from the first nearly encircling the bud. 250. Leaf-scar at first on an articular membrane. 252. 250. Sap milky or flowing freely: pith continuous, p. 187. Rhus. Without this combination of characters. 251. 251. Pith continuous: nodes not swollen. p. 144. Cladrastis. Pith spongy: nodes swollen. p. 245. Dirca. 252. Somewhat aromatic: twigs dotted. p. 164. Ptelea. Not aromatic: end-bud lacking. 253. xxviii KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 253. With small stipules or stipule-scars. 254. Without stipules or stipule-scars. p. 139. Gleditsia. 254. Nodes usually swollen: buds distinct. p. 143. Sophora. Nodes neither swollen nor buds large, p. 157. Robinia. 255. Leaf-scars enlarged on trunk: sap milky, p. 243. Carica. Without this combination of characters. 256. 256. Pith spongy between the nodes. 257. Pith chambered, at least at some nodes. 259. Pith continuous. 262. 257. Leaf-scars 2-ranked. p. 40. Zelkova. Leaf-scars in more than 2 ranks. 258. 258. Lowest bud-scale in front. p. 9. Populus. Scales otherwise disposed. p. 85. Liquidambar. 259. Buds naked: bundle-traces large. p. 19. Pterocarya. Buds scaly. 260. 260. Twigs coarse: leaf-scars large. p. 16. Juglans. Twigs slender: leaf-scars small. 261. 261. Buds triangular, appressed, solitary, 2-ranked. p. 39. Celtis. Buds globose, superposed: twigs green. p. 80. Itea. 262. Pith with firmer plates at intervals. 263. Pith without firmer diaphragms. 266. 263. Evergreen: very rusty-hairy. p. 64. Michelia. Deciduous. 264. 264. Buds solitary or not forming spurs. p. 266. Davidia. Buds superposed or else forming dwarf branches. 265. 265. Buds with scales, not red-hairy. p. 265. Nyssa. Buds red-hairy, the terminal without scales, p. 68. Asimina. 266. Evergreen or largely so. 267. Deciduous. 281. 267. Leaves compound. 268. Leaves simple. 274. 268. Peppery-aromatic. p. 185. Schinus. Not peppery. 269. 269. Buds superposed. p. 208. Sapindus. Buds not superposed. 270. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxix 270. Twigs greenish. p. 143. Sophora. Twigs brown. 271. 271. Twigs warty. 272. Twigs not warty: leaflets small, blunt, p. 136. Tamarindus. 272. Leaflets large and pointed. 273. Leaflets small, very numerous. p. 134. Leucaena. 273. Bark papery-exfoliating. p. 171. Bursera. Bark not papery. p. 172. Swietenia. 274. Leaves with several nectar-glands beneath, p. 127. Prunus. Leaves without such glands. 275. 275. Leaf-scars with acute angles: hairy. p. 108. Eriobotrya. Leaf-scars transversely elliptical. p. 251. Rhizophora. Without either of these combinations of characters. 276. 276. Leaf-scars at first raised and minute, p. 120. Cercocarpus. Leaf-scars from the first low. 277. 277. Leaves large (15 cm. or more long). 278. Leaves distinctly smaller (scarcely 10 cm.). 279. 278. Leaves oblanceolate. p. 229. Theobroma. Leaves lance-oblong. p. 183. Mangifera. 279. Leaves with resin-glands, crenate or lobed. p. 13. Myrica. Leaves not resin-dotted, entire. 280. 280. Glabrous: buds acute. p. 107. Raphiolepis. Somewhat hairy: buds rather obtuse, p. 84. Pittosporum. 281. Buds small, superposed, in silky pits. p. 140. Gymnocladus. Buds at first under a membrane. p. 139. Gleditsia. Buds neither sunken in pits nor covered if superposed. 282. 282. With free-flowing gum or sap. 283. Sap not flowing freely when twigs are cut. 286. 283. Pith angular: twigs often corky-ridged, p. 85. Liquidambar. Pith not angular. 284. 284. Bundle-traces 3, or in 3 groups. 285. Bundle-traces or groups more than 3. p. 187. Rhus. 285. Odoriferous: bud-scales 2. p. 186. Cotinus. Not odoriferous: bud-scales several. p. 34. Morus. 286. Exuding a sweet gum: pith angled. p. 85. Liquidambar. Not exuding a sweet gum if pith is angular. 287. xxx KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 287. Lowest scale central over the leaf -scar: pith 5-angled, sometimes spongy. p. 9. Populus. Without this combination of characters. 288. 288. With resin-glands or blisters, at least in sheltered places. 289. Not resinous-glandular. 290. 289. Stipule-scars elongated: resin in blisters. p. 23. Betula. Stipule-scars minute or lacking. p. 13. Myrica. 290. Buds distinctly stalked below their lowest scales. 291. Buds not stalked except as they begin to develop. 295. 291. Leaf-scars 2-ranked: buds pubescent. 293. Leaf-scars in more than 2 ranks. 292. 292. Spicy-aromatic. p. 72. Benzoin. Not aromatic. p. 25. Alnus. 293. Bark flaking: buds often black. p. 86. Parrotia. Buds not exfoliating. 294. 294. Fruit in elongated clusters. p. 87. Fothergilla. Partly developed fruit in sessile groups, p. 88. Hamamelis. 295. Pith 3-sided or much flattened. 296. Pith neither 3-sided nor greatly flattened. 297. 296. Bud-scales scarcely meeting. p. 25. Alnus. Bud-scales overlapping. p. 23. Betula. 297. Twigs 3-Hbbed below the (usually stipulate) leaf-scars. 298. Twigs not sharply 3-ribbed from the leaf-scars when fresh. 307. 298. Twigs green or red, slender: small shrubs. 299. Without this combination of characters. 300. 299. Twigs green: buds solitary. p. 113. Kerria. Twigs red: buds superposed. p. 93. Stephanandra. 300. Leaf-scars fringed: buds superposed. p. 137. Cercis. Leaf-scars not fringed or else buds not superposed. 301. 301. Buds superposed. 302. Buds not superposed. 303. KEYS LEAVES ALTEKNATE xxxi 302. Bark not exfoliating. p. 160. Amorpha. Bark quickly exfoliating. p. 92. Neillia. 303. Buds appressed: bark exfoliating. p. 91. Physocarpus. Without this combination of characters. 304. 304. Leaf-scars notched: bark shredding. p. 114. Neviusia. Without this combination of characters. 305. 305. Stipules falling from the twig. p. 160. Amorpha. Stipules or their scars, if any, on a leaf-cushion. 306. 306. Leaf-cushion gland-fringed. p. 152. Colutea. Leaf-cushion not glandular. p. 127. Prunus. 307. Buds long and spine-like: stipule-scars long. p. 27. Fagus. Without this combination of characters. 308. 308. Twigs very stout: leaf-scars large: buds short. 309. Without this combination of characters. 310. 309. Bundle-traces 5: end-bud present. p. 173. Cedrela. Bundle-traces 9: end-bud fallen. p. 170. Ailanthus. 310. Buds small and appressed. 311. Buds scarcely appressed. 314. 311. Trunk smooth and green. p. 142. Cercidium. Trunk not green. 312. 312. Leaf-scars on raised leaf-cushions. p. 127. Prunus. Leaf-scars low. 313. 313. Twigs zig-zag, gray: pith small. p. 39. Celtis. Twigs straight, brown : pith larger. p. 242. Stachyurus. 314. Buds very large, acute, warty-wrinkled, p. 53. Decaisnea. Without this combination of bud-characters. 315. 315. Bundle-traces 5 or 7 in 1 series. 316. Bundle-traces 3 or in 3 groups. 317. Bundle-traces grouped about a central one. p. 50. Paeonia. 316. Buds solitary: leaf-scars ciliate. p. 47. Euptelea. Buds superposed: scars not ciliate. p. 15. Platycarya. 317. Leaf-scars rounded: bundle-traces 3. p. 97. Sorbaria. Without this combination of characters. 318. 318. Buds superposed. 319. Buds not superposed. 320. xxxii KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 319. Leaf-scars somewhat 3-lobed. p. 132. Albizzia. Leaf-scars not lobed. p. 218. Hovenia. 320. Twigs warty: bud-scales fringed. p. 211. Xanthoceras. Without this combination of characters. 321. 321. Twigs warty: end-bud lacking. p. 126. Maddenia. Without this combination of characters. 322. 322. Stipules persistent: leaf-scars raised. p. 148. Laburnum. Stipules lacking: leaf-scars raised. p. 109. Photinia. Without eithe'r of these combinations of characters. 323. 323. Pith 5-sided: twigs often corky-ridged, p. 85. Liquidambar. Pith not sharply 5-angled. 324. 324. Leaf-scars often 2-ranked. 325. Leaf-scars in more than 2 ranks. 332. 325. Bud-scales several pairs in 2 ranks. 326. Bud-scales not evidently in 2 ranks. 328. 326. Bud-scales acute. . p. 41. Aphananthe. Bud-scales obtuse. 327. 327. Buds ovoid, moderate or else twigs gray. p. 38. Ulmus. Buds round, small: twigs cherry-colored. p. 39. Planera. 328. End-bud present. p. 89. Corylopsis. End-bud lacking. 329. 329. Bud-scales striate: bark of trunk scaly, p. 22. Ostrya. Without this combination of characters. 330. 330. Bud-scales 2. p. 226. Tilia. Bud-scales about half-a-dozen. 331. 331. Buds nearly globose: twigs often bristly, p. 20 Corylus. Buds ovoid: not bristly: tree. p. 21. Carpinus. 332. Visible bud-scales two. 333. Exposed-scales more than two or buds naked. 334. 333. Scales valvate: end-bud present. p. 262. Cornus. Scales overlapping: end-bud lacking. p. 144. Cladrastis. 334. Without stipules or stipule-scars. 335. With stipule-scars or persistent stipules. 338. 335. Aromatic: twigs green, mucilaginous. p. 71. Sassafras. Not aromatic. 336. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxxiii 336. Buds with red fleshy scales. p. 111. Crataegus. Bud-scales not fleshy. 337. 337. Buds woolly or gummy: no catkins. p. 106. Sorbus. Buds not woolly or gummy. p. 14. Leitneria. 338. Stipule-scars rather elongated. 340. Stipule-bases present, or their scars short. 339. 339. Stipule-scars or bases on a leaf-cushion, p. 127. Prunus. Stipule-scars not on a leaf-cushion. 341. 340. Pith round: buds often superposed. p. 92. Neillia. Pith 3-sided: buds not superposed. p. 23. Betula. 341. Leaf-scars somewhat raised. p. 242. Stachyurus. Leaf-scars low. 342. 342. Buds nearly globose. p. 150. Amorpha. Buds ovoid. 343. 343. Bundle-traces confluent or twigs hairy. p. 220. Rhamnus. Bundle-traces separate or twigs glabrous, p. 127. Prunus. 344. Stipule-scars nearly or quite encircling the twig. 345. Stipule-scars not nearly encircling the twig. 349. 345. Buds pointed and spike-like. p. 27. Fagus. Buds not sharp and hard. 346. 346. Sap milky. p. 37. Ficus. Sap not milky. 347. 347. Very rusty-hairy. p. 64. Michelia. Without long rusty hairs. 348. 348. Buds terete. p. 63. Magnolia. Buds flattened. p. 62. Liriodendron. 349. Leaf-scar nearly encircling the twig after the petiole has fallen. p. 121. Purshia. Leaf-scar not at all nearly encircling the twig. 350. 350. Bundle-traces 3: pith chambered. p. 19. Pterocarya. Without this combination of characters. 351. 351. Bundle-traces many, mostly in 3 groups: leaf-scars lobed. 352. Without this combination of characters. 358. xxxiv KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 352. Pith chambered and angular. p. 16. Juglans. Pith continuous. 353. 353. Evergreen: buds solitary: leaves fern-like, p. 42. Grevillea. Deciduous. 354. 354. With terminal bud: buds ovoid: pith angled, p. 18. Carya. Without a terminal bud. 355. 355. Buds half-ellipsoid: leaf-scars raised, p. 209. Koelreuteria. Buds globose. 356. 356. Buds solitary. 357. Buds superposed. p. 208. Sapindus. 357. Twigs glabrous: lenticels conspicuous. p. 174. Melia. Twigs dingy-tomentulose. p. 210. Ungnadia. 358. Bundle-traces many in a long series, or scattered. 359. Bundle-trace 1, not ring-like, barely broken into 3 or 5 if divided. 370. 359. Leaf-scars large, subelliptical: buds not superposed. 360. Leaf-scars small if they are elliptical. 361. 360. Tree: twigs green: pith continuous. p. 230. Sterculia. Shrub: twigs buff or gray. p. 222. Ampelopsis. 361. CAUTION. (See Rhus.). Sap milky or gummy. 362. Sap neither milky nor gummy. 365. 362. With stipule-scars. 363. Without stipule-scars. Sometimes very poisonous. p. 187. Rhus. 363. Pith with thin diaphragms at nodes, p. 36. Broussonetia. Pith without firm nodal diaphragms. 364. 364. Buds ovoid. p. 34. Moms. Buds depressed-globose. p. 35. Maclura. 365. Without stipules or stipule-scars. 366. With stipules or stipule-scars. 367. 366. Small and soft-wooded: twigs stout. p. 50. Paeonia. Large and woody: twigs rather slender, p. 234. Gordonia. 367. Pith, and usually twigs, grooved. 368. Pith nearly or quite round: end-bud lacking. 369. 368. Bud-scales numerous: end-bud present. p. 29. Quercus. Bud-scales 2 or 3: end-bud often lacking, p. 28. Castanea. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE XXXV 369. Buds evident, with 2 broad scales. p. 226. Tilia. Buds naked except for stipules. p. 227. Grewia. Buds not discernible. p. 228. Hibiscus. 370. Leaf-scars minute, on ridges: fruit a cone. 371. Without this combination of characters. 372. 371. Buds rounded: cone-scales persistent. p. 4. Larix. Buds more elongated: cone-scales falling, p. 4. Pseudolarix. 372. Pith chambered. 373. Pith spongy. 379. Pith continuous. 388. 373. Leaf-scars large and saucer-like. Leaf-scars not dish-like if large. 374. 374. Buds round-conical: subevergreen. Buds ovoid or triangular. 375. 375. Bud-scales 2, overlapping. Bud-scales several. 376. 376. Leaves evergreen, pellucid-punctate. Leaves deciduous. 377. 377. Buds deltoid, closely appressed. Buds ovoid. 378. 378. Leaf-scars notched at top. Leaf-scars not notched. 379. Evergreen: leaves simple. 380. Deciduous. 384. 380. Leaves entire. 381. Leaves more or less toothed. 382. 381. Leaves flat, glabrous. Leaves revolute, woolly beneath. 382. Leaves distinctly serrulate: aromatic. Leaves somewhat crenate. 383. 383. Leaves flat, not pellucid-punctate. Leaves revolute, pellucid-punctate. 3S4. Buds very small: twigs angled, pale. p. 231. Cola. p. 307. Symplocos. p. 303. Diospyros. p. 166. Skimmia. p. 39. Celtis. p. 304. Halesia. p. 48. Eucommia. p. 256. Tristania. p. 271. Ledum. p. 290. Gaultheria. p. 235. Thea. p. 166. Skimmia. p. 335. Lycium. Buds of moderate size: twigs not angled. 385. xxxvi KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 385. Bud-scales numerous. 386. Exposed bud-scales two or three. 387. 386. Leaf-scars low: no stipules. p. 163. Orixa. Scars raised: stipules persistent. p. 117. Potentilla. 387. Buds triangular-ovoid with 2 scales. p. 303. Diospyros. Buds subfusiform, sometimes multiple, p. 233. Stewartia. 388. Pith with firmer plates at intervals, p. 200. Tripterygium. Pith without firmer plates. 389. 389. Leaf-base for a time persistent, torn at top. 390. Leaf-scar clean-cut even if on a raised base. 391. 390. Twigs few-ribbed, gray-green. p. 197. Glossopetalon. Twigs finely corrugated: rush-like. p. 145. Spartium. Twigs neither green nor sculptured. p. 306. Styrax. 391. Bundle-trace frequently broken into three. 392. Bundle-trace undivided, or else of many fragments. 396. 392. Twigs aromatic, green, mucilaginous. p. 71. Sassafras. Twigs neither aromatic nor- green. 393. 393. Buds solitary. 394. Buds superposed. 395. 394. Leaf-scars raised, with stipules. p. 148. Laburnum. Leaf-scars without conspicuous stipules, p. 220. Rhamnus. 395. Buds subglobose. p. 191. Ilex. Upper buds oblong. p. 306. Styrax. 396. Leaf-scars fringed at top, shield-shaped. 397. Leaf-scars not fringed. 398. 397. Evergreen: leaves thick and not veiny, p. 189. Cliftonia. Deciduous, or leaves very veiny if present, p. 190. Cyrilla. 398. Aromatic: evergreen. 399. Not both aromatic and evergreen. 403. 399. Leaves compound: resin flowing freely, p. 184. Pistaeia. Leave^ simple. 400. 400. Leaves with several nerves. p. 69. Cinnamomum. Leaves with only 1 principal vein. 401. 401. Leaves sickle-shaped: buds naked. p. 257. Eucalyptus. Leaves lanceolate: buds with scales. 402. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxxvii 402. Glabrous: leaves not whitened or veiny. p. 73. Laurus. Pubescent or else leaves whitened or veiny, p. 70. Persea, 403. Leaf-scars on dilated or ribbed leaf-cushions. 404. Leaf-scars not on dilated or ribbed leaf-cushions. 421. 404. Evergreen: leaves compound or serrate or glandular or varnished. 405. Deciduous or else leaves not as above. 407. 405. Leaves at most finely toothed. p. 120. Cercocarpus, Leaves with about 5 revolute lobes. 406. 406. Bud-scales 2: stipules lacking. p. 118. Fallugia, Forming spurs with leaf-bases. p. 119. Cowania, 407. With bud-like axillary spurs. 408. Not producing such dwarf-branches. 410. 408. Twigs hairy but not glandular. p. 133. Acacia, Twigs at first glandular-bristly: bark exfoliating. 409. 409. Stipules small (scarcely 1 mm. long). p. 121. Purshia. Stipules large (fully 5 mm. long). p. 155. Calophaca, 410. Buds globose, thicker than twig. p. 153. Halimodendron. Buds ellipsoid: twig rounded. p. 117. Potentilla, Without either of these combinations of characters. 411. 411. Twigs essentially terete. 413. Twigs evanescently angled at the nodes. 412. Twigs conspicuously corrugated or angled or ribbed. 417. 412. With peristent stipules. p. 100. Cotoneaster. Without persistent stipules. p. 94. Spiraea. 413. Low, compact and spreading. p. 293. Arctous. Not matted or spreading on the ground. 414. 414. Leaf-cushion equaling the bud. p. 152. Colutea. Leaf-cushion much shorter than the bud. 415. 415. Without persistent stipules. 416. Stipules persistent. p. 100. Cotoneaster. 416. Bud-scales indistinct. p. 146. Cytisus. Bud-scales evident. p. 94 Spiraea. 417. Twigs corrugated: rush-like. p. 145. Spartium. Twigs strongly angled or ribbed: not rush-like. 418. xxxviii KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 418. Twigs with narrow low ribs. 419. Twigs deeply corrugated or grooved. 420. 419. Twigs sharply zig-zag. p. 152. Coronilla. Twigs not conspicuously zig-zag. p, 154. Caragana. 420. Leaf-cushion without prominent ribs. p. 146. Cytisus. Leaf-cushion 3-ribbed. p. 147. Genista. 421. Freely resiniferous when cut. p. 184. Pistacia. Without free-flowing sap or resin. 422. 422. Scales 2: bundle-trace C-shaped. p. 303. Diospyros. Without this combination of characters. 423. 423. Buds not scaly: leaf-scars round. p. 138. Ceratonia. Without this combination of characters. 424. 424. Leaf-scars usually deltoid, as high as broad. 425. Leaf-scars usually broader than high. 432. 425. End-bud not enlarged if present. 426. End-bud distinctly larger than the lateral buds. 430. 426. Twigs glabrescent. 427. Twigs sparingly pubescent. 429. 427. Buds slightly glaucous: twigs red. p. 269. Elliottia. Buds not glaucous. 428. 428. Twigs reddish, becoming buff. p. 270. Zenobia. Twigs brown: buds very glossy. p. 288. Oxydendrum. Twigs gray. p. 286. Pieris. 429. Twigs moderate: evergreen or deciduous, p. 286. Pieris. Twigs very slender: evergreen. p. 291. Pernettya. 430. Outer scales of end-bud shorter than the bud. 431. Outer scales as long as the bud. p. 268. Clethra. 431. Bark shredding: capsules bristly. p. 275. Menziesia. Without this combination. p. 272. Rhododendron. 432. Soft-wooded or aromatic, deciduous, quickly branching. 433. Without this combination of characters. 435. 433. Buds solitary. 434. Buds often superposed: with stipules. p. 176. Securinega. KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE xxxix 434. Not aromatic: with stipule-vestiges. p. 219. Ceanothus. Aromatic: without stipule-scars. p. 71. Sassafras. 435. Leaf-scars often opposite or in whorls of three. 436. Leaf-scars at most crowded toward the end. 437. 436. Deciduous: fruit of long slender capsules, p. 340. Chilopsis. Evergreen: capsules short. p. 278. Kalmia. 437. Evergreen: leaves white or scurfy or wooly beneath. 438. Leaves neither whitened nor scurfy nor woolly. 441. 438. Leaves whitened beneath but not dotted or scurfy. 439. Leaves scurfy beneath. 440. 439. Capsules often present. p. 284. Andromeda. Fruit (berry-like) not present. p. 295. Vaccinium. 440. Leaves lanceolate: capsule 2 bracted. p. 285. Chamaedaphne. Leaves oblanceolate: capsule bractless. p. 287. Lyonia. 441. Evergreen. 442. Deciduous. 448. 442. Leaves peltate-scurfy. p. 247. Elaeagnus. Leaves without peltate scales. 443. 443. With minute stipules or stipule-scars. p. 191. Ilex. Without any trace of stipules. 444. 444. Leaf-scars large, acute at sides. p. 234. Gordonia. Leaf-sdars small, not laterally produced. 445. 445. Fruit of small capsules. p. 283. Leucothoe. Fruit (berry-like) not present in winter. 446. 446. Leaves broadest above the middle. p. 295. Vaccinium. Leaves broadest at or below the middle. 447. 447. Glabrous: leaves blunt. p. 294. Gaylussacia. Pubescent: leaves acute. p. 291. Pernettya. 448. Twigs rather stout: leaf-scars large. p. 234. Gordonia. Twigs slender: leaf-scars usually small. 449. 449. With stipules or stipule-scars. 450. Without stipules or stipule-scars. 455. 450. Stipule-scars narrow but elongated, p. 18. Erythroxylon. Stipule-scars or stipules minute. 451. xl KEYS LEAVES ALTERNATE 451. Buds often superposed. 452. Buds not superposed. 453. 452. Pith small: fruit berry-like. p. 191. Ilex. Pith large, twigs slender. p. 176. Securinega. 453. Buds globose, with several scales: twigs very slender. 455. Buds ovoid, with 2 scales. p. 261. Helwingia. 454. Leaf-scars slightly raised. p. 94. Spiraea. Leaf-scars not at all raised. p. 175. Andrachne. 455. Bud-scales 2: twigs glaucous. p. 194. Nemopanthus. Without this combination of characters. 456. 456. Leaf-scars 2-ranked: end-bud naked, p. 305. Pterostyrax. Leaf-scars in more than 2 ranks. 457. 457. Buds ovoid or oblong. 458. Buds subglobose. 461. 458. Fruit of small round capsules. p. 287. Lyonia. Fruit (berry-like) absent in winter. 459. 459. Scurfy with peltate scales. p. 247. Elaeagnus. Not peltate-scurfy. 460. 460. Twigs green or warty, or buds round, p. 295. Vaccinium. Twigs not green or warty: buds ovoid, p. 294. Gaylussacia. 461. Tree: buds glossy red. p. 288. Oxydendrum. Shrubs. 462. 462. Branches almost in whorls at tip. p. 281. Enkianthus. Branches not clustered at end of the season's growth. 463. 463. Lear-scars crescent-shaped. p. 283. Leucothoe. Leaf-scars rather 3-sided. p. 270. Zenobia. WINTER CHARACTERS OF WOODY PLANTS SYSTEMATICALLY ARRANGED WITH KEY TO SPECIES UNDER EACH GENUS. GINKGO. Maidenhair Tree. (Family Ginkgoaceae). Gray-barked trees of rather coni- cal habit but usually with irregul- arly placed exceptionally large branches: deciduous. Twigs mode- rate, rounded, with quickly shred- ding outer bark: pith rather small, somewhat 3-sided, brownish, spongy. Buds solitary, moderate, sessile, round-ovoid or hemispher- ical, with about 3 exposed scales, usually developing into blunt spurs. Leaf-scars alternate, crowd- ed on the spurs but separated else- where, crescent-shaped or trans- versely elliptical, low, moderately small: bundle-traces 2: stipule- scars lacking. (Salisburia.) The maidenhair tree possesses peculiar interest as the sole rep- resentative of its family, and in being essentially a species which has been preserved only through cultivation. Except for the even more primitive cycads, of which several genera are to be found in greenhouses and are used for formal effects in the warmer parts of the world, it is the only Spermatophyte which possesses ciliated male gametes, a character common to all fernworts and mossworts. Winter-character references: Blakeslee & Jarvis, 333, 382, pi.; Bosemann, 68; Otis, 2; Schneider, f. 57, 64; Shirasawa, 265, pi. 9. The contrast between long shoots and spurs is discussed by Collins in the sixth volume of The Plant World. Twigs buff or gray: buds light brown. G. biloba. 3 PlNACEAE. LARIX. Larch. Tamarack. ( Family Pinaceae ) . Percurrent scaly-barked trees with often drooping branchlets: deciduous. Twigs slender: pith minute, brown, roundish, inter- rupted at the junctures. Buds solitary, sessile, small, globose or short-ovoid, with numerous brown sometimes slender pointed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, raised on de- current sterigmata, half-round or 3-sided, minute, mostly clustered on spurs that lengthen very slowly: bundle-trace 1: stipule- scars lacking. Fruit persistent, as ellipsoid cones with thin persistent scales, in this respect resembling the spruces and hemlock. 1. Twigs pubescent: bark becom- ing red. L. occidentalis. Twigs glabrous. 2. 2. Bark dark gray: twigs straw-colored: cones puberulent, large (2-4 cm. long). (European). (1). L. decidua. Bark red-brown: twigs rather orange: cones glabrous and often glaucous, small (under 2 cm. long). (2). L. laricina. PSEUDOLARIX. Golden Larch. The golden larch (Pseudolarix Kaempferi, sometimes called Laricopsis Kaempferi), sometimes seen in cultivation, differs from the true larches in that the scales of its cones fall off at maturity, as, for example, in the firs (Abies}. Winter-character references: Larix decidua, Blakeslee & Jarvis, 335, 365; Bosemann, 70; Schneider, f. 141; Ward, 1, frontispiece and f. 105. L. laricina. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 335, 356; Otis, 16. Pseudolarix Kaempferi. Schneider, f. 141. PlNACEAE. TAXODIUM. Bald Cypress. (Family Pinaceae). Percurrent, somewhat shredding- barked trees, when large often buttressed, and in very wet places surrounded by large conical "knees" developed from the roots: deciduous. Twigs slender: pith minute, brown, roundish, rather spongy. Buds sessile, minute, subglobose, with few scales, com- monly indistinct and very fre- quently represented by round scars from which transient foliage- sprays of the season have fallen, solitary unless developing into flower-clusters. Leaf and stipule- scars lacking, the buds subtended by minute scales or their vestiges. Fruit, when persistent, in the form of small ellipsoid cones with thickened scales. The conical form of the bald cypress is very different in appearance from the open-topped tree of cypress swamps; but young trees about the borders of the swamps are usually of this form. The very high knees of old trees in some localities correspond to a former high- water level. An interesting account of the tree in its various forms, by Wilson, is to be found in the first volume of Biological Lectures of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Wood's Hole. The Montezuma cypress of Mexico is evergreen through persistence of its foliage-shoots. With flat open top. T. distichum. Conical: the usual cultivated form. T. distichum pyramidatum. GNETACEAE. EPHEDRA. Canatillo. (Family Gnetaceae). Scraggly shrubs. Twigs green, finely striate and usually granular, elongated, straight and slender: pith round, red-brown, resinous, continuous except for firm pale diaphragms at the nodes. Buds solitary, sessile, ovoid, small, with about 3 pairs or whorls of scales or the flower-buds collaterally mul- tiple and developing into large thin-scaled "cones" in fruit. Leaf- scars and atipule-scars lacking. Leaves reduced to scarious scales, connately opposite or whorled. The heterogeneous family Gneta- ceae, represented here by Ephedra, though now considered to belong to the group of Gymnosperms was long held to be angiospermous, and it combines the characters of these superior groups in so puzzling a way that its present taxonomic location is more tenable on grounds of embryogenesis than for other reasons. Like the Angiosperms, its secondary wood produces true vessels,- the other Gymnosperms containing tracheids only. 1. Leaf-scales opposite in pairs, ovate, brown, soft. 2. Leaf-scales in whorls of three. 3. 2. Scales very short (1-2 mm.). E. viridis. Scales moderate (4-5 mm.), sheathing. E. antisyphilitica. 3. Scales short (3 mm.), soft. E. Torreyana. Scales elongated (10 mm.), subpungent. E. trifurca. LlLIACEAE. Ruscus. Butcher's Broom. ( Family Liliaceae ) . Shrubs, sometimes scrambling: appearing to possess evergreen foliage because of the peculiar leaf-like branches. Stems green: pith lacking, the wood "endoge- nous" as in a corn-stalk. Buds scarcely evident, developing im- mediately into often pungent striate leaf-like branches. Leaf- scars lacking, the true leaves rep- resented by peristent scales from the axils of which the leaf-like branches arise. On the backs or margins of some of these, other scales appear, and flowers are borne in the axils of these. Except in greenhouses, Ruscus is grown only in the warmer parts of the world where some of the species are sometimes used to cover trellis-work. It illustrates the leaf-like branches called cladodia or cladophylls, familiar in the Boston vine or "smilax" of florists. Though rarely seen growing, it will be recognized (dyed red) as an occa- sional component of Christmas decorations. Other examples of cladodia or phyllocladia are afforded by Muhlenbeckia and Phyllanthus. A superficially comparable ap- pearance of Helwingia results from the adnation of an in- florescence-branch to the subtending leaf. 1. Stems round: flowers dorsal on the flat branches. 2. Stems deeply fluted: flowers marginal. R. androgynus. 2. Stems smooth: cladophylls large. R. Hypoglossum. Stems striate: leaf-like branches small. (1). R. aculeatus. 8 LlLlACEAE. SMILAX. Greenbrier. (Family Liliaceae). Woody or sometimes herbaceous plants climbing by tendrils and commonly armed with strong and often large prickles: deciduous in the North. Stems terete or sharply angled: pith lacking, the wood "endogenous" as in a corn-stalk. Buds moderate, often superposed with the upper developing prompt- ly, 3-sided, pointed, very diver- gent, with a single exposed scale. Leaves tearing away above the dilated partly clasping base, therefore leaving no definite scar, but with about a dozen vascular bundles: stipules, or their near- equivalent, persistent as tendrils on the leaf-bases. Winter-character references: . 8. hispida. Brendel, 27, pi. 4; Hitchcock (3), 20, (4), 139. f. 121-2. Velenovsky, in volume 68 of the journal Flora, discus- ses the anomalous position of the bud-scales in this genus. The tender vine so much grown by florists as "smilax" belongs to another genus (Asparagus). 1. Evergreen: leaves elliptical to oblong. Deciduous. 2. 2. Stems woolly, not prickly. Stems glabrous, usually with prickles. 3. Stems glaucous. Stems not glaucous. 4. 4. Prickles needle-like, black. Prickles dilated or flattened at base. (1). S. laurifolia. 3. (2). S. pumila. S. glauca. (3). S. hispida. (4). S. rotundifolia.' SALICACEAE. 9 POPULUS. Poplar. (Family Salicaceae). Trees: deciduous. Bark at first usually smooth and green or whit- ish or orange, gray and often deeply fissured in age. Wood rath- er soft, white becoming brownish, minutely diffused-porous with fine medullary rays, satiny when split. Twigs moderate, terete or 5-angled: pith rather small, 5-an- gled, subcontinuous, brown. Buds moderately small, ovoid or elongated, appressed or sometimes outcurved, sessile, solitary, with several exposed scales of which the lowermost is immediately over the leaf-scar. Leaf-scars alter- nate, somewhat raised, broadly crescent - shaped to triangular, somewhat 3-lobed, large: bundle- traces 3, often compound: stipule- scars narrow. The poplars possess many winter differences besides those used in the present key. The bark is differently roughened: in the native cottonwood gray and grooved between flat-topped ridges, while in the commonly planted "Carolina cottonwood" (XP. Eugenei), as in the Lombardy poplar which is one of the parents of this, it is dark v/ith pale fissures between rather sharp ridges. On young trunks, and the branches of older trees, the smooth bark is colored in a characteristic fashion: olive in the Lombardy poplar, orange in many "Carolina" poplars, greenish-white in the large-toothed aspen, and some- times almost chalky white in the silver poplar and our native aspen. 10 SALICACEAE. 1. Weeping. P. Tremula pendula. Fastigiate. 2. Neither weeping nor fastigiate. 3. 2. Twigs and plump buds woolly. (Bolles' poplar). P. alba Bolleana. Twigs and slender buds glabrous. (Lombardy poplar). P. nigra italica. 3. Lateral buds plump, with 4 or more exposed scales. 4. Lateral buds often elongated, mostly with 3 exposed scales. (Cottonwoods and Balsams). 8. 4. Buds glabrous or glabrate. 5. Buds persistently silky or tomentose. 6. 5. Buds glabrous, somewhat gummy. (American aspen). (1). P. tremuloides. Buds somewhat downy. (European aspen). P. Tremula. 6. Twigs glabrous. (Large-toothed aspen). P.grandidentata. Twigs tomentose. 7. 7. Tomentum gray. (Gray poplar). P. canescens. Tomentum white. (Silver poplar). P. alba. 8. Buds short and broad, dark and brown. (Swamp cotton wood). (2). P. heterophylla. Buds elongated, often gummy. 9. 9. Twigs green or gray or buff, glabrous. (Cottonwoods). 10. Twigs brown or red-brown, somewhat villous. (Balm-of-Gilead). (3). P. candicans. 10. Trees oblong, with ascending branches. ("Carolina cottonwood"). X P. Eugenei. Tree ovoid or open. 11. 11. Of moderate growth: twigs rather slender. (European black poplar). P. nigra. Large: twigs rather stout: native. 12. 12. Buds glabrous. (Common eastern cottonwood). (4). P. deltoides monilifera. Buds minutely velvety: Western. (Plains cottonwood). P. Sargentii. SALICACEAE. 11 SALIX. Willow. (Family Salicaceae). Shrubs or trees: deciduous. Bark at first usually smooth and green, gray and more or less fis- sured in age. Wood soft, white becoming brown, minutely dif- fused-porous with fine medullary rays, satiny when split. Twigs mostly slender, terete: pith rather small, roundish, continuous, white. Buds mostly small, oblong, ap- pressed, sessile, solitary, with a single exposed scale standing im- mediately over the leaf-scar, or collaterally multiple, the end-bud absent. Leaf-scars alternate or exceptionally opposite, low, U- shaped: bundle-traces 3: stipule- scars short, often absent. Willows are particularly diffi- cult to name at any time of the year by characters which may be put in words, but the comparatively few species that enter into landscape use to any considerable extent usually differ in habit, color of bark, etc., characters which one gardener points out to another. They illustrate particularly well a type of elongation in which each season's growth is made by the development of an axillary bud of the preceding year, the end of the twig dying back in winter, as it commonly does in Salix, or falling early in the season by a clean-cut abscission-scar, as in Ulmus, Tilia and many other trees, where the scar is small and often pushed to one side so as to be likely to be overlooked, and in Ailan- ihus, where it is particularly large and evident. 12 SALICACEAE. S. caprea pendula. (1). S. babylonica. S. purpurea. What is called the weeping willow here is really a com- plex including not only Salix babylonica but a series of usu- ally hardier hybrids of that species. 1. Weeping. 2. Not markedly weeping. 4. 2. Twigs very slender, glabrous. 3. Twigs stout: villous. (Kilmarnock willow) 3. Buds alternate. (Weeping willow). Buds often opposite. (Purple willow). 4. Buds large (5X10 mm.). 5. Buds moderate (4-6 mm. long). 7. Buds small (scarcely 3 mm. long). 9. 5. Buds rather sharply 2-winged. 6. Buds plano-convex. (2). 6. Buds green-and-red : planted. (Goat willow) Buds blackish: native. (Pussy willow). 7. Buds frequently opposite. Buds always alternate. 8. Twigs glossy olive, glabrous. (Shining willow). Twigs dull, velvety. Trees: Twigs mostly glabrescent. Shrubs: twigs gray- velvety. 13. Twigs olive-green. 11. Twigs golden. (Golden willow). Twigs red. (Red-twigged willow). S. vitellina Britzensis. 11. Large open trees. 12. Slender, pole-like. (Sand-bar willow). S. longifolia. 12. Trunks mostly clustered. (Black willow). S. nigra. Trunk single: twigs sometimes velvety. (White willow). S. alba. 13. Buds 3 mm. long. (Prairie willow). S. humilis. Buds 2 mm. long. (Dwarf gray willow). (6). S. tristis. 8. 9. 10 10. S. missouriensis. (3). S. caprea. S. discolor. S. purpurea. S. lucida. S. incana. S. vitellina. MYKICACEAE. 13 MYRICA. Bayberry. Wax Myrtle. (Family Myricaceae). Shrubs or very small trees, aro- matic: deciduous in the North. a Twigs rounded or angular, slen- n? fc;| der, resinous-dotted when young: V*t tV'la pith small, somewhat angled, con- tinuous, green. Buds small, soli- tary, sessile, subglobose or ovoid, with 2 or about 4 exposed scales, the end-bud absent. Leaf-scars al- ternate, half-elliptical or some- what 3-sided, more or less raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars small if present. The sweetfern is considered sometimes to represent a distinct genus (Comptonia), of which it is the only representative. A readable account of its ancestry is given by Berry in volume 40 of The American Naturalist. The sweet-gale also has been held apart under the generic name Gale. 1. With stipule-scars. (Sweetfern). M. asplenifolia. Without stipule-scars. 2. 2. Buds conical-ovoid or oblong, no end bud. (2). M. Gale. Buds subglobose, obtuse: fruit encrusted with wax. 3. 3. Buds hairy: fruit moderate (4 mm.). M. calif ornica. Buds glabrate. 4. 4. Buds small (about 1 mm.), glandular-dotted: lenticels very conspicuous: fruit small (3 mm.). (3). M. cerifera. Buds larger (1.5 mm.), soon glandless: fruit larger. 5. 5. Fruit moderate (4 mm.) : leaves veiny. (4). M. carolinensis. Fruit larger (6X8 mm.): leaves smooth. M. inodora. 14 LEITNERIACEAE. LEITNERIA. Corkwood. ( Family Leitneriaceae ) . Little-branched tree-like shrubs with very soft and light wood: deciduous. Twigs round, rather stout: pith moderate, rounded, continuous, white. Buds solitary, sessile, rather small, ovoid, with about 3 exposed scales, or the up- per (floriferous) enlarged, oblong, or ellipsoid, and with a dozen or more exposed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, half-elliptical or some- what 3-lobed, slightly raised: bun- dle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. The North American corkwood, apart from the fact that its wood is very much lighter than that of any other native shrub or tree, is interesting in that it is the only representative of its family, not very closely related to any other group, and that it occurs locally in swamps from western Florida, where it was first found, to southern Missouri, apparently surviving from a time when the Mississippi carried much more water and spread over a greater delta than at present. Like the bald cypress, though occurring naturally in swamps, it is capable of successful cul- tivation in soil of ordinary dryness. On anatomical grounds, Van Tieghem and Lecomte, in the Bulletin de la Societe botanique de France, 33:181, ally Leitneria with Dipterocarpaceae. Dr. Pfeiffer, in the Botani- cal Gazette, 53:119, finds in it a suggestion of derivation of catkin-bearing angiosperms from gymnosperms. Loosely gray-hairy: twigs purplish. L. floridana. JUGLANDACEAE. 15 PLATYCARYA. (Family Juglandaceae). Trees:' deciduous. Twigs mod- erate or rather slender, terete, with fine lenticels: pith rounded, moderate, pale, continuous. Buds rather small-, superposed, sessile, ovoid, with some 4 or 5 exposed scales. Leaf -scars alternate, shield-shaped: bundle-traces 5 or 7: stipule-scars lacking. Twigs glabrous: buds puberulent or glandular. P. strobilacea. Though not much used in dec- orative planting, the Juglandaceae are effective occasionally as speci- mens or massed in the distance, and some of them are of rapid growth. The native hickories and walnuts furnish especially valu- able wood, the former almost in- dispensable in the manufacture of farm implements, and the latter at one time the most used cabinet wood the main reliance for gunstocks. An interesting popular account of the geo- logical history of the family, by Berry, is to be found in volume fifteen of The Plant World. Winter-character references: Platycarya stroMlacea. Schneider, f. 135; Shirasawa, 257, pi. 6. Winter-characters to the principal Juglandaceae Juglans and Carya are collected between the discussion of those two genera. The family is interesting anatomically because of the marked and characteristic differences between the solid pith of this genus and Carya in contrast with the chambered pith of Juglans and Pterocarya. 16 JUGLANDACEAE. JUGLANS. Walnut. (Family Juglandaceae). Usually trees, sometimes of large size: deciduous. Twigs rather stout, more or less fluted: pith moderate, brown, angular, chambered with rather close thin plates. Buds moderate, with sev- eral scales, superposed and often developing into catkin rudiments, the terminal much larger and with more or less lobed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, shield-shaped or 3-lobed, large, raised: bundle- traces in 3 compound groups: stipule-scars lacking. Of recent years black walnut has been planted in some quantity for its wood; and the European walnut furnishes one of the im- portant Californian crops, and in more hardy forms it is recom- mended for other regions. Hy- brids are known between the European walnut and the black walnut, and Juglans rupestris has been thought (undoubtedly wrongly) to hybridize with the Californian live-oak. 1. Terminal bud elongated: leaf-scar downy at top. 2. Terminal bud short: leaf-scar without a downy line. 3. 2. Leaf-scars not notched at top. (Butternut). (1). J. cinerea. Leaf-scars notched: twig very stout. J. Sieboldiana. 3. Twigs gray-pubescent: buds canescent: pith diaphragms close together (18 to 1 cm.). (Black w.). (2). J. nigra. Twigs and lateral buds glabrescent: bark smooth: pith diaphragms 8 to 1 cm. (European walnut). J. regia. JUGLANDACEAE. 17 Winter-character references to Juglans: /. calif ornica. 1st, 1881, p. 36, f.; Blakeslee & Jarvis, 324, f. 6, 331, 398, pi.; Trelease (1), 43, pi. 24. J. cinerea. Beal, American Natural- Bosemann, 60; Brendel, pi. 2; Otis, 62; Schneider, f. 114; Trelease (1), 42, pi. 24. J. cordiformis. Shirasawa, 232, pi. 1; Trelease (1), 43, pi. 25. J. mandshurica. Trelease (1), 43, pi. 25. J. nigra. Beal, Amer. Nat., 1881, p. 36, f.; Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 331, 400, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), f. 13, (3), 17, (4), 138, pi. 99, 101; Otis, 64; Schneider, f. 49, 114; Trelease (1), 44, pi. 24. J. regia. Bosemann, 60; Malpighi, Opera Omnia, 22, pi. 9; Schneider, f. 114; Trelease (1), 44; Ward, 1:69, f. 48, 70, f. 49, 118, f. 59, 212, f. 108; Willkomm, 6; 27, f. 30; Zuccarini, 7, pi. 4. J. regia sinensis. Shirasawa, 232, pi. 1. J. rupestris. Trelease (1), 43, pi. 24. J. Sieboldi- ana. Shirasawa, 231, pi. 1; Trelease (1), 42, pi. 25. Winter-character references to Gary a: C. al~ba (C. to- mentosa). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 337, 404, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 6; Otis, 72; Schneider, f. 168; Trelease (1), 38, pi. 14, 15, C. cordiformis (C. amara; C. minima\. Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 332, 337, 408, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 6, f. 16, 17, (3), 18, (4), 138, f. 102-103; Otis, 78; Schneider, f. 88; Trelease (1), 35, pi. 13. C. aquatica. Trelease (1), 34, pi. 13, C. glabra (C. porcina). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 337, 406, pi.; Hitchcock (1), 6; Otis, 76; Schneider, f. 39, 88; Trelease (1), 36, pi. 14. C. laciniosa (C. sulcata}. Hitch- cock (1), 6; Otis, 70; Schneider, f. 168; Trelease (1), 40, pi. 15. C. mexicana. Trelease (1), 39. C. mytristicaeformis. Trelease (1), 34, pi. 13. C. ovalis (under various names). Bailev, American Garden, 11:381, 385-8; Otis, 74; Trelease (1), 36-37, pi. 14. C. ovata (formerly called C. alba). Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 402, pi.; Brendel, 29, 30, pi, 2; Hitchcock (1), 6, f. 18, (3), 18; Otis, 68; Schneider, f. 168; Trelease (1), 41, pi. If). C. Pecan. Brendel, 31, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 6; Trelease (1), 32, pi. 13. C. villosa. Trelease (1), 37, pi. 14. 18 JUGLANDACEAE. CABYA. Hickory. (Family Juglandaceae). Trees: deciduous. Twigs mod- erate, terete: pith moderate, an- gled, often brown, continuous or broken at the nodes. Buds rather large, sometimes stalked or super- posed, the terminal larger, ovoid or oblong, apparently naked or with 1 or several exposed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, shield-shaped or 3-lobed, large, low: bundle- traces numerous in 3 or 4 more or less definite groups: stipule- scars lacking. 1. Bud-scales in pairs. 2. Bud-scales not opposite. 3. 2. Yellow-glandular: fruit bitter. (1). C. cordiformis. Scarcely glandular : fruit sweet. (Pecan). (2). C. Pecan. 3. Terminal bud large (usually over 10 mm.). (Hickories). 4. Terminal bud small (scarcely 10 mm.). (Pignuts). 7. 4. Outer bud-scales falling early. (Mockernut). C. alba. Outer scales persistent, pointed. (Shagbarks). 5. 5. Twigs buff or orange: fruit very large. C. laciniosa. Twigs gray or red-brown: fruit smaller. 6. 6. Twigs glabrate. (Shagbark). (3). C. ovata. Twigs hairy. (Hairy Shagbark). C. ovata hirsuta. 7. Bark very rough, broken into squares. C. villosa. Bark rather smooth or flaking. 8. 8. Husk of fruit not splitting far. (Eastern). C. glabra. Husk splitting nearly to base. (Western pignut). C. ovalis. JUGLANDAOEAE. 19 PTEROOAEYA. (Family Juglandaceae). Trees: deciduous. Twigs moder- ate or rather stout, rounded: pith moderate, angular, chambered with rather close thin light brown plates. Buds rather large, super- posed, the upper distinctly stalked or elongating the first year, naked, with folded leaves. Leaf-scars alternate, elliptical or 3-lobed, large, rather low: bundle-traces 3, crescent- pr horseshoe-shaped, cre- nated or fragmented: stipule- scars lacking. Winter-characters of Juglanda- ceae are discussed by de Candolle in his classic memoir on the fam- ily published in volume 18 of the fourth series of the botanical sec- tion of the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, in 1862; and are shown in Michaux' Sylva. References to Pterocarya: P. fraxinifolia. Leavitt, Out- lines of Botany, 31, f. 22; Schneider, f. 5, 86. P. rhoifolia. Leavitt, Outlines of Botany, 29, f. 18; Shirasawa, 232, pi. 1. P. stenoptera. Schneider, f. 86. Like the other Juglandaceae, and particularly Juglans, Pterocarya well illustrates distinct superposed buds, of which the uppermost is largest. This is the usual condition in such cases. 1. Twigs distinctly pubescent and glandular. P. stenoptera. Twigs essentially glabrous and glandless. 2. 2. Twigs and buds red-brown. (1). P. fraxinifolia. Twigs and buds gray-brown. P. rhoifolia. 20 BETULACEAE. CORYLUS. Hazel. Filbert. (Family Betulaceae). Shrubs: deciduous. Twigs mod- erate or rather slender, zig-zag, round: pith somewhat 3-sided, continuous, pale. Buds solitary, obliquely sessile, round or ovoid and obtuse with some 4-6 exposed scales, or early developing into ashen catkins, the end-bud lack- ing. Leaf-scars alternate, 2- ranked, half-round or triangular, somewhat raised, rather small: bundle-traces 3, or multiplied and finally obscure: stipule-scars elon- gated. Winter-character references: - C. americana. Brendel, pi. 2; Hitch- cock, (3), 18; Foerste, Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 20: 164, f.; Schneider, f. 165. C. Avellana. Bosemann, 68; Fant, 12, f. 3; Schneider, f. 164; Ward, 1:185. f. 92; Willkomm, 4, 25, f. 26; Zuccarini, 5, pi. 3. (7. Colurna. Schneider, f. 164; Willkomm, 8, 9, 26, f. 28. C. heterophylla. Shirasawa, 263, pi. 8. C. maxima. Bosemann, 68; Schneider, f. 164; Willkomm, 26, f. 27. C. rostrata. Schneider, f. 165; Shirasawa, 264, pi. 8. 1. Buds glabrescent but with ciliate scales. 2. Buds gray-pubescent. 3. 2. Buds small (scarcely 4 mm.). Buds large (6 mm. long): twigs olive. 3. Outer scales elongated, quickly falling. Scales persistent, the lower short. 4. 4. Buds rather small (4 mm.): native. Buds larger (often 5 mm. long). (1). C. Avellana. (2). C. pontica. (3). C. rostrata. (4). C. americana. (5). C. maxima. BETTJLACEAE. 21 CARPINUS. Hornbeam. (Family Betulaceae). Rather round-topped and openly branched trees with sinewy-fluted trunks and smooth gray bark: deciduous. Twigs slender, zig-zag, terete: pith small, roundish or 5- sided, continuous, pale. Buds sol- itary or very rarely superposed, ovoid, sessile, oblique, with a dozen 4-ranked scarcely striated scales, or developing into cone- like catkin-initials, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, 2- ranked, raised, crescent-shaped, somewhat small: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars subequal, elongated. Winter-character references: C. Betulus. Bosemann, 70; Fant, 16, f. 9; Schneider, f. 10, 162; Ward, 1:118, f. 59, 178, f. 88-89; Willkomm, 26, f. 29; Zuccarini, 3, pi. 2. C. caroliniana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 332, 412, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Otis, 82. An early paper on abscission, in which Carpinus figures, is by Ohlert in the journal Linnaea for 1837. 1. Buds large (fully 10 mm. long), straw-colored. C. cordata. Buds moderate (6-8 mm.): European. C. Betulus. Buds small (scarcely 5 mm.). 2. 2. Buds straw-colored. C. japonica. Buds brownish. 3. 3. Buds glabrous. C. Turczaninowii. Buds somewhat silky. 4. 4. Twigs villous. Twigs glabrescent. (Blue beech). C. duinensis. (1). C. caroliniana. 22 BETULACEAE. OSTRYA. .Hop Hornbeam. (Family Betulaceae). Rather deliquescent trees with scaly bark: deciduous. Twigs slen- der, zig-zag, terete: pith small, roundish, continuous, pale. Buds solitary, or exceptionally super- posed, sessile, ovoid, oblique, with half-a-dozen spirally placed striate scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, some- what raised, crescent-shaped or half-elliptical, small: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars unequal, elongated. Catkins often present. Winter-character references: 0. carpinifolia. Bosemann, 70; Schneider, f. 163; Willkomm, 27, f. 30. 0. virginiana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 332, 410, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 3, (2), 18; Otis, 80; Shirasawa, 265, pi. 9. A suggestive illustrated study of the structure of buds as revealed in their unfolding in the spring, in which Ostrya figures, is published by Hitchcock in volume 6 of the Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. One of many publications on buds superposed above the leaves or leaf-scars is by Damaskinos and Bourgeois in volume 5 of the Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France: in it, reference is made to Ostrya virginiana. Scales of staminate catkins long-mucronate : nutlets glabrate, fusiform. (1). O. virginiana. Scales blunt or abruptly short-pointed: nutlets pubescent above, ovoid. (European hornbeam). (2). O. carpinifolia. BETULACEAE. 23 BETULA. Birch. (Family Betulaceae). Trees or less commonly shrubs: deciduous. Twigs slender, usu- ally zig-zag, terete, frequently de- veloping as dwarf-shoots so as to make the lateral buds appear stalked: pith minute, compressed 3-sided, continuous, green. Buds moderate, solitary, fusiform -ovoid, sessile, with 2 or 3 exposed scales, the end-bud usually deciduous ex- cept on the numerous short spurs. Leaf-scars alternate, more or less 2-ranked, half-elliptical, small: bundle-traces 3, sometimes indis- tinct: stipule-scars narrow. Though they have been much confused in botanical publications, the birches are not very difficult as a rule. In accordance with the policy of adhering to the nomen- clature of the Standard Cyclope- dia of Horticulture, the names here used are somewhat differ- ent from those employed in the last edition of Gray's Manual, though the latter rest on an extended critical study of the group by Fernald, published in full in The American Journal of Science for September, 1902. An excellent character is derived from the bracts of the fruiting cones, which are sometimes available in winter; and this character has been applied successfully to the recognition of certain hybrid birches by Rosendahl in volume four of Minnesota Botanical Studies. 24 BETULACEAE. 1. Lateral buds ellipsoid or oblong, very blunt, small. 2. Buds ovoid or fusiform-oblong, acute, at most ciliate. 8. 2. Buds very small (3 or exceptionally 4 mm.). 3. Buds moderate for the group (4 mm.): bark papery. 5. Buds large for the group (5 mm.): bark papery. 7. 3. Twigs not resinous warty, softly hairy. B. pumila. Twigs with resinous warts. 4. 4. Twigs and buds with soft hairs. B. pumila glandulifera. Twigs and buds only velvety. (1). B. glandulosa. 5. Buds hairy: twigs warty: bark orange. (2). B. nigra. Bud-scales at most ciliate: bark creamy or white. 6. 6. Twigs very resinous-warty: glabrous. (3). B. populifolia. Twigs sometimes with long hairs. (4). B. papyrifera. 7. Buds glabrous: bark creamy or white. B. papyrifera. Buds hairy: lower scales long: bark orange. B. nigra. 8. Buds acutely ovoid. 9. Buds subfusiform, acute, with short lower scale. 12. 9. Twigs puberulent, somewhat warty. B. kenaica. Twigs glabrate. 10. 10. Twigs resinous-warty: buds small (3X5 mm.). B. utilis. Twigs little warty: buds larger (4-5X6-8 mm.). 11. 11. Twigs and buds red-brown. (5). B. Maximowiczii. Twigs and buds brown. B. grossa. 12. Buds short for the group (5-6 mm.). 13. Buds long (7-8 mm.): twigs scarcely warty. 17. 13. Twigs softly hairy. 14. Twigs glabrous. 15. 14. Pubescence persistent. (6). B. pubescens. Pubescent only in sheltered places. B. papyrifera. 15. Twigs very warty and varnished. B. occidentalis. Twigs sparingly if at all resinous-warty. 16. 16. Bark white: trees usually weeping. (7). B. pendula. Bark yellowish or silvery-gray. (Yellow birch). B. lutea. 17. Buds light brown: branches red-brown, spicy. (8). B. lenta. Buds glossy red-brown. B. japonica. BETULACEAE. 25 ALNUS. Alder. (Family Betulaceae). Typically shrubs: deciduous. Bark smoky or gray, smooth or fissured in rather large or scaly areas. Twigs often 3-sided: pith small, 3-sided, continuous. Buds rather large, solitary, usually stalked, with 3 subvalvate scales. Leaf-scars alternate, half-round, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3, or the lowest compound: sti- pule-scars narrow. Alders are particularly interest- ing in winter through having their buds distinctly stalked. Though this character is by no means limited to them, nor do they all show it, there are few genera in which it is so readily observable. Their fruit is also persistent in the form of small cone-like bodies, which differ in shape and position in different species, and as a rule the staminate catkins for the next season are conspicuous. 1. Buds stalked. 2. Buds sessile: bushes. 5. 2. Very tree-like. (European alder). A. glutinosa. Bushy, even when large. 3. 3. Bud-scales narrow and separated. (1). A. maritima. Bud-scales valvate. 4. 4. Fruiting cones erect. (Smooth alder). (2). A. rugosa. Fruiting cones pendent. (Speckled alder). (3). A. incana. 5. Twigs glabrescent. (Mountain alder). A. crispa. Twigs hairy. (Downy alder). A. mollis. 26 BETULACEAE. Winter-character references to Betulaceae. 'Alnus Alnobetula. Schneider, f. 160. A. firma. Shira- sawa, 231, pi. 1. A. glutinosa (A. vulgaris). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 426; Bosemann, 56; Fant, 30, f. 30; Schneider, f. 17, 58, 113; Ward, 1:206, f. 106; Willkomm, 4, 21, f. 17. A. in- cana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 426, pi.; Bosemann, 56; Fant, 30; Schneider, f. 112; Willkomm, 6, 21, f. 18. A. incana glauca. Shirasawa, 230, pi. 1. A. japonica. Shirasawa, 230, pi. 1. A. rugosa (A. serrulata). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 426. A. viridis. Willkomm, 911, 22, f. 19. A. viridis siUrica. Shirasawa, 231, pi. Betula alpestris. Fant, 15. B. Bhojpattra. Shirasawa, 246, pi. 4. B. fruticosa. Fant, 16; Zuccarini, 18, pi. 10. B. globispica. Shirasawa, 246, pi. 4. B. grossa. Shirasawa, 251, pi. 5. B. Jiumilis. Bosemann, 74; Fant, 15; Schneider, f. 161; Willkomm, 20, f. 16. B. lenta. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 337, 414, pi.; Otis, 86. B. lutea. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 337, 416, pi.; Otis, 88. B. Maximowicziana. Shirasawa, 252, pi. 5. B. nana. Bosemann, 74; Fant, 16; Schneider, f. 161. B. nigra. Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 337, 418, pi.; Brendel, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 3. B. papyrifera (B. alba papyrifera) . Blakeslee, & Jarvis, 337, 422, pi.; Otis, 90; Shirasawa, 246, pi. 4. B. pendula (formerly called B. alba; B. odorata). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 337, 424, pi.; Bosemann, 73; Fant, 15, f. 6; Ward, 1:232, f. 119, 233, f. 120; Willkomm, 4, 20, f. 14, 15; Zuccarini, 17, pi. 10. B. pendula verrucosa. Schneider, f. 36, 160; Shirasawa, 246, pi. 4. B. populifolia. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 337, 420, pi.; Schneider, f. 161. B. pubescens (B. alba). Schneider, f. 160; Willkomm, 20, f. 15. B. ulmifolia. Shirasawa, 252, pi. 5. Areschoug's Beitrage zur Biologie der Holzgewachse, a unique analysis of bud- and branch-specialization in which Betula figures, was published in volume 12 of Lunds Univer- sitets Aarsskrift, in 1877, after many years of critical obser- vation. A decade later its author made his principal con- clusions more accessible in volume 9 of the Botanische Jahrbucher. FAGAGEAE. 27 PAGUS. Beech. (Family Fagaceae). Rather ovoid or round-topped trees with cylindrical smooth gray trunk, the bark frequently with included woody nodules: decidu- ous or with the dead leaves per- sisting far into the winter. Twigs slender, zig-zag, terete: pith rather small, roundish, continu- ous. Buds solitary or rarely su- pernumerary, sessile or becoming slightly stalked, divergent and very oblique over the leaf-scars, elongated fusiform and subpun- gent, with some 10 or more spi- rally arranged scales. Leaf-scars alternate, sometimes 2-ranked, lit- tle-raised, half-round, r a t h er small: bundle-traces 3, the lower usually compound or broken into an irregular series: stipule-scars linear, nearly meeting around the twig. Children know the "lucky-nuts" of the bark. The beech affords an excellent illustration of buds ob- liquely placed over the leaf-scars, a common occurrence when they are 2-ranked; and of buds elongated without being stalked, for the scales here begin at the very base of the bud. The species are distinguishable with difficulty except by aid of the foliage when it is present. 1. Twigs often villous: buds puberulent. F. sylvatica. Twigs and lower bud-scales glabrous. 2. 2. Buds light brown: leaves undulate. Buds red-brown: leaves serrate. F. japonica. (1). F. grandifolia. 28 FAGAOEAE. CASTANEA. Chestnut. (Family Fagaceae). Shrubs or mostly large trees with fissured but otherwise smooth gray bark: deciduous. Twigs moderate, more or less fluted: pith moderate, star-shaped, con- tinuous. Buds solitary, ovoid, sessile, oblique, with 2 or 3 ex- posed scales, the end-bud frequent- ly lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, little raised, half-round, rather small: bundle-traces 3, often com- pound: stipule-scars elongated, unequal. The deeply grooved pith of the chestnut, affording one of the most obvious means of identifying its winter twigs, attracted the atten- tion of Malpighi who pictured it more than two centuries and a half ago among the interesting things that could be seen by the aid of a magnifying glass. In common with many other gen- era, Castanea shows a varying phyllotaxy or leaf-arrange- ment, 5-ranked on erect shoots, 2-ranked on those that spread horizontally, and a correlated upward displacement of the buds on the latter. This has been attributed to a response to gravitation similar to that which directs the upward growth of stems in general; but Kny, in a short communication to the Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde of Berlin in 1876 shows that it is rather the manifestation of an inherent ten- dency to bilateral symmetry. 1. Buds downy: shrub or small tree. (Chinquapin). C. pumila. Buds glabrous. (American chestnut). (1). C. dentata. FAGACEAE. 29 QUEKCUS. Oak. (Family Fagaceae). Trees or rarely shrubs: mostly deciduous, though the dried leaves often persist. Twigs moderate or slender, fluted: pith moderate, star-shaped in section, continuous. Buds solitary or sometimes col- laterally multiple, sessile, globose or ovoid to conical, sometimes an- gled, clustered toward the tip, with numerous 5-ranked scales. Leaf-scars alternate, moderate or rather small, half-round, some- what elevated: bundle-traces near- ly a dozen, scattered or partly in a more or less evident ellipse: stipule-scars small. The Danish botanist Oersted was very keen in discerning the differences that oak buds show, and Willkomm's differentiation of the two oaks of northern Europe that have been confused under the name Quercus Robur is as clean-cut when this character only is used as it is when their fruits show the distinction because of which one has been called variety pedunculata and the other variety sessiliflora. No differences between the common red oak (Q. rubra) and Schneck's oak (Q. Schneckii), or between this and the Texan oak (Q. texana), are more obvious to a close observer than those between their winter buds, but comparisons need to be made between developed buds on mature branches. 1. Black oaks: fruit maturing the second year. 2. White oaks: fruit maturing the first year. 16. 30 FAGAOEAE. 2. Buds conical-fusiform, large (8-10 mm. long). 3. Buds ovoid or conical-ovoid or else very thick. 4. 3. Twigs glabrous. ( 1 ) . Q. laevis. Twigs puberulent. (Blackjack). Q. marilandica. 4. Evergreen. Q. laurifolia. Deciduous. 5. 5. Buds dull clay-colored, glab- rous. (2). Q. Schneckii. Buds red or brown or silky. 6. 6. Buds large (7-10 mm.), hairy, angular. (3). Q. velutina. Buds moderate or small. 7. 7. Twigs tomentulose. 8. Twigs glabrous. 9. 8. Buds short (4 mm.) : glabrous. (Bear oak). Q. ilicifolia. Buds long (3X7 mm.), silky. (5). Q. cinerea. 9. Buds small (3 mm. long), glabrate. Q. georgiana. Buds larger or hairy. 10. 10. Buds Buds Buds 11. Buds Buds 12. Buds Buds 13. Buds Buds Buds 14. Buds Buds entirely glabrous. 11. more or less silky, or tardily glabrescent. 13. almost woolly, dull gray-brown. (6). Q. nigra. red, relatively large (3X5 mm.). (7). Q. rubra. brown, smaller (2X3-4 mm.). 12. rather obtuse. (Pin oak). Q. palustris. very acute. (Willow oak). Q. Phellos. almost blood-red. (Spanish oak). Q. falcata. brown. (Shingle oak). Q. imbricaria. brownish-red, or at first silvery-pubescent. 14. large (4X5-6 mm.). (8). Q. coccinea. smaller (scarcely 3x4 mm.). 15. FAGACEAE. 31 15. Buds and twigs rather dark. (9). Q. ellipsoidalis. Buds and twigs bright brown: Texas. Q. texana. 16. Buds subglobose or ellipsoid, nearly or quite glabrous. 17. Buds ovoid or conical-ovoid. 22. Buds distinctly conical. 27. 17. Evergreen: buds small. (Live oak). (10). Q. virginiana. Deciduous. 18. 18. Buds invested by long narrow stipules. (11). Q. Cerris. Stipules lacking or inconspicuous. 19. 19. Bark exfoliating from the branches. (12). Q. bicolor. Bark not exfoliating. 20. 20. Buds small (scarcely 3 mm.), pale. (13). Q. Durandii. Buds medium-sized. 21. 21. Twigs buff: buds pale brown. (Overcup oak). Q. lyrata. Twigs gray or purple, often glaucous: buds deep brown. (White oak). (14). Q. alba. 22. Twigs and buds gray-pubescent. (15). Q. macrocarpa. Twigs yellow-scurfy: buds dull, silky. (16). Q. stellata. Twigs glabrous: buds brown-puberulent or glabrous. 23. 23. Buds rather glossy blood-red, glabrate. Q. Margaretta. Buds very large, gray-pubescent. (17). Q. dentata. Buds light brown or the scales pale-margined. 24. Buds deep "brown or red-brown. 25. 24. Shrub. (Chinquapin oak). Q. prinoides. Tree. (Yellow oak ). (18). Q. Muehlenbergii. 25. Buds terete: twigs gray or purple. Q. alba. Buds somewhat grooved, often brown-silky. 26. 26. Twigs reddish. (English oak). (19). Q. Robur. Twigs olive or brown. (Cow oak). Q. Prinus. 27. Buds light brown. 28. Buds deep brown. 29. 28. Bud-scales brown- or rosy-margined. Q. grosseserrata. Bud-scales not darker at margin. Q. crispula. 29. Buds dull: outer scales pale-margined. Q. montana. Buds glossy: scales not pale-margined. (20). Q. sessiliflora. 32 PAG ACE AE. Winter-character references to Fagaceae: Castanea den- tata (C. americana). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 331-333, 430, pi.; Otis, 94. C. sativa (C. vesca; C. vulgaris). Bosemann, 67; Schneider, f. 25, 26, 162; Shirasawa, 264, pli. 8; Ward, 1:188, f. 94; Willkomm, 24, f. 24. Fagus grandifolia (F. ferruginea). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 428, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Otis, 92; Schneider, f. 163. F. japon- ica. Shirasawa, 264, pi. 8. F. sylvatica. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 428; Bosemann, 70; Pant, 12, f. 2; Schneider, f. 163; Ward, 1:176, f. 87; Willkomm, 3, 4, 25, f. 25; Zuccarini, 4, pi. 2. F. sylvatica Sieboldi. Shirasawa, 264, pi. 8. Quercus agrifolia. Trelease (3), pi. 13. Q. alba. Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 338-9, 432, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Cobb, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 54:174, pi. 4; Hitch- cock (1), 5; Otis, 100; Schneider, f. 52, 154. Q. Ucolor (Q. platanoides) . Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 438, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Cobb, 1. c. pi. 5; Otis, 104. Q. calif arnica. Trelease (3), pi. 13. Q. Cerris. Bosemann, 71; Schneider, f. 38, 156; Ward, 1:118, f. 59; Willkomm, 6, 24, f. 23. Q. cinerea (Q. brevifo- lia). Trelease (3), 1, pi. 12. Q. coccinea. Blakeslee & Jar- vis, 450, pi.; Otis, 112; Schneider, f. 154; Trelease (3), 1, pk 11. Q. dentata. Shirasawa, 258, pi. 7. Q. ellipsoidalis. Otis, 114; Trelease (3), pi. 11. Q. Emoryi. Trelease (3), pi. 13. Q. falcata (Q. digitata). Trelease (3). Q. georgiana. Tre- lease (3), pi. 12. Q. glandulifera. Shirasawa, 257, pi. 7. Q. grosseserrata. Shirasawa, 258, pi. 7. Q. hypoleuca. Tretease (3), pi. 13. Q. ilicifolia (Q. nana) . Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 454, pi.; Trelease (3), pi. 11. Q. imbricaria. Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 5; Otis, 120; Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. laurifo- lia. Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. macrocarpa. Blakeslee & Jar- vis 338-9, 436, pi. ; Brendel, pi. 2; Cobb, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 54:174, pi. 5; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 19, (4), 138, f. 106- 110; Otis, 102; Schneider, f. 155. Q. marilandica (formerly called Q. nigra) . Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 19; Otis, 118; Trelease (3), pi. 10. Q. montana (Q. Prinus}. FAGACEAE. 33 Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 444, pi.; Cobb, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 54:174, pi. 6; Schneider, f. 155. Q. Muehlenbergii. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 440, pl.;| Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (3), 139, f. 111-112; Otis, 106. Q. myrtifolia. Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. nigra (Q. aquatlca) . Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. palus- trls. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 448, pi.; Hitchcock (1), 5; Otis, 110; Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. Phellos. Schneider, f. 157; Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. prinoides. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 442, pi.; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 19. Q. prinoides rufescens. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 442. Q. pubescens. Bosemann, 71; Will- komm, 4, 23, f. 22. Q. pumila. Trelease (3), pi. 12. Q. Ro- ~bur (Q. pedunculata) . Bosemann, 71; Pant, 11, f. 1; Schnei- der, f. 16, 157; Ward, 1:47, f. 30, 418, f. 59, 217, f. Ill: The Oak, 72, f. 19; Willkomm, 7, 22, f. 20; Zuccarini, 6, pi. 3. Q. ru~bra. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 446, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 19; Otis, 108; Schneider, f. 55, 154; Trelease (3), pi. 11. Q. Schneckii. Trelease (3), pi. 11. Q. serrata and var. variabilis. Shirasawa, 258, pi. 7. Q. sessili- flora (held by many as true Q. Robur). Bosemann, 71; Fant, 11; Schneider, f. 157; Willkomm, 23, f. 21: Q. stellata. Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 338-9, 434, pi.; Cobb, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 54: 174, pi. 4; Hitchcock (1), 6. Q. texana. Trelease (3), pi. 11. Q. velutina (often referred to as Q. coccinea; Q. tinctoria). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 338-9, 452, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 19, (4), 138, f. 113-115; Otis, 116; Trelease (3), pi. 10. Q. Wislizeni. Trelease (3), pi. 13. Oaks, like poplars, willows and some other trees, cast off many of their twigs by imperfect abscission in the autumn, a normal and regular process each year on old trees, as Areschoug has pointed out in his Biologie der Holzgewachse. This self-pruning forms the subject of a communication in 1865 to the Botanische Zeitung by Rose. Engelmann (Botani- cal Works, 391) has indicated the differences in vernation shown by species of Quercus, and Diez published a compara- tive study of the subject in Flora for 1887. 34 MORACEAE. MORTIS. Mulberry. (Family Moraceae). Trees with rather scanty milky sap: deciduous. Twigs moderate or rather slender, rounded: pith moderate, round, continuous. Buds sessile, solitary or collaterally multiplied, ovoid, oblique, with 3 or mostly a half-dozen 2-ranked thin scales, -the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, round or half- round or obtusely triangular, somewhat raised: bundle-traces numerous and scattered or in an ellipse or more or less definitely aggregated into 3: stipule-scars narrow, the one below the bud larger. Mulberry twigs are frequently mistaken for those of linden when carelessly observed. Apart from their browner color they differ in their milky sap and in their more numerous dry and thin bud-scales. 1. Buds triangular-ovoid, short and closely appressed. 2. Buds more elongated (6-8 mm.) and somewhat spreading. 4. 2. Bud-scales uniformly colored. (White m.) (1). M. alba. Bud-scales brown-margined. 3. 3. Not weeping. (Tartarian m.). (2). M. alba tatarica. Weeping, usually grafted as a standard. M. alba pendula. 4. Bud-scales white-margined. M. acidosa. Bud-scales dark-margined. 5. 5. Twigs often downy above. (Red mulberry). (3). M. rubra. Twigs glabrous. (Black mulberry). M. nigra. MOBACEAE. 35 MACLTJRA. Osage Orange. (Family Moraceae). Trees with axillary spines, fi- brous-flaking bark and milky sap: deciduous. Twigs moderate, rounded, glabrous, frequently dwarf, the longer commonly zig- zag. Pith moderate, round, pale, continuous. Buds rather small, depressed globose, sessile, often collaterally branching or produc- ing stout lateral spines, with 4 or 5 scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, half-round or broadly kidney-shaped or triangu- lar, somewhat raised: bundle- traces several in a transverse el- lipse or variously consolidated into 3 groups or a composite transverse aggregate: stipule- scars small or the small deltoid stipules persistent at top of the leaf-scar. The Osage orange, closely related to the tropical tree (Madura or Chlorophora tinctoria) from which fustic is ob- tained, contains a similar dye-stuff, which has been made the subject of industrial exploitation during the scarcity of aniline dyes. One of its most marked characteristics is the orange bark that peels from its roots in papery layers. The tradition that it was a favorite bow wood with the Osage Indians gave it the name bois d'arc, which has been transformed into the redundant bow d'arc. Twigs buff or olive, with spines. Unarmed. M. pomifera. M. pomifera inermis. 36 MOBACEAE. BROUSSONETIA. Paper Mulberry. (Family Moraceae). Rather small trees with soft ring-porous pale wood with tan- gential wood-parenchyma pattern and milky sap: deciduous. Twigs moderate, rounded, zig-zag, his- pid when young: pith rather large, round, white, with a very thin green diaphragm at each node. Buds moderate, conical, solitary, sessile, with an outer striate scale. Leaf-scars typically alternate and 2-ranked, rather large, rounded, elevated: bundle- traces about 5, compound, aggre- gated in an ellipse: stipule-scars long and narrow. Winter-character references to Moraceae: Broussonetia Kasino- _ ki. Shirasawa, .243-4, pi. 4. B. pai^yrifera. Schneider, f. 112, the contraria form; Shirasawa, 244, pi. 4. Ficus Carica. Schneider, f. 112; Shirasawa, 240, pi. 3; Ward, 1:51, f. 33, 118, f. 59; Zuccarini, 25, pi. 14. Ma- dura pomifera. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 330, 494; Hitchcock (3), 17; Otis, 132; Schneider, f. 144-145. Morus alba. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 468, pi.; Bosemann, 75; Schneider, f. 144; Will- komm, 28, f. 32. M. nigra. Bosemann, 75; Schneider, f. 143. M. rubra. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 466, pi.; Brendel, 27, 29, pi. 4; Hitchcock (1), 3, f. 14, (3), 17, (4), 138, f. 90-94; Otis, 134. 1. Twigs slender (2-3 mm.), brown. B. Kasinoki. Twigs relatively stout (4 mm.), greenish gray. 2. 3. Leaves alternate and 2-ranked. (1). B. papyrifera. Leaves often opposite. (2). B. papyrifera contraria. MORACEAE. 37 Fious. Fig. (Family Moraceae). Rather small trees (for our purpose) and deciduous: sap milky. Twigs rather stout, round- ed: pith large, more or less angu- lar, very white, with a thick firm diaphragm at each node. Buds moderate, globose, often collater- ally multiple, with several ex- posed scales, the end-bud large, conical, with a single infolding striate scale. Leaf-scars alternate, 2-ranked, rather large, round, somewhat elevated: bundle-traces several, unequal, compound or ag- gregated in a broken ring: stipule- scars encircling the stem. Though there is nothing very interesting about the edible fig as ordinarily grown, it is well known that the oriental varieties of this species require fertilization for the development of their fruit through the activities of a minute gall-fly which breeds in a specialized type of gall flow- ers that accompany functionally active staminate and pistil- late flowers in the large fleshy receptacle that we call the fruit. Similar interrelations exist between other figs and gall insects. In tropical regions many species send roots down from the branches, these enlarging into supplementary trunks which sometimes transform a single tree into an in- tricate grove. Others, which start as epiphytes on other trees, send down similar but interlacing roots, of which enormous trunks are formed at length. Glabrous: end-bud green: lateral buds brown. F. Carica. 38 ULMACEAE. ULMUS. Elm. (Family Ulmaceae). Trees, usually of large size: de- ciduous. Twigs rather slender, zig-zag, terete: pith small, round- ed, continuous! Buds solitary or collaterally branching, variously ovoid, obliquely sessile, the termi- nal lacking: scales about half-a- dozen, 2-ranked. Leaf-scars alter- nate, 2-ranked, broadly crescent- shaped or half round, scarcely raised: bundle-traces 3 or com- pounded in 3 usually distinct groups: stipule-scars unequal. References under Aphananthe. 1. Buds small (1.5 mm.), globose: scales 4. (1). U. pumila. Buds distinctly larger or with more visible scales. 2 2. Twigs gray-buff, rough: buds red-hairy. (2). U. fulva. Twigs red-brown, or gray. 3. Buds blackish-red. 4. Buds brown. 7. Buds and twigs glabrous. U. laevis. Buds more or less hairy. 5. Twigs glabrescent: bark rough. 6. Twigs hispid: bark of branches smooth. (3). U. glabra. Twigs not corky." U. campestris. Twigs often with corky ridges. Twigs moderately slender. 8. Twigs very slender, often corky-winged. Twigs not corky. (White elm). Twigs often with corky outgrowths. U. campestris suberosa. (4). U. alata. U. americana. (5). U, racemosa. ULMACEAE. 39 CELTIS. Hackberry. (Family Ulmaceae). Trees, or a few shrubs: decidu- ous. Twigs rounded, slender, zig- zag. Pith rather small, white, rounded, closely chambered, or ex- ceptionally continuous except at some or all of the nodes. Buds sessile, solitary, ovoid or deltoid, closely appressed, with about 4 2-ranked scales, the end-bud lack- ing. Leaf-scars alternate, crescent shaped or half elliptical, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3, or the mid- dle one divided, or confluent in a C-shaped group: stipule-scars nar- row. References under Zelkova. 1. Buds long (3-4 mm.) : bark ridged. (1). C. occidentalis. Buds short (1-2 mm.). 2. 2. Shrub. C. pumila. Tree, smooth except for corky warts. (2).C.mississippiensis. PLANERA. (Family Ulmaceae). Winter characters of Ulmus, from which the warty ovary and unwinged fruit distinguish it in early spring. Our na- tive species, P. aquatica, in bud and twig somewhat resem- bles U. pumila, but its red-brown puberulent buds are some- times somewhat elongated so as to resemble those of U. alata, from which it differs in the absence of corky wings on the second year's growth. References to Planera in winter are given under the next genus, Zelkova. 40 ULMACEAE. ZELKOVA. (Family Ulmaceae). Moderate-sized trees with some- what exfoliating bark: deciduous. Twigs slender, zig-zag, terete: pith small, roundish, spongy ex- cept at the nodes, pale. Buds solitary or collaterally branching, ovoid, sessile, somewhat oblique, with 4 or 5 pairs of 4-ranked scales, the end bud lacking. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, little raised, crescent-shaped or ellipti- cal, small: bundle traces 3, more or less confluent: stipule-scars unequal, one elongated. (Abe- licea). Buds relatively large (2X3 mm.) : glabrate. (1). Z. serrata. Buds small (scarcely 1X1.5 mm.) : pubescent. Z. crenata. Winter-character references to Ulmaceae (except Ulmus) : Aph- ananthe aspera. Shirasawa, 265, pi. 8. Celtis australis. Schneider, f. 166. C. occidentalis. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 331, 464, pi.; Brendel, 27, 29, pi. 4; Hitchcock (1), 3; (3), 17; (4), 137, f. 88-9; Otis, 130; Schaffner, Ohio Naturalist, 2:173; 3:328; Schneider, f. 136, 166. (7. sinensis. Shirasawa, 263, pi. 8. Planer a aquatica. Schneider, f. 135. Zelkova serrata (un- der various names). Schneider, f. 2, 53, 166; Shirasawa, 267, pi. 9. Zelkova has been much confused with other genera. For our purposes it differs in its 2- and not 4-ranked bud-scales from other Ulmaceae, a family merged in the Urticaceae, with the Moraceae, by many botanists. ULMACEAE. 41 APHANANTHE. (Family Ulmaceae). Trees: deciduous. Twigs slen- der, somewhat zig-zag, terete; pith small, rounded, continuous. Buds solitary or collaterally branch- ing, ovoid-conical, sessile, the terminal lacking; their scales about half-a-dozen, 2-ranked. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, crescent- shaped, small, low: bundle-traces 3, indistinct: stipule-scars minute. References under Zelkova. Twigs and buds somewhat rough hairy. A. aspera. Winter-character references to Ulmus: Ulmus alata. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 462; Brendel, pi. 4. U. americana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 460, pi.; Brendel, pi. 4; Otis, 126; Hitchcock (1), 3; (3), 17; (4), 137, f. 86-7; Smith, Ohio Naturalist, 5: 315. U. campestris. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 458, pi.; Bosemann, 69; Fant, 14, f. 5; Shirasawa, 265, pi. 9; Smith, Ohio Naturalist, 5:315; Ward, 1:181, f. 90; Willkomm, 4, 28, f. 33; Zuccarini, 19, pi. II. U. fulva. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 456, pi.; Brendel, pi. 4; Hitch- cock (1), 3; (3), 17; (4), 137, f. 83-5; Otis, 124; Smith, Ohio Naturalist, 5:315. U. glabra. Bosemann, 69; Schneider, f. 153; Ward, 1:182, f. 91. U. laciniata. Shirasawa, 266, pi. 9. U. laevis. Bosemann, 69; Fant, 14; Schneider, f. 120, 153; Shirasawa, 266, pi. 9; Willkomm, 29, f. 35; Zuccarini, 20, pi. 11. U. parvifolia. Shirasawa, 266. U. racemosa. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 462, pi.; Otis, 128; Smith, Ohio Nat., 5:315. U. sulerosa. Bosemann, 69; Fant, 14; Willkomm, 4, 29, f. 34. 42 PEOTEACEAE. GKEVILLEA. Silk Oak. (Family Proteaceae). Tender rapid-growing trees. Twigs moderately stout, for a time rather irregulartly fluted from the nodes: pith rather large, angled, continuous. Buds mode- rate, solitary, sessile or develop- ing promptly at least into dwarf- branches, oblong, naked, very hairy. Leaf-scars alternate, round to transversely elliptical, deeply 3-lobed, somewhat raised at the lower margin: bundle-traces 3 compound groups : stipule-scars lacking. Grevillea robusta, which is now one of the most commonly grown potted plants of the florist because of its ready cultivation and at- tractive fern-like foliage, has been much planted in dry tropical countries where it makes a mod- erately large open-topped shade- or avenue-tree. During the flowering season its large clusters of orange flowers are much frequented by certain birds which feed on the abundant nectar and the insects attracted by this. Its most .obvious disqualification as a shade tree lies in the tenacity with which its foliage holds dust, so that except in the rainy season it is dingily gray rather than attractively green. In parts of Guatemala the silk oak has found favor as a cover-tree for coffee plantations which it shades adequately without de- priving the crop of properly distributed direct sunshine. Twigs and buds at first very red-hairy. G. robusta. SANTALACEAE. BUCKLEYA. (Family Santalaceae). Shrubs, parasitic on Tsuga: deciduous. Twigs slender, fork- ing, terete or obscurely 6-sided: pith rather small, somewhat angu- lar, continuous, white. Buds soli- tary, moderate, sessile, oblong, ap- pressed, with some 3 pairs of acute loose scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars opposite but by torsion standing nearly in 2- ranks instead of decussately in 4 ranks, small, half-round or broadly crescent-shaped, slightly raised: bundle-trace 1: stipule-scars lack- ing. Buckleya affords one of the com- paratively few illustrations of successful garden cultivation of a parasitic plant of large size. Like its close relative Comandra, though possessing foliage abund- antly supplied with the mechanism for manufacturing carbo- hydrates through photosynthesis, as green plants ordinarily do, Buckleya appears to be incapable of existing without de- riving mineral nutrients and perhaps some proteins from other plants. In this respect it is partially comparable with the mistletoes belonging to the closely related family Loran- thaceae, and other green parasites. It has long been grown successfully in the botanical garden of Harvard University under an old hemlock, to the roots of which it had attached itself. Puberulent: buds straw-colored, glabrous. B. distichophylla. 44 ARISTOLOCHIACEAE. ARISTOLOCHIA. Dutchman's Pipe. (Family Aristolochiaceae). Soft-wooded twiners: deciduous. Stems terete, green, swollen at the nodes: wood with large dif- fused ducts and broad medullary rays: pith large, rounded, con- tinuous, pale. Buds small, ses- sile, rounded, superposed on a silky area in arch of the leaf-scar, with 1 silky scale, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, U- shaped, somewhat raised: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. The Dutchman's pipe is one of many plants in which axillary buds are not to be seen until after the leaves have fallen. This is not because they are absent or sunken in or covered by the bark, but because, like those of Plata- nus, Cladrastis and other genera, they are enclosed in a cup-like enlargement of the petiole base. When the leaf is removed, or after it has fallen, this is quite evident, though the Aristo- lochia buds are small and less easily seen than those of Pla- tanus or Cladrastis. Like those of the latter, they are not solitary in the axil, but in a series of several superposed one above the other. In a paper on such serial buds published in 1884, Velenovsky showed that this multiplicity of buds produced above ground is not shared by subterranean buds, which are solitary, in Aristolochia. Stem glabrous. (1). A. macrophylla. Stem puberulent. A. tomentosa. POLYGONACEAE. 45 COCCOLOBA. Sea Grape. (Family Polygonaceae). Tender trees: evergreen. Twigs moderate, more or less grooved or nearly terete: pith round, in some species continuous, in others spongily excavated between the nodes. Buds solitary, sessile, concealed by the leaf-base, naked. Leaf-scars alternate, large and nearly round, with 3 or 5 bundle- traces: not on the stem, but on a persistent sheath (ochrea) that encircles the stem and finally falls from an annular scar, correspond- ing to the usual stipular scars. Leaves simple, entire. (Cocco- loMs). Like Ficus, Magnolia and Pla- tanus, Coccoloba shows on the older twigs a series of scars which run entirely around or encircle the stem, but it differs from these and all other genera considered in this book in that these do not appear immediately after the leaves have fallen, but later. The thick base of the petiole here disarticulates from the sheathing stipules or ochreae as they have been called in this family by a clean-cut abscission, and it is only much later that the ochrea itself separates with an equally clean-cut scar, remaining for a time loosely about the twig before finally disappearing. Twigs rather stout: pith excavated. (Seaside grape). (1). C. uvifera. Twigs rather slender: pith continuous. (Pigeon plum). (2). C. floridana. 46 N YOTAGIN ACE AE. BOUGAINVILLEA. (Family Nyctaginaceae). Scrambling shrubs, often climb- ing to considerable heights where hardy: deciduous. Shoots moder- ate, terete becoming irregularly angular or ridged when dry: pith minute, indistinct. Buds super- posed, the upper developing into a curved spine, the lower rather small, ovoid or oblong, hairy, with 2 exposed scales. Leaf-scars al- ternate, broadly* crescent-shaped, to nearly round, much raised: bundle-traces about 5, very indis- tinct: stipule-scars lacking. Bougainvilleas, which produce thick almost tree-like short basal trunks in tropical countries, form brilliant covers for pergolas, walls or even houses where they can be used in the open, the showy bracts that surround their rather in- conspicuous flowers ranging from magenta to terra-cotta. In common with other woody members of their family, they produce several zones of woody bundles between the pith and cortex of the stem, these occurring in a mass of conjunc- tive tissue as it has been called. The result is an appearance somewhat like that of a monocotyledonous or "endogenous" stem, in cross section. The literature of this, and of com- parable anatomical facts for other families, has been assem- bled in Solereder's compendious Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Very hairy, scrambling. B. spectabilis. Glabrate, more bushy. (1). B. glabra. TROCHODENDRACEAE. 47 L EUPTELEA. ( Family Trochodendraceae ) . Shrubs or small trees: decidu- ous. Twigs moderate or rather slender, terete, somewhat zig-zag: pith rather small, firm, continu- ous, greenish. Buds solitary, ses- sile, ovoid, moderate, with half- a-dozen blunt glossy scales, spar- ingly hairy at base: end-bud lack- ing. Leaf-scars alternate, 2- ranked, moderate, broadly cres- cent-shaped, little raised: bundle- traces 7, relatively small: stipule- scars lacking. Euptelea, like Gercidiphyllum, and Eucommia is an anomalous genus, evidently related to the Magnoliaceae but not fitting into that family without doing vio- lence to its usual association of characters. Unlike the genera usually taken to represent the Magnoliaceae, this does not produce stipules, so that its twigs lack the narrow scars that characterize the nodes of Magnolia, Michelia and Liriodendron, and the horizontal series of bun- dle-traces in its leaf-scar suggests rather a broken composite group than either of the usual magnoliaceous types. The win- ter-characters of E. polyandra are described and figured by Shirasawa, p. 257, pi. 7. Though of rather recent introduction and rarely seen, Euptelea is proving fairly hardy and is likely to find ex- tended use where open round-topped trees are desired. Glabrate: buds glossy chestnut. E. polyandra. 48 EtJCOMMIACEAE. EUCOMMIA. (Family Eucommiaceae). Tree: deciduous. Twigs moder- ate, terete, somewhat zig-zag: pith pale, rounded, chambered. Buds solitary, sessile, ovoid, moderate, with some half-dozen exposed scales, the end-bud absent. Leaf- scars alternate, often 2-ranked, rather small, half-elliptical, little raised: bundle-trace 1, C-shaped: stipule-scars lacking. Eucommia has attracted atten- tion because of the occurrence in its organs of a peculiar type of rubber-producing cells, which ap- pear as delicate elastic cords when leaf or twig is broken. Ac- cording to Weiss, who published an account of them in 1892 in the botanical series of the Transac- tions of the Linnean Society, these cells differ morphologically from the latex tissue of other plants in that they originate here from new initials in the developing organs, while in other cases their development is progressive and continuous from a few initial cells formed in the embryo. The name ulmoides is given because of the elm-like habit of growth of the tree, which is of recent introduction but is proving hardy and so is likely to find an extended use. Though no industrial application may be made of it, the fact that Eucommia contains rubber is not to be overlooked at a time when every possible source of that essential substance is being investigated. Glabrous: twigs red-brown, with pale lenticels. E. ulmoides. CEBCIDIPHYLLACEAE. 49 CERCIDIPHYLLTJM. (Family Cercidiphyllaceae). Rather small finely branched trees: deciduous. Twigs terete, slender, swollen at the nodes: pith small, creamy, somewhat angular, continuous. Buds moderate, soli- tary, often developing into short spurs, oblong, pointed, appressed, with 1 exposed scale standing next the stem, the end-bud lack- ing. Leaf-scars opposite, or 4r ranked if separate, crescent- shaped, raised, deciduous at end of the first winter: bundle-traces 3 : stipule-scars lacking. Some- times placed in the family Tro- chodendraceae. One of the most dainty fine- twigged trees of relatively recent introduction, this shares with the two preceding genera a combina- tion of characters which have subjected its systematic position to great and fluctuating un- certainty. Unlike the others, which remain in the Trocho- dendraceae, this genus possesses a suggestion of affinity to the Hamamelidaceae; the prevailing disposition has been to erect for it a distinct family, and to leave it in juxtaposition to the Trochodendraceae. As in the two genera here considered, and unlike the other genera referred to that family, its, wood consists in part of true ducts. Its winter-characters are de- scribed and figured by Schneider, f. 92, 135; and Shirasawa, 275, pi. 11. Glabrous: buds red. C. japonicum. 50 RANUNCULACEAE. PAEONIA. Paeony. (Family Ranunculaceae). Small unsymmetrically branched shrubs (most species herbaceous). Twigs terete, stout: pith large, round, continuous. Buds moderate, the upper much larger, solitary, sessile, ovoid or rather oblong, with about half-a- dozen pointed scales, end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, somewhat raised, large, triangu- lar or half-round: bundle-traces about 7 in a U-shaped series and small with a larger one central in the scar: stipule-scars lacking. The tree paeony has shared in the popular approval that paeonies have received of late years, and like the herbaceous species it is now grown in a large variety of forms which differ greatly in their flowers. Paeonia differs from other Ranunculaceae in having the septa between the ends of the cells that forms its ducts per- forated by a series of transverse slits (scalariform perfora- tions), the cross-wall disappearing entirely in other genera. Its winter-characters are figured by Schneider, p. 119, f. 121. Buds more or less rosy: glabrous. (Tree paeony). P. suffruticosa. RANUNCULACEAE. 51 ZANTHOKHIZA. Yellowroot. ( Family Ranunculaceae ) . Small little-branched shrubs, lemon-yellow when cut. Wood tangentially diff used-porous : me- dullary rays coarse. Twigs terete, moderate, very smooth: pith re- latively large, rounded, continu- ous. Buds very unequal: the lateral solitary, sessile, ovoid- oblong, much compressed and flattened against the stem, with about 3 exposed blunt scales; the terminal much larger, fusiform, terete, with about 5 retuse mucro- nate scales. Leaf-scars alternate, low, shallowly U-shaped, more then half-encircling the twig: bundle-traces about 11: stipule- scars lacking. The enlargement of the leaf- base so as to embrace a large part of the circumference of the stem, as in Aralia, Nandina, etc., and the yellow coloration of the cut tissues, form ready aids to the determination of yellow- root. Though low and lacking the graceful branching of many plants, its foliage is pleasing, and it merits more general planting than it receives. Its winter-characters are described and figured by Schneider, p. 119, f. 121. Glabrous: twigs gray: buds red-brown. Z. apiifolia. 52 RANUNCULACEAE. tralblatt, 26:10. C. vitalba. Willkomm, 7. G. viticella. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. (Family Ranunculaceae). Soft-wooded climbers. Shoots 6- or 12-angled over the vascular bundles, with cavities in the cor- tex under the ridges, straw-colored or brown: pith angled or star- shaped, white, continuous with thin firmer diaphragms at the nodes, or said to be excavated be- tween them in C. Vitalba. Buds rather small, ovoid or flattened, sessile, solitary, or superposed in C. recta, with 1-3 pairs of exposed somewhat hairy scales. Leaves not disarticulating, though dying, with prehensile petioles or petiol- ules: no stipules or stipule-scars. Winter-character references: C. japonica. Shirasawa, 281, pi. 12. C. recta. Velenovsky (paper on superposed buds published at Prag in 1884) Botanisches Cen- Bosemann, 40; Schneider, f. 121; Bosemann, 40. 2. 1. Stem glaucous and glabrous. Stem not glaucous. 3. 2. Stem 6-sided, brown. Stem 6-ridged, gray. 3. Stem straw-colored, 12- or 18-ridged. Stem brown, the 6 primary ridges stronger. 4. Stem glabrate. (3). X Stem more or less hairy. 5. 5. Finely pubescent. (4). C. virginiana. Rather woolly at the nodes. C. Pitcheri. (1). C. verticillaris. C. texensis. (2). C. paniculata. 4. C. Jackmanni. LARDIZABALACEAE. 53 DECAISNEA. (Family Lardizabalaceae). Loosely branched large gla- brous shrubs: deciduous. Twigs coarse, terete: pith large, homo- geneous, roundish, pale. Buds solitary, sessile, large, ovoid-acu- minate, suberect or appressed, ob- tusely somewhat 2-edged, with 2 scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf- scars alternate, low, shield-shaped, very large, with 7-9 bundle-traces: stipule-scars lacking. Decaisnea and the two follow- ing genera, with four others, are now admitted to constitute a nat- ural family, named after the ge- nus Lardizabala. The affinities of the plants are such, however, that those now placed in the Lardiza- balaceae have found earlier clas- sification in the related families Berberidaceae and Menisperma- Twigs buff: buds glaucous, coarsely wrinkled. D. Pargesii. LABDIZABALACEAE. STATJNTONIA. (Family Lardizabalaceae). Strong woody twiners, some- times cut back and grown in bush form: evergreen. Stems terete, moderate: pith moderate, contin- uous, at first white. Buds mod- erate, sessile, ovoid, with some 8 ovate mucronate rather fleshy scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf- scars alternate, deeply crescent- shaped or half-round, somewhat raised: bundle-traces numerous, scattered: stipule-scars lacking. Leaves long-petioled, digitate, with about 6 long-stalked elliptical en- tire leaflets with channeled ab- ruptly short-acuminate tip. Stauntonia becomes a high- climbing vine in the South. It is grown as far north as Washing- ton, where, in the Botanical Gar- den, its branches are cut back though the trunk is not killed. In foliage it is quite unlike any other shrub hardy in the same latitude. Stems green, glabrous: leaves paler beneath. S. hexaphylla. LABDIZABALACEAE. 55 AKEBIA. (Family Lardizabalaceae). Woody twiners: deciduous. Stems terete, slender: pith small, continuous and homogeneous, pale, Buds rather small, sometimes branching from the axils of their lower scales, sessile, ovoid, sub- acute, with a dozen or more ovate mucronate scales. Leaf-scars al- ternate, half elliptic, much-raised: bundle-traces half-a-dozen in a broken ellipse (reduced to 3 at level of the stem) : stipule-scars lacking. Winter-character references to AkeMa are to be found in Schnei- der, f. 148 (A. quinata) ; and Shi- rasawa, p. 261, pi. 7 (A. quinata and A. lobata). Stems green becoming brown, glabrous. A. quinata. Winter-character references to Menispermaceae: Coccu- lus carolinus (C. virginica). Schneider, f. 65. C. Tliun- bcrgii. Shirasawa, 259, pi. '(. Menispermum canadense. Bose- mann, 43; Hitchcock (3), 8, (4), 134, f. 4-9; Schaffner, Ohio Naturalist, 6:506; Schneider, f. 65. M. davuricum. Shira- sawa, 259, pi. 7. 56 BERBERIDACEAE. \ NANDINA. (Family Berberidaceae). Shrubs, rather simple except at base: evergreen. Twigs moder- ate, rounded, the bark yellow when cut: pith rather large, round, white, continuous. Buds solitary, sessile, the lateral small, triangular, with 2 valvate scales, and to be seen only after remov- ing the leaf -bases; the terminal larger, ovoid, with 3 or 4 scales. Leaf-scars lacking, the alternate dilated imbricated nerved am- plexicaul leaf-bases not disartic- ulating, the persistent petioles enlarged at top with 3 depres- sions, each corresponding to a fallen leaflet and with a central bundle-trace: stipules lacking. Leaves ternate, each primary di- vision odd-pinnate with several lanceolate acute entire leaflets, or again ternately parted. Glabrous: leaflets acute at both ends, arcuately 3-nerved. N. domestica. BERBERIDACEAE. 57 BERBERIS. Barberry. (Family Berberidaceae). Shrubs, mostly with branched leaf-spines subtending short spurs on which the foliage-leaves are fascicled. Wood and pith often greenish or bright yellow. Twigs mostly sulcate, rather slender: pith relatively large, round, con- tinuous. Buds rather small, soli- tary, sessile, ovoid, with about half-a-dozen pointed scales and, on spurs, the dilated bases of sev- eral leaves of the season; alter- nate, like the spines. Leaf-scars small, at top of the broad persist- ent leaf-bases, half-round: bundle- traces 3, minute, often indistinct: stipule-scars lacking. The barberries, long represent- ed in gardens by the single Euro- pean species Berberis vulgaris, have come into popularity of re- cent years through the introduction of numerous Asiatic spe- cies of which the compact-growing B. Thunbergii is now al- most universally planted for low hedges and masses. Fortu- nately, this species does not serve as an alternate host for the black- or stem-rust of wheat, as B. vulgaris does, so that in the prevalent crusade against the latter it may be spared safely; and it may be added that the common barberry pos- sesses no properties which particularly justify its retention as a cultivated plant. It is to be noted that the evergreen Mahonias, sometimes referred to the genus Berberis, share with the common bar- berry susceptibility to the black-rust (Puccinia graminis). 58 BEEBERIDACEAE. Winter-characters of Berberis Thunbergii or B. vulgaris are given by Bosemann, 48; Fant, 26, f. 24; Schneider, f. 80; Shirasawa, 49, pi. 5; Ward, 1:200, f. 101; and Willkomm, 45, f. 76. 1. More or less evergreen: twigs brownish or purplish. 2. Promptly deciduous. 6. 2. Twigs pubescent. 3. Twigs glabrous. 4. 3. Leaves broad (10-20 mm.), toothed: twigs puberulent. (1). B. concinna. Leaves narrow (2-4 mm.), entire: twigs velvety. (2). B. stenophylla. 4. Leaves very narrow (2 mm.), entire, revolute. B. empetrifolia. Leaves broader. 5. 5. Twigs angled, not roughened. B. buxifolia. Twigs not angled, granular. B. verruculosa. 6. Twigs glabrous. 7. Twigs pubescent. 13. 7. Twigs finely very warty, slightly angled. B. canadensis. Twigs not or scarcely roughened. 8. 8. Spine-branches mostly 5-7, often dichotomous. (3). B. Fendleri. Spine-branches 1 or mostly 3, simple. 9. 9. Spines long (20-40 mm.), terete. (4). B. Julianae. Spines shorter (15 mm.), grooved or dilated. 10. 10. Twigs gray or buff. (Barberry). (5). B. vulgaris. Twigs red or orange, or brown or purple. 11. 11. Twigs somewhat glaucous. B. koreana. Twigs not glaucous. 12. 12. Compact and low-spreading. (6). B. Thunbergii. Bushy and rather tall. B. Sieboldii. 13. Twigs reddish, very minutely puberlent. B. aggregata. Twigs buff or gray, dingy-velvety. B. brachypoda. BERBERID ACE AE . 59 MAHONIA. Evergreen Barberry. ( Family Berberidaceae ) . Mostly low and sparingly branched shrubs : evergreen. Twigs roundish, relatively stout: pith comparatively large, pale, continuous. Buds alternate, rath- er small except for the terminal one which is ovoid with half-a- dozen exposed scales. Leaf-scars narrow, low, half-encircling the stem: bundle-traces about 9. Leaves alternate, pinnately com- pound, pungently toothed: sti- pules and stipule-scars lacking. (Odostemon; Berberis). Though less hardy than the true barberries, the Mahonias are cul- tivated to a considerable extent. Sometimes their leaves are af- fected by cluster-cup fungi, and when this is the case they are serving as alternate Lost for the black-rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis'). 1. Leaves hard and coriaceous. 2. Leaves rather thin and membranaceous. 2. Leaflets 3- or 5-nerved at base. 4. Leaflets 1-nerved. 3. 3. Leaflets small. Leaflets large, netted-veined beneath. 4. With long persistent bud-scales at base. Without conspicuous scales at base. 5. (1). M. Fendleri. M. dictyota. M. nervosa. M. japonica. 5. Leaflets large: habit erect. Leaflets moderate: low. (2). (3). M. Aquifolium. (4). M. repens. 60 BERBERIDACEAE, X MAHOBERBERIS. Hybrid Barberry. (Family Berberidaceae). Rather low and sparingly branched shrubs: subevergreen. Twigs roundish, relatively stout: pith relatively large, pale, contin- uous. Buds alternate, moderate, solitary, sessile, with half-a-dozen or so loose gray scales, usually developing into short spurs cov- ered by the long-persistent ba- sally dilated petioles. Leaf-scars terminating the persistent peti- oles, half-round, sometimes paired, with indistinct bundle-traces. Leaves papery, pungently serrate, mostly of 1 leaflet: stipules and stipule-scars lacking. This hybrid between a true barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and a Mahonia (M. Aquifolium) indi- cates clearly the close relation- ship between the two groups, which on technical characters are combined in the genus Berberis by many conservative botanists. Such botanists write its name X Berberis Neuberti. When species belonging to different genera hybridize, as here, it will be found that the genera commonly differ by relatively small or instable technical characters. If, however, they are maintained as dis- tinct, their hybrid progeny pertains to neither in fact. For this reason, as in the present case, a bigeneric hybrid is given a generic name different from that of either parent, by those who believe in the generic separability of the parents. Glabrous: leaves exceeding the petioles. X M. Neuberti. MENISPEKMACEAE. 61 MENISPEBMUM. Moonseed. (Family Menispermaceae). Woody twiners: deciduous. Twigs terete, fluted, rather slen- der: pith relatively large, contin- uous and homogeneous, white. Buds small, hairy, superposed with the uppermost quickly de- veloping into an inflorescence and the others covered by the leaf- scar, with about 3 scarcely distin- guishable scales. Leaf-scars alter- nate, elliptical, raised and con- cave: bundle-traces 3 or divided into about 7: stipule-scars lack- ing. Fruit, when present, with a ring-like or crescent-shaped stone keeled on the back. Winter-characters to the family are given under Akebia. Twigs green becoming buff, gla- brescent. M. canadense. COCCULUS. Carolina Moonseed. (Family Menispermaceae). Winter-characters of Menispermum, but the fruit, when present, with the crescent-shaped stone with cross-ridges. Twigs, like the buds, loosely hairy. C. carolinus. CALYCOCAKPUM. Cupseed. (Family Menispermaceae). Winter-characters of Menispermum, but the fruits, when present, with deep cup-like stone. Twigs somewhat hairy or glabrescent. C. Lyoni. 62 MAGNOLIACEAE. LIRIODENDRON. Tulip Tree. (Family Magnoliaceae). Large trees: deciduous. Twigs aromatic, moderate, terete: wood green: pith rounded, pale, con- tinuous, with firmer diaphragms at short intervals. Buds solitary or superposed, the lateral or lower small, rounded and sessile or in- distinct, the terminal larger, ob- long and somewhat stalked, com- pressed or 2-edged, with 2 valvate scales. Leaf-scars alternate, rather large, round, low: bundle-traces a dozen or more in an irregular ellipse or scattered: stipule-scars linear, encircling the twig. Fruit, in the form of cone-like aggre- gates, is often present in winter. The bark of Liriodendron is strikingly different from that of any other common tree in being longitudinally fissured with con- necting cross- strands, so as to suggest a series of parallel mountain ridges with deep gullies in their sides. The flat- tened winter buds are favorite objects for easy dissection. Each is enclosed by a pair of scales representing the stipules of the lowermost leaf of the next year: these separate easily at their edges and when removed reveal the leaf. The process may be continued several times. At the center, if the bud be a flower-bud, rudiments of this organ are to be seen in a fair stage of development. References under Schizandra. Glabrous: twigs and buds glossy red- or purplish-brown. L. Tulipifera. MAGNOLIACEAE. 63 MAGNOLIA. (Family Magnoliaceae). Trees or shrubs: deciduous or evergreen. Twigs somewhat aro- matic, moderate or stout, or less commonly slender, subterete : pith rather large, continuous, round, sometimes with firmer diaphragms. Buds solitary, ovoid or fusiform, sessile, the terminal sometimes enlarged or the lateral greatly reduced, with a single scale keeled and with a scar on its back. Leaf-scars alternate, commonly 2-ranked, moderate or small, round to' U-shaped, low: bundle-traces numerous and scat- tered: stipule-scars linear, en- circling the twig. Leaves, when persistent, simple and entire. Winter-character references to Liriodendron and Magnolia under Schizandra. firm plates of pith evident. 2. Deciduous: pith diaphragms often sparse. 3. 2. Leaves thick: twigs rusty-pubescent. (1) M. grandiflora. Leaves thin or falling: twigs silvery. (2). M. glauca. 3. Leaf-scars clustered on annual swellings. 4. Leaf-scars not clustered: lateral buds evident. 6. 4. Glabrous and glaucous: twigs slender. (3). M. Fraseri. Puberulent, or twigs stout. 5. 5. Glabrous except near the end-bud. (Umbrella magnolia). M. tripetala. Downy: twigs very stout. (Great-leaved magnolia). M. macrophylla. 1. Essentially evergreen: 64 MAGNOLIACEAE. 6. Leaf -scars U-shaped. (4). M. acuminata. Leaf-scars broadly crescent-shaped. 7. 7. End-bud slender: glabrous. M. salicifolia. End-bud mostly enlarged: hairy. 8. 8. Low shrub: twigs slender, brown. M. stellata. Large shrubs or small trees. 9. 9. Twigs green, slender. (Purple magnolia). M. liliflora. Twigs brown, dotted with white lenticels. . 10. 10. Pubescence of buds rather short. X M. Soulangeana. Flower-buds with long coarse hairs. (5). M. Kobus. MICHELIA. Banana Shrub. (Family Magnoliaceae). Shrubs: evergreen. T w i g s rather slender, subterete: pith rather small, round, white, con- tinuous, with firmer sometimes brownish diaphragms at intervals. Buds solitary, ovoid-oblong, ses- sile, with a single scale. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, small:, half-round, slightly raised : bundle-traces about 5 in a single series, or less definitely fixed if more numerous: stipule-scars lin- ear, encircling the twig, but usually concealed by pubescence. Leaves oblanceolate-obovate, blunt- ly mucronate, entire, veiny be- neath. Though now considered to be a distinct genus, Michelia has been placed in Magnolia by many writers, and the banana shrub is still commonly spoken of as a species of Magnolia. Twigs and buds very golden-rusty. M. fuscata. MAGNOLIACEAE. 65 SCHIZANDRA. (Family Magnoliaceae). Woody twiners: deciduous. Stems moderate, terete, aromatic: pith moderate, browning and becom- ing spongily excavated. Buds moderate, collaterally multiple in the axils of their lower scales, sessile, elongated-ovoid, acute, with some 6 or 8 ciliolate scales. Leaf-scars alternate, half-round, scarcely raised: bundle-traces 3, clustered: stipule-scars lacking. Scliizandra differs from the preceding Magnoliaceae in the conspicuous characters of being a climbing shrub and of lacking the annular stipule-scars that so distinctly mark Magnolia, Miche- lia and Liriodendron ; and on technical characters it is placed in a different section of the family. The winter-characters of 8. chi- nensis have been studied by Schneider, f. 92; and Shirasawa, 261, pi. 7. Other winter-character references: Liriodendron Tulipifera. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 330, 474, pi.; Bosemann, 61; Brendel, 30, pi. 3; Otis, 136; Schneider, f. 108. Magnolia acu- minata. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 470, pi.; Schneider, f. 42, 108. M. denudata (M. conspicua; M. Yulan). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 470. M. glauca (M. virginica) . Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 470. M. hypoleuca. Shirasawa, 242, pi. 3. M. Kobus. Shirasawa, 241, pi. 3. M. macrophylla. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 470; Schneider, f 3, 54. M. liliflora (M. obovata; M. purpurea). Schneider, f. 108; Shirasawa, 241, pi. 3. M. tripetala (M. Umbrella). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 340, 472, pi. Stems brown, glabrous. S. chinensis. 66 CALYCANTHACEAE. CALYCANTHUS. Strawberry Shrub. ( Family Calycanthaceae ) . Sparingly branched aromatic shrubs: deciduous. Twigs moder- ately slender, compressed at the nodes: pith relatively large, somewhat 6-sided, white, continu- ous. Buds superposed in a single bud-like aggregate, sessile, round or oblong, brown-hairy, without evident scales, the end-bud lack- ing. Leaf-scars opposite, excep- tionally twisted into 2 ranks or the pairs separated, horseshoe- shaped, raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. (Butneria). Winter-characters of Calycan- thus fertilis, C. floridus and C. oc- cidentalis are contrasted b y Schneider, f. 222. Calycanthus, with many bracts, sepals, petals and stamens inter- grading so as to confirm the im- pression that all are modified leaves, and lacking the definite arrangement in whorls that marks many flowers, in these respects presents a primitive floral type. On the other hand, as in a rose, the receptacle or end of the stem is produced into a deep cup on which these parts originate. Such cases furnish an argument against an opinion that the Dicotyle- dones are primarily divisible into axifloral and <5alycifloral groups. 1. Buds rounded. 2. Buds conical-oblong. (1). C. occidentalis. 2. Twigs more or less persistently villous. (2). C. floridus. Twigs glabrescent or puberulous. C. fertilis. CALYCANTHACEAE. 67 MEBATIA. ( Family Calycanthaceae ) . Aromatic shrubs: deciduous or partly evergreen. Twigs rather slender, somewhat 4-sided or 4- angled or roundish: pith moder- ate, somewhat 4- or 6-sided, white, continuous. Buds solitary or 2 superposed, sessile, subglobose, with about 2 pairs of evident scales, the end-bud lacking or loosely scaly. Leaf-scars oppo- site, half-round or broadly cres- cent-shaped, somewhat raised: bundle-trace 1, crescent-shaped, sometimes with a minute addi- tional trace at each end: stipule- scars lacking. Frequently united with the genus Calycanthus or called Chimonanthus. A structural anomaly in the Calycanthaceae is found in the occurrence of a series of four vascular bundles outside of the normal zone. Meratia differs from Calycanthus in its 4-sided inner zone, which is cylin- drical in Calycanthus a genus which has been compared in its cortical structure with the very distantly placed family Myrtaceae. Winter-characters of Meratia praecox are consid- ered by Schneider, f. 222; and Shirasawa, 278, pi. 12. Twigs and buds gray-buff. (1). M. praecox. Twigs and buds brpwn. (2). M. retusa. Winter-character references to Asimina triloba: Bren- del, 27, 30, pi. 4; Hitchcock (1), 4, f. 1, (3), 8, (4), 134, f. 1-3; Schneider, f. 92, 100. Wiesner shows that some Annona- ceae afford illustrations of epitrophy. 68 ANNONACEAE. ASIMINA. Papaw. (Family Annonaceae). Small trees or arborescent shrubs: deciduous. Twigs round- ed, moderate. Pith roundish, white, continuous with firmer greenish diaphragms, or becom- ing brownish and chambered in age. Terminal bud clearly naked, larger, the lateral obliquely super- posed with the uppermost globose and stalked when a flower-bud or oblong and subsessile when a leaf- bud. Leaf-scars alternate, 2- ranked, half-round becoming broadly crescent- or horseshoe- shaped by rupture of the mem- branous top which at first covers the smaller buds: bundle-traces 5 or 7, sometimes doubled: stipule- scars lacking. The "papaw" of the northern States and the related custard apples, sweet-sops, sour-sops, cherimoyas, etc., of the tropics, which belong to( the related genus Annona, illustrate a type of pith which recurs here and there (e. g. in Magnolia and Nyssa), in which cross-bands of firmer cells are found at intervals. In the present treatment con- tinuous pith of this kind is spoken of as diaphragmed, in contrast with the chambered pith of Juglans, etc., where the cross-bands remain but the softer parts of the pith have disappeared. Asimina is somewhat puzzling in this respect, for the firm diaphragms are not always readily seen when a young twig is split. Twigs and especially buds red-hairy. A. triloba. LAUBACEAE. 69 ClNNAMOMUM. (Family Lauraceae). Small aromatic trees: ever- green. Twigs terete, or com- pressed at base, moderately stout or those developed from buds of the season slender: pith rather large, continuous, white. Buds solitary, ovoid, sessile or prompt- ly developing so as to be stalked for a time, small and either naked or scaly, the terminal en- larged and with more numerous scales. Leaf-scars opposite or al- ternate in 4 ranks, half-round, somewhat raised: bundle-scar 1, C-shaped : stipule-scars lacking. Leaves simple, entire, stalked. The camphor tree has become frequent as a street tree in south- ern cities, where it thrives. The true Malayan cinnamon ap- pears to be scarcely hardy in the United States, but the Chinese cassia-bark tree (C. Cassia) is said to stand frost and to be grown as a shade tree, and also for its cinnamon-flavored bark, etc., in Florida, where, as in southern California, several other species of the genus are planted. Like many other genera which are confined to the tropics today, Cinnamomum was wide-spread in northern latitudes when circumpolar cold was less pronounced than it is now. Buds scaly: leaves alternate: camphor-scented. (Camphor). (1). C. Camphora. Buds naked: leaves opposite: cinnamon-scented. (Cinnamon). C. zeylanicum. 70 LAUEACEAE. PERSEA. (Family Lauraceae). Shrubs or small or moderate- sized trees with aromatic bark: evergreen. ,Twigs moderate, 3s angled and minutely fluted: pith roundish, continuous, pale. Buds solitary or superposed, subsessile and ovoid or frequently develop- ing the first year or replaced by peduncle-scars, the end-bud larger, with 3 or 4 exposed scales. Leaf- scars alternate, somewhat ele- vated, the lower of each season nearly linear and the upper round or elliptical: bundle-trace 1, trans- verse, compound: stipule-scars lacking. Leaves lanceolate, en- tire. Of recent years the alligator pear, or aguacate as it is called in Mexico and Central America, has become a standard fruit tree of Florida and southern California. In our eastern markets, where the fruits have been sold from the West Indies for many years, they are familiar as large and pear-shaped, with smooth thin green skin. As offered at railroad stations in Mexico, they are much smaller and rather purple. In Guate- mala they are very large, round and with thick skin. 1. Leaves golden-satiny beneath: small shrub. P. humilis. Leaves glabrate or loosely hairy: larger. 2. 2. Leaves honeycomb-pitted beneath. P. littoralis. Leaves not pitted. 3. 3. Leaves whitened beneath, not veiny. (1). P. borbonica. Leaves green, veiny. (Alligator pear). (2). P. gratissima. LAURACEAE. 71 SASSAFRAS. Sassafras. (Family Lauraceae). Aromatic tree or often forming dense masses of shrubbery: de- ciduous. Twigs green, glabres- cent, rounded, moderate, often branching the first year. Pith moderate, somewhat 5-sided, white, continuous. Buds usually soli- , tary, ovoid, sessile, subglobose; scales about 4 fleshy rather keeled, the end-bud somewhat larger. Leaf-scars small, half-round or crescent-shaped, somewhat raised: bundle-trace a transverse line more or less broken into 3: stipule- scars lacking. The sassafras is one of the most easily recognized native trees in winter. Its rough bark, once known, is not easily forgotten: and its green mucilaginous spicy twigs are often corymbosely branched above the situation of the uppermost juncture or winter-node marked by scars corresponding to the scales of the last winter bud. Its winter-characters are discussed by Blakeslee & Jarvis, 333, 476, pi.; Brendel, 30-32, pi. 3; Hitch- cock (1), 5; Otis, 138; Schneider, f. 143. Though only one Sassafras is known at present, 25 North American fossil species of the genus are included in Knowl- ton's catalogue of Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils published as Bulletin 152 of the United States Geological Survey. Les- quereux, however, in his Tertiary Flora questions all but two. Twigs not glaucous. S. variifolium. Twigs glaucous. S. variifolium albidum. 72 LAUKACEAE. BENZOIN. Spice Bush. (Family Lauraceae). Spicily aromatic shrubs: decidu- ous. Twigs rounded, slender, green or olive with pale lenticels: pith relatively large, round, white, continuous. Buds rather small, superposed, the upper collaterally producing green ovoid again stalked flower-buds, the foliage buds with about 3 scales: end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, cres- cent-shaped or half-round, slightly raised, small: bundle-traces 3, sometimes confluent: stipule-scars lacking. The spice bush is a native shrub deserving of much more exten- sive cultivation than it has been accorded. It opens the season with its interesting little flowers and closes it with its bright red berry-like fruits. v No better ex- amples of "dehiscence by uplifted valves" can be found than are afforded by its anthers, which offer themselves to obser- vation when few other hand-lens attractions, except opening buds, are in evidence. The winter-characters of B. aestivale (or Lindera Benzoin as it is still sometimes called) are fig- ured by Brendel, pi. 3; and Schneider, f. 117. Twigs and buds glabrous: flower-buds globose. B. aestivale. Loosely hairy: flower-buds pointed. (1). B. melissaefolium. Winter-characters of the related Lindera are given by Shirasawa. L. glauca, 253, pi. 6; L. hypoleuca, 243, pi. 6; L. obtusiloba, 255, pi. 6; L. praecox, 255, pi. 6; L. trilo'ba, 254, pi. 6; and L. umbellata, 253, pi. 6. LATJRACEAE. 73 LAURUS. Laurel. (Family Lauraceae). Small aromatic tender trees: evergreen. Twigs moderate, round: pith rather small, pale, continuous. Buds solitary or fre- quently superposed with the upper developing promptly and the lower minute, with 2 nearly or quite val- vate outer scales. Leaf-scars al- ternate, roundish or cordate, raised: bundle-trace 1: stipule- scars lacking. Leaves simple. Though true laurel is often re- placed by Ficus nitida and other trees having more or less similar foliage, it is not infrequent even in the northern States in tubbed specimens of globose or conical outline that are placed out-of-doors for formal effects through the open season, as they are planted out where they endure the winter. Its buds were described (p. 202) in a treatise by Loefling on "Gemmae Arborum" printed in 1749, the earliest compre- hensive publication of its kind. The Roman use of wreaths of laurel has given origin to the word laureate, and, when berries or baccae were attached, to the academic expression baccalaureate and the more famil- iar word bachelor. Glabrous: twigs brown: leaves crisped. (Sweet Bay). L. nobilis. Winter-characters of Vella spinosa, one of the Cruciferae, are given by Schneider, f. 102; as well as of Capparis spinosa, of the Capparidaceae, f. 84. 74 SAXIFEAGACEAE. PHILADELPHUS. "Syringa". Mock Orange. (Family Saxifragaceae). Shrubs, mostly with exfoliating outer cortex: deciduous. Twigs more or less lined or obscurely hexagonal: pith moderate, round- ed, pale, continuous. Buds soli- tary, sessile with 2 nearly valvate mostly hairy scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars opposite or exceptionally in whorls of 3, half- round with a thin membrane more or less covering the bud, or cres- cent-shaped when this is burst, connected transversely: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. References under Decumaria. 1. Outer cortex persistent, becom- ing gray. 2. Outer cortex straw-colored or red, quickly exfoliating. 3. 2. Membrane tough. (1). P. pubescens. Membrane thin. (2) . P. Lewisii. 3. Leaf-scar scarcely reaching the end of bud. 4. Leaf-scar broad, covering the bud until burst. 7. 4. Leaf-scar narrow: twigs slender. 5. Leaf-scar broad: twigs moderate. P. californicus. 5. Twigs glabrous. (3). P. microphyllus. Twigs more or less villous or canescent. 6. 6. Pubescence scanty: buds half-covered. X P. Lemoinei. Pubescence abundant: buds fully exposed. (4). P. hirsutus. 7. Twigs more or less villous: fruit racemed. P. coronarius. Twigs glabrous: fruit nearly solitary. (5). P. inodorus. SAXIFRAGACEAE. 75 JAMESIA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Shrubs : deciduous. Twigs rounded or slightly 4-sided, with quickly exfoliating bark: pith moderate, rounded, pale brown, continuous. Buds solitary, ses- sile, with 1 pair of white-hairy scales, the terminal rather large, the lateral small or suppressed. Leaf-scars opposite, narrowly U- shaped, white-ciliate, low, meeting: bundle-traces 3, small: stipule- scars lacking. (Edwinia). Winter -studies of Jamesia americana are given by Schneider, f. 190. The woody genera which are as- sembled here as representing the family Saxifragaceae in accord- ance with the views of excellent botanists, are considered by others to differ too greatly for this union with the herbs, to which they would restrict the name Saxi- fragaceae. These authors employ the family name Iteaceae for the genus Itea, Grossulariaceae for Ribes, and Hydran- geaceae for the remainder. Both Jamesia and Edwinia commemorate Edwin P. James, the discoverer of the plant. The first had been' used earlier for what is not considered a tenable genus: the second was given under the principle that a name once used pertains always and exclusively in its first meaning. Twigs at first light brown and hairy. J. americana. 76 SAXIFRAGACEAE. FENDLEKA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Shrubs, intricately branched: deciduous. Twigs squarish or round, soon fluted or ribbed, some- times almost spine-tipped, rather slender, at first gray-puberulent: pith small, rounded, white, contin- uous. Buds rather small, solitary, sessile, with 1 or 2 pairs of white- hairy scales, nearly or quite con- cealed by the much-raised leaf- scar. Leaf-scars opposite, trun- cately linear: bundle-traces 3, minute: stipule-scars lacking, but the leaf-scars connected by a transverse line. The winter-characters of Fend- lera rupicola are pictured by Schneider, f. 190. The persistent base of the peti- ole with the narrow leaf-scar running across its top, in Fend- lerd, finds an extended parallel in Philadelphus, where the leaf-scar is broad. In these cases it is to be seen that the leaf-scar really has been formed by a similar but more ex- tended oblique abscission through the enlarged base of the petiole. Among many comparative publications on such ar- ticular membranes or articular tegments is an excellent pa- per by Hildebrand, in volume 13 of the Botanisches Central- blatt. Other good examples of articular membranes are af- forded by such Leguminosae as Robinia and Sophora. Twigs gray or buff, stiff. (1). F. rupicola. Twigs red-brown, flexible. F. tomentella. SAXIFRAGACEAE. 77 DEUTZIA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Usually small and slender- branched shrubs with exfoliating bark: deciduous as to our species. Twigs round, often stellate-pubes- cent, usually floriferous or dying back at the end: pith moderate, round, pale and spongy or brown and excavated between the nodes. Buds solitary or collaterally branching, nearly sessile, com- pressed-ovoid or triangular-oblong, with 2-6 pairs of exposed scales. Leaf-scars opposite or exceptional- ly whorled, triangular or trans- versely elongated, slightly raised, connected by transverse ridges: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lack- ing. Though the deutzias are some- what difficult to name by ordi- nary characters except when in flower, the species most commonly seen differ rather markedly in pith and bud, so that they are quite as readily known in winter as at other seasons. References under Schizophragma. 1. Pith brown, excavated. (1). D. scabra. Pith white, spongy. 2. 2. Buds canescent, ovoid: scales acute. (2). D. parviflora. Buds glabrate, brown or straw-colored: scales attenuate. 3. 3. Buds ovoid, longer than their lowest scales. (3). X D - Lemoinei. Buds triangular-oblong, with long scales. 4. 4. Leaf-scars triangular. D. rosea. Leaf-scars linear. (4.) D. gracilis. 78 SAXIFRAGACEAE. SCHIZOPHRAGMA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Shrubs, climbing by aerial roots: deciduous. Stems terete, rather slender, finally with exfoliating cortex: pith rounded, greenish, spongy. Buds rather small, the terminal somewhat larger, the lateral mostly developing into* short spurs, solitary, with a couple of exposed scales. Leaf-scars op- posite, U-shaped, somewhat raised, nearly meeting: bundle-traces 5: stipule-scars lacking. Winter-characters of 8. hydran- geoides are given by Schneider, f. 223; and Shirasawa, 282, pi. 12. This and the following genus are often called climbing hydran- geas, but the climbing habit is found also in Hydrangea. Twigs red-brown, sometimes loose- ly hairy. S. hydrangeoides. Winter-character references: Deutzia crenata. Bosemann, 64; Schneider, f. 208; Shirasawa, 279, pi. 12. D. gracilis. Schneider, f. 208; Shirasawa, 279, pi. 12. D. parviflora. Schneider, f. 208. SAXIFRAGACEAE. 79 DECUMABIA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Shrubs, climbing by aerial roots: deciduous. Stems terete, rather slender, the cortex finally ex- foliating: pith rounded, greenish, spongy. Buds small, solitary, ses- sile, with indistinct scales. Leaf- scars opposite, horseshoe-shaped, raised, with concave surface, transversely connected : bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Winter - character references: Schneider, f. 190. Twigs puberulent: buds very red- hairy. D. barbara. In addition to those given under the genera to which they pertain, the following winter-character references may be noted: Phila- delphus coronarius, Bosemann, 54; Schneider, f. 189; Willkomm, 2, 3, 9, 51, f. 93; Zuccarini, 13, pi. 7. P. coronafius Satsumi. Shirasawa, 268, pi. 10. P. hirsutus. Schneider, f. 189. P. pubescens. Bosemann, 54; Schneider, f. 189. 80 SAXIFBAGACEAE. ITEA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Shrubs: deciduous. Twigs rounded, moderate, glabrous: pith moderate, roundish, chambered, white. Buds small, sessile, super- posed, round, with about 3 scales, the slightly larger end-bud conical. Leaf-scars alternate, half-round or half-elliptical, not raised, rather small: bundle-traces 3: stipule- scars lacking. Itea, which is made the type of a distinct family, Iteaceae, by some botanists, differs from all of the other woody genera of Saxi- fragaceae in the chambering of its pith, though this is spongy in Ribes and entirely disappears from the internodes of some deutzias. Reference has been made to simi- lar chambered or "discoid" pith under Asimina, where it is in- constant. In Itea, as in Juglans and numerous other genera, it is to be seen readily and constantly. Celtis, in which it is found sometimes with great uniformity, presents a case in which at other times the chambering is confined to the nodes, from some of which, even, it may be absent. Winter-studies of Itea japonica have been published by Shirasawa, 242, 246, pi. 3; and of J. virginica by Schneider, f. 223. Twigs green, buds more or less puberulent. I. virginica. SAXIFBAGACEAE. 81 HYDRANGEA. (Family Saxifragaceae). Small or moderate-sized spar- ingly branched soft-wooded shrubs, or exceptionally root-climbers : deciduous. Twigs round, moder- ate or relatively coarse; pith rather large, roundish, con- tinuous, pale. Buds moderate, solitary, sessile or very short- stalked, globose-conical to oblong, with some 4 to 6 exposed scales. Leaf-scars opposite, cresent-shaped or 3- or 5-angled, rather large, little raised, frequently in whorls of 3, or with connecting cross-line: bundle-traces 3 or exceptionally 5 or 7: stipule-scars lacking. In the main, the winter distinc- tions between different hydran- geas are fairly clean-cut. The following references may be given: H. involucrata. Schnei- der, f. 206. H. opuloides. Shirasawa, 276, pi. 11. H. panicu- lata. Schneider, f. 207; Shirasawa, 280, pi 11. H. petiolaris. Schneider, f. 206. H. petiolaris cordifolia. Shirasawa, 282, pi. 12. H. querci-folia. Schneider, f. 206. H. TUunbergii. Shirasawa, 276. 1. Climbing. (1). H. petiolaris. Bushy. 2. 2. Red-tomentose: bark extremely flaking. H. quercifolia. Glabrate. 3. 3. Buds round-conical, horizontal. (2). H. paniculata. Buds oblong. 4. 4. Buds spreading: hardy. (3). H. arborescens. Buds appressed: tender. (Hortensia). H. opuloides. 82 SAXIFRAGACEAE. RIBES. Currant. Gooseberry. ( Family Saxif ragaceae ) . Loosely branching shrubs with rather quickly shredding epider- mis: chiefly deciduous. Twigs terete but decurrently ridged from the nodes, moderately slender, sometimes prickly, the prickles be- neath the leaf-scars often triple and enlarged: pith relatively large, pale, round, becoming spongy. Buds rather small, soli- tary, sessile or mostly becoming short-stalked, ovoid or subfusi- form, with about half-a-dozen rather loose scales. Leaf-scars al- ternate, U-shaped or broadly and often angularly crescent-shaped, slightly raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Ribes, as accepted here, is often divided into two genera, the gooseberries being separated un- der the name Grossularia. Apart from their frequent pro- duction of prickles, gooseberries are usually distinguished from currants in winter by their narrower leaf-scars. Ribes alpinum, which is planted frequently in shrubbery masses and resembles a dwarf ninebark, may be distinguished from Physocarpus very readily by its narrow leaf-scars, dis- tinctly stalked buds, and spongy pith. Winter-character references: Ribes alpinum. Bosemann, 48; Fant, f. 13; Schneider, f. 180; Willkomm, 30, f. 38. R. americanum. Brendel, pi. 3. R, aureum. Schneider, f. 180. R. fasciculatum. Shirasawa, 231, pi. 1. R. Gordonianum. Schneider, f. 181. R. gracile. Hitchcock (3), 15, (4), 137, f. SAXIFRAGACEAE. 83 74. R. Grossularia. Bosemann, 47; Fant, 20; Schneider, f. 180; Shirasawa, 249; Ward, 1:198, f. 100. .R. nigrum. Bose- mann, 48; Fant, 19, f. 14; Schneider, f. 181; Ward, 1:206, f. 107; Willkomm, 31, f. 40. R. petraeum. Schneider, f. 182; Willkomm, 9, 31, f. 39. "R. rotundi folium" [oxycanthoidesf]. Brendel, pi. 3. R. rubrum. Bosemann, 48; Fant, 19; Schnei- der, f. 181. R. sanguineum. Bosemann, 48; Schneider, f. 182. 1. Evergreen: stems prickly. R. speciosum. Deciduous. 2. 2. Buds ovoid, glandular or puberulent: leaf-scars rather broad. 3. Buds elongated subfusiform: leaf-scars very narrow. 7. 3. Bud-scales and twigs with some sessile resin-glands, gla- brate. 4. Without sessile resin-glands: buds gray-puberulent. 5. 4. Resin-glands minute: wood fetid. R. nigrum. Glands large and conspicuous. R. americanum. 5. Twigs quickly glabrate. 6. Twigs rather persistently gray-puberulent. R. odoratum. 6. Spreading and stoloniferous. R. triste. Bushy: commonly planted. (Red currant). (1). R. vulgare. 7. With very frequent prickles. 8. Unarmed. 14. 8. Infra-axillary prickles often large (2X10 mm. or more): buds glossy straw-colored. (2). R. missouriense. Prickles smaller: buds dull brown. 9. 9. Buds short (3 mm.), downy. R. rotundifolium. Buds rather long (5 cr 6 mm.). 10. 10. Infra-axillary prickles scarcely larger than the abundant others: twigs and buds glossy straw-colored. R. lacustre. 11. Infra-axillary prickles longer, if accompanied by others. 11. Twigs quickly nearly white, with exfoliating epidermis. 12. Epidermis more persistent. 13. 84 PlTTO SPORACEAE. 12. Low, spreading, often with prickles. R. oxyacanthoides. Larger, usually unarmed. R. hirtellum. 13. Bud-scales keeled, more or less silky. R. Cynosbati. Scales not keeled, glabrescent. (European gooseberry). R. Grossularia. 14. Stems with nearly white exfoliating epidermis. R. oxyacanthoides. Twigs buff. (3). R. alpinum. PITTOSPORUM. Incense. (Family Pittosporaceae). Large shrubs: evergreen. Twigs moderate, at first hairy, terete, short, often enlarged at the end of the season's growth: pith small, white, round, continuous. Buds solitary, sessile, the lateral minute and subglobose with about 3 exposed scales, the terminal larger, ovoid, with some half- dozen ciliate scales. Leaf-scars alternate, clustered toward the end of the season's growth, broadly crescent-shaped, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lack- ing. Leaves simple, entire, spatu- late-obovate in the following. An odoriferous resin, produced in passages that are characteristi- cally distributed in the tissues and which is especially abundant in the fruit, renders this a favorite source of incense for church purposes in the Azores. Leaves unvariegated. P. Tobira. Leaves variegated. P. Tobira variegatum. HAMAMELIDAGEAE. 85 LIQUIDAMBAR. Sweet Gum. (Family Hamamelidaceae). More or less percurrent and coni- cial trees: deciduous. Twigs moderate, roundish and smooth or with variously developed corky ridges or thick wings: pith angled or somewhat star-shaped, subcon- tinuous, brownish. Buds solitary, sessile or sometimes developing into spurs the first season, ovoid, the lateral often reduced and flattened against the twig; when well developed, with half-a-dozen exposed scales. Leaf-scars alter- nate, half-elliptical or triangular, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3, large: stipule-scars lacking. Winter-character references: L. Maximowiczii. Shirasawa, 254, pi. 6. L. orientale. Schneider, f. 107. L. Styraciflua. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 332, 334, 480, pi.; Brendel, pi. 2; Schneider, f. 11, 23. Twigs glabrescent: bud-scales ciliate. L. Styraciflua. Like Betula and some other trees, Liquidambar is very apt to show a short basal elongation of many buds before the first winter. The sweet gum, like bur oak, rock elm and some other trees, is sometimes found with round thin-barked twigs, and sometimes has its twigs furnished with thick .corky ridges, especially on the upper side. Cases of this kind have been made the subject of an extensive paper published by Miss Gregory in the Botanical Gazette for 1888 and 1889. 86 HAMAMELIDACEAE. PARROTIA. ( Family Hamamelidaceae ) . Small tree, with the bark flak- ing as in Platanus: deciduous. Twigs rounded, somewhat zig-zag, from somewhat dingy stellate-to- mentose becoming glabrate: pith rather small, 3-sided, continuous, greenish. Buds moderate, soli- tary, stalked, oblique, ovoid-ob- long, with 2 scales, the end-bud somewhat larger. Leaf-scars al- ternate, 2-ranked, half-round or triangular, slightly raised, small: bundle-traces 3, sometimes com- pound: stipule-scars very unequal. Parrotia persica is markedly different from other trees re- ferred to the Hamamelidaceae in its conspicuously exfoliating bark and nearly black buds. Its winter- characters are pictured by Schnei- der, f. 96. Parrotia agrees with Hamamelis and differs from Fother- gilla in bearing its fruits in compact short clusters. It is rather tenderer than either of the others but is entirely hardy farther north than Washington. An interesting characteristic of the family is that when the woody capsules dehisce the pressure of their walls upon the smooth seeds forces these out much as a melon-seed may be snapped from between finger and thumb. Twigs brown: buds blackish-puberulent. (1). P. persica. Twigs olive: buds dingy puberulent. P. Jacquemontiana. The winter-characters of Disanthus cercidifolia, of the Hamamelidaceae, are pictured by Shirasawa, 254, pi. 6. HAMAMELIDAGEAE. 87 FOTHEEGILLA. (Family Hamamelidaceae). Shrubs : deciduous. Twigs rounded, zig-zag, slender, dingy stellate-tomentose or more or less glabrescent: pith rather small, somewhat angular, continuous, for a time greenish. Buds moderate or small, stalked, oblique, obovate or oblong, with 2 caducous scales, often collaterally branched, the end-bud largest. Leaf-scars al- ternate, 2-ranked, half-round or deltoid, slightly raised, small: bundle-traces 3, more or less com- pound or confluent: stipule-scars unequal, one short and the other elongated. Capsules often pres- ent. Though the vegetative charac- ters of Fothergilla are much like those of Hamamelis, the flowers and capsules are borne in elon- gated clusters in the former and in short groups in the latter. This character is usually available in winter. The winter-characters of Fothergilla Carolina or F. Garde- nil as it is called here are pictured by Schneider, f. i07. 1. Very low and suckering: gray-puberulent. F. parvifolia. Rather tall: buds yellowish or tawny. 2. 2. Openly branched. 3. Pyramidal. F. monticola. 3. Capsules long-beaked, over 10 mm. long: stout. (1). F. major. Capsules short (scarcely 10 mm.): twigs often slender. (2). F. Gardenii. 88 HAMAMELIDACEAE. HAMAMELIS. Witch Hazel. (Family Hamamelidaceae). Shrubs or exceptionally small trees: deciduous. Twigs rounded, zig-zag, rather slender, from dingy stellate-tomentose becoming glab- rate and sometimes rather glossy: pith moderately small, roundish, continuous, at first green. Buds moderate, stalked, oblong, tomen- tulose, with 2 stipular scales or naked when these have fallen, often developed into short colla- teral recurved branches bearing about 3 flower-buds or flowers or incipient capsules. Leaf-scars al- ternate, 2-ranked, half-round or somewhat 3-lobed, somewhat raised and with their surface again falling in spring: bundle- traces 3, often compound: stipule- scars unequal, one round and the other somewhat elongated. The curious double abscission of the petiole forms the subject of a note, by Foerste in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club for 1884. Winter-character references: Hamamelis japonica. Shi- rasawa, 267, pi. 9. H. virginiana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 331, 478, pi.; Brendel, pi. 4; Schneider, f. 96. 1. Buds long (fully 10 mm. including stalk). H. japonica. Buds short (5-8 mm. including stalk). 2. 2. Flowering in autumn. (1). H. virginiana. Flowering in late winter. 3. 3. Pubescence scurfy. H. vernalis. Pubescence long. H. mollis. HAMAMELIDACEAE. 89 CORYLOPSIS. (Family Hamamelidaceae). Shrubs : deciduous. Twigs rounded, zig-zag, moderate or slender, mostly glabrescent: pith rather small, somewhat angu- lar, continuous. Buds rather large, sessile and solitary or finally short-stalked and collater- ally branched, directly in the axil, fusiform or ovoid, with about 3 glabrous scales, the end-bud some- what larger. Leaf-scars alternate, 2-ranked, half-round or 3-sided, slightly raised, small: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars equal, elon- gated. Fothergilla, Hamamelis and Parrotia possess a marked general resemblance in bud and twig characters; and their woody fruits, which require a year for maturing, are much alike. Neither Liquidambar nor Corylopsis bears the slightest resemblance to them in these respects, so far as general appearance is con- cerned. Winter-characters of Corylopsis have been studied by Schneider (C. spicata, f. 96) ; and Shirasawa (C. pauci- flora and C. spicata, 262, pi. 8). 1. Lateral buds fusiform. 2. Buds ovoid. 3. 2. Second scale half the length of bud. (1). C. spicata. Second scale longer. (2). C.Willmottiana. 3. Buds large (10 mm. long). (3). C. Veitchiana. Buds moderate (7 mm. long), purplish. C. Gotoana. Buds small (5-7 mm. long). C. pauciflora. 90 PLATANACEAE. PLATANUS. Sycamore. (Family Platanaceae). Trees, at length large and open, with exfoliating bark: deciduous. Twigs moderate, rounded, glab- rous, buff, zig-zag: pith moderate, pale or brownish, rounded, con- tinuous. Buds solitary, rather large, sessile, conical, with a single glossy closed scale, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, 2- ranked, nearly annular and en- circling the buds, somewhat cre- nate and elevated : bundle-traces 5, compound or seemingly 7- 9, large: stipule-scars narrow, encircling the twig. Fruits, in fluffy balls on long stalks, are present in winter. The familiar conical buds of the buttonball or sycamore at- tracted the attention of Malpighi who figured them, and sycamore wood, on plate 9 of his Opera Omnia as early as 1687. Each of the three caps within which a bud is enclosed represents a pair of stipules united by their edges. The gum that bathes these caps is the product of a type of secretion-glands known as colleters. Winter-character references: P. occidentalis. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 330, 482, pi.; Brendel, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 4; (3), 17; (4), 138, f. 95-8; Otis, 140; Ward, 1:35, f. 19-20; 118, f. 59;, 214, f. 109; Willkomm, 4, 8, 19, f. 13. P. orientalis. Schneider, f. 107. Fruit-ball mostly solitary on the stalk. (1). P. occidentalis. Fruit-balls mostly 2 on the stalk. P. acerifolia. Fruit-balls characteristically 3 on the stalk. P. orientalis. ROSACEAE. 91 PHYSOGABPUS. Ninebark. (Family Rosaceae). Loosely branching shrubs with quickly shredding brown bark: deciduous. Twigs terete but 5- lined from the nodes, moderately slender, somewhat zig-zag: pith relatively large, brownish, round, homogeneous. Buds rather small, solitary, sessile, conical-oblong or ovoid, with about 5 rather loose brown scales. Leaf-scars alter- nate, half-elliptical or somewhat 3-lobed, raised on a distinct cushion bearing the small stipule- scars: bundle-traces 5, unequal, the lower one distinctly larger. Fruit, as clustered small follicles, may be present in winter. Some- times united with Spiraea or re- ferred to Neillia or Opulaster. Winter character references: P. amurensis. Schneider, f. 152. P. opulifolius. Bosemann, 76; Schneider, f. 152; Willkomm, 11. Novices frequently have difficulty in distinguishing be- tween ninebark and the common snowball (Viburnum Opu- lus). Fundamental distinctions lie in its alternate leaves or short broad leaf-scars, and in its sessile buds with several scales; the Viburnum having narrow opposite leaf-scars and stalked plump buds with a closed outer sac. 1. Puberulent: buds ovoid, spreading. P. amurensis. Twigs glabrous: buds pointed, appressed. 2. 2. Follicles puberulent. P. intermedius. Follicles glabrous. (1). P. opulifolius. 92 ROSACEAE. NEILLIA. (Family Rosaceae). Small loosely branched shrubs: deciduous. Twigs slender, zig-zag, quickly terete: pith small, light brown, continuous. Buds moder- ate, often superposed, ovoid, with about 4 rather loose scales. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, rather small, angularly crescent-shaped, slightly raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars small, at the upper angles of the leaf-scar. Neillias are slender spiraea-like shrubs with no particular differen- tials except in the technical characters on which the genus is segregated. Winter-characters of N. thyrsiflora are figured by Schneider, f. 71. As with Stephanandra, the habit of Neillia fits it for blending down stiffer shrubbery. Bark glabrous, shredding: buds large. N. sinensis. Bark not shredding: buds small. (1). N. thyrsiflora. Winter-character references to Uu'bus: R. caesius. Bosemann, 39; Fant, 26. R. fruticosus. Bosemann, 39; Fant, 25, f. 22; Ward, 1:202, f. 103. R. idaeus. Bose- mann, 39; Fant, 25, f. 22; Schneider, f. 146; Willkomm, 6, 37, f. 56, R. incisus. Shirasawa, 250. R. Koehleri. Bose- mann, 39. R. occidentalis. Foerste, Botanical Gazette, 20:78, pi. 6; Hitchcock (3), 14; (4), 136, f. 59-63. -.R. odoratus. Bosemann, 39; Schneider, f. 146. R. phoenicolasius. Schnei- der, f. 146. R. saxatilis. Bosemann, 39. R. trifidus. Shira- sawa, 257. R. villosus. Hitchcock (3), 14; (4), 136, f. 64-68. ROSAOEAE. 93 247, pi. 4, and of Buds ovoid. Buds elongated. STEPHANANDRA. (Family Rosaceae). Small shrubs, loosely branched: deciduous. Twigs terete or some- what 5-lined from the nodes, slender, zig-zag, red: pith small, pale or light brown, continuous. Buds small, superposed, the upper of each series often developing the first season or slightly stalked, ovoid or oblong, with about 4 scales. Leaf-scars alter- nate, 2-ranked, small, half-round or triangular, slightly raised: bundle-traces 3 or subconfluent: stipule-scars relatively large. Stephanandras are slender spiraea- or kerria-like shrubs dif- fering from the former in some small respects and from the latter in their red and not bright green twigs. Winter-characters of 8. flexuosa are given by Shirasawa, 8. incisa by Schneider, f. 137. S. incisa. (1). S. Tanakae. 94 ROSACEAE. SPIRAEA. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs, usually low and little branched or else with wandlike branches: deciduous. Twigs ter- ete or angled from the nodes, often very slender, more or less zig-zag: pith small, roundish, continuous. Buds small, solitary or in a few cases collaterally multiplied, ses- sile, globose to subfusiform, mostly with some half-dozen exposed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, half- round or crescent-shaped, minute, often much raised: bundle-trace 1: stipule-scars not evident. Spiraea, like Pyrus and Prunus, is a genus which has been very differently defined by different botanists, for some of whom it in- cludes the plants here considered under the genera Neillia, Physo- carpus, Sorbaria and Stephanan- dra. The most concise winter-key to any considerable num- ber of its species is that of Bosemann, which treats it in this broader and older sense. The comparatively few species that enter into ordinary American planting} and are considered here differ for the most part in several distinctive ways, and their buds belong to several unmistakable types. Winter-character references: 8. ariaefolia. Bosemann, 76. 8.. ft etulae folia. Shirasawa, 244, pi. 4. 8. cana. Schnei- der, f. 175. X & cantoniensis. Shirasawa, 246, pi. 4. 8. chamaedry folia. Bosemann, 75. 8. crenata. Schneider, f. 174. 8. discolor. Schneider, f. 179. 8. hypericifolia. Bose- mann, 77; Schneider, f. 175. 8. japonica. Shirasawa, 274, pi. ROSACEAE. 95 4. 8. laevigata. Schneider, f. 133. 8. media. Schneider, f. 176. 8. prunifolia. Bosemann, 76; Shirasawa, 247. 8. sali- cifolia. Bosemann, 76; Willkomm, 37, f. 57. 1. Buds with 2 valvate scales. 2. Buds with several exposed scales when mature. 3. 2. Buds short. S. canescens. Buds long and slender. S. longigemmis. 3. Buds conical: twigs terete, slender. (1). X S. Vanhouttei. Buds ovoid, or else shrubs low. 4. 4. Buds often collaterally multiplied. (2). S. prunifolia. Buds solitary. 5. 5. Twigs glabrous. 6. Twigs pubescent. 10. 6. Twigs terete. 7. Twigs more or less distinctly angled. 8. 7. Twigs dark: buds elongated. (3). x S. cantoniensis. Twigs bright red-brown. S. corymbosa. 8. Angles evanescent: rather low and simple. 9. Angles pronounced: tall and bushy. S. chamaedryfolia. 9. Vestiges of inflorescence corymbose. S. betulaefolia. Vestiges of inflorescence paniculate. (4). S. latifolia. 10. Pubescence gray or merely dingy, usually velvety. 11. Pubescence often rusty and woolly. (5). S. tomentosa. 11. Twigs more or less distinctly angled. 12. Twigs terete: inflorescence corymbose. S. japonica. 12. Twigs neither excessively slender nor numerous. 13. Twigs filiform. (6). S. Thunbergii. 13. Inflorescence corymbose. 14. Inflorescence paniculate. 15. 14. Stems slightly glaucous. S. virginiana pubescens. Stems not glaucous. X s - Bumalda. 15. Pubescence abundant. S. Douglasii. Pubescence scanty. S. alba. 96 ROSACEAE. CHAMAEBATIARIA. (Family Rosaceae). Small shrubs, stellate and var- nished: evergreen. Twigs terete, rather slender: pith small, round- ish, continuous. Buds small, promptly developing into short leafy spurs. Leaf-scars alternate, small, half-round or somewhat 3- angled, low, concave: bundle-traces 3, impressed: stipule-scars re- latively large, concave, confluent with the leaf-scar, each with a distinct impressed bundle-trace. Leaves petioled, elliptical, twice pinnatifid or almost bipinnate, with minute somewhat separated blunt segments. Though they are not very closely related in the family Re- s a c e a e , Chamaebatiaria and Chamaebatia are rather similar in their very finely divided fern-like foliage. They are readily distinguished by the leaves of the former being not quite twice pinnate, while those of the lat- ter are essentially thrice pinnate. No other plant among these here considered has a leaf-scar nearly divided into three equal parts, as that of Chamaebataria is. Twigs reddish-brown: leaf- and stipule-scars white. C. Millefolium. ROSACEAE. 97 SORBARIA. (Family Rosaceae). Low and little-branched shrubs: deciduous. Twigs terete, some- what zig-zag, stout for the size of the plant, glabrous: pith rela- tively large, rounded, brown, con- tinuous. Buds ovoid, moderate and sessile, with about 4 exposed scales, or quickly developing so as to become large, open, stalked and collaterally multiple, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, rather large, half-round to round or elliptical, more or less angled or truncate, little raised: bundle- traces 3, large: stipule-scars lack- ing. Sorbaria has been considered a part of the genus Spiraea by many botanists, and on the other hand those who segregate it sometimes use the generic name Basilima for its species. The following winter-character references may be given: 8. alpina. Schneider, f. 133. S. sorbifolia. Bose- mann, 76; Schneider, f. 133. The reason why no terminal bud is found in Sorbaria, and the structure of its buds, are considered in an extensive article on buds published by Ohlert in the journal Linnaea for 1837. 1. Twigs and buds red-brown. (1). S. Lindleyana. Twigs and buds gray-brown. 2. Twigs purple: capsules glabrous. S. Aitchisoni. 2. Capsules glabrous. (2). S. sorbifolia. Capsules loosely hairy. S. stellipila. 98 ROSACEAE. EXOCHORDA. Pearl Bush. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs with exfoliating brown bark: deciduous. Twigs round, slender, brown, glabrous, rough- ened by lenticels and longitudinal fissures: pith small, continuous, pale. Buds moderate, solitary, sessile, ovoid, with about 10 more or less pointed and fringed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, clustered above, narrowly and shallowly U- shaped or linear, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lack- ing. Winter-characters of E. Alberti are pictured by Schneider, f. 138. Noting that the bud-scales of Exochorda are 3-toothed at tip, Sir John Lubbock, the most emin- ent amateur naturalist of our day, took the view that each scale may perhaps represent a petiole-base with adnate stipules, although distinguishable stipules do not accompany many of the developed leaves. Lubbock's many and carefully made observations on the buds of a great variety of plants were published first in the botanical section of the Journal of the Linnean Society Exchorda being noted on p. 494 of the thirtieth volume of this series. They subsequently formed the foundation for a convenient and very instructive volume On Buds and Stipules. Fruit depressed, short (7-8 mm. long). (1). E. grandiflora. Fruit obovoid, longer (12 mm.). (2). E. Alberti. ROSAOEAE. PYRACANTHA. Fire Thorn. (Family Rosaceae). Compactly branched shrubs, sometimes grown against walls or other supports, with very sharp spiny twigs: evergreen. Twigs rather slender, subterete: pith small, continuous. Buds solitary or collaterally branched in spine formation, sessile, round-ovoid, with some half-dozen pointed dry scales. Leaf-scars alternate, nar- rowly crescent-shaped or 3-lobed, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars minute. Leaves ob- lanceolate, glandular - crenulate. (Crataegus). The fire-thorn is one of the many Rosaceae with apple-like fruit which are separated into techni- cally well-defined genera with great difficulty. Though it is usually considered to belong to a different genus from the red-haws, many gardeners still speak of it as Crataegus Pyracantha. Where it can be grown, it is an effective shrub for evergreen hedges. Twigs red, somewhat hairy, or glabrate. P. coccinea. 100 ROSACEAE. COTONEASTEB. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs: deciduous or evergreen. Twigs slender, subterete: pith small, rounded, continuous. Buds solitary, sessile, ovoid or oblong, the 2 outer scales mostly parted and exposing the hairy interior. Leaf-scars alternate, minute, ellip- tical, raised: bundle-trace 1, in- distinct: stipules rather persistent on the leaf-cushion, leaving nar- row indistinct scars when fallen. Leaves when present simple, en- tire. Fruit, often present, small drupe-like pomes with often in- curved sepals. Cotoneasters are among the favorite shrubs of Great Britain, but the species that prove so ef- fective in an insular climate are rarely capable of successful cul- tivation under continental con- ditions even though not subjected to excessively low winter temperatures. A considerable number of those most success- fully grown in the United States are native to countries of relatively dry climate, and some of the best of them are of recent introduction. The few winter-character references are: G. integerri- mus (or vulgaris). Bosemann, 78; Fant, 19; Ward, 1:231, f. 118; Willkomm, 6, 7, 32, f. 42. C. nigra and C. tomentosa. Schneider, f. 151. 1. Evergreen: low and spreading. 2. Deciduous: larger and mostly erect. 3. ROSAOEAE. 101 2. Leaves round: twigs strigose. (1). C. horizontalis. Leaves obovate, pubescent beneath. (2). C. microphylla. 3. Buds small (2-3 mm.) or glabrate. 4. Buds larger (4-5 mm.) or persistently hairy. 10. 4. Buds glabrate: fruit red. 5. Buds at first silky: fruit glaucous. (3). C. racemiflora. Buds persistently hairy. 7. 5. Twigs very slender (1 mm.). C. hupehensis. Twigs stouter (2 mm.). 6. 6. Buds short (3 mm.) : fruit glaucous. C. rosea. Buds larger (4-5 mm.): fruit not glaucous. C. acuminata. 7. Fruit black. 8. Fruit red. 9. 8. Twigs red-brown. C. nitens. Twigs buff or light brown. (4). C. acutifolia. 9. Twigs glabrescent: fruit oblong: sepals erect. (5). C. divaricata. Twigs dingy-hairy: fruit obovoid: sepals incurved. (6). C. obscura. 10. Fruit red. 11. Fruit blackish red. Fruit black. 14. 11. Fruit small (6-8 mm.). Fruit large (10 mm.). 12. 12. Outer bud-scales glabrescent. Buds very yellow-hairy. 13. 13. Fruit glabrous. Fruit somewhat cottony. 14. Buds subglabrescent. 15. Buds persistently hairy. 15. Fruit very glaucous, small (7-8 mm.) Fruit scarcely glaucous. 16. 16. Fruit small (7-8 mm.). Fruit larger (8-10 mm.). (7). C. multiflora. C. Dielsiana. (8). C. integerrima. C. bullata. C. tomentosa. C. lucida. C. melanocarpa. C. moupinensis. C. foveolata. 102 ROSAOEAE. CYDONIA. Quince. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or small bushy trees finally with somewhat flaking bark: deciduous. Twigs rather slender, somewhat fluted: pith small, pale, rounded, continuous. Buds solitary, moderate, sessile, conical-oblong, appressed, with 1 or 2 exposed brown scales, the end- bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, small, shallow U-shaped, some- what raised: bundle traces 3: stipule-scars rather small, elon- gated. Only a few winter-character references are to be noted: Blakeslee & Jarvis, 334, 490, pi.; Bosemann, 50; Schneider, f. 171; Willkomm, 33, 45. The quince was placed formerly in the genus Pyrus. In a syste- matic study of the anatomy of the Pomaceae, as the group of Rosaceae to which this genus be- longs is called, Burgerstein in volume 104 of the Sitzungs- berichte of the Vienna Academy of Sciences showed that the structure of its wood is intermediate between the pear and apple components Pyrus and Mains of that still complex genus. Twigs gray-woolly: buds glabrate. C. oblonga. ROSACEAE. 103 CHAENOMELES. Japanese Quince. (Family Rosaceae). Rather closely branched and small shrubs with slender termi- nal and axillary twig spines: de- ciduous. Twigs very slender, round or somewhat angled from the nodes: pith small, pale, rounded, continuous. Buds soli- tary, small, sessile, round-ovoid, with few exposed scales, collater- ally branching in spine-formation, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, small, linear or cres- cent-shaped or narrowly triangu- lar, strongly raised: bundle-traces 3, minute: stipule-scars somewhat elongated. ( Cydonia) . The Asiatic or "flowering" quinces, which differ from the true quince in having a consider- able number of seeds in each of the rather large core-cavities of their fruit, have been placed in the genus Cydonia very com- monly. Their winter-characters are discussed by Bosemann, 49; and Schneider, f. 128. In an article on the winter-storage of food in the tissues of woody plants, published in the second volume of the Me- moirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, Halsted discusses the spines of C. japonica as such food-reservoirs. Twigs glabrous: leaf-scars narrow. (1). C. japonica. Twigs somewhat-hairy: leaf -scars broader. C. chinensis. 104 ROSACEAE. PYRUS. Pear. Apple. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or usually moderate- sized trees: deciduous. .Twigs moderate, rounded or somewhat angled from the nodes, occasion- ally ending in spines: pith some- what angular, continuous. Buds moderate, solitary, sessile, with about 4 exposed scales more or less keeled above, the end-bud sometimes wanting. Leaf-scars al- ternate, somewhat raised or the nodes swollen below them, linear or U-shaped: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking 1 . The first two species represent Pyrus in the restricted sense, the apples often being segregated in a genus Mains. Dwarf fruiting branches or spurs are particularly familiar in this genus. An extensive study of the winter storage of starch, begun on the apple, is published by Halsted in the second volume of Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club. References under Raphiolepis. 1. Glabrous: bud-scales submucronate, not margined. 2. Buds, at least, often pubescent, their scales sometimes margined. 3. 2. Twigs olive: lenticels inconspicuous. (1). P. communis. .Twigs red-brown: lenticels conspicuous. (2). P. sinensis. 3. Buds blunt-ovoid: scales subobtuse. (3). P. Malus. Buds conical-oblong: scales acute. (Wild Crabs). 4. - 4. Twigs glabrate. P. coronarius. Persistently woolly. (4). P. ioensis. ROSACEAE. 105 ARONIA. Chokeberry. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs: deciduous. Twigs mod- erate, roundish, glabrous, brown: pith moderate, rounded, pale, con- tinuous. Buds solitary, sessile, ob- long, flattened and appressed, with about 5 often abruptly short- pointed more or less glandular- denticulate scales. Leaf-scars al- ternate, U-shaped, low: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. (Pyrus). Aronia, like Sorbus, is segre- gated from Pyrus by the less con- servative botanists and retained in that genus by those who are more conservative. In common with the firethorn and several other diverse types, it has found lodg- ment at one time or other in the genus Mespilus, now by common consent restricted to the German medlar, M. germanica. The only winter-character reference, to A. arbutifolia, is Schneider's f. 147. In curious contrast with the absence of apple-pear hy- brids, several crosses are known to occur between mountain- ash (Sorbus) and chokeberry (Aronia) variously considered to be distinct genera or sections of Pyrus: for these the generic name x Sorbaronia may be used appropriately. 1. Twigs and buds glabrous. (Black chokeberry). (1). A. melanocarpa. Twigs more or less woolly. 2. 2. Buds quickly glabrous. (Purple c.) A. atropurpurea. Buds somewhat woolly. (Red chokeberry). A. arbutifolia. 106 ROSACEAE. SORBUS. Mountain Ash. (Family Rosaceae). Rather erect-branched, small or moderate trees: deciduous. Twigs moderate, with rather large lenti- cels, nearly terete: pith roundish, brownish, continuous. Buds sub- conical or oblong, the terminal rather large and the lateral often much reduced, solitary, sessile, with several scales, the inner of which are more or less pubescent with long hairs often matted in gum. Leaf-scars alternate, raised, crescent-shaped or linear: bundle- traces 3 or 5 or exceptionally 7: stipule - scars lacking. ( Cormus, Hahnia, Micromeles, Torminarm}. Winter-character references under Photinia. 1. Bundle-traces three. 2. Bundle-traces three to five. 7. S. torminalis. 2. Buds subglobose. Buds elongated. 3. 3. Scales dark-margined. 4. Scales not dark-margined. 6. 4. End-bud enlarged. End-bud scarcely larger than lateral. 5. Buds of equal size. Buds markedly unequal. (White Beam). 6. Scales with scarious-margins. Scales not scarious-margined. 7. Bundle-traces 3 or 4 or 5: buds woolly. Bundle-traces five. 8. 8. Buds woolly, not gummy. (Rowan Tree). Buds gummy. (Mountain Ash). S. Chamaemespilus. 5. S. latifolia. (1). S. Aria. S. Mougeotii. S. alnifolia. (2). x S. hybrida. S. Aucuparia. (3). S. americana. ROSACEAE. 107 RAPHIOLEPIS. (Family Rosaceae). Large tender shrubs: evergreen. Twigs moderate, fluted above : pith rather small, rounded, continu- ous. Buds solitary, sessile, the lateral minute or suppressed, the terminal moderately large, ovoid, with about 4 abruptly pointed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, clustered toward the tip, half- round or the lower much nar- rower, scarcely raised: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Leaves simple, entire or somewhat toothed. Winter-character references to P y r u s : P. amygdaliformis. Schneider, f. 178. P. laccata. Bosemann, 52. P. cathayensis. Shirasawa, 254. pi. 6. P. corn- munis. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 330, 334, 484, pi.; Bosemann, 52; Fant, 22, f. 20; Schneider, f. 14, 179; Ward, 1:240, f. 124; Will- komm, 33, f. 46. P. coronaria. Otis, 144. P. ioensis. Bren- del, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 14. P. japonica. Shira- sawa, 252, pi. 5. P. Mains. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 330, 334, 486, pi.; Fant, 22, f. 19; Schneider, 148, f. 151; Ward, 1:230, f. 117. P. Mains austera. Bosemann, 51. P. Mains silvestris. Bosemann, 51; Willkomm, 34, f. 48. P. mitis. Bosemann, 51. P. nivalis. Bosemann, 52; Schneider, f. 178; Willkomm, 4, 9, 34, f. 47. P. praecoxl Bosemann, 52. P. salicifolia. Schneider, f. 178. P. sinensis. Shirasawa, 252, pi. 5. P. spectabilis. Schneider, f. 152. P. Toringo incisa. Shirasawa, 255, pi. 5. Glabrdus: leaves obovate, pale beneath. R. umbellata. 108 ROSACEAE. ERIOBOTRYA. Loquat. (Family Rosaceae). Small tender trees: evergreen. Twigs stout, fluted: pith large, angular, continuous. Buds soli- tary, sessile, indistinguishable in the pubescence, the terminal ovoid with many paired acute very hairy stipular scales. Leaf-scars alter- nate, crowded toward the tip, narrowly crescent-shaped or triangular, low: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars forming linear pro- longations of the leaf-scar. Leaves large, oblanceolate, serrate. Though grown under glass only, in the North, the loquat or nes- pera is one of the frequent fruit trees in some of the warmer parts of the world and its acid fruits are much liked by those who have come to know them. As a decorative plant, it has nothing to commend it. Very rusty-hairy, the leaves glabrous above. E. japonica. ROSACEAE. 109 PHOTINIA. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs: deciduous. Twigs mod- erate or rather slender, rounded, with large lenticels: pith rather small, continuous. Buds sessile, solitary, ovoid, acute, with about 4 somewhat keeled and mucronate scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, linear- crescent-shaped or somewhat 3- lobed, somewhat raised: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Photinia has been figured in its essentials by Schneider, f. 74. Glabrescent. P. villosa. Winter-character references to Sorbus: 8. americana. Blakes- lee & Jarvis, 488; Otis, 146. 8. Aria. Bosemann, 78; Fant, 14, f. 8; .Ward,' 1:237, f. 122-123; Willkomm, 34, f. 49. 8. Aria Jcamaoensis. Shirasawa, 251, pi. 5. 8. Aucuparia. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 488, pi. ; Bosemann, 78 ; Fant, 12, f. 3; Schneider, f. 36; Ward, 1:226, f. 114-115; Will- komm, 11, 35, f. 52. 8. avellana. Fant, 3, f. 4. 8.. Chamae- mespilus. Schneider, f. 170; Willkomm, 35, f. 50. 8. domes- tica. Bosemann, 78; Schneider, f. 136; Willkomm, 36, f. 53. X 8. hybrida. Bosemann, 78 ; Fant, 13 ; Schneider, f. 136 ; Willkomm, 6, 36, f. 54. 8. latifolia. Schneider, f. 167. 8. Miyabei. Shirasawa, 257, pi. 5. 8. Mougeotii. Schneider, f. 170. 8. sambucifolia. Shirasawa, 248,, pi. 5. 8. scandica. Fant, 13. 8. sitchensis. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 488. 8. tormi- nalis. Bosemann, 78; Schneider, f. 18, 167; Ward, 1:236, f. 121; Willkomm, 7, 35, f. 51. 110 ROSACEAE. AMELANCHIER. Shadbush. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or open trees: decidu- ous. Wood hard, reddish brown, ring-porous with minute ducts. Twigs rather slender, zig-zag, nearly terete: pith somewhat 5- sided, continuous, pale. Buds moderate, solitary, elongated, ses- sile, with half-a-dozen sometimes twisted scales. Leaf-scars alter- nate, sometimes 2-ranked, more or less elevated, narrowly crescent- or U-shaped: bundle traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Winter-character references: A. asiatica. Shirasawa, 247, pi. 4. A. canadensis. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 331, 334, 492, pi.; Brendel, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 4; Otis, 148; Schneider, f. 171. A. rotundi folia. Bosemann, 79; Schneider f. 171; Willkomm, 32, f. 44. A. spicata. Schneider, f. 71. Buds red-brown or straw-color, slender. Eastern. (1). A. canadensis. Buds blackish, stout: Western. A. alnifolia. Winter-characters to Rosaceae not considered here: Mespilus cuneata. Shirasawa, 252, pi. 5. M. germanica. Bosemann, 51; Schneider, f. 74; Willkomm, 32, f., 43. Pera- phyllum ramosissimum. Schneider, f. 71. Pourthiaea vil- losa. Shirasawa, 247, pi. ROSACEAE. Ill CRATAEGUS. Haw. Red Haw. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or trees, usually with well-developed twig-spines : decidu- ous. Twigs moderate or rather slender, terete: pith rather small, continuous, roundish. Buds soli- tary or collaterally branched in spine formation, sessile, round or oblong-ovoid, with some half-dozen exposed fleshy and often bright red scales. Leaf-scars alternate, narrowly crescent-shaped, some- what raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars small. A complex aggregate of minor species incapable as yet of delimi- tation in winter even if they may be known when found with foli- age, flowers and fruit: though the pointed habit of growth of C. Phaenopyrum (the Washington Thorn), the open rounds-headed form of C. mollis (the common Red-Haw of the prairie re- gion, 1) and its thornless variety inermis, 2, the stratified branching of G. Crus-galli (the Cockspur Thorn, 3) and C. punctata, and the ash-gray outer bark, flaking from the buff- orange inner layers of C. viridis (the River Haw, 4) joined to the obvious bud-differences figured, suggest that the task of segregating the more commonly cultivated forms in winter may be less hopeless than it appears at first sight. The European Hawthorns of the gardens are in part C. oxyacan- tha and in part the very similar C. monogyna, 5. ^Winter- character references under PursMa. 112 ROSACEAE. RHODOTYPOS. (Family Rosaceae). Spreading rather low shrubs: deciduous. Twigs round, moder- ate: pith moderate, round, con- tinuous, white. Buds moderate, becoming collaterally branched and at length very slightly stalked, ovoid, with some half-dozen pairs of glabrate exposed scales. Leaf- scars opposite, crescent-shaped or somewhat 3-s i d e d, moderately small, somewhat raised, ciliate at cop like the line by which they are connected: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. The opposite leaves of Rhodo- typos present a rare exception to the general rule that the leaves of Rosaceae are alternate, which to a novice is one of the easily learned characters by which woody Rosaceae may be dis- tinguished at a glance from woody Saxifragaceae, to which they bear a close resemblance sometimes. From a study of the vascular arrangement in multiple buds, Baldacci and Filipucci have shown in the second vol- ume of the Bulletin of the Boissier Herbarium that in Rho- dotypos, as in Coriaria and many other cases, the supernu- merary buds are derivatives of the normal axillary bud and not independent structures. Winter-characters are figured by Schneider, f. 137. Twigs olive-brown, glabrate. R. kerrioides. ROSACEAE. 113 KERRIA. "Corchorus." (Family Rosaceae). Small shrubs: deciduous. Twigs somewhat 5-angled or ridged, very slender, zig-zag: pith rel- atively large, white, continuous. Buds solitary, sessile, oblong, with about 5 exposed scales. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, crescent- shaped or 3 sided, somewhat raised, small: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Like Philadelphus, Kerria il- lustrates the tenacity of Latinized plant names when once estab- lished as vernacular names. In- troduced as a Corchorus the genus to which the jute plant be- longs, the plant still finds cor- chorus clinging to it as its garden name; just as syringa stands for the mock orange and not for the lilac, which belongs to the genus Syringa, in popular parlance. Few people have difficulty in recognizing it at sight, after having made its acquaintance once, for its very slender zig- zag angled bright green twigs are unlike those of anything else that is likely to be seen. Its winter-characters are given by Schneider, f. 137; and Shirasawa, 254. Twigs green, glabrous: buds subappressed. K. japonica. 114 ROSACEAE. NEVITJSIA. (Family Rosaceae). Loosely branched shrubs re- sembling Spiraea and Physocar- pus: deciduous. Twigs slender, long, somewhat zig-zag, decur- rently ridged from the nodes: pith relatively large, rounded, white, continuous: medullary rays rather coarse. Buds rather small, solitary, sessile, ovoid, ascending, with about half-a-dozen some- what keeled or striate scales. Leaf- scars alternate', round-cordate, slightly raised and decurrent: bundle-traces 3, more or less doubled: stipules persistent as small scales from the decurrent ridges above the leaf-scar. Neviusia is intermediate in ap- pearance between Spiraea and Physocarpus. It is one of the very local genera and consists of a single species which was made known to botanists and in- troduced into cultivation by the reverend Dr. Nevius of Ala- bama, who sent to the Missouri Botanical Garden the plant from which the accompanying sketch was made. Winter-characters of 2V". alabamensis are given by Schnei- der, f. 137. Twigs golden-brown, puberulent: buds glabrate. N. alabamensis. ROSACEAE. 115 RUBUS. Bramble. (Family Rosaceae). Rather soft-wooded simple low shrubs, mostly armed with prick- les, occasionally trailing or scrambling over supports: decidu- ous, or in warm regions more or less evergreen. Shoots moderate, often 5-angled: pith relatively large, brownish, crenately round or sharply 5-angled, continuous. Buds moderate, sessile, oblong, ovoid, commonly superposed with the upper developing the first year or the second smaller and covered by the petiole, and oc- casionally collaterally branched, with some half-dozen exposed scales. Leaf-scars alternate, torn and irregularly shriveled on the much-raised persistent petiole- base: bundle-trace not discernible, but 3 bundles evident when the crescent- or U-shaped petiole remnant is cut across at its base: stipule-scars lacking, but the stipules often persistent at top of the petiole remnant. Winter-character references under Neillia. The brambles, or raspberries and blackberries as they are called usually in this country, vegetatively similar to the roses, present one of the rare instances of deciduous leaves which do not disarticulate by a cleancut abscission but tear away in the autumn. Growers of small-fruits are familiar, too, with the fact that they do not stop their seasonal growth at a definitely limited point but, like many willows, a num- ber of them continue to produce unmatured shoots until 116 ROSACEAE. stopped by the approach of winter so that their canes, as these long-shoots are called, may die back nearly or quite to the base. In this failure to make advance provision for the winter they stand in marked contrast with such genera as Ailanthus and Tilia, where, early in the season, a starve- ling tip of each branch is cut off cleanly by a self-healed scar. The chief types of Rubus, flowering raspberries, high- bush blackberries, dewberries, red raspberries and black-cap raspberries, are easily known at any season of the year, but the individual species and their hybrids are much confused. 1. Bark shredding: unarmed. (Flowering raspberry). (1). R. odoratus. Bark not shredding: trailing or fountain-like. 2. 2. Trailing. (Dewberries). 3. Forming open or recurving bushes. 4. 3. Slender and very . soft-wooded. R. hispidus. Stouter: strong and woody. R. procumbens. 4. Stems characteristically rooting at tip, mostly very glaucous. 5. At most exceptionally stoloniferous. 6. 5. Prickles strongly hooked. (Blackcap). R. occidentalis. Prickles straighter: canes purple. (Purple cane). (2). X R. neglectus. 6. Shoots very glandular-hairy as well as prickly. (Wineberry). R. phoenicolasius. Scarcely glandular-hairy. 7. 7. Nearly unarmed: dwarf. R. idaeus anomalus. Very prickly or else moderately tall. 8. 8. Unarmed. R. canadensis. Prickly. 9. 9. Prickles bristle-like, often represented by warts in winter. (Red raspberries). 10. Prickles stout and persistent. (3). R. allegheniensis. 10. Shoots red, brown, orange or purple. (4). R. strigosus. Shoots straw-colored. European. R. idaeus. ROSACEAE. 117 POTENTILLA. Cmquefoil. (Family Rosaceae). Small scraggly shrubs or mostly herbs: deciduous. Twigs slender, subterete, with quickly exfoliat- ing bark: pith small, roundish, brown, rather spongy. Buds rel- atively large, solitary, sessile, ob- long, with about 4 somewhat stri- ate exposed scales, the inner gray- hairy when visible. Leaf-scars much raised on a clasping 3- nerved base bearing the persist- ent stipules at top, (or in the second at tip of the persistent petiole), minute, round: bundle- trace 1. The two woody cinquefoils con- sidered here show interesting morphological features. P. -fruti- cosa t h e winter-characters of which are described by Bosemann, 74, and Schneider, f. 71 forms ordinary winter buds, of large size for the plant; and these stand in the axils of the persistent stipule-bearing leaf-bases, at} top of which small abscission scars have been formed. The buds of P. tridentata are to be compound with the hiber- nacula or subterranean buds in which the growing tips of many perennial herbs pass the winter. As in Nandina, dis- articulation takes place at a distance above the point where the stipules separate from the winged base of the petiole. Low-bushy, internodes elongated. (Dasiphora). (1). P. fruticosa. Stems very dwarf and tufted, covered by the leaf-bases. (2). P. tridentata. 118 ROSACEAE. FALLUGIA. Apache Plume. (Family Rosaceae). Small shrubs: evergreen. Twigs terete, slender, with splitting creamy outer cortex, becoming red-brown: pith minute, round. Buds small, solitary, sessile, ovoid, with 2 widely parted outer scales. Leaf-scars alternate, half-round, minute, much raised: bundle- trace 1: stipule-scars lacking or indefinite at top of the leaf- cushion. Leaves small, pinnately 3- or 5- lobed, very revolute, not glandular. Fallugia differs from Cowania and Purshia in having normal buds, while those of the latter genera usually develop into spurs that remain covered by the bases of fallen leaves as in the hybrid barberry. It is attractive when bearing its plumed fruits, but is not commonly seen in gardens. Twigs glabrescent: leaves often loosely hairy. F. paradoxa. ROSAGEAE. 119 COWANIA. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs: evergreen. Twigs ter- ete, slender, from brown becom- ing gray with scurfy outer cortex: pith minute, round. Buds soli- tary, sessile, at first ovoid with 2 outer scales but rather quickly de- veloping short branches sheathed by overlapping leaf-bases. Leaf- scars alternate, half-round, min- ute, much raised on thin winged bases topped by the rather per- sistent stipules: bundle-trace 1, indistinct: Leaves as in Fallugia but very glandular-warty, or in one species (C. ericaefolia) min- ute, entire, and pungent. Cowania, Fallugia, and Purshia are three genera with rather simi- lar leaves. As in Potentilla, these disarticulate from the top of a dilated persistent base correspond- ing to the lower part oi; the petiole with stipules attached to its sides. Leaf-bases of this sort, which are found in a number of Rosaceae, are more frequent in the related family Leguminosae, and transitions may be found between extreme cases like these and the less produced but otherwise com- parable leaf-cushion found in the greater number of rosaceous and leguminous genera. Twigs from bristly and puberulent glabrescent. C. Stansburiana. 120 ROSACEAE. CERCOCARPTJS. Mountain Mahogany. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or small trees: ever- green. Twigs terete, rather slen- der, commonly forming dwarf spurs closely covered by old leaf- scars: pith minute, rounded. Buds solitary, sessile, round, with 2 outer scales, quickly developing. Leaf-scars alternate, minute, half round, at top of the stipulate-base, or transversely linear and low with 3 bundle-traces after the fall of this base. Leaves obovate, flat and toothed, or lanceolate, re- volute and entire. No one who has walked in the western mountains in late summer can have failed to have his atten- tion drawn to one or other of the species of Cercoparpus by the clematis-like clusters of feathery fruits that terminate its short twigs, and from which the name of the genus has been de- rived. There is a marked contrast between the leaves of the first two species and of the other 1 two. 1. Leaves toothed and nearly flat. 2. Leaves entire and very revolute, varnished. 3. 2. Teeth rounded: Rocky Mountains. (1). C. parvifolius. Teeth pointed: California. (2). C. betulaefolius. 3. Leaves minute (1X5 mm.), teretely revolute. (3). C. intricatus. Leaves larger (25 mm. long), revolute at margin. (4). C. ledifolius. 121 PURSHIA. (Family Rosaceae). Spreading rather rigidly branched shrubs. Twigs some- what fluted, becoming terete, slender, with quickly flaking cor- tex: pith minute, angular, con- tinuous, light brown. Buds soli- tary, sessile, ovoid, with several more or less ciliate scales, rather quickly developing into short branches covered by the over- lapping leaf-bases. Leaf-scars al- ternate, half-round, with 1 bundle- trace, minute, much raised on thin winged bases topped by the stipules, or these finally falling and their linear scars encircling the stem. (Tigarea; Kunzia). Purshia is hardly to be counted a decorative plant. Twigs at first somewhat hairy and bristly. P. tridentata. Winter-character references to Crataegus: C. azarolus. Bosemann, 50; Schneider, f. 172. C. coccinea. Hitchcock (1), 4, (3), 15, (4), 137, f. 71-73. C. crus-galli. Bosemann, 50; Schneider, f. 173. C. monogyna. Bosemann, 50; Fant, 20; Schneider, f. 110, 172. C. mollis. Hitchcock (1), 4, (3), 15. C. nigra. Schneider, f. 174. C. Oxyacantha. Bosemann, 50; Fant, 26, f. 23; Schneider, f. 174; Ward, 1:194, f. 97-98; Will- komm, 8, 10, 31, f. 41. C. punctata. Otis, 150. C. sanguined. Schneider, f. 172. C. tanacetifolia. Schneider, f. 173. C. to- mentosa. Brendel, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 4. 122 ROSACEAE. CHAMAEBATIA. (Family Rosaceae). Small hairy shrubs: evergreen. Twigs terete with quickly ex- foliating bark, rather slender: pith small, rounded, brownish, continuous. Buds small, oblong, acute, 2-edged, with 2 or 4 scales. Leaf-scars alternate, nearly en- circling the twig, triangular, ob- literated by the deciduous cortex but evident on the denuded twig as 3 subconfluent circles, each a bundle-trace: stipule-scars lack- ing. Leaves subsessile, elliptical- ovate, thrice pinnate, with minute overlapping rather acute leaflets. Chamaebatia, like Chamaeba- tiaria, is a delicate evergreen with fern-like leaves cut into minute leaflets. It is easily distinguished from the latter genus in its more decompound foliage with the very small leaflets glandular-mucronate. Neither genus is ap- proached in delicacy of foliage by any other flowering plant likely to be seen by the ordinary observer. Twigs glandular-bristly, very smooth when denuded. C. foliolosa. ROSACEAE. 123 ROSA. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs, mostly armed with prickles, occasionally trailing or scrambling: deciduous or excep- tionally evergreen. Shoots moder- ate, terete: pith relatively large, brownish, rounded. Buds rather small, solitary, sessile, ovoid, with 3 or 4 exposed scales, sometimes a little above the axil. Leaf-scars alternate, low, narrowly and shallowly U-shaped or almost lin- ear: bundle-traces 3: stipule- scars lacking. Suckers are usually more prickly than the ordinary branches, from which characters are taken here. Winter-character references: Rosa alpina. Bosemann, 44. R. arvensis. Bosemann, 44. R. bal- tica. Bosemann, 44. R. canina. Bosemann, 45; Fant, 23, f. 21; Ward, 1:201, f. 102; Willkomm, 36, f. 55. R. carelica. Fant, 24. R. centifolia. Bosemann, 45. R. centifolia muscosa. Bosemann, 45. R. cinnamomea. Bosemann, 45; Fant, 24. R. collina. Fant, 24. R. coriifolia. Fant, 24. R. gallica. Bose- mann, 44. R. inodora. Fant, 23. R. lucida. Bosemann, 44. R. lutea. Bosemann, 45. R. mollissima. Fant, 24. R. multiflora. Shirasawa, 250. R. pimpinellae folia. Bosemann, 44. R. pomi- fera. Bosemann, 45; Fant, 24. R. pratincola. Hitchcock (3), 14, (4), 136, f. 69-70. R. pumila. Bosemann, 45. R. ruMginosa. Bosemann, 46; Fant, 23; Schneider, f. 147. R. spinosissima. Schneider, f. 147. R. tomentosa. Fant, 24. R. turbinata. Bose- mann, 44. 124 ROSACEAE. Though they often present marked and characteristic dif- ferences when really comparable parts are compared, the roses differ so greatly in their individual branches that any effort to key the species out on vegetative characters must be taken with a large degree of allowance for fallibility. 1. Prostrate: evergreen. (Memorial rose). R. Wichuraiana. Scrambling or climbing, or fountain-like. 2. Bushy: deciduous. 4. 2. Evergreen: very prickly. (Macartney rose). R. bracteata. Deciduous. 3. 3. Forming fountain-like clumps. (Prairie rose). R. setigera. High climbing. (Ramblers). R. multiflora. 4. Small (scarcely a half-meter high as a rule). 5. Taller (usually 1-2 m. high). 6. 5. Prickles widened at base. (Baby rambler). R. multiflora var. Prickles needle-like. (Wild roses). R. acicularis, humilis, pratincola and Woodsii. 6. Essentially unarmed except the suckers. R. blanda. Characteristically prickly. 7. 7. Prickles needle-like, nearly straight. 8. Prickles flattened at base or strongly hooked. 10. 8. Stems stout: planted everywhere. R. rugosa. Stems rather slender. 9. 9. Rather dwarf. (Scotch rose). R. spinosissima. About 2 m. high. (Yellow rose). R. foetida. 10. Stems green. 11. Stems red or purple. 12. 11. Prickles much dilated. (Dog rose). R. canina. Prickles not greatly dilated. (Sweetbrier). R. rubiginosa. 12. Stems rather pink and glaucous. R. rubrifolia. Stems purple. R. cinnamomea. ROSACEAE. 125 OSMAKONIA. Osoberry. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or subarborescent: de- ciduous. Twigs moderate, terete: pith rather large, rounded, pale, chambered. Buds sessile or more or less supra-axillary or stalked, ovoid, obtuse, with about 3 ex- posed mucronulate scales. Leaf- scars alternate, somewhat crowded at tip, shallow U-shaped or nar- r o w 1 y crescent-shaped, little raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule- scars lacking. (Nuttallia). The winter-characters of Osmar- onia (or Nuttallia) cerasiformis are given by Schneider, f. 74. Osmaronia is a distinctively Cal- ifornian genus locally differenti- ated into distinguishable forms but in the minds of conservative botanists doubtfully divisible into as many species. Glabrous: twigs purplish: buds green. N. cerasiformis. 126 ROSACEAE. which one has been country. Glabrescent: bud-scales brown, pitted. MADDENIA. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or small trees: decidu- ous. Twigs moderate, rounded: pith rather small, rounded, con- tinuous, pale. Buds solitary or collaterally multiple, sessile, elon- gated-ovoid, with half-a-dozen more or less pointed scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars al- ternate, somewhat raised, broadly crescent-shaped, rather small: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lack- ing. On its general winter-characters, Maddenia Jiypoxantha would be taken for a species of Prunus lacking the terminal bud as the plums do, but with the peculiar pitted marking of its bud-scales shown by the common choke- cherry of the Eastern States. Sev- eral Asiatic species are known, of introduced to a small extent in this M. hypoxantha. ROSACEAE. 127 PEUNUS. Plum, Cherry, etc. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs or trees: deciduous, or the cherry laurels evergreen. Twigs slender or moderate, sub- terete or somewhat angled from the nodes, occasionally spine- tipped: pith roundish or angled, pale or brown, continuous. Buds solitary or collaterally multiple, sessile, subglobose or mostly ovoid, with usually a half-dozen ex- posed scales, the end-bud lacking in certain groups (apricots, plums). Leaf-scars alternate, raised on a cushion flanked by the stipule vestiges or scars, half- round or half-elliptical, small: bundle-traces 3, usually minute. Leaves of the evergreens are simple, mostly entire, and with round nectar-disks on the back. Like Pyrus, this genus is con- fusingly complex through inclusion of such diverse forms as the evergreen cherry-laurels and the deciduous types repre- sented by peach, apricot, plum, cherry and bird-cherry, which nevertheless do not segregate by characters satisfactory to many botanists. Though the different cherries are sufficiently distinct from one another, the American plums are almost as trouble- some as the red haws. Only the most distinct of their types" are differentiated in the key here given. A classified bibliography of Prunus is given by Rehder in volume three of the Bradley Bibliography, compiled by him at the Arnold Arboretum. 12g ROSACEAE. The most sumptuous American publication on Prunus is contained in Hedrick's large volumes on The Cherries of New York and The Plums of New York. Critical analysis of our native species of Prunus and of the varieties of plums derived from American species, by Wight, constitute respect- ively Bulletins 179 and 172 of the United States Department of Agriculture, both published in 1915. An analysis of the pubescent-fruited species of the Southwest is published by Mason in the first volume of the Journal of Agricultural Re- search, issued by the Department of Agriculture. Some of Professor Bailey's earlier opinions on Japanese plums were published in Bulletins 62, 106, and 139 of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Cornell University. Winter-characters of Prunus: P. americana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 508, pi.; Brendel, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 13, (4), 136, f. 54-58. P. angustifolia. Hitchcock (1), 5, (3), 13. P. Armeniaca. Bosemann, 53; Schneider, f. 183. P. avium. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 341, 502, pi.; Bosemann, 53; Fant, 21; Schneider, f. 185; Ward, 1:50, f. 32, 69, f. 48; Willkomm, 38, f. 60. P. Buergeriana. Shirasawa, 256, pi. 6. P. cerasoides. Shirasawa, 256, pi. 6. P. Cerasus. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 341, 504, pi.; Bosemann, 53; Fant, 21; Schneider, f. 185; Ward, 1:245, f. 128; Willkomm, 39, f. 61. P. Chamaecerasus. Bose- mann, 53. P. chicasa. Hitchcock (1), f. 9-10, (4), 136, f. 49. P. (Amygdalus) communis. Schneider, f. 184. P. domestica. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 508, pi.; Bosemann, 52; Fant, 21, f. 16; Schneider, f. 188; Ward, 1:243, f. 126; Willkomm, 3, 39, f. 62. P. fruticosa. Schneider, f. 187. P. Grayana. Shirasawa, 256, pi. 6. P. insititia. Bosemann, 53; Fant, 22, f. 17; Schneider, f. 188; Willkomm, 39, f. 63. P. intermedia. Schneider, f. 187. P. japonica. Shirasawa, 245, pi. 6. P. Mahaleb. Bosemann, 53; Schneider, f. 41, 128; Willkomm, 38, f. 59. P, Miqueliana. Shirasawa, 255, pi. 6. P. Hume. Shirasawa, 253. P. Myro- balana. Schneider, f. 186. P. nana. Bosemann, 75; Schnei- der, f. 184. P. nigra. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 341, 506, pi.; Otis, ROSACEAE, 129 160. P. Padus. Bosemann, 53; Fant, 20, f. 15; Schneider, f. 184; Ward, 1:241, f. 125; Willkomm, 3, 38, f. 58. P. pennsyl- vanica. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 332, 341, 500, pi.; Otis, 158. P. Persica. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 332, 334, 341, 512, pi.; Bose- mann, 74; Price, Bulletin 39, Texas Agr. Exper. Station, 828, f. 13-15; Schneider, f. 183; Shirasawa, 253. P. pseudocerasus. Shirasawa, 256, pi. 6. P. pumila. Schneider, f. 186. P. sero- tina. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 341, 496, pi.; Brendel, pi. 3; Hitch- cock (1), 5; Otis, 154; Schaffner & Tyler, Ohio Naturalist, 1:31; Schneider, f. 48, 183. P. spinosa. Bosemann, 53; Fant, 22, f. 17; Schneider, f. 96, 186; Ward, 1:245, f. 127; Willkomm, 4, 9, 40, f. 64. P. tomentosa. Shirasawa, 253, pi. 6. P. tri- flora. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 508, pi. P. triloba. Schneider, f. 185. P. virginiana. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 341, 498, pi.; Hitch- cock (3), 14; Otis, 156. 1. Evergreen: leaves entire or slightly toothed. 2. Deciduous. 3. 2. Tree: leaves rather lanceolate, about 3x8 cm. (American cherry laurel)*. P. caroliniana. Subarborescent: leaves rather ovate, about 4X10 cm. (European cherry laurel). P. Laurocerasus. 3. End-bud present. 4. End-bud deciduous. (Plums). 14. 4. Twigs green or red. 5. Twigs brown or gray. 6. 5. Buds hairy: tree. (Peach). (1). P. Persica. Buds glabrous: twigs slender: low shrubs. (Flowering almond). P. nana. 6. Stipules persistent or broken above the base: shrub. 7. Stipules deciduous from the leaf-cushion. 8. 7. Loosely hairy: stipules setaceous. (2). P. tomentosa. Glabrate or puberulent: stipules deeply fimbriate. P. triloba. 8. Twigs more or less velvety. 9. Twigs glabrous. 10. 130 ROSACEAE. 9. Buds round-ovoid, spreading. P. Mahaleb. Buds oblong, appressed, glabrous. P. Padus. ^10. Buds dull brown, ovoid: scales rough. (3). P. virginiana. Buds clear brown or glossy. 11. 11. Buds conical, light brown. P. Maackii. Buds ovoid. 12. 12. Buds small (2X4 mm.), glossy: scales rather fleshy. (Wild black cherry). P. serotina. Buds large (3X5-7 mm.). 13. 13. Buds glossy, ovoid-fusiform. (Sweet cherry). (4). P. avium. Buds duller or darker, round-ovoid. (Sour cherry). P. Cerasus. 14. Buds scarcely longer than thick. 15. Buds elongated. 16. 15. Buds half-covered by the ciliate leaf-cushion, twigs slen- der, red. (Southern plum). (5). P. angustifolia. Buds protruding: twigs velvety, very spiny. P. spinosa. 16. Buds broadly .ovoid. 17. Buds ovoid-fusiform. 19. 17. Buds dark: scales ciliate. (Apricot). P. Armeniaca. Buds light brown, puberulent. (European plums). 18. 18. Twigs glabrous. P. domestica. Twigs velvety. P. insititia. 19. Twigs velvety. 20. Twigs glabrous. 21. 20. Low and spreading: buds velvety. P. maritraia. Tall. P. americana mollis. 21. Buds velvety: twigs slender. " (7). P. cerasifera. Buds glabrous: twigs stouter or stiff. (Wild plums). 22. 22. Buds red-brown, short (3-4 mm.). (6). P. americana. Buds black or gray, large (4-5 mm.) and subconical. P. nigra. ROSACEAE. 131 PBIN SEPIA. (Family Rosaceae). Shrubs, with rather short su- pra-axillary spines somewhat con- stricted at base: deciduous. Twigs long and slender, round: pith moderate, round, yellowish, cham- bered or finally hollowed out ex- cept for annular lines about the cavity. Buds solitary (or the spine representing a second), small, indistinctly scaly, con- cealed in brown hairs that line the stipules and fill the axil, the end- bud lacking. Leaf-scars alter- nate, small, half-round, raised: bundle-trace 1: stipules rather large becoming firm and persistent at top of the swollen leaf-cush- ion. Prinsepia, unlike most Rosa- ceae, which have solid pith, has its pith chambered or finally ex- cavated, as Solereder indicates in his Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Mention of this discovery is made in a pa- per on chambered or 'discoid pith by Foxworthy in the Pro- ceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science for 1903. It is one of a small group differing in a number of respects from other Rosaceae. Some Prinsepias are sometimes called Plagiospermum, but the two genera are not considered sufficiently distinct for segregation by other botanists. They are among the earliest shrubs to come into leaf in spring. Twigs becoming brown. (1). P. sinensis. Twigs persistently gray. (2). P. uniflora. 132 LEGUMINOSAE. ALBIZZIA. (Family Leguminosae). Trees: deciduous. Twigs mod- erately slender, angled, with rath- er evident lenticels: pith mod- erate, angular, continuous. Buds superposed, sessile, round, with 2 or 3 scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, more or less 2-ranked, somewhat 3-lobed, l\^j / raised: bundle-traces 3, rather "/I// , I' 1 "'' 1 ',; large: stipule-scars lacking. The julibrissin is one of the distinctive trees which present a tropical appearance because of their feathery foliage. This is most seen in the/ North in the locust and rose acacia, both be- longing to Robinia, and especially in the honey locust, Gleditsia. From Washington southward, this effect becomes more striking as the still more delicate AlMzzia is encountered, and as subtropical and tropical conditions are reached the variety of trees of this type increases. A some- what similar effect is produced by a few genera like Zizyphus and Coriaria which bear simple leaves but produce clusters of slender leafy twigs each year which simulate tufts of compound leaves. In the West Indies, a graceful tree of this genus (A. Lebbek) is much planted under the name of woman's tongue, its thin clustered legumes rustling pleasingly on every impulse. Twigs brownish. A. Julibrissin. LEGUMINOSAE. 133 ACACIA. (Family Leguminosae). Tender shrubs or small trees, usually with stipular spines or with strong prickles away from the nodes: more or less ever- green. Twigs slender, zig-zag, somewhat angular: pith small, roundish, continuous. Buds soli- tary, sessile, small, usually quick- ly developing into short spurs covered by leaves or their bases and sometimes bristling with pungent stipules, the end-bud lacking. Leaf - scars alternate, small, elliptical, somewhat raised: bundle-trace 1: stipules sometimes present as strong sometimes greatly enlarged spines, which in many tropical species are inhab- ited by pugnacious ants. An ac- count of these (contributed by Safford) is to be found under the caption bull-horn in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. Leaves, if present, bipinnate (in Australian species reduced to their dilated vertical petioles or phyllodia). 1. Unarmed: stems very angular, hairy. A. filicina. Armed with pungent stipules or prickles. 2. 2. Stipules strong and pungent. 3. Stipules weak: stems with strong hooked prickles. 4. 3. Spines short or swollen. (1). A. Farnesiana. Spines becoming long (3-4 cm.) and slender. A. constricta. 4. Twigs brown: leaflets 3X10 mm. (2). A. Roemeriana. Twigs becoming gray: leaflets small (2X5 mm.). (Texas Mimosa). A. Greggii. 134 LEGUMINOSAE. LEUCAENA. White Popinac. (Family Leguminosae). Tender graceful trees: ever- green. Twigs moderate or rather slender, terete: pith rather small, round, continuous, white. Buds solitary, sessile, ovoid, with stipu- lar scales only. Leaf-scars alter- nate, 2-ranked, somewhat elevat- ed, rather small, half-elliptical: bundle-traces 3: stipules persist- ent at top of the leaf-cushion. Leaves abruptly bipinnate with numerous small oblong inequilat- eral whitened leaflets. The fruit, when present, is of long thin le- gumes. Winter-character references to Leguminosae not considered here: Caesalpinia sepiaria. Shirasawa, 234, pi. 2. Calycotome spinosa. Schneider, f. 82. Dorycnium suf- fruticosum. Schneider, f. 140. Hedysarum multijugum. Schneider, f. 72. Indigofera Gerar- diana. Schneider, f. 134. Lespedeza Hcolor. Schneider, f. 73. Ononis fruticosa. Schneider, f. 70. Petteria (Laburnum) ramentacea. Schneider, f. 72. Twigs light brown, warty, for a time puberulent. L. glauca. LEGUMINOSAE. 135 PROSOPIS. Mesquite. (Family Leguminosae). Shrubs or small trees. Twigs moderate, zig-zag: pith minute, angular, continuous. Buds mi- nute, rather quickly developing into stout spurs bristling with stipules and frequently flanked by a solitary spine or mostly a pair of terete nearly straight spines, the end-bud lacking. Leaf- scars alternate, often 2-ranked, somewhat raised, rounded or el- liptical: bundle-traces 3: stipules long persistent. Leaves of 2 pin- nate leaflets terminating the pet- iole, or of 4 such leaflets. (In- cludes Strombocarpa) . Notwithstanding its compound leaves, their characteristic droop- ing position and the openly branched top of the tree cause a grove of mesquite to suggest a peach orchard to many people when they see it for the first time. As in many other Leguminosae the stipules of Prosopis persist, even when they are not converted into spines; and their presence gives a peculiar shaggy appearance to the axil- lary spurs on which the foliage is clustered. The screw-bean or tornillo, P. pubescens, is separated frequently from the other species under the generic name Strombocarpa. 1. Stipules becoming spines: downy. (1). P. pubescens. Spines not representing the nodal stipules. 2. 2. Glabrous. (Common mesquite). (2). P. glandulosa. Leaves, and twigs above, gray-pubescent. P. velutina. 136 LEGTJMINOSAE. TAMAEINDUS. Tamarind. (Family Leguminosae). Large round-topped rough- barked tropical tree: evergreen. Twigs rather slender, zig-zag, nearly terete: pith rather small, rounded, continuous. Buds soli- tary, sessile, triangular, with 2 or 3 exposed brown scales, the end- bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, 2-ranked, abruptly much elevat- ed, half-round: stipule vestiges or scars more or less evident at top of the leaf-cushion. Leaves ab- ruptly pinnate with about a dozen pairs of inequilateral entire leaf- lets. Fruit, when present, a short legume with acid pulp surround- ing the few seeds. The tamarind is sometimes planted as an avenue tree in trop- ical countries, and its round top and dense fleecy foliage make it unusually effective for this use. Like the chick-pea, its foliage is reputed to produce an acid which renders the dew or rain that drips from them, or water that stands on them after they have fallen, so ex- tremely caustic as to disintegrate fabrics on which it falls; and the Hindus are said to be afraid to sleep under the trees. Twigs dull brown, sparingly soft-hairy. T. indica. LEGUMINOSAE. 137 CERCIS. Redbud. Judas Tree. (Family Leguminosae). Shrubs or small trees: decidu- ous. Twigs moderate, zig-zag, subterete: pith roundish, contin- uous, pale or pinkish. Buds gla- brous, superposed, the upper slightly stalked, the lower sessile and covered by the top of the leaf-scar, ovoid or obovoid, with 2 or, in case of flower-buds, sev- eral often keeled scales, the end- bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, 2-ranked, somewhat raised, ob- tusely triangular, with decurrent ridges, fringed at top: bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Winter-character references: C. canadensis. Blakeslee & Jar- vis, 332, 518, pi.; Brendel, 27, 30, pi. 4; Hitchcock (1), 4, (3), 12, (4), 185, f. 41; Otis, 166; Schnei- der, f. 91. C. chinensis. Shira- sawa, 245, pi. 4. C. Siliquastrum. Schneider, f. 91. Though the Old World species of Cercis are not success- fully grown in the interior of the country, the native redbud (C. canadensis) is much planted, and, with Cornus florida, it makes a most effective combination in the native forest. 1. Buds short (2-3 mm.). 2. Buds elongated (5 mm.), closely appressed, acute. (Judas tree). C. Siliquastrum. 2. Buds ovoid or obovoid, blunt: twigs reddish. (Redbud). (1). C. canadensis. Buds acute: twigs greenish. C. chinensis. 138 LEGUMINOSAE. CEBATONIA. Carob. (Family Leguminosae). Round-topped tender trees: de- ciduous. Twigs moderate, at first somewhat grooved but becoming terete: pith moderate, obscurely angled, continuous, salmon-col- ored. Buds small, solitary, ses- sile, oblong, naked except for a pair of stipular scales, the termi- nal, larger and more open. Leaf- scars alternate, 2-ranked, subor- bicular, little raised: bundle- trace 1, rather large: stipule- scars small. Winter-characters are pictured by Schneider, f. 73. The name carob is a modifica- tion of the Arabic name algaroba: it is commonly called St. John's bread, or Johannisbrot in the German cities where the sweet pulp of its pods is much liked by children. It is said to be an important forage plant in the Mediterranean region, and under favorable cultural conditions to produce a greater food yield per acre than alfalfa, averag- ing several hundred pounds of pods to the tree each year and in some cases producing over a ton to the tree. Efforts are being made to introduce it into the warmer parts of the United States as a staple crop. Twigs gray-velvety, with large brown, lenticels. C. Siliqua. LEGUMINOSAE. 139 GLEDITSIA. Honey Locust. (Family Leguminosae). Trees, often large and spread- ing, usually armed with often horridly compound spines arising above the axils and persisting on the trunk. Twigs moderate, some- what nodose and zig-zag, irregu- larly terete: pith rounded, con- tinuous, pale or pinkish. Buds glabrous, sessile, superposed, the uppermost often developing into a spine or replaced by an inflo- rescence-scar, the others more or less covered by the torn margin of the leaf-scar, glabrous, with few scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, rather large, irregularly shield-shaped, little raised: bundle-traces 3: stipule- scars lacking. Winter-character references: G. japonica. Shirasawa, 239, pi. 2. G. triacanthos. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 330, 333, 516, pi.; Bosemann, 51; Brendel, 28, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 4, (3), 13, (4), 136, f. 46-8; Otis, 164; Schneider, f. 22, 68. 1. Unarmed. 2. Spiny. 3. 2. Large tree. (Thornless honey 1.). G. triacanthos inermis. Shrub. G. triacanthos elegantissima. 3. Spines terete. 4. Spines flattened. 5. 4. Tree. G. sinensis. Shrub. G. sinensis nana. 5. Pods elongated, with many seeds. (1). G. triacanthos. Pods short, with 1-3 seeds. G. aquatica. 140 LEGUMINOSAE. GYMNOCLADUS. Coffee Tree. (Family Leguminosae). Large rough-barked tree: de- ciduous. Twigs stout, terete or irregularly 3-sided above: pith large, round, continuous, salmon- colored. Buds superposed in raised silky craters, indistinctly scaly, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars alternate, large, irregularly heart- shaped, little elevated: bundle- traces 3 or 5, large, rather indefi- nite and divided: stipule-scars minute and fringed at top, or lacking. Winter-character references : Blakeslee & Jarvis, 333, 514, pi.; Brendel, 28, pi. 3; Hitchcock (1), 4, f. 11, (3), 13, (4), 136, f. 43- 45; Otis, 162; Schneider, f. 13, 33, 72, 139. Like the ailanthus, Gymnocla- dus presents unmistakable evi- dence of the absence of a true terminal bud on its stout twigs. Von Mohl has published on this abscission in the Botanische Zeitung of 1848 and 1860, and it is figured by Foerste in volume 20 of the Botanical Gazette. The large leaf-scars afford a particularly good opportunity for observing the progressive obliteration of self-healed wounds, and the changes in the leaf-scars in successive years were described by von Mohl in the Botanische Zeitung for 1849. The mechan- ism of leaf-fall is described by van Tieghem and Guignard in the Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France for 1882. Twigs with whitening epidermis and fine lenticels. G. dioica. LEGUMINOSAE. 141 PARKINSONIA. (Family Leguminosae). Small trees with brown trunk and greenish twigs: evergreen or deciduous. Twigs moderate, 3- sided and more or less striate: pith moderate, roundish, continu- ous. Buds solitary, or superposed with the lower developing into an inflorescence, minute, indis- tinctly few-scaled. Leaf-scars al- ternate, somewhat raised, 3-lobed or broadly crescent-shaped, with 3 indistinct bundle-traces; or the spinescent rachis persistent, bear- ing spiny stipules and marked by leaflet-scars below. Leaves, when present, with a few pairs of long narrow pinnae with flat rachis and many small oblong pinnules. Like Caragana, Parkinsonia has the rachis of its compound leaf transformed into a persistent spine, and on this the former position of the fallen leaflets is marked during the winter by the scars caused by their abscission. Glabrous: evergreen. (Jerusalem Thorn). Puberulent: deciduous. (Retama). (1). P. aculeata. P. Torreyana. 142 LEGUMINOSAE. CEBCIDIUM. Palo Verde. (Family Leguminosae). Green-barked glabrous small trees of the Southwest, sometimes with axillary spines: deciduous. Twigs slender, subterete, some- : r\-;";^ what zig-zag, finely but distinctly granular-roughened: pith moder- $;!f indistinct canescent scales. Leaf-scars opposite, broad- ly crescent-shaped : stipule-scars lacking. (Mast acanthus ) . Winter-characters of C. incana (C. Mastacanthus, C. sinensis) are pictured by Schneider, f. 122. Caryopteris. Callicarpa, Vitex and Buddleia are somewhat simi- lar suffruticose or soft-wooded genera differing more in detail than in general winter appear- ance. C. incana. VERBENACEAE. 333 VITEX. Chaste Tree. (Family Verbenaceae). Soft - wooded peppery - aromatic shrubs or half-shrubs: deciduous. Stems compressed at the nodes, quadrangular with obtuse or flat- tened angles, rather slender: pith relatively large, more or less an- gled, white, continuous and homo- geneous. Buds superposed, ses- sile or the upper commonly de- veloping the first season, subglo- bose, the 1 or 2 pairs of leaf-rudi- ments or scales concealed in pu- bescence. Leaf-scars opposite, re- shaped, rather small, low; the surface usually torn and the soli- tary bundle-trace indistinct: sti- pule-scars lacking. Winter-character references: Vitex Agnus-castus. Schneider, f. 191. V. Negundo. Shirasawa, 270, pi. 10. V. trifolia unifolio- lata. Stems Shirasawa, 270. gray-puberulent. V. Agnus-castus. 334 LABIATAE. ROSMAKINUS. Rosemary. (Family Labiatae). Small savory half-shrubs: de- ciduous. Twigs moderate, ob- scurely 4-sided: pith minute. Buds small, solitary, round and sessile or quickly becoming ob- long and somewhat stalked or de- veloping into leafy shoots. Leaf- scars opposite, deeply U-shaped, somewhat raised: bundle-traces 3, often not discernible: stipule- scars lacking. Rosemary is one of a number of labiates that may or may not be considered as woody, according to one's predilection. Like sage, hyssop and thyme it is of more interest as a component of the kitchen garden than as a deco- rative plant. The fact that most such plants are herbaceous lias given the word herbs an old-fash- ioned popular usage as their collective name. Stellate tomentulose: inner bark lace-like. R. officinalis. Winter-character references to other suffruticose Labia- tae: Hyssopus officinalis. Schneider, f. 224. Phlomis fruti- cosa. Schneider, f. 224. Salvia officinalis. Schneider, f. 224. Thymus vulgaris. Schneider, f. 224. SOLANACEAE. 335 LYCIUM. Matrimony Vine. (Family Solanaceae). Spreading or (often high) scrambling shrubs with spinescent twigs: deciduous. Twigs slender, 5-angled, glabrous, often whitish or short striate: pith moderate, spongy. Buds small and incon- spicuously multiple, or develop- ing into very dwarf aggregates, subglobose, indistinctly scaly. Leaf- scars alternate, crescent-shaped, small, somewhat raised: bundle- trace 1: stipule-scars lacking. Winter-character references: Lycium chinense. Shirasawa, 235. L. Jialimi folium (L. bar'barum of common usage; L. vulgare). Bose- mann, 51; Schneider, f. 83. The bushy southwestern ly- ciums, in common with condalias, ceanothuses, etc. enter into the composition of chaparral. 1. Intricately branched bushes of the Southwest. 2. Loosely branched, sometimes scrambling. 3. 2. Twigs straight, gray. L. californicum. Twigs zig-zag, buff. L. parviflorum. 3. Wide-spreading or scrambling. (1). L. chinense. Bushy, with moderate shoots. 4. 4. Twigs red-brown, with fissured gray surface. L. pallidum. Twigs pale. 5. 5. Axils slightly hairy. (Garrambullo). L. Torreyi. Without hairs in the axils. 6. 6. Cultivated everywhere. (Matrimony vine). L. halimifolium. Wild, in the South. L. carolinianum. 336 SOLANACEAE. SOLANUM. (Family Solanaceae). Soft-wooded twiners (for our purposes) : deciduous. Stems rather slender, terete or tortuously somewhat 3-angled: pith relatively large, greenish and white, spongy. Buds small, solitary, sessile, sub- globose, with about 4 hairy blunt scales. Leaf-scars alternate, half- round, much-raised: bundle-trace 1, comparatively large: stipule- scars lacking. Panicle - vestiges with dried berries often present, extra-axillary and often opposite the leaf-scars above. Winter-character references: Solanum Dulcamara. Bosemann, 40; Fant, 12, f. 7; Schneider, f. 83. Notwithstanding its rather suc- culent stem, the bittersweet is one of the hardiest climbers. Its berries are reputed poisonous if eaten and some of the most active alkaloids are derived from the Solanaceae; but the tomato, potato and egg plant are produced by species of the genus Solanum to which the bittersweet belongs. Stems olivaceous, glabrate. (Bittersweet). S. Dulcamara. SCROPHULARIACEAE. 337 PAULOWNIA. (Family Scrophulariaceae). Moderate-sized trees: deciduous. Twigs stout, resembling those of Catalpa, compressed at the nodes: pith large, white, roundish, chamb- ered or hollowed out between the nodes. Buds superposed, sessile, half-round, with about 4 exposed blunt scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars opposite, subelliptical, more or less notched at top, raised: bundle-traces many in a nearly closed and sometimes almost con- tinuous ellipse: stipule-scars lack- ing. The rather large ovoid cap- sules persistent. Winter-character references: Paulownia tomentosa (P. imperi- alist . Schneider, f. 200; Shira- sawa, 281, pi. 12. The compact wood of Paulownia is said to be a favorite for mak- ing tea boxes in Japan, retaining the aroma of the tea well. Paulowina tomentosa is not hardy in the northern inte- rior where, if at all, it is seen usually in the form of strong large-leaved suckers from the persistent roots, but it is one of the conspicuous trees in front of the Smithsonian building in Washington, and has been used as a street tree as far north as Brooklyn near the coast. Minutely velvety. (Imperial tree). P. tomentosa. 338 BlGNONIACEAE. BIGNONIA. Cross Vine. (Family Bignoniaceae). Rather soft-wooded climbers. Stems subterete or somewhat fluted, rather slender: pith pale, spongy and finally excavated. Buds moderate, solitary, sessile, oblong, with about 3 pairs of exposed scales. Leaf-scars opposite, some- what elevated, depressed, shield- shaped, with 1 C-shaped bundle- trace: or the more or less ever- green leaves of 2 lance-cordate leaflets, not disarticulating and ending in coiling tendrils some- times thickened at tip: stipule- scars lacking, the leaf-bases con- nected by transverse ridges. The cross-vine is partly ever- green where it is native or suc- _ cessfully grown. Its common name refers to the intrusion of four large rays into its wood, one of the many abnormalities that are seen in lianas, as high- climbing stems are called in the tropics. A comprehensive account of such stems is contained in Schenck's Beitrage zur Biologie und Anatomie der Lianen, published in 1893. Glabrous except about the nodes. B. capreolata. BlGNONIACEAE. 339 CAMPSIS. Trumpet Creeper. (Family Bignoniaceae). Straggling shrubs, usually climbing, often by aerial roots emitted in double bands from be- low the nodes: deciduous. Stems subterete, moderately slender, warty: pith pale, rounded, con- tinuous or progressively disappear- ing from the nodes. Buds rather small, mostly solitary, sessile, tri- angular, compressed, ascending, with 2 or 3 pairs of exposed scales. Leaf-scars opposite, shield-shaped, low: bundle-trace 1, C-shaped, com- pound: stipule-scars lacking, but the leaf-scars connected by hairy transverse ridges. (Tecoma). Winter-character references: Campsis chinensis. Schneider, f. 200. C. radicans. Brendel, 28, pi. 1; Schneider, f. 200. The trumpet creeper, which is native as far north as middle Illinois, is one of the most vig- orous and tropical-appearing of hardy climbers. Its flowers are among the most brilliant and largest of those borne by such plants and, like most other American flowers with large red tubular flowers containing a great deal of nectar, are pollinated by humming birds whose visits afford another reason for planting such vines as this and the trumpet honeysuckle. 1. Glabrous, climbing. C. chinensis. Puberulent or scabrid. 2. 2. Climbing, with abundant roots. (1). C. radicans. Bushy. C. radicans speciosa. 340 BlGNONIACEAE. CHILOPSIS. Desert Willow. (Family Bignoniaceae). Shrub or small tree: decidu- ous. Twigs slender, ridged below the leaf-scars: pith rather small, rounded, continuous, white. Buds solitary, sessile, small, subglobose, with some 3 or 4 pointed scales swollen at base, the end-bud lack- ing. Leaf-scars 6-ranked, in whorls of 3 or in pairs, or scattered sin- gly, small, half-elliptical, raised: bundle-trace 1, transverse: stipule- scars lacking. The long terete pods, with seeds ciliate at the ends as in Catalpa, persist in winter. Chilopsis is the southwestern equivalent of the northeastern catalpas, and like them, though not in the same profusion, pro- duces large and showy flowers' It is scarcely hardy north of St. Louis in the interior, and like the catalpa is of rather irregu- lar open habit; but its slender willowy twigs and narrow leaves give it a grace entirely lacking to its coarser relative. Somewhat mealy: lenticels conspicuous. C. saligna. BlGNONIACEAE. 341 CATALPA. Indian Bean. (Family Bignoniaceae). Small or moderate-sized trees: deciduous. Twigs stout, round: pith large, round, continuous, pale. Buds solitary, sessile, glo- bose, with some half-dozen rather loose pointed scales, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars in whorls al- ternately of two large scars and one small scar, and one large scar and two small scars, round-ellipti- cal, raised; bundle-traces a dozen or so, compound, in an ellipse: stipule-scars lacking. The long terete pods, with thin ciliate seeds, persist, and afford import- ant specific characters. Winter-character references: Catalpa Mgnonioides (C. syringae- folia; C. Catalpa). Blakeslee & Jarvis, 562; Bosemann, 67; Bren- del, 28, pi. 1; Otis, 226; Schnei- der, f. 15, 199. C. ovata (C. Kaempferi). Schneider, f. 179; Shirasawa, 280, pi. 12. C. speciosa. Blakeslee & Jarvis, 329, 562, pi.; Hitchcock (3), 16; Otis, 224; Schneider, f. 199. 1. Twigs and fruits (5 mm.) slender. (1). C. ovata. Twigs and capsules stouter. 2. 2. Capsules moderate (8 mm.): seeds pointed. (2). C. bignonioides. Capsules thick (10 mm.): seeds truncate. (3). C. speciosa. 342 BlGNONIACEAE. TECOMA. Yellow Elder. (Family Bignoniaceae). Soft-wooded shrubs or half- shrubs: deciduous. Stems some- what quadrangularly compressed at the nodes, rather slender: pith relatively large, roundish, pale brown, continuous. Buds super- posed with the upper somewhat stalked, flattened-ovoid, with 2 exposed scales. Leaf-scars oppo- site, elliptical, or concave at top, low: bundle-trace 1, compound, following the contour of the leaf- scar: stipule-scars lacking, but the leaf-scars transversely connected by puberulent lines. (Stenolo- Numerous misunderstandings seem to have arisen as to the earlier generic limitations estab- lished in the Bignoniaceae, and the trumpet creeper, now called Campsis, is still known to most people as a Tecoma, while these low bushy plants are coming to be known as species of Stenolobium. They are not hardy in the North, but their compound leaves and large yellow flowers give them an at- tractive appearance in the Southwest. Apparently they pro- duce medicinally active organic compounds. Glabrous: twigs brown, with orange lenticels. (1). T. stans. Gray-tomentulose. T. mollis. RUBIACEAE. 343 PINCKNEYA. Georgia Bark. (Family Rubiaceae). Shrubs, or somewhat arbores- cent: deciduous. Twigs rather stout, terete: pith round, very white, continuous. Buds solitary, sessile, ovoid and small or the ter- minal irregularly conical and en- larged, with 1 or 2 pairs of ex- posed scales. Leaf-scars opposite, crescent-shaped to angularly is- odiametric, at first much raised: bundle-trace 1, crescent- or C- shaped, compound: stipular scars or membrane connecting the leaf- scars. A century ago Pinckneya pu- bens possessed considerable repute in the South as a specific for ma- larial fevers. The common name Georgia bark comes from this use of the bitter bark. The genus is related to Cinchona, the source of quinine, and it was thought at one time that Peruvian or cinchora bark might find a rival in Georgia or pinckneya bark. Twigs from villous glabrescent. P. pubens. 344 RUBIACEAE. CEPHALANTHUS. Button Bush. (Family Rubiaceae). Rather slender openly branched L shrubs: deciduous. Twigs round, I i! W s l en der, floriferous or dying back u Jw*^i\ I a ^ ^ ne en( *' glabrous: pith rather small, more or less 4- or 6-sided, light brown, continuous. Buds mostly solitary, sessile, conical, indistinctly scaly, in depressed supra-axillary areas, the end-bud lacking. Leaf-scars in whorls of 3, or opposite in pairs, roundish, somewhat raised: bundle-trace 1, crescent-shaped: stipule-scars or persistent stipules connecting the leaf-scars. Winter-character references: Cephalanthus occidentalis. Bren- del, 28, 30, pi. 1; Hitchcock (3), 16; Schneider, f. 223. Even through the winter, the button bush usually carries at the ends of its branches some of the round inflorescence-heads that have given it its common name. Its prevailing leaf- arrangement appears to be whorled, but many plants with opposite leaf-scars are found. In this respect it parallels Deutzia, Diervilla and Hydrangea: but in these genera the opposite arrangement seems to be the more characteristic, and the whorled the exceptional. Twigs reddish and glossy. C. occidentalis. RUBIACEAE. 345 GAKDENIA. Cape Jessamine. (Family Rubiaceae). Shrubs: evergreen. Twigs mode- rate, rounded or finally 4-sided: pith relatively large, somewhat crenately angled, green, continu- ous. Buds small and naked with- in a supra-axillary sheath or with a single enveloping scale when terminal. Leaf-scars opposite or in whorls of 3, slightly raised, small, half-round ; bundle-traces 7, the central one large and cres- cent-shaped. Leaves nearly ses- sile, with their stipules connate in a tube above each node. The sheathing stipules of Gar- denia florida are shown by Lub- bock, on Buds and Stipules, f. 133. Though gardenias are known in the North only as conservatory plants, their fragrant large white flowers are handled by florists to a considerable extent in winter. In the South they are favorite out-of-door plants. Unless the flowers are removed, they fail to fall promptly, and neglected plants become untidy as neglected perpetual- flowering roses do. Twigs harsh-pubescent: leaves very glossy above. G. jaaminoides. 346 RUBIACEAE. COFFEA. Coffee. (Family Rubiaceae). Tender shrubs or small trees, more or less deciduous. Twigs rather slender, somewhat flattened or dilated at the nodes: pith roundish, continuous, pale. Buds small, naked, nearly covered by the stipular sheath. Leaf-scars opposite or sometimes in whorls of 3, half-round or half-elliptical, somewhat raised, especially on branches with short internodes: bundle-trace 1, crescent-shaped: stipules united into a sheath about the stem, long persisting. Leaves simple, entire. Coffee and tobacco are perhaps the most widely used unessential luxuries derived from the vege- table kingdom. Though it con- tains the active alkaloid caffein, now obtained largely from tea- leaves, it is not commonly conceded by those whose break- fast or dinner would be considered impossible without it that they are seeking the stimulus afforded by coffee, any more than those who follow the meal by tobacco admit that they are in quest of its sedative effect. Glabrous: stipular-sheath 2-pointed. C. arabica. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 347 Twigs glandular-pubescent. DlPELTA. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Shrubs with exfoliating bark: deciduous. Twigs rather slender, rounded: pith pale, moderate, be- coming excavated between the nodes. Buds solitary, sessile, coni- cal or ovoid, at first with 2 alter- nate scales but later becoming more open. Leaf-scars opposite, crescent-shaped or 3-lobed, moder- ate, low, transversely connected: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lack- ing. Dipeltas, like weigelias, to which they are closely related, are Asiatic shrubs, but unlike the lat- ter, which are very hardy and are seen everywhere and have been in cultivation for a very long time, they are rather tender, of recent introduction, and not commonly planted. D. ventricosa. 348 CAPRIFOLIACEAE. DIEBVILLA. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Shrubs: deciduous. Twigs ter- ete, straw-colored or brownish, with 2 or 4 often crisp-puberulent ridges decurrent from the nodes, moderate: pith moderate, pale, continuous. Buds often super- posed, sessile, oblong, appressed, with about 5 pairs of exposed scales. Leaf-scars opposite or oc- casionally in whorls of 3, crescent- shaped, moderate, connected by transverse lines: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. The linear 2-valved capsules persist. (In- cludes Weigelia). Winter-character references: - Diervilla grandiflora. Shirasawa, 279, pi. 12. D. japonica. Schnei- der, f. 216; Shirasawa, 279, pi. 12. D. rosea. Bosemann, 64. D. ses- silifolia. Schneider, f. 216. D. D. trifida; Lonicera Diervilla). Lonicera (D. canadensis Schneider, f. 216. 1. Lower scales very much shorter than the bud. 2. (Asiatic). 4. D. rivularis. Lower scales nearly as long as the bud. 2. Twigs villous. Twigs glabrescent or merely velvety. 3. 3. Twigs scarcely lined: capsule slender-beaked: sepals setaceous. D. Lonicera. Twigs 4-ridged: capsule with shorter beak and relatively short and broad sepals. (1). D. sessilifolia. 4. Calyx with an evident tube. D. florida. Sepals linear, distinct to the base. (2). X D. hybrida. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 349 VIBURNUM. Arrow Wood. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Shrubs or occasionally small trees: deciduous except for a few tender species. Twigs moderate or rather slender, more or less 6- sided: pith moderate, round or somewhat 6-sided, white or brown- ing, continuous. Buds solitary or very exceptionally superposed, mostly stalked, ovoid or oblong, without scales (1) or with a pair of mostly connate scales (2, 3), or with one (4, 5) or rarely several pairs of separate exposed scales. Leaf-scars opposite, crescent- shaped or exceptionally broad, sometimes ciliate at top, often raised and meeting or transversely connected: bundle^traces 3: sti-. pule scars lacking. Winter-character references: - Viburnum dentatum. Brendel, pi. 1. 7. dilatatum. Shirasawa, 273, pi. 11. V. furcatum. Shi- rasawa, 269, pi. 10. V. Lantana. Bosemann, 57; Schneider, f. 192; Ward, 1:70, f. 49, 165, f. 80; Willkomm, 3, 9, 49, f. 88; Zuccarini, 28, pi. 15. V. Lentago. Brendel, pi. 1; Hitchcock (1), 3; Otis, 228; Schneider, f. 192. V. Opulus. Bosemann, 57; Fant, 45, f. 50; Lubbock, On Buds and Stipules; Schnei- der, f. 192; Shirasawa, 270, pi. 10; Ward, 1:168, f. 82; Will- komm, 9, 10, 11, 49, f. 87; Zuccarini, 27, pi. 15. V. phlebotri- chum. Shirasawa, 277, pi. 12. V. prunifolium. Hitchcock (1), 3. V. Sieboldii. Shirasawa, 273, pi. 11. V. tomentosum. Shirasawa, 273, pi. 11. V. Wrightii. Shirasawa, 274, pi. 11. On winter-characters some species of Viburnum are easily 350 CAPEIFOLIACEAE. confused with Cornus and Acer, though in each genus some species stand out unmistakably as belonging to it. The na- tive high-bush cranberry, V. americanum, not too easily dis- tinguished in summer from its European counterpart, V. Opulus, is believed by some nurserymen to differ from the latter in golden rather than brown or reddish winter twigs. 1. Evergreen. 2. Deciduous. 6. 2. Leaves entire or denticulate: more or less pubescent. 3. Leaves usually distinctly toothed: glabrous. 5. 3. Leaves neither woolly nor impressed-veiny. 4. Leaves impressed-veiny, tomentose beneath. V. rhytidophyllum. 4. Glabrate or the leaves ciliate. V. Tinus. Hirsute. V. rigidum. 5. Leaves crenate: twigs slender. V. suspensum. Leaves serrate to subentire: twigs stouter. V. odoratissimum. 6. Buds naked, stellate-scurfy, like the twigs. 7. Buds scaly. 11. 7. Leaf-scars very broad: twigs glossy-purple. V. alnifolium. Leaf-scars narrow: twigs dull, usually brown. 8. 8. Dwarf: twigs slender (scarcely 3 mm.). V. Carlesii. Tall: twigs stouter (4-5 mm.). 9. 9. Twigs soon gray. V. macrocephalum. Twigs brownish straw-colored. 10. 10. Scurf at first dense: lenticels prominent. (1.). V. Lantana. Scurf sparse: lenticels inconspicuous. V. cotinifolium. 11. Leaf-scars broad, meeting. V. Sieboldii. Leaf-scars relatively narrow. 12. 12. Scales closely valvate or connate as a closed sac. 13. Outer scales parted, mostly short. 22. 13. Buds ovoid, globose, green. 14. Buds subovoid, stellate-scurfy. V. tomentosum. Buds oblong or flask-shaped, mostly appressed, scurfy. 17. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 351 14. Dwarf. 15. Tall. 16. 15. Buds round-ovoid: native. V. pauciflorum. Buds oblong-ovoid: cultivated. V. Opulus nanum. 16. Twigs glabrous. (2). V. Opulus. Twigs more or less bristly. V. Sargentii. 17. Buds very red-scurfy. V. rufidulum. Buds brown, becoming lead-colored. 18. 18. Twigs often short, rigidly spreading: buds smooth. 19. Twigs mostly elongated and flexuous. 20. 19. Southern: buds very small. V. obovatum. Northern: buds nearly as in the next. V. prunifolium. 20. Buds smooth, quickly lead-colored. (3). V. Lentago. Buds rather loosely peltately brown-scurfy. 21. 21. Twigs dull: northern. V. cassinoides. Twigs rather glossy: southern. V. nudum. 22. Twigs and buds hispid. 23. Not hispid, though sometimes sparingly hairy. 24. 23. Twigs very hairy, rather stout (3-4 mm.). V. dilatatum. Twigs sparsely hispid, slender (2-3 mm.). V. erosum. 24. Bark freely exfoliating. V. molle. Bark not exfoliating. 25. 25. Buds stalked, rather small or slender. 26. Buds sessile, plump and rather large. 29. 26. Bud-scales 4: buds appressed. 27. Bud-scales often 6: buds plump, spreading. V. pubescens. 27. Lower scales short: twigs mostly pubescent. (4). V. acerifolium. Lower scales often reaching the middle of the bud. 28. 28. Twigs, and buds below, somewhat hairy. V. venosum. Twigs and buds glabrate. (5). V. dentatum. 29. Twigs purple. V. hupehense. Twigs olive, becoming gray. 30. 30. Lower scales nearly half the length of bud. V. theiferum. Lower scales nearly as long as bud. V. Wrightii. 352 CAPRIFOLIACEAE. SYMPHORICAKPOS. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Rather small shrubs: deciduous. Twigs round, slender, more or less pubescent: pith small, round, somewhat brownish, usually ex- cavated. Buds small, solitary or collaterally multiple or developing lateral branches the first season, ovoid-oblong, more or less com- pressed, sessile, with about 3 pairs of keeled scales. Leaf-scars op- posite, half-round, small and mostly torn, raised, partly con- nected by transverse ridges: bundle-trace 1, indistinct: stipule- scars lacking. Winter-character references: - Symphoricarpog orHculatus (8. vulgaris; Lonicera Symphoricar- pos). Hitchcock (3), 16, (4), 137, f. 80; Schneider, f. 196. 8. race- mosa. Bosemann, 66; Schneider, f. 196. Like the related genus Lonicera, Symphoricarpos pre- sents the phenomenon of two types of pith, excavated and continuous, in different groups of species that are referred to it; in this respect recalling Jasminum, some species of which have a continuous pith, while the pith is exquisitely cham- bered in others. 1. Pith continuous. (Coral berry). (1). S. orbiculatus. Pith excavated. (Snowberry). 2. 2. Buds small (2 mm. long): twigs glabrate. S. racemosus. Buds moderate (3 mm.): puberulent. (2). S. occidentalis. Buds large (4 mm.). (Hybrid snowberry). X S. Heyeri. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 353 LONICERA. Honeysuckle. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Bushes or woody twiners: de- ciduous or exceptionally partly or wholly evergreen. Twigs rounded, mostly slender: pith moderate, pale or brown, in some groups ex- cavated between the nodes. Buds often superposed with the lower- most largest or developing into an inflorescence the first season, ses- sile, variously shaped, with 2 to rather numerous 4-ranked scales. Leaf-s cars opposite, crescent- shaped, small, on the narrowed extremities of raised bases that are more or less connected by transverse lines: bundle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Sometimes divided into several genera: Capri-folium, Distegium, Xylosteum, etc. References under Leycesteria. 1. Bushy: buds often superposed. 2. Twining: buds solitary: pith excavated. 17. 2. Pith white, continuous. 3. Pith brown, excavated between the nodes. 12. 3. Buds with valvate lower scales. 4. Bud-scales parted, the lower mostly short. 7. 4. Buds flattened, closely appressed, elongated. 5. Buds flask-shaped, ascending, elongated. 6. Buds short, spreading. (Mountain fly-h.). L. caerulea. 5. Buds pale, long (10 mm.). (1). L. hispida. Buds brown, shorter (8 mm.). L. chaetocarpa. 6. Buds rather long (7 mm.). (2). L. Standishii. Buds moderate (5 mm.). L. fragrantissima. 354 CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 7. Lower scales essentially as long as the bud. 8. Lower scales distinctly shorter than the bud. 10. 8. Inner bud-scales woolly. L. iberica. Buds glabrate. 9. 9. Twigs glabrous. (Swamp fly-honeysuckle). L. oblongifolia. Twigs mostly long-hairy, 4-lined. L. involucrata. 10. Buds short-ovoid or nearly globose, glabrate. 11. Buds distinctly elongated, grooved. (3). L. Maximowiczii. 11. Scales acuminate. L. gynochlamydea. Scales acute. (American fly-honeysuckle). L. canadensis. 12. Lower scales as long as the bud. (4). L. deflexicalyx. Lower scales distinctly shorter than the bud. 13. 13. Buds oblong or ovoid or subglobose: scales short-pointed. 14. Buds oblong-ovoid: scales long-pointed. L. nigra. Buds conical-fusiform, hairy. 16. 14. Twigs and buds glabrous. (Tartarian h.). (5). L. tatarica. Twigs pubescent. 15. 15. Buds somewhat puberulent, small and blunt. L. Morrowii. Buds gray-hairy, oblong or acute. (6). L. Maackii. 16. Twigs somewhat puberulent. (7). L. Xylosteum. Twigs with long as well as short hairs. L. chrysantha. 17. Stems red-brown, hairy: subevergreen. L. Japonica. Stems gray or straw-colored. 18. 18. Often with long glandular hairs above. L. Periclymenum. Not glandular-hairy. 19. 19. Rough or papillately hairy. L. hirsuta. Essentially glabrous, often glaucous. 20. 20. More or less evergreen. ( Trumpet h.). L. sempervirens. Deciduous. 21. 21. Buds oblong, many-scaled. (Woodbine). L. Caprifolium. Buds ovoid, the lower scarcely surpassing their lowest scales. 22. 22. Scales narrowly triangular, pointed. L. glaucescens. Scales ovate, abrupt. L. dioica. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 355 LINNAEA. Twinflower. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Low trailing and rooting shrubs with finally exfoliating red-brown bark: evergreen. Twigs almost filiform, terete: pith minute. Buds solitary, sessile, oblong, appressed, minute and con- cealed by the dilated petiole, with 2 valvate scales. Leaf-scars op- posite, much raised and shriveled, the single bundle-trace obscured: stipules or stipule-scars lacking. Leaves small, obovate-orbicular, crenate, their petioles meeting transversely. Winter-characters of Linnaea borealis are given by Bosemann, 37; and Fant, 51. Though the American twin- flower, Linnaea ~borealis ameri- cana, or L. americana, differs characteristically from its Euro- pean representative, typical L. borealis, the distinction is not readily made out except when flowers are present. Sparingly white-hairy. L. borealis. Linnaea presents the seeming anomaly of a genus dedi- cated to himself by its author. Under international conven- tion the nomenclature of flowering plants dates from the publications of the great author of the binomial system of designating plants. Linnaea was published by Linnaeus in his Genera Plantarum in 1737, and embodied in his Species Plantarum in 1753. He appears to have been extremely fond of the dainty little plant; but his friend Gronovius, and not he, named it in his honor. 356 CAPRIFOLIACEAE. LEYCESTERIA. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Soft-wooded small shrubs or half-shrubs: deciduous. Twigs rather slender, round: pith mod- erate, excavated. Buds solitary, slightly stalked, oblong, with 1 or 2 pairs of exposed scales, the outer attenuate. Leaf-scars oppo- site, minute, crescent-shaped, much raised so as to equal the bud, with a connecting cross-line: bundle-traces 3, indistinct: sti- pule-scars lacking. Though tender, Leycesteria is a very attractive little plant when in fruit. Winter-characters of Leyceste- ria formosa are pictured by Schneider, f. 202. Glabrate and slightly glaucous. L. formosa. Winter-character references to Lonicera: L. alpigena. Bosemann, 42; Schneider, f. 204; Willkomm, 11, 48, f. 85; Zuccarini, 23, pi. 13. L. caerulea. Bosemann, 42; Fant, 43, f. 45; Schneider, f. 203; Shirasawa, 273; Willkomm, 3, 48, f. 84; Zuccarini, 24, pi. 13. L. Caprifolium. Bosemann, 41; Schneider, f. 204; Ward, 1:163, f. 79; Willkomm, 11, 48, f. 86. L. gracilipes. Shirasawa, 273, pi. 11. L. Morrowii. Shira- sawa, 272, pi. 11. L. nigra. Bosemann, 42; Schneider, f. 203; Willkomm, 47, f. 83. L. Periclymenum. Bosemann, 41; Fant, 43, f. 44; Schneider, f. 204; Ward, 1:163, f. 78; Willkomm, 11. L. tatarica. Bosemann, 42; Schneider, f. 203. L. Xylos- teum. Bosemann, 42; Fant, 43; Schneider, f. 204; Willkomm, 11, 47, f. 82. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 357 KOLKWITZIA. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Shrubs with exfoliating bark: deciduous. Twigs round, at first villous: pith small, round, white, continuous. Buds solitary, ses- sile, ovoid, with 3 or 4 pairs of scales. Leaf-scars opposite, cres- cent-shaped or triangular, raised, connected by transverse lines: bundle-traces 3, or more or less conflue'nt transversely: stipule- scars lacking. Only the one species of Kolk- witzia, related to Amelia, is known. From twig and bud char- acters it is likely to be taken for a bushy honeysuckle with solid pith, or, if its 3 typically distinct bundle-traces seem to blend in a single long trace, for a privet or some similar oleaceous shrub. Twigs hispid and villous: buds canescent. K. amabilis. 358 CAPRIFOLIACEAE. ABELIA. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Rather small and soft-wooded shrubs: typically deciduous in the North. Twigs round or some- what 4-sided, very slender, puber- ulent: pith small, excavated. Buds small, solitary, sessile or somewhat developing the first season, ovoid, with about 2 pairs of rather loose scales. Leaf-scars U-shaped, somewhat raised, with connecting cross-line : bundle- traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Winter-character references: Amelia rupestris. Schneider, f. 196. A. serrata. Shirasawa, 281, pi. 12. As far north at least as Wash- ington, where it is used effect- ively at the foot of the steps west of the Capitol, Amelia is one of the most attractive of compact small-leaved shrubs, and flowers well into the autumn. The most comprehensive analysis of the species of this genus, as of other genera cultivable in cool-temperate climates, is given in Schneider's Handbuch der Laubholzkunde, which, like his Dendrologische Winterstudien, is adequately and skil- fully illustrated. 1. Half-evergreen: leaves small, ovate. 2. Truly deciduous. A. chinensis. 2. Leaves small (under 2.5 cm.). A. floribunda. Leaves medium (3-4 cm.). (1). A. grandiflora. Leaves large for the genus (4-5 cm.). A. triflora. CAPEIFOLIACEAE. 359 SAMBUCUS. Elder. (Family Caprifoliaceae). Open shrubs, or exceptionally arborescent: deciduous. Twigs more or less 6- or 8- or 10-sided or angled, stout: pith very large and soft, continuous. Buds soli- tary or multiple, the larger some- what stalked and occasionally de- veloping the first year, ovoid or the smaller depressed, with 3-5 pairs of scales: end-bud mostly lacking. Leaf-scars opposite or exceptionally in whorls of 3, broadly crescent-shaped or 3- or 4-sided, large, low, more or less transversely connected : bundle- traces 3 or 5 or 7: stipule-scars usually lacking. Winter-character references: Sambucus canadensis. Brendel, 28, pi. 1; Hitchcock (3), 16, (4), 137, f. 77-79. S. nigra. Bose- mann, 65; Fant, 45, f. 49; Schneider, f. 20, 202; Ward, 1:58, f. 75; Willkomm, 9, 49, f. 89. 8. racemosa. Bosemann, 65; Schneider, f. 202; Willkomm, 4, 7, 50, f. 90. S. racemosa Sie- boldiana. Shirasawa, 277. 1. Pith white: buds rather small (4 mm.), often superposed. 2. Pith brown: bundle-traces mostly three. 3. 2. Lenticels moderate. (1). S. canadensis. Lenticels very numerous and prominent. S. nigra. 3. Buds rather small, often multiple. S. racemosa. Buds large (10 mm.), solitary. S. pubens. 360 COMPOSITAE. BACCHARIS. Groundsel Tree. (Family Compositae). Openly bushy soft-wooded shrubs with resin-passages in the wood, etc.: tardily deciduous. Twigs slender, about 8-ridged, for a long time green: pith small, crenulate, pale, continuous. Buds rather small, solitary, sessile, nearly globose, with about 4 ex- posed scales, all or all but the outermost encased in hardened greenish resin. Leaf-scars alter- nate, small, angularly crescent- shaped, slightly raised, decurrent in ridges from the angles: bun- dle-traces 3: stipule-scars lacking. Inflorescence or its vestiges often present as rather small composite heads or their involucres. Winter-characters of Baccharis halimifolia are indicated by Schneider, f. 77. Twigs minutely puberulent, or glabrescent. B. halimifolia. Winter-character references to other, rather suffruticose, Compositae: Artemisia camphorata and A. tridentata. Schnei- der, f. 102. Aster (or Amphiraphis) albescens. Schneider, f. 102. Chrysanthemum indicum. Schneider, f. 77. Gutier- rezia euthamiae. Schneider, f. 77. Iva frutescens. Schnei- der, f. 98. REFERENCES. Blakeslee, A. F. & C. D. Jarvis. New England trees in winter. (Bulletin no. 69, Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 307-576, with many half-tone illustrations). 1911. References are to this edition. The work was reissued under the title Trees in winter by the Macmillan Com- pany of New York in 1913. Blakeslee, A. F. & C. D. Jarvis. The identification of trees. Storrs, Conn. 1913. Pp. 195-209. A separate issue of the keys from the Macmillan edition of Trees in winter. Bosemann, F. A. Deutschlands Geholze im Winterkleide. Pp. 91, ff. 17. Hildburghausen. 1884. Brendel, F. The tree in winter. (Bulletin no. 1, Illinois Mu- seum of Natural History, pp. 26-32, 73-76, 4 pi.). 1876. Fant, C. G. Sveriges trad och buskar i vinterdragt. Pp. 56, pi. 11. Stockholm. 1872. Frank, A. B. Pflanzen-Tabellen. Leipzig, 1869. Pp. 169-176 consist of keys to woody plants in winter. Hitchcock, A. S. (1). Key to Kansas trees in their winter condition. Pp. 6, pi. 1. (Biennial Report of the Kansas Board of Agriculture). 1893. (2). A key to the woody plants of Manhattan based upon twig characters. Pp. 1-8. Manhattan, Kansas. 1901. (3). The woody plants of Manhattan in their winter con- dition. Pp. 20. Manhattan. 1893. (4). The opening of the buds of some woody plants. (Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 6:133-141, 4 pi.). 1893. Huntington, A. O. Studies of trees in winter. Boston. 1901. Pp. xxiv -f 198, with many beautiful photographic illus- trations of habit and bark. 361 362 REFERENCES Otis, C. H. Michigan trees. (University Bulletin, University of Michigan, n. s. vol. 14, no. 16). Pp. xxxii -f- 246, with illustrations of all of the species. Ann Arbor. 1913. Sargent, F. L. Key to common deciduous trees in winter and key to common woods. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1903. Schneider, C. K. Dendrologische Winterstudien. Pp. vi -j- 290, ff. 224. Jena. 1903. Shirasawa, H. Die japanischen Laubholzer im Winterzu- stande. (Bulletin of the College of Agriculture, Imperial University, Tokio. 2:229-300, pi. 5-17 renumbered, and referred to in the text, as 1-13). 1895. Trelease, W. (1). Juglandaceae of the United States. (Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 7:25-46, pi. 1-25). 1896. Pp. 28-45 and pi. 13-15 and 23-25 deal with winter- characters. (2). The sugar maples, with a winter synopsis of all North American maples. (Report of the Missouri Bot-nicnl Garden. 5' 88-106, pi. 4-16). 1894. Pp. 100-105 and pi. '4-7, 9, 11, 12 and, especially, 14-16 ar^ concerned with winter-characters. (3). Clrssification of the black oaks. (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 51:167-171, pi. 10- 13). 1912. W-H-r, E. Der Baum im Winter. Pp. 47, with a series of loose determination-tables. Bern. 1894. Ward, H. M. Trees, vol. 1, Buds and twigs. Cambridge. 1904. Pp. xiv -f- 271, frontispiece and ff. 136. Wiegand, K. M. & P. W. Foxworthy. A key to the genera of woody plants in winter. Pp. 33. Ithaca, New York. 1904. 2 ed. 1906. 3 ed. 1908. Willkomm, M. Deutschlands Laubholzer im Winter. Pp. ii -f- 60, ff. 106. Dresden. 1859. References are made to the third edition, published in 1880. Zuccarini, J. G. Charakteristik der deutschen Holzgewachse im blattlosen Zustande. Pp. 32, pi. 18. Miinchen. 1829. GLOSSARY. Abortive. Undeveloped, rudimentary. Abscission. The falling of leaf, twig-tip, etc. from a clean- cut scar, by a self-healing wound. Acuminate. Pointed, with a line-of-beauty curve. Acute. Sharp-pointed, in contrast with obtuse and acuminate. Adnation. Growing together of different members. Adventitious. Not in the usual place (buds that have re- mained undeveloped so that they are no longer evidently axillary, or that really originate elsewhere, as on a root). Aerial roots. Roots produced above ground, often used for j! climbing (ivy). Aggregated. Joined together, confluent, as applied to bundle- i| traces. Alternate. On.e at a node, as applied to leaf-scars. Amplexicaul. Encircling the stem (magnolia stipules, nan- dina leaves). Analogous. Of comparable function but different origin. See physiology. Angiosperms. Plants that mature their seeds within the pis- til. They constitute the dominant vegetation of today. Appressed. Not spreading, as applied to buds, hairs, etc. Approximated. Brought near to one another, as applied to buds. Arboreous. Tree-like. Arborescent. Becoming small trees. Arcuate. Arched, bent like a bow. Armed. With spines (barberry, Japanese quince) or prickles (brambles). Leaves that are pungent at tip or around the margin (holly), are not included in this limited defi- nition. Aromatic. Fragrantly scented, at least when broken. Articular-membrane or tegment. A membrane consisting of the thin enlarged base of the petiole, on which the leaf- scar occurs (mock-orange, locust). 364 GLOSSARY Ascending. Between spreading and appressed, as applied to buds. Attenuate. Narrowly drawn out, in contrast with acute. Auricled. With small projections at base (leaf of heather). Axil. The angle above a leaf: the point above a leaf-scar. Axillary. In the axil. Balsam. A fragrant gum. Balsamiferous or Balsamifluous. Producing or exuding bal- sam. Bark. The rough outer part of the cortex; loosely used for the entire cortex. Bast. The fibrous part of the cortex. Technically, the phloem or part of the fibro-vascular bundles of higher plants that contains sieve-cells. Beaked. Ending in a beak or prolonged point. Berry. A fleshy fruit, usually small. Bi-. Twice, or doubly (bipinnate: bibracteate). Bract. A modified leaf of an inflorescence. Several bracts form an involucre. Bracteate or bracted. With bracts. Branch. One of the coarser divisions of a trunk or main stem: loosely, any division of the stem. Branch-spine. The same as twig-spine. Bristly. With stiff hairs. Broken. Not continuous, as applied to bundle-traces. Bud. The rudimentary or resting end or branch of a stem: usually referring to the stage in which the growing tips pass the winter or dry season; also applied to undeveloped flowers or flower-clusters. Scaly buds are protected by modified leaves or stipules. Naked buds lack such spe- cial protection. Usually one bud occurs in each axil or angle above a leaf, but these often branch and collateral buds, standing side by side, are thus produced: in some plants (walnut, honeysuckle) several buds occur one above the other (superposed) in an axil. GLOSSARY 365 Bundle-traces. The points on a leaf-scar where woody strands passed from the stem into the leaf; their number and position afford good winter-distinctions, and usually they are constant in number and position for a given species. Some entire families are characterized by the number of their bundle-traces: 1 in Myrtaceae and Ericaceae, 2 in Ginkgoaceae, etc. In long narrow leaf-scars their num- ber is usually greater in the species with longer scars (3 to 5 in maple). Frequently the common number 3 is increased by the fragmentation or division of one or all into a corresponding number of groups of aggregated traces (species of maple, Juglandaceae, elm). In Olea- ceae, which frequently have 1 transversely elongated bun- dle-trace, this may be transformed into a nearly closed el- lipse, either uninterrupted or broken at rather short intervals. Rather exceptionally, numerous bundle-traces occur scattered over the leaf-scar, as in oak. See, fur- ther, foliar gaps. Burl. A knot or woody growth of very irregular grain, usu- ally because of the continued activity of many slowly developing buds or branch-rudiments. Buttressed. With supporting wings (mahogany trunk). Caducous. Falling away early (bud-scales of clethra). Calyx. The outer floral envelope, consisting of sepals. Canes. The long shoots of blackberry, grape, etc. Canescent. Ash-colored, with gray hairs. Capsule. A dry dehiscent fruit (rose-of-sharon, mock orange). Cataphyls. Scales or leaf rudiments on the lower part of a stem. Catkin. The simple elongated flower-cluster of willow, etc. Cauliflorous. Flowering on the trunk or on specialized spurs from it or from the larger branches (redbud, cacao). -celled. Referring to the number of seed-cavities in a fruit. Chaffy. With flattened hairs (chiogenes) ; thin and chaff -like (coca scales). 366 GLOSSARY Chambered. With cavities separated by plates or disks, as applied to pith; discoid. Ciliate. Hairy on the margin, like the eyelids. Cladophylls or cladodia. Leaf-like flattened branches which serve the purpose of foliage (ruscus). Clasping. Growing around; amplexicaul. Climber. A plant which raises its foliage by supporting itself on surrounding objects, either by twining or coiling about them (bittersweet), by the aid of tendrils (greenbrier, Virginia creeper) or aerial roots (ivy), or by scrambling over them without either coiling or having such special- ized organs of attachment (rose). Coiling. Twining; winding about a support. Collateral. Side-by-side (buds of silver maple in winter). Composite. Compound: the common name of a member of the Compositae. Compound. Of several distinct parts (tamarind leaf; bundle- traces of some maples, branched buds). Compressed. Flattened from the sides, as applied to nodes or buds. Cone. The characteristic scaly fruit of larch and cypress. Confluent. Blending together, not easily distinguishable apart, as applied to bundle-traces. Connate. Grown together (ephedra scales; gardenia stipules; weigelia sepals). Continuous. Not broken by chambers or spongy: solid as ap- plied to pith. Cordate. Heart-shaped in the conventional sense. Coriaceous. Firm and leathery. Corky. Soft and springy, like bottle-cork (bark of Ohio buckeye). Corky-ridged. With elongated warts or ridges on the bark (twigs of bur-oak, sweet gum, rock elm). Corolla. The inner floral envelope, consisting of petals. Corrugated. Closely grooved (stem of moonseed). GLOSSARY 367 Cortex. The rind or outer covering of a stem; technically it lies outside of the vascular bundles, which constitute the stele. Cottony. Much the same as woolly, with white hairs. Creeping. Prostrate and spreading over the ground. Crenate. Scalloped; with rounded teeth. Crenulate. Finely crenate. Crisped. Wavy on the margin (leaves of laurel) ; short and curly when applied to pubescence. Cuticle. The outermost layer of the epidermal cell walls. Deciduous. Falling away (leaves of elm in contrast with the persistent or evergreen leaves of ivy; terminal bud of ailanthus in contrast with the persistent end-bud of false cedar). Deciduous leaf -scars occasionally form at the top of a leaf-cushion which later falls away (cercidiphyllum, cornus, garrya, hamamelis). Decompound. Repeatedly compound. Decurrent. Continued down the stem in a ridge or wing, as applied to leaf-bases. Decussate. With the pairs successively over the gaps of those below (leaf-scars of maple). Dehiscent. Opening to discharge the seeds (fruit) or pollen (anther). Deliquescent. Breaking up into fine branches (white elm). Deltoid. Triangular, with equal sides. Dentate. Toothed, the teeth spreading. Denticulate. Finely dentate. Denuded. Naked through loss of pubescence, epidermis, etc. Depressed. Shortened, as applied to round buds or fruits. Diaphragmed. With firmer plates at the nodes (grape % ) or between them (tulip tree), as applied to continuous pith. Dicotyledonous. Belonging to or characteristic of Dicotyledo- neae, one of the two main groups of angiosperms. Diffused-porous. Wood in which the ducts are scattered and neither larger nor more numerous in the spring wood 368 GLOSSARY than in that formed in summer (willow, basswood). Con- trasted with ring-porous. Digitate. Spreading like the fingers, the leaflets leaving the petiole at one point (stauntonia), as applied to compound leaves. Dingy. Neither white nor brightly colored, as applied to pubescence. Disarticulating. Palling away by abscission, leaving a clean- cut scar, as with most leaves, many flowers, some twig- tips, etc. Discoid. The same as chambered, when applied to pith. Disk. An enlarged tip, as applied to tendrils (Boston ivy). Distichous. Two-ranked. Divergent. The same as spreading. Divided. Deeply lobed (leaves): compound (bundle-traces). Dorsal. Of or on the back of a leaf, etc. Dotted. With lighter or darker spots or blackened hairs or glands, usually on the lower leaf-surface, as here used. Downy. Pubescent with soft short straight hairs. Drupe. A stone-fruit (cherry). Many "berry-like" fruits are technically small drupes, even that of the huckleberry. Duct. A water-passage in the wood; a trachea or vessel: easily seen in oak which is ring-porous, and walnut which is diffused-porous. The size and distribution of ducts afford usable means of distinguishing between bits of wood. Dull. Not glossy. Dwarf-shoots. The same as spurs. Elbowed. Bent, like an arm at the elbow (crape myrtle bud). Ellipsoid. Elliptical in section, like a football. Emergences. Appendages other than hairs, of root, stem or leaf. End-bud. The growing tip normally terminating a stem or its developed branches: sometimes transformed into a flower (magnolia) or inflorescence (lilac), or cast off GLOSSARY 369 early in the season (linden), or killed in winter (bram- ble). Endogenous. Inside-growing. Applied formerly to stems of Monocotyledoneae, which have the wood in fibers scat- tered through the stem. Entire. Neither toothed nor lobed, as applied to leaves. Epidermis. The outer layer of cells covering a leaf or a young twig; often detached from the latter as a thin gray pellicle. Epiphyte. A plant growing on another without being a para- site (conservatory orchids), or on a rock or tree-trunk (mosses, lichens). Contrasted usually with plants rooted in the soil; sometimes with parasites. Epitrophic. More nourished and developed on the upper side (horizontal branches of linden). Erect. Contrasted with spreading, appressed, prostrate, etc. Evanescent. Quickly disappearing. Evergreen. Holding or constituting green foliage through the winter. Excavated. Hollowed out, as applied to pith, making the stem fistulous. Exfoliating. Peeling away (bark of canoe birch). Exogenous. Outside growing. Applied formerly to the stems of Dicotyledoneae and Gymnospermae, which have the wood in a zone between pith and bark and add to it by annual growth. Extra-axillary or supra-axillary. Above rather than in the axil. Falcate. Sickle-shaped (leaves of mature blue gum). Fascicled. Clustered, like leaves on a spur of barberry. Fastigiate. With upright branches (Lombardy poplar). Fibrous-flaking. Flaking in narrow shreds (bark of osage orange). Filiform. Thread-like and slender (chiogenes stem). Fimbriate. Fringed: perhaps more properly with a torn membrane. 370 GLOSSARY Fissured. Torn lengthwise, as applied to bark, or to pith, for which the more general term spongy is used. Fistulous. Hollow, with excavated pith (honeysuckle stem). Flaking. Shredding, but with short fragments. Fleshy, or -succulent. Not hard and woody (stem) ; not dry (fruit, bud-scales). Floriferous, florigerous. Flower-bearing, or producing flowers. Fluted. Corrugated or ridged lengthwise. Foliage. Collectively, the leaves of a plant: the green ex- panded organs in which carbon from the air is combined into organic compounds. Foliage-sprays. Twigs that finally fall away carrying the small leaves with them, sometimes at end of the first season (tamarisk), sometimes after several years (arbor vitae). Foliar-gaps or lacunae. Breaks between the vascular bundles of the stem which run continuously from one internode into another. Through these breaks certain bundles of the stem pass out into the leaves to constitute the net- work of veins through which these organs are supplied with water absorbed by the root and conducted to them through the stem. An admirable illustrated paper on the anatomy of the node as an aid in the classification of angiosperms is published by Sinnott in The American Journal of Botany for July 1914. Follicle. A small dry fruit opening down one edge (nine- bark). Fragmented. Not continuous, as applied to bundle-traces. Fringed. Ciliate with glands or scales rather than fine hairs, as here used. Fusiform. Spindle-shaped (buds of beach). Gametes. Sex-cells: egg and sperm. Gamophyllous. Of united leaves; gamopetalous when these are petals, gamosepalous when they are sepals. GLOSSARY 371 Glabrate. Nearly glabrous. Glabrescent. Becoming glabrous. Glabrous. Not hairy; without trichomes. Glands. Secreting organs (resin-glands of sweet bay, nec- tar-glands of cherry laurel, oil-glands of orange). Leaf- teeth and stipules often end in minute glands. Glandular-bristly. With stiff gland-tipped hairs. Glandular-ciliate. Fringed with small glands. Glandular-pubescent. With gland-tipped hairs. Glaucous. With white or bluish bloom (box elder twig). Globose. Shaped like a globe; spherical. Granular. Minutely roughened. Gritty, Containing hard particles (pith of aucuba). Gum. A rather fluid resin, as loosely used. Gummy. Sticky, as applied to sap. Gymnosperms. Plants that have naked seeds, not enclosed in a pistil. With angiosperms, they constitute the flower- ing plants or seed-plants. Habit. General appearance or mode of growth. Hairs. Superficial outgrowths; trichomes: sometimes flat and scale-like (rhododendron), sometimes of rays like the spokes of a wheel, when they are spoken of as stellate (deutzia), sometimes round plates attached in the middle, when they are spoken of as peltate (oleaster). Hairy. Pubescent: often used when the hairs are rather long. Half-shrub. A suffruticose or soft-wooded* plant. Hardy. Used in the horticultural sense, enduring winter-cold. Harsh. Rough to the touch, as applied to pubescence. Head. A round or flat cluster of sessile flowers. Heath-like. Fine-stemmed and low, rather simple, with per- sistent leaves. Herbaceous. Not woody; in contrast with lignified. Hispid. With stiff bristly hairs. 372 GLOSSARY Homogeneous. Without firmer plates or grit, as here used for pith: composed entirely of living cells, as applied by Gris. Homologous. Of comparable morphological origin. See mor- phology. Honeycombed. Finely spongy (pith of wintergreen). Horrid. Used in the classical sense. Hypotrophic. More nourished and developed on the lower side (horizontal branches of yew). Imbricated. Overlapping like shingles. Impressed-veiny or venulose. With sunken veins or veinlets. Incipient. Beginning or developing. Indefinite or indistinct. Not readily made out: usually be- cause very small or hairy (bud-scales), or because over- grown by a corky layer (bundle-traces). Indehiscent. Not opening, as applied to fruits. Inequilateral. With unequal sides: the same as oblique when applied to leaves or leaflets. Inferior. Applied to a flower or fruit in which the pistil appears to bear the calyx on its side (witch hazel) or top (apple). Inflorescence. A flower cluster. Inflorescence-scar. The scar from which a flower-cluster has fallen. Infra-. Below. Infra-axillary, below the axil or leaf (goose- berry prickle) ; infraspinal, below the spine (bougainvil- lea bud). Internode. The part of a stem between two nodes. Intricate. Much branched with entangled branches. Involucrate. With an involucre or cluster of bracts. Involucre. A cluster of modified leaves about a flower-cluster. Isodiametric. As broad as high. Junctures. The same as winter nodes. The points at which one season's growth is succeeded by the next: they com- prise the interrameal region of Gris. GLOSSARY 373 Keel. A ridge on the back of a leaf or bud-scale. Knees. Pointed or dome-like outgrowths from cypress roots, rising above the water. Lacunae. See Foliar-gaps. Lanceolate. Shaped like a lance-head, as applied to leaves. Lateral. Applied to all but the truly terminal bud. Leaf. The foliage appendages of the stem, though not al- ways serving as foliage: sometimes metamorphosed into a spine (barberry) or tendril (clematis) or reduced to a scale (tamarisk). Leaves originate at and mark the nodes or joints of the stem. Buds normally occur in the angles or axils above leaves and are correspondingly alter- nate, opposite or whorled on the stem. Leaf-axis. The same as rachis. Leaf-cushion. A raised base on which the leaf-scar sometimes appears. Leaf-scars. Scars from which leaves have fallen. They usu- ally occur characteristically either singly (alternate) or paired (opposite) or in groups of more than 2 (whorled) at each node. Leaf-scars differ greatly in size and shape, and offer some of the best winter-characters. The points where woody strands passed up into the leaf are usually evident, and are called bundle-traces. Typical leaf-scars are essentially at the level of the stem; but they are raised on a pronounced base or leaf-cushion in some cases, or the buds are covered by an articular membrane in others. Leaf-spine. A spine metamorphosed from a leaf. Leaflet. One of the divisions of a compound leaf. Legume. A pod: characteristic fruit of the pea family. Lenticels. Wart-like prominences breaking through the bark of most young twigs (elder, cherry). Lignified. Woody, in contrast with herbaceous. Linear. Long and narrow (leaves) ; nearly straight (leaf- scars). 374 GLOSSARY Lined. Rather lightly ridged or ribbed. Lobed. Divided rather deeply, as applied to leaves. Lucky-nuts or knots. A name sometimes given by children to woody structures imbedded in the bark of beech, olive, etc. They represent loosely attached rudimentary branches and are comparable with burls. Matted. Growing in very compact tufts, or so as to form a low close cover to the ground. Medullary rays. The plates radiating between pith and cor- tex in exogenous stems. Like pith, they serve for the storage of reserve food, usually starch as may be demon- strated by a drop of iodine on the end of a twig cut in winter. Member. A morphological part of a plant: root, stem, leaf. Membranaceous. Thinner and less firm than coriaceous. Metamorphosis. Conversion of a member of the plant body into an organ differing in function from its usual form: tendril of grape (stem) or clematis (leaf) and aerial roots of poison ivy (root) as organs of climbing; spine of red- haw (stem) or barberry (leaf), or pea-tree (leaf rachis) as organs of protection; cladodia of butcher's broom (stem), green roots of some conservatory orchids, etc.," as foliage. Midrib. The strong main vein of a leaf. Milky. Colored, usually white, as applied to sap. Moniliform. Resembling a necklace of beads (sophora fruit). Monocotyledonous. Belonging to or characteristic of Monoco- tyledoneae, one of the two main groups of angiosperms. Morphology. The science of form in living things, classify- ing their parts as members from the view-point of origin and development. However they may differ in function, members that are morphologically of like origin are ho- mologous one with another. Mucronate. With a short stiff abrupt point. Mucronulate. Minutely mucronate. GLOSSARY 375 Multiple. Applied to several buds in or over an axil, instead of the customary single or solitary bud. Naked. Without specialized scales, as applied to buds. Nectar-glands. Glands that secrete the sugary fluid nectar: common in flowers; characteristic of the petioles of cher- ries, the under surface of leaves of the cherry-laurel, the calyx of paeonies, etc. Netted-veined. Much the same as reticulate. Nodal. At or pertaining to a node. Node. The part of a stem marked by a leaf, or a pair or whorl of leaves. Nodose. Swollen into joints. Nutlets. Small, hard fruits or their parts, or the stones of a small drupe. Ob-. Used as a prefix to indicate inversion: obcordate in con- trast with cordate, oblanceolate, etc. Oblique. Not immediately over the leaf-scar (mulberry bud): not equal-sided at base (tamarind leaflet). Obliquely opposite. Sometimes said of normally opposite leaves with some pairs broken (ash, etc.). Oblong. Between elliptical and linear in shape. Obscure. Not easily made out, as applied to buds, bundle- traces, etc. Obtuse. Blunt, in contrast with acute. Ochreae. Sheathing stipules, or their near equivalent, of Polygonaceae. Odd-pinnate. Pinnate with a terminal or odd leaflet: con- trasted with abruptly pinnate. Odoriferous. Much the same as aromatic but of questionable fragrance. Olivaceous. Brownish or yellowish green, like a pickled olive. Opposite. Two at a -node, as applied to leaf-scars. Organ. A physiological part of a plant, considered with ref- erence to the work it does rather than its morphological origin. 376 GLOSSARY Osier-like. Long and lithe (shoots of willow or dogwood). Ovate. Shaped like the section of an egg. Ovoid. Egg-shaped. Palmate. The same as digitate. Contrasted with pinnate. Panicle. A branched cluster of stalked flowers (lilac). Panicled. In panicles. Papery. Firm but thin, as applied to leaves. Papillate. Much the same as granular, the granules more elevated. Papillately hairy. With short thick hairs, or hairs from papillae. Parted. Much the same as divided, when applied to leaves or stipules. Pedicel. The stalk of an individual flower in a flower-cluster. Pedicel- or peduncle-scar. The scar from which a flower or flower-cluster has fallen. Peduncle. The stalk of a flower-cluster, or of a solitary flower. Pellucid-dotted or punctate or glandular. With translucent dots when held to the light (orange leaf). Peltate. Attached to a stalk nearly by its center (scales of oleaster). Percurrent. With the main trunk continued through to the top: contrasted with deliquescent. Persistent. Not deciduous, as applied to leaves: not disap- pearing, as applied to pith, pubescence, epidermis, etc. Petals. Modified leaves forming the inner floral envelope. Petiole. The leaf-stalk; rarely (nandina) persistent after the rest of the leaf has fallen. Petioled or petiolate. With a petiole: stalked, as applied to leaves. Petiolule. The petiole or stalk of a leaflet. Phyllodia. Dilated petioles taking the place of foliage (acacia). GLOSSARY 377 Phyllotaxis. Leaf-arrangement: alternate, or separate in 2, 3, 5 or 8 ranks, on many plants; opposite, or in groups of 2, in others; whorled, or in groups of more than 2, in still others. Physiology. The science of function in living things, classi- fying their parts as organs with respect to the work they perform. Organs of unlike morphological origin are anal- ogous to one another. See metamorphosis; morphology. Pinna. One of the divisions of a pinnate leaf. Pinnate. Like the plume of a feather: having the leaflets along a rachis, as applied to compound leaves (tamarind). Contrasted with digitate or palmate. Pinnule. A leaflet of a bipinnate or decompound leaf. Pistillate. Producing pistil, or seed-organ, but not stamens (ear of corn, "female" cottonwood). Pith. The central part of a dicotyledonous or exogenous stem, surrounded by the woody cylinder: usually continu- ous and of uniform texture, or gritty or surrounded by cells different from those at the center, or exceptionally with plates of firmer cells, or diaphragms, at the nodes (paper mulberry, grape) or at intervals between them (tupelo) though otherwise continuous; rather commonly with cavities like a sponge (evonymus), or entirely exca- vated or disappearing, at least between the nodes (honey- suckle) so as to make the stem fistulous; not infrequently chambered between persistent thin plates or disks (wal- nut) when it is spoken of sometimes as discoid. Pithy. Sometimes used in the sense of having large pith and little wood. Pod. A dry dehiscent seed-vessel. Pointed. The general equivalent of acute, acuminate or mu- cronate. Pollen. The male cells or microspores produced by flowers. Pome. An apple-fruit, with a papery or bony core at center and crowned by sepals or scars from which they have 378 GLOSSARY fallen. Many "berry-like" fruits are really small pomes (cotoneaster). Preformed. Already with definite shape or structure (leaves within the bud). Prehensile. Clasping, coiling in response to touch (tendrils). Prickle. A pungent outgrowth of a stem or leaf, not repre- senting a modified form of either member (rose). Prominent. Standing out, usually in the literal sense. Pruinose. Encrusted with wax, very glaucous (bayberry fruit). Puberulent. Minutely pubescent. Pubescence. Collective name for the hairs of a plant. Pubescent. With hairs, in contrast with glabrous: sometimes used to designate the presence of soft short hairs in con- trast with villous, hispid, etc. Punctate. Marked with small points: dotted. Pungent. With a sharp hard point: acrid in taste or odor. Raceme. An elongated unbranched cluster of stalked flowers. Racemed or racemose. In racemes. Rachis. The axis along which the leaflets of a pinnate leaf are arranged (tamarind). Rachis-spine. A spine metamorphosed from a leaf-rachis. Ranks. As applied to leaf-scars, the longitudinal series in which these are arranged on the stem; usually 2, 3, 5 or 8 when they are alternate, and twice as many as the scars at a node when these are opposite or whorled; also applied to bud-scales. Receptacle. The part of a stem that bears the floral organs or, when enlarged, the flower (cashew apple) or flowers (fig). Reduced. Smaller or simpler than usual, as commonly ap- plied. Resin. A hardening gum, as loosely used. GLOSSARY 379 Resin-warts or glands. Glands that secrete resin (bayberry, black birch). Resiniferous or resinifluous. Exuding or producing resin. Reticulate. Netted, usually referring to veins of a leaf. Retrorsely hairy. With hairs directed downward on stem or leaf. Revolute. With the margins rolled back, as applied to leaves. Ring-porous. Wood in which the ducts first formed in the season are either larger or more crowded than those formed in summer (oak). Root-climber. A plant climbing by aid of aerial roots. Rudiment. Beginning of an undeveloped member. Con- trasted with vestige. Rugulose. Minutely rugose or wrinkled. Savory. Smelling like thyme. Sap. As here used, the fluid that flows from a freshly cut leaf-stalk or twig. Scabrous. Rough to the touch. Scale. As usually employed, a reduced leaf, as in winter buds, ruscus, etc.: one of the parts of a cone of the larch, etc.: a flattened (rhododendron) or peltate (elaeagnus) hair. Scarious. Thin, dry and papery. Scattered. Not in any of the usual definite groups, as applied to leaves, bundle-traces, etc. Scrambling-plants. Climbers that neither coil nor produce aerial roots or tendrils (rose). Scurfy. Scaly rather than hairy. Sepals. Modified leaves forming the outer floral envelope. Serrate. Saw-toothed: the teeth pointed upward. Serrulate. Serrate with fine teeth. Sessile. Not stalked. Setaceous. Bristle-like, very narrow. 380 GLOSSARY Sheathing. Forming a (frequently tubular) sheath (sea grape stipules). Shield-shaped. Of the conventional shield-form (leaf scar of cyrilla) : peltate (scale-chaff of oleaster). Shredding. Falling away in shreds (bark of grape). Shrub. A woody plant not becoming a tree: usually the equivalent of the colloquial word bush, which also ex- cludes climbers. Silky. With soft appressed hairs. Simple. Not compound, of one part (ivy leaf; maple bundle- traces). Sinuate. With wavy margin, as applied to leaves. Smooth. Not roughened, not warty: wrongly used for gla- brous. Soft-wooded. Suffruticose, not fully lignified, as here used. Spatulate. Oblong with the upper part rather abruptly widened. Spermatophytes. Seed-plants: flowering plants. Spine. A specialized pungent form of the leaf (barberry) or its stipules (locust) or rachis (pea-tree) ; or of a twig (hawthorn). Contrasted with prickle. Spinescent. Turning into spines. Spirally arranged. Leaves or their equivalent that are neither opposite nor whorled and not 2-ranked. Spongy. Porous, suggesting a sponge, as applied to pith. Spreading. Not closely appressed to the twig (buds) or the surface (hairs) ; horizontal as applied to branches. Spur. A dwarf-branch, as applied to twigs (larch, birch), often bearing the flower-buds (pear). Stalked. Elongated perceptibly below the lowest scales, as applied to buds (alder). Staminate. Producing stamens or pollen-organs, but not pis- til (tassel of corn, "male" cottonwood). GLOSSARY 381 Standard. In horticulture, a small tree commonly produced by grafting a weeping or dwarf form on a trunk of the desired height. Star-shaped or stellate. With several arms radiating from a center (hairs of deutzia; pith of oak in cross section). Staring. Widely spreading, as applied to hairs, etc. Stellate-scurfy. Scurfy with star-shaped hairs or scales. Stem. The trunk and its branches: one of the three funda- mental parts of a higher plant, root, stem and leaf. Sterigmata. The raised bases from which some small leaves fall (spruce). Stipular. Pertaining to or derived from stipules. Stipulate. Provided with stipules. Stipule-scars. Scars from which stipules have fallen; some- times forming a ring around the twig (magnolia), or very unequal (elm) ; usually small. Stipule-spines. Spines metamorphosed from stipules. Stipules. Small basal outgrowths of a leaf; sometimes serv- ing as bud scales (beech), or spines (locust); usually otherwise represented by scars, if at all, in winter. The relation of stipules to the nodal anatomy of plants is considered by Sinnott and Bailey in The American Jour- nal of Botany for November 1914. Stolon. A stem that arches over and roots at the tip (black- cap). Stoloniferous. Producing stolons. Stomata. The "breathing-pores" of a leaf. Stone. The hard inner part of a drupe or stonefruit (cherry). Stratified. In horizontal layers (foliage of red haw and tupelo). Striate. Striped, usually by alternating ridges and grooves. Sub-. Often used as a prefix in the sense of nearly: sub- acute, subsessile, etc. 382 GLOSSARY Subtending. Standing below. Succulent. Fleshy (stem of ocotillo; scales of hawthorn). Suckers. Adherent disks on tendrils (Boston ivy) ; also ap- plied to new stems that originate underground (poplar), or to canes (rose). Sulcate. Grooved. Sunken. In depressions (buds of coffee-nut or buttonball). Supernumerary. Beyond the usual number (superposed or collateral buds). Superposed. One above the other (buds of coffee-nut). Suppressed. Undeveloped or rudimentary, when applied to buds, etc. Surpassing. Sometimes used in the sense of longer than. Tender. In the horticultural sense of not enduring winter cold. Tendril. A climbing organ metamorphosed from leaf (cle- matis), stipules (smilax) or stem (grape). Terete. Round in cross-section as though rolled between the fingers, as applied to twigs, capsules, etc. Teretely. In a terete manner. Ternate. Compound or decompound with 3 divisions (nan- dina leaf). Thorn. The same as spine. Tomentose. Woolly. Tomentulose. Microscopically tomentose or woolly. Toothed. With the margin cut into, but not deeply enough for lobing, as applied to leaves. Torsion. Twisting. It frequently gives a false impression of the number of ranks in which leaf-scars stand. Leaves of privet, pernettya and many other plants lie in one plane through curving of their petioles, though they origi- nate on the stem in 4 ranks. Torulose. Much the same as moniliform: necklace-like. GLOSSARY 383 Tracheae. The ducts or vessels of wood; chains of elongated cells the cross partitions between which have more or less completely disappeared. Tracheides. Short pitted or spirally thickened cells replac- ing tracheae as water channels in the wood of most gym- nosperms. Trailing. Slender-stemmed, prostrate on the ground. Transverse. Used sometimes in the sense of transversely lengthened. Transversely joined leaf-scars. Those of a pair or whorl con- nected by a ridge or line running around the twig. Tree. A woody plant, usually of large size or with a single trunk when smaller. Contrasted with shrub, but not easily separated in definition, as sumach, witch hazel and many other plants show. Trichomes. The same as hairs. Trifoliolate. Of 3 leaflets, as applied to compound leaves. Truncate. Abruptly cut off (seed of hardy catalpa; petiole of fendlera; leaf-scar of sorbaria). Truncately. In a truncate manner. Trunk. The main stem or axis of a tree. Tuberculate. Warty. Tube. The lower tubular part of a gamophyllous calyx or corolla, etc. Twig-spine. A spine metamorphosed from a twig. Twigs. The finer or finest branches of a stem. Twiggy. Used in the sense of having many divergent twigs. Twinned-hairs. Two-armed appressed hairs (dogwood). Unarmed. Without either spines or prickles, though the leaves may have pungent teeth or tip as in holly. Unifoliolate. Really compound, though of only one leaflet (leaf of barberry or orange). Uniform. Neither diaphragmed nor gritty, as here applied to pith. 284 GLOSSARY Urceolate. Urn-shaped in the conventional sense, with the neck contracted. Valvate. Meeting by the edges but not overlapping. Valves. The parts into which a capsule finally breaks. Vascular bundles. The strands, chiefly woody, of root, stem or leaf. Veinlets. The finer or finest veins of a leaf. Veins. The woody bundles of a leaf, often called nerves when they run rather distinctly from its base to tip. Veiny. Usually meaning with conspicuous veins. Velvety. Downy: pubescent with short spreading hairs. Venulose. Finely veiny. Vernation. Arrangement of leaves in the bud. Verticillate. Whorled. Vessels. Ducts, or tracheae. Vestiges. The remnants of disappearing parts. Contrasted with rudiments or unformed parts. Villous. With long spreading hairs. Vine. A- climbing or trailing plant, in popular usage. Warty. With rounded warts or tubercles (twig of elder). Contrasted with granular, where the roughening is fine. Weeping. With drooping branches, as used horticulturally. Whorled. Three or more at a node, as applied to leaf-scars. Winged. With thin border or appendage (leaf-scar of some maples, twig of some spindle-trees, petiole of orange). Wood. Technically, the xylem or part of the fibro-vascular bundles of higher plants that contains ducts or trache- ides, in contrast with the bast or phloem which contains sieve-cells. Wood-parenchyma. Tissue with ducts and tracheides, in wood. Woody fibers. As here used loosely, the vascular bundles. Woolly. With long curved tangled hairs. Zig-zag. Bent back and forth at the nodes. INDEX. Abelia 358 Acacia 133 Acacia, Rose 157 Acanthopanax 259, 258 Acer 202, 208, 350 Achras 302 Acidoton 176 Actinidia 232 Adelia 316 Adolphia 221, 197, 214 Aegle 169 Aesculus 207, 208, 209 Aguacate 70 Ailanthus 170, 11, 116, 140 Akebia 55 Albizzia 132 Alder 25 Alder, Black 193 Algaroba 138 Allspice 255 All thorn 241 Allamanda 324 Alligator pear 70 Almond 129 Alnus 25, 26 Amatungulu 323 Amelanchier 110 American laurel 278 Amorpha 150 Ampelopsis 222, 225 Amphiraphis 360 Anacardium 184, 218 Andrachne 175, 176 Andromeda 284, 278, 286 Angelica tree 260 Annona 68 Ants 133 Apache plume 118 Aphananthe 41, 40 Apricot 130 Aralia 260, 51 Arbutus, Trailing 289 Arctostaphylos 292, 278 Arctous 293 Aristolochia 44 Aronia 105 Arrow wood 349 Artemisia 360* Ascyrum 236 Ash 310 Ash, Mountain 106 Ash, Prickly 161 385 Ash, Wafer 164 Asimina 68, 67 Asparagus 8 Aspen 10 Aster 360 Aucuba 264 Azalea 272 Azalea, Trailing 277 Baccharis 360 Bald Cypress 5 Balm of Gilead 10 Balsam 9 Banana shrub 62 Barberry 57, 59, 60 Basswood 226 Batodendron 295 Bay 73 Bayberry 13 Bean, Screw 135 Bearberry 292, 293 Beech 27 Beech, Blue 21 Begonia, Trailing 223 Benzoin 72 Berberis 57, 59, 60 Berchemia 217 Betula 23, 26, 85 386 INDEX 336 Bignonia 338 (Buckthorn, Sea 247 Birch 23, 290 Buckwheat tree 189 Birch, West Indianj Buddleia 321 Buffalo berry 248 Bull horn 133 Bumelia 302 Burning bush 195 Bursera 171 Butcher's broom 7 Butneria 66 Butternut 16 Button bush 344 171 Bittersweet 199, Black alder 193 Blackberry 115 Blackjack 30 Bladder nut 201 Bladder senna 152 Blue beech 21 Blueberry 295 Blue gum 257 Bog rosemary 284 Boston ivy 222 Bougainvillea 46 Box 177, 252 Box, Brisbane 256 Box elder 204 Bramble 115 Brisbane box 256 Broom 146 Broom, Butcher's 7 Broom, Spanish 145 Buxus 177 Cacao 229, 235 Caesalpinia 134 Caffein 235, 346 Callicarpa 331, 321 Calluna 298, 278 Calocarpum 302 Calophaca 155 Calycanthus 66, 67 Calycocarpum 61 Calycotome 134 Broom crowberry 179, Camellia 235 Broussonetia 36 Bryanthus 279 Buckeye 207 Buckeye, Chinese 211 Buckeye, Mexican 210 Buckleya 43 Buckthorn 220 Camphor 69 Campsis 339, 342 Caiiatillo 6 Cape jessamine 345 Capillaire 297 Capparis 73 Caprifolium 353 Caragana 154, 153, 141 Buckthorn, False 302 Carica 243 Carissa 323 Carob 138 Carolina jessamine 322 Carolina moonseed 61 Carpinus 21 Carya 18, 17 Caryopteris 332, 321 Cascara sagrada 220 Cashew apple 218 Cassandra 285 Cassena 193 Cassia bark 69 Cassiope 282 Castanea 28 Cat vine 232 Catalpa 341, 337 Cauliflory 229 Ceanothus 219, 215 Cedar, False 173 Cedrela 173 Celastrus 163, 199 Celtis 39, 40, 80 Cephalanthus 344 Ceratiola 181 Ceratonia 138 Ceratostigma 301 Cercidiphyllum 49, 47 Cercidium 142 Cercis 137 Cercocarpus 120 Chaenomeles 103 Chamaebatia 122, 96 INDEX 387 Chamaebatiaria 96, Clematis 52 Corylopsis 89 122 Clerodendron 329 Corylus 20 Chamaecistus 277 Clethra 268 Cotinus 186 Chamaedaphne 285 Cliftonia 189 Cotoneaster 100 Chaparral 215, 216 Climbing hydrangea Cotton gum 265 Chaste tree 333 78 Cottonwood 10 Cherimoya 68 Clove 255 Covillea 160 Cherry 127 Coca 158 Cowania 119, 118 Cherry, Cornelian Coccoloba 45 Cranberry 295 263 Cocculus 61, 55 Cranberry, High- Cherry laurel 129 Cockspur thorn 111 bush 350 Chestnut 28 Cocoa 229 Crape myrtle 249 Chick pea 136 Coffea 346 Crataegus 111, 99, Chicozapote 302 Coffee 346, 42, 229, 121 Chilopsis 340 235 Creeping snowberry Chimonanthus 67 Coffee tree 140 297 China berry i74, 208; Cola 231 Creosote bush 160 Chinese buckeye 211 Colletia 214, 221 Cross vine 338 Chinquapin 28, 31 Colutea 152 Crowberry 179, 180 Chiogenes 297, 294 Comandra 43 Crown of thorns 213 Chionanthus 317 Comptonia 13 Cupseed 61 Chittam wood 186 Condalia 215 Currant 82 Chlorophora 35 Confederate jessa- Custard apple 68 Chokeberry 105 mine 325 Cydonia 102, 103 Chocolate 235 Coral berry 352 Cypress, Bald 5 Chrysanthemum 360 Corchorus 113 Cyrilla 190 Cinchona 343 Corema 179 Cytisus 146, 148 Cinnamomum 69 Coriaria 182, 132 Cinnamon 69 Cork tree 165 Daboecia 280 Cinquefoil 117 Corkwood 14 Dahoon 193 Cissus 223, 222 Cormus 106 Dangleberry 294 Cistus 236 Cornel 262 Daphne 244 Citrange 169 Cornelian cherry 263 Dasiphora 117 Citrus 168, 167, 169 Cornus 262, 137, 350 Davidia 266 Cladrastis 144, 44 Coronilla 156 Decaisnea 53 388 INDEX Decumaria 79 Dendrium 276 Desert willow 340 Deutzia 77, 78, 344 Devil's club 260 Dewberry 116 Diapensia 300 Diervilla 348, 344 Dimorphanthus 260 Diospyros 303 Dipelta 347 Dirca 245 Disanthus 86 Distegium 353 Dogwood 262 Dorycnium 134 Dutchman's pipe 44 Echinopanax 260 Edwinia 75 , Egg plant 336 Ehretia 329 Elaeagnus 247, 246, 248 Elder 359 Elder, Box 204 Eleutherococcus 259 Elliottia 269, 270 Elm 38, 85 Empetrum 180 Enkianthus 281, 270 Ephedra 6 Epigaea 289, 278 Erica 278, 299 Eriobotrya 108 Eriogonum 150 Erythroxylon 158 Eucalyptus 257 Eucommia 48, 47 Eugenia 255 Euonymus 195 Euptelea 47 Euscaphis 201 Evodia 162 Evonymus 195, 194 Exochorda 98 Fadyenia 267 Fagus 27, 32 Fallugia 118, 119 False buckthorn 302 False cedar 173 False indigo 150 Fatsia 258 Feijoa 254 Fendlera 76 Fetter bush 283 Ficus 36, 37, 45, 73 Fig 37 Filbert 20 Fire thorn 99 Fontanesia 309 Forestiera 316, 317 Forsellesia 197 Forsythia 242, 308 Fortunella 168 Fothergilla 87, 86, 89 Fouquieria 239 Fragrant olive 315 Frangula 220 Franklinia 234 Fraxinus 310, 317 French mulberry 331 Fringe tree 317 Furze 149 Fustic 35 Gardenia 345 Garrambullo 335 Garrya 267 Gaultheria 290, 271, 275, 278 Gaylussacia 294 Gelsemium 322 Genista 147 Georgia bark 343 Ginkgo 3 Gleditsia 139, 132 Glossopetalon 197 Golden chain 148 Gooseberry 82, 161 Gordonia 234, 269 Grape 224 Grape, Sea 45 Greenbrier 8 Grevillea 42. Grewia 227 Groundsel tree 360 Guaiacum 157 Guarana 235 - Guava 253, 254 Gum, Blue 257 Gum, Cotton 265 Gum, Sweet 85 INDEX 389 Gum styrax 306 Gumbo limbo 171 Gutierrezia 360 Gymnocladus 140, 170 Hackberry 39 Hahnia 106 Halesia 304, 305 Halimodendron 153 Hamamelis 88, 86, 87, 89 Harrimaniella 282 Hawthorn 111 Hazel 20 Heath 299 Heath, Mountain 278 Heath, St. Dabeoc's 280 Heather 298 Hedera 258 Hedysarum 134 Helianthemum 240 Helwingia 261, 7 Herbs, Savory 334 Hercules' club 260 Hibiscus 228 Hickory 18 Highbush cranberry 350 Hippocastanum 207 Hippophae 248, 246 Holly 191, 194, 315 Honey locust 139 Honey tree 218 Honeysuckle 353 Hop hornbeam 22 Hop tree 164 Hopea 307 Hornbeam 21 Hornbeam, Hop 22 Horse sugar 307 Horsechestnut 207 Hortensia 81 Hovenia 218 Huckleberry 294 Hudsonia 240 Hugeria 295 Humming bird 339 Hybrid barberry 60| Hybrid chokeberry 105 Hybrid orange 169 Hydrangea 81, 344 Hydrangea, Climb- ing 78 Hypericum 237 Hyssop 334 Hyssopus 334 Idria 239 Ilex 191, 163, 235, 315 Ilicioides 194 Imperial tree 337 Incense 84 Indigo, False 150 Indigofera 134 Inkberry 193 Itea 80, 75 Iva 360 Ivy 258, 177 Ivy, Boston 222 Ivy, Marine 223 Ivy, Poison 188 Jamesia 75, 312 Jasmine 320, 325 Jasminum 320 Jerusalem thorn 141, 213 Jessamine 320, 322, 325, 345 Jojoba 178 Judas tree 137 Juglans 16, 68, 80 Jujube 212, 213 Julibrissin 132 Jute. 113 Kalmia 278 Kalmiella 278 Kalopanax 259 Kerria 113, 93 Kinnikinnik 263 Koeberlinia 241,214, 221 Koelreuteria 209 Kola 231 Kolkwitzia 357 Kumquat 168 Kunzia 121 Labrador tea 271 290 INDEX Laburnum 148, 134, 146 Lace bark 245 Lagerstroemia 249 Lagetta 245 Larch 4 Larix 4 Larrya 160 Laurel 73 Laurel, American 278 Laurel, Cherry 129 Laurus 73 Lead plant 150 Leather leaf 285 Leatherwood 245 Ledum 271, 278, 285 Leiophyllum 276 Leitneria 14 Lemon 168 Lepargyraea 248 Lespedeza 134 Leucaena 134 Leucothoe 283, 270, 278 Leycesteria 356 Lignum vitae 159 Ligustrum 319 Lilac 313, 113 Lilac, Californian 219 Lime 226 Lime, Ogeeche 265 Limeberry 167 Limonia 167 Linden 226 Lindera 72 Linnaea 355 Liquidambar 85, 89, 306 Liriodendron 62, 47, 65 Locust 157, 161 Locust, Honey 139 Loiseleuria 277, 216 Lonicera 353, 356 348, 352 Loquat 108 Lotus 212 Lucuma 302 Lycium 335, 215 Lyonia 287, 286, 270, 278 Maackia 144 Maclura 35 Maddenia 126 Magnolia 63, 65, 68, 45, 47 Mahoberberis 60, 155J Mahogany 172 Mahogany, Moun- tain 120 Mahonia 59, 57 Maidenhair tree 3 Mairania 293 Malus 102, 104 Mamey 302 Mangifera 183 Mango 183 Mangrove 251 Manna ash 310 Maple 202 Marica 267 Marine ivy 223 Mastacanthus 332 Mastic 184 Mate 231 Matrimony vine 335 Melia 174 Menispermum 61, 55 Menziesia 275, 270 Meratia 67 Mespilus 105, 110 Mesquite 135 Mexican buckeye 210 Mezereon 244 Michelia 64, 147 Micromeles 106 Microrhamnus 216 Mimosa, Texas 133 Mistletoe 43 Mock orange 74 Mockernut 18 Mohrodendron 304 Monkey tree 260 Moonseed 61 Morus 34 Mountain ash 106, 105 Mountain bearberry 293 Mountain heath 279 Mountain holly 194 Mountain lover 198 INDEX 391 Mountain mahog- Ocotillo 239 any 120 Odostemon 59 Moxie plum 297 Ogeeche lime 265 Muhlenbeckia 7 Olea 318 Mulberry 34 Oleander 326 Mulberry, French Oleaster 247 331 Olive 318 Mulberry, Paper 36 Olive, Fragrant 315 Myrica 13 Ononis 134 Myricaria 238 Opulaster 91 Myrslne 252 Orange 168 Myrtle 252 Orange, Hardy 169 Myrtle, Crape 249 Orange, Mock 74 Myrtle, Running 252 Orange, Osage 35 Myrtle, Sand 276 Orixa, 163 Myrtle, Wax 13 Osage orange 35 Myrtus 252 Osmanthus 315 Osmaronia 125 Nandina 56, 51 Osoberry 125 Nathusa 312 Ostrya 22 Negundo 202 Othera 163 Neillia 92, 91, 94 Oxycoccus 95 Nemopanthus 194 Oxydendrum 288, Nerium 326 270 Nespera 108 Neviusia 114 Pachistima 198 New Jersey tea 219 Paeonia 50 Ninebark 91 Paeony 50 Nuttallia 125 Pagoda tree 143 Nyssa 265, 266, 68 Paliurus 213 Palo verde 142 Oak 29, 16, 85, 215 Papain 243 Oak, Poison 180 Papaw 68, 243 Oak, Silk 42 Papaya 243 Oakesia 179 Paper mulberry 36 Paraguay tea 231, 235 Parkinsonia, 141, 153 Parrotia 86, 89 Parthenocissus 225, 222 Paullinia 235 Paulownia 337 Pavia 207 Pea tree 154 Pear 104 Pear, Alligator 70 Peach 129 Pearl bush 98 Pecan 18 Pepper bush 268 Pepper tree 185 Pepper vine 222 Pepperidge 265 Peraphyllum 110 Iperiploca 327 Periwinkle 252 Pernettya 291 Persea 70 Persimmon 303 Peruvian bark 343 Petraea 330 Petteria 134 Phellodendron 165 Philadelphus 74, 76, 79, 113 Phillyraea 314 Phlomis 334 ,392 INDEX Photinia 109 Phyllanthus 7 Phyllodoce 279 Physocarpus 91, 82 Pieris .286, 270 Pigeon plum 45 Pignut 18 Pimenta 255 Pinckneya 343 Pineapple guava 254 Pistacia 184 Pittosporum 84 Plagiospermum 131 Planera 39, 40 Platanus 90, 44, 45 Platycarya 15 Plum 127 Plum, Moxie 297 Plum, Pigeon 45 Poison oak 188 Poison ivy 188 Polycodium 295 Pomegranate 250 Poncirocitrus 169 Poncirus 169, 167 Popinac 134 Poplar 9, 33 Populus 9 Potato 336 Potentilla 117, 119 Pourthiaea 110 Prickly ash 161 Prinsepia 131 Privet 319 Privet, Swamp 316 Prosopis, 135, 182 Prunus 127, 194, 94 Psedera 222, 225 Pseudolarix 4 Psidium 253 Ptelea 164, 165, Pterocarya 19 Pterostyrax 305 Puccinia 57, 59 Punica 250 Purple wreath 330 Purshia 121, 118 Pyracantha 99 Pyrus 104, 107, 94, 102, 105, 127 Pyxidanthera 301 Pyxie 301 Quercus 29, 32, 194 Quinine 343 Rambler 124 Raphiolepis 107 Raspberry 115 Redbud 137 Red haw 111 Retama 141 Rhamnus 194, 220, 221 Rhizophora 251 Rhododendron 272, 278 Rhodora 272 Rhodotypos 112 Rhus 187, 186 Rhynchospermum 325 Ribes 82, 75 Rice paper 258 Robinia 157, 76, 132 189 Rosa 123 Rose 123, 161 Rose acacia 157 Rose of Sharon 228 Rosemary 334 Rosemary, Bog 284 Rosmarinus 334 Rowan tree 106 Rubus 115 Rue 163 Rulac 202 Running myrtle 252 Ruscus 7 Rust, Wheat 57, 59 Sage 334 St. Andrew's cross 236 St. Dabeoc's heath 280 St. John's bread 138 St. John's wort 237 St. Peter's wort 236 Salisburia 3 Salix 11 Salt tree 153 Salvia 334 Sambucus 359 Sand myrtle 276 Sapindus 208 INDEX 393 Sapodilla 302 Sapote 302 Sassafras 71 Schinus 185 Schizandra 65 Schizophragma 78 Schmaltzia 187 Schrebera 312 Scorpion senna 156 Screwbean 135 Sea buckthorn 247 Sea grape 45 Securinega 176, 175 Senna, Bladder 152 Senna, Scorpion 156 Sequoia 257 Shadbush 110 Shagbark 18 Shepherdia 248 Silk oak 42 Silk vine 327 Silver bell 304 Silver plant 150 Simmondsia 178 Skimmia 166 Smilax 8 Smoke bush 186 Snowberry 352 Snowberry, Creep- ing 297 Soapberry 208 Solanum 336 Sophora 143, 76 Sorbaria 97, 94 Sorbaronia 105 Sorbus 106, 109, 105 Soursop 68 Spanish broom 145 Spartianthus 145 Spartium 145 Spice bush 72 Spindle tree 195 Spiraea 94 Stachyurus 242 Stagger bush 286 Staphylea 201, 164 Star jasmine 325 Stauntonia 54 Stenolobium 342 Stephanandra 93, 92, 94 Stephanotis 328 Sterculia 230 Stewartia 233 Storax 306 Strawberry bush 196 Strawberry guava 254 Strawberry shrub 66 Strombocarpa 135 Strychnine 322 Strychnos 322 Styrax 306 Sumach 187 Supple Jack 217 Swamp privet 316 Sweetbrier 124 Sweetfern 13 Sweetgale 13 Sweetsop 68 Sweet bay 73 Sweet gum 85 Sweet leaf 307 Swietenia 172, 171 Sycamore 173, 90 Symphoricarpos 352 Symplocos 307 Syringa 313, 113, 74 Tamarack 4 Tamarind 136 Tamarindus 136 Tamarisk 238 Tamarix 238 Tangelo 168 Taxodium 5 Tea 235, 229 Tea, Labrador 271 Tea, New Jersey 219 Tea, Paraguay 231 r 235 Tear blanket 260 Tecoma 342, 339 Thea 235 Theobroma 229 Theobromin 235 Thorn, Jerusalem 213 Thyme 334 Thymus 334 Ti ti 190 Tigarea 121 Tilia 226, 227, 11, 116, 152 394 INDEX Tobacco 346 Tomato 336 Torminaria 106 Tornillo 135 Toxicodendron 188 Trachelospermum 325 Trailing arbutus 209 Trailing azalea 277 Trailing begonia 223 Tree of Heaven 170 Triphasia 167 Tripterygium 200 Tristania 256 Trumpet creeper 339 Tsuga 43 Tuckermannia 179 Tulip tree 62 Tupelo 265 Turquoise berry 222 Twinflower 355 Ulex 149 Ulmus 38, 11, 41 Ungnadia 210 Vaccinium 295, 278, 285 Vella 73 Viburnum 349, 91, 203 Vinca 252 Virginia creeper 222, 225 Virgin's bower 52 Vitex 333, 321 Vitis 224, 223 Vitis Idaea 295 Waahoo 196 Wafer ash 164 Walnut 16 Washington thorn 111 Wax myrtle 13 Weigelia 348 West Indian birch 171 Wheat rust 57, 59 Whin 147 Whitebeam 106 Wild lilac 219 Willow 11, 33 Willow, Desert 340 Wineberry 116 Winterberry 193 Wintergreen 290 Wistaria 151, 330 Wisteria 151 Woodbine 354 Woman's tongue 132 Xanthoceras 211 Xolisma 287 Xylosteum 352 Yellow wood 144 Yellowroot 51 Zanthorhiza 51 Zanthoxylum 161, 162 Zapote 302 Zelkova 40 Z-enobia 270 Zizyphus 212, 215, 132, 182 U.C. 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